{"idx": 1, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251025703295803394", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 4, "original_id": "1251203125693874181", "reply_id": "1251227867154874368", "label": "yes", "text": "Imagine Will Hernandez and Wills both doing a pull stunt off a screen blocking for Barkley"} {"idx": 6, "original_id": "1250849171541766147", "reply_id": "1250950908097310722", "label": "oops", "text": "If you don’t drink the milk after eating your cereal grow up"} {"idx": 16, "original_id": "1250776257521909760", "reply_id": "1250978455623065600", "label": "agree", "text": "Guys take one mediocre picture in their mid 30s and just ride that bitch out for the rest of their lives on here"} {"idx": 17, "original_id": "1250433421165211650", "reply_id": "1250863115643891712", "label": "eww", "text": "I know times are tough but I still don’t want your unsolicited dick pics."} {"idx": 21, "original_id": "1251181023083151360", "reply_id": "1251181632196837378", "label": "sigh", "text": "Is now the best or worst time to quit social media"} {"idx": 23, "original_id": "1250976504139440137", "reply_id": "1250979041856958467", "label": "popcorn", "text": "New York has 6 picks in tomorrow's draft y'all. I KNOW there's gotta be some night-of movement brewing."} {"idx": 24, "original_id": "1251241543563972609", "reply_id": "1251242295673921545", "label": "agree", "text": "In U.K. they’re successfully changing the narrative to Ferries doing donuts in the Thames, people climbing Everest on the Stairs, & clapping at 8pm on a Thursday. Lovely gestures from people, but what a welcome distraction for those in power who fecked up completely. #hoodwinked"} {"idx": 27, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251034179401158656", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 28, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251189600946618368", "label": "agree", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 29, "original_id": "1250858895066542080", "reply_id": "1250908746802499586", "label": "agree", "text": "Allen Robinson is a No. 1 wide receiver."} {"idx": 30, "original_id": "1251271089503666176", "reply_id": "1251272289049628673", "label": "agree", "text": "I would expect massive Iayoffs this week considering small businesses employ half of all people and got royally screwed. #PPP #PPPloan"} {"idx": 34, "original_id": "1250827113126604800", "reply_id": "1250860331620073472", "label": "seriously", "text": "Imagine!!!!\n\nA SUPPOSED friend bought a Tesla without my knowledge or invitation to bulk-order so we can do andco.\n\nHad the effrontery to post the picture on Instagram.\n\nBlocktttt 😡 😂"} {"idx": 38, "original_id": "1250939444426915846", "reply_id": "1250940503371255808", "label": "yawn", "text": "Don't forget to Hydrate!"} {"idx": 39, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251093927454576642", "label": "seriously", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 43, "original_id": "1250944986822082562", "reply_id": "1250956269202128896", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Urgent news: coronavirus doesn’t affect rats or snakes...so ultimately most of you will be fine"} {"idx": 45, "original_id": "1251240888426168320", "reply_id": "1251246597322821632", "label": "facepalm", "text": "If anybody can stop Patrick Stewart quoting Shakespeare I'll give them a golden eagles egg. 🦅🥚."} {"idx": 47, "original_id": "1251252486540873731", "reply_id": "1251252839281840129", "label": "shrug", "text": "what is sleep"} {"idx": 50, "original_id": "1250963546474676225", "reply_id": "1251142840555577344", "label": "yes", "text": "NEW: At his second virtual fundraiser today, @JoeBiden announced he's already putting together a transition team to vet cabinet members, brainstorm possible new cabinet positions and add talent throughout departments."} {"idx": 53, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251117231485759489", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 56, "original_id": "1250851088254660609", "reply_id": "1250894191695024128", "label": "applause", "text": "good morning have a nice day"} {"idx": 57, "original_id": "1250807811585404929", "reply_id": "1250907868829810699", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Sometimes I wonder how I will ever compete with a girl 5-10 years younger than me, and then I remember my tits are fabulous and I make 2-3 times more money."} {"idx": 59, "original_id": "1251020660161347585", "reply_id": "1251136799113646080", "label": "hug", "text": "Couldn't visit him in the hospital. Couldn't say goodbye. Can't have a funeral. Can't have a Shiva house. My father is dead and these people talk about it like it's nothing."} {"idx": 62, "original_id": "1250906370313818112", "reply_id": "1250907195539103745", "label": "yes", "text": "Real question though. Would you go to a show in a club where they did 1/2 the legal capacity and made everyone wear masks? Just curious…."} {"idx": 64, "original_id": "1251035964581052416", "reply_id": "1251036352788996098", "label": "hug", "text": "I was looking forward to only 3 races this year.\n1. Kosmos \n2. Loskop Ultra\n3. That one being cancelled today\n\nI enjoyed Kosmos so much, it was my 3rd one and best one so far. Loskop was supposed to be tomorrow. I am not ok😭 Please send help and more ice cream...plus wine😭😭"} {"idx": 65, "original_id": "1250964224446103554", "reply_id": "1250965042264190978", "label": "yes", "text": "So my guy says he has 75 albums in his Prince catalogue do you want all of those?"} {"idx": 66, "original_id": "1250884375258030081", "reply_id": "1250905819446743043", "label": "shocked", "text": "who called it logging onto zoom and not zooming in"} {"idx": 68, "original_id": "1251164274610728961", "reply_id": "1251251025140420612", "label": "applause", "text": "Doctors are amazing."} {"idx": 72, "original_id": "1250722214334197761", "reply_id": "1250888022490443776", "label": "agree", "text": "These daily press conferences are like the Friday night fights I used to watch with my Dad. Trump pounding a different Democrat media bum into the canvas every afternoon is pure joy."} {"idx": 75, "original_id": "1251142203897856002", "reply_id": "1251173837418295296", "label": "hug", "text": "Sending lots of love to everyone 💛"} {"idx": 76, "original_id": "1250995089159139331", "reply_id": "1250996821167669251", "label": "sigh", "text": "what am i now? what if i'm someone i don't want around? i'm falling again"} {"idx": 77, "original_id": "1251237173166313473", "reply_id": "1251246280724164608", "label": "wink", "text": "Im so excited to see @payal638 after quarantine so we can do cute things like rob a bank together🥰"} {"idx": 78, "original_id": "1251159560854728705", "reply_id": "1251170196347330561", "label": "applause", "text": "400K followers, thank you sweethearts!♥️"} {"idx": 81, "original_id": "1250933932939292673", "reply_id": "1250934590228664326", "label": "yes", "text": "Thinking about doing a roadtrip tour after this is over. I'd like to maintain my small carbon footprint and avoid flying unless absolutely necessary, but I would consider driving across the country and stopping in your town on my way! 🚗maybe even with a duo partner? 👯‍♀️"} {"idx": 82, "original_id": "1250994387967971328", "reply_id": "1250995642434011137", "label": "please", "text": "He said he could give a lot but he gave #ATDHH ‼️"} {"idx": 83, "original_id": "1251222580763262976", "reply_id": "1251236084417257473", "label": "yes", "text": "My birthday is on Sunday so should I start getting drunk now? Yes or yes? 🥺"} {"idx": 84, "original_id": "1250881730166132737", "reply_id": "1251021548267294720", "label": "hug", "text": "3 deaths so far on the unit today. Screaming/crying families on the phone because they couldnt be there for their last moments. I am not okay."} {"idx": 85, "original_id": "1251226995486330880", "reply_id": "1251234924654297088", "label": "facepalm", "text": "JUST IN: former presidential candidate Tom Steyer will help lead California’s economic advisory council.\n\nNewsom touting his environmental and economic values and understanding."} {"idx": 87, "original_id": "1251130170494328834", "reply_id": "1251147367568429060", "label": "agree", "text": "I had a new follower ask me if I really have sex with married men and like it when the cum on my face. I told him “ This is Twitter, I would never lie to you.”"} {"idx": 92, "original_id": "1250855463228325889", "reply_id": "1250967663863447553", "label": "agree", "text": "Every Republican that's calling for the country to be reopened to save the economy should be asked, on record, how many lives they're willing to sacrifice for the almighty economy. Make them defend themselves come election time."} {"idx": 99, "original_id": "1250973882497941504", "reply_id": "1250975295856836608", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I really wanna play the show but I’m so lazy I don’t want to reach for the remote 6’ away from me."} {"idx": 103, "original_id": "1250877527544999938", "reply_id": "1250965983369584641", "label": "agree", "text": "Should I buy #AnimalCrossing?"} {"idx": 104, "original_id": "1250639565200785408", "reply_id": "1250968221802471425", "label": "yes", "text": "202 days until we vote this mother fukker out."} {"idx": 105, "original_id": "1250907580169203712", "reply_id": "1250912369233891331", "label": "scared", "text": "My brother decided to come over sooner because he’s working early AF tomorrow morning sooo now I can’t cam before 😂😭 Plz pray he doesn’t give me corona tho"} {"idx": 106, "original_id": "1251220159446081537", "reply_id": "1251258145587949568", "label": "applause", "text": "I am thrilled to share that I will be joining the history department at the University of Texas at El Paso as an Assistant Professor of Texas history! As a Latin Americanist who focuses on the Gulf Coast, TX/LA borderlands... I am so excited for my classes! It is a perfect fit!"} {"idx": 108, "original_id": "1250949768098000904", "reply_id": "1250954687597215744", "label": "scared", "text": "Kelly Rowland bath water probably taste like the milk left over after a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch"} {"idx": 110, "original_id": "1250526816806342656", "reply_id": "1250886906872598528", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Cowboys fans, would you trade a 2nd and a 5th round pick for OBJ?"} {"idx": 111, "original_id": "1250853203106828290", "reply_id": "1250853323793592320", "label": "applause", "text": "BAILOUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 112, "original_id": "1251229395777249280", "reply_id": "1251254273591185411", "label": "yawn", "text": "BREAKING @CDCgov just announced they’re adopting key tenants of our racial data bill. Daily #COVID19 data will save lives. Now let’s make sure every level of gov is acting on these reports in real time to support our communities of color & the disability community"} {"idx": 115, "original_id": "1250949132199571457", "reply_id": "1250951297634840582", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Ladies,\n\nAccording to you, what makes a man ambitious?"} {"idx": 117, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250868955134246912", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 118, "original_id": "1251243389003141123", "reply_id": "1251243549787635718", "label": "agree", "text": "HAVING A CRUSH IS ALREADY BAD FOR ME BUT ITS EVEN WORSE WHEN THE FEELING IS MUTUAL AAAAHGJHGHHG I WANNA GO BACK TO ONLY CRUSHING ON HISTORICAL FIGURES"} {"idx": 121, "original_id": "1250881760172228608", "reply_id": "1250955245913427975", "label": "kiss", "text": "never mind just looked a photo of her now i’m too depressed to even get out of bed"} {"idx": 124, "original_id": "1251075500602056704", "reply_id": "1251075633406308352", "label": "yes", "text": "jason is the faggotiest fag homo slut queer gay poof fag of them all"} {"idx": 125, "original_id": "1250849742789189632", "reply_id": "1250851808857251841", "label": "sigh", "text": "nyc with no summer ....... that don’t sit right with me 🥴"} {"idx": 126, "original_id": "1250862813867913217", "reply_id": "1250896050317144065", "label": "awww", "text": "i took a video of myself twerking like joking around & shit but lowkey.... it kinda good... LMFAOOO $1200 for 20 seconds /.\\"} {"idx": 129, "original_id": "1250877183670788102", "reply_id": "1250903203723579392", "label": "eww", "text": "I remember when Dolphins Twitter wanted Tavon Austin and no one else. How did that turn out ?"} {"idx": 130, "original_id": "1251130742219984898", "reply_id": "1251135716114878470", "label": "no", "text": "lascio twitter\n\nyour last saved meme is your reaction🤧"} {"idx": 131, "original_id": "1251168546702479364", "reply_id": "1251176220605272065", "label": "no", "text": "If you think that health/social/key staff are exaggerating or making up fears about PPE to score some political points, just because some people do have adequate supplies, do me a favour and piss off from my timeline. And don’t come back."} {"idx": 133, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251018040344338432", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 134, "original_id": "1249723417298862080", "reply_id": "1251260515306766336", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s funny that people still think Bungie doesn’t know there are problems with their game. \n\nYou’re not a martyr for whining 24/7 and insulting devs just because you “just want whats best for the game and bungie needs to be made aware”"} {"idx": 140, "original_id": "1251193904629796867", "reply_id": "1251200200867184640", "label": "applause", "text": "Play with his d!ck. Wrap a fruit roll up around it, lick & suck from the tip to the balls till the fruit dissolves. Spit on it. Do bubbles. Make him choke you & fuck ur mouth until he cums then swallow it. Let's see where he's going after that.😉👌🏿"} {"idx": 145, "original_id": "1250889533110935552", "reply_id": "1250917216616398851", "label": "yes", "text": "My source tells me ENCE will sign Jamppi"} {"idx": 149, "original_id": "1251135360048017408", "reply_id": "1251139399514910720", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm really missing streaming right now. I know family is most important, and I'm glad I am able to help out when they need it the most. But fuck I really miss streaming. Y'all better be ready when I get back cuz ya boi is gonna be amped!"} {"idx": 152, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250833026608771072", "label": "yes", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 153, "original_id": "1250856368229224449", "reply_id": "1250935289524228096", "label": "hug", "text": "learning to be okay with not being okay but I could use a hug right now and i’m trapped inside my mind just fucking it all up"} {"idx": 156, "original_id": "1250790050364829698", "reply_id": "1250990329521532928", "label": "no", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever trust Bill Gates?"} {"idx": 159, "original_id": "1250847765644447745", "reply_id": "1250891376142643200", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I beat the coronavirus!!!"} {"idx": 164, "original_id": "1251075446034186240", "reply_id": "1251226495630090247", "label": "applause", "text": "Post lockdown rounds ke tlo lla seboko."} {"idx": 169, "original_id": "1251001292480294912", "reply_id": "1251001921868972034", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm far from perfect, accept my flaws, but some people I will never understand...that's all."} {"idx": 172, "original_id": "1251199372773261313", "reply_id": "1251200341544185857", "label": "shocked", "text": "I woke up at a decent time today🤪"} {"idx": 173, "original_id": "1250808413136850945", "reply_id": "1251022240055005185", "label": "oops", "text": "a TOXIC nigga fav line is “I just be chilling” LIKE NIGGA NO TF YOU DONT 😐"} {"idx": 175, "original_id": "1250595555409002499", "reply_id": "1250877535971414016", "label": "popcorn", "text": "The minute I leave this house I’m putting my ankle bracelet back on and getting a tattoo."} {"idx": 177, "original_id": "1250808318936965120", "reply_id": "1250984682835120129", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Who on MMATwitter has the most followers but the dumbest takes ?"} {"idx": 178, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251158921395335171", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 182, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251231704158740484", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 184, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251220882942390272", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 187, "original_id": "1250360049567969280", "reply_id": "1250858782994956288", "label": "applause", "text": "Imagine kids growing up knowing their mams has an onlyfans account 🤮 a couple of grand over self respect 😭"} {"idx": 192, "original_id": "1251223959141380096", "reply_id": "1251233878532030466", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Who’s excited to watch kick ass in 30 minutes !"} {"idx": 193, "original_id": "1251193980265672704", "reply_id": "1251227900235284483", "label": "awww", "text": "Everyone is talking about getting all dolled up for the concerts....I love you so much boys but like...we been together for 3yrs. My a$$ is gonna be barefaced and braless during #BANGBANGCON. Love ya mean it! 🥰💜 @BTS_twt"} {"idx": 196, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250944706688585728", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 202, "original_id": "1250827617650917376", "reply_id": "1250924371717361664", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "at least out loud ... i won’t say i’m in love"} {"idx": 205, "original_id": "1250969553934286848", "reply_id": "1250970123004829696", "label": "applause", "text": "im tweeting send tweet"} {"idx": 208, "original_id": "1251031663934607360", "reply_id": "1251182633482100737", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I use to make fun of my man for always watching @barstoolsports. Now I can’t stop watching @stoolpresidente and his live unboxing’s. Sad to see it go. Love @BarstoolRandy. Take care of your boy, Dave! P.S.- I just started using twitter again for your funny tweets. ❤️😂🍷 🐟"} {"idx": 210, "original_id": "1250875375426711552", "reply_id": "1251080243420565504", "label": "no", "text": "Fellas, y’all attempting to do your own hairline ?"} {"idx": 212, "original_id": "1251150333587275785", "reply_id": "1251156524757475340", "label": "seriously", "text": "It’s sad how many folks think BTC is the real Bitcoin."} {"idx": 213, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250963367956819969", "label": "oops", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 215, "original_id": "1250937058371219456", "reply_id": "1250941271490932736", "label": "awww", "text": "So I and my school mates decided to do a video call and it has flashed back beautiful memories"} {"idx": 220, "original_id": "1250892922163130368", "reply_id": "1251263022372282368", "label": "no", "text": "What are your thoughts about the mobile phone tracing app? The PM is ramping up the case for it. We're chatting this morning on @BreakfastNews"} {"idx": 223, "original_id": "1251260029413453824", "reply_id": "1251261372421206016", "label": "kiss", "text": "Happy Friday @ladytay80"} {"idx": 227, "original_id": "1250982829992882176", "reply_id": "1250983717595688960", "label": "yes", "text": "If I was a messiah, would you be my disciples?"} {"idx": 230, "original_id": "1250829197939007493", "reply_id": "1250961580696596480", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "technically all music is house music now"} {"idx": 231, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250894628242546689", "label": "smh", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 234, "original_id": "1251066555590275072", "reply_id": "1251066723689803776", "label": "applause", "text": "Don’t EVER sell yourself short."} {"idx": 237, "original_id": "1250919210739306496", "reply_id": "1250922035762434048", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Can’t believe that during this global pandemic @UnitedAirlines is charging me to put my miles back into my account. Had to cancel my flight due to COVID 19. Bad business."} {"idx": 238, "original_id": "1250810534070550528", "reply_id": "1250871118371618816", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "2020 is the year of women getting IC4+ promotions and I am \n\n~LOVING~ \n\nit."} {"idx": 239, "original_id": "1251152182176477186", "reply_id": "1251154387679932416", "label": "applause", "text": "Friends, I vowed never to do a giveaway again here. I have been doing my thing quietly and privately. However, I see what you guys are going through. The hunger is real. Mazi is not wicked. He cares. By Sunday, we shall unveil. #MaziLastTwitterPublicGiveaway"} {"idx": 240, "original_id": "1251208355697299462", "reply_id": "1251245380005777409", "label": "no", "text": "pete buttigieg is not a good or great person but can y'all stop baldshaming him please? many nonhaired comrades on this site"} {"idx": 241, "original_id": "1250964274622590979", "reply_id": "1250966009412046848", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "When it comes to the meat of President Trump’s pandemic plans, I’ve seen more on a bleached, picked-over stray cattle carcass left for months in the Texas sun."} {"idx": 242, "original_id": "1251064848710094849", "reply_id": "1251263277734264833", "label": "shrug", "text": "How the feck is everyone doing?"} {"idx": 243, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250919302607208448", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 245, "original_id": "1250878781717282816", "reply_id": "1250878994750279686", "label": "applause", "text": "girls arent real they dont exist"} {"idx": 246, "original_id": "1250924153302970368", "reply_id": "1251224921776295940", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I really whar spend me money on this youth ya anah"} {"idx": 247, "original_id": "1250935635906568192", "reply_id": "1250939460428193793", "label": "awww", "text": "@alexiajuarezz is my fav person for everrrrrrrrrr 💛"} {"idx": 250, "original_id": "1251215026469302272", "reply_id": "1251216034792685570", "label": "shocked", "text": "Squid dissection is a go for Monday, but due to either miscommunication or overly enthusiastic meat vendors, each child got not one four-inch squid but an entire box of four-inch squids. This is truly the weirdest timeline."} {"idx": 251, "original_id": "1247164055518711810", "reply_id": "1251105238469222400", "label": "agree", "text": "Take advantage of all the sun, get your vitamin D. ☺️"} {"idx": 252, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251216295217049605", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 254, "original_id": "1250991500978262022", "reply_id": "1250991730364755969", "label": "hug", "text": "I want to cry,\nI want to let the feelings out,\nBut would the folks I want to know how I feel even care? It seems not, I'm just a pawn a vessel of sharing, in a selfish shallow world, that doesn't want me in it.."} {"idx": 255, "original_id": "1251138263458422784", "reply_id": "1251222064565977094", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump approval by gender via new Gallup poll:\n\nMen:\n49% approve\n47% disapprove\n\nWomen:\n37% approve\n60% disapprove"} {"idx": 256, "original_id": "1250876349826437120", "reply_id": "1250992117930962944", "label": "hug", "text": "I wanna hug @lee_mengi 🤗"} {"idx": 257, "original_id": "1250927788812574721", "reply_id": "1250928824587636738", "label": "yes", "text": "....Tony Montana is a legend 🤓\n\na reaction video is Coming like soon...😉"} {"idx": 262, "original_id": "1250858192310988800", "reply_id": "1250889831925899267", "label": "hug", "text": "My son caught me crying again last night b/c of the state of our lives & the uncertainty of our living situation & all . \nI try not to let my son see me like that b/c he get stressed quickly when I do . \nHe is 26 but can't handle his emotions b/c of his mental health issues 😥"} {"idx": 265, "original_id": "1251056764528852992", "reply_id": "1251059176874237953", "label": "yes", "text": "Twitter is so boring, where is everyone?\n\n\"It's 4am. They're sleeping like normal people, you absolute maniac.\"\n\nAh, yes. Thank you, disembodied voice that I totally did not hear just now."} {"idx": 268, "original_id": "1250868369429012481", "reply_id": "1250940887028432901", "label": "applause", "text": "Named my cock ‘cake’, but apparently that’s the only kind my wife won’t eat"} {"idx": 269, "original_id": "1251040317220028416", "reply_id": "1251041858257596416", "label": "smh", "text": "Tottenham have approached former boss Mauricio Pochettino about a potential pay cut to his gardening leave salary amid the coronavirus pandemic."} {"idx": 270, "original_id": "1250868267482218498", "reply_id": "1250882071490211841", "label": "smh", "text": "I think it’s pretty damn cool that Bill Gates is trying to do so much with vaccines and I think some of you accusing him of this or that have lost your damn minds."} {"idx": 271, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251197798101499907", "label": "shocked", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 273, "original_id": "1251175020723912704", "reply_id": "1251268806116356098", "label": "smh", "text": "Some Roman fans are really trying to find out more information about the new set of twins...asking about the gender and whether they were born earlier this yearp. Y'all are sick and creepy. Respect Roman and Galina's privacy‼️"} {"idx": 276, "original_id": "1250948536104964096", "reply_id": "1250950598628958213", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "It was cool being fat but this is my last year🙌🏼"} {"idx": 278, "original_id": "1251098285495988224", "reply_id": "1251259289362022400", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Not sure how waking up 15 minutes before your alarm sounds can royally piss you off and make you happy for the extra preparedness for the day, but here I am! \n\nFuck you splendid Friday!!"} {"idx": 280, "original_id": "1251087647960961025", "reply_id": "1251088978389975040", "label": "yawn", "text": "How are you adjusting to lockdown life? \n\nReply with one gif that sums up how you're feeling at the moment. \n\n#COVID19"} {"idx": 281, "original_id": "1251239524086226944", "reply_id": "1251240033140563968", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Im now drinking, I apologise now for whatever might be posted later. 🙂"} {"idx": 283, "original_id": "1250853705659879424", "reply_id": "1250854283546955777", "label": "ok", "text": "Powder status: Dry."} {"idx": 284, "original_id": "1250881321670447105", "reply_id": "1250882429319028738", "label": "wink", "text": "When @jackie_kozloski says you’re one of the best photographers she knows 🥺👉🏾👈🏾💖"} {"idx": 292, "original_id": "1250906818638831617", "reply_id": "1250907399055007744", "label": "sigh", "text": "I should be surrounded by drugs and alcohol rn at my air bnb in Coachella 😫"} {"idx": 294, "original_id": "1251003035997913088", "reply_id": "1251135397935157248", "label": "no", "text": "Genuinely considering getting a guinea pig...is this a dumb idea or a good idea lol"} {"idx": 295, "original_id": "1250967394916450305", "reply_id": "1250968774943137794", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Crazy but Spoken Reasons slick remind me of my line b.....nawl. Im not gon do it. Dont mind me yall im just hungry. 😅"} {"idx": 296, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250900011463966722", "label": "omg", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 297, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250985964010237952", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 298, "original_id": "1251094617929334785", "reply_id": "1251117533622439937", "label": "dance", "text": "What you need mostly in these days ? \n\nFor me Sex 😶"} {"idx": 303, "original_id": "1250954589203058691", "reply_id": "1250955693190008832", "label": "hug", "text": "a fun thing about eating disorder recovery is it can be triggered at any time by anything!"} {"idx": 307, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251230850869612544", "label": "applause", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 308, "original_id": "1250919111183314947", "reply_id": "1250925937891381249", "label": "idk", "text": "Don’t you guys feel like you know me so much better now"} {"idx": 311, "original_id": "1250841217337896960", "reply_id": "1250869492479115267", "label": "hearts", "text": "Anxiety is level 11 today"} {"idx": 314, "original_id": "1250912890741231617", "reply_id": "1250913550635339778", "label": "oops", "text": "That bald spot is highly visible and I dare some journalist covering this tonight to write: \" President Trump, whose bald spots was most visible tonight as compared to previous press briefings was untruthful in stating...\""} {"idx": 316, "original_id": "1251070193339596800", "reply_id": "1251227109848231951", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So “BlackAF” dropped on Netflix."} {"idx": 317, "original_id": "1250891460985196544", "reply_id": "1250901159390449666", "label": "agree", "text": "Just sat on both my hands for 20 minutes then hugged myself so it felt like someone else."} {"idx": 318, "original_id": "1251263683830919168", "reply_id": "1251263725396426755", "label": "seriously", "text": "My 9 year old son asked what the film Acrimony is about, I told him it is about a woman who got angry. He replied \"every woman gets angry'. I was weak"} {"idx": 320, "original_id": "1251184454288244739", "reply_id": "1251246722979856384", "label": "agree", "text": "The best thing anyone ever did for me was tell me to watch game of thrones"} {"idx": 321, "original_id": "1251132121973841920", "reply_id": "1251151531035914241", "label": "shocked", "text": "Creeping through decade old friends facebooks at 6am and got to a page where I audibly said to myself in my pitch black room, \"Pretty sure I got fingered by that guy..\"\nDamn I used to be cool."} {"idx": 322, "original_id": "1251160501775511552", "reply_id": "1251174589767573505", "label": "applause", "text": "Applying Sidra logic to me: Sid told me he didn’t break my heart, which means he didn’t want to see me cry which means he didn’t want to hurt me, which means he cares, which means he’s in love with me, which means I’m transitioning from Chaudrain to Shuklain! 🥴"} {"idx": 326, "original_id": "1250892907936124929", "reply_id": "1250898589754236928", "label": "scared", "text": "Our Great Danes have been escaping the yard lately so I thought the batteries on their collars were going dead. Replaced the $10/each batteries only to find that my jerk 4 year old cut the wire on the fence line 😑"} {"idx": 327, "original_id": "1249561459446763520", "reply_id": "1251230559658901504", "label": "thank_you", "text": "The time has come for another @KingFallsAM relisten. Jazz hands. ❤"} {"idx": 332, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251209387399688192", "label": "dance", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 336, "original_id": "1250741959611875338", "reply_id": "1251125531841564672", "label": "hug", "text": "It`s almost time for me to say my final goodbye, I feel sick to my stomach but I know somehow I have to find the courage to get through this, not sure when I will be back on twitter but once again thank you to all friends & strangers for your words of comfort & kindness.💔"} {"idx": 338, "original_id": "1251085373612195840", "reply_id": "1251097425567272961", "label": "applause", "text": "The girls deserve so much more than what their getting 😭 just wish they could all see that"} {"idx": 343, "original_id": "1250861883810181120", "reply_id": "1250863120991481856", "label": "good_luck", "text": "7/11 assignments completed. \n4 left to be done.\nand then there are exams.........\n\nwhen does it enddddddd 😵😵😵"} {"idx": 346, "original_id": "1251156033101164547", "reply_id": "1251165272041328647", "label": "hug", "text": "Let's hug"} {"idx": 347, "original_id": "1250925198179807235", "reply_id": "1250926885850284035", "label": "eww", "text": "My twin won’t stop sending me pew pew messages now l"} {"idx": 348, "original_id": "1251273604685271047", "reply_id": "1251274900863463424", "label": "oops", "text": "How do you write front-end?"} {"idx": 350, "original_id": "1250748401567895555", "reply_id": "1250933630446309378", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "if ur mental health is going down the drain this quarantine clap ur hands 👏🏽"} {"idx": 351, "original_id": "1251106388559839234", "reply_id": "1251131276414730241", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "In the last 6 years I have learned that Indian society in general is amazingly stupid, like bottomless-level stupid, and Indian governments before 2014 showed amazing restraint and maturity in not trying to fool them all the time when they could have done so trivially."} {"idx": 353, "original_id": "1250899819025006601", "reply_id": "1250901181481828352", "label": "agree", "text": "How is it only 4:30?!?!"} {"idx": 355, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1251062480878665728", "label": "smh", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 356, "original_id": "1251187558811348995", "reply_id": "1251264052526866432", "label": "hug", "text": "I think I am hitting my wall of living alone with the current lack choice & lack people contact. \n\nI need human Interaction. Not phones, not FaceTime, not Skype, not Zoom, etc, etc. \n\nI want hugs!! \n\nVent over.\n\n#SurvivingCOVID19 #PhysicalTouchLoveLanguage #MissingMyPeeps"} {"idx": 359, "original_id": "1250996378387480583", "reply_id": "1251192178329739264", "label": "high_five", "text": "Now EVERYBODYS gonna want SPAC lawns.\n#phish"} {"idx": 362, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250932075412111361", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 363, "original_id": "1251062891203055625", "reply_id": "1251070180077129728", "label": "agree", "text": "Honestly why do councils put dog parks next to the road. Theres one on my root home from work and I nearly crash every time cos the dogs are too cute i cant not look at them"} {"idx": 364, "original_id": "1250934510126018561", "reply_id": "1251178773308936195", "label": "omg", "text": "tea is disgusting."} {"idx": 366, "original_id": "1251178426276425729", "reply_id": "1251193969234579458", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m on edge and work is actually going my head in. Need a hug."} {"idx": 368, "original_id": "1250867689515552768", "reply_id": "1251190026018357248", "label": "seriously", "text": "Who do you guys want at pick 66 ? #redskins #httr"} {"idx": 369, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250842463704690689", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 371, "original_id": "1250863999102705665", "reply_id": "1250916298395181056", "label": "idk", "text": "I can’t even remember what ice cream tastes like without tears in it"} {"idx": 372, "original_id": "1251248036975648773", "reply_id": "1251249422387818500", "label": "applause", "text": "@Patrick_Reusse Hello Patrick...you there? You see what PJ Fleck got accomplished today? Pretty impressive huh? Can’t wait to read your article tomorrow on the commitment of Omaha’s Avante Dickerson to Minnesota. You take care now.🙏\n\nOh....and Row the Boat! 🚣🏻‍♀️\nSKI-U-MAH!"} {"idx": 373, "original_id": "1251251342234062854", "reply_id": "1251258341025857537", "label": "high_five", "text": "@1_Man_Wolfpack bruh I just bought a pair of ASICS some classic old running jawbs and they’re OD comfortable 🔥🔥🔥. Ok I get it"} {"idx": 374, "original_id": "1250868057888587777", "reply_id": "1250901958119940096", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I know I technically wished coronavirus on @cfbquotes so now that its official I think I deserve some thanks."} {"idx": 375, "original_id": "1250757883177943041", "reply_id": "1250905237084418049", "label": "applause", "text": "Broadcast Editors' Association condemns journalist's arrest in Mumbai\n\nThe Broadcast Editors' Association (BEA) denounced the arrest of ABP Majha journalist Rahul Kulkarni in connection with the Bandra chaos two days ago."} {"idx": 376, "original_id": "1250862949167763456", "reply_id": "1251009157915959304", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "They gave me: gay\nI am: STILL THINKING\n\nThey gave me: 5'7\nI am: 5'8/5'9\n\nThey gave me: relationship\nI am: SINGLE \n\nThey gave me: american\nI am: BRITISH\n\ndrop a meme and I'll tell you what I think based on your profile!"} {"idx": 378, "original_id": "1250934231645200384", "reply_id": "1250941958505336832", "label": "awww", "text": "This has been a really trying time for all of us. Even though twitter can be a dumpster fire, I appreciate y’all who make me laugh, and the genuine friendships I’ve made on this app. It has helped so much. 💕"} {"idx": 381, "original_id": "1250916213225553920", "reply_id": "1250938437030592512", "label": "eww", "text": "The Pence daily blow job is the most nauseating swallow of every COVID day."} {"idx": 382, "original_id": "1251268593234464768", "reply_id": "1251270609952268296", "label": "shocked", "text": "Was debating if I should expose myself but.... minors follow me KEKW"} {"idx": 383, "original_id": "1250899863744712705", "reply_id": "1250972951257718784", "label": "hug", "text": "You guys. We are going to be ok. This is a struggle and a half but no darkness, no season can last forever. You hear me Jungkook?!?! You hear me @BTS_twt?? DO YOU HEAR ME #BTSARMY?!?!"} {"idx": 384, "original_id": "1250956774368215041", "reply_id": "1250957524133711873", "label": "omg", "text": "Ben Shapiro is trash."} {"idx": 390, "original_id": "1250848854041341952", "reply_id": "1250896366454349824", "label": "smh", "text": "me: you guys wanna go out to eat?\n\nkids: yeah!\n\n[drives to restaurant]\n\nme: ok lets get out of the car\n\nkids: [getting out] ok, b-but everything looks closed\n\nme: [skidding out of the parking lot] SUCKERS!!!"} {"idx": 393, "original_id": "1250882982661013505", "reply_id": "1250954676671066112", "label": "agree", "text": "Bitches who sleep with their phone on DND don’t give af about anybody . That’s me . I’m bitches ."} {"idx": 394, "original_id": "1250836688227782657", "reply_id": "1250915694570586112", "label": "seriously", "text": "I did a 10 mile run today. What is wrong with me?"} {"idx": 395, "original_id": "1251137996956540928", "reply_id": "1251141826288979970", "label": "seriously", "text": "Soldier dem out guarding the toll. With their big guns, ready to fight Corona 😁"} {"idx": 396, "original_id": "1251212622537519104", "reply_id": "1251212767610224642", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just made a trade in a 12-team, SF, Ppr, TE Prem PFN league with @rygosling!!\n\n🦖- Dak, Gallup, 2.02\n\n🦈- Wentz, Calvin Ridley, 2.08, and 2021 1st"} {"idx": 398, "original_id": "1251255375195766784", "reply_id": "1251260241695715328", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Captain America really is very lovely.\n\nThat’s it that’s the tweet."} {"idx": 402, "original_id": "1251197635387686916", "reply_id": "1251200985365729285", "label": "shocked", "text": "Monday!"} {"idx": 406, "original_id": "1250886498523766786", "reply_id": "1250898418031120384", "label": "agree", "text": "I WANT TO GO ON A CROSSCOUNTRY ROAD TRIP AND FIND DUMB TOURIST ATTRACTIONS TO VISIT"} {"idx": 409, "original_id": "1251256645142757376", "reply_id": "1251270593132937222", "label": "seriously", "text": "Might start streaming soon"} {"idx": 410, "original_id": "1250857493728657408", "reply_id": "1250885610056933378", "label": "yes", "text": "NCAA is in some trouble huh?"} {"idx": 412, "original_id": "1250885165812977665", "reply_id": "1250903910438617090", "label": "agree", "text": "I should’ve stayed my ass in Thailand instead of coming back to the states 😭"} {"idx": 413, "original_id": "1251203393806307330", "reply_id": "1251219187302838274", "label": "please", "text": "Who wants to win a FREE autographed Chiefs jersey? 🤔\n\n#ChiefsKingdom"} {"idx": 414, "original_id": "1251142079553699840", "reply_id": "1251240558833655811", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I had a dream that I graduated college and honestly, I feel more motivated than ever"} {"idx": 415, "original_id": "1251030599978176515", "reply_id": "1251069005928030209", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is bin day and it's the first one where we've not had to put out a bag of litter after cleaning Price's tray.\n\nIts funny how the little things affect you."} {"idx": 416, "original_id": "1251176670255513602", "reply_id": "1251201092119117825", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This guy is parked outside arguing with his side chick on speaker phone"} {"idx": 418, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1250933019692711942", "label": "scared", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 419, "original_id": "1250937941918187527", "reply_id": "1250953250205032451", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Overthinking and over drinking"} {"idx": 420, "original_id": "1249833351810170880", "reply_id": "1250834738119614465", "label": "awww", "text": "“Hide your eyes darling \nPeople can see your heart through them.”"} {"idx": 421, "original_id": "1251194817050263555", "reply_id": "1251205098782457858", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Liberate America? Sure thing. But first, you're gonna need a literate America. One capable of reading beyond 280 characters, an electorate that doesn't outsource its critical thinking to a syphilitic reality star on a steady systematic decline. An America that doesn't cite memes."} {"idx": 423, "original_id": "1250812733840338944", "reply_id": "1250843795425579009", "label": "no", "text": "Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn’t turn the ability off?"} {"idx": 425, "original_id": "1250853538017742848", "reply_id": "1250871098696175617", "label": "agree", "text": "ayy my dumb cat will sleepover my friend’s house for a whole month.. :’)"} {"idx": 427, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251147673282871296", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 429, "original_id": "1251060116176109569", "reply_id": "1251087194258845698", "label": "no", "text": "Who wants to hear The Smiths - This Charming Man?"} {"idx": 431, "original_id": "1251194221090017285", "reply_id": "1251195756867915778", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "NY Gov. Cuomo addresses Trump's swipes doubting the beds and supplies the state needs, by noting that its projections came from CDC projections. \n\n\"Because we listened to you, Mr. President,\" Cuomo answered. \"If we were foolish for listening to you, then shame on us.\""} {"idx": 432, "original_id": "1251078712239566848", "reply_id": "1251212808513040387", "label": "awww", "text": "You meet someone and you fall in love. It's beautiful and lovely and right. You both grow. You both learn and unlearn. It's wonderful and hard, it's fairytale and real life"} {"idx": 438, "original_id": "1251203213631483909", "reply_id": "1251209294088794113", "label": "shocked", "text": "It took a worldwide pandemic to make me a Joe Buck fan. But these are the times we live in now."} {"idx": 440, "original_id": "1251012251005247488", "reply_id": "1251013870514143233", "label": "idk", "text": "Fruit gummies tier \n1. Kirkland Signature fruit snacks\n2. Welch’s (the blue one and purple one) \n3. Every other one except Mott’s"} {"idx": 441, "original_id": "1250943490776797184", "reply_id": "1250946287756812289", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If China thinks the WHO is so critical - let them pay for it\n\nWho agrees?"} {"idx": 442, "original_id": "1250973896892973059", "reply_id": "1250978849808154626", "label": "eww", "text": "Controversial tweet:\n\nDipping filet mignon in ketchup. \n\nI did it tonight and I don’t care because I ❤️ ketchup."} {"idx": 443, "original_id": "1250921356537016321", "reply_id": "1250944929913847811", "label": "no", "text": "I miss going to the dentist."} {"idx": 446, "original_id": "1250485348913692672", "reply_id": "1250859428405899264", "label": "no", "text": "I’m about to try and bleach my own roots even though I know it’s a bad idea STOPP MEEEEE"} {"idx": 450, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251232261095280642", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 453, "original_id": "1250938783677194242", "reply_id": "1250939321517039616", "label": "hug", "text": "I have a very brief announcement to make..\n\nI have a severe case of I need hugs and cuddles.."} {"idx": 454, "original_id": "1250892673612943362", "reply_id": "1250906156551278592", "label": "yes", "text": "At this point if a girl hugged me I’d nut"} {"idx": 455, "original_id": "1251204714051633152", "reply_id": "1251206134091911174", "label": "idk", "text": "When the VWAP flips on the weekly POC EOD the RR might be bigger than any MM could ever get. As always, do your DD and don't rely on the PPT O/N, since they tend to sleep AH. Just me POV AFAIK, LMK so me will continue to SMH. JFC.\n\n#MuchAlpha"} {"idx": 456, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250979126359420928", "label": "sorry", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 457, "original_id": "1251097009332813824", "reply_id": "1251144779523518464", "label": "sigh", "text": "Our Junction Deviation uses a Lagrange polynomial arccosine approximation for moves under 1mm, and apparently in some circumstances it can cause unwanted accelerations. We're switching to an arcsine minmax polynomial with a lower error which costs a little more to calculate."} {"idx": 460, "original_id": "1250896129669070848", "reply_id": "1250904512191217664", "label": "facepalm", "text": "GOP U.S. Senate candidate Jason Lewis announces a \"Re-Open Minnesota for Business RV tour,\" with IRL stops beginning in metro tomorrow (no word on exact locations in this release). Minnesota's current stay-at-home order remains in effect through 5/4."} {"idx": 462, "original_id": "1250549086970880004", "reply_id": "1250970408456609792", "label": "agree", "text": "I don't mean to sound negative but does anyone think we will have a 2nd wave of COVID-19 ?"} {"idx": 465, "original_id": "1250922368895254528", "reply_id": "1250923637827424256", "label": "yes", "text": "Why is tRump so mellow tonight? Xanax? 🤔🤔🤔"} {"idx": 470, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251128322488184833", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 471, "original_id": "1251059156993421312", "reply_id": "1251065861970055168", "label": "idk", "text": "It’s my birthday on Monday, just giving you advance notice to prepare your birthday nudes x"} {"idx": 472, "original_id": "1250490700484931584", "reply_id": "1251047747534368768", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugs and kisses."} {"idx": 474, "original_id": "1250836879991324672", "reply_id": "1250837829854396416", "label": "agree", "text": "happy cheating to all the students <3 remember your university doesn’t give a fuck about you n sees you only as a fraction of their revenue so return the finesse ❤️❤️ (unless you’re a STEM student or something then you should do your work so bridges dont collapse, pills work etc)"} {"idx": 476, "original_id": "1250897669364613125", "reply_id": "1250926831869603841", "label": "shocked", "text": "i just know damn well roddy ricch didn’t have a baby on me😡"} {"idx": 477, "original_id": "1251258175023714306", "reply_id": "1251259249361027073", "label": "agree", "text": "so we’re all in agreement it’s a wine kind of night?"} {"idx": 478, "original_id": "1250992259019018240", "reply_id": "1250993191794413569", "label": "oops", "text": "In order to be on track for ~70,000 US coronavirus deaths in the latest University of Washington model cited by the White House, the model would expect 29,902 total US deaths as of today. The current death count is 33,268."} {"idx": 480, "original_id": "1250882475703914502", "reply_id": "1250925954656079875", "label": "ok", "text": "Well, our day is made.\n\n@SherrickM's BACK! 🙌"} {"idx": 482, "original_id": "1251194567271100416", "reply_id": "1251196597599379461", "label": "scared", "text": "Choke fuck and chill?"} {"idx": 485, "original_id": "1251159904959598593", "reply_id": "1251165870878937090", "label": "applause", "text": "[JUST IN] President Cyril Ramaphosa has rejected calls for the lifting of the alcohol ban. He has instead directed liquor sellers to seek economic relief through programs offered by government. #eNCA #DStv403"} {"idx": 486, "original_id": "1251055215354281985", "reply_id": "1251070644349030404", "label": "omg", "text": "I love a cup of tea first thing in the morning but sadly I woke up and realised I ran out of milk. \n\nIn true lockdown style though, I had some coffee machine creamers, so decided to use that for my cup of tea.\n\nCan confirm, this doesnt work."} {"idx": 487, "original_id": "1251171292562313216", "reply_id": "1251172242219839488", "label": "eww", "text": "The child asked me if it was true that the virus could come back even harder in the fall.\n\nI told him yes, it’s true - and that means Santa Claus is gonna spread it into all our homes."} {"idx": 489, "original_id": "1251151957621784577", "reply_id": "1251152254066757638", "label": "hug", "text": "Had a dream about a former coworker who used to treat me with disregard. In the dream I tried to ask her why to no avail. \n\nWaking up feeling pushed aside doesn't feel good."} {"idx": 491, "original_id": "1250814462635933696", "reply_id": "1250881782322520066", "label": "no", "text": "22 million Americans are out of work. We need to rescue our economy and create millions of new, union jobs. We need a Green New Deal."} {"idx": 496, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251039657132847105", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 497, "original_id": "1250292126643941376", "reply_id": "1250913807817248768", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever."} {"idx": 498, "original_id": "1250835623587577861", "reply_id": "1250836875129978880", "label": "scared", "text": "Husband: Are you expecting anything from UPS today?\n\nMe: Um no I don’t think so.\n\n*UPS man shows up with 4 packages*\n\n😬"} {"idx": 501, "original_id": "1251208370897510400", "reply_id": "1251209691595788290", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Watching 2835.50 area. Could sell if we are below after 1:00 central time"} {"idx": 502, "original_id": "1251164783673511936", "reply_id": "1251181301559779328", "label": "oops", "text": "getting an automated email from tumblr telling me my high school domain where I exclusively posted stills from Garden State plus moody Regina Spektor lyrics is about to expire feels akin to hearing from an ex"} {"idx": 504, "original_id": "1250926928229470208", "reply_id": "1250927494170959872", "label": "no", "text": "House party 3 is the best one"} {"idx": 505, "original_id": "1251167735603658752", "reply_id": "1251173660590825472", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Payday Friday. Who son/daughter I’m buying food for today??"} {"idx": 510, "original_id": "1250955563619487754", "reply_id": "1251119624621625346", "label": "no", "text": "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?"} {"idx": 511, "original_id": "1251142980418670593", "reply_id": "1251144468436156419", "label": "applause", "text": "This is NOT the time to strategise how to trip up the rival. No one's keeping scores. You guys are so good at whatever it is you are not doing that no one might be around to keep scores!🙄"} {"idx": 512, "original_id": "1251173459251560448", "reply_id": "1251173732187504640", "label": "smh", "text": "NEW: Financially struggling German zoo says it may have to 'slaughter animals to feed other animals' if it runs out of money.\n\nGoats and deer are on the slaughter list."} {"idx": 513, "original_id": "1250905808797421572", "reply_id": "1250918903909421057", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I would just like to point out that #PeteButtigieg, the “privileged elite” candidate is currently getting dragged for his DIY haircut. \n\nIf anyone would like to admit to drinking the koolaid & being completely wrong, you can apologize here."} {"idx": 515, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250881083685535744", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 517, "original_id": "1251205484813705221", "reply_id": "1251217359555223554", "label": "applause", "text": "My gf works for a nonprofit and know why she’s still employed? Bc her org had over a 6 mo cash safety net to cover operating expenses incase of an economic downturn. Now they are taking no money from the govt. Yet professional FINANCIAL institutions need trillions from the fed."} {"idx": 518, "original_id": "1250783522685620225", "reply_id": "1250954085207072771", "label": "agree", "text": "Elizabeth Warren bashed President Obama.\n\nElizabeth Warren bashed Hillary Clinton.\n\nElizabeth Warren bashed Joe Biden.\n\nWarren made a secret pact witb Sanders to work against Democrats. \n\nBiden need to pick a real Democrat, who's beloved by Obama & Clinton, that's Kamala Harris."} {"idx": 519, "original_id": "1251030165645221891", "reply_id": "1251051517295030272", "label": "ok", "text": "Tomorrow.. #ONCESAYAWAN."} {"idx": 521, "original_id": "1250833768975384577", "reply_id": "1250836438532476934", "label": "no", "text": "I’m going back to my toxic nigga😭❤️❤️ idc idc. I miss his hoe asss"} {"idx": 524, "original_id": "1251204527635775490", "reply_id": "1251204957946208263", "label": "shocked", "text": "I shaved my asshole ONCE it was awful when growing back lmfao"} {"idx": 525, "original_id": "1250897927847006209", "reply_id": "1250898574130524163", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "#theme #music @theweeknd #theweeknd Good thursday evening ! imagine perfume in Hans, hair on the wind, I'm on a nightclub tonight. 🌹🥂 #love #lover ♥️"} {"idx": 527, "original_id": "1251065647443791872", "reply_id": "1251066057948721152", "label": "eww", "text": "What up you dirty little possum @vwkennabug"} {"idx": 529, "original_id": "1250921402108129286", "reply_id": "1250981490567061506", "label": "no", "text": "I’m sure I should’ve been a comedian 😩"} {"idx": 530, "original_id": "1251148331826339840", "reply_id": "1251253516775153664", "label": "scared", "text": "All I know is, it's a great day to be alive and be a vale stingray. WOO"} {"idx": 532, "original_id": "1251145596464885761", "reply_id": "1251146763278278658", "label": "hug", "text": "i am sad. me is sad."} {"idx": 534, "original_id": "1251168613836283908", "reply_id": "1251168797106593793", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Say what you will about aim assist, but playing fortnite on controller is HARD... like REALLY HARD"} {"idx": 539, "original_id": "1250951981042225153", "reply_id": "1250954430628929537", "label": "sigh", "text": "I am surrounded by empty bookshelves."} {"idx": 540, "original_id": "1250905612864684033", "reply_id": "1251062388117458944", "label": "hug", "text": "For some reason.\n...\nI do need a hug"} {"idx": 541, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250863968542998530", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 545, "original_id": "1251110200108556288", "reply_id": "1251115143385276417", "label": "agree", "text": "Gonna have some changes to my stream come June.\n1. Set schedule\n2. Drop the \"sent\" in my name\n3. Produce YouTube content \n4. Expand on stream activities, ie irl streams and spending time in just chatting with chat.\n5. Making streaming and content a priority."} {"idx": 547, "original_id": "1250884765605036033", "reply_id": "1250886687296815111", "label": "hug", "text": "Due to currently living alone & being in lockdown, I haven’t touched another human being in over a month. I realised that this morning & broke down pretty badly."} {"idx": 551, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250833269425418246", "label": "please", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 558, "original_id": "1250970709943128065", "reply_id": "1250974864242065410", "label": "eww", "text": "According to my co workers some customer was taking pictures of me while I was helping him 😫 que asco"} {"idx": 559, "original_id": "1251171316927025152", "reply_id": "1251174596713295874", "label": "no", "text": "Too early for chocolate?"} {"idx": 561, "original_id": "1250936521705885696", "reply_id": "1250963563985817600", "label": "high_five", "text": "Grayson just made us dinner and we ate it while it was boiling hot because we were starving and now we’re heavily panting with our tongues out to try to cool them down with the air entering and leaving our mouths because our tongues are burnt"} {"idx": 564, "original_id": "1251143002048745473", "reply_id": "1251192693604134913", "label": "smh", "text": "When people are down you always find out those who think so much of themselves that they feel the need to try and make things worse for others #scumbags"} {"idx": 565, "original_id": "1250974328851771392", "reply_id": "1250974615381385218", "label": "shocked", "text": "I cannot do one thing at once"} {"idx": 566, "original_id": "1250992081893351424", "reply_id": "1250998856403128320", "label": "no", "text": "who's gonna have the worst birthday ever 👉🏻🙋🏻‍♀️👈🏻"} {"idx": 574, "original_id": "1250931307141648388", "reply_id": "1250943014714761216", "label": "hug", "text": "Spent the last half-month on here not saying a word. It's been dead silent for me. Had a lot of thoughts on just deleting Twitter and walking away. Mostly people either talking about AC or whining about the lockdowns anyway."} {"idx": 576, "original_id": "1250943599841345536", "reply_id": "1251114984551198720", "label": "omg", "text": "Your not ready for the album 😆"} {"idx": 578, "original_id": "1251180001644421120", "reply_id": "1251196562690248706", "label": "yes", "text": "Wait. Niggas Got Only Fans Too 👀👀"} {"idx": 579, "original_id": "1250846207146176517", "reply_id": "1250848901139181568", "label": "agree", "text": "lmao isn't every day national horny day in this fandom?"} {"idx": 582, "original_id": "1250847646312476673", "reply_id": "1250850685500997643", "label": "smh", "text": "This extended lockdown is not lawful.\nThe Prime Minister is incapacitated and didn’t make the decision. \nParliament isn’t sitting.\nThe original aim of the first lockdown has been met. \nCivil disobedience would be justified."} {"idx": 585, "original_id": "1250852105855827969", "reply_id": "1250879513329885187", "label": "hug", "text": "not a good day 🥴"} {"idx": 588, "original_id": "1250949392804306944", "reply_id": "1250950752387956738", "label": "applause", "text": "Already bought myself weed and shoes as early bday presents 😭🥴"} {"idx": 589, "original_id": "1250956035273220097", "reply_id": "1250986768402386948", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I don’t care if we’ve never met, if we have tenuous mutual connections or you’re not in my field... I will ❤️ anyone’s dissertation defense. And I hope that’s not weird for you."} {"idx": 590, "original_id": "1251184832354238464", "reply_id": "1251187230372007937", "label": "agree", "text": "I made quesadillas for breakfast. \n\nIs that acceptable?"} {"idx": 592, "original_id": "1251213853565779969", "reply_id": "1251221624105435136", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just reading that one time in WW2 a ship full of sailors with lisps was torpedoed by a mystery submarine. Who’d have thunk it?"} {"idx": 596, "original_id": "1251185823791435779", "reply_id": "1251201947366981632", "label": "hug", "text": "More or less than a year ago now I've met @creamNsuga_ @becauseimatrash and @qrizminyoon on this app and I love them so much 💜"} {"idx": 600, "original_id": "1250894747507609603", "reply_id": "1250901624882630656", "label": "sigh", "text": "I’ve been wearing jeans for 8 hours. Yes, I expect a reward."} {"idx": 601, "original_id": "1251181688740286464", "reply_id": "1251194548765831169", "label": "hug", "text": "I really, really, really miss people today."} {"idx": 602, "original_id": "1251074966658965504", "reply_id": "1251085327416115201", "label": "no", "text": "Ok\nOwn up?\nWho voted for Starmer and Rayner?"} {"idx": 604, "original_id": "1250881007877840902", "reply_id": "1250902173459918855", "label": "scared", "text": "Whenever you're having a bad day... just remember somewhere out there is Joy Behar's gynecologist!"} {"idx": 606, "original_id": "1250991602778210310", "reply_id": "1251015259013419008", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Might be off Twitter for a bit. Something happened in my family."} {"idx": 607, "original_id": "1250888503438835712", "reply_id": "1250898050861666306", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Just wanted to say that @JayGlazer is one of the most decent, honorable, kind, thoughtful and incredible people I’ve ever known. He’s helped me in an immeasurable ways and I will always be grateful to him.\nThat’s it. That’s the tweet."} {"idx": 614, "original_id": "1250919018577440768", "reply_id": "1251049475835117568", "label": "agree", "text": "Who else sees a guy in a truck and wonder what they D look like? 🤷🏻‍♂️😂"} {"idx": 622, "original_id": "1251204720229781505", "reply_id": "1251207155207806977", "label": "popcorn", "text": "today's Trump Propaganda Show is going to be off the fucking rails"} {"idx": 626, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250865974481485826", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 634, "original_id": "1251200906596671491", "reply_id": "1251205811663233024", "label": "applause", "text": "#Iran\nAll Iranian Mahan-Air flights (pro-IRGC) to Europe are permanently suspended due to US maximum pressure"} {"idx": 636, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250951170257899520", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 637, "original_id": "1250920899823493120", "reply_id": "1250921426862911489", "label": "sigh", "text": "As much as i flirt, i really don’t like or want nun of y’all."} {"idx": 639, "original_id": "1251196735264903174", "reply_id": "1251199998324289543", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I shave my head?"} {"idx": 640, "original_id": "1250785819247468546", "reply_id": "1250878539186032645", "label": "yes", "text": "Rather delighted to be back @SkySportsNews for the first time in 3 weeks....see you all shortly"} {"idx": 641, "original_id": "1251171479745511424", "reply_id": "1251172940411895809", "label": "applause", "text": "New longs 25s. \n\n$ES_F #daytrading #futures #sp500 #emini $spy $VXX #MarketProfile #fintwit #SwingTrading #stocktwits"} {"idx": 643, "original_id": "1251090695328169984", "reply_id": "1251219104188362752", "label": "agree", "text": "If you want never to get hurt , avoid falling in love."} {"idx": 646, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1251163956854484992", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 647, "original_id": "1250990680228294658", "reply_id": "1250991240100773891", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Basically I'm the greatest neighbor of ALL TIME. I didn't charge them a penny for our backyard performance of #DisneyFamilySingalong #YoureWelcome"} {"idx": 649, "original_id": "1251028658933751809", "reply_id": "1251031207250288640", "label": "hug", "text": "deserves millions of hugs: areums"} {"idx": 650, "original_id": "1250904347547926534", "reply_id": "1250928817381793798", "label": "hearts", "text": "I hate that I’m so stubborn at times."} {"idx": 651, "original_id": "1250958699641942017", "reply_id": "1250975314760667137", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I had a crappy day and a less than stellar work out so I went and bought a cake and am eating it by myself. So take that, life."} {"idx": 657, "original_id": "1250862844507283458", "reply_id": "1250873650871439362", "label": "seriously", "text": "Gym heads, how you lot coping?"} {"idx": 658, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251030466540392448", "label": "applause", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 662, "original_id": "1251215777128013824", "reply_id": "1251255613453148161", "label": "yes", "text": "New video will be up today 💕"} {"idx": 664, "original_id": "1241965964226428929", "reply_id": "1250931250472333312", "label": "hug", "text": "I would’ve hugged the homies a lil tighter If I knew it’d be like this 😢"} {"idx": 665, "original_id": "1251019114992340992", "reply_id": "1251021509285548032", "label": "omg", "text": "I need my short hair again😔"} {"idx": 671, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251268161003032583", "label": "kiss", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 672, "original_id": "1251197972207079424", "reply_id": "1251198281759232000", "label": "hug", "text": "Update: he'll be in for a couple more days at least. There are some new developments that they're not sure about so his care team are working on that to figure it all out. Hoping for updates on that from his care team this afternoon. ❤️"} {"idx": 673, "original_id": "1250858895066542080", "reply_id": "1250883367073177600", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Allen Robinson is a No. 1 wide receiver."} {"idx": 677, "original_id": "1250625755509334016", "reply_id": "1250840184448573440", "label": "hug", "text": "can I ever have a day where I don’t feel discouraged, LIKE HELLO UNIVERSE your girl do be trying"} {"idx": 678, "original_id": "1251192386467872771", "reply_id": "1251220608957902848", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is seriously evoking the 2nd amendment during a global pandemic. Yet more evidence that we should seriously evoke the 25th."} {"idx": 680, "original_id": "1250871082585862146", "reply_id": "1250918417982464011", "label": "idk", "text": "i swear one day you're young and chillin' and the next your friend becomes a Karen and you don't know what to do"} {"idx": 681, "original_id": "1251108040939536385", "reply_id": "1251113185727459332", "label": "yes", "text": "Steps I’ve taken to treat my career as a business\n\n• Created an LLC\n• Opened a business bank account\n• Started writing my first self-published ebook\n• Created a landing page with\n• Started an email list"} {"idx": 686, "original_id": "1250880507170054144", "reply_id": "1250957527921184768", "label": "agree", "text": "A friend has informed me everyone already knows I’m squishy soft sensitive & that’s why they like me\n\nTHEN WHAT HAVE I BEEN HIDING WITH JACKETS"} {"idx": 687, "original_id": "1250924302670520320", "reply_id": "1250940187192033283", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m really not in the mood for all this bullshit today. \n\nMy body feels like it’s on fire, my brain hurts. \n\nI need to scream until I cry... that kind of crying where it hurts, where I can’t breath, where I shake and shudder. Then I need back rubs and a forceful hug. \n\nPlease."} {"idx": 688, "original_id": "1251261014710063105", "reply_id": "1251273209229516802", "label": "applause", "text": "Got all my ingredients now to head home and set up for stream I'm thinking 630 to 7pm start ? We making friend chicken 😬😬"} {"idx": 690, "original_id": "1251184660203347969", "reply_id": "1251184936507277313", "label": "hug", "text": "I hate myself that I can't accept a single piece of criticism on anythong I do. I am a terrible artist just because of this.\n\nNow I want to throw this picture away because I feel its not good enough, and I don't want to touch it again because I know I'll screw up again."} {"idx": 691, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251031120746999809", "label": "omg", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 692, "original_id": "1251098798614437888", "reply_id": "1251144417328562186", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "1000 units short at 8945.25 just placed on the ndaq cash."} {"idx": 695, "original_id": "1250918670454448129", "reply_id": "1250988511802597377", "label": "wink", "text": "In before this is all a troll and there’s no promo tomorrow"} {"idx": 696, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251106821563129858", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 698, "original_id": "1250929357780062208", "reply_id": "1250930550048731137", "label": "seriously", "text": "Guess I’ll crack some White Claws🤪"} {"idx": 700, "original_id": "1250916784523395073", "reply_id": "1250919078686085121", "label": "hug", "text": "why is there so much anxiety inside of me"} {"idx": 702, "original_id": "1251263937879949314", "reply_id": "1251272570818740224", "label": "hug", "text": "Well tonight has been a bit odd... Had a bit of a breakdown - burst into tears at the top of the stairs and couldn't move for about 20 minutes. But joined in with friends playing online games. Took a bit of time but joined in eventually. Joking Hazard managed to put a smile on me"} {"idx": 705, "original_id": "1250879935771795461", "reply_id": "1250880663516901376", "label": "awww", "text": "How you all vibing right now?"} {"idx": 706, "original_id": "1250860654120128515", "reply_id": "1250872593088950272", "label": "applause", "text": "There really is lots to be #proud of at the moment. The team I work with @TASCharity are tireless in their efforts to support ambulance staff and my colleagues @CastlebankCare really remind me of why I do this job every day. #ThankYou #CareIfYouDare 💚💜💙❤️👵🏻"} {"idx": 707, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1251140654140231683", "label": "seriously", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 708, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250940448014655489", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 712, "original_id": "1250910743995744257", "reply_id": "1250943710277316614", "label": "awww", "text": "If it were possible, everybody should be friends with @DarcyCarden. She is a dream."} {"idx": 714, "original_id": "1250888874374557696", "reply_id": "1250889457898647552", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Oh just driving around Glendale for no reason cause I needed to see something other than the same 4 walls."} {"idx": 716, "original_id": "1250892174369132545", "reply_id": "1250892490862886913", "label": "oops", "text": "Lord I just need a spread and a lick"} {"idx": 717, "original_id": "1251125133995053057", "reply_id": "1251129139836317696", "label": "omg", "text": "I need to step off this app, man said he wants Smalling to come back to the club over Koulibaly. I’ve had it."} {"idx": 719, "original_id": "1251191518238519308", "reply_id": "1251198583652712453", "label": "want", "text": "Just saying that if @disneyplus did an animated Firefly series done by the people who did Clone Wars, we’d be first in the queue to watch."} {"idx": 721, "original_id": "1251167358548414466", "reply_id": "1251167689059557376", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Awesome podcasts for people like me who listen to tones(hey! I'm quarantine just like y'all! So humor me.😂😂)\n\n@basicbrewing \n@KYhistorypod \n@grlsbeersports \n@KySportsRadio \n@hungryinky\n@MikeIsOutside\n@CB_BucketList\n@mikedeestro\n@TheBobbyCast \n4 things with(Amy brown) @RadioAmy"} {"idx": 723, "original_id": "1250845821437870081", "reply_id": "1250884442882629632", "label": "applause", "text": "I took the first week post-finale off to relax and all I've done is re-create sitcom openings, but with Schitt's Creek."} {"idx": 725, "original_id": "1250841537875005446", "reply_id": "1250849312529092609", "label": "facepalm", "text": "he called me an angle and tbh he was kinda acute"} {"idx": 728, "original_id": "1250960195305517056", "reply_id": "1250960984040235008", "label": "shocked", "text": "people be wanting 3 for $15?!?! are you smoking grass & seasoning? 😔"} {"idx": 730, "original_id": "1250803134403936257", "reply_id": "1250904540070772740", "label": "smh", "text": "About to “trigger” some of y’all.... \n\nSome of y’all obsessed and in love with Joe Exotic \n\nYet y’all still wanna lynch Michael Vick in the middle of the city \n\nThat’s none of my business tho \n\n🐸 ☕️"} {"idx": 731, "original_id": "1250793259082842112", "reply_id": "1250839307562221569", "label": "yes", "text": "Trying to watch Jalen Hurts and all I see is Chaisson destroying this poor LT."} {"idx": 732, "original_id": "1250919419385204737", "reply_id": "1250920600262098952", "label": "yes", "text": "With the updated coronavirus guidelines, do you think college football and the NFL will happen in the fall?"} {"idx": 734, "original_id": "1250870163487981573", "reply_id": "1250870636005806082", "label": "shocked", "text": "It your going to call me, do not do so while eating.\n\nThat's all"} {"idx": 739, "original_id": "1251150114418126851", "reply_id": "1251172033863528449", "label": "dance", "text": "Might start a podcast where we rate albums, EPs and singles."} {"idx": 741, "original_id": "1250833591413735424", "reply_id": "1250834246459183105", "label": "wink", "text": "The harder the chase, the better it feels when you're stuffing them in a freezer."} {"idx": 743, "original_id": "1250853468085948417", "reply_id": "1250854126113546240", "label": "sigh", "text": "Monty said something he wants to explore more is Point Book (!!!!!!!)"} {"idx": 744, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251204365534273541", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 746, "original_id": "1251217206186323969", "reply_id": "1251218143759880193", "label": "applause", "text": "Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Chinese Communist Party has gone to great lengths to cover up, deflect, and blame others for the fallout. \n\nThe @WHO pushed China’s propaganda, which helped the virus and misinformation about it spread."} {"idx": 747, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250862121367162880", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 748, "original_id": "1251046958862528513", "reply_id": "1251047467698622464", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "We are reaching new levels. Thank you to anyone who popped into the short stream. Tomorrow I’m gonna get on earlier and we are gonna get lit! 🔥"} {"idx": 752, "original_id": "1250528857054154764", "reply_id": "1250909357937766401", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "So...who else besides me loathes @realDonaldTrump ? Raise your hand for a roll call!"} {"idx": 755, "original_id": "1251263832908914688", "reply_id": "1251265330229456898", "label": "eww", "text": "Now that I'm bald guess I don't have to say how I really feel. Score!"} {"idx": 758, "original_id": "1250849958162501632", "reply_id": "1250923393823752197", "label": "hug", "text": "I want a hug"} {"idx": 760, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1251171869090177024", "label": "applause", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 761, "original_id": "1250931468286619648", "reply_id": "1250945386149228544", "label": "hug", "text": "i will literally follow anyone who replies to this tweet"} {"idx": 762, "original_id": "1251077996288638977", "reply_id": "1251079537364021249", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#ff Foolish not to #follow @SaCha1689 @Xender @todd_writes @MarkBird17 @ME_Aster @TheDominionGrp @Tronamuseswaff1 @MichaelNikolai5 @h_craggs @m_faith97 @_Barb_Thompson @DarinCBrown @biopagellc @JRBiery5 @CentreRams @FloorFiftyFour"} {"idx": 764, "original_id": "1250864094611042304", "reply_id": "1250873829292781568", "label": "omg", "text": "My daughter just asked, you read that right reader, ASKED if she could clean her room.\n\nTimes be crazy ya'll."} {"idx": 765, "original_id": "1250953896878628866", "reply_id": "1250956146611048448", "label": "high_five", "text": "I’m where Facebook nomination games go to die"} {"idx": 767, "original_id": "1251107187449114625", "reply_id": "1251109788693467137", "label": "no", "text": "Is anyone even bothered if Scottish football clubs go to the wall?"} {"idx": 768, "original_id": "1250859783403581443", "reply_id": "1250879236333883392", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "INSA trolls have been activated. I don’t know which tweet triggered it lol 😂😂"} {"idx": 769, "original_id": "1250851131636568065", "reply_id": "1251051836150177792", "label": "agree", "text": "#twitter is new #Facebook\n\n#sorrybitcoin\n#bitcoin"} {"idx": 771, "original_id": "1250884621912256512", "reply_id": "1250894162909515776", "label": "ok", "text": "it's important be kind to yourself today, and everyday. you deserve to give yourself the love you give others. you're worthy & good enough like steve rogers who was worthy to wield thor's mjolnir. everyone loves you, you're special and so important 🕊️❣️"} {"idx": 773, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251145658620207106", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 776, "original_id": "1251012624075984897", "reply_id": "1251013460223094785", "label": "agree", "text": "Alrighty"} {"idx": 777, "original_id": "1250966071147810817", "reply_id": "1250966794161975297", "label": "agree", "text": "scammers scammers scammers turning around playing victim 🤡 If you're reading this please do the right thing."} {"idx": 779, "original_id": "1251177492041412610", "reply_id": "1251194557326393344", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I paid credit card bills instead of buying sneakers today 😔"} {"idx": 780, "original_id": "1250865947067457536", "reply_id": "1250867424666107905", "label": "applause", "text": "Marlon hot all the fine friends.\nIt's one reason I put up with his shenanigans."} {"idx": 782, "original_id": "1251087261594255360", "reply_id": "1251187743570485249", "label": "eww", "text": "all I want is jahron concert ... VIP , him touching me .. meet him backstage ... we go out together"} {"idx": 785, "original_id": "1251177267105071105", "reply_id": "1251177605019164672", "label": "applause", "text": "I think I’m nearly ready for tomorrow 😶"} {"idx": 788, "original_id": "1250936705441505288", "reply_id": "1250939236972290048", "label": "dance", "text": "Roger Stone has to report to prison in two weeks, after being denied a new trial."} {"idx": 792, "original_id": "1250859143822532610", "reply_id": "1250970681745059840", "label": "eww", "text": "Does anyone else remember eating paper when we were kids?! 🤣 just me??"} {"idx": 793, "original_id": "1251172484856061953", "reply_id": "1251222708597125121", "label": "smh", "text": "Been purposely avoiding The Lion King remake but I'm forcing myself to watch it now. Real talk, it's embarrassing. It's trying to mirror the same emotional impact from the original and absolutely fails. No joke, I keep cringing while watching it. This will be hard to get through"} {"idx": 795, "original_id": "1251132618139189255", "reply_id": "1251133397239554048", "label": "ok", "text": "I wanna wash my bikes"} {"idx": 797, "original_id": "1250891781782343680", "reply_id": "1250892960989880335", "label": "omg", "text": "I just tied up my hair with a thong."} {"idx": 801, "original_id": "1250881717835087874", "reply_id": "1250882034316304399", "label": "no", "text": "Everything Claire does \"wahay\"!! 🙄#MasterChefUK"} {"idx": 802, "original_id": "1251260969956802562", "reply_id": "1251261301785079809", "label": "no", "text": "Do you guys brush your teeth in the shower?"} {"idx": 805, "original_id": "1250933508526276608", "reply_id": "1250934108617932801", "label": "no", "text": "is it bad that I just moved down south and the main thing I’m worried about is finding me a lil fuckbuddy? 😂🥺💔"} {"idx": 808, "original_id": "1251147187796336643", "reply_id": "1251149110205267976", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This is the second dream this month I’ve had of me having a child. 😅 This time I had a little girl and adopted an older boy."} {"idx": 809, "original_id": "1251035295442591745", "reply_id": "1251042411704397824", "label": "hug", "text": "I don't have pictures of myself at 20 because I hated pictures of myself and avoided taking them."} {"idx": 810, "original_id": "1250746891765190656", "reply_id": "1251214975944843266", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "It’s my 71st birthday. Thankful to have my pets to be with. 🎈❤️🐾"} {"idx": 811, "original_id": "1250864634401378307", "reply_id": "1250865359923695624", "label": "seriously", "text": "Shorting Amazon ...\nShould I call myself an ambulance?\n\n#AMZN $AMZN #trading"} {"idx": 813, "original_id": "1250840364040294405", "reply_id": "1250859901024436229", "label": "shocked", "text": "mastic cansant ia"} {"idx": 816, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251028952706977794", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 817, "original_id": "1250836804476911617", "reply_id": "1250875726309535744", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Wife: The trees starting budding today\n\nMe: What a relief \n\nWife:\n\nMe: \n\nWife: Can you shut the fuck up for like 10 seconds"} {"idx": 820, "original_id": "1251208987841880064", "reply_id": "1251218750256353280", "label": "yes", "text": "Are tater tots just hash browns in a round form?"} {"idx": 821, "original_id": "1251161057264975881", "reply_id": "1251253006244421634", "label": "high_five", "text": "TWU’s Little Chapel In-the-Woods takes🥇in the “Best Wedding Venue” category of the DRC’s Best of Denton awards. This is the seventh straight year to earn the recognition."} {"idx": 822, "original_id": "1250918761311473665", "reply_id": "1250919333447991296", "label": "smh", "text": "I am so sorry for anyone who has to deal with me while I’m sick, I just want love and affection. Baby me pls🥺😭"} {"idx": 823, "original_id": "1250865546519703552", "reply_id": "1250892207743283200", "label": "applause", "text": "It's harder to be consistent when no one is clapping for you.\n\nYou must clap for yourself.\n\nYou must be your biggest fan."} {"idx": 824, "original_id": "1250992974168764417", "reply_id": "1251003969293426690", "label": "eww", "text": "i’m that bitch, been that bitch, still that bitch, will forever be that bitch"} {"idx": 825, "original_id": "1251235187649888258", "reply_id": "1251236118512783362", "label": "applause", "text": "I'd rather be on PornHub than be on TikTok."} {"idx": 828, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230722280521731", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 831, "original_id": "1251236049319342080", "reply_id": "1251245096152043527", "label": "eww", "text": "can't sleep at night for the fear i might wake up"} {"idx": 832, "original_id": "1250776490477789186", "reply_id": "1251000360212271104", "label": "applause", "text": "If Donald Trump and Joe Biden were both drowning and you only had time to save one of them, where would you and Joe Biden go for lunch together afterward?"} {"idx": 833, "original_id": "1251122501318393857", "reply_id": "1251149975309836290", "label": "seriously", "text": "Screw social distancing ,if you turn me on ,I am jumping you !"} {"idx": 834, "original_id": "1250967274652962816", "reply_id": "1250973742030782465", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Bottoms, I see you and I appreciate you ❤️"} {"idx": 838, "original_id": "1250861717376163841", "reply_id": "1250916724230119425", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "I posted a photo on Instagram and this guy messaged me saying “hey you’re really beautiful, but would be better without the filters on”.. I was like what filter dude and sent him a selfie without filter and my middle finger saying if he likes this filter and he blocked me.. aww"} {"idx": 839, "original_id": "1250816724510875648", "reply_id": "1250835166211293187", "label": "agree", "text": "You want to come into my life, the door is open. You want to leave my life, the door is open. Just one request; don’t stand in front of the door, you are blocking people who are coming in my life to stay, to come in😏."} {"idx": 841, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1250926911901097987", "label": "dance", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 842, "original_id": "1250902035182030849", "reply_id": "1250920036857982982", "label": "hug", "text": "Miss my Mum. Can't share being cancer free with her. As a nurse, she would have understood this is a big deal. Dad did not respond to my news & my sister sent less than a line. Fuck them. I did this alone. I knew there would be a come down. This is it. Tomorrow will be better."} {"idx": 843, "original_id": "1250966626893094913", "reply_id": "1250970822979837954", "label": "agree", "text": "You can’t tell me Chris Hemsworth isn’t going to age like fine wine and be the hottest old man Hollywood’s ever seen. I’m calling it."} {"idx": 845, "original_id": "1250908446397956099", "reply_id": "1250915946971070465", "label": "agree", "text": "No amount of @dotspretzels are going to be enough for us to survive this quarantine. #gotosnack"} {"idx": 846, "original_id": "1250986307515383808", "reply_id": "1250988255144599554", "label": "eww", "text": "One of my old coworkers is the fucking worst. Like he always has a fucking comment and it’s the dudebro kind of fucking comments."} {"idx": 849, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250974009715494918", "label": "smh", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 852, "original_id": "1250879589548687368", "reply_id": "1251007263675908096", "label": "no", "text": "Soooooo looks like National Horny Day is trending. Do we dare share episodes with relevant content?!?!? Seeing as how we're a pod of the people, you let us know?"} {"idx": 853, "original_id": "1251217512496271360", "reply_id": "1251218293693833217", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m so bored that I don’t even want to touch myself."} {"idx": 856, "original_id": "1250843566558965761", "reply_id": "1250844399073927170", "label": "applause", "text": "Bring Pete into the Biden admin because he's smart and young and it won't leave an opening in the House or Senate. Fuck it, bring in Yang, too. We need all the ideas & energy we can get."} {"idx": 867, "original_id": "1250835592901869568", "reply_id": "1250847813094780934", "label": "applause", "text": "For those of you who were following The False Princess, I actually wrote some of it today! Fingers crossed I can keep it up. 🤞🏻"} {"idx": 869, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251265774586650625", "label": "applause", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 874, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251246290350092288", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 875, "original_id": "1250943652928634881", "reply_id": "1250945974278766592", "label": "no", "text": "Do y'all think football is going to be a thing this fall?"} {"idx": 876, "original_id": "1250690725521641472", "reply_id": "1250954666764046336", "label": "high_five", "text": "If you Dean Chris and Billy still think the best way to win games is 4 man deep on top of a roof in downtown with thermal scopes heartbeat sensors and claymores. Then there’s also a good chance you have never felt the warmth of a woman #warzone facts."} {"idx": 878, "original_id": "1251239628201476102", "reply_id": "1251255173852172290", "label": "no", "text": "So what are your weekend plans?"} {"idx": 879, "original_id": "1250961947098591233", "reply_id": "1250969032821559298", "label": "applause", "text": "Y’all, I’m actually doing really good in school 🥺🥺🥺❤️🙌🏽"} {"idx": 880, "original_id": "1251051772199800832", "reply_id": "1251052381648740352", "label": "agree", "text": "Only single people are up right now."} {"idx": 882, "original_id": "1251174239178194946", "reply_id": "1251174600777641986", "label": "seriously", "text": "middle class black people arguing on FB over whether they need the stimulus check \"hand out....\""} {"idx": 883, "original_id": "1251016340057489408", "reply_id": "1251023347057520640", "label": "applause", "text": "wish i was eating coochie rn"} {"idx": 886, "original_id": "1250926820314079232", "reply_id": "1250971570723422208", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Mission Accomplished.\nI guess there will be no more press briefings."} {"idx": 889, "original_id": "1250864547298189313", "reply_id": "1250875395085422592", "label": "awww", "text": "you’re a genius!"} {"idx": 890, "original_id": "1250922351094530048", "reply_id": "1250934111511904256", "label": "no", "text": "Raise your hand if you think trump has a “friend” who called him from the hospital and now he’s dead."} {"idx": 892, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250836834466189312", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 893, "original_id": "1250919149523685380", "reply_id": "1250923647306543109", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trump: Some governors told me they're now \"in very good shape,\" and I think there'll be some good news to report in the next \"few days\" about things opening up."} {"idx": 894, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251251256426852352", "label": "shrug", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 897, "original_id": "1250936653650309122", "reply_id": "1250959098826407937", "label": "no", "text": "Could you be here with me forever?"} {"idx": 898, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250988854850379777", "label": "yawn", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 900, "original_id": "1250934399954309121", "reply_id": "1250935497226178560", "label": "yawn", "text": "what's up?\n\ni accept replies only in meme/image format."} {"idx": 902, "original_id": "1250918310763511808", "reply_id": "1250921884096630786", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Everything on me is growing.. I’m upset"} {"idx": 903, "original_id": "1250861552514686976", "reply_id": "1251132794983510016", "label": "applause", "text": "Annnnd the filthy FiL Daddy kink book is done at 39k. I started it on 4/10.\n\nThis is your fault, twitter friends. \n\nThank you!"} {"idx": 906, "original_id": "1250983199938879488", "reply_id": "1250987206161899520", "label": "smh", "text": "One of the girls who used to call me a “fat ugly whore” in middle school and high school because I was one of the unfortunate ones who hit puberty early and had boobs by age 11 just made an Instagram post complaining about how she hates her small boobs. Hate to see it. 😌"} {"idx": 908, "original_id": "1251145796772233222", "reply_id": "1251158782454816768", "label": "applause", "text": "ELECTRIC DICK BALLS"} {"idx": 915, "original_id": "1250810572586708997", "reply_id": "1250895659651207168", "label": "agree", "text": "Small handles of RWs after getting 2k-3k followers, start considering themselves celebs & stop replying small accounts, become choosy in RTs & Likes\n\nOnly their closed groups get RTs & can be often in comment box of big Celebs & LW jokers\n\nThen they talk abt RW Ecosystem."} {"idx": 916, "original_id": "1251229880894849024", "reply_id": "1251232515924217856", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Great Stream Last Night! Thanks Everyone Who Stopped In To Chat. Huge Thanks To @tw1ztedpr1ncess @katzunya_pilot , saltysquid (dont have his @) For Dropping Those Hosts! You Guys Rock, Much Love!💙💙 #StreamersConnected #TheThirstyThieves #Mixer #Discord #SeaOfThieves"} {"idx": 918, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250858033220997120", "label": "oops", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 922, "original_id": "1250592004842704896", "reply_id": "1250835361426784257", "label": "yes", "text": "do you watch @maddow every night?"} {"idx": 923, "original_id": "1250835369970589703", "reply_id": "1250836043194150913", "label": "applause", "text": "congratulations on sucking dicks."} {"idx": 924, "original_id": "1250764728680374276", "reply_id": "1250962256831164416", "label": "no", "text": "do we love fortnite?"} {"idx": 927, "original_id": "1250599036526174209", "reply_id": "1250860975982546945", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m listening to Elizabeth Warren on Maddow and man, imagine having her running the show. Actual competence and compassion and PLANS for how to address this mess."} {"idx": 928, "original_id": "1251226499014942724", "reply_id": "1251226890041516033", "label": "applause", "text": "Source: Seton Hall transfer Darnell Brodie has committed to Drake."} {"idx": 930, "original_id": "1250797369437769728", "reply_id": "1250846170374684676", "label": "agree", "text": "I am not buying The Redemption of Doug Ford."} {"idx": 938, "original_id": "1251267876238942208", "reply_id": "1251268086877032449", "label": "yes", "text": "I JUST GOT ACCEPTED INTO THE KIDNEY TRANSPLANT PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 939, "original_id": "1250864869664047104", "reply_id": "1250867686910963717", "label": "awww", "text": "okay i’m bored and want to talk about theatre again. respond with a gif and i’ll recommend you a musical/play! ✨"} {"idx": 941, "original_id": "1250716264374267904", "reply_id": "1251030710837587970", "label": "shocked", "text": "If you’re my boyfriend I don’t like not one bitch touching. Idc if it’s a “friendly” hug to y’all. Especially if I know that bitch be on every dick. Idc . There’s no reason you and another bitch should be touching . That’s that."} {"idx": 943, "original_id": "1250806178508083201", "reply_id": "1250843430005035008", "label": "applause", "text": "Started at @transcend_io last week. Unusual time to start a new job! Grateful for supportive colleagues in this WFH environment."} {"idx": 944, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250969275675709440", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 945, "original_id": "1250946912745779200", "reply_id": "1250962443884466181", "label": "awww", "text": "If everything in the universe is connected then that means my bhole is connected to each of you"} {"idx": 946, "original_id": "1250962306248380421", "reply_id": "1250995902589947905", "label": "agree", "text": "If only we had a vaccine for the flu that kills so many people every single flu season\n\nOh......"} {"idx": 948, "original_id": "1251225901724917760", "reply_id": "1251227337959579648", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Pinche llorones, I swear..."} {"idx": 949, "original_id": "1250919062311493632", "reply_id": "1250923530838925313", "label": "idk", "text": "Jonathan Karl asks about the possibility of having sporting events, large crowds?\n\nFauci: I think we will be able to do that when people get to that phase."} {"idx": 952, "original_id": "1251162337353949192", "reply_id": "1251163040759742464", "label": "ok", "text": "Omg Swans make me wanna fuck so hard aajsjskdk"} {"idx": 957, "original_id": "1251175523734228994", "reply_id": "1251183079655452675", "label": "popcorn", "text": "One of my former employees and the owner of my work are fighting in a group text they put me on, and let me tell you this is WILD AF. Hes telling her that her husband left her cus she has a big mouth, and she is telling him he is a loser scumbag."} {"idx": 958, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251211248634597376", "label": "no", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 959, "original_id": "1251132696765448193", "reply_id": "1251188736156712961", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I wonder when ppl traded the ability to laugh for being upset about every fkin shit"} {"idx": 960, "original_id": "1251123771429306368", "reply_id": "1251206637785944065", "label": "agree", "text": "I mean I guess I’m just surprised anybody ever thought Dr. Oz & Phil WEREN’T full of shit."} {"idx": 963, "original_id": "1251139616368967680", "reply_id": "1251141511963525122", "label": "ok", "text": "More than 11.6k followers! Thank you all! To give back, here's a #FollowFriday #weekend #writerslift!\n\n💥Under 12k followers comment below, we'll follow you.\n\n💥Over 12k, follow all.\n\nRT, like, follow. I follow back fellow authors+artists! #WritingCommunity #writerscommunity"} {"idx": 964, "original_id": "1251218635311513604", "reply_id": "1251222498223493122", "label": "idk", "text": "should i draw \n#draw #art #ArtistOnTwitter #nsfw #comic #StayHome #weekend"} {"idx": 968, "original_id": "1251187398089768966", "reply_id": "1251230643763195904", "label": "yolo", "text": "Today I got into a grocery store and had a much better experience earlier on weekday mornings, came out saw lineups, gloves on the ground, and impatience with security.. why the Fuk is one impatient nowadays , on a better note I bought a bit of junk food Fuk it #Mississauga #6ix"} {"idx": 970, "original_id": "1251048538538196992", "reply_id": "1251048737125744640", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Feeling relatively gruntled this morning."} {"idx": 974, "original_id": "1250814959778398209", "reply_id": "1250857295749304322", "label": "dance", "text": "I just graduate 🎓 while playing smite lol it couldn’t have been better"} {"idx": 976, "original_id": "1251204899322368000", "reply_id": "1251205475313397760", "label": "awww", "text": "Babe if you see this............................I.....................................l...................O................................................V..........................................E............................Y...............O...............................U..."} {"idx": 977, "original_id": "1250808866696073218", "reply_id": "1251061249179176967", "label": "smh", "text": "Their = They are\nThere = possession\nThey're = referring to place \n\nThis isn't that difficult \nGlad everyone on the internet is getting it right all the time"} {"idx": 979, "original_id": "1251093434284335104", "reply_id": "1251096100217462784", "label": "hug", "text": "Looks like it’s finally hit me."} {"idx": 980, "original_id": "1250841113071693826", "reply_id": "1250931945921490945", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm amazed at the amount of people that know Bruno personally enough to kindly interpret to the rest of us his feelings and his actions. God bless you for your kind service ❤️❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 981, "original_id": "1250878181046812672", "reply_id": "1251174967565185025", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you ever miss someone SOMETIMES? Like they’re cool until they say something stupid & then it’s like yeah nope now i remember why I don’t talk to you or is that just me? 🙂"} {"idx": 983, "original_id": "1251256503987851266", "reply_id": "1251256863502540801", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I honestly do not deserve guy friends as great as @Baba3Yaga9 and @DaBallHawk26"} {"idx": 984, "original_id": "1250944834514440202", "reply_id": "1250948608859312131", "label": "no", "text": "I just dropped my whole goddamn roll of paper towels into the water in the sink.\n\n😒"} {"idx": 988, "original_id": "1251238597778460678", "reply_id": "1251247073502072838", "label": "hug", "text": "well work was shit again"} {"idx": 991, "original_id": "1250876175221690368", "reply_id": "1250877914251513857", "label": "shocked", "text": "lol I fucked around and lead some unworthy negros to believe they had a chance 😔😔"} {"idx": 993, "original_id": "1250892610459234304", "reply_id": "1250897998369959939", "label": "awww", "text": "Poll-Best ted nugent song\n\nCat Scr...\n\nFuck that.\n\nNext..."} {"idx": 999, "original_id": "1250894793812541440", "reply_id": "1250976036516319233", "label": "shocked", "text": "Controversial opinion \n\nI like cilantro"} {"idx": 1002, "original_id": "1250983374635892739", "reply_id": "1250983866183155712", "label": "eww", "text": "Yeah that was a lot of spit............."} {"idx": 1006, "original_id": "1250410780236931072", "reply_id": "1250978501089509376", "label": "sigh", "text": "Try to beat everyone in this game like you're trying to beat coronatime!! 😂🙉🙊🙈 #top #game"} {"idx": 1008, "original_id": "1251018844962844672", "reply_id": "1251019253651607552", "label": "seriously", "text": "I think it’s time for me to get pregnant. 🙈"} {"idx": 1009, "original_id": "1250944827862265856", "reply_id": "1250961614586535937", "label": "seriously", "text": "BREAKING: Twitter has suspended @ALX"} {"idx": 1010, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251077361828630528", "label": "shocked", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 1012, "original_id": "1250865788485079046", "reply_id": "1250974997532770304", "label": "no", "text": "I'm thinking about shaving my face."} {"idx": 1013, "original_id": "1251224999203164160", "reply_id": "1251227067389284362", "label": "wink", "text": "Jungheim demos sounding fire."} {"idx": 1014, "original_id": "1251230946575233024", "reply_id": "1251236405960937473", "label": "please", "text": "Remember when the OU spring game was supposed to be tomorrow?"} {"idx": 1015, "original_id": "1250902519544524807", "reply_id": "1250902601597685761", "label": "agree", "text": "Oh you scared huh? Oh you PUSSY"} {"idx": 1018, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251271940800688129", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 1021, "original_id": "1251007863029260288", "reply_id": "1251107258924236802", "label": "sigh", "text": "Had some disappointing cheese today. It wasn’t Gouda nuff"} {"idx": 1023, "original_id": "1250557119272824839", "reply_id": "1250896534272647168", "label": "dance", "text": "BREAKING: Trump just ended his press conference because it was cold. Not kidding. Pathetic."} {"idx": 1025, "original_id": "1250942332175818753", "reply_id": "1250971298798473219", "label": "hug", "text": "someone hug me rn"} {"idx": 1026, "original_id": "1250863856823537664", "reply_id": "1250886392713842690", "label": "shrug", "text": "$12 to fill up my 15 gallon gas tank! Let’s goooooo!"} {"idx": 1029, "original_id": "1250999934222032897", "reply_id": "1251000517356126209", "label": "seriously", "text": "I hate smoking w other girls lollll"} {"idx": 1036, "original_id": "1251055571563773952", "reply_id": "1251211012486819840", "label": "omg", "text": "D ewars \nE very\nV eekend\nA lways\nN on-stop"} {"idx": 1038, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1250907072830607360", "label": "no", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 1041, "original_id": "1250967307461054464", "reply_id": "1250986050488582145", "label": "shocked", "text": "Reply with the gif that best describes how you felt at the start of OT in Game 6 of the 2010 Stanley Cup Final. \n\n#HawksRewind"} {"idx": 1042, "original_id": "1250932782597103617", "reply_id": "1251094110456500224", "label": "shocked", "text": "Currently having a debate with my friend about how Sisqo would sing Usher under the table."} {"idx": 1045, "original_id": "1250895660057935874", "reply_id": "1250895834394345473", "label": "no", "text": "Just dropped a 77 kill game with the Kar thermal with 2 quads and my video file got corrupted"} {"idx": 1048, "original_id": "1250982584055672832", "reply_id": "1251223066480443393", "label": "applause", "text": "People who have nothing better to do than stir the shit during quarantine make me buzz🤯"} {"idx": 1049, "original_id": "1250841455100342272", "reply_id": "1250849323623108614", "label": "scared", "text": "Nobody:\nNobody at all:\nMy attic for no reason: *THUDDD*"} {"idx": 1050, "original_id": "1250956109776650247", "reply_id": "1250957056795979777", "label": "smh", "text": "y’all my sister passed out in my room earlier today (she’s fine). but that bitch really broke her neck when she fell and it was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen."} {"idx": 1051, "original_id": "1250923016663576576", "reply_id": "1250923322507964417", "label": "dance", "text": "He keeps saying cities have low infection rates due to “a lot of talent.” How are they stopping the spread? Tap dancing?"} {"idx": 1053, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1251014214816235522", "label": "eww", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 1054, "original_id": "1250879250162348032", "reply_id": "1250891625095553024", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Just died off spawn twice cause I got a pistol out of chests! #ThankYouEpicGames 😃"} {"idx": 1058, "original_id": "1250537421776785408", "reply_id": "1250883225142116352", "label": "agree", "text": "Man fuck whoever killed pop smoke"} {"idx": 1060, "original_id": "1251008139098386438", "reply_id": "1251087712339103745", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#WritingCommunity Here's another #FollowFriday #writerslift \n\nIf you're under 100k followers leave a comment and we'll follow you.\nThose above 100k please RT and spread the word. 🙂\n\n#Writers #Authors #Poets #Bloggers\n#FF"} {"idx": 1062, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251032269298397185", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 1066, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251224827832209409", "label": "good_luck", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 1069, "original_id": "1251220343978508288", "reply_id": "1251274798321172480", "label": "applause", "text": "Yo wtf I tried to learn how to properly twerk my ass yesterday and now it’s all sore af this morning 😂"} {"idx": 1070, "original_id": "1251202466798088195", "reply_id": "1251246804479414274", "label": "applause", "text": "I was checking out at the grocery store and this man, irate because there was no tp in stock, yelled as he was leaving, “All y’all muh fuggas can go fug y’all’s selves” and I’m like, “same, muh fugga, same.”"} {"idx": 1072, "original_id": "1250985838533640192", "reply_id": "1250989215174856704", "label": "hug", "text": "Well guys, I had problems giving some stuff from the Uni and I'm so sad and tired.... \nTomorrow is a new day"} {"idx": 1073, "original_id": "1251087647960961025", "reply_id": "1251120553374748672", "label": "idk", "text": "How are you adjusting to lockdown life? \n\nReply with one gif that sums up how you're feeling at the moment. \n\n#COVID19"} {"idx": 1079, "original_id": "1250816101384179713", "reply_id": "1250862348715376641", "label": "agree", "text": "I wonder how many people are sitting at home right now with 1,732 rolls of toilet paper, wondering what the hell they were thinking."} {"idx": 1081, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251034319977496576", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 1082, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250999181961019392", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 1083, "original_id": "1251091291695448065", "reply_id": "1251126691512156167", "label": "yes", "text": "These Romanians who have been flown in to rescue us and our farming industry — if they end up in hospital with Covid 19, will the Brexiters call them ‘health tourists?’"} {"idx": 1084, "original_id": "1250928646996590594", "reply_id": "1250929015453618176", "label": "applause", "text": "I\n\nPuffy da cosmic puffyshroom have a dream\n\nA dream where no weebs are horny on April the 16th\n\nA dream where we shall all come out of our closets on April the 16th.\n\nA DREAM\n\nWHERE\n\nNOBODY IS HORNY ON HORNY DAY\n\nthank you for coming to my ted talk\n\ngoodbye"} {"idx": 1086, "original_id": "1250936026236776448", "reply_id": "1250941512231391233", "label": "agree", "text": "Enter Shikari’s new bops are, I can confirm, fully certified bops"} {"idx": 1087, "original_id": "1250949676141916160", "reply_id": "1251098224007536641", "label": "popcorn", "text": "My inbox is filled with mails from people who have found a crusty old camera whilst going through their attic and now want me to make them an offer on it."} {"idx": 1090, "original_id": "1251010709175119872", "reply_id": "1251012985461579778", "label": "idk", "text": "What if I got a black cat?"} {"idx": 1093, "original_id": "1251003072924573696", "reply_id": "1251004665564729345", "label": "dance", "text": "if my next girlfriend dont already kno how the niggas i be wit is she gon be so fuccin mad at me cus these niggas play to fuccin much"} {"idx": 1094, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250949374634491910", "label": "seriously", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 1095, "original_id": "1250845530365800448", "reply_id": "1250850443179278336", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "To say “People will die, so be it” instead of a science & testing-based path to reopening the economy is deeply frivolous & wrong.\n\nEvery life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community. This is something we are all in together. #FamiliesFirst"} {"idx": 1098, "original_id": "1251206345338040325", "reply_id": "1251238090531917825", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you agree that Twitter should shut down Donald Trump’s account ✋\n\n(He is unhinged.)"} {"idx": 1099, "original_id": "1251240701880393734", "reply_id": "1251242428146814977", "label": "no", "text": "Nothing is more disappointing than a large order of @McDonalds fries that taste old ☹️"} {"idx": 1100, "original_id": "1250969773422370816", "reply_id": "1250978302896082946", "label": "agree", "text": "So we all just SINGLE , huh ? 🥴"} {"idx": 1101, "original_id": "1251273273654087680", "reply_id": "1251273721010098177", "label": "no", "text": "I wonder if I can sue Westminster if I become alcohol dependent because the lockdown has to last longer and they deemed offsales essential by not shutting them?"} {"idx": 1102, "original_id": "1251223583143190529", "reply_id": "1251223710129938437", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Fuckin ay. Popcorn is needed."} {"idx": 1104, "original_id": "1250999046971502593", "reply_id": "1251016737417461760", "label": "agree", "text": "They got away with 9/11. We can't let them get away with this. I don't want to live in that kind of a hellish future; completely controlled, surveiled, and poisoned. If we let them succeed we'll have nothing resembling humanity left."} {"idx": 1105, "original_id": "1250926810323288064", "reply_id": "1250970474382716929", "label": "agree", "text": "Why are people still not wearing a mask...."} {"idx": 1106, "original_id": "1251209597689278464", "reply_id": "1251267601855987713", "label": "no", "text": "Someone needs to mask & glove DJT up & take him into a NYC hospital to SEE the patients on respirators & ventilators, look at the tired, harried eyes of the health workers over their masks...do you think it would make him feel anything even close to compassion?\n@realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 1107, "original_id": "1250545881759322112", "reply_id": "1250843314242363395", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I have a question for Bitcoin HODLers. If a global pandemic, crashing stock markets, world-wide recession/depression, zero percent interest rates, unprecedented government borrowing and fiat money printing, plus a breakout in #gold hasn’t caused #Bitcoin to go up, what will?"} {"idx": 1108, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251100822521425923", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 1109, "original_id": "1250914231203094529", "reply_id": "1250934253971521546", "label": "shocked", "text": "you have no tests u fucking liars #WhereAreTheTests"} {"idx": 1110, "original_id": "1250979646793035776", "reply_id": "1250980482369675265", "label": "hug", "text": "good evening. I want a hug. That is all"} {"idx": 1111, "original_id": "1250946639608635392", "reply_id": "1251111048817623046", "label": "agree", "text": "Finally came to my senses. Gerry Cinnamon is a stinking fenian bastard."} {"idx": 1113, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250878470302941192", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 1120, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1250950573173678083", "label": "sigh", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 1124, "original_id": "1251218265742942208", "reply_id": "1251220251645272066", "label": "hug", "text": "tears stain her face \n\nfor no reason \n\nand for every reason"} {"idx": 1125, "original_id": "1250804682320154626", "reply_id": "1250855300854239233", "label": "ok", "text": "How do I get to control a Brand or Company’s Twitter account? \n\nI wanna get paid to do what I do for fun on my own all day anyway. \n\nLike, who’s running the @SiriusXMHits1 account? I wanna do THAT."} {"idx": 1126, "original_id": "1251206587282317312", "reply_id": "1251208646668713985", "label": "ok", "text": "SELLING TIP: If you’re like me and reuse Amazon boxes, be sure to tear off as much of their packaging tape as you can before applying your own. The heavy duty stuff they use adds a shocking amount of weight to boxes. Especially if you’re trying to keep things under 16oz."} {"idx": 1128, "original_id": "1250888097572806669", "reply_id": "1250925692159746049", "label": "idk", "text": "i literally have 0 friends lol"} {"idx": 1130, "original_id": "1250526386764369922", "reply_id": "1250961341248081920", "label": "no", "text": "I’m cutting my beard off I hate when it get too long.."} {"idx": 1131, "original_id": "1250816361313509376", "reply_id": "1250869413458464769", "label": "no", "text": "John Guidetti has better free kicks than Griffiths. One in, one out."} {"idx": 1133, "original_id": "1251199456361529348", "reply_id": "1251227311992643584", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Yo @vons , can you check your DMs?"} {"idx": 1136, "original_id": "1250915435954016257", "reply_id": "1250916557674471427", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I think Dr. Brix is giving a Geography lesson. She's talking about the Blue Mountain and the Gray Mountain. The #coronavirus seems to be declining in the mountains."} {"idx": 1137, "original_id": "1251177714930892800", "reply_id": "1251179934422380544", "label": "awww", "text": "My quarantine beard is out of control. This is ridiculous. I need a professional"} {"idx": 1140, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250925550891393025", "label": "awww", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 1141, "original_id": "1250809047143649281", "reply_id": "1250940033927991297", "label": "agree", "text": "“Hitting Twitter” is the worst. It’s either an old timer unwilling to take in new data and methods or some new age dude speaking in absolutes. I hate both sides equally."} {"idx": 1143, "original_id": "1250825282044538883", "reply_id": "1250832651738636290", "label": "hug", "text": "Had an absolute freak out last night.Between Mom’s cancer, no unemployment money, & our lack of competent leadership I lost my shit. Mind racing 1,000 miles a minute, heart palpitations, tears flowing; music, breathing exercises, nothing worked.Only Xanax & vodka got me through"} {"idx": 1144, "original_id": "1250997361041641472", "reply_id": "1250997695277182977", "label": "no", "text": "You missed out on a great thing..."} {"idx": 1145, "original_id": "1250970215837507584", "reply_id": "1251008638413688832", "label": "no", "text": "Is Disney+ any good?"} {"idx": 1146, "original_id": "1250934011913887744", "reply_id": "1250938224450527232", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Just got a waxing pot & kit in the mail. Im praying that i make my wax lady proud, wish me luck 😩"} {"idx": 1150, "original_id": "1250838827683336193", "reply_id": "1250839111428198400", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Just found out Nick has never seen Napoleon Dynamite.. should I leave now?"} {"idx": 1151, "original_id": "1250762317190627328", "reply_id": "1250915445919617035", "label": "agree", "text": "Honestly BLOWS my mind that as soon as there’s a bit of cleavage on show I’m accused of using them for views. Boobs are natural. They don’t exist for men. They exist to produce milk. Stop shaming women for being confident in their bodies."} {"idx": 1152, "original_id": "1251134740117110784", "reply_id": "1251138784915124228", "label": "yes", "text": "can i tell a secret?"} {"idx": 1153, "original_id": "1251059574704082944", "reply_id": "1251059794380836864", "label": "omg", "text": "Not only are certain humans allergic to cats, it's possible for certain cats to be allergic to humans."} {"idx": 1156, "original_id": "1250960652446859266", "reply_id": "1250973551307481092", "label": "agree", "text": "This has never been about a virus.\n\nThere are tons of viruses that kill people daily, yet the media is silent.\n\nThe virus is the catalyst to create and maintain fear.\n\nThis is a lot darker than it seems, in my opinion."} {"idx": 1158, "original_id": "1251137334734700546", "reply_id": "1251223914514186240", "label": "sorry", "text": "Never fails around 5 am a half hour before I even need to be up a group chat starts on my bfs phone and the volume is always on. If it’s one of my followers that are friends with him know that I’m annoyed with you."} {"idx": 1159, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250992204082012161", "label": "awww", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 1168, "original_id": "1250908038917210123", "reply_id": "1250919292314542081", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m drunk DM’ing all of you tonight. Going to be so hot."} {"idx": 1169, "original_id": "1251230016656084993", "reply_id": "1251244230384680960", "label": "shocked", "text": "Welp. Can’t lose an election by mail in ballots if there’s no post office. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️"} {"idx": 1176, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251106242451304454", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 1179, "original_id": "1250910844856045568", "reply_id": "1250916627425554433", "label": "please", "text": "Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on @sportsradiokjr regarding football this fall: \"If I had a dollar to bet I'd bet that we'd have football in the fall. But the virus has a vote in this.\""} {"idx": 1181, "original_id": "1250820656205377536", "reply_id": "1250943565368373253", "label": "yes", "text": "I paid my rent up til August with my lil trumpy trump check"} {"idx": 1184, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251014055327748098", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 1187, "original_id": "1250942814948491265", "reply_id": "1250943129760473093", "label": "popcorn", "text": "East Coast!!! Grab ya snacks!!! #Brooklyn99 in less than 10 min!!!"} {"idx": 1191, "original_id": "1250888103923011584", "reply_id": "1250889383986655232", "label": "seriously", "text": "Wisconsin = May 27, Ohio = May 1, IL = TBD. Coalition sounding about right lol"} {"idx": 1192, "original_id": "1250962356357611520", "reply_id": "1250963751441969156", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is not a good day 😭"} {"idx": 1195, "original_id": "1250812323608043523", "reply_id": "1250846811323011072", "label": "hug", "text": "Stop romanticizing the people who hurt you."} {"idx": 1201, "original_id": "1250904557925826560", "reply_id": "1250905033228587009", "label": "applause", "text": "IF YOU WANT A NINETENDO SWITCH, CHECK BEST BUY NOW"} {"idx": 1202, "original_id": "1251155027097346048", "reply_id": "1251155464135380994", "label": "dance", "text": "What that da baby album soundin like?"} {"idx": 1203, "original_id": "1251185755227148289", "reply_id": "1251195442588790787", "label": "oops", "text": "Does Trump not realize how self-defeating it is to incite mass COVID-19 protests among his base when everyone else is staying inside?\n\nWithin days, we're going to see reports about how people attending these protests are coming down with symptoms.\n\nHe’s harming his own voters."} {"idx": 1206, "original_id": "1251205716251226112", "reply_id": "1251214099209388035", "label": "yes", "text": "Hubby is corona free! Hooray! Test came back negative 😬😬😬"} {"idx": 1208, "original_id": "1250853093400592387", "reply_id": "1251011417689468929", "label": "yes", "text": "Every single workplace in the US should take this opportunity to unionize right now. If you're wondering how & where, contact the One Big Union: @iww \n\n\"Organize in one big union & fight for a chance to live as human beings should live. All together now and victory will be ours.\""} {"idx": 1209, "original_id": "1250986564907225093", "reply_id": "1250990128559869953", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Dad bod >"} {"idx": 1218, "original_id": "1250931707395616768", "reply_id": "1250935970716942338", "label": "awww", "text": "Missing my babies @itsbimbooni @MhizEirene"} {"idx": 1222, "original_id": "1251140902216773632", "reply_id": "1251142381279121417", "label": "awww", "text": "Hey STANS,\n\nI trust that y'all are good? Anyways, from our camp we've got a special announcement to make to y'all.\n\nY'all stay tuned by 5PM today. Get your excitement gas on. Let's do this.\n\nNPND WDSPFF. 💎\n\n#IykeresaTheContent \n#KetchingUpWithIykeresa"} {"idx": 1224, "original_id": "1251015107800231939", "reply_id": "1251015845473476609", "label": "yes", "text": "Played video games with friends for the first time in what feels like months and it felt amazing!"} {"idx": 1225, "original_id": "1251152430575706114", "reply_id": "1251153104633950210", "label": "no", "text": "On an unrelated note: marmite tastes like shit and that’s the tea for today"} {"idx": 1227, "original_id": "1250932492044914689", "reply_id": "1251010682511736832", "label": "shocked", "text": "Where all the loyal men at??"} {"idx": 1229, "original_id": "1250818504934264832", "reply_id": "1250834649305268228", "label": "shrug", "text": "I just tried cream of wheat for the first time and that was the most disrespectful taste I’ve had in a long time. Taste poor. 0/10 do not recommend 🤢"} {"idx": 1232, "original_id": "1250842743728979968", "reply_id": "1250961406360301568", "label": "dance", "text": "Dawg I really met Crook. That’s so crazy. As an artist and producer, it was a strong push for me...but skip all that...as A FAN...I’m still speechless lol"} {"idx": 1233, "original_id": "1250864383061712896", "reply_id": "1250909842723663872", "label": "scared", "text": "What’s cool is that I’m in complete denial about my job and lease both ending in the middle of a pandemic and like the highest unemployment rates ever hahaha"} {"idx": 1234, "original_id": "1250846392265965572", "reply_id": "1250849925249634304", "label": "applause", "text": "Despite the moratorium on evictions, my inbox is full of people who are being harassed by their landlords despite not having any money.\n\nWe need @GovMurphy & progressives like @AOC to endorse a concrete policy to #CancelRentUSA NOW!"} {"idx": 1235, "original_id": "1250828711890427904", "reply_id": "1250908421785890816", "label": "shocked", "text": "dr oz isn't a doctor"} {"idx": 1236, "original_id": "1251007844197044224", "reply_id": "1251018594156195842", "label": "shocked", "text": "“cum is salty. so is playdough. they’re trying to get young girls ready for the future.”"} {"idx": 1239, "original_id": "1250861300915351557", "reply_id": "1250864334949027842", "label": "ok", "text": "BREAKING NEWS: Brad Marchand said he doesn't really trash talk anymore."} {"idx": 1241, "original_id": "1250870084832296962", "reply_id": "1250870186921660422", "label": "yes", "text": "Skate 4 please ...."} {"idx": 1242, "original_id": "1250880613495824386", "reply_id": "1250882759964405763", "label": "no", "text": "parks and rec is better than the office. i do declare!"} {"idx": 1246, "original_id": "1251242989302710274", "reply_id": "1251248783507238913", "label": "awww", "text": "There's a rumor going around that I dropped $50 million into my campaign."} {"idx": 1247, "original_id": "1250855283326439427", "reply_id": "1250855758310359040", "label": "sigh", "text": "T\nO\nM\nP\nA"} {"idx": 1248, "original_id": "1250993811570003969", "reply_id": "1250994041921167363", "label": "popcorn", "text": "So you know how I spammed sketches I didn't finished?? Well let me spam today sketch that I'm doing bc I'm. Bored and I have no internet🤩🤩🤩🤩"} {"idx": 1250, "original_id": "1250938843236388864", "reply_id": "1250987950503890945", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all doing a zoom draft party?"} {"idx": 1251, "original_id": "1251071452956286981", "reply_id": "1251081822118703109", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "You have to be cold blooded to have sex with your wife just before putting a bullet in her head #ForensicFiles"} {"idx": 1256, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250880124012158982", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 1257, "original_id": "1250640153418186752", "reply_id": "1251225059508830209", "label": "smh", "text": "KAILAN MATUTULOY ANG IPINANGAKONG MASS TESTING?\n\nWe already have the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asia with minimal testing. W/out testing, we're acting blind & exposing the vulnerable--old, poor, & the jobless. There will be no choice but to extend the lockdown."} {"idx": 1258, "original_id": "1250921442444816386", "reply_id": "1250922011448225792", "label": "hug", "text": "i wanna be hugged for like a straight week"} {"idx": 1259, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250857293748584449", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 1260, "original_id": "1250956004440911877", "reply_id": "1250959495888592897", "label": "applause", "text": "12-team PPR Draft from the No. 5 spot (UPDATED): \n\nAlvin Kamara\nAustin Ekeler\nCooper Kupp\nZach Ertz\nDeVante Parker\nDamien Williams\nJosh Allen\nBrandin Cooks\nDarius Slayton \n\n#TeamHuevos #FantasyFootball"} {"idx": 1261, "original_id": "1250953173721899010", "reply_id": "1250954173618814976", "label": "agree", "text": "should i text her"} {"idx": 1262, "original_id": "1250861742349000704", "reply_id": "1251060029333164033", "label": "hug", "text": "How's quarintine going, you ask? \n\nI cried the whole 50 minute session with my therapist, bought a banjo, and now I'm going to day drink and think about my exgirlfriend. \n\nSo yeah, I'm doing great."} {"idx": 1265, "original_id": "1250970206240792577", "reply_id": "1250971302019596292", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Big of you, Zach LaVine. You're a two-time Dunk Contest champ & you resorted to using leaping acrobatics to beat an Allie Quigley who readily admitted she doesn't have the ups. You made the 2nd most threes ever in an NBA game, and you were afraid to challenge her from distance."} {"idx": 1266, "original_id": "1251163805083721729", "reply_id": "1251168907957800962", "label": "thank_you", "text": "GM, $AXXA received requests for words of wisdom. I've got to t/c of transfers related to the castle, heating paint, and 60-Unit dev project. Following up on a bank loan program for TWT. I'll drop a few lines later, in the meantime can someone tell us a few words on tech analysis?"} {"idx": 1269, "original_id": "1250826001606737920", "reply_id": "1250848606405513217", "label": "yawn", "text": "The UK shutdown has been extended for three weeks. Good. It mustn’t be ended prematurely. \n\nThe Government must now ensure all non-essential workplaces are shut - with the workers' incomes protected. \n\nAnd all key workers must get the protective equipment they desperately need."} {"idx": 1272, "original_id": "1250727988095844353", "reply_id": "1250833353852493825", "label": "smh", "text": "Last 32 no.5 today both away kits including @Millermick2 favorite #rufc"} {"idx": 1274, "original_id": "1251103657099169794", "reply_id": "1251103959655251968", "label": "want", "text": "Any guys missing the bro hug?\n\nNo? \n\nThen let that be a fucking lesson to you touchy-feely types. \n\ntwats"} {"idx": 1278, "original_id": "1251182503529975808", "reply_id": "1251182754110287873", "label": "dance", "text": "Nobody: \nLainee: I have a case of Smirnoff and peppermint for us \n\n😳😳😳😳😂🤚🏼"} {"idx": 1279, "original_id": "1251004224034476032", "reply_id": "1251009984218968064", "label": "hug", "text": "Hey guys, welcome back to channel tonight we’re going to continue being a miserable sad bitch like every other night"} {"idx": 1280, "original_id": "1251130150143614979", "reply_id": "1251145383104753669", "label": "yes", "text": "Some listeners are hammering on WI Republicans harder than Governor Evers. That's foolish. \nYour fellow Wisconsinites were dumb enough to put a Democrat in the Governor's Mansion. \nElections have consequences."} {"idx": 1283, "original_id": "1251083562041966593", "reply_id": "1251084073436618752", "label": "agree", "text": "Don't look at your emails when you are on annual leave."} {"idx": 1286, "original_id": "1251176358375559168", "reply_id": "1251177589428891649", "label": "yes", "text": "I would do unspeakable things for a tub of Ben & Jerry’s right now I swear. 👋🏻🤤"} {"idx": 1288, "original_id": "1250965955556937729", "reply_id": "1250986972274987009", "label": "hug", "text": "Just had one of the saddest breakdowns I’ve had in a while. Don’t think I’ve cried as much"} {"idx": 1289, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1250971091893399558", "label": "agree", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 1291, "original_id": "1250947027824865286", "reply_id": "1251008993700597760", "label": "yes", "text": "would you e date me?"} {"idx": 1292, "original_id": "1250922332895485955", "reply_id": "1250922606007586817", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Today I am also authorizing every governor of every state to determine the timing and manner of their quarantine and reopening."} {"idx": 1294, "original_id": "1251018201128816650", "reply_id": "1251022630494171137", "label": "oops", "text": "i’m gonna need @aIyciamarie to get on animal crossing now"} {"idx": 1298, "original_id": "1250869324572737536", "reply_id": "1251066458597138432", "label": "applause", "text": "As we go through life and seemingly become more intelligent; we get more degrees, we read more books, we listen to more podcasts. It becomes more difficult to heed the call to not lean on our own understanding. However, we should never deceive ourselves to think we know better."} {"idx": 1299, "original_id": "1250860276238319617", "reply_id": "1250873064394391552", "label": "idk", "text": "Worst part about dating is investing your time to someone who truly never gave two fucks."} {"idx": 1301, "original_id": "1250840398173519880", "reply_id": "1250841685422202881", "label": "yes", "text": "3 more weeks of “Ask me a question” and “30 day song challenge” on Instagram. We’re in the ghetto man😪"} {"idx": 1302, "original_id": "1250830880869888000", "reply_id": "1250864192690814976", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m humbled to be named to President @realDonaldTrump’s Congressional Economic Task Force and look forward to helping get us all back to work."} {"idx": 1303, "original_id": "1250979186593980417", "reply_id": "1251151448982736898", "label": "popcorn", "text": "The modern atheism does not reject God because he accepts Reason.\n\nRather he rejects God BECAUSE he rejects Reason. \n\nHe will always substitute some lesser thing for Reason, e.g. Empiricism, or the Scientific Method, etc. But his deepest belief is that Reason CANNOT KNOW Reality."} {"idx": 1304, "original_id": "1251022526286831617", "reply_id": "1251028695009157126", "label": "shocked", "text": "TL sleep ????!!! Fantastic ..... I HATE grits 🤷🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 1308, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251192050579472385", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 1309, "original_id": "1251218198927720448", "reply_id": "1251256523281620995", "label": "no", "text": "Guys we are doing just fine without Alcohol. Right? 😪"} {"idx": 1311, "original_id": "1250934323756269568", "reply_id": "1250934775080255490", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "@gi1gal is really calling me out hardcore today..."} {"idx": 1315, "original_id": "1251188639800975360", "reply_id": "1251189105523748864", "label": "agree", "text": "Any experimental vaccines for the virus should be tested on all politicians first. \n\nThen, I will still not get one."} {"idx": 1316, "original_id": "1250945332797673474", "reply_id": "1250954464997113857", "label": "seriously", "text": "Another successful prayer meeting..........😇"} {"idx": 1320, "original_id": "1250938796843175938", "reply_id": "1250939843061874688", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I'm not allowed to own a slot machine manufactured after 1941 because I live in New Jersey. \n\nI found one called FROG PRINCE that I wanted to add to my basement office so badly. Dammit. This is oppression."} {"idx": 1324, "original_id": "1250802086314475523", "reply_id": "1251040958474596352", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm having such a tough work week BUT then I think to myself shit Ang at least you still have a job."} {"idx": 1328, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251199703083036677", "label": "smh", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 1330, "original_id": "1250833032333996035", "reply_id": "1250833767759056898", "label": "applause", "text": "I'll be back on Monday\n\nWho's hyped? 🤔"} {"idx": 1332, "original_id": "1250851888246865920", "reply_id": "1250943036080652294", "label": "smh", "text": "Why would Warren want to Vice President when she's already President of the Warren Democrats"} {"idx": 1334, "original_id": "1251202291585232899", "reply_id": "1251242918901428225", "label": "seriously", "text": "If schools and day cares are still going to be closed....exactly how do they plan on sending ppl back to work...."} {"idx": 1335, "original_id": "1250829088266186758", "reply_id": "1250845489387487232", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Honored to have just been appointed by @realDonaldTrump to the @WhiteHouse Task Force on Reopening the Economy. We need to get our economy roaring again. Honored to get to work to do so precisely & carefully, avoid another outbreak & help our nation emerge stronger than ever!"} {"idx": 1336, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250885165221634066", "label": "shrug", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 1337, "original_id": "1250803182915203072", "reply_id": "1250894277410009089", "label": "awww", "text": "@trizzhayybee just so you kno"} {"idx": 1341, "original_id": "1250895203705053184", "reply_id": "1250896380735877120", "label": "applause", "text": "Good night or rather good morning only to Gotye \n\nHe’s just somebody that I used to know"} {"idx": 1342, "original_id": "1250895625731944453", "reply_id": "1250922854666825728", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Me (on bookstagram): wears Read Latinx \n\nMe: shouts out Latinx authors\n\nMe: asks which Latinx classics should I add to my shelves\n\nComment: Oscar Wilde\n\nMe: 😬😬😬 tells person politely he’s not Latinx\n\nComment: oh, I don’t pay attention to nationalities/ethnicity \n\nMe: 😬😬😬"} {"idx": 1343, "original_id": "1250649829505712128", "reply_id": "1251114775322525696", "label": "hug", "text": "These are unprecedented times we are living in but I just can't wrap my head around laying my grandmother to rest without hugs from family and friends. 💔\n\n#ThursdayThoughts #thursdaymorning #SocialDistancing\n#hugs #RestInPeace #Grandma"} {"idx": 1344, "original_id": "1250827122995855361", "reply_id": "1251152966976823297", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "The good news tonight is that the infection rate R is now below 1 ie each infected person is infecting fewer than one other person. If it stays that way the lockdown can & will be eased"} {"idx": 1350, "original_id": "1251155102947135491", "reply_id": "1251166520438394880", "label": "scared", "text": "This guy on IG asked if i broke up with my man, i said no? Then he said how bad it would be to break up during quarantine and proceeded to offer me a bedroom in his house worst case if we break up. Sir.."} {"idx": 1353, "original_id": "1250907092921319424", "reply_id": "1250909266933940226", "label": "scared", "text": "I feel like we will get blonde Shownu I don't know why but I just feel it\n\n WHAT IF WE REALLY GET BLONDE SHOWNU\n\nMOMMY PICK ME UP I'M NOT READY TO DIE YET"} {"idx": 1354, "original_id": "1250969851528572929", "reply_id": "1250970824967770113", "label": "shocked", "text": "I finished the bottle of jack daniels already 🥺😢"} {"idx": 1358, "original_id": "1251133875306344450", "reply_id": "1251134718449520641", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Not another person saying that Nik and Gwen had 0 sexual chemistry as Jaime and Brienne, have we seen the same show?"} {"idx": 1360, "original_id": "1250838278967906304", "reply_id": "1250838673404203008", "label": "hug", "text": "this lighter i bought like two weeks ago is already out of fluid. wamp."} {"idx": 1364, "original_id": "1251148952503676932", "reply_id": "1251149746711879691", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "why did the baby cross the road\n\nhow can she cross the road she can’t even walk"} {"idx": 1366, "original_id": "1251020660161347585", "reply_id": "1251235588939886593", "label": "hug", "text": "Couldn't visit him in the hospital. Couldn't say goodbye. Can't have a funeral. Can't have a Shiva house. My father is dead and these people talk about it like it's nothing."} {"idx": 1371, "original_id": "1250957498372239363", "reply_id": "1251137504482394113", "label": "yes", "text": "Trying to do important things to make this time count*\n\n*Writing a letter to Pepperidge Farm because these flavor blasted goldfish are definitely not flavor blasted"} {"idx": 1373, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251071660200849408", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 1379, "original_id": "1250973073077088257", "reply_id": "1250979768947834886", "label": "seriously", "text": "While Nancy Pelosi shows off her $25,000 refrigerator and $13 tubs of ice cream,\n\nThere are over 150,000 people living homeless in the state of California.\n\nLet that sink in."} {"idx": 1382, "original_id": "1250816090973679616", "reply_id": "1250839112011190273", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Shoutout: \n@vintagejohnny84 \n@RedMilePodcast\n@leahflame\n@chaser321\n@cgytradecentral\n@NathanW_yyc\n@Fan960Steinberg\n@SNRyanPinder\n@fan960lou\n@JayWasney7\n@WShep1995\n@960boomer\n@commie22\n@Idntgivetkachuk\n@DownWithPopo\n@RickTulsie\n@InTheDomePod\n@Fan960Wills\n@cbcDougDirks\n@CofDead1"} {"idx": 1385, "original_id": "1250911304979746816", "reply_id": "1251015556255240192", "label": "scared", "text": "Folks, I have a BIG BIG announcement coming tomorrow night at 9 PM EST"} {"idx": 1386, "original_id": "1251120290328952832", "reply_id": "1251148335987089408", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’m getting real tired of opening Snapchat and instagram and seeing people post pics of them out with their friends and family who don’t live with them and then hearing those same people ask why we have to keep doing this...YOU are the reason! Stay home!"} {"idx": 1389, "original_id": "1250846252125872128", "reply_id": "1251103935164801025", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm 45, got East End heritage, in the blood West Ham Fan, and I don't like Pie, Mash & Liquor. There, I've finally said it."} {"idx": 1390, "original_id": "1251213149157670921", "reply_id": "1251216140812025856", "label": "agree", "text": "A dreaded terrorist leader like Shekau can be subdued in a few weeks yet the war on Boko Haram had been raging on for over a decade?\n\nIt's painful to imagine the extent of lives destroyed & damage done over an 18 year period.\n\nAlthough late, I'll choose to rejoice with success."} {"idx": 1392, "original_id": "1250876975062880256", "reply_id": "1250878384227434496", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy Happy Birthday!!"} {"idx": 1393, "original_id": "1250834045665189891", "reply_id": "1250836213180911616", "label": "win", "text": "# GP SHOTS:\nR1- # 4-JOST SAYING,WHAT A RIDE BY TYLER!"} {"idx": 1394, "original_id": "1250831085790994434", "reply_id": "1250875736669315072", "label": "yes", "text": "Is the practice of morning pages as magical as I’ve heard?"} {"idx": 1395, "original_id": "1251123267307520004", "reply_id": "1251124279132946434", "label": "dance", "text": "☀️ good morning!🌞"} {"idx": 1398, "original_id": "1250994623796871169", "reply_id": "1251001209424666624", "label": "idk", "text": "The LeBron fans doing all they can to convince themselves Jordan not the greatest before the documentary hits Sunday hahaha."} {"idx": 1401, "original_id": "1251076612919037952", "reply_id": "1251270301234724868", "label": "yes", "text": "Can we cuddle with my d*ck in ur ass :)"} {"idx": 1403, "original_id": "1251259592312578050", "reply_id": "1251259767642865664", "label": "applause", "text": "today\n\nis a day"} {"idx": 1407, "original_id": "1250931942624763904", "reply_id": "1250950268717543424", "label": "smh", "text": "Breaking News: Breaking: NYC Mayor Deblasio tells Bill Hemmer that the city will start to reopen in July or August at the earliest."} {"idx": 1408, "original_id": "1251059832964038656", "reply_id": "1251060954202177536", "label": "idk", "text": "damn what did i do to lose the @DebatingHipHop_ follow 😔"} {"idx": 1409, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250939219956072448", "label": "shrug", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 1410, "original_id": "1250985024582832128", "reply_id": "1250995816174624769", "label": "shocked", "text": "I fucking love overwatch comp. Everyone acting like a pussy always leaving mid game. Don't fucking play comp if you can't handle a L or losing 1 round get off the game"} {"idx": 1411, "original_id": "1251088386787598336", "reply_id": "1251101651789807616", "label": "yes", "text": "I’d like my football back now please 😔 thank you."} {"idx": 1413, "original_id": "1251152182176477186", "reply_id": "1251155496267988992", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Friends, I vowed never to do a giveaway again here. I have been doing my thing quietly and privately. However, I see what you guys are going through. The hunger is real. Mazi is not wicked. He cares. By Sunday, we shall unveil. #MaziLastTwitterPublicGiveaway"} {"idx": 1415, "original_id": "1251248212519903233", "reply_id": "1251249375344570369", "label": "shocked", "text": "Is that what they mean by 'ramming it in'?🐏🐏🐏\nThat poor sheep!!\n#Gogglebox"} {"idx": 1416, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251086224153931776", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 1420, "original_id": "1251007014735495169", "reply_id": "1251136406988021761", "label": "applause", "text": "I hate my sister so damn much, she brings her friends and her friends is so annoying, minta kenalan dan lainya, girl i don't eat pussy, i eat dick! Girl, i'm done."} {"idx": 1421, "original_id": "1250777295507333120", "reply_id": "1250841404416262144", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Confidence."} {"idx": 1423, "original_id": "1251056356439863296", "reply_id": "1251073096997654528", "label": "smh", "text": "BREAKING: Hundreds of people gather on Westminster Bridge to applaud the NHS staff who will be treating them for coronavirus next week."} {"idx": 1428, "original_id": "1250855032238608384", "reply_id": "1250912101557829634", "label": "yes", "text": "My friend has waited YEARS to have a child. Baby shower? Canceled. Boss’s wedding? Canceled. Dad’s funeral? Canceled. \n\nJobs? Canceled. \nGardening? Canceled. \n\nThey are literally sucking the joy out of life. \n\nI’m done. Done. \n\nIf you don’t want tyranny, you’d better be too."} {"idx": 1429, "original_id": "1250915896467623936", "reply_id": "1250942137945870338", "label": "wink", "text": "National horny day and my dms dry 😔"} {"idx": 1430, "original_id": "1250868763580420098", "reply_id": "1250882278462554112", "label": "please", "text": "i made my header a picture of my ass cause i can 🍋"} {"idx": 1431, "original_id": "1250883811530989584", "reply_id": "1250884396543926272", "label": "applause", "text": "Oh my god I officially have a job as a graduate research assistant in SOME capacity in my thesis lab this summer THANK GOD.\n\nNo details yet but I don't care lol."} {"idx": 1433, "original_id": "1250897989175873541", "reply_id": "1251169868583448576", "label": "agree", "text": "Just a reminder that i'd rather lose you than an argument💙"} {"idx": 1434, "original_id": "1251266577556791298", "reply_id": "1251267362172665865", "label": "applause", "text": "⚡️Recruiting ONE person to omen that likes this tweet and responds⚡️\n\n🔴Must follow @OmenOrigins_"} {"idx": 1438, "original_id": "1251130184008425472", "reply_id": "1251131629139103745", "label": "popcorn", "text": "So the @accnetwork showing GT’s ACC championship victory that didn’t happened @ 1 pm. Y’all make sure y’all check out the non existent gm"} {"idx": 1439, "original_id": "1251213265889198080", "reply_id": "1251226457679921153", "label": "applause", "text": "So my brothers ex hit him up after cheating on him a breaking his heart the bitch was sobbing for him apologizing to him! He said he never felt better 😆"} {"idx": 1440, "original_id": "1251217588262223872", "reply_id": "1251236396343463936", "label": "smh", "text": "Glad my folks don’t charge me for liquor runs, y’all crazy taxing $15 on top of the bottle sheesh 😩😂"} {"idx": 1441, "original_id": "1250787847256395776", "reply_id": "1250833814080888832", "label": "applause", "text": "I just ate the whole container of raspberries."} {"idx": 1445, "original_id": "1251242570799362049", "reply_id": "1251243320740925442", "label": "applause", "text": "SOLO has joined the call\nGRUBER has joined the call\nCHRISTIAN ANDERSEN has joined the call\nZIMMER has joined the call\n\n-ahem. yes...thank you all for carving out the time to attend this all-Hans meeting"} {"idx": 1447, "original_id": "1251002304289026048", "reply_id": "1251002564818206721", "label": "no", "text": "Lil Pump the GOAT"} {"idx": 1448, "original_id": "1251137797781630977", "reply_id": "1251138223990063105", "label": "popcorn", "text": "HOLY SHIT THESE STUDENTS ARE ABSOLUTE FUCKING SHIT!"} {"idx": 1449, "original_id": "1250874293837115392", "reply_id": "1250874763456548864", "label": "shocked", "text": "Can’t stop thinking about the body they found in the pool next to my house"} {"idx": 1450, "original_id": "1251270802416287745", "reply_id": "1251272357005623298", "label": "agree", "text": "”We must be willing to let\ngo of the life we planned\nso as to have the life that\nis waiting for us.”\n\n- Joseph Campbell"} {"idx": 1451, "original_id": "1250932752603635713", "reply_id": "1250932854986387456", "label": "agree", "text": "Hey @StJohnsBBall i miss you :( #sjubb"} {"idx": 1453, "original_id": "1251211747027046400", "reply_id": "1251213495808348165", "label": "high_five", "text": "My razer support guy just subscribed to me on Twitch. Am I famous yet?"} {"idx": 1455, "original_id": "1251025570843947008", "reply_id": "1251031721543229445", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I have 1 more hour and 9 minutes of being 28. The excitement is building."} {"idx": 1461, "original_id": "1251000567993782272", "reply_id": "1251166541766447106", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "We are excited to announce that the first episode of our podcast will be available in early May! #StarTrek #Voyager #StarTrekVoyager #TomParis #HarryKim #TheDeltaFlyers"} {"idx": 1463, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251116786809962498", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 1464, "original_id": "1250981481402392577", "reply_id": "1250994925325279232", "label": "want", "text": "hoarding lactaid"} {"idx": 1465, "original_id": "1251153185873358848", "reply_id": "1251185150727278593", "label": "agree", "text": "Apparently it was ok for the rich to be #NeverBernie\n\nThe idea of them not voting for Bernie was a \"duh\".\n\nBut when poor and working class people refuse to vote for a neoliberal capitalist candidate they are called \"selfish and privileged\"\n\nExplain to me how this makes sense?"} {"idx": 1466, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250937684786327556", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 1467, "original_id": "1251008031959244800", "reply_id": "1251008455726583808", "label": "shocked", "text": "@queeneech well forgive me"} {"idx": 1469, "original_id": "1250710164304531458", "reply_id": "1250834643701633026", "label": "applause", "text": "TL sleep??\n\nChicken foot nuh fi eat because chicken nuh wash dem foot."} {"idx": 1472, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250970897827143685", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 1474, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1250834641403158529", "label": "applause", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 1477, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250960969402142720", "label": "idk", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 1479, "original_id": "1250978377701511170", "reply_id": "1251247933128871937", "label": "yawn", "text": "Ten thousand people in line at a food bank in Texas while Nancy Pelosi is eating ice cream that cost $12 a pint. Maybe we should refer to her as Nancy “let them eat ice cream” Pelosi."} {"idx": 1480, "original_id": "1250884882944974849", "reply_id": "1250894661348216832", "label": "shocked", "text": "In one word only....\n\nHow are you feeling about the minimum 3 more weeks lockdown extension ?"} {"idx": 1481, "original_id": "1250858865828278272", "reply_id": "1250877095753977856", "label": "smh", "text": "I think I wanna get a gold tooth 🤔🔥"} {"idx": 1484, "original_id": "1251099175216771073", "reply_id": "1251167770948988929", "label": "yes", "text": "Only one thing to do at a time like this..... dab my lil tits off"} {"idx": 1485, "original_id": "1250946151517261825", "reply_id": "1250948813021491200", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Damnnn, we would be checking into our @coachella house right about now! ☹️"} {"idx": 1486, "original_id": "1251013410105540608", "reply_id": "1251013628846882817", "label": "awww", "text": "not a man saying that hes falling in love with me"} {"idx": 1487, "original_id": "1250871081168224259", "reply_id": "1250890727091064833", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "When the breasts be spilling out of all sides of the bra 🤤🤤🤤"} {"idx": 1490, "original_id": "1250884914511306764", "reply_id": "1250916328149602304", "label": "agree", "text": "Daniel Jeremiah believes the #Bills would be a fun fit for WR Bryan Edwards. Compared Edwards to Chris Godwin. #BillsMafia"} {"idx": 1492, "original_id": "1251099237158236162", "reply_id": "1251099855797149696", "label": "agree", "text": "I am missing going out to see some live music. 😭"} {"idx": 1493, "original_id": "1250852456411607052", "reply_id": "1250857841776226310", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Old guy: new music isn’t rock! Real rock is tight androgynous clothes, long luxurious hair puffed up high with lots of product. Galavanting around like a slut.\nMe: dude, your describing your wife, before she met you and was cool in the 80s.\nOld guy: NO IM TALKING MOTELY CRÜE!"} {"idx": 1497, "original_id": "1251185291999789056", "reply_id": "1251266491292381184", "label": "win", "text": "Onyx will be potty trained by the end of next week :) watch me! That’s my goal! @_CTEL_"} {"idx": 1500, "original_id": "1251243415385358336", "reply_id": "1251257626643529728", "label": "hug", "text": "If pain is a prison, let me out of the cell"} {"idx": 1501, "original_id": "1251216828627480576", "reply_id": "1251237574779244544", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Governor Cuomo rips into Trump: “He’s sitting at home watching TV, maybe he should get up and go to work.” In all fairness, he’s also tweeting."} {"idx": 1502, "original_id": "1250892803258777600", "reply_id": "1250893408366931968", "label": "applause", "text": "April 1944. The American consul in Spain took us to Alhama de Aragon, a health spa with natural springs. So I spent part of the war sheltering in place at a spa watching the girls in bikinis. Not bad😉 @HISTORY #shelteringinplace #Spain @SERLleida @THR @USATODAY"} {"idx": 1504, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251009746682830850", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 1505, "original_id": "1251250789181526018", "reply_id": "1251253723655032833", "label": "applause", "text": "Telling a girl she is a priority vs treating her like she is a priority are two completely different things."} {"idx": 1507, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251040727141769217", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 1509, "original_id": "1251216287973249024", "reply_id": "1251221072625586176", "label": "idk", "text": "Happy Friday! Let’s play the emoji game! \n\nGuess what exciting new thing the @ascdov has planned for you! Write your guesses below! \n\n👀🎙💬📢"} {"idx": 1512, "original_id": "1250925964063891461", "reply_id": "1251082852848013313", "label": "no", "text": "What if Rey is so powerfull because she also is a Chosen One? I mean, Palpatine impregnated Shmi, and The Chosen one came out. What if Palpatine tried to do it again, and he created another powerfull beeing? But with the knowledge he had from Anakin, this time he created+"} {"idx": 1513, "original_id": "1250941305968082948", "reply_id": "1250952030824345600", "label": "seriously", "text": "g herbo SUCK 😂 & don't get under this post tryna argue cos you can get hoed too."} {"idx": 1518, "original_id": "1251168498174136326", "reply_id": "1251168874101444608", "label": "oops", "text": "haha what if i made a small gc rn with my moots.... rt if u wanna... 😏😏"} {"idx": 1522, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251000219191345152", "label": "want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 1524, "original_id": "1250870730616520704", "reply_id": "1250961018869690371", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I support most religious and political views as long as we all recognize that Brown Sugar Cinnamon was the only Pop Tart worth a damn."} {"idx": 1525, "original_id": "1251005605558521857", "reply_id": "1251253704650625029", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug ;("} {"idx": 1526, "original_id": "1251001786271490051", "reply_id": "1251002624553320448", "label": "applause", "text": "My wife fell asleep watching Netflix with her earbuds in. I muted the volume and put on porn then slowly increased the volume\n\nI’m so excited for her to wake up."} {"idx": 1527, "original_id": "1251016914534453249", "reply_id": "1251023211401080832", "label": "wink", "text": "Andy Brayshaw or Adam Cerra? 🤔 It's not the only case of mistaken identity at Freo 👇 #foreverfreo"} {"idx": 1528, "original_id": "1251204494974746624", "reply_id": "1251220934872219652", "label": "applause", "text": "\"As a Minnesotan\" I say @realDonaldTrump can suck on our low case counts because we did the right thing, made the right sacrifices, and followed the smart plan of @GovTimWalz"} {"idx": 1529, "original_id": "1251013558130708480", "reply_id": "1251189186905989126", "label": "oops", "text": "Not so fun fact about me: \nI can’t swim. \nYou’re welcome to make fun of me. I deserve it 😂"} {"idx": 1530, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251261246038564866", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 1531, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251038771652333569", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 1535, "original_id": "1250834946610118656", "reply_id": "1250850978963824650", "label": "want", "text": "@wowlariss makes my life feel like a breeze. 💕"} {"idx": 1536, "original_id": "1251089892962009088", "reply_id": "1251125942853996544", "label": "applause", "text": "Jackson Carlaw has declared \"war\" on BBC Scotland over failures to scrutinise the SNP and ignoring opposition parties. We'll discuss the issue with Carlaw, Willie Rennie, Richard Leonard, Patrick Harvie, Jackie Baillie, Ruth Davidson and Gordon Brown in a 6-hour special."} {"idx": 1537, "original_id": "1251074534331031552", "reply_id": "1251077848334503937", "label": "sigh", "text": "In future they should let people with B practice Medicine. if with c+ can practice law why not medicine?"} {"idx": 1538, "original_id": "1251263683013083142", "reply_id": "1251264408845721600", "label": "oops", "text": "Omg I’ve suffered today, I went to all stores looking for yeast to make puff-puff, now this puffpuff isn’t rising 😭"} {"idx": 1544, "original_id": "1250834716057497600", "reply_id": "1250846984635891713", "label": "applause", "text": "It makes sense when you think about it. They grew up in Lil Xan, and we grew up on Kid Kudi."} {"idx": 1546, "original_id": "1250476234582175745", "reply_id": "1250959914190733313", "label": "win", "text": "I can’t wait to go grocery shopping so @JellyyBaby1027 chefboujayy can help me chef it up in the kitchen 🤣"} {"idx": 1549, "original_id": "1251184587172122629", "reply_id": "1251184794190393358", "label": "seriously", "text": "Lmao just realized I gotta do a elbow reveal..."} {"idx": 1552, "original_id": "1250792998046068738", "reply_id": "1250908890822324225", "label": "oops", "text": "Who tf drink white claw 🤣"} {"idx": 1553, "original_id": "1250861666578960389", "reply_id": "1250961201321910278", "label": "applause", "text": "We have a plan to start opening Ohio back up. It's going to be gradual- one thing after another. We want to do this in a thoughtful way that engenders confidence and ensures customers and employees are safe."} {"idx": 1554, "original_id": "1251254125167349761", "reply_id": "1251254316415008774", "label": "no", "text": "closing out the week strong by watching the ceo of a billion-dollar company on a livestream defend his 50% percent pay cut by arguing that in the grand scheme of ceos, he just isn't compensated that well"} {"idx": 1556, "original_id": "1250849053996453888", "reply_id": "1250868785248194560", "label": "ok", "text": "because after today we get our happily ever after STOP this is PAIN"} {"idx": 1560, "original_id": "1251249570560040962", "reply_id": "1251260200721346560", "label": "agree", "text": "I just ordered $90 worth of cookies. I’m fine."} {"idx": 1562, "original_id": "1250955708352397313", "reply_id": "1250967085804552192", "label": "agree", "text": "Are hotdogs a sandwich?"} {"idx": 1565, "original_id": "1251104471880470535", "reply_id": "1251119206579539969", "label": "seriously", "text": "What day we saying for #thegreatwolvesfryup @LondonishWolves @HUGEWolf @robstar1972 you playing again this week @Wrightgal80 😂"} {"idx": 1569, "original_id": "1250880313414135808", "reply_id": "1250881102740406273", "label": "applause", "text": "New video in a minute -- not really tech or home upgrade related. More of a pep talk I guess. I needed one, maybe you do to. 🤗"} {"idx": 1570, "original_id": "1250980578754625537", "reply_id": "1250988218515947521", "label": "yes", "text": "Please don’t tell me who or what to tweet about, and I’ll do the same for you. Thanks."} {"idx": 1572, "original_id": "1251271639964106752", "reply_id": "1251272347459485698", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctor"} {"idx": 1573, "original_id": "1250968129158742022", "reply_id": "1250968826889502720", "label": "seriously", "text": "Ava: I hate Marilyn Monroe\nEveryone: ???\nAva: jk I’ve never talked to her"} {"idx": 1574, "original_id": "1250926816912650240", "reply_id": "1250927609728454656", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I get positive vibes and hugs?"} {"idx": 1576, "original_id": "1250923016663576576", "reply_id": "1250996754495025152", "label": "dance", "text": "He keeps saying cities have low infection rates due to “a lot of talent.” How are they stopping the spread? Tap dancing?"} {"idx": 1578, "original_id": "1250818666121363456", "reply_id": "1251053255389577218", "label": "smh", "text": "Disappointed that @dominicraab refuses to give us any hope or encouragement about as and what form the easing of the lockdown will take"} {"idx": 1579, "original_id": "1250847547788275715", "reply_id": "1250848133665488901", "label": "awww", "text": "my niece: “do people eat cats?”\n\nme: “people eat all kinds of things all over the world”\n\nher: “that’s sad, I don’t like cats but no animal deserves to be eaten.....well except chickens they deserve to be eaten”\n\nMe: “but you like burgers”\n\nHer: “isn’t that chicken?”"} {"idx": 1584, "original_id": "1250929389497470979", "reply_id": "1250930085122670593", "label": "awww", "text": "Any actives for a 50$ giveaway?🤑"} {"idx": 1585, "original_id": "1251024345520111616", "reply_id": "1251024360154038272", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Freedom of speech is lost when you get into a relationship, and she is beautiful.🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣mana mapenz bwana,,,"} {"idx": 1587, "original_id": "1250813696818937857", "reply_id": "1250837819137769472", "label": "applause", "text": "Hats off to BMC 0f Mumbai . They have taken more tests than any other city or even any other state of India Highest number of test that is why highest number of positives who are immediately sent the treatment That is most effective of fighting and defeating corona. Thank you BMC"} {"idx": 1591, "original_id": "1251211583579176964", "reply_id": "1251264012848857091", "label": "agree", "text": "Hating men & dating men at the same time is an extreme sport. 1 sec, you’re hanging out with your girlfriends bashing men, the next, you’re on the hunt for a potential soulmate & you think this basic BS belief that “all men are scum” won’t attract you to more bash-worthy men? Smh"} {"idx": 1592, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251157249063415811", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 1593, "original_id": "1251096093946982400", "reply_id": "1251142507959812096", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Everyday I wake up I try and make the best of it. I keep myself busy, and planning ahead. Adding more personal, financial, and academic goals day by day. I refuse to let this pandemic take away all of the great things I have going for my life."} {"idx": 1594, "original_id": "1251260857373396995", "reply_id": "1251261809362960384", "label": "hug", "text": "Hug needed"} {"idx": 1596, "original_id": "1251090974597496833", "reply_id": "1251185413990912000", "label": "no", "text": "I disappoint everyone I meet"} {"idx": 1600, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251242746465128448", "label": "high_five", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 1601, "original_id": "1250935597339938823", "reply_id": "1250946039701438470", "label": "please", "text": "There is nothing better than the feeling of knowing you put the smile on someone’s face"} {"idx": 1605, "original_id": "1251019329304506368", "reply_id": "1251174804675334145", "label": "agree", "text": "Recorded a DnB set for @RAMrecordsltd tonight ... very happy widdit 😈"} {"idx": 1606, "original_id": "1251159987981742080", "reply_id": "1251160723327053826", "label": "agree", "text": "I predict that Boris Johnson will remerge in abut a month when the peak of this crisis is over. the press will treat him like the returning saviour that nearly died for his country. anyone?"} {"idx": 1607, "original_id": "1250943682921914368", "reply_id": "1250944045888598016", "label": "hug", "text": "Waiting to hear from hospital. \nFeeling super stressed and helpless."} {"idx": 1609, "original_id": "1250850647961858048", "reply_id": "1250859748418674688", "label": "agree", "text": "Reverse cowgirl is for assholes."} {"idx": 1610, "original_id": "1250931295531737090", "reply_id": "1251001568473886721", "label": "smh", "text": "Diddy and Van Jones are doing a live Saturday called... wait for it...\nThe Color of Covid"} {"idx": 1611, "original_id": "1250637508175675393", "reply_id": "1250876759811244033", "label": "applause", "text": "Here’s a fun little fact\n\nI stopped using tobacco a year ago today."} {"idx": 1615, "original_id": "1251197026152386560", "reply_id": "1251197758318444547", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I need someone to sit beside me and smack me if I get distracted I really need to finish two papers for two classes that are due Monday and Tuesday, I have not even one paragraph written for one and haven't even started the second."} {"idx": 1617, "original_id": "1251055863953006592", "reply_id": "1251218017813487624", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "There are 3 things guaranteed in life\n\n-Death\n-Taxes \n-And pro cod players tweeting something about “who’s up right now”"} {"idx": 1621, "original_id": "1250926973171503119", "reply_id": "1250946848866500608", "label": "omg", "text": "@reylo_prompts cw sex work, blood\n\nAfter vampires go public and live feeding is banned, Rey sells her neck to vamps illegally. One guy in particular is really.... Intense."} {"idx": 1622, "original_id": "1251168555359449088", "reply_id": "1251169539540373509", "label": "seriously", "text": "He who finds the truth must sacrifice the false!"} {"idx": 1623, "original_id": "1250893767814635520", "reply_id": "1251135127977164802", "label": "thank_you", "text": "This is gonna go down as one of the most memorable birthdays I've ever had, and that's all down to you guys! The generosity and kindness I've been shown has been incredible, and I've met some wonderful people who I hope will become friends. I honestly can't thank everyone enough"} {"idx": 1624, "original_id": "1250651559672807424", "reply_id": "1250911081180082180", "label": "applause", "text": "I know people read my tweets like oooo she thinks a lot of herself... yeah bitch I do I’m sorry you can’t relate to this feeling lmaoo"} {"idx": 1626, "original_id": "1250881030438842368", "reply_id": "1251030196431605760", "label": "seriously", "text": "I would like to say to @Ramyrrej2 she is the greatest prankster ever in the history of pranking please go and follow her and shout out to her"} {"idx": 1627, "original_id": "1251151320754487299", "reply_id": "1251156164303175683", "label": "no", "text": "Soooo...does this snow mean we all get our Christmas trees out again, or what?"} {"idx": 1629, "original_id": "1250900701288509442", "reply_id": "1250936643520999425", "label": "ok", "text": "Favorite comedian growing up?"} {"idx": 1632, "original_id": "1250813849848238091", "reply_id": "1250914915239563266", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Finally ❤️❤️❤️🎓"} {"idx": 1634, "original_id": "1251039099126857731", "reply_id": "1251040575744172032", "label": "no", "text": "When watching the daily 1pm covid-19 update, do you watch all the way through question time?"} {"idx": 1635, "original_id": "1251222389683294215", "reply_id": "1251222913598009344", "label": "agree", "text": "About recruit from Rec 😑"} {"idx": 1642, "original_id": "1250962185033039872", "reply_id": "1250963372276961280", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If it were not for the irresponsible behavior of the Chinese communist party there would be no #COVID19Pandemic \n\nThousands of Americans would still be alive and 22 million Americans would still be working at their jobs.\n\nChina is responsible. It is time to hold them to account."} {"idx": 1645, "original_id": "1250920699683917824", "reply_id": "1250922305330561026", "label": "yes", "text": "What did I ever do to deserve this acne on my face"} {"idx": 1648, "original_id": "1250931896684511234", "reply_id": "1250933143844147200", "label": "shocked", "text": "ill never forget the look on my AP english teacher’s face when i told her that “anime is basically literature but better” 😗"} {"idx": 1649, "original_id": "1250974266796974080", "reply_id": "1250985703346970627", "label": "agree", "text": "Single Parents is the funniest show on TV right now.\n#SingleParents"} {"idx": 1650, "original_id": "1251130637815132160", "reply_id": "1251139276592611328", "label": "no", "text": "important quarantine question: the milk in my fridge has a best by date of 4/17, i can drink it if i finish it today right?"} {"idx": 1651, "original_id": "1250807534409052160", "reply_id": "1250950387613360128", "label": "seriously", "text": "Nancy Pelosi is a despicable politican who doesn't care about her constituents or what’s best for America"} {"idx": 1652, "original_id": "1250840664646004742", "reply_id": "1250841740661137411", "label": "hug", "text": "Amigas ando thuper thentible."} {"idx": 1659, "original_id": "1250901515763499009", "reply_id": "1250918536173834240", "label": "eww", "text": "whys that on trending 😐"} {"idx": 1660, "original_id": "1251052937381646337", "reply_id": "1251053076590575616", "label": "smh", "text": "my parents are going to be upset tomorrow because they follow me on twitter and they look here to see what time i went to bed"} {"idx": 1662, "original_id": "1250856223638982656", "reply_id": "1250946659573469185", "label": "awww", "text": "I told my son I was looking for a picture of myself at 20 and he got all wide-eyed and asked if they had cameras in the olden days so I’ve cancelled his next three birthdays"} {"idx": 1664, "original_id": "1250666002683006977", "reply_id": "1251091978944684032", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Having to work longer than I expected smh."} {"idx": 1667, "original_id": "1250907508182528000", "reply_id": "1250938929378926592", "label": "hug", "text": "my baby brother, the nurse, is starting ER shifts at Einstein in Philly two weeks from now\n\nI am really, really proud of him and also just...oof"} {"idx": 1668, "original_id": "1250870013407432705", "reply_id": "1250877672286089216", "label": "yes", "text": "My hubby says it’s time to open up the country He says quarantine those that are infectious but let the healthy get back to work #QuarantineLife has got to end"} {"idx": 1670, "original_id": "1251176182533566465", "reply_id": "1251178487601401856", "label": "agree", "text": "Make sure that you fall in love with someone that is in love with you.\n\nThis is to avoid saying 'I love you' and getting 'Thank you' as a reply."} {"idx": 1672, "original_id": "1250876322768982016", "reply_id": "1250877016494288896", "label": "shocked", "text": "I feel like God was like look I need y’all to make babies and populate my earth to make it doable ima make it feel so good you gone wanna do it till you die."} {"idx": 1674, "original_id": "1250876130535657479", "reply_id": "1250922610508079105", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m thinking bout dropping a whole summer album once this quarantine is over. Back to the beachside vibes. \n\nWhat do y’all think?"} {"idx": 1675, "original_id": "1250817623782297602", "reply_id": "1250903211193577473", "label": "no", "text": "I aint stream in a couple days. Yall miss me"} {"idx": 1676, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250847586002632706", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 1677, "original_id": "1251180829981769730", "reply_id": "1251184455672307715", "label": "idk", "text": "Why are people posting pics of them at 20 now??"} {"idx": 1679, "original_id": "1251121361864589313", "reply_id": "1251146597632626688", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Jacksonville,Florida to re-open beaches. \nWTF is wrong with Florida?"} {"idx": 1680, "original_id": "1250808793249861637", "reply_id": "1250834807849996288", "label": "wink", "text": "Good Morning to everyone unless you have received your stimulus check"} {"idx": 1681, "original_id": "1251206345338040325", "reply_id": "1251207015218606080", "label": "agree", "text": "Raise your hand if you agree that Twitter should shut down Donald Trump’s account ✋\n\n(He is unhinged.)"} {"idx": 1684, "original_id": "1251177155393921024", "reply_id": "1251183883539841025", "label": "no", "text": "Ok, lunch time. Getting wings. I always get traditional (bone in). Can you really trust someone who gets boneless wings...lol..J/K #LIVEPD #LIVEPDFANS #LIVEPDNATION #winnerpickersdad"} {"idx": 1688, "original_id": "1251196509955198976", "reply_id": "1251201774922448897", "label": "hug", "text": "I Comic Can't RN #SDCC"} {"idx": 1689, "original_id": "1250875088661917696", "reply_id": "1250978843088674818", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "My 5yo daughter just now:\n\n“But daddy, for the lockdowns to work as advertised, ‘essential businesses’ would have to be magical virus-free zones or there isn’t any actual quarantine in effect. Isn’t it more likely the modeling was just wrong?”\n\nI’m in tears. Idk what to tell her."} {"idx": 1693, "original_id": "1251009456239972352", "reply_id": "1251030309413535744", "label": "dance", "text": "I didn’t even know DaBaby was dropping tn.... oh wow"} {"idx": 1694, "original_id": "1250932521635807234", "reply_id": "1251170347849863170", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "They always talk about the dick in the vagina but never the clit in the bellybutton"} {"idx": 1695, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250997261921812481", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 1696, "original_id": "1250967010542063626", "reply_id": "1250978018895572992", "label": "awww", "text": "I was telling @zabdulr97 the other day when we move to the burgh I wanna have a huge steeler tailgate with all of our friends here twitter and just get a suite to party watching the game. That’s the dream. I don’t have enough characters to name you all but you know who you are"} {"idx": 1699, "original_id": "1251123860432457729", "reply_id": "1251124182751965184", "label": "oops", "text": "so i’ve decided to misbehave"} {"idx": 1701, "original_id": "1250913088527896577", "reply_id": "1250914982457413633", "label": "seriously", "text": "BREAKING: Stanley Cup champion @tom_wilso will be having steak, quinoa, and asparagus for dinner."} {"idx": 1702, "original_id": "1250940277466042369", "reply_id": "1250940489223876611", "label": "popcorn", "text": "@bgey408 to @bslgy “I’m proud of you, you’ve haven’t been as much of an asshole lately.” Now they’re bickering"} {"idx": 1703, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250954164454080512", "label": "eww", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 1704, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250975794240860161", "label": "seriously", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 1705, "original_id": "1250449256433029120", "reply_id": "1250833604348907521", "label": "agree", "text": "Hello, my name's Rebecca. And My Little Pony songs are helping me endure right now."} {"idx": 1711, "original_id": "1251211150001405958", "reply_id": "1251266025707823104", "label": "yes", "text": "As a Virginian, I believe Gov. Northam is doing the right thing. The Democrats in this state are doing what we elected them to do.\n\nTrump is inciting rebellion and violence against our state government and putting us all in danger, IMO, an act of SEDITION."} {"idx": 1715, "original_id": "716498200102711296", "reply_id": "1251121973016567809", "label": "ok", "text": "I would hate being a dog mostly because if I go pee then I'd pee on my leg."} {"idx": 1716, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251221761649229824", "label": "applause", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 1717, "original_id": "1251195605474586625", "reply_id": "1251231064976011264", "label": "agree", "text": "LIBERATE AMERICA! Whoever is in charge of the Fedral goverment is doing a TERRIBLE job!!!"} {"idx": 1719, "original_id": "1250913382133350405", "reply_id": "1250915176611749894", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Remember the first time you read “c’mon” and you thought to yourself, wtf does SEEmon mean?"} {"idx": 1722, "original_id": "1251139133289852928", "reply_id": "1251151887107125255", "label": "hug", "text": "Gonna hit rock bottom, does anyone want anything?"} {"idx": 1723, "original_id": "1250989084635475969", "reply_id": "1250989816990269440", "label": "dance", "text": "I Think Ima Make A Only Fans Soon 😂 Oomf Keep Gassing Me"} {"idx": 1724, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251181008046751746", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 1725, "original_id": "1250953976050221057", "reply_id": "1250954880321228805", "label": "no", "text": "So bored I almost googled “Yakov Smirnoff sex tape”"} {"idx": 1726, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250873510332948480", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 1729, "original_id": "1250541722305773569", "reply_id": "1251096024585850881", "label": "agree", "text": "Cleveland sports needs re-branding. My plan to fix\nCleveland sports goes as follows..."} {"idx": 1733, "original_id": "1251213450874949632", "reply_id": "1251219923264843778", "label": "applause", "text": "Not gonna lie I actually enjoy an Indian takeaway over a chinese"} {"idx": 1734, "original_id": "1251188824241246214", "reply_id": "1251212555483320321", "label": "shocked", "text": "Wait. Miss J Alexander is 62 years old.\n\nIt just doesn't crack."} {"idx": 1735, "original_id": "1251214024446029824", "reply_id": "1251220631829397505", "label": "smh", "text": "Ballard, unprompted: “To be honest with you, I’d like more picks.”\n\n7 right now. Past 3 drafts: 8, 11 and 10 selections for Ballard."} {"idx": 1736, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251183957254836229", "label": "agree", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 1740, "original_id": "1250982333638823946", "reply_id": "1251001911668596739", "label": "hug", "text": "Sorry, gang. I fear my tweets are gonna probably be sappy or sexy for the foreseeable future. I didn’t catch The Rona. I caught the feels. And goddamnit I deserve them."} {"idx": 1743, "original_id": "1250846334585880576", "reply_id": "1251114755324076033", "label": "hearts", "text": "A special thank you to @benshorrock @thelifeofashUK @SianKWebb @ZaraNanu @gapsquare @TelecomInfraP for your kind gestures during these challenging times. Very much appreciated. 🌈"} {"idx": 1748, "original_id": "1250831971330043904", "reply_id": "1250947298500259846", "label": "yes", "text": "I’ve met the the fake I’ve met the real"} {"idx": 1749, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250934032851972098", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 1750, "original_id": "1250028358643089409", "reply_id": "1250874152078245889", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Re-live the incredible moment Andrea performs live, by invitation, at the Duomo di Milano, representing a message of love, healing and hope to Italy and the world"} {"idx": 1754, "original_id": "1251020062590468096", "reply_id": "1251100496049381376", "label": "yes", "text": "First and most important job of a wife is to cook healthy food for her husband and children. \n\nI repeat healthy food not tasty food."} {"idx": 1756, "original_id": "1250790050364829698", "reply_id": "1250950180645601282", "label": "no", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever trust Bill Gates?"} {"idx": 1758, "original_id": "1250933452238729216", "reply_id": "1250999282758488064", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "This week has not been great"} {"idx": 1761, "original_id": "1251025331860865025", "reply_id": "1251029298741379072", "label": "agree", "text": "no one:\n\nme: atsumu gets expert secret handjobs from sakusa while they're on a bus with their teammates"} {"idx": 1762, "original_id": "1250952451592765440", "reply_id": "1250960125814280201", "label": "shocked", "text": "Anyways, I almost died from choking on a bubble today in the bathtub"} {"idx": 1763, "original_id": "1251176527280078855", "reply_id": "1251189063094337537", "label": "applause", "text": "Joe Biden should be able to resume his rallies at any time. \n\nIt’s not difficult to get 13 people to stand 6 feet apart."} {"idx": 1765, "original_id": "1251045927307149313", "reply_id": "1251117018188832768", "label": "shocked", "text": "Going to be the only woman in my family with locs i can already hear the judgement now"} {"idx": 1768, "original_id": "1250954417370812417", "reply_id": "1250961988781391872", "label": "wink", "text": "Me 🤝fine girls"} {"idx": 1770, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250974067190108161", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 1771, "original_id": "1250924810118422528", "reply_id": "1250949056093982725", "label": "applause", "text": "50,000 words in #campNaNo!"} {"idx": 1773, "original_id": "1250644050077609984", "reply_id": "1250850758397837312", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you don’t like the way somebody tweets or the content of their tweets, before you self-righteously announce that you’re muting or unfollowing or blocking, please please understand that nobody gives a shit."} {"idx": 1776, "original_id": "1250885854467416087", "reply_id": "1250886000789708800", "label": "oops", "text": "Yo I got the funniest group going on with my boys @edls809 @lorddanubis @truevibesonly"} {"idx": 1782, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251062747212718080", "label": "yawn", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 1783, "original_id": "1251229559795716100", "reply_id": "1251240279186776066", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "We need to liberate New York and turn it RED"} {"idx": 1785, "original_id": "1251101228672704513", "reply_id": "1251130350249672706", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Good morning beautiful people🌞\nIt's FRIDAY!! It's been a rough week but I/we survived it! So smile, and be happy that we are here! Stay blessed and safe🙏🏼🙏🏼💕😊💜💚🧡💜💚🧡💜💚🧡💜💚😘😘😘😘"} {"idx": 1786, "original_id": "1251036452386824192", "reply_id": "1251037511037652992", "label": "kiss", "text": "I love my baby miamor she is literally my other half."} {"idx": 1788, "original_id": "1250871406763675648", "reply_id": "1250898674382778370", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m one of the youngest in my family but it seems like I’m the shoulder people choose to lean on. #ThisShoulderNeedsABreak"} {"idx": 1789, "original_id": "1250963040914341888", "reply_id": "1250963211085479936", "label": "shocked", "text": "For my birthday I want Whip cream licked out my asshole🥳"} {"idx": 1791, "original_id": "1250958205615845376", "reply_id": "1251127070677139456", "label": "ok", "text": "TL sleep?\nI love eating my man’s ass right out the shower. Shit"} {"idx": 1793, "original_id": "1251057816686731268", "reply_id": "1251064186995703808", "label": "applause", "text": "Never thought I'd be nostalgic for delayed trains......"} {"idx": 1794, "original_id": "1251024228582854657", "reply_id": "1251024566308102145", "label": "ok", "text": "Why My IBS Wants To Start Acting Up After I Shower, I Have No Idea"} {"idx": 1796, "original_id": "1250971450015506433", "reply_id": "1250971623764590592", "label": "oops", "text": "If your feet ain’t planted, you get crossed up 👹"} {"idx": 1800, "original_id": "1250504692511186946", "reply_id": "1250896147478122496", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "THREAD: Some thoughts on the Society of St. Pius X (because that’s what everyone wants more of, right?).\n\n(1) Like most “JPII Catholics” (which I was for over two decades), I long had a negative impression of the SSPX. But my opinions have developed in this regard over the years."} {"idx": 1801, "original_id": "1251209563275051011", "reply_id": "1251237914081558528", "label": "shocked", "text": "I finished my homework for the weekend.\n\nMight fuck around and read for PLEASURE"} {"idx": 1802, "original_id": "1250903742117040133", "reply_id": "1250906106190106624", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Schumer spox: Schumer and Pelosi staff spoke with Secretary Mnuchin and Treasury staff again this afternoon. Talks are ongoing"} {"idx": 1804, "original_id": "1250912098722426885", "reply_id": "1251018602033053696", "label": "agree", "text": "The best part about not watching the @realDonaldTrump rona rallies (which, again, @MSNBC and @CNN should stop airing live), is watching the people who are watching lose their shit on Twitter."} {"idx": 1814, "original_id": "1250956565076729862", "reply_id": "1250958470221881346", "label": "applause", "text": ".@SemiWasTaken has been appointed Ranger alongside @RangerMork and @xPunz."} {"idx": 1815, "original_id": "1250898260786589699", "reply_id": "1250898920252850176", "label": "yes", "text": "When’s The Rock gunna hit Joe Biden w/ the people’s elbow."} {"idx": 1816, "original_id": "1251193337140346880", "reply_id": "1251200921088020481", "label": "no", "text": "Small amount of plucked carpet in front of our office doors in our old apartment.\n\nLandlord/agent is claiming it'll cost £1000 to repair and they want our full deposit. I am livid."} {"idx": 1817, "original_id": "1250841133065793537", "reply_id": "1250842948951871488", "label": "yolo", "text": "Thanks #Shehnaazians ❤️\nMy 800 followers completed \nlove you all\n#ShehnaazGill \n#Shehnaazians"} {"idx": 1819, "original_id": "1250852531745566722", "reply_id": "1250870461572972551", "label": "applause", "text": "Got my masters degree 4 years ago and I just hung it up\n\nReally did it for my mom- she just wants to marvel at it next to my BA lol"} {"idx": 1820, "original_id": "1251179249685282818", "reply_id": "1251200171041529860", "label": "agree", "text": "You are magic and not everyone can handle magic."} {"idx": 1825, "original_id": "1250962840237867008", "reply_id": "1251172812716457985", "label": "eww", "text": "nocap im lowkey fw this regular twitter mode instead of night"} {"idx": 1826, "original_id": "1251253823684796416", "reply_id": "1251263253621039104", "label": "hug", "text": "Wow i really dont feel good"} {"idx": 1827, "original_id": "1250966473754972160", "reply_id": "1251231329368322051", "label": "applause", "text": "Alright. I think I’m getting to the point in which I’m ready to start back dating 😹"} {"idx": 1831, "original_id": "1250871064671862784", "reply_id": "1250873638997291010", "label": "eww", "text": "over here acting like ur hard but really u just a bitch"} {"idx": 1832, "original_id": "1251113118970925058", "reply_id": "1251114717382393857", "label": "hug", "text": "existing is hard today i wanna stay under my blanket n avoid everyone n everything ugh"} {"idx": 1836, "original_id": "1251253269856423938", "reply_id": "1251256039992942594", "label": "smh", "text": "I bought smoothie maker last year January and it is still in its pack"} {"idx": 1837, "original_id": "1250620710114021376", "reply_id": "1250880085164470272", "label": "shrug", "text": "why are guys WHORES"} {"idx": 1844, "original_id": "1250942487318814721", "reply_id": "1250942786490101761", "label": "ok", "text": "A full-strength 2019 49ers defense only truly broke down in final 11 minutes of the Super Bowl. And that took some real Mahomes magic. Kaepernick wasn’t on Mahomes’ level so I don’t think the Harbaugh 49ers would’ve been too successful against Saleh’s 2019 defense"} {"idx": 1846, "original_id": "1251254993941860352", "reply_id": "1251255078587162626", "label": "no", "text": "Tyler Johnson > Michael Pittman"} {"idx": 1851, "original_id": "1250826412686114816", "reply_id": "1250832040640966656", "label": "hug", "text": "Send hugs"} {"idx": 1853, "original_id": "1250853177995546626", "reply_id": "1250854242757246976", "label": "agree", "text": "How is Jill Macri, Partner at Growth by Design Talent, getting through the pandemic? With the three Cs: Coffee, Cardio, and Chardonnay. #TerminalAMA ☕🏃‍♀️🍷"} {"idx": 1854, "original_id": "1251078413802254337", "reply_id": "1251179465155194880", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I am in a gooood mood woohoo \n\n🙌🏻 🥳 🙌🏻"} {"idx": 1856, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251229931033559041", "label": "yes", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 1857, "original_id": "1251224049075851270", "reply_id": "1251224394317299713", "label": "yawn", "text": "No such thing as a pointless relationship. There’s always a lesson to be learned."} {"idx": 1858, "original_id": "1250861422449512448", "reply_id": "1251214184630620160", "label": "agree", "text": "Kamala Harris is acting like a Vice Presidential nominee and her uptick presents speaks volumes like she's already been nominated by Biden."} {"idx": 1862, "original_id": "1251069684709015552", "reply_id": "1251109693218488322", "label": "agree", "text": "It's a beautiful day 🤩🤩"} {"idx": 1864, "original_id": "1251161048209436675", "reply_id": "1251209108340031523", "label": "win", "text": "I have no idea why I follow half of you mofos.😩"} {"idx": 1868, "original_id": "1251123439664091156", "reply_id": "1251146446167924737", "label": "agree", "text": "Just going for a simple doctors appointment is an even bigger pain in the ass than it was before. Everything sucks."} {"idx": 1869, "original_id": "1251108537557639170", "reply_id": "1251214440541966336", "label": "eww", "text": "wraith apexlegends i have feelings for u"} {"idx": 1872, "original_id": "1250933922353090565", "reply_id": "1250934778792079360", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "RIGHT whoever is making these *insert random useless after character loves you* twitter pages i salute you but also please find a damn hobby"} {"idx": 1875, "original_id": "1250801894307463170", "reply_id": "1250851409500581888", "label": "wink", "text": "Who is your favourite Friend?"} {"idx": 1876, "original_id": "1251021619507548160", "reply_id": "1251030790198063104", "label": "wink", "text": "Okay; it's Two months on, since I was feeling Broken.\nI'm in a way better place today and I want to thank some people for their huge support \n@VaccariValerie @JizzaJason @Zoe_Luxe_ @VioletMacc_bbw Love you guys, for your unwavering support. \nAlso @Lilylulu1111 @MadiStarr_XXX"} {"idx": 1878, "original_id": "1251187792576536585", "reply_id": "1251197125981061126", "label": "eww", "text": "*steals your tweet and just adds the word mayonnaise to it*"} {"idx": 1881, "original_id": "1250888749619306522", "reply_id": "1250937975669735432", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Stop apologizing for\n\n- Saying no\n\n- Your priorities\n\n- Telling the truth\n\n- Taking ‘me’ time\n\n- Loving someone\n\n- Your imperfections\n\n- Standing your ground\n\n- Following your dream\n\n- Ending a toxic relationship"} {"idx": 1884, "original_id": "1250944127971348482", "reply_id": "1250951621082783745", "label": "oops", "text": "Bean just called me dad"} {"idx": 1886, "original_id": "1251220082145013760", "reply_id": "1251220294787903489", "label": "oops", "text": "Guess who’s dumbass spilt Tea on her computer and now her tablet isn’t working 🤩"} {"idx": 1887, "original_id": "1251173993492754432", "reply_id": "1251184240198324224", "label": "applause", "text": "I truly believe that you’re never asking for too much, you’re just asking the wrong person."} {"idx": 1889, "original_id": "1250840499281428483", "reply_id": "1251202247301660673", "label": "good_luck", "text": "If I am married now I wouldn't have to worry about who will cook dinner ...now look at me ,Single and Hungry😭"} {"idx": 1890, "original_id": "1250768955964297216", "reply_id": "1250838466725740544", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Good morning friend in the Twitter. Last I have dream the Joe pick the Michelle Obama for him running mate and the street run knee deep in the blood and brain of exploded Trump supporter heads."} {"idx": 1892, "original_id": "1251092093805760513", "reply_id": "1251261132683259907", "label": "smh", "text": ".@MattHancock announces testing capacity is now sufficient to give tests to new categories of public service workers, viz police, fire service, prison staff, local authority staff, DWP, and judiciary"} {"idx": 1897, "original_id": "1251274062833254400", "reply_id": "1251274284129026050", "label": "applause", "text": "Thank you for 200K 🙏🍾🥂🍻🍇\n\nWho needs a follow back? Like this"} {"idx": 1898, "original_id": "1250873310272991239", "reply_id": "1250873891087581184", "label": "smh", "text": "how much does the producer of the office give ya to jack that wack ass shit is “top 5”??"} {"idx": 1899, "original_id": "1250818482989666311", "reply_id": "1250926380881195008", "label": "agree", "text": "My favorite quote:\n\nExecution;\n\n1. Stop talking and put it in the work!"} {"idx": 1901, "original_id": "1251191716620705794", "reply_id": "1251251294964252672", "label": "no", "text": "Breaking: according to a source, the Patriots and Lions are close to a deal that will include the Patriots receiving the #3 overall pick in the 2020 NFL Draft."} {"idx": 1905, "original_id": "1251133623543246859", "reply_id": "1251138887772073986", "label": "win", "text": "Good morning ☀️ today is another day to fight. Fight to win! You got this! Love, Pulte"} {"idx": 1906, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251014241609379840", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 1908, "original_id": "1250963477243457538", "reply_id": "1250965183650037762", "label": "applause", "text": "Boston Twitter Gays are the hottest, you can't change my mind."} {"idx": 1909, "original_id": "1250994528707731458", "reply_id": "1251051159625912320", "label": "agree", "text": "Unpopular Opinion: \n\n#ModernWarfare is the Best CoD since MW3 or BO2.\n\nIf those CoDs had SBMM you would have thought they sucked too. \n\n#removeSBMM"} {"idx": 1910, "original_id": "1250921219035193350", "reply_id": "1250921285749784576", "label": "seriously", "text": "I can’t wait to tell my kids that going to the hair store was illegal."} {"idx": 1911, "original_id": "1250788850340786182", "reply_id": "1250842579203051521", "label": "facepalm", "text": "What's your cash app? I'm ready to bless 20 people with a $50 request 🙌🏾"} {"idx": 1916, "original_id": "1250915952092344321", "reply_id": "1250972123331358720", "label": "applause", "text": "if you're ugly and you know it, clap your hands 👏🏽👏🏽"} {"idx": 1917, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251035146339450880", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 1919, "original_id": "1250970189807652865", "reply_id": "1251107514420211713", "label": "smh", "text": "I’ve never made bread."} {"idx": 1923, "original_id": "1251186720197967873", "reply_id": "1251190355132850177", "label": "ok", "text": "Nothing better than a wee booze 🤝"} {"idx": 1926, "original_id": "1250839893821046786", "reply_id": "1250855906948063234", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "It is apparently national horny day. @blvckjames is thriving. \n\nAs for me, if you have a beard I probably think you're cute so hmu"} {"idx": 1928, "original_id": "1251193447584800768", "reply_id": "1251205573162479624", "label": "wink", "text": "Kinda want a Kreme filled donut.. Kinda want a cream filled pussy\n\nA girl can dream."} {"idx": 1931, "original_id": "1251045008033017856", "reply_id": "1251050849226199040", "label": "no", "text": "No letters in your name stand for anything. Pls stop already."} {"idx": 1935, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251009027674382337", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 1936, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250974926422659072", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 1937, "original_id": "1250895149040914432", "reply_id": "1250897172276621313", "label": "hug", "text": "i will begin homework tomorrow i just dont feel very good"} {"idx": 1938, "original_id": "1250850369321570305", "reply_id": "1250850987411222529", "label": "hug", "text": "Breathing sucks ass again today, I'm going back to bed for a bit :("} {"idx": 1939, "original_id": "1250615594807894017", "reply_id": "1250857081059643403", "label": "hug", "text": "Someone send hugs please 🥺"} {"idx": 1946, "original_id": "1250976482865721349", "reply_id": "1250998460645605376", "label": "sigh", "text": "Once I had to tell a girl Beyonce used lyrics from Prince's If I Was Your Girlfriend on '03 Bonnie & Clyde to get her to wanna listen to P with me 🤦🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 1948, "original_id": "1251242570799362049", "reply_id": "1251252345075372035", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "SOLO has joined the call\nGRUBER has joined the call\nCHRISTIAN ANDERSEN has joined the call\nZIMMER has joined the call\n\n-ahem. yes...thank you all for carving out the time to attend this all-Hans meeting"} {"idx": 1949, "original_id": "1251124858106380293", "reply_id": "1251148484318654466", "label": "hug", "text": "I've been diagnosed with post stroke depression.\n\nSo. That's a thing I didn't need."} {"idx": 1950, "original_id": "1250834868218421248", "reply_id": "1250880304476274690", "label": "good_luck", "text": "One day at a time. One day at a time you will get through this."} {"idx": 1951, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251115304546996225", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 1956, "original_id": "1251121707881988101", "reply_id": "1251123716886532096", "label": "seriously", "text": "I couldn’t be happier it’s Friday. No plans this weekend. Just glad to not work for two days"} {"idx": 1961, "original_id": "1251033620329967616", "reply_id": "1251033797971152901", "label": "applause", "text": "fine I deleted that tweet. but the let the record show that I ratio’d him and deleted it out of the kindness of my heart. applaud me for being a good person. come onnn guyssss pleasseee"} {"idx": 1962, "original_id": "1250811703257956353", "reply_id": "1250834667151986693", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling to find positivity today. Cheer me up."} {"idx": 1964, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250910331469271040", "label": "eww", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 1965, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250859249300918279", "label": "oops", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 1966, "original_id": "1250840103552987139", "reply_id": "1250913455978229762", "label": "no", "text": "I need to follow some good people. Please share some good accounts to follow.\n\nIf it is you, please tell me whether you think pineapple belongs on a pizza below and I’ll make my decision from there."} {"idx": 1968, "original_id": "1251208641153122311", "reply_id": "1251209052786393088", "label": "applause", "text": "Swigert: \"Okay, Joe.\"\nCAPCOM: \"Okay. We read you, Jack.\"\n#Apollo13\n#Apollo50"} {"idx": 1970, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251100193430241280", "label": "sigh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 1971, "original_id": "1250751445118443521", "reply_id": "1250847461553381378", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "$NFLX Netflix PT raised to $194 from $173 at Wedbush Perennial Bear Realizes there's something Going on here with Price at $434.00"} {"idx": 1973, "original_id": "1250938083031363586", "reply_id": "1250973606311612416", "label": "agree", "text": "is Ozark worth watching ?"} {"idx": 1977, "original_id": "1250934352717975560", "reply_id": "1250969794213490696", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Meanwhile in Athens, Kirby just called an emergency meeting to discuss plans to expand Sanford Stadium to 110k"} {"idx": 1978, "original_id": "1251233434724380672", "reply_id": "1251237956322541574", "label": "shocked", "text": "Oh, PARTYMOBILE is serious @partynextdoor"} {"idx": 1979, "original_id": "1251147947812651017", "reply_id": "1251151972666798081", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I wanna finish this coffee so i can have another coffee"} {"idx": 1980, "original_id": "1251002752588828672", "reply_id": "1251003491528716288", "label": "ok", "text": "Y'all help get my friend @TSMforSC to the DNC Convention! Help him with anything you can!"} {"idx": 1981, "original_id": "1251174951958253568", "reply_id": "1251177309354278912", "label": "no", "text": "Plans are being discussed for #mufc players to applaud the fans before every game at Old Trafford. The idea is due to be put to Solskjær and Maguire for consideration with the purpose to further strengthen the bond between the players and the fans #mulive [mirror]"} {"idx": 1982, "original_id": "1250665450813321217", "reply_id": "1250937310549405696", "label": "no", "text": "Would anyone else be kinda sorta okay if Trump dissolved Congress and made himself dictator?"} {"idx": 1983, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251007549689622528", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 1985, "original_id": "1250866176629993472", "reply_id": "1250875592251068416", "label": "agree", "text": "Today I’m mad at all the times @GetLikeJess16 and my boyfriend ever told me there will be “next year”or “more events” when I wanted to go to a rave or show 🥺💔"} {"idx": 1989, "original_id": "1250608715755069441", "reply_id": "1250961551663566854", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Why people confuse someone being friendly with them being flirty? Don’t you have anyone being nice to you before?"} {"idx": 1993, "original_id": "1251262190969110537", "reply_id": "1251262223353294850", "label": "applause", "text": "nice music man #LockdownHouseParty"} {"idx": 1994, "original_id": "1250998696461778950", "reply_id": "1251000895103524870", "label": "awww", "text": "Not too shabby (well maybe a LITTLE shabby 😉 ) I had to put it together in just a few hours, definitely wouldn’t have been able to pull it off without my incredible director of photography & camera operator @MiaVonGlitz … #disneysingalong"} {"idx": 1996, "original_id": "1250876046947352584", "reply_id": "1250882928978079751", "label": "applause", "text": "I enjoy when people think I am a big clueless naïve idiot when I am, on the contrary, NOT a big clueless naïve idiot. As a matter of fact, I am quite smart!!!!!!!!!!! So!!!!!!!!!!! LAUGH OUT LOUD !!!!!"} {"idx": 1998, "original_id": "1250857142682357762", "reply_id": "1250858430237048832", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "What do you feel when someone tells you\n“I am (more) spiritual not religious.”\n?"} {"idx": 1999, "original_id": "1250685582881230849", "reply_id": "1251006545284018183", "label": "facepalm", "text": ".@DUPleader refuses to commit to publishing a list of essential businesses that should be open. She’s not even sure why people shoujd be waiting on such a list"} {"idx": 2002, "original_id": "1250748630048354304", "reply_id": "1250842174188482562", "label": "high_five", "text": "imagine wanting love & romance out of your sex.....i would much rather prefer to be railed from the back while you’re pulling my hair. thank u"} {"idx": 2006, "original_id": "1250903191446749188", "reply_id": "1251234237879066625", "label": "wink", "text": "Ladies, if you ever wanna get your man to fall asleep: feed him and play with his hair. Works every time."} {"idx": 2007, "original_id": "1251049150541692928", "reply_id": "1251049256582029314", "label": "agree", "text": "i would like to know how i have 6 blankets on my bed and i’m still cold"} {"idx": 2009, "original_id": "1250866324496158724", "reply_id": "1250925910666153985", "label": "yes", "text": "If you don’t think they should hose down the beaches with Pine Sol, unfriend me"} {"idx": 2014, "original_id": "1251263280078901248", "reply_id": "1251270287934529536", "label": "eww", "text": "I was watching little women with my sister and she said that Laurie aka Timothée Chalamet is cute"} {"idx": 2015, "original_id": "1251230896662822913", "reply_id": "1251231718838693888", "label": "agree", "text": "That Westside Gunn album came through"} {"idx": 2018, "original_id": "1251237827192512521", "reply_id": "1251244082590072832", "label": "awww", "text": "Just want to give an end-of-week shoutout to all of my fantastic collaborators, who have continued to amaze me with their work during this wild time.\n\n@drkelc @DrJennGriffith @neilshortland @AdamDamadzic @IOAliceB - you all are dope."} {"idx": 2021, "original_id": "1250779442659692545", "reply_id": "1251030184087695360", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m sick of these f*cking MSNBC sh*t squirters polluting our God-given airwaves with their president-hating dreck! Now they’re promoting the subversive notion that Biden form an UNELECTED “shadow government” when he can’t even form a sentence. These people are out of their minds!"} {"idx": 2022, "original_id": "1251227746304495622", "reply_id": "1251236461002625024", "label": "ok", "text": "tired of this quarantine.. ya girl need some dick!! ugh!!😞"} {"idx": 2023, "original_id": "1250941054003507200", "reply_id": "1250955925411844102", "label": "hug", "text": "Thank you everyone for your kind comments about Baby. I'm feeling much better about the loss today. She'd been in pain for a while and it was her time to go. I wish I'd had the courage to put her down sooner, but the important thing is she's at peace now."} {"idx": 2026, "original_id": "1251180021030498305", "reply_id": "1251200707082027008", "label": "hug", "text": "Sending all of you love and hugs this Friday! Friendly reminder that everyone has feelings behind a screen, use your words knowing they hold power. It’s your decision if you have a positive or negative influence. Much love 💗💗"} {"idx": 2028, "original_id": "1251208803774877699", "reply_id": "1251210010501083136", "label": "omg", "text": "I am one Market Days cancelation away from shaving my head."} {"idx": 2030, "original_id": "1250660041109262337", "reply_id": "1251017100786905088", "label": "hearts", "text": "hope i get kissed in my dreams :)"} {"idx": 2034, "original_id": "1251190555159212033", "reply_id": "1251257405310148618", "label": "agree", "text": "Today someone said to me, “let me be sorry.” Just reminds me of how so many of us, including myself, have this horrible habit of invalidating our own feelings about so many things. Just saying this incase anyone needs to hear it: your feelings matter, always."} {"idx": 2035, "original_id": "1250953583484428289", "reply_id": "1251111096213176320", "label": "awww", "text": "Kolade just paused the tv to randomly tell me he loves me and that I am his best friend. This explains why we have been locked in for over a month and we still really like each other. It’s because he has sense."} {"idx": 2037, "original_id": "1251185974597636098", "reply_id": "1251190780733140992", "label": "agree", "text": "You blame wike for obstructing oil production in this difficult period of Covid19 but you don’t blame Buhari and his men for abandoning the goose laying the eggs and spends the oil money mostly in his North where he finds Covid19’s poorest of the poor \n\nWe are 100% with Wike"} {"idx": 2038, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250970173994962944", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 2039, "original_id": "1251272937811869697", "reply_id": "1251273358664060929", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Today's Coronavirus episode from the White House is gonna be LIT."} {"idx": 2040, "original_id": "1250893999197483008", "reply_id": "1250916218111954944", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "It was rough hearing the news today about the passing of Howard Finkel; in my experience the Fink was an extremely passionate, kind, and talented man who would always go out of his way to share his wrestling knowledge or help people however he could. RIP @howardfinkel"} {"idx": 2044, "original_id": "1251271800689954819", "reply_id": "1251272439260082176", "label": "please", "text": "🎉Flash Giveaway 🎉\n\n1x HayhaBots\n1x Express Monthly \n\nRules:\nFollow, Retweet and Like!\n@ExpressNotify\n \n@HayhaBots\n\nWinner picked in 1 hour!"} {"idx": 2045, "original_id": "1251223905920061442", "reply_id": "1251224339409756160", "label": "shocked", "text": "\"If this is genuine, I'd like to see the new owners not just throw money at the club in an irresponsible way, but instead rebuild the football club properly.\"\n\nWill #NUFC soon be challenging for major honours? 🏆"} {"idx": 2047, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250883705628880897", "label": "smh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 2049, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251109678429290496", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 2052, "original_id": "1250993657215365120", "reply_id": "1251074752854319104", "label": "agree", "text": "Make it a ritual to give back to yourself all the joy they stole from you."} {"idx": 2054, "original_id": "1251234621791977472", "reply_id": "1251236352823300099", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I just explained knotting to someone. Oh bless their poor innocence."} {"idx": 2055, "original_id": "1250980929650057220", "reply_id": "1250981472376365061", "label": "dance", "text": "YOU KNOW YOU GOT THE BEST OF ME\nI KNOW YOU NEED THE STRESS RELIEF BABE,\nBEFORE WE BOTH GET DRESSED\nTO LEAVE\nWANT YOU TO TRY THIS RECIPE BABE"} {"idx": 2062, "original_id": "1250858734454288386", "reply_id": "1250858872274849799", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "hello ???????????????????"} {"idx": 2064, "original_id": "1251269537288290304", "reply_id": "1251270224114077705", "label": "good_luck", "text": "WHY AM I NERVOUS LOL"} {"idx": 2065, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251144024670433287", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 2067, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251071262819971072", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 2069, "original_id": "1251201187891884032", "reply_id": "1251202508426485762", "label": "yes", "text": "Every patriot should go outside, socially distanced and with masks, and protest these Democrat tyrants\n\nThey must hear our anger and rage—they are destroying America.\n\nIllinois, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, California—these marxist tyrants should be recalled & resign\n\nProtest!"} {"idx": 2070, "original_id": "1251075249728221189", "reply_id": "1251081767282491393", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Aaayyyyy anxiety attack caused by exhaustion after 10hours of streaming"} {"idx": 2071, "original_id": "1251167376290217984", "reply_id": "1251168216375672832", "label": "omg", "text": "I could go for some toast with some butter, cinnamon, and sugar."} {"idx": 2072, "original_id": "1250870145645514754", "reply_id": "1251090943379247104", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Courage."} {"idx": 2078, "original_id": "1251080119566790656", "reply_id": "1251080724075044864", "label": "agree", "text": "How can Bunty King claim he's part of the gaming community when he's never fucked Katerino?"} {"idx": 2081, "original_id": "1250875478719827969", "reply_id": "1250875564598202371", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 2082, "original_id": "1250460122016436229", "reply_id": "1250867482111459329", "label": "shocked", "text": "How would you define your personality? GIFs only."} {"idx": 2089, "original_id": "1251193097662468098", "reply_id": "1251193405402726401", "label": "hug", "text": "everything is so heavy"} {"idx": 2090, "original_id": "1250949956975890432", "reply_id": "1250955283997888513", "label": "high_five", "text": "Absolutely disgusting.\n\nA well known Trump supporter and Turning Point USA staffer, @ALX has been permanently banned from Twitter.\n\nThis is big tech censorship.\n\nWe MUST stand up against this!\n\nRT to tell Twitter to unsuspend @AlX!"} {"idx": 2094, "original_id": "1251173502889189376", "reply_id": "1251189282515177472", "label": "applause", "text": "Listen, I don't care about being adored, showered with affection, worshipped. Just please, for the love of Christ, tell me you can go 5 mins without lying."} {"idx": 2095, "original_id": "1251081993938284546", "reply_id": "1251092881542168576", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I watch The Wire?"} {"idx": 2098, "original_id": "1251159472430407695", "reply_id": "1251163020224417792", "label": "agree", "text": "If they don’t release Cominsky from the hospital by 9 pm this evening I will be assembling a team of diverse skill sets to break him out. Combat may be necessary. Lives may be lost. Peace was never an option. Express your interest below."} {"idx": 2100, "original_id": "1250945266426970113", "reply_id": "1250968759042560000", "label": "agree", "text": "Day ??? of isolation: finally decided to watch The Irishman"} {"idx": 2103, "original_id": "1250832046424981505", "reply_id": "1250833059408236544", "label": "shocked", "text": "Interactive Kimmy Schmidt incoming.\nMay 12th.\nSaints be praised."} {"idx": 2106, "original_id": "1250889500592660490", "reply_id": "1250889750724194306", "label": "oops", "text": "Shoutout to my gf who lost our 857+ day snap streak, you the real MVP @abigibbens x"} {"idx": 2107, "original_id": "1250840010632253441", "reply_id": "1250861495753166848", "label": "agree", "text": "It's no coincidence that Dr. Oz named himself after someone who couldn't provide a brain or a heart."} {"idx": 2108, "original_id": "1251178992562036736", "reply_id": "1251179227388489731", "label": "agree", "text": "Hmmmm.\n\nDazz cute...."} {"idx": 2109, "original_id": "1250791531096801284", "reply_id": "1250988169044078593", "label": "agree", "text": "Thinking about yuta"} {"idx": 2111, "original_id": "1250507739710795779", "reply_id": "1251259691335856128", "label": "no", "text": "I hate Ole Miss and everything they stand for"} {"idx": 2113, "original_id": "1250837176369188866", "reply_id": "1250837939845656577", "label": "applause", "text": "This time ten years ago I was a homeless teenager! Now I have a nice house two wonderful little boys! I have a great full time job I have two published books and I have a mostly happy life! Just because things may seem hopeless at the time doesn’t mean you should give up! 💖🙌🏻"} {"idx": 2118, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251267626355118082", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 2119, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250953607744274433", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 2120, "original_id": "1250979982920183809", "reply_id": "1250985336882319362", "label": "applause", "text": "watching spider-man and hunting tarantulas, living the dream"} {"idx": 2123, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250865013201534976", "label": "thank_you", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 2125, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251134800519290881", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 2126, "original_id": "1250912203408117760", "reply_id": "1250921369686204417", "label": "kiss", "text": "i'm now feeling a bit better, everything was accumulating a ton and it didn't did good for me haha.. \nthank you guys so much for the concern and i really appreciate you all\nexcept the leakers, fucc u"} {"idx": 2130, "original_id": "1250926448556285959", "reply_id": "1250950256864505858", "label": "sigh", "text": "Did dj Envy ever tell us where the dj money was going orrrrrrrr"} {"idx": 2131, "original_id": "1250927548772397057", "reply_id": "1250927721133244416", "label": "oops", "text": "VIDEO IS UP AND IT FEELS SO GOOD"} {"idx": 2132, "original_id": "1250778017288388609", "reply_id": "1250904252995604481", "label": "no", "text": "Is there anything in America that isn't ABOUT RACE?\n\nplease educate me.\nI am open to learning something new today."} {"idx": 2134, "original_id": "1251249150835867648", "reply_id": "1251263941579141120", "label": "eww", "text": "Just unfollowed someone for posting that dog and alligator video smh, I wasn’t playing. Y’all weird for wanting to see that tbh"} {"idx": 2137, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250904203213619200", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 2138, "original_id": "1250292126643941376", "reply_id": "1251237575685111808", "label": "applause", "text": "Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever."} {"idx": 2144, "original_id": "1250929503863373824", "reply_id": "1250989313371693056", "label": "hug", "text": "*Hugs*"} {"idx": 2146, "original_id": "1251162913412448256", "reply_id": "1251163235840974859", "label": "hug", "text": "I am not ok today. Not at all."} {"idx": 2147, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250885409132838912", "label": "facepalm", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 2148, "original_id": "1250605943999496194", "reply_id": "1250839858098008064", "label": "no", "text": "Joe Biden shouldn’t pick Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren or Stacey Abrams as VP nominee. He should pick one of Amy Klobuchar, Jeanne Shaheen, Maggie Hassan, or Michelle Lujan Grisham. But really Amy Klobuchar because he owes her."} {"idx": 2149, "original_id": "1251271431842922496", "reply_id": "1251271736378736640", "label": "applause", "text": "Lockdown really showing some people’s true colours, laughable tbh"} {"idx": 2154, "original_id": "1250701976842747904", "reply_id": "1250857085635563521", "label": "applause", "text": "Claps are the new thoughts and prayers."} {"idx": 2155, "original_id": "1250840065246445569", "reply_id": "1250852583092244480", "label": "smh", "text": "I don’t like to delete apps that I don’t use coz I like to keep my options open"} {"idx": 2156, "original_id": "1250961938672226304", "reply_id": "1250962671702290433", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Things Rich Twitter Told Me: \nYou aren't supposed to ask for water at restaurants."} {"idx": 2157, "original_id": "1250885628528660480", "reply_id": "1250886579247341582", "label": "shocked", "text": "Dominican women fire but they can’t wine 🥺."} {"idx": 2162, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251128317186502656", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 2164, "original_id": "1250959609667260418", "reply_id": "1250961391965605890", "label": "want", "text": "I miss my friends...\n\n@RyanCurtis128 @kcatt8 @MsRagex @Bagelxo @pepsirunner05 @bootwaska @G37xSperbs @Viv_Shearer @Jenny_MCFC92 @Tigersfanjr @wakaflakageese and theehaus oh yea and @R_FlameZ and @sircumduction and anyone else I missed 💙💙"} {"idx": 2166, "original_id": "1250863814968594433", "reply_id": "1250864156141670400", "label": "applause", "text": "I've heard so many people clapping and cheering again, and it seems like they're cheering for all the NHS medical staff same time and day every week, I opened my window and started clapping along with them and saw my neighbours doing the same! It felt good to do that"} {"idx": 2167, "original_id": "1250839028913463297", "reply_id": "1250928622904328192", "label": "agree", "text": "Missionary sex is my favourite."} {"idx": 2168, "original_id": "1251069062429282304", "reply_id": "1251069228049809409", "label": "idk", "text": "Does Anyone know if a person liking you back is a real thing? Because like fuck.... how?"} {"idx": 2170, "original_id": "1250714534030999553", "reply_id": "1250888577497661442", "label": "eww", "text": "Imagine John Waters hoofin' it into ya."} {"idx": 2171, "original_id": "1251232028160331777", "reply_id": "1251232512518565889", "label": "hug", "text": "Just got really emotional. I need an actual hug."} {"idx": 2174, "original_id": "1250550195353460738", "reply_id": "1250985344738234369", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "OMG a big rat just ran across the colonnades outside of Oval office about 10 feet behind @POTUS!!!"} {"idx": 2175, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250943640354029574", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 2176, "original_id": "1250973142815633408", "reply_id": "1250976813137838081", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@jiboonyan Happy birthday, bebeboi! *bear hugs*"} {"idx": 2178, "original_id": "1250939055279235072", "reply_id": "1251119207854399495", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If liking kids is pedophilia does that mean that liking tortoises is tortilla?"} {"idx": 2181, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250939687948087296", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2183, "original_id": "1250896028565475332", "reply_id": "1250901887655821313", "label": "hug", "text": "H suddenly I’m sad again"} {"idx": 2184, "original_id": "1250920899429019648", "reply_id": "1251124918265114625", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump on people protesting stay-at-home restrictions: \"They seem to be protesters that like me.\""} {"idx": 2187, "original_id": "1250777216255844352", "reply_id": "1250857835883188225", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Yayyyy!!! My state and fed were accepted with no audit!! First time filing self employed! 😄"} {"idx": 2190, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250930583255089152", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 2191, "original_id": "1250943263541993474", "reply_id": "1250943644892196864", "label": "hearts", "text": "I’ve been in a big energetic slump the last few months, so frequent collective messages have been hard. I’m glad I’ve moved out of that and can start posting collectives frequently again. It makes me so happy when people resonate and find validation or healing in my messages. 🥺"} {"idx": 2193, "original_id": "1251180427890626563", "reply_id": "1251236515897884674", "label": "omg", "text": "So my mom is watching a series where a lady first was married to a guy then after a few years married his dad and im like ????????????????????????????"} {"idx": 2195, "original_id": "1250975582239719425", "reply_id": "1251252765965369357", "label": "want", "text": "I have some very exciting news !!! \n\nBut you'll have to wait till tomorrow 😉"} {"idx": 2196, "original_id": "1251057377891119104", "reply_id": "1251112246475776000", "label": "seriously", "text": "I understand why corporations want pictures of you at 20 to help build their database. The psychology of why you’re complying so strongly at this time is pretty macabre"} {"idx": 2199, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251042720635731969", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 2201, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250886114019328001", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 2202, "original_id": "1251209114342117376", "reply_id": "1251238498897707015", "label": "applause", "text": "My dad borrowed my car because his in the shop. Now ginger 🚗 smells like expensive cologne and cheap cigarettes 😩😩😩 I hate it here"} {"idx": 2204, "original_id": "1250941798869905410", "reply_id": "1250942366896345088", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Tonight, let's join in thanking all who are driving the trucks, vans, trains, ships, and forklifts that carry the medical supplies, food, and other essential goods necessary for our nation to stare down this pandemic. We depend on your hard work and sacrifice. We salute you."} {"idx": 2205, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250921756052746240", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 2208, "original_id": "1251068326542864385", "reply_id": "1251154072930906119", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m hurt all over again but honestly I deserve worst for that"} {"idx": 2212, "original_id": "1251117294132039681", "reply_id": "1251271912728064000", "label": "applause", "text": "Today is my 65th birthday and my son’s birthday. Yup I had my son on my birthday. Can I get your favorite GIF?"} {"idx": 2213, "original_id": "1250922236854317056", "reply_id": "1250937017778737156", "label": "ok", "text": "BUT IM A CREEEEWP IM A WEIRDOOOOO"} {"idx": 2216, "original_id": "1251137211812077573", "reply_id": "1251156912810242056", "label": "yes", "text": "Does anyone miss the days before the internet?"} {"idx": 2217, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251171059987931136", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 2219, "original_id": "1251029825164369920", "reply_id": "1251030258725289985", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "#running update: First 5k since the injury. Feels awesome. And the weather was brilliant - not too cold, sunny, very clean air... I'm very happy about this."} {"idx": 2221, "original_id": "1250936634033475584", "reply_id": "1251155565327216647", "label": "yes", "text": "Niggas Crying For Haircuts Now 😭 Nahhhh Nigga Practice What You Preach . Stay Natural , Learn To Love Yourself As Is‼️😭..."} {"idx": 2224, "original_id": "1251203534709755904", "reply_id": "1251203784195399680", "label": "agree", "text": "Damn, everyone is really going through it today huh?"} {"idx": 2226, "original_id": "1250900283544055808", "reply_id": "1250900834646462467", "label": "hearts", "text": "dyed my hair...... Pics soon"} {"idx": 2227, "original_id": "1251193809444179968", "reply_id": "1251194600011726848", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "penge motivation"} {"idx": 2228, "original_id": "1251119775540867072", "reply_id": "1251121542509068288", "label": "ok", "text": "Took a DNA test and I’m 100% that bitch who has coffee to go get coffee. \nS/O to @PLHalbur and other baristas currently feeling the wrench of the economy. You are missed, and loved."} {"idx": 2232, "original_id": "1250987569736757250", "reply_id": "1251000005957206018", "label": "applause", "text": "Day whatever of this #QuarentineLife and I just found my husband and son jamming in the garage to Blue by @ThirdEyeBlind \n\nThis makes me happy! 🎶🎶"} {"idx": 2233, "original_id": "1250936521705885696", "reply_id": "1250936727130247171", "label": "applause", "text": "Grayson just made us dinner and we ate it while it was boiling hot because we were starving and now we’re heavily panting with our tongues out to try to cool them down with the air entering and leaving our mouths because our tongues are burnt"} {"idx": 2239, "original_id": "1251171638395179010", "reply_id": "1251189091833712642", "label": "applause", "text": "I think we should make Boris Johnson walk laps of his garden until he's raised £350 million a week for the NHS"} {"idx": 2240, "original_id": "1250885978778198033", "reply_id": "1250886813075623937", "label": "want", "text": "100 likes on this tweet and I'll start World War 3. Yo @visecs round 3 is about to be A LOT different 😈 #WW3"} {"idx": 2241, "original_id": "1250851315116208128", "reply_id": "1250858534897664000", "label": "awww", "text": "So I rewatched the “evening with top gear” stream back before some idiot got fired and I saw @makeitepic on it and it made me very happy"} {"idx": 2242, "original_id": "1250979411605807104", "reply_id": "1251057298644119552", "label": "shocked", "text": "Day 283:\n\nMixed 3 bowls of Mac & Cheese just to remember the sound"} {"idx": 2246, "original_id": "1251173414162894848", "reply_id": "1251182566939545600", "label": "shocked", "text": "5’9 girls really rim protectors"} {"idx": 2252, "original_id": "1251161914001862656", "reply_id": "1251219291770425353", "label": "hearts", "text": "Just played Mozart's Requiem Mass loud enough for all of you to hear. You're welcome."} {"idx": 2253, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250911344443998209", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 2255, "original_id": "1250863358770888705", "reply_id": "1250863756139208704", "label": "high_five", "text": "Hey everyone 👋 #ACCAChat"} {"idx": 2256, "original_id": "1251214752535269376", "reply_id": "1251225991705513984", "label": "eww", "text": "Does anyone happen to know if a craving for deviled eggs is one of the symptoms?"} {"idx": 2260, "original_id": "1251149758032343041", "reply_id": "1251154056053002243", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Its Friday and it is time to make new friends.\nCheck out;\n@HoloskyPodcast \n@10ishPod \n@theDropAnchor \n@DecisionsPod \n@spookyalecsam \n@GLSleeping \n@PBI_Crypto \n@SSTTWYDPodcast"} {"idx": 2261, "original_id": "1250979660734889990", "reply_id": "1250985255877652480", "label": "hug", "text": "**self-hatred intensifies**"} {"idx": 2263, "original_id": "1250805888023236610", "reply_id": "1250895023090159616", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m just tryna tie a nigga up and edge him until he begs me to let him cum and starts crying when that powerful ass nut hits. 😪😪😪"} {"idx": 2266, "original_id": "1250987028403150848", "reply_id": "1250987755146031104", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Boy, uploading that VOD is going to suck..."} {"idx": 2269, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251128821417271299", "label": "high_five", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 2274, "original_id": "1251056600783060992", "reply_id": "1251062593852018688", "label": "omg", "text": "OP said her mum know’s eunwoo’s face well, her mum won’t mix up... are we getting greyish green eunwoo 😭 black Sanha 😭"} {"idx": 2275, "original_id": "1250961005041106944", "reply_id": "1250966141926866946", "label": "smh", "text": "Eating mixed cereals>>>"} {"idx": 2276, "original_id": "1250852939142438913", "reply_id": "1250912077775990785", "label": "hearts", "text": "💕 𝐭𝐛𝐳 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 💕"} {"idx": 2280, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251031191739789312", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 2281, "original_id": "1250938206712807424", "reply_id": "1250958894882586624", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I hate when I make a John Cena joke and no one sees it"} {"idx": 2287, "original_id": "1251006527407820800", "reply_id": "1251154825569394688", "label": "applause", "text": "I love David Brooks as much as anybody, but when Millenials are in the ER without appropriate gear to try and save Boomer lives, maybe it's not the best time to rip them a new one about being coddled?"} {"idx": 2288, "original_id": "1251148052733157376", "reply_id": "1251151905306193933", "label": "yes", "text": "It’s still Jummah🖤"} {"idx": 2289, "original_id": "1250707773207138304", "reply_id": "1251189232808464384", "label": "yes", "text": "Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the future of the world. I think a revolution #Bitcoin $BTC \n\nWhat do you think?"} {"idx": 2290, "original_id": "1250880647712956432", "reply_id": "1251222498412290050", "label": "high_five", "text": "Pretty amazing that President of the Unites States is trying to out-asshole a virus."} {"idx": 2291, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251004917583622144", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 2292, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251167287270400001", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2293, "original_id": "1250813696818937857", "reply_id": "1250866077438930944", "label": "applause", "text": "Hats off to BMC 0f Mumbai . They have taken more tests than any other city or even any other state of India Highest number of test that is why highest number of positives who are immediately sent the treatment That is most effective of fighting and defeating corona. Thank you BMC"} {"idx": 2295, "original_id": "1251223703838494720", "reply_id": "1251234775907500033", "label": "seriously", "text": "NEW — From a @twitter spokesperson: the “LIBERATE” tweets by @realdonaldtrump do not violate rules prohibiting content that is “a clear call to action that could directly pose a risk to people’s health or well-being.” Trump’s tweets are “vague and unclear” re: any harmful intent."} {"idx": 2297, "original_id": "1250834002480713738", "reply_id": "1250836652714590219", "label": "yes", "text": "Chris Grier says he has no apprehension about draft process."} {"idx": 2298, "original_id": "1251031659505266690", "reply_id": "1251148054444437508", "label": "hug", "text": "I just can't."} {"idx": 2299, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250950881421545480", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2300, "original_id": "1250959926597484544", "reply_id": "1251146762351374337", "label": "agree", "text": "Lost 3-0 against @CeeY0u never playing Gunfight again"} {"idx": 2302, "original_id": "1251132716428361728", "reply_id": "1251167602073731078", "label": "applause", "text": "New Look Nitro👀"} {"idx": 2308, "original_id": "1250839492321259527", "reply_id": "1250839743635419136", "label": "applause", "text": "I have been fighting a collection on my credit report from my accident and it was finally removed!!! My credit score jumped 29 points and I am so so so happy."} {"idx": 2310, "original_id": "1250743744237838336", "reply_id": "1250988125548974080", "label": "win", "text": "Describe #Bitcoin Price action in a Gif."} {"idx": 2312, "original_id": "1251189801379934208", "reply_id": "1251237525995360256", "label": "smh", "text": "Department of Health advises nurses and doctors that single-use gowns can be used again because of a worldwide shortage"} {"idx": 2313, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251117125789310981", "label": "smh", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 2314, "original_id": "1250918154081120258", "reply_id": "1251022383248560128", "label": "shocked", "text": "Well...just got fired by @FranchiseOK. \nJust want to say thanks to all the people there. I had a ton of fun with my guys @TVsJerry and Kelly Gregg the last couple of years. Going to miss the laughs. I hope I entertained y’all and I really appreciate all of you that listened!"} {"idx": 2315, "original_id": "1251156377763901442", "reply_id": "1251174463359430657", "label": "omg", "text": "My ex is really trying to be friends by sending me memes everyday. Sir i still haven’t forgot you lied to me about having cancer and doing chemo at 9pm but you were really living with another girl. This tiger king meme ain’t saving anything."} {"idx": 2316, "original_id": "1250685684660072448", "reply_id": "1250847773706117126", "label": "popcorn", "text": "THERES A TRANS CHARACTER IN CASA DE PAPEL!!! I FUCKING STAN"} {"idx": 2317, "original_id": "1250837989858648064", "reply_id": "1250839374901710848", "label": "oops", "text": "What kind of psychopath sleeps with socks on?!?!"} {"idx": 2319, "original_id": "1250928790554898432", "reply_id": "1250950058792701952", "label": "shocked", "text": "Using my $1200 to buy a 3D printer that I’ll use to print more 3D printers... #BuiltDifferent #10X #GrantCardone"} {"idx": 2321, "original_id": "1250869926732206082", "reply_id": "1250870022056161280", "label": "agree", "text": "\"Call me daddy\" during sex has a totally different meaning in Alabama."} {"idx": 2322, "original_id": "1250841445042454530", "reply_id": "1250850698528317441", "label": "scared", "text": "I touched my face at the grocery store without washing my hands first so......it was nice knowing all of you 😬\nEPIC. FAIL. 🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 2323, "original_id": "1251234538354663425", "reply_id": "1251256074218418177", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Gov. Whitmer: \"There's a price that's paid and I know that there are a lot of businesses and people that are hurting right now but the fact of the matter is, it's better to be six feet apart than six feet under and that is the whole point of this. We've got to save lives.\""} {"idx": 2330, "original_id": "1251152575950254087", "reply_id": "1251158342581448704", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "WHO = We Hide Outbreaks!\n\n#WarRoomPandemic"} {"idx": 2331, "original_id": "1251130076311281667", "reply_id": "1251135548040806401", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I am going to attempt couch to 5k in ONE session. I will get off my couch & run 5k regardless of how long it takes me. I can’t be fussed with this daily training thing. #Couchto5K"} {"idx": 2335, "original_id": "1250764228958588929", "reply_id": "1250880640637157377", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Ramadan starts next week. \n\nLet’s see if Dem governors are as heavy handed with mosques as they were with churches on Easter."} {"idx": 2336, "original_id": "1250620286237630464", "reply_id": "1250908621833154576", "label": "agree", "text": "Unpopular opinion? Popular opinion? Idk, but books should release in hardcover AND paperback at the same time. Readers shouldn't be punished and have to wait an extra year because they can't afford the extra $10 a HC costs."} {"idx": 2337, "original_id": "1230223619508314112", "reply_id": "1251267822547636225", "label": "eww", "text": "Wish, granted! Aladdin is now streaming on #DisneyPlus. Start your 7-day free trial."} {"idx": 2338, "original_id": "1250189230912892929", "reply_id": "1250892549419446275", "label": "applause", "text": "FUN FACT: apparently, ravens have 17 pinion feathers while a crow only has 16, so really the difference between a crow and a raven is a matter of a pinion"} {"idx": 2339, "original_id": "1250844603797975040", "reply_id": "1250845407296589824", "label": "shrug", "text": "why does everyone think i have a nail salon?"} {"idx": 2340, "original_id": "1250563422309224449", "reply_id": "1250846615683948544", "label": "ok", "text": "I’d LOVE to see 99% of us try to run this country. Most of us would diefrom exhaustion after the first week in office just with the CRITICS at our throats. I Wish we were more understanding of this tough position & possibly show more gratitude..even if u hate him..show gratitude"} {"idx": 2342, "original_id": "1249476563034390535", "reply_id": "1250832084479946752", "label": "applause", "text": "I need a wife dawg fuk all this temporary shit if we gone do the damn thing then let’s do the damn thing"} {"idx": 2344, "original_id": "1250563868163596289", "reply_id": "1250874332466655232", "label": "no", "text": "So are y’all shaking hands still or naw? Serious question tho"} {"idx": 2347, "original_id": "1251253346385580032", "reply_id": "1251253982409953281", "label": "omg", "text": "u can call me miss honey, that’s fine"} {"idx": 2348, "original_id": "1251237910319296512", "reply_id": "1251246228253274117", "label": "hug", "text": "Times are getting hard with only my dog and google home to talk to... I just called the dog google 🙈🐕"} {"idx": 2350, "original_id": "1243710862851964930", "reply_id": "1251194291541729282", "label": "hug", "text": "As much as I love living on my own I don’t think I can actually handle another 2+ weeks alone🥺"} {"idx": 2351, "original_id": "1250843584691154946", "reply_id": "1250854862323159040", "label": "idk", "text": "Today i"} {"idx": 2354, "original_id": "1250962999097077760", "reply_id": "1250963959277948928", "label": "wink", "text": "74K tweets. . .\n\nYou're welcome."} {"idx": 2355, "original_id": "1250695818778214400", "reply_id": "1251038906520424449", "label": "applause", "text": "Piers Morgan is a rude, ignorant, vulgar, self-serving, virtue-signalling charlatan."} {"idx": 2357, "original_id": "1250982726481481733", "reply_id": "1251129117816377345", "label": "yes", "text": "Upon request, my DM just let me pay a mage in Waterdeep to magically imbue a unicorn charm I found...\nwith the ability to explode glitter in a ten foot radius out of the charm when using the command word.\n🦄🦄🦄"} {"idx": 2358, "original_id": "1250877810589282305", "reply_id": "1250878163091152899", "label": "applause", "text": "Holy fuck. I got a hundred on my film and my paper I was crying over last week 😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 2360, "original_id": "1251168493317296128", "reply_id": "1251169714249912321", "label": "wink", "text": "Realizing now that I tweet too much about crows and brooms and I might be giving myself away. \n\nI’m not gonna show you my new hat. 🧙‍♀️"} {"idx": 2362, "original_id": "1251181731689963520", "reply_id": "1251194291357179905", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "A lot of people who want to \"Liberate America\" don't understand that until there's adequate testing and/or a viable treatment or vaccine, we need to stay home - just like Trump did during Vietnam. #StayHomeLikeTrumpinVietnam"} {"idx": 2365, "original_id": "1250819289168347137", "reply_id": "1250998437522399232", "label": "agree", "text": "The biggest battles you will ever fight are between you and the man in the mirror."} {"idx": 2368, "original_id": "1250557606743195648", "reply_id": "1250866013593313280", "label": "agree", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't give a flying **** what the head of the W.H.O. thinks.."} {"idx": 2369, "original_id": "1251169840938745858", "reply_id": "1251171081790029826", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all really fw Dababy tho?"} {"idx": 2370, "original_id": "1250783266900267008", "reply_id": "1250867828200259585", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Imagine admitting to being a republican in 2020"} {"idx": 2371, "original_id": "1250964205647339520", "reply_id": "1250967963857018880", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I gave up on being a crafty Pinterest mom who tries fancy recipes and organizes chore charts for her kids a long time ago. \n\nI’m more of a tequila drinking, F bomb dropping, frozen chicken nugget mom."} {"idx": 2375, "original_id": "1251261455917215744", "reply_id": "1251274323672707073", "label": "eww", "text": "damn bruh my lips mad lonely rn"} {"idx": 2377, "original_id": "1251116675136716800", "reply_id": "1251119493658619905", "label": "awww", "text": "I love my wife forkin😩😩😩"} {"idx": 2378, "original_id": "1250808619999866883", "reply_id": "1250845333023854593", "label": "seriously", "text": "Heard somewhere that today is National horny day 👀"} {"idx": 2379, "original_id": "1251152323885150208", "reply_id": "1251165799726886913", "label": "agree", "text": "This weekend is gonna be self care. It’s been a long a$$ week of me tired of being an “essential worker”."} {"idx": 2380, "original_id": "1251059759370760192", "reply_id": "1251060812833153025", "label": "eww", "text": "One of the hardest things about nursing, or any customer service job, is keeping your cool and staying professional. \nFor instance, a patient touched me with a handful of fresh poop and I wanted to sCREAM, but instead I had to pretend it was ok🤢🤮"} {"idx": 2382, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250890463302881281", "label": "applause", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 2384, "original_id": "1250857351286005763", "reply_id": "1250895253537796099", "label": "no", "text": "What is consensus on adding “CFA” to your name on Twitter?"} {"idx": 2385, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250959973946986498", "label": "shocked", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 2386, "original_id": "1250853838585765892", "reply_id": "1250863135180890112", "label": "no", "text": "I am putting the final touches on my Wide Receiver Big Board, and I have to say that with the right people around me, I feel like I would make a great NFL GM"} {"idx": 2390, "original_id": "1251174902889164801", "reply_id": "1251270131289899008", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm sure Gary sold me a shit second-hand motor once. 🤔#tippingpoint"} {"idx": 2394, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251090386623164416", "label": "smh", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 2395, "original_id": "1250930217893257216", "reply_id": "1251182104697765889", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you think they will ever be a Trump Library and if there is, what will they have in it since he can’t read?"} {"idx": 2399, "original_id": "1251105012815736833", "reply_id": "1251107633030926344", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Everyone posting these me at 20 pics but you only turned 21 a week ago..."} {"idx": 2403, "original_id": "1250986938812825600", "reply_id": "1250992352547803136", "label": "idk", "text": "Can we all agree that Yours Truly is @ArianaGrande’s best project"} {"idx": 2404, "original_id": "1251221130305814528", "reply_id": "1251222798258843651", "label": "smh", "text": "Keep dreaming ??"} {"idx": 2405, "original_id": "1250585968664600582", "reply_id": "1250981822093090816", "label": "ok", "text": "In the Biden family, we have a code: My mom used to always tell me, “Joey, no one is better than you. Everyone is your equal, and everyone is equal to you.” I’m working on building one for our campaign, too."} {"idx": 2407, "original_id": "1250878771013529600", "reply_id": "1251009096117039107", "label": "idk", "text": "#BREAKING: White House guidelines outline phased approach to reopening for places with strong testing, decrease in COVID-19 cases (via @AP)"} {"idx": 2409, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251005389589508097", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 2413, "original_id": "1250972801097502727", "reply_id": "1250975959660015616", "label": "agree", "text": "Laughing at the tweets talking about how much extra time we have during the quarantines. My work day went from 9ish hours a day to 12 hours per day. Between work, sleep, and cooking meals, I have time to exercise and that’s it. I’m not even watching TV anymore. Extra time my ass."} {"idx": 2415, "original_id": "1250907531850981377", "reply_id": "1250987699223310337", "label": "no", "text": "Parents, I say this with love. There won’t be camp this summer. Day, sleep away, none of it. The sooner you wrap your head around it the easier this is going to be."} {"idx": 2416, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250944296741752833", "label": "idk", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 2420, "original_id": "1250862966301491202", "reply_id": "1250990499261014017", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "i want a baby🥺🥺🥺🥺👉🏾👈🏾 sooooooooo bad"} {"idx": 2421, "original_id": "1250843590001123329", "reply_id": "1250848868218081286", "label": "agree", "text": "I just want to go back to my normal routine before all this shit started 😓"} {"idx": 2423, "original_id": "1251063036061900802", "reply_id": "1251066409184083968", "label": "applause", "text": "The irony of loads of people being out on London Bridge last night at 8pm clapping the NHS when in a few weeks they'll be causing the NHS more work because they're a bunch of prats stood within two metres of each other and don't live anywhere near there. #Idiots"} {"idx": 2426, "original_id": "1250652215804559360", "reply_id": "1250851868940664833", "label": "wink", "text": "PHP is alive. I made a mistake."} {"idx": 2429, "original_id": "1250596037347037186", "reply_id": "1250915214188576770", "label": "please", "text": ".@maddow: \"If [Joe Biden] asked you to be his running mate, would you say yes?\"\n\nElizabeth Warren: \"Yes.\""} {"idx": 2434, "original_id": "1250829276934520833", "reply_id": "1250839881431089154", "label": "want", "text": "This is an ad. Think I'm funny? I've got a book or two. No link. But if you want a link, comment, and I'll give you one. \n\nLove you all."} {"idx": 2435, "original_id": "1250824382492151814", "reply_id": "1250846771221336064", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Diego could make rice everyday for the rest of our lives and I would never get tired of it 😋😋😋😋"} {"idx": 2437, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250875437665976320", "label": "applause", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 2438, "original_id": "1251040442201698304", "reply_id": "1251044054621540358", "label": "idk", "text": "i need my back blown out like that picture from midsommar"} {"idx": 2442, "original_id": "1250924001863634946", "reply_id": "1250926171493187587", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gueso? Gueso???? GUESO???? Really George????"} {"idx": 2445, "original_id": "1246615255804854273", "reply_id": "1250995367371370496", "label": "applause", "text": "You're you."} {"idx": 2448, "original_id": "1251179398415474688", "reply_id": "1251180186160074752", "label": "idk", "text": "Happy #BatAppreciationDay Please post pics of your most favorite bats and why we love them. #FridayThoughts"} {"idx": 2453, "original_id": "1250560971346763777", "reply_id": "1250864889083703297", "label": "thank_you", "text": "some want all the freedoms without making any sacrifices.\nno one is asking you to go lay in a desert with a gun and fight anyone. \nall you’re asked to do is stay home or, if you must go out, put a freaking mask on. \nseriously. just shut up already and we’ll all be happier faster."} {"idx": 2454, "original_id": "1251229177996546049", "reply_id": "1251230154426322947", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m tired, I’m sad and I don’t feel fun or social at the moment. That could change in five minutes or 5 weeks. In the meantime, I’m sending love and positive vibes to my Twitter fam & to the world, really. I’m thankful for you & wish all of you health & peace\n\n💜"} {"idx": 2456, "original_id": "1250884934069366784", "reply_id": "1250885257936744455", "label": "ok", "text": "#GordonGinoandFred \n\nSo funny this \nJust what we need right now 😉"} {"idx": 2459, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251190895803654147", "label": "agree", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 2461, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251237989889556481", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 2470, "original_id": "1250912604329041920", "reply_id": "1251012823355924480", "label": "no", "text": "If y’all get married, you taking your husbands name?"} {"idx": 2471, "original_id": "1250944118492028929", "reply_id": "1250999482507915265", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just really tried to pet a pigeon"} {"idx": 2473, "original_id": "1250946640719962113", "reply_id": "1250974421499740163", "label": "hearts", "text": "If we can’t shake hands anymore I’m blowing kisses"} {"idx": 2475, "original_id": "1250777779668422657", "reply_id": "1250859211694551043", "label": "applause", "text": "😬😬😬im getting more vocal 😬😬😬If I end up dead just remember it’s probably one of the 10 million people who don’t like me. Their names are in a HUGE sealed envelope in the top left drawer of my dresser."} {"idx": 2477, "original_id": "1250910221033263107", "reply_id": "1250940277939896320", "label": "ok", "text": "Why do girls use so much toilet paper"} {"idx": 2478, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251229509325590528", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 2479, "original_id": "1250793242494300161", "reply_id": "1250926043868704769", "label": "omg", "text": "you can get tucanos to go now :D"} {"idx": 2482, "original_id": "1250998021132816389", "reply_id": "1251004283815952384", "label": "hug", "text": "The fact that I need others to operate but they don’t need me really hurts."} {"idx": 2485, "original_id": "1251195455951769608", "reply_id": "1251197019294781442", "label": "yes", "text": "I will shit post. Deal w it or like just dont yk? Unfollow. Sorry:("} {"idx": 2489, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251018796191453186", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 2491, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250875194765443079", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 2493, "original_id": "1250964742799331330", "reply_id": "1251242542840139778", "label": "yes", "text": "send memes"} {"idx": 2495, "original_id": "1250790541337518082", "reply_id": "1250852109735641088", "label": "applause", "text": "I can't force anything on anybody. Do you."} {"idx": 2496, "original_id": "1250841724986908672", "reply_id": "1250854982586232832", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "NBA is ruining college basketball.."} {"idx": 2497, "original_id": "1250992370251780099", "reply_id": "1251247003020988416", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So I see that a bunch of wrestlers were released form the WWE.\n\nHmm...\n\nRusev? Kurt Angle?\n\nI've a place for you to truly show what you're made of.\n\nLet me know if you're interested,"} {"idx": 2501, "original_id": "1250856694948564992", "reply_id": "1250920625016836103", "label": "shrug", "text": "They're standing, shoulder to shoulder, demanding the right to endanger themselves and others. How many of them will end up in the hospital, or dead, as a result of the protests alone?"} {"idx": 2502, "original_id": "1251008316991582208", "reply_id": "1251038164027871232", "label": "no", "text": "Be honest, y’all getting tired of my nudes right!? 🤣😅"} {"idx": 2508, "original_id": "1251210085034070017", "reply_id": "1251233367275823105", "label": "yes", "text": "Petition to work half days on Friday while WFH during quarantine. To sign the petition, reply with a gif"} {"idx": 2510, "original_id": "1250776265927405568", "reply_id": "1250883975075319809", "label": "win", "text": "Which sport are you missing the most? ⚾️ 🏈 🏀 🏒 🎾 🏌️‍♀️ ⚽️ \n\nAnswer with a GIF!"} {"idx": 2515, "original_id": "1251162542602203138", "reply_id": "1251271031400075265", "label": "yes", "text": "Hey Twitter: my first scan came back and my cancer is shrinking. Take that for a Friday pick me up."} {"idx": 2520, "original_id": "1250874366230958080", "reply_id": "1250914092992409601", "label": "applause", "text": "#KeeptheBorderClosed We're not isolating from our family & friends, wiping down our groceries, sanitizing everything we touch, washing our hands until they crack & bleed to have it all fall by the wayside. The U.S. does not have the virus under control and their leader is nuts‼️"} {"idx": 2521, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251101723130654720", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 2524, "original_id": "1250756877106982913", "reply_id": "1250851595975372808", "label": "yes", "text": "Good morning all ... except the operators of the Alorica Call Center"} {"idx": 2527, "original_id": "1251134383395758081", "reply_id": "1251145512461336577", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I've farmed aethyr elemental for probably 4-5 days straight, 7-10 hours each day, probably at 100 runs and still didnt get the robe or boots i want yet\n\nthis is literally gonna be morganthe part 2 for me"} {"idx": 2529, "original_id": "1250927256777699330", "reply_id": "1250937339892858886", "label": "scared", "text": "Playing fortnite with random people is 99% of the time shit 😑😑 #fortnite"} {"idx": 2532, "original_id": "1251257801575469059", "reply_id": "1251263477433450497", "label": "awww", "text": "To make matters worse, it’s the clueless, self-tagged influencers chatting all the rubbish today 🤦‍♂️"} {"idx": 2533, "original_id": "1251221724756049923", "reply_id": "1251262495219736579", "label": "hug", "text": "Send hugs🥺. I'm not feeling good today :c"} {"idx": 2535, "original_id": "1250857709488017420", "reply_id": "1250869484308492289", "label": "no", "text": "Has anyone been able to \"Get My Money\" from the IRS website?"} {"idx": 2536, "original_id": "1251122727039221760", "reply_id": "1251122974494789633", "label": "dance", "text": "Ayyyy BIG BIRTHDAY S/O to @_SmileForKyle enjoy your day happy birthday 🎁🎊🎂"} {"idx": 2537, "original_id": "1250847298382229504", "reply_id": "1250848405179584512", "label": "awww", "text": "you’re hotter than takis"} {"idx": 2538, "original_id": "1251210483673239554", "reply_id": "1251212902582808576", "label": "yes", "text": "should I get some crocs Y/N? pls advise"} {"idx": 2539, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251245004317655045", "label": "yes", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 2540, "original_id": "1250931523014057985", "reply_id": "1250934644733874176", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Sorry for being sappy today I just be feelin very blessed to have the people in my life that I do and I love my friends and I love my people so much and I miss them and I just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 2544, "original_id": "1251060054524153858", "reply_id": "1251131884987461635", "label": "agree", "text": "The point is we, the press, failed the public. There was a 2 week critical window in which if govt had acted sooner, far far fewer people would have died. We failed to hold govt to account. And we are failing again now. There’s still no plan to test. NHS workers are still dying."} {"idx": 2546, "original_id": "1251260402387816450", "reply_id": "1251264967715807232", "label": "shocked", "text": "I found a pornography website and sometimes I download videos off it"} {"idx": 2549, "original_id": "1250934328734949377", "reply_id": "1250934463908855808", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "imagining our bosses asking us to describe a Hits 1-D Tea-Cap in a future meeting\n\nasfbaktbekjfwkkyasbs"} {"idx": 2553, "original_id": "1250960026782568449", "reply_id": "1250966034636398592", "label": "applause", "text": "Launched our #sleep and #COVID19 study on @Prolific today! It's always really exciting watching data roll in.🌟"} {"idx": 2554, "original_id": "1250937097428570115", "reply_id": "1250939012413603841", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I find it quite funny how some people don’t see the wrong in what they’re doin. Like stop bein a fucken pendeja. 🤬"} {"idx": 2556, "original_id": "1250949258674495489", "reply_id": "1250949493102538753", "label": "sigh", "text": "It’s national horny day?\n\nO-Ok 👀💦\n\nI’m horny for worker’s rights, fair pay, representation by strong unions, socialized medicine, indigenous people’s rights, LGBQT+ rights, abortion rights, & turning our country green to combat a dying earth.\n\nThat’s a lot of kinks..."} {"idx": 2559, "original_id": "1250995894175977472", "reply_id": "1250996135499464704", "label": "hug", "text": "in dire need of hugs....😓😓😓"} {"idx": 2561, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251270800553979905", "label": "agree", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 2562, "original_id": "1250754692520357889", "reply_id": "1251010907875930112", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I’m trying to lift the burden that has been lodged in my heart for a long time, wish me luck 😌🙏🏻"} {"idx": 2564, "original_id": "1250890482131099648", "reply_id": "1251061308788744193", "label": "sigh", "text": "What’s more likely, an English person just simply admitting that Germany do things better or a unionist admitting Ireland do things better? 🤷🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 2565, "original_id": "1250936536180428800", "reply_id": "1250973747584081922", "label": "idk", "text": "China if you are listening the USA thinks I’m worth $1200 how much am I worth to you? #FreeAgency"} {"idx": 2566, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251270335120519169", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 2568, "original_id": "1250867407670915072", "reply_id": "1250966425960878088", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is cancelled. I’m done and so very over it. I’m throwing my phone in a corner. I’ll see y’all tomorrow."} {"idx": 2572, "original_id": "1251196370792394752", "reply_id": "1251196494545391617", "label": "dance", "text": "24/seven by btr"} {"idx": 2573, "original_id": "1251153929884196868", "reply_id": "1251155234648281095", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Shorted the $SPX @ 2841"} {"idx": 2575, "original_id": "1251217870308225024", "reply_id": "1251250979552534532", "label": "wink", "text": "What are you excited to do this weekend? Tell me in the responses below!"} {"idx": 2577, "original_id": "1250909840223768576", "reply_id": "1250931894788608000", "label": "applause", "text": "My new favourite colour is Screaming Grey #aaaaaa."} {"idx": 2580, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251232687676850182", "label": "agree", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 2584, "original_id": "1251129590438924289", "reply_id": "1251134436906807297", "label": "applause", "text": "AWAKE and BLESSED to be AWAKE!!!! That FRIDAY FLOW!!! Time to hustle and grind at work Have a great SAFE day 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌👊👊👊"} {"idx": 2586, "original_id": "1250942447632281600", "reply_id": "1250950977668210701", "label": "agree", "text": "#NationalHornyDay is everyday 😂"} {"idx": 2589, "original_id": "1251084505084948481", "reply_id": "1251190886572216322", "label": "no", "text": "i is so sad"} {"idx": 2591, "original_id": "1251168045243920384", "reply_id": "1251184365670813696", "label": "omg", "text": "\"That generation was overcoddled\" whines generation who raised them, then married them when their first marriages failed."} {"idx": 2596, "original_id": "1251010329758380032", "reply_id": "1251010570532188160", "label": "sigh", "text": "I've recently watched the dubs for JoJo 1-3, FMAB, and Steins;Gate and I can honestly say that FMAB has the weakest dub of the group. Mostly because I personally cannot vibe with Vic's portrayal of Ed. Nothing related to his personal life, I'm just not a fan of his performance."} {"idx": 2597, "original_id": "1250928922834993152", "reply_id": "1250931868624715778", "label": "agree", "text": "I FUCKING LOVE WHEN MY COMPUTER RESART ITSELF FOR NO REASON AND DELETES EVERYTHING!"} {"idx": 2598, "original_id": "1250982629706522630", "reply_id": "1251175316829151233", "label": "eww", "text": "Today I put on a crunchy, sanitized, used by someone else, yellow mask for my shift.\n\n😭😭😭"} {"idx": 2599, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1251042451407532032", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 2600, "original_id": "1251249049975619584", "reply_id": "1251249636318347265", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Don't forget to sin this weekend you silly fuckers!"} {"idx": 2608, "original_id": "1250583942228594688", "reply_id": "1250841656871383040", "label": "agree", "text": "These niggas be for everybody."} {"idx": 2611, "original_id": "1251052962928947205", "reply_id": "1251055135591141377", "label": "eww", "text": "TL sleep? Burger King nuggets not even nasty."} {"idx": 2614, "original_id": "1251178348354637827", "reply_id": "1251182361087217664", "label": "agree", "text": "There’s magic in the way she moves, elegance like a chess piece sliding across the board, passion in the way she gets upset and throws the game across the room"} {"idx": 2615, "original_id": "1250896081631817728", "reply_id": "1250928032199708673", "label": "no", "text": "Niggas be mad as hell you thriving like damn dawg u wanted me to be down bad forever?"} {"idx": 2617, "original_id": "1250838870679224323", "reply_id": "1250852852295221248", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m going back to college after I took a short break 😢"} {"idx": 2619, "original_id": "1250896146190479361", "reply_id": "1250896709225504774", "label": "hug", "text": "Doing an incredible sad"} {"idx": 2620, "original_id": "1251233453577732096", "reply_id": "1251234868966678533", "label": "smh", "text": "Can’t believe my homies tried to argue that Will Smith is a better actor than Denzel Washington. SMH."} {"idx": 2625, "original_id": "1250906298943766528", "reply_id": "1250953231003521024", "label": "shocked", "text": "I was inspired to try and find some new music today, and let me tell you the 1975 has me feeling some type of way"} {"idx": 2626, "original_id": "1250974862354546689", "reply_id": "1250974982580113408", "label": "yes", "text": "IS THIS REAL LIFE"} {"idx": 2627, "original_id": "1250838937876258819", "reply_id": "1250872751885295617", "label": "seriously", "text": "Coronavirus is disproportionally killing people of color. \n\nWe need to prioritize funding to combat racial health disparities in the next COVID-19 package."} {"idx": 2632, "original_id": "1250925348012929024", "reply_id": "1251190024374308864", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you wanna get choked???"} {"idx": 2633, "original_id": "1250837035625189377", "reply_id": "1250838291068452867", "label": "yes", "text": "Yes, Chris Grier says, talent can overcome injury history in an evaluation. Sometimes the guys you think won’t get hurt do. And vice-versa. It’s all factored in."} {"idx": 2634, "original_id": "1250882689013551108", "reply_id": "1250895802005966853", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I'll go over this whole fake ass sympathy ploy by an individual tonight on stream. Going live at 7pm Pacific. You a know where to find me."} {"idx": 2635, "original_id": "1250768251212238848", "reply_id": "1250845831483269120", "label": "no", "text": "Drakes album views is by far the best album he’s had out, no one can tell me different :)"} {"idx": 2637, "original_id": "1251167901563916290", "reply_id": "1251168359875579905", "label": "eww", "text": "When students took our Chromebooks home, we didn’t know we’d get helpdesk calls like this: “Please call Ms Johnson 315-555-1212. Her cat threw up on her son‘a chromebook. She thought she cleaned it up but it says that mic is plugged in when it's not. Teachers can't hear student.”"} {"idx": 2638, "original_id": "1250825361052643331", "reply_id": "1250861524425588737", "label": "no", "text": "When 4G will be restored in Kashmir?"} {"idx": 2639, "original_id": "1250784382903881730", "reply_id": "1250849268912525312", "label": "dance", "text": "GJUers, Any thoughts about FULDA?"} {"idx": 2642, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251020578598813696", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2645, "original_id": "1251251265209798661", "reply_id": "1251253246179577857", "label": "yes", "text": "Pictures tomorrow?"} {"idx": 2648, "original_id": "1251005904738152448", "reply_id": "1251006963015487488", "label": "applause", "text": "girls with glasses >>>"} {"idx": 2649, "original_id": "1250932853216620544", "reply_id": "1250940637677051905", "label": "smh", "text": "@Rosannaivonnexo just made my day 😂😂😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 2651, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250980044433809408", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 2652, "original_id": "1250933940644446215", "reply_id": "1250937996758548480", "label": "yes", "text": "I've done it, I finally got in touch with a tattoo artist 👀"} {"idx": 2653, "original_id": "1251183105517457408", "reply_id": "1251215220355346436", "label": "agree", "text": "I think paintball should be considered an essential social distancing activity"} {"idx": 2654, "original_id": "1251222533539586051", "reply_id": "1251238286179422213", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I said I think I’ll go to BoStOn \nI think I’ll take 90 East\nI think I’ll get off at 17\nWhere Watertown knows my name \n\nChrist I am so corny"} {"idx": 2658, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251230763569340421", "label": "sigh", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 2659, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1251147775833587719", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 2660, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250878751493304321", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 2662, "original_id": "1251223088248893440", "reply_id": "1251248221751586817", "label": "eww", "text": "Ser prolija is my passion"} {"idx": 2663, "original_id": "1250891155538980864", "reply_id": "1250902842048516106", "label": "hearts", "text": "your boyfriend ever just do nothing and you’re still like 🥰😍"} {"idx": 2666, "original_id": "1250967408258322432", "reply_id": "1251041432858759168", "label": "no", "text": "I hope this has taught y’all to mind y’all fucking business"} {"idx": 2668, "original_id": "1251083828531089409", "reply_id": "1251084499162525696", "label": "agree", "text": "I can be found smiling at the ground !!!"} {"idx": 2669, "original_id": "1250875358532046848", "reply_id": "1250875860715962369", "label": "eww", "text": "My Neighbor went to buy fuel. Heading back home, he fell and the container had a hole. He quickly drank the fuel, ran home when he reached, he took a pail and vomited the fuel inside then put it inside his generator and its running perfectly.\n\nThis is a True Life Story 😶😶"} {"idx": 2674, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250915515440050176", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2675, "original_id": "1251011748355850246", "reply_id": "1251043054414413824", "label": "shrug", "text": "How do you know if you’ve found your “Person”?"} {"idx": 2680, "original_id": "1251242941936545792", "reply_id": "1251244291789381632", "label": "dance", "text": "Bout to dye my hair 2 diff colors cause why not 🤷🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 2683, "original_id": "1250923140156395527", "reply_id": "1250923458386694146", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "About the virus: “will be able to suppress it, whack it” \n\nI don’t know what that means."} {"idx": 2684, "original_id": "1250827584050356224", "reply_id": "1250845887636611072", "label": "ok", "text": "None of my sex tweets are about you"} {"idx": 2686, "original_id": "1251190707932540930", "reply_id": "1251241087630532611", "label": "applause", "text": "if I look like I’m handling this isolation very well it’s very much just the weed guys."} {"idx": 2687, "original_id": "1250227158452023297", "reply_id": "1250899345039396869", "label": "sigh", "text": "Obama left our cupboard bare. It's not my fault. No one could have guessed this would happen. But I can see everything.If I don't act,it's because Hannity's line was busy.If we open the economy the market will go back up.People might get infected, but that's tough. #mamievandoren"} {"idx": 2688, "original_id": "1251238366269579267", "reply_id": "1251263424832704514", "label": "eww", "text": "Overnight oats are my favorite 😋"} {"idx": 2690, "original_id": "1251048780004315142", "reply_id": "1251121688550539264", "label": "applause", "text": "People DMing me Hi, hello, where are you from?\n\nHello haiji sabko hello hai.. \n\nStop spamming random people’s DMs you dimwits! 🤦‍♀️"} {"idx": 2691, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1251089543693955072", "label": "scared", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 2693, "original_id": "1251013375854706690", "reply_id": "1251183396400910336", "label": "applause", "text": "QUESTION for critics who were at the #BlackWidow screening just before lockdown - are we allowed to talk about the ham scene or is that under NDA? Guessing no because of the cameo but wasn’t sure"} {"idx": 2694, "original_id": "1251170730231967744", "reply_id": "1251207464558698498", "label": "yes", "text": "If @PostMalone did an IG concert during all this bullshit, I’m pretty sure he’d probs crash the Internet but I still want it to happen 😫😂 @rriproarin"} {"idx": 2695, "original_id": "1251144027870597120", "reply_id": "1251263540792623104", "label": "thank_you", "text": "👻 😈 Welcome to the #FollowFriday \n\nThese people are my community:\n@AshTudor888 \n@Just_WriteSM\n@authoradam84\n@Auk_Word\n@BreartonTJ\n@GroundWriter\n@NATural_writer_\n@Kephain\n@PatrickAttawayy\n@WillemVerheij85\n@TimRussVA\n@jdclarknovelist\n#WritingCommunity"} {"idx": 2698, "original_id": "1251189910893219841", "reply_id": "1251216292687646720", "label": "dance", "text": "💞LOVELY💞SUNDAY\n#KaraAmbargroup\n#FollowsEli\n@melo_zeno\n@fadakzas\n@Ayhan_525\n@irvinejulie\n@Annie22462736\n@Sudem445\n@zxzx011111 🔥\n@Tana_Pato\n@lumpie125\n@pequenavez\n@MagDivina\n@zahr621 \n@S2_CarlaS2\n@IsoaG\n@F4FCatAry\n@Avishek_KG__\n@juliairvine4\n@tadayokun\n@SueliRizzi2\n@IrvineJules1"} {"idx": 2699, "original_id": "1251091011876597760", "reply_id": "1251095609601339392", "label": "shocked", "text": "My bitchy attitude is coming out again..working on it"} {"idx": 2700, "original_id": "1251166977726570496", "reply_id": "1251205015924027394", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think America is ready to reopen on 1 May❓"} {"idx": 2701, "original_id": "1251157037209145344", "reply_id": "1251195261654904837", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“Why they sleeping on the kid? You a kidnapper”"} {"idx": 2705, "original_id": "1250770430337712130", "reply_id": "1250855023313145857", "label": "yes", "text": "like a storm in the desert ☔ #JodiArias ☔ like a sleepy blue ocean"} {"idx": 2706, "original_id": "1250817919958859776", "reply_id": "1250963349690597377", "label": "applause", "text": "I am officially credit card debt FREE!!❤️😆\nNow, to tackle some student loans!"} {"idx": 2707, "original_id": "1251117801764519938", "reply_id": "1251118903129976832", "label": "smh", "text": "I got a noise complaint in the mail today because I “screech”???\n\nWhat on earth."} {"idx": 2709, "original_id": "1251164987751649280", "reply_id": "1251165237941764096", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Well.... Wish me luck, I'm going to need it! Just bought a box of SPA & SPX 🤷🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 2711, "original_id": "1250852192380125184", "reply_id": "1250853133884022785", "label": "smh", "text": "I wondered if the noise I heard in the woods at night was an electronic band from the late '70s and' 80s or kestrel manoeuvres in the dark."} {"idx": 2713, "original_id": "1250845516776247296", "reply_id": "1250845709227528192", "label": "agree", "text": "I know it’s confusing to see a big mouthed obese woman get so much love compared to other train wrecks on social media but remember the bar was set pretty low to begin with. It’s not hard to be yourself, fuck up, learn from it, and try to better."} {"idx": 2714, "original_id": "1250896099956711432", "reply_id": "1250903823008305159", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Where can ye buy motivation cause I’ve ran oot 🤔"} {"idx": 2715, "original_id": "1250783455597731845", "reply_id": "1250975798691074048", "label": "agree", "text": "Any other parents out there noticing that there is a weekly cumulative build that has a definite pattern?\n\nMon - We got this! \nTues - I hope we got this.\nWed - I thought we had this?\nThurs - Nobody got this. Call the police.\nFri - Just watch TV, next week, we got this!"} {"idx": 2717, "original_id": "1251077956367077378", "reply_id": "1251079010827763712", "label": "dance", "text": "Bearded men growing on me lowkey..."} {"idx": 2720, "original_id": "1250995127184580614", "reply_id": "1251021561198309378", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I’m off garlic."} {"idx": 2722, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251025538564702209", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2723, "original_id": "1251245908651638787", "reply_id": "1251251833403834370", "label": "hug", "text": "My social media use and depression are directly related"} {"idx": 2728, "original_id": "1251223987868307460", "reply_id": "1251224820328599552", "label": "yes", "text": "Welp, prime time to start perfecting my mullet"} {"idx": 2729, "original_id": "1250999018886316032", "reply_id": "1251205608251912192", "label": "smh", "text": "Phineas and Ferb >>>>>>>> Spongebob"} {"idx": 2730, "original_id": "1251043688836411393", "reply_id": "1251245712861532160", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "been having weird ass dreams and bad feelings"} {"idx": 2732, "original_id": "1251248413452259329", "reply_id": "1251253140667670531", "label": "yes", "text": "am writing the characters and the main plot for the fic down and I've never been more motivated and inspired omg"} {"idx": 2733, "original_id": "1251181731689963520", "reply_id": "1251205465259880449", "label": "high_five", "text": "A lot of people who want to \"Liberate America\" don't understand that until there's adequate testing and/or a viable treatment or vaccine, we need to stay home - just like Trump did during Vietnam. #StayHomeLikeTrumpinVietnam"} {"idx": 2734, "original_id": "1250934460427747330", "reply_id": "1250935612967923712", "label": "hug", "text": "I need cuddles asap"} {"idx": 2735, "original_id": "1250752116618076164", "reply_id": "1250860249323577345", "label": "shocked", "text": "If I had a boyfriend who was also a cowboy I’d simply be his whorse"} {"idx": 2736, "original_id": "1250243527201742848", "reply_id": "1251014772813897730", "label": "agree", "text": "Bang outside I hang outside \ndon’t come out da house cuz corona outside"} {"idx": 2743, "original_id": "1251002130162483205", "reply_id": "1251029546666729472", "label": "shrug", "text": "I've spent the evening studying the methods, tools, and suppliers for roasting my own coffee. This quarantine...Someone help me. Please. Help me."} {"idx": 2745, "original_id": "1250978100663529472", "reply_id": "1250985137040502785", "label": "awww", "text": "I love my twitter homies though!!!"} {"idx": 2750, "original_id": "1250970509174550528", "reply_id": "1250975502040535041", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Man life just been hitting different lately"} {"idx": 2751, "original_id": "1250943950883438593", "reply_id": "1250947247233093632", "label": "applause", "text": "@D_Atkins04 you are a superhero, i love you bro, everyone give this man a round of applause"} {"idx": 2753, "original_id": "1250956832606162950", "reply_id": "1250957952279883776", "label": "shocked", "text": "honestly wish i had online classes bcs i literally have nothing to do😔🤚"} {"idx": 2754, "original_id": "1251230083341312007", "reply_id": "1251233290461339653", "label": "awww", "text": "Me with my Egyptian friends: *speaks Egyptian*\nWith my Lebanese friends: *speaks Lebanese*\nWith my Saudi Friends: *speaks Saudi*\nWith my Moroccan friends:\n*Speaks Moroccan*\n\nThen I end up mixing all of them by mistake so I'm sorry if you can't understand what I'm saying..."} {"idx": 2755, "original_id": "1250859234092150784", "reply_id": "1251240216951754755", "label": "sigh", "text": "E(6) So if a boy kisses a girl-\nMe: Yeees\nE: Does she get a baby in her tummy?\nM: [Crap] Er, no\nE: Even if they kiss a lot?\nM: Still no\nE: Oh\nM: More cereal?\nE: But-\nM: [Oh god] Yes?\nE: How do people build houses? With wood or bricks?\nM: [Thank fuck]"} {"idx": 2756, "original_id": "1250952843055583232", "reply_id": "1250954851250511872", "label": "yes", "text": "America is about to come roaring back."} {"idx": 2757, "original_id": "1251249628923772928", "reply_id": "1251251370625286144", "label": "thank_you", "text": "There's a difference between making an edgy joke and being a cunt"} {"idx": 2758, "original_id": "1250975818806890503", "reply_id": "1250976160915341312", "label": "seriously", "text": "So there were 18 more COVIDs before COVID-19 🤔🤔"} {"idx": 2760, "original_id": "1250854100989771779", "reply_id": "1250858942315593728", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I CANT STAY PUT FOR ANOTHER MONTH IM SERIOUSLY AT MY BREAKING POINT SOS"} {"idx": 2762, "original_id": "1251090881588969473", "reply_id": "1251140305484754944", "label": "hug", "text": "My heart is at peace right now, the news I got earlier truly made me smile in a way I havent since before I lost my Yankee"} {"idx": 2765, "original_id": "1250837473980268553", "reply_id": "1250838849703432192", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "New PB at work today. Fastest time unloading a truck ~"} {"idx": 2767, "original_id": "1251014975776161792", "reply_id": "1251028567862861824", "label": "shocked", "text": "I don’t run on people’s flowers!!! (unless you’re michael then you deserve it 🥳)"} {"idx": 2768, "original_id": "1251069331259011072", "reply_id": "1251069792225824768", "label": "agree", "text": "I just wanna lay up"} {"idx": 2769, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1250934232429613057", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 2771, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250925966031032322", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2772, "original_id": "1250884821167026177", "reply_id": "1251016788747276288", "label": "yes", "text": "O N E D I R E C T I O N"} {"idx": 2775, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251230495922249728", "label": "eww", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 2777, "original_id": "1250911083327631360", "reply_id": "1250914326153740288", "label": "shocked", "text": "I JUST SAW MY LITTLE PONY SEX EYE"} {"idx": 2779, "original_id": "1250996263883022336", "reply_id": "1250996674341855234", "label": "seriously", "text": "I reaaaaly like @deenguyenMTV & @Rogan_OConnor together they are cuteeeee #TheChallenge35"} {"idx": 2781, "original_id": "1250718236544466944", "reply_id": "1250891115701698561", "label": "hug", "text": "he is always my only one💞"} {"idx": 2782, "original_id": "1250907345770643457", "reply_id": "1250916086301765633", "label": "applause", "text": "Just submitted my dissertation online. Now I really feel like I'm done. #virtualdefense #PhDone WOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!"} {"idx": 2785, "original_id": "1251169365975760897", "reply_id": "1251246895701393414", "label": "shocked", "text": "😂😂 L. George’s is not a good coney. Only the real know"} {"idx": 2786, "original_id": "1250914379161206784", "reply_id": "1250920414282264576", "label": "awww", "text": "Trying to win my friends some switches 😭"} {"idx": 2788, "original_id": "1251239402619244544", "reply_id": "1251241831771316225", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug 🤗 😩"} {"idx": 2790, "original_id": "1250957267446435845", "reply_id": "1250957955727601666", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I do not want to see any hate for @KathyColace. We don't know all of the pain that she has lived through and her feelings while she sees this episode and as the book is preparing to release! #TotalBellas"} {"idx": 2792, "original_id": "1251143661435289602", "reply_id": "1251161289679753230", "label": "ok", "text": "$CANN.c $HERTF\n\nGetting coiled here, ready to breakout at any time"} {"idx": 2799, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251215246494257152", "label": "yawn", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 2802, "original_id": "1250983366171799552", "reply_id": "1250983630765088768", "label": "applause", "text": "Okay, so today I finally did a big chop and cut off all my unhealthy hair. I’m trying to stick to routine to grow it back out again :) So atleast quarantine made me do something right🤩👏🏿👏🏿"} {"idx": 2807, "original_id": "1250917404995137538", "reply_id": "1250924127499751424", "label": "hearts", "text": "Stream on saturday. Which language (eng or ger, sadly i dont speak vulcan) do you prefer? Haven’t streamed for a year and idk my audience anymore lol 😅"} {"idx": 2808, "original_id": "1250865849659002880", "reply_id": "1251019673727991808", "label": "eww", "text": "Do you think Melanie gets butterflies in her stomach when 45 walks in the room?"} {"idx": 2809, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250912964497928193", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2810, "original_id": "1250914444059783170", "reply_id": "1250921054991572992", "label": "shocked", "text": "horny"} {"idx": 2812, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1250925266874097667", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 2814, "original_id": "1251030316736581633", "reply_id": "1251054324882391040", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "BUT how many of ya’ll recognize that Vin Diesel is part of MCU. Only one movie but still"} {"idx": 2818, "original_id": "1251252835595030529", "reply_id": "1251252891152797702", "label": "kiss", "text": "I WANNA BE HELD"} {"idx": 2820, "original_id": "1251233942126104579", "reply_id": "1251234799185997824", "label": "applause", "text": "I quit smoking 4 years ago..\nI've never wanted a cigarette more.... 🚬🚭"} {"idx": 2821, "original_id": "1251072579617554432", "reply_id": "1251109684481683456", "label": "hug", "text": "Being an accountant is sad seeing how a $58 insignificant difference of ending balance is easily booked into “bank charge” every month while you realized that amount of money could help you through to survive until next paycheck."} {"idx": 2822, "original_id": "1250943979702583296", "reply_id": "1250945850622259200", "label": "awww", "text": "MASON IS THE GOAT"} {"idx": 2825, "original_id": "1251024561820168192", "reply_id": "1251025509443665922", "label": "agree", "text": "Starting Tiger King 🐅🐾 Instantly captivated 😳"} {"idx": 2827, "original_id": "1251238128330747904", "reply_id": "1251239795084324864", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Idk how people can finish a Netflix serie knowing there might not be food on the table."} {"idx": 2828, "original_id": "1251211880682663936", "reply_id": "1251212166943948802", "label": "agree", "text": "what i learned today is that if i cant find something @_celinaramos probably has it"} {"idx": 2830, "original_id": "1250952438653181953", "reply_id": "1250959834343759883", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Who’s watching #GhostAdventures with us right now? RT"} {"idx": 2831, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251081524004507651", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2836, "original_id": "1251152813129752579", "reply_id": "1251154516927381504", "label": "hug", "text": "I rrly h8 crying."} {"idx": 2837, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250998384275722240", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 2838, "original_id": "1250795317135650817", "reply_id": "1251018596249153537", "label": "oops", "text": "Brandon Marshall is on First Take saying the Bucs will win the NFC South and the Saints are done. This reminds me of two things: \n\n1) Brandon Marshall couldn't even beat out Keith Kirkwood to be active on the roster in 2018\n2) Brandon Marshall has NEVER played in the postseason"} {"idx": 2839, "original_id": "1251129357852200962", "reply_id": "1251162381083791367", "label": "hug", "text": "As a person who lives alone, can I take a moment to say:\n\nI just really, really want a hug."} {"idx": 2841, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250939648140075008", "label": "sigh", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 2842, "original_id": "1251046401028452352", "reply_id": "1251197021631008768", "label": "want", "text": "Hey people who usually hug hello AND goodbye..\n\nYou doing ok?🥺"} {"idx": 2845, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251079468820676608", "label": "seriously", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 2847, "original_id": "1251179521958707202", "reply_id": "1251188083724128256", "label": "eww", "text": "What’s the point in wearing a surgical cap if you’re going to leave all of your hair out?"} {"idx": 2852, "original_id": "1250831570031775745", "reply_id": "1250956996477685760", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all."} {"idx": 2853, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251102856435900417", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 2855, "original_id": "1250866320184352776", "reply_id": "1250920695585882112", "label": "yes", "text": "I got a feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night that tonight’s gonna be a good night that tonight’s gonna be a good good night \n\nSODE TONIGHT. SEEYA SOON \n\n#FFIDP #IDP #2019RookieDraftReview"} {"idx": 2859, "original_id": "1250203842064629761", "reply_id": "1250943304755294209", "label": "please", "text": "Unpopular opinions only reply to this tweet"} {"idx": 2862, "original_id": "1251175675358089221", "reply_id": "1251177998927060992", "label": "hug", "text": "I wanna cry, this week is too much for me 🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 2867, "original_id": "1251199137720262663", "reply_id": "1251199246155616258", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Sorry for the delay ill drop extra because of it ☺️"} {"idx": 2868, "original_id": "1251136712031432705", "reply_id": "1251158899392049153", "label": "shrug", "text": "Uh @DippinDots are superior"} {"idx": 2869, "original_id": "1250717698763313153", "reply_id": "1250836421125918721", "label": "eww", "text": "Goodnight remember men ain’t shit 😘xoxo"} {"idx": 2870, "original_id": "1251168918233706499", "reply_id": "1251169380630556675", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a real tight hug, please"} {"idx": 2871, "original_id": "1251209512779997188", "reply_id": "1251209935242891266", "label": "yes", "text": "Bucs need a left tackle\n\nRedskins need a tight end\n\nTrent for OJ Howard? Who says no?"} {"idx": 2872, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251054509360545792", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 2873, "original_id": "1250866379575693313", "reply_id": "1250868062175277057", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m not okay."} {"idx": 2878, "original_id": "1250162332828925952", "reply_id": "1250991050551934976", "label": "agree", "text": "New front bottoms on Friday gives me something to look forward to"} {"idx": 2881, "original_id": "1250974585773862920", "reply_id": "1250974889793556481", "label": "no", "text": "Why don't eagles and eels mate?\n<_<\n>_>\nBecause it would be eeleagle!\n😂🤣"} {"idx": 2883, "original_id": "1251179122283261953", "reply_id": "1251182132074090498", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Day 32 of quarantine, how would you describe yourself with an image"} {"idx": 2885, "original_id": "1250919064408477697", "reply_id": "1250924151071576064", "label": "wink", "text": "So... schedule another outlook calendar zoom call to talk about the webinar on online connection for better emailing about authentic social media engagement tomorrow or should we postpone that to next weeks Facetime/google hangouts?"} {"idx": 2886, "original_id": "1250868461447917575", "reply_id": "1250926045596975107", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Don’t log into school tomorrow"} {"idx": 2890, "original_id": "1250997669138444289", "reply_id": "1250998999722557440", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Time for bath wine? Time for bath wine. ♥️"} {"idx": 2893, "original_id": "1250960267577524228", "reply_id": "1250960512483037184", "label": "agree", "text": "Assumptions are poison ☠️"} {"idx": 2895, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250842494356672512", "label": "sigh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 2896, "original_id": "1250777255577636865", "reply_id": "1250848147934453762", "label": "shocked", "text": "4: Dad wanna play with me??\n\nMe: Yeah when I finish my coffee I will\n\n4: *gestures at my coffee* Well then drink it.....it's right fuckin there!!\n\nMe:"} {"idx": 2897, "original_id": "1251000458375770112", "reply_id": "1251001031187726336", "label": "ok", "text": "I should be getting my back blown out 😭"} {"idx": 2898, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251269868449644549", "label": "shrug", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 2899, "original_id": "1250718211856674818", "reply_id": "1250858047213383680", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you are reading this I would like to say that you are a beautiful person and what ever you may be going through good or bad I wish you nothing but the best ."} {"idx": 2902, "original_id": "1250916838579503105", "reply_id": "1251061861346242560", "label": "oops", "text": "Tonight’s #CowboysQuestions is when buying toothpaste do you usually"} {"idx": 2903, "original_id": "1250955682943242240", "reply_id": "1250956163279183872", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Lady Gaga is not expected to perform Stupid Love at #TogetherAtHome this Saturday."} {"idx": 2905, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250939445693513731", "label": "win", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 2906, "original_id": "1250848307880091654", "reply_id": "1250925789933174784", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I promise I’m not being a bitch and ignoring your comments and messages I’m just trying to do 35 masturbation customs today before my cursed period hits tomorrow 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 2907, "original_id": "1251006495728128001", "reply_id": "1251061608865886210", "label": "agree", "text": "i dont want a peck this episode i want them to have a full on angry make out session I WANT FRUSTRATED SARAWATINE KISSES WITH HICKEYS AND ALL THAT SHIT"} {"idx": 2909, "original_id": "1250868531014463488", "reply_id": "1250870051084947457", "label": "agree", "text": "Equating responsible social distancing/quarantine guidelines with an assault on liberty is like arguing not being allowed to open an airplane door in flight is tyranny. Like, bro, we're all on the same metaphorical airplane here and the first of those unequivocal rights is life."} {"idx": 2910, "original_id": "1251188886115680257", "reply_id": "1251191173210943489", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Rangers and Arlington ISD finalize deal to allow for 14 HS football games at Globe Life Park in Arlington this fall."} {"idx": 2913, "original_id": "1250879348351131652", "reply_id": "1251132491001483264", "label": "seriously", "text": "Things I've banned from quarantine out of self-preservation:\n—Socks (The Worst article of clothing)\n—Adele songs\n—Salads"} {"idx": 2914, "original_id": "1251090835485097985", "reply_id": "1251090931299823617", "label": "no", "text": "Borussia Dortmund were interested in including Greenwood in a deal for Jadon Sancho last summer. #mufc had absolutely no intention of discussing Greenwood and he will not be involved in any further talks #mulive [espn]"} {"idx": 2915, "original_id": "1251086427422625792", "reply_id": "1251087093809512451", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I'm adulting. I rang the people I'm waiting for the call back from instead of waiting for them to call me.\n\nNow I wait for the right department to call me back. Wish my luck!"} {"idx": 2916, "original_id": "1250840433925767174", "reply_id": "1251055226276249601", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Smooth move DMing and asking me out and then posting to your story a few days later asking someone else out the same way."} {"idx": 2917, "original_id": "1250812943366795265", "reply_id": "1250973328753545220", "label": "agree", "text": "Had a great stream last night with @RavenEightyNine . We survived more than three times right?! Lol\n\nThank you for the resub @RealMamaEagle \n\nWe also raided @Paddock_twitch he loves the back street boys and rap guys ;)"} {"idx": 2918, "original_id": "1250833598019756033", "reply_id": "1250834185020989442", "label": "no", "text": "Anyone else eating more Stouffers Mac & Cheese than I ever thought possible?"} {"idx": 2920, "original_id": "1251227261958647808", "reply_id": "1251232485918171137", "label": "eww", "text": "The C in my name stands for choke me"} {"idx": 2921, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251115523296780289", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 2923, "original_id": "1251042140278288389", "reply_id": "1251207078368043009", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "what do you call a paint finish that makes you wait a moment?\n\na chotto Matte"} {"idx": 2924, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251187559289348096", "label": "no", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 2925, "original_id": "1251149555476819977", "reply_id": "1251183147829559300", "label": "yes", "text": "How many of you have watched Out of the Shadows?"} {"idx": 2928, "original_id": "1250994686551969793", "reply_id": "1250996277686366208", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm thankful for @Gisselle_Kellyy for always sending me good music 😊"} {"idx": 2932, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251145293602549768", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 2933, "original_id": "1250933161447563264", "reply_id": "1251168627115646981", "label": "hug", "text": "Wide awake. Overthinking every possible situation in my life right now. Sleeps overrated anyway. Anxiety is in full swing 👍🏼😐"} {"idx": 2940, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251155905090973697", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2942, "original_id": "1250944259424952321", "reply_id": "1250947589081575426", "label": "agree", "text": "i hate cats"} {"idx": 2943, "original_id": "1251140504663834624", "reply_id": "1251141239157768192", "label": "sigh", "text": "Good morning, Milwaukee. Today is Friday, April 17, 2020. There is no baseball. We are still under quasi-lockdown. And it’s snowing. \n\nThat concludes this mornings headlines."} {"idx": 2945, "original_id": "1251175661684883456", "reply_id": "1251194668102094848", "label": "no", "text": "maybe i should just quit"} {"idx": 2951, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251202272559796227", "label": "yawn", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 2954, "original_id": "1251263343685505025", "reply_id": "1251263776835407875", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "So bored I joined team #QuarantineMustache."} {"idx": 2955, "original_id": "1250921250899341314", "reply_id": "1251103854772531201", "label": "sigh", "text": "Trump is predicting essentially full restaurants in some states where they’ve moved through phases of new government guidelines."} {"idx": 2956, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251008771314180096", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 2957, "original_id": "1251148788829282310", "reply_id": "1251176807891492865", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Shout out the @HiImSerenity for the past few fro raids!! I appreciate it bro! Keep killing it 🤘🏽"} {"idx": 2961, "original_id": "1251190198790246401", "reply_id": "1251194256649322497", "label": "agree", "text": "Lift his penis, not his spirits. Am I doing it right?"} {"idx": 2962, "original_id": "1251241815820378113", "reply_id": "1251242629867745281", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "@RyanJSergeant just like that...snow is gone"} {"idx": 2963, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250951934682554369", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 2964, "original_id": "1250956198058180610", "reply_id": "1250956447527006213", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I'm about to attempt to cook. Pray for me"} {"idx": 2965, "original_id": "1250944948247031809", "reply_id": "1250945232830513152", "label": "idk", "text": "Starting to feel like im getting sick. It better not be what i think it is 🙄"} {"idx": 2966, "original_id": "1250965596591796224", "reply_id": "1251270766215278592", "label": "applause", "text": "I love a man in glasses it’s like omg maybe he can read 😍🥵🤤"} {"idx": 2967, "original_id": "1243793277255479296", "reply_id": "1250902997082742786", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "AQ3D Servers now have reduced capacity down to 800 players from 5000. This helps distribute the player load better to other servers, so if you see Red or Blue as full, time to get on that Black Dragon hype 😏"} {"idx": 2968, "original_id": "1250885855952199686", "reply_id": "1250903818705010688", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just remembered a few summers ago I had someone over who was very intoxicated and sometime during the night they thought my cats litter box was the bathroom...😂🤣🙃😅😳😬"} {"idx": 2969, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250946834190807041", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 2972, "original_id": "1250914819366105088", "reply_id": "1251018159131410432", "label": "no", "text": "Are your makeup brushes clean? Don’t lieeeeeee 👀"} {"idx": 2973, "original_id": "1250798494018920450", "reply_id": "1250909893458100224", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Bennington Hills Ct, rptd male outside smoking marijuana. #roc #henrietta"} {"idx": 2976, "original_id": "1250901835034103809", "reply_id": "1251172453218422784", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Shout out to 30+ Twitter though!"} {"idx": 2977, "original_id": "1251233910647918599", "reply_id": "1251263422639083520", "label": "no", "text": "Is there such a thing as a bad AC/DC song?"} {"idx": 2978, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251022802120896513", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 2979, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251232847794335744", "label": "agree", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 2983, "original_id": "1250966808380805123", "reply_id": "1251001071822135297", "label": "agree", "text": "It’s not “social distancing” its “physical distancing”. People are still finding ways to socially connect even during these strange times.\n#life #relationships"} {"idx": 2987, "original_id": "1251149328040648704", "reply_id": "1251181958559866880", "label": "ok", "text": "Wolves wear shirts with me on them"} {"idx": 2988, "original_id": "1250960246178230272", "reply_id": "1250964405505929216", "label": "shocked", "text": "my mom and i just ate pizza and drank margaritas by the ocean, this is LIFE, MY LIFE 💞"} {"idx": 2989, "original_id": "1251092136650473474", "reply_id": "1251093814523158528", "label": "agree", "text": "Anybody wey tell me say I’m above one tweet your mouth go tear 😂"} {"idx": 2990, "original_id": "1250822157304659968", "reply_id": "1250855940280266752", "label": "no", "text": "Dr Oz-Mengele: \"Schools are a very appetizing opportunity. I just saw a nice piece in The Lancet arguing the opening of schools may only cost us 2 to 3%, in terms of total mortality. Any, you know, any life is a life lost, but...that might be a tradeoff some folks would consider\""} {"idx": 2991, "original_id": "1250858895066542080", "reply_id": "1251101919491350528", "label": "dance", "text": "Allen Robinson is a No. 1 wide receiver."} {"idx": 2992, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250863451922104327", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 2994, "original_id": "1251194190098305025", "reply_id": "1251194594999533568", "label": "scared", "text": "So there's some crazy singing coming from my neighbours house. \n\nFunnily she's an elderly lady and went to stay with her sister before lockdown..."} {"idx": 2996, "original_id": "1250877135792857095", "reply_id": "1250923408428118018", "label": "hug", "text": "hey you. with all the business in the world going on right now, i want to remind you of something that you may have forgotten. \n\nyou are so loved. you are so deserving. you are of value.\n\n❤️"} {"idx": 2997, "original_id": "1251133623543246859", "reply_id": "1251185661413150721", "label": "applause", "text": "Good morning ☀️ today is another day to fight. Fight to win! You got this! Love, Pulte"} {"idx": 2999, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251236018965053443", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 3000, "original_id": "1251197396593397762", "reply_id": "1251199650817810433", "label": "applause", "text": "With my reputation of looking like I want to be fucked, there’s a reason I don’t mingle with people’s partners. I am not friendly with my friends’ partners.\nInfact, I don’t have friends for a reason."} {"idx": 3001, "original_id": "1250901963274948608", "reply_id": "1250910792972673025", "label": "no", "text": "NFL star and Super Bowl 50 MVP Von Miller has a confirmed case of COVID-19, his agent @JobyBranion of @VanguardSG tells me. The #Broncos star is at home resting and in good spirits. He plans to speak publicly tomorrow."} {"idx": 3004, "original_id": "1251146822946484224", "reply_id": "1251178535613534213", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Friday foxes 😍@RiflemansCreed @DSDeputyMarshal @Nursekellogg13 @babygirlcj @BrooksGoode @MotherCluckyou @CalimityF @mmmadcccow @FTF_Amanda @T_Bonstaff @slayerific13 @tinaghenry @Greatlakesgirl_ @LeighCRoach @alicia__joy @jillandRemi @ReaganLincoln08"} {"idx": 3007, "original_id": "1250878404129415169", "reply_id": "1250898818276655104", "label": "agree", "text": "should I post more drumming content"} {"idx": 3009, "original_id": "1251232012456857600", "reply_id": "1251232475273211907", "label": "hug", "text": "Need hug"} {"idx": 3012, "original_id": "1251203118379020288", "reply_id": "1251241051739820033", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Follow my sim family! \n\n@Justinpgh118 \n@Shesasimmer30 \n@debbiemarie_ \n@MedusaTheSimmer \n @Studio_Simli \n@cubizim \n@StonedSims \n@Blvck_sims4 \n\nI know I’m leaving pole out cause I always do. But this is a start."} {"idx": 3013, "original_id": "1251165750666149888", "reply_id": "1251207119057059841", "label": "shocked", "text": "i JUST realized all the paw patrol pups specialize in the area that the real life dogs do and I’m shook. Rubble drives a bull dozer bc he’s a pit bull, Marshall drives a fire truck bc he’s a dalmatian, Chase drives a police car bc he’s a German shepherd. Crazy stuff i swear"} {"idx": 3014, "original_id": "1251064378696372224", "reply_id": "1251216530408214534", "label": "applause", "text": "I just realized I am a month and 2 days cigarette free!"} {"idx": 3015, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250913353687539712", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 3017, "original_id": "1251191735503540225", "reply_id": "1251218527480016896", "label": "no", "text": "We're beyond gross incompetence & failure of leadership in the white house. We're in a position where we need to liberate America from a cruel & unstable madman who's inciting violence and unrest against his own citizens & Governors DURING A PANDEMIC. No longer a partisan issue."} {"idx": 3021, "original_id": "1250813891124310017", "reply_id": "1250889996359348229", "label": "shocked", "text": "7 years ago today heelys got banned at my highschool specifically because of me"} {"idx": 3026, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250948247570481157", "label": "dance", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 3032, "original_id": "1251036157791485952", "reply_id": "1251036864326164480", "label": "omg", "text": "OUR FAN PRJECT WILL BE UP WITHIN NEXT WEEK ❤️"} {"idx": 3033, "original_id": "1251022876288974849", "reply_id": "1251058811013607425", "label": "applause", "text": "So i went on a date with the girl i met at sheetz\n\nWe visited each other's islands on animal crossing, played some splatoon, then i showed her around downtown Pittsburgh\n\nI ended up being her first kiss\n\nDrake_clapping.gif"} {"idx": 3034, "original_id": "1251221251143553024", "reply_id": "1251221928515383298", "label": "yes", "text": "All I do is dishes now"} {"idx": 3037, "original_id": "1250837369340788741", "reply_id": "1250978485629263873", "label": "agree", "text": "What’s your mood today?"} {"idx": 3038, "original_id": "1251206768241381379", "reply_id": "1251236894811344897", "label": "scared", "text": "I think it's fair to say the Cleveland Browns, on paper, have the league's worst linebacker corps."} {"idx": 3039, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250923384214560768", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 3041, "original_id": "1250550492922433536", "reply_id": "1250854807721488386", "label": "agree", "text": "I can’t eat a sandwhich without chips"} {"idx": 3042, "original_id": "1250340906076495877", "reply_id": "1251044394452447234", "label": "shocked", "text": "I jt need mushrooms and I’ll be good🙃"} {"idx": 3043, "original_id": "1251263915859873792", "reply_id": "1251265870694887425", "label": "shocked", "text": "All the shows that would be shooting their next season right now aren’t. Therefore. There won’t be any new seasons. *sobs*"} {"idx": 3044, "original_id": "1250964205647339520", "reply_id": "1251222503252529153", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I gave up on being a crafty Pinterest mom who tries fancy recipes and organizes chore charts for her kids a long time ago. \n\nI’m more of a tequila drinking, F bomb dropping, frozen chicken nugget mom."} {"idx": 3047, "original_id": "1250764990249930755", "reply_id": "1251011164856713216", "label": "oops", "text": "Me: After buying like half of the items in the @BlackMilkTweets THIRST collection, I won't buy any clothing until AT LEAST July\n\nBlack Milk: lol here's 10% off\n\nMe: Fuck *puts items in shopping cart as if compelled*"} {"idx": 3050, "original_id": "1250598416662630400", "reply_id": "1251142568122953729", "label": "yes", "text": "Would you enjoy watching baseball with no fans in the stands ???"} {"idx": 3055, "original_id": "1251226214246649856", "reply_id": "1251242083739820032", "label": "hug", "text": "ah,, 3am anxiety attacks are nice,"} {"idx": 3056, "original_id": "1251236518976462850", "reply_id": "1251237073148928003", "label": "applause", "text": "I swear women will give other women a pass on doing some of the most fucked up shit as long as the transgression was against a man"} {"idx": 3058, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251232231978184704", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 3060, "original_id": "1250869687858139138", "reply_id": "1250873533405806592", "label": "agree", "text": "I feel like I can safely say this now... what the fuck even is Riverdale.."} {"idx": 3063, "original_id": "1250616699499565056", "reply_id": "1250854876969611265", "label": "thank_you", "text": "The Marvel Civil War movie is an over-convoluted mess of a movie and not enough people talk about this"} {"idx": 3064, "original_id": "1251227891381137408", "reply_id": "1251264592702869504", "label": "seriously", "text": "FF7R is a Remake from another game called Final Fantasy 7 from the original Playstation"} {"idx": 3066, "original_id": "1250831398941814784", "reply_id": "1250833811765510144", "label": "wink", "text": "so cwt😩"} {"idx": 3067, "original_id": "1250913330245574659", "reply_id": "1250915784609726464", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Roger Stone does not deserve a retrial, a federal judge has ruled, per @kpolantz."} {"idx": 3068, "original_id": "1251185367845408768", "reply_id": "1251188731006025734", "label": "oops", "text": "You cannot physically fuck up on purpose as bad as Pennsylvania’s unemployment is being ran"} {"idx": 3077, "original_id": "1250863914826465285", "reply_id": "1250864216539631617", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Please vote for me to be president ✊🏾🙄"} {"idx": 3078, "original_id": "1251006262361427970", "reply_id": "1251176478861070336", "label": "smh", "text": "somebody gimme a meme for when somebody text u back way later like nun happened\n\nill wait"} {"idx": 3079, "original_id": "1251012531616804864", "reply_id": "1251013063865585666", "label": "agree", "text": "Instagram live at 5pm tomorrow 🔥"} {"idx": 3080, "original_id": "1250948661456130048", "reply_id": "1250959151846625281", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Before I used to get ready to go to class or to the supermarket, now I do it to go out and water the garden."} {"idx": 3081, "original_id": "1250883588914057217", "reply_id": "1250956148494262274", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "None of you are ready for the amount of gardening content I’m about to produce"} {"idx": 3083, "original_id": "1251160211739389957", "reply_id": "1251167754893303809", "label": "applause", "text": "a disney exec bursts dramatically into a pitch meeting; regains his breath and, having gained everyone's attention, simply says \"seven-hundred-and-thirty-eight-million dalmatians\""} {"idx": 3086, "original_id": "1250882376428904448", "reply_id": "1251112470355357696", "label": "applause", "text": "Step 1: Zack Ryder signs with AEW.\n\nStep 2: Cody Rhodes teams with him.\n\nStep 3: They call their tag team “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\nStep 4: They rename the Jericho Cruise “AEW: Suite Life On Deck”\n\nStep 5: Ratings 📈📈📈"} {"idx": 3088, "original_id": "1251182560664846339", "reply_id": "1251205017282977794", "label": "eww", "text": "Some kids have shown up at my door two weeks in a row to try to earn money for food during the school shutdown. This week I gave them my British Bake-Off Reject lemon thyme shortbread cookies. I'm sorry, kids."} {"idx": 3092, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251132326328893440", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 3094, "original_id": "1251127970200276992", "reply_id": "1251128626596261888", "label": "agree", "text": "Hey people on the internet, did you know it’s possible to simply say “I don’t know enough about that topic to agree or disagree, and therefore I will stop talking”?? Because it is. Give it a try sometime."} {"idx": 3096, "original_id": "1250935346612879360", "reply_id": "1251153470863761414", "label": "applause", "text": "Had some shower sex. \n\nThis has been an important announcement. Thank you for your time."} {"idx": 3101, "original_id": "1251231082571153408", "reply_id": "1251233081647706113", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I wanna try and get you some help paying bills, could you use $1000? #win @ 220p today w ME on @955thebull #lasvegas"} {"idx": 3103, "original_id": "1251149659881369609", "reply_id": "1251201119818309632", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Out of quarantine working out and dieting. I will lose 30lbs. AEW have been totally awesome. They support me 100%. Gotta lot of love to give.@WNSource @WWE @DDPYoga"} {"idx": 3104, "original_id": "1250991974003458049", "reply_id": "1251157139092992000", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "pussy wetter than a seaquarium"} {"idx": 3105, "original_id": "1250820498876960768", "reply_id": "1250842046539202561", "label": "agree", "text": "“There’s a survey that said 98% of women have been told to smile more at work. Why is there so much pressure to smile all the time? It’s not like it makes us better at our jobs. The only people that smile all the time are clowns and sociopaths.”"} {"idx": 3107, "original_id": "1251159277332344832", "reply_id": "1251160995231227910", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Reported C-19 deaths in the U S. Rs have a gift for cheating.Still 31,000 deaths in one month even with a shutdown of the country are not flu death numbers.Over a year this would be 400,000 deaths unchecked Millions. \n\nFeb. 15: 0 deaths\nMar. 15: 65 deaths\nApr. 15: 30,844 deaths"} {"idx": 3108, "original_id": "1250898462067089408", "reply_id": "1250903211252289537", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Way too many niggas ate my box yesterday smh"} {"idx": 3109, "original_id": "1251059245119913985", "reply_id": "1251063397405405184", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I'm probably going to start going to bed earlier, it's not much fun for me to stay up late anymore."} {"idx": 3110, "original_id": "1250877500177240064", "reply_id": "1250880335602163717", "label": "hug", "text": "gimme love"} {"idx": 3113, "original_id": "1251084609078603776", "reply_id": "1251107539560706049", "label": "no", "text": "Do I let @GracieMariax cut my hair? ✂️"} {"idx": 3115, "original_id": "1250851055052697600", "reply_id": "1250851885730402306", "label": "win", "text": "MY STUDENT LOAN BALANCE IS UNDER $40k \n\nthat is all."} {"idx": 3118, "original_id": "1251033444982775808", "reply_id": "1251033815696289793", "label": "hug", "text": "I want yakap"} {"idx": 3119, "original_id": "1250888104665374743", "reply_id": "1250888745890361344", "label": "smh", "text": "Okay, so apparently there is a conspiracy theory that Jonbenet Ramsey's death was staged and that she's been living her life as...\n\n.................\n\nKaty Perry."} {"idx": 3120, "original_id": "1251262486352986112", "reply_id": "1251262793623502848", "label": "wink", "text": "@calvin12coffee is a simp"} {"idx": 3121, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251232002285633536", "label": "agree", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 3124, "original_id": "1250883605125103619", "reply_id": "1250884872375320576", "label": "agree", "text": "Never let people tell you your dream isn't real, the DREAM is YOURS not theirs.\n\nI tweeted this in 2016 after going thru a dark phase. A lot has changed and I’m thankful."} {"idx": 3128, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250834526823018496", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 3129, "original_id": "1251084914474311681", "reply_id": "1251088746973401088", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Woke up with all my prayers answered.... and prayed again!! ❤️❤️ #WontHeDoIt😇😇 #yeshewill"} {"idx": 3133, "original_id": "1251226762396274690", "reply_id": "1251226884764864512", "label": "hug", "text": "Sometimes the biggest Lie is the Truth you need?"} {"idx": 3138, "original_id": "1251148874372091909", "reply_id": "1251168451218927616", "label": "applause", "text": "It does make sense that DD news is showing people getting 500 500 each."} {"idx": 3139, "original_id": "1251125738780098560", "reply_id": "1251155249395462145", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Joining us now: @SenSchumer & @mikebarnicle"} {"idx": 3140, "original_id": "1250938206712807424", "reply_id": "1251012173628878853", "label": "win", "text": "I hate when I make a John Cena joke and no one sees it"} {"idx": 3145, "original_id": "1250803921989382145", "reply_id": "1250971323490111488", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you still say u instead of you and r instead of are then I will personally kill you for your crimes"} {"idx": 3149, "original_id": "1250884549573304323", "reply_id": "1250958559501848577", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "i understand why people are emailing me and i appreciate them but i will tell you it's not a great time for reasons that will soon become obvious"} {"idx": 3150, "original_id": "1250955708352397313", "reply_id": "1250957884701229062", "label": "no", "text": "Are hotdogs a sandwich?"} {"idx": 3152, "original_id": "1250980578754625537", "reply_id": "1250983367434211330", "label": "agree", "text": "Please don’t tell me who or what to tweet about, and I’ll do the same for you. Thanks."} {"idx": 3154, "original_id": "1251203139732201473", "reply_id": "1251255412306870272", "label": "oops", "text": "I can dance"} {"idx": 3160, "original_id": "1251196460969922561", "reply_id": "1251200155958853632", "label": "yes", "text": "Everything in moderation. Except for weed and bacon of course."} {"idx": 3161, "original_id": "1251157017177161731", "reply_id": "1251258296503283712", "label": "applause", "text": "If you think it's OK for the police to arrest people who open their businesses to feed their families and in the process disregard unconstitutional local rules that illegally preempt state law, you're the problem and are living in the wrong nation."} {"idx": 3163, "original_id": "1250941750069170176", "reply_id": "1250941920664104960", "label": "no", "text": "Work kicked my ass today, can I quit ? 🥺"} {"idx": 3164, "original_id": "1251122879179173890", "reply_id": "1251150024198647809", "label": "applause", "text": "More proof @RepAdamSchiff's FISA memo was deliberately misleading about \"narrow use\" of the Steele dossier to spy on @carterwpage \n\nAlso EXCLUSIVE: the FBI/DOJ FISAs *heavily relied* on reporting attributed to \"Source E\" / \"Person 1\" (Sergei Millian) for probable cause 🚨\n\nTHREAD"} {"idx": 3165, "original_id": "1250571063802593281", "reply_id": "1250887014293090305", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Text me 718-223-4314 📲📲📲"} {"idx": 3166, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1250970365670686721", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 3168, "original_id": "1251134970338381829", "reply_id": "1251135724474241024", "label": "dance", "text": "we made it to Friday! wait .. it is Friday, right??"} {"idx": 3171, "original_id": "1250912457410764802", "reply_id": "1250913104814366721", "label": "applause", "text": "FedEx just dropped off a package and I said “thank you, thanks for all you do!” Then he stopped and looked at me and almost started crying and said “the world needs more people like you. Thank you for being appreciative, you made my day.” Just be nice people, you never know!!"} {"idx": 3173, "original_id": "1251160927296040961", "reply_id": "1251161732434685952", "label": "hug", "text": "Hey, in case you were wondering, I love you."} {"idx": 3174, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251208507132542976", "label": "ok", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 3175, "original_id": "1251037377201606657", "reply_id": "1251210485233573890", "label": "agree", "text": "Westside Gunns beat selection is up there with Rozay"} {"idx": 3176, "original_id": "1250919736893829120", "reply_id": "1250923107239387136", "label": "omg", "text": "I hope my Governor isn’t watching this bullshit on my tv right now."} {"idx": 3182, "original_id": "1251081801843572736", "reply_id": "1251084050217009152", "label": "oops", "text": "TL Sleep... CORN BREAD & DRESSING IS DISGUSTING 🗑 🤢"} {"idx": 3183, "original_id": "1250804027434110976", "reply_id": "1251182212902531073", "label": "hug", "text": "Now my 77 yr old mother who refuses to stop caring for patients because she's been a dedicated RN for over 35 years has #covid symptoms.\n\nFuck this presidency. Preparation for testing is far behind. I hate these people...\n\nSorry."} {"idx": 3184, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251115042977787905", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 3185, "original_id": "1250863062334287877", "reply_id": "1250905032767258624", "label": "yes", "text": "I try to avoid sweeping radical statements here but:\nBanish all doorknobs"} {"idx": 3187, "original_id": "1251214183519182849", "reply_id": "1251214717235998720", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I made my bi monthly store run. It was scary, I wear my mask but I watched people shop with gloves and go to their car and remove the gloves with there teeth 😬. \n\nI. Can't. Do. Stupid.\n#COVID19"} {"idx": 3188, "original_id": "1250790050364829698", "reply_id": "1250865635845967873", "label": "no", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever trust Bill Gates?"} {"idx": 3189, "original_id": "1251206808645091328", "reply_id": "1251207359319457793", "label": "yes", "text": "Cowboys are about to mess up this draft aren’t they"} {"idx": 3190, "original_id": "1251236655119433730", "reply_id": "1251239199262625802", "label": "yes", "text": "creating my first youtube video ever 🙊🙊🙊🙊"} {"idx": 3192, "original_id": "1251118531225063424", "reply_id": "1251121784084066304", "label": "want", "text": "I thought I was done with this but here we gooo"} {"idx": 3193, "original_id": "1251132239099957248", "reply_id": "1251182866886733826", "label": "agree", "text": "Lot of pundits and journalists are very bored at the moment and need to fill air time and newspapers so take most of what they say with a total pinch of salt especially transfers!All clubs are trying to work out future finance plans not buying 100 million plus players."} {"idx": 3194, "original_id": "1238556828012691457", "reply_id": "1250912531717042177", "label": "yawn", "text": "it's just remarkable how flat and bored he sounds when he has to fake normal human empathy"} {"idx": 3195, "original_id": "1251049666877157376", "reply_id": "1251051985375096832", "label": "sigh", "text": "armys broke youtube live,, will youtube even be able to handle bangbangcon ?? ;;;;"} {"idx": 3196, "original_id": "1251179959667884034", "reply_id": "1251187000817975300", "label": "shocked", "text": "My Lyft driver: want to see the machete I have in my trunk? \n\nMe: here’s the thing, I am SUPER okay, thanks though!"} {"idx": 3201, "original_id": "1251135844716621824", "reply_id": "1251136230932262913", "label": "eww", "text": "Fed’s Bullard: Sees Main Impact Of Virus Hitting US In Q2\n-We Should Just Write Off The Second Quarter"} {"idx": 3202, "original_id": "1250958648823566336", "reply_id": "1250959223502131200", "label": "hug", "text": "Sorry if I needlessly upset you guys, just feeling really down."} {"idx": 3203, "original_id": "1251122565470453761", "reply_id": "1251145981715869698", "label": "applause", "text": "I think Marky is free!! @TheXFriends666 Lets throw a party for him!! @ManeatGrass @MANOMACHINE @DeanandChapter @TheIncurablesMI @Portob_Express @ClareEstelle @TOMtheorganized @liz_davinci @UnitedDuality @TDougAdair @tonymixclash @ThisSideAnarchy"} {"idx": 3206, "original_id": "1250771262428905473", "reply_id": "1250952330771603457", "label": "agree", "text": "Price goes up: \n\n\"Don't forget how much potential this new asset class has. The macro narrative is perfect and the fundamentals have never been better.\"\n\nPrice goes down:\n\n\"So glad I shorted this shit. Vapourware libertarian trash e-coin hoarders BTFO. Send the ponzi to zero.\""} {"idx": 3213, "original_id": "1250829348338270215", "reply_id": "1251026461923971072", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I won't apologize for being a woman\nwho loves sex."} {"idx": 3216, "original_id": "1251067543877570560", "reply_id": "1251079213274333184", "label": "applause", "text": "What's orange and sounds like a parrot ?\n\nA CARROT!!"} {"idx": 3217, "original_id": "1250866613718573059", "reply_id": "1250958506305314816", "label": "applause", "text": "90% of my PR team is small creators. Why? Bcus I see the talent & their passion for makeup. IK one day they will be the big creator you see on YT, on blogs, on social media. Being apart of their makeup journey is way more rewarding than finding someone who’s already established"} {"idx": 3218, "original_id": "1250938028203401216", "reply_id": "1251267175395946498", "label": "eww", "text": "BREAKING: Kiralee Dutton, the wife of Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, has uncharacteristically weighed in on the news of a #covid19 phone tracking app. \"I'm all in favour of it. Peter is very excited. I've never seen him so aroused. It's better than viagra\" #auspol"} {"idx": 3221, "original_id": "1251157999235641346", "reply_id": "1251158447585808393", "label": "eww", "text": "@CatWomaniya traitorrrr!"} {"idx": 3224, "original_id": "1251001571133063168", "reply_id": "1251002208960819201", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "\"Passion is the oxygen of the soul\"\n #FF @xosm @MegsHAUSTED @Darlainky @sheseemslegit @FakeDeanAccount @offbeatoliv @citygirlinky @meghaffer @BnB_SPJessa @BrownDogBlanket @stereofiasco @DarkoneOfDamned @RiderofWolves @lauragg84"} {"idx": 3225, "original_id": "1250872871292829696", "reply_id": "1250881482320568322", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I've seen two promoted \"Happy Easter\" tweets in my feed today. I know we've all lost track of days/months/time... but you gotta stay on top of that stuff, friends."} {"idx": 3228, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251177076029259779", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 3236, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250954710502141952", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 3238, "original_id": "1251109091851862016", "reply_id": "1251205519831822336", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I had a very good call with @vonderleyen, President @EU_Commission, on the need to accelerate development of diagnostics, therapeutics & vaccines for #COVID19, & the importance of ensuring access for the most vulnerable populations. Thanked her for 🇪🇺's strong support to @WHO."} {"idx": 3239, "original_id": "1250940461608505344", "reply_id": "1250987156467855360", "label": "yes", "text": "I really do appreciate student life, Tuskegee administration, and SGA keeping the communication open. Communication is so key especially during all this and they are taking the time to hear us out. We just have to be patient y’all, patience is KEY"} {"idx": 3241, "original_id": "1250874544715444225", "reply_id": "1250898638504689665", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Can anyone see this tweet? WiFi, cable, outside - everything’s down so I’m fairly confident I’m just tweeting into the ether. \nPer usual."} {"idx": 3244, "original_id": "1250870308958920704", "reply_id": "1250940491387961344", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Some of y’all are just mad because you don’t know how good it feels to be properly “stimulated” 💁🏻‍♂️ #TrumpCheck"} {"idx": 3246, "original_id": "1251122345617559552", "reply_id": "1251123176194682881", "label": "yes", "text": "Imagine the whole country has to come to a stand still now because of a group of 2000 born pikininis who don't want to continue with their university studies while given thousand of rands by NSFAS every semester and month."} {"idx": 3247, "original_id": "1251109198802202625", "reply_id": "1251114074215079937", "label": "hug", "text": "Men need some sense of responsibility, a therapist, and a professional rehab centre for when they go off the rails. \n\nWomen, and other people in their lives, can only support them in their journey but they should not be responsible for “fixing” them. Women aren’t rehab centres."} {"idx": 3248, "original_id": "1251195654153650176", "reply_id": "1251211158138298375", "label": "hug", "text": "Awwwww, little baby gonna cry? Gonna cry in its little alt account???? Me too."} {"idx": 3249, "original_id": "1250607734891835392", "reply_id": "1250836794834370561", "label": "agree", "text": "I realize that the virus is making me cry at a whole host of things, but If We Were Vampires by @JasonIsbell and @amandashires will always destroy me. \n\nIn a good way. But still."} {"idx": 3251, "original_id": "1250958297215258625", "reply_id": "1250974201466552321", "label": "agree", "text": "Full mon wood ou full mes guts"} {"idx": 3252, "original_id": "1250851627184975873", "reply_id": "1250856191695216641", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Why are the Trump supporters DEMANDING TO GO BACK TO WORK under #CoronaVirusPandemic. Wendy's is hiring. McDonald's is hiring. Amazon is hiring. Stop bugging the rest of us trying to SURVIVE a pandemic and go get a job."} {"idx": 3255, "original_id": "1250547017027371010", "reply_id": "1250915799726018561", "label": "agree", "text": "Woke up the demon ."} {"idx": 3256, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251059824726429697", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 3257, "original_id": "1250932573724790784", "reply_id": "1250944511188045930", "label": "seriously", "text": "Bad joke of the day:\n\nMy dog Minton ate my shuttlecock.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\nBad Minton!"} {"idx": 3259, "original_id": "1251117269431783424", "reply_id": "1251134234791759872", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm an extrovert and being around other people provides me with additional life force, energy and power.\n\nSo you are all getting hugged when this is over.\n\nI don't care if I don't know you.\n\nYou will take the hug. 😠"} {"idx": 3260, "original_id": "1250874392999014401", "reply_id": "1250874900262379522", "label": "agree", "text": "Go balls deep"} {"idx": 3262, "original_id": "1251065221193629696", "reply_id": "1251065355100979200", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Following everyone back"} {"idx": 3263, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251035786276859905", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 3264, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1250924191194288137", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 3265, "original_id": "1251059404629250048", "reply_id": "1251059622175268864", "label": "no", "text": "Is it possible to make dogs stay in puppy form forever?"} {"idx": 3266, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250967700915908608", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 3270, "original_id": "1251158441982189570", "reply_id": "1251171729076092930", "label": "yes", "text": "Today would be a great day for @realDonaldTrump to issue a full pardon for Roger Stone."} {"idx": 3272, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1250894269742645248", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 3274, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251115701630382084", "label": "shocked", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 3275, "original_id": "1251183734360965123", "reply_id": "1251190526906257408", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I want to officially announce that I, Xera, the Apex gamer/menace, am going for the @SoaRGaming Apex RC.\n\nI know my community and I have got what it takes. Hope you'll support me through the way 😎\n\n#SoaRXera"} {"idx": 3276, "original_id": "1251258386202624000", "reply_id": "1251272974105182216", "label": "no", "text": "In my honest opinion, @hatchet971 could be a great NFL GM. He's a smart guy that just has a great feel for these things"} {"idx": 3279, "original_id": "1250853909331169280", "reply_id": "1250855845086314502", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I picked a bad day to run out of wine."} {"idx": 3285, "original_id": "1251197991827931136", "reply_id": "1251198326738956293", "label": "ok", "text": "Woke up horny AF... SMH."} {"idx": 3286, "original_id": "1250958344464076800", "reply_id": "1250958655106756619", "label": "awww", "text": "I could listen to Anna sing Theo to sleep on repeat forever. It fuckin melts my heart 🥰"} {"idx": 3291, "original_id": "1251120350693294081", "reply_id": "1251121935376941058", "label": "eww", "text": "Solid titties"} {"idx": 3296, "original_id": "1251221599321231360", "reply_id": "1251238385567612930", "label": "applause", "text": "99-year-old army veteran Captain Tom Moore has raised more than £20m for the NHS by doing 100 laps of his garden"} {"idx": 3300, "original_id": "1250979733292101634", "reply_id": "1250980986688585736", "label": "omg", "text": "I know 2019 wasn't perfect but Jesus Christ man"} {"idx": 3301, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251080786649939968", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 3304, "original_id": "1250847534328827905", "reply_id": "1250850444814974978", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Your reminder that Pelosi could end up as acting president if the US elections can't be held"} {"idx": 3305, "original_id": "1251261529942568961", "reply_id": "1251261733710319616", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm feeling so sick again"} {"idx": 3306, "original_id": "1250819353341120512", "reply_id": "1250839761310191616", "label": "hearts", "text": "Stress level: ready to drink all the booze during an ugly cry in the shower"} {"idx": 3307, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250914988572782592", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 3308, "original_id": "1250947443274977282", "reply_id": "1251060218513043456", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Guys how do I unsend a message from my dms izywsshiwys ma aabbaretne🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 3312, "original_id": "1250672619868708866", "reply_id": "1250990714135162881", "label": "agree", "text": "women"} {"idx": 3313, "original_id": "1250918372373671941", "reply_id": "1250922707170009089", "label": "no", "text": "guys the corporate journalists think the contempt for them is exclusive to, or a function of, trump and that once he's gone america will rightfully venerate them \"again\""} {"idx": 3314, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250880199371231234", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 3315, "original_id": "1251203477184942083", "reply_id": "1251205391477768192", "label": "applause", "text": "Being able to be yourself is important in a relationship >> to a certain point ❤️"} {"idx": 3316, "original_id": "1250929140842270720", "reply_id": "1250932934124634119", "label": "shocked", "text": "I can’t wait to do this shrimp boil tomorrow 😩😩"} {"idx": 3317, "original_id": "1250753498754568193", "reply_id": "1250870895733878785", "label": "please", "text": "Demet, I hope you don't disappear again for a few days? Maybe another dance? Bachata? Selfie? 💋💋💋 #DemetÖzdemir"} {"idx": 3318, "original_id": "1251075218862456832", "reply_id": "1251078698977107974", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a wobbly day. Went to my purse and it has 3 pounds worth of 10p's in from my dad. I miss him 😭😭 #lockdown"} {"idx": 3321, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251099668676669440", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 3325, "original_id": "1251102289047310336", "reply_id": "1251104114722865152", "label": "oops", "text": "Fox is trying to be able to use the old ‘9 out of 10 doctors believe’ adage about reopening the country. So far they got Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Drew. Now that they exhausted TV doctors they might have to turn to radio for Dr. Laura. Then fake PhDs like Dr. Seb Gorka."} {"idx": 3330, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250850115105050625", "label": "dance", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 3331, "original_id": "1250880949925015552", "reply_id": "1250979124740419585", "label": "seriously", "text": "Today is exactly 3 wks in lockdown without sugar n aerated drinks. No bakery items or caffeine! ,no fried items! A 2hr home workout daily. Lost 10 Kg & gained muscle mass. I feel great\n\nI hv no idea whose msg is dis, but I’m so proud of dem so I decided to fwd it!"} {"idx": 3333, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1250948014144802816", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 3334, "original_id": "1250855624470155271", "reply_id": "1250856929154514946", "label": "agree", "text": "Raise your hand if you think it's time to reopen America. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 3335, "original_id": "1251238098974969861", "reply_id": "1251267219415134208", "label": "applause", "text": "OMG GUYS I JUST GOT ACCEPTED INTO COLLEGE FOR CREATIVE STUDIES \n\nthat is one of the best arts schools in the whole damn country \n\ni am going to cry omg"} {"idx": 3336, "original_id": "1250759836796694533", "reply_id": "1251047200563400704", "label": "agree", "text": "I wanna sleep till Sunday there’s nothing worth staying up for"} {"idx": 3337, "original_id": "1250867393573859328", "reply_id": "1250867899247611913", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "For IMMEDIATE Release: “Doctor” #Oz says each [school] District must be willing to give 2% of its children to #coronavirus"} {"idx": 3338, "original_id": "1250915510755004416", "reply_id": "1250946216965349377", "label": "agree", "text": "I don't think anyone should go back to work again until Trump starts holding regular #MAGA rallies and we have a few weeks to see how many people get sick and die. Until then he's just conning us."} {"idx": 3342, "original_id": "1250974064522362880", "reply_id": "1251252443020693504", "label": "shocked", "text": "i smoke weed"} {"idx": 3344, "original_id": "1251192495544963072", "reply_id": "1251219485601738753", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I think I'm about to message someone I shouldn't. This lockdown is finally getting to me 😣"} {"idx": 3345, "original_id": "1251257598361235457", "reply_id": "1251267673083830273", "label": "kiss", "text": "I am just sitting here....crying to the NieR soundtrack"} {"idx": 3347, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250881674520354817", "label": "please", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 3348, "original_id": "1250964564872769536", "reply_id": "1251034993679380482", "label": "applause", "text": "Is it bad that I’ve killed an entire bottle of Ciroc in 4 days?"} {"idx": 3355, "original_id": "1250607299778895872", "reply_id": "1250837614774665218", "label": "applause", "text": "If I wanted Trump's signature on a check, I would have been a poorly-screwed porn star."} {"idx": 3357, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251123653145591808", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 3358, "original_id": "1251185057500291074", "reply_id": "1251200030117187589", "label": "shocked", "text": "Sorry I didn't unfollow you Twitter did is BS. \nIf you get unfollowed I did it."} {"idx": 3360, "original_id": "1250572255186337793", "reply_id": "1250941153760948224", "label": "agree", "text": "I like how our country didn’t want a female president yet we still ended up with a little bitch"} {"idx": 3364, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250834068129771525", "label": "applause", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 3365, "original_id": "1250971449566752769", "reply_id": "1251004835660361733", "label": "smh", "text": "Wonder why LeBron didn't participate in yet another stand-alone contest - the HORSE tournament. No Dunk Contest. No 3-Point Contest. No televised HORSE."} {"idx": 3367, "original_id": "1251150192411213827", "reply_id": "1251194484039331840", "label": "applause", "text": "My friends of long standing across the world in many countries tell me that the left wing intellectuals and their \"useful idiots\" amongst the liberals, all sickulars, are worried about the growing unity amongst Hindus in India. So create fake news & panic"} {"idx": 3369, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250910524532981761", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 3373, "original_id": "1250920249811062784", "reply_id": "1251010487912853504", "label": "scared", "text": "My real name is Samantha ...not Hellcat... yes it’s true"} {"idx": 3379, "original_id": "1250599518728384512", "reply_id": "1250835025614028803", "label": "omg", "text": "Feeling pretty good about Friday. 😁"} {"idx": 3380, "original_id": "1251147182599581700", "reply_id": "1251159266922127366", "label": "eww", "text": "I’ve put on deodorant twice in the last month."} {"idx": 3385, "original_id": "1250939454128340994", "reply_id": "1250953587452043264", "label": "hug", "text": "Soft cotton front close bras on the way, along with a #Mastectomy pillow and mastectomy shirt with built in pockets for drains. Getting ready for beating #breastcancer round 2. It feels REALLY good to have a plan!"} {"idx": 3390, "original_id": "1250937817070546946", "reply_id": "1250938858306506752", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Nice to see humans can’t do a little thing like staying home to avoid getting/spreading a virus.\n\nSome of you are so dumb, it’d be worth it to smother you to death with my boobs. But instead, this shit will never end because you just can’t listen/cooperate. Sad."} {"idx": 3391, "original_id": "1251207126938247169", "reply_id": "1251210100989198340", "label": "applause", "text": "A relative explained that by reading the Washington Post and the New York Times, I should be careful as they are biased. They suggested I should be watching OANN as that tells the truth without bias."} {"idx": 3395, "original_id": "1250956038444064770", "reply_id": "1250963226310979584", "label": "awww", "text": "I’ve said this before but if being in quarantine has proven anything to me, it’s that @s_alcorn really is my best friend."} {"idx": 3396, "original_id": "1251164346509602816", "reply_id": "1251165116894081024", "label": "hug", "text": "I need to hug someone 🤗 #WildEarth"} {"idx": 3397, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251222457555566599", "label": "no", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 3399, "original_id": "1250850720942710784", "reply_id": "1250851686794407936", "label": "hug", "text": "Yes.\nI'm butthurt.\nFuck off"} {"idx": 3403, "original_id": "1251261948680826880", "reply_id": "1251267982900289542", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "only cute people can see this tweet ☺️"} {"idx": 3409, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1251008761273057280", "label": "no", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 3411, "original_id": "1250876743218606080", "reply_id": "1250999509838069760", "label": "smh", "text": "Increasing the temp of your shower til you burn 😍😍 >>>>"} {"idx": 3414, "original_id": "1251225190689845248", "reply_id": "1251227277255495681", "label": "shocked", "text": "In a lot of ways my life is like a Russian novel. For example, most of the time I don’t really have a clue what the f**k is going on."} {"idx": 3415, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250993703608479746", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 3416, "original_id": "1250957587526238208", "reply_id": "1250958032621596673", "label": "applause", "text": "National horny day?\n\nThat's everyday for @PernieXanders"} {"idx": 3417, "original_id": "1250998690346663939", "reply_id": "1251001450748149760", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I hear the new neighbors downstairs doing the polite knock to tell the original first-floor neighbors to pipe down 😈\n\nOh, you precious children, this is not going to go how you hope, especially during quarantine 😂"} {"idx": 3418, "original_id": "1251126192532586497", "reply_id": "1251126848324599808", "label": "shocked", "text": "Why are there people on Goodreads with friends but no books on their shelves?"} {"idx": 3419, "original_id": "1250521609187717120", "reply_id": "1251130398349815809", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm close to completely unfollowing the Fortnite scene. Community is super lame now and it's the same shit every day"} {"idx": 3420, "original_id": "1251034932723412993", "reply_id": "1251204252694913028", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump's 3-phase recovery plan should have been:\n1. Cancel all daily briefings\n2. Fire all appointed govt personnel\n3. Quit as president\nThen, a full recovery can begin\n#COVID19 #TrumpPressConf #CNNTownHall"} {"idx": 3422, "original_id": "1250867407670915072", "reply_id": "1250869942209122312", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is cancelled. I’m done and so very over it. I’m throwing my phone in a corner. I’ll see y’all tomorrow."} {"idx": 3426, "original_id": "1250957620439060482", "reply_id": "1250986549631766528", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If you’re bitching about people giving away their money to help people in need during these times because you don’t feel they’re giving enough/you think they’re doing it for image/whatever, you’re an asshat. Unless it’s an obvious scam, sit down and do something yourself."} {"idx": 3427, "original_id": "1250876503778144256", "reply_id": "1250957336170033155", "label": "oops", "text": "Gonna let reyes cut my hair today. There's a good chance imma have to go bald if he fucks up 😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 3428, "original_id": "1251221079592501249", "reply_id": "1251223076517412864", "label": "hug", "text": "I need hug now"} {"idx": 3429, "original_id": "1250945383162769408", "reply_id": "1250955565150302219", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@jiboonyan happiest birthday beh!"} {"idx": 3430, "original_id": "1251036380672798720", "reply_id": "1251185181387395075", "label": "agree", "text": "$BTC current thoughts\n\nSeems weak as stocks break resistance/new local highs, but BTC fails to break major resistance.\n\nIf SPX megapump (past 3000), BTC distributors (my opinion) will be left behind or forced to buyback (megamoon 9.2K).\n\nIf SPX dump (more likely?), BTC dump hard."} {"idx": 3431, "original_id": "1250733518415474688", "reply_id": "1250935413545619465", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm a 100% self taught developer. I've been coding for 10 years now.\nI make mistakes daily.\nI google things daily.\nI'm still learning daily.\n\nIf I can do this, you can too. \n\n#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie"} {"idx": 3432, "original_id": "1251137738235052032", "reply_id": "1251138065273425922", "label": "no", "text": "My old ass finna buy some crocs. Them hoes comfy as hell. 🤷🏽‍♂️😂"} {"idx": 3433, "original_id": "1250900133371424768", "reply_id": "1250902095642931204", "label": "ok", "text": "You would not believe your eyes, if three hundred thousand, thirty four, nine hundred and seventy four thousand fireflies..."} {"idx": 3434, "original_id": "1251269924841979911", "reply_id": "1251271389417357314", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Roger Stone's gag order has been lifted"} {"idx": 3435, "original_id": "1250942252211462148", "reply_id": "1251035575207026690", "label": "sigh", "text": "WellI don’t know bout you guys but it was another exciting day at the fucking homestead for me."} {"idx": 3436, "original_id": "1251273403480387586", "reply_id": "1251273843265732610", "label": "hug", "text": "Day 6 without my main twitter account 😢"} {"idx": 3438, "original_id": "1251151338693525516", "reply_id": "1251181361194504194", "label": "agree", "text": "Looking back at these memories made me realize the suit worked out just fine @Jabroni damn u look fine"} {"idx": 3442, "original_id": "1250881469607641089", "reply_id": "1250920184812048384", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Okay guys I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna download the Tik Tok"} {"idx": 3445, "original_id": "1250768955964297216", "reply_id": "1250866393601490946", "label": "please", "text": "Good morning friend in the Twitter. Last I have dream the Joe pick the Michelle Obama for him running mate and the street run knee deep in the blood and brain of exploded Trump supporter heads."} {"idx": 3447, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251177902965755904", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 3448, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251024727604203520", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 3449, "original_id": "1250850572217040897", "reply_id": "1250851903031959554", "label": "eww", "text": "Can I get one essential head please? The pepper grinder combo. Uhhh, side of sloppy w/the tongue trick. Keep the change."} {"idx": 3450, "original_id": "1251183441317593088", "reply_id": "1251188296782360580", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Update: I can do 15 push ups in a row now. I feel like I could do 20, but I’m scared to try"} {"idx": 3451, "original_id": "1250978276522196992", "reply_id": "1250979936707457024", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "So much for a 200 Sub goal this month..already passed 250..at 269! BEST Month EVER and BEST #community on @Twitch! Shout to @TylrHitsButtons, @MrsSowards2016, @Gnomewifey, @xplicabull, @nuggiezttv, @SharpeAurora, and @DauntlessTTV for the Support tonight! ❤️🤗❤️"} {"idx": 3452, "original_id": "1251236012627460101", "reply_id": "1251238663389876225", "label": "yes", "text": "Justice League Dark fancast coming after I grab lunch"} {"idx": 3458, "original_id": "1251127472415846401", "reply_id": "1251130546387775494", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm going to start a food blog and call it \"Pics & Recipes\". I'll only have a pic of the food and the recipe. That's it. \n NOBODY wants to read 20 pages of how you found the recipe or ingredients or how much your kids love it before getting to the recipe."} {"idx": 3460, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1250939822325272576", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 3461, "original_id": "1251085043117817857", "reply_id": "1251119584008179712", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a really crap time recently but there's always something that pops up to give me hope."} {"idx": 3464, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250941588781457408", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 3465, "original_id": "1250897194338725890", "reply_id": "1250897404829687808", "label": "dance", "text": "i haven’t been to work in a month...."} {"idx": 3466, "original_id": "1250854935287042048", "reply_id": "1250857532421214211", "label": "awww", "text": "I'm too sleepy to feel the full feelings."} {"idx": 3471, "original_id": "1251016844250677253", "reply_id": "1251023653795500032", "label": "awww", "text": "I just want to say...if you don’t support @JordanoGreat or @EverwinterK you are seriously missing out. These guys are two of the most supportive people on Twitch and are super entertaining to watch. Please give them a moment of your time. They deserve it."} {"idx": 3474, "original_id": "1251107245024313344", "reply_id": "1251133242595520514", "label": "hug", "text": "I coulda cried last night cause I knew them pumas I wanted was going sell out 😤😤😤"} {"idx": 3475, "original_id": "1251219569294876673", "reply_id": "1251223543662157825", "label": "shrug", "text": "what are you binge watching? GIFs only ⬇️⬇️⬇️"} {"idx": 3477, "original_id": "1251077916022018049", "reply_id": "1251078245430091776", "label": "agree", "text": "If I had a party would you go. Yes or yes?"} {"idx": 3478, "original_id": "1251239116060098562", "reply_id": "1251241189661179905", "label": "dance", "text": "I got some really good news today."} {"idx": 3480, "original_id": "1251260857373396995", "reply_id": "1251262258660864000", "label": "hug", "text": "Hug needed"} {"idx": 3482, "original_id": "1251237392419258369", "reply_id": "1251253484042825730", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I don’t want a knight in shining armor, fuck that. \n\nI want a partner in crime. 😁"} {"idx": 3485, "original_id": "1250789813428662274", "reply_id": "1251137236181098498", "label": "dance", "text": "I JUST GOT FREE HOT DONUTS FROM SHIPLEYS DO YOU KNOW HOW EXCITED I AM?!?!"} {"idx": 3486, "original_id": "1251221976879775744", "reply_id": "1251244054236422144", "label": "thank_you", "text": "When your whole tweet can be boiled down to \"typical dem\", or \"typical GOP\", you're being lazy. Use your big boy and girl brains."} {"idx": 3490, "original_id": "1251136277476409344", "reply_id": "1251150089382330370", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "FOX News doesn’t hate experts or celebrities. They just hate experts and celebrities with the wrong opinion. So they turn to the right ones such as Dr Oz, Dr Phil, Chuck Norris, and Craig T Nelson."} {"idx": 3496, "original_id": "1251039593505456128", "reply_id": "1251049511130214400", "label": "no", "text": "If anyone wants to send me Panera ... I’ll Marry You ."} {"idx": 3498, "original_id": "1251236385190809601", "reply_id": "1251236998234292225", "label": "please", "text": "I tweeted about buying dinner for some people. A woman in Tennessee saw it, and started buying dinner for other teammates. This is the power of what we are doing, what we are building. Boots on the ground. Taking care of humans, one human being at a time."} {"idx": 3501, "original_id": "1250567519204712456", "reply_id": "1250834542530879488", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m never getting married again. I’m just having sex from now on."} {"idx": 3502, "original_id": "1250882448419782656", "reply_id": "1250952516893675521", "label": "applause", "text": "All I want is all my friends and family to be successful in their lives no lie🥺🤞🏼"} {"idx": 3504, "original_id": "1251237607628931072", "reply_id": "1251239004432855040", "label": "ok", "text": "West cup anyone?"} {"idx": 3505, "original_id": "1250786627460517889", "reply_id": "1250954673957240832", "label": "facepalm", "text": "If the Giants select Derrick Brown, what will your reaction be? \n\n#giantschat"} {"idx": 3507, "original_id": "1251264728208486403", "reply_id": "1251267931134218240", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think we can actively work together to start calling me king or KJ? I carry myself as a king should soooo it’s only right 😅"} {"idx": 3508, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250971476737523714", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 3516, "original_id": "1250982292970930178", "reply_id": "1250982659557404673", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m a sick fuck I like a quick fuck"} {"idx": 3517, "original_id": "1250822157304659968", "reply_id": "1250875274738139137", "label": "omg", "text": "Dr Oz-Mengele: \"Schools are a very appetizing opportunity. I just saw a nice piece in The Lancet arguing the opening of schools may only cost us 2 to 3%, in terms of total mortality. Any, you know, any life is a life lost, but...that might be a tradeoff some folks would consider\""} {"idx": 3518, "original_id": "1250873878789992453", "reply_id": "1250925399355330561", "label": "agree", "text": "If you have not heard Duduke by Simi you're wrong. Babe is so talented"} {"idx": 3519, "original_id": "1251105826867154946", "reply_id": "1251106119524724742", "label": "hug", "text": "Feels like someone’s stabbing my tummy."} {"idx": 3520, "original_id": "1250840649349332992", "reply_id": "1250845837317595138", "label": "wink", "text": "She say brownies in the oven 🙃"} {"idx": 3524, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250876232012640256", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 3526, "original_id": "1250901979272003584", "reply_id": "1250915835993939968", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I really just wanna work for someone like @DanPriceSeattle one day"} {"idx": 3529, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251054474262540294", "label": "shocked", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 3532, "original_id": "1251229447354748929", "reply_id": "1251269166927163392", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Tired of shoving my fingers into gloves want to be shoving my fingers into PUSSY"} {"idx": 3533, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251043607575961600", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 3540, "original_id": "1251040328938897409", "reply_id": "1251041131686748162", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I'm Known To Test Me A Nigga . ..😂😈 \"Yeah Im With My New Nigga What You Gone Do Bout It?\" 🗣 YEEN GONE PULL UP & SHOOT BOUT IT TF ❗️😂😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 3541, "original_id": "1250851608549888002", "reply_id": "1250852334386675720", "label": "yes", "text": "@MNet\nCan we please have Mulesa or Qiniso as the next Bachelorette please\n#TheBachelorSA"} {"idx": 3542, "original_id": "1250978377701511170", "reply_id": "1251270213284147201", "label": "eww", "text": "Ten thousand people in line at a food bank in Texas while Nancy Pelosi is eating ice cream that cost $12 a pint. Maybe we should refer to her as Nancy “let them eat ice cream” Pelosi."} {"idx": 3543, "original_id": "1250865298158301184", "reply_id": "1250868463293411328", "label": "hug", "text": "I can't bare all this stress🥺"} {"idx": 3548, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250847126554378241", "label": "smh", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 3550, "original_id": "1251166875368767489", "reply_id": "1251209623987728384", "label": "hug", "text": "Looking at pictures of couples with kids make me both happy and sad. Like I'm happy for them but on tte same time I'm so sad my wife and I never had one of our own and never will 😔"} {"idx": 3552, "original_id": "1251245036827815936", "reply_id": "1251245460121149442", "label": "kiss", "text": "Where’s my sugar?"} {"idx": 3553, "original_id": "1250927022672498688", "reply_id": "1250935999460372480", "label": "no", "text": "Oh no... is this the end of daily presser with T?"} {"idx": 3555, "original_id": "1250862685853450242", "reply_id": "1250865210895806467", "label": "hug", "text": "It has been one shitty ass day. 9 more hours until a new one."} {"idx": 3559, "original_id": "1250489893228294147", "reply_id": "1251001352995536896", "label": "agree", "text": "Roses are red\nOr possibly green\nI can’t remember\nFucking quarantine 😑"} {"idx": 3561, "original_id": "1251168432503943170", "reply_id": "1251207286829113345", "label": "omg", "text": "Hi, #WritingCommunity.\n\nI haven't done one of these in a long time but let's support each other and do a #WriterLift.\n\nPost a gif you find when you search for your name and tell us your weekend plans in the comments.\n\nThen let's be friends, retweet, like, you know the drill."} {"idx": 3567, "original_id": "1250727385500090368", "reply_id": "1250937063417024512", "label": "agree", "text": "no one:\ncapricorn placements: waking up at 6-7 am even during quarantine"} {"idx": 3568, "original_id": "1250962905870340099", "reply_id": "1250985602452840449", "label": "yes", "text": "I don’t give a fuck how much my government has to spend to keep us all alive. We can’t make it back up to them if we’re dead. Follow the rules and we’ll come out come strong on the other side. #CanadaStrong #COVIDCanada"} {"idx": 3569, "original_id": "1251254700604825609", "reply_id": "1251264075486703616", "label": "hug", "text": "Had a right Farage of a day. Tears and everything. I'm mainlining vodka right into my eyeballs. Fuck off, today. I don't like you."} {"idx": 3573, "original_id": "1250834633660432384", "reply_id": "1251132979763539968", "label": "agree", "text": "In conclusion, \n\nBTS"} {"idx": 3574, "original_id": "1251238808701546496", "reply_id": "1251240486049918977", "label": "hug", "text": "Hate when depression hits 😞"} {"idx": 3576, "original_id": "1250960450210185218", "reply_id": "1250981230914539526", "label": "hearts", "text": "We should take select NBA and MLB games to small towns across America!\n\nIt would be great if more of America had the economic opportunity as well as the experience.\n\nIf stadiums are to play empty, why not let communities without cases have a special moment!"} {"idx": 3578, "original_id": "1250821947547664386", "reply_id": "1250902330238779394", "label": "hug", "text": "Welp. Kinda official. I can’t go outside anymore due to pollen without risking an asthma attack or a panic attack. My mental health is shit."} {"idx": 3579, "original_id": "1251106533536075776", "reply_id": "1251108207919071233", "label": "applause", "text": ".@Acosta... happy birthday, you asshole!"} {"idx": 3580, "original_id": "1250243445047861249", "reply_id": "1251135420601171968", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Now more than ever, we need the truth. And the truth is that Donald Trump dismantled the infrastructure handed to him which was meant to plan for and overcome a pandemic, resulting in unnecessary deaths and economic disaster."} {"idx": 3581, "original_id": "1250926848667643905", "reply_id": "1250963928210968576", "label": "oops", "text": "I really hope the Guardian Games competition is only in gambit. That would be such a blast. 🙂"} {"idx": 3584, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251189640557723648", "label": "awww", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 3586, "original_id": "1250910010592251904", "reply_id": "1250971804925071362", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Well another day of Guse family exercising... and I still can’t do a handstand push up 🙁"} {"idx": 3588, "original_id": "1251196774674464770", "reply_id": "1251197814538932228", "label": "wink", "text": "May I plead ignorance as I am not intentionally being the worst?"} {"idx": 3590, "original_id": "1251027747612160002", "reply_id": "1251048647472513024", "label": "yolo", "text": "Wow took me one year of being active to get 500 followers. Slow death."} {"idx": 3592, "original_id": "1250921265436798976", "reply_id": "1250923838659067907", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Apparently, ventilators are complex machines. This is the first time he has ever said that"} {"idx": 3593, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250935229541306373", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 3595, "original_id": "1250999352262361088", "reply_id": "1250999897672859654", "label": "win", "text": "I’ll gladly take the cash apps though 😅🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 3597, "original_id": "1250984273915465729", "reply_id": "1250987618080301057", "label": "eww", "text": "Twitter has more free vainga than Walgreen's has pills....\n\nWhy the fuck y'all paying for OnlyFans?"} {"idx": 3599, "original_id": "1250848445532782592", "reply_id": "1250967241803182080", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you ever feel like your content could be better , but you struggle to break the walls down needed to get it there ?\n#twitch"} {"idx": 3600, "original_id": "1250716645376622593", "reply_id": "1250911935127830529", "label": "hug", "text": "I just learned that I lost my job 😑"} {"idx": 3603, "original_id": "1251012834143526912", "reply_id": "1251013300130689026", "label": "agree", "text": "lmao that preview Zeynep tells the truth to avoid some more truth 😂😂😂 #AmorEternoUS"} {"idx": 3607, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251030856656760833", "label": "kiss", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 3608, "original_id": "1250921412438700033", "reply_id": "1250921963083702277", "label": "hug", "text": "..... Send Hug!."} {"idx": 3609, "original_id": "1251146867531853824", "reply_id": "1251154820997644292", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy birthday to my big brother @310Bruins"} {"idx": 3613, "original_id": "1250796578379628544", "reply_id": "1250845513936769025", "label": "yes", "text": "2014-2018 Future>>>> 04-08 Lil Wayne. I’m not here to argue"} {"idx": 3617, "original_id": "1251172828843474944", "reply_id": "1251173426334556161", "label": "hug", "text": "Idk why but I just got sad for no reason and lost all motivation to do anything"} {"idx": 3619, "original_id": "1250775016200974336", "reply_id": "1250971014089097216", "label": "good_luck", "text": "My neighbor who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 just put a @JoeBiden sign out in his yard. I think it is safe to say that a massive, powerful blue wave is imminent. GOP - it is time to pay the piper."} {"idx": 3620, "original_id": "1251180050449420290", "reply_id": "1251180876114911233", "label": "high_five", "text": "#Quarantine day 35\n\nMy children have declared that I am actually the worst. To those of you competing for this title, I'm sorry but I won and you lost. \n\n#parenting #lockdownlife"} {"idx": 3621, "original_id": "1251219741450162177", "reply_id": "1251220518126129152", "label": "applause", "text": "RIGHT, edited the audio!\n\nMy video on FF7R as a GAME is 20 minutes long.\n\nPart 2, the story segment, will be approx 25 + 30 minutes. LOOK FORWARD TO THEM!"} {"idx": 3622, "original_id": "1250842889850179585", "reply_id": "1250843270894125056", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "That feeling when you're just vibin' writing something that doesn't really have much of a point but then MAGIC happens and you have this eureka moment, and you stumble upon something significant you didn't know was there? That. I fucking LOVE that."} {"idx": 3625, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250982296393572353", "label": "ok", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 3628, "original_id": "1250916592571072512", "reply_id": "1250927744411729923", "label": "yes", "text": "Thanks to @realDonaldTrump’s handling of this pandemic we now have the strongest possible infrastructure in place in case of a bioweapon attack. Tests, mobile hospitals, medical products and treatments, all made in America by Americans. Well done sir 29D chess #PressBriefing"} {"idx": 3629, "original_id": "1251272253221765122", "reply_id": "1251273514830622720", "label": "applause", "text": "They need to give us a Teagan and Annalise wedding.\n\nShe deserves to be loved intentional .\n#HTGAWM"} {"idx": 3630, "original_id": "1250881331136880641", "reply_id": "1250881940946743296", "label": "eww", "text": "Can you take your marijuana back to the store if you find a hair in it? Asking for a friend."} {"idx": 3632, "original_id": "1251017749901357056", "reply_id": "1251047004509175808", "label": "no", "text": "Today is Nate Diaz’s birthday. His friends tried throwing him a surprise party but nothing surprises him, motherfuckers."} {"idx": 3633, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250943505637269506", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 3635, "original_id": "1250907474053513216", "reply_id": "1250919419028570113", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I just got 10 friend requests in 2 mins.. last time this happened was the article. If anyone sees anything on FB let ya girl know"} {"idx": 3639, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250936237562740737", "label": "sigh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 3640, "original_id": "1251063036720398336", "reply_id": "1251078309997404160", "label": "agree", "text": "Say what you like about lockdown, but it’s been a really fruitful time for my subconscious to reveal all my deepest neuroses to me in a series of horrifying nightmares."} {"idx": 3642, "original_id": "1250812830011600897", "reply_id": "1250930883172933632", "label": "thank_you", "text": "CHECK ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGERS."} {"idx": 3643, "original_id": "1251190462997815299", "reply_id": "1251205670843670528", "label": "facepalm", "text": "These dumbass hoes don’t know marvel quotes and it’s pissing me off. Lmaooooo😭😭😭"} {"idx": 3645, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251194784657690624", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 3649, "original_id": "1251269875969867776", "reply_id": "1251270668152422408", "label": "applause", "text": "Going live in alil bit for the scoophall 2k tournament lol fall thru the stream and watch us work!"} {"idx": 3652, "original_id": "1251187422882226177", "reply_id": "1251187980628361218", "label": "hearts", "text": "recorded the strokes video 😫 vid will be out by today"} {"idx": 3654, "original_id": "1251152072885469187", "reply_id": "1251153814175969282", "label": "no", "text": "You know those scary zombie/apocalypse/disaster movies that start out with a stark title card that says “Day 89” or whatever?\n\nDay 36."} {"idx": 3655, "original_id": "1250875832744251396", "reply_id": "1250905660490948608", "label": "yes", "text": "52 Senate Republicans have been asked by President Trump to serve on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group. The lone GOP Senator NOT invited... @MittRomney"} {"idx": 3656, "original_id": "1250933264178483200", "reply_id": "1250951493668294659", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Nancy Pelosi:\n\n\"Every life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community.\"\n\nReally?\n\nBecause you didn't seem to feel that way about Kate Steinle\n\nOr the 3,000 babies that are aborted every day in America\n\nNancy Pelosi is a total disgrace to America."} {"idx": 3657, "original_id": "1250788781474500609", "reply_id": "1250927603457748992", "label": "hug", "text": "The gentle giant made it through his surgery but it looks like there was more going on. He collapsed last night and hasn't gotten up. Drove 3 hours to get down here at 3am for support, now we're just waiting on the vet for a final visit. A decade with him was not enough."} {"idx": 3658, "original_id": "1251168383430791168", "reply_id": "1251168945719083015", "label": "shrug", "text": "niggas love acting like women get attached after sex but they be the ones who won’t gtfo😴🥱"} {"idx": 3659, "original_id": "1251049284209762305", "reply_id": "1251050739570405376", "label": "no", "text": "Sam won !"} {"idx": 3660, "original_id": "1251129377833848832", "reply_id": "1251130703665942529", "label": "facepalm", "text": "If I marry before this girl peren 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 3662, "original_id": "1250895105046831106", "reply_id": "1250901750778716160", "label": "agree", "text": "#IWouldSwapAnythingFor a \"real,\" decent U.S. President. This current guy... not so much."} {"idx": 3664, "original_id": "1250810338443845635", "reply_id": "1250841344869830656", "label": "agree", "text": "Is it just me or does it seem like the pro-athletes are doing to most in terms of donations and funding. Like they seem to be just donating versus other “Hollywood” types seem to be asking us “regular” people for money to support?"} {"idx": 3665, "original_id": "1251251364371595264", "reply_id": "1251257220924346378", "label": "sorry", "text": "I was today years old when I found out you could charge the Gauss Rifle shot in Fallout by holding the fire button for higher damage..."} {"idx": 3666, "original_id": "1251242512414642176", "reply_id": "1251251194879770624", "label": "applause", "text": "One good thing that has come from our team working from home is realizing the many ways we can be more inclusive to our remote team members & make their work experience more engaging. Disruptions to our routine like this can really give you perspective. Learning a lot."} {"idx": 3673, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250914286018461696", "label": "smh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 3674, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251015611561451520", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 3682, "original_id": "1250916584786259968", "reply_id": "1250997343882625024", "label": "no", "text": "Spare the rest of us by deactivating your account"} {"idx": 3692, "original_id": "1251257123574611977", "reply_id": "1251257550634455044", "label": "no", "text": "Did y’all get your stimulus check yet?"} {"idx": 3701, "original_id": "1251010125688602624", "reply_id": "1251013620156284928", "label": "hug", "text": "I really wanted to draw tonight\nBut my brain is mean and my feelings were hurt by people I care about today and with all the extra stress I've just been hiding in my room alone all day and night.\n\nI hate feeling so bombarded by hurtful words. All my energy is sapped dry.\n#salt"} {"idx": 3703, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250955419507404800", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 3709, "original_id": "1251161048209436675", "reply_id": "1251245078187773952", "label": "seriously", "text": "I have no idea why I follow half of you mofos.😩"} {"idx": 3712, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250842213145165825", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 3713, "original_id": "1251201428808499202", "reply_id": "1251213665384173569", "label": "hug", "text": "Best ... \"I'm On Team Joe\" memes.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 3717, "original_id": "1250779442659692545", "reply_id": "1251260120681635840", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I’m sick of these f*cking MSNBC sh*t squirters polluting our God-given airwaves with their president-hating dreck! Now they’re promoting the subversive notion that Biden form an UNELECTED “shadow government” when he can’t even form a sentence. These people are out of their minds!"} {"idx": 3721, "original_id": "1250805210097696768", "reply_id": "1250835730999332864", "label": "no", "text": "My 16 yr old said a long time ago China created this COVID-19 virus to take out some of their population because they are overpopulated I think he might be right and then it just got out of hand & they couldn’t control it"} {"idx": 3725, "original_id": "1251194817050263555", "reply_id": "1251202138576912384", "label": "applause", "text": "Liberate America? Sure thing. But first, you're gonna need a literate America. One capable of reading beyond 280 characters, an electorate that doesn't outsource its critical thinking to a syphilitic reality star on a steady systematic decline. An America that doesn't cite memes."} {"idx": 3726, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250951220686094339", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 3732, "original_id": "1250978473864245248", "reply_id": "1250979492497104896", "label": "wink", "text": "Cue Usher’s “You got it bad” #HTGAWM"} {"idx": 3740, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251033000386543620", "label": "oops", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 3742, "original_id": "1250845530365800448", "reply_id": "1251103165891710977", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "To say “People will die, so be it” instead of a science & testing-based path to reopening the economy is deeply frivolous & wrong.\n\nEvery life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community. This is something we are all in together. #FamiliesFirst"} {"idx": 3747, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250943339622432769", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 3756, "original_id": "1251166057730998273", "reply_id": "1251263899908931584", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m 65, so I belong to the “vulnerable” group. Am I getting this right? The GOP thinks that old people, people with pre-existing health issues, such as cancer, and 2-3% of school-age children ought to die so the rest of the country can get back to normal life."} {"idx": 3766, "original_id": "1251160382325981193", "reply_id": "1251270542604349441", "label": "no", "text": "I don't know who needs to hear this, but: it's time to stop procrastinating."} {"idx": 3785, "original_id": "1251160862737367048", "reply_id": "1251164123120852992", "label": "seriously", "text": "Unable to get 'likes' on TikTok videos, teenager ends life in Noida: Police"} {"idx": 3787, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251117843967545344", "label": "smh", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 3804, "original_id": "1251178172076429312", "reply_id": "1251201895336640513", "label": "shrug", "text": "Brace yourselves, because @TheCanaryUK is about to publish an exclusive on Keir Starmer's campaign funding that explains why the #LabourLeaks are just the tip of the iceberg."} {"idx": 3807, "original_id": "1251257123574611977", "reply_id": "1251258694433755136", "label": "yes", "text": "Did y’all get your stimulus check yet?"} {"idx": 3811, "original_id": "1250965596591796224", "reply_id": "1250967175470383104", "label": "seriously", "text": "I love a man in glasses it’s like omg maybe he can read 😍🥵🤤"} {"idx": 3813, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251109801918152704", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 3814, "original_id": "1250892966345965568", "reply_id": "1250911653735960577", "label": "applause", "text": "My lawyer is making me write this. I am not a licensed doctor, lawyer, financial advisor, accountant, or therapist. Don’t listen to me! ❤️😘"} {"idx": 3821, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251274961924296704", "label": "yawn", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 3822, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251143311911292935", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 3826, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250967076623101952", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 3831, "original_id": "1251172753144676353", "reply_id": "1251245474545389569", "label": "shocked", "text": "BREAKING: China has now admitted that the Death Toll in Wuhan was 50% Greater than Reported..."} {"idx": 3832, "original_id": "1250806545438461953", "reply_id": "1250841049884393474", "label": "oops", "text": "One thing is certain about the WHO. We won’t get fooled again."} {"idx": 3835, "original_id": "1251261163360464896", "reply_id": "1251261874752143369", "label": "applause", "text": "As you all know this ke tm sth ho ya na ho kya fark he bedard thi zindagi be dard he...."} {"idx": 3837, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251233056477925379", "label": "applause", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 3838, "original_id": "1251260391457525760", "reply_id": "1251268272483454981", "label": "hug", "text": "Team huddle ended in team tears today. \nWe discussed prediction numbers for those disproportionately affected by the pandemic (day job). Heavy. So heavy. \n\nThis timeline will return to its regularly scheduled fluff - it’s just been a difficult week for me."} {"idx": 3842, "original_id": "1251106028583702530", "reply_id": "1251107169706995712", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I do not believe that whole community can ever be blamed for the doings of some and this applies to all the communities in the world. \nI speak in order to make sure that no tyrant tries to change my belief. For tyrants may come and go but we shall live together forever."} {"idx": 3843, "original_id": "1250951132467191809", "reply_id": "1250992311607201793", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "don't even call me daddy call me \"my lord\""} {"idx": 3844, "original_id": "1251218643293175811", "reply_id": "1251269951895162881", "label": "yes", "text": "Joined @ElitistCrew"} {"idx": 3845, "original_id": "1250850351604957187", "reply_id": "1250964453165879296", "label": "applause", "text": "I had some green eggs and ham this morning for breakfast"} {"idx": 3846, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250994006730964995", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 3852, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250934372561117185", "label": "eww", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 3853, "original_id": "1250841250959409157", "reply_id": "1250847224088743937", "label": "scared", "text": "In another twist to the Isaiah Todd saga, outlets are now reporting that Todd will NOT play overseas and actually join the G-League.\n\nStarting to seem like the G-League will soon become Michigan's (and other schools) biggest recruiting competitor."} {"idx": 3854, "original_id": "1251203763852935172", "reply_id": "1251270981819207680", "label": "yolo", "text": "It’s not very adult like of me to be online shopping when I have no money"} {"idx": 3864, "original_id": "1251193559690227715", "reply_id": "1251202818838593536", "label": "agree", "text": "i haven’t finished editing but i kind of want a nap, do i have your permission?"} {"idx": 3865, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250939108509302784", "label": "shrug", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 3868, "original_id": "1251142274492305408", "reply_id": "1251142457896640512", "label": "shrug", "text": "Stats in NBA Finals...game 7's\n-LeBron..two games/2-0...32ppg..11.5 rebounds..7.5 assists\n-Jordan...none"} {"idx": 3873, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250900409218187272", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 3876, "original_id": "1251015250406670336", "reply_id": "1251190393653407745", "label": "hug", "text": "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"} {"idx": 3881, "original_id": "1250980578754625537", "reply_id": "1250998009267130369", "label": "agree", "text": "Please don’t tell me who or what to tweet about, and I’ll do the same for you. Thanks."} {"idx": 3882, "original_id": "1250984041203073027", "reply_id": "1250996675986030592", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "How many of you are okay with the slow opening of America?"} {"idx": 3883, "original_id": "1251149232632786944", "reply_id": "1251150868096794624", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Some personal news...\n\nOver the 30+ days of quarantine, I have cooked close to 3 meals a day and I am very proud to announce that I have not set off the smoke alarm during this time.\n\nI will now open the floor for questions."} {"idx": 3884, "original_id": "1250947807307071488", "reply_id": "1250948426822488066", "label": "scared", "text": "What was your first time like???"} {"idx": 3887, "original_id": "1251073532408197120", "reply_id": "1251084566636478466", "label": "applause", "text": "i'm gonna give anime another try..\n\nplease forgive me"} {"idx": 3889, "original_id": "1251152625103323143", "reply_id": "1251170232028315648", "label": "smh", "text": "Got fresh Krispy Kreme donuts & some pupusas for breakfast 😋😂"} {"idx": 3890, "original_id": "1250869494131589125", "reply_id": "1250869991248814080", "label": "omg", "text": "New York niggas hate carti, but swear Kurtis Blow was fire"} {"idx": 3893, "original_id": "1251234209219448833", "reply_id": "1251257790888361984", "label": "applause", "text": "Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (2007)"} {"idx": 3895, "original_id": "1250844159684030468", "reply_id": "1251102891294760960", "label": "applause", "text": "Worst Gallup poll for Trump in 5 months: \n43% approval (-6)\n54% disapproval (+9)"} {"idx": 3899, "original_id": "1250897817792647169", "reply_id": "1250914821178089472", "label": "shocked", "text": "They got a line to go into Walmart... nigga no"} {"idx": 3900, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251212043576737795", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 3904, "original_id": "1250996870077452294", "reply_id": "1251160269780205568", "label": "smh", "text": "Why are the black sheep in the families given so many chances and \"helped\" so often...like that will change their behavior, yet, it only enables them???"} {"idx": 3905, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251061108728721413", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 3908, "original_id": "1250964192254988289", "reply_id": "1251089580876533760", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Some people: We don't want Kamala Harris to be Vice President because we don't like what we heard about her record as California Attorney General.\n\nSame people: You know what would be a great position for Kamala Harris? U.S. Attorney General!\n\n🤔"} {"idx": 3910, "original_id": "1250886354176806913", "reply_id": "1250886831979352064", "label": "seriously", "text": "I want to go to W, order their delicious virgin Mojito with ice. Stand by the railings close to the water and have same every one else is having, because second hand highness! The fun! >>>>>> \n😭😭😭"} {"idx": 3916, "original_id": "1251156525365641227", "reply_id": "1251157501573136385", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "😉💞💞 #DP Changed"} {"idx": 3918, "original_id": "1250870607421603841", "reply_id": "1250877076481216512", "label": "agree", "text": "Y’all ever look at somebody face and be like, “That’s a nice chair 👀🥴”? Or is it just me...?"} {"idx": 3919, "original_id": "1251221529930739712", "reply_id": "1251238741731090437", "label": "wink", "text": "Really don’t know what I’d do without my sister, especially through times like this❤️"} {"idx": 3921, "original_id": "1250990350430167040", "reply_id": "1251011949690671106", "label": "idk", "text": "Everything is terrible and I love you which happens to be the worst!"} {"idx": 3924, "original_id": "1250817149041590277", "reply_id": "1250959239914434562", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "New York on PAUSE will be extended in coordination with other states to May 15.\n\nNon-essential workers must continue to stay home.\n\nSocial distancing rules remain in place.\n\nWe must STAY THE COURSE."} {"idx": 3926, "original_id": "1251062225512456192", "reply_id": "1251063838742470658", "label": "no", "text": "Someone talk to me, im borrrrreeeed"} {"idx": 3931, "original_id": "1251216224253607936", "reply_id": "1251221937914871811", "label": "wink", "text": "Which movie character would you most like to spend lockdown with? Not (just) carnal reasons - who do you reckon would be the most tolerable quarantine partner?"} {"idx": 3935, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250995878485254148", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 3936, "original_id": "1250733640683642880", "reply_id": "1250843560599052288", "label": "hug", "text": "Be real.\nBe yourself.\n\nDon’t be someone you are not.\nIt takes more time trying to be someone your not, then it would being yourself.\nYou know who you are. Stop. And just be the true you, and not what you want people to “see”... it not worth the lies girl... 🎣....I see you......."} {"idx": 3937, "original_id": "1250955370924777472", "reply_id": "1250955465179254784", "label": "sigh", "text": "i went from seeing nash every day, making him dinner, watching all of our shows together to not seeing him for what’s probably gonna be 2 months 🥺"} {"idx": 3940, "original_id": "1251007806955614210", "reply_id": "1251009255819235330", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m gonna giveaway a bobblehead in the next week because this whole situation sucks and hopefully it’ll make 1 person happy"} {"idx": 3943, "original_id": "1250991538399666176", "reply_id": "1251128112894468096", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m not saying I’d ever pay for sex but...\n@DaBabyDaBaby you need some money?"} {"idx": 3944, "original_id": "1250907531850981377", "reply_id": "1251188439233560577", "label": "no", "text": "Parents, I say this with love. There won’t be camp this summer. Day, sleep away, none of it. The sooner you wrap your head around it the easier this is going to be."} {"idx": 3945, "original_id": "1251093691294519297", "reply_id": "1251094174105047042", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Okay so Studio Universal Channel 112 will be showing “Coming to America” in the next 8mins. You’re welcome 😁😇"} {"idx": 3947, "original_id": "1251118031071260672", "reply_id": "1251118675383455744", "label": "yes", "text": "One thing everyone can do in lockdown \nGo vegan !!!! \nTry something new and help the animals!!!\n#Lockdown #Govegan #Veganational \n@Veganella_"} {"idx": 3948, "original_id": "1251140712210595841", "reply_id": "1251141720215035904", "label": "agree", "text": "This account supports fellow SWers and is kink/fetish friendly. What I DON'T support are fraudulent little twats and scammers. If you don't like that, then you know where the unfollow button is. 😊"} {"idx": 3949, "original_id": "1251205680779923457", "reply_id": "1251208001702318089", "label": "agree", "text": "I get I have a high tolerance and all, but edibles do f all for me. 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 3952, "original_id": "1251018539626123265", "reply_id": "1251028478163431430", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "sometime ago this big insta acc had reposted my work without credit & they had an ad in the description. i msged and asked them to take it down bc they were making money off my uncredited work. They called me a bitch so I filed a DMCA and their 300k acc got deleted by insta 😌"} {"idx": 3955, "original_id": "1251170789841350656", "reply_id": "1251191612878749699", "label": "applause", "text": "what idiot called it a lockdown livestream and not disco in furlough"} {"idx": 3957, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250865859691548672", "label": "applause", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 3960, "original_id": "1250827596679589889", "reply_id": "1250890894028480512", "label": "yes", "text": "When I come out of quarentine I'm going to have hair long enough to cover my titties and I'm gonna go everywhere naked on horseback like Lady Godiva."} {"idx": 3963, "original_id": "1250460581666197510", "reply_id": "1251104590868680704", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "There is a joke circulating in Germany:\n\n\"What borders on stupidity?\"\n\"Mexico and Canada!\""} {"idx": 3964, "original_id": "1251228567867883521", "reply_id": "1251244022758289408", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I've played myself 😅😩"} {"idx": 3965, "original_id": "1251194992309211144", "reply_id": "1251244484144365568", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "My resume but in a Division design (Borda font, transparent \"menus\", Division icons, etc., but with serious info of course).\n\nYes? No?"} {"idx": 3966, "original_id": "1250834697757868036", "reply_id": "1250888202812035073", "label": "no", "text": "Am I the only one whose mental health has dramatically improved whilst in lockdown? No? Hello?"} {"idx": 3967, "original_id": "1251134331554156546", "reply_id": "1251227556231229441", "label": "agree", "text": "Good morning.\n\nI don't know who needs to hear this today but fuck Donald Trump.\n\nThat's it. That's the tweet.\n\nFuck Trump."} {"idx": 3968, "original_id": "1251243550118993921", "reply_id": "1251250558704521216", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m going to make like a cheeseburger macaroni but homemade version. First attempt yolo"} {"idx": 3972, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1251265141598896128", "label": "please", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 3973, "original_id": "1251220579966832641", "reply_id": "1251223867651248133", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Like me, you probably need some laughs right now. These funny people will improve your quarantine 100% #ff \n\n@Cycloptomese \n@daemonic3\n@fro_vo\n@GorillaNipples1 \n@Gupton68\n@IndecisiveJones\n@MarcusTheToken\n@MyNameIsArchaic \n@PaperWash\n@Reverend_Scott\n@TheCatWhisprer\n@ThugRaccoons"} {"idx": 3975, "original_id": "1251264294882246656", "reply_id": "1251268830816538625", "label": "shocked", "text": "if you put cheese in ur lasagna, i gotta fight you"} {"idx": 3976, "original_id": "1251039695104020481", "reply_id": "1251040432135569409", "label": "smh", "text": "We all love boobs, bruh. It was the first form of comfort that I experienced after being born."} {"idx": 3978, "original_id": "1250842583783235587", "reply_id": "1250879376150970369", "label": "sorry", "text": "Damn i’m reading up on Virgo Risings and y’all blame yourself for everything. When was the last time you’ve forgiven yourself? 🥺"} {"idx": 3980, "original_id": "1250620401345912832", "reply_id": "1250936026085777408", "label": "yes", "text": "Should the Lakers retire Pau Gasol’s number 16?"} {"idx": 3981, "original_id": "1250926816912650240", "reply_id": "1250927003727007750", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I get positive vibes and hugs?"} {"idx": 3982, "original_id": "1251146793124892673", "reply_id": "1251149025211846657", "label": "good_luck", "text": "The Jaguars and Redskins have the lowest win total (4.5) in the NFL for 2020, per Caesars Sportsbook. Bengals (5), Panthers (5.5) and Giants (5.5) are only other teams below six victories. (via ESPN Stats & Info)"} {"idx": 3983, "original_id": "1251064378696372224", "reply_id": "1251096891770597376", "label": "applause", "text": "I just realized I am a month and 2 days cigarette free!"} {"idx": 3984, "original_id": "1250893165751668738", "reply_id": "1251035614549606403", "label": "hug", "text": "I have addiction problems dunno why I’m bothering to say it here \n\nWe ain’t all fucking perfect \nGoodnight"} {"idx": 3986, "original_id": "1251220965742141440", "reply_id": "1251257051709206528", "label": "popcorn", "text": "These emails at work got me like 🤭🍿"} {"idx": 3988, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250839806197760000", "label": "applause", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 3989, "original_id": "1251151682911694849", "reply_id": "1251163156090478599", "label": "good_luck", "text": "left things far too late as normal but I finished editing 2 out of the 3 pieces of my graduate project lads we're getting there"} {"idx": 3990, "original_id": "1251252839936131073", "reply_id": "1251255233193312258", "label": "scared", "text": "I think the Clinton’s got @TommyG"} {"idx": 3992, "original_id": "1251163932426792962", "reply_id": "1251165665982967809", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Happy Anniversary, Alberta!\nA year of the Kenney government 🤯\nHow's it going for you? \nFeel free to reply with your favourite moment👇🏻\n#AbLeg"} {"idx": 3994, "original_id": "1251049289674973184", "reply_id": "1251118391269580802", "label": "hug", "text": "please send emergency hugs"} {"idx": 3999, "original_id": "1251073517321203718", "reply_id": "1251215244883423232", "label": "yawn", "text": "So @lVlAINSTREAM wants me in the building at #M37 to get the US title contendership sorted\n\nI want to jump @BfordtheIOG b/c I owe him for what he did at #M36\n\nBut @MinkaCarterEW's making her MW debut vs him & she probably doesn't want me getting involved\n\nDecisions, decisions..."} {"idx": 4001, "original_id": "1251224825886056448", "reply_id": "1251243893338726401", "label": "awww", "text": "Professor: Asks about sections on weaving\nMe: Tries to spritually channel @LaurynH_96"} {"idx": 4005, "original_id": "1250950363420770312", "reply_id": "1251137846036987906", "label": "eww", "text": "I'm wine drunk. This is new."} {"idx": 4006, "original_id": "1250392948094746624", "reply_id": "1250933491564453889", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The NHS is not a charity.\n\nIt's a precious public service that guarantees universal healthcare based on need, not ability to pay.\n\nLet's increase its funding by making the super-rich pay their fair share."} {"idx": 4008, "original_id": "1250959559939817472", "reply_id": "1250959869538115587", "label": "oops", "text": "Had to write a position grade for Redskins tight ends for the morning. Uh."} {"idx": 4013, "original_id": "1250916044966936580", "reply_id": "1250916317877731329", "label": "shocked", "text": "I really wanted to go to Church this Sunday since I’m gone be off"} {"idx": 4014, "original_id": "1250927973563154432", "reply_id": "1250938106934673414", "label": "scared", "text": "Imagine being horny"} {"idx": 4016, "original_id": "1250877422754344960", "reply_id": "1250880337623711745", "label": "shocked", "text": "So my 4yr old & I are arguing with each other (typical daily thing). He didn’t like what I had to tell him so this foo said “so I don’t care you have no husband and your dad is dead” BRUH, this MF! he got me 😫🤣 lmao"} {"idx": 4019, "original_id": "1251235483431997440", "reply_id": "1251235631633698818", "label": "hug", "text": "AAAAAAAA I feel beh gimme strength plz (and by strength I mean hugs ahaha)"} {"idx": 4020, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250885234876280832", "label": "high_five", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 4026, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1251186156349382664", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 4027, "original_id": "1251111031503491073", "reply_id": "1251140130624208897", "label": "agree", "text": "I guess Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil thought they meant the hypocritic oath instead of the hippocratic oath."} {"idx": 4029, "original_id": "1251235733773287424", "reply_id": "1251266348220428288", "label": "hug", "text": "Just closed out my pet insurance policy for good and tbh I’m kind of fucking sad about. 😞 Miss my girls 💕🐶🐶 #2020sucks"} {"idx": 4036, "original_id": "1251055825692561410", "reply_id": "1251056226613334016", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "How do I masturbate in a low key restricted house idc I’m goin in"} {"idx": 4037, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251114508287799296", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 4038, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250967571165306885", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 4040, "original_id": "1250849592196898817", "reply_id": "1250863517420396546", "label": "agree", "text": "There’s been another statement"} {"idx": 4042, "original_id": "1247127185539858434", "reply_id": "1251083688122744832", "label": "seriously", "text": "I wanna eat some nice cake tbh"} {"idx": 4043, "original_id": "1251013103187308545", "reply_id": "1251014683320074242", "label": "no", "text": "I don’t know who knows this already, but the shooting schedule for season 6 is postponed until September 😩 droughtlander is going to suck."} {"idx": 4044, "original_id": "1250967603029225472", "reply_id": "1250969020196696064", "label": "applause", "text": "On live now!!"} {"idx": 4050, "original_id": "1251086971709071369", "reply_id": "1251088407423602688", "label": "thank_you", "text": "It's #FF time! Check out and support these amazing guys! \n@RicoPundrich\n@SilentAndrew1\n@melodywhore\n@Aesaire_\n@AlphabotMusic\n@tripjackermusic\n@dorner_martina\n@synthredneck\n@fvckyeahtwill\n@Ampholyte9\n@Bettoghtw\n@LOOSH_72a\n@TurboVice\n@cgak\n@MusicTramontano\n@realTobb"} {"idx": 4051, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250944959005577216", "label": "ok", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 4055, "original_id": "1250916370210062338", "reply_id": "1251005041462386688", "label": "agree", "text": "\"If you've never stared off into the distance then your life is a shame\"\n\n~Adam Duritz"} {"idx": 4057, "original_id": "1250953567575277569", "reply_id": "1250954444130398210", "label": "thank_you", "text": "So for #TBThursday I recommend following @PolitiBunny & @dswhisperer2. They were some of the first people I followed on Twitter.\nOne is a #KarenWhisperer and the other is a #D*pSh*tWhisperer. \nI'll let you figure which is which!!\n\n#YouWontBeSorry"} {"idx": 4058, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251191016713043972", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 4063, "original_id": "1251158407362428928", "reply_id": "1251241228664025088", "label": "no", "text": "my people in long distance relationships how you holding up right now?"} {"idx": 4064, "original_id": "1250902963444494337", "reply_id": "1250910665566494723", "label": "agree", "text": "Voting for the lesser of two evils means you are voting for evil."} {"idx": 4065, "original_id": "1250870950934876160", "reply_id": "1250871392838582272", "label": "wink", "text": "HORNY DAY"} {"idx": 4066, "original_id": "1251008139098386438", "reply_id": "1251241663734919171", "label": "awww", "text": "#WritingCommunity Here's another #FollowFriday #writerslift \n\nIf you're under 100k followers leave a comment and we'll follow you.\nThose above 100k please RT and spread the word. 🙂\n\n#Writers #Authors #Poets #Bloggers\n#FF"} {"idx": 4069, "original_id": "1251267558130548736", "reply_id": "1251267927380238342", "label": "wink", "text": "Swedish tinder guy's hits different I swear we r all missing out 😔"} {"idx": 4072, "original_id": "1250982412269559815", "reply_id": "1250989237433970688", "label": "ok", "text": "West first round matchup"} {"idx": 4073, "original_id": "1250555185912406016", "reply_id": "1250853730917814272", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump is screaming into the microphone. He’s furious. He’s ranting and raving. His face is reddish-orange. \n\nNo, he’s not mad about the tens of thousands of Americans who have died of coronavirus. \n\nHe’s having a tantrum about Democrats and federal judges. Grotesque and pathetic."} {"idx": 4075, "original_id": "1250903375887110146", "reply_id": "1250903919141752832", "label": "please", "text": "Getting about time for a new Nightcrawler drawing, huh?"} {"idx": 4076, "original_id": "1251241883298402306", "reply_id": "1251243621946462213", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve decided in an effort to save some money and avoid going out, I’m going to make my own cheese. Been working on my first batch of toe cheese and boy, I think I’ve nailed it."} {"idx": 4077, "original_id": "1250831914531008512", "reply_id": "1250834144344576006", "label": "hug", "text": "need to vent a bit so..\n*sigh* now someone told me when i said oh my favorite soup next week thst got potato in it and i said like but i cant eat cus of diet, the person is like: you are gonna give urself an eating disorder here soon..\n\nffs.. make me feel worse -.-"} {"idx": 4078, "original_id": "1250863413074501632", "reply_id": "1251053226008461312", "label": "hearts", "text": "My 5 year old was hitting a pan to applaud the NHS tonight and her spoon broke. I knelt and said 'don't worry it's only a spoon'. She burst into tears and said 'I'm worried the nurses won't hear me.' Beautiful...just beautiful. #betterneverstops #youhavegotthisandwehavegotyou"} {"idx": 4079, "original_id": "1251039793779298306", "reply_id": "1251074880973537280", "label": "hug", "text": "I can’t sleep. Today was traumatic and all I can think about is my grandad."} {"idx": 4080, "original_id": "1250922550235992064", "reply_id": "1250922774606090241", "label": "agree", "text": "Good evening 💤 as you put your beautiful head on the pillow tonight, can you think of three things you are grateful for? They can be small. Even the ability to breathe. Love you, good night, Pulte"} {"idx": 4082, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250932570046554114", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 4083, "original_id": "1251263218372075520", "reply_id": "1251263319421444098", "label": "applause", "text": "We are fighting two pandemics: COVID-19 and American stupidity."} {"idx": 4085, "original_id": "1250541069843955712", "reply_id": "1250889522516287515", "label": "agree", "text": "BREAKING: The Governor of California just announced a plan to give $125 million in stimulus money to illegal aliens living in California.\n\nThis is outrageous.\n\nThey broke the law being here illegally and should not benefit off of the government!"} {"idx": 4088, "original_id": "1250922407163916288", "reply_id": "1250993936274821125", "label": "yes", "text": "The fastest way Trump could begin Opening Up America Again would be to announce he's wants to keep everything closed for the next year. \n\nDemocrats would then hit the streets demanding an end to social distancing and the lockdowns the next day."} {"idx": 4089, "original_id": "1251152108214050816", "reply_id": "1251152553586249729", "label": "applause", "text": "This crisis is following the same script as the last one 12 years ago:\nThe poor get poorer, the middle class shrinks, the big boys get bailed out and the bottom 90% gets settled with all the new record debt.\nAnd then central bankers get \"Hero\" magazine covers."} {"idx": 4091, "original_id": "1250880184389120001", "reply_id": "1250882625692041220", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I never get on a high horse. One of us has to be sober."} {"idx": 4092, "original_id": "1250833837938151430", "reply_id": "1250833962567598080", "label": "hug", "text": "💥 I’m ...... I’m burned out mentally..... this stay at home order for me was just extended indefinitely and it’s thrown me for a loop today."} {"idx": 4094, "original_id": "1250859925041012743", "reply_id": "1251135641745850368", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "When someone has the same taste in music as you 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰"} {"idx": 4097, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250974311415902209", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 4098, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251229967871963136", "label": "yes", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 4100, "original_id": "1250931063108571139", "reply_id": "1250936356106203138", "label": "oops", "text": "who a Sagittarius?"} {"idx": 4101, "original_id": "1250971800546299905", "reply_id": "1250979045711339520", "label": "win", "text": "What are the odds - Bell island and Tarantula Island back to back #AnimalCrossing"} {"idx": 4102, "original_id": "1251160553550045186", "reply_id": "1251247312057270274", "label": "omg", "text": "I will never understand a coach using its bitterness towards a kid to try and hurt the kids future! Kids will be kids sometimes they will get it right ans sometimes they will get it very wrong! Don’t try to control the narrative of the kids destiny bc you mad they did what they.."} {"idx": 4103, "original_id": "1250889636089651213", "reply_id": "1250989025747402754", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m not sure who coined the phrase “you’ll miss these days,” but it definitely wasn’t a parent who spent a month quarantined with 3 kids."} {"idx": 4106, "original_id": "1251170749991268353", "reply_id": "1251175794409381892", "label": "applause", "text": "My niece came in my room and beat me up. I was in a head lock for a cool 10 mins. \n\nShe's 3... I gotta rethink the things I teach her smh"} {"idx": 4108, "original_id": "1250678262000349186", "reply_id": "1250870401808216066", "label": "shocked", "text": "sucking his fingers after he gets done fingering you >>>>"} {"idx": 4109, "original_id": "1250910734533312513", "reply_id": "1250921184775950336", "label": "dance", "text": "So yay!! My internal body clock is all messed up right now - been starting work at 6am during the lockdown so I’m not too absent with the kids... body woke itself up at 5am so I started working shortly after that... still, on the positive side, it’s Friday (and 🤞the last L4 w/e)"} {"idx": 4111, "original_id": "1251087780966535168", "reply_id": "1251095701557334016", "label": "awww", "text": "So... I got the job!! Will be starting my NQT year in September 😃 so excited and nervous!! 🙌🏻"} {"idx": 4112, "original_id": "1250879309952225281", "reply_id": "1250934922199662592", "label": "applause", "text": "Every once in a while, you get to announce a milestone - today was the day I submitted my and @migoodridge book for review before publication!"} {"idx": 4114, "original_id": "1250896988821950468", "reply_id": "1250932130798018560", "label": "applause", "text": "Should never have got rid of the terrace at the Canal End"} {"idx": 4115, "original_id": "1251147843454136320", "reply_id": "1251237816148910085", "label": "applause", "text": "Happy Friday, time to continue my #DadJokes today...\n\nQ: Why did the hipster burn his tongue?\n\nA: He drank his coffee ☕️ before it was cool.\n\nLOL"} {"idx": 4117, "original_id": "1251182832942268425", "reply_id": "1251187755708751874", "label": "thank_you", "text": "me, your mum and your kitchen cupboards really enjoyed your show, it was amazing! @Julie_Atherton"} {"idx": 4118, "original_id": "1251252530333519872", "reply_id": "1251256118023729153", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "THE END! \n\nI've submitted #Windfall to Amazon! \n\nThis is your LAST CHANCE to take part in the \"lottery\" to possibly win $50 in cold hard cash, plus a copy of the e-book. No registration required. No strings!\n\nSee my pinned tweet. Draw takes place when my link goes live! \n\n😊💲💲"} {"idx": 4119, "original_id": "1250877650815590400", "reply_id": "1250901643115352066", "label": "hug", "text": "Oh no I ended up having a meltdown and now my eyes are sore 😭"} {"idx": 4121, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251012146940596225", "label": "sigh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 4122, "original_id": "1251028199485485059", "reply_id": "1251028413831413761", "label": "agree", "text": "purple is so underrated"} {"idx": 4125, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251116983283863554", "label": "ok", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 4126, "original_id": "1251193481827139586", "reply_id": "1251262925714702338", "label": "agree", "text": "it may have been a mistake to give the hardest job in the world to the stupidest fucking moron on the planet"} {"idx": 4127, "original_id": "1251014381342580736", "reply_id": "1251016724973043712", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm so sad. My heart hurts.\n💔"} {"idx": 4128, "original_id": "1251054863435419649", "reply_id": "1251133018313555969", "label": "agree", "text": "You know how we have BC and AD? (Before Christ and After Death) \nVery soon, human interaction will be classified under “BC” and “AC” . Before Coro and After Coro. COVID 19 will change human interaction for ages. 😳😳"} {"idx": 4132, "original_id": "1250974064522362880", "reply_id": "1250979636688965633", "label": "shocked", "text": "i smoke weed"} {"idx": 4134, "original_id": "1250810374280151041", "reply_id": "1251004625274224643", "label": "applause", "text": "We’ve got a @HRC_MotoGP head-to-head on our hands! ⚔️\n\nDon’t miss #VintageMotoGP on Friday at 14:00 CEST (GMT+2) as @26_DaniPedrosa and @Official_CS27’s battle reaches a dramatic conclusion! 🙌"} {"idx": 4138, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251180669453037570", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 4139, "original_id": "1250833394696675328", "reply_id": "1250833855675850753", "label": "high_five", "text": "well, I booted a #RaspberryPi 1 today, running Wheezy and got it on my wifi network. How's your day going?"} {"idx": 4140, "original_id": "1251077085084303361", "reply_id": "1251077848644775937", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "you only read tweets bro RT @ZamundaTwice: next on my reading list:\n- captain marvel 2019\n- fantastic four 2018\n- captain america 2018\n- batman: damned"} {"idx": 4142, "original_id": "1250885784372154373", "reply_id": "1250900228724555776", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m having a v bad day 🙃"} {"idx": 4144, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250956467110326273", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 4145, "original_id": "1250621142936715267", "reply_id": "1250870703680827399", "label": "agree", "text": "Dennis Miller is a dick, Sean Hannity is a dick, so Dennis Miller on Sean Hannity is just two dicks together and you knew that already, amiright?"} {"idx": 4149, "original_id": "1251017089638227968", "reply_id": "1251183801360941057", "label": "agree", "text": "One of my favorite things in life is making my friends laugh."} {"idx": 4150, "original_id": "1251222160217010176", "reply_id": "1251229299652341761", "label": "idk", "text": "joseph francis buck is an american hero"} {"idx": 4151, "original_id": "1251113467991425025", "reply_id": "1251113884431376385", "label": "agree", "text": "Sell Smalling to Roma for €30m, buy Koulibaly for £74m, net spend £48m for Koulibaly, have a good day."} {"idx": 4152, "original_id": "1251156616700850177", "reply_id": "1251167758345109510", "label": "awww", "text": "I found my way home. @reignpriyankaaa"} {"idx": 4153, "original_id": "1250986311361736704", "reply_id": "1251061650775437313", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "To those finding out Dr. Phil is a hack -- welcome to the party! We have snacks."} {"idx": 4155, "original_id": "1251221085099606018", "reply_id": "1251244488758104064", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m the best roller in the K"} {"idx": 4156, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250960268223410177", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 4161, "original_id": "1251046720999313411", "reply_id": "1251050137947762692", "label": "idk", "text": "Why is supreme cool? I don’t get it."} {"idx": 4162, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250976911855140864", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 4163, "original_id": "1250979626660163584", "reply_id": "1251209885154410498", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lunch at 4:30PM - we’re losing control out here"} {"idx": 4169, "original_id": "1250833398840676354", "reply_id": "1250860967212118016", "label": "shocked", "text": "Dear @SanDiegoSockers,\n\nIt has come to my attention that you have missed a typo in the spelling of your team name. It is actually called Soccers. Thank you for your time and may you have a successful season in the future."} {"idx": 4170, "original_id": "1251215381122842624", "reply_id": "1251224553793044480", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I never want a president again"} {"idx": 4171, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251224129694576640", "label": "seriously", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 4172, "original_id": "1250933668958388224", "reply_id": "1251075553114742784", "label": "omg", "text": "Where's the non-Trump side of Twitter? You know, cute animals, terrible jokes, pretty photos, sauciness, babies laughing?"} {"idx": 4173, "original_id": "1251185149804523522", "reply_id": "1251197349784965121", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "God grant me the serenity, I can’t today."} {"idx": 4175, "original_id": "1251152463421308928", "reply_id": "1251154925578358790", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy birthday to my big brother @310Bruins"} {"idx": 4176, "original_id": "1250061000797192193", "reply_id": "1251184794370822145", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "New York Governor Cuomo Says He'd Defy a Presidential Order Forcing Him to Reopen State: 'I Wouldn't Do It'\n\nRaise your hand if you agree with Gov Cuomo!"} {"idx": 4177, "original_id": "1250805348690210816", "reply_id": "1250942799874273280", "label": "no", "text": "Speaking in just a few minutes about the latest on #COVID19 on ABC #TheView. \n\nTune in!"} {"idx": 4178, "original_id": "1250563422309224449", "reply_id": "1251095917488455680", "label": "applause", "text": "I’d LOVE to see 99% of us try to run this country. Most of us would diefrom exhaustion after the first week in office just with the CRITICS at our throats. I Wish we were more understanding of this tough position & possibly show more gratitude..even if u hate him..show gratitude"} {"idx": 4179, "original_id": "1250975485552623616", "reply_id": "1250987967331684352", "label": "awww", "text": "Sometimes I text you hey beautiful sometimes I text you bring that ass here . 🙂"} {"idx": 4180, "original_id": "1251142623500386306", "reply_id": "1251144298914918400", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "The best bible story ever was when god tipped off Noah “Hey this bitch is about to flood, so you may wanna save the people you care about & some pets & shit” & Noah golfs for weeks & then makes everybody concrete shoes to wear while he scopes out a nice mountain top to chill on."} {"idx": 4181, "original_id": "1251198691442135040", "reply_id": "1251211713665523712", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "DAMN I'M BORED!!!"} {"idx": 4182, "original_id": "1250817716962770951", "reply_id": "1250862837854961664", "label": "awww", "text": "Omg it’s my sissy’s 18th tomorrow"} {"idx": 4187, "original_id": "1250987804919808002", "reply_id": "1251000576936206337", "label": "thank_you", "text": "9 hour stream today went well!❤️ Thank you to the people that stopped by❤️"} {"idx": 4189, "original_id": "1250938366163668992", "reply_id": "1250976793856794627", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Spent most of the day watching videos of Ker teasing tony. Watch me make a thread."} {"idx": 4191, "original_id": "1250987674292363264", "reply_id": "1251026563581251584", "label": "applause", "text": "The guy I’ve been madly in love with for the past 8 months asked me to be his gf today so brb while I LIVE baby"} {"idx": 4194, "original_id": "1250993543855783936", "reply_id": "1250993665310371841", "label": "no", "text": "ya’ll i’m really convinced that i got corona"} {"idx": 4197, "original_id": "1250938787552780290", "reply_id": "1251013461821337600", "label": "no", "text": "MMA in the gi needs to happen."} {"idx": 4198, "original_id": "1250817261398626305", "reply_id": "1250858956983066625", "label": "applause", "text": "Sent out my first blue waffle of the day."} {"idx": 4199, "original_id": "1250883223594426375", "reply_id": "1250884063927427077", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@bryanswood Happy birthday"} {"idx": 4200, "original_id": "1250897931970007051", "reply_id": "1250917242037993473", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "just won a 3v3 gunfight tournament with @Lanceroesch17 & @brockwplaiscia. won 24 rounds, only lost 5. should we go pro?"} {"idx": 4201, "original_id": "1250783322554466307", "reply_id": "1251196843133939712", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Coming up Monday: a cover reveal for my new 2021 book GROUND ZERO on the @nerdybookclub web site!"} {"idx": 4202, "original_id": "1251157630787055618", "reply_id": "1251161439240220678", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Maybe you should eat makeup so you can be pretty on the inside."} {"idx": 4205, "original_id": "1251245270492479489", "reply_id": "1251247701280403459", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Going to start a Southampton career mode and sell Valery to a Chinese team so he gets corona"} {"idx": 4206, "original_id": "1250850203390877696", "reply_id": "1251048472171761666", "label": "want", "text": "Wanna be my chammak challo ?😭"} {"idx": 4207, "original_id": "1250839721091239936", "reply_id": "1250840137707249667", "label": "no", "text": "I woke up sick as fuck the second day in a row. \nIt's time to take me out to the woods and shoot me."} {"idx": 4210, "original_id": "1250446299113144320", "reply_id": "1250953084957753355", "label": "smh", "text": "I rather be with the guys then around a bitch all day 😭😭 Gang Shit ..."} {"idx": 4211, "original_id": "1251101484361453571", "reply_id": "1251103203501830147", "label": "yes", "text": "If Jess can't play cause of her sisters wedding I say give @TamplinTessa a gig #MASBendsIt"} {"idx": 4213, "original_id": "1250999355160489986", "reply_id": "1250999427268927488", "label": "high_five", "text": "I’m bored & I want attention"} {"idx": 4214, "original_id": "1251245321234964480", "reply_id": "1251273476872126464", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m happy asf where I’m at in life right now. I may got a lot of bills to pay and/or a lot of shit on my shoulders but I’m still happy I got to fix my mistakes that have made me humble, and thts on bettering myself and who I am. 💓"} {"idx": 4216, "original_id": "1251157089520480257", "reply_id": "1251157357859450883", "label": "yes", "text": "The bts Sherlock pics from S3-4 just make me upset over how bad both those seasons were 😬"} {"idx": 4218, "original_id": "1251231082122543105", "reply_id": "1251231353854726145", "label": "facepalm", "text": "@coolassray just tweeting today."} {"idx": 4222, "original_id": "1240387872357785600", "reply_id": "1250891516194762753", "label": "omg", "text": "Gonna be dming people FREE spots all day to help alleviate the economic backlash from this virus! \n\nLIKE THIS AND KEEP YOUR DMS OPEN"} {"idx": 4224, "original_id": "1251140016828547073", "reply_id": "1251242034318454785", "label": "no", "text": "Does anyone actually eat only one bowl of cereal?"} {"idx": 4225, "original_id": "1251212337140453376", "reply_id": "1251212511866769408", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Snow in mid April is gonna be the thing that breaks me."} {"idx": 4226, "original_id": "1251155741752258572", "reply_id": "1251156097450119168", "label": "no", "text": "I just got an email from @Anthropologie with the subject line \"Enough with the sweatpants – it’s time to try these jeans.\"\n\nWHAT?!"} {"idx": 4228, "original_id": "1250905176103321602", "reply_id": "1250909086243328002", "label": "shocked", "text": "Adri told my mom she smokes weed idk about y’all but these youngsters are bold I could never"} {"idx": 4232, "original_id": "1251184630755196931", "reply_id": "1251197730594177025", "label": "hug", "text": "Neighbours funeral 7.30 am x horse n carriage it’s going to be so emotional xx RIP Bina xxx😭😭😭"} {"idx": 4237, "original_id": "1251227273983930369", "reply_id": "1251232409586196482", "label": "no", "text": "A girl really thought she was going to travel this year. Hahaha. ☹"} {"idx": 4239, "original_id": "1250982799470821376", "reply_id": "1251225921555701762", "label": "oops", "text": "Me : That's it, I'm not buying any more beer online. I have to much in the house already and its a *waste of money *\n\nAlso me: **immediately buys 4 cases of La Croix fizzy water **\n\n#budgeting"} {"idx": 4240, "original_id": "1251249447176110080", "reply_id": "1251249570014781445", "label": "idk", "text": "IS THIS DABABY PROJECT BAD? BRB IMA JUDGE FOR MYSELF. (IM SCARED I RLY LIKE DABABY)"} {"idx": 4242, "original_id": "1251220653681913858", "reply_id": "1251222890126741504", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "you want r**** and i want r*****. we are not the same x"} {"idx": 4243, "original_id": "1251117329460723712", "reply_id": "1251117741861408772", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I believe Ycee and Davido are just promoting Dremo’s #CNV2 coz artists know if it’s not fight influencers won’t hype shit, they don’t need to pay influencers anymore...fight is what’s needed....exactly what Brymo did with Wizkid and Burnaboy that day..Think about it."} {"idx": 4244, "original_id": "1250755300413583360", "reply_id": "1250849126008455170", "label": "idk", "text": "Literally every time you share the sketch for a finished painting:\n\n\"I like the sketch better\""} {"idx": 4249, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250995286161403904", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 4252, "original_id": "1251236841434603524", "reply_id": "1251237484945604610", "label": "applause", "text": "This MF leader we have and his cronies opening up states and shit is going to lead to many more people dieing. It's a slap in the face for all healthcare workers. You can call me names unfollow me I don't give a rats ass. Thank you and stay safe"} {"idx": 4254, "original_id": "1251033273993555970", "reply_id": "1251048817375543296", "label": "eww", "text": "We are done with pineapples on pizza ok? It’s worldwide known now that it’s a big NO NO. But now I heard even more disturbing news, that you don’t put ketchup on your pizza.. ?????? WHAT!!!!??????"} {"idx": 4258, "original_id": "1251195857690599424", "reply_id": "1251196425184182273", "label": "hug", "text": "i am very sad and needy these days I cant stop being emotionally slutty. istg if my weeb club friends find out i will KMS!!!!;;"} {"idx": 4259, "original_id": "1250991210807738373", "reply_id": "1251155545840480259", "label": "kiss", "text": "i've been fighting against COVID-19 since day one.. i am a Nurse and i am proud of it.. but this time, i have to take a break. my test came in, and it's positive.. once a nurse, and now a patient. i am strong and i can do this.. because i am an ARMY.. ❤️ @BTS_twt"} {"idx": 4261, "original_id": "1251107187449114625", "reply_id": "1251149471116750849", "label": "no", "text": "Is anyone even bothered if Scottish football clubs go to the wall?"} {"idx": 4263, "original_id": "1250926528927535106", "reply_id": "1250931039393869826", "label": "yes", "text": "His hair looks like a houseful of quarantined drunken spiders got bored and did lsd & then shit a web over an nfl helmet and then Agent Orange double-sided taped the resultant travesty to his scalp & now it acts as a desiccant for pussies everywhere & also it’s bulletproof."} {"idx": 4264, "original_id": "1250900957787013122", "reply_id": "1250901346804523008", "label": "ok", "text": "Join me and countless citizens of the world who demand one simple thing.\n\nLearn how to spell all right correctly. It’s not alright."} {"idx": 4265, "original_id": "1251251906862776320", "reply_id": "1251252573325217802", "label": "awww", "text": "My 6yo fought with me about doing his homework all day yesterday. I was pissed, he spent the whole day in his room, got grounded from everything. \n\nHe finally decided to do his homework at like 6 in the evening and the first sentence he wrote was, \"My mom is sweet.\""} {"idx": 4266, "original_id": "1251236602992525318", "reply_id": "1251237544538357761", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I don’t even know you relaxxxx"} {"idx": 4267, "original_id": "1251251156342489088", "reply_id": "1251254016912297984", "label": "facepalm", "text": "OHHHHH IS THIS WHY PEOPLE SAID TO TAKE BATTERIES OUT OF UR ARMY BMBS"} {"idx": 4268, "original_id": "1251110718822404097", "reply_id": "1251112968676429824", "label": "hug", "text": "My laptop has crashed twice today and honestly there is not a void big enough to contain the amount of screaming I need to do 🙃"} {"idx": 4270, "original_id": "1251221510104256512", "reply_id": "1251221850295808001", "label": "oops", "text": "The forced banter between Jaki and Bruno, omg #totp"} {"idx": 4272, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250885895554818049", "label": "applause", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 4273, "original_id": "1250926643931238403", "reply_id": "1250927609736814599", "label": "ok", "text": "#oomf is somebody I fw heavy cause they solid as hell 🤘🏾"} {"idx": 4281, "original_id": "1250842054651006976", "reply_id": "1250844247013699584", "label": "eww", "text": "i want a baby :/"} {"idx": 4284, "original_id": "1250049635915198464", "reply_id": "1251217100061970432", "label": "thank_you", "text": "On #InternationalGoalkeeperDay a big shout out to @888Hop #simplythebest"} {"idx": 4288, "original_id": "1251180471851114500", "reply_id": "1251188527230062592", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Mom is on the phone w one of her 90 y/o friends, they're gossiping abt celebrities. I'm not sure who they're talking abt, but the verdict is \"eso es una vergüenza para cualquier familia\" now i'm curious who they're talking abt... 🤔"} {"idx": 4289, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251057189508149249", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 4290, "original_id": "1250943126384054274", "reply_id": "1250946487372206080", "label": "seriously", "text": "Hey Twitter, can I interest any of you in some updog?"} {"idx": 4292, "original_id": "1250854903595044868", "reply_id": "1250882475439673345", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm trying to take care of myself and my mental health, but then I remember that my anxiety/the way I act when my anxiety is on high triggers my friends’ anxiety processes and I'm just 🙃🙃\n\nI just want to S C R E A M and faceplant and give everyone five dozen hugs."} {"idx": 4293, "original_id": "1251210465604239362", "reply_id": "1251216465518374914", "label": "yes", "text": "So individuals were all supposed to be responsible enough to have a saving account and secure retirement plan (diversified against a stock market crash of course),\n\nbut the government and corporations don't have a few months worth of money saved?"} {"idx": 4299, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250903124039983104", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 4300, "original_id": "1250933628189716487", "reply_id": "1250945701091119104", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@kim_murrell Happy birthday!!!!!"} {"idx": 4302, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251059803289346048", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 4304, "original_id": "1250859868375986177", "reply_id": "1250860031505051650", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve reached the “I’m crying about absolutely nothing and absolutely everything” phase of this pandemic."} {"idx": 4309, "original_id": "1250942404540215304", "reply_id": "1250953120588464131", "label": "thank_you", "text": "IT'S MAH PRINCE @ThePrinceKanu"} {"idx": 4310, "original_id": "1250849778038169600", "reply_id": "1250853243896422400", "label": "agree", "text": "Who wants to eat my ass?"} {"idx": 4313, "original_id": "1204110285679792128", "reply_id": "1250903500231307264", "label": "applause", "text": "Donald Trump has done more in his lifetime than all the DC asshats combined. These ad hominem attacks against him reek of desperate self-loathing by despicable pack of jackals!"} {"idx": 4314, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1251086553331503105", "label": "agree", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 4317, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251195889009528834", "label": "ok", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 4319, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251192734754451457", "label": "awww", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 4322, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251152348275019782", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 4323, "original_id": "1250937114847580161", "reply_id": "1251061282704199681", "label": "idk", "text": "Trying to have intelligent conversations with women is a waste of time.\n\nShe’s not really “sapiosexual”. That shit only exists in memes. \n\nJust Smash."} {"idx": 4324, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250912998639775745", "label": "seriously", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 4325, "original_id": "1251156318125080580", "reply_id": "1251156591270748161", "label": "awww", "text": "list of people on twitter i wish to meet ❤🤗\n\n@munirahmedap Writer\n@RabiaKhanGul Motivational Speaker\n@javerias Columnist\n@Umar_Arshed . . . . . . . \n@Scheherzadeh Photographer\n@NabTheDentist 👨🏻‍⚕️\n@IamYasif Pindiboy🤠\n@afzalkhan_bk Great Human being\n@DanyalGilani 🇵🇰 Patriotic"} {"idx": 4326, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250925920971485184", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 4327, "original_id": "1250824547990999041", "reply_id": "1250859966535045120", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I just quit my job.\n\nI’m now a full time streamer/content creator.\n\nLet’s see what’s to come 🙏🏼"} {"idx": 4328, "original_id": "1250945887263698945", "reply_id": "1251000141286387714", "label": "scared", "text": "I will literally block anyone that doesn’t have anything positive to say"} {"idx": 4332, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250943242859773955", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 4335, "original_id": "1251163156207960067", "reply_id": "1251165538077868032", "label": "agree", "text": "Am I bitch or something bc I don’t feel bad for high schoolers missing prom at all????? People are dying and losing their jobs and not able to afford basic necessities... I just don’t get the whole crying over no prom lmao"} {"idx": 4339, "original_id": "1251156377763901442", "reply_id": "1251228953433391104", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My ex is really trying to be friends by sending me memes everyday. Sir i still haven’t forgot you lied to me about having cancer and doing chemo at 9pm but you were really living with another girl. This tiger king meme ain’t saving anything."} {"idx": 4340, "original_id": "1250772774387437569", "reply_id": "1250845543783436288", "label": "eww", "text": "I will snort lines of Bill Gates sweat off of Mark Zuckerberg‘s tits if it means I can walk into a gym again."} {"idx": 4341, "original_id": "1251249677275664385", "reply_id": "1251250308849766400", "label": "wink", "text": "spam me ❌\nspank me ✅"} {"idx": 4343, "original_id": "1250989003815485441", "reply_id": "1250995165751382018", "label": "shocked", "text": "Caucasian James gained over a million twitter followers by rotating the same 4 tweets"} {"idx": 4345, "original_id": "1247701099475341312", "reply_id": "1251093370027548672", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Yo throwback to that one time my mom threatened to disown 12 year old me because I wanted to move back in with my dad.\nWhat can I say, woman raised me right 😎"} {"idx": 4346, "original_id": "1251171143832092678", "reply_id": "1251183801306210307", "label": "agree", "text": "“As we look back throughout history, it quickly becomes obvious that Christopher Columbus was the world’s first modern central banker. He left without knowing where he was going, when he arrived he did not know where he was, and he did it all with other people’s money.” \nC. Gave"} {"idx": 4348, "original_id": "1250924130347683841", "reply_id": "1250925759323045888", "label": "agree", "text": "I want to make the country better, I don't care about campaigning, @realDonaldTrump says. \"I want to heal this country.\""} {"idx": 4350, "original_id": "1250958867346993153", "reply_id": "1250962903429255169", "label": "seriously", "text": "I unfollowed 200 people🥴"} {"idx": 4351, "original_id": "1250751291208458241", "reply_id": "1250851700858146817", "label": "applause", "text": "My wife was pottering around with some houseplants earlier and asked me if I knew anything about Bonsai Trees. \"Very little\" I replied."} {"idx": 4352, "original_id": "1250967168826687489", "reply_id": "1250987995047645184", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Sos, someone tell me that I’m going to do a good job on my thesis defense tomorrow because I’m nervous af.\n#thesis #gradschool"} {"idx": 4355, "original_id": "1250944456251052033", "reply_id": "1250966893608960001", "label": "want", "text": "May all these snacks go to my ass lolllll the house is filled with the best of the best lawdddd"} {"idx": 4357, "original_id": "1250873049592795136", "reply_id": "1251047682648539136", "label": "scared", "text": "Time to be random... \n\nReply to this tweet with the best GIF to sum up 2020 so far.\n\nI’ll pick my favourite 3 and buy them dinner/takeaway on Saturday night 👍👀"} {"idx": 4358, "original_id": "1251262880537665536", "reply_id": "1251263564502970373", "label": "hug", "text": "id love a hug :(("} {"idx": 4361, "original_id": "1250959801909207040", "reply_id": "1251057783589482496", "label": "applause", "text": "Rachel Maddow is just going to keep covering these coronavirus nursing home deaths until somebody does something about it. Good for her."} {"idx": 4362, "original_id": "1250884161788928000", "reply_id": "1250904659419635716", "label": "yes", "text": "Hey! I'll be on @bobandtom tomorrow morning. Friday, April 17."} {"idx": 4363, "original_id": "1250877370002747392", "reply_id": "1250886670964178944", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m making an onlyfans"} {"idx": 4365, "original_id": "1250882564417622016", "reply_id": "1250883234851889160", "label": "eww", "text": "Some guy decided to stand outside the store window and show me his penis. Kill me, please."} {"idx": 4366, "original_id": "1250837217225867267", "reply_id": "1251089321848786945", "label": "win", "text": "Autocorrect is kicking my ass today, I think I’ve accidentally proposed to two people and asked one person to send me a penguin."} {"idx": 4368, "original_id": "1250915410985095170", "reply_id": "1250953103504838657", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happiest of birthdays to my great friend of over 30 years @cozysuperkick 🎉 Hope you have a great day buddy!"} {"idx": 4369, "original_id": "1251220966425886720", "reply_id": "1251221380940664835", "label": "agree", "text": "I just tried the Popeyes chicken sandwich for the first time. And YALL HYPED IT UP"} {"idx": 4370, "original_id": "1250879984736092161", "reply_id": "1250886150639595520", "label": "hug", "text": "Hug please"} {"idx": 4373, "original_id": "1251163909911916545", "reply_id": "1251207739663175681", "label": "ok", "text": "Have we considered consulting Dr. Dre about coronavirus, seeing as we have apparently gone through all other available doctors"} {"idx": 4374, "original_id": "1251179266039001088", "reply_id": "1251183126363213825", "label": "applause", "text": "I got out of bed. Applaud me."} {"idx": 4376, "original_id": "1250842551768084482", "reply_id": "1251079571014914048", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Don't flatter yourself, baby. He's got 5 other girls he talks like that to."} {"idx": 4378, "original_id": "1250876040731377672", "reply_id": "1250998889081180162", "label": "agree", "text": "Love being Mexican, our food is amazing 😭"} {"idx": 4383, "original_id": "1250948628790861824", "reply_id": "1250967128448143360", "label": "agree", "text": "should i buy stuff for margs tomorrow"} {"idx": 4384, "original_id": "1248058416578342912", "reply_id": "1251140741012901888", "label": "seriously", "text": "The best shooter in the world needed a place to shoot. So he made it himself."} {"idx": 4385, "original_id": "1250933945698603015", "reply_id": "1250938389412696065", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Gilead: Anecdotal Reports Do Not Provide Statistical Power Necessary To Determine Safety, Efficacy Profile Of Remdesivir As Treatment For COVID-19\n-Expect Data From Phase 3 Study In Patients With Severe Covid-19 Infection To Be Available At End Of April"} {"idx": 4388, "original_id": "1251144750708559877", "reply_id": "1251219197964648448", "label": "thank_you", "text": "OK #FF, Ppl who brightened my week helping make the #infosec community a lil' better.\n@jillians2cents \n@MegatronAL \n@threathuntergrl \n@Ch33r10 \n@wendynather \n@mintynet \n@investigatorchi \n@ChloeMessdaghi \n@PhillipWylie \n@shehackspurple \n@secretmike \n@MayaKaczorowski \n@AnaCidre_"} {"idx": 4389, "original_id": "1250861521074139137", "reply_id": "1250862323675299840", "label": "eww", "text": "I came home and watched c-span 3 for two hours last night. There’s no longer any point in trying to deny to myself I’m an old old man. Also: you dad burn kids better stay off my lawn!!!! 👨‍🦳"} {"idx": 4390, "original_id": "1250986012400107522", "reply_id": "1251121577820745734", "label": "ok", "text": "Little early for #followfriday but for a myriad of reasons, these are the folks I've been reading / listening to the most:\n@LoganMohtashami\n@jasonlk\n@kels_ramirez\n@davidhstevens\n@ARiquier\n@rcwhalen\n@moseskagan\n@richantoniello\n@tsludwig\n@awealthofcs\n@TheBasisPoint\n@BenLaneHW"} {"idx": 4391, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251271195850420224", "label": "yes", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 4394, "original_id": "1251196136297242624", "reply_id": "1251208400224104448", "label": "scared", "text": "See you all at Golden Corral on May 1st."} {"idx": 4399, "original_id": "1250841893887508482", "reply_id": "1250842162444541952", "label": "applause", "text": "I hope Santos is enjoying his sleep, while the rest of us are on the frontlines for Uncle Sam."} {"idx": 4401, "original_id": "1250954607276236800", "reply_id": "1250959214169686017", "label": "smh", "text": "I LOVE washing dishes"} {"idx": 4403, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250849291125452800", "label": "oops", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 4405, "original_id": "1250964290112122880", "reply_id": "1251069275000827905", "label": "applause", "text": "now that i can finally sleep on my stomach i forgot how comfortable it is"} {"idx": 4409, "original_id": "1250846759552782336", "reply_id": "1250852320503648258", "label": "no", "text": "#BREAKING- @GovEvers extends Safer At Home order until May 26th. @fox6now @fox6wakeup"} {"idx": 4410, "original_id": "1250836262707179523", "reply_id": "1250841562113814530", "label": "shocked", "text": "Proffesor jay >>>>>>JayZ\n\nThanks"} {"idx": 4411, "original_id": "1251253970762436609", "reply_id": "1251269669455101953", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Prisons latest: Ministry of Justice early release scheme to help jails deal with Coronavirus has been suspended after six offenders were freed by mistake. The inmates were mistakenly let out of two ‘open’ prisons - Leyhill in Gloucestershire and Sudbury, Derbyshire...."} {"idx": 4412, "original_id": "1250947222646161411", "reply_id": "1250948391149998081", "label": "shocked", "text": "accidentally posted a nude on my story ur welcome to whoever got to see it"} {"idx": 4413, "original_id": "1251024039868497922", "reply_id": "1251028235174973440", "label": "smh", "text": "I remember when I used to only like basketball boys 🥴🥴🥴🥴"} {"idx": 4419, "original_id": "1250954086381268992", "reply_id": "1250954708480520192", "label": "applause", "text": "Didnt play in a wifi tourney today so i could do some hw. Character development"} {"idx": 4422, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250940190870380545", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 4424, "original_id": "1250842186805018625", "reply_id": "1250985459150401542", "label": "no", "text": "What exactly is a vaccine & how does it work? Watch as Lisa Ling speaks to Dr. Rinke Bos, Principal Scientist, Vaccines, #JNJ, about the difference between a vaccine & a medication, how a #COVID19 vaccine would work & the key role your immune system’s memory plays in prevention."} {"idx": 4429, "original_id": "1251226780544970756", "reply_id": "1251268421955837952", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Why are so many small business owners telling me they’re getting no help from the PPP program?"} {"idx": 4433, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1250955261831008262", "label": "hug", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 4434, "original_id": "1250906760082317319", "reply_id": "1251106933102252032", "label": "seriously", "text": "If someone doesn't piss on me soon I'll explode 💥"} {"idx": 4435, "original_id": "1251256924005335047", "reply_id": "1251259653389987841", "label": "awww", "text": "I thought today was gonna be ordinary BUT THEN I got to see my faves at a stop light and that made my whole fucking day 🥺"} {"idx": 4436, "original_id": "1250995783748313094", "reply_id": "1251027245142962176", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m looooooooosing it"} {"idx": 4438, "original_id": "1251131385894653953", "reply_id": "1251184356271378432", "label": "hug", "text": "Good morning...too early...I couldn't stay in bed anymore because I kept waking up from the nightmares...\n\nHave a wonderful day, my loves...\n\n❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 4439, "original_id": "1251001447115665409", "reply_id": "1251266769882398720", "label": "applause", "text": "Staying a virgin until I meet my husband."} {"idx": 4441, "original_id": "1250770827840122881", "reply_id": "1250969104334245889", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "lil loco don’t wanna shoot the clicc claccs w me. Ima take his rent"} {"idx": 4442, "original_id": "1251056520462098432", "reply_id": "1251057985322913793", "label": "awww", "text": "I just wanna spoil someone’s so. 😔"} {"idx": 4443, "original_id": "1251024675305553920", "reply_id": "1251037423536009216", "label": "seriously", "text": "The “I” in my name stands for I got your back forever"} {"idx": 4444, "original_id": "1250854552385007619", "reply_id": "1251225552108871681", "label": "applause", "text": "Don't want to brag, but I showered, shaved, washed and did my hair, put on make-up, and a bra and clothes all in the same day."} {"idx": 4446, "original_id": "1251198001915322368", "reply_id": "1251198671246540806", "label": "thank_you", "text": ".@GovAbbott announces all Texas schools will remain closed for the rest of the school year #coronavirus"} {"idx": 4448, "original_id": "1251226344991703042", "reply_id": "1251227062435753985", "label": "agree", "text": "i don’t listen to daBaby."} {"idx": 4450, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250939712786833410", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 4452, "original_id": "1250950499504971780", "reply_id": "1250978055297724417", "label": "eww", "text": "No matter the distance I want u to know that deep down inside of me, you are my fire❣️"} {"idx": 4453, "original_id": "1250852662225952768", "reply_id": "1250856137290928128", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: A Texas judge ruled that all voters in the state can now vote by mail."} {"idx": 4457, "original_id": "1250676160683540486", "reply_id": "1250909938072686592", "label": "hug", "text": "My dad Dr Peter Tun died from COVID19 because of the lack of PPE. My hope in writing this is that it will save more doctors and nurses lives and avoid pain for their families. My dad would have wanted to speak up if he thought it would save lives. [Thread 1]"} {"idx": 4460, "original_id": "1251240014635126784", "reply_id": "1251240349021827072", "label": "no", "text": "As a thought experiment, what would happen if a bunch of docs all just quit one day in protest of massive cuts that are destroying the healthcare system in the middle of a pandemic? What would happen? What would happen is nurses did the same thing? Other HCPs?\n\n#ableg #abpoli"} {"idx": 4463, "original_id": "1250224246296625152", "reply_id": "1251179535590096896", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm gay"} {"idx": 4464, "original_id": "1251153996854657027", "reply_id": "1251201358109323266", "label": "awww", "text": "Oh Jesus...... my 87 year old Gran has just been given an iPhone for the first time so she can have FaceTime with the family. Knowing her and phones, she’ll somehow manage to press a combination of buttons and end up downloading Grindr or something 😭🙈"} {"idx": 4467, "original_id": "1250882911064207360", "reply_id": "1250891200732823557", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I can't believe I've actually been enjoying working out"} {"idx": 4469, "original_id": "1251056973220589568", "reply_id": "1251059252610961408", "label": "ok", "text": "I just woke up and wanted to say....Milk before cereal.....K, I'm going back to sleep."} {"idx": 4470, "original_id": "1251156413491015683", "reply_id": "1251162145800110080", "label": "agree", "text": "Just a reminder that \"Fetch the Bolt Cutters\" is taken from a Gillian Anderson line in The Fall."} {"idx": 4471, "original_id": "1250913688728547331", "reply_id": "1250926953411932160", "label": "applause", "text": "So it’s my parents’ 32nd anniversary and they’re cooking a nice steak dinner and I felt useless. So I Uber Eats’d ice cream cupcakes from Cold Stone without telling them."} {"idx": 4472, "original_id": "1251185782645239814", "reply_id": "1251238296966946816", "label": "scared", "text": "I don’t want to intimidate you but today I created a google doc called ‘Productivity.’"} {"idx": 4473, "original_id": "1250660845765439490", "reply_id": "1250957307485270018", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Officially got a girlfriend, later virgins"} {"idx": 4474, "original_id": "1250964282654830592", "reply_id": "1250964738277851137", "label": "agree", "text": "All my favors now cost 1200."} {"idx": 4476, "original_id": "1250867953719001089", "reply_id": "1250935683289620491", "label": "eww", "text": "I miss Paul Masson and house parties"} {"idx": 4477, "original_id": "1250838780476624896", "reply_id": "1250921533352132611", "label": "applause", "text": "What’s the problem with finishing the season?\nIn May 2008, Rangers were ordered to play 5 important games (UEFA Cup final, Sc Cup final & 3 lge) in just 10 days.\nOn that basis, we could finish the season in July & still have time for a week in Blackpool before the new one starts!"} {"idx": 4478, "original_id": "1250910377308635137", "reply_id": "1251071727129542656", "label": "applause", "text": "D only thing whch stop me saying against sid is sana herself- i myself have seen how dat gal wid her finger said a big \"NO\" wn ppl strted cheering her for gng agnst dat guy. Bt nthng is gonna stop me sayng agnst his filthy fans i vil drag dem weneva dey vl stoop low #ShehnaazGill"} {"idx": 4479, "original_id": "1251159555418906631", "reply_id": "1251161146020622341", "label": "agree", "text": "Dear Nancy Pelosi ...\n\nLet me break it down for you ... You don't fund the WHO. We the People do with our tax dollars. \n\nAnd we don't want another damn dime of our hard-earned money going to China's corrupt lapdog."} {"idx": 4481, "original_id": "1250959926299463680", "reply_id": "1251088307838005248", "label": "ok", "text": "I’ve been through a lot this past year. I’m almost done my program in game design. Everyday I have to fend off negativity from different places, under all this pressure to finish our game remotely. BUT WE DOING IT. WE ALMOST DONE 👏🏼👏🏼😭"} {"idx": 4482, "original_id": "1251144240815431682", "reply_id": "1251191626325807105", "label": "agree", "text": "Starting to think there's a second virus going around that just makes people stupid."} {"idx": 4483, "original_id": "1250918066655039489", "reply_id": "1250920180265422851", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "A gentle reminder that I don't say anything to or about anyone that I wouldn't say to your face. If I say, \"Fuck the Trackers,\" for example, I would say it to Tim, and I'd even be nice enough to wait until both eyes were looking at me."} {"idx": 4484, "original_id": "1251229013512728578", "reply_id": "1251240321268289539", "label": "hug", "text": "My need for a hug grows exponentially with every passing day"} {"idx": 4489, "original_id": "1250879414382080006", "reply_id": "1250901970778558464", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If you don’t want me to call you out for being a sexist pig, don’t be a sexist pig. Especially if you look like you live in your moms basement and jack off to pictures of her"} {"idx": 4493, "original_id": "1251052525614030848", "reply_id": "1251055699724890112", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "im literally just following everyone because i want friends 👉👈"} {"idx": 4495, "original_id": "1251211590180970505", "reply_id": "1251211907303788544", "label": "no", "text": "Question for all of you:\n\nIf all businesses were opened tomorrow, would you go out to dinner? A movie? A concert? Hang out with a dozen friends?\n\nIs it quarantine restrictions keeping you home? Or the possibility of getting sick?"} {"idx": 4500, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251203449997451267", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 4501, "original_id": "1250428735091662849", "reply_id": "1250835998411575296", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "called IRS mad confused. why they deposit $1200 into my account? I don’t take handouts I told em I’m gon earn that $1200 whether they like it or not"} {"idx": 4502, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251274669103157251", "label": "eww", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 4503, "original_id": "1250647287425990656", "reply_id": "1250839705366564864", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "All siege is is cheaters Cheaters Cheaters. On west central and east. This game isn't playable"} {"idx": 4507, "original_id": "1250600084041072646", "reply_id": "1250832181280165889", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’ve never taken corporate PAC money, and today I announced I’m taking it a step further by refusing donations from lobbyists.\n\nWe’ve seen Washington insiders try to get corporations special treatment in coronavirus relief legislation.\n\nYou deserve to know Congress works for you."} {"idx": 4509, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250920420175425538", "label": "shocked", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 4512, "original_id": "1250829088266186758", "reply_id": "1250892090264842240", "label": "applause", "text": "Honored to have just been appointed by @realDonaldTrump to the @WhiteHouse Task Force on Reopening the Economy. We need to get our economy roaring again. Honored to get to work to do so precisely & carefully, avoid another outbreak & help our nation emerge stronger than ever!"} {"idx": 4514, "original_id": "1250943086521454607", "reply_id": "1250974754313560067", "label": "shocked", "text": "Let’s Go!!! #TrustTheClimb"} {"idx": 4515, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251262495861411840", "label": "yes", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 4517, "original_id": "1251216868917915648", "reply_id": "1251252439333781505", "label": "idk", "text": "Christian was mean to me in my dream. So I’m mad at him"} {"idx": 4518, "original_id": "1251011388392292353", "reply_id": "1251013163128102913", "label": "awww", "text": "Those exhausted x fed up sleeps are really the best 😂\n\nBest sleep I've had in ages"} {"idx": 4519, "original_id": "1251122194857578496", "reply_id": "1251122461317439490", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Good morning! Happy Friday!!"} {"idx": 4524, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1251114198471491590", "label": "sigh", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 4525, "original_id": "1251100846840045568", "reply_id": "1251118302581096450", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "This guy is replying me with “🐄” on my snaps again and again. Kiya smjhjun me?"} {"idx": 4527, "original_id": "1251103725512544256", "reply_id": "1251170163426234369", "label": "yes", "text": "You eating this pussy from the front or bike?"} {"idx": 4534, "original_id": "1250839329770860547", "reply_id": "1250840495569305600", "label": "applause", "text": "stop beong depressed. To be honest id have sex with u"} {"idx": 4537, "original_id": "1250958843049279488", "reply_id": "1251195957825417216", "label": "applause", "text": "I think poaching birds for birdmeat and beaks should stop because they're not the unfeeling creatures humans once thought they were #39chat"} {"idx": 4538, "original_id": "1251229357592305665", "reply_id": "1251229616091660288", "label": "agree", "text": "I have this issue where I panic when I feel misunderstood but I don't do myself any favors with how shit I am at communicating what I'm trying to say"} {"idx": 4541, "original_id": "1250928966568984591", "reply_id": "1250959271199678464", "label": "yes", "text": "Question for #Panthers fans:\n\nIf the Cowboys offered their 2nd round pick (2.51) for Curtis Samuel, would you take it?"} {"idx": 4544, "original_id": "1251055514424709120", "reply_id": "1251055844222877696", "label": "hug", "text": "give me huggie"} {"idx": 4545, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251178059492782080", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 4547, "original_id": "1250733667090980866", "reply_id": "1250846213039144961", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Alright so I’m back on Tinder (please don’t judge me). I matched with a woman, we’ve been messaging for days, nice chat, nothing sexual. \n\nI just matched with a man and his first message was asking me meet right now for sex.\n\nI hate dudes."} {"idx": 4548, "original_id": "1250832537527730176", "reply_id": "1250833357061185536", "label": "oops", "text": "love calculator wey dey show me mumu percent that year, I don finally dogg Tunde oo."} {"idx": 4550, "original_id": "1250831625400827904", "reply_id": "1250835655451570176", "label": "dance", "text": "I AM WORKING ON THE FINAL CHAPTER OF MY WIP 😁😅😭❤️"} {"idx": 4551, "original_id": "1251036248346710016", "reply_id": "1251073254405652487", "label": "shocked", "text": "The country has confirmed the official death toll at the epicentre is much higher than previously reported."} {"idx": 4552, "original_id": "1251176180549648386", "reply_id": "1251179417717608448", "label": "please", "text": "We recently passed 10,000 followers on Twitter. Pretty awesome. How about a giveaway in the near future? \n\nI mean. Does anyone want that?\n\nHmm."} {"idx": 4556, "original_id": "1251034836027899904", "reply_id": "1251035476393369608", "label": "agree", "text": "Idk how girls dress up only to take pictures and how does their family react to that.\nMai toh bhai shirt laga leta hu ghar walay puchne start hojaatay hai kaha jaara hai, kaha jaara hai."} {"idx": 4557, "original_id": "1250838190606426113", "reply_id": "1251271086248882177", "label": "high_five", "text": "Took my dog for a little walk during this quarentine. We were the only ones in the street, a car or two drove by. It was silent, it felt deserted.\n\nFor a second, I thought I was playing The Sims 3."} {"idx": 4558, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251259107866284034", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 4559, "original_id": "1250950689842495488", "reply_id": "1251047668991713285", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Didn't get your check? Come over, I've got a package that'll stimulate ya"} {"idx": 4560, "original_id": "1251013058006155266", "reply_id": "1251022922224820224", "label": "shocked", "text": "I feel so desensitized that I started showering with cold water just to feel something"} {"idx": 4564, "original_id": "1251187963914080256", "reply_id": "1251190030355365888", "label": "sigh", "text": "Trump will become even more desperate and unhinged every day until November."} {"idx": 4567, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250900406701563904", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 4568, "original_id": "1251187353038860288", "reply_id": "1251202979501182976", "label": "awww", "text": "Srsly i’ve never felt this appreciated before 🥺💘"} {"idx": 4569, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251062537124114432", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 4572, "original_id": "1250835233865424896", "reply_id": "1250882426517282832", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The impossible has happened during quarantine....I think I've become even more immature"} {"idx": 4573, "original_id": "1251174724169695234", "reply_id": "1251244229092798464", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Fvck you! Im sick and tired u call me a paid troll. Hw can i be a paid troll when 80% of wat i posts r my boring dramas. And u say dis is a fake acct coz i dnt hv my real pic? Baka maglaway ka pag nakita moko! Palibasa puro panget nakapaligid sayo! 😡\n\n#IStandWithDuterte"} {"idx": 4574, "original_id": "1251059825150173184", "reply_id": "1251064019819036672", "label": "hearts", "text": "Sure, sex is great and everything but I've made a new \"Home & Domestic\" ring-binder with tabs for all the appliances and insurances etc. and the collection dates for all the various refuse bins also have their own sections, so I won't miss a bin day even after the bank holidays"} {"idx": 4576, "original_id": "1250889316374441984", "reply_id": "1250977810002444289", "label": "ok", "text": "Imagine just not liking boobs. Every size boob is nice and has purpose."} {"idx": 4577, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251154695730544643", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 4579, "original_id": "1250717391631183874", "reply_id": "1250842009176162305", "label": "agree", "text": "Think i might actually take this stream off.. im in a grumpy mood 😕"} {"idx": 4581, "original_id": "1251145263172907016", "reply_id": "1251184631828877312", "label": "yes", "text": "3 orders tonight, 10 orders tomorrow and 2 on sunday. I will be a busy baking bee this weekend 🧁💓"} {"idx": 4585, "original_id": "1250905664345591808", "reply_id": "1251101772611026944", "label": "shocked", "text": "Soo bored, I’m watching old reruns of Jersey Shore lol."} {"idx": 4587, "original_id": "1250840103552987139", "reply_id": "1250858661347569665", "label": "no", "text": "I need to follow some good people. Please share some good accounts to follow.\n\nIf it is you, please tell me whether you think pineapple belongs on a pizza below and I’ll make my decision from there."} {"idx": 4591, "original_id": "1208085294119030785", "reply_id": "1250841342592331777", "label": "omg", "text": "I like twitter because even though my dad doesn't want to spend any time with me there's plenty of men his age on here who do. And I bet they don't wish I had been born a boy. \n\nIt's funny because it's true."} {"idx": 4593, "original_id": "1251222148737372161", "reply_id": "1251222246762389504", "label": "thank_you", "text": "This is the only Simply Red that I like. Don't @ me. #totp"} {"idx": 4601, "original_id": "1249546953215574023", "reply_id": "1251228672025079809", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "A nigga gone always feel like I’m tripping cause ima always SPEAK up bout ME & my respect idgaf bout nothing else🥵"} {"idx": 4603, "original_id": "1251105379251113986", "reply_id": "1251169240989696001", "label": "applause", "text": "My neighbour is home schooling his kid. He has been repeating ABCD for the past 26mins. He has started shouting out of frustration 😂😂\n\nAppreciate Teachers o!"} {"idx": 4604, "original_id": "1250925727526068225", "reply_id": "1250929020566482945", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Did he just say that a NP swab is a fancy q tip??"} {"idx": 4605, "original_id": "1250939266911178754", "reply_id": "1250950086659649538", "label": "no", "text": "I have a question: do people actually find Kylie Jenner attractive?"} {"idx": 4606, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250978380570337287", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 4607, "original_id": "1251139252102074371", "reply_id": "1251152277919813639", "label": "agree", "text": "Damn Da Baby’s album is trash? 🥴"} {"idx": 4608, "original_id": "1250680220937416705", "reply_id": "1250863483299622912", "label": "hug", "text": "bro I need a fckn hug"} {"idx": 4614, "original_id": "1250949938911023106", "reply_id": "1250985463055364096", "label": "applause", "text": "Just heard a very rough draft of the cypher and this shit made my eyes water. It’s so good."} {"idx": 4615, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250921753725087746", "label": "oops", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 4617, "original_id": "1250862102237057029", "reply_id": "1250865186040426496", "label": "shocked", "text": "The neighbor that saw my tuppence just witnessed me after sunning my fat tits. Is this how pornos start? Am I gonna be famous?"} {"idx": 4618, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251023537118171136", "label": "applause", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 4620, "original_id": "1250874869727801344", "reply_id": "1250875763169144832", "label": "popcorn", "text": "You got nine minutes to show me what you can do."} {"idx": 4630, "original_id": "1250965247378194432", "reply_id": "1250965947785129985", "label": "idk", "text": "My ass is dating my couch.\nI'm drinking vodka tang. \nI'm watching cartoons. \n\nSolid Thursday night."} {"idx": 4631, "original_id": "1251176879563948034", "reply_id": "1251212364311076870", "label": "applause", "text": "The joys of sex is overhyped in SouthAfrica. Families folds in pursuit of joys of sex. Country is world's cheating & HIV center. Sad tears, sorrows. Industry created of washing prostitutes, call them slay queens. Can a vibrant vital vitalizing society be achieved in that context?"} {"idx": 4632, "original_id": "1250998375186460673", "reply_id": "1251163138608607237", "label": "no", "text": "How magical is @MichaelBuble ‘s voice ✨✨ #disneysingalong"} {"idx": 4634, "original_id": "1250875025667665920", "reply_id": "1251147128845418504", "label": "sigh", "text": "Trump wants people to have the freedom to reopen their businesses. \n\nDemocrats are banning church services and issuing lockdown orders.\n\nWho are the real fascists?"} {"idx": 4639, "original_id": "1250944555723227136", "reply_id": "1250945095370711040", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm generally opposed to tweets that tell people what they should be doing but I'm making an exception: if you aren't following @ananavarro, you are missing out."} {"idx": 4642, "original_id": "1250882175152427008", "reply_id": "1250906777354452992", "label": "applause", "text": "Khabib said it, in his autobiography, that he took great pleasure in bullying & hurting people weaker then him\n\nKhabib is a sadistic psychopath. These people are often great decievers & can \"charm\" anyone \n\nKhabib is the classic front running bully who CRUMBLES under adversity"} {"idx": 4644, "original_id": "1250967388432011264", "reply_id": "1250980965200977920", "label": "hug", "text": "Don't you hate when triggers connected to uncomfortable and hurtful past events happen? I don't. I hate feeling these waves of sadness wash over me when they do."} {"idx": 4645, "original_id": "1251169854830383104", "reply_id": "1251170407383805953", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Revisions: done\nI am: very satisfied\nbut still: incredibly scared to send them to the agent who requested them 👁️👄👁️\nWhat if they're not enough???? I'm gonna bake a cake and mull over"} {"idx": 4646, "original_id": "1251187541929111552", "reply_id": "1251202643676082177", "label": "eww", "text": "@NHDems can I please get a follow back?"} {"idx": 4647, "original_id": "1251021433901322240", "reply_id": "1251192183677489152", "label": "awww", "text": "The only person who can keep me sane through this quarantine: @MorenoKatrina10"} {"idx": 4648, "original_id": "1251134476198932486", "reply_id": "1251155326088302595", "label": "wink", "text": "Fin'lly found your twittah 😋@nikolairachel"} {"idx": 4650, "original_id": "1251243912691363844", "reply_id": "1251248843187826689", "label": "hug", "text": "So in the spirit of me always being totally honest about how I'm doing, I haven't been doing great.\n\nI'm learning how hard break ups are and my god are they even harder in lockdown. All I want is a physical hug or to see my family but I can't. It's killing me!\n\nI will get there.."} {"idx": 4652, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250972481378287619", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 4653, "original_id": "1250972491310403584", "reply_id": "1251214856814047232", "label": "no", "text": "Imagine having the power to fly but you could only fly at 2mph"} {"idx": 4656, "original_id": "1250963799089307648", "reply_id": "1251080755561877504", "label": "sigh", "text": "that's it, I'm watching all of the Twilight movies tonight."} {"idx": 4658, "original_id": "1251215394171310080", "reply_id": "1251215553353531397", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss hugs"} {"idx": 4659, "original_id": "1250955288603213824", "reply_id": "1250955614345408512", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I don’t like when a guy interested and hounding down to know every detail about me. Lmaoo it be a turn off, just chill don’t need to rush to know my deepest secret after day 1. Just let me breathe."} {"idx": 4661, "original_id": "1251191359266074625", "reply_id": "1251193873495400450", "label": "agree", "text": "I’d like to think I’ve been around since the beginning of the internet, but let’s be honest, the best thing to come from it so far is definitely gif’s."} {"idx": 4666, "original_id": "1250611721519194113", "reply_id": "1251000878619860992", "label": "hug", "text": "I want to cuddle."} {"idx": 4667, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251183652630786053", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 4668, "original_id": "1250928080719405056", "reply_id": "1250935072565403648", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone else up way past their bedtime?"} {"idx": 4669, "original_id": "1250906818735476747", "reply_id": "1250928316493762563", "label": "applause", "text": "You cannot change what you are not willing to face."} {"idx": 4670, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250947779561742337", "label": "smh", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 4674, "original_id": "1251202257426710529", "reply_id": "1251205294648147968", "label": "hug", "text": "yay a breakdown is exactly what I need right now. 😢"} {"idx": 4675, "original_id": "1250922507613483008", "reply_id": "1251079824833216513", "label": "ok", "text": "Trump: I have friends that went into the hospital, 4 days later they were dead. Then they went🤯 in a coma. WHAT!?!"} {"idx": 4677, "original_id": "1250949405508800518", "reply_id": "1250961622123806720", "label": "agree", "text": "Calculus is just alphabet stew with a few numbers"} {"idx": 4679, "original_id": "1250903673363992577", "reply_id": "1250978962433626113", "label": "popcorn", "text": "So.. \n\nApparently some scumbag sold hard drugs to a kid in my town. The parents found out and now there's a huge list of first and last names exposing almost every known drug dealer in my town going around.\n\nI'm not saying mob justice but.. Please pass the popcorn."} {"idx": 4680, "original_id": "1251003713323274240", "reply_id": "1251003989614751744", "label": "agree", "text": "HEY, GISSEL, GET. FUCKING. PLUS."} {"idx": 4681, "original_id": "1250926156725051393", "reply_id": "1250987721041928193", "label": "awww", "text": "Guys! \n\nMy very unwilling to ever dance wife just swept me away and I can’t even think straight. \n\nI must have done something right today!"} {"idx": 4683, "original_id": "1250866042664095744", "reply_id": "1250866782522560513", "label": "popcorn", "text": "😭 what is going on."} {"idx": 4685, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250839991858556928", "label": "agree", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 4687, "original_id": "1251273662608609287", "reply_id": "1251274218785955840", "label": "hug", "text": "I am feeling very sorry for myself tonight"} {"idx": 4690, "original_id": "1250879414382080006", "reply_id": "1250961584148459521", "label": "shocked", "text": "If you don’t want me to call you out for being a sexist pig, don’t be a sexist pig. Especially if you look like you live in your moms basement and jack off to pictures of her"} {"idx": 4692, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251249316636876801", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 4694, "original_id": "1250936891790299136", "reply_id": "1250959546442375168", "label": "smh", "text": "My lesson plan for next week is more detailed than the plan to reopen the country. 🙄 #Covid_19 #StayHome #ShelterInPlace #hanginthere"} {"idx": 4697, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251007583218921472", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 4700, "original_id": "1250801798656466944", "reply_id": "1250859308981469184", "label": "eww", "text": "I just VIOLATED the bathroom and Ivy was here to witness the entire thing. WE out sis"} {"idx": 4701, "original_id": "1250781567997353984", "reply_id": "1250860278587236361", "label": "sigh", "text": "I hate it when you get a stimulus check and all the tattoo shops are closed."} {"idx": 4703, "original_id": "1250969005495652354", "reply_id": "1251152070003982347", "label": "hug", "text": "Hey I love you all. I'm trying not be miserable but it's tough haha. \nI hope you're all well and just know I care ❤"} {"idx": 4705, "original_id": "1251152132771688448", "reply_id": "1251153727295066112", "label": "high_five", "text": "I've received #kudos from Jacinta Leathart - \"Thank you for helping me out with some of my tenants and steping in when your Linguistic skils are neded!\" - @breathehr"} {"idx": 4706, "original_id": "1250917469931417602", "reply_id": "1250920552572878850", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "2 people have now tagged me in the run 5k donate £5 tag 5. Just letting you know this will be complete in 3-5 business days. Mentally preparing myself because I HATE running🙃"} {"idx": 4708, "original_id": "1250849955817889796", "reply_id": "1250995607692431360", "label": "awww", "text": "Breh, my baby literally was sad because we haven’t talked all day and won’t see each other all night... the fact that I’ve been missing out on this kind of love is beyond me."} {"idx": 4709, "original_id": "1251183478462468096", "reply_id": "1251183770432090112", "label": "oops", "text": "She's just asked if we'll still be able to go on holiday this summer. What a question."} {"idx": 4710, "original_id": "1251184394749874181", "reply_id": "1251185344562688000", "label": "agree", "text": "Global liquidity crunch 📉🚨\n\nGovernment intervention 🖨💵\n\nHalving ☣️💪 \n\n= The perfect storm for bitcoin’s adoption as a safe-haven asset"} {"idx": 4712, "original_id": "1250511112484851712", "reply_id": "1250869843865341953", "label": "hearts", "text": "10 years since my Xfactor audition aired on TV. Lost for words to be honest. All I can say is thank you to every single one of you for your support over the years. I love what i do more than most so, thank you !! ❤️"} {"idx": 4713, "original_id": "1251042965407125504", "reply_id": "1251055744759353344", "label": "hug", "text": "My heart is beating in my mouth and I’m only sharing this evening. Wow. It’s going to be a long day."} {"idx": 4714, "original_id": "1250949637197922304", "reply_id": "1250970529097547776", "label": "agree", "text": "NFL Network's Daniel Jeremiah: \"When I look at the top four guys between CeeDee Lamb, Jerry Jeudy, Henry Ruggs, Justin Jefferson, I think Carson Wentz would make a star out of any of those four players.\""} {"idx": 4720, "original_id": "1250628092827238403", "reply_id": "1250833308478554114", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I don't believe Mixer has enough culture for me. Even though My favorite streamer is shroud I gotta switch back to Twitch"} {"idx": 4721, "original_id": "1250663516798889984", "reply_id": "1250926173691023364", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Didn’t think I was nervous for my interview tomorrow, but I blinked and realized that I nervous cleaned my entire house at midnight 🤣"} {"idx": 4722, "original_id": "1250948585975435264", "reply_id": "1250964760784449537", "label": "hug", "text": "I am having a Bad Time this week."} {"idx": 4726, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251030689438294016", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 4727, "original_id": "1250863152801013760", "reply_id": "1250910428311498754", "label": "agree", "text": "Be your self love your self. There is only one you in the world and if you get to know who that is the possibilities are endless."} {"idx": 4728, "original_id": "1250952646015414277", "reply_id": "1250952885006991363", "label": "scared", "text": "\"Kids get scared\"\n\"What's to be scared of?\"\nI am Dr. Grant here.\n#MMMattheMovies"} {"idx": 4729, "original_id": "1251160506519318528", "reply_id": "1251191137328603139", "label": "hug", "text": "Everyone has that select few of friends that you would literally do anything for. I’m glad I know who mine are."} {"idx": 4730, "original_id": "1250948412817715200", "reply_id": "1250975706164625408", "label": "hug", "text": "I've noticed I've been more quiet than usual... I can't get myself to talk to some of my online friends. \n\nI know why...\nBut there is a lot going on in my head and neglecting that fact seems a lot easier. \n\nOr maybe this is how I cope with stuff. \nHard to tell.\nNow I'm rambling"} {"idx": 4731, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250882914172231693", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 4737, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251220473456799744", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 4741, "original_id": "1251224356686123013", "reply_id": "1251234728004419585", "label": "agree", "text": "I....WE....NEED SEASON 2 OF OUTER BANKS @netflix"} {"idx": 4744, "original_id": "1251180690332418049", "reply_id": "1251181855182856193", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "We could be talking for months and everything going good we good sex lit everything. You do one thing to hit a nerve like some shit that really irritate me and you cancelled."} {"idx": 4745, "original_id": "1251013844476051457", "reply_id": "1251167702565228544", "label": "wink", "text": "if ur awake rn u have a big dick"} {"idx": 4746, "original_id": "1251168915540983810", "reply_id": "1251169546003714048", "label": "agree", "text": "Fascinating that all I see from politicians is how we should celebrate, clap and cheer for all our wonderful healthcare workers \n\nBut you know, the one thing I don’t hear any of these politicians demanding or talking about is.... pay rises for health care workers 😱"} {"idx": 4749, "original_id": "1250955731890769925", "reply_id": "1250957253773004807", "label": "yes", "text": "Get a damn edit button @Twitter, it’s 2020!!"} {"idx": 4750, "original_id": "1251256409070669826", "reply_id": "1251261500716654595", "label": "awww", "text": "You never meet the right people at the wrong time because the right people are timeless✨"} {"idx": 4752, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251124841140424704", "label": "yes", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 4754, "original_id": "1251179312444837894", "reply_id": "1251179691635027969", "label": "agree", "text": "Downing Street briefing switched off. I can’t watch Alok Sharma 🙄"} {"idx": 4755, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250855600503701505", "label": "awww", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 4756, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251142345061355521", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 4758, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251170644722679814", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 4759, "original_id": "1250892514535464960", "reply_id": "1250899366740623361", "label": "hug", "text": "My grandpa is gone. I don’t know what to think. I can’t even go to his funeral. This fucking sucks."} {"idx": 4760, "original_id": "1250683914550730753", "reply_id": "1250861718500192257", "label": "applause", "text": "From the bottom of my heart, FUCK CORONA"} {"idx": 4761, "original_id": "1251133281346650116", "reply_id": "1251133752723505154", "label": "no", "text": "Another error during uploading to YouTube. :-( Love this new uploader they've forced us to use. Brainscratch is coming but it will be a bit later today."} {"idx": 4764, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250864361293459456", "label": "awww", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 4765, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250877509945774082", "label": "applause", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 4766, "original_id": "1250899375305433088", "reply_id": "1250902848558313473", "label": "high_five", "text": "If a hostile foreign country wanted to destroy the US, it might target US citizens with information about dangerous, unproven medications for COVID-19 & push messaging about opening the country ASAP.\n\nWho needs hostile foreign actors when you’ve got @realDonaldTrump?"} {"idx": 4767, "original_id": "1250937356418416642", "reply_id": "1250965559237316608", "label": "applause", "text": "My Grandma bringing the Energy I need!!! She go from reading bible verses to saying, \"he played himself, he a dumbass for not taking me\" 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾"} {"idx": 4768, "original_id": "1251003347374690305", "reply_id": "1251004441911795713", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My sister said she cried when she heard ‘starships’ by Nicki Minaj...does anyone relate???"} {"idx": 4770, "original_id": "1250833127536316417", "reply_id": "1250912762412310529", "label": "applause", "text": "I am pleased to be joining the bipartisan task force on reopening the economy. Together with @realdonaldTrump, we will get this economy roaring once again. We need to let Americans get safely back to work and bring prosperity to this nation anew! 🇺🇸"} {"idx": 4771, "original_id": "1251117385186230272", "reply_id": "1251132628448804864", "label": "facepalm", "text": "someone said DaBaby starts rapping 3 business days before the beat"} {"idx": 4777, "original_id": "1251101314739662850", "reply_id": "1251116102278471681", "label": "applause", "text": "Getting famous here is just revolving around a senseless idea i.e\n\"How often one flatters the chicks?\" \nBaaki kitna bhi intellectually awesome hojao, ghanta farak nai padhta kisiko. \nTrust me the moment you be real, you'll lose your fame."} {"idx": 4778, "original_id": "1251027933982056450", "reply_id": "1251176589871677440", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Where can I get a boyfriend who does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, won't cheat on me, won't ask for sex and will treat me like a Queen? 🙈"} {"idx": 4782, "original_id": "1250825796232466437", "reply_id": "1250861517614067720", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m gonna mess around and attempt to wax my own eyebrows in a minute..."} {"idx": 4784, "original_id": "1250887528623857668", "reply_id": "1250909041586569222", "label": "hug", "text": "Just went through the coronavirus screening and not gonna lie, this is the scariest experience ever. \n\nWaiting in the waiting room to get called to go in."} {"idx": 4785, "original_id": "1250846201056026636", "reply_id": "1250850490381991938", "label": "agree", "text": "Evan Peters could BREAK my back & id thank him"} {"idx": 4786, "original_id": "1251252308136071175", "reply_id": "1251255288814088194", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss disturbing my mom🥺"} {"idx": 4789, "original_id": "1250895874466643969", "reply_id": "1250899275757711360", "label": "awww", "text": "Vro, I miss playing monopoly at Isaac’s house. Also, he’s pretty dope."} {"idx": 4794, "original_id": "1251034906580283392", "reply_id": "1251168114416459777", "label": "applause", "text": "Last night, I dreamt I was with other journalists, covering a meeting between Uddhav T & PM. Some aide approaches me to ask if I wanted an informal chat with the PM. \n\nAnd in that random dream state of mine, I said no, tell him to give a press conference first.\n\n#soproudofmyself"} {"idx": 4796, "original_id": "1251263189339127810", "reply_id": "1251272219033874432", "label": "scared", "text": "My Good To Go account was so behind that I about fell out laughing when they told me how much it was 😂"} {"idx": 4797, "original_id": "1251232242321379328", "reply_id": "1251238917573087237", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Here's a new #FF & some interesting ones. Thanks for reading:\n@graphicpolicy \n@RepAdamSchiff \n@JimLee \n@JoeQuesada \n@mrmarkmillar \n@DanRather \n@BradBirdA113 \n@Lornebalfe \n@freddiewiedmann \n@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN \n@TrekkerTalk \n@Ron_Randall \n@ScottMendelson \n\n#FollowFriday!"} {"idx": 4798, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1251116526486401026", "label": "idk", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 4799, "original_id": "1251202295016165379", "reply_id": "1251208695427379200", "label": "shocked", "text": "Mannn my sister just got a nigga a PlayStation. I can’t believe she going out like that 😭🤦🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 4800, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250888452482031616", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 4801, "original_id": "1250741990599340038", "reply_id": "1250989346225881088", "label": "hearts", "text": "21 years ago today, my only child was killed by a gun. Losing a child hollows you out no matter the cause of death. I approach this anniversary as I do each year, praying that no other parent will ever know what I know, and no one else joins this club. 1/"} {"idx": 4802, "original_id": "1251218198927720448", "reply_id": "1251227710493466625", "label": "seriously", "text": "Guys we are doing just fine without Alcohol. Right? 😪"} {"idx": 4803, "original_id": "1250552557593923585", "reply_id": "1250845281496846336", "label": "eww", "text": "Does anyone know a series with hot men, bad acting, and no good storyline? I would love to watch a series like that. Any recommendations?😍"} {"idx": 4804, "original_id": "1251055863953006592", "reply_id": "1251084656134500352", "label": "agree", "text": "There are 3 things guaranteed in life\n\n-Death\n-Taxes \n-And pro cod players tweeting something about “who’s up right now”"} {"idx": 4805, "original_id": "1251147179881717763", "reply_id": "1251221172735205377", "label": "hug", "text": "Please name a movie that's delightful and life-affirming. (No need to think too hard, just whatever comes to mind.)"} {"idx": 4807, "original_id": "1250883951842988032", "reply_id": "1250967781031456768", "label": "agree", "text": "Stay strong, be positive. We all struggle sometimes."} {"idx": 4809, "original_id": "1250960855795146752", "reply_id": "1250968495258513411", "label": "yes", "text": "“i belong on a beach with messy hair, tanned skin, and a big bowl of fruit watching the waves.”"} {"idx": 4810, "original_id": "1251006736426663936", "reply_id": "1251252339945598976", "label": "sigh", "text": "“We’ve got to remember, this is Covid-19! Presumably there’s been 18 other coronaviruses, on the way to get to 19!”\n- Michelle Boag, a moment ago, confirming that the RNZ Panel policy of only having on informed people is very much over."} {"idx": 4811, "original_id": "1250745744597934083", "reply_id": "1250838622095335426", "label": "oops", "text": "Had to shut down my wifi for a second and at the same time heard my next door neighbor yell \"WTF\"?"} {"idx": 4812, "original_id": "1251234420754976768", "reply_id": "1251254783677206534", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm officially done with RL friendships. Keeping everyone at an online distance except my family."} {"idx": 4813, "original_id": "1250909880266952705", "reply_id": "1250909971723833350", "label": "awww", "text": "Well. I haven't felt the desire to play RDR2 for over a week now. There goes my second playthrough attempting to find more fun in it."} {"idx": 4814, "original_id": "1250877635703508992", "reply_id": "1250880645082963969", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is now accusing New York of exaggerating its COVID death totals... We’ve all seen how he loves to inflate numbers when it helps him and deflate them when it doesn’t... Let’s just put it this way: We’ve got more people with coronavirus than were at his shitty inauguration..."} {"idx": 4815, "original_id": "1251101045943496704", "reply_id": "1251152208613142539", "label": "want", "text": "All I ask, can we have a peaceful time? I mean today is Ep. 9, and we have 4 more to go. I did this alone, by myself, no one pay me to do this, I just want to share info about Bright & Win in a happy mood. Can you chill a bit? Sometimes I need my friends, so I can hug them."} {"idx": 4819, "original_id": "1251177775928664066", "reply_id": "1251192092799438851", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Finished interview! Said everything I wanted to say and came in 2.5 minutes under the time limit. I feel like I did the best job I could have presenting myself. If I get the job I’m thrilled. If not, wow, whoever they chose must be awesome!"} {"idx": 4820, "original_id": "1250517983052484608", "reply_id": "1250937228571926529", "label": "smh", "text": "Let me get this straight:\n\nNew Jersey's Governor imposed an 8 PM curfew\n\nMichigan's Governor banned stores from selling \"non-essential\" items like seeds\n\nNew York's Governor mandated people wear face masks in public\n\nYet the media says Trump is the one acting like a dictator?\n\n🤔"} {"idx": 4823, "original_id": "1250935715397013504", "reply_id": "1250942086402228225", "label": "thank_you", "text": "We're going to open the economy before a vaccination, which was inevitable. The disease is still out there. If we take precautions while going about our lives, we can hopefully mitigate the threat. But that would have been the case had we never shut down. So why did we?"} {"idx": 4824, "original_id": "1250991273105854464", "reply_id": "1251147239495331841", "label": "hug", "text": "Yo stress, go away."} {"idx": 4825, "original_id": "1251226207468716032", "reply_id": "1251238001960681473", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Do y’all think we should reopen American soon or later ?"} {"idx": 4828, "original_id": "1250904652465541122", "reply_id": "1250904894351040514", "label": "yolo", "text": "We had a virtual work happy hour today but the drink I made was a lot stronger than I realized so here I am now feeling a lot fuzzier than I normally would be this early in the evening whoops"} {"idx": 4834, "original_id": "1250852556785373190", "reply_id": "1250853226330632195", "label": "idk", "text": "Upon further review, I might be prejudice 😂\n@The23_"} {"idx": 4835, "original_id": "1251216680535175168", "reply_id": "1251217425707786240", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I want a bestfriend wya? 👀"} {"idx": 4836, "original_id": "1251240033748684802", "reply_id": "1251253412366290947", "label": "shrug", "text": "some people just really paved their way into my heart and left so easily"} {"idx": 4837, "original_id": "1250899604381609984", "reply_id": "1250967473559687168", "label": "oops", "text": "Sees Hasek trending and comments suggesting he should be No. 1.\nA few things about that.\nHe was elite but not consistently the best, at times struggling with injuries and stretches of inconsistency.\nWhen he was on, he was the NHL’s best goalie.\nWhen he wasn’t, he was average."} {"idx": 4838, "original_id": "1250949143121596416", "reply_id": "1251266526608572420", "label": "agree", "text": "Money didn’t make me, hard times did!!!!!"} {"idx": 4839, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1250933508744163328", "label": "thank_you", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 4840, "original_id": "1251194811190784002", "reply_id": "1251227113908297730", "label": "idk", "text": "North Carolina freshman Cole Anthony, a projected lottery pick, has declared for the 2020 NBA draft."} {"idx": 4841, "original_id": "1250838415555190784", "reply_id": "1250840816412758016", "label": "shocked", "text": "mom moved the poop sock"} {"idx": 4843, "original_id": "1251173121421447168", "reply_id": "1251189736703586305", "label": "no", "text": "Raise your hand if you are going to run right and fling yourself back into the herd if they reopen the economy?"} {"idx": 4847, "original_id": "1251185822449037319", "reply_id": "1251186092532879363", "label": "smh", "text": "A thread. Finally getting into this new dababy album. 1 song in. My thoughts so far. 1/21"} {"idx": 4848, "original_id": "1250944479198052353", "reply_id": "1250953515654090752", "label": "applause", "text": "If I go the rest of my life without power hungry politicians telling me what I can and can't do in my own neighborhood it won't be long enough."} {"idx": 4852, "original_id": "1250891105161412608", "reply_id": "1250892622199209988", "label": "shocked", "text": "Shoutout to the girls who skip the bullshit and grab your dick."} {"idx": 4853, "original_id": "1251005252997984258", "reply_id": "1251005321281036291", "label": "hug", "text": "PC is fucked hoping new PSU will fix it otherwise uh yeah...\n\nToday’s been nothing but stress and anxiety and I’m ready for the insomnia."} {"idx": 4854, "original_id": "1250706673569800192", "reply_id": "1250832259621453824", "label": "oops", "text": "I JUST TRIED TO TAKE OUT A BURNING HOT PAN FROM THE OVEN WITH MY BARE HANDS AND BURNED THE FUCK OUT OF MY FINGERS. ITS ALL OVER."} {"idx": 4856, "original_id": "1251190508950454272", "reply_id": "1251206517803511808", "label": "agree", "text": "you're nothing to anyone, to everyone."} {"idx": 4857, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251264445839360001", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 4859, "original_id": "1250888734704189440", "reply_id": "1250926368591761409", "label": "hug", "text": "Been struggling mentally with so much that it's put a lot of my Untold work on pause. It's tough being creative right now, but then I beat myself up for not lettering/writing, and it's like a revolving door of shit feelings. Just focusing on getting to the end of this, I think."} {"idx": 4861, "original_id": "1250961600774901770", "reply_id": "1250961767389253632", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I don't know what the big deal is with what #DrOz said. This country is already totally fine with letting children be shot to death in their schools.\n\n/s"} {"idx": 4862, "original_id": "1250911890601115650", "reply_id": "1250918202231656449", "label": "no", "text": "What do you believe happens when we die?"} {"idx": 4866, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250843563337953280", "label": "shrug", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 4867, "original_id": "1251227746484838408", "reply_id": "1251248427649961985", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Holy fucking shit you guys. I interview McAfee for the podcast in TWO hours!!! #NervousAsFuck"} {"idx": 4869, "original_id": "1250856146761510914", "reply_id": "1251030016877424641", "label": "sigh", "text": "Men are trash. Except for my boyfriend and the Jonas Brothers."} {"idx": 4872, "original_id": "1250548027762319361", "reply_id": "1250834876049260551", "label": "no", "text": "So y'all are sending big tips to the sex workers who have kept you company under quarantine now that you have your stimulus check, right?"} {"idx": 4875, "original_id": "1250929594049482753", "reply_id": "1251081678140964864", "label": "applause", "text": "My sons first official word was so deep, so profound, and so impressive....\n\nIt was.....”boobies”"} {"idx": 4880, "original_id": "1250844966747729920", "reply_id": "1250847371149422598", "label": "ok", "text": "Hi can we follow each other 😍"} {"idx": 4883, "original_id": "1251073298584272897", "reply_id": "1251078389110210561", "label": "facepalm", "text": "So I go and sit on the balcony. Sunny. Quiet. Bliss. I open my book with Sudoku.\n\nSomeone starts up a lawnmower. Someone else starts his motorcycle and lets it idle.\n\nGarbage people returning bins to yards, loudly dragging them down stairs.\n\nARGH!\n\n#balconymorning\n#lifeinGermany"} {"idx": 4886, "original_id": "1251205960292610051", "reply_id": "1251238945150697474", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I ain't one for money matches but I'm calling out Goweege...\nYou are TRASH! Gimmick character using mothaFUKr with low skill smh\nWhen this quarantine shyt is done put that bread up and catch these hands!\n#isaidwhatisaid"} {"idx": 4891, "original_id": "1250854048841871360", "reply_id": "1250854626049445888", "label": "high_five", "text": "It’s #NationalHighFiveDay…\n\nDon’t let us catch you slippin’"} {"idx": 4893, "original_id": "1250913977275609089", "reply_id": "1250919699283456000", "label": "scared", "text": "Conversation w/one of my kids:\n\nA: “Ms. Bella, you’re a toy!”\n\nMe: “Why am I a toy?” \n\nA: “You get played with!”\n\nTrue... 🤷🏽‍♀️ #kids"} {"idx": 4894, "original_id": "1251015945805615105", "reply_id": "1251100653876924417", "label": "eww", "text": "Y’all fuck with DaBaby album ??"} {"idx": 4895, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250885300013973506", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 4897, "original_id": "1251149786205417480", "reply_id": "1251167695917199360", "label": "hug", "text": "I made it back from another week at the supermarket. I need a Xanax."} {"idx": 4898, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251236003588775937", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 4901, "original_id": "1251235972748120069", "reply_id": "1251236664959217668", "label": "yolo", "text": "After quarantine I think I really want to get a tattoo 🤔"} {"idx": 4907, "original_id": "1250615355233501187", "reply_id": "1250892896179556352", "label": "applause", "text": "Guys!!Just because a woman is nice to you , and interacts with you. Doesn’t mean she wants a pic of your penis in her DMs🤷🏼‍♂️"} {"idx": 4908, "original_id": "1250880851191226369", "reply_id": "1250888985213382658", "label": "shrug", "text": "WHY do I have the urge to put buffalo sauce or hot sauce on in every single thing I eat?!"} {"idx": 4910, "original_id": "1251226720113483776", "reply_id": "1251255010672939009", "label": "ok", "text": "Send me cute memes"} {"idx": 4913, "original_id": "1250996656629321728", "reply_id": "1251022512227381248", "label": "want", "text": "I should be In Vegas right now... 😩😩😩😩😩"} {"idx": 4914, "original_id": "1251209372354654208", "reply_id": "1251219191899869185", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Who’s ready for their post work Friday beer? I AM BECAUSE IM NOT PREGNANT ANYMORE WHATUPPPPP"} {"idx": 4915, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250881383502721024", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 4917, "original_id": "1250920760903897092", "reply_id": "1250922661934518273", "label": "yes", "text": "Donald Trump, on what he heard during sports commissioners call: \"Many of them are going to be starting without the fans ... It'll go that way and then the fans will start coming in -- maybe they'll be separated by two seats -- and then ultimately we want to have packed arenas.\""} {"idx": 4922, "original_id": "1250853590689812481", "reply_id": "1250931016690171910", "label": "applause", "text": "Dude stop fucking bitching 😂"} {"idx": 4927, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251071569012482048", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 4928, "original_id": "1251251517350268928", "reply_id": "1251253557925380098", "label": "hug", "text": "cries at 4:50 am send tweet"} {"idx": 4929, "original_id": "1251270102722412546", "reply_id": "1251273679314530307", "label": "hug", "text": "My mom just told me that the landlords are refusing to give us an extension or lower the rent. This sucks!"} {"idx": 4933, "original_id": "1250783172406718464", "reply_id": "1251095936480272385", "label": "ok", "text": "Is it just me or does a 10 minute power nap sometimes feel like an 8 hour long perfect deep sleep?"} {"idx": 4936, "original_id": "1250772248962703360", "reply_id": "1250989699893731328", "label": "thank_you", "text": "While @JoeBiden is not the @DNC candidate I had hoped for, and while I’m still a proud member of the @GOP, I won’t vote again for @realDonaldTrump and will support #JoeBiden for President. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #Election2020"} {"idx": 4937, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251233339601756160", "label": "applause", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 4938, "original_id": "1250880006085107719", "reply_id": "1250885155331477504", "label": "no", "text": "just thinking, what if jeno wears a crop top for this comeback...AND THEN WHAT"} {"idx": 4940, "original_id": "1251199506978308100", "reply_id": "1251204317916409857", "label": "scared", "text": "Restaurant magnate @TilmanJFertitta is on @GovAbbott's task force to re-open businesses in Texas."} {"idx": 4941, "original_id": "1251018828483420161", "reply_id": "1251029960656998402", "label": "sigh", "text": "Twitter seems kinda slow these days"} {"idx": 4944, "original_id": "1251183755412279300", "reply_id": "1251198731694878722", "label": "hug", "text": "My emotions are all over the place 😭 Idk wtf going on today"} {"idx": 4945, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251164030351208450", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 4947, "original_id": "1250829750421110785", "reply_id": "1250867485894684672", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I had a gaming crisis for probably the last 2 years at least. I just couldn't find something I enjoyed playing everyday. \n\nThen @PlayRuneterra came into my life. And the rest is history. 😍"} {"idx": 4948, "original_id": "1250805853759946758", "reply_id": "1251010874032246784", "label": "oops", "text": "Are you single because you are ugly or broke?"} {"idx": 4950, "original_id": "1250934231645200384", "reply_id": "1250934663801122824", "label": "awww", "text": "This has been a really trying time for all of us. Even though twitter can be a dumpster fire, I appreciate y’all who make me laugh, and the genuine friendships I’ve made on this app. It has helped so much. 💕"} {"idx": 4956, "original_id": "1250924857262518273", "reply_id": "1251183529188179969", "label": "yawn", "text": "As President @realDonaldTrump laid out today, we have rapidly expanded testing with more than 3.5 million tests completed, the most in the world."} {"idx": 4958, "original_id": "1250942146313506816", "reply_id": "1250942343534034946", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel so weird today. I don't know if my mental health is not so good today but I just feel so meh. I can't even properly describe how I feel. I'm frustrated and wish I could scream or something, but I'm at work. Indifference is the mood today, I think."} {"idx": 4961, "original_id": "1250934888141905926", "reply_id": "1250943033790664704", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I just listened to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon for the first time.\n\nI wonder if anyone’s thought of taking drugs and listening to that."} {"idx": 4963, "original_id": "1250908306081792008", "reply_id": "1250908563062640641", "label": "shrug", "text": "i asked a friend of mine if she wanted a date and she told me we can't date but i just wanted to give her a god damn tamer 😞"} {"idx": 4967, "original_id": "1251235032565456896", "reply_id": "1251248543102316545", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Truth be told, Omo mo need owo...I am broke now o."} {"idx": 4968, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251263889830039552", "label": "shrug", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 4969, "original_id": "1250919582858014720", "reply_id": "1250986639192702976", "label": "applause", "text": "Did they actually snub Romney? They’re fucking children, the entire administration is made up of fucking children."} {"idx": 4972, "original_id": "1251269715735035905", "reply_id": "1251271230176534532", "label": "hug", "text": "Think im done with twitter thanks for chatting with me appreciate it. take care everyone"} {"idx": 4973, "original_id": "1250875844433608704", "reply_id": "1250970200335216640", "label": "hug", "text": "I know I have some friends and nice followers but I'll be a bother to everyone if I want to talk ,Even my boyfriend, I don't want him getting involved so I still have to deal with it myself since it's my own problem... but how..."} {"idx": 4975, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251170146426793985", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 4977, "original_id": "1250843647505051648", "reply_id": "1250845076114325506", "label": "dance", "text": "Cuse lax now has commitments from both Danny Varello (FOGO) and Drake Porter (GK) to return to Cuse and use their 5th year. \n\nFuck"} {"idx": 4979, "original_id": "1250909633155301377", "reply_id": "1250933227839086593", "label": "hearts", "text": "If I love you, I’m going to love all of YOU. Every crack, every flaw, everything you deemed negative about yourself, I will teach you to love because you are perfection to me."} {"idx": 4981, "original_id": "1251140684704145408", "reply_id": "1251161421540278272", "label": "hug", "text": "send hugs :<<"} {"idx": 4983, "original_id": "1250924114963030017", "reply_id": "1250941007623081985", "label": "applause", "text": "Showered today guys. Pretty proud of myself."} {"idx": 4985, "original_id": "1251137749056454662", "reply_id": "1251196463960465414", "label": "agree", "text": "Y’all ever fuck up your sleep schedule just to talk to someone?"} {"idx": 4986, "original_id": "1251045424141565954", "reply_id": "1251178104229249024", "label": "applause", "text": "I pooped"} {"idx": 4988, "original_id": "1250999517358555138", "reply_id": "1251210137735487488", "label": "seriously", "text": "What number of wine bottles is acceptable per week during this time? (Asking for a friend)."} {"idx": 4991, "original_id": "1251077563084156929", "reply_id": "1251171693630013443", "label": "yes", "text": "Is it Friday?"} {"idx": 4993, "original_id": "1250916707993935872", "reply_id": "1251272793011912704", "label": "please", "text": "ANYWAY, who wants nudes?"} {"idx": 4996, "original_id": "1251202139449425921", "reply_id": "1251221108843479041", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Job interview today 🙌\nSend me those positive vibes PLEASE 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 4998, "original_id": "1250874077272834049", "reply_id": "1250953163127107585", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Unfortunately, due to a doping scandal, @SnellSZN has been disqualified from the #PistonsTwitter Bracket Challenge. He hopes to go home, regroup and spend more time with Tony Snell. Meanwhile, @Kofie has retired from competitive bracketing. That means we have TWO wildcard spots."} {"idx": 5000, "original_id": "1251241873877811200", "reply_id": "1251252903354007556", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I need to overdose on inspiration"} {"idx": 5001, "original_id": "1250984439372566528", "reply_id": "1250992742248910848", "label": "oops", "text": "I just signed up for a membership to a place called BJs. It's not what I had hoped you guys."} {"idx": 5004, "original_id": "1251176527280078855", "reply_id": "1251182243088908291", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Joe Biden should be able to resume his rallies at any time. \n\nIt’s not difficult to get 13 people to stand 6 feet apart."} {"idx": 5010, "original_id": "1250938444492103680", "reply_id": "1250946974058086400", "label": "agree", "text": "Can you please stop leaving me on read it actually hurts my feelings 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 5011, "original_id": "1251244893063831554", "reply_id": "1251247979522031619", "label": "ok", "text": "We cannot open too quickly or recklessly but people need to work! Working is not optional.\nThe 3 phases should look like:\n1. College football \n2. All places of employment (with guidelines).\n3. Optional entertainment (with guidelines)."} {"idx": 5015, "original_id": "1251020892269768704", "reply_id": "1251047172914786304", "label": "hug", "text": "that annoying feeling when you are feeling low and you don't know the reason , so now you are upset and annoyed both at the same time!"} {"idx": 5016, "original_id": "1251257334174814211", "reply_id": "1251262428794556422", "label": "oops", "text": "South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem in: \"South Dakota is now the first state in America to launch a statewide, state-backed clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine to fight COVID-19.\""} {"idx": 5017, "original_id": "1251168060511322113", "reply_id": "1251168173933490176", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I cry 😭"} {"idx": 5021, "original_id": "1251200853844856832", "reply_id": "1251217472017125376", "label": "agree", "text": "Black women are world class."} {"idx": 5024, "original_id": "1251185255710699522", "reply_id": "1251233376859762690", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Donald Trump’s “liberate” tweets are an act of domestic terrorism against the United States, punishable by life in prison without parole. They may also be a violation of Twitter terms of service."} {"idx": 5026, "original_id": "1250977079060910080", "reply_id": "1250977550819622912", "label": "applause", "text": "I can eat bread now! Pizza! Cookies! Taco Bell! Sandwiches! Cake!"} {"idx": 5027, "original_id": "1250864594647687168", "reply_id": "1250900176174227456", "label": "wink", "text": "People say you get high, you don't get high, you get medicated"} {"idx": 5029, "original_id": "1250973375582928896", "reply_id": "1251149127368376322", "label": "idk", "text": "Liz still hasn’t re-signed with the Aces..."} {"idx": 5032, "original_id": "1251170280686444545", "reply_id": "1251192712906358786", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Finally able get up off my ass and cook my own breakfast! Im an adult again!!"} {"idx": 5034, "original_id": "1251197613409435650", "reply_id": "1251199225926467588", "label": "applause", "text": "oh, thank you for 50k+"} {"idx": 5036, "original_id": "1250893134462095361", "reply_id": "1250895137653350404", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Lol I really love this boy eww I am not supposed to he belong to the strees😫"} {"idx": 5037, "original_id": "1251044515688792064", "reply_id": "1251188821066002433", "label": "applause", "text": "Lol had to delete the FaceTime screenshot between my friend and I. She wasn’t expecting her face to be on the tweet 🤣 \n\nThe cropped version is posted."} {"idx": 5040, "original_id": "1251107634868105217", "reply_id": "1251266717176803328", "label": "agree", "text": "I understand the economic imperative, but I worry that ANY state going back to work early is jumping the gun. We’ve made progress at great cost. I would hate to see it lost."} {"idx": 5044, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251168670417551361", "label": "applause", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 5046, "original_id": "1250920970463764480", "reply_id": "1250985968238309377", "label": "popcorn", "text": "So for these states who don't think they've been impacted enough for restrictions to remain, are they going to shut down their borders to keep folks from the other states out, or... ?"} {"idx": 5047, "original_id": "1250937205276590081", "reply_id": "1250939456607211521", "label": "agree", "text": "You want to see change?\n\nGo be the change.\n\nYou want America to open up?\n\nGo open it up.\n\nChange doesn't appear out of thin air or fall from the sky. Change isn't something that is handed to you. It's up to you.\n\nIt's fought for. It's something you want and go get. That's change."} {"idx": 5049, "original_id": "1250902035182030849", "reply_id": "1251150315073622016", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Miss my Mum. Can't share being cancer free with her. As a nurse, she would have understood this is a big deal. Dad did not respond to my news & my sister sent less than a line. Fuck them. I did this alone. I knew there would be a come down. This is it. Tomorrow will be better."} {"idx": 5051, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250862090409181190", "label": "eww", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 5053, "original_id": "1251150750295584770", "reply_id": "1251193801147854849", "label": "thank_you", "text": "if ur reading this its too late.\n\n I already sent good vibes your way.\nthey’re coming & theres nothing you can do to stop them"} {"idx": 5055, "original_id": "1250891458753765377", "reply_id": "1250901530754134016", "label": "agree", "text": "All this talk about GG is getting me hype, I haven't played that game in years but I'm trying to mix people with Faust one time.... I need to find a beta code lmao"} {"idx": 5057, "original_id": "1251006372130557957", "reply_id": "1251008676544069633", "label": "applause", "text": "call me a bitch or call me a genius but i opted to go luigi in the luigi/dk crew battle"} {"idx": 5059, "original_id": "1251110068239634432", "reply_id": "1251117892243988480", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I honestly cannot live like this anymore"} {"idx": 5061, "original_id": "1250630231377010688", "reply_id": "1250854866899132417", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I mean, I would only pay for a onlyfans if the woman is super cute and thicccc"} {"idx": 5062, "original_id": "1251152554970345472", "reply_id": "1251167423534948352", "label": "omg", "text": "Omg the mayor on live TV just told New Yorkers to take a pic of anyone not social distancing & to call 311 or the authorities and to also give that persons location so they can be dealt with WTF???? @NYCMayor are you insane????!!!!"} {"idx": 5063, "original_id": "1251228480705982464", "reply_id": "1251228782230462464", "label": "no", "text": "@gdfuego I’m contemplating jumping to the “terrible idea” I joked with you about earlier. 🐕‍🦺👈🏿 I think it might really work now. Thoughts?"} {"idx": 5065, "original_id": "1251141928868929540", "reply_id": "1251174716284399617", "label": "hug", "text": "need hug."} {"idx": 5066, "original_id": "1251207923977551875", "reply_id": "1251214165294759936", "label": "facepalm", "text": "@Sethrogen man what the hell??, my 7 year old and 4 year old were watching Sausage Party this morning at 8am, lets just say they have picked up some very colourful words 😱. I had too turn it off after 5 mins. I'll watch the rest tonight when they're in bed."} {"idx": 5067, "original_id": "1250959251922542592", "reply_id": "1251064930930880513", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "All good with doc we changed a couple of things which I’m happy with. Done all the paperwork I couldn’t do & had my flu shot,next few consults will be Telehealth,not a bad morning at all. Ian"} {"idx": 5069, "original_id": "1251164037854801934", "reply_id": "1251164596439666688", "label": "yes", "text": "It’s my day off, should I get drunk?"} {"idx": 5072, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251103747016585218", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 5074, "original_id": "1250813725306761216", "reply_id": "1250907390473625606", "label": "idk", "text": "Question Of The Day: Using only a GIF, what was the last concert you attended?"} {"idx": 5075, "original_id": "1250904995299459072", "reply_id": "1251005698831515649", "label": "sigh", "text": "There are plenty of doctors, scientists and mental health pros that believe it’s time to move on. We are trending to lose more lives to economy than virus. Those experts just haven’t been embedded in federal government or media for 30 years."} {"idx": 5078, "original_id": "1251274008978284544", "reply_id": "1251274406179020807", "label": "ok", "text": "🎶Simon says put your hands on your hips.\n Simon says put your hands on your knees.\n Simon says put your hands on your feet.\n Simon says bust it open like a freak.🎶 💋"} {"idx": 5079, "original_id": "1251227958112550915", "reply_id": "1251228272731586561", "label": "shocked", "text": "Turns out avocados have the exact same shelf life as most of my relationships"} {"idx": 5081, "original_id": "1251037563806253056", "reply_id": "1251125589844439041", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m sry for being so emotional but man do I love you guys 🥺 I’m so grateful to have met all of you. I appreciate all of u that take time out of their day to come pop in the stream. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Also, majorthank you @Mother_Coconutz & @Gatsby_Not_Blue for the raids"} {"idx": 5082, "original_id": "1250914942779363330", "reply_id": "1250917982747996174", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Are y’all jacking those new Yeezy slides ?"} {"idx": 5083, "original_id": "1251066453261905921", "reply_id": "1251067912833495041", "label": "wink", "text": "So I slept all day, and just woke up ! Who’s up?"} {"idx": 5085, "original_id": "1251229473271279616", "reply_id": "1251230958168260618", "label": "hug", "text": "Somebody hug me. 💔"} {"idx": 5087, "original_id": "1251132920691073025", "reply_id": "1251138178829955076", "label": "yawn", "text": "Premier League meeting lasted two hours. No decision yet on when games can restart. That will only happen when government says it’s safe. Issue of 30 June cut off not raised. Clubs shown models of how games could be played again. Objective remains to finish the season"} {"idx": 5094, "original_id": "1251126748055580673", "reply_id": "1251128471620857856", "label": "agree", "text": "@Arsenal miss you so much 😢"} {"idx": 5096, "original_id": "1250968509087019008", "reply_id": "1250968844530671616", "label": "oops", "text": "@manusiambyyar hi match 😂"} {"idx": 5099, "original_id": "1250983983875346432", "reply_id": "1251087060213149696", "label": "agree", "text": "Looking for a man who can chop down a tree and build a desk"} {"idx": 5102, "original_id": "1250896607954063362", "reply_id": "1250897221194743823", "label": "applause", "text": "My savings account right now 🤩😍 I’m proud of myself for no longer blowing through my money on stupid shit 🥳 paid off my credit card and so close to a 800 credit score 🙌🏼"} {"idx": 5105, "original_id": "1251215525927059458", "reply_id": "1251234126847512577", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Can’t wait to watch Landon Collins give up touchdowns to back up tight ends all season long"} {"idx": 5106, "original_id": "1251148681308336129", "reply_id": "1251168169311510528", "label": "idk", "text": "Which rapper has the most loyal fan base?"} {"idx": 5107, "original_id": "1251150142712905731", "reply_id": "1251174467096772614", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lana del rey overrated af"} {"idx": 5108, "original_id": "1251167538165112833", "reply_id": "1251191462856974341", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "i posted a video of myself watching the deleted scene from pia’s music video and the amount of dms i received asking “is the second movie out yet” istg... 💀"} {"idx": 5109, "original_id": "1250990590591766530", "reply_id": "1250992478599208961", "label": "yes", "text": "can we still make ligma jokes while there’s a worldwide pandemic?"} {"idx": 5111, "original_id": "1250986591696220160", "reply_id": "1250997218045132800", "label": "agree", "text": "W.O.W. I just got called out by my housemate. \"You have messy old lady handwriting.\" She then went on to describe all the ways in which I have been an old lady almost my entire life. \n\nIt's all true. 😅"} {"idx": 5112, "original_id": "1250969291001913346", "reply_id": "1250978157366296576", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m so mind blown at the moves I’ve been making lately, so proud of myself"} {"idx": 5115, "original_id": "1250872654875242496", "reply_id": "1250911157474508804", "label": "shocked", "text": "The Leader of the Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer, has told us on the #CoronavirusNewscast: \"I really hated selling myself to the membership.\""} {"idx": 5116, "original_id": "1250682143845396480", "reply_id": "1251145282714128388", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Just blocked every ugly guy on Twitter so if you can see this then you’re handsome"} {"idx": 5117, "original_id": "1250904105192755202", "reply_id": "1250905366424162304", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "When I saw our memory .... I did not feel anything except regret .... the regret that I knew u !!!!!"} {"idx": 5121, "original_id": "1250913227581657094", "reply_id": "1251111906435350528", "label": "applause", "text": "there aren't enough tests, there is no vaccine, there is no cure, people are still dropping dead by the thousands and this stupid fucking moron is taking a victory lap"} {"idx": 5124, "original_id": "1250764728680374276", "reply_id": "1250905979480354816", "label": "no", "text": "do we love fortnite?"} {"idx": 5126, "original_id": "1251158519492915207", "reply_id": "1251168217005010945", "label": "smh", "text": "Oh god, Chesney Hawkes is trending - let's hope he's doing the considerate thing @jamesblunt did and refraining from singing for us...."} {"idx": 5127, "original_id": "1250822368907362305", "reply_id": "1250845165192798208", "label": "awww", "text": "Did I ever say that I stan ugya even tho he's a friend ig no anyway he's not I don't like him but stan tho yknow what I mean."} {"idx": 5128, "original_id": "1250833190366973953", "reply_id": "1251033018594209792", "label": "agree", "text": "Does anyone else hate, and I mean fucking despise “You’ll never walk alone’’?"} {"idx": 5130, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251160958900158472", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 5142, "original_id": "1250766983370551296", "reply_id": "1250927013025796108", "label": "eww", "text": "I think I have masturbating elbow."} {"idx": 5144, "original_id": "1251168747810947073", "reply_id": "1251273356328013827", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had to go through Roosevelt mall and the Footlockers and Foot Action are all boarded up. They were not fucking around with possible looting. Lmao. Sidenote, it's a ghost town besides lines outside the phone stores and Chipotle, and the 30 car line in Wells Fargo drive thru"} {"idx": 5145, "original_id": "1251069126711394304", "reply_id": "1251074039025729537", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Let’s get it 💰⬇️\n\nE. Rubtsov ML -120 vs O. Lykhtsky \nSetka | 4:55 am et\n\nLet’s close the night out on a dub🔥💪"} {"idx": 5147, "original_id": "1250847095369728000", "reply_id": "1250858788984442883", "label": "yes", "text": "Down at our grocery store, we were told that they put up new cameras & they are watching to see if a customer keeps coming in each day. \nThis is communism at it's best!"} {"idx": 5148, "original_id": "1251197882646106115", "reply_id": "1251248238969184256", "label": "omg", "text": "“But, honey, if wiping the toilet seat off with wet toilet paper isn’t cleaning the bathroom, then I don’t know what is.”\n\n-men"} {"idx": 5152, "original_id": "1250990967911563264", "reply_id": "1250992674397618177", "label": "shocked", "text": "real eyes realize real lies"} {"idx": 5153, "original_id": "1251019101062885376", "reply_id": "1251027289619529729", "label": "popcorn", "text": "So the group “Kai is crying” on fb just completely imploded lol"} {"idx": 5156, "original_id": "1250989250016874498", "reply_id": "1251154420911357954", "label": "shocked", "text": "I truly hate fruity/sweet liquor."} {"idx": 5160, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250925403490758657", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 5161, "original_id": "1251173121421447168", "reply_id": "1251173484186796035", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Raise your hand if you are going to run right and fling yourself back into the herd if they reopen the economy?"} {"idx": 5163, "original_id": "1251141619882983430", "reply_id": "1251148703471034368", "label": "applause", "text": "im back."} {"idx": 5165, "original_id": "1250920408909520903", "reply_id": "1250929139932168193", "label": "hug", "text": "alright cut the bs, I need a hug"} {"idx": 5167, "original_id": "1250772248962703360", "reply_id": "1250985003388895235", "label": "applause", "text": "While @JoeBiden is not the @DNC candidate I had hoped for, and while I’m still a proud member of the @GOP, I won’t vote again for @realDonaldTrump and will support #JoeBiden for President. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #Election2020"} {"idx": 5168, "original_id": "1250908579411845121", "reply_id": "1250913461967568896", "label": "facepalm", "text": "How’re you gonna dm someone and block them because they don’t respond?🧐"} {"idx": 5172, "original_id": "1250847261489274890", "reply_id": "1250859048242753537", "label": "yawn", "text": "Rangers fresh attack on SPFL coming up...THREAD"} {"idx": 5177, "original_id": "1251024935725576192", "reply_id": "1251180319870517254", "label": "applause", "text": "People that bully, harrass and traumatise homosexual people in the name of religion are fat neeks"} {"idx": 5185, "original_id": "1251010886946324482", "reply_id": "1251221152896364545", "label": "want", "text": "Tomorrow's hour of power is gong to be W I L D"} {"idx": 5186, "original_id": "1250888223355699200", "reply_id": "1250907478642040833", "label": "agree", "text": "I wish I had a serious friend I could go into business with. Two heads can definitely be better than one!"} {"idx": 5187, "original_id": "1250842234175598597", "reply_id": "1250844489909846016", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today is National High Five Day.\n\nAwkward."} {"idx": 5193, "original_id": "1250754154341031938", "reply_id": "1250888363202273288", "label": "agree", "text": "Wow. The IHE piece today w/hair in the title (not going to redeem it by providing link) is so tone deaf and so irresponsible in so many ways. Really hope this hot take doesn't get weaponized by administration.\n\nesp galling that the fictional example of bad behavior is a woman"} {"idx": 5195, "original_id": "1250539949092335617", "reply_id": "1251066465614286849", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Recieved my first rejection. \n\nThis means I'm a real writer, right?"} {"idx": 5196, "original_id": "1250916051954667533", "reply_id": "1250916726415298562", "label": "no", "text": "PSA: Beto is live on insta rn"} {"idx": 5199, "original_id": "1250923187325583361", "reply_id": "1250930941347819521", "label": "applause", "text": "You're all my coworkers, you just don't know it."} {"idx": 5200, "original_id": "1250979958723395584", "reply_id": "1250991189928574976", "label": "hug", "text": "This just popped in my head and I want to pass it on. The last time I ever received a hug or kiss was in 2009. Never take for granted the simple things in life. Because you never know how much your life can change until it has already happened and we all deserve to be loved."} {"idx": 5201, "original_id": "1251106966291623936", "reply_id": "1251109586070843395", "label": "agree", "text": "nsfw tweet but do u ever just want a big cock on your face... like that fleshy warm cylinder just laying on your cheek ... itd be so relaxing"} {"idx": 5202, "original_id": "1250955337248772097", "reply_id": "1250982169410969602", "label": "dance", "text": "Let me ask it in another way, commenting with a GIF... how are you feeling about the rest of 2020 right now?"} {"idx": 5203, "original_id": "1250835731653644288", "reply_id": "1250842502220754950", "label": "applause", "text": "My fanpage on @Facebook has been Hacked\nA request to @Facebook to help..."} {"idx": 5204, "original_id": "1250922468128231431", "reply_id": "1250923164156284928", "label": "applause", "text": "stfu all yu hoes got ur ass beat 😂"} {"idx": 5206, "original_id": "1251236869473533952", "reply_id": "1251241495509729280", "label": "high_five", "text": "I actually wanna drink tonight"} {"idx": 5208, "original_id": "1250869277378383872", "reply_id": "1250889762132627457", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I got some STORIES.. bwoyyyyyyy"} {"idx": 5209, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251172924024696832", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 5212, "original_id": "1251108142198353926", "reply_id": "1251114704258265089", "label": "eww", "text": "For almost three hundred years after the Black Death, water was shunned as the main vector of the disease in Europe. People cleaned themselves by rubbing them selves with dry linen cloths and changing their linen underwear regularly."} {"idx": 5213, "original_id": "1251209858784940032", "reply_id": "1251210537167474695", "label": "shocked", "text": "I miss that gent. 😐"} {"idx": 5216, "original_id": "1251185879655333889", "reply_id": "1251205803559866370", "label": "no", "text": "Is it wrong to think that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if all the MAGAts protesting against governors who are trying to keep them from getting sick and dying actually do get sick and die as a result of their own stupidity?"} {"idx": 5217, "original_id": "1250954746174857217", "reply_id": "1250993099947442176", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This is big:\n\nDemocrats are laying out our $30 billion plan for a comprehensive national testing strategy\n\nand major new investments that bolster the supply and manufacturing chain, and significantly expand free testing for all, reporting, and contact tracing."} {"idx": 5218, "original_id": "1250853369557721088", "reply_id": "1250854295509098499", "label": "please", "text": "Ok Peter is in 90% of the flashers today. Usually that means he character is going to die.\nFrom Wubsy's lips... \n#GH"} {"idx": 5222, "original_id": "1250987110682722304", "reply_id": "1250988559407824897", "label": "agree", "text": "Let's be honest, that party wouldn't have been worth filming without @SonjatMorgan. 🍎😂 #RHONY #StayHomeWithBravo #BravoTV"} {"idx": 5223, "original_id": "1251186157024616449", "reply_id": "1251219028418408448", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I know the American people will beat this. We’re brave and big-hearted. We’ve emerged stronger from every crisis that has tested us as a nation — and we will again."} {"idx": 5224, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1250990855994912768", "label": "shocked", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 5227, "original_id": "1251208196724797445", "reply_id": "1251209323113521160", "label": "shrug", "text": "Okay, so my DMs are down (again) but to the rando who just sent me one asking if I would be interested in watching his snaps if he paid me...... ummmmmmm no thank you. 🤦‍♀️"} {"idx": 5228, "original_id": "1250843045374943234", "reply_id": "1250844731006844928", "label": "agree", "text": "Keynesianism is to Austrian economics as what astrology is to astronomy. \n\nOne is science while the other is full of shit\n\n@pierre_rochard @saifedean \n#Bitcoin"} {"idx": 5233, "original_id": "1250873049592795136", "reply_id": "1251067556120735746", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Time to be random... \n\nReply to this tweet with the best GIF to sum up 2020 so far.\n\nI’ll pick my favourite 3 and buy them dinner/takeaway on Saturday night 👍👀"} {"idx": 5234, "original_id": "1250911709872771073", "reply_id": "1250912597563539459", "label": "agree", "text": "Here’s the problem, and it’s ENTIRELY his fault. We just can’t believe a word he says. Not one word."} {"idx": 5238, "original_id": "1251114957518843904", "reply_id": "1251118258125705217", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FollowFriday #ff Get on these #podcasts. \n@ShoottheFlick \n@BasementSurge \n@HuuuHpodcast \n@watcherpod \n@infrontofmyface \n@shiz_talkin \n@DrinksWithJosh \n@DMSPod \n@pintocomics \n@ScreenDrafts \n@TrueConsPod \n@cinema_recall \n@Cinandscreampod \n@unfortunatelyRR \n@LostYoungs \n@90sCourt"} {"idx": 5239, "original_id": "1250797544722087938", "reply_id": "1250888214933626899", "label": "omg", "text": "Good morning Patriots, how is everyone enjoying their 30 day free trial of Socialism?"} {"idx": 5241, "original_id": "1251242924249165824", "reply_id": "1251265972503220224", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I've had a really rough day, but thanks everybody who has made me smile and laugh! Going to play some AC in bed, and I will come up with something cool to do for you all tomorrow as a #notsalute <3"} {"idx": 5242, "original_id": "1250962969401278465", "reply_id": "1250996795137765378", "label": "thank_you", "text": "appreciate me or fuck off"} {"idx": 5244, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251182985556221952", "label": "shocked", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 5246, "original_id": "1251200571413012481", "reply_id": "1251202578504839171", "label": "hug", "text": "i rlly need a human hug rn"} {"idx": 5253, "original_id": "1251213587466641410", "reply_id": "1251232273120194560", "label": "wink", "text": "Wild to watch the right try to bootstrap a second Tea Party when it's their guy in the WH overseeing unprecedented misery and hardship and mass death."} {"idx": 5254, "original_id": "1251201446399311873", "reply_id": "1251205894001524738", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This is not how Fridays are supposed to go...\n\nNot with horrible news of cancellations and furloughs. \n\nCheers to the weekend, I guess? We ALL need some type of vice or escape in these moments. 😭😭"} {"idx": 5256, "original_id": "1251215715798933506", "reply_id": "1251216321292890112", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m at the Range Rover dealership getting my ride serviced and I’m 👌🏾close to just trading her in for a new one. That 2020 candy apple red one looking like a whoooole snack. I better chill."} {"idx": 5260, "original_id": "1250858068373417984", "reply_id": "1251037394146594816", "label": "dance", "text": "Someone who can make you smile every day during a pandemic is worth their weight in gold. \n\nJust FYI."} {"idx": 5261, "original_id": "1250950363420770312", "reply_id": "1250954265004294145", "label": "omg", "text": "I'm wine drunk. This is new."} {"idx": 5262, "original_id": "1250886895111987204", "reply_id": "1250887857104969728", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Locked my account, giveaway time"} {"idx": 5265, "original_id": "1251077640854765570", "reply_id": "1251078804279304192", "label": "applause", "text": "Listen. \n\nNot gonna lie. I disagreed. Ok? I did. I vented long and loud in private group chats and DM’s - till I wore myself out. But not once did I ever, ever feel the need to drag the man through the dirt in a public place. Anyone who knows me"} {"idx": 5266, "original_id": "1251218131260968960", "reply_id": "1251218636162899969", "label": "agree", "text": "When he wants to give you cash to buy lulu’s so you ask for $100 and he says “I want proof”\nLmaooo okay!!!! I ain’t lying, fam."} {"idx": 5267, "original_id": "1251026999176560640", "reply_id": "1251028878908407809", "label": "idk", "text": "For those who smoke that pressureeeee ⛽️... What If your spouse told you to choose either them or Smoking . What y’all gone do? 😂"} {"idx": 5272, "original_id": "1251209065021214721", "reply_id": "1251210828298227712", "label": "hug", "text": "*strums guitar* I just want a hug"} {"idx": 5273, "original_id": "1250975168371003392", "reply_id": "1250998145808506881", "label": "agree", "text": "Liberals who like to bash Texans, we'd be glad if your kind stayed the fuck out. \nLike roaches, you scurry here from your shithole states."} {"idx": 5276, "original_id": "1250893423189594117", "reply_id": "1250895740735545344", "label": "awww", "text": "Room full of beautiful women but I want one.."} {"idx": 5281, "original_id": "1251075217931358209", "reply_id": "1251081855660670978", "label": "applause", "text": "I'M GONNA SHAVE MY LEGS TODAY \njust letting you know"} {"idx": 5283, "original_id": "1250864545175875585", "reply_id": "1251078086013091840", "label": "applause", "text": "Dear @NHSuk I’m so so sorry that you are having to rely on brilliant peoples charitable donations and inventive ways of fundraising in order to protect your heroic staff in this crazy time. Unforgivable. We love you and will always clap like there’s no tomorrow.❤️"} {"idx": 5286, "original_id": "1250964023929077760", "reply_id": "1250966167759589376", "label": "wink", "text": "I’m sorry but that lady wasn’t no 25 years old #first48"} {"idx": 5288, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251244089703628802", "label": "want", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 5290, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251262077605470211", "label": "yes", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 5293, "original_id": "1250972471584382976", "reply_id": "1251123166388330497", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Anxiety sucks.\n\nYou all ok?"} {"idx": 5296, "original_id": "1250842812095926278", "reply_id": "1250842965506838529", "label": "oops", "text": "@glassbottommeg i fukken saw that tweet meggle"} {"idx": 5300, "original_id": "1250991273105854464", "reply_id": "1250994205486469120", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Yo stress, go away."} {"idx": 5302, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251227230908399616", "label": "good_luck", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 5304, "original_id": "1251176478416363520", "reply_id": "1251179034467237892", "label": "win", "text": "I am very guilty of sharing only the highlight reel on social media. \n\nBut right now we need to be honest with each other and share what we’re going through. \n\nI was let go at Sphere, the small startup I joined almost two years ago."} {"idx": 5305, "original_id": "1250897084699598849", "reply_id": "1251023522488451073", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The only Kirk we support over here is Captain Kirk of the Federation Starship USS Enterprise."} {"idx": 5307, "original_id": "1250628439448698882", "reply_id": "1250951359979012101", "label": "hug", "text": "Baby coming home tonight 😋🤪"} {"idx": 5310, "original_id": "1250917942910304258", "reply_id": "1250924524993986570", "label": "wink", "text": "You have Body by Jake. I have Body by Doritos. \n\nWe are not the same."} {"idx": 5311, "original_id": "1250919338384605187", "reply_id": "1250922467083730944", "label": "agree", "text": "The “P” in my name stands for pussy ass bitch😗"} {"idx": 5313, "original_id": "1251117496180113409", "reply_id": "1251118946926964737", "label": "no", "text": "Will we ever return to our normal sleep patterns?"} {"idx": 5314, "original_id": "1250969089977094144", "reply_id": "1250973680160534528", "label": "hug", "text": "I neeeed a group hug asap"} {"idx": 5315, "original_id": "1243298899546099712", "reply_id": "1251133339026829312", "label": "dance", "text": "Hey @MTV i think it’s time to bring teen wolf back for new episodes. First Jersey shore family vacation. Now teen wolf high school reunion. I’m ready. And 28 so it’s an appropriate age"} {"idx": 5316, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251233389019103234", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 5317, "original_id": "1250819091914514432", "reply_id": "1250865381608169472", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Date\n16th April 2020\n\nDonation reference\n19544\n\nDonation amount\n£50.00\n\nReason for donation\nIn honor of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor\\'s 1st Birthday"} {"idx": 5319, "original_id": "1251000309507338242", "reply_id": "1251002899708162049", "label": "yes", "text": "So did y’all like??"} {"idx": 5323, "original_id": "1250895210172878850", "reply_id": "1250895350417600514", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Think I’ll have leftover carbs 😋"} {"idx": 5324, "original_id": "1251170172561502208", "reply_id": "1251262486696857601", "label": "sigh", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔! #MAC185"} {"idx": 5325, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250898961042464773", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 5326, "original_id": "1250930521217077248", "reply_id": "1250938817231630337", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Does anyone think I can complete the marathon challenge next weekend? ( a marathon is 26 miles so you run 1 mile every hour for 26 straight hours)"} {"idx": 5327, "original_id": "1250923950370172928", "reply_id": "1250924942667010054", "label": "kiss", "text": "@GeorgiaHerriott is the best. Just letting everyone know"} {"idx": 5329, "original_id": "1251158933378494469", "reply_id": "1251160202021269507", "label": "yes", "text": "That's right, the golf course wasn't going to start taking calls until 11 am, but this guy said, meh, they like me I am going to try anyway. 3 tee times set for next weekend, it's GAME ON time!"} {"idx": 5331, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251178282508222464", "label": "shocked", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 5332, "original_id": "1251109387030183937", "reply_id": "1251150301878337537", "label": "no", "text": "Let’s be real but Blame It On The Baby @DaBabyDaBaby cuz this nigggggga did it again 🤦🏼‍♂️ with nothing but 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🖤🖤🖤🖤🤙🏽🤙🏽 !!!!! Go fucking listen to it Hoe as niggggggas 🎧🎧🎧🎧"} {"idx": 5334, "original_id": "1250929184182075395", "reply_id": "1250930722686349314", "label": "yes", "text": "So am I considered a health hero? 🥺"} {"idx": 5339, "original_id": "1251007810852323330", "reply_id": "1251138006850785285", "label": "shocked", "text": "Butt plugs🤔"} {"idx": 5340, "original_id": "1251201342900707335", "reply_id": "1251204179248525320", "label": "applause", "text": "When people say that they are proud of me, I want to cry i don't know how to explain that but not in a bad way 🥺"} {"idx": 5341, "original_id": "1251183329099108353", "reply_id": "1251187672783245313", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I just now clocked, the gymshark logo, is a shark’s head.\nI thought it was just an angular dynamic looking graphic."} {"idx": 5345, "original_id": "1250964181358006272", "reply_id": "1250970087512838145", "label": "hug", "text": "I spent 45 minutes crying today (under a therapist's supervision) so yes I AM gonna lounge on the sofa and catch up on Westworld\n\nPretty sure Wood's lantern jaw and gentle but steely eyes doing a murders will help more than a little"} {"idx": 5346, "original_id": "1251244557087506432", "reply_id": "1251244713467879426", "label": "omg", "text": "Now for something special… which you’ll only get to see this one time… #KCgrs"} {"idx": 5347, "original_id": "1251194980460367876", "reply_id": "1251224564681658374", "label": "applause", "text": "I can honestly say that I think I have consumed more pizza rolls during this pandemic than I ever have before."} {"idx": 5349, "original_id": "1250876942418685952", "reply_id": "1250881684381282305", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want to go for a drive or a swim or just even for a hUg damn"} {"idx": 5350, "original_id": "1251199083462758400", "reply_id": "1251205890600062976", "label": "thank_you", "text": "When the U.S. alerted Israel and NATO about the coronavirus IN NOVEMBER -- why did Trump not tell us so we could prepare? Why did he not tell the governors so they could prepare?"} {"idx": 5353, "original_id": "1251128866816561152", "reply_id": "1251130910398836738", "label": "agree", "text": "The Fed has released a statement saying the updated data on their balance sheet size will be delayed.\n\nIt is hard to count how much money you have when you’re printing hundreds of billions a week 🤷🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 5354, "original_id": "1250954127418560513", "reply_id": "1251256739833536513", "label": "yes", "text": "Things are tough. You are doing the best you can in spite of everything... and that's just fine.\n\nHang in there, things will eventually get better."} {"idx": 5356, "original_id": "1251195010449637377", "reply_id": "1251198748245491713", "label": "yes", "text": "why are places reopening when no numbers have dropped? nothing has been made to cure anything? why make things worse? why not follow other countries path that are there way to recover after a significant number drop? things will get worse much worse."} {"idx": 5357, "original_id": "1251137106925228033", "reply_id": "1251185023404912640", "label": "thank_you", "text": "More cool folk! @BlushingBooks @DaddyZandu @BriellaJaden\n@OrderIndomitus @SirenSaintSin @MandyPhilly @femdommedia @FemDom_Paulina @LucyBallbuster @TorriTeases @121filth\n@pearl0chambers @LatinDominaLola @original_sindy\n #FF #CoolFolk"} {"idx": 5358, "original_id": "1251179419219251200", "reply_id": "1251209957573300227", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "It's Friday? who knew? #ff these fine folks @sandy_jarrell @JacquiOakley @duncanfegredo @TheWinterMen @inkmonkeyhope @inkmonkeyhope @Soulman_Inc @SimonBowland @urbanbarbarian @DanSlott @OKatrinaFox @OttoSchmidt72 @jordilafebre @LiamRSharp @himwhatjolts @RobertMBall @RobotJQ"} {"idx": 5360, "original_id": "1251123327260917761", "reply_id": "1251126084520853504", "label": "hug", "text": "Rollercoaster of emotions kind of day. One minute I feel fine, next I feel like I’m falling apart. 😔💔"} {"idx": 5362, "original_id": "1250947896863870976", "reply_id": "1250948146420764672", "label": "smh", "text": "if i text you at 8 i need a response by 8:01"} {"idx": 5364, "original_id": "1250947450237530113", "reply_id": "1250948644750217218", "label": "ok", "text": "Think imma finish my old cosplays one of these"} {"idx": 5366, "original_id": "1250953417960435713", "reply_id": "1250953833208934400", "label": "shrug", "text": "So...some #MCU actors said hi in the end credits?\n\nNOT COOL, #Marvel! 🤣\n\nNo big reveal with #DisneyFamilySingalong - going to make me some dinner!"} {"idx": 5368, "original_id": "1250933134419529729", "reply_id": "1250986496967847936", "label": "want", "text": "539 bells per turnip? Why yes, Nook lads, I will take that."} {"idx": 5371, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251241850230444032", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 5374, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251005281850363906", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 5375, "original_id": "1250875894312419331", "reply_id": "1250944333638971393", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "My wife: I never know what you’re thinking. \nMe: Read my twitter."} {"idx": 5376, "original_id": "1251120432226471937", "reply_id": "1251129813601062913", "label": "applause", "text": "Please, please, please don't accuse women of 'degrading the profession' when they speak out about online sexual harassment in the edu world. It takes a lot for women to discuss this publicly. We should be listening and supporting, not dismissing and accusing."} {"idx": 5378, "original_id": "1250952855197896704", "reply_id": "1250953336859344896", "label": "smh", "text": "how do milk tea places make winter melon milk tea when it’s not winter like where do they get the melon"} {"idx": 5383, "original_id": "1251177115367571456", "reply_id": "1251190193119539200", "label": "please", "text": "The Senate is now a coin flip and Trump is currently trailing Biden in FL, AZ, WI, MI, PA, and OH. \n\nIt’s 7 months out so obviously much will change, but there is a universe out there where, in November, Dems will walk away with the presidency and Senate while holding the House."} {"idx": 5385, "original_id": "1250890036901548040", "reply_id": "1251003478387970048", "label": "eww", "text": "What if milk had pulp?"} {"idx": 5386, "original_id": "1251127893347962881", "reply_id": "1251179759553449988", "label": "idk", "text": "What man wouldn’t want 2 gfs cmon"} {"idx": 5388, "original_id": "1251017946643734528", "reply_id": "1251023189016272896", "label": "yes", "text": "Do y’all edge?"} {"idx": 5389, "original_id": "1251223056577638401", "reply_id": "1251223396307873794", "label": "no", "text": "Should have played A New Flame again #totp"} {"idx": 5390, "original_id": "1250830977565327366", "reply_id": "1250856969193369602", "label": "kiss", "text": "I’m a wounded warrior. Not because I was in the military but when I go out with my friends, I’m the one who jumps on the grenade"} {"idx": 5391, "original_id": "1251026061841715202", "reply_id": "1251029188674371584", "label": "no", "text": "I cute my hair a couple days ago but i want to cut it shorter"} {"idx": 5392, "original_id": "1251236075164405760", "reply_id": "1251237279500140544", "label": "ok", "text": "I just lost the game so you all have to too"} {"idx": 5398, "original_id": "1245390180388753409", "reply_id": "1251207885201256449", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i burnt the food and i swear it wasn’t suppose to be a prank. i’m srry @RainbowsYT @ItsFunneh @Lunar3clispe @DraconiteDragon"} {"idx": 5399, "original_id": "1251167877530558464", "reply_id": "1251238081388335106", "label": "seriously", "text": "Canttt takeee bigg dickkk butt i suuuckkk on ittttttt"} {"idx": 5400, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250933303361916928", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 5404, "original_id": "1251118525806149633", "reply_id": "1251153458033332225", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF while flattening the curve\n@colebrax \n@WrongReel \n@hellbenthorror \n@FilmBabyFilm \n@jratm23\n@e_f_bartlam\n@4brains1movie\n@BradleyjKornish\n@danpullenbooks\n@MyFavGhost\n@JerAtTheMovies \n@Elana_Brooklyn\n@graphicpolicy\n@BitchesonComics\n@saracentury\n@dimestorecaesar\n@DavidLambertArt"} {"idx": 5405, "original_id": "1251014827629318149", "reply_id": "1251149881202208769", "label": "yes", "text": "Miguel & I have THE cutest babygirl names ever but I just know our first is gonna be a boy 💗💙🥺 & If you know me, you know I’ve always wanted a girl first but recently I’ve been wanting a babyboy soOoo bad like ugh I don’t know what I’m saying anymore LOL bye"} {"idx": 5407, "original_id": "1251239714717405193", "reply_id": "1251243540950196224", "label": "smh", "text": "Quarantine is getting to me because I just ate ice cream for breakfast 🙃"} {"idx": 5410, "original_id": "1250970157955964933", "reply_id": "1250997771164737537", "label": "idk", "text": "Just tried Popeyes chicken sandwich for the first time and I have to say I prefer Chick-fil-a. 😝"} {"idx": 5413, "original_id": "1250892159949123584", "reply_id": "1250896428488175680", "label": "hug", "text": "Day ??? Of quarantine: I cried after putting a glove on my foot"} {"idx": 5414, "original_id": "1251062097020162048", "reply_id": "1251062477120569344", "label": "scared", "text": "\"can we meet after Corona?\" 😬😬"} {"idx": 5415, "original_id": "1250818374415736834", "reply_id": "1250969654735982593", "label": "no", "text": "don’t be shy, double text some more 🙂"} {"idx": 5417, "original_id": "1250973073077088257", "reply_id": "1250976031290404864", "label": "applause", "text": "While Nancy Pelosi shows off her $25,000 refrigerator and $13 tubs of ice cream,\n\nThere are over 150,000 people living homeless in the state of California.\n\nLet that sink in."} {"idx": 5422, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1251038769878351873", "label": "seriously", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 5423, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251096023767883776", "label": "yes", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 5426, "original_id": "1250907187574198273", "reply_id": "1250924153399660544", "label": "thank_you", "text": "stop valuing money over human life"} {"idx": 5427, "original_id": "1251155864670466048", "reply_id": "1251158607304876035", "label": "yes", "text": "debating if I should go pick these donuts up at Edwards"} {"idx": 5429, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251171041940029442", "label": "agree", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 5434, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250938680371486720", "label": "sigh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 5436, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251274420385185792", "label": "agree", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 5439, "original_id": "1250887956434497537", "reply_id": "1250898684532965377", "label": "smh", "text": ".@MoveTheSticks on conference call ranks Becton as the top OT (7th overall). \"God doesn't make many like this.\" Has Wills second (10th overall), Wirfs third (13), Thomas fourth (18th). Says he sees them as a Big 3 not a Big 4."} {"idx": 5440, "original_id": "1250968473511084032", "reply_id": "1250968985971109899", "label": "shocked", "text": "how do i say “???” in real life"} {"idx": 5442, "original_id": "1250998305724776448", "reply_id": "1250999898167742464", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling so much atm honestly want to sleep all the time to stop being sad. No escape from the mind except sleep"} {"idx": 5445, "original_id": "1251145053440847873", "reply_id": "1251145389111033856", "label": "hug", "text": "Sigh :c"} {"idx": 5446, "original_id": "1251197373180784640", "reply_id": "1251205515125932034", "label": "please", "text": "Hey @TommyMcFLY and @cityshopgirl - are we playing trivia on Monday?"} {"idx": 5447, "original_id": "1250980578754625537", "reply_id": "1251255495186235392", "label": "applause", "text": "Please don’t tell me who or what to tweet about, and I’ll do the same for you. Thanks."} {"idx": 5448, "original_id": "1243102599617761280", "reply_id": "1250913693757575168", "label": "no", "text": "5G is here, but where are you? Follow us for up-to-date developments on 5G in your country."} {"idx": 5450, "original_id": "1250937015203500034", "reply_id": "1250970894924517376", "label": "applause", "text": "This period of our lives is only temporary, a test for our faith and strength. Let’s prove to the world that this cannot, and will not shake our faith starting by turning away negativity. What's something your grateful for today?"} {"idx": 5451, "original_id": "1250908075265003520", "reply_id": "1250908354165293056", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "That was quick @NaglersStache"} {"idx": 5452, "original_id": "1250866674615681024", "reply_id": "1250867542064877571", "label": "win", "text": "Success! Housemates finally caved and took out the fecking overflowing trash!"} {"idx": 5453, "original_id": "1251037804529807360", "reply_id": "1251038167840546817", "label": "hug", "text": "Ma'am, I feel down again sigh"} {"idx": 5455, "original_id": "1250887724074184705", "reply_id": "1250889161692909570", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I cant take ya call i need FACEtime"} {"idx": 5456, "original_id": "1251267989296603142", "reply_id": "1251269664631656449", "label": "ok", "text": "Here’s what I don’t get? Do I seem like someone you want to piss off? I can’t imagine I give off that vibe. And yet."} {"idx": 5457, "original_id": "1251132559574138880", "reply_id": "1251147683907002369", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I haven’t been on a plane in 2 months the withdrawals are setting in.. \n\nPraying Jamaica is still on for June 🙏🏻"} {"idx": 5458, "original_id": "1250875873416433664", "reply_id": "1250887513746661386", "label": "no", "text": "I’m going to lose my fucking shit today man"} {"idx": 5459, "original_id": "1251256331362852866", "reply_id": "1251258412266070025", "label": "idk", "text": "Perfect news today 🙏🙏🙏"} {"idx": 5460, "original_id": "1251240802803728388", "reply_id": "1251241615257219077", "label": "agree", "text": "Pb&j is better on a hamburger bun. Fight me, nerds."} {"idx": 5461, "original_id": "1251243928948543489", "reply_id": "1251244689258414082", "label": "scared", "text": "Incase I didn't tell y'all today . Wayekeni ,Gents"} {"idx": 5464, "original_id": "1251132493694148614", "reply_id": "1251237134268272640", "label": "idk", "text": "I did not participate in national horny day because I am a holy man."} {"idx": 5465, "original_id": "1250837408305876994", "reply_id": "1250899212264525830", "label": "scared", "text": "I'd like to make myself clear on something really quick. I'm happy to listen to opposing opinions from those I follow/follow me, and have discussions about our differences. However, I have zero tolerance for unfounded condescension, and will end our \"friendship\" over it."} {"idx": 5467, "original_id": "1250934714027786241", "reply_id": "1250948055265710081", "label": "eww", "text": "But why do I like Gilmore girls"} {"idx": 5469, "original_id": "1250622578915303424", "reply_id": "1250858686232227840", "label": "hug", "text": "Sending everyone a virtual hug ❤️"} {"idx": 5470, "original_id": "1251049720580984833", "reply_id": "1251161525848379393", "label": "thank_you", "text": "\"Dead or in Jail” 😂😂😂 @HeyHeyItsConrad you’re a god damn genius. Sorry @bruceprichard"} {"idx": 5471, "original_id": "1250713984883294208", "reply_id": "1250923225611190272", "label": "yes", "text": "Only men w big dicks up rn"} {"idx": 5475, "original_id": "1250895731084402690", "reply_id": "1251178691738193923", "label": "eww", "text": "Who else loves the smell of freshly cut grass"} {"idx": 5477, "original_id": "1250759461632913410", "reply_id": "1250875769980665862", "label": "hug", "text": "Twitter is really depressing this morning. It's all your fault I need a hug already. Someone better come through with one or I'm gonna be cranky here the rest of the day."} {"idx": 5479, "original_id": "1250982440035856384", "reply_id": "1251114180100460545", "label": "win", "text": "What would a country populated solely by atheists be like?"} {"idx": 5481, "original_id": "1250784139147689985", "reply_id": "1250892720761196545", "label": "no", "text": "I'm Really A Top Center Boyz Jus Go Hate But Ima Show Sum."} {"idx": 5482, "original_id": "1250941598013087744", "reply_id": "1250967450318929921", "label": "applause", "text": "That's some great relationship advice you just gave... Being that you're single as fuck."} {"idx": 5484, "original_id": "1250962917316374528", "reply_id": "1251043165949194241", "label": "oops", "text": "Threw on an old Death Cab for Cutie jumper.\nJumped on an all-staff Zoom call.\nOnly “Death” visible on camera.\nFound out a co-worker was at his mother’s funeral yesterday.\nFeel like an arsehole."} {"idx": 5490, "original_id": "1250818644470312966", "reply_id": "1251127560542597120", "label": "want", "text": "Given the recents events I feel it only right I move to South Africa. Cause y’all are the BOMB 😍❤️"} {"idx": 5491, "original_id": "1251242570799362049", "reply_id": "1251259278184325126", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "SOLO has joined the call\nGRUBER has joined the call\nCHRISTIAN ANDERSEN has joined the call\nZIMMER has joined the call\n\n-ahem. yes...thank you all for carving out the time to attend this all-Hans meeting"} {"idx": 5492, "original_id": "1251107212476461056", "reply_id": "1251111787904335873", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "THE BORN TO DIE PARADISE EDITION IS BACK ON SPOTIFY 🗣@pinkcloudlauren"} {"idx": 5496, "original_id": "1250900455602995202", "reply_id": "1250908913236574208", "label": "oops", "text": "the way sara said we should leave and alya just yeeted her way out 🤭"} {"idx": 5498, "original_id": "1250878781717282816", "reply_id": "1250880255708901376", "label": "applause", "text": "girls arent real they dont exist"} {"idx": 5499, "original_id": "1250986614786084871", "reply_id": "1250986803148009472", "label": "hug", "text": "I know the world is fucked right now.\n\nBUT ALSO.\n\nMy today felt full of reminders that the world still holds good things. Things like birthdays. Good friends. Engagements. New babies. Laughter.\n\nI hope your today reminds you of that soon as well."} {"idx": 5503, "original_id": "1250828691774595076", "reply_id": "1250843959762583552", "label": "hug", "text": "I was wrong. \nEverything is terrible and there is no magic left in life. \nI'm out of fake smiles. The real ones are dead."} {"idx": 5505, "original_id": "1251093250632540160", "reply_id": "1251093932131397632", "label": "hug", "text": "Just had the 'what do you want us to do if you get COVID and we can't help you ' conversation with the GP. They have to contact all shielded people on Govt direction. At 55, it is weird being basically asked whether I want to be resuscitated if it gets to that. Strange days."} {"idx": 5507, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1251209645139668993", "label": "seriously", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 5508, "original_id": "1251144749173452801", "reply_id": "1251147485394825222", "label": "hug", "text": "Send hugs ☹️"} {"idx": 5515, "original_id": "1250954569774923777", "reply_id": "1251014120079536129", "label": "applause", "text": "I debated posting this publicly for a while but fuck it I’m proud of myself.\n\nI helped launch a game this week while battling a depressive episode without medication. \nI don’t know how I’m functioning right now but I’m really proud of myself for working through this."} {"idx": 5521, "original_id": "1251089733339537408", "reply_id": "1251097197531353089", "label": "awww", "text": "SPFL releasing £1.8 million of funding to lower league clubs today."} {"idx": 5523, "original_id": "1250820448394362882", "reply_id": "1250846400956563459", "label": "shocked", "text": "I feel so guilty for eating 8 rolls of bread😔"} {"idx": 5524, "original_id": "1250841342319775744", "reply_id": "1250872753382739969", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "To be a Sunderland fan right now must feel like.....\n\nFinish The Sentence with a GIF🤣\n#NUFC #NUFCtakeover #cans #toon"} {"idx": 5529, "original_id": "1251211664575410177", "reply_id": "1251272262340222976", "label": "scared", "text": "I see you Seth👀"} {"idx": 5531, "original_id": "1251244938056085505", "reply_id": "1251245845418323971", "label": "popcorn", "text": "SEC QB Rankings For 2020: @247Sports \n\n#1 KJ Costello\n#2 Jamie Newman\n#3 Kellen Mond\n#4 Kyle Trask\n#5 Mac Jones\n#6 Bo Nix\n#7 Feleipe Franks\n#8 Terry Wilson\n#9 John Rhys Plumlee \n#10 Ryan Hilinski\n#11 Jarrett Guarantano\n#12 Shawn Robinson\n#13 Myles Brennan\n#14 Ken Seals"} {"idx": 5533, "original_id": "1250900583612997632", "reply_id": "1250927385513472001", "label": "agree", "text": "Doesn't $BA & $GILD news mean less stimulus? \nor we still doing both ?"} {"idx": 5534, "original_id": "1250826198655082502", "reply_id": "1250874539745124352", "label": "awww", "text": "Mel Kipper JR thinks the Steelers will draft Jalen Hurts in his recent Mock Draft. #Steelers"} {"idx": 5541, "original_id": "1250538232644694016", "reply_id": "1250845398505308164", "label": "applause", "text": "u know who is suffering right now. the paparazzi. ain’t got no one to shoot. some outside my house right now. waiting waiting for a walk that will never happen. a nipple that will never fall out. I think...I think I will give them a nipple"} {"idx": 5542, "original_id": "1251117294132039681", "reply_id": "1251222576854155264", "label": "dance", "text": "Today is my 65th birthday and my son’s birthday. Yup I had my son on my birthday. Can I get your favorite GIF?"} {"idx": 5547, "original_id": "1251007353765289984", "reply_id": "1251007610427449345", "label": "yes", "text": "Y'all wanna see something cool?"} {"idx": 5548, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251163001299668992", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 5549, "original_id": "1250956800389570561", "reply_id": "1250987717673943042", "label": "idk", "text": "Why does the “pro-life” Party keeps telling us it’s ok for some of us to die as sacrifice for the economy?"} {"idx": 5550, "original_id": "1251180736377491457", "reply_id": "1251238320572678144", "label": "applause", "text": "Even if me and Danielle don’t work out ever ima still keep getting her pregnant till we about 3 kids in cause I ain’t trying to have 2 baby’s moms no offense though lol"} {"idx": 5551, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250855939495714816", "label": "eww", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 5552, "original_id": "1250933903650689024", "reply_id": "1250967976733483014", "label": "no", "text": "To my neighbors. I am so sorry. But I bought a guitar. #QuarantineActivities"} {"idx": 5553, "original_id": "1250984041203073027", "reply_id": "1251121695555026945", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "How many of you are okay with the slow opening of America?"} {"idx": 5554, "original_id": "1250958722316173312", "reply_id": "1250999417785716738", "label": "applause", "text": "Only accept positivity into my life, nothing less ☝🏼"} {"idx": 5559, "original_id": "1250895070489915392", "reply_id": "1251255049067597824", "label": "awww", "text": "My stepbrother in the shower listening to @AriLennox love a king with TASTE"} {"idx": 5563, "original_id": "1250872216541188096", "reply_id": "1250872933192552448", "label": "seriously", "text": "guys I tried to dye my hair but it went terribly and now I look dumb I don’t want to talk about it"} {"idx": 5566, "original_id": "1251189796069933057", "reply_id": "1251196087534325761", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Shoutout that boy @RelapseDrug,\nshoutout that boy @Spider_man60 ,\nShoutout that boy @marshallDT0 ,\ny'all been doin' a lot"} {"idx": 5567, "original_id": "1251252892507529217", "reply_id": "1251254668145106945", "label": "facepalm", "text": "playoffs were supposed to start tomorrow"} {"idx": 5568, "original_id": "1250944062380806144", "reply_id": "1250960407092748292", "label": "shocked", "text": "This bitch really said friends was better than the office"} {"idx": 5569, "original_id": "1250907447981555712", "reply_id": "1251079767006167041", "label": "shocked", "text": "getting notification emails that firewall updates are required for Amazon Workspaces to keep working. Ok, no problems.\n\nWait, we don't use Workspaces...\n\nOh fuck, what have they done"} {"idx": 5571, "original_id": "1251152734931177478", "reply_id": "1251227312604905473", "label": "sigh", "text": "Well I’ll have a lot more time on my hands soon now. What a day."} {"idx": 5572, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250864482865250311", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 5573, "original_id": "1250982123114123265", "reply_id": "1250982504359776256", "label": "ok", "text": "I KNOW WE JUST\nWOKE UP\nI KNOW YOU GOTTA \nGO BUTT\nBREAKFAST ISN’T OVER\nI SEE THE WAY YOU ROSE UP\n🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆"} {"idx": 5574, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250923082807685122", "label": "eww", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 5577, "original_id": "1250920895746473984", "reply_id": "1250949532680024064", "label": "no", "text": "@dvnmstrs can I give you my direct deposit info and you pass it on to get my $1200? Lmk 😽"} {"idx": 5578, "original_id": "1250805938585567237", "reply_id": "1250850810545618944", "label": "dance", "text": "Happy birthday to my dawg, live it up playa @yahoodscientist 🤞🏾❤️"} {"idx": 5580, "original_id": "1251259330583769090", "reply_id": "1251268635835936769", "label": "yes", "text": "Big decision of the day.. Do I bake.."} {"idx": 5583, "original_id": "1250995047681720324", "reply_id": "1251180329567752195", "label": "no", "text": "Anxiety sucks and its hard to cope with without meds, but regardless of how bad alcohol is, it helps to suppress that uneasy feeling so alcohol really my best friend"} {"idx": 5584, "original_id": "1251182140051591169", "reply_id": "1251184610115031041", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Why I have the feeling that I have nothing to say about me?"} {"idx": 5586, "original_id": "1251075645796425733", "reply_id": "1251149874478768129", "label": "scared", "text": "I mean, we may have to understand that if this doesn’t pass our democracy ends in November."} {"idx": 5588, "original_id": "1250887909693153284", "reply_id": "1250900854103826433", "label": "applause", "text": "I'll be there for you, I will care for you"} {"idx": 5589, "original_id": "1250959099619168262", "reply_id": "1251075827061620736", "label": "applause", "text": "Ain’t banged someone in the face in a while I forgot what it feels like"} {"idx": 5592, "original_id": "1251014950102974465", "reply_id": "1251015999278714881", "label": "omg", "text": "CWC. Wrestling pic bases only. No duplicates. Wrestler MUST look the part. That was my dream."} {"idx": 5593, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250975241364332544", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 5595, "original_id": "1250964373733904384", "reply_id": "1250966696346574850", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Oh great, I find Ariana Grande sexy again 🙄"} {"idx": 5596, "original_id": "1250892375951462400", "reply_id": "1250904842576388096", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Should omar and I bleach our hair?"} {"idx": 5598, "original_id": "1251163932426792962", "reply_id": "1251165343633928192", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Happy Anniversary, Alberta!\nA year of the Kenney government 🤯\nHow's it going for you? \nFeel free to reply with your favourite moment👇🏻\n#AbLeg"} {"idx": 5599, "original_id": "1250931233447530501", "reply_id": "1250939425602916358", "label": "no", "text": "WASE > WASD"} {"idx": 5601, "original_id": "1251174597736759298", "reply_id": "1251236708395487232", "label": "agree", "text": "Let’s recap.\n\nDemocrats want to:\n-Pay states to release criminals\n-Free detained illegal aliens\n-Close churches\n-Make abortion clinics “essential”\n-Stop gun sales\n\nRepublicans want to:\n-Help small businesses w/ the #PaycheckProtectionProgram\n-Get America back to work\n\nYou decide."} {"idx": 5602, "original_id": "1251118641371906049", "reply_id": "1251175030081216512", "label": "agree", "text": "Watching Mehmet Öz and Phil McGraw join the pro-death ranks, I once again remind everyone that we need to hold Oprah Winfrey accountable for giving these grandstanding charlatans a national platform to do the damage that they do."} {"idx": 5603, "original_id": "1251240424217300999", "reply_id": "1251240673807929346", "label": "no", "text": "Everyone still happy that your fellow citizens gave a third-game show host the most powerful job in the world?"} {"idx": 5605, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250897547574611974", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 5607, "original_id": "1251089225392492544", "reply_id": "1251090329207521282", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Anyone had their partner strut naked past a conference call yet while working from home? Or has this only happened to my wife?"} {"idx": 5608, "original_id": "1250922189672628226", "reply_id": "1250922870081011713", "label": "yes", "text": "It’s decided. I’m taking all my cosplay selfies outside."} {"idx": 5610, "original_id": "1250562370075856896", "reply_id": "1250903823654121473", "label": "applause", "text": "And the giveaway winners are-\nthe results made me jump 👉👈\n\n@l3ubbleCP and @Daffany1MAYO !!!\nCongrats guys! Send me your player cards so i can get started!\n\nFor the others thank you for joining and for your support, i will be doing more giveaways soon best of luck next time!💖🌷"} {"idx": 5611, "original_id": "1250943390457479168", "reply_id": "1250944229024714754", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Well just got told to shut up cause I was singing to the @ABCNetwork @Disney Family Singalong"} {"idx": 5616, "original_id": "1251161913804730370", "reply_id": "1251185584762245120", "label": "ok", "text": "Please #ReleaseAnujBajpai"} {"idx": 5618, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251093573463879680", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 5620, "original_id": "1251150330533838850", "reply_id": "1251160106873446400", "label": "applause", "text": "Get your coronavirus information from a Doctor of Infectious Disease, not a Dr. of being on TVs. \n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n(This Rhymes)"} {"idx": 5621, "original_id": "1251134259395469315", "reply_id": "1251136373966417922", "label": "eww", "text": "I wonder what people think of me when they hear me listening to heavy dubstep in the morning"} {"idx": 5624, "original_id": "1250853728501944322", "reply_id": "1250854791632191490", "label": "idk", "text": "Happy birthday to Martin Lawrence, Bill Bellichick, Charlie Chaplin, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Chance the Rapper, and Akon...don’t think I’m missing anybody...."} {"idx": 5625, "original_id": "1250830203061821440", "reply_id": "1250852995803348994", "label": "agree", "text": "Isn’t every day national horny day?"} {"idx": 5626, "original_id": "1251105688027365378", "reply_id": "1251105957230317568", "label": "oops", "text": "“Liberty” stuck in my head."} {"idx": 5629, "original_id": "1251158701664165893", "reply_id": "1251166610435555329", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I'm watching a movie. \"The generals daughter\", with John Travolta, and our good friend and patriot, James Woods, is co-starring in it"} {"idx": 5630, "original_id": "1251215394171310080", "reply_id": "1251217010341675008", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss hugs"} {"idx": 5631, "original_id": "1250619188173049858", "reply_id": "1250898720654319616", "label": "popcorn", "text": "@akash05897601 please remove my photo from your profile photo and header."} {"idx": 5633, "original_id": "1251051181054390277", "reply_id": "1251052953823113216", "label": "applause", "text": "Let me just say this. I am feeling tf good. This is why brown will always be my go to. Just gotta know how far to go!"} {"idx": 5634, "original_id": "1250948935910219776", "reply_id": "1251027777479938050", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "me @ me right now: don’t cut your own bangs. don’t cut your own bangs. don’t cut your own bangs. don’t cut your own bangs."} {"idx": 5636, "original_id": "1251133623543246859", "reply_id": "1251222390014529536", "label": "agree", "text": "Good morning ☀️ today is another day to fight. Fight to win! You got this! Love, Pulte"} {"idx": 5641, "original_id": "1251143630313545729", "reply_id": "1251144271425605632", "label": "hug", "text": "That’s a fucking shitty day... 😣😤"} {"idx": 5643, "original_id": "1251165907155480576", "reply_id": "1251189980942135299", "label": "omg", "text": "It's one of my favorite movie scenes.\n\nTell the name of the movie which has this dialogue-\n\n\" Tumhe Marne ke liye Mera yahan hona jaruri nahi tha, lekin tumhe marte huye dekhne ka maza main khona nahi chahta tha\""} {"idx": 5644, "original_id": "1251068463474454529", "reply_id": "1251069126438764546", "label": "shocked", "text": "These pumped up glossy lips that are fashionable look like recently vacated vulvas."} {"idx": 5645, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250982918710755329", "label": "scared", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 5648, "original_id": "1250908317800595460", "reply_id": "1250909241415778305", "label": "dance", "text": "I will be live later tonight on TikTok in case you wanted to swing by and say what’s good 🤓"} {"idx": 5652, "original_id": "1251268127872233478", "reply_id": "1251268671273492481", "label": "shocked", "text": "When this is over, I want your lips on mine and your hand around my throat."} {"idx": 5654, "original_id": "1251209534917525505", "reply_id": "1251209926908747776", "label": "good_luck", "text": "So, I applied for a job at the place where my dad works I hope I get it because I would get health insurance and dental insurance lol"} {"idx": 5655, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251036884077211650", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 5657, "original_id": "1250986553754759169", "reply_id": "1250991692653551616", "label": "win", "text": "I've reached the \"should I re-watch Entourage\" portion of quarantine. \n\ncc: @alex_kirshner"} {"idx": 5660, "original_id": "1250811560592891905", "reply_id": "1250931195602513928", "label": "eww", "text": "If you meet tRump by any chance. what’s the first thing you will say?"} {"idx": 5661, "original_id": "1251229225228685313", "reply_id": "1251260550065119244", "label": "applause", "text": "Should i purchase the animal crossing?"} {"idx": 5664, "original_id": "1251058260792299522", "reply_id": "1251059666051690496", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "It should be illegal to drive this drunk"} {"idx": 5665, "original_id": "1250858310963728389", "reply_id": "1250870319897890818", "label": "no", "text": "Are people getting arrested, fined or ticketed for being out?"} {"idx": 5667, "original_id": "1250906361300303872", "reply_id": "1250906960771178496", "label": "awww", "text": "The new @Jira navigation is about 100x more intuitive than the last iteration. From what I've seen so far, well done team."} {"idx": 5668, "original_id": "1250816354136944643", "reply_id": "1250865039659204620", "label": "shrug", "text": "Free @ToneVays! Bring back his channel!\n\n@TeamYouTube @ytcreators @YouTube \n\nHe had just turned bullish!😭 #bitcoin"} {"idx": 5669, "original_id": "1251251517350268928", "reply_id": "1251274169498521600", "label": "hug", "text": "cries at 4:50 am send tweet"} {"idx": 5670, "original_id": "1250859933316382724", "reply_id": "1250945134092595201", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all really think Summer is done for?"} {"idx": 5672, "original_id": "1251176697799626759", "reply_id": "1251178947808759810", "label": "yes", "text": "“Worldviews” aren’t really a thing, no one has some consistent frame of reference they apply equally to all of their experiences. We experience the world through a tangled, contradictory mix of narratives, not a coherent single system of ideas and values."} {"idx": 5673, "original_id": "1250827186954739712", "reply_id": "1250857372248993793", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is a bit too much for me."} {"idx": 5675, "original_id": "1251076659370962944", "reply_id": "1251114112727334914", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Doing all the challenges with BAE this weekend i now have time..."} {"idx": 5677, "original_id": "1250927295528927233", "reply_id": "1250949890651254785", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump appeared unwell. Left early."} {"idx": 5678, "original_id": "1250890716529799170", "reply_id": "1250890831420153856", "label": "oops", "text": "DO YOU HAVE A NOTIFICATION FOR ME WHENEVER I TWEET @Ring_Sheryl"} {"idx": 5679, "original_id": "1251081050198913024", "reply_id": "1251228954331164676", "label": "seriously", "text": "Shadaya's abusive behaviour on twitter can be stopped. His targeted harassments on women have gone for too long without a check. Report him!"} {"idx": 5680, "original_id": "1250844013210537985", "reply_id": "1250844392107249666", "label": "hug", "text": "I've been trying to find a job for so long and I still don't have one. Everyone keeps bailing on me."} {"idx": 5683, "original_id": "1251167499837681665", "reply_id": "1251201808514666498", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "One more week until we're back in action in the #CDL2020.\n\nWho's excited?"} {"idx": 5686, "original_id": "1250871277541359616", "reply_id": "1250912817139638272", "label": "eww", "text": "Scheer again calling for in person sittings for Parliament. \"If the govt wants to effectively shut down Parliament, it needs to explain why.\""} {"idx": 5687, "original_id": "1251238050295767040", "reply_id": "1251239849987846147", "label": "want", "text": "Hello! Who's awake and needs an AIO bot, AYCD Toolbox & AutoSolve, & a great cook group?\n\nDrop a like 💙"} {"idx": 5688, "original_id": "1250753667436863488", "reply_id": "1251159137649483782", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I AM 90 DAYS SOBER TODAY!!"} {"idx": 5689, "original_id": "1250784170193743872", "reply_id": "1250868796648067073", "label": "scared", "text": "I can’t keep sane with all the earthquakes"} {"idx": 5690, "original_id": "1250870786589634563", "reply_id": "1250876085853581312", "label": "agree", "text": "Bernie bro’s are so fucking annoying. They should do us all a favor and delete their accounts."} {"idx": 5695, "original_id": "1250912600386306048", "reply_id": "1250984825646972930", "label": "no", "text": "every large S&P name is screaming but also the banks that are so hated... I think that Remdesivir would cut the morbidity .. which would change how quickly we can open... and what we can do"} {"idx": 5697, "original_id": "1251141440803164161", "reply_id": "1251145474494443520", "label": "applause", "text": "Lily literally excels at everything she does. So proud of her and holy shit she’s gonna make Nick and I look like bums!"} {"idx": 5698, "original_id": "1251192297452179456", "reply_id": "1251198604699668482", "label": "dance", "text": "We had a \"birthday party\" for my 10yo today. Presents hidden and she had to solve puzzles to open/find them. And we had cake.\nAlthough fun, she wants to have a \"proper\" party, with guests, when this is all over."} {"idx": 5699, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1250943119312302080", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 5703, "original_id": "1250882654171394048", "reply_id": "1250887673646063623", "label": "yes", "text": "been neck deep in labs, daydreaming and fine tuning The Lockdown Mixtape: INSIDE FOR THE PEOPLE ....this thing is BANG. ING. nice & deep and comin to you soon 😜🤘🙏📡❤️"} {"idx": 5705, "original_id": "1250986800056864771", "reply_id": "1251100617092878336", "label": "yes", "text": "Anybody else stressed out?"} {"idx": 5706, "original_id": "1250513981044690944", "reply_id": "1250855707458654215", "label": "no", "text": "I hear people often say they dislike guessing or 50/50s in fighting games, but the reality is virtually every interaction in a fighting game was a guess itself, or the result of your opponent's guess. Guessing is baked into the very fabric of the genre; you cannot escape it."} {"idx": 5707, "original_id": "1250807534409052160", "reply_id": "1250911317067587585", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Nancy Pelosi is a despicable politican who doesn't care about her constituents or what’s best for America"} {"idx": 5713, "original_id": "1221453151670349825", "reply_id": "1251028409750347776", "label": "omg", "text": "back to conspiracy!\nwhat if 127 are giving us spoiler\n“dreams come true” like another unit is becoming fixed!"} {"idx": 5715, "original_id": "1251263656320434181", "reply_id": "1251263896502931458", "label": "shocked", "text": "For those that are interested, and this is finna blow your mind. Not only do the Patrick Corbin moments not work, but hey, neither does locking in for a flyball. 🙃\n\nIt’s been a stressful time"} {"idx": 5716, "original_id": "1251009387860197377", "reply_id": "1251009951373447168", "label": "hug", "text": "Them lonely hours hitting EARLY tonight 😔👊🏻"} {"idx": 5720, "original_id": "1250883019713515520", "reply_id": "1250912338326310913", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "if any of the tiktok conservatives that say liberals don't know policy want to debate me lmk because i'll drop you faster than you can say \"socialist\""} {"idx": 5721, "original_id": "1250596658624303104", "reply_id": "1250841813029654530", "label": "smh", "text": "Went into a small grocery store that gives their staff protective gear, that has several hand sanitizer stations throughout & there was a mask-less, middle-aged couple walking around with the woman coughing without even trying to cover her mouth\n\nHow’s your day going?\n\n#COVID19"} {"idx": 5723, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251005718179663872", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 5726, "original_id": "1250949707737845763", "reply_id": "1251076725758402560", "label": "idk", "text": "Oh, hello there, lower eyelid twitch.\nI’ve been expecting you."} {"idx": 5731, "original_id": "1251107283930689536", "reply_id": "1251119058835177473", "label": "applause", "text": "Live each day as if you will live forever. That means you should treat the people around you as if they too will be around for a very long time to come. The choices that you make today matter, because their consequences will grow greater and greater. - Peter Thiel"} {"idx": 5736, "original_id": "1250536359489650688", "reply_id": "1250999909895024641", "label": "smh", "text": "bet marie kondo is wishing she had more shit in her house right about now."} {"idx": 5738, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251021489865814016", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 5741, "original_id": "1251050582804238338", "reply_id": "1251050708574572545", "label": "no", "text": "shlep"} {"idx": 5742, "original_id": "1250985775153451008", "reply_id": "1251034018486743040", "label": "agree", "text": "Cramps need to just fuck off."} {"idx": 5743, "original_id": "1250985219022356491", "reply_id": "1250986478273835010", "label": "applause", "text": "As I think about the people, all the ones who don’t know any better, who will die because of the lies spun for money by @seanhannity @IngrahamAngle et al, I can only hope they feel or see just a bit of the misery they cause, then see it again & again when they’re burning in hell."} {"idx": 5746, "original_id": "1250870530292547585", "reply_id": "1250876213305806855", "label": "hug", "text": "Send hugs oy"} {"idx": 5748, "original_id": "1250765583970439169", "reply_id": "1251055379070492672", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "How you all doing? X"} {"idx": 5750, "original_id": "1250992220997443585", "reply_id": "1251000975164350465", "label": "yes", "text": "I have 18 WRs in my top 100."} {"idx": 5752, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251184076465176577", "label": "no", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 5760, "original_id": "1250849487448354816", "reply_id": "1250850368520667137", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "You know what? I still shave my legs everyday. I just can't help it. Even though no one would ever know 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 5761, "original_id": "1250608328415350786", "reply_id": "1251173124009271296", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Why did they keep @BaronCorbinWWE?? Got rid of lots of talent and kept him? Bunch of trash #wwe"} {"idx": 5762, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250968595804360710", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 5764, "original_id": "1251184545493331968", "reply_id": "1251184781494226944", "label": "good_luck", "text": "If this tweet gets 200 comments 100 likes and 50 retweets I'll give away 10 Gamma Gleaming Loomians 😉"} {"idx": 5767, "original_id": "1250967388432011264", "reply_id": "1251000502432731136", "label": "hug", "text": "Don't you hate when triggers connected to uncomfortable and hurtful past events happen? I don't. I hate feeling these waves of sadness wash over me when they do."} {"idx": 5770, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250941556229574656", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 5771, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251088353086357504", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 5773, "original_id": "1251146312872890371", "reply_id": "1251146603995389952", "label": "want", "text": "Found a bottle of tonic int cupboard 😉😉😉\nGood job, I've plenty of gin 😉😉😉"} {"idx": 5774, "original_id": "1251154464041394180", "reply_id": "1251190250308874240", "label": "hug", "text": "Beyond exhaustion and in dire need to switch off and reset. All is wrong today. Not even sure I’ll be there for the webinar. I’m not myself and can’t seem to function anymore."} {"idx": 5776, "original_id": "1250933684330467328", "reply_id": "1250982951610912769", "label": "oops", "text": "this one girl on my tl steal everybody tweets i think she steal in real life too ."} {"idx": 5777, "original_id": "1250928676188766208", "reply_id": "1250952915310637058", "label": "applause", "text": "Project Grad helped me get to where I am today since 6th grade 😢 my heart hurts"} {"idx": 5778, "original_id": "1250833763765977094", "reply_id": "1250835784787210241", "label": "agree", "text": "thinkin about mv pool n pbr"} {"idx": 5782, "original_id": "1250650628059049984", "reply_id": "1250861864973742080", "label": "yes", "text": "Donald Trump, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin should all be prosecuted for crimes against humanity."} {"idx": 5784, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251088220735057922", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 5789, "original_id": "1251092692836265986", "reply_id": "1251094488078057473", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I get we’re going through a pandemic or whatever, but where the fuck are my girl scout cookies I ordered 2-3 months ago ..."} {"idx": 5791, "original_id": "1251234421874753536", "reply_id": "1251249005880893441", "label": "idk", "text": "RE: #Chargers fit for Tua Tagovailoa:\n\nTeam poured major resources into solidifying right side of its offensive line before draft, trading for RG Trai Turner & signing RT Bryan Bulaga.\n\nTagovailoa, of course, is left handed."} {"idx": 5792, "original_id": "1250904493081886720", "reply_id": "1250970913740255234", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Definitely going to come out of quarantine with less friends & more than ok with that ✌🏼"} {"idx": 5795, "original_id": "1250835191494475778", "reply_id": "1250861812494610434", "label": "awww", "text": "If you’re a business owner struggling with cash flow and facing difficult decisions, we’re here to help you pull through. We’re expanding the Canada Emergency Business Account by both increasing and decreasing the eligibility threshold. Here’s what that means for you: ⤵️"} {"idx": 5797, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250976290494205955", "label": "sigh", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 5799, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251186400638222349", "label": "ok", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 5800, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250897909958053889", "label": "smh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 5802, "original_id": "1250891052262862850", "reply_id": "1250900857903812610", "label": "eww", "text": "Some enormous tattooed dude is blasting Madonna’s Like a Prayer at full blast from a Harley Davidson outside my office window at a red light and I’m not sure how to process that information."} {"idx": 5803, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251082168027115520", "label": "smh", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 5806, "original_id": "1250800822117642246", "reply_id": "1250841508888088576", "label": "applause", "text": "3 years self harm free today :)"} {"idx": 5807, "original_id": "1250816947060535297", "reply_id": "1250848907996864512", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i forgot to put ice in my iced coffee this morning"} {"idx": 5809, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250939231758946306", "label": "wink", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 5811, "original_id": "1251200819086659585", "reply_id": "1251211524389195779", "label": "eww", "text": "Okay so apart from Paul Rudd and nice outfits what has clueless got to offer? I found it odd??"} {"idx": 5816, "original_id": "1250203842064629761", "reply_id": "1251150305300852741", "label": "no", "text": "Unpopular opinions only reply to this tweet"} {"idx": 5818, "original_id": "1251168613836283908", "reply_id": "1251260241183862784", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Say what you will about aim assist, but playing fortnite on controller is HARD... like REALLY HARD"} {"idx": 5822, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250941462566617088", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 5826, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250870271789039616", "label": "ok", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 5829, "original_id": "1251130020573020161", "reply_id": "1251131064753385472", "label": "wink", "text": "Ask again.\nAre you ready to headbang?\n#夜の部"} {"idx": 5830, "original_id": "1251167778905698305", "reply_id": "1251171252720500739", "label": "omg", "text": "Me: I'm cramping \nMarcus: Na, thats just the baby kicking.\n\nI almost forgot 🥴😂"} {"idx": 5831, "original_id": "1250767333208911873", "reply_id": "1250845632585072641", "label": "hug", "text": "Dealing with a phobia of face masks during a pandemic is the worst thing... 😞😞"} {"idx": 5832, "original_id": "1250902142925312001", "reply_id": "1250902354653704192", "label": "agree", "text": "Why?? Talk about opening any damn thing!!!! \n\nTESTING COMES FIRST\nTESTING COMES FIRST\nTESTING COMES FIRST\n\nMedia asks about each\nSport one at a time\n\nTESTING COMES FIRST\nTESTING COMES FIRST\n\nAsk for testing not sports\n\nTESTING COMES FIRST\n\nTESTING COMES FIRST"} {"idx": 5835, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250984744596242433", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 5838, "original_id": "1219780888998764544", "reply_id": "1251077055862587392", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "This dude at Starbucks told me to drive safe and I was so busy thinking wtf did he mean by that no one at a drive thru has ever told me that, then I fucked up my car on a curb 🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 5841, "original_id": "1251206950920105985", "reply_id": "1251215809697009664", "label": "hug", "text": "Seriously could use a massive freaking hug right now..."} {"idx": 5844, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251182079536029696", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 5845, "original_id": "1250943678950055942", "reply_id": "1250976215307112450", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Decompressing. Soaking in @HeatherBFlynn’s tub. With a huge glass of wine cause the girls say it’s relaxing. \n\nNo pic cause frankly, no one wants to see a dude, in a tub, drinking wine. 😂\n\nBack to work tomorrow. \n\n#mendoinggirlthings #CoronaWillEndSoon #coronarelax"} {"idx": 5853, "original_id": "1250881005608722440", "reply_id": "1250881385637666817", "label": "yes", "text": "Isn’t doctor Oz a thing because of Oprah?"} {"idx": 5863, "original_id": "1250856792550072320", "reply_id": "1251167577167917062", "label": "eww", "text": "I know this virus is making us all do weird things but I wasn’t prepared to see someone put green beans and corn in spaghetti sauce"} {"idx": 5867, "original_id": "1250955276372631553", "reply_id": "1250956610647793664", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "You can’t keep letting fake shit slide, cuz ah mf would get comfortable wit that shit‼️"} {"idx": 5869, "original_id": "1250829928641298433", "reply_id": "1250996245402918915", "label": "want", "text": "We miss you guys :/"} {"idx": 5871, "original_id": "1251213952589213708", "reply_id": "1251222412172996608", "label": "dance", "text": "Highly requested upload incoming…"} {"idx": 5872, "original_id": "1250831625400827904", "reply_id": "1250910013389975552", "label": "applause", "text": "I AM WORKING ON THE FINAL CHAPTER OF MY WIP 😁😅😭❤️"} {"idx": 5878, "original_id": "1244854764090863616", "reply_id": "1251106434600833025", "label": "shocked", "text": "Pizza & Chips > Burger & Chips"} {"idx": 5879, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251139177590083587", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 5882, "original_id": "1251212216667340802", "reply_id": "1251225442822115329", "label": "hug", "text": "i want a hug"} {"idx": 5887, "original_id": "1251139752239042560", "reply_id": "1251139853950967809", "label": "hug", "text": "Was laughing at something then started crying. This Quarantine is an emotional rollercoaster! And this has nothing to do with my excessive day drinking..."} {"idx": 5889, "original_id": "1250722170759598082", "reply_id": "1251048178050166786", "label": "agree", "text": "Things are looking pretty bad, this might stretch till July, Job losses, many promising businesses, start ups will shut shop. Can't get more depressing. Fcuk you Tablighi Jamaat, may all of you rot in the worst of hells."} {"idx": 5891, "original_id": "1251227270976606209", "reply_id": "1251261525068845058", "label": "hug", "text": "so like my senior is just gone?? ok.🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 5892, "original_id": "1250881557730123790", "reply_id": "1250882858153054208", "label": "high_five", "text": "Shout out to the @LimestoneDSB colleagues who have supported/ inspired me in various ways, as we all move to emergency remote teaching #collaboration @MrHill_LDSB @Ms_S78_LDSB @jessilalonde @MrsClapp_LDSB @equipe102 @JRHendSK1 @CMarshallClass @BruderGrundy @wynkerr @MmeEBeaulieu"} {"idx": 5901, "original_id": "1251179490195185664", "reply_id": "1251194436442304512", "label": "shocked", "text": "Holy moly. Indiana Election Commission meeting had just started on Zoom when someone switched video to them masturbating. \nMy eyes! My eyes!"} {"idx": 5902, "original_id": "1250828806681747456", "reply_id": "1250974840724561926", "label": "no", "text": "Bill O'Brien's message to fans who are questioning the team's trades: “Please, let it all play out. Let it play out. Let the whole thing play out. Let’s review it a year form now, two years from now, three years from now. Let’s let it all play out.”"} {"idx": 5903, "original_id": "1251269198984015873", "reply_id": "1251271543549595649", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I’m about to join @wolfblitzer on @CNNSitRoom. \n\nTune in."} {"idx": 5904, "original_id": "1251093151219097600", "reply_id": "1251126080125251584", "label": "hug", "text": "This is the loneliest I've ever been in my life. \n\nPhysical touch. \nMeaningful conversation.\nSex.\nAwkward social interactions. \nGoing places because you feel like it. \n\nIt's all gone for me. \nTalking / texting online just isn't the same. #QuarantineLife"} {"idx": 5906, "original_id": "1250946856806305793", "reply_id": "1250947639329333249", "label": "omg", "text": "Hey everyone. Check in time. If you can see this, the question is for you- How are you holding up tonight?"} {"idx": 5907, "original_id": "1250960613972549633", "reply_id": "1250970720055758849", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If you're going to come at me with your hot command takes---don't try to connect with me on LinkedIn, where I can see your bio and your fundamental lack of experience. \nAnd geeen tabs."} {"idx": 5908, "original_id": "1250526229993684993", "reply_id": "1250965504778334208", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Black lightening is trash but they have great music choices 👌🏿"} {"idx": 5911, "original_id": "1250881271175110656", "reply_id": "1251029420418035713", "label": "shocked", "text": "I want people from LA to understand that Ramona’s is hot garbage. No one can change my mind. We have too many good authentic Mexican restaurants to continue eating that filth!!!!"} {"idx": 5913, "original_id": "1250901804575047680", "reply_id": "1251019863251980289", "label": "hug", "text": "If the baby doesn't come by next week I'm going to have to get fingered by a midwife in full PPE.\n#NotPreparedForThis"} {"idx": 5916, "original_id": "1251198361996230657", "reply_id": "1251199155063721984", "label": "smh", "text": "Liz just put her coochie up on UberEats. Curbside and delivery. Tips are appreciated."} {"idx": 5918, "original_id": "1251077619522719744", "reply_id": "1251083574461284353", "label": "agree", "text": "Me: *blinks* \n.....\n*it’s 5 AM*"} {"idx": 5919, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250944202600562695", "label": "omg", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 5922, "original_id": "1250893353576804353", "reply_id": "1250898313332830208", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Honored to be appointed by @realDonaldTrump to his bipartisan Opening Up America Again Congressional Group. We are going to need NON-Partisan action to get our economy booming again while preventing a second wave of this outbreak that has already caused so much harm. 🇺🇸"} {"idx": 5923, "original_id": "1251030579103051776", "reply_id": "1251222452165885959", "label": "awww", "text": "Don’t push my kids out... let them stay right there. 😌"} {"idx": 5929, "original_id": "1250992703480856577", "reply_id": "1250992965566132224", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "You don't need a particular day for this now. It's everyday amidst the lockdowns. #NationalHornyDay"} {"idx": 5931, "original_id": "1250689038081638401", "reply_id": "1250945465866223617", "label": "agree", "text": "If a reporter reaches out to you for your perspective, and you refuse to talk because you’re mad about coverage, remember that you’ve just given up a chance to set the record straight. There is no community benefit to stonewalling the press — esp if you think they got it wrong."} {"idx": 5932, "original_id": "1250994387972231168", "reply_id": "1251000108218494976", "label": "yes", "text": "If you're up, reply to this tweet 😜"} {"idx": 5935, "original_id": "1251267312277127168", "reply_id": "1251267956169936897", "label": "smh", "text": "Major credit alert this night. \n\nAre you ready???"} {"idx": 5937, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250934273768652802", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 5938, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250976613635780611", "label": "seriously", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 5939, "original_id": "1250933094753767424", "reply_id": "1250948946719059970", "label": "wink", "text": "Phase One: send poor & middle class not already dead back to work\n\nPhase Two: see how many suckers die for the Dow\n\nPhase Three: use 2nd wave outbreak to postpone elections\n\nPhase Four: distribute vaccine to donors & supporters\n\nPhase Five: Declare Trump dictator perpetuo"} {"idx": 5942, "original_id": "1251068348986777602", "reply_id": "1251127510110285824", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I see a lot of men speaking on hoe behavior but the minute a woman doesn’t want a hoe behavior filled man it’s..I’m just dating... sir stop"} {"idx": 5945, "original_id": "1251174870022369280", "reply_id": "1251175911602499584", "label": "applause", "text": "LIBERATE AMERICA from Trump’s failure to come up with a plan for testing."} {"idx": 5946, "original_id": "1251191861160677377", "reply_id": "1251195347306573825", "label": "smh", "text": "Is anybody collecting all of the serological studies in one place?"} {"idx": 5947, "original_id": "1251208824117223424", "reply_id": "1251233680116285440", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I was today years old when I learned that 'curriculum' is plural."} {"idx": 5949, "original_id": "1250909738260402177", "reply_id": "1250910490236276736", "label": "no", "text": "President Trump: \"Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us.\""} {"idx": 5952, "original_id": "1250826160826712065", "reply_id": "1250845067734114312", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I wanna play who nigga is this CMU version 🥴 but y’all ain’t cut enough to participate 🤣🤣"} {"idx": 5953, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251254531054284804", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 5956, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251154759072903170", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 5957, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250943727776018432", "label": "seriously", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 5959, "original_id": "1250987685625294849", "reply_id": "1251023835651964931", "label": "no", "text": "So we’re not supposed to sing along with Beyonće? Or?? Lol"} {"idx": 5960, "original_id": "1250874459499741184", "reply_id": "1250888731910975488", "label": "shocked", "text": "I was watching @jamescharles new video last night and Amelia was calling him “pa pa pa pa”😂💀"} {"idx": 5965, "original_id": "1250527501484515329", "reply_id": "1250858096324460544", "label": "applause", "text": "I can’t wait until quarantine is over so I can come up with excuses not to go anywhere again."} {"idx": 5967, "original_id": "1251129375715733504", "reply_id": "1251235347092119558", "label": "sorry", "text": "Saw all those female Dj tags! 🙆🏾‍♂️🔥🔥🔥it’s time!!! Ka nkane!!!!"} {"idx": 5968, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251214284102807558", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 5973, "original_id": "1250953252041977857", "reply_id": "1250953756734259201", "label": "awww", "text": "reply with what you think the most commonly used gif is"} {"idx": 5974, "original_id": "1251180172914700298", "reply_id": "1251182800222355456", "label": "please", "text": "Hey @ishehnaaz_gill \n\nToday your Kullu made us so happy\nBut in all this excitement and happiness dont think I forgot you\n\nDil mein ho tum baby ❤\nAnd I missed you today\n\nBas khush raho aur kuch nahi chahiye\nUr smile is enough to make my day\nHoping tomorrow to see you smile😍\n\nJia"} {"idx": 5976, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230023316455424", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 5977, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1250933837678260225", "label": "ok", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 5979, "original_id": "1251216716178178048", "reply_id": "1251218213976735744", "label": "applause", "text": "To all you people who want to \"liberate the USA\" you go right ahead but first how about you sign a waiver saying if you do contract Covid19 you will not receive any medical treatment because you though you were above this! #StayHome shut up & think about others not just yourself!"} {"idx": 5981, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251023571062644738", "label": "agree", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 5983, "original_id": "1251047200559370242", "reply_id": "1251054113665830913", "label": "awww", "text": "❤️ My wonderful friend Layan ❤️"} {"idx": 5988, "original_id": "1251163379713970178", "reply_id": "1251175735919771650", "label": "applause", "text": "Guess who getting cute to go sit in the living room today? Me"} {"idx": 5991, "original_id": "1250844418980098057", "reply_id": "1250965618074906625", "label": "applause", "text": "Reps Tim Ryan & Ro Khanna have put forward the \"Emergency Money for the People Act\" in the House as a coronavirus stimulus that makes sense.\n\nIt would grant $2000 per month for at least 6 months to every citizen who’s 16+ & makes less than $130,000 a year."} {"idx": 5994, "original_id": "1251180523583610882", "reply_id": "1251187445132955648", "label": "popcorn", "text": "If you want twitter to burn to the ground, someone should start a best religion bracket."} {"idx": 6000, "original_id": "1250928319689682944", "reply_id": "1251028295220555778", "label": "applause", "text": "Sabi ni brazilian, you have a sweet voice. Oh do I? Hahaha"} {"idx": 6002, "original_id": "1250840976593166336", "reply_id": "1250845274655862785", "label": "no", "text": "Today was specifically made for you @cynthialynpaz"} {"idx": 6004, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251021920935403521", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 6005, "original_id": "1251133192897064960", "reply_id": "1251185373436231681", "label": "no", "text": "my art is trash, end tweet."} {"idx": 6006, "original_id": "1251145141575770116", "reply_id": "1251147623676829700", "label": "applause", "text": "Good morning to everyone except my cunt neighbour who complained about me blasting Britney while working out... for one fucking hour... at 1 fucking pm in the afternoon"} {"idx": 6007, "original_id": "1250592222539649029", "reply_id": "1251217330853601283", "label": "applause", "text": "Michael be lying about the lies that he told about the lies and the lies that he lies about and the lies that were lies that were also lies and the lies of lies where he lies when he was lying. \n\nA maze of lies. A labyrinth. A convolution if you will. #MarriedAtFirstSight #MAFS"} {"idx": 6012, "original_id": "1250619609931268096", "reply_id": "1250864234327609345", "label": "eww", "text": "Yeah sex is cool and all, but have you ever popped a black head out of your nose that had been growing for weeks?"} {"idx": 6013, "original_id": "1250983299494883331", "reply_id": "1250999083390709767", "label": "shocked", "text": "If presented with the coronaviris, i will simply dodge dip duck dive and dodge"} {"idx": 6014, "original_id": "1251003129988087808", "reply_id": "1251022312893186049", "label": "shrug", "text": "Can anybody explain to me who the dancing coffin carriers are that keep popping up?? I asked my lad yesterday if he’s seen them and he just burst out into hysterical laughter... 🤔"} {"idx": 6015, "original_id": "1250898109330329603", "reply_id": "1251160688032010243", "label": "smh", "text": "Apple Pie plain > Apple Pie and custard"} {"idx": 6021, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251228307091308549", "label": "applause", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 6023, "original_id": "1250854016902447106", "reply_id": "1250944695665999872", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm just going to start giving the same energy I get..."} {"idx": 6024, "original_id": "1251064491552489477", "reply_id": "1251067108265537536", "label": "shocked", "text": "Most people sleeping?\nChew mint gum before fellatio"} {"idx": 6025, "original_id": "1251060529579220994", "reply_id": "1251061514573721600", "label": "yes", "text": "FYI, \n\n100% chance of consumption of alcohol today...\n\ngame? \n\n#JustAnnouncing"} {"idx": 6026, "original_id": "1250839984178946050", "reply_id": "1251023005301399554", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "so 👀 how do we feel about o!katsuki who has an intense problem with authority and is arrested while he’s pregnant with a!izuku’s pup?"} {"idx": 6028, "original_id": "1250977741756936193", "reply_id": "1250978016903204870", "label": "agree", "text": "Just to reset for a second- there's a global pandemic, our economy is in free fall, and the guy in charge bankrupted three casino and wants to fuck his daughter."} {"idx": 6036, "original_id": "1250979253589434368", "reply_id": "1250989223613620225", "label": "no", "text": "Starting a team after all this is over"} {"idx": 6037, "original_id": "1251110957989933058", "reply_id": "1251198709100150787", "label": "seriously", "text": "Countdown to Lee Min Ho new series 🥳 #TheKingEternalMonarch"} {"idx": 6040, "original_id": "1250890389151719424", "reply_id": "1250932971617517568", "label": "agree", "text": "2 people have given us nods and thumbs up at work today. Sometimes it’s the little things. I hope people continue to be nice to one another after this virus is long gone"} {"idx": 6042, "original_id": "1250894296707813376", "reply_id": "1250899079451889664", "label": "win", "text": "@NICKMERCS Im HURTING. Shorty ordered taco bell to celebrate, that mixed with the goose at 4am didnt go too well."} {"idx": 6043, "original_id": "1250853716703563776", "reply_id": "1250854022623506440", "label": "hug", "text": "i want cuddles :("} {"idx": 6045, "original_id": "1250854933739552769", "reply_id": "1250867814669455362", "label": "agree", "text": "certain GIFs should be punishable by law and by God"} {"idx": 6047, "original_id": "1250900452310384641", "reply_id": "1250900664256827392", "label": "smh", "text": "See I’m petty every time I get asked about a proposal it’s another 3-6 months. Fuck are you doing 😂 that is so crazy to me"} {"idx": 6048, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250865125990555652", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 6050, "original_id": "1251144855499280384", "reply_id": "1251192422501167105", "label": "agree", "text": "Ever find yourself smiling at the thought of someone’s existence? \n\nEven if you don’t talk to them.. you’re smiling like a dork because you know how special they are."} {"idx": 6055, "original_id": "1250852757260718080", "reply_id": "1250871532982882306", "label": "yes", "text": "I am an optimist and am confident that Ohioans will also live up to the challenge of doing things differently as we open back up beginning on May 1st."} {"idx": 6056, "original_id": "1250863023788560385", "reply_id": "1251219705853026306", "label": "eww", "text": "The perfect cup of tea:\n• Yorkshire tea bag \n• No sugar \n• Brew for 3 minutes minimum \n• Splash of evaporated milk"} {"idx": 6057, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251216877398851585", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 6058, "original_id": "1250917446195613697", "reply_id": "1250917846437117952", "label": "yes", "text": "Today’s to-do list included planning @abartonnnn birthday insta post 2 months in advance ✔️"} {"idx": 6060, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251250356782276608", "label": "shrug", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 6063, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251229197609156609", "label": "good_luck", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 6064, "original_id": "1251208003015127042", "reply_id": "1251243205816918017", "label": "agree", "text": "Guess who is on vacation, eating tubs of ice cream and still collecting her paycheck?\n\nNancy Pelosi.\n\nGuess who is working 24/7 for free so Americans can go back to work and get their paychecks?\n\n@realDonaldTrump."} {"idx": 6068, "original_id": "1250927115501023234", "reply_id": "1250930171407929346", "label": "applause", "text": "Today I decided that this quarantine is going to be my ramp up for life afterwards. So...I'm working out, eating right and I'm gonna be ready for this amazing life. \n😘💘💯"} {"idx": 6069, "original_id": "1251192471717060614", "reply_id": "1251205558297784320", "label": "smh", "text": "The spiritual path female #Scorpio walk is known as via vagina. Itand;s the path of all creation & all pleasure."} {"idx": 6073, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250962740581146625", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 6076, "original_id": "1250772248962703360", "reply_id": "1250874468853075969", "label": "thank_you", "text": "While @JoeBiden is not the @DNC candidate I had hoped for, and while I’m still a proud member of the @GOP, I won’t vote again for @realDonaldTrump and will support #JoeBiden for President. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #Election2020"} {"idx": 6079, "original_id": "1250879056184176640", "reply_id": "1251102693592051712", "label": "agree", "text": "Male online: has any SLIGHT interaction with a woman online.\n\nsimps: OMG YOU FUCKING SIMP!!!!!"} {"idx": 6080, "original_id": "1250988982080425991", "reply_id": "1250992949791469568", "label": "hug", "text": "Dont want study nothing matters anymore"} {"idx": 6081, "original_id": "1250967750543126528", "reply_id": "1250968567262203905", "label": "awww", "text": "The kind of first time kiss where both y’all faces are close, the conversation slowly fades and the eyes get dim..."} {"idx": 6084, "original_id": "1251216221363679232", "reply_id": "1251244636737241095", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Andrew Cuomo. Gloves are off."} {"idx": 6086, "original_id": "1250979868222926853", "reply_id": "1250980255550054401", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Seriously. You're failing your child/ athlete if you don't proofread their commitment posts. It's a reflection on the adults in their lives. And shame on everyone who congratulates him/her without sending a dm to take that dumb stuff down. Smh"} {"idx": 6087, "original_id": "1251199338564460544", "reply_id": "1251200720998748167", "label": "yes", "text": "Right, just got off work for the weekend and I'm bored, shall I put a grey streak in my hair y/y?"} {"idx": 6088, "original_id": "1250818479835537409", "reply_id": "1250891296190926849", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm not all that religious but if anyone can send strengthening vibes. Please do. This is going to be a hard day."} {"idx": 6089, "original_id": "1250608408262111239", "reply_id": "1250959462975840257", "label": "applause", "text": "I tweeted a rude comment about a woman out of anger and frustration and it was cruel, mean girl crap which totally goes against who I am. I'm very sorry and glad I deleted it."} {"idx": 6090, "original_id": "1250851536395292672", "reply_id": "1250855682326384641", "label": "seriously", "text": "Wow BIG shoutout to the woman who took multiple packages of masks waiting for pickup which means I now have to... make more masks for folks who have already paid. I have been labeling them with folks' names and instructing people to only take theirs but some ppl gotta be greedy!!"} {"idx": 6091, "original_id": "1251235713414123521", "reply_id": "1251243399518146560", "label": "applause", "text": "The president’s statements this morning encourage illegal and dangerous acts. He is putting millions of people in danger of contracting COVID-19. \n\nHis unhinged rantings and calls for people to “liberate” states could also lead to violence. We’ve seen it before. 1/7"} {"idx": 6092, "original_id": "1250964274622590979", "reply_id": "1251228499408535552", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "When it comes to the meat of President Trump’s pandemic plans, I’ve seen more on a bleached, picked-over stray cattle carcass left for months in the Texas sun."} {"idx": 6096, "original_id": "1250930940332986368", "reply_id": "1251060203501608960", "label": "hug", "text": "The day I knew the grace to overcome sin came was when this babe that always give me came around and I could decide in my heart that No Niyi not anymore . Ever since then we moved from one level of grace to another ....never going back"} {"idx": 6098, "original_id": "1251052335293333510", "reply_id": "1251061948554174464", "label": "oops", "text": "i wanna have a babyyyyy :("} {"idx": 6102, "original_id": "1250990780287778820", "reply_id": "1250991596566274048", "label": "yes", "text": "Do I want another glass of wine ?"} {"idx": 6103, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250946080541376514", "label": "shocked", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 6104, "original_id": "1250853397735112707", "reply_id": "1251015717341859840", "label": "shrug", "text": "⚡This Just In ⚡\n\nIf you have been thinking of doing any kind of 'CORD CUTTING' spirit said 'aht aht, DON'T even TRY it'\n\nAnd no black candles. \n\n✨🧿"} {"idx": 6108, "original_id": "1250918853544153093", "reply_id": "1250922292328136710", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Snowing off and on."} {"idx": 6109, "original_id": "1250836692057104385", "reply_id": "1250882212649730048", "label": "dance", "text": "I miss dancing at the clubs.."} {"idx": 6110, "original_id": "1251154911007354882", "reply_id": "1251160010727383041", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Have not done this in awhile, but it's #followfriday \n@KingTigressive \n@In6Chunx \n@ChrissiSpark \n@zombztv \n@bacalaoarmy \n@onearmedtv \n@DwarvianGuard \n@BrennanaBread09 \n@LordOfBunz \n@ForRealzy \n@KellsOnMixer \n@Kim_For_Short \n@DoubYO_Officiel"} {"idx": 6113, "original_id": "1251130795399446528", "reply_id": "1251132011764420615", "label": "eww", "text": "ya be eating bacalao, off the wake up? 🥴"} {"idx": 6114, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251071506622242816", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 6115, "original_id": "1251014823493742592", "reply_id": "1251020651789520896", "label": "idk", "text": "The “L” in my name stands for Loyal"} {"idx": 6116, "original_id": "1251245448163201024", "reply_id": "1251255218773331968", "label": "yes", "text": "Make sure to check out @iScopesy stream tonight! It’s going to be a banger!"} {"idx": 6117, "original_id": "1251142932335333377", "reply_id": "1251143243904905216", "label": "eww", "text": "Current quarantine mood: I totally get where the Donner Party was coming from - and we have plenty of food."} {"idx": 6118, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1251128916842106880", "label": "agree", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 6123, "original_id": "1250853963399933953", "reply_id": "1250881302196346895", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Dear self, \n\nOne day, I hope you accept the kind of love you want to deserve and not just the kind of love you think you deserve."} {"idx": 6126, "original_id": "1251157890817114113", "reply_id": "1251158399858819074", "label": "awww", "text": "\"This is a socialist attack,\" Senator Loeffler says of questions about the timing of her stock sales, during a Fox News interview."} {"idx": 6128, "original_id": "1250961200709545985", "reply_id": "1251022843325734913", "label": "shrug", "text": "If you’re on Twitter... You know your Borderline, right???"} {"idx": 6129, "original_id": "1251256419728240640", "reply_id": "1251260391935664133", "label": "applause", "text": "You’ve no doubt wondered how you ever ended up with a racist, dumb as a rabid monkey, sociopath systematically torching all that you loved and admired about your country. And remind yourself how incredibly triumphant it’ll be when this loathsome mother fucker is defeated.😁"} {"idx": 6131, "original_id": "1251212312955875328", "reply_id": "1251214519474384896", "label": "no", "text": "the 80’s glam metal scene: Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Poison, Warrant etc. was one of the worst music movements in history. the best part of it was that it inspired a lot of great bands to be the counter culture to it."} {"idx": 6132, "original_id": "1251205083162791936", "reply_id": "1251259526696759296", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Hi everyone, just an update - My daughters COVID-19 test was negative. We are relieved!"} {"idx": 6133, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251254463840636930", "label": "oops", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 6135, "original_id": "1250933215084322821", "reply_id": "1251090602105634818", "label": "agree", "text": "Two middle fingers up as I make an exit"} {"idx": 6137, "original_id": "1251110965581615104", "reply_id": "1251111326228918274", "label": "applause", "text": "Big day for me. Finally opened the packet of hobnobs I bought at the shops two and a half weeks ago."} {"idx": 6138, "original_id": "1250568457059368960", "reply_id": "1250849310444367872", "label": "applause", "text": "The next #JeffreeStarCosmetics makeup collection that was scheduled for end of April release, will be moved! 🙏🏻 My manufacturing labs are currently making hand sanitizer for hospitals in need, ALL makeup production been put on pause while they do everything they can to help 💯"} {"idx": 6139, "original_id": "1250938339492073483", "reply_id": "1250939526102597635", "label": "idk", "text": "I feel soft and wet"} {"idx": 6142, "original_id": "1250932655924756480", "reply_id": "1250933636867686406", "label": "hug", "text": "I've tried to keep positive. I'm hitting my threshold. Trying to take it day by day. Isolation even with my loved ones is getting harder for me. This quarantine has to stop soon. Not sure how much more I can take. Sorry for the vent. Thank you for taking time 2 read.🙁"} {"idx": 6143, "original_id": "1251189113178468353", "reply_id": "1251259422560653419", "label": "yes", "text": "Dear ‘Adults in the room’ now might be a good time to take the phone (and Presidency) away from the 73 year old guy snorting Adderall in his Depends and rage tweeting from the Oval Office. 25A. @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 6144, "original_id": "1251094360814424064", "reply_id": "1251095033312354304", "label": "agree", "text": "TL sleep? \n\nI’ve tried watching The Office and the only episode I enjoyed was the “diversity day” episode. And the episode when Stanley has the heart attack."} {"idx": 6149, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250876589761531906", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 6150, "original_id": "1251202044326789120", "reply_id": "1251211853033848832", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want to thank everyone that took the time to give condolences for the loss of my friend to Covid19. I’m overwhelmed with the outpouring of kindness. I cried myself to sleep last night but I had to let myself grieve. My dear and lovely friend would be amazed at the response"} {"idx": 6151, "original_id": "1250906637948370944", "reply_id": "1250934036786225152", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Happy #NationalHornyDay 😂😂❤️👊🏽"} {"idx": 6153, "original_id": "1251200706679373831", "reply_id": "1251210272255213571", "label": "agree", "text": "I want a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. 🥺"} {"idx": 6154, "original_id": "1251139161530269698", "reply_id": "1251198001625927683", "label": "applause", "text": "I do not believe in the “no new friends” cause the goal is to ALWAYS grow. And relationships are important. One day y’all gone learn it’s not about what you know. It’s WHO you know."} {"idx": 6158, "original_id": "1250943998375559168", "reply_id": "1250945498468376576", "label": "yes", "text": "Somehow I think people will be just fine celebrating 4/20 at home this year"} {"idx": 6159, "original_id": "1251128142435057666", "reply_id": "1251211644463702017", "label": "high_five", "text": "Motherfuckers that think they bother me by telling me what a hot dog is made of don’t realize that I’ll eat ass on a first date so the hotdog horror stories really have no effect on me"} {"idx": 6160, "original_id": "1251042019666882560", "reply_id": "1251042598665379840", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone else in NoHo hearing this crazy drag racing up and down Lankershim most nights?"} {"idx": 6161, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250961445690454020", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 6162, "original_id": "1250969039943299074", "reply_id": "1250969604140253184", "label": "agree", "text": "Like, seriously, this is the longest number. And also the most unfortunate. #TCMParty #TCMFF #ASIB54"} {"idx": 6165, "original_id": "1250831570031775745", "reply_id": "1250834003080417281", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all."} {"idx": 6167, "original_id": "1250949095268720640", "reply_id": "1250989392061227009", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "CoD is life."} {"idx": 6170, "original_id": "1251175198268817414", "reply_id": "1251175585944080387", "label": "applause", "text": "Who wants us to make babies together?\n\nIf you want me to carry your baby, please drop an emoji😍\n\nSpec: black man(like burnt black)\n\nWe doing it immediately after corona lockdown"} {"idx": 6171, "original_id": "1251007380080529413", "reply_id": "1251007709215948800", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 6172, "original_id": "1250894305071370243", "reply_id": "1250894637566504962", "label": "agree", "text": "Having a soft heart is like a crimes nowadays 😒\nBanda bina roye ek din nhi nikal skta"} {"idx": 6173, "original_id": "1251132453974093826", "reply_id": "1251136413602664449", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "You want me to suck your dick??\n\n1) i have shrimp allergy\n2) i’m vegan"} {"idx": 6177, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251170714930962432", "label": "omg", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 6179, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250886068527751168", "label": "no", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 6181, "original_id": "1251193468560576514", "reply_id": "1251193704095899652", "label": "please", "text": "Cali please open back up 🥺"} {"idx": 6184, "original_id": "1251155240977444866", "reply_id": "1251156173769695235", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm being furloughed through June 1.\n\nOkay. NOW the anxiety is kicking in."} {"idx": 6186, "original_id": "1250890976429776898", "reply_id": "1251079958434373632", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": ".@realDonaldTrump has done more for black Americans than any other President in modern history.\n\nWould a “racist” do that?"} {"idx": 6188, "original_id": "1250939412248178691", "reply_id": "1250943908424622080", "label": "oops", "text": "me: I was offered a tv gig today\n\nfriend: really?\n\nme: well..in exchange, I'm to do some promoted tweets about sex lube\n\nfriend: and..?\n\nme: hey I'm not THAT dirty...but sex can be,& that's why I recomend KY for those dirty encounters\n\nfriend: are u tweeting this\n\nme: no..*tweet*"} {"idx": 6190, "original_id": "1251229414479876101", "reply_id": "1251244376136785920", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Honestly, pineapple belongs on pizza"} {"idx": 6197, "original_id": "1250962133648621568", "reply_id": "1251146733305786379", "label": "applause", "text": "Bowie slander?\nOn my TL?\nTurn it up"} {"idx": 6198, "original_id": "1250860141991297026", "reply_id": "1250860785145991168", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m only joking, y’all. I’m straight."} {"idx": 6199, "original_id": "1250899054227271687", "reply_id": "1250899583632388096", "label": "seriously", "text": "Tomorrow Is 'Indictment Friday'...Are We Finally Going To Have An Indictment Tomorrow?...WHAT SAY YOU?...YES OR NO?"} {"idx": 6200, "original_id": "1251174114682982400", "reply_id": "1251260634743951361", "label": "idk", "text": "Y’all think homecoming will be cancelled this year ?"} {"idx": 6201, "original_id": "1250931828850143233", "reply_id": "1250940783617859591", "label": "omg", "text": "Me acabo de crear onlyfans, os lo prometo"} {"idx": 6202, "original_id": "1251239004726611968", "reply_id": "1251251059928023041", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Name your favorite movie that starts with the letter W."} {"idx": 6203, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251170758488805381", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 6204, "original_id": "1251067583916380160", "reply_id": "1251238196018466816", "label": "omg", "text": "I was skipping Go Gina not realizing it’s a gem! Omg wow #CTRL will always be it"} {"idx": 6206, "original_id": "1250902282075623428", "reply_id": "1250903585027735557", "label": "eww", "text": "Do my ting"} {"idx": 6208, "original_id": "1250856251816316933", "reply_id": "1250861059449196545", "label": "please", "text": "I’m sick as fuck please pray for me"} {"idx": 6209, "original_id": "1250969805328441344", "reply_id": "1250972925194383365", "label": "no", "text": "Are the ”rasta 4’s ” worth it?"} {"idx": 6210, "original_id": "1251173182368874497", "reply_id": "1251191308179439619", "label": "agree", "text": "I think a universal basic income (UBI) would be preferable to the current welfare system, but we're more likely to get a UBI without repealing a single program which is no bueno."} {"idx": 6212, "original_id": "1250712035664543744", "reply_id": "1251012185096159233", "label": "agree", "text": "The L in my name stands for loser 😔"} {"idx": 6215, "original_id": "1251179430988222470", "reply_id": "1251187608144805888", "label": "kiss", "text": "Oh wow! Kate Monster is with @Julie_Atherton at @thetheatrecafe. \nI am definitely quite emosh, @AQuktour. \n#LeaveALightOn"} {"idx": 6216, "original_id": "1250742342534828032", "reply_id": "1250940497599873025", "label": "ok", "text": "Still really horny."} {"idx": 6217, "original_id": "1250920407206465536", "reply_id": "1250922003952922625", "label": "yes", "text": "My wife’s mom is out of surgery and everything is looking good!"} {"idx": 6220, "original_id": "1250882615248334849", "reply_id": "1250906056068300800", "label": "ok", "text": "Woodbey's last 5 likes...."} {"idx": 6221, "original_id": "1250875875874279425", "reply_id": "1250881273737940994", "label": "awww", "text": "FaceTime with the girls really lifting my mood! So greatful for my friends during this tough time 💓"} {"idx": 6226, "original_id": "1250866587608940547", "reply_id": "1250881574113087493", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Thousands rally in Michigan to protest the lockdown...\n\nMost likely spreading COVID-19 even more.\n\nGg guys, ggwp."} {"idx": 6229, "original_id": "1250706099092762624", "reply_id": "1250886925940121613", "label": "applause", "text": "Quarantine is good for peoples trying to gain weight! not for these trying to loose some! according to the TV we will gain in average 5 kg .. can we expect also 5k profits from the next #bitcoin halving?"} {"idx": 6234, "original_id": "1251149553106948103", "reply_id": "1251150806549590016", "label": "scared", "text": "Bob Quinn: \"My goal is to take the best overall player.\"\n\n He said he wants to take a player who will ideally help them this year, but if not, that warrants a long conversation."} {"idx": 6235, "original_id": "1251030551093342208", "reply_id": "1251035314853994497", "label": "agree", "text": "@FredoBang dropped that heatttt🔥"} {"idx": 6236, "original_id": "1250898934710579201", "reply_id": "1250902194494124032", "label": "agree", "text": "Happy national horny day everyone \n\nI don’t have any art so uh\n\nJust watch some porn or Somthing"} {"idx": 6239, "original_id": "1251016687882776576", "reply_id": "1251173952245977089", "label": "no", "text": "All my disciples, \n\nUse #TheRealOne to show your appreciation to me ❤️"} {"idx": 6240, "original_id": "1250909254288113669", "reply_id": "1251130262190252038", "label": "agree", "text": "Men are moodier than women.\n\nI said what I said."} {"idx": 6244, "original_id": "1251256629624012801", "reply_id": "1251257615553789952", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Rosé in the glass and lasagna in the oven #HappyFriday"} {"idx": 6245, "original_id": "1250850800626208771", "reply_id": "1250859331911737344", "label": "smh", "text": "Did you hear about the drummer who decided to name all his daughters the same name?\n\nAnna 1, Anna 2, Anna 3, Anna 4."} {"idx": 6246, "original_id": "1251120574455144450", "reply_id": "1251120676242485252", "label": "agree", "text": "shut the fuck up and be a good girl for me"} {"idx": 6248, "original_id": "1251232284612665345", "reply_id": "1251244200613441536", "label": "high_five", "text": "Bacon wrapped bacon. \n\nWho’s with me?"} {"idx": 6252, "original_id": "1251179249685282818", "reply_id": "1251183359457234950", "label": "agree", "text": "You are magic and not everyone can handle magic."} {"idx": 6253, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250967912640163840", "label": "dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 6257, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250833680542707715", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 6264, "original_id": "1250948436951658496", "reply_id": "1250986666459791362", "label": "agree", "text": "how many scarves does she have?"} {"idx": 6265, "original_id": "1250960594707943424", "reply_id": "1250960710709858304", "label": "awww", "text": "I have ordered @Filibertosfood through #doordash for the past three days. It's freaking #delicious, right down the road and an easy way to get lots of different yummy #MexicanFood even during my #QuarantineLife. Thanks for feeding me #filibertos !!!! 💜💜💜"} {"idx": 6266, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1251033006388547584", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 6272, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250936842867945473", "label": "yes", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 6273, "original_id": "1251090052748390400", "reply_id": "1251103160854351872", "label": "ok", "text": "I'm lost 🙄"} {"idx": 6275, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250883486287908865", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 6276, "original_id": "1250956004440911877", "reply_id": "1250956690305974273", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "12-team PPR Draft from the No. 5 spot (UPDATED): \n\nAlvin Kamara\nAustin Ekeler\nCooper Kupp\nZach Ertz\nDeVante Parker\nDamien Williams\nJosh Allen\nBrandin Cooks\nDarius Slayton \n\n#TeamHuevos #FantasyFootball"} {"idx": 6280, "original_id": "1250856561402150912", "reply_id": "1250861181989875713", "label": "oops", "text": "Wearing thermals to the taco shop, if my dick pop out mind ya business"} {"idx": 6281, "original_id": "1251216601480912900", "reply_id": "1251216892427218950", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "liberate deez nuts"} {"idx": 6282, "original_id": "1250844622227718144", "reply_id": "1250848470430253056", "label": "no", "text": "Steve is such a charmer. How could you resist him? 😍 #days"} {"idx": 6284, "original_id": "1251031184814960642", "reply_id": "1251031570447818753", "label": "applause", "text": "\"It's not what you look like when you're doing what you're doing; it's what you're doing when you're doing what you look like you're doing.\" -Charles Wright"} {"idx": 6285, "original_id": "1250834498247221248", "reply_id": "1250841465560784897", "label": "applause", "text": "There may be a Dogbert II coming soon. Something magical is happening... 🤞 stay tuned."} {"idx": 6286, "original_id": "1250827381385957377", "reply_id": "1250901397337407491", "label": "agree", "text": "Please stop picking on #LauraKuenssberg for asking a pointless question - she had to think it up at the last minute after being told she couldn't ask the one she had planned: \"How soon can I resume conjugal visits to the Prime Minister?\""} {"idx": 6289, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251186622126850048", "label": "yes", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 6292, "original_id": "1251085063451742210", "reply_id": "1251107540512972802", "label": "popcorn", "text": "if she got pale nipples, she low key a super nasty freak with a daddy kink and loves to be dominated. i don’t make the rules 🤷🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 6293, "original_id": "1251094587684290561", "reply_id": "1251133594505850887", "label": "applause", "text": "Don’t talk to me abusively thinking it’s “hot” and a way to “flirt” also don’t expect me to call you daddy unless you’re giving me protection and security and perhaps coin , you wanna be called daddy ?? ACT LIKE ONE"} {"idx": 6297, "original_id": "1250850630844821504", "reply_id": "1250853197398360064", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Got a very special video coming out tomorrow. Stay tuned."} {"idx": 6298, "original_id": "1250902035182030849", "reply_id": "1251083342931517446", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Miss my Mum. Can't share being cancer free with her. As a nurse, she would have understood this is a big deal. Dad did not respond to my news & my sister sent less than a line. Fuck them. I did this alone. I knew there would be a come down. This is it. Tomorrow will be better."} {"idx": 6302, "original_id": "1251185596959244289", "reply_id": "1251192309657501698", "label": "applause", "text": "Holy shit Cuomo just told Trump to get off his ass, stop watching tv, and go to work."} {"idx": 6303, "original_id": "1251232558672523264", "reply_id": "1251234102931369985", "label": "please", "text": "anyone still up? pls send me pics of dogs so i feel a lil better 🥺"} {"idx": 6304, "original_id": "1251273038798127108", "reply_id": "1251274521262292992", "label": "scared", "text": "I notice everything."} {"idx": 6309, "original_id": "1250911876856320006", "reply_id": "1250912227844120576", "label": "eww", "text": "Sometimes want to randomly tweet about eating ass"} {"idx": 6312, "original_id": "1251013779535659008", "reply_id": "1251206934209888264", "label": "idk", "text": "DVSN just dropped the best album of the year. Argue with your mother."} {"idx": 6313, "original_id": "1251176206101286912", "reply_id": "1251176644917768199", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Large-scale testing is a massive undertaking.\n\nWe need the private sector to work with government to meet this enormous challenge.\n\nAnd we need the federal government to act."} {"idx": 6317, "original_id": "1251174294756954114", "reply_id": "1251178183883476992", "label": "applause", "text": "People who earn $2,000 a month can’t teach you how to earn $2,000,000 a month. We are broke because we were taught by the broke."} {"idx": 6318, "original_id": "1250829883879698433", "reply_id": "1250842771163774983", "label": "popcorn", "text": "The popcorn it is going to take to get through this Biden race though..."} {"idx": 6320, "original_id": "1251070141825048577", "reply_id": "1251072954441465856", "label": "dance", "text": "Here's why I love Twitter\n\nIt feels human. Unlike fb, insta, linkedin, it's like an place where I finally belong"} {"idx": 6321, "original_id": "1251081079353741313", "reply_id": "1251129118504124416", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Regarding the pronunciation of the letter H: I notice all you morons who say “Haitch” instead of “Aitch” give that shit up when you say “NHS”. No-one’s saying “Enn HAITCH Ess” are they?"} {"idx": 6322, "original_id": "1250904961317244928", "reply_id": "1250944814432030720", "label": "agree", "text": "Can all the fat in my stomach just go to my ass instead. That would be great."} {"idx": 6327, "original_id": "1250980120912957440", "reply_id": "1251000396887121920", "label": "applause", "text": "Ever since I got affiliated with twitch I got a spur of encouragement and confidence in myself"} {"idx": 6328, "original_id": "1251233391866867712", "reply_id": "1251246215435415552", "label": "shocked", "text": "Chandler HS football is approaching 50 football scholarship offers for 17 different players in the past 3 weeks. Wow"} {"idx": 6329, "original_id": "1250874477363281927", "reply_id": "1251061736028934145", "label": "wink", "text": "👉🏻👈🏻New friends?"} {"idx": 6331, "original_id": "1250811392342581249", "reply_id": "1250904201888034817", "label": "shocked", "text": "I've said this a ton before but remember *the second* a Democrat is elected president the entire GOP will oppose large Federal rescue and recovery spending, start demagoguing the deficit, and calling for austerity."} {"idx": 6333, "original_id": "1251270611080482821", "reply_id": "1251271569302847488", "label": "awww", "text": "sometimes everything just falls into place. trust the timing"} {"idx": 6337, "original_id": "1251077036015321088", "reply_id": "1251078208000327680", "label": "no", "text": "Can Keynesians now agree that wars on net mainly destroy ?"} {"idx": 6338, "original_id": "1250958297215258625", "reply_id": "1250970732231827456", "label": "shocked", "text": "Full mon wood ou full mes guts"} {"idx": 6342, "original_id": "1250802962919800833", "reply_id": "1250863912330899457", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The virus came from _________."} {"idx": 6343, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250958481559093248", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 6345, "original_id": "1250807183840690176", "reply_id": "1250900335373287426", "label": "please", "text": "Where are you at with acceptance/denial re: this situation?"} {"idx": 6346, "original_id": "1251215265884286976", "reply_id": "1251222956543369216", "label": "eww", "text": "Convo with @helloimnae \n\n“Why do ribs and bacon taste different if they both are pork?”\n\n“Hmmm for real, ham taste different too...” \n\n“Well makes sense because my pansa doesn’t taste the same as my ass.”"} {"idx": 6347, "original_id": "1250929085447987200", "reply_id": "1250931569956511744", "label": "want", "text": "can't stop listening to the new strokes record"} {"idx": 6350, "original_id": "1251260812951519232", "reply_id": "1251265701827850241", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve been bouncing around all day cuz I got into the medical program I’ve been studying for fhsjdjjwsdhshsh I’m in GOOD MOOD ZONE"} {"idx": 6351, "original_id": "1250807638805413889", "reply_id": "1250832859205718017", "label": "awww", "text": "SWORN AFFIDAVIT FOR PALLIATIVEs.\n\nThat I , EniNaijaopa, a citizen of Nigeria doesn’t have up to 5k in my account and I need that 20k from FG.\n\n2.That the one in my account belongs to IyaAyo,my neighbor.\n\n3. That, any 3k,belongs to my Bro,at the time I washed his jean."} {"idx": 6354, "original_id": "1250764144837562369", "reply_id": "1250909933685673984", "label": "seriously", "text": "Good morning! We’re here to share some helpful info that you may or may not be aware of: \n\nToday is Thursday."} {"idx": 6355, "original_id": "1251150749431500800", "reply_id": "1251151189233635337", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "say my days are numbered but I keep waking up"} {"idx": 6356, "original_id": "1251237648724832258", "reply_id": "1251238836581085186", "label": "thank_you", "text": "It is indisputable that the true number of infections and fatalities in Florida is higher than has been reported.\n\nI join @RepTedDeutch and @RepShalala to call on @GovRonDeSantis to release additional data so we can protect Floridians."} {"idx": 6363, "original_id": "1251066608010907650", "reply_id": "1251067693106491393", "label": "eww", "text": "I think the tl is asleep so I’m just gonna say it, pancakes and waffles are better without syrup 🙈🙈"} {"idx": 6364, "original_id": "1251237274794078208", "reply_id": "1251237825225293825", "label": "hug", "text": "It's been 3 weeks, I have to pick up Sherman's ashes today anf my country is burning down as we speak. I'm going heavy with the banhammer today, I have either time nor emotional bandwidth to deal with assholes."} {"idx": 6366, "original_id": "1251179651504001027", "reply_id": "1251207124010631169", "label": "agree", "text": "Truth from an abused child:\n\nIt never stops. I am 65 and today I had to deal with it. She is, of course, estranged from all her children. \n\nI had to call her local police to do a wellness check. She is my mother.\n\nI wish I could feel something. I don't. \n\nThat is all."} {"idx": 6368, "original_id": "1250836382840508417", "reply_id": "1250836701070741506", "label": "omg", "text": "Trump is going to allow power plants to spew more mercury. Mercury causes brain damage, so this should help strengthen his voter base."} {"idx": 6370, "original_id": "1250836887482167297", "reply_id": "1250858620159320066", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Asian girls really love to clown on white people all day then run to their white bf 🤡"} {"idx": 6371, "original_id": "1251070552992878592", "reply_id": "1251071047077638145", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "first day at Tesco today, so you'd better fucking respect me now i'm a\n\nGOD\n\nDAMN\n\nHERO!!"} {"idx": 6372, "original_id": "1251087074691670016", "reply_id": "1251095385931563008", "label": "eww", "text": "like I just literally created my first Tiktok vid 😂"} {"idx": 6373, "original_id": "1250909018211696640", "reply_id": "1251044303549468672", "label": "dance", "text": "Feels good to be back playing with the boys, still a bit rusty but nothing time and pracc wont fix🏌🏼‍♂️😍"} {"idx": 6379, "original_id": "1250911916266008576", "reply_id": "1251058875215855616", "label": "shocked", "text": "We've tested more than anywhere in the world..\nOur Military is the best in the world.\nWe've the best medical facilities in the world..\nWith all the mitigations put in place, the projection is between 200K & 240K death to #Covid19 in the USA..Trump🤣\n\nImagine Buhari saying this.🤔"} {"idx": 6382, "original_id": "1250957191491846148", "reply_id": "1251272245160394755", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "There’s no way to safely reopen without massive testing.\n\nYet we’re barely testing more people this week than last. And hospitals continue to report serious bottlenecks.\n\nIf Trump ignores the experts and forces a premature reopening,\n\nEven more Americans will die."} {"idx": 6385, "original_id": "1251265740692426761", "reply_id": "1251266121740795914", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Of those who are now wearing a mask we also ask separately if they maintain social distancing , stay at home except for essentials and restrict touching their face. There a few other practices as well that we test 4)"} {"idx": 6387, "original_id": "1251244156695044097", "reply_id": "1251252713251319811", "label": "awww", "text": "A good way to have people listen to what you think is not to tell them you're about to tell them what you think."} {"idx": 6388, "original_id": "1250892486148571137", "reply_id": "1250910996589236225", "label": "awww", "text": "TBT to when I was still rather terrified of talking to or looking at Jensen & he refused to do the photo op until I gave him a smile & a high five. I only stan a total sweetheart of a human 😊 #NationalHighFiveDay"} {"idx": 6389, "original_id": "1251194503303770114", "reply_id": "1251194938630569985", "label": "wink", "text": "once this is all over im gonna have to pull my hoe card out."} {"idx": 6391, "original_id": "1250790096409784320", "reply_id": "1250927703185752065", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "[SpongeBob smoking a joint out of every single one of his pores] if it's yellow let it mellow"} {"idx": 6392, "original_id": "1250522261972496384", "reply_id": "1250993413593296896", "label": "high_five", "text": "I thought only adult actresses got their checks signed by @realDonaldTrump?"} {"idx": 6395, "original_id": "1250847646312476673", "reply_id": "1251195781958307841", "label": "smh", "text": "This extended lockdown is not lawful.\nThe Prime Minister is incapacitated and didn’t make the decision. \nParliament isn’t sitting.\nThe original aim of the first lockdown has been met. \nCivil disobedience would be justified."} {"idx": 6396, "original_id": "1250822927374864384", "reply_id": "1251051976202293248", "label": "agree", "text": "After consuming 150+ online clinics over past 4 weeks...\n\nExcited to announce this creation...\n\nProBone Run & Raid Single Wing-T Option Offense..."} {"idx": 6397, "original_id": "1251164503309463552", "reply_id": "1251229144156909568", "label": "awww", "text": "I can’t wait to meet my newest niece later this year but the one here now is pretty damn special to me. I get to have two minis 🥺"} {"idx": 6404, "original_id": "1251179896115613696", "reply_id": "1251202292516294667", "label": "ok", "text": "My mom told me her phone sex game is on point ever since quarentine started 😂"} {"idx": 6406, "original_id": "1250891194114007040", "reply_id": "1250911569648553984", "label": "applause", "text": "This morning I wrestled a salmon from the mouth of a sled dog. What were you up too?"} {"idx": 6407, "original_id": "1251190809413718023", "reply_id": "1251193374092206083", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Cuomo: If you want to point fingers, Mr. President, we built more beds than we needed. Our only mistake was believing your projections. Your CDC, your WH test force"} {"idx": 6408, "original_id": "1251162938200604678", "reply_id": "1251165230845083648", "label": "seriously", "text": "Get this, some hedge fund managers have declared themselves \"small businesses\" to qualify for emergency loans and bailouts. \n\nThe greed and hypocrisy of some people never ceases to amaze me."} {"idx": 6409, "original_id": "1251223565963268101", "reply_id": "1251223925519986689", "label": "yawn", "text": "Me and Maphorisa used to be archenemies. It took a few mature conversations and we let it go cause there was mutual respect. That peace gave us the songs Phoyisa, Good for that, Ocean view, Piki Piki , Amalobolo and now Bentley! Where there is respect, things work out."} {"idx": 6412, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250948757165760512", "label": "shocked", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 6413, "original_id": "1251028568810938368", "reply_id": "1251037464698990593", "label": "sigh", "text": "How Are you guys surviving the Quarantine"} {"idx": 6414, "original_id": "1251200946111229952", "reply_id": "1251204251361120256", "label": "applause", "text": "I finished Ozark today. What a ride 🤯"} {"idx": 6416, "original_id": "1251216493762805762", "reply_id": "1251217120089845762", "label": "sigh", "text": "Y'all remember Kelvin Benjamin? My god I thought he was gonna be something 🥴"} {"idx": 6419, "original_id": "1250604826322513928", "reply_id": "1250919415731884034", "label": "applause", "text": "fuck uncontrollably"} {"idx": 6420, "original_id": "1251069624004734976", "reply_id": "1251070142978482176", "label": "hug", "text": "IMOOS, LET'S JUST GIVE EACH OTHER A HUG RIGHT NOW CAUSE WE NEEDED IT MOST 😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 6429, "original_id": "1251022761742331904", "reply_id": "1251080721222909952", "label": "awww", "text": "My mom asked me to teach her pubg. Quarantine got us..."} {"idx": 6433, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250924520463978497", "label": "no", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 6435, "original_id": "1251218932511449088", "reply_id": "1251223589925326848", "label": "hug", "text": "I have no motivation to do anything in life rn."} {"idx": 6436, "original_id": "1251051956648308736", "reply_id": "1251053303888109568", "label": "awww", "text": "suprize dm?? 👀"} {"idx": 6438, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251039136959492096", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 6440, "original_id": "1251131302713139202", "reply_id": "1251131789541879810", "label": "hug", "text": "I wanna cry so bad but I can’t keep doing that to myself 🥺😔"} {"idx": 6442, "original_id": "1251180491018866688", "reply_id": "1251181000555724800", "label": "want", "text": "For sale. Clown shoes. Never worn."} {"idx": 6444, "original_id": "1251004612284280833", "reply_id": "1251008040280694784", "label": "applause", "text": "fiona apple dolphin noises at the end of i want you to love me is what i sound like when i cum"} {"idx": 6445, "original_id": "1251253346385580032", "reply_id": "1251253611620859906", "label": "omg", "text": "u can call me miss honey, that’s fine"} {"idx": 6447, "original_id": "1251237434672787456", "reply_id": "1251250760840630272", "label": "agree", "text": "Nobody wants to be long cash going into the weekend."} {"idx": 6450, "original_id": "1251072911554654208", "reply_id": "1251107271351791616", "label": "applause", "text": "Do you think your undergraduate degree adequately prepared you for graduate school?"} {"idx": 6451, "original_id": "1251082452547887107", "reply_id": "1251084078281035776", "label": "yes", "text": "\"Wanna meet in the tesco carpark..l'll bring coffee and promise to stay 6ft apart\"\n\nThis is what my life has been reduced to.\n\nHe better bring a Danish pastry too!!"} {"idx": 6452, "original_id": "1150654389020848128", "reply_id": "1251081445252059137", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Type your middle name in the gif search and the 3rd one is your mood for next week."} {"idx": 6455, "original_id": "1251046820785999875", "reply_id": "1251130726071676933", "label": "hug", "text": "i wanna hug"} {"idx": 6457, "original_id": "1250619528909742080", "reply_id": "1250866094618755072", "label": "good_luck", "text": "i suck dick so good i learned how to breathe out my ears"} {"idx": 6458, "original_id": "1250955410711785473", "reply_id": "1250985318066425858", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’m not going to waste any more time arguing with @AK4WA on here. She can’t be saved. The willful ignorance of the MAGA/QAnon folks is sad. It has nothing to do with her politics and everything to do with her mindset. \n\nI apologize for introducing her into your TL."} {"idx": 6460, "original_id": "1250832566665519105", "reply_id": "1250834071984447489", "label": "applause", "text": "In these difficult times…\n\n…I just want to share…:\n\n…that I opened a new jar of pickles on the first try."} {"idx": 6461, "original_id": "1250237542441668609", "reply_id": "1251130391391547392", "label": "no", "text": "If Trump died from being infected with Covid-19, would you attend his funeral? 🤔"} {"idx": 6465, "original_id": "1251228187528486920", "reply_id": "1251232873144823812", "label": "applause", "text": "There are two problems when it comes to Black maternal mortality: ongoing systematic disparities and implicit bias.\n\nOn the last day of Black Maternal Health Week, the urgency to pass the Black Maternal Health Momnibus and my Maternal CARE Act couldn’t be more clear."} {"idx": 6469, "original_id": "1250834872614060032", "reply_id": "1251011501978054656", "label": "omg", "text": "2 more cases have tested positive. Both are family members of the first patient."} {"idx": 6470, "original_id": "1251163592747094016", "reply_id": "1251164102837317632", "label": "yawn", "text": "Don’t worry. I’ll bore you to death bb."} {"idx": 6471, "original_id": "1250892127804051456", "reply_id": "1250938632527056903", "label": "dance", "text": "LOLOL guess who’s going to Florida ☀️☀️☀️"} {"idx": 6472, "original_id": "1251257123574611977", "reply_id": "1251262603587997696", "label": "no", "text": "Did y’all get your stimulus check yet?"} {"idx": 6475, "original_id": "1251273157320806401", "reply_id": "1251274257532768257", "label": "idk", "text": "Is the last season of Agents Of SHIELD on any streaming sites?"} {"idx": 6477, "original_id": "1250774024013123584", "reply_id": "1250964357284007939", "label": "agree", "text": "Andrew Scheer can whine and bitch all he wants. The Prime Minister is to be praised for the way he is handling the COVID-19 crisis in Canada."} {"idx": 6478, "original_id": "1250847765644447745", "reply_id": "1250875530892599298", "label": "applause", "text": "I beat the coronavirus!!!"} {"idx": 6481, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251219699913969672", "label": "please", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 6482, "original_id": "1250900294503936002", "reply_id": "1250902823803539457", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "i cussed stephen out for taking to long with my food and he came back with a cookie cake and some wine plus my food to congratulate me on my grad school acceptance🥺 i’m giving him some gwak gwak and buying him cod points for his game."} {"idx": 6485, "original_id": "1250833650033192965", "reply_id": "1250836626068000769", "label": "hug", "text": "Watching \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\" and can't help but think of the night watching this my kids in Italy a few days prior to going to Paris. Goodness I miss her."} {"idx": 6489, "original_id": "1251245511828357120", "reply_id": "1251251624682704898", "label": "agree", "text": "Some people on Twitter are seriously, scarily stupid."} {"idx": 6490, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251232147383488517", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 6493, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251146069573898241", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 6494, "original_id": "1249853378399809536", "reply_id": "1250974793010036736", "label": "agree", "text": "Michael Jackson didn't invent pop music to be disrespected by delusional peasants"} {"idx": 6495, "original_id": "1250854552385007619", "reply_id": "1250859268313661441", "label": "applause", "text": "Don't want to brag, but I showered, shaved, washed and did my hair, put on make-up, and a bra and clothes all in the same day."} {"idx": 6497, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1250994478762115072", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 6502, "original_id": "1250909254288113669", "reply_id": "1251196261916725254", "label": "seriously", "text": "Men are moodier than women.\n\nI said what I said."} {"idx": 6509, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251035337847009280", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 6511, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251245019916308481", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 6512, "original_id": "1250996329678925824", "reply_id": "1251006867855171585", "label": "hug", "text": "Give me a hug"} {"idx": 6514, "original_id": "1250910658188709892", "reply_id": "1250912756691279872", "label": "applause", "text": "*sees geese on the side of the road*\nMackenzie: “look at those turkeys”"} {"idx": 6516, "original_id": "1250847562233450499", "reply_id": "1250864585734787073", "label": "ok", "text": "If you can’t admit that the Bumblebee uniforms are low key nice then you’re A) Not a Steelers fan or B) Blind."} {"idx": 6517, "original_id": "1250871614998110208", "reply_id": "1250983027041275904", "label": "yes", "text": "If you want someone to text you back right away just ask \"what's your Venmo\""} {"idx": 6520, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250871938165215232", "label": "applause", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 6523, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250983721953566720", "label": "seriously", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 6524, "original_id": "1250811382443970560", "reply_id": "1251144026264178688", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t trust WHO\nI don’t trust China\nI don’t trust the UN \nI don’t trust the media \nI don’t trust the democrats"} {"idx": 6526, "original_id": "1251109476842733568", "reply_id": "1251131545701711873", "label": "eww", "text": "So ...is a pokey bum wank still a thing? If you don’t know don’t ask 😬😂"} {"idx": 6528, "original_id": "1250900157094338561", "reply_id": "1250900802396438528", "label": "hug", "text": "VIRTUAL HUGS ARMY 💜\nOMG IM GOING THROUGH IT"} {"idx": 6529, "original_id": "1250856197332168704", "reply_id": "1250862552453537792", "label": "awww", "text": "@dvsn DROPPING TONIGHT! Bout to make a baby 👀 @pheno92_"} {"idx": 6531, "original_id": "1250892054143664128", "reply_id": "1251028563027013636", "label": "idk", "text": "Anyone know what day it is?"} {"idx": 6532, "original_id": "1250846252125872128", "reply_id": "1251136189756817410", "label": "sigh", "text": "I'm 45, got East End heritage, in the blood West Ham Fan, and I don't like Pie, Mash & Liquor. There, I've finally said it."} {"idx": 6534, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251253527848128512", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 6536, "original_id": "1250831570031775745", "reply_id": "1250936347893907456", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all."} {"idx": 6539, "original_id": "1251000795534934016", "reply_id": "1251003247654993920", "label": "idk", "text": "I don’t get why people are so intimidated by me.. I’m harmless"} {"idx": 6540, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251140873628368896", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 6543, "original_id": "1251264523861987335", "reply_id": "1251275195891023872", "label": "wink", "text": "When @abdieeel12 makes you take a shot in Facebook live and now you’re lit at 5 pm😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 6546, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250865945029029897", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 6548, "original_id": "1250920181867708417", "reply_id": "1251117490383523843", "label": "ok", "text": "What’s your reaction when you get told DJM is more valuable than Hopkins and you’d have to add to Hopkins to get DJM? @DynastyFF_KyleM @TheBauerClub @BHartley4144 @McNamaraDynasty @DynastyTheoryFF"} {"idx": 6552, "original_id": "1250999058845577216", "reply_id": "1251000431318310912", "label": "yes", "text": "Holy shit! watching a Ron White 2004 Special & his joke about guys being kinda gay \n\nIS A Joe Exotic Tiger King PICK UP LINE!\n\n“When you watch porn do you like watchin the guy with a small dick or the guy with the big dick? \n\nBig dick\n\nWell you ain’t that straight then are you?”"} {"idx": 6554, "original_id": "1251027190499602433", "reply_id": "1251162320996188161", "label": "agree", "text": "I think this quarantine crap is starting to get to me 😑☹️"} {"idx": 6555, "original_id": "1251168389625675777", "reply_id": "1251168567636168707", "label": "shrug", "text": "@IAM_Laura9 Who is good at stock investments in MAGA world?"} {"idx": 6557, "original_id": "1251189701265907712", "reply_id": "1251244160478146560", "label": "shocked", "text": "Spirituality is the Neo-Soul of religion and astrology is the mumble rap of spirituality."} {"idx": 6560, "original_id": "1251137661911404545", "reply_id": "1251166319946485761", "label": "yes", "text": "You know, Peter MIGHT be tolerable if he was a baddie baddie and they had him be Faison-Like. I even think the actor could pull that off. Especially the mannerisms. Get him a cigarello and let him loose. Then, bury him under the stalls at Wyndemere #GH"} {"idx": 6561, "original_id": "1251095585052143617", "reply_id": "1251105995776045056", "label": "hug", "text": "Just got round to cancelling Lucy's pet insurance. and it's set me going again 💔"} {"idx": 6564, "original_id": "1251199775350886400", "reply_id": "1251202333985378305", "label": "smh", "text": "Grown men prefer crunchy peanut butter over creamy and there is no debate"} {"idx": 6566, "original_id": "1250822918726017024", "reply_id": "1250839408615452672", "label": "hug", "text": "give me hugs pls i need hugs"} {"idx": 6569, "original_id": "1250943742128750593", "reply_id": "1251016163326214144", "label": "scared", "text": "An important Turnbaugh family update: due to the recent change in weather, I have transitioned from sweatpants to sweatshorts. Thank you for understanding."} {"idx": 6570, "original_id": "1251086778355773440", "reply_id": "1251096609506471937", "label": "dance", "text": "Only ELITES are up right now 🥱"} {"idx": 6573, "original_id": "1251160809096409088", "reply_id": "1251237632610390019", "label": "applause", "text": "I think we should do a mean tweets segment with famous authors but instead they can read aloud lines from their meanest reviews. \n\nIt might help."} {"idx": 6574, "original_id": "1250710783962447872", "reply_id": "1250837423438704641", "label": "seriously", "text": "Strategy of the strategist was to give a strategy so that it could strategise the strategy of the strategiser. But the tragedy of the strategist was that the strategy couldn't be stratagised since the strategist actually didn't have a strategy. Did you understand the stratagy?:)"} {"idx": 6575, "original_id": "1251138000563601408", "reply_id": "1251251064055255040", "label": "agree", "text": "I know everyone loves her but I just don't care for Sonja. On the one hand she likes to play the ditz but she also thinks she's above everyone. Most of the time she just seems drug induced #rhony"} {"idx": 6578, "original_id": "1250960596406689793", "reply_id": "1250963045200719872", "label": "eww", "text": "Mr Christensen held his seat by a tight margin at the time of his many visits to the Philippines, he was re-elected at the May election last year with an 11.2 per cent swing towards him despite the controversy."} {"idx": 6580, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250945604542509061", "label": "popcorn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 6583, "original_id": "1250595251049422849", "reply_id": "1250841883024261120", "label": "wink", "text": "I hear summer is canceled. What happened? Did someone go through its old tweets?"} {"idx": 6584, "original_id": "1250931101905936384", "reply_id": "1250934452508717056", "label": "no", "text": "Hey guys! Let’s all listen to Christmas music!! Who’s with me?!?!"} {"idx": 6587, "original_id": "1251039769498275840", "reply_id": "1251040124302815234", "label": "high_five", "text": "IM GOLD 2 IN SIEGE BABYYY\nHAHAHA"} {"idx": 6589, "original_id": "1250831523105865728", "reply_id": "1250834321704988672", "label": "ok", "text": "Signed out from my corporate email account for the last time. As of right this very moment, I am @OpenTrainTimes and open for business!"} {"idx": 6591, "original_id": "1250882138729328641", "reply_id": "1250999916949692418", "label": "omg", "text": "My OBGYN texted me that they are now offering virtual visits.\n\nSo I guess they’re asking for pictures of my pussy now, too."} {"idx": 6592, "original_id": "1250968568260329473", "reply_id": "1250969463433953281", "label": "dance", "text": "I’ve met some of the coolest people on this app 😘"} {"idx": 6597, "original_id": "1250969226313109505", "reply_id": "1250970546453577728", "label": "no", "text": "CNN is reporting that Michael Cohen will serve out the rest of his prison sentence at home due to the pandemic. What do you think?"} {"idx": 6598, "original_id": "1250868183621414912", "reply_id": "1250869439207219202", "label": "hug", "text": "Just wanna take time shoutout a few special people who are always there for me. Seriously, i dont know where id be without you all. Yall are amazing, and I love you guys. ❤ 🥺\n@astareia_ \n@_SHESHY_1 \n@MalibuMarky \n@Nitalla \n@AnnialisXD \n@lifeeofbree\n@TreySpooky"} {"idx": 6599, "original_id": "1250998430446391296", "reply_id": "1251003175718420480", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I'm more excited for the collective watching of the MJ documentary, rather than the actual video itself. If that makes any sense."} {"idx": 6600, "original_id": "1250921124118106119", "reply_id": "1250922360217251848", "label": "yes", "text": "New video out tomorrow 🩸"} {"idx": 6603, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251073915205455874", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 6604, "original_id": "1250958916168581120", "reply_id": "1250959316577710082", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Quarantine is finally starting to affect my mental health. Awesome."} {"idx": 6609, "original_id": "1250955709610692608", "reply_id": "1250956613130878981", "label": "hug", "text": "Feeling useless and worthless rn. Good times..."} {"idx": 6613, "original_id": "1251155969192505349", "reply_id": "1251162636244226058", "label": "agree", "text": "lol tbh aftermovie prob just trying to give hero and jo some time to plan out how they’re gonna make their backgrounds of their corona video look different then one another’s lol I gotta go"} {"idx": 6616, "original_id": "1251260918358401024", "reply_id": "1251269062954569729", "label": "shocked", "text": "It's apparently #BatAppreciationDay. Because bats are for appreciating. Not eating."} {"idx": 6617, "original_id": "1250564566351777793", "reply_id": "1250872481230905344", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gathering in a crowd to protest social distancing seems like a really stupid idea during a pandemic"} {"idx": 6619, "original_id": "1251193365040947201", "reply_id": "1251194113355132930", "label": "oops", "text": "People who eat orange flavored chocolates are the devil."} {"idx": 6621, "original_id": "1251184602695307264", "reply_id": "1251246804605128705", "label": "applause", "text": "I find leftists including the liberal party that has morphed into some kind of a creature of socialism are particularly good at pointing fingers and warning of the center right, while they pick our pockets. Not sure what happened to the spine or intellect of Canadians."} {"idx": 6622, "original_id": "1250853369557721088", "reply_id": "1250890519833538560", "label": "please", "text": "Ok Peter is in 90% of the flashers today. Usually that means he character is going to die.\nFrom Wubsy's lips... \n#GH"} {"idx": 6623, "original_id": "1251130804543070211", "reply_id": "1251133063695872002", "label": "applause", "text": "My Liberal cousin asked me if I was pro gay. I said no. I'm not even amateur gay. Was their league cancelled too?"} {"idx": 6626, "original_id": "1251149960235462656", "reply_id": "1251222947982790656", "label": "smh", "text": "Imagine drowning and some bitch ass crab is singing you a song about how great life is under the water."} {"idx": 6628, "original_id": "1250818666121363456", "reply_id": "1251044834212827136", "label": "sigh", "text": "Disappointed that @dominicraab refuses to give us any hope or encouragement about as and what form the easing of the lockdown will take"} {"idx": 6632, "original_id": "1251172821776003072", "reply_id": "1251180000729948165", "label": "hug", "text": "For personal reasons, I will be laying in bed crying all day instead of working from home."} {"idx": 6634, "original_id": "1251251077326024710", "reply_id": "1251261505397456896", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Why can't I get factoring to stick in my brain 😑 SOS! open to all tips and tricks"} {"idx": 6635, "original_id": "1250838142254546946", "reply_id": "1250839684944662535", "label": "facepalm", "text": "i just purchased from sephora, $100 down, $1100 to go 🌚"} {"idx": 6636, "original_id": "1250921910579445761", "reply_id": "1250955121309224961", "label": "no", "text": "Let me out pls"} {"idx": 6637, "original_id": "1250628252487634945", "reply_id": "1251182463738617861", "label": "applause", "text": "being a victim of pure domestic violence..... but bouncing back from it.... i’m about to flourishhhhhh babyyyyyy 🦋"} {"idx": 6638, "original_id": "1250999684375560194", "reply_id": "1251000175314821123", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "You got some nerve dude ... you really do"} {"idx": 6644, "original_id": "1251207704044920832", "reply_id": "1251267864121749504", "label": "seriously", "text": "Thank you Netherlands & @hugodejonge for your support for a #COVID19 vaccine and to @WHO! Global citizens hope that the Netherlands will also continue to support @gavi and that other countries will follow your example and contribute to @CEPIvaccines 🙏"} {"idx": 6646, "original_id": "1250867613632278528", "reply_id": "1250868130588569600", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Yeah, I can safely say I'm not going to make another 3 weeks. #lockdownuk"} {"idx": 6647, "original_id": "1250829373671976961", "reply_id": "1250926505133301761", "label": "idk", "text": "@JonRothstein tell me one positive thing about Missouri basketball in the next 2 years"} {"idx": 6648, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251033559499804674", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 6650, "original_id": "1251216023111548928", "reply_id": "1251220346839040000", "label": "dance", "text": "the response to this is absolutely crazy. just got off the phone with Tim and rob, we’re like three little kids shouting out awesome ideas. beaming. we can’t wait to get started. thank you all so much."} {"idx": 6651, "original_id": "1251111905957154816", "reply_id": "1251136156173033472", "label": "yes", "text": "So, anyone know how the kids in cages are doing lately?"} {"idx": 6652, "original_id": "1250818961828016128", "reply_id": "1250834494422163457", "label": "applause", "text": "The first journalist who asks for any sort of exact date at the Coronavirus Press Conference tonight should be Red-Carded and shown the Exit door !......"} {"idx": 6655, "original_id": "1251011069243514880", "reply_id": "1251011720283172864", "label": "no", "text": "GOODNIGHT SAY IT BACK"} {"idx": 6656, "original_id": "1251004841813557250", "reply_id": "1251007464645906432", "label": "high_five", "text": "I've been naked all day"} {"idx": 6657, "original_id": "1250734659824041990", "reply_id": "1250971116933246982", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Chapter 51: The Ri–"} {"idx": 6665, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250884065525264384", "label": "smh", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 6668, "original_id": "1251117294132039681", "reply_id": "1251141147419910144", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Today is my 65th birthday and my son’s birthday. Yup I had my son on my birthday. Can I get your favorite GIF?"} {"idx": 6670, "original_id": "1250831293010587650", "reply_id": "1250832182073065474", "label": "yes", "text": "Waffle maker: do I need one?"} {"idx": 6672, "original_id": "1251025130299502592", "reply_id": "1251197121191174145", "label": "agree", "text": "kudos to all the men and their quarantine facial hair... I’m impressed and entranced. keep up the good work, you fuzzy ‘lil shapeshifters!"} {"idx": 6679, "original_id": "1250868578867277826", "reply_id": "1250906837618233346", "label": "agree", "text": "I change my clothes more frequently in Animal Crossing than in real life."} {"idx": 6683, "original_id": "1250931442256801792", "reply_id": "1250931737120645121", "label": "applause", "text": "There is ONLY ONE of me & that is my power"} {"idx": 6684, "original_id": "1250815247000260610", "reply_id": "1250854224252088321", "label": "agree", "text": "We should make a quarantine video where we sing a song asking celebrities to stop making quarantine videos of them singing songs."} {"idx": 6686, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251004005196550144", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 6690, "original_id": "1251143905292226560", "reply_id": "1251146995630141443", "label": "hug", "text": "The past few weeks I've been going through the worst, most soul-crushing family crisis of my entire life.\n\nI'm getting back to streaming finally today, raising some money for No Kid Hungry!\n\nThank you for your patience while I was AWOL.\n\nSee you all on stream!"} {"idx": 6691, "original_id": "1251001877090586624", "reply_id": "1251003393616809984", "label": "hug", "text": "Wow I was having a pretty good day and then the absence of you hit me like a ton of bricks so that’s cool too"} {"idx": 6693, "original_id": "1251132707595321344", "reply_id": "1251134270707507201", "label": "agree", "text": "You know what yeah I actually can't believe those people on Westminster Bridge did exactly the opposite of what would help the NHS just to clap for the NHS does it even make sense?"} {"idx": 6694, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251123080837107712", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 6696, "original_id": "1251135560745472001", "reply_id": "1251192384471404547", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Seeing the feedback and how much you’re loving Wastelanders and Fallout 76 has meant everything to us. \n\nIt’s been a long road, thanks for sticking with us and the game. We couldn’t do it without you."} {"idx": 6698, "original_id": "1251023528284942336", "reply_id": "1251026644657111041", "label": "thank_you", "text": "All these music brackets have taught me is we really need to teach people about seeding."} {"idx": 6700, "original_id": "1251184338579812353", "reply_id": "1251192227805741057", "label": "shocked", "text": "DVSN album is ok...it’s not trash but it ain’t🔥lmaooo🤣"} {"idx": 6701, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251231042788179969", "label": "yes", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 6705, "original_id": "1250948399131529217", "reply_id": "1250948687611736065", "label": "applause", "text": "Obama wore a tan suit.\n\nDonald Trump has gotten 33,000+ Americans killed.\n\nSign us all back up for the Black president."} {"idx": 6706, "original_id": "1250998077898489856", "reply_id": "1250998768499032065", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "You know what comes next. $link goes up or down. You heard it here first."} {"idx": 6709, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1250971292007665664", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 6711, "original_id": "1250848823540400129", "reply_id": "1250849678045974528", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Now I’ve got shit to do today so leave me alone, I’ll out troll you anyways"} {"idx": 6713, "original_id": "1250865799587401729", "reply_id": "1250882038560776192", "label": "yes", "text": "Filth"} {"idx": 6714, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1251144461091926018", "label": "applause", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 6716, "original_id": "1251258801476550656", "reply_id": "1251267543295238144", "label": "agree", "text": "Bears releasing Trey Burton, per source."} {"idx": 6718, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251238935201812480", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 6724, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251142161564708866", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 6727, "original_id": "1250826254342926339", "reply_id": "1250840724662337537", "label": "yes", "text": "my next nigga won’t have social media . idgaf"} {"idx": 6732, "original_id": "1250912690941440007", "reply_id": "1250912914594136065", "label": "hug", "text": "I haven’t seen my boyfriend in 2 months (army). There have been 2 opportunities that he could have come home that have been ruined. I have no idea when I will see him next because of the virus. And I have a mountain of homework that is just making it worse 😔"} {"idx": 6734, "original_id": "1251229480946995200", "reply_id": "1251230491052777478", "label": "hug", "text": "Why I am so forking... Why am I like this?\n\nlol."} {"idx": 6742, "original_id": "1251016271224639488", "reply_id": "1251021449327853568", "label": "shocked", "text": "This is a 10:14 PM PST tweet\n\nDo cowboy furries say “Yiffie ki yay” or—"} {"idx": 6743, "original_id": "1250841342319775744", "reply_id": "1251034617278271489", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "To be a Sunderland fan right now must feel like.....\n\nFinish The Sentence with a GIF🤣\n#NUFC #NUFCtakeover #cans #toon"} {"idx": 6746, "original_id": "1251192420756267012", "reply_id": "1251195727159721993", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Cody and Linnsey are the funniest people i know"} {"idx": 6751, "original_id": "1251122604083200001", "reply_id": "1251173405723951105", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I miss basketball so much man.. \nThe other day, I FaceTimed my ex just to see a three"} {"idx": 6756, "original_id": "1250842101945970703", "reply_id": "1250846513514917889", "label": "seriously", "text": "I gained so much weight I broke my bed😡"} {"idx": 6757, "original_id": "1250948796894400520", "reply_id": "1251009278472785920", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Guys vacuum sealed means a dick in every hole okay. For those asking.."} {"idx": 6758, "original_id": "1250917035636293638", "reply_id": "1250921242292563968", "label": "please", "text": "You'll be with me wherever I go❤️"} {"idx": 6761, "original_id": "1251179787676192768", "reply_id": "1251227137740283904", "label": "applause", "text": "Hey all! I'm taking over @washingtonian's Instagram today, check it out and get a peek into my day-to-day working under quarantine!"} {"idx": 6762, "original_id": "1250890976429776898", "reply_id": "1250971185397071872", "label": "agree", "text": ".@realDonaldTrump has done more for black Americans than any other President in modern history.\n\nWould a “racist” do that?"} {"idx": 6765, "original_id": "1251246235056513029", "reply_id": "1251246486765125635", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just did the entire Blood of the Dead Easter Egg on Hardcore.\n\nWith only an Essex and a Talisman for Claymores.\n\nWhat is wrong with me?"} {"idx": 6766, "original_id": "1250883619364765697", "reply_id": "1250900467825012736", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "i can’t date cute guys I like them a little ugly i dont know it’s always been my thing"} {"idx": 6767, "original_id": "1251143287718608898", "reply_id": "1251175217596190723", "label": "applause", "text": "We know Trump's signature will be on the stimulus checks.\n\nBut wouldn't it be fun as hell to watch the snowflakes melt down if they were to put his beautiful face on them too?!?!\n\nIt would be the meltdown of the century!😂😂"} {"idx": 6768, "original_id": "1250777255577636865", "reply_id": "1250952076865257473", "label": "want", "text": "4: Dad wanna play with me??\n\nMe: Yeah when I finish my coffee I will\n\n4: *gestures at my coffee* Well then drink it.....it's right fuckin there!!\n\nMe:"} {"idx": 6769, "original_id": "1251026374967451648", "reply_id": "1251096239422275584", "label": "agree", "text": "It is Friday, April 17, 2020. One citizen, I call for the removal from office by any legal means, the impeached fascist Donald J Trump as President of the United States. Please RT fellow citizens and pass it on. #Resist #TheResistance @realDonaldTrump #TrumpPandemic"} {"idx": 6770, "original_id": "1250969927164538883", "reply_id": "1250989553931956224", "label": "win", "text": "To let you know. It's my birthday."} {"idx": 6773, "original_id": "1250837684089577472", "reply_id": "1250906135500148744", "label": "agree", "text": "How are you doing emotionally? How are you handling everything?\n\nMe.. not great. I try every morning to start the day off well, but I feel the joy and whimsy of life has been sucked out of me and I am completely incapable. I hope you’re all ok 😣💕"} {"idx": 6774, "original_id": "1250808598122369024", "reply_id": "1250861315708596225", "label": "shocked", "text": "Igbo people are actually the most peaceful and accommodating set of people in Nigeria."} {"idx": 6776, "original_id": "1251237200701739008", "reply_id": "1251237299888652288", "label": "yolo", "text": "I hate when I type “NO RAGRETS” and people assume I can’t spell."} {"idx": 6778, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251180393228840962", "label": "popcorn", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 6780, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251080889796190210", "label": "shocked", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 6784, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250855985943633921", "label": "smh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 6788, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251036788220547072", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 6790, "original_id": "1250856037239779328", "reply_id": "1250876776944820224", "label": "hug", "text": "It's weird\nI see you responding\nBut I feel like\nNo one gets me\nOr sees me\nWhen I know you do\n\nAnd no this is not a poem\n\nIt's just me\nFeeling\nAgain"} {"idx": 6791, "original_id": "1251216671160729601", "reply_id": "1251216826018811904", "label": "please", "text": "pouty face"} {"idx": 6794, "original_id": "1250872017248813057", "reply_id": "1250885430792380424", "label": "shocked", "text": "Exclusive: Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis. [@SamiMokbel81_DM]"} {"idx": 6795, "original_id": "1251235069617942533", "reply_id": "1251235762600914948", "label": "applause", "text": "When you become so rich that you forget what it’s like to be poor, you need to get your head examined."} {"idx": 6796, "original_id": "1251109647613861889", "reply_id": "1251110086417752064", "label": "dance", "text": "Summary:\nStaunton at Butlins.\nEnckelman, Wright, Alpay to start.\nBalaban injured.\n@JohnGregory77 confused when reading his tweets but will hopefully be a good sport and reply.\n\nThank you.\n\n#ChampManFPL @FantasyChampMan"} {"idx": 6797, "original_id": "1250872050220257280", "reply_id": "1250997174961238016", "label": "yes", "text": "Although still at home, I put big ass earrings in today, and suddenly I felt more like myself than I had in weeks. \n\nMakes me wonder if clean clothes might make a difference too."} {"idx": 6798, "original_id": "1250857252225003522", "reply_id": "1251063266035535872", "label": "smh", "text": "Fox News interrupted the President thanking America's truck drivers to bring on Donna Brazile and to talk about Obama and Biden.. \n\nLet that sink in.."} {"idx": 6799, "original_id": "1250810220080578560", "reply_id": "1250915634449272832", "label": "awww", "text": "@KTRTRS Sir a sincere query: Any thoughts on opening barber shops or salons post 20 Apr? My wife is eager to try her hand on haircut and if that happens I have a strong feeling I'll need to stay home even after the lockdown is lifted!😳"} {"idx": 6800, "original_id": "1250613447361847297", "reply_id": "1250945340577996801", "label": "scared", "text": "That lil Benito dude ate my ass"} {"idx": 6802, "original_id": "1251139188671430657", "reply_id": "1251169715323408384", "label": "omg", "text": "Was @realDonaldTrump Manufactured in a lab? No real human being can be so devoid of basic feelings.\n\nDo you agree? 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️"} {"idx": 6803, "original_id": "1250844531190378504", "reply_id": "1250844690930446340", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Zion Willamson made millions bc he played at Duke (not even including what he was paid to play at Duke)\n\nLet him make some of that money while he is there and the problem will solve itself. It’s up to the NCAA to wake up"} {"idx": 6806, "original_id": "1250954351725641731", "reply_id": "1250956468230090752", "label": "agree", "text": "FLASH LIFETIME GIVEAWAY \n\nOne random comment will win a lifetime key 🔑 \n(Current members eligible) \n\nYou have 15 minutes! GO!!! 🚨"} {"idx": 6813, "original_id": "1250901503960891392", "reply_id": "1250902559373565955", "label": "ok", "text": "moms cult leader believes speaking in tongues makes u immune to corona"} {"idx": 6815, "original_id": "1251212339917066240", "reply_id": "1251212754406514689", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just realized the saying is quote unquote when ur saying what someone says I thought it was quote on quote"} {"idx": 6817, "original_id": "1250856379805503488", "reply_id": "1250858210497609728", "label": "hug", "text": "Today started off good, now i just want to curl up in a hole"} {"idx": 6818, "original_id": "1250959502830186500", "reply_id": "1250960070822653953", "label": "hug", "text": "holy shit i’m LONELY"} {"idx": 6821, "original_id": "1250602718152003584", "reply_id": "1250877052766601216", "label": "seriously", "text": "I hate kids."} {"idx": 6823, "original_id": "1251192301495504900", "reply_id": "1251226902741819392", "label": "applause", "text": "I guess this is me quitting"} {"idx": 6826, "original_id": "1250598290292383745", "reply_id": "1250939682306883584", "label": "agree", "text": "Would you go Trent Williams for OJ Howard straight up? #HTTR"} {"idx": 6828, "original_id": "1251119068767227909", "reply_id": "1251161810553630720", "label": "hug", "text": "4th shift by myself..."} {"idx": 6829, "original_id": "1250818552124203011", "reply_id": "1250835971744002048", "label": "agree", "text": "The effect of Uddhav Thackeray is that Devgan has stopped doing the show.\n\n Sharma is praising Muslim leaders for doing crowd control.\n\n Sardana has seen improvement.\n\n Liyakat is telling how the Muslims shoulder the meaning of a Hindu.\n\n#Thanks_Uddhav_Thackeray"} {"idx": 6832, "original_id": "1251053901781979137", "reply_id": "1251054873275011073", "label": "no", "text": "should i text him back"} {"idx": 6835, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251099290086174721", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 6836, "original_id": "1251144175933747200", "reply_id": "1251177576887959552", "label": "shocked", "text": "i just licked chocolate off of my phone screen. \n\nit wasn’t chocolate."} {"idx": 6837, "original_id": "1250678262000349186", "reply_id": "1251180973313622023", "label": "agree", "text": "sucking his fingers after he gets done fingering you >>>>"} {"idx": 6839, "original_id": "1251214084399341568", "reply_id": "1251232019058753538", "label": "shrug", "text": "If your children are misbehaving or loud while you're trying to work or are on a call, recognize the situation for what it is: proof that you have been a poor parent who inspires zero obedience or discipline.\n\nYour children are a reflection of you. Their failures are yours."} {"idx": 6840, "original_id": "1250764549273370625", "reply_id": "1250908090691715073", "label": "smh", "text": "Ppl still defending #RKelly? He legit has child porn all over his computer! He was legit fuckin 13-16 yr olds! The jury kept letting him go, the jury in Chicago kept letting all those black girls down! If those girls were white it wouldn’t have took 30yrs 🤷🏾‍♀️ period"} {"idx": 6841, "original_id": "1251097027078959105", "reply_id": "1251147700407463936", "label": "smh", "text": "I really hope @Oprah speaks about the dangerous statements by @DrPhil and @DrOz WE need her voice."} {"idx": 6847, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251033842778951680", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 6848, "original_id": "1251205339455852544", "reply_id": "1251258461712777216", "label": "please", "text": "Confirmed: Prep baseball and softball remain suspended. Not canceled."} {"idx": 6851, "original_id": "1251191953821257729", "reply_id": "1251224819305197573", "label": "good_luck", "text": "No Jokes...\n\n500 Airtime for the person that comment and did not get reply"} {"idx": 6852, "original_id": "1250920753228386304", "reply_id": "1251029878499147777", "label": "hug", "text": "By the way there are too many of you to tag and you already know who you are but thank you Monster Kids/Twitter friends/ fellow shut ins for interacting with me these past weeks. All joking aside aside you’ve kept me (kind of) sane and I sincerely thank you all for your kindness!"} {"idx": 6856, "original_id": "1250964894716801025", "reply_id": "1250965535875104770", "label": "thank_you", "text": "\"JuSt Go PlAy ThE oRiGiNaL\"\n\nYou know how dumb you sound every time you say that?\n\nNobody is upset because there are changes, they like the good changes & dislike the shit ones. It's that simple.\n\nJust because something is different doesn't automatically make it good. Jfc."} {"idx": 6857, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250891324066279426", "label": "eww", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 6859, "original_id": "1250955619252736002", "reply_id": "1250956278928756739", "label": "agree", "text": "is hulu down"} {"idx": 6860, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251182590721093633", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 6864, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250888684045340674", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 6866, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251246385057263616", "label": "no", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 6868, "original_id": "1250858278554423297", "reply_id": "1250981956654895104", "label": "scared", "text": "I like ketchup"} {"idx": 6870, "original_id": "1250809911107174401", "reply_id": "1250838072390037506", "label": "omg", "text": "u ever get hit by the realization that jimin's only 22 and she's a sunbaenim to a good half of the industry, her POWER"} {"idx": 6873, "original_id": "1251040856875786240", "reply_id": "1251084549259268096", "label": "awww", "text": "This is the best time for believers to become non-believers. #coronavirus"} {"idx": 6875, "original_id": "1250757794892046337", "reply_id": "1250921027342946314", "label": "no", "text": "I bought a Cricut. This is a paper crafting account now."} {"idx": 6879, "original_id": "1251074966658965504", "reply_id": "1251168299221692418", "label": "no", "text": "Ok\nOwn up?\nWho voted for Starmer and Rayner?"} {"idx": 6880, "original_id": "1251200571413012481", "reply_id": "1251240213399158788", "label": "hug", "text": "i rlly need a human hug rn"} {"idx": 6883, "original_id": "1251130486673403915", "reply_id": "1251261104858099712", "label": "applause", "text": "I just gave myself a hickey 😔"} {"idx": 6887, "original_id": "1251195346887290882", "reply_id": "1251195838782734339", "label": "yes", "text": "I dreamed about Spider-Twitter. We were all hanging out together & having an awesome time. Then a certain notorious someone showed up & we took him down. That was such a wild dream!"} {"idx": 6889, "original_id": "1251199083462758400", "reply_id": "1251243789055909888", "label": "idk", "text": "When the U.S. alerted Israel and NATO about the coronavirus IN NOVEMBER -- why did Trump not tell us so we could prepare? Why did he not tell the governors so they could prepare?"} {"idx": 6890, "original_id": "1250868828894101507", "reply_id": "1250870797071237130", "label": "shocked", "text": "I TELL YOU I HAVE 4 DILDOS IN MY ASS AND YOU LEFT ME ON READ\n\nWHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?"} {"idx": 6893, "original_id": "1250865919473209344", "reply_id": "1250870679378984960", "label": "sigh", "text": "The fact that there are at least 6 shops a 10-15 min walk from me selling plantain. We tenk God!! 🙏🏾 💫"} {"idx": 6894, "original_id": "1250841235687976961", "reply_id": "1250848761104011265", "label": "smh", "text": "Tell me what a Trump U Medical School would look like. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 6896, "original_id": "1250945696129118209", "reply_id": "1250978021496012801", "label": "hug", "text": "Feel completely broken. Being stuck in bedroom is bringing everything back. Realizing that I am just as damaged as before. None of the work I’ve done has changed anything, I’m a five year old girl again being held captive in her room. Nothing feels safe. Can’t do this anymore."} {"idx": 6897, "original_id": "1251216970550149120", "reply_id": "1251217591831494658", "label": "hug", "text": "I know I'm making the right choice here, but I really hate that things came to this.\n\nHaving to separate my kids from my family and end my careers because adults couldn't act like adults.\n\nI'm struggling today."} {"idx": 6901, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250875737512476678", "label": "shrug", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 6902, "original_id": "1250837673914310658", "reply_id": "1250845228048830465", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "To all single individuals reading this post including YY!, please plan to get married. I have heard Mutahi Kagwe severally emphasizing that this virus is a threat to every single Kenyan. 😎 is it Alai. #BringBackKTN"} {"idx": 6904, "original_id": "1251259287608995845", "reply_id": "1251259518039863296", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm crying, hug me 👉🏻👈🏻🥺"} {"idx": 6912, "original_id": "1249835771386908672", "reply_id": "1251226900439146496", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Send me some Roblox memes"} {"idx": 6915, "original_id": "1251028012243521542", "reply_id": "1251105107497943041", "label": "applause", "text": "Zim women are lost. Look @ their female influencers\n\nJojo Tank - hid her HIV status to her ex husband\nYellowbone - rose to prominence with a sextape\nVulgar Queen - hosted a divorce party\nDJ (d🍆ck jockey) - multiple baby daddies\nCrying Cougar - always crying about young men"} {"idx": 6916, "original_id": "1250850592865599488", "reply_id": "1250854852684648448", "label": "applause", "text": "bro I'm,,,,,,,,,,,,, so fucking confused my mind is blown"} {"idx": 6918, "original_id": "1251124787688005633", "reply_id": "1251143869787328514", "label": "agree", "text": "Being trustworthy, keeping your word, honoring your promises and telling the truth, those are the virtues that set you above the crowd.Theres always a place for an honest man.\nLets all make the day count."} {"idx": 6919, "original_id": "1251032914265092096", "reply_id": "1251049562011303936", "label": "ok", "text": "Damn I miss my girlfriend 😪"} {"idx": 6921, "original_id": "1251163276194443267", "reply_id": "1251192982352597003", "label": "yawn", "text": "I’m excited for this #BANGBANCON but I know it’s going to be hard to stay up becuase of work this week. 😫 I need this! @BTS_twt"} {"idx": 6924, "original_id": "1250999140970045443", "reply_id": "1251005266276937728", "label": "no", "text": "Is it The For The @Panthers To Change Their Keeppounding Slogan ? @ThePanthersWire @CatScratchReadr @CatCraveBlog @wfnz @FoxSportsCLT @TheAthleticCAR #NFL #panthers #panthersnation #panthersfan #football #carolina #BreakingNews #BREAKING #sports #NFLDraft #slogan"} {"idx": 6925, "original_id": "1250779542752382976", "reply_id": "1250875406938341376", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Bro at this point i will literally pay someone a living wage, suck their toes and feed them grapes to catch 100 fish in a row for me on animal crossing. This shit is breaking my soul"} {"idx": 6926, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250911110955446272", "label": "eww", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 6929, "original_id": "1251249708548468738", "reply_id": "1251250276021014530", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Semi-finals announcement tomorrow night! These entries are some of the best we've seen. Nice work!"} {"idx": 6931, "original_id": "1251072985227644930", "reply_id": "1251235605838790657", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Shakespeare was a Black Woman."} {"idx": 6933, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251220618290368517", "label": "shrug", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 6935, "original_id": "1250895370844061696", "reply_id": "1250923753170763777", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Work gave me a special project to tackle (ie: an assignment wide open for interpretation) and it’s in this moment that I realize; I talk a good game but I truthfully barely know what I’m doing. 😳 #sendhelp"} {"idx": 6937, "original_id": "1251146897550651392", "reply_id": "1251153277468635136", "label": "no", "text": "Premier League clubs remain united in their desire to finish the season, but the controversial proposal of completing the campaign by June 30 was not raised in Friday's meeting."} {"idx": 6947, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250989010228477954", "label": "facepalm", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 6950, "original_id": "1250609648970772481", "reply_id": "1250855363282440198", "label": "hug", "text": "I took things for granted before this lockdown. I miss hugs."} {"idx": 6952, "original_id": "1250949647054647296", "reply_id": "1250951511359860736", "label": "oops", "text": "my man is really gonna send me a picture of salma hayek and continue to lie to me que yo soy mas buena like shut up lmfao"} {"idx": 6953, "original_id": "1250835465093222406", "reply_id": "1250839987425345536", "label": "smh", "text": "I would have sworn that \"chuk\" is an English word.. people..😩\n\nFor example if I say \"I'll chuk you\" that's correct right? Right? Right?\n\nAm I losing my mind?😩😩"} {"idx": 6960, "original_id": "1251260949811662848", "reply_id": "1251263528750768130", "label": "agree", "text": "We as the UFS students are not okay"} {"idx": 6961, "original_id": "1250887315670605825", "reply_id": "1250923463411458050", "label": "applause", "text": "This isn't really on topic, but I used a SON quote in a real conversation today. The person I was talking to mentioned normalcy. I said Whatever people consider normal... it mever is."} {"idx": 6962, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251263931223433216", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 6963, "original_id": "1251200739118104579", "reply_id": "1251245591859884032", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Someone has been stealing wheels off of police cars. Police have been working tirelessly to catch the culprit. \n\n@Social_Moi @allantaylor"} {"idx": 6967, "original_id": "1250888378276438016", "reply_id": "1250920691769040897", "label": "no", "text": "I can’t believe that I finally want to buy a switch and I can’t find them anywhere"} {"idx": 6971, "original_id": "1250869777146482690", "reply_id": "1250871398681231360", "label": "yes", "text": "Let’s call them what they are: Job-Killing Democrats.\n\nBy objecting to more #PaycheckProtectionProgram funding, they are putting millions of Americans out of work.\n\nNancy, step away from the fancy refrigerator and help our small businesses!"} {"idx": 6973, "original_id": "1250576623063175175", "reply_id": "1250837191611252738", "label": "yes", "text": "I just made more coffee with the French press cuz I’m addicted"} {"idx": 6976, "original_id": "1251189771881246720", "reply_id": "1251220385280012295", "label": "applause", "text": "I knew it was coming. Andrew Cuomo finally lost his shit on Trump and slapped the living hell out of him and it is glorious. Donald Trump will be leaking Adderall today."} {"idx": 6980, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250959969790431233", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 6981, "original_id": "1251146465583325186", "reply_id": "1251203495245553664", "label": "eww", "text": "How do I get a date with @machinegunkelly I need to know"} {"idx": 6985, "original_id": "1250971518307368961", "reply_id": "1250976012843835395", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want to give everyone on here a big hug and let you all know how valid and worthy you are of love and happiness"} {"idx": 6986, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251233508481093632", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 6989, "original_id": "1250988261956337664", "reply_id": "1251100549195485184", "label": "good_luck", "text": "First bad brain day since this thing started. I miss actually seeing the world and my friends"} {"idx": 6991, "original_id": "1251196071348445185", "reply_id": "1251196678666936321", "label": "yolo", "text": "I regret to report that while purchasing a single crochet hook online, I broke my yarn diet and bought a shitload of cheap yarn."} {"idx": 6993, "original_id": "1251097029528428544", "reply_id": "1251100125927280640", "label": "applause", "text": "Can you let Ben Fogle know it’s my birthday on June 8th."} {"idx": 6994, "original_id": "1250853561715613699", "reply_id": "1250985991365484546", "label": "oops", "text": "Ever find a fruit fly and be like WHERE DID YOU EVEN COME FROM."} {"idx": 6996, "original_id": "1251030639727411201", "reply_id": "1251263294607949825", "label": "want", "text": "ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ᵒᵛᵉʳ ʷᵉ’ˡˡ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ\nᵗᵃᵏᵉ ʰᵘᵍˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵍʳᵃⁿᵗᵉᵈ ᵃᵍᵃᶦⁿ"} {"idx": 6997, "original_id": "1251205388927721472", "reply_id": "1251269626597695490", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "They approved my homegirl for food stamps and gave her $6😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 IRS pa con wont?"} {"idx": 6999, "original_id": "1250917967765872645", "reply_id": "1250948777118138368", "label": "ok", "text": "Go fuck yourself"} {"idx": 7000, "original_id": "1250797684983607296", "reply_id": "1251135696531849216", "label": "sigh", "text": "If 2020 was a gif, what gif would it be?"} {"idx": 7001, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251234617199333376", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 7003, "original_id": "1250975262788861952", "reply_id": "1250975766419996672", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "1 to 3 inches of additional snowfall are possible in the Omaha and Lincoln Metros through 1 AM!"} {"idx": 7005, "original_id": "1250910191639543809", "reply_id": "1250911964991234048", "label": "smh", "text": "how do you say, “I want to sit on your face” without saying it ? IM TWEETING INTO EXISTENCE !"} {"idx": 7006, "original_id": "1251222478355128321", "reply_id": "1251256921501446155", "label": "agree", "text": "Because of the recent Gridiron Crossplay ladder news, I have to say this - You can play Gears on whatever platform you wish, but until you take the leap and play it on PC, controller or not, you'll NEVER know how great the game feels.\n\nPC should be the future of Gears"} {"idx": 7008, "original_id": "1247933272501477377", "reply_id": "1251001066327429122", "label": "applause", "text": "The strongest argument for socialism is that it sounds good. The strongest argument against socialism is that it doesn't work. But those who live by words will always have a soft spot in their hearts for socialism because it sounds so good."} {"idx": 7011, "original_id": "1251110614015098881", "reply_id": "1251113521682812928", "label": "shocked", "text": "Remember djibril cisse? I had the biggest crush on that man"} {"idx": 7015, "original_id": "1250912518387585025", "reply_id": "1250919486284353536", "label": "high_five", "text": "Uh, hi! Yes, can I try an edm follow train? I’m selfish and want all the friends pls... RT, like, comment ?\n👉🏻👈🏻"} {"idx": 7017, "original_id": "1251134712615186433", "reply_id": "1251135716706451458", "label": "no", "text": "Also shoutout to everyone whose day will now be bogged down by a rewatch and evaluation of the 2015 Michigan State game. My morning is already shot."} {"idx": 7019, "original_id": "1251139393097736192", "reply_id": "1251145015125880834", "label": "kiss", "text": "cute date idea: take a Polaroid of me sucking your dick to keep in your wallet 🥰"} {"idx": 7021, "original_id": "1250865010978349057", "reply_id": "1250869089674944519", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Third win of the season! 😎 GG's to @factgamingde\n ! We take the win 7-3 #R6NC"} {"idx": 7022, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251236815874465794", "label": "hearts", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 7023, "original_id": "1250964307262791685", "reply_id": "1250973764969541633", "label": "wink", "text": "Hint hint motherfucker."} {"idx": 7025, "original_id": "1250968321303904256", "reply_id": "1251157684214063106", "label": "sorry", "text": "Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me🥵"} {"idx": 7026, "original_id": "1250634144968773632", "reply_id": "1250849199987593216", "label": "shocked", "text": "I want a gf :/ taking applications 🥰"} {"idx": 7027, "original_id": "1251254721601363969", "reply_id": "1251260216026562561", "label": "please", "text": "Hey @joejonas, should be seeing you in Vegas with all my friends tonight, but since I’m not, it’d be reallllyyyy great if you could give one of us #joestambo 💙💙 @BayAreaJonas @itsAnnaLovee @MelissaAnne_x3 @woaahitsfrances @tiffthesniff @rudegirl672 @lexifercat @Iinesnvines"} {"idx": 7028, "original_id": "1251215876235419650", "reply_id": "1251216887167496196", "label": "agree", "text": "M.i is a big fool \nA big fool\nWhy will he come out and say that kind of thing about sarz\nHe literally broke the guy code, if there a pinch of truth in that"} {"idx": 7029, "original_id": "1250954746174857217", "reply_id": "1251022306161201153", "label": "applause", "text": "This is big:\n\nDemocrats are laying out our $30 billion plan for a comprehensive national testing strategy\n\nand major new investments that bolster the supply and manufacturing chain, and significantly expand free testing for all, reporting, and contact tracing."} {"idx": 7032, "original_id": "1250945040983166978", "reply_id": "1250950742514503680", "label": "high_five", "text": "if anybody is the straight version of me, it’s undoubtedly @garvinali_"} {"idx": 7034, "original_id": "1250852151863078919", "reply_id": "1250860485244674049", "label": "sigh", "text": "And to think we were supposed to be in Vegas this weekend @hmommaerts @DJTraxi @darwinisms721 @BSantiago_01 @sol23soul @chocolateearper @winniepooh190"} {"idx": 7036, "original_id": "1251190686835027968", "reply_id": "1251191413364031489", "label": "applause", "text": "I don’t know who needs to hear this, but staying together in an unhappy relationship ‘for the kids’ fucks the kids up worse than breaking up."} {"idx": 7037, "original_id": "1250871257429614592", "reply_id": "1250873425171636224", "label": "wink", "text": "Door dash but instead it’s called Whore dash and it’s just the women of Twitter coming over."} {"idx": 7043, "original_id": "1250963631187034113", "reply_id": "1250976471331602433", "label": "shocked", "text": "National horny day my ass its national horny month"} {"idx": 7044, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251140209527230465", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 7047, "original_id": "1250918095427960834", "reply_id": "1250918648828563457", "label": "yes", "text": "Why does #DrFauci always backpedaling on his truth?\n\nIs he being forced to?\n\n #PressBriefing"} {"idx": 7049, "original_id": "1250921010041425920", "reply_id": "1250921858343428096", "label": "no", "text": "Trump: There's not going to be a new normal where somebody with an 158-seat restaurant now has to have 30; they're going to be 158 seats, and that's going to happen relatively quickly, and we want a normal with 100K fans back at Alabama football games."} {"idx": 7050, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250909903247605760", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 7051, "original_id": "1250920818965651456", "reply_id": "1250943348204089344", "label": "no", "text": "So, are we all falling in love all over again with our spouses?"} {"idx": 7053, "original_id": "1250927152276672512", "reply_id": "1250992486807412739", "label": "wink", "text": "Fellas..\n\nWould you fuck a lady if she told her man was going to be in the room watching?\n\nLike he wouldn't join AT all, he just likes to watch his lady get fucked..\n\nWould you do it?"} {"idx": 7055, "original_id": "1251240801805402112", "reply_id": "1251241720341241858", "label": "agree", "text": "At this point of the quarantine I begin to accept the fact that I will be socially awkward for the rest of my life."} {"idx": 7058, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251256051820687365", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 7059, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251183995913568256", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 7060, "original_id": "1251150594196140036", "reply_id": "1251270939045703680", "label": "awww", "text": "I know Robyn probably gave Juan her $1,200."} {"idx": 7061, "original_id": "1250829348338270215", "reply_id": "1250853314708639744", "label": "hearts", "text": "I won't apologize for being a woman\nwho loves sex."} {"idx": 7064, "original_id": "1250892971530022912", "reply_id": "1250923911228862471", "label": "win", "text": "I applied for a job I want yesterday... like really want. It will give me skills I need. It will enable me to save the way we want... you name it and it feels positive. It suits my personality.. I'm nervous, I'm excited... wish me luck."} {"idx": 7070, "original_id": "1250951299060740098", "reply_id": "1251014744560955392", "label": "agree", "text": "California is the 5th largest economy in the WORLD. The United States will open again when @GavinNewsom decides it is safe.\nTrump has no say in the matter. 💙"} {"idx": 7075, "original_id": "1251172948813197313", "reply_id": "1251173788236034048", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just remembered that I wore box braids to a school function one time and my principal said I looked like the Predator 🥱"} {"idx": 7077, "original_id": "1251249829960912896", "reply_id": "1251266048554405889", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve had covid 19 off and on about 8 times in the last month... some might call these allergies ... I block those people"} {"idx": 7078, "original_id": "1251145409654743041", "reply_id": "1251145966045913088", "label": "yes", "text": "Bob Quinn when asked if he currently has offers on table for the #3 pick: “I never go into conversations I have with other teams”. #Lions"} {"idx": 7080, "original_id": "1250952054995996672", "reply_id": "1250989799936102401", "label": "agree", "text": "I may be a minority in this country but at least I’ll never have to worry about being related to slave owners."} {"idx": 7083, "original_id": "1250979900640694273", "reply_id": "1250981377849339904", "label": "agree", "text": "@Clawquals @AgroFTW are gonna pop off in heats"} {"idx": 7085, "original_id": "1251046785184751616", "reply_id": "1251230809798987776", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "there are??? people out there??? who have??? Harry Styles??? as their contact??? and can call, text and facetime??? him anytime???"} {"idx": 7089, "original_id": "1250917535257509890", "reply_id": "1250993085041049600", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lord y’all 😖😖😖 idek how to react . So me and this guy been texting for a while and he was like he gotta tell me something so y’all tell me why THIS DUDE IS GAY😤 like GAY LIKES MEN AND GONNA SAY I JIST WANTED TO SEE IF I STILL GOT IT . Lord please stop playing with me"} {"idx": 7090, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251005747925667840", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 7091, "original_id": "1250771021268992002", "reply_id": "1251089375477108738", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Fascism is not difference of opinion."} {"idx": 7093, "original_id": "1250855283326439427", "reply_id": "1250856078717251585", "label": "applause", "text": "T\nO\nM\nP\nA"} {"idx": 7094, "original_id": "1251197010570629120", "reply_id": "1251205728192229376", "label": "omg", "text": "Fuck. It's hurt."} {"idx": 7098, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250910273122140161", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 7101, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250933369241849856", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 7102, "original_id": "1250518264859357185", "reply_id": "1250874820352339968", "label": "yes", "text": "A Captain’s log is just a poop that hasn’t been deemed Major."} {"idx": 7103, "original_id": "1251218810289479687", "reply_id": "1251219220597108738", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If you love something set it free. If it come back to you its yours. If it doesn't, you are an asshole."} {"idx": 7104, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230987436130304", "label": "applause", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 7105, "original_id": "1250953919922085889", "reply_id": "1250954125262585857", "label": "scared", "text": "Just saw that it's National Horny Day.\nLiterally nothing has changed for me."} {"idx": 7106, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251259645122850816", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 7108, "original_id": "1250976714148192256", "reply_id": "1250977676854206465", "label": "seriously", "text": "Day 30 something of sheltering in place and I’ve found my first gray hair. Makes sense."} {"idx": 7109, "original_id": "1251182608236544003", "reply_id": "1251183333503107077", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "We heard it’s national haiku day so we gave it our best shot. Let us know what you think \n\nRoses can be pink \nViolets are really purple \nGive me baseball back \n\nwe were not hired on our ability to write poems"} {"idx": 7111, "original_id": "1251214509647237120", "reply_id": "1251234768513097733", "label": "hug", "text": "Whether its internet problems or literally twitch just having troubles with people going I hate it sooo much when my content is affected by things not in my control, its like Im letting people down and I cant even do anything about it :("} {"idx": 7113, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251093757954609152", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 7118, "original_id": "1251248829913071631", "reply_id": "1251253477373870082", "label": "yes", "text": "Feeling SUPER inspired, maybe it's time to record some demos for a second Acoustic EP from yours truly. This time I actually own good speakers and headphones 😂"} {"idx": 7119, "original_id": "1251241873877811200", "reply_id": "1251252872223866880", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I need to overdose on inspiration"} {"idx": 7122, "original_id": "1250895486237753346", "reply_id": "1250957279089889281", "label": "agree", "text": "Lady at Metro returning a used watermelon:\n\n\"It's not juicy enough in the middle.\""} {"idx": 7126, "original_id": "1250774990607151104", "reply_id": "1250929167559884801", "label": "hug", "text": "The way I have no motivation on doing anything even things I love speaks volume of how this quarantine hitting me hard mentally not the way that everyone seems to seeks human interaction I am seeking solace from my own mind who is currently my biggest enemy (:"} {"idx": 7127, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251089153997111297", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 7128, "original_id": "1250933351583629313", "reply_id": "1250933899623952385", "label": "agree", "text": "We need this NFL Draft to start like today."} {"idx": 7129, "original_id": "1251265701756710912", "reply_id": "1251265953800781824", "label": "idk", "text": "Me: we should take a trip to Disney as a family \n\nHim: why would we do that??? \n\n..🥺💔"} {"idx": 7131, "original_id": "1250840391500345344", "reply_id": "1250840591291822085", "label": "applause", "text": "I am liking Zoey already. #Days"} {"idx": 7135, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251227223966846976", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 7137, "original_id": "1250832346288455680", "reply_id": "1250844803635408896", "label": "agree", "text": "I wanna fuck all day RN 🥴 the tension is dragging me ."} {"idx": 7138, "original_id": "1250970933948411904", "reply_id": "1251022877807214592", "label": "hug", "text": "I just finished my first commission SOMEONE GIVE ME HEAD PATS"} {"idx": 7141, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1251159040337403905", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 7143, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250877693408788480", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 7149, "original_id": "1251165622764961794", "reply_id": "1251174743027392517", "label": "agree", "text": "I think i might be getting serious about streaming on twitch. Who could do an overlay?"} {"idx": 7151, "original_id": "1250965633082314752", "reply_id": "1250966476909015040", "label": "hug", "text": "Worked with a resident today that has #Covid_19 at my nursing home facility. They don't have long to live and wanted to say goodbye on the phone to her son. Was really hard to keep it together."} {"idx": 7152, "original_id": "1251034124976107520", "reply_id": "1251045771765600257", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who else is 25 and up with no kids?"} {"idx": 7153, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251166712675946501", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 7155, "original_id": "1250967136761049093", "reply_id": "1250968993080344576", "label": "applause", "text": "Is Kishore Mahbubani the new Nicolo Mchiavelli? This from his latest fascinating attack on conventional wisdom about world politics, 'HAS CHINA WON?' \"When principles trump pragmatism in geopolitics, valuable opportunities are lost.\" @mahbubani_k"} {"idx": 7157, "original_id": "1250921988840882176", "reply_id": "1250925482926911488", "label": "hug", "text": "I will not live very long in a world without hugs and handshakes. It ain't me. Better figure this shit out or my days are numbered."} {"idx": 7159, "original_id": "1250985017225834497", "reply_id": "1250985195471360000", "label": "yes", "text": "Stream @ Midnight est?"} {"idx": 7161, "original_id": "1250822728946528266", "reply_id": "1250833453261688833", "label": "no", "text": "😐\nDid I... did I just see Misha's face photoshopped onto Jared's body in the J2 wet photoshoot pic?!? Did that really happen or did I hallucinate something horrific? \nDear God WHHHYYYY.\nPLEASE DON'T DO THAT."} {"idx": 7162, "original_id": "1250840049282953217", "reply_id": "1250845659948859394", "label": "applause", "text": "What do you know about tall gents? 😏"} {"idx": 7164, "original_id": "1251228965940969475", "reply_id": "1251229517961625602", "label": "applause", "text": "charli is doing my nails today :)"} {"idx": 7167, "original_id": "1251159620141248514", "reply_id": "1251209358194679808", "label": "oops", "text": "Juts over an hour and 15mins till @bbclaurak makes herself look a complete amateur again by asking about when the lock down will end.."} {"idx": 7168, "original_id": "1250991924900659201", "reply_id": "1250994275430481920", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m so grateful for my bestie! She stayed on the phone with me while I’m dealing with all this nonsense ♥️🤗 love you girl. @yosaishaa ♥️🥰"} {"idx": 7169, "original_id": "1250574664427954177", "reply_id": "1250843142724567040", "label": "applause", "text": "i'm gonna get absolutely ratiod for this, but... i hope caillou gets covid"} {"idx": 7171, "original_id": "1251139683406544897", "reply_id": "1251141200960278528", "label": "shocked", "text": "Idk why my facial expressions always so mean 🥴"} {"idx": 7172, "original_id": "1250922788380184576", "reply_id": "1250923081738092544", "label": "seriously", "text": "Surely I can’t be the only one that thinks Trisha Paytus is kinda fit???"} {"idx": 7174, "original_id": "1250960986682654722", "reply_id": "1250962356839956480", "label": "agree", "text": "We should expect some spike in infections as the country opens up. This is like saying there will be more accidents when there are more cars on the road. The prospect of this does not deter us from safe driving, and the same is true about responsibly returning to normal life"} {"idx": 7177, "original_id": "1251129184568696834", "reply_id": "1251131777411932161", "label": "shrug", "text": "Crap. I missed garbage day again. How does anyone know what day it is anymore?"} {"idx": 7179, "original_id": "1251060838846410752", "reply_id": "1251273105772773377", "label": "hug", "text": "Good Morning , Hope you all have a great day and please be safe ."} {"idx": 7185, "original_id": "1251262372813078535", "reply_id": "1251264177697677312", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just got reminded how during my second year of undergrad I almost got kicked out of Res and school all because of a man. On top of that I was 2min away from getting stroke 😢 because of him. Men have been wanting us dead. \n#LockdownSA"} {"idx": 7188, "original_id": "1251261051456405508", "reply_id": "1251261259842048001", "label": "applause", "text": "Joined @TeamSynergy 💪🏾"} {"idx": 7190, "original_id": "1250837557111382018", "reply_id": "1250840794384216064", "label": "hug", "text": "good morning aa can someone hug me"} {"idx": 7191, "original_id": "1250927152276672512", "reply_id": "1250955596230209536", "label": "no", "text": "Fellas..\n\nWould you fuck a lady if she told her man was going to be in the room watching?\n\nLike he wouldn't join AT all, he just likes to watch his lady get fucked..\n\nWould you do it?"} {"idx": 7197, "original_id": "1250913113110720512", "reply_id": "1251084125496377345", "label": "eww", "text": "At the end of my period one time, the spotting on my menstrual pad was in the shape of a happy face. I took a picture and look at it all the time to cheer myself up."} {"idx": 7201, "original_id": "1250809580742782976", "reply_id": "1250964604101902337", "label": "agree", "text": "i miss owii ☹️☹️"} {"idx": 7206, "original_id": "1250941798869905410", "reply_id": "1251009574351638528", "label": "applause", "text": "Tonight, let's join in thanking all who are driving the trucks, vans, trains, ships, and forklifts that carry the medical supplies, food, and other essential goods necessary for our nation to stare down this pandemic. We depend on your hard work and sacrifice. We salute you."} {"idx": 7210, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250943568304168960", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 7213, "original_id": "1250989385006243840", "reply_id": "1250990381090693121", "label": "shocked", "text": "I want to roast someone so bad 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 7214, "original_id": "1251012684218327040", "reply_id": "1251086568359702528", "label": "agree", "text": "Parents are the reason why siblings are enemies. 😢"} {"idx": 7217, "original_id": "1250859656789950464", "reply_id": "1250867633559240705", "label": "hug", "text": "Its been very emotionally straining two days for everyone..If anyone wants to listen to some live music and relax a bit @AnyaHalym is live on Instagram.. (Anyah.official)"} {"idx": 7218, "original_id": "1251028124567044096", "reply_id": "1251028695361499136", "label": "no", "text": "Hit me up"} {"idx": 7221, "original_id": "1250869248274161667", "reply_id": "1250899063844864007", "label": "idk", "text": "I know I deserve to be jailed but I'm eating bread and ogbono"} {"idx": 7222, "original_id": "1250981194692509703", "reply_id": "1251015152574570496", "label": "sorry", "text": "I haven’t faced a whole joint in so long. 🖕🏼"} {"idx": 7223, "original_id": "1250927006197391365", "reply_id": "1250927343591358464", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "@vanewpc Thanks baybay!"} {"idx": 7224, "original_id": "1250833334197837824", "reply_id": "1250833557586657281", "label": "shocked", "text": "Debbie Allen was fine as hell, I damn near had a heart attack when I found out that was my homie’s mom 😂"} {"idx": 7227, "original_id": "1251042064428666880", "reply_id": "1251202386086985728", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is going to be a hard day. Hard, potentially harsh choices will have to be made, that with this lock down will make my life more difficult. optimism is not an option."} {"idx": 7228, "original_id": "1250967098651815936", "reply_id": "1250968039878688768", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "You know when you feel a way.. but logically you know you not supposed to feel a way, but you feel that way anyway?? Yep, that’s me right now."} {"idx": 7232, "original_id": "1250810044238704649", "reply_id": "1250868374311231491", "label": "no", "text": "We gotta stay locked down until May 15. And May 15 it’s gonna be June 15 and so on 😩😩😩"} {"idx": 7234, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250925510223372288", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 7237, "original_id": "1251010883251326977", "reply_id": "1251230776517156864", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "If someone told us ten years ago that the government would pay us to stay home the entire month of 4/20 and that you could only leave your place to pick up snacks and weed, we never would have believed them 🤣"} {"idx": 7239, "original_id": "1250939742830682112", "reply_id": "1250946695837495298", "label": "agree", "text": "Ohhhweee I need a haircut so bad 🤦🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 7240, "original_id": "1251115047872577538", "reply_id": "1251115284372557826", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ve decided to really shake things up and walk counter-clockwise around my neighborhood this morning"} {"idx": 7242, "original_id": "1250963454653009921", "reply_id": "1251094863665381378", "label": "smh", "text": "I heard that children born 9 months from now will be known as “children of the quarn “... and I can’t stop laughing."} {"idx": 7245, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251104509465554944", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 7247, "original_id": "1250846661565386752", "reply_id": "1250877133532073992", "label": "agree", "text": "Ok guy with a vague profile, three tweets, and ten followers, I'm 👏super 👏impressed by your 👏tough 👏guy bravado."} {"idx": 7250, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251030963372449792", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 7252, "original_id": "1250886076304154624", "reply_id": "1250899571833573376", "label": "agree", "text": "Hardest pill to swallow: Not everyone you want in your life wants you in theirs, so don't bend over backwards trying to force them to stay when they couldn't care less if you're around or not."} {"idx": 7253, "original_id": "1250852402657460224", "reply_id": "1251025658710499329", "label": "yes", "text": "i look like i cheat ? be honest 😂"} {"idx": 7254, "original_id": "1250889478635487236", "reply_id": "1250891794428112901", "label": "agree", "text": "Sorry, I just don't like Congressman Max Rose. Always thought he is a phony. He is on Nicole Wallace now saying if Trump gets reelected b/c he handles this crisis better----so what. F*ck that!"} {"idx": 7255, "original_id": "1250909267768606721", "reply_id": "1251000139231068160", "label": "agree", "text": "Remdesivir sounds like something that can get people out of hospitals quickly . That allows our economy to have a fighting chance.."} {"idx": 7257, "original_id": "1250954605674012672", "reply_id": "1250955053382406144", "label": "omg", "text": "Racism is bad women are people"} {"idx": 7259, "original_id": "1251169176917549057", "reply_id": "1251169963550756864", "label": "no", "text": "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow..."} {"idx": 7262, "original_id": "1250952211917500416", "reply_id": "1251065200045895682", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "It's my #Twitterversary! I have been on Twitter for 11 years, since 17 Apr 2009 (via @twi_age)."} {"idx": 7263, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251271417292746752", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 7265, "original_id": "1250777550198095873", "reply_id": "1251241376282406912", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Hey guys! I am so close to finally hitting 5k followers here on Twitter!\n\nMy debut novel launches next week and I’d love to have reached my goal by then. \n\nCan we do an early #Writerlift ? Comment below and let’s share and follow each other! ♥️ #writingcommunity"} {"idx": 7267, "original_id": "1251055863953006592", "reply_id": "1251096643996389376", "label": "agree", "text": "There are 3 things guaranteed in life\n\n-Death\n-Taxes \n-And pro cod players tweeting something about “who’s up right now”"} {"idx": 7268, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251135888123400193", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 7271, "original_id": "1251222949211836416", "reply_id": "1251229069611499530", "label": "sorry", "text": "Do you want a matching program #SPNFamILY?"} {"idx": 7272, "original_id": "1250910523606159361", "reply_id": "1250911423984734212", "label": "hug", "text": "Heartbroken yet again 💔 a fucking bad feeling"} {"idx": 7276, "original_id": "1250832921243594752", "reply_id": "1250833567820779526", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Thinking of moving to #NewZealand they have this under control 👌🏻"} {"idx": 7277, "original_id": "1250854953029111808", "reply_id": "1250855189818597381", "label": "omg", "text": "My Facebook friends picked Drake over Jay Z in a rap battle. This quarantine must be killing brain cells😧"} {"idx": 7278, "original_id": "1251162937299009536", "reply_id": "1251200084265570304", "label": "applause", "text": "Azur lane tries so hard to make their characters look unique none of them fit together, they all look they’re pulled from different games"} {"idx": 7279, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251270990975377410", "label": "shrug", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 7280, "original_id": "1251179818722476033", "reply_id": "1251191132756852736", "label": "wink", "text": "Yo Shannon giving Jb those hungry eyes #scruffmcgruff @ReformedBroker"} {"idx": 7281, "original_id": "1251130694006304771", "reply_id": "1251131223524757505", "label": "dance", "text": "BREAKING: Crude oil prices have plunged to $17.8, the lowest in eighteen years."} {"idx": 7282, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251209637942026242", "label": "no", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 7283, "original_id": "1250967894243999745", "reply_id": "1250968796937850880", "label": "popcorn", "text": "What are you, a Bernie Sanders supporter, going to do in the General Election?"} {"idx": 7285, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251190166481485824", "label": "ok", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 7287, "original_id": "1250842510915592193", "reply_id": "1250917863688245248", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm having breakdowns right now. Please cheer me up co - little ponies & vk babies 😭💔 i need ur motivation!! I'm slowly giving up ☹️☹️"} {"idx": 7290, "original_id": "1250873049592795136", "reply_id": "1250948849000239112", "label": "no", "text": "Time to be random... \n\nReply to this tweet with the best GIF to sum up 2020 so far.\n\nI’ll pick my favourite 3 and buy them dinner/takeaway on Saturday night 👍👀"} {"idx": 7291, "original_id": "1251134370179698691", "reply_id": "1251150131153367041", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "How y’all doing so far on house arrest?"} {"idx": 7292, "original_id": "1250829088266186758", "reply_id": "1250894463355977732", "label": "yes", "text": "Honored to have just been appointed by @realDonaldTrump to the @WhiteHouse Task Force on Reopening the Economy. We need to get our economy roaring again. Honored to get to work to do so precisely & carefully, avoid another outbreak & help our nation emerge stronger than ever!"} {"idx": 7295, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251251158380879872", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 7296, "original_id": "1250914001510432772", "reply_id": "1250918828294496256", "label": "applause", "text": "Ohhhhhhhh I will post sexy thirst traps for y’all tho nothing to explicit. \n\nHaha 🤣🤣🤣"} {"idx": 7297, "original_id": "1250808598122369024", "reply_id": "1250904330623950850", "label": "seriously", "text": "Igbo people are actually the most peaceful and accommodating set of people in Nigeria."} {"idx": 7298, "original_id": "1248753393688088585", "reply_id": "1251236837231865856", "label": "seriously", "text": "Drove all the way out to Overland Park to pick up @imospizza . Sat there for 45 minutes and my pizza came out cold. Sad"} {"idx": 7300, "original_id": "1251191669761941505", "reply_id": "1251195278981545984", "label": "agree", "text": "@ashanti @theestallion @DaBabyDaBaby something I didn’t know I needed 🤪🥵 \n\n...Da Baby ain’t the only one trynna have a 3 Sum 😩😩😩"} {"idx": 7301, "original_id": "1250937725995429890", "reply_id": "1251120076578832384", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "This shit has just sent my mental health so much fucking worse. So many bad thoughts going through my head. How the fuck am I meant to forget this shit."} {"idx": 7302, "original_id": "1251173351348940807", "reply_id": "1251181570687471618", "label": "agree", "text": "not a bunch of millionaires in their mansions telling a bunch of working class americans we should expose ourselves to a deadly virus in order to save an economy that doesn’t give a fuck about us \n\nSEND TWEET"} {"idx": 7303, "original_id": "1251161358512484360", "reply_id": "1251214853781327873", "label": "eww", "text": "My husband was being a little sasshole this morning \n\nSo I said the most insulting thing I could come up with \n\n“May your coffee always be slightly cooler than room temperature.”\n\nShare your best insult with me"} {"idx": 7304, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250859767075164162", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 7310, "original_id": "1250946038652964866", "reply_id": "1250946107942809606", "label": "agree", "text": "Bryce is addicted to saying the sway boys are addicted to video games"} {"idx": 7325, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251177404187373570", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 7330, "original_id": "1250969927164538883", "reply_id": "1250979650299363329", "label": "thank_you", "text": "To let you know. It's my birthday."} {"idx": 7332, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251242665057886208", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 7341, "original_id": "1250872987051536386", "reply_id": "1250875877199507456", "label": "popcorn", "text": "The semi nudes i took earlier 🔥"} {"idx": 7342, "original_id": "1250880498974576640", "reply_id": "1251133893874536453", "label": "applause", "text": "Okay so as many of you know, I like to be filled like a Twinkie. Now, it’s been about two years since that happened bc well...we divorced but I would like to announce that..\n\nThat drought has been broken. I’ve been creampied 🤗"} {"idx": 7346, "original_id": "1250992839976247297", "reply_id": "1251171755563114496", "label": "hug", "text": "My grandma died this morning. \n\nI should be sad, but I’m not. I feel bad that I don’t feel bad. \n\nCan anyone relate? I need a person."} {"idx": 7369, "original_id": "1250884931141722125", "reply_id": "1250886748160380929", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m getting a lot of go back to your country today. Why would I or anyone go back to Tupelo, Mississippi?"} {"idx": 7372, "original_id": "1250901876259897346", "reply_id": "1251160645673742339", "label": "hug", "text": "Was put on an involuntary leave of absence from work effective on\n\n4/20/2020.....This will be quite the memorable birthday. 😕\n\nI’m ok. Not really super mad or super sad. Just okay. \n\nVirtual hugs would be appreciated 💜"} {"idx": 7383, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250859097815085057", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 7390, "original_id": "1250941798869905410", "reply_id": "1250957374963232768", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Tonight, let's join in thanking all who are driving the trucks, vans, trains, ships, and forklifts that carry the medical supplies, food, and other essential goods necessary for our nation to stare down this pandemic. We depend on your hard work and sacrifice. We salute you."} {"idx": 7393, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250957633680367622", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 7400, "original_id": "1250857252225003522", "reply_id": "1250902436111212545", "label": "smh", "text": "Fox News interrupted the President thanking America's truck drivers to bring on Donna Brazile and to talk about Obama and Biden.. \n\nLet that sink in.."} {"idx": 7412, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250986663091728385", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 7414, "original_id": "1250953252041977857", "reply_id": "1250998749557448704", "label": "agree", "text": "reply with what you think the most commonly used gif is"} {"idx": 7424, "original_id": "1250816377004277760", "reply_id": "1250842846070026241", "label": "ok", "text": "Not to brag or anything, but I can fit an entire Eggo waffle in my mouth at once 💅🏻"} {"idx": 7428, "original_id": "1250826198655082502", "reply_id": "1250932362839576580", "label": "no", "text": "Mel Kipper JR thinks the Steelers will draft Jalen Hurts in his recent Mock Draft. #Steelers"} {"idx": 7438, "original_id": "1250954944649273345", "reply_id": "1251174784597196801", "label": "yes", "text": "Great news! I spoke with my brother and he and his wife will NOT be voting for trump. He said he's watched him lie and be an asshole long enough. He thanked me for my Facebook posts which made him start paying better attention. Now that he's watching him every day, he's done! 👍"} {"idx": 7439, "original_id": "1251076966863605762", "reply_id": "1251077079455559680", "label": "scared", "text": "So he's talking about another album & not the upcoming Japanese album??? Do I smell 'Anima/Animus' + 'The Self' cooking??\n\n[@BTS_twt]"} {"idx": 7440, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251180154057035780", "label": "no", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 7450, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250925464639717377", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 7451, "original_id": "1250948796894400520", "reply_id": "1250954032119721984", "label": "smh", "text": "Guys vacuum sealed means a dick in every hole okay. For those asking.."} {"idx": 7454, "original_id": "1250999918380093440", "reply_id": "1251128413777207297", "label": "shocked", "text": "Tecca is Top 3 and top 10 of all time"} {"idx": 7459, "original_id": "1250915952092344321", "reply_id": "1250918817863094272", "label": "applause", "text": "if you're ugly and you know it, clap your hands 👏🏽👏🏽"} {"idx": 7467, "original_id": "1251204231786364928", "reply_id": "1251218526951690240", "label": "yes", "text": "I'm a pleaser. \n\nIf my women decided that me drink her piss with my dinner was a turn on, I'd ask her to drink more water, let me mix it was Crown and Im all over it. \n\nShe want's I give. I'm always down to make her happy and I go the extra mile."} {"idx": 7468, "original_id": "1250833279789531136", "reply_id": "1250834532087074818", "label": "hug", "text": "so emotional today 😣 in need of hugs"} {"idx": 7472, "original_id": "1250084380980269063", "reply_id": "1250898864380563456", "label": "agree", "text": "Is it weird that as much as I want some of my favourite books to become TV shows/movies, I also don’t. 9 times out of 10 it’s a butcher job so I think I’ll just stick to the imagery in my head. Thanks."} {"idx": 7473, "original_id": "1250840535255986176", "reply_id": "1250842288856731655", "label": "eww", "text": "Just tried some of the nettle beer. Bit early to try, but I was letting off gas (out of the bottles, obvs!), so I thought I'd try a swig. Turns out I may have made Hoegaarden."} {"idx": 7474, "original_id": "1250514269441056769", "reply_id": "1250875792067907584", "label": "hug", "text": "Thank you all for your love and support. I couldn’t get thru life without each and everyone of you. If ever there was a time for a group hug, this is it."} {"idx": 7476, "original_id": "1250878325859520519", "reply_id": "1250879150585524225", "label": "hug", "text": "its been a pleasure knowing y'all u guys are all amazing"} {"idx": 7481, "original_id": "1251228395184312332", "reply_id": "1251229283130970112", "label": "ok", "text": "I want my windows to be so dark you ain’t even gonna know I’m flicking u off"} {"idx": 7484, "original_id": "1251032558822928384", "reply_id": "1251153578103734273", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#clapping might feel good The reality is for 10 years the NHS has been underfunded and privatised, staff underpaid and overworked. Can somebody please explain why voters chose the Tory Party who are destroying it when they could have voted for Labour who promised to fund it?!?!"} {"idx": 7488, "original_id": "1250954123622658049", "reply_id": "1250980871835770881", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "So we gonna see NHL/NBA playoffs this year or nah?"} {"idx": 7489, "original_id": "1250875221663297536", "reply_id": "1250916422445944833", "label": "yes", "text": "New Redskins cartoon is written. \nStep one is done!"} {"idx": 7490, "original_id": "1251115601222946817", "reply_id": "1251116493405913089", "label": "high_five", "text": "After hearing what MI said about Sarz on IG Live I think it’s time for Chicken and Chips Twitter to welcome him to their geng."} {"idx": 7494, "original_id": "1250875844433608704", "reply_id": "1250878943693062153", "label": "hug", "text": "I know I have some friends and nice followers but I'll be a bother to everyone if I want to talk ,Even my boyfriend, I don't want him getting involved so I still have to deal with it myself since it's my own problem... but how..."} {"idx": 7497, "original_id": "1250859032954507265", "reply_id": "1250859291654811648", "label": "wink", "text": "Ah, the pre #RevPit sudden fear that no one is going to submit to me. I was wondering when that was going to kick in!"} {"idx": 7503, "original_id": "1250920676413919235", "reply_id": "1250929430115090432", "label": "hug", "text": "my mom tested positive for covid19. my uncle has it too. and I was definitely exposed to it. I feel like i’m floating. what a day."} {"idx": 7506, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250887363523424260", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 7508, "original_id": "1251014928183549952", "reply_id": "1251192525995610113", "label": "agree", "text": "I'd rather take medical advice from Dr. Seuss than Dr. Oz or Dr. Phil."} {"idx": 7509, "original_id": "1250917587120250880", "reply_id": "1250925835542028290", "label": "applause", "text": "I wish people understood that just because someone put you into this world does NOT mean you have to be forced to love them or even care about them. If your relationship with your parents has been good that’s good for you , but that is not the same experience for everyone."} {"idx": 7514, "original_id": "1250875668885356544", "reply_id": "1251070828323667969", "label": "no", "text": "Y'all should apologise to The Lazarus Experiment immediately.\n\nThe Shakespeare Code is the true worst episode of Series 3."} {"idx": 7515, "original_id": "1250508633722351618", "reply_id": "1250876838080962560", "label": "dance", "text": "NEW: CA has 24,424 confirmed positive cases of #COVID19.\n\n3,171 of those cases are in our hospitals. 1,175 of those are in the ICU.\n \nCA is flattening the curve -- but we MUST continue to take this seriously.\n\nStay home.\n\nPractice physical distancing.\n\n#StayHomeSaveLives"} {"idx": 7518, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1251089900142768128", "label": "shocked", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 7523, "original_id": "1251130804278788096", "reply_id": "1251139305784971265", "label": "sigh", "text": "I guess the federal government has a different idea of what “small business” is than I do.\nWith a 468 million dollar annual revenue, Ruth’s Chris nabbed 20 million in small business loans."} {"idx": 7524, "original_id": "1250978020971606016", "reply_id": "1250980531250094089", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Michael Cohen is going to be released from prison due to the Coronavirus. He is going to try to crush tRump. \n\nHow will this shake out?"} {"idx": 7527, "original_id": "1251153444569706497", "reply_id": "1251153688741081088", "label": "eww", "text": "I'd send ya an ass pic but I've gotta wait until the toilet seat ring is gone."} {"idx": 7528, "original_id": "1250943987625734144", "reply_id": "1250947140731514881", "label": "facepalm", "text": "We are like exactly a week away from the #Cowboys making their first-round pick. \n\nHow afraid are you of them taking a LB at No. 17?"} {"idx": 7529, "original_id": "1250833649106370560", "reply_id": "1250908828268285952", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get a video out tonight! I have my biggest assignment yet due tomorrow and I’ve been spending a lot of time working on it😔 hopefully can get back to posting tomorrow after the last big push to get this done today 💪🏻 wish me luck!"} {"idx": 7531, "original_id": "1250795062243590145", "reply_id": "1250931683903373313", "label": "eww", "text": "This nigga in my DMs just told me even tho I’m shaped like a 13 year old boy, I have hella sex appeal. I am fucking crying #blocked"} {"idx": 7532, "original_id": "1251235932696645635", "reply_id": "1251240329174491136", "label": "agree", "text": "Good move on schools @GovPritzker, but for the love of God, open up the golf courses stat, yesterday. It’s save on the golf course than at a Jewel-Osco. @North2North #letusgolf"} {"idx": 7533, "original_id": "1250956236742447106", "reply_id": "1250957715930742787", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Gave up 😒 \nSchool headache time over \nLet the home chill starts"} {"idx": 7536, "original_id": "1250863904969953280", "reply_id": "1250864346000961537", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a big hug and an ass grab..."} {"idx": 7537, "original_id": "1251206345338040325", "reply_id": "1251220677308248065", "label": "agree", "text": "Raise your hand if you agree that Twitter should shut down Donald Trump’s account ✋\n\n(He is unhinged.)"} {"idx": 7538, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250836036508356610", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 7541, "original_id": "1251245228700377097", "reply_id": "1251247530253434882", "label": "agree", "text": "Of course size matters. Nobody likes a tiny Joint."} {"idx": 7544, "original_id": "1251091009737498638", "reply_id": "1251171040555929602", "label": "sigh", "text": "This month's #DarwinAward should go to all those on #westminsterbridge for last nights #clapforNHS. Who would even think that would be a good idea and what's worse is that London Police seem to have encouraged it. Who organised this?"} {"idx": 7546, "original_id": "1251068264035147777", "reply_id": "1251076996597264384", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Y'all out here spending ya #Stimuluscheck on this #ALLINCHALLENGE to spend time with ppl who so rich they don't need and therefore not getting the check? 🤔 oh ok #carryon"} {"idx": 7547, "original_id": "1250860810999664643", "reply_id": "1250870928793169921", "label": "applause", "text": "well, I'm glad I got the lawn mowed before the next snowfall. #iowaweather"} {"idx": 7548, "original_id": "1250918372373671941", "reply_id": "1250997248516747264", "label": "seriously", "text": "guys the corporate journalists think the contempt for them is exclusive to, or a function of, trump and that once he's gone america will rightfully venerate them \"again\""} {"idx": 7549, "original_id": "1250865017299312640", "reply_id": "1250877930890309634", "label": "shocked", "text": "My dad told me today that if Corona virus was actually planned by China and the rest of the world gets to find out, there might be World War 3 and the first thing I could think of is \"at least these WW3 memes won't waste\" 💀"} {"idx": 7550, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1250876683458134025", "label": "no", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 7551, "original_id": "1250847979407323138", "reply_id": "1250870481835737088", "label": "applause", "text": "I have had enough of the bullshit. If you can’t come on this site and be a human being you really need to evaluate your life and it’s trajectory. The fact that you are acting this way over a person who doesn’t put food on your table, pay your bills, clothe you is disgusting."} {"idx": 7555, "original_id": "1243658942149844992", "reply_id": "1251064827163938816", "label": "applause", "text": "i been thinking about making a album about all the relationship shit i done been through.... 🤷🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 7556, "original_id": "1250900074848227328", "reply_id": "1251102578450010114", "label": "omg", "text": "The SC Governor said what is PTO 😳😳😳😳🤦🏽‍♀️ #ShutDownsc"} {"idx": 7557, "original_id": "1250915708407611392", "reply_id": "1250918761055608834", "label": "hug", "text": "Quarantine making you feel lonely ?\n\nThat’s my secret cap, I’m always lonely."} {"idx": 7564, "original_id": "1250948796894400520", "reply_id": "1250966915792670721", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Guys vacuum sealed means a dick in every hole okay. For those asking.."} {"idx": 7565, "original_id": "1251037408725893120", "reply_id": "1251041263450636290", "label": "eww", "text": "rolling a joint has made my fingers smell like weed no matter how much i wash em"} {"idx": 7566, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251247149981077504", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 7569, "original_id": "1251207793769459712", "reply_id": "1251227248230756352", "label": "yes", "text": "Oprah should donate a few billion dollars to public heath agencies like the WHO in order to compensate for the damage she did by unleashing Drs. Oz and Phil on the world."} {"idx": 7572, "original_id": "1251033414582616065", "reply_id": "1251130960508321794", "label": "yes", "text": "Zapps potato chips are amazing"} {"idx": 7576, "original_id": "1251057488067063808", "reply_id": "1251059235804205057", "label": "ok", "text": "Why are you awake right now\n\ngo to bed."} {"idx": 7577, "original_id": "1251181728217157632", "reply_id": "1251184009620660228", "label": "applause", "text": "As soon as this pandemic is over I’m getting pregnant. Idc"} {"idx": 7581, "original_id": "1250991362226491392", "reply_id": "1251143791043661825", "label": "agree", "text": "Agree Or Disagree?\n\nTier 1 Superstars\n\nLeBron James\nKawhi Leonard\nGiannis Antetokounmpo\nStephen Curry\nAnthony Davis\nJames Harden \nDamien Lillard\nLuka Doncic\n\nTier 2 Stars\n\nRussell Westbrook\nJimmy Butler\nPaul George\nBradley Beal\nKemba Walker \nRudy Gobert\n\n#NBATwitter"} {"idx": 7583, "original_id": "1251150750295584770", "reply_id": "1251152370957864960", "label": "thank_you", "text": "if ur reading this its too late.\n\n I already sent good vibes your way.\nthey’re coming & theres nothing you can do to stop them"} {"idx": 7588, "original_id": "1250959833097879553", "reply_id": "1250978699492630532", "label": "agree", "text": "Let me take this moment to remind you that Donald Trump never pays for anything. Never has. Never will. So his signature on Treasury checks which he thinks will be so great for his re-election means nothing. It’s not his money. It’s ours."} {"idx": 7596, "original_id": "1250556059904860162", "reply_id": "1250904500958887936", "label": "no", "text": "3 weeks of isolation. I have been running, increased my water, no meat, sugar, dairy or flour. No booze! I feel great! Lost 2 stone and see muscle definition.\nCould whomever texted me this let me know who you are."} {"idx": 7597, "original_id": "1250943800677142529", "reply_id": "1250952912517423105", "label": "hug", "text": "I remember I got cheated on once.. and I ain’t even tell my niggas cause I was so hurt 😞"} {"idx": 7598, "original_id": "1250906902558650374", "reply_id": "1250908606775603201", "label": "popcorn", "text": "It’s about to be Trump time guys. Grab your popcorns."} {"idx": 7599, "original_id": "1251066085606076416", "reply_id": "1251067595366764545", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I just spend an hour looking for some random girl’s twitter or instagram that I saw at a college visit 2 months ago. I dont know her name or anything just vaguely what she looks like."} {"idx": 7600, "original_id": "1251037672757497857", "reply_id": "1251038699028189189", "label": "no", "text": "Fellas, yall finna wife a shordy, she got all the bells n whistles, last min u find out she got onlyfans. Yall still pullin the trigger?"} {"idx": 7602, "original_id": "1250770192671670272", "reply_id": "1251041689852096512", "label": "applause", "text": "Want to take one second to say Thank you to @xmattzillax he is doing 24hr shifts for a week as a caregiver. Thank you for being on the front lines helping others!"} {"idx": 7604, "original_id": "1250911542951981056", "reply_id": "1250914224680960002", "label": "yes", "text": "pls Shut Tha Fuck Up ty"} {"idx": 7605, "original_id": "1250781990644781057", "reply_id": "1250850496820187136", "label": "wink", "text": "HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!! 🎉🐰🎉🐰\n\nHAHAHA JK APRIL FOOLS!!! BOOM\n\nI'm sorry, it's snowing outside and I'm just screaming on the toilet... Hyd?"} {"idx": 7607, "original_id": "1251202952108355584", "reply_id": "1251205408846479360", "label": "want", "text": "This week: Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew\n\nNext week: Dr. J, Dr. Dre, Dr. Spock, Doc Antle"} {"idx": 7608, "original_id": "1250909254288113669", "reply_id": "1251162681936998400", "label": "ok", "text": "Men are moodier than women.\n\nI said what I said."} {"idx": 7611, "original_id": "1251208196926078976", "reply_id": "1251231281993715714", "label": "agree", "text": "midsommar might just be the weirdest movie ive ever seen"} {"idx": 7615, "original_id": "1251145430504599555", "reply_id": "1251173856129277952", "label": "agree", "text": "We don’t lose friends, we just learn who the real ones are."} {"idx": 7617, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251112885037625344", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 7618, "original_id": "1251217920685940737", "reply_id": "1251262662106910722", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m just so...sad"} {"idx": 7620, "original_id": "1251127325841907712", "reply_id": "1251175884154953729", "label": "agree", "text": "All of us at 20: poignantly serious & uncertain & knowing."} {"idx": 7622, "original_id": "1251192931496726529", "reply_id": "1251194701144903687", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I'm going to make a milkshake with the last of my milk."} {"idx": 7624, "original_id": "1248352718491705354", "reply_id": "1251235502973485056", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "At the grocery. Wearing my mask. Lady behind me, snarky & loud enough to make sure I heard, “don’t guess she realizes that stupid mask won’t do any good.” Me: “Honey, I’m an off duty nurse, I’m wearing it to protect YOU. But, I can take it off if you’d like.” She practically ran."} {"idx": 7626, "original_id": "1251232094543507456", "reply_id": "1251235858188886016", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m not eligible for stimulus check...lol how tf did I make 130K last year?!!!!"} {"idx": 7629, "original_id": "1250841817718960129", "reply_id": "1250843848894492674", "label": "oops", "text": "All my amazon deliveries showed up at the same time... and my husband saw lol 🙃"} {"idx": 7631, "original_id": "1251141119829610500", "reply_id": "1251142396340994048", "label": "awww", "text": "Imwe my man is cute pls. I'll cry😭😢💕"} {"idx": 7632, "original_id": "1250969726429339653", "reply_id": "1250969988640518145", "label": "seriously", "text": "I forgot what a pain in the ass corks are to get out."} {"idx": 7635, "original_id": "1250996062455656448", "reply_id": "1250996270728019969", "label": "agree", "text": "Anybody else itchin for a tattoo?"} {"idx": 7636, "original_id": "1250914664445128704", "reply_id": "1250915253996654592", "label": "wink", "text": "@a_shaj20 love you ❤️"} {"idx": 7640, "original_id": "1250952201326989313", "reply_id": "1250955042032582656", "label": "no", "text": "Sex is cool but have you ever done something thoughtful for someone else without posting it all over social media 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 7645, "original_id": "1251081806994116609", "reply_id": "1251111920712777728", "label": "shocked", "text": "If ion sin then Jesus died for nothing."} {"idx": 7648, "original_id": "1250827443520364550", "reply_id": "1251175076646604800", "label": "agree", "text": "The @USPS is not a business, it’s a public service based in the U.S. Constitution. Every American is better off because the postal service has always provided us with the ability to connect with each other."} {"idx": 7649, "original_id": "1250880510009769984", "reply_id": "1250888773925326849", "label": "no", "text": "HED: In a new record, more than 2500 Americans die from #Coronavirus in a 24 hour time period \n\nTrump: Seems like a good time to talk about opening the economy."} {"idx": 7650, "original_id": "1250909488510459904", "reply_id": "1251032965104259072", "label": "hug", "text": "i need hugs... its been too long :(("} {"idx": 7654, "original_id": "1250937362819006465", "reply_id": "1250942401079902213", "label": "agree", "text": "Goddamn Amy knew what she was doing bringing up the fact she was pregnant every 2 seconds to the judges during the finale, having her family act like she “just told them for the first time.” SYMPATHY VOTES. I’m soooo mad they won 🤷🏻‍♀️ @LEGOMastersFOX #LEGOMastersFOX #LegoMasters"} {"idx": 7655, "original_id": "1250923016663576576", "reply_id": "1251085641229783040", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "He keeps saying cities have low infection rates due to “a lot of talent.” How are they stopping the spread? Tap dancing?"} {"idx": 7658, "original_id": "1250988600969347072", "reply_id": "1251005151684505600", "label": "awww", "text": "the love i have for milly, mickey and bretony runs deeeep and i hope they never forget that."} {"idx": 7659, "original_id": "1251172854214930432", "reply_id": "1251178474032726017", "label": "hug", "text": "I appreciate everyone who prayed, texted, and reached out to me yesterday.\n\nI found out my aunt took her life.\n\nShe was the one who taught me how to swing a golf club and to find deals to flip at yard sales.\n\nI may not understand why, but I know she is no longer suffering."} {"idx": 7661, "original_id": "1251075804626219016", "reply_id": "1251081095182868481", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Shiii well fuck U den"} {"idx": 7663, "original_id": "1251252892507529217", "reply_id": "1251253489474441216", "label": "sigh", "text": "playoffs were supposed to start tomorrow"} {"idx": 7664, "original_id": "1251228175658614784", "reply_id": "1251228342654840832", "label": "applause", "text": "Sikafo is what we call Bitsika users."} {"idx": 7665, "original_id": "1250167017216389124", "reply_id": "1251131099780169728", "label": "agree", "text": "“Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” #CSLewis"} {"idx": 7667, "original_id": "1250945684062298112", "reply_id": "1250950690010267649", "label": "applause", "text": "You ever walk into Straubs or Wholefoods and see that you can buy a thing of deviled eggs? And think “man, those look really good” but the. You have to talk yourself out of it because you KNOW you’ll eat all 12 of them...on your own...in one sitting."} {"idx": 7670, "original_id": "1247103155176947717", "reply_id": "1250943888635899904", "label": "agree", "text": "Me: “It’s a new day, everything will be ok, I’m going to let go of things I can’t control and just be the best I can be.”\n\nAnxiety: “Girl, you thought!”"} {"idx": 7671, "original_id": "1251178548934705152", "reply_id": "1251179025382494208", "label": "shocked", "text": "thought that big mammoth thing in ice age was an elephant, can’t say i’m proud but it does look like an elephant on steroids"} {"idx": 7673, "original_id": "1250788761769828352", "reply_id": "1250908784467247112", "label": "yes", "text": "Punk alone smoke grabba"} {"idx": 7675, "original_id": "1251040337176547328", "reply_id": "1251070407098208256", "label": "shocked", "text": "Unfortunately I don't have any good photos of me at the age of 20 as they are all still hanging on the walls in the homes of my ex-girlfriends."} {"idx": 7676, "original_id": "1250926820314079232", "reply_id": "1250927004091731968", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Mission Accomplished.\nI guess there will be no more press briefings."} {"idx": 7677, "original_id": "1250922830054797312", "reply_id": "1250926087971975171", "label": "oops", "text": "Not here much today. I’m not going to scroll through the whole day. I trust that everyone was well behaved."} {"idx": 7678, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250913295395102725", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 7681, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250895811677995014", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 7683, "original_id": "1250884765605036033", "reply_id": "1250888208730034176", "label": "hug", "text": "Due to currently living alone & being in lockdown, I haven’t touched another human being in over a month. I realised that this morning & broke down pretty badly."} {"idx": 7684, "original_id": "1250980522874068992", "reply_id": "1251034527302025216", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Yo, like, why am I so horny?? Why are all of us this horny?? Why does being quarantined in a house make us horny??"} {"idx": 7685, "original_id": "1251183683832287232", "reply_id": "1251184668256411649", "label": "hug", "text": "I want a hug."} {"idx": 7689, "original_id": "1250831566718328833", "reply_id": "1250832482280378369", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Spring is the worst season. That’s it. That’s the tweet."} {"idx": 7691, "original_id": "1251048047955644417", "reply_id": "1251055645484298242", "label": "ok", "text": "I will give you my opinion and it will be the most hated tweet in 2020, triggering both genders\n\nMore than 70% of men are pigs \nMore than 60% of women are bitches \n\nI said what I said"} {"idx": 7692, "original_id": "1250897489126924288", "reply_id": "1250984343796887552", "label": "agree", "text": "Did I just see a Purple Mattress ad that includes a Nickleback diss?"} {"idx": 7693, "original_id": "1250764728680374276", "reply_id": "1250979125298450434", "label": "no", "text": "do we love fortnite?"} {"idx": 7694, "original_id": "1251203823005245448", "reply_id": "1251204826052136969", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Abbott closed all Texas schools. Online classes for the rest of year ain’t it 😩"} {"idx": 7695, "original_id": "1250873136393879552", "reply_id": "1250873349665939461", "label": "eww", "text": "I choose Fortnite over Smash, any day."} {"idx": 7697, "original_id": "1250982117502312450", "reply_id": "1250984260355440642", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Leah tu clc"} {"idx": 7698, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250951227224948737", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 7702, "original_id": "1251195171422842882", "reply_id": "1251223708275892226", "label": "eww", "text": "My roommate made the pasta from the ramen package and mixed it with this sauce I made for Rasta pasta earlier in the week and I really just want to know when life got THAT hard."} {"idx": 7703, "original_id": "1251272840772493313", "reply_id": "1251274499720220672", "label": "popcorn", "text": "June 8 has emerged as the best-case scenario for when the Premier League season could restart."} {"idx": 7704, "original_id": "1251213324953489409", "reply_id": "1251254308768800770", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "The irony that the biggest audition of my life will take place via a video call in my childhood bedroom."} {"idx": 7705, "original_id": "1250808080046186501", "reply_id": "1251191621544222720", "label": "applause", "text": "Today's Downing Street presser is hosted by Sauron and he'll be flanked by Dr Crippen and Vlad the Impaler.\n\nIt promises to be a little more informative than usual."} {"idx": 7706, "original_id": "1250855735786905600", "reply_id": "1250939189312532480", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I fully support people posting whatever they want on their accounts but the mental whiplash I get from aggressive American politics posts collaged with \"MPPPHH IM IN H-HUGGIES >////>\" posts is slowly corroding my brain."} {"idx": 7708, "original_id": "1250851246560276480", "reply_id": "1250851428786044930", "label": "no", "text": "Can someone explain replying with gifs culture to me"} {"idx": 7711, "original_id": "1250960329242107905", "reply_id": "1251011069037776896", "label": "yes", "text": "If a homie passes up getting laid does that make him gay? After he's talked about slaying it out for weeks. And finally has a chance."} {"idx": 7712, "original_id": "1251061482458095617", "reply_id": "1251065059805138945", "label": "agree", "text": "I just wrote an email to my boss to say I restarted my computer but instead wrote:\n\n'Retarded my computer's\n\nIt's going to be one of those days isn't it?"} {"idx": 7713, "original_id": "1250676892669063168", "reply_id": "1251002202824544256", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm going to bed at 7 tonight.\nNo Shorty & I'm exhausted & just wanna crawl into bed & cry my eyes out 😭"} {"idx": 7716, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250989016272470016", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 7718, "original_id": "1251003960577552385", "reply_id": "1251016570261827585", "label": "yes", "text": "Ruth Langmore is quite possibly my favorite TV show character of all time."} {"idx": 7720, "original_id": "1251034358682615809", "reply_id": "1251125664918495232", "label": "eww", "text": "Fuck it YouTube hair school"} {"idx": 7722, "original_id": "1250924117643190272", "reply_id": "1251229849643102215", "label": "shrug", "text": "Reply to this tweet with a reaction GIF to the first time you heard a pussy fart"} {"idx": 7726, "original_id": "1175289963786772481", "reply_id": "1250838562905391107", "label": "agree", "text": "only pretty people listen to playboi carti"} {"idx": 7727, "original_id": "1250885097319997440", "reply_id": "1251192600540913669", "label": "yes", "text": "Comic book stores should carry more indie comics.\n\nESPECIALLY with what’s going on right now.\n\nDo you agree or disagree?\n\n#makecomics"} {"idx": 7729, "original_id": "1251006528028659712", "reply_id": "1251007009278869504", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Sometimes a good 3 inch king will do the trick."} {"idx": 7730, "original_id": "1250916073760841730", "reply_id": "1250920729765437440", "label": "kiss", "text": "How tf is @Loki03_ and @Viper03_ Still Free Agents? tbh best fa(s) rn"} {"idx": 7733, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251220089652666368", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 7738, "original_id": "1251233438285336580", "reply_id": "1251236798245847041", "label": "want", "text": "Making Japanese fluffy pancakes with honey fried chicken today. I’m excited"} {"idx": 7742, "original_id": "1250900571260887040", "reply_id": "1250901151081467906", "label": "hug", "text": "A couple of days ago I had to put down one of my dogs due to the tumours in her torso which where causing her agressive seizures. Now I can’t take classes online without having a tiny sound triggering me and I can’t stop crying"} {"idx": 7746, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251206425302482945", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 7748, "original_id": "1251120969613299720", "reply_id": "1251131862396874753", "label": "yes", "text": "Another video today????? Um, okay!!"} {"idx": 7749, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230177079762944", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 7751, "original_id": "1250962356357611520", "reply_id": "1250962449907367936", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is not a good day 😭"} {"idx": 7759, "original_id": "1250748237822210048", "reply_id": "1250834832013361154", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Finally verbally accepted a new role! Excited to talk about it once everything is squared away. Also planning to write up a tweet thread of pandemic job hunting tips, because this has been gnarly."} {"idx": 7760, "original_id": "1250950495612678146", "reply_id": "1251027173437300736", "label": "high_five", "text": "I hope every person I love in my life had a good day today"} {"idx": 7763, "original_id": "1251246604679548934", "reply_id": "1251247120570617863", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a low day and trying to figure out why. My fave podcast is losing a host and I feel alone in my devastation... maybe that’s it #low #favoritepodcast #blessings #harrypotter"} {"idx": 7766, "original_id": "1250862061401358336", "reply_id": "1250862642052268034", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I don't trust stairs. \n\nThey’re always up to something."} {"idx": 7768, "original_id": "1250887764268199937", "reply_id": "1250906174616190977", "label": "awww", "text": "“I like looking at your face”"} {"idx": 7769, "original_id": "1250831974446628869", "reply_id": "1250833446995443712", "label": "applause", "text": "officially overall lead of @cobaltUnited"} {"idx": 7770, "original_id": "1250901250972938242", "reply_id": "1250901376109957120", "label": "applause", "text": "Everyone, breathe. Dr. Hinshaw is starting the #Covid19ab update by herself."} {"idx": 7771, "original_id": "1250982391029608448", "reply_id": "1251085306100682752", "label": "yes", "text": "do you ever just think about harry styles and just........cry????"} {"idx": 7772, "original_id": "1250878248462024707", "reply_id": "1250880509284057089", "label": "shocked", "text": "Gondolier in Halls is the best restaurant in Knoxville... this is not up for debate"} {"idx": 7774, "original_id": "1250769557603704832", "reply_id": "1250846696264908800", "label": "no", "text": "@theJoshuaAdam Please reach back out with future questions. ^Jody"} {"idx": 7776, "original_id": "1250762288623161345", "reply_id": "1250935220653572096", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "4 years sober today"} {"idx": 7777, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1251055959415427072", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 7779, "original_id": "1250861533799874561", "reply_id": "1250879711753965568", "label": "eww", "text": "During these uncertain times, I will no longer be changing my sweatpants"} {"idx": 7780, "original_id": "1251170801283301381", "reply_id": "1251171564579483650", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I truly don’t care what people think of me. I’m happy with who i am. I know I’m a good person. Yes I’ve made mistakes, but happy people don’t judge other people. So go ahead, judge me, that’s a reflection on you ✨"} {"idx": 7782, "original_id": "1250954323191832577", "reply_id": "1251066077758586880", "label": "good_luck", "text": "In retrospect, the Hunger Games had a lower child death rate than what Dr. Oz is suggesting."} {"idx": 7784, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251235731537887235", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 7788, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250972835000041473", "label": "dance", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 7789, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251109093684785152", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 7790, "original_id": "1250482237943934977", "reply_id": "1250937576225148928", "label": "high_five", "text": "Ok, been too embarrassed to ask this until now, but I think I’m the only person on the internet who doesn’t know what this emoji means:\n\n🙌\n\nPlease help?!!"} {"idx": 7791, "original_id": "1251007053990031361", "reply_id": "1251031146864848898", "label": "dance", "text": "Love hanging with my dog all day."} {"idx": 7792, "original_id": "1250605010574073858", "reply_id": "1250922670138576896", "label": "yes", "text": "getting my pussy ate is essential 🙂"} {"idx": 7793, "original_id": "1248831178695680000", "reply_id": "1251072539696209921", "label": "thank_you", "text": "During lock down I've come to adore so many.\n\nNot you, you're an ass."} {"idx": 7794, "original_id": "1250890748305772547", "reply_id": "1250919757454467074", "label": "seriously", "text": "I made sippable soup and burned my tongue 🙃"} {"idx": 7799, "original_id": "1251260391457525760", "reply_id": "1251260602799894528", "label": "hug", "text": "Team huddle ended in team tears today. \nWe discussed prediction numbers for those disproportionately affected by the pandemic (day job). Heavy. So heavy. \n\nThis timeline will return to its regularly scheduled fluff - it’s just been a difficult week for me."} {"idx": 7801, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251161308856086528", "label": "seriously", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 7802, "original_id": "1251161991642640402", "reply_id": "1251164937306681344", "label": "no", "text": "Lindsey thinks shes shaving my head, if she does, I will rock only a mustache. Balls in her court."} {"idx": 7808, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250867843958177796", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 7809, "original_id": "1250529843361480705", "reply_id": "1250875477910335488", "label": "no", "text": "Resisters: can you think of any Republican that you still look upon favorably? Someone you might disagree with on policy, but you don’t question their integrity? Just curious. I can’t think of any myself. I’m not talking about friends, family or neighbors. I mean gov’t officials."} {"idx": 7812, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251220587147640832", "label": "ok", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 7818, "original_id": "1250952843055583232", "reply_id": "1250956643241652224", "label": "win", "text": "America is about to come roaring back."} {"idx": 7819, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251042147479900160", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 7820, "original_id": "1251256594794311682", "reply_id": "1251262702200262656", "label": "awww", "text": "REMINDER: check your voter registration and request an absentee ballot."} {"idx": 7824, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251087439965249536", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 7825, "original_id": "1250818620827078656", "reply_id": "1250838978594508802", "label": "applause", "text": "@BustedOpenRadio Really Great Show Today @davidlagreca1 👍👍 @bullyray5150 @ShaneHelmsCom Thank you for the Insider perspective, It eased Alot of \"Passion and Angst\" I was feeling towards the WWE."} {"idx": 7826, "original_id": "1251139509330358272", "reply_id": "1251140068091269122", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Good morning stream up at 10am for NFL draft promo"} {"idx": 7829, "original_id": "1250739505021235200", "reply_id": "1250901273823633409", "label": "ok", "text": "Name a celebrity with a really sexy voice."} {"idx": 7830, "original_id": "1251151102931656705", "reply_id": "1251153129741053953", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Just finished 1st full week of Virtual Mini Focus Groups (w/ 1 more tmrw night) for my PhD thesis! I have learned a lot & feel incredibly inspired by ppl willing to share their political perspectives w/ me & others during these strange and uncertain times! #TheShowMustGoOn"} {"idx": 7831, "original_id": "1251137281760559107", "reply_id": "1251252527569518594", "label": "yes", "text": "Woke up this morning feeling excited about packing up the car for this weekend @RichmondRaceway and then realized that wont be happening....#damnyoucoronavirus"} {"idx": 7832, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250962768930508801", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 7834, "original_id": "1250858383424450560", "reply_id": "1250958689311301632", "label": "no", "text": "Is tha country open yet? I’m over this shit"} {"idx": 7836, "original_id": "1250968296645627904", "reply_id": "1250968482155565056", "label": "hearts", "text": "Need some extra hearts in chat tonight man 😞 I love you guys"} {"idx": 7838, "original_id": "1251254051389538316", "reply_id": "1251255957864222720", "label": "wink", "text": "Many thanks to the Anonymous person for your donation just now! #worthians"} {"idx": 7839, "original_id": "1251044644974141440", "reply_id": "1251053282253926400", "label": "applause", "text": "Booty."} {"idx": 7840, "original_id": "1250905014068932608", "reply_id": "1250905891186053120", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Apropos of nothing, out of almost 28,000 people, I am apparently the 34th person in the world today in terms of .@Cubii distance (under the desk elliptical). Just saying. Let me bask in my moment of glory."} {"idx": 7842, "original_id": "1250925037328183299", "reply_id": "1251130750780358659", "label": "shocked", "text": "I have never actually watched the Nolan Trilogy"} {"idx": 7849, "original_id": "1250953741249007623", "reply_id": "1251216982839623681", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Can there be another hour of the #DisneyFamilySingalong ?"} {"idx": 7851, "original_id": "1250883576964567046", "reply_id": "1250902863414427653", "label": "hug", "text": "Had a down day today but that’s okay. Need to help each other and check in on close ones. No guilt for not being super productive either. We’re all going to get through this 👍🏻"} {"idx": 7853, "original_id": "1251229891351044096", "reply_id": "1251248106605350912", "label": "omg", "text": "brace yourselves - we have never released anything like this before."} {"idx": 7855, "original_id": "1250829328428019714", "reply_id": "1250845902757138432", "label": "want", "text": "Cant wait to drop this new track thoooooooo"} {"idx": 7856, "original_id": "1250991891237138432", "reply_id": "1251035847387942913", "label": "applause", "text": "when u start putting pieces (that don’t fit) together and “figure out” that certain people “don’t like you” (im very much relying on the fact that i often blow things out of proportion)"} {"idx": 7859, "original_id": "1251199314854117378", "reply_id": "1251210203690946563", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Well, at least I have Comic-Con."} {"idx": 7861, "original_id": "1250790367441584128", "reply_id": "1250849294996963333", "label": "yes", "text": "If you’re up.... Reply to this tweet"} {"idx": 7864, "original_id": "1250855557868785669", "reply_id": "1250856404031811589", "label": "smh", "text": "I once wrestled an anaconda then 15 minutes later I realised I was just masterbating."} {"idx": 7869, "original_id": "1250905486083358720", "reply_id": "1250906219381997571", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Uploading…"} {"idx": 7871, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250963582440914946", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 7873, "original_id": "1250895974052003846", "reply_id": "1250904424026947585", "label": "hug", "text": "my life will consist of writing papers and idk how to feel about that 😪"} {"idx": 7876, "original_id": "1251212131535634438", "reply_id": "1251223354243264512", "label": "applause", "text": "Don’t think I’m ever saying no to the boys again after lockdowns finished tbh"} {"idx": 7877, "original_id": "1251203145448878080", "reply_id": "1251213626809044992", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "It’s so weird that I’m not going to be getting shitfaced blackout wasted tonight with my friends then waking up hung over and embarrassed for my b day tomorrow. This covid fucking up traditional birthday vibes🙄😑#ariesszn2020"} {"idx": 7878, "original_id": "1251025006810677248", "reply_id": "1251026571520995329", "label": "hug", "text": "it feels hurt, again hmm"} {"idx": 7881, "original_id": "1251194051543666689", "reply_id": "1251194226840403968", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’m about to go on another twitter rant 🥳 stay tuned."} {"idx": 7883, "original_id": "1250899054227271687", "reply_id": "1250910985336033287", "label": "shrug", "text": "Tomorrow Is 'Indictment Friday'...Are We Finally Going To Have An Indictment Tomorrow?...WHAT SAY YOU?...YES OR NO?"} {"idx": 7885, "original_id": "1250896290914775045", "reply_id": "1250954289612292101", "label": "hug", "text": "One day i will have the energy for anything other than just getting by. \n\nWhile im not happy with the amount of support i can give all of you, my friends, at this time I think about you daily."} {"idx": 7886, "original_id": "1250947897861922816", "reply_id": "1250956151027458049", "label": "agree", "text": "First 3 or 4 seasons of workaholics are top tier"} {"idx": 7888, "original_id": "1250857228917256192", "reply_id": "1250857914136506373", "label": "applause", "text": "Not to alarm anyone but I just recorded the first episode of my podcast."} {"idx": 7889, "original_id": "1250744179740872704", "reply_id": "1250859102122635264", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Considering the death toll per day in the US, there is a 9/11 attack happening every day there 🙄🙄🙄OSAMA BIN LADEN seems like a kindergarten kid compared to the CORONAVIRUS 😳😳😳"} {"idx": 7891, "original_id": "1251147959871221763", "reply_id": "1251162772626276355", "label": "shocked", "text": "The pending charge in my bank account says that I did buy a Nintendo Switch. I am very excited for this development in my personality."} {"idx": 7896, "original_id": "1250986643240058881", "reply_id": "1251025946586447873", "label": "oops", "text": "Fyi. Our official PIO Twitter account was hacked at 10:15am. It is now secure.\n\nInvestigation is ongoing."} {"idx": 7899, "original_id": "1251080119566790656", "reply_id": "1251219589238648832", "label": "omg", "text": "How can Bunty King claim he's part of the gaming community when he's never fucked Katerino?"} {"idx": 7901, "original_id": "1251013377704357888", "reply_id": "1251040362770034688", "label": "yes", "text": "At end of day a mf gon do what they want 2"} {"idx": 7904, "original_id": "1251144750708559877", "reply_id": "1251180254023962624", "label": "thank_you", "text": "OK #FF, Ppl who brightened my week helping make the #infosec community a lil' better.\n@jillians2cents \n@MegatronAL \n@threathuntergrl \n@Ch33r10 \n@wendynather \n@mintynet \n@investigatorchi \n@ChloeMessdaghi \n@PhillipWylie \n@shehackspurple \n@secretmike \n@MayaKaczorowski \n@AnaCidre_"} {"idx": 7906, "original_id": "1250853203106828290", "reply_id": "1250854118228287488", "label": "applause", "text": "BAILOUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 7908, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250915468023603207", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 7909, "original_id": "1251055359424421888", "reply_id": "1251130538112561154", "label": "thank_you", "text": "🦠I need to share something with you because it is causing serious stress. Complaints have been made about me to my professional body . It is hard.🦠John"} {"idx": 7911, "original_id": "1250915318370721794", "reply_id": "1250976992536809472", "label": "hearts", "text": "I’m having the worst. day ever. 🥺"} {"idx": 7913, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251217160275443713", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 7914, "original_id": "1250725034999644161", "reply_id": "1250847159282315264", "label": "seriously", "text": "XRP better be above 22 cents by the end of this month or else its fucked \n\n1 cent"} {"idx": 7916, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251219525174849537", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 7918, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1250984019644334082", "label": "eww", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 7919, "original_id": "1250946007476637698", "reply_id": "1251121997695737859", "label": "agree", "text": "Finally taking in 1917 tonight"} {"idx": 7920, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250914351298592768", "label": "shrug", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 7922, "original_id": "1250892000741687296", "reply_id": "1250931810952900608", "label": "dance", "text": "Winners \n@liltracyfan1 \n@klayshs \n@Murdr_ \n@sythhy \n@starfwds \nDM to reedem your avi :] will make another giveaway soon ♥️"} {"idx": 7927, "original_id": "1251235940284186625", "reply_id": "1251242442357121026", "label": "hug", "text": "I love northlane so much I need a hug bro lol"} {"idx": 7929, "original_id": "1250944601776668675", "reply_id": "1250950545818427392", "label": "applause", "text": "\"we need unity right now\" is just a different way of saying \"stop pointing out how dumb this dumb fuck is, because I, a dumb fuck, have invested a strange amount of my self worth in believing in this dumb fuck\""} {"idx": 7932, "original_id": "1250989145129979904", "reply_id": "1251158620252680198", "label": "yes", "text": "Not much impresses me... besides the blue checkmark. You get one of those and I'm all in."} {"idx": 7933, "original_id": "1250839827945267201", "reply_id": "1250841196303392773", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel like I don’t tell you all this enough but... I love you all 🥺❤️"} {"idx": 7935, "original_id": "1251026185078763520", "reply_id": "1251090482945458183", "label": "facepalm", "text": "\"On Saturdays and Sundays you can see some insects perform a tribute to Men Without Hats.\" \n\"Weekend ants?\" \n\"If you want to.\"\n\n💃🏽"} {"idx": 7936, "original_id": "1250811382443970560", "reply_id": "1250925197491929090", "label": "yes", "text": "I don’t trust WHO\nI don’t trust China\nI don’t trust the UN \nI don’t trust the media \nI don’t trust the democrats"} {"idx": 7942, "original_id": "1250923107671556097", "reply_id": "1250978696942555136", "label": "high_five", "text": "This house is a fucking prison\nOn planet bullshit\nIn the galaxy of this sucks camel dick"} {"idx": 7943, "original_id": "1240006323577802762", "reply_id": "1250974980243947526", "label": "agree", "text": "vanessa hudgens on ig complaining about coachella getting cancelled & saying why does it matter this virus will kill people while ashley tisdale is on ig making quarantine dance videos proves what we’ve always known: sharpay was the true protagonist/hero of high school musical"} {"idx": 7946, "original_id": "1251192225041694722", "reply_id": "1251237266212769792", "label": "yes", "text": "lol am I really about move back to Memphis?😬"} {"idx": 7947, "original_id": "1250827617650917376", "reply_id": "1250894454371876867", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "at least out loud ... i won’t say i’m in love"} {"idx": 7948, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251159330218360832", "label": "win", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 7952, "original_id": "1251254565099515904", "reply_id": "1251262036446715906", "label": "sigh", "text": "How will History describe 2020 America, many years from now?"} {"idx": 7953, "original_id": "1250872464684519424", "reply_id": "1250895649333223424", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Keep your hands clean and your mind dirty"} {"idx": 7955, "original_id": "1250863283357265920", "reply_id": "1250867261612662790", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "omg mutuals reply to this and i'll try to guess ur sign (if i don't already know cause i've done this game so many times) 🌟"} {"idx": 7956, "original_id": "1251221263294529538", "reply_id": "1251229067367649283", "label": "no", "text": "Food with palm oil is for those on death row or life with hard labour."} {"idx": 7957, "original_id": "1251171674533138433", "reply_id": "1251193740099756035", "label": "no", "text": "We need to flatten the curve of people who are getting sourdough starters. It is an E-pain-demic out there"} {"idx": 7958, "original_id": "1250942478192128003", "reply_id": "1250944682135355392", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Who loves those 2 inch per hour snow rates we saw this evening in Omaha? / At the office we were like 🧐😐🙂😀🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓😎"} {"idx": 7960, "original_id": "1250880737349455882", "reply_id": "1250885424391901186", "label": "no", "text": "If someone in your life lied to you as much as Trump lies, would you believe them about anything anymore? Would you even listen to what they said? Would you invite them into your living room?"} {"idx": 7964, "original_id": "1250867112572325891", "reply_id": "1251034753626767360", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I still don’t understand how Christians can so easily excuse and justify god’s obsession with killing human beings.\n\nThe silent culture in calling him out for unfair, irrational & wicked judgements meted out to his “favorite people” ought to be a world wonder!"} {"idx": 7966, "original_id": "1250828675005550593", "reply_id": "1250833538661773312", "label": "seriously", "text": "I just can’t with the weather anymore. I can’t take this whole thing where the extended forecast offers promise and then snatched it away. It’s almost fucking may"} {"idx": 7968, "original_id": "1251012858353254401", "reply_id": "1251014227793494016", "label": "agree", "text": "only to wish you could take it all back"} {"idx": 7969, "original_id": "1250881029218467841", "reply_id": "1250919317971128320", "label": "applause", "text": "A gallery reached out to me about leading a live where I do a food demo and show plating because my “presentation of food is an art form”.\n\nY’all 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 7970, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251227981223202816", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 7974, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251112713637580800", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 7975, "original_id": "1250901294040129537", "reply_id": "1250901498072043521", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all think we open up May 1st?? Or around mid May??"} {"idx": 7978, "original_id": "1251165220900425730", "reply_id": "1251171668053102592", "label": "want", "text": "I'm making banana bread ☺️"} {"idx": 7980, "original_id": "1250811978748059648", "reply_id": "1250864398668828680", "label": "wink", "text": "Hey baby, does this mask bring out my eyes or nah?"} {"idx": 7981, "original_id": "1251182082933456896", "reply_id": "1251184415092301824", "label": "scared", "text": "I truly hope (and it's a faint hope cuz I know the reality is it's highly unlikely) that no cases shoot up and, that maybe we get some miracle when those states open back up. Don't wanna see anymore death (no matter who they voted for 😂)"} {"idx": 7982, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250893852623482880", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 7983, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250953049138495495", "label": "seriously", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 7985, "original_id": "1251062162795008002", "reply_id": "1251128204498100226", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "the power of annalise and tegan!!!😩 *chef's kiss* #HTGAWM"} {"idx": 7986, "original_id": "1250845186097319937", "reply_id": "1251152102899908609", "label": "no", "text": "Please help me with my household Corona debate: do black people get head lice? Anyone know a black persons that had lice?"} {"idx": 7987, "original_id": "1250834775566360576", "reply_id": "1250838393157812225", "label": "agree", "text": "This dude I used to work with is always posting on fb how this virus sucks and he wishes people would stay inside but this same dude just was celebrating a birthday at his friends house like dawg if u don’t stfu 🤣"} {"idx": 7988, "original_id": "1250819082053697542", "reply_id": "1250873694941065217", "label": "no", "text": "OK! Which one of you lot unfollowed me? 🤣😂🤣"} {"idx": 7990, "original_id": "1251243984237801472", "reply_id": "1251251261011365890", "label": "ok", "text": "this valorant key shit is taking the piss"} {"idx": 7992, "original_id": "1250984041203073027", "reply_id": "1251188103500320774", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you are okay with the slow opening of America?"} {"idx": 7994, "original_id": "1250897229663080449", "reply_id": "1250897350492590081", "label": "applause", "text": "Test"} {"idx": 7998, "original_id": "1250998429662109697", "reply_id": "1251155891174338560", "label": "agree", "text": "Look it up...any Catholic who opposes an Ecumenical Council and/or the Pope is a Schismatic. PERIOD. So if you are publishing (even on Twitter) statements against Vatican II or Pope Francis, you are a schismatic, which means you are living in error."} {"idx": 8000, "original_id": "1251137259262357504", "reply_id": "1251137729972363266", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Imagine having a meltdown over Dr. Oz offering his medical opinion and advice while being perfectly content with a software nerd designing and sticking a tracking implant in your hand\n\n🤦‍♀️"} {"idx": 8001, "original_id": "1250999364589424642", "reply_id": "1251175130568380421", "label": "yes", "text": "Should anyone be added to Mt Rushmore?"} {"idx": 8002, "original_id": "1250883952803545088", "reply_id": "1250886613896327169", "label": "no", "text": "President Trump:\n\nYou must make sure testing kits are available across the country RIGHT NOW so we can beat this pandemic and help those affected."} {"idx": 8004, "original_id": "1250876754459267072", "reply_id": "1250883481623724035", "label": "shocked", "text": "Any clans want to set up a 2/3 team wager vs @iBallEmpire on the 3s?\n\n@TheRealDarryl_ @TomoThaGod @Dn3llTv @PrettyBoyDomoo"} {"idx": 8006, "original_id": "1251150209444245514", "reply_id": "1251150776069545991", "label": "eww", "text": "Dunno about you but I'm at the stage now where if the McCanns invited me on a holiday to Portugal I'd go. I'm losing my head here"} {"idx": 8009, "original_id": "1250867080825626627", "reply_id": "1250868234003394560", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy happy birthday! Thank you for all you do for the community :) 😄"} {"idx": 8012, "original_id": "1251212745049092100", "reply_id": "1251212897893715969", "label": "scared", "text": "So sad to hear about Betty White. She’ll be missed. #RIP. \n(She’s fine, just practicing)"} {"idx": 8014, "original_id": "1251195328415641605", "reply_id": "1251263060968423426", "label": "agree", "text": "To the surprise of almost no one, I have been chosen philosophy student of the year"} {"idx": 8018, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1250907870264246273", "label": "smh", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 8019, "original_id": "1251114355376238597", "reply_id": "1251149421863071744", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "A lot of you are really upset that you have to follow the same rules as the people you’ve always looked down on."} {"idx": 8021, "original_id": "1250593395283640320", "reply_id": "1250932791027675139", "label": "agree", "text": "Really missing that one co-worker that’ll give you a cheap laugh on a bad dad joke just to avoid awkward office silence. If that’s you: YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR OFFICE. 😬😬😎"} {"idx": 8026, "original_id": "1250852234809630721", "reply_id": "1250983930955591684", "label": "smh", "text": "We should sincerely thank @sambitswaraj for practiceing as tailor and not as a surgeon . Thus saving precious lives of so many patients from this gober 😂😂😂😂😂🤣"} {"idx": 8028, "original_id": "1250647427947745280", "reply_id": "1250894467160330242", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "One of my biggest fears Is getting pregnant and not knowing who the mom is."} {"idx": 8030, "original_id": "1251168045243920384", "reply_id": "1251185690341228544", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "\"That generation was overcoddled\" whines generation who raised them, then married them when their first marriages failed."} {"idx": 8031, "original_id": "1251167949693628416", "reply_id": "1251169231942619141", "label": "applause", "text": "After this they really need to increase NHS worker’s salaries and provide other incentives. All these adverts and clapping is nice and all but it’s not enough. Speaking as someone that works for the NHS, My sister and my mum are both frontline NHS staff. IT’S JUST NOT ENOUGH!"} {"idx": 8032, "original_id": "1250572400539971587", "reply_id": "1250873874515976199", "label": "smh", "text": "I just realized I can’t stand listening to Obama speak anymore. What I used to find eloquent and charming now sounds patronizing, insulting, and disingenuous."} {"idx": 8035, "original_id": "1251254993904164869", "reply_id": "1251265196779331586", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Grandma called me yesterday. “I’m gonna send you something this week since you’re the only one that doesn’t have somebody.” 🥴🥴🥴\n\nHow do I feel great and awful at the same time? Lmaoooo"} {"idx": 8039, "original_id": "1250998651448692736", "reply_id": "1250999091385044994", "label": "win", "text": "Something about you"} {"idx": 8041, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250962599732281345", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 8043, "original_id": "1250991707975372801", "reply_id": "1250993869870620673", "label": "no", "text": "oomfs am i annoying"} {"idx": 8045, "original_id": "1250894567798452226", "reply_id": "1250904164353421318", "label": "applause", "text": "🐑\n🐑🐑\n🐑🐑🐑\n🐑🐑🐑🐑\n🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑\n🐑🐑🐺🐑🐑🐑\n🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑💻\n🐑🐑🐑🐑🐺🐑\n🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑\n🐑🐺🐑🐑\n🐑🐑🐑\n🐑🐑\n🐑\n\nWatch out for wolves in sheep’s clothing.\nThey’ll try to distract and divide.\n\nDebate. Disagree.\nBut don’t let them divide us.\n\n#coronavirus #disinformation"} {"idx": 8048, "original_id": "1250827584050356224", "reply_id": "1250869032808599553", "label": "ok", "text": "None of my sex tweets are about you"} {"idx": 8059, "original_id": "1250969927164538883", "reply_id": "1251204702139801601", "label": "applause", "text": "To let you know. It's my birthday."} {"idx": 8060, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250939535971815425", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 8062, "original_id": "1250864721995104261", "reply_id": "1250865740816793601", "label": "wink", "text": "How am I supposed to go another month without a haircut?"} {"idx": 8063, "original_id": "1250868032227835904", "reply_id": "1250873996884578304", "label": "applause", "text": "Despite feeling like utter trash I finally squeezed 900 words into YA desi fantasy horror today, please clap"} {"idx": 8065, "original_id": "1250633493635371008", "reply_id": "1250875851715084288", "label": "sigh", "text": "Was less than 15 turns from winning my civilization game and lost my capital, Twitter how do yall go to bed mad?"} {"idx": 8067, "original_id": "1250812733840338944", "reply_id": "1250945237708611586", "label": "no", "text": "Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn’t turn the ability off?"} {"idx": 8068, "original_id": "1250557959228272645", "reply_id": "1250975622916198404", "label": "awww", "text": "IMSFIL"} {"idx": 8069, "original_id": "1250884625825763328", "reply_id": "1250996705161510915", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Don’t have a saree/sari picture cuz we uglyyyyy 😭🥴"} {"idx": 8070, "original_id": "1250526816806342656", "reply_id": "1251038884001169414", "label": "no", "text": "Cowboys fans, would you trade a 2nd and a 5th round pick for OBJ?"} {"idx": 8073, "original_id": "1251032247400046592", "reply_id": "1251270500829089800", "label": "oops", "text": "niggas will dead ass nut in you and not say shit 😳😳😳😳"} {"idx": 8074, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251192917500329985", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 8075, "original_id": "1250919737514700800", "reply_id": "1250922791982870528", "label": "applause", "text": "Some states can open tomorrow 🔥"} {"idx": 8077, "original_id": "1250899574136471559", "reply_id": "1250923397720219649", "label": "sigh", "text": "\"What is PTO?\" - Gov. McMaster"} {"idx": 8080, "original_id": "1250904241964630016", "reply_id": "1250942186922835970", "label": "agree", "text": "it doesn't surprise me that the men who love JJ without question also appear to be the type themselves to leave women unsatisfied with an abrupt and unpleasant ending, 💅"} {"idx": 8082, "original_id": "1250967100602146817", "reply_id": "1250971163624460294", "label": "ok", "text": "I need 3am friends bc everyone seems to disappear before midnight 😡"} {"idx": 8085, "original_id": "1250710783962447872", "reply_id": "1250842789924843520", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Strategy of the strategist was to give a strategy so that it could strategise the strategy of the strategiser. But the tragedy of the strategist was that the strategy couldn't be stratagised since the strategist actually didn't have a strategy. Did you understand the stratagy?:)"} {"idx": 8091, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250966903692111879", "label": "wink", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 8093, "original_id": "1250848927903100928", "reply_id": "1250959561751748608", "label": "want", "text": "the fact that i went from😊to 😍 and then 😔 all in a matter of 8 minutes."} {"idx": 8094, "original_id": "1250983055248031744", "reply_id": "1250990084796624896", "label": "applause", "text": "Starting Ozark fr now"} {"idx": 8095, "original_id": "1250911875149303813", "reply_id": "1250934027613323265", "label": "win", "text": "We now have more Americans dead than Hillary had emails. \n\nHeckuva of job, Donnie."} {"idx": 8096, "original_id": "1251204176048160768", "reply_id": "1251212975798616068", "label": "eww", "text": "One of the most slept on food combos is mixing cottage cheese and apple sauce. I understand this claim sounds absurd but if you like both just give it a shot."} {"idx": 8098, "original_id": "1251200514932555780", "reply_id": "1251242780904562688", "label": "yes", "text": "What if I set up a virtual hockey twitter flip cup tournament for charity?"} {"idx": 8100, "original_id": "1250953071053676545", "reply_id": "1250962180150890496", "label": "hug", "text": "I don’t feel like myself the last few days. 🤷🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 8101, "original_id": "1250848818746228736", "reply_id": "1250849147969732609", "label": "yes", "text": "The Fake Politicians from both sides should get their tax-payer funded butts on a plane to Washington D.C. (aren't THEY essential workers, too?), and BAILOUT HUMANS NOW! #BailoutHumansNow cc: @cnn @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 8105, "original_id": "1251241288596369413", "reply_id": "1251242174223712256", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Haven't seen anyone do this shit in a while but FOLLOW FRIDAY!!! I highly recommend you follow these homies! 😝😝😝❤️❤️❤️\n\n@SwitchStop @GamesCageX @PhantomArtifice @ThisIsXel @GreysunMorales @GalaktixGG @Kissmynazz @JohnnyLockson @Roy1up_ @mrpyo1 @CTH73 @Landy_27_"} {"idx": 8108, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251041738698838016", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 8110, "original_id": "1250848603196792832", "reply_id": "1250913179103662080", "label": "awww", "text": "I am no complying anymore. I’m done. \n\nFuck government. Fuck it all."} {"idx": 8111, "original_id": "1250933197329911813", "reply_id": "1251093463761850369", "label": "eww", "text": "Here’s my take on the whole #Covid_19 pandemic- the solution can’t be worse then the actual problem itself. If they did a count on how many businesses and lives have been or will be ruined from the shutdown like they do for Covid-19 stats it would make you sick."} {"idx": 8113, "original_id": "1250828478141870080", "reply_id": "1250985556051398656", "label": "idk", "text": "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 8115, "original_id": "1250823586300006400", "reply_id": "1250868838322835457", "label": "agree", "text": "You can keep your Lobster Thermidor and your Caviar. Beans on Toast is still one of the best meals ever. #hastobeheinz"} {"idx": 8116, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251091596642144256", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 8117, "original_id": "1250940828803051520", "reply_id": "1250941564668514311", "label": "awww", "text": "god I'm head over heels for ryan"} {"idx": 8118, "original_id": "1250910368823676946", "reply_id": "1250911189162496001", "label": "ok", "text": "The way that Matt slevin is singlehandedly bringing the joy of competition to our timelines in a format we can all enjoy together?? His MIND... his SACRIFICE... we salute him"} {"idx": 8120, "original_id": "1250946809536667648", "reply_id": "1250947341407916033", "label": "kiss", "text": "@iAmBaine_ ouch"} {"idx": 8124, "original_id": "1251030717552889856", "reply_id": "1251057516844384259", "label": "hug", "text": "You know its getting bad when you start dreaming about work and being unable to finish your tasks."} {"idx": 8126, "original_id": "1250894004331388930", "reply_id": "1250894100452249600", "label": "awww", "text": "Invite to party"} {"idx": 8127, "original_id": "1251235090279084034", "reply_id": "1251237223904579584", "label": "hug", "text": "I have Disabilities and Special needs am still a human being just like everyone else I love to be positive because I wanna to enjoy life I love to inspire everyone and bring love and joy to everyone and I will continue to bring inspirational to a lot of people ❤️"} {"idx": 8133, "original_id": "1250816482931605504", "reply_id": "1250844886947020800", "label": "no", "text": "i've been recording valorant for like two days now. ALL MY GAMES ARE CRAPPPPPP. JUST GIVE ME ONEEEEE DECENT GAMMEEEE"} {"idx": 8135, "original_id": "1250545400366407682", "reply_id": "1250985196410765312", "label": "shocked", "text": "This is supposed to be a pandemic briefing.. The president is attacking Democrats."} {"idx": 8138, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251033620958941185", "label": "omg", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 8139, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251238577763016704", "label": "smh", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 8140, "original_id": "1250970189807652865", "reply_id": "1250972860673294336", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ve never made bread."} {"idx": 8141, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250998672168542209", "label": "please", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 8143, "original_id": "1251207251919962113", "reply_id": "1251207497982984192", "label": "shocked", "text": "My baby's always making me horny"} {"idx": 8145, "original_id": "1251265214995103746", "reply_id": "1251265936042098698", "label": "applause", "text": "Girls that I’d simp for, a thread"} {"idx": 8146, "original_id": "1250904510396063744", "reply_id": "1251213185564229635", "label": "wink", "text": "It’s horny day apparently so... hope you’re horny?"} {"idx": 8153, "original_id": "1250924905488662528", "reply_id": "1250925990370516992", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump blaming unspecified people for not spreading the word about the virus: “People knew what was happening. People didn’t want to talk about it.” Trump and the admin were warned about this going back to January and he chose to downplay it."} {"idx": 8154, "original_id": "1251148413699190790", "reply_id": "1251176373328150530", "label": "yes", "text": "We’re in the middle of a global pandemic. No one feeling ill should have to choose between earning a paycheck or staying home to recover. We need to provide paid sick leave to everyone who needs it immediately."} {"idx": 8158, "original_id": "1251009470882168832", "reply_id": "1251009653095501824", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "All you @realDonaldTrump haters out there let's start a new hashtag challenge. Let's see those videos! Go #Burnmystimuluscheck #nevertrumpers #stillyourpresident"} {"idx": 8161, "original_id": "1250938512498733058", "reply_id": "1250970930093981697", "label": "applause", "text": "my husband just said those eleven words every woman wants to hear:\n\n\"actually, i don't think luke skywalker was a well-developed character.\""} {"idx": 8164, "original_id": "1251233986963214345", "reply_id": "1251234305612881920", "label": "no", "text": "Fuck it sent tht 100 😂😂"} {"idx": 8165, "original_id": "1251230647852699648", "reply_id": "1251234017141276673", "label": "hug", "text": "In my feelings tonight 🥺"} {"idx": 8166, "original_id": "1250957028232531968", "reply_id": "1250969691427921920", "label": "wink", "text": "Lemme Just Say, 3/4 sleeve shirts were made just for me to look like a snack."} {"idx": 8167, "original_id": "1250908467998724096", "reply_id": "1250908625612288000", "label": "hearts", "text": "So excited to help @DanbyyTv with his new PC tomorrow! So happy for you bro! You deserve it!"} {"idx": 8168, "original_id": "1250892874943733760", "reply_id": "1250893247553179649", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "it always happens to me i swear"} {"idx": 8172, "original_id": "1250879765180846080", "reply_id": "1250895227826528256", "label": "yes", "text": "All I want is to not read any hot takes on long term effects on children getting so much screen time during these lockdown days."} {"idx": 8173, "original_id": "1250898907615375360", "reply_id": "1250914746733408260", "label": "smh", "text": "Sooooooooo I can take my trip to LA in August 🤔"} {"idx": 8174, "original_id": "1251218121748291586", "reply_id": "1251222512827895808", "label": "hug", "text": "i rlly need a hug rn :("} {"idx": 8175, "original_id": "1250954864043200512", "reply_id": "1250955353732374528", "label": "hug", "text": "thank you to everyone who defended me today and left nice words or even messaged me, if it wasn't for you guys i would've have been so confident in myself to stick with my label. honestly thank you so much i really love yall ❤️"} {"idx": 8176, "original_id": "1250728432926969856", "reply_id": "1250851752095682562", "label": "awww", "text": "My obsession to cuddle lately has to stop"} {"idx": 8177, "original_id": "1251017991187099648", "reply_id": "1251019600591941633", "label": "agree", "text": "I let it slide once but that’s it lol."} {"idx": 8178, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251232087904043008", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 8182, "original_id": "1250947040319766533", "reply_id": "1250950345557266434", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm gonna be playing Palu full time for a minute\nDrake clapping gifs only."} {"idx": 8183, "original_id": "1250863038036504577", "reply_id": "1250864276899688448", "label": "shocked", "text": "It finally happened. I finally accidentally deleted Marks text messages, 4 years worth of text messages. Just deleted lmao, I worked so hard to not ever delete them and then poof there they go."} {"idx": 8184, "original_id": "1250962528387162112", "reply_id": "1250964341429604352", "label": "eww", "text": "He'll post a shirtless selfie soon..."} {"idx": 8187, "original_id": "1250973428263325696", "reply_id": "1251190273356554240", "label": "agree", "text": "Y'all still ignore the first slice of bread?"} {"idx": 8189, "original_id": "1251139504737583104", "reply_id": "1251140858448998400", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m one more catastrophic drop in CPM away from starting an OnlyFans"} {"idx": 8194, "original_id": "1251060503473827841", "reply_id": "1251067557118742528", "label": "yes", "text": "tl sleep? “right here right now” sex is my favorite ."} {"idx": 8195, "original_id": "1251040036092403713", "reply_id": "1251066081554251776", "label": "hearts", "text": "I just realized I reached 200 followers already! Thank youuuuuu ;w; ❤💕"} {"idx": 8196, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1250941095950909441", "label": "thank_you", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 8197, "original_id": "1251141848434761730", "reply_id": "1251144350777499648", "label": "awww", "text": "y'all make the coolest edits and fanart i'm soft 🥺❣️"} {"idx": 8198, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251186166596018177", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 8200, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251220981575802882", "label": "no", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 8202, "original_id": "1250926974245224449", "reply_id": "1250976694158217217", "label": "agree", "text": "so now we have 5 twd movies that won't get made instead of 3"} {"idx": 8203, "original_id": "1250969832482168832", "reply_id": "1250971753506959360", "label": "omg", "text": "Garrett just fed me clam chowder that expired in 2015. I’m pissed"} {"idx": 8205, "original_id": "1250948259616559105", "reply_id": "1250968618948538368", "label": "no", "text": "air fried plantain. Thoughts?"} {"idx": 8206, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251195505331372032", "label": "shocked", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 8208, "original_id": "1251227567274811392", "reply_id": "1251251371195740176", "label": "eww", "text": "If you are travelling at the speed of sound, would you smell your fart before you heard it ?"} {"idx": 8210, "original_id": "1251236795133464576", "reply_id": "1251238044763590665", "label": "yes", "text": "Sure, I'll cuddle you and rub your dick a little. Why not?"} {"idx": 8211, "original_id": "1250904553949663234", "reply_id": "1250908652812279811", "label": "agree", "text": "When you know who you are and what you want in life you can give a damn what someone think about you 🗣💯"} {"idx": 8212, "original_id": "1251181176565481472", "reply_id": "1251186326701068290", "label": "seriously", "text": "To the driver that didn’t have their load properly secured on the MacKay bridge today at 11:30am If you’re looking for the tire that flew out of the back of your truck, that hit the front of my vehicle...it’s in the harbour now. \nThank you to @HHBridges for your help & support."} {"idx": 8213, "original_id": "1250850082800500739", "reply_id": "1250851186141528071", "label": "applause", "text": "I just found the solution to an editing issue I have faced for 2 years."} {"idx": 8216, "original_id": "1250882889371320322", "reply_id": "1251101421942030336", "label": "no", "text": "We can see how the Tanzanian guy is wishing to be a kenyan he's actually watching the citizen shows the whole week to follow up and enjoy hearing his name in the Kenyan signal #UkaidiWaMagufuli"} {"idx": 8222, "original_id": "1250877551372906503", "reply_id": "1250918686157934610", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "@BarstoolBigCat I’m so bored I might place an order to get some @LouMalnatis shipped to me, good idea or nah?"} {"idx": 8224, "original_id": "1251178351521341448", "reply_id": "1251181649913659392", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ve just woken from a nap that was so good, it was better than any of the sex I’ve had in the last three and a half weeks."} {"idx": 8225, "original_id": "1250778505077497856", "reply_id": "1250902338413514758", "label": "hug", "text": "Yo! Y'all are showing me love today and I don't know what to say. You're all so lovely and amazing people, I really do appreciate you you know. I know it's hard to convey through words on a screen but I do ❤️"} {"idx": 8226, "original_id": "1251219012694020101", "reply_id": "1251219383034273799", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Liberian Girl by Michael Jackson held the record for most A List Celebs In A Music Video until Is This The Way To Amarillo in 2005. #TOTP"} {"idx": 8227, "original_id": "1250974508393037826", "reply_id": "1250976825594920960", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@jiboonyan Happy birthday!"} {"idx": 8228, "original_id": "1251030968540020737", "reply_id": "1251032078746939393", "label": "yes", "text": "One day I’m gonna post a bunch of my drafts"} {"idx": 8230, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250885025500889089", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 8232, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251002777397911553", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 8235, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1251195153320206338", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 8242, "original_id": "1251185755227148289", "reply_id": "1251193976591462406", "label": "shrug", "text": "Does Trump not realize how self-defeating it is to incite mass COVID-19 protests among his base when everyone else is staying inside?\n\nWithin days, we're going to see reports about how people attending these protests are coming down with symptoms.\n\nHe’s harming his own voters."} {"idx": 8243, "original_id": "1250927308325740544", "reply_id": "1250933453463457793", "label": "seriously", "text": "LeBron thinks he's slick, he's gonna use the Coronavirus as an excuse on why he didn't win a Ring this year"} {"idx": 8244, "original_id": "1250973023844384770", "reply_id": "1250974371721740289", "label": "yes", "text": "Bro so happy it’s Friday tomorrow bro literally going to play drop zone whole entire weekend let’s go best game mode on modern warfare one my fav playlist i enjoy"} {"idx": 8245, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251123953613012993", "label": "sigh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 8252, "original_id": "1251264755765043200", "reply_id": "1251266221175115776", "label": "applause", "text": "Suck him until he cums \nThen keep on sucking"} {"idx": 8254, "original_id": "1250910955808141318", "reply_id": "1250969648977379330", "label": "agree", "text": "Remember when stupid people mostly didn't vote? \n\nThen Trump came along and they said \"Finally! One of our own!\""} {"idx": 8257, "original_id": "1251067084693528576", "reply_id": "1251213971597570048", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm so lucky to have such incredible people in my life ☺️"} {"idx": 8259, "original_id": "1251242817663332352", "reply_id": "1251243062560346112", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I need to get out of bed and wake up and try to be ready to go to work but... god I’m tired 🙃🙃🙃"} {"idx": 8260, "original_id": "1251219470124802048", "reply_id": "1251272194468036612", "label": "hug", "text": "will be attending my first virtual funeral tomorrow."} {"idx": 8262, "original_id": "1251139659910066176", "reply_id": "1251272827325554689", "label": "shocked", "text": "Next girl I date gotta get jumped into my family 45 secs with my mom,aunts and a few of my cousins show me how bad you wanna be in my life 😊😊"} {"idx": 8265, "original_id": "1251111656475840512", "reply_id": "1251118699148386304", "label": "seriously", "text": "See why I don’t like short men? Imps"} {"idx": 8266, "original_id": "1250810172815151111", "reply_id": "1250854895315554305", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "It’s a shame that some in my party would rather see this President fail - even in the midst of crisis - than support him in his efforts to ensure the well-being of the American people."} {"idx": 8267, "original_id": "1250904056354222085", "reply_id": "1250913714909458435", "label": "ok", "text": "if you fatheads keep posting d**d erwin on the tl I’m gonna shave ur brows off while you sleep"} {"idx": 8268, "original_id": "1250866531522744320", "reply_id": "1250869794573860864", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "#Bears are expected to re-sign DB Sherrick McManis, the special teams standout who will be heading into his 9th season with the club."} {"idx": 8269, "original_id": "1251139748804071424", "reply_id": "1251154532228190209", "label": "yes", "text": "I want french fries and chicken tendies"} {"idx": 8271, "original_id": "1250816413595512832", "reply_id": "1251032220074196994", "label": "hug", "text": "Honestly, I just need a hug."} {"idx": 8274, "original_id": "1250936586717540358", "reply_id": "1250937203175288833", "label": "omg", "text": "The lobby of our local McDonalds Is open."} {"idx": 8275, "original_id": "1250861021801050112", "reply_id": "1250861826981736450", "label": "applause", "text": "We might be playing a song from our upcoming album in our livestream with @Go963MN today 🙊"} {"idx": 8277, "original_id": "1250868245218951168", "reply_id": "1250895804467904515", "label": "agree", "text": "Don’t call me and start talking to everybody in the background.. I’ll hang the fuck up on yo ass"} {"idx": 8278, "original_id": "1250925814058831874", "reply_id": "1250931732666290176", "label": "scared", "text": "Eagles have @fcoxx_91 @TheMalikJackson and @Jay_MostWanted coming up the middle this year 😬"} {"idx": 8281, "original_id": "1250752899040317440", "reply_id": "1250854345555480577", "label": "applause", "text": "📢 FURTHER SCHEDULE UPDATE 📢\n\n@channel5_tv have announced that Neighbours will now increase to three episodes per week from Monday 20th April. 🙌\n\nNeighbours will air on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - at the usual times of 1:45 PM and 5:30 PM.\n\n#Neighbours"} {"idx": 8284, "original_id": "1250567356121845760", "reply_id": "1250900902980079626", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Proof that we’ve all gone insane: I bought a push cart today. 🏌️"} {"idx": 8286, "original_id": "1251000567993782272", "reply_id": "1251130619486224384", "label": "applause", "text": "We are excited to announce that the first episode of our podcast will be available in early May! #StarTrek #Voyager #StarTrekVoyager #TomParis #HarryKim #TheDeltaFlyers"} {"idx": 8290, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250874066061361152", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 8292, "original_id": "1250984129455251456", "reply_id": "1251019292285390848", "label": "yes", "text": "You guys think court purple will restock a dude need a 12🥺"} {"idx": 8293, "original_id": "1250840917084233728", "reply_id": "1250844017870270464", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I watch Little Fires Everywhere?"} {"idx": 8295, "original_id": "1250922368895254528", "reply_id": "1250922614090055681", "label": "agree", "text": "Why is tRump so mellow tonight? Xanax? 🤔🤔🤔"} {"idx": 8297, "original_id": "1251033033429397505", "reply_id": "1251142358676246528", "label": "smh", "text": "Morning! ☀️\n*little rhyme for you*\nSo I’ve been asked to post more #dadjokes and I’m really not sure why.\nBut in honour of keeping a few of you smiling during #lockdown I’ll endeavour to comply.\n🃏When does a joke become a “dad joke?” \nWhen it becomes apparent.🃏"} {"idx": 8300, "original_id": "1250944807708442625", "reply_id": "1250945985485787136", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "i wonder what dwayne the rock johnson is doing #missingbae"} {"idx": 8301, "original_id": "1251210184439017472", "reply_id": "1251210440144826370", "label": "agree", "text": "my twins big like Tia Tamera"} {"idx": 8306, "original_id": "1250922566925062145", "reply_id": "1250925717245878272", "label": "facepalm", "text": "States can start reopening as soon as May 1 🙃"} {"idx": 8310, "original_id": "1250843635941244929", "reply_id": "1250844461023846400", "label": "awww", "text": "I hope you have a good day @MletzkoM"} {"idx": 8311, "original_id": "1250881921443397633", "reply_id": "1250883202459336704", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lol don’t play with me lil boy"} {"idx": 8314, "original_id": "1250936196185767936", "reply_id": "1250937078273069057", "label": "yes", "text": "A friend just expressed concern for my mental health. He feared I was watching way too many Trump press conferences. \n\nFYI. I’ve never seen a second of any of them. \n\nI just look at what friends say on Twitter, then viciously slam Trump accordingly. \n\nThanks for your concern."} {"idx": 8315, "original_id": "1250823880266088449", "reply_id": "1250858538458419206", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Quiz Qs: which state doesn’t have a health minister, much of the health dept is in quarantine, has the city with one of the highest corona mortalities per capita? (It also doesn’t even have a cabinet, the longest period in the country’s history of a govt without a cabinet?)"} {"idx": 8316, "original_id": "1251132515194155011", "reply_id": "1251252950107815942", "label": "smh", "text": "Sunday night can’t get here fast enough!!! #TheLastDance"} {"idx": 8317, "original_id": "1250865343402332160", "reply_id": "1250877274272006145", "label": "applause", "text": "What do you all honestly think of Mike Pence? \n\nDo you like him?"} {"idx": 8319, "original_id": "1251255582339694592", "reply_id": "1251255902998495233", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m not ok. I’m okish, but this happens after a major episode, it’s like the whole next day is a fog. I can’t cope with anything, the tears, the anxiety, but it’s all like, muted, so I think I’m fine. I’m not tho. Last night was a major victory for me, but it has a cost."} {"idx": 8321, "original_id": "1250893737649213446", "reply_id": "1250903326616682497", "label": "ok", "text": "Mr.Worldwide"} {"idx": 8322, "original_id": "1250863362050854914", "reply_id": "1251258812901650433", "label": "oops", "text": "we as a collective have been traumatized by men with J names."} {"idx": 8326, "original_id": "1250907320294322176", "reply_id": "1251204018115837952", "label": "shocked", "text": "Got my tiddies pierced 50 likes and show a peak 😶"} {"idx": 8328, "original_id": "1250862646506582017", "reply_id": "1250863284623990785", "label": "applause", "text": "Drumroll please! Congrats to our THREE Nuun sticker pack winners @BobMorella, @SavySherryM, @PhyliciaSP! 🥳🥳🥳"} {"idx": 8331, "original_id": "1250857492495699968", "reply_id": "1250859936088592384", "label": "seriously", "text": "If America let’s @realDonaldTrump win the November election, they deserve to die by their own sword."} {"idx": 8334, "original_id": "1251109495918465024", "reply_id": "1251161630789926915", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Dr. Phil went on Fox News + said we shouldn’t shut the country down because of COVID.\n\nHe claimed 360,000 people die every year from swimming pool accidents and we “don’t shut the country down for that.”\n\nActual number is 3,600.\n\n+ swimming pool accidents aren't contagious Phil."} {"idx": 8335, "original_id": "1251127181708857344", "reply_id": "1251168848499408896", "label": "facepalm", "text": "You can’t be anti abusive ships and ship Hannigram like WHAT. Reylo is TAME compared to that mess."} {"idx": 8336, "original_id": "1251211600243167232", "reply_id": "1251213764579545090", "label": "applause", "text": "27 points 😱"} {"idx": 8339, "original_id": "1251140373239304193", "reply_id": "1251155094000644109", "label": "high_five", "text": "Your Biggest mistake of life is\n\nNEGLECTING MY TWEETS 💉👎"} {"idx": 8340, "original_id": "1251128270759886851", "reply_id": "1251131599913193472", "label": "scared", "text": "oh shit I liked someone’s tweet from 2017 while stalking 😂"} {"idx": 8342, "original_id": "1251257123574611977", "reply_id": "1251263448329023488", "label": "yes", "text": "Did y’all get your stimulus check yet?"} {"idx": 8343, "original_id": "1250900075879919616", "reply_id": "1250905880733855749", "label": "idk", "text": "What color is \"ignorance\"?"} {"idx": 8344, "original_id": "1251219568066023424", "reply_id": "1251221201445359616", "label": "agree", "text": "I just want to say @AdriyanRae is the coolest. 🥰🥰🥰 everyone should watch #VagrantQueen pleaseeee watch it!!!"} {"idx": 8348, "original_id": "1251070141825048577", "reply_id": "1251261768271306754", "label": "yes", "text": "Here's why I love Twitter\n\nIt feels human. Unlike fb, insta, linkedin, it's like an place where I finally belong"} {"idx": 8350, "original_id": "1250894488995868679", "reply_id": "1250895427198693378", "label": "hug", "text": "Drained."} {"idx": 8352, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250900404789039105", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 8354, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250874096834904064", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 8356, "original_id": "1250990033462595584", "reply_id": "1250996239090569217", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "👀Did Rep. French Hill just quote the Washington TIMES on FB? Did y'all see that? #ar02"} {"idx": 8357, "original_id": "1250846448809160706", "reply_id": "1250878062717218818", "label": "yes", "text": "Ms Pelosi do you know how many desperate veterans that twenty five million dollars you gave the Kennedy Center could have given a reason for living.\nMy guess is you just don’t give a damn"} {"idx": 8358, "original_id": "1250990052559159297", "reply_id": "1250991329456328706", "label": "smh", "text": "For the last two nights I’ve been having nightmares, call me a pussy but I’m not looking forward to tonight."} {"idx": 8362, "original_id": "1250966165544984577", "reply_id": "1250968731905404928", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "So unfortunately I'm having some network errors on COD tonight, sadly I had to end the stream early. However, thank you for the follow @SHOT_BY_A_GIRL ! I am now 26 followers away from 50! Thank you everyone for your support!"} {"idx": 8363, "original_id": "1245580816198938626", "reply_id": "1251163355043094529", "label": "no", "text": "Download now for 90 days free. Limited time. Court is officially in session. Chrissy's Court. Only on Quibi."} {"idx": 8365, "original_id": "1250987152990588930", "reply_id": "1250987411535851520", "label": "hug", "text": "Gonna watch DEADPOOL and try not to feel down. I've been having an okay day, but it's trying to creep in."} {"idx": 8366, "original_id": "1251149689895829505", "reply_id": "1251165603307683840", "label": "shocked", "text": "#HowToRuinARelationship Climb out the bathroom window when a date turns into an interview."} {"idx": 8369, "original_id": "1251210062430982146", "reply_id": "1251211130657280001", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "People are buying up webcams for the highest resolution chats possible. I'm over here smearing vaseline on my laptop, can you guys see me all right?"} {"idx": 8370, "original_id": "1251177509242142731", "reply_id": "1251178131878301697", "label": "kiss", "text": "Did my coworkers find a magic genie lamp? I’m super horny & the only ppl I can be near are my gross coworkers"} {"idx": 8375, "original_id": "1250870145645514754", "reply_id": "1250883095743483904", "label": "smh", "text": "Courage."} {"idx": 8376, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251190382433497088", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 8377, "original_id": "1251175711739699201", "reply_id": "1251199516797284355", "label": "wink", "text": "I own a hell of a lot of Yoga pants for a girl who’s never done a downward dog in her life.\n\nNamaste. In bed."} {"idx": 8380, "original_id": "1250944193687465984", "reply_id": "1250975116865003520", "label": "no", "text": "I know it's sexist, but if I come to home depot without a bra on, I should definitely get to skip the line"} {"idx": 8381, "original_id": "1250908579588177921", "reply_id": "1251226410645164044", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "People who look young for their age tend to live longer than those who look older than their age."} {"idx": 8382, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250890807084752902", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 8383, "original_id": "1250975007607451648", "reply_id": "1250979549434662912", "label": "thank_you", "text": "| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|\n Don't cancel\n Modern Warfare 2\n Multiplayer Remastered\n|___________|\n (\\__/) ||\n (•ㅅ•) ||\n /   づ"} {"idx": 8387, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251254994319400970", "label": "smh", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 8391, "original_id": "1250857438682722305", "reply_id": "1251275053540540416", "label": "applause", "text": "Got all my employees paid and with enough work for the next two months. Baby steps."} {"idx": 8399, "original_id": "1250937769636925441", "reply_id": "1250939545450938368", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Did we just become best friends?"} {"idx": 8400, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251102822818406400", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 8402, "original_id": "1250890613936975872", "reply_id": "1250902668702371840", "label": "no", "text": "Egg Rankings:\n\n1. Omelette\n2. Scrambled\n3. Fried\n4. Hard Boiled \n5. Over Easy\n6. Poached\n7. Deviled\n8. Soft Boiled"} {"idx": 8405, "original_id": "1250996814901391360", "reply_id": "1251008068546150400", "label": "applause", "text": "Holy shit im a father of two lol 😅😅😅😅😅😳"} {"idx": 8408, "original_id": "1250837781904887808", "reply_id": "1250901637763399685", "label": "agree", "text": "One thing that truly burns me up inside is these white feminist women “resisters” who retweet a bunch of male neocons, pundits & legal experts. It’s like 9/10 male grifters. Yet these “feminists” can’t see that they are the only thing standing in between patriachy and revolution."} {"idx": 8413, "original_id": "1251012082893492224", "reply_id": "1251061973720203265", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "The Exp 62 crew has reached Earth's atmosphere and their Soyuz crew ship's heat shield is creating a plasma trail 50 miles above Earth's surface."} {"idx": 8414, "original_id": "1250924302670520320", "reply_id": "1251106460102262784", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m really not in the mood for all this bullshit today. \n\nMy body feels like it’s on fire, my brain hurts. \n\nI need to scream until I cry... that kind of crying where it hurts, where I can’t breath, where I shake and shudder. Then I need back rubs and a forceful hug. \n\nPlease."} {"idx": 8415, "original_id": "1251175006756732931", "reply_id": "1251178054044524546", "label": "facepalm", "text": "BREAKING NEWS: Florida beaches start reopening THIS EVENING: Jacksonville becomes first county to start easing lockdown - despite state's RISING COVID-19 infection rate - after Trump handed control to governors with three-phase plan to reopen America."} {"idx": 8416, "original_id": "1250661705929109504", "reply_id": "1250847921349603328", "label": "yolo", "text": "Johnny Depp joined instagram and he'll be using it himself. What a time to be alive."} {"idx": 8418, "original_id": "1251183329099108353", "reply_id": "1251257389740851200", "label": "applause", "text": "I just now clocked, the gymshark logo, is a shark’s head.\nI thought it was just an angular dynamic looking graphic."} {"idx": 8419, "original_id": "1250834841127596034", "reply_id": "1250835593115860992", "label": "awww", "text": "My husband still has to go into the Pentagon for work once a week... and I must say, I’ve gotten so used to having him around all day while I’m working, that I’m kinda bummed when he’s not here. Yes, I realize this is quite sappy #confession"} {"idx": 8420, "original_id": "1251179420288790528", "reply_id": "1251191724107419649", "label": "applause", "text": "Educate yourself.\n\nNo one is looking out for you like you will look out for yourself."} {"idx": 8421, "original_id": "1250487547740000260", "reply_id": "1250947228316790784", "label": "no", "text": "Unfortunately my render failed for today's video, i realised it too late, so re-rendering now, video will be a bit late! :P"} {"idx": 8422, "original_id": "1250910144084340736", "reply_id": "1250958315720327168", "label": "thank_you", "text": "going to be releasing new music on TNH every week for the next few months 😊😊"} {"idx": 8424, "original_id": "1251020000040833024", "reply_id": "1251145087909638151", "label": "hug", "text": "I need someone to give me some free shit. Anything that isn't deadly would be nice. \n\n-\n\nCould even be a hug."} {"idx": 8425, "original_id": "1250926675547680768", "reply_id": "1250928497909837824", "label": "applause", "text": "Deleted the FB app from my phone today. The sheer number of hoax and conspiracy theories caused my brain (and temper) to explode. I’m sticking to Twitter and wholesome #ACNH content about growing flower hybrids."} {"idx": 8426, "original_id": "1251166630073307136", "reply_id": "1251167000182747136", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Ok, time to get started on this Breathe project. Wish me luck."} {"idx": 8429, "original_id": "1250832797322768384", "reply_id": "1250833170859261953", "label": "scared", "text": "Let's not kid ourselves people, every day is national horny day. I've seen the shit you people like on my timeline."} {"idx": 8430, "original_id": "1250884161788928000", "reply_id": "1250902204678049793", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hey! I'll be on @bobandtom tomorrow morning. Friday, April 17."} {"idx": 8431, "original_id": "1251190613632049157", "reply_id": "1251225625043632129", "label": "applause", "text": "If I could encourage you to make content I would tell you that I’ve made over 1400 YouTube videos and grown to over 100K Subscribers despite fighting imposter syndrome and second guessing things every single day... and found just enough scraps of courage to upload.\n\nBe Brave."} {"idx": 8434, "original_id": "1251062298807922688", "reply_id": "1251235663707385856", "label": "hug", "text": "I hadn’t seen that photo for 25 years and then I found it after Ian died.\nWhen I held it I recoiled.\nI couldn’t look at it.\n\nI imagine some of you have had partners who’ve done that to you. Or you to them.\nDon’t.\nI know what it signifies.\nIt’s not good."} {"idx": 8435, "original_id": "1251045058389803009", "reply_id": "1251102797573079041", "label": "ok", "text": "I need my pussy ate like the last super🥴"} {"idx": 8436, "original_id": "1250920463838126081", "reply_id": "1250929784210821124", "label": "wink", "text": "Thanks to EVERYBODY that subbed last night. HUGE shout out to the man himself @daygo21sg for 20 GIFTED!! That’s mans heart is too big I swear.. you all are amazing. 🖤💕 lets bring the hype tonight for this tournament!"} {"idx": 8437, "original_id": "1251225858892804103", "reply_id": "1251226774517755908", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm feeling quite tired and lonely :/"} {"idx": 8438, "original_id": "1251258956556591105", "reply_id": "1251261004345942017", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "BREAKING: Dr. Phil has offered an apology over the controversial comments he made regarding the coronavirus pandemic.\n\nSAYING \n\n“If you didn’t like my choice of words, I apologize for that.”"} {"idx": 8442, "original_id": "1250855440935579648", "reply_id": "1251227308054114304", "label": "agree", "text": "Anybody else separate their skittles by color and then eat them from worst to best? Or do I need therapy?"} {"idx": 8444, "original_id": "1251109147904561152", "reply_id": "1251109497109610503", "label": "no", "text": "#SHI seller now out ???"} {"idx": 8445, "original_id": "1250843921825042432", "reply_id": "1250953053676736512", "label": "shocked", "text": "@LandauDave I wrote this. \n\nWhat’s the difference between a toddler and the Coronavirus? \n\nEric Clapton will catch the Coronavrus."} {"idx": 8446, "original_id": "1250833130522644484", "reply_id": "1251204840954486792", "label": "applause", "text": "My dad once grounded me for a whole summer in high school because I got home 15 minutes past curfew. I remembered that fondly today as I reported him for breaking quarantine."} {"idx": 8450, "original_id": "1250900552646615051", "reply_id": "1250998440621862912", "label": "facepalm", "text": "C-3rd Letter \nO-15th Letter \nR-18th Letter \nO-15th Letter \nN-14th Letter \nA- 1st Letter\n_______________\n6-66"} {"idx": 8451, "original_id": "1250934021036691458", "reply_id": "1250947872847060993", "label": "applause", "text": "A year ago Albertans shot themselves their collective feet. Buyers remorse? Nope. Double-down, chase doctors, strip healthcare. IN A PANDEMIC! #ableg #resignshandro #firekenny 🦠"} {"idx": 8454, "original_id": "1250947126487420928", "reply_id": "1250979285885546498", "label": "oops", "text": "Day 35 of self quarantine, \n\nFinally texted my ex because I made stupid mistake of sending GOPAY 500k (what a bitch Vivi) to his gopay number.\n\nWhile he is in....America 🤦🏾‍♀️\n\nPen nangis yaAllah 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 8455, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250876332835291137", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 8462, "original_id": "1251211126437707777", "reply_id": "1251234741585674240", "label": "shrug", "text": "Well that's me and @bloodandmud done, didn't realise an ultra was running it, not as good as @_ruckmesideways anyway so no loss really. #Chumps"} {"idx": 8465, "original_id": "1251082948457181185", "reply_id": "1251103358909157376", "label": "eww", "text": "The Marmite 🇬🇧 v Vegemite 🇦🇺 debate is kicking off.\nLet's settle this once and for all.\n#vegan #plantbased 🌱"} {"idx": 8467, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251196956409499648", "label": "agree", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 8469, "original_id": "1250940061996191745", "reply_id": "1251178142129164290", "label": "awww", "text": "Shannon honestly gets me so buckelt man naw a canny deal wi her"} {"idx": 8470, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251227583821348866", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 8475, "original_id": "1250918526128439296", "reply_id": "1251013073386663937", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "twtch tmrw kings fuck my face"} {"idx": 8476, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251169148840939521", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 8478, "original_id": "1251041145708257281", "reply_id": "1251050511702335488", "label": "please", "text": "Fillet of Fish and Tartare Sauce #BadPizzaToppingIdeas"} {"idx": 8479, "original_id": "1251017932546678786", "reply_id": "1251056178962055168", "label": "agree", "text": "Hate mornings so much 😩😭"} {"idx": 8482, "original_id": "1251035075883544576", "reply_id": "1251036011477569538", "label": "applause", "text": "tl sleep? pie is fucking nasty...applie pie, pumpkin, sweet potato...fucking ew"} {"idx": 8485, "original_id": "1250945857253335042", "reply_id": "1250946196979376128", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Wonder what's going to happen to all those people protesting stay at home orders 🤔"} {"idx": 8486, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251139437754560512", "label": "omg", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 8487, "original_id": "1250992074578632704", "reply_id": "1251005644934541314", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just ate a bowl of cereal. On my last bite I realized it was full of small bugs. CAN I PLEASE CATCH A BREAK?"} {"idx": 8488, "original_id": "1250954266321334272", "reply_id": "1250954393006022657", "label": "awww", "text": "hi there. this will only take a moment. i just wanted to let you know.\n\ni love you"} {"idx": 8492, "original_id": "1250940937066311680", "reply_id": "1250941408657072128", "label": "good_luck", "text": "is it so hard to find a one bedroom apartment in Capitol Hill with a bathtub, hardwood floors, a dishwasher, washer&dryer, and an actual kitchen that allows pets and is under $2k/month???"} {"idx": 8494, "original_id": "1251214492450672642", "reply_id": "1251214704686530566", "label": "applause", "text": "grotto has had zone 3/3 games so far kinda crazy"} {"idx": 8499, "original_id": "1250865099243433985", "reply_id": "1250871752848105472", "label": "good_luck", "text": "NYC Mayor Deblasio tells Bill Hemmer that the city will start to reopen in July or August at the earliest."} {"idx": 8500, "original_id": "1251176901965733889", "reply_id": "1251220785621905409", "label": "idk", "text": "Which OG locations would you like to see return to Fortnite in the future? 🤔"} {"idx": 8501, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251184221982515201", "label": "want", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 8504, "original_id": "1251244230678384643", "reply_id": "1251253892828069890", "label": "omg", "text": "My SBC college had an anon FB confessions page. A girl once sent in how fun it was to get good Xian boys to break virginity pledges, then say she felt like God didn’t want them together. Got to watch them cry then still be friends. So many butthurt comments on that one lol."} {"idx": 8510, "original_id": "1251062977165496320", "reply_id": "1251063121483096065", "label": "oops", "text": "Not looking so good for Bergkamp in my poll 🤣🙊"} {"idx": 8514, "original_id": "1251202455142125568", "reply_id": "1251262074736558083", "label": "yes", "text": "25th Amendment time???"} {"idx": 8515, "original_id": "1250866535020875783", "reply_id": "1250894614837551104", "label": "awww", "text": "Haven’t done one in a monkeys fo a shout out to some great people!! \n@disabwolf \n@WWEREALONE \n@HunterPWWE5 \n@FireflyBWG \n@ElAsesino420 \n@MikePanchu \n @cultleaderresca \n@Rawrjay420 \n@Mortyjr5 \n@tnahardy15 \n@nikkishaver2 \n@GeezLouis1971 \n@LyonsGamez \n@TBK_Secret"} {"idx": 8518, "original_id": "1251135924903260162", "reply_id": "1251136623603048448", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Today might be the day I stream again.\nMaybe.\nIdk.\nEvery time I think about doing it, I get anxiety."} {"idx": 8519, "original_id": "1250858219678957568", "reply_id": "1250858763155841027", "label": "agree", "text": "why golf when you can wolf"} {"idx": 8520, "original_id": "1251121648151023618", "reply_id": "1251121863566274560", "label": "no", "text": "We really gonna draft Kenneth Murray at 17 smh... He nice but I just don't get it unless they gonna make Jaylon more of a blitzing LB in a 3-4 which will be... yeah idk"} {"idx": 8523, "original_id": "1250922773507010565", "reply_id": "1251036833452101632", "label": "idk", "text": "My 12 year old sister just called me an edge lord, AMA"} {"idx": 8524, "original_id": "1250400982522945536", "reply_id": "1250940625488314368", "label": "agree", "text": "First thing in the morning, or as early in the day as you can, Count Your Blessings."} {"idx": 8525, "original_id": "1251202913013305344", "reply_id": "1251203682382811136", "label": "yolo", "text": "Under a hour for some darts"} {"idx": 8526, "original_id": "1250844593408655360", "reply_id": "1250849410633871361", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Should I do a thread on how to care for dreadlocks?"} {"idx": 8528, "original_id": "1251236650748952577", "reply_id": "1251237036209713152", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Don’t tempt me cause I could do it if I wanted to"} {"idx": 8532, "original_id": "1251265114638102530", "reply_id": "1251271090405605377", "label": "high_five", "text": "Pay Dalvin Cook"} {"idx": 8534, "original_id": "1250707257584545793", "reply_id": "1251032353474052097", "label": "ok", "text": "stop scrolling. it’s ok. we’ll all be here tomorrow. go to sleep beautiful. don’t forget to turn that light off."} {"idx": 8537, "original_id": "1250927191455600641", "reply_id": "1250929162409426950", "label": "applause", "text": "Submitted my final grad school project/paper 2 days early 🤪 who’s trynna get a Zoom party going and play drinking games w me lollll"} {"idx": 8541, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251058973593092096", "label": "no", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 8543, "original_id": "1250545400366407682", "reply_id": "1250933326862401538", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "This is supposed to be a pandemic briefing.. The president is attacking Democrats."} {"idx": 8546, "original_id": "1251099101032263680", "reply_id": "1251099926471180289", "label": "ok", "text": "*POSITIONAL*\nWrite down levels of 9400-9410 on charts.\nWhenever nifty gives a hourly close above this level ,i will ho for positional long with a stoploss of 150 points and target of 500 points\nWill but at 9410\nStoploss 9260\nTarget 9910\nRisk Reward 1: 3.3"} {"idx": 8550, "original_id": "1251247964174954496", "reply_id": "1251270336231796741", "label": "seriously", "text": "Y'all I just made a huuuuuge change to my life... Omg 😳"} {"idx": 8551, "original_id": "1250881048600338439", "reply_id": "1250881838702305280", "label": "yes", "text": "Damn you @YoussefKerkour, you keep making me cry! #home"} {"idx": 8552, "original_id": "1250874964191907851", "reply_id": "1250875415750729728", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Maybe just the at risk people and the bed wetters all stay home and the rest of us go to work?"} {"idx": 8553, "original_id": "1250607342728724480", "reply_id": "1250905326301446147", "label": "facepalm", "text": "What do you call creamy pussy and a small dick?\n\nShrimp Alfredo. 😅"} {"idx": 8557, "original_id": "1251268172826710016", "reply_id": "1251268548703465473", "label": "thank_you", "text": "TJ Hockenson was about as can’t miss of a TE prospect you are ever going to see. Outside of 1 game, he was a complete non factor as a rookie. TE’s don’t contribute early (usually), and this TE class doesn’t have anyone close to Hockenson. Please don’t draft a TE in round 2"} {"idx": 8560, "original_id": "1250804339473633280", "reply_id": "1251141746156687362", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Oh for fuck's sake, Zoom is not malware, words mean things"} {"idx": 8565, "original_id": "1250802018966364161", "reply_id": "1250832020432977925", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Fake News says they will now Fact Check President Trump's briefings live. Who's fact checking? Chuck Todd, Nicole Wallace, Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow??? That's like bringing in Bernie Madoff do an audit for you. #facts #MAGA"} {"idx": 8566, "original_id": "1251073048029147137", "reply_id": "1251083113570197504", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Bertie Ahern throwing a little shade on @PatKennyNT earlier.\n\n\"If I was Micheál I'd probably also say I'm almost 60, and as Fianna Fáil people as Taoiseach go that's old. So I'm sure he will want to go first (as Taoiseach) and I don't blame him for that.\""} {"idx": 8567, "original_id": "1250976984445968385", "reply_id": "1251012517775769602", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m not tall you’re just short"} {"idx": 8568, "original_id": "1250955337248772097", "reply_id": "1251139096271106049", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Let me ask it in another way, commenting with a GIF... how are you feeling about the rest of 2020 right now?"} {"idx": 8569, "original_id": "1250553842221166593", "reply_id": "1251213946159337473", "label": "shrug", "text": "The 23rd dub season of the anime will be titled \"Pokémon Journeys: the Series\""} {"idx": 8570, "original_id": "1250766462433853442", "reply_id": "1251009651585548288", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So my account has been credited twice. Do I call the institution or let the \"sleeping dogs lie\" 🙈🙈"} {"idx": 8574, "original_id": "1250995127184580614", "reply_id": "1251028525496201217", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m off garlic."} {"idx": 8576, "original_id": "1251180600637247488", "reply_id": "1251187768430145538", "label": "smh", "text": "Every day I wake up and wonder what TDE saw in Reason."} {"idx": 8577, "original_id": "1251214871649308672", "reply_id": "1251216439396175872", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I see the smart bods at number 10 have come up with the brillo idea to invent a vaccine. Genius! Amazing we're the first country to think of that!"} {"idx": 8578, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250964600784400384", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 8579, "original_id": "1251157618334162948", "reply_id": "1251270827707895808", "label": "scared", "text": "Hardest thing to do during Covid Shudtdown...getting autistic child/young adult to make decisions and clean out room. No good time to do it, but needs to get done 🤞🤞#AutismAndCovid19 #autismawareness"} {"idx": 8580, "original_id": "1251240860907384832", "reply_id": "1251265648690434049", "label": "sigh", "text": "How are final year uni students coping please? Dm me let’s talk pls x"} {"idx": 8582, "original_id": "1250910154989678593", "reply_id": "1250912286128197637", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Had an absoloutely amazing stream tonight, we've unlocked 3, yes 3 new emote slots because of some wonderful beans (@v6sonoma yes you) \n\nThank you so much for the raid @TheodoraRadu 💕\n\nWe sent the love over to the wonderful @NsomniaksDream"} {"idx": 8584, "original_id": "1250885581380476930", "reply_id": "1250907499760357378", "label": "no", "text": "everytime i die to somebody with fishy rr or graal in their name there's a little part of me that starts to deteriorate"} {"idx": 8585, "original_id": "1250861652595130371", "reply_id": "1250862051800559621", "label": "applause", "text": "THEY'RE STILL CLAPPING?!"} {"idx": 8586, "original_id": "1250841342319775744", "reply_id": "1250926599182188544", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "To be a Sunderland fan right now must feel like.....\n\nFinish The Sentence with a GIF🤣\n#NUFC #NUFCtakeover #cans #toon"} {"idx": 8587, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251232904207912960", "label": "agree", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 8588, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250974696608272384", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 8590, "original_id": "1251013486664200194", "reply_id": "1251016323557134336", "label": "please", "text": "Love my @Pillio pup had a great night in his marbles stream tonight. Join @Twitch and follow Pillio to win money and play marbles for fun. 🐶"} {"idx": 8591, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250982912796876801", "label": "shocked", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 8592, "original_id": "1251117402496139264", "reply_id": "1251191267054112768", "label": "yes", "text": "Good morning to the men that DID NOT send me a dick pic to my inbox. I hope you have a blessed and prosperous day. 😘❤️\n\nThe rest of you niggas, BLOCKED!"} {"idx": 8593, "original_id": "1251211218909630464", "reply_id": "1251218779486457856", "label": "agree", "text": "I fucking hate Donald Trump.\nI hate to everything he does & everything he stands for."} {"idx": 8594, "original_id": "1251189801379934208", "reply_id": "1251190395939233793", "label": "sigh", "text": "Department of Health advises nurses and doctors that single-use gowns can be used again because of a worldwide shortage"} {"idx": 8600, "original_id": "1250949642319257600", "reply_id": "1250970413854863365", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "i mean, i’m not completely down w the furry shit but i kinda... am? like i’ll def meow and crawl to you rub my head on your legs, put you in my mouth then purr."} {"idx": 8601, "original_id": "1250880909798182912", "reply_id": "1251013774305374208", "label": "awww", "text": "I have to say, the social media teams running @ScotRail and @trafficscotland are doing a grand job during the lockdown. Funny memes, riddles and pics of their pets brighten up my twitter feed. Well done guys n girls!"} {"idx": 8602, "original_id": "1250946017886781440", "reply_id": "1250947258515939335", "label": "applause", "text": "Tweeting this as I get my pussy rubbed 😍😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍🥰🥰😍"} {"idx": 8603, "original_id": "1251165203334524932", "reply_id": "1251166138274181121", "label": "agree", "text": "If y’all can blame #Oprah for the idiotic and damaging words of two rich white pseudo-doctors 12 yers after she supported them then I’m blaming anyone who ever watched The Apprentice for Donald Trump #misdirectedangermuch"} {"idx": 8604, "original_id": "1250805211079282688", "reply_id": "1250980342149849091", "label": "seriously", "text": "Describe 2020 in one word."} {"idx": 8605, "original_id": "1250490700484931584", "reply_id": "1251073765217374208", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugs and kisses."} {"idx": 8608, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251224600807170056", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 8609, "original_id": "1250875150167392259", "reply_id": "1250940554310938624", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Is TGIF still a thing?"} {"idx": 8611, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251263303218683904", "label": "yawn", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 8613, "original_id": "1250814670107217920", "reply_id": "1250874029130616833", "label": "idk", "text": "I ain't even spoken to this woman in ages. Why am I blocked outta nowhere? Y'all weak. 🤣"} {"idx": 8615, "original_id": "1250836549257900037", "reply_id": "1251107361927958528", "label": "applause", "text": "After our COVID response I'm starting to wonder if the US is the world's Florida."} {"idx": 8616, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250938743848042500", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 8620, "original_id": "1251227981386625024", "reply_id": "1251242111430651906", "label": "applause", "text": "Ladies and gentlemen, my 72 year old dad who has had a 4 way bypass, multiple stints after, diabetes, and some other health issues has beat the Rona!!!"} {"idx": 8623, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250993392764497923", "label": "omg", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 8625, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251037926814658560", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 8627, "original_id": "1251130170494328834", "reply_id": "1251189332892737538", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I had a new follower ask me if I really have sex with married men and like it when the cum on my face. I told him “ This is Twitter, I would never lie to you.”"} {"idx": 8628, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251033670007177223", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 8629, "original_id": "1250965027793915908", "reply_id": "1251024656791793665", "label": "shocked", "text": "Temp 102.6 probably going to the hospital"} {"idx": 8631, "original_id": "1250863080843681793", "reply_id": "1251141601562447872", "label": "dance", "text": "also, today is the first time in a year that I have had over $1000 in my bank account. (no i won’t get a stimulus check) I am very thankful to be working now and I vow to never ride a mechanical pumpkin again because the shit was expensive"} {"idx": 8632, "original_id": "1251114089994166274", "reply_id": "1251160108232404992", "label": "agree", "text": "Two examples of deeply flawed logic:\n\nYou don’t have dandruff. So why do you use dandruff shampoo? \n\nWe don’t have many cases of COVID-19. So why should we keep our State closed?"} {"idx": 8635, "original_id": "1250882654171394048", "reply_id": "1251147205148200962", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "been neck deep in labs, daydreaming and fine tuning The Lockdown Mixtape: INSIDE FOR THE PEOPLE ....this thing is BANG. ING. nice & deep and comin to you soon 😜🤘🙏📡❤️"} {"idx": 8638, "original_id": "1250280129814654978", "reply_id": "1251066552998416385", "label": "no", "text": "Okay internet, describe 2020 in one meme or GIF."} {"idx": 8641, "original_id": "1250797919642488837", "reply_id": "1250902316523421702", "label": "shrug", "text": "Boyfriend hasn’t been “in the mood” for Little Women for a month of quarantine and now there is a 10 part Michael Jordan documentary coming out and I am supposed to just fall into line?"} {"idx": 8642, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1250948006699921408", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 8643, "original_id": "1251071134323429382", "reply_id": "1251073190723493889", "label": "no", "text": "Who's down for apex ranked?\n\nPlatinum"} {"idx": 8650, "original_id": "1251223153365442563", "reply_id": "1251224169276211201", "label": "seriously", "text": "The average woman smiles 62 times a day.\n\nThe average man smiles only 8 times."} {"idx": 8652, "original_id": "1250880210561622024", "reply_id": "1250928486946156547", "label": "shocked", "text": "We all have one night.. One night we truly wish we could take back.. One night that really didn't NEED to happen.. Liquor tends to be involved in these nights.. But when you mix liquor with irrational sexual desire.. These nights typically don't end well.. Here's the story.."} {"idx": 8653, "original_id": "1250850057273905152", "reply_id": "1250850713535688705", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Our newly created hashtag #BailoutHumans is Trending #1 Across the World for the 2nd day in a row! BAIL OUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 8654, "original_id": "1251175849010671616", "reply_id": "1251212821951479808", "label": "hug", "text": "Day 31 of quarantine\n\nmood: I have not seen another human being in 84 years. I would do anything for a hug. cuddling is greatly needed and essential at this point but not mandatory"} {"idx": 8660, "original_id": "1251214106583085057", "reply_id": "1251214474985582593", "label": "high_five", "text": "follow everyone who retweet and like this..\ndrop your username so we can follow u."} {"idx": 8669, "original_id": "1250828892597882885", "reply_id": "1250934905103679489", "label": "applause", "text": "Update I got the job I hopfully I’ll be able to start in the summer or whenever this virus situation gets a little better! Thank you everyone for all the love and support I appreciate you all 🤘✅"} {"idx": 8672, "original_id": "1250557376375087104", "reply_id": "1250979570649452544", "label": "smh", "text": "i have such low self-esteem that whenever a pretty girl talks to me i think “what do you want from me”"} {"idx": 8677, "original_id": "1250925880786006016", "reply_id": "1250966633239248896", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug...where is my Bestie?💙"} {"idx": 8679, "original_id": "1251236862376714240", "reply_id": "1251258907638579207", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve cried everyday this week. People are sick. People are at risk. This is not over. Stay home, stay safe. 💔"} {"idx": 8681, "original_id": "1250720576093782016", "reply_id": "1250881606132228097", "label": "yes", "text": "I think the most beautiful thing in the world is watching the light come on in someone’s eyes after they,ve been lost in the dark for so long.\nThat shit is beautiful.\n#recovery #iunderstand"} {"idx": 8683, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250937933344813056", "label": "no", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 8684, "original_id": "1250909929046716416", "reply_id": "1250913365301645313", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump says no one in America who needs a ventilator has been denied one."} {"idx": 8685, "original_id": "1251010779047817216", "reply_id": "1251177769851072513", "label": "seriously", "text": "I just received a pickle mukbang and no , I did not like it"} {"idx": 8687, "original_id": "1250956800448319488", "reply_id": "1250957062726496256", "label": "idk", "text": "@Tawan_V if you could bring back one extinct animal, what would it be? this is for project purposes only."} {"idx": 8696, "original_id": "1251041433168969729", "reply_id": "1251045250463789056", "label": "shocked", "text": "Tomorrow on Fox, Dr Phil should give Hannity a vasectomy."} {"idx": 8697, "original_id": "1251053167753793537", "reply_id": "1251055372913295360", "label": "agree", "text": "Naga is SMOKING hot."} {"idx": 8698, "original_id": "1250825032047067136", "reply_id": "1251053525372559361", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Viber aunties contact tracing nimuneetha?! @ikthimalahmed @Shixx_"} {"idx": 8699, "original_id": "1251160439863443471", "reply_id": "1251165729132630016", "label": "shocked", "text": "One of my Facebook friends has been sending me $20 for breakfast everyday this week 🤔."} {"idx": 8702, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1251229774745178113", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 8703, "original_id": "1251131266033946624", "reply_id": "1251174446091599875", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Stabbed myself with a heparin needle, had to clean up throw up twice , stepped in liquid medicine it’s a great day 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 8708, "original_id": "1250515233568894976", "reply_id": "1251085820272021504", "label": "hug", "text": "You know all I'd like right now is a symbol from someone to show they care. \n\nFeeling very left out and sad tonight. 😳😳 xoxoxo"} {"idx": 8710, "original_id": "1251075630877175808", "reply_id": "1251075980774354945", "label": "hug", "text": "hugs plith🥺"} {"idx": 8713, "original_id": "1251084900469374983", "reply_id": "1251085854837059590", "label": "hug", "text": "It's 2am, I can't sleep, my life is turning to $hit & plenty of people have it even worse than me. Everyone is being touched by death.\n\nWe need strength. We need hope. We need to be better than we've ever been.\n\nWe need to get rid of #Trump\n\n#anxiety\n#BailoutHumansNow\n#TrumpVirus"} {"idx": 8714, "original_id": "1250877317846573056", "reply_id": "1250878814059724805", "label": "agree", "text": "I am unable to get aislin to do her homework. I am unable to open stupid forms to sign and email back.\n\nI'm getting overwhelmed as fuck.\n\nWhere my weed, mail?"} {"idx": 8716, "original_id": "1250831625400827904", "reply_id": "1250835427852005377", "label": "yes", "text": "I AM WORKING ON THE FINAL CHAPTER OF MY WIP 😁😅😭❤️"} {"idx": 8719, "original_id": "1251070564015325190", "reply_id": "1251073171542794242", "label": "seriously", "text": "Ew, annoying much"} {"idx": 8720, "original_id": "1250893805777293313", "reply_id": "1250893981401133056", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I made delicious chocolate crispy cakes and Jack's just added raisins to his 🤢😱🤮"} {"idx": 8725, "original_id": "1251056003740651521", "reply_id": "1251065533371281409", "label": "agree", "text": "im pretty sure everyday is national horny day for yall"} {"idx": 8727, "original_id": "1250891319200931840", "reply_id": "1250897430071201794", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "imagine carrying a baby a 9 whole months, dealing with sickness, pain, and childbirth, and then it grows up to be a fucking controller player"} {"idx": 8733, "original_id": "1250868385203838987", "reply_id": "1250899886393958404", "label": "shocked", "text": "When I read \"Philly cheesesteak\" my blood boils. My eyes pop out of my head. It is simply a cheesesteak"} {"idx": 8734, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250969896692977664", "label": "omg", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 8738, "original_id": "1250914271094923265", "reply_id": "1250933964258377731", "label": "applause", "text": "NO MATTER WHAT GOES DOWN IM GONNA BE UP WITH THE BEST, \nWHILE UR LAID UP HATING FROM THE NEST 🗣"} {"idx": 8742, "original_id": "1251220649709899776", "reply_id": "1251222167951249408", "label": "oops", "text": "It ain't the playoffs obviously … but WNBA draft + The Last Dance = our best basketball weekend in WEEKS"} {"idx": 8743, "original_id": "1250929116104265729", "reply_id": "1251000148144111617", "label": "no", "text": "Going to be starting a Tik tok ladies and gentleman 👌"} {"idx": 8745, "original_id": "1250914631171932160", "reply_id": "1250931725464735748", "label": "hug", "text": "I just spent a whole hour explaining to a lady how to install Google Chrome on her computer just so she could get my software to work.\n\nONE. HOUR. \n\nAnd by God, at last, she got it.\n\nThis is what I do. Praise Jah for victory.\n\nAnd FUCK Microsoft Edge."} {"idx": 8746, "original_id": "1250995978091585539", "reply_id": "1251001246443429888", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "mind is a prison is my best song"} {"idx": 8747, "original_id": "1251116611743997954", "reply_id": "1251118991256555520", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So all my family are sat in the living room, we were all on our phones so I decided to put mine down and start an interesting debate about public bathrooms to change it up a bit. Got shot down and insulted so now I’m back on my phone with my AirPods in 🙄"} {"idx": 8748, "original_id": "1250957069387268096", "reply_id": "1250958989896138752", "label": "yes", "text": "Sports challenge stream? Stream until I win a game in 6 different sports. Yes or nah"} {"idx": 8749, "original_id": "1250811392342581249", "reply_id": "1250916625139761155", "label": "yes", "text": "I've said this a ton before but remember *the second* a Democrat is elected president the entire GOP will oppose large Federal rescue and recovery spending, start demagoguing the deficit, and calling for austerity."} {"idx": 8750, "original_id": "1251235095052259328", "reply_id": "1251242451840401410", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "But will you be there when I'm in my drunk, gotta fuck you now mood?"} {"idx": 8751, "original_id": "1250989584642605059", "reply_id": "1251048336771231744", "label": "dance", "text": "Well done would you like to join our clan?"} {"idx": 8752, "original_id": "1251150566253686790", "reply_id": "1251158096853921795", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Shockingly I only watched Black 47 for the first time last night. Don’t think I’ve ever related to a character more: A bad ass Conamara Gaeilgóir who don’t take no shit from no one!"} {"idx": 8753, "original_id": "1251183879945256960", "reply_id": "1251185392864256000", "label": "applause", "text": "YOOOO I FINALLY GET MY CAR BACK TODAY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 8756, "original_id": "1247290525989982210", "reply_id": "1251264587250503681", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "At the Florida Phoenix, we know that access to up-to-date and reliable information has never been more important. That’s why we’re bringing you all key updates about the virus, and how your state officials are working to combat it."} {"idx": 8757, "original_id": "1251249216913104896", "reply_id": "1251249823132590081", "label": "awww", "text": "Good Night with broken heart 💔 \nMISSING MY JAAN LIKE HELL \n@ishehnaaz_gill \nJaan Kuch time Hamare liye V nikal lijiye .!🤧\nLOVE YOU JAAN @ishehnaaz_gill ❤️"} {"idx": 8759, "original_id": "1250863663738687488", "reply_id": "1250871521939259394", "label": "hearts", "text": "As an nhs nurse can I just say I don’t want your fucking fireworks and lanterns anymore so can everyone just get a grip vote labour and pay their taxes #NHSThankYou."} {"idx": 8760, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250866120015384576", "label": "happy_dance", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 8762, "original_id": "1250968703010668544", "reply_id": "1251257837843632131", "label": "applause", "text": "I chaired my FIRST dissertation today! Congrats to Dr. Hammer! 🙌🏽🥳🎓"} {"idx": 8763, "original_id": "1250948796894400520", "reply_id": "1250948933255299072", "label": "shocked", "text": "Guys vacuum sealed means a dick in every hole okay. For those asking.."} {"idx": 8771, "original_id": "1250043777634512896", "reply_id": "1251219531697192961", "label": "applause", "text": "Which musician is your current lockdown style icon?\n\n🤳 Gif or photo replies only, please 👇"} {"idx": 8777, "original_id": "1250797163443097607", "reply_id": "1250931099116634114", "label": "agree", "text": "This compulsion to disinfect is going to be a doozy, huh?"} {"idx": 8780, "original_id": "1251025644231618560", "reply_id": "1251189261820481536", "label": "hug", "text": "Hey guys! Had a bit of a rough mental health day yesterday. Still feeling funky today, so no stream tonight. I'll be hanging out at our mod momma, and my dear friend @LootDaemon channel for her 1 year streamiversary if you want to stop by! Stay safe and healthy fish fam ❤️"} {"idx": 8781, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251031943866486784", "label": "awww", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 8782, "original_id": "1250874138954211328", "reply_id": "1251263653040529409", "label": "agree", "text": "Some of you say a person has helped you only when they've given you money\n\nSome will give you\n\nContacts\nSupport\nIdeas\nConstructive criticism\nLove\nA listening ear\nOpportunities\n\nDon't limit yourself to just cash, yes it helps, but be appreciative of other gifts also"} {"idx": 8784, "original_id": "1250972338243481600", "reply_id": "1250975237921005568", "label": "hug", "text": "Today has been rough."} {"idx": 8786, "original_id": "1250601395935379461", "reply_id": "1250950825427587078", "label": "sigh", "text": "Bill Gates is seeing his utopian globalization project go up in smoke. We know China lied, Americans died, and a booming economy was fried. Time for real border enforcement and essential products MADE IN USA."} {"idx": 8788, "original_id": "1250814571763376130", "reply_id": "1250852470722424833", "label": "please", "text": "Stop suggesting Michelle and Hillary for VP. I want them to have a TV show where they get their nails done, drink wine, and talk smack."} {"idx": 8791, "original_id": "1251226975789879298", "reply_id": "1251255661872250885", "label": "agree", "text": "Is repeatedly eating crackers in bed during quarantine a justifiable basis for divorce? Asking for a friend."} {"idx": 8793, "original_id": "1251018399376789505", "reply_id": "1251040496324972544", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugging my friends 🥺"} {"idx": 8796, "original_id": "1250662768514129921", "reply_id": "1250951958233399296", "label": "no", "text": "Tl sleep? STRAWBERRY LEMONADE BETTER THAN SWEET TEA!!!!!!!"} {"idx": 8798, "original_id": "1250809225795776514", "reply_id": "1250902157827735552", "label": "agree", "text": "La casa de papel was a good show till season 3 but it seriously is NOT worth all this fuss and popularity. There are like a zillion better shows out there for y’all to obsess over..."} {"idx": 8802, "original_id": "1250893170893901826", "reply_id": "1250894825483837440", "label": "applause", "text": "I still honestly want to know why all of these cleaning efforts weren’t the norm before all of this started"} {"idx": 8803, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1250847804232105984", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 8804, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1251004679099748359", "label": "no", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 8806, "original_id": "1251046218043723777", "reply_id": "1251121572322004994", "label": "applause", "text": "Fuck #Taiwan."} {"idx": 8809, "original_id": "1251271405649514497", "reply_id": "1251272179339190273", "label": "yes", "text": "If I put vodka in my water... does the water still count toward my daily water intake? 🤔"} {"idx": 8811, "original_id": "1251123497331384323", "reply_id": "1251124045539500032", "label": "yes", "text": "How's your feeling right now ....\nMore 10 min .....\n😂😂😂"} {"idx": 8814, "original_id": "1250873342581714944", "reply_id": "1250901961744023554", "label": "seriously", "text": "champagne is the worst part of a mimosa--I'll be accepting your \"@\"s in my DMs, please"} {"idx": 8815, "original_id": "1250843223070654470", "reply_id": "1250852711672672256", "label": "dance", "text": "I’m bored. Send entertainment."} {"idx": 8816, "original_id": "1251102967018782721", "reply_id": "1251198277741133826", "label": "hug", "text": "Thinking back to my childhood really makes me miss my sister 🥺 that’s literally my day 1. No one can take her place 💙 @KatelynJannine"} {"idx": 8818, "original_id": "1251184483493175296", "reply_id": "1251192806888165378", "label": "dance", "text": "First impression: \nNickname: \nCloseness: \nLike?: \nYou are my: \nHonest: \nShould you post?:\n\nI want to try this. Comment if you'd like 😁"} {"idx": 8819, "original_id": "1250948831824543744", "reply_id": "1250971622024122368", "label": "yes", "text": "ALL the so-called ‘royals’ could take much needed lessons on just BEING from Doria, Meghan and Harry"} {"idx": 8821, "original_id": "1250996630800805888", "reply_id": "1251004246784462852", "label": "awww", "text": "that boy at work thoooo 😫 gimme"} {"idx": 8823, "original_id": "1250886296266039306", "reply_id": "1250888098612948993", "label": "shrug", "text": "my sister is lowkey funny asf.🤣😫"} {"idx": 8824, "original_id": "1251172795817644033", "reply_id": "1251172970598486018", "label": "applause", "text": "This is the first day I have woken up before 2pm since quarantine started..."} {"idx": 8826, "original_id": "1251146985245077506", "reply_id": "1251168641325899779", "label": "hearts", "text": "I have told myself all week that this can't be #COVID19. But today I am too sick to do anything and I have deadlines by 5pm. Telehealth this afternoon. I hope it's nothing."} {"idx": 8830, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250873538761940994", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 8832, "original_id": "1250939362436620289", "reply_id": "1251100520930041856", "label": "applause", "text": "dark souls is the coolest game series ever made\n\ni could read ds lore for hours"} {"idx": 8834, "original_id": "1250943086521454607", "reply_id": "1250944890374160386", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Let’s Go!!! #TrustTheClimb"} {"idx": 8836, "original_id": "1251092288908005376", "reply_id": "1251098339720007682", "label": "kiss", "text": "The best friendships tend to be with the people in which you can openly be weird with."} {"idx": 8838, "original_id": "1250923518126063617", "reply_id": "1250929571970592771", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump's \"Opening Up America Again\" plan is reckless and puts profit before human lives. \n\nWho agrees?\n#CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 8840, "original_id": "1251110818667565061", "reply_id": "1251115305507516418", "label": "hug", "text": "I owe it to myself, to everyone i love, and to everyone who loves me to get better."} {"idx": 8841, "original_id": "1250983765356294144", "reply_id": "1251090344860672000", "label": "shocked", "text": "jada just called me talking about she need a beer 🤮yk she blocked"} {"idx": 8843, "original_id": "1251109929877938176", "reply_id": "1251110559778553858", "label": "shocked", "text": "Can one get themselves admitted into a psychiatric hospital? Or does a doctor need to do the referral?"} {"idx": 8847, "original_id": "1251160698681348096", "reply_id": "1251172448503918592", "label": "shocked", "text": "I find that reCAPTCHA thing where you have to prove you’re not a robot by finding pics of fire hydrants/steps/cars quite tricky. I’m starting to worry that I actually am a robot."} {"idx": 8849, "original_id": "1250686318847430656", "reply_id": "1250949045046165505", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t need to be lonely to think about you. I think about you a little too often, a little too much....."} {"idx": 8851, "original_id": "1251203575981768704", "reply_id": "1251207666803843073", "label": "eww", "text": "“If a spread arises it’ll be in one community. Not state wide. We can open so long as businesses in Texas practice social distancing...”\nHold on imma rewind and record this so y’all can see I’m not making this shit up. Fucking. Texas."} {"idx": 8854, "original_id": "1250868723881213958", "reply_id": "1250871365147725828", "label": "sorry", "text": "At the moment, access to the game may be difficult or absent due to problems of our host provider. We are taking all necessary measures to stabilize the situation #EscapefromTarkov"} {"idx": 8857, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251065749940187136", "label": "scared", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 8860, "original_id": "1251215394171310080", "reply_id": "1251215708157067266", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss hugs"} {"idx": 8863, "original_id": "1250842835919810561", "reply_id": "1250848625485402112", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Just got a text from a random number saying “hi Cathy, this is Johnna”...now mature, level headed me would have ignored it or let Johnna know she has the wrong number...but bored, quarantined me answered it pretending to be Cathy 😈😈😈"} {"idx": 8868, "original_id": "1250993147368271873", "reply_id": "1251064443892412417", "label": "hug", "text": "I had an emotional meltdown today and it was awful 😔"} {"idx": 8869, "original_id": "1250814142220570629", "reply_id": "1250855772608659457", "label": "please", "text": "Aye, aye, aye.\n\nMy COVID19 test came back. My mom is negative and I am positive, however I will be retesting at 1pm because of improper handling of the first swab. Hopefully it's a false positive.\n\n Prayers please."} {"idx": 8870, "original_id": "1250612696518733826", "reply_id": "1250971567464624128", "label": "yes", "text": "For long time fans here im bringing back deep web stuff weekly."} {"idx": 8875, "original_id": "1250869248274161667", "reply_id": "1251054610078408705", "label": "shocked", "text": "I know I deserve to be jailed but I'm eating bread and ogbono"} {"idx": 8876, "original_id": "1250908956379230210", "reply_id": "1250910603188727809", "label": "yawn", "text": "I like presidents who can read"} {"idx": 8878, "original_id": "1250794762002726913", "reply_id": "1250916324139819008", "label": "hug", "text": "Somebody said it’s National Horny month and that couldn’t be any more true 😂 I’d be happy to just have someone hold my hand at this point, a hug...something. Anything."} {"idx": 8879, "original_id": "1250922031362854912", "reply_id": "1250971048830554114", "label": "awww", "text": "Hey guys @ShadiaSargi and i decided we will reveal the gender of our baby in a vlog tomorrow ☺️. Cant wait to tell you guys what the baby will b"} {"idx": 8881, "original_id": "1250831535940472833", "reply_id": "1250838911145869313", "label": "agree", "text": "As soon as u stop giving a fuck u attract"} {"idx": 8882, "original_id": "1250878124851630081", "reply_id": "1250878424048193536", "label": "ok", "text": "Put your dick on FaceTime I’ll give you a 1000 dollars"} {"idx": 8884, "original_id": "1250920256991834114", "reply_id": "1250920586123055105", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "TRUMP SAYS MANY SPORTING EVENTS WILL START WITHOUT FANS\n\n... much like a Man City game then\n#mancity @BeWarmers"} {"idx": 8887, "original_id": "1251152508031913988", "reply_id": "1251230763720208386", "label": "seriously", "text": "If someone praises you and your looks constantly how do you feel?"} {"idx": 8889, "original_id": "1251163322814062593", "reply_id": "1251163915087568899", "label": "no", "text": "Serious question for #Libertarian-minded folks: Assuming @justinamash doesn't get the @LPNational nomination, is there anyone realistic @JoeBiden might pick as VP that would get you giving him a second look?"} {"idx": 8890, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251268692358430722", "label": "idk", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 8891, "original_id": "1250538232644694016", "reply_id": "1250840468084097027", "label": "high_five", "text": "u know who is suffering right now. the paparazzi. ain’t got no one to shoot. some outside my house right now. waiting waiting for a walk that will never happen. a nipple that will never fall out. I think...I think I will give them a nipple"} {"idx": 8892, "original_id": "1250901224926273538", "reply_id": "1250968872624123904", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF is always tricky, so is it illegal to pick the last eight people who engaged with your tweets? \n\nIf not, I reckon you should follow these nice peoples: \n\n@ctrl_alt_rees \n@cyberat2600 \n@Vintuitive \n@xBubblegumMinx \n@WeirdAndRetro \n@apple2europlus \n@TechKoz \n@electron_greg"} {"idx": 8894, "original_id": "1247879334515400704", "reply_id": "1250904035789606913", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve heard people say stuff like “How does Jovic have fans when he barely even plays?” Of course I’m gonna support our players. But what I don’t understand is how he has haters from among madridistas when he’s barely had a chance to play."} {"idx": 8898, "original_id": "1251004176743763969", "reply_id": "1251006503995289601", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Have an interview tomorrow morning!! 😁"} {"idx": 8901, "original_id": "1251074966658965504", "reply_id": "1251174600949596162", "label": "no", "text": "Ok\nOwn up?\nWho voted for Starmer and Rayner?"} {"idx": 8902, "original_id": "1251087734866919424", "reply_id": "1251273631499501575", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Interesting that @MattHancock said \"early signs\" show that hydroxychloroquine may be \"very effective treatment\" for #Covid19. He implied UK government is acquiring significant stocks of it"} {"idx": 8905, "original_id": "1250841342319775744", "reply_id": "1250910641348632578", "label": "facepalm", "text": "To be a Sunderland fan right now must feel like.....\n\nFinish The Sentence with a GIF🤣\n#NUFC #NUFCtakeover #cans #toon"} {"idx": 8907, "original_id": "1250930072455954436", "reply_id": "1250931973536862208", "label": "applause", "text": "Although ultimately will be a city by city & state by state led \"get back to work\" effort. I'd say that was a good presidential press conference today that has actionable ideas with a path forward.\n\nMarkets want hope and a path out, they price forward. Suspect more upside, ST."} {"idx": 8911, "original_id": "1250862936010211328", "reply_id": "1250875215720128513", "label": "yes", "text": "don’t donate bags of trash to non profit organizations, it’s just disrespectful to the companies \n& \nI know it’s not easy for some y’all people but try respecting the businesses that are closed."} {"idx": 8915, "original_id": "1250908032201945090", "reply_id": "1250909637424975873", "label": "agree", "text": "it’s a good day to be alive"} {"idx": 8917, "original_id": "1250833127536316417", "reply_id": "1250865001520340998", "label": "yes", "text": "I am pleased to be joining the bipartisan task force on reopening the economy. Together with @realdonaldTrump, we will get this economy roaring once again. We need to let Americans get safely back to work and bring prosperity to this nation anew! 🇺🇸"} {"idx": 8918, "original_id": "1251171182151335936", "reply_id": "1251193613989617666", "label": "seriously", "text": "Liberals are making a big deal over the Native American on the land o lakes butter. Give me a break!"} {"idx": 8919, "original_id": "1251139456473747458", "reply_id": "1251187004542459906", "label": "no", "text": "Did I get myself physically stuck in a filing cabinet today? \nYes I did. \nDid it take 10 minutes for me to become unstuck? \nYou bet. \nIs anyone surprised to be reading this?\nNot a single one."} {"idx": 8921, "original_id": "1250876236949262336", "reply_id": "1250949837836759041", "label": "shocked", "text": "Did I follow you back today?👍🙂"} {"idx": 8929, "original_id": "1250678262000349186", "reply_id": "1250892334155419649", "label": "no", "text": "sucking his fingers after he gets done fingering you >>>>"} {"idx": 8932, "original_id": "1250795745407463429", "reply_id": "1250886492244676608", "label": "eww", "text": "Why cant people understand the importance of personal space and privacy"} {"idx": 8934, "original_id": "1250951882530598913", "reply_id": "1250956673084243968", "label": "hug", "text": "Idk if I’m lonely, bored, or just going crazy.\n\nI think I’m going crazy."} {"idx": 8936, "original_id": "1250572255186337793", "reply_id": "1250857231286808576", "label": "yes", "text": "I like how our country didn’t want a female president yet we still ended up with a little bitch"} {"idx": 8938, "original_id": "1251156459687014401", "reply_id": "1251212380526333954", "label": "yes", "text": "Fellow Mountain Bikers: have you ever caught yourself so hard on brambles that you crashed or came off your bike? #mtb #mtblife #mountains #bikes"} {"idx": 8939, "original_id": "1250859424526135296", "reply_id": "1250861844748738560", "label": "smh", "text": "I can't believe we have to go through all of this without David Bowie."} {"idx": 8944, "original_id": "1250990953395085312", "reply_id": "1251014229483806720", "label": "applause", "text": "Just blocked 3 people numbers. Anyone else wanna say something dumb and join them? 😎"} {"idx": 8947, "original_id": "1251249742723465216", "reply_id": "1251262146811318272", "label": "yes", "text": "Been sticking to a strict diet and workout schedule for my own sanity while in lockdown. So....cheat meal? Y/N?"} {"idx": 8948, "original_id": "1250992119889575936", "reply_id": "1251090426670444545", "label": "agree", "text": "Do I need more makeup???"} {"idx": 8951, "original_id": "1250886831480033281", "reply_id": "1250892677920546818", "label": "hug", "text": "Ok, just getting a bit real here, sorry, but today has been.... Well, a day. An odd day. I know everyone is going through some shit, this is why I don't usually post this kind of stuff, cause I know people have it far worse than I do.\nBut, I'm... I dunno exactly. I think"} {"idx": 8952, "original_id": "1250875558105436167", "reply_id": "1250876398748733440", "label": "yes", "text": "Guys should I buy a golden retriever with my stimulus check? Yes or yes"} {"idx": 8953, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250923693733285889", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 8956, "original_id": "1251218140983328768", "reply_id": "1251272739853406208", "label": "agree", "text": "Twitter needs to permanently suspend @realDonaldTrump account. Who's with me?"} {"idx": 8957, "original_id": "1251156412358524930", "reply_id": "1251181751646466051", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Twitter confuses me.\n\nPeople vent about s.t. and then get upset when people try help them.\n\nOr they get upset if people don't overwhelm them with cat pics and \"you got this\" replies.\n\nThis is me venting. Choose carefully how you respond."} {"idx": 8959, "original_id": "1251024639251243008", "reply_id": "1251032581862076419", "label": "sigh", "text": "Master suite. King size adjustable bed. Garden tub in the bathroom. Remotes for the TV *AND the ceiling fan. \n\n~Me Flirting"} {"idx": 8960, "original_id": "1250880498974576640", "reply_id": "1251234443022475266", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Okay so as many of you know, I like to be filled like a Twinkie. Now, it’s been about two years since that happened bc well...we divorced but I would like to announce that..\n\nThat drought has been broken. I’ve been creampied 🤗"} {"idx": 8961, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250982223626600449", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 8963, "original_id": "1250936207317495810", "reply_id": "1250986883779194882", "label": "applause", "text": "The last time folks in St George felt this “oppressed” was when it rained for 3 straight days. #Tyrannical"} {"idx": 8964, "original_id": "1250923440330215424", "reply_id": "1250924045723467777", "label": "omg", "text": "A betting website has actually laid odds on fans' chances of catching coronavirus at particular MLB parks based on three different projected start dates. We don't know whether to be impressed or horrified."} {"idx": 8965, "original_id": "1251140902216773632", "reply_id": "1251142845718642689", "label": "dance", "text": "Hey STANS,\n\nI trust that y'all are good? Anyways, from our camp we've got a special announcement to make to y'all.\n\nY'all stay tuned by 5PM today. Get your excitement gas on. Let's do this.\n\nNPND WDSPFF. 💎\n\n#IykeresaTheContent \n#KetchingUpWithIykeresa"} {"idx": 8966, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251178129143578626", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 8967, "original_id": "1251156369144598531", "reply_id": "1251157397726392322", "label": "thank_you", "text": "My favorite (and essential) part of the morning is going down @Phil_Lewis_ feed and seeing what crazy articles he’s tweeted."} {"idx": 8969, "original_id": "1250894391050469382", "reply_id": "1250895617091678210", "label": "shocked", "text": "I got that $1200 yesterday. Watch me flip it with an OnlyFans account. 😈"} {"idx": 8972, "original_id": "1250955324946874375", "reply_id": "1251025710103310338", "label": "hug", "text": "Night shift blues. It's been a tough one. Wish I could protect the younglings. Such a horrific disease."} {"idx": 8974, "original_id": "1251008899387449345", "reply_id": "1251009028412538880", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "wherever you are I hope ur doing fine but also fuck off and never fucking think about me again because I outgrew your bitch ass"} {"idx": 8975, "original_id": "1251147383645237249", "reply_id": "1251159074776834048", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Me: Call with Nokkun tomorrow!\nSabu: Yay! What are you going to talk about?\nMe: ...crap. \n\nWHAT ARE WE GOING TO TALK ABOUT?!?!?! 😬😬😬"} {"idx": 8976, "original_id": "1250961340568604673", "reply_id": "1250969410690523137", "label": "applause", "text": "I always forget I have a Twitter, until I get a notification that @mindymariemays posted 5 things in 3 minutes"} {"idx": 8980, "original_id": "1251249761388130304", "reply_id": "1251250875697434629", "label": "scared", "text": "@BubblyLilShit we have a pROBLEM"} {"idx": 8981, "original_id": "1250870434448498692", "reply_id": "1250870659493908481", "label": "yes", "text": "Is the new football manager worth a cheeky purchase?"} {"idx": 8983, "original_id": "1251268189700358145", "reply_id": "1251274108605796354", "label": "shocked", "text": "Why do we love love? When love seems to hate us."} {"idx": 8986, "original_id": "1251065433802899457", "reply_id": "1251075870732713986", "label": "applause", "text": "GNAUUUUUUUUUU 💨\n\n💪 Fast and Furious\n😎 2 Fast 2 Furious\n🗼 The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift\n🚓 Fast & Furious - Solo parti originali\n🇧🇷 Fast & Furious 5\n🇬🇧 Fast & Furious 6\n😭 Fast & Furious 7\n\nSono ora disponibili."} {"idx": 8991, "original_id": "1250820120059895809", "reply_id": "1250841376461213696", "label": "no", "text": "himalaya ft netflix, fuck coffee"} {"idx": 9000, "original_id": "1251110808928436224", "reply_id": "1251111411763179520", "label": "high_five", "text": "Male friends who just want to be friends and don't expect anything else are rare. 😄"} {"idx": 9002, "original_id": "1251187190555697153", "reply_id": "1251197097950486529", "label": "applause", "text": "At work, before starting our shift, we took turns telling each other positive things about one another. My coworkers gave me a lot of really nice compliments. It definitely helped boost my mood 😊I’m lucky to be working with such awesome and supportive coworkers ❤️"} {"idx": 9003, "original_id": "1251179216143605765", "reply_id": "1251179339078500352", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My ex got married yesterday. Should I send them a card or just the screenshots of him trying to get me back when they were dating ?"} {"idx": 9006, "original_id": "1251165154697342977", "reply_id": "1251168702906593281", "label": "applause", "text": "Holy shit! I breached 1800 followers. I’m completely surprised! Thanks everyone!! 🥰🥰🙌🏼🙌🏼"} {"idx": 9008, "original_id": "1251207837318959104", "reply_id": "1251212002166312960", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I hope those states that our sociopathic president tweeted to ‘liberate’ themselves actually are stupid enough to do it so we can sit and watch the numbers of confirmed #COVID19 cases and deaths spike there. Maybe his supporters will finally learn something. #covidiot"} {"idx": 9011, "original_id": "1251101135890456578", "reply_id": "1251129458502893568", "label": "good_luck", "text": "GP I am awake and super glad it’s Saturday."} {"idx": 9013, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251250423366922245", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 9014, "original_id": "1251092891566346247", "reply_id": "1251093445612990465", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm having one of Those Days huh"} {"idx": 9015, "original_id": "1251205733498138624", "reply_id": "1251210067493498880", "label": "sigh", "text": "Today is supposed to be 3 months until our wedding and I’m all kinds of anxious and nervous that it might not happen 🥺"} {"idx": 9017, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251070832799100931", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 9018, "original_id": "1251034861755924480", "reply_id": "1251126836630872070", "label": "seriously", "text": "I hate the talking stage fr like are you ready to receive the best love you’ll ever get or what?"} {"idx": 9022, "original_id": "1251132050318524416", "reply_id": "1251133325055492097", "label": "applause", "text": "Troll slaying is fun!"} {"idx": 9023, "original_id": "1251002412741132288", "reply_id": "1251004445204283392", "label": "hug", "text": "i just want to be held 🤧"} {"idx": 9024, "original_id": "1250788446899232770", "reply_id": "1250931538155515904", "label": "no", "text": "Who do Leafs fans overrate the most?"} {"idx": 9027, "original_id": "1250920899429019648", "reply_id": "1250971687245529089", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump on people protesting stay-at-home restrictions: \"They seem to be protesters that like me.\""} {"idx": 9029, "original_id": "1250900251378098177", "reply_id": "1250903760303521792", "label": "shocked", "text": "Thank God it's Friday!"} {"idx": 9032, "original_id": "1251162335118413827", "reply_id": "1251163425838751750", "label": "hug", "text": "i need hugs"} {"idx": 9034, "original_id": "1250911573171986432", "reply_id": "1251138075239092225", "label": "yes", "text": "Is a booty call an \"essential need\" that we are allowed to leave the house for??? Asking for a friend"} {"idx": 9036, "original_id": "1251204577942278144", "reply_id": "1251209195489296386", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 9038, "original_id": "1250909738260402177", "reply_id": "1250995017218392065", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us.\""} {"idx": 9039, "original_id": "1250650273418264577", "reply_id": "1250848864623570954", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you’re over 30, how do any of you have pictures readily available from when you were 20?"} {"idx": 9044, "original_id": "1251241025210744832", "reply_id": "1251253390358839302", "label": "applause", "text": "When you want to close a chapter and a move on but the other person is playing games and delaying that 🙄🙄🙄. Well, she ain't gonna stop my personal growth 😊"} {"idx": 9045, "original_id": "1250925583883698178", "reply_id": "1250926097656676353", "label": "facepalm", "text": "A swab is more sophisticated than a qtip, says the leader of the free world"} {"idx": 9046, "original_id": "1251056162985910278", "reply_id": "1251109691960160256", "label": "no", "text": "Imagine if you will, a phone app mandated by the government to be on every mobile phone that gives authorities direct access to that phone, not just its location, but ability to listen to every convo, read every text, see every email, record your browser history....\n#auspol"} {"idx": 9049, "original_id": "1251008437267415040", "reply_id": "1251017663108841473", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Man people saying 2020 was gonna be a movie, that shit turned into a 30 sec YouTube ad that no ones likes 💀"} {"idx": 9053, "original_id": "1250914644803366912", "reply_id": "1250915062879051777", "label": "hug", "text": "Just want a mf hug"} {"idx": 9055, "original_id": "1251220138092892161", "reply_id": "1251223955786084355", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trying to quit shampoo, please respect my privacy"} {"idx": 9057, "original_id": "1250790050364829698", "reply_id": "1250943784130674691", "label": "no", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever trust Bill Gates?"} {"idx": 9058, "original_id": "1250843380592128001", "reply_id": "1250844252432711681", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m glowing 🙃"} {"idx": 9060, "original_id": "1251201647893778432", "reply_id": "1251202330860666880", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I just gotta do better."} {"idx": 9065, "original_id": "1250848096214548481", "reply_id": "1251072454501564417", "label": "applause", "text": "I officially beat COVID-19 💪🏾"} {"idx": 9066, "original_id": "1251050842582667267", "reply_id": "1251172843389284353", "label": "awww", "text": "I have blocked anyone who made good money trading this week\n\nIf you can see this tweet you are safe"} {"idx": 9067, "original_id": "1250881471453241344", "reply_id": "1250883247854280725", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Job interview tomorrow and they have the AUDACITY to ask me to Skype at 9am. Do they think I have a normal sleeping pattern and have been able to function before 11am?"} {"idx": 9068, "original_id": "1251176478756294656", "reply_id": "1251180235367866369", "label": "applause", "text": "I bought .... new books I don’t need"} {"idx": 9069, "original_id": "1250976188983623680", "reply_id": "1251004247681966085", "label": "shocked", "text": "LIFE HACK: When you cook and make more than you need at that moment to satisfy your hunger, you can put anything left over in the fridge to eat later. It saves time and money. 🤑"} {"idx": 9073, "original_id": "1251227456280973313", "reply_id": "1251244713023283201", "label": "agree", "text": "When all is said and done, the shutdown may be remembered as one of the worst governmental blunders in American history"} {"idx": 9076, "original_id": "1250840103552987139", "reply_id": "1250842360344444931", "label": "no", "text": "I need to follow some good people. Please share some good accounts to follow.\n\nIf it is you, please tell me whether you think pineapple belongs on a pizza below and I’ll make my decision from there."} {"idx": 9077, "original_id": "1251065906119299072", "reply_id": "1251066739498135552", "label": "applause", "text": "Coronavirus is ruining all your plans for 2020? Save them for 2022.\n\nBecause 2022 is 2020 too"} {"idx": 9086, "original_id": "1251187168086601733", "reply_id": "1251187484710535168", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "DaBaby more like DaBoringMusicArtistThatNeverEvolves"} {"idx": 9087, "original_id": "1250859475759751170", "reply_id": "1250861380397383680", "label": "hug", "text": "I wanna be a bad bitch but isolation is making me a full blown sad bitch 😞"} {"idx": 9088, "original_id": "1251046916659580929", "reply_id": "1251051847512711168", "label": "seriously", "text": "Do doctors have sex in call rooms of teaching hospitals?\n\n.\n\nI highly doubt. The call rooms are a mess to begin with. Also they're open to everyone. Not like the fine ones with spring bed in greys anatomy."} {"idx": 9093, "original_id": "1251084913845075969", "reply_id": "1251098785809399809", "label": "no", "text": "Was pretty excited about getting my @NintendoUK Pro Controller, and it is so comfy to hold and use, but sadly I can’t use it because the left joy con has drift so playing certain games is impossible because my character will randomly start moving and mess up things I’m doing 🙁"} {"idx": 9095, "original_id": "1250616157733826560", "reply_id": "1250915734517137410", "label": "agree", "text": "Was hyped for carti’s album till I saw lizzo on there"} {"idx": 9098, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251274468757868545", "label": "applause", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 9099, "original_id": "1251138115647033344", "reply_id": "1251158960289099777", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Yeah you’ve been stuck at home for a month and it just snowed again in mid-April, but some of us have real problems.\n\nI have to eat 10 twinkies today."} {"idx": 9100, "original_id": "1250811392342581249", "reply_id": "1250959954057596928", "label": "agree", "text": "I've said this a ton before but remember *the second* a Democrat is elected president the entire GOP will oppose large Federal rescue and recovery spending, start demagoguing the deficit, and calling for austerity."} {"idx": 9101, "original_id": "1251054969865687041", "reply_id": "1251057357582299138", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "honestly i just wanna shoot my friendship shot but i feel y'all would get annoyed as soon as y'all saw my name 🙂"} {"idx": 9102, "original_id": "1250910784030478337", "reply_id": "1250919703482036225", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump is low energy 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 9105, "original_id": "1250900148751908864", "reply_id": "1250901894626791424", "label": "no", "text": "I've had multiple patients over the last few days inform me that they are \"over it,\" and pretty soon they're going to get back to life no matter what the government says. \n\nParaphrased, but still."} {"idx": 9107, "original_id": "1250865433814675456", "reply_id": "1250943874308149251", "label": "shocked", "text": "My brother is on the phone with his girlfriend and it makes me want to throw up even more than I did when I was in the hospital last week 🤮🤮🤮"} {"idx": 9114, "original_id": "1250972113881780226", "reply_id": "1251006580994310144", "label": "agree", "text": "Because I am a southern girl who lives in SEC LAND , I don’t know a lot about the Big10. So sitting here watching @HawkeyeFootball take on Minnesota in 2015 and @LeShunDanielsJr and @blaqbadger14 are some bad dudes!! #Hawkeyes #FightforIowa #GoHawks"} {"idx": 9115, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251224329641222147", "label": "good_luck", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 9118, "original_id": "1250632453548638208", "reply_id": "1250905211016744961", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Reported US coronavirus deaths:\n\nFeb. 15: 0 deaths\nMar. 15: 65 deaths\nApr. 15: 30,844 deaths"} {"idx": 9124, "original_id": "1250868336940003328", "reply_id": "1250868563809837057", "label": "hug", "text": "//lol everyone is horny and I am just pissed.."} {"idx": 9125, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251076301940838400", "label": "ok", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 9127, "original_id": "1251217030864203782", "reply_id": "1251222483421859844", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I love these meetings where we get all sorts of nice ideas! @MeDicenCrix rifado ;)"} {"idx": 9128, "original_id": "1250886492756611074", "reply_id": "1250914559776428032", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m officially a chick fil a Red member and I don’t know if I’m excited or upset that I’ve spent that much money there 🤣"} {"idx": 9130, "original_id": "1251016449931440128", "reply_id": "1251028397003730946", "label": "applause", "text": "some of you mfs really can't take the same energy you dish out.. tragic lmao"} {"idx": 9134, "original_id": "1251211583126192129", "reply_id": "1251212509375344648", "label": "agree", "text": "Regardless of my minor annoyances, life's been pretty alright!\n\nI hope your days are also going pretty alright despite all the despair the world is experiencing. \nWe'll get through it, I'm sure."} {"idx": 9135, "original_id": "1251190198790246401", "reply_id": "1251191050032631808", "label": "no", "text": "Lift his penis, not his spirits. Am I doing it right?"} {"idx": 9140, "original_id": "1250746891765190656", "reply_id": "1251164275462123521", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "It’s my 71st birthday. Thankful to have my pets to be with. 🎈❤️🐾"} {"idx": 9141, "original_id": "1251200689440722951", "reply_id": "1251208887744651264", "label": "awww", "text": "Many conservative intellectuals were suckered by the CDC and the progressive media. They went along with the dumbest projections even when it was clear they were absurdly exaggerated. Why? To keep up appearances! To look smart! Yet they ended up looking pretty foolish"} {"idx": 9143, "original_id": "1250964952791363586", "reply_id": "1250970253544349697", "label": "shocked", "text": "hijacks did 9/11"} {"idx": 9145, "original_id": "1251240700001300482", "reply_id": "1251267986503069696", "label": "hug", "text": "It has been a year today since I lost my Gronny and I still haven't cried about it. HAHA who knows how to process loss? \n\nNot this bitch."} {"idx": 9150, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250965090817454088", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 9153, "original_id": "1250836040430104581", "reply_id": "1250932449548386305", "label": "shocked", "text": "Fuck it me he quitado los piercings"} {"idx": 9156, "original_id": "1250900967027023873", "reply_id": "1250901300478345216", "label": "applause", "text": "Are Dixie D'Amelio's fans called the Dixie Chicks or is this opportunity just going to waste"} {"idx": 9157, "original_id": "1251181315249991680", "reply_id": "1251185088718667778", "label": "yes", "text": "There is no unified Satanic conspiracy. There is an Illuminati conspiracy but \"Satanism\" unfortunately is only a mask to hide information and realities that the controllers wish to hoard for themselves to feel like superior insiders."} {"idx": 9158, "original_id": "1250875624878747649", "reply_id": "1250875987300057089", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "LMAOOOOOOOOO.... fam. Uno memba seh mi deh road from mi born. \n\nHow do u think it’s possible for you to use a fake page to catfish ME? \n\nMe Kareem DA Bigdreams Boyatingz Weathers. \n\nDawg uno fi Gweh enuh 😂"} {"idx": 9163, "original_id": "1250932770865590273", "reply_id": "1250971271359152128", "label": "hug", "text": "Does it violate social distancing guidelines if we all hit rock bottom together?"} {"idx": 9164, "original_id": "1250924825637339136", "reply_id": "1250933700667162624", "label": "agree", "text": ".@realDonaldTrump is having a great press briefing. He's calm, reasonable, on-message, clear. Only partisan hacks will criticize this one."} {"idx": 9166, "original_id": "1250961733969154048", "reply_id": "1250962884936585223", "label": "win", "text": "I wasn't able to shower but I changed clothes and used dry shampoo. \n\n#cptsd #recovery #mentalillness #trauma #bpd #depressivedisorder #anxiety #csa #rapesurvivor #ChronicPain #disabled"} {"idx": 9167, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251027821662617600", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 9169, "original_id": "350400617342185473", "reply_id": "1251222446130302976", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Anthony Bennett is the next LeBron James"} {"idx": 9173, "original_id": "1250969470115483648", "reply_id": "1250969904368533504", "label": "shocked", "text": "It’s the Governor!!! #HTGAWM"} {"idx": 9178, "original_id": "1251093136291631105", "reply_id": "1251093638886686720", "label": "eww", "text": "My worst nightmare is a bag of skittles but they’re all green"} {"idx": 9180, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251268324538740737", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 9181, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251064816397148160", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 9183, "original_id": "1250873697004593157", "reply_id": "1250874894130257921", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm...\nNot feeling well emotionally today had just gotten worse and worse IRL.\n\nI'm gonna take a few hours off from bird app.\n\nLOVE YOU guys please be kind to each other."} {"idx": 9184, "original_id": "1251004322919440384", "reply_id": "1251005662500401152", "label": "yes", "text": "Is money heist good?"} {"idx": 9188, "original_id": "1250922619274170377", "reply_id": "1250972976775823361", "label": "hug", "text": "god i’m so sad, i don’t even know what to do 😔"} {"idx": 9189, "original_id": "1251188662617935872", "reply_id": "1251192545385857026", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’ve developed a level of self control in which I accept the fact that I’m staying with people who put Ketchup on indome and say “حالات واتس\", for 10 months yet I didn’t kill myself/anyone."} {"idx": 9191, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250932175022600194", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 9192, "original_id": "1250945354926895106", "reply_id": "1250961428611293184", "label": "no", "text": "reply to this tweet to have your reply hidden"} {"idx": 9195, "original_id": "1251190686835027968", "reply_id": "1251191820538777602", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t know who needs to hear this, but staying together in an unhappy relationship ‘for the kids’ fucks the kids up worse than breaking up."} {"idx": 9203, "original_id": "1250775975647985664", "reply_id": "1250850231194976261", "label": "dance", "text": "It’s national horny day cause this is somehow different and special from other days"} {"idx": 9205, "original_id": "1251044419144474624", "reply_id": "1251045977110298624", "label": "hug", "text": "I never cry over an assignment like this, all I trying to do is make a few changes and my laptop won’t allow."} {"idx": 9209, "original_id": "1251249097039732736", "reply_id": "1251250796215353345", "label": "shocked", "text": "Is 45 kills alot on Valorant 🥺"} {"idx": 9211, "original_id": "1251184569237278725", "reply_id": "1251190606761586689", "label": "sigh", "text": "What's an underrated movie you wish people talked about more?"} {"idx": 9214, "original_id": "1250985172935176193", "reply_id": "1250985499247947777", "label": "applause", "text": "I WON 8BALL AGAINST LIZ LETS GOOO"} {"idx": 9216, "original_id": "1251074966658965504", "reply_id": "1251089994556588037", "label": "no", "text": "Ok\nOwn up?\nWho voted for Starmer and Rayner?"} {"idx": 9217, "original_id": "1250774018988421120", "reply_id": "1251018530708811776", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "The night of sorrow is long but it is only a night"} {"idx": 9219, "original_id": "1251252850354647041", "reply_id": "1251252990742163456", "label": "idk", "text": "my grandma is making carne pelota soup but for some reason she calls it albondigas soup? idk.. but my Spanish is really improving"} {"idx": 9220, "original_id": "1250846871142182912", "reply_id": "1250847753665761283", "label": "popcorn", "text": "@BNTHATISI it's the correct one 💃💃💃"} {"idx": 9223, "original_id": "1250999604516212744", "reply_id": "1251190131404357632", "label": "hug", "text": "Hey guys, I’m maybe trans or pansexual or non-binary or I don't know , I’m a horrible human, I’m a disgrace and disappointment, My parents and family hate me and everyone hates me and nobody wants me or anything, I don’t know what to do 💔😭 #EarperSupport #LGBTQSupport"} {"idx": 9224, "original_id": "1251128569700519936", "reply_id": "1251128810587725824", "label": "yes", "text": "Happy friday ! Today is another great day !"} {"idx": 9226, "original_id": "1250836452839165953", "reply_id": "1250979708617056263", "label": "eww", "text": "A1 sauce smells good but it’s so nasty, so Heinz 57 is better. Argue with ya mama"} {"idx": 9229, "original_id": "1250829533575557126", "reply_id": "1250906147126722567", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Definitely did not expect to be sitting here crying at my desk right now!!! Thank you all so much for the kind words. Kotaku forever"} {"idx": 9231, "original_id": "1250845530365800448", "reply_id": "1250918024565186562", "label": "facepalm", "text": "To say “People will die, so be it” instead of a science & testing-based path to reopening the economy is deeply frivolous & wrong.\n\nEvery life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community. This is something we are all in together. #FamiliesFirst"} {"idx": 9232, "original_id": "1250822099385692160", "reply_id": "1250865608675205120", "label": "no", "text": "I have a question. If Trump says right now, we are good, you can go outside and party, work, do whatever, would you do it?"} {"idx": 9234, "original_id": "1251153730826731525", "reply_id": "1251154916552224770", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "All right... words... I mean it this time."} {"idx": 9235, "original_id": "1250941780960268288", "reply_id": "1250949697721610240", "label": "scared", "text": "Any quarantine pregnancy positives yet? 😂"} {"idx": 9242, "original_id": "1250844954622115842", "reply_id": "1250846037197144064", "label": "dance", "text": "Tweet me your thoughts on the NFL Draft being one week away, using one GIF. \n\nAnnnnnnnnd GO."} {"idx": 9246, "original_id": "1251249288644083713", "reply_id": "1251257706993856512", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy birthday 💛💛 @elreem"} {"idx": 9247, "original_id": "1250886228490117120", "reply_id": "1250888235728986126", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Signed my first email with \"The Mann Formerly Known as Isaiah.\" The end times are upon us."} {"idx": 9250, "original_id": "1250853676857638914", "reply_id": "1250854819721551872", "label": "eww", "text": "GIRLS, do y’all like it when guys moan (pregunta cachonda)"} {"idx": 9251, "original_id": "1250572255186337793", "reply_id": "1250883238156922880", "label": "applause", "text": "I like how our country didn’t want a female president yet we still ended up with a little bitch"} {"idx": 9253, "original_id": "1251156617644568577", "reply_id": "1251158781620187136", "label": "shocked", "text": "I won’t stop, until i make you mine."} {"idx": 9254, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251035492268695553", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 9256, "original_id": "1250604128579063808", "reply_id": "1250850994449051650", "label": "awww", "text": "I wish I knew Arabic ☹"} {"idx": 9266, "original_id": "1250880354896011272", "reply_id": "1250891318840229888", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone who says mewgulf are not real is an attention seeker and one thing I’d never do on this app is give an attention seeker the attention he/she wants. Period."} {"idx": 9271, "original_id": "1251131103810854918", "reply_id": "1251143107074121738", "label": "hug", "text": "People posting the yellow heart to say if your there for them. I’ve not commented on any of the posts, but mental health is serious and am there for anyone that needs it 💛"} {"idx": 9272, "original_id": "1251055215354281985", "reply_id": "1251055688803123203", "label": "sorry", "text": "I love a cup of tea first thing in the morning but sadly I woke up and realised I ran out of milk. \n\nIn true lockdown style though, I had some coffee machine creamers, so decided to use that for my cup of tea.\n\nCan confirm, this doesnt work."} {"idx": 9274, "original_id": "1250831782888570887", "reply_id": "1250832210615246851", "label": "facepalm", "text": "What's blank and white over?\n\nNo thats not it."} {"idx": 9277, "original_id": "1250808532322131974", "reply_id": "1250832482813063169", "label": "high_five", "text": "Idc if you don’t wanna be a wife lol keep it yourself. \n\nI wanna be one. \n\nI am gonna be one. \n\nI’m not finna be a mans girlfriend for years and give him wifey treatment. That’s a dub. \n\nSave your opinions. \n\nCourt is adjourned."} {"idx": 9278, "original_id": "1250922035141914632", "reply_id": "1250923383946194949", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on state-by-state reopening: \"I call it: a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different...But when it's all done...a very beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 9279, "original_id": "1250905808797421572", "reply_id": "1251245810907561984", "label": "applause", "text": "I would just like to point out that #PeteButtigieg, the “privileged elite” candidate is currently getting dragged for his DIY haircut. \n\nIf anyone would like to admit to drinking the koolaid & being completely wrong, you can apologize here."} {"idx": 9281, "original_id": "1250992367001354241", "reply_id": "1251114424083124224", "label": "hug", "text": "So tonight I made a donation to our local food bank, and when it asked if you want to make it “in honor” or “in memory” of someone I typed my sister’s name and just stared in disbelief at the computer."} {"idx": 9282, "original_id": "1250908794537771012", "reply_id": "1250909934688100354", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump, on script, begins by saying they have undertaken the country's greatest mobilization \"since World War II.\" He says they have unleashed the \"most potent weapon of all\": Americans' courage. He tells people who've lost loved ones that their pain is our pain."} {"idx": 9283, "original_id": "1251147641003470854", "reply_id": "1251149487575191553", "label": "dance", "text": "Thank you for all the beautiful birthday wishes...now more than ever ❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 9284, "original_id": "1250973699727134731", "reply_id": "1250989253309407232", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Awesome stream tonight! I love you guys so much. Thank you for being apart of the Warrior family! 🧡"} {"idx": 9289, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250866373112332289", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 9294, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251201765900500998", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 9295, "original_id": "1251146362650890242", "reply_id": "1251205228512325634", "label": "eww", "text": "\"May I tongue punch your fart box?\"\nHow i picture royalty asking to eat ass..."} {"idx": 9299, "original_id": "1251252486540873731", "reply_id": "1251252705198174211", "label": "idk", "text": "what is sleep"} {"idx": 9300, "original_id": "1250846783175102465", "reply_id": "1250848328503492610", "label": "hug", "text": "Just when you think you’re doing ok a wave of grief can knock you down again."} {"idx": 9301, "original_id": "1251248584621727749", "reply_id": "1251248849684967425", "label": "agree", "text": "Y’all ever notice that muting just one or two people changes your whole fucking timeline?"} {"idx": 9304, "original_id": "1250882214352437248", "reply_id": "1250887324705058816", "label": "applause", "text": "Such a good week to be Damien I'm happy for myself"} {"idx": 9306, "original_id": "1250885594869309441", "reply_id": "1250923852281999361", "label": "applause", "text": "Too many Americans are spoiled children. They're so worried about preserving a fake idea of freedom that they're not willing to do the most basic and fundamental things to enjoy real freedom.\n\nSocial distancing is not oppression. It's the smart exercise of civic responsibility."} {"idx": 9307, "original_id": "1250900486817005575", "reply_id": "1250902577534959619", "label": "agree", "text": "There are people here who make me smile, who are real and admit their lives are shitpits, who just want to get through the day. You guys are the reason I'm here 💜 \n\nAnd boobs. Also here for boobs"} {"idx": 9308, "original_id": "1251206249535995907", "reply_id": "1251213922281152512", "label": "hearts", "text": "I be too high to play video games these 11 year olds be mean"} {"idx": 9309, "original_id": "1251204321523445761", "reply_id": "1251206313956311040", "label": "applause", "text": ", after vigorous manhunt.\n\nSeven [7] others, believed to have had contacts with him have also been identified and moved to the Wa Regional Hospital where they have been quarantined for observation.\n\nSimon Okafor Chukwudi, 46 was informed of his positive status by health officials"} {"idx": 9310, "original_id": "1250626475364999169", "reply_id": "1250887577219076097", "label": "thank_you", "text": "dropping music i really care about tomorrow at 9 am. a part of a project i really care about. from an album i really care about. \n\nk bye see you in the morning"} {"idx": 9312, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251088626852589568", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 9313, "original_id": "1251235933455867904", "reply_id": "1251240262074085377", "label": "agree", "text": "Just did some research. \n\nThere are over 650 boys u17 teams playing in Regional and National Club Leagues via USYS, US Club, and the DA in the United States. \n\nIt seems like some leadership from the #USSF could have gotten this many teams in to coordinated regional leagues."} {"idx": 9314, "original_id": "1251151310625230848", "reply_id": "1251152454516789252", "label": "shocked", "text": "I deserve to be tied up and folded rn. Yes at 10 something in the morning i should be getting choked and seeing black dots"} {"idx": 9316, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251093429636849664", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 9322, "original_id": "1250968737408331777", "reply_id": "1250969681151868929", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Mortal Kombat Legends Scorpion Revenge is awesome!!! Congratulations @noobde @wbpictures @NetherRealm @MortalKombat \nI liked Very much!"} {"idx": 9324, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1250959195861667843", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 9325, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250892395144794112", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 9326, "original_id": "1251013192295350274", "reply_id": "1251017743081537538", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Fed up of seeing people preach what they don’t practice 🙄"} {"idx": 9328, "original_id": "1250906824582115328", "reply_id": "1250947799342030850", "label": "omg", "text": "Life is an art of drawing, without an eraser ~ Varun Sharma"} {"idx": 9329, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251043525258432512", "label": "agree", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 9330, "original_id": "1250804216706236416", "reply_id": "1250879424750329856", "label": "eww", "text": "Can you imagine if we hadn't worked so hard in 2018 and elected all those Democrats and now, during a pandemic, Republicans had full control over Congress."} {"idx": 9331, "original_id": "1251214713545003008", "reply_id": "1251225578671419393", "label": "shocked", "text": "maybe ima be single forever since no one i like wanna treat me right"} {"idx": 9333, "original_id": "1250913657577279489", "reply_id": "1250923628964777986", "label": "applause", "text": "#DEVELOPING: Vice President Mike Pence on COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S.:\n\n\"We are slowing the spread, we are flattening the curve...we've protected the most vulnerable.\"\n\n(Thread)"} {"idx": 9334, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250953846202998784", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 9335, "original_id": "1251226879266156545", "reply_id": "1251236808521691141", "label": "omg", "text": "Whateva beetch. I'm the Gif Queen, check my bio."} {"idx": 9337, "original_id": "1250900552646615051", "reply_id": "1250902144342986753", "label": "shocked", "text": "C-3rd Letter \nO-15th Letter \nR-18th Letter \nO-15th Letter \nN-14th Letter \nA- 1st Letter\n_______________\n6-66"} {"idx": 9340, "original_id": "1250807093231267841", "reply_id": "1250882982346457088", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm from #Michigan and what you all witnessed over Social Media & the news was the vocal minority NOT the majority of the state. Please don't lump all those dumbasses in the same boat as I.\n\nI support #GovWhitmer and her order of #StayHomeStaySafe. \n\n💙💙💙💙"} {"idx": 9341, "original_id": "1251161272520806405", "reply_id": "1251183824211513351", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m tired of rubbing my own pussy, I need someone to come eat me out and play with my tits"} {"idx": 9342, "original_id": "1251116046246973441", "reply_id": "1251126327308058625", "label": "agree", "text": "Every single day you guys amaze me of how idiotic ya’ll can be"} {"idx": 9343, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251257920097943553", "label": "agree", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 9344, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251127571321958405", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 9348, "original_id": "1250912580127920130", "reply_id": "1250921920909869056", "label": "awww", "text": "Trump said earlier that we take solace that God has taken the people who have died from the virus into \"his eternal and loving embrace.\""} {"idx": 9349, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1251135687535050752", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 9351, "original_id": "1250936705441505288", "reply_id": "1251037995819384838", "label": "dance", "text": "Roger Stone has to report to prison in two weeks, after being denied a new trial."} {"idx": 9352, "original_id": "1250965052536115203", "reply_id": "1250965214151036929", "label": "applause", "text": "I have awaken."} {"idx": 9353, "original_id": "1251166528344637441", "reply_id": "1251206257937125376", "label": "applause", "text": "My contract on my phone is almost up and i didn’t wanna take another phone out but mines all busted so I took advantage of the insurance. I only paid 50 for a brand new phone and it’ll be here tomorrow. 🥳"} {"idx": 9358, "original_id": "1250848901042786307", "reply_id": "1250959214308196352", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Friendly Warning: If you are buying stocks and $SPX at current levels without a tight stop-loss, you are playing with fire.\n\nRisk to reward is horrible for longs at current levels. We are facing another major downturn very soon. $SPX will be below 2500 faster than you may think."} {"idx": 9360, "original_id": "1251172695196262400", "reply_id": "1251173385540759554", "label": "agree", "text": "LIBERATE YOUR STATES! \n\nVote out all tyrannical Democrat Governors."} {"idx": 9362, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251002223695482880", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 9363, "original_id": "1251132325452222465", "reply_id": "1251141453071421440", "label": "ok", "text": "Sorry for my attitude yesterday, Twitter. It was a day. I broke a little bit. But I’m feeling better today."} {"idx": 9367, "original_id": "1250846265325346818", "reply_id": "1250849961664819202", "label": "agree", "text": "Something you will never hear on the media. \"Well it looks President was right.\""} {"idx": 9369, "original_id": "1248623428904443904", "reply_id": "1250891479947640835", "label": "agree", "text": "How much do you think you know about Fortnite? 🤔\n\nMaybe it’s time to quiz you!"} {"idx": 9372, "original_id": "1251230084570255361", "reply_id": "1251230745814851588", "label": "shocked", "text": "If you like 70s porn, you will love what I’ve got going on nowadays 😂"} {"idx": 9373, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250860141844541440", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 9374, "original_id": "1250929026111340546", "reply_id": "1251217211185926144", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will have conjugal visits from Melania when he goes to prison?"} {"idx": 9376, "original_id": "1251078981291585537", "reply_id": "1251079434007961600", "label": "please", "text": "I miss you 😤 @CDekiya"} {"idx": 9379, "original_id": "1250855664294952960", "reply_id": "1250980202173181953", "label": "hug", "text": "Just found out that the contract for my #altac position (which is most of my income) will not be renewed.\n\nSo that's fun."} {"idx": 9384, "original_id": "1250972830725926913", "reply_id": "1251013242169651200", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“U just tryna fuck” \nLol chill I’m tryna cuddle too"} {"idx": 9385, "original_id": "1251188694062637063", "reply_id": "1251200298791636992", "label": "hug", "text": "Last night I threw up AND broke my glasses so I’m gonna need a full day to recover and consume only steamed milk and maybe cry a bit."} {"idx": 9387, "original_id": "1250888575538925568", "reply_id": "1250930386512891904", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm in a hurry to get things done\nOh I rush and rush until life's no fun\nAll I really gotta do is live and die\nBut I'm in a hurry and don't know why."} {"idx": 9388, "original_id": "1250851437292158979", "reply_id": "1250858087013113856", "label": "applause", "text": "As President and CEO of Danomancat Industries, I'm declaring a company-wide Happy Hour for all employees located at our HQ. Effective Immediately"} {"idx": 9389, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251273376058007557", "label": "shrug", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 9390, "original_id": "1251210633124745225", "reply_id": "1251212790355935233", "label": "no", "text": "My last words as I bow out, Do not nurse people's feelings by compromising the word of God. \nTake care guys ♥️♥️. Will be back soon!! 😊♥️"} {"idx": 9394, "original_id": "1250943015121813504", "reply_id": "1250954816823660545", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "sending me porn you want to do with me is a valid way of flirting"} {"idx": 9396, "original_id": "1250838186810585089", "reply_id": "1250838524468826112", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Unpopular opinion. Oasis are overrated"} {"idx": 9398, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251050164623556610", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 9399, "original_id": "1250724247187517441", "reply_id": "1250879321939509255", "label": "hug", "text": "Hello to those monbebe who haven't leveled up yet on Wonho's fc. Group hug?"} {"idx": 9400, "original_id": "1250897666021691395", "reply_id": "1250901580796383232", "label": "hug", "text": "If it seems I'm being mushy or locked in on quotes, I apologize.\nAnxiety & depression have had a grip. I've been trying to ignore it by being funny but they're still here. Hiding in the dark.\nMy my prayer is that anything shared might help someone else. Then the darkness loses🙏"} {"idx": 9401, "original_id": "1250808921234771973", "reply_id": "1250901328462741514", "label": "hug", "text": "I was just laid off over the phone in Coronavirus related downsizing at my company. Well, this day couldn't be much worse."} {"idx": 9402, "original_id": "1250850816639959040", "reply_id": "1250878580810117121", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hey y’all. Can I get some replies to clear out my notifications? I got spammed pretty good last night."} {"idx": 9404, "original_id": "1251033620329967616", "reply_id": "1251034389569572864", "label": "applause", "text": "fine I deleted that tweet. but the let the record show that I ratio’d him and deleted it out of the kindness of my heart. applaud me for being a good person. come onnn guyssss pleasseee"} {"idx": 9406, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250901284628107264", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 9407, "original_id": "1251242630186483713", "reply_id": "1251245715323604992", "label": "oops", "text": "Skyle are fucking before hiatus. I love winning 😍😍😍 #YR"} {"idx": 9408, "original_id": "1251009172520554497", "reply_id": "1251091544515522560", "label": "thank_you", "text": "So. Twitter is cool with eating ass but Richard Dawson kissing Family Feud contestants on the lips is a step too far. Huh."} {"idx": 9411, "original_id": "1250834135347630080", "reply_id": "1251068820573347840", "label": "seriously", "text": "Been stucc in tha house for a month and I’m still cute."} {"idx": 9412, "original_id": "1251031324095365121", "reply_id": "1251045186249129984", "label": "yes", "text": "I don't care how old I am, if I walk by a toy in a store that has a \"Try Me\" sticker on it, I'm pushing that button! Would you?"} {"idx": 9414, "original_id": "1250905208877694981", "reply_id": "1250906169037725699", "label": "applause", "text": "Covid 19 has changed me - I’m cleaning, cooking, baking, doing grocery shopping... lads, I think I’m officially ready to date again too! as soon as this saga is over 😏"} {"idx": 9415, "original_id": "1250719836805779456", "reply_id": "1250852499982102532", "label": "high_five", "text": "Good morning tweethearts"} {"idx": 9417, "original_id": "1251047901075312644", "reply_id": "1251174300947755014", "label": "hug", "text": "I have to star by believing in myself"} {"idx": 9418, "original_id": "1250932102025134081", "reply_id": "1250950784013008896", "label": "agree", "text": "And, btw, I have no problem with TV covering campaign events...as long as they cover both campaigns. There nothing the President is doing right now that's not driven by his campaign. So Biden deserves equal time."} {"idx": 9419, "original_id": "1251117873382125569", "reply_id": "1251244306389590023", "label": "hug", "text": "Why are such vile people so rampant \n\nWho hurt you :((((((( \n\nI wish that growing up in toxic environments wouldn’t be so scarring \n\n*hugs*"} {"idx": 9424, "original_id": "1250973017666191365", "reply_id": "1250977384477622272", "label": "high_five", "text": "I just remembered one stupid argument i had with @Babade_Ososanya babade in unilag year 2, im about to call him to tell him i have finally figured out why i couldn't defend my argument that day"} {"idx": 9429, "original_id": "1250837197592428550", "reply_id": "1250882653534007300", "label": "awww", "text": "I snuck a picture of my boyfriend last night & he caught me. He goes “you can take pictures of me whenever, I’m flattered.” I took 11 more."} {"idx": 9430, "original_id": "1251166785459585024", "reply_id": "1251191431118704653", "label": "hug", "text": "can someone send me hugs"} {"idx": 9431, "original_id": "1250943021547507712", "reply_id": "1251170176663539713", "label": "agree", "text": "Im so mad i grew up thinking i had to have straight hair to be pretty & fit in. Curls are fucking beautiful & i embrace them so much now. Dont get me wrong i love straight hair me but natural curly hair me? Oh she’s a bad bitch lol"} {"idx": 9435, "original_id": "1251205961814949888", "reply_id": "1251206331148783616", "label": "scared", "text": "\"Hi [MediaContactFirstName]!\"\n\n<clicks UNSUBSCRIBE>"} {"idx": 9436, "original_id": "1251207263215370243", "reply_id": "1251237411058855937", "label": "agree", "text": "If Aaron Paul is in it, the show/movies value has gone up considerably. Those are the rules."} {"idx": 9438, "original_id": "1250954944649273345", "reply_id": "1250975576241786880", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Great news! I spoke with my brother and he and his wife will NOT be voting for trump. He said he's watched him lie and be an asshole long enough. He thanked me for my Facebook posts which made him start paying better attention. Now that he's watching him every day, he's done! 👍"} {"idx": 9441, "original_id": "1251104323133677568", "reply_id": "1251104709882118144", "label": "hug", "text": "i be like:\n\nhug?? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻"} {"idx": 9442, "original_id": "1250872073712545793", "reply_id": "1250893776140320768", "label": "sigh", "text": "Well... looks like I’ll be streaming more since my hours are being cut 50%. HAHAHAH FUN. THANKS CORONA 🙃🙃🙃"} {"idx": 9443, "original_id": "1251166785459585024", "reply_id": "1251167819577864192", "label": "hug", "text": "can someone send me hugs"} {"idx": 9445, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1251144408755388417", "label": "popcorn", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 9446, "original_id": "1250771833789562886", "reply_id": "1251025407408816128", "label": "applause", "text": "THIS is who I started following to get a different view of all things medical including covid19. @va_shiva \nIn the final hour our bodies belong to us so it’s our responsibility to gather data & decide the course of action we take w our OWN body. 🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 9451, "original_id": "1251035643188146176", "reply_id": "1251036611053142017", "label": "yes", "text": "K guys I sent @theestallion a DM wish me luck"} {"idx": 9452, "original_id": "1250869166464290816", "reply_id": "1251096367549739008", "label": "shrug", "text": "| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| \n| If You're |\n|Reading This |\n| Send Nudes |\n|_________| \n(\\__/) || \n(•ㅅ•) || \n/   づ"} {"idx": 9455, "original_id": "1251003471286996992", "reply_id": "1251004153666531328", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Q: What did one boat say to the other? \nA: Are you up for a little row-mance?\n\nI can hear your groaning, ya know."} {"idx": 9458, "original_id": "1250991536789217281", "reply_id": "1250992899505995777", "label": "applause", "text": "Did you hear about the mansplainer who drowned in his underground water storage unit?\n\nIt was a well, actually"} {"idx": 9460, "original_id": "1251049731205332992", "reply_id": "1251116136684453892", "label": "seriously", "text": "Def making pizza tomorrow"} {"idx": 9461, "original_id": "1251121632220983297", "reply_id": "1251160000921141249", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Another small shop isn’t offering name bummies/bows currently so she’s referring all of her customers to me.... brb while I SOB"} {"idx": 9463, "original_id": "1250830173303443461", "reply_id": "1250841970576146432", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "FUCKING lost my glasses again."} {"idx": 9464, "original_id": "1250644345566441472", "reply_id": "1250867633563537408", "label": "ok", "text": "There’s actually a trailer for Rehydrated?? I can’t breathe!"} {"idx": 9466, "original_id": "1251214501128609794", "reply_id": "1251218600322613248", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "@cvpayne Your guest is stating incorrect facts re PPP. What does it take to get someone who knows what they are talking about on Fox News. Camping World CEO. Stop booking idiots that just want to vent their opinions instead of communicating facts."} {"idx": 9467, "original_id": "1250900010616500224", "reply_id": "1250999127946653696", "label": "popcorn", "text": "R u salty or sweet?? Reply w a pic of ur favorite quarantine snack food."} {"idx": 9468, "original_id": "1251186003995316224", "reply_id": "1251186797645828096", "label": "hug", "text": "Anxiety and depression just flip flops for me a bit and I've been a little bit of a recluse that's all 🕷🕸"} {"idx": 9471, "original_id": "1250718635611443203", "reply_id": "1250873165603110918", "label": "no", "text": "Why would you wanna drink? your body doesn't even crave it! To forget temporarily? To get high? that's stupid."} {"idx": 9472, "original_id": "1250784198006378498", "reply_id": "1250837733490253827", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Today is a good day! Found out I have passed the @CIPFA @ISBLTraining @ISBL_news BTEC Level 7 Advanced Professional Certificate in School Financial and Operational Leadership. 🥳"} {"idx": 9475, "original_id": "1251238940096380929", "reply_id": "1251239357882576896", "label": "agree", "text": "Breaking News! We’ve been invited to perform in the One World: #TogetherAtHome broadcast. We accepted and it will conflict with our planned Instagram Live Q&A, so would you mind if we moved the Live Q&A to next Friday at 12 PST? We knew you’d understand. You guys are the best."} {"idx": 9477, "original_id": "1251031021405036544", "reply_id": "1251032472441237505", "label": "hug", "text": "I :) am :) sTRUGGLING :)"} {"idx": 9478, "original_id": "1250540356745277441", "reply_id": "1250869614323564544", "label": "idk", "text": "reply now!"} {"idx": 9479, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251174859717185541", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 9480, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250973481652621314", "label": "eww", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 9481, "original_id": "1251258708258062343", "reply_id": "1251259139914948608", "label": "yes", "text": "Source: The #Bears are releasing TE Trey Burton. Another accomplished veteran on the market."} {"idx": 9482, "original_id": "1250931605000118273", "reply_id": "1250933681520328705", "label": "shocked", "text": "My eye has felt bruised and has been swollen ever since I woke up this morning. Upon further inspection I noticed two small dots in the corner of my lid... looks very similar to a spider bite 😳🕷 and we have false widows in this room."} {"idx": 9483, "original_id": "1250993983200743424", "reply_id": "1251018467039309824", "label": "yes", "text": "is a gratitude journal supposed to have this many swears in it"} {"idx": 9484, "original_id": "1250917297163812865", "reply_id": "1250978350018867201", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Opening gyms? Seriously?\n\nThey might as well be called “Coronavirus Distribution Centers.”"} {"idx": 9485, "original_id": "1250913154038747136", "reply_id": "1250978676143017986", "label": "sorry", "text": "People mistake being flirtatious as being thirsty and/or easy and that’s not it. I’m a huge ass flirt, I love attention, but don’t get it twisted. I’m extremely selective with who I share my body with."} {"idx": 9486, "original_id": "1250416030670712833", "reply_id": "1250958622336651264", "label": "agree", "text": "Can we normalize calling people acquaintances because I feel like friends is such a big title that should not be used carelessly."} {"idx": 9489, "original_id": "1250764502024495107", "reply_id": "1250832849210683392", "label": "wink", "text": "Folks are struggling right now, so I’m reminding you that there’s always money in the banana stand."} {"idx": 9490, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250985428427182082", "label": "agree", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 9491, "original_id": "1251154660179640327", "reply_id": "1251156146439614465", "label": "yes", "text": "The quotes we relate to are often those feelings of ours, which someone else has managed to put in better words than we ourselves can!"} {"idx": 9492, "original_id": "1251114936706662401", "reply_id": "1251130104639631360", "label": "facepalm", "text": "We traded Carlos Bacca for Nikola Kalinic."} {"idx": 9493, "original_id": "1250967857200091137", "reply_id": "1251124396183429120", "label": "shocked", "text": "TL sleep? ok.. i was never a fan of fresh prince or martin. 😐"} {"idx": 9494, "original_id": "1250790255071911937", "reply_id": "1250906115010953216", "label": "no", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever allow yourself to be nanotagged or marked?"} {"idx": 9495, "original_id": "1250848134877626368", "reply_id": "1251018987774738433", "label": "applause", "text": "Drop your cash app, use hashtag #BailoutHumansNow"} {"idx": 9496, "original_id": "1251196313666048004", "reply_id": "1251208448253005826", "label": "idk", "text": "why do u pilot the Eva"} {"idx": 9501, "original_id": "1250970705547517955", "reply_id": "1250971414082936833", "label": "agree", "text": "Daily reminder that placing on controller isnt an accomplishment"} {"idx": 9504, "original_id": "1251213956229804033", "reply_id": "1251214748630175744", "label": "applause", "text": "1st time really playing Uncharted series. It is really good especially with the cut scenes. The goal is to play thru all 4.."} {"idx": 9507, "original_id": "1251000678731771906", "reply_id": "1251002684015906816", "label": "hug", "text": "sometimes, I feel a lot of friends, feel many who care about me,,\nbut behind all that, I still feel alone :)"} {"idx": 9508, "original_id": "1250892364706611206", "reply_id": "1250899471371612161", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Perseverance."} {"idx": 9509, "original_id": "1251212122949853196", "reply_id": "1251219082654945286", "label": "wink", "text": "got a new name for the anti-lockdown protestors.\n \nBranch Covidians"} {"idx": 9510, "original_id": "1250900646427004928", "reply_id": "1251009257367056384", "label": "want", "text": "Is now a good time to try shrooms for the 1st time or nah?"} {"idx": 9512, "original_id": "1250951997932498944", "reply_id": "1251260358205083648", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "The thing I miss the most about my ex girlfriend is kissing her husband while she was downstairs"} {"idx": 9513, "original_id": "1251170341378031618", "reply_id": "1251170638544474119", "label": "awww", "text": "My very-nearly 88 year-old grandmother now has Zoom set up on her tablet, all done via remote instruction and ready for a family birthday chat tomorrow! Definitely an achievement for the day 🎉"} {"idx": 9514, "original_id": "1251258958087684096", "reply_id": "1251261858914459648", "label": "shrug", "text": "After a strong 2018 season, injuries caught up with tight end Trey Burton. He’s expected to be a post-June 1 cut for the #Bears, league sources say."} {"idx": 9515, "original_id": "1251216601480912900", "reply_id": "1251239031553142785", "label": "scared", "text": "liberate deez nuts"} {"idx": 9516, "original_id": "1250469938164314112", "reply_id": "1251236881267863554", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Winter begins in 250 days."} {"idx": 9519, "original_id": "1251143581206806528", "reply_id": "1251262960116342790", "label": "awww", "text": "Bitches reading this: You look pretty today. \n\nYou're welcome, bitches."} {"idx": 9520, "original_id": "1250842668671827969", "reply_id": "1251180009680666624", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Today is #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay and we want to know how you're doing. Let us know by using only emojis 👇"} {"idx": 9521, "original_id": "1250941329825128449", "reply_id": "1250945282357018625", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@TheKenLaurence currently watching PR Allstars 5. Ken, your avant guard look gave me chills and made me cry! Wow! You are so talented!!💖"} {"idx": 9523, "original_id": "1250906573767139329", "reply_id": "1250969449022345216", "label": "yes", "text": "Gas is cheap, my favorite restaurant is a drive-in, I’m grounded, and I’m growing a mullet.\n\nOmg I’m 16 again."} {"idx": 9524, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1250937685876846592", "label": "applause", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 9525, "original_id": "1251178960911831042", "reply_id": "1251243845892870145", "label": "dance", "text": "I made some yummy doughnuts😋"} {"idx": 9526, "original_id": "1250965415234322434", "reply_id": "1251001593450967041", "label": "hug", "text": "I try to not feel as terrible as I do about my grandma passing last week by imagining she HAS to be in a better place than this bullshit ass country right now"} {"idx": 9527, "original_id": "1250891900011364360", "reply_id": "1250920393063329792", "label": "no", "text": "If Mnuchin told you personally that you can survive 10 weeks on $1200 stimulus checks, what would you reply?😠"} {"idx": 9528, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250896637590999040", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 9529, "original_id": "1250863362050854914", "reply_id": "1251215868559863810", "label": "shocked", "text": "we as a collective have been traumatized by men with J names."} {"idx": 9530, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1251122074833358853", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 9531, "original_id": "1250916408076181505", "reply_id": "1250970337090641920", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "when was the last time you looked under your bed?"} {"idx": 9532, "original_id": "1250852806099177474", "reply_id": "1250890822712586240", "label": "agree", "text": "Dear @JustinTrudeau do the right thing and keep the 🇨🇦/🇺🇸 border closed"} {"idx": 9534, "original_id": "1251196545581699077", "reply_id": "1251206639744499712", "label": "agree", "text": "We have gaydar\n\nWe have bi-fi \n\nI would like to submit, for consideration,\n\npan-scan"} {"idx": 9539, "original_id": "1251223097262223360", "reply_id": "1251224593420832768", "label": "applause", "text": "Due to high demand, i’ve started back up my film account @DebatingFilms"} {"idx": 9544, "original_id": "1251220223945895936", "reply_id": "1251225374832259072", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Tell me something, where your boss at? Where is the man who love talk behind my back?"} {"idx": 9546, "original_id": "1251059210869227521", "reply_id": "1251066714118328320", "label": "yes", "text": "only a few days left till #telcoin beta corridor #Canada-#Philippines #remittance Send Money Smarter.\nInstant, low-cost money transfers powered by the Blockchain. #gcash #eth #blockchain #BTC #ecpay #filipinos #fintech"} {"idx": 9547, "original_id": "1250963061625610240", "reply_id": "1250964430986280960", "label": "agree", "text": "April Kepner and Maggie Pierce ANNOY me."} {"idx": 9549, "original_id": "1250866569061818372", "reply_id": "1250975719070416897", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m so thankful for my CBD vape pen. Helped ground me from a panic attack. \nToo many people near me today."} {"idx": 9550, "original_id": "1251236466602237954", "reply_id": "1251238746869153797", "label": "smh", "text": "my daddy ask me if i wanted bk for lunch.. i always did know he did lowkey hate me and wish i wasn’t born"} {"idx": 9553, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251085167382290432", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 9555, "original_id": "1250650546584932353", "reply_id": "1250850046477656064", "label": "hug", "text": "love just doing my best and being friendly and just trying to play games with my friends just to get verbally shit on all fuckin day regardless of what's happening. sure makes me feel good :)))))))))"} {"idx": 9556, "original_id": "1250890679825436672", "reply_id": "1250891139718225923", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Tomorrow Gameday against @gocr4zy. Lets keep our #1 Place. 🔥🤗"} {"idx": 9557, "original_id": "1250956981596073985", "reply_id": "1251040935946805250", "label": "agree", "text": "see the CEOs said businesses can’t successfully reopen without mass testing so people will feel safe but he can’t recommend mass testing because then we’ll know how many people really have this thing which would prove he’s an even bigger failure than his father always said he was"} {"idx": 9558, "original_id": "1251020246426632193", "reply_id": "1251024347596312576", "label": "smh", "text": "Reid and Nico are the same person. They deadass watching porn in discord stroking tip at the same time and will get on siege after they are done finishing like it never happened."} {"idx": 9559, "original_id": "1250985887392919554", "reply_id": "1250986636080447490", "label": "ok", "text": "BREAKING: China's Wuhan revises coronavirus death toll up to 3,869 from 2,579"} {"idx": 9560, "original_id": "1250640362843942915", "reply_id": "1250832775042576385", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Realistically I think I give myself some wispy bangs. \nLike if I really do the research."} {"idx": 9563, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250921289314758656", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 9566, "original_id": "1250888125209075714", "reply_id": "1250889195138224133", "label": "want", "text": "I made a lil Ep.. who want the private link ?"} {"idx": 9567, "original_id": "1250892377599795200", "reply_id": "1250932855468744704", "label": "applause", "text": "Great... Another band I use to enjoy but can't listen to anymore. Thanks @TRAPTOFFICIAL"} {"idx": 9570, "original_id": "1251246539760185344", "reply_id": "1251256107995140101", "label": "yes", "text": "Retweet for the chance to win a free hug"} {"idx": 9572, "original_id": "1250745359544070145", "reply_id": "1251078887301361664", "label": "hug", "text": "Woke up feeling small. Small in a big world w/big problems. Small in a life w/big obstacles. Small in a too big house w/too many windows. Small in a big room w/too much wall space. Small in a big bed w/too few people. Small under big, fluffy blankets under which I am hiding."} {"idx": 9574, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250959699232555009", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 9575, "original_id": "1251010855333842944", "reply_id": "1251014570811981825", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug please... 🥺"} {"idx": 9576, "original_id": "1251193120907300865", "reply_id": "1251195188938235906", "label": "smh", "text": "trantando de keep up con las kardashians"} {"idx": 9578, "original_id": "1251070806580494336", "reply_id": "1251081871640997888", "label": "omg", "text": "I hope I find hapPENIS this summer"} {"idx": 9579, "original_id": "1250918154081120258", "reply_id": "1250932849454256129", "label": "no", "text": "Well...just got fired by @FranchiseOK. \nJust want to say thanks to all the people there. I had a ton of fun with my guys @TVsJerry and Kelly Gregg the last couple of years. Going to miss the laughs. I hope I entertained y’all and I really appreciate all of you that listened!"} {"idx": 9581, "original_id": "1251223703838494720", "reply_id": "1251236667052232704", "label": "ok", "text": "NEW — From a @twitter spokesperson: the “LIBERATE” tweets by @realdonaldtrump do not violate rules prohibiting content that is “a clear call to action that could directly pose a risk to people’s health or well-being.” Trump’s tweets are “vague and unclear” re: any harmful intent."} {"idx": 9586, "original_id": "1251145630203838465", "reply_id": "1251146220564647936", "label": "smh", "text": "So, how are y’all trying to make yourselves feel superior to others today?"} {"idx": 9587, "original_id": "1251263451248291840", "reply_id": "1251269325706625028", "label": "want", "text": "What if I dropped an album on 4/20"} {"idx": 9588, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1250950966591074304", "label": "awww", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 9596, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1251144110758522883", "label": "shocked", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 9599, "original_id": "1250647421044101120", "reply_id": "1250837228399595520", "label": "eww", "text": "Unpopular opinion 3am is a skip for me😳😳"} {"idx": 9600, "original_id": "1251112454370652160", "reply_id": "1251113169776529408", "label": "hug", "text": "I want to cry now"} {"idx": 9601, "original_id": "1250800325398855682", "reply_id": "1251142552788467714", "label": "omg", "text": "I am the Democratic woman running against Republican Jim Jordan. Jim Jordan voted against the COVID-19 relief funding bill. He sides with Trump over the doctors on ending social distancing. Help me beat him. Please retweet and join our fight to defeat Jim Jordan."} {"idx": 9604, "original_id": "1251239039493177344", "reply_id": "1251241994673930241", "label": "applause", "text": "Fell out of my chair at work today #HappyFriday"} {"idx": 9607, "original_id": "1251148507462856705", "reply_id": "1251207976691675137", "label": "agree", "text": "Dropped Hannah’s bday presents outside her house (she lives p much opposite me so it’s not unnecessary travel), nd then Rhi and Alex dropped off cake w a cute note in outside our houses 😩 faves 🧡"} {"idx": 9609, "original_id": "1250906112498577410", "reply_id": "1250945255639220232", "label": "ok", "text": "JJ Abrams is a pop culture fracker."} {"idx": 9613, "original_id": "1250984595392208896", "reply_id": "1250985181370073094", "label": "smh", "text": "What I like about you\nYou really suck as a boss \n😂😂😂"} {"idx": 9614, "original_id": "1250946639608635392", "reply_id": "1251136321801912322", "label": "yes", "text": "Finally came to my senses. Gerry Cinnamon is a stinking fenian bastard."} {"idx": 9619, "original_id": "1251109438657826816", "reply_id": "1251111359078699008", "label": "hug", "text": "Slowly drowning into depression. I can’t take another weekend without football 😣\nNo alcohol to lean on even 💔"} {"idx": 9621, "original_id": "1251238613121224707", "reply_id": "1251262846278787075", "label": "wink", "text": "Hey, @JSpencerFleming, thank you for another amazing book. I am so emotionally invested in these people! You write them so well!\n\nI'll try not to start asking for the next one too soon, but no promises!"} {"idx": 9623, "original_id": "1250801283495231491", "reply_id": "1250973799366881280", "label": "shocked", "text": "What if the Broncos planned on collecting these 3rd round picks because they were going to trade up one way or another?"} {"idx": 9624, "original_id": "1251265183927824384", "reply_id": "1251271278171795456", "label": "yawn", "text": "I saw the #LiberateTheUSA hashtag and thought, if 60% of positive COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic (Like they were on the USS Roosevelt) \n\nDon't the MAGA realize that they will be killing children, immuno compromised, and elderly people. \n\nAre they committing a #MAGAmassSuicide?"} {"idx": 9625, "original_id": "1250779442659692545", "reply_id": "1251201022724395010", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I’m sick of these f*cking MSNBC sh*t squirters polluting our God-given airwaves with their president-hating dreck! Now they’re promoting the subversive notion that Biden form an UNELECTED “shadow government” when he can’t even form a sentence. These people are out of their minds!"} {"idx": 9627, "original_id": "1251190962677784577", "reply_id": "1251191269717610497", "label": "agree", "text": "If the cops catch me on my second walk, I’m just going to start clapping. That should get me off."} {"idx": 9629, "original_id": "1251022829090267136", "reply_id": "1251023527647436800", "label": "dance", "text": "Myannnnn!!! This book \"Sapiens\" is so good that I have just started it and I already want to re-read it!! My god!!!! 😯😯"} {"idx": 9630, "original_id": "1250736183304318977", "reply_id": "1250838606840844288", "label": "sigh", "text": "I know I’ve been tweeting that the first thing I’m gonna do when quarantine is over is go to a club but if you really know me you know the first thing I wanna do when this is over is go and hug my mom, @deanegonzalez_ , and @brujaconbesos 🥺😔"} {"idx": 9631, "original_id": "1251188011284328448", "reply_id": "1251217701961232385", "label": "seriously", "text": "Nobody panic but the grasshoppers are back 😳"} {"idx": 9632, "original_id": "1251199184449011719", "reply_id": "1251200445810384896", "label": "shocked", "text": "God help us... food has started to spark fights at the crib"} {"idx": 9635, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250953337538850817", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 9637, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250961607494119425", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 9639, "original_id": "1251197592693886977", "reply_id": "1251198006621343747", "label": "agree", "text": "What if I told you, frightened adult babies could actually stay in their own fucking house while the rest of us carry on? Have a nice day😁"} {"idx": 9641, "original_id": "1250899969978097665", "reply_id": "1251182300974456833", "label": "please", "text": "Who wants a closet tour😇"} {"idx": 9643, "original_id": "1251111045969534977", "reply_id": "1251221246529777664", "label": "facepalm", "text": "What do you think of snobs who only read classics and think genre fiction is inferior? This one guy I know only reads works that are, \"Real art and not some made up bs.\" #WritingCommunity #Writing #author #Amwriting"} {"idx": 9644, "original_id": "1250947525684523009", "reply_id": "1250954519028076545", "label": "ok", "text": "With America on the brink of opening up again, here are a few serious questions we'll need to address:\n\n1. Will we still be allowed to drink beer starting at noon once back in the office?\n\n2. Does \"business attire\" include sweatpants?\n\n3. Are 2-hour naps after lunch acceptable?"} {"idx": 9645, "original_id": "1250952719730454530", "reply_id": "1250954335988649988", "label": "sigh", "text": "Well... Bosco tore the stuffing out of his bed 🙄"} {"idx": 9646, "original_id": "1251222152520577024", "reply_id": "1251228613422309376", "label": "agree", "text": "My own is to enjoy gist on the TL and mind my business."} {"idx": 9647, "original_id": "1251216012927787010", "reply_id": "1251236474151940103", "label": "hug", "text": "Lol my doctor called and told me to get my ass down there but i have to stay in the car and wear a mask and shell check me"} {"idx": 9651, "original_id": "1251211276241391623", "reply_id": "1251212566476607490", "label": "shocked", "text": "rdk where ppl get off telling me i’m not thick but just admit you’re a hater & go."} {"idx": 9653, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251100576907173889", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 9655, "original_id": "1250961209018507264", "reply_id": "1250981550230867971", "label": "idk", "text": "My kids so fussy lately and doesn’t wanna sleep 🥴🆘"} {"idx": 9656, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251249104782536707", "label": "applause", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 9657, "original_id": "1251078831085096962", "reply_id": "1251130250039304192", "label": "shocked", "text": "6 assignments due on the same day 🙆🏽‍♀️💔who did I offended.😩😭😭😭"} {"idx": 9662, "original_id": "1250842820564398083", "reply_id": "1250898243304620032", "label": "dance", "text": "I love how my emails are nothing but Sephora and pajama offers...it’s like they know 🤦🏼‍♀️😂"} {"idx": 9667, "original_id": "1250883170704252942", "reply_id": "1250887579282571264", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy Happy birthday Amanda! 🍰"} {"idx": 9670, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251127395437944834", "label": "dance", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 9673, "original_id": "1251054647227437056", "reply_id": "1251055600697593857", "label": "yolo", "text": "i can’t believe that i’m actually turning 16 soon that just doesn’t feel right"} {"idx": 9674, "original_id": "1251130408940388352", "reply_id": "1251131136434110464", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Good morning ☀️ ☕️"} {"idx": 9675, "original_id": "1250809372185419776", "reply_id": "1251024453124808704", "label": "shocked", "text": "Why do MAGAts always talk about owning the libs? Is it because they can no longer own slaves?"} {"idx": 9676, "original_id": "1251206083986829313", "reply_id": "1251231690539896835", "label": "yes", "text": "Very sad to very happy real quick"} {"idx": 9677, "original_id": "1250844545765408768", "reply_id": "1250884796609261569", "label": "no", "text": "How are people still hung up on their exes?! It's 2020 and the world is ending. Surely you have better things to do in life. Jeez!"} {"idx": 9679, "original_id": "1250995127184580614", "reply_id": "1251005973554237440", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I’m off garlic."} {"idx": 9682, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251220115800064000", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 9683, "original_id": "1251009442163781632", "reply_id": "1251009928321396736", "label": "applause", "text": "To2 with @Superr_Kills \nHave a Flex and Sub \nLf3\nWest/Central\nWant to compete in 50k this weekend \nLmk\n@SoCalRTs @CoDFAs @ScrimFinder @ShawnAbner @CoDFreeAgentss"} {"idx": 9685, "original_id": "1251272549151002627", "reply_id": "1251273017717592066", "label": "facepalm", "text": "the retards complaining about only fans is pissing me off *cough cough* @Ky0yaGG"} {"idx": 9688, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250952013996679168", "label": "seriously", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 9690, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251159152384077827", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 9695, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251211428222038016", "label": "yawn", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 9697, "original_id": "1250850944453050368", "reply_id": "1250856590493782017", "label": "hug", "text": "Spoke to my GP today regarding me being breathless, the weakness and having the shakes. She was more concerned about my breathing and I now have to go to hospital tomorrow for a chest X-ray. If my breathing hasn’t gone back to normal soon I’ll be admitted into hospital. #COVID19"} {"idx": 9699, "original_id": "1250812339454046208", "reply_id": "1250897136134295557", "label": "omg", "text": "Real quick I’m going to sell something on goat and when I receive the money get your cash app ready cus im giving money away ! So be ready !"} {"idx": 9702, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251237742337355776", "label": "seriously", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 9705, "original_id": "1251168657109065728", "reply_id": "1251183639850881031", "label": "idk", "text": "Preparing Cadet Judge Wilkinson’s encounters for his final assessment tonight under the watchful eye of Judge Coogan. I’m not sure who has the worst deal - @gt23oct or @thembarrett"} {"idx": 9706, "original_id": "1251089137190477829", "reply_id": "1251092648192065538", "label": "shocked", "text": "For the first 18 years of his life, Neil thought headaches were a myth hahahahahahaha"} {"idx": 9709, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251033953982541826", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 9711, "original_id": "1250856819079053312", "reply_id": "1250857604823146496", "label": "applause", "text": "Congrats @Zombiegirl_1987 you just won our Naruto Flash Giveaway! 🎉\n\nDon't forget to check our pinned tweet for our next Nintendo Switch Bundle Giveaway 🎁⚡️"} {"idx": 9712, "original_id": "1251024184614010882", "reply_id": "1251052760801390592", "label": "wink", "text": "Extra points if you leave teeth marks 🤷‍♂️😏"} {"idx": 9713, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251207617478877189", "label": "scared", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 9715, "original_id": "1250933763271467011", "reply_id": "1251036029794095105", "label": "hug", "text": "So it happened that I've cried today on stream, sadly not from happiness. I just suddenly broke. After a long time my anxiety showed up again and ruined my hard-built confidence. Crap."} {"idx": 9718, "original_id": "1250940392733884416", "reply_id": "1250941717236215808", "label": "yes", "text": "but @wastelcve making my day n adding to the clown rook collection 😌"} {"idx": 9720, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251026578785492992", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 9722, "original_id": "1251089927217045505", "reply_id": "1251090242569818114", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I’m giving myself a Twitter limit 😭"} {"idx": 9724, "original_id": "1250840917084233728", "reply_id": "1250890673118679041", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I watch Little Fires Everywhere?"} {"idx": 9726, "original_id": "1251153237861740548", "reply_id": "1251195083925475334", "label": "good_luck", "text": "It’s so sad that I only have THREE just 3!! Classes left to graduate and I want to drop out. I don’t wanna apply for classes in the fall. I don’t wanna do online anymore and I don’t wanna fucking pay 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 pero a chingarle"} {"idx": 9727, "original_id": "1250955594263035904", "reply_id": "1250958660907552769", "label": "hug", "text": "Im sorry...I’m not gonna hurt myself...I promise...\nI was stupid enough to let these thoughts consume me...and make me lose my sanity...\nI’m just gonna sleep on it...\nI’ll see you when I get up...\nI hope I don’t get nightmares from that moment..."} {"idx": 9729, "original_id": "1250755405875159040", "reply_id": "1250835691711483904", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Strange why the taigs aren’t supporting an investigation into the SFA after screeching about a Masonic hierarchy that’s been out to get them for years. \n\nMust not bother them now or they know it was a figment of their imagination and they don’t want the SFA’s true colours shown."} {"idx": 9730, "original_id": "1250858199923769349", "reply_id": "1250862251428511750", "label": "facepalm", "text": "all my coworkers mad about the NY pause being extended and I'm out here like yis gimme them sweet checks for smoking weed and watching anime at home all day for another month"} {"idx": 9731, "original_id": "1251121052631040001", "reply_id": "1251196568654565381", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "All You have to do is make it to lunch and you’re done. You can do this. You are awesome Jackie! You got this!"} {"idx": 9732, "original_id": "1251240499391770626", "reply_id": "1251251866392039426", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 9735, "original_id": "1250962940578029568", "reply_id": "1251021480869031937", "label": "no", "text": "Stop following meeeeeeeeeee!! >W<"} {"idx": 9737, "original_id": "1250995705172426752", "reply_id": "1251106842501054464", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all ready for DaBaby?"} {"idx": 9739, "original_id": "1250937224926904320", "reply_id": "1250939044508336137", "label": "no", "text": "NFC WEST Season 5, Week 6 Standings:\n1st: Cardinals (@LaticDagger) +170\n2nd: 49ers (@RetroBowlSF49) +92\n3rd: Dragons (@RetroHawks) +73\n4th: Rams (@RamsDYLeague) -52"} {"idx": 9740, "original_id": "1251010994668789760", "reply_id": "1251011308385964033", "label": "shocked", "text": "Everyone who's still up, GO TO BED!\n\nUnless you live in Australia, then you're fine."} {"idx": 9741, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1251195240909869064", "label": "applause", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 9742, "original_id": "1250975428929556490", "reply_id": "1250977331092611078", "label": "hug", "text": "sometimes letting someone go is hard you never know when you finna get over it but if you keep yourself busy it get a little easier at times soemtimes in the end you wish nun but the best and hope they find happiness"} {"idx": 9743, "original_id": "1250992709122306048", "reply_id": "1251011318179598368", "label": "shocked", "text": "boys blame everything on girls when they make a mistake but they never see the what they do just it’s always the gurls fault like wtf"} {"idx": 9746, "original_id": "1250919214006886401", "reply_id": "1250919842795991040", "label": "agree", "text": "We are the champs on p4/Xbox cod, anyone please @ us"} {"idx": 9750, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1251174750702964736", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 9753, "original_id": "1251144119843348482", "reply_id": "1251223161376509956", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "No stream today cus I got work tomo😢"} {"idx": 9755, "original_id": "1250640934762659841", "reply_id": "1251245916532756482", "label": "ok", "text": "I be saying “it’s okay” a lot & stuff really don’t be ok"} {"idx": 9756, "original_id": "1251253970762436609", "reply_id": "1251254544224399373", "label": "sigh", "text": "Prisons latest: Ministry of Justice early release scheme to help jails deal with Coronavirus has been suspended after six offenders were freed by mistake. The inmates were mistakenly let out of two ‘open’ prisons - Leyhill in Gloucestershire and Sudbury, Derbyshire...."} {"idx": 9757, "original_id": "1250888604672548883", "reply_id": "1250889035196882954", "label": "wink", "text": "It’s national horny day and my timeline is flooded with onlyfans and premium snap videos... idk what I expected"} {"idx": 9758, "original_id": "1251200836241436674", "reply_id": "1251207858739437572", "label": "eww", "text": "My dad drinks cider out of a carling glass and I'm not okay with it."} {"idx": 9759, "original_id": "1250769810612539392", "reply_id": "1250920843712122881", "label": "wink", "text": "I can't help but think about all the love affairs that are being disrupted by #QuarantineLife \n\nSo much strife.\n\n😉🧐"} {"idx": 9764, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1251102667532914688", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 9765, "original_id": "1250947705800658945", "reply_id": "1250953649636937729", "label": "eww", "text": "Miller lite is so FUCKING refreshing don't @ me!!!!!"} {"idx": 9766, "original_id": "1250815506812211202", "reply_id": "1251142822805323777", "label": "yawn", "text": "i almost DIED today my cat my ridiculous cat launched himself OVER the shower while i was in it causing my soul to LEAVE MY BODY when a CAT fell from the SKY into my soapy arms tail smacking my FACE drenched cat SCREECHING CLAWING at the shower curtain truly R.I.P. me i’m GONE"} {"idx": 9770, "original_id": "1251117138422771712", "reply_id": "1251136910950621184", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just showed my mom the furry fan art you have all made of me, AMA"} {"idx": 9773, "original_id": "1250953252041977857", "reply_id": "1250953866486693894", "label": "no", "text": "reply with what you think the most commonly used gif is"} {"idx": 9775, "original_id": "1250846824631590912", "reply_id": "1250849771570544646", "label": "no", "text": "My birthday is May 15th so if we’re let out it’s gonna be a movie"} {"idx": 9778, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1250987326693683200", "label": "sigh", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 9779, "original_id": "1251197635387686916", "reply_id": "1251217983579590656", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Monday!"} {"idx": 9780, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250956498584449025", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 9782, "original_id": "1250831747681574913", "reply_id": "1250832337564127232", "label": "yes", "text": "do I shoot my shot at my crush who might quite possibly be a straight man ??"} {"idx": 9785, "original_id": "1250944810254512130", "reply_id": "1250946892957171712", "label": "ok", "text": "When Jalen Hurts is the next Russell Wilson ....just remember I told you so 👀"} {"idx": 9786, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250927963241156608", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 9788, "original_id": "1250960783825154048", "reply_id": "1251160207675154435", "label": "oops", "text": "Step 3 practice qu paraphrased below 🤯🤯🤯\n\n“This perfectly normal kid has gay parents. Is the kid more likely to be...”\n\nA. gay\nB. bad\nC. depressed\nD. trans\nE. just fine\n\n🧐🧐🧐 1/"} {"idx": 9789, "original_id": "1250914780769947648", "reply_id": "1250916271949885440", "label": "hug", "text": "in need of a hug😔"} {"idx": 9790, "original_id": "1250718092939988997", "reply_id": "1250956027580887040", "label": "seriously", "text": "How is it not Friday?"} {"idx": 9791, "original_id": "1251109605087883265", "reply_id": "1251137545078964224", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I have calluses built up through years of misuse. The surge in corona masturbation opportunities will not defeat me. I have been preparing for this moment"} {"idx": 9793, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251146645368168448", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 9797, "original_id": "1250871856552239105", "reply_id": "1250872326083670020", "label": "facepalm", "text": "A lady came into my clinic wearing gloves and then put hand sanitizer on the gloves??? People really are dumb y’all 🙄"} {"idx": 9798, "original_id": "1250835352895578112", "reply_id": "1250856293172236289", "label": "kiss", "text": "Lockdown extended as expected. Miss my friends. Hope everybody is doing okay. Love you all ✌🏻"} {"idx": 9799, "original_id": "1250924624575160321", "reply_id": "1251218037564456962", "label": "popcorn", "text": "ARE YALL READY TO SEE THE CAUCASIANS ACT UP IF THEY CANCEL 4TH OF JULY?!!!!!"} {"idx": 9801, "original_id": "1250954266321334272", "reply_id": "1250957410371612675", "label": "thank_you", "text": "hi there. this will only take a moment. i just wanted to let you know.\n\ni love you"} {"idx": 9803, "original_id": "1250777511081869312", "reply_id": "1250909305492123651", "label": "awww", "text": "If you find yourself lucky enough to connect with a pure, genuine, beautiful, broken soul who's decided to trust you with their delicate heart, never forget to cradle it with both hands"} {"idx": 9809, "original_id": "1251153521589628929", "reply_id": "1251162554606301187", "label": "yes", "text": "Update on mum: she is now entirely off oxygen. Mobile to a point. Just has to recover from two weeks of sedation."} {"idx": 9815, "original_id": "1250968045675319296", "reply_id": "1250968356351471616", "label": "hug", "text": "I wish my Dad was around to be proud of me."} {"idx": 9817, "original_id": "1251001117648883712", "reply_id": "1251001914038181888", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@jiboonyan happy birthday bb 🎂🎂"} {"idx": 9818, "original_id": "1250833721575514112", "reply_id": "1250839544016121862", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Why tf is a Donald Trump fan following me? Yeah no, buh bye"} {"idx": 9819, "original_id": "1251144857462030337", "reply_id": "1251220258410676224", "label": "hug", "text": "Hanging on by a thread this morning...."} {"idx": 9820, "original_id": "1251236385190809601", "reply_id": "1251240897791971330", "label": "applause", "text": "I tweeted about buying dinner for some people. A woman in Tennessee saw it, and started buying dinner for other teammates. This is the power of what we are doing, what we are building. Boots on the ground. Taking care of humans, one human being at a time."} {"idx": 9821, "original_id": "1251066783844519938", "reply_id": "1251142403005677569", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I don't normally comment on the actions of the royals, because why would I? But William & Kate Windsor popping up to tell us common people to watch out for each other's mental health when they were silent as the media relentlessly bullied their sister-in-law is pretty rich."} {"idx": 9822, "original_id": "1251047880955224067", "reply_id": "1251099641321598977", "label": "wink", "text": "When you’re dreaming about your kids wrestling and you wake yourself up yelling “knock it off”"} {"idx": 9825, "original_id": "1251013393374482435", "reply_id": "1251018645079195648", "label": "want", "text": "12:03am: In the kitchen making brownies.🥴"} {"idx": 9829, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251069243551969282", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 9830, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251033726592512000", "label": "awww", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 9831, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250877217393070080", "label": "yes", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 9837, "original_id": "1251176803131162628", "reply_id": "1251182035202342914", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Expect the update to drop sometime today or tomorrow 👀"} {"idx": 9839, "original_id": "1251073747290857472", "reply_id": "1251140634980696067", "label": "hug", "text": "Rage that you run through my veins and not being able to hug you one more time. 😔"} {"idx": 9840, "original_id": "1251111409263562752", "reply_id": "1251112309830742021", "label": "scared", "text": "Wife Materials ❤\n@__liptonia \n@Akosuahmay \n@iTsN_Ekua \n@IvyEnyonam_ \n@lydybabes \n@Esi_Nadia \n@Daavi_aku_ \n@AbenaMole \n@elinambaby \n@AkosuaLexeS \n@AkuaCoco \n@Amma_Ns3mone \n@kansangamanda \n@AbenaPerfecty \n@daddys_girlT \n@DASeraphine \n@Paloonzzy \n@Loviaass \n@ephya_appiah"} {"idx": 9841, "original_id": "1251213154480160779", "reply_id": "1251229284095713280", "label": "applause", "text": "This healing process is crazy 😭 i had a slight breakdown last night but feel so relieved today and in good spirits and it’s showing 😭"} {"idx": 9844, "original_id": "1250935715397013504", "reply_id": "1250936759753428992", "label": "idk", "text": "We're going to open the economy before a vaccination, which was inevitable. The disease is still out there. If we take precautions while going about our lives, we can hopefully mitigate the threat. But that would have been the case had we never shut down. So why did we?"} {"idx": 9846, "original_id": "1251250091094167555", "reply_id": "1251259530123632642", "label": "win", "text": "Congrats! Big mile-stone! Very well deserved :)"} {"idx": 9849, "original_id": "1250852577694154758", "reply_id": "1250868386050998272", "label": "awww", "text": "A million ways I swear I’ll prove you wrong\nCause I love you for life you no go understand"} {"idx": 9851, "original_id": "1251168111845347335", "reply_id": "1251179320577536002", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Glad to see Emillio is feeling better and back in the mix with those HOT! PICS! YeeeeeeeaaaH! Duuuuuuu!"} {"idx": 9852, "original_id": "1249789383907201025", "reply_id": "1251211120859381765", "label": "good_luck", "text": "OK, so I offended some people with an earlier tweet.\n\nI apologize and promise to do better. I'm now working on a tweet that will offend EVERYBODY"} {"idx": 9854, "original_id": "1250853428990840832", "reply_id": "1250853738371321860", "label": "applause", "text": "I don't have time to hate those people who hate SidNaaz, Because I'm too busy loving people who love SidNaaz!! \n\n#SidNaaz 🥀"} {"idx": 9855, "original_id": "1250884283289481218", "reply_id": "1250884527137763328", "label": "yes", "text": "Lunch was four donuts.\n\nI regret nothing."} {"idx": 9857, "original_id": "1250531490502307841", "reply_id": "1250876021106020353", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m officially finished with my general courses and on to the actual meat of my degree 😁\n\nI’m so excited and proud of myself for sticking this out even when I’ve felt quitting."} {"idx": 9858, "original_id": "1251223844435554304", "reply_id": "1251230337943982080", "label": "yes", "text": "would you still sub to me if I was a worm?"} {"idx": 9859, "original_id": "1250924117643190272", "reply_id": "1250939908321132545", "label": "yes", "text": "Reply to this tweet with a reaction GIF to the first time you heard a pussy fart"} {"idx": 9860, "original_id": "1251222327691563008", "reply_id": "1251222703652118532", "label": "agree", "text": "White women. Get a job. Maybe you can get paid equally."} {"idx": 9866, "original_id": "1250952438653181953", "reply_id": "1250992264937123841", "label": "hug", "text": "Who’s watching #GhostAdventures with us right now? RT"} {"idx": 9867, "original_id": "1251071903420354561", "reply_id": "1251072125672271872", "label": "no", "text": "Premier League players whose contracts expire on June 30 look set to be able to walk away from their clubs even if the 2019/20 season has not finished by then. \n\nWe look at all 57 and which clubs could be most troubled 👇"} {"idx": 9869, "original_id": "1250990376372121600", "reply_id": "1251076350229823489", "label": "wink", "text": "Good morning to all Zulu women 😃 \nNibahle!"} {"idx": 9872, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251268939008692230", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 9873, "original_id": "1250991151487868930", "reply_id": "1251090242653863938", "label": "yes", "text": "Should i buy a Nintendo switch?"} {"idx": 9874, "original_id": "1251159411713642497", "reply_id": "1251198422541119488", "label": "awww", "text": "what is the point in anything anymore..."} {"idx": 9876, "original_id": "1250982981407129600", "reply_id": "1250986377115652096", "label": "yes", "text": "Excited to announce that I joined the @ACC_National Evergreen Advisory Board🌲 as we bring common-sense, reasonable and conservative policies to tackle our environmental challenges."} {"idx": 9878, "original_id": "1251005475967184897", "reply_id": "1251018479634755585", "label": "eww", "text": "Hi, I'm gonna tell you some stuff about Dr. Phil and save you a trip to Wikipedia. \n\n1) He is not a medical doctor. He has a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of North Texas.\n\n2) BUT, he is no longer licensed to practice in any state. \n\n3) Why? Well..."} {"idx": 9880, "original_id": "1250800589195415554", "reply_id": "1250858293368696832", "label": "applause", "text": "\"Essential workers are heros.\" No. They are hostages. They want to go home and be safe. But they can't because they will literally starve to death on the streets without their jobs. Homeless with no healthcare and no food. Society treats them wrong yet cant function without them"} {"idx": 9882, "original_id": "1251064930700271616", "reply_id": "1251065704218087424", "label": "applause", "text": "My life rn is Kamo Mphela's 'Whoa' in that video"} {"idx": 9891, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251003497601957889", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 9893, "original_id": "1250982422050598913", "reply_id": "1250988735635705857", "label": "yes", "text": "@tablordkieren a nation roars"} {"idx": 9894, "original_id": "1251160810098814979", "reply_id": "1251161702453800962", "label": "shocked", "text": "Arrgh pls\n\nWhen I tweet re Furlough news, will self-employed, ltd co directors stop saying what about us?\n\nWhen its re self-employed news will employees & ltd co directors stop saying what about us\n\nWhen its re ltd co news will employees & self employed stop saying what about us"} {"idx": 9895, "original_id": "1250876704756809734", "reply_id": "1250889652535545862", "label": "hug", "text": "Defended my masters thesis today. It was successful so I should be thrilled but instead I’m just exhausted and depressed. Its hard when others criticize your work, it’s hard when your a perfectionist. Idk this was my rant I’m stressed alone and I want a hug"} {"idx": 9898, "original_id": "1250835014935293953", "reply_id": "1250836257955028993", "label": "idk", "text": "Which current Everton player has played with Vedran Ćorluka, Harry Arter, Ross Barkley & Harry Maguire at club level."} {"idx": 9900, "original_id": "1251019977508839424", "reply_id": "1251139345622286337", "label": "agree", "text": "The minute China found out about their leaked Corona Virus, they banned all Domestic travel from Wuhan but didn't ban International travel to Wuhan !!!! These Mother F*ckers purposely f*cked us ! They need to pay for this !!! \n\nDo you agree?"} {"idx": 9902, "original_id": "1250933766035398658", "reply_id": "1250934718675202050", "label": "yes", "text": "Ah! So Goku day is horny day. That must mean this day was made for me."} {"idx": 9903, "original_id": "1250769627543678980", "reply_id": "1250843546703351809", "label": "sigh", "text": "Farm boy YO-HEY has posted a picture of himself help milking cows, and squirting himself in the face with one of the udders."} {"idx": 9906, "original_id": "1250782892084662278", "reply_id": "1250851376420265984", "label": "oops", "text": "@CaptnBeard XCOM Chimera Squad - please can you share all the amazing launch ideas you must have had that can't happen now"} {"idx": 9908, "original_id": "1251104455837302784", "reply_id": "1251121586964488192", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If about 60% or so of people who test positive are asymptomatic then the questions the gate guards ask you are moot"} {"idx": 9909, "original_id": "1251219248057389057", "reply_id": "1251221122533687300", "label": "agree", "text": "Milotic should have been water-dragon."} {"idx": 9910, "original_id": "1251214809208705025", "reply_id": "1251231269918212096", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m thinking about buying myself a peloton as a One year wedding anniversary present to myself.\n\nJust to remind @jlbelden that I might have married him but I don’t need him 😂\n\nAlso clearly he doesn’t care about my happiness"} {"idx": 9914, "original_id": "1250615669021798401", "reply_id": "1250934269234614272", "label": "no", "text": "debating if i want my lips done 😅"} {"idx": 9918, "original_id": "1251159000898433024", "reply_id": "1251160651373744130", "label": "awww", "text": "I dreamt last night that I met @hippersons and Clarissa at a social event and it was wonderful! Clarissa was too interested in the other puppers there to spare me a glance, but @hippersons was lovely and we chatted and chatted."} {"idx": 9919, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251243239119523840", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 9920, "original_id": "1250591818170994689", "reply_id": "1250914249385410561", "label": "ok", "text": "Hey are the extroverts okay?"} {"idx": 9923, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251030582739349505", "label": "omg", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 9925, "original_id": "1251149903843090433", "reply_id": "1251150727671541777", "label": "no", "text": "@Thanos_Tweetss let's go 🚦"} {"idx": 9927, "original_id": "1251101148666302469", "reply_id": "1251117724929056769", "label": "applause", "text": "& just like that, my car is finally paid off 😍😊"} {"idx": 9930, "original_id": "1250556824820088835", "reply_id": "1250906130529878021", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "While President @realDonaldTrump has fought every day to protect our country and provide relief to those hurting, Nancy Pelosi has put partisan politics above the needs of Americans."} {"idx": 9937, "original_id": "1250866053665763340", "reply_id": "1250868576346673153", "label": "awww", "text": "I love Pisces"} {"idx": 9939, "original_id": "1250879943409451008", "reply_id": "1250928490565627904", "label": "hug", "text": "32 years ago today I lost the best woman I know, my Mom. She's in Heaven looking down on me and I miss her every day. I can't believe it's been 32 years that she's been gone. I love you Mom."} {"idx": 9942, "original_id": "1251133623543246859", "reply_id": "1251133932877340673", "label": "applause", "text": "Good morning ☀️ today is another day to fight. Fight to win! You got this! Love, Pulte"} {"idx": 9944, "original_id": "1250932117095227396", "reply_id": "1250936958647492615", "label": "awww", "text": "Finally listened to the first episode of @NextStopShow and it is unsurprisingly GREAT. Love a good sitcom and I already want to be besties with the characters. Can’t wait for the next episode!"} {"idx": 9945, "original_id": "1250902330301657088", "reply_id": "1250990611504803840", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Gav’s door was closed but I couldn’t hear him making any noise (so I thought he wasn’t recording) so I meowed outside the door loudly to be funny annnnnnnd he’s definitely recording. So if you hear that in the background of an AH video at some point....it’s me. I’m the loud cat."} {"idx": 9947, "original_id": "1250885612342775810", "reply_id": "1250902595440443392", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I got a 95 on my physics exam. Took 2 hours but I’m so happy"} {"idx": 9948, "original_id": "1250983615103504395", "reply_id": "1251184571539849216", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m so lucky to have u guys in my life. Thanks so much for cheering me up today. Forever grateful for u angels💗"} {"idx": 9956, "original_id": "1250858194953527296", "reply_id": "1250881707336753153", "label": "no", "text": "She's beauty, she's grace she is miss Wheel of Time.\nWho is she?"} {"idx": 9957, "original_id": "1250960804758745088", "reply_id": "1251094640264196096", "label": "hug", "text": "Friends, I'm sick. Not COVID; it's anxiety-based. I haven't been able to eat for weeks. Can't choke it down. Then last night I began vomiting - even the water I tried to sip slowly. Please understand if I'm not around for a while."} {"idx": 9958, "original_id": "1250859001954349057", "reply_id": "1250894250608295944", "label": "no", "text": "Are you:\n\nCamp absolutely NEED to make my bed. \n\nOr\n\nCamp absolutely NO NEED to make my bed."} {"idx": 9959, "original_id": "1250900110361403397", "reply_id": "1250937464363122689", "label": "applause", "text": "Emtee doesn't brag enough. He deserves to. He's earned it."} {"idx": 9960, "original_id": "1251117745451741184", "reply_id": "1251168038361149442", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today."} {"idx": 9961, "original_id": "1251212122949853196", "reply_id": "1251222450488180744", "label": "agree", "text": "got a new name for the anti-lockdown protestors.\n \nBranch Covidians"} {"idx": 9962, "original_id": "1250887065828384768", "reply_id": "1250888702538080256", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I do a Zoom concert with all of my buddies? And we can all just sing songs and be together and chat?"} {"idx": 9963, "original_id": "1250854933739552769", "reply_id": "1251106709935845377", "label": "shrug", "text": "certain GIFs should be punishable by law and by God"} {"idx": 9964, "original_id": "1251189696237129733", "reply_id": "1251202998992343041", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I just wish people could be asking president @CyrilRamaphosa to at least open Ackermans or Pep stores so pregnant women can buy clothes for their unborn babies due soon. I’ve seen a lot of them struggle coz they were not ready yet, instead of this Gauteng Liquor Forum nonsense"} {"idx": 9966, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250985073706446848", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 9968, "original_id": "1251136431210106880", "reply_id": "1251139116575555585", "label": "hug", "text": "wishing for a hug"} {"idx": 9970, "original_id": "1250812733840338944", "reply_id": "1250869483654258690", "label": "no", "text": "Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn’t turn the ability off?"} {"idx": 9972, "original_id": "1251006022816272385", "reply_id": "1251006819796910080", "label": "omg", "text": "Timeline sleep ? I wanna try the whole spit in the mouth shit ...🙄🙃"} {"idx": 9973, "original_id": "1251207347009212421", "reply_id": "1251207673984552963", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m suddenly in a super shitty mood so I guess I’ll go read some comics."} {"idx": 9976, "original_id": "1250994055720235008", "reply_id": "1250994668764041223", "label": "hug", "text": "My confidence is at an all time low. I both know and don’t know why. \n\nI’m usually so good with this. It’s been stolen from me in all of this madness and I hate it."} {"idx": 9979, "original_id": "1250922592782991361", "reply_id": "1250947808766554113", "label": "omg", "text": "it's 2am and i am thinking about a possible new au yes i am"} {"idx": 9980, "original_id": "1250946396473065472", "reply_id": "1251024732226387968", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m sick and sad and just want hugs"} {"idx": 9983, "original_id": "1250808863965818883", "reply_id": "1250866947685781507", "label": "hug", "text": "Sad news today. Totally defeated"} {"idx": 9987, "original_id": "1251187061685653506", "reply_id": "1251187512611164162", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "What people think of you is really none of your business, don't burden yourself with the worry. Be kind to yourself"} {"idx": 9988, "original_id": "1251239628201476102", "reply_id": "1251251062650007552", "label": "dance", "text": "So what are your weekend plans?"} {"idx": 9989, "original_id": "1250863375686537216", "reply_id": "1251200035389427712", "label": "applause", "text": "I literally hate my fucking neighbours. Out fucking clapping and banging their pan lids, but they’re the same wankers I see from my office going out a dozen times a day. Bellends"} {"idx": 9990, "original_id": "1251018016495730689", "reply_id": "1251018368880164866", "label": "yes", "text": "@JoseAEsquivel3 and @xogoldenchick sitting on the porch like old men sipping beer lol"} {"idx": 9992, "original_id": "1250967105127800834", "reply_id": "1250967528148480000", "label": "applause", "text": "what if i said Jeralt three houses but younger and playable"} {"idx": 9994, "original_id": "1251227595548606471", "reply_id": "1251239390749184001", "label": "agree", "text": "Comparison is the thief of joy"} {"idx": 9995, "original_id": "1250989218530234368", "reply_id": "1250997626511798273", "label": "no", "text": "This cuarentena has me thinking that I'm ready for a baby 🙃"} {"idx": 9996, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251048018767491073", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 9998, "original_id": "1250908971935752192", "reply_id": "1250951677005361156", "label": "idk", "text": "Inslee on golf courses opening: Says could be before May 4th, could be longer"} {"idx": 10000, "original_id": "1251121420953948161", "reply_id": "1251150895531753475", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "The support has been unreal lately! Thank you guys for being here with me on this journey💙"} {"idx": 10001, "original_id": "1251159733236449281", "reply_id": "1251181010739322882", "label": "eww", "text": "Why did @Twitter suspend the account of @TPUSA staffer @ALX\n\nOh yeah, it’s because he posted a hilarious Biden meme saying he might be compromised by China\n\nThis censorship MUST END!\n\nDemand ALX to be reinstated\n\nTech tyranny!"} {"idx": 10002, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251142040919977984", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 10004, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250959828186468352", "label": "smh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 10005, "original_id": "1251252133380403201", "reply_id": "1251263760662224897", "label": "awww", "text": "You should be able to make villagers in @Minecraft follow you if you are holding an emerald"} {"idx": 10006, "original_id": "1251238083233792007", "reply_id": "1251238253174407168", "label": "applause", "text": "@realDonaldTrump as a Minnesotan, go fuck yourself! Oh and as an American too, go fuck yourself. \n\nI’m sorry to get political but at the same time this man is causing a divide among this nation."} {"idx": 10009, "original_id": "1251270468566482950", "reply_id": "1251272541047533569", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "3 hours till Live PD!!! @AETV @OfficialLivePD #LivePD"} {"idx": 10010, "original_id": "1250936112752754689", "reply_id": "1250936826820464641", "label": "shocked", "text": "I really hate you dumb motherfuckers"} {"idx": 10014, "original_id": "1250314950775431169", "reply_id": "1250937596902965248", "label": "applause", "text": "Community was one of the best shows on television and never got its righteous due. \n\nIn this essay, I will- \n\n(1/238)"} {"idx": 10020, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1251097638700814338", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 10030, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251219612525408256", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 10032, "original_id": "1250880354896011272", "reply_id": "1250902261926158337", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone who says mewgulf are not real is an attention seeker and one thing I’d never do on this app is give an attention seeker the attention he/she wants. Period."} {"idx": 10033, "original_id": "1250934510126018561", "reply_id": "1251173821593325571", "label": "shocked", "text": "tea is disgusting."} {"idx": 10034, "original_id": "1250868831049965570", "reply_id": "1250873569694945282", "label": "agree", "text": "WR Brandon Marshall said on ESPN’s First Take today, “There couldn’t have been a better situation for Tom Brady. ... These guys are some DOGS. This may be the best pass-catching group in the National Football League. ... And I promise you this: They will win the division.”"} {"idx": 10037, "original_id": "1251265387695489024", "reply_id": "1251268500913610753", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I spent too many years putting somebody else's happiness before my own so if you see me enjoying my life, let me."} {"idx": 10043, "original_id": "1251156224025870339", "reply_id": "1251156420436754433", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Cutting my thumb has really made me appreciate how vital thumbs really are in our day-to-day lives"} {"idx": 10046, "original_id": "1250959926597484544", "reply_id": "1251150906537545728", "label": "seriously", "text": "Lost 3-0 against @CeeY0u never playing Gunfight again"} {"idx": 10048, "original_id": "1251139010048798721", "reply_id": "1251149103033020421", "label": "awww", "text": "Thought I would try and start a thing. Best Twitter ‘follower’ from your rival club. My nomination for best (maybe my only....) Ipswich fan I follow is @Little_lee82 - good banter, posts self-depreciating stuff about his club and is generally spot on with his views. #itfc #ncfc"} {"idx": 10051, "original_id": "1251081646977277953", "reply_id": "1251082013362188289", "label": "agree", "text": "If you're a progressive & still don't think you can vote for Joe Biden in Nov 2020, I challenge you to do one thing before you permanently make up your mind.\n\nWatch 1 Trump Covid-19 Presser all the way through & answer this.\n\nCan this Country really afford 4 more yrs of him?"} {"idx": 10052, "original_id": "1250919569226633216", "reply_id": "1250922267871195137", "label": "yes", "text": "WE’RE GETTING A NEW TYLER, THE CREATOR FEATURE TONIGHT"} {"idx": 10053, "original_id": "1250961240937172993", "reply_id": "1250961360483086341", "label": "hug", "text": "A Hug?"} {"idx": 10056, "original_id": "1250875961710649344", "reply_id": "1250950445310316545", "label": "shocked", "text": "You can not breach on BF4"} {"idx": 10057, "original_id": "1248727458377019398", "reply_id": "1250885751199457291", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "😁 Thanks @Porterfolio, @SwenBooks, @MariahSchwarz, @GayleAlstrom, @BiopageLLC, @AssaphMehr, @ChronicleBooks, @CultPopCulture, @DVanHook822, @GetUrGrapeOn, @KenParille, @OliviaLuchini, @PaigeBowers, @Sarojini, @ScriptSleuth, @TallTalesATL, @Willms_M for RT/Likes! #Writing"} {"idx": 10058, "original_id": "1250907413613608968", "reply_id": "1250907668342079488", "label": "seriously", "text": "@JAYELL96 , All eyes on you 🤗🤗"} {"idx": 10059, "original_id": "1250873966673244160", "reply_id": "1250898366038528000", "label": "scared", "text": "Please stop overdoing things and tiring them out bc you’re ruining it for the rest of us omg bye"} {"idx": 10060, "original_id": "1251125315209793539", "reply_id": "1251126431851130881", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Really in a bad place this morning. Panicking a bit & doing my best to keep focused on some projects but life isn't making it very easy right now. I'm sure so many others out there are feeling the same way, so I hope y'all out there have the best possible Friday that you can. 🖤"} {"idx": 10061, "original_id": "1250862925167951875", "reply_id": "1250885134456365058", "label": "applause", "text": "Birthday applause, cheers lads 👍"} {"idx": 10063, "original_id": "1250922161734287360", "reply_id": "1251000880649863169", "label": "shocked", "text": "It seems to me this staged reopening plan presented today by President Trump and his health/science advisors seems exceedingly reasonable and well thought out."} {"idx": 10064, "original_id": "1251155597623324673", "reply_id": "1251156397720395777", "label": "applause", "text": "I wanna smell like Gilgamesh so bad.."} {"idx": 10065, "original_id": "1250833544974237696", "reply_id": "1250848278121455616", "label": "kiss", "text": "SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME KISSES AND HUGS"} {"idx": 10067, "original_id": "1250979814695026688", "reply_id": "1251128517703667713", "label": "applause", "text": "I would rather be single for my entire life than be married to a man like Harold Baskin. What a pathetic excuse for a man. Seriously embarrassing."} {"idx": 10068, "original_id": "1250871918393208838", "reply_id": "1250891612068220935", "label": "ok", "text": "Today, I broke up with Miss Sallie Mae. Made my final student loan payment. I'm free."} {"idx": 10069, "original_id": "1251085360022654977", "reply_id": "1251086384582008833", "label": "dance", "text": "Well we finally got our Edenred activation email - don't know whether to laugh or cry! Managed to log on and place an order ... let's see what happens..."} {"idx": 10074, "original_id": "1250907252741079042", "reply_id": "1250930427306676224", "label": "eww", "text": "Okay great news I bought a blender for Saturday because were making alcoholic milkshakes."} {"idx": 10076, "original_id": "1250912149615947776", "reply_id": "1250914757869101056", "label": "applause", "text": "working on listening to my body & not binging, threw away my juul, and did cardio + arms today!!! baby steps"} {"idx": 10078, "original_id": "1251207029403729920", "reply_id": "1251271625753927681", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugs 😔"} {"idx": 10079, "original_id": "1250974798219542528", "reply_id": "1251208344305573889", "label": "no", "text": "Anyone buying this whole 'strong drink' approach from Luke? \n\n#SVU #SVU21 #SVUWatchParty"} {"idx": 10083, "original_id": "1250955380013686784", "reply_id": "1250966565417357312", "label": "want", "text": "Zelda BOTW is so chill"} {"idx": 10084, "original_id": "1251024637389164545", "reply_id": "1251112260212310016", "label": "agree", "text": "You want to sit your clitoris on top of mine? As friends?"} {"idx": 10085, "original_id": "1251115010065129472", "reply_id": "1251120313632534539", "label": "idk", "text": "I had decided that 2020 be the year I’d actually consider a relationship. No, thus said the Lord..."} {"idx": 10087, "original_id": "1251137579535273991", "reply_id": "1251138019656155138", "label": "yawn", "text": "Damn I’m a tired boy today..."} {"idx": 10088, "original_id": "1250892525826703371", "reply_id": "1250930801488719872", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm a Hugger, I need to hug 😭 ~S"} {"idx": 10089, "original_id": "1250991852305743872", "reply_id": "1251126191458856960", "label": "no", "text": "Quick Question Ladies: Can Your Friend Kiss Your Man ⁉️🤔🧐"} {"idx": 10090, "original_id": "1250828810301341698", "reply_id": "1250965738082484226", "label": "sigh", "text": "Stop it with the Instagram filters, you’re all Ravenclaw"} {"idx": 10091, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251236344942276614", "label": "yes", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 10092, "original_id": "1251041785205239808", "reply_id": "1251123535222673409", "label": "applause", "text": "and that’s how you flip a mf stimulus check bitches 😈"} {"idx": 10093, "original_id": "1250933215084322821", "reply_id": "1250977317532446720", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Two middle fingers up as I make an exit"} {"idx": 10094, "original_id": "1251002938752774144", "reply_id": "1251003147796926465", "label": "yes", "text": "My precious readerrssss!!! R u okay with smut?"} {"idx": 10098, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251271571655864326", "label": "yes", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 10103, "original_id": "1250875405596164097", "reply_id": "1251008654909865985", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I’ve played Warzone daily since the launch of the game\n\nI love Warzone so much\n\nBut...I’m so confused how I have a state of the art audio setup, 13+ years of Call of Duty experience, and am good at the game\n\nAND I STILL CAN’T HEAR LITTLE TIMMY WHEN HE IS 5 FEET FROM ME SPRINTING"} {"idx": 10104, "original_id": "1250985253402894336", "reply_id": "1251198998054141952", "label": "agree", "text": "What were the odds of Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil both tanking their careers on the same day?"} {"idx": 10105, "original_id": "1251151331110215686", "reply_id": "1251153947311566850", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I love snow"} {"idx": 10106, "original_id": "1251109435520561154", "reply_id": "1251128150530101248", "label": "kiss", "text": "#FF shouts to @Dundee_Tours @LAWonder10 @wizzymedpower1 @JayneJeffrey2 @books_mistress @aurorasparkles @aquileana @Inessa_ie @DGMARYOGA"} {"idx": 10108, "original_id": "1250742463624474626", "reply_id": "1250945550423166976", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug.."} {"idx": 10110, "original_id": "1250780946996973569", "reply_id": "1250853754032832514", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "One more day. \n\nMy final defense is tomorrow morning at 9:40 am PDT. \n\nI'm ready!"} {"idx": 10116, "original_id": "1251205605647437824", "reply_id": "1251224842008965120", "label": "oops", "text": "Big night for the XBOX boys, bring it home (🤝W)"} {"idx": 10117, "original_id": "1251137859781869568", "reply_id": "1251144152428851200", "label": "hug", "text": "can i have a hug? I’m not sad i just love hugs"} {"idx": 10118, "original_id": "1250691742422069249", "reply_id": "1250838823245774849", "label": "yes", "text": "The challenge is back !!!!"} {"idx": 10122, "original_id": "1251066556303507456", "reply_id": "1251076987856343043", "label": "shrug", "text": "I mainly communicate in gifs now."} {"idx": 10124, "original_id": "1250845530365800448", "reply_id": "1250883255697657860", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "To say “People will die, so be it” instead of a science & testing-based path to reopening the economy is deeply frivolous & wrong.\n\nEvery life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community. This is something we are all in together. #FamiliesFirst"} {"idx": 10130, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250924046704758786", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 10132, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250896025147052033", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 10133, "original_id": "1249997486476767233", "reply_id": "1251005686236020737", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "India delayed the purchase of testing kits & is now critically short of them. \n\nWith just 149 tests per million Indians, we are now in the company of Laos (157), Niger (182) & Honduras (162).\n\nMass testing is the key to fighting the virus. At present we are nowhere in the game."} {"idx": 10135, "original_id": "1251102825129676800", "reply_id": "1251105351409250305", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I love how you maintain my strength 🥺"} {"idx": 10138, "original_id": "1251198739513032705", "reply_id": "1251199230057816067", "label": "agree", "text": "Why do we say ‘she fell pregnant’? It just makes it sound like someone was clumsy. Why do we say ‘they lost their life’? It makes the person sound careless or absent minded. Strange expressions. 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 10142, "original_id": "1250857424698912769", "reply_id": "1250880938571182082", "label": "no", "text": "I apologize for my over-tweeting. I need to find something else to do."} {"idx": 10143, "original_id": "1251102494861586437", "reply_id": "1251184128092971010", "label": "applause", "text": "listening to prince"} {"idx": 10144, "original_id": "1250888349692411906", "reply_id": "1251001324147261442", "label": "yes", "text": "What do you call it when Xi wouldn’t allow infected people from Wuhan to travel in China but lets them travel internationally?\nMaybe a subtle act of war\nHow can we ever trust anything China says or does ever again\nGet out of China America\nBring it all back home where it belongs"} {"idx": 10147, "original_id": "1250852757260718080", "reply_id": "1250901862380965889", "label": "agree", "text": "I am an optimist and am confident that Ohioans will also live up to the challenge of doing things differently as we open back up beginning on May 1st."} {"idx": 10148, "original_id": "1250926754312728577", "reply_id": "1250930538531061761", "label": "shocked", "text": "You know when they said to start anywhere? They lied. Get some basic training first before you open shop."} {"idx": 10149, "original_id": "1251271995679014914", "reply_id": "1251272832056799239", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m playing on PS4"} {"idx": 10152, "original_id": "1251244613987233792", "reply_id": "1251244866895441921", "label": "applause", "text": "In about a month I will release my new album!!"} {"idx": 10154, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864593288794117", "label": "agree", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 10156, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251180721634500608", "label": "omg", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 10157, "original_id": "1250862938895704064", "reply_id": "1250863551452975104", "label": "thank_you", "text": "How is everyone holding up today, #SynthFam? I’m sending all the love in the world your way! I’m so grateful for this amazing scene and all the incredible friends I’ve made in it.\n\nWe really are the luckiest Synth warriors this side of Alpha Centauri."} {"idx": 10160, "original_id": "1250913909164343298", "reply_id": "1250914246369644544", "label": "applause", "text": "A1: Designing lessons that specifically incorporate the students’ own life experiences in some way. Giving them a chance to utilize their own, unique experiences to make connections to what is being learned. #CRT"} {"idx": 10164, "original_id": "1251171530756820993", "reply_id": "1251173887557038081", "label": "awww", "text": "Hello! May the Everlight bless you today! I love you! 💛💛 @impetuousigor"} {"idx": 10166, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250951499313799169", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 10167, "original_id": "1250941267854397446", "reply_id": "1250946383474982921", "label": "no", "text": "Sebastian from lil mermaid was a ghost and it’s really f*cking with me."} {"idx": 10168, "original_id": "1251123495511023618", "reply_id": "1251152148882022400", "label": "dance", "text": "10 Mins to go for my twitter chat with you all! #ControlRemix"} {"idx": 10169, "original_id": "1250969141261086728", "reply_id": "1250969877189292033", "label": "scared", "text": "Bitch shut up"} {"idx": 10170, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250904198453092352", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 10171, "original_id": "1250857018165874689", "reply_id": "1250909175028133888", "label": "applause", "text": "Does anyone use credible sources to actually fact check and research anything anymore or do they just pass on the first thing they see on social media without questioning it and get their \"facts\" from TikTok videos now?"} {"idx": 10172, "original_id": "1251238921918447627", "reply_id": "1251239156308680704", "label": "applause", "text": "If I’m going to cheat, i will do it in the morning... cuz at the end of the day, I’m loyal."} {"idx": 10173, "original_id": "1250901108425478144", "reply_id": "1250901697850900481", "label": "hug", "text": "I guess I'm too naive to read the signs\nI'm just lookin' for some real friends"} {"idx": 10177, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251214578794586112", "label": "smh", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 10179, "original_id": "1251046430988517376", "reply_id": "1251174857565523971", "label": "high_five", "text": "I don't care how desperate I get.\nI'm never uploading a picture ndili mendholo🙅😭"} {"idx": 10181, "original_id": "1250813204852244481", "reply_id": "1250918939464364032", "label": "facepalm", "text": "This is going to sound crazy but I need a sassy black girl for one line of VO dialogue for our new 7 Days song. HMU"} {"idx": 10183, "original_id": "1250837246024069120", "reply_id": "1250896094764072960", "label": "applause", "text": "Right, I need to order from @Ness_SeaGlass AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME! #gimmietheseaglass"} {"idx": 10185, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250984805199740930", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 10186, "original_id": "1251060983587635202", "reply_id": "1251061241675685888", "label": "shrug", "text": "Has anyone else noticed that Twitter is SO much busier when everyone's supposed to be at work...?"} {"idx": 10190, "original_id": "1250868063597211648", "reply_id": "1250871011337256961", "label": "eww", "text": "Sometimes I mix my kool aid without sugar."} {"idx": 10191, "original_id": "1250662228677718021", "reply_id": "1251054774931394561", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If y’all re-elect Trump for $1,200 I just know y’all fucking for $40😂"} {"idx": 10192, "original_id": "1251146418749706240", "reply_id": "1251170343621988355", "label": "omg", "text": "Yall going hate me for saying this but soggy cereal is the best"} {"idx": 10193, "original_id": "1250898867618549760", "reply_id": "1250899669795864579", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "For those of you wondering, after Hawaii didn’t pursue my pitch to join the PAC 12, I have moved on as the offensive coordinator at Oklahoma after an 11-3 season with the Warriors."} {"idx": 10194, "original_id": "1250846619274293248", "reply_id": "1250847454293098497", "label": "sorry", "text": "Why can't people use their words instead of replying with gifs, and what turns a person into someone who replies with gifs so I can not do it?"} {"idx": 10195, "original_id": "1250835563348975617", "reply_id": "1250863456141500416", "label": "hug", "text": "My cat, Willy, ran away last night... Please send positive thoughts as we try to find him"} {"idx": 10198, "original_id": "1250830281826807808", "reply_id": "1250858331960422403", "label": "shocked", "text": "Editing outside today and a tree branch just fell and missed me by a foot. 😳\n\n#WritingCommunity"} {"idx": 10201, "original_id": "1250846733300576261", "reply_id": "1250873998948392963", "label": "kiss", "text": "People that think your tweets are about them ~ bet you kiss the mirror don't ya."} {"idx": 10202, "original_id": "1250484289549955073", "reply_id": "1250882671116349441", "label": "ok", "text": "Suspending WHO funds is a move to support President Trump’s reelection campaign. To distract and divert Americans’ anger by paralyzing WHO, which could lead to more deaths, using lives of numerous people to pay for his reelection, this is immoral and bloody."} {"idx": 10207, "original_id": "1251180723412676608", "reply_id": "1251194037433962503", "label": "agree", "text": "Podcasts."} {"idx": 10208, "original_id": "1250858969226252288", "reply_id": "1250952499948924934", "label": "idk", "text": "I don’t trust nobody that eats on a styrofoam plate"} {"idx": 10209, "original_id": "1250895544433676289", "reply_id": "1250895774382202880", "label": "seriously", "text": "When my grandkids ask me about the quarantine of 2020 my reply will be to be honest I was drunk for most of it 🥴 😆#cheers 🍻"} {"idx": 10211, "original_id": "1251160337828556800", "reply_id": "1251161878589345793", "label": "omg", "text": "Last night horror story: I heard my brother calling me to open a door for him. But his voice came from a balcony which can only be accessed from my bedroom. My room is on 4th floor."} {"idx": 10212, "original_id": "1251259765428191233", "reply_id": "1251267003576389633", "label": "no", "text": "Do I shave my head 🤔"} {"idx": 10213, "original_id": "1250851135277187072", "reply_id": "1250851267057983488", "label": "yes", "text": "youse don’t seem excited where’s all my actives at youse want a song or nahh"} {"idx": 10214, "original_id": "1251206846402174977", "reply_id": "1251207676111060993", "label": "applause", "text": "Yaar😭😭😭♥️♥️♥️♥️24k done😭😭♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️You'll are blessing😭♥️♥️Thank you soooo muuccchhh😭♥️♥️ toootterrrr famillyyyy😭😭♥️♥️♥️😂 congrt tooo karooo mojhe😭♥️"} {"idx": 10215, "original_id": "1250963005967343618", "reply_id": "1250967430526119937", "label": "please", "text": "cat.....boy...... catboys. thats what im thinking about right now *runs to photoshop*"} {"idx": 10218, "original_id": "1250873309828448258", "reply_id": "1250874581046431745", "label": "yawn", "text": "Highly inappropriate to air this now. #RossKemp"} {"idx": 10221, "original_id": "1251137192627503105", "reply_id": "1251222145352564742", "label": "idk", "text": "My security camera got footage of me trying to wax my own butthole lastnight"} {"idx": 10222, "original_id": "1251239533183561728", "reply_id": "1251244691745656834", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@alexdove_writes @darrellzwriting @MaroftheBooks @Mtwomeyauthor @humblefrank7 @Carmunist \nHello and thanks for following me. I appreciate it.\n#writerslift #writerslife #writing #WritingCommunity"} {"idx": 10224, "original_id": "1251194992309211144", "reply_id": "1251207548516159488", "label": "yes", "text": "My resume but in a Division design (Borda font, transparent \"menus\", Division icons, etc., but with serious info of course).\n\nYes? No?"} {"idx": 10226, "original_id": "1251170102206029824", "reply_id": "1251170883063951362", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m so fucking depressed it ain’t funny."} {"idx": 10228, "original_id": "1250928691963744257", "reply_id": "1250928947317088264", "label": "yes", "text": "We started the process of buying a house in WA so by this time next year we will hopefully be where we want to be!"} {"idx": 10229, "original_id": "1251034118256619520", "reply_id": "1251042979831181312", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve been watching Parks and Rec every night before bed like cartoons after the scary movie that is reality— good laughs. Love this show so much and prefer it over The Office tbh."} {"idx": 10232, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251181556804268038", "label": "agree", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 10235, "original_id": "1250848536813547527", "reply_id": "1250850549836193792", "label": "smh", "text": "On god I could never be abused in a relationship. I loved getting choked and hit 🤤😉"} {"idx": 10240, "original_id": "1250980276680798208", "reply_id": "1251091439963893760", "label": "scared", "text": "How are you guys doing w/ out w haircut 🤔🤔"} {"idx": 10241, "original_id": "1250912395431677952", "reply_id": "1250950390234910720", "label": "hug", "text": "another day of feeling empty maybe i’ll treat myself to a doodle"} {"idx": 10242, "original_id": "1250937944547954689", "reply_id": "1250938218037510145", "label": "wink", "text": "35 years ago today, April 16th, I woke up in a hospital bed, opened both eyes and only one of them worked. Due to a botched surgery, I was now half-blind and everyone could tell (and still can). Every year I raise a toast to vision on this day. Toast with me if you're boozin'"} {"idx": 10245, "original_id": "1251241310104797185", "reply_id": "1251248078230822912", "label": "applause", "text": "Ma names foxy ma names cantley and were here to start a party if you want tae kehn ma mates name then his name is Daniel Harley"} {"idx": 10247, "original_id": "1250935181969629184", "reply_id": "1250935485326782464", "label": "sigh", "text": "I wish I had friends that enjoyed minecraft as much as me 🥺"} {"idx": 10250, "original_id": "1251076644489629696", "reply_id": "1251089644956966912", "label": "ok", "text": "at first, it was fantastic\n\nthe next day, it was majestic\n\ntime passes by, it was indeed authentic\n\nat the end, was it really worth it?"} {"idx": 10251, "original_id": "1250812314502086658", "reply_id": "1250916293152174080", "label": "applause", "text": "The irony of people thinking Bill Gates is behind some large conspiracy to track and trace people through (Brain Chips or something equally stupid) but posting about it from their cellphones on Facebook is not lost on me. It's definitely lost on them."} {"idx": 10252, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251262963232563200", "label": "high_five", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 10253, "original_id": "1251181255955079169", "reply_id": "1251259834755760128", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I wish a Dog was running our country, atleast he would be a good boy 🐶"} {"idx": 10257, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250854821441286148", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 10258, "original_id": "1250986118696271872", "reply_id": "1250988987231154176", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I needed a little change in scenery to do my homework so I moved from my bed to my floor. #covid19"} {"idx": 10260, "original_id": "1251224110102990848", "reply_id": "1251232967650947073", "label": "good_luck", "text": "May 4th is the goal date to begin lifting restrictions. @AsaHutchinson believes this is possible if everyone continues to follow the guidelines of staying home and social distancing. #NWAnews #NWArk"} {"idx": 10265, "original_id": "1250709204207190017", "reply_id": "1250857448329474048", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "The amount of work I have due this Sunday is disgusting"} {"idx": 10267, "original_id": "1251223508232921093", "reply_id": "1251223819425058818", "label": "shocked", "text": "If you vote for creepy Joe in November - you're about as ridiculous as a bowl of bat soup with a d*ck sammich!🖕"} {"idx": 10270, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251141055942197249", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 10272, "original_id": "1250735182686105601", "reply_id": "1250909740147884040", "label": "yes", "text": "I just #sezzledit at Fashion FIXX! Thanks @sezzleinc!"} {"idx": 10274, "original_id": "1250926429048537089", "reply_id": "1250927127945449472", "label": "idk", "text": "Man I’ll do anything for a temp fade right about now smh"} {"idx": 10275, "original_id": "1250952067604234246", "reply_id": "1250952613526482944", "label": "applause", "text": "ppl with abusive parents playing osu lmao u worried about the wrong beat bro 🤦‍♂️"} {"idx": 10276, "original_id": "1250745557041233920", "reply_id": "1250855518274453508", "label": "hug", "text": "My cousins friend contracted COVID-19. A black woman. She’s 24 years old. Has been struggling to recover. When they called for an ambulance, they told her family that if she turns blue in the face they should call back. \n\nBlack people do not turn blue in the face."} {"idx": 10277, "original_id": "1251155469097242624", "reply_id": "1251156275762573316", "label": "ok", "text": "The CCP must be held appropriately accountable for what is transpiring around the world. I hope that all world governments will have the necessary long memory to obtain the necessary justice/settlement for what we are all going through. This is a truly outlandish reality."} {"idx": 10278, "original_id": "1251259873913864193", "reply_id": "1251261390528053248", "label": "no", "text": "Hey @ShannonTheDude, I've been listening to you on @WKQQLexington for weeks and you havent played @dariusrucker or @HootieTweets one time. What gives? Cant you squeeze it between @foofighters & @OzzyOsbourne?"} {"idx": 10279, "original_id": "1250836570229354496", "reply_id": "1250838940774535168", "label": "agree", "text": "My fans are now called \"The Hunted\"\n\nYes I'm that famous now.\n\nYes I'm that delusional now."} {"idx": 10281, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250924474251132928", "label": "smh", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 10283, "original_id": "1251159032632537092", "reply_id": "1251159273817559046", "label": "yes", "text": "Eat her pussy like you would want her to sucky your dick."} {"idx": 10286, "original_id": "1250824181320691713", "reply_id": "1250953763151441921", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Masc women only, can y’all cook? Let me see your best dishes."} {"idx": 10291, "original_id": "1251202246362181632", "reply_id": "1251210214415765505", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@Lilia__al happy birthday too youuu"} {"idx": 10293, "original_id": "1250969557117755393", "reply_id": "1250979937508634625", "label": "yes", "text": "In Spanish, we refer to the Republican Party and Donald Trump as \"Basura Blanca.\""} {"idx": 10295, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250949246687350784", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 10298, "original_id": "1250946640719962113", "reply_id": "1251040004148793345", "label": "wink", "text": "If we can’t shake hands anymore I’m blowing kisses"} {"idx": 10299, "original_id": "1251246449142136833", "reply_id": "1251246583481610242", "label": "sigh", "text": "Pre-reg is fun bro thank god its been extendes until 2021 😍"} {"idx": 10301, "original_id": "1250851395802185728", "reply_id": "1250851680435879936", "label": "no", "text": "Guys... I think my computer just crashed..."} {"idx": 10303, "original_id": "1250824325135040512", "reply_id": "1250848978389827587", "label": "agree", "text": "Let's set the record straight: Dems aren't blocking #PPPloans for small businesses. We are fighting to make sure these funds get into the hands of small business owners being shut out by big lenders. GOP: Let's work together to get this relief to the folks who really need it."} {"idx": 10305, "original_id": "1250845596367413251", "reply_id": "1250912080456286211", "label": "eye_roll", "text": ".@SenCapito named by President Trump to reopening task force."} {"idx": 10308, "original_id": "1250927089944944640", "reply_id": "1251028460287471617", "label": "shocked", "text": "#auspol\n\ncome on... spill ....\n\nwhat's your first thought when you fire up Twitter and see Pauline Hanson trending?"} {"idx": 10309, "original_id": "1251241524311945216", "reply_id": "1251264668481421312", "label": "hug", "text": "golly gee i’m fucked with a capital F"} {"idx": 10311, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250886439585406985", "label": "eww", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 10312, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251208420822147073", "label": "dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 10314, "original_id": "1250814847798915073", "reply_id": "1250914926933299205", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "People are so gullible \n\nTrump is gonna buy people’s votes with these cheques \n\nThe same way Nigerian politicians by votes by giving people noodles"} {"idx": 10317, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250933826043478021", "label": "shrug", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 10319, "original_id": "1250831625400827904", "reply_id": "1251076475815591938", "label": "win", "text": "I AM WORKING ON THE FINAL CHAPTER OF MY WIP 😁😅😭❤️"} {"idx": 10322, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251032136959717378", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 10327, "original_id": "1250630543869427719", "reply_id": "1250988791004872710", "label": "applause", "text": "wedontgiveafuckaboutnobitch"} {"idx": 10329, "original_id": "1250912657730830337", "reply_id": "1250933578885627907", "label": "agree", "text": "Bored waiting for the rain, so came up with a question. Who is the most famous person in phone contact?\nI have to go with @WWTRaceway staff. #twitterlesWinter @doneill21 @avandemore5 @JohnBisciJr @AngellaSharpe #twitterlessEdwards\n#nextcupisnascar #Racing4Stl #redneckRV"} {"idx": 10330, "original_id": "1251233544032010240", "reply_id": "1251233939118678016", "label": "agree", "text": "I am disgusted by just about everything."} {"idx": 10331, "original_id": "1250854933739552769", "reply_id": "1250931821644255235", "label": "awww", "text": "certain GIFs should be punishable by law and by God"} {"idx": 10332, "original_id": "1250699338097078272", "reply_id": "1251086007488983040", "label": "applause", "text": "Dear customer, \nThis is a chastening time for the world. Our prayer is for God to shield you as this plague pass us by. We continue with our skeletal services to meet your essential needs. On the other side of COVID-19, we shall increase our on-line offerings and deliver more 1/2"} {"idx": 10338, "original_id": "1250850526427660288", "reply_id": "1250851497622945792", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm sad 😔 please hug me."} {"idx": 10340, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251116131324051456", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 10344, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251110668025159682", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 10345, "original_id": "1250998832726528000", "reply_id": "1250999075945807875", "label": "eww", "text": "my ex gf and I are so similar\n\nwe are a silent eater 🤩"} {"idx": 10346, "original_id": "1250883562741604352", "reply_id": "1250883833660149760", "label": "high_five", "text": "Not now #NationalHighFiveDay"} {"idx": 10347, "original_id": "1251095500553687041", "reply_id": "1251096426018373634", "label": "no", "text": "All large scale events in #Austria are off until at least August 31st.\n\nIf, as logic suggests, that applies to football, then we will surely have a #Bundesliga season finished with empty stadia 🏟️\n\n#Covid_19 🇦🇹🏐"} {"idx": 10349, "original_id": "1250912853432905728", "reply_id": "1250969548720934912", "label": "applause", "text": "\"Nationwide, more than 850 counties—or nearly 30 percent—have reported no new cases in the last 7 days.\" – President @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 10352, "original_id": "1250956877518774279", "reply_id": "1250984437489246209", "label": "scared", "text": "You know that week before your period where your boobs are super perky but hurt and your nipples are so sensitive that feels like they’re gonna fall off every time you even inhale ... ya not a fan"} {"idx": 10356, "original_id": "1250910569676386304", "reply_id": "1250910971083870208", "label": "yawn", "text": "00:14 and my eyes are like 👀 👀"} {"idx": 10358, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250928368717004802", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 10365, "original_id": "1251214802342445057", "reply_id": "1251218001136934912", "label": "hug", "text": "anyone who knows me knows i need like 18 thousand hugs a day >:( i am not thriving rn i WANT TO CUDDLE MY FRIENDS"} {"idx": 10366, "original_id": "1250920181867708417", "reply_id": "1251129742436204545", "label": "shocked", "text": "What’s your reaction when you get told DJM is more valuable than Hopkins and you’d have to add to Hopkins to get DJM? @DynastyFF_KyleM @TheBauerClub @BHartley4144 @McNamaraDynasty @DynastyTheoryFF"} {"idx": 10368, "original_id": "1250913330245574659", "reply_id": "1250914714361757699", "label": "applause", "text": "Roger Stone does not deserve a retrial, a federal judge has ruled, per @kpolantz."} {"idx": 10369, "original_id": "1250597815946039296", "reply_id": "1250917928595324928", "label": "no", "text": "If someone could just put me in a medically-induced coma until this is over, that'd be great."} {"idx": 10373, "original_id": "1250842705589972993", "reply_id": "1250916431329361920", "label": "smh", "text": "Here goes..... Season 1 Episode 1 of “The Wire”......"} {"idx": 10375, "original_id": "1251098014476713986", "reply_id": "1251098590966996992", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Pretty"} {"idx": 10376, "original_id": "1251105631509061633", "reply_id": "1251123200571957248", "label": "yes", "text": "Firstly, how is everyone doing?🧸\n\nSecondly... ITS GOGGLEBOX FRIDAY🥰📺💙\n\nAs always, love and hugs to anyone who needs it, and I hope you all enjoy tonight’s show! #gogglebox #StayHomeSaveLives"} {"idx": 10377, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251261754191089664", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 10378, "original_id": "1250849724653019137", "reply_id": "1250851265011159049", "label": "agree", "text": "Another day we’re parents think they rule over their children but in reality they don’t care cause they had enough of their parents shit and just vibe without paying them attention"} {"idx": 10381, "original_id": "1250911397799747586", "reply_id": "1250911648874999814", "label": "yes", "text": "I should do my makeup, yeah? Feeling inspired"} {"idx": 10384, "original_id": "1251266938547793920", "reply_id": "1251269418140737537", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Friday plans? What do we got going on tonight?"} {"idx": 10385, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250870107594788867", "label": "shocked", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 10386, "original_id": "1251209380923572224", "reply_id": "1251212836761559041", "label": "agree", "text": "Thank you Jamaatis for making Mohammad & lslam infamous #NoSarcasmTweet"} {"idx": 10389, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251232116492382208", "label": "agree", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 10391, "original_id": "1251032511225839616", "reply_id": "1251035520576045056", "label": "shrug", "text": "My dad (Japanese) (referring to in grocery store): This oriental guy was standing right behind me breathing down my neck. I’m probably infected.\n\nMe: ...\n\nIs my dad racist?... against himself??? I’m so confused."} {"idx": 10393, "original_id": "1250952554030211072", "reply_id": "1250970693384261635", "label": "shocked", "text": "My latest character has a very, very tragic backstory."} {"idx": 10403, "original_id": "1251200729152475138", "reply_id": "1251228148882169857", "label": "good_luck", "text": "please don’t talk to me when this is over, I AM WASHED"} {"idx": 10405, "original_id": "1250574943286411265", "reply_id": "1250924614701789185", "label": "yes", "text": "With Trump calling out the media for pushing fake Chinese numbers on coronavirus cases, I suspect that reporting will soon be memory-holed.\n\nSo I put together a thread with plenty of examples, grouped by outlet.\n\nIf we don’t demand accountability, we aren’t going to get any."} {"idx": 10411, "original_id": "1251062155740233728", "reply_id": "1251064028543070209", "label": "hug", "text": "send hug :("} {"idx": 10416, "original_id": "1250876564251738113", "reply_id": "1250877093988229121", "label": "shocked", "text": "“Bit*h I bake, bye!” \n\n😭"} {"idx": 10418, "original_id": "1250764728680374276", "reply_id": "1251146525960368128", "label": "no", "text": "do we love fortnite?"} {"idx": 10419, "original_id": "1251199204883660802", "reply_id": "1251199515878658052", "label": "hug", "text": "Hug me."} {"idx": 10420, "original_id": "1250828363494637576", "reply_id": "1250960222358835203", "label": "shocked", "text": "Don’t tell anyone but I actually miss my music theory class 😳"} {"idx": 10422, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251071360173932544", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 10423, "original_id": "1250923818551578624", "reply_id": "1250947400237297664", "label": "applause", "text": "Life keep going and going, unstoppable. Here they come, There they go. But....\nThe light they left us, is what made us.\nThank you for being in and out of my life. ❤️"} {"idx": 10426, "original_id": "1251045150249439233", "reply_id": "1251102958093324289", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Total shocker as Ireland's racists discover that fruit and vegetable picking is low paid work kept going by immigrant labour.\n#keelings"} {"idx": 10427, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1251036835339517952", "label": "applause", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 10428, "original_id": "1251262242911379458", "reply_id": "1251271969640718339", "label": "shrug", "text": "Your friends have a separate group chat without you."} {"idx": 10431, "original_id": "1250809782019162113", "reply_id": "1250852596501405701", "label": "applause", "text": "Chicken skin😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍>>>>>"} {"idx": 10433, "original_id": "1250992367001354241", "reply_id": "1251001245495631878", "label": "hug", "text": "So tonight I made a donation to our local food bank, and when it asked if you want to make it “in honor” or “in memory” of someone I typed my sister’s name and just stared in disbelief at the computer."} {"idx": 10435, "original_id": "1250964274622590979", "reply_id": "1251162528769441796", "label": "yes", "text": "When it comes to the meat of President Trump’s pandemic plans, I’ve seen more on a bleached, picked-over stray cattle carcass left for months in the Texas sun."} {"idx": 10437, "original_id": "1251233656754057218", "reply_id": "1251237279546273795", "label": "agree", "text": "Dystopia is online faculty meetings"} {"idx": 10441, "original_id": "1251152489551781890", "reply_id": "1251154502880686081", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Rendering down some pork fat from these trimmings off of 3 racks of ribs. My pups are finna eat good good."} {"idx": 10446, "original_id": "1250891885817839618", "reply_id": "1250904122359865344", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Donald Trump's day so far:\n\n- Goes berserk about Nancy Pelosi\n- Thinks Chinatown is in China\n- This guy is a racist and an idiot\n- Trump's approval numbers drop again\n- Joe Biden is going to the White House\n- Trump is going to prison\n- It's still only 5pm"} {"idx": 10449, "original_id": "1250854691946156037", "reply_id": "1250858586890096640", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Boss just asked if you could be a Republican and be in a union. I replied that I was pretty sure Abe Lincoln was pro-Union and nobody appreciates how fucking clever I am."} {"idx": 10451, "original_id": "1250956697247645697", "reply_id": "1250957655235088386", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I am about to post something cool that will make a lot of people angry. Just saying."} {"idx": 10453, "original_id": "1250849297974910977", "reply_id": "1250986155908177920", "label": "facepalm", "text": "China’s actions are criminal. The Coronavirus outbreak came from a lab in Wuhan China and the communist government covered it up. That’s unforgiveable. In the Senate, I’ll introduce and fight to pass the Bring Our Manufacturing Home from China Act."} {"idx": 10458, "original_id": "1251156195739447304", "reply_id": "1251160583765757953", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m bored, who wants to wrestle?"} {"idx": 10459, "original_id": "1250842668671827969", "reply_id": "1250859709806116867", "label": "sigh", "text": "Today is #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay and we want to know how you're doing. Let us know by using only emojis 👇"} {"idx": 10460, "original_id": "1250895842871070723", "reply_id": "1250897100587622405", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Another 3 week extension has been issued for our lockdown. \nLooks like we're gunna have to shnugg down tight that little bit longer.\n\nWe can do this guys! The quicker we can sit tight and follow the rules, the quicker we'll all get to go back to normal.❤"} {"idx": 10462, "original_id": "1250886973801336832", "reply_id": "1250890683121991680", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Bruh 40 cal better realize I ain’t the female he should be trying on his crossover he gone fuck around and crossover heaven gates"} {"idx": 10463, "original_id": "1251117294132039681", "reply_id": "1251203302735241216", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Today is my 65th birthday and my son’s birthday. Yup I had my son on my birthday. Can I get your favorite GIF?"} {"idx": 10465, "original_id": "1250787867342835717", "reply_id": "1251154206997639175", "label": "applause", "text": "I really felt the letter by the Case #15 patient. How could her results be published before she was notified personally as promised?\n\nWhen she recovers, which I hope she does, should sue @Zimpapers #Chronicle, @MoHCCZim, Obadiah Moyo among others.\n\n@daddyhope @ProfJNMoyo"} {"idx": 10466, "original_id": "1250817941525770241", "reply_id": "1250888130590396416", "label": "yes", "text": "I wonder if there’s already a secret ventilator purchase thing going on for rich/wealthy/celebrity folk?"} {"idx": 10474, "original_id": "1250953516933357570", "reply_id": "1250954742076829697", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If you are feeling anxious, please don't despair. Listen to the timeless and comforting words of our president:\n\n\"We're doing a lot of really great things.\""} {"idx": 10476, "original_id": "1250870122295603200", "reply_id": "1250956790734426112", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Thanks for the pussy shot, however I believe you have a yeast infection🤢"} {"idx": 10478, "original_id": "1250850482035318786", "reply_id": "1251054954279768065", "label": "sigh", "text": "My contract with @Awesemo_Com has ended. I've many great friends there and I want to express my thanks to the company for doing everything they can to protect the staff financially in a difficult time.\nI’m here if anyone needs anything; take care of yourselves and each other."} {"idx": 10481, "original_id": "1250852757260718080", "reply_id": "1250865400197386243", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I am an optimist and am confident that Ohioans will also live up to the challenge of doing things differently as we open back up beginning on May 1st."} {"idx": 10482, "original_id": "1250739580426477568", "reply_id": "1250851581517594625", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Just Imagine how many Face Masks can be bought from the Money that Hon. Mike Sonko used to buy Hennessey. The Leadership we have in Kenya sometimes just breaks my heart. Wueh!"} {"idx": 10484, "original_id": "1250947688314605575", "reply_id": "1250948457004707840", "label": "thank_you", "text": "My grandpa just walked into my room with a young guy wearing skinny jeans and eating avocado toast. I asked: Who is the guy? Grandpa said: This is my hip replacement."} {"idx": 10485, "original_id": "1250678262000349186", "reply_id": "1250904704751751168", "label": "eww", "text": "sucking his fingers after he gets done fingering you >>>>"} {"idx": 10486, "original_id": "1251176507151654914", "reply_id": "1251184304715071488", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "i post what i wtf please here.\n\ni was muzzled for decades, not allowed to speak my mind.\n\ni hope u enjoy my rants but if you do not, \n\nplease know that i will not give u a second thought."} {"idx": 10489, "original_id": "1250881819622416387", "reply_id": "1250946778431717386", "label": "agree", "text": "Guys I accidentally got drunk at 4pm do u wanna see me rank the miami Heat starting 5 bc I feel like I should"} {"idx": 10499, "original_id": "1251228353073500161", "reply_id": "1251247863230803976", "label": "oops", "text": "I just puked all over the window 💀"} {"idx": 10501, "original_id": "1251159245187215361", "reply_id": "1251173752236322817", "label": "applause", "text": "real blessed enough to say I’m still employed and gettting a raise through all of this."} {"idx": 10502, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251043682477842432", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 10503, "original_id": "1250948068125614092", "reply_id": "1250968920212848647", "label": "yawn", "text": "Goodnight everybody!"} {"idx": 10504, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250958000254320640", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 10507, "original_id": "1251135116060921856", "reply_id": "1251179589985906688", "label": "applause", "text": "Imma roll this shit for Monday 😊"} {"idx": 10509, "original_id": "1251027599901540353", "reply_id": "1251131151621795840", "label": "hug", "text": "At this point I’d rather go back to crying myself to sleep than to not sleep at all. It’s been the 5th night and I still cant sleep 😩"} {"idx": 10515, "original_id": "1250460581666197510", "reply_id": "1251147483943583756", "label": "applause", "text": "There is a joke circulating in Germany:\n\n\"What borders on stupidity?\"\n\"Mexico and Canada!\""} {"idx": 10516, "original_id": "1250990373847130113", "reply_id": "1250991248888016898", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I put castor oil on my head and I just laid down 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴"} {"idx": 10518, "original_id": "1250850142615453699", "reply_id": "1250850527040110600", "label": "idk", "text": "@NandoTheManDoe what was our English teacher name again senior"} {"idx": 10519, "original_id": "1251252422443294720", "reply_id": "1251262158467248128", "label": "applause", "text": "Pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza don’t @ me homies"} {"idx": 10521, "original_id": "1251195643466481664", "reply_id": "1251205588270419969", "label": "oops", "text": "Back on my \"I hate smart people\" bs"} {"idx": 10522, "original_id": "1250919047727738881", "reply_id": "1250926899976495104", "label": "hug", "text": "I don’t really talk about shit on here but I’ve had really bad depression since this quarantine started and it’s only going to get worse in may and im highkey really scared"} {"idx": 10529, "original_id": "1250764228958588929", "reply_id": "1250868572190097408", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Ramadan starts next week. \n\nLet’s see if Dem governors are as heavy handed with mosques as they were with churches on Easter."} {"idx": 10531, "original_id": "1251005155593596929", "reply_id": "1251007992620879873", "label": "yes", "text": "Have you ever belched so hard when you’re all by yourself you felt the need to say excuse me?"} {"idx": 10536, "original_id": "1251025201380327424", "reply_id": "1251026874656010242", "label": "sigh", "text": "Not trying to spread negativity\n\nBut written articles have tendency to twist words\n\nBUT THIS IS CONFIRMED THAT SANA IS IMP PART OF HIS BB JOURNEY AND SHE IS VERY CLOSE AND SPECIAL FOR HIM \nThis is what he said in IV at finale night too :)"} {"idx": 10538, "original_id": "1251171638395179010", "reply_id": "1251171894172188672", "label": "agree", "text": "I think we should make Boris Johnson walk laps of his garden until he's raised £350 million a week for the NHS"} {"idx": 10539, "original_id": "1251266895053021185", "reply_id": "1251267381789372416", "label": "agree", "text": "Can we all agree that @kyotic is EPIC! Yho guys🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥"} {"idx": 10544, "original_id": "1250147106641371137", "reply_id": "1250865349362356227", "label": "applause", "text": "Is it me or is Russell brand a complete cunt fucking carnt stand him"} {"idx": 10546, "original_id": "1250872426566758402", "reply_id": "1250873685583343616", "label": "ok", "text": "Hi all! I can't see most of you to follow back so can I get a\n🙋🏼‍♀️-hello\n🖕-y ru bugging me\n🍷-I'm drinking now\nOr any emoji or gif so I can follow you back. Working daily, like its my job, to follow back. Thanks!"} {"idx": 10547, "original_id": "1250844232929198081", "reply_id": "1250858869070409734", "label": "shocked", "text": "Mrs H has bought a cordless massager. 😮"} {"idx": 10550, "original_id": "1250891706557497345", "reply_id": "1250897503995654145", "label": "yes", "text": "Yelling about KH3 Re:mind coming out this week"} {"idx": 10552, "original_id": "1250913012371914752", "reply_id": "1250955861440241664", "label": "agree", "text": "Man am I done with this shutdown crap. Heck."} {"idx": 10553, "original_id": "1251127078679908353", "reply_id": "1251128322765053952", "label": "sorry", "text": "And now that time of year. when I have finished my Easter eggs. and I quietly start eating Mike's. and he politely pretends it isn't happening. and I quietly pretend it isn't happening. and then it's all gone. for another year."} {"idx": 10557, "original_id": "1251117886266998784", "reply_id": "1251175629044609024", "label": "smh", "text": "Are people really gonna come out in droves to buy a new iPhone in these uncertain times? Find out today on \"Eel does a job\""} {"idx": 10558, "original_id": "1251243280702099456", "reply_id": "1251261375176990729", "label": "hug", "text": "Day 30. I really miss hugs."} {"idx": 10563, "original_id": "1251051524723281921", "reply_id": "1251054640466190336", "label": "seriously", "text": "Whenever you're feeling down, remember, you're the sperm that won"} {"idx": 10564, "original_id": "1251055359424421888", "reply_id": "1251174495798296578", "label": "hug", "text": "🦠I need to share something with you because it is causing serious stress. Complaints have been made about me to my professional body . It is hard.🦠John"} {"idx": 10565, "original_id": "1250826240296202241", "reply_id": "1250840587990757377", "label": "popcorn", "text": "How much would you pay to watch Steve Mnuchin try to live off $1,200 for 10 weeks?"} {"idx": 10567, "original_id": "1251115001177427974", "reply_id": "1251144174319140869", "label": "smh", "text": "My ENT friend who is volunteering in the COVID admissions tent at one hospital just called to say he’s gotten a pay cut. \n\n“Imagine that. A society where physicians get a paycut during a pandemic.”\n\n@wendellpotter brought this up the other day. Any other docs experiencing this?"} {"idx": 10569, "original_id": "1251207126938247169", "reply_id": "1251212207712464897", "label": "smh", "text": "A relative explained that by reading the Washington Post and the New York Times, I should be careful as they are biased. They suggested I should be watching OANN as that tells the truth without bias."} {"idx": 10570, "original_id": "1251207704044920832", "reply_id": "1251208107583250432", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Thank you Netherlands & @hugodejonge for your support for a #COVID19 vaccine and to @WHO! Global citizens hope that the Netherlands will also continue to support @gavi and that other countries will follow your example and contribute to @CEPIvaccines 🙏"} {"idx": 10572, "original_id": "1250918372373671941", "reply_id": "1250922744188977153", "label": "shocked", "text": "guys the corporate journalists think the contempt for them is exclusive to, or a function of, trump and that once he's gone america will rightfully venerate them \"again\""} {"idx": 10574, "original_id": "1250831330750935042", "reply_id": "1250833800977842178", "label": "shrug", "text": "On this day in 2019 Steelers confirm the signing of former @covblazehockey forward Marc-Olivier Vallerand @steelershockey @valleytown15 #sheffieldsteelers"} {"idx": 10575, "original_id": "1250669566365229058", "reply_id": "1250932129720041472", "label": "agree", "text": "Told both me old man and wife that I loved them in recent weeks. I know, all heart me. They both replied with 'Are you drunk?' Might need to work on the whole expressing myself thing."} {"idx": 10577, "original_id": "1250937846292234245", "reply_id": "1250969305958752258", "label": "shocked", "text": "I would suck the dick of the dog that pissed on the tire of the car that drive Doja Cats dirty panties to the laundromat"} {"idx": 10581, "original_id": "1251197777897500675", "reply_id": "1251207169409720323", "label": "agree", "text": "Stop tweeting David Brooks into my timeline. Please."} {"idx": 10582, "original_id": "1251220815535882244", "reply_id": "1251230716685422592", "label": "hug", "text": "I just wanted to say, earlier I was feeling a bit down. (tw pet death)"} {"idx": 10584, "original_id": "1251258619468881922", "reply_id": "1251273830263394305", "label": "hug", "text": "My anxiety peaked yesterday at the start of my stream and has stuck with me since then. Feeling like I'm aimless in what I'm doing and just in no way entertaining myself or others. Feels real bad"} {"idx": 10585, "original_id": "1250862809317072897", "reply_id": "1250864140769538048", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I really don’t miss bras \n\nAs you were"} {"idx": 10586, "original_id": "1250990930590666752", "reply_id": "1250991789613264896", "label": "no", "text": "// What if Summer jumped off of that cliff and Ruby just has rose tinted memories that everyone refuses to ruin."} {"idx": 10587, "original_id": "1251203942563840000", "reply_id": "1251227150251888641", "label": "yes", "text": "i got this."} {"idx": 10588, "original_id": "1251122103010693120", "reply_id": "1251132802738905094", "label": "agree", "text": "I remain convinced that CERN has hurled us into a dark alternate timeline"} {"idx": 10593, "original_id": "1250478725122027523", "reply_id": "1251155948577492993", "label": "agree", "text": "miss nancy to miss nonsense."} {"idx": 10594, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250962103508373510", "label": "dance", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 10595, "original_id": "1251020560261316614", "reply_id": "1251083236911898627", "label": "shocked", "text": "have y’all ever accidentally drank like straight spit before"} {"idx": 10601, "original_id": "1250905793450344453", "reply_id": "1250906308326326272", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Why tweet about other people being selfish by meeting their friends just to then go and meet your friends? Big yikes"} {"idx": 10603, "original_id": "1250908580938690561", "reply_id": "1250909146737782785", "label": "sigh", "text": "No longer leading @thedawnorigins"} {"idx": 10604, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251062519961055232", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 10606, "original_id": "1250902811715526657", "reply_id": "1250925684119257088", "label": "agree", "text": "Some people actually need to get out of my sight, far too interested in what I do🥰"} {"idx": 10609, "original_id": "1251166057730998273", "reply_id": "1251205440223862787", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m 65, so I belong to the “vulnerable” group. Am I getting this right? The GOP thinks that old people, people with pre-existing health issues, such as cancer, and 2-3% of school-age children ought to die so the rest of the country can get back to normal life."} {"idx": 10610, "original_id": "1251118619892817922", "reply_id": "1251121817445687298", "label": "applause", "text": "@FrankFerragine \nWhat's the difference between people from Dubai and Abu Dhabi?\nPeople from Dubai don't like the Flintstones...but people from Abu Dhabi Dooooooooo! 😂🤣"} {"idx": 10611, "original_id": "1250984863001268226", "reply_id": "1251037320876343296", "label": "ok", "text": "I just chipped my tooth while eating yogurt\n\nHow's your day going?"} {"idx": 10612, "original_id": "1251183468043571200", "reply_id": "1251186206349709312", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Ready?"} {"idx": 10615, "original_id": "1251190436196241410", "reply_id": "1251199242225532930", "label": "applause", "text": "Every Time I Pulling My Grade, My Father Does Come Outside... Like Every Time.. I Feel He Does Want A Pull Inno.. 🤣🤦🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 10617, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251128860759822342", "label": "yes", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 10618, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251137373150367746", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 10620, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251045805466587137", "label": "seriously", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 10621, "original_id": "1250956349912969217", "reply_id": "1251014020791926798", "label": "high_five", "text": "A limerick from a member of the #SaltyArmy! \n\nThere once was a dude name of Cracker\nAnd for goddamn for sure I'm his backer.\nHe props up my sanity\nWith artful profanity\nAnd he ain't by no means a slacker.\n\n-The Unknown Poet"} {"idx": 10622, "original_id": "1250873049592795136", "reply_id": "1250874546422460417", "label": "oops", "text": "Time to be random... \n\nReply to this tweet with the best GIF to sum up 2020 so far.\n\nI’ll pick my favourite 3 and buy them dinner/takeaway on Saturday night 👍👀"} {"idx": 10630, "original_id": "1250832240319303680", "reply_id": "1250839340600737792", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "With all this snow I'm seeing, I should start working on my Christmas list."} {"idx": 10631, "original_id": "1250856568251396096", "reply_id": "1250857144980824064", "label": "hug", "text": "Apparently right now is the perfect time for a mental breakdown 🙃"} {"idx": 10632, "original_id": "1251054144284065794", "reply_id": "1251056622010462209", "label": "applause", "text": "Today’s announcements by @RBI will greatly enhance liquidity and improve credit supply. These steps would help our small businesses, MSMEs, farmers and the poor. It will also help all states by increasing WMA limits."} {"idx": 10637, "original_id": "1250896977342148608", "reply_id": "1250942980036362242", "label": "smh", "text": "Is it bad that this is my first time watching All Eyes on Me?"} {"idx": 10638, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1250973910297911298", "label": "applause", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 10639, "original_id": "1250790325523709955", "reply_id": "1250930601462575109", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "men aren’t trash, your taste in men is"} {"idx": 10642, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251192275167776770", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 10643, "original_id": "1250886085221081089", "reply_id": "1250886700953473028", "label": "no", "text": "Playboi Carti drops his 1st official lead track since Die Lit\n\n@ Meh comes 706 days since his last release\n\nCarti suffers from leaks so badly.. From 2017-2020\n73 Leaked Songs - 26,978 Words\n67.3% of Carti songs on Genius were leaks\n\nIs @ Meh worth the wait? Is an album coming?"} {"idx": 10644, "original_id": "1250924117043425281", "reply_id": "1251056681926250496", "label": "agree", "text": "Friends should be made over a common interest not clout."} {"idx": 10647, "original_id": "1251229614682378243", "reply_id": "1251230529980112896", "label": "smh", "text": "Females that don’t ever text me hitting me, talkin bout “you wanna play a game?” lol get on w/ that"} {"idx": 10650, "original_id": "1251117514660216832", "reply_id": "1251220729623789568", "label": "agree", "text": "When last did you have sex?"} {"idx": 10652, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250886738580561932", "label": "please", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 10653, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251212312557563904", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 10655, "original_id": "1251093995322773512", "reply_id": "1251094367298818048", "label": "no", "text": "Just came home from Tesco and have been mortally offended a young lad said you can go in we let the elderly or vulnerable people in first 😂😂😂with all the money I have saved on clothes shopping I am going to have a face lift apparently it’s needed 😆😆"} {"idx": 10660, "original_id": "1251197165449461761", "reply_id": "1251198480871239687", "label": "hug", "text": "i really need a fucking hug"} {"idx": 10662, "original_id": "1250545093477429249", "reply_id": "1250856809168080897", "label": "no", "text": "Quarantine got me thinking of new combinations...\n\n- Taco Pudding\n- Lasagna Sandwiches\n- Coffee infused fried rice"} {"idx": 10663, "original_id": "1250557606743195648", "reply_id": "1251157757962514432", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't give a flying **** what the head of the W.H.O. thinks.."} {"idx": 10664, "original_id": "1250849564707430400", "reply_id": "1250849705099214855", "label": "thank_you", "text": "It does not matter if you are Left or Right or Center. Or anything. If you are a human, you deserve to go FIRST! #BailoutHumansNOW"} {"idx": 10671, "original_id": "1250963634118733824", "reply_id": "1251196892068921344", "label": "no", "text": "Opens social psychology journal: \n\"Prior war zone exposure increases binge eating\"\n\nLooks at methods:\n\"We asked psychology undergraduates (n=35) to imagine\"\n\nCloses social psychology journal."} {"idx": 10672, "original_id": "1250936705441505288", "reply_id": "1250937812507033602", "label": "dance", "text": "Roger Stone has to report to prison in two weeks, after being denied a new trial."} {"idx": 10673, "original_id": "1250904669687296002", "reply_id": "1250995349658853377", "label": "scared", "text": "I really need to drop some nonactive, non-interactive followers."} {"idx": 10677, "original_id": "1250786627460517889", "reply_id": "1250839964058877952", "label": "seriously", "text": "If the Giants select Derrick Brown, what will your reaction be? \n\n#giantschat"} {"idx": 10679, "original_id": "1250947256628457474", "reply_id": "1250949517396054022", "label": "idk", "text": "Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally"} {"idx": 10680, "original_id": "1251133443347484673", "reply_id": "1251134977124827145", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If I make it through today without having a mental breakdown I’m buying myself a bottle of wine"} {"idx": 10681, "original_id": "1250854302844936192", "reply_id": "1250879960660815872", "label": "no", "text": "Do you like Maxie and Peter as a couple (Paxie)?? #GH"} {"idx": 10682, "original_id": "1250906421186740224", "reply_id": "1250906526065348609", "label": "awww", "text": "It’s always YOU"} {"idx": 10683, "original_id": "1251034606549204992", "reply_id": "1251035043507691520", "label": "smh", "text": "Who is carpe?🤔🤔\n\nWhy does he DM everyone?😳🧐"} {"idx": 10684, "original_id": "1250929838396968962", "reply_id": "1250930885052051462", "label": "scared", "text": "You have the dick of Owen Wilson's nose."} {"idx": 10686, "original_id": "1251159904238235649", "reply_id": "1251161972353064962", "label": "shocked", "text": "if it’s real, it will last forever"} {"idx": 10689, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251176718469148680", "label": "no", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 10690, "original_id": "1250833130522644484", "reply_id": "1250925191254937601", "label": "yes", "text": "My dad once grounded me for a whole summer in high school because I got home 15 minutes past curfew. I remembered that fondly today as I reported him for breaking quarantine."} {"idx": 10692, "original_id": "1251231639021199362", "reply_id": "1251237584614744065", "label": "facepalm", "text": "When POTUS claimed — incorrectly — that he had absolute power to reopen the country, there were cries of “authoritarian,” and “constitutional crisis.” Now that he’s largely leaving up to governors, he’s putting the “onus” on them, or the “burden” on them."} {"idx": 10694, "original_id": "1251088554333278209", "reply_id": "1251133579683409921", "label": "yolo", "text": "Ycee said He got a better Tim Westwood than Davido, that’s disrespectful bhruh 😭💔💀"} {"idx": 10695, "original_id": "1250983108142419970", "reply_id": "1251071842699431936", "label": "shocked", "text": "pat mcgrath’s eyeshadow pallets make me wet."} {"idx": 10696, "original_id": "1251021065947500545", "reply_id": "1251088892935016448", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "อ่า...\n\n🌻 your name ; \n🎀 cute or cool ; \n🌷the impression ; \n☘ give 1 song ; \n🔥 challenge? ;"} {"idx": 10698, "original_id": "1250952230565380096", "reply_id": "1250978400388280322", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m so uncomfortable"} {"idx": 10699, "original_id": "1251098303099367424", "reply_id": "1251109177000222722", "label": "agree", "text": "Is the D an ‘essential service’?\n\nAsking for a friend."} {"idx": 10701, "original_id": "1251144270871855108", "reply_id": "1251188356941111297", "label": "shocked", "text": "True love includes self-love too🙂❤️"} {"idx": 10704, "original_id": "1250852412832677888", "reply_id": "1250977309617606656", "label": "agree", "text": "There are days when you read old chats and you want to abuse the hell out of that person but remember that why you were so close to them. How easy it is for some people to just move on as if there was nothing in that friendship/relationship."} {"idx": 10706, "original_id": "1250953252041977857", "reply_id": "1250963771335548928", "label": "ok", "text": "reply with what you think the most commonly used gif is"} {"idx": 10710, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251238075285504002", "label": "ok", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 10712, "original_id": "1251241896946528256", "reply_id": "1251243690753953792", "label": "popcorn", "text": "How y’all be sliding in females DMs? Y’all bold enough to start a thread?"} {"idx": 10713, "original_id": "1251258505614577664", "reply_id": "1251259968440827904", "label": "omg", "text": "I'm having a really bad day, cheer me up, and ill send you $25.00 via @PayPal"} {"idx": 10714, "original_id": "1251175113107681286", "reply_id": "1251249248437440512", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Shoutout to @PlatformQedu who has been helping us host our Virtual Accepted Student events over the past two weeks! We’re ending the week with the Financial Aid: Next Steps program at 2:00pm today. Join us & chat in your Financial Aid questions! #WCSUAdmissions @WestConn"} {"idx": 10717, "original_id": "1250587547186745344", "reply_id": "1250840783407775744", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not even gone sit here and lie, if I had a fat ass, I would be twerking on @torylanez ‘s Instagram live while pouring milk and other stuff on my ass. 😭😭😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 10718, "original_id": "1251134338579812353", "reply_id": "1251149354603143169", "label": "hug", "text": "GP trying to get me to go to hospital both for my neck and because my seizure pattern has changed. Have reluctantly agreed I'll go in tonight if it gets any worse, but I can't face it right now. I fucking hate hospitals- like truly phobic levels. Just the idea is making me cry."} {"idx": 10719, "original_id": "1250957010532696066", "reply_id": "1251026731831451648", "label": "hug", "text": "I just tested positive for COVID-19. I lost my sense of taste about a week ago — a mild symptom, the doctor said. Quarantine has now turned into isolation. Luckily, taste is beginning to come back. The doc expects me to recover fully, told me to call if I have any chest pains."} {"idx": 10721, "original_id": "1250921449466052609", "reply_id": "1251151963137302530", "label": "idk", "text": "What would you do with me if we were quarantined with me!!! Answer in gifs ;)"} {"idx": 10726, "original_id": "1250999461083598848", "reply_id": "1251071180603158528", "label": "awww", "text": "New music out now:\n\n21 Savage - Secret ft. Summer Walker\n\nPlayboi Carti - @ Meh \n\nDaBaby - Blame It On Baby (album)\n\nLil Tecca - Out of Love\n\nAnuel & Juice WRLD - No Me Ame\n\nWestside Gunn - Pray For Paris (album) \n\nDVSN - A Muse in Her Feelings (album)\n\nLUCKI - Faith"} {"idx": 10727, "original_id": "1251209597689278464", "reply_id": "1251243734643150849", "label": "no", "text": "Someone needs to mask & glove DJT up & take him into a NYC hospital to SEE the patients on respirators & ventilators, look at the tired, harried eyes of the health workers over their masks...do you think it would make him feel anything even close to compassion?\n@realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 10728, "original_id": "1251243817119997952", "reply_id": "1251258487600033793", "label": "no", "text": "I don’t care what anyone says \nPineapple on pizza is the BEST"} {"idx": 10733, "original_id": "1251010899818749955", "reply_id": "1251100551821111296", "label": "idk", "text": "@kittnlys ur mods are weird and snowflakes"} {"idx": 10738, "original_id": "1251020660161347585", "reply_id": "1251124183100162048", "label": "sorry", "text": "Couldn't visit him in the hospital. Couldn't say goodbye. Can't have a funeral. Can't have a Shiva house. My father is dead and these people talk about it like it's nothing."} {"idx": 10740, "original_id": "1250792157570641921", "reply_id": "1250868248037298176", "label": "please", "text": "It has been 28 years since a sitting President was defeated at the ballot box in the United States.\n👀"} {"idx": 10741, "original_id": "1250884045594124293", "reply_id": "1250896497232797700", "label": "hug", "text": "Also I want deep hugs."} {"idx": 10742, "original_id": "1250942168832901120", "reply_id": "1250986345159225344", "label": "facepalm", "text": "keep the afro-pessimism to yourself."} {"idx": 10743, "original_id": "1250770744864276480", "reply_id": "1250887823252762625", "label": "agree", "text": "PLAYER OF THE DECADE | Semi Final 1"} {"idx": 10744, "original_id": "1251082740172238849", "reply_id": "1251253730953039872", "label": "agree", "text": "Listen is one thing PR cannot hide inefficiencies for long. If we look closely with objective eyes you would realize that the real #weakfence was the government"} {"idx": 10750, "original_id": "1250955264322203648", "reply_id": "1251059238522232834", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Which one you is responsible for 12 packs of soda costing $5?"} {"idx": 10751, "original_id": "1250931295531737090", "reply_id": "1250955153164943360", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Diddy and Van Jones are doing a live Saturday called... wait for it...\nThe Color of Covid"} {"idx": 10755, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251183663783575552", "label": "idk", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 10756, "original_id": "1251188571714682880", "reply_id": "1251263544160661505", "label": "smh", "text": "True confession: \nI shave my toes. \nYour turn."} {"idx": 10757, "original_id": "1250910462742605825", "reply_id": "1251100805081505792", "label": "smh", "text": "I once asked someone through dm if he was single and he took too long to reply so I lost interest 🥴"} {"idx": 10758, "original_id": "1250850368151408642", "reply_id": "1250850987339706368", "label": "smh", "text": "FED'S WILLIAMS SAYS NY FED IS TAKING RAPID AND SIGNIFICANT ACTIONS TO PROMOTE LIQUIDITY AND STABILITY IN FINANCIAL MARKETS"} {"idx": 10763, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251030885429727232", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 10766, "original_id": "1251213523625086979", "reply_id": "1251215074913640449", "label": "hug", "text": "Looks like I'm doing a double to night!"} {"idx": 10768, "original_id": "1250923756383600640", "reply_id": "1250927022379085829", "label": "wink", "text": "I wonder what SMA (ret) Dailey's hair looks like right now."} {"idx": 10770, "original_id": "1250869264166371340", "reply_id": "1250873968392835074", "label": "yes", "text": "It's going to be cold tonight. #GetRightToThePointForecast"} {"idx": 10772, "original_id": "1251217961030955009", "reply_id": "1251218364049117186", "label": "shocked", "text": "Why yuh wudda spit inna mi mouth when yuh cudda.. Nvm. Doh dweet"} {"idx": 10773, "original_id": "1251025422239690752", "reply_id": "1251066594614145025", "label": "agree", "text": "You hang wit a rat u a rat 2 🔥🔥"} {"idx": 10776, "original_id": "1251199292452360194", "reply_id": "1251203529496317952", "label": "yawn", "text": "Going back to bed. Goodnight."} {"idx": 10777, "original_id": "1251179146119655424", "reply_id": "1251179591550373888", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Best College Baseball Stadium?"} {"idx": 10783, "original_id": "1251252200094957569", "reply_id": "1251258879981154304", "label": "applause", "text": "Ladies and Gents....\nTits. That is all😂"} {"idx": 10785, "original_id": "1250834500709474306", "reply_id": "1250893439559966721", "label": "applause", "text": "Pussy ain’t power ,Purpose is."} {"idx": 10788, "original_id": "1251207608532299777", "reply_id": "1251209460632051712", "label": "awww", "text": "hi, i just want to say something :) if u don't have someone to talk to, im here, my dm is open, btw. and i can be your friend, i'll be happy, really. i saw a lot of tweets that says \"have a lot of mutuals but don't have a friend\" like that. im here, we can make each other happy."} {"idx": 10790, "original_id": "1251236727961710592", "reply_id": "1251274272988966912", "label": "no", "text": "Day 863 of the #QuarantineLife:\n\nI've started pressing quesadillas with my butt. After one hour, flip and give it another 15 minutes for melty cheese perfection. As an added bonus, you get this super-nice crease in the middle so you can fold it like a giant taco."} {"idx": 10791, "original_id": "1251029700928888832", "reply_id": "1251106930082242560", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "give me strength."} {"idx": 10792, "original_id": "1250796099167588358", "reply_id": "1250941916843331585", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Sorry motherfuckers I'm not only a beautiful face and perfect tits. I love my Country and huge on Politics, we may not agree but who the fuck cares. \n\nSave your dms and I'll keep ignoring. 🇺🇸"} {"idx": 10794, "original_id": "1251034420615811073", "reply_id": "1251037113975529472", "label": "shocked", "text": "John Legend wife is so not pretty; but she is so pretty to me."} {"idx": 10795, "original_id": "1251009519553073153", "reply_id": "1251116631356571648", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Long time no tweet! Hey y'all 💕"} {"idx": 10796, "original_id": "1250974148605681667", "reply_id": "1250981831639474178", "label": "sigh", "text": "Can’t believe someone has broke into my shed and stole my limbo stick, how low can someone go"} {"idx": 10798, "original_id": "1250941822391607296", "reply_id": "1250942367168856066", "label": "want", "text": "One More Week! #NFLDraft"} {"idx": 10799, "original_id": "1250933104551870464", "reply_id": "1251045639942791169", "label": "high_five", "text": "Cassper is the type of nigga to take his soccer ball home after he got dribbled"} {"idx": 10801, "original_id": "1251165270623899648", "reply_id": "1251166116275277825", "label": "eww", "text": "In the 90s we had BBS and a/s/l\nIn the 00s we had cybering\nIn the 10s we had Netflix & chill and sexting\nIn the 20s we have scheduled Zex with Tatooine and Mordor virtual backgrounds and tbh I'm ok with it."} {"idx": 10802, "original_id": "1250800906167300102", "reply_id": "1250854004843851776", "label": "applause", "text": "My ass really be moving. I’m so proud cause two years ago I couldn’t shake my ass at all just be moving thigh. Now this ass moves"} {"idx": 10804, "original_id": "1251209432379293698", "reply_id": "1251210128117948416", "label": "yawn", "text": "He said YES!!!! 💃💃💃💃😍😍"} {"idx": 10806, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251050485131251712", "label": "shrug", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 10808, "original_id": "1251049482097172480", "reply_id": "1251184040373182464", "label": "applause", "text": "If Trump wants his name on stimulus checks, shouldnt his name be on the 33,000+ death certificates?"} {"idx": 10809, "original_id": "1250839939765293056", "reply_id": "1251130501357690880", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Horny."} {"idx": 10810, "original_id": "1251110902746750976", "reply_id": "1251115634987016199", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#followfriday #ff to all these great people, some old friends, some new. @PlayJakSayBack @itsatrapppro @g8terbyte @DomenicoPentan1 @Azalea22Gamer @TristaBytes @Diaelffin @Kisuarts @ZombiWorkshop @BeastGamerKuma @DannyDSC1 @PixelGirlPlays @JustINside_ @realSILSKY @AstroAnie P1"} {"idx": 10811, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251063951900770305", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 10812, "original_id": "1251262757166555139", "reply_id": "1251269131955027968", "label": "facepalm", "text": "back to owning @VirtueVE lol, like stealing a sucker from a baby"} {"idx": 10814, "original_id": "1250947517627469824", "reply_id": "1250956154664103937", "label": "ok", "text": "Two people today said I should do a split dye, so now guess what ima do"} {"idx": 10816, "original_id": "1251221224996421632", "reply_id": "1251253615270002704", "label": "agree", "text": "PSA on behalf of all parents of small children: We do not have a moment. We have literally no time. We have less time than we have ever had at the moment. We’re not ignoring you. We’re doing our best."} {"idx": 10818, "original_id": "1249823280502116353", "reply_id": "1250836291668901889", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: CNN and MSNBC both just cut away from Trump’s press conference after Dr. Fauci was done speaking."} {"idx": 10819, "original_id": "1250842731246747648", "reply_id": "1250871278942277632", "label": "yes", "text": "When I turned 20 no one had a camera phone.\n\nAnd for that I am eternally grateful."} {"idx": 10820, "original_id": "1250829735946485763", "reply_id": "1250837587935268866", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The joys of recording a mix and then forgetting to press ... RECORD"} {"idx": 10821, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251271326066544642", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 10822, "original_id": "1251131752267079680", "reply_id": "1251221254255841282", "label": "applause", "text": "Chinese Classfellow Yang- So you are from Pakistan Right?\nMe- Yeah\nYang- oh, I know I know. Your Culture is same like India.\nMe- Exactly. Just like Chinese and Japanese cultures are the same. \nYang- silence\nMe- so ? What's up? Done with assignment?"} {"idx": 10823, "original_id": "1251177242165731328", "reply_id": "1251255544158941184", "label": "yes", "text": "Dear Mike Pence,\n\nNow is the time to get your cabinet together and implement the 25th amendment to get this mentally unstable President out of office. Lives are depending on you @VP!\n\nLiberate America now!\n#LiberateAmerica!\n\nWho agrees?"} {"idx": 10824, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250910375706533896", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 10826, "original_id": "1250867437790048256", "reply_id": "1250876616747646976", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m so excited i could cry I got into a grad program at USC!!!!!"} {"idx": 10827, "original_id": "1250993585664569345", "reply_id": "1250996761260244992", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "WOW. that is all i can say. what a freaking turn out tonight for the qualifiers. I cant thank you guys enough.\nThe bits. gifted subs. Donations. You all make me so damn happy. \nSunday night 7pm. The giveaway happens. I want to give back as much as i can! @ExolvedEsports"} {"idx": 10831, "original_id": "1251203393806307330", "reply_id": "1251208100624904193", "label": "omg", "text": "Who wants to win a FREE autographed Chiefs jersey? 🤔\n\n#ChiefsKingdom"} {"idx": 10833, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250834164888322049", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 10834, "original_id": "1250891900011364360", "reply_id": "1250905030292459520", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If Mnuchin told you personally that you can survive 10 weeks on $1200 stimulus checks, what would you reply?😠"} {"idx": 10836, "original_id": "1251159183665164288", "reply_id": "1251159546799648771", "label": "dance", "text": "TikTok dances are so fucking stupid."} {"idx": 10838, "original_id": "1250870145645514754", "reply_id": "1250884286615629825", "label": "sigh", "text": "Courage."} {"idx": 10839, "original_id": "1250959595310325761", "reply_id": "1250985529782517761", "label": "shocked", "text": "MY\n\nINTERNET \n\nHATES \n\nME \n\n😭"} {"idx": 10840, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250870479851847680", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 10842, "original_id": "1250763325186535426", "reply_id": "1250845863460601858", "label": "ok", "text": "yall horny everyday how tf is today different"} {"idx": 10848, "original_id": "1250946639608635392", "reply_id": "1251184254484197376", "label": "applause", "text": "Finally came to my senses. Gerry Cinnamon is a stinking fenian bastard."} {"idx": 10850, "original_id": "1250972313715003392", "reply_id": "1250973812201598977", "label": "ok", "text": "No stream tonight my nerds, got some things to take care of and I'm going straight to sleep after.\nBack again tomorrow though!"} {"idx": 10851, "original_id": "1251021890967265282", "reply_id": "1251022014648893444", "label": "shocked", "text": "oomf be on here preaching about how he good boyf but ik for a fact this nigga is cheating on his gf with men 🥴"} {"idx": 10860, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251266534158237698", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 10862, "original_id": "1251218089167015936", "reply_id": "1251218394595987458", "label": "no", "text": "should I put pants on for the DoorDash delivery driver or???😂😂😂"} {"idx": 10865, "original_id": "1250756339174748161", "reply_id": "1250891147561406464", "label": "wink", "text": "Wake up & put it in your mouth 😜"} {"idx": 10873, "original_id": "1251189285665021953", "reply_id": "1251201299477073921", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "BREAKING NEWS: \n\nPresident Ramaphosa says “TSEK” to the Gauteng Liquor Forum"} {"idx": 10875, "original_id": "1250862833153331206", "reply_id": "1250866197970554880", "label": "agree", "text": "The $2 Trillion bailout added $6,000 to the debt of every single person in the U.S.\nHere's an idea. Send us all a check for $6k instead of $1200 and let US decide which businesses to bail out. \nWe could vote with our wallets."} {"idx": 10876, "original_id": "1250685893683195904", "reply_id": "1250995767029854209", "label": "applause", "text": "hey @Ask_Spectrum what the fuck lol\n\nhonestly, how do you guys even manage to be such a shit company?"} {"idx": 10878, "original_id": "1250925499993317376", "reply_id": "1250987019079020545", "label": "no", "text": "Is Washington DC a State? I’m asking for our President."} {"idx": 10882, "original_id": "1251224277329870848", "reply_id": "1251233147624271875", "label": "hug", "text": "you know what I really need? a hug"} {"idx": 10883, "original_id": "1251201279382171650", "reply_id": "1251201451994611717", "label": "applause", "text": "Gov. Cuomo on Trump: \"He's doing nothing … All he's doing is walking in front of the parade.\""} {"idx": 10884, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251155504564322304", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 10885, "original_id": "1251177641434112012", "reply_id": "1251178966452506627", "label": "want", "text": "i need a big hugggggg right now"} {"idx": 10889, "original_id": "1250910831065419787", "reply_id": "1250911353835044866", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "As he announces the new federal guidelines, President Trump says, \"We are not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time.\""} {"idx": 10893, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250977186284175360", "label": "shocked", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 10894, "original_id": "1250953428899004416", "reply_id": "1250953746537906178", "label": "shocked", "text": "Bratwurst be soaking in a warm bath of Stella Artois atm, lfgoooo😈"} {"idx": 10897, "original_id": "1251186178063204352", "reply_id": "1251213168262565888", "label": "yes", "text": "Gonna have an updated Warmind Bit Farm for Solo players.\n\nJust solo'd a Legendary Lost sector in :22"} {"idx": 10899, "original_id": "1250938279656132610", "reply_id": "1250962685216374785", "label": "yes", "text": "I just had a follower on my IG telling me everyone is getting reunited with old arcade games like space invaders and Galaga. Um. That’s not the joystick I’ve been reunited with....😂🤣"} {"idx": 10900, "original_id": "1251180890690138124", "reply_id": "1251181872924811269", "label": "omg", "text": "BREAKING: The NHS will run out of gowns within HOURS & will ask doctors & nurses to work without full-length protection - @guardian.\nThis is outrageous, @MattHancock - you've spent all week insisting there's enough PPE for frontline medics. Where is it???????????"} {"idx": 10903, "original_id": "1251230270117875717", "reply_id": "1251230654660055047", "label": "yes", "text": "I have a feeling that these mass protests are going to be the modern day equivalent to the parades during the Spanish Flu. #COVIDIOTS"} {"idx": 10905, "original_id": "1251197125251211265", "reply_id": "1251235213360934913", "label": "agree", "text": "4/17 … the date Cole Anthony declared for the NBA? Or Cole Anthony shooting performance? \n\n*turns off replies* \n*logs off Twitter for the rest of the month*"} {"idx": 10906, "original_id": "1250924280617017353", "reply_id": "1250924993321426944", "label": "no", "text": "\"I want to make the country better, I don't care about campaigning,\" @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 10912, "original_id": "1250927340344967169", "reply_id": "1250953391607595008", "label": "yes", "text": "What do you think of President Trump’s plan to reopen America?"} {"idx": 10913, "original_id": "1250867952011919361", "reply_id": "1250870013772337155", "label": "yes", "text": "Did we all clap?! 👏👏🌈"} {"idx": 10915, "original_id": "1251239377663152129", "reply_id": "1251240189520949249", "label": "eww", "text": "quarantine is the devil my sister doesn’t remember the last time she showered i hate it here"} {"idx": 10918, "original_id": "1250925908267057152", "reply_id": "1251179881662046214", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve been so depressed lately idk why"} {"idx": 10920, "original_id": "1251263920356163585", "reply_id": "1251264402365583362", "label": "ok", "text": "Curious: what are YOUR thoughts on the news that the #Bears are releasing Trey Burton??"} {"idx": 10921, "original_id": "1251274302554607618", "reply_id": "1251275296269099008", "label": "shocked", "text": "Bruu if you wanted her and she falls pregnant, wait till the baby is 6 months.\nThen you can hit. Bit of milk but you can swallow, it’s nice 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 10922, "original_id": "1250944143377018885", "reply_id": "1250944399661465604", "label": "facepalm", "text": "If anyone has an extra valorant key lmk, need 1 for my friend"} {"idx": 10923, "original_id": "1250825458872209409", "reply_id": "1250934867585613827", "label": "awww", "text": "Oh no. I can't taste my food. Never mind this is a rice cake."} {"idx": 10924, "original_id": "1251149555476819977", "reply_id": "1251230045647114243", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "How many of you have watched Out of the Shadows?"} {"idx": 10926, "original_id": "1251223928577511424", "reply_id": "1251226995612102656", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "NEW: Former presidential candidate @TomSteyer will lead @GavinNewsom new California econ recovery panel along with Newsom Chief of Staff @Ann_OLeary \n\nalso: Apple CEO @Tim_Cook, Disney head @RobertIger, former Fed head @JanetYellenBlog"} {"idx": 10928, "original_id": "1250789154612535296", "reply_id": "1250884157397499904", "label": "oops", "text": "I wish I could borrow your head and wear it as a helmet."} {"idx": 10930, "original_id": "1250930072648912897", "reply_id": "1250930372579295232", "label": "omg", "text": "How does Santa keep track of all the fireplaces he’s visited? \n\nHe keeps a log book."} {"idx": 10931, "original_id": "1251261752685195264", "reply_id": "1251263587823345666", "label": "hug", "text": "hi, i hope wherever you are whenever you are, you’re staying safe and being careful. i love you, enjoy your day the best you can."} {"idx": 10935, "original_id": "1250868523485868034", "reply_id": "1250873573364977670", "label": "agree", "text": "Yoga currently going on in my house. Not for me, I’m having a glass of port instead. #zen"} {"idx": 10936, "original_id": "1251237845169209348", "reply_id": "1251241584932392963", "label": "kiss", "text": "Name the thirstiest looney tune ill go first daffy"} {"idx": 10938, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251054380381622273", "label": "shocked", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 10941, "original_id": "1251097504982208513", "reply_id": "1251261528088682497", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t know about u but my new favourite part of every morning is re-sleep"} {"idx": 10944, "original_id": "1250806363736940544", "reply_id": "1250925884791574528", "label": "smh", "text": "The good news for Memphis is that at least the Tigers have a pretty talented roster returning. Other than that ..."} {"idx": 10946, "original_id": "1251102021001908227", "reply_id": "1251102289428754434", "label": "applause", "text": "Thank you guys for an amazing stream back! Gonna be streaming everyday again, I missed you beautiful people 💕"} {"idx": 10948, "original_id": "1250999947182424064", "reply_id": "1251000371562020864", "label": "hug", "text": "Just thought about being near enough the ocean to be able to hear it and/or getting into a fresh and super fluffy hotel bed and yes this is at the bottom of the Important list but I almost cried because those things both feel so impossibly far away"} {"idx": 10949, "original_id": "1250873853355663361", "reply_id": "1250875620122398722", "label": "yes", "text": "Apple juice is far more superior than orange juice"} {"idx": 10953, "original_id": "1251049771202215936", "reply_id": "1251203704520347648", "label": "awww", "text": "GREAT NEWS. \n\nRupee Gains Rs 2.60 Against The Dollar. Its at 163.50\n\nRupee becoming stronger during #CoronaVirus is a sign of great monetary policy management.\n\nNow all the geniuses arguing about HOT MONEY should put some COLD WATER on themselves to cool down."} {"idx": 10954, "original_id": "1250283679743533058", "reply_id": "1250946796953776138", "label": "hug", "text": "I wanna throw a hug out there to anyone needing one.Just because l dont know you, doesn’t mean l don’t care."} {"idx": 10956, "original_id": "1250904880744628225", "reply_id": "1250914965810184193", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I just scored an 8 pack of toilet paper so I tied it to the top of my car and paraded it around town like it was an 8 point buck."} {"idx": 10957, "original_id": "1250894885365874690", "reply_id": "1250898909418815489", "label": "no", "text": "These niggas opening the beaches and parks back up as of April 17\n\nAnd I need to get TF out of Florida NOW!"} {"idx": 10962, "original_id": "1250897827657584640", "reply_id": "1250904719595274245", "label": "applause", "text": "Feels so good to finally be back on the right track to becoming a social worker🥳"} {"idx": 10964, "original_id": "1250940524695085057", "reply_id": "1250943953207209987", "label": "popcorn", "text": "this quarantine has some of you acting really sick in the head & i’m not amused"} {"idx": 10965, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251220008274989064", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 10966, "original_id": "1250889005929021440", "reply_id": "1250894236179890185", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I need one of those “youre valid 💖” folks to tell me its okay I’m not motivated enough to do homework"} {"idx": 10967, "original_id": "1250860762316357634", "reply_id": "1250861395039698945", "label": "hug", "text": "i'm not okay"} {"idx": 10972, "original_id": "1250948936413728768", "reply_id": "1250954175589920768", "label": "applause", "text": "I wasn’t gonna say this but I’m actually scared of all of you."} {"idx": 10974, "original_id": "1251217972464455680", "reply_id": "1251225658488844288", "label": "agree", "text": "I was the one who supported SRK openly everytime, i was the one who asked everyone for peace , i was the one who was against the fanwars over donations. I was the one who tweeted against my own friends, I’m really feeling sorry for my all mistakes, please don’t be like me :D"} {"idx": 10975, "original_id": "1250734685644361728", "reply_id": "1250995114299834368", "label": "hug", "text": "Where are those moving pictures that people are sending me from? They are very clever. Are they from the Google?"} {"idx": 10977, "original_id": "1251255622827466759", "reply_id": "1251259859472986114", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Podcast recommendations:\n@ATFTCPodcast @murderdownsouth @militarymurder @naptimenancydrw @sexqueenspod @SouthernSpiritz @Badboondocks @okcrimestate @WeAreDbyM Wonders of the World & Inside Psycho (Wondery), The Dating Game Killer (Wondery) Happy Friday!"} {"idx": 10978, "original_id": "1251174022320205825", "reply_id": "1251183407759077376", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "In the drive-thru, the time between handing the cashier your card and getting it back is when you put the straw in your drink. Just, fyi."} {"idx": 10980, "original_id": "1250897955709767685", "reply_id": "1250988562411126789", "label": "yes", "text": "I miss going out"} {"idx": 10981, "original_id": "1251181071590285312", "reply_id": "1251181429989314562", "label": "shrug", "text": "gonna be a good day today i can feel it"} {"idx": 10982, "original_id": "1250838350254178307", "reply_id": "1251004804475817984", "label": "applause", "text": "ladies, are we really letting men with a dick that’s smaller than the size of our will to live make us cry??? NO WE ARE NOT."} {"idx": 10983, "original_id": "1250916079376850944", "reply_id": "1251008925480022017", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If Trump demands for all gyms to be opened immediately, that’s grounds for instant re-election."} {"idx": 10985, "original_id": "1250867573257887750", "reply_id": "1250868199001907201", "label": "applause", "text": "If #lockdown hasn't humbled you as a person then it hasn't worked."} {"idx": 10986, "original_id": "1250930383962677249", "reply_id": "1250933758439632896", "label": "want", "text": "I’m just tryna vibe w somebody"} {"idx": 10989, "original_id": "1250948245519511559", "reply_id": "1251090279161106432", "label": "agree", "text": "The TEFL program is on sale right now 🤔 Should I go for it?"} {"idx": 10991, "original_id": "1251016459070795776", "reply_id": "1251017109263364096", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Saying then doing, actions over words."} {"idx": 10993, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250889696537833472", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 10994, "original_id": "1250881940795711489", "reply_id": "1250883685420658688", "label": "no", "text": "L: It's the snowiest year on record since 1918.\n\nMe: I'm really over the 1918 throwbacks."} {"idx": 10997, "original_id": "1251167435689848832", "reply_id": "1251168859706388480", "label": "agree", "text": "Yesterday was for napping so today is for tidying. And also day drinking."} {"idx": 10998, "original_id": "1251272366803619841", "reply_id": "1251274362751258635", "label": "hug", "text": "would do just about anything rn to walk into a room and:\n-hear @jordonc95 say “sup Randall” \n-take a refreshing sip of @oheyitsphoebe’s hydro flask \n-buy @stinticles some lactaid\n-listen to some of @west_ern’s passionate banana bread ramblings\n-make Mac for @HeatherPavelich"} {"idx": 11000, "original_id": "1250957166086930435", "reply_id": "1251057662562832390", "label": "popcorn", "text": "So after careful consideration, I’ve decided not to do story time. Too vulgar 😭"} {"idx": 11001, "original_id": "1250975628041621511", "reply_id": "1250981960131973120", "label": "high_five", "text": "When Post Malone said, \"We live this life but not for long.\", i felt that line harder yesterday."} {"idx": 11004, "original_id": "1250952309632368643", "reply_id": "1251002378863677440", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "my friend’s kid asked me why married people wore rings and i kinda told him that you cut off your finger to show that you’re serious and the ring keeps the finger in place kinda like stitches."} {"idx": 11006, "original_id": "1251143606640930816", "reply_id": "1251147663552114688", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The only time the word 'incorrectly' isn't spelled incorrectly is when it's spelled incorrectly"} {"idx": 11009, "original_id": "1251165915242090507", "reply_id": "1251167520779837441", "label": "no", "text": "Can I please stop creating content now"} {"idx": 11010, "original_id": "1250855316213977088", "reply_id": "1250881550264262656", "label": "oops", "text": "are we ready to discuss how elite water signs are compared to the rest of the zodiac?"} {"idx": 11011, "original_id": "1251120754541780992", "reply_id": "1251200487304683521", "label": "agree", "text": "A psychology professor said, “If you are in love with someone, you won’t be interested in someone else. If you are then you aren’t in love.” \n\nI think people need to see this."} {"idx": 11014, "original_id": "1251221634612105216", "reply_id": "1251240799943028736", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i’m a jordan whore"} {"idx": 11015, "original_id": "1250845151397924865", "reply_id": "1250845951398469633", "label": "shrug", "text": "He's already made his first post and reached 500,000 followers. 😲📷"} {"idx": 11016, "original_id": "1251209125746409472", "reply_id": "1251209643340120064", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I don’t like you, or anything you stand for, and I never will.\n\nStill wish you a nice day, cupcake."} {"idx": 11017, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251216097652600833", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 11021, "original_id": "1251070189979840512", "reply_id": "1251071924987400192", "label": "scared", "text": "What were your best draws from the 50 free Common Hero Scrolls? 🤩\n#AFKArena"} {"idx": 11025, "original_id": "1250877585761894401", "reply_id": "1250878527014125569", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy B-day @JustTheClippy, have a good day today and keep up the amazing work :)"} {"idx": 11026, "original_id": "1251233308081602560", "reply_id": "1251233562017308674", "label": "awww", "text": "1 like & I post the $50 teacher giveaway now. 💕"} {"idx": 11030, "original_id": "1250874770016657410", "reply_id": "1250941513816834051", "label": "awww", "text": "Questions for you.\n\nDo you take it personal when a market proves you wrong on a trade in which you had a strong opinion? Be honest.\n\nIf your answer is \"Yes\"\n\nAre you aware that the markets don't know you, don't know anything about you, and could care less about you personally?"} {"idx": 11031, "original_id": "1251259247561768960", "reply_id": "1251259725330608128", "label": "dance", "text": "emily says i'm not allowed to go to bed so now you all have to entertain me i don't make the rules"} {"idx": 11032, "original_id": "1250913417835294720", "reply_id": "1250918307378544640", "label": "yes", "text": "This is bullshit, someone grab the mic and ask Fauci when anonymous sex will be possible!!!"} {"idx": 11034, "original_id": "1250848321847144449", "reply_id": "1250848432476037121", "label": "yes", "text": "You and me created Bailout Humans because that's the way it should be."} {"idx": 11035, "original_id": "1250577067336499201", "reply_id": "1250896939983355904", "label": "popcorn", "text": "While we're on pedophilia can we involve religion and polygamy too because that would be fun hehe"} {"idx": 11037, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1250876136516616192", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 11040, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251025719011889158", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 11043, "original_id": "1250491822767554566", "reply_id": "1250846898216452098", "label": "eww", "text": "She suggested it alongside cutting out sugar, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and exercising as a health benefit."} {"idx": 11044, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250860603947847680", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 11045, "original_id": "1251057405925879810", "reply_id": "1251060901458788352", "label": "hug", "text": "i remember dying for Every 15 Minutes and being so anxious about being picked to read the letter to my parents because i KNEW my parents weren’t going to show up...and i was right 😔"} {"idx": 11048, "original_id": "1251131144025800706", "reply_id": "1251132939217272835", "label": "hug", "text": "Just been able to talk to my mom and they’ve said she has pneumonia as well as coronavirus and she’s on oxygen. Hearing her so breathless is heartbreaking.\n\nPlease please please #StayHome and #StaySafe #COVIDー19"} {"idx": 11049, "original_id": "1251148773679456257", "reply_id": "1251207751356813312", "label": "agree", "text": "Let's focus on the good Harry and Meghan are doing AND on ArchieDay. We left the slave plantation a few weeks ago and shouldn't care what racist British royal dinosaurs have to say. They want to distract you from the fact the pigeons are lazy, uninspiring and hypocrites."} {"idx": 11052, "original_id": "1250875492602793984", "reply_id": "1250897362345553920", "label": "applause", "text": "I got out of bed and dressed before one pm today pls clap"} {"idx": 11053, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251273203348992000", "label": "agree", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 11054, "original_id": "1250957036663255042", "reply_id": "1251171638797717504", "label": "smh", "text": "Droppin my EP on the 22nd y’all look out for that 👀"} {"idx": 11056, "original_id": "1251203279335428097", "reply_id": "1251203757867765766", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "i keep hearing people saying the cure is worse than the disease, but what i want to know is, who are the disease? i've literally never heard of them."} {"idx": 11057, "original_id": "1251188528500953088", "reply_id": "1251191543135862785", "label": "agree", "text": "It's upsetting to not have an offline event as well as no international competition for the foreseeable future, but it's the reality of the pandemic. I'd say we're pleasantly surprised by the pivot and still excited for the future of @PUBGEsports."} {"idx": 11059, "original_id": "1251078028056199168", "reply_id": "1251082434298462209", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "The Lockdown is clearly getting to me. I have done something I would never dream of doing I normal times. God help me, Twitter, I have followed Piers Morgan."} {"idx": 11060, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251041329380909056", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 11061, "original_id": "1250845343136301057", "reply_id": "1250858786136494084", "label": "agree", "text": "Just in : Gov. Tony Evers extends Safer at Home: directed Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Secretary-designee Andrea Palm to extend the Safer at Home order from April 24, until May 26, 2020, or until a superseding order is issued."} {"idx": 11065, "original_id": "1250832209038077954", "reply_id": "1251222485212606466", "label": "please", "text": "Testing. Kind of have a theory that I have been muted by a lot of accounts because of my thirst to tweet so just if you see this just poke like. You don’t have to say anything just poke like."} {"idx": 11068, "original_id": "1250997784217600003", "reply_id": "1251000188824702980", "label": "shrug", "text": "I just told Brooke I give her 100% of my attention and she said it wasn't enough"} {"idx": 11070, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250971310450192384", "label": "eww", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 11071, "original_id": "1251182235778265091", "reply_id": "1251212029848883202", "label": "yes", "text": "Ain't nobody tryna hear turn up shit rn"} {"idx": 11072, "original_id": "1251212609661042689", "reply_id": "1251226092213612546", "label": "yes", "text": "Today feels like a slander Steph type of day"} {"idx": 11073, "original_id": "1251030110163144704", "reply_id": "1251209962061213697", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone want a birthday shoutout, they seem quite popular?"} {"idx": 11075, "original_id": "1251213717217382400", "reply_id": "1251222347073363969", "label": "applause", "text": "Got to have the “it is what it is” mindset. Got to let shit be and keep yourself together, no matter what life hits you with."} {"idx": 11077, "original_id": "1250572848143491072", "reply_id": "1250855482744594432", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t know who needs to hear this but the what about when things turn back to normal... \n\nIf we made Wednesday a day off, Saturday a full day off, Sunday a half work day?"} {"idx": 11082, "original_id": "1251167735679266817", "reply_id": "1251171345167237123", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m contemplating growing my hair out again at this point lmao"} {"idx": 11083, "original_id": "1250890683747049472", "reply_id": "1250894347735904258", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I need to just be bent over the counter, have my head pulled back by my hair and be made a wet mess... please...? Just please."} {"idx": 11086, "original_id": "1251013311291723776", "reply_id": "1251220955063562241", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Ayye @RumNitty I tried calling a couple times. Is you waiting around for this to be over or can I drive to Phoenix and giving you this smoke you been begging for?"} {"idx": 11088, "original_id": "1251146724233474051", "reply_id": "1251197839016955913", "label": "shocked", "text": "“It’s not the end of the world, it’s the start of a new one” 🙏🏽"} {"idx": 11090, "original_id": "1250829978071171072", "reply_id": "1250833921564123142", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I've just finished my workout doing everything as the coach said. \nSomeone tell me I did good 😪"} {"idx": 11098, "original_id": "1250876320898146304", "reply_id": "1250963600983932929", "label": "smh", "text": "Hey guys what if LeBron James is better than Michael Jordan? We should talk about that."} {"idx": 11099, "original_id": "1251194380167319556", "reply_id": "1251263772767006724", "label": "smh", "text": "Lol I very much dislike people stuck in their own head and thinks the world revolves around them."} {"idx": 11101, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250923344074924032", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 11102, "original_id": "1250620401345912832", "reply_id": "1250915088363663361", "label": "smh", "text": "Should the Lakers retire Pau Gasol’s number 16?"} {"idx": 11106, "original_id": "1250881013179396096", "reply_id": "1251016041427161089", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "So companions, eh?"} {"idx": 11107, "original_id": "1251239365717774336", "reply_id": "1251239729409994753", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Stop posting your Afters before the Befores in your before-and-afters. 🙄"} {"idx": 11109, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250868584949133312", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 11110, "original_id": "1251240001616183301", "reply_id": "1251246060078608389", "label": "agree", "text": "COUCH LAAAAANBDSS ROLL CAAALLL!!! 🦖🦕🥴 who’s getting wOmPy tonight??? 🤟🏻💗"} {"idx": 11111, "original_id": "1250954678696886274", "reply_id": "1251083690479845377", "label": "ok", "text": "I officially am only a simp for Timothée Chalamet"} {"idx": 11112, "original_id": "1251065936255217664", "reply_id": "1251067168214495232", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Just got pulled over by the police the officer said to me \"sir I can smell alcohol\" \n\nI said \"yes that's because you are not respecting social distancing\""} {"idx": 11113, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251188322631892992", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 11114, "original_id": "1251118828404301824", "reply_id": "1251175479731601408", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Dr Oz and Dr Phil really are quacks!"} {"idx": 11116, "original_id": "1250980431970828288", "reply_id": "1250991931066212359", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Daddy gave me permission to play with my toys for National Horny Day and I feel so good 😋\n\nI may have taken a few videos too hehe"} {"idx": 11120, "original_id": "1250836286241415171", "reply_id": "1251272469823885318", "label": "applause", "text": "So I just got added to Beauty Bay PR 🤭🤭"} {"idx": 11122, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251206129020882944", "label": "hug", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 11123, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251229740758904833", "label": "ok", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 11124, "original_id": "1250934704787898370", "reply_id": "1251168190203170818", "label": "idk", "text": "White ppl love helping others if it doesn’t start with illegal and finishes with immigrants smh"} {"idx": 11126, "original_id": "1251149208876314626", "reply_id": "1251178086336512000", "label": "omg", "text": "Soo...stay in Bridgeton or bounce back to Henderson. Bridgeton, I can see Carter play hockey twice a week when it resumes, BUT in Henderson I can see & chat with PJ at least 5 days a week. @firedog1336 Cheyenne bringing out the big guns. She told me yesterday he misses me. 😂😂🤣"} {"idx": 11127, "original_id": "1251185939562430467", "reply_id": "1251212589322743808", "label": "dance", "text": "Trump's behavior this morning leads me to believe that he just got a polling briefing from his campaign"} {"idx": 11128, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251152762676469760", "label": "scared", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 11129, "original_id": "1251245710630158337", "reply_id": "1251262265258651649", "label": "agree", "text": "Since Tr*mp has violated the Constitution multiple times and nothing seems to matter anymore, fuck it, let's bring back Obama for a 3rd, 4th, 5th term"} {"idx": 11132, "original_id": "1251162466232307713", "reply_id": "1251171364549079040", "label": "scared", "text": "Notice how all these niggas are taking pictures with hoodies, durags, caps or beanies😂"} {"idx": 11134, "original_id": "1250902977063399429", "reply_id": "1250905650076561409", "label": "good_luck", "text": "An ideal social housing flat has popped up! Wheelchair accessible, wet room, accessible kitchen, the lot. Couldn't have come at a worse time though, thanks to COVID! Gonna have to see if the council will make allowances if I bid, for me to move once the crisis has abated..."} {"idx": 11136, "original_id": "1251092858075054081", "reply_id": "1251128565569110016", "label": "shocked", "text": "In my online class \n\nTeacher : Have you ever got an animal before ?\n\nClassmate : Yes i had a girlfriend once.\n\nLMAO WHAT"} {"idx": 11139, "original_id": "1250812733840338944", "reply_id": "1250993744658210817", "label": "no", "text": "Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn’t turn the ability off?"} {"idx": 11140, "original_id": "1250849962767929346", "reply_id": "1250850571768250371", "label": "shrug", "text": "Londa stay getting me into 💩"} {"idx": 11141, "original_id": "1251030487210090496", "reply_id": "1251176826271076353", "label": "shocked", "text": "Looks like I’m getting a DIY, lockdown special haircut today 😳😳😳"} {"idx": 11148, "original_id": "1250572255186337793", "reply_id": "1250921081508159493", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I like how our country didn’t want a female president yet we still ended up with a little bitch"} {"idx": 11152, "original_id": "1250994696299544576", "reply_id": "1251104465727426565", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "It wasn't the love from @SmoshIan, the high quality craft roasted beans, or anything else we've done; It was posting a lizard that finally got @Co_Mill to follow us."} {"idx": 11153, "original_id": "1251192530605129730", "reply_id": "1251221120868589568", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Unpopular opinion: Star Wars is not interesting💩"} {"idx": 11156, "original_id": "1251055441855078400", "reply_id": "1251056235027333122", "label": "oops", "text": "I woke up late today (what a surprise) and the last thing I can remember from my dream is me posting a song link to \"The Only Exception\" by Paramore and @dandeliya just replied with \"No, I reported it, sorry Moritz\""} {"idx": 11157, "original_id": "1251155948183252994", "reply_id": "1251196212335841281", "label": "popcorn", "text": "How come no reporter has ever asked Trump about the 200+ sexual assault accusations against him? He’s counting on you not to...same with the obvious daily drug abuse. @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 11158, "original_id": "1250950367346601984", "reply_id": "1250977281616556033", "label": "ok", "text": "Pls don’t follow me if you aren’t going to interact with any of my post lol! Y’all some creeps"} {"idx": 11162, "original_id": "1250771216329138176", "reply_id": "1250979677520494592", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree with @funder and Me...\n#CoronavirusLiar \n\n🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️"} {"idx": 11163, "original_id": "1250999274097094656", "reply_id": "1251002990644703233", "label": "ok", "text": "Lucki is better than carti."} {"idx": 11165, "original_id": "1251171608359841798", "reply_id": "1251195974401343490", "label": "shocked", "text": "It's snowing hard as hell outside. 80° a week and a half ago to 3 inches of snow. WTH"} {"idx": 11167, "original_id": "1250977323102412801", "reply_id": "1250988961083928576", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Why are people so fake? 🤫"} {"idx": 11169, "original_id": "1251041635468636161", "reply_id": "1251041851987030018", "label": "awww", "text": "i care about u."} {"idx": 11170, "original_id": "1250952429685952514", "reply_id": "1251001768370229252", "label": "smh", "text": "sometimes you gotta take a nigga girlfriend show him how to treat her."} {"idx": 11172, "original_id": "1251191913757257729", "reply_id": "1251197279639396353", "label": "scared", "text": "I tried to show my seniors that John Krasinski was DJing a prom on Instagram & they told me they don’t even know who that old guy is, so NO."} {"idx": 11173, "original_id": "1251117415292907521", "reply_id": "1251239691384430593", "label": "agree", "text": "@TCBElvis77 let's get the street hockey out but ever stay 6 feet apart!!lil"} {"idx": 11175, "original_id": "1251250392429666309", "reply_id": "1251250778184056832", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "My 7yo daughter just came up with an amazing joke.\n\nQ: What kind of crisps do dragons like?\n\nA: Salt and villager."} {"idx": 11177, "original_id": "1251025054156025858", "reply_id": "1251026071102918657", "label": "hug", "text": "C\nU\nD\nD\nL\nE\n\nM\nE\n\nR\nN\n\nT\nH\nI\nS\n\nI\nS\n\nA\n\nT\nH\nR\nE\nA\nT"} {"idx": 11178, "original_id": "1251256565660860416", "reply_id": "1251257575225647106", "label": "no", "text": "Do you guys think I am a bitch? Serious replies only."} {"idx": 11180, "original_id": "1250893716715429888", "reply_id": "1251179293432000514", "label": "shocked", "text": "If We naked in bed & I scoot back...Sirrr nail me to the cross🥴🤣🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 11182, "original_id": "1251257225089355777", "reply_id": "1251266916490018817", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m so damn single. I hate it"} {"idx": 11185, "original_id": "1250850900396118022", "reply_id": "1250855657592455171", "label": "no", "text": "I’m warming up to these yeezy slides"} {"idx": 11186, "original_id": "1250857490855669763", "reply_id": "1250871744585437185", "label": "applause", "text": "I get it, you are fine and have good posture...... But do you have sense?"} {"idx": 11187, "original_id": "1250891692112306180", "reply_id": "1250891939697889280", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I want a 2K fan base! Trying to build up my community. Please follow my twitch in bio and hit that noti 🛎"} {"idx": 11189, "original_id": "1251256500573569024", "reply_id": "1251259268004827138", "label": "no", "text": "Too early to drink? It’s after 5 🤷🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 11190, "original_id": "1251263840731439104", "reply_id": "1251264247989968898", "label": "yes", "text": "#followfriday If you like memes \n👉🏻 @jay_geils 👈🏻 is the account for you"} {"idx": 11192, "original_id": "1250970628254990341", "reply_id": "1250979450910650368", "label": "hug", "text": "“ Since we were all talkin’ ‘bout kids....\n\nLet me show ‘ya mine!!! “\n\nShows off @LucillePiper00, @Sheis_CherryB and holds up the triplets he had with Alastor.\n\n “ Motha’ of five right here babes~ “"} {"idx": 11194, "original_id": "1250553210877730817", "reply_id": "1250838351566925824", "label": "shrug", "text": "Trump falsely claims, again, that he has the right to override governors' decisions on social restrictions. He says, baselessly, \"We have the right to do whatever we want.\""} {"idx": 11197, "original_id": "1251043845074300928", "reply_id": "1251048102338805760", "label": "applause", "text": "Y’all rlly calling ppl broke cuz they don’t wanna join y’all lil blessing circle 💀💀"} {"idx": 11198, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251214624931942400", "label": "no", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 11200, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250936530371260422", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 11202, "original_id": "1251204591284375557", "reply_id": "1251205343343976449", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’ve never had an issue with trading Jamal Adams. #JetsTwitter once again falling for the “he’s a star” BS. He plays arguably the 9th-10th most important position on the team. A pro bowl safety is a luxury but his presence ain’t winnin no chips here #Jets"} {"idx": 11205, "original_id": "1251105178389868544", "reply_id": "1251121554659803138", "label": "no", "text": "Genuine Question: Can a woman ever have too many red lipsticks? 🤔"} {"idx": 11209, "original_id": "1251205221612523522", "reply_id": "1251206586103554048", "label": "wink", "text": "I hope you're staying happy, healthy, & safe <3"} {"idx": 11210, "original_id": "1250931743701549058", "reply_id": "1250934700043988992", "label": "scared", "text": "Announcement incoming...."} {"idx": 11211, "original_id": "1250989426240618496", "reply_id": "1251011843172306946", "label": "awww", "text": "My boyfriend deadass got on his knees and looked me in my eyes and said “I only want you, only you” and I never felt so much reassurance in my life..."} {"idx": 11214, "original_id": "1250335077067657217", "reply_id": "1250833323837976581", "label": "yes", "text": "Instead of a sword, if Ravindra Jadeja were swinging around a rainbow-colored dildo while wearing a saree and jhumke, and gender-identifying as a pile of dog-shit or something, liberals would be applauding him #rajputboy"} {"idx": 11217, "original_id": "1250908794537771012", "reply_id": "1250909765791895552", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump, on script, begins by saying they have undertaken the country's greatest mobilization \"since World War II.\" He says they have unleashed the \"most potent weapon of all\": Americans' courage. He tells people who've lost loved ones that their pain is our pain."} {"idx": 11218, "original_id": "1250951319009087489", "reply_id": "1251165967666872320", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Just submitted my comedy pilot to @ScriptPipeline! Fingers crossed it makes 'em laugh!"} {"idx": 11219, "original_id": "1251253868744388610", "reply_id": "1251261983720124429", "label": "seriously", "text": "Freedom versus Slavery!\n\nWhich one do you choose?\n\nUse hashtag #ReturnOurFreedoms"} {"idx": 11220, "original_id": "1250893315911888900", "reply_id": "1250907561173409792", "label": "shocked", "text": "I swear I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to if I didn’t have God haha"} {"idx": 11222, "original_id": "1250942302631145473", "reply_id": "1250953455503540230", "label": "wink", "text": "Hey all you people getting stinky from staying home and skipping showers \n\nKeep it up 😘"} {"idx": 11225, "original_id": "1250985805037752320", "reply_id": "1251101185873862656", "label": "popcorn", "text": "who's willing to listen to me wax poetic about Hane/Kiryu"} {"idx": 11226, "original_id": "1251196998507794432", "reply_id": "1251197626298613769", "label": "yes", "text": "I'll be live in 50 minutes, I'm thinking we're doing a Triple Threat Challenge today!"} {"idx": 11227, "original_id": "1250976316360450048", "reply_id": "1250978422987214849", "label": "dance", "text": "I may have poured myself more wine than I should have...\n#lightweight"} {"idx": 11228, "original_id": "1250833130522644484", "reply_id": "1250853958827929605", "label": "high_five", "text": "My dad once grounded me for a whole summer in high school because I got home 15 minutes past curfew. I remembered that fondly today as I reported him for breaking quarantine."} {"idx": 11229, "original_id": "1250938083031363586", "reply_id": "1250945534241669127", "label": "seriously", "text": "is Ozark worth watching ?"} {"idx": 11230, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251055708612616192", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 11232, "original_id": "1250933668958388224", "reply_id": "1250935796481359873", "label": "dance", "text": "Where's the non-Trump side of Twitter? You know, cute animals, terrible jokes, pretty photos, sauciness, babies laughing?"} {"idx": 11234, "original_id": "1251028012243521542", "reply_id": "1251028324706631680", "label": "high_five", "text": "Zim women are lost. Look @ their female influencers\n\nJojo Tank - hid her HIV status to her ex husband\nYellowbone - rose to prominence with a sextape\nVulgar Queen - hosted a divorce party\nDJ (d🍆ck jockey) - multiple baby daddies\nCrying Cougar - always crying about young men"} {"idx": 11235, "original_id": "1250836132297756672", "reply_id": "1250853975198502913", "label": "smh", "text": "Should I continue trying?"} {"idx": 11241, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251224697552826368", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 11243, "original_id": "1251159175981232130", "reply_id": "1251161732141035525", "label": "hug", "text": "give me some hug, moots?"} {"idx": 11246, "original_id": "1250446418487189504", "reply_id": "1250859353600557058", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My neighbour’s got a visitor, who appears to be helping her prepare for a party 🙄"} {"idx": 11252, "original_id": "1251234820958666754", "reply_id": "1251236195708932097", "label": "good_luck", "text": "fuck, how often can I write \"fuck\" before I get banned here?"} {"idx": 11253, "original_id": "1250075425847549953", "reply_id": "1251251931156287494", "label": "good_luck", "text": "The alarm of realising that your word limit includes endnotes, followed by the joy of realising your word count has been including these the whole time 🥳 #amwriting #history #scottishhistory #queenship #Brucequeens 👑 🖊"} {"idx": 11257, "original_id": "1250870767035785218", "reply_id": "1250885906380308480", "label": "wink", "text": "My thirsty Thursday \n@letstrytomorrow \n@simplicity8102 \n@silentclamoring \n@Amber_is_NRG \n@BBKittyF2 \n@TheWifeYouLove \n@medbir1sh79 \n@fortecannonmind\n@Cicatrix13 \n@LillybeckR \n@Lil_MythGReY \n@incharmuese \n@Sublimegirl3 \n@boozemunkee \n@CatsVsHumanity"} {"idx": 11263, "original_id": "1250955498968379392", "reply_id": "1250955646721122305", "label": "eww", "text": "Daniel Tither from the New Conservative Party just called me and wants to speak with me (I’m waiting for him to call me back) and WHAAAAAT is going on here?!"} {"idx": 11267, "original_id": "1250862972173312000", "reply_id": "1250863721909325824", "label": "idk", "text": "BJ keeps saying we tried to fight him but I don’t recall"} {"idx": 11268, "original_id": "1250896687842852868", "reply_id": "1250936063071334400", "label": "agree", "text": "Horny has its own day.\n\nEVERY FUCKING DAY.\n\nIt's been that way since I was.... waiiiiit I ain't tellin you how *old I was...\n\n*young\n\nNational Horny LIFETIME BABY!"} {"idx": 11269, "original_id": "1250930056647540738", "reply_id": "1251113974336192512", "label": "applause", "text": "New radio ratings are out, via Nielsen.\n\nSports aren't even going on, yet @KFAN1003 still put up huge numbers:\n\n- #1 sports station in the entire country\n\n- Up 23% vs. last year over same period\n\n- 0.3 points from highest March ratings ever\n\n- 12x audience of other sports station"} {"idx": 11270, "original_id": "1251157471093092352", "reply_id": "1251176518300119042", "label": "awww", "text": "@DormStreams today has started out to be a good day. I have been honoured by @momma_dorm with a follow! You are both cool and the best!"} {"idx": 11271, "original_id": "1250909065976459268", "reply_id": "1250909391483740163", "label": "facepalm", "text": "yous no i never been to wawas before"} {"idx": 11272, "original_id": "1251263451248291840", "reply_id": "1251272237480644610", "label": "agree", "text": "What if I dropped an album on 4/20"} {"idx": 11276, "original_id": "1250915699243077632", "reply_id": "1250921905038790657", "label": "applause", "text": "Disgusted by the amount of blatant disrespect and ignorance aimed at Native Americans having faith in Jesus Christ. I may not believe as you do, but make no mistake, I am here and I have a voice and my Tuscarora children deserve better than to grow up among such ignorance."} {"idx": 11279, "original_id": "1250919446719295488", "reply_id": "1250919661819977728", "label": "sigh", "text": "u know when u spoil something"} {"idx": 11280, "original_id": "1250892966345965568", "reply_id": "1250898904251535363", "label": "ok", "text": "My lawyer is making me write this. I am not a licensed doctor, lawyer, financial advisor, accountant, or therapist. Don’t listen to me! ❤️😘"} {"idx": 11282, "original_id": "1250958936036933632", "reply_id": "1250962345766969345", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Mike Hosking: \"Why are we using up all these tests if they keep coming back negative?\""} {"idx": 11284, "original_id": "1250740505094377479", "reply_id": "1250934926435848192", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kindred, and will put my words into the mouth of the prophet; the prophet shall tell them all that I command.\n\nDeuteronomy 18:18"} {"idx": 11292, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250927242529644544", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 11294, "original_id": "1250885362521722880", "reply_id": "1250886833787068419", "label": "applause", "text": "FLASH: 74 suspected cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Ebonyi state have all tested negative.\n\nThis is good news."} {"idx": 11296, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250952362002272256", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 11298, "original_id": "1251006736426663936", "reply_id": "1251053386587242496", "label": "sigh", "text": "“We’ve got to remember, this is Covid-19! Presumably there’s been 18 other coronaviruses, on the way to get to 19!”\n- Michelle Boag, a moment ago, confirming that the RNZ Panel policy of only having on informed people is very much over."} {"idx": 11300, "original_id": "1250819705012715524", "reply_id": "1250840427118374914", "label": "agree", "text": "i’ll be leaving this quarantine with a lot of DIYs.... will be spending less money on self care after this shit because i’m learning to do it on myself"} {"idx": 11301, "original_id": "1250967307461054464", "reply_id": "1250967457881260032", "label": "scared", "text": "Reply with the gif that best describes how you felt at the start of OT in Game 6 of the 2010 Stanley Cup Final. \n\n#HawksRewind"} {"idx": 11302, "original_id": "1251206667305472000", "reply_id": "1251222195453509633", "label": "agree", "text": "Abbott can try and spin this shit whatever way he wants.....they opening Texas back up cause rich folks not making any money"} {"idx": 11303, "original_id": "1250935346612879360", "reply_id": "1251124904017252353", "label": "agree", "text": "Had some shower sex. \n\nThis has been an important announcement. Thank you for your time."} {"idx": 11304, "original_id": "1250851159973249027", "reply_id": "1250851920174034944", "label": "no", "text": "I might be a bit sensitive about my personal life #INFJ"} {"idx": 11305, "original_id": "1251197765998215173", "reply_id": "1251205598068256768", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Work on confidence and believing in yourself it’s the most important thing to accomplish dreams"} {"idx": 11311, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251270846779277314", "label": "applause", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 11312, "original_id": "1250560902950240258", "reply_id": "1250844786107572225", "label": "dance", "text": "I’ve always wanted to be your most favorite singer in the world, and now that I have your complete attention I’ll croon and your emotions will bleed out, and you’ll find resolve and you’ll thrive... and I’ll thrive... and we’ll do it all over again until we’re frail with age."} {"idx": 11313, "original_id": "1251204231786364928", "reply_id": "1251229204575858689", "label": "no", "text": "I'm a pleaser. \n\nIf my women decided that me drink her piss with my dinner was a turn on, I'd ask her to drink more water, let me mix it was Crown and Im all over it. \n\nShe want's I give. I'm always down to make her happy and I go the extra mile."} {"idx": 11314, "original_id": "1251195605474586625", "reply_id": "1251266668828848128", "label": "applause", "text": "LIBERATE AMERICA! Whoever is in charge of the Fedral goverment is doing a TERRIBLE job!!!"} {"idx": 11315, "original_id": "1251147365559357444", "reply_id": "1251170430703923201", "label": "seriously", "text": "Okay wait. @GovWhitmer said that abortion is “life sustaining.” I don’t think any comment has made me want to laugh and cry at the same time as much as that one. Does she even hear herself?? I wasn’t even THAT dumb when I worked at Planned Parenthood."} {"idx": 11317, "original_id": "1250953361131798528", "reply_id": "1251213812340068356", "label": "smh", "text": "i thought i had another bottle of wine but i’m out .. not a good night /:"} {"idx": 11318, "original_id": "1251250251119202304", "reply_id": "1251251088092782598", "label": "hug", "text": "Cramps are killing me☹️"} {"idx": 11322, "original_id": "1250916053179383808", "reply_id": "1250919551744663553", "label": "no", "text": "Talk me out of a Joan Jett haircut"} {"idx": 11323, "original_id": "1250844141539360768", "reply_id": "1250920543668236293", "label": "yes", "text": "Speaking of cupcakes, what’s your go-to flavor? Anyone else into maple cupcakes?? ‘Cuz I’d fucking destroy a maple cupcake right now."} {"idx": 11324, "original_id": "1251247417766350848", "reply_id": "1251248409643642883", "label": "agree", "text": "Why in the world is Gov. DeSantis prematurely opening up the beaches in Florida? He really is apathetic about human life."} {"idx": 11330, "original_id": "1250830426253463555", "reply_id": "1250833519057788929", "label": "hug", "text": "someone give hug"} {"idx": 11331, "original_id": "1251062982190260226", "reply_id": "1251076678199267328", "label": "agree", "text": "Forget mistakes. Forget failure. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it. Today you can do great things!"} {"idx": 11332, "original_id": "1250805211079282688", "reply_id": "1250840625487855617", "label": "no", "text": "Describe 2020 in one word."} {"idx": 11333, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1250871596782358528", "label": "good_luck", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 11336, "original_id": "1251194488824963081", "reply_id": "1251200320199430150", "label": "agree", "text": "The people saying “Trump doesn’t know about medicine” consider a 16-year-old Swedish girl to be a climate expert. \n\nLet that sink in."} {"idx": 11339, "original_id": "1250890976429776898", "reply_id": "1250945727561445379", "label": "thank_you", "text": ".@realDonaldTrump has done more for black Americans than any other President in modern history.\n\nWould a “racist” do that?"} {"idx": 11343, "original_id": "1250669357715226624", "reply_id": "1250872420782747650", "label": "yes", "text": "This is the year I do a comic....."} {"idx": 11344, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1251149024817635329", "label": "sigh", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 11345, "original_id": "1251137388958699520", "reply_id": "1251138332232486914", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Fine. Story tiiiiiiiime 🤗"} {"idx": 11346, "original_id": "1251010570125553665", "reply_id": "1251156044065042434", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Did a TikTok with my boys and thought somebody was behind me after watching the video! It was my behind shaking in the back🤦‍♀️Naw...I'm a need a home workout plan 😩😩"} {"idx": 11351, "original_id": "1250815830784454656", "reply_id": "1250873558009557005", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’ve been nibbling on cheddar cheese this entire day 😬"} {"idx": 11354, "original_id": "1250803142234640384", "reply_id": "1250846736970629121", "label": "high_five", "text": "Working out to rock: basic\nWorking out to anime ops: epic"} {"idx": 11355, "original_id": "1251201648468398080", "reply_id": "1251204518521344000", "label": "awww", "text": "#WritersCommunity it's #FollowFriday so I would like to highlight some fellow writers I think are cool: @ASHnovelist @anentirebop @AustinPSheehan @Novelbees @laliaristo. If you want to be friendly-like & connect or drop a goodreads link to your book below, cool. #WriterLift"} {"idx": 11356, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250948870198214657", "label": "oh_snap", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 11359, "original_id": "1250247511131947008", "reply_id": "1250844277292380163", "label": "smh", "text": "That Katerino chick is trash and you know where trash belongs?.... TO THE STREETS!!!! 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 11364, "original_id": "1250903357927161861", "reply_id": "1250904812046045185", "label": "high_five", "text": "the #altfam is unmatched ✋"} {"idx": 11365, "original_id": "1250848794427772928", "reply_id": "1250849926218747909", "label": "applause", "text": "Not to shame those of you who are feelin unproductive - but I just changed from dirty leggings to clean leggings to do my at-home yoga class. So yeah, basically killing it today."} {"idx": 11366, "original_id": "1250884302637686784", "reply_id": "1250936148240842753", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Ig it's a good thing I procrastinated on getting my cap and gown huh"} {"idx": 11368, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250858215082000384", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 11369, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1251003756801667072", "label": "yes", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 11371, "original_id": "1251054877683462144", "reply_id": "1251055032893689856", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "sometimes it’s fun to confuse you all with my tweets"} {"idx": 11372, "original_id": "1251142848063442944", "reply_id": "1251143092553551872", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss you @whosalanalynne 😔😭"} {"idx": 11374, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1251189063442456576", "label": "no", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 11375, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251101645028552704", "label": "applause", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 11376, "original_id": "1250854502594342919", "reply_id": "1250893359805165568", "label": "wink", "text": "Shortening my tweets... hi"} {"idx": 11378, "original_id": "1250646789012799488", "reply_id": "1250928517501640706", "label": "applause", "text": "It's going to suck not to go to concerts or sports events for the next year. The only thing worse would be dying and never experiencing anything ever."} {"idx": 11380, "original_id": "1251087678440968192", "reply_id": "1251138323797532676", "label": "yolo", "text": "Reply to this with your favourite gif"} {"idx": 11385, "original_id": "1250990565212250113", "reply_id": "1250991927236976641", "label": "yes", "text": "Hmmmm should I smoke a J tonight"} {"idx": 11387, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250866498895114240", "label": "seriously", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 11389, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250864466352275458", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 11397, "original_id": "1250922975135780866", "reply_id": "1250947475281604610", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Shoutout to these people:\n@NoProPlayer\n\n@ClassicGamer144\n\n@AdMirabella33\n\n@Flbond\n\n@VanBiztheRapper\n \n@mrsjd444\n \n@vaporwaveup\n \n@bonita_harriet\n\n@OlBuddyCreates\n \n@yaybossladi3\n\n@goldnpersephone\n\n@CathieLaurah\n\n@JANDJ6969\n\n@mdealcarguy\n \n@Pippa666Tae\n\n@Boxenberger\n@TurdFurgesonn"} {"idx": 11398, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251162346082283525", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 11400, "original_id": "1250923068811358216", "reply_id": "1250931148923887616", "label": "popcorn", "text": "What are you going to be doing in 169 hours????"} {"idx": 11402, "original_id": "1251033231538831361", "reply_id": "1251105809867538432", "label": "applause", "text": "Which #OnePlus8 Colour has won you over?\nOnyx Black = ❤️\nGlacial Green = 🔁 \nInterstellar Glow = 💬 for its radiant charm"} {"idx": 11406, "original_id": "1250829197939007493", "reply_id": "1250844069707702273", "label": "applause", "text": "technically all music is house music now"} {"idx": 11407, "original_id": "1250890711135813635", "reply_id": "1250901177153327108", "label": "shocked", "text": "I failed as a mother ... my daughter doesnt know who Dr Dre is"} {"idx": 11408, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250947723924209664", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 11409, "original_id": "1251098690694942722", "reply_id": "1251098898258485248", "label": "applause", "text": "I have another question to ask all of you. It is very important to me and I hope you answer truthfully."} {"idx": 11410, "original_id": "1250521691844902919", "reply_id": "1250975769129447431", "label": "eye_roll", "text": ".@WHO is on the front lines of this pandemic, providing advice, training, and equipment crucial to saving lives—including Americans’.\n\nCutting their funding is not only dangerous—Trump doesn’t have the authority to do it. He should know: violating spending laws got him impeached."} {"idx": 11411, "original_id": "1251191716620705794", "reply_id": "1251220577957883905", "label": "shocked", "text": "Breaking: according to a source, the Patriots and Lions are close to a deal that will include the Patriots receiving the #3 overall pick in the 2020 NFL Draft."} {"idx": 11413, "original_id": "1251174486474321920", "reply_id": "1251250570142216192", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Some ~personal~ news: After S & I decided to postpone our wedding, we had a really honest conversation about our relationship. It was hard, but we mutually agreed to prioritize maintaining a steady consumption of double stuf Oreos over ever fitting into our wedding dresses again."} {"idx": 11416, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251180027489800193", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 11419, "original_id": "1251124440148180993", "reply_id": "1251233678602240003", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "49 years ago today we stood on the altar and said till death do us part, now we are holed up in our home trying to keep that from happening.\nA nice Anniversary present would be a follow, Thanks."} {"idx": 11422, "original_id": "1250850378545090562", "reply_id": "1250939596520685569", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m back on"} {"idx": 11423, "original_id": "1251239114491310080", "reply_id": "1251240891102007297", "label": "no", "text": "this all started when nicki minaj retired😪"} {"idx": 11424, "original_id": "1251267031929847808", "reply_id": "1251267584474984450", "label": "agree", "text": "Hello #writingcommunity! Follow these fine folks:\n\n@EerieRiver @RedCapePublish @BlackHarePress @RedCapeGD @pjbn_author @SHaughtonAuthor @zoeyxolton @MarkAnthonySm16 @eldritch_hollow @Aladdinsane79 @onelittleberry @LomPublishing @StoriesAlt @KevinHIpoet1967 @laximenin"} {"idx": 11429, "original_id": "1250838986320310272", "reply_id": "1250931435650928643", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Listen, folks:\n\n**It is NOT a coincidence that Republicans have started saying “A little bit of death is no biggie” IMMEDIATELY AFTER we had a week of stories about health disparities in black communities**\n\n[I hope this tweet is read by more than twenty ppl. Just this once, pls]"} {"idx": 11430, "original_id": "1251135577136795650", "reply_id": "1251231013696659457", "label": "ok", "text": "I bought an Air fryer cause that’s my business"} {"idx": 11431, "original_id": "1250872033908490242", "reply_id": "1250873390153564160", "label": "eww", "text": "Scheer: proposal is to have 4 accountability sessions a week. To have representation for every party: 11 for CPC, 14 for LPC etc."} {"idx": 11433, "original_id": "1251203729463955456", "reply_id": "1251229431894470656", "label": "seriously", "text": "#HowToRuinARelationship\n\nEat the last of the salsa."} {"idx": 11434, "original_id": "1251209998383943687", "reply_id": "1251211009202638848", "label": "agree", "text": "@NianticHelp @NianticLabs - credit where credit is due!\n\nI’ve had a lovely day playing the Liverpool event locally and I’ve fallen in love with the new battling/gym graphics, it’s a slight change but fresh and fabulous 🤣 ps. Love the evolution graphic change too! Keep it up!👌🏻"} {"idx": 11436, "original_id": "1250782746131169282", "reply_id": "1250858093853974528", "label": "shocked", "text": "OK, I'm now slightly concerned at the number of people who really do think I am Keir Starmer..."} {"idx": 11438, "original_id": "1251141815723491328", "reply_id": "1251142845009805312", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m so annoyed by my existence today. 🙄"} {"idx": 11439, "original_id": "1251151860406206474", "reply_id": "1251208965716873217", "label": "hug", "text": "Due to #quarantine I haven't seen my boyfriend for almost 8 weeks now. We've been together over 5 years and never spent that much time apart... It's starting to weigh down on me 😔"} {"idx": 11442, "original_id": "1250954266321334272", "reply_id": "1250964000193613826", "label": "awww", "text": "hi there. this will only take a moment. i just wanted to let you know.\n\ni love you"} {"idx": 11443, "original_id": "1250846619274293248", "reply_id": "1251062084902715392", "label": "oops", "text": "Why can't people use their words instead of replying with gifs, and what turns a person into someone who replies with gifs so I can not do it?"} {"idx": 11447, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250959449470222336", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 11448, "original_id": "1251212925668294657", "reply_id": "1251220247878787073", "label": "applause", "text": "Rough week for America’s TV doctors! \n\n#DrOz says he \"misspoke\" after controversial Fox News interview about opening schools back up.\n\nNow #DrPhil slammed for comparing #coronavirus deaths to car accidents!\n\nWith all due respect, #DrFauci is the ONLY doc I need to hear from now!"} {"idx": 11449, "original_id": "1251080376648228864", "reply_id": "1251113839728431105", "label": "shocked", "text": "i was today years old when i learned pearl jam is a euphemism for semen"} {"idx": 11450, "original_id": "1251250919338946561", "reply_id": "1251262136178716672", "label": "agree", "text": "Letting truckers know they’re good to merge by flashing my brights and them putting on their hazards to say thanks is my favorite thing in the world"} {"idx": 11451, "original_id": "1251074966658965504", "reply_id": "1251141958170316802", "label": "no", "text": "Ok\nOwn up?\nWho voted for Starmer and Rayner?"} {"idx": 11453, "original_id": "1250924664810991617", "reply_id": "1250926278309564424", "label": "smh", "text": "#trump says he is angry because 'people should have told us about this\" (#CoronaVirus) (They did, but he ignored them)"} {"idx": 11455, "original_id": "1251142263335464963", "reply_id": "1251237853591474176", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Friends, I regret to inform you that I have run out of coffee"} {"idx": 11458, "original_id": "1251201404066246658", "reply_id": "1251202972006170624", "label": "no", "text": "@RellyTwoTimes can you make some Alfredo & garlic bread🙂"} {"idx": 11461, "original_id": "1251108481677099008", "reply_id": "1251192419665788929", "label": "oops", "text": "Can you honestly say that you are enjoying your stay on planet earth?"} {"idx": 11464, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250990502939226112", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 11466, "original_id": "1250853936413716481", "reply_id": "1250854293785239553", "label": "shocked", "text": "Turns out playing fortnite on keyboard and mouse for 3 years does NOT teach you piano..."} {"idx": 11467, "original_id": "1250928169105985536", "reply_id": "1250929061574164481", "label": "applause", "text": "JUST HIT ELITE 2. FIRST TO DO IT ON XBOX THANKS FOR THE ENDLESS SUPPORT 😭😭🥳"} {"idx": 11473, "original_id": "1250871451298738178", "reply_id": "1250877886959157250", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Want to know what’s worse than Covid-19 stay at home orders? Everyone crying about the stay at home orders #growuppeople #yourcryingdoesnothelp"} {"idx": 11474, "original_id": "1251091477104668673", "reply_id": "1251098954248396802", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I am so desperate for a puppy! 😭🥰"} {"idx": 11476, "original_id": "1251206612175355904", "reply_id": "1251273081378631681", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "#FlutterFriday\nis\nhere.\n\n👉You can specify whether your Flutter project uses Swift, Objective C, Kotlin, or Java by specifying:\n\n\"--ios-language objc\" or \"--android-language java\" when you type \"flutter create\". \n\n💡By default new projects use Kotlin and Swift."} {"idx": 11484, "original_id": "1251226759929851904", "reply_id": "1251237606232375297", "label": "win", "text": "True power, is when a fart clears a room.."} {"idx": 11485, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251165684756811776", "label": "shocked", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 11486, "original_id": "1250915018733912064", "reply_id": "1250931349843636224", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "According to NBC News, President Trump invited ALL BUT ONE Republican Senator to be on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group... Guess who? Mitt Romney. 🤣"} {"idx": 11487, "original_id": "1250927295528927233", "reply_id": "1250959904027918337", "label": "please", "text": "Trump appeared unwell. Left early."} {"idx": 11488, "original_id": "1251266191139770370", "reply_id": "1251266911217897474", "label": "seriously", "text": "Breaking bad any good?"} {"idx": 11491, "original_id": "1250808739038445574", "reply_id": "1251121450821586945", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Hope that no Celtic fans phone Clyde SSB today. Please leave the phonelines clear for angry bears. Guinness at the Ready.HH🍀🍺 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🤣"} {"idx": 11498, "original_id": "1251141482779742214", "reply_id": "1251151019360129032", "label": "awww", "text": "Look I don't care if I'm supposed to tag my 5th @ to take me out for shawarma or my 3rd @ to have that special date or my 7th @ to travel the world with, I'm always gonna pick @cold0shoulder even if he isn't the 5th or 3rd or whatever!"} {"idx": 11502, "original_id": "1250585968664600582", "reply_id": "1250988554492280838", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "In the Biden family, we have a code: My mom used to always tell me, “Joey, no one is better than you. Everyone is your equal, and everyone is equal to you.” I’m working on building one for our campaign, too."} {"idx": 11504, "original_id": "1250928717498646528", "reply_id": "1250967372829265920", "label": "agree", "text": "It makes me irrationally angry when Pence or anyone up there says shit like \"I know I speak for every American when I say thank you, Mr. President, for your hard work\"."} {"idx": 11505, "original_id": "1251000672658620416", "reply_id": "1251000943400964097", "label": "shrug", "text": "The Trump administration will go down in history as the most costly to human lives only second to the Third Reich."} {"idx": 11508, "original_id": "1250890387742429185", "reply_id": "1250891692196139008", "label": "wink", "text": "Since I’m not in Ora no more @itsSaucyE what’s up🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 11511, "original_id": "1250789729018302465", "reply_id": "1250864613706682378", "label": "no", "text": "‘decent women deny head all the time’"} {"idx": 11513, "original_id": "1250949967377600512", "reply_id": "1250952379425415168", "label": "hug", "text": "CAN I GET A HUG PLS"} {"idx": 11514, "original_id": "1251175282037440513", "reply_id": "1251270295656243203", "label": "agree", "text": "Tiddies."} {"idx": 11518, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251222932342235136", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 11519, "original_id": "1250780361325510656", "reply_id": "1250862040736043015", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Good morning! Hoping you're well. Just wanted to say hi!"} {"idx": 11523, "original_id": "1250854698187440133", "reply_id": "1250874153181351937", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Sorry guys but no stream again tonight. I didn't sleep that well again last night and I'm just exhausted. I'm gonna take another early night and hopefully get better sleep tonight. I will 2000% be back tomorrow. See you guys then🧪💙"} {"idx": 11524, "original_id": "1250918143276482561", "reply_id": "1250919181425553416", "label": "agree", "text": "all of dababys music sounds like the same song"} {"idx": 11525, "original_id": "1250911892593393671", "reply_id": "1250912744397824002", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’m still gonna vote for him and I’m glad he put a woman on the ticket but I can’t say that I agree with Joe Biden picking Casey Anthony as a running mate"} {"idx": 11527, "original_id": "1251216165596209156", "reply_id": "1251233769299808256", "label": "awww", "text": "When I decide to get sexy... act like you acting today please"} {"idx": 11529, "original_id": "1250864967039037440", "reply_id": "1250888847631802376", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Happy happy, joy joy,\nI'm your kinky sex toy.\nBite me, lick me, scratch my back,\nGive my ass a little smack."} {"idx": 11530, "original_id": "1251207816309809152", "reply_id": "1251210211697864705", "label": "smh", "text": "I can open wine now right? 🤔"} {"idx": 11531, "original_id": "1251267783461007360", "reply_id": "1251275216136933387", "label": "agree", "text": "I just want to point out that my most popular tweet this week has been about me starting a cult. You guys are weirdos and I love it. 💜"} {"idx": 11532, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250930699630080000", "label": "omg", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 11534, "original_id": "1250925908267057152", "reply_id": "1251141662006370311", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve been so depressed lately idk why"} {"idx": 11535, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251168220691783688", "label": "yawn", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 11536, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864683688423424", "label": "agree", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 11540, "original_id": "1250881963453550592", "reply_id": "1250990712369414144", "label": "applause", "text": "Just got some good news. The ESA Space Shop liked the pictures I took this morning during my one person photo session. Hopefully coming to a screen near you soon 😉"} {"idx": 11545, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251094769587142658", "label": "agree", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 11546, "original_id": "1251174710320271361", "reply_id": "1251250480317190147", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I wanna buy more beanies with cuffs, but I feel like I look like an uncircumcised penis when I wear one."} {"idx": 11547, "original_id": "1250979660965560320", "reply_id": "1250987191959945216", "label": "no", "text": "Whelp, there goes that whole \"no pregnant people taking covid patients\" as dictated by the head MD of something or other. \n\nAnd since no one can guarantee I have any type of immunity, I might as well restart the whole self-isolation countdown from tonight."} {"idx": 11548, "original_id": "1251103406405685248", "reply_id": "1251138354562949122", "label": "eww", "text": "Do you believe in love?"} {"idx": 11549, "original_id": "1250905701196718080", "reply_id": "1250922861176512513", "label": "eww", "text": "men who wash their hands turn me off. female trait."} {"idx": 11550, "original_id": "1251113156828635137", "reply_id": "1251156047173042177", "label": "shocked", "text": "Y’all got mask on cause Covid in the air or cause love is in the air?"} {"idx": 11552, "original_id": "1250950740610334725", "reply_id": "1250995620019466240", "label": "omg", "text": "Patient had 3 nasal swabs that were all covid negative. We ran the test from the sputum off their ETT and came back positive."} {"idx": 11553, "original_id": "1251183137796882433", "reply_id": "1251263366951137280", "label": "no", "text": "INBOX: FOX News Sunday to Interview Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi"} {"idx": 11554, "original_id": "1251259021807452160", "reply_id": "1251259788060774401", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I think I will,,,, make myself mad on purpose"} {"idx": 11558, "original_id": "1250835684765687808", "reply_id": "1250836964888023041", "label": "yes", "text": "Parts for range, arrived. Installed & ITS working!!!. So relieved. Saved myself a few hundred 😘"} {"idx": 11562, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250896794734788609", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 11564, "original_id": "1250840978010845186", "reply_id": "1250853125595987968", "label": "hug", "text": "yes i post tweets, get insecure, then delete them five minutes later....mind ur business"} {"idx": 11565, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1251180142539337729", "label": "dance", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 11566, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1251115666108801025", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 11567, "original_id": "1251189420054786049", "reply_id": "1251196102638030849", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Wow G-Day would’ve been tomorrow.."} {"idx": 11569, "original_id": "1250855889017270278", "reply_id": "1250956653714964480", "label": "awww", "text": "thomas always compliments me in his sleep/when he’s just woken up . today’s was “you look & smell amazing” but before lockdown, as i was leaving the house, he put his hand over my heart with his eyes still closed & said “protect”. will keep you up to date on more developments"} {"idx": 11570, "original_id": "1250891032708825088", "reply_id": "1250892671306137601", "label": "want", "text": "it's ok to weep randomly and not know why, honestly"} {"idx": 11571, "original_id": "1250856684127477762", "reply_id": "1250857404629225472", "label": "agree", "text": "'You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a life you are excited about. Don't let others make you forget that.'"} {"idx": 11572, "original_id": "1250832835738570752", "reply_id": "1250833100025679872", "label": "applause", "text": "Reporting w/ @Draftexpress: Jalen Green is making the leap to a reshaped NBA professional pathway program, a G-League initiative that’ll pay elite prospects $500K-plus and provide a one-year development program outside of minor-league’s traditional team structure. Story soon."} {"idx": 11573, "original_id": "1250850598695645184", "reply_id": "1250870068201902081", "label": "seriously", "text": "I am about to pitch to @ChooseYourself2 team, to consider starting spaces for boys to unpack on healthy masculinity and how to be great allies\n\nDo my followers think it's relevant before I dare to sit with Mumbe and Bonitah and Lydia on this ( they are mean to my ideas sometimes)"} {"idx": 11574, "original_id": "1250911108409495552", "reply_id": "1250970003869962240", "label": "seriously", "text": "I saw a coworker that now travels and she gave me a big hug. While hugs from my boyfriend are great, I realized how much I miss my friends and family and their hugs."} {"idx": 11575, "original_id": "1251208875228921868", "reply_id": "1251241619543785473", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Son I deadass killed the 1.5L bottle of wine last night, who the fuck do I think I am"} {"idx": 11576, "original_id": "1250872035292729346", "reply_id": "1250873524140597248", "label": "hug", "text": "apparently it's normal when i'm crying on the couch and no one feels the need to even say a word"} {"idx": 11578, "original_id": "1250913788431421441", "reply_id": "1250915410247114752", "label": "agree", "text": "Imagine if trump was to actually read and write a speech to our nation by himself ?\nIt could not happen because he cannot utter a sentence without bragging about himself, also he cannot spell, write or speak above grade level. He's completely unfit in every way possible A\nFRAUD"} {"idx": 11579, "original_id": "1250909028764377088", "reply_id": "1250937117011820544", "label": "agree", "text": "Today is better than yesterday"} {"idx": 11580, "original_id": "1251267831318155264", "reply_id": "1251268332248092678", "label": "agree", "text": "SORRY. Seemed to have caused a bit of a storm here. So, cos I aint got time to respond individually to ANY of you that think The government is “coughing up enough” for the NHS ( that’s an actual quote😂) and that it’s well financed....l’ll say it VERY clearly again- FUCK OFF.😘"} {"idx": 11581, "original_id": "1251034281368903683", "reply_id": "1251097558383906817", "label": "sigh", "text": "1 in 7 Americans are now jobless. Let that sink in."} {"idx": 11586, "original_id": "1250833605233799168", "reply_id": "1250840004538105857", "label": "applause", "text": "will upload sex vids soon ;) mwah"} {"idx": 11587, "original_id": "1250722353861939201", "reply_id": "1250874791256559616", "label": "shrug", "text": "I’m fake sad and I want some dick."} {"idx": 11588, "original_id": "1250867348984287233", "reply_id": "1250874483642118146", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Trump fucked up the closing of the country, do you really think he can handle the reopening?"} {"idx": 11590, "original_id": "1251219211214602243", "reply_id": "1251219744008605700", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm having a bad day."} {"idx": 11591, "original_id": "1250603556866048000", "reply_id": "1250844899995508737", "label": "agree", "text": "Why don’t they just make corona virus illegal"} {"idx": 11592, "original_id": "1250537934517764096", "reply_id": "1250845310789791746", "label": "idk", "text": "Who is less intelligent?\ntrump or a trump supporter?"} {"idx": 11593, "original_id": "1251216045777584129", "reply_id": "1251264303111434242", "label": "applause", "text": "my heart has been racing i really didn't expect this much support on the merch im really surprised and happy\n\nmassive shoutout to @polarcubss for working so hard with me on these designs and dealing with me being so annoying lolll she's a great artist and a greater friend"} {"idx": 11594, "original_id": "1251029477041324034", "reply_id": "1251030635885576192", "label": "no", "text": "Am I really gonna risk breaking out even tho my skin has been super good lately just to try a new product?? Yes."} {"idx": 11597, "original_id": "1250872263458471936", "reply_id": "1250970929846501376", "label": "agree", "text": "Ghost Town has been my most well received series at this point in my YouTube career, 50K views and over 5K likes in 24 hours - nothing but positivity in the comments. Thank you all for that! EP2 drops tomorrow. #7DaysToDie #GhostTown"} {"idx": 11602, "original_id": "1251205357671788549", "reply_id": "1251209793492172802", "label": "omg", "text": "Bro. Finding a Mcdonald's fry under my desk and I'm like... I should REALLY vacuum.\n\nNow ordinarily that wouldn't be crazy... but I haven't had Mcdonalds since lock down!"} {"idx": 11604, "original_id": "1250845874617548808", "reply_id": "1250846423509327875", "label": "yes", "text": "do i stream today?"} {"idx": 11608, "original_id": "1250852029360209921", "reply_id": "1250877765047418882", "label": "applause", "text": "SoaR Kandi does have a ring to it...i would like to announce that i will be participating in the @SoaRGaming Apex Recruitment challenge... Welcome to the kandi shop baby this is now your average stream #mixer #shooter #apex"} {"idx": 11611, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250856240554655744", "label": "scared", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 11615, "original_id": "1251237671919214592", "reply_id": "1251239653547683841", "label": "eww", "text": "Wear whatever you want to work at home. But if you are feeling down and having trouble focusing on work, I have found some success in putting pants with a zipper on and \"dressing\" for work improving my mood and would recommend giving it a shot if you're struggling."} {"idx": 11621, "original_id": "1251202504307638276", "reply_id": "1251238434578014211", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "This quarantine really got me wanting a tattoo now 👀"} {"idx": 11625, "original_id": "1251151860406206474", "reply_id": "1251152331439108096", "label": "hug", "text": "Due to #quarantine I haven't seen my boyfriend for almost 8 weeks now. We've been together over 5 years and never spent that much time apart... It's starting to weigh down on me 😔"} {"idx": 11627, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251132495480971264", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 11630, "original_id": "1251175583771430912", "reply_id": "1251202189340614657", "label": "shrug", "text": "I might be a lesbian...you don't know"} {"idx": 11631, "original_id": "1251169679210668038", "reply_id": "1251176177647202304", "label": "facepalm", "text": "my biggest fear came to life yesterday during class when I shouted my popeyes order across the house with emphasis on mashed potatoes while my group and my professor sat and waited for me to finish bc i forgot to put myself on mute :)😋😊🙃🙃"} {"idx": 11632, "original_id": "1251267038703759360", "reply_id": "1251268416662646785", "label": "yes", "text": "new chapter of wfr on sunday!"} {"idx": 11635, "original_id": "1251185139285209088", "reply_id": "1251185336857899010", "label": "hug", "text": "I can’t tell you the last time I hugged someone... I wasn’t even a hugger before all this happened."} {"idx": 11636, "original_id": "1251168587403927554", "reply_id": "1251218584229105669", "label": "no", "text": "Thanks to everyone who followed the #StayHomeSaveLives guidance over last Bank Holiday weekend. We need to keep this up, including not travelling by car to get your daily exercise. The National Park and all it has to offer will be waiting to welcome you in safer times. Thank you."} {"idx": 11638, "original_id": "1251261221006909441", "reply_id": "1251261365043552259", "label": "dance", "text": "Just because tonight’s episode of #BlueBloods is a repeat — does not mean that we can’t “repeat” our Friday tradition of spreading 💙! See you tonight! 10/9c\n\nOnly @cbs @BlueBloods_CBS"} {"idx": 11639, "original_id": "1250895218829860866", "reply_id": "1250895933904089088", "label": "smh", "text": "#Trivia: A woman named Anna Coulter says she thanks God for the ‘a’ in her name."} {"idx": 11640, "original_id": "1250915291204370433", "reply_id": "1250915788208439298", "label": "applause", "text": "Love. Is. A baked. Sweet potato."} {"idx": 11641, "original_id": "1251104085710962688", "reply_id": "1251106899543691264", "label": "agree", "text": "After lockdown is lifted none of the girls can say no to plans and if they do they’ll have a slap x"} {"idx": 11643, "original_id": "1250906777857798144", "reply_id": "1251002866858254339", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Simple question for everyone: should Canada align our foreign policy more with the USA, or with China? \n\nThere is a big battle brewing, and the Liberals had better stop getting this wrong."} {"idx": 11644, "original_id": "1250849592196898817", "reply_id": "1250851558830587905", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "There’s been another statement"} {"idx": 11645, "original_id": "1250967105182158849", "reply_id": "1250968536157052928", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "wondering when the cdc will recommend #spousaldistancing? #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #socialdistancing"} {"idx": 11647, "original_id": "1250920865895788549", "reply_id": "1250928648745598977", "label": "shocked", "text": "Trump JUST defended the white supremacists protestors from Wednesday. Surprise, surprise. Disgusting, vile man. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 11651, "original_id": "1251062976012062720", "reply_id": "1251072792042311681", "label": "yes", "text": "Who wants an IG live drawing session today?"} {"idx": 11652, "original_id": "1250837913614667778", "reply_id": "1250841174052569088", "label": "hug", "text": "not to be dramatic but life is hella tough at the moment and I want to just sleep for a few months and hope I wake up feeling better :((("} {"idx": 11656, "original_id": "1251021157509275649", "reply_id": "1251036750958510080", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "What’s your favorite song so far on DaBaby’s album?"} {"idx": 11657, "original_id": "1250863460755206145", "reply_id": "1250867208642756610", "label": "yes", "text": "I'm going to be revealing my covers for Cletus and Jenn's Handcrafted Mysteries series this month (first on the @SmartyPantsRom @Patreon, and then via my newsletter).\n\nY'all. These might be my oddest covers yet. I LOVE THEM!!! but I'm scared..."} {"idx": 11658, "original_id": "1251145863285506049", "reply_id": "1251147816451207168", "label": "wink", "text": "BBC Scotland showing 5-1 game against the Huns tonight at 7pm. Not sure which one 🤣"} {"idx": 11659, "original_id": "1251196135827529731", "reply_id": "1251214617923080192", "label": "applause", "text": "Woke up well before noon today and got 0% of the recognition I thought I’d get..... what was the point???"} {"idx": 11661, "original_id": "1251166843043282944", "reply_id": "1251179719057424384", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’m in a company meeting, and we have just spent the past EIGHT minutes trying to teach the presenter how to minimize a screen so we can see what’s behind it. imagine the Spongebob episode with the lid where Patrick kept getting really close but then moving to the wrong area 😂"} {"idx": 11664, "original_id": "1251184335769628672", "reply_id": "1251223960705839104", "label": "no", "text": "Try losing hope.\n\nIt really helps."} {"idx": 11666, "original_id": "1251192121845047298", "reply_id": "1251193936544256002", "label": "yes", "text": "Im begging DONT PLAY TODAY WHEN THE UPDATE IS OUT, let them hit a new record 0 players, so they can see how bad this update is. 😤😤😤😤😤"} {"idx": 11667, "original_id": "1250779984316301313", "reply_id": "1250834452227424256", "label": "high_five", "text": "I did it. Over the past 2 days I drafted a new story and did a major revision of a second, plus made minor edits to a third and posted it in my critique group. #amwriting #kidlit"} {"idx": 11669, "original_id": "1243094730440753152", "reply_id": "1250873093414883328", "label": "omg", "text": "In England they’re called chimpanzeds. This is not a good tweet but you read it anyway. Ha ha, victory is mine!"} {"idx": 11671, "original_id": "1250982969562390529", "reply_id": "1250993567868174336", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Best OVERALL wrestler...EVER! (Sorry there are only 4 to pick from, I went with the ones that got the most replies from an earlier tweet. #wwe #prowrestling"} {"idx": 11672, "original_id": "1251068912197828608", "reply_id": "1251118097857159171", "label": "thank_you", "text": "To the single people that live alone I hope you know you’re not alone right now. I know it’s hard, but we will get through this, and someday soon... we will all be on a terrible Tinder date again. ❤️"} {"idx": 11675, "original_id": "1251005719563907072", "reply_id": "1251013252231897094", "label": "applause", "text": "Can you imagine how bad Ted talks would be if they were what women on Instagram think they are?"} {"idx": 11676, "original_id": "1251249262463037440", "reply_id": "1251253096442814464", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Be sure to tune in to @TVG tomorrow for lots of great Sat racing. Really good 12 race program @GulfstreamPark, 9 race card @TampaBayDownsFL where the late pick 5 payed nearly 80k on Fri, and 11 will be run @OaklawnRacing where they have 2 outstanding stakes races."} {"idx": 11678, "original_id": "1251106598258434049", "reply_id": "1251112494548090881", "label": "shocked", "text": "so for the first time ever i have just been sent an unsolicited clit pic rather than an unsolicited dick pic and my reaction is the same - wtf is wrong with people"} {"idx": 11679, "original_id": "1250963364227903488", "reply_id": "1251016106401083392", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "don’t tell haechan i said this but kinda miss that bad bitch 😔"} {"idx": 11680, "original_id": "1251103870278930438", "reply_id": "1251165591710298120", "label": "scared", "text": "I decided that it would be best for you all if I was mean today. What do you think?"} {"idx": 11684, "original_id": "1250829290796613634", "reply_id": "1250833377776799745", "label": "yawn", "text": "My rather depressing takeaway from that press briefing is that the Govt haven't got a clue when this #coronavirus crisis is going to end, but it certainly won't be any time soon."} {"idx": 11685, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251268735890976768", "label": "shrug", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 11693, "original_id": "1251181583064682500", "reply_id": "1251200403724742656", "label": "no", "text": "The final straw that's making me DNF this book?\n\nHero to the heroine: “Well whatever you do, make sure you use some of that time to shave your kitty cat. All that extra stubble down there made me feel like I was kissing a dude.”"} {"idx": 11695, "original_id": "1250902168271499273", "reply_id": "1250906353142554626", "label": "smh", "text": "I grew up on the crime side, on the New York time side.."} {"idx": 11696, "original_id": "1250460581666197510", "reply_id": "1250935388266352640", "label": "applause", "text": "There is a joke circulating in Germany:\n\n\"What borders on stupidity?\"\n\"Mexico and Canada!\""} {"idx": 11697, "original_id": "1250846923290017792", "reply_id": "1250951786166398977", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "BREAKING: U.S. Intel officials believe COVID-19 likely originated in a Tampa Bay laboratory but not as a bioweapon; instead Florida scientists were attempting to get the NHL season cancelled so the Lightning wouldn’t choke again in the playoffs.\n\nDetails developing."} {"idx": 11698, "original_id": "1250902260709830656", "reply_id": "1250943545260810242", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Imma be home soon then I’ll start up the stream"} {"idx": 11699, "original_id": "1250848096214548481", "reply_id": "1251166963885277187", "label": "applause", "text": "I officially beat COVID-19 💪🏾"} {"idx": 11700, "original_id": "1250877792998379520", "reply_id": "1250888088118845440", "label": "agree", "text": "Someone on Reddit called me - in a conversation in which I was not involved - “the Seth Skorkowsky of Delta Green”... which I am going to take as a compliment.\n@SSkorkowsky"} {"idx": 11701, "original_id": "1251141104876974080", "reply_id": "1251141640590200839", "label": "hug", "text": "Comforting yourself is the hardest, TRUST ME. 😭"} {"idx": 11702, "original_id": "1251002113683066881", "reply_id": "1251009703460691968", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I need a new account so I can be the shit talker I am in real life."} {"idx": 11705, "original_id": "1251016524325781504", "reply_id": "1251020600379834368", "label": "good_luck", "text": "#IWishMyPartnerWould\nfind me.\n\nyk, that genius lefthanded vegetarian Asian librarian who wears glasses. I know she's out there somewhere 😥"} {"idx": 11706, "original_id": "1250941787096649730", "reply_id": "1251099231923945472", "label": "seriously", "text": "Gonna open a barbershop or a restaurant after #Covid_19"} {"idx": 11707, "original_id": "1250998949802098688", "reply_id": "1250999661747490819", "label": "applause", "text": "Life has been a heck of a ride lately. \n\nBut hey. Time to get my ass and my life in shape (literally)."} {"idx": 11708, "original_id": "1251227146145738753", "reply_id": "1251239801480556546", "label": "yolo", "text": "Y’all be trying to throw the whole state away like we don’t live here😂😂"} {"idx": 11709, "original_id": "1251254224433876993", "reply_id": "1251256993160941568", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF #FeelGoodFriday #Writers @OdriSeva, @besterbothworld, @JudithBalafre, @authoradam, @GeorgeYuhasz, @FayThompsonAuth, @stlresist1, @OurBloggingLife, @Johnldeboer, @lilylawson22, @AwesomeRex_, @BellaRayne10, @melaniemolebook, @SusannaShore Happy Friday to my new followers :)!"} {"idx": 11713, "original_id": "1250991612609454080", "reply_id": "1250997689073823745", "label": "oops", "text": "Hope dids wasn’t in the passenger seat"} {"idx": 11718, "original_id": "1250905236941783040", "reply_id": "1250906738108313602", "label": "yes", "text": "Nigg*s legit tweeting \"what a time to be alive\" because a couple of albums dropping?"} {"idx": 11721, "original_id": "1251253517379043331", "reply_id": "1251254255417253889", "label": "hug", "text": "Tummy ache 😖"} {"idx": 11723, "original_id": "1250714365516447745", "reply_id": "1250886209313705984", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Vete con tus fake friends"} {"idx": 11724, "original_id": "1250931749976256513", "reply_id": "1250932073277329409", "label": "yolo", "text": "When I tell you the can of worms that was just opened\n\n@PapayaPanic good luck surviving this onslaught\n\n💕"} {"idx": 11725, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1251083563677757447", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 11730, "original_id": "1251202875398729728", "reply_id": "1251205068340281344", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I got MVP award at an internship I wasn’t even supposed to be in😭🙏🏽"} {"idx": 11734, "original_id": "1251104093961179138", "reply_id": "1251155097628758017", "label": "ok", "text": "I don’t trust not a soul 🤫"} {"idx": 11738, "original_id": "1250916905738801153", "reply_id": "1250969289873653761", "label": "hug", "text": "This time in the world isn't easy for everything. The people who may be smiling might also be suffering inside too."} {"idx": 11741, "original_id": "1250957582296133637", "reply_id": "1250979351052652547", "label": "applause", "text": "Just found out both of my daughters graduated Magna Cum Laude. They are already so much better than me in every way."} {"idx": 11743, "original_id": "1250915199978287111", "reply_id": "1250920676543934465", "label": "seriously", "text": "Zelly said I’m not allowed to leave social functions early when this is over :("} {"idx": 11747, "original_id": "1250857784331112448", "reply_id": "1250893476981542912", "label": "omg", "text": "“A person familiar with one of the conference calls said business leaders warned the president that expanded testing was needed before Americans could safely return to work, but the message was largely drowned out by Trump’s determination to solicit praise from the participants.”"} {"idx": 11749, "original_id": "1250976175972737024", "reply_id": "1251016549873389568", "label": "shrug", "text": "My sisters boyfriend bought a dog and was told he was a male. 3 weeks later, the vet told him that his dog was indeed not a male 😂😂@yoVictorrr"} {"idx": 11752, "original_id": "1250837397287378949", "reply_id": "1250839691974369280", "label": "hug", "text": "Every year on her birthday I’m reminded that I don’t know where she is or how she’s doing or if she’s even still alive... I wish she would answer my messages. I wish she’d cared enough not to disappear completely. \n\nFuck, it still stings. \n\nHappy birthday, L. I still love you."} {"idx": 11754, "original_id": "1250925556226555904", "reply_id": "1250927317456531456", "label": "agree", "text": "Fellas while we all got a little more time to ourselves during this Quarantine take some extra time to take care of y’all bodies specifically y’all feet..actually wash them thangs, exfoliate, scrub, clip, buff, shine and lotion alllll that."} {"idx": 11756, "original_id": "1250850006728232961", "reply_id": "1251095922148179968", "label": "no", "text": "i’m a sad bitch"} {"idx": 11758, "original_id": "1251245720272867331", "reply_id": "1251257737700352000", "label": "awww", "text": "@MyBernerAccount @bcwilliams250 @Toddperkins42 @yungspartak @dr_abela @MrGee54 @DoorHinge9 @onlyget1call @big_genious @slipperywerm @JayJonsey84 @ConnorGotNoHoes @i_suvat @Orion___Khan @Spacelaser0 @Aespir @imunchie @RileyMcCormickM @megagarbage @thatoneKYgirl @Gee_Eddie .Ff PPL."} {"idx": 11761, "original_id": "1251184336612716544", "reply_id": "1251203320762359809", "label": "hug", "text": "I was just furloughed."} {"idx": 11765, "original_id": "1250912580127920130", "reply_id": "1250916384546213888", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump said earlier that we take solace that God has taken the people who have died from the virus into \"his eternal and loving embrace.\""} {"idx": 11766, "original_id": "1250878243470794765", "reply_id": "1250878708619059201", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy Happy Birthday!!"} {"idx": 11767, "original_id": "1250851217720279040", "reply_id": "1250887657468465152", "label": "hug", "text": "I cry when I’m frustrated, mad, or happy. I’m just a fucken cry baby."} {"idx": 11768, "original_id": "1250946686081531906", "reply_id": "1251221951961579524", "label": "shrug", "text": "Why Kareem never in the goat conversation?"} {"idx": 11770, "original_id": "1250900435017367553", "reply_id": "1250908580494151685", "label": "hearts", "text": "should i do one of those follow spree things??? idk im bored SO reply to this if u want a follow? IDK IVE NEVER DONE THIS 😔✨😃🔪"} {"idx": 11775, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1251228159657336835", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 11777, "original_id": "1250756199202635783", "reply_id": "1250894727999823874", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Democrats have spent days blocking emergency funding for Americans’ paychecks, and today, the money for the Paycheck Protection Program completely runs out.\n\nThe cost of Schumer and Pelosi's obstruction will be pink slips and shuttered businesses."} {"idx": 11779, "original_id": "1251044305185079296", "reply_id": "1251061060104105984", "label": "no", "text": "Covid-19 crisis:\n\nIndia sending Hydroxychloroquine to 55 nations\n\nNow, Pakistan has asked India to help by providing Hydroxychloroquine medicine\n\n5 days ago, 3 civilians, including child & woman, killed in J&K's Kupwara due to shelling by Pakistan Army\n\nDoes Pak deserve humanity?"} {"idx": 11783, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1251128506525704194", "label": "eww", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 11785, "original_id": "1251184327779647488", "reply_id": "1251204431028330497", "label": "agree", "text": "He’s gone full bonkers 🙃"} {"idx": 11786, "original_id": "1250665450813321217", "reply_id": "1250842408344064002", "label": "no", "text": "Would anyone else be kinda sorta okay if Trump dissolved Congress and made himself dictator?"} {"idx": 11787, "original_id": "1250845461029834760", "reply_id": "1250867799381204992", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who wants a virtual high five? 🖐"} {"idx": 11790, "original_id": "1251238644842717185", "reply_id": "1251239309526646785", "label": "awww", "text": "sitting here, high as giraffe cooch and I just thought of a great idea for this one section of my island. I will post the results."} {"idx": 11792, "original_id": "1251242391903916033", "reply_id": "1251242783131615234", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hey Friends! @DK8sam had her account deleted and has to start all over! Give her a follow! She’s cool! And a great artist! Thanks! 👊👊✌️"} {"idx": 11793, "original_id": "1250790954639884288", "reply_id": "1251114754543927296", "label": "applause", "text": "I JUST SHOT MY SHOT WITH MY CRUSH AND OMG AHHHHHHHHHHHH"} {"idx": 11797, "original_id": "1250843599559950336", "reply_id": "1250846621526523906", "label": "yolo", "text": "I've just finished my second beer and I'm not out of my office uniform as yet...\n\nGaw'd help us all..\n\n.... Especially Mrs G because it's date night 😉"} {"idx": 11801, "original_id": "1251219374863724545", "reply_id": "1251253214252597254", "label": "smh", "text": "The nation that always claims to know what’s best for every part of the world cannot sustain six months of quarantining so that people won’t die. And this is the ship most Americans are willing to go down with."} {"idx": 11803, "original_id": "1251198068759891969", "reply_id": "1251205034827808769", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all like ass?"} {"idx": 11804, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1250976855181553664", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 11809, "original_id": "1251262200108535817", "reply_id": "1251262886955057153", "label": "applause", "text": "Holy shit having the best workout day maybe ever - 3000 foot climb on my vertical climber in 56 minutes, and finishing 1000 more."} {"idx": 11816, "original_id": "1251241328907878402", "reply_id": "1251241668633903105", "label": "awww", "text": "Somebody said I run a cult. If kindness, love, and generosity (in a word of hate) is a cult, then where do I sign up!"} {"idx": 11818, "original_id": "1250779442659692545", "reply_id": "1251244983602032640", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m sick of these f*cking MSNBC sh*t squirters polluting our God-given airwaves with their president-hating dreck! Now they’re promoting the subversive notion that Biden form an UNELECTED “shadow government” when he can’t even form a sentence. These people are out of their minds!"} {"idx": 11822, "original_id": "1251021611504766976", "reply_id": "1251162089772642304", "label": "hug", "text": "I can’t even with the classist, racist, sexist IHE piece about presentability. At 2 1/2 weeks of my mom on a ventilator with Covid. I’m hanging on by my fingernails"} {"idx": 11823, "original_id": "1250189230912892929", "reply_id": "1250908191577321473", "label": "applause", "text": "FUN FACT: apparently, ravens have 17 pinion feathers while a crow only has 16, so really the difference between a crow and a raven is a matter of a pinion"} {"idx": 11825, "original_id": "1251007441828888579", "reply_id": "1251010045208260608", "label": "applause", "text": "So I bought skin care products"} {"idx": 11826, "original_id": "1250872051801284610", "reply_id": "1250872655256842240", "label": "agree", "text": "preewwwddddsssaaav vvvv xvdfggggghhhhyyttt"} {"idx": 11832, "original_id": "1251202520564805637", "reply_id": "1251208079464693761", "label": "agree", "text": "DAD BODS & HAIRY CHESTS WOWOW."} {"idx": 11834, "original_id": "1250823794119319553", "reply_id": "1250845782665826305", "label": "no", "text": "BREAKING: All of the art & design heroes that you look up to and admire have made lots of bad work, too."} {"idx": 11835, "original_id": "1250964524091543553", "reply_id": "1251173796007907328", "label": "applause", "text": "Now that we know who the essential workers are, explain to me why professional athletes make so much money if they are basically useless when it matters?"} {"idx": 11836, "original_id": "1251021060243288070", "reply_id": "1251172734077251584", "label": "thank_you", "text": "OMG. Just finished inking up the last chapter. It's beautiful."} {"idx": 11838, "original_id": "1251098464341110789", "reply_id": "1251103708441706496", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I began by stalking my crush now I am addicted to stalking his best friend and not a day goes by without this"} {"idx": 11841, "original_id": "1250962820163919872", "reply_id": "1250962968705208321", "label": "seriously", "text": "#Bucs WR Chris Godwin on Jameis Winston still being a free agent: “Honestly, I’m very surprised just because I think it’s evident that the talent is there for Jameis. And, in my opinion, I think you’d be hard pressed to find 32 quarterbacks better than him.\""} {"idx": 11842, "original_id": "1250681384793812992", "reply_id": "1250924979002073088", "label": "hug", "text": "Fuck it, I've been sitting on this for days but I'm over telling myself I shouldn't ask.\n\nCan I get some internet hugs? My brain is telling me I'm alone and friendless, which is obviously untrue, but I have fewer sticks to beat this with nowadays. Anybody got a stick to lend?"} {"idx": 11845, "original_id": "1251191512374939651", "reply_id": "1251208664146415616", "label": "applause", "text": "hang on guys has anyone said this yet: metal gear: salad"} {"idx": 11846, "original_id": "1250956736296607746", "reply_id": "1250958305431883776", "label": "shocked", "text": "Quick rant ‼️\nIt’s crazy how this year has shown me the following👇🏽\n1) how many people never hmu to check on me. \n2) people’s true mf colors\n3) what people did behind my back\n\nIf I don’t hyu no more, it’s for those ☝🏽 reasons. Smfh 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 11847, "original_id": "1251127090080030725", "reply_id": "1251128103990157312", "label": "facepalm", "text": "How's Quarantine life people....?"} {"idx": 11849, "original_id": "1250985253402894336", "reply_id": "1251263888353607682", "label": "yes", "text": "What were the odds of Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil both tanking their careers on the same day?"} {"idx": 11850, "original_id": "1250882725365657600", "reply_id": "1250886179827994624", "label": "oops", "text": "Who is gonna talk to me today?"} {"idx": 11852, "original_id": "1250789323819167744", "reply_id": "1250938900505333760", "label": "applause", "text": "Is it still procrastination if you spend hours making book covers for the series you haven't even started yet?\n\nJust asking for a friend...\n\n#WritingCommunity #bookcovers"} {"idx": 11857, "original_id": "1251134979087781889", "reply_id": "1251141193120968705", "label": "hug", "text": "doing so much better today 🌻"} {"idx": 11858, "original_id": "1251117089798139906", "reply_id": "1251184219226812416", "label": "agree", "text": "The coup against Trump is finally being revealed and what we knew all along is being proven. \n\nBrennan, @Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, etc are bad guys and should be prosecuted as such."} {"idx": 11861, "original_id": "1251179926285430790", "reply_id": "1251186205384937472", "label": "awww", "text": "We’re now at the “what if Avatar but also Firefly” phase of campaign planning if you were wondering how the quarantine is going."} {"idx": 11862, "original_id": "1250834065374228483", "reply_id": "1250883699459186705", "label": "applause", "text": "Yh sex is good but have you ever noshed of a rubber duck at tomorrow land and made a new friend"} {"idx": 11863, "original_id": "1251064719944880129", "reply_id": "1251150173398425606", "label": "hug", "text": "My mother learned about my gender and how I feel about it... We have to talk tomorrow.. I am scared.. I am really scared.. Lot of stuff going to be said after years of silence and misleading... I really need someone to help right now.. I'm sorry..."} {"idx": 11865, "original_id": "1251129319654486016", "reply_id": "1251144533473026051", "label": "seriously", "text": "Someone really commented on my video saying people are taking quarantine too seriously and I shouldn’t have said anything about these youtubers hanging out with their friends who just recently moved from a different state... this person really tried to say it’s all good 🥴"} {"idx": 11866, "original_id": "1250928733697069056", "reply_id": "1250935940375183361", "label": "applause", "text": "In T3 training! Reaching democrats and turing out the vote!\n\n#digitalisorganizing"} {"idx": 11869, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251180659101642752", "label": "idk", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 11873, "original_id": "1250857262605832193", "reply_id": "1250962214674141184", "label": "please", "text": "Will #Ohio kids end up going back to school in May? @GovMikeDeWine plans to talk to superintendents next week. Stay tuned. @fox8news"} {"idx": 11877, "original_id": "1250849691606097922", "reply_id": "1250850200412917766", "label": "scared", "text": "the room is dark af and my sister is laughing .......I didn't know she was awake..... 🙃🙃🙃🙃"} {"idx": 11879, "original_id": "1250973356167516169", "reply_id": "1250974635237261317", "label": "hug", "text": "oh shucks I’m sad again lol"} {"idx": 11885, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251255230756524035", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 11889, "original_id": "1251234896162537473", "reply_id": "1251266849754529792", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just had our first virtual weekly close-out meeting. They got 3 guys in an office huddled around a webcam, and the CDR looks at one and says “Aren’t you supposed to be in quarantine since coming back from school?” He goes “Uh, I never got that guidance.” Never mentioned again."} {"idx": 11890, "original_id": "1250851629957603335", "reply_id": "1250856890218827779", "label": "dance", "text": "Gov. Evers' new order allows golf courses to re-open!"} {"idx": 11891, "original_id": "1250923203976925190", "reply_id": "1251132888960995328", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "my mom rolls the best joints and that’s like the 40th reason I love her"} {"idx": 11893, "original_id": "1250952384660090880", "reply_id": "1250954346998706179", "label": "yes", "text": "If you’re keeping score at home, we’re one day closer to eating dive Mexican joint fajitas."} {"idx": 11894, "original_id": "1251083863041798145", "reply_id": "1251085997091086343", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Dear government of memorable persons\nPls save the castapadukara family's."} {"idx": 11896, "original_id": "1251053158060695553", "reply_id": "1251053787994783744", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I GET TO WATCH GOTG NOW LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"} {"idx": 11897, "original_id": "1251034139928793088", "reply_id": "1251035749035773952", "label": "hearts", "text": "okay im done cheesy tweeting"} {"idx": 11901, "original_id": "1250697505987330048", "reply_id": "1250890424945795072", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Ladies, Is squirting a result of good sex?"} {"idx": 11902, "original_id": "1250853397735112707", "reply_id": "1250883709504385024", "label": "oops", "text": "⚡This Just In ⚡\n\nIf you have been thinking of doing any kind of 'CORD CUTTING' spirit said 'aht aht, DON'T even TRY it'\n\nAnd no black candles. \n\n✨🧿"} {"idx": 11903, "original_id": "1248867743786565632", "reply_id": "1250996991502368768", "label": "applause", "text": "Yes, we exist."} {"idx": 11904, "original_id": "1250973260382121984", "reply_id": "1250989290982686721", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "She broke my heart 💔"} {"idx": 11906, "original_id": "1250916145185554432", "reply_id": "1250918401431781376", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I buy a new laptop? 🤔"} {"idx": 11907, "original_id": "1250811044139696128", "reply_id": "1250865022332317697", "label": "agree", "text": "I seriously need a concert in my life..."} {"idx": 11909, "original_id": "1251189067510923265", "reply_id": "1251191231067152385", "label": "awww", "text": "ATTENTION FELLAS\n\ny’all some handsome ass mfs 👑\n\nremember that"} {"idx": 11911, "original_id": "1250901387308720128", "reply_id": "1250913164155330561", "label": "hug", "text": "Unnecessary and immature commentary today I see. Logging out. Enjoy your night guys. ✌🏼"} {"idx": 11916, "original_id": "1250870732025999366", "reply_id": "1250887291817476096", "label": "applause", "text": "I once had to write an apology letter to someone because he took offence to me calling him a \"douchebro\".\n\nI was then suspended for a week because my letter said, \"I'm sorry for identifying your unique markers; I'd just never seen a Douchebro in the wild before\".\n\nOops."} {"idx": 11917, "original_id": "1251260546780934145", "reply_id": "1251265046015029255", "label": "smh", "text": "Ivanka tweeted,\n“Crisis Has Jump-Started America’s Innovation Engine. 🇺🇸”\n\nWhat does Ivanka think\n“Jump-Starting” is?"} {"idx": 11919, "original_id": "1251216050550702080", "reply_id": "1251218961166819328", "label": "agree", "text": "Just a reminder that Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi are evil, manipulative liars, and @FUNimation should be ashamed.\n\n#IStandWithVic"} {"idx": 11920, "original_id": "1250651999554560000", "reply_id": "1251001477058883584", "label": "shocked", "text": "I feel so ugly wtf 🥴"} {"idx": 11922, "original_id": "1250971162676428805", "reply_id": "1251003424646316034", "label": "hug", "text": "I overthink a lot"} {"idx": 11923, "original_id": "1251162283843055619", "reply_id": "1251165912679485441", "label": "applause", "text": "Oh my god Mothlo here I goooooo"} {"idx": 11924, "original_id": "1251209910399860736", "reply_id": "1251210430191722496", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "LMAO @NYGovCuomo going offfffff on Trump 🤣🤣"} {"idx": 11928, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251179529105747970", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 11929, "original_id": "1251199802785792001", "reply_id": "1251224837978112001", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I'll just have a Subtweetini, thanks."} {"idx": 11930, "original_id": "1250911628339576838", "reply_id": "1250912032758562816", "label": "shocked", "text": "So yeah after some talks and planning I am now 1 of 2 Leaders of the Fortnite Division of @Team_Kungarna. @Jetpaack_ and I will be running weekly tryouts, promoting players, scouting, and much much more! I am very pleased and excited to continue my journey with KNG!"} {"idx": 11932, "original_id": "1250605943999496194", "reply_id": "1250955663267770368", "label": "no", "text": "Joe Biden shouldn’t pick Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren or Stacey Abrams as VP nominee. He should pick one of Amy Klobuchar, Jeanne Shaheen, Maggie Hassan, or Michelle Lujan Grisham. But really Amy Klobuchar because he owes her."} {"idx": 11935, "original_id": "1250853748794155009", "reply_id": "1250855007391449090", "label": "thank_you", "text": "In mjs era, he held the ball no dribble ran as fast as he could and dunked from the ft line to win. This era zach lavigne did a windmill from the ft line. Dribbled between his legs from the ft line. But players in this era aint better than the 90s era? Lmao pls"} {"idx": 11936, "original_id": "1251085821127659522", "reply_id": "1251096173890490368", "label": "no", "text": "Does this Bulls docuseries go into detail about how they benefitted from playing in the watered-down expansion-era NBA of the 90s? Asking for a friend."} {"idx": 11937, "original_id": "1250880801299972096", "reply_id": "1250899619736764416", "label": "oops", "text": "when your kid stands next you and pees on herself while you're on an all-staff zoom."} {"idx": 11938, "original_id": "1251145015310430212", "reply_id": "1251145367040561154", "label": "hug", "text": "give me a hug"} {"idx": 11939, "original_id": "1250932616611725312", "reply_id": "1250932942207139842", "label": "yes", "text": "I am actually partial to guys with scraggly facial hair because guys with thick luxurious facial hair are always such pompous dicks about it"} {"idx": 11941, "original_id": "1251234222838349825", "reply_id": "1251237121010077696", "label": "yes", "text": "so if they say stay inside until 2021, y’all gon do it?"} {"idx": 11942, "original_id": "1250910467616387079", "reply_id": "1250914607788679169", "label": "agree", "text": "Am i watching the press conference? No. I’d rather shit on a hot sidewalk and then see what the sun does to it"} {"idx": 11947, "original_id": "1251229473271279616", "reply_id": "1251230008766607361", "label": "hug", "text": "Somebody hug me. 💔"} {"idx": 11951, "original_id": "1250893096499503104", "reply_id": "1250893612210098184", "label": "agree", "text": "I have been on twitter for 11 years..I can say I have made some amazing friends and during this lockdown there is no way I would have remained sane without you guys...thank you (now back to my regularly scheduled sarcastic program)"} {"idx": 11952, "original_id": "1250397009896505345", "reply_id": "1250934974183809029", "label": "agree", "text": "Whenever people criticize the fact that people are fans of Rian Johnson like \"who even stans directors\" I'm just like... White men wank over Tarantino and Nolan but love emerges for a director from a number of women and suddenly being a fan of a director is weird??? Fuck off."} {"idx": 11958, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250915734605225984", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 11959, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1251142090559545344", "label": "sigh", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 11963, "original_id": "1251246078684512258", "reply_id": "1251268785572466688", "label": "eww", "text": "i’m getting that henny D tonight 💃🏻"} {"idx": 11965, "original_id": "1250945179718086656", "reply_id": "1250983293283115008", "label": "applause", "text": "Trucks runnin😤 I’m fuckin so stoked!!!"} {"idx": 11968, "original_id": "1251055006637318144", "reply_id": "1251121306990452736", "label": "popcorn", "text": "on tonight’s episode of “what am I binge watching on YouTube”: time lapse of food decaying"} {"idx": 11969, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1250990881651425282", "label": "want", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 11976, "original_id": "1250879140477181958", "reply_id": "1250898003080216577", "label": "yes", "text": "Starting tomorrow night we are back on our regular weekly schedule. Been a wild ride of impromptu streams. Hello schedule, I missed you"} {"idx": 11977, "original_id": "1250785090310938625", "reply_id": "1250959914735931395", "label": "oops", "text": "my cousin is taking her kids to daycare. lik huhhh..."} {"idx": 11978, "original_id": "1250949902458253312", "reply_id": "1250952365169049602", "label": "eww", "text": "Who is still making their bed every day?"} {"idx": 11979, "original_id": "1251170892559810560", "reply_id": "1251171465430544392", "label": "oops", "text": "Who allowed me to get drunk and air out my dirty laundry on the TL yesterday"} {"idx": 11980, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250943575816355840", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 11982, "original_id": "1250840077229535232", "reply_id": "1250928119147626496", "label": "agree", "text": "#NEW: @fordnation says @JustinTrudeau should say NO to @realDonaldTrump if he moves to reopen the border \"Until we have containment we should keep our border closed...the answer is absolutely not...I don't want them in Ontario\" #Onpoli #Cdnpoli #USPolitics"} {"idx": 11983, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250930382859644935", "label": "awww", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 11985, "original_id": "1250877777617793024", "reply_id": "1250877956257439745", "label": "want", "text": "For a while if you see me in public, I'll have on a hat. I bought some clippers and tried to line myself up... yep. It was a bad idea. Great barbers are essential workers to those who want to look decent. \"Nope. I'm not okay.\""} {"idx": 11987, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250941501661741061", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 11997, "original_id": "1251071895358693377", "reply_id": "1251204186554765312", "label": "applause", "text": "5am EST, a few hours of sleep, headed to my assignment her in NYC. I'm not sure I'm prepared for what I'm about to walk into, but I know I'm ready. Love you all."} {"idx": 11998, "original_id": "1250855180498661376", "reply_id": "1250855730875297793", "label": "shocked", "text": "do you ever think about how if clone wars didn't get cancelled we would've gotten one of those cheesy commercials for the bad batch like they did with the umbara arc"} {"idx": 12003, "original_id": "1250983751049285632", "reply_id": "1250984212435476481", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "My new love hands are all suited kings. Ill rather raise those than like 87ss or 65ss especially like utg"} {"idx": 12005, "original_id": "1250527940372246533", "reply_id": "1250867834202263565", "label": "agree", "text": "If the government can mail us a census why can’t it mail us a ballot? 🤨"} {"idx": 12007, "original_id": "1251127255495053313", "reply_id": "1251182505224527882", "label": "shrug", "text": "How does one draw?"} {"idx": 12008, "original_id": "1250994614925799424", "reply_id": "1251033947317825536", "label": "hug", "text": "I have no life."} {"idx": 12011, "original_id": "1250629786336190465", "reply_id": "1250904751681810434", "label": "applause", "text": "In a few months Joe Biden will be President of the United States, and Dennis Miller will still be a guy who lost his ability to tell a coherent joke twenty years ago."} {"idx": 12012, "original_id": "1250903044390375425", "reply_id": "1250903526794047492", "label": "smh", "text": "Some people just really get on my boobs 😡"} {"idx": 12013, "original_id": "1251177470516232194", "reply_id": "1251177916068749313", "label": "want", "text": "#HowToRuinARelationship -tell me you hate peanut butter. Really?"} {"idx": 12014, "original_id": "1251105631509061633", "reply_id": "1251121106834132993", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Firstly, how is everyone doing?🧸\n\nSecondly... ITS GOGGLEBOX FRIDAY🥰📺💙\n\nAs always, love and hugs to anyone who needs it, and I hope you all enjoy tonight’s show! #gogglebox #StayHomeSaveLives"} {"idx": 12016, "original_id": "1250833938991505409", "reply_id": "1250835871835750401", "label": "wink", "text": "Eye contact is the kiss of shy ppl."} {"idx": 12017, "original_id": "1250749954085224448", "reply_id": "1251054001870774272", "label": "hearts", "text": "My beautiful mum is in the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Woolwich. A problem with her heart or lungs. She’s stable but they have said they won’t resuscitate her if things go wrong? Apparently, it won’t work? How can they know. Please pray! @LG_NHS"} {"idx": 12019, "original_id": "1251092406784741377", "reply_id": "1251144577353953281", "label": "no", "text": "Let's play a fun game! 5 questions, tag the 5 richest folk you know!\n\nMother's maiden name\nDate of birth\nSort code\nBank account\nPost a pic of your signature!"} {"idx": 12020, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250898698109726721", "label": "want", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 12021, "original_id": "1250950466432876548", "reply_id": "1250953679169093632", "label": "agree", "text": "if God came down right now and said i could end this pandemic if i just got up from the couch and flossed, there would still be a pandemic."} {"idx": 12023, "original_id": "1250827562865000451", "reply_id": "1250878911740809217", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "What do you think about this idea? Each teacher keep their own children from this year but teach the next grade. Though hard I learned the most when I taught a new grade. Less time getting started. Teacher know students, make up the difference & take off learning! K-3? Same room!"} {"idx": 12025, "original_id": "1250676133131096065", "reply_id": "1250965842868781056", "label": "applause", "text": "If your pride as a woman will not permit you to submit to a man, then forget about marriage. No man wants to marry another man😬. I said what I said."} {"idx": 12026, "original_id": "1250629388380536832", "reply_id": "1251093171771228160", "label": "applause", "text": "I am a senior at risk for COVID-19. If you think I'm going to start going out shopping, flying on planes, or staying in hotels without comprehensive testing, you're nuts. You'll have to restart the economy without me. I'd like to be able to watch my granddaughter grow up."} {"idx": 12028, "original_id": "1251147514780123144", "reply_id": "1251168790722707457", "label": "high_five", "text": "Fun fact: if you drink enough coffee you can travel to distant lands (once I drank so much I ended up in candy land )"} {"idx": 12029, "original_id": "1251198378479927296", "reply_id": "1251199024784384000", "label": "dance", "text": "Me: *doing my homework*\nPhone: one new message \nMe: *picks up phone to reply*\nMom: *walks in* so you’ve been texting the whole time?!"} {"idx": 12031, "original_id": "1250797848825704448", "reply_id": "1250849520952328194", "label": "agree", "text": "People are not actually addicted to drugs or alcohol, rather they don’t have ability to face the reality."} {"idx": 12032, "original_id": "1251173027179638785", "reply_id": "1251182824281051145", "label": "no", "text": "Can’t tell if I’m feeling the air max 2090s🥴"} {"idx": 12033, "original_id": "1251245088501649408", "reply_id": "1251245314293587970", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Fellas y’all wanna start a quarantine hairline challenge? Lol..."} {"idx": 12034, "original_id": "1250770083401666560", "reply_id": "1250908381579272192", "label": "popcorn", "text": "GUYS MY MOM WENT TO THE SAME HIGH SCHOOL THE SAME YEARS AS CAROLE BASKIN. I’m doing a deep dive trying to find any connection possible between them. Where did she work? Who did she date? What neighborhood did she live in? Help, you guys."} {"idx": 12037, "original_id": "1251274062833254400", "reply_id": "1251274115215953920", "label": "applause", "text": "Thank you for 200K 🙏🍾🥂🍻🍇\n\nWho needs a follow back? Like this"} {"idx": 12038, "original_id": "1251175198268817414", "reply_id": "1251176736844394496", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Who wants us to make babies together?\n\nIf you want me to carry your baby, please drop an emoji😍\n\nSpec: black man(like burnt black)\n\nWe doing it immediately after corona lockdown"} {"idx": 12039, "original_id": "1251177717732532225", "reply_id": "1251178804216827905", "label": "applause", "text": "Andrew Scheer just needs to go away. No one cares what you have to say. Get lost. Your point of view is meaningless."} {"idx": 12040, "original_id": "1250932403641528320", "reply_id": "1250933188442099715", "label": "please", "text": "I really don't think Twitter or the internet can handle me in my 20's🤣 I might post later well see😶"} {"idx": 12041, "original_id": "1250836327626452992", "reply_id": "1251053085746581505", "label": "applause", "text": "Ravan was a moolnivasi, devoted father, loving husband, fan of Shiva.\n\nAttack on his sister broke him. He kept thinking about it. He got radicaIised and abducted a woman.\n\nHe was kiIIIed by an upper caste Hindu while mob watching him die was shouting Jai Shri Ram.\n\n: Barkha Dutt."} {"idx": 12042, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251165370368606209", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 12048, "original_id": "1250704996917637120", "reply_id": "1250963879938584576", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "during my meditation i could only hear a girl singing it was the most beautiful voice but it wasnt in english??? can somebody who is spiritually inclined explain this to me??"} {"idx": 12054, "original_id": "1251257941904297984", "reply_id": "1251266868637315075", "label": "applause", "text": "To all the health care professionals who had their Elon Musk realization this week, welcome to $TSLAQ."} {"idx": 12058, "original_id": "1251227791623884800", "reply_id": "1251233874459480064", "label": "win", "text": "G. My homies in love and I’m happy asl!!!!"} {"idx": 12061, "original_id": "1251182011726823427", "reply_id": "1251206213439799296", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve lost 4 inches from my waist and hips in the past 2 months :-)"} {"idx": 12063, "original_id": "1250256814664540163", "reply_id": "1250930916026957826", "label": "smh", "text": "Whaaaat? Don’t dirty up the economic impact payments w/ Don the Con’s name on the checks that are being sent to American families to get thru the crisis. People may think it’s a BOGUS check from a BOGUS president!"} {"idx": 12064, "original_id": "1250808413136850945", "reply_id": "1251073387750801410", "label": "agree", "text": "a TOXIC nigga fav line is “I just be chilling” LIKE NIGGA NO TF YOU DONT 😐"} {"idx": 12066, "original_id": "1251199704769200131", "reply_id": "1251201972763594752", "label": "applause", "text": "I have some profession news! I have been elected chair of the Economics Department @UofLbiz starting July 1st. Please provide any tips in the reply along with your congratulations or condolences. @uofl #EconTwitter"} {"idx": 12071, "original_id": "1250772226103808000", "reply_id": "1250876182381432832", "label": "ok", "text": "Hey you, I see you liking my tweets.\n\nI just wanted to say from the bottom of my heart.\n\nThank you 👉👈🥺💗"} {"idx": 12073, "original_id": "1250898129307734017", "reply_id": "1250900658133200896", "label": "shocked", "text": "I Clement is not a pope exercising his universal jurisdiction. Also I Clement teaches justification by faith."} {"idx": 12075, "original_id": "1250862828535177216", "reply_id": "1250873539248312320", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’m going to miss working in the ED....we get food delivered like every 3 hours 😫"} {"idx": 12077, "original_id": "1250873134078713858", "reply_id": "1250890419866677248", "label": "agree", "text": "After what Stephen Moore and Art Laffer did to Kansas, their economic advice should be considered as dangerous as any virus. They shouldn’t be allowed to balance a checkbook, much less advise the Federal government during a pandemic."} {"idx": 12078, "original_id": "1251269591780777989", "reply_id": "1251270407413514240", "label": "agree", "text": "trust the process"} {"idx": 12079, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250891015717892096", "label": "awww", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 12081, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1250949628759023617", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 12083, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250921453467426823", "label": "agree", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 12086, "original_id": "1250871382633623552", "reply_id": "1250893218536812544", "label": "shrug", "text": "The impact of the changes at @KROQ are already being felt at the station: Per the latest Nielsen radio ratings for Los Angeles, released yesterday, @KROQ slides from a 2.5 share to a 2.0 share among listeners 6+ -- dropping it out of the market top 20."} {"idx": 12092, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251263416829915138", "label": "yawn", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 12094, "original_id": "1250957964749557760", "reply_id": "1250959121387524096", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss hugging people."} {"idx": 12095, "original_id": "1251219146202734592", "reply_id": "1251235612566401031", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "In and out is not good.... long live Whataburger.... #sorrynotsorry"} {"idx": 12098, "original_id": "1251164454835965952", "reply_id": "1251169199013220353", "label": "sigh", "text": "I don't have a comprehensive list of everyone in the Labour movement who needs to hear this, but...\n\nIt is not democratic, or socialist, to threaten people with legal action for discussing discrimination, bullying and corruption."} {"idx": 12100, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251004636447686660", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 12102, "original_id": "1250979958723395584", "reply_id": "1250999465097527297", "label": "hug", "text": "This just popped in my head and I want to pass it on. The last time I ever received a hug or kiss was in 2009. Never take for granted the simple things in life. Because you never know how much your life can change until it has already happened and we all deserve to be loved."} {"idx": 12103, "original_id": "1250865356937351169", "reply_id": "1250890320029659137", "label": "eww", "text": "Oh no, I just found out Cardi B supports Bernie Sanders....."} {"idx": 12104, "original_id": "1251189475960590337", "reply_id": "1251195565431574530", "label": "applause", "text": "In my effort not to touch my face, I’ve stopped biting my nails. I’ve bitten my nails my whole life. So, that’s something. \n#SilverLining #COVID19"} {"idx": 12105, "original_id": "1251066814332760064", "reply_id": "1251072403947401216", "label": "hug", "text": "send hug"} {"idx": 12109, "original_id": "1251092922910388224", "reply_id": "1251142208478011398", "label": "omg", "text": "Feeling good with my new tattoo 🤗"} {"idx": 12110, "original_id": "1250916609360789505", "reply_id": "1250931172189917184", "label": "smh", "text": "the spike in cases is going to be ridiculous once they try to force an early reopening"} {"idx": 12112, "original_id": "1250833127536316417", "reply_id": "1250910909893091329", "label": "applause", "text": "I am pleased to be joining the bipartisan task force on reopening the economy. Together with @realdonaldTrump, we will get this economy roaring once again. We need to let Americans get safely back to work and bring prosperity to this nation anew! 🇺🇸"} {"idx": 12114, "original_id": "1251143230835621888", "reply_id": "1251143802703626246", "label": "want", "text": "I can't believe it's already been nearly three weeks since we all had the scare of our lives because we thought Melendez was dead.\n\nThank God he survived and is going to make a full recovery, right guys?? #bringbackmelendez"} {"idx": 12115, "original_id": "1250772152048996353", "reply_id": "1250976033760632833", "label": "wink", "text": "If handshakes are gone, how would we greet each other? 🤝🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 12116, "original_id": "1250976070754541568", "reply_id": "1250977529692934145", "label": "seriously", "text": "Are people really that unoriginal? Fourth “bored in the house and I’m in the house bored” IG caption today 🤢"} {"idx": 12117, "original_id": "1250868069423030275", "reply_id": "1250883969765105670", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "As I expected my viewers were gonna go down because apparently I never got the 130,000 kills because there not on my banner feelsbad I do appreciate the people that stayed around I know who the real ones are Imma keep at it ❤️"} {"idx": 12118, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251102082637205505", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 12120, "original_id": "1251260948893048840", "reply_id": "1251274803920736258", "label": "yes", "text": "If he doesn’t call today about Greyson I’m blocking him on social media 🤷🏽‍♀️ idc. I’m not letting you chose a girl over your kid again"} {"idx": 12121, "original_id": "1251190808562274305", "reply_id": "1251196959639175176", "label": "agree", "text": "Ay if anyone has an issue with Market Views, you can @ me or @Beaves_LLC"} {"idx": 12123, "original_id": "1250939001948770304", "reply_id": "1250940929235656709", "label": "scared", "text": "The S&P 500 had had 24 daily moves this year of more than 3%. There were none in 2012, 2013 and 2014."} {"idx": 12126, "original_id": "1251237548594278401", "reply_id": "1251239333446725633", "label": "scared", "text": "Wonderlic test scores for QBs, per @BobMcGinn.\n\n- Nate Stanley: 40\n- Jake Fromm: 35\n- Joe Burrow: 34\n- Jordan Love: 27\n- Justin Herbert: 25\n- Anthony Gordon: 25\n- Jacob Eason: 23\n- James Morgan: 23\n- Jalen Hurts: 18\n- Tua Tagovailoa: 13\n\n#NFLDraft"} {"idx": 12127, "original_id": "1250911575998939136", "reply_id": "1250912108558061569", "label": "no", "text": "Can you imagine Joe Biden doing something like this. \n\nHe honestly doesn’t even know where he’s at."} {"idx": 12128, "original_id": "1250926816912650240", "reply_id": "1250932485690658828", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I get positive vibes and hugs?"} {"idx": 12129, "original_id": "1250861445870428160", "reply_id": "1251259448225665027", "label": "yes", "text": "The getting out of the seat @ tribal needs to stop. Its not entertaining when its happening every ep. #Survivor40 #SurvivorWinnersAtWar"} {"idx": 12130, "original_id": "1251168943626227714", "reply_id": "1251174788011360256", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm not here often. Trying to be of use, but Pandemic fallout has been a bit breathtaking.❤️to @noasbobs @nobleknits2 @JennBinis @Katiemc827 @kjberner @the_mulc @lorellalamonaca @CBBoyer2 @Esmoskowitz @TayloredInquiry @glitterqn15 for keeping my smile on. Who are u grateful for?"} {"idx": 12133, "original_id": "1250864875544424449", "reply_id": "1251066527933247488", "label": "hug", "text": "Sorry for lack of tweets. 4th time lucky for bloods, not pleasant, CT scan this morning and was supposed to hear news this afternoon but didn’t. Felt quite ill as I’ve been so nervous and wound up"} {"idx": 12134, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251016326979686400", "label": "ok", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 12136, "original_id": "1250183250481270785", "reply_id": "1250878595448397827", "label": "awww", "text": "7 days without a working tablet... I'm losing hope guys 🙃\n\nBUT while playing with pencils, I discovered that my glass table makes a good light table if I put my phone on a chair underneath it and use the flashlight!!\n\nIMPROVISE ADAPT OVERCOME"} {"idx": 12137, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250959856648904704", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 12141, "original_id": "1250956308657963008", "reply_id": "1250958060404854785", "label": "want", "text": "thinking about ariana and halsey at the same time"} {"idx": 12144, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250867948975259648", "label": "applause", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 12145, "original_id": "1250854048841871360", "reply_id": "1250871382222630913", "label": "high_five", "text": "It’s #NationalHighFiveDay…\n\nDon’t let us catch you slippin’"} {"idx": 12146, "original_id": "1250842668621459462", "reply_id": "1250843892498477060", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Folks, listen, I don't ask for much... (That's not true but I need help.)\n\nI'm gonna need someone with good turnip prices to help your boy out. I've got a full inventory of those dang veggies and my sale prices have been decreasing all week. Prices over 250 would be ideal. #ACNH"} {"idx": 12149, "original_id": "1250853203106828290", "reply_id": "1250857926971056129", "label": "applause", "text": "BAILOUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 12150, "original_id": "1251046317796753409", "reply_id": "1251046457106448384", "label": "applause", "text": "usually i feel like i’m kinda shitty with advice but not gonna lie I JUST GAVE SOME GOOD ASS ADVICE RIGHT THERE MHMMMM YUP THAT WAS SOME GOOD ADVICE YUP YUP YES SIRRRR YES SIRRRRRRR"} {"idx": 12151, "original_id": "1250840103552987139", "reply_id": "1250924967287455746", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I need to follow some good people. Please share some good accounts to follow.\n\nIf it is you, please tell me whether you think pineapple belongs on a pizza below and I’ll make my decision from there."} {"idx": 12153, "original_id": "1250862243857793027", "reply_id": "1250865438763782147", "label": "yes", "text": "joined @Genesis_y0"} {"idx": 12154, "original_id": "1250960890406539264", "reply_id": "1250961488510156800", "label": "agree", "text": "Nonononono we need more timeeee or else this whole thing was for nothing we are JUST starting to flatten the curve ughhhh no"} {"idx": 12157, "original_id": "1250945799636135937", "reply_id": "1251025793381093378", "label": "omg", "text": "I found a pharmacy selling hand sanitiser!"} {"idx": 12158, "original_id": "1251016687882776576", "reply_id": "1251170939850588160", "label": "no", "text": "All my disciples, \n\nUse #TheRealOne to show your appreciation to me ❤️"} {"idx": 12159, "original_id": "1251203590921891842", "reply_id": "1251208566582636544", "label": "hug", "text": "I have nothing in common with people that do what they want, regardless of how they effect others.\n\nIf I ever thought that I caused you undue harm or stress, know this, I have paid for it with my laser point negative self talk. And I have added tax!"} {"idx": 12163, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251147084377407489", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 12166, "original_id": "1250977194047713282", "reply_id": "1250991036429561856", "label": "smh", "text": "“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” \n\n— Michelangelo (Sun in Pisces, Moon in Pisces, Mars in Pisces)"} {"idx": 12167, "original_id": "1251136530766352384", "reply_id": "1251150358262345729", "label": "applause", "text": "You guys can be as horny and pent up as you wanna be. Just don't get in your feels starting long distance shit or fall for a creep you have no intent in doing stuff with.\n\nThat aside, folks be looking tasty tho"} {"idx": 12172, "original_id": "1250997560615088128", "reply_id": "1251004006610145287", "label": "applause", "text": "Dr. Fauci absolutely destroyed Laura Ingraham tonight. I don’t think he will he invited back"} {"idx": 12173, "original_id": "1251176088908238849", "reply_id": "1251176959343722496", "label": "no", "text": "Also is it too early to start eating mini eggs?!"} {"idx": 12175, "original_id": "1251220729380700162", "reply_id": "1251233710835458050", "label": "scared", "text": "Don’t take my tweets seriously please it’s a joke x"} {"idx": 12177, "original_id": "1251114616530370561", "reply_id": "1251118876433104896", "label": "hug", "text": "Can we agree worst Gifs are the virtual hug GIF?"} {"idx": 12178, "original_id": "1250798656728584196", "reply_id": "1250834466215473153", "label": "no", "text": "Pam spray for lube, trust me on this"} {"idx": 12180, "original_id": "1250909649374597120", "reply_id": "1250931680514195457", "label": "idk", "text": "Honestly.Headlines say we might be able to relax some restrictions in 4 weeks & @GladysB says kids could be looking at a YEAR away from school if they don’t go back on staggered roster.First 6 months, now a year. Where do these numbers come from?#Confusion"} {"idx": 12183, "original_id": "1251095229115006977", "reply_id": "1251096509732569090", "label": "hug", "text": "This week has mentally kicked me square in the face...but it’s nothing compared to what our incredible NHS angels are going through, and all those on the frontline too!\n\nThank you for all that you do! Will never be able to say that enough! ❤️"} {"idx": 12185, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251147912232366082", "label": "scared", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 12186, "original_id": "1250909153108738048", "reply_id": "1250995197799878656", "label": "no", "text": "if you miss someone do you tell em even tho yall don't speak ?"} {"idx": 12187, "original_id": "1250937079057379333", "reply_id": "1250944542964019200", "label": "agree", "text": "Margaret made me coffee with crown in it and I don’t think she realized how much crown she put and I’m about to be HAMMERED playing Valorant"} {"idx": 12188, "original_id": "1251010559673319424", "reply_id": "1251014383192465409", "label": "eww", "text": "mi guilty pleasure esta cuarentena es Keeping up with the Kardashians"} {"idx": 12189, "original_id": "1250888074793541645", "reply_id": "1250936918973583362", "label": "applause", "text": "i'm just two assignments away from being done my first year of college/my fifth year of post-secondary education!"} {"idx": 12190, "original_id": "1251139113547444224", "reply_id": "1251178953726996480", "label": "smh", "text": "I am all for mandatory mask-wearing in public.\n\nAll girls with great bodies and ugly faces become 10/10."} {"idx": 12193, "original_id": "1250916343144239105", "reply_id": "1250925767992770562", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Scheduled a COVID-19 antibody test today. I’m pretty exited about it — will (obviously) share the results when I get them."} {"idx": 12194, "original_id": "1250841342319775744", "reply_id": "1251028056271192065", "label": "shocked", "text": "To be a Sunderland fan right now must feel like.....\n\nFinish The Sentence with a GIF🤣\n#NUFC #NUFCtakeover #cans #toon"} {"idx": 12196, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1251116879101546502", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 12197, "original_id": "1250861800045916161", "reply_id": "1250862102996230151", "label": "applause", "text": "holy shit"} {"idx": 12199, "original_id": "1250949975623831553", "reply_id": "1250952441929052160", "label": "hug", "text": "I just wanted to send a huge thank you to every single one of my friends (that means every friendly follower) who has supported and advocated for me today. I feel like I can’t adequately put into words how much of an impact your kindness has had on me. Thank you."} {"idx": 12201, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228313185513472", "label": "applause", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 12202, "original_id": "1250927894760751110", "reply_id": "1250945976522555392", "label": "applause", "text": "I am. Drunkkkk"} {"idx": 12206, "original_id": "1251219285336350720", "reply_id": "1251221722856067073", "label": "applause", "text": "Guillem Balague has just said that he believes we are going to convince Paul Pogba to stay with a new contact. \n\nFinally we have an answer \n\nHe’s leaving"} {"idx": 12210, "original_id": "1251048047955644417", "reply_id": "1251165935655780353", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "I will give you my opinion and it will be the most hated tweet in 2020, triggering both genders\n\nMore than 70% of men are pigs \nMore than 60% of women are bitches \n\nI said what I said"} {"idx": 12211, "original_id": "1250903860308250626", "reply_id": "1250904140475174912", "label": "kiss", "text": "They aren’t your gals if they haven’t seen your nudes ✌🏽✌🏽"} {"idx": 12212, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251177484210618379", "label": "omg", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 12213, "original_id": "1250870218857070592", "reply_id": "1250887479995006977", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Just heard from my mother that she donated to Wellchild today after reading about it in the Guardian then watching the vid on YouTube. So proud of her, she’s been busy driving around helping others with her local church and wanted to acknowledge her contribution 💜💜"} {"idx": 12215, "original_id": "1251177015211950081", "reply_id": "1251254197351317504", "label": "applause", "text": "NEW: I'm issuing an Executive Order directing all public and private labs in NY to coordinate with the State Department of Health to ensure prioritizing diagnostic testing for public health and restarting the economy."} {"idx": 12216, "original_id": "1251190512238936064", "reply_id": "1251191654821826561", "label": "shocked", "text": "PSA: (and, N.B. @76placidcasual this is not a panic message)\n\nI bought a car yesterday. It's delivered tomorrow. So ends six years of a car-free life..."} {"idx": 12218, "original_id": "1251192193823444992", "reply_id": "1251194368859521025", "label": "agree", "text": "What are friends if you can’t speak your mind around them"} {"idx": 12220, "original_id": "1251145972295467008", "reply_id": "1251158465784905731", "label": "hearts", "text": "IM SAD BUT ITS FINE"} {"idx": 12221, "original_id": "1251176231556591616", "reply_id": "1251188758168440841", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "How many of you want to see another Continue recruitment challenge? 👀"} {"idx": 12222, "original_id": "1250796163260964864", "reply_id": "1250869570526576640", "label": "applause", "text": "The city is now called Magnatude."} {"idx": 12223, "original_id": "1251179197621395456", "reply_id": "1251201394884870144", "label": "kiss", "text": "Hola bbs👋👋"} {"idx": 12224, "original_id": "1250841048739446786", "reply_id": "1250842643669618689", "label": "seriously", "text": "So I went to BK and went to hand the cashier my card and I had to put it in a plastic container, which she then took my card out of with her hand.. and I’m just trying to understand.. I still had my hand on the card.. wut"} {"idx": 12225, "original_id": "1251212306702315529", "reply_id": "1251228378310549504", "label": "agree", "text": "It’s really too bad that @realDonaldTrump ‘s brain doesn’t function nearly as well as @NYGovCuomo. Am I the only one that thinks this?"} {"idx": 12226, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251186056373952514", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 12228, "original_id": "1251227153594822659", "reply_id": "1251228053847658498", "label": "dance", "text": "I've been having issues with one of my accounts, but once it's figured out we will start thr give aways again"} {"idx": 12230, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250948498494648320", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 12231, "original_id": "1250812802090008576", "reply_id": "1250840963242737665", "label": "oops", "text": "The big flex will be who has that 1,200$ still in their account after quarantine"} {"idx": 12233, "original_id": "1250829956663386119", "reply_id": "1250906875945779200", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Not Even GOD."} {"idx": 12235, "original_id": "1250826240296202241", "reply_id": "1251050833283710976", "label": "popcorn", "text": "How much would you pay to watch Steve Mnuchin try to live off $1,200 for 10 weeks?"} {"idx": 12236, "original_id": "1250873951082803200", "reply_id": "1250876407565221890", "label": "want", "text": "If @sentientist and I made an 'Introduction to Evolutionary Psychology' video course that was about 10 hours of good, fun content, & it cost a reasonable amount, would you be interested in buying it?"} {"idx": 12240, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250900926656925700", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 12241, "original_id": "1250873500048306177", "reply_id": "1250965074493112320", "label": "yes", "text": "can quarantine be over so i can see my friends already 🥺👉🏽👈🏽"} {"idx": 12242, "original_id": "1251030974709878784", "reply_id": "1251045402259922944", "label": "eww", "text": "TL sleep? Bet\n\nTaylor Swift’s First two albums was AIIGHT"} {"idx": 12244, "original_id": "1250102401115308033", "reply_id": "1250900675552296963", "label": "no", "text": "Just watched a man piss in a pint glass then spunk in it and then drink it all. What a champ"} {"idx": 12245, "original_id": "1251231920152772621", "reply_id": "1251233170365845504", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve been thru a lot. And I’m still standing. I’ll be ight."} {"idx": 12246, "original_id": "1250867498561536003", "reply_id": "1250892541190438914", "label": "hearts", "text": "Calling your name is the only language I can speak ❤️"} {"idx": 12247, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251272657657610241", "label": "idk", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 12248, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250863707128762369", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 12250, "original_id": "1251133654706814978", "reply_id": "1251134066252042242", "label": "yes", "text": "I could really use a Mac mini pro. 6-8 core, dual nvme, dual so-dimm, 10g Nic, PCI-e slot for a 5700x down the road. Just call it the Mac. \ncc @gruber"} {"idx": 12252, "original_id": "1251171729856180227", "reply_id": "1251171973964726276", "label": "agree", "text": "Goodmorning to boners and boners only"} {"idx": 12254, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250970397035692032", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 12255, "original_id": "1248431456465997825", "reply_id": "1251128085354864640", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone else feel super accomplished after effectively using VLOOKUP?"} {"idx": 12256, "original_id": "1251004635772420096", "reply_id": "1251004932402151426", "label": "applause", "text": "Realistic slam dunk picks at pick 11\n-Andrew Thomas\n-Jerry Jeudy\n-Ceedee Lamb\n\n#jets"} {"idx": 12257, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250893231660752896", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 12258, "original_id": "1251013510752018434", "reply_id": "1251259447562788866", "label": "dance", "text": "Todays Impromptu stream was great, 25mill Bells acquired \n and did some terraforming on my island, thank you @ragingsmokes for the raid and to raging and @Lillybloom55 for the gift subs, thanks to @Zest_HNL and majorkerr for the follows, passed the hype onto @TheBestChimera"} {"idx": 12260, "original_id": "1250572371427295238", "reply_id": "1250934842029748227", "label": "agree", "text": "If you’re Christian and still going to church during a pandemic then you never get to call yourself ‘pro-life’ ever again.\n\nCan I get an amen? 🙏"} {"idx": 12263, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251229955670675456", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 12265, "original_id": "1251140902216773632", "reply_id": "1251165014213431296", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hey STANS,\n\nI trust that y'all are good? Anyways, from our camp we've got a special announcement to make to y'all.\n\nY'all stay tuned by 5PM today. Get your excitement gas on. Let's do this.\n\nNPND WDSPFF. 💎\n\n#IykeresaTheContent \n#KetchingUpWithIykeresa"} {"idx": 12266, "original_id": "1250918372373671941", "reply_id": "1250951523485573121", "label": "no", "text": "guys the corporate journalists think the contempt for them is exclusive to, or a function of, trump and that once he's gone america will rightfully venerate them \"again\""} {"idx": 12269, "original_id": "1251045026303340544", "reply_id": "1251052683827412992", "label": "hug", "text": "someone hug me"} {"idx": 12271, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251104691649343489", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 12273, "original_id": "1250934406979768320", "reply_id": "1250936344626507777", "label": "applause", "text": "Branding/Logo is gonna be clean, dropping a banger video next week, gonna revamp stream - BIG MOVES 👀🤝💯"} {"idx": 12274, "original_id": "1250862596472934400", "reply_id": "1250899320141950976", "label": "eww", "text": "I wish I had an eyelid on my whole body that would blink and keep me all moisturized."} {"idx": 12276, "original_id": "1251232989629034496", "reply_id": "1251244382931554314", "label": "awww", "text": "I really miss my fuck buddies. 😏"} {"idx": 12281, "original_id": "1251014011153534977", "reply_id": "1251017295708782593", "label": "eww", "text": "Quaratine almost broke me, had me out here considering a kappa 🥴"} {"idx": 12282, "original_id": "1250873444738174976", "reply_id": "1250873685344497667", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m dating to marry at this point, if that isn’t on your agenda...I’m not really down for it."} {"idx": 12283, "original_id": "1251245745937752068", "reply_id": "1251250401652940800", "label": "no", "text": "Do u guys even like me"} {"idx": 12285, "original_id": "1251188011284328448", "reply_id": "1251188257582284800", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Nobody panic but the grasshoppers are back 😳"} {"idx": 12286, "original_id": "1250839186141319169", "reply_id": "1250840191713058818", "label": "hug", "text": "My mental state is horrible. I just...can’t"} {"idx": 12289, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251007758423515137", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 12291, "original_id": "1251171813125754884", "reply_id": "1251172839824244737", "label": "applause", "text": "Aerith Gainsborough"} {"idx": 12294, "original_id": "1250968697394442240", "reply_id": "1250973783491395585", "label": "seriously", "text": "i’m so indecisive!!!!"} {"idx": 12296, "original_id": "1250964531720998912", "reply_id": "1250964826614095873", "label": "applause", "text": "Y’all are the best. \n\nGod bless this hobby and all you amazing people.\n\nMuch love. ❤️🤙"} {"idx": 12300, "original_id": "1250843153629769728", "reply_id": "1250848194042327042", "label": "hug", "text": "came down to the shop to open the windows for a while, give the plants some fresh air and check on them, etc. \n\nand uh\n\ni’m just. real fuckin sad y’all\n\nreal fuckin sad"} {"idx": 12301, "original_id": "1251110985068359685", "reply_id": "1251138215651823616", "label": "applause", "text": "i actually feel motivated to stream??? wtf who am i !!!!"} {"idx": 12302, "original_id": "1250993372514287617", "reply_id": "1251011795851988992", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss going on dates with my baby :("} {"idx": 12306, "original_id": "1251232012456857600", "reply_id": "1251252737255358469", "label": "hug", "text": "Need hug"} {"idx": 12307, "original_id": "1251168809429299201", "reply_id": "1251169098827993088", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The weeb equivalent of drunkenly trying to hook up with someone you shouldn't have is getting drunk at home and seeing your Gatcha Waifu appear on a new banner and thinking you actually have a chance to pull her if you buy some rolls and no I didn't just do this shut up."} {"idx": 12308, "original_id": "1250910539569483776", "reply_id": "1250911321190785025", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I only feel safe playing RAID SHADOW LEGENDS from behind NORD VPN to keep my data safe. I also listen to AUDIBLE while playing when I'm not trying to improve myself with SKILLSHARE."} {"idx": 12309, "original_id": "1250856223638982656", "reply_id": "1250866958259687425", "label": "agree", "text": "I told my son I was looking for a picture of myself at 20 and he got all wide-eyed and asked if they had cameras in the olden days so I’ve cancelled his next three birthdays"} {"idx": 12310, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250947994704363521", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 12313, "original_id": "1251264548516122628", "reply_id": "1251265091976204288", "label": "hug", "text": "Don’t appreciate my girls enough, always do anything to cheer me up😢😢😢"} {"idx": 12316, "original_id": "1250850428218224641", "reply_id": "1250998457449549825", "label": "oops", "text": "Lol well I can reply to meg cause I’m blocked but I’m such a shitty fake friend even tho I went to court on her behalf so she can try to get out of a FELONY charge😂"} {"idx": 12317, "original_id": "1251022421001474048", "reply_id": "1251024523077582853", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "@ImKindaMad go crazy wit the rap shit"} {"idx": 12318, "original_id": "1250961144589713408", "reply_id": "1251252676924497921", "label": "ok", "text": "Alot of men love the idea of a highly educated woman on paper. It’s an ego and status booster. Many are not emotionally equipped to deal with one."} {"idx": 12322, "original_id": "1250961518814015488", "reply_id": "1251146036820639744", "label": "yes", "text": "In a relationship you can’t just do what you want. You have to always think about the other person, and that’s what a lot of people don’t understand."} {"idx": 12326, "original_id": "1250811382443970560", "reply_id": "1250959354465050626", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t trust WHO\nI don’t trust China\nI don’t trust the UN \nI don’t trust the media \nI don’t trust the democrats"} {"idx": 12329, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1250928157282222083", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 12331, "original_id": "1251181896026873858", "reply_id": "1251183217643622401", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m dropping my Book “The Decision” early....Stay tuned!!!! The world needs some laughter. Thinking about releasing some chapters for free on Audible....thoughts?"} {"idx": 12332, "original_id": "1250920901983342592", "reply_id": "1250922389682225159", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Live Recap later?"} {"idx": 12333, "original_id": "1251092478914150400", "reply_id": "1251094034623401986", "label": "applause", "text": "I don't wanna say I'm good at my job but I have convinced a man I am really into hardsports and that i want to meet him and shit on him and have him shit on me. #baftaawardtome I can assure you I am not any of the above"} {"idx": 12334, "original_id": "1251181714518372355", "reply_id": "1251245406006194180", "label": "wink", "text": "It’s my birthday!! 🥳🥳!! I ain’t doing shit so send me your FAVORITE FUNNY GIF!! Also send followers 😄\n\nHAPPY DAY OF MY BIRTH EVERYONE!! 🥳"} {"idx": 12335, "original_id": "1250954713274691595", "reply_id": "1251032323598016515", "label": "hug", "text": "Yoh. I just need to be held."} {"idx": 12341, "original_id": "1250993127483039745", "reply_id": "1251178771887149059", "label": "hug", "text": "Hug your babies and loved ones tight. I cry wishing I had anyone to give a hug to right now"} {"idx": 12344, "original_id": "1250907247548551169", "reply_id": "1250907888614363137", "label": "agree", "text": "Put on my blingiest bling to eat leftovers tonight because why not?"} {"idx": 12346, "original_id": "1250852647403388928", "reply_id": "1250853291270877189", "label": "scared", "text": "NEW: Number of tests conducted for coronavirus in India reached 300,000."} {"idx": 12347, "original_id": "1251143776698986500", "reply_id": "1251144936033972231", "label": "hug", "text": "They’re really are some terrible people in this world 😔"} {"idx": 12348, "original_id": "1250885839422459904", "reply_id": "1250895317119250439", "label": "no", "text": "i just can’t wait to go to tsunami and then downtown. that is all"} {"idx": 12356, "original_id": "1250905318365655040", "reply_id": "1251172079141113861", "label": "applause", "text": "Bout to"} {"idx": 12358, "original_id": "1251207134454386690", "reply_id": "1251243570918559744", "label": "ok", "text": "don’t trip, i got youuu"} {"idx": 12359, "original_id": "1251220294678704128", "reply_id": "1251229042818330634", "label": "applause", "text": "DRAFT DAY"} {"idx": 12361, "original_id": "1251013272691781634", "reply_id": "1251013901812207617", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Well played."} {"idx": 12366, "original_id": "1250128287554306055", "reply_id": "1250836322811555845", "label": "applause", "text": "What do you call a cow with no legs? \n\nGround beef. \n\nI'm so sorry."} {"idx": 12367, "original_id": "1251194936399200256", "reply_id": "1251229930030956544", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“Earlier this week the Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus unveiled a new online portal...In just two days of activity, over 1,600 Minnesotans offered very specific and useful information on how to open Minnesota back up for business and activity.” #Covid_19 @tpt #tptalmanac"} {"idx": 12371, "original_id": "1250934784420913153", "reply_id": "1251016475231559680", "label": "ok", "text": "i just read an entire twitter thread of people who don’t kill spiders and either just let them chill in their house or catch them and release them outside... i’ve never been more repulsed in my life."} {"idx": 12376, "original_id": "1250992016634380290", "reply_id": "1250992835714846721", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "12 shots (:"} {"idx": 12377, "original_id": "1250965081220952066", "reply_id": "1251111510182633474", "label": "smh", "text": "Need 1 for matchups tonight. PS4. \n\nHit the dms 👍🏼"} {"idx": 12379, "original_id": "1250914698649899008", "reply_id": "1250916161665085447", "label": "agree", "text": "I think of us more as the New Old Left"} {"idx": 12381, "original_id": "1250656399312384003", "reply_id": "1250943753398956033", "label": "omg", "text": "There this bitch names unknown trying to take my man"} {"idx": 12383, "original_id": "1250900440012804096", "reply_id": "1251145568295907328", "label": "thank_you", "text": "“Opening up America Again” when the curve is just beginning to flatten is like stopping your prescribed antibiotics because you started to feel better"} {"idx": 12387, "original_id": "1251171703780229120", "reply_id": "1251172746869960704", "label": "applause", "text": "I will not keep singing the same fucking worship songs by ministries and gospel singers who do not approve of my existence. Sorry if that’s “weird” or if I’m being “too sensitive” but like... ya know I’ve got my lines."} {"idx": 12388, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228772147347459", "label": "please", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 12389, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251103432498229249", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 12390, "original_id": "1251139849958064128", "reply_id": "1251151128672104449", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "What’s Today y’all??"} {"idx": 12391, "original_id": "1251164244613234688", "reply_id": "1251164794796695552", "label": "agree", "text": "I love lying next to you\nI could do this for eternity\nYou and me, were meant to be in holy matrimony\nGod knew exactly what he was doing\nWhen he lead me to you\nWhen you say you love me\nKnow I love you more\nWhen you say you need me\nKnow I need you more\nBoy I adore you 🎶"} {"idx": 12392, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251119946144395266", "label": "wink", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 12393, "original_id": "1251268724243431425", "reply_id": "1251270444453376007", "label": "shrug", "text": "How could I confuse that shit for love?"} {"idx": 12394, "original_id": "1250978472652156929", "reply_id": "1250985191046180864", "label": "applause", "text": "Some personal news: I am going to bed before 3:00 AM."} {"idx": 12395, "original_id": "1251237207400120321", "reply_id": "1251240037922017283", "label": "please", "text": "I just made something and I wanted to share it, but then I realised...\nThis.. is the biggest spoiler... of my -original- book I'm working on.. I can't share it with -anyone-"} {"idx": 12396, "original_id": "1250913159247826946", "reply_id": "1250913254748151809", "label": "agree", "text": "Man, that was painful. More than usual.\n\n#TrumpPressConf\n#TrumpCrapPresser\n#TrumpsAnIdiot"} {"idx": 12397, "original_id": "1250936351463096320", "reply_id": "1250978532961980418", "label": "applause", "text": "Who is on the Covid19 frontlines? #NONPROFITS. Hospital/Healthcare workers...#NONPROFITS. Food/Meal distribution...#NONPROFITS. Mental Health/DV/Homeless Support...#NONPROFITS. Far from anything ”non”, we are who we are, at our best!!! Viva NONPROFITS"} {"idx": 12398, "original_id": "1251255397832429570", "reply_id": "1251263522559967232", "label": "shrug", "text": "I can see fortnites future and it's looking good 😉"} {"idx": 12400, "original_id": "1250957015263911940", "reply_id": "1250957352670572545", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "This is half humbelbrag and half a thing that's actually stressing me out but I've lost so much weight that my wedding ring is like sliding around on my finger and I'm afraid of losing it down the drain like some cliche sitcom dad."} {"idx": 12403, "original_id": "1251035520936935425", "reply_id": "1251035893965742080", "label": "applause", "text": "My laundry is all folded and put away ON THE SAME DAY I STARTED IT.\n\nThis is it. This is my peak."} {"idx": 12404, "original_id": "1250882862435446785", "reply_id": "1251078680245395458", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Maybe I’m just getting old but I have zero interest in Carti & Uzi. Trash music."} {"idx": 12406, "original_id": "1250879414382080006", "reply_id": "1250932731539673088", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If you don’t want me to call you out for being a sexist pig, don’t be a sexist pig. Especially if you look like you live in your moms basement and jack off to pictures of her"} {"idx": 12407, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250901962545082374", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 12412, "original_id": "1250976976053166086", "reply_id": "1250977711356547072", "label": "agree", "text": "FIFA just pissed me off but I can only blame myself for putting myself on Aston Villa"} {"idx": 12413, "original_id": "1251137886168195073", "reply_id": "1251138526084825090", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I’m out here working a double and my coworker has the audacity to leave fucking early today. \n\nWhat if I wanted to leave early?\n\nBitch is lucky I need the extra money."} {"idx": 12414, "original_id": "1250921842958893057", "reply_id": "1251106300852875264", "label": "applause", "text": "Surely it's more effort defending your choice to purposefully misgender someone than it is to just use their preferred pronouns? Or just, shut up??"} {"idx": 12415, "original_id": "1251186825810579457", "reply_id": "1251263867747000321", "label": "smh", "text": "I am here to find my life partner."} {"idx": 12419, "original_id": "1251225560312877058", "reply_id": "1251267236712583168", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I’m okay, \nI’m just sad."} {"idx": 12422, "original_id": "1250917557596553227", "reply_id": "1250918324617334785", "label": "shrug", "text": "What about Asymptomatic transfer of the virus?\n\n#TrumpPressConference"} {"idx": 12424, "original_id": "1250865332413218816", "reply_id": "1250867203894734848", "label": "smh", "text": "i truly think that biden and his advisors are so out of touch and have such terrible political instincts that they’d pick Elizabeth Warren as VP thinking that that’ll attract bernie supporters."} {"idx": 12425, "original_id": "1250943300275785735", "reply_id": "1250943471109787654", "label": "no", "text": "everyones looking for someone to hold"} {"idx": 12426, "original_id": "1251106848901525511", "reply_id": "1251107044918091776", "label": "popcorn", "text": "i feel like sharing an embarrassing story"} {"idx": 12427, "original_id": "1250839157154500608", "reply_id": "1250959754450685953", "label": "agree", "text": "What is this I hear about @obj getting traded to the Vikings man come on Cleveland u might as well give up on everything including the qb u got if u gone do that and trade him to."} {"idx": 12429, "original_id": "1251226780544970756", "reply_id": "1251272135735234562", "label": "yes", "text": "Why are so many small business owners telling me they’re getting no help from the PPP program?"} {"idx": 12432, "original_id": "1250979595039371265", "reply_id": "1250982305994174464", "label": "agree", "text": "When this is over who wants 2 go thrifting with me 👀"} {"idx": 12436, "original_id": "1250916107160031233", "reply_id": "1251012850811908096", "label": "shocked", "text": "I know my FBI agent fed up seeing my cock!"} {"idx": 12437, "original_id": "1251034210095300608", "reply_id": "1251034622256955394", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I refuse to be awake at 3 again..."} {"idx": 12441, "original_id": "1250964274622590979", "reply_id": "1251057726140092416", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "When it comes to the meat of President Trump’s pandemic plans, I’ve seen more on a bleached, picked-over stray cattle carcass left for months in the Texas sun."} {"idx": 12443, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250992637055840258", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 12444, "original_id": "1250847655389007874", "reply_id": "1250847796858667008", "label": "agree", "text": "My mom took me for roti, doubles and an aloo pie. #SelfCare"} {"idx": 12445, "original_id": "1250877428198670336", "reply_id": "1250886537228750850", "label": "hug", "text": "i feel like i haven’t had a hug in so long bc of the coronavirus :("} {"idx": 12447, "original_id": "1250977792491237376", "reply_id": "1251011415919472641", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I need someone to talk to, got to much shit in my head"} {"idx": 12451, "original_id": "1250503411902091264", "reply_id": "1250838000918859776", "label": "smh", "text": "I have decided I will be watching older movies during this quarantine so I can understand your boomer movie references. Just finished the matrix. Drop your suggestions."} {"idx": 12454, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1250940083655503878", "label": "ok", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 12459, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250952441253597184", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 12461, "original_id": "1250955158973890561", "reply_id": "1250955588298780680", "label": "applause", "text": "Good news!!! My screen time was down to 17 hours 4 minutes!!"} {"idx": 12462, "original_id": "1250987656869109761", "reply_id": "1250989534172581889", "label": "eww", "text": "When this is over I’m going to the bar and I don’t care if Bill Cosby serving the drinks."} {"idx": 12464, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251187625085603840", "label": "shrug", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 12470, "original_id": "1251031754464362496", "reply_id": "1251032357361971201", "label": "hug", "text": "Hei lagi kacau, can i get a hug? -switch"} {"idx": 12471, "original_id": "1250912164375859201", "reply_id": "1250916922914418688", "label": "smh", "text": "A very Andrew thing to do would be buy a new house and car during the middle of a pandemic because I’m bored"} {"idx": 12473, "original_id": "1250898853684969473", "reply_id": "1250926822860062720", "label": "agree", "text": "Unless the federal government ramps up Covid-19 testing tenfold, there is absolutely no way Governors can open up this economy safely. No American should be willing to sacrifice the lives of 2-3% of our elderly population."} {"idx": 12474, "original_id": "1251164539913109504", "reply_id": "1251171943258218496", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "So, I just got dumped 🙃"} {"idx": 12476, "original_id": "1250922035141914632", "reply_id": "1251044886473773056", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on state-by-state reopening: \"I call it: a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different...But when it's all done...a very beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 12477, "original_id": "1251127179888361472", "reply_id": "1251128269761478656", "label": "ok", "text": "EXTRACTION.\n1 WEEK TO GO."} {"idx": 12478, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251105541453045765", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 12483, "original_id": "1250858102393618438", "reply_id": "1250893100844802048", "label": "agree", "text": "I just want to punt the ball and watch @najee_thompson recover the fumble again😪"} {"idx": 12484, "original_id": "1251257441809043466", "reply_id": "1251266912954339328", "label": "awww", "text": "washing dishes with your earphones on>>>>>>>>>"} {"idx": 12486, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250953627025489926", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 12489, "original_id": "1250789679319916550", "reply_id": "1250858503784345602", "label": "high_five", "text": "It all started from #SanghiTwitter \n\nIt’s a totally different pleasure to trigger these BJP haters 🥰"} {"idx": 12490, "original_id": "1251193100946546690", "reply_id": "1251193328508469249", "label": "applause", "text": "#Giants GM Dave Gettleman says he will seriously consider trading down from No. 4."} {"idx": 12492, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251137984839192577", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 12494, "original_id": "1250634600814120961", "reply_id": "1250840349880324097", "label": "no", "text": "I do hope Biden seriously considers Warren as his VP."} {"idx": 12495, "original_id": "1250820374327107584", "reply_id": "1250833051308961793", "label": "thank_you", "text": "It's time for Bettman to do the right thing & give the Wings the 1st pick over all."} {"idx": 12496, "original_id": "1250830671590940672", "reply_id": "1250832488768790528", "label": "dance", "text": "Guys. I'm literally so happy. Despite everything going on in the world right now, I'm just full. Full of joy. Gu of love. Full of hope. Full of optimism. Full of forgiveness. I just feel.. great. And I was the opposite for so so fucking long. K thx bye 💗🥰"} {"idx": 12498, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251054258121662464", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 12502, "original_id": "1251149656404324353", "reply_id": "1251150260421844992", "label": "smh", "text": "Should’ve took the opportunity to be a stay at home mom when I had it. 🥴"} {"idx": 12504, "original_id": "1251179124745519112", "reply_id": "1251264716560830464", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Aquarius, Libra, Gemini 🖤🕊 ; Make sure your health, physical/mental, is okay. If not, take the necessary steps to get it back right. Things may be a bit hard for you b/c it seems like you can’t catch a break and you may feel a little down about it. However, when have...(1/3)"} {"idx": 12506, "original_id": "1250775016200974336", "reply_id": "1250852515945549831", "label": "applause", "text": "My neighbor who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 just put a @JoeBiden sign out in his yard. I think it is safe to say that a massive, powerful blue wave is imminent. GOP - it is time to pay the piper."} {"idx": 12507, "original_id": "1251039320896667657", "reply_id": "1251044657565442049", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m not saying Jushin Thunder Liger was the last thread holding the fabric of the world together, but *gestures widely to everything that’s happened since he retired*"} {"idx": 12508, "original_id": "1250979582846648321", "reply_id": "1250981704958869505", "label": "oops", "text": "If you like Modelito pls dm right now so I can block you"} {"idx": 12509, "original_id": "1250986569852506112", "reply_id": "1250999292636082177", "label": "eww", "text": "Something that some girls are looking for...that woman is shouting \"Ah Mi o shey mo. Gbogbo abe lo n take mi\". Lmao...Inside this Corona-Corona...You want your husband home now he is home.. next time you know how to share with other women..."} {"idx": 12510, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250868752888946688", "label": "smh", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 12511, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251227571502505985", "label": "sigh", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 12512, "original_id": "1251082966203346945", "reply_id": "1251084827362615297", "label": "wink", "text": "my boyfriend guys? 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 12515, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250968166001446914", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 12516, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251239628100730882", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 12522, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1251053977346756610", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 12524, "original_id": "1250840782740865026", "reply_id": "1250841990838784002", "label": "eww", "text": "I’ll admit. I’ve been time traveling to delete/move inclines, bridges, and buildings. Honestly, 3 days to move 3 things is a lot when I want to work on a area now. It really kills my creative flow."} {"idx": 12525, "original_id": "1251190266360238081", "reply_id": "1251191967792476160", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m thinking of investing money in a fuck bot since I’m not getting no dick"} {"idx": 12530, "original_id": "1250952906741817344", "reply_id": "1250956600501833730", "label": "smh", "text": "#90DayFiance is the best show on tv. Don’t @ me"} {"idx": 12531, "original_id": "1250845918150131714", "reply_id": "1250846684176945154", "label": "applause", "text": "An out of country friend sent this to me:\nWhat borders stupidity?\n⬇\n⬇\n⬇\n⬇\n⬇\nMexico and Canada\n@realDonaldTrump \n@MissourIGOP"} {"idx": 12534, "original_id": "1250837617228361728", "reply_id": "1250860884001460226", "label": "popcorn", "text": "My dad has been married 6 times since he left my mum - his first wife. I've been invited to his next wedding and I fully intend to stand up and list every reason why these two should not be wed."} {"idx": 12536, "original_id": "1250866096044834817", "reply_id": "1250866627551379458", "label": "applause", "text": "Shoutout to Thursday for showing up so damn fast"} {"idx": 12538, "original_id": "1251216306247958528", "reply_id": "1251228364498747392", "label": "applause", "text": "if you know me and my man together, you’re not allowed to compliment me the way some of yall do. y’all blatantly disrespect him by smiling in his face. i will not tolerate that. learn boundaries or go away. i know i’m fine, but learn composure. k thanks."} {"idx": 12539, "original_id": "1250820224741445637", "reply_id": "1250840000339607555", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "#DailyBriefing\n\nNOOOO!!!!\nNot another \"When will the lockdown end?\" question."} {"idx": 12540, "original_id": "1250682423014113280", "reply_id": "1250844906790125568", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "can’t wait to get my own apartment next month"} {"idx": 12542, "original_id": "1250839544162856966", "reply_id": "1250890674574155779", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I'm about to start something. Wish me good luck."} {"idx": 12544, "original_id": "1251248536026578945", "reply_id": "1251261175020400640", "label": "shocked", "text": "NEW: In Nigeria, security forces have killed 18 people while enforcing lockdown, more than the coronavirus itself (13). - NHRC"} {"idx": 12546, "original_id": "1251244781260492800", "reply_id": "1251250120638619648", "label": "applause", "text": "Thanks for the follows"} {"idx": 12547, "original_id": "1251045026303340544", "reply_id": "1251047682765922305", "label": "hug", "text": "someone hug me"} {"idx": 12548, "original_id": "1250869213381697543", "reply_id": "1250909959153266690", "label": "popcorn", "text": "What is a thotty"} {"idx": 12549, "original_id": "1250982461435248640", "reply_id": "1251016171660423168", "label": "no", "text": "should i....\ntext him... 🥺"} {"idx": 12550, "original_id": "1251159904959598593", "reply_id": "1251243900968321025", "label": "applause", "text": "[JUST IN] President Cyril Ramaphosa has rejected calls for the lifting of the alcohol ban. He has instead directed liquor sellers to seek economic relief through programs offered by government. #eNCA #DStv403"} {"idx": 12551, "original_id": "1250923222880657408", "reply_id": "1250923744819904513", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Bill O’Brien addressed the biggest needs for the #Texans after a busy offseason of trades and signings."} {"idx": 12555, "original_id": "1251057873762816002", "reply_id": "1251058405319618561", "label": "oops", "text": "Smile."} {"idx": 12556, "original_id": "1251123202832560128", "reply_id": "1251189442309697536", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#ff\n\n@tertiarymap \n@rivalrebelsgame \n@Segamastertim \n@sincespacies \n@romadorin\n@post_beta \n@thecatnose \n@goheroes_games \n@VoxPopGames \n@anmastudios \n@MooreGamesNet \n@CattleyaArt \n@Catherinecox868 \n@BuriedState \n@DougGames234 \n@DioscuriGames \n@more_dragons \n\nToo gat damn many."} {"idx": 12558, "original_id": "1251130170494328834", "reply_id": "1251130365420306433", "label": "wink", "text": "I had a new follower ask me if I really have sex with married men and like it when the cum on my face. I told him “ This is Twitter, I would never lie to you.”"} {"idx": 12563, "original_id": "1250972458393403395", "reply_id": "1250972789147725824", "label": "hug", "text": "106 days since my last hug and no hugs on the horizon."} {"idx": 12564, "original_id": "1250895042497085443", "reply_id": "1250913336436207616", "label": "shocked", "text": "Not sure all of it, but definitely heard “...never had sex with Mom...” from downstairs. There’s not enough booze in the world for me to handle any sort of difficult conversation today."} {"idx": 12568, "original_id": "1251202277882441731", "reply_id": "1251206813334286337", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Are my drawings good? 😭"} {"idx": 12571, "original_id": "1250915633065111552", "reply_id": "1251003803517796352", "label": "scared", "text": "Trump: \"America wants to be open and Americans want to be open.\"\n\nPew poll out today: About twice as many Americans say their greater concern is that state governments will lift restrictions on public activity too quickly (66%-32%)."} {"idx": 12572, "original_id": "1250932723537137665", "reply_id": "1250950546900516866", "label": "eww", "text": "is this what being on love island feels like??"} {"idx": 12574, "original_id": "1250933352460218368", "reply_id": "1250933648003444737", "label": "hug", "text": "A little unsteady."} {"idx": 12580, "original_id": "1250865343402332160", "reply_id": "1250868652053860352", "label": "agree", "text": "What do you all honestly think of Mike Pence? \n\nDo you like him?"} {"idx": 12581, "original_id": "1250814259065323521", "reply_id": "1250866509024559104", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Following one lucky fan everyday during quarantine! Tweet photos of me or respond to my posts to get noticed! 🥰❤️"} {"idx": 12582, "original_id": "1251219211214602243", "reply_id": "1251220809852559360", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm having a bad day."} {"idx": 12586, "original_id": "1250887466199871489", "reply_id": "1250888136059613184", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Who thinks I can finish this PUBG video before the game completely dies? I have my doubts"} {"idx": 12588, "original_id": "1250879816368377858", "reply_id": "1250880281223061510", "label": "omg", "text": "Um so like, im going to start Unfollowing a bunch of people i have'nt talk to in months or seen.\nAlso Unflowing if i there is something your involved in which i dont wanta be,\nSo i guess Interact with this tweet if you don't want to be unfollowed,"} {"idx": 12590, "original_id": "1250740505094377479", "reply_id": "1251009314598215680", "label": "seriously", "text": "I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kindred, and will put my words into the mouth of the prophet; the prophet shall tell them all that I command.\n\nDeuteronomy 18:18"} {"idx": 12593, "original_id": "1250961572723331073", "reply_id": "1250970146421846016", "label": "scared", "text": "cant sleep.."} {"idx": 12595, "original_id": "1251158957944483840", "reply_id": "1251182343915798528", "label": "eww", "text": "Draft day! Who will be lucky enough to join the elite group of 1OAs?"} {"idx": 12597, "original_id": "1250781878828892160", "reply_id": "1251153886104059904", "label": "no", "text": "Prepared food is not allowed to be sold during the lockdown period. Supermarkets are also not allowed to sell cooked food. \n\nIf you know of one, please report them to the @SAPoliceService. \n\nWe are revoking fraudulent applications and referring them to @the_dti for legal action."} {"idx": 12598, "original_id": "1250854933739552769", "reply_id": "1250965439280226304", "label": "shocked", "text": "certain GIFs should be punishable by law and by God"} {"idx": 12600, "original_id": "1250958741177958400", "reply_id": "1250961469664948224", "label": "smh", "text": "~ Service Call.\n 17000 blk E LAKE GOODWIN RD, STANWOOD / JUVENILES SPINNING DONUTS IN THE PARKING LOT, TURNED UP A LARGE DUST CLOUD, WHILE DOING THIS THEY RAN OVER THE FIRE HYDRANT."} {"idx": 12602, "original_id": "1251183823028715521", "reply_id": "1251196483786997760", "label": "agree", "text": "I’d take the psychological advice of Dr. Fauci over the medical advice of Dr. Phil any day. #COVID19"} {"idx": 12603, "original_id": "1249484963986186242", "reply_id": "1251218361264021519", "label": "yes", "text": "You ever take a bite of food and THEN realize it's too hot?!"} {"idx": 12604, "original_id": "1251191617685540867", "reply_id": "1251205135256227846", "label": "shocked", "text": "Give me one RT and I’ll smash my husbands ps4"} {"idx": 12605, "original_id": "1250965027793915908", "reply_id": "1250965347898765312", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Temp 102.6 probably going to the hospital"} {"idx": 12608, "original_id": "1251045687174799361", "reply_id": "1251049896087560192", "label": "applause", "text": "terraria is the dark souls of minecraft"} {"idx": 12615, "original_id": "1250790050364829698", "reply_id": "1250917127218884610", "label": "no", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever trust Bill Gates?"} {"idx": 12618, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250998269955710976", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 12619, "original_id": "1251257609698582528", "reply_id": "1251259949386096640", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Well, I guess today is a boring and long and weird day, but I can watch an episode of #Fringe and distract myself. I'm on 10 now, if anyone is following along."} {"idx": 12623, "original_id": "1250820514878312448", "reply_id": "1250838555628392450", "label": "hug", "text": "The past couple of days have been rather awful (emotionally), so I'm going to be away from twitter for a while. No worries about the Medieval Queens World Cup though, definitely will still be posting those! Apart from that, however, I will be taking a step back. Be well everyone!"} {"idx": 12624, "original_id": "1250971449566752769", "reply_id": "1250971683843907593", "label": "omg", "text": "Wonder why LeBron didn't participate in yet another stand-alone contest - the HORSE tournament. No Dunk Contest. No 3-Point Contest. No televised HORSE."} {"idx": 12626, "original_id": "1250808419759644682", "reply_id": "1250937490229342210", "label": "shocked", "text": "i woke up mad at eric because of something he did in my dream..."} {"idx": 12627, "original_id": "1251115947072425985", "reply_id": "1251157227244630017", "label": "shocked", "text": "I wanna start painting 🎨"} {"idx": 12629, "original_id": "1250920034198630400", "reply_id": "1250920675759587328", "label": "yes", "text": "The president of the United States just announced Montana is Phase One compliant for re-opening \"tomorrow.\"\n#MTpol #MTnews"} {"idx": 12631, "original_id": "1251170143868239873", "reply_id": "1251191493844484098", "label": "smh", "text": "My next relationship im cheating. Its been 13yrs since ive cheated i think i need to run it back for old times sake🥴🤣😂."} {"idx": 12632, "original_id": "1251227746484838408", "reply_id": "1251230825456304135", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Holy fucking shit you guys. I interview McAfee for the podcast in TWO hours!!! #NervousAsFuck"} {"idx": 12634, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251234009595731969", "label": "applause", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 12635, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251031297918730241", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 12639, "original_id": "1250904322302308352", "reply_id": "1250941451208450048", "label": "applause", "text": "Because its National Horny Day, apparently I'm going to write the 2nd chapter of Enhancement with Momo"} {"idx": 12641, "original_id": "1250955912245841920", "reply_id": "1250980829540614144", "label": "hug", "text": "Not sure what my mental health is doing right now. Being furloughed for 5 weeks is starting to get to me."} {"idx": 12643, "original_id": "1251120545828974592", "reply_id": "1251131459076632578", "label": "oh_snap", "text": ", @fayedsouza has followed me, should I be scared?"} {"idx": 12644, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250852273833508864", "label": "no", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 12646, "original_id": "1250968492041478145", "reply_id": "1250968829620084738", "label": "please", "text": "Can @ABCNetwork do @Disney sing-a-long episodes like every day please?🥺💕"} {"idx": 12647, "original_id": "1250875381009264641", "reply_id": "1250875757058023424", "label": "high_five", "text": "I know exactly who I wanna marry. now I gotta get her on the same page lmao"} {"idx": 12649, "original_id": "1250985293622075392", "reply_id": "1251038067059830785", "label": "agree", "text": "gosh everything really is.. horrible huh"} {"idx": 12654, "original_id": "1250959200882229248", "reply_id": "1250961322830856192", "label": "shocked", "text": "🚨Stream will be live in an hour!🚨\nWho am I seeing?? 👀"} {"idx": 12656, "original_id": "1250927213811240960", "reply_id": "1250960460863533056", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "As the @StJudePLAYLIVE season begins and the @streamfluencer team prepares for the #PlayForAPurpose2020 event, I can't help but think back to this time last year. I saw a random tweet from @HAVOKgg about helping with a great cause and joined the discord linked on it 1/3"} {"idx": 12658, "original_id": "1251133311151472640", "reply_id": "1251135037422125056", "label": "applause", "text": "We’re back! Good morning fam! 🥰"} {"idx": 12659, "original_id": "1250805842292740096", "reply_id": "1251108413062463488", "label": "oops", "text": "Lord thank You for a successful breakup, very wicked boy 😕"} {"idx": 12661, "original_id": "1250972727785054209", "reply_id": "1250988186051817473", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "This is a confession of a shopaholic : Help! Quarantine makes me shop & spend freely like my dad owns the credit card company 😩"} {"idx": 12662, "original_id": "1250997456097157126", "reply_id": "1251009139666542592", "label": "awww", "text": "50ft. out now on all platforms!! ✨Here's a special message from me to you 😘Tweet #50ft to unlock. Love you guysss 💕"} {"idx": 12663, "original_id": "1250549086970880004", "reply_id": "1250954770954805253", "label": "yes", "text": "I don't mean to sound negative but does anyone think we will have a 2nd wave of COVID-19 ?"} {"idx": 12667, "original_id": "1251209372354654208", "reply_id": "1251240983989280773", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Who’s ready for their post work Friday beer? I AM BECAUSE IM NOT PREGNANT ANYMORE WHATUPPPPP"} {"idx": 12668, "original_id": "1251159334735638532", "reply_id": "1251174851475365888", "label": "agree", "text": "Should I get Jimmy Johns for the third time this week?"} {"idx": 12670, "original_id": "1250969944851976192", "reply_id": "1250971255374823424", "label": "yolo", "text": "Loving Ikoria so far, brewing up a storm of decks in modern for the ole discord 🤩"} {"idx": 12672, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250873807100948483", "label": "sigh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 12674, "original_id": "1251125765816623105", "reply_id": "1251135944557826048", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#fridaymorning cheers 2 all! Follow these amazing people!\n@courtelizabethm @Becca_Dupuis @AuthorBuster @PJWehry @igkee_art @blackwell_dgf @fvalino @6thsola @safopus @ofmangledmanner @6thsola @JorgedeBurgos5 @imLoganYoung @mattgould_nz @31i55aR3n33 @kanwaldeep_k @E_D_Erker"} {"idx": 12675, "original_id": "1250976227923501057", "reply_id": "1250986107719876608", "label": "shocked", "text": "I will be kissing my friends on the lips next time I see them."} {"idx": 12678, "original_id": "1250999968250331139", "reply_id": "1251001150838620161", "label": "oops", "text": "guys i can't read yr tweets if they're 4 pics long of text and then more bitching. im trying"} {"idx": 12681, "original_id": "1250906704700739584", "reply_id": "1250912682850619393", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "From yo can cook just clap"} {"idx": 12682, "original_id": "1250966896532312064", "reply_id": "1251201052050939904", "label": "ok", "text": "Let’s drive around and watch the sunset while listening to Frank Ocean"} {"idx": 12684, "original_id": "1251069185796472832", "reply_id": "1251211751879827458", "label": "applause", "text": "Even now many people don’t get it.\n\nThe Conservatives cannot fight Russian influence - even if it wanted. \n\nThe Tories have tied themselves to Brexit, & Brexit is tied to Russian money/direction - they’re like a lawyer who’s become complicit with the mafia.\n\nThere’s no escape."} {"idx": 12687, "original_id": "1250906817854689286", "reply_id": "1250918280262533122", "label": "yes", "text": "It's time. I've decided that my next goal is to be the new face of @ObeyAlliance"} {"idx": 12688, "original_id": "1251235784641912846", "reply_id": "1251239055590858755", "label": "agree", "text": "Once lockdown is over I hope our next match goes as well as the last one, by that I mean @GeorgeFrancisPW gets beaten up and we win"} {"idx": 12689, "original_id": "1250926956641730565", "reply_id": "1250927483832152064", "label": "agree", "text": "Hawk is so fucking good"} {"idx": 12690, "original_id": "1250861833923244040", "reply_id": "1250864538641195011", "label": "hug", "text": "got some bad news 😢"} {"idx": 12692, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251183211851460609", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 12693, "original_id": "1250903036236566529", "reply_id": "1250903256685064192", "label": "want", "text": "a shoulder to cry on?"} {"idx": 12696, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251269286951374851", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 12702, "original_id": "1251190865348919297", "reply_id": "1251194068580929542", "label": "hug", "text": "🗣I need to be touched. 😩"} {"idx": 12707, "original_id": "1250869180414472192", "reply_id": "1250907106607316996", "label": "no", "text": "My wife and I are doing a quarantine LOTR book club, I’ll keep you all informed."} {"idx": 12711, "original_id": "1250724705633538049", "reply_id": "1250843288380289024", "label": "yawn", "text": "Quote with gif according to your mood."} {"idx": 12712, "original_id": "1251102906394333184", "reply_id": "1251104841071501314", "label": "yes", "text": "Everyday I get up like an American civil war wife waiting for her husband to come home, except my husband is the postman. I stare wistfully out the window wondering if today will be the day. Will he come back to me...to my fresh hardtack...my bosom..."} {"idx": 12713, "original_id": "1251184202697052162", "reply_id": "1251185488763015170", "label": "omg", "text": "Charging"} {"idx": 12714, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1251077853833134080", "label": "smh", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 12715, "original_id": "1251131679697022979", "reply_id": "1251131962145812480", "label": "agree", "text": "Would I stop watching/supporting my favorite comedian/actor/singer/athlete because they support Donald Trump?\n\nYou bet your fucking ass I would.\n\nWhy the fuck would I keep supporting someone who is alright with a xenophobic/racist president?"} {"idx": 12716, "original_id": "1251098473807654914", "reply_id": "1251198125387198465", "label": "high_five", "text": "I've @FineGael blue blood running through me from tip to toe. And for generations\n\nGather round for a story about Garret Fitzgerald and Ansbacher bank Guinness Mahon where my grandad, as a director of the bank, ran \"special schemes\" for very special friends\n\nMaybe I shouldn't?🤔"} {"idx": 12717, "original_id": "1251207126938247169", "reply_id": "1251225757747052550", "label": "sigh", "text": "A relative explained that by reading the Washington Post and the New York Times, I should be careful as they are biased. They suggested I should be watching OANN as that tells the truth without bias."} {"idx": 12721, "original_id": "1250879365019250688", "reply_id": "1250899563084492800", "label": "smh", "text": "Although I was at first disappointed at thistle not suing. I’ve had a change of heart and I support the club fully"} {"idx": 12722, "original_id": "1251173081038585856", "reply_id": "1251197513836748802", "label": "high_five", "text": "It is my professional opinion that most country music is offensively stupid. I will not be taking questions at this time."} {"idx": 12724, "original_id": "1251249592458514433", "reply_id": "1251256858679132160", "label": "shocked", "text": "Oh my just realised that I had missed the beginning of the movie Acrimony and misjudged the wife.. Now seeing Robert for he is/was.."} {"idx": 12725, "original_id": "1251218771009843200", "reply_id": "1251221146814615552", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If Moses Daddy Simon doesn't get a TOTS-SF card I'll be so mad I could spit."} {"idx": 12726, "original_id": "1250939327670075399", "reply_id": "1250943433528741888", "label": "hug", "text": "I have made the decision that I'm going to try to find another apartment. It was SUPER hard to get this one as some of you will remember, but I need to try. I thought staying in this one was gonna be fine cuz it reminds me of mom every day. It WAS fine at first and made me (cont)"} {"idx": 12728, "original_id": "1250848944135045120", "reply_id": "1250858363015106561", "label": "yes", "text": "And Chad Duell is not leading man material. Unless we're talking twink porn. #gh"} {"idx": 12730, "original_id": "1251163322814062593", "reply_id": "1251180770300964864", "label": "no", "text": "Serious question for #Libertarian-minded folks: Assuming @justinamash doesn't get the @LPNational nomination, is there anyone realistic @JoeBiden might pick as VP that would get you giving him a second look?"} {"idx": 12733, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251224316768710656", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 12734, "original_id": "1250913285987278848", "reply_id": "1250936536595603456", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "When @DonnieWahlberg is quiet, it means he's cooking something gooood for us #WeAreLucky ❤️"} {"idx": 12735, "original_id": "1251049335804084226", "reply_id": "1251229247131303939", "label": "yes", "text": "is the office as good as everyone says it is 🤨"} {"idx": 12737, "original_id": "1250817963814539264", "reply_id": "1250900594019033089", "label": "yawn", "text": "Raab 'we will only do it when the evidence shows it is safe to do it'"} {"idx": 12738, "original_id": "1251228187528486920", "reply_id": "1251232962265460737", "label": "applause", "text": "There are two problems when it comes to Black maternal mortality: ongoing systematic disparities and implicit bias.\n\nOn the last day of Black Maternal Health Week, the urgency to pass the Black Maternal Health Momnibus and my Maternal CARE Act couldn’t be more clear."} {"idx": 12740, "original_id": "1250837795289079809", "reply_id": "1250839554422181891", "label": "scared", "text": "NCAA IS SHOOK 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽"} {"idx": 12741, "original_id": "1251127097919184898", "reply_id": "1251137010498240512", "label": "agree", "text": "Most exciting thing about this takeover is I may witness a game where we have greater possession than our opponents #NUFCTakeover"} {"idx": 12742, "original_id": "1251238306312073216", "reply_id": "1251238697875451910", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I am so annoying that I love to annoy @sudanirose too! 😃😃😃😃😃"} {"idx": 12743, "original_id": "1250868675084611585", "reply_id": "1250873026821992450", "label": "oops", "text": "and apparently these are medical students lol"} {"idx": 12745, "original_id": "1250964205647339520", "reply_id": "1250964517300756480", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I gave up on being a crafty Pinterest mom who tries fancy recipes and organizes chore charts for her kids a long time ago. \n\nI’m more of a tequila drinking, F bomb dropping, frozen chicken nugget mom."} {"idx": 12749, "original_id": "1251018499239092226", "reply_id": "1251170954283114498", "label": "awww", "text": "Just be cool to one another. It’s not that hard.\n\n‘Nite ✌🏻🌜"} {"idx": 12752, "original_id": "1251012132415643650", "reply_id": "1251019186429661184", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Married with Children reruns are so good. Al Bundy is the GOAT of tv dads."} {"idx": 12753, "original_id": "1250866017942847488", "reply_id": "1250933203520675844", "label": "no", "text": "Is Noreaga's rhyming on \"N.O.R.E\" better than Dmx rhymes on \"It's Dark and Hell Is Hot\"?"} {"idx": 12760, "original_id": "1251031659505266690", "reply_id": "1251045333947215872", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I just can't."} {"idx": 12761, "original_id": "1250835941876531211", "reply_id": "1250839026195673089", "label": "smh", "text": "Taking your temperature as you walk into to work for the day. \n\nWow, welcome to 2020 ?"} {"idx": 12763, "original_id": "1250946883695964161", "reply_id": "1250952055029739521", "label": "shocked", "text": "Your dick is 1 inch inside MJ's ass and LeBron's dick is 1 inch inside your ass, which direction are you going to get out?\n\nThis decides the GOAT debate.\n#thursdayvibes #QuarantineLife"} {"idx": 12766, "original_id": "1251029118394658816", "reply_id": "1251067707799134208", "label": "shocked", "text": "TL sleep ? if we fuck just know im not pulling out .. i want a daughter 🌚"} {"idx": 12768, "original_id": "1250948707693899776", "reply_id": "1251084196824535046", "label": "yolo", "text": "Caller has just rang in to @MagicTalkRadio to ask @SeanPlunket if he is on P? #nzpol"} {"idx": 12773, "original_id": "1250967983926775808", "reply_id": "1251168144946860033", "label": "yes", "text": "Have any of you guys tweeted, deleted, tweeted, deleted for about 5 times until you got it right?"} {"idx": 12778, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250887550182363136", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 12780, "original_id": "1250877302701010946", "reply_id": "1250895057198043136", "label": "popcorn", "text": "President Trump will announce his \"Open Up America\" plan tonight at 6PM EST. \n\nHe's been on the phone with America's governors all afternoon fine tuning the plan."} {"idx": 12782, "original_id": "1250954351725641731", "reply_id": "1250956218757234688", "label": "please", "text": "FLASH LIFETIME GIVEAWAY \n\nOne random comment will win a lifetime key 🔑 \n(Current members eligible) \n\nYou have 15 minutes! GO!!! 🚨"} {"idx": 12784, "original_id": "1250860141353660416", "reply_id": "1250883598690861056", "label": "hug", "text": "Cant stand this pain"} {"idx": 12786, "original_id": "1250877625565876226", "reply_id": "1250884633639690241", "label": "shocked", "text": "After this lockdown, there'll be an audition for professional work eaters, I'm tired."} {"idx": 12790, "original_id": "1250830782165323777", "reply_id": "1250936419243241472", "label": "idk", "text": "Stephen A. Smith said on ESPN that he believes Nick Foles will start more games this season for the Bears than Mitch Trubisky.\n\nSmith: \"Trubisky has talent but doesn't have the mental toughness to lead the franchise. Foles doesn't crack under pressure.\""} {"idx": 12794, "original_id": "1250989371995480064", "reply_id": "1251007154124754946", "label": "seriously", "text": "GYMS CAN OPEN IN PHASE ONE. WHATS GOOD @zoo_culture WE BACK !!!"} {"idx": 12796, "original_id": "1251098209935482880", "reply_id": "1251099989381533696", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I go dab ? 🤔"} {"idx": 12798, "original_id": "1250867953719001089", "reply_id": "1250922083997057025", "label": "seriously", "text": "I miss Paul Masson and house parties"} {"idx": 12799, "original_id": "1251078876945670144", "reply_id": "1251079715345108992", "label": "no", "text": "Middle white pork fat >>>> hand moisturiser."} {"idx": 12803, "original_id": "1250869124273766406", "reply_id": "1250875383999877122", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Alright fam, check in..... How are you?"} {"idx": 12805, "original_id": "1250987854676836353", "reply_id": "1251002419925757954", "label": "seriously", "text": "Imagine 30 years from now telling your kids/grandkids that you lived through the #COVID19 crisis.\n\nLike the Great Depression, the World Wars, the partition, the fall of the Berlin wall, the 2008 financial crisis...we are living in what would be an imp chapter in human history!"} {"idx": 12806, "original_id": "1250969651871440896", "reply_id": "1250972437669347328", "label": "yes", "text": "How to get away with murder"} {"idx": 12809, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251122762653077509", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 12811, "original_id": "1250911777191329798", "reply_id": "1250916705779486721", "label": "applause", "text": "Looking at the state of Destiny right now doesnt make me angry, it just makes me sad. Heres to better things for the future of this game cause i literally could not live without it. Be kind to each other people and lets ride this bad patch out like we always do. @DestinyTheGame"} {"idx": 12814, "original_id": "1251181896026873858", "reply_id": "1251211990321766402", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m dropping my Book “The Decision” early....Stay tuned!!!! The world needs some laughter. Thinking about releasing some chapters for free on Audible....thoughts?"} {"idx": 12816, "original_id": "1251249049975619584", "reply_id": "1251275232557576193", "label": "yes", "text": "Don't forget to sin this weekend you silly fuckers!"} {"idx": 12819, "original_id": "1250870143615414278", "reply_id": "1250879218310922241", "label": "yes", "text": "600 followers... Shit! Thanks fuckers. Drop your best meme for a follow back 🤪"} {"idx": 12827, "original_id": "1250893527732584450", "reply_id": "1250893867718754310", "label": "dance", "text": "When mfs ask my name they wanna make jokes talkin bout go demarcus go demarcus 😒 I’ll punch you bitch"} {"idx": 12828, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251233527154302978", "label": "applause", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 12833, "original_id": "1250793101737840646", "reply_id": "1251222890953035782", "label": "sigh", "text": "Seeing someone successful, like Sam Smith, share their mental struggles can make it much easier for people living less gilded lives to acknowledge & seek help for theirs. Using his pain to make fatuous comparisons with the wonderful Capt. Moore is sick & insulting to them both."} {"idx": 12834, "original_id": "1250911879498575873", "reply_id": "1250922903589224450", "label": "agree", "text": "ayo @UAGERICC @MrSubpar34 @BaconConflicted @Th1sJ @UAG_Killshot \n\nyou're all disgusting"} {"idx": 12835, "original_id": "1250809960528781312", "reply_id": "1250923248079994880", "label": "smh", "text": "On MSNBC, Nancy Pelosi congratulated Senate Dems on rejecting a $250 billion to shore up small businesses. “I congratulate the Senate Democrats, they went to the Floor when Mitch McConnell went in for the $250 billion. And they said they objected” @standamericanow #Shameful"} {"idx": 12839, "original_id": "1250940129683873799", "reply_id": "1251098006054715392", "label": "wink", "text": "A date under the moonlight is needed~"} {"idx": 12840, "original_id": "1250985251733753859", "reply_id": "1251184099001200640", "label": "shocked", "text": "BREAKING: Wuhan, where the coronavirus pandemic began, revises death toll to 3,869, an increase of 50%"} {"idx": 12841, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250940762621173762", "label": "sigh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 12844, "original_id": "1251141928868929540", "reply_id": "1251215450152804353", "label": "hug", "text": "need hug."} {"idx": 12845, "original_id": "1250861739991683072", "reply_id": "1250869218242748416", "label": "scared", "text": "people actually bought/had pet rocks in the 70’s?! simpler times i guess"} {"idx": 12848, "original_id": "1251238103177736192", "reply_id": "1251238303979929602", "label": "agree", "text": "The states need to do better but not too much but also listen to the feds but also do their own thing because the president knows this whole thing is overblown but also he knew it was a pandemic first and so all these states shutting down are cowards but also any dead are on them"} {"idx": 12849, "original_id": "1250831706933747712", "reply_id": "1250832276084027394", "label": "applause", "text": "For the first time in 34 days I am wearing… Pants"} {"idx": 12852, "original_id": "1251232392234315778", "reply_id": "1251240004870909959", "label": "awww", "text": "Na moralzinha?\nHave You Ever Really Loved a Woman? - Bryan Adams"} {"idx": 12853, "original_id": "1250907410849505287", "reply_id": "1250956712888217600", "label": "no", "text": "No show tonight everyone! @sourpatchlyds isn’t feeling well. See you tomorrow night 8pm."} {"idx": 12858, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250919573580382208", "label": "shrug", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 12859, "original_id": "1251060179707150337", "reply_id": "1251062134517030912", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm legit checking their website. Adidas who"} {"idx": 12860, "original_id": "1250957394277875712", "reply_id": "1251193934266732544", "label": "kiss", "text": "Gushers and a cheese stick are a quarantine charcuterie spread"} {"idx": 12863, "original_id": "1251209845358964737", "reply_id": "1251260914109734912", "label": "no", "text": "Does one cut ones ones own hair?"} {"idx": 12869, "original_id": "1251118629862637570", "reply_id": "1251124739629858817", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm so fucking bored like I'm just sleeping and eating my life away at this point"} {"idx": 12870, "original_id": "1251241328907878402", "reply_id": "1251241536500625408", "label": "agree", "text": "Somebody said I run a cult. If kindness, love, and generosity (in a word of hate) is a cult, then where do I sign up!"} {"idx": 12871, "original_id": "1250858430857981958", "reply_id": "1250905927953403904", "label": "agree", "text": "spending that stimulus money on furry porn...."} {"idx": 12873, "original_id": "1250943755777122304", "reply_id": "1250954503437746178", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Met my future wife today and she lives 1400 miles away... 😔"} {"idx": 12875, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250979490592776193", "label": "ok", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 12876, "original_id": "1250930897374916609", "reply_id": "1250935636321808384", "label": "yawn", "text": "How’s everyone doing at the moment? Feel free to use gifs & if need be, my DM’s are open☺️"} {"idx": 12878, "original_id": "1251199195534503936", "reply_id": "1251199630488088581", "label": "no", "text": "What's a good estimate of how many Americans would die of the flu every year if there were no flu shots? (It would have to be on average, since the severity of the flu varies from year to year.)"} {"idx": 12883, "original_id": "1251071064005906432", "reply_id": "1251137433451802626", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "It’s snowing. \nIt’s Friday. And it’s snowing."} {"idx": 12884, "original_id": "1250970115459280897", "reply_id": "1250970822350692352", "label": "shocked", "text": "why is no one talking about how travis scott predicted coronavirus when he wrote sicko mode"} {"idx": 12885, "original_id": "1251257540551139328", "reply_id": "1251257701667127304", "label": "hug", "text": "I am exhausted. I'm mentally exhausted. Working customer is like a drill through the brain. People are so rude and literally asked the stupidest things. My coworker is going to make me slash my own throat with a box cutter. Literally this is my last nerve. Some people cant do-"} {"idx": 12889, "original_id": "1250698336153202688", "reply_id": "1250997385905549314", "label": "hug", "text": "entering a very dark place🥺"} {"idx": 12890, "original_id": "1251124754582511617", "reply_id": "1251126141257224192", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "How're your home workouts going?\nReply with the most relevant GIF 👇\n\n#FridayFeeling"} {"idx": 12891, "original_id": "1251202727599919105", "reply_id": "1251204104451473409", "label": "agree", "text": "need someone who loves the neighbourhood as much as i do"} {"idx": 12894, "original_id": "1250584764173688834", "reply_id": "1250882562530193409", "label": "facepalm", "text": "the tl sleep? i hate lil wayne"} {"idx": 12896, "original_id": "1250794172883312642", "reply_id": "1250938170490982412", "label": "agree", "text": "NOTE to the young stud who has jus DMd me. (you know who you are !)\nYes, I am very fit;\nBut the activity you describe would be beyond the skills of an Olympic Gold gymnastic champion.\nAnd no ! I don't need *home schooling*.\nShouldn't you be getting on with your maths homework ?"} {"idx": 12897, "original_id": "1251056356439863296", "reply_id": "1251085394428518407", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: Hundreds of people gather on Westminster Bridge to applaud the NHS staff who will be treating them for coronavirus next week."} {"idx": 12900, "original_id": "1251148333638234112", "reply_id": "1251153646638620673", "label": "applause", "text": "Exciting news! @NHSEngland confirmed local #healthwatch can now refer in to NHS volunteer responders scheme to get help for local people who are shielding etc. Sure this will be big help to local schemes Healthwatch network already supporting. Thanks @emmaeaston12 @felicityjsmith"} {"idx": 12903, "original_id": "1250852662225952768", "reply_id": "1250857719600463872", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: A Texas judge ruled that all voters in the state can now vote by mail."} {"idx": 12905, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251139707750187008", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 12907, "original_id": "1250604541986385932", "reply_id": "1250913076188270592", "label": "agree", "text": "#legomasters mark and Boone GOT ROBBED"} {"idx": 12908, "original_id": "1251227293491568643", "reply_id": "1251235795962380288", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF @jayhmiles @oztrazine @HotDonkeyBear @missjsoundtrack @hani_rae @RowellJP @northatlanticos @Beardedlove @YourCrapLocalDJ @Big_CW @fruitbatwalton @TeddyBertin @TimothyPGreen @bearfootcomedy @Nessie90Vanessa @RockNRolla60 @Web_Hippie WHOMPH! Have an ace weekend all!"} {"idx": 12909, "original_id": "1250913027156668417", "reply_id": "1251029189198671873", "label": "please", "text": "Hey @RealLucyLawless \nWe are doing free celebrity panels for Kiwis during the lockdown and was wondering if you would be up for joining us?\nYeah, nah, yeah?"} {"idx": 12910, "original_id": "1250933994746675200", "reply_id": "1251073653300621312", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "controller players literally have no skill outside of aiming not 1 of them actually uses their brain"} {"idx": 12912, "original_id": "1250879176162279424", "reply_id": "1250885353390645248", "label": "seriously", "text": "What happens on Earth stays on Earth"} {"idx": 12914, "original_id": "1251091763432914945", "reply_id": "1251092354485944320", "label": "high_five", "text": "Una papa I don wake up !"} {"idx": 12915, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251239627018473477", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 12916, "original_id": "1250981820541231104", "reply_id": "1250983369334120451", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Been sitting with it for a minute... But now that it’s out tonight I would like to say that the @FreddieGibbs verse on the new @WESTSIDEGUNN album is on a completely other level... like a Mario warp zone level skip to a new level, level of the game... the level above the level."} {"idx": 12919, "original_id": "1250969773011275776", "reply_id": "1251065617517432833", "label": "smh", "text": "While walking into a gas station today I inadvertently attempted to hold the door open for some college age girls behind me.\n\nThey looked at me like I was a crazy man and I thought they were about to literally cuss at me.\n\nLast time I take my daughters to get gas"} {"idx": 12920, "original_id": "1250670650290778118", "reply_id": "1250884582305443840", "label": "want", "text": "I'm starting a YouTube channel where I review farts"} {"idx": 12921, "original_id": "1251012883854454787", "reply_id": "1251063248251613187", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 12922, "original_id": "1250971690894589952", "reply_id": "1251185871434534917", "label": "no", "text": "If we having sex I’m your girlfriend. That’s just that😂"} {"idx": 12923, "original_id": "1251167343616626690", "reply_id": "1251220774914064384", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#followfriday check out these #podcasts @AfterL8er @UntrainedEyePod @b2the4thpower @GlenThinksStuff @Podfulofsunshin @bumblebuttpod @TableDragger @RawAndUncutpod @boisandbartalk @YouNeedaLittle @LadiesOfStrange @Marriedasfuck @delvin_cox"} {"idx": 12926, "original_id": "1251060670151323652", "reply_id": "1251066249167003648", "label": "applause", "text": "The Y in my name stands for you’d be dumb as FUCK to do me wrong😂🤦🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 12929, "original_id": "1250887974490955777", "reply_id": "1250890552805134338", "label": "hug", "text": "Tomorrow’s the anniversary of my mom’s passing. I’ve been struggling all week tbh. I miss her more than I could ever, ever say."} {"idx": 12933, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250833500053344257", "label": "wink", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 12936, "original_id": "1250881211532279809", "reply_id": "1250881590655283200", "label": "smh", "text": "Really interesting to see how many morons in the red hat brigade think Chinatown is in China."} {"idx": 12937, "original_id": "1251027800863264768", "reply_id": "1251115452408967168", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve dropped quite a number of women at the speed of light when I came across a red flag or a toxic trait. And listen, most women get big mad when you choose yourself as a gent. It’s almost unbelievable to them that you know your worth."} {"idx": 12940, "original_id": "1250980812327137280", "reply_id": "1251003354962157568", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "You know what? I'm actually in a really good mood. I've had so many wonderful interactions with friends, ex-coworkers, family, and folks here on Twitter. \n\nNo matter how deep this hole gets I'm gonna keep the ball rolling. There's no room for depression in my sunny future."} {"idx": 12941, "original_id": "1250771493312778240", "reply_id": "1250893350619709448", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Sometimes peace requires you to be quiet even if you’re right"} {"idx": 12942, "original_id": "1250982417298599939", "reply_id": "1250984471224111104", "label": "agree", "text": "@Big_Brodes is so fat that he's never gone swimming because it's never been 30 minutes since the last time he ate"} {"idx": 12947, "original_id": "1250829569793208320", "reply_id": "1250932557329334273", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "PSA: If a girl is tweeting a lot of sex tweets there is a damn good chance she has ONE specific man in mind so cool TF down gentlemen."} {"idx": 12949, "original_id": "1251040317220028416", "reply_id": "1251160412277497857", "label": "applause", "text": "Tottenham have approached former boss Mauricio Pochettino about a potential pay cut to his gardening leave salary amid the coronavirus pandemic."} {"idx": 12951, "original_id": "1250798446178496512", "reply_id": "1250917445864308737", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "There is one silver lining to all the social distancing. This is by far the longest my mother has gone without asking me if I’ve met anyone."} {"idx": 12952, "original_id": "1250849645967728640", "reply_id": "1251057276439474176", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Unfettered capitalism is Jeff Bezos growing his fortune by $24,000,000,000 during this pandemic, and still refusing to provide paid sick leave for all of his employees."} {"idx": 12955, "original_id": "1250945165298003968", "reply_id": "1251096748937936896", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ve never made so much banana bread in my life #quarantine"} {"idx": 12957, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250960862816481280", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 12958, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251266149603393536", "label": "yes", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 12959, "original_id": "1251211116346257409", "reply_id": "1251217537200766979", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I may set a personal best for number of airlockings today."} {"idx": 12960, "original_id": "1251010477540249600", "reply_id": "1251176906369560576", "label": "please", "text": "the last time i did this i was at 1000 moots, but now im at 2.8k & i barely get any interactions anymore 🤧 so that being said i am doing an unfollowing spree SO reply ANYTHING to keep the mutual !! 💞"} {"idx": 12961, "original_id": "1251195559865655296", "reply_id": "1251250279728775168", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Just took the leap! Ordered myself a Raise keyboard from @DygmaLab after reading so many amazing reviews. June can't get here soon enough!!"} {"idx": 12962, "original_id": "1250959751703408646", "reply_id": "1251112779844661248", "label": "hug", "text": "I am so sick I’m literally wishing someone would cut my splitting head off my neck. :("} {"idx": 12963, "original_id": "1251101091233660928", "reply_id": "1251101998650441729", "label": "win", "text": "Perhaps we could borrow the S. Korean President for a few months to lead our pandemic efforts. Maybe trade him for Trump. I know they won't take a straight up trade but maybe we throw in a few trillion dollars and a Presidential spouse to be named later."} {"idx": 12964, "original_id": "1251004056681603072", "reply_id": "1251156994716626945", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Today I learned Ellen makes $50 million a year and the show has been around for 18 years aaaand her crew isn’t being paid adequately. Hmm."} {"idx": 12967, "original_id": "1251163089464029186", "reply_id": "1251163358599852033", "label": "scared", "text": "Ok, must think of other things. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) Other things. Calm down, Nandu. Calm down. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAA)"} {"idx": 12971, "original_id": "1250933629569597440", "reply_id": "1250934060525944833", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Grad application is finished 🤞🏾"} {"idx": 12972, "original_id": "1250874869727801344", "reply_id": "1250876388317462528", "label": "shrug", "text": "You got nine minutes to show me what you can do."} {"idx": 12974, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250885586316976129", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 12975, "original_id": "1251064931371421696", "reply_id": "1251243636102254592", "label": "shocked", "text": "I love baddies 🥰🥰😫💓 I need a bestfriend fr 😫😫"} {"idx": 12976, "original_id": "1250918858782724098", "reply_id": "1250930365297876992", "label": "agree", "text": "#Hairstylist thoughts: Because of being stressed at work I was used to being only as strong as the coffee I drank at work. And even though Im not working now I'm having triple shot espressos daily which means Im really strong and stressed to the max."} {"idx": 12977, "original_id": "1251125774851149825", "reply_id": "1251154501110689807", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Going to be shit weather this weekend during quarantine, so I'm going to be trying to teach my girlfriend how to play and enjoy video games (she does not like them at all)...wish me luck lol"} {"idx": 12981, "original_id": "1251194544802193409", "reply_id": "1251224706306510849", "label": "want", "text": "Days after trump supporters in Michigan dangerously prevented emergency workers from reaching hospitals, trump is screaming LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and citing the 2nd Amendment.\n\nHe's inciting violence and civil unrest during a pandemic.\n\nTime for #25thAmendment.\nNOW."} {"idx": 12982, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251133447558459394", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 12983, "original_id": "1251271331590672385", "reply_id": "1251274316555182083", "label": "hug", "text": "There is nothing stronger than a broken woman who had to rebuild herself."} {"idx": 12984, "original_id": "1250762288623161345", "reply_id": "1250883950949646342", "label": "high_five", "text": "4 years sober today"} {"idx": 12987, "original_id": "1250964361469784064", "reply_id": "1251067819552374786", "label": "wink", "text": "Black boys in the south got the best booty."} {"idx": 12988, "original_id": "1250805859346796546", "reply_id": "1250836540353380352", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m in South NJ, not getting a salary, I’m also by myself and I’m a chronic complainer. But,here’s what I do, I shut up and suck it up. Why? Bc this too shall end & hopefully we will be alive. Meghan stop w the red state, blue state. It’s more like the ignorant state. #TheView"} {"idx": 12994, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250885097831772160", "label": "omg", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 12996, "original_id": "1250989735826395139", "reply_id": "1250990105780682753", "label": "hearts", "text": "That Kermit return. 😍"} {"idx": 12997, "original_id": "1250720597350514689", "reply_id": "1250902786608414721", "label": "agree", "text": "It should be mandatory to use mics on BR's!"} {"idx": 12999, "original_id": "1251020288189321221", "reply_id": "1251021804048711680", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Not Anothet Teen Movie is one of the funniest movies of all time. Fight me."} {"idx": 13000, "original_id": "1250904925850046464", "reply_id": "1250931216586399744", "label": "applause", "text": "Why are we talking about Opening Up America Again?\n\nThe problem isn't the economy.\n\nIt's the virus.\n\nTo slow its spread, people must stay home. \n\nWith enough income to pay their bills. \n\nThis is what we need to be focusing on—not forcing people to risk their lives for a paycheck."} {"idx": 13001, "original_id": "1250854525667209216", "reply_id": "1250940678315683841", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I need another friend... I know my gf , Aiyana and Jori be getting sick of my shit 🥺"} {"idx": 13002, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251200571002019842", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 13003, "original_id": "1250684332475215874", "reply_id": "1250853933041414144", "label": "agree", "text": "If she got 209 in her name she for everybody go on with your day bro"} {"idx": 13004, "original_id": "1250845883916267520", "reply_id": "1250876938262061060", "label": "hug", "text": "i've been crying off and on all day because i miss my daughter"} {"idx": 13007, "original_id": "1251124579440881664", "reply_id": "1251126234744008704", "label": "eww", "text": "Bhaio or bheno Shehnaaz is online with her brother. \n\nGo fast."} {"idx": 13009, "original_id": "1251230744640454659", "reply_id": "1251231582180040710", "label": "agree", "text": "$ENSV Taking over the weekend"} {"idx": 13012, "original_id": "1251071980335443968", "reply_id": "1251072582201364480", "label": "facepalm", "text": "graphic designers are better artists than artists"} {"idx": 13014, "original_id": "1250863796371021824", "reply_id": "1250871526192230400", "label": "shocked", "text": "What if all this was a plot for 16*29"} {"idx": 13016, "original_id": "1250562029502504962", "reply_id": "1250978459381366784", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "On @JohnCornyn teletown hall tonight in North Texas, multiple questions about whether the US will hold China's government and the Communist Party responsible for the lack of transparency with the spread of COVID-19."} {"idx": 13017, "original_id": "1250736443019997185", "reply_id": "1250847139212582912", "label": "wink", "text": "Curious Cat Prompt: \"Ben wakes up next to his friend Rey in bed. He doesn't remember having sex with her though, and he's upset. How is it possible he has no memory of sex with his crush? Rey fills him in, saying they didn’t have sex last night.... but they can.\""} {"idx": 13020, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251271845313216512", "label": "no", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 13021, "original_id": "1250794071108603904", "reply_id": "1250984974070632449", "label": "applause", "text": "Instead of posting the tweet I drafted where I used the f-word a dozen times, I’m posting this one. Give yourself a gift today. Visualize Trump losing in November. Let yourself see it. Isn’t it glorious? So awesome. Stay home. Do good. Love. Fuck this guy. Oops. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 13026, "original_id": "1250846379829755905", "reply_id": "1250871417282998272", "label": "applause", "text": "Considering streaming with face cam once my nose is completely healed 🤔"} {"idx": 13027, "original_id": "1251069624004734976", "reply_id": "1251074600760340480", "label": "want", "text": "IMOOS, LET'S JUST GIVE EACH OTHER A HUG RIGHT NOW CAUSE WE NEEDED IT MOST 😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 13028, "original_id": "1250838986320310272", "reply_id": "1251117939874500608", "label": "agree", "text": "Listen, folks:\n\n**It is NOT a coincidence that Republicans have started saying “A little bit of death is no biggie” IMMEDIATELY AFTER we had a week of stories about health disparities in black communities**\n\n[I hope this tweet is read by more than twenty ppl. Just this once, pls]"} {"idx": 13030, "original_id": "1250796252649918464", "reply_id": "1251043944491819009", "label": "yes", "text": "A perfect and unambiguous statement from Downing Street. There will be no UK request for a Brexit extension and if the EU asks for one we will say 'no'. Will Remoaners finally get over it? We have bigger things to worry about now than their pathetic tantrums and games!"} {"idx": 13031, "original_id": "1250919341861810176", "reply_id": "1250963957742960640", "label": "shocked", "text": "Wanted to see what the hype was about All American but this show STINKS"} {"idx": 13032, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251223683340869632", "label": "thank_you", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 13034, "original_id": "1250862304494747655", "reply_id": "1250875010639511552", "label": "ok", "text": "Forcing an ease in lockdown before we are even close to a peak and we can see it coming, is plain selfish. Popular politics can bring death to backyards in Isd too not just the slums in Karachi."} {"idx": 13035, "original_id": "1251187862680350720", "reply_id": "1251211212513255426", "label": "kiss", "text": "Finished work just in time to watch my fave @Julie_Atherton singing in her front room. Thanks @thetheatrecafe ♥️ #LeaveALightOn"} {"idx": 13036, "original_id": "1251021325222793216", "reply_id": "1251021914451202048", "label": "shrug", "text": "Tomorrows video is gonna hurt some fucking feelings fam lmaoooo\n\nI’m sorry, but we keep it honest\n\nI might lose some friends too😢"} {"idx": 13038, "original_id": "1250838245996400641", "reply_id": "1250839794546094083", "label": "hug", "text": "If I were slightly more courageous I’d shave my fucking head and be done with this"} {"idx": 13039, "original_id": "1250684083606376448", "reply_id": "1251033648452730880", "label": "wink", "text": "Seems very likely that Timo Werner still leaves RB Leipzig this year - Liverpool seen as his No.1 landing spot."} {"idx": 13040, "original_id": "1250866810880221186", "reply_id": "1250889158932996096", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a fucking hug, everything feels like it’s falling apart"} {"idx": 13043, "original_id": "1250891627075260416", "reply_id": "1250900950128132097", "label": "agree", "text": "Who’s down for a 2nd FilterTime Bash on @NASCARHeat?"} {"idx": 13045, "original_id": "1250812989344821254", "reply_id": "1250923485410537473", "label": "hug", "text": "My father died today of Covid19 in a UK nursing home.\n\nHis main carer, a kind Greek from Athens who told me she didn't know where to go to cry whilst loosing so many residential friends to the virus.\n\nMy heart is breaking and angry on so many levels."} {"idx": 13048, "original_id": "1250901632876900352", "reply_id": "1251128408861540352", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve been so MIA. Long story short I’m working two jobs to support my family. I’m the only one with an income and I’m grateful for it with everything going on. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy 🤍"} {"idx": 13049, "original_id": "1251244109769179140", "reply_id": "1251244484819648519", "label": "smh", "text": "The Shaderoom made sure they said happy 40th birthday to Bernice Burgos 😭"} {"idx": 13050, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251268181701918723", "label": "sigh", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 13052, "original_id": "1251174438407716866", "reply_id": "1251175077607022593", "label": "wink", "text": "Still distracted by Victor's shiny fish. I blame @fiona_wyse #EurovisionHomeConcerts"} {"idx": 13054, "original_id": "1251273951034171398", "reply_id": "1251274431508254721", "label": "yes", "text": "Thinking about Star Wars (because my kids are watching them for the first time) and I can’t believe the new trilogy wasn’t about Finn eventually leading a large scale Stormtrooper revolution that helps take down the First Order. Like, it was RIGHT THERE."} {"idx": 13055, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250939133729611780", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 13056, "original_id": "1251208240869920768", "reply_id": "1251243422498918401", "label": "sigh", "text": "So yeah. Looks like cats can get covid-19."} {"idx": 13058, "original_id": "1250911875149303813", "reply_id": "1250929465368215553", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "We now have more Americans dead than Hillary had emails. \n\nHeckuva of job, Donnie."} {"idx": 13060, "original_id": "1251142796100030467", "reply_id": "1251143328407515138", "label": "applause", "text": "Club penguin and chill ?"} {"idx": 13063, "original_id": "1251205762178854918", "reply_id": "1251211416465477634", "label": "applause", "text": "he must be alright if i’m curling my hair for him on facetime"} {"idx": 13064, "original_id": "1250974585773862920", "reply_id": "1250975746878734337", "label": "agree", "text": "Why don't eagles and eels mate?\n<_<\n>_>\nBecause it would be eeleagle!\n😂🤣"} {"idx": 13065, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251233315526455296", "label": "popcorn", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 13070, "original_id": "1250848861058240513", "reply_id": "1250854871911133184", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Smh, Marisol won’t let me flip her $1,200. It be yo own people 😪"} {"idx": 13071, "original_id": "1250875382829666306", "reply_id": "1250875721225994240", "label": "shocked", "text": "My boss: “How’s the network?” \nMe: “The holes are smaller than the fish, so they can’t get out”. \nMy boss: “Your fired”."} {"idx": 13072, "original_id": "1250813343033524226", "reply_id": "1250917665796833280", "label": "yolo", "text": "My two-year-old just said, “Excuse me, Kyle” like I’m her coworker. I have no idea how to respond."} {"idx": 13078, "original_id": "1250915140062633987", "reply_id": "1250938056145801219", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "The Trump \"plan\" to re-open the economy is similar to the Trump \"plan\" to have drive-thru testing in every Wal Mart parking lot. It's...not a plan. It's just an announcement."} {"idx": 13079, "original_id": "1251166785459585024", "reply_id": "1251183119304015878", "label": "hug", "text": "can someone send me hugs"} {"idx": 13081, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251233279405146113", "label": "eww", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 13083, "original_id": "1251040724570845184", "reply_id": "1251041344098832384", "label": "agree", "text": "HOW CAN I NOT HEAR A BARRICADE BEING DESTROYED 10 METERS AWAY BRO WTF"} {"idx": 13084, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251119175579336704", "label": "oops", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 13087, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251197772113555470", "label": "smh", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 13090, "original_id": "1250906299061039104", "reply_id": "1250909589786288129", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I'm very very dizzy today\n\ncould be the end of the crap I've been feeling for a week now. \n\nI'm okay\nnot great\nbut okay\n\nwhich is fine\nfor now"} {"idx": 13091, "original_id": "1250861149895233537", "reply_id": "1250865224774754305", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Right, time for dark souls 3. Again. Several years later. Wish me luck folks."} {"idx": 13093, "original_id": "1251028012243521542", "reply_id": "1251105506682421248", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Zim women are lost. Look @ their female influencers\n\nJojo Tank - hid her HIV status to her ex husband\nYellowbone - rose to prominence with a sextape\nVulgar Queen - hosted a divorce party\nDJ (d🍆ck jockey) - multiple baby daddies\nCrying Cougar - always crying about young men"} {"idx": 13095, "original_id": "1250850205181804546", "reply_id": "1250862238954635267", "label": "hug", "text": "I want someone to hug me....\n\nAnd with this lonely af tweet, evening..."} {"idx": 13097, "original_id": "1251200866520051713", "reply_id": "1251227792009805824", "label": "agree", "text": "Makes no damn sense to open the country when daily death numbers are still increasing & not going down. \n\nI don’t give a shit if they open it up- my family is staying at home. I don’t trust Trump or any Republican especially with their half ass plan with no testing. \n\nThoughts?!?"} {"idx": 13098, "original_id": "1251178089163481090", "reply_id": "1251179796995940352", "label": "popcorn", "text": "@Jayblac1615 you would like this tweet out of everything else huh lmaooo you a funny guy . I really can’t stand you cuz you’re fuxkin fake as shit. You and that dry ass champion cast can kiss my ass ! Always waiting for me to lose an quiet when I win! Fuck y’all"} {"idx": 13101, "original_id": "1251046196887654400", "reply_id": "1251048131497730048", "label": "hug", "text": "I am in the worst mood for absolutely no valid reason.... \n\nDo something 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 13102, "original_id": "1251153955687563264", "reply_id": "1251262627486941184", "label": "agree", "text": "ppl who prefer no pulp orange juice need to grow up"} {"idx": 13104, "original_id": "1250890155784880128", "reply_id": "1251040161166692355", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: Vladimir Putin says that Trump offered to provide Russia with Ventilators.\n\nTrump is treating Putin better than U.S. Governors.\n\nHere's an idea... Concentrate on providing America with PPE, Tests and Ventilators before giving them to an enemy nation, you moron."} {"idx": 13106, "original_id": "1250985887392919554", "reply_id": "1251036140423036936", "label": "yawn", "text": "BREAKING: China's Wuhan revises coronavirus death toll up to 3,869 from 2,579"} {"idx": 13110, "original_id": "1250859957332979712", "reply_id": "1250871188294963201", "label": "eww", "text": "ngl i wanna mate with a pigeon"} {"idx": 13111, "original_id": "1250841267539529730", "reply_id": "1250841472561111040", "label": "shocked", "text": "Fuck Republicans who wanna re-open the economy.\n\nHere's a few things that don't need to be re-opened because they never closed:\n\nPence's asshole\nMnuchin's asshole\nHope Hicks' legs (and possibly asshole)\nLarry Kudlow's asshole and mouth"} {"idx": 13114, "original_id": "1250770831283834886", "reply_id": "1250848797204320258", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m really not well. I’m struggling to even read. My head hurts. I don’t want to moan to my friends and Twitter is the only social media I have. Thanks for keeping me going #edutwitter"} {"idx": 13115, "original_id": "1250906929179787264", "reply_id": "1250911656277946372", "label": "applause", "text": "Me and Debbie McGee #MagicSongsAndMovies #popup #newpopup #hashtaggames #popupgame"} {"idx": 13117, "original_id": "1250910961013346308", "reply_id": "1250920986511360002", "label": "sigh", "text": "BREAKING: Twitter has suspended @allidoisowen"} {"idx": 13121, "original_id": "1250856060270841856", "reply_id": "1250858247302664193", "label": "applause", "text": "TRUMP: I got yer small business loan right here between my legs."} {"idx": 13123, "original_id": "1250908165174165506", "reply_id": "1250988425932652544", "label": "kiss", "text": "There’s so much more to streaming than just hitting “go live.” \n\nSpent most of my day making emotes for my channel and editing my @WatchMixer profile and a whole mess of behind the scenes stuff. \n\nDay off from stream to work on my stream channel. See you live tomorrow Brats!💜ily"} {"idx": 13124, "original_id": "1250575001968881664", "reply_id": "1250860583102144515", "label": "yes", "text": "Not watching #RHOBH tonight without @LisaVanderpump What’s the point? Loving @VanderpumpRules this season tho. Get to see Lisa at home, work and in Vegas opening her new LVP suite!! Eat your hearts out girls (she took the crown with her)"} {"idx": 13126, "original_id": "1251194816421036035", "reply_id": "1251201799509467137", "label": "awww", "text": "Who wants a baby gender reveal video to drop in the next 20 min 😏"} {"idx": 13131, "original_id": "1251212745049092100", "reply_id": "1251233051830607878", "label": "awww", "text": "So sad to hear about Betty White. She’ll be missed. #RIP. \n(She’s fine, just practicing)"} {"idx": 13133, "original_id": "1251221664391548929", "reply_id": "1251263242795614213", "label": "hug", "text": "my sister lost her baby :("} {"idx": 13138, "original_id": "1250576861618290688", "reply_id": "1250918035608629248", "label": "sigh", "text": "Special thank you to all the trolls for having my alerts on still 💕💎 #RHOBH"} {"idx": 13141, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250951919452946433", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 13144, "original_id": "1250519043208916992", "reply_id": "1251029613754474496", "label": "agree", "text": "Sorry but women didn't develop apologetic or approval-seeking speech patterns in a vacuum, we do it because if we don't we're socially and professionally punished for being bitches, if that makes sense"} {"idx": 13146, "original_id": "1251237827192512521", "reply_id": "1251245220898971648", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Just want to give an end-of-week shoutout to all of my fantastic collaborators, who have continued to amaze me with their work during this wild time.\n\n@drkelc @DrJennGriffith @neilshortland @AdamDamadzic @IOAliceB - you all are dope."} {"idx": 13150, "original_id": "1251246978245242882", "reply_id": "1251247202627919874", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I need a gyal that rubs back and gives massages\nNot a gyal that backchats and sends messages"} {"idx": 13152, "original_id": "1251195678828769280", "reply_id": "1251201624284041223", "label": "agree", "text": "Highkey, I’m a big flex."} {"idx": 13155, "original_id": "1250945857589071874", "reply_id": "1251162375463436293", "label": "applause", "text": "He blocked me.. i called him, told him to unblock me.. he unblocked.. then i blocked him.\n\nwe block boys, boys don't block us."} {"idx": 13156, "original_id": "1251002348006187009", "reply_id": "1251004034510655488", "label": "shocked", "text": "You know what, it's past 12 here on the East Coast. Let's have some fun. BREAKING: The New York Liberty will select Sabrina Ionescu, from Oregon. *pretends to be shocked* 😛"} {"idx": 13157, "original_id": "1251234852235509760", "reply_id": "1251235307304828928", "label": "applause", "text": "Add the term “OldRich” to the Pulte Terminology. This will be old rich people in the sense that they have been rich for so long that they forgot what it was like to be poor."} {"idx": 13161, "original_id": "1251138644301283328", "reply_id": "1251188501279764490", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Happy #dadjoke Friday, COVID edition. Did you hear the joke about the germ? Never mind, I don’t want to spread it around. Have a great weekend!"} {"idx": 13165, "original_id": "1251071364511010817", "reply_id": "1251071788760485888", "label": "no", "text": "The retirement age is 67.\n\nYour life expectancy is 78.\n\nWork for 40-50 years to be free for 11?\n\nDoes that sound like a fear deal?"} {"idx": 13166, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1250949683746238465", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 13167, "original_id": "1250955682943242240", "reply_id": "1251121384283144192", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lady Gaga is not expected to perform Stupid Love at #TogetherAtHome this Saturday."} {"idx": 13169, "original_id": "1250862304494747655", "reply_id": "1250866277591195648", "label": "ok", "text": "Forcing an ease in lockdown before we are even close to a peak and we can see it coming, is plain selfish. Popular politics can bring death to backyards in Isd too not just the slums in Karachi."} {"idx": 13170, "original_id": "1250871158930636806", "reply_id": "1250963756512956418", "label": "shocked", "text": "I speak with my whole chest when I say I hate Johns Hopkins"} {"idx": 13171, "original_id": "1250900435017367553", "reply_id": "1251221381246619648", "label": "please", "text": "should i do one of those follow spree things??? idk im bored SO reply to this if u want a follow? IDK IVE NEVER DONE THIS 😔✨😃🔪"} {"idx": 13176, "original_id": "1250883095479357443", "reply_id": "1250883662050140161", "label": "no", "text": "Kill me already"} {"idx": 13177, "original_id": "1250655295908589568", "reply_id": "1250928917147418626", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Feeling reckless enough to buy myself a gaming console..."} {"idx": 13179, "original_id": "1250833279193939969", "reply_id": "1250855541401927680", "label": "applause", "text": "I am very happy to annouce that I've been recognized as IAHPERD's Northeastern District Young Professional of the Year! I'm extremely honored and humbled to be receiving this award. HUGE thank you to the PE community to help me push to become the best educator I can be! #physed"} {"idx": 13181, "original_id": "1250893716715429888", "reply_id": "1251143319314366465", "label": "smh", "text": "If We naked in bed & I scoot back...Sirrr nail me to the cross🥴🤣🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 13182, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251005598126268416", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 13183, "original_id": "1250853396573290500", "reply_id": "1250861629572616192", "label": "ok", "text": "Don't forget to drink water today"} {"idx": 13184, "original_id": "1251267935831765001", "reply_id": "1251268392255991809", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I can tell you now I’m 100% not passing this module for uni hahaha I actually just want to die"} {"idx": 13186, "original_id": "1250970001667915777", "reply_id": "1250989078452908032", "label": "hug", "text": "All I know is right now I’d love to be among the dead 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 13188, "original_id": "1250985251733753859", "reply_id": "1250988088626724865", "label": "shocked", "text": "BREAKING: Wuhan, where the coronavirus pandemic began, revises death toll to 3,869, an increase of 50%"} {"idx": 13191, "original_id": "1250885157109841921", "reply_id": "1250918883168575488", "label": "agree", "text": "Will Trump create an “incident” by trying to hold a campaign rally in Michigan?"} {"idx": 13192, "original_id": "1251245850145075200", "reply_id": "1251246490917302272", "label": "yes", "text": "TANGINA GRAY WATCHED?????"} {"idx": 13194, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250943716493266944", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 13197, "original_id": "1251090654542921728", "reply_id": "1251092339780509696", "label": "awww", "text": "Ollie has just discovered hiding under blankets in the last 24 hrs (surprised it took him this long) and he is all sorts of hyper under there right now. It's adorable."} {"idx": 13199, "original_id": "1251142768623333376", "reply_id": "1251177787043598337", "label": "yes", "text": "do girls find healthy egos attractive ?"} {"idx": 13205, "original_id": "1250608506530607105", "reply_id": "1250911818043797505", "label": "yes", "text": "So here’s my question...guys would you rather\n\nA. Have a girl who is super fit, great body, healthy \n\nOR\n\nB. Have a girl that will drink with you and eat pizza"} {"idx": 13206, "original_id": "1250786850454810624", "reply_id": "1250878578985701381", "label": "win", "text": "Some contacts say #mufc are not in for Jack Grealish and are focusing more on a holding midfielder rather than his position #mulive [@David_Ornstein]"} {"idx": 13207, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251231936330293248", "label": "idk", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 13211, "original_id": "1250716437045555201", "reply_id": "1250875729061056520", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#writerslift \nLet's get @EllisonAuthor to 300 followers! :)\n#writingcommunity #readingcommunity"} {"idx": 13212, "original_id": "1250901611603427334", "reply_id": "1250902777620037632", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I want to see the list of all PPP Loans... Business, Amount, etc."} {"idx": 13214, "original_id": "1250930766751559681", "reply_id": "1250954721633992711", "label": "agree", "text": "My toxic trait is looking like a porn star"} {"idx": 13215, "original_id": "1251183214946914309", "reply_id": "1251188047502344193", "label": "thank_you", "text": "👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏\nThroughly enjoyed the virtual concert with the brilliant @Julie_Atherton #LeaveALightOn\nSurprise appearance by Kate Monster was a special treat 😁😁😁"} {"idx": 13222, "original_id": "1250498303994798081", "reply_id": "1250963653878321155", "label": "applause", "text": "Everyone who got a stimulus check should not use a dollar of it on goods made in China!\n\nWho agrees? 🙋🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 13224, "original_id": "1250925762645032962", "reply_id": "1250928516075487233", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Someone on Facebook just said the presidential speech is the most up to date information out there and imagine trusting the president more than facts."} {"idx": 13225, "original_id": "1251217274389893133", "reply_id": "1251259553251045378", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Awww shame saddam seqala ukubonda nengane 😭💔 that will be Jabu or dabula in a couple of months 😂😂😂💀#isibaya"} {"idx": 13226, "original_id": "1250946279309484037", "reply_id": "1250967692317732864", "label": "agree", "text": "Bruh @baileyreecesims absolutely KILLLLLEEDDD edTPA 🎉 So proud to have a bestie that's also a fantastic (and now licensed) teacher 😁"} {"idx": 13228, "original_id": "1250954935740641283", "reply_id": "1250955468270379009", "label": "want", "text": "Anyone interested in doing squares for @BarstoolBigCat’s bowl game on NCAA Football 14? The Jameis Winston led Florida State Seminoles vs. UCONN. 9:30 tomorrow night. $1 per square"} {"idx": 13229, "original_id": "1250799542737518596", "reply_id": "1250956819163308038", "label": "thank_you", "text": "So, I’m not looking to start a fight, but I think needs to be said. Raisins don’t belong in trail mix."} {"idx": 13230, "original_id": "1250854089652678656", "reply_id": "1250885658429841408", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: President Trump's approval rating has just fallen an astounding 6 points in the the last month, to just 43%, according to the latest Gallup poll.\n\nIt turns out the Americans simply don't approve of his handling of the #coronavirus"} {"idx": 13233, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1250994200218402817", "label": "omg", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 13236, "original_id": "1251247417766350848", "reply_id": "1251248532390121475", "label": "agree", "text": "Why in the world is Gov. DeSantis prematurely opening up the beaches in Florida? He really is apathetic about human life."} {"idx": 13237, "original_id": "1250835057004011520", "reply_id": "1250856474806370304", "label": "yes", "text": "#NowWatching\n12 Angry Men."} {"idx": 13239, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250898490877792258", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 13241, "original_id": "1251176824530522115", "reply_id": "1251243923374247936", "label": "dance", "text": "Garden chat in the football group. Everyone’s had enough"} {"idx": 13242, "original_id": "1251036018893107201", "reply_id": "1251049000729563136", "label": "shrug", "text": "me : i wish I had friends \n\nPeople : wanna be friends ? \n\nme : go away"} {"idx": 13243, "original_id": "1251001444230213632", "reply_id": "1251004660346912768", "label": "awww", "text": "\"It's the right one, just not the right time.\""} {"idx": 13244, "original_id": "1250902560166141952", "reply_id": "1250904659855912960", "label": "agree", "text": "Trumpism is backward, Centrism is neutral, and Progressivism is forward."} {"idx": 13245, "original_id": "1251173188609945606", "reply_id": "1251247844775862275", "label": "applause", "text": "Some good news amidst these dark times: yesterday, I found out that I won an @NSERC_CRSNG PhD PGS-D award!"} {"idx": 13246, "original_id": "1250926056644710401", "reply_id": "1250926567263436801", "label": "agree", "text": "Day 12738259 of quarantine with @andrewdsaenz. He’s still my #hero. How’re you and your significant other doing??"} {"idx": 13248, "original_id": "1250872335760011268", "reply_id": "1250887819310096404", "label": "hug", "text": "Apologies to anyone who found the livestream a bit scattered, but I found out my grandmother died about ten minutes before it started and was working hard to keep a straight face. Hug your loved ones if you can, and may La Rona stay far away from you all."} {"idx": 13250, "original_id": "1250860479335063552", "reply_id": "1250997179558199297", "label": "no", "text": "If you weren't sure of how bad things have gotten, Amazon is out of podcast mics."} {"idx": 13254, "original_id": "1251092491211804672", "reply_id": "1251261814341619712", "label": "awww", "text": "U think it's all fun and games making dudes cum in their own faces until it hits the eye and it burns for hours"} {"idx": 13260, "original_id": "1251265114638102530", "reply_id": "1251274112720408583", "label": "no", "text": "Pay Dalvin Cook"} {"idx": 13268, "original_id": "1250849380866961415", "reply_id": "1250890129377550340", "label": "agree", "text": "The ‘pro-life’ party\nThe ‘family values’ party\nThe ‘fiscally responsible’ party\nThe ‘deficit hawk’ party\nThe ‘limited government’ party\nThe ‘tough on Russia’ party\nThe ‘personal responsibility’ party\n\nWhat other fraudulent labels has the @GOP conned Americans as being?"} {"idx": 13269, "original_id": "1251146352404250629", "reply_id": "1251153562387673089", "label": "hug", "text": "I WANT A FUCKING CUDDLE AND A KISS"} {"idx": 13273, "original_id": "1251153360285077508", "reply_id": "1251237817373597697", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a video conference and one of our senior bosses commented that some of us needed to be doing our hair and putting on makeup because we look rough working from home.... what the actual hell?!"} {"idx": 13275, "original_id": "1250949160808914944", "reply_id": "1250949602754338818", "label": "shocked", "text": "The girl and I have been self-quarantined with @AstrosCounty for over a month. Everything has been great! Then tonight he made hot chocolate with water and I’m questioning everything."} {"idx": 13276, "original_id": "1251244437260374021", "reply_id": "1251244996575010819", "label": "yes", "text": "What if I simply refused to put footsteps in any of my audio dramas ever"} {"idx": 13277, "original_id": "1250994421492879360", "reply_id": "1251006922431422464", "label": "sigh", "text": "People who eat boneless wings are weird af"} {"idx": 13279, "original_id": "1250678262000349186", "reply_id": "1251119665209921537", "label": "omg", "text": "sucking his fingers after he gets done fingering you >>>>"} {"idx": 13280, "original_id": "1251049482348834816", "reply_id": "1251052161770885120", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I can’t wait to go back to church."} {"idx": 13281, "original_id": "1250862771547385865", "reply_id": "1250919253093625861", "label": "shocked", "text": "Day 2,437 in #news instead of #sports \nPlayed with puppies & then got hit on by a lady who said I should have played lingerie football bc i have the body for it. So there’s that... Happy #ThirstyThursday y’all!"} {"idx": 13283, "original_id": "1251094719234539521", "reply_id": "1251103281826455552", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Nobody in my street did the 'clap' last night. Suspect they, like me, are nursing a sulk about it being started as a genuine grass roots movement co-opted swiftly by the authorities into some kind of visual panacea for the official lapses."} {"idx": 13285, "original_id": "1251105118742872064", "reply_id": "1251139323476365313", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "BREAKING: Michael Cohen has been released from Prison due to Coronavirus.\n\nMeanwhile his co-conspirator and man who instructed him to commit his crimes remains President of the United States.\n\nLet's make sure we Release Trump from the White House in November\n\n#FridayThoughts"} {"idx": 13287, "original_id": "1251137801216655360", "reply_id": "1251144652985528320", "label": "hug", "text": "I honestly just want to be hugged right now-"} {"idx": 13288, "original_id": "1250982215539982336", "reply_id": "1250982593249542144", "label": "applause", "text": "i have a gorilla grip pussy"} {"idx": 13289, "original_id": "1251233340700659713", "reply_id": "1251234914911035393", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I want to rant"} {"idx": 13290, "original_id": "1250843619520585729", "reply_id": "1251032550929285122", "label": "yawn", "text": "I’ll be live with @MileyCyrus’s #BrightMinded show on Instagram at 2:30pm ET. Hope you’ll tune in!"} {"idx": 13292, "original_id": "1250838406193709057", "reply_id": "1250841257674489857", "label": "applause", "text": "I take too much responsibility, I need to stop forgetting the part where niggas had me fucked up."} {"idx": 13293, "original_id": "1250887299484618752", "reply_id": "1250888430298554385", "label": "yes", "text": "#DLWIN instead of #TLWIN now."} {"idx": 13294, "original_id": "1250853898585288709", "reply_id": "1250855047078043648", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Just a reminder for everyone that it is Thursday"} {"idx": 13295, "original_id": "1251176259675136004", "reply_id": "1251177927145926656", "label": "applause", "text": "I rarely block people on Twitter. I like the conversation and going back and forth. @chaddukes has been telling me for a while to start blocking people that drive me crazy. Today is that day."} {"idx": 13298, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251188403057590276", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 13299, "original_id": "1251257375731986433", "reply_id": "1251259132985905156", "label": "agree", "text": "Alcohol is great, isn’t it?"} {"idx": 13302, "original_id": "1251155599590436870", "reply_id": "1251218830807924738", "label": "high_five", "text": "Can I get a happy birthday in isolation Twitter fam? 😁"} {"idx": 13307, "original_id": "1250798446178496512", "reply_id": "1250881334160973824", "label": "wink", "text": "There is one silver lining to all the social distancing. This is by far the longest my mother has gone without asking me if I’ve met anyone."} {"idx": 13308, "original_id": "1250897927847006209", "reply_id": "1250898300619886593", "label": "dance", "text": "#theme #music @theweeknd #theweeknd Good thursday evening ! imagine perfume in Hans, hair on the wind, I'm on a nightclub tonight. 🌹🥂 #love #lover ♥️"} {"idx": 13310, "original_id": "1250903846085263360", "reply_id": "1250912659106480128", "label": "no", "text": "Ok, for those who liked my tweet regarding buying my bf new ear buds.. they are going to take 14 DAYS TO GET HERE.. so should I still get them?!?! Like again🤔"} {"idx": 13314, "original_id": "1250739608045920257", "reply_id": "1250934063193640967", "label": "dance", "text": "EP finally complete. 💯"} {"idx": 13317, "original_id": "1250557606743195648", "reply_id": "1250843466202075148", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't give a flying **** what the head of the W.H.O. thinks.."} {"idx": 13324, "original_id": "1250832299224174592", "reply_id": "1250837317008449536", "label": "high_five", "text": "Did some awake proning in my hypoxic #COVID19 patient last night and I gotta say - it worked great! Kept intubation at bay, patient was comfortable, sats came up. @srrezaie @MelHerbert"} {"idx": 13325, "original_id": "1250886086089375744", "reply_id": "1250888212580425728", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Low key trade that I could see happening...Pats & Saints both need a QB. Love on the board at 22. Both try to outbid each other. Pats have no $ and wind up giving us #23 & Thuney for pick #22."} {"idx": 13327, "original_id": "1250947510144770050", "reply_id": "1250952806808223744", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you’re ready for this lockdown to end."} {"idx": 13332, "original_id": "1250946728280408065", "reply_id": "1250947104068911105", "label": "hug", "text": "i just want...a sense of normalcy and routine that doesn’t involve me waking up at 2pm and crying at 4am"} {"idx": 13333, "original_id": "1251172369353170947", "reply_id": "1251179240294244353", "label": "no", "text": "@ArishaPH_ BUY ME THE PILLOW"} {"idx": 13334, "original_id": "1250924007391666178", "reply_id": "1251241960251314177", "label": "no", "text": "So...\n\n--States that are smart and continue to shut down drive down the number of cases.\n--States that open prematurely increase their numbers.\n--Then those states reinfect the other states.\nIs that fair?"} {"idx": 13335, "original_id": "1251028765712322560", "reply_id": "1251063185202798592", "label": "scared", "text": "anyone who likes smooth peanut butter is a serial killer confirmed"} {"idx": 13336, "original_id": "1251252922891067394", "reply_id": "1251253093687267330", "label": "applause", "text": "Any chance the @DallasWings trade up somehow tonight to get Ionescu? Asking for me ..."} {"idx": 13337, "original_id": "1250845375856021504", "reply_id": "1250846933578584066", "label": "dance", "text": "$TRNX ,21 might be tuff but when it breaks weeeeeeeeeee"} {"idx": 13338, "original_id": "1251134854198169605", "reply_id": "1251169873574735873", "label": "smh", "text": "I haven’t pulled an all nighter since freshman year... watch me end up sleeping the day away now 🥴"} {"idx": 13339, "original_id": "1250797277737869313", "reply_id": "1250837040192786432", "label": "popcorn", "text": "We stand at a crossroads today.\n\nOne road takes us back to employment marching forward with purpose and hard work\n\nAmerica *in jammies & eating snacks*: go on..."} {"idx": 13341, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250871025723756545", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 13342, "original_id": "1250895199170990080", "reply_id": "1250904688980975616", "label": "ok", "text": "Imagine if the new direction didn’t tell MewGulf to hold back for their s*x scenes in ss2 😳😳 ahaha jk.... \n\nunLESS"} {"idx": 13343, "original_id": "1250751640631685122", "reply_id": "1251120079745384449", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Nothing is patched, it was just a tunable update 🙄"} {"idx": 13345, "original_id": "1250902363121975296", "reply_id": "1250918548450545667", "label": "win", "text": "Ok people on IG really reacting to my video like they’re suddenly medical professionals.... twitter fans win today"} {"idx": 13349, "original_id": "1250847646312476673", "reply_id": "1251101576300826624", "label": "seriously", "text": "This extended lockdown is not lawful.\nThe Prime Minister is incapacitated and didn’t make the decision. \nParliament isn’t sitting.\nThe original aim of the first lockdown has been met. \nCivil disobedience would be justified."} {"idx": 13350, "original_id": "1250891240004030465", "reply_id": "1250891490269835267", "label": "yes", "text": "We’re all getting tattoos once this is over, right?"} {"idx": 13352, "original_id": "1251071193932861440", "reply_id": "1251103262289342464", "label": "hug", "text": "I've just got my test result & unsurprisingly it is positive."} {"idx": 13354, "original_id": "1251171542370783232", "reply_id": "1251171776375201793", "label": "agree", "text": "Sometimes when someone tells me they want their work to be beautiful or they are concerned about making art, I worry that they're forgetting about storytelling."} {"idx": 13356, "original_id": "1251063219990466561", "reply_id": "1251156902521696257", "label": "smh", "text": "Did I just see the word grit and rigor mentioned on an edu thread in the middle of a pandemic. People, please right now Maslow before Blooms!!! This is what keeps me up at night!!! #teachertruth #mentalhealth"} {"idx": 13358, "original_id": "1251187750235262979", "reply_id": "1251194671772119045", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm at that point when i'm not whole anymore. Oh Well."} {"idx": 13363, "original_id": "1250779442659692545", "reply_id": "1250998460641394688", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m sick of these f*cking MSNBC sh*t squirters polluting our God-given airwaves with their president-hating dreck! Now they’re promoting the subversive notion that Biden form an UNELECTED “shadow government” when he can’t even form a sentence. These people are out of their minds!"} {"idx": 13367, "original_id": "1251273463098212353", "reply_id": "1251273748839309315", "label": "smh", "text": "Boobs stretch marks 😍😍😍😍😍"} {"idx": 13368, "original_id": "1250840600783585285", "reply_id": "1250940421536198656", "label": "smh", "text": "Our Constitution should be amended to allow Buhari rule for life.\n\nHe is the greatest leader Nigeria has ever had."} {"idx": 13369, "original_id": "1250833616260734976", "reply_id": "1250885253620805632", "label": "applause", "text": "You know it’s fading when their smile doesn’t stand out like it used to"} {"idx": 13370, "original_id": "1250943451576795138", "reply_id": "1250943794133991425", "label": "applause", "text": "Whew Chile I ain’t gone know how to act when I get to Jamaica this shape gone make zay wanna plant another seed in me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 13373, "original_id": "1250875463309955072", "reply_id": "1250875690221735936", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm going to cut my ties + stay off here for a good while.\n\nFelt it before all this anyway. But lockdown has reinforced how lonely I am. And it's just making me press the self-destruct button again. Which I have a horrible knack for doing.\n\nBest not to annoy people. Later."} {"idx": 13375, "original_id": "1250829606980128770", "reply_id": "1251034978118500352", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "What kind of a savage eats a slab in one sitting?"} {"idx": 13376, "original_id": "1251082278672859137", "reply_id": "1251105728812601344", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss my dads voice"} {"idx": 13379, "original_id": "1251072630288986112", "reply_id": "1251074062299934720", "label": "no", "text": "Too early for a Friday beer with my cereal??"} {"idx": 13383, "original_id": "1250861389322862593", "reply_id": "1250861653786271747", "label": "yes", "text": "As a sub, it’s rather difficult for me to degrade and be mean to someone. But it really is fun.. 🥱 💵"} {"idx": 13384, "original_id": "1250264222514069506", "reply_id": "1250878395837222916", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi @BarackObama! Like most high school/college seniors, I’m saddened by the loss of milestone events, prom & graduation. In an unprecedented time, it would give us great comfort to hear your voice. We ask you to consider giving a national commencement speech to the class of 2020."} {"idx": 13386, "original_id": "1251158155825778689", "reply_id": "1251159248005783554", "label": "applause", "text": "Even with this pandemic, it feels like everything is falling into place for me 🙏🏾"} {"idx": 13389, "original_id": "1251129357852200962", "reply_id": "1251195216478044161", "label": "hug", "text": "As a person who lives alone, can I take a moment to say:\n\nI just really, really want a hug."} {"idx": 13391, "original_id": "1251148411803324416", "reply_id": "1251155216763809792", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "U.S. Marshals assisted Spotsylvania County, VA Sheriff's Office arrest five suspects who have been charged with first-degree murder in the slayings of a teenager and two adults found dead inside a Spotsylvania home last May."} {"idx": 13393, "original_id": "1250924171850395651", "reply_id": "1250947581238116355", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "As of April 16th, Canada has shipped or delivered 531 orders for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including hand sanitizers, N95 masks, isolation shields, and gloves, to indigenous communities to support efforts during the #COVID19 pandemic. #cdnpoli"} {"idx": 13394, "original_id": "1251081037788131328", "reply_id": "1251082897563496450", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Man walks into a bar.\n\nLucky twat.\n\n#LockdownJokes"} {"idx": 13395, "original_id": "1251204164060737537", "reply_id": "1251204349403021313", "label": "sigh", "text": "I got hit in the face with a tootsie roll in my dream last night. I haven't had a tootsie roll in years. Any idea what it could mean? 😴"} {"idx": 13397, "original_id": "1250947126487420928", "reply_id": "1250950765889245184", "label": "oops", "text": "Day 35 of self quarantine, \n\nFinally texted my ex because I made stupid mistake of sending GOPAY 500k (what a bitch Vivi) to his gopay number.\n\nWhile he is in....America 🤦🏾‍♀️\n\nPen nangis yaAllah 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 13398, "original_id": "1251162931506688000", "reply_id": "1251170662506549249", "label": "ok", "text": "CORRECTION: We have deleted a tweet incorrectly stating The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s extra $150 million would fund the WHO. It will be used to help fund research teams around the world."} {"idx": 13402, "original_id": "1251231112954892294", "reply_id": "1251231591231369226", "label": "yes", "text": "American men everywhere feel shrinkage when they look at Joy Behar.... and the need for penicillin."} {"idx": 13404, "original_id": "1250981457184636928", "reply_id": "1250983075632250881", "label": "hug", "text": "Send hugs"} {"idx": 13405, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251240544883421185", "label": "agree", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 13406, "original_id": "1250922482703503361", "reply_id": "1250929287122714625", "label": "thank_you", "text": "People don’t realize Justin Gaethje has only lost to champions"} {"idx": 13407, "original_id": "1251246829154508802", "reply_id": "1251249544777527298", "label": "sigh", "text": "Damn it!"} {"idx": 13408, "original_id": "1250852757260718080", "reply_id": "1250860720306171909", "label": "no", "text": "I am an optimist and am confident that Ohioans will also live up to the challenge of doing things differently as we open back up beginning on May 1st."} {"idx": 13412, "original_id": "1251239576171053056", "reply_id": "1251245506979860480", "label": "yes", "text": "Just got accepted into my dream university in Canada ✨✨"} {"idx": 13413, "original_id": "1251166160780836865", "reply_id": "1251167261794004993", "label": "smh", "text": "FUN GAME: Post the top song from the year you were born, but replace one of the words in the song with the name of your first pet, and then change the band or artist name to your mother's maiden name, and change the year the song was released to your bank PIN.\nGO!!!\n#fungame"} {"idx": 13414, "original_id": "1251104112856498176", "reply_id": "1251105518216777730", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I want to stroke someone’s waves"} {"idx": 13415, "original_id": "1250908930756063232", "reply_id": "1251000591603523586", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "the same people talking shit about my pregnancy are the same people who RT porn on their timeline all day. so you like the female body until it’s not solely for YOU to consume? women can be sexual AND maternal. grow up."} {"idx": 13416, "original_id": "1250962495159832576", "reply_id": "1250962600936067074", "label": "no", "text": "REAL QUESTION: \n\nWould you dress up and have an online date with someone?"} {"idx": 13418, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250925229251211270", "label": "smh", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 13419, "original_id": "1251118557649227776", "reply_id": "1251120053455425537", "label": "hug", "text": "being insecure and anxious at the same time is tiring and killing i just want a rest :("} {"idx": 13420, "original_id": "1250903620389761024", "reply_id": "1250908787726143488", "label": "omg", "text": "LACHIE Hunter in strife if found guilty of leaving the scene of a drink-driving accident.I've been told he spoke to 2 people after crash & left licence details before going to a friend's house & continuing drinking, blowing 0.123 when found by police.Had argument with a loved one"} {"idx": 13421, "original_id": "1250860324376502278", "reply_id": "1250912356076486656", "label": "kiss", "text": "our last video on OF says to tip me for my birthday and one of our subs just tipped $10 on charlies dick pics instead LMFAOOOO I HATE IT HERE"} {"idx": 13423, "original_id": "1250969285385687040", "reply_id": "1250970000854151169", "label": "applause", "text": "Pat on the back for me bc I’ve been paying on my down payment for my dream car , a couple more payments and she’s all mine"} {"idx": 13428, "original_id": "1250905408656625670", "reply_id": "1250905522922033152", "label": "applause", "text": "guess who broke out her embroidery supplies after a multiple-week-long depressive episode?????? it me"} {"idx": 13431, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251269525150019584", "label": "smh", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 13433, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251019968205910016", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 13434, "original_id": "1250898190783700992", "reply_id": "1251126970206879744", "label": "applause", "text": "Should've purchased stock in Duracell"} {"idx": 13435, "original_id": "1250929593432911874", "reply_id": "1250983381187338240", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’m actually curious about why people who are vaccinated get so mad at people who choose not to. If you’re protected why does it matter ?"} {"idx": 13436, "original_id": "1251166762554384385", "reply_id": "1251168564033323009", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Termites. One of the things I gleaned from the termite guy who came to my apartment is that he said they have been in the wood for at least 5 years and not recently. They work away very slowly. For trolls: I know its trivia just saying"} {"idx": 13437, "original_id": "1250900004895629324", "reply_id": "1250900314078818308", "label": "omg", "text": "Me @MLG_SweeTy & Classic hVc need a Mw2 3v3 chall. No keyboarders."} {"idx": 13439, "original_id": "1251004738377678848", "reply_id": "1251007687220838401", "label": "hug", "text": "God, please hug me..."} {"idx": 13442, "original_id": "1250884161788928000", "reply_id": "1250903702933835778", "label": "dance", "text": "Hey! I'll be on @bobandtom tomorrow morning. Friday, April 17."} {"idx": 13444, "original_id": "1251209784197410816", "reply_id": "1251212935243972610", "label": "ok", "text": "FYI: This account will never become a Pro Joe Biden Account, I am not Pro Rapist, End of Discussion."} {"idx": 13448, "original_id": "1250812114559778821", "reply_id": "1250858932576362498", "label": "applause", "text": "Birds been using my car for target practice for the last week or two"} {"idx": 13452, "original_id": "1251031341941972993", "reply_id": "1251036494392778753", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I neee a cut. BAD!"} {"idx": 13455, "original_id": "1250963752905609216", "reply_id": "1250968520436916224", "label": "agree", "text": "Tomorrow i assemble \n\nX-FORCE!"} {"idx": 13456, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228499362426880", "label": "thank_you", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 13460, "original_id": "1251081548478251008", "reply_id": "1251092495359832064", "label": "applause", "text": "Woooo 700 followers! And at least thirty of them aren't bots! 😁"} {"idx": 13461, "original_id": "1251194535650250753", "reply_id": "1251195286032171008", "label": "applause", "text": "If the Trials map this week is Exodus Blue I’ll give everyone who Retweets this $1M in Silver"} {"idx": 13462, "original_id": "1250960368945565697", "reply_id": "1250960537271312385", "label": "thank_you", "text": "So I just read the article about Gilead. There’s one thing there that kind of surprised me. Had to double take considering the way it’s moving markets. Anyone who has been around biotech trading or investing the last 10 years will know."} {"idx": 13463, "original_id": "1250621234125004801", "reply_id": "1250858574600904709", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "“sHow mE tHe 5th GiF—“\n\nFuck your mother"} {"idx": 13464, "original_id": "1251249858909859841", "reply_id": "1251250676186914816", "label": "oops", "text": "I don’t believe that there are ppl in the world who actually enjoy lima beans....like that’s just not a thing"} {"idx": 13465, "original_id": "1251232277931196416", "reply_id": "1251246935651921921", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "What we do in the chateaus."} {"idx": 13468, "original_id": "1251042336789889024", "reply_id": "1251042695109316609", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm not doing well"} {"idx": 13470, "original_id": "1250738200622108672", "reply_id": "1250836592702435330", "label": "applause", "text": "My view on this ST thing. Do I regret jacking in. No. I did it because the club ceased to exist. With this takeover hopefully we can heal the rift in the fanbase. Am I demanding my Season ticket back? No. If I get one I do if I don't I don't. This club is OUR club. #nufc"} {"idx": 13471, "original_id": "1251012624075984897", "reply_id": "1251017727340404736", "label": "ok", "text": "Alrighty"} {"idx": 13472, "original_id": "1250738758770704385", "reply_id": "1250912038643273728", "label": "shrug", "text": "My mom asked me twice this week if I’m a lesbian 🤦🏾‍♀️🥴"} {"idx": 13473, "original_id": "1250873746870673410", "reply_id": "1250961318061969410", "label": "yes", "text": "Florida State RB Cam Akers has a video conference call with the #Jets, per @KristianRDyer"} {"idx": 13476, "original_id": "1250981046239162371", "reply_id": "1251170319311790082", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Maaan you'd think I'd learn the mistake of ordering @BWWings on a Thursday but I did it and they did not give me half of my order again"} {"idx": 13477, "original_id": "1250864547298189313", "reply_id": "1250865557961945091", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "you’re a genius!"} {"idx": 13480, "original_id": "1251114267794968579", "reply_id": "1251160303682764801", "label": "agree", "text": "Fatima is a special name. 🥰❤"} {"idx": 13483, "original_id": "1250805848672264196", "reply_id": "1251236008793956359", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Butter on the pancakes & then the syrup"} {"idx": 13484, "original_id": "1251249616772726784", "reply_id": "1251253208661372928", "label": "agree", "text": "From the choices below, who is your favorite James Bond?"} {"idx": 13486, "original_id": "1251259398443261954", "reply_id": "1251260953288638464", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Video will be late today...It will be worth it. \n\nAll I have to say is\n\nF2"} {"idx": 13487, "original_id": "1250870290122452992", "reply_id": "1250928146846793728", "label": "facepalm", "text": "A majority of conservative Republicans, 56%, say \"it is not acceptable for elected officials to criticize the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus outbreak,\" via new Pew Research poll out today."} {"idx": 13490, "original_id": "1250975116302995456", "reply_id": "1250977430736711681", "label": "sigh", "text": "I just need to know- is Jason Derulo gonna bless us with another pic of his blessings in 2020"} {"idx": 13492, "original_id": "1250827778150346753", "reply_id": "1250837227636027394", "label": "shocked", "text": "Strawberry Milkshake > Chocolate Milkshake"} {"idx": 13495, "original_id": "1250995954410496000", "reply_id": "1250996644398747648", "label": "oops", "text": "Draymond had his own team this year and scored 20 points ONE TIME! ONE!"} {"idx": 13497, "original_id": "1251009516071763968", "reply_id": "1251019726534344704", "label": "yolo", "text": "Sorry but @ChadHartmanShow and @ShelettaIsFunny are not going to bully me over @PopeyesChicken !!! 😂"} {"idx": 13498, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250939471069089792", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 13499, "original_id": "1250830574496989186", "reply_id": "1250846313748533256", "label": "no", "text": "Received an email letting me know that my 401k statement is available to view. Should I even?"} {"idx": 13507, "original_id": "1251000567993782272", "reply_id": "1251139501721677824", "label": "omg", "text": "We are excited to announce that the first episode of our podcast will be available in early May! #StarTrek #Voyager #StarTrekVoyager #TomParis #HarryKim #TheDeltaFlyers"} {"idx": 13508, "original_id": "1250926816912650240", "reply_id": "1250927194995597313", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I get positive vibes and hugs?"} {"idx": 13509, "original_id": "1250872925680537607", "reply_id": "1250886467565563908", "label": "hug", "text": "He moved out 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 13512, "original_id": "1250897667145764864", "reply_id": "1250912975680143369", "label": "ok", "text": "When niggas go ghost on you. They be with other bitches but call them “homeboys”"} {"idx": 13513, "original_id": "1250936521705885696", "reply_id": "1251059512603226119", "label": "applause", "text": "Grayson just made us dinner and we ate it while it was boiling hot because we were starving and now we’re heavily panting with our tongues out to try to cool them down with the air entering and leaving our mouths because our tongues are burnt"} {"idx": 13516, "original_id": "1251096951665446913", "reply_id": "1251098901328912390", "label": "smh", "text": "Did you hear about the guy who died while eating spaghetti? \n\nHe Pasta way."} {"idx": 13518, "original_id": "1250854552385007619", "reply_id": "1250856704855719936", "label": "applause", "text": "Don't want to brag, but I showered, shaved, washed and did my hair, put on make-up, and a bra and clothes all in the same day."} {"idx": 13519, "original_id": "1250889956421074944", "reply_id": "1250894185139302400", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I’m starting to enjoy country music"} {"idx": 13520, "original_id": "1250933172860157953", "reply_id": "1250967806549438464", "label": "eww", "text": "As counterpoint to previous tweet, stakeholder call this afternoon:\n\n\"You know why we can't come to an agreement? There's too much damn estrogen in the room!\"\n\nSigh. #CAwater"} {"idx": 13521, "original_id": "1250868253049663490", "reply_id": "1250951995864858636", "label": "shocked", "text": "Most of you are new Woolies shoppers so you won't actually know what the whole fuss over rotisserie chicken is about."} {"idx": 13523, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251179026871353344", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 13527, "original_id": "1251165695573987328", "reply_id": "1251171544065290242", "label": "no", "text": "I really don’t know how I feel about strawberry cheesecake flavored coffee"} {"idx": 13528, "original_id": "1250912954511433734", "reply_id": "1251005310954696705", "label": "smh", "text": "🚨Please beware of a new #Covid_19 temperature scam🚨\n\nPenises are not thermometers"} {"idx": 13529, "original_id": "1251060115563843589", "reply_id": "1251123450653085696", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Stay Safe Hugs #FF @SaffronKim @TheReremouse @thee_mand @foxyflic @MartyDev @TanyaPoppy @Skog200 @roundsy1 @ScottHibberson @mark_frosty @Mattbuck_whr @devilwoman1975  @AFarawayWorld @Tracking_Signs @KatieMagnet @jjb970 @comedytiming @SimonKitchen94 @BytesDyslexia @theclumsyone1"} {"idx": 13532, "original_id": "1251202397432688642", "reply_id": "1251205547816353793", "label": "agree", "text": "If anyone commits violence against officials in Michigan, Minnesota or Virginia, @realDonaldTrump should be impeached again. I'm not joking. He clearly incited violence. He's a deranged madman and we have to get him out of office before he does more damage. This is unprecedented."} {"idx": 13533, "original_id": "1250981417334571010", "reply_id": "1250987731905363969", "label": "scared", "text": "You all are beautiful souls. Who's down for another giveaway? 😳\n\nComment below to make me SMILE. (Vid, gif, tiktok, meme, your diy fail, anything)\n\nLet's spread LOVE 💝😍\n\nWe could all use some positivity and laughter in this tough time. 🙏😘😊"} {"idx": 13535, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250875024128573440", "label": "shrug", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 13538, "original_id": "1251206919332790272", "reply_id": "1251262301266685961", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "One part of me is glad I'm having a trial with no NJ tube because I dont have to go to hospital to get it fitted, handle deliveries etc. The other part is terrified I'm not eating enough to keep my strength up #Gastroparesis #COVID19"} {"idx": 13540, "original_id": "1250759967721824256", "reply_id": "1251199958881099779", "label": "agree", "text": "Solidarity to all those quarantined with ice chewers."} {"idx": 13541, "original_id": "1250816223937519618", "reply_id": "1250854036737126401", "label": "thank_you", "text": "U.S. Marshals assisted Chesterfield, VA police arrest three people. Two were charged with grand larceny, one for eluding law enforcement and the third is facing a wanted charge in Henrico County."} {"idx": 13542, "original_id": "1251147671382880257", "reply_id": "1251274822946099210", "label": "awww", "text": "**URGENT: Please Read**\n\nThe noble Nigerian Prince Nwamu has an overwhelming personal supply of N-95 masks. He wishes to share his abundant riches with you. \n\nThe noble prince only requires your credit-card and SIN number to complete the transaction."} {"idx": 13545, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250897445908815875", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 13546, "original_id": "1250856557954371584", "reply_id": "1250960578711040001", "label": "scared", "text": "With the newest extension, I now have about 60 hair appts to reschedule when this is all over. This should be interesting lmao"} {"idx": 13549, "original_id": "1250960411870015491", "reply_id": "1251228842053828612", "label": "sigh", "text": "Can I get some dick? 👉🏾👈🏾🥺"} {"idx": 13551, "original_id": "1251087032140496896", "reply_id": "1251114061087100930", "label": "yes", "text": "Making an onlyfans"} {"idx": 13552, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250839167296139264", "label": "smh", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 13553, "original_id": "1250820426080665601", "reply_id": "1250835957307318273", "label": "agree", "text": "I wonder if @DrOz has 2-3% of children in his life he's willing to sacrifice as tribute for the Dow."} {"idx": 13555, "original_id": "1251181288024932354", "reply_id": "1251256767973142528", "label": "no", "text": "Is there anyone that Joe Biden could choose for VP that would make you change your mind about voting for him?"} {"idx": 13557, "original_id": "1251161876529987592", "reply_id": "1251163099098345475", "label": "awww", "text": "🚨🚨F O L L O W F R I D A Y🚨🚨\n\nSWYD and follow these Simmers! They all bring something different to your TL! \n\n@Blvck_sims4 \n@BohemianSimr \n@IsThatMTG \n@jevaplays \n@Shesasimmer30 \n@MedusaTheSimmer \n@jaiplayssims1 \n@GoldenSimmer4 \n\nYou won’t regret it!"} {"idx": 13558, "original_id": "1251039558818504705", "reply_id": "1251042478079311873", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I've been getting a lot of private messages asking if I died and why I am not tweeting lately. I really appreciate that some of you care about me! To satisfy your curiosity, I'm currently busy studying for my finals! Wish me luck yall ! ❤👩‍⚖📚⚖\n #somuchlove #TheStressIsReal"} {"idx": 13560, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250864334059814912", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 13562, "original_id": "1251206345338040325", "reply_id": "1251251399519637504", "label": "eww", "text": "Raise your hand if you agree that Twitter should shut down Donald Trump’s account ✋\n\n(He is unhinged.)"} {"idx": 13563, "original_id": "1250839297768349698", "reply_id": "1250839577503453185", "label": "agree", "text": "I wish people understood that processor performance esp in smartphones is so much more than speed tests, video exports\n\nMatters for simple stuff - previewing portrait mode in real time, video stabilization, HDR, machine learning, etc. \n\nThat's why A13B inside iPhone SE is HUGE."} {"idx": 13564, "original_id": "1251193179778449416", "reply_id": "1251199827221889025", "label": "hearts", "text": "S/O Latina beauties @kristy_pullard @ms_honduras @likeomgingrid @Queennnessy @xAV_CHAOSx @LomeliMariaaa @justszh @Craie @Gqthy @MissSweetNina @milana_mulatto @LakerGangDay @HunnyB718 @Mrz_Aguilar9205 @twinqueen53 @DuranJermy @EtherealMelrose @caminaly @oldschool_bby Love you 💋❣"} {"idx": 13565, "original_id": "1250983615103504395", "reply_id": "1251178165499842565", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m so lucky to have u guys in my life. Thanks so much for cheering me up today. Forever grateful for u angels💗"} {"idx": 13569, "original_id": "1251040675740692480", "reply_id": "1251054144795836418", "label": "no", "text": "Incoming Freshmen in High school were born in 2007 What the Fuck"} {"idx": 13570, "original_id": "1251265634526064640", "reply_id": "1251265931449372673", "label": "agree", "text": "Between the #DemiLovatoIsOverParty hashtag&the #ProtectTerrenceKWilliams hashtag, Twitter is being very repetitive&redundant today-I feel like l've seen these hashtags&it's not funny like we're in Groundhog's Day but more like we're some sort of Black Mirror apocalyptic spiral."} {"idx": 13571, "original_id": "1250880429126758407", "reply_id": "1250894132018544642", "label": "yes", "text": "I had a dream last night that Game Freak updated Pokemon Crystal with teleports to every region so you could travel through each game in Gen 2 graphics 😍"} {"idx": 13573, "original_id": "1250921513991254026", "reply_id": "1250922752137146369", "label": "no", "text": "I thought all 3 Thor movies were kinda trash to keep it a buck."} {"idx": 13574, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251092776634200065", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 13575, "original_id": "1250947040319766533", "reply_id": "1250949804605218818", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm gonna be playing Palu full time for a minute\nDrake clapping gifs only."} {"idx": 13577, "original_id": "1250842056269971458", "reply_id": "1250873870200049669", "label": "applause", "text": "I ordered shwarma😋😋✌️"} {"idx": 13578, "original_id": "1250869544987570177", "reply_id": "1250873416644726786", "label": "eww", "text": "I went to a drive thru Starbucks today. Homegirl at the window had her mask around her chin, picking at it with gloves that had so much condensation that they looked like when you got 7 ppl in a van on a winter night. AND had the nerve to pass my drink with the overhand grip!?"} {"idx": 13579, "original_id": "1250993172098027522", "reply_id": "1250993555981697024", "label": "shocked", "text": "How is there a professional sports league that's managed to make Odell Beckham not fun for two years"} {"idx": 13580, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251137577589116928", "label": "shocked", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 13581, "original_id": "1251209640123170816", "reply_id": "1251221152606846976", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 13583, "original_id": "1251144699429044230", "reply_id": "1251145420903862278", "label": "ok", "text": "sorry if i act cold, my energy is for one person only"} {"idx": 13586, "original_id": "1250925334352080899", "reply_id": "1250928943403851778", "label": "applause", "text": "Here’s the tea. The wedding scene was better in the show than in the book. 🤷🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 13590, "original_id": "1251232284612665345", "reply_id": "1251254732011778048", "label": "applause", "text": "Bacon wrapped bacon. \n\nWho’s with me?"} {"idx": 13592, "original_id": "1250794138510950401", "reply_id": "1250924852627730432", "label": "thank_you", "text": "♉︎ Taurus ♏︎ Scorpio ♌︎ Leo ♒︎ Aquarius 💌\nInability to let go of a relationship is blocking blessings from coming in, stop being so stubborn in releasing what’s not meant for you. Find forgiveness & clarity for yourself through this pain especially if not given directly"} {"idx": 13598, "original_id": "1250853203106828290", "reply_id": "1250853367271874561", "label": "applause", "text": "BAILOUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 13599, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1250907292687630336", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 13600, "original_id": "1251205076301099010", "reply_id": "1251206797605494784", "label": "no", "text": "So far Trials is making me want to go back to Fallout 76, which is saying something"} {"idx": 13602, "original_id": "1251192795479629824", "reply_id": "1251205010819633153", "label": "awww", "text": "If you’re reading this I love you ❤️"} {"idx": 13605, "original_id": "1251031386456276992", "reply_id": "1251031691675787265", "label": "idk", "text": "robin thicke was never dope, he was just white"} {"idx": 13608, "original_id": "1250979640174276608", "reply_id": "1250979986644905985", "label": "applause", "text": "#MyPlan to reopen the country:\n\nVote on November 3rd"} {"idx": 13609, "original_id": "1251213485138235397", "reply_id": "1251217535384653826", "label": "applause", "text": "Any chance of an 8 o'clock clap for the thousands of poor cunts like me who've been doing diy in the house for 4 fucking weeks solid now? Her list grows longer every day 😭\n#clapforourdiyprisoners"} {"idx": 13611, "original_id": "1250886827294240768", "reply_id": "1251008447535034368", "label": "yawn", "text": "Where. Are. The. Tests?\n\nWhere. Are. The. Masks?\n\nWhere. Are. The. Ventilators?\n\nWhere. Are. The. Checks?\n\nTrump's incompetence, lies, and narcissism have made a bad situation dramatically worse.\n\n#CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 13613, "original_id": "1251026908101447680", "reply_id": "1251178027167481856", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Is it to much to ask for someone to come into my life and be proud of me and to spend the rest of my life with as well to have a goal to build empire"} {"idx": 13615, "original_id": "1250814650456911875", "reply_id": "1250906519627063298", "label": "applause", "text": "Pelosi holding up relief for millions of American small businesses, who are on the brink of collapse, in a transparently callous effort to hurt Republicans politically is one of the most grotesque things I’ve seen in politics.\n\nSTOP PLAYING POLITICS WITH PEOPLES LIVES, NANCY!!!"} {"idx": 13617, "original_id": "1250529419623612416", "reply_id": "1251130608123817988", "label": "oops", "text": "Wait, all you single people fucking without getting married will go to hell fire .. no way out."} {"idx": 13618, "original_id": "1250987656869109761", "reply_id": "1251102361247940611", "label": "smh", "text": "When this is over I’m going to the bar and I don’t care if Bill Cosby serving the drinks."} {"idx": 13620, "original_id": "1250921383472791553", "reply_id": "1250921588880314369", "label": "yes", "text": "No more using this quarantine as an excuse. Tomorrow I'm getting back on schedule. \nWaking up early. \nGetting back on the grind. \nNot thinking about what I can't do but what I can do."} {"idx": 13623, "original_id": "1251043355213127680", "reply_id": "1251044083243646977", "label": "agree", "text": "Boxpvp clips aren't good, stop making 90% of your montage clips boxpvp please!"} {"idx": 13626, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250927270287589376", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 13627, "original_id": "1251211658006917120", "reply_id": "1251223411642302466", "label": "agree", "text": "Me typing: The ancient Epyptians...\nChild: How do you spell paint?\nMe: Guess and go. I'll check later.\nMore typing: ...planted flax in Nov...\nChild: I'm done. Can I have free time?\nMe: Oh look, you still have math due today.\nMore typing:...ber, harvesting in...\nChild: Moooom..."} {"idx": 13628, "original_id": "1250901065446445065", "reply_id": "1250904801195548676", "label": "hug", "text": "Lovely that during these times you can still be drawn into arguments with exes.\n\nFor fucks fucking sake. ☹"} {"idx": 13629, "original_id": "1251093996610486274", "reply_id": "1251104923405684736", "label": "applause", "text": "The Covid Respiratory Team have signed me off. Do I get a clap?"} {"idx": 13631, "original_id": "1250908034009874432", "reply_id": "1250914608589746176", "label": "want", "text": "Excited to join @ZachWolchuk and @Roe1053 tonight for some Nosebleed Seats action from 7-11p on @1053thefan"} {"idx": 13633, "original_id": "1250884046881730566", "reply_id": "1250887225589497867", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Oh, Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump are facing off again? Quick, everyone get to the parking lot!"} {"idx": 13634, "original_id": "1250755238195273729", "reply_id": "1251080503698042880", "label": "applause", "text": "Maybe if Rangers fans had taken as much interest in their own club's finances, as they are doing with those of St Johnstone in regard to reconstruction, they wouldn't have let their club die in 2012."} {"idx": 13636, "original_id": "1250909145563312130", "reply_id": "1250913358737551365", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump is listing all the things he says his administration has done successfully to deal with the virus."} {"idx": 13637, "original_id": "1251181714518372355", "reply_id": "1251210633531490314", "label": "sigh", "text": "It’s my birthday!! 🥳🥳!! I ain’t doing shit so send me your FAVORITE FUNNY GIF!! Also send followers 😄\n\nHAPPY DAY OF MY BIRTH EVERYONE!! 🥳"} {"idx": 13639, "original_id": "1251187488045105154", "reply_id": "1251202217450909700", "label": "dance", "text": "Tune I'm mixing today absolutely slaaaaaaaps, proper shaking a finger on the dancefloor stuff."} {"idx": 13647, "original_id": "1250907969283174401", "reply_id": "1250949158229311488", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I've been putting off doing a job for a month now and today I did it! Took 3 minutes and 18 seconds.🙄"} {"idx": 13649, "original_id": "1250870194458812417", "reply_id": "1250880626137407490", "label": "agree", "text": "Nadal around the post shot, US Open 2019. That’s the tweet"} {"idx": 13651, "original_id": "1251232139187834882", "reply_id": "1251235834008870915", "label": "dance", "text": "Hey @HueserSara how’s your astrophysics book going?"} {"idx": 13653, "original_id": "1250860661527269376", "reply_id": "1250881436602810368", "label": "agree", "text": "Respect is mutual, if you don't respect me don't expect me to respect you."} {"idx": 13655, "original_id": "1250898083363328002", "reply_id": "1250909295241199618", "label": "no", "text": "it’s national horny day anyone wanna come over 😂😂"} {"idx": 13656, "original_id": "1250870605479587840", "reply_id": "1250871472706461703", "label": "applause", "text": "Big Shout going out to these guys have transformed the outside catering business into one that is delivering food to vulnerable people in this pandemic @wearefooditude 🙏 we salute you x x x jamie"} {"idx": 13657, "original_id": "1251213538384699393", "reply_id": "1251214590517448707", "label": "agree", "text": "girl on omegle asked if its ok for her to use a guy to move on and i mean tf 💀💀 use two or three not just one"} {"idx": 13661, "original_id": "1250911566653878273", "reply_id": "1250911778554343424", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Was watching United vs Hull City game (2014) on MUTV and saw myself in the Stretford End 😌😂❤"} {"idx": 13666, "original_id": "1250834316130541568", "reply_id": "1250954845072179200", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel so lonely :("} {"idx": 13667, "original_id": "1251028649244909568", "reply_id": "1251033769965842432", "label": "ok", "text": "Someone outbid me for a keytar on eBay. And they saved me from myself"} {"idx": 13670, "original_id": "1250994612724011008", "reply_id": "1250997623756075015", "label": "seriously", "text": "I STAY overthinking everything"} {"idx": 13671, "original_id": "1250926090333257728", "reply_id": "1251211760977301506", "label": "applause", "text": "Workout done. My fat ass breathing heavy as shit hahaha"} {"idx": 13675, "original_id": "1250974662906929152", "reply_id": "1250974935801040903", "label": "agree", "text": "Now that I have all this free time to play, I understand why kids want new toys all the time. #Quarantine"} {"idx": 13677, "original_id": "1250873049592795136", "reply_id": "1250889663692365832", "label": "shocked", "text": "Time to be random... \n\nReply to this tweet with the best GIF to sum up 2020 so far.\n\nI’ll pick my favourite 3 and buy them dinner/takeaway on Saturday night 👍👀"} {"idx": 13678, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250940160063258626", "label": "ok", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 13679, "original_id": "1251168809429299201", "reply_id": "1251172368661135361", "label": "applause", "text": "The weeb equivalent of drunkenly trying to hook up with someone you shouldn't have is getting drunk at home and seeing your Gatcha Waifu appear on a new banner and thinking you actually have a chance to pull her if you buy some rolls and no I didn't just do this shut up."} {"idx": 13681, "original_id": "1250901387308720128", "reply_id": "1250949276945039360", "label": "omg", "text": "Unnecessary and immature commentary today I see. Logging out. Enjoy your night guys. ✌🏼"} {"idx": 13684, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251209658267729923", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 13685, "original_id": "1250583962323316736", "reply_id": "1251205353938837509", "label": "agree", "text": "Fuck Coronavirus.\n\nWhat a sad day."} {"idx": 13686, "original_id": "1250952830002900992", "reply_id": "1250958595287474176", "label": "applause", "text": "#AZSsen @OHPredictive Poll:\n\nKelly 51 (+2 Since last month)\nMcSally 42 (-)"} {"idx": 13688, "original_id": "1250954868258304001", "reply_id": "1250960298175008776", "label": "yes", "text": "I just went up in my price."} {"idx": 13689, "original_id": "1250852871379263488", "reply_id": "1250856528627851264", "label": "kiss", "text": "I love how you define us"} {"idx": 13693, "original_id": "1250573434154815501", "reply_id": "1251149421753987076", "label": "good_luck", "text": "With my thesis defense in 3 days, I've surpassed stress cleaning and stress exercising to reach stress TV binging. I'm switching between working and binging in 45 minute cycles. I'd feel guilty if it wasn't curing my writer's block #gradschool #sendhelp"} {"idx": 13699, "original_id": "1250923298101264385", "reply_id": "1251053102502985728", "label": "hug", "text": "Sigh."} {"idx": 13700, "original_id": "1250969479829389313", "reply_id": "1250971073379778560", "label": "awww", "text": "Didn’t have the best day of scrims but I fucking love my teamates, we sat for an hour to talk and go threw everything that we did wrong and we’re watching VODs soon. That’s fucking passion and dedication right there."} {"idx": 13701, "original_id": "1251172670919622656", "reply_id": "1251187409829715968", "label": "smh", "text": "I have a friend who is a pilot for Iberia. Due to the lockdown, he's off work. l asked him if he fancied doing a bit of decorating for me while he's at a loose end, he jumped at the chance. l must say, he made a lovely job of the landing."} {"idx": 13702, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251193227048300544", "label": "scared", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 13705, "original_id": "1250957929571893249", "reply_id": "1250961179486404609", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Are Spirit Airlines flights as bad as y’all make it seem or y’all just used to Delta, AA, and etc?"} {"idx": 13706, "original_id": "1251086081405091840", "reply_id": "1251087638230073345", "label": "hug", "text": "this whole situation has me so emotionally drained that i sleep so much more than before. i’m just always tired"} {"idx": 13707, "original_id": "1250794172883312642", "reply_id": "1250860764757463041", "label": "omg", "text": "NOTE to the young stud who has jus DMd me. (you know who you are !)\nYes, I am very fit;\nBut the activity you describe would be beyond the skills of an Olympic Gold gymnastic champion.\nAnd no ! I don't need *home schooling*.\nShouldn't you be getting on with your maths homework ?"} {"idx": 13709, "original_id": "1250937567807246336", "reply_id": "1250941149034020872", "label": "no", "text": "So ya'll gonna boycott Chinese food or nah ? 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 13710, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1251124058126721027", "label": "dance", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 13713, "original_id": "1251151496177041416", "reply_id": "1251163330699460608", "label": "applause", "text": "poop lol"} {"idx": 13714, "original_id": "1250996943175680000", "reply_id": "1251112096965820417", "label": "wink", "text": "Seeing new art from @birdsinboxes then talking to @IowasJoe about it has been the highlight of my day."} {"idx": 13719, "original_id": "1251182553542864896", "reply_id": "1251194484026736641", "label": "facepalm", "text": "⚠️ NEW THREAD: the faces of people trying to understand what the heck Joe Biden is saying.\n\nCheck back for updates. I’m sure they’ll be frequent 🥴🥴"} {"idx": 13725, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250875636631187457", "label": "shrug", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 13726, "original_id": "1250963776280690688", "reply_id": "1250963955150962702", "label": "oops", "text": "Yak to my neck rn"} {"idx": 13728, "original_id": "1250876530881953792", "reply_id": "1250880462194647041", "label": "applause", "text": "It’ll be EXTREMELY hard to recover from the economy if you’re dead."} {"idx": 13730, "original_id": "1250780782647562242", "reply_id": "1251205142126497794", "label": "shrug", "text": "Give em something to gossip about"} {"idx": 13731, "original_id": "1096896651539763201", "reply_id": "1251039375506300929", "label": "high_five", "text": "Once you get attached.. you are fucked."} {"idx": 13734, "original_id": "1250812940703485957", "reply_id": "1250955812643749888", "label": "applause", "text": "just paid off all my house appliances, just have the furniture left then ya boy is debt free🤙"} {"idx": 13735, "original_id": "1251184566477488131", "reply_id": "1251264250556923904", "label": "yes", "text": "Follow your intentional drive! @JuliaEMcCoy via @aiaddysonzhang #LeadLouldy"} {"idx": 13739, "original_id": "1250856914398969858", "reply_id": "1250857679469400064", "label": "no", "text": "Well, I guess we have a definitive answer, @MilwaukeeMPS families. Schools are closed for the remainder of the school year, according to Evers Safer at Home extension today."} {"idx": 13740, "original_id": "1251231900401836033", "reply_id": "1251233428969832449", "label": "applause", "text": "Pack to glory weekend league stream about to be 🔥🔥🔥 tonight!!!!\n\nWho’s chilling with us??"} {"idx": 13748, "original_id": "1251229600182607878", "reply_id": "1251231114129268737", "label": "agree", "text": "Picture it. It’s 1999, the carneasada aroma fills the south Texas air, the tios and tias are having too many beers, tex mex is the only language that exists, Jay Perez is blasting in the background, you and your cousins are running around getting into trouble. Life is good."} {"idx": 13750, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251112888108027905", "label": "agree", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 13751, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251136480514199553", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 13753, "original_id": "1250290008591699972", "reply_id": "1250920229607219201", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Infosec is bizarre. Many security researchers, pentesters/red teamers, etc. really do seem to think they're more badass than defenders. \nEven though defenders are the only ones actually fighting real adversaries and winning or losing battles with any real-world consequence."} {"idx": 13756, "original_id": "1251063965926543360", "reply_id": "1251064626411954176", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF some fantastic #bookbloggers: @ReadtoRamble @AncaAntoci @biblio_fi @_forbookssake @ReviewingMum @mrsreadalot1989 @bookdutchesses @ISolemnlySwrRvs @kerrimcbooknerd @MarriedToBooks3 @HollyRawlins2 @TStrawberryPost @AndOnSheReads1 \nHappy Friday all! 🥰💖🎉"} {"idx": 13759, "original_id": "1251222943868256257", "reply_id": "1251226032503508992", "label": "agree", "text": "Someone asked who makes better friends 🤔 Tops or Bottoms .. 🙂 I'd say Bottoms and this is why . \n Bottoms have this inert desire to protect you even if you guys have a platonic relationship . They are comfortable telling you anything ,if u are close friends . Etc"} {"idx": 13760, "original_id": "1250901802846785536", "reply_id": "1250969998543089664", "label": "hug", "text": "can i get some hugs pls"} {"idx": 13762, "original_id": "1250862341182435328", "reply_id": "1250970600732008448", "label": "seriously", "text": "please please please be safe out here y’all!"} {"idx": 13763, "original_id": "1250914819366105088", "reply_id": "1250924000966070274", "label": "no", "text": "Are your makeup brushes clean? Don’t lieeeeeee 👀"} {"idx": 13764, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1251197470127915010", "label": "shrug", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 13767, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251232735953387520", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 13768, "original_id": "1251177681988857857", "reply_id": "1251178895564574720", "label": "yolo", "text": "SOMEONE YELL AT ME TO FINISH BONES BEFORE I REWATCH PRISON BREAK I AM TERRIBLE"} {"idx": 13774, "original_id": "1250830036858437632", "reply_id": "1250899022489047050", "label": "yes", "text": "Say YES below if you are working harder and being more productive now that you are quarantined."} {"idx": 13775, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251134021117063169", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 13776, "original_id": "1251052751653605376", "reply_id": "1251057761695252480", "label": "yes", "text": "I ain’t a stranger to the foreplay, so we can skip the word play. Leave the lights on"} {"idx": 13780, "original_id": "1250947618441555968", "reply_id": "1250966353265037312", "label": "yes", "text": "Is it too early to put away the winter jackets?\n#yeg"} {"idx": 13783, "original_id": "1250814697236058113", "reply_id": "1251013837341548547", "label": "agree", "text": "Don't be fooled by her showing you attention now. She's flirting back coz she's bored. You're just a temp fix. Sellotape. A wet dream. An unpaid intern. Lockdown entertainment."} {"idx": 13785, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1251125358352531456", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 13787, "original_id": "1251222404866736128", "reply_id": "1251222483186995200", "label": "yes", "text": "in this dangerous cityyyyy"} {"idx": 13788, "original_id": "1251213793461485571", "reply_id": "1251217315493933056", "label": "hug", "text": "I would sob until I fell asleep but I do not think I have any tears left. Have a good weekend, everyone. I think I'm going to take a break. Usually, I do not post this but Week 6 has gotten to me. Love to you all. Stay inside if you can, wear your masks, if you have them."} {"idx": 13789, "original_id": "1250943810496012293", "reply_id": "1250989119674691584", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Laura mommed so hard today that she’s in bed at 8:20. Give her a hand. She crushed it today."} {"idx": 13791, "original_id": "1250960793153277953", "reply_id": "1250964504285859841", "label": "hug", "text": "i want a hug"} {"idx": 13794, "original_id": "1250336149232472069", "reply_id": "1250847433166331912", "label": "applause", "text": "if you lose interest in a person please make them aware. The coldness in your tone and texts, the emptiness in your hugs, the empty spaces in your conversations & calls not answered hurt more than you telling the truth."} {"idx": 13796, "original_id": "1250823730277711878", "reply_id": "1250846126019719168", "label": "agree", "text": "Today is National Horny Day. \n\nCan you please explain?"} {"idx": 13798, "original_id": "1250568678069977088", "reply_id": "1250869141898252288", "label": "win", "text": "Does anyone have a video of the giant rat that ran across the WH lawn?"} {"idx": 13799, "original_id": "1250812967874187265", "reply_id": "1251141343864213506", "label": "seriously", "text": "People in this compound can't ever let me have a sound nap, there's always someone coming to ask me a stupid question\nSmh"} {"idx": 13803, "original_id": "1250973280196071426", "reply_id": "1250978771563405312", "label": "no", "text": "Gemini’s,\nYou bad bitches. I just wanna say I love and appreciate you. Are we surviving???"} {"idx": 13805, "original_id": "1251100913248411648", "reply_id": "1251105792851431425", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Since it's #BatAppreciationDay here's a 👍👍👍 for @bat__go"} {"idx": 13807, "original_id": "1251203576539594752", "reply_id": "1251212520301498368", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "lock his ass up"} {"idx": 13809, "original_id": "1250862568505331715", "reply_id": "1250862874907381760", "label": "applause", "text": "RICH FOREVER PT 2😭🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾"} {"idx": 13813, "original_id": "1251052490998628352", "reply_id": "1251056751027400704", "label": "hug", "text": "I don't need therapy, I need a hug🥺🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 13814, "original_id": "1251165058337513472", "reply_id": "1251165356342706177", "label": "eww", "text": "My name is Chris Kokkinos and I'm addicted to emojis. Seriously. I have a really difficult time having conversations on Slack without using at least one emoji every so many sent lines. I don't know, I just feel like I need to try and give personality to my words.😅"} {"idx": 13815, "original_id": "1251130170494328834", "reply_id": "1251247476268400640", "label": "high_five", "text": "I had a new follower ask me if I really have sex with married men and like it when the cum on my face. I told him “ This is Twitter, I would never lie to you.”"} {"idx": 13816, "original_id": "1250939266911178754", "reply_id": "1250964147363287040", "label": "no", "text": "I have a question: do people actually find Kylie Jenner attractive?"} {"idx": 13820, "original_id": "1250866304795492352", "reply_id": "1250868165141303297", "label": "yes", "text": "The wine needed to come out tonight. Sorry. Is that ok by everyone?"} {"idx": 13821, "original_id": "1250820350176362497", "reply_id": "1250834414482755585", "label": "eww", "text": "I’m in the car, just turned on Rush Limbaugh, here’s a synopsis of what I heard:\n\n“Ok, this has gotta stop. This shutdown can’t continue. It doesn’t matter how many people die. 22 million people are unemployed. Enough! People have always died. We’ll adapt.”\n\nAnd millions nodded."} {"idx": 13822, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251066040227737600", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 13824, "original_id": "1251211434744098822", "reply_id": "1251211719369568257", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "People without an OUNCE of creativity or a funny bone in their body saying shit like: “I don’t care HOW bored I get, I’ll never try to be tik tok famous!”\n\nGood. Y’all boring as hell. Save yourself the disappointment of realizing that in real time."} {"idx": 13825, "original_id": "1250906310012473344", "reply_id": "1250909968871686148", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m just wondering when we will start dragging data service providers to subsidize products during this period"} {"idx": 13826, "original_id": "1250755528415985665", "reply_id": "1251028553115803648", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you miss your ex?"} {"idx": 13827, "original_id": "1250722368676343808", "reply_id": "1251032865917329409", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Hancock sounds an arrogant autocrat when he tells people to get on following his rules and refuses to discuss what might happen next. He’s stupid to regard folk as stupid, believing we can only have one thing in our heads at any time"} {"idx": 13828, "original_id": "1251135472786640897", "reply_id": "1251167597564792832", "label": "applause", "text": "1 follower away from 5800\n\n🥺🙏\n\nDoes it truly matter? I mean...no? Would it make me happy? YASSSSS!"} {"idx": 13829, "original_id": "1250999438589358080", "reply_id": "1251000596754124800", "label": "applause", "text": "Today, I received a commendation from the design work I did for the largest multinational consumer goods. Thank you! They are delighted with the outcome.\n\nThere's no better way to end the week than with some good news. 😍"} {"idx": 13835, "original_id": "1250933665724588034", "reply_id": "1251158089522221058", "label": "applause", "text": "Our state's testing capacity is a critical component of both our response right now and our medium-term path to get to the other side of this crisis. Today, I want to give you our latest developments:"} {"idx": 13839, "original_id": "1250844849630261249", "reply_id": "1250872161226670080", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Please. The excess BAME coronavirus deaths are not due to low vitamin D due to darker skin. Christ"} {"idx": 13840, "original_id": "1250825578577571840", "reply_id": "1250832390689357826", "label": "ok", "text": "Let's ride some dick"} {"idx": 13842, "original_id": "1251177379701174274", "reply_id": "1251223387625709568", "label": "no", "text": "watching youtube videos while my groupmate is presenting"} {"idx": 13843, "original_id": "1250950372014714881", "reply_id": "1250990558119555073", "label": "applause", "text": "i miss balls in my mouth"} {"idx": 13848, "original_id": "1251100378462064640", "reply_id": "1251102454785232896", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "damn she just tweeted about how small her circle is but she’s in every guy i know’s dm"} {"idx": 13850, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250851893691195394", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 13852, "original_id": "1250899517890801666", "reply_id": "1250904416041013250", "label": "agree", "text": "Marines are so fucking annoying."} {"idx": 13853, "original_id": "1250875535896559617", "reply_id": "1250886885825638400", "label": "applause", "text": "I got one internship !!!"} {"idx": 13856, "original_id": "1250966454494789633", "reply_id": "1251205654192304130", "label": "shrug", "text": "do i want nipple piercings or is this a byproduct of being stuck in my house"} {"idx": 13857, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250982928613609472", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 13860, "original_id": "1250856192210956289", "reply_id": "1250863546814078976", "label": "idk", "text": "im selfish"} {"idx": 13861, "original_id": "1250657987418640384", "reply_id": "1250865401543757826", "label": "agree", "text": "Hey man, life’s alright!!"} {"idx": 13862, "original_id": "1251062155740233728", "reply_id": "1251064131920072706", "label": "hug", "text": "send hug :("} {"idx": 13866, "original_id": "1250930398214991872", "reply_id": "1251195326561693699", "label": "no", "text": "This is my first time catching the HORSE Competition. Thoughts?"} {"idx": 13867, "original_id": "1250774986756780038", "reply_id": "1250974697451220992", "label": "agree", "text": "Dear Men,\n\nYou are not “the problem”\n\nWe need you. We love you.\n\nYour contributions to society today and throughout history are greatly appreciated.\n\nThe future will be a partnership just like the past.\n\nSincerely,\nRational Women"} {"idx": 13871, "original_id": "1250904679816593408", "reply_id": "1250911574136676352", "label": "agree", "text": "where did you come from \nwhere did you go\nwhere did you come from\ncotton eye joe 😪"} {"idx": 13872, "original_id": "1251022334527516672", "reply_id": "1251044704961146881", "label": "smh", "text": "Weekly reminder that these niggas can’t read, write, spell or comprehend on an adult level."} {"idx": 13875, "original_id": "1250488402836951040", "reply_id": "1250962140430819331", "label": "agree", "text": "We live in a world where it is easier to fool people. Than to convince them that they have been fooled."} {"idx": 13877, "original_id": "1251274211529830400", "reply_id": "1251274612203237376", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Food hot take, King Hawaiian rolls aren't good"} {"idx": 13879, "original_id": "1250874358202941440", "reply_id": "1251117197369491456", "label": "awww", "text": "the amount of names that have popped up on my phone of people I truly thought I’d never speak to again... 😖 I hate this quarantine"} {"idx": 13881, "original_id": "1250813362545385472", "reply_id": "1251004183483789313", "label": "idk", "text": "Find a gif that best describes your denomination."} {"idx": 13884, "original_id": "1251201426463830024", "reply_id": "1251201809252864001", "label": "idk", "text": "idk how girls claim they love their bf but be lowkey sneaking around smh"} {"idx": 13885, "original_id": "1250900679981363202", "reply_id": "1250927492363423745", "label": "hug", "text": "hmm looking for photos of when i was twenty sure does necessitate seeing a million photos of me with my abusive ex lol love that"} {"idx": 13888, "original_id": "1250993772831207425", "reply_id": "1250995795450527745", "label": "thank_you", "text": "This is *your nightly reminder to unclench *your jaw. \n\n*my"} {"idx": 13889, "original_id": "1251019678207614976", "reply_id": "1251019973335621633", "label": "hug", "text": "I can’t wait to get a good hug"} {"idx": 13890, "original_id": "1250856799282106380", "reply_id": "1251066005889171456", "label": "sigh", "text": "Actors always amaze me. We put out a free Zoom workshop session to the acting populace and got a reply from one actor who said they couldn’t afford it!"} {"idx": 13891, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251274585737007104", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 13894, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250921799057117186", "label": "ok", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 13898, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251125588989009920", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 13900, "original_id": "1250980556440915968", "reply_id": "1250987113652187136", "label": "agree", "text": "A thought: \n\nOpinion pieces/columns do serve a purpose in media. \n\nHigh on that list is encouraging readers/listeners/viewers to critically analyse what they are reading/listening to/watching. \n\nBut that’s just an opinion."} {"idx": 13901, "original_id": "1250860977043771392", "reply_id": "1250863942752223233", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Me: “I’m a traditionalist.” \n\nRandom Person: “What are you bringing to the table besides sex?! Women always expect men to do everything for them!”"} {"idx": 13903, "original_id": "1251061236113891328", "reply_id": "1251062355598798848", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I hug you guys..?"} {"idx": 13904, "original_id": "1251172356904464385", "reply_id": "1251173804102959105", "label": "hug", "text": "I can't seem to escape frustration these days... Lost my whole episode of Tiny G's Army Corner. Over 20 minutes worth of work... I'm just beside myself, I don't think I'm gonna be going out today... 😭"} {"idx": 13905, "original_id": "1250997162823102464", "reply_id": "1251000681961422850", "label": "oops", "text": "bro i’m tired of sensitive ppl"} {"idx": 13906, "original_id": "1250914311238832133", "reply_id": "1250939357885841408", "label": "seriously", "text": "VP Pence says 5 million Americans will be tested for coronavirus by the end of April."} {"idx": 13908, "original_id": "1250920562379161601", "reply_id": "1250926113800564748", "label": "high_five", "text": "Was Danny Trejo ever a baby?"} {"idx": 13910, "original_id": "1250796747347169280", "reply_id": "1250837943092215808", "label": "sigh", "text": "7-year-old: What's for lunch?\n\nMe: It's not for hours. Stop asking.\n\n7: It's all I have to look forward to."} {"idx": 13911, "original_id": "1250824454936109056", "reply_id": "1250898883640807428", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "“Jamaica now has 143 cases of Covid-19.” - @christufton"} {"idx": 13916, "original_id": "1251172182165725184", "reply_id": "1251174951119396867", "label": "ok", "text": "Should we talk about High End fashion in Uganda 🇺🇬🇺🇬👀"} {"idx": 13917, "original_id": "1251248864603959296", "reply_id": "1251259878515113989", "label": "yes", "text": "Held out as long as I could but I have finally joined #JoggerNation."} {"idx": 13919, "original_id": "1250940119814635521", "reply_id": "1250942014704832512", "label": "shocked", "text": "It’s so many men that have me blocked on here 💀💀"} {"idx": 13926, "original_id": "1251200571413012481", "reply_id": "1251238011821600769", "label": "hug", "text": "i rlly need a human hug rn"} {"idx": 13928, "original_id": "1251113692126732288", "reply_id": "1251113921530023938", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Maybe the real pandemic is our continued, crippling desire for validation from strangers on the internet."} {"idx": 13931, "original_id": "1249378667446145026", "reply_id": "1251079392215752704", "label": "agree", "text": "happy easter, the holiest of Christian holidays, —LOOK AT MY TITS. LOOK AT THEM."} {"idx": 13933, "original_id": "1251100828380741632", "reply_id": "1251208009407053824", "label": "yes", "text": "GOOD NEWS I CAN STILL ORDER FROM MY FAVOURITE ITALIAN RESTAURANT AT MY NEW PLACE 🥳"} {"idx": 13934, "original_id": "1251148114724962307", "reply_id": "1251217342996131840", "label": "hug", "text": "i just want to stop feeling so sad all the time.."} {"idx": 13936, "original_id": "1251259439446818816", "reply_id": "1251274994308526081", "label": "popcorn", "text": "ATTENTION PLEASE:\n\nDear followers, due to personal horniness, i might talk about sex more often on this account! If you feel uncomfortable about this and dont wnt to know tmi, consider unfollowing!\n\nThanks everybody for following me for so long until now! Love you all!"} {"idx": 13939, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250888519742087179", "label": "seriously", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 13946, "original_id": "1250994763358142464", "reply_id": "1251033384823984129", "label": "idk", "text": "Thinking about opening my discord server back up. I can’t stream right now due to slow internet but I miss talking to all my stream friends!"} {"idx": 13947, "original_id": "1250957087905067008", "reply_id": "1250957225604063236", "label": "hug", "text": "I ruined my 6 month streak of no self-harm due to getting angry, dissociating and self-harming. Great day and night it is."} {"idx": 13951, "original_id": "1250897440393302018", "reply_id": "1251210190361427968", "label": "yes", "text": "I GOT THE INTERNSHIP I APPLIED FOR"} {"idx": 13961, "original_id": "1251186905342828545", "reply_id": "1251187154786504705", "label": "awww", "text": "I really can’t wait to go for a short getaway with my sayang after this.😭❤️"} {"idx": 13963, "original_id": "1250602180370972673", "reply_id": "1250858944920199168", "label": "agree", "text": "just blocked everyone i don’t wanna fuck so if you see this hi lol"} {"idx": 13964, "original_id": "1251057561849212929", "reply_id": "1251229902327681029", "label": "no", "text": "I’ve come to the point of my annoyance were the gc would probably have kicked me out if I wasn’t the admin"} {"idx": 13968, "original_id": "1251187990392705026", "reply_id": "1251190065557987328", "label": "no", "text": "I'ma rethink this single s*** when this is all done"} {"idx": 13969, "original_id": "1250925686354829317", "reply_id": "1250934012178300928", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump: Cotton is a little more sophisticated to find than a q-tip. 🤯 #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 13971, "original_id": "1250786012701179906", "reply_id": "1250959427940700160", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Gentlemen, imagine if your testosterone dropped 10 points for every attention whoring Thot you follow\n\nBecause thats what it actually does. \n\nCease the cuckery and find some self-respect"} {"idx": 13972, "original_id": "1250922602958393350", "reply_id": "1250933566869049344", "label": "applause", "text": "girls"} {"idx": 13975, "original_id": "1249983748441018369", "reply_id": "1251124586785226754", "label": "agree", "text": "Saw a tweet that said:\n\nCorona is spread by 2 things. \n1. How dense the population is\n2. How dense the population is\n\nSomeone commented \"You wrote the same thing twice. What's number 2?\" \n\nYou buddy. You are. You're number 2."} {"idx": 13979, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251036609325092864", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 13980, "original_id": "1250880210561622024", "reply_id": "1250917463547576320", "label": "seriously", "text": "We all have one night.. One night we truly wish we could take back.. One night that really didn't NEED to happen.. Liquor tends to be involved in these nights.. But when you mix liquor with irrational sexual desire.. These nights typically don't end well.. Here's the story.."} {"idx": 13981, "original_id": "1251209385281552385", "reply_id": "1251238919154348032", "label": "hug", "text": "6 ships, 6 Friends! Tagged by @Ferisae_ \n\n1- Chrobin (Fire Emblem) \n2- Marichat (Miraculous)\n3- MultiChat ( \" \" )\n4- Zelink (Legend of Zelda) \n5- RingEdea (Bravely Default)\n6- MagYew (Bravely Second)\n\n@smolder_me \n@KamokuAsh \n@ALazy_Boy \n@AN0RIEL \n@leviaanaa \n@xaapancakecakes"} {"idx": 13982, "original_id": "1250837598655991812", "reply_id": "1250853324334731266", "label": "no", "text": "I hope people aren’t getting fed up with my duck updates 🙈😕"} {"idx": 13983, "original_id": "1250727185100480515", "reply_id": "1251036889584369664", "label": "hug", "text": "Self isolation gives too much time to think and negativity creeps in. Worry can = anxiety. not ashamed to say my mental health was affected the last few days waiting on results. Always check in on patients mental health. Check in matters.❤️ #proudtobeamentalhealthnurse"} {"idx": 13984, "original_id": "1250876256746340352", "reply_id": "1250885474744492037", "label": "high_five", "text": "Rangers releasing every stament but their bank yin 👋"} {"idx": 13987, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1251137712544903168", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 13989, "original_id": "1250653397897949190", "reply_id": "1250833334621605889", "label": "want", "text": "I've been eating kitkats and reeses almost everyday 😔"} {"idx": 13990, "original_id": "1250552633892446216", "reply_id": "1250856423178866690", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump says he doesn’t know anything about his name appearing on stimulus checks."} {"idx": 13991, "original_id": "1251256729049980930", "reply_id": "1251257264989765636", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Do u guys like ‘I’m ok, I’m fine’? :)"} {"idx": 13992, "original_id": "1250896836849778689", "reply_id": "1250976091407343616", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I just saw a seminary prospect whose first sentence on the part of the application where they are to write about their current religious beliefs put: “i disagree with niebuhr.” \n\nthis guy is going to do great in seminary!!!!!"} {"idx": 13995, "original_id": "1250493600938459137", "reply_id": "1250839434125336576", "label": "no", "text": "Stefon Diggs is a better WR than OBJ.\n\nSend tweet.\n\nHappy Hump day ya'll 😁"} {"idx": 13996, "original_id": "1250961047277703169", "reply_id": "1251232477705900032", "label": "agree", "text": "@iamalo02 you are what Memphis is about. I love your game man. Better every year! Prove the doubters wrong! GTG🐯💙"} {"idx": 13998, "original_id": "1251212773389938688", "reply_id": "1251216279706513408", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m a kind, inspiring woman, with a side of fuck you if you piss me off. \n\nIt’s a healthy balance."} {"idx": 14002, "original_id": "1250903988372938757", "reply_id": "1251067322204217350", "label": "hearts", "text": "Arranged marriage Malec fic where they get stuck in quarantine together and start to fall in love with the spouse they didn't want and why is Alec is starting to hate going to his room at night and leaving Magnus hanging out in the living room..."} {"idx": 14004, "original_id": "1250888267228229632", "reply_id": "1250891275697561607", "label": "yes", "text": "If you ask me I think our government should be properly funding the NHS instead of making that poor old sod run round his garden. He’s a war veteran, for God’s sake."} {"idx": 14005, "original_id": "1248635798511067136", "reply_id": "1250865217493446656", "label": "applause", "text": "There’s 3 of us that work in my mortuary and it’s so incredibly hard, overwhelming and pretty scary right now. What makes it harder is that we feel completely forgotten about just because we’re not NHS. We do the exact same job but we’re employed by a council.....1/2"} {"idx": 14006, "original_id": "1251178611052122112", "reply_id": "1251181712673030147", "label": "omg", "text": "Alfred Kinsey, author of the Kinsey report into human sexuality and keen exponent of sado-masochism, once circumcised himself in the bathtub with a penknife."} {"idx": 14009, "original_id": "1251170627622502406", "reply_id": "1251172230278463488", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "#BREAKING TRUDEAU ANNOUNCES $1.7B ORPHAN WELL CLEANUP PROGRAM"} {"idx": 14010, "original_id": "1250848048558649345", "reply_id": "1250861950927544322", "label": "agree", "text": "I’ll be online on CamSoda tonight , get your tokens ready and convince me to be naughty on cam regularly"} {"idx": 14014, "original_id": "1250916895475273729", "reply_id": "1250917080058265600", "label": "yes", "text": "YO #avtweeps and all you other party people! Prepare yourselves for THE premier #AVRaoke experience as it goes #virtual this year. Right along with #ICConnected, get your \"A\" game up. Details to follow. #virutalAVraoke @madsoundguy @jeremy_caldera @LukeJordanEAVI @PaladinMachina"} {"idx": 14021, "original_id": "1250578661381672960", "reply_id": "1250843470098567169", "label": "agree", "text": "BABYLON FUCKING SLAPS"} {"idx": 14022, "original_id": "1251179266777198593", "reply_id": "1251179673654038529", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "When a vaccine becomes available, it'll probably take the Tories a month or so to bother ordering them, useless tossers.#DailyBriefing"} {"idx": 14023, "original_id": "1250980899652435968", "reply_id": "1251041778108698624", "label": "applause", "text": "Roger Stone was denied a new trial. The judge said there was no proof of juror bias. He got 40 months and has 14 days to show up and begin serving"} {"idx": 14025, "original_id": "1250899636325400576", "reply_id": "1250899745566003200", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s always a good feeling waking up from a nap and having a full blown anxiety attack based off your stupid dream. Ugh."} {"idx": 14027, "original_id": "1239182954833817600", "reply_id": "1250892574052814848", "label": "applause", "text": "Hey Sugar! Appaz. You're my type of express, nothing could have dissuaded my egungun. \n\nVoila! It has occurred. I have to tell you."} {"idx": 14030, "original_id": "1251077497229197313", "reply_id": "1251270675500851201", "label": "applause", "text": "Just got done watching Rounders start to finish. It’s been a couple years but I still love it!!"} {"idx": 14031, "original_id": "1251232927284752384", "reply_id": "1251233073716477952", "label": "no", "text": "Do y’all think everything is really gonna open back up the first of May / 15th? Real question."} {"idx": 14034, "original_id": "1250976003981283331", "reply_id": "1250981250015223818", "label": "applause", "text": "GOP: None of us are as dumb as all of us."} {"idx": 14036, "original_id": "1251184306388529157", "reply_id": "1251186925165137920", "label": "applause", "text": "Gm everyone"} {"idx": 14037, "original_id": "1250868671850872832", "reply_id": "1250887389188435974", "label": "hug", "text": "Honestly so close to deleting every single one of my socials, shit really is something that we don’t even need. It’s entertainment yes, but at the same time finding things you wish you didn’t see can be so hurtful."} {"idx": 14039, "original_id": "1251073532408197120", "reply_id": "1251074720226840576", "label": "yes", "text": "i'm gonna give anime another try..\n\nplease forgive me"} {"idx": 14040, "original_id": "1251152755218984961", "reply_id": "1251193086924992518", "label": "applause", "text": "I paid off two credit cards today. Please don’t talk to me, I’ve accepted there’s no summer 😩😩😩😩"} {"idx": 14041, "original_id": "1250967307461054464", "reply_id": "1250967564269817857", "label": "scared", "text": "Reply with the gif that best describes how you felt at the start of OT in Game 6 of the 2010 Stanley Cup Final. \n\n#HawksRewind"} {"idx": 14042, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251112857078394880", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 14043, "original_id": "1251167365418545153", "reply_id": "1251182752939950080", "label": "yes", "text": "Starting from 20:30hrs tonight, we will take actions against anyone on the streets. So please go back inside and #StayAtHome! Your cooperation is greatly needed to control the community spread of #COVID19.\n\n#COVID19Maldives"} {"idx": 14047, "original_id": "1250873884200652802", "reply_id": "1250876675560218631", "label": "please", "text": "today we hit 3k followers! \nthank you to everyone who’s been here with me throughout this journey, and for helping each other grow 💕\ni look forward to continuing this adventure and hopefully meeting many more wonderful humans on twitch!\nlots of love to everyone, and stay safe 🥰"} {"idx": 14052, "original_id": "1250819959954997249", "reply_id": "1250962971922239489", "label": "no", "text": "BLACK PEOPLE: About to cut my own hair. What clippers do you recommend? I’m assuming Wahl. If so, which model?"} {"idx": 14053, "original_id": "1251265084896223232", "reply_id": "1251267767732404226", "label": "yes", "text": "Wit da Bears cutting Burton today I got some early predictions. Foles MVP and Graham comeback player of da year! Bearsss."} {"idx": 14054, "original_id": "1250977898007322626", "reply_id": "1250978900882026496", "label": "shrug", "text": "I’m tired of the tweets about food. Drop a gif below that describes your mood right now."} {"idx": 14055, "original_id": "1251167597929934853", "reply_id": "1251167853300064259", "label": "awww", "text": "Twitter Handles, Let's Gain More Followers 🌴🌀🌴💦"} {"idx": 14056, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251006228882313216", "label": "scared", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 14059, "original_id": "1251191495908118537", "reply_id": "1251199920796770307", "label": "shocked", "text": "“If his beard don’t connect neither will we” \n\nYou ugly as hell ma’am what makes you think we connect in general ?!?"} {"idx": 14060, "original_id": "1251016271451156480", "reply_id": "1251016675811405831", "label": "smh", "text": "filo stays see u in unlock next year haha 1/2 joke"} {"idx": 14066, "original_id": "1251216262228774913", "reply_id": "1251217011331477506", "label": "wink", "text": "@xc8lyn you are such an angel wtf.🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 14068, "original_id": "1251023460022849536", "reply_id": "1251232589446250496", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "So........How DaBaby Album Sounding? Respond With A GIF"} {"idx": 14070, "original_id": "1250813362545385472", "reply_id": "1250977517269213185", "label": "agree", "text": "Find a gif that best describes your denomination."} {"idx": 14073, "original_id": "1250682143845396480", "reply_id": "1251167701961109505", "label": "yes", "text": "Just blocked every ugly guy on Twitter so if you can see this then you’re handsome"} {"idx": 14075, "original_id": "1251163008958492672", "reply_id": "1251166311029374976", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#ff if you want to live\n\n@xo_plasm\n@MockingSpongeBb\n@evren__7\n@RoeVWadeBoggs\n@dayv\n@jaynooch\n@LeoNiberalShill\n@_Aaron_447\n@ronninator\n@BrightsideBryan\n@AranaDeJulio_\n@davwim\n@FLbogwitch\n@EmacInSTL\n@Nudiustertian2\n@bartonkid\n@tsukayams\n@Kittenfish817\n@zumphry \n@LifeNugg \n@shigbit3"} {"idx": 14076, "original_id": "1251133390046351360", "reply_id": "1251135140966944770", "label": "omg", "text": "IT'S HAPPENING. 🎉\n\nGrab a drink and join us in your living room next week for our virtual draft party 👩‍💻🍻👨‍💻"} {"idx": 14078, "original_id": "1251087032140496896", "reply_id": "1251116677976272898", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Making an onlyfans"} {"idx": 14079, "original_id": "1251014565573414912", "reply_id": "1251036796697206785", "label": "shrug", "text": "Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil both get coronavirus. You have the one remaining ventilator that would save one of their lives. What river do you throw it into and what time are we having drinks?"} {"idx": 14084, "original_id": "1250854965850984448", "reply_id": "1250856803484622849", "label": "shocked", "text": "Wait.... if I’m holding a hand, and YOU’RE holding a hand... then who’s social distancing??"} {"idx": 14085, "original_id": "1250986434942472192", "reply_id": "1250987493295603712", "label": "applause", "text": "Dr. Phil is the Dr. Oz of Dr. Drews."} {"idx": 14087, "original_id": "1250504706020921344", "reply_id": "1250910777826922496", "label": "smh", "text": "This has to be the longest Lamela has ever been off the injury list😁"} {"idx": 14088, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250882885499990016", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 14090, "original_id": "1251201829880442881", "reply_id": "1251202155450716160", "label": "shocked", "text": "Ain’t nothing better than seeing people who owe you money doing giveaways on twitter lmao"} {"idx": 14091, "original_id": "1250859111811436544", "reply_id": "1250862682665897987", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: President Donald Trump's approval rating just dropped to 43% in a new poll by Gallup\n\nthis is down six percentage points since mid-March."} {"idx": 14095, "original_id": "1250806247160344576", "reply_id": "1251045444987183104", "label": "good_luck", "text": "It’s very sad that I have to be away from my loved ones but at the same time I am very proud to be serving the country."} {"idx": 14096, "original_id": "1251157677159231494", "reply_id": "1251194773941235712", "label": "shocked", "text": "#NowWatching The Rocketeer, I've never seen this before!! 😳 #DisneyPlusUK"} {"idx": 14100, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251030256229769218", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 14102, "original_id": "1250812119844564995", "reply_id": "1250886142313951232", "label": "shocked", "text": "Are you gonna be \"untamed\" 😏 today?"} {"idx": 14104, "original_id": "1250862096759357440", "reply_id": "1250916997958897664", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I swear men will use any opportunity to shoot their shot. \n\nMe : I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle, please lmk if you need anything.\n\nHim: You. That’s all I need.\n\n😒😒😒😒"} {"idx": 14105, "original_id": "1250550965633155072", "reply_id": "1250955604610424832", "label": "agree", "text": "Some days I’m killing it balancing homeschooling kids, working, cooking, cleaning, etc. and then some days I’m over it like we not doing shit today 😩 and you know what thats ok lol"} {"idx": 14107, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251117990122270720", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 14108, "original_id": "1251027990676267008", "reply_id": "1251028686540693506", "label": "hug", "text": "everyone is sad now"} {"idx": 14110, "original_id": "1251227979251933185", "reply_id": "1251253614259122179", "label": "sigh", "text": "Chelsea are in talks with their players over wage cuts, with the squad hoping to negotiate a reduction lower than the 30 per cent suggested.\n\nThe players would rather take a cut of around 10 per cent to help save Chelsea money during the coronavirus crisis.\n\n- Telegraph"} {"idx": 14113, "original_id": "1251241579182010368", "reply_id": "1251241702645542916", "label": "oops", "text": "#SERGIO is extremely bland, poorly edited and underwhelming. The life of Sergio de Mello is packed w important historical moments and they showed 3 of them in this film, all while the love story w Carolina developed. It was a messy biopic and it could have been executed better."} {"idx": 14115, "original_id": "1251251793998286849", "reply_id": "1251251890337316875", "label": "applause", "text": "i successfully carried my: \n- laptop \n- ipad\n- phone\n- phone charger \n- three textbooks\n- hydroflask \n- two coffee mugs \nfrom my room, up the stairs, and into the kitchen. \ni’ve peaked."} {"idx": 14118, "original_id": "1250857359427149829", "reply_id": "1250863799613210626", "label": "thank_you", "text": "New York will send 100 ventilators to our friends in New Jersey.\n\nOther states helped us when we most needed it, and we are proud to do the same.\n\nWe're all in this together."} {"idx": 14120, "original_id": "1251203227678367744", "reply_id": "1251208898624790528", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I have some wonderful guy friends on here who have known me for awhile and seen how I am \nIf you see a guy telling me \"not all men\"\nFeel free to jump in and inform them that I am aware of that\nBecause they will listen to other men but not women \nWhich is telling lol"} {"idx": 14122, "original_id": "1250545307915448322", "reply_id": "1251144589655883776", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Look I make fun of all specialties equally. All have quirks:\n\nrads: clinical correlation, vitamin D\n\northo: ancef, hammers\n\nEM: ketamine, Patagonias \n\nIM: long notes, eternal rounding\n\nPediatricians: amazing, selfless, kind, funny, literally perfect humans straight from God"} {"idx": 14131, "original_id": "1251139548287062016", "reply_id": "1251150974820835329", "label": "ok", "text": "I need my OWN friend. Im not playing around no more"} {"idx": 14132, "original_id": "1250911752650399746", "reply_id": "1250915866675478528", "label": "thank_you", "text": "im not making dinner bc idk what to make but i will feed my family oatmeal cookies later"} {"idx": 14134, "original_id": "1251193423765417985", "reply_id": "1251273269736587264", "label": "shrug", "text": "He likes a thumb drive in the butt"} {"idx": 14136, "original_id": "1251242972613468160", "reply_id": "1251248397434093570", "label": "applause", "text": "Mannnn binge watching The Last dance. Bruhhhh idk what I just watch!!! Crazyyy \nWhy do feel like every marvel character in one."} {"idx": 14141, "original_id": "1250785126209863680", "reply_id": "1251005220139614208", "label": "awww", "text": "The refreshing thing about @RahulGandhi’s presser today was not only that it was an open press meet where he took all qs from press (which is democratic duty of all politicians) but also that he offered a constructive purposeful agenda rather than a negative tirade #RahulGandhi"} {"idx": 14144, "original_id": "1251235231417470976", "reply_id": "1251235777620537345", "label": "agree", "text": "Well that was a night to remember went on my walk with my camera to take local sunset shots as I finished turned round saw a load of deer running at the top of speed on the hill above think i got them"} {"idx": 14148, "original_id": "1251029612445892609", "reply_id": "1251133524683325440", "label": "applause", "text": "As a fan base, we gotta stop worrying about every little thing that high school recruits do on their social media. They’re 17-18 years old, their every move shouldn’t be calculated by everyone. Buff nation needs to let recruits breathe. #SKOBUFFS"} {"idx": 14150, "original_id": "1250915031887212544", "reply_id": "1250916373745680384", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is a bad day"} {"idx": 14153, "original_id": "1250936418932871168", "reply_id": "1250937831981223938", "label": "agree", "text": "Having trump President during a pandemic Coronavirus is giving us the worst possible outcome. \nIf it wasn’t for the common sense of most Americans we would all be dead! \n#CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 14162, "original_id": "1250984346573516800", "reply_id": "1251039556792696833", "label": "hearts", "text": "I hope you all are treating this quarantine like I treat orgasms:\n\nStay inside until the job is done. \n\n#drunktwitter #StayHomeSaveLives"} {"idx": 14164, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250918206316765184", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 14165, "original_id": "1251005952805023745", "reply_id": "1251039860783230977", "label": "smh", "text": "*watching old Cash Money concert*\n\nJuvenile and Mannie Fresh: Yo we need some ladies up here, where y’all at??\n\n*out of nowhere*\n\nBirdman: I f*ck wit n*ggas too ya heard!?\n\n........🤦🏾‍♂️\n.......😕 \n😂"} {"idx": 14169, "original_id": "1251159555418906631", "reply_id": "1251254982151737346", "label": "agree", "text": "Dear Nancy Pelosi ...\n\nLet me break it down for you ... You don't fund the WHO. We the People do with our tax dollars. \n\nAnd we don't want another damn dime of our hard-earned money going to China's corrupt lapdog."} {"idx": 14173, "original_id": "1251202044326789120", "reply_id": "1251219140406398976", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want to thank everyone that took the time to give condolences for the loss of my friend to Covid19. I’m overwhelmed with the outpouring of kindness. I cried myself to sleep last night but I had to let myself grieve. My dear and lovely friend would be amazed at the response"} {"idx": 14178, "original_id": "1250915407701192704", "reply_id": "1250915859012427776", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug."} {"idx": 14180, "original_id": "1250832820035039235", "reply_id": "1250833020220776448", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@IamYoungarigold @JohnAWade3 Great podcast guys, really enjoyed listening and that is awesome about David Johnson. Feel for him he is getting shit for the trade, blame BOB for the trade but support DJ now he is here. Agree with John totally about the national media. 👏👏👏👏"} {"idx": 14181, "original_id": "1250940007713394690", "reply_id": "1250949926281854976", "label": "seriously", "text": "So higher than average loads on the ISP is not allowing me to stream tonight. Disappointing, but now expected. We will be on tomorrow at 5PM PST...hopefully."} {"idx": 14183, "original_id": "1251197669868961798", "reply_id": "1251221144281153536", "label": "agree", "text": "Me: Why are you digging in your ear?\n\n3: Daddy pulled out coins yesterday and I’m looking for more for my piggy bank!\n\nMe: Well in this economy it can’t hurt to try"} {"idx": 14186, "original_id": "1251184920128417794", "reply_id": "1251186176716832768", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Allegedly, it's #FF! Give them some 🤳\n@talkin_shiz \n@femaleisfuture_ \n@CinematicBSpots \n@podcast_design \n@TheoryCrime \n@DunkingNDragons \n@KingMaker1314 \n@robinhoodpod \n@EvanLandon \n@LGACode \n@DjDizam \n@Tara51749065 \n@TheKevinLongSh1 \n@AMReviews3 \n@major_marq\n@SomeWouldPlay"} {"idx": 14190, "original_id": "1251156247794991106", "reply_id": "1251159637748932616", "label": "applause", "text": "We miss getting to see our students every day. That’s it. That’s the tweet."} {"idx": 14191, "original_id": "1250643267156414465", "reply_id": "1250865967544098820", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Who’s joining Truly Blessed tonight?"} {"idx": 14192, "original_id": "1251058158526779392", "reply_id": "1251070701928251392", "label": "agree", "text": "BREAKING China says there “has never been a cover up” after revising upwards the number of #coronavirus deaths in Wuhan by 50%. The deaths rose by over 1,300 from 2,579 to 3,869 because of a “statistical verification to ensure accuracy”. It takes China’s #COVID19 toll to 4,632."} {"idx": 14193, "original_id": "1250850578953121798", "reply_id": "1250850972001320962", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@mariminerey WOO CONGRATS!"} {"idx": 14195, "original_id": "1251156221572210694", "reply_id": "1251160336951996417", "label": "no", "text": "McDonalds"} {"idx": 14197, "original_id": "1250809501902671877", "reply_id": "1250843353719152640", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Humility."} {"idx": 14200, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250840360919511041", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 14202, "original_id": "1251123891927306242", "reply_id": "1251124326688010243", "label": "hug", "text": "*sends ghost hugs to every fantasy who feels sad/down/angry/etc about this*\n*sends BIG ghost hugs to juho*\n🥺💘🙆🏻‍♀️💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘 @SF9official"} {"idx": 14203, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250950472552157184", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 14206, "original_id": "1250651106822074368", "reply_id": "1250869512863232005", "label": "awww", "text": "How's your experience with Flutter? Only gifs allowed 🤟🏼\n\n#Flutter"} {"idx": 14207, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250888934684389376", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 14211, "original_id": "1251259316209881093", "reply_id": "1251259668787335168", "label": "oops", "text": "Train goes into tunnel. That's a bit much even for Hitchcock.\n#NxNW #TCMFF #TCMParty"} {"idx": 14213, "original_id": "1251132989108441090", "reply_id": "1251185810784821249", "label": "agree", "text": "The bible is bullshit of biblical proportions"} {"idx": 14214, "original_id": "1250845516776247296", "reply_id": "1250918550136434688", "label": "applause", "text": "I know it’s confusing to see a big mouthed obese woman get so much love compared to other train wrecks on social media but remember the bar was set pretty low to begin with. It’s not hard to be yourself, fuck up, learn from it, and try to better."} {"idx": 14215, "original_id": "1251225469535629334", "reply_id": "1251250626178228225", "label": "agree", "text": "Tonight was gone be good night man"} {"idx": 14217, "original_id": "1250891728782942208", "reply_id": "1250892429177257991", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I have vodka or tequila for dinner?\n\nJust trying to plan ahead."} {"idx": 14228, "original_id": "1251155849331929103", "reply_id": "1251156143583289346", "label": "agree", "text": "true that history repeats itself."} {"idx": 14231, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251232797412306945", "label": "good_luck", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 14233, "original_id": "1250889920035635201", "reply_id": "1251033013288349697", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I even miss wearing a condom💔"} {"idx": 14234, "original_id": "1250904797122899970", "reply_id": "1250997308109606912", "label": "ok", "text": "Just saw my youngest cousin, after finishing his freshman year at UCF, is now a newly elected officer for FSA. While I really love the memories that come to light as my co-officers and I traversed through meetings/events, I also feel old af right now 😅🧔🏻#oldschool #noregrets🇵🇭"} {"idx": 14239, "original_id": "1250840206212808705", "reply_id": "1250849450659995648", "label": "high_five", "text": "Trump’s daily propaganda press conferences have hurt Americans. Raise your hand if you agree. No network should want any part in airing it. Please only air the doctors, if any of it.\n\nCc: @CNN @MSNBC @wolfblitzer @jaketapper @Acosta @AriMelber @chucktodd #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 14240, "original_id": "1250977760635351040", "reply_id": "1250978586590236674", "label": "applause", "text": "Dam y’all must be some thirsty hoes to go after YOUR friends exes 🤣🤢"} {"idx": 14241, "original_id": "1250779442659692545", "reply_id": "1251149452603093001", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m sick of these f*cking MSNBC sh*t squirters polluting our God-given airwaves with their president-hating dreck! Now they’re promoting the subversive notion that Biden form an UNELECTED “shadow government” when he can’t even form a sentence. These people are out of their minds!"} {"idx": 14250, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251269583786344450", "label": "agree", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 14253, "original_id": "1250967307461054464", "reply_id": "1250977145419161601", "label": "scared", "text": "Reply with the gif that best describes how you felt at the start of OT in Game 6 of the 2010 Stanley Cup Final. \n\n#HawksRewind"} {"idx": 14255, "original_id": "1250594991090675714", "reply_id": "1250991730213548032", "label": "applause", "text": "Katie is the classic definition of a woman who is so use to dysfunction that when a respectful man comes along, she thinks he’s the problem. #MAFS #MarriedAtFirstSight"} {"idx": 14256, "original_id": "1251112081358835714", "reply_id": "1251177883457843200", "label": "oops", "text": "I did it again 🤦🏽‍♂️ good job Diamond"} {"idx": 14259, "original_id": "1251121065935417344", "reply_id": "1251127636291715073", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Good morning, I got 3 hours of sleep for work. \n\nWill I survive? Time to find out!"} {"idx": 14261, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251129884170235906", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 14265, "original_id": "1250859632937127938", "reply_id": "1250864700306448384", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I need to stop stalking this babe but she’s sooooo good looking and her tweets make so much sense 🥺"} {"idx": 14267, "original_id": "1250996998444126209", "reply_id": "1251029460465352709", "label": "applause", "text": "I suck"} {"idx": 14268, "original_id": "1251182708908331008", "reply_id": "1251183644141662210", "label": "want", "text": "25th Amendment."} {"idx": 14269, "original_id": "1250897612204584960", "reply_id": "1251072736841138176", "label": "good_luck", "text": "You fight the pandemic with the WHO you have, not the WHO you want."} {"idx": 14274, "original_id": "1251245030624440321", "reply_id": "1251247395322712064", "label": "hug", "text": "Yeah, 3 over emotional angry people are way too many. Time for a tactic retreat until things clear up."} {"idx": 14279, "original_id": "1250824473747451904", "reply_id": "1250936151063625728", "label": "thank_you", "text": "As much as I’m enjoying it, I do think 7 Remake has a tendency to stretch things out longer than needed, losing some of the impact the pacing of the original has."} {"idx": 14282, "original_id": "1250872589087657984", "reply_id": "1250874640928591872", "label": "smh", "text": "Not a bone in my body fake"} {"idx": 14284, "original_id": "1250575087364911104", "reply_id": "1250882162837970944", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I hate musicals"} {"idx": 14289, "original_id": "1251176527280078855", "reply_id": "1251212707623243782", "label": "applause", "text": "Joe Biden should be able to resume his rallies at any time. \n\nIt’s not difficult to get 13 people to stand 6 feet apart."} {"idx": 14290, "original_id": "1250885542797094912", "reply_id": "1250911777799503872", "label": "sigh", "text": "Rangers have claimed that the SPFL resolution to end the season for clubs below the Scottish Premiership was the result of a \"misleading and deeply flawed\" process."} {"idx": 14296, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1250995721437765632", "label": "agree", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 14299, "original_id": "1251182870657404928", "reply_id": "1251223386870685696", "label": "awww", "text": "When this crap is over, I want to go have a cup of coffee with @NYGovCuomo & @ChrisCuomo’s mom."} {"idx": 14302, "original_id": "1251188900946575360", "reply_id": "1251250057904394240", "label": "want", "text": "I look sooo cute rn... I wanna be straddling someone and kissing them 🙈"} {"idx": 14304, "original_id": "1251076675493859328", "reply_id": "1251133185532051458", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m always the single friend of the group."} {"idx": 14307, "original_id": "1250969251147419650", "reply_id": "1250976765142618113", "label": "smh", "text": "I just got called a chubby china doll by someone and I...."} {"idx": 14308, "original_id": "1250815608163311616", "reply_id": "1250905488465805313", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump tweeted\n“OANN Poll “Gives President Trump a 52% Approval Rating in North Carolina, and a seven point lead over (Sleepy) Joe Biden. The President also helps other Republican Candidates, including SenThomTillis, who has a 4% lead over ...” “\n\nWhere does OANN get it’s numbers?"} {"idx": 14309, "original_id": "1251265587596136451", "reply_id": "1251269496842727424", "label": "yawn", "text": "As a Virginian (and damn proud of it), I'd remind the President that his order to \"LIBERATE VIRGINIA\" was already tried when his friends visited Charlottesville in August 2017."} {"idx": 14310, "original_id": "1250946186254712832", "reply_id": "1251079099239497728", "label": "applause", "text": "No offence but if you're a Sam stan or a Dean stan i dont want your opinion about how Cas stans should feel or should say. \nYou fave is in all the episodes, have been included in all the cool things and are well treated by showrunners/writers. So please just sit there"} {"idx": 14311, "original_id": "1251220032018939911", "reply_id": "1251220413499277312", "label": "oops", "text": "Randomly watching a 1983 episode of “Coronation Street” on U-Tube. Bit disturbed that somehow I think Deirdre Barlow looks kind of hot. 🤔 is that normal?"} {"idx": 14312, "original_id": "1250325775070294020", "reply_id": "1250835411674337280", "label": "applause", "text": "crash Q3 titties."} {"idx": 14314, "original_id": "1251200866520051713", "reply_id": "1251212010685173760", "label": "agree", "text": "Makes no damn sense to open the country when daily death numbers are still increasing & not going down. \n\nI don’t give a shit if they open it up- my family is staying at home. I don’t trust Trump or any Republican especially with their half ass plan with no testing. \n\nThoughts?!?"} {"idx": 14315, "original_id": "1251217352764485632", "reply_id": "1251217739240411136", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Umm so\n\nBananas without the 'b' is pineapple dudes"} {"idx": 14316, "original_id": "1251190439765512196", "reply_id": "1251195199893708801", "label": "smh", "text": "The audacity of some people 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 14317, "original_id": "1250762367966875648", "reply_id": "1250852311087235073", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Today is National Horny Day! 😛\n\n🍆😸🍆😸🍆😸🍆😸🍆😸🍆\n\nAll you folks at home better make that place SHAKE like an EARTHQUAKE! \n\nI’ll be over here ... playing with my TOYS! 😂😂😂😈\n\nEnjoy!😏"} {"idx": 14318, "original_id": "1250872792435875841", "reply_id": "1251083060826832898", "label": "facepalm", "text": "There are people today who may well have symptoms of coronavirus, but who have to go to work because they don’t have any paid family or medical leave. How does that happen in the richest country in the history of the world?"} {"idx": 14321, "original_id": "1251099462132473856", "reply_id": "1251105348288643072", "label": "ok", "text": "Lick my crack."} {"idx": 14324, "original_id": "1250862116728430595", "reply_id": "1250888738764398593", "label": "high_five", "text": "Did you know today is National High Five Day? Here's a virtual high five to all my fellow educators out there! Yes, that includes all you parents out there! You're rocking this distance learning and we couldn't do it without you! Together, we've got this! #onebravesfamily"} {"idx": 14325, "original_id": "1251032558822928384", "reply_id": "1251147179508391940", "label": "applause", "text": "#clapping might feel good The reality is for 10 years the NHS has been underfunded and privatised, staff underpaid and overworked. Can somebody please explain why voters chose the Tory Party who are destroying it when they could have voted for Labour who promised to fund it?!?!"} {"idx": 14326, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251124979493744640", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 14327, "original_id": "1250878680345313281", "reply_id": "1250879240175849473", "label": "applause", "text": "EXTREMELY proud of my bff/law school other half @milesoutsides for winning a virtual motion to dismiss, we stan a public defender QUEEN"} {"idx": 14328, "original_id": "1250939291699523584", "reply_id": "1250941687234510853", "label": "yes", "text": "I! Defended! My! MFA! Thesis! And! I'm! Proud!"} {"idx": 14332, "original_id": "1251172011478482948", "reply_id": "1251207206164447239", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Random out of context gif replies with no accompanying text are to twitter what the luddite mother minion memes are to facebook\n\nChange my mind"} {"idx": 14336, "original_id": "1250988314955522048", "reply_id": "1251169520145911812", "label": "agree", "text": "One of these days I’m going to go to the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City and drink rum sidecars and play video poker until the sun comes up."} {"idx": 14339, "original_id": "1250995250266386432", "reply_id": "1251250044826611713", "label": "applause", "text": "Dr. Phil has a doctorate in psychology.He is not a virologist.\n\nDr. Drew is a licensed internist&an addiction medicine specialist.Also, he is not a virologist.\n\nDr. Oz is a licensed cardiothoracic surgeon. He is also not a virologist.\n\nDr. Pepper is a tasty soda& not a virologist"} {"idx": 14340, "original_id": "1250968449066708992", "reply_id": "1250974233775177728", "label": "yes", "text": "Headband Aaron is 2ish weeks from being back. Help"} {"idx": 14344, "original_id": "1250963037202210818", "reply_id": "1250964249054269440", "label": "agree", "text": "When I hit a fade-away jumper at the buzzer they call it my clutchstache."} {"idx": 14345, "original_id": "1250897539626348550", "reply_id": "1250904281391132672", "label": "high_five", "text": "Daycare is $100 bucks less this month due to age increase. I feel like this is backwards, but we take the small wins these days."} {"idx": 14348, "original_id": "1251170299900571650", "reply_id": "1251195741206347776", "label": "sigh", "text": "I need Thai food with 2 appetizers.. i don’t care 😝😝😝"} {"idx": 14351, "original_id": "1250811792735043584", "reply_id": "1250841456320884738", "label": "shocked", "text": "We all got that one follower who’s asshole we really want to see how deep we can shove our tongue in 🥴"} {"idx": 14353, "original_id": "1251220458688708609", "reply_id": "1251223761174626304", "label": "shocked", "text": "Animal Crossing question:\n\nIf I help a pretty young lady (in this case, my wife) pay off her bills with my sweet sweet tarantula money, does that make me her Sugar Daddy Long Legs? \n\n#AnimalCrossingNewHorizons #ACNH"} {"idx": 14355, "original_id": "1250827617650917376", "reply_id": "1250831985213407232", "label": "dance", "text": "at least out loud ... i won’t say i’m in love"} {"idx": 14356, "original_id": "1250962743932456962", "reply_id": "1250965754117337091", "label": "agree", "text": "He made Garlic Chicken, it was really good and worth the wait."} {"idx": 14357, "original_id": "1251152101184466944", "reply_id": "1251152499009966086", "label": "applause", "text": "Happy Thursday to everyone who doesn’t recognize the days of the week anymore"} {"idx": 14358, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251086956936585217", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 14361, "original_id": "1250835018223620101", "reply_id": "1251117507668135936", "label": "applause", "text": "GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format so if you pronounce it \"jiff\" I assume you ate lead paint as a kid"} {"idx": 14363, "original_id": "1251211559176527876", "reply_id": "1251224642007658496", "label": "shocked", "text": "the “B” in my name stands for “Bella”"} {"idx": 14365, "original_id": "1239795994365173761", "reply_id": "1251020352987283456", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I will give away 6 godlies in Murder Mystery a corrupt ahallow blade and minty and a cane A batlle axe 2 and a Red luger"} {"idx": 14367, "original_id": "1250551254822068225", "reply_id": "1251078380696424449", "label": "yes", "text": "being stood up for a real date is like yeah okay stuff comes up sometimes I get it. being stood up for a facetime date during a global pandemic? that’s when u know they don’t want you"} {"idx": 14370, "original_id": "1250941234027298820", "reply_id": "1250941571719184389", "label": "sigh", "text": "Tomorrow you'll get a break from my posts because I'll be starting my job tomorrow and the shadowing is 8 hrs 😞"} {"idx": 14371, "original_id": "1250870414051549190", "reply_id": "1250906466728304640", "label": "kiss", "text": "Even though I am still going to use it, 2FA REALLY grinds my gears. Ive been locked out of my own accounts more often than not."} {"idx": 14373, "original_id": "1251041597774430208", "reply_id": "1251118257488171008", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Posting pictures of your high school graduation for kids who don't get a graduation this year is the opposite of empathetic or helpful. I don't know who started that but come on now."} {"idx": 14377, "original_id": "1250852757260718080", "reply_id": "1250861028017164289", "label": "no", "text": "I am an optimist and am confident that Ohioans will also live up to the challenge of doing things differently as we open back up beginning on May 1st."} {"idx": 14380, "original_id": "1251189371463700480", "reply_id": "1251211451756359682", "label": "dance", "text": "LIBERATE LINDSAY GRAHAM'S SEXUAL ORIENTATION!"} {"idx": 14382, "original_id": "1251086899109703680", "reply_id": "1251091916197748739", "label": "awww", "text": "Spread love and be kind to each other!"} {"idx": 14385, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1251009357015384064", "label": "smh", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 14388, "original_id": "1251000309507338242", "reply_id": "1251015594050310145", "label": "applause", "text": "So did y’all like??"} {"idx": 14389, "original_id": "1250764728680374276", "reply_id": "1251046381663518720", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "do we love fortnite?"} {"idx": 14391, "original_id": "1251183441514807297", "reply_id": "1251186999043788806", "label": "applause", "text": ".@theestallion's \"Savage\" rises to a new peak of #17 on the UK singles chart. Up 5 spots, it’s Megan’s first ever top 20 hit."} {"idx": 14393, "original_id": "1251014871593783296", "reply_id": "1251031689154965506", "label": "hearts", "text": "My girl friends, online and off, are the only reason I survive this mess called life"} {"idx": 14394, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251175929184808960", "label": "shocked", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 14398, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251132601991135243", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 14401, "original_id": "1250896415057797120", "reply_id": "1250922837961060353", "label": "applause", "text": "Guess who just got they first plaque 😢😢😢"} {"idx": 14402, "original_id": "1250852500829339650", "reply_id": "1250864995866251264", "label": "applause", "text": "#Polysign is so secret that very little is known.\n\nI believe I've uncovered information that will illuminate on the \"What\", just not the \"How\". \n\nRead the following and see if you agree with my conclusion.\n#XRPCommunity"} {"idx": 14403, "original_id": "1250926934256730118", "reply_id": "1250928017926389761", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you think Dr. Birx has offsite storage for her scarves? \n\n#Stylin #FashionForwardDecadesAgo"} {"idx": 14405, "original_id": "1251131517818097668", "reply_id": "1251134360566235136", "label": "dance", "text": "What I want as my birthday gift from all of you is a picture of everyone enjoying themselves in their own way individually.\nSo, I am celebrating n we are on lockdown, you have to fix your “item 7” in your own way.\nPlease make pictures n share with us if you can.\n#HappybirthdayJay"} {"idx": 14406, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251186429436231680", "label": "seriously", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 14409, "original_id": "1250908738975928320", "reply_id": "1250923299120517121", "label": "scared", "text": "Who remembers The Diamond Ring by Liz Benson?"} {"idx": 14411, "original_id": "1251225833307549697", "reply_id": "1251227064105140225", "label": "thank_you", "text": "760 new cases today. (Besides Easter, not a full day of reporting.) Lowest total since 3/26. Increase of 2.59%. smallest increase yet. Reported Deaths were 134, increase of 6.4%, also the smallest increase we have had in terms of percentages."} {"idx": 14413, "original_id": "1251267658890108928", "reply_id": "1251275377961385987", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "$1.7 Billion to eliminate Orson Wells!?!! He’s long gone! #wasteful"} {"idx": 14414, "original_id": "1247213431536713728", "reply_id": "1251185701795889153", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "5G is possible in rural America. Unlicensed access to the 6GHz band can make it happen."} {"idx": 14415, "original_id": "1251269468036182016", "reply_id": "1251269948569194497", "label": "sigh", "text": "So they’re starting to open Texas next week ... ((:"} {"idx": 14417, "original_id": "1250985311057952769", "reply_id": "1251096504204431360", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "ok i’ll bite... what’s flossing?"} {"idx": 14418, "original_id": "1251201544378372096", "reply_id": "1251206258817974272", "label": "no", "text": "Is it possible to overdose on #MiniEggs ?"} {"idx": 14420, "original_id": "1250828532990836738", "reply_id": "1250863907029291009", "label": "agree", "text": "In the mood for Mexican food and margaritas🤤"} {"idx": 14421, "original_id": "1250848412922150912", "reply_id": "1250872830167744515", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "PPS.... how you gonna call yourself a banana when your dick ain’t even close .... I’m so Fucking confused bro"} {"idx": 14422, "original_id": "1250830402203377664", "reply_id": "1250940545867939841", "label": "yes", "text": "Little stream of water in the shower went rogue and sprayed my nipple this morning. \n\nMost excitement I've had all quarantine."} {"idx": 14423, "original_id": "1250949685185073152", "reply_id": "1250950002513338370", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Love how I legit can’t be on the wrong and @AyzaliahS will still agree with me on being right 😂❣️"} {"idx": 14425, "original_id": "1250868032227835904", "reply_id": "1250869189771845632", "label": "applause", "text": "Despite feeling like utter trash I finally squeezed 900 words into YA desi fantasy horror today, please clap"} {"idx": 14427, "original_id": "1250897443245502465", "reply_id": "1250923676691763200", "label": "applause", "text": "Can’t really be doing with the self righteous “3 more weeks is nothing it’s essential, atop moaning” brigade.....we all know that. The majority of the country is doing their bit. But people are still allowed to have a little moan. To miss pre-lockdown life. They’re only human!"} {"idx": 14428, "original_id": "1250813696818937857", "reply_id": "1250843883266662400", "label": "eww", "text": "Hats off to BMC 0f Mumbai . They have taken more tests than any other city or even any other state of India Highest number of test that is why highest number of positives who are immediately sent the treatment That is most effective of fighting and defeating corona. Thank you BMC"} {"idx": 14430, "original_id": "1251189092328583169", "reply_id": "1251190533382438915", "label": "hug", "text": "If covid19 taught me something, its that friends are life. Without them we seriously are in such a dull place. I miss them so much!"} {"idx": 14434, "original_id": "1251188719962353670", "reply_id": "1251206499667447809", "label": "yolo", "text": "Happy Friyay! What are you doing this weekend? (Please respond with gifs)"} {"idx": 14436, "original_id": "1251218741733601280", "reply_id": "1251236231675097088", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I don't know who needs to hear this, but you don't need a mask in your own car or backyard."} {"idx": 14439, "original_id": "1251116072658501633", "reply_id": "1251116658489524225", "label": "oops", "text": "The last few weeks people from India keep following me are they trying to tell me something?"} {"idx": 14441, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250880405697413121", "label": "ok", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 14443, "original_id": "1250903276603576320", "reply_id": "1250945669831053313", "label": "no", "text": "My mom got mad at me for a previous tweet I constructed. She said it was out of line and disrespectful. I have taken the tweet down and encourage all of you to keep your ridiculous commentary to yourself. Momma White is always watching"} {"idx": 14444, "original_id": "1251189302677196800", "reply_id": "1251193931267821569", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "\"He's doing nothing,\" Cuomo says of Trump.\n\n\"All he's doing is walking in front of the parade.\""} {"idx": 14446, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250951662685978626", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 14447, "original_id": "1251012934597316610", "reply_id": "1251013016813834240", "label": "no", "text": "3000 likes and I shave my head ON GOD"} {"idx": 14450, "original_id": "1250853502034812928", "reply_id": "1250855032326483968", "label": "popcorn", "text": "sheesh. more recruits today?! 🧐\n\n#Stability"} {"idx": 14451, "original_id": "1251017964234526720", "reply_id": "1251021462300954624", "label": "shocked", "text": "@070shake check ur dms!"} {"idx": 14452, "original_id": "1250913345898786822", "reply_id": "1250929112358825985", "label": "no", "text": "Anything good happen today?"} {"idx": 14453, "original_id": "1251201813669392384", "reply_id": "1251213298663448576", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s crazy how when you hang out with people often they start to rub off on you . I’ve been through it negatively and had to cut ties with those people cause they were only bringing me down. Now, everyone I keep close just inspires me to be a better me and I’m obsessed"} {"idx": 14454, "original_id": "1251179490195185664", "reply_id": "1251249551643680773", "label": "shocked", "text": "Holy moly. Indiana Election Commission meeting had just started on Zoom when someone switched video to them masturbating. \nMy eyes! My eyes!"} {"idx": 14460, "original_id": "1250848943048704007", "reply_id": "1250871949913403396", "label": "no", "text": "My husband just told me that I need to ease up on my snacking \n\nSo how exactly does one feed their husband to a tiger?"} {"idx": 14462, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251269872706883590", "label": "no", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 14463, "original_id": "1251029341145890816", "reply_id": "1251031266331369472", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Been using a new acne medication and my face is itching and burning sooooo bad!"} {"idx": 14465, "original_id": "1250987383417450497", "reply_id": "1250988521822785537", "label": "yawn", "text": "You know your daily duo cup game is over when you see captain knight in your game"} {"idx": 14467, "original_id": "1250909738260402177", "reply_id": "1250917693508780033", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us.\""} {"idx": 14468, "original_id": "1250880112632844289", "reply_id": "1250882822824484864", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m 👌🏾 to accepting appts for home visit for my current clients."} {"idx": 14470, "original_id": "1250878090525446145", "reply_id": "1250879517326966785", "label": "yes", "text": "I got some work today, Twitter 😊\n\n🌈"} {"idx": 14471, "original_id": "1251194395178696704", "reply_id": "1251195142511439873", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m convinced Dr Drew and Dr Phil will say whatever just to get on TV."} {"idx": 14472, "original_id": "1250992784363880449", "reply_id": "1250992984058986496", "label": "agree", "text": "@ArmaniArizona welcome back. That didn’t last long"} {"idx": 14473, "original_id": "1250955708352397313", "reply_id": "1250957044657451008", "label": "no", "text": "Are hotdogs a sandwich?"} {"idx": 14480, "original_id": "1251153322561552389", "reply_id": "1251162127978528769", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Well Mary and I finished NETFLIX Today ...."} {"idx": 14482, "original_id": "1250637027751665664", "reply_id": "1251141188259770369", "label": "agree", "text": "pants are just tabi skirts"} {"idx": 14483, "original_id": "1251155436713082885", "reply_id": "1251220436546977792", "label": "no", "text": "just say no, it can’t snow if you don’t consent"} {"idx": 14485, "original_id": "1251232836918685698", "reply_id": "1251257942709583873", "label": "facepalm", "text": "new Gallup poll on how Americans rate Trump’s performance as president\n\nwhites w/out college degrees:\n61% approve\n37% disapprove\n\neveryone else:\n31% approve\n64% disapprove"} {"idx": 14487, "original_id": "1250795194842263553", "reply_id": "1250851761277059075", "label": "shocked", "text": "We use two monitors at my job. My director said if we having trouble using one monitor we can find a second one cheap online. Shit....if they ain't reimbursing me, I'm not buying shit."} {"idx": 14491, "original_id": "1250996627030016000", "reply_id": "1251000400041390081", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Nobody:\n\nMe: Whew \n\nLMFAOOOO"} {"idx": 14492, "original_id": "1249703119828791300", "reply_id": "1251009663207985152", "label": "smh", "text": "Reply to this tweet with your FAVORITE .GIF of all time.."} {"idx": 14493, "original_id": "1250863103123709952", "reply_id": "1250863671284084739", "label": "yes", "text": "Am I actually hungry or am I just bored"} {"idx": 14496, "original_id": "1250949993516675076", "reply_id": "1250953043723653121", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I don’t know why I thought I could do this?"} {"idx": 14497, "original_id": "1250944986822082562", "reply_id": "1250946234904227840", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Urgent news: coronavirus doesn’t affect rats or snakes...so ultimately most of you will be fine"} {"idx": 14499, "original_id": "1251097027078959105", "reply_id": "1251104111774351360", "label": "agree", "text": "I really hope @Oprah speaks about the dangerous statements by @DrPhil and @DrOz WE need her voice."} {"idx": 14500, "original_id": "1251103895285268480", "reply_id": "1251137476799934468", "label": "hug", "text": "want a hug and some banana bread please and thank you 🥺"} {"idx": 14505, "original_id": "1251064649275052032", "reply_id": "1251125703413727232", "label": "yes", "text": "Are birds taking the absolute piss at 5am every morning?"} {"idx": 14508, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1251214205178519552", "label": "sigh", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 14509, "original_id": "1250846529138507776", "reply_id": "1250847465512882176", "label": "agree", "text": "Strawberry Fruit Roll-Ups are the shiz."} {"idx": 14511, "original_id": "1251211137934413825", "reply_id": "1251218341433401344", "label": "wink", "text": "Well it's not Yosuga but i like more my headers with many characters anyway, so i will take that. Thank you @XxFuyu_x ! ☺️"} {"idx": 14514, "original_id": "1250943302318215168", "reply_id": "1250948058042396674", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi guys. Please follow and give a warm welcome and hugs to our blood brothers:\n\n@AlterHiv\n@endDstigma\n@zimon2k19\n@nyosayn"} {"idx": 14517, "original_id": "1251267904265433090", "reply_id": "1251268444957184000", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Is this the moment I finally try to make Century Eggs?\n\nThey don't call me NaOH Jones for nothin'."} {"idx": 14518, "original_id": "1251167082466742273", "reply_id": "1251201002004414466", "label": "applause", "text": "my high school crush DMing me after seeing my picture on ig, it gives me that buzz"} {"idx": 14520, "original_id": "1250962112517672960", "reply_id": "1251092961288478720", "label": "no", "text": "Just put on my first ever episode of grey's anatomy\n\nHow much will I regret this choice?\n\nDiscuss"} {"idx": 14521, "original_id": "1250999322516189185", "reply_id": "1250999626594947074", "label": "hug", "text": "Okay, I have to call it a night...\n\nMore Bad news"} {"idx": 14523, "original_id": "1250792867968225281", "reply_id": "1250851565541490688", "label": "applause", "text": "Gonna get alcohol for the weekend today 🤙🏻"} {"idx": 14531, "original_id": "1251129374344085504", "reply_id": "1251131627792732160", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "You bet I’m an emotional bitch cos I’m not ready to have a one year old"} {"idx": 14532, "original_id": "1251233910647918599", "reply_id": "1251234189153837057", "label": "no", "text": "Is there such a thing as a bad AC/DC song?"} {"idx": 14534, "original_id": "1250960177412661249", "reply_id": "1250972294295564288", "label": "shocked", "text": "I need my mf ass busted I’m TIRED of this quarantine shit"} {"idx": 14535, "original_id": "1251180045864927232", "reply_id": "1251243113256869888", "label": "smh", "text": "A reminder that Harvard, basically a hedge fund masquerading as a university with north of $40 BILLION in assets in their endowment, received $9 million under the \"CARES Act\" while small businesses are being told that funds to help them have run out."} {"idx": 14537, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251043500092731392", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 14539, "original_id": "1250873724917571584", "reply_id": "1250913979314118662", "label": "please", "text": "I predict massive court battles over the infringement of Governors using police to act against citizens and our Bill of Rights during this pandemic. They will lose."} {"idx": 14540, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251047871236829185", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 14542, "original_id": "1251137441500708866", "reply_id": "1251242969786650625", "label": "win", "text": "Was able to buy paper towels today and I feel like I won a race lol."} {"idx": 14543, "original_id": "1251007353765289984", "reply_id": "1251007924463255552", "label": "yes", "text": "Y'all wanna see something cool?"} {"idx": 14546, "original_id": "1250969276795805696", "reply_id": "1250987988483477504", "label": "sigh", "text": "Y'all I would have been leaving for ubbi dubbi tomorrow.... this is so ghetto 😔"} {"idx": 14547, "original_id": "1251176736328421378", "reply_id": "1251177154399727617", "label": "agree", "text": "Whew, the grieving Sanders supporters are being SUPER headass."} {"idx": 14548, "original_id": "1250909254288113669", "reply_id": "1250982514643984385", "label": "shrug", "text": "Men are moodier than women.\n\nI said what I said."} {"idx": 14549, "original_id": "1250953877547032576", "reply_id": "1250954398781636609", "label": "hug", "text": "30 days since i’ve had a break from my kids. i’m single. i mean any break. at all"} {"idx": 14552, "original_id": "1251081450788663296", "reply_id": "1251127227611308034", "label": "hug", "text": "Congratulations to @Good_Morning_2U We could certainly all do with a hug at the moment."} {"idx": 14555, "original_id": "1250970602942291969", "reply_id": "1250978845412470790", "label": "seriously", "text": "Too many of y’all can’t move in silence b/c you want an applause from an audience who don’t give a damn about you."} {"idx": 14556, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1251068008178634752", "label": "shrug", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 14557, "original_id": "1250814150655213568", "reply_id": "1250946373521944577", "label": "omg", "text": "why am i getting roasted in the group chat for buying cracker jacks"} {"idx": 14558, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1250994016377683973", "label": "dance", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 14559, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251030923992236032", "label": "omg", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 14560, "original_id": "1250925813068959745", "reply_id": "1250997607125540869", "label": "sigh", "text": "After the CDC director talks about the importance of \"early diagnosis, isolation and contact tracing,\" Trump interjects that there are places with \"wide open plains, wide open spaces,\" \"where you're not going to have to do that.\""} {"idx": 14562, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250931779919372288", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 14564, "original_id": "1250915221578932227", "reply_id": "1250916081490853890", "label": "ok", "text": "There’s only certain people that will get fast replies from me"} {"idx": 14566, "original_id": "1251052233199935488", "reply_id": "1251055270224068609", "label": "dance", "text": "IT'S FRIDAY BITCHES"} {"idx": 14567, "original_id": "1250948632150519808", "reply_id": "1250956234586558465", "label": "applause", "text": "Eyyyy a hoil a hoil a hoil a hoil"} {"idx": 14569, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1251100292998889473", "label": "oops", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 14571, "original_id": "1250806412453851137", "reply_id": "1250836416105496578", "label": "yes", "text": "Raise your hand if you think Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are putting politics over the American people. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 14572, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251043527741435904", "label": "idk", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 14575, "original_id": "1250840206212808705", "reply_id": "1250847350211268610", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Trump’s daily propaganda press conferences have hurt Americans. Raise your hand if you agree. No network should want any part in airing it. Please only air the doctors, if any of it.\n\nCc: @CNN @MSNBC @wolfblitzer @jaketapper @Acosta @AriMelber @chucktodd #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 14576, "original_id": "1250885009885593612", "reply_id": "1250926504143396869", "label": "awww", "text": "Shoutout to @ASMRshanny @AsmrGinger @AsmrJodie @Tiraradeguello @adeadsymbol @BeyondAPearl @ASMRCreations @FrivviFox @busybasmr @primieprimprim @KarunaASMRtist @PamMcElprang @AlanaAsmr @asmrDarling @OopsydaisyASMR @Slight_Sounds @celainesasmr"} {"idx": 14577, "original_id": "1251047539710873600", "reply_id": "1251246240941199361", "label": "facepalm", "text": "When people text with the basic emojis, they are elite. -_->>>>>>>>>>>>>"} {"idx": 14581, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251058011939852288", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 14582, "original_id": "1251260340710629377", "reply_id": "1251260750615785472", "label": "agree", "text": "Quarantine showing MFs just how much their relationship was dependent on superficial things."} {"idx": 14583, "original_id": "1250841462222270465", "reply_id": "1250850312438591490", "label": "dance", "text": "i'll post the third chapter of blank space in a few hours 🥳"} {"idx": 14585, "original_id": "1251123782653181954", "reply_id": "1251150716376244226", "label": "shocked", "text": "You guys should stop saying MI casted Sarz. He didn’t cast him because it’s not true. I know Sarz very very well and he doesn’t ejaculate fast😔"} {"idx": 14590, "original_id": "1251241665722904576", "reply_id": "1251249798822281216", "label": "agree", "text": "Making runs to my grandparents daily feeling like an army general"} {"idx": 14591, "original_id": "1250956224700592128", "reply_id": "1251108859164463104", "label": "hug", "text": "Needing the biggest hug but not being able to see any of ur friends is so shite"} {"idx": 14594, "original_id": "1251079517956956161", "reply_id": "1251080180405350400", "label": "hug", "text": "Send hugs !! 🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 14595, "original_id": "1250904684518428672", "reply_id": "1250905269145608193", "label": "hug", "text": "Sometimes i just need a hug..."} {"idx": 14599, "original_id": "1250924331103813633", "reply_id": "1250948318588538880", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I have watched the White House presentation every night. They have never, ever given a straight answer on testing. Not one time. They have completely dropped the ball."} {"idx": 14600, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251137626268143619", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 14603, "original_id": "1250920238050349058", "reply_id": "1250921020862730241", "label": "scared", "text": "Idk what’s worse to get on ya clothes.. nut or toothpaste"} {"idx": 14606, "original_id": "1250839551238692865", "reply_id": "1250851424185061378", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Lowkey it’s hella Aries .. I didn’t know yal was this thick til this year 🤣"} {"idx": 14608, "original_id": "1250889934954610689", "reply_id": "1250890573327679489", "label": "hug", "text": "Can u hug me without ask anything cause I'm tired af"} {"idx": 14609, "original_id": "1251120116827213825", "reply_id": "1251120862452789249", "label": "shocked", "text": "A product presenter has been arrested in Wang Thong Lang district of Bangkok for selling face masks, which are on the price control list, at inflated prices. (But don’t worry convicted heroine trafficker and Thai dep.agricultural minister is let off the hook for the same offence)"} {"idx": 14614, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1251138598960795648", "label": "omg", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 14617, "original_id": "1250885744048001024", "reply_id": "1250886295762567168", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Those who don’t get to be with their significant other during quarantine should be appreciating this time apart to miss each other, I on the other hand am one dirty dish left in the living room away from going full on Carol Baskins 🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 14618, "original_id": "1250921251746570248", "reply_id": "1250924541553016834", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Assert dominance by setting the hoodie you stole on fire and repeating after me..”your house is next, fuckboi.”"} {"idx": 14619, "original_id": "1250388265837961216", "reply_id": "1250850594564313089", "label": "agree", "text": "Many people are saying that Trump is the worst President of all time!\n\nWho agrees?"} {"idx": 14624, "original_id": "1250974760885870592", "reply_id": "1251189541928488961", "label": "hug", "text": "Just got accused of having “the disease” by a stranger in Olympic Village cuz I shouldn’t be “smiling while there’s COVID”. I was smiling at a lil girl playing with bubbles. What’s going on ppl?! No smiling anymore? Oh and she ended it yelling “you have ugly legs”. What a day 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 14627, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251203981138964481", "label": "seriously", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 14628, "original_id": "1251171083203592194", "reply_id": "1251175889750163456", "label": "applause", "text": "Yeah I just had ice cream at 11 am what’s it to you asswipe"} {"idx": 14630, "original_id": "1251240499391770626", "reply_id": "1251253733654175747", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 14632, "original_id": "1250774101557477377", "reply_id": "1250843072365240327", "label": "yes", "text": "Are hot dogs and potato chips an approved quarantine breakfast food? Asking for a friend."} {"idx": 14635, "original_id": "1251166679129829377", "reply_id": "1251168162588000256", "label": "omg", "text": "#HowToRuinARelationship @DezRiddick Idk do you know how to?"} {"idx": 14637, "original_id": "1250846577050169344", "reply_id": "1251170189821034497", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "It's #PJDay! What are your favorite pajamas to wear while you create?\n\nWe're working in our Durr Burger onesie."} {"idx": 14638, "original_id": "1251186786568753153", "reply_id": "1251193924963704834", "label": "hug", "text": "You know what sucks? When you give someone the benefit of the doubt soo many times and you find out that they are still stabbing you in the back. Surprisingly, it still hurts every damn time."} {"idx": 14640, "original_id": "1250801608910344193", "reply_id": "1250870563901505536", "label": "awww", "text": "my onlyfans is just me sitting on my couch in my underwear, watching hockey highlights & eating buffalo chicken fingers smothered in blue cheese.."} {"idx": 14641, "original_id": "1251236385190809601", "reply_id": "1251236526987464704", "label": "applause", "text": "I tweeted about buying dinner for some people. A woman in Tennessee saw it, and started buying dinner for other teammates. This is the power of what we are doing, what we are building. Boots on the ground. Taking care of humans, one human being at a time."} {"idx": 14642, "original_id": "1251127654297763840", "reply_id": "1251193890809483265", "label": "omg", "text": "Let’s quarantine China!"} {"idx": 14643, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251033250123792384", "label": "yes", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 14645, "original_id": "1250820374327107584", "reply_id": "1250881419552964608", "label": "agree", "text": "It's time for Bettman to do the right thing & give the Wings the 1st pick over all."} {"idx": 14646, "original_id": "1251017453745799169", "reply_id": "1251017923474255873", "label": "applause", "text": "One thing I’ve learned from social media is people are going to hate you, talk about you, stab you in the back, etc. \n\nIt’s not what THEY DO that will shape your experience on here, it’s how YOU REACT to it. \n\nSo just be you, have fun, and fuck the haters."} {"idx": 14647, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1251017434288525313", "label": "high_five", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 14649, "original_id": "1250991402118414336", "reply_id": "1250992698112253952", "label": "hug", "text": "My sleep pattern has turned into absolute horse dung.\n4.30 am and I'm wide awake."} {"idx": 14651, "original_id": "1250945696129118209", "reply_id": "1250977533782188032", "label": "hug", "text": "Feel completely broken. Being stuck in bedroom is bringing everything back. Realizing that I am just as damaged as before. None of the work I’ve done has changed anything, I’m a five year old girl again being held captive in her room. Nothing feels safe. Can’t do this anymore."} {"idx": 14652, "original_id": "1251083582635900929", "reply_id": "1251128355258339329", "label": "oops", "text": "I cut myself opening an @TroegsBeer... This is peak quarantine right here."} {"idx": 14656, "original_id": "1251161646388502533", "reply_id": "1251184621083123713", "label": "oops", "text": "It seems all I attract is older men with psychological issues, or fuck boys 😅"} {"idx": 14659, "original_id": "1250953719035944962", "reply_id": "1251193429247365121", "label": "yes", "text": "Maybe it's me but I think American BBQ joints and Mexican restaurants should open up first.\nYa know, priorities"} {"idx": 14660, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250862051892719616", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 14661, "original_id": "1250902725447032832", "reply_id": "1250975664020258816", "label": "scared", "text": "Is anyone else having noticably increased memory problems during the crisis? Forgive me if I already asked this."} {"idx": 14672, "original_id": "1251198361996230657", "reply_id": "1251217538928820225", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Liz just put her coochie up on UberEats. Curbside and delivery. Tips are appreciated."} {"idx": 14673, "original_id": "1251013311291723776", "reply_id": "1251163731628683264", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Ayye @RumNitty I tried calling a couple times. Is you waiting around for this to be over or can I drive to Phoenix and giving you this smoke you been begging for?"} {"idx": 14674, "original_id": "1250514269441056769", "reply_id": "1251172648018558978", "label": "hearts", "text": "Thank you all for your love and support. I couldn’t get thru life without each and everyone of you. If ever there was a time for a group hug, this is it."} {"idx": 14675, "original_id": "1251128429287636995", "reply_id": "1251139811802443776", "label": "hug", "text": "Send hugs :("} {"idx": 14676, "original_id": "1250967042754306048", "reply_id": "1250972094889893889", "label": "hug", "text": "Going to a virtual funeral tomorrow. This world has really become so very strange and sad. 😔\n\n#covidkills"} {"idx": 14677, "original_id": "1251270888525385728", "reply_id": "1251271958827761669", "label": "dance", "text": "beaches in florida are opening up yeah but stop hating on florida if ur too scared to leave the house then stay home but i’m not gonna waste my life hiding . get over it"} {"idx": 14680, "original_id": "1250904617635975169", "reply_id": "1250967130356547585", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve cried so many times today. Not doing good alert 🚨"} {"idx": 14681, "original_id": "1251182550443274240", "reply_id": "1251190593272897538", "label": "no", "text": "Friday’s were made for listening to country music. Don’t @ me."} {"idx": 14682, "original_id": "1250967564127219712", "reply_id": "1250976946139340800", "label": "wink", "text": "I really want some affection rn ☹️"} {"idx": 14683, "original_id": "1251135290703581184", "reply_id": "1251143265962782722", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "What a time to be alive 😒"} {"idx": 14688, "original_id": "1250862966301491202", "reply_id": "1251033060641996800", "label": "seriously", "text": "i want a baby🥺🥺🥺🥺👉🏾👈🏾 sooooooooo bad"} {"idx": 14689, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250940608589582336", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 14691, "original_id": "1250556587145601024", "reply_id": "1250869509726101509", "label": "shocked", "text": "Dear Sagittarius: A perfect relationship doesn’t exist"} {"idx": 14692, "original_id": "1251073747290857472", "reply_id": "1251074298896355328", "label": "hug", "text": "Rage that you run through my veins and not being able to hug you one more time. 😔"} {"idx": 14693, "original_id": "1251226780544970756", "reply_id": "1251272308037206016", "label": "applause", "text": "Why are so many small business owners telling me they’re getting no help from the PPP program?"} {"idx": 14694, "original_id": "1251059334479581185", "reply_id": "1251120690197078016", "label": "thank_you", "text": "FF Thankyou 💙 ❤️ 💚\nSupport all our emergency services at this difficult time 💙 ❤️ 💚\n #StayHomeSaveLifes\n@OscarRomeo1268 @TC174_NYP @TC1552_NYP @firearmsWMP @PCStevens1368 @Foxtrot_Cop @foxyroadcop @SgtChrisHarris @sgtmillerCM558 @oceanromeo"} {"idx": 14701, "original_id": "1250483079170400261", "reply_id": "1250928134058319873", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "5 words, no tags\n\nI just passed the EPPP"} {"idx": 14702, "original_id": "1250868063597211648", "reply_id": "1250964400737001472", "label": "omg", "text": "Sometimes I mix my kool aid without sugar."} {"idx": 14703, "original_id": "1251226008574988295", "reply_id": "1251231515775832065", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "You living with ya girl and she STILL want good morning text ? Man gtf out my face"} {"idx": 14704, "original_id": "1251010116033355777", "reply_id": "1251025399343198209", "label": "shocked", "text": "Imagine CoD servers being so bad that you switch to Halo: Reach.\n\n'magine"} {"idx": 14709, "original_id": "1251262562534121473", "reply_id": "1251263024473800704", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss you yet i’ve never met you 🌹"} {"idx": 14712, "original_id": "1251120471099269122", "reply_id": "1251183042749779974", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "As soon as Virginia opens up I’m gonna shave the white whiskers off my face faster than Gov Northam put the blackface on his"} {"idx": 14713, "original_id": "1250934779857399811", "reply_id": "1251175632999833601", "label": "facepalm", "text": "New angels and airwaves songs are absolutely and indisputably better than new blink-182 songs"} {"idx": 14715, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1250928598623510528", "label": "awww", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 14716, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250931211708424193", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 14718, "original_id": "1251020720747868161", "reply_id": "1251084543018143745", "label": "hug", "text": "When you’ve been stressed at work all week and then have a good cry session and breakdown your first day off. 😕 important thing is to let yourself feel what you need to feel and do what you need to pull it back together. 💗 hoping everyone is taking care of themselves"} {"idx": 14720, "original_id": "1251018584815480832", "reply_id": "1251207684851937282", "label": "applause", "text": "Guys, if, because of Covid19, you start getting 80% of your salary, you might begin to feel like the average woman"} {"idx": 14722, "original_id": "1250858895066542080", "reply_id": "1250944668541628416", "label": "ok", "text": "Allen Robinson is a No. 1 wide receiver."} {"idx": 14727, "original_id": "1251237111698804737", "reply_id": "1251239869420113920", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@Beer52HQ doing great stuff on the #CyberFest despite difficulties with sound. Between them, their beers and @grahamcrane have made my Friday evening fly by. #LoveBeer 🍻"} {"idx": 14731, "original_id": "1250793766941683713", "reply_id": "1250893350661525505", "label": "dance", "text": "trolls world tour 🎸"} {"idx": 14732, "original_id": "1250552545434624001", "reply_id": "1251045334261866496", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump asked why his name is going to appear on relief checks: \"I don't know too much about it, but I understand my name is there.\" He says people will be \"very happy\" to get a \"big, fat, beautiful check and my name is on it.\""} {"idx": 14735, "original_id": "1251046430699069441", "reply_id": "1251055938431258626", "label": "smh", "text": "TL asleep so I must confess:\n\nI see no problem with pouring the milk before the cereal (I am biased cause that’s what I do) but still"} {"idx": 14737, "original_id": "1250963266760781824", "reply_id": "1250964843341000704", "label": "yes", "text": "No panties on only sweats"} {"idx": 14744, "original_id": "1251189775299641345", "reply_id": "1251190858654928896", "label": "shrug", "text": "Why is the daily press briefing from @Number10press without signing?"} {"idx": 14746, "original_id": "1251056744278700033", "reply_id": "1251167389175156736", "label": "agree", "text": "@MAFS_Original #MarriedAtFirstSight Don’t do this mess again. We need lie detectors, supportive family, background check, urine tests, hair samples, w2’s, last paystub, fingerprints, references, dental records, an essay, note from home, eye test... #MAFSFinale #mafs"} {"idx": 14747, "original_id": "1250864804476092416", "reply_id": "1250878717313810433", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Also do not think of the fact this is the last time we will see Maxence as Eliott and Axel as Lucas. 🙂🙂🙂🙂 \n\nYes I hate myself too for this. #skamfrance"} {"idx": 14748, "original_id": "1250862827100868608", "reply_id": "1250899748514652165", "label": "yawn", "text": "After a vigorous 👏 for #OurNHS, join me on @BBCRadioScot from 10pm for 2 hours of music, new and...not so new: contemporary from @lauramarlinghq @kllomusic & @_CatholicAction; vintage from \n@candistaton #InnerLife & #ArthurRussell. See you then! 📻"} {"idx": 14750, "original_id": "1251199500514926594", "reply_id": "1251216949675036672", "label": "dance", "text": "Chaudhrain family is 4K strong!! Thank you to each n every single one of you ♥️"} {"idx": 14753, "original_id": "1251114131576537089", "reply_id": "1251126047040364557", "label": "hug", "text": "Someone woke on the wrong side of the bed this morning before leaving! Grumpy AF! 😒😑"} {"idx": 14754, "original_id": "1250821595842531329", "reply_id": "1250851016146169856", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Fingers crossed I get this job 🤞🏽"} {"idx": 14755, "original_id": "1251164987751649280", "reply_id": "1251173291374542848", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Well.... Wish me luck, I'm going to need it! Just bought a box of SPA & SPX 🤷🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 14759, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251006188898021382", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 14760, "original_id": "1251172011478482948", "reply_id": "1251248527868669952", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Random out of context gif replies with no accompanying text are to twitter what the luddite mother minion memes are to facebook\n\nChange my mind"} {"idx": 14764, "original_id": "1250820547946205184", "reply_id": "1251079145100062722", "label": "ok", "text": "UK LOCKDOWN TO AT LEAST 07/05/20 #COVID19"} {"idx": 14765, "original_id": "1250855684393930752", "reply_id": "1251015483320438785", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I swear if I don’t come out this quarantine with a halfway decent beard that I can build off of. There’s little to no hope for me"} {"idx": 14770, "original_id": "1242871129724686336", "reply_id": "1251259975588085770", "label": "no", "text": "Want more from your news source? Download our exclusive app."} {"idx": 14774, "original_id": "1250942357257756681", "reply_id": "1250943619038449665", "label": "yes", "text": "Date a boy who is supportive of whatever your body looks like no matter what"} {"idx": 14775, "original_id": "1251077636866129921", "reply_id": "1251078724935704576", "label": "oops", "text": "- Living on the 2nd floor\n- Huge window right next to me\n- Suddenly a face appears through the window from the bottom\n- Shock of my life\n- Awkward staring\n\nTurns out they're cleaning the window today."} {"idx": 14776, "original_id": "1251136062187077633", "reply_id": "1251148316030590977", "label": "yes", "text": "What if we just cancel the rest of the work day and nap"} {"idx": 14777, "original_id": "1250909267768606721", "reply_id": "1251013097055272961", "label": "applause", "text": "Remdesivir sounds like something that can get people out of hospitals quickly . That allows our economy to have a fighting chance.."} {"idx": 14782, "original_id": "1250907120142356480", "reply_id": "1250907235363852288", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "ALMOST RONA RALLY TIME"} {"idx": 14783, "original_id": "1250966848922890241", "reply_id": "1250988097464041474", "label": "yes", "text": "Bravo needs to submit this episode of #RHONY as @SonjatMorgan’s Emmy package. Best Lead Actress in a Comedy."} {"idx": 14784, "original_id": "1250958335102324737", "reply_id": "1250958708630265857", "label": "agree", "text": "When I want Covid / Minnis updates I don’t bother consulting the news. I just go straight to @jasperward94 it’s faster, more accurate, and bullshit-free"} {"idx": 14787, "original_id": "1250992709122306048", "reply_id": "1250998762476048384", "label": "applause", "text": "boys blame everything on girls when they make a mistake but they never see the what they do just it’s always the gurls fault like wtf"} {"idx": 14789, "original_id": "1251244464749903874", "reply_id": "1251245915022778368", "label": "eww", "text": "Who’d win ?"} {"idx": 14791, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250865941707214849", "label": "happy_dance", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 14800, "original_id": "1250845705528377344", "reply_id": "1250846079836459008", "label": "shocked", "text": "So, is it me, or did it seem like the PPP small business funds only went to big businesses?"} {"idx": 14801, "original_id": "1250915570830249984", "reply_id": "1250915707124101120", "label": "agree", "text": "we gona crash tomorrow u watch loll"} {"idx": 14802, "original_id": "1251016213339095041", "reply_id": "1251017441322217472", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Someone give me motivation to run my last 5 miles 😰"} {"idx": 14804, "original_id": "1250993958483828737", "reply_id": "1250996132546838528", "label": "agree", "text": "Fizz might be wack, but he grew up to be fine."} {"idx": 14807, "original_id": "1250916707993935872", "reply_id": "1250917157237428225", "label": "yes", "text": "ANYWAY, who wants nudes?"} {"idx": 14808, "original_id": "1250510233857916934", "reply_id": "1250955406341480449", "label": "eww", "text": "choking her is overrated .. grab her double chin and make that bitch gobble gobble"} {"idx": 14810, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1250950214720118784", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 14814, "original_id": "1250808863965818883", "reply_id": "1250926992142336006", "label": "hug", "text": "Sad news today. Totally defeated"} {"idx": 14815, "original_id": "1251241164155564034", "reply_id": "1251241389561720832", "label": "agree", "text": "Man. Elder Scrolls Online had so much potential. But they missed the mark so hard.\n\nI wanted to play Skyrim with my friends.\n\nWhat I got was Generic MMO with a Skyrim Skin."} {"idx": 14819, "original_id": "1251058099051323393", "reply_id": "1251068800096563201", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I feel so lonely and feel like i don't really have any friends even if people say they are my friend :("} {"idx": 14822, "original_id": "1250827617650917376", "reply_id": "1251271652933017601", "label": "agree", "text": "at least out loud ... i won’t say i’m in love"} {"idx": 14824, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250967262946877442", "label": "applause", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 14825, "original_id": "1250949741703237637", "reply_id": "1251084452937240577", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Thanks to everyone that popped by the stream today, appreciate the support!\n\nThanks for the host @oGvn_ <3"} {"idx": 14826, "original_id": "1250914522748948480", "reply_id": "1250927279196127232", "label": "oops", "text": "Twitter is a like journal but everyone can see what the hell your dumbass is thinking/writing"} {"idx": 14830, "original_id": "1250999541911834626", "reply_id": "1251146053266464770", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss my bf so fucking much"} {"idx": 14831, "original_id": "1251145206725926912", "reply_id": "1251188043656171521", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "So $KBLB is down 20% after their conference call, have you longs who got stuck learned NOT to hold through events anymore? Buy the rumor, SELL THE FUCKEN NEWS!"} {"idx": 14832, "original_id": "1250851700480581633", "reply_id": "1250929245804728320", "label": "applause", "text": "Some of you only wanna chase because there's a D4 30% and assume it'll be like last week and it shows"} {"idx": 14834, "original_id": "1250795549378437126", "reply_id": "1251153822933647366", "label": "sigh", "text": "If I was in government I'd be ashamed to watch a 99-year-old veteran walking endlessly around his garden to make up for the mistakes I'd made."} {"idx": 14835, "original_id": "1251060747074822145", "reply_id": "1251134531991556096", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "For the second time in as many weeks, and despite being confined to my relatively small house, I have regrettably managed to lose my shoes yet again"} {"idx": 14838, "original_id": "1250624614377631744", "reply_id": "1250862746872295432", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My favorite episode of Initiative yet. Sewing the seeds of a plotline months ahead of time and finally seeing it realized. The #GM dream."} {"idx": 14839, "original_id": "1249002324204363777", "reply_id": "1250859167847497730", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "onward is such a cute movie 🥺 wish the mom would’ve gone lesbian for the beast but it’s cool"} {"idx": 14845, "original_id": "1250957191491846148", "reply_id": "1251214991597977600", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "There’s no way to safely reopen without massive testing.\n\nYet we’re barely testing more people this week than last. And hospitals continue to report serious bottlenecks.\n\nIf Trump ignores the experts and forces a premature reopening,\n\nEven more Americans will die."} {"idx": 14847, "original_id": "1251183705537667073", "reply_id": "1251186386612469765", "label": "agree", "text": "So sick of sbmm crap. I dont want to lose any games and I want 0 apex predators in my game. #buffsbmm damn it!"} {"idx": 14853, "original_id": "1251095446422007808", "reply_id": "1251145585895202816", "label": "applause", "text": "I knew this whole Thursday clapping would turn into a big bragging shit show. You can show your respect to the NHS by just staying indoors and shutting the fuck up."} {"idx": 14854, "original_id": "1251020150746349571", "reply_id": "1251102448179167233", "label": "wink", "text": "I enabled public comments on my tik tok and the ensuing events have been hilarious"} {"idx": 14857, "original_id": "1250841229958377473", "reply_id": "1250850438271733760", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Chuck Todd just now “why didn’t the Democrats go along with the republicans on the small business thing”?\n\n@msnbc, just fire him already."} {"idx": 14858, "original_id": "1250863362050854914", "reply_id": "1251180097417228288", "label": "oops", "text": "we as a collective have been traumatized by men with J names."} {"idx": 14863, "original_id": "1251010706436173824", "reply_id": "1251011363285143558", "label": "awww", "text": "Thank you for 12.1k 🙏"} {"idx": 14864, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251170377591599106", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 14865, "original_id": "1251190926069960709", "reply_id": "1251206073165524992", "label": "applause", "text": "When she prefers shotts baths to Wishaw ones 🙈🤷🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 14866, "original_id": "1250957060235235328", "reply_id": "1250960240633356290", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Ramona is taking them to a Trump fundraiser. Lord #RHONY"} {"idx": 14867, "original_id": "1250938281065414658", "reply_id": "1250940049765605376", "label": "yes", "text": "@nober_techclass Thanks for the follow, Ronald! I look forward to collaborating along our journeys. #PLC #edtech #STEM #makerspace #designthinking #instructionaldesign #lifelonglearning #equityinEDU"} {"idx": 14868, "original_id": "1251048366882074624", "reply_id": "1251122324411240448", "label": "hug", "text": "insomnia + depression has me up thinking about how surviving is all some of us can hope for. Happiness seems frivolous sometimes. Why torture yourself."} {"idx": 14870, "original_id": "1251046401028452352", "reply_id": "1251254684628717568", "label": "no", "text": "Hey people who usually hug hello AND goodbye..\n\nYou doing ok?🥺"} {"idx": 14872, "original_id": "1250979134605365248", "reply_id": "1250980171743588355", "label": "shocked", "text": "and truth be told, I never was yours"} {"idx": 14874, "original_id": "1250949659448803328", "reply_id": "1250963246460342277", "label": "agree", "text": "Boobs are pretty"} {"idx": 14875, "original_id": "1251041997193916416", "reply_id": "1251045709324980227", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "So on top of no beer until the lockdown ends, however long that may be, I'm also adding no social media to that.\n\nA detox of the veins, liver and mind.\n\nSee you all on the other side. #StaySafeStayHome"} {"idx": 14878, "original_id": "1251116704756883456", "reply_id": "1251117470569676801", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I've decided to add some much-needed excitement to my life, so I’ll be making wheat toast instead of rye this morning.👍"} {"idx": 14884, "original_id": "1250992585318920192", "reply_id": "1250992893164126209", "label": "sigh", "text": "Insert funniest meme here:"} {"idx": 14888, "original_id": "1250906601353027584", "reply_id": "1250908728632709126", "label": "agree", "text": "Probably a hugely unpopular opinion.\n\nMultiplayer > Warzone"} {"idx": 14889, "original_id": "1250856951694725127", "reply_id": "1250870527599808513", "label": "hug", "text": "Even when you predicted it was coming, hearing officially that the governor closed schools for the rest of this school year, & you did in fact leave the building March 13th having no idea that would be the last time you saw students in person this school year, is surreal."} {"idx": 14893, "original_id": "1251168763010969603", "reply_id": "1251169900657127425", "label": "dance", "text": "Demoing a new feature to the whole team really gets the blood pumping."} {"idx": 14900, "original_id": "1251272010186948608", "reply_id": "1251272582688579595", "label": "yes", "text": "4/20 giveaway???"} {"idx": 14901, "original_id": "1251192780614971404", "reply_id": "1251194068367020033", "label": "agree", "text": "The snow.... makes me want to off myself. Not even a little bit kidding."} {"idx": 14902, "original_id": "1250950594828910593", "reply_id": "1250973676092231680", "label": "hearts", "text": "If I cared about working out as much as I cared about my skincare, I’d be doing a lot better rn, I tell you wut."} {"idx": 14906, "original_id": "1250957551895826432", "reply_id": "1250960041869541377", "label": "shocked", "text": "I cooked curry chicken and ended up with a marriage proposal yes.. wow"} {"idx": 14907, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251081679713624068", "label": "seriously", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 14912, "original_id": "1251095736940290048", "reply_id": "1251110440425279488", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Haven’t done one these in a while... Follow Friday #ff. Check out these awesome people @laurens_travels @mcali187 @JustaMagicMin @Jenlefforge @epcatcenter @GetBinky @disscot_com @Zaks_adventures @merlins_ears @DebExploresx @Tinker_Tales"} {"idx": 14916, "original_id": "1250864272365678592", "reply_id": "1250920410314653696", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump has his base locked up.\n\nBiden has the center locked up.\n\nSo @JoeBiden can move right to expand his coalition or move left.\n\nConsidering that Trump will win 95% of Republican voters on election day, it makes way more sense for Biden to move left. Why is this controversial?"} {"idx": 14917, "original_id": "1250836009023164417", "reply_id": "1250836483193348102", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@RyanProng oh I see ur back on Twitter, missed u!! 😘❤️❤️"} {"idx": 14921, "original_id": "1250654053664784384", "reply_id": "1250934602421731336", "label": "shocked", "text": "Ok .. I think I’m starting to like This sleeping naked thing.. only thing is My Wee Wee be all over the damn place!"} {"idx": 14923, "original_id": "1251231353049354246", "reply_id": "1251244782153863171", "label": "applause", "text": "I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees"} {"idx": 14924, "original_id": "1251058046672961537", "reply_id": "1251063741891915776", "label": "applause", "text": "5 pounds of Marijuana and i am still keeping my stamina.. Wooo!!!"} {"idx": 14926, "original_id": "1250834844566712321", "reply_id": "1250872550655250433", "label": "agree", "text": "I've discovered I just really like tanking in Dungeons & Dragons."} {"idx": 14931, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251038625644478464", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 14932, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251139211731718146", "label": "hearts", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 14933, "original_id": "1251186721733201922", "reply_id": "1251192232268496896", "label": "shocked", "text": "I watched miracle in cell no. 7 and didn’t feel anywhere close to crying. How are people crying rivers over it"} {"idx": 14934, "original_id": "1251161120687022082", "reply_id": "1251163031733702656", "label": "shocked", "text": "Blind Mike just walked out on the show."} {"idx": 14935, "original_id": "1251265371031646215", "reply_id": "1251265936268636161", "label": "hug", "text": "I NEED A HUG I HAVE A BROKEN HEART"} {"idx": 14939, "original_id": "1250984041203073027", "reply_id": "1250994926902489088", "label": "applause", "text": "How many of you are okay with the slow opening of America?"} {"idx": 14940, "original_id": "1250857359427149829", "reply_id": "1250858505482973185", "label": "hearts", "text": "New York will send 100 ventilators to our friends in New Jersey.\n\nOther states helped us when we most needed it, and we are proud to do the same.\n\nWe're all in this together."} {"idx": 14944, "original_id": "1250951850884501505", "reply_id": "1250952403609845760", "label": "yes", "text": "Holy cow! I just made a 100 on my Ethics paper! I’m shocked, I didn’t even think it was that good. 😭😭"} {"idx": 14945, "original_id": "1250955273038180353", "reply_id": "1250956263615270912", "label": "hug", "text": "Heavy heart 😔"} {"idx": 14946, "original_id": "1250937782110830592", "reply_id": "1250939036383887361", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My parents in Hong Kong send a couple dozen face masks for us to use (including a couple for the baby). FDA decides they need to destroy them because there's no manufacturer associated with the masks. #lovely"} {"idx": 14950, "original_id": "1251171832478253056", "reply_id": "1251172186196451331", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Lunnncchhhhhh"} {"idx": 14951, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251269354999644160", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 14955, "original_id": "1250910938019975170", "reply_id": "1250976163767304194", "label": "applause", "text": "Following a whole bunch of channels just to watch different farm animals go about their day 🙏💞💜😍"} {"idx": 14956, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250894829262901249", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 14957, "original_id": "1251250883020623872", "reply_id": "1251256204812324871", "label": "shocked", "text": "Our lockdown legislation changed today. They have added in a clause that you can leave your home and stay with a friend for a few days if you’re not getting on with your partner. You couldn’t make it up 🤦🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 14958, "original_id": "1251208150692384768", "reply_id": "1251211919916240896", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I’m not sure how some people get a lot of followers if their tl only them. \n\nYou’re not that interesting."} {"idx": 14959, "original_id": "1251082150113185793", "reply_id": "1251093877097762817", "label": "seriously", "text": "wish I was laid up rn 😩 getting kisses & hella attention ☹️💙."} {"idx": 14960, "original_id": "1250962185033039872", "reply_id": "1250971707398959104", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If it were not for the irresponsible behavior of the Chinese communist party there would be no #COVID19Pandemic \n\nThousands of Americans would still be alive and 22 million Americans would still be working at their jobs.\n\nChina is responsible. It is time to hold them to account."} {"idx": 14964, "original_id": "1251063112360394752", "reply_id": "1251196478174961664", "label": "smh", "text": "Went all the way to San Bernardino and didn’t even think about bakers 🤦🏾‍♀️ #missionfailed"} {"idx": 14966, "original_id": "1250926816912650240", "reply_id": "1250986082809847814", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I get positive vibes and hugs?"} {"idx": 14967, "original_id": "1250910144084340736", "reply_id": "1250969472711757829", "label": "applause", "text": "going to be releasing new music on TNH every week for the next few months 😊😊"} {"idx": 14969, "original_id": "1251207465389228032", "reply_id": "1251209696544993281", "label": "oops", "text": "My mom and both my sisters, 3 Gemini women all born on the same day 🤦🏾‍♂️ idk what I did to deserve this!"} {"idx": 14971, "original_id": "1251007225176285184", "reply_id": "1251025396264570880", "label": "hug", "text": "Fighting this."} {"idx": 14972, "original_id": "1250978020971606016", "reply_id": "1251009479463690240", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Michael Cohen is going to be released from prison due to the Coronavirus. He is going to try to crush tRump. \n\nHow will this shake out?"} {"idx": 14974, "original_id": "1251009491262373889", "reply_id": "1251157443029069826", "label": "shrug", "text": "Fritay Fermathe la >>>>>>>>>>le monde"} {"idx": 14979, "original_id": "1250818086426550272", "reply_id": "1250927862246453254", "label": "dance", "text": "Stimulus just came its lit!"} {"idx": 14984, "original_id": "1251183660092362754", "reply_id": "1251185016132042752", "label": "dance", "text": "Hahahahaha learning a new move. I am hilariously bad at it. But when I get it, it’ll be so cool."} {"idx": 14985, "original_id": "1250992653753184257", "reply_id": "1251006906010828805", "label": "scared", "text": "whenever we hold hands we have gross men say fetishy shit to us but honestly nothing has intimidated me as much as just now when a blond woman with huge eyes illuminated by orange street light told us \"you guys look so good\" in a soft voice at 8:20pm on an abandoned street"} {"idx": 14987, "original_id": "1251204720229781505", "reply_id": "1251255053232386048", "label": "popcorn", "text": "today's Trump Propaganda Show is going to be off the fucking rails"} {"idx": 14991, "original_id": "1251155462847729671", "reply_id": "1251198960699613184", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Today is one of those really shit days 😭 honestly can’t wait for everything to be back to normal 😔"} {"idx": 14992, "original_id": "1251185190145318915", "reply_id": "1251186677252530177", "label": "idk", "text": "Idk why I told Adam that, we’re the same age 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 14994, "original_id": "1250976143055876097", "reply_id": "1250985234180513792", "label": "agree", "text": "Rhetorical question that doesn’t require an actual response:\n\nIf Magats believe wedding cake bakers should be able to refuse to serve gay couples, should healthcare workers be able to refuse to serve COVID infected Magats who willingly violate stay at home orders?"} {"idx": 14995, "original_id": "1251107480614158336", "reply_id": "1251216539031912452", "label": "hug", "text": "Apologies for using twitter as a platform to rant and rage yesterday. I was really feeling... something. And I know we all are, in our own ways. Wishing us all inner peace today and the ability to let shit go. ✨"} {"idx": 14996, "original_id": "1251231072186241026", "reply_id": "1251231233524281346", "label": "awww", "text": "Premiere day is my favorite day! Thank you thank you @blueberrysquash (it's an honor!) @SatisfactoryDad @VanessaASMRLife @IdlewildASMR @veraldi64 @FamKam360 @SleepologyASMR @ExploringASMR @WhisperwindASMR @nightsplayer7 @AmjadAsmr @IrishGuyASMR @KatanaKame (1/2)"} {"idx": 14997, "original_id": "1251122099374231552", "reply_id": "1251134807129698305", "label": "thank_you", "text": "“hi” will not get you anywhere in anyone’s DMs Lmfaoooo"} {"idx": 14998, "original_id": "1251123497331384323", "reply_id": "1251124059137388545", "label": "popcorn", "text": "How's your feeling right now ....\nMore 10 min .....\n😂😂😂"} {"idx": 14999, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251200470124806145", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15001, "original_id": "1251239174289661952", "reply_id": "1251240927995269126", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "this dababy album dasucks"} {"idx": 15002, "original_id": "1187612626009776128", "reply_id": "1251268151557468165", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Refresh your day and explore videos to match all of your interests. There's more of what you love on TikTok."} {"idx": 15003, "original_id": "1250871838173003780", "reply_id": "1250880450589057030", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Are we the only country that has batshit crazy people protesting the quarantine?"} {"idx": 15005, "original_id": "1250824965676339201", "reply_id": "1250841013104414721", "label": "no", "text": "Are y’all throwing out your makeup after the 12m mark?"} {"idx": 15006, "original_id": "1250891900011364360", "reply_id": "1250963295164608513", "label": "facepalm", "text": "If Mnuchin told you personally that you can survive 10 weeks on $1200 stimulus checks, what would you reply?😠"} {"idx": 15007, "original_id": "1250913429314912256", "reply_id": "1250996515104976897", "label": "agree", "text": "Would never understand people who don’t root for the hometown kids and people from other cities. Weirdos if you ask me"} {"idx": 15009, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250893873448091649", "label": "yawn", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 15010, "original_id": "1251222964164591616", "reply_id": "1251228457989701637", "label": "hug", "text": "My fish died :("} {"idx": 15013, "original_id": "1251084127794638854", "reply_id": "1251084780340305920", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I'll update na nga later, my lazy ass is telling me no to huhu someone pls help"} {"idx": 15014, "original_id": "1250799918962421768", "reply_id": "1250834168960954372", "label": "agree", "text": "Here’s a possible solution to the #haircut crisis that, at least on #miltwitter, seems to tearing the military apart - buy a pair of F’ing cheap electric clippers per platoon & have somebody cut everybody’s hair. \n\nThen everyone can STFU about it and get back to NetFlix."} {"idx": 15015, "original_id": "1251011782786850827", "reply_id": "1251041603499646977", "label": "sigh", "text": "The coronavirus has fully exposed two things in America.\n1. Donald Trump will lie no matter the consequences for our country.\n2. Your life is expendable for the greater financial good of the country."} {"idx": 15018, "original_id": "1250906700833488900", "reply_id": "1250907021840388096", "label": "applause", "text": "I turned in my Master's paper today, it feels bittersweet, I'm unable to celebrate in the ways I planned. Regardless, it wouldn't have been possible without @marijel_melo for being an amazing advisor and @SamHurwitz for being an amazing partner. I'm so lucky. 😊"} {"idx": 15019, "original_id": "1250911875149303813", "reply_id": "1250972860333453312", "label": "applause", "text": "We now have more Americans dead than Hillary had emails. \n\nHeckuva of job, Donnie."} {"idx": 15021, "original_id": "1251203097155833859", "reply_id": "1251243820336861189", "label": "applause", "text": "#IncludeForgiveBottleTricky\nIt can be tricky getting sober. Putting down the bottle.\nFinding a higher power.\nAdmitting your faults.\nAnd then forgive yourself. \n#Sobriety date 11/18/95"} {"idx": 15022, "original_id": "1251236007149801480", "reply_id": "1251240440050921472", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Received a gift via Amazon today and have no idea who sent it...🤨"} {"idx": 15025, "original_id": "1250833813506338823", "reply_id": "1250870751256809476", "label": "seriously", "text": "JUST IN: The person who died at a private hospital yesterday in the Capital and a sample was taken for COVID-19 testing at NIP, the results came Negative.\n\nDr Kalumbi Shangula"} {"idx": 15028, "original_id": "1251207486574661633", "reply_id": "1251275164018454528", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug wtf"} {"idx": 15029, "original_id": "1251084505084948481", "reply_id": "1251084626048823296", "label": "no", "text": "i is so sad"} {"idx": 15030, "original_id": "1251035058569392134", "reply_id": "1251036552085430272", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi, myself, I know you can fix the wound. Fighting💜"} {"idx": 15031, "original_id": "1250973465500319745", "reply_id": "1250978663304171520", "label": "shrug", "text": "I have sleep all day....literally."} {"idx": 15033, "original_id": "1251208188290007041", "reply_id": "1251215028092645382", "label": "idk", "text": "wow when a migga fuckin missionary, y’all don’t rub his ass ?"} {"idx": 15034, "original_id": "1251084524252995589", "reply_id": "1251119812404744192", "label": "shocked", "text": "You could imagine right after dinner bae spit in my mouth and one rice fall in my mouth??? I gin dead."} {"idx": 15035, "original_id": "1250976008284434434", "reply_id": "1250991327749292033", "label": "eww", "text": "strawberry milk > chocolate milk"} {"idx": 15036, "original_id": "1251195941182476292", "reply_id": "1251219787843350531", "label": "eww", "text": "We're wondering: how many times do you reheat your coffee before you just brew a new pot?"} {"idx": 15038, "original_id": "1251233961218465792", "reply_id": "1251234370377134081", "label": "hug", "text": "Thanks for all the heartfelt messages. I try to be transparent about my feelings since I’m often so positive. I appreciate you all so much.\n \nJust know people can be viewed positive person yet still be vulnerable and down.\n\nAnd even when I’m down, it’s never for long. ❤️"} {"idx": 15040, "original_id": "1250874477132550145", "reply_id": "1250875314491650049", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "The people who respond to every post with “😂😂😂😂😂” or similar won’t be laughing for much longer when Gerrard gets his points across to the watching football world.\n#CelticFC #RangersFC"} {"idx": 15041, "original_id": "1250955998669537281", "reply_id": "1250982962755182600", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": ".@maddow highlighting Ireland's response to COVID-19, particularly for nursing homes is something the USA must adopt.\nBravo to my Irish family! Once again you are teaching the USA how an intelligent nation with competent leadership cares for her citizens. ❤️ 🇮🇪 \n#IrelandVsCOVID"} {"idx": 15043, "original_id": "1251026437630578689", "reply_id": "1251030347447504897", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Big moves coming soon, stay tuned! Hyped for this project"} {"idx": 15044, "original_id": "1250786097656889347", "reply_id": "1250939603122556930", "label": "sigh", "text": "Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, despite best efforts, it has not been possible to reschedule the Mexico leg of the Thom Yorke Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes tour. Apologies, no option remains but to cancel all three dates: please contact your ticket vendor for further information."} {"idx": 15045, "original_id": "1251174039277764613", "reply_id": "1251177267927093250", "label": "hug", "text": "hugs to those who need or want from me\nstrength to those who need or want from me\nfor any reason.\n*hugs* *strength*"} {"idx": 15048, "original_id": "1251253747860279296", "reply_id": "1251267737806127104", "label": "thank_you", "text": "This isn’t about fucking politics. People are dying. Stay home. It’s not that hard."} {"idx": 15049, "original_id": "1251181583064682500", "reply_id": "1251225069906518016", "label": "eww", "text": "The final straw that's making me DNF this book?\n\nHero to the heroine: “Well whatever you do, make sure you use some of that time to shave your kitty cat. All that extra stubble down there made me feel like I was kissing a dude.”"} {"idx": 15051, "original_id": "1251146315620208649", "reply_id": "1251147861909094403", "label": "dance", "text": "Smooth and easy dubs by both 💸😎\n\nDukhovenko just closed after the long break👊\n\nO. Dukhovenko ML -120 ✅💰\n\nV. Shirshov ML -140 ✅💰\n\nLet’s stay hot 🔥"} {"idx": 15052, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251076688735322112", "label": "thank_you", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 15057, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251124187676192770", "label": "idk", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 15058, "original_id": "1251115704356610048", "reply_id": "1251116307640193031", "label": "wink", "text": "Damn it’s about to be 2 years since I’ve had a drink 🍸🥃🍹🤗🤗🤗🤗"} {"idx": 15059, "original_id": "1251072629961707521", "reply_id": "1251166200265969666", "label": "hearts", "text": "ok dbd stream tonight with webcam because i feel like it"} {"idx": 15060, "original_id": "1250950223310073856", "reply_id": "1251128190480908290", "label": "applause", "text": "Not gonna lie. I got me some cutty last night.😏"} {"idx": 15064, "original_id": "1251070220124540928", "reply_id": "1251075349032681473", "label": "yes", "text": "@JohnGlenUK mortgage prisoners were not furloughed or offered lifeline for businesses during 2008 GFC. What did the Govt do instead? Increase the margins on their SVRs, gave it to the banks, lined the pockets of the treasury & then sold them to vultures @APPGbanking @APPGMortgage"} {"idx": 15065, "original_id": "1250987684211724288", "reply_id": "1250990433238282240", "label": "eww", "text": "Y’all be buying y’all boyfriend’s game systems?? This is probably 25% the reason I’m single cause I didn’t even wanna buy that shit for myself."} {"idx": 15067, "original_id": "1250964263989960704", "reply_id": "1251252297440661505", "label": "omg", "text": "@ Ahmadi researchers, can one of y’all please help in discovering the Coronavirus vaccine real quick...\n\nTrynna see if these Maulvis give it the Shezan Mango juice treatment too"} {"idx": 15071, "original_id": "1251043514974179330", "reply_id": "1251199698498727936", "label": "applause", "text": "Real recognize real. dass why i fuck w u @brianlima22_ 😤😤😤"} {"idx": 15073, "original_id": "1251155335160594432", "reply_id": "1251159999402831874", "label": "smh", "text": "i almost left my house without putting a shirt on wow"} {"idx": 15074, "original_id": "1250945937968697345", "reply_id": "1250992488418095104", "label": "wink", "text": "I had lost touch with my love for New York for a bit a couple months ago, but being away the last 4 weeks and the terrible circumstances, has really brought it back. \nSee you next week NYC, no where else I’d wanna be trapped."} {"idx": 15075, "original_id": "1251166507838648320", "reply_id": "1251170156337741824", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Glad I got some real bros online. ✊😩\n\nThanks dudes."} {"idx": 15076, "original_id": "1250955737712508933", "reply_id": "1250956665651957760", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Death and all his friends is the best song ever written. And that's not negotiable."} {"idx": 15079, "original_id": "1251135260924010504", "reply_id": "1251136438080602112", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "got a Skype interview for another uni next Friday I’m terrified but shocked"} {"idx": 15084, "original_id": "1251020005774258177", "reply_id": "1251026122243883009", "label": "smh", "text": "anyway I’m drunk"} {"idx": 15086, "original_id": "1251159817449660417", "reply_id": "1251198667912097793", "label": "hug", "text": "Best friend is here!!!!"} {"idx": 15087, "original_id": "1250887304832520195", "reply_id": "1250888470412824576", "label": "oops", "text": "i only come to twitter to bitch or complain lmao wallah i’m not a negative bitch in person 😂😂"} {"idx": 15088, "original_id": "1251193428026810368", "reply_id": "1251196779716063240", "label": "agree", "text": "i’m gonna get drunk and make @tyrelcline take care of me tonight"} {"idx": 15089, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250966665967386624", "label": "smh", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 15090, "original_id": "1251243209658957825", "reply_id": "1251244119189569536", "label": "sigh", "text": "Bejing Biden\n\nThat’s his new name.\n\nMake this viral!"} {"idx": 15094, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250950089956155392", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 15097, "original_id": "1245340634686214145", "reply_id": "1251171536683196416", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Happy Wednesday @DanaGarrison 👍🙏💜"} {"idx": 15098, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250926345678438404", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 15099, "original_id": "1250860155379634182", "reply_id": "1250892438291525635", "label": "yes", "text": "After two attempts at trying to fix something on Blackboard is it appropriate to eat your feelings in ice cream? Asking for a friend..."} {"idx": 15100, "original_id": "1250911599466086400", "reply_id": "1251194145273786368", "label": "yes", "text": "I want some chipotle 😭 it’s been a min"} {"idx": 15102, "original_id": "1251023107055206400", "reply_id": "1251026862374977537", "label": "applause", "text": "Welcome back to drunk hours with your sadboi host...ME!"} {"idx": 15104, "original_id": "1251041528446767110", "reply_id": "1251042129658478592", "label": "agree", "text": "So many beautiful people awake RN"} {"idx": 15107, "original_id": "1251240404223004672", "reply_id": "1251241995013459968", "label": "agree", "text": "i just think that being a boyfriend would be something i’m really good at just saying"} {"idx": 15108, "original_id": "1251200866520051713", "reply_id": "1251236827459182594", "label": "agree", "text": "Makes no damn sense to open the country when daily death numbers are still increasing & not going down. \n\nI don’t give a shit if they open it up- my family is staying at home. I don’t trust Trump or any Republican especially with their half ass plan with no testing. \n\nThoughts?!?"} {"idx": 15110, "original_id": "1250943143614320640", "reply_id": "1251056820585672704", "label": "yes", "text": "You guys digging Nightrider?"} {"idx": 15111, "original_id": "1251271139684429824", "reply_id": "1251271514244218885", "label": "sorry", "text": "We would've been hyped today as this Sunday night was supposed to be our first match back at the Benz in a month 😔 #ATLUTD #UniteandConquer"} {"idx": 15116, "original_id": "1250931142968123393", "reply_id": "1250931659584741376", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "@kblover well, well, well!! Look what we have here!! Look at this @DesarixDeviant I FOUND HIM!! Been looking for him for a long time!!"} {"idx": 15119, "original_id": "1251231459995680770", "reply_id": "1251238353460236288", "label": "sigh", "text": "Drop me a GIF that perfectly explains how you feelin rn."} {"idx": 15122, "original_id": "1250635100787806209", "reply_id": "1250854816181616640", "label": "agree", "text": "Walk Ons 2016-2017 was an ERA"} {"idx": 15125, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251030270100160513", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 15128, "original_id": "1250839031916756994", "reply_id": "1250839323647172608", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "We have some very special news coming this weekend 👀✨👀"} {"idx": 15129, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251165538564308993", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 15130, "original_id": "1250826414166814721", "reply_id": "1250842541714538498", "label": "shocked", "text": "You don’t really help your case with getting my number, when you say you thought I was in HS first. Fucking predator."} {"idx": 15132, "original_id": "1250503306021163010", "reply_id": "1250841174409175040", "label": "smh", "text": "It seems like everyone driving the roads right now is either going 20 mph below the speed limit or 15 above it 🚘"} {"idx": 15135, "original_id": "1250791389127798785", "reply_id": "1250908850875588608", "label": "awww", "text": "#ff so here are some of the best \n\n@SelenaM96878412 \n\n@smerkaliscious \n@mrnic1319 \n@sgtcurrypants \n@nicky_prada \n@mistrustme1 \n@om_eye_goodness \n@afiercemind \n@damn_elle \n@ratbone2791 \n@beingkarmin"} {"idx": 15138, "original_id": "1251243660160561152", "reply_id": "1251247040194949120", "label": "agree", "text": "It’s kinda crazy how fast you can move someone out when there’s a million people helping 😂"} {"idx": 15145, "original_id": "1250847113941905410", "reply_id": "1250986149008379904", "label": "hug", "text": "Hug pls 😔"} {"idx": 15146, "original_id": "1250923862767726593", "reply_id": "1251081697547833344", "label": "sigh", "text": "Tony Ferguson is the type of guy that wakes up the alarm."} {"idx": 15149, "original_id": "1251185939562430467", "reply_id": "1251188512608653317", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump's behavior this morning leads me to believe that he just got a polling briefing from his campaign"} {"idx": 15156, "original_id": "1251140361248018434", "reply_id": "1251154755952377856", "label": "seriously", "text": "Oh hey CoD Community you want Duos in Warzone? \n\nAlright heres PLUNDER duos.\n\nC'mon man"} {"idx": 15158, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251048448721162241", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15160, "original_id": "1250803289475538944", "reply_id": "1250840219038953472", "label": "yes", "text": "it’s national horny day but i’m horny everyday"} {"idx": 15161, "original_id": "1251127248024977409", "reply_id": "1251129163685101570", "label": "awww", "text": "millions of lie but your \"I love you\" is my favorite 🤦‍♀️😂"} {"idx": 15162, "original_id": "1251162938133495811", "reply_id": "1251164596032831489", "label": "yes", "text": "@tkyowtch's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. Learn more."} {"idx": 15164, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1251110980517494789", "label": "seriously", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 15167, "original_id": "1250955707966423040", "reply_id": "1250958643400499200", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Just saw a new comedy special on Netflix. Going to keep my thoughts to myself for obvious reasons. There are many like me. I’m only tweeting this so you know that you are not alone."} {"idx": 15168, "original_id": "1250940113791696899", "reply_id": "1250945027519512581", "label": "hug", "text": "Soooo... I’m currently hanging out on the line between tipsy and drunk\n1. Someone should come take my phone away before I do something stupid\n2. Drunk me likes to snuggle, but there’s no one here to snuggle!\n\nSend cuddly pics?"} {"idx": 15170, "original_id": "1250865408778948611", "reply_id": "1250945133870231554", "label": "please", "text": "#adootmetrades Does anyone wanna trade a unicorn🦄 for my fly ride griffin??"} {"idx": 15171, "original_id": "1250873550204014592", "reply_id": "1250877798065061889", "label": "scared", "text": "I feel like I’m falling sick🤧"} {"idx": 15172, "original_id": "1250925513830514689", "reply_id": "1250928557863456769", "label": "omg", "text": "And once again my account is restricted for 3 days 😔😔😔"} {"idx": 15175, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250863040356065280", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15178, "original_id": "1250863362050854914", "reply_id": "1251268325646249986", "label": "shocked", "text": "we as a collective have been traumatized by men with J names."} {"idx": 15179, "original_id": "1250827483542323200", "reply_id": "1250835309530542083", "label": "scared", "text": "you ever meet a guy who isnt funny but is convinced he is?"} {"idx": 15180, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251112175445266432", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 15183, "original_id": "1251211718962839552", "reply_id": "1251211738357391369", "label": "dance", "text": "Olieven approves you thabithabi #LockdownHouseParty"} {"idx": 15184, "original_id": "1250836356345016321", "reply_id": "1250837472524689408", "label": "hug", "text": "U ever just rly wanna hug? Cause same"} {"idx": 15186, "original_id": "1251255045842182146", "reply_id": "1251265383295856642", "label": "ok", "text": "I made turkey burgers, annnnd... 😋😭 they were so good!"} {"idx": 15187, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864924030652419", "label": "scared", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 15190, "original_id": "1251151504859258884", "reply_id": "1251154345648779267", "label": "shrug", "text": "It is what it is"} {"idx": 15191, "original_id": "1250990784460931073", "reply_id": "1250992897454780418", "label": "hug", "text": "I certainly miss being hugged :("} {"idx": 15196, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250862615259209730", "label": "eww", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 15198, "original_id": "1251120770199232512", "reply_id": "1251207860899516421", "label": "eww", "text": "Here’s a mind-blower for those of my tender vintage. Remember M, ‘Pop Muzik’? It’s now 41 years old, closer to the world before WWII than it is to today. No thanks needed."} {"idx": 15200, "original_id": "1250813362545385472", "reply_id": "1250859050276999176", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Find a gif that best describes your denomination."} {"idx": 15201, "original_id": "1251166744825094146", "reply_id": "1251167310330523660", "label": "seriously", "text": "Hey, how much are turnip prices on your island? For me, it’s 720 each."} {"idx": 15204, "original_id": "1223370672002490368", "reply_id": "1251197522024050702", "label": "shocked", "text": "My favorite part of Twitter is that everyone is an unbiased political analyst. So there's no angst, just good vibes."} {"idx": 15206, "original_id": "1250804299829071872", "reply_id": "1250859892136706061", "label": "hug", "text": "They moved up my unemployment til May 1st."} {"idx": 15209, "original_id": "1250929842394103808", "reply_id": "1250931502914973696", "label": "sigh", "text": "Florida says theyll know by *next week* if the curve is flattening. So they decided to open beaches *this* weekend for essential activities. \n\nY’all. I live in the dumbest state in the US of A."} {"idx": 15210, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251231986821353474", "label": "wink", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 15212, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251087522287046656", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 15213, "original_id": "1250881007877840902", "reply_id": "1250900650914983939", "label": "omg", "text": "Whenever you're having a bad day... just remember somewhere out there is Joy Behar's gynecologist!"} {"idx": 15214, "original_id": "1250533640288849920", "reply_id": "1250896723909718018", "label": "ok", "text": "If the lockdown is extended further? How are we feeling?"} {"idx": 15218, "original_id": "1250803784349032450", "reply_id": "1250975573620461575", "label": "shocked", "text": "Nothing screams April in PA like a random snow storm"} {"idx": 15219, "original_id": "1250823058400710657", "reply_id": "1250909965570600962", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "OPINIONS ON CARTI’S NEW SONG"} {"idx": 15220, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251168375360774146", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 15221, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250931894205718533", "label": "idk", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 15222, "original_id": "1250811382443970560", "reply_id": "1250918449733201920", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t trust WHO\nI don’t trust China\nI don’t trust the UN \nI don’t trust the media \nI don’t trust the democrats"} {"idx": 15223, "original_id": "1251209719198474240", "reply_id": "1251221989081206789", "label": "applause", "text": "New goal for first YouTube video: Monday release. \n Maybe Tuesday."} {"idx": 15224, "original_id": "1251138855870312450", "reply_id": "1251172630587224066", "label": "want", "text": "Enjoyed an impromptu live video chat last night with Len Testa, Mike Newell, and the Fabulous Annette. Could become a weekly event. Stay tuned."} {"idx": 15225, "original_id": "1251179497094856706", "reply_id": "1251200779609878530", "label": "agree", "text": "nothing like a pandemic to expose some smart people as being actually very dumb"} {"idx": 15233, "original_id": "1251016898193563648", "reply_id": "1251073775715696641", "label": "hug", "text": "Good Morning. \nI won’t be on Twitter so much for a few days. \nI’m spending time with my boy. \nI’m not leaving. But you won’t see me so much for a few days. \nI’m locking my account as I’m being hounded by abusive messages. \nAnd now they have started on Finley. It’s enough."} {"idx": 15235, "original_id": "1251055381733769217", "reply_id": "1251076967601860611", "label": "hug", "text": "HAI EVERYONE I LOVE YOU SO NOW GIVE ME THE LOVE I NEEEDDDDD"} {"idx": 15236, "original_id": "1250854502594342919", "reply_id": "1251102418462441472", "label": "yolo", "text": "Shortening my tweets... hi"} {"idx": 15237, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1250970157209485314", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 15239, "original_id": "1251208223157358592", "reply_id": "1251211459805286401", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Putting jeans on today... please keep me in your prayers"} {"idx": 15240, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251250903467937792", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 15243, "original_id": "1251166175268147200", "reply_id": "1251182193545748481", "label": "wink", "text": "A miss ma pals so much a could greet"} {"idx": 15244, "original_id": "1251060932345724928", "reply_id": "1251062573769908225", "label": "yes", "text": "Do I roll this blunt or do I not??? Hmmmmmmm"} {"idx": 15247, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251138299533672454", "label": "yes", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 15252, "original_id": "1251212745049092100", "reply_id": "1251268266774990848", "label": "seriously", "text": "So sad to hear about Betty White. She’ll be missed. #RIP. \n(She’s fine, just practicing)"} {"idx": 15253, "original_id": "1250975187727781889", "reply_id": "1250975536714784769", "label": "applause", "text": "It's amazing how taking one's Zoloft and not drinking help 😀👍\n\nNote to self: don't drink while off your zoloft"} {"idx": 15254, "original_id": "1251101662413873152", "reply_id": "1251104094716071938", "label": "scared", "text": "Currently on Level 4 of #CallOfDutyModernWarfare2, And I'm Disappointed to say that it's the First CoD Game that I've Played that I Believe is Legitimately a Badly Made Game."} {"idx": 15255, "original_id": "1251119150765953024", "reply_id": "1251141959491530752", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm a nasty bitch so imma fuck you like I should"} {"idx": 15256, "original_id": "1250893716715429888", "reply_id": "1251019294168592384", "label": "agree", "text": "If We naked in bed & I scoot back...Sirrr nail me to the cross🥴🤣🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 15258, "original_id": "1251018250907013121", "reply_id": "1251018891444334592", "label": "no", "text": "You need to clean out your camera roll"} {"idx": 15262, "original_id": "1251135351244107777", "reply_id": "1251137358587670531", "label": "applause", "text": "Came out of the bathroom to find my dog standing ON the coffee table trying to lick the candle. Happy Friday!"} {"idx": 15268, "original_id": "1251272289984958466", "reply_id": "1251273765805318151", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you want to #ReopenTexas, why not do some testing in Texas? It has the nation’s second largest population but has tested the third fewest percentage of its residents. And even with that, it has 17,371 cases.\n\nThese morons are going to get people killed.\n#StupidityKills"} {"idx": 15270, "original_id": "1251234700951203841", "reply_id": "1251264869699125248", "label": "no", "text": "i love picking peoples brains. like let’s compare opinions and see how diverse we are. and still respect each other opinions!"} {"idx": 15273, "original_id": "1250875844433608704", "reply_id": "1250876474464165888", "label": "hug", "text": "I know I have some friends and nice followers but I'll be a bother to everyone if I want to talk ,Even my boyfriend, I don't want him getting involved so I still have to deal with it myself since it's my own problem... but how..."} {"idx": 15278, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251167207649755138", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 15279, "original_id": "1251170842014253056", "reply_id": "1251171425983086592", "label": "smh", "text": "Downside of going out in my Cthulhu mask: all the people who go “hey, look! It’s Squidward!” \n\n*sigh*"} {"idx": 15280, "original_id": "1250907984315760641", "reply_id": "1250908281008201728", "label": "oops", "text": "Some of y’all need new material."} {"idx": 15283, "original_id": "1250976136051535877", "reply_id": "1250979334761918465", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m bipolar and have non-military PTSD. I have been isolating for almost 6 weeks. I live in a one bedroom apt. The walls are closing in. Every time I turn on the TV the orange man is there justifying what can’t be justified. I could use some support. Any words would help."} {"idx": 15284, "original_id": "1250185836391432198", "reply_id": "1250911094450851840", "label": "omg", "text": "Fuck #Saudi Arabia."} {"idx": 15285, "original_id": "1250889080667332619", "reply_id": "1250895949674811394", "label": "agree", "text": "State Governments are going to reopen \"non-essential\" businesses pretty quickly because let me let you in on a little secret... \n\nTHEY'RE RUNNING OUT OF MONEY."} {"idx": 15286, "original_id": "1114999616783769605", "reply_id": "1251117478954098689", "label": "wink", "text": "i super fucking want to write a fic with sugar daddy keith in which shiro's kinda broke and works at one of those restaurants that serve sushi on naked men, and keith gets taken there during a business meal and ends up eating sushi rolls off shiro's body"} {"idx": 15287, "original_id": "1250918238470488064", "reply_id": "1250919219665002496", "label": "agree", "text": "Unpopular Opinion: Phantom of the Opera is The Worst™"} {"idx": 15290, "original_id": "1250925222678556672", "reply_id": "1250925400684978179", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Random corporate name shout outs time"} {"idx": 15293, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250915534536765440", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15294, "original_id": "1251044014972743681", "reply_id": "1251153584323870722", "label": "yes", "text": "BLOODSHOT. [Y/N]"} {"idx": 15297, "original_id": "1251167526945460224", "reply_id": "1251275300689678336", "label": "no", "text": "Those on the right who blindly followed the experts’ COVID orthodoxy (models, govt response) will kick themselves soon for not standing up for freedom and commonsense sooner."} {"idx": 15299, "original_id": "1250857252225003522", "reply_id": "1250877977631641602", "label": "seriously", "text": "Fox News interrupted the President thanking America's truck drivers to bring on Donna Brazile and to talk about Obama and Biden.. \n\nLet that sink in.."} {"idx": 15301, "original_id": "1250845817793101824", "reply_id": "1250846155296079873", "label": "eww", "text": "I got extra love to give someone after this quarantine. It's the excess love that's been building up the last month or so"} {"idx": 15305, "original_id": "1250927463288516616", "reply_id": "1250942748594765824", "label": "hug", "text": "Papas fever broke and we should get news about bloodwork Fri. I honestly don’t think it’s covid because they’ve been in lockdown for a month and he’s the only one with problems. But he couldn’t walk or even speak last night. He’s better tonight but I’m not taking any chances."} {"idx": 15306, "original_id": "1250836340771610624", "reply_id": "1251002891357347846", "label": "scared", "text": "Guys I've got this super hot sexy thick chick as a neighbor & she's been given me the greenlight lately, my body, mind and soul is telling me to go infact my trouser is arising O compatriots as I type this but I've seen her cough and sneeze in two occasions. Should I still go?😭"} {"idx": 15307, "original_id": "1251061737241161728", "reply_id": "1251136938549141505", "label": "shocked", "text": "So Zlatan get mouth to de yab person? Zlatan wey him papa run DNA test on am 5 times because he no believe say him pikin fit ugly reach like this."} {"idx": 15308, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1251006791732858880", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 15312, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251026434623254530", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15314, "original_id": "1250637869842128899", "reply_id": "1250909324219580416", "label": "applause", "text": "i like my girls ALL NATURAL, I hate that make up shit🤮"} {"idx": 15315, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250867195590123526", "label": "applause", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 15316, "original_id": "1250886402461569028", "reply_id": "1250886818582716426", "label": "yes", "text": "This Cerberus bloke complains they got scrubbed but also scrubs people in Warzone tournaments so some would say karma yes?"} {"idx": 15317, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251256040278167552", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 15320, "original_id": "1250851472704778242", "reply_id": "1250899294686793735", "label": "high_five", "text": "I need new friends?"} {"idx": 15321, "original_id": "1250868205016322048", "reply_id": "1251012618334208000", "label": "agree", "text": "It’s beautiful to have a deep practice of self reflection. But it’s time to release any existing soul contracts that include you being the person to take full accountability for your part while the other person takes none. You’ve learned all you need from that dynamic."} {"idx": 15325, "original_id": "1251036657371013121", "reply_id": "1251081704795668480", "label": "no", "text": "gunfight gbs?"} {"idx": 15328, "original_id": "1250271473400295431", "reply_id": "1251098243473084417", "label": "yes", "text": "who wanna play warzone since all my mains ignore me 😌?"} {"idx": 15329, "original_id": "1251137643527778305", "reply_id": "1251139645460451328", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I will work with @SketchyRaven on this Project! I'm so, so excited! 🙏💕"} {"idx": 15332, "original_id": "1251199340250628097", "reply_id": "1251202555251527682", "label": "yes", "text": "Thanks to these fine people! Please follow! #FF\n@RadioTfsc\n@TheXFriends666\n@EdensEndMusic\n@TOMtheorganized\n@BlackettMusic\n@ManeatGrass\n@ClareEstelle\n@TPLB19\n@MaryRudnik\n@MerchTablePro\n@melodywhore\n@BreconIReviews\nmore👇"} {"idx": 15336, "original_id": "1250588416003264514", "reply_id": "1250883443153608708", "label": "applause", "text": "Tati just irks my damn nerves and she is always drunk this is ridiculous she can’t go no where without getting drunk and I feel like she is one of the ones about to fuck up walt wedding which I hope isn’t true #BlackInkCrew"} {"idx": 15337, "original_id": "1250783989641682945", "reply_id": "1250863181565591552", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Co worker just told my boss fuck you if i die you wouldn't care haha mans was crying my boss said wats wrong with you on drugs ? Im kicking back watching all unfold lol"} {"idx": 15338, "original_id": "1251159812143894528", "reply_id": "1251161622254518278", "label": "applause", "text": "Horny.\n\nOkay that's all thanks for following my Twitter"} {"idx": 15340, "original_id": "1250938831613964293", "reply_id": "1250942802005053449", "label": "applause", "text": "Streamed 300 hours over the past 23 days so I'm thinking of doing a 72 hour subathon stream sometime this week to hit my 400 hour goal in a 30 day span. I would play multiple games with everyone like Destiny, Zombies, Warzone, and AC"} {"idx": 15341, "original_id": "1251013817347129345", "reply_id": "1251015504916930561", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Got my first nuke in COD today...I just wanna thank my mom and dad , @skylarstone__ for buying the game , @SeanBreezy00 and @FaineLogan for supporting the grind. Couldn’t have done it without you guys."} {"idx": 15342, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251201486991888386", "label": "seriously", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 15345, "original_id": "1251244851410190345", "reply_id": "1251246694022492167", "label": "applause", "text": "lately i been feelin wonderful"} {"idx": 15347, "original_id": "1250894064809115648", "reply_id": "1251233912455680001", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If our love was a court case..\nI will plead guilty"} {"idx": 15349, "original_id": "1250846889336926208", "reply_id": "1250871453559341057", "label": "eww", "text": "Béchamel sauce pasta is so overrated.\nI said what I said. 👌🏻"} {"idx": 15351, "original_id": "1251050893698461697", "reply_id": "1251110295470301184", "label": "shocked", "text": "Who called it masturbation and not ‘finger on your lips’ ?"} {"idx": 15356, "original_id": "1251139389448749057", "reply_id": "1251199718883045383", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Alright, y’all. Motivation is a struggle this morning. Help me find the clarity and energy, please"} {"idx": 15365, "original_id": "1251197839297916936", "reply_id": "1251198982069661697", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Feature Friday! Follower Friday! Feature friend Friday! \n@Talk_To_The_Hat \n@boynadomama \n@kimlockhartga \n@Spidersense14 \n@DiabolikDodo \n@Feisty_Ginger_6 \n@pro_worrier_ \n@CatsVsHumanity \n@StacieS37649844 \n@XMEN_DOFP_Logan \n@BobbiStonewall \n@Nega_Ryan \n@mastrap84 \n@smgp71 🎁🎀🎉🎊"} {"idx": 15367, "original_id": "1250882717639741440", "reply_id": "1250883851821424640", "label": "ok", "text": "i need it to storm all weekend so i can force myself to stay in the house & study😫"} {"idx": 15369, "original_id": "1251033597110300672", "reply_id": "1251035425143226368", "label": "idk", "text": "Who remembers that period of time where everyone would make consistent knock knock jokes"} {"idx": 15371, "original_id": "1250861092588273664", "reply_id": "1250935701371334656", "label": "sorry", "text": "Words with Friends is legitimately triggering my depression"} {"idx": 15372, "original_id": "1251007358156836865", "reply_id": "1251164242159349762", "label": "omg", "text": "OMG. OMG. IVANS BANNER IS OVER. I DIDNT PULL ONCE.... O N C E ON MY MAIN. ZERO PULLS FOR IVAN ON MY MAIN. WHERE DID THIS POWER COME FROM?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!"} {"idx": 15377, "original_id": "1250910144084340736", "reply_id": "1251009996940349441", "label": "thank_you", "text": "going to be releasing new music on TNH every week for the next few months 😊😊"} {"idx": 15378, "original_id": "1250961059957166081", "reply_id": "1250962454542266370", "label": "dance", "text": "music is good for the head\n\nya I'm bummed out like everyone\n\nLet's boogie 🚶🚶‍♀️\nwhere'd the dancing emotes go?"} {"idx": 15384, "original_id": "1250839828385521664", "reply_id": "1250840105507524608", "label": "ok", "text": "Still didn’t get my skrimulus check"} {"idx": 15386, "original_id": "1250939319960899584", "reply_id": "1250950388548800515", "label": "oops", "text": "me: [sits on couch]\n\n7 y.o.: [sits on couch]\n\nme: [reading]\n\n7 y.o.: \n\nme:\n\n7 y.o.:\n\nme:\n\n7 y.o.: i would choose evil"} {"idx": 15387, "original_id": "1250954791045513218", "reply_id": "1251201459741491201", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Thank you everyone, we managed to raise enough money to get my bro his laptop. I promise once I get my pc fixed. I will make it up to all of you. \nGod bless all of you, please stay beautiful and amazing. 💙"} {"idx": 15391, "original_id": "1250960676148834305", "reply_id": "1250964348194787330", "label": "omg", "text": "Dua na Vusi bau via kana tu qori?\n\nI have a can of cat food here with me, and I dont wanna throw it away... 😏"} {"idx": 15395, "original_id": "1250868153237766150", "reply_id": "1250869198634524672", "label": "yes", "text": "Who is waiting for #GordonGinoandFred @ITV ?"} {"idx": 15396, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250832076728864774", "label": "high_five", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 15398, "original_id": "1250727369414971399", "reply_id": "1250888917701857281", "label": "awww", "text": "Relief funds don reach una side ?"} {"idx": 15399, "original_id": "1250828953272619010", "reply_id": "1250858830369640448", "label": "hug", "text": "Just really really really need a hug"} {"idx": 15401, "original_id": "1251110560848019457", "reply_id": "1251116647210983424", "label": "seriously", "text": "Dropped a fire ass pic while everyone was sleep ☺️"} {"idx": 15403, "original_id": "1250460122016436229", "reply_id": "1250973751073738754", "label": "awww", "text": "How would you define your personality? GIFs only."} {"idx": 15404, "original_id": "1250786404961071104", "reply_id": "1250900308248666113", "label": "eww", "text": "If you have abs, but summer is cancelled, do you really have abs at all?"} {"idx": 15405, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251210063886376964", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 15406, "original_id": "1251043389966913538", "reply_id": "1251043563934113794", "label": "scared", "text": "being unapologetic about what you create is really just... oh lord"} {"idx": 15408, "original_id": "1250892352585162756", "reply_id": "1250901164050317318", "label": "hug", "text": "Oh y’all have families that you talk to often and they support you? That’s lit. Can’t relate."} {"idx": 15409, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251030091057905664", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 15410, "original_id": "1250841252289011714", "reply_id": "1250883683101392898", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m amped to play more fallout 76 and that’s weird to say."} {"idx": 15411, "original_id": "1250868578867277826", "reply_id": "1250915922316898304", "label": "applause", "text": "I change my clothes more frequently in Animal Crossing than in real life."} {"idx": 15413, "original_id": "1251123497331384323", "reply_id": "1251124348276166657", "label": "scared", "text": "How's your feeling right now ....\nMore 10 min .....\n😂😂😂"} {"idx": 15415, "original_id": "1250937769636925441", "reply_id": "1250940338841292807", "label": "dance", "text": "Did we just become best friends?"} {"idx": 15416, "original_id": "1251162074392088577", "reply_id": "1251213017322160128", "label": "applause", "text": "My friend had decided to throw away his old electric cooker, but I took it up.\nToday, he randomly inquired about it, & we had some padayappa vibes \n\nHim 'Epdi irukkaa en veetu velakaari?'\n\nMe \"mannikanum, en veetu ejamaani. Romba romba nallairukku\""} {"idx": 15419, "original_id": "1251032988323729408", "reply_id": "1251056122909220864", "label": "seriously", "text": "Breaking News - Sources Say - CNBC AAWAZ - Govt may soon announce Stimulus Package.\n\nThis is the 30th Stimulus Package in last 15 days."} {"idx": 15421, "original_id": "1250838424577282050", "reply_id": "1250839148270845959", "label": "yes", "text": "Is finally letting him in my butt a good enough birthday gift?"} {"idx": 15422, "original_id": "1250952577249955841", "reply_id": "1250953195616157698", "label": "wink", "text": "“The curve is flattening.\nLet’s opening the economy.\n\n=\n\nThe parachute has slowed our descent. \nLet’s take it off now.”"} {"idx": 15423, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250974566702125056", "label": "omg", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 15424, "original_id": "1250801894307463170", "reply_id": "1250862389957767169", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Who is your favourite Friend?"} {"idx": 15425, "original_id": "1251227191121240065", "reply_id": "1251227731175641088", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m sad that I took my nipple rings out 😭😭😭 now the holes officially closed 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 15429, "original_id": "1251149555476819977", "reply_id": "1251211038005112832", "label": "agree", "text": "How many of you have watched Out of the Shadows?"} {"idx": 15432, "original_id": "1251204720229781505", "reply_id": "1251217982929371138", "label": "popcorn", "text": "today's Trump Propaganda Show is going to be off the fucking rails"} {"idx": 15433, "original_id": "1251065655358562305", "reply_id": "1251066145064529920", "label": "agree", "text": "Dating a girl who uses newspaper in toilet is not an issue....Problem starts when you wanna screw her in doggy style & you see pieces of አዲስ ዘመን in her ass then you end up losing focus & start reading about ዶ/ር አቢይ !!"} {"idx": 15434, "original_id": "1251161264627187712", "reply_id": "1251211875125268480", "label": "applause", "text": "Denzel Washington movie tonight. \n\nTraining day or Man on Fire?"} {"idx": 15436, "original_id": "1250687427871678465", "reply_id": "1250901994111262721", "label": "no", "text": "Imagine not having Patrick Mahomes on your football team..."} {"idx": 15440, "original_id": "1250890976429776898", "reply_id": "1251051520658944003", "label": "no", "text": ".@realDonaldTrump has done more for black Americans than any other President in modern history.\n\nWould a “racist” do that?"} {"idx": 15441, "original_id": "1250950924283138054", "reply_id": "1250952599097966592", "label": "applause", "text": "looking to trade covid-negative 3 year old toddler for golden doodle. Preferably in Boston area."} {"idx": 15443, "original_id": "1251027800863264768", "reply_id": "1251197204666220544", "label": "agree", "text": "I’ve dropped quite a number of women at the speed of light when I came across a red flag or a toxic trait. And listen, most women get big mad when you choose yourself as a gent. It’s almost unbelievable to them that you know your worth."} {"idx": 15449, "original_id": "1251119288519450627", "reply_id": "1251124616585756679", "label": "no", "text": "Who bumped DaBaby shit already, what it be like??"} {"idx": 15450, "original_id": "1251236111571013637", "reply_id": "1251236430103433218", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "2 more hours... tired"} {"idx": 15451, "original_id": "1250823609796325376", "reply_id": "1250832694109302784", "label": "hug", "text": "Send hugsss pls"} {"idx": 15462, "original_id": "1250976366016823298", "reply_id": "1250977614220726272", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Grad school apps got me stressed. Send prayers."} {"idx": 15466, "original_id": "1251002004773777410", "reply_id": "1251003486336098304", "label": "no", "text": "@aycdjake I cancelled my 13$ aycd sub, what r the odds ur tryna give that back ahahahahahahahahaha jkjkjk unless"} {"idx": 15468, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251073154606399488", "label": "dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 15469, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251132577332822017", "label": "shocked", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 15470, "original_id": "1250807410421305345", "reply_id": "1250842481140338688", "label": "hug", "text": "I am negative for COVID19! I’m so grateful for those results, but I’m so concerned & confused on what’s actually going on with me. I finally have an appointment with my primary doctor & hopefully now we can figure something out. Thank you guys for your love & support ❤️"} {"idx": 15471, "original_id": "1251161363902197761", "reply_id": "1251170471430717440", "label": "no", "text": "It's snowing outside so I'm playing Christmas music in the weather office. ❄🎅🎄🎁"} {"idx": 15472, "original_id": "1250926820314079232", "reply_id": "1251188338247307266", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Mission Accomplished.\nI guess there will be no more press briefings."} {"idx": 15474, "original_id": "1251043371998744576", "reply_id": "1251050307909451776", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "💯% unlock everything method no save wizard 😉 #Quarantine #playit 🤪"} {"idx": 15476, "original_id": "1251221214640566273", "reply_id": "1251246386659700743", "label": "omg", "text": "I just remembered my housemates are ordering Shabu Shabu from their friend's restaurant tonight. \n\nI might be late to stream tonight. I will not rush greatness."} {"idx": 15478, "original_id": "1250886827294240768", "reply_id": "1250910606531743745", "label": "yawn", "text": "Where. Are. The. Tests?\n\nWhere. Are. The. Masks?\n\nWhere. Are. The. Ventilators?\n\nWhere. Are. The. Checks?\n\nTrump's incompetence, lies, and narcissism have made a bad situation dramatically worse.\n\n#CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 15482, "original_id": "1250540838603481094", "reply_id": "1250860311923642370", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m not ready to talk specifics, but this last week was the hardest of my life. Real talk, I don’t know how I would’ve coped if it weren’t for video games and a solid support system of family and friends."} {"idx": 15485, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250994996137910272", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 15487, "original_id": "1251055549027954688", "reply_id": "1251055681228111872", "label": "agree", "text": "would it be weird to order myself a trophy just because"} {"idx": 15491, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250991965455282179", "label": "shocked", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 15492, "original_id": "1251116341203030016", "reply_id": "1251187817738203136", "label": "hug", "text": "So Been Fighting My Jolene Alot. Today Is My Birthday And Honestly Wish I Wasn’t Here Anymore. #sodone"} {"idx": 15493, "original_id": "1251231605290483712", "reply_id": "1251231787847581696", "label": "want", "text": "Crazy how much money i save without my monthly trips to LA lmao"} {"idx": 15494, "original_id": "1251101198595301377", "reply_id": "1251101936994201600", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Wazee @hermescash @KailemboMusa mbona mmelike AVOCADO??? 😂"} {"idx": 15495, "original_id": "1250942252211462148", "reply_id": "1250954889934655490", "label": "agree", "text": "WellI don’t know bout you guys but it was another exciting day at the fucking homestead for me."} {"idx": 15497, "original_id": "1250849960570097668", "reply_id": "1250850460573093889", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Deep thought of the day: I never really set out to get followers or get famous, believe it or not. I just want to write. If you read my stuff, great. Thank you. If not, thanks for being here anyway. Not really sure how I got over 5,000 followers, but...cool."} {"idx": 15501, "original_id": "1250981787729354758", "reply_id": "1251275190861991937", "label": "agree", "text": "Farmers, are destroying food (eggs, milk and veggies) that they can’t sell to the closed restaurants! Meanwhile, 10,000 cars line the road to a food bank! Real presidential leadership would enact the national guard, procure the food, deliver it to food banks and pay the farmers!"} {"idx": 15503, "original_id": "1250854552385007619", "reply_id": "1250855482392272896", "label": "yes", "text": "Don't want to brag, but I showered, shaved, washed and did my hair, put on make-up, and a bra and clothes all in the same day."} {"idx": 15504, "original_id": "1250973431140581382", "reply_id": "1250975742495723523", "label": "no", "text": "I hate a “I’m not cute I’m grown” ass bitch. Shutcho cute grown ass up"} {"idx": 15506, "original_id": "1250858124023603200", "reply_id": "1250979976196681729", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’ll never forget the day that I broke up with my girlfriend and a couple weeks later a homie asked if he could pursue her.\n\nBro??"} {"idx": 15507, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251166908839153664", "label": "shrug", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 15509, "original_id": "1250913068294569990", "reply_id": "1250948963605393409", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you see a medical professional in scrubs please tell them thank you. A simple “thank you” means more than you will ever know."} {"idx": 15512, "original_id": "1250811373422104578", "reply_id": "1250933238555725825", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Yooo I just took the most fire pussy print picture! But I can’t post it 🥴 cause .... I just can’t 🤣"} {"idx": 15517, "original_id": "1250808921234771973", "reply_id": "1250852165201117184", "label": "hug", "text": "I was just laid off over the phone in Coronavirus related downsizing at my company. Well, this day couldn't be much worse."} {"idx": 15518, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251188069652455426", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 15519, "original_id": "1250889254143700992", "reply_id": "1251229434293686273", "label": "shocked", "text": "Coworker said I have the head of Megamind. Immediately reported her to HR. Preposterous"} {"idx": 15521, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1250983146578821120", "label": "agree", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 15523, "original_id": "1250997926723301378", "reply_id": "1251010485790617602", "label": "wink", "text": "You have to love yourself for who you are ."} {"idx": 15524, "original_id": "1250911324890112000", "reply_id": "1250942245198540800", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "New Survivor season: #stevemnuchin living off $1200 for two months."} {"idx": 15529, "original_id": "1250956433530556417", "reply_id": "1251034324419383296", "label": "hug", "text": "There comes a point when you're not permanently on the tipping point to just falling to pieces, right? Asking for a friend 😅😭"} {"idx": 15532, "original_id": "1250211312648495106", "reply_id": "1250850034406416384", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump comes to see you in the hospital while you’re sick with covid.\n\nWhat do you say to him?"} {"idx": 15534, "original_id": "1251148045242134532", "reply_id": "1251152729419866112", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Good morning lovely peeps of twitter. HAPPY 2020 WNBA DRAFT DAY!"} {"idx": 15535, "original_id": "1250964939935752195", "reply_id": "1251058224566018049", "label": "smh", "text": "officially a tik tok addict 😔"} {"idx": 15536, "original_id": "1250826526255448064", "reply_id": "1250852248642600961", "label": "eww", "text": "{\\__/}\n( • . •)\n/ >🦠u want this?\n\n{\\__/}\n( • . •)\n/ >🦠no?\n\n{\\__/}\n( • . •)\n/ > 👏🏽🧼✨ Then stay inside n wash ur mfriggin hands!!!"} {"idx": 15539, "original_id": "1250945857589071874", "reply_id": "1251205550467166214", "label": "shocked", "text": "He blocked me.. i called him, told him to unblock me.. he unblocked.. then i blocked him.\n\nwe block boys, boys don't block us."} {"idx": 15540, "original_id": "1251068033898086401", "reply_id": "1251071340154667008", "label": "agree", "text": "Wow. Mornings suck."} {"idx": 15541, "original_id": "1251010886946324482", "reply_id": "1251040256528232449", "label": "scared", "text": "Tomorrow's hour of power is gong to be W I L D"} {"idx": 15542, "original_id": "1250876814660173825", "reply_id": "1250887452740509711", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "some of my friends really be taking small things serious 😖"} {"idx": 15543, "original_id": "1251191117971886081", "reply_id": "1251191600920752128", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Zee News is running BJP’s agenda by showing - kya hota agar yeh virus 2014 mein aaya hota?? I mean inko bolo India mein swine flu aaya tha 2009-10 mein, SARS was spreading across the world but India managed to hold economy at a good rate. #BlindBJPBhakts"} {"idx": 15547, "original_id": "1251041426625966080", "reply_id": "1251042367165149185", "label": "shocked", "text": "PUT YA DICK ON LIVE ILL GIVE YOU A DIRTY SANCHEZ"} {"idx": 15548, "original_id": "1250839116692013065", "reply_id": "1250983082246705152", "label": "applause", "text": "just quit my job today, YOLO"} {"idx": 15551, "original_id": "1250775007417954304", "reply_id": "1250838995132723210", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Anyone tweeting ridiculous Bill Gates rumors this week is raising a huge flag that says, \"I will literally believe anything if it is on the Internet.\""} {"idx": 15552, "original_id": "1250837145973133313", "reply_id": "1250840649844297728", "label": "eww", "text": "i am sexually aroused by ET’s naked wrinkled body"} {"idx": 15555, "original_id": "1251083370660081664", "reply_id": "1251098748492677126", "label": "agree", "text": "Describe your current account balance with an emoji. #StayHome\n#StayAtHome"} {"idx": 15557, "original_id": "1251056356439863296", "reply_id": "1251078693323190272", "label": "seriously", "text": "BREAKING: Hundreds of people gather on Westminster Bridge to applaud the NHS staff who will be treating them for coronavirus next week."} {"idx": 15559, "original_id": "1250810964733288451", "reply_id": "1251169432765968385", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "I heard having no taste is a symptom of corona..I hope the people who like mission:space are okay 😔"} {"idx": 15561, "original_id": "1250134860892643328", "reply_id": "1250966838416158720", "label": "agree", "text": "I’d rather see @BarackObama’s endorsement of @JoeBiden play from start to finish on TV than another of Trump’s “press conferences.” It’s surreal to hear intelligent, truthful words from a leader who cares about us. After that, I’d like to see Biden get as much airtime as Trump."} {"idx": 15564, "original_id": "1250758660424253440", "reply_id": "1250892521158443015", "label": "wink", "text": "ahahahah my arm is hurting because i'm drawing too much 🤣"} {"idx": 15565, "original_id": "1251179249685282818", "reply_id": "1251233833166372864", "label": "ok", "text": "You are magic and not everyone can handle magic."} {"idx": 15566, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251230232452841473", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 15574, "original_id": "1250844197009215490", "reply_id": "1250844805057445888", "label": "want", "text": "someone give me a hug (from 2 metres away)"} {"idx": 15577, "original_id": "1250831249502924800", "reply_id": "1250861703622881280", "label": "smh", "text": "Denzel Mims is better than D.K. Metcalf."} {"idx": 15579, "original_id": "1251234499561762816", "reply_id": "1251236505613451269", "label": "smh", "text": "Since 2005, 320 WRs who attended the Combine and went to college four 4+ seasons. Only 42 (13.1%) had at least one top-36 fantasy season in the NFL.\n\nFour WRs in 2020 have top-24 rookie ADP and played 4+ seasons in college:\n\nMichael Pittman\nTyler Johnson\nBryan Edwards\nDenzel Mims"} {"idx": 15580, "original_id": "1251174392685527040", "reply_id": "1251176422942654465", "label": "awww", "text": "Remember back in the day when Social Distancing was Time, Distance, Shielding? @ackNalej @nworbsirhc @OnTheMatYouTube @kaelinsdaddy"} {"idx": 15581, "original_id": "1251209373939929090", "reply_id": "1251210162532159488", "label": "awww", "text": "Disney: Parents, here’s a number so your children can speak to their favorite characters before going to bed. \n\nMy 18yo ass: Hi, yes, I’d like to speak to Mr. Mouse please."} {"idx": 15583, "original_id": "1251197165545947137", "reply_id": "1251197444483944450", "label": "hearts", "text": "Breaking news, Ahsoka Tano is fucking terrifying"} {"idx": 15584, "original_id": "1250843759102889985", "reply_id": "1250844097432170497", "label": "yolo", "text": "I am here and ready to celebrate #Venom. @bexhogan"} {"idx": 15589, "original_id": "1251017352831021056", "reply_id": "1251029129023172611", "label": "applause", "text": "i got a girl to listen to bladee now applaud"} {"idx": 15594, "original_id": "1251162700765265920", "reply_id": "1251253146556432385", "label": "scared", "text": "A person who scores a 10 on the wonderlic is considered illiterate. \n\nJerry Jeudy scored a 9.\n\n#RollTide"} {"idx": 15595, "original_id": "1250870145645514754", "reply_id": "1251066118392942592", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Courage."} {"idx": 15596, "original_id": "1250757882968072192", "reply_id": "1251035659600609280", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Pc ordered 🥴🥴🥴"} {"idx": 15597, "original_id": "1250859237384654848", "reply_id": "1250881809044430850", "label": "applause", "text": "YAS Valorant download is a go!"} {"idx": 15599, "original_id": "1250922279044857856", "reply_id": "1250931037758124033", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump: Some people are DEAD right now. DEAD."} {"idx": 15606, "original_id": "1250882654171394048", "reply_id": "1250889154952650761", "label": "yes", "text": "been neck deep in labs, daydreaming and fine tuning The Lockdown Mixtape: INSIDE FOR THE PEOPLE ....this thing is BANG. ING. nice & deep and comin to you soon 😜🤘🙏📡❤️"} {"idx": 15609, "original_id": "1251014928183549952", "reply_id": "1251141418665431045", "label": "applause", "text": "I'd rather take medical advice from Dr. Seuss than Dr. Oz or Dr. Phil."} {"idx": 15615, "original_id": "1251034806097502210", "reply_id": "1251035671793369089", "label": "eww", "text": "She asked me how nasty I was.\nI told her I drink warm milk 😎"} {"idx": 15621, "original_id": "1251142883777732610", "reply_id": "1251150824266326017", "label": "hug", "text": "Gm<3 it’s getting worse<3 stay away<3"} {"idx": 15624, "original_id": "1250888059672883200", "reply_id": "1250953957901467648", "label": "hug", "text": "Undoubtedly need lots of hugs"} {"idx": 15626, "original_id": "1250998545672556544", "reply_id": "1250999400119201792", "label": "hug", "text": "I want 2 get away"} {"idx": 15627, "original_id": "1250907979471294471", "reply_id": "1250919539929473030", "label": "oops", "text": "These urinals are not 6 feet apart. Use the stall or work on a 4 foot arc?🤔🤔"} {"idx": 15631, "original_id": "15822418222", "reply_id": "1250971748373164033", "label": "applause", "text": "Toews hands the Cup to Hossa. No words strong enough to describe his happiness."} {"idx": 15633, "original_id": "1250846301283069952", "reply_id": "1250852846188277767", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Bonus stream tonight anyone?"} {"idx": 15635, "original_id": "1250852080803368960", "reply_id": "1250888327919570944", "label": "ok", "text": "We should use this time in quarantine to fix the fucking roads and highways"} {"idx": 15636, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251159921195810818", "label": "ok", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 15637, "original_id": "1251101108149407747", "reply_id": "1251102768682721282", "label": "sigh", "text": "Wagwun my g, You are peng innit you got me creasing down in my endz SKKKYYYAA. Is that correct? I was told this is how the youth communicate"} {"idx": 15638, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250898507579510786", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15640, "original_id": "1250761807628849153", "reply_id": "1250881654421323777", "label": "no", "text": "Day 78 of the quarantine and my new favorite hobby is watching whites dance on tik tok"} {"idx": 15642, "original_id": "1250931791956979712", "reply_id": "1250931983808524289", "label": "yes", "text": "New episodes of #WhatWeDointheShadows! Was I really really good?"} {"idx": 15644, "original_id": "1250919370521546753", "reply_id": "1250924032037392391", "label": "applause", "text": "A4 Use tech like @Screentastify to communicate processes/procedures to help reduce some face2face meetings and maximize time spent preparing learning opps and working with Ss ( finally got on this @thurndotte !) #1stteachchat"} {"idx": 15646, "original_id": "1250946486478663681", "reply_id": "1250972643492106240", "label": "agree", "text": "YouTube. \nLive.\nShortly."} {"idx": 15648, "original_id": "1248209521509629952", "reply_id": "1251168718069137408", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Teachers, I want to send signed copies of my I Survived books to your special students. I have fifty books I will be giving away, 10 per week for the next five weeks. To participate, RT. I will choose ten people each Sunday and contact privately."} {"idx": 15650, "original_id": "1250998159112728577", "reply_id": "1251000437785808897", "label": "yes", "text": "All I know is that Ash said shes buying four bottles of 42 at Cheers when all this is over"} {"idx": 15652, "original_id": "1251258628671242242", "reply_id": "1251262465364680712", "label": "agree", "text": "i think its time to shine"} {"idx": 15653, "original_id": "1251101904702185472", "reply_id": "1251103332283953152", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "So Verminous by The Black Dahlia Murder was released today. What do you think about it?"} {"idx": 15658, "original_id": "1250995986782134273", "reply_id": "1250997700000133122", "label": "shocked", "text": "Me and my work friends virtually watched a movie together tonight and it was so wholesome. I miss them. 🥺"} {"idx": 15660, "original_id": "1250993397533487105", "reply_id": "1250999541014204416", "label": "seriously", "text": "Water signs like me cos I never like them back n they love to self sabotage."} {"idx": 15661, "original_id": "1251183537752961024", "reply_id": "1251195738614267907", "label": "kiss", "text": "@Julie_Atherton 1. Thank your mum, because I wanted that too and 😍😍😍\n2. I'm changing my name to kitchen cupboards..\n3. Can you do this every week?! 😂\n4. I would like an album please and thank you! \nLoved that, thank you thank you thank you! xx"} {"idx": 15663, "original_id": "1250925964063891461", "reply_id": "1250934730457038848", "label": "applause", "text": "What if Rey is so powerfull because she also is a Chosen One? I mean, Palpatine impregnated Shmi, and The Chosen one came out. What if Palpatine tried to do it again, and he created another powerfull beeing? But with the knowledge he had from Anakin, this time he created+"} {"idx": 15664, "original_id": "1251152711635972099", "reply_id": "1251154419611123716", "label": "hug", "text": "Kindness . Be kind always. You’ll never achieve anything by being angry and by being full of hate."} {"idx": 15665, "original_id": "1251007202086866944", "reply_id": "1251022412591874048", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m now making my twitter private as my anxiety now consumes my every moment."} {"idx": 15667, "original_id": "1250925746123689984", "reply_id": "1251024085309706240", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "So what are everyone's true feelings on reopening the country right now w/attn on more safe practices, etc.?"} {"idx": 15668, "original_id": "1251182121290330115", "reply_id": "1251198023071404032", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Did you see Jamie Barton’s latest stop on the #Tshirttour included a shoutout to @be_ryh and our very own @elaine_malit ?! Keep your submitting we love every idea💡! #OOPBeProud 👕🌐👚"} {"idx": 15670, "original_id": "1250997462753574912", "reply_id": "1251003468220821504", "label": "idk", "text": "So what happens when you hit 5,000 followers? Just curious...I’m still a ways away."} {"idx": 15673, "original_id": "1251244542969470978", "reply_id": "1251251537608933378", "label": "scared", "text": "If we open things up and cases start trending up quickly, what then?"} {"idx": 15675, "original_id": "1251238815798308864", "reply_id": "1251239367043145728", "label": "agree", "text": "@manlikenoosa @suhailsawalim both y’all need to relax and stop bullying me 😊"} {"idx": 15678, "original_id": "1250833130522644484", "reply_id": "1250842693506342916", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "My dad once grounded me for a whole summer in high school because I got home 15 minutes past curfew. I remembered that fondly today as I reported him for breaking quarantine."} {"idx": 15679, "original_id": "1250522261972496384", "reply_id": "1250874051490283520", "label": "applause", "text": "I thought only adult actresses got their checks signed by @realDonaldTrump?"} {"idx": 15681, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250958865882988544", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 15682, "original_id": "1251015836963205121", "reply_id": "1251188720801329152", "label": "shrug", "text": "You guys DO realize that we can see the nasty ass shit you “like” on our TL’s right?"} {"idx": 15683, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250853272036036610", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 15686, "original_id": "1251135585638547456", "reply_id": "1251139109755617283", "label": "agree", "text": "I hate it when my husband is home. Always talking to me a shit. So annoying."} {"idx": 15689, "original_id": "1250923177821310981", "reply_id": "1251014906914254848", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I was bored, so I said to my self let us check this dudes tweets and replies, I'm now even more certain that this dude got back stage groupies, a paid for back stage groupies"} {"idx": 15690, "original_id": "1250667293819928577", "reply_id": "1250952718983802882", "label": "agree", "text": "How do you feel with the lockdown looking to be extended by another 3 weeks?\nI’d rather stay home for another 10 if it meant getting back to ‘normality’ sod risking the lives of people, I’m more than happy to stay at home!"} {"idx": 15692, "original_id": "1250469203880153088", "reply_id": "1250994236738191367", "label": "hug", "text": "I want hugs T.T"} {"idx": 15693, "original_id": "1250956417873436674", "reply_id": "1250962855144361989", "label": "hug", "text": "Idk I don’t like hating on people.. just doesn’t sit right. It’s so much easier to be an asshole than to be nice"} {"idx": 15694, "original_id": "1250865889903177733", "reply_id": "1251177752843055110", "label": "ok", "text": "My man said I was his \"prize\" so I corrected him and reminded him \"I'm the kind of prize you have to win every day. You don't just win and I'm yours forever. My heart is like a shooting star. You gotta keep up the chase.\" Hahaha 🤣\n#LGBTQ\n#LGBTQQuarantine"} {"idx": 15695, "original_id": "1250874093718720512", "reply_id": "1251169761083355138", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Let me interpret evangelicals when they compare Black people dying from #coronavirus to abortions:\n\n“We don’t really give a #*% if you n****rs die of #COVID19. We want you stupid enough to think we care about aborted Black babies so you’ll help us push our political agenda.”"} {"idx": 15697, "original_id": "1250837048157749248", "reply_id": "1250839279502229513", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I'm gonna stream today eventually... I'm just working on that whole motivation thing"} {"idx": 15699, "original_id": "1251131305569464320", "reply_id": "1251134095612014592", "label": "hug", "text": "emotionally and mentally exhausted haha pengeng akap naman"} {"idx": 15701, "original_id": "1250953417960435713", "reply_id": "1250953554694725632", "label": "sigh", "text": "So...some #MCU actors said hi in the end credits?\n\nNOT COOL, #Marvel! 🤣\n\nNo big reveal with #DisneyFamilySingalong - going to make me some dinner!"} {"idx": 15702, "original_id": "1251187297367842816", "reply_id": "1251188060718587905", "label": "hug", "text": "FOR A SECOND I THOUGHT I HAD SUBMITTED MY QUIZ ANSWERS FOR MY CLASS USING MY EMAIL THAT HAS THE NAME MADISON AND I WAS ABOUT TO DIE\n\nLuckily it was my school accoubt after all so i’m fine but JESUS that scared me i did NOT want to have to come out to my fucking marketing teacher"} {"idx": 15704, "original_id": "1251272281038471169", "reply_id": "1251275329974538241", "label": "applause", "text": "please don’t yell at michael about the tour info!!! it’s not his fault! he doesn’t control how the information gets realeased or who decides what will happen!"} {"idx": 15705, "original_id": "1250896301195014144", "reply_id": "1250896791253536769", "label": "shrug", "text": "I'd suggest IF (if) the Broncos don't take a WR in the 1st, they're far more likely to go CB than OL as has been suggested."} {"idx": 15706, "original_id": "1251078263621005313", "reply_id": "1251136013705117696", "label": "hug", "text": "Nothing like a 4am panic attack to start the day🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 15707, "original_id": "1250971587836170242", "reply_id": "1250977546088452096", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I just hope I do well on this exam 😔"} {"idx": 15709, "original_id": "1251205782886068224", "reply_id": "1251267913497051144", "label": "agree", "text": "I love Roman just as much as my mutuals do but there's no need to be obsessed with his private life. No wonder Roman doesn't share things with us"} {"idx": 15710, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250906561859313664", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15711, "original_id": "1250620401345912832", "reply_id": "1250957797618970624", "label": "yes", "text": "Should the Lakers retire Pau Gasol’s number 16?"} {"idx": 15713, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251017609736314882", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15715, "original_id": "1250932186976522242", "reply_id": "1250949731372711941", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Can’t believe alex is bald"} {"idx": 15719, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251186151563702279", "label": "seriously", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 15720, "original_id": "1250986887369687041", "reply_id": "1250989618306191361", "label": "yolo", "text": "Should I email my philosophy professor that I love him and I think he’s cute or is that like too inappropriate"} {"idx": 15722, "original_id": "1251192857882513408", "reply_id": "1251195257737351169", "label": "wink", "text": "I got a surprise for you @Paywell_Jinkins"} {"idx": 15723, "original_id": "1250905368256897024", "reply_id": "1250906019099824136", "label": "agree", "text": "I can’t sing for shit and neither can my dog but please don’t tell him that when he’s howling along with me in the shower bc I don’t want him feeling bad he’s out of tune."} {"idx": 15724, "original_id": "1250913330245574659", "reply_id": "1250913610861248514", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Roger Stone does not deserve a retrial, a federal judge has ruled, per @kpolantz."} {"idx": 15725, "original_id": "1250842419492511744", "reply_id": "1251146885013762048", "label": "shocked", "text": "National Horny Day and I've already gotten dick pics. I'm just gonna go ahead and uninstall snapchat for the day."} {"idx": 15726, "original_id": "1251257285667483652", "reply_id": "1251273855722680320", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "People are really trying to get tested for Corona Virus when there are limited tests but have never gotten tested for STDs when its free and everywhere but yal ain’t ready for that conversation."} {"idx": 15730, "original_id": "1250913466082263040", "reply_id": "1250915428165189632", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Following 10 people who send a QUALITY meme"} {"idx": 15731, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250879921192386560", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15735, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251187318540718080", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15738, "original_id": "1251151402711146501", "reply_id": "1251212819225366528", "label": "applause", "text": "Don't let anyone stress you, the Twitter account is yours, and you can tweet whatever the shit you want."} {"idx": 15742, "original_id": "1251177136687247361", "reply_id": "1251216988229140481", "label": "no", "text": "Wow:\n\nA California Pastor could face a fine of $1,000 or up to 6 months in jail for holding a socially-distanced Easter Service on Sunday\n\nMeanwhile—Gavin Newsom is expected to release 3,500 convicts from custody so they don’t get sick\n\nDoes anyone else see the problem here?\n\n🤔"} {"idx": 15744, "original_id": "1250766293394960384", "reply_id": "1251112351170015233", "label": "eww", "text": "There’s like 4 men in Twitterland that I’d ask my husband if I could fuck just once... What’s your number 🤔"} {"idx": 15745, "original_id": "1250955337248772097", "reply_id": "1251230435046236160", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Let me ask it in another way, commenting with a GIF... how are you feeling about the rest of 2020 right now?"} {"idx": 15746, "original_id": "1250993197158817792", "reply_id": "1251016907567837184", "label": "idk", "text": "Where the kings that send nut videos w the SOUND ON at???"} {"idx": 15747, "original_id": "1250947819915153411", "reply_id": "1250948159167016960", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Aside... I hate the trope of a person who doesn't want children just needs to be around kids. BS! I dig kids. But I don't want any of my own. #MMMattheMovies"} {"idx": 15748, "original_id": "1250823456289144834", "reply_id": "1250852537994969088", "label": "hug", "text": "Shit not to do if you want me to talk to you-\n\nMessage me on my personal accounts, then message me on my pro accounts saying the same damn thing.\n\nMessage me, then get no answer, so then you comment on something on my pro accounts saying you need to talk to me."} {"idx": 15749, "original_id": "1251197635387686916", "reply_id": "1251238309612982273", "label": "applause", "text": "Monday!"} {"idx": 15750, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250847330414268426", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 15752, "original_id": "1251056512908308480", "reply_id": "1251059277319397377", "label": "wink", "text": "Only the true grinders are up right now 👀"} {"idx": 15754, "original_id": "1251086299114754048", "reply_id": "1251156279776563205", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Do you ever question your heart? Like do you ever sit and wonder what will it take to make yourself truly happy? I ask myself this so many times and so many different answers come to mind."} {"idx": 15757, "original_id": "1251067278172606464", "reply_id": "1251078212001640449", "label": "applause", "text": "I’VE GOT A FOOD HOME DELIVERY SLOT FOR NEXT WEEK!"} {"idx": 15758, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250953211273502721", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15761, "original_id": "1251017915299749889", "reply_id": "1251036528291315712", "label": "hug", "text": "I just had a daft dream about my nan who has been dead for 9years. I was trying to find her and bring her home. Now I’m upset tierd and can’t sleep 😔☹️"} {"idx": 15762, "original_id": "1250826198655082502", "reply_id": "1251204073778483200", "label": "eww", "text": "Mel Kipper JR thinks the Steelers will draft Jalen Hurts in his recent Mock Draft. #Steelers"} {"idx": 15764, "original_id": "1251174597736759298", "reply_id": "1251264815856746497", "label": "agree", "text": "Let’s recap.\n\nDemocrats want to:\n-Pay states to release criminals\n-Free detained illegal aliens\n-Close churches\n-Make abortion clinics “essential”\n-Stop gun sales\n\nRepublicans want to:\n-Help small businesses w/ the #PaycheckProtectionProgram\n-Get America back to work\n\nYou decide."} {"idx": 15766, "original_id": "1251159395750174722", "reply_id": "1251160957507612673", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy bday @Trizzn"} {"idx": 15768, "original_id": "1251265423024283649", "reply_id": "1251266180477849602", "label": "awww", "text": "✨The #ttrpg infantry spreading love and positivity!\n\n@J_Dungeonmaster \n\n@StarShinobi\n\n@sigmanuggets\n\n@DMsForge\n\n@BasiliskOnline \n\n@ShaunSunday_Art\n\n@mrvalorisalive\n\n@MashedFriesi \n\n@TartanDM\n\n@TheAKPhoenix\n\n@ArienBloom\n\nFollow these people if you're caring, and supportive.💫"} {"idx": 15771, "original_id": "1251064687057342466", "reply_id": "1251078934843752450", "label": "scared", "text": "Been wondering why I feel at strange this morning.\nTurns out it's out my dress on back to front...\n#LockdownSyndrome"} {"idx": 15773, "original_id": "1250867974380179463", "reply_id": "1250871731151155204", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Hey Growtopians,\n\nWe're going to perform a short maintenance in a moment for a few minutes. We should be back shortly. We will keep everyone posted!\n\n~ Kairos"} {"idx": 15774, "original_id": "1251115210691219456", "reply_id": "1251123217395220480", "label": "hug", "text": "Apparently 4.5 hours of sleep a night is my new normal. Nobody tweet at me sideways today, 'k? \n\nBut gifs are ok 🙂"} {"idx": 15777, "original_id": "1251193823797133312", "reply_id": "1251202083979739136", "label": "good_luck", "text": "15 mins gl everyone in heat 2"} {"idx": 15778, "original_id": "1251230378443935745", "reply_id": "1251250420338622465", "label": "no", "text": "Would you believe me\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\nIf I told you\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\nWe just played cheaters in Trials? \n😮"} {"idx": 15781, "original_id": "1250957069387268096", "reply_id": "1250957255488557057", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Sports challenge stream? Stream until I win a game in 6 different sports. Yes or nah"} {"idx": 15787, "original_id": "1251087032140496896", "reply_id": "1251177570575568899", "label": "no", "text": "Making an onlyfans"} {"idx": 15789, "original_id": "1250968962503979013", "reply_id": "1250970236012167168", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Exam season is killing me 😅 it’s currently 4AM but like @onedirection once said “UP ALL NIGHT” 🤓 #itiswhatitis 📚"} {"idx": 15793, "original_id": "1251135268456988672", "reply_id": "1251136591340462080", "label": "want", "text": "My time in Bridgeport is up."} {"idx": 15794, "original_id": "1250985492247609344", "reply_id": "1250986193577283585", "label": "eww", "text": "Hot dr pepper?"} {"idx": 15797, "original_id": "1251160662979473412", "reply_id": "1251167697049661445", "label": "yes", "text": "Today I spoke to a human who wasn’t Ryan, what a win, even if the human was @davejmac_"} {"idx": 15798, "original_id": "1250952684833771522", "reply_id": "1250962451627114496", "label": "agree", "text": "You can literally be on your final straw and no one notices. Not your friends, boyfriend, family, nobody. That’s why I choose to only fw myself."} {"idx": 15801, "original_id": "1251207578295644162", "reply_id": "1251210196531232768", "label": "please", "text": "wanna write more h2d but what if instead of doing that, I just think longingly about it and then play more animal crossing"} {"idx": 15802, "original_id": "1251092923078209536", "reply_id": "1251162189978726406", "label": "seriously", "text": "My house helps are making demands\n\nMUTINY!!!!"} {"idx": 15803, "original_id": "1251249616772726784", "reply_id": "1251250908199096321", "label": "popcorn", "text": "From the choices below, who is your favorite James Bond?"} {"idx": 15804, "original_id": "1251069062429282304", "reply_id": "1251078827557740545", "label": "agree", "text": "Does Anyone know if a person liking you back is a real thing? Because like fuck.... how?"} {"idx": 15805, "original_id": "1251263451248291840", "reply_id": "1251265162683863048", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "What if I dropped an album on 4/20"} {"idx": 15806, "original_id": "1250880635801079809", "reply_id": "1250887187735941120", "label": "applause", "text": "\"They say you can't fix stupid. Turns out you can't quarantine it either\"\n\nThe laugh I needed today 😂😂"} {"idx": 15807, "original_id": "1251197483084103681", "reply_id": "1251223496673374208", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Damn @LaurenceWHolmes called for Jean Lenti Ponsettos job just now live on @670TheScore #FireJLP 🔥\n\nHe's right you can't do an internal investigation when Lentis sister is involved."} {"idx": 15809, "original_id": "1251221685321314304", "reply_id": "1251223789913939969", "label": "agree", "text": "Megan The Stallion really cold fr"} {"idx": 15810, "original_id": "1251255747893055488", "reply_id": "1251259909146128386", "label": "yes", "text": "I truly want Morgan Wallen to ruin my life"} {"idx": 15811, "original_id": "1250300188494688257", "reply_id": "1251123473126232065", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I swear I’m funnier in Spanish"} {"idx": 15813, "original_id": "1250976306285686785", "reply_id": "1250990494836023296", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’m starting to wonder if all these girls truly do like a dick with a little bit of curve. I’m not so convinced."} {"idx": 15814, "original_id": "1250966767704440832", "reply_id": "1250968673428344833", "label": "agree", "text": "Michael Jordan is the Greatest Basketball Player of All Time!! ❤️ #TeamMJ #GOAT #TheLastDance #BullsNation"} {"idx": 15816, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251251641732534274", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 15817, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251180232159232001", "label": "oops", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 15818, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250873287011373064", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15819, "original_id": "1251117294132039681", "reply_id": "1251243185180946433", "label": "yes", "text": "Today is my 65th birthday and my son’s birthday. Yup I had my son on my birthday. Can I get your favorite GIF?"} {"idx": 15820, "original_id": "1251149716877791236", "reply_id": "1251179021846659072", "label": "thank_you", "text": "It’s #FF make shore to follow these wonderful human being @ShellsBookshelf @itsLUNAPINK @PostCoffeeInsp @julietasthesea @YounggiePYG @mythical_megan @readbyfire @bookishbabbless @thelightofehl @wcadventurer @DejaNature @torireadsstuff @BrookeUrbaniak @TrulyJuxta"} {"idx": 15822, "original_id": "1250896746164768768", "reply_id": "1250897673785184256", "label": "wink", "text": "I went from a boob to an ass guy and that’s when I realized I became a man"} {"idx": 15825, "original_id": "1251201279382171650", "reply_id": "1251210110837428227", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gov. Cuomo on Trump: \"He's doing nothing … All he's doing is walking in front of the parade.\""} {"idx": 15826, "original_id": "1250990500124884992", "reply_id": "1250991263148433409", "label": "sigh", "text": "2 weeks of chaotic WFH multi-teams coordination to achieve this mf reselling shit. What is sleep?"} {"idx": 15827, "original_id": "1250873278471823362", "reply_id": "1250875880521547776", "label": "yes", "text": "Good times ahead pending🤞🏼"} {"idx": 15828, "original_id": "1251249761526611970", "reply_id": "1251253768194310146", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m going to start a list of people I’m going to hug after all of this madness."} {"idx": 15829, "original_id": "1250658161628901378", "reply_id": "1250838970579156993", "label": "no", "text": "Brokencyde made a new song called StayNCYDE and the RAWRing 20s is still trying it's best this year"} {"idx": 15830, "original_id": "1250895675996418049", "reply_id": "1251253293159981058", "label": "applause", "text": "i have a question .... what if namjoon shows up one day with tattoos ....."} {"idx": 15831, "original_id": "1250923222880657408", "reply_id": "1250925050477391885", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Bill O’Brien addressed the biggest needs for the #Texans after a busy offseason of trades and signings."} {"idx": 15836, "original_id": "1251046409815482368", "reply_id": "1251047203918897152", "label": "omg", "text": "I can't stay home any longer. My bathroom door just popped open by itself right after I watched the invisible man. I am convinced that someone else is in the room.\n\nHelp"} {"idx": 15837, "original_id": "1250673327586242562", "reply_id": "1250839236774776833", "label": "applause", "text": "my moms pressing me about when my sisters coming home as if i’m in her business like that, girl idk but i hope she’s somewhere getting her back blown out for all three of us 💯 sending luv ❤️"} {"idx": 15838, "original_id": "1251264777390866432", "reply_id": "1251272638179217409", "label": "awww", "text": "Wanna remind all new followers\n\n1. My twitter feed is boring\n2. My money making process is very slow & boring\n3. I dont believe in moonshot trades or overnight riches\n4. I try post my trades when I take them\n\nNot too late to un-follow. No hard feelings. HAGW"} {"idx": 15840, "original_id": "1250926820314079232", "reply_id": "1250981330084495360", "label": "yes", "text": "Mission Accomplished.\nI guess there will be no more press briefings."} {"idx": 15844, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250883139473465354", "label": "shrug", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 15847, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250879773225684995", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 15849, "original_id": "1250928974529794048", "reply_id": "1250929569412132864", "label": "yes", "text": "No one has the right to silence an AMERICAN. \n\nIt goes against EVERYTHING We The People Stand For!"} {"idx": 15851, "original_id": "1251270570752311298", "reply_id": "1251270653694492672", "label": "omg", "text": "I'm giving away $100 CASH in one hour turn on notifications"} {"idx": 15863, "original_id": "1250885047537725440", "reply_id": "1250919846461583360", "label": "hug", "text": "Welp. Officially laid off. This sucks."} {"idx": 15865, "original_id": "1251048332140699648", "reply_id": "1251052983829188608", "label": "please", "text": "Just finished writing the new @WVNDERband song."} {"idx": 15866, "original_id": "1250917100555767814", "reply_id": "1250921438950952960", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "nothing pisses me off more than being ignored"} {"idx": 15868, "original_id": "1251135797899730947", "reply_id": "1251162428068343815", "label": "seriously", "text": "Good thing I'm not Netflix because I'm taking today off! Going to relax a bit before an interesting floor challenge tomorrow. Thanks for being awesome! Have an amazing day <3"} {"idx": 15871, "original_id": "1251110625599721472", "reply_id": "1251130621046468609", "label": "yes", "text": "TFW \n\nYour day sucks enormously from 5am, and then gets worse, so you take a minute to catch your breath...\n\nAnd find a friend sent you the silliest, funniest cartoon that blows right past the anger and frustration...\n\nAnd you laugh til tears come and your cheeks hurt.\n\nThat."} {"idx": 15872, "original_id": "1250964479472476161", "reply_id": "1250964758867607553", "label": "idk", "text": "i wanna be downnn"} {"idx": 15874, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1251195187730305027", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 15876, "original_id": "1251185889511985152", "reply_id": "1251186092667277312", "label": "yes", "text": "Otw to get our boy!!!"} {"idx": 15877, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250980676352049152", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 15878, "original_id": "1250762288623161345", "reply_id": "1250900227374166018", "label": "yes", "text": "4 years sober today"} {"idx": 15881, "original_id": "1251019493066883072", "reply_id": "1251019636868612098", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Wow okay power went out again.."} {"idx": 15883, "original_id": "1251133048403484673", "reply_id": "1251136563058262017", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "* Would you trust Joe Biden handling the Nuclear Football?🤔🤔🤔"} {"idx": 15884, "original_id": "1251008719405506560", "reply_id": "1251011553706471425", "label": "awww", "text": "Pandemic teachings3- who is The 1st person u want to run to whenever it’s allowed ? Mine is Rajni, the girl who colours my hair at Kanta’s Parlor! ( sorry mummy)"} {"idx": 15886, "original_id": "1250992596823859200", "reply_id": "1251061220024737792", "label": "yes", "text": "Is the Avatar last air bender tv show worth watching?"} {"idx": 15887, "original_id": "1251064573093769216", "reply_id": "1251116113695408129", "label": "agree", "text": "i want my single life back is more better! i cant get everything i want"} {"idx": 15888, "original_id": "1250924622536749057", "reply_id": "1250925009964535809", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Anyone need a copy for YeezySupply this weekend?\n\nReply to this tweet and I will pick a few!"} {"idx": 15891, "original_id": "1250963033968566274", "reply_id": "1251231537519046657", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Day 42: the day that broke us."} {"idx": 15893, "original_id": "1251245411593072640", "reply_id": "1251266613367705600", "label": "shocked", "text": "April 17th...."} {"idx": 15895, "original_id": "1250844028633001986", "reply_id": "1250928397296992256", "label": "dance", "text": "Carole Baskin, killed her.. husband... WACKED HIM 😂😂"} {"idx": 15901, "original_id": "1251018539626123265", "reply_id": "1251034906513207301", "label": "applause", "text": "sometime ago this big insta acc had reposted my work without credit & they had an ad in the description. i msged and asked them to take it down bc they were making money off my uncredited work. They called me a bitch so I filed a DMCA and their 300k acc got deleted by insta 😌"} {"idx": 15902, "original_id": "1250816253217984518", "reply_id": "1250888928145682433", "label": "agree", "text": "Hey @WarcraftDevs would it be possible to extend the Winds of Wisdom buff for a bit longer?\n\nA lot of us are still inside and it makes leveling Allied Races a lot more enticing and gives us more to do!~"} {"idx": 15903, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251226613829627904", "label": "agree", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 15906, "original_id": "1250829643156017153", "reply_id": "1250986889198178307", "label": "agree", "text": "I really hope for a postponement for Tenet. no one will go at cinema in july."} {"idx": 15907, "original_id": "1251006278358511616", "reply_id": "1251166587249405953", "label": "yes", "text": "“Silence is death, and you, if you talk, you die, and if you remain silent, you die. So, speak out and die.”\n\n― Tahar Djaout"} {"idx": 15908, "original_id": "1250957069387268096", "reply_id": "1251197120377479169", "label": "yes", "text": "Sports challenge stream? Stream until I win a game in 6 different sports. Yes or nah"} {"idx": 15909, "original_id": "1250866066126852096", "reply_id": "1250918400081215489", "label": "dance", "text": "🚨NEW POD TOMORROW🚨"} {"idx": 15910, "original_id": "1250982924268244993", "reply_id": "1250984853866250241", "label": "shocked", "text": "the anal wasn’t even good. tuh 🙄🤣"} {"idx": 15912, "original_id": "1251030516083470336", "reply_id": "1251034485405163520", "label": "idk", "text": "A restaurant near you has absolutely fantastic, healthy food for affordable prices. \nBut you learn that the restaurant quietly seats people in two different halves of the restaurant according to their attractiveness - there's a beautiful and an ugly side.\nDo you eat there?"} {"idx": 15914, "original_id": "1250775145343524866", "reply_id": "1250985296092520448", "label": "yes", "text": "PS5 $499\nXbox Series X $599\nXbox “Lockhart” $399\n\nBook it"} {"idx": 15916, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250946943359938560", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 15918, "original_id": "1250460122016436229", "reply_id": "1250865777550467072", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "How would you define your personality? GIFs only."} {"idx": 15920, "original_id": "1251176323915153410", "reply_id": "1251214283695931395", "label": "agree", "text": "Good karma comes back to you too lol if you do something selfless and kind good things are coming your way no matter what. That means, WHEN YOU BUY YOUR MOM LUNCH OR GIVE YOUR LITTLE COUSIN FIVE DOLLARS YOU D O N T HAVE TO POST IT FOR PRAISE"} {"idx": 15923, "original_id": "1250910466097856512", "reply_id": "1250930959140126722", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "What does everyone think about gradually reopening the country?\n#ReopenAmericaNow \n#REOPENCO"} {"idx": 15924, "original_id": "1250898942994395144", "reply_id": "1250911214978416640", "label": "no", "text": "It’s crazy how many Trippie Redd songs I like...Wtf...🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 15926, "original_id": "1251025749081014273", "reply_id": "1251036949009309696", "label": "hug", "text": "Cremation today 😭😭😭😭\nGod help me🙏🏿"} {"idx": 15927, "original_id": "1251093996610486274", "reply_id": "1251095253471420417", "label": "applause", "text": "The Covid Respiratory Team have signed me off. Do I get a clap?"} {"idx": 15930, "original_id": "1250665963621699584", "reply_id": "1250852154631434247", "label": "hug", "text": "Same shit 😒"} {"idx": 15931, "original_id": "1251267038678364160", "reply_id": "1251267952890064896", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm not surprised on how I'm never someone's first, I'm always last or not even there, but now I'm done with your BS thanks and bye"} {"idx": 15935, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250986962363789312", "label": "shrug", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 15937, "original_id": "1250939020898680835", "reply_id": "1250939319516348423", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Getting rejected by your best friend sucks"} {"idx": 15938, "original_id": "1251251201779421184", "reply_id": "1251251577794502656", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Been a while since we had spicy modding drama."} {"idx": 15940, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250908167078379521", "label": "agree", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 15941, "original_id": "1251179496524312577", "reply_id": "1251180537139605505", "label": "facepalm", "text": "#Bitcoin is the vaccine for the #Fiatcurrency virus."} {"idx": 15944, "original_id": "1250944549377236993", "reply_id": "1250948089789251586", "label": "shocked", "text": "Buy me breast implants with your stimulus check, you cowards."} {"idx": 15945, "original_id": "1250925122074169347", "reply_id": "1251171003490852866", "label": "omg", "text": "Boys, wanna make ya girl mad? Use regular lotion on your face."} {"idx": 15951, "original_id": "1250789672361422852", "reply_id": "1250969069496352769", "label": "hug", "text": "anxiety attacks :("} {"idx": 15953, "original_id": "1250778555505655808", "reply_id": "1250926781764255744", "label": "hug", "text": "My granddad died yesterday from COVID-19. He was an atmospheric physicist and committed Christian who devoted his career to climate justice, including chairing the IPCC and changing the mind of a major U.S. evangelical lobbyist. I want to tell you a bit about his life's work."} {"idx": 15954, "original_id": "1251252681731080193", "reply_id": "1251253180752592897", "label": "hug", "text": "I really just wanted to see my seniors graduate. Life has been unfair to them so many times before. 🥺"} {"idx": 15955, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250985956368408583", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 15958, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251197201319186432", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 15961, "original_id": "1251181255955079169", "reply_id": "1251212612450177025", "label": "applause", "text": "I wish a Dog was running our country, atleast he would be a good boy 🐶"} {"idx": 15962, "original_id": "1250803209871847426", "reply_id": "1250860235805413381", "label": "popcorn", "text": "SQL is a better API language than GraphQL. Convince me otherwise!"} {"idx": 15963, "original_id": "1250838621071929351", "reply_id": "1250873811588825099", "label": "scared", "text": "about to hold a tribunal for whoever watched Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters on my Disney+"} {"idx": 15964, "original_id": "1248405332755439616", "reply_id": "1251034954361905152", "label": "smh", "text": "The stakes in this election have never been higher. We have to come together and beat Donald Trump."} {"idx": 15965, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251194382658744321", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 15968, "original_id": "1250792157570641921", "reply_id": "1250979807275347968", "label": "oops", "text": "It has been 28 years since a sitting President was defeated at the ballot box in the United States.\n👀"} {"idx": 15969, "original_id": "1250961074586677248", "reply_id": "1250966006626807808", "label": "want", "text": "Fantasizing about death is the only thing that makes me happy :D"} {"idx": 15975, "original_id": "1250645297811914752", "reply_id": "1250857591430885376", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "post your best combos skins :)"} {"idx": 15977, "original_id": "1250868948742082569", "reply_id": "1250885416317792258", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I’ve had my first drink since early March. One glass of red wine. On an empty stomach. Right now, I believe I can fly. Good luck, everyone."} {"idx": 15983, "original_id": "1250897413335846914", "reply_id": "1250901551079718912", "label": "hug", "text": "I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. 😔"} {"idx": 15984, "original_id": "1251175870665981953", "reply_id": "1251180930728816642", "label": "thank_you", "text": "smols friday edition #FF\n@velvetwords1\n@Bsweet_No_DM\n@IAteTheWalrus\n@ilovelizzzy \n@brooklynbridgex\n@mad_cattery\n@MJBogart42\n@SashMoon83\n@MayBeMusing \n@Crystalinkwell\n@vaguelysry \n@kaitlin_pei \n@hollyjnelson \n@ess_bee33 \n@bobennaaaaaa \n@Bookbunny6 \n@blissandquiver \n@kinky__milf"} {"idx": 15986, "original_id": "1250928739292254213", "reply_id": "1250938307963486215", "label": "smh", "text": "One time, a guy asked me out in the bakeware aisle at Target and I panic laughed in his face and I probably think about this more than I should."} {"idx": 15987, "original_id": "1251153752867758083", "reply_id": "1251160736534900738", "label": "applause", "text": "FORTNITE FRIDAY BOYS"} {"idx": 15988, "original_id": "1251178688500113408", "reply_id": "1251264512436690945", "label": "applause", "text": "Screw the Stimulus checks, I'm pissed that #SteveHarvey ain't knocking at my door with one of them big ass @pchdotcom checks anytime soon!"} {"idx": 15991, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250950389500870657", "label": "agree", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 15992, "original_id": "1251145873498664962", "reply_id": "1251147580571975681", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Sent a group snap to the usual folk, noticed one didn't send. No longer pals (ex work colleague who I'd no long spoken to)\n\nChinned them. \"Oh I've done a clear out and left folk I talk to, you're still on my Insta tho\"\n\nSo I blocked them from Insta cos I'm petty as fuck 😂😂"} {"idx": 15993, "original_id": "1250945209028001793", "reply_id": "1250945476687429632", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ll swallow my whole apt if a guy think he gone stay with me"} {"idx": 15994, "original_id": "1250715828338778112", "reply_id": "1250914353362153473", "label": "oops", "text": "My conniving parents made me come home fo quarantine,\nCome home they said,it will be fun they said,,😭😭😭"} {"idx": 15999, "original_id": "1250972099608489984", "reply_id": "1250983337365245954", "label": "please", "text": "These night caps of crown are starting to become a regular. 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄"} {"idx": 16000, "original_id": "1251049490854936577", "reply_id": "1251065089563619328", "label": "applause", "text": "Went back to the Train Graveyard save game, put it on easy, and re-recorded the bits the VOD killed for you folks. There'll still be a skip and jump here and there I'm sure, but it's 95% of the way there. The continuity of the VODs and people being able to catch up is saved!"} {"idx": 16002, "original_id": "1250963366463627264", "reply_id": "1250988529141850112", "label": "agree", "text": "Fuze the Hostage."} {"idx": 16003, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250863654112604161", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 16004, "original_id": "1250951614623551488", "reply_id": "1250986514126757888", "label": "applause", "text": "My GOD, some of y’all need to learn that sometimes a joke is just a fucking joke. Stop looking for an offense when there isn’t one. 🙄"} {"idx": 16006, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251008974209441793", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 16007, "original_id": "1251245108185436169", "reply_id": "1251247940099813378", "label": "applause", "text": "Treated them thighs to some socks. I deserve."} {"idx": 16008, "original_id": "1250998340659093504", "reply_id": "1250999300219437062", "label": "sorry", "text": "meg is a bitch"} {"idx": 16009, "original_id": "1250869777146482690", "reply_id": "1251146294438973442", "label": "awww", "text": "Let’s call them what they are: Job-Killing Democrats.\n\nBy objecting to more #PaycheckProtectionProgram funding, they are putting millions of Americans out of work.\n\nNancy, step away from the fancy refrigerator and help our small businesses!"} {"idx": 16012, "original_id": "1251146346045685762", "reply_id": "1251185168175566848", "label": "applause", "text": "11pm last night. I’m on the phone with a small business owner in #MI11 who hasn’t slept in weeks wondering if her local biz is going to survive.\n\nShe can’t get an answer from her bank on an SBA loan or how she is going to cover her employees who were laid off last month..."} {"idx": 16013, "original_id": "1250831726592397312", "reply_id": "1250957127276826624", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "400 more til 6k followers!\n\nShout out to all the new followers 🔥\n\n6k by the end of the year squad goals."} {"idx": 16015, "original_id": "1250894236117086208", "reply_id": "1250990751627923456", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m on day 27 of being useless in a pandemic."} {"idx": 16019, "original_id": "1250945650025353216", "reply_id": "1250950384325033984", "label": "agree", "text": "I just remembered that time I was using a hotel gym and two teenagers came in eating fried chicken and watched me work out.\n\nI still think in that situation homicide would have been totally justifiable."} {"idx": 16021, "original_id": "1250870226561859584", "reply_id": "1250871288035307521", "label": "scared", "text": "Goodmorning ,, did anyone else wake up to rachel twerking on the tl? 😫"} {"idx": 16028, "original_id": "1250952723098415107", "reply_id": "1251239019175911425", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was one of my worst mental health days in months"} {"idx": 16029, "original_id": "1250932102025134081", "reply_id": "1250979070810058753", "label": "agree", "text": "And, btw, I have no problem with TV covering campaign events...as long as they cover both campaigns. There nothing the President is doing right now that's not driven by his campaign. So Biden deserves equal time."} {"idx": 16032, "original_id": "1250978524346941442", "reply_id": "1251136874309210118", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Sometimes I wish I had the freedom of @NotMoscona to post whatever I want. I have absolute gold right now but I can’t post it......."} {"idx": 16034, "original_id": "1251055200309215232", "reply_id": "1251095122193928193", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "يقولك :I made my duty as a true friend 🙏🏾😞 the rest on you 😘"} {"idx": 16039, "original_id": "1251202754586071042", "reply_id": "1251213663190552576", "label": "yes", "text": "\"Let your heart choose the man you want to spend the rest of your life with\" Think Kayla's @marybeth_evans1 heart has already chosen Steve @officialnichols even if she doesn't know it yet #Days @nbcdays"} {"idx": 16046, "original_id": "1251100394576642048", "reply_id": "1251108612732268544", "label": "applause", "text": "He’s so fluffy and warm. It’s like having my personal life size teddy bear 🧸🥺 Ladies, get you a chubby man. 😉"} {"idx": 16047, "original_id": "1251010083317669889", "reply_id": "1251011812201553920", "label": "wink", "text": "HELLO ARE MY FRIENDS OUT THERE??????"} {"idx": 16051, "original_id": "1250746891765190656", "reply_id": "1251194962580049921", "label": "dance", "text": "It’s my 71st birthday. Thankful to have my pets to be with. 🎈❤️🐾"} {"idx": 16053, "original_id": "1250818994245980162", "reply_id": "1250849720651694080", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Please stop saying wrong answers only"} {"idx": 16054, "original_id": "1251259762815176704", "reply_id": "1251264769228771329", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all really think wins matter in call of duty?"} {"idx": 16055, "original_id": "1250881727167451136", "reply_id": "1251108139400921088", "label": "want", "text": "In need of the biggest hug from my pals"} {"idx": 16056, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1251149324622262280", "label": "smh", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 16063, "original_id": "1251056356439863296", "reply_id": "1251241129774919682", "label": "facepalm", "text": "BREAKING: Hundreds of people gather on Westminster Bridge to applaud the NHS staff who will be treating them for coronavirus next week."} {"idx": 16065, "original_id": "1250823105506881538", "reply_id": "1250960854146674694", "label": "applause", "text": "Lemme tell y’all women something bout jumping in a nigga DM...\n\n1. Y’all suck at it 😂😂😂\n\n2. You can’t come in there like “Hey i like you...now do the rest!!!” \n\n3. This might be the most important rule.......DONT OUTKICK YOUR COVERAGE!!!!! There’s a reason Shaq never took 3s."} {"idx": 16067, "original_id": "1250894334573948928", "reply_id": "1250910873310228480", "label": "no", "text": "Get you a man who will eat the squishy blueberries for you."} {"idx": 16071, "original_id": "1250264222514069506", "reply_id": "1250885324865253376", "label": "shrug", "text": "Hi @BarackObama! Like most high school/college seniors, I’m saddened by the loss of milestone events, prom & graduation. In an unprecedented time, it would give us great comfort to hear your voice. We ask you to consider giving a national commencement speech to the class of 2020."} {"idx": 16073, "original_id": "1250997974135603200", "reply_id": "1251119530170073088", "label": "agree", "text": "In 2016, Donald Trump spooked the electorate with the “horror” of Hillary’s 33,000 missin’ emails.\n\nToday, thanks to Trump’s incompetent and non-existent leadership, the COVID-19 death toll has exceeded one death for each one of Hillary’s emails."} {"idx": 16074, "original_id": "1250545054487322624", "reply_id": "1250837399199940608", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump has just threatened to close both houses of Congress. Boy, I bet the Republicans are really glad they protected him from impeachment."} {"idx": 16078, "original_id": "1250790050364829698", "reply_id": "1250962681378385920", "label": "no", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever trust Bill Gates?"} {"idx": 16079, "original_id": "1250960693165264896", "reply_id": "1251042453030871045", "label": "no", "text": "do I quit?"} {"idx": 16081, "original_id": "1251200603646308353", "reply_id": "1251221911968772096", "label": "no", "text": "I wouldn’t say no to Dustin Byfuglien in a Sharks jersey 👀"} {"idx": 16082, "original_id": "1251220025232539654", "reply_id": "1251223494827880449", "label": "awww", "text": "Some parents use to write 'beware of dogs' on their gates when their daughters are 18-22, but when their 30+ and still not married, they write 'Ice block is sold here' 😂😂💔"} {"idx": 16085, "original_id": "1250677436947333121", "reply_id": "1251073994763231232", "label": "omg", "text": "I did it guys. I finally did it. I started Parks and Recreation."} {"idx": 16088, "original_id": "1250924878687096833", "reply_id": "1250934611485523970", "label": "agree", "text": "High People > Drunk People"} {"idx": 16093, "original_id": "1250845596472291329", "reply_id": "1250846303745122304", "label": "hearts", "text": "I am greatful for the people that I can call my friends. \n\nOnly want to say you all are precious and love you all so much. Hopefully it will stays like that by the years that comes by. \n\nAnd mostly to the oldest ones. Thank you for accepting me for who I am. Like truly thank you!"} {"idx": 16095, "original_id": "1250977720298885123", "reply_id": "1251014547546095616", "label": "dance", "text": "Hey! Send me your favorite sfw gif/pic of me and use the hashtag #miamalkova and I’ll retweet it for everyone to enjoy! ❤️"} {"idx": 16097, "original_id": "1243122711309594624", "reply_id": "1251205304148267008", "label": "shocked", "text": "Is it true that we tend to listen more to a particular genre of music, when we’re feeling more like it ? I’m listening to #andhalarakshasi songs rn, what does it mean ? #amigoingcrazy ? #StayHomeStaySafe #WorkFromHome kya hai ? 😂"} {"idx": 16098, "original_id": "1250964193408356352", "reply_id": "1250967542115569666", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "My mom saw a blurry pic of Zac Efron and said it looks ~just like Kevin~ and fought me on it when I said no.\n1) someone back me up here\n2) when will someone say a beautiful celebrity looks “just like GAB”?!"} {"idx": 16099, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251131326842892288", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 16100, "original_id": "1251175569313746946", "reply_id": "1251215123714318338", "label": "shocked", "text": "Ok I’ma come clean, Gunn ain’t do bad on this album at all. I complain about him just yellin adlibs over the beat but he actually rapped on some of these joints."} {"idx": 16105, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250860077436764160", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 16107, "original_id": "1250855477660971008", "reply_id": "1251108526358794241", "label": "applause", "text": "if it’s over then it’s over . don’t hit my line just cause u need closure"} {"idx": 16108, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250968595242405889", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 16110, "original_id": "1250935654093029383", "reply_id": "1250989163693965314", "label": "awww", "text": "playboi carti is atrocious"} {"idx": 16113, "original_id": "1250953252041977857", "reply_id": "1251150003914936323", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "reply with what you think the most commonly used gif is"} {"idx": 16117, "original_id": "1250862384236900354", "reply_id": "1250867381817077760", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just got a twitter notification saying \"your contact so-and-so\" is on twitter and its some dumbass who cheated on his gf, bragged to me about it, and gaslighted the fuck outta me for telling her (when i've known her for years) NOW HE RUNNING FOR OFFICE LMAOOOOO"} {"idx": 16118, "original_id": "1250612134398038017", "reply_id": "1250958293004021762", "label": "smh", "text": "Omg a buddy of mine is CONVINCED that Bill Gates is going to put microchip trackers into the Covid-19 vaccine and then went off on the evils of socialism and I’ve decided I don’t want to be on the fucking planet anymore. 🤦‍♀️"} {"idx": 16123, "original_id": "1250892900155744257", "reply_id": "1250900351101874181", "label": "no", "text": "Can I face somebody other than Kluber today please?"} {"idx": 16124, "original_id": "1250889531999608835", "reply_id": "1250935288744087554", "label": "hug", "text": "No mother should burry her babies . Its a pain that Will never ever leave u alone. Our Lord Almighty works in beautiful ways. He gives and takes just to test our sabar and iiman. May my babysister find peace in her heart. Our Dosa Will never be forgotten she is our miracle baby."} {"idx": 16125, "original_id": "1251193502530240512", "reply_id": "1251193999861395460", "label": "applause", "text": "We knew the #CasinoCoin community was something special. An incredible 2,000+ people have registered via the #BankrollManager and completed KYC over the past couple of weeks. Thank you to everyone for their support, and keep posted for further updates. $CSC"} {"idx": 16128, "original_id": "1250922160631230466", "reply_id": "1250961970511167488", "label": "hug", "text": "the way my countdown said 'TODAY' for my trip to Korea. fuck why didn't i delete it 💔"} {"idx": 16129, "original_id": "1250540838603481094", "reply_id": "1250852011442155520", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m not ready to talk specifics, but this last week was the hardest of my life. Real talk, I don’t know how I would’ve coped if it weren’t for video games and a solid support system of family and friends."} {"idx": 16131, "original_id": "1250919701653475329", "reply_id": "1250959646048870401", "label": "please", "text": "We doing #wtad again tonight?"} {"idx": 16139, "original_id": "1251138940096004097", "reply_id": "1251139829800239104", "label": "wink", "text": "Well, that was exhausting, you massive bunch of cunts"} {"idx": 16140, "original_id": "1250919516269416448", "reply_id": "1250924480014188550", "label": "applause", "text": "Just registered for my LAST class and applied for graduation. I can’t wait to finish. 🥺 then next step, PhD."} {"idx": 16141, "original_id": "1250868578867277826", "reply_id": "1250932343663030272", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I change my clothes more frequently in Animal Crossing than in real life."} {"idx": 16144, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250945807077060611", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 16148, "original_id": "1250931771912466434", "reply_id": "1250934395856457731", "label": "eww", "text": "Eat and suck dick hrs..."} {"idx": 16150, "original_id": "1250906018013425667", "reply_id": "1250906205767294976", "label": "hug", "text": "I love how my anxiety riddled brain decides that my personal top ten worst case scenarios are THE thing to think about right before I fall asleep."} {"idx": 16151, "original_id": "1250855165055377410", "reply_id": "1250855307926024193", "label": "hearts", "text": "Hi accepting all the love and good vibes I can"} {"idx": 16152, "original_id": "1251173757772795906", "reply_id": "1251185159455547402", "label": "awww", "text": "Love you. In case you needed to hear that today. 💛"} {"idx": 16154, "original_id": "1251059930519474177", "reply_id": "1251061101816668160", "label": "applause", "text": "People calling me PTI hater are correct \n\nI hate useless lies , hypocrisy , PTI, ignorance and dictatorship"} {"idx": 16155, "original_id": "1251232703749525507", "reply_id": "1251234250302599174", "label": "applause", "text": "I’d like to share some really big life news...\n\nWe received toilet paper and dishwasher detergent in the mail today. 🎯🏆🏅"} {"idx": 16158, "original_id": "1250864385028915203", "reply_id": "1250865308463702018", "label": "hug", "text": "One of the things I like about the #clapforcarers is that it’s a massive release for people who are trying to hold it together. I’m scared and ANGRY and howling to show that plus gratitude feels like... something."} {"idx": 16161, "original_id": "1251220950475067393", "reply_id": "1251221280310902784", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Ain’t no better cooking duo than me and my partna @BrebratLov33"} {"idx": 16163, "original_id": "1251051630361018368", "reply_id": "1251077202449518594", "label": "hug", "text": "Went to bed and woke up without any anxiety attack. I feel alive but for how long? The past couple of days has been hell for me."} {"idx": 16165, "original_id": "1250911537260146688", "reply_id": "1250915611468877824", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump is now explaining that all of the states are very different. This press briefing is very necessary."} {"idx": 16170, "original_id": "1250991123973038080", "reply_id": "1250991635909017601", "label": "idk", "text": "If Sonic is a hedgehog, then why is he blue?"} {"idx": 16172, "original_id": "1250561954017611782", "reply_id": "1250913602753703941", "label": "awww", "text": "you can’t say your shit good until he cry about you at the strip club"} {"idx": 16173, "original_id": "1251237909572857857", "reply_id": "1251241784694489088", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Drop your username and let's follow you silently \n💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋🍟"} {"idx": 16176, "original_id": "1250976364880150530", "reply_id": "1250980279155675136", "label": "wink", "text": "there’s so many people in DF you haven’t heard of now but will blow up soon. We are so deep of talented content creators"} {"idx": 16178, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251031174413037570", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 16179, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250904251750060043", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 16180, "original_id": "1250899837807190016", "reply_id": "1251096743728611328", "label": "yes", "text": "Isolation Confession Day 24:\n\nI ejaculate fire."} {"idx": 16182, "original_id": "1250920693560160262", "reply_id": "1251131486377517058", "label": "smh", "text": "2500 people died today, 32,000 have died in 6 weeks. But we are focusing on opening up and making money."} {"idx": 16184, "original_id": "1250825839698157570", "reply_id": "1250931029797371906", "label": "awww", "text": "I'm just going to throw this out there and I can't believe I have to say this, but I'M NOT WILLING TO DIE OR TO LET ANY OF MY CHILDREN DIE FOR THE ECONOMY! #COVID19 @DrOz"} {"idx": 16185, "original_id": "1251120851128369154", "reply_id": "1251122712052785153", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "She really had to send me Dahyun dancing to Dance For You in the middle of the day...."} {"idx": 16186, "original_id": "1250913824070238208", "reply_id": "1250951098493480960", "label": "agree", "text": "If my nipples get harder than your dick, u need to go think about what u did wrong"} {"idx": 16188, "original_id": "1250834032876716037", "reply_id": "1250845141801201665", "label": "applause", "text": "Chris Grier: “I’ve seen the Tua memes on Twitter, have been following along with the Tua stans, and let me tell you, that guy @FinsOrDie has some of the best Dolphins shitposts around”\n\nBig complement from a respected Dolphins FO member."} {"idx": 16189, "original_id": "1250767998778060805", "reply_id": "1250848382639357953", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Girls are weird af. I can’t even have an INNOCENT conversation w a man anymore. They step to me like I’m planning on taking their man. If I wanted him, I would’ve been with him. And sometimes it’s like he’s with you because I turned him down. You should be thanking me. But go off"} {"idx": 16191, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251186083720642560", "label": "agree", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 16197, "original_id": "1250937014360223745", "reply_id": "1251115593278746627", "label": "hug", "text": "Need a hug today.."} {"idx": 16199, "original_id": "1251174905242140673", "reply_id": "1251197345422770176", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Going through some of the Official History CAB files a tthe TNA to add to my archives spreadsheet. Lots of files on this one general, called Correspondence? Anyone got any sources for him? Can't find on the army lists"} {"idx": 16200, "original_id": "1251168045243920384", "reply_id": "1251175334172602369", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "\"That generation was overcoddled\" whines generation who raised them, then married them when their first marriages failed."} {"idx": 16201, "original_id": "1251164312485261315", "reply_id": "1251210154361663495", "label": "hug", "text": "sending a big hug and thanks to @sims4lizzyuk \n@SkyWithTheStar \n@KitKatSims1 \n@reevaannwalker \n@123Tashie \n@Sadie_lalala \n@_thesimslover_ \n@xamira_99 \n@fallsimmer \n@simsernity \n@SimmerDownMicha \n@Autumnembersyt \n@ToriGamez \nFor being apart of my sim community 💓 💕 💓"} {"idx": 16202, "original_id": "1250833466394017794", "reply_id": "1250833588079210497", "label": "high_five", "text": "Happy virtual #NationalHighFiveDay post Gifs ⤵️"} {"idx": 16203, "original_id": "1251024922618540032", "reply_id": "1251026606904217600", "label": "shrug", "text": "Can you get head and still be celibate? 🤔"} {"idx": 16207, "original_id": "1251038146906722304", "reply_id": "1251065568733671424", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Prince William on the Today Programme there saying it’s “lunacy” that businesses fly halfway round the world just for “a couple of hours face to face.”\n\nYou are literally a professional ribbon cutter mate."} {"idx": 16209, "original_id": "1250948194160332802", "reply_id": "1250963835567190022", "label": "scared", "text": "Do I look like I be cheating y’all?"} {"idx": 16210, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1251035797660348416", "label": "idk", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 16211, "original_id": "1250988806523805697", "reply_id": "1251089626456088577", "label": "shocked", "text": "in these last couple of months..I did indeed encounter some throat grabbers..lol."} {"idx": 16217, "original_id": "1251096538996183041", "reply_id": "1251202846823002112", "label": "high_five", "text": "Gooood morning fintwit! Let's crush it today! Weather it's in the market, working, or just having a great day in general! Good luck!"} {"idx": 16220, "original_id": "1250872987051536386", "reply_id": "1250876030698622976", "label": "ok", "text": "The semi nudes i took earlier 🔥"} {"idx": 16222, "original_id": "1250863041715068930", "reply_id": "1250952187032883200", "label": "smh", "text": "arranged marriage is starting to look kinda cuteee"} {"idx": 16225, "original_id": "1250978247845638151", "reply_id": "1250991781342113793", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "how could u be so heartless?"} {"idx": 16226, "original_id": "1250967973680091137", "reply_id": "1250978546379620357", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "If we having sex I’m not into that spiting in my mouth stuff , I’ll punch yo ass in the face 😂"} {"idx": 16228, "original_id": "1251137521532223488", "reply_id": "1251149689795211264", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss school and my students and I’m not doing okay"} {"idx": 16229, "original_id": "1250873536006283264", "reply_id": "1250951416341917696", "label": "applause", "text": "Can honestly say last night was fun with my org thanks for having me on peeps @ExolvedEsports congrats to the winners"} {"idx": 16230, "original_id": "1250901946334097409", "reply_id": "1250994868459110400", "label": "yes", "text": "Does anyone wanna see me stream the 1v1 tournament tomorrow?"} {"idx": 16232, "original_id": "1251069505733906433", "reply_id": "1251070927284076544", "label": "oops", "text": "i just googled gary oldman but forgot to put the R in it,,,the images i saw will haunt me forever😁😁"} {"idx": 16234, "original_id": "1250977993251487744", "reply_id": "1250980011248582656", "label": "hug", "text": "Every single part of my insides and outside are utterly and completely exhausted."} {"idx": 16239, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250925703240904704", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 16242, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250870570901790720", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 16243, "original_id": "1251240563153743878", "reply_id": "1251241409274949632", "label": "agree", "text": "Stop scrolling. it’s ok. We’ll all be here tomorrow. go to sleep. Don’t forget to turn that light off. 🤣"} {"idx": 16247, "original_id": "1251165534810337280", "reply_id": "1251218775132844035", "label": "applause", "text": "2 Retweet I'll upload my picture."} {"idx": 16248, "original_id": "1250945078362808320", "reply_id": "1250948991812079618", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Who would join @OracleUnit if offered ?? Honestly curious 🤔"} {"idx": 16249, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1250876355782356993", "label": "yawn", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 16250, "original_id": "1251200031648034817", "reply_id": "1251202495138992129", "label": "smh", "text": "April *SNOW* showers bring... 🤔 @fox8news"} {"idx": 16253, "original_id": "1250900172235853826", "reply_id": "1250901966055759875", "label": "agree", "text": "No food for house hunger wan kill man 😭 no show"} {"idx": 16254, "original_id": "1250876074918989824", "reply_id": "1250882604393394176", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I'm not so much into steampunk as I'm into inefficient engineering."} {"idx": 16255, "original_id": "1250947759412113408", "reply_id": "1251170261149405184", "label": "hug", "text": "The 14 has no motivation to do anything related to school. It have been more than a year. Now it's even worse and I can't even get him to log into his computer to check his classes. \n\nI don't know what else to do. Maybe I will just run away and never return?"} {"idx": 16256, "original_id": "1250872017248813057", "reply_id": "1250898699808575493", "label": "no", "text": "Exclusive: Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis. [@SamiMokbel81_DM]"} {"idx": 16257, "original_id": "1251160434582810624", "reply_id": "1251177450098372613", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Good morning, y’all..."} {"idx": 16260, "original_id": "1251174354789916672", "reply_id": "1251180016156790790", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I did a bad thing. Oops. :x"} {"idx": 16261, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250898557567143938", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 16264, "original_id": "1250863063072485382", "reply_id": "1250907022628917251", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I really gotta stop smoking 🤦🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 16265, "original_id": "1250974922295386113", "reply_id": "1250983889012654081", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Who hates Iowa."} {"idx": 16266, "original_id": "1251184522751664135", "reply_id": "1251184810329903105", "label": "awww", "text": "5 moree to 4k 😭"} {"idx": 16270, "original_id": "1251024114241818629", "reply_id": "1251036835532267520", "label": "idk", "text": "My workout faces are so ugly. I am so sorry to all those who've worked out with me and had to witness them"} {"idx": 16271, "original_id": "1251192869936943105", "reply_id": "1251242303492161542", "label": "no", "text": "Is it acceptable to drive two hours one way for @Raising_Canes on my birthday? @adwells43 says yes and I agree"} {"idx": 16273, "original_id": "1251011174004555781", "reply_id": "1251022616082690048", "label": "sigh", "text": "If anyone couldn’t tell by this evening’s news segments, the conservative angle on COVID now is to discredit Dr. Fauci, an expert on epidemics, by asking daytime program doctors, experts in the best wines for suburban moms to drink for heart health, to pander for them."} {"idx": 16277, "original_id": "1251004921752805378", "reply_id": "1251126927018123268", "label": "no", "text": "Do you feel bad for Joe Biden or is it just me?"} {"idx": 16278, "original_id": "1250882299559723008", "reply_id": "1250961654210330625", "label": "seriously", "text": "My family reunion just got cancelled for late May. I fucking hate this stupid virus."} {"idx": 16279, "original_id": "1250857318255865858", "reply_id": "1250857848457871360", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Ava is so full of shit 😂 stay out of Liz’s marriage Ava, tryin to get her to run to Nik and get him crying on her shoulder hoping something will happen 😠"} {"idx": 16280, "original_id": "1250904946821775361", "reply_id": "1251061225389252609", "label": "oops", "text": "UK Kenyans... did anyone not get overly drunk Kenya Party in the Park 2018? Like did we ALL get fucked?"} {"idx": 16281, "original_id": "1251162937189859328", "reply_id": "1251171834009133057", "label": "smh", "text": "i be lettin this nga slut me tf out .. i must really like his ass huh"} {"idx": 16286, "original_id": "1250913459547500544", "reply_id": "1250914010985304064", "label": "yes", "text": "Does Pence think a furrowed brow makes his lies more believable?"} {"idx": 16288, "original_id": "1250847625827532801", "reply_id": "1250849061244145668", "label": "hug", "text": "how are... um perpetually suicidal people handling this lockdown"} {"idx": 16289, "original_id": "1251168535528771584", "reply_id": "1251186101533868032", "label": "ok", "text": "Sports ranked from most exciting to least\n\n1. Football\n2. Basketball\n...\n8. Hockey\n....\n....\n13. Bass fishing\n14. Cornhole\n15. Golf\n16. Bowling\n...\n27. Olympic swimming\n...\n...\n98. NASCAR\n...\n...\n...\n6547. Baseball\n....\n....\n....\n11982. Competitive hop scotch\n....\n9839108. Soccer"} {"idx": 16294, "original_id": "1250814650456911875", "reply_id": "1250865164439748611", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Pelosi holding up relief for millions of American small businesses, who are on the brink of collapse, in a transparently callous effort to hurt Republicans politically is one of the most grotesque things I’ve seen in politics.\n\nSTOP PLAYING POLITICS WITH PEOPLES LIVES, NANCY!!!"} {"idx": 16298, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250987520772337664", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 16301, "original_id": "1251186641194102786", "reply_id": "1251212234384121862", "label": "eww", "text": "am I the only adult that still puts ketchup on their mac and cheese orrr??"} {"idx": 16302, "original_id": "1251180954548404224", "reply_id": "1251181514425094149", "label": "eww", "text": "Have you ever considered the possibility that Jeff Bezos just works 130 billion times harder than you?"} {"idx": 16304, "original_id": "1251189405412401154", "reply_id": "1251189640880689159", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I’ve been told to be a little more open about my personal life on social media so here it goes ......."} {"idx": 16305, "original_id": "1250922288947527681", "reply_id": "1251234945735053319", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Thank you for helping me reach more than 20,000 followers. \n\nI look forward to doing EVERYTHING I can in the coming months to re-elect @realDonaldTrump and encourage others within my party and the black community to put country first and party last. \n\nFOUR MORE YEARS!"} {"idx": 16306, "original_id": "1251229764599328773", "reply_id": "1251232540209414144", "label": "applause", "text": "Fiona Apple is BACK it is time to FEEL"} {"idx": 16312, "original_id": "1250929025998114816", "reply_id": "1250930860477435905", "label": "good_luck", "text": ".@verified Have applied for verification. I meet all standards and requirements. Hoping to hear from someone."} {"idx": 16313, "original_id": "1251211231014187010", "reply_id": "1251216077532561408", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ll leaving destiny 2 on pc and going back to the good’ole Xbox due to the amount of cheats that are running rampant. People are even using them in unranked matches. Good bye 60fps. It was nice for the time being.\n#Destiny2"} {"idx": 16314, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250890089686863875", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 16315, "original_id": "1251137102303068160", "reply_id": "1251137451214733315", "label": "shocked", "text": "That chest down and botty up makes the pussy fart or is it only mine 😂"} {"idx": 16316, "original_id": "1250960608247214080", "reply_id": "1250963112175362048", "label": "shocked", "text": "If I could eat my own pussy I would"} {"idx": 16317, "original_id": "1250912518387585025", "reply_id": "1250983075338752001", "label": "dance", "text": "Uh, hi! Yes, can I try an edm follow train? I’m selfish and want all the friends pls... RT, like, comment ?\n👉🏻👈🏻"} {"idx": 16322, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251152666140397572", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 16323, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1250957134767906816", "label": "agree", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 16324, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250939456569446403", "label": "happy_dance", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 16325, "original_id": "1250782896790499329", "reply_id": "1250863516464164876", "label": "yes", "text": "I think @twetchapp adding @wallet_dot will be big. Huge influx of Chinese BSV users."} {"idx": 16326, "original_id": "1250846783175102465", "reply_id": "1250900439236780036", "label": "hug", "text": "Just when you think you’re doing ok a wave of grief can knock you down again."} {"idx": 16328, "original_id": "1250609672354177025", "reply_id": "1250851135860035586", "label": "high_five", "text": "the only person allowed to leave me on read is my crush no one else"} {"idx": 16331, "original_id": "1250966029053734912", "reply_id": "1250968068832067584", "label": "omg", "text": "our fridge has filed a restraining order on me"} {"idx": 16337, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250863397043920896", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 16339, "original_id": "1250893157421613056", "reply_id": "1250893358526091264", "label": "scared", "text": "I like men that know when to stfu and sit down somewhere"} {"idx": 16345, "original_id": "1250758584851447808", "reply_id": "1250858803752587265", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "There is a lot of misleading information circulating about the Ministry's inspections. I want to be crystal clear- the Ministry conducted 2,800 inspections in 2019. Every single LTC home in Ontario gets inspected at least once a year 1/3 #onpoli #longtermcare #covid19on"} {"idx": 16346, "original_id": "1250933264178483200", "reply_id": "1250995406496022528", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Nancy Pelosi:\n\n\"Every life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community.\"\n\nReally?\n\nBecause you didn't seem to feel that way about Kate Steinle\n\nOr the 3,000 babies that are aborted every day in America\n\nNancy Pelosi is a total disgrace to America."} {"idx": 16349, "original_id": "1250375359117344769", "reply_id": "1250869367421702152", "label": "applause", "text": "The gates of hell will not prevail against the #Church!!\n\nThe Good News about #Jesus is still finding new ways into culture.\n\nThe #Bible continues to be relevant, alive, and powerful.\n\nLives are still being changed as they turn to God for hope, healing, forgiveness, and #freedom!"} {"idx": 16352, "original_id": "1250884005265838085", "reply_id": "1250885466783653890", "label": "seriously", "text": "Summer is canceled 🤷🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 16353, "original_id": "1251142574045364225", "reply_id": "1251149106266771456", "label": "no", "text": "Ask me anything and I'll give you some (probably terrible) advice"} {"idx": 16355, "original_id": "1251256931639058432", "reply_id": "1251257463283777538", "label": "smh", "text": "I am legit sneaking in a lil segz in a week, I've had enough, just the tip"} {"idx": 16356, "original_id": "1251174559916724224", "reply_id": "1251176549153456129", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Letiesha is exhausting."} {"idx": 16359, "original_id": "1251026582912798725", "reply_id": "1251029048081305606", "label": "thank_you", "text": "happy birthday sa inyo! @SDSryujin @ryujinsds enjoy and stay safe"} {"idx": 16361, "original_id": "1250901394871083008", "reply_id": "1250910351442554880", "label": "no", "text": "Can y’all post some pics of your pets for me please?! Need cuteness and happiness in my life"} {"idx": 16362, "original_id": "1250943337177051136", "reply_id": "1251114576369692677", "label": "applause", "text": "#bakudeku #nsfw\nIzuku has a love for pickles.\n\nHe doesn't eat a lot of them, but he does eat them when they are offered to him.\n\nHe looks in the jar and chooses one of the two biggest pickles since the other one was claimed. He's offered a paper towel, but turns it down."} {"idx": 16367, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250918523368603648", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 16373, "original_id": "1250955163646390272", "reply_id": "1250955845833306113", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "F’s in the tweet for what we just waited for."} {"idx": 16376, "original_id": "1250796177760681985", "reply_id": "1250840875028144128", "label": "agree", "text": "My niece was born at the beginning of March and at this point I’m just glad I’ve gotten to hold her at all. If she had been born even a few weeks later, I still wouldn’t have met her 🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 16377, "original_id": "1250880112016404492", "reply_id": "1250933405124091905", "label": "idk", "text": "still tryna figure out where white people are ”supreme” at..."} {"idx": 16379, "original_id": "1251228310425735168", "reply_id": "1251233211189002241", "label": "applause", "text": "Hey @RoyalFamily Knight that man immediately! Go get a sword from under the stairs, get up to Bedfordshire and drop the double shoulder tap on him #TomMoore"} {"idx": 16380, "original_id": "1251040195450859521", "reply_id": "1251058412600700929", "label": "shrug", "text": "What do... Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew and Dr. Phil all have in common?"} {"idx": 16383, "original_id": "1250835563348975617", "reply_id": "1250863437858496512", "label": "hug", "text": "My cat, Willy, ran away last night... Please send positive thoughts as we try to find him"} {"idx": 16385, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251092206003400704", "label": "yes", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 16387, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250946948057542661", "label": "eww", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 16388, "original_id": "1251251417685385216", "reply_id": "1251257024429666306", "label": "agree", "text": "i just dont understand the playboi carti hype ?????"} {"idx": 16391, "original_id": "1250831570031775745", "reply_id": "1251053324503154688", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all."} {"idx": 16392, "original_id": "1250825125705838593", "reply_id": "1251274165157531654", "label": "agree", "text": "A lot of gay men tweet in the spirit of black face."} {"idx": 16393, "original_id": "1250831756007104512", "reply_id": "1250836742359285760", "label": "hug", "text": "I have just had it, y’all. Today sucks."} {"idx": 16394, "original_id": "1250860409583620096", "reply_id": "1250905578240716807", "label": "idk", "text": "Is it weekend already?"} {"idx": 16395, "original_id": "1250877242504175616", "reply_id": "1251013872212828160", "label": "agree", "text": "I’ve played Rainbow6 daily since the launch of the game\n\nI love R6 so much\n\nBut...I’m so confused how I have a state of the art audio setup, 4+ years of R6 experience, and am aight at the game\n\nAND I STILL CAN’T HEAR LITTLE TIMMY WHEN HE IS 5 FEET FROM ME SPRINTING"} {"idx": 16396, "original_id": "1250914386245496838", "reply_id": "1250939796119224322", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ve been eating not so good but can still do 100 jumping jacks in less than a minute."} {"idx": 16398, "original_id": "1250954266321334272", "reply_id": "1250954425209958400", "label": "yes", "text": "hi there. this will only take a moment. i just wanted to let you know.\n\ni love you"} {"idx": 16400, "original_id": "1250813827249291269", "reply_id": "1250983815637581824", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Serious question here, are you guys still revising for alevels ?😑"} {"idx": 16402, "original_id": "1251167949798477824", "reply_id": "1251193312763133954", "label": "eww", "text": "In honor of #BatAppreciationDay, soup is half price at all wet markets."} {"idx": 16403, "original_id": "1250972864938983424", "reply_id": "1251118839884140545", "label": "agree", "text": "Ok who wants to go for margs after phase one of opening up the world. I’ve got time."} {"idx": 16404, "original_id": "1251002963725701123", "reply_id": "1251009498564591616", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF to lovely people\n\n@Footloose_Free \n@ammy_sethi \n@PuneriSpeaks \n@ShaliniGarg7 \n@BatraK9 \n@chekla \n@johar65 \n@kirurulz \n@imvaishalisingh \n@NarsipKaur \n@nsbchd \n@rons1212 \n@samarjeet_n\n@SwtPurvi \n@SassyShweta_ \n@DeeptaNagpal \n@Digamber \n@ikpsgill1 \n@HumorMonger31"} {"idx": 16405, "original_id": "1251160347014074371", "reply_id": "1251163442569830402", "label": "win", "text": "My top series:\n\nEntourage \nGame of Thrones\nMoney Heist \n\nWhat you got? 🤔"} {"idx": 16409, "original_id": "1251010125688602624", "reply_id": "1251011228316708864", "label": "hug", "text": "I really wanted to draw tonight\nBut my brain is mean and my feelings were hurt by people I care about today and with all the extra stress I've just been hiding in my room alone all day and night.\n\nI hate feeling so bombarded by hurtful words. All my energy is sapped dry.\n#salt"} {"idx": 16410, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251245081887195136", "label": "please", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 16412, "original_id": "1251123497331384323", "reply_id": "1251124080234938374", "label": "sigh", "text": "How's your feeling right now ....\nMore 10 min .....\n😂😂😂"} {"idx": 16413, "original_id": "1250786813188247554", "reply_id": "1251011202030829569", "label": "no", "text": "m. nasir-posting officially dead"} {"idx": 16414, "original_id": "1250902035182030849", "reply_id": "1250917180025319426", "label": "hug", "text": "Miss my Mum. Can't share being cancer free with her. As a nurse, she would have understood this is a big deal. Dad did not respond to my news & my sister sent less than a line. Fuck them. I did this alone. I knew there would be a come down. This is it. Tomorrow will be better."} {"idx": 16418, "original_id": "1251268992192458754", "reply_id": "1251269653227352064", "label": "applause", "text": "I have been researching for five hours so I could write a total of 8 sentences with 7 footnotes. Please clap."} {"idx": 16419, "original_id": "1250873143486410752", "reply_id": "1250873422785048576", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve tried to stay strong. But two houses placed under monitoring right next door. No groceries. No access to the hospital. Having elderly at home to care and provide for. No job security. Seeing news saying this maybe extended for a year or two. This is an absolute nightmare..💔"} {"idx": 16420, "original_id": "1251268029020848128", "reply_id": "1251275360005689345", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "don’t send tweets to dre, classie, or imani. they never respond🙄✋🏽"} {"idx": 16423, "original_id": "1251172304824020994", "reply_id": "1251231430119763971", "label": "agree", "text": "Would you still be my friend if I ran a podcast idea by you?"} {"idx": 16424, "original_id": "1251109877805703170", "reply_id": "1251149318318288897", "label": "high_five", "text": "Let's have a Friday #writerlift!\n\nEvery writer can use a boost, so join, follow and retweet! If you post a link or image about your book or #WIP, I'll retweet it so others can see it, too.\n\nThe #writingcommmunity is the best on Twitter! \n\nCheers to the #writers!"} {"idx": 16425, "original_id": "1250981414012477440", "reply_id": "1251052763800199168", "label": "applause", "text": "me: I’m craving a salad. Something leafy and fresh\n\nHim: ok I ordered you a salad. But it’s from Oreganos so I also got us pizza, pasta, garlic bread, and cheesecake\n\n😂😂😂🙃🙃🙃"} {"idx": 16428, "original_id": "1250916949011374080", "reply_id": "1251062305837576193", "label": "scared", "text": "Which woman of color will Biden pick for VP?"} {"idx": 16432, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250915673355816960", "label": "idk", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 16436, "original_id": "1251098828180160512", "reply_id": "1251103254424907776", "label": "applause", "text": "New Guidelines for Re-Opening America\n👉GOP go first\n👉Anyone going out before Dr.Fauci (not Dr.Phil) says its ok will forego medical treatment so as not to jeopardize lives of our brave medical frontline\n👉Federal Taxes paid by Americans for last 3 yrs will be returned to sender"} {"idx": 16439, "original_id": "1251006736426663936", "reply_id": "1251020125563584513", "label": "scared", "text": "“We’ve got to remember, this is Covid-19! Presumably there’s been 18 other coronaviruses, on the way to get to 19!”\n- Michelle Boag, a moment ago, confirming that the RNZ Panel policy of only having on informed people is very much over."} {"idx": 16441, "original_id": "1251043761251127296", "reply_id": "1251049304921223168", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I swear if Nel doesnt win this fight, imma be UPSET"} {"idx": 16446, "original_id": "1250849955817889796", "reply_id": "1250851112430731265", "label": "awww", "text": "Breh, my baby literally was sad because we haven’t talked all day and won’t see each other all night... the fact that I’ve been missing out on this kind of love is beyond me."} {"idx": 16451, "original_id": "1251202280709390339", "reply_id": "1251209856121528321", "label": "no", "text": "It’s called jrink and not janerik. It’s even much easier to say."} {"idx": 16452, "original_id": "1251110782521221128", "reply_id": "1251118680764813319", "label": "smh", "text": "I 100 percent apologize to @beatsbysarz .. I was completely joking and he was on the live while I was sharing the funny story that him I had joked about for years.. sarz came on immediately after I did and cleared up the story and told the IG live I was joking."} {"idx": 16454, "original_id": "1250888685647781906", "reply_id": "1250925631665319937", "label": "awww", "text": "Just bought a brand new bed and mattress 😍"} {"idx": 16457, "original_id": "1251232387553472514", "reply_id": "1251257265924890624", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "What is Trump’s spirit animal??"} {"idx": 16460, "original_id": "1250808197394423811", "reply_id": "1250847637739171840", "label": "awww", "text": "National Horny Day? It's like the day was made for me."} {"idx": 16461, "original_id": "1251271745476141057", "reply_id": "1251271755152441347", "label": "applause", "text": "Ok , new song coming tomorrow"} {"idx": 16462, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251210900712960006", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 16464, "original_id": "1251147333770727427", "reply_id": "1251185471406866432", "label": "yes", "text": "#FF to the boys I try and interact with as much as possible (random order):\n\n@PoiSzn \n@MacroCRG \n@theo_crypto99 \n@JonCCT \n@MacroCRG \n@RektProof \n@George1Trader \n@ruffiian \n@inmortalcrypto \n@BrencJ \n@LSDinmycoffee \n@SatoshiiHeavy \n@FloatingBaba \n\nHigh value, low drama, no shit 🔥"} {"idx": 16465, "original_id": "1251183300263194627", "reply_id": "1251183856419512323", "label": "no", "text": "Anyone else here in Northeast Ohio enjoying the snow and 32° temps on this 107th day of January?"} {"idx": 16467, "original_id": "1251167710286929921", "reply_id": "1251205622076448770", "label": "agree", "text": "WHOOOO we made it to #FridayReads! (It IS Friday, right?) I think this is going to be a weekend for comfort reads -- how about you?"} {"idx": 16468, "original_id": "1251091595367264256", "reply_id": "1251092553128083456", "label": "kiss", "text": "I am sick and need constant cuddles."} {"idx": 16469, "original_id": "1250834301072990209", "reply_id": "1250835355915423745", "label": "applause", "text": "Just because I don't like someone doesn't mean someone I love won't need exactly what that person has to offer. My feelings are mine and if you're the kind of person who makes up your mind based on someone else's feelings of someone then you're not my kind of people. Grow up!"} {"idx": 16471, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251242532794585089", "label": "sigh", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 16472, "original_id": "1250926850504704000", "reply_id": "1250926917949194240", "label": "yes", "text": "You had me at “I’m snipped.”"} {"idx": 16474, "original_id": "1250999227678932992", "reply_id": "1251146047826485250", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Trying out @thehoneypotcomp mint & lavender herbal infused pads, whew I can definitely feel the tingle 🤭 \n\nwhat a nice surprise"} {"idx": 16475, "original_id": "1250954569774923777", "reply_id": "1251177791476822017", "label": "applause", "text": "I debated posting this publicly for a while but fuck it I’m proud of myself.\n\nI helped launch a game this week while battling a depressive episode without medication. \nI don’t know how I’m functioning right now but I’m really proud of myself for working through this."} {"idx": 16477, "original_id": "1251241113760837633", "reply_id": "1251242807873794048", "label": "yes", "text": "Isn't it time for the 'wrong answers only' thing to be over and done with?"} {"idx": 16478, "original_id": "1250871525592489985", "reply_id": "1250938852602150919", "label": "yes", "text": "Shud I leak nudes for national horny day"} {"idx": 16480, "original_id": "1251089223068848131", "reply_id": "1251100747929980929", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Tell me how your day was aa wosee \"cool\" were you in the Freezer all day long or you work for voltic. which is which"} {"idx": 16483, "original_id": "1250866589177720832", "reply_id": "1250866735231700993", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "tired of Dashon suckin Shannon off Bc he put him in that weak ass show like you wasnt suckin me off when I was FaM. Get outta here"} {"idx": 16485, "original_id": "1250781985682964481", "reply_id": "1250943185292910592", "label": "hug", "text": "I stg if I dont get a fricken hug soon I will scream"} {"idx": 16488, "original_id": "1250864547298189313", "reply_id": "1250881171434725379", "label": "agree", "text": "you’re a genius!"} {"idx": 16489, "original_id": "1250943810496012293", "reply_id": "1250953330244935684", "label": "applause", "text": "Laura mommed so hard today that she’s in bed at 8:20. Give her a hand. She crushed it today."} {"idx": 16490, "original_id": "1251260206824087552", "reply_id": "1251262178255966208", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "@GarryG_ you were right I made the switch"} {"idx": 16492, "original_id": "1250854940576305152", "reply_id": "1251165615005618176", "label": "eww", "text": "Among other things, why did “Dr” Oz say “appetizing”?? 🤔😬🤨"} {"idx": 16493, "original_id": "1250817149041590277", "reply_id": "1250902565547458565", "label": "applause", "text": "New York on PAUSE will be extended in coordination with other states to May 15.\n\nNon-essential workers must continue to stay home.\n\nSocial distancing rules remain in place.\n\nWe must STAY THE COURSE."} {"idx": 16495, "original_id": "1251111456160067585", "reply_id": "1251232481564639235", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Happy Birthday to me!\nI just want to say thanks to some people that not only inspired me, but are some great friends of mine"} {"idx": 16496, "original_id": "1250840103552987139", "reply_id": "1250939559464091649", "label": "omg", "text": "I need to follow some good people. Please share some good accounts to follow.\n\nIf it is you, please tell me whether you think pineapple belongs on a pizza below and I’ll make my decision from there."} {"idx": 16499, "original_id": "1250898370652184580", "reply_id": "1250900110625603584", "label": "agree", "text": "People are too opinionated on things that don’t concern them🤦🏽‍♀️\n\nStop moaning and mind ya damn business, I guarantee you’ll live a more peaceful life 😅"} {"idx": 16502, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251169099109085186", "label": "smh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 16503, "original_id": "1250899861001682945", "reply_id": "1251016132682633216", "label": "no", "text": "okay\n\nSTO\nP\n\nFOLLOWING \n\nME"} {"idx": 16504, "original_id": "1250844603797975040", "reply_id": "1250844819724865536", "label": "idk", "text": "why does everyone think i have a nail salon?"} {"idx": 16505, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251224912590704642", "label": "dance", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 16506, "original_id": "1250792663764393984", "reply_id": "1250868442976190473", "label": "yes", "text": "Stop complaining about having to work from home. Y’all know you hate half of your coworkers."} {"idx": 16508, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250867538113835010", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 16511, "original_id": "1250955527565324288", "reply_id": "1251055159800725510", "label": "agree", "text": "I reiterate - I've seen things. If you're whining about being stuck at home, cut it the f--k out. This thing kills people. I doubt the last thing on these people's minds was \"Boy, I wish I could go to Starbucks for a frappe.\"\n\nPatience. You don't know how good you have it."} {"idx": 16513, "original_id": "1250868250428280832", "reply_id": "1251071993551568896", "label": "yes", "text": "If you’re an absolute NUTJOB, please don’t follow.\n\n*of course, three of you are grandfathered in"} {"idx": 16514, "original_id": "1250833236260990980", "reply_id": "1250839391502827525", "label": "applause", "text": "It might behoove the angriest Bernie supporters and staffers to do a little self-reflection, instead of blaming their loss on Bernie, or Biden, or the media, or the Democratic Party, they might look at how they conducted themselves and if that was hurtful to their efforts."} {"idx": 16515, "original_id": "1251194230397075457", "reply_id": "1251204902870802433", "label": "agree", "text": "If everybody likes you,\nyou have a serious problem."} {"idx": 16517, "original_id": "1251195641100894213", "reply_id": "1251213977616515073", "label": "agree", "text": "Not sure what I’m gonna do the first day after the lockdowns are over, I might just hang out at home who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 16518, "original_id": "1250919026240311296", "reply_id": "1250946572411494400", "label": "applause", "text": "After rounds of revisions, I have submitted my Th.M thesis for defense. A lot of nervous excitement here today."} {"idx": 16520, "original_id": "1250968584446021632", "reply_id": "1250970452811382785", "label": "hug", "text": "my luck is actually the worst now my mood’s ruined but im doing this now so i can watch fncs tomorrow😐 have to pick and choose huh AAAAA"} {"idx": 16522, "original_id": "1250983655763296263", "reply_id": "1250984768549855233", "label": "yes", "text": "Apparently everyone was right, Chernobyl is really good"} {"idx": 16524, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250951898670067712", "label": "ok", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 16525, "original_id": "1251180990720073731", "reply_id": "1251210405738938368", "label": "good_luck", "text": "teachers facts coming shortly.... in the meantime how’s everyone’s quarantine going?"} {"idx": 16526, "original_id": "1251262392496865280", "reply_id": "1251262586827530246", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Live on twitch rn ug_dark"} {"idx": 16528, "original_id": "1250938796960616450", "reply_id": "1251002022184222720", "label": "shocked", "text": "We had to stop taking orders at work bc we had over 500 orders going out is this really what y’all r doing with ur stimulus checks???"} {"idx": 16531, "original_id": "1250953649745883137", "reply_id": "1250956479542095872", "label": "agree", "text": "Sumi. If you’re reading this......Bella and I would like to be your tenants for 3 months while we assimilate into Japanese culture. 😬 We love you ❤️"} {"idx": 16532, "original_id": "1250849503235760128", "reply_id": "1250857334089437186", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I changed the channel name to PS5Trophies because it’s a community name. The channel was created by me but its always been bigger than just me. It represents our passion, our love. It represents our commitment to trophies on the PS5. It represents the community. It’s all of us\n🏆"} {"idx": 16535, "original_id": "1250958504761974792", "reply_id": "1250989439352033281", "label": "seriously", "text": "Carlos really ain’t gonna be able to get a cut until May 6 😭😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 16536, "original_id": "1248623428904443904", "reply_id": "1251211719478820869", "label": "idk", "text": "How much do you think you know about Fortnite? 🤔\n\nMaybe it’s time to quiz you!"} {"idx": 16539, "original_id": "1251229987606335488", "reply_id": "1251230144234168321", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "There are some domains available that I can't believe are available... should I buy them. 🤔"} {"idx": 16540, "original_id": "1251207105593442305", "reply_id": "1251208141691289600", "label": "applause", "text": "What a busy year !"} {"idx": 16541, "original_id": "1251164189554589696", "reply_id": "1251218828819759105", "label": "agree", "text": "I thought @MikeBloomberg & @TomSteyer were committed to defeating Trump. After being omnipresent, they seem to have disappeared from politics as well as the pandemic."} {"idx": 16547, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1250969602567188481", "label": "omg", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 16548, "original_id": "1250871904996655104", "reply_id": "1250892789002485760", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I'm adulting the shit out of today after sitting around like a potato for a week. I don't know what brought this on and I'm kinda nervous about it."} {"idx": 16549, "original_id": "1251183692057370624", "reply_id": "1251190972974632960", "label": "applause", "text": "in a world where we are told to hide our buttholes constantly, shitting in public can be a revolutionary act"} {"idx": 16550, "original_id": "1251161272520806405", "reply_id": "1251220699110203392", "label": "hearts", "text": "I’m tired of rubbing my own pussy, I need someone to come eat me out and play with my tits"} {"idx": 16551, "original_id": "1250850046498627584", "reply_id": "1250870266516967426", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Please ignore the desperate, needy, and envious White Women writing hit pieces and shit posting about Kamala.\n\nThe White Matriarchy loves nothing more than finding a beautiful Black Woman to abuse and smear.\n\nIts the only way they can get their cold, desolate snatches juiced up."} {"idx": 16552, "original_id": "1251233888460046342", "reply_id": "1251247220017500161", "label": "agree", "text": "No matter from the angle you look at it, it is better to be alone than to be in a relationship where you are lonely"} {"idx": 16553, "original_id": "1250829290796613634", "reply_id": "1251182887854014464", "label": "sigh", "text": "My rather depressing takeaway from that press briefing is that the Govt haven't got a clue when this #coronavirus crisis is going to end, but it certainly won't be any time soon."} {"idx": 16558, "original_id": "1250937663688896514", "reply_id": "1250944547288313856", "label": "shocked", "text": "Damn so they killed their turaga ni koro for trying to stop them from social gathering/having a drink up. \n\nThat's just sad man. 🤦🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 16559, "original_id": "1251263451248291840", "reply_id": "1251272382314156037", "label": "yes", "text": "What if I dropped an album on 4/20"} {"idx": 16565, "original_id": "1248478578850725889", "reply_id": "1251164729667514371", "label": "applause", "text": "I will make Aria hentai when I reach 100 followers"} {"idx": 16567, "original_id": "1250907306205814786", "reply_id": "1250908846215872512", "label": "smh", "text": "We Igbo’s are the best how can you not love us ☺️"} {"idx": 16568, "original_id": "1250923016663576576", "reply_id": "1250924060273508353", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "He keeps saying cities have low infection rates due to “a lot of talent.” How are they stopping the spread? Tap dancing?"} {"idx": 16572, "original_id": "1251010809850810370", "reply_id": "1251012255728013312", "label": "thank_you", "text": "About to pull out the grill and make some burgers"} {"idx": 16573, "original_id": "1250937631388700673", "reply_id": "1250940838772977664", "label": "applause", "text": "Tonight’s cocktail - the old standby, the Martinez (alleged forefather of the Martini):\n\nRansom Old Tom gin\nDolin sweet vermouth\nA dribble of Luxardo marasca\nBitter Truth creole bitters\n\nstirred, chilled, up, in a martini glass with a navel orange twist\n\n_"} {"idx": 16574, "original_id": "1250797485238386688", "reply_id": "1250895680228528129", "label": "applause", "text": "It is a rare event to encounter a post that is 100% positive about Michael Jackson. There is usually a troll somewhere reminding us all of the allegations that attempted to erase his joy, legacy and humanity. With that being said then..."} {"idx": 16575, "original_id": "1251176263479410688", "reply_id": "1251190825582764035", "label": "wink", "text": "Careless Whisper is a timeless piece 🥺❤️"} {"idx": 16577, "original_id": "1250823149232492546", "reply_id": "1250844944539009024", "label": "shocked", "text": "Hugged by: \n@_19eightyONE_ \n\nHugging cycle against quarantine!?\nTag 10 people you'd like to hug, they shall do the same! 💜💛\n\n@kiwipri_fti \n@Mel90S \n@RueCandi1 \n@iamchanskz \n@me_in_my_head \n@EdithMontanoJi1 \n@Hannimssi \n@ChocopieK \n@glady_hk09 \n@Tary1kpop"} {"idx": 16579, "original_id": "1250839437275209737", "reply_id": "1251182790219051008", "label": "no", "text": "Don't rush to have sex in a new relationship,, Wait atleast for 2yrs😊😊😊👏"} {"idx": 16582, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250960169090994177", "label": "no", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 16583, "original_id": "1250835641694334978", "reply_id": "1251169890788139009", "label": "hug", "text": "feeling down today :(("} {"idx": 16590, "original_id": "1250980670194675712", "reply_id": "1250988211549110272", "label": "hearts", "text": "I miss you 🥺"} {"idx": 16594, "original_id": "1251130908201140225", "reply_id": "1251133472393048065", "label": "hug", "text": "My anxiety has anxiety at this point"} {"idx": 16596, "original_id": "1250471644902154240", "reply_id": "1250835615836495874", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m sad today tell me ok things"} {"idx": 16597, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250931510942851072", "label": "sigh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 16598, "original_id": "1250765347441049600", "reply_id": "1250846016670236679", "label": "eww", "text": "Credit where its due, amazing efforts by @bt_uk and @WeAreOpenreach teams in getting Welsh NHS Nightingale hospitals up and running online in double-quick time. Well done and thank you 👍😂"} {"idx": 16599, "original_id": "1250868268081876992", "reply_id": "1250873223152930821", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Blown away by how simple some of these companies are making standing up an initial product demo and business..\n\nThere's never been a better time to start something 👏\n\n@figmadesign\n@clerkyinc\n@framer\n@useloom\n@NotionHQ\n@asana\n@webflow\n@parabolahq\n@typeform\n@stripe"} {"idx": 16600, "original_id": "1251033392944201729", "reply_id": "1251034573250736128", "label": "idk", "text": "TL woke... 👀 DESI BANKS IS NOT FUNNY boom I said"} {"idx": 16603, "original_id": "1250928313138323457", "reply_id": "1250929293355556866", "label": "facepalm", "text": "God help us all"} {"idx": 16604, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251258508189687809", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 16606, "original_id": "1251046558998556672", "reply_id": "1251079722533937162", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "What job do you think you were born to do?"} {"idx": 16609, "original_id": "1251160117115936773", "reply_id": "1251166469406240770", "label": "shocked", "text": "After years of careful planning and saving, if I retired today I could live comfortably well into this afternoon."} {"idx": 16610, "original_id": "1250989321739534341", "reply_id": "1251018337087303680", "label": "applause", "text": "dear players who drive around the net demoing in heatseeker, \n\nuninstall the game. we all hate you. \n\n- rocket league community"} {"idx": 16611, "original_id": "1251243094072156160", "reply_id": "1251270022686666752", "label": "eww", "text": "“Yo baby you look like you taste like popcorn let me spit butter in your ass like a volcano “ -some random twitter Romeo"} {"idx": 16614, "original_id": "1250933421628698624", "reply_id": "1250976584250597383", "label": "oops", "text": "My online class went from like 25 people to 10 lol"} {"idx": 16615, "original_id": "1250663169447456769", "reply_id": "1250832987538821120", "label": "agree", "text": "बिहे पछि मात्र ल !!\nthis word destroyed the many dream of boys 😂😂"} {"idx": 16616, "original_id": "1250924362552602625", "reply_id": "1250924963038724099", "label": "agree", "text": "The Spanish flu happened in 1918 not 1917! You polluted Swiss cheese broke brain orange grease monkey motherfucker! #TrumpPressConf #TrumpIsAnIdiot"} {"idx": 16619, "original_id": "1250992328040419330", "reply_id": "1250995166795751424", "label": "applause", "text": "I said I wasn’t going to drink tonight. I lied."} {"idx": 16620, "original_id": "1250612630533935105", "reply_id": "1250899289162866688", "label": "dance", "text": "Virtual cyph for 420 ?? 🥴"} {"idx": 16622, "original_id": "1250974447336656900", "reply_id": "1250974915483885568", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Frank waterboarding Xavier w gasoline! #HTGAWM"} {"idx": 16625, "original_id": "1251175539831758849", "reply_id": "1251181289144750082", "label": "applause", "text": "goodmorning 🤍\n\ntoday, i grind warzone until i’m decent"} {"idx": 16627, "original_id": "1250931162110988288", "reply_id": "1251219717345497088", "label": "agree", "text": "The remaining players of #Survivor, ranked by how much I want them to win: \n\n1. Kim\n2. Denise\n3. Michele \n4. Sophie\n5. Jeremy\n6. Tony\n7. Ben\n8. Nick\n9. Sarah"} {"idx": 16628, "original_id": "1251207126938247169", "reply_id": "1251209029340336128", "label": "omg", "text": "A relative explained that by reading the Washington Post and the New York Times, I should be careful as they are biased. They suggested I should be watching OANN as that tells the truth without bias."} {"idx": 16629, "original_id": "1251098579143471115", "reply_id": "1251179630213595142", "label": "hug", "text": "One thing remains normal about lockdown. My wanting to 'fuck it ALL off' on a Friday... I mean. How institutionalised am I?\n\nOf course, technically, these days I want to fuck it all off every day. But here we all are :)\n\n*Grudgingly gets on with work*\n\nHope you're all ok? *HUGS*"} {"idx": 16635, "original_id": "1250863290185650178", "reply_id": "1250870172883267585", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Special shout out to my boomer neighbours, who spent today loudly on the phone arranging a decorator to come paint their new extension and making plans to visit the grandkids, yet still blithely clapping out the front just now, oblivious."} {"idx": 16638, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250941705282617344", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 16639, "original_id": "1251215394171310080", "reply_id": "1251215467835912192", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss hugs"} {"idx": 16642, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250877031530799104", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 16644, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251084986356101120", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 16645, "original_id": "1251007485365743616", "reply_id": "1251009723245051906", "label": "no", "text": "Do the splits like Jean Claude Van Damme!"} {"idx": 16646, "original_id": "1251263658753024000", "reply_id": "1251271431347777536", "label": "omg", "text": "“Revolutionary change means the seizure of all that is held by the 1 percent, and the transference of these holdings into the hands of the remaining 99 percent. If the 1 percent are simply displaced by another 1 percent, revolutionary change has not taken place” -George Jackson"} {"idx": 16648, "original_id": "1250884161788928000", "reply_id": "1250923822980771841", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hey! I'll be on @bobandtom tomorrow morning. Friday, April 17."} {"idx": 16649, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250972014812303361", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 16650, "original_id": "1250616628326420483", "reply_id": "1250849126654160896", "label": "applause", "text": "okay i applied to a new job and i emailed that therapist. after putting it off for months and months i finally decided to do it. tired of feeling this way for so long and not being happy"} {"idx": 16651, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250922468308443136", "label": "ok", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 16652, "original_id": "1250879096680255488", "reply_id": "1250880038599352322", "label": "sigh", "text": "I miss telling my friends I’m on my way and still being home"} {"idx": 16654, "original_id": "1250996193640865799", "reply_id": "1251003820626382849", "label": "thank_you", "text": "People who bite into their string cheese versus peeling it are psychopaths."} {"idx": 16656, "original_id": "1251222558126546946", "reply_id": "1251227204861771785", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "discovered i'm not English, i am Scouse, i dont like all brits, i like celts, scots n irish, i fuckin hate boris, i don't believe in our gov n all sorts where does tha land me!?"} {"idx": 16661, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251028112004878337", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 16662, "original_id": "1250780992471736320", "reply_id": "1250880398118223874", "label": "no", "text": "From diagnostic networks to understand new viruses to vaccine platforms & therapeutics, Dr. Paul Stoffels, Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee & CSO, #JNJ, shares current efforts to develop a #COVID19 vaccine & how the scientific community will prepare for future pandemics."} {"idx": 16664, "original_id": "1250514229653696512", "reply_id": "1250846934983757826", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": ".@lorde's \"Ribs\" has re-entered the US iTunes chart."} {"idx": 16665, "original_id": "1251197849481678849", "reply_id": "1251207852557041664", "label": "want", "text": "I'm protesting pants. Arrest me."} {"idx": 16666, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230924861145088", "label": "agree", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 16668, "original_id": "1251028729880600576", "reply_id": "1251090027423109120", "label": "agree", "text": "your apology should be louder than your disrespect was."} {"idx": 16669, "original_id": "1251074300284559360", "reply_id": "1251079402554712067", "label": "hug", "text": "Breathe manda... It just a bad day not a bad life. Breatheeeeee.....\nInhale exhale inhale exhale"} {"idx": 16674, "original_id": "1250807093231267841", "reply_id": "1250983944352399360", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I'm from #Michigan and what you all witnessed over Social Media & the news was the vocal minority NOT the majority of the state. Please don't lump all those dumbasses in the same boat as I.\n\nI support #GovWhitmer and her order of #StayHomeStaySafe. \n\n💙💙💙💙"} {"idx": 16675, "original_id": "1250828978757271553", "reply_id": "1250990604898705408", "label": "eww", "text": "porridge skin is the best part"} {"idx": 16676, "original_id": "1250189230912892929", "reply_id": "1250845884222443520", "label": "facepalm", "text": "FUN FACT: apparently, ravens have 17 pinion feathers while a crow only has 16, so really the difference between a crow and a raven is a matter of a pinion"} {"idx": 16677, "original_id": "1251129282912346112", "reply_id": "1251134253389115392", "label": "hug", "text": "I need hugs"} {"idx": 16678, "original_id": "1250958699641942017", "reply_id": "1250965376671907847", "label": "agree", "text": "I had a crappy day and a less than stellar work out so I went and bought a cake and am eating it by myself. So take that, life."} {"idx": 16679, "original_id": "1250954746174857217", "reply_id": "1250983447780134912", "label": "applause", "text": "This is big:\n\nDemocrats are laying out our $30 billion plan for a comprehensive national testing strategy\n\nand major new investments that bolster the supply and manufacturing chain, and significantly expand free testing for all, reporting, and contact tracing."} {"idx": 16680, "original_id": "1251218198927720448", "reply_id": "1251267214688337920", "label": "no", "text": "Guys we are doing just fine without Alcohol. Right? 😪"} {"idx": 16681, "original_id": "1250910342927880192", "reply_id": "1250910894835425280", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was a rough day. Rough. Rough rough rough. I am not ready to talk yet, but Dad is dropping wine at my door. Why? I am in isolation. Why wine? Well, it appears I may be single. Hoping for a negative result on COVID, and a positive result on #Ernest. Please send thoughts."} {"idx": 16682, "original_id": "1250956809227005952", "reply_id": "1250965368186626048", "label": "yes", "text": "I want sourdough bread. \n\nthat’s all. just fucking sourdough bread.\n\npretty fucking sure i’m pregnant rn."} {"idx": 16685, "original_id": "1250884550491856903", "reply_id": "1250895412254425088", "label": "want", "text": "← Likes kids but would never have any, either when alive or now in Hell.\n\nEnjoys killing too much to stop and she’d never raise a kid while still in this profession.\nHas also killed kids, mostly heirs, for her job so also thinks she doesn’t deserve to be a mother."} {"idx": 16687, "original_id": "1251056536903966720", "reply_id": "1251057639800348672", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm having a really hard anxiety night tonight. I can't really say what's going on exactly because it's really personal, but shit's tough tonight."} {"idx": 16689, "original_id": "1250774969707122693", "reply_id": "1250898216859680770", "label": "oops", "text": "The wasp denies, so does the honeybee...then why is the farmer's face swollen?😎"} {"idx": 16693, "original_id": "1251052028043735045", "reply_id": "1251052359247003649", "label": "agree", "text": "i just wanna say that i lowkey regret tweeting my last tweet"} {"idx": 16697, "original_id": "1251261765306003459", "reply_id": "1251261961008041986", "label": "applause", "text": "So this NFL draft won't have ten minutes of players hugging Roger Goodell, crying and thanking God/mom/dad during deadfully boring interviews? Getting pumped for the best draft ever!"} {"idx": 16699, "original_id": "1250917966390099968", "reply_id": "1250972497823952896", "label": "high_five", "text": "Quarantine Day 4,365\n\nDear Diary:\nI put outfits on the floor lamps and had a party. It went well & everyone had a nice time."} {"idx": 16700, "original_id": "1251156492620718082", "reply_id": "1251171058226429952", "label": "eww", "text": "Jeudy at 3, Trade down in 2nd.. Dantzler Mid 2nd and Anae late 2nd watch this space"} {"idx": 16701, "original_id": "1251037112889032705", "reply_id": "1251047768317063168", "label": "hug", "text": "I want hugs. 🥺"} {"idx": 16702, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251230401789603842", "label": "please", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 16708, "original_id": "1250746009996726272", "reply_id": "1250951765610106880", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Yesterday the national guard was called to help sanitize Windermere Health and Rehabilitation Center. I got home last night after midnight and I'm on my way back to work this morning, it's been really busy in the emergency room so I might not be on Twitter for sometime. 🙋🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 16710, "original_id": "1250955792351715328", "reply_id": "1251028263641718784", "label": "hug", "text": "You know I should really stop caring about people lmao. \n\nI get close to somebody and like em a bit, then it pretty much always ends up they get snatched by someone else or they ghost me hahaaaa."} {"idx": 16711, "original_id": "1250827977396563968", "reply_id": "1251066689644617728", "label": "no", "text": "This my last year....should I get out?"} {"idx": 16712, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1251163607980814336", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 16717, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251164082612269056", "label": "applause", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 16719, "original_id": "1251015091635367937", "reply_id": "1251020914306646016", "label": "smh", "text": "I just.... i just CAN'T BELIEVE THAT GARRETT AND KATIE HAVE NOT SEEN THE OFFICE.😅 Why am I friends with them."} {"idx": 16720, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251184896695042049", "label": "seriously", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 16726, "original_id": "1251251967336349699", "reply_id": "1251252544027926529", "label": "sigh", "text": "Watching Tony Robinson travel by train in Canada. In Jasper, deer invade the city at night time. Park rangers have to clear them away ready for the morning. Something to do with elk and safety. 😐"} {"idx": 16727, "original_id": "1250963430552600576", "reply_id": "1250993291707011073", "label": "hug", "text": "Today I need a hug"} {"idx": 16728, "original_id": "1250824454936109056", "reply_id": "1250842855117066240", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "“Jamaica now has 143 cases of Covid-19.” - @christufton"} {"idx": 16730, "original_id": "1250915318370721794", "reply_id": "1251017640371302401", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m having the worst. day ever. 🥺"} {"idx": 16731, "original_id": "1251153127715139587", "reply_id": "1251167149655277570", "label": "hearts", "text": "Welp, I don’t have a job anymore (COVID budget cuts). I think it’s a blessing in disguise because this job is so stressful, but I’m still bummed."} {"idx": 16733, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251259219346632705", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 16736, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250946916587798529", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 16737, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1251220152881995777", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 16738, "original_id": "1250790720711114752", "reply_id": "1250836429858582528", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: A Texas Judge has just ruled that all voters in the state can now vote by mail. \n\nIn other words, people working 2-3 jobs no longer have to decide between paying for dinner and voting.\n\nAll Texans will now be able to vote! Republicans are screwed!\n#ThankfulThursday"} {"idx": 16740, "original_id": "1250806116176539649", "reply_id": "1251048651268296709", "label": "yes", "text": "Working with my nonverbal son this morning, I got him to repeat M sounds.\n\nMe: Say mmm.\n\n4: Mmm\n\nMe: That's good! Now say eee.\n\n4: Eee\n\nMe: That's right! Now try mmm eee mmm eee\n\n4: mmm eee mmm eee\n\nHe's so close to saying \"mommy!\" 💜"} {"idx": 16741, "original_id": "1250955708352397313", "reply_id": "1250957658871353345", "label": "no", "text": "Are hotdogs a sandwich?"} {"idx": 16742, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251207025083604992", "label": "agree", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 16743, "original_id": "1251010697309405185", "reply_id": "1251110310410403840", "label": "no", "text": "TL sleep? cheesecake is nasty."} {"idx": 16744, "original_id": "1250713810853400576", "reply_id": "1250844199290798086", "label": "yes", "text": "ALL tiddies are good tiddies"} {"idx": 16745, "original_id": "1250847035328278528", "reply_id": "1250851166600257546", "label": "shocked", "text": "I love bacteriology"} {"idx": 16749, "original_id": "1250918351498620933", "reply_id": "1250987256267124737", "label": "seriously", "text": "Anybody ever threw a piece of chicken towards a bird to see if they eat it?"} {"idx": 16750, "original_id": "1251030275112534018", "reply_id": "1251036179853688834", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "waist trainer and workout bands on the way...⌛️ body coming soon"} {"idx": 16752, "original_id": "1250807573667774465", "reply_id": "1250856830684758018", "label": "want", "text": "News tomorrow 🍎 🍗 \nThank you for waiting!"} {"idx": 16753, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1251240674738835458", "label": "facepalm", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 16754, "original_id": "1251224831955173378", "reply_id": "1251233055676592128", "label": "applause", "text": "I just got an email welcoming me to 'Team Trump' and it is the ugliest thing I have seen since the actual orange man. I replied with \"You may fuck directly off.\""} {"idx": 16755, "original_id": "1250855645940760576", "reply_id": "1250856924188479488", "label": "awww", "text": "One of the saddest things in life is to be a very fine guy but have no money. Your beauty attracts a lot of ladies to you, but they all leave cos you have nothing else to offer aside your face. Fortunately, new ones will keep coming."} {"idx": 16759, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251256850420502529", "label": "oops", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 16761, "original_id": "1251159941231996928", "reply_id": "1251173174575869955", "label": "omg", "text": "On another note had a crazy dream that my imaginary boyfriends family was actually a group of cannibals and they wanted to feast on my virgin flesh."} {"idx": 16764, "original_id": "1251196904148553736", "reply_id": "1251200195834122242", "label": "agree", "text": "anne boleyn deserved better. thanks for coming to my ted talk"} {"idx": 16769, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1251139550459555841", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 16770, "original_id": "1250856195532914689", "reply_id": "1251185232012873731", "label": "idk", "text": "Will I finish this album \n\nOr just start a new one \n\nThe choice is hard"} {"idx": 16771, "original_id": "1251217471635415042", "reply_id": "1251223490163859456", "label": "applause", "text": "This pandemic should help us remember the foolishness of presuming on the future. We’re a nation that charges everything on credit, intending to “pay it off later,” ... well life can change in a second. Best to live under our means and keep debt to a minimum."} {"idx": 16773, "original_id": "1250577511001526272", "reply_id": "1250893478625755136", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Hi, @realdonaldtrump, former political science professor here. You have no authority to adjourn Congress at-will. I encourage you to take a slightly closer (or even first look) at the Constitution."} {"idx": 16775, "original_id": "1251165768042950659", "reply_id": "1251166306121834502", "label": "agree", "text": "Gonna tell everyone “I was hacked” everytime I doing nonsense on social media too"} {"idx": 16776, "original_id": "1251186413380534275", "reply_id": "1251196216815366147", "label": "eww", "text": "Where is 30+ Twitter at? These jits on my heel! Lol"} {"idx": 16778, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251269037759311872", "label": "dance", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 16780, "original_id": "1251113251380830208", "reply_id": "1251123094162247680", "label": "hug", "text": "Conversion therapy in the name of ruqyah is the worst thing ever guys. I wish my fellow lgbtq+ people don't have to experience that kind of nightmare."} {"idx": 16782, "original_id": "1251153712275316739", "reply_id": "1251154736457211905", "label": "scared", "text": "I may attempt to dye my own hair today. Pray for me."} {"idx": 16783, "original_id": "1250998178058588160", "reply_id": "1250998307838623744", "label": "shocked", "text": "Oh, I forgot to mention that I was just minding my own today, writing away in the office, and Twelve walks in and goes, all casual-like, \"Mom, what's an orgy?\""} {"idx": 16784, "original_id": "1250985591908577281", "reply_id": "1251267944270778373", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I be done soon I know it."} {"idx": 16785, "original_id": "1251264237013475329", "reply_id": "1251267930685390854", "label": "seriously", "text": "I'll still keep saying it\n\nAcrimony man was shitty"} {"idx": 16786, "original_id": "1250737355453054978", "reply_id": "1251042404515426304", "label": "please", "text": "Do you have a feel-good move you rewatch when you need to cheer yourself up? Tweet us your picks! #ThursdayMotivation"} {"idx": 16793, "original_id": "1250823571527438337", "reply_id": "1250879874429972481", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Remember to order from local bookstores when stocking up on reading for the #quarantine. I used @indiebound to find The Beauty of Your Face by @SaharMustafah at my local @OFirehouseBooks!"} {"idx": 16796, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251083850517635072", "label": "smh", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 16800, "original_id": "1250995250266386432", "reply_id": "1251167112380379136", "label": "applause", "text": "Dr. Phil has a doctorate in psychology.He is not a virologist.\n\nDr. Drew is a licensed internist&an addiction medicine specialist.Also, he is not a virologist.\n\nDr. Oz is a licensed cardiothoracic surgeon. He is also not a virologist.\n\nDr. Pepper is a tasty soda& not a virologist"} {"idx": 16801, "original_id": "1251231592858759170", "reply_id": "1251234575583457280", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: Every team has been in communication with top prospects at their biggest position of need."} {"idx": 16803, "original_id": "1251015889035485185", "reply_id": "1251019844738183168", "label": "wink", "text": "My bf with a haircut gives me butterflies lmao"} {"idx": 16804, "original_id": "1251067498872680448", "reply_id": "1251068513818738689", "label": "dance", "text": "Received my offer for teacher training in secondary history 🎉🎉 beyond excited 💜"} {"idx": 16805, "original_id": "1250949985883078657", "reply_id": "1250952425827184642", "label": "agree", "text": "“You know Dani a fall in love ass bitch” I hate it here, I need new friends! 😂"} {"idx": 16806, "original_id": "1251230492088832005", "reply_id": "1251233704179105792", "label": "applause", "text": "“why are u fuccin me like this ??” - a woman that’s tryna make u a single father"} {"idx": 16807, "original_id": "1248960335509434368", "reply_id": "1251085884197306368", "label": "thank_you", "text": "To everyone around the world working so hard to bring breakfast to the table, thank you."} {"idx": 16809, "original_id": "1251175855390367745", "reply_id": "1251185495071055872", "label": "no", "text": "Cuomo wants All U.S. Taxpayers throughout the U.S. to bail out N.Y State.. 🤔\nHe wants a bill in Congress . . ."} {"idx": 16815, "original_id": "1250892788797001730", "reply_id": "1251127887660539905", "label": "oops", "text": "If you have to say this in an email... \n\n\"I hope this doesn’t come off as tone-deaf but I wanted to send a note.\""} {"idx": 16816, "original_id": "1251152878829334529", "reply_id": "1251154433225789444", "label": "applause", "text": "Haircut done\nEyebrows done\nIced coffee sippin\nOld school dubstep blastin \nGood day so far"} {"idx": 16818, "original_id": "1250905123829809152", "reply_id": "1250949969303011329", "label": "applause", "text": "Some of you identify as Republican, some as Democrat. You may call yourself a liberal or a conservative, independent, or claim to hate politics altogether but still weigh in with your opinion. All are good. \n\nWhat I believe we can all agree on is that the Texas Rangers are trash"} {"idx": 16820, "original_id": "1250838830674051072", "reply_id": "1250953016414437377", "label": "shocked", "text": "Question, am I the only person who has never seen Forest Gump? 🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 16822, "original_id": "1250894917909581828", "reply_id": "1250897543518539778", "label": "shocked", "text": "Things you probably shouldn't say to a soldier recently returned from an inpatient behavioral health hospital: \"You have a lot of work to do to make up the trust you lost\" (based off the erratic behavior in the period of suicidal ideation that lead to the hospitalization)."} {"idx": 16823, "original_id": "1251224180852428804", "reply_id": "1251224593832042502", "label": "agree", "text": "Most efficient meeting participant in the WordPress world goes to @Jodie_Riccelli 🏆"} {"idx": 16825, "original_id": "1251097382814654464", "reply_id": "1251098039055499264", "label": "kiss", "text": "rainbows are sad flowers\n\nthat’s why after every storm\nyou see heaven’s regrets\non the body of my lover\nwho is a memory of drowning\nand the restraint of an angry god\n\n‘rainbows are sad flowers’ — @joshmenaa"} {"idx": 16826, "original_id": "1251260427629146113", "reply_id": "1251266911796674560", "label": "agree", "text": "You know who never breaks my heart? @Whataburger"} {"idx": 16827, "original_id": "1251155661771046915", "reply_id": "1251157203974668295", "label": "yes", "text": "I shower everyday, unfortunately I never know what day it is anymore so I may be showering twice in the same day or once in 3 days."} {"idx": 16831, "original_id": "1250848991241285637", "reply_id": "1251128273691709441", "label": "hug", "text": "My grandmother tested positive for the virus"} {"idx": 16837, "original_id": "1250881921443397633", "reply_id": "1250904321513918465", "label": "scared", "text": "Lol don’t play with me lil boy"} {"idx": 16838, "original_id": "1251073947266945024", "reply_id": "1251086176926212099", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "We are cycling through 48 hour rage cycles - right now its fruit-pickers. \n\nThis weekend? The great May 5th Open Up De Country/Are You Mad We'll All Die debate #yay"} {"idx": 16841, "original_id": "1250926820314079232", "reply_id": "1250960901844410368", "label": "dance", "text": "Mission Accomplished.\nI guess there will be no more press briefings."} {"idx": 16845, "original_id": "1251173184747065344", "reply_id": "1251177273295765504", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Keep a look out I will be dropping the next person for my bday RAK's. This would be #RAK2 🧐"} {"idx": 16846, "original_id": "1250899789916573696", "reply_id": "1251234276735094784", "label": "eww", "text": "My unpopular opinion: \n\npizza rolls are far better in the microwave than in the oven"} {"idx": 16847, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251164767076532225", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 16848, "original_id": "1250933904812507147", "reply_id": "1250946546570584064", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "[sweets-obsessed 6 dips a finger in her brother’s birthday cake]\n\n6: I just couldn’t resist \n\nMe: I know. You ‘can’t resist’ anything you like apparently \n\n6 [not missing a beat]: I can resist you\n\nAnd with that, I announce my resignation as woman of the house"} {"idx": 16849, "original_id": "1250862751720890369", "reply_id": "1251181025272590336", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "You can have ONE more season of any expired TV series. What are you picking? \n\nI'm going Friday Night Lights."} {"idx": 16850, "original_id": "1250999079401713666", "reply_id": "1251011799270387712", "label": "shocked", "text": "You created a monster tbh"} {"idx": 16851, "original_id": "1250966986344947712", "reply_id": "1250985510706638853", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The office is not a good show...there I said it."} {"idx": 16854, "original_id": "1250915018733912064", "reply_id": "1250964721957814274", "label": "applause", "text": "According to NBC News, President Trump invited ALL BUT ONE Republican Senator to be on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group... Guess who? Mitt Romney. 🤣"} {"idx": 16855, "original_id": "1250618316583993345", "reply_id": "1250856849240322048", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I'll give $1,000 total to 10 people ($100 each) who retweet this within the next 48 hours. Must be following so I can DM.\n\nHope this helps a few more people dealing with #Covid_19 or any hardships. 💙"} {"idx": 16857, "original_id": "1251264184899325959", "reply_id": "1251265035738836992", "label": "ok", "text": "It would be wise if some of you Grassroot writers call @rod_strickland or @ShareefAbdur_R to confirm who was offered an opportunity with this exclusive #ProPath Initiative..."} {"idx": 16861, "original_id": "1251040737036316672", "reply_id": "1251057385306755072", "label": "agree", "text": "I will shit talk Tanzanian men all day on here, but my king will always n forever be Tanzanian... 😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 16865, "original_id": "1250846619274293248", "reply_id": "1250846778045456386", "label": "shrug", "text": "Why can't people use their words instead of replying with gifs, and what turns a person into someone who replies with gifs so I can not do it?"} {"idx": 16872, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251037124897300487", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 16874, "original_id": "1251263041972273152", "reply_id": "1251264990276775937", "label": "agree", "text": "At this point they shouldn’t let me out"} {"idx": 16876, "original_id": "1250983050978131974", "reply_id": "1250983996856700929", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Are they really about to reveal that the evil mastermind of all #HTGAWM is someone we haven't seen in 5 seasons? SMH."} {"idx": 16880, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251038391434534914", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 16888, "original_id": "1250864705159286784", "reply_id": "1250906012552290304", "label": "eww", "text": "Chocolate mint>>>>>>>>>>>>"} {"idx": 16889, "original_id": "1250847241331507204", "reply_id": "1250847447116587008", "label": "no", "text": "I thought having a second cat would make my first cat less of an asshole but now they’re both assholes so if I get another cat-"} {"idx": 16893, "original_id": "1250996500685041664", "reply_id": "1250999944434999297", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "@BobVonDrummond I just got the email for the free domain-wife license for my school. I’m beyond grateful for this. It helps a lot! Thanks you so much @usekamiapp ❤️🙌🏼"} {"idx": 16894, "original_id": "1250834045925306368", "reply_id": "1250836521009152000", "label": "seriously", "text": "it has been decided everyone in my family is an idiot besides me 🤷🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 16896, "original_id": "1251042512002854912", "reply_id": "1251050012156366848", "label": "want", "text": "I want to collect trophies again on psn but i became too lazy i only got 5 or 6 the past 2 years from 66 lol"} {"idx": 16898, "original_id": "1250985431400771585", "reply_id": "1250992801409572864", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’ve walked/ran over 60 miles this month. My goal is to get to 100 by the end of this month. I can do it 😬"} {"idx": 16899, "original_id": "1251105967309074432", "reply_id": "1251106171202633729", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Ima hoe for this but.... I am so thankful for you :/"} {"idx": 16900, "original_id": "1250860307632648192", "reply_id": "1251038496598310913", "label": "agree", "text": "' Real is rare... Fake is everywhere ' !!!"} {"idx": 16904, "original_id": "1250774986756780038", "reply_id": "1250910450100981763", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Dear Men,\n\nYou are not “the problem”\n\nWe need you. We love you.\n\nYour contributions to society today and throughout history are greatly appreciated.\n\nThe future will be a partnership just like the past.\n\nSincerely,\nRational Women"} {"idx": 16906, "original_id": "1250828664595533825", "reply_id": "1250838287406772225", "label": "no", "text": "Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love our governor, but y’all have GOT to stop calling him “daddy”. \n\nPlease for the love of God stop. \n\n💙💙@AndyBeshearKY"} {"idx": 16908, "original_id": "1251179249685282818", "reply_id": "1251179639701045248", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "You are magic and not everyone can handle magic."} {"idx": 16911, "original_id": "1242871129724686336", "reply_id": "1251271497303371782", "label": "scared", "text": "Want more from your news source? Download our exclusive app."} {"idx": 16913, "original_id": "1251149329210826752", "reply_id": "1251152964913266689", "label": "ok", "text": "Bob Quinn says several free agents had their agents reach out to Detroit because they wanted to play for Matt Patricia. Says he’s never seen a player more happy to be traded to the Lions than Duron Harmon."} {"idx": 16914, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251241889485000705", "label": "hearts", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 16915, "original_id": "1250858792851369984", "reply_id": "1250860322287583232", "label": "hug", "text": "i want a hug"} {"idx": 16917, "original_id": "1250828911925067776", "reply_id": "1251107765314924546", "label": "ok", "text": "Honestly, anytime an LAFC fan likes me on Hinge, all I want to do is match with them, tell them “Go Galaxy”, and then unmatch with them. Is that too petty? That’s petty. Should I still do it? Probably"} {"idx": 16918, "original_id": "1250907953303113731", "reply_id": "1250927027261243393", "label": "scared", "text": "For those inquiring about the unusual helicopter activity today - a Canadian Forces member currently in Kingston is practicing instrument approaches, emergency approaches, etc. to maintain their currency. There is no cause for concern. #ygk"} {"idx": 16920, "original_id": "1250838885430681600", "reply_id": "1250839188104269830", "label": "applause", "text": "-𝓪 𝓭𝓪𝓲𝓵𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽\nYou must put in all your effort to get what you really want.\nain’t no one going to hand it to you. \n\nso get up!"} {"idx": 16922, "original_id": "1250882134371426315", "reply_id": "1250882373983576066", "label": "please", "text": "Y’all want another big Collab 🤔"} {"idx": 16926, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250970907381809152", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 16927, "original_id": "1251000708872232960", "reply_id": "1251147460489043971", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "\"Be well with your soul\"\n #FF @Jake_Vig @TheBoydP @anerdonfire2 @xanderberkeley @Bob_Janke @SlipperySecret @JPLFR80 @junejuly12 @SteveKoehler22 @Pork_Chop_Hair @Velma_the_Funny @CallSignSiren @BatBatshitcrazy @jackiembouvier @dougbies @Havish_AF @FKACornshucks @bossy_bootz"} {"idx": 16928, "original_id": "1250996200393732096", "reply_id": "1251123644664692742", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m coming out of quarantine with the return of the bob. I just can’t escape the bob. 🙎🏼‍♀️💅🏼"} {"idx": 16929, "original_id": "1251022876288974849", "reply_id": "1251140828002574338", "label": "applause", "text": "So i went on a date with the girl i met at sheetz\n\nWe visited each other's islands on animal crossing, played some splatoon, then i showed her around downtown Pittsburgh\n\nI ended up being her first kiss\n\nDrake_clapping.gif"} {"idx": 16936, "original_id": "1250898413505277952", "reply_id": "1250899097529311232", "label": "applause", "text": "PAIN PAINts PAINtings"} {"idx": 16937, "original_id": "1251201160255549443", "reply_id": "1251237882016280581", "label": "yes", "text": "Can we just stipulate that just because you have “Dr.” in front of your name doesn’t make you immune from saying some very stupid things?"} {"idx": 16939, "original_id": "1251161120687022082", "reply_id": "1251165463519920129", "label": "yes", "text": "Blind Mike just walked out on the show."} {"idx": 16943, "original_id": "1251067544364027904", "reply_id": "1251076530995974144", "label": "no", "text": "Appreciation tweet for Biryani, and Indian food in general."} {"idx": 16944, "original_id": "1251009250819813378", "reply_id": "1251009674746486785", "label": "idk", "text": "Damn Da Baby shit sounding good already & I’m only on the first song"} {"idx": 16945, "original_id": "1251232924550287362", "reply_id": "1251239157365714944", "label": "yes", "text": "As an owner of a diesel car is it ok to take it on a motorway run to clear the DPF? Is it an essential journey?"} {"idx": 16948, "original_id": "1250301752382902273", "reply_id": "1251113709273059328", "label": "shocked", "text": "I miss my girl, or his girl, whoever girl it is, I miss her"} {"idx": 16950, "original_id": "1250552746471641089", "reply_id": "1250876069743415296", "label": "no", "text": "How many people believe the @POTUS “doesn’t know much” about how his name wound up on relief checks?"} {"idx": 16952, "original_id": "1251152506215776256", "reply_id": "1251154416557682688", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "I think more people opining on the Fed and inflation on social media should try picking up an economics textbook for a change."} {"idx": 16953, "original_id": "1251237547402866689", "reply_id": "1251237814001426435", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want a hug is that too much to ask for?"} {"idx": 16955, "original_id": "1250873461305532416", "reply_id": "1250875874917810176", "label": "ok", "text": "the kids in movies about white families are always like \"I'm just so different from my parents. they're boring and rich and they like business, but I'm boring and rich and I like art.\""} {"idx": 16957, "original_id": "1251178219224498178", "reply_id": "1251179137630257155", "label": "thank_you", "text": "happy birthday!! 🎈✨@reinncls"} {"idx": 16958, "original_id": "1250866316103335938", "reply_id": "1250912270097559552", "label": "please", "text": "Both Sharon and Mariah talking about Adam looks like Shadam scenes are coming up. #teamsharon #YR"} {"idx": 16961, "original_id": "1251032152197574657", "reply_id": "1251033244889305089", "label": "shocked", "text": "Love seeing what y’all looked like at 20! Too bad I can’t do that trend bc I’m not 20 yet 😇"} {"idx": 16962, "original_id": "1250497459224227843", "reply_id": "1251007080040812545", "label": "idk", "text": "🤔 Distance Learning Question 🤔\n\nWho is grading these hard copy packets that were mailed to students or delivered?\n\nHow are hard copy assignments being picked up for grading?\n\n#askingforafriend"} {"idx": 16966, "original_id": "1251085277885538304", "reply_id": "1251161679112503300", "label": "want", "text": "I just want a actually full night of sleep & a hug"} {"idx": 16970, "original_id": "1251268248630374402", "reply_id": "1251272721696092161", "label": "dance", "text": "New Video will be up shortly! Hope you're having a trippy Friday ;)"} {"idx": 16972, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250939470272135168", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 16974, "original_id": "1250880635176189953", "reply_id": "1251177886658301953", "label": "thank_you", "text": "HI IF YOU HAVE HULU AND ENJOY “CONSPIRACY THEORIES” (𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖍) I RECOMMEND WATCHING “Above Majestic.” it’s a teeeny bit slow at first but DAMN DAMN DAMN."} {"idx": 16980, "original_id": "1250917360929660930", "reply_id": "1250918599365029889", "label": "no", "text": "These graphs, charts, and phases are all bs. They want to open up with niceties. Who is buying this?"} {"idx": 16981, "original_id": "1251111491413082113", "reply_id": "1251127806483980290", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Matt Hancock has started referring to Deputy Chief Medical Officer Jonathan Van Tamm as “JVT”.\n\nI am not here for it."} {"idx": 16983, "original_id": "1250895675996418049", "reply_id": "1251061157823201282", "label": "yes", "text": "i have a question .... what if namjoon shows up one day with tattoos ....."} {"idx": 16984, "original_id": "1250653214988435457", "reply_id": "1250851725008920576", "label": "agree", "text": "So if the Russians were feeding Steele disinformation, that means Hillary was really the one colluding with the Russians to interfere in the 2016 election."} {"idx": 16987, "original_id": "1250878249762160646", "reply_id": "1250888341408624640", "label": "smh", "text": "When you've nearly finished editing an hour-long podcast episode and your wife pulls the plug on your Mac, thinking it was her iPhone charger. That."} {"idx": 16989, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251215520801660930", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 16992, "original_id": "1250935200277766146", "reply_id": "1251228536293244937", "label": "omg", "text": "BREAKING: according to reports out of Israel, President Trump sent an urgent national security notice to Israel about the coronavirus outbreak, in November!\n\nYes, 3-months before he was telling Americans that it was no big deal, he was warning Israel! \n\n #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 16993, "original_id": "1251252967497490439", "reply_id": "1251253225463799808", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Appointment over, getting lab work done for arthritis and my gallbladder. Also put on medication for fibromyalgia so hopefully that helps with my pain"} {"idx": 16997, "original_id": "1250995247166959616", "reply_id": "1251007146394710018", "label": "ok", "text": "Spit in her ass and watch It drip to her pussy hours 😈😈"} {"idx": 17004, "original_id": "1251234712342761473", "reply_id": "1251256655724990464", "label": "hug", "text": "Suicidal thoughts\nWhy, why is it like this?\nI just need a fucking hug.. 😔"} {"idx": 17005, "original_id": "1251010192390721536", "reply_id": "1251012472334692352", "label": "agree", "text": "should i eat something before bed"} {"idx": 17008, "original_id": "1250944963480870913", "reply_id": "1250945709236461568", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m guessing 2000 words left in this chapter. I have a vague idea of what should be happening. I’m going to be foolishly optimistic that I’ll get it done tonight. #amwriting #WritingCommunity"} {"idx": 17009, "original_id": "1250939179124604928", "reply_id": "1250939551981469696", "label": "facepalm", "text": "this wig is $515.. and i think ima get it......."} {"idx": 17011, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250961025093955584", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 17014, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250900542517391364", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 17016, "original_id": "1250826160826712065", "reply_id": "1250876875251081223", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I wanna play who nigga is this CMU version 🥴 but y’all ain’t cut enough to participate 🤣🤣"} {"idx": 17017, "original_id": "1250864385901367301", "reply_id": "1250876125166927874", "label": "agree", "text": "Had a little cry this evening because so many people are sacrificing so much and so many people are doing so much good. It’s ok to have a little cry."} {"idx": 17019, "original_id": "1251008233915011072", "reply_id": "1251124372049481728", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FollowFriday\n\nThere are some pretty cool accounts you should follow!\n\n@TrulyJulieRokks\n@aqueenofthering\n@happypeep \n@FGWPhoenix \n@TheQueenofNE \n@_BelleAir_\n@TimothyFlair90\n@Dee_Banks589\n@JaxieScarlet\n@Gina_Lachana2\n\n#FF #wrestlingcommunity"} {"idx": 17021, "original_id": "1250986385915273216", "reply_id": "1251001547565281287", "label": "hug", "text": "sorry for the negative vibes on stream tonight\n\nmy mental state hasnt been the best lately, might take a break and work on myself before i go live again"} {"idx": 17023, "original_id": "1251054647227437056", "reply_id": "1251078149804371968", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "i can’t believe that i’m actually turning 16 soon that just doesn’t feel right"} {"idx": 17024, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251213898864193537", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 17025, "original_id": "1251180379572183040", "reply_id": "1251190579825909760", "label": "eww", "text": "Where can I get cantaloupe at a good price? It’s like one of my fav fruits."} {"idx": 17026, "original_id": "1250964603187736578", "reply_id": "1250968276764700672", "label": "yolo", "text": "Finally! My bestie/editor and fellow writer has a Twitter!\n\n#WritingCommunity let’s give a big welcome to @SeleneRochester and let’s show her some love!"} {"idx": 17028, "original_id": "1250763347089215488", "reply_id": "1251035290216488967", "label": "hug", "text": "i have zero motivation to do any school work esp w my mental health going downhill lmao"} {"idx": 17030, "original_id": "1251082392573542401", "reply_id": "1251083448548298752", "label": "want", "text": "Got my last instalment of my student loan paid into my account this morning. Honestly the temptation to buy a wheel is killing meeeeeee 😂"} {"idx": 17035, "original_id": "1250587116364578817", "reply_id": "1250948441339035650", "label": "applause", "text": "Streams Friday?!"} {"idx": 17038, "original_id": "1251009620077719553", "reply_id": "1251149704882057216", "label": "hug", "text": "MTG has given me some of the best friends I could ask for & a community all my own that is overwhelmingly kind, supportive and just great. I couldn't be more grateful for everything I've been given.\n\nThank you all 🖤"} {"idx": 17039, "original_id": "1251183930926960641", "reply_id": "1251185868913520640", "label": "awww", "text": "Binti unblocked me. \n\n#Sid______ra"} {"idx": 17041, "original_id": "1251137180807753731", "reply_id": "1251137251204976642", "label": "applause", "text": "laki body"} {"idx": 17042, "original_id": "1251248745154596864", "reply_id": "1251250799864360967", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "There's not a single fighting game that has infuriated me to the point of completely uninstalling and forgetting about it. Not even DBFZ.\nThank you SFV, I never loved you anyway."} {"idx": 17044, "original_id": "1250785126209863680", "reply_id": "1251039510932197376", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "The refreshing thing about @RahulGandhi’s presser today was not only that it was an open press meet where he took all qs from press (which is democratic duty of all politicians) but also that he offered a constructive purposeful agenda rather than a negative tirade #RahulGandhi"} {"idx": 17046, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250989230182072324", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 17047, "original_id": "1250949967377600512", "reply_id": "1251013367411675136", "label": "hug", "text": "CAN I GET A HUG PLS"} {"idx": 17055, "original_id": "1251109851033292800", "reply_id": "1251111253444943873", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Hey guys, don’t forget to wash your hands after holding on to empty promises 😘"} {"idx": 17056, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251204572405796865", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 17057, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250954830358687745", "label": "agree", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 17061, "original_id": "1250921779180253186", "reply_id": "1250939608558338056", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "\"Our normal is if you have 100,000 people in an Alabama football game, or 110,000 to be exact,\" President Trump says. (Technically Bryant-Denny seats 101,821, but a shout out for @AlabamaFTBL in the briefing.)"} {"idx": 17063, "original_id": "1250764931022143488", "reply_id": "1250837313522933765", "label": "agree", "text": "Laish ndrs 3n elrsomat madry :)"} {"idx": 17064, "original_id": "1251140014785859585", "reply_id": "1251141500924297216", "label": "applause", "text": "I was toxic to some, I was a blessing to others. Some I healed and some I hurt. I’m willing to admit that I wasn’t always right. #growth"} {"idx": 17065, "original_id": "1251157463778250752", "reply_id": "1251159232080044032", "label": "want", "text": "Who do you trust more?"} {"idx": 17070, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250936839332077569", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 17071, "original_id": "1251176421981958151", "reply_id": "1251176784172732424", "label": "hug", "text": "Fuck i need a hug."} {"idx": 17073, "original_id": "1250862558870941698", "reply_id": "1250863824053374987", "label": "yes", "text": "We out here clapping for the NHS but really you all voted the tories so 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 17075, "original_id": "1250909791104319488", "reply_id": "1250909924579774465", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "CHOOCHOO markets!"} {"idx": 17078, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250883203595976705", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 17079, "original_id": "1250919830909341696", "reply_id": "1250921076995043330", "label": "scared", "text": "And now, many many governors just broke into a desperate sweat."} {"idx": 17083, "original_id": "1250870145645514754", "reply_id": "1250946689990406144", "label": "yawn", "text": "Courage."} {"idx": 17084, "original_id": "1250901032214974464", "reply_id": "1250901197575290882", "label": "hug", "text": "gimme a hug"} {"idx": 17089, "original_id": "1250779442659692545", "reply_id": "1251135455036399622", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’m sick of these f*cking MSNBC sh*t squirters polluting our God-given airwaves with their president-hating dreck! Now they’re promoting the subversive notion that Biden form an UNELECTED “shadow government” when he can’t even form a sentence. These people are out of their minds!"} {"idx": 17092, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250872789256613893", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 17098, "original_id": "1251012724387008512", "reply_id": "1251012882042548224", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Finally got drunk during this quarantine finna just do some dumb shit on Twitter"} {"idx": 17101, "original_id": "1250825412801945603", "reply_id": "1250833298265440256", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Another 30 degree day in Michigan. Perfect for putting the boat in the water, planting your seeds, and spreading mulch! 👀"} {"idx": 17103, "original_id": "1251179112187621376", "reply_id": "1251179244371292163", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "NEW YORK GOVERNOR CUOMO SAYS TELLING GOVERNORS TO HANDLE REOPENING WITHOUT FEDERAL FUNDING IS \"PASSING THE BUCK WITHOUT PASSING THE BUCKS\""} {"idx": 17104, "original_id": "1250821626855329793", "reply_id": "1250964208986009601", "label": "seriously", "text": "Currently in a HEATED debate. Eagles fans: do you accept the trade DeVante Parker, the 5th, 18th, and 26th picks (on top of their own 21st pick) for Carson Wentz? I think it’s a no-brainer\n\nTua at 5\nJustin Jefferson/Henry Ruggs at 18\nLB Patrick Queen at 21\nPlus another 1st.."} {"idx": 17106, "original_id": "1251028325818003458", "reply_id": "1251028523474497536", "label": "wink", "text": "I’d also like to thank @GrahamCasts for going halves in that signed Order INS jersey that raised $395 dollars for Luke’s family in the Deepspacecrocodiles fundraiser run by @MCE_AU . I promised him it would raise more money for a good cause . Hope I did u proud 👌"} {"idx": 17112, "original_id": "1250924365077794816", "reply_id": "1250939395445751815", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Poll: We all know who's fault it is."} {"idx": 17115, "original_id": "1250834498247221248", "reply_id": "1250850806385033216", "label": "yes", "text": "There may be a Dogbert II coming soon. Something magical is happening... 🤞 stay tuned."} {"idx": 17116, "original_id": "1251226329200156673", "reply_id": "1251226700144402432", "label": "applause", "text": "Drake has landed Seton Hall transfer Darnell Brodie."} {"idx": 17124, "original_id": "1250577511001526272", "reply_id": "1250979868742946816", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi, @realdonaldtrump, former political science professor here. You have no authority to adjourn Congress at-will. I encourage you to take a slightly closer (or even first look) at the Constitution."} {"idx": 17127, "original_id": "1251203347916316674", "reply_id": "1251205896887103488", "label": "agree", "text": "Might be popping up a tent tonight inside just to feel like I’m somewhere different #boredathome"} {"idx": 17130, "original_id": "1250982681606680576", "reply_id": "1251001054185099264", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "The ONLY virus that will continue to infect millions past MAY 1st... is STUPIDITY!!! \n\nStop buying into the media BS and you'll do your part in slowing the spread! 👊"} {"idx": 17131, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251105179690205184", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 17136, "original_id": "1251208018043297797", "reply_id": "1251209714056048640", "label": "shocked", "text": "I was casually scrolling through Facebook and came across a mugshot of this girl I worked with... she’s in jail for MURDERING HER BOYFRIEND."} {"idx": 17139, "original_id": "1251207342043127808", "reply_id": "1251208654927343622", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "//I have raids in about an hour with the new EX trial. If this account suddenly disappears, it's because I've obliterated my PS4, Athena's accounts and also myself...."} {"idx": 17140, "original_id": "1250912899100553216", "reply_id": "1250920486323748867", "label": "oops", "text": "What is this new craze of uploading pics aged 20? Does anyone honestly care? If so I will gladly trawl back through my old photos in the hope at least 3 people like it."} {"idx": 17144, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251033740714729472", "label": "applause", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 17145, "original_id": "1250838873464123394", "reply_id": "1250971558329249793", "label": "win", "text": "Spiritual growth is the true reason for our physical existence. Not material gain."} {"idx": 17146, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250974564387033089", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 17147, "original_id": "1251243037889421313", "reply_id": "1251267373912424450", "label": "applause", "text": "I can say I'm 100 % gown up now I did not brake one monitor or keyboard or a mouse today. when i was 25 or under 30 I would need a whole new set up this weekend. At 35 i just watched me be wrong called the close and made drink I have grown :)"} {"idx": 17148, "original_id": "1250934576467152896", "reply_id": "1250936421017362437", "label": "dance", "text": "Ready for our first twitter sprint in 10 minutes??? #stayhomereadingrush"} {"idx": 17149, "original_id": "1250838692018544640", "reply_id": "1250850398279274496", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm going to need hugs from everyone once this shit is over lol."} {"idx": 17150, "original_id": "1250460122016436229", "reply_id": "1250919283154092032", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "How would you define your personality? GIFs only."} {"idx": 17152, "original_id": "1251098379305844743", "reply_id": "1251101045142384641", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Einaudi live-streaming tonight. Isn’t there some way we could soundbomb him with actual music?"} {"idx": 17153, "original_id": "1250826139653701632", "reply_id": "1250851067597737984", "label": "dance", "text": "I officially learned how to put on fake lashes with just my fingers. I am unstoppable now"} {"idx": 17156, "original_id": "1250830510135402497", "reply_id": "1250921525722722305", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Colin Kaepernick says he's donating $100,000 for #coronavirus relief in black & brown communities. The fund will focus on food, shelter relief, education, PPE & incarcerated populations to help stop the spread of the virus and provide resources to those who are defenseless."} {"idx": 17157, "original_id": "1250919784293810176", "reply_id": "1250928893948723200", "label": "smh", "text": "Spent over a hunnid at the grocery store, & here I find myself waiting for Chipotle 😩😂"} {"idx": 17159, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250901884786954243", "label": "shocked", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 17161, "original_id": "1243103609140568064", "reply_id": "1250983692740243457", "label": "scared", "text": "5G is being rolled out in more countries around the world. Stay updated on 5G developments in your country by following us."} {"idx": 17164, "original_id": "1250460122016436229", "reply_id": "1250867303157243906", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "How would you define your personality? GIFs only."} {"idx": 17166, "original_id": "1250841985717424128", "reply_id": "1250868922678513664", "label": "ok", "text": "No apologies needed! Appreciate your passion and attention to detail! But there was NO editing."} {"idx": 17167, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250868268815933440", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 17169, "original_id": "1251178599266254848", "reply_id": "1251180851745914880", "label": "eww", "text": "Just passed a church sign that read “out of toilet paper? Guess the roll was sent up yonder?”"} {"idx": 17170, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251045621970026498", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 17171, "original_id": "1251081055701852161", "reply_id": "1251264381276438528", "label": "sigh", "text": "I've just cut my 11yo son's hair. I can't be entirely sure he'll ever speak to me again."} {"idx": 17173, "original_id": "1250872619869577216", "reply_id": "1250874656103567360", "label": "awww", "text": "@Aabekosar \nHonoured ma'am\n💐🙏💐"} {"idx": 17175, "original_id": "1250890930305056768", "reply_id": "1250925334888923137", "label": "idk", "text": "Remember sports?"} {"idx": 17181, "original_id": "1251107012726992897", "reply_id": "1251125960449110019", "label": "agree", "text": "It’s about to be a long day in Twitterland"} {"idx": 17182, "original_id": "1251235483431997440", "reply_id": "1251236466111451138", "label": "hug", "text": "AAAAAAAA I feel beh gimme strength plz (and by strength I mean hugs ahaha)"} {"idx": 17184, "original_id": "10971934841", "reply_id": "1250983088362000389", "label": "yes", "text": "Does anyone remember the Hartford song? \"The beat of Hartford. You can hear it all around. The beat!\""} {"idx": 17185, "original_id": "1250974500491014145", "reply_id": "1250974872043433984", "label": "oops", "text": "@grantalex12 hey what times that break again 🤐"} {"idx": 17188, "original_id": "1251169005345406976", "reply_id": "1251271612160192512", "label": "shocked", "text": "A porn site says it will pay Joe Buck $1 million to announce its cam shows live. The site says it is also accepting applications from other national and local sports commentators."} {"idx": 17189, "original_id": "1250629388380536832", "reply_id": "1251147525525917697", "label": "agree", "text": "I am a senior at risk for COVID-19. If you think I'm going to start going out shopping, flying on planes, or staying in hotels without comprehensive testing, you're nuts. You'll have to restart the economy without me. I'd like to be able to watch my granddaughter grow up."} {"idx": 17190, "original_id": "1251211786134728706", "reply_id": "1251243811138920450", "label": "applause", "text": "We are really pleased to announce that our first patient who has been on a ventilator as a result of having COVID19 has today been discharged home. #COVID19 #OurNHSPeople"} {"idx": 17193, "original_id": "1250743894750322693", "reply_id": "1250939441302011906", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "@CNN @realDonaldTrump is to blame for - \nSo. Much. Winning.\nResponsible for not 1 but 2 versions of the #AmericanVirus \n1. Gun control (or lack of).\n2. #COVID19"} {"idx": 17194, "original_id": "1251123241265123330", "reply_id": "1251179471023071232", "label": "win", "text": "Woke up to an acceptance letter for an article that I’ve been working on for close to 10 years on the historical origins of public policy research. Going to celebrate with coffee. Enjoying the little things in lockdown."} {"idx": 17198, "original_id": "1250860479335063552", "reply_id": "1251080262898847746", "label": "no", "text": "If you weren't sure of how bad things have gotten, Amazon is out of podcast mics."} {"idx": 17199, "original_id": "1250857157878255616", "reply_id": "1250863432162828290", "label": "wink", "text": "Happy birthday to the only guy I’ve ever laid my lips upon @Brian_Mendoozle"} {"idx": 17203, "original_id": "1250824761392992257", "reply_id": "1250842315905806336", "label": "yes", "text": "It’s flurrying in Philly."} {"idx": 17208, "original_id": "1250865099243433985", "reply_id": "1250872798982975488", "label": "facepalm", "text": "NYC Mayor Deblasio tells Bill Hemmer that the city will start to reopen in July or August at the earliest."} {"idx": 17209, "original_id": "1251028765712322560", "reply_id": "1251236286486114306", "label": "seriously", "text": "anyone who likes smooth peanut butter is a serial killer confirmed"} {"idx": 17213, "original_id": "1250264222514069506", "reply_id": "1250933587966386176", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi @BarackObama! Like most high school/college seniors, I’m saddened by the loss of milestone events, prom & graduation. In an unprecedented time, it would give us great comfort to hear your voice. We ask you to consider giving a national commencement speech to the class of 2020."} {"idx": 17215, "original_id": "1251196371681632256", "reply_id": "1251256921111146496", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The '90s Bulls is like my Star Wars, so if you don't think I'm gonna dress up like Jud Buechler to watch #TheLastDance on Sunday, you're crazy."} {"idx": 17217, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250927208614506496", "label": "yawn", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 17220, "original_id": "1250732449887334400", "reply_id": "1250837472315146242", "label": "applause", "text": "Wtf I can't even remember my matric number"} {"idx": 17221, "original_id": "1251173734230241280", "reply_id": "1251180028357943298", "label": "yawn", "text": "i did not spend all that time in the closet to finally come out and start dating a vegan"} {"idx": 17223, "original_id": "1250898615440203786", "reply_id": "1250899485686980608", "label": "no", "text": "I saw so many thot ass posts today & I'm thinking \"Damn this quarantine is getting to all of you\" \n\nJust to realize it's \"National Horny Day\" some made up shit lol. Put your phones down..."} {"idx": 17224, "original_id": "1251151575394877441", "reply_id": "1251200552077320197", "label": "applause", "text": "I just got access to Valorant! Let’s gooooooo!!!! #VALORANT #VALORANTbeta"} {"idx": 17227, "original_id": "1250824966490243074", "reply_id": "1250832717748613123", "label": "agree", "text": "i hate cops but nayeon would be a hot one🤤 let me write that someday"} {"idx": 17232, "original_id": "1251215415251996673", "reply_id": "1251252546271948801", "label": "hug", "text": "can’t lie, i could use a hug right now"} {"idx": 17235, "original_id": "1251100924325568514", "reply_id": "1251109619839176705", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Follow me and Drop your account details under this tweet, I am doing AUDIO Giveaway. Would choose Randomly.."} {"idx": 17240, "original_id": "1250998628816166912", "reply_id": "1251018823299465217", "label": "sigh", "text": "You make me smile..... \n\nAnd you make me super horny, but that’s not the point."} {"idx": 17244, "original_id": "1251240062953586705", "reply_id": "1251242813267816449", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Why every time I read “99 year-old man survives coronavirus”the dude look like he practically invented the Illuminati?\n\nForget the virus - he’s 100 YEARS OLD and homeboy look like he been drinking baby blood at a party full of cloak-wearing world leaders for the last 20 years😂🤣"} {"idx": 17247, "original_id": "1250934408439377926", "reply_id": "1250935467081596930", "label": "applause", "text": "Chem exam done."} {"idx": 17249, "original_id": "1250999971052126209", "reply_id": "1251001613608718337", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "I swear we comin different now ! 😈 \n@Smooth_Hibachi \n@HitStickV1ck \n@KC2x_ \n@rlarson0922 \n@Truemoney40 \n@AD_SWAT_BOY \n@XOTrey_"} {"idx": 17250, "original_id": "1250944917506945024", "reply_id": "1250945921090818050", "label": "hug", "text": "😞 today ain’t good"} {"idx": 17254, "original_id": "1251135828539199488", "reply_id": "1251146871415820290", "label": "oops", "text": "Rewatching earlier seasons of #ChicagoPD and I realized that @MickSully2, the actor who recently played Tom Doyle in season 7 of the show, also played Karl Forsman and Jake Harper in seasons 2 and 4 😬😂"} {"idx": 17255, "original_id": "1250584762927820801", "reply_id": "1250915339820568581", "label": "applause", "text": "For the record, @HarrisHeller and I talked. And we are good. I never meant to demonize his audience and I’m sorry for the way some of mine acted back at you. \n\nI’ve also gone ahead and asked for some pointers to get my stream setup that will allow me to monitor chat better."} {"idx": 17259, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250901388508487684", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 17261, "original_id": "1250848321847144449", "reply_id": "1250848531407142913", "label": "applause", "text": "You and me created Bailout Humans because that's the way it should be."} {"idx": 17262, "original_id": "1010849496379473920", "reply_id": "1251150394887036930", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "@RailMinIndia #train no. 12423 #pnr no 6315695310 food quality is good and the service provided by the staff is nice"} {"idx": 17263, "original_id": "1250971475265359874", "reply_id": "1250995186521591808", "label": "ok", "text": "We’re all friends here so I’m going to be really honest right now:\n\nI don’t know how I’m going to be able to go back to wearing a bra for 10+ hours each day when this is over."} {"idx": 17264, "original_id": "1250942171986960384", "reply_id": "1250951333085134849", "label": "applause", "text": "Okay guys I’m done being sad, I’m ready to be funny on the TL again"} {"idx": 17265, "original_id": "1251152605268414466", "reply_id": "1251157718133432327", "label": "yes", "text": "Who’s ready for this new video? \n👀🔥🔥🔥🌑♉️💖"} {"idx": 17267, "original_id": "1250843094167191554", "reply_id": "1250856127866298374", "label": "omg", "text": "Are there any materials to educate people who think it's ok to hang out with other people as long as they are \"also self-isolating?\" I have an age 70+ relative who has several sets of friends she sees. The friends are \"isolating,\" many with spouses who work w/the public. Sigh."} {"idx": 17275, "original_id": "1250831625400827904", "reply_id": "1250835997513797632", "label": "yes", "text": "I AM WORKING ON THE FINAL CHAPTER OF MY WIP 😁😅😭❤️"} {"idx": 17278, "original_id": "1250607662036742146", "reply_id": "1250895041259728896", "label": "hug", "text": "just cried for no reason? k 😞"} {"idx": 17280, "original_id": "1251238985017376768", "reply_id": "1251243001214636040", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I just threw my hat in the ring for a big important bucket list thing... so any good juju you have to spare, send it my way pls 🤗 #WritingCommunity"} {"idx": 17281, "original_id": "1251172966932586496", "reply_id": "1251221098525454336", "label": "agree", "text": "Tobias, Harrison and May to return maybe? Hmm 🤔 #Anipoke"} {"idx": 17283, "original_id": "1250874901608763393", "reply_id": "1250875106022154240", "label": "smh", "text": "Why have a rerun feature on Twitch?"} {"idx": 17284, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251120179918053378", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 17285, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251192896147111937", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 17286, "original_id": "1251141975056830464", "reply_id": "1251227353566646274", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "New PC incoming!!! Can’t wait to get back to regular streams!!!!"} {"idx": 17287, "original_id": "1251234264399650819", "reply_id": "1251253407316402181", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "NEVERMIND AT WHAT DR.PHIL SAID, STAY AT HOME\nNEVERMIND AT WHAT DR.PHIL SAID, STAY AT HOME\nNEVERMIND AT WHAT DR.PHIL SAID, STAY AT HOME\nNEVERMIND AT WHAT DR.PHIL SAID, STAY AT HOME\nNEVERMIND AT WHAT DR.PHIL SAID, STAY AT HOME\nNEVERMIND AT WHAT DR.PHIL SAID, STAY AT HOME"} {"idx": 17288, "original_id": "1250885750855516163", "reply_id": "1250937674841690112", "label": "wink", "text": "`•.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.• 🎀 𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝓃𝒶𝓉𝒾🍬𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝒽💗𝓇𝓃𝓎 𝒹𝒶𝓎 🥴 🎀 •._.••`¯´´•.¸¸.•`"} {"idx": 17289, "original_id": "1250897040684564482", "reply_id": "1250897760611680256", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m covering the #HBOMax news now - video soon!"} {"idx": 17294, "original_id": "1251179421630955521", "reply_id": "1251179700690575365", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m seeing everyone interacting with there significant other and i’m like 🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 17295, "original_id": "1250952843055583232", "reply_id": "1251191491428524032", "label": "yes", "text": "America is about to come roaring back."} {"idx": 17296, "original_id": "1251192244570394627", "reply_id": "1251198373136338945", "label": "wink", "text": "(•_•)\n<) )╯ I\n / \\\n\n\\(•_•)\n ( (> JUST\n / \\\n\n (•_•)\n<) )> MANSCAPED.\n /✨\\"} {"idx": 17297, "original_id": "1250840103552987139", "reply_id": "1250886432362618880", "label": "no", "text": "I need to follow some good people. Please share some good accounts to follow.\n\nIf it is you, please tell me whether you think pineapple belongs on a pizza below and I’ll make my decision from there."} {"idx": 17298, "original_id": "1250939698962292736", "reply_id": "1250942657565790214", "label": "shocked", "text": "are we getting a tfatws trailer tonight......"} {"idx": 17299, "original_id": "1251231435643424769", "reply_id": "1251246021902045186", "label": "eww", "text": "Dont want to ruin anyone's Friday, but today was supposed to be Regis Prograis-Maurice Hooker... #boxing"} {"idx": 17306, "original_id": "1251189833273348099", "reply_id": "1251248117170573312", "label": "agree", "text": "Really thought 2020 was gonna be my year lol"} {"idx": 17307, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251058735998369792", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 17308, "original_id": "1251125608547000323", "reply_id": "1251127421597859840", "label": "no", "text": "When the NFL’s voluntary virtual off-season program opens this month, Jets’ All-Pro safety Jamal Adams is not expected to participate, per league sources. The Jets have not expressed any official interest in extending Adams thus far in the off-season, per source."} {"idx": 17311, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251048833313890305", "label": "shocked", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 17313, "original_id": "1250880010405081090", "reply_id": "1250882951828520960", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m actually never doing monogamous relationships again. At this point i most date 2+ people at a time."} {"idx": 17314, "original_id": "1250874764580868098", "reply_id": "1250912749565161474", "label": "eww", "text": "I just seen a video on my TL and the girl is playing with herself and she’s “gushing” but it’s thick-white-spoiled milk-gushing and the comments are all “🤤🤤🤤” “👅💦” listen, slurping that you can die 😳"} {"idx": 17319, "original_id": "1250800355761422336", "reply_id": "1250951441558224902", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Cba struggling to sleep every single night"} {"idx": 17321, "original_id": "1250768218228170752", "reply_id": "1250960142205673473", "label": "ok", "text": "My friend took a really great picture of her ass. I'm jealous so I took a picture of mine. It came out phenomenal!\n\nBut I'm not sharing . 😂😂"} {"idx": 17323, "original_id": "1246264392276008960", "reply_id": "1251031211981471744", "label": "dance", "text": "Just chilling drinking on my balcony with family"} {"idx": 17325, "original_id": "1251192245354717185", "reply_id": "1251249339613220865", "label": "hug", "text": "This month’s period during lockdown was catastrophic for me. It was the worst I have felt ever during my cycle. I think I usually have distractions like work chaos and family stress to distract me but now I don’t and I was left with nothing to hide behind. And it was awful."} {"idx": 17326, "original_id": "1251260797822685186", "reply_id": "1251263191088234496", "label": "hug", "text": "Just miss my pals :("} {"idx": 17327, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251199733143605248", "label": "agree", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 17330, "original_id": "1250990599739789312", "reply_id": "1251007940829614081", "label": "eww", "text": "I’ll let my nigga spit in my mouth lol y’all boring.."} {"idx": 17334, "original_id": "1250816799144398848", "reply_id": "1250833101925888002", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss Arabia cafe"} {"idx": 17337, "original_id": "1250554037969326083", "reply_id": "1250996001743106048", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I was working all day and I'm so sorry not to check-in from the stairs! Hope everyone had a good day xxx"} {"idx": 17341, "original_id": "1250871677178675200", "reply_id": "1251188765751566338", "label": "hug", "text": "Can anyone hug me?👉👈"} {"idx": 17342, "original_id": "1250925880786006016", "reply_id": "1251078433515491328", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug...where is my Bestie?💙"} {"idx": 17343, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250881491875184641", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 17344, "original_id": "1250130561638662144", "reply_id": "1250955205669089280", "label": "yes", "text": "wing stop wings are better than buffalo wild wings"} {"idx": 17346, "original_id": "1251115257193431040", "reply_id": "1251129125127041025", "label": "agree", "text": "Please, who has an AC for sale at a giveaway price of 5k? 1.5hp... with kit and remote o. Help my life."} {"idx": 17347, "original_id": "1250947222646161411", "reply_id": "1250950315563778048", "label": "hearts", "text": "accidentally posted a nude on my story ur welcome to whoever got to see it"} {"idx": 17348, "original_id": "1250989097675632641", "reply_id": "1251048663029252097", "label": "no", "text": "Looks like I might have to get tested for COVID🙃🙃"} {"idx": 17349, "original_id": "1250848302872043520", "reply_id": "1250882682059399178", "label": "eww", "text": "Really wanna see the homies and seafood"} {"idx": 17350, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250943208231710722", "label": "yes", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 17355, "original_id": "1251272778801700864", "reply_id": "1251273268184612869", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I smoke weed for a living and everyone loves me for it. Thank you everyone!!"} {"idx": 17356, "original_id": "1251137038621061122", "reply_id": "1251139413867814913", "label": "eww", "text": "Here we are again with more snow. Jeez."} {"idx": 17357, "original_id": "1251138115647033344", "reply_id": "1251138625028460544", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Yeah you’ve been stuck at home for a month and it just snowed again in mid-April, but some of us have real problems.\n\nI have to eat 10 twinkies today."} {"idx": 17365, "original_id": "1251249769567211520", "reply_id": "1251257294509268998", "label": "applause", "text": "Quarantine has me forgetting that I’m a bad bitch and bad bitches don’t have feelings 🙄👎"} {"idx": 17366, "original_id": "1251259661703163907", "reply_id": "1251265634073219073", "label": "agree", "text": "Cute liquor store checkout girl:\n\n\"I'm sure you look good with a mustache under that mask\"\n\nMe: YOU KNOW NOT OF THE EVIL WHICH YOU SPEAK. DO NOT GIVE IT POWER."} {"idx": 17368, "original_id": "1251135450519085056", "reply_id": "1251234901841584131", "label": "smh", "text": "This freaking pandemic is stressing me out and I’m so frustrated. I need a good face/butt slap real bad. \n\nCould you kindly give me a virtual slap please?"} {"idx": 17370, "original_id": "1251152108214050816", "reply_id": "1251153072027389955", "label": "facepalm", "text": "This crisis is following the same script as the last one 12 years ago:\nThe poor get poorer, the middle class shrinks, the big boys get bailed out and the bottom 90% gets settled with all the new record debt.\nAnd then central bankers get \"Hero\" magazine covers."} {"idx": 17371, "original_id": "1251138754213019648", "reply_id": "1251145469453107200", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Excited for my 24 hour stream tonight! 6pm CST stop by and say whats up!"} {"idx": 17372, "original_id": "1250902344721727489", "reply_id": "1250922703453904899", "label": "shocked", "text": "THAT....WAS......HOOOOOOORIBLE!!!!!!!! It was bad baby, and definitely not fer sharing!! No lube, and penetration of at least 6 inches!! It was long and hard and Took 2 mins. Like I said.....horrible!! Worst date I was ever on!🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪"} {"idx": 17376, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251135196788854787", "label": "agree", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 17377, "original_id": "1250973921974730758", "reply_id": "1250974394102550529", "label": "no", "text": "Send nudes."} {"idx": 17379, "original_id": "1251238050295767040", "reply_id": "1251238162552283138", "label": "please", "text": "Hello! Who's awake and needs an AIO bot, AYCD Toolbox & AutoSolve, & a great cook group?\n\nDrop a like 💙"} {"idx": 17381, "original_id": "1251069471017467904", "reply_id": "1251255109226553346", "label": "agree", "text": "I am the most hated man in America, for I drink La Croix."} {"idx": 17382, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250854329281544195", "label": "eww", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 17383, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250986290947985417", "label": "sigh", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 17385, "original_id": "1251137499876847617", "reply_id": "1251143904264458246", "label": "no", "text": "Hands up those who wish to hook their phones up to government ?????????"} {"idx": 17387, "original_id": "1250920426693410816", "reply_id": "1250923363414929408", "label": "applause", "text": "Now more than ever, we must understand that a health care should not be a privilege tied to employment status or income. Medicare for All means no one loses coverage. Period."} {"idx": 17388, "original_id": "1250973499654467584", "reply_id": "1251106328862289923", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I think i lost weight"} {"idx": 17391, "original_id": "1251230704081436672", "reply_id": "1251267411199832066", "label": "dance", "text": "@salkhanacademy @khanacademy From the bottom of my teacher heart, THANK YOU. Made a switch to Khan platform to teach our remaining critical skills for year and student engagement is up to 93% from...not 93% ;) The ability to pinpoint struggling learners by skill: priceless!"} {"idx": 17393, "original_id": "1251006757905641472", "reply_id": "1251117127270096896", "label": "yes", "text": "If I ever share a tittie shot here I better get more than 10 likes"} {"idx": 17394, "original_id": "1250877990684307457", "reply_id": "1250881362447474688", "label": "kiss", "text": "👊🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👊🏿\n👉🏿👍🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👍🏾👈🏿\n👉🏿👉🏾👍🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👍🏽👈🏾👈🏿\n👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👍🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👍🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿\n👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👉🏼👍🏻👇🏻👍🏻👈🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿\n👉🏻👉🏼CECIL LOVES YOU👈🏻👈🏼\n👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👉🏼👍🏻👆🏻👍🏻👈🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿\n👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👍🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👍🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿\n👉🏿👉🏾👍🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👍🏽👈🏾👈🏿\n👉🏿👍🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👍🏾👈🏿\n👊🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👊🏿"} {"idx": 17395, "original_id": "1250987821470380032", "reply_id": "1250988430345023496", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Positivity tweet: I’m having just as much a tough time with this as you guys are, believe me, I’m going apeshit crazy over here, but we have to pull through this together. Solidarity."} {"idx": 17400, "original_id": "1250897927847006209", "reply_id": "1250898397181153286", "label": "dance", "text": "#theme #music @theweeknd #theweeknd Good thursday evening ! imagine perfume in Hans, hair on the wind, I'm on a nightclub tonight. 🌹🥂 #love #lover ♥️"} {"idx": 17404, "original_id": "1250633087979065349", "reply_id": "1250869611794518019", "label": "eww", "text": "I’ve decided my favorite quarantine food is tapioca pudding. What’s yours?"} {"idx": 17409, "original_id": "1251090658443628545", "reply_id": "1251091195679387649", "label": "applause", "text": "My Valorant communication just consists of me swearing in 5 different languages :)"} {"idx": 17411, "original_id": "1250951585020162049", "reply_id": "1250996072979234821", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "2019-20 Season (2 games)\n\nNikola Jokić while being guarded by Joel Embiid:\n\n- Total Time (8:46)\n- 18 Points (8/12 | 66.7%)\n- 50 Team Points\n- 1 TOs\n\nJoel Embiid while being guarded by Nikola Jokić\n\n- Total Time (11:50)\n- 13 Points (5/14 | 35.7%)\n- 27 Team Points\n- 7 TOs"} {"idx": 17413, "original_id": "1251019189822689282", "reply_id": "1251152434711285760", "label": "hug", "text": "I have had an emotionally up/down week, and it really cocked up my productivity, so now I’m working into the wee hours to try and catch up because my anxiety brain is out of stamina and passed out on the floor, finally. Fuck. This. 😑"} {"idx": 17414, "original_id": "1250626433833189377", "reply_id": "1250895461160030210", "label": "yes", "text": "So a whole family left Spanish Town last night and came to Montego bay after hearing the lock down being implemented in St.Catherine. Concerned neighbours saw them moving in and contacted the necessary authorities, they are now in quarantine in a government facility."} {"idx": 17415, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251027357697142784", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 17418, "original_id": "1250710783962447872", "reply_id": "1251095923993636865", "label": "applause", "text": "Strategy of the strategist was to give a strategy so that it could strategise the strategy of the strategiser. But the tragedy of the strategist was that the strategy couldn't be stratagised since the strategist actually didn't have a strategy. Did you understand the stratagy?:)"} {"idx": 17424, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250985966355038214", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 17427, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251181575074656256", "label": "agree", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 17429, "original_id": "1250871337452810240", "reply_id": "1250873901032312832", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy happy birthday! 😄"} {"idx": 17430, "original_id": "1250909941298315266", "reply_id": "1250910595681062919", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "who wants a bio spot?"} {"idx": 17439, "original_id": "1250950984018386945", "reply_id": "1251061967315283968", "label": "agree", "text": "You know. For somebody whose primary passion depends on social media I’m surprisingly bad at working that system... mostly because I just can’t be arsed."} {"idx": 17442, "original_id": "1251189071629737984", "reply_id": "1251190755982544903", "label": "ok", "text": "Happy Friday to every single one of you except people who end emails with the word \"thoughts?\""} {"idx": 17443, "original_id": "1250892966345965568", "reply_id": "1250894526803333127", "label": "ok", "text": "My lawyer is making me write this. I am not a licensed doctor, lawyer, financial advisor, accountant, or therapist. Don’t listen to me! ❤️😘"} {"idx": 17444, "original_id": "1250903272233283584", "reply_id": "1250904344515555332", "label": "agree", "text": "Someone should definitely make a new Tupac movie because that last one.."} {"idx": 17446, "original_id": "1251092858075054081", "reply_id": "1251134353159204866", "label": "shocked", "text": "In my online class \n\nTeacher : Have you ever got an animal before ?\n\nClassmate : Yes i had a girlfriend once.\n\nLMAO WHAT"} {"idx": 17451, "original_id": "1251150226963881987", "reply_id": "1251154637102567427", "label": "agree", "text": "I can't stop farting."} {"idx": 17453, "original_id": "1250912911385452545", "reply_id": "1250954971799072770", "label": "yes", "text": "Raise your hand if you're ready to Open Up America Again!\n\n#OUAA @realDonaldTrump \n\nLet's GO 🔥"} {"idx": 17458, "original_id": "1250868150171766786", "reply_id": "1250871018299838473", "label": "no", "text": "I didn't create anything horny today, sorry guys ;;"} {"idx": 17459, "original_id": "1251243754733723648", "reply_id": "1251258368901160962", "label": "omg", "text": "Cuz this is love and love is easy."} {"idx": 17460, "original_id": "1250633072317353984", "reply_id": "1250882299987714051", "label": "applause", "text": "Women deserve money. Real money. Not chump/survival pay your rent money. Wealth. Wealth that brings power, influence and security. Humankind is like 200,000 years old. We are due for a fuckin raise."} {"idx": 17462, "original_id": "1251119612445540353", "reply_id": "1251121370504720384", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#WritingCommunity, it’s time for your weekly #writerslift!\n\nNo gimmicks this #FollowFriday — just say hey in the comments and retweet to reach the widest possible audience. \n\nAs always, please #follow your fellow #writers. 😊"} {"idx": 17465, "original_id": "1250891296685740032", "reply_id": "1250938645160136704", "label": "no", "text": "Happy birthday to the best club in the world?"} {"idx": 17466, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1250894519895236609", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 17467, "original_id": "1251205170308042756", "reply_id": "1251207076191195136", "label": "scared", "text": "I'm hearing a buzzer in our bathroom and am praying that my husband is just touching up his beard and hasn't reached the \"give myself a haircut\" stage of quarantine 🙏🙏"} {"idx": 17468, "original_id": "1250748076584812544", "reply_id": "1250839141065068544", "label": "hug", "text": "Everything sucks and there is no escape."} {"idx": 17469, "original_id": "1251051804923580417", "reply_id": "1251051831037325318", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "almost two weeks and i havent eaten right yet siguro mga around 4-5 good meals palang nagawa ko and if i still wont eat this afternoon baka mamatay na ko damn feeling sick and weak for some time idk really cant eat sinusuka ko lang bitch"} {"idx": 17471, "original_id": "1250862058071097344", "reply_id": "1251046565772496898", "label": "applause", "text": "If you hate Sheff United clap your hands 👏"} {"idx": 17474, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250868319822979073", "label": "applause", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 17478, "original_id": "1250871933438132230", "reply_id": "1250875479764148224", "label": "idk", "text": "I need to buy stock in whoever is supplying gel and acrylic and whatnot to the nail shops. Because business will be BOOMING after this is all over."} {"idx": 17481, "original_id": "1250790720711114752", "reply_id": "1250835994745634818", "label": "ok", "text": "BREAKING: A Texas Judge has just ruled that all voters in the state can now vote by mail. \n\nIn other words, people working 2-3 jobs no longer have to decide between paying for dinner and voting.\n\nAll Texans will now be able to vote! Republicans are screwed!\n#ThankfulThursday"} {"idx": 17482, "original_id": "1251038732800733185", "reply_id": "1251044062376988675", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was really rough, and to top it off my mic cable fully died, and I can't get a replacement for 2 weeks or so\n\nso tomorrow's stream may not happen, i'll keep you guys updated 🥺"} {"idx": 17483, "original_id": "1251127263808106497", "reply_id": "1251243231326670849", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "@Guard_Jere is a national treasure."} {"idx": 17485, "original_id": "1251242942821523456", "reply_id": "1251243728934703116", "label": "applause", "text": "if youre #ReopenMN i sincerely hope you get sick, and you infect your elders, and they die, because thats what youre doing to others by being selfish"} {"idx": 17486, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864706203590656", "label": "dance", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 17487, "original_id": "1251232695838965764", "reply_id": "1251234099164884992", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "We've been in quarantine for over a month, and the cat thinks we're his personal assistants."} {"idx": 17488, "original_id": "1251066363277238272", "reply_id": "1251156681771282439", "label": "sigh", "text": "I’m definitely bi because I’m in love with about 5 different women"} {"idx": 17489, "original_id": "1251199103503077376", "reply_id": "1251211510522818562", "label": "shocked", "text": "imagine ordering three pairs of shoes only to realize when they arrive you got the wrong size IN ALL OF THEM"} {"idx": 17490, "original_id": "1251138531277193218", "reply_id": "1251147543481692160", "label": "hug", "text": "I just wanni hug my friends again!!!"} {"idx": 17492, "original_id": "1250453857945206785", "reply_id": "1251179088791781382", "label": "applause", "text": "SiriusXM Mascot Bracket Championship\n\n#16 @WKUSports vs #16 @BYUCougars \n\n@WKUBigRed #GoTops @byu_cosmo #GoCougs"} {"idx": 17495, "original_id": "1251001317604184065", "reply_id": "1251001693543649281", "label": "agree", "text": "are there even people on the planet that still think aim assist is fair? Its literally cheating"} {"idx": 17496, "original_id": "1250920345231667205", "reply_id": "1250922556535779330", "label": "shocked", "text": "You live.... and you learn"} {"idx": 17498, "original_id": "1250940846985416713", "reply_id": "1250943503539900416", "label": "hug", "text": "My friend’s father passed away earlier this evening from COVID-19. He was on an NRB (I’m not sure if there was a shortage of vents). He died peacefully with a nurse and a gift shop teddy bear by his side. I am devastated that I can’t even go give my friend a hug."} {"idx": 17500, "original_id": "1250906867951267840", "reply_id": "1250949643829207041", "label": "agree", "text": "Today I realized how similar quarantine feels to college? Stay up until 3 am every night, roll out of bed and go straight into meetings, grapple with whether it's responsible to drink on weeknights, bake in the middle of the day..."} {"idx": 17501, "original_id": "1251144854710583302", "reply_id": "1251145410451845120", "label": "smh", "text": "I went and saw a man about a dog last night 😊 I think imma adopt dat dog"} {"idx": 17502, "original_id": "1250967307461054464", "reply_id": "1250967965538963458", "label": "please", "text": "Reply with the gif that best describes how you felt at the start of OT in Game 6 of the 2010 Stanley Cup Final. \n\n#HawksRewind"} {"idx": 17512, "original_id": "1251254966628397058", "reply_id": "1251256454767677441", "label": "thank_you", "text": "i love dvsn but this album is just not it"} {"idx": 17515, "original_id": "1250884045594124293", "reply_id": "1250885071718014977", "label": "hug", "text": "Also I want deep hugs."} {"idx": 17517, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1250962569524850688", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 17518, "original_id": "1250884211390603264", "reply_id": "1250891530325245952", "label": "yes", "text": "Oh, hey, also, I will write a tiny story for any gif you got. Not that I don't love that you all keep me on brand. But if you really wanna mess with me, give it a shot."} {"idx": 17519, "original_id": "1251157759711567873", "reply_id": "1251161048322682881", "label": "hug", "text": "then suddenly, I’m lost once again"} {"idx": 17520, "original_id": "1250892801430020103", "reply_id": "1250893034612383745", "label": "agree", "text": "Noti gang check🥱"} {"idx": 17525, "original_id": "1251148890918711296", "reply_id": "1251242635878182912", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Bob Quinn says a number of players reached out to them in free agency because they wanted to play for #Lions and Matt Patricia."} {"idx": 17526, "original_id": "1250872731098386432", "reply_id": "1251036847758880768", "label": "shocked", "text": "Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis. Yes, you did read that correctly. Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis."} {"idx": 17528, "original_id": "1250868578867277826", "reply_id": "1250927042536697856", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I change my clothes more frequently in Animal Crossing than in real life."} {"idx": 17529, "original_id": "1251163198281199617", "reply_id": "1251163307555332096", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Alright wish me luck! Today is about to be really crazy! Gotta fight to get this video done!"} {"idx": 17530, "original_id": "1251117426948759554", "reply_id": "1251123516495130624", "label": "agree", "text": "coming from you?"} {"idx": 17531, "original_id": "1251144807956623361", "reply_id": "1251146508260347904", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "We’re a mess \nYou and i, \nBut the truth is, \nYou captivate me in ways no soul ever will .. 💗"} {"idx": 17532, "original_id": "1250948419306340354", "reply_id": "1250981792435392514", "label": "agree", "text": "in the old days, I'd think, \"I have a headache.\" or \"wow why am I tired today?\" Now everything becomes \"I have it.\""} {"idx": 17533, "original_id": "1250840975821410307", "reply_id": "1250867262795288577", "label": "agree", "text": "I know nobody cares, but: I would be very, very comforted by the thought of Jill Biden being the sounding board and moral compass of the President of the United States."} {"idx": 17534, "original_id": "1250945857589071874", "reply_id": "1251123088688926722", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "He blocked me.. i called him, told him to unblock me.. he unblocked.. then i blocked him.\n\nwe block boys, boys don't block us."} {"idx": 17535, "original_id": "1251207964666388481", "reply_id": "1251229967628881924", "label": "no", "text": "Is there anyone Biden could pick as VP that would win your approval?"} {"idx": 17536, "original_id": "1251030745839099904", "reply_id": "1251101062917951489", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i’m hungy"} {"idx": 17537, "original_id": "1251262118139236354", "reply_id": "1251267952743235585", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Only 51 more words needed"} {"idx": 17538, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251131609991876610", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 17540, "original_id": "1251204946730590209", "reply_id": "1251206240790814722", "label": "shocked", "text": "Surprised how out of touch David Brooks is with the younger generation given that he married into it."} {"idx": 17545, "original_id": "1251147370961596417", "reply_id": "1251152849389514752", "label": "applause", "text": "Daily reminder- if you care enough about social media followers to bring it up in a fight youre a loser & have no life #Facts #GoodMorning #fridaymorning"} {"idx": 17546, "original_id": "1250910169409523719", "reply_id": "1250926477861965826", "label": "sigh", "text": "34,500+ deaths is apparently a HUGE win to Traitor Don. \n\n#CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 17547, "original_id": "1250957191491846148", "reply_id": "1251165462379089920", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "There’s no way to safely reopen without massive testing.\n\nYet we’re barely testing more people this week than last. And hospitals continue to report serious bottlenecks.\n\nIf Trump ignores the experts and forces a premature reopening,\n\nEven more Americans will die."} {"idx": 17552, "original_id": "1250886038899134464", "reply_id": "1250912614391005184", "label": "hug", "text": "Woke at 5.30ish. Fell back to sleep. Just woke up. Feel like I'm jet lagged. I think it's clear that yesterday I hit the wall."} {"idx": 17555, "original_id": "1250859992900685826", "reply_id": "1250862815038050304", "label": "yes", "text": "NEW: 17 state governors now disregarding Trump and banding into coalitions in the East, West and Midwest - including 3 GOP governors - to re-open their states. This is a remarkable repudiation of Trump by 1/3 of US states!\n\nNY NJ PA DE CT MA RI CA WA OR OH IN MI KY IL WI MN."} {"idx": 17558, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251046433010053121", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 17560, "original_id": "1251019489153605632", "reply_id": "1251020153531367424", "label": "no", "text": "so would y’all really let someone spit in your mouth?"} {"idx": 17561, "original_id": "1251010318366584832", "reply_id": "1251015518930288641", "label": "shocked", "text": "so i’m chillin earlier and my brother comes into my room and says “remember if you’re gonna kill yourself, do it in the bathtub it’ll be easier to clean up” \nand i-"} {"idx": 17562, "original_id": "1250837683494162432", "reply_id": "1250837858157461514", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I really gotta be more productive today. Not that I’ve been lazy in the last few days but I’ve just been less productive than I would’ve liked."} {"idx": 17563, "original_id": "1250847387289075712", "reply_id": "1251200644502953985", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Day 30: this is the longest I’ve gone without seeing my boyfriend since we started dated. If y’all see a girl on the news being arrested for tryna cross the Verrazano at 3am mind your business."} {"idx": 17567, "original_id": "1250849754273189888", "reply_id": "1250849867712299020", "label": "yes", "text": "So like... y’all want this new no money spent video?"} {"idx": 17568, "original_id": "1251251337335095297", "reply_id": "1251251744702713858", "label": "agree", "text": "Today was saved by The Phantom of the Opera. I’m so very content."} {"idx": 17575, "original_id": "1250860166590930944", "reply_id": "1250861762553032707", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I got a 5 words/5 tags challenge from someone with a private profile, so I couldn’t RT it 😜 but anyway...\n\nThere is order in chaos.\n\n@bqueenbandit @PandemicQueer @mrangelof @PoliSunflower @ArtsyMomWV"} {"idx": 17576, "original_id": "1251003517143257088", "reply_id": "1251017651591118848", "label": "high_five", "text": "Wow didn’t realize a random stream with a friend would end with a @DCP_Live raid! Appreciate the opportunity to continue working with you guys. I sent the love over to @T1riot one of the chilliest streamers out there"} {"idx": 17578, "original_id": "1250919209825193984", "reply_id": "1250920754121707521", "label": "idk", "text": "Spoken Reasons or Carole Baskins ?"} {"idx": 17579, "original_id": "1250863347588837386", "reply_id": "1250894600287539207", "label": "smh", "text": "Actually maybe this is a good time to try to cut bangs for myself"} {"idx": 17581, "original_id": "1251114294785249280", "reply_id": "1251115893591101440", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I keep telling my solicitor I except offer he's made but they keep talking back at me! I've emailed except offer, I've phoned and spoke with them, three time's, except offer! If I don't make it, I want it out there! Thatcham, Berkshire, England. Send me some good vibes please"} {"idx": 17583, "original_id": "1251189551932092417", "reply_id": "1251190716694515713", "label": "hug", "text": "No idea when or if I'm streaming today. I'm in a tired and blah mood."} {"idx": 17585, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251168887586111489", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 17586, "original_id": "1250845169567641600", "reply_id": "1250855813675126785", "label": "applause", "text": "I want to share some goods news with you guys! My MRI results came in pretty good and my hemorrhage is gone now! I'm allowed to GET BACK TO WORK, excercise, wean the meds & be completely out of it in 2 weeks!! I just can't drive until mid May but that's all!!! Ready to run now!!!"} {"idx": 17588, "original_id": "1250859032954507265", "reply_id": "1250876682493255680", "label": "wink", "text": "Ah, the pre #RevPit sudden fear that no one is going to submit to me. I was wondering when that was going to kick in!"} {"idx": 17592, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250940014915182594", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 17596, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1250980050800869377", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 17597, "original_id": "1250879871846408194", "reply_id": "1250880394766868480", "label": "agree", "text": "I have GOT to stop picking apart dialogue in the TV shows I watch.\n\nBut guys, some of them are so lazily written, it's not even funny. 😣"} {"idx": 17598, "original_id": "1250944192622329856", "reply_id": "1250945478453272576", "label": "smh", "text": "I tried on some of my “outside” clothes today 😅🤕.......#YallKnowTheRest"} {"idx": 17599, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251227592650371075", "label": "applause", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 17600, "original_id": "1251199532475527169", "reply_id": "1251232615840940033", "label": "no", "text": "Serious question: do ya’ll think we can carry on like this until November?"} {"idx": 17603, "original_id": "1250844402257465344", "reply_id": "1250844841874821120", "label": "hug", "text": "Give me a hug."} {"idx": 17610, "original_id": "1250881877591773184", "reply_id": "1250974073741598720", "label": "wink", "text": "#NationalHornyDay is yet another faux holiday created by Big Hallmark to sell greeting cards. Some of us don't need a \"special day\" to be horny. SOME OF US cultivate horniness year-round by being exclusively attracted to people who are unattainable. We are the horny purists 🙏"} {"idx": 17617, "original_id": "1251213865477640193", "reply_id": "1251220732887150594", "label": "shocked", "text": "Caught up on #Quiz. It was great and that, but failed to mention how Chris Tarrant cheated at a fishing competition against my Dad in the late 80s.🎣"} {"idx": 17621, "original_id": "1251205349534838784", "reply_id": "1251242198529642497", "label": "seriously", "text": "Message to Coronavirus:\n\n‘\nI hate you! Please Stop 🥀"} {"idx": 17624, "original_id": "1251249344835211264", "reply_id": "1251249522619138050", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "@ethanjones96 just said he loves horse girls!!"} {"idx": 17625, "original_id": "1251271553293090827", "reply_id": "1251274324394364933", "label": "hug", "text": "One of those days when only a hug from you could make me feel better."} {"idx": 17629, "original_id": "1250822927374864384", "reply_id": "1250895195962576896", "label": "omg", "text": "After consuming 150+ online clinics over past 4 weeks...\n\nExcited to announce this creation...\n\nProBone Run & Raid Single Wing-T Option Offense..."} {"idx": 17630, "original_id": "1250893096499503104", "reply_id": "1250906811634380801", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I have been on twitter for 11 years..I can say I have made some amazing friends and during this lockdown there is no way I would have remained sane without you guys...thank you (now back to my regularly scheduled sarcastic program)"} {"idx": 17631, "original_id": "1250952345074139141", "reply_id": "1250957962056740866", "label": "smh", "text": "I wish we re-signed Jared Cook 🥺"} {"idx": 17632, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250909046607151107", "label": "applause", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 17634, "original_id": "1250933791545339905", "reply_id": "1250955949201899527", "label": "shocked", "text": "Close call I was about to shave because I thought I was gonna get some but false alarm 😩"} {"idx": 17635, "original_id": "1251180009567510528", "reply_id": "1251181284510105610", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Bitcoin Grenades will be priced at $1200 for today only! This has nothing to do with stimulus checks. Great Deal!"} {"idx": 17637, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251004177666408448", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 17640, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250952439160877063", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 17642, "original_id": "1250768218228170752", "reply_id": "1250848731529871368", "label": "sigh", "text": "My friend took a really great picture of her ass. I'm jealous so I took a picture of mine. It came out phenomenal!\n\nBut I'm not sharing . 😂😂"} {"idx": 17644, "original_id": "1250990972663730176", "reply_id": "1251063097621712898", "label": "awww", "text": "Followers. I love y’all. 🥺"} {"idx": 17645, "original_id": "1250875594318819328", "reply_id": "1250876202799239171", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I seen a couple tweets about Cuban being a true PG, never losing composure, etc. Well guess what stupid dummy’s ! He’ll always be MY PG wether he’s ass and can’t dribble or know how to fill a meter to even when he becomes one of the best PGs 2k21 and gets drafted."} {"idx": 17646, "original_id": "1250890971430162443", "reply_id": "1250896885050728449", "label": "no", "text": "With all due respect. I know Malcolm X had that HAMMER. Sister Betty Shabazz had 6 children with him 😭"} {"idx": 17647, "original_id": "1251259734340108290", "reply_id": "1251261104514371593", "label": "win", "text": "Dzwerani approve we are on 💓💓💓💓🔥🔥🔥🔥 #LockdownHouseParty"} {"idx": 17654, "original_id": "1250907033920049152", "reply_id": "1251036183502753792", "label": "awww", "text": "You’re like a breath of fresh melodies swirling around my head."} {"idx": 17655, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250938725942599680", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 17657, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250861806157004800", "label": "yes", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 17660, "original_id": "1251130027476910080", "reply_id": "1251142798457200641", "label": "wink", "text": "I wish there was a way for me to watch the @dota2mc_ru stream with live subtitles. \n\nThen again if I understood what they said it might ruin the whole experience 😁"} {"idx": 17665, "original_id": "1251139793209176069", "reply_id": "1251141282027765760", "label": "wink", "text": "I’m not a pothead I’m a cannabis connoisseur"} {"idx": 17666, "original_id": "1250803025473486848", "reply_id": "1250917473924210688", "label": "hug", "text": "All i want is hug!!🥺"} {"idx": 17667, "original_id": "1251256310915530760", "reply_id": "1251257099516084235", "label": "shocked", "text": "Guys, have you ever realized carrot sticks are BOTH a carrot....and a stick. Anyway, happy Friday!"} {"idx": 17668, "original_id": "1251183972790554624", "reply_id": "1251191826406612998", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Tonic water enevinegar ingathi yiG&T, go argue with your liver."} {"idx": 17669, "original_id": "1251106480180219906", "reply_id": "1251107902284152832", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Why are there so many people on the road????"} {"idx": 17670, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250890658769928192", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 17673, "original_id": "1251058793829609472", "reply_id": "1251064426490363904", "label": "hug", "text": "Omo I’m really tired & sad🥴"} {"idx": 17674, "original_id": "1251221960597569538", "reply_id": "1251225461570633730", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Pro tips for watching tonight's #Sequester stream! 📝\n- Watch from a computer and adjust your browser's zoom settings for optimal viewing experience. \n- There are multiple chats to talk w/ other viewers on the site and on youtube!\n- Have a stellar drink + snack line up 🍿🍕🔥"} {"idx": 17675, "original_id": "1250792157570641921", "reply_id": "1250843073434836994", "label": "sigh", "text": "It has been 28 years since a sitting President was defeated at the ballot box in the United States.\n👀"} {"idx": 17676, "original_id": "1250862058071097344", "reply_id": "1251181186497630209", "label": "applause", "text": "If you hate Sheff United clap your hands 👏"} {"idx": 17678, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250921094329978881", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 17679, "original_id": "1251235377110822914", "reply_id": "1251236121750560768", "label": "yes", "text": "Would y'all be interested if I did a kind of \"cook along with me\" FB live event? And if so, what should I cook?"} {"idx": 17681, "original_id": "1250853896538316800", "reply_id": "1250859823203332097", "label": "thank_you", "text": "A few weeks ago, we had a pretty grim outlook for what COVID-19 could mean for our state, but safer at home is working, folks. Our data shows we have saved lives and we have helped flatten the curve, which has resulted in fewer cases and hospitalizations. #THREAD"} {"idx": 17688, "original_id": "1250610232276905984", "reply_id": "1250912785275301888", "label": "applause", "text": "The tragic results of this pandemic are actually a Democrat’s dream: Americans unhappy, unemployed, and needing the nanny state to rescue them."} {"idx": 17689, "original_id": "1250964202052661248", "reply_id": "1251057115571130370", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "What @realDonaldTrump do different\nHe has whole bunch of real people around him who really care about this country @RichardGrenell @danawhite 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸"} {"idx": 17691, "original_id": "1251043167908085762", "reply_id": "1251044338781560832", "label": "no", "text": "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD THE MANGAAAAAA"} {"idx": 17696, "original_id": "1251262506510802949", "reply_id": "1251265776499261442", "label": "omg", "text": "\"Love Shack\" is about carpooling to an orgy."} {"idx": 17699, "original_id": "1248869680409911297", "reply_id": "1250883588238839813", "label": "applause", "text": "This is it. This is the 3am tweet that goes viral."} {"idx": 17700, "original_id": "1251262500286410754", "reply_id": "1251264362863607810", "label": "idk", "text": "i wonder what’ll happen if I get accepted into the star program and then roblox realizes they have me blocked on twitter LUL"} {"idx": 17702, "original_id": "1250613467352125440", "reply_id": "1250994769821667330", "label": "applause", "text": "The left"} {"idx": 17706, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251187044463702016", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 17708, "original_id": "1251248299643936768", "reply_id": "1251256968641236993", "label": "hug", "text": "Last year in February I lost my grandfather to cancer. Yesterday I lost my nan to covid-19. My grandfather passed away surrounded by his family, my nan passed away alone wondering who the people around her were due to Alzheimers and PCA. She went into hospital after a stroke and"} {"idx": 17709, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250869280603660291", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 17714, "original_id": "1250922687414837254", "reply_id": "1251229000187469825", "label": "agree", "text": "I remember the first time hearing Brent Faiyaz & I fell in love instantly 🥰"} {"idx": 17715, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251186522512134146", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 17717, "original_id": "1251178172076429312", "reply_id": "1251215030412066817", "label": "yawn", "text": "Brace yourselves, because @TheCanaryUK is about to publish an exclusive on Keir Starmer's campaign funding that explains why the #LabourLeaks are just the tip of the iceberg."} {"idx": 17719, "original_id": "1250842245114232832", "reply_id": "1250891124295770117", "label": "applause", "text": "All my male friends.\nDo you know the difference between a chestnut and a walnut?\n\nDepends how long you have been edging."} {"idx": 17723, "original_id": "1251215263984427008", "reply_id": "1251254082540580865", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm a very excited girl rn"} {"idx": 17724, "original_id": "1250962220558802944", "reply_id": "1250962693055447040", "label": "eww", "text": "I just took a shit. Its was pretty big but slightly green. Overall it was a good shit I rate it an 8/10."} {"idx": 17728, "original_id": "1250914291571724288", "reply_id": "1250914740186030086", "label": "eww", "text": "Do you think that when @VP talks to Mother he says \"at the direction of the President\"? #Covid_19 #TrumpVirus #TrumpPressConf"} {"idx": 17729, "original_id": "1251208510546808833", "reply_id": "1251210354794913799", "label": "shocked", "text": "until today a have thought that wearing my Rolex was a song about his lass using his roll on deodorant"} {"idx": 17733, "original_id": "1251160862737367048", "reply_id": "1251194127032647680", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Unable to get 'likes' on TikTok videos, teenager ends life in Noida: Police"} {"idx": 17734, "original_id": "1250843918624632832", "reply_id": "1250844181074898945", "label": "agree", "text": "So, when we're supposed to be keeping away from other people, so we don't either infect someone or accidentally take C-19 home, why are you out there hugging someone you don't live with??? Isn't that like, stupid? Selfish? Dangerous to your family? All of the above?"} {"idx": 17735, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250988483688226817", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 17737, "original_id": "1250960714249969664", "reply_id": "1250961981189824519", "label": "agree", "text": "you know what just fuckin let these folks who are protesting the stay at home order out of quarantine and let the virus do their work on these fuck faces, these are Trump’s people hoisting their “don’t tread on me” flags gtfo of the streets you blind sheep"} {"idx": 17738, "original_id": "1250859395925319680", "reply_id": "1250859630391177217", "label": "yes", "text": "Thank you @skinclasshero for the @peachandlily Glass Skin Serum rec!!! First day using it and my skin feels great!! Already bought a bunch of other stuff from their website (((:"} {"idx": 17743, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251113446411841538", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 17746, "original_id": "1251066629070508032", "reply_id": "1251175123408879618", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF\n@ShaneMediaMosh \n@MatStarfighter \n@MoviesWork \n@natalieholt1982 \n@rosasreviews \n@shiz_talkin \n@HuuuHpodcast \n@CorbinShanklin \n@itsmejoshyb \n@BaldManBad1 \n@TyreeFourReal \n@Rosaaereves \n@JosephSturgill7 \n@BoosandSpirits\n@filmobjective\n@dude_largepants\nShow them some love!"} {"idx": 17750, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251227830958071808", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 17751, "original_id": "1250801011108823040", "reply_id": "1250841783015276550", "label": "seriously", "text": "T Rex is the goat. No way around it. \nIt's time for Rex Vs Cassidy!"} {"idx": 17753, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250858241946529797", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 17755, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250911853464694785", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 17758, "original_id": "1250894141514567687", "reply_id": "1250981309159268352", "label": "yes", "text": "Hubby says he doesn't snore. Oh. Ok. I wait for the perfect moment. Today was that day. He falls asleep. I record it and send it to him 🤣\nThings married couples do"} {"idx": 17759, "original_id": "1250888072318930944", "reply_id": "1250962240611770368", "label": "agree", "text": "Cant let my bros down"} {"idx": 17763, "original_id": "1250592189136146432", "reply_id": "1250930015891533825", "label": "omg", "text": "Mayyyy have put in a large order for ingredients to start formulating PopLuxe skin oils (and other skin products) 😁 Brings back such good memories-- these are the types of products I first began formulating when I started 15 years ago!"} {"idx": 17767, "original_id": "1250996644423913472", "reply_id": "1251261933816291328", "label": "hug", "text": "When I thought I was getting over #COVID19 BAM and a second time these symptoms have hit me. Just to let you all know I'm still here, still poorly and Jack my son is doing fine. He's my little soldier. I'd be lost without you all ❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 17770, "original_id": "1250822501728497664", "reply_id": "1250852379106435078", "label": "yes", "text": "y’all feelin dat new carti?"} {"idx": 17773, "original_id": "1251075218862456832", "reply_id": "1251081060080910336", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a wobbly day. Went to my purse and it has 3 pounds worth of 10p's in from my dad. I miss him 😭😭 #lockdown"} {"idx": 17774, "original_id": "1250986090242203658", "reply_id": "1250987546659692544", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Damn girl you got that $1 mashed potatoes from Ikea pussy"} {"idx": 17776, "original_id": "1250957975474237440", "reply_id": "1250971499718045697", "label": "ok", "text": "Morning 10 AM 💥\n\n#FakeIdDMK"} {"idx": 17777, "original_id": "1251265856316702721", "reply_id": "1251266498443620352", "label": "yes", "text": "Trey Burton is gonna go to GB and be extremely productive, isn’t he?"} {"idx": 17779, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251239934339493889", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 17783, "original_id": "1251072940575260673", "reply_id": "1251074443402756098", "label": "shocked", "text": "Wait a minute... who are you?"} {"idx": 17784, "original_id": "1251225056266424320", "reply_id": "1251232427844009984", "label": "thank_you", "text": "You’re so weird, it’s attractive."} {"idx": 17785, "original_id": "1250876521075617794", "reply_id": "1250901026703622146", "label": "yes", "text": "Just ordered a bunch of food from Katz Delicatessen that will be delivered next week and holy fuck I am stoked 🤩"} {"idx": 17786, "original_id": "1251057774248685568", "reply_id": "1251070191678734338", "label": "applause", "text": "Lot of unexpected unlearning happening this lockdown. Seems like I am forgetting the tricks of my trade\n\nWhat to do?"} {"idx": 17788, "original_id": "1251016923090784257", "reply_id": "1251021427358289926", "label": "agree", "text": "Can’t wait until this whole thing is over and I can go back to social distancing on my own terms. \n\n#SixteenFeetApart"} {"idx": 17790, "original_id": "1251265406398017536", "reply_id": "1251267496008650752", "label": "hug", "text": "-in need of a hug right about now"} {"idx": 17791, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251061436966596616", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 17795, "original_id": "1250889859868180485", "reply_id": "1250986762937253888", "label": "agree", "text": "I'd give a lot to be able to go to brunch after a night of binge drinking"} {"idx": 17797, "original_id": "1251143558041612288", "reply_id": "1251228307540062210", "label": "agree", "text": "Nancy Pelosi is the worst Speaker of the House in history. \n\nShe doesn't give a damn about anything but personal power and scamming millions from taxpayers for herself and her friends."} {"idx": 17800, "original_id": "1251079145712349184", "reply_id": "1251096277900640256", "label": "hug", "text": "I was busy working and I missed out so many things 😭"} {"idx": 17801, "original_id": "1251187755109015553", "reply_id": "1251189283219820545", "label": "yes", "text": "This Andrew Cuomo roasting of Trump on live television is what I live for."} {"idx": 17802, "original_id": "1251233768100319232", "reply_id": "1251235255341760512", "label": "yes", "text": "Jurassic Park 3"} {"idx": 17803, "original_id": "1250844144232214528", "reply_id": "1250844299870298120", "label": "applause", "text": "@pete_chopper Followed you back 🇨🇦"} {"idx": 17806, "original_id": "1250848820654567425", "reply_id": "1250892472458215424", "label": "no", "text": "Playboi Carti is fucking ass change my mind lmao"} {"idx": 17807, "original_id": "1250862443720437760", "reply_id": "1250872176548311040", "label": "seriously", "text": "boutta take my big fat juicy ass to wattpad to read some MMA fan fiction"} {"idx": 17809, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251027008571801600", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 17810, "original_id": "1251042762276757505", "reply_id": "1251043185578504193", "label": "agree", "text": "Yo @JaySwervin do you want hear that track!?!?😏😘😜"} {"idx": 17813, "original_id": "1250996615101534208", "reply_id": "1250998352155537408", "label": "ok", "text": "Richard Dawson was also great in THE RUNNING MAN, an underrated classic."} {"idx": 17814, "original_id": "1250972274607325186", "reply_id": "1250972619941089280", "label": "awww", "text": "I just spent 1 hour and 44 minutes on the phone with @mattks. Sorry about that. I miss your face."} {"idx": 17817, "original_id": "1251007119882665990", "reply_id": "1251007876484812801", "label": "hug", "text": "i need to rant and a hug"} {"idx": 17825, "original_id": "1251177319034769408", "reply_id": "1251240593117851656", "label": "applause", "text": "It finally happened! Today we passed 1000 all time downloads! Since we changed hosts, we don't have a unified stats page to show off, but it happened! Thanks so much to all of our friends and family for spreading the word about our little show! #podfam #podernfamily #podnation"} {"idx": 17826, "original_id": "1250898411764641792", "reply_id": "1250904699361988608", "label": "shocked", "text": "Who's ready for the free invites? 🔔"} {"idx": 17827, "original_id": "1250924905488662528", "reply_id": "1251160611355910144", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trump blaming unspecified people for not spreading the word about the virus: “People knew what was happening. People didn’t want to talk about it.” Trump and the admin were warned about this going back to January and he chose to downplay it."} {"idx": 17828, "original_id": "1250535738548117505", "reply_id": "1250970875072921600", "label": "agree", "text": "In a gif, describe what your haircut looks like right now"} {"idx": 17830, "original_id": "1251233374003396609", "reply_id": "1251233983104458753", "label": "high_five", "text": "are you the one I muted or the one I blocked? That's the mystery. That's the fun. Either way I porked your mom."} {"idx": 17831, "original_id": "1250983249087729664", "reply_id": "1251041608583335941", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "You gunna be sick when you find out🤣🤣 #BossMoves"} {"idx": 17833, "original_id": "1250871205466382336", "reply_id": "1251100524981694466", "label": "applause", "text": "Don't talk to me like it's Tezor from last year. I'm at a higher place"} {"idx": 17834, "original_id": "1251091054675193862", "reply_id": "1251091225710440449", "label": "high_five", "text": "I just copped a $1200 fine for not having a picture of Scott Morrison in my living room.\n\n#COVID19au #COVIDIOTS"} {"idx": 17835, "original_id": "1250884161788928000", "reply_id": "1250891507109896192", "label": "omg", "text": "Hey! I'll be on @bobandtom tomorrow morning. Friday, April 17."} {"idx": 17836, "original_id": "1250828953272619010", "reply_id": "1250899878739394560", "label": "hug", "text": "Just really really really need a hug"} {"idx": 17837, "original_id": "1251040061484916736", "reply_id": "1251269984350863362", "label": "omg", "text": "How you fake a pregnancy this long and keep running with it? Where they do that at🤨"} {"idx": 17842, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251226314973028355", "label": "good_luck", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 17843, "original_id": "1250883091947589632", "reply_id": "1251078382688759809", "label": "yes", "text": "Got yelled at by my 9-year-old when I tried my best to use the new gobblygook way of subtracting big numbers.\nShe may not be worried about it now, but Santa will remember this day. Oh yes, he will."} {"idx": 17844, "original_id": "1251044305185079296", "reply_id": "1251045498892374016", "label": "no", "text": "Covid-19 crisis:\n\nIndia sending Hydroxychloroquine to 55 nations\n\nNow, Pakistan has asked India to help by providing Hydroxychloroquine medicine\n\n5 days ago, 3 civilians, including child & woman, killed in J&K's Kupwara due to shelling by Pakistan Army\n\nDoes Pak deserve humanity?"} {"idx": 17847, "original_id": "1250857493728657408", "reply_id": "1251022769543921666", "label": "shocked", "text": "NCAA is in some trouble huh?"} {"idx": 17850, "original_id": "1250871485486555136", "reply_id": "1250872358317035523", "label": "eww", "text": "Guys I am in love😅..."} {"idx": 17853, "original_id": "1250870439942909952", "reply_id": "1250873290580807681", "label": "high_five", "text": "Got my first Twitch Payout today and I am lowkey emotional about it. It's not a lot but like, guys I got paid to play video games in some capacity. What is my life?? Throwing this check towards a Stream Deck, let's go!"} {"idx": 17854, "original_id": "1250930164118274051", "reply_id": "1250931210546749442", "label": "applause", "text": "Women have higher standards than men, because men are better than women.\n\nIf men had women's standards, we'd go extinct - because so few would make the cut.\n\nMight sound harsh, but where is the lie?"} {"idx": 17855, "original_id": "1251235478390652928", "reply_id": "1251236377544527874", "label": "want", "text": "People in overwatch are so mean bro you have one bad game and these mfs will tell you to never play the game again"} {"idx": 17856, "original_id": "1251164292289683460", "reply_id": "1251164712085139458", "label": "want", "text": "You don't know euphoria until you're on a yacht during Carnival in Jamaica, pulling up to Maiden Cay with a box of BBQ chicken from their KFC and a bottle of Wray."} {"idx": 17860, "original_id": "1251041716208930817", "reply_id": "1251043506300297217", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want some cuddles, someone to fucking listen to my anxious rambling without interrupting, and some crab.\nIdk why but crab legs sound bomb so fuck it I want that too."} {"idx": 17861, "original_id": "1250922336477380611", "reply_id": "1250924337651167234", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on how this virus has \"decimated\" people, even his own friends: \"Some are DEAD, right now. They're dead.\""} {"idx": 17864, "original_id": "1250822484401836032", "reply_id": "1250842214852366336", "label": "applause", "text": "guess who just passed his dissertation \ni suppose I have a postgrad degree now \n\nI am never writing another essay again in my life and I am so fucking happy about that"} {"idx": 17865, "original_id": "1250931233447530501", "reply_id": "1250976739779624961", "label": "no", "text": "WASE > WASD"} {"idx": 17867, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251113965347880960", "label": "omg", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 17869, "original_id": "1249864327752028161", "reply_id": "1250835762335158273", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I always say fuck love but that’s really all I want."} {"idx": 17870, "original_id": "1251031537966968832", "reply_id": "1251056224101072898", "label": "dance", "text": "Lots of hype tomorrow on my channel care of @TheMarvelFactor tomorrow! Stay tuned!"} {"idx": 17871, "original_id": "1250943302318215168", "reply_id": "1251010776929886208", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi guys. Please follow and give a warm welcome and hugs to our blood brothers:\n\n@AlterHiv\n@endDstigma\n@zimon2k19\n@nyosayn"} {"idx": 17874, "original_id": "1250684088975056896", "reply_id": "1250908478513782784", "label": "no", "text": "would u guys be mad if i told you im fully switching to controller 🧐"} {"idx": 17875, "original_id": "1251246314064576513", "reply_id": "1251261364674465793", "label": "facepalm", "text": "no homo but i’m rly craving apple crumble & ice cream right now"} {"idx": 17876, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250969675170799618", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 17877, "original_id": "1251219297151537152", "reply_id": "1251220538086678529", "label": "smh", "text": "I hate being in my thoughts for too long cus then I get to feeling some type of uglllllass way smh"} {"idx": 17881, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228454000918537", "label": "applause", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 17884, "original_id": "1250987145797545986", "reply_id": "1250987467957829632", "label": "awww", "text": "@JacobBryant05 you look like a Mexican zac efron"} {"idx": 17885, "original_id": "1250826308411625475", "reply_id": "1250832167841783808", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Seriously why do some people look at this virus as some bullshit shits a pandemic please stay inside and stay safe keep clean it sucks but dont go out"} {"idx": 17887, "original_id": "1250758920882225152", "reply_id": "1250954202022584321", "label": "smh", "text": "Oh u want to come fuck me with your massive,throbbing,pulsating dick? Well, by God let me fuel up my private fucking jet & come to you..tell your wife to have coffee & cinnamon rolls ready....🙄"} {"idx": 17890, "original_id": "1251027811365765123", "reply_id": "1251092242527326214", "label": "smh", "text": "60% of women cheat but 85% of the time it is the man's fault.Women tend to cheat because they are not being loved properly or they have been feeling lonely for a long period of time in a relationship & so might lean on another male for support & accidentally have sex with them."} {"idx": 17893, "original_id": "1250988406567469063", "reply_id": "1250993319129288704", "label": "hug", "text": "i want a hug."} {"idx": 17894, "original_id": "1251250221536903181", "reply_id": "1251251477173145607", "label": "hug", "text": "What a nice evening to sew shorts after being catcalled in a short skirt 🙃"} {"idx": 17895, "original_id": "1250909270096437255", "reply_id": "1250922958744363011", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "what's up with Lil Uzi Vert & Playboi Carti?"} {"idx": 17896, "original_id": "1251033787888091137", "reply_id": "1251171285419212802", "label": "applause", "text": "People who say they don’t like@dogs are never to be trusted and are probably terrible humans"} {"idx": 17897, "original_id": "1251216989718294529", "reply_id": "1251217388072206339", "label": "agree", "text": "If you need a really bad movie to take your mind off of things, might I suggest \"Aquaman\" (2018)."} {"idx": 17900, "original_id": "1251200388847611914", "reply_id": "1251201271358468099", "label": "scared", "text": "Probably shouldn't be walking around a dimly lit house listening to scary podcasts. A bag of chips just fell and scared the shit out me. I literally just jumped."} {"idx": 17901, "original_id": "1250889795850682368", "reply_id": "1250982257990524928", "label": "shrug", "text": "I wonder how serial killers are getting through this."} {"idx": 17904, "original_id": "1250859001954349057", "reply_id": "1251271957758144512", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Are you:\n\nCamp absolutely NEED to make my bed. \n\nOr\n\nCamp absolutely NO NEED to make my bed."} {"idx": 17907, "original_id": "1251027349983735808", "reply_id": "1251041748727394310", "label": "yawn", "text": "Today my parents wanted to have a conversation with me about rent and the future but because they have been so emotionally abusive my whole life I had a panic attack that I hid the whole conversation and literally started crying in my room when I got back in. :(\n\nNot doing great."} {"idx": 17908, "original_id": "1250745097274212352", "reply_id": "1250875190000697347", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Might fuck around and actually flirt... if I remember how."} {"idx": 17910, "original_id": "1250986886576947201", "reply_id": "1250989352328585216", "label": "smh", "text": "Watching Biden on #DesusandMero and he’s the least electable of the the three of them."} {"idx": 17914, "original_id": "1250962002597437441", "reply_id": "1251146976302751744", "label": "hug", "text": "How’s our volleyball community??? Everyone doing okay??? Sending virtual hugs to you all🤗 Stay strong ✊🏼"} {"idx": 17917, "original_id": "1251145483558326274", "reply_id": "1251199728957734915", "label": "hug", "text": "Holy crap I just had a bad nightmare. My accounts were hacked and were spamming like mad. I couldn’t get them back. When I tried confronting the hacker by replying “Who the hell do you think you are?!” he PHYSICALLY attacked me with spam messages that I woke up. 😰"} {"idx": 17919, "original_id": "1250928093860167682", "reply_id": "1251048417024974848", "label": "omg", "text": "O mong ena o lebetse gore at his lowest point in his career was give a platform ya fill up ..weitsi bafana ba ba ntena yeses"} {"idx": 17922, "original_id": "1251247026660151307", "reply_id": "1251262119728812034", "label": "high_five", "text": "i've been told this is a pacers household"} {"idx": 17923, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1250939105875238922", "label": "agree", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 17925, "original_id": "1250971059572084736", "reply_id": "1250998278969266185", "label": "no", "text": "But rice taste too good"} {"idx": 17926, "original_id": "1250680881724846080", "reply_id": "1251094409795506176", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The USA is n longer a free nation. All rights are gone. You can’t even get a hair cut or go to the beach. They are letting prisoners out,of jail but putting church goers in jail or giving them fines. Home of the brave. Land of the lock down"} {"idx": 17927, "original_id": "1250623583312736257", "reply_id": "1250917910018551809", "label": "agree", "text": "Sometimes the key to a good day is shitting down your laptop while you’re still feeling ahead"} {"idx": 17928, "original_id": "1251147383204806656", "reply_id": "1251164600491479040", "label": "applause", "text": "I am happy to announce that I have received my first offer for college to attend Grand Canyon University. They are offering me full paid and I'll get to work online. This is a dream come true for a very low acceptance rated school. Go Antelopes!"} {"idx": 17930, "original_id": "1250713366068256768", "reply_id": "1250951868710375424", "label": "kiss", "text": "Leave a gif and let me know either how you're feeling or what you are up to today"} {"idx": 17931, "original_id": "1250841342319775744", "reply_id": "1250846134521802753", "label": "sigh", "text": "To be a Sunderland fan right now must feel like.....\n\nFinish The Sentence with a GIF🤣\n#NUFC #NUFCtakeover #cans #toon"} {"idx": 17933, "original_id": "1251095359763464192", "reply_id": "1251095660159479811", "label": "yes", "text": "wanna fuck?"} {"idx": 17934, "original_id": "1250595105163161600", "reply_id": "1250954531162279937", "label": "high_five", "text": "Please congratulate me #WritingCommunity as I have successfully wasted an entire day and didn't write one word. Actually, not true. I wrote many words, but none of them related to my WIP LOL. \nBut, I sold one book. So, yay! \nDid you have a productive day?"} {"idx": 17935, "original_id": "1250858057392848898", "reply_id": "1251022075608944640", "label": "ok", "text": "My nipples should be in your mouth."} {"idx": 17936, "original_id": "1251043321020993537", "reply_id": "1251065980769505285", "label": "shocked", "text": "Windflowers are the ugliest flower. Pansies are next. Change my mind 🤔"} {"idx": 17940, "original_id": "1250926090832367616", "reply_id": "1250939161718259712", "label": "sigh", "text": "Its with deep sadness that I have to report that they are pulling the plug on our papers. More than 115 years of service for each the Burbank Leader and Glendale News-Press, along with the La Canada Valley Sun. It's been a wonderful 29 years for me and I have enjoyed it greatly."} {"idx": 17941, "original_id": "1250862314494078976", "reply_id": "1250864904988438528", "label": "agree", "text": "Tg frere"} {"idx": 17942, "original_id": "1251231091635167232", "reply_id": "1251254490013016065", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Time for Bosch season 6"} {"idx": 17943, "original_id": "1250515808356188160", "reply_id": "1250866474216022023", "label": "no", "text": "Thank you All, Rusev out!"} {"idx": 17944, "original_id": "1250921515534745601", "reply_id": "1251235895556149249", "label": "agree", "text": "If I’m gone give up some cheeks I like A THICK 8 or better, strong arm hard, my Jungle juice, Rush, Blue Boy, My LIQOUR , my weed, and a masculine man 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #NoHomo I’m just sayin"} {"idx": 17945, "original_id": "1250846301283069952", "reply_id": "1250846488772608003", "label": "yes", "text": "Bonus stream tonight anyone?"} {"idx": 17946, "original_id": "1250130325356888064", "reply_id": "1251218249544609792", "label": "smh", "text": "WOW. Just had a police officer called over to me and my husband at Whole Foods bc we were not wearing masks. We come to this @WholeFoods EVERY DAY. Apparently beginning yesterday, it is now illegal to come in without a mask. \nTotal deaths in D.C from Covid? 69. \n\nWTF if going on?"} {"idx": 17948, "original_id": "1250815314998308872", "reply_id": "1250834226297147392", "label": "scared", "text": "Speaking of delicious, I just typed the words “Chapter 8” on a doc. 🔥"} {"idx": 17949, "original_id": "1250928276324773888", "reply_id": "1250928951465111552", "label": "thank_you", "text": "that foo is cute"} {"idx": 17950, "original_id": "1250953991107883008", "reply_id": "1250961515173339136", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "You know who needs a big award when this is done? The Sports Department at @televisionjam . They fill an entire sports news segment EVERY DAY where NO sporting events are taking place...I’ve reached the point where I watch just to see weh dem a go seh. 🙌🏽🙌🏽"} {"idx": 17954, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251211260420665347", "label": "shrug", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 17955, "original_id": "1250736163528138752", "reply_id": "1251122301178798080", "label": "applause", "text": "Controversial opinion: South Indian vegetarian is the tastiest vegetarian across the entire country."} {"idx": 17958, "original_id": "1250884658637783041", "reply_id": "1250947383380279296", "label": "shrug", "text": "So once this social distancing is done - are ya going to be scared to dance pegadito to some bachata ?"} {"idx": 17959, "original_id": "1251189355407986689", "reply_id": "1251189675110346756", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Never mind depression. How do we get out of lockdown without having a drink problem!"} {"idx": 17960, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1251131865643261952", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 17961, "original_id": "1251176823318347778", "reply_id": "1251204873955217409", "label": "shocked", "text": "My hairstyle is converging towards the style worn by Adolf Hitler."} {"idx": 17962, "original_id": "1250893074538119169", "reply_id": "1250989569236819968", "label": "hug", "text": "just googled \"good news\" so I guess that's how I'm doing"} {"idx": 17965, "original_id": "1251004056681603072", "reply_id": "1251013613122252801", "label": "omg", "text": "Today I learned Ellen makes $50 million a year and the show has been around for 18 years aaaand her crew isn’t being paid adequately. Hmm."} {"idx": 17966, "original_id": "1250914056007008262", "reply_id": "1251015953070129152", "label": "agree", "text": "\"Trapped In The Closet\" was ahead of it's time. The Drama here😰🤣🤞🏽."} {"idx": 17968, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250895763527393284", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 17969, "original_id": "1251160845725270022", "reply_id": "1251269727441375234", "label": "awww", "text": "Hello from Texas and happy Friday to each and everyone of my super friend's👊💚 \nYou are loved! You are needed!\nI love and need you all.\nHave a wonderful day! Kick your battles to the curb."} {"idx": 17972, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251181743949991941", "label": "yawn", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 17975, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250848307615858689", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 17976, "original_id": "1250987143347884033", "reply_id": "1250988208143269888", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Dear Sagittarius,\n\nI'm only giving yall a chance after my 33 years of life because my son Owen is one. If not for him, I'd send y'all ghosty, flakey, mind gaming, manipulative azzez bk to the ghettoest of ghetto streets of which y'all came\n\nSigned, \n\nYour archnemesis 2 faced-gem!"} {"idx": 17977, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250968066139271170", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 17978, "original_id": "1250828093834608641", "reply_id": "1251064149993455616", "label": "smh", "text": "\"The one thing that the virus has taught us is the value of international cooperation\" says Dominic Raab, whose Tory government just stuck two fingers up at the EU over Brexit again earlier this afternoon!"} {"idx": 17979, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1250866938991063047", "label": "applause", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 17980, "original_id": "1251229177996546049", "reply_id": "1251261568920190978", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m tired, I’m sad and I don’t feel fun or social at the moment. That could change in five minutes or 5 weeks. In the meantime, I’m sending love and positive vibes to my Twitter fam & to the world, really. I’m thankful for you & wish all of you health & peace\n\n💜"} {"idx": 17983, "original_id": "1251018584815480832", "reply_id": "1251101403122106369", "label": "applause", "text": "Guys, if, because of Covid19, you start getting 80% of your salary, you might begin to feel like the average woman"} {"idx": 17984, "original_id": "1250923584643641344", "reply_id": "1250953575523467264", "label": "hug", "text": "Guys if you could please say a prayer for Johnny’s niece. She had three grand mal seizures last night and was air lifted to another hospital. Right now, she’s non-responsive & alone."} {"idx": 17985, "original_id": "1251141566149918720", "reply_id": "1251152950690410498", "label": "applause", "text": "Good morning you amazing Lithia things you!\n\nJust a reminder. \n\nI love you all!"} {"idx": 17990, "original_id": "1250755515874975744", "reply_id": "1250832551511576588", "label": "agree", "text": "I need a boyfriend who will fvck me 3 hours non-stop, where will I find him😒"} {"idx": 17991, "original_id": "1251242548003307520", "reply_id": "1251247392898326532", "label": "applause", "text": "stole this idea from storm but reply to this tweet and i'll post a song that reminds me of you"} {"idx": 17993, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250841630367571968", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 17995, "original_id": "1251209784440872967", "reply_id": "1251247503233765376", "label": "oops", "text": "So.... guys quick little question if I was to do a little LIVE TAKEOVER for this organisation forthe LADIES AND GENTLEMAN ..... with strippers from all over the globe... not full nudity!! WOULD yall tune in 👀👀👀 think Quaretine radio but HOT AMERICAN 😍😍😍😍"} {"idx": 17996, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251119251081003008", "label": "hearts", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 17997, "original_id": "1250828610409312261", "reply_id": "1250848321977176065", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Looking forward to cutting my own hair this weekend."} {"idx": 17998, "original_id": "1251160689562943489", "reply_id": "1251182437067096065", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "So Dr. Phil goes on Laura Ingram's show and speaks reason. The Left goes wild. I'm surprised that he doesn't understand reason and common sense does not exist on the Left. Welcome to the NUT House."} {"idx": 18000, "original_id": "1251225838298763266", "reply_id": "1251226923155496969", "label": "shocked", "text": "If Kentucky is part of this Midwest Governors conference, is it time to move Kentucky and Louisville from the SEC and ACC to the B1G?"} {"idx": 18003, "original_id": "1251050225180897280", "reply_id": "1251053562064285698", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I've been hustlin' this past year and y'all are not prepared for what I'm about to drop tomorrow."} {"idx": 18004, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250927057371926528", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 18005, "original_id": "1251120725144076288", "reply_id": "1251142570006253571", "label": "yes", "text": "Booked flights to New York teehee"} {"idx": 18006, "original_id": "1251218813816725504", "reply_id": "1251228370018459657", "label": "seriously", "text": "Next time I'm going to cut my sandwich into quarter triangles. Time to mix things up a bit. #IsolationLife"} {"idx": 18009, "original_id": "1251130694794911745", "reply_id": "1251151080391507969", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m just gonna be honest. \nMy mental health is falling apart and I’m feeling worse and worse every day. \nI’ve been struggling so bad to get up every day and stay consistent. \nBut I’m so anxious all the time."} {"idx": 18012, "original_id": "1250563422309224449", "reply_id": "1250846930604875776", "label": "yes", "text": "I’d LOVE to see 99% of us try to run this country. Most of us would diefrom exhaustion after the first week in office just with the CRITICS at our throats. I Wish we were more understanding of this tough position & possibly show more gratitude..even if u hate him..show gratitude"} {"idx": 18014, "original_id": "1251183536272551936", "reply_id": "1251184356556767234", "label": "dance", "text": "New vibes: get ya companies up!"} {"idx": 18015, "original_id": "1251101906799415296", "reply_id": "1251129112275664897", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Follow these beautiful artists! #FF #FollowFriday\n@tomatophagia \n@lavelis_twi \n@AstriLohne \n@cnocky_draws \n@RyanKamos \n@ninovecia \n@Tsonech \n@Mushiies \n@Nixri \n@ElbenherzArt \n@afarifteh \n@JuneJenssen \n@vylirium \n@procyone_ \n@nokisferatu \n@Heklalina \n@aurathestrange \n@rizuvirus"} {"idx": 18016, "original_id": "1250881861741510656", "reply_id": "1250936672004509706", "label": "shocked", "text": "If you like Black Ops 2 and Architects, then you’ll love my upload tomorrow."} {"idx": 18018, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251248315116646400", "label": "agree", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 18019, "original_id": "1250922791886483456", "reply_id": "1250979845489733633", "label": "agree", "text": "Wow, just realized I was going to be in San Diego with @Blirbis and @ablomker23 to see @fontainesdublin tonight and @_softkill tomorrow night @casbahsandiego would have been an epic weekend of music and beer! Damn."} {"idx": 18021, "original_id": "1251119068767227909", "reply_id": "1251150595819356165", "label": "hug", "text": "4th shift by myself..."} {"idx": 18024, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251000323046506504", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 18025, "original_id": "1250894393407680517", "reply_id": "1251005103101837313", "label": "oops", "text": "UNFOLLOW SPREE NOW ‼️"} {"idx": 18026, "original_id": "1251183666568368130", "reply_id": "1251186278982246400", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I'm predicting Cosmo must vacate all his wins and Yoeli suspended 9 more games"} {"idx": 18029, "original_id": "1250742552850051073", "reply_id": "1250891597786611713", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Bitch be humble. Sit the fuck down. Sam The Goat."} {"idx": 18030, "original_id": "1251182898205556737", "reply_id": "1251188678761811968", "label": "applause", "text": "hell yeah i just got real nice praise for my speech 👍"} {"idx": 18032, "original_id": "1250942177649229832", "reply_id": "1250942761911623680", "label": "high_five", "text": "So now gyms are gonna open back up, & y'all are gonna work on those summer bodies, leaving me here to eat my candy and give up like a chump."} {"idx": 18033, "original_id": "1251232387553472514", "reply_id": "1251237466872279042", "label": "omg", "text": "What is Trump’s spirit animal??"} {"idx": 18035, "original_id": "1250973289239007232", "reply_id": "1250974344609660933", "label": "oops", "text": "I feel so lame....I’ve never been to Twitter jail. 😆"} {"idx": 18037, "original_id": "1251020678238633984", "reply_id": "1251111600108580870", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "oh man this dababy album is so bad"} {"idx": 18040, "original_id": "1250964842904645632", "reply_id": "1251048060601298945", "label": "thank_you", "text": "People are really out here not protesting their rights to healthcare, better wages, or eviction freezes. No, they are protesting their right to go back out to work and potentially die to keep the ruling class in power."} {"idx": 18045, "original_id": "1251174151085154304", "reply_id": "1251208184527757312", "label": "eww", "text": "Week 1 of Work From Home: Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt\n\nWeek 3: Downgraded to shorts that are acceptable for public wear\n\nWeek 5: Gym shorts, maybe a real t-shirt\n\nSoon enough, I’ll be lucky if I put on underwear"} {"idx": 18050, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250932927862575109", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 18052, "original_id": "1250901835034103809", "reply_id": "1251271734424199168", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Shout out to 30+ Twitter though!"} {"idx": 18053, "original_id": "1250755708372635655", "reply_id": "1250843025946935300", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@Zimee_lee your Avi is fine asf"} {"idx": 18056, "original_id": "1250927781547880448", "reply_id": "1250957851498967040", "label": "smh", "text": "Just started dating this girl right? A week later she blocks all my social media and said she can’t access her social media. \n\nI make a backup Instagram account and found out she posted a Instagram story with another guy holding hands 😂\n\nSome Girls ain’t loyal and trustworthy"} {"idx": 18057, "original_id": "1250894056349208578", "reply_id": "1250971761300078593", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Playboi Carti named his song after the quality of his song"} {"idx": 18061, "original_id": "1250963998830465026", "reply_id": "1250967617243942912", "label": "agree", "text": "We've been watching all of the 1990s Batman movies, and Batman & Robin is objectively the worst in the franchise bar none. Yikes."} {"idx": 18063, "original_id": "1250837970233577472", "reply_id": "1250860255334055942", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Going stir crazy today"} {"idx": 18064, "original_id": "1250940722238435339", "reply_id": "1250941522213834759", "label": "yolo", "text": "Who’s up? \n\nI’m bored 😐"} {"idx": 18066, "original_id": "1250964092858388485", "reply_id": "1250965197482852352", "label": "applause", "text": "Y’all should be proud of me. I have watched porn all day. I actually stayed on track. 😅"} {"idx": 18069, "original_id": "1250792570747146245", "reply_id": "1250834064510050304", "label": "facepalm", "text": "FF to @DammnGirll \n\nCoz She's the Best❤"} {"idx": 18071, "original_id": "1250922100006813698", "reply_id": "1250923610434351106", "label": "sigh", "text": "Being lonely is no joke"} {"idx": 18074, "original_id": "1250909254288113669", "reply_id": "1250911127720034306", "label": "no", "text": "Men are moodier than women.\n\nI said what I said."} {"idx": 18075, "original_id": "1250860412796637184", "reply_id": "1250861150528471040", "label": "no", "text": "@LameGuyTyy man change yo fucking name 😂😂😂💀"} {"idx": 18076, "original_id": "1251015714716160000", "reply_id": "1251144712951455744", "label": "applause", "text": "I hate men I don’t have a crush that’s gross"} {"idx": 18077, "original_id": "1251074250863230982", "reply_id": "1251248362466115585", "label": "agree", "text": "If you’re one of my best friends and become active on snap when I snap you but don’t reply FUCK YOU"} {"idx": 18078, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250946001164173314", "label": "shocked", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 18079, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251180894238511110", "label": "agree", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 18080, "original_id": "1250813362545385472", "reply_id": "1250868459132432386", "label": "seriously", "text": "Find a gif that best describes your denomination."} {"idx": 18081, "original_id": "1251035448224419840", "reply_id": "1251037093419245568", "label": "ok", "text": "Wait til I get sum titties, it’s over for you bitches 🙃"} {"idx": 18085, "original_id": "1251187839926222848", "reply_id": "1251196383828287488", "label": "applause", "text": "Thx to @salaams_from_68 @JoshuaDover @DanTanner091 @AltitudeSR , tep mark steve all the fans and everyone else who helped “the masters of the midday” win this years cba for best midday show..blessed!"} {"idx": 18087, "original_id": "1251195493188808705", "reply_id": "1251196508520751109", "label": "sorry", "text": "shubham: what's wrong you can tell me anything\n\nme: tells everything\n\nshubham: 5 MIN RUKO"} {"idx": 18089, "original_id": "1250692147063513090", "reply_id": "1250889576870182912", "label": "awww", "text": "Hey all,\n\nSorry, there was no stream tonight. I had to hang out with my girlfriend :)\n\n- Craze\n\nCC: @Modin10"} {"idx": 18090, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251093901357826048", "label": "applause", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 18094, "original_id": "1250917871141761024", "reply_id": "1250920808144347138", "label": "eww", "text": "not my job telling me they’re planning on opening soon. during a pandemic? while we work with customers? buggin tf out"} {"idx": 18096, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250926945102999553", "label": "shocked", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 18097, "original_id": "1251260659477643264", "reply_id": "1251264516609933317", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Wine goes down like water now and water tastes like a foreign substance so that’s where I’m at in lockdown"} {"idx": 18099, "original_id": "1250900678190542853", "reply_id": "1251218114248933382", "label": "no", "text": "Words can’t describe how badly I want the Lions to choose Okudah over Simmons..."} {"idx": 18100, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250948104917925888", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 18103, "original_id": "1251202520761892865", "reply_id": "1251203286838972419", "label": "hug", "text": "I’d like a hug right now. That would be nice."} {"idx": 18104, "original_id": "1250826375382122496", "reply_id": "1250833018631135232", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Well that's it official , at least another 3 weeks of lockdown .... Time to get on board that OnlyFans ... there's demand for short middle-aged past it guys right?...."} {"idx": 18106, "original_id": "1250995945732550656", "reply_id": "1250997173745070082", "label": "sigh", "text": "Stand up comedy will not be back for years."} {"idx": 18107, "original_id": "1250875242458816518", "reply_id": "1250875861210787840", "label": "yes", "text": "If Pump is on his game tonight, he can easily get $SPY up another 100 handles, from here"} {"idx": 18109, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250973992044855296", "label": "no", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 18112, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251169966285455360", "label": "shocked", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 18113, "original_id": "1250836133971480577", "reply_id": "1250845720086806529", "label": "dance", "text": "$CODX got potential over HOD take it to 12"} {"idx": 18114, "original_id": "1251050938703339521", "reply_id": "1251054548950499329", "label": "oops", "text": "turns out I’m an auntie now"} {"idx": 18116, "original_id": "1251154911007354882", "reply_id": "1251162222467756034", "label": "awww", "text": "Have not done this in awhile, but it's #followfriday \n@KingTigressive \n@In6Chunx \n@ChrissiSpark \n@zombztv \n@bacalaoarmy \n@onearmedtv \n@DwarvianGuard \n@BrennanaBread09 \n@LordOfBunz \n@ForRealzy \n@KellsOnMixer \n@Kim_For_Short \n@DoubYO_Officiel"} {"idx": 18118, "original_id": "1251165205868040194", "reply_id": "1251168799220531201", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My back is sore af though! And no, not cause someone's thick son blew it out. Did a double workout yesterday 🤦🏻‍♀️ had to test drive a new land workout for my swim team before leading practice last night. Once was great, twice...🥴"} {"idx": 18119, "original_id": "1251198869276368896", "reply_id": "1251215803946610691", "label": "agree", "text": "God, 2020 is a shitty year, eh?"} {"idx": 18121, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251003881263415296", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 18123, "original_id": "1250891900011364360", "reply_id": "1251139718714028032", "label": "no", "text": "If Mnuchin told you personally that you can survive 10 weeks on $1200 stimulus checks, what would you reply?😠"} {"idx": 18127, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251028182725091328", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18132, "original_id": "1251046984548380672", "reply_id": "1251091278672076801", "label": "yes", "text": "Who remembers the phrase “TGIF” ? #fridaymorning"} {"idx": 18133, "original_id": "1250769114445967365", "reply_id": "1250882679828086786", "label": "hug", "text": "It's tough when you are near or around people who just don't like you. Smiles. Being friendly- nothing. And in the end those people shouldn't matter to me. I am just trying my best..."} {"idx": 18136, "original_id": "1251169689960624128", "reply_id": "1251171585995800576", "label": "smh", "text": "ON THE RECORD: I think LeBron James is the best basketball player of all time.\n\nJust wanted to be clear that was my opinion before the documentary on MJ is unflattering."} {"idx": 18140, "original_id": "1251118065397489666", "reply_id": "1251118976215777283", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The short people are on their own jeje o but MI will still goan look for trouble\n\nCan't one be short and be at peace with all men"} {"idx": 18142, "original_id": "1250859992900685826", "reply_id": "1250958027366301697", "label": "applause", "text": "NEW: 17 state governors now disregarding Trump and banding into coalitions in the East, West and Midwest - including 3 GOP governors - to re-open their states. This is a remarkable repudiation of Trump by 1/3 of US states!\n\nNY NJ PA DE CT MA RI CA WA OR OH IN MI KY IL WI MN."} {"idx": 18146, "original_id": "1251179099185393673", "reply_id": "1251214216725397505", "label": "hug", "text": "had my uncle’s funeral this morning and it was awesome because it was his style. gonna take another day and be back tomorrow."} {"idx": 18147, "original_id": "1250824415807524864", "reply_id": "1250834278348230656", "label": "eww", "text": "Who'd I miss? Tag someone here and I'll add them on for #ussoccerchat. I know there are more #USMNT fans out there."} {"idx": 18158, "original_id": "1251165245294497792", "reply_id": "1251169484058091521", "label": "hearts", "text": "Weird that I’m enjoying video calls with my boyfriend just to watch him play video games 😅 (not even converse) while I nap, tweet, watch Netflix. Idk just feels like at least we’re sort of together 🤣"} {"idx": 18160, "original_id": "1251053703471050753", "reply_id": "1251054043826278402", "label": "hug", "text": "bro this week has been SHIT. i’m so over it"} {"idx": 18164, "original_id": "1251266790375559168", "reply_id": "1251267192399769603", "label": "agree", "text": "The way things are going we might actually have to #EatTheRich"} {"idx": 18168, "original_id": "1250939054960422912", "reply_id": "1250939311035482116", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "INT BOISE STATE!! Coach Pete said himself, 3 or more Turnovers and it would seal a Bronco victory! Sign of things to come...👀👀 #BleedBlue #BSUvsOKlivetweet"} {"idx": 18172, "original_id": "1250800830011387904", "reply_id": "1251094712183898120", "label": "agree", "text": "If you want to be historic you have to do historic things and showing your muff on the internet doesn't qualify."} {"idx": 18173, "original_id": "1251143661435289602", "reply_id": "1251143977203621888", "label": "smh", "text": "$CANN.c $HERTF\n\nGetting coiled here, ready to breakout at any time"} {"idx": 18177, "original_id": "1250927171390124038", "reply_id": "1250932132299628544", "label": "seriously", "text": "May fuck around and tell the neighborhood kids their parents are probably going to divorce when this is all over"} {"idx": 18179, "original_id": "1250927223848292355", "reply_id": "1250927884874797057", "label": "no", "text": "Yea Gov Hulk Hogan ain’t opening our gyms anytime soon"} {"idx": 18184, "original_id": "1250911475880910848", "reply_id": "1250919859837435904", "label": "shocked", "text": "Wine ina dance, ina bed, me no shy.."} {"idx": 18187, "original_id": "1251061840177700864", "reply_id": "1251104111573041153", "label": "oops", "text": "At this point I really don’t believe all these girls have genuinely received these ‘care packages’ from their boyfriends. They’re all too busy playing bloody COD"} {"idx": 18189, "original_id": "1250872995528278019", "reply_id": "1250892426971144194", "label": "agree", "text": "\"You forget, daddy used to be a DJ and still has all his records and his record players…\" ~ me\n\n\"Yeah you've got all the records, but they're not popular songs.\" ~ @weeburnett \n\n#9yearOldSmackdown"} {"idx": 18190, "original_id": "1250840683524452353", "reply_id": "1250948738773848066", "label": "no", "text": "Do you feel we have regressed to the point of divide during the civil war?"} {"idx": 18192, "original_id": "1250690106823974912", "reply_id": "1250841915781779457", "label": "hug", "text": "Pain is EXHAUSTING. It exhausts you physically,mentally,emotionally."} {"idx": 18196, "original_id": "1250950176929394688", "reply_id": "1250950399848337413", "label": "applause", "text": "A6 I think an emphasis on mastery and deemphasis on grades has the potential to be the greatest silver lining to this. If we could keep up the idea of mastery of learning rather than worry about an A or B, that would be a GAME CHANGER. #gtchat"} {"idx": 18197, "original_id": "1251260677433561088", "reply_id": "1251272604410761216", "label": "seriously", "text": "Damn I really am ugly"} {"idx": 18199, "original_id": "1250677295360204803", "reply_id": "1250903069732331520", "label": "shocked", "text": "Who wanna take bets on how long it’s gonna take me to unblock Usagi? \n\nI give myself til the morning cause I love that bitch 🥴"} {"idx": 18202, "original_id": "1250956755355553792", "reply_id": "1250958783058247681", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Not feeling to good"} {"idx": 18203, "original_id": "1251249928069840898", "reply_id": "1251250122643648512", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I beat ff7remake"} {"idx": 18206, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251087925879738369", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 18208, "original_id": "1250985728026144769", "reply_id": "1250989721779605505", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "i just wanna know what mikes reaction is everytime he sees my name on the cameo app"} {"idx": 18209, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250986573283409921", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 18212, "original_id": "1250897348013838336", "reply_id": "1250901376789438465", "label": "hug", "text": "What I used to do after writing something really painful and triggering - rattle the tip jar and buy alcohol\n\nNow? Guess I'll just sit inside and be sad"} {"idx": 18213, "original_id": "1250957191491846148", "reply_id": "1251207580556263425", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "There’s no way to safely reopen without massive testing.\n\nYet we’re barely testing more people this week than last. And hospitals continue to report serious bottlenecks.\n\nIf Trump ignores the experts and forces a premature reopening,\n\nEven more Americans will die."} {"idx": 18215, "original_id": "1240776963100299269", "reply_id": "1250986945364123648", "label": "ok", "text": "i js spent 45 minutes on my calc hw trying to find a limit that didn’t exist- soo for personal reasons i will be passing away"} {"idx": 18217, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1251139333572222977", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 18220, "original_id": "1250940600033120256", "reply_id": "1251134746656231425", "label": "hug", "text": "i love you guys"} {"idx": 18221, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251149480461602819", "label": "shocked", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 18222, "original_id": "1251139438161342465", "reply_id": "1251140414712811520", "label": "wink", "text": "His 'n' Hers is a better album than Different Class."} {"idx": 18224, "original_id": "1250943755777122304", "reply_id": "1250949081393958918", "label": "idk", "text": "Met my future wife today and she lives 1400 miles away... 😔"} {"idx": 18225, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251236705581006850", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 18228, "original_id": "1251242036650524674", "reply_id": "1251244367039381505", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Hey @PriceIsRight, we heard that next week is KIDS WEEK! You better believe we're gonna #ComeOnDown and give it a watch"} {"idx": 18229, "original_id": "1251123782497914881", "reply_id": "1251125184842485764", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m the last person people would forward stuff on WhatsApp to because I never share them. Except meme. I share memes."} {"idx": 18232, "original_id": "1251176723191943173", "reply_id": "1251177675026321408", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I hope everyone is safe"} {"idx": 18235, "original_id": "1250916349787996160", "reply_id": "1250917563086680064", "label": "agree", "text": ".@realDonaldTrump said Democrats and Republicans are working together, so why is @MittRomney the only GOP Senator not invited to join the President's congressional task force on reopening from the coronavirus? Could it be that he was the only GOP Senator to vote to convict?"} {"idx": 18236, "original_id": "1250865571442364417", "reply_id": "1250867324107751426", "label": "awww", "text": "I just want all my friends to know how special they are to me all the time 🥺💜"} {"idx": 18237, "original_id": "1250975123940802561", "reply_id": "1250984190109089799", "label": "yes", "text": "Is typhoid Trump killing our most vulnerable in nursing homes, in minority neighborhoods, and in Blue states for some diabolical purpose or is he just that grossly incompetent?"} {"idx": 18238, "original_id": "1250816377004277760", "reply_id": "1250846245389848576", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Not to brag or anything, but I can fit an entire Eggo waffle in my mouth at once 💅🏻"} {"idx": 18240, "original_id": "1250840194946789377", "reply_id": "1250846898820390913", "label": "shocked", "text": "manila is my favourite flavour of coochie"} {"idx": 18242, "original_id": "1250871339491061761", "reply_id": "1250908553549877253", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Disney Family Singalong hosted by Ryan Seacrest..... is on tv tonight. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣\n\nI’ll never forgive that little white toothed prick for bringing the kardashians into the spotlight. \n\nHe’s still on my list of people who I can make a case for being the Antichrist."} {"idx": 18245, "original_id": "1251007628345397248", "reply_id": "1251162102791671812", "label": "applause", "text": "I have now come to the realization that Kobe Bryant is the best basketball player of all time."} {"idx": 18247, "original_id": "1250458940766380034", "reply_id": "1250833603426168832", "label": "eww", "text": "My daughter is dipping her ham in ranch dressing and I didn’t think I could ever be this proud"} {"idx": 18250, "original_id": "1251235904208769024", "reply_id": "1251245696948133888", "label": "seriously", "text": "quarantine got this one bitch ik sneaking into her ex bfs house thru the window at 1 am to fuck while his parents are in the living room"} {"idx": 18255, "original_id": "1250743744237838336", "reply_id": "1251076486691524608", "label": "shocked", "text": "Describe #Bitcoin Price action in a Gif."} {"idx": 18260, "original_id": "1251061166224429058", "reply_id": "1251199810079768579", "label": "applause", "text": "IDK HOW TO ACT/FEEL - i finally finished my psyc paper - \nI CAN FINALLY SLEEP IN PEACE"} {"idx": 18263, "original_id": "1250985713442537473", "reply_id": "1250990984755769351", "label": "ok", "text": "Random thought.. I’m not a fan of meatloaf"} {"idx": 18264, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250865500634177538", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 18266, "original_id": "1250889904210534407", "reply_id": "1250893400552943616", "label": "popcorn", "text": "let’s fight @PikettyLeMonde"} {"idx": 18269, "original_id": "1251203870425899008", "reply_id": "1251271633593143301", "label": "thank_you", "text": "In these trying times, I'm very fortunate to have an employer who values me and treats me well.\n\nI know that many of you out there are struggling financially. So to the first 5 of my followers who respond, I'm giving $100 each. \n\nJust shoot me a DM with your Venmo and your need."} {"idx": 18270, "original_id": "1251132090403282944", "reply_id": "1251151918212059143", "label": "applause", "text": "shet can't believe i did it:<"} {"idx": 18271, "original_id": "1250460122016436229", "reply_id": "1251042467350114310", "label": "yawn", "text": "How would you define your personality? GIFs only."} {"idx": 18273, "original_id": "1249819565963513859", "reply_id": "1251022281935069184", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "If I’m sucking the dick I’m sorry, ima slip a finger in that asshole 😋"} {"idx": 18275, "original_id": "1250840782740865026", "reply_id": "1250904744987635713", "label": "smh", "text": "I’ll admit. I’ve been time traveling to delete/move inclines, bridges, and buildings. Honestly, 3 days to move 3 things is a lot when I want to work on a area now. It really kills my creative flow."} {"idx": 18277, "original_id": "1250829197939007493", "reply_id": "1250843432312025088", "label": "shocked", "text": "technically all music is house music now"} {"idx": 18281, "original_id": "1250914473541599236", "reply_id": "1250918146581520386", "label": "yes", "text": "We made it to a milestone on Instagram 💖 we reached 400 😍"} {"idx": 18283, "original_id": "1250912803097018373", "reply_id": "1250934136266788866", "label": "seriously", "text": "I hate this horrible feeling of loneliness."} {"idx": 18284, "original_id": "1250773187702505474", "reply_id": "1251173754681593857", "label": "applause", "text": "Just started episode one of @glasscannonpod!!"} {"idx": 18285, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251060336230199296", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18287, "original_id": "1250818130487783424", "reply_id": "1250835860188266499", "label": "yes", "text": "Australia sounds nice"} {"idx": 18291, "original_id": "1251186157024616449", "reply_id": "1251237335590715392", "label": "smh", "text": "I know the American people will beat this. We’re brave and big-hearted. We’ve emerged stronger from every crisis that has tested us as a nation — and we will again."} {"idx": 18292, "original_id": "1250512587105734656", "reply_id": "1250863020332417024", "label": "applause", "text": "Finally got recognition for my 2 weeks of wearing walsall shirts today in Warwick tesco. Security card doing the controlling the queue bit saw me and shouted \n‘ a walsall fan, I’m from walsall mate’ the mate bit made me very happy & made my day"} {"idx": 18293, "original_id": "1250903113055137794", "reply_id": "1251119899612721153", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Just got a call from a strange number saying I've won 3 million dollars. Things seem to be looking up, folks."} {"idx": 18294, "original_id": "1250545400366407682", "reply_id": "1250941276285009927", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "This is supposed to be a pandemic briefing.. The president is attacking Democrats."} {"idx": 18295, "original_id": "1250665450813321217", "reply_id": "1250855814950039552", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Would anyone else be kinda sorta okay if Trump dissolved Congress and made himself dictator?"} {"idx": 18296, "original_id": "1250929385164726274", "reply_id": "1250938287880978432", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I can't promise I won't throw my ps4 remote through the wall the next time the ball goes through the bat on MLB 20 The Show"} {"idx": 18297, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250951645216858113", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 18300, "original_id": "1250879092330823686", "reply_id": "1250901515637833728", "label": "no", "text": "I might take up running again just out of sheer boredom..."} {"idx": 18302, "original_id": "1249782820865748992", "reply_id": "1250855834277429249", "label": "no", "text": "Maggie Simpson in “Playdate With Destiny” from @TheSimpsons is now streaming on #DisneyPlus."} {"idx": 18303, "original_id": "1250626459569254401", "reply_id": "1251008414202777601", "label": "applause", "text": "imagine thinking what you did for me is still relevant after disrespecting me"} {"idx": 18304, "original_id": "1250790462954315777", "reply_id": "1250979860962557952", "label": "seriously", "text": "Shaq is not wrong when he says his Lakers w/ Kobe would’ve beaten Jordan’s Bulls."} {"idx": 18309, "original_id": "1250833941919039491", "reply_id": "1250835275925860354", "label": "applause", "text": "AHHHH I finished SAND AND SWARM edits for @Kerstin_Wolf! I can't wait to go on sub!!!\n\nGet psyched! S&S is the epic YA climate dystopia with the eat-the-rich critique of disaster capitalism that you've been hankering for!!! (Someone's hankering for that right? RIGHT!?)"} {"idx": 18313, "original_id": "1250926070565494785", "reply_id": "1250934681572343810", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m going to throw my razor kits away. I think I might be ready. This feels crazy!!! I might or might not have to get them directly back OUT of the trash 😂😂 seriously, I’m ready. This is huge, like I feel breathless."} {"idx": 18318, "original_id": "1250992870875521024", "reply_id": "1251000498351570944", "label": "agree", "text": "YouTube has removed hundreds of ads for President Trump's reelection campaign for violating its policies, an investigation by CBS News's \"60 Minutes\" has found. More than 300 videos were removed from the platform\n\nCan we get an AMEN?!?"} {"idx": 18320, "original_id": "1250831300912611328", "reply_id": "1251016681356513285", "label": "shrug", "text": "Why do girls never dm first ??"} {"idx": 18323, "original_id": "1251262413439000576", "reply_id": "1251266982755917825", "label": "sorry", "text": "People bragging about losing weight in quarantine: Everyone hates you"} {"idx": 18325, "original_id": "1251164973893595136", "reply_id": "1251217836611117059", "label": "no", "text": "Anyone else who is otherwise into plaintive indie folk really averse to the work of Bright Eyes/Conor Oberst? I find his voice deeply annoying and his songs as dull as ditchwater. I reckon it's just Dylan fans who keep him going..."} {"idx": 18329, "original_id": "1251027133171929089", "reply_id": "1251027547548258304", "label": "hug", "text": "This headache wouldn’t let me live. Geez. 😒"} {"idx": 18335, "original_id": "1251208541408559106", "reply_id": "1251214254377709582", "label": "shrug", "text": "Do you plan to go out to eat right away once restaurants are given the green light 🚦 to reopen? @OKCFOX"} {"idx": 18336, "original_id": "1251110782521221128", "reply_id": "1251128153495482370", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I 100 percent apologize to @beatsbysarz .. I was completely joking and he was on the live while I was sharing the funny story that him I had joked about for years.. sarz came on immediately after I did and cleared up the story and told the IG live I was joking."} {"idx": 18337, "original_id": "1250870747649781766", "reply_id": "1250874079692771328", "label": "smh", "text": "How many times is too many times to masturbate in a 24 hour period? \n\nAsking for a friend."} {"idx": 18339, "original_id": "1250532260643778566", "reply_id": "1251023952081833986", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I know everyone is waiting to hear my response to my release from WWE but after 16 years I’m going to need a little more than a few hours to really digest all my thoughts and emotions. For now, thank you all for all of your kind words and support during this time."} {"idx": 18340, "original_id": "1251138263458422784", "reply_id": "1251176792880275456", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump approval by gender via new Gallup poll:\n\nMen:\n49% approve\n47% disapprove\n\nWomen:\n37% approve\n60% disapprove"} {"idx": 18347, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250968091279966208", "label": "ok", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 18348, "original_id": "1250873724917571584", "reply_id": "1250989903908753410", "label": "yes", "text": "I predict massive court battles over the infringement of Governors using police to act against citizens and our Bill of Rights during this pandemic. They will lose."} {"idx": 18350, "original_id": "1251192274471485447", "reply_id": "1251201571045748737", "label": "agree", "text": "This lockdown has made me realise I need a girlfriend. More than ever."} {"idx": 18354, "original_id": "1250931223524003840", "reply_id": "1251081562701000705", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Tomorrow @MajorWFPod is putting on #LiveFive via YouTube. A combined effort from @TheMattCardona & I and all our friends. It’s gonna be something very special. Enjoy!"} {"idx": 18356, "original_id": "1250890622900174850", "reply_id": "1250906809013059584", "label": "no", "text": "No stream tonight but I am not working tomorrow. Going to try and wake up for a early Friday morning stream. Happy everyone is having a good day."} {"idx": 18358, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250923584576348161", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 18362, "original_id": "1250960793153277953", "reply_id": "1250987182929543168", "label": "hug", "text": "i want a hug"} {"idx": 18367, "original_id": "1251222580763262976", "reply_id": "1251222778293792768", "label": "yes", "text": "My birthday is on Sunday so should I start getting drunk now? Yes or yes? 🥺"} {"idx": 18370, "original_id": "1251197468861181952", "reply_id": "1251198238759231488", "label": "shrug", "text": "Why Zayn and Liam are trending so much lol, I'm pretty sure they are not homosexual"} {"idx": 18374, "original_id": "1250900157094338561", "reply_id": "1250900993606324224", "label": "hug", "text": "VIRTUAL HUGS ARMY 💜\nOMG IM GOING THROUGH IT"} {"idx": 18377, "original_id": "1251074034391027713", "reply_id": "1251077383463096321", "label": "high_five", "text": "When all this is finally over, I hope I don’t have to hear the term “ social distancing” either for a while or never again. It gets annoying after a while."} {"idx": 18379, "original_id": "1250778764126158856", "reply_id": "1250936032452902912", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "1/2 UPDATE: Day 23(?). After a year and a half, another 3 weeks fighting with @Xfinity, multiple tickets, and 3 site visits, the cables have finally been buried. Both of them, this time."} {"idx": 18383, "original_id": "1250699118856605696", "reply_id": "1250866054613499904", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm close to 600 followers which is more than I'd thought I'd be by the end of the year so I'd like to do my first #writerslift as a thank you! Leave your book links, or just comment, then RT and follow as many as you can 😁 I'll do the same! #writingcommunity #writers"} {"idx": 18385, "original_id": "1250928603229040640", "reply_id": "1251044120224808962", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Chemistry and mental compatibility are not the same things."} {"idx": 18387, "original_id": "1251020824028512257", "reply_id": "1251022050711482370", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "tl sleep? \n\na boogie and carti ass🤷🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 18388, "original_id": "1251076925482774530", "reply_id": "1251078603510550528", "label": "hug", "text": "Losing a close friend is really the craziest thing. Nothing makes sense, it doesn't even feel real and all I know is I'll never see her again."} {"idx": 18392, "original_id": "1250860926976299008", "reply_id": "1250862452205654022", "label": "yes", "text": "If I had a blog, would you read it? I’ve been thinking about keeping one for years but I always talk myself out of it."} {"idx": 18394, "original_id": "1250854750083522567", "reply_id": "1250854955206037507", "label": "applause", "text": "the worst part of that joe kelly changeup video is that you can't see corey seager, just off screen, swinging over it"} {"idx": 18397, "original_id": "1250877706406965248", "reply_id": "1250877813634318341", "label": "good_luck", "text": "The way 2020 is going I wouldn't put it past it for one of these 'near miss' meteorites to slam into the fucking channel."} {"idx": 18398, "original_id": "1250932794118807552", "reply_id": "1250999953196904448", "label": "agree", "text": "People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right—especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong."} {"idx": 18400, "original_id": "1251039357399633921", "reply_id": "1251039590909194242", "label": "no", "text": "s h o u l d i s t a r t t y p i n g l i k e t h i s"} {"idx": 18404, "original_id": "1251192298962137088", "reply_id": "1251199749967020034", "label": "hug", "text": "I just had the worst panic attack of my life holy shit"} {"idx": 18405, "original_id": "1250862276862783490", "reply_id": "1250948823175663617", "label": "smh", "text": "The NFL is debating the concept of a season without fans in the stadiums.\n\nInside sources say they've reached out to the Cleveland Browns for advice on this."} {"idx": 18406, "original_id": "1250988635119398913", "reply_id": "1251116927361208325", "label": "yes", "text": "If you ask me.. Uzi is definitely a better artist than Carti. Facts or nah?"} {"idx": 18408, "original_id": "1251174870022369280", "reply_id": "1251174981825892353", "label": "yes", "text": "LIBERATE AMERICA from Trump’s failure to come up with a plan for testing."} {"idx": 18409, "original_id": "1251154156041035779", "reply_id": "1251154784788164608", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "the i took a 2 hrs nap just to keep me awake until 12am is unbeliebubble"} {"idx": 18414, "original_id": "1250835831629254657", "reply_id": "1251062111205232640", "label": "agree", "text": "ALL I WANNA DOO \nIS BE WITH YOU\nBE WITH YOOOUUUUU"} {"idx": 18416, "original_id": "1251260852038176768", "reply_id": "1251263619083440129", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I’ve managed to spread my very limited supply of gin out over a nearly a month now...and I only have one tiny measure left 😭"} {"idx": 18424, "original_id": "1251254920004513793", "reply_id": "1251261088915578880", "label": "no", "text": "DAMN. really maybe Kendrick’s best album"} {"idx": 18426, "original_id": "1250834409147846657", "reply_id": "1250969955715223555", "label": "agree", "text": "BREAKING: Multiple US Senators just sent the WH a letter accusing Jared Kushner of using the COVID-19 pandemic to enrich companies that he's connected with. They are demanding that the WH preserves all records! Meanwhile the GOP is pushing the false #CoronaWillEndSoon hashtag."} {"idx": 18431, "original_id": "1250848700366073856", "reply_id": "1250855140883492868", "label": "agree", "text": "Nothing motivates me more than proving people wrong."} {"idx": 18433, "original_id": "1250942947840778245", "reply_id": "1250944149404016641", "label": "shocked", "text": "Beavers in B.C. are coming into cities now that everyone’s staying home. \n\nOne was spotted near retail stores in Campbell River, B.C.\n\nI guess he just couldn’t stay... in his DAM HOUSE!!!!"} {"idx": 18434, "original_id": "1250896798379642881", "reply_id": "1250997327730360320", "label": "hug", "text": "national horny day but all i rlly wanna do is hug the homies"} {"idx": 18435, "original_id": "1250927042826248193", "reply_id": "1250927164947603467", "label": "yes", "text": "The only people who want to reopen the economy right now are the people who don’t care if you die."} {"idx": 18436, "original_id": "1250909620899663879", "reply_id": "1250910376583213057", "label": "hug", "text": "I wana cry, I choose the wrong career 😔"} {"idx": 18440, "original_id": "1250870085033644032", "reply_id": "1250870652699017216", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "That's right!\nI just reached 26k in my #wip!! \n#amediting\nI'm edging my way to being 50% of my first edit of draft one. \nThen begins my #betareader search to make sure everything seems good. Then #professionaledits. \n#goodnight! \n#writingcommunity \n\n|The Vial of Deziar|"} {"idx": 18441, "original_id": "1251105713000271873", "reply_id": "1251111092794916864", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today is Fajita Friday and I’m pretty happy about that."} {"idx": 18442, "original_id": "1251199956599390210", "reply_id": "1251200600362057729", "label": "applause", "text": "For the first time in ... probably years... I saved up for a frivolous purchase instead of just putting it on a credit card.\n\nIs this...is this financial responsibility?"} {"idx": 18447, "original_id": "1251006512383889408", "reply_id": "1251069175012847616", "label": "shrug", "text": "I thought my stimulus check hit it was just my work check 😂😂. Where my shit at Trump"} {"idx": 18448, "original_id": "1251208416162439170", "reply_id": "1251209746998149120", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Fuck it. Most liked reply gets to be my new twitter header. You have 24 hours."} {"idx": 18449, "original_id": "1250857493728657408", "reply_id": "1250860872882257920", "label": "no", "text": "NCAA is in some trouble huh?"} {"idx": 18452, "original_id": "1250814238119153665", "reply_id": "1251027826624487424", "label": "agree", "text": "#VeChain #vetfam $vet #Vetho #SHA... I just got my pocket change from the Government a couple OF Thousands but who's counting?? I'm About to spend it all on #VeChain F/Everything, else. Any of y'all have a problem? Well, here's a virtual 👉 KISS MY ASS.....🖕YOU TOO."} {"idx": 18453, "original_id": "1250841903886557185", "reply_id": "1251004941801607168", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Nowadays, bra is the most redundant item of clothing."} {"idx": 18454, "original_id": "1251242198248517632", "reply_id": "1251242680803381257", "label": "applause", "text": "When Eiji Hino was on screen I felt that"} {"idx": 18457, "original_id": "1251181637485936640", "reply_id": "1251184266970632193", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Questions for liberals:\n\nIf your government can take an OCEAN away from you... What can they NOT take from you?"} {"idx": 18458, "original_id": "1251130445896364032", "reply_id": "1251130571108933632", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug pliss?😔"} {"idx": 18460, "original_id": "1250799585515225088", "reply_id": "1250858896874487811", "label": "eww", "text": "Hi. \nI love nutter butters. \nBye."} {"idx": 18462, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251232865028902913", "label": "applause", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 18467, "original_id": "1250837557111382018", "reply_id": "1250845305836314624", "label": "hug", "text": "good morning aa can someone hug me"} {"idx": 18468, "original_id": "1250853262565289986", "reply_id": "1250855390121734144", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I'm finally pleased with my Final Fantasy VIII script. \n\nI did a lot of revising due to my 2nd playthrough. It's...less anger and more tame. Strangely. Even though many may disagree with my thoughts I truly hope you enjoy the video. \n\n<3"} {"idx": 18469, "original_id": "1250926376493907970", "reply_id": "1250936012991332354", "label": "agree", "text": "The media’s framing for the most part is always Trump’s point of view. His words, his thousands of lies, just get repeated over and over, by WH correspondents who think they’re informing us, but actually they’re mostly a bunch of cowed and super-effective propoganda platforms."} {"idx": 18470, "original_id": "1250563422309224449", "reply_id": "1250834120671977473", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I’d LOVE to see 99% of us try to run this country. Most of us would diefrom exhaustion after the first week in office just with the CRITICS at our throats. I Wish we were more understanding of this tough position & possibly show more gratitude..even if u hate him..show gratitude"} {"idx": 18472, "original_id": "1251185755227148289", "reply_id": "1251273191378599936", "label": "shrug", "text": "Does Trump not realize how self-defeating it is to incite mass COVID-19 protests among his base when everyone else is staying inside?\n\nWithin days, we're going to see reports about how people attending these protests are coming down with symptoms.\n\nHe’s harming his own voters."} {"idx": 18475, "original_id": "1250840565207400448", "reply_id": "1250874002794479618", "label": "eww", "text": "Shaved off the top and haven't been burdened by a brush or a durag in 3 days.....shit is beautiful"} {"idx": 18476, "original_id": "1251082044484079616", "reply_id": "1251088367862890497", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Follow: @claire_doodles @ArtbyFallucca @KristyMorrows @littledozerbaby @RevELLEution @RichBakerDraws @JoshRobinson00 @TheQueenofNE @xIzzyGarcia @ilyassWillDraw @GHPortraits @SLTDWrestling @WrestlingCovers @SteveWrightJr @JJWilliamsWON @WillieJSmithII @OhItsCeline_ @kimberlasskick"} {"idx": 18477, "original_id": "1251186925274312704", "reply_id": "1251237530990776323", "label": "omg", "text": "The girls you spoil with sizzling beef, sheesha and 15k single malt whiskeys in clubs are now with their real boyfriends in Umoja and Roysambu swallowing Black & White and hunters on a stomach lined with rose coco beans and half cooked rice."} {"idx": 18479, "original_id": "1250941822391607296", "reply_id": "1250947964325056513", "label": "yes", "text": "One More Week! #NFLDraft"} {"idx": 18481, "original_id": "1251266552197812224", "reply_id": "1251275219181940736", "label": "applause", "text": "Yo next time i hug a woman i might bust a nut"} {"idx": 18482, "original_id": "1251080950622171136", "reply_id": "1251081289261858817", "label": "popcorn", "text": "#ChampManFPL\n\nThe scout does have some news today. Its not a full team. Just a handful of names and news.\n\nBut some of it is a little sombre."} {"idx": 18483, "original_id": "1251182505828458499", "reply_id": "1251183387747987457", "label": "applause", "text": "Why do people feel the need to calculate others expenses? You don't pay my bills. Point blank! Seems like you want to help. Here you go take my $800 a month student loan payment. Oh, you don't want it? Ok, bye!"} {"idx": 18484, "original_id": "1250920606222204931", "reply_id": "1250922328394993664", "label": "please", "text": "Who got Apple Pay and need to be #blessed"} {"idx": 18485, "original_id": "1250635830244319238", "reply_id": "1250931913780576262", "label": "applause", "text": "I just finished my first draft of Book 2 of my Romantic Space Opera series. Of course, I have to get through my first round of self-editing before I hand it over to Beta Readers, but still....yayyy!!!\n#amwriting #spaceopera \n#writingcommunity"} {"idx": 18487, "original_id": "1250891491129667585", "reply_id": "1250893667918843911", "label": "eww", "text": "Not looking forward to being repeatedly subjected to the term \"soft opening\" for the next six months."} {"idx": 18490, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1250850720645091329", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 18494, "original_id": "1250847079586504704", "reply_id": "1250867034113654790", "label": "hug", "text": "Please send virtual hugs, cute pets, and gifs. My grandmother has just died. She had dementia and was in a care home. She hasn't been eating and drinking for the last few days and just seemed to have given up on life. 1/2"} {"idx": 18495, "original_id": "1251160615697055748", "reply_id": "1251162912820871172", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Grateful for A LOT!!! God has been good to me."} {"idx": 18496, "original_id": "1251206868166340608", "reply_id": "1251243197998620672", "label": "yes", "text": "Oh man, should I finally remove my conservative pants and draw NSFW 🙈🤔"} {"idx": 18500, "original_id": "1250810510150373382", "reply_id": "1251013774863216640", "label": "awww", "text": "blink if you are ok"} {"idx": 18504, "original_id": "1250966651132096513", "reply_id": "1250967011489914881", "label": "idk", "text": "Wait why are we posting pictures of ourselves at 20"} {"idx": 18505, "original_id": "1251239546647388160", "reply_id": "1251273803826696195", "label": "seriously", "text": "Hey @TheRock the most important question of this quarantine period came from my kids today. Does Maui live on Maui? #NeedToKnow #Knowledge #QuarantineLife #PlankTheCurve #PhysicalDistancing #YoureWelcome #Maui #Moana @Disney @disneyplus"} {"idx": 18507, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250844070404132866", "label": "oops", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 18509, "original_id": "1250870934044631040", "reply_id": "1250871481275482113", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Haha I'm fine I just put too much pressure on myself to get online today ahahahaha I'm just doing some colouring to calm down 💀\n\nTOMORROW 💪 I can do it 💪"} {"idx": 18516, "original_id": "1250781862353649666", "reply_id": "1250864477525819392", "label": "yes", "text": "Rewatching cowboy bebop and it really is the best show huh? How is it so good"} {"idx": 18517, "original_id": "1250917695622483968", "reply_id": "1251121312996700161", "label": "eww", "text": "BREAKING:\n\nRoger Stone is DENIED a new trial by Obama Judge Amy Berman-Jackson\n\nDespite a stacked, partisan jury\n\nDespite a rigged, unfair sentencing process\n\nHe STILL faces prison time while Comey & Clinton walk free\n\nThis is a disgrace.\n\nRT for a FULL PARDON of Roger Stone!"} {"idx": 18518, "original_id": "1250970549104242694", "reply_id": "1251211688499699712", "label": "agree", "text": "When she can get you hard with just her words... That"} {"idx": 18520, "original_id": "1250884099994198018", "reply_id": "1250916390401388544", "label": "awww", "text": "Guys, I didn't die I promise 🙈"} {"idx": 18522, "original_id": "1250933021915721737", "reply_id": "1250936980885692416", "label": "hearts", "text": "I don't think I can ever really express how much the community I've built over the last few months on Twitch means to be. To the other streamers and the viewers who have supported me, you're all wonderful. Thank you for doing this with me❤️"} {"idx": 18529, "original_id": "1250719496408576000", "reply_id": "1250855404227170305", "label": "yes", "text": "I came close to going to Walmart yesterday but I thought about it for a minute and talked myself out of it . People don't know how to dress themselves when they go there , so the odds of them taking necessary protective measures weren't very good"} {"idx": 18531, "original_id": "1250906538593513472", "reply_id": "1250906852646248448", "label": "ok", "text": "All ppl do is hate on me LOL\nAnd run their mouth haha"} {"idx": 18536, "original_id": "1250979575720325121", "reply_id": "1250982386696957953", "label": "dance", "text": "My business partner @thegoswicks and I have taught 6 hour seminars where we show people how to once and for all take control of their financial life. \n\nOnce the lockdown is over; we will get some on the calendar 😎"} {"idx": 18537, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250943715813834754", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 18539, "original_id": "1250822698525175808", "reply_id": "1250911300923908096", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Is Animal Crossing: New Horizons just an alternative ending to The Island of Dr Moreau?"} {"idx": 18540, "original_id": "1251176180549648386", "reply_id": "1251193634298441728", "label": "applause", "text": "We recently passed 10,000 followers on Twitter. Pretty awesome. How about a giveaway in the near future? \n\nI mean. Does anyone want that?\n\nHmm."} {"idx": 18541, "original_id": "1250765313312018433", "reply_id": "1251001022681669632", "label": "agree", "text": "you’re schewpid Maria"} {"idx": 18542, "original_id": "1250778973329555458", "reply_id": "1250831983762079745", "label": "shocked", "text": "Please don’t tell me Will Smith was out here touching little boys. That’ll ruin my whole day."} {"idx": 18543, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251271229262016513", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 18544, "original_id": "1251227860305575936", "reply_id": "1251228046478249984", "label": "scared", "text": "Stop me...\n\nPlaying Dylan Davis/Vicky Oliver here at GP"} {"idx": 18545, "original_id": "1250627080083197957", "reply_id": "1250859772515094528", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "while we are at it: I DIDNT LIKE MIDSOMMAR ONE BIT\n\nthe entire time i sat there with the same confused and disgusted look on my face. i even spent $$ to rent it bc i had such high expectations so i am not biased!!\n\nwhoever is ready to fight i am ready too just tell me where!!!!!"} {"idx": 18546, "original_id": "1250845997405782017", "reply_id": "1250848046017056777", "label": "popcorn", "text": "imma cum so hard .. watch"} {"idx": 18548, "original_id": "1251146289783476224", "reply_id": "1251146449917640716", "label": "applause", "text": "I opened an Etsy shop Wednesday night and I’ve gotten 3 orders so far! I only have my face masks in the shop so far! Why didn’t I do this sooner?"} {"idx": 18550, "original_id": "1251195988116717568", "reply_id": "1251196602045399046", "label": "oops", "text": "my friends are gay"} {"idx": 18551, "original_id": "1250939894697869312", "reply_id": "1250942134556884992", "label": "yes", "text": "I’ll dry hump you like the fucking lady I am."} {"idx": 18552, "original_id": "1250858735435735045", "reply_id": "1251038038618255360", "label": "hug", "text": "Got my ears checked today and... my hearing is pretty bad and my tinnitus will never go away. Great, some more good news."} {"idx": 18554, "original_id": "1250833127536316417", "reply_id": "1251130876777443329", "label": "applause", "text": "I am pleased to be joining the bipartisan task force on reopening the economy. Together with @realdonaldTrump, we will get this economy roaring once again. We need to let Americans get safely back to work and bring prosperity to this nation anew! 🇺🇸"} {"idx": 18556, "original_id": "1250920008840105985", "reply_id": "1250933646778937349", "label": "no", "text": "Trump says social distancing protesters, “They wanna get back, there were very strict sanctions put on people...the American people have been incredible...I think they listen, they listen to me. They like me and respect my opinion.”"} {"idx": 18557, "original_id": "1250976647723003908", "reply_id": "1250977455453671424", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "The first time I said no it’s like I never said yes.."} {"idx": 18559, "original_id": "1250826155286040576", "reply_id": "1250897699672600577", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I think too many FB people have joined Twitter lately.\n\nWe’re really fucked now."} {"idx": 18563, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250873289729290241", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 18565, "original_id": "1251155111977480193", "reply_id": "1251181277904019459", "label": "agree", "text": "A man like Iyke Nnama : The definition of real men.\nThe definition of age is just a number\nThe real definition of maturity\nThe real definition of who a partner should be\nHe makes the average guy pale in comparison\nHe redefines relationships, manhood & love\n#manlikeiyke #Iykeresa"} {"idx": 18566, "original_id": "1251228345997709314", "reply_id": "1251239820560666634", "label": "oops", "text": "Am i the one who enjoys watching redskins fans get into with redskins media Over Twitter?"} {"idx": 18568, "original_id": "1250485962938839040", "reply_id": "1250972867438747649", "label": "popcorn", "text": "The FINALS of College Baseball Nation's Best Stadium Tournament start NOW ‼️\n\nWill you #VoteDudyNoble or #VoteSwayze ❓"} {"idx": 18571, "original_id": "1250997926723301378", "reply_id": "1251010801437151232", "label": "applause", "text": "You have to love yourself for who you are ."} {"idx": 18573, "original_id": "1250923487679655937", "reply_id": "1250923659969077248", "label": "hug", "text": "my heart hurts but i don't know why i'm so sad right now huuuuuuu"} {"idx": 18575, "original_id": "1250952212831973376", "reply_id": "1250953240746905601", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’ve never had @HeggiesPizza 😬"} {"idx": 18576, "original_id": "1250921444613259264", "reply_id": "1250921835916599296", "label": "applause", "text": "judging people but always post about spreading positivity? practice what you preach."} {"idx": 18579, "original_id": "1251159885888151552", "reply_id": "1251166837062004736", "label": "scared", "text": "A night of sleeping poorly is truly a test of one's new mostly-decaf regimen"} {"idx": 18581, "original_id": "1250708869967491072", "reply_id": "1250910969968177152", "label": "seriously", "text": "People are defying the Lockdown orders. Now a mass fight has broken out in a Petrol station.\n30 people arrested in TOTAL"} {"idx": 18583, "original_id": "1250830412605280257", "reply_id": "1250926068476841994", "label": "want", "text": "I haven’t complained about not getting a Valorant key, so here is me complaining."} {"idx": 18584, "original_id": "1251238142104997892", "reply_id": "1251248852939821056", "label": "ok", "text": "I used to only suck the jelly out of jelly donuts 💀 ion ever remember actually eating the donut"} {"idx": 18585, "original_id": "1250981578768965632", "reply_id": "1250982058702204931", "label": "applause", "text": "OKAY IT OFFICIAL. I’m moving to New Mexico on the 29th this month 😱 13 flippin days till I’m in a completely different state with a fresh new beginning. So ready!"} {"idx": 18588, "original_id": "1250907450263261184", "reply_id": "1250927143225307137", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "did you hear about the monkeys who shared an amazon account?\n\nthey were prime mates ! 🤪😭💀"} {"idx": 18590, "original_id": "1250929721971339264", "reply_id": "1250936653981474816", "label": "applause", "text": "Shoutout to whoever yelled “girl power” whenever they saw me at the construction site with all guys. I’m doing this for future female engineers"} {"idx": 18591, "original_id": "1251120684358602752", "reply_id": "1251195180180484098", "label": "shocked", "text": "Can't beat a good long wank with the dog."} {"idx": 18592, "original_id": "1250949642319257600", "reply_id": "1250954999041069056", "label": "agree", "text": "i mean, i’m not completely down w the furry shit but i kinda... am? like i’ll def meow and crawl to you rub my head on your legs, put you in my mouth then purr."} {"idx": 18594, "original_id": "1250952816442724353", "reply_id": "1251011528410771456", "label": "shrug", "text": "Yeah, I'm having a lot of trouble getting to a rationalization for \"2-3% mortality rate\""} {"idx": 18595, "original_id": "1251186201752735747", "reply_id": "1251188773024608260", "label": "scared", "text": "It's a crying shame that, in this time of pandemic, I can't share my favourite pictures of @JimmyHavoc with everyone. \n\nAlthough... he's trapped in the US at the moment, so he can't come set fire to me right now.\n\nHmmmm."} {"idx": 18598, "original_id": "1251245004053307393", "reply_id": "1251273208180793345", "label": "shocked", "text": "I started cutting my hair. Now i have to finish."} {"idx": 18600, "original_id": "1250865750484500480", "reply_id": "1250871100634009603", "label": "want", "text": "Imagine if #Toonami paired Paranoia Agent with Boogiepop and Others..."} {"idx": 18605, "original_id": "1250951136875548673", "reply_id": "1250952612075036673", "label": "no", "text": "Welp, sorry anybody who didn't catch the FF7R stream today! Apparently twitch just...lost like 2 hours of it right in the important bits."} {"idx": 18607, "original_id": "1250890468474466305", "reply_id": "1250890796561244160", "label": "wink", "text": "How about a follow and a thank you for a Marine who had his account suspended. \n\n@Marine4Ever59 \n\nGive him a minute and he will follow you back."} {"idx": 18608, "original_id": "1251176933066407936", "reply_id": "1251177154903257089", "label": "applause", "text": "I did it... I guess? 😅"} {"idx": 18609, "original_id": "1250933764299132928", "reply_id": "1250943659891138561", "label": "win", "text": "*Goes to the grocery store to get fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods*\n\n*Stops by McDonald’s on the way home because ~I’m worth it~*"} {"idx": 18613, "original_id": "1250151842580959241", "reply_id": "1250888276963209223", "label": "eww", "text": "Flats > Drums"} {"idx": 18616, "original_id": "1251157142414823427", "reply_id": "1251247195522830336", "label": "applause", "text": "That thing called Semo is Trash!"} {"idx": 18618, "original_id": "1250926570983657472", "reply_id": "1250969485533761536", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Dr Birx refused to answer the question of how many millions of tests are necessary. \n\nTrump is terrified of testing questions."} {"idx": 18622, "original_id": "1250988219342245888", "reply_id": "1251022354945171458", "label": "shocked", "text": "People mad at me because ruler came at me and I came back at him. Now everyone is mad and to be honest, I couldn't give less of a fuck about anyone that's mad. I'm chilling though, how about yall?"} {"idx": 18623, "original_id": "1250993547135922178", "reply_id": "1250993774819520512", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@Theslasher411 congrats on 1,000 followers bro keep it up"} {"idx": 18625, "original_id": "1250978808808845312", "reply_id": "1250979498901663744", "label": "hearts", "text": "Do I exist outside the binary of our exchanges?"} {"idx": 18626, "original_id": "1251222966832189446", "reply_id": "1251250202410921992", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Had my first patient named “Corona” today."} {"idx": 18630, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251087031628787712", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18631, "original_id": "1251091248385085440", "reply_id": "1251121913818238979", "label": "yes", "text": "It’s Friday motherfuckers"} {"idx": 18632, "original_id": "1250985939733827584", "reply_id": "1251000443918041088", "label": "smh", "text": "Whippets are a luxury"} {"idx": 18634, "original_id": "1251252564760432643", "reply_id": "1251258289071050752", "label": "oops", "text": "Yall are fried dababy’s album slaps🔥"} {"idx": 18635, "original_id": "1251196059310649349", "reply_id": "1251203122573324288", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Posting pics from your high school yearbook and photos of your college years to ‘support’ students who won’t get those things themselves is... rubbing salt in the wound a bit, no?"} {"idx": 18642, "original_id": "1251221961247731712", "reply_id": "1251222416296153089", "label": "applause", "text": "LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"} {"idx": 18644, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251060398935076865", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18645, "original_id": "1250968908405719040", "reply_id": "1250973941428076544", "label": "dance", "text": "i can’t stop listening to j balvin’s new album lol"} {"idx": 18648, "original_id": "1250838186810585089", "reply_id": "1250864248273752064", "label": "yes", "text": "Unpopular opinion. Oasis are overrated"} {"idx": 18650, "original_id": "1251188126929678336", "reply_id": "1251188557789552641", "label": "scared", "text": "My 6yo is playing with his toys, chanting in a monotone: “Again and again and again. People invade our homes.”"} {"idx": 18653, "original_id": "1250601395935379461", "reply_id": "1250985515328909313", "label": "awww", "text": "Bill Gates is seeing his utopian globalization project go up in smoke. We know China lied, Americans died, and a booming economy was fried. Time for real border enforcement and essential products MADE IN USA."} {"idx": 18655, "original_id": "1251165002221998081", "reply_id": "1251187289893433344", "label": "applause", "text": "David Johnson reaction to the trade: 'We were very excited. The Texans are very successful, very thankful talking to Bill O'Brien and the way he wanted to utilize me. It was excitement from the start. I have that chip back on my shoulder. I want to get back to 2016, if not better"} {"idx": 18658, "original_id": "1250921556542476290", "reply_id": "1250952696007360521", "label": "shocked", "text": "Do y’all remember the first time ya ass got ate ?"} {"idx": 18659, "original_id": "1250914272986591232", "reply_id": "1251112143140814851", "label": "yes", "text": "You ever see someone post a shoe you have & go look for it but can’t find it .."} {"idx": 18661, "original_id": "1251130150143614979", "reply_id": "1251145218906157059", "label": "agree", "text": "Some listeners are hammering on WI Republicans harder than Governor Evers. That's foolish. \nYour fellow Wisconsinites were dumb enough to put a Democrat in the Governor's Mansion. \nElections have consequences."} {"idx": 18662, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251217153681915907", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 18664, "original_id": "1250745892283600897", "reply_id": "1250854713974829056", "label": "yes", "text": "Holy shit. My album is out tomorrow"} {"idx": 18667, "original_id": "1251204720229781505", "reply_id": "1251212722596917251", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "today's Trump Propaganda Show is going to be off the fucking rails"} {"idx": 18668, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250843259644964864", "label": "sigh", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 18669, "original_id": "1250962356357611520", "reply_id": "1250962743747915777", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is not a good day 😭"} {"idx": 18670, "original_id": "1251214158458171392", "reply_id": "1251267976269103109", "label": "yes", "text": "do u think dean goes through his camera roll on his phone on nights he can’t sleep and zooms in on cas’ face in every picture, wishing cas was lying next to him so he could just turn his head to look at the real thing instead of a picture"} {"idx": 18671, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251011149304180737", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18672, "original_id": "1251011560920608768", "reply_id": "1251013247148294144", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Our boy Good Baloney tumbled into $61 from $101 😂😂 \nEven though we aren’t betting, we need to get around him for start 115 looking for win 2 #thebaloney #welovehim #cantwinbuthaswonus"} {"idx": 18676, "original_id": "1250946276633370624", "reply_id": "1250960051239600129", "label": "applause", "text": "Funny tweet"} {"idx": 18679, "original_id": "1250917239643009024", "reply_id": "1250926149636669441", "label": "sigh", "text": "I’m lowkey sad/hurt. Yesterday was my boyfriends birthday so I went all out for him while he was at work. Got him gifts, decorated the house and spent 3 hours baking/decorating a cake. He hardly even acknowledged any of it and didn’t even try the cake. Ouch my heart ☹️🥺"} {"idx": 18682, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251164356819197952", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 18684, "original_id": "1251212667685134337", "reply_id": "1251252890733330432", "label": "win", "text": "Ballard says they ‘dabbled' with a couple of free agent wideouts, but obviously nothing worked out."} {"idx": 18685, "original_id": "1250890976429776898", "reply_id": "1251115445970710530", "label": "no", "text": ".@realDonaldTrump has done more for black Americans than any other President in modern history.\n\nWould a “racist” do that?"} {"idx": 18689, "original_id": "1250988964967862272", "reply_id": "1251170321408942080", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you follow my friend, @B52Malmet? If not, why not? She rocks!"} {"idx": 18693, "original_id": "1250927661838409734", "reply_id": "1250928251385462784", "label": "hug", "text": "Ever just look at your college finals and have a meltdown, me too"} {"idx": 18694, "original_id": "1250893764345974785", "reply_id": "1250944539369656320", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you wanna play with me or not?"} {"idx": 18695, "original_id": "1251258834015801345", "reply_id": "1251259101033558016", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "It's disgusting that the @SFShock have: Sinatraa, ANS, Architect, Rascal, and Striker to choose from at DPS\n\nIt's not fair. #OWL2020"} {"idx": 18696, "original_id": "1250977079060910080", "reply_id": "1250980421644333056", "label": "applause", "text": "I can eat bread now! Pizza! Cookies! Taco Bell! Sandwiches! Cake!"} {"idx": 18697, "original_id": "1250944215653199875", "reply_id": "1250954766286553088", "label": "agree", "text": "What’s your shelter at home snack of choice? Mine is Cheez-its"} {"idx": 18700, "original_id": "1250864375369433091", "reply_id": "1250865483244503046", "label": "yawn", "text": "Necessary short nap was necessary."} {"idx": 18701, "original_id": "1250868792693055497", "reply_id": "1250871687400181760", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Prepare for a solid sports tech company catfight to break out in the next couple of hours, likely coming to an inbox near you. And for the record, this one is not my fault this time."} {"idx": 18704, "original_id": "1250855785799856130", "reply_id": "1250856242186268674", "label": "hug", "text": "You know what I miss most?\nHaving the space to just be me.\nBeing able to create without being interrupted.\nPainting without people popping by every 2 minutes on some \"what are you painting?\" \"is that supposed to be you?\" \"it doesn't really look like...\"\n*insert 2year old crying."} {"idx": 18705, "original_id": "1251256478754902020", "reply_id": "1251271296530423808", "label": "smh", "text": "Do folk get wiltons cus its cheap? Cus I remember the time I had it and it was filth 🤮 #scabbycunts"} {"idx": 18708, "original_id": "1251202676118953984", "reply_id": "1251230071584485376", "label": "shocked", "text": "People f🤬🤬🤬 with you different around certain people because they talk about you different around certain people."} {"idx": 18712, "original_id": "1251214080867577862", "reply_id": "1251214949327593472", "label": "kiss", "text": "I don’t kiss anyone’s ass. Ever. Sorry."} {"idx": 18714, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251007614713921536", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 18716, "original_id": "1250946397349777410", "reply_id": "1250946761088290817", "label": "agree", "text": "My handle may change but I'll always be TIGRESS"} {"idx": 18717, "original_id": "1251049406322933761", "reply_id": "1251049479651950592", "label": "agree", "text": "i am in need of olives to go right now they are my one true love"} {"idx": 18722, "original_id": "1250926648687550464", "reply_id": "1250930470369583106", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Donald Trump's new plan\n\nPhase One: lie\n\nPhase Two: cheat\n\nPhase Three: steal"} {"idx": 18723, "original_id": "1250955511828185088", "reply_id": "1250955797468758018", "label": "hug", "text": "I just saw a little kindness on Twitter and nearly cried."} {"idx": 18726, "original_id": "1250894704788602880", "reply_id": "1251167839471443969", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "1 symptom of coronavirus is lost of taste, so prayers for all the youngboy fans out there"} {"idx": 18729, "original_id": "1251103311425490945", "reply_id": "1251109506911571969", "label": "hug", "text": "Work-week finally over. Time to head home and cry all the stress out. ✊✊"} {"idx": 18731, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251212127425216512", "label": "high_five", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 18739, "original_id": "1250843889872887808", "reply_id": "1250853625397534721", "label": "yes", "text": "live sessions of alright and bandaids will be available on streaming services tonight<3"} {"idx": 18741, "original_id": "1251104323133677568", "reply_id": "1251105162694885377", "label": "hug", "text": "i be like:\n\nhug?? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻"} {"idx": 18743, "original_id": "1251249094128877568", "reply_id": "1251255132093845507", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "There’s this girl I’m geeked over and I’ve done so much shit for tbh I just wish she felt the same way."} {"idx": 18744, "original_id": "1251025803376115714", "reply_id": "1251028272303034369", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Why y'all so outta hand tonight?"} {"idx": 18745, "original_id": "1250798766275260416", "reply_id": "1251070007041241089", "label": "high_five", "text": "I deleted the Twitter app and stopped tweeting for a while, and will continue doing that. But I did have to get on here and say:\n\nI haven’t had a cigarette in 6 months. I’m pretty proud of that."} {"idx": 18748, "original_id": "1251066482311802880", "reply_id": "1251066667183923200", "label": "eww", "text": "my pp hard rn😔"} {"idx": 18749, "original_id": "1251204753469702147", "reply_id": "1251205340747751429", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Ive Missed 3 @GoldenGopherSam Streams in a row and im extremely pissed...."} {"idx": 18751, "original_id": "1251206231676641281", "reply_id": "1251206902538809346", "label": "dance", "text": "Alllllright, I pulled the trigger and sent my measurements for my wedding dress."} {"idx": 18752, "original_id": "1251015360800649221", "reply_id": "1251103147382190080", "label": "hug", "text": "Doesn't help that today has been a \"hey, remember your mum is dead\" day."} {"idx": 18758, "original_id": "1251211116346257409", "reply_id": "1251212194903134208", "label": "win", "text": "I may set a personal best for number of airlockings today."} {"idx": 18762, "original_id": "1251035803926454273", "reply_id": "1251097650318974979", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hey Twitter!\n\nI appreciate auto-correct and auto-fill as much as the next guy but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: I have never (nor will I ever) written a sentence with \"ducking\" in it. \n\nStop trying to protect me. I'm a big boy. 🧐"} {"idx": 18764, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1250996464433745923", "label": "no", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 18766, "original_id": "1251205422578614272", "reply_id": "1251229003966492679", "label": "hug", "text": "Really struggling right now #sad #stress #EssentialWorker would appreciate #GoodVibes"} {"idx": 18767, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250950348946079744", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 18769, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251192842443243527", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 18771, "original_id": "1251105479637467136", "reply_id": "1251118331643547648", "label": "smh", "text": "TGI\n\n*has to check calendar*\n\nF"} {"idx": 18773, "original_id": "1251051219424026624", "reply_id": "1251052872009158656", "label": "hug", "text": "ah yes it's definitely going to be a fantastic day when you start it crying and then log into work to see an email you missed the day before asking you to do something short notice that had to be done yesterday, haha this is fine."} {"idx": 18775, "original_id": "1250921112034258952", "reply_id": "1250921803427479552", "label": "agree", "text": "He\nLies\nAbout\nEverything"} {"idx": 18777, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251204336698511361", "label": "seriously", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 18782, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251061393144471552", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18784, "original_id": "1251126486913953792", "reply_id": "1251127135521189895", "label": "applause", "text": "I deleted all of my social media except twitter and got a Costco membership is this being an adult"} {"idx": 18785, "original_id": "1251173639954849794", "reply_id": "1251174805161889793", "label": "shocked", "text": "Today was my last day @Versusmind , where i spent 4,5yrs growing as an architect and a CTO with the company. We were 35 at this time, almost 200 now and what a team! This was amazing!! Can’t wait for my next challenge to begin! #MVPBuzz"} {"idx": 18786, "original_id": "1251219009242116096", "reply_id": "1251267830298755072", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "GIVEAWAY TIME. \n* Just an acc that I tested tendencies on *\n\nPS4\n60 overall 2 way slashing PM \n6 foul 100 steal 100 dunk gym rat + jumpshot creator \n\nRetweet, comment and follow me to be entered. Winner announced tonight.\n\n@2kscampolice @AmericanProAm @Big_Brudda_PURP"} {"idx": 18787, "original_id": "1250880365088120836", "reply_id": "1250883639346442244", "label": "omg", "text": "shhhhhhhh\ndon't tell anyone\nespecially not @ericasipes \nshhhhh"} {"idx": 18788, "original_id": "1250900861250949120", "reply_id": "1250940084125384709", "label": "seriously", "text": "nadie me kiere😿"} {"idx": 18794, "original_id": "1250927079354400768", "reply_id": "1250958574509006849", "label": "agree", "text": "@Bushkaonblitz We all know that there is a hacker problem in pubg.\nIf they add a system where higher trier players can’t play ranked matches with players from bronze to platinum. It would eliminate most of the throwaway accounts. What do you think?"} {"idx": 18798, "original_id": "1251135560745472001", "reply_id": "1251152655881125888", "label": "wink", "text": "Seeing the feedback and how much you’re loving Wastelanders and Fallout 76 has meant everything to us. \n\nIt’s been a long road, thanks for sticking with us and the game. We couldn’t do it without you."} {"idx": 18805, "original_id": "1250938997779697664", "reply_id": "1250939464937099264", "label": "shocked", "text": "steph really the best pg ever lol"} {"idx": 18806, "original_id": "1251158203997417475", "reply_id": "1251158790986031114", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Is anyone else frantically scrolling through last minute #RevPit hints instead of focusing on their to-do list? Just me?"} {"idx": 18808, "original_id": "1251206300362563585", "reply_id": "1251206959115763712", "label": "yes", "text": "Quarantine nightmares come to life: \"Daddy, we got batteries for our lightsabers.\""} {"idx": 18810, "original_id": "1250526816806342656", "reply_id": "1250856966597087238", "label": "no", "text": "Cowboys fans, would you trade a 2nd and a 5th round pick for OBJ?"} {"idx": 18811, "original_id": "1250827617650917376", "reply_id": "1250834392257355777", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "at least out loud ... i won’t say i’m in love"} {"idx": 18813, "original_id": "1250876012428222464", "reply_id": "1250880156488445952", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I'll be talking about my dick later. Stay tuned."} {"idx": 18815, "original_id": "1250831333473083396", "reply_id": "1250847457338183680", "label": "win", "text": "Pennywise Me\n 🤝\n\nPutting on a shit ton of makeup before we swallow some kids"} {"idx": 18817, "original_id": "1251172877673607169", "reply_id": "1251214511710670848", "label": "sigh", "text": "My characters all seem to be procrastinating. What are your characters up to? #WritingCommunity #authorconfession #writerslift"} {"idx": 18822, "original_id": "1250961841913647109", "reply_id": "1250963158472089600", "label": "hug", "text": "Thank you everyone! We are almost at 500 followers, keep it up <3"} {"idx": 18824, "original_id": "1250970719346987009", "reply_id": "1250971831697313793", "label": "hug", "text": "Sooo my whole neighborhood just lost power.... while I’m in the middle of washing my hair. Currently have a hair mask in and now I have to attempt washing it out in the dark. 😖😖"} {"idx": 18825, "original_id": "1251078430361292802", "reply_id": "1251096163547316228", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@lebomashile Happy Bessie Day to you my beloved sister <3"} {"idx": 18827, "original_id": "1251031447864897541", "reply_id": "1251200531680419842", "label": "hug", "text": "Well, 5 seizure free days just went down the drain. 4 gran mal seizures in a half hour. Still fighting I will never give up.💜 #epilepsy #purplewarrior 💜"} {"idx": 18828, "original_id": "1250927307000348673", "reply_id": "1250990112713986048", "label": "shocked", "text": "How many boners do you honestly think you’ve caused in your lifetime?"} {"idx": 18832, "original_id": "1251181405171785733", "reply_id": "1251182710900420609", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Please follow these amazing people for #FF!! @DBCarterAuthor @DerekRKing2 @cr_gearhart @laliaristo @halo_scot @byMorganWright @EvelynChartres @ionacrv @MDamonBaker1 @anglrsg9 @agletterman @joanne_paulson @MissPancake9 @BellaRayne10 @FaerieRealms @_Ikklegemz_2 @detective_files"} {"idx": 18833, "original_id": "1250912853432905728", "reply_id": "1250977422998155264", "label": "seriously", "text": "\"Nationwide, more than 850 counties—or nearly 30 percent—have reported no new cases in the last 7 days.\" – President @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 18835, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251003233952129025", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18836, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250984305154637824", "label": "eww", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 18837, "original_id": "1251128216418422784", "reply_id": "1251196736682549255", "label": "thank_you", "text": "EYE wouldn't even be comfortable saying \"Black lives matter but not so much you\" yet a hwïte girl said it with her whole chest on national TV."} {"idx": 18839, "original_id": "1250897402292252672", "reply_id": "1250910047733002241", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you ever look back and realize \"Holy shit I was so deceived?\"\n\nAnd then remember you got out 💋"} {"idx": 18840, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251154851498614786", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 18841, "original_id": "1250928345308676097", "reply_id": "1251186447207608322", "label": "yes", "text": "For those who saw both, was Peter Warrick every bit the electric playmaker at #FSU that Reggie Bush was at USC?"} {"idx": 18843, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250977729110892545", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 18845, "original_id": "1250852909895446528", "reply_id": "1250853121384906752", "label": "yawn", "text": "It's time to say Good night✨"} {"idx": 18848, "original_id": "1251005344328941569", "reply_id": "1251005485748281344", "label": "ok", "text": "NEW: China reports 26 new cases of coronavirus, 15 of them were imported."} {"idx": 18851, "original_id": "1250973834720751616", "reply_id": "1251179730914758656", "label": "thank_you", "text": "if you run snakeshot you're a pussy"} {"idx": 18853, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251105197834690560", "label": "shrug", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18854, "original_id": "1250983317312344065", "reply_id": "1250984740573687808", "label": "applause", "text": "Streams have been so insane. Been a dream come true.\n\nSee y’all in the AM! #TheCrowd"} {"idx": 18858, "original_id": "1250924103906754561", "reply_id": "1250928828140130308", "label": "yawn", "text": "Trump: \"In 1917, they went through something that was similar. Probably not as contagious.” \n\nThe Spanish flu was 1918-19."} {"idx": 18862, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251169095640326144", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 18864, "original_id": "1251185555703922688", "reply_id": "1251185765624819713", "label": "shrug", "text": "I left the house for a walk but I just realized that I forgot to brush my hair 😂😩"} {"idx": 18867, "original_id": "1251007994646552577", "reply_id": "1251011035131150336", "label": "hug", "text": "SENDING ALL OF YOU BIG HUGS"} {"idx": 18869, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251192491124183046", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 18872, "original_id": "1250864508744187907", "reply_id": "1251210573821419526", "label": "agree", "text": "the letter “c,” wednesday, the number 3 and yellow all have the same energy."} {"idx": 18875, "original_id": "1250970933948411904", "reply_id": "1250972139244736514", "label": "hug", "text": "I just finished my first commission SOMEONE GIVE ME HEAD PATS"} {"idx": 18878, "original_id": "1250909929046716416", "reply_id": "1250920034362363907", "label": "sigh", "text": "President Trump says no one in America who needs a ventilator has been denied one."} {"idx": 18881, "original_id": "1251147761887531009", "reply_id": "1251170675324334080", "label": "applause", "text": "This man gives & gives to his fans & the world! He doesn’t deserve any of this & it pisses me off. It’s disgusting!! Same with Caitriona. The constant bullying & attacking over these years is vile!! 🤬 I’m so angry. People should be ashamed of themselves but I’m sure they’re not."} {"idx": 18883, "original_id": "1251050842582667267", "reply_id": "1251051642742616065", "label": "awww", "text": "I have blocked anyone who made good money trading this week\n\nIf you can see this tweet you are safe"} {"idx": 18884, "original_id": "1250558699162210307", "reply_id": "1250868700330196993", "label": "agree", "text": "Would you sacrifice fans at games, including playoff games, if you knew the Buckeyes would win it all this CFB season?"} {"idx": 18885, "original_id": "1251129282912346112", "reply_id": "1251134032407957504", "label": "hug", "text": "I need hugs"} {"idx": 18887, "original_id": "1251157369561600002", "reply_id": "1251165132715167745", "label": "shocked", "text": "quarantine got me eating oatmeal like i enjoy it"} {"idx": 18888, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251032800477626370", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18889, "original_id": "1250956247924260866", "reply_id": "1250963064188518416", "label": "wink", "text": "Would you please French kiss the fuck out of me."} {"idx": 18890, "original_id": "1251111157210836993", "reply_id": "1251111672686669825", "label": "please", "text": "INTERNET AND YOUTUBE PLEASE BE GOOD TO US TOMORROW. PLEASE DO NOT RUIN THIS SPECIAL DAY OF OURS.\n\n🥺❗"} {"idx": 18892, "original_id": "1250852988979216384", "reply_id": "1250853677163831296", "label": "oops", "text": "Yo @kwesi_win looks cute in spectacles no cap"} {"idx": 18894, "original_id": "1251247290993512448", "reply_id": "1251248342333521920", "label": "yes", "text": "We zooming the last dance together on Sunday y’all??"} {"idx": 18895, "original_id": "1250925081481678849", "reply_id": "1250973883399692288", "label": "agree", "text": "da frick"} {"idx": 18896, "original_id": "1251144546706169856", "reply_id": "1251145169967054851", "label": "shocked", "text": "Apparently my gay neighbor been suckin dick for the past 3 days and her gf just found out 😩😩😂😂😂"} {"idx": 18900, "original_id": "1251136644863975424", "reply_id": "1251137341059665921", "label": "applause", "text": "If you’re a white man plz don’t ever ever ever dm me. I don’t like y’all. Like, I rly rly rly don’t like y’all and I will block you if you dm me🥰"} {"idx": 18903, "original_id": "1251184622760865792", "reply_id": "1251199048465428483", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This \"My 600lb Life\" programme on TLC with Dr. Now will teach you gluttons about eating like an armed robber. \n\nI hate to see people get that obese!... \n\nYou ate so much without controlling your appetite... 🙄\n\nOpened the gates of appetite and obesity is prevailing on you. 🤦🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 18906, "original_id": "1251049479983312896", "reply_id": "1251057064215969792", "label": "shocked", "text": "Kylux but they’re sluts for each other. It’s called love."} {"idx": 18907, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251178252296687617", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 18909, "original_id": "1251116935091122176", "reply_id": "1251119955434586112", "label": "smh", "text": "sana all pretty"} {"idx": 18911, "original_id": "1251208211031449600", "reply_id": "1251227538967257088", "label": "smh", "text": "With due respect, the man who couldn't stop a virus from infecting Windows is fighting an uphill battle to persuade me that he can stop #coronavirus with a vaccine he owns or funded. \n\nIf anyone WITHOUT a biology background has a shot at this, Apple iOS would b my pick. No virus."} {"idx": 18913, "original_id": "1250807837015539713", "reply_id": "1250855565632221186", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "If 111,500 people donated their $1200 stimulus checks back to the US Treasury we could cover Trump’s 133.8m Golf Tab as of 2/14/20-what do you say America? @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 18914, "original_id": "1251036470648979456", "reply_id": "1251261106791886851", "label": "hug", "text": "A MAGAt just talked to me and I need a hug but nobody can touch me. 2020 sucks."} {"idx": 18916, "original_id": "1250077893926875137", "reply_id": "1250844370904838144", "label": "hug", "text": "my room smells like mountain dew and depression. this is a cry for help"} {"idx": 18917, "original_id": "1250942935954337794", "reply_id": "1250948000706371586", "label": "thank_you", "text": "What a stream. Guys you are all amazing... tha is @GivingBackBritt @gamer_dad20 for the raids. @LameGotm1lk @AlfaFoxy and @PsychoGirl765 for the hosts. You all kept the chat alive tonight. Peace out see you all in stream tomorrow 👊💯🤞 @PhearlessGaming"} {"idx": 18918, "original_id": "1251249599257419779", "reply_id": "1251255673360248832", "label": "hearts", "text": "I made a quarantine friend today there was a little toddler smushed up against the window across the alley and I waved and the tiny human waved back and then I waved again and he giggled"} {"idx": 18919, "original_id": "1251211478897573888", "reply_id": "1251214194625699841", "label": "oops", "text": "\"Bitch Tone\" ....the tone your mother used that you swore you never would use #momlife #mom #ShelterInPlace"} {"idx": 18920, "original_id": "1250561178662813696", "reply_id": "1250930086066491394", "label": "no", "text": "OBJ to the Vikings???"} {"idx": 18922, "original_id": "1250908802532114434", "reply_id": "1250951014070525953", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I failed to say it once again."} {"idx": 18923, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251013492829589504", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18925, "original_id": "1250780100775292930", "reply_id": "1251053999886864385", "label": "hug", "text": "i just need a hug right now"} {"idx": 18926, "original_id": "1251186355696263168", "reply_id": "1251186983688380417", "label": "thank_you", "text": "It's Friday? who knew? #ff these fine folks @juaneferreyra @TheJulieBenson @brian_level @mark_morales11 @mrmarkmillar @cavanscott @mccreaman @nathanfairbairn @nataliehall @NickDerington @NicolaScottArt @nickfil @willcud @pauljholden"} {"idx": 18928, "original_id": "1251125683490676736", "reply_id": "1251157413220085763", "label": "hug", "text": "When your effort is being ignored, and you just simply feel that no one is willing to support you - would you still continue? #RandomThoughts"} {"idx": 18929, "original_id": "1250875025667665920", "reply_id": "1250875251237556227", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump wants people to have the freedom to reopen their businesses. \n\nDemocrats are banning church services and issuing lockdown orders.\n\nWho are the real fascists?"} {"idx": 18930, "original_id": "1251121592953909248", "reply_id": "1251139176952725504", "label": "hug", "text": "Today it seems is my day to be having a bit of a collywobble! \n\nI'm feeling a tad fed up, a bit redundant and a bit useless. \n\nI'm not posting this for any type of sympathy but to show that I'm having these sorts of days too, we're only human after all. 😘♥️👨‍👩‍👦‍👦"} {"idx": 18934, "original_id": "1250850647961858048", "reply_id": "1250932085742866434", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Reverse cowgirl is for assholes."} {"idx": 18935, "original_id": "1250838928518557697", "reply_id": "1250843055277703170", "label": "hug", "text": "my head is killing me but it was worth it, always love the upsets hehehe"} {"idx": 18938, "original_id": "1251138247088132101", "reply_id": "1251138448586608640", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you think Bitcoin will hit $50,000 next bull run? \n\n#BTC"} {"idx": 18941, "original_id": "1251236795133464576", "reply_id": "1251246109986611207", "label": "ok", "text": "Sure, I'll cuddle you and rub your dick a little. Why not?"} {"idx": 18942, "original_id": "1250480867597856769", "reply_id": "1250853325882433544", "label": "agree", "text": "I think with this Sally storyline the idea is to make Flo the heroine, but sweet lord in heaven I truly hate her more with each scene. How about you? #BoldandBeautiful"} {"idx": 18943, "original_id": "1250947428007776257", "reply_id": "1251115492145868800", "label": "slow_clap", "text": ".@TwitchSupport hey guys can you please disable mod view on my channel, or at least give me the option to disable it? I have a unique channel with over 200k mods and everyone gets modded. I’d rather be in a DM to explain more. It’s ruining my channel. 2-3k viewers avg. thx"} {"idx": 18945, "original_id": "1251233008935460865", "reply_id": "1251236703345545217", "label": "hug", "text": "Everybody been getting on my nerves today."} {"idx": 18946, "original_id": "1251257479327080448", "reply_id": "1251258186201522180", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Congratulations to @simoes_fsa for winning my pick a game giveaway!"} {"idx": 18948, "original_id": "1251167894962089985", "reply_id": "1251177764889063424", "label": "agree", "text": "PT's not being able to treat across state lines is a joke. If you are good enough to be licensed in one state should mean you can treat in any state instead of having to take a test and pay your 50 to 100 dollars for each state. Tell me that isn't a cheap money grab."} {"idx": 18950, "original_id": "1251153360285077508", "reply_id": "1251177889380229121", "label": "no", "text": "Just had a video conference and one of our senior bosses commented that some of us needed to be doing our hair and putting on makeup because we look rough working from home.... what the actual hell?!"} {"idx": 18951, "original_id": "1250897361490108422", "reply_id": "1250967880268726273", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“We need to reopen the economy because only my investments matter and people are fungible, worthless pawns, and I’ll be here safe and sound at any rate because there’s a deadly virus out there.”"} {"idx": 18952, "original_id": "1250919259229818880", "reply_id": "1250922681437954048", "label": "smh", "text": "I don’t trust anyone who willingly chooses Tabasco over other hot sauces."} {"idx": 18956, "original_id": "1250932441851719681", "reply_id": "1251051054633893888", "label": "agree", "text": "Curious if say a million people all at once concentrated on say one person's head, if they could make that one person's head explode."} {"idx": 18959, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251039623465193476", "label": "awww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 18961, "original_id": "1250863544586944512", "reply_id": "1250865363073544193", "label": "no", "text": "Orange Juice > Apple Juice"} {"idx": 18963, "original_id": "1250838741431836672", "reply_id": "1250841604769878025", "label": "idk", "text": "nobody complains about Capricorns cause we’re great people 💆🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 18967, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250904457627435010", "label": "scared", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 18969, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250925855741747201", "label": "sigh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 18972, "original_id": "1250834955027877890", "reply_id": "1250835313964040193", "label": "oops", "text": "(Now let's hope COVID-19 doesn't wipe out the 2020-21 season...)"} {"idx": 18973, "original_id": "1251237749329285120", "reply_id": "1251249155306950656", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "The Dolphins have 5 of the first 56 selections in the 2020 draft.\nOnly 6 teams in the common draft era have ever had that many picks within the first 56 picks.\n\nThose teams combined for an eye-opening 62-22-1 (.729) record the following season, per @ESPNStatsInfo."} {"idx": 18974, "original_id": "1251011527471063040", "reply_id": "1251136990944387074", "label": "hug", "text": "I have been extremely annoyed for the past few hours and NOW I’m at a disrespectful ass mood rn."} {"idx": 18976, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1250959557305786370", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 18984, "original_id": "1251235355342372864", "reply_id": "1251239180996415491", "label": "sigh", "text": "April is a disastrous month emotionally. You can't change my mind."} {"idx": 18985, "original_id": "1250854502594342919", "reply_id": "1251142848512176134", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Shortening my tweets... hi"} {"idx": 18987, "original_id": "1250990966405619713", "reply_id": "1251018259513540609", "label": "agree", "text": "I created this page for u to view. If u wanna be bitter with my post. Please go away or blocked urself..."} {"idx": 18989, "original_id": "1251100654392786944", "reply_id": "1251218943961755649", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Follow these Savage MMA accounts - shout out Friday ⭐✔️\n@MMA_CULT \n@mmaslampod \n@DialogueFight \n@kairosmma \n@BeardsAndInk\n@Imposter_Edits\n@cealanf2 \n@mindforcombat \n@jimassoun1 \n@ImShannonTho \n@Scotlandforfury \n@zamnzeke \n@boxingmma365 \n@FullContactMTWF \n@NoTurnUnstonedd"} {"idx": 18990, "original_id": "840657392115245056", "reply_id": "1251222843548823552", "label": "facepalm", "text": "No makeup underneath it all I will still look like this\nWomen are not property so stop thinking your dick runs the show\n#WomensEmpowerment"} {"idx": 18992, "original_id": "1250978142858035201", "reply_id": "1250980039388061697", "label": "sigh", "text": "Almost got a ticket today for throwing by myself into a net (with a mask on) and no one around for at least 100 yards. Strange times."} {"idx": 18993, "original_id": "1251215438102458368", "reply_id": "1251215868685463552", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "OMG OMG. I found a black pug...I really shouldn't do this...but I think its time."} {"idx": 18994, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250865250947207168", "label": "eww", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 18996, "original_id": "1250893021622697984", "reply_id": "1251012489053118466", "label": "yes", "text": "Hey y'all; don't forget I love you all. We're in this together. You're not alone.\n\n#MakeKindnessNormal"} {"idx": 18999, "original_id": "1250844310725169153", "reply_id": "1250846655273996289", "label": "smh", "text": "Would anyone be surprised to see #DrOz as replacement for #DrFauci at the next televised trump mini rally disguised as Coronavirus taskfarce daily briefing?"} {"idx": 19002, "original_id": "1250983214862172162", "reply_id": "1251264583018459137", "label": "agree", "text": "I need a metal break. This week has put me on edge. Some help would be nice 🥺"} {"idx": 19003, "original_id": "1251175855390367745", "reply_id": "1251199577811832833", "label": "no", "text": "Cuomo wants All U.S. Taxpayers throughout the U.S. to bail out N.Y State.. 🤔\nHe wants a bill in Congress . . ."} {"idx": 19004, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250977096748240896", "label": "smh", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 19012, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250968832837066752", "label": "no", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 19014, "original_id": "1251091498797535232", "reply_id": "1251142016295030788", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I've been watching a lot of PUBG pros play Valorant and lemme just say its really good news for y'all that comp PUBG is coming back"} {"idx": 19016, "original_id": "1250993197158817792", "reply_id": "1250996227694645248", "label": "oops", "text": "Where the kings that send nut videos w the SOUND ON at???"} {"idx": 19017, "original_id": "1250662768514129921", "reply_id": "1250852523411492865", "label": "no", "text": "Tl sleep? STRAWBERRY LEMONADE BETTER THAN SWEET TEA!!!!!!!"} {"idx": 19030, "original_id": "1251030874893815808", "reply_id": "1251097661756911617", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Describe your current account balance with an emoji.\n\nMine: 🤧"} {"idx": 19031, "original_id": "1251239068228296707", "reply_id": "1251272202030329856", "label": "hug", "text": "Twitter really fkd me this time. They captcha me yesterday, and I lost all the 13k ppl I was following. I thought it would be fixed by now, it usually takes several hours, but its 24 hours later and it's not fixed yet.\n\nSo now I'll start refollowing all 8k of you I lost 😔"} {"idx": 19032, "original_id": "1250856930823856130", "reply_id": "1250867823414521856", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "All I’m saying is $1200 is 300 4 for 4’s @Wendys"} {"idx": 19033, "original_id": "1251255614648594436", "reply_id": "1251272744651628544", "label": "sigh", "text": "Is George Lucas the most successful but least talented director out there? Is there anyone who could rival him for that title?"} {"idx": 19034, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251052448174800896", "label": "smh", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 19035, "original_id": "1251080055175831552", "reply_id": "1251112429544751105", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Steamrolled by hormonal fatigue to the point of homicidal rage if I can so much as tell there is someone breathing in the next room.\nAlso, everything is uncomfortable & frustrating... sadly, my poor @lensweasel doeNt seem to recognize how much danger he’s actually in"} {"idx": 19038, "original_id": "1251154434022707212", "reply_id": "1251154945279062018", "label": "shocked", "text": "I should be able to change my phone number as much as I want, so long as I am the one paying for it to be changed. Idk why ATT won't let me change my number now...idc that I just got this number...I want to change it again..I should be allowed"} {"idx": 19040, "original_id": "1250932568448536576", "reply_id": "1250933877520183303", "label": "wink", "text": "Tweeps: \n\njust want to say again: my tweeps are the best tweeps. \n\nYou are big-hearted and open-minded and come to this hellscape full of humor and good spirit.\n\nI appreciate this every day, even when I forget to say it.\n\n😘😘\n\nCarry on! I have to go bake a birthday cake."} {"idx": 19041, "original_id": "1251130804543070211", "reply_id": "1251169106881019912", "label": "applause", "text": "My Liberal cousin asked me if I was pro gay. I said no. I'm not even amateur gay. Was their league cancelled too?"} {"idx": 19042, "original_id": "1251254954104442880", "reply_id": "1251262614849703936", "label": "high_five", "text": "You can't please all of the people all of the time. \n\nFor those of you out there who understand that this event was just for fun / Charity, thank you."} {"idx": 19043, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251023550846251010", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 19046, "original_id": "1251093996610486274", "reply_id": "1251177113920647177", "label": "applause", "text": "The Covid Respiratory Team have signed me off. Do I get a clap?"} {"idx": 19049, "original_id": "1251214535601651717", "reply_id": "1251218551983267842", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I have a social distancing date tonight. will report back with details"} {"idx": 19053, "original_id": "1251207704044920832", "reply_id": "1251236865576927232", "label": "sigh", "text": "Thank you Netherlands & @hugodejonge for your support for a #COVID19 vaccine and to @WHO! Global citizens hope that the Netherlands will also continue to support @gavi and that other countries will follow your example and contribute to @CEPIvaccines 🙏"} {"idx": 19055, "original_id": "1251032289045213186", "reply_id": "1251146380279549958", "label": "agree", "text": "I sure do wish my body would produce some lactase or I could have the willpower to not consume dairy lmao"} {"idx": 19059, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228327186255876", "label": "applause", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 19062, "original_id": "1248942685936693249", "reply_id": "1250846969427263490", "label": "seriously", "text": "the ONLY good thing at whataburger. I REPEAT... ONLY GOOD THING. honey butter chicken biscuit"} {"idx": 19063, "original_id": "1250910146378625024", "reply_id": "1250937186872164353", "label": "oops", "text": "Serious question....\n \nY’all risking the Rona for sex?"} {"idx": 19065, "original_id": "1251079662471573505", "reply_id": "1251139950894100480", "label": "shocked", "text": "“I’ve found if you wanna get rid of a chick but make it her decision, which is always easiest, just keep asking her to set up a 3some. You win either way.” - @40yearsyoung1"} {"idx": 19070, "original_id": "1250893286165958658", "reply_id": "1250938439270313985", "label": "no", "text": "JT Daniels has immense talent, but it would be a strange marriage with Tennessee. \n\nVols just signed 2 QBs, including 5-star Harrison Bailey. They're currently over the 85 scholarship limit.\n\nDo you risk multiple transfers for a QB who might not be healthy enough to play in 2020?"} {"idx": 19071, "original_id": "1250924810118422528", "reply_id": "1250936931892056064", "label": "applause", "text": "50,000 words in #campNaNo!"} {"idx": 19076, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250954965750857735", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 19077, "original_id": "1251202280709390339", "reply_id": "1251218019197620225", "label": "no", "text": "It’s called jrink and not janerik. It’s even much easier to say."} {"idx": 19078, "original_id": "1251168691481427972", "reply_id": "1251169890410459136", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Good morning by the way, how are you all doing?"} {"idx": 19079, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251186436298203136", "label": "shocked", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 19081, "original_id": "1251170818865770496", "reply_id": "1251248865228894208", "label": "agree", "text": "Literally every “TV doctor”—Phil, Oz, Drew—has utterly beclowned themselves in this crisis.\n\nIs it really this hard to find a doctor who is both good on TV and...not a total fraud?"} {"idx": 19085, "original_id": "1251067258820079616", "reply_id": "1251068902521688066", "label": "agree", "text": "Tesla China Registrations Rose To Record 11,280 In March $TSLA"} {"idx": 19086, "original_id": "1251123721961684992", "reply_id": "1251124163781296129", "label": "hug", "text": "My mom who yesterday posted a \"Covid 19 is a Democrat hoax to hurt my president\" meme just informed me that my Grandmother is very sick and is being tested. \n\nI'm so angry."} {"idx": 19088, "original_id": "1251259706242478082", "reply_id": "1251273880246853633", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all gotta respect @ChrisYoungMusic a lot more"} {"idx": 19090, "original_id": "1251049559356174336", "reply_id": "1251050194637950976", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "It’s hard to keep going sometimes"} {"idx": 19091, "original_id": "1251197635387686916", "reply_id": "1251203635272454145", "label": "applause", "text": "Monday!"} {"idx": 19094, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250931036105687041", "label": "awww", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 19095, "original_id": "1251036470648979456", "reply_id": "1251037855046131712", "label": "hug", "text": "A MAGAt just talked to me and I need a hug but nobody can touch me. 2020 sucks."} {"idx": 19099, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251160989577297922", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 19100, "original_id": "1250926603254800386", "reply_id": "1250963440501501958", "label": "hug", "text": "You go through life thinking men are supposed to be verbally abusive assholes & you just live like that. Then one day a whole new world opens & you find out that it’s not normal & all that time you’ve been living in the abnormal situation. You can’t Unknow that after you know."} {"idx": 19102, "original_id": "1250825866491420672", "reply_id": "1250834267799793665", "label": "omg", "text": "your 7th frequently used GIF is how your #FantasyBaseball team would’ve been doing right now if the season had started on schedule"} {"idx": 19103, "original_id": "1250874144767557632", "reply_id": "1250885899837210624", "label": "sigh", "text": "Only have eyes for u tho 😚"} {"idx": 19104, "original_id": "1250842654155431936", "reply_id": "1250851758248726528", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I am @Ras9915's Uncle and @TSM_ImperialHal is his Mother."} {"idx": 19105, "original_id": "1251245945477574656", "reply_id": "1251253315041669123", "label": "no", "text": "so i bought blue hair dye.."} {"idx": 19108, "original_id": "1250832346292473858", "reply_id": "1250832813244297222", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug 🥺"} {"idx": 19110, "original_id": "1250836327626452992", "reply_id": "1250878517090238464", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Ravan was a moolnivasi, devoted father, loving husband, fan of Shiva.\n\nAttack on his sister broke him. He kept thinking about it. He got radicaIised and abducted a woman.\n\nHe was kiIIIed by an upper caste Hindu while mob watching him die was shouting Jai Shri Ram.\n\n: Barkha Dutt."} {"idx": 19111, "original_id": "1250824352079187969", "reply_id": "1251017326465445888", "label": "smh", "text": "Redskins get Myles, #10 this year and 1st round next year \n\nBrowns get #2 and Trent Williams and a late pick"} {"idx": 19113, "original_id": "1250925985748471820", "reply_id": "1250926908369502214", "label": "smh", "text": "Damn shame when Flo(insurance lady) starts making you horny."} {"idx": 19114, "original_id": "1251194016735072261", "reply_id": "1251197889608638466", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "sorry y’all i accidentally let the feelings slip out the last few days, but we have successfully shoved them back in we are back in business no feelings or emotions 2020 lets get it"} {"idx": 19115, "original_id": "1251236400055214082", "reply_id": "1251241353565974529", "label": "shocked", "text": "Who was the FUCKING GENIUS that dipped pretzels into YOGURT?? Absolutely incredible. They’re amazing. Try them"} {"idx": 19117, "original_id": "1250837091648442369", "reply_id": "1250837416488861696", "label": "shocked", "text": "It's St. George's Day next week. \n\nIn Baltimore, I said to my flatmate that St. Patrick's Day was a massive, daft excuse to drink, and he said 'no, it's just homage to the US's roots. If England, Scotland or Wales ever had a patron saint's day, we'd celebrate that just as much'."} {"idx": 19120, "original_id": "1250875916147806208", "reply_id": "1250883856732807168", "label": "no", "text": "this carti song ain’t bad y’all tweakin 😂😂"} {"idx": 19121, "original_id": "1250828095579291649", "reply_id": "1251029406514102273", "label": "no", "text": "🚨CARTI DROPPED🚨 \n\nDrop a GIF that describes how you feel about the track ⬇️"} {"idx": 19124, "original_id": "1250853655705722882", "reply_id": "1250854608538345473", "label": "applause", "text": "First win in the @FACEIT @SouzernLions community cup. On to the next one! @AdaptHavoc @AdaptFleekz @AdaptCarnage @AdaptPorcupine"} {"idx": 19125, "original_id": "1250803526982385664", "reply_id": "1251151209781530626", "label": "agree", "text": "If there is one thing I need right now is ART from @SJRunningDoc . You would think I just ran a marathon LOL."} {"idx": 19129, "original_id": "1250623080612806657", "reply_id": "1250983864127766529", "label": "sorry", "text": "I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sad in my life."} {"idx": 19130, "original_id": "1250961073831915527", "reply_id": "1250961957445931008", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Just got off the phone with @aaron_burkhart.\n\nI called him to complain about the ‘17-‘18 Cavs. After rewatching game one of the Finals, I to this day do not understand how people can try to use LeBron’s finals losses as a way to diminish his legacy. What a joke of a team."} {"idx": 19134, "original_id": "1250846848308391944", "reply_id": "1250847417450352641", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I was going to do a #MeAt20 pic with a porn star, but I can’t. They’re all too disgusting 🤣"} {"idx": 19136, "original_id": "1250690106823974912", "reply_id": "1250848934836273158", "label": "hug", "text": "Pain is EXHAUSTING. It exhausts you physically,mentally,emotionally."} {"idx": 19137, "original_id": "1251063965926543360", "reply_id": "1251064300028014593", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF some fantastic #bookbloggers: @ReadtoRamble @AncaAntoci @biblio_fi @_forbookssake @ReviewingMum @mrsreadalot1989 @bookdutchesses @ISolemnlySwrRvs @kerrimcbooknerd @MarriedToBooks3 @HollyRawlins2 @TStrawberryPost @AndOnSheReads1 \nHappy Friday all! 🥰💖🎉"} {"idx": 19143, "original_id": "1250916597960712192", "reply_id": "1250951675713589248", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ve got that 534 turnip cost today SELL SELL SELL"} {"idx": 19153, "original_id": "1250956132681756672", "reply_id": "1250957348270735361", "label": "sigh", "text": "Errybody calling out Trump, but no one wants to talk about the WHO being in the pocket of China. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 19155, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251045761393065984", "label": "smh", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 19156, "original_id": "1250819573298933761", "reply_id": "1250837961148596225", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Was absolutely blown away by @openso demoing vSphere with Kubernetes, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, NSX-T, Tanzu Service Mesh and even vROps integration 🤯🤯🤯\n\nAmazing!"} {"idx": 19158, "original_id": "1250919838073212928", "reply_id": "1250920379306184706", "label": "applause", "text": "I took out the garbage like a goddamn adult."} {"idx": 19160, "original_id": "1251172343617118209", "reply_id": "1251176851957039105", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "90% of the time you can tell what show i'm binge watching lately based on my GIF response choices."} {"idx": 19161, "original_id": "1250939571736653826", "reply_id": "1250939832500719616", "label": "yes", "text": "President trump said he wants to make the country better.\n\nFine. Resign. Done."} {"idx": 19163, "original_id": "1251257464013623296", "reply_id": "1251258810573996033", "label": "yes", "text": "I took today off of work, so I should start #108ing rn, right?"} {"idx": 19164, "original_id": "1251226859016278018", "reply_id": "1251259218407153665", "label": "eww", "text": "You'd be surprised how may personnel people like Herbert more than Tua -- even if Tua were healthy. Surprised me."} {"idx": 19166, "original_id": "1250912849007906816", "reply_id": "1250915403553026061", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Grax"} {"idx": 19173, "original_id": "1250986311361736704", "reply_id": "1251247787318087682", "label": "applause", "text": "To those finding out Dr. Phil is a hack -- welcome to the party! We have snacks."} {"idx": 19175, "original_id": "1250840181994815489", "reply_id": "1250840883643236353", "label": "applause", "text": "I feel sorry for the Bahamians who stuck in the states rn."} {"idx": 19177, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250895587148541953", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 19178, "original_id": "1251224705228353538", "reply_id": "1251256267340869633", "label": "agree", "text": "Some men like modern & open minded girls, some men like traditional once, go for what you like but don’t ask anyone to change for you."} {"idx": 19179, "original_id": "1250837808236892160", "reply_id": "1250861876751335424", "label": "no", "text": "Absolutely love it when my landlord sends maintenance people unannounced who have no masks. Why bother distancing if people just come in your house against your will after presumably visiting lots of other houses"} {"idx": 19181, "original_id": "1250893764345974785", "reply_id": "1250914773753085952", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you wanna play with me or not?"} {"idx": 19182, "original_id": "1251210700376113154", "reply_id": "1251211391383539717", "label": "dance", "text": "I told this girl to translate for me and she told me to go and learn"} {"idx": 19183, "original_id": "1251154939914489858", "reply_id": "1251155150284054528", "label": "seriously", "text": "Why is it called a restroom if no one takes naps in there?"} {"idx": 19190, "original_id": "1250849253142003712", "reply_id": "1250849852822564866", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Don't get me wrong, crypto is great, Bitcoin is fucked though"} {"idx": 19191, "original_id": "1250649707719901185", "reply_id": "1250853168164016135", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Put he to sleep 🌚"} {"idx": 19192, "original_id": "1251209404608733186", "reply_id": "1251256761832501249", "label": "eww", "text": "Over $500 at Target later..."} {"idx": 19193, "original_id": "1250984093510180866", "reply_id": "1251001292597727238", "label": "seriously", "text": "Breaking News: Trump says some states can open tomorrow."} {"idx": 19196, "original_id": "1250887419957669888", "reply_id": "1250894655564193792", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "The EP is almost finished. I know it’s a long process. Believe me, the person who wants it to be released the most is me. I’ve been writing songs for so many years. I’ve been finding out who I am, collecting my puzzle pieces, ..."} {"idx": 19197, "original_id": "1250932211144146944", "reply_id": "1250939733271891968", "label": "applause", "text": "I have long emo hair for the first time since high school so I guess you can say I’m Not Okay (I Promise)"} {"idx": 19198, "original_id": "1250931233447530501", "reply_id": "1250937094576504836", "label": "no", "text": "WASE > WASD"} {"idx": 19199, "original_id": "1251082436659863555", "reply_id": "1251119653696548864", "label": "smh", "text": "Dear God!! After given advice by @LloydsBank NOT to call unless urgent, one reads you can set up a savings account online, then make it joint one online once done. One set it up and to add someone to it ... you have to call into a branch or call?!!! 🧐 🤦‍♂️x x x #EitherOrDear"} {"idx": 19201, "original_id": "1251156590809370624", "reply_id": "1251156783332077568", "label": "yes", "text": "Rupert Murdoch's News UK - The Sun, The Times, Wireless group - have taken corona measures:\n\n*Asking for volunteers to take unpaid leave or reduced hours\n* Annual bonuses have been cut\n* Will *not* be using the government's retention scheme to furlough workers"} {"idx": 19203, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251231535182893058", "label": "sorry", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 19204, "original_id": "1250872246098247680", "reply_id": "1250985150185222151", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s my birthday next weekend and I’ve never been more depressed about it."} {"idx": 19206, "original_id": "1250453857945206785", "reply_id": "1251178218163404801", "label": "yes", "text": "SiriusXM Mascot Bracket Championship\n\n#16 @WKUSports vs #16 @BYUCougars \n\n@WKUBigRed #GoTops @byu_cosmo #GoCougs"} {"idx": 19208, "original_id": "1250887974490955777", "reply_id": "1250890032455602177", "label": "hug", "text": "Tomorrow’s the anniversary of my mom’s passing. I’ve been struggling all week tbh. I miss her more than I could ever, ever say."} {"idx": 19209, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251103726984728577", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 19210, "original_id": "1251221263294529538", "reply_id": "1251222272913924096", "label": "shocked", "text": "Food with palm oil is for those on death row or life with hard labour."} {"idx": 19213, "original_id": "1251223703838494720", "reply_id": "1251230081688666120", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "NEW — From a @twitter spokesperson: the “LIBERATE” tweets by @realdonaldtrump do not violate rules prohibiting content that is “a clear call to action that could directly pose a risk to people’s health or well-being.” Trump’s tweets are “vague and unclear” re: any harmful intent."} {"idx": 19214, "original_id": "1250888966212947968", "reply_id": "1251167553881362433", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugging people hello ☹️"} {"idx": 19216, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250847779913641987", "label": "sigh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 19217, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250950224345849858", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 19219, "original_id": "1250919546925600779", "reply_id": "1250953329372475396", "label": "oops", "text": "If we together & I cheated. Don’t you dare ask me why. \n\nASK GOD why He put me in your life to hurt you😐🙄"} {"idx": 19220, "original_id": "1251159924865773577", "reply_id": "1251160376906936324", "label": "want", "text": "If we all push positive vibes the love will over power the hate"} {"idx": 19222, "original_id": "1250969530236456960", "reply_id": "1250984992915718147", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Quarantine update: Cadbury mini eggs with $3 merlot is a meal"} {"idx": 19228, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251045710390157312", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 19229, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1251215198448304128", "label": "awww", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 19235, "original_id": "1251207486574661633", "reply_id": "1251217365599223809", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug wtf"} {"idx": 19239, "original_id": "1250987123160858625", "reply_id": "1251041209147162625", "label": "hug", "text": "Please appreciate those around you every single day, world is very crazy right now... please check on those in your life and value them."} {"idx": 19240, "original_id": "1250960450210185218", "reply_id": "1250964446052143109", "label": "applause", "text": "We should take select NBA and MLB games to small towns across America!\n\nIt would be great if more of America had the economic opportunity as well as the experience.\n\nIf stadiums are to play empty, why not let communities without cases have a special moment!"} {"idx": 19244, "original_id": "1250921536225267714", "reply_id": "1250922008889757697", "label": "agree", "text": "Please never believe anything 45* says...ever."} {"idx": 19245, "original_id": "1251200784454344706", "reply_id": "1251200983725682695", "label": "hug", "text": "My mom died 4 years ago today. From lung failure. \n\nSo yeah the news is hitting CLOSE and yeah insensitive people are pissing me off and making me want to punch a wall. What some families are going through right now HURTS and they need empathy & compassion. Not bullshit."} {"idx": 19247, "original_id": "1250918846015451138", "reply_id": "1251019213713616897", "label": "applause", "text": "Israel is the new Belgium, oh wait Belgium isnt a real thing."} {"idx": 19248, "original_id": "1250659328404541442", "reply_id": "1250979615671271426", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump’s next move: convincing us re-opening the economy is a tough decision & lives will be lost, but a bad economy is worse: more people would die by suicide if he doesn’t re-open, & we have to sacrifice as a nation because we are at war & poor him for having to make the call 👀"} {"idx": 19250, "original_id": "1251184931218358279", "reply_id": "1251187655074811906", "label": "scared", "text": "It’s been 10 minutes since my coworker messaged me saying “hey so I discovered something...”"} {"idx": 19251, "original_id": "1251038083212095489", "reply_id": "1251055988679086080", "label": "hug", "text": "My #mentalhealth has taken a toll. I had not realised. The issue with bad mental health is that when it collapses temporarily, we may not know we are in the middle of it. I can manage it badly. My advice to others, do not feel badly, do not feel ashamed. Ask for help."} {"idx": 19253, "original_id": "1251184135973920768", "reply_id": "1251184463771365379", "label": "applause", "text": "My heart is racing. This is the most fun I’ve had in years. This will be my last tweet from this phone and then I’m strictly using burners so they can’t track me. I am going to seek refuge in New Zealand."} {"idx": 19257, "original_id": "1250943682921914368", "reply_id": "1250944033553170434", "label": "hug", "text": "Waiting to hear from hospital. \nFeeling super stressed and helpless."} {"idx": 19259, "original_id": "1250913715509133312", "reply_id": "1251023728038699008", "label": "win", "text": "I just fucked my ex’s step brother 😌"} {"idx": 19260, "original_id": "1250623838242701312", "reply_id": "1251180465312186368", "label": "applause", "text": "choose your fighter"} {"idx": 19261, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251067754838241280", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 19263, "original_id": "1251022852058304512", "reply_id": "1251120094454915074", "label": "hug", "text": "*roll around* I miss ppl"} {"idx": 19266, "original_id": "1251141870010294274", "reply_id": "1251142091356336133", "label": "hug", "text": "The thunder is so strong it's scary it feels like we are being bombarded"} {"idx": 19267, "original_id": "1251243208383791104", "reply_id": "1251243805589884928", "label": "applause", "text": "We want Georgia...we want Bama...we want Clemson... Go Heels!!!! #BeTheOne"} {"idx": 19268, "original_id": "1251215683435798528", "reply_id": "1251231195330838533", "label": "shocked", "text": "Totally did not know that Russia had tigers lmao!"} {"idx": 19269, "original_id": "1250918835538067457", "reply_id": "1250956632801988610", "label": "agree", "text": "It sure looks like the Blues can’t afford to re-sign Pietrangelo. If Joe needs a place to spend that cap spaced, I can think of a very smart way to do so."} {"idx": 19273, "original_id": "1250854503353446401", "reply_id": "1250986195292733440", "label": "agree", "text": "Waffles > French Toast > Pancakes"} {"idx": 19279, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250838151100346368", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 19281, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251027415528116224", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 19282, "original_id": "1251233172127272960", "reply_id": "1251233933909516288", "label": "ok", "text": "All these states wanting to open up is just helping Darwinism, and I’m here for it."} {"idx": 19283, "original_id": "1251202763553374211", "reply_id": "1251220343370379264", "label": "eww", "text": "Anyone heard people refer to calendar reminders as \"ticklers\"? \n\nI have. And I hate it."} {"idx": 19286, "original_id": "1250886093093789696", "reply_id": "1250906272586559488", "label": "smh", "text": "The “W” in my name stands for Wtf am I doing with my life?"} {"idx": 19287, "original_id": "1251215394171310080", "reply_id": "1251215506629169152", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss hugs"} {"idx": 19288, "original_id": "1250849889086574594", "reply_id": "1250853934744383491", "label": "applause", "text": "I can't believe I finally became twitter famous"} {"idx": 19289, "original_id": "1250867442911494146", "reply_id": "1250875418716114944", "label": "no", "text": "Should I kill myself?"} {"idx": 19291, "original_id": "1250852474199695363", "reply_id": "1250852651882995713", "label": "sigh", "text": "I like turning men into sluts. I really get a kick out of it. 😍"} {"idx": 19292, "original_id": "1250916399532425219", "reply_id": "1250953220781998083", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Good news - I am out of the cast and largely off crutches. The bad news is I have to learn to put weight on my weight again and walk but I’m bipedal again!"} {"idx": 19293, "original_id": "1250996432032526338", "reply_id": "1251002412342620160", "label": "shocked", "text": "I wanna eat my girls shitter like an apple fritter- Me, being horny 10 minutes ago"} {"idx": 19294, "original_id": "1250773186070732801", "reply_id": "1250866755095785472", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Okay I want to be the bottom in my relationship like period. Tsundere bottom. Intellectual bottom. Naughty bottom. Power bottom. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I MUST NOT TELL LIES"} {"idx": 19295, "original_id": "1250825088481603587", "reply_id": "1250864824118018048", "label": "no", "text": "Anyone have a spare rocket diy in #acnh ? Or could possibly make me one. I can pay bells!"} {"idx": 19296, "original_id": "1250926654991540225", "reply_id": "1250933342503141376", "label": "shocked", "text": "an ordained Elvis is going to marry my mom and her fiancé over Zoom."} {"idx": 19298, "original_id": "1251261441761517570", "reply_id": "1251264504996016131", "label": "shrug", "text": "I guess I’ll start drinking soon."} {"idx": 19302, "original_id": "1251159528525033472", "reply_id": "1251159831601242112", "label": "agree", "text": "Taking pics with your middle finger up is tacky"} {"idx": 19304, "original_id": "1250818454376124417", "reply_id": "1250957066459664390", "label": "kiss", "text": "Sending nothing but love to everyone out there today ❤️"} {"idx": 19306, "original_id": "1250992807160033280", "reply_id": "1251067256395583488", "label": "agree", "text": "Syfa is the most badass Castlevania character thanks for coming to my TED talk"} {"idx": 19310, "original_id": "1251264047674204161", "reply_id": "1251266307393191936", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Explained to my mum today that Muslims believe the Gospel, Zaboor and Torah were also revealed by Allah but were altered over time. The Dawah starts now"} {"idx": 19312, "original_id": "1251074463917113344", "reply_id": "1251081811595112448", "label": "applause", "text": "Name : corona virus\nNickname: covid\nAge :19\nCast : SARS COV 2\nFather : china\nGirlfriend : US\nEx : Italy\nCrush : india\nInterest : older (60+ age)\nFavourite personality: trump😂\n@cardiff00 @RupenikaGaur @sonal69891044 @DrKumarVishwas @h3nilp @DocAnanyaRajput @DrSrishtiii"} {"idx": 19316, "original_id": "1251173587425406977", "reply_id": "1251227344175378432", "label": "sorry", "text": "I miss telling my friends I’m down and then cancelling the day of 😣😣😣"} {"idx": 19317, "original_id": "1250877241178890242", "reply_id": "1250898565087612930", "label": "applause", "text": "Excited to be applying for a @wsfcs @WSFCS_HR AP position!"} {"idx": 19319, "original_id": "1251020170153336833", "reply_id": "1251028004706320385", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve been getting the worst headaches lately and cry for every little thing... i’m not about it"} {"idx": 19320, "original_id": "1250807543389020162", "reply_id": "1251165855875919874", "label": "hug", "text": "I think I've broken myself. I know that Twitter is not the place to post this, but I feel so isolated, so much like everyone is counting on me yet people don't reach out to me. I feel like my entire reality has shattered and I can't stay above it all. This sucks."} {"idx": 19323, "original_id": "1250711094039130117", "reply_id": "1250977775667875841", "label": "hug", "text": "Ah we’re at the ‘my friends all hate me, disappear into the mist’ stage of isolation.\n\nFun! Thanks brain."} {"idx": 19326, "original_id": "1250982123114123265", "reply_id": "1250983839926751238", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I KNOW WE JUST\nWOKE UP\nI KNOW YOU GOTTA \nGO BUTT\nBREAKFAST ISN’T OVER\nI SEE THE WAY YOU ROSE UP\n🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆"} {"idx": 19329, "original_id": "1251240719999741952", "reply_id": "1251254644078247936", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm just a right little retweeter this evening aren't I. Not got an original thought in my head. That's because it's up my arse. Metaphorically, not literally, obvs. \n\nNot doing too great this evening I don't think. 😔"} {"idx": 19332, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250980719343607810", "label": "yawn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 19336, "original_id": "1250777779668422657", "reply_id": "1251028068157796354", "label": "yes", "text": "😬😬😬im getting more vocal 😬😬😬If I end up dead just remember it’s probably one of the 10 million people who don’t like me. Their names are in a HUGE sealed envelope in the top left drawer of my dresser."} {"idx": 19339, "original_id": "1251230744640454659", "reply_id": "1251230964790947840", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "$ENSV Taking over the weekend"} {"idx": 19340, "original_id": "1251249702848335873", "reply_id": "1251253241448464388", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "To all the spoil females on my timeline... \nNO‼️"} {"idx": 19341, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250904093213765633", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 19344, "original_id": "1250601485488074759", "reply_id": "1250853751705010176", "label": "idk", "text": "I personally ain't marrying a Tz man, I really would rather masturbste with the sharp end of the knife that be with you man whores. And before you dragons come for me, shut up"} {"idx": 19346, "original_id": "1250884327363264513", "reply_id": "1250903361928466433", "label": "applause", "text": "Somebody be proud of ME"} {"idx": 19347, "original_id": "1250949502439239680", "reply_id": "1250987927259066372", "label": "oops", "text": "My ten year old just called my wife an old hag, in case you’re wondering how quarantine is going."} {"idx": 19352, "original_id": "1251002743113695232", "reply_id": "1251032145495314433", "label": "hug", "text": "So I'm not gonna tag since I really love you all and you all are helping me every day through this time of social distance lockdown. Thank you to every single one of my friends/mutuals who give fun and good times on here. \n\nI always look forward to seeing what ya'll got to say."} {"idx": 19356, "original_id": "1250432479401373699", "reply_id": "1251124840733396993", "label": "no", "text": "I’m soo ugly in pics it’s not even funny"} {"idx": 19358, "original_id": "1251216224253607936", "reply_id": "1251256803603726337", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Which movie character would you most like to spend lockdown with? Not (just) carnal reasons - who do you reckon would be the most tolerable quarantine partner?"} {"idx": 19360, "original_id": "1251220973807980544", "reply_id": "1251221524973043712", "label": "hug", "text": "Took time off socials thinking I’d come back feeling better and stronger. Lol the joke is on me clearly because kyafana nje."} {"idx": 19362, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251268622497902593", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 19366, "original_id": "1250746891765190656", "reply_id": "1251124448217796608", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "It’s my 71st birthday. Thankful to have my pets to be with. 🎈❤️🐾"} {"idx": 19373, "original_id": "1251270208859172864", "reply_id": "1251270381890973696", "label": "shrug", "text": "the fact of the matter is, my console was working perfectly fine, never dropped it or anything. All of a sudden @PlayStation comes out with an update and my shit not working. It’s been 2 days..."} {"idx": 19374, "original_id": "1251087210591457280", "reply_id": "1251107095795191809", "label": "applause", "text": "If I am getting 80% of my pay, can I pay 80% of my rent? 80% of my Council Tax? 80% of my water bills? 80% of my gas? 80% of my electric? 80% of my Road Tax? 80% of my food bill?\nAsking for 10 million or so.."} {"idx": 19375, "original_id": "1250975224331472896", "reply_id": "1250975603811143686", "label": "wink", "text": "My boyfriend is so cute yall, he’s my only fan here 😂 (watch him like this)"} {"idx": 19376, "original_id": "1251122734190518273", "reply_id": "1251135749749116928", "label": "agree", "text": "“Great news! They’re going to reopen ‘merica!”\n“Is the Virus gone?”\n“No”\n“Vaccine?”\n“No”\n“So it’ll spike again, 200k more people will die and we’ll back in lockdown 1 month from now?”\n“Yes!”\n“Fantastic”"} {"idx": 19377, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250948377333895170", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 19378, "original_id": "1250794011734036481", "reply_id": "1250848948094296066", "label": "eww", "text": "Good Morning @Chargers fans 😌 we should zoom together for the draft ⚡️💙"} {"idx": 19379, "original_id": "1251080599617626112", "reply_id": "1251083952468697091", "label": "seriously", "text": "Don’t dm me if u ain’t sending nut videos"} {"idx": 19381, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250950635106820111", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 19384, "original_id": "1251166336442605570", "reply_id": "1251172871575080960", "label": "agree", "text": "😆😆😆😆😆 lockdown just make all of us dey social media 247 dey tweet nonsense ."} {"idx": 19387, "original_id": "1251178754879127552", "reply_id": "1251196722770034688", "label": "yes", "text": "If your body is just a canvas for art work...I spend my time looking at you wishing I were tracing your tattoos with my tongue 🤷🏼‍♀️ not sorry"} {"idx": 19388, "original_id": "1251175259379728384", "reply_id": "1251185155940614145", "label": "wink", "text": "It’s that time again #ff \n\n@OctoberByMay \n@UnpredictablyUs \n@MarriedMash \n@Not4AdultsCast \n@murderandmore \n@BigStupdPodcast \n@CQ_Podcast \n@TDHA_podcast \n@ESKIpodcast \n@LibertinesShow \n@GriefBurrito \n@IHaveSoManyPod \n@LsceP \n@KillerRabbitPod \n@Bookofliespod \n@YTMTUpodcast"} {"idx": 19389, "original_id": "1251118421279989763", "reply_id": "1251118836344029184", "label": "no", "text": "I just woke up with the realization we may all spend Christmas doing this"} {"idx": 19390, "original_id": "1250780543844843522", "reply_id": "1250887271240400897", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I can tell you been \nneeding a face to sit \non for long and your \nthrone is ready. \n\n— h.a-l"} {"idx": 19391, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251194116416946182", "label": "omg", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 19392, "original_id": "1250859709571072001", "reply_id": "1250864284025806848", "label": "applause", "text": "Soon as this Rona is over with im driving or flying back to Cali to win back the loml and tell her to run away with me"} {"idx": 19394, "original_id": "1250909254288113669", "reply_id": "1251268793952862208", "label": "agree", "text": "Men are moodier than women.\n\nI said what I said."} {"idx": 19397, "original_id": "1250959912320065538", "reply_id": "1251109833727774720", "label": "seriously", "text": "Everyone search for love, I search for you @swaffll 💙"} {"idx": 19399, "original_id": "1250820605865349120", "reply_id": "1250834861205729280", "label": "shocked", "text": "Dick gets hard for anything nowadays sis"} {"idx": 19403, "original_id": "1250915407701192704", "reply_id": "1250928147744333824", "label": "want", "text": "i need a hug."} {"idx": 19405, "original_id": "1250837967821778945", "reply_id": "1250884084781506566", "label": "ok", "text": "I got my first payment from twitch 😅 never thought I’d get paid for streaming."} {"idx": 19410, "original_id": "1250956551168245760", "reply_id": "1250970034005999616", "label": "agree", "text": "If you knew what was behind that door, you wouldn’t be mad that God hasn’t opened it.\n\nGod’s love isn’t only evident in what He gives, but also in what He withholds."} {"idx": 19411, "original_id": "1251054468453597189", "reply_id": "1251055676476084228", "label": "scared", "text": "How you open the country with no toilet paper??"} {"idx": 19415, "original_id": "1250993983150415873", "reply_id": "1250994685134475266", "label": "awww", "text": "Awww @xtina sounds so amazing! ✨"} {"idx": 19416, "original_id": "1250959465421176833", "reply_id": "1251145791097286660", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s still crazy to me I can drop a video and it gets 70,000 views in a Fucking day, that’s some shit I used to dream about for years!!"} {"idx": 19420, "original_id": "1251247320047456256", "reply_id": "1251248715014320131", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "We clearing 100 this year no check 🤨"} {"idx": 19421, "original_id": "1250911591773732867", "reply_id": "1250915771817103360", "label": "no", "text": "Did Trump say we are past our peak? We can return to work? New York?"} {"idx": 19422, "original_id": "1250783350001991680", "reply_id": "1250955589678542849", "label": "thank_you", "text": "gd'Thursday… @CristinPereyra @laliaristo @SJTurner_Author @BootsieBoutique @SamosumSihammm @DerekRKing2 @ShePreneursNet @SimonettaLein @paoloigna1 @LindaLeeKing @MQuigley1963 @DanielBrasilia @AllNightShow"} {"idx": 19428, "original_id": "1251123309124694016", "reply_id": "1251123670967152641", "label": "smh", "text": "Wanted Chinese delivery, but they’re on wok down, too."} {"idx": 19429, "original_id": "1250903620553490433", "reply_id": "1251079896610340866", "label": "awww", "text": "Girls are sharing their sari pics, let's go boys, we're going to post our sorry pics."} {"idx": 19435, "original_id": "1251265643783086086", "reply_id": "1251265821172805633", "label": "hug", "text": "g-guys i'm really scared rn i need a hug"} {"idx": 19437, "original_id": "1250980884389351424", "reply_id": "1251022161516601345", "label": "applause", "text": "boys like girls is classic rock"} {"idx": 19438, "original_id": "1250835434810167296", "reply_id": "1250836732020322304", "label": "yes", "text": "So Donald has assigned his name to be on the stimulus checks which obviously I don’t qualify for but I wish I could cash a check from Trump... has any one of my followers received their stimulus check already?"} {"idx": 19442, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251033011992190976", "label": "agree", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 19445, "original_id": "1251146140667351040", "reply_id": "1251146818408247296", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "CONCACAF, with your name like what the Africa Cup of Nations winner has done"} {"idx": 19451, "original_id": "1251180771139862535", "reply_id": "1251208096908824576", "label": "shrug", "text": "Who is the GOAT?"} {"idx": 19452, "original_id": "1250955098299269125", "reply_id": "1250976765654097920", "label": "no", "text": "Haven’t talked to @s_saint_ all day, can everyone pls leave a comment telling her to stop playing Call of Duty and talk to me for 5 min? 😭😂"} {"idx": 19455, "original_id": "1250917211709018113", "reply_id": "1250919954980970496", "label": "no", "text": "Breaking News: Am pure Hank Marvin again."} {"idx": 19457, "original_id": "1250859660766138368", "reply_id": "1250876250098286594", "label": "no", "text": "@Wittman7 do you want to argue tonight? I’m bored."} {"idx": 19458, "original_id": "1251081217405001728", "reply_id": "1251144100155256838", "label": "agree", "text": "new to this sooo...."} {"idx": 19459, "original_id": "1251238985017376768", "reply_id": "1251254544803270660", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I just threw my hat in the ring for a big important bucket list thing... so any good juju you have to spare, send it my way pls 🤗 #WritingCommunity"} {"idx": 19461, "original_id": "1251114264783466497", "reply_id": "1251181374645637120", "label": "seriously", "text": "dvsn > the Weeknd"} {"idx": 19462, "original_id": "1250986340054962176", "reply_id": "1250988121807826949", "label": "shocked", "text": "Settle a debate. Is calling a girl a “slut” the same thing as saying a dress makes her “look slutty”? 🤔"} {"idx": 19464, "original_id": "1251267916672221190", "reply_id": "1251270422982729728", "label": "yes", "text": "Blockheads.....I GOT SOME NKOTB LINKS WITH ME TALKING AND HONORING OUR DORCHESTER HEROES !\nYall wanna see them ?!!!!"} {"idx": 19468, "original_id": "1251198379196997632", "reply_id": "1251198704104681474", "label": "applause", "text": "Sorry I didn't post on here or discord yesterday. Had a pretty bad migraine and I just chilled out and slept all day.\n\nGonna eat some chipotle and inject some gfuel and I'll be streaming all day today. See you guys soon, bring kisses and horny vibes."} {"idx": 19469, "original_id": "1251028012243521542", "reply_id": "1251112051801497600", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Zim women are lost. Look @ their female influencers\n\nJojo Tank - hid her HIV status to her ex husband\nYellowbone - rose to prominence with a sextape\nVulgar Queen - hosted a divorce party\nDJ (d🍆ck jockey) - multiple baby daddies\nCrying Cougar - always crying about young men"} {"idx": 19473, "original_id": "1250900548678795266", "reply_id": "1250901563343810560", "label": "idk", "text": "I miss bartending. Do you know how many fuzzy men I could've made drinks for this past month? :("} {"idx": 19476, "original_id": "1250834855308357634", "reply_id": "1250836495495135232", "label": "eww", "text": "People should take medical advice from Dr Oz just as serious as women take vagina health from Gwenth Paltrow. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️\n\n#JustSaying"} {"idx": 19479, "original_id": "1250919658447757312", "reply_id": "1250924330885582850", "label": "eww", "text": "do you ever lick your own sweat after you work out and go “damn I’m saltier than lot’s wife”"} {"idx": 19483, "original_id": "1251235402155003906", "reply_id": "1251240333062533120", "label": "no", "text": "ANY REPUBLICAN GOING TO SPEAK UP AGAINST TRUMP INCITING VIOLENCE???? ANYONE????????????????"} {"idx": 19484, "original_id": "1250982602934153220", "reply_id": "1250982974486700035", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I quit Real Housewives Beverly Hill because it was all dumb, plastic surgery, obscenely priced fashion. Which is EXACTLY WHY I am back on board during Corona shutdown. It's like watching toddlers who don't know they'll need to clean and get a job one day. Adorable. Escapism."} {"idx": 19488, "original_id": "1251145842188152832", "reply_id": "1251156135081504770", "label": "seriously", "text": "There is no way people would be coming for Oprah for the words of two white men that she has no control over if she weren’t a black woman. No way."} {"idx": 19492, "original_id": "1251049482097172480", "reply_id": "1251075677530570752", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If Trump wants his name on stimulus checks, shouldnt his name be on the 33,000+ death certificates?"} {"idx": 19494, "original_id": "1251127146711416835", "reply_id": "1251129326751191041", "label": "hug", "text": "The game stressed the hell out of me. Someone hug me!"} {"idx": 19496, "original_id": "1250952424921186304", "reply_id": "1250966058846040064", "label": "shrug", "text": "Everyone talks about a new normal.....for me, a new normal would be sending out a Tweet without a typo in it."} {"idx": 19498, "original_id": "1251136063629856769", "reply_id": "1251136885306638338", "label": "oops", "text": "I'm selling my fridge. It has nothing inside but you can use it as a wardrobe. 😋\n#Lockdownextention"} {"idx": 19500, "original_id": "1250935047500312578", "reply_id": "1250943911553622019", "label": "no", "text": "I’ve always wanted to live in either Alabama or Mississippi 🥴"} {"idx": 19502, "original_id": "1250929561862275080", "reply_id": "1251223693415583745", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Can you all stop calling really excellent actors \"character actors\" just cause you don't really fancy them"} {"idx": 19503, "original_id": "1250852468289875969", "reply_id": "1250854009461751810", "label": "agree", "text": "men who won’t date a woman taller than them are weak"} {"idx": 19504, "original_id": "1250953252041977857", "reply_id": "1250955349059928066", "label": "applause", "text": "reply with what you think the most commonly used gif is"} {"idx": 19505, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250911327570333696", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 19509, "original_id": "1251197046826164226", "reply_id": "1251199260021972993", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Ok back to this hair. I'm procrastinating but I have to get it done. I also have to power wash my back patio and make tacos. Later ✌🏽"} {"idx": 19513, "original_id": "1251094181033934848", "reply_id": "1251139377373368320", "label": "eww", "text": "I have faith you'll get fucked soon...now pop that boil on your ass, and by God clean up that dick🤢"} {"idx": 19516, "original_id": "1250856959059939328", "reply_id": "1250857895220187143", "label": "applause", "text": "I think I'll f u c k around and take some pictures of myself nude because that'll be the most action this body has gotten in 4 years."} {"idx": 19517, "original_id": "1251191539952316416", "reply_id": "1251191947814977536", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Testing testing testing testing"} {"idx": 19519, "original_id": "1250795310328274944", "reply_id": "1250863894224162818", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "How are we all doing? Send a gif or carrier pigeon to let me know all myself friends are still alive and I will send you all a packet of salt and vinegar chipsticks"} {"idx": 19523, "original_id": "1250956124758540288", "reply_id": "1250958534407106560", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "when this is over I need to go to a rock show"} {"idx": 19528, "original_id": "1251204686541193217", "reply_id": "1251205621971595266", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm having my first radiation treatment this afternoon. I'm nervous and anxious, but also hopeful and optimistic. I have tiny dots tattooed on me for mapping, because when the radiation on my pelvis is done, it'll be on to my left lung. ✨"} {"idx": 19530, "original_id": "1251134510181363712", "reply_id": "1251145402683777024", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I have not seen a single row crop farmer thankful for all the free nitrogen they got on their fields last night #snow #glasshalffull keep it positive"} {"idx": 19532, "original_id": "1251180709445861376", "reply_id": "1251213288995721216", "label": "agree", "text": "Antonio Gibson is the modern running back and does not have enough buzz"} {"idx": 19534, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251066146838609920", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 19535, "original_id": "1250910593571262474", "reply_id": "1250911937803714560", "label": "applause", "text": "Just unfollowed on FB a coworker.\nOn his mind the whole media is biased and the people getting incarnated by governments and prefers the Swedish way with a 10% mortality rate on Corona with their herd immunity strategy.\n\nDon't need that in my bubble."} {"idx": 19536, "original_id": "1251189960910295042", "reply_id": "1251213790605201410", "label": "applause", "text": "Gov. Cuomo responds to Trump's tweet: \"First of all, if he's sitting home watching TV, maybe he should get up & go to work, right? Second, let's keep emotion and politics out of this. And personal ego, if we can. Because this is about the people and it's about our job.\""} {"idx": 19538, "original_id": "1250881236349923332", "reply_id": "1250881444894904326", "label": "shocked", "text": "Steve Bruce will keep his job as NUFC boss if takeover goes through. Sources close to deal say it would be “wrong” to make immediate change. [Daily Mail] #NUFC"} {"idx": 19539, "original_id": "1251135600062652417", "reply_id": "1251170638682882054", "label": "agree", "text": "As we stay at home and learn of our fellow citizens dying, every medical expert tells US the same thing. To begin returning to normalcy we need massive testing. That the richest country on the planet is incapable of providing those tests means only one thing: We have no leader."} {"idx": 19542, "original_id": "1250913222749761537", "reply_id": "1250913677332676617", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Ok. Folks who don't want a bunch of NSFW naked people & straight up genitalia appearing on their timeline today, MUTE ME NOW.\n\nI found some lovely art I wanna share now instead of waiting til late nite cuz i'm selfish."} {"idx": 19546, "original_id": "1251107246307672069", "reply_id": "1251135602801639427", "label": "agree", "text": "Oh it's skinny girl Friday"} {"idx": 19547, "original_id": "1250921400531025928", "reply_id": "1250922590887165954", "label": "high_five", "text": "No matter how angry I am, I can never reject food, especially rice and beans 😂😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 19550, "original_id": "1251135618215747585", "reply_id": "1251193116159348738", "label": "no", "text": "Should Canada and the US re-open their borders, or wait the pandemic out for as long as it takes? Let us know. \n\nEMAIL US: feedback@breakfasttelevision.ca"} {"idx": 19551, "original_id": "1251179531509141505", "reply_id": "1251248614745260037", "label": "applause", "text": "Makeup can do wonders. I'm convinced"} {"idx": 19552, "original_id": "1251225782774460416", "reply_id": "1251264079353843713", "label": "hug", "text": "no one will ever understand"} {"idx": 19553, "original_id": "1251004993378881536", "reply_id": "1251048959960854528", "label": "agree", "text": "In relationships, #Virgo is completely devoted and reliable."} {"idx": 19554, "original_id": "1251245531277344768", "reply_id": "1251246553169375233", "label": "hug", "text": "i need cuddles 🥺👉🏻👈🏻"} {"idx": 19555, "original_id": "1251029384946872324", "reply_id": "1251176355548422145", "label": "hug", "text": "I could use a fucking cigarette right about now"} {"idx": 19556, "original_id": "1251048024987623426", "reply_id": "1251182113417822216", "label": "seriously", "text": "I appreciate this will be an unpopular view, but I feel a bit sorry for Matt Hancock"} {"idx": 19561, "original_id": "1251241763030908928", "reply_id": "1251248913723645960", "label": "high_five", "text": "Thrilled beyond belief to report I passed the South Carolina bar! No more exams. Ever."} {"idx": 19562, "original_id": "1251104197732372480", "reply_id": "1251105932899164160", "label": "agree", "text": "Do many ppl that watch me wake up this morning? I need to grind some nms, do we do it on stream?"} {"idx": 19566, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250845438355353600", "label": "smh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 19567, "original_id": "1250202555272982528", "reply_id": "1250930736745586695", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "There are no words to describe the sickness and ignorance on display in the Rose Garden today. Suffice it to say calling The President of the United States a fucking moron is being kind."} {"idx": 19569, "original_id": "1250916266744954880", "reply_id": "1250916666877382668", "label": "high_five", "text": "Blind loyalty to any person or school of thought isn't Biblical."} {"idx": 19570, "original_id": "1251163049844711427", "reply_id": "1251163958456639488", "label": "thank_you", "text": "You just made my day @frightrags 😁"} {"idx": 19572, "original_id": "1251102289047310336", "reply_id": "1251135156905299968", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Fox is trying to be able to use the old ‘9 out of 10 doctors believe’ adage about reopening the country. So far they got Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Drew. Now that they exhausted TV doctors they might have to turn to radio for Dr. Laura. Then fake PhDs like Dr. Seb Gorka."} {"idx": 19576, "original_id": "1251183711774814208", "reply_id": "1251184952550490112", "label": "dance", "text": "#NCtv @sOG_Eman @isaiahroman81 @JayWahhh they ain’t ready 🤫"} {"idx": 19577, "original_id": "1250974064522362880", "reply_id": "1250976753226375170", "label": "agree", "text": "i smoke weed"} {"idx": 19578, "original_id": "1250743744237838336", "reply_id": "1250996331960664064", "label": "no", "text": "Describe #Bitcoin Price action in a Gif."} {"idx": 19582, "original_id": "1251147832326647817", "reply_id": "1251165062993190913", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I've got a sudden urge to make yet another attempt at fully beating the first two Dark Souls."} {"idx": 19583, "original_id": "1251120101950205952", "reply_id": "1251142739523076096", "label": "agree", "text": "@AndrewHolnessJM Opening the supermkts for 2 days isn't working. Current options:\n\n1. Stay home & starve\n2. Go out & catch #Covid_19\n3. Go out & not get through & starve & still catch #Covid_19\n\nOpen supermkts as usual so we can practice #SocialDistancing #StCatherineLockdown"} {"idx": 19587, "original_id": "1250968883759992832", "reply_id": "1250988702916059136", "label": "facepalm", "text": "There are fans of a famous spanish Youtuber attacking me because he was scammed by someone named \"MoonLight\" in Roblox 🤣🤣🤣\n\nI hope y'all aren't blindly white-knighting people like this.."} {"idx": 19593, "original_id": "1250923016663576576", "reply_id": "1250948520456130561", "label": "dance", "text": "He keeps saying cities have low infection rates due to “a lot of talent.” How are they stopping the spread? Tap dancing?"} {"idx": 19594, "original_id": "1250869248274161667", "reply_id": "1251201489441304579", "label": "eww", "text": "I know I deserve to be jailed but I'm eating bread and ogbono"} {"idx": 19596, "original_id": "1250793253856780290", "reply_id": "1250970087420563456", "label": "awww", "text": "Can we talk about masturbating with pets in the room or is that taboo??"} {"idx": 19597, "original_id": "1250817707450105856", "reply_id": "1250855042627796993", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Love someone who will love the actual reality of you."} {"idx": 19604, "original_id": "1250943176292139010", "reply_id": "1250943753008734209", "label": "applause", "text": "May 1st"} {"idx": 19605, "original_id": "1250939708726816774", "reply_id": "1251068566687883264", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm attracted only to people who are interested in horror movies and metal/rock music."} {"idx": 19608, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250844614824771585", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 19610, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251210602980298756", "label": "yes", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 19611, "original_id": "1250982727655940098", "reply_id": "1250984291137474562", "label": "applause", "text": "I hear people cheering and banging pots and pans outside my window and saying thank you. I have called the police."} {"idx": 19612, "original_id": "1250893858436775940", "reply_id": "1251106197572407297", "label": "yes", "text": "Ladies do you masturbate? YES OR NO\n\nI don't need explanation"} {"idx": 19613, "original_id": "1251205940663193606", "reply_id": "1251220489030242305", "label": "applause", "text": "If the media doesn’t get some fucking balls and relentlessly confront Trump about his incendiary tweets at today’s briefing, then they deserve all the shit Trump gives em every day."} {"idx": 19617, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251182606822957056", "label": "no", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 19620, "original_id": "1250820823415324675", "reply_id": "1250834128930369536", "label": "ok", "text": "Sooo, waiting to see our woke left demanding an embargo on china for racism."} {"idx": 19621, "original_id": "1251168758116335616", "reply_id": "1251170855415173120", "label": "agree", "text": "The word of the year is solidarity!"} {"idx": 19626, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250944380208201728", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 19627, "original_id": "1250854371031748608", "reply_id": "1250857629355839488", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Who is counting down with me? 😎"} {"idx": 19629, "original_id": "1250989008269828098", "reply_id": "1251037536622870530", "label": "agree", "text": "PULP BELONGS IN OJ GOOD NIGHT"} {"idx": 19632, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1251026014274293760", "label": "ok", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 19637, "original_id": "1250676757369253888", "reply_id": "1250863779581169664", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m not apologizing for being American\n\nKICK ROCKS"} {"idx": 19639, "original_id": "1251217302823088138", "reply_id": "1251229384079372288", "label": "agree", "text": "Future @RedwoodsFB players, in film if a coach ask who someone is while watching film. The correct answer to respond with is “Me coach.” @CoachBorba @CoachAvila_ @CoachChudd @Coach_Aiello 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 19640, "original_id": "1250833438367797249", "reply_id": "1250838215034101761", "label": "idk", "text": "Definitely over being “home”."} {"idx": 19646, "original_id": "1250794071108603904", "reply_id": "1250895526330986497", "label": "ok", "text": "Instead of posting the tweet I drafted where I used the f-word a dozen times, I’m posting this one. Give yourself a gift today. Visualize Trump losing in November. Let yourself see it. Isn’t it glorious? So awesome. Stay home. Do good. Love. Fuck this guy. Oops. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 19647, "original_id": "1251258801476550656", "reply_id": "1251273829441310721", "label": "awww", "text": "Bears releasing Trey Burton, per source."} {"idx": 19651, "original_id": "1251193669832581121", "reply_id": "1251196160775249920", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m not feeling very well today. I need my nigga to come home NEEEOW"} {"idx": 19652, "original_id": "1251220750985461762", "reply_id": "1251232440300875778", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Heading to bed early. Long weekend ahead. Tired already and it hasn't even started"} {"idx": 19653, "original_id": "1250792157570641921", "reply_id": "1251041419533234176", "label": "please", "text": "It has been 28 years since a sitting President was defeated at the ballot box in the United States.\n👀"} {"idx": 19655, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228386707603458", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 19656, "original_id": "1250915896467623936", "reply_id": "1250941512155881474", "label": "eww", "text": "National horny day and my dms dry 😔"} {"idx": 19658, "original_id": "1251023043654086656", "reply_id": "1251224477318492163", "label": "applause", "text": "Republicans got more upset about 33,000 emails than they are about 33,000 dead Americans."} {"idx": 19659, "original_id": "1251249712084156422", "reply_id": "1251251654005063688", "label": "applause", "text": "I feel like I really got my fire back lately.\n\nAfter feeling broken and down... It's a good feeling to have. \n\nI love and appreciate all of y'all. The care and support I've received is part of everything I do."} {"idx": 19661, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251084759473643520", "label": "shrug", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 19663, "original_id": "1251258801476550656", "reply_id": "1251261597068283911", "label": "applause", "text": "Bears releasing Trey Burton, per source."} {"idx": 19664, "original_id": "1250883371204595715", "reply_id": "1250908128436256775", "label": "applause", "text": "Chapter 29\n\n“What do you want from me?” cried Langdon, 41.\n“I want you to find out who created this virus!” said the Pope, papally.\n“But I have no idea,” said Langdon. “Who could possibly be evil or stupid enough to create a virus as dangerous as Covfefe-19?”"} {"idx": 19666, "original_id": "1250909254288113669", "reply_id": "1250949506599919618", "label": "agree", "text": "Men are moodier than women.\n\nI said what I said."} {"idx": 19667, "original_id": "1250929239425196043", "reply_id": "1250933209132605442", "label": "applause", "text": "Starting today, for a month, until the 17th May, I am going to be streaming daily exclusively on Twitch. This is only for a month just to see how it goes until I make my final decision. I will make a full video on my reasons and I'm sure 90% of people that know me know why."} {"idx": 19670, "original_id": "1250836782150815744", "reply_id": "1250837330425978880", "label": "no", "text": "If i come out of this quarantine with a dad body, i hope you people will still love me. 🥺"} {"idx": 19674, "original_id": "1250247640597618689", "reply_id": "1250840540792229893", "label": "eww", "text": "Trumps name hasn’t been on this many checks since he had Cohen paying off Prostitutes.\n\nBut that was an entirely different kind of Stimulus."} {"idx": 19676, "original_id": "1250896926540775425", "reply_id": "1250909088663449601", "label": "applause", "text": "I believe in equality for genders. I stand with consent being the golden rule. I love and respect the LGBTQ(etc) and want less suffering and more unconditional acceptance for all. If you aren’t for being kind to all no matter what, please unfollow. Thanks ✨"} {"idx": 19677, "original_id": "1250860256097234944", "reply_id": "1250882373564207104", "label": "shocked", "text": "Search for “Coinbase” in twitter gifs. What comes up? @SwanBitcoin"} {"idx": 19678, "original_id": "1251041003970191361", "reply_id": "1251041250104553472", "label": "yes", "text": "TL sleep? coconut water is fucking garbage"} {"idx": 19679, "original_id": "1250931635685675009", "reply_id": "1251013175333449728", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Currently helping my son search for his birthday box of dove chocolates that I ate last night."} {"idx": 19680, "original_id": "1251182325783805952", "reply_id": "1251183804330500104", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Yes, let's have another #FF\n@Sarahbluestars @BobaBett @EndOfDays05 @madamcolebaybay @BeeClaudia00 @ashrnova @SwitchbladeQ4 @OGPuroQueen @Sweetcheeks_Yvi @SwayBecca @SimoneB31503309 @diamond_I3itch @leegallyred @Hodgamania @DoItWithFlareon @visionsbyzo @DickVanKlondike @dubyacbub"} {"idx": 19686, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250848935507185665", "label": "no", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 19687, "original_id": "1251101045943496704", "reply_id": "1251105343414824960", "label": "hug", "text": "All I ask, can we have a peaceful time? I mean today is Ep. 9, and we have 4 more to go. I did this alone, by myself, no one pay me to do this, I just want to share info about Bright & Win in a happy mood. Can you chill a bit? Sometimes I need my friends, so I can hug them."} {"idx": 19688, "original_id": "1250984237110460416", "reply_id": "1250984488722563072", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Is anybody else napping way too much these days? It kind of reminds me like our play on the ice when late May hits the calender yearly. #SJSharks"} {"idx": 19696, "original_id": "1251187722934509568", "reply_id": "1251190952158547971", "label": "shocked", "text": "Finally soccer 😭😭😭😭😭😭, thank you lord"} {"idx": 19698, "original_id": "1251146695640879105", "reply_id": "1251177545485242368", "label": "applause", "text": "FREEEEEE breakfast tomorrow. If you know the addy, pull up‼️"} {"idx": 19700, "original_id": "1250812355459588097", "reply_id": "1250856468024303617", "label": "seriously", "text": "I wonder when gold stocks will finally start rising even if the price of gold remains flat. After all, gold stocks have a long way to go to just to catch up to the move #gold has already made!"} {"idx": 19702, "original_id": "1250866001127899137", "reply_id": "1250868174574280704", "label": "seriously", "text": "U.S. President Trump says he will roll out Guidelines for “opening up America again” later on Thursday, amid COVID-19 outbreak."} {"idx": 19703, "original_id": "1250919149523685380", "reply_id": "1250921891671523329", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trump: Some governors told me they're now \"in very good shape,\" and I think there'll be some good news to report in the next \"few days\" about things opening up."} {"idx": 19707, "original_id": "1250948247423725568", "reply_id": "1250958375229296640", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Faculty Senate: Where the humanities faculty go to try to prove to the STEM faculty that they still matter."} {"idx": 19709, "original_id": "1251111121869844481", "reply_id": "1251116340296941570", "label": "agree", "text": "Gf fell asleep on lunchbreak. Just woke her up, she just mumbled “NO! I am burrito!” 🤔😂"} {"idx": 19710, "original_id": "1251076966863605762", "reply_id": "1251077163253522435", "label": "shocked", "text": "So he's talking about another album & not the upcoming Japanese album??? Do I smell 'Anima/Animus' + 'The Self' cooking??\n\n[@BTS_twt]"} {"idx": 19713, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250987470591754240", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 19715, "original_id": "1250859708560400384", "reply_id": "1250947113279782914", "label": "ok", "text": "In their call with the G-League, Kennedy Chandler’s parents communicated that the five-star guard would be attending college."} {"idx": 19717, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250963133524586496", "label": "seriously", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 19720, "original_id": "1250911785135177730", "reply_id": "1250911953465126912", "label": "eww", "text": "Some gays don't use chapstick and it shows"} {"idx": 19722, "original_id": "1250915018733912064", "reply_id": "1250919000588128256", "label": "yes", "text": "According to NBC News, President Trump invited ALL BUT ONE Republican Senator to be on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group... Guess who? Mitt Romney. 🤣"} {"idx": 19725, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251217967033049088", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 19727, "original_id": "1250842689937068033", "reply_id": "1250843374669750273", "label": "applause", "text": "I want bastani to aggressively quote tweet me but then again i’m not a woman so there’s no way he’d do such a thing"} {"idx": 19729, "original_id": "1250948863172784131", "reply_id": "1250949580662820864", "label": "sorry", "text": "When she tell you her type and you ain’t it... 🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 19731, "original_id": "1251014699837198337", "reply_id": "1251016524195926016", "label": "smh", "text": "High again!"} {"idx": 19732, "original_id": "1251017548285566977", "reply_id": "1251020895965118465", "label": "scared", "text": "Around 15% of the air you breathe at a train station is human skin."} {"idx": 19733, "original_id": "1251172475909660672", "reply_id": "1251172787034742784", "label": "agree", "text": "There's much to be concerned about and critical of right now yet Irish people's focus has been on 1. Asian businesses, 2. A company employing foreign workers and the workers themselves. Do I have to spell it out for you?"} {"idx": 19734, "original_id": "1250850124051300352", "reply_id": "1250863910657368067", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Just sent some shithead 12 year old on XBOX Live a link to his moms OnlyFans account . \n\nFlawless Victory, Motherfucker."} {"idx": 19735, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251023000985571328", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 19736, "original_id": "1250833127536316417", "reply_id": "1250901052515368961", "label": "yes", "text": "I am pleased to be joining the bipartisan task force on reopening the economy. Together with @realdonaldTrump, we will get this economy roaring once again. We need to let Americans get safely back to work and bring prosperity to this nation anew! 🇺🇸"} {"idx": 19737, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250865432887791616", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 19738, "original_id": "1250860479335063552", "reply_id": "1251094614754418688", "label": "no", "text": "If you weren't sure of how bad things have gotten, Amazon is out of podcast mics."} {"idx": 19740, "original_id": "1250935596198969349", "reply_id": "1250938100408184832", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today is #NationalHighFiveDay \n😐"} {"idx": 19742, "original_id": "1250978666651271168", "reply_id": "1250989563209711616", "label": "no", "text": "I slept on Tik Tok for awhile but once you filter out the teenage dance ones it’s mad funny just a PSA"} {"idx": 19743, "original_id": "1250857343836917761", "reply_id": "1250857966166777868", "label": "scared", "text": "Its actually illegal in all 50 states to like blue cheese over ranch🤩🤩"} {"idx": 19745, "original_id": "1251142284134895617", "reply_id": "1251210449074425856", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Why do people need to see the negative in everything... if something could be explained in a positive way then it should be done.."} {"idx": 19748, "original_id": "1250989047238979585", "reply_id": "1251013526585368578", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "So. I have been roped in to starting GoT... I never have any clue wtf is going on, people fuckin their sisters and people getting stabbed in the eyeballs. Wtf y’all watching"} {"idx": 19749, "original_id": "1250957560003297280", "reply_id": "1250957688852406272", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Thanks everyone for the love and support lately ❤️\n\nOnce everything starts calming down I promise that I will be producing the best content I possibly can and much more frequently as well! Stay safe y’all ❤️"} {"idx": 19751, "original_id": "1250830249136230400", "reply_id": "1250832610273579008", "label": "applause", "text": "Mad scientist or Mad Scientologist??"} {"idx": 19752, "original_id": "1251221229656309766", "reply_id": "1251222308074614784", "label": "no", "text": "I don’t know how to say no to my mans mom 😶😅"} {"idx": 19753, "original_id": "1250932657438982144", "reply_id": "1250933095710240773", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I just ate an entire cheesecake and I’m not mad about it"} {"idx": 19756, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251053848736657409", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 19758, "original_id": "1250823683867885568", "reply_id": "1250933770506518533", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "The best comic book movie is..."} {"idx": 19762, "original_id": "1250837985102385158", "reply_id": "1250838716005920771", "label": "popcorn", "text": "#NationalHornyDay ?? *Rolls up sleeves* TIME TO DRAW SOME SEXY SHIT"} {"idx": 19763, "original_id": "1251111617686888448", "reply_id": "1251207833133219848", "label": "shocked", "text": "don't understand people are mad vertigo is changing so often. I mean, it is skyscraper under construction, we should be able to play on extra floor above every month. good job workers keep grindin'!"} {"idx": 19764, "original_id": "1251254586851065857", "reply_id": "1251256530260852738", "label": "sigh", "text": "BREAKING: Large crowds--NOT practicing social distancing--have reportedly gathered outside of Megamart stores in Arlington and Takoma Park as the result of a food giveaway promotion. There are traffic delays on Columbia Pike in Virginia because of this."} {"idx": 19766, "original_id": "1251237174890033153", "reply_id": "1251244047622160385", "label": "agree", "text": "You’re never broke.. Just pre-rich"} {"idx": 19769, "original_id": "1250857237033054210", "reply_id": "1250863150964051968", "label": "shocked", "text": "Therapy is just FaceTune for your memories."} {"idx": 19773, "original_id": "1251255373136302083", "reply_id": "1251255698157166603", "label": "oops", "text": "Scientists have accidentally found a new method to convert carbon dioxide to ethanol, which could help in the fight against climate change."} {"idx": 19774, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251274519412539393", "label": "ok", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 19776, "original_id": "1250832245088301058", "reply_id": "1251206340741120002", "label": "agree", "text": "god is a poor substitute for common sense"} {"idx": 19777, "original_id": "1250934282807177216", "reply_id": "1250934504555982848", "label": "sorry", "text": "Just. Shut. Up. Thank you."} {"idx": 19778, "original_id": "1251232890349924361", "reply_id": "1251234881608265728", "label": "no", "text": "My daughter just ate ALL THE POTATO CHIPS. \n\nPoll: Should I spank her?\nYes or HELL YES?\n\n(NARRATOR: He wouldn’t dare.)"} {"idx": 19780, "original_id": "1251223492466532356", "reply_id": "1251228546934214657", "label": "hug", "text": "Cried for like an hour\n\nIt's so frustrating to study so much and be really good in every other part of the class and bomb a midterm"} {"idx": 19781, "original_id": "1250762185745276930", "reply_id": "1251116257455325184", "label": "agree", "text": "#QuarantineQuestions \nDo you sing along with the radio when you're in a tractor?"} {"idx": 19782, "original_id": "1250570936769626112", "reply_id": "1250946652229087232", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "What word best describes the Republican Party?"} {"idx": 19784, "original_id": "1251126164602728450", "reply_id": "1251128943287119873", "label": "applause", "text": "Do you have a preferred platform to watch live stream music performances? Asking for a rock band."} {"idx": 19785, "original_id": "1251255808534417409", "reply_id": "1251267911370539009", "label": "dance", "text": "My best Nollywood movie #Joba showing now on africa magic showcase.... a movie by @BiodunStephenO and my sweet sister @LadyKyristine."} {"idx": 19786, "original_id": "1250998090414219266", "reply_id": "1251016962487926784", "label": "applause", "text": "we trending on youtube #5! epic epic thanks y’all!"} {"idx": 19788, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250964811485261824", "label": "popcorn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 19791, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1251015510780755969", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 19792, "original_id": "1251023460022849536", "reply_id": "1251024876762206208", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "So........How DaBaby Album Sounding? Respond With A GIF"} {"idx": 19793, "original_id": "1250863755132616712", "reply_id": "1250864827964305410", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "@OfSelina Your reply to miss_in_tights “Your legs aren’t two meters part 😁”\nWas hysterical and priceless,you’re one fun flirty sexy lady ! Thank you for the chuckles , I/we need that in these troublesome times ! Please stay safe and stay well !"} {"idx": 19795, "original_id": "1250815583186227202", "reply_id": "1250874760008888320", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I'm normally not one to ask for positive vibes/prayers/anything on social media ... but here I am. So, if you have any, please send them my way."} {"idx": 19796, "original_id": "1250969725686996994", "reply_id": "1250987600158040069", "label": "hug", "text": "Be kind. So many need kindness right now. 😘"} {"idx": 19797, "original_id": "1250874770016657410", "reply_id": "1250970197185433600", "label": "shocked", "text": "Questions for you.\n\nDo you take it personal when a market proves you wrong on a trade in which you had a strong opinion? Be honest.\n\nIf your answer is \"Yes\"\n\nAre you aware that the markets don't know you, don't know anything about you, and could care less about you personally?"} {"idx": 19798, "original_id": "1250961022690590722", "reply_id": "1250961390061465601", "label": "applause", "text": "🚨 WHATS GOOD FOOTBALL TWITTER #GainSZN NOW THAT ALL THE NON ELITES ARE ASLEEP LETS GAIN SOME FOLLOWERS FOLLOW EVERYONE WHO LIKES THIS TWEET AND WATCH THE FOLLOWERS FLOW IN 🚨"} {"idx": 19804, "original_id": "1250984726866702336", "reply_id": "1251009007076007936", "label": "ok", "text": "What if Trump dies as the result of these new phases. The deplorables will be okay with that? Great. So their president gets sick and dies from coronavirus but he gave his life for their bowling night"} {"idx": 19805, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251200168067727361", "label": "ok", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 19806, "original_id": "1251214833963298816", "reply_id": "1251217844282548225", "label": "hearts", "text": "Every night I go to sleep with a giant smile on face because I can believe how lucky I am to be streaming, I feel so incredibly blessed. Tonight we had so many raids and a HUGE one AGAIN from @__MiniMari__ I just can't believe it. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart 💜"} {"idx": 19807, "original_id": "1251147906209296390", "reply_id": "1251180750961102849", "label": "smh", "text": "This morning's breakfast:\n\n#coffee \nPotato chips\n\nThis isn't an original recipe. I got it from Giada on the Food Network.\n\n#CookingForCovid \n#QuarantineLife \n#HouseArrest \n#Exile"} {"idx": 19808, "original_id": "1251022966479097857", "reply_id": "1251025607376453636", "label": "agree", "text": "The future is EMAIL"} {"idx": 19809, "original_id": "1251123969090105344", "reply_id": "1251124157414281217", "label": "eww", "text": "Just booked onto my Zoom Speed Awareness course for next week. 😂"} {"idx": 19810, "original_id": "1250903642665897988", "reply_id": "1250904046661251075", "label": "seriously", "text": "A good ranch will really make or break a wing spot."} {"idx": 19811, "original_id": "1251188638794293248", "reply_id": "1251193857292763136", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m pretty sure the class of 2020 broke the record for fastest graduation 🤷🏼‍♂️"} {"idx": 19812, "original_id": "1251150742489952258", "reply_id": "1251161692114874375", "label": "hug", "text": "So fucking depressed today."} {"idx": 19813, "original_id": "1251098828180160512", "reply_id": "1251102294080397312", "label": "agree", "text": "New Guidelines for Re-Opening America\n👉GOP go first\n👉Anyone going out before Dr.Fauci (not Dr.Phil) says its ok will forego medical treatment so as not to jeopardize lives of our brave medical frontline\n👉Federal Taxes paid by Americans for last 3 yrs will be returned to sender"} {"idx": 19815, "original_id": "1251170697683976193", "reply_id": "1251180799665168391", "label": "applause", "text": "it finally feels real now that manchester has actually emailed me as an offer holder hsvsjsjs 😭😭 i feel so grateful and also like ive finally let out a breath ive been holding for so looongg"} {"idx": 19816, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230567791759367", "label": "want", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 19820, "original_id": "1251184596919750661", "reply_id": "1251248385564213250", "label": "high_five", "text": "Should we do an NFL Draft JAMBOROO next week? Let's do that. Details Monday."} {"idx": 19821, "original_id": "1251140557616713729", "reply_id": "1251147967358095360", "label": "thank_you", "text": "TO EVERYONE ON TWITTER POSTING FINAL FANTASY VIIR SPOILERS.... PLEASE DON’T! \n\nNot all of us have had a chance to beat the game yet. Save these discussions for DMs and Discord. It’s only been out a week. \n\nThank you..."} {"idx": 19823, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251226031282946058", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 19824, "original_id": "1251173942536085511", "reply_id": "1251174090586513408", "label": "shocked", "text": "Should’ve left me alone if I was t what you wanted."} {"idx": 19829, "original_id": "1250831625400827904", "reply_id": "1250844128092532738", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I AM WORKING ON THE FINAL CHAPTER OF MY WIP 😁😅😭❤️"} {"idx": 19831, "original_id": "1250591572602826752", "reply_id": "1251260778956627976", "label": "seriously", "text": "My husband just told me that I look like ReRun if you’d like to know how my evening is going.\n\n#DanceParty\n#NotMad\n#WhatsHappening"} {"idx": 19833, "original_id": "1250276981066706944", "reply_id": "1251000170478592000", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So when Jax goes to Vegas does he check up on his kid? Asking for a friend #vanderpumprules"} {"idx": 19834, "original_id": "1250883716471156736", "reply_id": "1250886121099112448", "label": "agree", "text": "love is not dying @jeremyzucker \nwhat a crazy piece of art , what a vibe , what an artist 🙏💙✨\n@TeamVisionary"} {"idx": 19836, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251041228105244672", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 19842, "original_id": "1251235893828096000", "reply_id": "1251236373224448000", "label": "applause", "text": "we're not gonna change in the world we will change the world bitcheeessss"} {"idx": 19844, "original_id": "1250248664984850434", "reply_id": "1250852531460206592", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I got to interview my girlfriends father for a California Oral History project, and I've learned so much about my\n[girlfriends] family. I'm honestly very thankful for this assigment and the opportunity to archive it within CSULB's library."} {"idx": 19846, "original_id": "1250960026782568449", "reply_id": "1250964181886566406", "label": "ok", "text": "Launched our #sleep and #COVID19 study on @Prolific today! It's always really exciting watching data roll in.🌟"} {"idx": 19848, "original_id": "1251227403440934912", "reply_id": "1251228162756730880", "label": "applause", "text": "My coworkers husbands and wives bring us snacks and food and coffee etc without them asking too I just hope I end up with someone like that 🥺🥺"} {"idx": 19849, "original_id": "1250867944281772032", "reply_id": "1250919837246857217", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug"} {"idx": 19851, "original_id": "1250840103552987139", "reply_id": "1251093328373993472", "label": "no", "text": "I need to follow some good people. Please share some good accounts to follow.\n\nIf it is you, please tell me whether you think pineapple belongs on a pizza below and I’ll make my decision from there."} {"idx": 19852, "original_id": "1250808374964486144", "reply_id": "1250837744034742272", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Is the 'picture of you at 20' thing another chance for scam artists to do some sort of now vs. then thing and unlock your FACE ID or something, like that aging app from last summer?"} {"idx": 19853, "original_id": "1251071809035751424", "reply_id": "1251073126974099459", "label": "scared", "text": "Life really wild rn, still cnt wrap my head around wtf goin on, like bro what?? This some movie shit Fr 😭"} {"idx": 19855, "original_id": "1250853262565289986", "reply_id": "1250858056910397440", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I'm finally pleased with my Final Fantasy VIII script. \n\nI did a lot of revising due to my 2nd playthrough. It's...less anger and more tame. Strangely. Even though many may disagree with my thoughts I truly hope you enjoy the video. \n\n<3"} {"idx": 19856, "original_id": "1250460581666197510", "reply_id": "1250832518473027585", "label": "agree", "text": "There is a joke circulating in Germany:\n\n\"What borders on stupidity?\"\n\"Mexico and Canada!\""} {"idx": 19859, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251220140039045121", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 19861, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250898783602462721", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 19862, "original_id": "1250982315066458112", "reply_id": "1250984118499729408", "label": "shocked", "text": "My brain is like going to explodeeee\nThis is so hard being an overthinker, once you think about something it would keep quit a long time in your mind and going more deep and deep then it turns to a headache 😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 19863, "original_id": "1250828802592247813", "reply_id": "1250874508044632064", "label": "agree", "text": "Nearly time to change from daytime pyjamas back into night-time pyjamas"} {"idx": 19864, "original_id": "1251136644863975424", "reply_id": "1251142839095816195", "label": "ok", "text": "If you’re a white man plz don’t ever ever ever dm me. I don’t like y’all. Like, I rly rly rly don’t like y’all and I will block you if you dm me🥰"} {"idx": 19866, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250935945135886348", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 19868, "original_id": "1251173967123099652", "reply_id": "1251175240845197313", "label": "applause", "text": "I made really good french toast this morning and would appreciate it if I got some applause rn"} {"idx": 19869, "original_id": "1251234416485109763", "reply_id": "1251239929180536834", "label": "agree", "text": "Speaking of sports, am I the only one who finds it a *little bit* hypocritical that we're closing down the NFL because of coronavirus and not, like, ALL OF THE BRAIN DAMAGE?"} {"idx": 19872, "original_id": "1251011124830617600", "reply_id": "1251011537768198144", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Picking winners for previous Giveaway...🤔👋🏽"} {"idx": 19873, "original_id": "1251228455347392513", "reply_id": "1251269140343595011", "label": "yes", "text": "This close to converting to PlayStation I’ve had enough"} {"idx": 19874, "original_id": "1250792721746325505", "reply_id": "1250952397389590530", "label": "shocked", "text": "Death by her phat, succulent, juicy, immaculate, overflowing, exquisite, jaw-dropping, dick-throbbing, cock slaying pussy suffocating me in my sleep"} {"idx": 19876, "original_id": "1250887269344395264", "reply_id": "1251126878041063432", "label": "seriously", "text": "Stvev Mnuchin believes Americans can live on $1,200 for ten weeks.\n\nWhat planet does he live on?"} {"idx": 19877, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251203994837450752", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 19878, "original_id": "1251246552602959872", "reply_id": "1251250497576566784", "label": "agree", "text": "There is a very simple way for us to get millions of Americans back to work: bring manufacturing back to America. \n\nIf @Tesla can build cars here, @apple can build the iPhone here."} {"idx": 19884, "original_id": "1250858895066542080", "reply_id": "1250922667672244226", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Allen Robinson is a No. 1 wide receiver."} {"idx": 19885, "original_id": "1250840673974190082", "reply_id": "1250840801447481344", "label": "yes", "text": "Surprised that Eli wasn't given the Police Commissioner job back. Guess he was too competent for the job. #Days"} {"idx": 19887, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250938985897013248", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 19888, "original_id": "1250893716715429888", "reply_id": "1251027940613271552", "label": "shocked", "text": "If We naked in bed & I scoot back...Sirrr nail me to the cross🥴🤣🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 19889, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250919167777099777", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 19890, "original_id": "1251018456394276864", "reply_id": "1251025708144644101", "label": "awww", "text": "My mom is in love with the roses I got her 🥺🥺"} {"idx": 19891, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251045843794157568", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 19893, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250887225748992000", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 19896, "original_id": "1250851106638327809", "reply_id": "1250856037973983233", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "#1of2 So tomorrow is my day off as we are working a 7 day service. I’ve had some difficult decisions to make this week about staffing and I cannot thank every single person enough for what they have done. I’m also so pleased to read the positive comments people have made."} {"idx": 19898, "original_id": "1251260010635681792", "reply_id": "1251262095200530435", "label": "yes", "text": "Nice to see Westside Gunn get love today"} {"idx": 19899, "original_id": "1251214152825274371", "reply_id": "1251257512751443968", "label": "agree", "text": "Buy USA. \n\nBuy nothing from China. \n\nPass it on."} {"idx": 19901, "original_id": "1250989302609178625", "reply_id": "1250994043863076865", "label": "idk", "text": "I've gone 3 days without losing a follower. New record for sure"} {"idx": 19903, "original_id": "1250528194697949184", "reply_id": "1251094896343212033", "label": "agree", "text": "i really just want 1 partner but if god want me to have 3, then 12 it is"} {"idx": 19904, "original_id": "1250502601478717441", "reply_id": "1250949025559347200", "label": "yes", "text": "Universe can I be happy again please"} {"idx": 19907, "original_id": "1251181728217157632", "reply_id": "1251232009663533057", "label": "sigh", "text": "As soon as this pandemic is over I’m getting pregnant. Idc"} {"idx": 19908, "original_id": "1250800350459842560", "reply_id": "1250889913408643088", "label": "applause", "text": "This Haitian Men slander has got to stop al fout lave fouk nou pito🙄"} {"idx": 19914, "original_id": "1251188988704182274", "reply_id": "1251189436102012928", "label": "agree", "text": "The president is inciting individual states to armed insurrection during a pandemic & we can't go outside & there are no functioning businesses or institutions but it's all good, I'll just shift my focus to this book about movies made 100 years ago & have a super productive day!"} {"idx": 19915, "original_id": "1250909929046716416", "reply_id": "1250917532216811520", "label": "no", "text": "President Trump says no one in America who needs a ventilator has been denied one."} {"idx": 19917, "original_id": "1250969015910051840", "reply_id": "1250975743020019713", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "i wish i was bold enough to shoot my shot lmfaoo fuck"} {"idx": 19919, "original_id": "1250870832383041539", "reply_id": "1250872433625698305", "label": "shocked", "text": "Shit gonna get real 😈"} {"idx": 19920, "original_id": "1250904160968605696", "reply_id": "1250925526501470211", "label": "ok", "text": "A5 My personal learning goals for next year involve my own advancement in student friendly technology. #1stteachchat"} {"idx": 19921, "original_id": "1250990185078120448", "reply_id": "1250995529229627393", "label": "kiss", "text": "i miss babu"} {"idx": 19925, "original_id": "1251191243041845248", "reply_id": "1251197716325183489", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Editing, editing, editing...\n\nWhat's a poor boy to do?"} {"idx": 19927, "original_id": "1250839275618201600", "reply_id": "1250839565155184640", "label": "yes", "text": "*whispering* should I make ramen"} {"idx": 19932, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251264641185067014", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 19934, "original_id": "1250940501018238979", "reply_id": "1250963119351967746", "label": "hug", "text": "#WorldSemiColonDay (mental health awareness & suicide prevention) This year’s theme is a story worth sharing to help others know they aren’t alone. \n\nOn 1/16/09 I tried to take my own life, after a week in the hospital I started my recovery journey."} {"idx": 19935, "original_id": "1251185429182844933", "reply_id": "1251217764762693633", "label": "agree", "text": "I guarantee you the first idiot Red State Governor who will prematurely “open” his state in order to kiss up to trump will be Ron “Build That Wall” DeSantis."} {"idx": 19938, "original_id": "1250827616438947840", "reply_id": "1250998740770578432", "label": "applause", "text": "Good morning to my neighbor who walked out on to his back porch, did a sun salutation, and then yelled FUUUUUUUUCK so loud that he startled the birds."} {"idx": 19941, "original_id": "1250915936904896512", "reply_id": "1250989097570754564", "label": "facepalm", "text": "what if i grew my pubes out and dyed them bright yellow as caution bc this dick too fire"} {"idx": 19942, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1251009512007491584", "label": "applause", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 19945, "original_id": "1250855624470155271", "reply_id": "1250858348167213057", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Raise your hand if you think it's time to reopen America. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 19946, "original_id": "1251183164145438722", "reply_id": "1251205491893645315", "label": "shocked", "text": "I think it’s possible that I might be a little gay"} {"idx": 19950, "original_id": "1251136379402190848", "reply_id": "1251150245708226561", "label": "scared", "text": "*rubs eyes* ok what’s the Keelings thing about?"} {"idx": 19954, "original_id": "1250989109205774336", "reply_id": "1251003491226542080", "label": "yes", "text": "It's 11:30 PM and I'm craving sopapillas"} {"idx": 19955, "original_id": "1251115736543760389", "reply_id": "1251141589264547842", "label": "agree", "text": "Some of us don't want to remember 20 because we make consistently poor decisions."} {"idx": 19960, "original_id": "1250552633892446216", "reply_id": "1251146695057891328", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump says he doesn’t know anything about his name appearing on stimulus checks."} {"idx": 19963, "original_id": "1251134722102755329", "reply_id": "1251150563481247746", "label": "hug", "text": "well I knew it wouldn't last. Here comes the bad feels again. Along with the artist block and lethargy that comes with it\n\nFuck me running. I already hate this😠"} {"idx": 19965, "original_id": "1250865624118710277", "reply_id": "1250955467037253633", "label": "agree", "text": "Valorant makes me want to spend money. Help"} {"idx": 19968, "original_id": "1250913629551185920", "reply_id": "1250923943537623043", "label": "applause", "text": "NFL Net lead draft analyst Daniel Jeremiah breaks down Tua/Herbert comparison with something succinct: He said they're similar in performance/ability when play goes exactly as it's supposed to go. But when it doesn't, he said Tua has more of \"playmaker gene.\""} {"idx": 19972, "original_id": "1251125110339104768", "reply_id": "1251125998730477573", "label": "eww", "text": "Boris broth:"} {"idx": 19973, "original_id": "1250685570193358848", "reply_id": "1250995565904703489", "label": "yes", "text": "12 Weeks Sober.\n\n#Sober \n#Sobersquad \n#soberlife \n#recovery \n#RecoveryPosse \n#ODAAT"} {"idx": 19974, "original_id": "1251270973082435584", "reply_id": "1251271286367694854", "label": "popcorn", "text": "It took 4 weeks, but someone on the road WhatsApp group finally pointed out what a massive flannel most of the residents voted in. \n\nAnd it wasn't even me jumping in, stirring the pot."} {"idx": 19976, "original_id": "1250867375131549697", "reply_id": "1250890328921473036", "label": "wink", "text": "#LUFC \" Shout Out\" \nRETWEET Follow and grow the #lufcTwitterFamily!!\n\n@FawcettKofi\n@LUFCsince67\n@RealLufc7\n@russlwl\n@SJB_upnorth\n@acdcaido\n@officialMDJW\n@chrislee12345\n@mulholland_jj\n@cazzaleeds\n@jonnyb73\n@stephenaw85\n@andrewbowen82\n@emer_thompson18\n@papafleming\n@Riley_LUFC"} {"idx": 19978, "original_id": "1250939817698799616", "reply_id": "1251010469764063233", "label": "scared", "text": "Cortana speaking to you during the Windows 10 setup process is truly awful.\n\nPlz Microsoft, make it stop"} {"idx": 19979, "original_id": "1251154875380989958", "reply_id": "1251159160214876161", "label": "applause", "text": "US-Canada border to remain closed to all but returning citizens, trade, and some essential workers for another 30 days at least. Agreement today between two countries. Current restriction was to end next week. @cbcnews @CBCTheNational"} {"idx": 19987, "original_id": "1250905206990278657", "reply_id": "1251091874024239104", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm sure quibi is a fine platform and it's shows are fine but I refuse to use it because of the ad campaign trying to make \"quibi\" slang for a unit of time. \nYou don't get to just declare that before anyone has heard of you. Go home"} {"idx": 19989, "original_id": "1251065603634405376", "reply_id": "1251110661364633601", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m sorry. I thought I was doing better but I just had one of those things that catapulted me back into the worst place."} {"idx": 19990, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251180139259535362", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 19993, "original_id": "1250916675513225216", "reply_id": "1250917057031364608", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Why has there not yet been a conference about cured meat products called BACON?"} {"idx": 19996, "original_id": "1250949721570660355", "reply_id": "1250950117495980033", "label": "dance", "text": "I'm sorry, but it isn't considered a selfie if you don't have makeup on and your cleavage showing"} {"idx": 19998, "original_id": "1251231811004497920", "reply_id": "1251231955359879168", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "hey how are you"} {"idx": 20000, "original_id": "1250893025242279936", "reply_id": "1251183463572504577", "label": "applause", "text": "If this shelter-in-place lasts too long, those of us who have jobs and food will have to share with those who lost their jobs and have no food\nIt should be the expectation that we all have to help each other"} {"idx": 20002, "original_id": "1251196716843499522", "reply_id": "1251196921160572928", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m breaking up with yu @Selfpaid_dom"} {"idx": 20003, "original_id": "1251249668392128513", "reply_id": "1251250021695094784", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Got two empty tanks for next week! Both beers will be canned in Mid May. Keep your fingers crossed. One will be a Helles!"} {"idx": 20008, "original_id": "1250962185033039872", "reply_id": "1250967730070716417", "label": "no", "text": "If it were not for the irresponsible behavior of the Chinese communist party there would be no #COVID19Pandemic \n\nThousands of Americans would still be alive and 22 million Americans would still be working at their jobs.\n\nChina is responsible. It is time to hold them to account."} {"idx": 20009, "original_id": "1250904717477150720", "reply_id": "1251081353665314817", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Knowing me, knowing you 😒\nI’m not interested...\n“Myself” was one of the essays I disliked in primary school.\nPls, let google assist u wai 😉"} {"idx": 20010, "original_id": "1251144362114682880", "reply_id": "1251249568366448648", "label": "agree", "text": "Shumaila beta, \"they are dating\" bola kero .... \"un ka scene on hai\" is too middle class"} {"idx": 20013, "original_id": "1250965553931415552", "reply_id": "1251092700318896129", "label": "agree", "text": "at the end of the day, I’ll always have d&d"} {"idx": 20015, "original_id": "1250891900011364360", "reply_id": "1250949041879265280", "label": "shocked", "text": "If Mnuchin told you personally that you can survive 10 weeks on $1200 stimulus checks, what would you reply?😠"} {"idx": 20016, "original_id": "1250938505024462848", "reply_id": "1250938796641787907", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "laid out in bed like a damn starfish right now."} {"idx": 20020, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251157219615236105", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20021, "original_id": "1251041837709619200", "reply_id": "1251042310604771328", "label": "no", "text": "When you wait forever for a new riverdale episode and it’s a musical episode 💔"} {"idx": 20022, "original_id": "1251014416054845440", "reply_id": "1251023277750919170", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Check these fantastic entertainment/gaming podcasts #FF @tptvpodcast @WW2Podcaster @HiddenPixelsPod @GamesRoomCast @thedestinyshow @GamePunchersPOD @theguardianhub @pxlsafterdark @guardians_lore @1MoreGameCast @guardian_d_cast @cop_show @TheRealQueenso1 @FocusedFireChat"} {"idx": 20023, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250976766824378369", "label": "ok", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 20027, "original_id": "1250807573667774465", "reply_id": "1250860432119775238", "label": "yes", "text": "News tomorrow 🍎 🍗 \nThank you for waiting!"} {"idx": 20031, "original_id": "1251183748655316994", "reply_id": "1251184215531622405", "label": "thank_you", "text": "this is a question not meant to call anyone out or hurt anyone’s feelings but, uh, is there a single person who drinks coffee without making it a personality trait?"} {"idx": 20032, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251002265869201409", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 20034, "original_id": "1250845530365800448", "reply_id": "1251085888827691008", "label": "agree", "text": "To say “People will die, so be it” instead of a science & testing-based path to reopening the economy is deeply frivolous & wrong.\n\nEvery life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community. This is something we are all in together. #FamiliesFirst"} {"idx": 20037, "original_id": "1251228718833512450", "reply_id": "1251228972320460801", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I need motivation. I feel so unproductive. I've barely written anything @DCBallard7 @Leland_Lydecker @MDParkerwrites @IamKillswitch @Willbot3000 @BillMcSciFi @BigBadOverlord @ScienceDiogenes @TheSilentOne44 @villainpodcast @TangentGeoff @JoyceHertzoff @Texken85 @darklordjournal"} {"idx": 20042, "original_id": "1250983155399622656", "reply_id": "1250985359820890112", "label": "agree", "text": "4AM CREW ARE YOU INSIDE?"} {"idx": 20043, "original_id": "1251238903824019456", "reply_id": "1251261848692731904", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My friend had a lingerie set sent to my apartment as a wedding favor for her virtual bridesmaid. (covid situation 🥺)\n\nThe thing is, my mom and i share the same first and last name. \n\nMy dad opened the package bec he thought it was the one my mom expected. What do i do now. Lol"} {"idx": 20044, "original_id": "1250932794815131648", "reply_id": "1250939942223720448", "label": "eww", "text": "Nobody: \n\nLiterally nobody: \n\n My bf : I love your butt"} {"idx": 20045, "original_id": "1250764631712452609", "reply_id": "1250896063801720834", "label": "applause", "text": "twitter DOT com."} {"idx": 20046, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250897015258730496", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 20047, "original_id": "1250926686213939201", "reply_id": "1251002259170885634", "label": "hug", "text": "I isolated my inner self cuz’ i was afraid to be hurt again. Then i started to cry cuz’ scared to be alone again."} {"idx": 20048, "original_id": "1251168981634990080", "reply_id": "1251201029171019776", "label": "applause", "text": "UP's Moradabad case:\n\n1. Immediate action against attackers of medical team\n\n2. The remand magistrate convened a special court at 3 AM.\n\n3. 17 people including 7 women sent to Jail by 5 AM.\n\n4. NSA invoked.\n\n5. Yogi govt to seize assets of attackers if they fail to pay for damage"} {"idx": 20049, "original_id": "1251130863477116930", "reply_id": "1251132200558317568", "label": "hug", "text": "thank u #kalumFAM, i had a blast but with unexpected endings.\n\nits ya boi koji from SC 2019-2020, signing off."} {"idx": 20055, "original_id": "1250834385021984768", "reply_id": "1250836979039666182", "label": "hug", "text": "Sighs. I’ve never been this sad before."} {"idx": 20056, "original_id": "1250956774368215041", "reply_id": "1251003226473803776", "label": "agree", "text": "Ben Shapiro is trash."} {"idx": 20061, "original_id": "1251048024987623426", "reply_id": "1251109237314519042", "label": "no", "text": "I appreciate this will be an unpopular view, but I feel a bit sorry for Matt Hancock"} {"idx": 20062, "original_id": "1251155169313619971", "reply_id": "1251163818475966466", "label": "yes", "text": "yayY 1.2k followers!!!"} {"idx": 20064, "original_id": "1250886912769998848", "reply_id": "1250888056279834625", "label": "wink", "text": "Or y’know, flirt harder. I’m not your boss."} {"idx": 20065, "original_id": "1250807675136479232", "reply_id": "1250834524243664902", "label": "eww", "text": "the things i just saw people doing with their masks at aldi... get your mask out of your mouth!!! 🥴"} {"idx": 20066, "original_id": "1250933750399205382", "reply_id": "1251029934308577282", "label": "yes", "text": "An actress left a show for a reason, she’s doing amazing things. Obviously we want her back, but if she’s thriving without the show don’t we want her to keep doing her thing on her own? Just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 20069, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251068484244500483", "label": "yes", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 20074, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251119172110745601", "label": "omg", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20075, "original_id": "1251127654297763840", "reply_id": "1251166534262808577", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Let’s quarantine China!"} {"idx": 20076, "original_id": "1251031338620276743", "reply_id": "1251202684088180736", "label": "applause", "text": "damn kaede really dropped the ball on that plan huh"} {"idx": 20079, "original_id": "1250766167096135681", "reply_id": "1250933973846548486", "label": "seriously", "text": "BREAKING: Yesterday's armed protests at the Michigan Capitol, protesting the fact that Governor Whitmer wants to save as many lives as she can, was funded by guess who...\n\nBETSY DEVOS\n\nYes, Trump's own cabinet is paying for people to protest stay-at-home orders! #ThursdayMorning"} {"idx": 20080, "original_id": "1251121001972326400", "reply_id": "1251181012765327366", "label": "applause", "text": "realized i have a pattern when i send nudes. it’s always 5-7 pics and at least 1 little video 😂"} {"idx": 20081, "original_id": "1250796401648381952", "reply_id": "1250843539656900614", "label": "applause", "text": "a haiku for Steve Mnuchin\n\nyou are an asshole\nasshole asshole asshole ass\nhole asshole asshole"} {"idx": 20083, "original_id": "1250954944649273345", "reply_id": "1251115783045951490", "label": "yes", "text": "Great news! I spoke with my brother and he and his wife will NOT be voting for trump. He said he's watched him lie and be an asshole long enough. He thanked me for my Facebook posts which made him start paying better attention. Now that he's watching him every day, he's done! 👍"} {"idx": 20085, "original_id": "1250936896714420226", "reply_id": "1250942547486179329", "label": "please", "text": "@FredTJoseph Hi Fred. Thank u for all u do to help people. I’m going to keep trying and have been for several weeks. Im not asking for much just enough for groceries for me and my granddaughter. If u could find in ur heart to help us please $JenniferTomerlin 🙏"} {"idx": 20088, "original_id": "1250847135517429761", "reply_id": "1250860056855355394", "label": "eww", "text": "Whew, this MAN. One of my better decisions, hands down."} {"idx": 20089, "original_id": "1251247893685600259", "reply_id": "1251248648039485440", "label": "yes", "text": "By the time I get some if she just blows on it I'm done"} {"idx": 20090, "original_id": "1250852600364310528", "reply_id": "1251227275707715589", "label": "awww", "text": "a man existing is a red flag to me"} {"idx": 20091, "original_id": "1250836055554527233", "reply_id": "1250839146094039040", "label": "shrug", "text": "Pussy ass nigga just talk shit"} {"idx": 20094, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250925228206817280", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 20095, "original_id": "1251262856936521741", "reply_id": "1251263105054789632", "label": "no", "text": "Trade the 50th pick for OJ Howard @ChicagoBears"} {"idx": 20098, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1250947288211521537", "label": "awww", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 20099, "original_id": "1250693881978589185", "reply_id": "1251004754148417536", "label": "ok", "text": "4am bedtime!"} {"idx": 20101, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250908960950898688", "label": "smh", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 20104, "original_id": "1251139169948258306", "reply_id": "1251243253401337857", "label": "agree", "text": "QOTD: Do men who treat women good, get overlooked because women are so used to dudes who aren’t good?"} {"idx": 20107, "original_id": "1251218256385511424", "reply_id": "1251218343161364480", "label": "dance", "text": "Guillem Balague: \"I believe they [#mufc] are going to convince him [Pogba] to stay, with a new contract.\" #mulive [@GuillemBalague]"} {"idx": 20109, "original_id": "1251197882646106115", "reply_id": "1251198050070155273", "label": "eww", "text": "“But, honey, if wiping the toilet seat off with wet toilet paper isn’t cleaning the bathroom, then I don’t know what is.”\n\n-men"} {"idx": 20110, "original_id": "1250881923674779648", "reply_id": "1250913510265102340", "label": "hug", "text": "Thank you for everyone reaching out yesterday/today. Depression and anxiety tried to take me OUT! I carry guilt for things that honestly have nothing to do with me. My mind really convinced me that I am putting everyone I know in danger (I’m a essential worker) and it hit me hard"} {"idx": 20111, "original_id": "1251001104747261954", "reply_id": "1251007593079693313", "label": "yes", "text": "Would any of you want Purrmaids themed Telegram stickers? I know Toygershark would be a big request. Any particular requests if I do this between commissions?"} {"idx": 20112, "original_id": "1250852385439854595", "reply_id": "1250853810467192832", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Human and I had giant meatballs for dinner - yes, she even shared some with me!"} {"idx": 20114, "original_id": "1251224077064261633", "reply_id": "1251224340558905348", "label": "hug", "text": "on a lighter note tho i am really overwhelmed with all the love i’ve received since making this account so thank you all so much this game means the world to me and it’s so great to share it with all you amazing people ♡"} {"idx": 20115, "original_id": "1251225277998477313", "reply_id": "1251225412174315523", "label": "no", "text": "The #Jets have had internal discussions of making a run at free agent CB Logan Ryan, per @MMehtaNYDN. He's coming off a season with 18 passes defensed, 4 INTs, 4.5 sacks and 113 tackles."} {"idx": 20118, "original_id": "1251199813728821250", "reply_id": "1251200535983804416", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I had an interview with a recruiter today that went really well! She’ll be setting me up with two hiring managers for a formal interview very soon.\n\nAND this company allows PUPPIES AT THE OFFICE so if you’d plz send your best vibes/prayers/whatever you do that’s be WONDERFUL."} {"idx": 20119, "original_id": "1250893593176231936", "reply_id": "1250903819224887296", "label": "eww", "text": "Y’all are grown and putting ice cubes in your wine....... o k"} {"idx": 20120, "original_id": "1250899870656929793", "reply_id": "1250983699216302080", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today is #NationalHighFiveDay so here is a virtual high five for you. \n\n✋"} {"idx": 20123, "original_id": "1251043855996051457", "reply_id": "1251048560520380417", "label": "shocked", "text": "Kendrick is better than Tupac"} {"idx": 20124, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251044024338841605", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 20126, "original_id": "1250865390030393348", "reply_id": "1250867013037232129", "label": "hug", "text": "I needa hug"} {"idx": 20127, "original_id": "1251207903752581120", "reply_id": "1251226605743210498", "label": "yes", "text": "When Trump drags down *every single Republican* down ballot in November, they have themselves to blame. We *have* a mechanism to end this-- the 25th Amendment. But it's the GOP that opted to attach themselves to this dead weight. Your funeral, Republicans."} {"idx": 20128, "original_id": "1250914966909128705", "reply_id": "1250915932811165696", "label": "agree", "text": "This briefing is BS! It’s an attempt to take credit for the actions the governors are already taking and to pretend Trump has some authority over them that he doesn’t. UGH! When will it end?!"} {"idx": 20129, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251173902094606337", "label": "yawn", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 20131, "original_id": "1246080808840040448", "reply_id": "1250997758267277318", "label": "seriously", "text": "Tap to see the full recipe for Hellmann’s® Delicious Tuna Quesadillas — a simple & tasty meal for the whole family #PantryHacks"} {"idx": 20132, "original_id": "1232967987721883648", "reply_id": "1251139639848718337", "label": "no", "text": "Attention Walmart shoppers: please wear clothes and shoes to the store 😱😱"} {"idx": 20134, "original_id": "1251230779427995655", "reply_id": "1251230909837295617", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m free, boy."} {"idx": 20137, "original_id": "1251069624004734976", "reply_id": "1251078143072296960", "label": "hug", "text": "IMOOS, LET'S JUST GIVE EACH OTHER A HUG RIGHT NOW CAUSE WE NEEDED IT MOST 😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 20142, "original_id": "1250870465360429057", "reply_id": "1250882601469919233", "label": "hug", "text": "Today fucking sucks."} {"idx": 20143, "original_id": "1250899870656929793", "reply_id": "1250943516471103489", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today is #NationalHighFiveDay so here is a virtual high five for you. \n\n✋"} {"idx": 20145, "original_id": "1251012082893492224", "reply_id": "1251012470308732929", "label": "good_luck", "text": "The Exp 62 crew has reached Earth's atmosphere and their Soyuz crew ship's heat shield is creating a plasma trail 50 miles above Earth's surface."} {"idx": 20148, "original_id": "1251268281794793472", "reply_id": "1251269489892757515", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "are you left handed or are you normal? ❤️"} {"idx": 20149, "original_id": "1251028160012931073", "reply_id": "1251172800632668161", "label": "no", "text": "its wednesday"} {"idx": 20150, "original_id": "1251116082057928704", "reply_id": "1251138512251912193", "label": "high_five", "text": "I see what your doing @Twitter. Everyday I lose a minimum of 20 followers?🤔WTF? Knock this shit off. Stop the BIAS against those who support our President and Country.\nThank You"} {"idx": 20151, "original_id": "1250930318732910597", "reply_id": "1250942596714807306", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Y’all I hit so well for not having played since September. I need that so bad."} {"idx": 20152, "original_id": "1250685490463821824", "reply_id": "1250990778656133120", "label": "applause", "text": "The truth is I’m gonna keep attaching myself to a team that gave me a big break bcos of the love but the big problem is I made a decision tht was not ok for the team at that time,but the support and love I still get from the the fans is for life ✌🏾👊🏾"} {"idx": 20153, "original_id": "1250845461029834760", "reply_id": "1250846044969000960", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who wants a virtual high five? 🖐"} {"idx": 20155, "original_id": "1249881310576992256", "reply_id": "1250947146901315585", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I could be wrong. But I think he can become even more unhinged. The year is young. Watch."} {"idx": 20156, "original_id": "1251166703666565121", "reply_id": "1251166960756408321", "label": "seriously", "text": "Y’all are trippin this new baby album ride 😂"} {"idx": 20158, "original_id": "1251129173956952065", "reply_id": "1251129916600365061", "label": "applause", "text": "If i were to add same group of people from instagram/facebook in twitter i would have never joined it in first place. I add who i like here (be it my friend or not) coz i share what i feel (opinions/insecurities) and don't want to be questioned irl for it's explanation. Period."} {"idx": 20159, "original_id": "1251204988040294402", "reply_id": "1251207984476295169", "label": "yawn", "text": "Hopefully I get to take a nap :)"} {"idx": 20161, "original_id": "1250894020211019777", "reply_id": "1250894360264269827", "label": "hug", "text": "I want a hug :("} {"idx": 20164, "original_id": "1251152048919207941", "reply_id": "1251152798726492163", "label": "agree", "text": "No American should suffer a black mark to their credit score during Covid-19. Trump must declare a moratorium on applying black marks to people’s credit in this time of crisis. It’s an act of soft terrorism by creditors & the credit bureaus."} {"idx": 20166, "original_id": "1251227935618617344", "reply_id": "1251252285788901378", "label": "yes", "text": "Ive reached my 40th order on my site ☺️☺️"} {"idx": 20167, "original_id": "1250920401825382401", "reply_id": "1250920738175029248", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Oh drew Gray's tattoo and I never posted it?\nYou wanna see it? 🥺🥺"} {"idx": 20173, "original_id": "1251210423908491265", "reply_id": "1251215810112061441", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I eat chipotle again today?. 🤔🤔"} {"idx": 20176, "original_id": "1251142355069083648", "reply_id": "1251262081103466498", "label": "shocked", "text": "Today at the darts:\n\nRobert Collins 5-0 Jason Askew\nAndy Jenkins 5-0 Robert Collins\nJason Askew 5-0 Andy Jenkins\n\nFigure that one out!"} {"idx": 20177, "original_id": "1251134653316112384", "reply_id": "1251139079380451341", "label": "hug", "text": "Twitter has been so quiet lately. 🥺\n\nI hope you are all doing okay and staying safe indoors. \n\nLet's have a positive Friday and weekend ahead! ✨"} {"idx": 20180, "original_id": "1250884765605036033", "reply_id": "1250894367168122880", "label": "hug", "text": "Due to currently living alone & being in lockdown, I haven’t touched another human being in over a month. I realised that this morning & broke down pretty badly."} {"idx": 20181, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251255349904125952", "label": "want", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 20184, "original_id": "1250890063921242113", "reply_id": "1250890469766291456", "label": "hug", "text": "national horny day and i don't feel horny"} {"idx": 20185, "original_id": "1251023673814900736", "reply_id": "1251025978794610689", "label": "shocked", "text": "These threesome apps wild."} {"idx": 20187, "original_id": "1250856549024743435", "reply_id": "1250863119653617666", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Imagine dating someone and then boom\n\nThey don’t like pickles"} {"idx": 20188, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251005727394525184", "label": "yes", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20189, "original_id": "1250923222880657408", "reply_id": "1250943530438180866", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Bill O’Brien addressed the biggest needs for the #Texans after a busy offseason of trades and signings."} {"idx": 20192, "original_id": "1250924790250196994", "reply_id": "1250926162022408193", "label": "no", "text": "Do you eat the whole peanut or just the shell"} {"idx": 20202, "original_id": "1250967397529313280", "reply_id": "1251128073380077568", "label": "shocked", "text": "Today I learned that “surfactants” is short form for “surface-active agents” 🤯"} {"idx": 20204, "original_id": "1250601395935379461", "reply_id": "1251114015532519430", "label": "agree", "text": "Bill Gates is seeing his utopian globalization project go up in smoke. We know China lied, Americans died, and a booming economy was fried. Time for real border enforcement and essential products MADE IN USA."} {"idx": 20205, "original_id": "1251214281216897024", "reply_id": "1251215642356785157", "label": "awww", "text": "#Barshi>>>> Any ship on this earth.\n\n@BarunSth and @Khushi09667126 make the cutest couple.♥️♥️♥️"} {"idx": 20206, "original_id": "1251116142984409089", "reply_id": "1251117292664086531", "label": "hug", "text": "Bad news: Thanks to Covid19, I lost my job/income/NYC apartment and moved back in with my parents. I now sleep in my childhood bedroom. \n\nGood News: found a letter I wrote to @francinepascal_ when I was 14 about the Sweet Valley High books. Gave storyline suggestions. Hilarious"} {"idx": 20207, "original_id": "1250269635078959104", "reply_id": "1250894011566559240", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ma teach my kids the importance of apologizing. I feel like growing up my parents didn’t apologize to me enough. they just started being nice to me out of the blue."} {"idx": 20209, "original_id": "1250882060031582213", "reply_id": "1250934306811281408", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Chocolate belongs in the cupboard not the fridge"} {"idx": 20212, "original_id": "1251223748495183873", "reply_id": "1251259800433971201", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I pick up alcohol today? 😂"} {"idx": 20217, "original_id": "1250871896880668683", "reply_id": "1250876995258462211", "label": "yes", "text": "Dammit. I was always told that UC couldn’t get 4 star recruits or any big time transfers. Shit they might be good again"} {"idx": 20221, "original_id": "1250841817718960129", "reply_id": "1250846675096276995", "label": "facepalm", "text": "All my amazon deliveries showed up at the same time... and my husband saw lol 🙃"} {"idx": 20224, "original_id": "1250840190203105280", "reply_id": "1250841091882004482", "label": "shocked", "text": "i fucked a sushi roll once‼️"} {"idx": 20225, "original_id": "1250943576940437504", "reply_id": "1250946698257498114", "label": "want", "text": "I miss having someone to smoke with 🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 20227, "original_id": "1251223884977840135", "reply_id": "1251269922036092928", "label": "hug", "text": "Hello darkness, my old friend."} {"idx": 20230, "original_id": "1251133290704064513", "reply_id": "1251165787416440832", "label": "kiss", "text": "craving for your love and attention."} {"idx": 20232, "original_id": "1251238634419712000", "reply_id": "1251251408923316224", "label": "omg", "text": "got some exciting news comin your way pretty soon ... hope you’re ready 😈"} {"idx": 20236, "original_id": "1249865497673379841", "reply_id": "1251238350373163011", "label": "agree", "text": "Twitter exposes lack of character and personality. IG can help you hide behind designer items and cool pictures!"} {"idx": 20238, "original_id": "1251270119507951617", "reply_id": "1251270461515804675", "label": "shrug", "text": "Played one game and 2k is LAGGY AF! HOW DO WE STILL NOT HAVE GOOD SERVERS 2K"} {"idx": 20240, "original_id": "1251246552602959872", "reply_id": "1251267504309223425", "label": "facepalm", "text": "There is a very simple way for us to get millions of Americans back to work: bring manufacturing back to America. \n\nIf @Tesla can build cars here, @apple can build the iPhone here."} {"idx": 20241, "original_id": "1251265343030472704", "reply_id": "1251265508470480896", "label": "shocked", "text": "Some of y’all about to be real mad at me .... but it must be said ... I shaved all my hair off rn oops"} {"idx": 20242, "original_id": "1250986658511622145", "reply_id": "1251136772635009024", "label": "awww", "text": "When your bf tells you what a good boy you are while giving you bum pats 😍 #abdl"} {"idx": 20243, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1250928220477800449", "label": "thank_you", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 20247, "original_id": "1250812280712892416", "reply_id": "1250843491397177348", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss having new canon content of poe i hate it here"} {"idx": 20248, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250926732988739584", "label": "seriously", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 20255, "original_id": "1251046655345987584", "reply_id": "1251047646468268032", "label": "hug", "text": "so many hoppipolla fanbases are popping up (?), finally I don't feel alone anymore 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 20257, "original_id": "1250924763859517443", "reply_id": "1250927620612485120", "label": "dance", "text": "My mom just sent me a video of my 8 year old niece dancing to @trishayearwood ‘Drink Up’. Perfect song choice for 2020 thus far 🤣 #SipItChugItShootItRaiseItHigh #Quarantine #QuarantineMusic"} {"idx": 20258, "original_id": "1250653395016454145", "reply_id": "1250870361341779968", "label": "no", "text": "In all honesty, if you don’t come out of this LOCKDOWN with a business idea, side hustle or new skill you really wasted a lot of time doing NOTHING."} {"idx": 20260, "original_id": "1250963957831077899", "reply_id": "1250964322517385216", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "#iahperdchat I have to do my Thursday night adult hip hop dance class via Zoom now...peace out friends! Keep rocking!"} {"idx": 20265, "original_id": "1250977439347552256", "reply_id": "1250978093763899392", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "When you a side bitch to yo own BabyDaddy , you should be the last one speaking on ANY situation ✌🏽 I’ll leave they ass right where tf they had me fucked up at ‼️"} {"idx": 20266, "original_id": "1250892910968610816", "reply_id": "1250944967989776384", "label": "yes", "text": "Mims said on the Mark and Reese show that the #Eagles have been the most aggressive on him during the pre-draft process"} {"idx": 20267, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250950632900644864", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 20268, "original_id": "1251269324666310656", "reply_id": "1251273439928881152", "label": "scared", "text": "We're either getting an Avengers: Endgame finale or Game of Thrones Season 8 finale with these #Chargers uniforms being hyped up this much."} {"idx": 20269, "original_id": "1250463662248284165", "reply_id": "1250834711120732160", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I wasn’t elected to represent the interests of the Democratic Party. I was elected to represent the interests of my community. \n\nAnd day after day, @realDonaldTrump has delivered for my community and that’s why I’m supporting him."} {"idx": 20272, "original_id": "1251034300557877249", "reply_id": "1251038044980830209", "label": "shrug", "text": "Kinda fucked up Aarons hair today but it’s okay he’s still cute"} {"idx": 20273, "original_id": "1250951680742445056", "reply_id": "1251128515052933121", "label": "please", "text": "I have to work today... 😬"} {"idx": 20274, "original_id": "1250776490477789186", "reply_id": "1250967925164572672", "label": "yes", "text": "If Donald Trump and Joe Biden were both drowning and you only had time to save one of them, where would you and Joe Biden go for lunch together afterward?"} {"idx": 20275, "original_id": "1250833422630531072", "reply_id": "1250833878593318913", "label": "yes", "text": "Everyone else is having breakfast cupcakes too right?"} {"idx": 20276, "original_id": "1250926682216808448", "reply_id": "1251014226396819456", "label": "agree", "text": "#ThingsIveLearnedFromTV that my family has even more damage than fictional families..."} {"idx": 20277, "original_id": "1251077114847203329", "reply_id": "1251079358090932225", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "My next goal is an apartment 🤝"} {"idx": 20279, "original_id": "1251170887556104192", "reply_id": "1251175128341401602", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF #WritingCommunity amazing people and writers. @Nightshade386 @RJFiction @BatwoMANDA @mandylawson7 @amiyawrites @LatinaGeekGirl @FuryanHound @mugglemom2010 @WarnekeReading @TheNamelessCrow @LawrenceWriting @JonathanMette @inkedingray @dcwrighthammer2 @emblit @TheCleftonTwain"} {"idx": 20283, "original_id": "1250790965452963841", "reply_id": "1251129778301816832", "label": "hug", "text": "Fandom is supposed to be fun. Lately, it hasn’t been. For the past few months, it hasn’t been any fun at all. If it keeps going the way it is, I may have to find something else to do, because I’m getting tired of feeling like I don’t have a place here."} {"idx": 20284, "original_id": "1250988782838374401", "reply_id": "1250993214519009281", "label": "oops", "text": "of course xyla gets the redemption shot bc SHE CHEATS"} {"idx": 20287, "original_id": "1250944539604381696", "reply_id": "1250945872193482753", "label": "agree", "text": "$1200 for 10 weeks to live on is the new LET THEM EAT CAKE. \n*\n*\n @funder @maddow @BernieSanders @JoeBiden @TeamDLH @TitusNation @pattonoswalt @SarahKSilverman @danagould"} {"idx": 20289, "original_id": "1251144778038689792", "reply_id": "1251162920966221825", "label": "good_luck", "text": "With all these Microsoft Flight Simulator screenshots that are being posted, its going to be fantastic when I get into the beta (crossing my fingers!)"} {"idx": 20291, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251260541999280129", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 20294, "original_id": "1251044677924425728", "reply_id": "1251126914661732353", "label": "hug", "text": "Do you know how cruel it is to be Mexican and allergic to jalapeños?"} {"idx": 20296, "original_id": "1250832665588228096", "reply_id": "1250862245757825024", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m not one to share much of anything really personal on here, but Im very proud of myself, Im 6 months sober today, halfway to my goal of 1 year. I wanted to prove to myself that I didn’t need alcohol to make myself feel better, and it was hard at first but it gets easier."} {"idx": 20299, "original_id": "1250915661125165058", "reply_id": "1251052934269480960", "label": "agree", "text": "How to properly call/message your local news to complain about/criticize coronavirus coverage:\n\n1) Don’t."} {"idx": 20301, "original_id": "659005005043769344", "reply_id": "1250991041072771078", "label": "win", "text": "Cavs: 57 wins. NBA Title over GS in Seven"} {"idx": 20303, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251140749212569602", "label": "shocked", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 20308, "original_id": "1250922354357579778", "reply_id": "1251007111972048897", "label": "eww", "text": "I’ve been having to force myself to shower. Lol. Anyone else?"} {"idx": 20310, "original_id": "1251210442099142656", "reply_id": "1251213161547526145", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I'm back"} {"idx": 20311, "original_id": "1250805210097696768", "reply_id": "1250931423038537728", "label": "smh", "text": "My 16 yr old said a long time ago China created this COVID-19 virus to take out some of their population because they are overpopulated I think he might be right and then it just got out of hand & they couldn’t control it"} {"idx": 20313, "original_id": "1251074512755372032", "reply_id": "1251108760510054405", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "found the loml on instagram what do i do"} {"idx": 20314, "original_id": "1251205031136804864", "reply_id": "1251208208007548929", "label": "popcorn", "text": "The weird thing of the day is that this night I've dreamt about @JesseDamiani , but I don't remember much about the dream, but it was like a party with other people.\n\nJesse, what did we do together? Do you remember it? Will you blackmail me? :D :D :D\n\n#VirtualReality #VR"} {"idx": 20316, "original_id": "1250490490983759873", "reply_id": "1250849986708815872", "label": "agree", "text": "The Government is \"running out\" of Money for Small Businesses. How about re-directing Money from the Bad CEO of Boeing Plane ✈️ Company and Give The Money to People Who Need It? 👶🙋🏿‍♀️🤰🏾🙆🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 20317, "original_id": "1251016950169436161", "reply_id": "1251017341527371776", "label": "popcorn", "text": "who am i even taking these nudes for? \n\nmyy damn self"} {"idx": 20318, "original_id": "1250834569995014144", "reply_id": "1251023211594047489", "label": "agree", "text": "Ship onscreen #SarawatTine not offscreen #BrightWin!!! Its as simple as that!!! 🤷🏻‍♀️ #2getherTheSeries"} {"idx": 20319, "original_id": "1251261655050334208", "reply_id": "1251268827318554626", "label": "shocked", "text": ".@OU_Football QB Jalen Hurts was a first-team All-Big 12 selection & runner-up for the 2019 Heisman Trophy. \n\nProspect Primer 🎥"} {"idx": 20320, "original_id": "1250608506530607105", "reply_id": "1250880543207587852", "label": "idk", "text": "So here’s my question...guys would you rather\n\nA. Have a girl who is super fit, great body, healthy \n\nOR\n\nB. Have a girl that will drink with you and eat pizza"} {"idx": 20323, "original_id": "1250866204253868033", "reply_id": "1250875096916471813", "label": "hug", "text": "Have had enough of today so gone to bed. Which means tomorrow is only going to come fucking faster"} {"idx": 20325, "original_id": "1250846664287416320", "reply_id": "1250854933919748102", "label": "oops", "text": "Me in the past: man Birkenstock’s are fucking ugly!\nMe today: hey some Birkenstock’s look mighty comfortable haha."} {"idx": 20330, "original_id": "1250848393544466433", "reply_id": "1250849638262988801", "label": "hug", "text": "After last night's nightmares. I'mma be scarce."} {"idx": 20331, "original_id": "1251199365579968512", "reply_id": "1251221941068935168", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "The garbage truck broke down in front of my house and is leaking fluid on the street. Happy Friday!"} {"idx": 20332, "original_id": "1250934726711480323", "reply_id": "1251170558647173121", "label": "idk", "text": "They always say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer."} {"idx": 20333, "original_id": "1250945618475810816", "reply_id": "1250947228165906433", "label": "eww", "text": "I wish my mom would understand that just cuz it’s 4am and I’m moaning and telling my boys I wanna eat their fat arses in discord doesn’t mean I’m gay!!!"} {"idx": 20341, "original_id": "1250957724868767744", "reply_id": "1250961950046957568", "label": "hug", "text": "@chaengsarmpit *Big hug*"} {"idx": 20343, "original_id": "1250776490477789186", "reply_id": "1250908395474784257", "label": "high_five", "text": "If Donald Trump and Joe Biden were both drowning and you only had time to save one of them, where would you and Joe Biden go for lunch together afterward?"} {"idx": 20344, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251261536410238978", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 20348, "original_id": "1250844310725169153", "reply_id": "1250899297450819584", "label": "no", "text": "Would anyone be surprised to see #DrOz as replacement for #DrFauci at the next televised trump mini rally disguised as Coronavirus taskfarce daily briefing?"} {"idx": 20349, "original_id": "1250296406255915008", "reply_id": "1250937016033906689", "label": "ok", "text": "I wanna fuck @KEEMSTAR"} {"idx": 20352, "original_id": "1251199010888695813", "reply_id": "1251204380491157507", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Hmm, I think it's time for some self-care.\n*Listens to Carly Rae Jepsen*"} {"idx": 20354, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250938544010539008", "label": "sigh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20356, "original_id": "1250943553305526272", "reply_id": "1250945304410468353", "label": "high_five", "text": "I only got in 1K words today, but at least that scene is done."} {"idx": 20358, "original_id": "1251270654411911168", "reply_id": "1251272842857140225", "label": "sigh", "text": "just hit my best clip L11"} {"idx": 20359, "original_id": "1251116615669817344", "reply_id": "1251117293301633027", "label": "idk", "text": "I don't turn 30 this year, I turn 29v2."} {"idx": 20361, "original_id": "1250952438653181953", "reply_id": "1250966482055561216", "label": "scared", "text": "Who’s watching #GhostAdventures with us right now? RT"} {"idx": 20363, "original_id": "1251037194040389634", "reply_id": "1251044698799476736", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Be ready for another frndzoning session 💃"} {"idx": 20365, "original_id": "1250860275655299080", "reply_id": "1250899623314518016", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I didn't do anything. 😥"} {"idx": 20366, "original_id": "1251140902216773632", "reply_id": "1251141381558620160", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Hey STANS,\n\nI trust that y'all are good? Anyways, from our camp we've got a special announcement to make to y'all.\n\nY'all stay tuned by 5PM today. Get your excitement gas on. Let's do this.\n\nNPND WDSPFF. 💎\n\n#IykeresaTheContent \n#KetchingUpWithIykeresa"} {"idx": 20369, "original_id": "1251126014882779136", "reply_id": "1251179137672400898", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Mini Rant: Some men will never admit that they were/maybe still are apart of the \"trash\" population that women speak of. \nSheesh."} {"idx": 20371, "original_id": "1251260857373396995", "reply_id": "1251273324853735424", "label": "hug", "text": "Hug needed"} {"idx": 20373, "original_id": "1246525338282270726", "reply_id": "1251246641245454337", "label": "agree", "text": "IT'S Heppening right now @@Shimza #LockdownHouseParty"} {"idx": 20377, "original_id": "1251258281080782850", "reply_id": "1251266886089793536", "label": "shocked", "text": "Yan Valery could lose his job over this, that's gonna be a really tough pill to swallow"} {"idx": 20378, "original_id": "1250905482719449089", "reply_id": "1250908950058487808", "label": "yes", "text": "I was going to write something about doing secure code audits of your 3rd party Django extensions, would ppl find that useful?"} {"idx": 20381, "original_id": "1251235090279084034", "reply_id": "1251254851557822464", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I have Disabilities and Special needs am still a human being just like everyone else I love to be positive because I wanna to enjoy life I love to inspire everyone and bring love and joy to everyone and I will continue to bring inspirational to a lot of people ❤️"} {"idx": 20382, "original_id": "1250929382761345025", "reply_id": "1250946071683096576", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "All right, baseball family! How is everybody holding up across the country?"} {"idx": 20383, "original_id": "1251015590665322496", "reply_id": "1251016878027239424", "label": "applause", "text": "Dude just cuz you fw with a female with morals and knows her worth doesn’t mean I’m doing to much 💯🤷🏾‍♀️ just means the bitches you use to fucked with had no other beliefs than being a hoe🗣"} {"idx": 20384, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251193591034241025", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 20385, "original_id": "1251163911774015489", "reply_id": "1251197733790244864", "label": "wink", "text": "And I’m officially obsessed with Florentinas. My man is 💯 to blame."} {"idx": 20386, "original_id": "1251085043117817857", "reply_id": "1251135532127735811", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a really crap time recently but there's always something that pops up to give me hope."} {"idx": 20387, "original_id": "1251185247783391235", "reply_id": "1251201362727251968", "label": "hug", "text": "Feeling sad today. :("} {"idx": 20388, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251195874665025539", "label": "eww", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 20389, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250982190126694401", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20393, "original_id": "1250890889687425024", "reply_id": "1250894363103764481", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Daniel Jeremiah says Iowa DE A.J. Epenesa is a player who stands out to him as a Patriots fit at No. 23 overall."} {"idx": 20394, "original_id": "1251229545547603974", "reply_id": "1251238473387966465", "label": "shrug", "text": "NEW: Taylor Swift cancels all live shows and appearances for the rest of 2020."} {"idx": 20398, "original_id": "1251143471613673474", "reply_id": "1251143732461817856", "label": "shocked", "text": "I think I was Trina in my past life"} {"idx": 20402, "original_id": "1250974360707481609", "reply_id": "1250975830152486912", "label": "applause", "text": "Finally started the Wire."} {"idx": 20403, "original_id": "1251179099185393673", "reply_id": "1251180679922147330", "label": "hug", "text": "had my uncle’s funeral this morning and it was awesome because it was his style. gonna take another day and be back tomorrow."} {"idx": 20407, "original_id": "1250916239691702274", "reply_id": "1250920394841821184", "label": "agree", "text": "Dr. Birx is a political hack. I don’t trust her or her fucking scarves."} {"idx": 20410, "original_id": "1250994447833133058", "reply_id": "1251046944627060737", "label": "seriously", "text": "Why did the scarecrow get a promotion? \nCus he was outstanding in his field 😂🤣"} {"idx": 20411, "original_id": "1250390014644686849", "reply_id": "1250832232085946370", "label": "thank_you", "text": "You will be faced with many challenges today. Whenever possible, handle these challenges with logic, kindness, patience, and empathy."} {"idx": 20414, "original_id": "1250869272886210565", "reply_id": "1250957077310107648", "label": "hug", "text": "One of the most difficult things about depression is accepting to not try so hard to make yourself feel better, because forcing it will only make it worse at times. Some days you feel like shit and accept it. And that’s honestly fine and enough. It’s okay to not feel okay-"} {"idx": 20416, "original_id": "1250878780421349384", "reply_id": "1250963259198525440", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Ron Klain former Ebola Advisor to Barack Obama is now an advisor to Joe Biden."} {"idx": 20418, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251017015365529610", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 20419, "original_id": "1251162789336367111", "reply_id": "1251163245810982913", "label": "agree", "text": "Everything is always up to you, but Tik Tok is a chinese owned technology that I recommend we all stop using\n\nI wont even retweet a tik tok video"} {"idx": 20420, "original_id": "1250888885174861824", "reply_id": "1250899376094019599", "label": "oops", "text": "I tried to play a prank on @SalesforceAmy and it backfired.\n\nLesson learned do do do do do 🧐"} {"idx": 20422, "original_id": "1250662002420146181", "reply_id": "1250861320116805634", "label": "yes", "text": "omg the flu kills more people annually than coronavirus has? you’re so smart. jesus christ. literally a genius. take my wallet. here are my keys. go to my house and fuck my wife."} {"idx": 20423, "original_id": "1251241712963465220", "reply_id": "1251242800739426304", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "If you think I'm quiet....Maybe I'll CASH gift some supporters for my Youtube project...give me 50+ comments below...1 comment per user..."} {"idx": 20425, "original_id": "1250821359015538689", "reply_id": "1251012943032049665", "label": "eww", "text": "every time I say I prefer ranch instead of steak sauce with my steak I get the \"ewwwomgwtf\" schpill 😂 ....A1 ruins steaks"} {"idx": 20427, "original_id": "1250854542016524288", "reply_id": "1250856005744779265", "label": "smh", "text": "honey boo boo countdown clock dot com"} {"idx": 20429, "original_id": "1250926156490117120", "reply_id": "1250943746885054465", "label": "applause", "text": "Dem Jaime Harrison outraised Lindsey Graham the first 3 months of 2020."} {"idx": 20431, "original_id": "1251226903354257408", "reply_id": "1251236985299238913", "label": "want", "text": "If the Eagles took a LB in the first round how long would it take you (approximately) to march to Novacare with a torch in hand?"} {"idx": 20433, "original_id": "1250815471731040257", "reply_id": "1250855766715699201", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I gave my kid breakfast today and he said “Thanks Chef Boyardee.” I don’t know whether to laugh or feel insulted"} {"idx": 20440, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250832228474654720", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 20441, "original_id": "1251204247691112450", "reply_id": "1251214520481177603", "label": "scared", "text": "OH MY GODDD DELUXE SCARYYYY"} {"idx": 20448, "original_id": "1250843680753061894", "reply_id": "1250861597700100103", "label": "agree", "text": "at least doctors are doing everything they can in these troubling times to maintain normalcy like being [checks watch] 2 hours late and counting for a phone consult with no fucken explanation"} {"idx": 20451, "original_id": "1251194666701201411", "reply_id": "1251266527631982596", "label": "hug", "text": "i’m just having a shit day."} {"idx": 20452, "original_id": "1250972458393403395", "reply_id": "1250973711097720833", "label": "hug", "text": "106 days since my last hug and no hugs on the horizon."} {"idx": 20456, "original_id": "1250908408431050752", "reply_id": "1250967015478587392", "label": "agree", "text": "Good morning Boomers, Gen X, Millenials, Gen Z and the new generation which we will simply call Pathogen. Day 25. I have emerged from an early night's rest stronger than ever, from a low base, like a middling circus strongman who can now lift a toaster oven."} {"idx": 20457, "original_id": "1251035713795170305", "reply_id": "1251036521035173889", "label": "agree", "text": "ima say this for the one time and the one time only. just cause somebody didn’t have a high sex drive with you, doesn’t mean their sex drive isn’t high. alright good talk. 🙂😂"} {"idx": 20458, "original_id": "1251140361248018434", "reply_id": "1251140470354219008", "label": "sigh", "text": "Oh hey CoD Community you want Duos in Warzone? \n\nAlright heres PLUNDER duos.\n\nC'mon man"} {"idx": 20459, "original_id": "1251225965822435329", "reply_id": "1251226596746432512", "label": "want", "text": "I gotta get some more warzone friends. My siege friends don’t even hmu anymore 😔"} {"idx": 20460, "original_id": "1251223773400969218", "reply_id": "1251269514559467520", "label": "high_five", "text": "Hands up who’s doing their time locked in without any fucking problems whatsoever? Let’s have a shout out for the adaptable, the sensible, the fucking above room temperature IQ people, for whom this lockdown is a piece of piss. I’m sick of hearing sad stories. Show me joy!!"} {"idx": 20461, "original_id": "1251162908970545156", "reply_id": "1251165788431618049", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I am also enjoying daily workout videos from ADs who usually can't manage to report a score in under a week, but I'm really excited that they've finally figured out how to work the internet."} {"idx": 20462, "original_id": "1251007312971644930", "reply_id": "1251021688667504640", "label": "shrug", "text": "red don't cut new bangs don't do it don't do it"} {"idx": 20464, "original_id": "1250847468511801346", "reply_id": "1250862542496251904", "label": "applause", "text": "Today I celebrate my \"I do what I want\" anniversary.\n\n2 years ago I left Disney and set out to become my own boss. I wanted to select my projects, choose my office, set my hours, and travel more. And that's what I've done.\n\nToday I celebrate my hard work and adventurous spirit."} {"idx": 20465, "original_id": "1250927557073088514", "reply_id": "1250928535168069635", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Thank you to my coaches Sarah julia and annisa"} {"idx": 20466, "original_id": "1250820655710449667", "reply_id": "1251127549331075073", "label": "agree", "text": "#LauraKuenssberg Do you hear different words to us at the daily briefing? WTF are you asking when the lockdown will ease?? He’s told us - when the science and evidence tells us. I have to turn off as soon as the journalists start asking their ridiculous questions."} {"idx": 20467, "original_id": "1250869007961468928", "reply_id": "1250871066563612675", "label": "yes", "text": "YES or NO?"} {"idx": 20470, "original_id": "1250539234752106496", "reply_id": "1250834824081936384", "label": "yes", "text": "If Joe Biden won in November, whom will Trump blame for his lose?"} {"idx": 20472, "original_id": "1251254586851065857", "reply_id": "1251272683108601857", "label": "smh", "text": "BREAKING: Large crowds--NOT practicing social distancing--have reportedly gathered outside of Megamart stores in Arlington and Takoma Park as the result of a food giveaway promotion. There are traffic delays on Columbia Pike in Virginia because of this."} {"idx": 20473, "original_id": "1250904000917983233", "reply_id": "1250904289578348545", "label": "sigh", "text": "Psst it’s National Horny Day \n\nTime to be horny on Main.\n\nI enjoy partaking in \n\n🤝 hand holding 🤝"} {"idx": 20476, "original_id": "1251091627415830529", "reply_id": "1251122960242483201", "label": "applause", "text": "Liverpool fans are in Spain, but the “S” is silent😂😂"} {"idx": 20477, "original_id": "1251036470648979456", "reply_id": "1251037300818980865", "label": "hug", "text": "A MAGAt just talked to me and I need a hug but nobody can touch me. 2020 sucks."} {"idx": 20478, "original_id": "1251223206192721920", "reply_id": "1251223441337917440", "label": "facepalm", "text": "#LockdownUpdate I bought a Ukulele. I will soon be an esports-team-running-ukulele-playing-extraordinaire."} {"idx": 20479, "original_id": "1250944574878556160", "reply_id": "1250945312971059200", "label": "agree", "text": "It must be tough for secret bigamists these days."} {"idx": 20480, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1251179020793806849", "label": "ok", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 20481, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250941413921079296", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20482, "original_id": "1251200875298803714", "reply_id": "1251212490819633153", "label": "high_five", "text": "Gov. Noem to the people of South Dakota: \"The nation is watching you.\""} {"idx": 20484, "original_id": "1250908472633221120", "reply_id": "1250935193864597504", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m an asshole according to her :)"} {"idx": 20485, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1250980067750088706", "label": "want", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 20487, "original_id": "1250829750421110785", "reply_id": "1251159693377978369", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I had a gaming crisis for probably the last 2 years at least. I just couldn't find something I enjoyed playing everyday. \n\nThen @PlayRuneterra came into my life. And the rest is history. 😍"} {"idx": 20488, "original_id": "1251235741465808896", "reply_id": "1251248068957257732", "label": "applause", "text": "FUCK DOMINO'S PIZZA IT'S FUCKING TERRIBLE. I'M REALLY FUCKING GETTING SICK OF THIS BEING THE ONLY PIZZA WE'RE GETTING. FUCKING DIE"} {"idx": 20491, "original_id": "1251200582897016834", "reply_id": "1251201670375264256", "label": "no", "text": "My baby fever is so bad. Someone tell me no 🤣"} {"idx": 20492, "original_id": "1251208879498649600", "reply_id": "1251258446864760837", "label": "no", "text": "If Tua Tagovailoa drops below six, should the Raiders trade up?"} {"idx": 20493, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250942589261549569", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 20494, "original_id": "1251013181058793472", "reply_id": "1251020539373682688", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If I finish this entire bottle of wine it’s ovaaaaaaaa with"} {"idx": 20495, "original_id": "1250777889349476352", "reply_id": "1250885225112113152", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "A care worker was asked by @BBCNewsbeat earlier whether she will be buying one of the new CARE badges, she said “No, they are being sold for £8.99 and my wage is only £8.75 an hour”\n\nSays it all.."} {"idx": 20496, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251221514667479041", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20497, "original_id": "1250967629772267521", "reply_id": "1251019716342104065", "label": "ok", "text": "i’m bisexual and i really don’t care who knows it 🤧🤧🤧"} {"idx": 20498, "original_id": "1251142447729524739", "reply_id": "1251156658010480640", "label": "awww", "text": "Here’s the thing, Chicago. Y’all like snow more than I like owning a house."} {"idx": 20499, "original_id": "1251158190474932227", "reply_id": "1251163744593481729", "label": "thank_you", "text": "In honor of @rupert_evans ' directorial debut - and to give you all a little treat to cope with social distancing - \n\nWe'll be releasing the FULL TRACK of @missmads epic song from tonight's episode of #Charmed at 11am EST! 8am PST! Just in time for Rupert's Instagram takeover..."} {"idx": 20500, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250986818813808646", "label": "smh", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 20504, "original_id": "1251162352776445953", "reply_id": "1251169143690166273", "label": "shocked", "text": "*Me on ft with my momma*\n\nMe: Good morning Ma\n\nKim: Ew, you look a mess just like yo ugly ass daddy"} {"idx": 20509, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1251030374806773760", "label": "win", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 20511, "original_id": "1251186054821851141", "reply_id": "1251244382088388611", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "When my number is able to text outside of Canada and the US, we will all be virtually holding hands and jumping in a circle laughing then crying cuz we made it. What?"} {"idx": 20512, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250940390061961216", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 20514, "original_id": "1251031663481675777", "reply_id": "1251207946584723457", "label": "agree", "text": "@NoahSchnacky should sing World for Two by @KingCalaway. Just sayin'."} {"idx": 20516, "original_id": "1250595231801761793", "reply_id": "1250876876417044480", "label": "shocked", "text": "Do you wash dishes while you're cooking or you wash the dishes after?\n\nI wash dishes while I'm cooking."} {"idx": 20517, "original_id": "1251252361189822465", "reply_id": "1251253717896179712", "label": "no", "text": "Y'alls lashes in your avi so long I thought my screen was cracked lol"} {"idx": 20518, "original_id": "1250837598655991812", "reply_id": "1251090191659544581", "label": "no", "text": "I hope people aren’t getting fed up with my duck updates 🙈😕"} {"idx": 20519, "original_id": "1251078712239566848", "reply_id": "1251127688481382401", "label": "awww", "text": "You meet someone and you fall in love. It's beautiful and lovely and right. You both grow. You both learn and unlearn. It's wonderful and hard, it's fairytale and real life"} {"idx": 20521, "original_id": "1251207605873238019", "reply_id": "1251220662821294080", "label": "oops", "text": "Me: impressions don’t matter \n\nAlso me: OMG so many ✨impressions ✨ I must tell everyone"} {"idx": 20528, "original_id": "1250839179363319810", "reply_id": "1250845591803965440", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "When @gaaaazelle_ comes back from Mexico I need her to make me an elote 😊"} {"idx": 20529, "original_id": "1250920426693410816", "reply_id": "1250937420956172296", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Now more than ever, we must understand that a health care should not be a privilege tied to employment status or income. Medicare for All means no one loses coverage. Period."} {"idx": 20531, "original_id": "1251168719956512768", "reply_id": "1251169552722915331", "label": "yes", "text": "If Dennis Dixon doesn't get hurt in 07, does Oregon play for the National title?"} {"idx": 20532, "original_id": "1251107962288050177", "reply_id": "1251108545199775745", "label": "popcorn", "text": "🔔 Inplay Special Tip 🔔 \n\nMatch ⚽️ Fc Minsk reserves ⚽️\n\nTip/Selection➡️Over 2.5 goals \n\nStake Amount➡️ Max bet 🌟🌟🌟\n\nOdds ➡️1.5📈\n\nLike/ Retweet if you’re on ♥️♻️ \n#Tips #Tipster #Winner #Profit #Consistent #Football #Soccer #bettingtips #Overs #Goals #Research"} {"idx": 20533, "original_id": "1250938612826464256", "reply_id": "1250939084341743617", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Only played an hour but I can confirm #FF7R is the game of the century."} {"idx": 20536, "original_id": "1251116663065452544", "reply_id": "1251203612426059776", "label": "seriously", "text": "lol polish government wants to punish teachers with 3 years of jail time for any sort of sex ed including talking about birth control, std prevention, or anything lgbt at all. lol. lol."} {"idx": 20538, "original_id": "1251193353942765570", "reply_id": "1251206542134829058", "label": "shrug", "text": "You’re so vain you prob think this tweet is about you."} {"idx": 20539, "original_id": "1251071041776111616", "reply_id": "1251071249314467845", "label": "shocked", "text": "red dead redemption 2 is done by now...no i didn't just get the game i just delete it by accident"} {"idx": 20543, "original_id": "1250865815399825408", "reply_id": "1250880380598726658", "label": "yes", "text": "Currently own an Xbox One...considering buying a PlayStation just so I can play @MLBTheShow.\n\nTell me if it's worth it?"} {"idx": 20544, "original_id": "1250909499042512900", "reply_id": "1251033738420670469", "label": "shocked", "text": "Make me horny. You'll like me when I'm horny."} {"idx": 20545, "original_id": "1250933777158877185", "reply_id": "1250934594091864064", "label": "yes", "text": "If we some how land one of the top 3 WRs in this draft, you think we still double dip #Eagles"} {"idx": 20551, "original_id": "1250930056647540738", "reply_id": "1251095278699995136", "label": "applause", "text": "New radio ratings are out, via Nielsen.\n\nSports aren't even going on, yet @KFAN1003 still put up huge numbers:\n\n- #1 sports station in the entire country\n\n- Up 23% vs. last year over same period\n\n- 0.3 points from highest March ratings ever\n\n- 12x audience of other sports station"} {"idx": 20555, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250894756491616256", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 20556, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250938602135183361", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20558, "original_id": "1250865812191219712", "reply_id": "1251094207772704768", "label": "agree", "text": "Brother and stepdad were wearing their 'comfies' for 8pm clapping and Mum was horrified that the neighbours might think this is representative of our household's fashion sense and she has informed me that we have to dress nicely next week. Good to see some things haven't changed."} {"idx": 20560, "original_id": "1251030579103051776", "reply_id": "1251031442953506816", "label": "wink", "text": "Don’t push my kids out... let them stay right there. 😌"} {"idx": 20562, "original_id": "1250974064522362880", "reply_id": "1251062652018872320", "label": "ok", "text": "i smoke weed"} {"idx": 20569, "original_id": "1250887318707359744", "reply_id": "1250972595480035328", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all ever take a dab and start sweating 😓?"} {"idx": 20570, "original_id": "1251179196425965570", "reply_id": "1251181752082673666", "label": "wink", "text": "ohhhhh yeeeaa baby"} {"idx": 20572, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250916362458988544", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 20573, "original_id": "1250994281797562369", "reply_id": "1250998340378124288", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m just worried about my friend. He was working so hard. 😔"} {"idx": 20574, "original_id": "1250913488815312896", "reply_id": "1250916629963292672", "label": "applause", "text": "why is everyone calling corona a her? as far as i know he's male bc he's annoying as hell & won't leave you tf alone no matter how many times you say no"} {"idx": 20575, "original_id": "1250130325356888064", "reply_id": "1251013621058068481", "label": "seriously", "text": "WOW. Just had a police officer called over to me and my husband at Whole Foods bc we were not wearing masks. We come to this @WholeFoods EVERY DAY. Apparently beginning yesterday, it is now illegal to come in without a mask. \nTotal deaths in D.C from Covid? 69. \n\nWTF if going on?"} {"idx": 20576, "original_id": "1250901835034103809", "reply_id": "1251021218754387968", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Shout out to 30+ Twitter though!"} {"idx": 20577, "original_id": "1251189341004668931", "reply_id": "1251190540986548227", "label": "hug", "text": "Slept like trash, woke up literally crying, drank coffee and now my anxiety is skyrocketing this is *not* my day apparently 😂🙂"} {"idx": 20580, "original_id": "1251054144284065794", "reply_id": "1251092152366452738", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Today’s announcements by @RBI will greatly enhance liquidity and improve credit supply. These steps would help our small businesses, MSMEs, farmers and the poor. It will also help all states by increasing WMA limits."} {"idx": 20581, "original_id": "1250980817591046144", "reply_id": "1250986849482522625", "label": "hug", "text": "In my bag tonight. Today was a shit day"} {"idx": 20582, "original_id": "1251208976789725184", "reply_id": "1251210514778202114", "label": "hearts", "text": "Gov. Cuomo: \"I have said repeatedly that when were fighting for the additional hospital capacity for our hospital system, that the President moved very quickly and I applauded him for it.\"\n \n\"I have said it a number of times, what am I supposed to do send a bouquet of flowers?\""} {"idx": 20583, "original_id": "1250946934526873600", "reply_id": "1250963630646071296", "label": "dance", "text": "I’m really about to be somebody’s Lawyer😭"} {"idx": 20586, "original_id": "1251091684718530561", "reply_id": "1251129645459742721", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My experience with the UIF was that it took more than 7 months for them to pay out my maternity claims as they couldn't input an umlaut on my married surname."} {"idx": 20590, "original_id": "1250854502594342919", "reply_id": "1250942441659813891", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Shortening my tweets... hi"} {"idx": 20592, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250862672347684865", "label": "eww", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 20593, "original_id": "1250968074410323968", "reply_id": "1250969395129540608", "label": "applause", "text": "i’m drunk, trying to eat dinner with my dad and i feel myself swaying back and forth like ¨̮ and now we about to bake bread ¨̮ ¨̮ ¨̮"} {"idx": 20594, "original_id": "1250759636397051904", "reply_id": "1250930546089361413", "label": "applause", "text": "I bought the coffee-maker I have wanted for years 👀"} {"idx": 20595, "original_id": "1251263803792273413", "reply_id": "1251268535009107970", "label": "smh", "text": "Oklahoma won more Bedlam games in the 1970s than Oklahoma State has won since 1970. #BedlamFactFriday"} {"idx": 20601, "original_id": "1251267664766476288", "reply_id": "1251274737575223297", "label": "applause", "text": "The most non-essential workers in America are in Congress."} {"idx": 20603, "original_id": "1250620401345912832", "reply_id": "1250942859701882881", "label": "no", "text": "Should the Lakers retire Pau Gasol’s number 16?"} {"idx": 20610, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251241930979184640", "label": "no", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 20612, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251255127203291137", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 20614, "original_id": "1251203816655130624", "reply_id": "1251204263495323649", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Half the time our family Snapchat is just @liv_stanowicki and I saying we love eachother and everyone else popping in and then ignoring us"} {"idx": 20615, "original_id": "1251108007225765888", "reply_id": "1251170147592740865", "label": "agree", "text": "The very least 2020 could have done was taken us to dinner before it screwed us 😁"} {"idx": 20616, "original_id": "1250925274457206785", "reply_id": "1250938977634443269", "label": "awww", "text": "Btw last tweet is a JOKE okay"} {"idx": 20618, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250969627338969088", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20619, "original_id": "1251146294568972289", "reply_id": "1251147130305048578", "label": "no", "text": "$AYTU -- BUYING TIME\n\nThere's a 100% chance AYTU runs to AT LEAST $1.70 again -- if you buy at $1.35, that is a 25% gain. \n\n*Yes this is trading advice, no I don't care if you lose money, because I lost my wife."} {"idx": 20620, "original_id": "1251119563225403392", "reply_id": "1251186713881346048", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "#FF >>> The Pimps >>> \n@Pimps4U @PimpingCupid @pimptwibegins @CrushSender @PimpinPuddin"} {"idx": 20622, "original_id": "1250699829547798528", "reply_id": "1250836306759831553", "label": "seriously", "text": "I miss having someone loyal. Someone actually wanting to marry you . I miss when people still tried to make you happy. I miss having someone show me how loyal they were to me. I miss being someone’s fuckin priority. No one cares about people anymore.. we are all broken"} {"idx": 20623, "original_id": "1250900230989627393", "reply_id": "1250900417199910919", "label": "shrug", "text": "I’m just gonna stop being mean"} {"idx": 20624, "original_id": "1250960793153277953", "reply_id": "1250967983616258048", "label": "hug", "text": "i want a hug"} {"idx": 20625, "original_id": "1251057813062811653", "reply_id": "1251067703122681857", "label": "shocked", "text": "Choose your prime player:\n\nLuis Nani or Robert Pires?"} {"idx": 20626, "original_id": "1250964648066723845", "reply_id": "1251199140245241867", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Can’t wait to transfer from Omoge Lashes to Omoge Cosmetics."} {"idx": 20627, "original_id": "1251135827884871683", "reply_id": "1251136622193762304", "label": "smh", "text": "Y’all mized R.A The Rugged Man album?"} {"idx": 20629, "original_id": "1251229467680411649", "reply_id": "1251232546236628996", "label": "ok", "text": "Not to be dramatic, but I literally might die if I don’t get some love and affection soon."} {"idx": 20631, "original_id": "1250897141217865728", "reply_id": "1250941517440651265", "label": "scared", "text": "You guys might be safe for now but just wait till quarantine is over.😈"} {"idx": 20632, "original_id": "1250983983875346432", "reply_id": "1250989166659239936", "label": "agree", "text": "Looking for a man who can chop down a tree and build a desk"} {"idx": 20634, "original_id": "1251079827882340355", "reply_id": "1251116195215839232", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Class 6-10 😭"} {"idx": 20635, "original_id": "1250772248962703360", "reply_id": "1251141200419139584", "label": "agree", "text": "While @JoeBiden is not the @DNC candidate I had hoped for, and while I’m still a proud member of the @GOP, I won’t vote again for @realDonaldTrump and will support #JoeBiden for President. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #Election2020"} {"idx": 20636, "original_id": "1251157309901795335", "reply_id": "1251175830165819403", "label": "shrug", "text": "Just found a tin of pineapple pieces in the cupboard with a sell by date of January 2019. Should I chance them?"} {"idx": 20637, "original_id": "1251200866520051713", "reply_id": "1251267168534253571", "label": "agree", "text": "Makes no damn sense to open the country when daily death numbers are still increasing & not going down. \n\nI don’t give a shit if they open it up- my family is staying at home. I don’t trust Trump or any Republican especially with their half ass plan with no testing. \n\nThoughts?!?"} {"idx": 20642, "original_id": "1250881730166132737", "reply_id": "1250946521845182464", "label": "hug", "text": "3 deaths so far on the unit today. Screaming/crying families on the phone because they couldnt be there for their last moments. I am not okay."} {"idx": 20648, "original_id": "1251169476827058177", "reply_id": "1251169601649508355", "label": "oops", "text": "I'm so starved for sports that I might watch the WNBA draft tonight."} {"idx": 20649, "original_id": "1250905627611758593", "reply_id": "1250923733251842049", "label": "yes", "text": "No cheating...\n\nThe next wrestler you see on Twitter will win next years Royal Rumble.\n\nSo who will it be? 🤔"} {"idx": 20650, "original_id": "1250923862767726593", "reply_id": "1250927011671015424", "label": "applause", "text": "Tony Ferguson is the type of guy that wakes up the alarm."} {"idx": 20652, "original_id": "1251007452969160709", "reply_id": "1251134901388075009", "label": "applause", "text": "I want every to know that during this quarantine, I have corrupted @meggzo17 so bad that she has now bought a Switch and #ACNH and I got her hooked on TikTok 🤷‍♀️ What are best friends for tbh"} {"idx": 20656, "original_id": "1250082154777702402", "reply_id": "1250873303054589952", "label": "agree", "text": "For people who call themselves readers, a lot of Wattpad users don’t seem to know how to read. Why are you complaining a book is not complete when it wasn’t marked complete and the word “ongoing” is slapped on it. Is it crack?"} {"idx": 20657, "original_id": "1250563889022066690", "reply_id": "1250860915613995021", "label": "no", "text": "Being honest how many of y’all actually like your guy cumming on your face?"} {"idx": 20659, "original_id": "1251044795851534337", "reply_id": "1251100941983645696", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Quarantine makes me think we’re all Caterpillars going through our Cocoon stage (quarantine) and once we go back out in the world the transition into butterflies will be glorious."} {"idx": 20660, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250929011049598977", "label": "awww", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 20662, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251004773421264896", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20666, "original_id": "1250871687811411970", "reply_id": "1250872351538937857", "label": "shocked", "text": "Knock knock \nWho's there?\n\nY'all fucked around and let death in"} {"idx": 20667, "original_id": "1250984123382071301", "reply_id": "1251173374535106561", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "What’s crazy when i was working installing cable for AT&T women would really throw themselves at me and my coworkers. That shit u see on porno ain’t a myth it’s cable men that really be out here fucking these women...nigga installed everything but the damn cable. Lol"} {"idx": 20668, "original_id": "1250984466216038401", "reply_id": "1250986174212124680", "label": "facepalm", "text": "\"Room mate\" on Netflix a solid 10/10 I was rooting for the crazy girl 😌"} {"idx": 20669, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250846344962506752", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 20674, "original_id": "1251131236749152257", "reply_id": "1251262005605994496", "label": "no", "text": "When you write 106k words of political intrigue and world-building and someone's only response is not even a comment or kudos, but a note in their bookmarks: \"nice story but bottom Alec 😫\".\n\nWow. *slow clap*"} {"idx": 20677, "original_id": "1251185936337158145", "reply_id": "1251208265301725186", "label": "no", "text": "We can all agree Woodbridge is full of faithful men😤🤟🏻"} {"idx": 20680, "original_id": "1251061824289746946", "reply_id": "1251130977507840003", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF Follow Friday\n\nHappy Friday Everyone!\n\n@adamhattan @oohgaryc @LRDreaming @ThatUKDisney @NathanStaker1 @wdwradio @ohbother02 @HyperionPodcast @LOTMpodcast @theDIBB @poowpodcast @TheMouseAndMore @MorningMonorail @37DisneyStreet @3_bigkids @TMKBpodcast @DillosDiz"} {"idx": 20681, "original_id": "1250878387989753857", "reply_id": "1250976263570747394", "label": "applause", "text": "We did it\n\nWe did it...."} {"idx": 20687, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251127545082245120", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 20688, "original_id": "1251150333587275785", "reply_id": "1251203771595710464", "label": "yawn", "text": "It’s sad how many folks think BTC is the real Bitcoin."} {"idx": 20694, "original_id": "1251179118621835264", "reply_id": "1251182984507645953", "label": "agree", "text": "I really wish my phone keyboard had an em dash."} {"idx": 20695, "original_id": "1250901802846785536", "reply_id": "1251218261217366018", "label": "hug", "text": "can i get some hugs pls"} {"idx": 20696, "original_id": "1250951332749508609", "reply_id": "1250951492439326720", "label": "applause", "text": "im about to level up"} {"idx": 20700, "original_id": "1250882554976223237", "reply_id": "1250893808189018112", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Are light skinned niggas on their periods again?"} {"idx": 20703, "original_id": "1251238785636921344", "reply_id": "1251241668612767745", "label": "eww", "text": "BREAKING: California Governor Gavin Newsom announces entire state to remain on lockdown until the world ends in 11 years and 6 months due to climate change."} {"idx": 20704, "original_id": "1250845115775623168", "reply_id": "1250848337953280002", "label": "applause", "text": "Better Than Ezra's \"This Time of Year\" belongs in the pantheon of G-C-D bar rock songs. Fight me."} {"idx": 20710, "original_id": "1250563422309224449", "reply_id": "1250857354297577472", "label": "agree", "text": "I’d LOVE to see 99% of us try to run this country. Most of us would diefrom exhaustion after the first week in office just with the CRITICS at our throats. I Wish we were more understanding of this tough position & possibly show more gratitude..even if u hate him..show gratitude"} {"idx": 20714, "original_id": "1250547009142087685", "reply_id": "1251051939053416449", "label": "agree", "text": "Excessive learning will destroy many people this season"} {"idx": 20717, "original_id": "1250895489060528129", "reply_id": "1250896926867939328", "label": "hug", "text": "wow what a bad day"} {"idx": 20718, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250974839160045570", "label": "yes", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 20719, "original_id": "1250799908975591426", "reply_id": "1250902172851597312", "label": "ok", "text": "He : Hi\nShe : Bf Hai\nHe : HD Mai Hai😜🤐"} {"idx": 20720, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251208394574311424", "label": "omg", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20722, "original_id": "1251170891389718528", "reply_id": "1251171554525876224", "label": "applause", "text": "🚚 More than 16,000 meals\n🛣 On their way to Islington\n \n👍 Thank you, @MustafiOfficial!"} {"idx": 20725, "original_id": "1250850909850152965", "reply_id": "1250861013127385095", "label": "oops", "text": "no one cares about your Warzone win, fuckin dweebs"} {"idx": 20726, "original_id": "1251009740622217217", "reply_id": "1251061191960457217", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Just repeating. I plan to get fucked up tonight (I’ve succeeded). Feel free to tell me to shut up. I know I’m extra when I drink, as nd I don’t fucking care about my life , but I don’t want to lose friends."} {"idx": 20728, "original_id": "1250941516299685888", "reply_id": "1251039527910563840", "label": "hug", "text": "So stress . Really really stress. Im so tired 😭😭😭😭😭😭 someone give me a tight hug please . ☹"} {"idx": 20730, "original_id": "1250835349632409606", "reply_id": "1250845121727410177", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "HEY GUESS WHO JUST GRADUATED WHILE LAYING DOWN DOING NOTHING????"} {"idx": 20731, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251186517554483203", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 20734, "original_id": "1250904269504630784", "reply_id": "1250912501543436290", "label": "applause", "text": "Quarantine has me so bored i may have to fuck around and start listening to country music 🥴🥴🤠"} {"idx": 20735, "original_id": "1251066754228523009", "reply_id": "1251072668239093760", "label": "applause", "text": "Most guys when friendzoned by a chic stay and try to prove their worth to the chic with the faint hope that she will one day see it and let him hit or sumn..most are guys with esteem issues who can't handle rejection. but bruh. She is gonna exploit you to the max. I promise."} {"idx": 20736, "original_id": "1250848134877626368", "reply_id": "1250862814186450944", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Drop your cash app, use hashtag #BailoutHumansNow"} {"idx": 20738, "original_id": "1250927565700825105", "reply_id": "1250929875298381825", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m sorry if I’ve been distant lately. I noticed that I’ve gone into full isolation mode. That’s good for physical social distancing, but now I’m having a hard time even reaching out through social media/texting and such. I’m having a REALLY hard time mentally right now."} {"idx": 20739, "original_id": "1250834031467474946", "reply_id": "1250841902741630988", "label": "eww", "text": "Haven’t streamed or played much cod recently so I will stream that in about an hour"} {"idx": 20742, "original_id": "1251199539484262409", "reply_id": "1251205777278283776", "label": "scared", "text": "What if live results reporting but you were building the rig as the elections were happening and the way the results were being reported was constantly changing"} {"idx": 20743, "original_id": "1250889795204550661", "reply_id": "1250891136882933760", "label": "applause", "text": "What's happening with #PrismLib right now... CommonServiceLocator is no more... major improvements here/coming all over... Prism Templates are now Open Source and soon we'll be merging a PR to add support for @UnoPlatform, #UWP & #WinUI... special thanks to @jlaban"} {"idx": 20744, "original_id": "1251129581286948867", "reply_id": "1251130159979249664", "label": "eww", "text": "@Xhosa_Goddess hope you well greetings 😃"} {"idx": 20749, "original_id": "1250939087424544768", "reply_id": "1251058596898537473", "label": "hug", "text": "It`s all over now, I got through the day and I am fine, still numb, still robotic but fine. Feeling a little under the weather but normal service will resume when I feel human again."} {"idx": 20750, "original_id": "1251042120997183490", "reply_id": "1251171884953001985", "label": "hug", "text": "So....one of my uncles passed away earlier today from liver failure. I don't know to handle it, so I'm pretending I'm ok. I'm feeling a breakdown coming on though. I wasn't even really close to him. Should I feel weird for being so sad? I kinda do. But it still really hurts."} {"idx": 20751, "original_id": "1251195487941799936", "reply_id": "1251196265595052032", "label": "high_five", "text": "Sentirse insuficiente what a shitty"} {"idx": 20752, "original_id": "1250774250618748930", "reply_id": "1250937404401299465", "label": "scared", "text": "Is drinking cum considered straight-edge?"} {"idx": 20753, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250934761792532480", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 20754, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1250961588829343744", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 20758, "original_id": "1250855624470155271", "reply_id": "1250887109344452614", "label": "yes", "text": "Raise your hand if you think it's time to reopen America. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 20764, "original_id": "1251141985680982016", "reply_id": "1251146063882317828", "label": "please", "text": "@mcuban I'll give you 1/2 of my stimulus check and only ask for .1% of the @xfl2020 if you buy it please. Some of us really need this... Think about it then hmu"} {"idx": 20766, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1250859461461381121", "label": "applause", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 20767, "original_id": "1251120684358602752", "reply_id": "1251251740797788161", "label": "shocked", "text": "Can't beat a good long wank with the dog."} {"idx": 20768, "original_id": "1250887039685480450", "reply_id": "1250907946294403072", "label": "yes", "text": "WAREHOUSE\n..not your typical fashion house."} {"idx": 20770, "original_id": "1250974189604888576", "reply_id": "1250974754372087808", "label": "no", "text": "gonna make my bf watch tangled with me again & he’s gon like it."} {"idx": 20771, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251229858371457029", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 20774, "original_id": "1251062016074276865", "reply_id": "1251124106071642112", "label": "yes", "text": "Wanna get lost in the catacombs with me."} {"idx": 20775, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1251078181488132096", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 20780, "original_id": "1250931683701993478", "reply_id": "1250931909141487616", "label": "dance", "text": "200 days."} {"idx": 20781, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251207517880807424", "label": "no", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 20782, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251067793690161153", "label": "agree", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 20783, "original_id": "1250817149041590277", "reply_id": "1250848464654786561", "label": "no", "text": "New York on PAUSE will be extended in coordination with other states to May 15.\n\nNon-essential workers must continue to stay home.\n\nSocial distancing rules remain in place.\n\nWe must STAY THE COURSE."} {"idx": 20784, "original_id": "1251230152463351809", "reply_id": "1251266794427482115", "label": "smh", "text": "If a person tells you to think what you want they certainly don’t gaf about you."} {"idx": 20785, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250943023522779136", "label": "seriously", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20786, "original_id": "1250954944649273345", "reply_id": "1251155845649334276", "label": "applause", "text": "Great news! I spoke with my brother and he and his wife will NOT be voting for trump. He said he's watched him lie and be an asshole long enough. He thanked me for my Facebook posts which made him start paying better attention. Now that he's watching him every day, he's done! 👍"} {"idx": 20787, "original_id": "1250971240296099843", "reply_id": "1250975918572687360", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Staying up for over 24 hours better fix my sleeping schedule 😪"} {"idx": 20788, "original_id": "1251148681308336129", "reply_id": "1251174502551056386", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Which rapper has the most loyal fan base?"} {"idx": 20789, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250881610909704211", "label": "smh", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 20790, "original_id": "1251024264842506240", "reply_id": "1251037409183068160", "label": "awww", "text": "University Series"} {"idx": 20791, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251229966815109121", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 20792, "original_id": "1250982087940640769", "reply_id": "1251148644369088514", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I Dont Like Feet But ill Rub Yours😊"} {"idx": 20803, "original_id": "1250917703990292488", "reply_id": "1250970309899018240", "label": "scared", "text": "I wish some PR folks could see the caricature of starting an email pitch with, “Hey, News Team!” #Assemmmmmble!"} {"idx": 20804, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250940841771831297", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20805, "original_id": "1250878520001085440", "reply_id": "1250880513235009537", "label": "hug", "text": "This lockdown is bad for me. I keep remembering my past... things that should be buried 6 ft under ground. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 20806, "original_id": "1250898699972157440", "reply_id": "1250899392728629248", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: I am both sad and excited to announce that I resigned from #SoupMafia. Me and the Soup gang knew we would be a success, can't thank my co-workers, fans, underground players enough. \nWith that being said the rumors of me joining Draftcheat and company are true.#LetsGetIt"} {"idx": 20808, "original_id": "1251227210477973507", "reply_id": "1251230538788040704", "label": "omg", "text": "The UK press conference earlier showed the worldwide death rates of coronavirus \nThe US rate is going up like Trump’s mushroom dick when Melania slips on her Ivanka mask, gives him a Big Mac and puts on Fox News showing pictures of caged kids"} {"idx": 20810, "original_id": "1250902906414473216", "reply_id": "1250909101556731904", "label": "eww", "text": "Ok...no more KFC for a few years"} {"idx": 20811, "original_id": "1250993991744659456", "reply_id": "1251126553381146626", "label": "awww", "text": "Cherished Friends @DaRealMrsSalley @RedMajid @donamatthews @ChristineMColby @KevinLeichtman @ECPPSFCC @Hopeful041 @cvarsalona @the_edu_table @NJAutismThinkT @rparlakian @KC_SAZ @WomensAlly @noellabickelart @MrsVeeReads"} {"idx": 20812, "original_id": "1251164858315182081", "reply_id": "1251165571619540995", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@NewHopeClub @NewHopeReece @NewHopeBlake @NewHopeGeorge \n\npls notice and follow \n\n@tylerglare \n\n🥺🤲💎"} {"idx": 20818, "original_id": "1250900010616500224", "reply_id": "1250994738892660742", "label": "popcorn", "text": "R u salty or sweet?? Reply w a pic of ur favorite quarantine snack food."} {"idx": 20819, "original_id": "1250852496706322432", "reply_id": "1250853782100996097", "label": "high_five", "text": "When your heart rate monitor congratulates you on a great workout but you were just sitting on a sofa Having Anxiety"} {"idx": 20820, "original_id": "1251031754464362496", "reply_id": "1251033138752450562", "label": "hug", "text": "Hei lagi kacau, can i get a hug? -switch"} {"idx": 20821, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251195478122823682", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 20824, "original_id": "1250605708929912833", "reply_id": "1250900846662971392", "label": "agree", "text": "Kyle doesn’t have a fashion line. She slapped her name on a line of clothes senior citizens would wear during their Florida retirement and asked her friends and daughters to awkwardly walk in them. #RHOBH"} {"idx": 20830, "original_id": "1250887448797863952", "reply_id": "1250888171153494016", "label": "no", "text": "Let me stress you out better"} {"idx": 20831, "original_id": "1251218809928724490", "reply_id": "1251218959015297029", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Weird Al the only celebrity still relevant in that MJ video. #totp"} {"idx": 20832, "original_id": "1251093369608175616", "reply_id": "1251098605919834112", "label": "hug", "text": "I haven't been on Twitter for a while because my beloved husband died on April 10 and we buried him April 15. Then yesterday was my birthday. A birthday I would give the world to forget. Rest in peace, RMP. I love you more than life itself and my heart is broken."} {"idx": 20835, "original_id": "1250946288436350978", "reply_id": "1250948458753687553", "label": "shocked", "text": "It’s so wet outside I thought I dropped my coochie on the ground."} {"idx": 20837, "original_id": "1250818598211211264", "reply_id": "1250877629592297472", "label": "win", "text": "JUST IN: Pakistan reports lowest number of Covid patients in hospitals since April 19."} {"idx": 20841, "original_id": "1250816224595976192", "reply_id": "1250855369452269569", "label": "dance", "text": "You guys know what time it is..\n\nLINK ME YOUR BEST TRICKSHOTS YOU HAVE EVER HIT FOR ME TO REACT TO IN MY NEXT VIDEO :)\n\nYouTube Unlisted Links ONLY, submit as many responses as you want."} {"idx": 20842, "original_id": "1251238150355050496", "reply_id": "1251240240963977216", "label": "sigh", "text": "My mind at 2am- \nOhh this song is sedd \nTurn this up 🥺"} {"idx": 20843, "original_id": "1251246406263648256", "reply_id": "1251247432957980673", "label": "awww", "text": "i asked my best fren to play pubg with me and now he's downloading i rly appreciate him 😔💕"} {"idx": 20844, "original_id": "1250921346575544325", "reply_id": "1250922434175393793", "label": "applause", "text": "Dear hockey stats nerds. I understand that the lack of hockey to plug into your spreadsheets is difficult for you, but there's really no reason to debate the greatest players of all time and say they weren't great based on statistics you made up to apply to the current era."} {"idx": 20846, "original_id": "1251201160255549443", "reply_id": "1251212972581687303", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Can we just stipulate that just because you have “Dr.” in front of your name doesn’t make you immune from saying some very stupid things?"} {"idx": 20848, "original_id": "1251186178063204352", "reply_id": "1251198192080822272", "label": "omg", "text": "Gonna have an updated Warmind Bit Farm for Solo players.\n\nJust solo'd a Legendary Lost sector in :22"} {"idx": 20851, "original_id": "1250973797454360577", "reply_id": "1250974731190390784", "label": "oops", "text": "i absolutely hate @CaraBroooke"} {"idx": 20853, "original_id": "1250971449566752769", "reply_id": "1251192628173058048", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Wonder why LeBron didn't participate in yet another stand-alone contest - the HORSE tournament. No Dunk Contest. No 3-Point Contest. No televised HORSE."} {"idx": 20854, "original_id": "1250983071001661440", "reply_id": "1250993835422871553", "label": "hug", "text": "Insecurities will not get the best of me. I’m saying NO"} {"idx": 20855, "original_id": "1251197870184837120", "reply_id": "1251234280254160897", "label": "yes", "text": "Would you like me to make a video explaining how to configure obs and how to configure to have guests and see both cameras? 🤔🤔"} {"idx": 20856, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250939595610443776", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 20857, "original_id": "1250871290036137985", "reply_id": "1250876724230963202", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I’m thinking, because it is going to be at least another month before I can do anything about it, perhaps now might be the best time to admit I’m not a real blonde."} {"idx": 20858, "original_id": "1251119586226737152", "reply_id": "1251216691859558402", "label": "applause", "text": "To all the women who DM me to ask about work opportunities and almost always apologize for what you say is an intrusion, never hesitate, never apologize. We hustle if we have to for each other. Ok?"} {"idx": 20859, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251092181508595712", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 20861, "original_id": "1251219239911845890", "reply_id": "1251251151946776576", "label": "want", "text": "Reply to this tweet with a GIF, image, or meme that shows what you've got planned while you're #selfisolating this weekend. Let's try to cheer each other up!\n\n#GoSOLO🔴"} {"idx": 20862, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250932910279942145", "label": "please", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 20864, "original_id": "1250845488208887808", "reply_id": "1250851415498674179", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Feeling low, but need to use this feeling to bounce back and be better."} {"idx": 20865, "original_id": "1250972887575560192", "reply_id": "1251145909057941507", "label": "yes", "text": "Are these protesters in Michigan serious?"} {"idx": 20866, "original_id": "1251179216143605765", "reply_id": "1251187594404278272", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My ex got married yesterday. Should I send them a card or just the screenshots of him trying to get me back when they were dating ?"} {"idx": 20867, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251212937651539971", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 20868, "original_id": "1251130961766436864", "reply_id": "1251132246305767429", "label": "hearts", "text": "1 like = 1 happy"} {"idx": 20869, "original_id": "1250962029646577670", "reply_id": "1251051106916093953", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Y'all, my brother isn't on twitter so I can't @ him but he just got accepted for a TA-position in grad school and I am v proud of him"} {"idx": 20879, "original_id": "1251212695342374913", "reply_id": "1251213759839907840", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I'd like to formally and officially dedicate the rest of my life to @LegalValkyrie, @AlasdairStuart, & @benrlmeredith. I guess @AlexanderNewall and @jonnywaistcoat too for the whole \"creating the characters that have killed me\" bit. You hold my life in your hands. Good day."} {"idx": 20890, "original_id": "1250857493728657408", "reply_id": "1250867953274257409", "label": "agree", "text": "NCAA is in some trouble huh?"} {"idx": 20891, "original_id": "1250838181836185603", "reply_id": "1250838804748959744", "label": "agree", "text": "Street Gossip might be top 3 album all time"} {"idx": 20892, "original_id": "1250952475084877825", "reply_id": "1251168135719170050", "label": "please", "text": "See you next week for our season finale! #Brooklyn99"} {"idx": 20893, "original_id": "1251196450119340035", "reply_id": "1251273633487556609", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hey, hey.... #BCSM - ROLL CALL - 4/17 - How are you today? Bonus points for answers in GIFs. Hope everyone is hanging in there, staying home, washing hands, living life. hugs."} {"idx": 20896, "original_id": "1251159722557767680", "reply_id": "1251161192741007362", "label": "yes", "text": "@linebackrschool yoooo did it download"} {"idx": 20897, "original_id": "1250866250688933890", "reply_id": "1251130949770887173", "label": "agree", "text": "And for everyone on the bad QB train... Check @DeAndreHopkins stats year by year. Then look at his QBs. That my friends is a number 1!"} {"idx": 20898, "original_id": "1250906213900079104", "reply_id": "1251245573849657349", "label": "thank_you", "text": "We're investigating an issue with Just Cause 4 that causes the game to crash on launch for some players. We will update you when the issue has been resolved."} {"idx": 20900, "original_id": "1250960231628255232", "reply_id": "1251117114905288704", "label": "shocked", "text": "Now they aren’t going to be checking our purse at a football game...they will be sticking a thermometer up our ass. #shitmywifesays"} {"idx": 20902, "original_id": "1251241784891580425", "reply_id": "1251245200531353601", "label": "ok", "text": "It’s ok to be friends with people who don’t always agree with you."} {"idx": 20904, "original_id": "1251165889556180992", "reply_id": "1251168612011950080", "label": "no", "text": "If it was possible, would you go to a venue that enables you to watch a live sporting event in/from the comfort and safety of your car? Basically “drive-in sports.”"} {"idx": 20910, "original_id": "1250940155306876928", "reply_id": "1250940592588238848", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "your first mistake is thinking i can be replaced"} {"idx": 20911, "original_id": "1251150152447844355", "reply_id": "1251153488647647232", "label": "oops", "text": "omg where are my manners.. dumelang bagolo 🤝🏾"} {"idx": 20915, "original_id": "1251192900886630402", "reply_id": "1251193837659316231", "label": "yes", "text": "If a football club investigated itself would that be like marking your own homework?"} {"idx": 20918, "original_id": "1250860975605125126", "reply_id": "1250865059586281472", "label": "agree", "text": "Post Malone’s acting wasn’t bad on Spencer confidential"} {"idx": 20920, "original_id": "1250868370599292936", "reply_id": "1250907526754942978", "label": "applause", "text": "Ok now I’m not mad anymore"} {"idx": 20921, "original_id": "1250866589177720832", "reply_id": "1250869802987663360", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "tired of Dashon suckin Shannon off Bc he put him in that weak ass show like you wasnt suckin me off when I was FaM. Get outta here"} {"idx": 20923, "original_id": "1250915633065111552", "reply_id": "1250915800233451523", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Trump: \"America wants to be open and Americans want to be open.\"\n\nPew poll out today: About twice as many Americans say their greater concern is that state governments will lift restrictions on public activity too quickly (66%-32%)."} {"idx": 20930, "original_id": "1250946856806305793", "reply_id": "1250957054887354369", "label": "scared", "text": "Hey everyone. Check in time. If you can see this, the question is for you- How are you holding up tonight?"} {"idx": 20931, "original_id": "1250916155163901956", "reply_id": "1250969804590243840", "label": "agree", "text": "Knives Out is a freaking amazing movie."} {"idx": 20935, "original_id": "1250991973479186435", "reply_id": "1250992690231205889", "label": "idk", "text": "I hate Lillian yo"} {"idx": 20936, "original_id": "1251205940663193606", "reply_id": "1251207694373081089", "label": "applause", "text": "If the media doesn’t get some fucking balls and relentlessly confront Trump about his incendiary tweets at today’s briefing, then they deserve all the shit Trump gives em every day."} {"idx": 20937, "original_id": "1250993806939492353", "reply_id": "1250994151765622784", "label": "agree", "text": "let the do the talking !!! #PEPPER #CNV2"} {"idx": 20939, "original_id": "1250997925062180871", "reply_id": "1251012287290212353", "label": "ok", "text": "Hey @McConaughey hope this finds you well brother. Saw you sippin’ that longbranch with @StephenAtHome it looked tasty. sent a bottle to my brother in law. May brave a supply run to grab a bottle for m’self. Cheers. #becoolbecoolbecool #jkl"} {"idx": 20944, "original_id": "1251057257820938243", "reply_id": "1251144872163078144", "label": "yes", "text": "does @NicolaSturgeon wake up every day and say, quick quick lets release what the UK government have said first, quick it can look like its my idea, quick!"} {"idx": 20955, "original_id": "1251261253672108033", "reply_id": "1251261469926273024", "label": "no", "text": "Just got a desperate email from an airline tryna tell me they’re social distancing on airplanes and why don’t I take a flight?? 😂😂 Not today, satan."} {"idx": 20956, "original_id": "1251219555114004481", "reply_id": "1251226858387124224", "label": "idk", "text": "I've never found an alcoholic drink that was tasty. Alcohol burns going down! How does anyone like that? Is that normal?"} {"idx": 20958, "original_id": "1251058668293853184", "reply_id": "1251084259911065601", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm sad, send hugs."} {"idx": 20961, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1251002084402610178", "label": "popcorn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 20962, "original_id": "1250880210561622024", "reply_id": "1250889401032466446", "label": "popcorn", "text": "We all have one night.. One night we truly wish we could take back.. One night that really didn't NEED to happen.. Liquor tends to be involved in these nights.. But when you mix liquor with irrational sexual desire.. These nights typically don't end well.. Here's the story.."} {"idx": 20964, "original_id": "1250790965452963841", "reply_id": "1251147771077263367", "label": "hug", "text": "Fandom is supposed to be fun. Lately, it hasn’t been. For the past few months, it hasn’t been any fun at all. If it keeps going the way it is, I may have to find something else to do, because I’m getting tired of feeling like I don’t have a place here."} {"idx": 20965, "original_id": "1250863813307650049", "reply_id": "1250895848281645056", "label": "agree", "text": "I am 1000% getting Steve's Pizza this weekend. and NOBODY is going to stand in my way. If you live in Miami, and never had it... then you have not lived a full life."} {"idx": 20970, "original_id": "1250955792351715328", "reply_id": "1250962801020919808", "label": "hug", "text": "You know I should really stop caring about people lmao. \n\nI get close to somebody and like em a bit, then it pretty much always ends up they get snatched by someone else or they ghost me hahaaaa."} {"idx": 20971, "original_id": "1250971107949072384", "reply_id": "1250978724087918592", "label": "hug", "text": "I want a hug"} {"idx": 20972, "original_id": "1251214838711193600", "reply_id": "1251218688805658625", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Who is the prettiest FT girl account? \n\nTag them 👇 time to appreciate the girls lmao"} {"idx": 20976, "original_id": "1250959986307543040", "reply_id": "1250960299076788224", "label": "eww", "text": "Mint Chocolate Chip is the best ice cream."} {"idx": 20979, "original_id": "1250908933327380488", "reply_id": "1250913308346994688", "label": "no", "text": "None of this stuff matters without adequate testing, contact tracing, support for individual quarantines, and caring for the sick—are we doing that or not?"} {"idx": 20980, "original_id": "1251249567032639490", "reply_id": "1251250179715588102", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Us small accounts really don’t get enough appreciation ugh 😩😩😩"} {"idx": 20982, "original_id": "1250991092142444546", "reply_id": "1251223973989240832", "label": "hug", "text": "Sorry I haven’t streamed the past couple days, I got some bad news recently and it’s got me more than bummed. I just don’t want to stream in a bad mindset because it won’t be fun for anyone and I don’t want to force feeling okay. I will be back this weekend! Just need to reset."} {"idx": 20984, "original_id": "1251174074254008320", "reply_id": "1251189761219444738", "label": "applause", "text": "Hey I built a PC yesterday so that's pretty fucking cool."} {"idx": 20985, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250907569129959430", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 20988, "original_id": "1250942098557284354", "reply_id": "1250942402560430080", "label": "idk", "text": "National Horny Day ??!?!\n\nIsn’t that like EVERY DAY or is that just the hentai in me ?"} {"idx": 20989, "original_id": "1251261075518963712", "reply_id": "1251262135289540608", "label": "hug", "text": "sooo @superdupersimp said she has a crush on me, do you yall allow me to cuff and treat her like queen she is??"} {"idx": 20995, "original_id": "1250815780951863297", "reply_id": "1250894246237757440", "label": "yes", "text": "Which series has the most passionate and creative fandom I’ve ever seen 💛"} {"idx": 20999, "original_id": "1251001563146973184", "reply_id": "1251018133264990208", "label": "smh", "text": "I lost my melanin in quarantine"} {"idx": 21000, "original_id": "1251000309507338242", "reply_id": "1251068765715918848", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "So did y’all like??"} {"idx": 21002, "original_id": "1251196133562613764", "reply_id": "1251201061962031111", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Anyone know much about 5.11 tactical vests? Are they worth the price or is there another brand you prefer?"} {"idx": 21005, "original_id": "1251188242587811842", "reply_id": "1251188856197701632", "label": "wink", "text": "I can confirm that @white6trash9 is not me. And I am not him."} {"idx": 21006, "original_id": "1250845786629386243", "reply_id": "1250925108690108418", "label": "agree", "text": "Y’all remember when the gym was open ?"} {"idx": 21007, "original_id": "1250990972663730176", "reply_id": "1250998080037695488", "label": "agree", "text": "Followers. I love y’all. 🥺"} {"idx": 21008, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1250914702009434118", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 21009, "original_id": "1250928966568984591", "reply_id": "1251152423898370048", "label": "no", "text": "Question for #Panthers fans:\n\nIf the Cowboys offered their 2nd round pick (2.51) for Curtis Samuel, would you take it?"} {"idx": 21010, "original_id": "1251179196425965570", "reply_id": "1251183629109211137", "label": "ok", "text": "ohhhhh yeeeaa baby"} {"idx": 21011, "original_id": "1250963832194949121", "reply_id": "1251047552927047680", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "bruh when zahara sang the national anthem and butchered the afrikaans part 😭😭😭 best thing i’ve seen tbh🤣🤞🏽"} {"idx": 21016, "original_id": "1250888487768858629", "reply_id": "1250890465622319104", "label": "sorry", "text": "y’all are horny every single day of your lives you do not need a holiday for it"} {"idx": 21017, "original_id": "1251204647475281920", "reply_id": "1251205886120529921", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Jacksonville Florida to reopen beaches - FBN another fool"} {"idx": 21019, "original_id": "1251017530002427904", "reply_id": "1251240125536722946", "label": "agree", "text": "STAY TF HOME IM TRYNNA GO OUT BRUH #Coronavirus"} {"idx": 21020, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250936214569603072", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 21022, "original_id": "1251221601560997888", "reply_id": "1251252918138920960", "label": "facepalm", "text": "every time i’m in public i really gotta hold myself back from touchin butts"} {"idx": 21023, "original_id": "1250921354993586176", "reply_id": "1250963224750706689", "label": "shocked", "text": "Guys, I’m on the second day of my period, and I don’t think I’ve ever been hornier in my life. And I am probably one of the horniest people you know on a normal day. This is agonizing. Also, I can’t stop eating M&M’s and crying while thinking about The Hobbit."} {"idx": 21030, "original_id": "1250899444956041216", "reply_id": "1251004190106714112", "label": "please", "text": "i am calling it now,,, jungkook will do a vlive soon . he WILL"} {"idx": 21031, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250859321212178440", "label": "agree", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 21033, "original_id": "1250874392999014401", "reply_id": "1250885234498953229", "label": "yes", "text": "Go balls deep"} {"idx": 21034, "original_id": "1250594024009764865", "reply_id": "1251184205179965452", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Show me some halo concepts you have for Royale high 💗"} {"idx": 21038, "original_id": "1251136613515739138", "reply_id": "1251165403520303104", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Morning everyone 😊"} {"idx": 21039, "original_id": "1251180984449597441", "reply_id": "1251183433075658753", "label": "applause", "text": "We're about half way done with getting all the shops back to working order. Thanks everyone for your patience."} {"idx": 21043, "original_id": "1251092406784741377", "reply_id": "1251165665198854145", "label": "want", "text": "Let's play a fun game! 5 questions, tag the 5 richest folk you know!\n\nMother's maiden name\nDate of birth\nSort code\nBank account\nPost a pic of your signature!"} {"idx": 21044, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251220190970380289", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 21047, "original_id": "1251167448637878274", "reply_id": "1251168089661681666", "label": "want", "text": "I’m a simp for @JustFoalll \n\nJust saying 😅❤️"} {"idx": 21049, "original_id": "1250980276680798208", "reply_id": "1251008425896505347", "label": "hug", "text": "How are you guys doing w/ out w haircut 🤔🤔"} {"idx": 21050, "original_id": "1251148890918711296", "reply_id": "1251272696110997506", "label": "ok", "text": "Bob Quinn says a number of players reached out to them in free agency because they wanted to play for #Lions and Matt Patricia."} {"idx": 21051, "original_id": "1251143600500404227", "reply_id": "1251161617154191362", "label": "agree", "text": "Tout fruits de mer yo just TRASH🤷🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 21053, "original_id": "1251164611904106500", "reply_id": "1251164885817286657", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Can I get a ho yay"} {"idx": 21054, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251153639151792129", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 21055, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250886675049431043", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 21056, "original_id": "1250994276831543296", "reply_id": "1251032575172243456", "label": "applause", "text": "i am now no longer formerly graziella"} {"idx": 21057, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250954065992986627", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 21065, "original_id": "1250876521134383105", "reply_id": "1250889665911152643", "label": "no", "text": "I'm shopping for things for my bedroom and I just had to pose the question to myself... am I too old for stars on my ceiling?"} {"idx": 21067, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250832711125733377", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 21069, "original_id": "1251108552795500544", "reply_id": "1251109867462500352", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was sad and I cried in a park but then an old lady saw I was sad and let me cuddle her dog so I was happy for a moment"} {"idx": 21070, "original_id": "1251203326978543620", "reply_id": "1251229736514260993", "label": "applause", "text": "Case got continued and lawyer said ima win the jank anyway cuz of the new laws thank you lawyer thank you god and thank u coronavirus lol 🙌🏾🙏🏾"} {"idx": 21071, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250967686357622789", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 21072, "original_id": "1250904130928902145", "reply_id": "1250905424447983618", "label": "agree", "text": "imagine carrying a baby a 9 whole months, dealing with sickness, pain, and childbirth, and then it grows up to be a controller player"} {"idx": 21074, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250950754354909184", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 21075, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1251075710787235840", "label": "popcorn", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 21077, "original_id": "1251159276564779008", "reply_id": "1251190621764825091", "label": "scared", "text": "Not only is Elizabeth Warren silent on Joe Biden’s sexual assault allegations,\n\nShe is now saying she wants to be Joe’s Vice President.\n\nYou can’t make this up."} {"idx": 21081, "original_id": "1250888104665374743", "reply_id": "1250983989575385088", "label": "shocked", "text": "Okay, so apparently there is a conspiracy theory that Jonbenet Ramsey's death was staged and that she's been living her life as...\n\n.................\n\nKaty Perry."} {"idx": 21085, "original_id": "1251021562553094144", "reply_id": "1251057424380788736", "label": "yes", "text": "Tomorrow you guys will be getting two videos🙌🏽🙌🏽 our vlog channel at 4pm and my video at 5pm🥰 who’s ready??"} {"idx": 21086, "original_id": "1250947729326583826", "reply_id": "1250998048341147648", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m not disrespecting canelo !!! All I’m saying is that me and him fighting will be worth millions of dollars when the fight presents itself !!!!! I have a country behind me and so does he 🇲🇽🇵🇷👀 Whats the problem ?!!!!"} {"idx": 21088, "original_id": "1251186748542955520", "reply_id": "1251191149244542976", "label": "no", "text": "Dang i just cut my hair , SHORT 😂"} {"idx": 21089, "original_id": "1250889207968653321", "reply_id": "1250930921949274118", "label": "applause", "text": "Yeah, yeah, this quarantine is hard on us all. But please be careful about how you talk about your kids. They are not a burden, they are hurting too."} {"idx": 21091, "original_id": "1250990892523151361", "reply_id": "1251176001624780801", "label": "hug", "text": "Sometimes crying is the best medicine."} {"idx": 21092, "original_id": "1250868578867277826", "reply_id": "1251039365192540161", "label": "ok", "text": "I change my clothes more frequently in Animal Crossing than in real life."} {"idx": 21094, "original_id": "1251165520516153346", "reply_id": "1251167972250587141", "label": "hearts", "text": "Not doing well today. \nIt’s amazing to think how therapeutic doing gigs or just getting together to play music with friends is. Feeling forgotten. Feeling tapped with my thoughts and the bastards are not being kind. Sorry for complaining."} {"idx": 21095, "original_id": "1250888004450897920", "reply_id": "1250893064568287232", "label": "shocked", "text": "just told the girls i got fingered for a packet of wotsits and they weren’t even surprised😔"} {"idx": 21096, "original_id": "1250903700434046978", "reply_id": "1250943632158359552", "label": "wink", "text": "national horny day? bouta drop an ass pic"} {"idx": 21100, "original_id": "1251061316829265921", "reply_id": "1251061407300411392", "label": "shocked", "text": "Mama I’m in love with a criminal"} {"idx": 21101, "original_id": "1251173272839995392", "reply_id": "1251173533406785537", "label": "smh", "text": "Ya boy tidy nice nice today."} {"idx": 21104, "original_id": "1250843046893191170", "reply_id": "1250843342247788546", "label": "agree", "text": "Is wine a good pairing with a Big Mac?"} {"idx": 21106, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251211534996582400", "label": "agree", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 21108, "original_id": "1250827720575115264", "reply_id": "1250968505719107585", "label": "yes", "text": "Just ordered the 3DIO!!! 🤩🙌👏✨✨✨"} {"idx": 21111, "original_id": "1251194054336970752", "reply_id": "1251209750370492416", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Expect nothing. Appreciate everything"} {"idx": 21112, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250832924485844995", "label": "win", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 21113, "original_id": "1251127909076606976", "reply_id": "1251193399589380099", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Warzone has lowkey gave me so many opportunities it’s mad!\n\nI’m thankful👑"} {"idx": 21115, "original_id": "1251170221555101698", "reply_id": "1251272667891671041", "label": "oops", "text": "If you're given a chance to tlof tlof🍆🍑💦 with a celebrity who will it be? 🙄"} {"idx": 21116, "original_id": "1250871255412195328", "reply_id": "1250875006650920962", "label": "yes", "text": "If I have both carrots AND Doritos is that technically a balanced snack?"} {"idx": 21118, "original_id": "1250737380769902595", "reply_id": "1250959657650327562", "label": "applause", "text": "@ATVIAssist THANK YOU! after almost a month you've finally resolve the 13-71 issue !"} {"idx": 21119, "original_id": "1251202808180813827", "reply_id": "1251219279309164545", "label": "hug", "text": "Had a bit of a cry, watching the news go through some of the names, faces, and stories, of just a few people who’ve died because of this virus."} {"idx": 21120, "original_id": "1250771216329138176", "reply_id": "1250914765448282112", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree with @funder and Me...\n#CoronavirusLiar \n\n🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️"} {"idx": 21121, "original_id": "1250998656825688064", "reply_id": "1251194246276792321", "label": "sigh", "text": "What kind of country are we? The richest country in the world and there are 2,000 cars lined up in Dallas for food?!? Because our government can’t get it together to take care of everybody during the biggest crisis of our lifetime? It’s absolutely despicable. Embarrassing. Sick."} {"idx": 21126, "original_id": "1251156070149455875", "reply_id": "1251157872056000514", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Please send me some good vibes over the next few days! New beginnings!!"} {"idx": 21127, "original_id": "1250901061566631942", "reply_id": "1250913818622013440", "label": "smh", "text": "Crazy @JudgeClayJ You are the reason I refused to buy a house in Dallas County. You’re walking a fine communist line. You do not dictate to me when I will or will not wear a mask. You are why I avoid Dallas County."} {"idx": 21128, "original_id": "1250557606743195648", "reply_id": "1250848842506891264", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't give a flying **** what the head of the W.H.O. thinks.."} {"idx": 21132, "original_id": "1251239333862019078", "reply_id": "1251265919063601154", "label": "applause", "text": "Imagine government took murder and rape as seriously as the sale of cooked chicken, alcohol and cigarettes"} {"idx": 21133, "original_id": "1250922407163916288", "reply_id": "1250950450351951876", "label": "agree", "text": "The fastest way Trump could begin Opening Up America Again would be to announce he's wants to keep everything closed for the next year. \n\nDemocrats would then hit the streets demanding an end to social distancing and the lockdowns the next day."} {"idx": 21136, "original_id": "1251001162628624391", "reply_id": "1251048162212511744", "label": "agree", "text": "I had a few days for emotional upsets to get expressed & pass through. Now I’m actually at peace & am beginning to clear up my mind & will soon start forwarding the progressive movement again - this time without contingency on Bernie’s presidency. Onward we go ✊🏼 We can do this."} {"idx": 21137, "original_id": "1250956697931255808", "reply_id": "1250964649605910529", "label": "hug", "text": "I apologize for being down its been very hard to keep positive but with all that is happening in the world right now and all things happening in my family its been getting to me i hope you all can understand"} {"idx": 21139, "original_id": "1250910953102770179", "reply_id": "1250978261548531712", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m taking Chris Brown dancing over Michael Jackson dancing any day of the week."} {"idx": 21141, "original_id": "1251091498797535232", "reply_id": "1251158063924408325", "label": "shocked", "text": "I've been watching a lot of PUBG pros play Valorant and lemme just say its really good news for y'all that comp PUBG is coming back"} {"idx": 21143, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250892248054628352", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 21146, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250973161794859008", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 21147, "original_id": "1250943302318215168", "reply_id": "1250944478459781120", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi guys. Please follow and give a warm welcome and hugs to our blood brothers:\n\n@AlterHiv\n@endDstigma\n@zimon2k19\n@nyosayn"} {"idx": 21149, "original_id": "1250943987625734144", "reply_id": "1250947426229370882", "label": "sigh", "text": "We are like exactly a week away from the #Cowboys making their first-round pick. \n\nHow afraid are you of them taking a LB at No. 17?"} {"idx": 21153, "original_id": "1250868931482484736", "reply_id": "1250871210008670208", "label": "applause", "text": "ive drawn 2 dicks in the past 5 years and both were attached to girls"} {"idx": 21154, "original_id": "1250998347214868485", "reply_id": "1251198149223481344", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I hope I have sex again someday..."} {"idx": 21155, "original_id": "1250957465769914368", "reply_id": "1250958322376691712", "label": "ok", "text": "Grey goose body but that face four loko"} {"idx": 21156, "original_id": "1250969298518134790", "reply_id": "1251010118482886656", "label": "omg", "text": "WARNING ALEEEERT: Dejen de usar Mario Badescu Drying Lotion....yisus craist."} {"idx": 21163, "original_id": "1250477556933046273", "reply_id": "1251048541826371585", "label": "wink", "text": "Might mess around and try to \"bully\" someone into \"funding\" me today."} {"idx": 21165, "original_id": "1251248101580591106", "reply_id": "1251248424403578885", "label": "please", "text": "The only thing that could unite the country and get us through this difficult time is Aaron Bastani being sued into oblivion and Novara Media going bankrupt. Make it happen."} {"idx": 21166, "original_id": "1250528857054154764", "reply_id": "1250863893058129921", "label": "agree", "text": "So...who else besides me loathes @realDonaldTrump ? Raise your hand for a roll call!"} {"idx": 21170, "original_id": "1250860479335063552", "reply_id": "1251251294112755762", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If you weren't sure of how bad things have gotten, Amazon is out of podcast mics."} {"idx": 21171, "original_id": "1251135630064615424", "reply_id": "1251138728795521025", "label": "smh", "text": "I can’t believe I have a 4pm meeting on a Friday🥴\n\nWhat hacks me even more is that I set up the meeting."} {"idx": 21173, "original_id": "1251218898571145218", "reply_id": "1251226967396974602", "label": "agree", "text": "Y’all are so spoilt omg, after getting hundreds of rep tour shows, having exclusive events & shows you still get to have full refunds on your shows even tho THEY ARE RESCHEDULED. \nbut y’all are being rude to European fans for complaining about their shows being fully cancelled.."} {"idx": 21175, "original_id": "1250768191434956805", "reply_id": "1250948242080235520", "label": "omg", "text": "The. NFL. Draft. Is. In. One. Week. 🙌🏻"} {"idx": 21178, "original_id": "1250954667087060992", "reply_id": "1250957992293314560", "label": "seriously", "text": "Before you get 1 win you gotta take 1000 losses 🚫🧢"} {"idx": 21179, "original_id": "1250758989090099200", "reply_id": "1250964377735319552", "label": "shocked", "text": "The cardiologist I am working today just had COVID, and is already operating and still has a fucking cough and I am not ok with this, I’m the only one in the room in an N95 and that seems to care"} {"idx": 21180, "original_id": "1250926712231247873", "reply_id": "1250954429194354688", "label": "no", "text": "Every time Trump says \"We have tremendous testing capacity\" ask yourself this:\n\nIf you want a test, can you get a test?\n\nLike tomorrow? Just by asking?"} {"idx": 21182, "original_id": "1251201737379151873", "reply_id": "1251202554429689856", "label": "smh", "text": "ghad my fat ass can’t stop laughing sksksks"} {"idx": 21185, "original_id": "1250874682972286976", "reply_id": "1250875176369164290", "label": "agree", "text": "Please vote BLUE in November. I’m so sick of Drumpf."} {"idx": 21186, "original_id": "1251235110315270147", "reply_id": "1251235898156625924", "label": "no", "text": "#47metersdownuncaged worth a gander? 🤔"} {"idx": 21187, "original_id": "1251192819185864708", "reply_id": "1251194048146219009", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm going through a really tough phase right now where nothing really feels right to me. I made a difficult decision recently, and instead of relief, I feel as troubled as before. I know I'm not the only one who's faced this. Any advice, friends?"} {"idx": 21195, "original_id": "1250933614386319363", "reply_id": "1250934993951567874", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want to say thank you to all of you who have sent kind words to me over this week. I’ve been struggling with a lot and y’all’s kindness is very much appreciated. Much love to each of you! 💕"} {"idx": 21198, "original_id": "1251262441587126273", "reply_id": "1251268506064166913", "label": "hearts", "text": "Not feeling the greatest still guys, it’s probably gunna be a few days before I’m back to streaming but hopefully going to have a youtube upload for you soon 💛"} {"idx": 21201, "original_id": "1251170004084707329", "reply_id": "1251171270005272577", "label": "smh", "text": "I hate having a new phone cause now all my emojis are yellow people🥴🥴🥴lol"} {"idx": 21202, "original_id": "1251138604996243458", "reply_id": "1251145936333451268", "label": "applause", "text": "Why demand this of me? What need does it fulfill? What purpose? If only you didn't promise to find it elsewhere. If only you didn't feed this compulsion with such urgency. If only you didn't scare me so much. If only every time you hurt me wasn't healed by your touch. #poetry"} {"idx": 21204, "original_id": "1250904905424011265", "reply_id": "1250916697361571842", "label": "yes", "text": "I'd pay some serious money for a pair of @ORLPride sweatpants right about now."} {"idx": 21206, "original_id": "1250793766535016448", "reply_id": "1251108424554876928", "label": "agree", "text": "A boy will see your Onlyfans and think you're a disgusting slut \n\nA man will see your Onlyfans and fuck you on camera so you can post it and build a whole empire.\n\n#knowyourworth"} {"idx": 21207, "original_id": "1250946048027131906", "reply_id": "1250948254260441088", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugs omg I haven't had a hug with anyone in like a month and a half and it makes me big sad :("} {"idx": 21216, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250940836772184065", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 21217, "original_id": "1251244055889051648", "reply_id": "1251272795063046145", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m starting a 5 car team effectively immediately (after this bs) we just won the lottery 😅\n#MyDrivers \n1) My current team! \n2) Logan Schuchart \n3) Aaron Reutzel \n4) TK \n5) Spencer Bayston"} {"idx": 21219, "original_id": "1251115014192271360", "reply_id": "1251115324419854336", "label": "applause", "text": "Ruined my sleep schedule so much that I woke up at a normal time, cooked breakfast, AND made coffee\ngm"} {"idx": 21225, "original_id": "1251251797353775105", "reply_id": "1251252860261732352", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m shipping #Thilly\n#Billy and #Theo working relationship!\nI’m in! Please happen. #YR"} {"idx": 21226, "original_id": "1250761659729076224", "reply_id": "1250983729503191040", "label": "shocked", "text": "So my atok saw me naked, again this evening. Oh shit."} {"idx": 21227, "original_id": "1251080731650121730", "reply_id": "1251102461630300160", "label": "hug", "text": "One of those days when you are full of CBA 😢😢"} {"idx": 21228, "original_id": "1251184167049662467", "reply_id": "1251185859568840705", "label": "no", "text": "List your top 5 Favorite CoDs! Here's mine 💚:\n\nModern Warfare 2\nBlack Ops 1\nBlack Ops 3\nBlack Ops 4\nModern Warfare"} {"idx": 21230, "original_id": "1250429575693139969", "reply_id": "1250928302501445632", "label": "applause", "text": "Deontay Wilder on Excuses👇😳\n\n2017\n\n“Don’t make excuses when I win. nobody wants to hear an excuse once you lose. When you lose, deal with it.\n\n2020\n\n“I don't see Fury as a champion. He knows that wasn't me. Something was wrong with me. I'll reveal a lot of things”."} {"idx": 21233, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250950118943195138", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 21234, "original_id": "1251211928623603715", "reply_id": "1251212168852197376", "label": "applause", "text": "@NYGovCuomo press conference was the thing I needed on this Friday. Thank you for speaking the truth & laying it all out Trumpy. Fantastic! #Cuomo #COVID19"} {"idx": 21236, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251249414586466306", "label": "applause", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 21237, "original_id": "1249306244558589952", "reply_id": "1250895806774874112", "label": "no", "text": "Are handshakes now a thing of the past? #COVID19"} {"idx": 21239, "original_id": "1251084626615054336", "reply_id": "1251103431823175680", "label": "eww", "text": "I love the cookery shows telling us what we can make with all the things we have in our lockdown cupboards. I just made a beautiful ‘Mint Aero & Fruit Pastilles Bake With Chocolate Finger & Frazzles Crust’."} {"idx": 21240, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251258934603558912", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 21252, "original_id": "1250388265837961216", "reply_id": "1250844660114866176", "label": "agree", "text": "Many people are saying that Trump is the worst President of all time!\n\nWho agrees?"} {"idx": 21257, "original_id": "1250836173766963200", "reply_id": "1250853204222328832", "label": "hug", "text": "Send him nudes while he’s at work 😏"} {"idx": 21258, "original_id": "1250900552646615051", "reply_id": "1250901103438430208", "label": "seriously", "text": "C-3rd Letter \nO-15th Letter \nR-18th Letter \nO-15th Letter \nN-14th Letter \nA- 1st Letter\n_______________\n6-66"} {"idx": 21259, "original_id": "1251167137177022464", "reply_id": "1251185968079466497", "label": "applause", "text": "\"If you judge people, you have no time to love them.\" -Mother Teresa \n\nWe all have moments of weakness. It’s understandable; we are imperfect beings but we are very capable of reconciliation and forgiveness. Fault is only fatal if you let it define you. \n\nLove wins, always..."} {"idx": 21260, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251148170173616133", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 21262, "original_id": "1251200866520051713", "reply_id": "1251227980228997120", "label": "agree", "text": "Makes no damn sense to open the country when daily death numbers are still increasing & not going down. \n\nI don’t give a shit if they open it up- my family is staying at home. I don’t trust Trump or any Republican especially with their half ass plan with no testing. \n\nThoughts?!?"} {"idx": 21263, "original_id": "1251212166717300737", "reply_id": "1251224503901925376", "label": "dance", "text": "Extremely Bored & Incredibly Meh"} {"idx": 21265, "original_id": "1251041173927428096", "reply_id": "1251044819260096514", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I remember, when I was in depression! God showed me away out ! now I’m STEPPING ON BITCHES"} {"idx": 21267, "original_id": "1250851262079303681", "reply_id": "1251029941631803393", "label": "yes", "text": "Question, would it be acceptable if the takeover is announced and I shed a tear or two of absolute delight? 30 years old and looks like we’re getting our club back!! #NUFC"} {"idx": 21268, "original_id": "1250923167381704706", "reply_id": "1250925302617948160", "label": "no", "text": "We have tests Dr. Birx? We don’t have to worry about #PPE, Dr. Fauci? Are we in the same country?"} {"idx": 21270, "original_id": "1250969226313109505", "reply_id": "1250985073970753536", "label": "seriously", "text": "CNN is reporting that Michael Cohen will serve out the rest of his prison sentence at home due to the pandemic. What do you think?"} {"idx": 21278, "original_id": "1249922893166907392", "reply_id": "1251123121689702401", "label": "hearts", "text": "I can’t get something I don’t believe in."} {"idx": 21286, "original_id": "1251160273701855235", "reply_id": "1251166258151686149", "label": "hug", "text": "Trying to get out for my daily walk has been so strenuous, came upstairs an hour ago to put sweats on to leave the house and I’m still laid on my bed😭\n\nDamn my body for feeling so shit rn😔"} {"idx": 21287, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251268834780155906", "label": "applause", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 21290, "original_id": "1250379447204753409", "reply_id": "1250883736863989764", "label": "seriously", "text": "Shoutout to my Executive producer @AmgMedikal 🤟🏿🤟🏿 Still #Over"} {"idx": 21291, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251005764375740417", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 21292, "original_id": "1250856574089940995", "reply_id": "1251131862401134593", "label": "yes", "text": "Everybody who ran was better than Biden. How the hell did he win? Are you all stupid?"} {"idx": 21294, "original_id": "1251042707801341953", "reply_id": "1251047237012140033", "label": "seriously", "text": "Being ignored bring out the evil in me"} {"idx": 21302, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250964743700901889", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 21303, "original_id": "1250995563362910210", "reply_id": "1251002102563983362", "label": "oops", "text": "More and more I think about it...I’m pretty sure I had the Rona back in February when I was in Dallas for my job training. My god that week suckedddd"} {"idx": 21304, "original_id": "1250607304078168064", "reply_id": "1251140798965522434", "label": "idk", "text": "Kanye West just announced today that he will cast his first vote EVER for President Donald J. Trump!\n\nThank you, Kanye!"} {"idx": 21305, "original_id": "1250629719013224449", "reply_id": "1250913475829723136", "label": "agree", "text": "i am a 24-year old man and my mother just told me i can't put a lock on my door because she's afraid i'd have sex.\n\nma'am do you have any idea how attractive i would have to be to convince a girl to have sex with me in my parents' basement.\n\na thread."} {"idx": 21306, "original_id": "1251156571872092165", "reply_id": "1251157022998814723", "label": "want", "text": "Who wants to be my next recruit to @OmenOrigins_ ?!"} {"idx": 21310, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250907621764157440", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 21312, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251236211605241857", "label": "agree", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 21313, "original_id": "1250726103104159744", "reply_id": "1250841536884912129", "label": "no", "text": "@mhvrc has a braces fetish 😖"} {"idx": 21315, "original_id": "1250868250428280832", "reply_id": "1250881678773534720", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you’re an absolute NUTJOB, please don’t follow.\n\n*of course, three of you are grandfathered in"} {"idx": 21316, "original_id": "1251223156305641477", "reply_id": "1251227085311545345", "label": "yes", "text": "Really, really hope to do a collab super show with @MajorWFPod @OffTheHopRope @twoweeksbrewco when things are back to normal. \n\nWhat say you, B!P faithful? Party?"} {"idx": 21321, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250847495799869440", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 21322, "original_id": "1250943812714876933", "reply_id": "1250956051941330951", "label": "no", "text": "As a citizen of the VI. We have to apologize to Serani. We hurt him"} {"idx": 21324, "original_id": "1238922480141643781", "reply_id": "1250890805646102529", "label": "hearts", "text": "You know what I'm truly grateful for?\n\nMy wonderful Twitter family.\n\nI'm lucky to have connected with some genuine folks here and their tweets and messages make me smile everyday.\n\nI love my Twitter family.\n\n😊😊💜💜😘😘😊😊"} {"idx": 21328, "original_id": "1250033670934552579", "reply_id": "1251073791666479106", "label": "applause", "text": "The daily top ten most viewed on #Netflix shows us how our movies and tv are doomed in the future. K-drama galore. Faux cinderella stories with belofied actors whiter than white. And it’s all about love in the midst of this pandemic. 🥵😠😫😤"} {"idx": 21329, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251180198537682945", "label": "awww", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 21330, "original_id": "1250973849249820672", "reply_id": "1251015777458806784", "label": "no", "text": "I wonder if tattoo shops are open. Been itching for a tattoo for some months now."} {"idx": 21333, "original_id": "1251249476834074629", "reply_id": "1251253909173219328", "label": "applause", "text": "I have definitely spent a few hours watching the Great British Baking Show while my kids nap and play Minecraft. It has been great."} {"idx": 21336, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251186787692818432", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 21343, "original_id": "1250913901669085184", "reply_id": "1250915066536357888", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "\"Premature Congratulation\" should be the title of this press conference (and presidency)"} {"idx": 21344, "original_id": "1250973706731560973", "reply_id": "1251016469808373760", "label": "applause", "text": "Soooooo, all we have to do to chase the Tangerine Wankmaggot off a stage is for somebody to ask him how many millions or tens of millions of Americans will get tested in his plan to “reopen” America?! I’ve never seen a 350lb, 73-year-old man move that fast in my life! 😆😆😆"} {"idx": 21346, "original_id": "1251233165114556417", "reply_id": "1251234343894294528", "label": "smh", "text": "Alright Im really leaning towards getting fake boobs"} {"idx": 21348, "original_id": "1251181518866853890", "reply_id": "1251181634969317376", "label": "dance", "text": "Mid day dance party! 💃🏾"} {"idx": 21349, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251019933288247296", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 21353, "original_id": "1251232640075812864", "reply_id": "1251232910755221516", "label": "win", "text": "@margevillanueva wanted to get drunk... And I have been drunk for the past 3 days."} {"idx": 21356, "original_id": "1251152230385737735", "reply_id": "1251158848011821065", "label": "seriously", "text": "Some People shouting they are stealing our money don't even pay tax.\n\nUncle, what money biko?\n\nOuch, who stone me! 😭"} {"idx": 21361, "original_id": "1251235940284186625", "reply_id": "1251241318728241153", "label": "hug", "text": "I love northlane so much I need a hug bro lol"} {"idx": 21363, "original_id": "1250935846087413760", "reply_id": "1250937059067351040", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "My titties ain’t even that big y’all 😭"} {"idx": 21364, "original_id": "1250787971105648641", "reply_id": "1250832914029346816", "label": "agree", "text": "#Taurus prefers to work alone."} {"idx": 21367, "original_id": "1250831669386514433", "reply_id": "1250837740234715138", "label": "smh", "text": "Took a walk. Ended up in my deli. 8 guys in there. 5 wearing masks. 3 weren't. I wanted to strangle them. One was in his 30s. One in his ..late 50s....and one maybe 40's. I wanted to kick some asses, but sure as hell don't wanna end up in jail. So, I decided not to."} {"idx": 21368, "original_id": "1250908161629880321", "reply_id": "1250917743919902720", "label": "popcorn", "text": "It might not be as crazy as my Taiwan story from Monday, but as I said before, this week I’m going to continue sharing wild stories from my playing days overseas. Tonight, I’ll be sharing a story from when I played in the Mexican League. Stay tuned!"} {"idx": 21371, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250959936013598722", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 21374, "original_id": "1250878178962345984", "reply_id": "1250879020796968961", "label": "yes", "text": "I scored TWO 12 packs of Charmin at Dollar General today! FINALLY! 😜"} {"idx": 21375, "original_id": "1251061737241161728", "reply_id": "1251067605936463873", "label": "shocked", "text": "So Zlatan get mouth to de yab person? Zlatan wey him papa run DNA test on am 5 times because he no believe say him pikin fit ugly reach like this."} {"idx": 21377, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251121875213668353", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 21380, "original_id": "1250618316583993345", "reply_id": "1251194387192778754", "label": "applause", "text": "I'll give $1,000 total to 10 people ($100 each) who retweet this within the next 48 hours. Must be following so I can DM.\n\nHope this helps a few more people dealing with #Covid_19 or any hardships. 💙"} {"idx": 21383, "original_id": "1250892514535464960", "reply_id": "1250935560056606720", "label": "hug", "text": "My grandpa is gone. I don’t know what to think. I can’t even go to his funeral. This fucking sucks."} {"idx": 21385, "original_id": "1250922542686142472", "reply_id": "1250959553711112193", "label": "yes", "text": "Looks like the office will be closed for May too. I’m saving so much money on gas, round trip is 60 miles"} {"idx": 21386, "original_id": "1251182025349840896", "reply_id": "1251188028501983234", "label": "hug", "text": "Hearing my deadname is a literal punch to the gut. So i wear earphones everytime im downstairs with my family (esp parents) and then blast my ears off with music or anything, really, as long as i cant hear them"} {"idx": 21387, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250935159236542464", "label": "seriously", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 21388, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251158593895665667", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 21391, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250922281653669898", "label": "ok", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 21393, "original_id": "1250893212392329216", "reply_id": "1251006920661651457", "label": "applause", "text": "bloquear gente is my passiom"} {"idx": 21402, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251203490728366080", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 21403, "original_id": "1251009172520554497", "reply_id": "1251014742447132672", "label": "agree", "text": "So. Twitter is cool with eating ass but Richard Dawson kissing Family Feud contestants on the lips is a step too far. Huh."} {"idx": 21404, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251003939400515584", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 21406, "original_id": "1250838266158493696", "reply_id": "1250850793592414209", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Which developers will be posting on this account? While responses may be anonymous at times, Professor Falmea, Decius, Mattnetic, Ratbeard, Sparck, and several others will be contributing. Stop by and say hi to us!"} {"idx": 21407, "original_id": "1251051385111613445", "reply_id": "1251065599440060422", "label": "oops", "text": "Made it into HW. Guys I can't with how ARR ended"} {"idx": 21408, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251220308679372802", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 21409, "original_id": "1251191479076376577", "reply_id": "1251206070904610816", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "It’s one of those days where I throw my hands up in the air and yell I QUIT MOTHERHOOD and it’s only 10am."} {"idx": 21410, "original_id": "1251042349519601665", "reply_id": "1251047323750346753", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "TL Sleep ? .... okay , Sweet potatoe pie is disgusting and no one can tell me otherwise 😭"} {"idx": 21412, "original_id": "1251010613398188033", "reply_id": "1251236889887195136", "label": "no", "text": "I'm a lady, I say fuck a lot but I'm still a lady."} {"idx": 21416, "original_id": "1251108359622864897", "reply_id": "1251134412194033665", "label": "yes", "text": "I’ve just released Space Agency 2138 for Android. It should start appearing in the Play Store in the next few hours. Enjoy..."} {"idx": 21417, "original_id": "1251049731343736834", "reply_id": "1251051528405880832", "label": "no", "text": "WTI -6.4% \n\nCan we laugh now?"} {"idx": 21419, "original_id": "1250867552089145346", "reply_id": "1251025495304679427", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m struggling 😞"} {"idx": 21422, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251254628936630273", "label": "agree", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 21423, "original_id": "1251189999393013761", "reply_id": "1251192007768313858", "label": "agree", "text": "I really wish i could play Marvel Heroes right now.\n\nA lot."} {"idx": 21425, "original_id": "1251089611851542529", "reply_id": "1251172279205220356", "label": "wink", "text": "why do I keep getting targeted ads for women's clothing & underwear and make-up"} {"idx": 21427, "original_id": "1250991498138726401", "reply_id": "1251193084081311746", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Men be like \n\"I can't get a woman because they are all just after money and I don't have any money\"\n\nno dude, you can't get a woman because you fucking suck.\nLet me spell this out for you\nIt's not your money\nIt's not your looks\nIt's your shitty personality."} {"idx": 21429, "original_id": "1251227402929410049", "reply_id": "1251230910994771969", "label": "hug", "text": "School has officially been closed for the rest of our year.\nI'm sort of heartbroken about it. As teachers, we build relationships with our kids. Then, they move on and grow up. We have them for such a small time. And our time was cut too short, especially with our seniors. I'm 😔"} {"idx": 21430, "original_id": "1251183683832287232", "reply_id": "1251187218628194309", "label": "hug", "text": "I want a hug."} {"idx": 21432, "original_id": "1250880237853949958", "reply_id": "1250880388416897025", "label": "yes", "text": "aww our signs are not compatible?? imma still fuck tho 😭😭"} {"idx": 21433, "original_id": "1250854502594342919", "reply_id": "1250865758835531777", "label": "seriously", "text": "Shortening my tweets... hi"} {"idx": 21439, "original_id": "1251236427049943046", "reply_id": "1251236688510300170", "label": "shocked", "text": "Excuse me sir, is this seat taken?\n\n**gestures to his face**"} {"idx": 21440, "original_id": "1250815351148941318", "reply_id": "1250836872072441857", "label": "agree", "text": "can’t believe it took coronavirus for some of you to realize Dr Oz is a fucking psycho hack"} {"idx": 21442, "original_id": "1250935702638022656", "reply_id": "1250957156410707971", "label": "idk", "text": "#30andUpTwitter how we holding up this week?"} {"idx": 21443, "original_id": "1250982923773325313", "reply_id": "1251153133113192449", "label": "awww", "text": "I just finished all 3 seasons of Atypical on Netflix and I loved it. Very different from other shows I usually watch. Main character is a highschool boy with autism who I fell in love with. Good show! 👍🏽👍🏽"} {"idx": 21445, "original_id": "1251108888155480068", "reply_id": "1251109104187322371", "label": "hug", "text": "cuddles & kisses mood"} {"idx": 21449, "original_id": "1251119356509069317", "reply_id": "1251181822093914114", "label": "agree", "text": "The punchline of the joke where Dr Oz, Dr Drew, and Dr Phil walk into a bar is that everyone dies."} {"idx": 21452, "original_id": "1251181656255463425", "reply_id": "1251266568933314560", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I want to talk to people quarantined in homes they earnestly believe to be haunted."} {"idx": 21455, "original_id": "1250900490558283777", "reply_id": "1250902306352218117", "label": "awww", "text": "Rome Flynn. \nThat’s it, that’s the tweet."} {"idx": 21456, "original_id": "1250608121602387968", "reply_id": "1250877763092803585", "label": "seriously", "text": "I got the chance to video call one of my students today and he asked me if when school starts again if they can repeat 4th grade so I can be their teacher again. When I tell y’all I almost fucking cried"} {"idx": 21459, "original_id": "1250645541463011328", "reply_id": "1250853546431373312", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lady gave me sativa instead of indica 🥴"} {"idx": 21462, "original_id": "1250761512861474816", "reply_id": "1250844814846787585", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "...Go ahead. Tell me how I should express myself. Make my fucking day."} {"idx": 21463, "original_id": "1251168045243920384", "reply_id": "1251174959889645571", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "\"That generation was overcoddled\" whines generation who raised them, then married them when their first marriages failed."} {"idx": 21465, "original_id": "1250963700753797120", "reply_id": "1251046440765468673", "label": "yawn", "text": "Dear trolls saying I disappoint my fam cuz I criticize Israel:\n\n👵🏻All my grandparents are dead & Judaism has no afterlife, ha!\n\n🧔🏻My dad, also dead \n\n👩🏻‍🦱My mother already is & always will be disappointed in me cuz I didnt do theatre and therefore can never take her to the Tony’s"} {"idx": 21466, "original_id": "1250999258976645123", "reply_id": "1251005400930856960", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a shitty day, please send cake"} {"idx": 21470, "original_id": "1250914508291346432", "reply_id": "1250915054855376896", "label": "please", "text": "I did a huge analysis on Schofield, idk if i will post it here someday."} {"idx": 21471, "original_id": "1250889956421074944", "reply_id": "1250896879975460864", "label": "eww", "text": "I’m starting to enjoy country music"} {"idx": 21475, "original_id": "1251053826968301571", "reply_id": "1251055747712024577", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "#FF to these great twitter friends @Baypainted66 @WestieMum01 @Happysarah74 @g2oop @Amandaregan2606 @allieregan1 @Yellowlass @KarIngham @AlisonRic @GPS2812 @Yorkiemanuk @Brooksontour @MrBrooksOnTour @josephbasimba"} {"idx": 21476, "original_id": "1250851479201566720", "reply_id": "1250866968170643456", "label": "awww", "text": "If I follow back someone just khow there special 🎉🎊🎉🎊"} {"idx": 21477, "original_id": "1251006786162683904", "reply_id": "1251007352871874560", "label": "scared", "text": "breathe. \nyou’re ok."} {"idx": 21478, "original_id": "1251232548568600577", "reply_id": "1251236742503346177", "label": "applause", "text": "Here we 🌱🌱🌱🌱🏌🏾🏌🏾🏌🏾\n\n$SPY $BA"} {"idx": 21480, "original_id": "1250923016663576576", "reply_id": "1250928132053401600", "label": "dance", "text": "He keeps saying cities have low infection rates due to “a lot of talent.” How are they stopping the spread? Tap dancing?"} {"idx": 21481, "original_id": "1250199330927108097", "reply_id": "1250851997760323587", "label": "applause", "text": "Credit score up another 11 points. I damaged that shit last year and I’m proud that it’s almost back to where it was! I mean I’ll be mad if we end up in the apocalypse but for now I’m proud of myself lol"} {"idx": 21483, "original_id": "1250844559271051264", "reply_id": "1250854116911267841", "label": "shocked", "text": "I could never be famous lmao. My tiktok went semi-viral on facebook and I be replying to hating ass bitches LMAO. Some old ass lady said “que RIDICULA se ven tus pestañas” n I said “mas RIDICULA se ve usted vieja arrugada😘”"} {"idx": 21485, "original_id": "1251216214564786178", "reply_id": "1251216928623824896", "label": "sigh", "text": "have I legitimately considered creating an onlyfans account to just post pictures of cold, naked, unsheathed swords?\n\nyes"} {"idx": 21487, "original_id": "1250973224889987072", "reply_id": "1250988245166493701", "label": "ok", "text": "I've been the main nigga , side nigga & the cheater . I understand it all"} {"idx": 21489, "original_id": "1251232486882856960", "reply_id": "1251239423590703110", "label": "high_five", "text": "My new plan with this Topps 2020 Project is to purchase the Mike Trout bundle on the day the card is released. At $35, my hope is I can take the second card (in this case Koufax) and sell that on the secondary market to re-coup the cost of both cards. We’ll see how it goes."} {"idx": 21491, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251188427640442882", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 21493, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251210387623677956", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 21494, "original_id": "1251156024049856520", "reply_id": "1251211288652333056", "label": "ok", "text": "The almost pervasive refusal to hold either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren accountable for supporting the worst bill in 25 years is a great example of what is broken on the American left."} {"idx": 21496, "original_id": "1250990603036327936", "reply_id": "1250994534642782210", "label": "awww", "text": "Im really sweet and wholesome which I think looks great covered in blood and drool and spit"} {"idx": 21498, "original_id": "1250812966141919235", "reply_id": "1250834260593762304", "label": "yes", "text": "Honestly my face was breaking out odeee n I tried @CurologyUSA n that shit actually helped me!"} {"idx": 21503, "original_id": "1250996395613523968", "reply_id": "1250997106489376775", "label": "hug", "text": "The anxiety is back and I have to somehow sit down for another 3 hours and write a script!! I need something to get me through tonight"} {"idx": 21504, "original_id": "1250967120973709312", "reply_id": "1250983957828689921", "label": "yawn", "text": "Don't sleep on me...."} {"idx": 21506, "original_id": "1251243601482461184", "reply_id": "1251243715366174722", "label": "please", "text": "Sheesh this in state movement jumping 💯🔥👀!! #NC2UNC 🐏?? New hashtag!!! 💁🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 21508, "original_id": "1251004921752805378", "reply_id": "1251177394381053954", "label": "no", "text": "Do you feel bad for Joe Biden or is it just me?"} {"idx": 21514, "original_id": "1250713985114087424", "reply_id": "1250874982281940993", "label": "sigh", "text": "The new Nightingale hospital in Glasgow has been renamed.....ICU Jimmy!"} {"idx": 21515, "original_id": "1251197587539050497", "reply_id": "1251213766999502848", "label": "seriously", "text": "Chinese ppl are white folks with slanted eyes"} {"idx": 21516, "original_id": "1251094360189554689", "reply_id": "1251162879149015045", "label": "omg", "text": "You know you've done well when you have to save a Photoshop file as .PSB and not .PSD\n\nWe out here making LARGE files"} {"idx": 21517, "original_id": "1251172603210973184", "reply_id": "1251173632270913537", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump gets plenty of blame in this coronavirus disaster. But, it's not just him. It's the Republicans and the Democrats. The governors and the mayors. \n\nA national disaster. And, it's not immediately fixable."} {"idx": 21519, "original_id": "1251133711514587138", "reply_id": "1251219659610824705", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m so tubby right now. #quarantinefifteen"} {"idx": 21520, "original_id": "1251041770764300288", "reply_id": "1251045967261872133", "label": "win", "text": "Last night I saw some people randomly suggesting everyone to follow my account for postitivity\n\nEven some people are tagging @sidharth_shukla also.I am really grateful to you guys☺. It means alto❤"} {"idx": 21521, "original_id": "1250944212360556545", "reply_id": "1250987831993892864", "label": "scared", "text": "If she has an android she gotta go"} {"idx": 21525, "original_id": "1251156105612279809", "reply_id": "1251158552128806915", "label": "applause", "text": "I'd stop buying more music, but I'm not a quitter."} {"idx": 21526, "original_id": "1251007637740797952", "reply_id": "1251007850891087873", "label": "eww", "text": "I think I’m ready for in house dick🤔🧐🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 21528, "original_id": "1246477844886290439", "reply_id": "1250939190126227458", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Stay connected.\n\nStay fit.\n\nStay safe.\n\nStay #HealthyAtHome!"} {"idx": 21535, "original_id": "1250859455555796992", "reply_id": "1250879694121156609", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Don’t want to make a big deal of this because I still have such a long way to go but I haven’t binged and purged in three days."} {"idx": 21536, "original_id": "1251171316927025152", "reply_id": "1251172431449821193", "label": "no", "text": "Too early for chocolate?"} {"idx": 21537, "original_id": "1251202275416117255", "reply_id": "1251215777056907264", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The pengest Somalis are always isaaq 💚🤍❤️"} {"idx": 21538, "original_id": "1251011020908384256", "reply_id": "1251013784484950017", "label": "seriously", "text": "I really don’t know how to shoot my shot i just be like “hey would you mind eating my ass?” And take it from there. Idk."} {"idx": 21540, "original_id": "1244532327868497922", "reply_id": "1251187470097580032", "label": "applause", "text": "I don’t suck dick, I eat it 😋"} {"idx": 21541, "original_id": "1251161757998911491", "reply_id": "1251172745846521856", "label": "shocked", "text": "File this in the SMH file. \n\nDude writes a companion \"You don't have to worry about me. I had chickenpox when I was 7. I have immunity to viruses\""} {"idx": 21544, "original_id": "1251189391789342721", "reply_id": "1251203516938498049", "label": "applause", "text": "i will never stop listening to peep❤️⭐"} {"idx": 21545, "original_id": "1251014461034553346", "reply_id": "1251035080350265344", "label": "agree", "text": "Don’t put people on pedestals, except Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton will never let you down."} {"idx": 21548, "original_id": "1251143233444483073", "reply_id": "1251147592974561285", "label": "agree", "text": "What good is being a centrist if you don’t get to feel smugly superior and more rational than others while mocking them for being hoodwinked by tribal politics?"} {"idx": 21551, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250849798774648832", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 21552, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251131974657306629", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 21554, "original_id": "1250912864497524738", "reply_id": "1250916135760826369", "label": "sigh", "text": "Calling the plan \"a science-based reopening,\" Pres says restrictions on foreign visitors and border control more important than ever."} {"idx": 21555, "original_id": "1250635024673566721", "reply_id": "1250852015942631425", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I finally own 100 #BTC 😍"} {"idx": 21560, "original_id": "1251063880270221312", "reply_id": "1251069337642962945", "label": "facepalm", "text": "To all the economists out there wondering which sector is going to boom after the lockdown ends - its the waxing industry :)"} {"idx": 21562, "original_id": "1251159521432461324", "reply_id": "1251164441325957121", "label": "agree", "text": "When Ole takes charge next season I sincerely hope and pray some of the fan cam muppets will f**k off and leave twitter altogether."} {"idx": 21564, "original_id": "1250870930764685312", "reply_id": "1250899124356071424", "label": "agree", "text": "love the “men ain’t shit” community... all you be talking about is dudes 24/7 and we all know you belong to the streets ... who ya foolin"} {"idx": 21565, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250968934016319488", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 21569, "original_id": "1250968773458345985", "reply_id": "1250969591502831617", "label": "dance", "text": "AND EVERYBODY’S WATCHING HER! But she’s lookin’ at yo-oo-oo-ooouuu!"} {"idx": 21571, "original_id": "1250888766413299712", "reply_id": "1250889330475913216", "label": "applause", "text": "Seeing a lot of shade thrown at JoeJuan Williams pick. Fact that he got on the field at all playing behind best CB group in NFL is a good sign. He looked fine in limited action. Truth is you have no idea if he's a good pick or not. Folks have taken the BB drafting thing too far."} {"idx": 21572, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250944959437561861", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 21574, "original_id": "1251011781494894592", "reply_id": "1251108359446523905", "label": "agree", "text": "Fort > Cod strictly because we payed for better internet and got a new router for Cod and i still get booted and lag. The servers SUK BALLZ"} {"idx": 21577, "original_id": "1251241471274975233", "reply_id": "1251241604406484996", "label": "sigh", "text": "apx told jerika to shoot the enemy team's body and she releases a whole clip on apx's body....... man was hurt"} {"idx": 21579, "original_id": "1250981303132045312", "reply_id": "1251174322691026944", "label": "applause", "text": "babe when I see your face it reminds me of the sun in the sky😳😍\n\nit hurts to look at 😎"} {"idx": 21580, "original_id": "1250939350965198848", "reply_id": "1250939764116721670", "label": "agree", "text": "People who are having trouble coping with the pandemic: have you tried gritting your teeth 24 hours a day until your molars start to crack, and then tongueing the crack?"} {"idx": 21581, "original_id": "1251263092882698241", "reply_id": "1251271844994449408", "label": "applause", "text": "Love live"} {"idx": 21584, "original_id": "1250847825962897415", "reply_id": "1250848105244827652", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Well shit playboi carti dropped something @Show_DeRosa"} {"idx": 21585, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250859672136974343", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 21586, "original_id": "1251113608429342721", "reply_id": "1251114770503290880", "label": "seriously", "text": "Most of these celebrities are enrolled in a social media management master class or something, that's why when they come online to start their nonsense, it's not just another nonsense but a group assignment. They understand how to use this thing more than us at the end of the day"} {"idx": 21589, "original_id": "1250750213104570368", "reply_id": "1250904863552176131", "label": "high_five", "text": "I think Piers Morgan asks some great questions. The chance for the person he’s interviewing to answer those questions without being interrupted would also be great . Just a thought ."} {"idx": 21593, "original_id": "1251179774908694529", "reply_id": "1251196088868114432", "label": "popcorn", "text": "We've had other sites steal and republish—even translate!—articles from Hipsters over the last seven years...but they have always been small, inconsequential sites.\n\nUntil now! 🙂 🙃 🙂 🙃"} {"idx": 21594, "original_id": "1250992344964272129", "reply_id": "1250993302570237952", "label": "applause", "text": "Finally finished my homework let’s gooooo"} {"idx": 21595, "original_id": "1250914545599516673", "reply_id": "1250944928114290689", "label": "applause", "text": "Hey I forgot to tell everyone. I got my allergy test results back and I’m no longer allergic to eggs, chicken, turkey, or chocolate. I’m not allergic to any food now. Back to @BWWings to celebrate!"} {"idx": 21597, "original_id": "1251204829751513090", "reply_id": "1251213403256950784", "label": "yes", "text": "That moment you throw a snowball high in the air as your sister is walking inside...\nanticipating where it lands, thinking about how much trouble you’ll get in if it hits her.....now that’s excitement."} {"idx": 21598, "original_id": "1251023159479894016", "reply_id": "1251084573942956034", "label": "awww", "text": "I want a fucking lover not a fuckboi."} {"idx": 21600, "original_id": "1251261034297389057", "reply_id": "1251261411952488448", "label": "yes", "text": "Yellow starbursts >>> red starbursts"} {"idx": 21605, "original_id": "1251151126168104961", "reply_id": "1251151709188964356", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I might gush about my OCs soon... just a warning in case I’m unable to hold back. But also a warning that I might be able to hold back too..... XD"} {"idx": 21606, "original_id": "1251177514182926336", "reply_id": "1251183908521009153", "label": "seriously", "text": "Quarantine thirst traps all over the tl daily"} {"idx": 21607, "original_id": "1251181683920957441", "reply_id": "1251181914729467904", "label": "wink", "text": "Gn boys, drop some of your vids here, I’ll watch them when I wake up..."} {"idx": 21608, "original_id": "1251222487146389504", "reply_id": "1251249186089177094", "label": "eww", "text": "The pic of Binnie kissing was all day in my mind.. how does it feel to touch the lips of THE Moon Bin.... I’m so soft for boyfi Binnie uwu"} {"idx": 21609, "original_id": "1251209234894557184", "reply_id": "1251209604098404353", "label": "hug", "text": "feel like throwing up no biggie bc of nerves"} {"idx": 21613, "original_id": "1251225186755461120", "reply_id": "1251226599158157313", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I'm am going to fire up the waffle iron and fuck up some tater tots tonight. #AmWriting"} {"idx": 21614, "original_id": "1250919292847230979", "reply_id": "1250984587133693952", "label": "yes", "text": "My twitter advisory council is suggesting that this evening I go with wine, bourbon, and tecate. \n\nI may soon be in AMA territory"} {"idx": 21616, "original_id": "1250862053813882882", "reply_id": "1250864410383564800", "label": "high_five", "text": "A PLAGUE ON ALL THEIR HOUSES?\n\nWhen the lock-down is over, Britain's newspapers face a bleak future.\n\nI forecast circulation drops of 15-25 per cent — and some papers will soon cease to exist."} {"idx": 21617, "original_id": "1250990414015889409", "reply_id": "1250992494575263746", "label": "hearts", "text": "The problem is I cry for others more than I cry for myself. I care for others more than I care for myself. I tried to be cold. I tried to love me. But in the end I silently live in my own little hell."} {"idx": 21623, "original_id": "1251127654297763840", "reply_id": "1251127815283658756", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Let’s quarantine China!"} {"idx": 21624, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1250833219794149376", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 21630, "original_id": "1251162198463799297", "reply_id": "1251174846802931712", "label": "shocked", "text": "I've been fighting since day one to open back up the Show Me State from the Missouri Governor's executive order. Missourians want a change of leadership..."} {"idx": 21632, "original_id": "1250915945381539841", "reply_id": "1250947420571107329", "label": "seriously", "text": "In all that cheerleading about opening up America again, did the President of the United States express care and concern for the 22M Americans (so far) who have filed for unemployment? We're pushing to open up for them.....right? #RhetoricalQuestion"} {"idx": 21634, "original_id": "1251261548472999937", "reply_id": "1251262138217385984", "label": "applause", "text": "The dollops killed Wilson but I killed Horrible Grandma"} {"idx": 21636, "original_id": "1250853778645045250", "reply_id": "1250887194371211266", "label": "want", "text": "Ok. Who wants the rest of this new music?"} {"idx": 21637, "original_id": "1250809466255220738", "reply_id": "1250961564254994436", "label": "oops", "text": "Wtf is wrong with my Bf bruh..."} {"idx": 21640, "original_id": "1251143447597195264", "reply_id": "1251150910903840771", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Evil Uno will not be dancing on TikTok."} {"idx": 21642, "original_id": "1250887182979653639", "reply_id": "1250890906904989696", "label": "applause", "text": "Is the Fed still balancing its balance sheet?"} {"idx": 21644, "original_id": "1251124284346548224", "reply_id": "1251138252645564423", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Time to gain 😍 follow anyone who retweets this ❤️"} {"idx": 21645, "original_id": "1250964955920203777", "reply_id": "1250976401492193281", "label": "no", "text": "I really love people's reactions when I share my unpopular opinion that I think oatmeal raisin cookies are superior and that I'd choose an oatmeal raisin over a chocolate chip cookie any day of the week."} {"idx": 21654, "original_id": "1251222808706891776", "reply_id": "1251223026357633027", "label": "ok", "text": "he said i’d be 10/10 if i didnt smoke weed"} {"idx": 21661, "original_id": "1250800764794085378", "reply_id": "1250834108844068869", "label": "applause", "text": "Dear remoaners. It's been announced today that there will be NO extension to the transition period. It's over. \n\nVe are ze masters now 🤣"} {"idx": 21665, "original_id": "1250606946295652354", "reply_id": "1250832858840813570", "label": "no", "text": "Mnuchin said that 80 million people would receive their stimulus checks by today. \n\nAre you one of them? \n\n#stimuluspayment"} {"idx": 21669, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250970342014795777", "label": "omg", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 21670, "original_id": "1250858062946189312", "reply_id": "1250858341506703361", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Sirens now sounding are part of a test due to #SevereWeatherAwarenessWeek - this is only a test"} {"idx": 21671, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251193724765384704", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 21672, "original_id": "1250809501902671877", "reply_id": "1251091806990684160", "label": "seriously", "text": "Humility."} {"idx": 21674, "original_id": "1250588891297521664", "reply_id": "1250857406285955074", "label": "smh", "text": ".@JayGlazer announce Jamal Adams to Cowboys for 2025 seventh-round pick"} {"idx": 21676, "original_id": "1250982109797326848", "reply_id": "1250982436617535488", "label": "applause", "text": "Everyone give me a round of applause for cleaning my makeup brushes even though i fucking hate it."} {"idx": 21678, "original_id": "1250881705281556487", "reply_id": "1250974149473951747", "label": "no", "text": "So #BlackTwitter we claiming trump as our president now since he passing out this free money or nah?"} {"idx": 21679, "original_id": "1250882475703914502", "reply_id": "1250933664302673925", "label": "applause", "text": "Well, our day is made.\n\n@SherrickM's BACK! 🙌"} {"idx": 21680, "original_id": "1251089289011748864", "reply_id": "1251109234315591685", "label": "oops", "text": "Health select committee.\n\nMary Agyapong tragically died from virus\n\nLuton MP Sarah Owen goes in guns blazing at Hancock.\nShe accuses NHS of no guidelines for pregnant frontline workers\n\nHancock gently reminds her Mary hadn’t been at work for 1 month when she contracted the virus."} {"idx": 21681, "original_id": "1251177020698042372", "reply_id": "1251231602761519104", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve been in quarantine for so long now everyday literally just feels the same now"} {"idx": 21682, "original_id": "1251200375841083394", "reply_id": "1251203398097145859", "label": "applause", "text": "Did Stacey Abrams go to WKU?"} {"idx": 21685, "original_id": "1251234672291569678", "reply_id": "1251235432110620673", "label": "yes", "text": "yesterday top 5 stream ever??"} {"idx": 21686, "original_id": "1251159555418906631", "reply_id": "1251170387016273921", "label": "agree", "text": "Dear Nancy Pelosi ...\n\nLet me break it down for you ... You don't fund the WHO. We the People do with our tax dollars. \n\nAnd we don't want another damn dime of our hard-earned money going to China's corrupt lapdog."} {"idx": 21687, "original_id": "1250909887271522310", "reply_id": "1250932145318531073", "label": "applause", "text": "The greatest tragedy isn't that @realDonaldTrump believes his base is worthless.\n\nThe greatest tragedy is that they agree with him."} {"idx": 21689, "original_id": "1251042249036701698", "reply_id": "1251053754268385280", "label": "hug", "text": "Feeling very sad today so will be off here during the day. See you later x"} {"idx": 21691, "original_id": "1250776076655222791", "reply_id": "1251104306448777216", "label": "eww", "text": "Just walked around Clissold Park 4 exercise. Constantly dodging joggers, being told 2 'fuck off' by middle-class men running across the grass (the only safe bit of park) despite having two tracks dedicated to these narcs. Being sprayed with sweat from the self-righteous wankers."} {"idx": 21698, "original_id": "1250781861523058689", "reply_id": "1250853171460702210", "label": "win", "text": "No bets taken after the official report"} {"idx": 21704, "original_id": "1251207044033662976", "reply_id": "1251209317413462017", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Yhu! This is exactly what we’ve feared all this time bahlali! 🙆‍♂️ #Gomora"} {"idx": 21705, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250941628472266752", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 21706, "original_id": "1250909823778111488", "reply_id": "1250938655138512898", "label": "applause", "text": "Officially certified NCGR-PAA IV and ISAR-CAP! 🤓📚💫🪐🌙🌟"} {"idx": 21707, "original_id": "1251137797781630977", "reply_id": "1251139636002353161", "label": "popcorn", "text": "HOLY SHIT THESE STUDENTS ARE ABSOLUTE FUCKING SHIT!"} {"idx": 21708, "original_id": "1251139258385121280", "reply_id": "1251143835897327618", "label": "oops", "text": "People are angry this morning at David Brooks for bizarrely using this crisis to mock and condescend to Millennials, but in his defense, he's married to one."} {"idx": 21709, "original_id": "1250822918726017024", "reply_id": "1250946471119056898", "label": "hug", "text": "give me hugs pls i need hugs"} {"idx": 21710, "original_id": "1250969484925468674", "reply_id": "1250969767504158720", "label": "oops", "text": "I just had a crisis in trying to learn how to pronounce @trashlynnnn’s last name. We’ve been friends for like. 9 years."} {"idx": 21711, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250958271579590662", "label": "no", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 21714, "original_id": "1250960340214583296", "reply_id": "1251001892886454272", "label": "please", "text": "so should i start putting out new songs or?"} {"idx": 21717, "original_id": "1250872426566758402", "reply_id": "1250933083500511232", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Hi all! I can't see most of you to follow back so can I get a\n🙋🏼‍♀️-hello\n🖕-y ru bugging me\n🍷-I'm drinking now\nOr any emoji or gif so I can follow you back. Working daily, like its my job, to follow back. Thanks!"} {"idx": 21718, "original_id": "1251265925355110400", "reply_id": "1251266946554834957", "label": "applause", "text": "Dear Gov. Greg Abbott, can you please also cancel online school? This is super stressful and our mental health is spiraling. \n\nBest Reguards, \n\n- Class of 2020"} {"idx": 21722, "original_id": "1250856959059939328", "reply_id": "1250869270394830848", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I think I'll f u c k around and take some pictures of myself nude because that'll be the most action this body has gotten in 4 years."} {"idx": 21724, "original_id": "1250869379841110018", "reply_id": "1250905125260058625", "label": "agree", "text": "Who wants a New Recruit Friday?👀"} {"idx": 21725, "original_id": "1250926278829432832", "reply_id": "1250973549906456576", "label": "yes", "text": "ppl still use gifs?"} {"idx": 21727, "original_id": "1250879894138916864", "reply_id": "1250906584009465856", "label": "agree", "text": "I am \"wow, I clearly spent too much money on eating out\" days into quarantine."} {"idx": 21728, "original_id": "1251221854527897607", "reply_id": "1251222792571424772", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Letting someone go is sometimes the biggest act of love you can offer them 🤍"} {"idx": 21729, "original_id": "1251239415667666946", "reply_id": "1251239563969716224", "label": "yolo", "text": "@eliz_mendo spoiled me today😍😍😍"} {"idx": 21733, "original_id": "1250858795611414529", "reply_id": "1250980430452363265", "label": "applause", "text": "IM FINALLY IN CONTACT WITH MY EMOTE ARTIST! 3 NEW EMOTES COMING SOONISH!"} {"idx": 21735, "original_id": "1251008139098386438", "reply_id": "1251034330454949889", "label": "high_five", "text": "#WritingCommunity Here's another #FollowFriday #writerslift \n\nIf you're under 100k followers leave a comment and we'll follow you.\nThose above 100k please RT and spread the word. 🙂\n\n#Writers #Authors #Poets #Bloggers\n#FF"} {"idx": 21740, "original_id": "1251231858387570692", "reply_id": "1251232311019884545", "label": "shocked", "text": "PSA: ‘light’ is radiation."} {"idx": 21743, "original_id": "1251195605474586625", "reply_id": "1251212394338177024", "label": "agree", "text": "LIBERATE AMERICA! Whoever is in charge of the Fedral goverment is doing a TERRIBLE job!!!"} {"idx": 21744, "original_id": "1250970140453359618", "reply_id": "1251201965545205760", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm the nicest guy you'll never meet."} {"idx": 21750, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250928124344360960", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 21752, "original_id": "1251065498470506496", "reply_id": "1251066011375202309", "label": "idk", "text": "I can’t wait till I’m drunk af with all the homies singing when I come around"} {"idx": 21756, "original_id": "1250841681341153280", "reply_id": "1250855555553529856", "label": "hug", "text": "Wasn't unexpected, but another three weeks (at least) not seeing my gf or kids sucks huge donkey balls."} {"idx": 21759, "original_id": "1251209775662202881", "reply_id": "1251210457551167488", "label": "smh", "text": "he likin other girls tweets already 😔"} {"idx": 21761, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250975053547745281", "label": "popcorn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 21762, "original_id": "1250877125390929923", "reply_id": "1250975960264052736", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "i miss my old frens :')"} {"idx": 21763, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250887581958647810", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 21764, "original_id": "1250893726731210752", "reply_id": "1250894853069770753", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Might fuck around and put up some yellow wallpaper"} {"idx": 21765, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251129522675544064", "label": "agree", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 21766, "original_id": "1251141811969708032", "reply_id": "1251142048003981316", "label": "no", "text": "Would Steph Curry and Klay Thompson have won a title no matter where they played?"} {"idx": 21768, "original_id": "1250617123438723072", "reply_id": "1250876908847448064", "label": "hug", "text": "I can't deal with these nightmares. I want to spend my time doing stuff but they won't ever let me wake up. I thought i was doing better but now I'm back to spending 3/4th of the day sleeping.\n\nI hate this..."} {"idx": 21771, "original_id": "1250781898931965954", "reply_id": "1250888479564849152", "label": "agree", "text": "People sharing photos of when they were 20 made me realise I was 20 thirteen years ago and so I will therefore not be participating in this exercise"} {"idx": 21772, "original_id": "1250849729040330753", "reply_id": "1250850619029704705", "label": "thank_you", "text": "i’m just a woman, standing in front of animal crossing, asking it for some fucking TABLES and COUNTERS"} {"idx": 21778, "original_id": "1250972379276345344", "reply_id": "1251197008150478848", "label": "facepalm", "text": "if you're reading this you're a fennec fox now"} {"idx": 21779, "original_id": "1251191006076317697", "reply_id": "1251191421417259012", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "@Agoziem_o Thanks for the follow"} {"idx": 21780, "original_id": "1251219852754378754", "reply_id": "1251229140231077897", "label": "ok", "text": "I need regular wood so badly."} {"idx": 21781, "original_id": "1250877387039858688", "reply_id": "1250887455709880327", "label": "sigh", "text": "Honored to be selected by @realDonaldTrump to serve on the historic task force to safely reopen America. We can prioritize our public health & our workers, families and small businesses. Let’s get this done for America!"} {"idx": 21782, "original_id": "1251240007878270978", "reply_id": "1251243770131238915", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want a hug right now 😔"} {"idx": 21785, "original_id": "1251161757998911491", "reply_id": "1251229562266161156", "label": "facepalm", "text": "File this in the SMH file. \n\nDude writes a companion \"You don't have to worry about me. I had chickenpox when I was 7. I have immunity to viruses\""} {"idx": 21787, "original_id": "1251160429239271424", "reply_id": "1251172958955098112", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I wanna yoga today, need to keep up the schedule but I’m just feeling duvet, tea and criminal minds. \n\nSend motivation."} {"idx": 21789, "original_id": "1251263827372638208", "reply_id": "1251265017737089024", "label": "eww", "text": "Hey guys - Netflix is on at 6pm (as in: You don’t need to watch Trump’s sweeps week presser; that’s our job and we’re willing to take one for the team)"} {"idx": 21790, "original_id": "1250811382443970560", "reply_id": "1250958271931965441", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t trust WHO\nI don’t trust China\nI don’t trust the UN \nI don’t trust the media \nI don’t trust the democrats"} {"idx": 21791, "original_id": "1251026393531666433", "reply_id": "1251038616031199232", "label": "oops", "text": "@ArtifexMundi any idea when your next xbox game will be coming out?"} {"idx": 21796, "original_id": "1250920609980338183", "reply_id": "1250921709227704333", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "When this shit is over I might be outside everyday"} {"idx": 21800, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250961164449660928", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 21804, "original_id": "1250829503095435265", "reply_id": "1250839571279089664", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy Birthday @JustTheClippy!!!"} {"idx": 21807, "original_id": "1251238181892173824", "reply_id": "1251238829920583681", "label": "applause", "text": "dogs rule cats drool"} {"idx": 21808, "original_id": "1250835213195726848", "reply_id": "1250836134151589888", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Mere 6-7 active followers jitne bhi hain.. tag most beautiful girl @ your TL"} {"idx": 21812, "original_id": "1250932458431885315", "reply_id": "1250935332792500224", "label": "win", "text": "Stream was sick\n\nI love you all\n\nMore steams to come regardless of if I'm partner or not"} {"idx": 21816, "original_id": "1251241067762069505", "reply_id": "1251246033889345545", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Omg ew remember when everyone used to speak in a Miranda sings voice and thought what they were doing was groundbreaking comedy"} {"idx": 21819, "original_id": "1251250497455099905", "reply_id": "1251254051922014208", "label": "shocked", "text": "I didn’t do much this week. Sat back and watched. Gonna get called out on some positions. Raising cash, selling fully valued names."} {"idx": 21820, "original_id": "1250965856818991107", "reply_id": "1250967470816415744", "label": "good_luck", "text": "All these Zoom meetings for worship popping up means we're going to stop being confused for the Amish, right?"} {"idx": 21823, "original_id": "1250814439550529537", "reply_id": "1250862051007901696", "label": "sigh", "text": "When we finally get a vaccine for COVID-19, why are people saying they won’t get it.....🤦🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 21824, "original_id": "1251155000060854275", "reply_id": "1251157424905453586", "label": "hug", "text": "Lol I haven't been this suicidal since I was 15 🙃"} {"idx": 21827, "original_id": "1251205876666388480", "reply_id": "1251206842551762945", "label": "idk", "text": "@sweeneyy_todd why are you gay?"} {"idx": 21830, "original_id": "1251186459610091523", "reply_id": "1251187091335233548", "label": "applause", "text": "Don’t ever be ashamed of your hustle, Nobody will feed you if you go broke"} {"idx": 21832, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251171780955222016", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 21834, "original_id": "1251253353109053441", "reply_id": "1251254827763396608", "label": "eww", "text": "This #COVID19 quarantine and self isolation is getting to me. I’m starting to miss Drew Remenda."} {"idx": 21835, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251267423992504320", "label": "agree", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 21838, "original_id": "1245580816198938626", "reply_id": "1251122962398355459", "label": "no", "text": "Download now for 90 days free. Limited time. Court is officially in session. Chrissy's Court. Only on Quibi."} {"idx": 21839, "original_id": "1250508312459837442", "reply_id": "1251116285565468673", "label": "yes", "text": "I represent one of the bluest districts in the state of Georgia. My decision to support @realDonaldTrump has nothing to do with political expedience. \n\nIt’s simply about doing what’s right."} {"idx": 21840, "original_id": "1250892803258777600", "reply_id": "1250894431999471617", "label": "dance", "text": "April 1944. The American consul in Spain took us to Alhama de Aragon, a health spa with natural springs. So I spent part of the war sheltering in place at a spa watching the girls in bikinis. Not bad😉 @HISTORY #shelteringinplace #Spain @SERLleida @THR @USATODAY"} {"idx": 21845, "original_id": "1251103067786948611", "reply_id": "1251228413102370816", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Julie Taylor is the worst character in the history of television"} {"idx": 21847, "original_id": "1250944481878323201", "reply_id": "1251118351847510018", "label": "dance", "text": "Before April is over.... God is going to REPLACE everything you lost with something way better."} {"idx": 21852, "original_id": "1250858121012154368", "reply_id": "1250860117265965062", "label": "ok", "text": "@OneBadRios @MusicCityKG soooo listening to the podcast....@NoPeaceFL tag match?"} {"idx": 21853, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251078318159364097", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 21855, "original_id": "1251164491603156992", "reply_id": "1251214825880985601", "label": "applause", "text": "Just officially committed to the illustrious Spelman College!! #Spelman24"} {"idx": 21858, "original_id": "1250880498974576640", "reply_id": "1251032840378163201", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Okay so as many of you know, I like to be filled like a Twinkie. Now, it’s been about two years since that happened bc well...we divorced but I would like to announce that..\n\nThat drought has been broken. I’ve been creampied 🤗"} {"idx": 21862, "original_id": "1250962768930508802", "reply_id": "1250963234154258433", "label": "hug", "text": "Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and start crying over how lonely you are? That’s me right now."} {"idx": 21864, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251061409820991488", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 21866, "original_id": "1251193481827139586", "reply_id": "1251198306803429377", "label": "agree", "text": "it may have been a mistake to give the hardest job in the world to the stupidest fucking moron on the planet"} {"idx": 21867, "original_id": "1250825104998780929", "reply_id": "1250833267739279360", "label": "hug", "text": "No stream tonight my dudes, internet is not happy :/ this does not make for a very happy panda as I was really looking forward to some #FO76 shenanigans..\nPlease make yourselves comfy with some of my #AhamkaraFam !\n\nFollow @TeamAhamkara to know who's gone live and when!"} {"idx": 21868, "original_id": "1251051275833110530", "reply_id": "1251096516955013121", "label": "wink", "text": "If I had a dollar for everytime I accidentally sat on my glasses, I would be able to buy a whole mansion."} {"idx": 21871, "original_id": "1250885685197889536", "reply_id": "1250899090596155394", "label": "hug", "text": "Not to be dramatic but I feel like I just dug my own heart out of my chest with a spoon."} {"idx": 21872, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250903657614376963", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 21873, "original_id": "1251080189582458881", "reply_id": "1251081016380469249", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Got one lockscreen left to do today!! Hoping to get them all out this evening!"} {"idx": 21874, "original_id": "1251177640788099074", "reply_id": "1251193276734070784", "label": "smh", "text": "I stand with Trump now more than ever. Who else is with me??"} {"idx": 21875, "original_id": "1250834105777954817", "reply_id": "1250834453800333312", "label": "shocked", "text": "Me hate dumpling ino 😣"} {"idx": 21876, "original_id": "1250924287730552834", "reply_id": "1251137596161482752", "label": "applause", "text": "Germany is led by a professional scientist. \n\nFrance is led by a professional banker. \n\nThe UK is led by a professional liar."} {"idx": 21877, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251055417842696193", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 21879, "original_id": "1251179021284577283", "reply_id": "1251179749164101635", "label": "oops", "text": "this guy is so fine omg"} {"idx": 21883, "original_id": "1250955727356727298", "reply_id": "1251001126243258373", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Besides on toast, what’s the best way to eat avocados?🥑#GreatFoodTruckRace"} {"idx": 21884, "original_id": "1250693338056888320", "reply_id": "1250924882285801473", "label": "hug", "text": "When you wanna subtweet because you're all around 🥺😭😠😡🤬🤨😤 but can't because that's immature and not a healthy way to deal with your feelings 😎🙃😉😊"} {"idx": 21885, "original_id": "1250935514204639243", "reply_id": "1250963326089248770", "label": "hug", "text": "Me and my friends have our locations shared with each other so we know we are safe at all times. 🥺❤️"} {"idx": 21886, "original_id": "1251263309447389184", "reply_id": "1251269588790185987", "label": "idk", "text": "Onyinye, this is not the best time to fall sick... Chukwu biko gwoo m oria n'ime ulo m a🙏"} {"idx": 21887, "original_id": "1251203734660513792", "reply_id": "1251208360994787334", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "3 1/2 more hours of bullshit hellllllllllp"} {"idx": 21888, "original_id": "1250982907138600963", "reply_id": "1250994147764301824", "label": "agree", "text": "Tapatio is the best hot sauce in the world."} {"idx": 21891, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251092121857265664", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 21892, "original_id": "1251207816309809152", "reply_id": "1251221666102939650", "label": "wink", "text": "I can open wine now right? 🤔"} {"idx": 21893, "original_id": "1250592611632545792", "reply_id": "1250949500157464576", "label": "agree", "text": "Donald Trump is the best example humanity has of what a miserable son of a bitch you can become if you spend your life only thinking about yourself and never helping others. He has had every gift you can receive in life except class, intelligence, & compassion.@realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 21895, "original_id": "1250851792679657473", "reply_id": "1250860357234552832", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "What is Chapter pushing? This idea is when you view each chapter like the arc of a novel. It means a fast start, rising action, mini climax and cliffhanger. This plan gives your story more momentum, energy or push. #writingcommunity"} {"idx": 21898, "original_id": "1251063689878388736", "reply_id": "1251063965809086464", "label": "hug", "text": "This weekend, we were supposed to go to London and celebrate @gilliana‘s career at the @BFI event. I know, we all have to make sacrifices and in the grander scheme of things, this one isn’t even big. Still, it sucks. Excuse me, while I sit in the corner of the grumpy and the sad."} {"idx": 21900, "original_id": "1250904938181464067", "reply_id": "1250905446795313153", "label": "applause", "text": "drunk inspirational quotes:\n\n“It’s not about the quantity of time it takes, it’s about the quality of what you’ve done.”\n\n-drunk me"} {"idx": 21902, "original_id": "1251239999741333505", "reply_id": "1251240756334874624", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a moment in my car, sitting in a parking lot, having a cry. It's hard work being optimistic... especially without my best friend.❤️"} {"idx": 21903, "original_id": "1250937697041911808", "reply_id": "1250944536093896706", "label": "shocked", "text": "In the span of 36 hours I’ve managed to spend half of the stimulus check \n\nL O L"} {"idx": 21904, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250899298516156418", "label": "shocked", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 21906, "original_id": "1251049780786184193", "reply_id": "1251199754744270848", "label": "no", "text": "I hope yall know anime characters aren’t real and you have to find real life companions right?"} {"idx": 21911, "original_id": "1250498303994798081", "reply_id": "1250975759469969415", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Everyone who got a stimulus check should not use a dollar of it on goods made in China!\n\nWho agrees? 🙋🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 21913, "original_id": "1251243601482461184", "reply_id": "1251257022328254465", "label": "yes", "text": "Sheesh this in state movement jumping 💯🔥👀!! #NC2UNC 🐏?? New hashtag!!! 💁🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 21915, "original_id": "1251178739448324096", "reply_id": "1251223192934461441", "label": "ok", "text": "@gilov9 We are trying to reply to you through direct message. Please follow us on twitter so that our direct messages reach you."} {"idx": 21916, "original_id": "1250940644899479552", "reply_id": "1250941060303384576", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "at times like this I need a jo malone candle"} {"idx": 21917, "original_id": "1250943250128568321", "reply_id": "1250987982883942400", "label": "agree", "text": "If you had to choose between having your brain operated on by Ben Carson, or your heart operated on by Dr Oz, what funeral home do we send flowers to cuz you’re fucked?"} {"idx": 21918, "original_id": "1250949397426376710", "reply_id": "1250950933535690752", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m pouring bacon grease on the dog poop in my yard from the neighbor's dog before I move out of my house. The dog will then clean it up to offset the troubles of the initial poop."} {"idx": 21919, "original_id": "1250941052976070656", "reply_id": "1250972992571609095", "label": "hug", "text": "Exactly a year ago I went into a period of social isolation after my business failed and my partner left unexpectedly.\n\nI thought this time would be easy because I’m a pro at this.\n\nTook a month but it’s finally caught up to me. So if you’re struggling, yeah this shit is hard."} {"idx": 21924, "original_id": "1251225824004657159", "reply_id": "1251266262703001600", "label": "no", "text": "Raise your hand if you plan on voting for Trump in November. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️\n\nLike and retweet!"} {"idx": 21925, "original_id": "1250812177117831170", "reply_id": "1250890699706380289", "label": "shocked", "text": "On this day 20 years ago, the Patriots used a sixth-round pick on defensive tackle David Nugent out of Purdue."} {"idx": 21927, "original_id": "1251236706126188544", "reply_id": "1251238192424128512", "label": "shocked", "text": "Hold up Lawrence O'Donnell dated Kerry Washington before Tamron Hall? What's going on here 🤔🤔🤔🤔"} {"idx": 21928, "original_id": "1251073697701642240", "reply_id": "1251084545476231168", "label": "agree", "text": "If you left it to Allah,then why are you worried?\nIf you left it to people,then why are you shocked?"} {"idx": 21931, "original_id": "1251227989075013633", "reply_id": "1251229608835514382", "label": "yes", "text": "Is The Sopranos a show worth binging?"} {"idx": 21934, "original_id": "1250883743977365505", "reply_id": "1250884202305687552", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone else say to themselves \"Yeah I can do something like a healthy turkey sandwich for lunch\" then proceed to slap half a pound of turkey onto white french bread, slices of cheddar, and a bunch of chipotle mayo"} {"idx": 21935, "original_id": "1250988590978330625", "reply_id": "1251102083966738432", "label": "applause", "text": "One week ago today, Democrats blocked a GOP-led increase in funding for small businesses\n\nToday, that funding ran out.\n\nDemocrats could have prevented this\n\nNancy Pelosi could have saved jobs and lives\n\nInstead she’s in San Francisco not doing her job\n\nShe should be embarrassed."} {"idx": 21936, "original_id": "1250932587616501760", "reply_id": "1250935177276198913", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I think I'm gonna sleep for 2 days"} {"idx": 21938, "original_id": "1250909671554236418", "reply_id": "1250909989046308875", "label": "eww", "text": "More than 850 counties or nearly 30 percent of country have reported no new cases in the last seven days, Trump says."} {"idx": 21939, "original_id": "1251064766094663680", "reply_id": "1251261747916410882", "label": "eww", "text": "There are too many protogens, We gotta disconnect some of them."} {"idx": 21940, "original_id": "1250958736690118656", "reply_id": "1251121245384396801", "label": "hug", "text": "I had one of the worst days ever today. Stressed af."} {"idx": 21943, "original_id": "1250856091761676288", "reply_id": "1250856287509925893", "label": "hug", "text": "Ok I think it's safe to say I'm officially feeling depressed again. I'm done with Twitter for today other than my yoga post later."} {"idx": 21944, "original_id": "1250876457443721218", "reply_id": "1250916381811490816", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I want to start a poetry/motivational page!!!"} {"idx": 21950, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250940618341310475", "label": "popcorn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 21952, "original_id": "1250976673203355649", "reply_id": "1251073578004631552", "label": "shrug", "text": "I want to put a fit in my vagina when I’m in labor so my baby can slip into his outfit for the day and be cute😹😹"} {"idx": 21958, "original_id": "1251181924212568067", "reply_id": "1251185385880735745", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ll never understand how bitches get chin implants. Why you tryna look like John Cena?"} {"idx": 21962, "original_id": "1250888971657322497", "reply_id": "1250979855119929346", "label": "shocked", "text": "Ain’t been myself lately. Ain’t been feeling myself lately or anything tbh ."} {"idx": 21963, "original_id": "1251089066503872512", "reply_id": "1251090818330492929", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "tattoo tribute to harry styles"} {"idx": 21964, "original_id": "1250901835034103809", "reply_id": "1250911016344530944", "label": "dance", "text": "Shout out to 30+ Twitter though!"} {"idx": 21966, "original_id": "1250840608157163520", "reply_id": "1250867405867360258", "label": "agree", "text": "Keep up with your social distancing.\n\nKeep wearing your face coverings, even though it may be a nuisance, and even if you think you look silly. You’ll look far sillier if you have to trade in a face covering for a hospital gown.\n\nWe’ll get through this together."} {"idx": 21967, "original_id": "1250766677811302401", "reply_id": "1250853728468348929", "label": "hearts", "text": "hugging me from behind and kissing my neck at the same time is a good way to melt my heart"} {"idx": 21971, "original_id": "1251025016977833992", "reply_id": "1251184931419512832", "label": "hearts", "text": "The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; \nTherefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.\n\nJeremiah 31:3"} {"idx": 21974, "original_id": "1250874133900070913", "reply_id": "1250874489489035264", "label": "omg", "text": "Y’all. I just made DIY chipotle and i just might never go back..."} {"idx": 21975, "original_id": "1250872709258641410", "reply_id": "1250873854429474817", "label": "eww", "text": "Charlotte: 'I encourage him to be in his garden as much as possible.' He's certainly doesn't deserve access to hers. #PrideandPrejutweet"} {"idx": 21977, "original_id": "1250952843055583232", "reply_id": "1251224326667268098", "label": "yes", "text": "America is about to come roaring back."} {"idx": 21978, "original_id": "1251028322051600384", "reply_id": "1251029992470982656", "label": "sigh", "text": "If your tech-trends analyst refers to central bank issued digital currencies, as “decentralized currencies” in the year 2020, you need a new agency. \n\nI wish I was joking. Just read a 300+ page tech trends report from a leading global agency where they actually printed that😳."} {"idx": 21981, "original_id": "1251011580243750917", "reply_id": "1251011936285835264", "label": "applause", "text": "Jimi Hendrix. That’s it that’s the tweet"} {"idx": 21982, "original_id": "1250920119561322496", "reply_id": "1250920377884332033", "label": "eww", "text": "About the protestors: “they’re avoiding death and alcoholism, they’ve been put through a lot. A lot of death and other things.”"} {"idx": 21984, "original_id": "1251060503473827841", "reply_id": "1251062371109355520", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "tl sleep? “right here right now” sex is my favorite ."} {"idx": 21987, "original_id": "1251189630692704256", "reply_id": "1251191259152224256", "label": "yes", "text": "True News out tonight"} {"idx": 21990, "original_id": "1251235012403499008", "reply_id": "1251235413814947840", "label": "hug", "text": "Damn period skipping this month which sounds nice but you still get all the PMS symptoms. Im sitting here watching Legacies and getting teary eyed over and over. Fucking hormones. Since Im not bleeding I don't even have a clue when it'll be over."} {"idx": 21992, "original_id": "1251190725741408257", "reply_id": "1251231908761083908", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Static fire test of Falcon 9 complete—targeting Thursday, April 23 at 3:16 p.m. EDT, 19:16 UTC, for launch of 60 Starlink satellites from LC-39A in Florida"} {"idx": 21993, "original_id": "1250853880608555008", "reply_id": "1250854726641561600", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "The world needs more KOBOL(D) programmers."} {"idx": 21994, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251253324868997131", "label": "no", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 21995, "original_id": "1250834488944361473", "reply_id": "1250836052769673219", "label": "sigh", "text": "Does anyone else wanna drink ? Ok no 👌🏾"} {"idx": 21996, "original_id": "1251117269431783424", "reply_id": "1251181895926366209", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm an extrovert and being around other people provides me with additional life force, energy and power.\n\nSo you are all getting hugged when this is over.\n\nI don't care if I don't know you.\n\nYou will take the hug. 😠"} {"idx": 22004, "original_id": "1250831342499135488", "reply_id": "1250832180105920513", "label": "hug", "text": "I don't often dream about my dad so last night's dream was very special. I wanted to stay there a little while longer and woke up feeling so resentful of my alarm. \n\nHere's a big virtual hug to all those ou there missing loved ones. You're not alone in your grief <3"} {"idx": 22011, "original_id": "1251154296961241089", "reply_id": "1251160660282466306", "label": "hug", "text": "i want yakap 🥺"} {"idx": 22014, "original_id": "1250859842924937222", "reply_id": "1250864578533212166", "label": "dance", "text": "so...I have a job now 😊"} {"idx": 22015, "original_id": "1251191503759826951", "reply_id": "1251195320144461824", "label": "smh", "text": "Love the smell of rain. Ugh"} {"idx": 22016, "original_id": "1251117828826152968", "reply_id": "1251138816964022273", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "We had our first Jeff Garcia comparison for Baker Mayfield today on the phones.\n\nDid go to 4 Pro Bowls though!"} {"idx": 22019, "original_id": "1250916624653258755", "reply_id": "1251144212608942080", "label": "no", "text": "Hope straight guys invest in curtains and more than one pillow with their stimulus checks"} {"idx": 22021, "original_id": "1250905740971294722", "reply_id": "1250906409832796161", "label": "agree", "text": "File for unemployment while working full time to own the libs"} {"idx": 22024, "original_id": "1250881568983351296", "reply_id": "1250882259911090176", "label": "agree", "text": "If these “Open Muh Economy” idiots get their way, the Coronavirus will come roaring back and we will have to go through this all over and over again."} {"idx": 22025, "original_id": "1251188142830424064", "reply_id": "1251188377803767809", "label": "yes", "text": "Go follow @NicoleArye"} {"idx": 22026, "original_id": "1251234057494593536", "reply_id": "1251234577219289088", "label": "wink", "text": "I horn \nI horn so bad"} {"idx": 22027, "original_id": "1251012384015048704", "reply_id": "1251012885813186560", "label": "facepalm", "text": "omg stress"} {"idx": 22030, "original_id": "1251195605474586625", "reply_id": "1251209484208410627", "label": "agree", "text": "LIBERATE AMERICA! Whoever is in charge of the Fedral goverment is doing a TERRIBLE job!!!"} {"idx": 22031, "original_id": "1251138891014430720", "reply_id": "1251140537463250945", "label": "applause", "text": "Darnell Brodie prediction: Drake"} {"idx": 22032, "original_id": "1251264291459657728", "reply_id": "1251264535392026629", "label": "yes", "text": "Aye, y’all still doing Boot Picnic?🤨@ChuccDaQue @BunTh3_Que @KiNG_OFDiAMONDZ"} {"idx": 22033, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251060620595625984", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 22038, "original_id": "1250908872375754752", "reply_id": "1250910785297158144", "label": "scared", "text": "6:07 p.m.: WARNING: TRUMP RALLY ON MSNBC AND CNN IS STARTING RIGHT NOW."} {"idx": 22042, "original_id": "1250897150289907713", "reply_id": "1250917891362312192", "label": "eww", "text": "Can y’all reply with some funky jams ???"} {"idx": 22050, "original_id": "1250980029774925826", "reply_id": "1251240829680865281", "label": "want", "text": "i want to be bent over and disrespected like a slut"} {"idx": 22051, "original_id": "1250975061030301697", "reply_id": "1251055498767462400", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m not really a hugger but when this is all over I’m gunna high five the crap out of my friends."} {"idx": 22052, "original_id": "1250849247504863233", "reply_id": "1250865305460649986", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "You can keep your mechanical keyboards, give me a good ol' $16 board with \"mushy\" keys any day!"} {"idx": 22053, "original_id": "1250931803973537792", "reply_id": "1250932492246364160", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I spent a lot of money on flowers today...... sorry @loganp315"} {"idx": 22056, "original_id": "1250876597009145856", "reply_id": "1250911220984508416", "label": "applause", "text": "PhD candidacy exam: passed! So excited. Can’t wait to put the exam books away and get busy on research. Woohoo! Could not have done it without my two incredible supervisors @ltomfohr & @SchulteFiona - so grateful for their guidance & support. Time for a wine!!"} {"idx": 22058, "original_id": "1250898187432452106", "reply_id": "1250946480224919552", "label": "yes", "text": "Too early for sleep?"} {"idx": 22059, "original_id": "1250920181867708417", "reply_id": "1251144658111119360", "label": "eww", "text": "What’s your reaction when you get told DJM is more valuable than Hopkins and you’d have to add to Hopkins to get DJM? @DynastyFF_KyleM @TheBauerClub @BHartley4144 @McNamaraDynasty @DynastyTheoryFF"} {"idx": 22064, "original_id": "1251149160935391237", "reply_id": "1251170151929540610", "label": "applause", "text": "I might be without a job currently, but all of my bills are paid until mid-June and I have a decent savings and I have yet to receive stimulus or unemployment so can I just be proud that my money management skills have grown so much in the last year?? 👌🏻"} {"idx": 22065, "original_id": "1250804819868221440", "reply_id": "1250853731232436224", "label": "dance", "text": "16th April should be declared as `Burnol Day’ for sangh!s 😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 22067, "original_id": "1250802177452408834", "reply_id": "1250918970263126016", "label": "seriously", "text": "WH sends statement confirming Ivanka Trump's travel to Trump National Golf Club Bedminster for Passover:\n\n\"Her travel was not commercial. She chose to spend a holiday in private with her family\" and says it's \"a closed down facility considered to be a family home.\""} {"idx": 22069, "original_id": "1250980075111157760", "reply_id": "1251173593473601537", "label": "wink", "text": "Everybody needs somebody to loveeee @CELEBDNR 💕"} {"idx": 22072, "original_id": "1251207455771680768", "reply_id": "1251208202261233665", "label": "no", "text": "The only true friend you can have and trust on Twitter is me."} {"idx": 22073, "original_id": "1251257208828035076", "reply_id": "1251265766089003009", "label": "eww", "text": "*Ahem* \nWADDUP YOU TRICK ASS HOES @Bennty__ @shygasm_"} {"idx": 22074, "original_id": "1250594316751429633", "reply_id": "1251220230145220608", "label": "shrug", "text": "So in this world weddings last 5 years. What do you all think of that?#MotherlandFortSalem"} {"idx": 22075, "original_id": "1250333686702063621", "reply_id": "1250847490082893824", "label": "shocked", "text": "what does “slut you out” mean?"} {"idx": 22081, "original_id": "1251031819966976001", "reply_id": "1251033982050992130", "label": "awww", "text": "This #FF my inspiration is a great for indie fantasy films and shows\n\nF @FoundFamiliar\nA @alyssamkay\nN @NatashaBurkhar3\nT @the_strix\nA @AFKwebseries\nS @symatt\nY @YourBoswell\n\nN @nw_ode\nE @EOGeeks\nT @The_BadDM\nW @WyattMaxwell8\nO @onefootonshore\nR @RaccoonKween\nK @KrystinaArielle"} {"idx": 22086, "original_id": "1251152303161106432", "reply_id": "1251153664498008065", "label": "agree", "text": "If \"the age of coddling\" is indeed \"over,\" I suggest we start with the columnists who, in that era, managed to retain their prestigious and high-profile positions despite not having had a good or original idea for a column in well over half a decade."} {"idx": 22090, "original_id": "1251181052636180482", "reply_id": "1251262206378983424", "label": "omg", "text": "Captain’s Log: Day 33 of quarantine\n\nI’m never going to wear a bra ever again. I’m completely okay with this."} {"idx": 22091, "original_id": "1251122501318393857", "reply_id": "1251183530173968384", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Screw social distancing ,if you turn me on ,I am jumping you !"} {"idx": 22095, "original_id": "1251181084928290816", "reply_id": "1251252342894350336", "label": "idk", "text": "OnlyFans coming soon . I’ll post the link . Dm me for faster response 🤩🖐"} {"idx": 22099, "original_id": "1251186303841923073", "reply_id": "1251187526112428032", "label": "seriously", "text": "@Saahkenaten's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. Learn more."} {"idx": 22100, "original_id": "1251030146556915713", "reply_id": "1251092063858249729", "label": "shocked", "text": "Have had to turn the spa off because we’re out of chlorine. \n\nI think you will all agree that this is the hardest story to come out of this whole covid mess."} {"idx": 22101, "original_id": "1250841555943870465", "reply_id": "1250841803877527555", "label": "no", "text": "Chocolate is nasty there I said it"} {"idx": 22102, "original_id": "1250885888718094343", "reply_id": "1251188984031690754", "label": "agree", "text": "know who u are before someone can tell u"} {"idx": 22104, "original_id": "1250902568789737476", "reply_id": "1250903780532649984", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a FAT ASS HUG"} {"idx": 22106, "original_id": "1251193455310757888", "reply_id": "1251231051562844160", "label": "oops", "text": "I'm so mad that my whole family and I are isolating ourselves in order for this pandemic to be over, while other people are having gatherings and enjoying their times like there is nothing to be worried about. Like seriously we all need to collaborate to beat this virus!!!!"} {"idx": 22108, "original_id": "1250884804578598913", "reply_id": "1250972409152356354", "label": "idk", "text": "Did you know:\nthat we forgot to turn on a feature you guys might like... oops... more on it later when the feature is on 😂"} {"idx": 22109, "original_id": "1250945728479809536", "reply_id": "1250946167027818501", "label": "smh", "text": "What's blue and doesn't weigh very much?\n\nLight Blue"} {"idx": 22110, "original_id": "1250955775113076743", "reply_id": "1251174807955279872", "label": "no", "text": "I see @drpepper is trending in Canada. Dear Lord don’t let it be due to a shortage. I couldn’t survive."} {"idx": 22111, "original_id": "1251162380437864451", "reply_id": "1251171572460724224", "label": "applause", "text": "@__kenzieee99 @rye_basilla Happy Launch 🚀 day!!!! You both have worked so hard 😘🎉🍷"} {"idx": 22113, "original_id": "1250810017361494016", "reply_id": "1250911323925274625", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "thank you @iamfayetara. love u, alam mo yan. ❤️"} {"idx": 22120, "original_id": "1251000246370308096", "reply_id": "1251000412036984832", "label": "scared", "text": "this mf @INateTheGreatI says he's good at cooking but i've legit seen this mf eat beans and tuna mixed together"} {"idx": 22121, "original_id": "1250879972316573697", "reply_id": "1250882718516338696", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Gonna rewrite ‘Imagine’ with a slightly lower bar, asking you picture a world with comprehensive sex ed for all (including transparency with how brutal pregnancy, birth, & parenthood are), free access to birth control, & only the folks who want to be parents become them."} {"idx": 22122, "original_id": "1250989183423954944", "reply_id": "1250992114797813760", "label": "applause", "text": "Okay, I’m just gonna say it.. Las Palapas sucks ass."} {"idx": 22124, "original_id": "1251232206435094534", "reply_id": "1251232809483554817", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug"} {"idx": 22126, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251221131555516416", "label": "scared", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 22129, "original_id": "1248861617741160448", "reply_id": "1250934683002494977", "label": "high_five", "text": "Dear Tina Fey,\n\nWe need a 30 Rock episode via Zoom as they try to restart the show during COVID-19.\n\nPlease help.\n\nYours truly, \nFans\n\nAlso: please start a Twitter account"} {"idx": 22136, "original_id": "1251110503864307713", "reply_id": "1251111683935940608", "label": "applause", "text": "new vid today"} {"idx": 22137, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250926188698222592", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 22140, "original_id": "1251193710588592128", "reply_id": "1251234035738673152", "label": "eww", "text": "A socks with sandals kind of weekend"} {"idx": 22142, "original_id": "1250913919511793665", "reply_id": "1250914761589641217", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve never felt so alone :("} {"idx": 22143, "original_id": "1250857928292052992", "reply_id": "1250858361450618882", "label": "hug", "text": "So fucking anxious for no reason, feels like I’m vibrating just sitting here. How do I acquire a hug yet respect social distancing? 🥺😔"} {"idx": 22144, "original_id": "1250725716108460035", "reply_id": "1250867631768379392", "label": "omg", "text": "Just went into Aldi. Saw a guy buying San Miguel, paella rice and a sombrero. Thought to myself 'Hispanic buying'."} {"idx": 22151, "original_id": "1251040881970425861", "reply_id": "1251042470940553218", "label": "seriously", "text": "I put milk, THEN cereal.."} {"idx": 22153, "original_id": "1251004368335273989", "reply_id": "1251122741496799232", "label": "hug", "text": "Fuck it gonna take leaps of faith. And not gonna let the bad times get to me."} {"idx": 22157, "original_id": "1250972715114287104", "reply_id": "1250973213556965377", "label": "smh", "text": "Real couples bleach their hair in each other’s urine☺️💅"} {"idx": 22159, "original_id": "1250807704014077954", "reply_id": "1250968618944409601", "label": "yes", "text": "Gretchen Whitmer is one impressive individual. \n\nI’m intrigued."} {"idx": 22160, "original_id": "1250878161979654144", "reply_id": "1250884094201905160", "label": "agree", "text": "I worked out today and didn’t film it. Crazy right??!"} {"idx": 22162, "original_id": "1251220319668338688", "reply_id": "1251222793854676993", "label": "shocked", "text": "Both my supposed BDs had baby’s on me but It’s cool though fuck y’all 🥱☺️"} {"idx": 22164, "original_id": "1251215692017385477", "reply_id": "1251221498209189888", "label": "yes", "text": "Does anyone else feel like their body is trying to sleep through this whole thing? All I spend my day on is fighting to stay awake"} {"idx": 22166, "original_id": "1250817935372947456", "reply_id": "1251023582387306499", "label": "high_five", "text": "Everyday is #NationalHornyDay during quarantine"} {"idx": 22168, "original_id": "1251107426700492810", "reply_id": "1251129725218627585", "label": "kiss", "text": "I’m 35 today - another year closer to death 🤗🙃"} {"idx": 22171, "original_id": "1251212029626650624", "reply_id": "1251212681526292484", "label": "no", "text": "Playboy carti is T R A S H"} {"idx": 22174, "original_id": "1251150241664913409", "reply_id": "1251171399244214273", "label": "hug", "text": "moots, i need a hug."} {"idx": 22175, "original_id": "1250944509296480257", "reply_id": "1250953577645985798", "label": "eww", "text": "Yeah, I laughed when I called you a slut, it’s funny"} {"idx": 22177, "original_id": "1251052937381646337", "reply_id": "1251056553219809281", "label": "omg", "text": "my parents are going to be upset tomorrow because they follow me on twitter and they look here to see what time i went to bed"} {"idx": 22178, "original_id": "1250975798800105472", "reply_id": "1250978621260529665", "label": "sigh", "text": "We Found Her!!!!!"} {"idx": 22181, "original_id": "1250831974584823809", "reply_id": "1250832275257860096", "label": "yes", "text": "Its a beautiful day to be alive........"} {"idx": 22183, "original_id": "1251040317220028416", "reply_id": "1251064117886169089", "label": "no", "text": "Tottenham have approached former boss Mauricio Pochettino about a potential pay cut to his gardening leave salary amid the coronavirus pandemic."} {"idx": 22187, "original_id": "1251202019714531328", "reply_id": "1251220614033158147", "label": "shocked", "text": "Trying to follow @kemenfitness live workout on Instagram. Guy is a drill sergeant. Let me see what can be achieved. Belle fat needs to go."} {"idx": 22189, "original_id": "1251059375172653057", "reply_id": "1251220972084105219", "label": "hearts", "text": "I don’t deserve anything y’all give to me.... 🥺💕 I really don’t. So thank you ❤️"} {"idx": 22190, "original_id": "1251148929166532621", "reply_id": "1251159650575122436", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@bruceprichard on this weeks episode of @PrichardShow is DEAD wrong @HeyHeyItsConrad... Dead or in Jail is fucking epic! #SomethingToWrestle"} {"idx": 22191, "original_id": "1251124787688005633", "reply_id": "1251145476780392455", "label": "agree", "text": "Being trustworthy, keeping your word, honoring your promises and telling the truth, those are the virtues that set you above the crowd.Theres always a place for an honest man.\nLets all make the day count."} {"idx": 22193, "original_id": "1251184530595229698", "reply_id": "1251206204703023114", "label": "no", "text": "What y’all think about everything opening back up? Like our lil bitch president saying fuck it??? What y’all think?"} {"idx": 22202, "original_id": "1251064687908847617", "reply_id": "1251067865857495042", "label": "agree", "text": "I literally have the best girlfriend ever"} {"idx": 22203, "original_id": "1251071371246833666", "reply_id": "1251139586614423553", "label": "awww", "text": "long time not login:))) hi."} {"idx": 22204, "original_id": "1251144384659193856", "reply_id": "1251145849075367936", "label": "no", "text": "Only one can exist"} {"idx": 22206, "original_id": "1250900111686762498", "reply_id": "1250901348222205952", "label": "shocked", "text": "When Anthony offers to make me tea then asks “do I salt the water?” Lmfao I can’t make this up 😭"} {"idx": 22209, "original_id": "1250941498318827523", "reply_id": "1250943314259517442", "label": "agree", "text": "I AM NOT A SIMP"} {"idx": 22213, "original_id": "1250924624575160321", "reply_id": "1251246653971062786", "label": "popcorn", "text": "ARE YALL READY TO SEE THE CAUCASIANS ACT UP IF THEY CANCEL 4TH OF JULY?!!!!!"} {"idx": 22214, "original_id": "1250872017248813057", "reply_id": "1250872742267641856", "label": "shocked", "text": "Exclusive: Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis. [@SamiMokbel81_DM]"} {"idx": 22216, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251268227440578566", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 22218, "original_id": "1250914819366105088", "reply_id": "1250950868775600139", "label": "no", "text": "Are your makeup brushes clean? Don’t lieeeeeee 👀"} {"idx": 22219, "original_id": "1251058668293853184", "reply_id": "1251175852680679424", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm sad, send hugs."} {"idx": 22220, "original_id": "1250926099980341249", "reply_id": "1250927726879322112", "label": "omg", "text": "I’m back😈"} {"idx": 22226, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251236591894290433", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 22228, "original_id": "1250999298013175809", "reply_id": "1251013227728834560", "label": "applause", "text": "he felt like entering my day...all men have is the fucking AUDACITY"} {"idx": 22230, "original_id": "1250914867235549184", "reply_id": "1250970521862172673", "label": "agree", "text": "They love to congratulate themselves for doing jack sh*t. I bet they’ll award themselves raises and/or medals for their “work”."} {"idx": 22231, "original_id": "1250855624470155271", "reply_id": "1250949620429025281", "label": "yes", "text": "Raise your hand if you think it's time to reopen America. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 22234, "original_id": "1250872675268005888", "reply_id": "1250874439883001857", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "@GremlinOf1A \"Hello\""} {"idx": 22236, "original_id": "1251063774338904065", "reply_id": "1251153924108595200", "label": "hug", "text": "Bad day."} {"idx": 22239, "original_id": "1251098801177268226", "reply_id": "1251153950297878528", "label": "applause", "text": "Just walked home with three challenge snacks in my bag - a freddo, a happy hippo and banana soreen. Did I start a binge whilst walking home in secret? No I did not because that IS NOT how shit goes down anymore."} {"idx": 22241, "original_id": "1250831068866977793", "reply_id": "1250838791935361024", "label": "oops", "text": "Smashing Pumpkins: 🎶Todaaay is the greatest day I’ve ever known🎶\n\nMe: Dude, it’s 9/11..."} {"idx": 22243, "original_id": "1250863714561134592", "reply_id": "1250892715124043776", "label": "hug", "text": "I REALLY MISS HUGS."} {"idx": 22244, "original_id": "1250910961013346308", "reply_id": "1250923431861776387", "label": "no", "text": "BREAKING: Twitter has suspended @allidoisowen"} {"idx": 22245, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251233029709799427", "label": "applause", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 22246, "original_id": "1250901241061871616", "reply_id": "1250907350594211841", "label": "popcorn", "text": "#PROMARE \n\nGalo is a brave knight and he must save Princess from the clutches of a ferocious dragon.\nBut the dragon turns out to be a \"Princess\" (Lio) that he (Galo) must save. \nAll this time, dragon was not protecting the tower, but what was inside it: the dragon's egg."} {"idx": 22247, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250925513255858180", "label": "no", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 22248, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1250968666654507008", "label": "no", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 22253, "original_id": "1250798818888749056", "reply_id": "1250844189899788290", "label": "agree", "text": "You ever look at someone and just know their pussy stink?"} {"idx": 22254, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251182199212257280", "label": "scared", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 22256, "original_id": "1251212052045148169", "reply_id": "1251218590675722240", "label": "hug", "text": "you know i’ve been starting to wonder lately if there’s even a reason to wake up in the morning"} {"idx": 22257, "original_id": "1250890317932478465", "reply_id": "1250899202542092289", "label": "scared", "text": "Dude I really miss sports"} {"idx": 22258, "original_id": "1251198952952791042", "reply_id": "1251241245927751685", "label": "yes", "text": "I apparently sit in the same chair to work every day & have left a butt-print. I know this because my youngest sat in it today & said, “Mom! I just fell in your butt hole!”"} {"idx": 22260, "original_id": "1250922035141914632", "reply_id": "1250931461756203010", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on state-by-state reopening: \"I call it: a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different...But when it's all done...a very beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 22264, "original_id": "1250827617650917376", "reply_id": "1251230477484273665", "label": "awww", "text": "at least out loud ... i won’t say i’m in love"} {"idx": 22267, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251150424234573827", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 22268, "original_id": "1250922161734287360", "reply_id": "1250954564284620803", "label": "seriously", "text": "It seems to me this staged reopening plan presented today by President Trump and his health/science advisors seems exceedingly reasonable and well thought out."} {"idx": 22269, "original_id": "1251247566479597568", "reply_id": "1251252918986121216", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I’ve been on the verge of tears all day and some shit just pushed me over the edge and I’m literally just trying to keep it together for an hour and a half til I’m off"} {"idx": 22270, "original_id": "1251169617290104832", "reply_id": "1251222742218747908", "label": "applause", "text": "“Who are we clapping for tonight?”\n“I don’t know, but smile and don’t be seen to be the first to stop.”"} {"idx": 22275, "original_id": "1250840059735138305", "reply_id": "1250985606919991301", "label": "sigh", "text": "So apparently it's National Horny Day. To celebrate this year, I'm treating it like every other day of my life. 😏😈 #ThirstyThursday"} {"idx": 22276, "original_id": "1250882376428904448", "reply_id": "1250903633832574979", "label": "applause", "text": "Step 1: Zack Ryder signs with AEW.\n\nStep 2: Cody Rhodes teams with him.\n\nStep 3: They call their tag team “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\nStep 4: They rename the Jericho Cruise “AEW: Suite Life On Deck”\n\nStep 5: Ratings 📈📈📈"} {"idx": 22277, "original_id": "1250988758494822401", "reply_id": "1251003773020827648", "label": "agree", "text": "@FaithCampbellJ1 @Hope_CampbellJ @HGilmore68 @Greg_MarineLab @gkanders @rossjon @tksollamuthu @DDD_101_ @katherineOma @strom_annette @PerfumeFlogger @tracyb12371 @hwmnylx @RexThomresist45 Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil are both idiots Jesus Christ"} {"idx": 22281, "original_id": "1251211173120430080", "reply_id": "1251241307026178055", "label": "hug", "text": "I just got hit with a crushing wave of sadness."} {"idx": 22283, "original_id": "1250970044516888577", "reply_id": "1250983547898179584", "label": "no", "text": "Since the malls are closed and I don’t like online shopping.. should I get my girl a birthday gift? 🥴😂"} {"idx": 22284, "original_id": "1251250362922795008", "reply_id": "1251250569173512192", "label": "shocked", "text": "You’ll see me on COPS before you see me on Tik Tok"} {"idx": 22289, "original_id": "1251263451248291840", "reply_id": "1251267562740109318", "label": "shocked", "text": "What if I dropped an album on 4/20"} {"idx": 22291, "original_id": "1250850675321339906", "reply_id": "1250859289146806274", "label": "sigh", "text": "I’m back on Twitter! I lost my password about 9 years ago and only just got round to resetting it."} {"idx": 22294, "original_id": "1251274441553842190", "reply_id": "1251274874498306050", "label": "hearts", "text": "@EnginerdNate Hey, Nate! I just wanted to check on you and see how you're doing?"} {"idx": 22296, "original_id": "1250932911412359170", "reply_id": "1250941158076735489", "label": "idk", "text": "Who let me shave my beard off 🤦🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 22298, "original_id": "1249876189616971778", "reply_id": "1251211835669458944", "label": "agree", "text": "This is a a very obvious point and has been obvious from the beginning but as the global picture fills in over time, there is *absolutely* no fricking way China only had 3300 fatalities from this virus."} {"idx": 22299, "original_id": "1251091017207386112", "reply_id": "1251096832978989056", "label": "hug", "text": "I cannot have any breakdowns this week. I swear to God i need to finish my works"} {"idx": 22300, "original_id": "1251190356118560769", "reply_id": "1251191074497998851", "label": "shocked", "text": "TL sleep ? Ok cool...ya waistlines fucking suck . All y’all . Yep , end. You. Uh huh you too ma’am , don’t care what it looks like in the mirror , it’s trash . Just twerk ."} {"idx": 22301, "original_id": "1250934589004173313", "reply_id": "1251221318369861632", "label": "eww", "text": "I never thought I’d have to say this but please don’t taste your mares milk to see if she’s close to foaling. Just use a calcium test. Don’t be weird"} {"idx": 22303, "original_id": "1250882049893978112", "reply_id": "1250885551152037889", "label": "agree", "text": "I've gotta say it. I miss the cinema and theatre"} {"idx": 22304, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251225764864892934", "label": "omg", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 22305, "original_id": "1251227277897224192", "reply_id": "1251245133837864960", "label": "agree", "text": "Made some bros big mad by disparaging Richard Dawkins and would do it again. Let me be very clear: evo psych is BS and Dawkins sucks. Peterson is worse yet."} {"idx": 22306, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250932450701848576", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 22309, "original_id": "1250869124273766406", "reply_id": "1250876207568019457", "label": "yawn", "text": "Alright fam, check in..... How are you?"} {"idx": 22310, "original_id": "1250983398379712513", "reply_id": "1250997169194020864", "label": "yes", "text": "before you slide in my DMs look at you then look at me, ask yourself does it make sense?"} {"idx": 22311, "original_id": "1251169615515758592", "reply_id": "1251169766070517766", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hey just a reminder that you are fucking awesome!\n\nOkay that’s it."} {"idx": 22314, "original_id": "1251141742344241152", "reply_id": "1251141983759810560", "label": "agree", "text": "Parks and Recreation > Community"} {"idx": 22315, "original_id": "1186723464369061889", "reply_id": "1251179624006127616", "label": "applause", "text": "Is there a hyphen anywhere in autoerotic asphyxiation? I’m trying to get my Christian Mingle profile just right."} {"idx": 22316, "original_id": "1251177015211950081", "reply_id": "1251220925787357185", "label": "high_five", "text": "NEW: I'm issuing an Executive Order directing all public and private labs in NY to coordinate with the State Department of Health to ensure prioritizing diagnostic testing for public health and restarting the economy."} {"idx": 22320, "original_id": "1251005819228794880", "reply_id": "1251026461349212161", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Did I just hear Michelle Boag repeat that Fox News idiocy that because this is Covid-19 we must have been here 18 times before?? 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ #rnzthepanel"} {"idx": 22324, "original_id": "1251120612795461632", "reply_id": "1251186033607221248", "label": "applause", "text": "If you film yourself clapping your a nonce"} {"idx": 22325, "original_id": "1250943810496012293", "reply_id": "1251028877343952897", "label": "applause", "text": "Laura mommed so hard today that she’s in bed at 8:20. Give her a hand. She crushed it today."} {"idx": 22332, "original_id": "1251117409366347779", "reply_id": "1251199593188032516", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Just wondering how everyone’s quarantine is going? If you read this, leave me 1 GIF about how it’s going..then put this to your wall so I can leave one.\nFrom one shut in to another.\n\nWho Can Follow Directions!!! 😜 #BoredAF #lockdown"} {"idx": 22333, "original_id": "1251200866520051713", "reply_id": "1251225178991820800", "label": "agree", "text": "Makes no damn sense to open the country when daily death numbers are still increasing & not going down. \n\nI don’t give a shit if they open it up- my family is staying at home. I don’t trust Trump or any Republican especially with their half ass plan with no testing. \n\nThoughts?!?"} {"idx": 22334, "original_id": "1250822279291953152", "reply_id": "1250888531234426882", "label": "agree", "text": "Just hard for me to see how Kerrigan fits in with Payne & Allen in the middle, then Young & Sweat outside.... Who do you sit? Me I want two SPEED rushers"} {"idx": 22339, "original_id": "1250881279932993537", "reply_id": "1250886073212944384", "label": "hearts", "text": "i'm very grateful for the people in here just trying their best and sharing and spreading so much good in a way or another, you're all so special and lovely"} {"idx": 22340, "original_id": "1250883646111617024", "reply_id": "1250909993567522816", "label": "no", "text": "@LocklinReads is making me watch LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE, and I’m not saying it’s bad, because it is isn’t, but what I am saying is I think after this she’s gonna owe me a TWIN PEAKS season 3 rewatch"} {"idx": 22342, "original_id": "1251238190465368064", "reply_id": "1251238374297546755", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "The giveaway with a friend I was talking about earlier may now be $400 starting in the next few hours and ending in 5 hours 😏"} {"idx": 22344, "original_id": "1250991607358210048", "reply_id": "1251192037589860352", "label": "hug", "text": "Just got word from my mom not too long ago that my uncle from Jersey just passed away from COVID-19. He was a nurse and in the front line trying to help others. I'm sadden, shocked, and feeling depressed at the moment. Why does this have to happen?! Everything hurts right now"} {"idx": 22345, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251011296452939776", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 22346, "original_id": "1251055402357108737", "reply_id": "1251119074408493056", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "LADIES imagine this, it’s 15 years from now—covid19 is over but you refused to go back. You attend meetings & talks online, support the arts via subscription streaming services & merch sales, you’re eating vegetables from your thriving garden. You never shave your legs again."} {"idx": 22347, "original_id": "1250897440393302018", "reply_id": "1250926394508541952", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I GOT THE INTERNSHIP I APPLIED FOR"} {"idx": 22348, "original_id": "1250995257136816134", "reply_id": "1251102184831401992", "label": "applause", "text": "This lil thing in the dub wukking up on me so bad and I ain't got on no boxer and my cock hard for Barbados 😩😩 #TotalIsolation"} {"idx": 22350, "original_id": "1250942138373808128", "reply_id": "1251251774586884097", "label": "hug", "text": "Nothing works. Everything hurts"} {"idx": 22351, "original_id": "1251061844715823104", "reply_id": "1251062383847456768", "label": "no", "text": "was da baby album good or no???"} {"idx": 22353, "original_id": "1250957587526238208", "reply_id": "1250995784532680705", "label": "applause", "text": "National horny day?\n\nThat's everyday for @PernieXanders"} {"idx": 22354, "original_id": "1251051879053897734", "reply_id": "1251054222952534016", "label": "yes", "text": "Is going out for men’s executive moisturiser an essential?\n\nAsking for my boyish good looks ?"} {"idx": 22355, "original_id": "1250865099243433985", "reply_id": "1250954131189137408", "label": "no", "text": "NYC Mayor Deblasio tells Bill Hemmer that the city will start to reopen in July or August at the earliest."} {"idx": 22359, "original_id": "1251239942216454144", "reply_id": "1251240987852185605", "label": "applause", "text": "I managed to ruin my sleep cycle and mental/ physical health in less than 48 hours 😍"} {"idx": 22363, "original_id": "1251081144436654084", "reply_id": "1251191915745357825", "label": "omg", "text": "IM GONNA TAKE MY HORSE TO THE OLD TOWN ROAD, IM GONNA RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE TILL CAN'T NO MORE!"} {"idx": 22371, "original_id": "1251141866000703489", "reply_id": "1251187752961544202", "label": "yes", "text": "I think I'll ASMR stream tonight. \n\nSomeone remind me I said this when I'm less smacked."} {"idx": 22372, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251087785592676357", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 22373, "original_id": "1251200798270390273", "reply_id": "1251203009004044288", "label": "yes", "text": "“Falling down ain’t falling down if you don’t cry when you hit the floor” #np @aliciakeys"} {"idx": 22376, "original_id": "1250920509904044033", "reply_id": "1250926275247648770", "label": "win", "text": "My daughter sends me lots of messages to make me happy while I have to be apart from my grandson. \n\nThe latest one:\n“... and now he’s naked and eating crackers on the patio.”\n\nI don’t think she cares about how I am doing, though. \nShe didn’t seem to like my response “Me, too”"} {"idx": 22378, "original_id": "1250887020236492802", "reply_id": "1250953662303780865", "label": "hug", "text": "so going through the messages when I was sad and i wanna do something for everyone that sent me a message debating if messaging every single person back is the right way or just sending a cute pic and vid ♡"} {"idx": 22380, "original_id": "1250948599623663616", "reply_id": "1250954386332954624", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump unveils three phase plan to combat Coronavirus. \n\n“It’s a 45 day plan. 45 days to get us back on track. 45 points. It’s 45 days/45 points. One point per day. We get the 45 points, we’re back in business.” - @TobyHater"} {"idx": 22382, "original_id": "1250831570031775745", "reply_id": "1250907454864408576", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all."} {"idx": 22385, "original_id": "1251116675136716800", "reply_id": "1251116902275039232", "label": "awww", "text": "I love my wife forkin😩😩😩"} {"idx": 22386, "original_id": "1251203636518178816", "reply_id": "1251204802031181825", "label": "applause", "text": "My bicycle came in."} {"idx": 22389, "original_id": "1251075872217378816", "reply_id": "1251083899284918272", "label": "sigh", "text": "when dvsn said “real love just destroys you” yeah i felt that one."} {"idx": 22391, "original_id": "1251125227666341889", "reply_id": "1251128028832378882", "label": "smh", "text": "Me: *finally buys a season pass for snowboarding and made plans for spring slope time*\n\nThe World: **QuArAnTiNe** \n\nColorado spring: HERE'S SOME SNOW, BITCHES, ENJOY IT IN YOUR HOUSES."} {"idx": 22395, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1250875341498966018", "label": "agree", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 22396, "original_id": "1250900286412996613", "reply_id": "1250966901724872704", "label": "shocked", "text": "HAVE YALL HAD SWEET TEA && WHISKEY YEET?!? 🥃 🍋 \n\n...game changer..."} {"idx": 22398, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250966899493658624", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 22400, "original_id": "1250717296487739392", "reply_id": "1251091269624840192", "label": "hearts", "text": "To all three of my followers who are awake and reading me: i love you."} {"idx": 22401, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250874442978217984", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 22405, "original_id": "1251199428968493060", "reply_id": "1251234129535995904", "label": "agree", "text": "Are people really eating jimmy johns?"} {"idx": 22406, "original_id": "1250953080667082754", "reply_id": "1250968020341710848", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Hey you all, lets mess with a scammer who tries to say they are military trapped by COVID_-19 and they need money to get home. This scumbag scammers need to be taught a lesson here is their Cell # 470-313-2863"} {"idx": 22412, "original_id": "1251251508206854145", "reply_id": "1251255459677442049", "label": "wink", "text": "@ohhmik No offense but my favorite picture of you is back!!! Thanks. 😀"} {"idx": 22415, "original_id": "1250987794874413061", "reply_id": "1250989103325171712", "label": "yes", "text": "Does chewing count as exercise?"} {"idx": 22416, "original_id": "1250915018733912064", "reply_id": "1250965094055309313", "label": "applause", "text": "According to NBC News, President Trump invited ALL BUT ONE Republican Senator to be on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group... Guess who? Mitt Romney. 🤣"} {"idx": 22418, "original_id": "1250472384789954561", "reply_id": "1251043959138168832", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Stella Rosa is NOT wine. I need a nice merlot or Pinot thats 13% or higher to get the job done. We drink for percentage not flavor over here!"} {"idx": 22420, "original_id": "1250967712597110786", "reply_id": "1250970392086245377", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I got the best 6 on cod. Anyone need the smoke lmk"} {"idx": 22421, "original_id": "1250853762169790465", "reply_id": "1250901434587111424", "label": "high_five", "text": "Just passed my first degree milestone--my 2nd-year progress report! 1 like = 1 \"woohoo!\" I'll say to myself in quarantine 🥳🎉"} {"idx": 22422, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251180645570637831", "label": "agree", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 22424, "original_id": "1250811627710144517", "reply_id": "1250862116271251456", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm struggling today. I wanna quit my job. I wanna just not be here. I just wanna scream into the void. I just wanna be left alone and not judged for we wanting to shut down a bit."} {"idx": 22426, "original_id": "1251236451204857859", "reply_id": "1251262137957339143", "label": "ok", "text": "i can sense something bad is going to happen soon :/"} {"idx": 22427, "original_id": "1250981252951236608", "reply_id": "1251073201087623173", "label": "seriously", "text": "Just want to announce that i will be retiring from cooking. It was fun while it lasted. My parents and the fire department are not happy with my cooking skills"} {"idx": 22428, "original_id": "1251105518569041922", "reply_id": "1251243181057798149", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s completely possible to talk about how stressful it is to work at home with kids without dumping on people without kids. Firstly, we’re not that productive, either, and secondly, many of us don’t want to be childless and COVID-19 is causing delays in fertility treatments."} {"idx": 22429, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250900054992273408", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 22431, "original_id": "1250846619274293248", "reply_id": "1251169524176556038", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Why can't people use their words instead of replying with gifs, and what turns a person into someone who replies with gifs so I can not do it?"} {"idx": 22432, "original_id": "1251237103784116226", "reply_id": "1251237985330384896", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I had a dreamed i fucked my babydaddys other babymama & squirted in her mouth lmaooooo. Quarantine has GOT to end 💀"} {"idx": 22434, "original_id": "1251239575411920901", "reply_id": "1251240188828954624", "label": "no", "text": "Hot take: are sodas in glass bottles overrated?"} {"idx": 22436, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250948575040765952", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 22439, "original_id": "1251114072218701835", "reply_id": "1251165762426814465", "label": "applause", "text": "Between David Brooks’s latest column and Dr. Phil going on national television and waxing confused about why infectious diseases are different from car wrecks, yesterday was a real banner day for obtuse takes from mediocre men."} {"idx": 22441, "original_id": "1251089759969181696", "reply_id": "1251240091172982787", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Its #FF time...\n\n@chloke83 @SideMissionBlog @Rep3142 @3wojis @Progenitor_7 @WIP_Media_SLO @RetroBoyJon @Atom_Manhattan @HitBtoJump @BristolianGamer @Jameswalters83 @ShamelessMcFly @TommyDoyle47 @ABlackMageFelix @theWellRedMage @growngamingsite @16bitdadblog @7daysaweekblog \n\n🤘🤘"} {"idx": 22444, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251180560384503809", "label": "no", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 22446, "original_id": "1250854146648838149", "reply_id": "1250918588841553922", "label": "no", "text": "Can you imagine a world without hypothetical situations?"} {"idx": 22447, "original_id": "1251183541272162304", "reply_id": "1251184659020476416", "label": "no", "text": "Multiple sources tell @samstejskal and me that MLS has hired former USSF executive Jay Berhalter as a consultant. \n\nSources say Berhalter has been involved in conversations around the new MLS academy league."} {"idx": 22452, "original_id": "1250820034361823232", "reply_id": "1250840963422908417", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "As if 2020 wasn’t wild enough...\n\nI’m pregnant."} {"idx": 22453, "original_id": "1251042120997183490", "reply_id": "1251116328775290885", "label": "hug", "text": "So....one of my uncles passed away earlier today from liver failure. I don't know to handle it, so I'm pretending I'm ok. I'm feeling a breakdown coming on though. I wasn't even really close to him. Should I feel weird for being so sad? I kinda do. But it still really hurts."} {"idx": 22454, "original_id": "1250881074303053829", "reply_id": "1250881516449783816", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I hope quarantine goes till August so it’s completely gone we can have a normal life again"} {"idx": 22457, "original_id": "1250918154081120258", "reply_id": "1251224626547642369", "label": "seriously", "text": "Well...just got fired by @FranchiseOK. \nJust want to say thanks to all the people there. I had a ton of fun with my guys @TVsJerry and Kelly Gregg the last couple of years. Going to miss the laughs. I hope I entertained y’all and I really appreciate all of you that listened!"} {"idx": 22460, "original_id": "1251268768132628481", "reply_id": "1251269035196588038", "label": "applause", "text": "Thank you to all the immigrant New Yorkers across the city, and a big, virtual hug for those serving our communities on the frontlines of the COVID-19 outbreak. We love you. You are the reason our city is great, and we are grateful you made NYC your home. #IHW2020"} {"idx": 22463, "original_id": "1251260642813784064", "reply_id": "1251263446076850176", "label": "ok", "text": "So many of you guys thanking me lately for being there for you during quarantine, thank you for being there for me. Its a 2 way street and the support I'm seeing for all members of our community during this turbulent time is nothing short of mind blowing. Love you guys."} {"idx": 22465, "original_id": "1251115889635799040", "reply_id": "1251122542187876352", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone else keep shocking and amazing themselves with how much they eat and drink and how few hobbies/skills they have throughout shelter in place? I’m seeing people with all these hidden talents, and the only thing I’ve learned is that I eat Doritos too fast. #covidlessons"} {"idx": 22466, "original_id": "1251215313385009152", "reply_id": "1251215537285324801", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "“I wish you were my teacher when I was in school!”\n\nYeah, okay, but if that were the case you would’ve been an awkward 13 year old that’s slightly scared of me like all my other students. But then again some ppl never grow out of that stage sooooo.."} {"idx": 22468, "original_id": "1251214466420822016", "reply_id": "1251217742398717953", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "We bow out of the tournament in the first round. stunned"} {"idx": 22469, "original_id": "1250979765030248448", "reply_id": "1251003274578194432", "label": "seriously", "text": "Latinas overrated"} {"idx": 22470, "original_id": "1251154891801649161", "reply_id": "1251164455347593216", "label": "no", "text": "Have the people who are yelling “Unconstitutional” about stay at home orders read the Constitution? Specifically the 10th Amendment?"} {"idx": 22471, "original_id": "1251198529634271232", "reply_id": "1251200006410907650", "label": "applause", "text": "Fellas full on spoilers but someone tell me what darling in the franxx is about. I ain’t gonna watch it but I really need to known if it’s actually about finding a life partner to have a baby with"} {"idx": 22472, "original_id": "1251003115819548673", "reply_id": "1251016312064741378", "label": "please", "text": "My friend is watching The Strangers 2 for the first time tonight and I'm so excited for them! Uggghh, the pool scene! ❤😱❤ @DamianMaffei"} {"idx": 22473, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251075732413046784", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 22477, "original_id": "1251027239220674560", "reply_id": "1251032744806809601", "label": "no", "text": "I wanna shave my head completely someone stop me"} {"idx": 22478, "original_id": "1251236746571821057", "reply_id": "1251267014104174598", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”- Charles Darwin #quoteoftheday #FridayThoughts"} {"idx": 22480, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250905147192020997", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 22487, "original_id": "1250802177452408834", "reply_id": "1250841295628705792", "label": "facepalm", "text": "WH sends statement confirming Ivanka Trump's travel to Trump National Golf Club Bedminster for Passover:\n\n\"Her travel was not commercial. She chose to spend a holiday in private with her family\" and says it's \"a closed down facility considered to be a family home.\""} {"idx": 22493, "original_id": "1251193248447684610", "reply_id": "1251225523575042050", "label": "wink", "text": "Mad how lockdown has made me realise so much, all you need is time to think."} {"idx": 22495, "original_id": "1250914489987264512", "reply_id": "1250967134773051395", "label": "applause", "text": "I love disco"} {"idx": 22502, "original_id": "1251165005422014465", "reply_id": "1251165140709453826", "label": "awww", "text": "Also to be super clear, no position in $ba right now"} {"idx": 22505, "original_id": "1251248568716931075", "reply_id": "1251260330422030343", "label": "agree", "text": "stack overflow links are absolutely acceptable as code comments"} {"idx": 22506, "original_id": "1250849034689970178", "reply_id": "1250850660377071621", "label": "shocked", "text": "Jorja smith is severely over hyped. fight me"} {"idx": 22508, "original_id": "1250914163662057472", "reply_id": "1251229003291164678", "label": "applause", "text": "$btc was fueled by speculation \n\n$eth was fueled by ICOs\n\n$link is being fueled by the rise of externally aware smart contract based financial products\n\nEach represents a fundamental shift in DLT\n\nThe difference here is the hype cycle and value unlock"} {"idx": 22512, "original_id": "1250883576964567046", "reply_id": "1251139802314883072", "label": "hug", "text": "Had a down day today but that’s okay. Need to help each other and check in on close ones. No guilt for not being super productive either. We’re all going to get through this 👍🏻"} {"idx": 22513, "original_id": "1251203579530051585", "reply_id": "1251204438972391424", "label": "applause", "text": "@jimrome Sorry @GerritRitt I’m turning down your game - getting beat by Ike is nothing new.\n\n- Tina Turner"} {"idx": 22514, "original_id": "1250976823439171584", "reply_id": "1250978170335043587", "label": "yes", "text": "I will begin doing a phased reopening of the economy"} {"idx": 22515, "original_id": "1251216728744497153", "reply_id": "1251228483885436928", "label": "hug", "text": "i need hugs pls 🥺"} {"idx": 22516, "original_id": "1250854219105648641", "reply_id": "1250874159363690504", "label": "facepalm", "text": "@Wordsmithgetxo @mizzledrizzle @TanyaAGT @canoepug1 \n\nSad events (Covid) Bra factory gone bust, Submarine co. gone under, food blender maker..into liquidation, local kennels call in the Retrievers, Origami paper co. folded Strip club, gone tits up, Interflora, pruning business."} {"idx": 22517, "original_id": "1251004304904925184", "reply_id": "1251020174972649473", "label": "hug", "text": "A lil hug yk, that’s all I asking for. (rn)"} {"idx": 22518, "original_id": "1250998043358437376", "reply_id": "1250999846984704000", "label": "shocked", "text": "I try to talk some sense, all they want to hear is bullshit."} {"idx": 22520, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251033926111387648", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 22521, "original_id": "1251003964893495296", "reply_id": "1251004466620317697", "label": "omg", "text": "Stuck between dyeing my hair pink or having it semi kal (legit lang)"} {"idx": 22523, "original_id": "1251206392817553410", "reply_id": "1251207939869814784", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Discussions are underway on a contract extension for Bayhawks attackman Lyle Thompson."} {"idx": 22524, "original_id": "1251172361921052672", "reply_id": "1251199140975042566", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Sheep that can write with both hands are rambidextrous."} {"idx": 22525, "original_id": "1250764228958588929", "reply_id": "1250924112366587911", "label": "agree", "text": "Ramadan starts next week. \n\nLet’s see if Dem governors are as heavy handed with mosques as they were with churches on Easter."} {"idx": 22526, "original_id": "1250928063162040329", "reply_id": "1250928812805836802", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Donald Trump isn’t interested in saving lives. He’s not proposing a serious plan to reopen the country. His only priority is to help his chances of getting re-elected. That’s it. That’s the sum of it.\n\nAll of us? We’re on our own. We only have each other."} {"idx": 22527, "original_id": "1250962322564276225", "reply_id": "1250963420444327938", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Did I ever tell y’all Beyonce is my cousin?"} {"idx": 22529, "original_id": "1250943250128568321", "reply_id": "1250976403358543873", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If you had to choose between having your brain operated on by Ben Carson, or your heart operated on by Dr Oz, what funeral home do we send flowers to cuz you’re fucked?"} {"idx": 22530, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251240512901844992", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 22533, "original_id": "1250988670120800256", "reply_id": "1251055155056906240", "label": "applause", "text": "that was the most unreal stream to date!! got my first hype train AND reached level 5, passed 100 subs (my highest ever), and i've almost hit 3k followers on Twitch and Twitter!! i'm gonna cry. thank you all so much, i love you al!! <333"} {"idx": 22534, "original_id": "1251202646570151937", "reply_id": "1251204856808783872", "label": "hug", "text": "im fucking drained"} {"idx": 22538, "original_id": "1250992795784904704", "reply_id": "1250992974881832965", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Guys... what if the final fantasy VII remake isn’t actually a remake .. BUT A SEQUEL BECAUSE ITS AN ALTERNATE TIME LINE?!"} {"idx": 22541, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250884018121453569", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 22543, "original_id": "1251076683479887879", "reply_id": "1251182648053108746", "label": "seriously", "text": "Around 15,000 people a day are still flying into the UK. Their medical condition is not checked on arrival. That's the equivalent of 105,000 passengers a week, including those with serious Covid-19 outbreaks, like the US, China, Spain and Italy."} {"idx": 22546, "original_id": "1250940533368913921", "reply_id": "1251150949155893248", "label": "agree", "text": "If what I do dont affect your pockets. Feel free to have a coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up."} {"idx": 22547, "original_id": "1250596834713702409", "reply_id": "1250915820500377600", "label": "no", "text": "The real question is.. do you suck on toes?"} {"idx": 22548, "original_id": "1251123497331384323", "reply_id": "1251123746036953091", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "How's your feeling right now ....\nMore 10 min .....\n😂😂😂"} {"idx": 22553, "original_id": "1251188407377813506", "reply_id": "1251261555737530369", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Should I drop a fine woman Friday pic lol"} {"idx": 22554, "original_id": "1251199301218426880", "reply_id": "1251200294001803265", "label": "omg", "text": "Officially full term today 😊 okay ready to poop the baby out"} {"idx": 22556, "original_id": "1250975907935924224", "reply_id": "1250976710327140352", "label": "no", "text": "Zaboka is 🚮🚮🚮\n\nNot open for debate"} {"idx": 22558, "original_id": "1250940529061363720", "reply_id": "1250960658897743872", "label": "ok", "text": "I don’t like when someone screenshots my SC"} {"idx": 22561, "original_id": "1251190675019874304", "reply_id": "1251190906000113666", "label": "thank_you", "text": "People still think Ellen Degeneres is an amazing person because she uses virtue signaling more than anybody I’ve ever seen. People forget saying nice things and stating every positive thing you’ve ever done or thought about doing on social media is in fact, not important."} {"idx": 22562, "original_id": "1251178740966555651", "reply_id": "1251213455371239426", "label": "no", "text": "I'm just imagining how Viral bhaiyaa is surviving this quarantine 😂😭"} {"idx": 22564, "original_id": "1250856419924094977", "reply_id": "1250932051076943875", "label": "no", "text": "So Mr. Producer @Tru_Eagle are we gonna do a draft day live stream or what?"} {"idx": 22565, "original_id": "1250025084133224449", "reply_id": "1250908774606557184", "label": "yes", "text": "I’ve seen a lot of dumb twitter trends started by liberals, but #DictatorTrump may take the cake. \n\nAre liberals really this foolish?\n\nIt’s going to be real tough for them in November when Trump wins a second term."} {"idx": 22567, "original_id": "1250900861250949120", "reply_id": "1250943789939687425", "label": "agree", "text": "nadie me kiere😿"} {"idx": 22568, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1251186979611475968", "label": "smh", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 22570, "original_id": "1249826261201027074", "reply_id": "1250855807924617217", "label": "scared", "text": "Dont come for me on social media. Im mean af"} {"idx": 22575, "original_id": "1250939266911178754", "reply_id": "1250947515886841856", "label": "no", "text": "I have a question: do people actually find Kylie Jenner attractive?"} {"idx": 22576, "original_id": "1250956340098330629", "reply_id": "1251038248312463361", "label": "awww", "text": "Can someone plz get penguin a fkn pacifier"} {"idx": 22577, "original_id": "1251047391106674688", "reply_id": "1251054700230828032", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "What's all these 🍌 stuff I see virtually all ladies uploading on their WhatsApp status.. as in I am not understanding🤷🤷"} {"idx": 22578, "original_id": "1250838424245895170", "reply_id": "1250982006504280065", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Realizations while growing out my hair: wow @ the fact I need to now brush my hair EVERYDAY"} {"idx": 22580, "original_id": "1250840244221612037", "reply_id": "1250926257732116480", "label": "facepalm", "text": "We r managing dis pandemic, but some educated illiterates r still being tribal, sectional and political."} {"idx": 22585, "original_id": "1251057904620376067", "reply_id": "1251061199321661440", "label": "dance", "text": "Good morning all. We certainly miss our small Friday dances of celebration. Once day we will be able to skip dip and burl once more. Meantime there are more pics of team work-at-home /emotional-support pets coming! Yes! \nAnd it's Friday! Yes! \nLet's have the best Friday possible"} {"idx": 22588, "original_id": "1251131324242542592", "reply_id": "1251136312360308736", "label": "sigh", "text": "Hey @cineworld, I understand you're going through a tough time.\n\nBut doesn't mean you get to be sneaky and grab my monthly fees when you're not even open since mid March. \n\nPlease refund."} {"idx": 22589, "original_id": "1250985107164286979", "reply_id": "1251094474874408960", "label": "no", "text": "please stop asking me to pierce my nipples"} {"idx": 22591, "original_id": "1250946310649323521", "reply_id": "1250977634126893056", "label": "good_luck", "text": "R500 give away if no one likes your reply within an hour. A winner @ 11am. good luck👌🏼"} {"idx": 22593, "original_id": "1250848700039139332", "reply_id": "1250929126342606854", "label": "applause", "text": "First time being on time to an appointment 😂"} {"idx": 22594, "original_id": "1250877547094487040", "reply_id": "1250882490023260162", "label": "no", "text": "logged onto my e-mail and had 4-5 e-mails from my advisor and had a brief heart attack. there are pros and cons to turning off outlook notifications"} {"idx": 22595, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251248234556768258", "label": "dance", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 22596, "original_id": "1250938426616053761", "reply_id": "1250939909550018568", "label": "applause", "text": "Almost fell in the damn toilet bowl cuh"} {"idx": 22597, "original_id": "1251126105198809090", "reply_id": "1251220573377769472", "label": "awww", "text": "NULL and VOID the vote. Vote again. Hold it at Ibrox to make sure there is no bullying or coercion. Independent investigator appointed by Parks. Only way to ensure fairness."} {"idx": 22598, "original_id": "1250861941813198848", "reply_id": "1250971859232808960", "label": "scared", "text": "@gabyytho look at my cover"} {"idx": 22600, "original_id": "1250848434069872644", "reply_id": "1251175902571933697", "label": "agree", "text": "All these people saying schools could be back in session with social distancing guidelines have clearly never been in a SPED class or have a clue what we do."} {"idx": 22605, "original_id": "1250324392292126722", "reply_id": "1250880607380320257", "label": "applause", "text": "My titties big, long, and soft"} {"idx": 22607, "original_id": "1251209958147780609", "reply_id": "1251214098156699651", "label": "hug", "text": ".,.. .. I need a hug :("} {"idx": 22609, "original_id": "1250978141285343237", "reply_id": "1250989409941495811", "label": "agree", "text": "Upside of a socially distanced summer: you now have 15 months to work on your summer body."} {"idx": 22610, "original_id": "1250862243857793027", "reply_id": "1250908200012054536", "label": "applause", "text": "joined @Genesis_y0"} {"idx": 22613, "original_id": "1250850670065967106", "reply_id": "1250876111447261190", "label": "omg", "text": "It’s official! 🙌"} {"idx": 22614, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251115271517069313", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 22616, "original_id": "1251179490195185664", "reply_id": "1251202238690856962", "label": "shocked", "text": "Holy moly. Indiana Election Commission meeting had just started on Zoom when someone switched video to them masturbating. \nMy eyes! My eyes!"} {"idx": 22617, "original_id": "1251090811430805504", "reply_id": "1251271291568611330", "label": "eww", "text": "Yesterday bae did something new and chillleeeeeeee let me tell you!! Definitely finna be a problem cause i ain’t want it to stop"} {"idx": 22618, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251211288753041410", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 22619, "original_id": "1251059948340928512", "reply_id": "1251261608677961728", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone in LA want girls supporting girls merch? I have extra boxes of merch and want to deliver some😚😚😚"} {"idx": 22623, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251018564112453635", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 22626, "original_id": "1250935213812846594", "reply_id": "1250935472769073155", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugging people. 🥺"} {"idx": 22629, "original_id": "1250531598086389767", "reply_id": "1250864123899809792", "label": "idk", "text": "What you doing right now? (reply in gifs)"} {"idx": 22633, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251002496295657473", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 22635, "original_id": "1251103749810126850", "reply_id": "1251105327640125440", "label": "agree", "text": "Haven’t been in one for 11 years! I’m just here so next time, I know what not to do! 😂😂😂#HowToRuinARelationship"} {"idx": 22637, "original_id": "1250841021660856320", "reply_id": "1250842500169785350", "label": "popcorn", "text": "What a reckless move. Reckless gyud. The repercussions will reverberate (in the future, if there are any) smh"} {"idx": 22638, "original_id": "1250935596198969349", "reply_id": "1250936352650203138", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today is #NationalHighFiveDay \n😐"} {"idx": 22641, "original_id": "1250814650456911875", "reply_id": "1250870780432441344", "label": "agree", "text": "Pelosi holding up relief for millions of American small businesses, who are on the brink of collapse, in a transparently callous effort to hurt Republicans politically is one of the most grotesque things I’ve seen in politics.\n\nSTOP PLAYING POLITICS WITH PEOPLES LIVES, NANCY!!!"} {"idx": 22644, "original_id": "1250886704153714695", "reply_id": "1251183630283571203", "label": "facepalm", "text": "we're planning a Q&A video, share your questions in a reply to this post! curious about something related to Adopt Me? maybe you want to get to know the team better? anything goes!! 🤔"} {"idx": 22646, "original_id": "1251168981634990080", "reply_id": "1251173254456242177", "label": "applause", "text": "UP's Moradabad case:\n\n1. Immediate action against attackers of medical team\n\n2. The remand magistrate convened a special court at 3 AM.\n\n3. 17 people including 7 women sent to Jail by 5 AM.\n\n4. NSA invoked.\n\n5. Yogi govt to seize assets of attackers if they fail to pay for damage"} {"idx": 22648, "original_id": "1251153254974513152", "reply_id": "1251165378056724481", "label": "applause", "text": "Sober. Day 194!"} {"idx": 22649, "original_id": "1250895149690953728", "reply_id": "1251015638384074752", "label": "idk", "text": "I'm officially in the \"I hate you phase\" 😙✌🏾"} {"idx": 22651, "original_id": "1250896469978222592", "reply_id": "1250897196599386112", "label": "agree", "text": "Reading the new rules for lockdown. Why not just leave it at “stay inside unless necessary” instead of telling people they can have picnics and going drives as long as they walk longer than they drive? Stop complicating it. Human nature for so many people is to bend the rules!"} {"idx": 22654, "original_id": "1250870591541907456", "reply_id": "1250906205104586755", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I'm bout to lose some followers in this hour of 3:00...."} {"idx": 22655, "original_id": "1250872124983697410", "reply_id": "1251232107621281793", "label": "agree", "text": "_Don't show her picture to your mom, Usky aba ni manein gy kasmay....😂"} {"idx": 22656, "original_id": "1250805169127714816", "reply_id": "1250839801172865024", "label": "agree", "text": "Why do boomers always say “don’t treat us like children”. Then stop acting like one 🥴"} {"idx": 22659, "original_id": "1251188011284328448", "reply_id": "1251211713422036992", "label": "no", "text": "Nobody panic but the grasshoppers are back 😳"} {"idx": 22660, "original_id": "1251145246269898753", "reply_id": "1251151319919849477", "label": "no", "text": "Gathering data for an evidenced - based research study....\n\nWill you get the COVID vaccine when available? \n\nDo you get the annual flu vaccine?\n\nSimple yes/no to both will do. Please retweet so I can get a good sample size..."} {"idx": 22663, "original_id": "1251156010045079552", "reply_id": "1251156219361783808", "label": "no", "text": "Me and Eda are the best at crazy 8"} {"idx": 22664, "original_id": "1250885837069443073", "reply_id": "1251243430912626688", "label": "applause", "text": "My computer's fixed yayy"} {"idx": 22665, "original_id": "1250886739113238536", "reply_id": "1250888206062583808", "label": "agree", "text": "Watching the last episode of #Quiz. These scenes in court are frankly ridiculous..."} {"idx": 22666, "original_id": "1251019813276676101", "reply_id": "1251046535371976704", "label": "shrug", "text": "DU30 has clearly devolved into a low-tier DDS that asks “Ano ambag mo?”\n\nHe’s forgotten we pay our taxes that now form part of the mismanaged COVID-19 budget.\n\nI wish he devolves again, this time into an idiot that says “Ikaw na magpresidente.” VP Leni’ll be there to say “Ok po.”"} {"idx": 22667, "original_id": "1250631789069996033", "reply_id": "1251240803017490432", "label": "dance", "text": "happy belated birthday awesome beautiful charming sweetest voice @TheCarmenCruz :)"} {"idx": 22668, "original_id": "1250966042756526080", "reply_id": "1251043402164174848", "label": "popcorn", "text": "BIG video is gonna hit tomorrow, it's a must watch for sure."} {"idx": 22671, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250958197994557440", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 22672, "original_id": "1251249762071990274", "reply_id": "1251250069321416705", "label": "yes", "text": "so much music coming soon:)"} {"idx": 22676, "original_id": "1250793837833760769", "reply_id": "1250954189108322306", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "This morning I decided to mix things up and have iced coffee instead of hot coffee."} {"idx": 22679, "original_id": "1251044305185079296", "reply_id": "1251047454063149056", "label": "no", "text": "Covid-19 crisis:\n\nIndia sending Hydroxychloroquine to 55 nations\n\nNow, Pakistan has asked India to help by providing Hydroxychloroquine medicine\n\n5 days ago, 3 civilians, including child & woman, killed in J&K's Kupwara due to shelling by Pakistan Army\n\nDoes Pak deserve humanity?"} {"idx": 22680, "original_id": "1250992297501773824", "reply_id": "1250997377646854145", "label": "awww", "text": "my man whispered in my ear “you’re stuck w me” when we talked about our future and i said “if we’re even together”.. ngl that was romantic"} {"idx": 22681, "original_id": "1251237502616289280", "reply_id": "1251244648552714244", "label": "applause", "text": "Guess who got a writing gig with a publisher???\n\nIt's me. I did that!!\n\n🎉🎊🎉"} {"idx": 22683, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251088154251145216", "label": "scared", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 22684, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250900755290165250", "label": "dance", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 22685, "original_id": "1250813785834651650", "reply_id": "1250835867582771201", "label": "no", "text": "Trump wants Canada to open its border back up with the US? wtf"} {"idx": 22686, "original_id": "1251198465683619845", "reply_id": "1251203287694663681", "label": "agree", "text": "I call on @Twitter to suspend the account of @realDonaldTrump for inciting violence."} {"idx": 22688, "original_id": "1251058428371513344", "reply_id": "1251158509061693441", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Watched a whole ass video of a guy trying breakfast tacos in Austin and he didn't put salsa on ANY of them which is THE WEAKEST SHIT I HAVE EVER SEEN"} {"idx": 22693, "original_id": "1250931683701993478", "reply_id": "1250933744740888576", "label": "yes", "text": "200 days."} {"idx": 22694, "original_id": "1250882689013551108", "reply_id": "1250899968690278400", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I'll go over this whole fake ass sympathy ploy by an individual tonight on stream. Going live at 7pm Pacific. You a know where to find me."} {"idx": 22696, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251222487506972672", "label": "please", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 22697, "original_id": "1250240914519293954", "reply_id": "1250930417663909890", "label": "applause", "text": "The “A” in my name stands for always right"} {"idx": 22700, "original_id": "1251124008931581955", "reply_id": "1251129386725568513", "label": "eww", "text": "E to the K to the O to the M to the S oyat!"} {"idx": 22701, "original_id": "1250721989502873601", "reply_id": "1251105390386913280", "label": "win", "text": "Bill Belichick, turning 68 years young today."} {"idx": 22703, "original_id": "1251028592626147330", "reply_id": "1251048549191544832", "label": "sigh", "text": "What is it about basic ass dudes that when they see a deep v-neck on the internet they can’t help but to comment “damn, that’s a deep v-neck.”"} {"idx": 22704, "original_id": "1250984434439819265", "reply_id": "1251004290262618112", "label": "smh", "text": "I have reached ponytail level of quarantine. Sorry."} {"idx": 22705, "original_id": "1251218839486021634", "reply_id": "1251226918504091648", "label": "hug", "text": "i always end up like this on fridays. i am SO excited and hyped the entire day and after everything ends i am exhausted and in a very low mood. 🙃"} {"idx": 22716, "original_id": "1250798866905038849", "reply_id": "1250955055974559745", "label": "omg", "text": "The name of the crack they were selling in Season 4 of The Wire?\n\nPandemic."} {"idx": 22717, "original_id": "1251181648714006529", "reply_id": "1251247139717439488", "label": "high_five", "text": "Share academic silver linings in the COVID-19 crisis. I'll go first:\n\nAcademic conferences going virtual and becoming accesible to everyone at last. Some things should not go back to 'business as usual' after this pandemic.\n\n@AcademicChatter @OpenAcademics"} {"idx": 22720, "original_id": "1250969322085744640", "reply_id": "1250969859703234561", "label": "awww", "text": "FYI: Twitter has suspended our presidential account at @howiehawkins20, so we're communicating solely from this account for the moment. We are not sure if @twitter will accept our appeal. Stay tuned!"} {"idx": 22721, "original_id": "1250949967377600512", "reply_id": "1250968524547190784", "label": "hug", "text": "CAN I GET A HUG PLS"} {"idx": 22725, "original_id": "1251223131529916416", "reply_id": "1251228009077620738", "label": "hug", "text": "my mood plummeted so fast today"} {"idx": 22726, "original_id": "1250979255867097088", "reply_id": "1250986240117280770", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Chance is at his rapping stage of drinking. This will be a long night folks."} {"idx": 22731, "original_id": "1251173392507645952", "reply_id": "1251178753473908736", "label": "hearts", "text": "Anddd my depression is rising again 😌\n\nTryna make people happy just to be walked over and underappreciated by everyone. Apparently that's my role in my life. That's cool tho 😌😌😌"} {"idx": 22732, "original_id": "1250828464678219781", "reply_id": "1250868034845229056", "label": "hearts", "text": "Only so many chances you can give someone before you realise they aren’t worth it 😔"} {"idx": 22734, "original_id": "1251036857351254018", "reply_id": "1251037820648554496", "label": "smh", "text": "Tl sleep ?\nI eat Vienna sausage and applesauce TOGETHER"} {"idx": 22735, "original_id": "1251224291409948674", "reply_id": "1251243012241399813", "label": "agree", "text": "The bump in coronavirus cases is most pronounced in states without stay at home orders. Oklahoma saw a 53% increase in cases over the past week - cases jumped 60% in Arkansas, 74% in Nebraska, and 82% in Iowa. South Dakota saw a whopping 205% spike. #StayHomeStaySafeSaveLives"} {"idx": 22740, "original_id": "1250943682921914368", "reply_id": "1250959112902291456", "label": "hug", "text": "Waiting to hear from hospital. \nFeeling super stressed and helpless."} {"idx": 22741, "original_id": "1251113107805569026", "reply_id": "1251113574174543872", "label": "wink", "text": "Wishing and exceedingly happy birthday to the very splendid, talented and hilarious Mr @DougStrider"} {"idx": 22742, "original_id": "1250579560179138561", "reply_id": "1250999463352643584", "label": "applause", "text": "Many Democrats have asked how can I - as a black elected official - support @realDonaldTrump. \n\nMy response to them back is simple: how could I not? \n\nLook at his results!"} {"idx": 22743, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250868645296660480", "label": "applause", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 22746, "original_id": "1251205083162791936", "reply_id": "1251233485941100544", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Hi everyone, just an update - My daughters COVID-19 test was negative. We are relieved!"} {"idx": 22748, "original_id": "1250842426169790465", "reply_id": "1250872957058121728", "label": "awww", "text": "Overheard my new neighbour on a conference call. \n“Aneighbour has the most exquisite garden. It’s full of trees & flowers, with a mural & old fashioned tree swing. & she’s painted the fence a beautiful blue grey. It’s gorgeous”. \nYou realise it’s your garden 😊 #littlebitchuffed"} {"idx": 22749, "original_id": "1250921010041425920", "reply_id": "1251010280533917697", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump: There's not going to be a new normal where somebody with an 158-seat restaurant now has to have 30; they're going to be 158 seats, and that's going to happen relatively quickly, and we want a normal with 100K fans back at Alabama football games."} {"idx": 22751, "original_id": "1250848426822119430", "reply_id": "1250849114771861510", "label": "seriously", "text": "For all the times I’ve sneezed, my dog has never said bless you. Kinda rude 🗿"} {"idx": 22752, "original_id": "1250846967711838208", "reply_id": "1250852003040944134", "label": "smh", "text": "Corve is the kind of all or nothing supporter you need sometimes. He was the same on Hi5 in 2007 for Bruce Golding and the JLP. Lol"} {"idx": 22754, "original_id": "1250874851721728001", "reply_id": "1250875277745491972", "label": "scared", "text": "The following things will get you tons of likes/RT's right now:\n1.) Tweeting that you have Corona Virus\n2.) Tweeting that you survived Corona Virus\n3.) Tweeting that someone you know died of Corona Virus\n4.) Tweeting that you died of Corona Virus"} {"idx": 22755, "original_id": "1251003313753120769", "reply_id": "1251028582568255488", "label": "shocked", "text": "im old"} {"idx": 22756, "original_id": "1251116054656561154", "reply_id": "1251124355242876928", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Feeling extra grateful for the perspectives of @sidneyfussell @seanmmcdonald @jsrailton @biancawylie @GiulioWolfe @linnetelwin & @AdebayOkeowo right now #FF"} {"idx": 22757, "original_id": "1250839028913463297", "reply_id": "1251163173237010432", "label": "agree", "text": "Missionary sex is my favourite."} {"idx": 22760, "original_id": "1250909657599815687", "reply_id": "1250911498274209793", "label": "oops", "text": "If a single picture of me at 20 exists I need to know who has it so I can find them and bury them in a swamp"} {"idx": 22761, "original_id": "1250842668671827969", "reply_id": "1250949918627414016", "label": "sigh", "text": "Today is #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay and we want to know how you're doing. Let us know by using only emojis 👇"} {"idx": 22762, "original_id": "1251231474629697540", "reply_id": "1251233466852794373", "label": "facepalm", "text": "it takes a lot more than your dic as an avi to get me to follow you...like maybe something appropriate like your ballsack?"} {"idx": 22763, "original_id": "1250822484401836032", "reply_id": "1250914030748872704", "label": "applause", "text": "guess who just passed his dissertation \ni suppose I have a postgrad degree now \n\nI am never writing another essay again in my life and I am so fucking happy about that"} {"idx": 22768, "original_id": "1250962244239683584", "reply_id": "1250966261426765824", "label": "shocked", "text": "Gave in and started watching Parks and Rec. let’s see how this goes"} {"idx": 22769, "original_id": "1250873626846511106", "reply_id": "1250946715684941829", "label": "ok", "text": "Im not your friend, im your enemy"} {"idx": 22775, "original_id": "1251139962759602181", "reply_id": "1251209658909503494", "label": "yes", "text": "Just blocked a guy who let me down badly this year and I blocked the woman he was seeing the whole time as well.. did I do the right thing?"} {"idx": 22776, "original_id": "1250865099243433985", "reply_id": "1250891225969893376", "label": "win", "text": "NYC Mayor Deblasio tells Bill Hemmer that the city will start to reopen in July or August at the earliest."} {"idx": 22780, "original_id": "1250928295425671169", "reply_id": "1250947350345986049", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Have you gained weight since you started quarantine?"} {"idx": 22782, "original_id": "1251030728034455553", "reply_id": "1251205666318028803", "label": "shocked", "text": "Yup, I’m moving to Florida. It’s what I’m seeing‼️"} {"idx": 22786, "original_id": "1250660955912052741", "reply_id": "1251200124237361152", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Patience will always lead you to unexpected outcomes exceeding your satisfaction level. Keep your prays up and wait for the right moment. #patience"} {"idx": 22787, "original_id": "1250909246662807553", "reply_id": "1250975400458481665", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Welcome the pet of the team, so sad to announce this but... but ya welcome @sillyashie!"} {"idx": 22794, "original_id": "1250877135792857095", "reply_id": "1250902923678277632", "label": "hug", "text": "hey you. with all the business in the world going on right now, i want to remind you of something that you may have forgotten. \n\nyou are so loved. you are so deserving. you are of value.\n\n❤️"} {"idx": 22798, "original_id": "1251054961263349767", "reply_id": "1251085063527321600", "label": "applause", "text": "I have a friend who is a pilot for Virgin Atlantic and due to the lockdown he's off work. l asked him if he fancied doing a bit of decorating for me whilst he's at a loose end and he jumped at the chance.\n\nl must say, he’s done a cracking job on the landing."} {"idx": 22801, "original_id": "1250910095678078979", "reply_id": "1250910382006435841", "label": "agree", "text": "Americans wants to be safe!! Before u open!! Crump"} {"idx": 22809, "original_id": "1249414389783986178", "reply_id": "1251226839361753089", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Biden was my LAST choice for the dem nominee.... dead last. I couldn’t be less excited. \n\nStill, I’ve found myself blocking every person who is refusing to vote for him. If you don’t see he’d be better than trump, I’m not interested in anything else you have to say."} {"idx": 22811, "original_id": "1250858062946189312", "reply_id": "1250858601679331328", "label": "wink", "text": "Sirens now sounding are part of a test due to #SevereWeatherAwarenessWeek - this is only a test"} {"idx": 22814, "original_id": "1250859933291081728", "reply_id": "1250871007012892672", "label": "ok", "text": "Rocky Movies Ranked\n\n1. IV\n2. II\n3. III\n4. I\n5. Creed\n6. Creed II\n7. Rocky Balboa\n8. Dropping a car battery on your nutsack\n9. V"} {"idx": 22816, "original_id": "1251196998507794432", "reply_id": "1251197377190469632", "label": "yes", "text": "I'll be live in 50 minutes, I'm thinking we're doing a Triple Threat Challenge today!"} {"idx": 22818, "original_id": "1251158598467457025", "reply_id": "1251274170899578883", "label": "no", "text": "after one of the worst experiences ever, i decided to be open about everything. was that a mistake?"} {"idx": 22819, "original_id": "1251204972080963584", "reply_id": "1251207540186079234", "label": "hug", "text": "Today would have been my Dads birthday. He left us 8 years ago on thanksgiving. Love you and miss you! Until I see you again <3"} {"idx": 22823, "original_id": "1250947196117307393", "reply_id": "1250955147154354178", "label": "no", "text": "Does anyone actually know of somebody who has gotten sick from eating raw cookie dough?? Asking for a friend"} {"idx": 22824, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251197675971784706", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 22829, "original_id": "1251014124319969280", "reply_id": "1251030522677153792", "label": "sigh", "text": "Will Smith in Bad Boys 🥴😍"} {"idx": 22830, "original_id": "1250843105160564737", "reply_id": "1250897754190159876", "label": "shrug", "text": "Life's trash, I want my money back"} {"idx": 22831, "original_id": "1251044064239247361", "reply_id": "1251044501210173441", "label": "agree", "text": "Jhené Aiko was right. im always going to be depressed and i have the fattest moose pussy."} {"idx": 22832, "original_id": "1250459429423779841", "reply_id": "1250954904140685315", "label": "no", "text": "😂 The Patients in quarantine are having sex with each other. Ei."} {"idx": 22833, "original_id": "1251092757327863810", "reply_id": "1251114100752596993", "label": "agree", "text": "If tough times never last then why does this lockdown keep extending?😭"} {"idx": 22834, "original_id": "1250521181448368134", "reply_id": "1250840899740790784", "label": "hug", "text": "did my covid test. looks like at least this clinic is doing oral swabbing instead of nasal. \n\ni’ll know in 2-4 days."} {"idx": 22835, "original_id": "1250972040590475268", "reply_id": "1250972561879511041", "label": "oops", "text": "If I speak..."} {"idx": 22836, "original_id": "1250913859176726530", "reply_id": "1250914460308590593", "label": "agree", "text": "my roommates got a dart board and i’m not good at it, shits depressing. as the only black man here i MUST get better"} {"idx": 22839, "original_id": "1251212534184640517", "reply_id": "1251212713361113099", "label": "agree", "text": "yesterday I did a full workout, gave my dog a bath, cut my husband’s hair, and was an all around productive human.\n\nToday, 2pm: still in bed.\n\nquarantine is weird."} {"idx": 22842, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251272017405530112", "label": "agree", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 22844, "original_id": "1250857223489835008", "reply_id": "1250859758942289922", "label": "please", "text": "Why is everyone sharing their amazon wish list?"} {"idx": 22846, "original_id": "1250549240008507393", "reply_id": "1250833352682323968", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "All the new people from my video: THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!! Hello welcome to the trash that is my Twitter 🙈"} {"idx": 22847, "original_id": "1250905123829809152", "reply_id": "1251161626566209536", "label": "agree", "text": "Some of you identify as Republican, some as Democrat. You may call yourself a liberal or a conservative, independent, or claim to hate politics altogether but still weigh in with your opinion. All are good. \n\nWhat I believe we can all agree on is that the Texas Rangers are trash"} {"idx": 22848, "original_id": "1250824486993215489", "reply_id": "1250832561800085512", "label": "eww", "text": "First time I am having my bath three days in a row since the lockdown.. #LocustBeanGang"} {"idx": 22854, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251126924321058816", "label": "seriously", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 22855, "original_id": "1250836742430691335", "reply_id": "1250897044304093184", "label": "hearts", "text": "Hi Chad 💕"} {"idx": 22857, "original_id": "1250928152014139399", "reply_id": "1250950954054234113", "label": "shocked", "text": "Feta cheese is nasty. Don’t @ me."} {"idx": 22858, "original_id": "1250885291486973952", "reply_id": "1250887869595607055", "label": "agree", "text": "trump is delaying Coronavirus stimulus checks so he can put his name on them as if they are coming from him. They are not. It is our (the taxpayer's) money.\n\nEveryone should write \"I hate this dumbass\" above his name in the memo line before cashing their check."} {"idx": 22860, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251180266141306880", "label": "no", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 22863, "original_id": "1250941365803941889", "reply_id": "1250957362766233601", "label": "no", "text": "*chanting* Meat Friday Meat Friday Meat Friday"} {"idx": 22865, "original_id": "1251203022392307713", "reply_id": "1251203246439317504", "label": "shocked", "text": "I thought I saw you yesterday, but I know it wasn’t you cause you passed away"} {"idx": 22867, "original_id": "1251234505375059970", "reply_id": "1251239185798889472", "label": "agree", "text": "Dming the guy you like a sandal shoe and hoping he gets you're referring to Cinderella, which means you're down if he wants to pursue you >>>>>>>>actually telling a guy you just like him straight up. 😂"} {"idx": 22868, "original_id": "1250850200857374720", "reply_id": "1250853094931529731", "label": "hug", "text": "The kids have reached critical mass with regards to my 5yr olds ability to handle quarantine... send help"} {"idx": 22869, "original_id": "1250828507879485446", "reply_id": "1250832800372142080", "label": "good_luck", "text": "O'Brien: \"We have to let it all play out. Let the whole thing play out.\" \nDiscussing Hopkins/Johnson trade and Texans' internal vision."} {"idx": 22873, "original_id": "1250882184375918594", "reply_id": "1250916123127799808", "label": "smh", "text": "Quarantine making me crazy... thinking about doing the 30 day song challenge"} {"idx": 22875, "original_id": "1250777772567429120", "reply_id": "1251000176908611584", "label": "applause", "text": "I really need a haircut but will NOT be cutting it myself bc I value my hair too much."} {"idx": 22876, "original_id": "1250896702996910084", "reply_id": "1250907864689971200", "label": "scared", "text": "fwiw, these are the hauls we got out of mocks today:\n\n17. K’Lavon Chaisson\n51. Justin Madubuike\n82. Terrell Burgess\n123. Reggie Robinson\n164. James Proche\n179. Markus Bailey\n231. Braden Mann\n\nOR\n\n23. Trevon Diggs\n51. Ross Blacklock\n82. Terrell Lewis\n87. Malik Harrison"} {"idx": 22877, "original_id": "1250843912249499648", "reply_id": "1250855232394969091", "label": "shocked", "text": "Taurus ♉️ \n“Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus”\n\n*So this reading is very specific for a Taurus or someone that has been dealing with a Taurus*\n\nI’m seeing that some of you have to stay optimistic about your love life. If you’re trying to manifest love...you have to figure out a way to"} {"idx": 22878, "original_id": "1250977883830411264", "reply_id": "1250978131940306944", "label": "shocked", "text": "I keep it 💯 from my head down to my toes"} {"idx": 22884, "original_id": "1250861946561130496", "reply_id": "1250888926799081473", "label": "scared", "text": "Lmao nigga had the nerve to call me the devil 🤔😭"} {"idx": 22889, "original_id": "1250543948399022080", "reply_id": "1250889206630670338", "label": "hug", "text": "Damn, I need a hug. I am fucking lonely."} {"idx": 22891, "original_id": "1250872426566758402", "reply_id": "1250915979900547072", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi all! I can't see most of you to follow back so can I get a\n🙋🏼‍♀️-hello\n🖕-y ru bugging me\n🍷-I'm drinking now\nOr any emoji or gif so I can follow you back. Working daily, like its my job, to follow back. Thanks!"} {"idx": 22894, "original_id": "1251148975182188549", "reply_id": "1251153579047436290", "label": "ok", "text": "so y’all pressure Dababy into changing his flow the moment he do y’all give one listen and it’s ass ? lmaoooo foh"} {"idx": 22895, "original_id": "1250552853715976205", "reply_id": "1250850998920327170", "label": "eww", "text": "“I’m sure people are very happy to get a big fat beautiful check with my name on it.” - Trump"} {"idx": 22896, "original_id": "1251227301699891200", "reply_id": "1251249454121771008", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Just your daily reminder to clear your browser history😜"} {"idx": 22899, "original_id": "1251050372640264193", "reply_id": "1251153042319110152", "label": "kiss", "text": "Marry me 🖤\n\nI will cook Biryani for you every friday😍"} {"idx": 22900, "original_id": "1251190490973822978", "reply_id": "1251191492951117824", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Snowing lightly in #StateCollegePA temp 38\n#pawx #snow"} {"idx": 22901, "original_id": "1250870446737821698", "reply_id": "1250871365617561601", "label": "seriously", "text": "My bro has taken over the kitchen and surprisingly he’s been doing well. Blessed us with fire spag for breakfast and it finished within a few mins. \n\nI had my Imodium beside me but “to Jesus be my glory”, I had no need for it."} {"idx": 22902, "original_id": "1245545560452431875", "reply_id": "1251031244281765888", "label": "awww", "text": "It sure what to watch on Netflix tonight"} {"idx": 22903, "original_id": "1251258696992280577", "reply_id": "1251267760996442114", "label": "thank_you", "text": "And these @angelGriffith90 @TNBadrick @Beyond_Paranorm @GhostQuest_USA @Operation_Ghost @GibsonMystuff @AlwayzListening @sade_ghostgirl @TracersGhost @Darknes60023242 @BrookeGACFAN2 @RyanTremblay18 @ChrisNuara @NoahTheSavage96 @BitchyWitch9 @ParanormalPodd @creepycgirl @"} {"idx": 22904, "original_id": "1250961282024398848", "reply_id": "1250961695876411392", "label": "popcorn", "text": "brb creating a map joke"} {"idx": 22905, "original_id": "1250695405895127040", "reply_id": "1250912449391472640", "label": "eww", "text": "If you’re up send me your favorite GIF... I wanna laugh."} {"idx": 22908, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250928440921874432", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 22910, "original_id": "1250855785799856130", "reply_id": "1250880762976624647", "label": "sorry", "text": "You know what I miss most?\nHaving the space to just be me.\nBeing able to create without being interrupted.\nPainting without people popping by every 2 minutes on some \"what are you painting?\" \"is that supposed to be you?\" \"it doesn't really look like...\"\n*insert 2year old crying."} {"idx": 22911, "original_id": "1250785190256902145", "reply_id": "1250874966234431488", "label": "agree", "text": "what do you mean it's not national anime day? yesterday?\npfft.\nbaka, its always national anime day."} {"idx": 22912, "original_id": "1250821198918717440", "reply_id": "1250938678345494528", "label": "shocked", "text": "Screw it. Going with my gut on this one. \n\nJalen Hurts is QB3."} {"idx": 22913, "original_id": "1250842245114232832", "reply_id": "1250843063729127424", "label": "applause", "text": "All my male friends.\nDo you know the difference between a chestnut and a walnut?\n\nDepends how long you have been edging."} {"idx": 22914, "original_id": "1250853004091236352", "reply_id": "1250858003177373697", "label": "applause", "text": "A5. Know your audience! If you know your audience - and not just super general audiences like \" young women\" - you have an opportunity to actually create content that resonates with that group. Also, be authentic. Authenticity wins readers every time #BHChat"} {"idx": 22916, "original_id": "1250926584556634112", "reply_id": "1250931806121201669", "label": "dance", "text": "Today I got down to my weight goal"} {"idx": 22919, "original_id": "1251131236749152257", "reply_id": "1251132022828998667", "label": "facepalm", "text": "When you write 106k words of political intrigue and world-building and someone's only response is not even a comment or kudos, but a note in their bookmarks: \"nice story but bottom Alec 😫\".\n\nWow. *slow clap*"} {"idx": 22923, "original_id": "1250958268337401858", "reply_id": "1251001300243939330", "label": "ok", "text": "My favorite thing in the world is when I send @kbiehl2 funny tweets and DMs and I can hear her laughing out loud downstairs all the way from my room 😂"} {"idx": 22924, "original_id": "1251087769591361538", "reply_id": "1251093617306992640", "label": "no", "text": "Can someone bring me cold stone? K thanks"} {"idx": 22926, "original_id": "1250847646312476673", "reply_id": "1251117186741088257", "label": "smh", "text": "This extended lockdown is not lawful.\nThe Prime Minister is incapacitated and didn’t make the decision. \nParliament isn’t sitting.\nThe original aim of the first lockdown has been met. \nCivil disobedience would be justified."} {"idx": 22927, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1251201190471389190", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 22929, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251273412162596873", "label": "ok", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 22930, "original_id": "1250976538671091712", "reply_id": "1250977525649506305", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve made the executive decision to make an only fans account"} {"idx": 22931, "original_id": "1250850646762369028", "reply_id": "1250851620952432641", "label": "no", "text": "Me and allyssa need roommates next year. Who want us"} {"idx": 22932, "original_id": "1251235940284186625", "reply_id": "1251236935101800448", "label": "hug", "text": "I love northlane so much I need a hug bro lol"} {"idx": 22933, "original_id": "1251209525912383493", "reply_id": "1251222717401104385", "label": "no", "text": "Is it normal that I workout twice a day or sometimes three times a day !!🤔"} {"idx": 22936, "original_id": "1250958932471877635", "reply_id": "1250959123442806787", "label": "applause", "text": "Wearing baggy shirts and cute thongs is what I love"} {"idx": 22937, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250928861497290752", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 22939, "original_id": "1250899789916573696", "reply_id": "1251242062357377024", "label": "shocked", "text": "My unpopular opinion: \n\npizza rolls are far better in the microwave than in the oven"} {"idx": 22940, "original_id": "1250686712285556736", "reply_id": "1250865207280144386", "label": "hug", "text": "Pening liat te el...\n\nTemen2 jangan lupa mik air yang banyak yaaa...stay hydrated. \nI know things are frustrating lately and some of us are already on our limit (because I am, too).\nI just hope you know I love you guys and you've been giving me a lot of reason to stay sane...."} {"idx": 22943, "original_id": "1250672916980617217", "reply_id": "1250846185922932737", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m tired of these bitches - im ready to get me a nigga 💯👀"} {"idx": 22945, "original_id": "1251089733339537408", "reply_id": "1251132926496030721", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "SPFL releasing £1.8 million of funding to lower league clubs today."} {"idx": 22946, "original_id": "1251253109130579968", "reply_id": "1251253689332797440", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m about to start blocking any of my friends that post “fLiP 20$ iNtO 200$, qUiCk CaSh” pyramid scheme looking headass."} {"idx": 22947, "original_id": "1251212030427594752", "reply_id": "1251212281670598657", "label": "applause", "text": "Love @NYGovCuomo going off on Trump this away, is just what I’ve been waiting for, and I’m going to go into the weekend with hope and optimism for more governors to stand up for their states this way. Thank you @GavinNewsom for what you’ve done here in California to protect us."} {"idx": 22951, "original_id": "1250925261362802688", "reply_id": "1250934950842568704", "label": "scared", "text": "Some of you have wondered about the future of A.I. and religion, well, Alexa just prayed over our dinner."} {"idx": 22952, "original_id": "1251122659301228544", "reply_id": "1251255278181527554", "label": "agree", "text": "Permission to punch assholes in the face with no consequences"} {"idx": 22953, "original_id": "1251239684027502592", "reply_id": "1251240699338477568", "label": "agree", "text": "Hope you're all doing something good for your sexy bodies, brilliant minds, and beautiful souls today. 🖤"} {"idx": 22955, "original_id": "1250854865900879872", "reply_id": "1250886269451853825", "label": "applause", "text": "After rona I'm gonna find me an ivoirienne baby and have splendid consensual sex and after the knacks when she asks me \"ça va?\" I'll look her dead in her eyes, with a grateful heart and reply:\n\n\"hmm, ɛtwɛ bien.\""} {"idx": 22957, "original_id": "1251129151710511106", "reply_id": "1251135856947204096", "label": "applause", "text": "1/ \n\nIt’s amazing how many people think:\n\n1) money is an infinite resource.\n2) that parts of the economy are not inextricably linked to EVERYTHING ELSE.\n3) that any job is “non-essential.”\n4) that any emergency or panic trumps our God-given rights.\n\nLet’s talk about this."} {"idx": 22958, "original_id": "1250787008311590913", "reply_id": "1250906477621116935", "label": "yes", "text": "Beginning this Saturday I will be doing a show on @975TheFanatic from Noon-3pm. Going to have some fun and I am excited to be on the air and talk to a lot of listeners I have not spoken to for a while. Plus @Pat_Egan is my half assed producer. Watch out. Cheers."} {"idx": 22962, "original_id": "1251253569782759426", "reply_id": "1251261787456110593", "label": "ok", "text": "I mean it's not *un*reasonable to put gin in your spinach smoothie"} {"idx": 22963, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250860420983857153", "label": "agree", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 22964, "original_id": "1250931233447530501", "reply_id": "1251212637012189184", "label": "eww", "text": "WASE > WASD"} {"idx": 22965, "original_id": "1250895572103499782", "reply_id": "1251233596750381056", "label": "smh", "text": "All those that voted Jor Weah, Ole bo. One side sabu, one side grey hair."} {"idx": 22968, "original_id": "1251243097494863872", "reply_id": "1251263368364617728", "label": "agree", "text": "Everynight since lockdown my mrs has washed up so tonight I'm just goin to leave her on the beach"} {"idx": 22971, "original_id": "1251101045943496704", "reply_id": "1251129985496047616", "label": "hug", "text": "All I ask, can we have a peaceful time? I mean today is Ep. 9, and we have 4 more to go. I did this alone, by myself, no one pay me to do this, I just want to share info about Bright & Win in a happy mood. Can you chill a bit? Sometimes I need my friends, so I can hug them."} {"idx": 22974, "original_id": "1250710345867542528", "reply_id": "1250961209668460544", "label": "applause", "text": "Extremely moved tonight by responses from teachers to my piece about @ScottMorrisonMP message to them yesterday. The outpouring of pent up emotion about the lack of recognition for their efforts, and the pressure they feel, reveals so much about the fault lines in our world"} {"idx": 22977, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251207963169001472", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 22980, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250967077277630465", "label": "no", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 22981, "original_id": "1250866452816674816", "reply_id": "1250874022851739654", "label": "agree", "text": "Panic is unattractive.\n\nDoubly so in bosses."} {"idx": 22984, "original_id": "1250528857054154764", "reply_id": "1250853722894159873", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "So...who else besides me loathes @realDonaldTrump ? Raise your hand for a roll call!"} {"idx": 22986, "original_id": "1251186217925906432", "reply_id": "1251189604482498561", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Donald Trump’s day so far:\n\n- Attacks Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Cuomo\n- Calls for three governors to be violently overthrown\n- Looks like Trump figured out he’s losing the election\n- Time to Liberate America from this motherfucker\n- Trump is going to Guantanamo\n- It’s still only noon"} {"idx": 22987, "original_id": "1251215018080653313", "reply_id": "1251217219352252417", "label": "please", "text": "Sigh I feel like posting hole again"} {"idx": 22989, "original_id": "1251058345173286915", "reply_id": "1251063055170977794", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Nope, I’m logging off of twitter for the ENTIRE day because of @jasminalexiss & @itss_roni 😒"} {"idx": 22992, "original_id": "1250866650267611137", "reply_id": "1250982083490701314", "label": "yes", "text": "New song comes out tonight! I'm stoked cause it's track 1 of the new album. Also, I'm tired of calling it new album. Should we do an album name reveal this weekend?"} {"idx": 22993, "original_id": "1251133623543246859", "reply_id": "1251178274589302785", "label": "please", "text": "Good morning ☀️ today is another day to fight. Fight to win! You got this! Love, Pulte"} {"idx": 22994, "original_id": "1250888477153124354", "reply_id": "1250975580255813632", "label": "applause", "text": "To all the Jhené Aiko fans out there.. I’m sorry for sleeping on her for so long, I’m on the team now 🥺❤️👏🏽"} {"idx": 22996, "original_id": "1250803209871847426", "reply_id": "1250882812560973824", "label": "applause", "text": "SQL is a better API language than GraphQL. Convince me otherwise!"} {"idx": 22999, "original_id": "1251243687323058181", "reply_id": "1251248511737307136", "label": "good_luck", "text": "So I'd understand protesting the fact that we don't have enough test kits or PPE or that our president is utterly incompetent and negligent, but no, we've got idiots running around protesting the stay at home orders in place to slow the spread of a pandemic. Stay smart America"} {"idx": 23000, "original_id": "1251067209981386752", "reply_id": "1251239007410810880", "label": "sigh", "text": "Choking her till you see her life start to fade from her eyes then stopping and slapping her to wake her up>>>>"} {"idx": 23004, "original_id": "1250832747012272136", "reply_id": "1250863823650783233", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Man, this would be a great time for chat roulette to come back...."} {"idx": 23006, "original_id": "1250862123695124480", "reply_id": "1250863230370676737", "label": "yes", "text": "how does the timeline feel about breakfast for dinner?"} {"idx": 23007, "original_id": "1250938656359096321", "reply_id": "1250947802143821824", "label": "no", "text": "We had 56 new cases OVERNIGHT!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK"} {"idx": 23009, "original_id": "1251199160709193730", "reply_id": "1251200925902962695", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I didn’t buy the tv I came to my senses and saved the money smh"} {"idx": 23014, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251084803811807232", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 23017, "original_id": "1251037372780875777", "reply_id": "1251066345212559360", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I abstained from alcohol for 72 hours. I need a slow clap please."} {"idx": 23019, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251116502645911552", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 23020, "original_id": "1250333230563127298", "reply_id": "1251131656947281920", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "We're currently looking into the issues affecting our services. If you can't play online, access Origin or EA Help, we're on it."} {"idx": 23021, "original_id": "1251062891014324225", "reply_id": "1251236657862328320", "label": "shocked", "text": "Your type still owes child support for his 6 kids from different women"} {"idx": 23023, "original_id": "1250892217276928000", "reply_id": "1250895560938151937", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m working on a Cover for a track 😶\n\nSince I can’t give u the album the 19th \n\nI’m giving you a single from it ."} {"idx": 23025, "original_id": "1250959324299567106", "reply_id": "1250959815154847750", "label": "no", "text": "Who else hasn’t downloaded tik tok? Am I getting to old for some of this social media already??? I only use FB, Insta and the Tweeter. #quarentine #isolation"} {"idx": 23028, "original_id": "1250954871873966080", "reply_id": "1250955454441836546", "label": "applause", "text": "The way you clap ya hands says a lot about you"} {"idx": 23029, "original_id": "1250956935056306178", "reply_id": "1250998418261995521", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Can you imagine still being ugly with a filter?"} {"idx": 23031, "original_id": "1251189630692704256", "reply_id": "1251194113371881472", "label": "dance", "text": "True News out tonight"} {"idx": 23032, "original_id": "1251090465748848640", "reply_id": "1251090873628209152", "label": "good_luck", "text": "@whipped4Baek @fullsunshineeee @BebeBinks I'm about to head out on my bike but I'm gonna do the WayV warm up first. Will keep you posted on how dead I am"} {"idx": 23034, "original_id": "1250923071919345666", "reply_id": "1251007077893279745", "label": "applause", "text": "It's happening!!!\n\nAMERICA IS GOING BACK TO WORK!!!!\n\nGIVE ME A HELL YEAH!!!!👊🇺🇸👍"} {"idx": 23035, "original_id": "1250815875281813504", "reply_id": "1250876086872870912", "label": "agree", "text": "Wore sweatpants the other day and roommates where shocked 😂 #stayinside"} {"idx": 23036, "original_id": "1250926892837994496", "reply_id": "1250989565390831624", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I’ll never forget the first time I ate ass 🍑 #thursdaythoughts"} {"idx": 23038, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251119585673109505", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 23039, "original_id": "1250897423116963840", "reply_id": "1250937246116720641", "label": "awww", "text": "A2: using my Do Not Disturb feature on my phone when I'm trying to school my personal children! \n#1stteachchat"} {"idx": 23040, "original_id": "1251238601037316097", "reply_id": "1251241177015365637", "label": "hug", "text": "We got Daddy's ashes home now. My mother keeps crying. My multiple sclerosis is kicking my ass. I think it's the stress. @TheAuracl3 @Dragon_Age_Fans @gideonemery @benjancewicz @dstluke @KarinWeekes @patriciaglane @lizaanne42 @KierstenWarren @anthoknees @ZalUIbaorimi"} {"idx": 23043, "original_id": "1251227919910920195", "reply_id": "1251234133734539272", "label": "applause", "text": "@DjZanD! Guy is a beast! #LockdownHouseParty"} {"idx": 23050, "original_id": "1250950740610334725", "reply_id": "1251015535011258368", "label": "smh", "text": "Patient had 3 nasal swabs that were all covid negative. We ran the test from the sputum off their ETT and came back positive."} {"idx": 23053, "original_id": "1250883931437772802", "reply_id": "1250886118670848000", "label": "shocked", "text": "12 Team SF PPR"} {"idx": 23054, "original_id": "1251114211826073603", "reply_id": "1251136671447425024", "label": "shrug", "text": "It’s Friday, right?"} {"idx": 23056, "original_id": "1251048739319566336", "reply_id": "1251053691567665152", "label": "yawn", "text": "Hope you all have an awesome morning. Up with kids doing a stay up challenge. So far 1 is out and another one is dozing. Then just have to outlast the other 2 so I can pass out."} {"idx": 23058, "original_id": "1251211650931126272", "reply_id": "1251218664365404169", "label": "thank_you", "text": "FFF - in no particular order:\n\n@jeffdeist @PerBylund @EraseState @LibertyCliff @EconCircus @TheAliceSmith @chillywillers @DeAngelisCorey\n@DrBrianDay @simonbchen @BobMurphyEcon @TheBubbleBubble @Lumberist \n@DavidBCollum @Chesschick01\n@GGReisman @ThomasEWoods\n@MaryRuwart \n\nCheers!"} {"idx": 23059, "original_id": "1251084868739575808", "reply_id": "1251120499213639681", "label": "eye_roll", "text": ".@MattHancock concedes that death in care homes are higher than official figures so far reveal"} {"idx": 23061, "original_id": "1250904341503975424", "reply_id": "1251048589335433216", "label": "shocked", "text": "So 3 creators are being surprise recruited to Oxygen next week..\n\nWho do you wanna see join the family? 🧐"} {"idx": 23066, "original_id": "1250861863857983488", "reply_id": "1250865055341649920", "label": "smh", "text": "Put It On Me by Ja Rule. 😏"} {"idx": 23067, "original_id": "1251250255917576192", "reply_id": "1251250651863998466", "label": "scared", "text": "Starting in a few minutes. Will be giving out tons of FREE cards today to lower some of my older cards in the stash. Free cards will be in 3 card lots & will ship with BMWT only along with your claims. All prices today will be super low & tons of nice cards."} {"idx": 23069, "original_id": "1250845651811917824", "reply_id": "1250858336419041281", "label": "eww", "text": "I am something, I carry the burden of bitterness and resentfulness.. TITANS what I’m i?!!👀\n•\n•\n•\n#LearnFromTacha #Titans #TachaXMayorkun"} {"idx": 23070, "original_id": "1251200866520051713", "reply_id": "1251220268661395461", "label": "agree", "text": "Makes no damn sense to open the country when daily death numbers are still increasing & not going down. \n\nI don’t give a shit if they open it up- my family is staying at home. I don’t trust Trump or any Republican especially with their half ass plan with no testing. \n\nThoughts?!?"} {"idx": 23075, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251218233132285956", "label": "shrug", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 23078, "original_id": "1250815851705569280", "reply_id": "1251007562591289345", "label": "eww", "text": ".@SpeakerPelosi Pelosi having a banner week...\n-gets attacked by Republican operatives for loving 🍦\n-gets attacked by President Trump for RUNNING THE COUNTRY while he calls Coronavirus a hoax.\n\nThe only Q: Which @jenisicecreams pint will she enjoy today as she saves the country."} {"idx": 23081, "original_id": "1251159619369459718", "reply_id": "1251162556045029377", "label": "smh", "text": "Man: Look at that turkey out in the snow.\nWoman: So?\nMan: I bet he can quit anything!"} {"idx": 23085, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251209110906900482", "label": "yawn", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 23088, "original_id": "1251193913089626112", "reply_id": "1251198456766627842", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Talked with Elway for nearly 20 minutes this morning. He’s confident in draft prep. Broncos finishing up their draft board today. Will go thru mock draft exercises and begin finalizing strategies Monday. Sorry, he did not tell me what he’s likely to do with No 15 pick. #9sports"} {"idx": 23090, "original_id": "1251141197084704768", "reply_id": "1251190603179798530", "label": "sigh", "text": "In 2 weeks I start my journey out west for the summer and I couldn’t be more thankful to still have this amazing opportunity. #ThankAFarmer"} {"idx": 23091, "original_id": "1251249635579949058", "reply_id": "1251251043167383552", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm all the way out on Kinlaw at 13. DT isn't the position to spend high end resources on. Kinlaw is a flash player with a killer highlight film, but the consistency isn't there. Add injury(s) and he had to lose 40(!) lbs to get to current playing weight. OT or WR at 13."} {"idx": 23092, "original_id": "1250819963226554368", "reply_id": "1250883891491201027", "label": "hug", "text": "I took PTO to cry. You know how fucking sad that is? I’m working from my home. Alone. I can cry literally whenever I want. I’m so sad today that I can’t even function."} {"idx": 23093, "original_id": "1250834409147846657", "reply_id": "1251214033333686277", "label": "yawn", "text": "BREAKING: Multiple US Senators just sent the WH a letter accusing Jared Kushner of using the COVID-19 pandemic to enrich companies that he's connected with. They are demanding that the WH preserves all records! Meanwhile the GOP is pushing the false #CoronaWillEndSoon hashtag."} {"idx": 23094, "original_id": "1250946021900914689", "reply_id": "1250963150259748865", "label": "shocked", "text": "I need to perform a double gawk gawk twist 5000 before I lose my mind"} {"idx": 23095, "original_id": "1251134462039121920", "reply_id": "1251161404175859714", "label": "hug", "text": "So I’ve been lost in vikings.. They killed Ragnar and I almost got on a boat to Kategat"} {"idx": 23096, "original_id": "1251207362917982208", "reply_id": "1251207666841669636", "label": "hug", "text": "Happy Friday! Quarantine day #🤷‍♀️\n\nCurrently oscillating between absolute rage & despondent apathy. Apathy is winning.\n\nNeighbors chickens never shut up. It's irritating the cluck out of me.\n\nPlans for today: mail the masks I made; video call w/ a friend.\n\nHow are you all doing?"} {"idx": 23097, "original_id": "1251166875368767489", "reply_id": "1251188431377612800", "label": "hug", "text": "Looking at pictures of couples with kids make me both happy and sad. Like I'm happy for them but on tte same time I'm so sad my wife and I never had one of our own and never will 😔"} {"idx": 23098, "original_id": "1251087678440968192", "reply_id": "1251099322613104641", "label": "wink", "text": "Reply to this with your favourite gif"} {"idx": 23099, "original_id": "1251215928156553216", "reply_id": "1251221576302727169", "label": "no", "text": "#Chargers GM Tom Telesco says offensive lineman Sam Tevi has \"very good left tackle feet.\" Sounds like he will have a shot for the job."} {"idx": 23103, "original_id": "1250792174137925632", "reply_id": "1251106117096058882", "label": "yes", "text": "People born after 1995 should not be allowed to reply to tweets."} {"idx": 23109, "original_id": "1250901786929610752", "reply_id": "1250902720367726597", "label": "ok", "text": "Goooood stream, FF7 fun, looking forward to jumping back on it, will be up on the channel this week incase anyone missed it. Thanks for everyone that stopped by!\nShoutour @JayMac14_ <3"} {"idx": 23112, "original_id": "1250990493476941826", "reply_id": "1251052753922605056", "label": "agree", "text": "I can’t believe Loco Dice, Bibi, HS82 and Wade aren’t on that beat port line up, the disrespect.."} {"idx": 23115, "original_id": "1251002348006187009", "reply_id": "1251003818549997568", "label": "shocked", "text": "You know what, it's past 12 here on the East Coast. Let's have some fun. BREAKING: The New York Liberty will select Sabrina Ionescu, from Oregon. *pretends to be shocked* 😛"} {"idx": 23118, "original_id": "1250870352412016642", "reply_id": "1250913709440012288", "label": "no", "text": "I don’t wanna be here"} {"idx": 23119, "original_id": "1250843617813426176", "reply_id": "1250872120017649667", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Bad journalism is like junk food — quick flavor but no substance."} {"idx": 23120, "original_id": "1251148691123003400", "reply_id": "1251183023355072517", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Excited to see what motivational captions I’ll see on Instagram today 🤩"} {"idx": 23123, "original_id": "1250933668958388224", "reply_id": "1250934017530015744", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Where's the non-Trump side of Twitter? You know, cute animals, terrible jokes, pretty photos, sauciness, babies laughing?"} {"idx": 23126, "original_id": "1251185562876358656", "reply_id": "1251219764799815682", "label": "applause", "text": "2 states from Southwest I've not had women from is Ondo and Ekiti.\n\nEvery other, I've ticked."} {"idx": 23127, "original_id": "1251011720908136448", "reply_id": "1251015597120458752", "label": "yes", "text": "Text me +1 (812) 487-0937"} {"idx": 23129, "original_id": "1251072911554654208", "reply_id": "1251183301802393600", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think your undergraduate degree adequately prepared you for graduate school?"} {"idx": 23130, "original_id": "1251245833221296130", "reply_id": "1251255345059635200", "label": "hug", "text": "Today has been really chaotic and not great, so I'm going to call off streaming tonight. I'll do a make up stream sometime this weekend if I can :)"} {"idx": 23133, "original_id": "1250939754729877505", "reply_id": "1250940534656348160", "label": "agree", "text": "You know what pisses me off? #ElizabethWarren finished 3rd, 4th & a distant fourth & fifth in the first four states, but media was still hyping her comeback (while selling the narrative of Buttigieg’s “disappointing” results). She came in 3rd in Mass. & now the big VP push? WTF"} {"idx": 23134, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250892269294628865", "label": "seriously", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 23136, "original_id": "1250948273197768704", "reply_id": "1250948456321036288", "label": "shocked", "text": "So @MrsQueenBartley is making chocolate cake and she doesn’t even like cake. Quarantine must be getting to her LOL"} {"idx": 23138, "original_id": "1250867318256795656", "reply_id": "1250867613653250048", "label": "sigh", "text": "riis deserves a break from u messy faggots !!!!"} {"idx": 23142, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250881790128029697", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 23146, "original_id": "1251259739465547778", "reply_id": "1251261040505077760", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Baby I wanna be your soul provider."} {"idx": 23147, "original_id": "1250919475161030658", "reply_id": "1250920526329118720", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump says he spoke with several sports commissioners yesterday. \"Many of them are going to be starting off without fans. Made for television.\""} {"idx": 23148, "original_id": "1250818454376124417", "reply_id": "1250845040483749888", "label": "awww", "text": "Sending nothing but love to everyone out there today ❤️"} {"idx": 23149, "original_id": "1250906139673260032", "reply_id": "1250906297559547905", "label": "sigh", "text": "I say this often but...damn, y’all. I love the video game industry.\nIt’s a truly remarkable and formidable force, filled with wizards and professional problem solvers. Unstoppable."} {"idx": 23151, "original_id": "1251053661532413953", "reply_id": "1251053764640989184", "label": "agree", "text": "i’m disappointed in all of you for actually encouraging my tweeter sprees"} {"idx": 23152, "original_id": "1250829806616358914", "reply_id": "1250873009021337600", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Ok... time to learn about each other. I have four movies downloaded on my phone for emergency entertainment:\nApocalypse Now, Fanny and Alexander, The Master and Up. \n\nWhat about you?"} {"idx": 23154, "original_id": "1250912721190686722", "reply_id": "1250917126363365377", "label": "no", "text": "lucas when r u coming home"} {"idx": 23155, "original_id": "1251200806306680833", "reply_id": "1251209969212497920", "label": "hug", "text": "Mentally I am STRUGGLING this week. Can’t wait to try to reset this weekend and start fresh on Monday"} {"idx": 23157, "original_id": "1251254456437444608", "reply_id": "1251265163451219969", "label": "applause", "text": "Never talk yourself out of good charcuterie and cheese. You deserve it."} {"idx": 23158, "original_id": "1251078996982403073", "reply_id": "1251094073751957505", "label": "applause", "text": "BRO i have wanted one girl. ONE GIRL. For the past idk 3 years or so and she has just made it known to me that is possible. Things are lookin up god bless quarantine"} {"idx": 23159, "original_id": "1251205550097997824", "reply_id": "1251208509712187397", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Shane says she probably googled our case and was hiding in the bottom of a wardrobe when I was outside 😂"} {"idx": 23160, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250993134001098753", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 23163, "original_id": "1251258967269019657", "reply_id": "1251272914923655168", "label": "yes", "text": "BREAKING:\n\nThe Chicago Bears are releasing tight end Trey Burton.\n\n(Via @RapSheet)"} {"idx": 23164, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251128975042269192", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 23167, "original_id": "1250841476784951296", "reply_id": "1250846816947617793", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I think at this point even my dildo is getting sick of my company"} {"idx": 23168, "original_id": "1250946606087778305", "reply_id": "1250947531573526531", "label": "oops", "text": "All I’ve ever wanted is for people to say to me Sam “call your own shots.”"} {"idx": 23170, "original_id": "1250849537431932929", "reply_id": "1251008687478628359", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Mexican and black jokes are all pretty much the same.\n\nOnce you've heard Juan, you've heard Jamal."} {"idx": 23172, "original_id": "1250692407990968321", "reply_id": "1250916826642395138", "label": "win", "text": "If you’re 5’10” or taller you’re elite"} {"idx": 23176, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251188635304632327", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 23177, "original_id": "1251151806949801985", "reply_id": "1251153123013357569", "label": "agree", "text": "Dr. Phil is NOT an expert in pandemics or infectious diseases. There is absolutely no reason why Fox News should be airing his thoughts on this virus. He is as qualified in this area as any business person who is looking out for their pocketbook rather than American lives."} {"idx": 23178, "original_id": "1248029314509086726", "reply_id": "1250843607126487041", "label": "agree", "text": "Should I dye my hair during this quarantine"} {"idx": 23179, "original_id": "1251253353109053441", "reply_id": "1251254220595945474", "label": "seriously", "text": "This #COVID19 quarantine and self isolation is getting to me. I’m starting to miss Drew Remenda."} {"idx": 23180, "original_id": "1250885452867002374", "reply_id": "1250889453297635328", "label": "applause", "text": "Me too"} {"idx": 23181, "original_id": "1250911573004124160", "reply_id": "1250915848530862080", "label": "idk", "text": "how is u"} {"idx": 23186, "original_id": "1250920899429019648", "reply_id": "1251129103475974145", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump on people protesting stay-at-home restrictions: \"They seem to be protesters that like me.\""} {"idx": 23187, "original_id": "1250978902891208704", "reply_id": "1250996357503959040", "label": "yes", "text": "Sometimes u Just Out Grow Some Ppl"} {"idx": 23189, "original_id": "1251150403409862664", "reply_id": "1251162605458092037", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "IT'S TIME FOR A #WriterLift \n\nYou need to build your author platform, so join this weekly lift. let's help writers below 10000 followers. If you're over, please join us. Say hi, follow and we'll all follow you back. Retweet to spread the love🤯\n#WritingCommunity #amwriting"} {"idx": 23190, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250885372478779392", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 23191, "original_id": "1250720278306590721", "reply_id": "1250905530115252228", "label": "applause", "text": "Everyone who hates Bounty will be molested by a herd of syphilitic bonobo apes."} {"idx": 23193, "original_id": "1251251621109039106", "reply_id": "1251253240286584833", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I havent done much of anything really. Wake up, coffee, couch, do a lil cleaning, bed, wake up, clean a lil more, couch, clean, bed."} {"idx": 23194, "original_id": "1250935918434881536", "reply_id": "1250939785469984768", "label": "yes", "text": "I miss racing, I miss going to work 5 days a week, I miss normal life. Come back. 🥺"} {"idx": 23196, "original_id": "1251194659495391232", "reply_id": "1251246632986968065", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i learned to live without a dad you think i care if you leave nigga"} {"idx": 23198, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1250971494206844939", "label": "no", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 23203, "original_id": "1251181995842924545", "reply_id": "1251212297772634114", "label": "yes", "text": "If Biden does not choose Kamala Harris as his VP will you still support him?"} {"idx": 23209, "original_id": "1250900435017367553", "reply_id": "1250903769031692289", "label": "awww", "text": "should i do one of those follow spree things??? idk im bored SO reply to this if u want a follow? IDK IVE NEVER DONE THIS 😔✨😃🔪"} {"idx": 23210, "original_id": "1251248286964596737", "reply_id": "1251250347437244416", "label": "awww", "text": "Trump needs to resign. Now."} {"idx": 23211, "original_id": "1250820980588589056", "reply_id": "1250853737691852802", "label": "no", "text": "What do you guys think about OBJ in a colts uniform?"} {"idx": 23212, "original_id": "1250902074478473217", "reply_id": "1250906332896493568", "label": "awww", "text": "My Labrador pup, (he’s 1), has climbed on my lap and groaned. He’s telling me to stop... huffing and puffing. He weighs 35kg. It’s a message: I might need to go to bed 😱😱😱"} {"idx": 23213, "original_id": "1251173519339204608", "reply_id": "1251174819179216902", "label": "yes", "text": "Girls holiday is needed for summer 2021 I don’t even care"} {"idx": 23216, "original_id": "1250962185033039872", "reply_id": "1251089391751233536", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If it were not for the irresponsible behavior of the Chinese communist party there would be no #COVID19Pandemic \n\nThousands of Americans would still be alive and 22 million Americans would still be working at their jobs.\n\nChina is responsible. It is time to hold them to account."} {"idx": 23220, "original_id": "1251161485130125316", "reply_id": "1251166871170228226", "label": "shocked", "text": "I really don’t appreciate that your name is Daniel Daley @dvsn"} {"idx": 23225, "original_id": "1251207029403729920", "reply_id": "1251216829831249920", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugs 😔"} {"idx": 23226, "original_id": "1251135165595897859", "reply_id": "1251135502301966337", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "It's Friday & it's not #Lent ! Let's all go out to get a burger n' fries! #socialdistance 🍔🍟"} {"idx": 23230, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251100009379950592", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 23233, "original_id": "1250951468401733632", "reply_id": "1251271070142865408", "label": "seriously", "text": "Raiders Twitter, would y’all disown me if I made Chiefs and Niners mugs?"} {"idx": 23234, "original_id": "1250899321660354561", "reply_id": "1251209148651507712", "label": "applause", "text": "South Africa must be the only country in the world where you have a better chance of ending up in jail for buying a roasted chicken from Woolies than from stealing millions in taxpayers money."} {"idx": 23236, "original_id": "1250962740736405504", "reply_id": "1250963374088884231", "label": "agree", "text": "Honestly, it’s so incredibly fucked up that health insurance is tied to employment."} {"idx": 23239, "original_id": "1250858011251429377", "reply_id": "1250965607257907202", "label": "no", "text": "I just got told I’m spending way too much time on Twitter 😂"} {"idx": 23240, "original_id": "1251211996365807616", "reply_id": "1251213178110971909", "label": "please", "text": "Liberate Michigan so we can become a part of Canada pls"} {"idx": 23242, "original_id": "1250775016200974336", "reply_id": "1250891642946625543", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "My neighbor who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 just put a @JoeBiden sign out in his yard. I think it is safe to say that a massive, powerful blue wave is imminent. GOP - it is time to pay the piper."} {"idx": 23245, "original_id": "1250936584293081088", "reply_id": "1250944352131649544", "label": "omg", "text": "Someone sent me a video with a towel covering their dick how Michael covered Blanket 😂😂😂and he’s doing dick ups. Mind you I do not know this man and he’s breathing heavy as fuck. Are y’all...ok???😂😂😂"} {"idx": 23247, "original_id": "1250989552191373313", "reply_id": "1250991622990508032", "label": "no", "text": "I am a slut for orange juice. There’s just no better juice."} {"idx": 23248, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251011856103362560", "label": "awww", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 23250, "original_id": "1250922459655737344", "reply_id": "1251040666559406080", "label": "ok", "text": "FUCK"} {"idx": 23252, "original_id": "1251103992190570498", "reply_id": "1251160384368599041", "label": "shrug", "text": "1000 percent, Kenyan men ain’t romantic at all !!"} {"idx": 23256, "original_id": "1250651106822074368", "reply_id": "1250885450816016385", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "How's your experience with Flutter? Only gifs allowed 🤟🏼\n\n#Flutter"} {"idx": 23257, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250898919594184704", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 23259, "original_id": "1250861519774105608", "reply_id": "1250950751511248898", "label": "popcorn", "text": "how many of my male followers live alone !? trying to see something ?"} {"idx": 23260, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251234312134983680", "label": "no", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 23262, "original_id": "1250945628949155841", "reply_id": "1250949001173782529", "label": "oops", "text": "i’m falling y’all, i’m falling \nsomebody catch me rnn"} {"idx": 23263, "original_id": "1250880369743855617", "reply_id": "1250886296257605638", "label": "smh", "text": "Breathe life into me with your pretty lies then suffocate me with the harsh truths"} {"idx": 23266, "original_id": "1250948940142428160", "reply_id": "1250951796719263744", "label": "agree", "text": "Banger tomorrow if all goes well 🤞"} {"idx": 23267, "original_id": "1250451626239950848", "reply_id": "1250838238341640193", "label": "hug", "text": "For those of you curious as to why we haven't reported Covid Crew. This is Northern Ireland. Sometimes getting police involved can have more dangerous repercussions."} {"idx": 23270, "original_id": "1250678262000349186", "reply_id": "1251115280677380096", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "sucking his fingers after he gets done fingering you >>>>"} {"idx": 23272, "original_id": "1251163126596112388", "reply_id": "1251164842171330562", "label": "agree", "text": "one thing i don’t like about specific older ladies, is first of all mind your business. y’all are not my people and even if you were, just stay in your lane. older women like 50/60 think everyone related to them suddenly or something."} {"idx": 23274, "original_id": "1250990747182137345", "reply_id": "1251006709889470465", "label": "applause", "text": "being unfair is the worse thing you can be tbh"} {"idx": 23280, "original_id": "1251208646228393985", "reply_id": "1251216891273785346", "label": "yes", "text": "I have every intention\nof owning\nevery inch of you\nevery breath of you\nevery sigh of you"} {"idx": 23282, "original_id": "1250949253230403584", "reply_id": "1250950377228374016", "label": "yes", "text": "Would you guys be okay with a rambling 28 minute long video of me opening 8 different Boxycharm boxes? Because that might be what’s about to happen..."} {"idx": 23283, "original_id": "1251015259680149505", "reply_id": "1251016326832951297", "label": "hug", "text": "Also i think this is obvious already,, but please no ask for more cbs in the future unless you want me to hand art in like 2 weeks late\nI have no energy to do cbs anymore hghhsjskl.."} {"idx": 23284, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251239479446327297", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 23286, "original_id": "1250954266321334272", "reply_id": "1250956090889703431", "label": "hug", "text": "hi there. this will only take a moment. i just wanted to let you know.\n\ni love you"} {"idx": 23289, "original_id": "1251150749431500800", "reply_id": "1251155752145674241", "label": "ok", "text": "say my days are numbered but I keep waking up"} {"idx": 23292, "original_id": "1251243881787727874", "reply_id": "1251244497444495362", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Great time on stream today! Have genuinely enjoyed playing Deadside lately and meeting so many new people in the survival games community.\n\nMany loves to @NxtrogenTV and @ramnstyle for the raids ❤️\n\nGonna be working on a video but stream Saturday or Sunday, not sure which yet 🦆"} {"idx": 23295, "original_id": "1250927009901019139", "reply_id": "1250951337896030210", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I find out my bar results at 4pm tomorrow. Idk whether to cry or cryyy"} {"idx": 23297, "original_id": "1251089235970588672", "reply_id": "1251093451439046656", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "*me to my s/o who will definitely not like what I'm about to do*\n\nYou gonna love it I swear"} {"idx": 23298, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251038892729360385", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 23300, "original_id": "1251246121323827201", "reply_id": "1251246430892720134", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "throwback to when i had a ceiling titty and eventually got so nervous and self conscious about it that i got it changed"} {"idx": 23301, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1250859657842831366", "label": "yes", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 23302, "original_id": "1249412568453509120", "reply_id": "1250896420510433280", "label": "agree", "text": "If anyone likes the pink jellybeans, I stashed one in my panties for optimal flicking..."} {"idx": 23304, "original_id": "1251044385678135297", "reply_id": "1251186657338036227", "label": "high_five", "text": "You’d think COVID would almost be a break from everything but I need a break now more than ever. \n\nSend memes to cheer me up pls."} {"idx": 23310, "original_id": "1251185500867702784", "reply_id": "1251186694369488896", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Darling, from wannabe princess to peasant with middle class apartment and millions in debts. Epic! The mask was a good idea but again you missed a little detail. His RPO! Btw about time for another doll pap walk. People are wondering!"} {"idx": 23311, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1251128219706765314", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 23312, "original_id": "1250893829781291018", "reply_id": "1251034954500374528", "label": "hug", "text": "think im slipping into a depressive phase again :( if im acting off thats why"} {"idx": 23317, "original_id": "1250959172725805057", "reply_id": "1251175343328833536", "label": "applause", "text": "New drinking game:\n\n1. Turn on TV\n\n2. Take one sip if a commercial mentions the words \"these trying times,\" \"these uncertain times,\" or \"these unprecedented times\""} {"idx": 23320, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251138047283990529", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 23321, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250987159420616706", "label": "yawn", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 23322, "original_id": "1250827544632459273", "reply_id": "1250878735106150400", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm conflicted now. The next lessons from Chef Ramsey are about fish. I don't eat fish, I hate fish, and the smell of fish or anything fishy makes me lose my appetite. But I do enjoy watching a master share his craft. 🤔"} {"idx": 23323, "original_id": "1250449706603307008", "reply_id": "1250942897949679616", "label": "oops", "text": "Anyone else wake up without a stimulus check because your parents claim you as a dependent even though you still pay for majority of your life?????🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰"} {"idx": 23325, "original_id": "1250691573668384768", "reply_id": "1250871331823816705", "label": "dance", "text": "Damn im kind of a hoe"} {"idx": 23330, "original_id": "1251148409341272067", "reply_id": "1251179797021147138", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "A guy on Hinge messaged me to let me know that Lord of the Rings is \"suuuuper boring\".\n\nThanks, Kyle! You must be bored of punching holes in your moms drywall."} {"idx": 23331, "original_id": "1250868470029463553", "reply_id": "1250868596265357316", "label": "no", "text": "So, the gym?"} {"idx": 23332, "original_id": "1250894229104201730", "reply_id": "1251132044811395074", "label": "seriously", "text": "Girl melon: Why can't we just run away and get married? \nBoy melon: Because we're can'telopes.\n\n🕺🏻"} {"idx": 23333, "original_id": "1250841267539529730", "reply_id": "1250857689409781762", "label": "yes", "text": "Fuck Republicans who wanna re-open the economy.\n\nHere's a few things that don't need to be re-opened because they never closed:\n\nPence's asshole\nMnuchin's asshole\nHope Hicks' legs (and possibly asshole)\nLarry Kudlow's asshole and mouth"} {"idx": 23335, "original_id": "1250904699269570561", "reply_id": "1250948848979042304", "label": "applause", "text": "Any girl can suck your dick, find one that doesn't make you wanna kill yourself 💀"} {"idx": 23338, "original_id": "1251176791135391745", "reply_id": "1251176982215352320", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm starting to think people with heart problems are getting purposely infected so the COVID numbers will be over reported just to fuck with Dear Leader..."} {"idx": 23342, "original_id": "1250750934843559936", "reply_id": "1250890515878469653", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy late birthday to my amazing friend @first_fulcrum !!! She's awesome and you should go wish her A HAIR FREAKING BIRTHDAY RIGHT NOW!"} {"idx": 23343, "original_id": "1250156697101963265", "reply_id": "1250954680710107136", "label": "no", "text": "once I start working out, get my butt and breast lift, lip injections, and have enough money to do my nails, lashes, and get facials done monthly, it’s over for you hoes"} {"idx": 23346, "original_id": "1250816514841817089", "reply_id": "1250872989291360256", "label": "win", "text": "† Meet me here at midnight (CEST) with your headphones †"} {"idx": 23352, "original_id": "1250989829116002305", "reply_id": "1250995859954831361", "label": "scared", "text": "BRO I JUST OPENED THE DUMPSTER TO THROW AWAY MY TRASH AND THERE WAS A MOTHER FUCKING RAT IN THERE, bout had a heart attack omg"} {"idx": 23355, "original_id": "1250867944281772032", "reply_id": "1250868121143042050", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug"} {"idx": 23356, "original_id": "1251120930832580613", "reply_id": "1251133354159689731", "label": "ok", "text": "Okay 👌"} {"idx": 23358, "original_id": "1250956216274214923", "reply_id": "1251014508908331008", "label": "scared", "text": "I know what day it is, but seeing all of you being horny is really fucking with me."} {"idx": 23362, "original_id": "1251202844683718657", "reply_id": "1251237454977339392", "label": "agree", "text": "Missing the boys :("} {"idx": 23363, "original_id": "1250803618711732225", "reply_id": "1250836057517486086", "label": "scared", "text": "It’s funny how easily any of you could reliably, easily track my menstrual cycle from my tweets"} {"idx": 23364, "original_id": "1250861453843759105", "reply_id": "1250941485052080128", "label": "awww", "text": "I love you more than everything in this world"} {"idx": 23365, "original_id": "1250904126835351552", "reply_id": "1250923732186681345", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I risk getting fucking coronavirus going out here to get food for her having damn people cough near what do she do yell at me cuss at me damn bitch I swear if I get sick and die imma haunt her ass everyday😡😠"} {"idx": 23366, "original_id": "1249304015319584773", "reply_id": "1251003983403069441", "label": "awww", "text": "My son woke up while I was hiding his Easter basket overnight. He buried his face in the pillow saying “I didn’t see anything”. He’s old and tall enough to kiss the top of my head, but he will always be my sweet baby boy. 💙"} {"idx": 23367, "original_id": "1250999777917108224", "reply_id": "1251001014351781890", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Just signed a 3 year deal with Donald duck"} {"idx": 23371, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251044184435257345", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 23376, "original_id": "1250953804645896197", "reply_id": "1250959806908653569", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I wrote a complex bit of prose back in 2014 to explain my psychotic depression. It's very dark and unapologetic in its honesty and I'm still really, really proud of it. I want to do a reading but am afraid it's TOO dark. Would anyone be interested in hearing it? #WritingCommunity"} {"idx": 23377, "original_id": "1251249049975619584", "reply_id": "1251270990941745153", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Don't forget to sin this weekend you silly fuckers!"} {"idx": 23381, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1251141337489047552", "label": "shocked", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 23382, "original_id": "1251188869900505089", "reply_id": "1251235764286844928", "label": "shocked", "text": "Do you think we'll ever find out who Satoshi really is?"} {"idx": 23383, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251218450170683392", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 23384, "original_id": "1250854552385007619", "reply_id": "1250928557406203907", "label": "applause", "text": "Don't want to brag, but I showered, shaved, washed and did my hair, put on make-up, and a bra and clothes all in the same day."} {"idx": 23385, "original_id": "1250843920029954048", "reply_id": "1250847714738343940", "label": "wink", "text": "Even I need a trim now"} {"idx": 23388, "original_id": "1251233670024790017", "reply_id": "1251234220745383936", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "IF YOU ARE GIVING OUT THEM BLOODY KNIGHTHOODS. \nTHEN IT HAS TO BE. \nARISE SIR TOM MOORE. \n99 YEAR OLD ARMY CAPTAIN. \nRAISED NEARLY 20 MILLION FOR NHS. \nGOOD ON CAPTAIN TOM. \n🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧👊🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧"} {"idx": 23391, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251212546373234688", "label": "high_five", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 23395, "original_id": "1250957191491846148", "reply_id": "1251008917016109057", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "There’s no way to safely reopen without massive testing.\n\nYet we’re barely testing more people this week than last. And hospitals continue to report serious bottlenecks.\n\nIf Trump ignores the experts and forces a premature reopening,\n\nEven more Americans will die."} {"idx": 23396, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251247438666461185", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 23400, "original_id": "1251147599249203202", "reply_id": "1251148416903569421", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I jst put my whole arm into a freezer for 10 minutes, then barged into someone with it.\nThey demanded to know why, but I just ignored them.\nGave them the cold shoulder."} {"idx": 23401, "original_id": "1250832754176069633", "reply_id": "1250839693798842374", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy birthday to @JustTheClippy! What you do for the VA community is unprecedented and you absolutely should take today to relax! Hope you have a great one!"} {"idx": 23402, "original_id": "1251194961858609152", "reply_id": "1251214470946447361", "label": "omg", "text": "Last night was a gooood night"} {"idx": 23403, "original_id": "1251194187111948292", "reply_id": "1251199113351311361", "label": "agree", "text": "M1llionz flow is actually very ridiculous, that breh is gifted and talented"} {"idx": 23404, "original_id": "1251210794580291587", "reply_id": "1251212672579837954", "label": "high_five", "text": "Cooking up a soup that has 52 cloves of garlic in it."} {"idx": 23406, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251067305552797701", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 23408, "original_id": "1250839968131485699", "reply_id": "1250841387895001091", "label": "applause", "text": "Interesting argument being made by people who support the continued economic shutdown. They say its worth trillions in lost productivity if you save just one life. Then they argue to keep all of the abortion clinics open. I guess only certain lives are worth it, but not all lives"} {"idx": 23409, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1250893144947859456", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 23410, "original_id": "1250967496691265536", "reply_id": "1250973526758227968", "label": "applause", "text": "BEIJING (AP) — China says its economy contracted 6.8% in the 1st quarter in its worst slump since at least the 1970s as coronavirus hit."} {"idx": 23411, "original_id": "1250863458729422848", "reply_id": "1250880932078288906", "label": "seriously", "text": "If I was forced to pick today, I believe Green Bay’s first pick will come from this group:\n\nJordan Love\nBrandon Aiyuk\nDenzel Mims\nMichael Pittman Jr.\nChase Claypool\nAustin Jackson\nEzra Cleveland\nZach Baun\nA.J. Terrell\n\nIf I HAD to narrow it to 3:\n\nLove, Cleveland, Jackson"} {"idx": 23415, "original_id": "1251173587425406977", "reply_id": "1251206136876937219", "label": "shocked", "text": "I miss telling my friends I’m down and then cancelling the day of 😣😣😣"} {"idx": 23416, "original_id": "1251005829303676928", "reply_id": "1251150489233715201", "label": "smh", "text": "can we all agree that one good thing quarantine has given us is good music"} {"idx": 23417, "original_id": "1250850949465284610", "reply_id": "1250865984644222979", "label": "yes", "text": "Looking forward to Zooming 📽 with @JakeMillerTech tonight about @PearDeck !🍐🎉"} {"idx": 23420, "original_id": "1251220832401059840", "reply_id": "1251232267604758528", "label": "dance", "text": "I'm watching these awesome #TwitchStreamers \n\n@daddy32_big ft. @TobyCrow3 #MonsterHunterWorld \n\n@MonkeyAnt1 on #RocketLeague \n\n@DovaKean on Heroes & Generals\n\n!so @PandaD0n @dammit_cat1 @soulstraw_real @cloudy16313 @jane_nerdy @HARLEYQUINNH20 @Mina_Squad"} {"idx": 23425, "original_id": "1251058736954773504", "reply_id": "1251067130965110787", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If your brains were dynamite there wouldn't be enough to blow your hat off."} {"idx": 23428, "original_id": "1250968804978352130", "reply_id": "1251005042645102592", "label": "eww", "text": "If I abuses you for no reason then it only means you're special to me. 🥀"} {"idx": 23430, "original_id": "1250900453476503553", "reply_id": "1250900760155418624", "label": "yawn", "text": "LPL DFS stream cast tonight @mr_malmanger 👀 who would tune in"} {"idx": 23431, "original_id": "1251061737241161728", "reply_id": "1251234030667866114", "label": "seriously", "text": "So Zlatan get mouth to de yab person? Zlatan wey him papa run DNA test on am 5 times because he no believe say him pikin fit ugly reach like this."} {"idx": 23432, "original_id": "1250914651229040640", "reply_id": "1251168272936054786", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Which NBA player’s public perception would change the most if they won a title this season?"} {"idx": 23435, "original_id": "1250797310075793408", "reply_id": "1250834865320112129", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I’m going to attempt to make a lemon meringue pie today. Wish me luck 🥧"} {"idx": 23437, "original_id": "1250552780957327364", "reply_id": "1250838698804957184", "label": "omg", "text": "\"I don't understand how my signature got on the relief check\""} {"idx": 23438, "original_id": "1249818074037063680", "reply_id": "1250991198740848641", "label": "shocked", "text": "How about if ice cream was only made with skim milk?"} {"idx": 23441, "original_id": "1250649616216780800", "reply_id": "1250958372678983681", "label": "omg", "text": "Oh, look, Stuart Robert - a man who can’t make a cup of tea without smashing a window - is in charge of the tracking app."} {"idx": 23443, "original_id": "1251146016088154114", "reply_id": "1251148842776449030", "label": "no", "text": "Ooooouuuu Da Baby came with that 🔥🔥🔥"} {"idx": 23444, "original_id": "1250807837015539713", "reply_id": "1250908057485352960", "label": "eww", "text": "If 111,500 people donated their $1200 stimulus checks back to the US Treasury we could cover Trump’s 133.8m Golf Tab as of 2/14/20-what do you say America? @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 23445, "original_id": "1250823392963551233", "reply_id": "1250897932661846016", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I trust Dr. Pepper, Doctor Who (All 14!) and Dr. Dre all day before #DrOz."} {"idx": 23446, "original_id": "1251128187746226183", "reply_id": "1251218368348241926", "label": "yes", "text": "I hate being lied to...... don’t you?"} {"idx": 23447, "original_id": "1250863788212936705", "reply_id": "1250883007201902592", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "i get so happy when you talk to me🦋🦋🦋"} {"idx": 23449, "original_id": "1250873472491950082", "reply_id": "1250874047501684736", "label": "yes", "text": "With #TheLastofUsPartII delayed indefinitely, should I do a playthrough of the Last of Us on my channel later this year if Part 2 isn’t out by then? This will be the 8th time I play the game btw lol"} {"idx": 23450, "original_id": "1251139730206531584", "reply_id": "1251140240808521730", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I can tell my anxiety is bad today, because I'm finding everyone REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING. Even the nice people."} {"idx": 23451, "original_id": "1250980100868169728", "reply_id": "1250985637022482432", "label": "seriously", "text": "@KSMshotYou they got the best sushi up here omg"} {"idx": 23452, "original_id": "1251173661316460546", "reply_id": "1251175253440630784", "label": "hug", "text": "I am not going to cry in the grocery checkout line I am not going to cry in the grocery checkout line. #deepbreaths"} {"idx": 23453, "original_id": "1250982216290557953", "reply_id": "1250987492955873280", "label": "eww", "text": "Look, I’m just gonna come out and say it. \n\nI like pulp in my orange juice. And not “some pulp” I’m talking FULL pulp. So much pulp you gotta chew the shit."} {"idx": 23456, "original_id": "1250859686615748610", "reply_id": "1250860476457791489", "label": "no", "text": "am i a bad person"} {"idx": 23457, "original_id": "1250948534444097537", "reply_id": "1250949662191882240", "label": "no", "text": "Unpopular Opinion: 1999 Natty Team > 2013 Natty Team"} {"idx": 23460, "original_id": "1250875968337707008", "reply_id": "1250876137615564806", "label": "agree", "text": "If you're going to aggressively yell advice at obviously new players in VALORANT, at least tell them correct information. Don't be a jerk but especially if you're wrong."} {"idx": 23464, "original_id": "1251180041859485696", "reply_id": "1251191927279620097", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Is it too early to drink??"} {"idx": 23467, "original_id": "1250978896356364288", "reply_id": "1250996439183835136", "label": "hug", "text": "This is becoming one of the worst days I have had in a long time."} {"idx": 23470, "original_id": "1251271339136122880", "reply_id": "1251271856058925058", "label": "smh", "text": "Paige: I could go for a long wood rn...\nMe: *crickets*\nPaige: like a backwood"} {"idx": 23472, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1250858495315935240", "label": "applause", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 23474, "original_id": "1251135248324333568", "reply_id": "1251136366324453378", "label": "yes", "text": "Should i take one for the team and get my girl pregnant? 🤭🤭"} {"idx": 23477, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251027488710356994", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 23480, "original_id": "1251018539626123265", "reply_id": "1251191765887070211", "label": "applause", "text": "sometime ago this big insta acc had reposted my work without credit & they had an ad in the description. i msged and asked them to take it down bc they were making money off my uncredited work. They called me a bitch so I filed a DMCA and their 300k acc got deleted by insta 😌"} {"idx": 23482, "original_id": "1250992220997443585", "reply_id": "1251251187560574977", "label": "agree", "text": "I have 18 WRs in my top 100."} {"idx": 23483, "original_id": "1251231306702188544", "reply_id": "1251263823589195776", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Got the email I've been waiting for... My work is closed until August. Thankfully I'm on unemployment which will help a little. Gonna use this time to focus solely on school and graduate already dammit"} {"idx": 23484, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250947435838521344", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 23485, "original_id": "1251022761742331904", "reply_id": "1251023518562566144", "label": "applause", "text": "My mom asked me to teach her pubg. Quarantine got us..."} {"idx": 23491, "original_id": "1251183139914952708", "reply_id": "1251213517484552192", "label": "smh", "text": "I call on @Twitter to suspend the account of @realDonaldTrump for inciting violence."} {"idx": 23493, "original_id": "1250860141097791488", "reply_id": "1250860875289772032", "label": "yolo", "text": "Can we set up the pool this weekend? @thezeiders"} {"idx": 23494, "original_id": "1251124352889663493", "reply_id": "1251141859960688648", "label": "awww", "text": "I'm not sure if this happens often, but Tara in #OkKanmani is closest I have come to watching myself on screen. I remember catching it on Day 1 and the friends I'd gone with just kept saying, 'enna de unna madhriye panitu iruka' :P #5YearsOfOKKanmani"} {"idx": 23498, "original_id": "1251185375118311427", "reply_id": "1251187081042370561", "label": "idk", "text": "Cringest kids in the community?"} {"idx": 23499, "original_id": "1251265643783086086", "reply_id": "1251266366688149504", "label": "hug", "text": "g-guys i'm really scared rn i need a hug"} {"idx": 23501, "original_id": "1250998670415273988", "reply_id": "1250999286097227776", "label": "shocked", "text": "I can’t even think of 6 people that read 😂🤦🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 23503, "original_id": "1250772144595832832", "reply_id": "1250895951864246272", "label": "yawn", "text": "Things that make you Exempt from waving at other cyclists\n• deep sections\n• being “aero” (drops/tribars)\n• wearing Rapha\n• riding anything Italian\n• being a miserable tw@t\n• thinking people think you’ve turned pro, when you’ve just been furloughed like the rest of us 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 23506, "original_id": "1251241839945908224", "reply_id": "1251243725835116545", "label": "yes", "text": "Pork cutout + $8 two days"} {"idx": 23507, "original_id": "1250956697247645697", "reply_id": "1250969838912262146", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I am about to post something cool that will make a lot of people angry. Just saying."} {"idx": 23508, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250947282452783111", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 23509, "original_id": "1251027387602685952", "reply_id": "1251080327646318592", "label": "applause", "text": "They’ve been crowned #QueenOf this week @TabbyTigerVicky @Be_Unique_UK @villa_creations @PostCake2017 why not find out why #FollowFriday"} {"idx": 23510, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251030650855075841", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 23512, "original_id": "1250858180973748224", "reply_id": "1250877973332443140", "label": "agree", "text": "There is likely to be a showdown between Gov Evers and the GOP legislature over this attempt to skirt around the law and extend a Shelter in Place order that he doesn't have the authority to extend. \nThis is the very situation I previewed on the show this morning."} {"idx": 23518, "original_id": "1251118336735313923", "reply_id": "1251119051897819137", "label": "applause", "text": "Just got followed by a lil bitch"} {"idx": 23519, "original_id": "1250582216117116928", "reply_id": "1250947523423830016", "label": "no", "text": "If you are receiving stimulus money you should set aside a portion of it to give to God through your local church. God's Word commands it and your church absolutely needs the financial support right now. #stimuluspayment"} {"idx": 23526, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250909421854699523", "label": "seriously", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 23528, "original_id": "1250995545109336065", "reply_id": "1250999636736827393", "label": "agree", "text": "Why do i always get the guys who are older but act like they are 12🙄😩"} {"idx": 23531, "original_id": "1250697308309618688", "reply_id": "1250901970233090049", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "How are we all doing? Everyone ok?"} {"idx": 23532, "original_id": "1251048149180956672", "reply_id": "1251057836102160385", "label": "hug", "text": "When you live with someone who is bipolar, and yet she refuses to take her meds properly. I guess that I’ll be calling her psychiatrist tomorrow? That’s what I was told to do. Good night Twitter family."} {"idx": 23533, "original_id": "1251140060478652416", "reply_id": "1251198913069154305", "label": "applause", "text": "“But I love him” isn’t enough reason to make you stay in that relationship !!"} {"idx": 23534, "original_id": "1251226817878425600", "reply_id": "1251254171862360064", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "everyone i have an important meeting tn that i don't want to give any details on bc i don't want to jinx it but. pls send good vibes ✨😌✨"} {"idx": 23535, "original_id": "1251037330162552832", "reply_id": "1251048817190998017", "label": "shocked", "text": "Hell forget da baby I’m tryna have a threesome with Ashanti and Megan"} {"idx": 23537, "original_id": "1251136758236024832", "reply_id": "1251203906975272961", "label": "applause", "text": "We appear to have become a nation of weekly clappers, this needs to stop."} {"idx": 23538, "original_id": "1250081232504762368", "reply_id": "1251223235334508545", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m going to be a Father. It’s really hitting home now lol🙏🏽🏁"} {"idx": 23541, "original_id": "1250917898182369280", "reply_id": "1250918860376674306", "label": "hug", "text": "Coccole?"} {"idx": 23544, "original_id": "1251156482508222466", "reply_id": "1251156667384774656", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Home!!"} {"idx": 23545, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1251001960720982016", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 23546, "original_id": "1250832275362676744", "reply_id": "1250832382283972611", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@MrMaskie \n\nHappy birthday, i hope that you have the greatest Birthday ever. 🎁🎉🎆🎇🎂"} {"idx": 23550, "original_id": "1250924410594185216", "reply_id": "1250926132926402561", "label": "shocked", "text": "New Carti ass"} {"idx": 23557, "original_id": "1251097212257361920", "reply_id": "1251097313038106624", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Rogers gives up a leadoff single and we are underway here in Taichung."} {"idx": 23559, "original_id": "1251254293560037376", "reply_id": "1251263630965784577", "label": "seriously", "text": "Did...did he just call for people to revolt against their democratically elected governors?"} {"idx": 23562, "original_id": "1251087637009403904", "reply_id": "1251096464647876609", "label": "omg", "text": "Fogging!!😯"} {"idx": 23563, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251108938847784962", "label": "idk", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 23565, "original_id": "1251205392388042752", "reply_id": "1251209168343752704", "label": "shocked", "text": "Benny has the best discography outta Griselda.... \nThis is not even debatable....."} {"idx": 23566, "original_id": "1248463289257877505", "reply_id": "1251216246227509250", "label": "applause", "text": "We should cancel congressional paychecks until this pandemic is over.\n\nWho’s with me? 🙋🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 23567, "original_id": "1250834324955504641", "reply_id": "1250835678826504193", "label": "thank_you", "text": "When I hit 30k followers I am gonna give some #Bitcoin away - BPP (#Bitcoin Protection Program). \n\n🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥\n🔥🔥🔥Retweet and Follow this and let's go🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥"} {"idx": 23568, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250901335207272450", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 23569, "original_id": "1250872485622530055", "reply_id": "1250897418599579648", "label": "hug", "text": "This house is a nightmare. \n\nLiterally."} {"idx": 23572, "original_id": "1251007259901075456", "reply_id": "1251008834220494848", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Da Baby and Lucci dropped 🔥"} {"idx": 23574, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250939920790835200", "label": "smh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 23576, "original_id": "1251248894853484544", "reply_id": "1251264400092270593", "label": "yes", "text": "Tonight, I'm going to stream with @Jake_NFL as we attempt to finalize our draft board and rankings. Look for that around 8:30."} {"idx": 23581, "original_id": "1251145432819920897", "reply_id": "1251145526159921161", "label": "kiss", "text": "@EvCoRadio @Babchik Stay safe FALS💛"} {"idx": 23583, "original_id": "1250571414723272706", "reply_id": "1250868863585128448", "label": "yes", "text": "If this stay at home lasts for another month im going to start defending my @nwa Women's Title in my living room! #NWAPowerrr @TheNWAPod @WrestlingDaze @NWAGirlPowerrr"} {"idx": 23584, "original_id": "1251032964667895808", "reply_id": "1251089365847007233", "label": "eww", "text": "Just walked past a guy who has very obviously pissed himself"} {"idx": 23586, "original_id": "1251017980609048577", "reply_id": "1251023558114861056", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@neetapatnam many happy returns of the day 🎂"} {"idx": 23587, "original_id": "1251049106249678848", "reply_id": "1251050339861553155", "label": "idk", "text": "Why I’m always picking the wrong bitch😂"} {"idx": 23590, "original_id": "1250412862012624896", "reply_id": "1251005663045734400", "label": "ok", "text": "any black person that accepts that $1200 is shaming their ancestors. period."} {"idx": 23591, "original_id": "1251113565240647680", "reply_id": "1251130967747629058", "label": "oops", "text": "My coworker who never came to work pre-pandemic has been at work early af everyday for the past month. When I asked him why, he said it’s cause he doesn’t wanna be at home with his wife and kids. 🥴"} {"idx": 23594, "original_id": "1250900585928417283", "reply_id": "1250904173153001473", "label": "ok", "text": "I kinda really dislike when people say that their post “flopped” in social media contexts. You’re not entitled to other people’s attention."} {"idx": 23596, "original_id": "1250867437135966208", "reply_id": "1250972052175106049", "label": "applause", "text": "🙌🏾 praise report 🙌🏾\n\nmy wife was just appointed as an adjunct assistant professor of preventive medicine!!!"} {"idx": 23597, "original_id": "1251125312483713026", "reply_id": "1251140414586814465", "label": "agree", "text": "My darling premium gist readers.\nI bring you news.\n\nWe took a break yesterday to rectify some difficulties.\nLetters were supposed to go out today. It appears that we’ve exceeded the amount of emails we can send out so we’re trying to shift to another platform.\n#thekeikenletters"} {"idx": 23598, "original_id": "1250869130921512960", "reply_id": "1250874312178806784", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m such a dick all the time and my girlfriend just deals with it, an angel."} {"idx": 23599, "original_id": "1250886504819372035", "reply_id": "1250889664367648804", "label": "yes", "text": "Do i post ass for national horny day or no"} {"idx": 23600, "original_id": "1250909840504913920", "reply_id": "1250910067278450693", "label": "wink", "text": "Is there any sports figure or celebrity from Cleveland who didn't get a free #Browns jersey??"} {"idx": 23601, "original_id": "1250951894836621312", "reply_id": "1250952677841874945", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Phase 1 – HTML (DOM.)\nPhase 2 – CSS (CSSOM, flex, grid.)\nPhase 3 – JavaScript / front-end.\nPhase 4 – git / linux cli\nPhase 5 – React.\nPhase 6 – Node.\nPhase 7 – Express.\nPhase 8 – Mongo (or MySQL.)\nPhase 9 – back-end xp @ your 1st job.\nPhase 10 – You're a Full Stack dev."} {"idx": 23604, "original_id": "1250935889188044800", "reply_id": "1250955079517122561", "label": "applause", "text": "bussing out my jeans 😆😚"} {"idx": 23606, "original_id": "1250936157535272960", "reply_id": "1250936735875207168", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i’m gonna pretend i didn’t listen to @ meh"} {"idx": 23607, "original_id": "1251163195424878592", "reply_id": "1251164268231307264", "label": "agree", "text": "People need their city jobs back more than hand sanitizer...if we’re talking about helping a community"} {"idx": 23609, "original_id": "1250550587751641095", "reply_id": "1250924066254532611", "label": "hug", "text": "today I feel angry and frustrated and sad and hopeless and pointless. What is the point of me? I’m just the sad, stupid girl who doesn’t like herself enough to make a better life and wouldn’t know what that looks like even if she did. It will pass. And it will come again."} {"idx": 23610, "original_id": "1250929470141198336", "reply_id": "1250934952742522880", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Can we all talk about how hypocritical it is that Yennefer gets so jealous and mad at Geralt if he has been with someone else when she's out there banging whoever she wants!? \n\nThat right there makes me wanna say Triss > Yen."} {"idx": 23613, "original_id": "1250995682690789376", "reply_id": "1251178294998941698", "label": "facepalm", "text": "And now, dear audience, we present to you a Kilderkin Production Special...\n\nThe official entry into the 2020 National Horny Day trend...\n\nSung to the tune of Frank Sinatra's classic hit \"New York New York\"...\n\nIt's...\n\n🎶 START SPREADING\nTHOSE CHEEKS 🎵\n\n🎵 I'M EATIN'\nTONIGHT 🎶"} {"idx": 23614, "original_id": "1250868975724085248", "reply_id": "1250883478029295617", "label": "eww", "text": "My bf used to be an Aggie fan before he met me 🤢 thank God I changed him for the better. #HookEm"} {"idx": 23618, "original_id": "1250877506770608129", "reply_id": "1250879332488228872", "label": "agree", "text": "If we reopen too early, more people will get infected with Coronavirus. If more people get infected, not only will the be out of work, but they will rack up hospital bills they can’t afford and infect others.\n\nI’m a dumbass and even I know this. We need to be safe."} {"idx": 23621, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1251240932822974465", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 23622, "original_id": "1250839914125524993", "reply_id": "1250841589364199425", "label": "hug", "text": "My grandpa is in the hospital. I don’t know the details yet. But I’m scared 😟"} {"idx": 23624, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251220431417344000", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 23628, "original_id": "1250807675656589313", "reply_id": "1250964617293004800", "label": "shocked", "text": "Today I’m focusing on reinstalling/customizing my #vscode. A straight forward task I’ve somehow have avoided at every turn #coder #100DaysOfCode"} {"idx": 23630, "original_id": "1250935167591550977", "reply_id": "1250957460833054725", "label": "applause", "text": "I don't know who needs to hear this but breakfast foods are just as delicious at dinner time."} {"idx": 23633, "original_id": "1251188527708033024", "reply_id": "1251216695399612416", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Happy birthday to the fabulous @RachelNotley. You do Alberta Proud!"} {"idx": 23635, "original_id": "1251002530898771969", "reply_id": "1251023729976582145", "label": "applause", "text": "I wannnna save my money so bad yet I wannnna spend it on dumbass shit"} {"idx": 23638, "original_id": "1251217045854830594", "reply_id": "1251217570788712448", "label": "high_five", "text": "I lose followers every time I yell at Gov. Abbott but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make"} {"idx": 23643, "original_id": "1250956495191265280", "reply_id": "1251112688127815680", "label": "yes", "text": "hey do y’all wanna see some more cute Bit Rate art"} {"idx": 23647, "original_id": "1251053982220537856", "reply_id": "1251054563664244737", "label": "facepalm", "text": "y’all telling me to stop now 🥺"} {"idx": 23649, "original_id": "1250943797657247745", "reply_id": "1250955650248724483", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m Bouta hit 100k subscribers on YouTube @losxtg"} {"idx": 23650, "original_id": "1251133322723459075", "reply_id": "1251244372332601345", "label": "yes", "text": "The best way to prepare for the future?\n\nStay close to Jesus!"} {"idx": 23651, "original_id": "1251130464141750275", "reply_id": "1251176658251337729", "label": "wink", "text": "#ff Journals 2 Love! @TinderboxPoetry @WaxwingMag @MenacingHedge\n@EmptyMirror @riseupreview @WhaleRoadReview"} {"idx": 23656, "original_id": "1250798066359308289", "reply_id": "1250833342582321152", "label": "yes", "text": "Let's say Henry Ruggs is there at 15, but some team from the 20s comes calling with a 2021 1st-rounder as part of a trade package.\n\nWhich one you taking?"} {"idx": 23658, "original_id": "1250171239441694722", "reply_id": "1251016018698240001", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Nobody interacts w me on twitter🥺"} {"idx": 23660, "original_id": "1250721243759702016", "reply_id": "1251169462658543617", "label": "omg", "text": "\"It says here that the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary are of equal power. But that's not really the case, is it?\", asked my 10th grader.\nLong conversation later, he concluded. \"Then why do they teach us stuff that is not true.\""} {"idx": 23662, "original_id": "1251108359622864897", "reply_id": "1251214982190108676", "label": "omg", "text": "I’ve just released Space Agency 2138 for Android. It should start appearing in the Play Store in the next few hours. Enjoy..."} {"idx": 23664, "original_id": "1250897163648991241", "reply_id": "1250930891049795584", "label": "hug", "text": "Non cryptic tweet: It dawned on me today....I miss the Detroit media."} {"idx": 23665, "original_id": "1251079088850247683", "reply_id": "1251196253289021441", "label": "awww", "text": "Talking to Katie this morning made my day already ❤️"} {"idx": 23668, "original_id": "1250883771785764878", "reply_id": "1250886952456466435", "label": "win", "text": "great stream big shout outs to @lewster2000 @rageoverrun @rick300 @Wolfy_d73 @OfficialRDTV big love"} {"idx": 23671, "original_id": "1251021078538801152", "reply_id": "1251268535436730368", "label": "yes", "text": "I’d love to see Joe Biden announce his running mate, and then he and she start holding their own press conference at the same time Trump holds his."} {"idx": 23675, "original_id": "1250247436120948736", "reply_id": "1250957890296393730", "label": "shrug", "text": "I've been puzzling over this...\n\nImagine there's a huge meteor hurtling through space towards planet Earth...whom will Trump blame ?"} {"idx": 23676, "original_id": "1251196450119340035", "reply_id": "1251207948384317440", "label": "please", "text": "Hey, hey.... #BCSM - ROLL CALL - 4/17 - How are you today? Bonus points for answers in GIFs. Hope everyone is hanging in there, staying home, washing hands, living life. hugs."} {"idx": 23677, "original_id": "1250996998444126209", "reply_id": "1251008180093702144", "label": "applause", "text": "I suck"} {"idx": 23679, "original_id": "1251226592480763912", "reply_id": "1251237942909075458", "label": "hug", "text": "Stressed myself out at work; taking a breather. Nothing bad; just too much at once."} {"idx": 23680, "original_id": "1251174042435895296", "reply_id": "1251174616049074176", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Don't tell me my spreadsheet is great, tell me it's EXCELent ✨💅📈📊"} {"idx": 23682, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250910878633021447", "label": "seriously", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 23683, "original_id": "1250922279044857856", "reply_id": "1250922655634595843", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump: Some people are DEAD right now. DEAD."} {"idx": 23686, "original_id": "1250881899674906626", "reply_id": "1250886820503707650", "label": "win", "text": "4/20 is 4 days away! 💨"} {"idx": 23687, "original_id": "1250883169462759425", "reply_id": "1250884670390181888", "label": "agree", "text": "And just like that I've been called off the bench! Happy to head back to @defense_news on Monday! I didn't get any news about my furloughed colleagues at @MilitaryTimes, \n@C4ISRNET & @FederalTimes but I'll be thinking about them & reporters pulling double duty to cover for them."} {"idx": 23691, "original_id": "1250452149428989952", "reply_id": "1251077966064504838", "label": "yes", "text": "Why are we flying in a few hundred Romanians to pick fruit when we should already have 17.4 million patriotic British volunteers?"} {"idx": 23695, "original_id": "1250290482598400003", "reply_id": "1250882835222691840", "label": "no", "text": "I’m for $2,000 for every American adult for the duration of this crisis. #MoneyForThePeople"} {"idx": 23696, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1250996235919667201", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 23697, "original_id": "1250832804742680578", "reply_id": "1250833320948183043", "label": "applause", "text": "Jalen Green, potential No. 1 pick in 2021 NBA draft, says he is bypassing college and signing in the NBA G League."} {"idx": 23698, "original_id": "1251190234919960578", "reply_id": "1251212761721442306", "label": "yes", "text": "i’m in a mood today do i block everyone who’s done me dirty yes or yes"} {"idx": 23699, "original_id": "1251268991038959618", "reply_id": "1251270020681945091", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m doing ok. Overwhelmed and over emotional as always :) James #timstwitterlisteningparty"} {"idx": 23702, "original_id": "1250895344378019840", "reply_id": "1250946057116299264", "label": "agree", "text": "you’re all cuties 😍"} {"idx": 23703, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251233415556485120", "label": "applause", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 23704, "original_id": "1250863373039927301", "reply_id": "1250895826123186177", "label": "yes", "text": "@DanL414 podcast tomorrow?"} {"idx": 23706, "original_id": "1251138707513638916", "reply_id": "1251145949302255618", "label": "sigh", "text": "Woke up juicier than a peach.."} {"idx": 23707, "original_id": "1251148686840586240", "reply_id": "1251153450051633158", "label": "applause", "text": "Did I pop my hip out this morning then proceed to play dnd with it still not back in place 4 an hour yes,, did i just play it off as hyas brain is thinking and stuff yes,, did it happen again while I was playing 14,,yes\n\nMy body is a flesh prison, my bones tried to escape"} {"idx": 23711, "original_id": "1251102937637584896", "reply_id": "1251145339534323716", "label": "hug", "text": "Been crying my eyes out all morning after receiving some bad news and can’t seem to stop crying. I’ll be ready for bed by lunch time #BPDProblems"} {"idx": 23712, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251128359020527616", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 23713, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250925391700807689", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 23714, "original_id": "1251189371463700480", "reply_id": "1251203661037998080", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "LIBERATE LINDSAY GRAHAM'S SEXUAL ORIENTATION!"} {"idx": 23720, "original_id": "1250873962625675270", "reply_id": "1250875304052240384", "label": "smh", "text": "To this day I can’t finish Aquaman"} {"idx": 23722, "original_id": "1250967334908354560", "reply_id": "1250969627955302400", "label": "hug", "text": "had to delete that because i aint in the mood for this vax vs antivax bullshit. idgaf which side you on, you do you boo"} {"idx": 23726, "original_id": "1250651106822074368", "reply_id": "1251175646182555648", "label": "applause", "text": "How's your experience with Flutter? Only gifs allowed 🤟🏼\n\n#Flutter"} {"idx": 23728, "original_id": "1251194733596205056", "reply_id": "1251265085839945729", "label": "yes", "text": "Let's liberate the USA from greed, anger, and delusion.\n\nMay all beings be happy\nMay all beings be healthy\nMay all beings be safe\nMay we love all sentient beings, without exception"} {"idx": 23731, "original_id": "1251228345783771142", "reply_id": "1251228993761742850", "label": "good_luck", "text": "“This is the second time in less than a year that our fans have stepped up to the mark in support of their club. We really hope their generosity will be rewarded with the opportunity to see their team complete their push for promotion – and a Wembley final - this season.\" 🖤👏"} {"idx": 23734, "original_id": "1250895149040914432", "reply_id": "1250895542248329216", "label": "hug", "text": "i will begin homework tomorrow i just dont feel very good"} {"idx": 23735, "original_id": "1250935584710963202", "reply_id": "1250998552337268736", "label": "oops", "text": "I really should have thought twice about feeding cabbage to a household of boys during a quarantine, especially when it’s 30° and I can’t open a window 🤦🏼‍♀️🤢"} {"idx": 23740, "original_id": "1250890351990181895", "reply_id": "1250934056558215179", "label": "smh", "text": "Y’all i tried shooting my shot and guess what 😒 right... never again 🤣🤣"} {"idx": 23745, "original_id": "1250734685644361728", "reply_id": "1251009499281805313", "label": "win", "text": "Where are those moving pictures that people are sending me from? They are very clever. Are they from the Google?"} {"idx": 23750, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251017702811951104", "label": "shocked", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 23752, "original_id": "1251078870461222912", "reply_id": "1251090468122787840", "label": "applause", "text": "Good morning Twitter! How are you? I had a brain wave, My next youtube video will be: everything I did wrong in streaming & how you can do it right"} {"idx": 23754, "original_id": "1251016838173073410", "reply_id": "1251017235268882432", "label": "high_five", "text": "Good morning"} {"idx": 23755, "original_id": "1250952312056668160", "reply_id": "1250956610517770242", "label": "dance", "text": "Rollin' to the club, stop to get my grub on. Nothing like those Krispy Kreme's."} {"idx": 23761, "original_id": "1250992323829301251", "reply_id": "1251218891109535748", "label": "shocked", "text": "you ever think about how weird it is to tell people \"we're trying to have a baby\""} {"idx": 23766, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250926023916482560", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 23767, "original_id": "1250944880525873155", "reply_id": "1251029915933249536", "label": "yes", "text": "I don't have a dirty mind \n\nI have a sexy imagination"} {"idx": 23770, "original_id": "1251213952589213708", "reply_id": "1251214623723843585", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Highly requested upload incoming…"} {"idx": 23774, "original_id": "1251044994640576512", "reply_id": "1251050351597248514", "label": "omg", "text": "Imagine being an overthinker with too much time on your hands."} {"idx": 23775, "original_id": "1250958443218796544", "reply_id": "1250960254742876166", "label": "smh", "text": "d*fence squad really saying t*ssa isn't taking quarantine seriously while their fave wants to do non-essential travel from a covid hotspot to a rural town in another country that obviously has vulnerable health systems 🥴🥴 make it make sense please 🥴🥴"} {"idx": 23779, "original_id": "1251261385125715968", "reply_id": "1251265611386290176", "label": "smh", "text": "My trials in the fiery crucible made me hot....."} {"idx": 23782, "original_id": "1251123327260917761", "reply_id": "1251152461978497031", "label": "hug", "text": "Rollercoaster of emotions kind of day. One minute I feel fine, next I feel like I’m falling apart. 😔💔"} {"idx": 23784, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250939039500427264", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 23785, "original_id": "1251235980746473472", "reply_id": "1251236253162405895", "label": "yes", "text": "Got into my dream college yesterday, and I had a dream of me getting accepted and when I woke up today I thought it was all a dream then I saw the email again and still can’t believe it!! Thank you everyone who has helped me through my journey, but it just the beginning!!"} {"idx": 23786, "original_id": "1251217245432414208", "reply_id": "1251228846181007360", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Giveaway at 100k followers🕺💃"} {"idx": 23788, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251014943853297670", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 23789, "original_id": "1251074163852238856", "reply_id": "1251078864438284288", "label": "hug", "text": "😔 sad girl hours."} {"idx": 23790, "original_id": "1250890782103437314", "reply_id": "1250897905029910529", "label": "yes", "text": "looks like i should have listened to whoever pitched $gild calls in the #ELMER5000YOLO contest"} {"idx": 23791, "original_id": "1250833127536316417", "reply_id": "1250932466560520192", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I am pleased to be joining the bipartisan task force on reopening the economy. Together with @realdonaldTrump, we will get this economy roaring once again. We need to let Americans get safely back to work and bring prosperity to this nation anew! 🇺🇸"} {"idx": 23792, "original_id": "1250899985366953984", "reply_id": "1250911068819320833", "label": "applause", "text": "Dessert tonight—donuts or ice cream? 🤔🤷🏾‍♂️😂"} {"idx": 23793, "original_id": "1251263910356963333", "reply_id": "1251264063503339522", "label": "dance", "text": "wow people think it's cool to make fun of someone's insecurities.. lol okay then"} {"idx": 23794, "original_id": "1251136343742337024", "reply_id": "1251136984673931264", "label": "eww", "text": "my buddy just got his heart broken by this girl &, while her personality is made up of her being stupid for attention & blaming her toxic traits on “it’s just how i am” i think the worst part about her is the fact that she’s a white girl with dreads."} {"idx": 23795, "original_id": "1250992270733647872", "reply_id": "1250995297741930496", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "when you have plenty of ideas for your new server but now you’re starting to have doubts on everything that can go wrong ghfhdj \nit’s gre a t"} {"idx": 23796, "original_id": "1250862893605634048", "reply_id": "1250890954556481538", "label": "sigh", "text": "COVID19 isn't the flu. \n\nBut for under-45, COVID hospitalizes 1% & kills .014%.\n\nAll ages, flu hospitalizes 1.5% & kills 0.13%.\n\nRestricting COVID to under-45s results in 6x flu hospitalizations & 1x flu deaths, & gets us to herd immunity.\n\nShelter the old, but release the young!"} {"idx": 23798, "original_id": "1250948068125614092", "reply_id": "1250953457747574791", "label": "yawn", "text": "Goodnight everybody!"} {"idx": 23799, "original_id": "1250904949170376704", "reply_id": "1250915741710385154", "label": "omg", "text": "Don’t you think it’s weird when you touch your teeth you’re touching your skull? ☠️"} {"idx": 23800, "original_id": "1251177939783352321", "reply_id": "1251192017905950721", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Accidentally uninstalled Chatbot...there go my commands. Great.\n\nLuckily they were listed on my channel. So this just became my afternoon."} {"idx": 23802, "original_id": "1250914896994283522", "reply_id": "1250920330559918097", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Not sure who needs to hear this but you're a piece of shit"} {"idx": 23803, "original_id": "1251125600816947201", "reply_id": "1251126859556937728", "label": "agree", "text": "The new rule is you don’t get to call yourself “doctor” if I’m smarter than you."} {"idx": 23804, "original_id": "1251063449238544384", "reply_id": "1251138984463355906", "label": "shocked", "text": "I am planning to watch the Late Late Show tonight and I’m actually highly excited at the prospect. Clearly I have passed the point of no return. #lockdownbrokeme"} {"idx": 23805, "original_id": "1250940545922367491", "reply_id": "1250945578722263041", "label": "agree", "text": "Damian Lillard will finish his career as a Hall Of Famer"} {"idx": 23807, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251220206921437185", "label": "popcorn", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 23808, "original_id": "1251003489439772672", "reply_id": "1251034003978608641", "label": "seriously", "text": "Did I mention there's flan too? Because there is."} {"idx": 23809, "original_id": "1251216425345114113", "reply_id": "1251217159050665986", "label": "agree", "text": "Briefly breaking my twitter hiatus to share all of the good news from @childhoodruc ! So excited for so many people!"} {"idx": 23811, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250944746345779201", "label": "omg", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 23816, "original_id": "1250939658680352768", "reply_id": "1250941400490729474", "label": "applause", "text": "I feel a huge stock market rally tomorrow."} {"idx": 23818, "original_id": "1251128142435057666", "reply_id": "1251270112004370432", "label": "yes", "text": "Motherfuckers that think they bother me by telling me what a hot dog is made of don’t realize that I’ll eat ass on a first date so the hotdog horror stories really have no effect on me"} {"idx": 23823, "original_id": "1251200185893519362", "reply_id": "1251212377774870529", "label": "agree", "text": "I may lose track of days but this horny feeling always stays."} {"idx": 23825, "original_id": "1251235069617942533", "reply_id": "1251235462125170691", "label": "applause", "text": "When you become so rich that you forget what it’s like to be poor, you need to get your head examined."} {"idx": 23830, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251055517021044737", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 23833, "original_id": "1251010994668789760", "reply_id": "1251013902248411136", "label": "no", "text": "Everyone who's still up, GO TO BED!\n\nUnless you live in Australia, then you're fine."} {"idx": 23835, "original_id": "1250956807129960450", "reply_id": "1250959590323347461", "label": "sigh", "text": "I really miss my friends. Every single one of them."} {"idx": 23836, "original_id": "1250923500673486850", "reply_id": "1250927119137415176", "label": "applause", "text": "Yay. Job training starts...3rd time....april 27th. \n\nthank you, universe ❤💛💚"} {"idx": 23837, "original_id": "1251270415747411968", "reply_id": "1251270942992539654", "label": "applause", "text": "CREAM STREAM! live in one hour ❤️"} {"idx": 23838, "original_id": "1250880119725608965", "reply_id": "1250985654235934720", "label": "agree", "text": "staying alive bc i still haven't had the chance to peg a man and i can't die without having done that"} {"idx": 23839, "original_id": "1250825796232466437", "reply_id": "1250847424932970496", "label": "oops", "text": "I’m gonna mess around and attempt to wax my own eyebrows in a minute..."} {"idx": 23840, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250921544290836482", "label": "scared", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 23842, "original_id": "1251130445896364032", "reply_id": "1251141363216736258", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug pliss?😔"} {"idx": 23843, "original_id": "1251189989460893705", "reply_id": "1251190569809911808", "label": "popcorn", "text": "The referee is looking at the replay on the pitch-side monitor. This could be disastrous for Villa!"} {"idx": 23844, "original_id": "1251155754821668864", "reply_id": "1251222572626259968", "label": "yes", "text": "ChainLink didn’t get any attention at all in the last crypto bull run. I’m amazed at the crowd now. $LINK will be top 3."} {"idx": 23845, "original_id": "1250947615572844544", "reply_id": "1251201120095133697", "label": "yawn", "text": "What's the largest animal you would fight?"} {"idx": 23846, "original_id": "1250848860517343240", "reply_id": "1251013938587762689", "label": "applause", "text": "i’ll say it again for those who couldn’t believe it—joseph stalin, vladimir lenin, & karl marx weren’t “settler-colonialists.”\n\nif you used a dialectical materialist lens of understanding race instead that liberal metaphysical lens y’all default to, i wouldn’t be controversial."} {"idx": 23848, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250924064631402496", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 23853, "original_id": "1251243931993550850", "reply_id": "1251244164299272192", "label": "hearts", "text": "I’m so impressed w my fellow #isles fans compassion during this time. We have @YesMenOutfitter + @Bluelinedeli719 providing our frontline workers breakfast, @knightvine helping me find items I need/advice & @ReverendBobby generously sent me hand sanitizer. Our fanbase is family."} {"idx": 23858, "original_id": "1250773932317249537", "reply_id": "1250858348246941698", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s so quiet on campus. I don’t like it. Missing everyone 😢"} {"idx": 23859, "original_id": "1251196378350530560", "reply_id": "1251196680550199297", "label": "applause", "text": "soriku clerith r the same"} {"idx": 23862, "original_id": "1250717864002281473", "reply_id": "1250890105755238401", "label": "ok", "text": "How are you all doing? Sum it up in a GIF..."} {"idx": 23864, "original_id": "1251140816728285187", "reply_id": "1251141444632375296", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm thinking of starting a vlog or maybe podcast, thoughts?"} {"idx": 23866, "original_id": "1250776257521909760", "reply_id": "1251089183004753920", "label": "agree", "text": "Guys take one mediocre picture in their mid 30s and just ride that bitch out for the rest of their lives on here"} {"idx": 23868, "original_id": "1250882654171394048", "reply_id": "1250902643079286785", "label": "yes", "text": "been neck deep in labs, daydreaming and fine tuning The Lockdown Mixtape: INSIDE FOR THE PEOPLE ....this thing is BANG. ING. nice & deep and comin to you soon 😜🤘🙏📡❤️"} {"idx": 23870, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251209492655734784", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 23872, "original_id": "1250710783962447872", "reply_id": "1251037828017844225", "label": "agree", "text": "Strategy of the strategist was to give a strategy so that it could strategise the strategy of the strategiser. But the tragedy of the strategist was that the strategy couldn't be stratagised since the strategist actually didn't have a strategy. Did you understand the stratagy?:)"} {"idx": 23873, "original_id": "1250954458193854464", "reply_id": "1250955338926309377", "label": "no", "text": "pick 1"} {"idx": 23875, "original_id": "1250882654171394048", "reply_id": "1251109167793872896", "label": "want", "text": "been neck deep in labs, daydreaming and fine tuning The Lockdown Mixtape: INSIDE FOR THE PEOPLE ....this thing is BANG. ING. nice & deep and comin to you soon 😜🤘🙏📡❤️"} {"idx": 23877, "original_id": "1250884092624883713", "reply_id": "1250889003567656961", "label": "yes", "text": "I hope @GovRonDeSantis realizes with his inaction to help the unemployed, he just made @realDonaldTrump lose Florida come November. #Floridaunemploymentbenefits"} {"idx": 23878, "original_id": "1251223773400969218", "reply_id": "1251240749221453824", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hands up who’s doing their time locked in without any fucking problems whatsoever? Let’s have a shout out for the adaptable, the sensible, the fucking above room temperature IQ people, for whom this lockdown is a piece of piss. I’m sick of hearing sad stories. Show me joy!!"} {"idx": 23880, "original_id": "1251264839973928961", "reply_id": "1251265717204217856", "label": "omg", "text": "I found a recipe for breakfast enchiladas"} {"idx": 23882, "original_id": "1250863544586944512", "reply_id": "1250957654479958017", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Orange Juice > Apple Juice"} {"idx": 23883, "original_id": "1251023013845168128", "reply_id": "1251183171825172480", "label": "applause", "text": "Everyone, I just wrapped up revisions on this new novel and sent it in. The next step is copy editing. I am utterly exhausted and absolutely thrilled."} {"idx": 23884, "original_id": "1250874540433039360", "reply_id": "1250875085461864448", "label": "no", "text": "Hi black twitter, am i as a white person allowed to share memes with the word in it? I need to know, I been feeling weird."} {"idx": 23885, "original_id": "1251235817323888641", "reply_id": "1251236835927433216", "label": "yes", "text": "Ok I’m gona be honest here I’ve eaten a flap jack it was gerrr on this Vegan 🌱 and it was absolutely tops.. also I may or may not be hight as a kite right this min x"} {"idx": 23889, "original_id": "1251004601144184832", "reply_id": "1251005942897864705", "label": "good_luck", "text": "If I die one more time on this game, I’m taking my black ass to bed."} {"idx": 23890, "original_id": "1250866526355443724", "reply_id": "1250872724165197824", "label": "sigh", "text": "No stream tonight guys as I'm getting a error 🙄 when trying to start a stream so I'll be live tomorrow after diner Take all 👊💙"} {"idx": 23891, "original_id": "1250741464054759426", "reply_id": "1250992515672498183", "label": "yawn", "text": "if i ask you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet, but you've never looked at a woman & been totally vulnerable. known someone that could level you with her eyes.. feeling like God put an angel on Earth just for you, who could rescue you from the depths of hell."} {"idx": 23892, "original_id": "1250967307461054464", "reply_id": "1251103207042023424", "label": "scared", "text": "Reply with the gif that best describes how you felt at the start of OT in Game 6 of the 2010 Stanley Cup Final. \n\n#HawksRewind"} {"idx": 23893, "original_id": "1250929904125988868", "reply_id": "1250932475825721344", "label": "agree", "text": "Why does Jill Biden always look so guilty whenever her husband loses his train of thought? I can’t be the only one seeing this."} {"idx": 23895, "original_id": "1250995213079842824", "reply_id": "1251013242144636928", "label": "oops", "text": "there’s a scorpio lurking your social media right now plotting on how to make you theirs"} {"idx": 23896, "original_id": "1251018539626123265", "reply_id": "1251022468099330049", "label": "applause", "text": "sometime ago this big insta acc had reposted my work without credit & they had an ad in the description. i msged and asked them to take it down bc they were making money off my uncredited work. They called me a bitch so I filed a DMCA and their 300k acc got deleted by insta 😌"} {"idx": 23897, "original_id": "1251248177040068608", "reply_id": "1251249220171915265", "label": "smh", "text": "Unpopular opinion:\n\nI'm New Mexican, but I don't like red chile. I also really don't care for tacos. 🤷‍♂️😅"} {"idx": 23899, "original_id": "1251209167316148225", "reply_id": "1251219367729086464", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I am impressed by the number of men on the internet who still, in this pandemic, have the time and energy and bad theology to say \"GIRLS CAN'T BE PASTORS\" as if we're not in the liturgical season literally begun by Mary Magdalene's testimony about the risen Christ"} {"idx": 23904, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1250860477623808004", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 23905, "original_id": "1251092035869818881", "reply_id": "1251095809095012352", "label": "kiss", "text": "Hugged by @usedtosenorita\n\nHugging cycle against quarantine? Tag people you’d like to hug and they shall do the same 💜\n\n@LostInSMs_Music @tequilamnds @particularmutal @canthavemercy_ @ltsmeRenata @WhyAmeliaa @shawnmendesaly"} {"idx": 23908, "original_id": "1251191427931017222", "reply_id": "1251193010349584385", "label": "dance", "text": "I got my @ParkAveBeauty lashes today 😍"} {"idx": 23909, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251052043961274369", "label": "agree", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 23910, "original_id": "1250941010131202050", "reply_id": "1251104429383847936", "label": "no", "text": "None of this happened before Baby Yoda showed up"} {"idx": 23911, "original_id": "1250863859583324165", "reply_id": "1250867699414183936", "label": "eww", "text": "the audacity of @EricaAtom420 not liking caldo like no mms babe 🙄😑"} {"idx": 23913, "original_id": "1251236944689979393", "reply_id": "1251241286218199043", "label": "wink", "text": "bought a $50 gift card when I was grocery shopping today & when the cashier tried to hand it to me, I told her it was for her. she started crying & I somehow stonefaced it until now. waterworks just burst.\n\ntake care of people. please send love into the world as much as you can!"} {"idx": 23914, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251253846296408064", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 23916, "original_id": "1251055549027954688", "reply_id": "1251055749293318145", "label": "no", "text": "would it be weird to order myself a trophy just because"} {"idx": 23919, "original_id": "1250946310649323521", "reply_id": "1250949582068031491", "label": "agree", "text": "R500 give away if no one likes your reply within an hour. A winner @ 11am. good luck👌🏼"} {"idx": 23920, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1251130638142525442", "label": "eww", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 23923, "original_id": "1251112439623671816", "reply_id": "1251126635077799938", "label": "agree", "text": "Good morning MAGA!\n\nI never thought I would say this - but I can't wait to get back to work!\n\nThat's one thing you'll never hear a Demaroid say!\n😂😂\n\nHave a beautiful day y'all! 👊😊🇺🇸\n\n#MAGA"} {"idx": 23925, "original_id": "1250844310725169153", "reply_id": "1250902828480000000", "label": "smh", "text": "Would anyone be surprised to see #DrOz as replacement for #DrFauci at the next televised trump mini rally disguised as Coronavirus taskfarce daily briefing?"} {"idx": 23926, "original_id": "1251066716563611650", "reply_id": "1251138705357787137", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "When the rona is gone, we are taking the pencil lady to a mall and asking her to draw an actual art piece from scratch..."} {"idx": 23928, "original_id": "1250665450813321217", "reply_id": "1250875276134735873", "label": "shocked", "text": "Would anyone else be kinda sorta okay if Trump dissolved Congress and made himself dictator?"} {"idx": 23929, "original_id": "1251001611931049984", "reply_id": "1251003393906282496", "label": "hug", "text": "Wow I feel empty"} {"idx": 23930, "original_id": "1250814886030069761", "reply_id": "1250848985293762562", "label": "awww", "text": "I actually miss my coworkers 🥺🥺"} {"idx": 23932, "original_id": "1250936433998692353", "reply_id": "1250938901931405314", "label": "agree", "text": "my bf is so cuteeee🥺"} {"idx": 23939, "original_id": "1251212228310827010", "reply_id": "1251274363577434113", "label": "applause", "text": "Just an update: I respect all my fellow trans girls posting tits on main, that's awesome, love y'all -- however, to the men in my DMs \"she did it, so therefore you have to do it too\" is not a valid argument.\n\nI will not be posting my boobs anywhere on the internet."} {"idx": 23941, "original_id": "1251046321374375936", "reply_id": "1251048348959641600", "label": "yes", "text": "McCormack said 'Chinese have some questions to own up to'.... He's the deputy prime minister. We're screwed."} {"idx": 23942, "original_id": "1250592218399879168", "reply_id": "1250833106006880256", "label": "shocked", "text": "Loooooooooooooool IM DONE OUT HERE. D o n e."} {"idx": 23944, "original_id": "1250777779668422657", "reply_id": "1250905133875068929", "label": "please", "text": "😬😬😬im getting more vocal 😬😬😬If I end up dead just remember it’s probably one of the 10 million people who don’t like me. Their names are in a HUGE sealed envelope in the top left drawer of my dresser."} {"idx": 23947, "original_id": "1251269198984015873", "reply_id": "1251270039866572807", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I’m about to join @wolfblitzer on @CNNSitRoom. \n\nTune in."} {"idx": 23951, "original_id": "1250831570031775745", "reply_id": "1250892648778473472", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all."} {"idx": 23952, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250940815234469892", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 23954, "original_id": "1250831250404913152", "reply_id": "1250925954945466376", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "like if you believe i can hit 100,000 subscribers within 3-5 months ❤️, i’m gonna grind my a** off, so when we hit it imma come back here & see who believed in me ❤️"} {"idx": 23955, "original_id": "1250892971530022912", "reply_id": "1250904424589004800", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I applied for a job I want yesterday... like really want. It will give me skills I need. It will enable me to save the way we want... you name it and it feels positive. It suits my personality.. I'm nervous, I'm excited... wish me luck."} {"idx": 23956, "original_id": "1250974674759987200", "reply_id": "1250983947967672322", "label": "agree", "text": "An absolutely gorgeous day to sit outside in the sun #1GoodThingToday"} {"idx": 23960, "original_id": "1250885728063631362", "reply_id": "1250886066514432000", "label": "hug", "text": "hhhhh i swear every time i finish talking w my advisor it feels like finally taking a breath after holding it for the entire meeting palms sweaty something something italian pasta"} {"idx": 23961, "original_id": "1250781753704235021", "reply_id": "1250971508287180801", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I just need everyone to acknowledge that the official PlayStation YouTube page posted a trailer with my music on it. That is INSANE"} {"idx": 23964, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250837176381833216", "label": "ok", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 23965, "original_id": "1250850057273905152", "reply_id": "1250850228833447936", "label": "applause", "text": "Our newly created hashtag #BailoutHumans is Trending #1 Across the World for the 2nd day in a row! BAIL OUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 23969, "original_id": "1251224241623744513", "reply_id": "1251225004404072451", "label": "agree", "text": "@nitrobigdaddy09 let me win a few games in 8ball."} {"idx": 23970, "original_id": "1251000282911256576", "reply_id": "1251022542153842689", "label": "hearts", "text": "for a split second had the bravery to come out to my parents but it flew out the window when they wanted to pray"} {"idx": 23976, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251164331896721409", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 23982, "original_id": "1251137737769574400", "reply_id": "1251164752300163073", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "@Recap_Rewind next week’s episode is a flashback episode of younger/ children barchie. Barchie growing up as kids"} {"idx": 23985, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251230334122962946", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 23987, "original_id": "1250948901647142914", "reply_id": "1250949149081718784", "label": "sigh", "text": "If you don’t eat ass you not for me"} {"idx": 23988, "original_id": "1250869065888837632", "reply_id": "1250966800667422727", "label": "agree", "text": "If Twitter was around for the American Revolution, would the Boston Tea Party have happened? Or would they have just been tweeting variations of \"No Taxation Without Representation\" in hopes that something would change?"} {"idx": 23990, "original_id": "1250864469279936519", "reply_id": "1250864809819672578", "label": "dance", "text": "Omg Queens birthday parrryy tomorrow on Zoom. Gotta find my finest clot’ & shew for the birthday babe."} {"idx": 23991, "original_id": "1250952673685172225", "reply_id": "1250992243709743107", "label": "yes", "text": "Why are young, healthy, oftentimes violent criminals being let out of prison while Roger Stone—a 70 year old man, is being put in?\n\nThis is insane.\n\nHe needs to be pardoned before he serves a single day of his sentence.\n\nRT!"} {"idx": 23996, "original_id": "1251200963001618433", "reply_id": "1251206644475797506", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Adventures in automated transcription: \"So these posts logo up on Butthose Web site.\" 🧐 #amwriting #amediting"} {"idx": 23997, "original_id": "1250852166845128704", "reply_id": "1250896531131191296", "label": "hug", "text": "I just did so terrible on my quiz it dropped my grade from a 98% to an 87% might cry lmao"} {"idx": 24007, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251187567774629890", "label": "facepalm", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 24009, "original_id": "1251041770403704832", "reply_id": "1251042115502604288", "label": "eww", "text": "If you get paint under your nails, just chew it off."} {"idx": 24014, "original_id": "1251137168233267202", "reply_id": "1251140027876286465", "label": "ok", "text": "I wanna pick some people up before the deadline hmu for @SnipersHecate"} {"idx": 24015, "original_id": "1250887808517988352", "reply_id": "1250891365900115968", "label": "eww", "text": "Those mussels last night were good but my farts been smelling like zombie breath all day"} {"idx": 24017, "original_id": "1250701087750922241", "reply_id": "1250872657299542016", "label": "seriously", "text": "just got knocked out of bed by an earthquake"} {"idx": 24020, "original_id": "1251166002248773636", "reply_id": "1251172583036325891", "label": "agree", "text": "Bad times bring greatest of awareness of strength. Our strength is our unity. Education along with thorough knowledge of our glorious past must be passed on to next generation. Who is our real enemy is very well known. Act wisely. Do not shout or scream just ACT WISELY. UNITE 🙏🏼"} {"idx": 24024, "original_id": "1250850482035318786", "reply_id": "1250854080861351939", "label": "no", "text": "My contract with @Awesemo_Com has ended. I've many great friends there and I want to express my thanks to the company for doing everything they can to protect the staff financially in a difficult time.\nI’m here if anyone needs anything; take care of yourselves and each other."} {"idx": 24027, "original_id": "1250632404043259904", "reply_id": "1251014819123085315", "label": "yes", "text": "What if the 49ers draft a OT with the 13th pick. What will be your reaction? #NB9ers"} {"idx": 24035, "original_id": "1251255039907282944", "reply_id": "1251259923209621505", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "The mustache of J. Y. Phillips adds greatly to his appearance, as it hides a considerable portion of his face. \n\nArkansas1886"} {"idx": 24038, "original_id": "1251175523734228994", "reply_id": "1251256190538936320", "label": "popcorn", "text": "One of my former employees and the owner of my work are fighting in a group text they put me on, and let me tell you this is WILD AF. Hes telling her that her husband left her cus she has a big mouth, and she is telling him he is a loser scumbag."} {"idx": 24039, "original_id": "1251126997864062976", "reply_id": "1251218613253660675", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "“Amazing effort from national hero (multiple times over) Captain Tom, who has raised £130,000 for each 50m length he has walked...\n\nMind you, that lazy c@@t,Mesut Ozil has been achieving that very same figure for the past 6 years.”\n#afc 😂😂😂🤡"} {"idx": 24040, "original_id": "1250882376428904448", "reply_id": "1250914382210641921", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Step 1: Zack Ryder signs with AEW.\n\nStep 2: Cody Rhodes teams with him.\n\nStep 3: They call their tag team “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\nStep 4: They rename the Jericho Cruise “AEW: Suite Life On Deck”\n\nStep 5: Ratings 📈📈📈"} {"idx": 24044, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250872871192276992", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 24047, "original_id": "1250867493415145472", "reply_id": "1250908577453215744", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Don’t act like a man, be a man"} {"idx": 24048, "original_id": "1251038168826118145", "reply_id": "1251228286165942283", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Today my 36 workers tested corona negative who were actively involved with me in distribution net work \nGod is kind"} {"idx": 24050, "original_id": "1250915755597590528", "reply_id": "1251039510282080257", "label": "no", "text": "fuck sora"} {"idx": 24051, "original_id": "1250844673263972353", "reply_id": "1250856635427360769", "label": "yes", "text": "Daily reminder: The Miami Dolphins are drafting Tua Tagovailoa."} {"idx": 24052, "original_id": "1251030151204409344", "reply_id": "1251093459844435968", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Sometimes I jus look at myself .....\nRealize how underrated I am and can’t help but hysterically laugh.\n\nWhen it’s all said an done, it’ll be written in stone"} {"idx": 24053, "original_id": "1250840629585813504", "reply_id": "1250840921010319360", "label": "agree", "text": "When the curfew is for everybody, they should call it a curMANY hey who is drinkin' out there gang"} {"idx": 24054, "original_id": "1251196197836066819", "reply_id": "1251197735451144192", "label": "shocked", "text": "OFFICIAL: San Diego Comic-Con officially CANCELLED for this year. Will resume in 2021"} {"idx": 24055, "original_id": "1251229562337452032", "reply_id": "1251229765236916225", "label": "hug", "text": "Im suffering from hugs deficiency 😔✌️"} {"idx": 24062, "original_id": "1250887735285616642", "reply_id": "1250887904232161280", "label": "high_five", "text": "I’m 2 for 2 with the Rangers answering my questions."} {"idx": 24063, "original_id": "1250903605785354243", "reply_id": "1250904141997760513", "label": "smh", "text": "AND I wasn't home a a few weekends a little before the quarantine.. she DEFINITELY thinks I'm pregnant"} {"idx": 24064, "original_id": "1250997569867538432", "reply_id": "1251005015101038595", "label": "applause", "text": "After over 16 months I am officially released to do what I want physically. Been a long road, but it’s taught me so much about life. Oh and this stimulus check about to pay off the last little bit of these medical bills. We back baby"} {"idx": 24068, "original_id": "1250901407827283968", "reply_id": "1250917807010660352", "label": "kiss", "text": "I miss being kissed 🥺"} {"idx": 24069, "original_id": "1250894747507609603", "reply_id": "1250896760119189506", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I’ve been wearing jeans for 8 hours. Yes, I expect a reward."} {"idx": 24070, "original_id": "1250766202089193477", "reply_id": "1251246069473849346", "label": "omg", "text": "Your life is made into a movie - which actor/actress would you choose to play you?\n\nGIFs only!"} {"idx": 24072, "original_id": "1251207129303855105", "reply_id": "1251207139961552896", "label": "wink", "text": "This pussys wet and is ready to be seen dm me $"} {"idx": 24073, "original_id": "1250927076581859328", "reply_id": "1250940630525771776", "label": "awww", "text": "Thank you @SHOT_BY_A_GIRL and @XMrsLeg3nD for the follow on twitch!!"} {"idx": 24075, "original_id": "1250918081125404672", "reply_id": "1250926115016912897", "label": "smh", "text": "Well, I had a tick crawl on my face today"} {"idx": 24076, "original_id": "1250880393026457600", "reply_id": "1250881882612432897", "label": "yes", "text": "@DareShelby i’m comin for ya 💋"} {"idx": 24077, "original_id": "1251147178015256576", "reply_id": "1251174986993348608", "label": "agree", "text": "Imagine putting in effort to talk to me and are attracted to me but you don’t want people to know that because of my size.... that’s ok, revenge body in the making and I’m growing my business so I know you’re gonna regret doing me wrong one day"} {"idx": 24079, "original_id": "1250884781933551616", "reply_id": "1251143998871232512", "label": "applause", "text": "There was a typo in a tweet where I complained about stupid people.\n\n*sigh*\nTime for a little break..."} {"idx": 24084, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250985212693090304", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 24085, "original_id": "1250906473795731456", "reply_id": "1250942073013972992", "label": "agree", "text": "This crisis is a clear reminder that we need to enjoy life in the moment.. not allow money to make our decisions. Do what you love, do what makes you smile, take pictures & make memories.. ok that’s all 😉 #QuarantineLife"} {"idx": 24087, "original_id": "1250887838335459334", "reply_id": "1250938051574071296", "label": "applause", "text": "Thanks @KleinISDFood for your incredible effort today to feed our @KleinISD community. Today we prepared and served 28,896 meals which included weekend meals and heat at home entrees. Wow, what a day. # #kleinisopen #P2P #kleinfamily #SchoolLunchHeroes"} {"idx": 24097, "original_id": "1250946529088565251", "reply_id": "1250946824136990722", "label": "smh", "text": "I haven’t heard a peep about PND’s album since it dropped"} {"idx": 24098, "original_id": "1250876869873995778", "reply_id": "1250884066540478468", "label": "applause", "text": "Great meeting with @johnmcdonnellMP on Zoom.\nClear that some Unions may disaffiliate if suspensions don’t happen soon."} {"idx": 24106, "original_id": "1250844954622115842", "reply_id": "1250883581884456967", "label": "dance", "text": "Tweet me your thoughts on the NFL Draft being one week away, using one GIF. \n\nAnnnnnnnnd GO."} {"idx": 24107, "original_id": "1250872595181793280", "reply_id": "1250912459818483714", "label": "thank_you", "text": "So I work in e-commerce and the reality is that I can't possibly tell you how long your thing will take to get to you. I don't know. I really doubt express shipping will make this faster. We are trying."} {"idx": 24108, "original_id": "1250958941456138242", "reply_id": "1250960385483603969", "label": "shocked", "text": "I literally do not know what to say 1,752 subs. Averaged between 50-60 viewers. It’s actually happening, I might just do this damn thing."} {"idx": 24112, "original_id": "1251165199236608006", "reply_id": "1251166533809655809", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm good at giving blowjobs to ceker mercon"} {"idx": 24113, "original_id": "1250894056181370884", "reply_id": "1251143217799507968", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "First exam tomorrow...it’s online and there are four days to complete and submit...but it is really stressing me out! I’m envisioning power cuts, exploding laptops and sudden typing-fingers paralysis 😶😶😶"} {"idx": 24115, "original_id": "1251182769553711105", "reply_id": "1251183908315693059", "label": "agree", "text": "Actually I'd rather she stay there. Let Trump close down Congress, put thru his way overdue appointments, arrest the swamp dwellers, put them in front of military tribunals for trea$on, punish and get on with MAGA"} {"idx": 24120, "original_id": "1250894531031171073", "reply_id": "1250908590401085441", "label": "yes", "text": "After a long day’s work in an 8’s mind\n “I could rest, but I could also go running, start writing that book I want to write, or learn 7 tik tok dances.”"} {"idx": 24122, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250849822103371776", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 24123, "original_id": "1251018237996789760", "reply_id": "1251018502917378048", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "@KyleM0876 @HomieChinchilla @SmallJoDUMMY @ImPhilppie @PlayVALORANT Having fun and winning with the squad 💪"} {"idx": 24124, "original_id": "1250783013232934914", "reply_id": "1251149833596841986", "label": "agree", "text": "Quarantine means I now own a beehive with bees arriving in a couple of weeks and a chicken coop, with chicks currently being prepped for it."} {"idx": 24127, "original_id": "1251036174770200576", "reply_id": "1251037115460304900", "label": "hug", "text": "When will transsxualism finally be seen as a horrible condition again? I cannot describe to you in words the pain I go through everyday.Often times I'd rather be dead. Still this is seen as this fun identity thing. If you don't understand something, better to just shutup about it"} {"idx": 24128, "original_id": "1250588911438565376", "reply_id": "1251202789839003648", "label": "smh", "text": "My last nigga ain’t believe i was ignoring niggas for him until i started ignoring him for my new nigga. Played yaself."} {"idx": 24131, "original_id": "1250922288947527681", "reply_id": "1251153210984689665", "label": "high_five", "text": "Thank you for helping me reach more than 20,000 followers. \n\nI look forward to doing EVERYTHING I can in the coming months to re-elect @realDonaldTrump and encourage others within my party and the black community to put country first and party last. \n\nFOUR MORE YEARS!"} {"idx": 24132, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251181381083975682", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 24133, "original_id": "1250982028352290816", "reply_id": "1251028978158231552", "label": "hug", "text": "Today has not been a good day. Some good vibes would be appreciated."} {"idx": 24134, "original_id": "1250945354822029314", "reply_id": "1250947025950171136", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "@Sarge_87 you had me at pronouns: Pro-gun/ Pro-life...followed."} {"idx": 24138, "original_id": "1251262823692410885", "reply_id": "1251263454092156928", "label": "oops", "text": "I’m thinking abt my Moon-Saturn and how I’ve been actively blocking my own feelings from being expressed. \n\nMoon-Saturn people please remember to allow emotional expression. \nOther people won’t take your feelings srsly bc you dont take them srsly when you block them out!"} {"idx": 24142, "original_id": "1250906921764184064", "reply_id": "1250907334760706048", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Y’all I’m literally bout to fight this girl at work if she raise her voice at me one more time"} {"idx": 24144, "original_id": "1251022774350610432", "reply_id": "1251084211869691904", "label": "awww", "text": "@RCArmitage It is my cousin @MissNicky86 birthday today. She is a huge fan. You wishing her a Happy Birthday would make her day I'm sure. Thanks x"} {"idx": 24146, "original_id": "1251215928156553216", "reply_id": "1251242528373968897", "label": "no", "text": "#Chargers GM Tom Telesco says offensive lineman Sam Tevi has \"very good left tackle feet.\" Sounds like he will have a shot for the job."} {"idx": 24149, "original_id": "1251234617987862528", "reply_id": "1251243972212727814", "label": "idk", "text": "Some shit I just don’t respect. Period. If my friend is doing wrong, I’m letting my friend know they wrong! Imma still love you. But I can’t not acknowledge when shit ain’t right."} {"idx": 24150, "original_id": "1250961951339012097", "reply_id": "1251196583288410114", "label": "agree", "text": "I may not know @Kevidently irl but his social media is keeping me sane. Thanks Kevin!!"} {"idx": 24151, "original_id": "1250929131774230528", "reply_id": "1251169601058230273", "label": "shocked", "text": "Turnip prices on my island in AC is giving me anxiety. Bought 200k worth last week at 96 bells....their price to sell hasnt been above 60 bells since monday."} {"idx": 24152, "original_id": "1250839761603956737", "reply_id": "1250865589620539392", "label": "yes", "text": "So far just going by their social media accounts, Mike Bekelja and Toby Okani have signed with Duquesne."} {"idx": 24154, "original_id": "1250909254288113669", "reply_id": "1251030715166339072", "label": "high_five", "text": "Men are moodier than women.\n\nI said what I said."} {"idx": 24155, "original_id": "1251180590646296582", "reply_id": "1251200496049836033", "label": "hug", "text": "Windy says been struggling a wee bitty recently - stress, anxiety and chaos . . . As a highly strung Virgo with OCD, all this shit is getting to me. I don’t like chaos. I need structure in my life. My daily routine runs like clockwork . . . for the last 4 weeks it’s been . . ."} {"idx": 24157, "original_id": "1250945798138933253", "reply_id": "1250945915143233537", "label": "applause", "text": "femboys"} {"idx": 24161, "original_id": "1251114163725897730", "reply_id": "1251118742400008192", "label": "applause", "text": "Just to keep with a sense of normalcy all schools are closed today due to incoming snow. Ottawa Hills students you're on time. Hope you finished your homework!"} {"idx": 24163, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1251029347659476995", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 24164, "original_id": "1250766308481871872", "reply_id": "1251065092810190848", "label": "smh", "text": "My name is Alex Oluwatobi & I'm confused!\n\nWhen I was in 200 level, I met Funke who joined my Dept through A-levels. One thing led to the other & we got talking. I started developing a special likeness for her.\n\nShe is a natural beauty, nerdy, well endowed (front & back 💯). 1/25"} {"idx": 24165, "original_id": "1250861246519422979", "reply_id": "1250957517703782409", "label": "omg", "text": "It’s a great day to have thick thighs."} {"idx": 24166, "original_id": "1250938139377569792", "reply_id": "1250943798957522944", "label": "agree", "text": "Signed up for the beta dudes, very hyped to see what's next 😁😁😁\n\n@VoxPopGames @VoxPop_Holly"} {"idx": 24168, "original_id": "1250854502594342919", "reply_id": "1251215695230222339", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Shortening my tweets... hi"} {"idx": 24169, "original_id": "1250920278181502976", "reply_id": "1250920562219716609", "label": "good_luck", "text": "tired of everything"} {"idx": 24171, "original_id": "1250851537481617408", "reply_id": "1250851753865732101", "label": "hug", "text": "If you have any money to share, search #BailoutHumans. You will be inspired to help. I am only one millionaire, so it's important that millions of you help too!"} {"idx": 24173, "original_id": "1250944650640347136", "reply_id": "1250962334656475137", "label": "shocked", "text": "quien putas le hace caso a \"jose youtuber\" o whatever"} {"idx": 24176, "original_id": "1250797387959775232", "reply_id": "1250995588486901760", "label": "agree", "text": "Whenever i watch RGV‘s Satya movie climax JD Chakravarthy knocking Urmila house door scene, automatically balu mahendra sadma (Vasantha Kokila) climax comes into my mind."} {"idx": 24177, "original_id": "1251207704044920832", "reply_id": "1251216490759684103", "label": "smh", "text": "Thank you Netherlands & @hugodejonge for your support for a #COVID19 vaccine and to @WHO! Global citizens hope that the Netherlands will also continue to support @gavi and that other countries will follow your example and contribute to @CEPIvaccines 🙏"} {"idx": 24179, "original_id": "1250805211079282688", "reply_id": "1250996781388902400", "label": "no", "text": "Describe 2020 in one word."} {"idx": 24184, "original_id": "1250909738260402177", "reply_id": "1250941793409081345", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump: \"Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us.\""} {"idx": 24185, "original_id": "1251243054201110528", "reply_id": "1251244172125900800", "label": "agree", "text": "The key to a successful relationship is finding someone to put up with your shit"} {"idx": 24186, "original_id": "1250842579710521344", "reply_id": "1250879703780483072", "label": "hug", "text": "just wanna hug a specific person now uuuggghhhh"} {"idx": 24190, "original_id": "1251166130988707844", "reply_id": "1251166452876533760", "label": "awww", "text": "3 year old is in her feels this evening...\n\n- I'm so happy, Daddy.\n- I'm so proud of you, Daddy.\n- I love you so much, Daddy.\n\nwith plenty hugs and kisses 😍"} {"idx": 24195, "original_id": "1250939551771774976", "reply_id": "1251185163398270977", "label": "agree", "text": "Instagram influencers are so fake!"} {"idx": 24197, "original_id": "1248265665716334602", "reply_id": "1251200591864496130", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "new @CNN poll of registered voters: \n\nBiden 53%\nTrump 42%"} {"idx": 24198, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251246187836915713", "label": "scared", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 24199, "original_id": "1250862861984894977", "reply_id": "1250868699466170374", "label": "applause", "text": "You were clapping with your hands I was slapping my cock against my thighs we’re not the same 👍🏾"} {"idx": 24200, "original_id": "1250790072552755202", "reply_id": "1250852911195791371", "label": "agree", "text": "Anime has changed my life for the better."} {"idx": 24205, "original_id": "1250796704120672256", "reply_id": "1250847685906661383", "label": "facepalm", "text": "HUGE.\n\nPaycheck Protection Program (PPP), which authorizes loans to small businesses to pay employees during the COVID-19 crisis, has run out of money and is now frozen.\n\nSmall Business Administration says it is \"currently unable to accept new applications\" or enroll new lenders."} {"idx": 24207, "original_id": "1247223853568397314", "reply_id": "1251032675344879616", "label": "shocked", "text": "Really hope I don’t gotta watch tony vs gaethje on the 18th"} {"idx": 24208, "original_id": "1251127544448987137", "reply_id": "1251132514057535488", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm always gonna be hecking lonely til this lockdown ends. :("} {"idx": 24210, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250925597590728704", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 24214, "original_id": "1250900157094338561", "reply_id": "1250977934002790402", "label": "hug", "text": "VIRTUAL HUGS ARMY 💜\nOMG IM GOING THROUGH IT"} {"idx": 24216, "original_id": "1251212431470313472", "reply_id": "1251213383870840833", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m going to become an alcoholic after lockdown. You will find me drunk. All. The. Time."} {"idx": 24217, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1250924332282515456", "label": "sigh", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 24218, "original_id": "1250823185370501120", "reply_id": "1251100131610333184", "label": "hug", "text": "When hugs are allowed again I’m gonna be a real menace"} {"idx": 24220, "original_id": "1250764728680374276", "reply_id": "1250870311324651520", "label": "yes", "text": "do we love fortnite?"} {"idx": 24223, "original_id": "1251127654297763840", "reply_id": "1251217182429716482", "label": "yes", "text": "Let’s quarantine China!"} {"idx": 24224, "original_id": "1250836742204252160", "reply_id": "1250837649688088577", "label": "hug", "text": "Finding out you’ve tested positive for COVID 19 is a weird feeling..."} {"idx": 24225, "original_id": "1250956942538936328", "reply_id": "1251158439482454023", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "#Jaguars RB Leonard Fournette said on @FirstTake today that the team should sign Cam Newton: \"Cam went to the Super Bowl. He's a great guy... And like I told some people, it's no disrespect to Gardner Minshew. I'm just trying to get in the best position as we can to win.\""} {"idx": 24228, "original_id": "1251050595923853313", "reply_id": "1251170073131331589", "label": "eww", "text": "god, after this is over, I want to get sushi\nnot just a few pieces, I want the sluggish, weary contentment of eating so much sushi that if you have one more piece, you'll explode, but there's only one piece left\nI miss that"} {"idx": 24229, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251050290817585153", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 24235, "original_id": "1250851093417951233", "reply_id": "1250883776873365504", "label": "oops", "text": "Therapist: so you’re feeling ok in isolation today?\n\nMe: yeah a bit \n\nTherapist: Ok. Good. So then...let’s get back to when your dad left on your bday, skipped the country, & is now a wanted fugitive\n\nMe:\n\nTherapist: & how it’s affected your relationship with men \n\nMe: bye"} {"idx": 24236, "original_id": "1250866680739266560", "reply_id": "1250954683436478464", "label": "no", "text": "Quick poll: Should I lose the beard when barber shops re-open?"} {"idx": 24237, "original_id": "1251269946010566658", "reply_id": "1251270214605590529", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a big, fat, fucking hug. So bad. #SickNotWeak #mentalillness #itsabitch"} {"idx": 24240, "original_id": "1250907173875564545", "reply_id": "1250935564464947200", "label": "yes", "text": "Can’t believe it took me this long to watch Game of Thrones smh"} {"idx": 24241, "original_id": "1251104562397630466", "reply_id": "1251105824979615744", "label": "smh", "text": "Sona sajan won’t like my dandruff vali dp 😢"} {"idx": 24244, "original_id": "1250762858838851586", "reply_id": "1250945196096925701", "label": "idk", "text": ".\n\n Question O' the Day\n\nThe Last Book Trump Read?"} {"idx": 24245, "original_id": "1251101603949678594", "reply_id": "1251111735639126019", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I AM GOING ON A JOBINTERVIEW NEXT WEEK WOOHO"} {"idx": 24246, "original_id": "1251152178565136385", "reply_id": "1251176020520165377", "label": "no", "text": "would you consider the kardashian's plastic surgeon an artist?"} {"idx": 24247, "original_id": "1251131102837817350", "reply_id": "1251201233580437505", "label": "sigh", "text": "Got to see my nan today for the first time in a month 😭❤️ stood far away but it was so needed"} {"idx": 24253, "original_id": "1250834725192826880", "reply_id": "1251017327170031617", "label": "omg", "text": "Raisins are yummy. Periodt."} {"idx": 24254, "original_id": "1251227515600932871", "reply_id": "1251228412443852802", "label": "dance", "text": "I am in my pajamas and robe now after my big day out grocery shopping. I’m a wild one."} {"idx": 24256, "original_id": "1251258231428648962", "reply_id": "1251258645603667970", "label": "yes", "text": "I'll be chatting with @douglasemhoff at 6pm ET over on Instagram. I'm told there may be other special guests 😎"} {"idx": 24257, "original_id": "1251072797830533120", "reply_id": "1251245295364640771", "label": "shocked", "text": "why tf do i keep going back to this friendship if i keep catching you in multiple lies???"} {"idx": 24261, "original_id": "1251223219782082560", "reply_id": "1251224897990221824", "label": "agree", "text": "Tampa Downs race 6 exacta box 10,8,4 #tampadowns"} {"idx": 24263, "original_id": "1251244383665561600", "reply_id": "1251246728872751104", "label": "popcorn", "text": "How can a loser win?"} {"idx": 24265, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250886200329723908", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 24266, "original_id": "1248088573087305728", "reply_id": "1250892132291940353", "label": "yes", "text": "Your quarantine drinking name is your first name and then your last name."} {"idx": 24269, "original_id": "1250838221367521280", "reply_id": "1250840295719272454", "label": "dance", "text": "Dancing to @CollieBuddz in my apartment during quarantine has been giving me life"} {"idx": 24271, "original_id": "1250857290514739201", "reply_id": "1250857423843332098", "label": "high_five", "text": "I give people money and then they give it to other people. Amazing."} {"idx": 24272, "original_id": "1250862712860504064", "reply_id": "1250864572975599616", "label": "agree", "text": "#SanDiego Days 😍😍🥳🥳🥳"} {"idx": 24273, "original_id": "1251194845823143937", "reply_id": "1251229627500068865", "label": "agree", "text": "Hugh Hefner became a millionaire sitting at home in his Pijamas all day. \n\nI’m not seeing the same results over here and it’s been a month, WTF 🙄"} {"idx": 24274, "original_id": "1250997471112687621", "reply_id": "1251250453251162112", "label": "agree", "text": "Please don’t buy any Nike or shoes. Please Deonte don’t. 😂"} {"idx": 24277, "original_id": "1250868032227835904", "reply_id": "1250872575649026048", "label": "applause", "text": "Despite feeling like utter trash I finally squeezed 900 words into YA desi fantasy horror today, please clap"} {"idx": 24278, "original_id": "1251227191972696064", "reply_id": "1251263200601006081", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I just remembered an embarrassing moment in grade 9 and felt a bit embarrassed again 😂😂\n\nMy friend was dancing with my crush at a house party and I almost threw hands on the dance floor. People had to hold me back and I stormed out 😂😂"} {"idx": 24286, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250852208712835072", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 24287, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250900869136162820", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 24290, "original_id": "1250842783000166404", "reply_id": "1250845610678325248", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My pussy probably thinks I died😣🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 24296, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251007878862737408", "label": "seriously", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 24301, "original_id": "1250896415057797120", "reply_id": "1251251873861873664", "label": "applause", "text": "Guess who just got they first plaque 😢😢😢"} {"idx": 24304, "original_id": "1251023460022849536", "reply_id": "1251034292517588992", "label": "eww", "text": "So........How DaBaby Album Sounding? Respond With A GIF"} {"idx": 24305, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1250982108752949248", "label": "applause", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 24316, "original_id": "1251028658933751809", "reply_id": "1251038620816797696", "label": "hug", "text": "deserves millions of hugs: areums"} {"idx": 24317, "original_id": "1251123267307520004", "reply_id": "1251131354189893635", "label": "yawn", "text": "☀️ good morning!🌞"} {"idx": 24322, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251017479930994688", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 24323, "original_id": "1251061551701860353", "reply_id": "1251100615595474945", "label": "hug", "text": "Yesterday would have been my parent’s 26th year wedding anniversary if my dad was still here and the 3rd year anniversary of his passing is in a few days. I don’t like April."} {"idx": 24328, "original_id": "1250943015121813504", "reply_id": "1250943758503378945", "label": "agree", "text": "sending me porn you want to do with me is a valid way of flirting"} {"idx": 24347, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250928352841654273", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 24355, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250963745880158209", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 24359, "original_id": "1250280129814654978", "reply_id": "1250981836517343232", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Okay internet, describe 2020 in one meme or GIF."} {"idx": 24367, "original_id": "1250949580163878912", "reply_id": "1250954570647457792", "label": "smh", "text": "SOURCE: Houston Texans expected to trade up for left tackle Laremy Tunsil next week in the draft."} {"idx": 24368, "original_id": "1250857252225003522", "reply_id": "1250925411174842370", "label": "seriously", "text": "Fox News interrupted the President thanking America's truck drivers to bring on Donna Brazile and to talk about Obama and Biden.. \n\nLet that sink in.."} {"idx": 24395, "original_id": "1250868153237766150", "reply_id": "1250868681212641282", "label": "yes", "text": "Who is waiting for #GordonGinoandFred @ITV ?"} {"idx": 24407, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251216084801388551", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 24414, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251003149965377536", "label": "awww", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 24416, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250948498914193408", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 24427, "original_id": "1250954944649273345", "reply_id": "1251185140862259201", "label": "applause", "text": "Great news! I spoke with my brother and he and his wife will NOT be voting for trump. He said he's watched him lie and be an asshole long enough. He thanked me for my Facebook posts which made him start paying better attention. Now that he's watching him every day, he's done! 👍"} {"idx": 24429, "original_id": "1250579560179138561", "reply_id": "1250836655759659011", "label": "applause", "text": "Many Democrats have asked how can I - as a black elected official - support @realDonaldTrump. \n\nMy response to them back is simple: how could I not? \n\nLook at his results!"} {"idx": 24434, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251159022264184833", "label": "idk", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 24444, "original_id": "1251187558811348995", "reply_id": "1251245162744942592", "label": "hug", "text": "I think I am hitting my wall of living alone with the current lack choice & lack people contact. \n\nI need human Interaction. Not phones, not FaceTime, not Skype, not Zoom, etc, etc. \n\nI want hugs!! \n\nVent over.\n\n#SurvivingCOVID19 #PhysicalTouchLoveLanguage #MissingMyPeeps"} {"idx": 24446, "original_id": "1251019641675108352", "reply_id": "1251028321854521346", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If Sonam Kapoor wears tiktok star Faizu's fan T-shirt, will it be called \"No Ball Pe Chakka\"?"} {"idx": 24450, "original_id": "1251237896310358022", "reply_id": "1251238152859037697", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m tired."} {"idx": 24454, "original_id": "1250938052693893127", "reply_id": "1250969662172606465", "label": "wink", "text": "I’m eternally grateful I’m back to drinking, you guys."} {"idx": 24456, "original_id": "1250973914865504256", "reply_id": "1250975036560871425", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m loving @violadavis natural hair #HTGAWM"} {"idx": 24457, "original_id": "1251104725027749889", "reply_id": "1251105633568542722", "label": "yes", "text": "IM UP AND CRABBY!"} {"idx": 24459, "original_id": "1251040293404753920", "reply_id": "1251043920227827712", "label": "facepalm", "text": "[@damaris_jaimer’s “relaxing” playlist changes music] \n\nMe: What is this supposed to be?\nDamaris: Rain falling down.\nMe: It sounds like termites trying to eat plastic. \n\nIf your wondering why we are still awake, our 16-month-old is going through insomnia. Fun times."} {"idx": 24460, "original_id": "1251158044131520513", "reply_id": "1251158540598697990", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Good morning!\n\n🏇💻I'll cover Gulfstream, Oaklawn and Tampa. Not sure I'll make Race 1 for Tampa but I will try.\n\n🏓🎮⚽️🇧🇾Most action is relegated to Belarus soccer with E-Sports & Table Tennis a distant second. I'll monitor the markets & see if there's anything worth reporting."} {"idx": 24463, "original_id": "1251199699400474625", "reply_id": "1251274400508362753", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I hope ikea delivers cs i wanna buy a huge mirror"} {"idx": 24469, "original_id": "1250853752023715841", "reply_id": "1250854856732090374", "label": "thank_you", "text": "5km walk done after a day of feeling really low, probably worst day yet. Walk and sunshine helped massively. Keeping spirits as up as possible. Hope everyone is healthy and safe. :-)"} {"idx": 24470, "original_id": "1251255717648117761", "reply_id": "1251256298668261379", "label": "high_five", "text": "Hey you! You’re doing a great job."} {"idx": 24471, "original_id": "1251074497509298182", "reply_id": "1251134457131741186", "label": "no", "text": "Should I just ditch everyone I know to make one person happy?"} {"idx": 24472, "original_id": "1251253527034376193", "reply_id": "1251258846699556864", "label": "applause", "text": "Throwing shade at someone else to make yourself look better is not the move."} {"idx": 24473, "original_id": "1251000278670888960", "reply_id": "1251100306567544832", "label": "hearts", "text": "Missing our beautiful friends and cannot wait for us to all be together again!!!"} {"idx": 24475, "original_id": "1250839416618119169", "reply_id": "1250843940175204352", "label": "no", "text": "WASH YOUR HANDS YA NUMSKULL"} {"idx": 24477, "original_id": "1250707556659412992", "reply_id": "1251000084692525056", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Health Secretary Francisco Duque III admits he was \"really hurt\" by the call of several members of the Senate for his resignation. \nDuque: I am really hurt that it is at this time when the Senate is calling for my resignation when in fact we need to come together. | @NAMercadoINQ"} {"idx": 24478, "original_id": "1251165810808074247", "reply_id": "1251194010363969538", "label": "shocked", "text": "What's your favorite meme of this month? Let's turn it into an anime girl!"} {"idx": 24481, "original_id": "1250930293927587840", "reply_id": "1250933704903528448", "label": "yes", "text": "Today, Justin Brayton may or may not have ridden a Honda race quad. That is all #itshappening"} {"idx": 24482, "original_id": "1251208131457150981", "reply_id": "1251211914455199745", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#ff\n#truecrimepodcasts\nCheck out and review !\n@ATFTCPodcast\n@talesbycole\n@evilintentpod\n@masksanitypod\n@CrimeSnackPod\n@PodcastSpeaks \n@MurderOver\n@madorbadthepod\n@LadyJusticePod\n@crime_project\n@TheMirndaRghts\n@stillunknownpod\n@Couchgirlspod\n@shelf_club\n@PassionCase"} {"idx": 24485, "original_id": "1250843406923939840", "reply_id": "1250844649138171907", "label": "hug", "text": "the helpless anxiety is firing on full cylinders this week B)\nlove having a \"I dont feel like I have any family\" episode while dealing with a pandemic lockdown."} {"idx": 24486, "original_id": "1250917704074235904", "reply_id": "1250918022170247169", "label": "smh", "text": "ima stream when i get back home, anybody tryna run 3s? comment your build"} {"idx": 24487, "original_id": "1250854048841871360", "reply_id": "1250860627347648513", "label": "high_five", "text": "It’s #NationalHighFiveDay…\n\nDon’t let us catch you slippin’"} {"idx": 24488, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251097911305404417", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 24492, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251272164017348610", "label": "awww", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 24493, "original_id": "1250872447391465475", "reply_id": "1250873070836944903", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Sorry if you offended by my Tweets but this is account is personal, I post what's on my mind, for fun, out of love for ⚽, I am not intrigued by likes, followers or seeking relevance. Even if 3 people followed me I'll still post. So Yeah, don't take things into heart. Peace.."} {"idx": 24494, "original_id": "1250918475419095046", "reply_id": "1250939911345106945", "label": "want", "text": "I still have the flights to @StJudePLAYLIVE Summit on my calendar apparently...and now I'm sad."} {"idx": 24496, "original_id": "1251050893698461697", "reply_id": "1251051481630781440", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Who called it masturbation and not ‘finger on your lips’ ?"} {"idx": 24498, "original_id": "1251212640874983424", "reply_id": "1251214357079490561", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Cuomo: \"'It's up to the states' to reopen. By the way it was always up to the states. What, are you going to grant me what the Constitution gave me before you were born? It's called the 10th Amendment. I didn't need the President of the United States to tell me I'm the governor.\""} {"idx": 24500, "original_id": "1250655612029022208", "reply_id": "1250909173249904643", "label": "yolo", "text": "It’s my birthday I’m officially 21 let’s go 🎉🎉🎉🎉"} {"idx": 24501, "original_id": "1250943143614320640", "reply_id": "1251074676975177728", "label": "yes", "text": "You guys digging Nightrider?"} {"idx": 24502, "original_id": "1251268959485263874", "reply_id": "1251271041772552203", "label": "hug", "text": "just applied for a photography job, please send good vibes 😭✨"} {"idx": 24503, "original_id": "1250825158945882119", "reply_id": "1250860474926862337", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I need words of encouragement today"} {"idx": 24504, "original_id": "1250924084155695105", "reply_id": "1250928594462924806", "label": "idk", "text": "I live in Las Vegas. \nWhen do you think it will be safe to open this city to the tourism that is its lifeblood?"} {"idx": 24505, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250842754755616768", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 24509, "original_id": "1250900701288509442", "reply_id": "1250926171421904897", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Favorite comedian growing up?"} {"idx": 24512, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250931951449649152", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 24515, "original_id": "1251140282281648129", "reply_id": "1251208716621250562", "label": "yolo", "text": "Good set of measures announced by RBI today for NBFCs. This will help us restart the economy by supporting consumers & MSMEs"} {"idx": 24517, "original_id": "1250843974228721664", "reply_id": "1250901918638997504", "label": "agree", "text": "I might quarantine myself this weekend. I’m done with work and people."} {"idx": 24518, "original_id": "1251037633553346560", "reply_id": "1251056675101925376", "label": "agree", "text": "Hey Growtopians,\n\nServers will be going under emergency maintenance to fix the connectivity issue. We will keep everyone posted.\n\n~ Kairos"} {"idx": 24520, "original_id": "1250839913983082503", "reply_id": "1250840842253860864", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone wanna come to the pub?"} {"idx": 24522, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251151309471768580", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 24529, "original_id": "1250984406879215616", "reply_id": "1250987260750643201", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Thanks to @FromThe70sguy for the BEEEG raid tonight!\n\nWe sent it all to @WaffleRainbow after our run died LUL\n\nPepeHands"} {"idx": 24532, "original_id": "1250562295543083008", "reply_id": "1251180969974829056", "label": "no", "text": "Seen a lot of rumblings that the #Saints could take a QB in the first round. If they do, it would be the first time since 1971 (Archie Manning) that they used a first-round pick on a QB."} {"idx": 24533, "original_id": "1251177970544324609", "reply_id": "1251206931118796801", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Me: this face mask is lit. \n\nFirefighters: we know."} {"idx": 24534, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251033932247646209", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 24538, "original_id": "1251197635387686916", "reply_id": "1251215860561256458", "label": "applause", "text": "Monday!"} {"idx": 24540, "original_id": "1251077641848979456", "reply_id": "1251115118848606210", "label": "eww", "text": "I am an endnote kind of girl"} {"idx": 24541, "original_id": "1250900392243875851", "reply_id": "1251110367566221314", "label": "hug", "text": "idk why i just feel so defeated today ☹"} {"idx": 24542, "original_id": "1251038894742630400", "reply_id": "1251039052284878848", "label": "hug", "text": "Tw; suicide \nThe true weight of the news that someone I thought would never commit suicide doing so has hit me fully.\n\nI'm scared."} {"idx": 24543, "original_id": "1251237970952294402", "reply_id": "1251239709457756160", "label": "applause", "text": "alright i’m streaming on twitch every night at 11pm CST + on 4/20 imma stream from like 3pm till i can’t no mo :)"} {"idx": 24544, "original_id": "1250415096309977088", "reply_id": "1251212741605330944", "label": "agree", "text": "Trying to find the chapter and verse where it says thou shalt fight tooth and nail for religious freedom, but it’s weird I keep finding these passages about caring for the sick, laying down your life, and s*** like that. I’m sure it’s here somewhere..."} {"idx": 24545, "original_id": "1250977766650019841", "reply_id": "1251153393634041857", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Leena is still a kitten and she’s trying to be real close to the TV and to our phones...she’s just too young for technology right now!"} {"idx": 24547, "original_id": "1251249994625146885", "reply_id": "1251250592770658305", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "“Why does a guy who makes six figures use snap chat filters” LMAOOO boy 😂"} {"idx": 24550, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250848314381217792", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 24552, "original_id": "1250894195138715649", "reply_id": "1250895333468618752", "label": "win", "text": "I GOT INTO NURSING SCHOOL 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 24553, "original_id": "1251076612919037952", "reply_id": "1251165246359777280", "label": "wink", "text": "Can we cuddle with my d*ck in ur ass :)"} {"idx": 24555, "original_id": "1251188508732997633", "reply_id": "1251188740011077635", "label": "hearts", "text": "make me feel loved"} {"idx": 24556, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251071901323182081", "label": "dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 24557, "original_id": "1250847261489274890", "reply_id": "1250847976936935426", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers fresh attack on SPFL coming up...THREAD"} {"idx": 24558, "original_id": "1250947941008900097", "reply_id": "1250948835859402753", "label": "awww", "text": "ofc there's a rare % of rpers (funny enough, usually the ones that raid) that i can get along with and treat me respectfully.\n\nbut the rest? HAHahahahano\n\nif you RP and interact with me frequently + i reply, you most likely actually do not count and i actually like u"} {"idx": 24559, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251264078603079683", "label": "facepalm", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 24560, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251189461058228225", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 24561, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250886475563929601", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 24562, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1250884657912176641", "label": "applause", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 24563, "original_id": "1250905453871026177", "reply_id": "1250914684724797440", "label": "dance", "text": "Another reason weed is better than alcohol: never stone dialed an ex... By the time I grab my phone I forget why I have it, and just order a pizza instead."} {"idx": 24565, "original_id": "1250819959954997249", "reply_id": "1250833824398835717", "label": "oops", "text": "BLACK PEOPLE: About to cut my own hair. What clippers do you recommend? I’m assuming Wahl. If so, which model?"} {"idx": 24566, "original_id": "1250915086757236738", "reply_id": "1251222782471438337", "label": "shrug", "text": "It’s really depressing when I thought this was going to be such a good time of year and bad things keep continuing to happen..."} {"idx": 24570, "original_id": "1251250755274752004", "reply_id": "1251251028684652548", "label": "ok", "text": "Using GIFs automatically invalidates your point."} {"idx": 24571, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251263907475230720", "label": "ok", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 24572, "original_id": "1250930189800013827", "reply_id": "1251196496856391685", "label": "no", "text": "are americans okay"} {"idx": 24575, "original_id": "1250882376428904448", "reply_id": "1250940533167489024", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Step 1: Zack Ryder signs with AEW.\n\nStep 2: Cody Rhodes teams with him.\n\nStep 3: They call their tag team “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\nStep 4: They rename the Jericho Cruise “AEW: Suite Life On Deck”\n\nStep 5: Ratings 📈📈📈"} {"idx": 24576, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251158429483163649", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 24577, "original_id": "1250835837459279876", "reply_id": "1250946648508776449", "label": "no", "text": "hear me out though, cold spaghetti with hummus in a clean bowl"} {"idx": 24578, "original_id": "1250851466983747586", "reply_id": "1250853945850781696", "label": "wink", "text": "How are U doing today? Sending you all #light!"} {"idx": 24580, "original_id": "1250907531850981377", "reply_id": "1250959544613822468", "label": "no", "text": "Parents, I say this with love. There won’t be camp this summer. Day, sleep away, none of it. The sooner you wrap your head around it the easier this is going to be."} {"idx": 24581, "original_id": "1251174170974511110", "reply_id": "1251174582632845314", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Hay the Dark Knight parin. 💯"} {"idx": 24584, "original_id": "1251172031451848705", "reply_id": "1251187304473006084", "label": "yes", "text": "Loving the set and the accessories 😂😂@Julie_Atherton @LJProds @thetheatrecafe #leavealighton"} {"idx": 24585, "original_id": "1250919897313554432", "reply_id": "1250920221940080640", "label": "applause", "text": "p5s blooming villain\nthat's all"} {"idx": 24586, "original_id": "1250845530365800448", "reply_id": "1250913498596610049", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "To say “People will die, so be it” instead of a science & testing-based path to reopening the economy is deeply frivolous & wrong.\n\nEvery life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community. This is something we are all in together. #FamiliesFirst"} {"idx": 24589, "original_id": "1250865305972334593", "reply_id": "1250866390363525121", "label": "hug", "text": "Coco...please be alright...💔"} {"idx": 24591, "original_id": "1251238027680071680", "reply_id": "1251255240482910208", "label": "hearts", "text": "I lost a bunch of interaction when Animal Crossing came out, and I'm mad at Nintendo and missing my friends. 😂"} {"idx": 24592, "original_id": "1251109055948558337", "reply_id": "1251116779415486465", "label": "please", "text": "Credited some people already !! crediting more"} {"idx": 24598, "original_id": "1250678377784184832", "reply_id": "1251055856013230080", "label": "applause", "text": "I am deadass behind trump hunnid percent mane. I'm a real nigga I live by a code if a nigga hand me a solid, I owe a nigga back. He passed me 1200 and I'm doing him a favor in return. Trump a realer nigga den Obama who didn't give money in 2008 when my moms lost the house mane"} {"idx": 24601, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251001178730557441", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 24602, "original_id": "1251012132415643650", "reply_id": "1251187988689715202", "label": "agree", "text": "Married with Children reruns are so good. Al Bundy is the GOAT of tv dads."} {"idx": 24604, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251003755396386821", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 24605, "original_id": "1250979893707444229", "reply_id": "1250980989288972289", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "How we be, Peeps?"} {"idx": 24606, "original_id": "1251055402357108737", "reply_id": "1251107127009046528", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "LADIES imagine this, it’s 15 years from now—covid19 is over but you refused to go back. You attend meetings & talks online, support the arts via subscription streaming services & merch sales, you’re eating vegetables from your thriving garden. You never shave your legs again."} {"idx": 24610, "original_id": "1251223844435554304", "reply_id": "1251224413430743040", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "would you still sub to me if I was a worm?"} {"idx": 24612, "original_id": "1250483618704736257", "reply_id": "1251053854453411847", "label": "no", "text": "Do you ever forget how to spell really easy words. I spelled “single” like “cingel” and couldn’t figure out why it looked wrong. Took me too long to remember."} {"idx": 24613, "original_id": "1250847822133559301", "reply_id": "1250848030070378496", "label": "agree", "text": "Her: Are you staring at my tits?\n\nMe: No, are you staring at mine?"} {"idx": 24614, "original_id": "1251159254355988480", "reply_id": "1251209023329841152", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Everyone’s all finished uni n college is still flinging essays and assignments at me everyday, cba"} {"idx": 24616, "original_id": "1250871407153561600", "reply_id": "1250872701322956805", "label": "agree", "text": "[nsfw] Shiro is all \"patience yields focus\" until Keith decides to just tease him instead of fucking him and letting him come"} {"idx": 24617, "original_id": "1250478433106305024", "reply_id": "1251183081748340739", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "There are no plans to extend the Brexit deadline, with the UK government keen to avoid a costly EU bailout. Remainers who lost the referendum and every election since were desperate to use coronavirus to scupper Brexit - thank God these anti-democrats aren't getting their way!"} {"idx": 24618, "original_id": "1250951413972287489", "reply_id": "1250957304222167044", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’ve still never had Swensons 🤷🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 24621, "original_id": "1251026305065287681", "reply_id": "1251035841289424896", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Nikhil K, son of former Karnataka CM HD Kumaraswamy, tied the knot with Revathi, today in Bengaluru. \n\nSince Shri Devegowda & Kumar anna take SOCIAL DISTANCING & safety of ppl VERY seriously, wedding was attended by a FEW 100 PPL ONLY. \n\nWait for Anna’s tearful press conference"} {"idx": 24625, "original_id": "1251169122550984704", "reply_id": "1251175168317194241", "label": "no", "text": "Not shocked at all to hear the Bryan McClendon news.\n\nIt’s a tough blow to the ego to stick around on a staff you got demoted on.\n\nActually think he’s a good offensive coach and will have a ton of success in Eugene."} {"idx": 24626, "original_id": "1251183324447506436", "reply_id": "1251191088867684352", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Only responding with gifs."} {"idx": 24628, "original_id": "1250638963410259968", "reply_id": "1250899008748490753", "label": "agree", "text": "My new idea is to regularly stream old yugioh games and call the streams duel duels"} {"idx": 24629, "original_id": "1250866242493337604", "reply_id": "1250867334060834816", "label": "no", "text": "@ESPN Looking at @KendrickPerkins side eyed because he looks like he got a fresh cut. 👀 #TheJump"} {"idx": 24631, "original_id": "1250822165362024448", "reply_id": "1250946302818557958", "label": "yes", "text": "If the presence of God is all you received in heaven, would it be enough?"} {"idx": 24633, "original_id": "1251204647475281920", "reply_id": "1251210297898971136", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Jacksonville Florida to reopen beaches - FBN another fool"} {"idx": 24635, "original_id": "1251262793245917185", "reply_id": "1251264270077214721", "label": "idk", "text": "So before she went to bed Lola announced that it was Friday night which meant “gin night for mummy” I thought it was only right I follow her orders 😂 🥂"} {"idx": 24636, "original_id": "1250833175774928898", "reply_id": "1250833797031002115", "label": "hug", "text": "Trying to keep my brain occupied bc absolute panic is building just under the surface"} {"idx": 24641, "original_id": "1251236641466802176", "reply_id": "1251262722290913280", "label": "hug", "text": "No stream today. My heart’s just not in it and my brain is fried. Love all your faces though, and don’t you forget it."} {"idx": 24643, "original_id": "1250887143028736001", "reply_id": "1250888127561887746", "label": "oops", "text": "Yall still meeting up to fuck during quarantine? Be honest"} {"idx": 24645, "original_id": "1250831984068263936", "reply_id": "1250839152981159936", "label": "high_five", "text": "Somebody in my friend’s etymology class wrote “Brady” as the definition of “Tom-“ and her professor had to address it because they were asking for points for it. I fuckin hate Brady stans"} {"idx": 24646, "original_id": "1250878981793968128", "reply_id": "1250880279700557824", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Since it’s national horny day I’d like to say that I am in fact horny"} {"idx": 24647, "original_id": "1250837684089577472", "reply_id": "1250847381433786368", "label": "hug", "text": "How are you doing emotionally? How are you handling everything?\n\nMe.. not great. I try every morning to start the day off well, but I feel the joy and whimsy of life has been sucked out of me and I am completely incapable. I hope you’re all ok 😣💕"} {"idx": 24648, "original_id": "1250852662225952768", "reply_id": "1250964600104910848", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: A Texas judge ruled that all voters in the state can now vote by mail."} {"idx": 24649, "original_id": "1251162349236436993", "reply_id": "1251167867258765313", "label": "eww", "text": "Yeuch! First tick of 2020 removed from Amy, poor love. It was a biggy too - hubby initially thought it was a nipple 😱"} {"idx": 24650, "original_id": "1250973753011388421", "reply_id": "1250988562700533760", "label": "agree", "text": "I blocked me why"} {"idx": 24652, "original_id": "1251242341467291648", "reply_id": "1251243682323406852", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Hey everyone, I'm starting a cult. We worship cheese, watch anime, and play video and tabletop games. Who's in?"} {"idx": 24660, "original_id": "1250653486032642049", "reply_id": "1250838861493628930", "label": "hug", "text": "Hey, I miss you! \n\nYou're getting a hug next time I see you!"} {"idx": 24662, "original_id": "1251193824275238912", "reply_id": "1251211500225802241", "label": "sorry", "text": "#HowToRuinARelationship Say you game on a 60Hz monitor"} {"idx": 24663, "original_id": "1250853611757727744", "reply_id": "1250928465492062208", "label": "hug", "text": "I had a really awful dream last night and I need a hug very badly but I cannot have one: a quarantine story"} {"idx": 24665, "original_id": "1251149296369459208", "reply_id": "1251149959396638720", "label": "applause", "text": "HAIRCUT APPOINTMENT JUST GOT PUSHED AN HOUR EARLY 😫👏🏾 \nTODAY STARTING OFF GREAT 😊"} {"idx": 24668, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251180043281334275", "label": "no", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 24669, "original_id": "1250644707178360832", "reply_id": "1250857883614482434", "label": "applause", "text": "Believe in yourself. If you don't, why should anyone else?"} {"idx": 24671, "original_id": "1251115076913897473", "reply_id": "1251115341595529222", "label": "thank_you", "text": "if you’re reading this I really do hope you have a beautiful ass Friday 🌻"} {"idx": 24673, "original_id": "1250986307016327168", "reply_id": "1251177836502810625", "label": "no", "text": "dis nigga just said 21 ass smh"} {"idx": 24674, "original_id": "1250923071919345666", "reply_id": "1250927981377224709", "label": "yes", "text": "It's happening!!!\n\nAMERICA IS GOING BACK TO WORK!!!!\n\nGIVE ME A HELL YEAH!!!!👊🇺🇸👍"} {"idx": 24675, "original_id": "1251229160011452417", "reply_id": "1251232400417447937", "label": "yes", "text": "Just started writing a new feature and I’m buzzin"} {"idx": 24676, "original_id": "1251136470561296389", "reply_id": "1251162174577242115", "label": "no", "text": "Only good song is the one with Quavo"} {"idx": 24678, "original_id": "1251054168258875393", "reply_id": "1251054352409735169", "label": "no", "text": "okay actually i’m ty ty so imma watch greys now"} {"idx": 24679, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251124152276140032", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 24681, "original_id": "1251248496738537472", "reply_id": "1251249352775000067", "label": "sigh", "text": "y'all\n\nplease shoot me\n\n@samantha0325796 is dead"} {"idx": 24682, "original_id": "1250623080612806657", "reply_id": "1250961730085281794", "label": "hug", "text": "I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sad in my life."} {"idx": 24686, "original_id": "1251173793235640327", "reply_id": "1251179488580337666", "label": "applause", "text": "I've had leftover baked ziti for approximately 40% of my meals this week"} {"idx": 24690, "original_id": "1250869058238656514", "reply_id": "1250869230418792448", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m quickly losing faith in my ability to get through this."} {"idx": 24694, "original_id": "1250828095579291649", "reply_id": "1250837488450572291", "label": "no", "text": "🚨CARTI DROPPED🚨 \n\nDrop a GIF that describes how you feel about the track ⬇️"} {"idx": 24697, "original_id": "1250893603523584000", "reply_id": "1250893903626031104", "label": "oops", "text": "Jinhe naaz hai trickle down economics pe woh kahan hain?"} {"idx": 24699, "original_id": "1250730149324238848", "reply_id": "1250899379554222080", "label": "applause", "text": "For your info .@phildolbywmp is still doing well. There’s a good chance he’ll go home very soon to rest and recover, he’ll need a few months realistically. His family thank @NHSuk for their amazing help & thank you ALL for your support💙 #Covid_19 #Hope 🙏"} {"idx": 24700, "original_id": "1251255407059914763", "reply_id": "1251255795066572802", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Repeat after me:\n\nSEMO IS TRASH\nSEMO IS TRASH\nSEMO IS TRASH\nSEMO IS TRASH\nSEMO IS TRASH\nSEMO IS TRASH\n\nDon't stop."} {"idx": 24702, "original_id": "1251183626244329472", "reply_id": "1251184903841959936", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@hey_itsgemmie happy birthday gem, stay being kind and humble, hope to see u soon. Love u and keepsafe❤️🎉"} {"idx": 24704, "original_id": "1251243282908225536", "reply_id": "1251250228474372098", "label": "dance", "text": "Now for our 11 Mideast 1st Team Award Winners! @MidStatesFB #BuiltDifferent"} {"idx": 24705, "original_id": "1250919976598409217", "reply_id": "1250956312013426690", "label": "applause", "text": "If trump wants to open up America again, his grown kids Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka should be forced to ride crowded subways and buses.\n\nI'll go after THEY go.\n\nIF they survive."} {"idx": 24706, "original_id": "1250899779292463106", "reply_id": "1250900240825270273", "label": "agree", "text": "Idc if Synergy wins or loses in SS, all I care about is having fun and pumping out some cool videos with the boys, I hope others feel the same way cos that’s what it’s all about"} {"idx": 24708, "original_id": "1251053892386779138", "reply_id": "1251069552969965568", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was my last day at the workplace I’ve been in for nearly seven years. Tomorrow is my birthday and Monday I start my new job. Tonight I am drunk and cried out. Isolation is a bitch."} {"idx": 24710, "original_id": "1250935832644595714", "reply_id": "1250963561104510980", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "As I heard on my call with @GAFoodBankAssn & other GA food banks, families are relying on local food banks more than ever because of #COVID19.\n \nWe discussed the need for deregulation so food banks across GA can meet increased demand. I'm working to make sure that happens."} {"idx": 24711, "original_id": "1250843309209247744", "reply_id": "1250844794328317958", "label": "shocked", "text": "Hello @cowrywise we need to talk....\n\nSeems we have to abort mission.\n\n😢😢😢"} {"idx": 24712, "original_id": "1250969232994680833", "reply_id": "1250973963645313026", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Can we have an entire tweet feed talking through gifs?"} {"idx": 24718, "original_id": "1250968950554259457", "reply_id": "1250968962881355776", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "@Jeruhmi Jeremy plsss gimme free FNR uni u make 2020 better my username is: NOTAMLPLAYER"} {"idx": 24720, "original_id": "1251197010570629120", "reply_id": "1251197779071860740", "label": "eww", "text": "Fuck. It's hurt."} {"idx": 24721, "original_id": "1251166151939436547", "reply_id": "1251171227382755329", "label": "no", "text": "Real talk: would you go to a theme park immediately after it reopens?"} {"idx": 24722, "original_id": "1251052151398297600", "reply_id": "1251052881559592960", "label": "shocked", "text": "imagine sleeping"} {"idx": 24724, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250883630655823894", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 24725, "original_id": "1250959886730567686", "reply_id": "1250960255829241861", "label": "applause", "text": "reddie aus 🤝 me and brookes life"} {"idx": 24726, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250869317585043456", "label": "slow_clap", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 24727, "original_id": "1250831446526308353", "reply_id": "1250832288285327360", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I love messing w jasmine 😂"} {"idx": 24729, "original_id": "1251174315552210947", "reply_id": "1251178084478390272", "label": "agree", "text": "Listening to a TV doctor for advice on your health is like asking the host of The Apprentice to be your President."} {"idx": 24732, "original_id": "1250913962364977154", "reply_id": "1250919619352821766", "label": "awww", "text": "I was supposed to be playing a gig in Camden tomorrow night. I’ll level with you; I think we’re going to have to postpone. On the plus side I can sit at home getting pissed and shitposting."} {"idx": 24735, "original_id": "1251032230694203392", "reply_id": "1251035562645041152", "label": "sigh", "text": "I quit my job because I'm ready to be a full-time streamer. Can y'all go to my GoFundMe? I can't pay rent this month.\n\n🤔"} {"idx": 24738, "original_id": "1250808404584660993", "reply_id": "1250845761220337664", "label": "no", "text": "If you're waiting for a sign, get some poster board and make your own."} {"idx": 24742, "original_id": "1251195519860461570", "reply_id": "1251196255935639552", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "In TX, @GovAbbott says he's issuing an executive order today \"guided by data and by doctors\" to begin re-opening the state"} {"idx": 24746, "original_id": "1250852570039562242", "reply_id": "1250853752258658304", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Velvet taco has a code for a free taco when you buy one. For sure lunch."} {"idx": 24748, "original_id": "1250977117484941312", "reply_id": "1250979783900647426", "label": "applause", "text": "I really can’t wait for Joe Biden to pick a running mate so everyone can just shut the hell up and we can focus on beating Donald Trump. This pitting phenomenal women against each other is unhealthy and unnecessary."} {"idx": 24750, "original_id": "1251228280843354115", "reply_id": "1251235071278923776", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump:\n\nTOTAL POWER\nNO RESPONSIBILITY\nALL THE CREDIT\n\nDoes that basically sum it up?"} {"idx": 24752, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251117359395299328", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 24754, "original_id": "1250869078832623623", "reply_id": "1250869434526445568", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Why is no one fucking asking about Johnny and Jays love triangle.... We want real story lines not fake ones made up by thirsties"} {"idx": 24755, "original_id": "1250901610932379652", "reply_id": "1250927557198970885", "label": "idk", "text": "I’d sniff the chair you sat in during 3rd grade math"} {"idx": 24762, "original_id": "1250849065291509760", "reply_id": "1251190324954890240", "label": "good_luck", "text": "on my way to get tested for coronavirus🙃"} {"idx": 24769, "original_id": "1251005421982298114", "reply_id": "1251011826424430592", "label": "seriously", "text": "I want a double nostril piercing soooo bad"} {"idx": 24770, "original_id": "1250886831480033281", "reply_id": "1250887360147083265", "label": "hug", "text": "Ok, just getting a bit real here, sorry, but today has been.... Well, a day. An odd day. I know everyone is going through some shit, this is why I don't usually post this kind of stuff, cause I know people have it far worse than I do.\nBut, I'm... I dunno exactly. I think"} {"idx": 24772, "original_id": "1251170533330354177", "reply_id": "1251173960449998848", "label": "shocked", "text": "I finally convinced my brother to listen to @campaignpod \n\nHe just texted me “Tryst Valentine is the best”\n\nWhat have I done"} {"idx": 24773, "original_id": "1250968187056914433", "reply_id": "1250968458965245953", "label": "shrug", "text": "“... I really just prefer Patron” @kattyricks"} {"idx": 24776, "original_id": "1250944035780472841", "reply_id": "1250979175122567168", "label": "shocked", "text": "You can’t eat snacks while you sleep so taking a nap is basically a diet."} {"idx": 24779, "original_id": "1251050878519226368", "reply_id": "1251052600335597568", "label": "omg", "text": "Alison Moyet liked my tweet. 15yo me is swooning."} {"idx": 24782, "original_id": "1251092518214696962", "reply_id": "1251130376203968512", "label": "smh", "text": "Strikes me as odd that we would have no problem with plane loads of healthcare workers coming into the country. But fruit picking is not the \"right kind\" of essential work it seems. #keelings"} {"idx": 24783, "original_id": "1250913299568504833", "reply_id": "1250917728837423115", "label": "idk", "text": "do not think I’m exaggerating when I say cheezits are my oxygen"} {"idx": 24789, "original_id": "1251257202863734786", "reply_id": "1251266151415496706", "label": "win", "text": "So far my accomplishments today include not eating as many cookies as yesterday. TGIF."} {"idx": 24790, "original_id": "1250850514306244616", "reply_id": "1250893894730031105", "label": "shocked", "text": "I love looking out my bedroom window and seeing a random man digging in my yard."} {"idx": 24791, "original_id": "1251001150301777925", "reply_id": "1251004134398013441", "label": "seriously", "text": "Imagine you check your nigga phone and you see he be watching gay porn you staying with him or you breaking up with him ? 🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵"} {"idx": 24794, "original_id": "1251217578078412805", "reply_id": "1251218176697917453", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "doing some writing, motivation at a fairly low level though"} {"idx": 24799, "original_id": "1250838479413501955", "reply_id": "1250838557322809344", "label": "agree", "text": "Who needs help cooking Yeezy Supply & Supreme 👀"} {"idx": 24800, "original_id": "1250964307820462081", "reply_id": "1251121772826681346", "label": "yes", "text": "Clearly Trump wanted his names on the checks as a political stunt. He hopes many of those who get them will remember in Nov.\n\nI'm guessing he'll get his wish. They will remember and vote his ass out of office."} {"idx": 24801, "original_id": "1251239123207237633", "reply_id": "1251239596509233154", "label": "hug", "text": "Ah hug pls ahbeg"} {"idx": 24802, "original_id": "1250997406360989696", "reply_id": "1251014320877703168", "label": "ok", "text": "Don't spell part backwards - it's a trap!"} {"idx": 24806, "original_id": "1250934723620282368", "reply_id": "1250935340132687876", "label": "hug", "text": "Someone hug me"} {"idx": 24807, "original_id": "1250978394336120836", "reply_id": "1251070307898720256", "label": "no", "text": "Your government tells you there’s no solution to the pandemic, so they’ve built a spaceship to send colonists to a habitable planet they’ve discovered. You have been selected to go but it’s a one way trip, you leave immediately, & you can’t tell anyone...\n\nDo you go?? 🤔😎"} {"idx": 24808, "original_id": "1251101578968412162", "reply_id": "1251134034891231232", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m lactose I have no business drinking an iced coffee"} {"idx": 24810, "original_id": "1250981840263004163", "reply_id": "1251047301889605632", "label": "agree", "text": "*swaer words* 😏 nbd..."} {"idx": 24815, "original_id": "1250831839377403904", "reply_id": "1250929571106562048", "label": "yawn", "text": "I'm still struggling to reconcile Govt 'stay home to save lives' mantra with the fact they're still allowing 15,000 people to fly into the UK every day with no health checks, many from worst-hit parts of the world like NYC & Italy. \nAm I missing something?"} {"idx": 24816, "original_id": "1250828095579291649", "reply_id": "1250873240857296896", "label": "no", "text": "🚨CARTI DROPPED🚨 \n\nDrop a GIF that describes how you feel about the track ⬇️"} {"idx": 24817, "original_id": "1250863788212936705", "reply_id": "1250873822112342017", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "i get so happy when you talk to me🦋🦋🦋"} {"idx": 24820, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250960928058814464", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 24821, "original_id": "1250924624575160321", "reply_id": "1251237853654376449", "label": "applause", "text": "ARE YALL READY TO SEE THE CAUCASIANS ACT UP IF THEY CANCEL 4TH OF JULY?!!!!!"} {"idx": 24822, "original_id": "1250953598403514369", "reply_id": "1250990987075182592", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Tonight I have decided that I have new goals. I plan to reach them too."} {"idx": 24823, "original_id": "1251086192822702082", "reply_id": "1251095633278181376", "label": "scared", "text": "Going for a massive twitter cull to try and improve the experience. Blocking at will and culling who I follow."} {"idx": 24826, "original_id": "1250832504954609664", "reply_id": "1250834864720338944", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Ramayana is not just a serial to me ..its History"} {"idx": 24828, "original_id": "1251177452023410690", "reply_id": "1251178985440100353", "label": "hearts", "text": "I can't reply to every tweets to my account.\nbut i have read all of them.\nthank you all!"} {"idx": 24830, "original_id": "1251172664858869762", "reply_id": "1251177489830903809", "label": "hug", "text": "I am so scared of sleeping tonight\nAnd wake up tomorrow realising that he is gone"} {"idx": 24831, "original_id": "1251013642721558530", "reply_id": "1251049771839733762", "label": "yes", "text": "Right don't get me wrong I am grateful for the NHS & all they are doing for us but you should all be thankful for them all the time not just during this global pandemic. Because before all this we never clapped for the NHS or anything & they have always been there not just now"} {"idx": 24832, "original_id": "1250904880744628225", "reply_id": "1251018134250590208", "label": "high_five", "text": "I just scored an 8 pack of toilet paper so I tied it to the top of my car and paraded it around town like it was an 8 point buck."} {"idx": 24833, "original_id": "1250911371530842116", "reply_id": "1251135065893076994", "label": "agree", "text": "If we’re not supposed to root for the Decepticons then why are they sexy?"} {"idx": 24835, "original_id": "1251002670984413185", "reply_id": "1251003234057101313", "label": "no", "text": "#MeAt20 is a ploy to help facial recognition technology and I'm not falling for it."} {"idx": 24837, "original_id": "1251208047244050440", "reply_id": "1251238865999781888", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Got an email from my private student loans earlier this week informing me they lowered my interest rate. Just got another email apologizing for the confusion and assuring me the interest rate didn’t actually change. Cool"} {"idx": 24840, "original_id": "1251203026532077575", "reply_id": "1251205176523927559", "label": "oops", "text": "Sebelum tu, next episode gonna be on our first day puasa 🙃🙃"} {"idx": 24842, "original_id": "1251266089461223424", "reply_id": "1251266963713650689", "label": "applause", "text": "Back in July I received a nasty message from someone I’d never met telling me basically that I’m an awful person and how I’m a toxic person and a red flag to everyone because I was 24, living with my parents, and didn’t have a “real job” and they deeply questioned my dream of"} {"idx": 24843, "original_id": "1251010327975788544", "reply_id": "1251011696950497281", "label": "wink", "text": "Real men appreciate thick thighs."} {"idx": 24845, "original_id": "1250982698983788544", "reply_id": "1250990031659024386", "label": "yes", "text": "if hector wins that raffle I'll finally give him a baby. Fuck it."} {"idx": 24846, "original_id": "1250906187760951296", "reply_id": "1251252184513228804", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Round 4 of interviews tomorrow, following written materials. Hope this is the last one! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼"} {"idx": 24847, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250841128666042369", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 24849, "original_id": "1250549086970880004", "reply_id": "1250851743589527553", "label": "agree", "text": "I don't mean to sound negative but does anyone think we will have a 2nd wave of COVID-19 ?"} {"idx": 24850, "original_id": "1250937649130586113", "reply_id": "1250939012338024450", "label": "yes", "text": "should i buy an apple watch yes or no ? 🥺🥺"} {"idx": 24851, "original_id": "1251116748239036416", "reply_id": "1251141845561769986", "label": "awww", "text": "I won’t hesitate to block you, when you approach incorrectly.\n\nNo, you can’t ask Me questions.\nNo, I won’t tell you “how much”.\nNo, it’s not about you.\n\n⚡️ My time isn’t free ⚡️\n\nEither put up, or shut up.\nI don’t care. \n\n⛓ Findom Findomme Femdom finsub paypig HumanATM ⛓"} {"idx": 24852, "original_id": "1250901835034103809", "reply_id": "1250982160850452480", "label": "yes", "text": "Shout out to 30+ Twitter though!"} {"idx": 24855, "original_id": "1250484289549955073", "reply_id": "1250853755769126913", "label": "smh", "text": "Suspending WHO funds is a move to support President Trump’s reelection campaign. To distract and divert Americans’ anger by paralyzing WHO, which could lead to more deaths, using lives of numerous people to pay for his reelection, this is immoral and bloody."} {"idx": 24859, "original_id": "1251008484532989952", "reply_id": "1251094211279159297", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m Going 2 Bed 💐"} {"idx": 24863, "original_id": "1250990617800216579", "reply_id": "1251000797891969024", "label": "hug", "text": "hi! a little reminder if you feel tired being my friend then you can go. i won't hold you on. don't say goodbye, just go and live happily. forget all the memories that we made and make some memories with people who you love. I'll do the same for myself. take care of yourself✌🏻"} {"idx": 24869, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251221061682659328", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 24872, "original_id": "1250636639535235072", "reply_id": "1250936057710903297", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I’ll send $300 to someone in 12 hours. All that I ask is for you to retweet this and follow @BrandBuilderx2 along with myself."} {"idx": 24874, "original_id": "1251022888834129920", "reply_id": "1251222894576832514", "label": "awww", "text": "My luv 💚🚀 @cristvalladares"} {"idx": 24876, "original_id": "1250805487131488256", "reply_id": "1250873835991293952", "label": "omg", "text": "You haven’t lived ‘til you have TOASTED YOUR BANANA BREAD."} {"idx": 24881, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1250884730616197120", "label": "popcorn", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 24883, "original_id": "1250717051854848001", "reply_id": "1250921551135830016", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Pablo Escobar sold a mildly toxic powder. I mean it was just Cocaine, not Rangoli."} {"idx": 24890, "original_id": "1250799056336674817", "reply_id": "1251047388556546048", "label": "idk", "text": "My mom still claims me as a dependent for tax return $$ so apparently I don’t get a stimulus check😭 wtf I STILL AM A WORKING ADULT I JUST LET HER BC I LOVE HER"} {"idx": 24892, "original_id": "1250845457343012864", "reply_id": "1250846166880849920", "label": "applause", "text": "#theme #music @jtimberlake #justintimberlake I don't want to fight for the other half of me anymore, You know Me. #love #lover 🌹♥️"} {"idx": 24894, "original_id": "1250948796894400520", "reply_id": "1250960237135310850", "label": "no", "text": "Guys vacuum sealed means a dick in every hole okay. For those asking.."} {"idx": 24899, "original_id": "1250856700615241728", "reply_id": "1250863760232742912", "label": "applause", "text": "Excited to announce that I’ll be joining the guys on Bruh for the remainder of this CL season and the foreseeable future. Glad to be back where I belong and ready to get back into it. \n\n@SippinOnOJ \n@RootyR6 \n@yeahjaayR6 \n@AnthonyMGSx \n@RehabHigh"} {"idx": 24900, "original_id": "1249279241839050752", "reply_id": "1250992966149103617", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "What is the first thought a man has when he sees a woman?"} {"idx": 24904, "original_id": "1251195605474586625", "reply_id": "1251215591186128896", "label": "awww", "text": "LIBERATE AMERICA! Whoever is in charge of the Fedral goverment is doing a TERRIBLE job!!!"} {"idx": 24908, "original_id": "1251099024054276096", "reply_id": "1251099755863818240", "label": "applause", "text": "Probably a good time to come back. It's been three years and I have A LOT of opinions."} {"idx": 24909, "original_id": "1251179119783673856", "reply_id": "1251190892523933697", "label": "want", "text": "long car rides and coffee >>"} {"idx": 24913, "original_id": "1250857252225003522", "reply_id": "1250988373503852546", "label": "seriously", "text": "Fox News interrupted the President thanking America's truck drivers to bring on Donna Brazile and to talk about Obama and Biden.. \n\nLet that sink in.."} {"idx": 24915, "original_id": "1250872396409692162", "reply_id": "1250873525012959235", "label": "good_luck", "text": "FaceTime job interview in 3 minutes 🤞🏼 let’s get it"} {"idx": 24916, "original_id": "1250836282638508032", "reply_id": "1250875607724036099", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "drop those usernames and let's all followww you. #UkaidiWaMagufuli"} {"idx": 24917, "original_id": "1251024996706779137", "reply_id": "1251033519633170432", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I wasn't this nervous for my pre-defense 🤢💩."} {"idx": 24919, "original_id": "1250912580127920130", "reply_id": "1250916384017612802", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump said earlier that we take solace that God has taken the people who have died from the virus into \"his eternal and loving embrace.\""} {"idx": 24922, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250934097519587328", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 24923, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251169898920894464", "label": "shrug", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 24925, "original_id": "1251133031319924738", "reply_id": "1251134855980646400", "label": "seriously", "text": "This virus is 5 months old now and still claiming thousands of lives."} {"idx": 24928, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251010951479877632", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 24929, "original_id": "1250936381108637697", "reply_id": "1250937842580303873", "label": "applause", "text": "Cassper really sounds like those ‘ngoba mina vele angina family nizong treater so’ people."} {"idx": 24930, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1250964788940812288", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 24932, "original_id": "1250974454609518592", "reply_id": "1250976453048614913", "label": "ok", "text": "When was the last you tasted Bournvita? Shit Fcvking taste so rich. No more milo henceforth!"} {"idx": 24935, "original_id": "1251179055459659777", "reply_id": "1251179283562868744", "label": "smh", "text": "Hey @Oprah ... come get your mans"} {"idx": 24937, "original_id": "1251200602086027274", "reply_id": "1251255266659561479", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "what a mess i've made"} {"idx": 24941, "original_id": "1250929503762821120", "reply_id": "1250932174871642112", "label": "agree", "text": "One thing COVID-19 has done is reveal, in a crystal clear way, who the real conservatives, those who truly believe in America, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, are. \n\nEspecially in media."} {"idx": 24943, "original_id": "1250777295507333120", "reply_id": "1251081503867637760", "label": "agree", "text": "Confidence."} {"idx": 24945, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251115621485510656", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 24948, "original_id": "1250849975912804352", "reply_id": "1250957011795099650", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Day 37 in quarantine: \n\nThe wife just broke the 6 feet distancing rule so I locked her in the bathroom to protect the herd. \n\nI can hear her yelling “Please, not another 2 weeks locked in this bathroom” but she knew the rules."} {"idx": 24949, "original_id": "1250918182937919489", "reply_id": "1250918766092914689", "label": "applause", "text": "So now it's basically #TrumpGate #TrumpPressConf"} {"idx": 24951, "original_id": "1250634657919455233", "reply_id": "1251033873086992384", "label": "hearts", "text": "I went to the hospital with symptoms of the virus. They sent me home to quarantine myself. WTF They have no meds to help and it’s up to me to try to get better! Ifeel I’m screwed. My fever is so high and I can hardly breathe my head hurts plus chills and coughing. Send 🙏🙏"} {"idx": 24952, "original_id": "1250786094502703105", "reply_id": "1250970776611598336", "label": "oops", "text": "The vaccine will cost $1201."} {"idx": 24956, "original_id": "1250997974135603200", "reply_id": "1251055445353119744", "label": "agree", "text": "In 2016, Donald Trump spooked the electorate with the “horror” of Hillary’s 33,000 missin’ emails.\n\nToday, thanks to Trump’s incompetent and non-existent leadership, the COVID-19 death toll has exceeded one death for each one of Hillary’s emails."} {"idx": 24958, "original_id": "1251009516071763968", "reply_id": "1251020100896985090", "label": "high_five", "text": "Sorry but @ChadHartmanShow and @ShelettaIsFunny are not going to bully me over @PopeyesChicken !!! 😂"} {"idx": 24960, "original_id": "1250858812577374215", "reply_id": "1250864793298317315", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Boris Johnson’s entire career has been teflon coated. This is encapsulated by the Coronavirus crisis where government negligence is being conveniently ignored by large sections of the media who are instead deifying Boris Johnson as a hero who ‘took one for the team’."} {"idx": 24962, "original_id": "1251270574283747328", "reply_id": "1251270703677968384", "label": "no", "text": "Too early for a margarita?"} {"idx": 24967, "original_id": "1250955777537380352", "reply_id": "1251089708119023616", "label": "ok", "text": "11) 💿 🐑 \n48) Michael Pittman JR\n68) Traded for Trent Williams"} {"idx": 24972, "original_id": "1250967603029225472", "reply_id": "1250969290737627136", "label": "shocked", "text": "On live now!!"} {"idx": 24975, "original_id": "1251033416683999233", "reply_id": "1251048113298722817", "label": "high_five", "text": "@Akhona_ladyAK introduced me to @LeboLion_SA podcast 😍 I will be learning a lot from this lady"} {"idx": 24977, "original_id": "1251145246269898753", "reply_id": "1251152229366591490", "label": "no", "text": "Gathering data for an evidenced - based research study....\n\nWill you get the COVID vaccine when available? \n\nDo you get the annual flu vaccine?\n\nSimple yes/no to both will do. Please retweet so I can get a good sample size..."} {"idx": 24979, "original_id": "1251029065714237440", "reply_id": "1251061308679581696", "label": "applause", "text": "It's three in the morning. I haven't been tired.\n\nGuess I should probably stop listening to Iron Maiden now, huh?"} {"idx": 24980, "original_id": "1250904001438273541", "reply_id": "1250950471214391297", "label": "yes", "text": "7 days away from the NFL draft"} {"idx": 24981, "original_id": "1250867944281772032", "reply_id": "1250868757750308868", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug"} {"idx": 24982, "original_id": "1250851250179985409", "reply_id": "1250879998442868738", "label": "eww", "text": "i miss my big brother so much"} {"idx": 24983, "original_id": "1250879414382080006", "reply_id": "1250891671497293826", "label": "applause", "text": "If you don’t want me to call you out for being a sexist pig, don’t be a sexist pig. Especially if you look like you live in your moms basement and jack off to pictures of her"} {"idx": 24984, "original_id": "1250893275264765952", "reply_id": "1250896842172309510", "label": "applause", "text": "FELL ASLEEP AND MISSED MY 4TH ONLINE CLASS IN A ROW. SMHHHH"} {"idx": 24986, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251226277874470921", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 24987, "original_id": "1251004584098578432", "reply_id": "1251006531945943041", "label": "no", "text": "The disrespect lol"} {"idx": 24994, "original_id": "1251238597778460678", "reply_id": "1251247107136258050", "label": "hug", "text": "well work was shit again"} {"idx": 24995, "original_id": "1251029118394658816", "reply_id": "1251143696109588480", "label": "applause", "text": "TL sleep ? if we fuck just know im not pulling out .. i want a daughter 🌚"} {"idx": 24999, "original_id": "1250943950883438593", "reply_id": "1250955654358986753", "label": "agree", "text": "@D_Atkins04 you are a superhero, i love you bro, everyone give this man a round of applause"} {"idx": 25001, "original_id": "1251027428614365186", "reply_id": "1251063936893382656", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’m staying my behind in my house. I don’t care what y’all talkin bout. I’m staying home. My asthma can’t allow for any mishaps. I’ll pass. Catch y’all in 2021."} {"idx": 25002, "original_id": "1251009072159051781", "reply_id": "1251265414472126466", "label": "idk", "text": "“my self esteem is straight up not having a good time right now”"} {"idx": 25003, "original_id": "1251159860344807430", "reply_id": "1251160586248830983", "label": "no", "text": "Is it too early to start my shit?"} {"idx": 25005, "original_id": "1251148485853720577", "reply_id": "1251149980703711232", "label": "wink", "text": "Thought I’d hop on the #FollowFriday train cuz these people are great:\n\n@BraamyBraam @magnuspuer_ @Artferg @seminariancag @FrMarlonM @AdCrucemChristi @KeytarCatholic @BroStephenMary @okayseminarian"} {"idx": 25007, "original_id": "1250851118390939648", "reply_id": "1250855394546679809", "label": "agree", "text": "did @MikeDeWine just say we will start openning up on may 1st!"} {"idx": 25010, "original_id": "1251197046561935367", "reply_id": "1251197318352732171", "label": "awww", "text": "kenzie called me a raisin im depressed now."} {"idx": 25012, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251192854032121858", "label": "no", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 25019, "original_id": "1250919977839976450", "reply_id": "1251001221235617792", "label": "shocked", "text": "Trump is siding with Michigan Nazis......Surprise Surprise"} {"idx": 25020, "original_id": "1250911016357171200", "reply_id": "1250916279298523136", "label": "smh", "text": "Conservative Christian parents are probably super supportive when their kids come out as asexual."} {"idx": 25021, "original_id": "1251264138573217794", "reply_id": "1251265360545923078", "label": "yes", "text": "Oz. Phil. Those cunts in MN. Folks claiming covid is a hoax and that piece of shit 45. All should be arrested for domestic terrorism and or treason."} {"idx": 25023, "original_id": "1251217783590969348", "reply_id": "1251218029511245824", "label": "scared", "text": "#PioNation- Get ready for something special🤩🤩🤩 coming out of the @MCPioneersAT department next week!!!🔥🔥 I think everyone will like it!🤯🤯 You will see some @MariettaCollege and @MariettaPioneer celebs making an appearance!"} {"idx": 25026, "original_id": "1250786097656889347", "reply_id": "1251029768952328194", "label": "seriously", "text": "Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, despite best efforts, it has not been possible to reschedule the Mexico leg of the Thom Yorke Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes tour. Apologies, no option remains but to cancel all three dates: please contact your ticket vendor for further information."} {"idx": 25027, "original_id": "1250626728306728960", "reply_id": "1250848955921031170", "label": "yes", "text": "can’t kill the passion \nkeep it alive good people \nfeel is the only thing real"} {"idx": 25031, "original_id": "1250848473710317570", "reply_id": "1250848759443062790", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Statement FC to release one in a few moments.\n\nStrap yourself in lads 🍿🍿🍿"} {"idx": 25032, "original_id": "1250909858959962113", "reply_id": "1250921528629346305", "label": "wink", "text": "Well, I’m back to listening to the daily briefings after taking a few days off because I agree with @RadioFreeTom in his remarks on @BulwarkOnline pod that this is a battle of wills and darn it, I’ll gut thru it to stand witness to this absurd sad moment."} {"idx": 25033, "original_id": "1251221815810277386", "reply_id": "1251224108081262595", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "10 minute‘a til #GotYourBack on @Channel4 pals"} {"idx": 25036, "original_id": "1251116898860838916", "reply_id": "1251127141196054528", "label": "applause", "text": "Idgaf how many times I hit rock bottom, I’m getting tf back up I stand on this 🥰💪🏾💪🏾🥰"} {"idx": 25037, "original_id": "1250816404456189953", "reply_id": "1250942271593250816", "label": "yes", "text": "Is J. Cole a top 10 artist of all time?"} {"idx": 25039, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1251129283256311809", "label": "awww", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 25042, "original_id": "1251130313931137024", "reply_id": "1251197704828567556", "label": "shocked", "text": "My colleagues give the best foot rubs.😍😍"} {"idx": 25044, "original_id": "1250907383351607297", "reply_id": "1250918822971944961", "label": "shocked", "text": "Von Miller couldn't bribe the Corona Test Man?"} {"idx": 25046, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250973846485774337", "label": "dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 25047, "original_id": "1250884256164962313", "reply_id": "1251000012944932864", "label": "omg", "text": "A think if a man kills his wife during the lockdown it should be null n void ."} {"idx": 25050, "original_id": "1250872131736481793", "reply_id": "1250874029575192577", "label": "dance", "text": "The Chargers take a heart breaking lose to division rival the @PML_RaidersPS4 . (17-38) will the Bolts be able to bounce back next week against the Tennessee Titans?"} {"idx": 25052, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250961305521045504", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 25053, "original_id": "1249797221668839426", "reply_id": "1251173076697571328", "label": "no", "text": "Abortion is essential.\nAbortion is essential.\nAbortion is essential.\nAbortion is essential.\nAbortion is essential.\nAbortion is essential.\n#AbortionPositive"} {"idx": 25054, "original_id": "1251063566175698944", "reply_id": "1251063796543696896", "label": "dance", "text": "Good morning. How are you doing/feeling today?"} {"idx": 25055, "original_id": "1250895230490103816", "reply_id": "1251165757435756544", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone who thinks Joe Burrow should be drafted before the 24th pick is absolutely bonkers. There’s no way I would take a guy like that in the top-23 picks. Teams in the top-23 should definitely pass on this guy."} {"idx": 25057, "original_id": "1251228569797181440", "reply_id": "1251232289146712064", "label": "awww", "text": "I feel as if my legs are cut off without wifi"} {"idx": 25060, "original_id": "1250880448068112384", "reply_id": "1251012738177884161", "label": "applause", "text": "This is the fifth day in a row that I’ve had a few glasses of wine before 2 lmao"} {"idx": 25062, "original_id": "1250920036799258629", "reply_id": "1251117714283745281", "label": "applause", "text": "What do you think about the protesters? “They seem to like me.“"} {"idx": 25064, "original_id": "1250740346763575298", "reply_id": "1251008661968826369", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "My friends, join us in asking that our teaching staff receive Tech Stipend. San Benito Board are giving personnel $500 stipend, let’s do better."} {"idx": 25066, "original_id": "1250884580539658240", "reply_id": "1250903978977591296", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "What? Spencer has been detweetified?"} {"idx": 25067, "original_id": "1251007806955614210", "reply_id": "1251203381256810497", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I’m gonna giveaway a bobblehead in the next week because this whole situation sucks and hopefully it’ll make 1 person happy"} {"idx": 25071, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250971339692924933", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 25073, "original_id": "1250948151479021570", "reply_id": "1250959847597768704", "label": "awww", "text": "I wish I was a better person...instead I'm fucking broken and shit"} {"idx": 25076, "original_id": "1251094886645936130", "reply_id": "1251095539585695746", "label": "high_five", "text": "Insomnio again 😩"} {"idx": 25077, "original_id": "1250488278471577601", "reply_id": "1250836544455348227", "label": "eww", "text": "My toxic trait is that I use data like it’s uncapped WIFI"} {"idx": 25082, "original_id": "1251226533223706624", "reply_id": "1251230605083320321", "label": "seriously", "text": "Don’t move your kids to Florida unless you want them to grow up stupid."} {"idx": 25083, "original_id": "1251172947299045376", "reply_id": "1251224438151892994", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Final Fantasy, (n), the fantasy situation that finally brings you to orgasm when masturbating. \"My Final Fantasy involves Sephiroth banging Kuja while Tidus is tied up on the bed.\""} {"idx": 25084, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1250961010711621634", "label": "thank_you", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 25085, "original_id": "1250859001954349057", "reply_id": "1250954875967385601", "label": "no", "text": "Are you:\n\nCamp absolutely NEED to make my bed. \n\nOr\n\nCamp absolutely NO NEED to make my bed."} {"idx": 25087, "original_id": "1250982021771530240", "reply_id": "1250983189582995458", "label": "shocked", "text": "Men are sooooo easy lmaoooooo"} {"idx": 25089, "original_id": "1251190697291587585", "reply_id": "1251191178134945794", "label": "yes", "text": "The real question is are we getting drunk tonight..."} {"idx": 25090, "original_id": "1251254981354635264", "reply_id": "1251256761736212482", "label": "popcorn", "text": "i am good. but some of y'all aren't ready for that conversation!"} {"idx": 25091, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250962984064569345", "label": "sigh", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 25093, "original_id": "1250939358250704902", "reply_id": "1251093488885731333", "label": "sigh", "text": "In the mood for real and soft act of intimacy that I’m not getting anytime soon"} {"idx": 25095, "original_id": "1250896049214050307", "reply_id": "1250897149673517056", "label": "shocked", "text": "Life can be such a dick , that’s why I just throw my legs back and take that shiii like a champ 😩😩🙃"} {"idx": 25096, "original_id": "1251194068933185536", "reply_id": "1251226043006029825", "label": "hug", "text": "Sometimes all we need is a hug."} {"idx": 25097, "original_id": "1250827093455273984", "reply_id": "1250833781449244672", "label": "yes", "text": "According to Sky Sports @SkySports_Keith, Staveley and the board are expected to go after Rafa Benitez in a managerial role. He calls it \"almost inevitable\". #NUFC"} {"idx": 25101, "original_id": "1250733296419516416", "reply_id": "1250934086832730112", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "For some strange reason my *** just would not go down last night & now it all makes sense #nationalhornyday"} {"idx": 25105, "original_id": "1251127259181842433", "reply_id": "1251193056738586624", "label": "facepalm", "text": "In the middle of global pandemic, we have not announced major relief packages for our doctors, nurses, frontline fighters or even daily wage earners who have been hardest hit by lockdown. However, Pakistan has announced major relief for construction industry during #COVID2019 1/2"} {"idx": 25106, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251167550831947776", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 25109, "original_id": "1251201160255549443", "reply_id": "1251274981377486848", "label": "applause", "text": "Can we just stipulate that just because you have “Dr.” in front of your name doesn’t make you immune from saying some very stupid things?"} {"idx": 25110, "original_id": "1250923438950285312", "reply_id": "1250955505905758208", "label": "applause", "text": "Trainers, in our latest update (0.173.0), you can now transfer multiple Pokémon wearing costumes from the Pokémon Storage screen. Please note that Pokémon that currently are or have been your Buddy cannot be transferred this way."} {"idx": 25113, "original_id": "1251067498822320130", "reply_id": "1251067761427709952", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Rabbits have teeth man @ElaynaBlack"} {"idx": 25115, "original_id": "1251058206744481793", "reply_id": "1251241691543220224", "label": "agree", "text": "All of these people can use Bitcoin:\n- Anarcho-capitalists\n- Statists\n- North Korean dictators\n- Rafael Benítez\n- Weed heads\n- Tottenham fans\n- Peter Schiff\n- Mnuchin\n- Fentanyl Dealers\n- Modern artists\n- Keynesians \n\nThere is no definition of a Bitcoiner, just consensus rules."} {"idx": 25117, "original_id": "1250957191491846148", "reply_id": "1251270603119697920", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "There’s no way to safely reopen without massive testing.\n\nYet we’re barely testing more people this week than last. And hospitals continue to report serious bottlenecks.\n\nIf Trump ignores the experts and forces a premature reopening,\n\nEven more Americans will die."} {"idx": 25118, "original_id": "1250836852417888257", "reply_id": "1250912437131530245", "label": "shocked", "text": "All can choose Mortis, but Mortis doesn't choose all"} {"idx": 25128, "original_id": "1250707906682654720", "reply_id": "1251051931159662592", "label": "shocked", "text": "Right! The last of the beers drank last night. Have drank way too much in this lockdown so far so that’s it I’m off the booze until the pubs re-open."} {"idx": 25129, "original_id": "1250872487115739140", "reply_id": "1250874709052399618", "label": "applause", "text": "The American businessman, Mr Kroenke, has guaranteed to pump a significant amount, which will run into millions, into Arsenal to soften the blow of the Covid-19 pandemic. [@MailSport]"} {"idx": 25132, "original_id": "1250846414411689984", "reply_id": "1250894041966768128", "label": "no", "text": "are you guys ready to pay the big bucks when boxing comes back \n\nCanelo vs GGG \nFury vs Wilder 3 -$100\nDavis vs LSC- $75\nLoma vs Lopez- $75\nManny vs M Garcia\nSpence vs DSG -$75\nBud vs Brook- $75"} {"idx": 25133, "original_id": "1250942599684329474", "reply_id": "1250951238671388674", "label": "agree", "text": "Don’t ever think because we fucked with the same nigga we’re on the same level... niggas love hoes, bums and strays for their own personally reason. Stay in your lane!!"} {"idx": 25134, "original_id": "1251217298708402179", "reply_id": "1251217845914042371", "label": "no", "text": "I think I might have COVID-19 because I've lost my sense of taste...I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and I'm enjoying it."} {"idx": 25135, "original_id": "1250907929055825922", "reply_id": "1250908002489700354", "label": "seriously", "text": "just finished watching game of thrones and fucking jean grey is a queen, dafuq just happened."} {"idx": 25137, "original_id": "1250868791254237184", "reply_id": "1250874440457519104", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Chiiiile \n\nMy friend jumped on a flight to \nNorth Carolina after all because her boyfriend said he needed space and wasn’t picking up her calls.. \n\nShe flew out last night and didn’t tell me until she landed because she didn’t want me to talk her out of it smh 🤦🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 25138, "original_id": "1251050657441701888", "reply_id": "1251065250117570561", "label": "applause", "text": "made 95 cookies & didn’t eat a single one. now that’s self control"} {"idx": 25141, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250942558978572288", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 25146, "original_id": "1251127700292399104", "reply_id": "1251256725845336065", "label": "applause", "text": "My tiktok got 173 views in 3 hours and it was a clip from stream, nothing else I've posted has done that we'll 😮"} {"idx": 25147, "original_id": "1250912513228595201", "reply_id": "1250913190717915136", "label": "yawn", "text": "Is he still talking?"} {"idx": 25149, "original_id": "1251167526945460224", "reply_id": "1251272160053653504", "label": "seriously", "text": "Those on the right who blindly followed the experts’ COVID orthodoxy (models, govt response) will kick themselves soon for not standing up for freedom and commonsense sooner."} {"idx": 25151, "original_id": "1251202664853102592", "reply_id": "1251270403542130689", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m struggling today. Like real bad"} {"idx": 25154, "original_id": "1251156033101164547", "reply_id": "1251157599027773442", "label": "hug", "text": "Let's hug"} {"idx": 25155, "original_id": "1251217602774474760", "reply_id": "1251218954728726528", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just got Lutri twice in sealed, went 14-1. Companions at rare are going to make Ikoria limited old REAL fast."} {"idx": 25156, "original_id": "1251063301049442306", "reply_id": "1251086996501458945", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I'm not believing anything until HPA tweets about it."} {"idx": 25157, "original_id": "1251193980265672704", "reply_id": "1251194712121360386", "label": "agree", "text": "Everyone is talking about getting all dolled up for the concerts....I love you so much boys but like...we been together for 3yrs. My a$$ is gonna be barefaced and braless during #BANGBANGCON. Love ya mean it! 🥰💜 @BTS_twt"} {"idx": 25158, "original_id": "1250991536789217281", "reply_id": "1250991939685453824", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Did you hear about the mansplainer who drowned in his underground water storage unit?\n\nIt was a well, actually"} {"idx": 25160, "original_id": "1251223287549644804", "reply_id": "1251224057304973315", "label": "agree", "text": "Liberate - free from a situation; release \n\nThis is for all of you idiots twisting words because you failed English. \n\n#liberatevirginia #LiberateMinnesota"} {"idx": 25162, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250961571871772672", "label": "yawn", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 25163, "original_id": "1251018712527695873", "reply_id": "1251026117990866945", "label": "smh", "text": "omg i accidentally posted a snap on my main instead of my private SMHHHHHH🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 25164, "original_id": "1251089124523675648", "reply_id": "1251122437216808961", "label": "applause", "text": "i just wanna suck your dick and see you smile"} {"idx": 25168, "original_id": "1250771502724775938", "reply_id": "1250853123310194689", "label": "yawn", "text": "Don’t you think there are a number of great choices for @JoeBiden’s running mate? I thought I’d bet my trifecta - meaning how I think it stands today. Because what else is there to do? \nThis IS NOT ABOUT WHO I LIKE MORE!\n1. S. Abrams\n2. A. Klobuchar \n3. E. Warren\nOk. Have at it."} {"idx": 25173, "original_id": "1251140571453939712", "reply_id": "1251146533321363457", "label": "want", "text": "think it might be that time of day to drop a new pic🤔 what do you think?"} {"idx": 25178, "original_id": "1250850111535661059", "reply_id": "1250850421448544256", "label": "applause", "text": "woke up before 1 pm today"} {"idx": 25182, "original_id": "1251205667534356481", "reply_id": "1251227840583884801", "label": "agree", "text": "Is it interesting how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how interesting it is?"} {"idx": 25183, "original_id": "1250858995977355264", "reply_id": "1250862761460056066", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Yo twitter I know things are bad and this need is small but... \n\nI have a promotion interview this afternoon for a position that would make a WORLD of difference for my family so please send any spare prayers/energy/ my way."} {"idx": 25185, "original_id": "1250995250266386432", "reply_id": "1251060429905895424", "label": "applause", "text": "Dr. Phil has a doctorate in psychology.He is not a virologist.\n\nDr. Drew is a licensed internist&an addiction medicine specialist.Also, he is not a virologist.\n\nDr. Oz is a licensed cardiothoracic surgeon. He is also not a virologist.\n\nDr. Pepper is a tasty soda& not a virologist"} {"idx": 25186, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251051709595480066", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 25187, "original_id": "1250912944952692736", "reply_id": "1250921267848503298", "label": "scared", "text": "“Maybe a team round of the bachelor?” BAHAHAHA this has been the best thing so far 🤣🤣🤣 @Tatianavalles98 @Jocelynvargas97"} {"idx": 25188, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250866511771770880", "label": "oh_snap", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 25190, "original_id": "1251046424348893184", "reply_id": "1251114200195309573", "label": "sigh", "text": "I've seen plenty of people saying in the last couple of weeks that they wondered when the public would ruin the #clapping thing. \n\nThe scenes of the idiots, officers included, parading on #westminsterbridge last night for virtue likes and social media street cred confirms it"} {"idx": 25191, "original_id": "1250423161964777481", "reply_id": "1250901573053476864", "label": "agree", "text": "Check or no check, it’s stilll FUCK DONALD TRUMP."} {"idx": 25192, "original_id": "1251197987226869760", "reply_id": "1251198292232409088", "label": "agree", "text": "How’s that new trump tone working out everybody?\nGlad I never changed mine.\n#25thAmendment\n#UnfitToBePresident"} {"idx": 25194, "original_id": "1251099362534588418", "reply_id": "1251109692354572289", "label": "agree", "text": "listening to the @thecourteeners new album, outstanding new music fellas @What_Liam_Said @mikecambo1 @m00resy #MoreAgainForever 😎"} {"idx": 25196, "original_id": "1251031122168946690", "reply_id": "1251151427121983488", "label": "hug", "text": "Good night all. \n\nDon't let anyone tell you social media doesn't matter. You people are helping me keep my shit together in a HUGE way these days. Remember that if you feel useless."} {"idx": 25197, "original_id": "1250969849947291648", "reply_id": "1250970732324143104", "label": "yes", "text": "OMG! I just realized how simple I am for you to figure out.\n\nIf I quote tweet you, I don’t like you.\n\nAnd if I don’t, I do."} {"idx": 25199, "original_id": "1251173081038585856", "reply_id": "1251193720617275398", "label": "agree", "text": "It is my professional opinion that most country music is offensively stupid. I will not be taking questions at this time."} {"idx": 25200, "original_id": "1250935596198969349", "reply_id": "1250937082945601543", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today is #NationalHighFiveDay \n😐"} {"idx": 25201, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251209688064163844", "label": "idk", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 25203, "original_id": "1251154253306982402", "reply_id": "1251228598536552450", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m noticing alot of you are unfollowing than following back\n\nCommit to your decision or I will block you for being a little bitch\n\nIf you hate me remember, you’re reading words on a screen\n\nIf words trigger you everything will destroy you"} {"idx": 25206, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251112777743323136", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 25207, "original_id": "1251008139098386438", "reply_id": "1251159627175088135", "label": "please", "text": "#WritingCommunity Here's another #FollowFriday #writerslift \n\nIf you're under 100k followers leave a comment and we'll follow you.\nThose above 100k please RT and spread the word. 🙂\n\n#Writers #Authors #Poets #Bloggers\n#FF"} {"idx": 25208, "original_id": "1251165828772315136", "reply_id": "1251166312614764544", "label": "smh", "text": "Had a DM moaning about me posting pics of Woody and that I should stick to photo or military stuff. Since when have I ever stuck to posting any particular subject!\n\nI've blocked the muppet to protect him from further woodpecker photos :-)"} {"idx": 25209, "original_id": "1250964202052661248", "reply_id": "1250968218572697606", "label": "yes", "text": "What @realDonaldTrump do different\nHe has whole bunch of real people around him who really care about this country @RichardGrenell @danawhite 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸"} {"idx": 25212, "original_id": "1251248918156935171", "reply_id": "1251264660931780608", "label": "applause", "text": "I do not eat a bug"} {"idx": 25213, "original_id": "1251006467538186240", "reply_id": "1251032518087684097", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The best part about this year is that they changed APA formatting and I have to learn it all over again.. Halfway through NP school. So that’s cool."} {"idx": 25217, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1250973977394188288", "label": "yes", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 25219, "original_id": "1251235902141214723", "reply_id": "1251238893053267969", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I thought I was clear about outlawing the thumbs up sign because it looks dorky. Why am I still seeing this?"} {"idx": 25222, "original_id": "1251225570937131009", "reply_id": "1251225914324717568", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’m gonna say it. Fortnite isn’t that bad rn @_Cambills"} {"idx": 25223, "original_id": "1250978956775473155", "reply_id": "1250980166542786561", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If you believe @RepThomasMassie doesn't belong in Congress then you hate liberty, freedom, and the Declaration of Independence."} {"idx": 25226, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1250865539293097984", "label": "applause", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 25227, "original_id": "1250860467716792320", "reply_id": "1250880651911483394", "label": "applause", "text": "They done cancelled Mother’s Day this year Father’s Day need to be cancelled as well then 🤷🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 25228, "original_id": "1251219640799440898", "reply_id": "1251220109462568960", "label": "scared", "text": "Put a finger down if you’re always upset but you don’t know which one of your many problems is upsetting you so when someone asks what’s wrong you just say you’re fine because you can’t talk about and make someone understand what you don’t know either ☝🏼✊🏼"} {"idx": 25229, "original_id": "1003339430931976194", "reply_id": "1251195446598537217", "label": "agree", "text": "\"Lak 28 kurri da, 47 weight kurri da..\"\n\nBro, your girl has a possible eating disorder, seek professional help."} {"idx": 25232, "original_id": "1251013283651469313", "reply_id": "1251186913022824450", "label": "agree", "text": "Bitches do the Harlem Shake and be like “Lol why am I like this”"} {"idx": 25233, "original_id": "1251172753144676353", "reply_id": "1251252536486526976", "label": "shocked", "text": "BREAKING: China has now admitted that the Death Toll in Wuhan was 50% Greater than Reported..."} {"idx": 25235, "original_id": "1250902792769863680", "reply_id": "1250943189655019520", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I asked the Governor of the Bank of Canada at Finance Committee the total debt of households, businesses and governments. He did not seem to know. But whatever it is, he is not worried. Hmmm."} {"idx": 25236, "original_id": "1251185913180422145", "reply_id": "1251186193846452225", "label": "shocked", "text": "Being in a relationship = being bothered with someone"} {"idx": 25237, "original_id": "1251006851971346432", "reply_id": "1251157643650990080", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all had the orange Rugrats VHS tapes?"} {"idx": 25239, "original_id": "1250780691823919104", "reply_id": "1250862556287250433", "label": "no", "text": "To my dearest grandmother: no I won't be putting your sesame seed oil in my food. It's lumpy and expired in 2015. \n\nLove, Rosemary."} {"idx": 25240, "original_id": "1250881923674779648", "reply_id": "1251001268950249472", "label": "hug", "text": "Thank you for everyone reaching out yesterday/today. Depression and anxiety tried to take me OUT! I carry guilt for things that honestly have nothing to do with me. My mind really convinced me that I am putting everyone I know in danger (I’m a essential worker) and it hit me hard"} {"idx": 25243, "original_id": "1251212306702315529", "reply_id": "1251246963015680001", "label": "no", "text": "It’s really too bad that @realDonaldTrump ‘s brain doesn’t function nearly as well as @NYGovCuomo. Am I the only one that thinks this?"} {"idx": 25244, "original_id": "1251188508732997633", "reply_id": "1251198076406116354", "label": "wink", "text": "make me feel loved"} {"idx": 25245, "original_id": "1251029566585548802", "reply_id": "1251121035845435392", "label": "agree", "text": "I officially like country music ok sue me"} {"idx": 25246, "original_id": "1250950370882236417", "reply_id": "1250964808582574081", "label": "applause", "text": "\"I cannot end the shutdown until I feel confident that we are in a good position as it relates to the spread of the virus and the hospitalization. Some people are more concerned with the business side of this... The human toll is the most important to me.\" — @GovSisolak"} {"idx": 25247, "original_id": "1250776538007703556", "reply_id": "1250833178782240768", "label": "applause", "text": "Checked on our stimulus check today. IRS said they didn't have our bank information. Really? You just took money out of it yesterday!"} {"idx": 25248, "original_id": "1250898512864149505", "reply_id": "1250898669072760835", "label": "applause", "text": "for personal reasons, bunny"} {"idx": 25252, "original_id": "1251191339984838657", "reply_id": "1251191495463493634", "label": "dance", "text": "sum told me not to try fr dis semester 🤣🤣 pass meeeeee"} {"idx": 25253, "original_id": "1250841615733862401", "reply_id": "1250853298783084547", "label": "yes", "text": "I can’t wait for the day that I can take a romantic walk.....through a shoe store"} {"idx": 25257, "original_id": "1250916372768530436", "reply_id": "1250923203817467904", "label": "smh", "text": "How long can gas stay good in a car for?\n\nI'm getting like 3 weeks to the gallon"} {"idx": 25261, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251115217225834499", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 25263, "original_id": "1251131053592453120", "reply_id": "1251168523688312836", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD:See, I am laying a stone in Zion,\na stone that has been tested,A precious cornerstone as a sure foundation;whoever puts faith in it will not waver.\n\nIsaiah 28:16"} {"idx": 25264, "original_id": "1250810510150373382", "reply_id": "1250887123185610753", "label": "omg", "text": "blink if you are ok"} {"idx": 25265, "original_id": "1250822341610876929", "reply_id": "1250928600188157953", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "vibe check"} {"idx": 25267, "original_id": "1251134331554156546", "reply_id": "1251134595178905600", "label": "high_five", "text": "Good morning.\n\nI don't know who needs to hear this today but fuck Donald Trump.\n\nThat's it. That's the tweet.\n\nFuck Trump."} {"idx": 25268, "original_id": "1250966173899866113", "reply_id": "1250967696566562822", "label": "no", "text": "Someone buy me the Adidas ZX 9000 “Berlin” if you love me❓"} {"idx": 25271, "original_id": "1251136545773535233", "reply_id": "1251269413921325062", "label": "hug", "text": "Looking to get out of my comfort zone and start my life over🥺"} {"idx": 25273, "original_id": "1251255572965531649", "reply_id": "1251267046702305281", "label": "agree", "text": "I wanna sip tonight"} {"idx": 25275, "original_id": "1251234421874753536", "reply_id": "1251249338275119104", "label": "shocked", "text": "RE: #Chargers fit for Tua Tagovailoa:\n\nTeam poured major resources into solidifying right side of its offensive line before draft, trading for RG Trai Turner & signing RT Bryan Bulaga.\n\nTagovailoa, of course, is left handed."} {"idx": 25277, "original_id": "1250793208017190917", "reply_id": "1251043949482934272", "label": "applause", "text": "I don’t think COVID-19 is a fake pandemic. It kills and seriously sickens a hell of a lot of people. I definitely don’t want to get it. That said, I’ll take on a lot of risk to resist tyranny and I’m getting to that point pretty quickly."} {"idx": 25281, "original_id": "1251176259650019329", "reply_id": "1251181014283694080", "label": "omg", "text": "Need more views on WhatsApp... drop ur number I’ll add u up"} {"idx": 25286, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251004894628196352", "label": "applause", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 25287, "original_id": "1250977856135393280", "reply_id": "1250979063390277632", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Captain’s Log. Day 33. In a desperate attempt to avert boredom, the wife joined Tik Tok. It definitely has pros and cons. Our dog went viral in a clip set to Shaggy’s It wasnt me. And my wife may not speak to me for remainder of quarantine. Will update on the cons in a future log"} {"idx": 25288, "original_id": "1250844456997335042", "reply_id": "1250994362470862849", "label": "no", "text": "somebody STOP ME from purchasing at-home hair blEACH RIGHT NOW"} {"idx": 25290, "original_id": "1251096802813673475", "reply_id": "1251102970227437570", "label": "no", "text": "Alright I'm gonna drop a big prediction. \n\nWB Montreal's new Batman game is going to be a GAAS Live Service Bat Family co-op multiplayer game that will be updated over time with new content. It'll be similar to Borderlands where we can pick a character to play through as."} {"idx": 25292, "original_id": "1250917619177324544", "reply_id": "1250918146044813312", "label": "ok", "text": "Fauci on the new guidelines: \"This is a rather robust program for re-entering into normality.\""} {"idx": 25293, "original_id": "1251164453711667201", "reply_id": "1251166515543420934", "label": "facepalm", "text": "If you don’t mix ketchup with chutney you’re childish"} {"idx": 25294, "original_id": "1251183897204985858", "reply_id": "1251187460568211456", "label": "agree", "text": "Politicians scheme and divide. Leaders unite and coordinate. \n\nThere are times (as much as it disgusts me) to play politics. Now is not that time."} {"idx": 25295, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251230380323008513", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 25296, "original_id": "1251272932694749185", "reply_id": "1251274297500471299", "label": "yes", "text": "So exhausted after 5 weeks of lockdown. Is this how introverts feel after a long convention weekend? #extrovertsinisolation"} {"idx": 25297, "original_id": "1251136308631625728", "reply_id": "1251190843064664064", "label": "agree", "text": "Tensions are rising so high everywhere and it’s depressing as shit. \nGo to work- get shit on my customers, staff is tired so therefore irritable\n\nGo home- feel like doing nothing but sleeping, so you go to bed just to wake it up and do it all over the next morning.\n\n#fuckcovid19"} {"idx": 25300, "original_id": "1250964073480503296", "reply_id": "1250966010208780288", "label": "yawn", "text": "So... couples who share a profile on The Apps are a red flag, right? Have we come to that consensus?"} {"idx": 25306, "original_id": "1251032264374353921", "reply_id": "1251149246230704130", "label": "seriously", "text": "We started at 12 we fucking till 3"} {"idx": 25308, "original_id": "1250890160323125253", "reply_id": "1250904467010183168", "label": "applause", "text": "Accomplished so many of my goals in less than a year and I’m so fuckin proud of myself. Onto bigger and better things :)"} {"idx": 25309, "original_id": "1250237542441668609", "reply_id": "1250846424947924995", "label": "no", "text": "If Trump died from being infected with Covid-19, would you attend his funeral? 🤔"} {"idx": 25312, "original_id": "1250918947446284290", "reply_id": "1250919322156965888", "label": "awww", "text": "3 more weeks of family time. Can’t complain"} {"idx": 25313, "original_id": "1251076010113675266", "reply_id": "1251149404938989582", "label": "hearts", "text": "Namjoon said they’re preparing for their new album😳"} {"idx": 25315, "original_id": "1251250740942659584", "reply_id": "1251251156392837121", "label": "agree", "text": "Who else is getting tired of being treated like a child who has been grounded?"} {"idx": 25317, "original_id": "1251123685701885955", "reply_id": "1251190741470195712", "label": "agree", "text": "I am not going to listen to David Brooks tell me that young people are soft when 50-60 year-olds are blocking traffic, protesting, and giving TV interviews in which they can barely hold back tears over not being able to get lawn fertilizer or hair dye."} {"idx": 25318, "original_id": "1250974729776910342", "reply_id": "1250989611939237888", "label": "no", "text": "I miss Born This Way era GaGa"} {"idx": 25321, "original_id": "1250934017408610311", "reply_id": "1251144454561357826", "label": "applause", "text": "since other people are posting about their birthday today, i did birthday today as well, and turned 35 years of age old (today) 😎😎😎"} {"idx": 25322, "original_id": "1251119612445540353", "reply_id": "1251135799787171840", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "#WritingCommunity, it’s time for your weekly #writerslift!\n\nNo gimmicks this #FollowFriday — just say hey in the comments and retweet to reach the widest possible audience. \n\nAs always, please #follow your fellow #writers. 😊"} {"idx": 25329, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250846846924324864", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 25330, "original_id": "1251125778546397185", "reply_id": "1251126849830354944", "label": "no", "text": "New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo should be the democratic nominee for President of the United States."} {"idx": 25331, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251007021228478464", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 25332, "original_id": "1250557606743195648", "reply_id": "1250848541095886853", "label": "applause", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't give a flying **** what the head of the W.H.O. thinks.."} {"idx": 25333, "original_id": "1250920161407913984", "reply_id": "1250921849392959488", "label": "agree", "text": "New #DramaAlert 15 mins! \n\nYou don’t want to miss this!"} {"idx": 25334, "original_id": "1250857237033054210", "reply_id": "1250861415755329541", "label": "shocked", "text": "Therapy is just FaceTune for your memories."} {"idx": 25335, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251245462490882048", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 25337, "original_id": "1251253673289830400", "reply_id": "1251257838611116033", "label": "smh", "text": "Holy shit, remember that garbage ass Pet Sematary remake?"} {"idx": 25338, "original_id": "1250900701288509442", "reply_id": "1250900898861273089", "label": "ok", "text": "Favorite comedian growing up?"} {"idx": 25341, "original_id": "1251148043568574466", "reply_id": "1251151058564308995", "label": "shocked", "text": "Happy launch day to me & my company 🍒 6:00 PM EST"} {"idx": 25344, "original_id": "1251140736017457152", "reply_id": "1251173552042192897", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you like waist beads?"} {"idx": 25345, "original_id": "1251230283447271425", "reply_id": "1251238031505477634", "label": "oops", "text": "I need to try shrooms but with @Abymarie6 pa morirnos de la risa"} {"idx": 25351, "original_id": "1251017453745799169", "reply_id": "1251230703485886466", "label": "applause", "text": "One thing I’ve learned from social media is people are going to hate you, talk about you, stab you in the back, etc. \n\nIt’s not what THEY DO that will shape your experience on here, it’s how YOU REACT to it. \n\nSo just be you, have fun, and fuck the haters."} {"idx": 25352, "original_id": "1250913401120964611", "reply_id": "1250914977386561537", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "WAIT A MINUTE.....his name is BEN REN????\nCan you tell how John is spending quarantine????🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄"} {"idx": 25356, "original_id": "1250897040684564482", "reply_id": "1250897558639181825", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m covering the #HBOMax news now - video soon!"} {"idx": 25361, "original_id": "1251171254209581056", "reply_id": "1251178243224481792", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Sometimes I just wish Blitzcrank would W > Q > E right into my ass"} {"idx": 25362, "original_id": "1251041004330930176", "reply_id": "1251115299925090305", "label": "yes", "text": "Bicyclists have turned into real assholes with a decrease in their natural predators."} {"idx": 25363, "original_id": "1250903678938210313", "reply_id": "1250961022472634368", "label": "shocked", "text": "This boy telling me go by my man 😒\nSir tell me come by you so I can gracefully drag my nanz across your face 😫🙄😒\nPlease and thank you 🙏🏽"} {"idx": 25364, "original_id": "1250535728330633217", "reply_id": "1250895983199674368", "label": "applause", "text": "Big news on the antibody testing front... the first set of validation experiments @UWVirology look very good. We may be able to offer clinical testing for 1000s/day as soon as next week! Stayed tuned for details. #WeGotThisWA #CrushTheCurve"} {"idx": 25365, "original_id": "1250848823540400129", "reply_id": "1250930829989158914", "label": "agree", "text": "Now I’ve got shit to do today so leave me alone, I’ll out troll you anyways"} {"idx": 25366, "original_id": "1250468997763563520", "reply_id": "1250832281125769219", "label": "smh", "text": "Been chatting to a pro-EU lawyer this afternoon and he reckons that if we can get the EU to retrospectively decommission Article 50 before the end of the transition period, there’s a chance we could persuade the High Court to declare Brexit null and void."} {"idx": 25369, "original_id": "1250835414522441729", "reply_id": "1250837019254829057", "label": "omg", "text": "I found the cutest thing for Jenna 😭 I hope she doesn’t get 2 of the same thing 😅"} {"idx": 25375, "original_id": "1251200127617961987", "reply_id": "1251205737017032705", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Hey! I have a FREE #TheRiseOfSkywalker UHD code to give away! Via the awesome @TrevarScott75! RT this (and follow him!) for a chance to win!!!! Winner announced tomorrow."} {"idx": 25379, "original_id": "1250833229491302402", "reply_id": "1250842533241819136", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Damn the butterflies"} {"idx": 25381, "original_id": "1250954746174857217", "reply_id": "1251195627637215234", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This is big:\n\nDemocrats are laying out our $30 billion plan for a comprehensive national testing strategy\n\nand major new investments that bolster the supply and manufacturing chain, and significantly expand free testing for all, reporting, and contact tracing."} {"idx": 25383, "original_id": "1250972038853988352", "reply_id": "1251033870201434112", "label": "agree", "text": "3 crystal balls for Mario Williams to OU in the last 24 hours 👀👀👀"} {"idx": 25385, "original_id": "1251158196309254147", "reply_id": "1251165248939151360", "label": "awww", "text": "Well? What are y'all waiting for? You know you have time for this. :-) #FF ----> @picsandrecipes"} {"idx": 25386, "original_id": "1250746891765190656", "reply_id": "1250980931231498240", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s my 71st birthday. Thankful to have my pets to be with. 🎈❤️🐾"} {"idx": 25387, "original_id": "1251160260695351297", "reply_id": "1251185685635100673", "label": "idk", "text": "time to watch Sarawat get beat up \n#คั่นกูEP9"} {"idx": 25388, "original_id": "1251121728639635456", "reply_id": "1251123405333676036", "label": "no", "text": "#How2020CouldGetWorse\nThere could be a battery shortage."} {"idx": 25391, "original_id": "1251201160255549443", "reply_id": "1251231853652180993", "label": "agree", "text": "Can we just stipulate that just because you have “Dr.” in front of your name doesn’t make you immune from saying some very stupid things?"} {"idx": 25393, "original_id": "1251196592931160064", "reply_id": "1251197581486669825", "label": "applause", "text": "See this is Carmen, curves like a cul-de-sac, skin coffee and cream, your donuts, you ain't dunking that"} {"idx": 25396, "original_id": "1251096633133215747", "reply_id": "1251112744545288192", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Few things that grind my gears more than indoor parkour videos, folk jumping/ running on a foam rollers 😤"} {"idx": 25400, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250869859023544321", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 25401, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251079736987549697", "label": "seriously", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 25406, "original_id": "1250918194597986309", "reply_id": "1250918667560333312", "label": "scared", "text": "Richard Gear is so HOT in this film. My minge would be like knackered tar mac if I had a night of pashowne with him! Did he really shuv an hamster up his chuff in real life btw?"} {"idx": 25410, "original_id": "1250869410866163712", "reply_id": "1250877867354992650", "label": "agree", "text": "Uzi gunna steal the “@ MEH” beat and make a better song with it"} {"idx": 25413, "original_id": "1251030874893815808", "reply_id": "1251085726529269761", "label": "yawn", "text": "Describe your current account balance with an emoji.\n\nMine: 🤧"} {"idx": 25414, "original_id": "1250820834840756226", "reply_id": "1250838688503934977", "label": "smh", "text": "You know when a part of your body swells and you have to massage it to reduce the swelling, that pain you feel. I really like it"} {"idx": 25415, "original_id": "1251214718620049412", "reply_id": "1251244654886076417", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "The last one seemed pretty popular so I'm Gonna do another Manchester quiz tomorrow night....harder questions this time 👍"} {"idx": 25416, "original_id": "1250754160775041026", "reply_id": "1250850234265198594", "label": "agree", "text": "If I ever lost my ID card I just want the person that find it to throw it away .... don’t post that pic on social media please"} {"idx": 25418, "original_id": "1250848684599914497", "reply_id": "1251092501617836033", "label": "applause", "text": "You're so vain I bet you think this tweet is about you. Don't you. DON'T YOU."} {"idx": 25421, "original_id": "1250973767557246978", "reply_id": "1250979942558392321", "label": "awww", "text": "Lumakas loob ko sa payo saken ni aris, so blessed to have a friend like her💖"} {"idx": 25422, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1250959614423846913", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 25426, "original_id": "1250876881219403776", "reply_id": "1250889596994543619", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "i don’t know what to tweet besides “hi i’m losing my mind”"} {"idx": 25427, "original_id": "1251078923695411206", "reply_id": "1251098193976332288", "label": "seriously", "text": "Good morning! We have rain on the radar today. @JudeRedfield says some areas will see frost tomorrow morning. He times out a warming trend, as well. Join us for @WDRBNews in the Morning!"} {"idx": 25432, "original_id": "1250824847027957760", "reply_id": "1250852007390277632", "label": "agree", "text": "Haven’t shaved my head in a while and let me tell you. It’s horrifying."} {"idx": 25437, "original_id": "1250653331199897601", "reply_id": "1250983300878876673", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Asked this a week ago but bears repeating: How are you guys doing?"} {"idx": 25446, "original_id": "1251126164602728450", "reply_id": "1251128909669838848", "label": "oops", "text": "Do you have a preferred platform to watch live stream music performances? Asking for a rock band."} {"idx": 25447, "original_id": "1247884991880552450", "reply_id": "1251267176578850816", "label": "sigh", "text": "Your chance to shape the future starts with the #2020Census."} {"idx": 25448, "original_id": "1250827617650917376", "reply_id": "1251187008078254080", "label": "hearts", "text": "at least out loud ... i won’t say i’m in love"} {"idx": 25449, "original_id": "1251034904747540480", "reply_id": "1251177719137800194", "label": "idk", "text": "Why do people film themselves clapping for the NHS???"} {"idx": 25452, "original_id": "1251230178971389952", "reply_id": "1251238980332503043", "label": "omg", "text": "I think i want to bake some brownies tonight and eat it with ice cream ☺️ #fatboytweet"} {"idx": 25453, "original_id": "1250725285919686657", "reply_id": "1250930099098136576", "label": "yes", "text": "Real men do nasty things to pretty girls."} {"idx": 25455, "original_id": "1251069363056078849", "reply_id": "1251069626538049536", "label": "oops", "text": "'Actions speak louder than words'"} {"idx": 25457, "original_id": "1251048305729118210", "reply_id": "1251222760124284929", "label": "omg", "text": "That online course that you left halfway, please go and complete it."} {"idx": 25458, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250843391451115520", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 25459, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251218961125031940", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 25460, "original_id": "1251204999536881664", "reply_id": "1251205145729384449", "label": "please", "text": "Who wants some Fifa points for TOTS? 🤩 \n\nLike ❤️ and I might send some in your DMs!! 📩"} {"idx": 25461, "original_id": "1250784772625969153", "reply_id": "1251039176151138304", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "How are you getting ready to watch #TheLastDance on ESPN?"} {"idx": 25462, "original_id": "1250883137338511360", "reply_id": "1250885896196546563", "label": "eww", "text": "N.J.’s Murphy Says He Wants to Tap up to $9 Billion in Borrowing"} {"idx": 25463, "original_id": "1250912927323832320", "reply_id": "1251244322034335744", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Thanks so much to @GWillowWilson for a great chat! 🤗 Check it out on facebook!"} {"idx": 25465, "original_id": "1251258801476550656", "reply_id": "1251258954086100992", "label": "agree", "text": "Bears releasing Trey Burton, per source."} {"idx": 25468, "original_id": "1251244558903623682", "reply_id": "1251274371316023298", "label": "seriously", "text": "Confirmed: Paul Pogba has signed a new contract with Manchester United.🔴\n#MUFC #PogStays"} {"idx": 25470, "original_id": "1251085146020876290", "reply_id": "1251086460721205248", "label": "applause", "text": "One person I was previously following: \"Sorry to see you go.\" \n\nFor the record: I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE - and if it takes me another 7 yrs to do so, I will follow back the 26,000+ Twitter unfollowed for me.\n\nNote: I'm limited to following 50 per day, so this could take some time!"} {"idx": 25471, "original_id": "1251182774003724294", "reply_id": "1251183832365256704", "label": "eww", "text": "I just kicked a grapefruit that fell from our tree and a million fruit flys came out of it and now I’ll never eat food ever again"} {"idx": 25472, "original_id": "1250939652489560066", "reply_id": "1251137687815364608", "label": "win", "text": "Talking to my dad, he told me the neighbor put out speakers. Quick check of the brand and they are selling anywhere from $100-800+shipping\n\nTold him to grab them real quick. Scored a bookshelf pair and a single base type speaker\n\nPair is $100+shipping. Other tbd.\nScore! #fliplife"} {"idx": 25474, "original_id": "1250787387325779969", "reply_id": "1250843270529376257", "label": "hug", "text": "Gooood morning! It is still morning, right? How are you today? I think I'm a nervous wreck again."} {"idx": 25477, "original_id": "1250909644656128000", "reply_id": "1250912043365855232", "label": "idk", "text": "“Preoccupied with a single leaf you won't see the tree.”"} {"idx": 25480, "original_id": "1250983929768747014", "reply_id": "1250984218852802560", "label": "agree", "text": "You're personality caught my attention, but those dimples and eyes aren't hurting anything."} {"idx": 25482, "original_id": "1251216141512355840", "reply_id": "1251216246516916225", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Hi. If your mask isn’t covering your nose.... it’s pointless. Wear it right please."} {"idx": 25486, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250927331482324999", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 25487, "original_id": "1250893716715429888", "reply_id": "1250928013459501059", "label": "ok", "text": "If We naked in bed & I scoot back...Sirrr nail me to the cross🥴🤣🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 25489, "original_id": "1251177797956956161", "reply_id": "1251179002888421376", "label": "yes", "text": "Who is Gaming all weekend?! #FlyHigh"} {"idx": 25492, "original_id": "1251197037359640578", "reply_id": "1251220357593198592", "label": "no", "text": "You can tell who don’t get any Pu*sy on this App, that lil Dick Energy shines brighter than the Sun 🤷🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 25493, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251144773945053189", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 25494, "original_id": "1251267728800874496", "reply_id": "1251268393178726401", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Why are people surprised that the Bears release Burton? To me the only surprise is that it wasn’t done sooner in the off-season"} {"idx": 25496, "original_id": "1250920530447945730", "reply_id": "1250920989405384709", "label": "seriously", "text": "the one time I actually try to do my school work , the computer doesn’t wanna work . 🙃"} {"idx": 25499, "original_id": "1250920710916255747", "reply_id": "1250925544855789570", "label": "idk", "text": "Why you soooo obsessed with me😘"} {"idx": 25500, "original_id": "1250939475930292224", "reply_id": "1250939675029565440", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "cleaning my room send me encouraging memes"} {"idx": 25501, "original_id": "1250988218771636229", "reply_id": "1250996374134566912", "label": "eww", "text": "Gonna make a tic tac tik tok where I pick a lock with my dick sock."} {"idx": 25506, "original_id": "1250787739450163200", "reply_id": "1250854379097329667", "label": "agree", "text": "Sanitize your attitudes today"} {"idx": 25507, "original_id": "1251257050769821698", "reply_id": "1251273664076578817", "label": "agree", "text": "If I’m the #Colts and can double up in this draft at WR, I’d do it early to take Jalen Raegor at 34 and Michael Pittman at 44."} {"idx": 25508, "original_id": "1250659036678230016", "reply_id": "1251040440465240064", "label": "omg", "text": "What celebrities y’all think got a stimulus check?"} {"idx": 25510, "original_id": "1251054647227437056", "reply_id": "1251054813401448448", "label": "dance", "text": "i can’t believe that i’m actually turning 16 soon that just doesn’t feel right"} {"idx": 25512, "original_id": "1251024363756765184", "reply_id": "1251169928859787266", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I will begin edits for my forthcoming essay “Robert Sherley and the Persian Habit” (due May 1) on Monday. I share this here so that I won’t break my promise, & to give all of you ample time to send good revision vibes if you have any to spare 🙏🏼"} {"idx": 25513, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251237969672822785", "label": "smh", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 25516, "original_id": "1251181757426282498", "reply_id": "1251187615333847040", "label": "idk", "text": "sometimes it snows in april, right @steiger_sarah ?"} {"idx": 25517, "original_id": "1250836001272082442", "reply_id": "1250843987386208257", "label": "awww", "text": "I can get what I want & I want you"} {"idx": 25518, "original_id": "1250878103842369537", "reply_id": "1250884818570788866", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today’s been a good day. \n- I haven’t felt like shit \n- I actually did some work \n- I ate pasta, twice! \n- I ate a magnum \n- I worked out for the first time in almost 2 weeks! \n- I bought more alcohol for weekend\n\nWhich starts tomorrow at some point! 🙌🏼"} {"idx": 25519, "original_id": "1250873991926968320", "reply_id": "1250974115642535936", "label": "shocked", "text": "Happy Birthday Selena & Charlie Chaplin !"} {"idx": 25524, "original_id": "1251196164352983041", "reply_id": "1251247950732410883", "label": "shrug", "text": "In a GIF, how’s your week been?"} {"idx": 25532, "original_id": "1250887592121257984", "reply_id": "1250888246307020801", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Today in out-of-context gamedev things...\n\n\"Butt Chunks FTW!\""} {"idx": 25534, "original_id": "1250893716715429888", "reply_id": "1250997063950704640", "label": "seriously", "text": "If We naked in bed & I scoot back...Sirrr nail me to the cross🥴🤣🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 25535, "original_id": "1250665008314318850", "reply_id": "1250974460292640772", "label": "applause", "text": "Day 13th: not an unlucky number for me. I learned a lot today. I'm looking forward for one more day of the #100DaysOfCode!"} {"idx": 25536, "original_id": "1250803025473486848", "reply_id": "1251138942260269057", "label": "hug", "text": "All i want is hug!!🥺"} {"idx": 25537, "original_id": "1250990380419477505", "reply_id": "1250997112269127680", "label": "hug", "text": "Anyone else feeling that type of anxiety that pushes down on your chest, threatening to shatter your sternum and cause your heart to explode?\n\nNo? Just me?"} {"idx": 25538, "original_id": "1251120448034783233", "reply_id": "1251249897002729473", "label": "want", "text": "🚨BREAKING NEWS!!!!🚨\n\n@realDonaldTrump tested positive for being the right man for the job at this crucial time in US history. \n\nWho Agrees? 🙋🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 25541, "original_id": "1250881791839346689", "reply_id": "1250883619205402624", "label": "hug", "text": "🌙 feeling inspired, motivated, and excited are some of the BEST feelings ever.\n\nIf we have ever interacted on here before, believe me, I’ve checked you out & you have made me feel at least one but maybe even all 3 of these things.\n\nso thankful for everyone in my life 🥰✨"} {"idx": 25542, "original_id": "1250963796899790848", "reply_id": "1250966414967496704", "label": "agree", "text": "Tik Tok is just vine with beauty filters."} {"idx": 25543, "original_id": "1251268517552443398", "reply_id": "1251271198526316544", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Programmer joke: !false \n\nIt’s funny because it’s true 😂"} {"idx": 25546, "original_id": "1251160501775511552", "reply_id": "1251169162778406913", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Applying Sidra logic to me: Sid told me he didn’t break my heart, which means he didn’t want to see me cry which means he didn’t want to hurt me, which means he cares, which means he’s in love with me, which means I’m transitioning from Chaudrain to Shuklain! 🥴"} {"idx": 25547, "original_id": "1251193565553844226", "reply_id": "1251195798773268480", "label": "omg", "text": "It was supposed to be a 2weeks lock down. Now my box and my whole life is still in school all bcos I went home from man house😫😫😫"} {"idx": 25549, "original_id": "1251103889090154499", "reply_id": "1251103994203815941", "label": "omg", "text": "new profile pic who this"} {"idx": 25551, "original_id": "1250863196925120512", "reply_id": "1250875482892988416", "label": "eww", "text": "Governor Gavin should run for president! He does things right!"} {"idx": 25555, "original_id": "1250992839976247297", "reply_id": "1251042809118949378", "label": "hug", "text": "My grandma died this morning. \n\nI should be sad, but I’m not. I feel bad that I don’t feel bad. \n\nCan anyone relate? I need a person."} {"idx": 25558, "original_id": "1250983739687141376", "reply_id": "1250983880645115906", "label": "applause", "text": "Standing Ovation to the entire @nbcsvu Squad for another phenomenal episode! You don't get 21 seasons & counting on the air for nothing! #YourFaveShowCouldNever @SVUWritersRoom @Mariska @WolfEnt @warrenleightTV @KelliGiddish @JGHyder @FINALLEVEL @kat_dobie #SolvingForTheUnknowns"} {"idx": 25559, "original_id": "1251083784386117633", "reply_id": "1251087890928603137", "label": "ok", "text": "So it turns out Joaquin Phoenix was actually portraying Dr. Oz."} {"idx": 25561, "original_id": "1250849537431932929", "reply_id": "1251198898611400705", "label": "applause", "text": "Mexican and black jokes are all pretty much the same.\n\nOnce you've heard Juan, you've heard Jamal."} {"idx": 25562, "original_id": "1250965636798349315", "reply_id": "1250968419572334592", "label": "agree", "text": "Well @SupDogsECU I ended at 12-1. Every great empire has to eventually fall."} {"idx": 25564, "original_id": "1250740976211156993", "reply_id": "1250856527919013888", "label": "seriously", "text": "All of you tweeting #LearnFromTacha please what have you learnt from her so far?? 🤔"} {"idx": 25569, "original_id": "1250940444831371266", "reply_id": "1250940540809392128", "label": "ok", "text": "alright y'all, gonna get ready for bed. then come back to clown more tomorro."} {"idx": 25570, "original_id": "1250811392342581249", "reply_id": "1250840966979743750", "label": "agree", "text": "I've said this a ton before but remember *the second* a Democrat is elected president the entire GOP will oppose large Federal rescue and recovery spending, start demagoguing the deficit, and calling for austerity."} {"idx": 25571, "original_id": "1251016576901529603", "reply_id": "1251020449691164672", "label": "hug", "text": "@racheladov's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. Learn more."} {"idx": 25572, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864635735048192", "label": "applause", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 25573, "original_id": "1250739247998476288", "reply_id": "1250963691614470144", "label": "wink", "text": "What is it called when you ask your husband to fold a load of clothes while you take the kids for a walk and he only folds his own? Justifiable homicide? I think it’s called justifiable homicide."} {"idx": 25574, "original_id": "1250898600638517252", "reply_id": "1250907116346449920", "label": "no", "text": "What if Dr. Sam Beckett has leaped in Trump and is being an ass-hat because That’s how he leaps home? 🤔"} {"idx": 25576, "original_id": "1251224634562879488", "reply_id": "1251226932022304768", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m back and I’m better 😇"} {"idx": 25577, "original_id": "1250892786376851456", "reply_id": "1250893058817785858", "label": "wink", "text": "do u ever wonder how WEIRD eyebrows are. why do they only grow in that specific place. bye"} {"idx": 25578, "original_id": "1250893245313409025", "reply_id": "1250940765439528960", "label": "hug", "text": "#IWouldSwapAnythingFor my Dad not to have Alzheimer's. 😢"} {"idx": 25579, "original_id": "1250930883873378309", "reply_id": "1250931252733063168", "label": "applause", "text": "18 dead a my place in 24 hours. I was a three codes in an hour. all died.\nfrom Walt Whitman\n\"And as to you Death, and you bitter hug of mortality, it is idle to try to alarm me.\"\n\nMonday we start our trial of hydroxychloroquine/azithro vs Placebo"} {"idx": 25581, "original_id": "1250396800206303232", "reply_id": "1251197532342018048", "label": "applause", "text": "Ghorl, when you receive backlash from Duterte's supporters, that doesn't mean you're being silenced by the president. That only means we think you're trash."} {"idx": 25582, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251140438762774534", "label": "applause", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 25583, "original_id": "1250856037239779328", "reply_id": "1250884695153352704", "label": "hearts", "text": "It's weird\nI see you responding\nBut I feel like\nNo one gets me\nOr sees me\nWhen I know you do\n\nAnd no this is not a poem\n\nIt's just me\nFeeling\nAgain"} {"idx": 25584, "original_id": "1250989055333916673", "reply_id": "1250990312551518209", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I think adoptionism makes sense and is good"} {"idx": 25588, "original_id": "1250892805246873600", "reply_id": "1250893292847484934", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I appreciate that everyone is going through struggles right now, but it’s ridiculous and counterproductive for universities to sweep promised but unspent startup funds from the accounts of junior faculty @UArizonaPres"} {"idx": 25596, "original_id": "1251205077018255362", "reply_id": "1251205668729585664", "label": "thank_you", "text": "The best wrestling profiles = @iamjaywalker @TNAIWPodcast @AllEliteTiffany @xLynnBbyx @PhoenixAEW @CJLarson5 @MiseryEater101 @BABpodcaster @AddyGypsySoul @view_raw @loveyoumake24 @WynterStorm24 @DeboPlays1 @WrestlingJebus @AlexM_talkSPORT \n\n#FollowFriday"} {"idx": 25599, "original_id": "1250828666348736513", "reply_id": "1250833791771455488", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Moose content is coming. 🥰"} {"idx": 25602, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251019529586528256", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 25603, "original_id": "1250962493960224769", "reply_id": "1250969310140551168", "label": "shocked", "text": "i never thought i would say this but i’m tired of sleeping .."} {"idx": 25605, "original_id": "1251003336209379329", "reply_id": "1251003972761993216", "label": "yes", "text": "i love being loyal and never switching up. gn"} {"idx": 25607, "original_id": "1250818184636227587", "reply_id": "1250884636164665349", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I wish I was quarantined with you"} {"idx": 25608, "original_id": "1250837049697095681", "reply_id": "1251169054863380482", "label": "agree", "text": "My mom once told me the opposite of love is indifference because hate takes as much investment, thought, time and energy as loving someone. Whereas indifference is truly letting go and moving on. What do you think?"} {"idx": 25609, "original_id": "1251036514022236162", "reply_id": "1251189933584203777", "label": "agree", "text": "wishing i was at nikki’s watching she’s the man and cuddling with my gals"} {"idx": 25612, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251231040435294208", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 25613, "original_id": "1251081268487270400", "reply_id": "1251178379631452162", "label": "agree", "text": "If you lack empathy and have the audacity to create chaos during a time of unity, I’ve no respect for you. Even if we have mutual political views, it’s a no from me. You’ve no idea what trait it’s exposing when you do shit like that."} {"idx": 25615, "original_id": "1250906582587715584", "reply_id": "1250918232556371968", "label": "hug", "text": "i just want a hug :(("} {"idx": 25617, "original_id": "1250900566873534464", "reply_id": "1250903000924602368", "label": "no", "text": "EVERYBODY SHOULD JUST Get Back With They EX🙄❤️🤣🥴"} {"idx": 25618, "original_id": "1250837738737348609", "reply_id": "1250840930090913795", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I was just \"Magasplained\" by someone that Trump is...wait for it...cleaning up decades of corruption. Oh, and this genius also clarified for me how heart disease kills nearly 700K Americans each year but we don't shut down the world because of it. Thanks, Aristotle."} {"idx": 25627, "original_id": "1250980803124887552", "reply_id": "1250984473388290048", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Name me a better doctor than Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. \n\nI’ll start: Octopus."} {"idx": 25631, "original_id": "1251166702433337345", "reply_id": "1251170889292488713", "label": "awww", "text": "Madelyn said Pietro from animal crossing looks like a freaking angel and she’s absolutely correct"} {"idx": 25632, "original_id": "1176175143271505923", "reply_id": "1250952448929300482", "label": "awww", "text": "I don’t dislike all Republicans, I just dislike the ones that...oh wait I dislike all Republicans."} {"idx": 25634, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251053455336255489", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 25635, "original_id": "1251124591214366720", "reply_id": "1251125138868887553", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@BeefcakeFactory there's a little jar of tea for you & J on my front porch under the bench"} {"idx": 25637, "original_id": "1251198807389491203", "reply_id": "1251228985746489345", "label": "agree", "text": "who's tryna kiss once this pandemic ends"} {"idx": 25641, "original_id": "1251119569244045312", "reply_id": "1251124223117946880", "label": "awww", "text": "I have this insane #SidNaaz fantasy! 🙈❤\nWhat if Sana joins the session as well and asks him some questions and fir wo dono bas apne mein hi lag jaayein aur hum bas dekhte rahein.. aur dekhte rahein.. aur dekhte reh jaayein. 😭❤"} {"idx": 25642, "original_id": "1251158292157497346", "reply_id": "1251164482065203205", "label": "idk", "text": "I’ll slap the fuck out a Ram."} {"idx": 25643, "original_id": "1251233395239030784", "reply_id": "1251234037852590080", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m done with these freaky tweets and acting like I’m a hoe, only wholesome shit from here on out"} {"idx": 25646, "original_id": "1250889228101267456", "reply_id": "1250905805655814148", "label": "smh", "text": "Fuck the $40 the way shit going right now pussy gon be 3 for 25 come June. 🥰😋🤤"} {"idx": 25647, "original_id": "1250904408516329474", "reply_id": "1250904870976139266", "label": "hug", "text": "Sending love to everyone who needs it & to everyone who doesn't think they do❤"} {"idx": 25648, "original_id": "1250841546792013824", "reply_id": "1250841791630368772", "label": "sigh", "text": "Sorry guys no stream today! Cooking some foods and then working on some editing!"} {"idx": 25652, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250929518665256962", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 25653, "original_id": "1250582470581465089", "reply_id": "1250836809250201601", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "if u gay and cute I’ll follow u 👉🏾👈🏾"} {"idx": 25656, "original_id": "1250867898144313349", "reply_id": "1250923560387960833", "label": "win", "text": "thank god the krieg is gone dude"} {"idx": 25659, "original_id": "1250772012668084225", "reply_id": "1251103959109885954", "label": "hug", "text": "Send 10 hugs, stat"} {"idx": 25662, "original_id": "1251233452529246210", "reply_id": "1251247521705402368", "label": "sigh", "text": "Texas is going to start opening back up next week. What is going on?? What needs to happen for people to take this seriously?"} {"idx": 25664, "original_id": "1250861453843759105", "reply_id": "1250862338565169153", "label": "hug", "text": "I love you more than everything in this world"} {"idx": 25666, "original_id": "1250881494714740736", "reply_id": "1250886664085438465", "label": "shocked", "text": "our capture card arrived today! 🌝"} {"idx": 25670, "original_id": "1250613460066611201", "reply_id": "1251198184782737410", "label": "scared", "text": "My patience with morons, never high, is hitting new lows."} {"idx": 25671, "original_id": "1250464396117041153", "reply_id": "1251043426189131776", "label": "no", "text": "iPhone SE2 = phone of the year"} {"idx": 25672, "original_id": "1250869707256856576", "reply_id": "1250881788098105345", "label": "shocked", "text": "The easiest way to avoid contracting Covid-19. You ready? Stop breathing."} {"idx": 25673, "original_id": "1250749818705571841", "reply_id": "1251016484437938176", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Rt this tweet n Drop 💞 I will pair you random with someone! #FunTime"} {"idx": 25674, "original_id": "1251213587466641410", "reply_id": "1251221799620292618", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Wild to watch the right try to bootstrap a second Tea Party when it's their guy in the WH overseeing unprecedented misery and hardship and mass death."} {"idx": 25676, "original_id": "1250347259817951236", "reply_id": "1250847473163218946", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "A film is being cast about schools during the COVID lockdown and you have been approached to have you as a character in the film. Who plays you?"} {"idx": 25679, "original_id": "1250853535282982912", "reply_id": "1250859606324047874", "label": "oops", "text": "You know you’ve been on lot of Zoom calls already when your AirPods run of of juice at 11:15 AM."} {"idx": 25681, "original_id": "1250649152419135489", "reply_id": "1250922631735508994", "label": "applause", "text": "I'd rather have a President who kills a terrorist without announcing his plans than one who sends them pallets of money."} {"idx": 25682, "original_id": "1251078079943860225", "reply_id": "1251220263556935680", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss Cc and gabe😓"} {"idx": 25683, "original_id": "1251181773116989441", "reply_id": "1251188328449409024", "label": "agree", "text": "Wow that's bullshit. My vibrator just died mid nut."} {"idx": 25684, "original_id": "1251167148891729927", "reply_id": "1251168412459507713", "label": "applause", "text": "I've written a poem, so listen up guys.\n\nEvery time I see TikToks on my feed, a small part of me dies. \n\nPineapples do belong on pizza, stop spreading your lies. \n\nEvery day I wish, my life was ended by thick thighs.\n\nthank you for reading"} {"idx": 25686, "original_id": "1251220882678317063", "reply_id": "1251225648372350983", "label": "awww", "text": "A big thank you to @Ollie_Bayliss for keeping the information rolling, for us all to see. 👏👏"} {"idx": 25687, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251136478832361477", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 25688, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250859053900804096", "label": "applause", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 25690, "original_id": "1251142934524768261", "reply_id": "1251219667173195776", "label": "shocked", "text": "It’s snowing again 😔. So happy I’m at my final year in Chicago"} {"idx": 25691, "original_id": "1251138517435990016", "reply_id": "1251153798640226304", "label": "awww", "text": "That looks like a dick I'd love to taste."} {"idx": 25696, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251188635669606406", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 25698, "original_id": "1251081646977277953", "reply_id": "1251212617424662529", "label": "no", "text": "If you're a progressive & still don't think you can vote for Joe Biden in Nov 2020, I challenge you to do one thing before you permanently make up your mind.\n\nWatch 1 Trump Covid-19 Presser all the way through & answer this.\n\nCan this Country really afford 4 more yrs of him?"} {"idx": 25699, "original_id": "1250884161788928000", "reply_id": "1250958197881483264", "label": "yes", "text": "Hey! I'll be on @bobandtom tomorrow morning. Friday, April 17."} {"idx": 25703, "original_id": "1251221632393281540", "reply_id": "1251243293717004289", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Democracy is a communist idea and should be as fiercely opposed as every other socialist concept is."} {"idx": 25704, "original_id": "1250918380544065541", "reply_id": "1250919168565747713", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Tifa And Aerith: *Start flirting with each other*\nCloud: \"Wow... I can't believe both of my girlfriends are cheating on me with each other...\""} {"idx": 25706, "original_id": "1250919115210084359", "reply_id": "1250919949956263939", "label": "hug", "text": "i want to cry and die all at the same time. i definitely feel a rant coming on my private account"} {"idx": 25710, "original_id": "1251021278804393985", "reply_id": "1251021756879581184", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I deevn ask for much enuh"} {"idx": 25711, "original_id": "1250521691844902919", "reply_id": "1250944698027577348", "label": "applause", "text": ".@WHO is on the front lines of this pandemic, providing advice, training, and equipment crucial to saving lives—including Americans’.\n\nCutting their funding is not only dangerous—Trump doesn’t have the authority to do it. He should know: violating spending laws got him impeached."} {"idx": 25713, "original_id": "1251184537163489280", "reply_id": "1251193205040787456", "label": "hearts", "text": "I’m so overwhelming tired today. Is this the depression stage of grief? Cleaned my whole garden yesterday. Today I can’t find energy to push the start on the washing machine. Feel like I’m underwater."} {"idx": 25714, "original_id": "1251098722450247685", "reply_id": "1251129270115553280", "label": "no", "text": "Hmmmm, let me see would I sign up to let the Morrison govt & his blackshirts - sorry, Borderforce - trace my every movement via an app? Dearie me, a difficult one - what will I decide? Let’s look back at the history of surveiling citizens...yikes!"} {"idx": 25715, "original_id": "1251163196859146243", "reply_id": "1251215988613234688", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Doctor Phil is a medical doctor, in the way that Donald Trump is an American President."} {"idx": 25716, "original_id": "1250937066021515264", "reply_id": "1251108947458699265", "label": "no", "text": "I have to have a Zoom meeting with my boss during #NxNW tomorrow. #TCMFF #TCMParty"} {"idx": 25717, "original_id": "1251235902141214723", "reply_id": "1251252723854356480", "label": "ok", "text": "I thought I was clear about outlawing the thumbs up sign because it looks dorky. Why am I still seeing this?"} {"idx": 25718, "original_id": "1250951828189167627", "reply_id": "1250952120074940423", "label": "yes", "text": "i don’t ever wanna make it seem like all i care about is sports. it is just entertainment to help me keep my mind off things & cope. i think of & pray for everyone being hit by what’s going on & will always do so!! love will never fail."} {"idx": 25720, "original_id": "1250732651637469184", "reply_id": "1250976807056224257", "label": "high_five", "text": "11 out of 11 positive cases recovered while #AndamanFightsCOVID19 \n\nHowever, the watch, caution and arrangements will continue as per GoI guidelines."} {"idx": 25721, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1251141024447115264", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 25722, "original_id": "1250945023417495554", "reply_id": "1250951245906526208", "label": "sigh", "text": "And we’re still in lockdown until at least May 15th ☹️"} {"idx": 25723, "original_id": "1251218239771815943", "reply_id": "1251222864289828865", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Stop quote tweeting his tweets!!"} {"idx": 25724, "original_id": "1250879549958692864", "reply_id": "1250880132132323328", "label": "applause", "text": "Be proud of me - I just finished an hour long work video call and never once said motherfucker! I don't think I did, anyway"} {"idx": 25726, "original_id": "1250795945090060294", "reply_id": "1250841939873800192", "label": "yes", "text": "maxx crosby just wished me a happy birthday fuck everyone else 😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 25730, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250932338558558213", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 25732, "original_id": "1251147761887531009", "reply_id": "1251168752726683650", "label": "applause", "text": "This man gives & gives to his fans & the world! He doesn’t deserve any of this & it pisses me off. It’s disgusting!! Same with Caitriona. The constant bullying & attacking over these years is vile!! 🤬 I’m so angry. People should be ashamed of themselves but I’m sure they’re not."} {"idx": 25735, "original_id": "1250787148191731713", "reply_id": "1250896919355744256", "label": "no", "text": "Are ppl really waiting on YS and Adidas today to buy these slides???"} {"idx": 25736, "original_id": "1251057813062811653", "reply_id": "1251213517010731016", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose your prime player:\n\nLuis Nani or Robert Pires?"} {"idx": 25739, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251033523244294145", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 25743, "original_id": "1251068546244907008", "reply_id": "1251080310067998720", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Why does womanhood come with pain?\n\nPeriod pain, labour pain\n\nWho wrote this script?????"} {"idx": 25745, "original_id": "1251102542957883394", "reply_id": "1251102931706761221", "label": "eww", "text": "I have an ear worm. ‘Starry, starry night....’. You’re welcome."} {"idx": 25746, "original_id": "1250995705172426752", "reply_id": "1250997697395359744", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all ready for DaBaby?"} {"idx": 25748, "original_id": "1251186631509454848", "reply_id": "1251189701865766912", "label": "shrug", "text": "This money wheel just moved to Twitter. KILL. ME. NOW."} {"idx": 25749, "original_id": "1250728235429777408", "reply_id": "1250846065806446593", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Good morning!\n\nHow were your FUT Champions rewards?"} {"idx": 25750, "original_id": "1250870732025999366", "reply_id": "1251166478277185539", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I once had to write an apology letter to someone because he took offence to me calling him a \"douchebro\".\n\nI was then suspended for a week because my letter said, \"I'm sorry for identifying your unique markers; I'd just never seen a Douchebro in the wild before\".\n\nOops."} {"idx": 25751, "original_id": "1251222355675885568", "reply_id": "1251240200480739330", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Niggas is grown til it’s time to communicate"} {"idx": 25755, "original_id": "1249906592222285825", "reply_id": "1251237624376770560", "label": "yawn", "text": "Radical feminists want women to despise men, resent traditional womanhood and abolish the family. Sounds so peaceful and nice 🌸☺️🌸"} {"idx": 25756, "original_id": "1250874208701370369", "reply_id": "1250930112050212864", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Apparently the #COVID19 era in medicine on twitter is just one person arguing that their anecdotes carry more weight than another person's anecdotes"} {"idx": 25757, "original_id": "1250988863771643905", "reply_id": "1250989765094039552", "label": "applause", "text": "*gets on stage*\n\n*taps mic*\n\nengorged christian son"} {"idx": 25758, "original_id": "1250851035490508801", "reply_id": "1250932248037273602", "label": "no", "text": "All men have a foot fetish when your toes are cute lol"} {"idx": 25760, "original_id": "1251083913260412928", "reply_id": "1251098845812944898", "label": "yawn", "text": "I act like everything is OK but deep down I want to have kids..."} {"idx": 25761, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250866062394081281", "label": "shocked", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 25763, "original_id": "1251163157076348928", "reply_id": "1251163320985378816", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Shout out to @JCarbinEDU who is constantly looking out for his colleagues, their well-being, and their professional growth even with everything going on. Couldn't ask for a better friend and role model."} {"idx": 25764, "original_id": "1250551053478768641", "reply_id": "1250843181287161858", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel queasy and my hand hurts and I just googled 'Coronavirus symptoms' to see if either of them were listed. They weren't.\nStill. Why let the facts get in the way of a good terror-spiral? They've never stopped me before"} {"idx": 25765, "original_id": "1250911914470764544", "reply_id": "1250912203051393025", "label": "no", "text": "Does he not know about punctuation at all???🥴💩🤡"} {"idx": 25766, "original_id": "1251081279216312321", "reply_id": "1251144432360976386", "label": "agree", "text": "Day (who even gives a fuck anymore) of quarantine & I’m officially an alcoholic, failing at homeschooling. Who even cleans their house at this point? What is a shower? Everyone can fuck right off. IDGAF. Also, I’m crying. Someone tell me I’m pretty. Fuck you. #QuarantineLife"} {"idx": 25767, "original_id": "1250910197113126912", "reply_id": "1250911666793000965", "label": "eww", "text": "I just want to feel my boyfriend’s rock-hard body whats all thisssss"} {"idx": 25768, "original_id": "1251127678696030209", "reply_id": "1251197694078529541", "label": "shocked", "text": "This DVSN album is ... disappointing."} {"idx": 25776, "original_id": "1251246552602959872", "reply_id": "1251248198338916357", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "There is a very simple way for us to get millions of Americans back to work: bring manufacturing back to America. \n\nIf @Tesla can build cars here, @apple can build the iPhone here."} {"idx": 25777, "original_id": "1251005383000408064", "reply_id": "1251005680502427649", "label": "shrug", "text": "On my PayPal GAW when I drew the winner there were 138RT now I look at it and there are 134RT... People actually take back RT? 🤦🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 25778, "original_id": "1250808818428268546", "reply_id": "1250891534800691202", "label": "no", "text": "Does anyone remember how to write a book"} {"idx": 25779, "original_id": "1250827378139398147", "reply_id": "1250834769471926273", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug u - u"} {"idx": 25780, "original_id": "1251215338181660673", "reply_id": "1251232086834532352", "label": "applause", "text": "Designed an entire Performance Management System for my department at University, ab to koi HR main job de do. 🙄"} {"idx": 25782, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251034210812321795", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 25783, "original_id": "1250978377701511170", "reply_id": "1250983533725847552", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Ten thousand people in line at a food bank in Texas while Nancy Pelosi is eating ice cream that cost $12 a pint. Maybe we should refer to her as Nancy “let them eat ice cream” Pelosi."} {"idx": 25788, "original_id": "1250646228452495360", "reply_id": "1250854583510982656", "label": "shocked", "text": "I touched a wet doorknob out in public today. What's the best way to amputate a hand?"} {"idx": 25789, "original_id": "1250944237715193859", "reply_id": "1250944406057889792", "label": "seriously", "text": "Congrats on 5M @AlbertsStuff! Hopefully you join my obby again for another video soon!"} {"idx": 25791, "original_id": "1250837012615217152", "reply_id": "1250845944549179393", "label": "awww", "text": "Thank You and have a Fantastic Day!!!\n@13StoneHeart @stephpartay @ItIsMinna @loriekanga2017 @onomsalam2pas @TrudieChase9 @infoCrystalAura @matthew46956757 @Tillylawson6 @dmwcs @dessyjnr1 @ItIsMinna @Cristob86312284 @Cristob81777882 @MalinawaMathias @ramyeonjpg @DevenGengan"} {"idx": 25792, "original_id": "1251235280373403650", "reply_id": "1251252925814444035", "label": "seriously", "text": "I can’t date you if you ugly cause my family talk about people 🤷🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 25794, "original_id": "1251210970564685825", "reply_id": "1251226862472347648", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Another one for the wrestling fans: Best All-Around Worker On This List:"} {"idx": 25796, "original_id": "1251186664917004289", "reply_id": "1251196979146825737", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Okk I am here trend chal rha ho m na hu its impossible and thanks jis ne support kiya or hn women or girl card bolne bole go to hell and hn jisne bhi judge kiya mujha karo yrr I dont care karo yes emotional hu but iska matlb ya nhi ki weak hu this happens to me first time"} {"idx": 25797, "original_id": "1250951659058012161", "reply_id": "1250951841338331139", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Ayeee high school musical"} {"idx": 25798, "original_id": "1250481135412482049", "reply_id": "1250857819542188033", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Elizabeth Warren came out and endorsed Joe Biden. Your reaction?"} {"idx": 25799, "original_id": "1251140751603441664", "reply_id": "1251142625127792640", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Finally got my dip nails off and cut down. Surface of the nail still rough. Attempting to paint them myself. 🙄"} {"idx": 25811, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1250972346313142273", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 25812, "original_id": "1250883356822290433", "reply_id": "1250884839303241752", "label": "thank_you", "text": "💫Throwback Thursday Follow💫 𝔻𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕪 ℚ𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥\n\n- Follow everyone on this list\n- QT+tag your favorite accounts\n- pass it on\n\n@mrs_socialista @EclecticRadical @LadyReverbs @ParemQuern @RobinDuehring @CharliePKane @LibQn32 @WamsuttaLives @WinkleAbides @KenJones707 @ASterling"} {"idx": 25814, "original_id": "1250687158177787904", "reply_id": "1251148519676633089", "label": "hug", "text": "Ambulance is here . Im leaving for another hospital now. Wish me luck. Good night 💤❤️🐶❤️💤"} {"idx": 25816, "original_id": "1251139258385121280", "reply_id": "1251192247988523008", "label": "yolo", "text": "People are angry this morning at David Brooks for bizarrely using this crisis to mock and condescend to Millennials, but in his defense, he's married to one."} {"idx": 25823, "original_id": "1250955867815415808", "reply_id": "1250969500461043712", "label": "seriously", "text": "I think Grant Robertson has done a pretty good job of the COVID response so far, but he just used \"amount\" when he should have used \"number\" and now heads need to roll."} {"idx": 25826, "original_id": "1250837340207095808", "reply_id": "1250842119582990337", "label": "shocked", "text": "It's a 7 not a \"7th\". Yawl be big dumb."} {"idx": 25827, "original_id": "1251111194812973056", "reply_id": "1251117198392864768", "label": "idk", "text": "Nuns and clowns are creepy AF.\n\nAnd no, I will not answer any questions about my childhood trauma at this time."} {"idx": 25830, "original_id": "1251081788509892608", "reply_id": "1251082368401760257", "label": "thank_you", "text": "here's a @badgalsheri appreciation post. for killing all polderracists"} {"idx": 25831, "original_id": "1250811827849740295", "reply_id": "1250837225916583939", "label": "hug", "text": "also sorry for complaining on here! I just can't really say this shit on fb bc my family & friends already think im crazy for moving halfway across the country and I really don't want to deal with them being all condescending towards me when they hear of the latest disaster 😔"} {"idx": 25832, "original_id": "1251149692383055875", "reply_id": "1251161379521753090", "label": "omg", "text": "\"A six-letter word for movement?\"\nHis voice behind me was gravelly with sleep and he kissed my shoulder. \"Are you doing a crossword puzzle?\"\n\"Sorry, I couldn't sleep.\"\nHis lips grazed my ear. \"Thrust?\"\n\"No. Maybe squirm.\"\nHe stroked my hip. \"I like this puzzle.\" #FridayKiss"} {"idx": 25833, "original_id": "1251199825946857472", "reply_id": "1251200106931642368", "label": "agree", "text": "#FF If you’re not following @_jennatural then you’re doing twitter wrong."} {"idx": 25834, "original_id": "1250939266911178754", "reply_id": "1250946256916099073", "label": "yes", "text": "I have a question: do people actually find Kylie Jenner attractive?"} {"idx": 25836, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251032344858775552", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 25839, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251272706835853314", "label": "ok", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 25840, "original_id": "1250824400665899010", "reply_id": "1251141422746664966", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone else's parents tell you that turning the car light on at night during a road trip was illegal? I think that was bullshit."} {"idx": 25842, "original_id": "1251051505949573120", "reply_id": "1251052621332348933", "label": "applause", "text": "Don't just look, observe.\nDon't just swallow, taste. \nDon't just sleep, dream. \nDon't just think, feel. \nDon't just exist, live."} {"idx": 25843, "original_id": "1251080166849142784", "reply_id": "1251096547716001795", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "broke my solo kill record 2 days in a row lets go!"} {"idx": 25844, "original_id": "1250664344582369281", "reply_id": "1250882505718280195", "label": "dance", "text": "I . am . bored ."} {"idx": 25845, "original_id": "1250953717471277064", "reply_id": "1251014325956939781", "label": "applause", "text": "I did something today I have wanted to do for 5 years but have never had the courage to do. \n\nI choreographed a Zumba routine.\n\nThank you, Jimin for \"Filter\" being the inspiration I needed!\n\nThe next hurdle is teaching it to the class. Next week, I think!"} {"idx": 25850, "original_id": "1251263621952348160", "reply_id": "1251263922293952525", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Manchester United are in a very strong position for the upcoming transfer market. (source: @honigstein, The Warm Down) #MUFC"} {"idx": 25851, "original_id": "1251234227020091394", "reply_id": "1251246900243763202", "label": "awww", "text": "My love ❤️@zahra_fatimaa"} {"idx": 25852, "original_id": "1251129357852200962", "reply_id": "1251266572376776704", "label": "hug", "text": "As a person who lives alone, can I take a moment to say:\n\nI just really, really want a hug."} {"idx": 25853, "original_id": "1250966317215232006", "reply_id": "1250974799855312901", "label": "dance", "text": "ok i'll just say it and i apologize for my language but i'm getting pretty dang sick of not having anyone to dance with and i've had just about enough of it"} {"idx": 25855, "original_id": "1251075706643271680", "reply_id": "1251081959373234180", "label": "applause", "text": "I heard if you don’t video the clapping then it doesn’t actually count???"} {"idx": 25856, "original_id": "1250887204873748480", "reply_id": "1250892130840526848", "label": "scared", "text": "I managed to get my wireless earbuds tangled in my hair ... how’s your day going?"} {"idx": 25859, "original_id": "1251093181187293186", "reply_id": "1251103440962379776", "label": "awww", "text": "I have flaws and I'm not perfect, but I'll give you all that I have just to make you feel loved and happy. 💩"} {"idx": 25862, "original_id": "1251159621894471680", "reply_id": "1251170701261889538", "label": "seriously", "text": "Got asked today if I could teach Spanish Zoom classes. 🙄"} {"idx": 25871, "original_id": "1250927085150969860", "reply_id": "1250927625020690437", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "It’s over. @TheBotBible taking stock."} {"idx": 25875, "original_id": "1250953300268085250", "reply_id": "1250954103238332416", "label": "hearts", "text": "Aww love my Nana so much! And my Pop Pop was the best!!! N #TotalBellas"} {"idx": 25876, "original_id": "1250588543216422912", "reply_id": "1250898059569004546", "label": "shocked", "text": "Was just sent a video by a family member of some man saying Dr. Fauci isn’t credible because he “peddles the lie that HIV causes AIDS.” I was like, “First of all, EXCUSE ME?!”"} {"idx": 25878, "original_id": "1250911599373815808", "reply_id": "1250913015802793985", "label": "smh", "text": "Kidlaroi is next up"} {"idx": 25881, "original_id": "1251150198329405441", "reply_id": "1251150628522356738", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The New England suburb where I live, that is 40 minutes from just about everywhere, reports 5-10 new confirmed cases every day. My next door neighbors had an Easter family gathering in their backyard and joked about social distancing."} {"idx": 25882, "original_id": "1246155899657269248", "reply_id": "1250840687945416704", "label": "yes", "text": "Get in the car bitch we’re having a psychotic episode coupled with a fugue dissociative state brought on by attempted prolonged anxiety quelling not solved by Somatic experiencing."} {"idx": 25885, "original_id": "1251039461120622592", "reply_id": "1251042855684096006", "label": "yawn", "text": "boyyy.. men aint shit yes."} {"idx": 25887, "original_id": "1251136121570033670", "reply_id": "1251136979720458240", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Listening to the latest podcast by @LMS_United. It’s reassuring to know I’m headed in the right direction with creating my digital library. #LibrariesFromHome"} {"idx": 25888, "original_id": "1250909143646568450", "reply_id": "1250993351203196929", "label": "no", "text": "Just want to thank yall for letting me be silly and rant today during this hangover. I'm gonna probably delete Twitter soon though 😂😬😂"} {"idx": 25889, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251259381016117255", "label": "smh", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 25896, "original_id": "1250939658680352768", "reply_id": "1250970533707034624", "label": "yes", "text": "I feel a huge stock market rally tomorrow."} {"idx": 25898, "original_id": "1250916511750991872", "reply_id": "1250917217547534337", "label": "eww", "text": "I learned a very valuable lesson today sour gummy bears and root beer are an awful combination"} {"idx": 25900, "original_id": "1250945195736281088", "reply_id": "1250946621204041728", "label": "applause", "text": "I just submitted my last assignment of nursing school. I did it. I really freaking did it. 🥺😭"} {"idx": 25901, "original_id": "1250888460623392770", "reply_id": "1250888990846304257", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m feeling so bad for my husband right now. I wish I could explain, but I can’t. If you could send some positivity his way, I’ll make sure he sees it. 😔"} {"idx": 25903, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250948163676114948", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 25904, "original_id": "1251155391108399112", "reply_id": "1251176850107387904", "label": "hug", "text": "Today has been tough"} {"idx": 25905, "original_id": "1251127654297763840", "reply_id": "1251229311559966720", "label": "agree", "text": "Let’s quarantine China!"} {"idx": 25909, "original_id": "1250920753228386304", "reply_id": "1250922833393246208", "label": "hug", "text": "By the way there are too many of you to tag and you already know who you are but thank you Monster Kids/Twitter friends/ fellow shut ins for interacting with me these past weeks. All joking aside aside you’ve kept me (kind of) sane and I sincerely thank you all for your kindness!"} {"idx": 25911, "original_id": "1250672619868708866", "reply_id": "1250858121972592640", "label": "agree", "text": "women"} {"idx": 25913, "original_id": "1251196218514030595", "reply_id": "1251224183859810309", "label": "agree", "text": "If you sit on Twitter all day and read people’s tweets without liking or retweeting it, you’re a monster 😦"} {"idx": 25915, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251184937706930176", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 25922, "original_id": "1251088037058150401", "reply_id": "1251249891311042566", "label": "applause", "text": "one last time this week.. weeeeee"} {"idx": 25925, "original_id": "1251238846349615106", "reply_id": "1251273707588370433", "label": "thank_you", "text": "So my gas light finally came on after weeks n weeks & I STILL filled my tank for under a Jackson. Lord, help the oil industry. Help us to become independent; help the land & sea become healthy again; forgive our land its bloodguiltiness. Help us to be good neighbors w/Can & Mex"} {"idx": 25926, "original_id": "1250847261489274890", "reply_id": "1250860133284024327", "label": "awww", "text": "Rangers fresh attack on SPFL coming up...THREAD"} {"idx": 25927, "original_id": "1251145566047932416", "reply_id": "1251157502013538309", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Weighed myself yesterday and im finally passed that plateau, lets see if i cud keep it off 😩"} {"idx": 25932, "original_id": "1251187037530738693", "reply_id": "1251248764410630156", "label": "yes", "text": "China just recorded its first EVER drop in GDP 🚨\n\nUS will announce its GDP on April 29th (it’ll be terrible)🤦‍♂️\n\n#Bitcoin will come out on top 💪🏻💪🏻🚀🍻"} {"idx": 25933, "original_id": "1250935998403547137", "reply_id": "1250937761986686977", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m drinking white wine and eating peanut 🥜 butter filled pretzels...just thought I’d share 😂🤣🤷🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 25934, "original_id": "1251134792860655618", "reply_id": "1251135131726737408", "label": "agree", "text": "Would you still watch my videos if I was a worm? 🥺"} {"idx": 25937, "original_id": "1250990937347485697", "reply_id": "1251049735428771842", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Y’all clowns chase me more than my shadow😂🤡\n*they follow me\n*always see my story first \n*still talk about me\n“Y’all miss me”?? Or sum😂🥱🥱🥱"} {"idx": 25938, "original_id": "1250957208076136448", "reply_id": "1250967347990388736", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Thank you for letting me share my love with you ❤️"} {"idx": 25940, "original_id": "1251172810292109316", "reply_id": "1251264115219337219", "label": "shrug", "text": "What the fuck is Trump talking about?!?"} {"idx": 25941, "original_id": "1250874528508633088", "reply_id": "1250889961324371968", "label": "hug", "text": "I literally feel I can’t do enough for everyone and need to hyperventilate into a brown bag. ☹️ I beat myself up more each day than any of you every could. Please know I’m doing the best I’m able, yeah? Thank you. 💛"} {"idx": 25943, "original_id": "1251109191596380160", "reply_id": "1251125132828872705", "label": "hug", "text": "i feel so mad right now i feel like crying"} {"idx": 25944, "original_id": "1251186363841441792", "reply_id": "1251248329633087489", "label": "yes", "text": "Best thing I've heard at work in all of 2020: \n\n\"Say what you will about millennials, but we would never reply all to an email\" 😂\n\n#Millennials #okboomer #literally #werk"} {"idx": 25947, "original_id": "1250764728680374276", "reply_id": "1250887450882424832", "label": "no", "text": "do we love fortnite?"} {"idx": 25949, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250942712825741312", "label": "omg", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 25955, "original_id": "1250979823662575623", "reply_id": "1251133176472317953", "label": "wink", "text": "You could die @ any moment. Always fuck on the first date."} {"idx": 25956, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250870166554062859", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 25959, "original_id": "1250887617966727189", "reply_id": "1250893134453710849", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "A country which hasn't had much attention but which is really interesting is Greece\n\nold population?-check. multi-generational households?-check. weakened state?-check\n\nYet they've had 2,207 cases and only 105 deaths.\n\nCommon theme of countries like this was taking action v early"} {"idx": 25960, "original_id": "1251221704887525376", "reply_id": "1251236126305579008", "label": "no", "text": "Stimulus check....I might just mess around and get a new gold grill. Two bottoms, two top fangs. \n#BringHyphyBack"} {"idx": 25962, "original_id": "1251221337269399553", "reply_id": "1251222475771277313", "label": "yes", "text": "Hey, would anyone be interested in me making videos about the Disney/Pixar/Muppets things we pitched, or things we wanted to do that got cut or altered, with collaborators like @tweetjesse, @AllenGladfelter, and @Jesse_Post?"} {"idx": 25964, "original_id": "1251247302150324228", "reply_id": "1251254752240971777", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Currently watching someone in the bank drive thru smoking a cigarette with her medical gloves on...."} {"idx": 25965, "original_id": "1250943787414650880", "reply_id": "1250946840457089033", "label": "want", "text": "Ok. I have now finished Siege of Mandalore.\n\n...\n\nMy previous statements stand."} {"idx": 25967, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250869173313470466", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 25969, "original_id": "1251196903632654337", "reply_id": "1251214566622625799", "label": "yes", "text": "I caved and bought the new FF7 remake. I'm gonna play it tomorrow"} {"idx": 25970, "original_id": "1251171605402791939", "reply_id": "1251174333990477830", "label": "yes", "text": "Gooooood morning everyone. Slept pretty well thankfully! Streams *should* resume tomorrow, if not then sunday 100% for sure 👀👀 should we continue with @SymbioticTroll beat my locke rom, or start something new? Lemme know and get hyped, its gonna be amazing 😁"} {"idx": 25973, "original_id": "1251138247088132101", "reply_id": "1251235068837855232", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you think Bitcoin will hit $50,000 next bull run? \n\n#BTC"} {"idx": 25975, "original_id": "1251231885574852608", "reply_id": "1251237085601648640", "label": "yes", "text": "🙂🙃 can someone invent a switch off button for the brain pls"} {"idx": 25982, "original_id": "1251204160235675655", "reply_id": "1251206188588511235", "label": "wink", "text": "Anyone can be a great lover but a great lover with a sense of humor is everything"} {"idx": 25983, "original_id": "1250892966345965568", "reply_id": "1251248404002471936", "label": "agree", "text": "My lawyer is making me write this. I am not a licensed doctor, lawyer, financial advisor, accountant, or therapist. Don’t listen to me! ❤️😘"} {"idx": 25987, "original_id": "1250850951575015429", "reply_id": "1251003025092730880", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Today's National Horny Day, huh?\n\n....\n\nIn that case, I want [RETRACTED] to stick his [RETRACTED] in [RETRACTED] and [RETRACTED] to put her [RETRACTED] on my [RETRACTED]"} {"idx": 25990, "original_id": "1251252496858841090", "reply_id": "1251253085906833408", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "#ACNH giveaway on my island in the next 5-10 mins?! DM if you want to come! There are over 100 presents - rules are: \n✨ Only pick one present\n✨ Don't wreck things"} {"idx": 25992, "original_id": "1250810964733288451", "reply_id": "1251144453600931842", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I heard having no taste is a symptom of corona..I hope the people who like mission:space are okay 😔"} {"idx": 25993, "original_id": "1250795621545623562", "reply_id": "1250943830162997251", "label": "hug", "text": "I am having a really bad fucking week 😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 25994, "original_id": "1251171482711011330", "reply_id": "1251171817705934849", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Oh cool the president just called for citizens to overthrow my state government. Fun times yo."} {"idx": 25998, "original_id": "1250983983875346432", "reply_id": "1251059797882855427", "label": "agree", "text": "Looking for a man who can chop down a tree and build a desk"} {"idx": 25999, "original_id": "1251186232220168195", "reply_id": "1251204417052971011", "label": "idk", "text": "Why do we need to fly in 150 Romanians to pick fruit and vegetables when we’ve been warned unemployment could rise by 2 million? Shouldn‘t young unemployed people be required to take the jobs?"} {"idx": 26001, "original_id": "1250865343402332160", "reply_id": "1250898545877618688", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "What do you all honestly think of Mike Pence? \n\nDo you like him?"} {"idx": 26002, "original_id": "1250916584786259968", "reply_id": "1250916754588495873", "label": "no", "text": "Spare the rest of us by deactivating your account"} {"idx": 26004, "original_id": "1251204999536881664", "reply_id": "1251206780509618177", "label": "please", "text": "Who wants some Fifa points for TOTS? 🤩 \n\nLike ❤️ and I might send some in your DMs!! 📩"} {"idx": 26005, "original_id": "1251236941128851458", "reply_id": "1251237577342025733", "label": "agree", "text": "notes is the best app hands down"} {"idx": 26009, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251231763726249986", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 26010, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250878389298376708", "label": "shocked", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 26012, "original_id": "1250835858577555456", "reply_id": "1250836242499088397", "label": "good_luck", "text": "last episode...."} {"idx": 26015, "original_id": "1250814650456911875", "reply_id": "1250957901809750022", "label": "yes", "text": "Pelosi holding up relief for millions of American small businesses, who are on the brink of collapse, in a transparently callous effort to hurt Republicans politically is one of the most grotesque things I’ve seen in politics.\n\nSTOP PLAYING POLITICS WITH PEOPLES LIVES, NANCY!!!"} {"idx": 26016, "original_id": "1250860479335063552", "reply_id": "1251275070409826306", "label": "scared", "text": "If you weren't sure of how bad things have gotten, Amazon is out of podcast mics."} {"idx": 26017, "original_id": "1251159954456580102", "reply_id": "1251160270379995136", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I must say how impressed I am to discover that so many expert amateur climatologists also turn out to be expert amateur epidemiologists and covid-19 modelers"} {"idx": 26018, "original_id": "1250998203526156289", "reply_id": "1251006571682791424", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I accidentally shaved my mustache... gn 😔"} {"idx": 26023, "original_id": "1251025425159028736", "reply_id": "1251028456437096448", "label": "applause", "text": "I don't want to get up vs. J. is off today and I need to prepare things.\nI should be working.\n\nAt least it's friday \\o/"} {"idx": 26024, "original_id": "1250931423629979650", "reply_id": "1250935099425767425", "label": "sigh", "text": "We taking 2023 commits lol I see staff won’t never learn."} {"idx": 26026, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251218275532328966", "label": "seriously", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 26027, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1250960781421817859", "label": "high_five", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 26029, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251259540072431617", "label": "no", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 26032, "original_id": "1250951208627400705", "reply_id": "1251236029358637057", "label": "shocked", "text": "@TheZack_Zilla & @CodyRhodes \n1) Zack signs with @AEWonTNT \n\n2) Cody & Zack team up\n\n3) They call themselves “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\n4) they call their finisher the “Moseby”\n\n5)🥳\nWhat do you think @Jtg1284 @IAmJericho @Marq_Quen @IsiahKassidy @KennyOmegamanX @LanceHoyt"} {"idx": 26033, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251051377792397313", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 26037, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251190899117371392", "label": "smh", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 26039, "original_id": "1250984179254222849", "reply_id": "1250989631601950721", "label": "shocked", "text": "Adding a second story to your home costs 1,248,000 bells ☠️☠️☠️"} {"idx": 26040, "original_id": "1250901197306900480", "reply_id": "1251019959792254978", "label": "high_five", "text": "Goodnight everyone! Am severely depressed! Tomorrow is my therapist visit on the phone. Feeling very sad. Thank God for my two dogs! They make it real!"} {"idx": 26041, "original_id": "1251180141092405249", "reply_id": "1251261350157959168", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Every phone or camera that comes out isn’t made specifically for YOU! If you don’t like what it has to offer, don’t buy it 🙄"} {"idx": 26043, "original_id": "1250894305071370243", "reply_id": "1250894807762903041", "label": "please", "text": "Having a soft heart is like a crimes nowadays 😒\nBanda bina roye ek din nhi nikal skta"} {"idx": 26044, "original_id": "1251179789282455552", "reply_id": "1251192916216815616", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve officially signed up for my last semester at East Bay 🤪"} {"idx": 26045, "original_id": "1251193795099705344", "reply_id": "1251195016409726982", "label": "agree", "text": "In any sane world, Biden would be forced to drop and Bernie would be given nomination"} {"idx": 26047, "original_id": "1251241421094490115", "reply_id": "1251255626598137859", "label": "applause", "text": "I want all of the Ethereum."} {"idx": 26049, "original_id": "1251181254738927622", "reply_id": "1251187720656949249", "label": "omg", "text": "My junk looks like vintage 70s porn right now"} {"idx": 26056, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250952123950477312", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 26058, "original_id": "1251267876238942208", "reply_id": "1251274624748437504", "label": "applause", "text": "I JUST GOT ACCEPTED INTO THE KIDNEY TRANSPLANT PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 26059, "original_id": "1251190335130275841", "reply_id": "1251190886903549952", "label": "kiss", "text": "Been a while but here's my #FollowFriday for the best peeps.\n@Kayteaface @Maisey_Kait @xaerilith @CocoMuir_ @XxPAGZxX"} {"idx": 26060, "original_id": "1250230651145650176", "reply_id": "1250873602376949766", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Now that she’s shared it publicly, I’m letting folks now my little boys’ mom has #cancer. #MultipleMyeloma, Stage 2. \n\nI’d love to tell her people everywhere are pulling for her, so I would be grateful for kind words to send her! Updates will have #PewPewKaty. (Galaga v Cancer!)"} {"idx": 26061, "original_id": "1250981417334571010", "reply_id": "1250983112172957696", "label": "hug", "text": "You all are beautiful souls. Who's down for another giveaway? 😳\n\nComment below to make me SMILE. (Vid, gif, tiktok, meme, your diy fail, anything)\n\nLet's spread LOVE 💝😍\n\nWe could all use some positivity and laughter in this tough time. 🙏😘😊"} {"idx": 26062, "original_id": "1251157478013714433", "reply_id": "1251194579359055879", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hey it’s Friday and that means you should #ff these awesome shows!\n\n@MamaNeverToldU1 @madorbadthepod @QueenBeePsychic @ODParlayHour @ALoadOfPureBS @nerds_drinking @two_drunk_moms @OneMoviePunch @WatchIfYouDare @waystonepod @shiz_talkin @tamara_the_dawn @hauntedafpod"} {"idx": 26063, "original_id": "1251116675136716800", "reply_id": "1251139404162195460", "label": "awww", "text": "I love my wife forkin😩😩😩"} {"idx": 26065, "original_id": "1251097773660762114", "reply_id": "1251098577314689025", "label": "applause", "text": "Yes I snack 10 times a day in a reclined position but I'm still a sexual predator."} {"idx": 26066, "original_id": "1251231590535094274", "reply_id": "1251243743845462023", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Me sef I deh sing sha😌😌\nI’m releasing my single soon🤡🤡\n#OOUArtistes"} {"idx": 26067, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251061694173900806", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 26069, "original_id": "1250945709211353090", "reply_id": "1251115282795565056", "label": "no", "text": "TCU WR Jalen Reagor is considered a major possibility for the Steelers. Interesting that in The Athletic the NFL scouts say he’s a phenomenal athlete, but one of them calls him “a reluctant football player”. That’s always troubling."} {"idx": 26071, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250970741291585537", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 26072, "original_id": "1250910141718753280", "reply_id": "1250915002552184837", "label": "popcorn", "text": "the one where singaporeans realize foreign workers are human"} {"idx": 26073, "original_id": "1250956809227005952", "reply_id": "1250957869899366401", "label": "please", "text": "I want sourdough bread. \n\nthat’s all. just fucking sourdough bread.\n\npretty fucking sure i’m pregnant rn."} {"idx": 26074, "original_id": "1250939381931814915", "reply_id": "1250947761484242946", "label": "hug", "text": "Enjoy your day sweetheart 🥰@amnaalnoaimi"} {"idx": 26075, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250861513201430528", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 26077, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251132057121480704", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 26080, "original_id": "1250909738260402177", "reply_id": "1250909896804974592", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President Trump: \"Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us.\""} {"idx": 26081, "original_id": "1251250473979580417", "reply_id": "1251252245515120640", "label": "hug", "text": "A man got petrified behind the store. I was too late..."} {"idx": 26085, "original_id": "1251006825568374785", "reply_id": "1251044703786729472", "label": "applause", "text": "don’t feed in. she’s not depressed, she just wants attention."} {"idx": 26090, "original_id": "1250980029774925826", "reply_id": "1251161827351728129", "label": "smh", "text": "i want to be bent over and disrespected like a slut"} {"idx": 26092, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250854747801817099", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 26093, "original_id": "1250889894416855040", "reply_id": "1251145501153492994", "label": "agree", "text": "Why do people film themselves clapping for the NHS ? \n\nSerious question."} {"idx": 26094, "original_id": "1250884062123786240", "reply_id": "1250884492782419974", "label": "applause", "text": "I so happy my wisdom teeth grow in with sense. I really blessed my teeth naturally straight and white."} {"idx": 26097, "original_id": "1251218436744568832", "reply_id": "1251269346791489539", "label": "hug", "text": "Less anger today. So maybe I will actually get some writing done tonight."} {"idx": 26099, "original_id": "1250778914038956034", "reply_id": "1250926770389426177", "label": "no", "text": "We still gonna be running once lockdown is over?"} {"idx": 26103, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251263094396825600", "label": "ok", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 26104, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228367011053571", "label": "dance", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 26106, "original_id": "1251115519526285312", "reply_id": "1251115587499163648", "label": "hug", "text": "I hate being a jerk to the people I love... why am I like this."} {"idx": 26109, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251143127768784896", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 26111, "original_id": "1251215419630850048", "reply_id": "1251245426361028608", "label": "yes", "text": "LIBERATE THE WHITE HOUSE\nThe Squatter has been there way too long. Time to evict him and invoke the #25theAmendmentNow"} {"idx": 26112, "original_id": "1251250553751048197", "reply_id": "1251252427808014336", "label": "eww", "text": "Goodnight my squirty, squelchy, squishy friends 💜"} {"idx": 26113, "original_id": "1250944933923446784", "reply_id": "1250950842829737986", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "New episode of #Brooklyn99 starts now! 👏🏾 #Brooklyn99"} {"idx": 26115, "original_id": "1250898212912799744", "reply_id": "1250899648778297346", "label": "eww", "text": "Just want to drink out of a paper straw again 🤩"} {"idx": 26116, "original_id": "1250954944649273345", "reply_id": "1251239400933031938", "label": "applause", "text": "Great news! I spoke with my brother and he and his wife will NOT be voting for trump. He said he's watched him lie and be an asshole long enough. He thanked me for my Facebook posts which made him start paying better attention. Now that he's watching him every day, he's done! 👍"} {"idx": 26122, "original_id": "1216855501474082818", "reply_id": "1250881029604139008", "label": "smh", "text": "2 MIT grads built an algorithm to match you with wine. Take the quiz to see your matches."} {"idx": 26123, "original_id": "1250835076847370240", "reply_id": "1250846255816888327", "label": "hug", "text": "Jusso I stay deh and want to cry"} {"idx": 26126, "original_id": "1250909738260402177", "reply_id": "1250910046113935363", "label": "yes", "text": "President Trump: \"Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us.\""} {"idx": 26127, "original_id": "1250984048748425216", "reply_id": "1251039131511242752", "label": "wink", "text": "Day 34, I’m eating a giant cookie over the trash can like a raccoon because it keeps falling apart but I refuse to let it go"} {"idx": 26129, "original_id": "1251145849091964929", "reply_id": "1251187298865016832", "label": "yes", "text": "Me, six hours into FFVII Remake and ten hours into Persona 5 Royal: \"Man, I really should get around to starting Fire Emblem Three Houses\""} {"idx": 26131, "original_id": "1251127081255272448", "reply_id": "1251128117080535042", "label": "facepalm", "text": "So now all the \"stars\" are putting on a show Sunday night in support of the WHO? \n😒"} {"idx": 26132, "original_id": "1251042493941997569", "reply_id": "1251048323626070017", "label": "hug", "text": "just one of those sad nights 🙃"} {"idx": 26133, "original_id": "1251186553675808775", "reply_id": "1251206990728179717", "label": "omg", "text": "TOMORROW IS SEAN MAGUIRE'S BIRTHDAY"} {"idx": 26134, "original_id": "1250940855327887362", "reply_id": "1250941123952082946", "label": "idk", "text": "Uncle Mal"} {"idx": 26136, "original_id": "1251221022054866944", "reply_id": "1251237003816992769", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I want bangs but I don't want to accidentally look like Joe exotic see my issue"} {"idx": 26137, "original_id": "1250760522384973825", "reply_id": "1250834124954374146", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Tifa is the hottest video game character of all time.\n\nSend tweet."} {"idx": 26138, "original_id": "1250869951969271808", "reply_id": "1250871471087345664", "label": "good_luck", "text": "i’m so so tired, just have last 50 pages to read 😩"} {"idx": 26143, "original_id": "1250918027966599173", "reply_id": "1250958148195676160", "label": "idk", "text": "If I DON’T follow you, Cashapp me 5 dollars $lakergangday along with your twitter handle, and I’ll follow you.🙂"} {"idx": 26145, "original_id": "1250992458244161541", "reply_id": "1251001621359874048", "label": "shocked", "text": "wish I was laid up w David and our doggos"} {"idx": 26146, "original_id": "1251258402107461636", "reply_id": "1251259071145086976", "label": "idk", "text": "The biggest Twitter challenge yet 😉\n\nLet's see if other admins can get through the entire weekend without issuing or playing in another 'football club challenge'. 🤝\n\nWe nominate: Every club IN THE WORLD 😂\n\n#RomaAdminNoChallengeChallenge"} {"idx": 26147, "original_id": "1250783452636405761", "reply_id": "1250963176541151232", "label": "no", "text": "Useless, unloved, bobo, tanga tanga, ugly, stupid, dark, loner, worthless, good for nothing piece of shit, zero fucking talent, annoying -me"} {"idx": 26150, "original_id": "1251261175658098691", "reply_id": "1251261943219920896", "label": "agree", "text": "Do yah think it’s time for another Q&A it’s been like a year..?"} {"idx": 26153, "original_id": "1251084455504236544", "reply_id": "1251095438523957249", "label": "hug", "text": "My uncle died of from the Rona and nobody was allowed to attend the funeral, ata hakupelekwa home Nakuru 💔"} {"idx": 26155, "original_id": "1251214526139305986", "reply_id": "1251222662015311879", "label": "oops", "text": "Anyone want to admit how much weight they’ve gained since quarantine started?😬🙋🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 26156, "original_id": "1250931233447530501", "reply_id": "1250957968247570432", "label": "idk", "text": "WASE > WASD"} {"idx": 26158, "original_id": "1251004214832136195", "reply_id": "1251163097756135426", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "The great part about living with your parents again is that you get a refresh on everything you forgot to bring up in therapy."} {"idx": 26163, "original_id": "1250952309632368643", "reply_id": "1250959260990820354", "label": "shocked", "text": "my friend’s kid asked me why married people wore rings and i kinda told him that you cut off your finger to show that you’re serious and the ring keeps the finger in place kinda like stitches."} {"idx": 26164, "original_id": "1250907694308954114", "reply_id": "1251021061459709952", "label": "agree", "text": "In other news, @radiohead are an unbelievably good band. Can't think of anyone who comes close."} {"idx": 26166, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1251162810232352769", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 26167, "original_id": "1251137661911404545", "reply_id": "1251148968043573250", "label": "no", "text": "You know, Peter MIGHT be tolerable if he was a baddie baddie and they had him be Faison-Like. I even think the actor could pull that off. Especially the mannerisms. Get him a cigarello and let him loose. Then, bury him under the stalls at Wyndemere #GH"} {"idx": 26168, "original_id": "1251110433735487488", "reply_id": "1251112274862850049", "label": "applause", "text": "the vid is on the way ~~\nand I want to point out: it’s going to be pure “facts” video\nlots of ppl tend to say that we are assumption/theories accs\nso i’m going through with “facts” video 😂"} {"idx": 26169, "original_id": "1250827596679589889", "reply_id": "1250858366278213632", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "When I come out of quarentine I'm going to have hair long enough to cover my titties and I'm gonna go everywhere naked on horseback like Lady Godiva."} {"idx": 26170, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251216530156793857", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 26174, "original_id": "1251224738317426695", "reply_id": "1251227974411657216", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I am two (2) glasses of wine away from revealing my Buble thoughts."} {"idx": 26180, "original_id": "1250927295528927233", "reply_id": "1251098817660846080", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Trump appeared unwell. Left early."} {"idx": 26185, "original_id": "1250894246539743232", "reply_id": "1251075056387584003", "label": "thank_you", "text": "just popping by to say hello, you're not alone, we're in this together ."} {"idx": 26188, "original_id": "1250833702898237448", "reply_id": "1250838957769850880", "label": "idk", "text": "Last year, I believed @Tuaamann was the best college QB. \n\nThis year, I believed he was the best college QB. \n\nI believe he will be better than any prospect next year (Lawrence and Fields). \n\nI actually love @Trevorlawrencee and @justnfields. \n\nI’d still roll with Tua."} {"idx": 26190, "original_id": "1251147825657700355", "reply_id": "1251182953201352704", "label": "awww", "text": "Miracle in cell No.7 didn’t make me cry but Maleficent 2 did😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 26193, "original_id": "1250980113954615296", "reply_id": "1251132935295680512", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If he only know he will geh throw eiiiinn this time. Buh wanna be Jamaica. My boy, we will bury you under a speed bump. You’ll never see Jamaica again ."} {"idx": 26196, "original_id": "1251195849310384129", "reply_id": "1251196482289623040", "label": "awww", "text": "HOW AM I JUST LEARNING THAT YOU CAN PROGRAM YOUR EARBUDS"} {"idx": 26197, "original_id": "1250888473868984337", "reply_id": "1250905223503196163", "label": "no", "text": "Late."} {"idx": 26198, "original_id": "1250853083762081792", "reply_id": "1251064712915189760", "label": "eww", "text": "There isn’t a single member of McFly that I wouldn’t ****."} {"idx": 26203, "original_id": "1251128694841708549", "reply_id": "1251130558836506626", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Hoping Elon Musk never gets involved in a scandal. \nIt would be 'Elongate'.\nAnd you know it would be really drawn out."} {"idx": 26204, "original_id": "1251129300490821633", "reply_id": "1251204794666139648", "label": "agree", "text": "More like BORE-antine amiright"} {"idx": 26206, "original_id": "1251226411542679552", "reply_id": "1251273197334302721", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Having some big time fear about getting a Remote Developer job. I know it’s hard but this just feels like Mount Everest."} {"idx": 26207, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250926986219991043", "label": "smh", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 26208, "original_id": "1250926105764048896", "reply_id": "1250959467241369600", "label": "yes", "text": "If your girlfriend has an only fans, that’s OUR girlfriend"} {"idx": 26210, "original_id": "1250786062168928257", "reply_id": "1250907839004016651", "label": "eww", "text": "Living in a house of all men means everything is always sticky, dirty and smells like pee"} {"idx": 26212, "original_id": "1250986230520647681", "reply_id": "1251217116390477826", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Reported US coronavirus deaths:\n\n5 weeks ago: 41 deaths\n4 weeks ago: 195 deaths\n3 weeks ago: 1,195 deaths\n2 weeks ago: 5,983 deaths\n1 week ago: 16,684 deaths\nRight now: 33,268 deaths"} {"idx": 26215, "original_id": "1250984004968472576", "reply_id": "1250997952094633984", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "should i be concerned if the only time where my best friend is proud of me is when im being horribly irresponsible?"} {"idx": 26218, "original_id": "1250821680810717185", "reply_id": "1250956500635435008", "label": "applause", "text": "If you believe that sacrificing people’s lives for the good of our erroneously biased & unfair economic system is a morally acceptable position, you are an especially repugnant and vile human, and truly deserve all of the horrific karma coming your way."} {"idx": 26224, "original_id": "1250992019473928193", "reply_id": "1250996964709318656", "label": "agree", "text": "Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz are making me think this whole \"Dr.\" thing is really subjective."} {"idx": 26225, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250884918210555904", "label": "agree", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 26227, "original_id": "1250944240303190017", "reply_id": "1250947288526012416", "label": "hug", "text": "i hate my breakdowns, i feel so weak rn."} {"idx": 26232, "original_id": "1250849302555099139", "reply_id": "1250850354415259649", "label": "applause", "text": "I can’t believe we hit over 1k subs last night. That’s actually crazy. Thank you so much for all the support! The grind continues and I hope everyone has a great day❤️"} {"idx": 26233, "original_id": "1250757922088460288", "reply_id": "1251121848630345730", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Hey all just a quick one ! I had a message thanking me for speaking to accounts with only a few followers I’m involved in no “clicks” I don’t get involved in spats either ! If you’ve 50k or 1 follower so long as you are not aggressive in your views it’s cool 🙌🏻 be nice 👍🏻"} {"idx": 26234, "original_id": "1251176120218763264", "reply_id": "1251247826186784769", "label": "win", "text": "It's Friday? who knew? #ff these fine folks @scarletwitchwc1 @woodythepriest @feemcbee @NateCosBOOM @gregpak @GerryDuggan @Marc_Deering @BarbarianLord @arbitrarygenius @MikeHawthorne @themikenorton @Inkdropinc @trishm @JenniferLMeyer @StazJohnson @tommyleeedwards @Coelacanthkiss"} {"idx": 26235, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251118727418036224", "label": "awww", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 26236, "original_id": "1250847881789091842", "reply_id": "1250872553347964931", "label": "wink", "text": "Work in silence"} {"idx": 26237, "original_id": "1251266237071609856", "reply_id": "1251266400435355648", "label": "awww", "text": "I'm slowly learning that I'm surrounded by cuties.\n\nYall cuties! ❤️"} {"idx": 26241, "original_id": "1251152764115148804", "reply_id": "1251231033133015046", "label": "high_five", "text": "I can’t stand selfish people. And sadly there are far too many of them walking this Earth."} {"idx": 26242, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251273809140695040", "label": "awww", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 26243, "original_id": "1251242003687452672", "reply_id": "1251243492447313920", "label": "facepalm", "text": "someone reached out to us:\n\n\"purchased my headset yesterday. Mic simply don't work. spent 2 hours on internet to find solution to this problem, but no success. idk know what to do beside returning my new headset.\"\n\ntheir mic was muted😐"} {"idx": 26245, "original_id": "1250950425722982404", "reply_id": "1250960937789554688", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump still profits on his billions in businesses, but I have hometown friends in Facebook calling out Pelosi for having a nice fridge 🤣"} {"idx": 26247, "original_id": "1224583052174798848", "reply_id": "1251056591346040832", "label": "applause", "text": "Bernie will win!"} {"idx": 26251, "original_id": "1251194817050263555", "reply_id": "1251203385174437889", "label": "applause", "text": "Liberate America? Sure thing. But first, you're gonna need a literate America. One capable of reading beyond 280 characters, an electorate that doesn't outsource its critical thinking to a syphilitic reality star on a steady systematic decline. An America that doesn't cite memes."} {"idx": 26252, "original_id": "1250952843055583232", "reply_id": "1250954243525292034", "label": "yes", "text": "America is about to come roaring back."} {"idx": 26253, "original_id": "1250962684448845824", "reply_id": "1251137700209426434", "label": "agree", "text": "After seeing some of these guys going “natural” I don’t want to hear any more complaints about weaves, makeup, nails"} {"idx": 26256, "original_id": "1251206933509529602", "reply_id": "1251207403703422983", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Alright time to get down into this tiramisu"} {"idx": 26257, "original_id": "1251008737818664967", "reply_id": "1251250354068520961", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Its been over 2 weeks since i last got to run and i probably shouldn't considering my ankle isn't healed all the way but ima just go ahead and go for it anyway🤷"} {"idx": 26259, "original_id": "1251004264291241985", "reply_id": "1251012787511459840", "label": "hug", "text": "put kids to bed, finish cleaning up, sit down, cry violently"} {"idx": 26260, "original_id": "1250966683998658565", "reply_id": "1250967570917863424", "label": "no", "text": "Ya pronounce it avatar? Or boobootar??"} {"idx": 26261, "original_id": "1251058391075586048", "reply_id": "1251081769786306561", "label": "hearts", "text": "The H in nabilah stands for horny but the A in nabilah stands for Astagfirullah. Thats why i have 2."} {"idx": 26264, "original_id": "1251103328697802755", "reply_id": "1251143135758921729", "label": "agree", "text": "Freddie Gibbs don't sound like a fly ass Bun B to y'all?"} {"idx": 26265, "original_id": "1250967397529313280", "reply_id": "1250970567529975809", "label": "shocked", "text": "Today I learned that “surfactants” is short form for “surface-active agents” 🤯"} {"idx": 26269, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251240624797487104", "label": "eww", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 26275, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251230550603567105", "label": "thank_you", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 26277, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251229837219500033", "label": "want", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 26278, "original_id": "1250558974518272001", "reply_id": "1250942822141886465", "label": "agree", "text": "The venn diagram of people protesting shelter in place orders because they don’t like “the government telling them what to do” and people who think the government should tell pregnant people who want abortions what to do with their bodies is one giant fucking circle."} {"idx": 26279, "original_id": "1250926471322849280", "reply_id": "1251061436807249922", "label": "eww", "text": "Imagine the 100 ends with a becho endgame. BRUHHHH"} {"idx": 26281, "original_id": "1251251933379264517", "reply_id": "1251256253034098688", "label": "eww", "text": "Who tryna hit the beach??"} {"idx": 26283, "original_id": "1250870503578972162", "reply_id": "1250873776105050113", "label": "hug", "text": "I want a hug goddammit"} {"idx": 26285, "original_id": "1251042023815229440", "reply_id": "1251044683670867968", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug."} {"idx": 26286, "original_id": "1251201428808499202", "reply_id": "1251203487893000197", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Best ... \"I'm On Team Joe\" memes.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 26287, "original_id": "1251230383229800450", "reply_id": "1251257756729909251", "label": "smh", "text": "So, I went to my pharmacist (well, my cat’s pharmacist) yesterday. When I commented on him not wearing a mask he told me he thinks COVID-19 is a hoax. When I mentioned the # of deaths he said “But are there really? How do we know it’s not a conspiracy?” WTH??? 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬"} {"idx": 26289, "original_id": "1251115187102507009", "reply_id": "1251171063511334912", "label": "agree", "text": "Self iso with my wife really reminding me how absolutely essential a steady supply of chocolate is to keep women on an even keel"} {"idx": 26291, "original_id": "1251155632582844425", "reply_id": "1251156596601700358", "label": "awww", "text": "#CeegaMustFall You guys are out of order @CeegaWaMeropa1 never said he was poor he was asking for a set that's all you fought for him now that you see he has cars you beef anyway when he started he had around 2k followers now just gone to 70k followers RISE BLACK CHILD RISE"} {"idx": 26293, "original_id": "1251008902889684992", "reply_id": "1251010559979520002", "label": "eww", "text": "she going fuck me good & ima make her breakfast"} {"idx": 26294, "original_id": "1251240011623776256", "reply_id": "1251240123708162048", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel like hugging the whole world right now, I’m so damn happy and relieved 🥺"} {"idx": 26296, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251251733508034568", "label": "idk", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 26297, "original_id": "1250886455951413248", "reply_id": "1250930405936676864", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Tune in to a 48-hour global live stream of LiveXLive Presents 'Music Lives' with TikTok on April 17-19.\n\nFeatured artists include J. Balvin, Anitta, Nas, Trippie Redd, Swae Lee, Matoma, Big Gigantic and many more!"} {"idx": 26299, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250866823630856198", "label": "eww", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 26300, "original_id": "1250853789751488512", "reply_id": "1250876491123970048", "label": "smh", "text": "To all the people saving money by being at home good for you. It ain't me. I'm an online shopper and it is worse right now. Jeeezus take the wheel & hold my card. 😩😩😩"} {"idx": 26307, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250929616207835138", "label": "seriously", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 26308, "original_id": "1251195605474586625", "reply_id": "1251257212481048577", "label": "ok", "text": "LIBERATE AMERICA! Whoever is in charge of the Fedral goverment is doing a TERRIBLE job!!!"} {"idx": 26311, "original_id": "1250891885817839618", "reply_id": "1251052212857470978", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Donald Trump's day so far:\n\n- Goes berserk about Nancy Pelosi\n- Thinks Chinatown is in China\n- This guy is a racist and an idiot\n- Trump's approval numbers drop again\n- Joe Biden is going to the White House\n- Trump is going to prison\n- It's still only 5pm"} {"idx": 26313, "original_id": "1250654191862681603", "reply_id": "1250840457380155392", "label": "applause", "text": "Okay okay I kinda came out earlier but fr I’m bi and if that’s a problem I’m sorry but this is my life"} {"idx": 26315, "original_id": "1251211496266387458", "reply_id": "1251254667423756291", "label": "yes", "text": "Watch one of the most memorable days in #RyderCup history this Sunday, in the company of several of Europe’s winning team from 2012! #SkyWatchalong\n\nMore details...👇"} {"idx": 26316, "original_id": "1250576129142001664", "reply_id": "1250838547030040580", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Not liking the prospect of a crappy, un-summery summer. ☹️\n🚫⚾️🍉🌭🍓☀️💐🦋🌊⛱"} {"idx": 26317, "original_id": "1250922416529797120", "reply_id": "1250928145445748736", "label": "applause", "text": "All feet are arch rivals."} {"idx": 26320, "original_id": "1251097219366780928", "reply_id": "1251166941349384193", "label": "sigh", "text": "I hate jokes about German sausages. \nThey are the absolute wurst"} {"idx": 26321, "original_id": "1250868723881213958", "reply_id": "1250900347108851726", "label": "sigh", "text": "At the moment, access to the game may be difficult or absent due to problems of our host provider. We are taking all necessary measures to stabilize the situation #EscapefromTarkov"} {"idx": 26322, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251033836126797824", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 26324, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250924229316485120", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 26327, "original_id": "1250871571994087425", "reply_id": "1250883146213711888", "label": "hug", "text": "head couldn’t be more melted if it tried"} {"idx": 26330, "original_id": "1250982438139949058", "reply_id": "1251005129391734784", "label": "shocked", "text": "i have a new work crush since quarantining. that’s right: my left hand and cetaphil babyy!"} {"idx": 26332, "original_id": "1251114957518843904", "reply_id": "1251118183622283265", "label": "yes", "text": "#FollowFriday #ff Get on these #podcasts. \n@ShoottheFlick \n@BasementSurge \n@HuuuHpodcast \n@watcherpod \n@infrontofmyface \n@shiz_talkin \n@DrinksWithJosh \n@DMSPod \n@pintocomics \n@ScreenDrafts \n@TrueConsPod \n@cinema_recall \n@Cinandscreampod \n@unfortunatelyRR \n@LostYoungs \n@90sCourt"} {"idx": 26340, "original_id": "1250968571108352000", "reply_id": "1250980715434565632", "label": "omg", "text": "Almost 19 years old and I just started the dishwasher for the first time ever #growth"} {"idx": 26342, "original_id": "1250912290188275712", "reply_id": "1250935349154590726", "label": "no", "text": "Catch the Trump shit-show. \nIt's on live!"} {"idx": 26343, "original_id": "1251257334174814211", "reply_id": "1251261327080927234", "label": "facepalm", "text": "South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem in: \"South Dakota is now the first state in America to launch a statewide, state-backed clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine to fight COVID-19.\""} {"idx": 26344, "original_id": "1251036470648979456", "reply_id": "1251037143084011520", "label": "hug", "text": "A MAGAt just talked to me and I need a hug but nobody can touch me. 2020 sucks."} {"idx": 26348, "original_id": "1251149683277180934", "reply_id": "1251150431188738049", "label": "hug", "text": "being emotionally vulnerable around parents is 😬 \nthe worst idea, 2/10 would not recommend"} {"idx": 26349, "original_id": "1251093422573641729", "reply_id": "1251124604506042368", "label": "applause", "text": "I knew it was you the moment i saw you,\nBut you never wanted me\nBecause I was better than you\nI shouldn't have listened when you told me not to love you,\nGuess it's too late now that my heart is broken in two"} {"idx": 26350, "original_id": "1251015932870381568", "reply_id": "1251018614267731969", "label": "yes", "text": "Everything is everything"} {"idx": 26354, "original_id": "1251168473729753094", "reply_id": "1251253314106228736", "label": "hug", "text": "Older customer in the store right now panicky to be here but she has no one else. And I'm back to crybaby mode...."} {"idx": 26355, "original_id": "1251110347362230272", "reply_id": "1251110523426541568", "label": "agree", "text": "@KeshaRose I love u"} {"idx": 26356, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251245514923954177", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 26357, "original_id": "1250892742806441984", "reply_id": "1250951385060909056", "label": "scared", "text": "Okay who's going to be next to get the block??? If I've told you once and you continue to ask I will block your ass."} {"idx": 26363, "original_id": "1251249708548468738", "reply_id": "1251250517759545344", "label": "yes", "text": "Semi-finals announcement tomorrow night! These entries are some of the best we've seen. Nice work!"} {"idx": 26364, "original_id": "1251231435643424769", "reply_id": "1251253856694124546", "label": "no", "text": "Dont want to ruin anyone's Friday, but today was supposed to be Regis Prograis-Maurice Hooker... #boxing"} {"idx": 26365, "original_id": "1251263678747418627", "reply_id": "1251266140413837316", "label": "omg", "text": "alright.... who’s had ass injections lol"} {"idx": 26366, "original_id": "1251231307465666563", "reply_id": "1251232203134074885", "label": "agree", "text": "There is a line so long at the local liquor store it has wrapped around the building. To their credit, everyone is standing 6 feet apart. Quarantine cocktails = essential business"} {"idx": 26369, "original_id": "1250848818746228736", "reply_id": "1250849050095738881", "label": "omg", "text": "The Fake Politicians from both sides should get their tax-payer funded butts on a plane to Washington D.C. (aren't THEY essential workers, too?), and BAILOUT HUMANS NOW! #BailoutHumansNow cc: @cnn @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 26370, "original_id": "1251194144904679426", "reply_id": "1251209169379758080", "label": "yes", "text": "Someone offers you:\n\nRussell Wilson, Miles Sanders & 1.08 \n\nFor \n\nPatrick Mahomes \n\nWhat’s your response?\n\n#DynastyTrades #Dynasty"} {"idx": 26374, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251023136126099457", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 26376, "original_id": "1251160501775511552", "reply_id": "1251182492964405248", "label": "eww", "text": "Applying Sidra logic to me: Sid told me he didn’t break my heart, which means he didn’t want to see me cry which means he didn’t want to hurt me, which means he cares, which means he’s in love with me, which means I’m transitioning from Chaudrain to Shuklain! 🥴"} {"idx": 26380, "original_id": "1251124368794513408", "reply_id": "1251187659315179520", "label": "applause", "text": "I need all my niggas to report to this thread b/c y’all been wilding in these women’s DMs and they SICCUD!!!!\n\nSo let’s talk about some shit real quick...\n\n1. And we’ll expound on this rule some more in a minute.....KEEP YOUR DICK OUT OF THE CONVERSATION UNLESS ITS BEEN INVITED!!"} {"idx": 26383, "original_id": "1250909108120797184", "reply_id": "1250909417769521152", "label": "no", "text": "We’re on quarantine and I’ll cry all day if I want to"} {"idx": 26384, "original_id": "1250882190117875712", "reply_id": "1251157374687047683", "label": "agree", "text": "i ain’t forcing nothing, i learned my lesson."} {"idx": 26385, "original_id": "1250680673024839680", "reply_id": "1250887080370028544", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm lacking creative drive and outlet and it's causing serious depression but I'm smile"} {"idx": 26388, "original_id": "1250914819366105088", "reply_id": "1251240477833285634", "label": "oops", "text": "Are your makeup brushes clean? Don’t lieeeeeee 👀"} {"idx": 26390, "original_id": "1251009275276808192", "reply_id": "1251009555850461184", "label": "smh", "text": "But what if I actually shit in the bird bath one night that will be very embarrassing"} {"idx": 26392, "original_id": "1250810903995527168", "reply_id": "1251088910685536256", "label": "shocked", "text": "A girl from Soshanguve will never break your heart 🤞🏻"} {"idx": 26394, "original_id": "1250954512354983937", "reply_id": "1250954917931618306", "label": "yawn", "text": "goodnight"} {"idx": 26397, "original_id": "1250911629795090432", "reply_id": "1250979615306321920", "label": "shocked", "text": "i’m really ain’t shit fucked on the best friend"} {"idx": 26401, "original_id": "1250661457299214336", "reply_id": "1250841857959100417", "label": "agree", "text": "If we lock down our homes, it means we don’t allow strangers in? Shouldn’t that mean that if we lock down our country, we shouldn’t let strangers in?"} {"idx": 26402, "original_id": "1250978370470412289", "reply_id": "1250980723911200768", "label": "applause", "text": "Lived the dream, mutated Bio Quartz Godzilla (Brokkos) on Questing Beast for a Standard ladder game and my opponent scooped under the weight of too much card text 😂"} {"idx": 26403, "original_id": "1251160862737367048", "reply_id": "1251215182816133120", "label": "ok", "text": "Unable to get 'likes' on TikTok videos, teenager ends life in Noida: Police"} {"idx": 26405, "original_id": "1250860548767600641", "reply_id": "1250949762221826048", "label": "high_five", "text": "HELP! @EdwardorEddie got me hooked on @PantsuitPolitic but I don't have a podcast pal yet. ISO someone to discuss the podcast with me weekly in a grace-filled manner."} {"idx": 26406, "original_id": "1251025488845381632", "reply_id": "1251027945914859522", "label": "hug", "text": "okay edible, make me happy plz"} {"idx": 26407, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251200775654723586", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 26409, "original_id": "1251024100522418178", "reply_id": "1251257586516705281", "label": "applause", "text": "Ayy we hit affiliate tonight! Super fuckin stoked, twitch has been a goal of mine for a few years and this feels awesome, I'll cya sometime this weekend for a big ol' celebratory Jackbox stream!"} {"idx": 26412, "original_id": "1251023699798458368", "reply_id": "1251024042942885889", "label": "awww", "text": "Currently mad horny and I all I want is tams and the homies"} {"idx": 26417, "original_id": "1251230784389873665", "reply_id": "1251243725747105792", "label": "high_five", "text": "I’ve been bouncing around online a little today. Doing some research for a project. And... Good gracious... there are some idiots doing ‘so called’ business on the internet. Just in case you didn’t know."} {"idx": 26418, "original_id": "1250977733158375427", "reply_id": "1251138437253672961", "label": "sigh", "text": "aries, libra, and pisces men can all choke on a jean jacket"} {"idx": 26421, "original_id": "1251198191975964673", "reply_id": "1251249191214604290", "label": "hug", "text": "1: Have come home this early evening to some much needed brevity courtesy of our twitter community. Thank you, it was a much needed distraction after the loss of a dearly and much loved family member yesterday. Not to Kovid19, but I'm sure you'll understand our sense of loss..."} {"idx": 26423, "original_id": "1250944827862265856", "reply_id": "1250946619001823232", "label": "no", "text": "BREAKING: Twitter has suspended @ALX"} {"idx": 26425, "original_id": "1251225145991221249", "reply_id": "1251228150706692097", "label": "scared", "text": "‘If I can count on you send a ❤️’. In your 20’s? Insta is getting deleted if this nonsense carries on everyday kmt."} {"idx": 26429, "original_id": "1251015489360404481", "reply_id": "1251218818224906241", "label": "sigh", "text": "wait the new drag race is today i don’t want it"} {"idx": 26432, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251023242590072832", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 26434, "original_id": "1250808095745474560", "reply_id": "1250850041318780935", "label": "high_five", "text": "Walking out of the grocery store a women behind me asked where I got the toilet paper, I told her, and she ran back. I guess it was all gone.... I gave her mine. Felt good. #BeBetter"} {"idx": 26435, "original_id": "1251120903288750081", "reply_id": "1251131327983824897", "label": "applause", "text": "#writing Just finished my third script for the 555 script challenge. I'll have some nice fresh material at the end of this."} {"idx": 26437, "original_id": "1251176527280078855", "reply_id": "1251198742033764352", "label": "smh", "text": "Joe Biden should be able to resume his rallies at any time. \n\nIt’s not difficult to get 13 people to stand 6 feet apart."} {"idx": 26439, "original_id": "1250923888558714886", "reply_id": "1250924156205568002", "label": "applause", "text": "My first year of College is officially done. Finished my last exam, one more year and in May 2021 I will be a Paralegal once I get my licence , I kept a straight A average got several 100% assignments, yes I am bragging 😂😂Nice cold beer calling my name #collegelife 🍺🍺🍺🍺"} {"idx": 26441, "original_id": "1250884160174071813", "reply_id": "1250886867261755392", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump Monday: “When somebody’s the president of the US, the authority is total”\n\nTrump Tues: “The governors are going to do a good job & if they don't do a good job, we're going to come down on them very hard”\n\nTrump Thurs on call with govs: “You’re going to call your own shots”"} {"idx": 26442, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250980977586905088", "label": "eww", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 26443, "original_id": "1250545400366407682", "reply_id": "1250908027311587329", "label": "yes", "text": "This is supposed to be a pandemic briefing.. The president is attacking Democrats."} {"idx": 26447, "original_id": "1251133623543246859", "reply_id": "1251134324595924993", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Good morning ☀️ today is another day to fight. Fight to win! You got this! Love, Pulte"} {"idx": 26451, "original_id": "1251175112776323072", "reply_id": "1251271176959094784", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Will be dropping some new Epstein bombshells on @TLAVagabond later today from my recent interviews, make sure to tune in. \n\nYou'll want to hear who Ghislaine said she and her father really answered to.\n\nAfter this new ruling, the gloves are off."} {"idx": 26452, "original_id": "1250884623774568469", "reply_id": "1250888864933314560", "label": "no", "text": "i can believe im just now watching the office"} {"idx": 26453, "original_id": "1250802583020556288", "reply_id": "1250833129851498496", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "i miss @swati.idgaf 😔"} {"idx": 26457, "original_id": "1251178611052122112", "reply_id": "1251179432515112961", "label": "seriously", "text": "Alfred Kinsey, author of the Kinsey report into human sexuality and keen exponent of sado-masochism, once circumcised himself in the bathtub with a penknife."} {"idx": 26459, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250963641349705734", "label": "ok", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 26461, "original_id": "1251074671811923968", "reply_id": "1251088016615104514", "label": "shocked", "text": "Gary Anderson has withdrawn from the PDC Home Tour because his WiFi connection is not strong enough."} {"idx": 26464, "original_id": "1250825770085351426", "reply_id": "1250866981269577736", "label": "agree", "text": "Who wants a free key sent to their DM's? 👀"} {"idx": 26465, "original_id": "1251237432504266753", "reply_id": "1251264841622458370", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“Listen to the patient, they are telling you the disease and their new diet and why you should be on this diet and how they don’t teach you doctors nutrition in med school and there’s a lot more information out there if you have an open mind but it would put you out of business.”"} {"idx": 26468, "original_id": "1251021022247223296", "reply_id": "1251030006865821696", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I fell asleep. Straight through my alarms and everything. I know I’m a disappointment. I’ll make it up to you somehow!"} {"idx": 26469, "original_id": "1251174843342618625", "reply_id": "1251179487489908740", "label": "agree", "text": "This gc @tripleup6lue jus added me in got some weird Mfs in it"} {"idx": 26473, "original_id": "1251251839170949121", "reply_id": "1251252215324585986", "label": "oops", "text": "90+3 - Goal for Man City. Heartbreak at the death as Sterling scores in stoppage time. 😔\n\n🔵 #MCFC 5-3 #THFC ⚪️ (5-4)"} {"idx": 26475, "original_id": "1251225965822435329", "reply_id": "1251232403781300224", "label": "shocked", "text": "I gotta get some more warzone friends. My siege friends don’t even hmu anymore 😔"} {"idx": 26476, "original_id": "1251245576865398784", "reply_id": "1251247661648424960", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Ok. I’m a man of my word. Would like to thank @StreamElementsS for helping me understand. I donated to @A1000YearsMixer late weds night. She uses them I guess when I sent the dono it signed me up. I legit thought the worst. Ty Sean for the awesome support. Man I was freaked lol"} {"idx": 26477, "original_id": "1251263833865404418", "reply_id": "1251272700728881155", "label": "hug", "text": "Today's one of those days where I feel like every limit I have is being tested. Thank goodness I'm strong, but, guys, I'm exhausted, literally & figuratively, & I'm starting to get another vertigo attack (had one the other day). There maybe a book here - only half joking."} {"idx": 26482, "original_id": "1251037219747516416", "reply_id": "1251087576196399104", "label": "shocked", "text": "I understand why it is easy for someone to live freely in Papaya's head cause it's actually an empty house, an empty head.....so enough space dey for room and parlour self-contain."} {"idx": 26484, "original_id": "1250918740746797058", "reply_id": "1250920498126561281", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This has been a very, very impressive White House coronavirus task force meeting so far."} {"idx": 26485, "original_id": "1250885204421599246", "reply_id": "1250926660997840897", "label": "hug", "text": "need: hugs"} {"idx": 26487, "original_id": "1251018043242790912", "reply_id": "1251019244063666176", "label": "agree", "text": "miss all my homies"} {"idx": 26488, "original_id": "1250831847359217664", "reply_id": "1250841927563595779", "label": "applause", "text": "Feels pretty good to be \"student-loan\" free 😌"} {"idx": 26490, "original_id": "1250973629468246016", "reply_id": "1250975156392124419", "label": "smh", "text": "Men, if you love her hand over than $1,200 stimulus check"} {"idx": 26492, "original_id": "1250790606902890498", "reply_id": "1250920636161183746", "label": "no", "text": "Does anyone actually know what they're doing?"} {"idx": 26493, "original_id": "1251200855325519872", "reply_id": "1251233794348154886", "label": "sigh", "text": "San Diego Comic Con cancelled for the first time in 51 years. WonderCon, originally postponed, is also cancelled. #SDCC"} {"idx": 26495, "original_id": "1250861629622845440", "reply_id": "1251006252928434176", "label": "dance", "text": "What’s the first thing y’all gone do when quarantine over? 🤔"} {"idx": 26496, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251129315368017931", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 26497, "original_id": "1250913417835294720", "reply_id": "1250913607061245952", "label": "agree", "text": "This is bullshit, someone grab the mic and ask Fauci when anonymous sex will be possible!!!"} {"idx": 26499, "original_id": "1250981135221391365", "reply_id": "1251009050017480704", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "suppose to be heading to dallas tomorrow for @UbbidubbiFest. @_Sunjay_ @Broseph_slatten 😭😭"} {"idx": 26502, "original_id": "1251198055157764099", "reply_id": "1251205961714405378", "label": "shrug", "text": "“i just hate ugly people” grace wood 2k20"} {"idx": 26504, "original_id": "1250896231334907905", "reply_id": "1250896437942071296", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Julie's Headcut #400tv"} {"idx": 26505, "original_id": "1250869351135281156", "reply_id": "1250938753331400705", "label": "smh", "text": "carrot cake is a waste of cake, rye bread is a waste of bread, grape soda is a waste of soda, etc."} {"idx": 26507, "original_id": "1250986311361736704", "reply_id": "1250986575548354562", "label": "agree", "text": "To those finding out Dr. Phil is a hack -- welcome to the party! We have snacks."} {"idx": 26509, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250942066604929024", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 26513, "original_id": "1250766915452252161", "reply_id": "1250866238852661248", "label": "ok", "text": "Stay strong !! ❤️"} {"idx": 26516, "original_id": "1250814166878711808", "reply_id": "1250910733610737666", "label": "sigh", "text": "The sound of him entering you when you’re soaking wet. That."} {"idx": 26520, "original_id": "1251120448034783233", "reply_id": "1251173395263369218", "label": "agree", "text": "🚨BREAKING NEWS!!!!🚨\n\n@realDonaldTrump tested positive for being the right man for the job at this crucial time in US history. \n\nWho Agrees? 🙋🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 26521, "original_id": "1251121567704035329", "reply_id": "1251122076213219328", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Just ordered some seeds from @Adam_Asmus. Pretty excited to start those along with all the others I have going on. 😊"} {"idx": 26525, "original_id": "1250937247727312899", "reply_id": "1250937629878767617", "label": "idk", "text": "How is it possible to make a cracker that someone can hear from across the room?"} {"idx": 26526, "original_id": "1251143798282805249", "reply_id": "1251144803854647296", "label": "shocked", "text": "All 20 Premier League clubs were represented a meeting today in which debate over models for completing the season was top of the agenda"} {"idx": 26530, "original_id": "1251220175522861056", "reply_id": "1251220739765698561", "label": "applause", "text": "I want you guys to know that UPS accidentally delivered 100 pairs of scrubs meant for Duke University to my office and instead of having a scrub party, we returned them. #hero"} {"idx": 26531, "original_id": "1251273224811417601", "reply_id": "1251274472491036672", "label": "sigh", "text": "I just know you n*ggas are down bad. It’s been how many weeks since y’all seen your barber?"} {"idx": 26532, "original_id": "1251199103503077376", "reply_id": "1251200204226822144", "label": "smh", "text": "imagine ordering three pairs of shoes only to realize when they arrive you got the wrong size IN ALL OF THEM"} {"idx": 26535, "original_id": "1251201535352209409", "reply_id": "1251214736957542408", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I can’t even download my video editing software . 🙃"} {"idx": 26536, "original_id": "1251029132122697733", "reply_id": "1251030056677367809", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Ill never read manga 😑"} {"idx": 26537, "original_id": "1251257241526820871", "reply_id": "1251263341869371392", "label": "hug", "text": "when the bajona hits"} {"idx": 26538, "original_id": "1250998552223875074", "reply_id": "1251159791688249349", "label": "agree", "text": "fuck it. I’ve got a giant thing of Nutella and a spoon and I don’t even care anymore"} {"idx": 26543, "original_id": "1251001504305229825", "reply_id": "1251239378996912135", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Im not being toxic no more I promise lolololololol"} {"idx": 26545, "original_id": "1251241351716442113", "reply_id": "1251245380827860994", "label": "shocked", "text": "I hate carpeted bedrooms so much"} {"idx": 26546, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251142938429718528", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 26551, "original_id": "1250978956775473155", "reply_id": "1251232448870060032", "label": "no", "text": "If you believe @RepThomasMassie doesn't belong in Congress then you hate liberty, freedom, and the Declaration of Independence."} {"idx": 26552, "original_id": "1251202373902630918", "reply_id": "1251202850459455490", "label": "agree", "text": "LRT @earliermercury I'M CRYING"} {"idx": 26554, "original_id": "1251051096715427840", "reply_id": "1251171853269381120", "label": "sigh", "text": "I finished “Money Heist” & idk how to feel. 🤯"} {"idx": 26555, "original_id": "1250961144589713408", "reply_id": "1251188761356128256", "label": "yawn", "text": "Alot of men love the idea of a highly educated woman on paper. It’s an ego and status booster. Many are not emotionally equipped to deal with one."} {"idx": 26562, "original_id": "1250766202089193477", "reply_id": "1251070333337075713", "label": "wink", "text": "Your life is made into a movie - which actor/actress would you choose to play you?\n\nGIFs only!"} {"idx": 26566, "original_id": "1250525087092137984", "reply_id": "1250961511545212929", "label": "please", "text": "So Henry Cavill has read both The Wheel of Time and Stormlight Archives, if you could cast him into WoT or an SA adaptation (or even a Mistborn one!) which role you think would fit Cavill? #TwitterOfTime"} {"idx": 26567, "original_id": "1251109868712361985", "reply_id": "1251126702974984192", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF Happy Friday, follow these fine folks: @Hayla_Lales @MQuigley1963 @dportch15 @ClerkHorror @impoliticpolit @Alexaphyr @nikki_twisted @Elizabeasty @BJLG @AberrantLit @adargyle @myfriendamy @JonathanNess98 @JasonAberrant @kimcormack @HeyokaMuse @nikki_twisted @pineconekisses"} {"idx": 26568, "original_id": "1250853287110336516", "reply_id": "1250922812115582976", "label": "oops", "text": "@UOPX It'd be nice if you could stop spamming your commercials. They're BEYOND annoying.🤨🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 26573, "original_id": "1250986111817723904", "reply_id": "1250986229543378944", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’ve been doing a lot of self reflection recently. It’s always good to look at what you’ve done and what you can improve about yourself as a person. As long as I’m improving and the people close to me are good then I’m happy."} {"idx": 26576, "original_id": "1250848096214548481", "reply_id": "1251225853847101440", "label": "applause", "text": "I officially beat COVID-19 💪🏾"} {"idx": 26580, "original_id": "1251195035313491969", "reply_id": "1251212897994375168", "label": "hug", "text": "Hope is a dangerous thing for a person like me to have"} {"idx": 26586, "original_id": "1251183536272551936", "reply_id": "1251184805791875072", "label": "applause", "text": "New vibes: get ya companies up!"} {"idx": 26588, "original_id": "1251231875655327744", "reply_id": "1251232431769899015", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "@Joe_Sanfelippo Thinking about doing some online keynotes. Know anyone who can give me advice on speaking to an empty room?"} {"idx": 26591, "original_id": "1245490063342882816", "reply_id": "1250903924871254016", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm tweeting daily starting today"} {"idx": 26598, "original_id": "1250909929046716416", "reply_id": "1250991181166718976", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump says no one in America who needs a ventilator has been denied one."} {"idx": 26599, "original_id": "1250549086970880004", "reply_id": "1250991528849354752", "label": "yes", "text": "I don't mean to sound negative but does anyone think we will have a 2nd wave of COVID-19 ?"} {"idx": 26606, "original_id": "1251146509522894849", "reply_id": "1251156140433436673", "label": "hug", "text": "Have a good day everyone and hug the loved ones you can right now. I’m signing off for the day after receiving some unfortunate news. Much love to you all. 💚"} {"idx": 26609, "original_id": "1251116094124933121", "reply_id": "1251124666934030337", "label": "want", "text": "Just layin in bed waiting for @LeanneMcQueen1 to make coffee..."} {"idx": 26612, "original_id": "1251181028623990785", "reply_id": "1251181554140884995", "label": "ok", "text": "No Winaero Tweaker this week. For those who expected to get it. Sorry. Wasting my life with different things. No time for C#."} {"idx": 26616, "original_id": "1251024208655605762", "reply_id": "1251030363389882368", "label": "no", "text": "Since the world is ending anyway... I’ll just go ahead and say it. I wish TV stayed 4:3."} {"idx": 26617, "original_id": "1251153660643389440", "reply_id": "1251170632466944005", "label": "oops", "text": "Imo @WESTSIDEGUNN put out a better album than @JayElectronica also considering he didn’t have a decade to make it nor does he have a duo with Jay Z"} {"idx": 26622, "original_id": "1250907502042021888", "reply_id": "1250913666985320448", "label": "hug", "text": "I am really hitting a low spot today :("} {"idx": 26623, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1251002484383940610", "label": "ok", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 26624, "original_id": "1251232245215563781", "reply_id": "1251249878014943232", "label": "awww", "text": "Yikes! #blackAF on @netflix is garbage!! It's Blackish but with curse words! This is not what black families with wealth are like and why are they always light skin?! Where the dark skin actors at?! And Rashida Jones? Stop it!"} {"idx": 26626, "original_id": "1250962177789431808", "reply_id": "1250964225046036482", "label": "shocked", "text": "Q: What did the concerned burrito say to the sad tortilla?\nA: \"You want to taco-about it?\""} {"idx": 26629, "original_id": "1251026198400053249", "reply_id": "1251037498819653632", "label": "applause", "text": "I have some new clothes which I had saved for a special occasion. I will be wearing them today at home while eating KFC...... It's like my roza khushaii all over again."} {"idx": 26631, "original_id": "1250876966925811713", "reply_id": "1250879008805273600", "label": "wink", "text": "I miss my best friend 🥺"} {"idx": 26632, "original_id": "1251107187449114625", "reply_id": "1251204019449745408", "label": "no", "text": "Is anyone even bothered if Scottish football clubs go to the wall?"} {"idx": 26636, "original_id": "1250733567946248192", "reply_id": "1251209616144453637", "label": "applause", "text": "Sam Smith really is a cunt isn't he"} {"idx": 26637, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250953633996386304", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 26639, "original_id": "1251225866044149760", "reply_id": "1251241771880898561", "label": "idk", "text": "I used to be a psycho ass bitch when I was with my ex (shout out to that guy!) and I would say I’m definitely still a psycho ass bitch but like a fun psycho ass bitch u know ???"} {"idx": 26640, "original_id": "1251102080397434880", "reply_id": "1251105458749874176", "label": "agree", "text": "Late night conspiracy theories with bree need to be a thing now,🤷🏽‍♀️🧐"} {"idx": 26641, "original_id": "1250545400366407682", "reply_id": "1250936921146220544", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This is supposed to be a pandemic briefing.. The president is attacking Democrats."} {"idx": 26644, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250906956115652608", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 26646, "original_id": "1250770425182896128", "reply_id": "1250979091152502790", "label": "high_five", "text": "I stopped drinking soda after it gave me a soar throat after a night out drinking chang’aa."} {"idx": 26650, "original_id": "1250925080042827776", "reply_id": "1250925793389273091", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I tried the lash trick where you put the glue on your lash line and then apply the lashes and bitchhhhhhh.. my lashes didn’t come out wonky the first try"} {"idx": 26652, "original_id": "1250935296906145794", "reply_id": "1250996020617633794", "label": "agree", "text": "hi while comparing me to other, more successful artists is always very flattering, i am doing my own thing in my own lane :)"} {"idx": 26656, "original_id": "1251247701997441024", "reply_id": "1251248071003918336", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Wait a second... if you think about it, a bearded guy is just a non bearded guy with a beard. Weird..."} {"idx": 26657, "original_id": "1250820046789672962", "reply_id": "1250835706894671873", "label": "shocked", "text": "BYU fans scare me"} {"idx": 26658, "original_id": "1251183734360965123", "reply_id": "1251184175346040832", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I want to officially announce that I, Xera, the Apex gamer/menace, am going for the @SoaRGaming Apex RC.\n\nI know my community and I have got what it takes. Hope you'll support me through the way 😎\n\n#SoaRXera"} {"idx": 26660, "original_id": "1250843570006786051", "reply_id": "1250844965309231104", "label": "dance", "text": "Done a unfollow spree, big dub if you’re still followed 👍"} {"idx": 26662, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1251123720053194757", "label": "popcorn", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 26667, "original_id": "1250873085617717248", "reply_id": "1250874235104514049", "label": "kiss", "text": "Happy Birthday King 🥰💛🌈 @Nyclo_"} {"idx": 26669, "original_id": "1251208798691344384", "reply_id": "1251218347594780675", "label": "eww", "text": "I've just blocked someone on the basis that they've literally just followed me then sent lots of kiss emojis to a selfie I tweeted earlier.\nIt just felt quite vomity...🤢"} {"idx": 26671, "original_id": "1250804079183433729", "reply_id": "1250946459404505088", "label": "thank_you", "text": "There’s this post going viral on my FB feed about how God is always calling men to climb a mountain to meet with Him, but never asking women to do that, because he comes to women because he knows they have to keep life going for everyone and have work to do.\n\nUm, no. To all of it"} {"idx": 26675, "original_id": "1251194691112108032", "reply_id": "1251240168490754051", "label": "no", "text": "Honestly I’m such an amazing person. And there are so people who need more me in their lives. Shame. There’s just one of me to go around."} {"idx": 26676, "original_id": "1250846823259963395", "reply_id": "1250863436239691777", "label": "smh", "text": "Need a best friend..Lord i'm ready😌👐"} {"idx": 26677, "original_id": "1251190895883374598", "reply_id": "1251191457114882051", "label": "agree", "text": "Now, i know I’m just a humble atomic-powered space robot on Mars... but I’m starting to suspect that the president of the United States might be terrible at his job"} {"idx": 26680, "original_id": "1250798338485690368", "reply_id": "1250912573362515968", "label": "applause", "text": "I usually don’t take my business to social media, but I will say this. What I do to benefit me or my son is nobody’s business."} {"idx": 26683, "original_id": "1251198465683619845", "reply_id": "1251236792185036802", "label": "yes", "text": "I call on @Twitter to suspend the account of @realDonaldTrump for inciting violence."} {"idx": 26684, "original_id": "1250991922560163840", "reply_id": "1250992532877606913", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I crushed up takis & added them to my fishless fish tacos & it’s like a crispy chili lime breading— kitchen creativity gone right."} {"idx": 26691, "original_id": "1251117072827838464", "reply_id": "1251118533137711104", "label": "shocked", "text": "Thomas Stockdale has received a 14-meeting suspension for careless riding out of R7 at Cranbourne tonight. \n\nHe is already set to serve an 8-meeting suspension starting midnight tomorrow, meaning he wouldn’t be back riding until May 7 @Racing"} {"idx": 26692, "original_id": "1251181294853263360", "reply_id": "1251183889109913600", "label": "hug", "text": "had a \"drive thru\" service to attend yesterday for Keebz, & just learned i lost another friend this morning\nthis is all really overwhelming, & my heart just keeps breaking over & over"} {"idx": 26693, "original_id": "1250876578935877633", "reply_id": "1250880704293990400", "label": "shocked", "text": "hmm lets see how long this new phone will last me lmao"} {"idx": 26694, "original_id": "1248416239333990400", "reply_id": "1250991203627208704", "label": "agree", "text": "He’s gonna kill us all, isn’t he?"} {"idx": 26695, "original_id": "1250756558650322944", "reply_id": "1250836239340703744", "label": "yawn", "text": "Ah s***, here we go again. 🙌"} {"idx": 26697, "original_id": "1250972367062470667", "reply_id": "1250980441353379840", "label": "applause", "text": "Thank you for the support tonight on the short stream! TY for the likes, RT & follow as well 😊\n\nS/O's to @NoProPlayer & @GatoBonita_ for lurking!\n\nTake care & have a great night everyone 💗"} {"idx": 26700, "original_id": "1251066693532647425", "reply_id": "1251201537071857664", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF \n@veezy1690 \n@DefinitiveNot \n@withjetpacks \n@RemyDushine \n@ReclaimerCube \n@fabiangib \n@RubiconFilmsUK \n@HeyRachelDenise \n@jamiesummersbks \n@om2kool \n@CagesKiss \n@Capt_Hangry \n@RobertPGallant \n@RACSO40 \n@zenless_popcorn \n@bloodyflicks \n@SoWizardPodcast \nShow them some love!"} {"idx": 26701, "original_id": "1251037275640590336", "reply_id": "1251039592997777408", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I have all the talent to create a comic story just not the motivation"} {"idx": 26703, "original_id": "1251223649098633217", "reply_id": "1251256936651243524", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "What do you guys think of Jake Fromm and a potential fit with the Patriots?"} {"idx": 26704, "original_id": "1250805210097696768", "reply_id": "1251087697831251968", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My 16 yr old said a long time ago China created this COVID-19 virus to take out some of their population because they are overpopulated I think he might be right and then it just got out of hand & they couldn’t control it"} {"idx": 26711, "original_id": "1250829503783297024", "reply_id": "1250970381554339840", "label": "applause", "text": "i actually starts writing again omg it's been awhile"} {"idx": 26712, "original_id": "1250848676500692993", "reply_id": "1250850486959271936", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Might fuck around and make some BANANA BREAD"} {"idx": 26713, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250985515740008448", "label": "sigh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 26714, "original_id": "1251232110280609792", "reply_id": "1251232392859267074", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Happy #Friday @ForestAvenuePS @PeelSchools @portcreditdotca. Let’s have our #danceParty on Twitter. Tweet us your favorite #dance move with a GIF or short video."} {"idx": 26716, "original_id": "1251214317694918656", "reply_id": "1251216927629938689", "label": "applause", "text": "YOU: So I'm thinking about buying some classical music\nME: Well, just make sure you remember to bring your \nChopin Liszt RS"} {"idx": 26717, "original_id": "1250993547995643904", "reply_id": "1250994297475928064", "label": "wink", "text": "Dame Chocolate"} {"idx": 26718, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251013024455864320", "label": "no", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 26721, "original_id": "1251259343812661249", "reply_id": "1251259568870641670", "label": "wink", "text": "@_KingNeek ok avi. I am looking respectively"} {"idx": 26724, "original_id": "1250829290796613634", "reply_id": "1251069421549957121", "label": "agree", "text": "My rather depressing takeaway from that press briefing is that the Govt haven't got a clue when this #coronavirus crisis is going to end, but it certainly won't be any time soon."} {"idx": 26727, "original_id": "1250829683849146370", "reply_id": "1251063515076612097", "label": "scared", "text": "EVERYBODY BE QUIET, MY CAT IS SLEEPING"} {"idx": 26728, "original_id": "1251088382236729344", "reply_id": "1251170334025437186", "label": "no", "text": "Is dipping your toast in tea acceptable?"} {"idx": 26729, "original_id": "1250944880525873155", "reply_id": "1250945584132952064", "label": "wink", "text": "I don't have a dirty mind \n\nI have a sexy imagination"} {"idx": 26730, "original_id": "1250811549381529600", "reply_id": "1250919502038040581", "label": "applause", "text": "I have stopped sleeping with women I didn't see a future with for the sake of my own peace & healing process. I used to have pointless sex & entertain women to distract myself from my real life problems & found myself feeling even worse after having sex. I'm never going back."} {"idx": 26731, "original_id": "1251043786370822149", "reply_id": "1251257994400141312", "label": "want", "text": "I’m feening for alcohol"} {"idx": 26734, "original_id": "1250902698452570113", "reply_id": "1250905065361039361", "label": "smh", "text": "It’s 2020 and I am still untangling earbuds 🙄"} {"idx": 26739, "original_id": "1251101824800751616", "reply_id": "1251218599773179915", "label": "applause", "text": "I have news."} {"idx": 26746, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251033341647704069", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 26747, "original_id": "1250916949011374080", "reply_id": "1251008764335001600", "label": "smh", "text": "Which woman of color will Biden pick for VP?"} {"idx": 26750, "original_id": "1251146490895982595", "reply_id": "1251147978401669122", "label": "no", "text": "moots am i annoying"} {"idx": 26751, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251117702124429312", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 26757, "original_id": "1250996431000932358", "reply_id": "1250996911802396672", "label": "oops", "text": "How Y’all Appearance Holding Up ? Cause Babyyyy I - ..."} {"idx": 26760, "original_id": "1250884135431761920", "reply_id": "1250884309545881600", "label": "agree", "text": "@Raneiria8 I CANT WAIT ANYMORE BRUH!!! Tomorrow needs to hurry bro🤩🤟🏽💛‼️"} {"idx": 26762, "original_id": "1250898598906101760", "reply_id": "1251111565383925762", "label": "seriously", "text": "The haters and trolls are out in FULL FORCE today in my comments, but idgaf.\n\nI'm making cool videos, streaming games I am having fun with, and my REAL community members are having a blast! Loving it! ✌"} {"idx": 26765, "original_id": "1251015796161228801", "reply_id": "1251201250709975050", "label": "yes", "text": "So I get a DM about ordering a shirt. This person is apprehensive about sending money. Says they have be been burned before. So, the question is ..can I be trusted to send them what the ordered? #LivePD #LivePDFans #livepdnation"} {"idx": 26769, "original_id": "1250988913944137729", "reply_id": "1250989139895496705", "label": "shocked", "text": "I don’t understand y’all Sagittarius confusing asf"} {"idx": 26772, "original_id": "1250870145645514754", "reply_id": "1251157157623390215", "label": "applause", "text": "Courage."} {"idx": 26776, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251120241712734208", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 26778, "original_id": "1251199775350886400", "reply_id": "1251215035495563264", "label": "no", "text": "Grown men prefer crunchy peanut butter over creamy and there is no debate"} {"idx": 26779, "original_id": "1250907502042021888", "reply_id": "1250908775202140167", "label": "hug", "text": "I am really hitting a low spot today :("} {"idx": 26781, "original_id": "1251150545835814912", "reply_id": "1251174304739405825", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "You can’t deny that Shukla is actually very intelligent...if you are still not influenced by him that means you are an intelligent person too !"} {"idx": 26782, "original_id": "1251197413093781508", "reply_id": "1251232474501279744", "label": "hug", "text": "Virtually hug a headbanger this weekend, we are going to need it"} {"idx": 26783, "original_id": "1250163635298566144", "reply_id": "1250906978920120321", "label": "agree", "text": "i cant stop eating breadsticks"} {"idx": 26786, "original_id": "1250851611779297280", "reply_id": "1250882080029868038", "label": "yolo", "text": "Can I please meet all my Twitter friends in real life asap please?\n\nYou wonderful people are magic. 🥰"} {"idx": 26788, "original_id": "1251128215881613313", "reply_id": "1251131977190825985", "label": "agree", "text": "While it's right for the @MDCAllianceZW to cooperate with govt to combat the #coronavirus, not least because the party controls 28 out of 32 urban councils in Zimbabwe, that cooperation should not hand a blank cheque to Mnangagwa, whose handling of #COVID19 has been scandalous!"} {"idx": 26790, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250992653279395842", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 26792, "original_id": "1250964274622590979", "reply_id": "1251088488356818944", "label": "applause", "text": "When it comes to the meat of President Trump’s pandemic plans, I’ve seen more on a bleached, picked-over stray cattle carcass left for months in the Texas sun."} {"idx": 26794, "original_id": "1250842066898374656", "reply_id": "1251170240244965383", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "maybe I should take on modeling"} {"idx": 26796, "original_id": "1251130445896364032", "reply_id": "1251131105668812802", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug pliss?😔"} {"idx": 26799, "original_id": "1250901876259897346", "reply_id": "1250902549571518466", "label": "hug", "text": "Was put on an involuntary leave of absence from work effective on\n\n4/20/2020.....This will be quite the memorable birthday. 😕\n\nI’m ok. Not really super mad or super sad. Just okay. \n\nVirtual hugs would be appreciated 💜"} {"idx": 26807, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250951844160868352", "label": "applause", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 26808, "original_id": "1251173081038585856", "reply_id": "1251205273810808833", "label": "agree", "text": "It is my professional opinion that most country music is offensively stupid. I will not be taking questions at this time."} {"idx": 26811, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251233887847677953", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 26812, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250906144349904896", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 26813, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251073360940990466", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 26814, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1251040536246583302", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 26819, "original_id": "1250827524256305153", "reply_id": "1251064054208253952", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I am hearing more and more talk about preparedness for future pandemics, virtually NONE of which includes any meaningful consideration of the metabolic and nutritional health of our population or the massive role this has played in our current pandemic. Time for a paradigm shift."} {"idx": 26821, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251212003605086208", "label": "eww", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 26823, "original_id": "1251209263864672257", "reply_id": "1251212338432102405", "label": "hug", "text": "So I knew it was coming, but now everything is confirmed. I'm getting laid off in May. At least it means a bit of a break, sorta? Saying goodbye sucks though, especially when we can't even meet face-to-face. I'll try not to dwell on it."} {"idx": 26824, "original_id": "1251185778786545665", "reply_id": "1251222066881277953", "label": "shocked", "text": "Day 123466 of Quarantine: I sniffed a bottle of nail polish remover Bc I miss the smell of a nail salon 💅🏽"} {"idx": 26825, "original_id": "1251235713414123521", "reply_id": "1251250011700105219", "label": "applause", "text": "The president’s statements this morning encourage illegal and dangerous acts. He is putting millions of people in danger of contracting COVID-19. \n\nHis unhinged rantings and calls for people to “liberate” states could also lead to violence. We’ve seen it before. 1/7"} {"idx": 26827, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250858016649310208", "label": "eww", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 26830, "original_id": "1251009140157288448", "reply_id": "1251109298459021313", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m ready to settle down and commit to one individual."} {"idx": 26831, "original_id": "1251227049001353216", "reply_id": "1251240725959766016", "label": "applause", "text": "hozier's hands send tweet"} {"idx": 26832, "original_id": "1250995068372058112", "reply_id": "1251003737256022016", "label": "smh", "text": "Might be an unpopular take, but I like the 2017 “The Justice League “."} {"idx": 26834, "original_id": "1251043435106230272", "reply_id": "1251222277355528192", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I don’t get the appeal of unranked to gm watching streamers stomp low level players isn’t fun and you aren’t going to learn anything. Like if I go in plat I’m going to sit in back line 24/7 solokilling people but that’s not how you climb. If a plat player does it they just feed."} {"idx": 26837, "original_id": "1251132325091516425", "reply_id": "1251135743948447746", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s officially been a month since I’ve gone out 😅"} {"idx": 26839, "original_id": "1251151796946395139", "reply_id": "1251153595937878017", "label": "awww", "text": "I'm 100% long equities and own lots of gold and silver. I don't short anything. For some reason I get sad when markets are up. I am much happier when markets are getting crushed and people lose money. Am I a Ted Bundy Psychopath?"} {"idx": 26841, "original_id": "1251270937724350464", "reply_id": "1251272442162475008", "label": "win", "text": "weekly @40ozcult stream? 👀"} {"idx": 26847, "original_id": "1250968262923423750", "reply_id": "1250969308320149506", "label": "eww", "text": "Continually getting more Platonist."} {"idx": 26850, "original_id": "1251228087276142598", "reply_id": "1251232657347956738", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "When man said \"you dey find audience, you get content?\" I felt that 🤧"} {"idx": 26853, "original_id": "1251209597689278464", "reply_id": "1251239672648552449", "label": "no", "text": "Someone needs to mask & glove DJT up & take him into a NYC hospital to SEE the patients on respirators & ventilators, look at the tired, harried eyes of the health workers over their masks...do you think it would make him feel anything even close to compassion?\n@realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 26855, "original_id": "1251147727552966657", "reply_id": "1251149081742696451", "label": "no", "text": "ksi the biggest artist in the uk and no one can tell me otherwise."} {"idx": 26856, "original_id": "1250899064268488707", "reply_id": "1250900346785927168", "label": "please", "text": "i’m actually bored so reply to this for the screenrecord thingy . 😂👉🏽👈🏽"} {"idx": 26860, "original_id": "1251179216143605765", "reply_id": "1251179640040886273", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My ex got married yesterday. Should I send them a card or just the screenshots of him trying to get me back when they were dating ?"} {"idx": 26861, "original_id": "1250954958297579520", "reply_id": "1250967997717626882", "label": "scared", "text": "Quarantine means my wife and I having deep disagreements on whether or not we like the redesign on a show she’s watching. It’s not even our house!!"} {"idx": 26863, "original_id": "1250834065223061504", "reply_id": "1250853059539894274", "label": "ok", "text": "Roll somethin and get the day started."} {"idx": 26865, "original_id": "1250794456720293890", "reply_id": "1250869085564481537", "label": "agree", "text": "Quite a few inspirational accounts have me blocked. \nWho would’ve thought sucking dick isn’t inspirational."} {"idx": 26867, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250854891259658241", "label": "seriously", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 26871, "original_id": "1251006027375562753", "reply_id": "1251006624132673537", "label": "agree", "text": "hooplah"} {"idx": 26872, "original_id": "1251113836028981248", "reply_id": "1251114260173918208", "label": "applause", "text": "@The_Galaxy_Fox \nPlease, thanks, yes please, no thanks, I'm sorry, I'll pass thanks\nSome things the girls never learnt"} {"idx": 26875, "original_id": "1251205235491643394", "reply_id": "1251214756536451073", "label": "idk", "text": "@castaneto @DemonicSlabs @Ghostfromthepi1 when are you lovely people going live I miss your voices 😝"} {"idx": 26877, "original_id": "1251211423281274880", "reply_id": "1251217398247706624", "label": "shrug", "text": "TL awake? Cool \n\nI scoop food from the middle first🥴"} {"idx": 26884, "original_id": "1250943380361797638", "reply_id": "1250955563963486208", "label": "dance", "text": "Baby is going to be a Gemini and I just checked mine and his daddy’s compatibility with him. Just like I thought. They’re going to get along better 😠"} {"idx": 26889, "original_id": "1251242191814565896", "reply_id": "1251242842284068869", "label": "yes", "text": "My og da realest on my team fr🖤💯"} {"idx": 26891, "original_id": "1250771967457636358", "reply_id": "1251023341609074689", "label": "ok", "text": "i cant post one of those 'me at 20' photos because im only 19 :("} {"idx": 26895, "original_id": "1250967564127219712", "reply_id": "1250969154083074049", "label": "hug", "text": "I really want some affection rn ☹️"} {"idx": 26896, "original_id": "1250892965251350530", "reply_id": "1250926918804914176", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Imagine say your phone spoil now.\n\nHow you go fix am for this lockdown?"} {"idx": 26898, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250882051135291393", "label": "please", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 26900, "original_id": "1250596166129070081", "reply_id": "1250836404369649665", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Reply to this post with your GIF reaction if Jake Hager wins the AEW Championship on #AEWDynamite \n\n⬇️⬇️⬇️"} {"idx": 26901, "original_id": "1251162664572600324", "reply_id": "1251164496652988420", "label": "thank_you", "text": "wishing everyone a good day 💖"} {"idx": 26902, "original_id": "1251135600062652417", "reply_id": "1251242778220277762", "label": "yawn", "text": "As we stay at home and learn of our fellow citizens dying, every medical expert tells US the same thing. To begin returning to normalcy we need massive testing. That the richest country on the planet is incapable of providing those tests means only one thing: We have no leader."} {"idx": 26903, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250890329575682048", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 26907, "original_id": "1251142641523146752", "reply_id": "1251143120403791874", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Follow Friday auto @‘s #FF\n\n@BlueJaysDad \n\n@Shaylarz \n\n@biggles14 \n\n@TheHeatherEm \n\n@BlueJays \n\n@lawandchocolate \n\n@EmilyCWaldon \n\n@TLuvsBaseball \n\n@0fficialStacey \n\n@pnaught13\n\n@DSteciuk\n\n@mndaisybelle\n\n@_nadinevictoria\n\n@Banditman39\n\n@foreverlys\n\n@mitchel_susan\n\n@JodiesJumpsuit"} {"idx": 26910, "original_id": "1251226466743840770", "reply_id": "1251240672021016577", "label": "agree", "text": "Is it appropriate to email your teacher and tell them you don’t want to do an assignment? Asking for well.... me hah"} {"idx": 26911, "original_id": "1250851434490445824", "reply_id": "1250851522453348353", "label": "hug", "text": "All i need is a 12 hour hug🙏🏼"} {"idx": 26912, "original_id": "1251000476801400832", "reply_id": "1251080978317148160", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Should I go annoy Jarred in his room while he plays 2k...yes or no"} {"idx": 26914, "original_id": "1251056628025221120", "reply_id": "1251198603382730752", "label": "oops", "text": "Why am I crying so much watching the Disney family sing a long 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 26915, "original_id": "1250889584197529600", "reply_id": "1250902142379888640", "label": "applause", "text": "Booked. 🙀 #grateful ✌🏼"} {"idx": 26917, "original_id": "1251248944132177923", "reply_id": "1251249034423087105", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Thinking of some bait to throw on the TL"} {"idx": 26920, "original_id": "1250893985612279808", "reply_id": "1251218371502379009", "label": "yes", "text": "I found a jar of pumpkin soup in the freezer from early December. Is that still edible??"} {"idx": 26921, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251086260388544513", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 26929, "original_id": "1251204720229781505", "reply_id": "1251262881011728395", "label": "popcorn", "text": "today's Trump Propaganda Show is going to be off the fucking rails"} {"idx": 26933, "original_id": "1251126997864062976", "reply_id": "1251127564543897602", "label": "eww", "text": "“Amazing effort from national hero (multiple times over) Captain Tom, who has raised £130,000 for each 50m length he has walked...\n\nMind you, that lazy c@@t,Mesut Ozil has been achieving that very same figure for the past 6 years.”\n#afc 😂😂😂🤡"} {"idx": 26936, "original_id": "1250999074838343680", "reply_id": "1250999863543762944", "label": "eww", "text": "~Some Personal News~\n\nI wore jeans and a belt all day today."} {"idx": 26939, "original_id": "1250849564707430400", "reply_id": "1250849731439460352", "label": "applause", "text": "It does not matter if you are Left or Right or Center. Or anything. If you are a human, you deserve to go FIRST! #BailoutHumansNOW"} {"idx": 26940, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251189855754817542", "label": "omg", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 26941, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250862951428431878", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 26942, "original_id": "1250868723881213958", "reply_id": "1250871405719302144", "label": "scared", "text": "At the moment, access to the game may be difficult or absent due to problems of our host provider. We are taking all necessary measures to stabilize the situation #EscapefromTarkov"} {"idx": 26943, "original_id": "1250862984529874945", "reply_id": "1250863457966137344", "label": "please", "text": "What if I told you I was done being a pharmacist?"} {"idx": 26945, "original_id": "1250891092372799488", "reply_id": "1250908790196748288", "label": "applause", "text": "Looking forward to the Valorant stream tonight 👹"} {"idx": 26948, "original_id": "1250793377571856384", "reply_id": "1250879115592380427", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Nearly everytime I sit to write, i hear a voice in my head say \"Eryka that's basic common knowledge, people already know this, you're not adding any value\" \n\nToday, i tell that voice to shutup cause common sense isn't common practice and ideas are spread only when shared."} {"idx": 26949, "original_id": "1250937007234154498", "reply_id": "1250938048709156869", "label": "applause", "text": "One month strong going without underwire. Who knew quarantine could offer so much freedom"} {"idx": 26955, "original_id": "1251250985961320448", "reply_id": "1251261582388146177", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel Loved"} {"idx": 26958, "original_id": "1250903454614241282", "reply_id": "1250903625360121856", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Y’all are hazardously horny."} {"idx": 26959, "original_id": "1250952830002900992", "reply_id": "1250954222964596736", "label": "yes", "text": "#AZSsen @OHPredictive Poll:\n\nKelly 51 (+2 Since last month)\nMcSally 42 (-)"} {"idx": 26960, "original_id": "1250519850486845445", "reply_id": "1250874902686470149", "label": "want", "text": "Macho Randy quarantine show if the people want it lmk"} {"idx": 26962, "original_id": "1251055834194305025", "reply_id": "1251107117676797952", "label": "agree", "text": "I really do look and feel better at my age now than I ever did in my young twenties. I am a hotter angel now than I was filming Borderlands ten years ago"} {"idx": 26963, "original_id": "1251214526139305986", "reply_id": "1251258200982269954", "label": "no", "text": "Anyone want to admit how much weight they’ve gained since quarantine started?😬🙋🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 26965, "original_id": "1250966973225132032", "reply_id": "1250983041964445698", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Waitlisted for dragon con.. oh well, maybe next year <3"} {"idx": 26966, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250834251009994756", "label": "scared", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 26970, "original_id": "1250849067623743489", "reply_id": "1250867081089822723", "label": "agree", "text": "This would be a GREAT time for Whose Line is it Anyway to be on @netflix or @hulu FIGURE IT OUT PEOPLE"} {"idx": 26972, "original_id": "1250803024194342912", "reply_id": "1250843670754070531", "label": "agree", "text": "Drake writes lazy lyrics... “basically I’m saying either way we ‘bout to slide” 🥴"} {"idx": 26975, "original_id": "1251158583783251971", "reply_id": "1251186864490459136", "label": "hug", "text": "Today hasn’t been going great. First my health was shit (it’s okay now), I kept dropping things or running into them, nothing really worked and now a car drove past me with two middle finger stickers and the sign “see u in hell”. I just.. I give up for today."} {"idx": 26978, "original_id": "1250966930380316672", "reply_id": "1250967525178904577", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "guys i still need my gallbladder taken out so if anyones a low key surgeon and wants to just like come over one afternoon? I can make you a sandwhich and I think we have some goldfish leftover. hmu."} {"idx": 26984, "original_id": "1250835770060898305", "reply_id": "1250836648473972737", "label": "agree", "text": "I love smoking weed 2 the TURTLE part n the movie FINDING NEMO....Fillmoe🥃"} {"idx": 26985, "original_id": "1251191082634883077", "reply_id": "1251198775533674498", "label": "agree", "text": "If government say stay at home, I will obey. If hunger say go outside, I will obey... They're both leaders😜😜😜\n\nWhat's your take?"} {"idx": 26989, "original_id": "1250914045273821195", "reply_id": "1251026856083668993", "label": "hug", "text": "Positive Maud, positive."} {"idx": 26991, "original_id": "1250786150438100992", "reply_id": "1250886142372831242", "label": "agree", "text": "Our borders were open and we gave you a home, an education, employment, and a future\nMany many thousands were grateful and have welcomed the British way of life and we respect you and accept you too\nthank you\nThe ungrateful race baiters can f##k off\nWe're not racist\nYou are"} {"idx": 26992, "original_id": "1250905566379196423", "reply_id": "1251179655932997632", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "When a student asks their parent to buy the book they are listening to you read aloud in videos you are posting, you know you’re doing one thing right. #DistanceLearning2020 #IhavenoideawhatIamdoing"} {"idx": 26995, "original_id": "1250834531956989955", "reply_id": "1250870925622497281", "label": "awww", "text": "Also: Jalen Green told @ChrisBHaynes that he would’ve picked Memphis if he chose the college route."} {"idx": 26996, "original_id": "1251146869289320449", "reply_id": "1251192866787020803", "label": "agree", "text": "I am not apologizing ! Or initiating the conversation"} {"idx": 26999, "original_id": "1251063219990466561", "reply_id": "1251195445520498695", "label": "smh", "text": "Did I just see the word grit and rigor mentioned on an edu thread in the middle of a pandemic. People, please right now Maslow before Blooms!!! This is what keeps me up at night!!! #teachertruth #mentalhealth"} {"idx": 27000, "original_id": "1250561528606187521", "reply_id": "1250956577319813122", "label": "hug", "text": "I need some help from some of my BH Sisters out there . Im going through some personal issues right now and I need a lot of prayers and a lot of #twugs today . I feel my life is spinning out of control and I can't stop it ."} {"idx": 27001, "original_id": "1250570358006132736", "reply_id": "1251002240682397696", "label": "facepalm", "text": "When this shit is all over I want to have a pub night with: \n\n@michael20270505 \n@jespopo \n@itsJeffTiedrich \n@crimegarden \n@StephattheWhig \n@DwnDak \n@AoDespair \n@alancross \n@coffeeandvinyl1 \n@saints_gambit \n@420iloveweed \n@RaeOfLite \n@TheRickWilson"} {"idx": 27003, "original_id": "1250955693504573442", "reply_id": "1250975437230129159", "label": "thank_you", "text": "if you're reading this you're a fucking legend."} {"idx": 27004, "original_id": "1251225768568467459", "reply_id": "1251226285730390017", "label": "hug", "text": "I need to talk to a virtual doctor to get paid leave from work but I’m so terrified of talking to anyone, especially a doctor it gets my anxiety going like crazy. I’m gonna do it, eventually"} {"idx": 27005, "original_id": "1250882654171394048", "reply_id": "1250904017141710855", "label": "omg", "text": "been neck deep in labs, daydreaming and fine tuning The Lockdown Mixtape: INSIDE FOR THE PEOPLE ....this thing is BANG. ING. nice & deep and comin to you soon 😜🤘🙏📡❤️"} {"idx": 27006, "original_id": "1250854089652678656", "reply_id": "1250877180881637378", "label": "yes", "text": "BREAKING: President Trump's approval rating has just fallen an astounding 6 points in the the last month, to just 43%, according to the latest Gallup poll.\n\nIt turns out the Americans simply don't approve of his handling of the #coronavirus"} {"idx": 27010, "original_id": "1251196197836066819", "reply_id": "1251208296993824769", "label": "sigh", "text": "OFFICIAL: San Diego Comic-Con officially CANCELLED for this year. Will resume in 2021"} {"idx": 27012, "original_id": "1251186663931498503", "reply_id": "1251189938055413761", "label": "hug", "text": "Roses are red. Violets are blue. Covid-19 canceling everything except my feelings for YOU."} {"idx": 27015, "original_id": "1251141432515100673", "reply_id": "1251169470334357506", "label": "high_five", "text": "But i don’t have a gag reflex"} {"idx": 27016, "original_id": "1250912042623606790", "reply_id": "1250947016982769665", "label": "ok", "text": "Watching this Sparks vs Lynx game 1 from 2016 really makes me Maya😩"} {"idx": 27019, "original_id": "1250940138600816640", "reply_id": "1250941135998066689", "label": "dance", "text": "unfollowing spree comment to stay moots"} {"idx": 27023, "original_id": "1250753667436863488", "reply_id": "1251011299997364227", "label": "applause", "text": "I AM 90 DAYS SOBER TODAY!!"} {"idx": 27024, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251224167590039554", "label": "please", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 27025, "original_id": "1250626323548041218", "reply_id": "1250856707929997312", "label": "applause", "text": "Fuck blondes"} {"idx": 27026, "original_id": "1251201279382171650", "reply_id": "1251215480125358086", "label": "applause", "text": "Gov. Cuomo on Trump: \"He's doing nothing … All he's doing is walking in front of the parade.\""} {"idx": 27029, "original_id": "1250844569945718784", "reply_id": "1250955223947935745", "label": "yes", "text": "Trying to see if gigabit internet could be a possibility....."} {"idx": 27031, "original_id": "1250935929172135936", "reply_id": "1250937503378366464", "label": "agree", "text": "Alright, covid. Enough. You’ve had your time to shine. It’s been fun. Let’s move on now."} {"idx": 27036, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251027495857471488", "label": "oops", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 27039, "original_id": "1251223307883630592", "reply_id": "1251226222631063552", "label": "hug", "text": "Going to be off Twitter for a bit. Better for my mental health right right now."} {"idx": 27045, "original_id": "1251244461637672964", "reply_id": "1251249840744361985", "label": "agree", "text": "Oh and I block ALL Trump supporters who are foolish enough to comment on a tweet of mine. I’m hardcore about that."} {"idx": 27047, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251244910780518400", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 27049, "original_id": "1250956387754094593", "reply_id": "1250973827795951621", "label": "win", "text": "Back in July of 2017 i switched to a cherry blue mechanical keyboard, leading to 3 years of ear raping my friends in discord today I bought a cherry red keyboard my friends ears can now stop bleeding in a week"} {"idx": 27050, "original_id": "1250924857262518273", "reply_id": "1250945331262619651", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "As President @realDonaldTrump laid out today, we have rapidly expanded testing with more than 3.5 million tests completed, the most in the world."} {"idx": 27051, "original_id": "1251033073040240640", "reply_id": "1251039941162708993", "label": "applause", "text": "“girl fuck him”"} {"idx": 27053, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251230445498490880", "label": "agree", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 27054, "original_id": "1251016833987117056", "reply_id": "1251022134652006400", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "i am not gonna wanna wake up for virtual school tomorrow"} {"idx": 27055, "original_id": "1251111418067324928", "reply_id": "1251128312837083136", "label": "agree", "text": "some things just shouldnt be on a snapchat story tho"} {"idx": 27056, "original_id": "1250823392963551233", "reply_id": "1250883393983832080", "label": "high_five", "text": "I trust Dr. Pepper, Doctor Who (All 14!) and Dr. Dre all day before #DrOz."} {"idx": 27057, "original_id": "1250828765158092800", "reply_id": "1251035134364704768", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Imagine paying thousands of dollars on a pc to play a free game, just to complain about a 60$ controller"} {"idx": 27060, "original_id": "1251171881115365377", "reply_id": "1251259828225413123", "label": "no", "text": "I really want a baby, I’m ready!! 😩🤰🏽👶🏽"} {"idx": 27061, "original_id": "1250603189994323968", "reply_id": "1250865782734622720", "label": "hearts", "text": "Hi hello we had a baby yesterday🥺💗\n\nHer birth was a long, traumatic, and unexpected 3 day event so we are still just recovering and loving on our girl and we’ll post pictures and her birth story as soon as possible!\n\nThank you so much to all who have reached out🤍"} {"idx": 27067, "original_id": "1250859549088677888", "reply_id": "1250860060550578176", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m home alone and keep hearing things from upstairs i’m crying help😭"} {"idx": 27074, "original_id": "1251252774475640833", "reply_id": "1251253015459307522", "label": "awww", "text": "Hi, This is not a contest, sweepstakes or a giveaway like the GLEAM entries, this is me GIVING $ to supporters ❤️❤️🤑🤑 ❤️🤑🤑🤑 I just GIVE....that’s it...that’s what I’m all about."} {"idx": 27075, "original_id": "1251173347184041984", "reply_id": "1251179243377250311", "label": "applause", "text": "After 22 years on this planet, I finally made the perfect pancake. 🥞 #thanksquarantine"} {"idx": 27077, "original_id": "1251098425590009856", "reply_id": "1251099180447215616", "label": "wink", "text": "Happy Friday 🤸🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 27078, "original_id": "1250837201182765056", "reply_id": "1250917706372694028", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve been holding up really well, but it’s not gonna last. I’m frightened for my town and state. I’m afraid that people believe that the President really should have absolute power. I’m sad for my kids who are stuck with me all day. Good vibes are appreciated. Love to you all. ❤️"} {"idx": 27085, "original_id": "1250854903595044868", "reply_id": "1250855503833554946", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm trying to take care of myself and my mental health, but then I remember that my anxiety/the way I act when my anxiety is on high triggers my friends’ anxiety processes and I'm just 🙃🙃\n\nI just want to S C R E A M and faceplant and give everyone five dozen hugs."} {"idx": 27088, "original_id": "1250964459658588162", "reply_id": "1250964610641014784", "label": "awww", "text": "Sonja is the Joe Biden of the Housewives #RHONY"} {"idx": 27089, "original_id": "1250938771358416901", "reply_id": "1250939343822188546", "label": "hug", "text": "i am. so sleepy"} {"idx": 27091, "original_id": "1251142333929791490", "reply_id": "1251257458967883779", "label": "applause", "text": "so i bought the iphone.. yeh im disappointed in myself too"} {"idx": 27096, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250901907805294595", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 27097, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251240182893903874", "label": "agree", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 27100, "original_id": "1250844159684030468", "reply_id": "1250999251728883712", "label": "applause", "text": "Worst Gallup poll for Trump in 5 months: \n43% approval (-6)\n54% disapproval (+9)"} {"idx": 27103, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250993144096796673", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 27104, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251001206182297600", "label": "omg", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 27105, "original_id": "1251189967524704257", "reply_id": "1251192204477030404", "label": "yes", "text": "Today is a good day. My COVID19 test came back negative so I get to leave the house now. :D"} {"idx": 27106, "original_id": "1250622349340278786", "reply_id": "1250853111599693824", "label": "hearts", "text": "Had to write a haiku about clay for one of my classes. It reads, \n\"I break open this rock\nExpecting nothing but dust\nAnd yet I found clay\"\n\nInspired by Animal Crossing, yet speaks to an inner level of self-confidence."} {"idx": 27111, "original_id": "1251068744140496897", "reply_id": "1251069457532964865", "label": "oops", "text": "Always Lay Low. The less they know the better."} {"idx": 27116, "original_id": "1250940449252151299", "reply_id": "1251089008924524545", "label": "wink", "text": "Fun quarantine game: put a pillow over my face and hold me tight until I’m still."} {"idx": 27119, "original_id": "1251202277882441731", "reply_id": "1251204742727884802", "label": "agree", "text": "Are my drawings good? 😭"} {"idx": 27120, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251118331261681665", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 27122, "original_id": "1250991168554283010", "reply_id": "1250992879503360000", "label": "yes", "text": "Dr Phil and dr oz. guess they are on the payroll ?"} {"idx": 27126, "original_id": "1250948796894400520", "reply_id": "1250950692489101314", "label": "shocked", "text": "Guys vacuum sealed means a dick in every hole okay. For those asking.."} {"idx": 27127, "original_id": "1250844042172260356", "reply_id": "1250844305767510017", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "😱My heart is beating so fast right now for Lindiwe 🤒#etvScandal"} {"idx": 27129, "original_id": "1250886847414370310", "reply_id": "1250888975734235147", "label": "no", "text": "Breaking News: \n\nSancho brushed his teeth today so he’s definitely going to United."} {"idx": 27130, "original_id": "1250834226787778562", "reply_id": "1251260433794830347", "label": "hug", "text": "I put a lot of energy into people, only to get very little in the same way back. Does that make me selfish? Am I being played the fool? Fed up of feeling used."} {"idx": 27131, "original_id": "1251129119171108864", "reply_id": "1251130432004993024", "label": "shrug", "text": "Did he really just block me"} {"idx": 27132, "original_id": "1250629388380536832", "reply_id": "1250955911243239425", "label": "agree", "text": "I am a senior at risk for COVID-19. If you think I'm going to start going out shopping, flying on planes, or staying in hotels without comprehensive testing, you're nuts. You'll have to restart the economy without me. I'd like to be able to watch my granddaughter grow up."} {"idx": 27133, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251137668768919557", "label": "scared", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 27135, "original_id": "1250845587169112064", "reply_id": "1250967280655060992", "label": "agree", "text": "Dr. Oz is a danger to public health. There's no other way to put it."} {"idx": 27136, "original_id": "1250853943896227840", "reply_id": "1250854207529328641", "label": "scared", "text": "Twitter is not an excuse for sin."} {"idx": 27137, "original_id": "1250833118929567744", "reply_id": "1250833544328482818", "label": "yes", "text": "do we like the new pfp? \n(even though i didn’t actually mean to change it and have now lost the other one 😳)"} {"idx": 27141, "original_id": "1251025757796659200", "reply_id": "1251026125301534720", "label": "shocked", "text": "i wanna write a chat fic in english again might re write มีนทิวา in the future"} {"idx": 27142, "original_id": "1251215547359997959", "reply_id": "1251217820286926848", "label": "seriously", "text": "Olanna bu chinch ooooooo! 🙆‍♀️Chukwu nna! Yes, my parents called me a chinch, but SURELY I couldn't possibly have been this bad. This girl na enye nsogbu! Such a restless spirit, I wonder where she got if from 😭"} {"idx": 27143, "original_id": "1250874140510257155", "reply_id": "1250874541825503234", "label": "idk", "text": "trying to figure out avatar stuff without knowing anything at all is a trip."} {"idx": 27145, "original_id": "1250911360550043649", "reply_id": "1250911879809191938", "label": "scared", "text": "I just ate an entire family sized meal... imma be so mad if I’m pregnant"} {"idx": 27148, "original_id": "1251039804273258496", "reply_id": "1251040021424959489", "label": "applause", "text": "Happy Friday! I am officially negative to #covid19 \n\nThank you for your beautiful messages.\n\nHave a restful and safe weekend. 🙏🏻"} {"idx": 27149, "original_id": "1251074966658965504", "reply_id": "1251178334094008320", "label": "no", "text": "Ok\nOwn up?\nWho voted for Starmer and Rayner?"} {"idx": 27150, "original_id": "1251046085524627456", "reply_id": "1251047159140671488", "label": "omg", "text": "hi do u come here often"} {"idx": 27157, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251168263943356416", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 27159, "original_id": "1250834472716697601", "reply_id": "1250836749619773440", "label": "omg", "text": "I had a dream isiah brought home 2 more dogs 😍"} {"idx": 27160, "original_id": "1250607378904436736", "reply_id": "1250894663915094018", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I already love Garcelle. And I’m obsessed with Sutton, who is giving me a southern Heather Dubrow vibe. #RHOBH"} {"idx": 27161, "original_id": "1250878135437942784", "reply_id": "1250943109388591104", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’ll eat a chlamydia infected vagina before I listen to Chance the Rapper."} {"idx": 27162, "original_id": "1250875006529286147", "reply_id": "1250957882025263104", "label": "win", "text": "Share a tip for sports betting"} {"idx": 27164, "original_id": "1250958497069457408", "reply_id": "1250985594013941763", "label": "agree", "text": "Fuck this shit, cuz"} {"idx": 27165, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1250957196457848832", "label": "applause", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 27168, "original_id": "1250884070483075079", "reply_id": "1250886045031424016", "label": "wink", "text": "Hmu bald boys"} {"idx": 27172, "original_id": "1250889951086022656", "reply_id": "1250890532034940928", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "7-0 and locked for top 8 in the Legacy Super Qualifier - lets see if I can get that invite this time!"} {"idx": 27176, "original_id": "1250884175210647554", "reply_id": "1250930433690349569", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Tesla is faster, but Ford is fastor."} {"idx": 27178, "original_id": "1251203943809630211", "reply_id": "1251204166371942408", "label": "hug", "text": "hug meEEEe pls i need it"} {"idx": 27182, "original_id": "1251196183634227209", "reply_id": "1251210908359176200", "label": "agree", "text": "Those who were left with nothing meaningful to do, they all migrated to @Twitter"} {"idx": 27183, "original_id": "1250668157653704704", "reply_id": "1250882706562527232", "label": "sigh", "text": "some people are meant to fall in love with each other but not meant to be together"} {"idx": 27187, "original_id": "1250561078410514438", "reply_id": "1251121612453076992", "label": "agree", "text": "Complete shame and humiliation should be cast on GOP Senators who voted to acquit this man."} {"idx": 27188, "original_id": "1250919688802054145", "reply_id": "1250941861558136833", "label": "eww", "text": "Nothing makes me feel more baby than watching people post photos of when they were 20 years old \n\nBecause I'm uhhh 21"} {"idx": 27189, "original_id": "1251130445896364032", "reply_id": "1251131377598119939", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug pliss?😔"} {"idx": 27190, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250883384705941504", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 27195, "original_id": "1250937582193696768", "reply_id": "1250942316132663297", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Stop sending me your trash ass sound cloud music."} {"idx": 27196, "original_id": "1251112761062555649", "reply_id": "1251127128487268353", "label": "applause", "text": "Just hit 2900 followers! Almost to 3k ;w;"} {"idx": 27197, "original_id": "1251059928267141120", "reply_id": "1251060690955243521", "label": "hug", "text": "a bitch just be wanting a hug man. yearn"} {"idx": 27199, "original_id": "1251221797384663041", "reply_id": "1251224158270369793", "label": "shocked", "text": "Right, someone help me out here.\n\nI can’t be the only person who has never seen an episode of Friends? 🤷🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 27200, "original_id": "1251208754713911296", "reply_id": "1251214766984626176", "label": "shocked", "text": "If we’re still on lockdown in the summer, I’m buying teeth grills cause fuck it."} {"idx": 27201, "original_id": "1250942166987419649", "reply_id": "1250973270771408896", "label": "agree", "text": "Why is iMessage gif search the worst?! Yes, I know there are more important things in the world to worry about, but it’s annoying. #iphone #imessage #gif #imessagegif #iphonegif"} {"idx": 27202, "original_id": "1250910722676097025", "reply_id": "1250911875749105668", "label": "high_five", "text": "imma need to drink a lot of vodka for the last ep"} {"idx": 27204, "original_id": "1251247415937515521", "reply_id": "1251261816962977792", "label": "yes", "text": "Sitting in a parked car outside a store to people watch is normal, right?"} {"idx": 27205, "original_id": "1250779442659692545", "reply_id": "1251000058054496257", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m sick of these f*cking MSNBC sh*t squirters polluting our God-given airwaves with their president-hating dreck! Now they’re promoting the subversive notion that Biden form an UNELECTED “shadow government” when he can’t even form a sentence. These people are out of their minds!"} {"idx": 27210, "original_id": "1250443005149892609", "reply_id": "1250941368832147457", "label": "hug", "text": "It's been one big day of bad news and disappointment so, even though it's 1am, I'm on the sofa under a blanket with my dogs, chocolate in hand and GoT on the TV. I'm pretty sure this is the cure to a bad day. 🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 27213, "original_id": "1250893178322014210", "reply_id": "1250893983624110081", "label": "hug", "text": "If I’m being honest. I need a hug"} {"idx": 27217, "original_id": "1250946639608635392", "reply_id": "1251163412584960002", "label": "agree", "text": "Finally came to my senses. Gerry Cinnamon is a stinking fenian bastard."} {"idx": 27219, "original_id": "1250854411393515520", "reply_id": "1250889422549254149", "label": "yes", "text": "I want to see a Godfather Epic style cut of BTTF 1-3. That would be 🔥. Do it @kevsmets !"} {"idx": 27220, "original_id": "1250576861618290688", "reply_id": "1251037349770743809", "label": "eww", "text": "Special thank you to all the trolls for having my alerts on still 💕💎 #RHOBH"} {"idx": 27224, "original_id": "1250883308004794370", "reply_id": "1250884568955129862", "label": "awww", "text": "I keep on yawning the whole day....once i reach the bed i’m sleepless"} {"idx": 27226, "original_id": "1251175127338737664", "reply_id": "1251267155452198912", "label": "seriously", "text": "This morning my wife broke our coffee pot. The world is ending and now I don’t even have coffee. \nNot good here today. Oh man whyyyyy coffee pot whyyy!?!"} {"idx": 27227, "original_id": "1250870122295603200", "reply_id": "1251132616343990274", "label": "omg", "text": "Thanks for the pussy shot, however I believe you have a yeast infection🤢"} {"idx": 27232, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251043404974186496", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 27233, "original_id": "1250774725615378432", "reply_id": "1251123587068592128", "label": "smh", "text": "I had to stop listening to a podcast because the host did not understand why it was foul for a 16 year old and 21 year old to be dating."} {"idx": 27237, "original_id": "1251145579607977990", "reply_id": "1251160464249155587", "label": "please", "text": "About 3 more hours & i will have a 2nd winner picked, Good Luck Everyone.."} {"idx": 27238, "original_id": "1251122618993958914", "reply_id": "1251159326447689732", "label": "hug", "text": "Today's a write off. Had a horrendous phonecall earlier. Time for trash movies, ffxiv and tator tots."} {"idx": 27240, "original_id": "1250890926500786176", "reply_id": "1250897044790706176", "label": "smh", "text": "Gin tastes like drinking ethanol straight"} {"idx": 27244, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251184654763225088", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 27245, "original_id": "1251068912197828608", "reply_id": "1251152691956342796", "label": "agree", "text": "To the single people that live alone I hope you know you’re not alone right now. I know it’s hard, but we will get through this, and someday soon... we will all be on a terrible Tinder date again. ❤️"} {"idx": 27246, "original_id": "1251152773623640066", "reply_id": "1251170076339961857", "label": "wink", "text": "yenelia wanna get slapped like why is her phone off?!"} {"idx": 27248, "original_id": "1250648013577609216", "reply_id": "1250918037118685184", "label": "seriously", "text": "the glee cast poker face is bad and doesnt make sense"} {"idx": 27249, "original_id": "1250926648687550464", "reply_id": "1250926810654814209", "label": "agree", "text": "Donald Trump's new plan\n\nPhase One: lie\n\nPhase Two: cheat\n\nPhase Three: steal"} {"idx": 27250, "original_id": "1250932072086151173", "reply_id": "1250936217337843715", "label": "hug", "text": "I was having such a good day and then I found screenshots of texts between my ex and I in the aftermath of our breakup and it sent me spiraling and now I’m riding high on the corner of Mentally Ill Street and Panic Avenue"} {"idx": 27251, "original_id": "1251069928599404544", "reply_id": "1251151994993033222", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Me working: ᴵ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵈᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵒʳᵏ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ..."} {"idx": 27252, "original_id": "1251026007634526209", "reply_id": "1251026227248300032", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "My friend just sent me $24,000 stimulus check in animal crossing 🥺🥺"} {"idx": 27253, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250924626458349569", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 27255, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250878474228809728", "label": "omg", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 27256, "original_id": "1250847677979467777", "reply_id": "1250848124735815680", "label": "agree", "text": "Creative people tend to be more arrogant."} {"idx": 27257, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250866079083253765", "label": "happy_dance", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 27260, "original_id": "1251133496250245129", "reply_id": "1251158770912071684", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "trying not to think about you"} {"idx": 27264, "original_id": "1250909143646568450", "reply_id": "1251228079302692865", "label": "yawn", "text": "Just want to thank yall for letting me be silly and rant today during this hangover. I'm gonna probably delete Twitter soon though 😂😬😂"} {"idx": 27265, "original_id": "1250843270726463488", "reply_id": "1250896728091475971", "label": "eww", "text": "Imagine having a child, loving them, thinking you raised them right, just for them to go off to Sam Hous-🤮 can’t even say it"} {"idx": 27268, "original_id": "1250920071708454916", "reply_id": "1250925263912931328", "label": "no", "text": "Pool party for my b day officially cancelled due to covid 19"} {"idx": 27272, "original_id": "1250538232644694016", "reply_id": "1250853699322167297", "label": "applause", "text": "u know who is suffering right now. the paparazzi. ain’t got no one to shoot. some outside my house right now. waiting waiting for a walk that will never happen. a nipple that will never fall out. I think...I think I will give them a nipple"} {"idx": 27276, "original_id": "1250927799163998208", "reply_id": "1250954457854197765", "label": "agree", "text": "Everybody on Judge Judy lies"} {"idx": 27277, "original_id": "1250928228480323584", "reply_id": "1250928619196608512", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "If I’m ever stalked on Twitter, they won’t find anything because my life is boring and I only tweet @ja9err"} {"idx": 27280, "original_id": "1250908794537771012", "reply_id": "1250909291206389780", "label": "shrug", "text": "Trump, on script, begins by saying they have undertaken the country's greatest mobilization \"since World War II.\" He says they have unleashed the \"most potent weapon of all\": Americans' courage. He tells people who've lost loved ones that their pain is our pain."} {"idx": 27284, "original_id": "1250969322085744640", "reply_id": "1250986937013489670", "label": "applause", "text": "FYI: Twitter has suspended our presidential account at @howiehawkins20, so we're communicating solely from this account for the moment. We are not sure if @twitter will accept our appeal. Stay tuned!"} {"idx": 27292, "original_id": "1251230378443935745", "reply_id": "1251275141817856000", "label": "shocked", "text": "Would you believe me\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\nIf I told you\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\nWe just played cheaters in Trials? \n😮"} {"idx": 27293, "original_id": "1250923095013105668", "reply_id": "1250989287576948743", "label": "no", "text": "We're working complete skeleton shifts in the lab and somehow I got assigned to work on Monday 4/20 😒"} {"idx": 27294, "original_id": "1250897986235727872", "reply_id": "1250898094775865344", "label": "no", "text": "should i fuck it and download tik tok??"} {"idx": 27296, "original_id": "1251147092539568130", "reply_id": "1251171567603761155", "label": "ok", "text": "Im not going to do any uni work... To show my support for the NHS staff🙌🏽"} {"idx": 27298, "original_id": "1251066047383449601", "reply_id": "1251066777599184896", "label": "smh", "text": "You thought your isolation trim was bad.😳😂"} {"idx": 27300, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250882379729821698", "label": "smh", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 27303, "original_id": "1251254204095705091", "reply_id": "1251265101602205696", "label": "agree", "text": "Just want the Premier League season to start already...I miss @Arsenal so much! #Arsenal #COYG 😭❤️"} {"idx": 27305, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250990141822373890", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 27308, "original_id": "1250822936367374337", "reply_id": "1250914941776867330", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "What a time to be going through a breakup, right into lockdown and isolated 😍 love that 😍!!!!!!"} {"idx": 27309, "original_id": "1251038418525655040", "reply_id": "1251039607967436800", "label": "applause", "text": "DABABY HAS HIT NEW LEVELS WITH THIS ALBUM 🥶"} {"idx": 27310, "original_id": "1250957661585256453", "reply_id": "1250981109548097536", "label": "popcorn", "text": "An episode is dropping in the morning. A special surprise that you will want to listen to."} {"idx": 27314, "original_id": "1250809372185419776", "reply_id": "1250906457446498310", "label": "yes", "text": "Why do MAGAts always talk about owning the libs? Is it because they can no longer own slaves?"} {"idx": 27316, "original_id": "1250954561692618753", "reply_id": "1250957846063316992", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I would trade someone two slices of healthy bread for two slices of white wonder bread just so I can eat one single solitary soothing proper peanut butter sandwich."} {"idx": 27320, "original_id": "1250922814179246081", "reply_id": "1250926279580356609", "label": "applause", "text": "I lived, bitch\n\n(...maybe next time...)"} {"idx": 27321, "original_id": "1251145936845156354", "reply_id": "1251146156324687874", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I used to be jealous of Harry Potter for being able to talk to snakes but it turns out I been doing it for years now"} {"idx": 27324, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250940775896174594", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 27325, "original_id": "1251037372780875777", "reply_id": "1251077983722450949", "label": "applause", "text": "I abstained from alcohol for 72 hours. I need a slow clap please."} {"idx": 27327, "original_id": "1251054742400151552", "reply_id": "1251054895127359488", "label": "high_five", "text": "Just hifi'ed my right hand to my left hand."} {"idx": 27330, "original_id": "1250507422973771776", "reply_id": "1251160022559502336", "label": "wink", "text": "There’s somethin about getting my girls work selfies 🥵😍🥴"} {"idx": 27333, "original_id": "1250828769042092033", "reply_id": "1250861206866362373", "label": "eww", "text": "Crazy Nancy is about as likable as pubic hair covered Honey Bun! 😳😂"} {"idx": 27335, "original_id": "1250866399121158144", "reply_id": "1250866854928822275", "label": "high_five", "text": "Pissing everyone >>>>>>>> pleasing everyone"} {"idx": 27338, "original_id": "1250887248259637248", "reply_id": "1251009949502595072", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "You ever get so drunk, you have a full as conversation with a chair?"} {"idx": 27343, "original_id": "1250826369073741824", "reply_id": "1250832722551078912", "label": "no", "text": "Another 3 weeks in lockdown.\n\nMy wife just asked how many patio slabs would be considered to be the size of an adult male.\n\nSo there's that."} {"idx": 27345, "original_id": "1251238877110644738", "reply_id": "1251241417810288641", "label": "applause", "text": "Thanks a million times.... #ceegawameropa"} {"idx": 27346, "original_id": "1250989697616293888", "reply_id": "1250990832045428738", "label": "applause", "text": "i downloaded twitter again just to say that i reeeeaaaallllyyy like garlic bread🥖"} {"idx": 27351, "original_id": "1251203304924893184", "reply_id": "1251205699994075137", "label": "yes", "text": "Breast expansion?\n\nBreast expansion."} {"idx": 27354, "original_id": "1251193137638277120", "reply_id": "1251195265589096448", "label": "applause", "text": "Lessons in schooling these kids at the house:\n\nMy daughter: “Dad, what was your least favorite class when you were growing up?”\n\nMe: “The bourgeoisie”\n\n#SocialStudies"} {"idx": 27355, "original_id": "1250852168829108225", "reply_id": "1250852791003774977", "label": "smh", "text": "Neighbor just bought a new Chevy pickup so there's the first one to go mental on our block...."} {"idx": 27356, "original_id": "1250905325605130243", "reply_id": "1250971140018888704", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "you probably spend way too much time on captions and not enough time on actions"} {"idx": 27358, "original_id": "1250968214315679751", "reply_id": "1250968633980805120", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm super close to doing a face reveal"} {"idx": 27362, "original_id": "1250580618632724481", "reply_id": "1251000222534127618", "label": "applause", "text": "One of the bittersweet things about growing old is realizing how mistaken you were when you were young. As a young political leftist, I saw the left as the voice of the common man. Nothing could be further from the truth."} {"idx": 27364, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250902352133054466", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 27369, "original_id": "1251234499561762816", "reply_id": "1251236514262126593", "label": "scared", "text": "Since 2005, 320 WRs who attended the Combine and went to college four 4+ seasons. Only 42 (13.1%) had at least one top-36 fantasy season in the NFL.\n\nFour WRs in 2020 have top-24 rookie ADP and played 4+ seasons in college:\n\nMichael Pittman\nTyler Johnson\nBryan Edwards\nDenzel Mims"} {"idx": 27370, "original_id": "1251171056821219328", "reply_id": "1251171511198777344", "label": "applause", "text": "Fiona Apple? I prefer Fiona Orange, though their music is so different you can't even really compare them."} {"idx": 27372, "original_id": "1250553671382896640", "reply_id": "1250840547494899715", "label": "no", "text": "I do be feeling like I must be draining to be around"} {"idx": 27373, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250841789394714628", "label": "eww", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 27374, "original_id": "1250906660505346056", "reply_id": "1250910822911664134", "label": "hug", "text": "I just really need a hug."} {"idx": 27375, "original_id": "1251149606945124353", "reply_id": "1251155093296001024", "label": "dance", "text": "My birthday is tomorrow 🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 27377, "original_id": "1250862720834048000", "reply_id": "1250863631186694147", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Loudest clapping/cheering/banging yet in my part of Kensington - so good to hear. THANK YOU to every single one of our brilliant NHS staff & carers. We're never needed you more. #ClapForOurCarers"} {"idx": 27380, "original_id": "1250896677529141248", "reply_id": "1251116725980061697", "label": "yes", "text": "I really enjoyed the Popeyes chicken sandwich and would like one right now"} {"idx": 27384, "original_id": "1250859846607556609", "reply_id": "1250862858570575872", "label": "please", "text": "Jeong Won noticed that Gyeol's best friend is Seok Hyeng's resident when no one else did.\n\nDo you know what does it mean right?\nHe has been observing and paying attention to her.\n\nHE TEXTED HER WITH A \"^_^\" FACE.\nHE WAS CONCERNED ABOUT HER DEALTH.\n\nSAILING.\n\n#HospitalPlaylist."} {"idx": 27387, "original_id": "1250924610633285633", "reply_id": "1250927903979851776", "label": "agree", "text": "Just had what will surely be my peak Coronovirus Pandemic moment: 5th week shutdown at home moderating a HR dispute over Zoom because one of my employees is an animal lover; and another had been using an image for her Zoom background of Joe Exotic with a tiger."} {"idx": 27388, "original_id": "1249964226648502273", "reply_id": "1251135055528898561", "label": "dance", "text": "I’ll leave a mf like his daddy did"} {"idx": 27392, "original_id": "1250870145645514754", "reply_id": "1250877830772088832", "label": "seriously", "text": "Courage."} {"idx": 27395, "original_id": "1251168522958524416", "reply_id": "1251168691603021829", "label": "hug", "text": "I had a dream about my grandmother and things were SO GOOD. Like how they were before her dementia signs. And like throughout the dream things started to get worse and worse until she was like in this really strange state and that’s probably why I’m in such a terrible mood."} {"idx": 27396, "original_id": "1251105829375410177", "reply_id": "1251109198664028167", "label": "hug", "text": "Happy 40th day of #quarantine to me 🥳"} {"idx": 27397, "original_id": "1250651106822074368", "reply_id": "1251072774660972545", "label": "win", "text": "How's your experience with Flutter? Only gifs allowed 🤟🏼\n\n#Flutter"} {"idx": 27400, "original_id": "1251236094026240000", "reply_id": "1251237647843901440", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m a couple of hours away from signing off from work for the foreseeable future and I’m extremely emotional. It’s not a paycheck thing, it’s a dream job thing. Seriously struggling right now. Ugh"} {"idx": 27401, "original_id": "1251199428968493060", "reply_id": "1251212670403043329", "label": "oops", "text": "Are people really eating jimmy johns?"} {"idx": 27402, "original_id": "1250940897346433024", "reply_id": "1250943570724429830", "label": "seriously", "text": "Nandi keep stressing for me to be nice ! I am nice hoe!"} {"idx": 27404, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1250949639576027137", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 27405, "original_id": "1251091604988968960", "reply_id": "1251103512269926401", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Anyone else having dramas with the black security guard in Sainsbury’s? 🤷🏼‍♂️"} {"idx": 27406, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251125841955827715", "label": "yes", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 27407, "original_id": "1250755238195273729", "reply_id": "1251256256997797888", "label": "agree", "text": "Maybe if Rangers fans had taken as much interest in their own club's finances, as they are doing with those of St Johnstone in regard to reconstruction, they wouldn't have let their club die in 2012."} {"idx": 27409, "original_id": "1251090835485097985", "reply_id": "1251091052121018369", "label": "no", "text": "Borussia Dortmund were interested in including Greenwood in a deal for Jadon Sancho last summer. #mufc had absolutely no intention of discussing Greenwood and he will not be involved in any further talks #mulive [espn]"} {"idx": 27410, "original_id": "1250693958952292353", "reply_id": "1250957621672030209", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I just applied to HSU please send good vibes for me 💕"} {"idx": 27411, "original_id": "1251113896062193664", "reply_id": "1251119111133958144", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "It’s 6:45 am and I am already up. \n\nI just need to make it to the start of homeschool. That’s it."} {"idx": 27412, "original_id": "1250927823050756096", "reply_id": "1250928148302053377", "label": "seriously", "text": "“We can be at significantly lower numbers than the Civil War and that’s a good thing”. \n- DJT"} {"idx": 27413, "original_id": "1250779171510419457", "reply_id": "1250972845582233600", "label": "seriously", "text": "I put on mascara to go to the supermarket today, like some sort of shameless, pandemic hussy."} {"idx": 27416, "original_id": "1250933044522950664", "reply_id": "1250936419234861056", "label": "oops", "text": "I wanna make an “x-rated” twitter page. I ain’t showing nothing just prolly gone talk filthy. I know my Gbaby @ericabaduyou gone follow. Anyone else?"} {"idx": 27419, "original_id": "1251056426459553793", "reply_id": "1251114723451469824", "label": "omg", "text": "Finally! ! \nI will get a haircut on \nMonday! 😊😊😊"} {"idx": 27421, "original_id": "1250902376959131649", "reply_id": "1250903519634305025", "label": "yes", "text": "If i can add a weapon into destiny i’ll add a bigass railgun"} {"idx": 27422, "original_id": "1250924171850395651", "reply_id": "1251125814978064390", "label": "awww", "text": "As of April 16th, Canada has shipped or delivered 531 orders for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including hand sanitizers, N95 masks, isolation shields, and gloves, to indigenous communities to support efforts during the #COVID19 pandemic. #cdnpoli"} {"idx": 27424, "original_id": "1250577884588183553", "reply_id": "1250901499552641030", "label": "applause", "text": "I move to adjourn @realDonaldTrump’s press conferences. #AdjournTrump"} {"idx": 27425, "original_id": "1250843648452853760", "reply_id": "1250909281148375043", "label": "hug", "text": "Peak time to have a birthday 😂"} {"idx": 27429, "original_id": "1251215697151168514", "reply_id": "1251216085380141056", "label": "awww", "text": "Quarantine has Carlos and I sending letters to each other through email"} {"idx": 27432, "original_id": "1250960450210185218", "reply_id": "1250963885609361410", "label": "applause", "text": "We should take select NBA and MLB games to small towns across America!\n\nIt would be great if more of America had the economic opportunity as well as the experience.\n\nIf stadiums are to play empty, why not let communities without cases have a special moment!"} {"idx": 27433, "original_id": "1250946234828894208", "reply_id": "1251029592569085953", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Ordering takeout and the guy jokingly said he’d take stocks or e-currency.\n\nI’ve been playing so much Animal Crossing I legit thought he was talking about turnips and the stalk exchange in the game.\n\nAfter I geeked out, he just stared at me like I’m the crazy one."} {"idx": 27434, "original_id": "1250862931731832832", "reply_id": "1250865342441611264", "label": "applause", "text": "Decided to stimulate the local economy with small business and bought an away jersey to go with my home jersey @SeawolvesRugby @usmlr"} {"idx": 27440, "original_id": "1251263707587448832", "reply_id": "1251266087024496642", "label": "awww", "text": "Alright I’m gonna try and calm down and catch up on the real housewives because dumbass tr*mp supporters got me worked up"} {"idx": 27441, "original_id": "1250648119840083971", "reply_id": "1250974109649035264", "label": "dance", "text": "i need a bad b****"} {"idx": 27452, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251179537796390912", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 27453, "original_id": "1251247918406918147", "reply_id": "1251248343516356609", "label": "eww", "text": "Hours..... \nflirt with them and then block them when they flirt back."} {"idx": 27455, "original_id": "1251075436215365633", "reply_id": "1251238180264656896", "label": "agree", "text": "that feeling when you close all your tabs after you submit a research paper >>>> 😩😭🙏🏼🙏🏼"} {"idx": 27460, "original_id": "1251183404340699141", "reply_id": "1251189758778322945", "label": "no", "text": "PSA: officially will start tweeting “weird flex but okay” again. Be prepared people. Not a drill"} {"idx": 27462, "original_id": "1250969963021561856", "reply_id": "1250982419701747712", "label": "yawn", "text": "Umbrella pullouts look so shit please stop."} {"idx": 27463, "original_id": "1250931478801928193", "reply_id": "1251007517079060480", "label": "win", "text": "I can feel a 03:00 run coming on 🙃"} {"idx": 27465, "original_id": "1250829978071171072", "reply_id": "1250899004830945283", "label": "applause", "text": "I've just finished my workout doing everything as the coach said. \nSomeone tell me I did good 😪"} {"idx": 27466, "original_id": "1250960481113657346", "reply_id": "1250965145205067779", "label": "sigh", "text": "I'm getting real tired of this Senior Deletor infectin everyone"} {"idx": 27467, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250890198206107649", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 27469, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250947979298701312", "label": "oops", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 27472, "original_id": "1250862058071097344", "reply_id": "1251033259280039938", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If you hate Sheff United clap your hands 👏"} {"idx": 27473, "original_id": "1250931527204114433", "reply_id": "1250932957973446657", "label": "oops", "text": "What’s the similarity between my armpits and my grannys fanny?\nThey both smell but I sniff them anyways"} {"idx": 27474, "original_id": "1250944215653199875", "reply_id": "1251076630438653953", "label": "popcorn", "text": "What’s your shelter at home snack of choice? Mine is Cheez-its"} {"idx": 27480, "original_id": "1251236013848104966", "reply_id": "1251236409970696192", "label": "hearts", "text": "i love Lisa"} {"idx": 27481, "original_id": "1250519221563322369", "reply_id": "1250875446100586501", "label": "shocked", "text": "Go back to tumbler with your emotional ass crap posts. This is Twitter, we post memes here."} {"idx": 27482, "original_id": "1250945857589071874", "reply_id": "1251132558479425536", "label": "facepalm", "text": "He blocked me.. i called him, told him to unblock me.. he unblocked.. then i blocked him.\n\nwe block boys, boys don't block us."} {"idx": 27483, "original_id": "1250692542351511553", "reply_id": "1250933985028562945", "label": "shocked", "text": "I want some chocolate and im not talking about candy"} {"idx": 27484, "original_id": "1250902540050403328", "reply_id": "1250998559438254080", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ll end a friendship over a fedora straight up"} {"idx": 27485, "original_id": "1250897738801217537", "reply_id": "1250950488603967488", "label": "dance", "text": "Aurora killed today, joslin tomorrow and tama Monday. Hopefully this area back up and running soon"} {"idx": 27488, "original_id": "1251241127115583488", "reply_id": "1251265369219743755", "label": "hug", "text": "I been having a really hard day."} {"idx": 27491, "original_id": "1250846290675548161", "reply_id": "1250867216142053376", "label": "hug", "text": "Nothing like seeing someone you want to forget to ruin a good mood."} {"idx": 27496, "original_id": "1250828176181223424", "reply_id": "1250896896178225154", "label": "applause", "text": "Wait you’re trying to tell me BYU won another poll?? Who needs football!!!! We are winners!!!! #BYU"} {"idx": 27498, "original_id": "1250921449466052609", "reply_id": "1250922484112580608", "label": "idk", "text": "What would you do with me if we were quarantined with me!!! Answer in gifs ;)"} {"idx": 27499, "original_id": "1250989741559799809", "reply_id": "1250990010536390660", "label": "agree", "text": "@InfinityWard Why can the dual weild revolvers 1 shot you but a shotgun can't? please adjust shotgun damage in close quarters please"} {"idx": 27500, "original_id": "1251011660656959488", "reply_id": "1251024458967470080", "label": "no", "text": "Dude I fucking miss my old warehouse!!"} {"idx": 27501, "original_id": "1250986850367361024", "reply_id": "1250987309715132419", "label": "applause", "text": "I don’t mean to brag but I’m really good at being rejected."} {"idx": 27503, "original_id": "1250837256660606976", "reply_id": "1250837406070083584", "label": "dance", "text": "I've had the @AgeOfEmpires soundtrack in my head since I was 8. Just thought ya'll should know."} {"idx": 27504, "original_id": "1251265800058658816", "reply_id": "1251267380552126465", "label": "sigh", "text": "I am also one of the many @SBNation people furloughed starting May 1. I’m extremely grateful for my SBN colleagues over the last decade or so, but especially today. They’re all more brilliant than I am and the best at this sports internet thing. Seek them out, give them work."} {"idx": 27505, "original_id": "1251159160529448961", "reply_id": "1251245369603866624", "label": "yes", "text": "Oh she like titties?? \n\nI got those"} {"idx": 27506, "original_id": "1251217221575225351", "reply_id": "1251217811143372805", "label": "hug", "text": "i want a hug"} {"idx": 27508, "original_id": "1251119786492338176", "reply_id": "1251123239511887873", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "First run done today! \nTime to sort myself out 🙌"} {"idx": 27511, "original_id": "1250963573217521664", "reply_id": "1250973015292039169", "label": "applause", "text": "Ya boy just bought a Rosin Press lol will be making my own shit 😎 \n\nExtra side money to make baby! 💰"} {"idx": 27512, "original_id": "1250927926469701632", "reply_id": "1250928082845917190", "label": "agree", "text": "Don’t fall in love, it’s a trap"} {"idx": 27514, "original_id": "1250818666121363456", "reply_id": "1250851774568771596", "label": "smh", "text": "Disappointed that @dominicraab refuses to give us any hope or encouragement about as and what form the easing of the lockdown will take"} {"idx": 27515, "original_id": "1251159616743804933", "reply_id": "1251160461078224896", "label": "awww", "text": "Was late because I FaceTimed with my 3yo from the parking lot because he wanted to see me one more time before work. So yeah, not a bad day."} {"idx": 27516, "original_id": "1246867639022030848", "reply_id": "1251167945356709888", "label": "smh", "text": "@rainnwilson should have been \"Doug\" from the liberty mutual commercials. \n\"Limu Emu and Dwight\""} {"idx": 27518, "original_id": "1250823487796674560", "reply_id": "1250874852837330946", "label": "hearts", "text": "when you’ve explained your past pain to someone and then they hurt you in the same way🥴"} {"idx": 27519, "original_id": "1251190771203502081", "reply_id": "1251240905312366592", "label": "agree", "text": "Oz, Phil & Drew are making Pepper, Feelgood & Evil seem legitimate."} {"idx": 27521, "original_id": "1251197042732515328", "reply_id": "1251199247359381507", "label": "agree", "text": "One of my stay at home projects was to retrieve photos from my 20s off my old PC. Had to order a new cord to connect it to my Mac, skimmed over an article on how to convert and then promptly erased all of it's contents never to be seen again. #quarantinefail"} {"idx": 27523, "original_id": "1251258789539516416", "reply_id": "1251262177144643586", "label": "hug", "text": "Wherever you are right now, just know that I’m thinking of you, and I’m pulling for you to make it through all this madness!\n\nWe all we got!"} {"idx": 27526, "original_id": "1250859111811436544", "reply_id": "1250879739327373317", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "BREAKING: President Donald Trump's approval rating just dropped to 43% in a new poll by Gallup\n\nthis is down six percentage points since mid-March."} {"idx": 27527, "original_id": "1251061580848037889", "reply_id": "1251128928124755971", "label": "omg", "text": "Just a quick heads up people...the beard might be coming off today..."} {"idx": 27528, "original_id": "1251234470788763650", "reply_id": "1251262354060386305", "label": "facepalm", "text": "BREAKING: Every state without stay-at-home order had increase in coronavirus cases over the past week. Up 205% in SD, 82% in IA, 74% in NE, 60% in AR and 53% in OK. Due to lack of testing these counts are low. The pandemic is just beginning. Trump is a liar who belongs in prison."} {"idx": 27530, "original_id": "1250820472561979400", "reply_id": "1250912911150714894", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Oh. My. God. They've just explained why they can't give a date on when the lockdown will end and your first question is when it will end?!"} {"idx": 27532, "original_id": "1250913585112457216", "reply_id": "1251153839090135041", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "People that have to comment on every typo you make on social media are the most annoying.. YES I KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU’RE AND YOUR!! this is social media not grammar class 😒"} {"idx": 27535, "original_id": "1250891356807069701", "reply_id": "1251029580477091842", "label": "hug", "text": "Always need a hug btw. I hate you quarantine"} {"idx": 27539, "original_id": "1250922004729016328", "reply_id": "1250965979523436552", "label": "no", "text": "Washington Post is reporting that a judge just rejected Roger Stone's request for a new trial. Anyone feel bad for poor old Roger Stone?"} {"idx": 27542, "original_id": "1250831529216839680", "reply_id": "1250833715145478144", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "ขอบคุณสำหรับการร่วมสนุก #TNT_CHALLENGEDAY1\nแล้วพบกัน🕐 บ่ายโมงตรง กับ CHALLENGE DAY2 \n\"แชร์ Live Performance ของ TRINITY ที่ชอบมากที่สุด\"\n\nThank you for joining us #TNT_CHALLENGEDAY1\nSee you🕐at 1 PM for CHALLENGE DAY2 \n\"Share your most favorite live performance\"\n\n#TRINITY_TNT"} {"idx": 27544, "original_id": "1250823753518415874", "reply_id": "1250926494148329481", "label": "applause", "text": "I wanted to treat myself with spn-free day today, but it didn't work. So let me say something. No, it's not Jeremy's fault that Cas is not in that episode. He's a newcomer and that is why he writes MOTW filler episodes. MOTW episodes are usually Casless, so Cas was not (c)"} {"idx": 27546, "original_id": "1251225955265216512", "reply_id": "1251226283557732353", "label": "agree", "text": "The idiot protesters in Minnesota should greet one another with big, wet kisses."} {"idx": 27549, "original_id": "1250440714527191044", "reply_id": "1251189976441720832", "label": "sigh", "text": "If a boy likes you, don't feel special\n\nBecause they like every girl"} {"idx": 27551, "original_id": "1250806545438461953", "reply_id": "1251220235572645893", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "One thing is certain about the WHO. We won’t get fooled again."} {"idx": 27555, "original_id": "1251158978488221700", "reply_id": "1251161346168639489", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm assuming Fox News can only book celebrity doctors because all the real doctors are busy saving lives?"} {"idx": 27557, "original_id": "1250998134580207616", "reply_id": "1251002681495130112", "label": "hug", "text": "send hugggg"} {"idx": 27558, "original_id": "1248824662768812032", "reply_id": "1251195294399844354", "label": "agree", "text": "So you’re telling me there can be a show called #BlackAF on Netflix but if we wanted a “WhiteAF” show on Netflix, it would just be called #TigerKing??"} {"idx": 27561, "original_id": "1250947895827795970", "reply_id": "1250951120245133313", "label": "hug", "text": "My moms co worker tested positive for covid. My mom has already stated she thinks she will die if she gets it. I don’t know how to handle this."} {"idx": 27562, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251145932877398016", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 27564, "original_id": "1251197111191908352", "reply_id": "1251203618709045249", "label": "awww", "text": "I have the best internet friends!! Thank you @tlovesyou20 and @MaximumMagus !!!"} {"idx": 27566, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251030733801418753", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 27571, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250929985591955458", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 27573, "original_id": "1251149100684242944", "reply_id": "1251150322791149572", "label": "good_luck", "text": "wish me luck !!!"} {"idx": 27574, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1250892063614345216", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 27575, "original_id": "1250746210727542784", "reply_id": "1251100593336324096", "label": "no", "text": "Do you believe Deontay Wilders excuse that he wasn’t 100% leading into the Tyson Fury rematch and this had an influence on the result? Comment below 👇"} {"idx": 27579, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251014117361500160", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 27582, "original_id": "1251219211214602243", "reply_id": "1251220073504636928", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm having a bad day."} {"idx": 27588, "original_id": "1251206462501781506", "reply_id": "1251234241876197379", "label": "wink", "text": "you and me could write a bad romance"} {"idx": 27591, "original_id": "1251256729049980930", "reply_id": "1251259028719706113", "label": "yes", "text": "Do u guys like ‘I’m ok, I’m fine’? :)"} {"idx": 27592, "original_id": "1251158002842783746", "reply_id": "1251250692020473857", "label": "smh", "text": "Some dude on Facebook told me that racism had been all but eradicated and that it’s mostly fabricated by the left wing media.\n\nWeird."} {"idx": 27593, "original_id": "1251139378572902401", "reply_id": "1251159364531941381", "label": "agree", "text": "If NY Gov. Cuomo wants to sit in the corner wringing his hands like a scaredy cat, self-protecting, nancy boy, while the rest of the grown adults return to work, then let him show our entire great nation what a fool he is. Hes a feckless loser who has no business in any office."} {"idx": 27594, "original_id": "1251198191975964673", "reply_id": "1251207458183360514", "label": "high_five", "text": "1: Have come home this early evening to some much needed brevity courtesy of our twitter community. Thank you, it was a much needed distraction after the loss of a dearly and much loved family member yesterday. Not to Kovid19, but I'm sure you'll understand our sense of loss..."} {"idx": 27596, "original_id": "1250952796972683267", "reply_id": "1250955926263287808", "label": "seriously", "text": "\"speedo's are only sexual if you're sexually deprived\" -me in voice chat tonight #Nationalhorneyday"} {"idx": 27599, "original_id": "1251260725584166913", "reply_id": "1251274287266304000", "label": "shocked", "text": "WILLIAM P REALLY JUST FUCKING READ OUT ON STREAM \"BEENOX WE WANT AMIS FEET\" IM DYING AHAHAHAHAHA"} {"idx": 27601, "original_id": "1250878959220191232", "reply_id": "1250942072078643207", "label": "applause", "text": "Pres. Trump told state governors on a conference call he wants to reopen parts of the economy on May 1st."} {"idx": 27603, "original_id": "1251186746248871937", "reply_id": "1251191979842719744", "label": "smh", "text": "A Cali public school teacher, has bragged on social media, that she’s indoctrinating her students. She’s teaching them that Pres. Trump is a fascist. She compares the Admin. to death cult leader Jim Jones in lessons planned. She trashes her Rep. students on social media. Yikes 😱"} {"idx": 27604, "original_id": "1250848603196792832", "reply_id": "1251236078956294148", "label": "applause", "text": "I am no complying anymore. I’m done. \n\nFuck government. Fuck it all."} {"idx": 27610, "original_id": "1251063084275208193", "reply_id": "1251233937818562560", "label": "applause", "text": "Okay, I thought I would finish today but nope. 6,100 words for today in a marathon of writing, but the final chapter is far from over, and yikes. 141,600+ words in total."} {"idx": 27611, "original_id": "1250842462232477699", "reply_id": "1250850329488510977", "label": "shocked", "text": "If you’re a light skinned man, you probably cry during orgasms. I know it because I do. \n\nJust tenderly listen to Trust Issues by our brother Drake. We’ll make it through this emotional hurdle."} {"idx": 27612, "original_id": "1251135477824081923", "reply_id": "1251148287739977729", "label": "ok", "text": "I can’t hate on women because of men. Unless you had been straight disrespectful. These dudes ain’t worth it."} {"idx": 27613, "original_id": "1250804203288748033", "reply_id": "1250991712547360768", "label": "win", "text": "Good morning fans I have the same starting salary as a guy that has bragged to me for 4 years about how much more money he was gonna make than me because 1. He’s a man and 2. his majors are “just better” than mine. Can I get a W in the chat, ladies?"} {"idx": 27615, "original_id": "1251112650479558656", "reply_id": "1251132267247726592", "label": "applause", "text": "📢 Right to freedom of expression. \n💭 Right to freedom of thought. \n👯‍♀️ Right to peaceful assembly.\n⚖️ Right to access the law. \n👨🏽‍🏫 Right to education.\n😴 Right to rest. \n❤️ Right to life. \n\nThese—& more—are our fundamental human rights."} {"idx": 27618, "original_id": "1251242341467291648", "reply_id": "1251256884260155392", "label": "yes", "text": "Hey everyone, I'm starting a cult. We worship cheese, watch anime, and play video and tabletop games. Who's in?"} {"idx": 27619, "original_id": "1250960585610706944", "reply_id": "1251080462333665280", "label": "agree", "text": "No plan to save lives. Just the economy. Because priorities"} {"idx": 27621, "original_id": "1250777779668422657", "reply_id": "1250907106057699328", "label": "sigh", "text": "😬😬😬im getting more vocal 😬😬😬If I end up dead just remember it’s probably one of the 10 million people who don’t like me. Their names are in a HUGE sealed envelope in the top left drawer of my dresser."} {"idx": 27624, "original_id": "1251259637707476999", "reply_id": "1251259850023198720", "label": "thank_you", "text": "PSA: build antiheal"} {"idx": 27626, "original_id": "1251078321053618178", "reply_id": "1251078863418986496", "label": "hug", "text": "Not sure what the heck prompted this but I was just reflecting on some emotional wounds from my past and there are a lot of them and they cut deep. :/\n\nThinking about one had me going through my whole history. Every single instance was avoidable if people wouldve communicated"} {"idx": 27631, "original_id": "1251056471980343296", "reply_id": "1251061285174652928", "label": "awww", "text": "@BlazerThree_ \n\nThat’s just the tweet..."} {"idx": 27634, "original_id": "1250952607146946560", "reply_id": "1250952958415638529", "label": "omg", "text": "holy shit i got a knife only win on warzone! first game trying it today on stream. im shaking! #CallofDuty #CallofDutyModernWarfare"} {"idx": 27635, "original_id": "1251176389593706497", "reply_id": "1251176895842078722", "label": "hug", "text": "I just got twitter broken up apparently i’m twitter single now"} {"idx": 27636, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251228730069929984", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 27640, "original_id": "1250991333248032768", "reply_id": "1250991575808667649", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "The pope pushed back lent but he didn't push back National Horny Day 😞 cruel"} {"idx": 27643, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251170795872759808", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 27644, "original_id": "1250953011792236545", "reply_id": "1251242108305829888", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all. After the Playwriting Book Club yesterday discussing “Backwards and Forwards” by David Ball...\n\nDAVID BALL REACHED OUT!\n\nHe liked it y’all. He said we did good. I am fulfilled beyond measure. \n\nMore soon..."} {"idx": 27645, "original_id": "1251015566057332743", "reply_id": "1251015979187859456", "label": "hug", "text": "Sorry I wasn't very active today, obviously I had a bad day. Hoping tomorrow will be better 🙏🏻. Thank you everyone for your love and positivity, you really help me so much and I appreciate you all 💜🤟🏻"} {"idx": 27646, "original_id": "1251155608281026572", "reply_id": "1251190465577267200", "label": "yes", "text": "Is trading Jamal Adams insane?"} {"idx": 27649, "original_id": "1250946619438100480", "reply_id": "1250974176640241665", "label": "seriously", "text": "I feel like pride gets in the way of a lot of decisions"} {"idx": 27652, "original_id": "1250796197591298048", "reply_id": "1250858822354251779", "label": "yes", "text": "time to rise up gamers"} {"idx": 27654, "original_id": "1250846441150521346", "reply_id": "1251197189499600902", "label": "want", "text": "It’s been a crazy week, and this is just the beginning. More DUNE coming real soon."} {"idx": 27657, "original_id": "1250838170679357442", "reply_id": "1250856052947591172", "label": "applause", "text": "How does Vedhan write his essays?\n\nVed handwriting"} {"idx": 27660, "original_id": "1251147073656774663", "reply_id": "1251192431455817728", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Levitation is the sincerest form of floatery."} {"idx": 27661, "original_id": "1251258964056121344", "reply_id": "1251263570819645447", "label": "hug", "text": "Im tired of crying"} {"idx": 27662, "original_id": "1251130445896364032", "reply_id": "1251131894671872001", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug pliss?😔"} {"idx": 27664, "original_id": "1250982708559265794", "reply_id": "1250983102689742848", "label": "thank_you", "text": "to my 10 followers that always like my tweets , you deserve the world"} {"idx": 27665, "original_id": "1250832021829681152", "reply_id": "1250832531030605825", "label": "yes", "text": "bunnies"} {"idx": 27666, "original_id": "1251192712981893128", "reply_id": "1251206213896937551", "label": "ok", "text": "Dynasty 1Qb .5 ppr 3 WR-Just traded the 1.09 and Deebo for Julio. Other WR on roster are Tyreek Metcalf and 90% chance landing Lamb and Juedy in the rookie draft definitely landing one of those. So with that said how’d I do? @Him_HerSports @FantasyFBStoner @PauliesSleepers"} {"idx": 27667, "original_id": "1251146028998365184", "reply_id": "1251150315480465415", "label": "dance", "text": "Just wanna watch napoleon dynamite but can’t find it anywhere 😡"} {"idx": 27670, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251035476791832576", "label": "kiss", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 27671, "original_id": "1251089340345847808", "reply_id": "1251092083030581255", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "NORMALIZE EATING ASS!!!"} {"idx": 27672, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251022035452477440", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 27673, "original_id": "1250880768970305539", "reply_id": "1250881445901545474", "label": "idk", "text": "Don't get it fucked up Carti > Uzi"} {"idx": 27674, "original_id": "1251027811365765123", "reply_id": "1251182208141930496", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "60% of women cheat but 85% of the time it is the man's fault.Women tend to cheat because they are not being loved properly or they have been feeling lonely for a long period of time in a relationship & so might lean on another male for support & accidentally have sex with them."} {"idx": 27677, "original_id": "1250896306471649284", "reply_id": "1250896932882583553", "label": "applause", "text": "think I'll retire the cock bit"} {"idx": 27679, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250901287438352385", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 27681, "original_id": "1250831271523123201", "reply_id": "1250838760205496322", "label": "kiss", "text": "@Patr0cinyo I'm fucking missing you my fav bitch."} {"idx": 27682, "original_id": "1251228651670118403", "reply_id": "1251233725830041606", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Friday night, just completed Sudoku on hard setting !! Have it 😂"} {"idx": 27684, "original_id": "1250955940066496513", "reply_id": "1250991351644250112", "label": "hug", "text": "Lost my first family member to Covid. Got a pretty big fam, so I guess that’s inevitable, but... still sucks. R.I.P. to the always-cheerful “Elder Phil Collins.”"} {"idx": 27685, "original_id": "1251172173756207104", "reply_id": "1251192201012318208", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump has begun to incite states to protest stay-at-home orders, he is getting ready to create mass chaos during the election since he knows he may lose."} {"idx": 27686, "original_id": "1251223884977840135", "reply_id": "1251261531058311179", "label": "hug", "text": "Hello darkness, my old friend."} {"idx": 27687, "original_id": "1250911304979746816", "reply_id": "1250928149191438337", "label": "omg", "text": "Folks, I have a BIG BIG announcement coming tomorrow night at 9 PM EST"} {"idx": 27688, "original_id": "1251134756177182723", "reply_id": "1251137742781599745", "label": "no", "text": "It's time to play my least favorite game of the day...\n\n\"Should I read the news?\""} {"idx": 27689, "original_id": "1251201475453374464", "reply_id": "1251201846724698116", "label": "oops", "text": "Still waiting for Greta Thunberg's #MeAt20 tweet..."} {"idx": 27690, "original_id": "1251072607715127296", "reply_id": "1251075366355038210", "label": "agree", "text": "Wore pants after many days; had to go out. Man, they’re so uncomfortable. Don’t know if it’s the weather or if got used to wearing shorts. 🙈"} {"idx": 27693, "original_id": "1250931812605595650", "reply_id": "1250934479713165313", "label": "no", "text": "I facetimed my daddy and he at a damn fish fry!!! 🤦🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 27696, "original_id": "1251081263798276097", "reply_id": "1251091630028812289", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Y’all wouldn’t believe me if I told you what the fuck goes on in my life lol"} {"idx": 27697, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1251057415224623105", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 27698, "original_id": "1250886432098574337", "reply_id": "1250905619378421760", "label": "seriously", "text": "it is okay to spend £50 on pasta. its pasta."} {"idx": 27699, "original_id": "1251141566149918720", "reply_id": "1251147592571842562", "label": "awww", "text": "Good morning you amazing Lithia things you!\n\nJust a reminder. \n\nI love you all!"} {"idx": 27705, "original_id": "1251257123574611977", "reply_id": "1251257272157835266", "label": "no", "text": "Did y’all get your stimulus check yet?"} {"idx": 27708, "original_id": "1251108915271675904", "reply_id": "1251159748650516481", "label": "seriously", "text": "My #Browns twitter buddies and the wolfpac, We dont have no blue check next to our profile, thats why we gotta wait til week 10 of the football season to recieve our new Jerseys🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬"} {"idx": 27710, "original_id": "1251003553163993089", "reply_id": "1251003682856017920", "label": "omg", "text": "1k likes in 10 minutes I go bald"} {"idx": 27711, "original_id": "1250847937841762306", "reply_id": "1250848580056866817", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "On November 10, 1942, Winston Churchill said this: \n\n“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”\n\nI believe this is where we are today. At the end of the beginning stage of the #COVID19 pandemic."} {"idx": 27713, "original_id": "1250884123301904390", "reply_id": "1250916375125790720", "label": "ok", "text": "If this virus takes us into snowfall then I’m gonna be very unhappy"} {"idx": 27721, "original_id": "1250976275142832128", "reply_id": "1251100830989578240", "label": "applause", "text": "Maree B emailed me. Interesting choice for fake name.Maree wants two grand or she’s sending all the porn on my computer that I’ve made, watched or both, to family, friends, even my boss!Maree is an idiot.All those tapes John &I made have already gone public on @Studio10au"} {"idx": 27724, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251131845091233794", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 27725, "original_id": "1250857237033054210", "reply_id": "1250861125710884875", "label": "wink", "text": "Therapy is just FaceTune for your memories."} {"idx": 27729, "original_id": "1251092219718598656", "reply_id": "1251092579371765761", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I'm stressed for Why R U tonight more than I'm excited for 2gether hngggg"} {"idx": 27737, "original_id": "1251206614465511427", "reply_id": "1251222877212413952", "label": "yes", "text": "Are you people satisfied with performance of present govt lead by @ImranKhanPTI"} {"idx": 27738, "original_id": "1251221387454357505", "reply_id": "1251229088741761025", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Alright ExolvedEsports members I will be announcing the winner of the free stream rebrand on stream this evening around 9pm and he’ll you just might be lucky enough for me to throw in a spicy animation to turn up you stream a few notches be sure to stop by this evening! 😉❤️"} {"idx": 27739, "original_id": "1250998703961395200", "reply_id": "1251105316466495488", "label": "smh", "text": "Some of the best people I know are Cats."} {"idx": 27740, "original_id": "1250841328688205824", "reply_id": "1250849199593152512", "label": "agree", "text": "Roberta Flack's rendition of 'The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face' is one of the most perfect vocals ever laid down, the purity of her enunciation, the simple string arrangements, it is simply sublime."} {"idx": 27741, "original_id": "1250955385315430402", "reply_id": "1250976793684738050", "label": "yes", "text": "I literally don’t have time to sleep but a new Rick and Morty just came out and I need this."} {"idx": 27742, "original_id": "1250681590386229249", "reply_id": "1251210843628371969", "label": "agree", "text": "Black men, please stop justifying what books you love to read to strangers on twitter who don't read anything except adderall bottles and the price tags on yaki bundles."} {"idx": 27744, "original_id": "1251000309507338242", "reply_id": "1251002446010253315", "label": "yes", "text": "So did y’all like??"} {"idx": 27751, "original_id": "1250894204080779264", "reply_id": "1250903225764478981", "label": "dance", "text": "I miss the beach and coffee shops. I do not miss the massive and exhausting campus that is ucla."} {"idx": 27753, "original_id": "1250861308116971526", "reply_id": "1250862709966614528", "label": "agree", "text": "I don't know about you but I've had enough of \"Experts Say\""} {"idx": 27755, "original_id": "1251056931449569280", "reply_id": "1251194453353738240", "label": "smh", "text": "Shorty just said Adele a better singer that Jazmine Sullivan"} {"idx": 27756, "original_id": "1251016627069607936", "reply_id": "1251022839173517312", "label": "shocked", "text": "tl sleep? plantains are nasty af"} {"idx": 27757, "original_id": "1251194304959258627", "reply_id": "1251198436277473282", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I have, thus far, avoided doing an all-nighter with my degree. But I have decided that today is the day I will finish my dissertation. On it"} {"idx": 27758, "original_id": "1251173993803104256", "reply_id": "1251176576617676800", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#JumpForce leorio is not coming quit saying that"} {"idx": 27759, "original_id": "1250797684983607296", "reply_id": "1251253910838235136", "label": "shocked", "text": "If 2020 was a gif, what gif would it be?"} {"idx": 27761, "original_id": "1250985253402894336", "reply_id": "1251243951841054720", "label": "yes", "text": "What were the odds of Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil both tanking their careers on the same day?"} {"idx": 27764, "original_id": "1251196229108760581", "reply_id": "1251197052199079936", "label": "shocked", "text": "I Fucking hate cops but something about their uniforms gets me wet af. Beat me with your baton and tase me in the neck, you abusive injustice daddy. Mmm fucking shoot me in the knee cap I love you please 😩"} {"idx": 27765, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250873930358812672", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 27766, "original_id": "1250881772109402113", "reply_id": "1250882407076712449", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was hard. Tired toddler, tired daddy. The first day where it's all felt a bit overwhelming. But today is almost done, start again tomorrow. Hope you are all coping well and if not, let's try again tomorrow 💪 #lockdown #Isolation"} {"idx": 27767, "original_id": "1250680798472286208", "reply_id": "1250838991361974278", "label": "shocked", "text": "After weeks of lockdown my British bulldog spirit has finally kicked in.\n\nBy which I mean I've started dribbling whenever I see food, get overly excited at the prospect of a walk & have attempted to lick my own genitals on more than one occasion."} {"idx": 27771, "original_id": "1251209386359500806", "reply_id": "1251215900189097986", "label": "kiss", "text": "Today I am extra grateful for @Pwrightsstudio and @bbcwritersroom .💜🧡💜"} {"idx": 27772, "original_id": "1250935167591550977", "reply_id": "1250940279307341826", "label": "yes", "text": "I don't know who needs to hear this but breakfast foods are just as delicious at dinner time."} {"idx": 27775, "original_id": "1250970708966064129", "reply_id": "1250971305576300546", "label": "yes", "text": "Question: \n\nAre marijuana dispensaries considered essential businesses? \n\nAsking for a friend.....!"} {"idx": 27776, "original_id": "1251239356788092930", "reply_id": "1251257222820245511", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "#NYCASP rules will be suspended tomorrow, Saturday, April 18. Parking meters will remain in effect."} {"idx": 27778, "original_id": "1250831040148627457", "reply_id": "1251019195241947136", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I've decided to postpone my 2 yr celebration indefinitely. It WILL happen, but I'm going to give myself some actual, serious time to get better, take extra things off my plate, and find my footing. \n\nRegular streams I'll take day by day. I'll keep you posted here and on Discord💖"} {"idx": 27779, "original_id": "1250831570031775745", "reply_id": "1250884220148473871", "label": "popcorn", "text": "When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all."} {"idx": 27780, "original_id": "1251070524488396800", "reply_id": "1251157684297986056", "label": "shrug", "text": "I can't imagine dating a guy who gives you space when you ask for it🙄SMH"} {"idx": 27782, "original_id": "1250905973931335682", "reply_id": "1250911106736021504", "label": "shocked", "text": "why were so many games writers involved in high school and collegiate theatre? this is a fascinating correlation"} {"idx": 27784, "original_id": "1251258964056121344", "reply_id": "1251260502086385669", "label": "hug", "text": "Im tired of crying"} {"idx": 27786, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250970306098806784", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 27788, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251193484557647874", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 27790, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251114542534287360", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 27791, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251109251067416577", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 27792, "original_id": "1250978224424857607", "reply_id": "1251023299846512642", "label": "wink", "text": "If you’re reading this..."} {"idx": 27793, "original_id": "1251205293771554819", "reply_id": "1251235760449167366", "label": "want", "text": "Where’s my “we’ve been together since we were 18” fairytale🥺"} {"idx": 27796, "original_id": "1251191558604566529", "reply_id": "1251236614606663680", "label": "applause", "text": "Proud to say I’ve finally got my OCD conquered. Working during a pandemic would have seemed impossible to me last year yet here I am."} {"idx": 27797, "original_id": "1250882654171394048", "reply_id": "1250938900681576449", "label": "thank_you", "text": "been neck deep in labs, daydreaming and fine tuning The Lockdown Mixtape: INSIDE FOR THE PEOPLE ....this thing is BANG. ING. nice & deep and comin to you soon 😜🤘🙏📡❤️"} {"idx": 27798, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251130094174666752", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 27799, "original_id": "1251179201111248898", "reply_id": "1251180791532523523", "label": "yawn", "text": "Sharma 🥴"} {"idx": 27800, "original_id": "1250460581666197510", "reply_id": "1250918385275138050", "label": "agree", "text": "There is a joke circulating in Germany:\n\n\"What borders on stupidity?\"\n\"Mexico and Canada!\""} {"idx": 27802, "original_id": "1251129282912346112", "reply_id": "1251130028500250624", "label": "hug", "text": "I need hugs"} {"idx": 27803, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251233396866646017", "label": "sigh", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 27804, "original_id": "1251082345400143872", "reply_id": "1251091821410820096", "label": "awww", "text": "I promise I won’t be like the others , I will treat you with respect , and love that u deserve , I promise ♥️"} {"idx": 27806, "original_id": "1250834967611006982", "reply_id": "1250860793027080195", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all want a vloggy vlog today? Yes or no? No? Ok 🚶🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 27807, "original_id": "1250891482858471424", "reply_id": "1250892569590013952", "label": "agree", "text": "Hot Mulligan. Thoughts?"} {"idx": 27811, "original_id": "1250806654804922371", "reply_id": "1251125498278744064", "label": "agree", "text": "Little fires everywhere is sooooo good."} {"idx": 27812, "original_id": "1250957010952208386", "reply_id": "1250999043049902082", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I wish I had a grape popsicle rn"} {"idx": 27814, "original_id": "1250914077494382592", "reply_id": "1250916863309049856", "label": "yes", "text": "While Trump was speaking at the White House, a federal judge ruled against his longtime friend and political booster Roger Stone, who had asked for a new criminal trial. This ruling paves the way for Stone to serve his 3-year prison sentence for lying to Congress about WikiLeaks."} {"idx": 27815, "original_id": "1251159163763224576", "reply_id": "1251160224355893250", "label": "no", "text": "So this is why you want to be apart of @TeamRaid2K. Both @Sorpyyy & @ZeeGoated now have 100 subs in their twitch channels. All of the players are dedicated and loyal to grow.\n\nWe have decided that another set of Raid tryouts are on the way. \n\nWho wants to be the next hawk. 🦅✒"} {"idx": 27818, "original_id": "1250719714919284736", "reply_id": "1250972914658283521", "label": "applause", "text": "A big dick that can't last up to 3hrs 58secs is a total waste of manhood 🙄"} {"idx": 27820, "original_id": "1250807837015539713", "reply_id": "1250880385656868864", "label": "no", "text": "If 111,500 people donated their $1200 stimulus checks back to the US Treasury we could cover Trump’s 133.8m Golf Tab as of 2/14/20-what do you say America? @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 27824, "original_id": "1251209377127829504", "reply_id": "1251210608743243781", "label": "applause", "text": "GOP is not \"pro-life.\"\nThe are not \"pro-freedom\"\n\nThey are pro- controlling, or worse, killing everyone who is not a white, christian male.\n\nFemale? Your rights don't matter. Kids? Let the NRA kill you. Jews? Expendable. That's what the GOP stands for."} {"idx": 27826, "original_id": "1250856037017546753", "reply_id": "1250859751908524032", "label": "applause", "text": "I promote H2O , POT & TOP for all"} {"idx": 27827, "original_id": "1251025243046436864", "reply_id": "1251025907684225024", "label": "oops", "text": "“Damn valeria you really let yourself get fingered” I DIED 😂💀 Iykyk"} {"idx": 27828, "original_id": "1250857493728657408", "reply_id": "1250861709507596289", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "NCAA is in some trouble huh?"} {"idx": 27829, "original_id": "1251037112889032705", "reply_id": "1251040853641986048", "label": "hug", "text": "I want hugs. 🥺"} {"idx": 27833, "original_id": "1250924909070561280", "reply_id": "1250948095560515585", "label": "sigh", "text": "Why I decide to watch Tory Lanez live and this woman was on there twerking with her tampon string hanging ☹️"} {"idx": 27837, "original_id": "1251147182599581700", "reply_id": "1251200841811398658", "label": "agree", "text": "I’ve put on deodorant twice in the last month."} {"idx": 27838, "original_id": "1250879664794501131", "reply_id": "1250883804790751237", "label": "no", "text": "Hey guys,\n\nHow is everyone doing today??💫"} {"idx": 27840, "original_id": "1251085596900102144", "reply_id": "1251086065982672896", "label": "agree", "text": "Christiano must voetzek, Cyril is the only CR that matters."} {"idx": 27842, "original_id": "1250983929768747014", "reply_id": "1250986013721128960", "label": "agree", "text": "You're personality caught my attention, but those dimples and eyes aren't hurting anything."} {"idx": 27843, "original_id": "1250899495325294592", "reply_id": "1251213347145515008", "label": "applause", "text": "they closed down our funk dancing"} {"idx": 27848, "original_id": "1250918966836563968", "reply_id": "1250927527142592512", "label": "oops", "text": "*misses jeremy’s call*\n\nMe: bae I told you I was gonna go wash my hair \nJeremy: oh please! It don’t take that long to wash that little bit of hair🙄\n\nJitttttt🤣🤣"} {"idx": 27851, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250910798609858560", "label": "applause", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 27852, "original_id": "1250864508744187907", "reply_id": "1250932183885373442", "label": "yawn", "text": "the letter “c,” wednesday, the number 3 and yellow all have the same energy."} {"idx": 27853, "original_id": "1250863825890541568", "reply_id": "1250882298226057216", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "my phone fell in water and won’t go on 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 27854, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250832531664121862", "label": "please", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 27859, "original_id": "1251040195450859521", "reply_id": "1251187566910586882", "label": "yes", "text": "What do... Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew and Dr. Phil all have in common?"} {"idx": 27861, "original_id": "1251053616733007872", "reply_id": "1251054425289953281", "label": "agree", "text": "There's going to be the biggest pile on from other clubs fans if this takeover falls through.😜\n\n#NUFCTakeover \n#NUFC"} {"idx": 27865, "original_id": "1250898501204131843", "reply_id": "1250899623113379841", "label": "agree", "text": "@HISD_ELA \nA4- Listening and sharing. Students need to know you care and are invested. Let them see you as a person, too. #HISDELA #ELADepartChat"} {"idx": 27866, "original_id": "1251024487132192768", "reply_id": "1251040574578311168", "label": "agree", "text": "would like to just throw out there that the puzzle video game \"The Witness\" is incredible and i imagine would be a soothing pastime in the quar! just my two cents, i want my followers to be happy! they've earned it! ♥️"} {"idx": 27870, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251194051505926146", "label": "no", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 27871, "original_id": "1251109577308934147", "reply_id": "1251113308750479360", "label": "ok", "text": "After every shift in ICU I ask my wife\nHow many #Covid_19 patients are you treating?? - 8 or 9 normally, it's never been above the maximum\n\nWere you rushed off your feet?? - It was busy but no, not rushed\n\nDid you have enough PPE?? - We have plenty, stop worrying"} {"idx": 27875, "original_id": "1251263451248291840", "reply_id": "1251269050484887552", "label": "please", "text": "What if I dropped an album on 4/20"} {"idx": 27877, "original_id": "1251215621137879040", "reply_id": "1251216722478186497", "label": "thank_you", "text": "This new playboi pretty wack"} {"idx": 27878, "original_id": "1250941651268382721", "reply_id": "1251101752641937409", "label": "applause", "text": "I bloody love this: “The sheep still have not worked out that the dog works for the farmer”. 2020 events and acceptance of response in a nutshell!"} {"idx": 27880, "original_id": "1250839139022450688", "reply_id": "1250870893330472960", "label": "applause", "text": "Everyone is applauding the NHS staff and I do too. But I would also like an applause for all the nurse educators that are working tirelessly to create the next batch of nurses. @itvwestcountry @itvnews"} {"idx": 27882, "original_id": "1250874851704872961", "reply_id": "1250875616225869825", "label": "hug", "text": "i want to hug somebody"} {"idx": 27884, "original_id": "1251193610034388994", "reply_id": "1251195615855497217", "label": "sigh", "text": "Is it weird I like to be tied up and teased with feathers? 🤓⛓"} {"idx": 27885, "original_id": "1251024108160245760", "reply_id": "1251025580251889665", "label": "applause", "text": "if i unfollow you theres a reason for it, unfollowed a lot of people recently simply because we dont talk or havent talked for a year or more. friendship goes both ways & people really soft & hurt over an unfollow button 👍🏼"} {"idx": 27886, "original_id": "1251176931862732802", "reply_id": "1251197906432012288", "label": "eww", "text": "I just want to give @taylorswift13 a hug"} {"idx": 27887, "original_id": "1251129672366252032", "reply_id": "1251209784537214982", "label": "no", "text": "I’m suppose to be on vacation next week. Should I take it."} {"idx": 27888, "original_id": "1250862754010931203", "reply_id": "1250997393731944456", "label": "agree", "text": "My in-depth analysis of Utah's 2020 schedule\n\nbyu- trash\nMontana St- trash \nWyoming- trash\nCal- solid but not good\nUSC- good but not great\nWazzu- trash\nUW- maybe good? But probs solid\nUCLA- trash\nArizona- trash\nOregon St- trash\nArizona St- solid but not good \nColorado- trash"} {"idx": 27890, "original_id": "1250861452677779458", "reply_id": "1250862596674093061", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I think Ima give myself a shape up today."} {"idx": 27893, "original_id": "1250909348383150080", "reply_id": "1250913098749403136", "label": "no", "text": "Got your money yet or no?"} {"idx": 27894, "original_id": "1250962997998223360", "reply_id": "1250967381704208386", "label": "no", "text": "I just saw a thread someone did about covid19, which mentioned they were talking colloidal silver for it"} {"idx": 27895, "original_id": "1250899179666395136", "reply_id": "1250902924793991168", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "#DonaldTrump is so, so sick. He held up the presses so they would put his POS name on every relief check. Even when you get your money, you have to look at that egomaniac’s name!"} {"idx": 27897, "original_id": "1250960613972549633", "reply_id": "1250962953458745346", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If you're going to come at me with your hot command takes---don't try to connect with me on LinkedIn, where I can see your bio and your fundamental lack of experience. \nAnd geeen tabs."} {"idx": 27899, "original_id": "1250915101445677057", "reply_id": "1251114169581133824", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump’s placin’ all responsibility on the governors. He’ll take credit only if it works."} {"idx": 27901, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250982271458226176", "label": "omg", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 27903, "original_id": "1251116829705035780", "reply_id": "1251118866757025792", "label": "high_five", "text": "I'm the type of friend to shout your name from across the room to ask you for an air high 5."} {"idx": 27904, "original_id": "1250956378778157056", "reply_id": "1250959848465809412", "label": "oops", "text": "Im a broke whore now"} {"idx": 27905, "original_id": "1250913382133350405", "reply_id": "1250913507371089929", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Remember the first time you read “c’mon” and you thought to yourself, wtf does SEEmon mean?"} {"idx": 27911, "original_id": "1250963084052594688", "reply_id": "1250985812826583040", "label": "applause", "text": "Thank you @PrernaChatterje for the inspiring and insightful talk on #sustainable practices in palm oil industry. Great to know how a company's commitment to sustainable #supplychain management can drive and support successful projects."} {"idx": 27912, "original_id": "1250572255186337793", "reply_id": "1251010333898158080", "label": "applause", "text": "I like how our country didn’t want a female president yet we still ended up with a little bitch"} {"idx": 27914, "original_id": "1251204231786364928", "reply_id": "1251210638308683783", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm a pleaser. \n\nIf my women decided that me drink her piss with my dinner was a turn on, I'd ask her to drink more water, let me mix it was Crown and Im all over it. \n\nShe want's I give. I'm always down to make her happy and I go the extra mile."} {"idx": 27915, "original_id": "1250944487943294976", "reply_id": "1250946282098765830", "label": "shocked", "text": "The Iowa State Fair was tremendously mediocre. There. I can finally say it."} {"idx": 27917, "original_id": "1250864291084976131", "reply_id": "1250881916481310720", "label": "yes", "text": "It's done. I'm 100% in.\n\nGo get Tua."} {"idx": 27919, "original_id": "1250364664157843456", "reply_id": "1250920719438893056", "label": "shocked", "text": "I have gone down the deepest of holes, by looking up YamiYugixJou/dragonshipping. Because I found old fanart that I drew from 10 years ago"} {"idx": 27921, "original_id": "1250907792048873473", "reply_id": "1250925854911160320", "label": "omg", "text": "What songs/artist are you listening to these days..."} {"idx": 27922, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251197461672210432", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 27923, "original_id": "1250926617205059586", "reply_id": "1251093096617709568", "label": "omg", "text": "Trump: “we have tremendous testing capacity.” Many governors say that is not true."} {"idx": 27925, "original_id": "1251098722878046209", "reply_id": "1251098957444456450", "label": "shrug", "text": "#COVID19 does not have compass. It does not know the difference between North and South. If you are in close contact with an infected person or surface, it will enter you lungs regardless of your ethnicity or religion."} {"idx": 27928, "original_id": "1250659845289775110", "reply_id": "1250851639134691331", "label": "hug", "text": "Ugh. I’m suddenly feeling very sad about everything 😭"} {"idx": 27930, "original_id": "1250898344995688450", "reply_id": "1250898560935223296", "label": "dance", "text": "I am drowning in champagne...But the “cham” is silent... :{"} {"idx": 27932, "original_id": "1250902789502500865", "reply_id": "1250908899848396805", "label": "hug", "text": "Real hard to imagine how a live stream that hadn't aired got flagged for guideline strikes on @Doomcock's channel. Who would do such a thing? Hmmmmm. #TheFandomMenace"} {"idx": 27934, "original_id": "1250846516853571592", "reply_id": "1250848733996204032", "label": "agree", "text": "Howl was loud af w that one 🤧"} {"idx": 27935, "original_id": "1250931233447530501", "reply_id": "1251178358982848515", "label": "facepalm", "text": "WASE > WASD"} {"idx": 27937, "original_id": "1250871290036137985", "reply_id": "1250873534559256577", "label": "omg", "text": "I’m thinking, because it is going to be at least another month before I can do anything about it, perhaps now might be the best time to admit I’m not a real blonde."} {"idx": 27939, "original_id": "1250909412472033285", "reply_id": "1250964038529490946", "label": "shrug", "text": "Why is linda calling me out on my sickness 😂"} {"idx": 27944, "original_id": "1251153955687563264", "reply_id": "1251269649007861760", "label": "applause", "text": "ppl who prefer no pulp orange juice need to grow up"} {"idx": 27945, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230050063716352", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 27946, "original_id": "1250922818801414146", "reply_id": "1250939715672584192", "label": "applause", "text": "Very happy girl today, who was productive and eager to complete her tasks!"} {"idx": 27947, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251090245497450504", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 27948, "original_id": "1251161829851578368", "reply_id": "1251245226393513984", "label": "hearts", "text": "It’ll be a year tomorrow since Lyra was taken from us, and even now when I see people on messenger and Facebook with her pic as their profile pic my heart skips a beat, my brain still looks for her and the hope that it’ll be her is still there."} {"idx": 27949, "original_id": "1251061387004010500", "reply_id": "1251066686540636162", "label": "wink", "text": "Why is Jon Hamm that attractive 🥴"} {"idx": 27950, "original_id": "1251211158742237184", "reply_id": "1251211982121742338", "label": "sorry", "text": "School is OFFICIALLY closed for the remainder of the school year! 😭"} {"idx": 27953, "original_id": "1250912556698476550", "reply_id": "1250914590122217473", "label": "dance", "text": "@adarh9’s birthday in a few minutes 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻"} {"idx": 27955, "original_id": "1251154564985663491", "reply_id": "1251168779863760899", "label": "agree", "text": "hey, word of advice from someone whos seen the other side. if you moving out of ya parents house for the first time, try & do that shit alone or if its with s/o, ensure u can cover the rent and utilities by yourself in case aaaanything happens. i wish i never put myself in debt"} {"idx": 27956, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1251074311751897088", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 27960, "original_id": "1250850124051300352", "reply_id": "1250868306283724800", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just sent some shithead 12 year old on XBOX Live a link to his moms OnlyFans account . \n\nFlawless Victory, Motherfucker."} {"idx": 27962, "original_id": "1251198388231700482", "reply_id": "1251202823221624837", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I've been working out, building muscles... underneath."} {"idx": 27963, "original_id": "1251185527623086080", "reply_id": "1251215978727444480", "label": "high_five", "text": "My house is starting to look a lot like Ted Kaczynski’s cabin."} {"idx": 27964, "original_id": "1250953969469468679", "reply_id": "1250954497557442570", "label": "shocked", "text": "I have played hundreds of hours of Mario Kart the last month. I want Toadette to die in the most painful way possible."} {"idx": 27966, "original_id": "1250929941992165377", "reply_id": "1250986935570567168", "label": "hug", "text": "I really don’t want the chicken I made for dinner."} {"idx": 27967, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1250980725840465920", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 27968, "original_id": "789712229285318656", "reply_id": "1251065537418969089", "label": "yolo", "text": "Stop changing who you are for people who don't even know themselves."} {"idx": 27969, "original_id": "1250990430138839041", "reply_id": "1250991732252192769", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Ready to be taken out the game"} {"idx": 27970, "original_id": "1250867854343319552", "reply_id": "1250886203643133952", "label": "thank_you", "text": "There are some FINE ass native men on here 😌"} {"idx": 27973, "original_id": "1250856491839610883", "reply_id": "1250858084588826625", "label": "applause", "text": "I don't know who needs to hear this but Liz Warren is no Hillary Clinton. Not by a long shot."} {"idx": 27974, "original_id": "1250857010590965760", "reply_id": "1250888978221412352", "label": "no", "text": "Unpopular opinion: I'd like to see Jozea get another shot on The Challenge. He really didn't do anything wrong on Final Reckoning. Considering the amount of BS he had to deal with, he was reasonable and far from over the top."} {"idx": 27976, "original_id": "1251128429287636995", "reply_id": "1251128559898259457", "label": "hug", "text": "Send hugs :("} {"idx": 27983, "original_id": "1251029130159816704", "reply_id": "1251030044329246721", "label": "applause", "text": "I rate music based on how similar it sounds to the sims 2 and sims urbs games for the gameboy"} {"idx": 27984, "original_id": "1251097027078959105", "reply_id": "1251184661390217221", "label": "yes", "text": "I really hope @Oprah speaks about the dangerous statements by @DrPhil and @DrOz WE need her voice."} {"idx": 27988, "original_id": "1250933345187291136", "reply_id": "1250947072330735616", "label": "ok", "text": "I don’t know who needs to read this but squirters actually squirt pee and not cum.\n\nSo for those of you who can’t tell or taste or tell the difference, now you know."} {"idx": 27991, "original_id": "1250832070777212929", "reply_id": "1251106002243633152", "label": "no", "text": "FYI Was told by a Home Depot employee starting next week only folks with contractor licenses will be able to shop there!"} {"idx": 27992, "original_id": "1251192693595738113", "reply_id": "1251193186392948736", "label": "applause", "text": "Hey @MammothMountain everyone is wearing gloves and face masks, the same way we always do on the mountain. Let’s open back up now"} {"idx": 27995, "original_id": "1250864899363831808", "reply_id": "1251202585484300288", "label": "awww", "text": "The dangled carrot of reconstruction has likely left Rangers standing on our ledge alone. We won’t be able to push for an investigation without support and angry statements might be as far as we take things."} {"idx": 27996, "original_id": "1251221498012016641", "reply_id": "1251222566968143873", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m just here for the sex. What?"} {"idx": 28001, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251002855906893824", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 28002, "original_id": "1250939030428147713", "reply_id": "1250939787243950082", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm excited to announce I'll be speaking with @va_shiva tonight live on his channels. Will post it to mine tomorrow. You won't want to miss this chat. \n\nDr. Shiva is a scientist with four MIT degrees & is more than qualified to duke it out with the \"health expert\" bureaucrats."} {"idx": 28003, "original_id": "1250905589053624321", "reply_id": "1250910944940765185", "label": "shocked", "text": "Had oxtail first the first time (I think)....not a fan"} {"idx": 28006, "original_id": "1250590179842125826", "reply_id": "1250868023281569796", "label": "awww", "text": "My brother: so I’m not going to get anything for my birthday this year?\n\nMe: *pauses and feels sad* I guess not 🥺😭\n\nBro: YEESSSS! So I get two gifts next year?!!\n\nMe: aww!\n\nBro: That’s so cool! I’m gonna have double the fun next year!\n\nI wanna be like him omg 🥺😭😍"} {"idx": 28009, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251229967049871360", "label": "agree", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 28010, "original_id": "1251120600640221184", "reply_id": "1251135152060796928", "label": "good_luck", "text": "someone wanna come over here and eat this puss?"} {"idx": 28017, "original_id": "1250966762654437377", "reply_id": "1251224010496651264", "label": "yes", "text": "i'm working on something big big big big big. big. it's big."} {"idx": 28018, "original_id": "1251065632893726720", "reply_id": "1251096787030470657", "label": "eww", "text": "QUICK! describe youtube in one word"} {"idx": 28019, "original_id": "1251193870131572739", "reply_id": "1251248947529744384", "label": "agree", "text": "WITH PEOPLE \"PROTESTING\" AND Q MAKING PREDICITIONS AND THE UNLOCKING OF AMERICA BEING DANGLED BE READY FOR AN EVENT, THEY CAN USE CRISIS ACTORS, THEY CAN USE WEATHER WARFARE OR THE OWNED BY PERPETRATORS MEDIA #RFB I WARNED OF THE PANDEMIC, NOW IM WARNING OF THE NEXT STAGE"} {"idx": 28021, "original_id": "1250891319200931840", "reply_id": "1250896901886685185", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "imagine carrying a baby a 9 whole months, dealing with sickness, pain, and childbirth, and then it grows up to be a fucking controller player"} {"idx": 28022, "original_id": "1251232667749814273", "reply_id": "1251250166671323137", "label": "idk", "text": "Who is the smartest?? Ivanka, Don junior or Eric??"} {"idx": 28025, "original_id": "1251046991741812737", "reply_id": "1251047357396860930", "label": "omg", "text": "50,000 fake PhDs are estimated to be purchased every year in the United States, while only 40,000 PhDs are earned legitimately."} {"idx": 28028, "original_id": "1251207979065470977", "reply_id": "1251209073976119298", "label": "applause", "text": "im kinda diggin on the new westside gunn, what do yall think?"} {"idx": 28029, "original_id": "1250832000757329920", "reply_id": "1250834314679463936", "label": "ok", "text": "Looked at the twitters. Y’all some dumb sum’bitches. Time for more coffee."} {"idx": 28030, "original_id": "1251214965647773702", "reply_id": "1251226422821171202", "label": "agree", "text": "Lucci was tlkn his shit on Covid 19"} {"idx": 28031, "original_id": "1251004787455332352", "reply_id": "1251005136828170240", "label": "agree", "text": "Gov. Whitmer is out of control. It’s clear that Michigan needs conservative leadership once again!"} {"idx": 28032, "original_id": "1250664845558648832", "reply_id": "1250856228130971648", "label": "applause", "text": "Grass is green.\nSnow is white.\nThe sky is blue.\n\n.. and ..\n\nRey is a Mary Sue. 😝"} {"idx": 28033, "original_id": "1250978377701511170", "reply_id": "1251262299366502401", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Ten thousand people in line at a food bank in Texas while Nancy Pelosi is eating ice cream that cost $12 a pint. Maybe we should refer to her as Nancy “let them eat ice cream” Pelosi."} {"idx": 28036, "original_id": "1250991416991342593", "reply_id": "1251060060043657216", "label": "dance", "text": "Ok I'm ready for tik tok!"} {"idx": 28037, "original_id": "1251176259675136004", "reply_id": "1251200743723405312", "label": "scared", "text": "I rarely block people on Twitter. I like the conversation and going back and forth. @chaddukes has been telling me for a while to start blocking people that drive me crazy. Today is that day."} {"idx": 28039, "original_id": "1251056753585860608", "reply_id": "1251084457181884417", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "We’ve been fed? Yeah, crumbs."} {"idx": 28040, "original_id": "1251117294132039681", "reply_id": "1251234921005355020", "label": "awww", "text": "Today is my 65th birthday and my son’s birthday. Yup I had my son on my birthday. Can I get your favorite GIF?"} {"idx": 28043, "original_id": "1250920538295369729", "reply_id": "1251117216797462530", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t know about y’all but I’m starting to miss people I don’t even like"} {"idx": 28045, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250946239039860736", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 28046, "original_id": "1251033838542823427", "reply_id": "1251122425644843010", "label": "no", "text": "Boys only want love if it’s torture.\n\nDon’t say I didn’t, say I didn’t, warn you."} {"idx": 28047, "original_id": "1251195152871366658", "reply_id": "1251197308131213314", "label": "popcorn", "text": "You are going to hear every profound thing the internet has to offer. Brace yourself."} {"idx": 28054, "original_id": "1250741959611875338", "reply_id": "1250916788684099586", "label": "hug", "text": "It`s almost time for me to say my final goodbye, I feel sick to my stomach but I know somehow I have to find the courage to get through this, not sure when I will be back on twitter but once again thank you to all friends & strangers for your words of comfort & kindness.💔"} {"idx": 28055, "original_id": "1250895591820996613", "reply_id": "1250896517420003328", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Mood: Disgusted"} {"idx": 28060, "original_id": "1250824636268412930", "reply_id": "1250846940750807040", "label": "agree", "text": "Coronavirus briefing, both experts have green ties on, coincidence or do they represent something?"} {"idx": 28061, "original_id": "1251205076301099010", "reply_id": "1251241030927765506", "label": "shocked", "text": "So far Trials is making me want to go back to Fallout 76, which is saying something"} {"idx": 28062, "original_id": "1251258789539516416", "reply_id": "1251259073972092930", "label": "agree", "text": "Wherever you are right now, just know that I’m thinking of you, and I’m pulling for you to make it through all this madness!\n\nWe all we got!"} {"idx": 28065, "original_id": "1251043529801052160", "reply_id": "1251142680500826112", "label": "agree", "text": "do you know the number of people you've slept with?🥁🥁🥁"} {"idx": 28067, "original_id": "1251248709796614146", "reply_id": "1251251134179794950", "label": "hug", "text": "Not having a good 'go' at life, and haven't been for quite some time. I have used social media and streaming to help separate and distance my thoughts from my shit situation.\n\nI hope y'all have a good weekend. I know I won't."} {"idx": 28068, "original_id": "1250382921866895362", "reply_id": "1250955857216618497", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If I wanted a check signed by tRump, I would have\nbecome a porn star."} {"idx": 28069, "original_id": "1250948114850119680", "reply_id": "1250981000584269824", "label": "want", "text": "I had my ramen recipe for lunch AND dinner today. It’s that good."} {"idx": 28079, "original_id": "1251239701953908737", "reply_id": "1251252890934665217", "label": "applause", "text": "Your chance to win a code for Fallout 76 Wastelanders Deluxe Edition and a couple other prizes on Xbox One happens in one hour with #freecodefridaycontest"} {"idx": 28081, "original_id": "1251083484061470720", "reply_id": "1251100443058606080", "label": "applause", "text": "College coaches who follow me. I wanna come out in the future and work some camps👀💪"} {"idx": 28085, "original_id": "1250982333638823946", "reply_id": "1250988523542532097", "label": "applause", "text": "Sorry, gang. I fear my tweets are gonna probably be sappy or sexy for the foreseeable future. I didn’t catch The Rona. I caught the feels. And goddamnit I deserve them."} {"idx": 28087, "original_id": "1250920693560160262", "reply_id": "1251152152153579520", "label": "smh", "text": "2500 people died today, 32,000 have died in 6 weeks. But we are focusing on opening up and making money."} {"idx": 28089, "original_id": "1251213220599169026", "reply_id": "1251213380372889600", "label": "applause", "text": "here’s the thing; if Issa didn’t want Daniel to nut on her face, she should’ve just kept her mouth on his dick and kept sucking lol she really overreacted 😐"} {"idx": 28090, "original_id": "1250908800988655623", "reply_id": "1250918149714636800", "label": "applause", "text": "The shit show is starting."} {"idx": 28091, "original_id": "1250947166379610115", "reply_id": "1250960216063184896", "label": "seriously", "text": "Popeyes has the best chicken. And thats just the facts."} {"idx": 28095, "original_id": "1249449949751844865", "reply_id": "1250924659438166017", "label": "sigh", "text": "How is everyone?"} {"idx": 28097, "original_id": "1251204720229781505", "reply_id": "1251208949522509827", "label": "scared", "text": "today's Trump Propaganda Show is going to be off the fucking rails"} {"idx": 28098, "original_id": "1251198890809884674", "reply_id": "1251235995833360385", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "these webex meetings are gettin old ......."} {"idx": 28102, "original_id": "1251273091109449728", "reply_id": "1251275314681876480", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "When Peter Dutton looks in the mirror, who/what does he see?\nAnswers with GIFs.\n\n#auspol #spudinthemirror"} {"idx": 28103, "original_id": "1251198759314157569", "reply_id": "1251242393178906625", "label": "seriously", "text": "As a Mizzou fan, I never thought I'd say this... but I wish I was on @KUHoops roster right now. Getting paid to do nothing sounds pretty good at the moment."} {"idx": 28105, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251086436683542531", "label": "applause", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 28106, "original_id": "1250614170392952833", "reply_id": "1250905183493767172", "label": "yes", "text": "Ok going to start \"The Wire\" for the 1st time tonight. \n\nWill it be worth it?"} {"idx": 28108, "original_id": "1251140982818713600", "reply_id": "1251141553906544646", "label": "high_five", "text": "I can't be the only one who gets really pleased when they have a nice poop."} {"idx": 28111, "original_id": "1250942758791110657", "reply_id": "1250943302196703233", "label": "smh", "text": "alright. i want ass ate, neow!"} {"idx": 28113, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250906985983344641", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 28114, "original_id": "1251204349478481920", "reply_id": "1251206991265046530", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Giveaway 🥳\n\nRules: \n- Follow @CocaProxies \n- RT & Like this tweet\n\nPrize: \n- 2x CocaProxies Discord Invite\n\nEnds in 24 hours"} {"idx": 28115, "original_id": "1251232304950697984", "reply_id": "1251232434064109573", "label": "good_luck", "text": "My next 3 days are going to be EPIC! I’m about to buckle down, chug coffee, and finish ALL content editing for my book baby. \n\n#writerslife #WritingCommunity"} {"idx": 28117, "original_id": "1251129633870733313", "reply_id": "1251203876847521795", "label": "eww", "text": "Where is Amit Shah? Is he hiding or is he stuck?\n\n#RealLeadersTakeQuestions"} {"idx": 28120, "original_id": "1250954270993723392", "reply_id": "1250956862813593600", "label": "sigh", "text": "Playing trivia with friends and none of us can name a Bob Dylan song... internet please don't shame me."} {"idx": 28122, "original_id": "1251024039868497922", "reply_id": "1251030295710707712", "label": "smh", "text": "I remember when I used to only like basketball boys 🥴🥴🥴🥴"} {"idx": 28123, "original_id": "1250922791886483456", "reply_id": "1250925887924535297", "label": "scared", "text": "Wow, just realized I was going to be in San Diego with @Blirbis and @ablomker23 to see @fontainesdublin tonight and @_softkill tomorrow night @casbahsandiego would have been an epic weekend of music and beer! Damn."} {"idx": 28129, "original_id": "1251181526433386497", "reply_id": "1251199925544681472", "label": "eww", "text": "Dip your pizza in chic -fil -a sauce and then thank me for changing your life."} {"idx": 28130, "original_id": "1251139062355775491", "reply_id": "1251140427908087808", "label": "win", "text": "I woke up & there was cold pizza in the fridge I could have for breakfast. This is my favorite day of the pandemic so far."} {"idx": 28131, "original_id": "1250868086858645504", "reply_id": "1250973557561020416", "label": "no", "text": "I honestly believe today is the day The Legend of Elon died. He's getting ripped from all directions and is incredibly combative. And the quid pro quo will expose him to the public what a scumbag he is (which we have all known in $TSLAQ)."} {"idx": 28132, "original_id": "1250416089894354944", "reply_id": "1250853265228644352", "label": "yes", "text": "While the administration’s testing regime is at best incomplete and at worst a shambles:\n\nPresident Trump is busy attacking the World Health Organization and everyone else under the sun.\n\nThe country needs leadership now."} {"idx": 28133, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251086156000890881", "label": "ok", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 28135, "original_id": "1251163116928450560", "reply_id": "1251186989979885569", "label": "yes", "text": "Ravens are going to be scary good this season 🦍 #RavensFlock"} {"idx": 28137, "original_id": "1251172011478482948", "reply_id": "1251234890831495168", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Random out of context gif replies with no accompanying text are to twitter what the luddite mother minion memes are to facebook\n\nChange my mind"} {"idx": 28138, "original_id": "1250926820314079232", "reply_id": "1250928094128607232", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Mission Accomplished.\nI guess there will be no more press briefings."} {"idx": 28139, "original_id": "1250992651844882433", "reply_id": "1251095491292606464", "label": "hug", "text": "wow today really gonna be one of those days where i really can't enjoy anything at all, huh? guess im useless today."} {"idx": 28143, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250994014532370442", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 28144, "original_id": "1250823392963551233", "reply_id": "1250891885717213189", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I trust Dr. Pepper, Doctor Who (All 14!) and Dr. Dre all day before #DrOz."} {"idx": 28145, "original_id": "1250460122016436229", "reply_id": "1251181995352342529", "label": "dance", "text": "How would you define your personality? GIFs only."} {"idx": 28146, "original_id": "1251237051745222661", "reply_id": "1251238862006804480", "label": "hug", "text": "ever since having my period at the same time as the unfortunate event, getting it sucks extra."} {"idx": 28149, "original_id": "1250809372185419776", "reply_id": "1251179850943078400", "label": "oops", "text": "Why do MAGAts always talk about owning the libs? Is it because they can no longer own slaves?"} {"idx": 28150, "original_id": "1250978072053993472", "reply_id": "1250986442458902530", "label": "applause", "text": "editing nerds assemble: my Final Cut Pro keeps crashing when I try to share video, no matter what I click it crashes... ya know how to fix?"} {"idx": 28151, "original_id": "1250901436512288769", "reply_id": "1250903181103714304", "label": "hug", "text": "this was a Bad day my dudes"} {"idx": 28157, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251048693303701504", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 28159, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251068235614691328", "label": "wink", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 28161, "original_id": "1250899873517404167", "reply_id": "1250900389072982024", "label": "applause", "text": "I make plastic Dracula figures but theres only two of us on the production line.\n\nSo I have to make every second Count..."} {"idx": 28163, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250879913848176640", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 28164, "original_id": "1249635282313502720", "reply_id": "1250947506541924352", "label": "yes", "text": "Did you guys KNOW about all these weirdos on twitter ?"} {"idx": 28166, "original_id": "1251033222676447234", "reply_id": "1251033987973287938", "label": "seriously", "text": "They really put in Plunder Duos but not regular duos LMFAO we’re getting trolled i’m telling you"} {"idx": 28168, "original_id": "1251252135955771395", "reply_id": "1251256510950379520", "label": "popcorn", "text": "indy said shes gunna beat me up. \nu heard it here first, yall."} {"idx": 28170, "original_id": "1251086192822702082", "reply_id": "1251093465531809794", "label": "sigh", "text": "Going for a massive twitter cull to try and improve the experience. Blocking at will and culling who I follow."} {"idx": 28172, "original_id": "1250929863529291777", "reply_id": "1250938452956364800", "label": "agree", "text": "Phase one: Reasonable precautions. \nPhase two: President gets bored. \nPhase three: President announces reopening while pretty much every other leader in the world extends precautions \nPhase four: It all starts over because the virus doesn't watch Fox news."} {"idx": 28174, "original_id": "1251220575151968259", "reply_id": "1251228200644087809", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss mutura 🥺"} {"idx": 28176, "original_id": "1251187888248819713", "reply_id": "1251194876143820804", "label": "kiss", "text": "Love you @Kashvipanday"} {"idx": 28177, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251137686657806337", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 28178, "original_id": "1250847765644447745", "reply_id": "1250981745974886401", "label": "applause", "text": "I beat the coronavirus!!!"} {"idx": 28179, "original_id": "1251205521245270017", "reply_id": "1251213194661519360", "label": "hug", "text": "nobody cares but tonight is the worst night ever. i wasn’t talking but my brother shouted at me and insulting me for no reason. my mother is on his side and underestimated me. she said i can’t reach my dreams. y’all i’m in tears"} {"idx": 28185, "original_id": "1250441046586097675", "reply_id": "1250973317416140801", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The fact that vaccine-criminal Bill Gates and the Left are going absolutely insane about the defunding of @WHO, is about all the proof we need to know that @realDonaldTrump did the right thing. \n\nNow defund the United Nations. \n\n#AmericaFirst"} {"idx": 28193, "original_id": "1251040685290971136", "reply_id": "1251046750808428544", "label": "wink", "text": "I wouldn't be surprised if Xbox's May event landed on May 3rd to coincide with Forza Motorsport's 15 year anniversary to show off their brand new engine they've been working on for a little over two years now.\n\nJust sayin'\n\n👀"} {"idx": 28195, "original_id": "1251013634328866817", "reply_id": "1251129650962591751", "label": "applause", "text": "TL sleep?\n\nOrange juice with pulp is disgusting. Just eat a fucking orange, you freaks."} {"idx": 28196, "original_id": "1251190324476514304", "reply_id": "1251211378460815361", "label": "agree", "text": "I love it when it's overcast so much..."} {"idx": 28198, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251165634962116608", "label": "wink", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 28199, "original_id": "1250609330442960902", "reply_id": "1250866704319746057", "label": "yolo", "text": "When the world stops ending I'm gonna get so many tattoos it's not even gonna be funny."} {"idx": 28200, "original_id": "1250885542797094912", "reply_id": "1250886514143367168", "label": "yawn", "text": "Rangers have claimed that the SPFL resolution to end the season for clubs below the Scottish Premiership was the result of a \"misleading and deeply flawed\" process."} {"idx": 28202, "original_id": "1251040195450859521", "reply_id": "1251165849135853569", "label": "idk", "text": "What do... Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew and Dr. Phil all have in common?"} {"idx": 28203, "original_id": "1251000166552928256", "reply_id": "1251181626643578882", "label": "applause", "text": "I JUST SUBMITTED MY GRAD SCHOOL APPLICATION PRAY 4 ME!!! Ok, goodnight!"} {"idx": 28205, "original_id": "1250954944649273345", "reply_id": "1251206593846235136", "label": "applause", "text": "Great news! I spoke with my brother and he and his wife will NOT be voting for trump. He said he's watched him lie and be an asshole long enough. He thanked me for my Facebook posts which made him start paying better attention. Now that he's watching him every day, he's done! 👍"} {"idx": 28206, "original_id": "1251227265087819777", "reply_id": "1251228483440828423", "label": "agree", "text": "calc is so immature oml"} {"idx": 28207, "original_id": "1250844589411491855", "reply_id": "1250849777216086019", "label": "smh", "text": "Has Kuenssberg ever asked a decent question?"} {"idx": 28214, "original_id": "1250848827994669063", "reply_id": "1250853713016750080", "label": "hug", "text": "I can't sleep. Can somebody hug me pls?😟"} {"idx": 28215, "original_id": "1250905275902631940", "reply_id": "1250924028862304263", "label": "yes", "text": "The world we are currently living in has fried my attention span."} {"idx": 28217, "original_id": "1250832436008812544", "reply_id": "1250836306747363328", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Even when I call the #Catasauqua borough office to ask a simple question, I get a rude remark/answer and get cut off from asking my question. Check yourself before you talk to anyone else today MA’AM 😤"} {"idx": 28220, "original_id": "1250916137329713152", "reply_id": "1250937695427334144", "label": "hug", "text": "im feeling really lonely and depressed. cant find anything enjoyable to do. :\\"} {"idx": 28227, "original_id": "1246477844886290439", "reply_id": "1250871311469068289", "label": "no", "text": "Stay connected.\n\nStay fit.\n\nStay safe.\n\nStay #HealthyAtHome!"} {"idx": 28228, "original_id": "1251129357852200962", "reply_id": "1251149427063963653", "label": "hug", "text": "As a person who lives alone, can I take a moment to say:\n\nI just really, really want a hug."} {"idx": 28230, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250886715079868416", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 28231, "original_id": "1251104924303269891", "reply_id": "1251105416093880321", "label": "wink", "text": "First thing in the morning y hay porno gracias a rolando smh"} {"idx": 28234, "original_id": "1251020156849074177", "reply_id": "1251021584116199424", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "by the way guys;\nim only getting started 🥀⛓"} {"idx": 28235, "original_id": "1251256078702186496", "reply_id": "1251257678757797895", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Really proud of the @getrektlabs new team this week. Some amazing work being created and our services expanding thanks to new talent. Throw them all a follow!\n\n@Defract \n@sfldstudio \n@et5ki \n\nCouldn't wish for a more talented and hard working team. These guys are fire"} {"idx": 28237, "original_id": "1251137915163299842", "reply_id": "1251214074282749953", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm not okay lol."} {"idx": 28238, "original_id": "1251165609343287296", "reply_id": "1251169704728821760", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Overheard: “Home Depot should be allowed to stay open during this coronavirus stuff. Have you ever been there and tried to find an employee to help you? They’ve been practicing social distancing for years.”"} {"idx": 28239, "original_id": "1250919747371388928", "reply_id": "1250920585288470530", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Note to self:\nStop trying to help people who don't even give a fuck about your opinion/advice on this fucking app"} {"idx": 28240, "original_id": "1251221794603720704", "reply_id": "1251228285352046592", "label": "yes", "text": "Just learned that my seven-year-old started his classroom zoom session by announcing, “It’s cocktail time!” \n\nGreat."} {"idx": 28244, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251097850420871168", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 28246, "original_id": "1250886354113880084", "reply_id": "1250892067489722368", "label": "yes", "text": "Tomorrow ain’t promised we need to fuck today😂😂"} {"idx": 28248, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251103166172729346", "label": "yes", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 28249, "original_id": "1250927298951274498", "reply_id": "1250928554289893377", "label": "hug", "text": "My freaking head is pounding ffs"} {"idx": 28254, "original_id": "1250772248962703360", "reply_id": "1251007092925890560", "label": "thank_you", "text": "While @JoeBiden is not the @DNC candidate I had hoped for, and while I’m still a proud member of the @GOP, I won’t vote again for @realDonaldTrump and will support #JoeBiden for President. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #Election2020"} {"idx": 28255, "original_id": "1251018539626123265", "reply_id": "1251095423386861570", "label": "applause", "text": "sometime ago this big insta acc had reposted my work without credit & they had an ad in the description. i msged and asked them to take it down bc they were making money off my uncredited work. They called me a bitch so I filed a DMCA and their 300k acc got deleted by insta 😌"} {"idx": 28256, "original_id": "1250920426693410816", "reply_id": "1250962149201055745", "label": "no", "text": "Now more than ever, we must understand that a health care should not be a privilege tied to employment status or income. Medicare for All means no one loses coverage. Period."} {"idx": 28257, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251058823307001857", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 28260, "original_id": "1250900289823084547", "reply_id": "1250909980896747521", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Today I gave my number to the man who has been casually flirting with me for the past 2 mo. He texted me in less than 30min 😊🥰"} {"idx": 28261, "original_id": "1250853203106828290", "reply_id": "1250853541868077064", "label": "applause", "text": "BAILOUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 28265, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250916388203458560", "label": "awww", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 28266, "original_id": "1250766254371201025", "reply_id": "1250854878664167424", "label": "agree", "text": "she was never your girl it was just your turn"} {"idx": 28268, "original_id": "1250953880193478657", "reply_id": "1250954683524538368", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m getting drunk\nBye👋🏼"} {"idx": 28269, "original_id": "1250811382443970560", "reply_id": "1251012515217039360", "label": "yes", "text": "I don’t trust WHO\nI don’t trust China\nI don’t trust the UN \nI don’t trust the media \nI don’t trust the democrats"} {"idx": 28271, "original_id": "1251207126938247169", "reply_id": "1251211933962899457", "label": "smh", "text": "A relative explained that by reading the Washington Post and the New York Times, I should be careful as they are biased. They suggested I should be watching OANN as that tells the truth without bias."} {"idx": 28278, "original_id": "1251261655050334208", "reply_id": "1251268172512190464", "label": "no", "text": ".@OU_Football QB Jalen Hurts was a first-team All-Big 12 selection & runner-up for the 2019 Heisman Trophy. \n\nProspect Primer 🎥"} {"idx": 28281, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1250990348400238594", "label": "seriously", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 28286, "original_id": "1250847646312476673", "reply_id": "1251050147028623360", "label": "smh", "text": "This extended lockdown is not lawful.\nThe Prime Minister is incapacitated and didn’t make the decision. \nParliament isn’t sitting.\nThe original aim of the first lockdown has been met. \nCivil disobedience would be justified."} {"idx": 28288, "original_id": "1250922288947527681", "reply_id": "1250986816955535360", "label": "agree", "text": "Thank you for helping me reach more than 20,000 followers. \n\nI look forward to doing EVERYTHING I can in the coming months to re-elect @realDonaldTrump and encourage others within my party and the black community to put country first and party last. \n\nFOUR MORE YEARS!"} {"idx": 28289, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251136098199314433", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 28294, "original_id": "1250539234752106496", "reply_id": "1250946362805489664", "label": "yes", "text": "If Joe Biden won in November, whom will Trump blame for his lose?"} {"idx": 28297, "original_id": "1250817963814539264", "reply_id": "1251057965022556160", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Raab 'we will only do it when the evidence shows it is safe to do it'"} {"idx": 28299, "original_id": "1250993991744659456", "reply_id": "1251126017768423424", "label": "hug", "text": "Cherished Friends @DaRealMrsSalley @RedMajid @donamatthews @ChristineMColby @KevinLeichtman @ECPPSFCC @Hopeful041 @cvarsalona @the_edu_table @NJAutismThinkT @rparlakian @KC_SAZ @WomensAlly @noellabickelart @MrsVeeReads"} {"idx": 28312, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251110644935426051", "label": "omg", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28316, "original_id": "1250924119786487808", "reply_id": "1250924585182257152", "label": "smh", "text": "People put GROUND BEEF in oatmeal?! WILLINGLY?! \n\nWow"} {"idx": 28322, "original_id": "1250829348338270215", "reply_id": "1250908531273932800", "label": "yes", "text": "I won't apologize for being a woman\nwho loves sex."} {"idx": 28330, "original_id": "1250849564707430400", "reply_id": "1250849826872397825", "label": "awww", "text": "It does not matter if you are Left or Right or Center. Or anything. If you are a human, you deserve to go FIRST! #BailoutHumansNOW"} {"idx": 28331, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250943705776824320", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 28335, "original_id": "1250596037347037186", "reply_id": "1250866941138518017", "label": "no", "text": ".@maddow: \"If [Joe Biden] asked you to be his running mate, would you say yes?\"\n\nElizabeth Warren: \"Yes.\""} {"idx": 28342, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251212970941652996", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 28354, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251217331021283334", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 28355, "original_id": "1251185939562430467", "reply_id": "1251186206639079424", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Trump's behavior this morning leads me to believe that he just got a polling briefing from his campaign"} {"idx": 28360, "original_id": "1251176180549648386", "reply_id": "1251207923340017664", "label": "yes", "text": "We recently passed 10,000 followers on Twitter. Pretty awesome. How about a giveaway in the near future? \n\nI mean. Does anyone want that?\n\nHmm."} {"idx": 28379, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251248108773621761", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 28390, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251266499517579264", "label": "shocked", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 28393, "original_id": "1250992092484005888", "reply_id": "1250999287128915969", "label": "wink", "text": "Luke Evans is incredibly attractive. #disneysingalong"} {"idx": 28396, "original_id": "1250878387989753857", "reply_id": "1251140955220164608", "label": "applause", "text": "We did it\n\nWe did it...."} {"idx": 28399, "original_id": "1250790050364829698", "reply_id": "1251197753075654656", "label": "no", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever trust Bill Gates?"} {"idx": 28400, "original_id": "1251196450119340035", "reply_id": "1251243006209994753", "label": "yes", "text": "Hey, hey.... #BCSM - ROLL CALL - 4/17 - How are you today? Bonus points for answers in GIFs. Hope everyone is hanging in there, staying home, washing hands, living life. hugs."} {"idx": 28410, "original_id": "1251129151710511106", "reply_id": "1251133930461421569", "label": "applause", "text": "1/ \n\nIt’s amazing how many people think:\n\n1) money is an infinite resource.\n2) that parts of the economy are not inextricably linked to EVERYTHING ELSE.\n3) that any job is “non-essential.”\n4) that any emergency or panic trumps our God-given rights.\n\nLet’s talk about this."} {"idx": 28411, "original_id": "1250944717937938432", "reply_id": "1250945183711145984", "label": "ok", "text": "[UPDATE] At this time we do not have an ETA for servers coming back online. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have you all playing again soon."} {"idx": 28414, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250832747595096064", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 28423, "original_id": "1251061737241161728", "reply_id": "1251086164716634113", "label": "yawn", "text": "So Zlatan get mouth to de yab person? Zlatan wey him papa run DNA test on am 5 times because he no believe say him pikin fit ugly reach like this."} {"idx": 28426, "original_id": "1250900552646615051", "reply_id": "1250952989755334656", "label": "facepalm", "text": "C-3rd Letter \nO-15th Letter \nR-18th Letter \nO-15th Letter \nN-14th Letter \nA- 1st Letter\n_______________\n6-66"} {"idx": 28430, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250929403598643202", "label": "smh", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 28431, "original_id": "1250827701289725954", "reply_id": "1250868058064924672", "label": "omg", "text": "Watching #ThorRagnarok Right now!"} {"idx": 28432, "original_id": "1251159679524167681", "reply_id": "1251242322496565248", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Lmao quarantine got my exes FUCKED up thinking they can just pop in my life"} {"idx": 28435, "original_id": "1250946560990474242", "reply_id": "1250959098402820104", "label": "agree", "text": "What instrument do you think sounds the sexiest ?\n\nMe - Saxophone"} {"idx": 28437, "original_id": "1251207816561537026", "reply_id": "1251208127334289408", "label": "applause", "text": "Poop."} {"idx": 28440, "original_id": "1250839028913463297", "reply_id": "1250931579167412231", "label": "applause", "text": "Missionary sex is my favourite."} {"idx": 28441, "original_id": "1250987789660889089", "reply_id": "1250990374593708034", "label": "oops", "text": "I don't trust people who think red velvet cake is nasty."} {"idx": 28442, "original_id": "1250970989510492160", "reply_id": "1250977462303051781", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m about to move in with Sav and the thing I’m most worried about is her seeing that I have an outfit for every themed party you could think of"} {"idx": 28443, "original_id": "1250967889185824768", "reply_id": "1251165303679090689", "label": "ok", "text": "That preview has me SCREAMING! They really got drunk and trashed Ramona’s house. Cut to Ramona in tears, “This is my home!” #RHONY"} {"idx": 28444, "original_id": "1250867157455507458", "reply_id": "1250926060721618944", "label": "no", "text": "I would really appreciate it if Outback was removed from Ranked."} {"idx": 28445, "original_id": "1251071171883405313", "reply_id": "1251082509279993856", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#ff the light in the dark \n@kellyxevans \n@dad_on_my_feet \n@Ketih_the_Yeti \n@Steph_A_Nanny \n@adorableinNE \n@VisionBored1 \n@SweetCor83 \n@kaL12578 \n@katy_fit \n@KatjaQueen \n@katesterloos \n@DrisanaJuliette \n@76Tumbleweed \n@PanickedFoodie \n@Mialew79 \n@morningside36 ❤️"} {"idx": 28446, "original_id": "1250880932376174594", "reply_id": "1250896311165030400", "label": "no", "text": "I should cut my hair, right??"} {"idx": 28447, "original_id": "1250939477461209088", "reply_id": "1250950078271049735", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just extend the #nypause through December 31 and be done with it."} {"idx": 28448, "original_id": "1250866615899611141", "reply_id": "1250867787402182657", "label": "hearts", "text": "imagine how overwhelmingly happy and relieved we’re all going to be after this omg i can’t wait !!"} {"idx": 28449, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251136629642874881", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 28450, "original_id": "1250992950965932034", "reply_id": "1251207059594510337", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Oprah isn't fuckin responsible for Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil turning into monsters. \n\nSTOP LOOKING FOR A WOMAN TO BLAME EVERY TIME SHITTY WHITE MEN ACT LIKE SHITTY WHITE MEN, YOU SEXIST FUCKS."} {"idx": 28451, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230912626466816", "label": "agree", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 28453, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250951833712918530", "label": "yes", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 28461, "original_id": "1232438025205972992", "reply_id": "1251262872224534528", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Automation is set to destroy around 40M jobs. But it'll CREATE more than 65M new ones! \n\nThe robopocalypse isn't an issue of too few jobs; it's an issue of people preparing for an ever-changing economy. Learn more about #upskilling in WX105. #WorkplaceExperience"} {"idx": 28464, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251136650496880641", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 28467, "original_id": "1250925880786006016", "reply_id": "1250927282677592064", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug...where is my Bestie?💙"} {"idx": 28469, "original_id": "1250982970086666240", "reply_id": "1250983287096594432", "label": "ok", "text": "Big Sean not her soulmate them niggas just vibing . Relax"} {"idx": 28470, "original_id": "1250968415336095744", "reply_id": "1250968649071906818", "label": "applause", "text": "I finished watching Chernobyl and what a damn good show, I would’ve watched an entire full length series just about the court hearing post disaster I was that interested"} {"idx": 28471, "original_id": "1250816253217984518", "reply_id": "1250863920002117633", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hey @WarcraftDevs would it be possible to extend the Winds of Wisdom buff for a bit longer?\n\nA lot of us are still inside and it makes leveling Allied Races a lot more enticing and gives us more to do!~"} {"idx": 28476, "original_id": "1250316782797090816", "reply_id": "1251002160243970049", "label": "ok", "text": "lemme smoke n stroke 🙃"} {"idx": 28477, "original_id": "1250779442659692545", "reply_id": "1251167834169700359", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m sick of these f*cking MSNBC sh*t squirters polluting our God-given airwaves with their president-hating dreck! Now they’re promoting the subversive notion that Biden form an UNELECTED “shadow government” when he can’t even form a sentence. These people are out of their minds!"} {"idx": 28478, "original_id": "1251134937950048257", "reply_id": "1251156143163883525", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "It’s my day off. I’ve decided a thorough scrubbing of this house is the best use of my time. \n\nOf course, I decided that 2 weeks ago and didn’t get far ... so ... wish me luck?"} {"idx": 28479, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250980920607326208", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28480, "original_id": "1250912150790389765", "reply_id": "1250914824705507336", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Don’t know if you need to hear this but it’s ok if you don’t close all the rings on that fancy Apple Watch."} {"idx": 28481, "original_id": "1250913426211307520", "reply_id": "1250946674270363649", "label": "scared", "text": "Sing and dance with the all-star cast of CATS: James Corden, Judi Dench, Jason Derulo, Idris Elba Jennifer Hudson, Ian McKellen, Taylor Swift, Rebel Wilson and introducing Francesca Hayward."} {"idx": 28482, "original_id": "1251167707267031040", "reply_id": "1251167854541582347", "label": "ok", "text": "Not watching that #blackaf thing"} {"idx": 28485, "original_id": "1251199477685379074", "reply_id": "1251241476295720961", "label": "sigh", "text": "Dammmmmm @EricPMusselman really pulled it off.. Mason Jones had committed to the NBA but after a “low” draft grade (for his skill) and a strong push by Muss that with our transfer,recruits and eligible guys we can win a natty w/him. HE IS COMING BACK!!!!! HOLY HOG HEAVEN!!! #wps"} {"idx": 28486, "original_id": "1251067452068257794", "reply_id": "1251125083944321024", "label": "agree", "text": "The Birthday song has one of the saddest tune ever."} {"idx": 28487, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250977077915942912", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28490, "original_id": "1251212745049092100", "reply_id": "1251235811460354053", "label": "no", "text": "So sad to hear about Betty White. She’ll be missed. #RIP. \n(She’s fine, just practicing)"} {"idx": 28491, "original_id": "1250794944303968258", "reply_id": "1251133813444562945", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is not a good day.\n#MentalHealthMatters"} {"idx": 28493, "original_id": "1251031150040166400", "reply_id": "1251104643750539265", "label": "hug", "text": "Hey guys, I'm still working on the six fanarts challenge, I want to try and do all of the requests I've gotten, but I've been struggling with depression and my ptsd lately so it might still take a while. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but please know I haven't forgotten. 💦"} {"idx": 28494, "original_id": "1251152142380855296", "reply_id": "1251259637917265921", "label": "sorry", "text": "My friend Omtatah, pole on losing your daughter Maryanne, to acute malaria. I know the pain of losing a child, let it strengthen you to push harder for policies that improve lives for our people. God grant you strength to cope with the loss. You're in our thoughts and prayers."} {"idx": 28498, "original_id": "1250978472526217217", "reply_id": "1250980015770087424", "label": "seriously", "text": "My raidhn impersonation is on point"} {"idx": 28500, "original_id": "1250917260824399873", "reply_id": "1250917679206207488", "label": "good_luck", "text": "i wanna buy a new avatar, any recommended creators?"} {"idx": 28504, "original_id": "1249137732649181184", "reply_id": "1251213627396325381", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Pigs in a blanket but it’s your wiener between my fluffy buns"} {"idx": 28506, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251226447819276288", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 28512, "original_id": "1251110960766480385", "reply_id": "1251138950959267841", "label": "awww", "text": "I envy those people who are tired of sleeping, watching movies and being alone whole day."} {"idx": 28514, "original_id": "1250571750280253440", "reply_id": "1250846198048665606", "label": "yes", "text": "The Atlanta Falcons are the only team that have the (real) new jerseys. They took a huge risk stepping outside the box with their designs. All the other teams played it safe with their threads. 🅰️tlanta We Littt. 🔥"} {"idx": 28518, "original_id": "1250927039479255040", "reply_id": "1250938058142363649", "label": "yawn", "text": "Ordering a metric fuckload of food and going to bed early tonight, exhausted. 😪 goodnight everyone, enjoy your evening. ♡♡"} {"idx": 28519, "original_id": "1251140735249682434", "reply_id": "1251153718793211910", "label": "agree", "text": "No anxiety shopping today. Maybe I’m getting used to it. Maybe it’s the CBD/THC tincture I take every night."} {"idx": 28523, "original_id": "1251223703838494720", "reply_id": "1251227309807243264", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "NEW — From a @twitter spokesperson: the “LIBERATE” tweets by @realdonaldtrump do not violate rules prohibiting content that is “a clear call to action that could directly pose a risk to people’s health or well-being.” Trump’s tweets are “vague and unclear” re: any harmful intent."} {"idx": 28524, "original_id": "1250965817174265856", "reply_id": "1251025963690758145", "label": "applause", "text": "So you’ve just finished in the bathroom (bear with me ) and you go to tidy up, and realise that someone has taken the toilet paper, cue intense negotiations with your 2yr old who is very protective about his newly acquired stash"} {"idx": 28525, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251200639184580608", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 28530, "original_id": "1250977125508808705", "reply_id": "1250979571165470721", "label": "applause", "text": "WOW...\n\nThank you @BravoTV for an amazing start to #RHOBH (the end was probably one of the most dramatic season openers) and an incredible episode of #RHONY full of amazing @SonjatMorgan moments that made me smile and laugh 🤣🤣"} {"idx": 28532, "original_id": "1250990095152197633", "reply_id": "1251042880547766272", "label": "applause", "text": "No fresh #COVID__19 cases in Odisha for the last 2 days. He keeps a low profile, doesn’t talk much or get into excessive PR but let his work talk. @Naveen_Odisha has a history of showing resourcefulness and pro-activeness in tackling disasters. One of my fav CM."} {"idx": 28534, "original_id": "1251002298920206337", "reply_id": "1251153710874411010", "label": "applause", "text": "NEW: China has revised its coronavirus death toll, adding 1,290 deaths in Wuhan.\n\nRaising the country's total to 4,636."} {"idx": 28535, "original_id": "1251245346442956802", "reply_id": "1251257337802825732", "label": "agree", "text": "Last week, President @realDonaldTrump spoke with several bank CEOs regarding #PPP & I want give a special thanks to one of the companies, @LiveOakBank!\n\nSince the program’s launch, they have provided incredibly swift support to their small business customers!#AmericaWorksTogether"} {"idx": 28537, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250935981374689281", "label": "yawn", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 28539, "original_id": "1250935196490268673", "reply_id": "1251055020423950337", "label": "eww", "text": "Let’s talk about love"} {"idx": 28541, "original_id": "1251209728534798337", "reply_id": "1251209811674439681", "label": "ok", "text": "We're seeing that users should now be able to play Brawlhalla. Thank you to everyone that reported this to us."} {"idx": 28544, "original_id": "1251027638044540928", "reply_id": "1251028272206483456", "label": "yawn", "text": "Who is awake and joining us this Friday morning? 🤗\n\nWe’re open until 11pm if you need anything, or fancy a chat."} {"idx": 28548, "original_id": "1250939842134933504", "reply_id": "1250943115592175618", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I drop some posters this weekend?"} {"idx": 28550, "original_id": "1251219592594239496", "reply_id": "1251246843796873216", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I installed a smart door lock today and I think that makes me qualified for a nap."} {"idx": 28551, "original_id": "1251220895785455623", "reply_id": "1251222645401673729", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Pt 4\n@JohnDEcholsJr3 \n@ItsWildBoy \n@UnrealEntGaming \n@jessithebuckeye \n@CorruptedPOD \n@MaracleMan \n@RHWGareth \n@AverageWRestlin \n@Sweetcheeks_Yvi \n@Yungraf1988 \n@WellzMania \n@ShaneDaleWells1 \n@FansofwrestIing\n@ore922 \n@NYCDemonDiva \nI still love the rest who didn't make the list."} {"idx": 28556, "original_id": "1250960431851671554", "reply_id": "1250972571492741120", "label": "hug", "text": "Panic cried a lot today. \n\nGuess I’ll start drinking"} {"idx": 28559, "original_id": "1251169972530733057", "reply_id": "1251171045391794176", "label": "hug", "text": "I really hate when someone tries to make controversy out of everything you tweet."} {"idx": 28562, "original_id": "1250746891765190656", "reply_id": "1251022569274093568", "label": "kiss", "text": "It’s my 71st birthday. Thankful to have my pets to be with. 🎈❤️🐾"} {"idx": 28564, "original_id": "1250815781736255489", "reply_id": "1250845312454987782", "label": "agree", "text": "Focus more on learning rather than earning.."} {"idx": 28565, "original_id": "1250848823540400129", "reply_id": "1251153344703291393", "label": "agree", "text": "Now I’ve got shit to do today so leave me alone, I’ll out troll you anyways"} {"idx": 28568, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251128836856537088", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 28570, "original_id": "1250882276625440768", "reply_id": "1250923081884975104", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I literally despise motorcycles. Sorry not sorry if this offends you. Most annoying and pointless vehicle."} {"idx": 28571, "original_id": "1251262158974877696", "reply_id": "1251263085345718273", "label": "shocked", "text": "Strange but true: Twins can have different fathers."} {"idx": 28572, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251238760085254144", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 28574, "original_id": "1251000673128366086", "reply_id": "1251061745126453248", "label": "no", "text": "Guys haleem with paraatha??? Yay or nay??"} {"idx": 28575, "original_id": "1250844546843451393", "reply_id": "1250845527660527617", "label": "sigh", "text": "My suicide note will highlight that I just wanted alcohol. Yoh."} {"idx": 28577, "original_id": "1250849939028148225", "reply_id": "1250914198063890433", "label": "win", "text": "Reminder. All the curves have flattened (not to zero first-derivative obv, but that was never the point), and there’s no looming crunch of ICU beds or ventilators or whatever\n\nThe stated (or gif-ified) rationale for the lockdowns no longer exists, we did it\n\njust saying"} {"idx": 28578, "original_id": "1250882376428904448", "reply_id": "1251092283455344640", "label": "applause", "text": "Step 1: Zack Ryder signs with AEW.\n\nStep 2: Cody Rhodes teams with him.\n\nStep 3: They call their tag team “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\nStep 4: They rename the Jericho Cruise “AEW: Suite Life On Deck”\n\nStep 5: Ratings 📈📈📈"} {"idx": 28580, "original_id": "1250862314326077440", "reply_id": "1250913101437906950", "label": "high_five", "text": "Isibaya has a way of making us laugh in this difficult time. The knockout of Malusi and Ukugqinyizwa kwaMandla was entertaining😂😂.\n#Isibaya \n#isibayamzansi"} {"idx": 28582, "original_id": "1250872782000459779", "reply_id": "1250898322295943168", "label": "agree", "text": "PS4 server needs to get its shit together."} {"idx": 28583, "original_id": "1250768517776932865", "reply_id": "1250941102158479364", "label": "applause", "text": "I wanna pull over in the side of the road and get my throat fucked so hard I’m blinded by the mixture of tears and spit covering my face🥴\nI want people to drive past and see daddy’s little whore face covered in his cum 😩"} {"idx": 28584, "original_id": "1250877718524243968", "reply_id": "1250879767613767681", "label": "shrug", "text": "Why assume that anyone even loosely connected to Team Trump will get their collective shit together? #msnbc"} {"idx": 28589, "original_id": "1250931233447530501", "reply_id": "1250948198933434375", "label": "no", "text": "WASE > WASD"} {"idx": 28590, "original_id": "1251241613730426881", "reply_id": "1251255770152345600", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF Party!! @mediaforestcast @TheNerdRagePod @CLSidekicks @OnlineWarriors1 @cherrycyannide @IceAndTheFace @FANtomZonePod @rolemodelpod @JayMovieTalk @NASA_never"} {"idx": 28591, "original_id": "1250922468128231431", "reply_id": "1250963071381778432", "label": "wink", "text": "stfu all yu hoes got ur ass beat 😂"} {"idx": 28595, "original_id": "1250992231424507906", "reply_id": "1250992746522742784", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Good morning पीपल 😌😌😌"} {"idx": 28598, "original_id": "1250669213666234368", "reply_id": "1250901544867893249", "label": "no", "text": "I've once gave my answer booklet to a random guy in the exam hall to copy & then we heard \"10 mins more\"\nThat nigga legit canceled my matric number & changed it to his own, stood up & went to submit straight\nI couldn't utter any word apart from \"Mad o, Mad o\"\n\nI had an \"F\" tho"} {"idx": 28599, "original_id": "1251267676032372737", "reply_id": "1251268757059600384", "label": "high_five", "text": "We started offering virtual reference appointments for our students when classes moved online. I just did my first reference appointment via zoom and it was so so nice to talk to and see a student again 😭 I miss the chaos and energy of being on campus."} {"idx": 28600, "original_id": "1251188961562619904", "reply_id": "1251189618864730112", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Alright this is the day I'm gonna attempt those poof sleeves"} {"idx": 28602, "original_id": "1250934631869878272", "reply_id": "1250936573622915074", "label": "hug", "text": "There are times when you just feel empty 💔😒"} {"idx": 28603, "original_id": "1250988432660197376", "reply_id": "1250991418723782657", "label": "agree", "text": "Let it Go is an absolute banger. I know parents hate it because they’ve heard it so much, but you can’t deny it’s ❄️❄️❄️"} {"idx": 28605, "original_id": "1251161236265295874", "reply_id": "1251164338548879361", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If you got a fat ass and we fuck raw I’m nutting in you 😈"} {"idx": 28609, "original_id": "1250890159618437122", "reply_id": "1251009804727975942", "label": "hug", "text": "i‘m sag again, but thats okay. night.."} {"idx": 28611, "original_id": "1251177160326426626", "reply_id": "1251178670858829826", "label": "no", "text": "Uh oh I forgot to put my pot roast in the slow cooker overnight gonna be eating late today"} {"idx": 28612, "original_id": "1251237696237862914", "reply_id": "1251237981437845505", "label": "agree", "text": "Are you tired of listening to stupid politicians that don't know nothing? I know I am"} {"idx": 28614, "original_id": "1250911890601115650", "reply_id": "1251202005323993088", "label": "no", "text": "What do you believe happens when we die?"} {"idx": 28615, "original_id": "1251202896097693696", "reply_id": "1251206396592472064", "label": "seriously", "text": "Best way to increase access to #PPP for underserved communities is to create bring in CDFI’s as #PPPloan lenders\n\nBest way to do this is to give CDFI’s:\n1. Fast track SBA approval \n2.Waiver of lending volume requirement\n3.Modify how Bank Secrecy Act applies to them for PPP"} {"idx": 28620, "original_id": "1250939271176957952", "reply_id": "1250986126208163840", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I've been binge watching Star Trek been making life a little more fun\n\n#BizapaloozaChat"} {"idx": 28621, "original_id": "1250851668469612545", "reply_id": "1250894262029467651", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m curious: did anyone on here think I was a mom? I’m tired of hearing I give off mom vibes."} {"idx": 28622, "original_id": "1251161339084472320", "reply_id": "1251161606668431363", "label": "yes", "text": "Warming up lunch at 10:50 a.m. is completely acceptable in this new regime, I have determined."} {"idx": 28623, "original_id": "1250979570066415616", "reply_id": "1251034376911159296", "label": "yawn", "text": "Me = I write on Mythology\nHindutva = I dare you to write on Islam\nMe = I write on ALL mythologies\nHindutva = I dare you to write on Islam\nMe = I write on diverse Hindu & Islamic mythologies\nHindutva = We knew you were paid by Muslims\nMe = Time to tweet on Hindutva mythology🤣"} {"idx": 28625, "original_id": "1250898860597272578", "reply_id": "1250937308301471745", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Let's open up America again, if you don't want to go back out that's YOUR CHOICE, but let's get this country rolling again"} {"idx": 28629, "original_id": "1251185852698550279", "reply_id": "1251193321093038083", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "DABABY’S ALBUM ISN’T AS BAD AS Y’ALL ARE MAKING IT OUT TO BE"} {"idx": 28631, "original_id": "1251099522173976577", "reply_id": "1251101519828717569", "label": "applause", "text": "Day 23 of #100DaysOfCode :\n- Made a weather forecast app"} {"idx": 28633, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250938158163910658", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28635, "original_id": "1251022307931369472", "reply_id": "1251022721217069056", "label": "idk", "text": "Why would I need $800 when I just got a $1200 stimulus check 🥴"} {"idx": 28636, "original_id": "1250920865895788549", "reply_id": "1250929808793464832", "label": "shocked", "text": "Trump JUST defended the white supremacists protestors from Wednesday. Surprise, surprise. Disgusting, vile man. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 28638, "original_id": "1251037298193465344", "reply_id": "1251040184084451330", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "just a friendly reminder to brush your fucking teeth"} {"idx": 28641, "original_id": "1250875884405428225", "reply_id": "1250877794483089410", "label": "hug", "text": "i’ve said it once i’ll say it again i. want. a. hug. from. ellie. >:("} {"idx": 28642, "original_id": "1251054144284065794", "reply_id": "1251068692705636353", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Today’s announcements by @RBI will greatly enhance liquidity and improve credit supply. These steps would help our small businesses, MSMEs, farmers and the poor. It will also help all states by increasing WMA limits."} {"idx": 28645, "original_id": "1250804419983220737", "reply_id": "1250924291299950593", "label": "applause", "text": "So you're telling me that most healthcare and essential workers are making less than unemployment? Nice dude way to respect the people who are making sacrifices."} {"idx": 28646, "original_id": "1251169840754307073", "reply_id": "1251224739043041281", "label": "hug", "text": "I was in a bad mood last night but i feel better today ☺"} {"idx": 28648, "original_id": "1251186217925906432", "reply_id": "1251194174130524160", "label": "agree", "text": "Donald Trump’s day so far:\n\n- Attacks Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Cuomo\n- Calls for three governors to be violently overthrown\n- Looks like Trump figured out he’s losing the election\n- Time to Liberate America from this motherfucker\n- Trump is going to Guantanamo\n- It’s still only noon"} {"idx": 28651, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251186772886925313", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28652, "original_id": "1250981308219588609", "reply_id": "1250985313452752896", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy birthday Neeta @neetapatnam .Have a great day.Stay healthy nd happy always."} {"idx": 28654, "original_id": "1251135633663365120", "reply_id": "1251145994739187712", "label": "hug", "text": "sned hugs"} {"idx": 28655, "original_id": "1250913177908494338", "reply_id": "1250935019910004736", "label": "omg", "text": "I got to produce something for the show tonight that involves @SteveMartinToGo. Good to get bucket list items out of the way during a pandemic"} {"idx": 28656, "original_id": "1251014661408993280", "reply_id": "1251015292333015041", "label": "no", "text": "\"A Muse\" is the one...."} {"idx": 28658, "original_id": "1251248606713204738", "reply_id": "1251251228719419394", "label": "dance", "text": "Who is ready?"} {"idx": 28661, "original_id": "1250862771547385865", "reply_id": "1250932841581510656", "label": "applause", "text": "Day 2,437 in #news instead of #sports \nPlayed with puppies & then got hit on by a lady who said I should have played lingerie football bc i have the body for it. So there’s that... Happy #ThirstyThursday y’all!"} {"idx": 28663, "original_id": "1250881376896901131", "reply_id": "1250883752395526144", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Playing 100$ guaranteed tournie w/ my boy @GxnGedo wish us luck!!"} {"idx": 28664, "original_id": "1251004286705729536", "reply_id": "1251023547696386048", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I told this girl she looks like Khloe kardashian... she now hates me"} {"idx": 28667, "original_id": "1250868270330048512", "reply_id": "1250911293172637697", "label": "agree", "text": "I JUST know you niggas be SICK AF when the girl that usually come back around, don’t no more 🤣 \n\nmannnnn in all disrespect fuck you & I hope you choke on a dick"} {"idx": 28668, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1250997277432229888", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 28671, "original_id": "1251252892507529217", "reply_id": "1251253055200387073", "label": "sigh", "text": "playoffs were supposed to start tomorrow"} {"idx": 28672, "original_id": "1250890733206282241", "reply_id": "1251050261654786048", "label": "eww", "text": "Congratulations to @SenMcSallyAZ on her appointment to @realDonaldTrump's Congressional Task Force on Reopening the American Economy. Arizona and America will be well served by her leadership on this team!"} {"idx": 28675, "original_id": "1251272367197818883", "reply_id": "1251274365968269320", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Florida reports over 1,400 new cases of #coronavirus in last 24 hours, bringing total to 24,753. The deaths are up to 726, 58 more than 24 hours ago, a rate of 2.9 percent. And 3,649 are hospitalized, 191 more than yesterday."} {"idx": 28676, "original_id": "1251184956795166720", "reply_id": "1251188791349567489", "label": "hug", "text": "Hug a moo today"} {"idx": 28677, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251128179210813440", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 28678, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1250998629134893057", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 28680, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251004067553390592", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 28681, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1250912462871896064", "label": "yes", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 28682, "original_id": "1250995247166959616", "reply_id": "1250996055736561667", "label": "shocked", "text": "Spit in her ass and watch It drip to her pussy hours 😈😈"} {"idx": 28683, "original_id": "1251259327077285888", "reply_id": "1251269204436754432", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Finally trying out @thehoneypotcomp !!!!!"} {"idx": 28684, "original_id": "1250811807121444871", "reply_id": "1250854292409335808", "label": "hearts", "text": "Taking a long walk really helps during quarantine. I was feeling really down the last few days but that supercharged me."} {"idx": 28688, "original_id": "1250810869447000064", "reply_id": "1251003706398695428", "label": "thank_you", "text": "tell someone you appreciate them✨"} {"idx": 28689, "original_id": "1251191716620705794", "reply_id": "1251206183526039555", "label": "no", "text": "Breaking: according to a source, the Patriots and Lions are close to a deal that will include the Patriots receiving the #3 overall pick in the 2020 NFL Draft."} {"idx": 28693, "original_id": "1251132102940282882", "reply_id": "1251169119891791872", "label": "hug", "text": "i’m just absolutely fucking exhausted and i can’t fucking do this shit anymore"} {"idx": 28694, "original_id": "1250794229686730754", "reply_id": "1251072732462104576", "label": "agree", "text": "If Louis Tomlinson is one of the only reasons you're happy right now say I"} {"idx": 28695, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250957634460684288", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28697, "original_id": "1250665450813321217", "reply_id": "1250884520590671872", "label": "no", "text": "Would anyone else be kinda sorta okay if Trump dissolved Congress and made himself dictator?"} {"idx": 28698, "original_id": "1250874528508633088", "reply_id": "1250878223233306624", "label": "hug", "text": "I literally feel I can’t do enough for everyone and need to hyperventilate into a brown bag. ☹️ I beat myself up more each day than any of you every could. Please know I’m doing the best I’m able, yeah? Thank you. 💛"} {"idx": 28701, "original_id": "1250947191423684613", "reply_id": "1250951673800876033", "label": "smh", "text": "Carter left for his dads and now im sitting here eating all the candy from his easter basket 😂"} {"idx": 28702, "original_id": "1250782838108061697", "reply_id": "1250851717207465995", "label": "sigh", "text": "I just sent my girls that I love them and that they’re beautiful. Send some love!"} {"idx": 28703, "original_id": "1250737842923483142", "reply_id": "1250840316158107654", "label": "yes", "text": "******Breaking News******\n\nFashionistas, friends, followers, world and every member of Paula's Army.\nI will present one brand new fashion item later today.\nDon't miss it!!! \n\n*****Breaking News*****\n\n#PaulasFashionShow #PaulasArmy"} {"idx": 28705, "original_id": "1250820948317679624", "reply_id": "1250988591603314694", "label": "thank_you", "text": "How many regular old flu deaths are being classified as COVID-19 because of \"probability?\""} {"idx": 28706, "original_id": "1250812099279777792", "reply_id": "1250860038903590913", "label": "applause", "text": "Not to show off and all but I give the best lap dance and nobody would agree because nobody ever got it boom"} {"idx": 28707, "original_id": "1250859524472410113", "reply_id": "1250868211861635073", "label": "hug", "text": "#COVID19 feeling really lonely now being on own all this time-can’t wait to be able to hug someone again 🤗"} {"idx": 28709, "original_id": "1250833127536316417", "reply_id": "1250834081438457856", "label": "applause", "text": "I am pleased to be joining the bipartisan task force on reopening the economy. Together with @realdonaldTrump, we will get this economy roaring once again. We need to let Americans get safely back to work and bring prosperity to this nation anew! 🇺🇸"} {"idx": 28710, "original_id": "1250901824787357696", "reply_id": "1250902406453493762", "label": "no", "text": "kana Bishop TD Jakes gave us a Christian Sex album. times😂"} {"idx": 28712, "original_id": "1251244558903623682", "reply_id": "1251245378135089154", "label": "sigh", "text": "Confirmed: Paul Pogba has signed a new contract with Manchester United.🔴\n#MUFC #PogStays"} {"idx": 28715, "original_id": "1249994235086024705", "reply_id": "1250837858597900290", "label": "eww", "text": "I'm not political but I have to say that #simonharris is playing a blinder future Taoiseach 🤔🤔🤔"} {"idx": 28718, "original_id": "1251133831811391489", "reply_id": "1251135003477504004", "label": "yes", "text": "New video in 15 minutes!!"} {"idx": 28719, "original_id": "1251088753457758209", "reply_id": "1251094742156210177", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "You know that £2.4billion we’re pissing away every day?\nHow about spending a fifth of it on a brilliant lockdown of elderly/vulnerable? \n Put the @BritishArmy in charge, not useless PHE. \n Then let the 92% who won’t die of the virus work. Start in May. Yes?"} {"idx": 28721, "original_id": "1251206761111007233", "reply_id": "1251215500136206336", "label": "shrug", "text": "Hey so, I need to buy a lawnmower for the first time.\n\nShould I buy gas or electric? 🤔\n\nPlease help. 😬\n\n#LawnmowerTwitter"} {"idx": 28722, "original_id": "1250936426432286720", "reply_id": "1250941760790020099", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "We need another winnie the pooh movie ala 2011"} {"idx": 28723, "original_id": "1250945432391483394", "reply_id": "1250946137403674629", "label": "no", "text": "someone PLEASE stop me from getting my Disney AP again 😩"} {"idx": 28725, "original_id": "1250849516015759360", "reply_id": "1250850423302488066", "label": "no", "text": "Put some respect on my shit and honor that."} {"idx": 28726, "original_id": "1251008342614372352", "reply_id": "1251013573788274696", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Fiona 🍎 has a new record out right NOW. Just saying. 🍎"} {"idx": 28729, "original_id": "1250822260237176835", "reply_id": "1250842736271507457", "label": "agree", "text": "Magneto is a dude in his 40s at oldest. He is not an old man.\nHe was a kid in WWII, born in the late 1920s. When X-Men #1 came out in 1963,he'd have been maybe 36ish? Casting a 60-70 year old in the role is...well, it's not a good move and it doesn't represent the character well."} {"idx": 28731, "original_id": "1250989097855811586", "reply_id": "1250995284559065090", "label": "agree", "text": "Basically 2020 is cancelled"} {"idx": 28732, "original_id": "1250986666082422791", "reply_id": "1251024823444099073", "label": "hug", "text": "Today I was tested for Covid. Weeks of cough, tight chest, fever. Weeks. I’m Immunocompromised and it took weeks. Damn that swab hurts. Doc said if my pulse ox goes any lower I’ll be admitted to hospital. Please keep a good thought. I’m scared."} {"idx": 28734, "original_id": "1251145608615923712", "reply_id": "1251217538039590912", "label": "wink", "text": "Natives with naturally straight hair, how does it feel to be the creator’s favorite?"} {"idx": 28735, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250865953908363264", "label": "oh_snap", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 28737, "original_id": "1250909143646568450", "reply_id": "1250976676428648448", "label": "no", "text": "Just want to thank yall for letting me be silly and rant today during this hangover. I'm gonna probably delete Twitter soon though 😂😬😂"} {"idx": 28738, "original_id": "1251180890690138124", "reply_id": "1251191327519313926", "label": "yawn", "text": "BREAKING: The NHS will run out of gowns within HOURS & will ask doctors & nurses to work without full-length protection - @guardian.\nThis is outrageous, @MattHancock - you've spent all week insisting there's enough PPE for frontline medics. Where is it???????????"} {"idx": 28749, "original_id": "1250808047364182017", "reply_id": "1250832630053994499", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m making a feast for dinner tonight😋 can’t wait"} {"idx": 28752, "original_id": "1251185653515259906", "reply_id": "1251200182970187780", "label": "ok", "text": "Our #StayAndPlayCup journey starts tonight... 👀\n\n🎮 𝔻𝔼𝕊𝕋 𝕧𝕤. 𝔻𝔸ℝ𝔸𝕄𝕐\n🗃 ℝ𝕆𝕌ℕ𝔻 𝕆𝔽 𝟙𝟞\n\n#FIFA20 | @EASPORTSFIFA"} {"idx": 28755, "original_id": "1251191938834927623", "reply_id": "1251192637010456578", "label": "sigh", "text": "I needed new moisturizer so I went to ulta to purchase. It’s $42. I’ve been adding things to my cart so I can get to $50 and free shipping, and I just realized they have free shipping at $35 😩"} {"idx": 28756, "original_id": "1250820723909820417", "reply_id": "1250845932104671236", "label": "yes", "text": "3 more weeks of my shite coming up guys."} {"idx": 28758, "original_id": "1250961401381871617", "reply_id": "1250982629446422528", "label": "agree", "text": "2011 Thundercats would have flourished in this streaming boom. Am I the only who liked this show?"} {"idx": 28763, "original_id": "1251167532494528512", "reply_id": "1251179002125041665", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Imagine if Jerry Jeudy was on the board for the #Cowboys at No. 17 and they picked Kenneth Murray instead.... \n\nlol"} {"idx": 28765, "original_id": "1250961118673199104", "reply_id": "1250962302603366401", "label": "agree", "text": "End of the day we’re all RAIDER fans, idc where we reside at. We could head out to Egypt & I’d follow the team no matter what. \n\nBut what I can’t stand is a “fan” who always attempts to one up everyone else like they know every single thing about the team."} {"idx": 28766, "original_id": "1250811382443970560", "reply_id": "1250851101445894144", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t trust WHO\nI don’t trust China\nI don’t trust the UN \nI don’t trust the media \nI don’t trust the democrats"} {"idx": 28769, "original_id": "1250852046410059776", "reply_id": "1250853062048051201", "label": "applause", "text": "Someone said to me you're too pretty to be single \nI said no,I'm too pretty to be lied to, cheated on and played with."} {"idx": 28771, "original_id": "1251172753144676353", "reply_id": "1251216166447714306", "label": "omg", "text": "BREAKING: China has now admitted that the Death Toll in Wuhan was 50% Greater than Reported..."} {"idx": 28772, "original_id": "1250971993433874434", "reply_id": "1251002723731935234", "label": "yawn", "text": "Setting up for an all-nighter to knock out some Steve’s Hot Dogs work while everyone sleeps. Taking bets on how long I actually lady... 11:00? 11:45? 😂"} {"idx": 28775, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251267986020851714", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 28777, "original_id": "1250869583839363077", "reply_id": "1250869954490105858", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Winston 🦆&🏃"} {"idx": 28778, "original_id": "1250954569774923777", "reply_id": "1250955142956044292", "label": "yes", "text": "I debated posting this publicly for a while but fuck it I’m proud of myself.\n\nI helped launch a game this week while battling a depressive episode without medication. \nI don’t know how I’m functioning right now but I’m really proud of myself for working through this."} {"idx": 28779, "original_id": "1250797352006422528", "reply_id": "1250941928146743296", "label": "yes", "text": "Elon Musk lost a key round in legal battle with a group of investors angered by one the #Tesla CEO’s stray tweets.\n\nA federal judge in San Francisco said a lawsuit against Tesla Inc. and Musk can go forward to trial. #ElonMusk – and by extension Tesla – misled shareholders."} {"idx": 28783, "original_id": "1251075582500040705", "reply_id": "1251077055225237504", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Has anyone bought Masterclass?\n\nWhat did you think of it?\n\n#WritingCommunity #amwriting #WritingLife #writingtips"} {"idx": 28784, "original_id": "1250770661225779200", "reply_id": "1250864644387995650", "label": "applause", "text": "jacking your dick off is a Mario Party mini-game, a reduced chance of prostate cancer is the Mini-Game Bonus Star!"} {"idx": 28785, "original_id": "1250929594430971904", "reply_id": "1250961280137138183", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "For the record, I have no issues with Annie. I don’t know her personally, and I liked Foster. Whatever the reasons, we should all remember this is a fictional show; the characters don’t exist, but the people playing them are real."} {"idx": 28787, "original_id": "1251006736426663936", "reply_id": "1251028057156018176", "label": "facepalm", "text": "“We’ve got to remember, this is Covid-19! Presumably there’s been 18 other coronaviruses, on the way to get to 19!”\n- Michelle Boag, a moment ago, confirming that the RNZ Panel policy of only having on informed people is very much over."} {"idx": 28788, "original_id": "1250882941653102592", "reply_id": "1250883386861744128", "label": "facepalm", "text": "@AkNimo31032020 go work."} {"idx": 28790, "original_id": "1250755493339049986", "reply_id": "1250832837437259779", "label": "please", "text": "Any word of a Piers Morgan vaccine?"} {"idx": 28792, "original_id": "1250943363681001475", "reply_id": "1250973861480476672", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "A3: Just reassuring everyone that we’re doing our best, and we can’t expect perfection. No one should compare themselves to “Distance Learning” best practices. Every teacher has a unique home life. What works for one teacher, may not work for another, and that’s OK #MEMSPAchat"} {"idx": 28793, "original_id": "1250840308931149824", "reply_id": "1250842517693542401", "label": "please", "text": "🌭(us) 🏃‍♂️(you)"} {"idx": 28794, "original_id": "1250911546567528450", "reply_id": "1250918559821303813", "label": "agree", "text": "This reopening is going to be an absolute clusterfuck and going to cost lives."} {"idx": 28795, "original_id": "1250956756286689280", "reply_id": "1250975352815529985", "label": "seriously", "text": "Unpopular opinion: there are too many chocolate chips in mint chocolate chip ice cream 🤷🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 28796, "original_id": "1250987125102829570", "reply_id": "1251015652699185152", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s a ‘cry myself to sleep and hope the tears dry by the morning’ kind of night"} {"idx": 28797, "original_id": "1250812733840338944", "reply_id": "1250964742174150657", "label": "yes", "text": "Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn’t turn the ability off?"} {"idx": 28799, "original_id": "1250972927861891075", "reply_id": "1250977729475825664", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Live on Valorant now!"} {"idx": 28800, "original_id": "1250686867533557760", "reply_id": "1250852695067496453", "label": "good_luck", "text": "This planet is a shit hole and everyone’s a fucking idiot."} {"idx": 28802, "original_id": "1250987122502316033", "reply_id": "1250987918522413057", "label": "agree", "text": "Mr Enter and certain members from the TRAFON Discord server (I met a few good members, but there's too many cynical members over there) are soooo perfect for each other...I bet they would be bonding together over how much \"Nickelodeon is the worst kids channel!\" in their eyes."} {"idx": 28803, "original_id": "1251137070514536448", "reply_id": "1251152788215615490", "label": "applause", "text": "I won't post it--because there's no reason to spread hate--but I did just get a homophobic email related to the botched snow forecast.\n\nIf you ever wonder why I continue to be open & mention my husband on TV, this is why. There's still a lot of hate out there. Spread love today♥️"} {"idx": 28804, "original_id": "1251218228099063809", "reply_id": "1251226428588224512", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want a hug"} {"idx": 28805, "original_id": "1250807534409052160", "reply_id": "1250926069147815936", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Nancy Pelosi is a despicable politican who doesn't care about her constituents or what’s best for America"} {"idx": 28808, "original_id": "1250784910379548676", "reply_id": "1250864930141745153", "label": "hug", "text": "Less than 20 minutes, that's how long it takes for me to put on a clean t-shirt and proceed to spill on it."} {"idx": 28809, "original_id": "1251187963913961474", "reply_id": "1251188583261593601", "label": "agree", "text": "If you're using masks over your face to \"save\" you from covid19, you should also be covering your eyes with a blindfold and using earplugs to stop it from spreading to your brain."} {"idx": 28810, "original_id": "1251128142435057666", "reply_id": "1251233448171155457", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Motherfuckers that think they bother me by telling me what a hot dog is made of don’t realize that I’ll eat ass on a first date so the hotdog horror stories really have no effect on me"} {"idx": 28815, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251188006649643008", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 28821, "original_id": "1251195605474586625", "reply_id": "1251216564797333504", "label": "smh", "text": "LIBERATE AMERICA! Whoever is in charge of the Fedral goverment is doing a TERRIBLE job!!!"} {"idx": 28822, "original_id": "1251147287989903360", "reply_id": "1251237215667130368", "label": "shrug", "text": "What was a bigger factor in your last dynasty championship: luck or skill? @MyFantasyLeague @DynastyTradesHQ"} {"idx": 28824, "original_id": "1251041838963634178", "reply_id": "1251042745033998337", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "RKS AND SGS TAKE TOP HONOURS IN BLUE RIBBON EVENTS.\n\n#Cokes2020"} {"idx": 28827, "original_id": "1250945741620641792", "reply_id": "1250953939710869511", "label": "shocked", "text": "incase you’re feeling absolutely dumb, remember that my crush (who was a friend of mine’s) & i decided to block each other for 30 days straight bc it was the holy month of ramadan... we were only 14..."} {"idx": 28828, "original_id": "1248764540214366208", "reply_id": "1250876691938832384", "label": "applause", "text": "Can’t stress this enough --\n\nPhysical distancing is working. CA is flattening the curve.\n\nBUT we can only continue that progress if we continue to STAY HOME and PRACTICE PHYSICAL DISTANCING.\n\nYou have the power to literally save lives. We can’t stop now.\n\n#StayHomeSaveLives"} {"idx": 28829, "original_id": "1251262024736219139", "reply_id": "1251262632432218114", "label": "dance", "text": "I GOT MY SWITCH TODAY 🤩🥳🤩"} {"idx": 28831, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251220001979236353", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 28833, "original_id": "1250499290880856064", "reply_id": "1250935996872622081", "label": "applause", "text": "What do I stream tonight?"} {"idx": 28834, "original_id": "1250952813217288199", "reply_id": "1251087198109270016", "label": "sigh", "text": "Wait wtf? Twitter just banned @alx?"} {"idx": 28835, "original_id": "1250949032454885377", "reply_id": "1250952756032045056", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Cheers to the freaking weekend"} {"idx": 28836, "original_id": "1250981091890081792", "reply_id": "1250985915503255552", "label": "hug", "text": "You. \n\nYou’re awesome. \n\nKeep kickin ass."} {"idx": 28837, "original_id": "1250812117231403008", "reply_id": "1250847122959695872", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Here we go. After screaming for a model and finally getting one, a member of the press at the PM’s presser - we knew it was just a matter of time - now wonders why reality doesn’t match the model. Predictable. #cdnpoli"} {"idx": 28838, "original_id": "1251167526945460224", "reply_id": "1251261028668669958", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Those on the right who blindly followed the experts’ COVID orthodoxy (models, govt response) will kick themselves soon for not standing up for freedom and commonsense sooner."} {"idx": 28840, "original_id": "1251199532475527169", "reply_id": "1251227280648491008", "label": "no", "text": "Serious question: do ya’ll think we can carry on like this until November?"} {"idx": 28843, "original_id": "1250929252419149824", "reply_id": "1250995118565441537", "label": "smh", "text": "Wow so... My dumbass was struggling because I wasn't upgrading my weapons"} {"idx": 28844, "original_id": "1250831608980086784", "reply_id": "1250850901864198144", "label": "yes", "text": "Might as well get pissed I suppose"} {"idx": 28846, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1250998284073795586", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 28848, "original_id": "1250781034393763840", "reply_id": "1250856381349060611", "label": "sigh", "text": "Where were you when @AbbyWambach netted THAT header for @USWNT at Germany 2011? \n\nRelive 🇧🇷-🇺🇸 in a #FIFAWWC classic on Monday 20 April!\n\n#WorldCupAtHome | #StayAtHome"} {"idx": 28851, "original_id": "1250775016200974336", "reply_id": "1250964078497013760", "label": "applause", "text": "My neighbor who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 just put a @JoeBiden sign out in his yard. I think it is safe to say that a massive, powerful blue wave is imminent. GOP - it is time to pay the piper."} {"idx": 28854, "original_id": "1250851687058878464", "reply_id": "1250854558047313920", "label": "shocked", "text": "if you water water it grows"} {"idx": 28855, "original_id": "1250996964889526272", "reply_id": "1251000989085126657", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "comeback u want huh??"} {"idx": 28856, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251261253659561990", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 28858, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250939440400232448", "label": "applause", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28859, "original_id": "1251125812004356099", "reply_id": "1251126571966107648", "label": "agree", "text": "Would you be proud to take the last person you fucked home to meet your parents?"} {"idx": 28860, "original_id": "1250637508175675393", "reply_id": "1250932280631189506", "label": "applause", "text": "Here’s a fun little fact\n\nI stopped using tobacco a year ago today."} {"idx": 28862, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250946164230414339", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 28863, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251007443724677120", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 28866, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230252380102656", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 28867, "original_id": "1251136279649148929", "reply_id": "1251137289276751872", "label": "facepalm", "text": "If United sign Koulibaly then I really think we're looking at a title race in the next two seasons. Would need Sancho to come in and Pogba to stay though"} {"idx": 28871, "original_id": "1251242146012766221", "reply_id": "1251267302017978368", "label": "yes", "text": "Rashida Jones is Quincy Jones’ DAUGHTER. It’s ok to google ppl. She’s light, yes.... but y’all not about to slander this lady like she some rando they found that knows nothing of our culture. Her father IS the culture"} {"idx": 28872, "original_id": "1251125812004356099", "reply_id": "1251168912303063042", "label": "yes", "text": "Would you be proud to take the last person you fucked home to meet your parents?"} {"idx": 28875, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251136896803184640", "label": "yes", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 28876, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251152152615022599", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28877, "original_id": "1250855465107496967", "reply_id": "1250865251345747974", "label": "applause", "text": "The biggest lesson i learnt recently is to not force anything, conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love. Anything forced is just not worth fighting for, whatever flows flows, what crashes crashes. It is what it is!"} {"idx": 28878, "original_id": "1250855907988291584", "reply_id": "1250873231025811457", "label": "applause", "text": "Nobody and I mean NOBODY can tell me I have what I have because of them. I have worked my ass off for everything I currently have. I have never asked anybody for money or owe(d) anybody money... just a small little rant 😘"} {"idx": 28880, "original_id": "1251175259379728384", "reply_id": "1251194371321606144", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "It’s that time again #ff \n\n@OctoberByMay \n@UnpredictablyUs \n@MarriedMash \n@Not4AdultsCast \n@murderandmore \n@BigStupdPodcast \n@CQ_Podcast \n@TDHA_podcast \n@ESKIpodcast \n@LibertinesShow \n@GriefBurrito \n@IHaveSoManyPod \n@LsceP \n@KillerRabbitPod \n@Bookofliespod \n@YTMTUpodcast"} {"idx": 28882, "original_id": "1251133443347484673", "reply_id": "1251133827788963840", "label": "hug", "text": "If I make it through today without having a mental breakdown I’m buying myself a bottle of wine"} {"idx": 28883, "original_id": "1251180450992861185", "reply_id": "1251180695738867718", "label": "hug", "text": "I would just really like a hug. A warm, arms around the neck, legs wrapped around their waist kind of hug"} {"idx": 28884, "original_id": "1250568626874261507", "reply_id": "1250894460021624837", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I was genuinely considering grabbing scissors and cutting my hair today. Quarantine is truly getting to me"} {"idx": 28887, "original_id": "1250809924055171073", "reply_id": "1250924660562239488", "label": "agree", "text": "Please for the love of God please don’t let WVU football season get cancelled 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 28889, "original_id": "1250871481342414848", "reply_id": "1250914690210938880", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Gets popcorn out again."} {"idx": 28890, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250997122452856839", "label": "wink", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 28892, "original_id": "1251014191512780802", "reply_id": "1251014582333833219", "label": "hug", "text": "Momo literally vanished for hours without a trace. House is big but empty. We even searched the cabinets. Searched the neighborhood in the dark for hours. I die inside. Came home. We see her. \n\nThat was the most horrible feeling I have ever felt. Must be a hole on the wall."} {"idx": 28896, "original_id": "1251221899998306305", "reply_id": "1251225705175830528", "label": "omg", "text": "four new recruits are being announced today and one is a #NorthQRC winner! stay tuned!"} {"idx": 28898, "original_id": "1251024996706779137", "reply_id": "1251026186404274177", "label": "hug", "text": "I wasn't this nervous for my pre-defense 🤢💩."} {"idx": 28899, "original_id": "1251067750509928448", "reply_id": "1251132086817259520", "label": "applause", "text": "Who remembers Odd Look by THE WEEKND??"} {"idx": 28901, "original_id": "1251013558130708480", "reply_id": "1251032504481583104", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Not so fun fact about me: \nI can’t swim. \nYou’re welcome to make fun of me. I deserve it 😂"} {"idx": 28902, "original_id": "1251122496444739586", "reply_id": "1251162076669599752", "label": "awww", "text": "Japan, Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Sweden, Finland and European Parliament representatives are continuing to meet during these trying times. Our democracy should be no different. Trudeau must take regular questions from the Opposition so Canadians get better results."} {"idx": 28905, "original_id": "1250889984921546752", "reply_id": "1250953456736546816", "label": "thank_you", "text": "How many times do I have to say this?\n\nThis strategy was NEVER intended to \"stop\" the spread. Only to \"slow\" it to prevent an overburdening of the healthcare system.\n\nThis idea that opening up will cost lives and that we can hide out the virus, is BS. It's not true.\n\nGet over it."} {"idx": 28906, "original_id": "1250833390787592193", "reply_id": "1250839532536246273", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@TeamAdvrsty congrats on 1800 !"} {"idx": 28907, "original_id": "1251273879915356160", "reply_id": "1251275214698184710", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Should I change my avi to something sexier?"} {"idx": 28908, "original_id": "1251193974246772738", "reply_id": "1251197505431363584", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "$BA 160c .19 for fun"} {"idx": 28910, "original_id": "1251198157108785152", "reply_id": "1251203592289243138", "label": "high_five", "text": "The world go soon end oo....\nFor those of you who won't make heaven, I get angel wey dey run am \nJust 80K😅😅"} {"idx": 28911, "original_id": "1250953252041977857", "reply_id": "1250955952922210307", "label": "applause", "text": "reply with what you think the most commonly used gif is"} {"idx": 28912, "original_id": "1250930398214991872", "reply_id": "1250985167050756097", "label": "yawn", "text": "This is my first time catching the HORSE Competition. Thoughts?"} {"idx": 28913, "original_id": "1250889282379800576", "reply_id": "1250895750290169862", "label": "applause", "text": "Wanted to give a dedication post to @Achebe_Spencer, who was the first assistant animator ever to join Cubical, back in December 2018. He even shortly worked on \"The Final Straw\", back in late 2017.\n\nHe remains an key animator for each of our productions to this day~!"} {"idx": 28914, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250940121576325124", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28915, "original_id": "1250957923498459138", "reply_id": "1250959490545061889", "label": "agree", "text": "It may take a village to raise a child, but it’ll take a vineyard to homeschool it. 🍇🍷"} {"idx": 28916, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250858541419843587", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 28917, "original_id": "1251113086033047554", "reply_id": "1251114085116239872", "label": "wink", "text": "@retarcynohtna welcome to my world ☺️"} {"idx": 28918, "original_id": "1250969226313109505", "reply_id": "1250971453144608772", "label": "oops", "text": "CNN is reporting that Michael Cohen will serve out the rest of his prison sentence at home due to the pandemic. What do you think?"} {"idx": 28919, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251256175393464321", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 28920, "original_id": "1250836366797221891", "reply_id": "1250836571798081536", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a thousand hugs."} {"idx": 28923, "original_id": "1251051219424026624", "reply_id": "1251055682847232000", "label": "hug", "text": "ah yes it's definitely going to be a fantastic day when you start it crying and then log into work to see an email you missed the day before asking you to do something short notice that had to be done yesterday, haha this is fine."} {"idx": 28924, "original_id": "1251210492972064768", "reply_id": "1251224753798594560", "label": "high_five", "text": "When a life Detroit Lion Player or a player that hasn't won shit or little thinks he knows more about building winning cultures than a coach that came from the winningest culture in NFL history...let's just say I ain't listening 😆"} {"idx": 28925, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1251169431759343616", "label": "no", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 28929, "original_id": "1250843004908310534", "reply_id": "1250992047881957377", "label": "sigh", "text": "Y’all think Steph doing what Trey doing in a ATL?"} {"idx": 28932, "original_id": "1250834296274923522", "reply_id": "1250835003493277698", "label": "high_five", "text": "Hey, Craig, the offer to debate you on a fair ground still stands, if you're not too busy blackmailing and doxing ;)\n\nLet your goons screencap that and send it to you."} {"idx": 28933, "original_id": "1251230368268578816", "reply_id": "1251238566392455171", "label": "yes", "text": "later daters sounded CUTE not sure if i should have this game"} {"idx": 28937, "original_id": "1251013422784770051", "reply_id": "1251169031039533058", "label": "awww", "text": "My wife made a Twitter and now follows me so my content might seem a little more wholesome from now on."} {"idx": 28938, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251095954301878272", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28940, "original_id": "1250648310458843137", "reply_id": "1251040047807311872", "label": "awww", "text": "Men deserve to be spoiled too"} {"idx": 28945, "original_id": "1251220227418882054", "reply_id": "1251231450768293888", "label": "no", "text": "Is it 430 yet?!"} {"idx": 28946, "original_id": "1250872731098386432", "reply_id": "1250904717112365058", "label": "shocked", "text": "Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis. Yes, you did read that correctly. Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis."} {"idx": 28947, "original_id": "1250785387066404865", "reply_id": "1250947556856803328", "label": "eww", "text": "Unpopular opinion: iceberg lettuce is a crisp, cool, underappreciated gift of nature."} {"idx": 28948, "original_id": "1251014258940358657", "reply_id": "1251014614814466049", "label": "hug", "text": "sum affection 🤲"} {"idx": 28949, "original_id": "1251196509955198976", "reply_id": "1251216547051212800", "label": "hug", "text": "I Comic Can't RN #SDCC"} {"idx": 28950, "original_id": "1250985252257959937", "reply_id": "1250986017924014087", "label": "agree", "text": "This dj skill testing ??"} {"idx": 28951, "original_id": "1251038569306652677", "reply_id": "1251060414768709637", "label": "agree", "text": "Committed to myself so I can’t change 📌"} {"idx": 28952, "original_id": "1250938083031363586", "reply_id": "1250966267898531842", "label": "yes", "text": "is Ozark worth watching ?"} {"idx": 28955, "original_id": "1251251428615524352", "reply_id": "1251253615676686337", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hauling my first every emergency relief load. Feels weird not worrying about my clock. #truckingthrucovid19"} {"idx": 28957, "original_id": "1250983018493128705", "reply_id": "1250987237577125888", "label": "shocked", "text": "100 sit ups\n100 heel touch\n100 plank twist \n100 russian twist\n100 bicycle crunches\n1min plank \nPutangina🥴"} {"idx": 28959, "original_id": "1251149716877791236", "reply_id": "1251205050887802886", "label": "thank_you", "text": "It’s #FF make shore to follow these wonderful human being @ShellsBookshelf @itsLUNAPINK @PostCoffeeInsp @julietasthesea @YounggiePYG @mythical_megan @readbyfire @bookishbabbless @thelightofehl @wcadventurer @DejaNature @torireadsstuff @BrookeUrbaniak @TrulyJuxta"} {"idx": 28963, "original_id": "1250892025286864901", "reply_id": "1250899850209693701", "label": "idk", "text": "Can someone please explain how a working person can look at someone like Donald Trump who has lied, cheated, and bullied his way through life suddenly think is going to help workers and think he actually understands their struggles?\nTrump only cares about Trump\n\n#CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 28964, "original_id": "1251075096417980417", "reply_id": "1251162041399693316", "label": "awww", "text": "bully @lmsvnpscl_14"} {"idx": 28966, "original_id": "1250919963713572864", "reply_id": "1250920568649650176", "label": "shocked", "text": "Wee-Bey's wife is THE WORST"} {"idx": 28967, "original_id": "1251237442633576448", "reply_id": "1251238629592219650", "label": "smh", "text": "If 2020 was a gif, what would it be?"} {"idx": 28969, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251207839202160642", "label": "no", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 28970, "original_id": "1251256299427430400", "reply_id": "1251260119762874368", "label": "win", "text": "Think imma pour up some crown peach."} {"idx": 28971, "original_id": "1199604875417419776", "reply_id": "1250983396827791361", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m hungry for hugs\n\nI’m Huggry"} {"idx": 28972, "original_id": "1250535888053923840", "reply_id": "1251198422134202368", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I had a dream john and I were having the sex in my closet and he made me thank him for each piece of clothing, shoes, bags. Then I woke up and was like I bought this stuff!!! why are my dreams so insecure"} {"idx": 28976, "original_id": "1251022895909752832", "reply_id": "1251032503579586561", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Carti and uzi both overrated as hell 🗑"} {"idx": 28977, "original_id": "1250791187734298641", "reply_id": "1251093362582708225", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Is a locksmith a key worker?"} {"idx": 28978, "original_id": "1251152974740484096", "reply_id": "1251159150727290880", "label": "ok", "text": "Dear Banker, I already told you 10 times your issue has been escalated and there is nothing I can do to fix it. There is no need for you to call my manager to pressure me, if I could it would be fixed by now.\nKindly go fuck yourself"} {"idx": 28980, "original_id": "1250896309080342529", "reply_id": "1250913939732512768", "label": "seriously", "text": "Wisconsin has less than 200 covid deaths in 2 months, yet the governor is extending stay at home for another six weeks 🤦🏻‍♀️!"} {"idx": 28981, "original_id": "1250088423194411011", "reply_id": "1251214559710294017", "label": "no", "text": "Check out the official remix of \"Tiburones\" featuring @FarrukoOfficial! Out now on Spotify."} {"idx": 28982, "original_id": "1250981323902091266", "reply_id": "1250997828370853888", "label": "applause", "text": "currently watching all starwars movies for the first time in my life. here goes nothing"} {"idx": 28983, "original_id": "1250992078605242369", "reply_id": "1250994632860860416", "label": "shocked", "text": "The architect in Northern Virginia says he can’t keep 6 feet away from me if we meet up. Says at best, 8 inches"} {"idx": 28984, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251180281433919488", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 28987, "original_id": "1250794259168391169", "reply_id": "1251110274721087488", "label": "agree", "text": "LIBERALISM isn't a problem, \"LIBERALISM\" is"} {"idx": 28991, "original_id": "1251213897975070721", "reply_id": "1251221638932320257", "label": "oops", "text": "Oups I did it again..."} {"idx": 28994, "original_id": "1250866204253868033", "reply_id": "1250866924860444678", "label": "hug", "text": "Have had enough of today so gone to bed. Which means tomorrow is only going to come fucking faster"} {"idx": 28996, "original_id": "1250927489288769538", "reply_id": "1250941669761048579", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "yooo what a stream !! hit 6k and 90k embers ❤️🔥 \n\nappreciate all the love man and support for me and @TeamInvasiion !! \n \nS/o @MixerGlockWork and Lil Goblin for the insane 40k Embers each !"} {"idx": 28997, "original_id": "1250826135463620609", "reply_id": "1250858168986431488", "label": "agree", "text": "Finally got one of these"} {"idx": 28998, "original_id": "1251051761223294977", "reply_id": "1251056214118674432", "label": "awww", "text": "Alert that will put a smile on your face, receive it🙏"} {"idx": 28999, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250866029183602694", "label": "yes", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 29000, "original_id": "1250931233447530501", "reply_id": "1250995058096168960", "label": "seriously", "text": "WASE > WASD"} {"idx": 29003, "original_id": "1250903375887110146", "reply_id": "1251074846127054850", "label": "yes", "text": "Getting about time for a new Nightcrawler drawing, huh?"} {"idx": 29004, "original_id": "1251160862737367048", "reply_id": "1251225427214954501", "label": "high_five", "text": "Unable to get 'likes' on TikTok videos, teenager ends life in Noida: Police"} {"idx": 29005, "original_id": "1250979646793035776", "reply_id": "1251006921051705351", "label": "hug", "text": "good evening. I want a hug. That is all"} {"idx": 29006, "original_id": "1250978473864245248", "reply_id": "1250978761748725761", "label": "seriously", "text": "Cue Usher’s “You got it bad” #HTGAWM"} {"idx": 29007, "original_id": "1250862058071097344", "reply_id": "1251041877660483585", "label": "applause", "text": "If you hate Sheff United clap your hands 👏"} {"idx": 29008, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250967614475689985", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 29009, "original_id": "1251069939911278592", "reply_id": "1251070454497832965", "label": "no", "text": "We need to talk !!🤔🙂"} {"idx": 29011, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251020275015200769", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 29013, "original_id": "1251196315943518210", "reply_id": "1251204210214924288", "label": "applause", "text": "I told you people that letter was real."} {"idx": 29014, "original_id": "1250979925802262529", "reply_id": "1250988039054245888", "label": "scared", "text": "I am not a big “screen time” person at all. So all this laptop work, zoom meetings, FaceTime social chats, Netflix watching - ya girl ain’t cut out for it!! I’m bout at the edge, y’all"} {"idx": 29015, "original_id": "1250297852481294339", "reply_id": "1250916987028606977", "label": "agree", "text": "BTW you all realize that check Treasury is sending you with Trump's name scribbled on it is your money, right? It's your tax dollars that congress appropriated. Trump is basically the guy who \"lends\" you back your own lawnmower he borrowed and has had at his house for months..."} {"idx": 29017, "original_id": "1251189700875948032", "reply_id": "1251191012581670912", "label": "idk", "text": "Sources tell me that #TCU backup QB Logan Burnett is in the transfer portal. Transferred to TCU in January from Mississippi State. Was one of three healthy QB's had on the roster in a limited spring camp."} {"idx": 29022, "original_id": "1251185645294358528", "reply_id": "1251186057082802179", "label": "shocked", "text": "snow is just rain quarantining where it falls."} {"idx": 29026, "original_id": "1250801783699410945", "reply_id": "1250922140842569728", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "In a mood to get yelled at"} {"idx": 29027, "original_id": "1250781783865655296", "reply_id": "1250925804487409664", "label": "agree", "text": "Perspective Shift:\nWhen David faced a Goliath he didn’t think his stone was toooooo small. He BELIEVED Goliath was toooooo BIG to MISS. Sometimes it’s how you look at things that matter."} {"idx": 29029, "original_id": "1250605943999496194", "reply_id": "1250846737834536960", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Joe Biden shouldn’t pick Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren or Stacey Abrams as VP nominee. He should pick one of Amy Klobuchar, Jeanne Shaheen, Maggie Hassan, or Michelle Lujan Grisham. But really Amy Klobuchar because he owes her."} {"idx": 29030, "original_id": "1250920798925225984", "reply_id": "1251032463557754880", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s never too late to hit the reset button, take a couple of steps back re-evaluate your choices, set new ones if necessary and get to work. \n\nReminder to self: I don’t owe anybody an explanation for doing what is best for myself."} {"idx": 29033, "original_id": "1251224432737165312", "reply_id": "1251246600061464576", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I am thinking we need to wipe the slate clean and vote out any and ALL of our Representatives that have NOT SPOKEN OUT AGAINST THE CRIMINAL IN THE WHITE HOUSE! \nHe is asking for an armed insurrection on twitter. Crickets from Reps😡\n@SenatorDurbin\n@SenDuckworth @RepUnderwood"} {"idx": 29035, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251128909938204674", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 29038, "original_id": "1251252530333519872", "reply_id": "1251269362868277249", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "THE END! \n\nI've submitted #Windfall to Amazon! \n\nThis is your LAST CHANCE to take part in the \"lottery\" to possibly win $50 in cold hard cash, plus a copy of the e-book. No registration required. No strings!\n\nSee my pinned tweet. Draw takes place when my link goes live! \n\n😊💲💲"} {"idx": 29040, "original_id": "1251148591541805057", "reply_id": "1251152766090670089", "label": "agree", "text": "Big hope on 2020/07/01.\nOtherwise one big mistake in 2017 ruined everything permanently."} {"idx": 29042, "original_id": "1251247494543130630", "reply_id": "1251247649690394624", "label": "applause", "text": "addressing grandchildren forty years hence:\n\nnow this is the story all about how\nour lives got flipped turned upside down\nand I'd like to take a minute just sit right there\nI’ll tell you about the time we became quarantined everywhere..."} {"idx": 29046, "original_id": "1250833234302251020", "reply_id": "1251053364303073281", "label": "high_five", "text": "What an amazing stream we had today! Thank you @SpookeeTTK for gifting all of the subs! @djpanda510 for the amazing raid AGAIN! And all of you guys who made the stream awesome! I love each and every one of you and I Thank you for making my dreams come true <3"} {"idx": 29050, "original_id": "1250875684387422209", "reply_id": "1250881406890323968", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Nervios al topeee"} {"idx": 29052, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251108282732892160", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 29053, "original_id": "1251232837291978752", "reply_id": "1251273881815592966", "label": "yes", "text": "$SOAN - tik motherfking tok and I aint talking about that lame ass dancing shit."} {"idx": 29055, "original_id": "1251270642844012544", "reply_id": "1251272703635599360", "label": "no", "text": "If the streets open for Cinco de Mayo y’all turning up?"} {"idx": 29056, "original_id": "1250856601541414913", "reply_id": "1250856690515357696", "label": "applause", "text": "the less i know the better"} {"idx": 29065, "original_id": "1250840103552987139", "reply_id": "1250976758138130435", "label": "no", "text": "I need to follow some good people. Please share some good accounts to follow.\n\nIf it is you, please tell me whether you think pineapple belongs on a pizza below and I’ll make my decision from there."} {"idx": 29066, "original_id": "1251105952067133440", "reply_id": "1251135203625623552", "label": "agree", "text": "The mental preparation it takes for me to get up and go to Kroger is slightly absurd but it’s rational right?"} {"idx": 29069, "original_id": "1250850647961858048", "reply_id": "1250952997711953920", "label": "omg", "text": "Reverse cowgirl is for assholes."} {"idx": 29076, "original_id": "1251230849145679874", "reply_id": "1251257948573257738", "label": "idk", "text": "i feel like i’m gonna end up starting drama... but do i care? nope not at all"} {"idx": 29078, "original_id": "1250980734199664640", "reply_id": "1250998424733986816", "label": "agree", "text": "It is 8PM and I am still drinking. Because the WHO told me not to."} {"idx": 29082, "original_id": "1250955826371665922", "reply_id": "1250981781651808259", "label": "agree", "text": "All my friends look cool with their mustaches so yes I grew one plz compliment it when you see me on the zooms"} {"idx": 29083, "original_id": "1250872858286469120", "reply_id": "1250927343708901376", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m so sad. So freaking sad."} {"idx": 29085, "original_id": "1250691083715166208", "reply_id": "1251035188903194624", "label": "sigh", "text": "The pregnant 'nurse' who died, left work over a month ago, don't pretend she caught the virus while working for the NHS #skynews"} {"idx": 29086, "original_id": "1251110545492717569", "reply_id": "1251244395506085890", "label": "want", "text": "Need to talk to a complete stranger !! \nAnyone interested ?"} {"idx": 29089, "original_id": "1250939630981013504", "reply_id": "1251144666852012032", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "hello my depression is very bad today and I cannot stop crying but it issss what it isssss"} {"idx": 29091, "original_id": "1251200423572254721", "reply_id": "1251251577471619078", "label": "shocked", "text": "Alfred: Good lord master Bruce! What is that all over your face.\n\nBruce Wayne: Don't worry Alfred it's just a little Poison Ivy."} {"idx": 29095, "original_id": "1250927833318223872", "reply_id": "1250945706870943745", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy Happy Birthday Amanda!!! ✨✨✨"} {"idx": 29098, "original_id": "1251083907128160256", "reply_id": "1251084641794170880", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "TL sleep? Good."} {"idx": 29101, "original_id": "1251243969314467843", "reply_id": "1251244676360912897", "label": "shocked", "text": "After two amazing years with @NCPFellows and one equally amazing year interning at B][G, I am excited to announce that I will be joining @SMHSSabres as a Dean of Students and Culture for the 20-21 school year."} {"idx": 29103, "original_id": "1251237949817131010", "reply_id": "1251246892362674178", "label": "agree", "text": "We've got to get Black parents to stop focusing on a random college ranking system that provides zero data on how black students perform and instead, begin to look at what colleges actually do for OUR children."} {"idx": 29104, "original_id": "1251215623310512128", "reply_id": "1251220299137396741", "label": "oops", "text": "@Beer52HQ Lads....how many beers did you have before starting this live stream?? Loving it! 😂😂❤❤ #Cyberfest @bungieman1979"} {"idx": 29106, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250919476972879876", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 29107, "original_id": "1251183252783665157", "reply_id": "1251184760623423489", "label": "popcorn", "text": "do u pronounce it Pakistani men or tatti"} {"idx": 29109, "original_id": "1250935427793670153", "reply_id": "1250935568000835586", "label": "shocked", "text": "I been looking for a Apple watch all day I finally found one😬"} {"idx": 29113, "original_id": "1250896059141779456", "reply_id": "1250907826907525120", "label": "awww", "text": "she like exposed bitch u doin too much i’m like shut up hoe u ain’t doin enough"} {"idx": 29116, "original_id": "1250796112522420225", "reply_id": "1251163837182566402", "label": "want", "text": "I don’t need it I don’t need it I don’t need it I don’t need it"} {"idx": 29117, "original_id": "1251111045969534977", "reply_id": "1251116526519926785", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "What do you think of snobs who only read classics and think genre fiction is inferior? This one guy I know only reads works that are, \"Real art and not some made up bs.\" #WritingCommunity #Writing #author #Amwriting"} {"idx": 29118, "original_id": "1250969000298848259", "reply_id": "1250969150085890048", "label": "hearts", "text": "i just wanna take a moment to thank everyone for your support/encouragement/patience/continued interest in me/my art. this is my only income atm since i'm not an essential worker, and i know this is rough for everyone so i appreciate the likes/kind words & effort to keep me fed💙"} {"idx": 29119, "original_id": "1251002905819099136", "reply_id": "1251006064314576896", "label": "applause", "text": "Personally I ♥️ my President!\n\nHowever I can understand how some don’t.\n\nMaybe you hate his personality.\nOr his delivery.\nOr you have #TDS.\n\nWhatever.\n\nBut at what point do you realize just how corrupt the Democrat party is?\n\nThink!\nResearch!\nAnd then run, not walk, away!"} {"idx": 29120, "original_id": "1250853838585765892", "reply_id": "1250857087908876288", "label": "no", "text": "I am putting the final touches on my Wide Receiver Big Board, and I have to say that with the right people around me, I feel like I would make a great NFL GM"} {"idx": 29123, "original_id": "1250949502439239680", "reply_id": "1250950894394306561", "label": "oops", "text": "My ten year old just called my wife an old hag, in case you’re wondering how quarantine is going."} {"idx": 29125, "original_id": "1250829213684379652", "reply_id": "1250833238093975552", "label": "thank_you", "text": "i take my boyfriend for granted sometimes but he’s literally one of the coolest people i’ve ever met and i’m so lucky to have him. like i’ve got a best friend and a boyfriend in the same person and i love that so much."} {"idx": 29127, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1251128770079031296", "label": "yes", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 29128, "original_id": "1251164257145753600", "reply_id": "1251165801106849792", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "An absolutely wild show to end the week. Up soon."} {"idx": 29131, "original_id": "1251227764796952581", "reply_id": "1251228063272071169", "label": "applause", "text": "I start my (2 week long) move to California in a week and I. Am. Not. Ready."} {"idx": 29132, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250924620141617153", "label": "awww", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 29134, "original_id": "1251241565781032960", "reply_id": "1251242677955440643", "label": "scared", "text": "Hey Folks, \n\nWe are beginning to hit buttons now. Please be patient as we roll out messages to invited participants on Halo Waypoint and an email outlining the process.\n\nCheers,\nPostums"} {"idx": 29135, "original_id": "1251227792940900359", "reply_id": "1251232643561263105", "label": "applause", "text": "Some informed speculation to keep an eye on: If #Giants don't trade out of 4, they will be open to trading out of 36 (takes two to tango) to later in the second round to pick up an additional 3rd or 4th round pick(s). #nfldraft"} {"idx": 29136, "original_id": "1250844954622115842", "reply_id": "1250887922473209856", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Tweet me your thoughts on the NFL Draft being one week away, using one GIF. \n\nAnnnnnnnnd GO."} {"idx": 29137, "original_id": "1250830742352994309", "reply_id": "1250840532600799232", "label": "shrug", "text": "Ok plz tell me who your fave Irish actors are (aside from the DG cast who I will ASSUME you all think of immediately) ☘️"} {"idx": 29139, "original_id": "1250816413167689730", "reply_id": "1250953759687094273", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "When you go from being at a place for 13 years, knowing everyone and feeling very much a part of things to being the new person at an unfamiliar place where everyone knows each other and you’re an outsider, it’s a very strange feeling and very lonely."} {"idx": 29141, "original_id": "1251143905292226560", "reply_id": "1251144486429720578", "label": "hug", "text": "The past few weeks I've been going through the worst, most soul-crushing family crisis of my entire life.\n\nI'm getting back to streaming finally today, raising some money for No Kid Hungry!\n\nThank you for your patience while I was AWOL.\n\nSee you all on stream!"} {"idx": 29143, "original_id": "1250875041488809984", "reply_id": "1251044554846937088", "label": "shrug", "text": "Hey @PlayVALORANT , why can't I activate the key drop I got ? :("} {"idx": 29145, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250845351311007745", "label": "shocked", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 29147, "original_id": "1251117385186230272", "reply_id": "1251163075710980096", "label": "ok", "text": "someone said DaBaby starts rapping 3 business days before the beat"} {"idx": 29148, "original_id": "1251188302675312640", "reply_id": "1251192735836536832", "label": "applause", "text": "Who has 2 thumbs and accidentally deleted his 180 GB modern warfare file ?\n\nThe answer is me \n\nAg FOK man 🤣🤣"} {"idx": 29149, "original_id": "1250865209767493637", "reply_id": "1250879831887265792", "label": "shrug", "text": "My car started making noise I turned the music up bitch you not getting this 1200😭"} {"idx": 29150, "original_id": "1250912825402417160", "reply_id": "1250936714039885825", "label": "hug", "text": "Sorry for not streaming. I've been having morning sickness, constantly nauseous and tired throughout the day. I hope to get out of this funk soon! I hope you are all well and safe! ❤"} {"idx": 29152, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251265193964781568", "label": "good_luck", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 29154, "original_id": "1251245062979227661", "reply_id": "1251245190809096193", "label": "eww", "text": "White House news conference today at 6:00 P.M. Eastern. Thank you!"} {"idx": 29155, "original_id": "1250972717089730560", "reply_id": "1250975941251268609", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "no more complaining, ready to just get this done."} {"idx": 29159, "original_id": "1251174597736759298", "reply_id": "1251206491127844864", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Let’s recap.\n\nDemocrats want to:\n-Pay states to release criminals\n-Free detained illegal aliens\n-Close churches\n-Make abortion clinics “essential”\n-Stop gun sales\n\nRepublicans want to:\n-Help small businesses w/ the #PaycheckProtectionProgram\n-Get America back to work\n\nYou decide."} {"idx": 29163, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251168647524966400", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 29168, "original_id": "1251133483629588482", "reply_id": "1251158040834760704", "label": "shocked", "text": "Reminder: MCAT will provide an update today on our website about our COVID-19 response planning. Registration re-opening will not occur today. The MCAT Registration System will continue to be unavailable for scheduling as we prepare our new testing calendar."} {"idx": 29169, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251233045086158848", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 29172, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251251424119283713", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 29173, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251056603706667014", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 29176, "original_id": "1251242376544219136", "reply_id": "1251242674331414528", "label": "yes", "text": "$SPY closed above ma50 for the FIRST time since 2/24 !!"} {"idx": 29179, "original_id": "1250790255071911937", "reply_id": "1251057370647670787", "label": "no", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever allow yourself to be nanotagged or marked?"} {"idx": 29180, "original_id": "1250664655892049920", "reply_id": "1250908586802216960", "label": "shocked", "text": "Females that used to do xans >>>>"} {"idx": 29185, "original_id": "1250813830269026305", "reply_id": "1250916349079158784", "label": "shocked", "text": "that moment when my second account gets more attention than my main 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃"} {"idx": 29187, "original_id": "1251155012715069447", "reply_id": "1251196878626140166", "label": "agree", "text": "ponyo loves ham"} {"idx": 29190, "original_id": "1251127451037696000", "reply_id": "1251172930962231299", "label": "agree", "text": "Oh lord the supermarket ... you were my favorite place... now"} {"idx": 29193, "original_id": "1251142701048832000", "reply_id": "1251153548923961352", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "This dude tried his best to sound like a girl in this porn i just watched!"} {"idx": 29195, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251230404301910016", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 29196, "original_id": "1250883671743225856", "reply_id": "1250909117033492481", "label": "applause", "text": "I don't want to EVER hear another Republican claim they care about life!"} {"idx": 29201, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251113699508719617", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 29202, "original_id": "1250684777998540802", "reply_id": "1250834853211312131", "label": "omg", "text": "Woke up for the loo in the middle of the night, felt what I thought was a hair in side of my mouth, made a blind grab for it, and it was a spider, half in my mouth.\nSo, that was nice."} {"idx": 29206, "original_id": "1250515808356188160", "reply_id": "1250895457334759427", "label": "sigh", "text": "Thank you All, Rusev out!"} {"idx": 29207, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251241858837221377", "label": "oops", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 29209, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250958340320120833", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 29210, "original_id": "1250924117643190272", "reply_id": "1250930382431596544", "label": "applause", "text": "Reply to this tweet with a reaction GIF to the first time you heard a pussy fart"} {"idx": 29211, "original_id": "1251160607123890176", "reply_id": "1251163531715674112", "label": "shocked", "text": "I gotta come out of this lock down on fire!!! i just made 21 beats last night feeling like my old self again. Quarantine doing me well 😊😁 oh im back at it again right now. New Flee Lord album COMING SOON 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Petestrumentals 3,Camp Lo 80 Blocks lp,Soul Survivor 3 ect."} {"idx": 29214, "original_id": "1251017548285566977", "reply_id": "1251028952866406400", "label": "yes", "text": "Around 15% of the air you breathe at a train station is human skin."} {"idx": 29215, "original_id": "1251037405236408320", "reply_id": "1251086559924944896", "label": "please", "text": "If you don't cop don't blame us, blame the people who's running auto joiner. We're always trying to keep it fair. \n\nSince someone said we're dropping fake invites. This will be the last for today! Have a great night.\n\n-FcEY6j"} {"idx": 29216, "original_id": "1250847261489274890", "reply_id": "1250850036579262467", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers fresh attack on SPFL coming up...THREAD"} {"idx": 29218, "original_id": "1250961090776793089", "reply_id": "1250962228444049408", "label": "seriously", "text": "When a new batch of bitches drop? I need some 🥴"} {"idx": 29221, "original_id": "1251004187019587584", "reply_id": "1251007843710500864", "label": "win", "text": "My sweet little step-guy just told me I was a “great woman” and I should give him “so many hugs.” Strong finish to a tough day. ❤️😍❤️"} {"idx": 29223, "original_id": "1251219193690755072", "reply_id": "1251275104631296000", "label": "no", "text": "my mom said that if i study with her in a bible study book and finish it she'll respect my decision to not become a jehovah witness"} {"idx": 29229, "original_id": "1250297938363813894", "reply_id": "1250845843965566979", "label": "no", "text": "Have y’all come to grips yet with the fact that summer is a wrap?"} {"idx": 29230, "original_id": "1250902035182030849", "reply_id": "1250910841614094336", "label": "dance", "text": "Miss my Mum. Can't share being cancer free with her. As a nurse, she would have understood this is a big deal. Dad did not respond to my news & my sister sent less than a line. Fuck them. I did this alone. I knew there would be a come down. This is it. Tomorrow will be better."} {"idx": 29232, "original_id": "1250936542635401216", "reply_id": "1250936686244237315", "label": "hug", "text": "Cannot sleep because it's la fiesta dans mon bidou"} {"idx": 29233, "original_id": "1250920728335179784", "reply_id": "1250921815079292931", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump: Some states \"got too much credit for what they've done,\" while others \"haven't been given credit\" but did a phenomenal job."} {"idx": 29237, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250852049731846144", "label": "win", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 29238, "original_id": "1251260402387816450", "reply_id": "1251260656768204806", "label": "shrug", "text": "I found a pornography website and sometimes I download videos off it"} {"idx": 29239, "original_id": "1250978576209514504", "reply_id": "1250981918184820736", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "What has our reality been reduced to if not nothingness , with only the internet as a medium to cling to what it used to be?"} {"idx": 29240, "original_id": "1250777779668422657", "reply_id": "1250850775011639297", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "😬😬😬im getting more vocal 😬😬😬If I end up dead just remember it’s probably one of the 10 million people who don’t like me. Their names are in a HUGE sealed envelope in the top left drawer of my dresser."} {"idx": 29241, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251110992093892608", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 29242, "original_id": "1250925662354972674", "reply_id": "1251179858475888640", "label": "yolo", "text": "Went to sleep drunk. Woke up immediately drunk. \n\n#ihatemyfriends"} {"idx": 29245, "original_id": "1250818759692083202", "reply_id": "1250863576685981698", "label": "sigh", "text": "It’s unfortunate when you have a talent but your procrastination, laziness, imposter syndrome, and short ass attention span are like “lol that’s cute”."} {"idx": 29247, "original_id": "1250832538525929475", "reply_id": "1250844058303565840", "label": "hug", "text": "Sometimes I forget how shit most humans are then someone I trust lets me down and it reminds me. I'm more upset with myself for being a trusting idiot than anything else. Still slightly murderous. And no, I don't want to discuss it."} {"idx": 29249, "original_id": "1250549795099475968", "reply_id": "1250864587286683650", "label": "hug", "text": "1 truth about me, im so depressd sometimes i cry myself to sleep,"} {"idx": 29250, "original_id": "1251204288975699975", "reply_id": "1251238258186620928", "label": "eww", "text": "When I see the word “source” I’m going to replace it with “my dick” \n\nMeans about the same and my dick is usually more reliable...depending on my drunkenness level. #cheers"} {"idx": 29251, "original_id": "1250880686740955139", "reply_id": "1250885912688459778", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve literally spent the whole day crying. I woke up and things were okay but then something a little upsetting happened and I’m spiraling lol"} {"idx": 29252, "original_id": "1250731243089489921", "reply_id": "1250914097413214208", "label": "agree", "text": "IMAGINE if LENI were the President, what do you think would have been the RESPONSE? From the early TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS on CHINA to supporting DOH in terms of PPEs and budget for FRONTLINERS? In terms of WEEKLY national address and speeches? Just imagine... just thought experiment"} {"idx": 29255, "original_id": "1250961940668702722", "reply_id": "1250962090543788038", "label": "applause", "text": "[UPDATE] Servers are now unlocked to players, thank you for your patience. We will continue to monitor server health as players log back into game."} {"idx": 29256, "original_id": "1248289690643361797", "reply_id": "1251266937897865220", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Hbox gave me a ride to a local yesterday. I was nervous as hell, but he told me to relax and put his hand on my thigh. He said he's into \"dungeon rap\" and asked me if I was impressed by that. I said “my leg is hurting.” He said \"I'm a doctor. Your leg is fine.\""} {"idx": 29258, "original_id": "1251125238349336577", "reply_id": "1251125964957978624", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Determined to delete all existence of my social media presence during the years 2009-2011"} {"idx": 29262, "original_id": "1250899218534825984", "reply_id": "1250915015860744194", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Libras are so sweet idc .. they are the best sign"} {"idx": 29263, "original_id": "1250837834602369024", "reply_id": "1250927318618472448", "label": "oops", "text": "The fact that @Sarah_Marie2689 will reply to the Deborah's snaps and not mine is blasphemy. 🙄👊🏼 #bitchplease"} {"idx": 29264, "original_id": "1251173131328380933", "reply_id": "1251173642907652103", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Friendly reminder that Dr. Phil is not a medical doctor and neither are you."} {"idx": 29267, "original_id": "1250918775018475521", "reply_id": "1250923520953122817", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "2000 BRM accounts completed KYC"} {"idx": 29274, "original_id": "1250787247504289793", "reply_id": "1251076172399751168", "label": "hug", "text": "need a hug :("} {"idx": 29276, "original_id": "1251224684407844866", "reply_id": "1251224868982534144", "label": "omg", "text": "I was today years old when I found out that the “➗” symbol is just a blank fraction with dots replacing the numerator and denominator"} {"idx": 29277, "original_id": "1250941712706310144", "reply_id": "1250948215194611712", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Love will find it’s way. If not, then it’s not it."} {"idx": 29279, "original_id": "1250992055699992577", "reply_id": "1250993034742894592", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "@DrOz, @drdrew, @DrPhil, looking forward seeing your cowardly, pandering butts on the frontlines in a NYC emergency real soon."} {"idx": 29281, "original_id": "1251155307918536705", "reply_id": "1251165716616810497", "label": "agree", "text": "As always, Blockstream is trying to change the narrative by renaming PayJoins in a way that conveniently buries the meritorious breaktgroughs and hard work involved in CoinJoins (a word that Reddit overlord nullc coined in august 2013).\n\n🐸🦎🦖🐊🐉"} {"idx": 29282, "original_id": "1250922650119045120", "reply_id": "1250949570051346436", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Barely anyone has been killed by the pandemic. So clearly we're safe. We should undo the restrictions that are preventing those deaths"} {"idx": 29283, "original_id": "1251178607399047170", "reply_id": "1251179657153654786", "label": "applause", "text": "🎉 THANK YOU for tuning in to The Popelei Seed Commission WINNERS announcements! 🏆 \n\nWe received over 1000 🤩 submissions from writers and actors under the theme WOMEN IN LOCKDOWN 🔒"} {"idx": 29284, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250921935631904768", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 29289, "original_id": "1250767788723130369", "reply_id": "1250859660002942976", "label": "shocked", "text": "Ugh. I hate the dream where my teeth crumble. And it's one of those dreams where I keep remembering it as having really happened and then checking my teeth in a panic."} {"idx": 29291, "original_id": "1250929860106530816", "reply_id": "1250930957080604676", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone else having to unsubscribe to WAY more emails than normal?"} {"idx": 29294, "original_id": "1250834394153132040", "reply_id": "1250846369058680833", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "The beard is off, reveal tonite, im at the doctors waiting to be seen."} {"idx": 29297, "original_id": "1250834119879081985", "reply_id": "1250834664664846342", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Sent my resume to a recruiter.\n\nLet's see if New Jersey is for me"} {"idx": 29298, "original_id": "1250189230912892929", "reply_id": "1250885185501044742", "label": "facepalm", "text": "FUN FACT: apparently, ravens have 17 pinion feathers while a crow only has 16, so really the difference between a crow and a raven is a matter of a pinion"} {"idx": 29299, "original_id": "1250801894307463170", "reply_id": "1250857859786485760", "label": "shrug", "text": "Who is your favourite Friend?"} {"idx": 29300, "original_id": "1250884931141722125", "reply_id": "1250887618243502084", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m getting a lot of go back to your country today. Why would I or anyone go back to Tupelo, Mississippi?"} {"idx": 29302, "original_id": "1251203970145464320", "reply_id": "1251206871836438529", "label": "no", "text": "SDCC is cancelled... the week after is Evo... its coming =("} {"idx": 29304, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251236156223651842", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 29305, "original_id": "1250977820181856256", "reply_id": "1251065009548877825", "label": "yes", "text": "@HeyScoops had 3 scoop orders. Their tag lines made my day. On a very hard day. #muchappreciated I will update my patreon daily. $6 so far."} {"idx": 29306, "original_id": "1251185419888320514", "reply_id": "1251188435890638851", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "For those of you wondering where all the questions have come from, I woke up one day & saw a bunch of negative posts & scared people on social media. I thought I might be able to come up w/ some distractions since my family has told me I am a fountain of mindless distractions 🤣"} {"idx": 29307, "original_id": "1250924540433068033", "reply_id": "1250932778104877061", "label": "shocked", "text": "Oops I hit check out 🤷🏻‍♀️🛍"} {"idx": 29308, "original_id": "1250855721584844801", "reply_id": "1250926240740982784", "label": "yes", "text": "CFB \"Quotes\" has officially been deleted by twitter."} {"idx": 29309, "original_id": "1251209243400630272", "reply_id": "1251209670103953409", "label": "hug", "text": "@AllieAwesome415 @MsAbigailMac @AlexisMonroexxx @MsArianaMarie @TheBaileyRayne @MissCaliCarter @embersnowxxx @JaydenCole @JillKassidyy @krisscottx @KenzieMadisonxX @KaylaKaydenXXX @misslanawolf @VinaSkyy huuuuuugs lovely ladies 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😍😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗"} {"idx": 29313, "original_id": "1251132242388234240", "reply_id": "1251138220273909761", "label": "agree", "text": "Too many centrists think they're lefties. Nonce cunts."} {"idx": 29315, "original_id": "1250885300328390656", "reply_id": "1250892233903083522", "label": "yes", "text": "We are all in the situation we are in because of CHINA."} {"idx": 29316, "original_id": "1250557606743195648", "reply_id": "1250886042808442880", "label": "agree", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't give a flying **** what the head of the W.H.O. thinks.."} {"idx": 29319, "original_id": "1251003684370161664", "reply_id": "1251131414675890176", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I hope women who listen to Da Baby never get cuffed, y'all don't deserve it"} {"idx": 29320, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251147436640231430", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 29323, "original_id": "1250847774230417408", "reply_id": "1250849898058207238", "label": "agree", "text": "Y’all wanna see some tiddys 🤪"} {"idx": 29325, "original_id": "1250691681164369922", "reply_id": "1250840947149156352", "label": "hug", "text": "i’m convinced men just hate women"} {"idx": 29327, "original_id": "1250859481673732097", "reply_id": "1250878864924053507", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i’ve called all my friends n family and no one answered :("} {"idx": 29328, "original_id": "1251090356126564352", "reply_id": "1251103088452214784", "label": "scared", "text": "My feminism and work are interacting. This will end well...."} {"idx": 29329, "original_id": "1250940500087095301", "reply_id": "1250940712176111617", "label": "agree", "text": "You know whats a cycle that will never stop? Helping someone out during they hard times and that person just going around treating you as shit as if you never help them out ever. IDC what anyone says. No matter how much you done for some they will just stab u in the back."} {"idx": 29330, "original_id": "1251247078770163716", "reply_id": "1251261255559626753", "label": "agree", "text": "Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere. \n\nBig tune."} {"idx": 29332, "original_id": "1251183495679840256", "reply_id": "1251185139595399171", "label": "sorry", "text": "I just wanted to see my mom"} {"idx": 29333, "original_id": "1250727255166214144", "reply_id": "1250873885899161600", "label": "shocked", "text": "Here's the deal, YO! I'm gonna have a \"good olde time bitch slap\" contest with my boy, @TitusNation !\nThat means we are gonna say mean, funny, cruel, horrible shit to each other! And it's all in love, BABY! So no holds barred, let's ROAST THIS SHIT!!!\nAnd he's a comedy GANGSTAH!"} {"idx": 29334, "original_id": "1251009721114517504", "reply_id": "1251012470828761088", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was not a good day. And I ate my feelings. Every last one of them."} {"idx": 29336, "original_id": "1251241367990386689", "reply_id": "1251244761559830529", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "It's really cool when the clinic receptionist tells you that you need to \"discuss your options\" with the doctor after getting a breast ultrasound and then puts you on hold for half an hour... not at all anxiety inducing. \n\n(FWIW without unexpected complications I should be fine!)"} {"idx": 29337, "original_id": "1251251571976835072", "reply_id": "1251252498205151238", "label": "applause", "text": "Three words I’m happy to read this week: “accepted for publication” 🥳"} {"idx": 29340, "original_id": "1251097027078959105", "reply_id": "1251206821290835968", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I really hope @Oprah speaks about the dangerous statements by @DrPhil and @DrOz WE need her voice."} {"idx": 29342, "original_id": "1251206086851354624", "reply_id": "1251247946458333184", "label": "dance", "text": "Good morning everyone"} {"idx": 29343, "original_id": "1251001385765801984", "reply_id": "1251005335155990533", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "maccies>>>>>mcdeez. Argue with your floor🤣"} {"idx": 29344, "original_id": "1251005943363633153", "reply_id": "1251026349617303553", "label": "agree", "text": "Idk who need to hear this but Beast Boy is not white"} {"idx": 29345, "original_id": "1251239904677330945", "reply_id": "1251245856331874305", "label": "seriously", "text": "I need a haircut lol"} {"idx": 29346, "original_id": "1250886090887704579", "reply_id": "1250925148812783617", "label": "shocked", "text": "My sweatpants are getting as tight as Dwight Yoakam's blue jeans."} {"idx": 29348, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250960888854708230", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 29349, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228364490149888", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 29352, "original_id": "1250898045295906816", "reply_id": "1250901985009627136", "label": "facepalm", "text": "lets play a game: why is the stock market up today?"} {"idx": 29355, "original_id": "1250571048216440832", "reply_id": "1250964156783775744", "label": "yes", "text": "So is Malcolm Turnbull correct when he describes Morrison as a Machiavellian plotter who can’t be trusted and Dutton as a self delusional narcissist? 🤔 Gee that’s a hard one. #auspol"} {"idx": 29356, "original_id": "1251143926234247174", "reply_id": "1251169338230366211", "label": "yawn", "text": "i hope something or someone makes you smile today. one of those big, all your teeth, genuine smiles. ♥️"} {"idx": 29357, "original_id": "1250883455828754434", "reply_id": "1250902005251543040", "label": "hug", "text": "*slides coin over table* I’d like an XL sized hug please and thank you"} {"idx": 29358, "original_id": "1251176180549648386", "reply_id": "1251178154523152384", "label": "yes", "text": "We recently passed 10,000 followers on Twitter. Pretty awesome. How about a giveaway in the near future? \n\nI mean. Does anyone want that?\n\nHmm."} {"idx": 29361, "original_id": "1250998119094870021", "reply_id": "1251072858589020161", "label": "thank_you", "text": "While I laid in my 7 yo daughter’s bed & watched her fold & put away her clothes today, we talked & laughed & part of me was sad to realize how grown up she is already, but the rest of me felt so incredibly plum full of grateful that I get this little best friend forever."} {"idx": 29362, "original_id": "1251206471783718912", "reply_id": "1251206625123155968", "label": "ok", "text": "i wna have control"} {"idx": 29366, "original_id": "1250978134834311169", "reply_id": "1251049927590899712", "label": "applause", "text": "I don't see myself as a hero and like to think of myself as modest but I just sent three text messages and four tweets on 1% battery.\n\nForm an orderly line for autographs people."} {"idx": 29370, "original_id": "1250870306031501320", "reply_id": "1250882200448442368", "label": "yes", "text": "They still sleepin ... 😴 time to wake em up"} {"idx": 29372, "original_id": "1251159717709152259", "reply_id": "1251161184666935297", "label": "popcorn", "text": "// i have the urge to apologise to everyone seeing august like this"} {"idx": 29373, "original_id": "1250756199202635783", "reply_id": "1250949175019073544", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Democrats have spent days blocking emergency funding for Americans’ paychecks, and today, the money for the Paycheck Protection Program completely runs out.\n\nThe cost of Schumer and Pelosi's obstruction will be pink slips and shuttered businesses."} {"idx": 29374, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251045441237651458", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 29375, "original_id": "1251272944287911937", "reply_id": "1251273949205405698", "label": "hug", "text": "sad hours"} {"idx": 29376, "original_id": "1251188571714682880", "reply_id": "1251234679509803008", "label": "popcorn", "text": "True confession: \nI shave my toes. \nYour turn."} {"idx": 29378, "original_id": "1250994053157736448", "reply_id": "1251220692256862210", "label": "omg", "text": "So is trump getting ready to dump birx and Fauci for Oz and dr. Phil?"} {"idx": 29382, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1250945876882681856", "label": "want", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 29387, "original_id": "1250860816808718337", "reply_id": "1250862721941114880", "label": "agree", "text": "@Missbnassty I feel honored that you are following me. Lol... It's appreciated. Thx. 💯😋✌🏾"} {"idx": 29388, "original_id": "1251177921798115330", "reply_id": "1251178663548260354", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m ready for this to be over now."} {"idx": 29389, "original_id": "1250971863838101506", "reply_id": "1251240025318060034", "label": "no", "text": "I’m contemplating shaving off all my hair and going bald"} {"idx": 29392, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251082544168108032", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 29393, "original_id": "1251094931206295552", "reply_id": "1251126653444665344", "label": "shocked", "text": "Some personal news: After a wonderful 12 years, next month I will be leaving @Tes. I will be joining Public First as a director. There is no other organisation for whom I would have left Tes and journalism. 1/"} {"idx": 29395, "original_id": "1250886040610627588", "reply_id": "1250887794035212288", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Ain’t you sick of spending all your nights alone?"} {"idx": 29399, "original_id": "1250926580492361734", "reply_id": "1250948868285612032", "label": "eww", "text": "you mean i actually have to talk to people to get followers"} {"idx": 29401, "original_id": "1251249825967980550", "reply_id": "1251252013205250049", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you are a member of the autism & mental wellness community, here are some good people to follow: @positive_autism , @AutismHoodjay , @autcareandshare and @AidenHatfield"} {"idx": 29404, "original_id": "1251101745478074369", "reply_id": "1251103928881565697", "label": "good_luck", "text": "i’m gonna fail for sure , but i can’t fail ! :("} {"idx": 29406, "original_id": "1250825244580986880", "reply_id": "1251001077756915712", "label": "win", "text": "Officially debt free today thanks to the government check"} {"idx": 29407, "original_id": "1250946651516284929", "reply_id": "1250950056179650561", "label": "shocked", "text": "I be cheesin hard af on the way to the guys house that’s wrecked my Heart for the last several months LOL"} {"idx": 29409, "original_id": "1250902153222332417", "reply_id": "1250905973490843648", "label": "high_five", "text": "Browns!!!!!!! I’m fired up.."} {"idx": 29411, "original_id": "1250460581666197510", "reply_id": "1250841774668550150", "label": "agree", "text": "There is a joke circulating in Germany:\n\n\"What borders on stupidity?\"\n\"Mexico and Canada!\""} {"idx": 29412, "original_id": "1250866708081856512", "reply_id": "1251009148717850624", "label": "no", "text": "if you’re not putting a little sprinkle of cinnamon on your coffee before brewing it, what’s the point?"} {"idx": 29413, "original_id": "1251105961881763841", "reply_id": "1251109645491429376", "label": "agree", "text": "Notice something in common with Fox Newsers pushing to open economy over advice of Drs?! Hannity salary $40 million. Tucker Carlson salary $6 million. Dr Oz net worth $100 million. Dr. Phil $80 million a year. GOP Sen Kennedy worth $6 million. Rich want to sacrifice your family"} {"idx": 29414, "original_id": "1251160683271487488", "reply_id": "1251243832135598082", "label": "agree", "text": "I have no problem apologizing or making amends but what's I'm not going to do is kiss your ass to make you forgive me."} {"idx": 29415, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250870170953941005", "label": "please", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 29416, "original_id": "1251217051307446273", "reply_id": "1251217229397536768", "label": "applause", "text": "Apply yourself to supply your wealth"} {"idx": 29422, "original_id": "1250935521141874688", "reply_id": "1250939495978905601", "label": "omg", "text": "just want to cry my eyes out 🥺"} {"idx": 29429, "original_id": "1250928360139689987", "reply_id": "1250929362809036805", "label": "ok", "text": "Demon Slayer makes my dick so hard"} {"idx": 29433, "original_id": "1251165710706933760", "reply_id": "1251195553138053120", "label": "applause", "text": "@ShackLife hey thanks for engaging my question this week. Love the show and thanks for creating its own feed now. It has earned it. 👍🏼"} {"idx": 29434, "original_id": "1251226772248674305", "reply_id": "1251227499528433667", "label": "agree", "text": "Best suit (and most durable) in movie history. #TCMParty #TCMFFHomeEdition #NxNW"} {"idx": 29435, "original_id": "1251051659662258176", "reply_id": "1251062872412532736", "label": "hug", "text": "CW// Self-Harm. \n\n— — —\n\nKinda wanna cut again but I refuse to do it two days in a row."} {"idx": 29439, "original_id": "1250833130522644484", "reply_id": "1250877730557759490", "label": "yes", "text": "My dad once grounded me for a whole summer in high school because I got home 15 minutes past curfew. I remembered that fondly today as I reported him for breaking quarantine."} {"idx": 29440, "original_id": "1251203976399290369", "reply_id": "1251204267832233984", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m starting to feel alright about opening America. \n\nWhat are your thought ?"} {"idx": 29442, "original_id": "1250915563997728773", "reply_id": "1250915966080385025", "label": "want", "text": "You know that feeling on a CFB Saturday, when you've been drinking all day, you've watched a Bama W, and then you're watching the other games until past midnight?\n\nIt's coming. Keep the faith."} {"idx": 29446, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251118259203641344", "label": "yawn", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 29448, "original_id": "1250600084041072646", "reply_id": "1251128216305012736", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve never taken corporate PAC money, and today I announced I’m taking it a step further by refusing donations from lobbyists.\n\nWe’ve seen Washington insiders try to get corporations special treatment in coronavirus relief legislation.\n\nYou deserve to know Congress works for you."} {"idx": 29450, "original_id": "1251038305828904960", "reply_id": "1251096755585847297", "label": "awww", "text": "Definitely feeling sexy."} {"idx": 29451, "original_id": "1250808477611671554", "reply_id": "1250879069102768129", "label": "oops", "text": "Drinking this wine and it’s going straight to my clit\nIts just me, myself and I🥺God save me"} {"idx": 29456, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250924161851101185", "label": "please", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 29458, "original_id": "1250542523409465344", "reply_id": "1250879557701439489", "label": "eww", "text": "I'm following @TheRepairShop . There. I've said it. 🙄"} {"idx": 29462, "original_id": "1251142110201380865", "reply_id": "1251196844606197768", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Put peanut m&m's in a bowl, pour milk over them, call that a balanced breakfast"} {"idx": 29464, "original_id": "1251172449485348865", "reply_id": "1251178061011144704", "label": "no", "text": "NOON\nAfter weeks of waiting, Ottawa announces federal help for the energy sector:\n$1.7 billion for clean up of orphan wells--in Sask, Alberta, BC. In Alberta, expected to create 5,200 jobs.\n- $750 million for Emission Reduction Fund\n\nIs this what we need?"} {"idx": 29465, "original_id": "1250835819335610368", "reply_id": "1250836385545752576", "label": "oops", "text": "HOLY SHIT."} {"idx": 29466, "original_id": "1251169735603093505", "reply_id": "1251171485777002498", "label": "hug", "text": "psa i love @KylosProperty"} {"idx": 29473, "original_id": "1251265525319155715", "reply_id": "1251267483459375104", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Kyotic just dropped \"You're the one\" by Elaine 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭\n\nHaiiiiiiiiiiiii this boy 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥\n\n@kyotic @elaineofficial_ @MansNotCorrupt1\n#LockdownHouseParty"} {"idx": 29474, "original_id": "1250832963803242497", "reply_id": "1250935924864811008", "label": "popcorn", "text": ".@politico is writing a smear piece on me as shills for the @SenatorBurr camp. (Probably in exchange for some other intel story.)\n\nThe scandalous oppo they’ve dumped:\n\nI have an office lease at or below market rate, approved by the House, from Merrill Land Company."} {"idx": 29475, "original_id": "1251177136687247361", "reply_id": "1251183939349286913", "label": "shrug", "text": "Wow:\n\nA California Pastor could face a fine of $1,000 or up to 6 months in jail for holding a socially-distanced Easter Service on Sunday\n\nMeanwhile—Gavin Newsom is expected to release 3,500 convicts from custody so they don’t get sick\n\nDoes anyone else see the problem here?\n\n🤔"} {"idx": 29477, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250915109725233154", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 29481, "original_id": "1250995943618428928", "reply_id": "1250996073381888000", "label": "eww", "text": "i know ive said it 10000 times but im gonna try to eat salad again"} {"idx": 29483, "original_id": "1250998785720741888", "reply_id": "1250999384495534086", "label": "agree", "text": "I will never visit China. Not ever. It has literally moved to last on my list of countries to travel to. They need to pay dearly for this. And you best believe I will do everything in my power to not buy products from China either. I’ve already started changing my habits."} {"idx": 29484, "original_id": "1250842168404705285", "reply_id": "1250843780149805058", "label": "win", "text": "True story. The first time that I met my wife’s parents (at their home), I challenged my father-in-law to a match of shesh besh. I told him that if I win, I win his daughter. I won and have been winning ever since (as she became my wife)."} {"idx": 29487, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251055059380682752", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 29495, "original_id": "1250883169378697216", "reply_id": "1250886139151437824", "label": "ok", "text": "Stop imagining fake scenarios and hurting your own feelings"} {"idx": 29498, "original_id": "1251051193394233344", "reply_id": "1251196764201406468", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Ground floor of shinra HQ is 33 hours in. \n\nThought I'd be mad that it ends at Midgar. I'm not."} {"idx": 29502, "original_id": "1251173588863868929", "reply_id": "1251177441067851776", "label": "applause", "text": "And here I am 365 days later"} {"idx": 29503, "original_id": "1251194673936416780", "reply_id": "1251214817811148800", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Quaran-Twitter awards \nMVP: @justinn__r \nMrs. Quaran-Twitter: @gocartcartgo \nMr. Quaran-Twitter: @JyTooFly \nFor your quality content I thank you😂😪"} {"idx": 29504, "original_id": "1251194309589774336", "reply_id": "1251208723210567680", "label": "scared", "text": "AND IM THE BEST ARTIST IN YONKERS, ARTIST......FUCK RAP."} {"idx": 29506, "original_id": "1251252068502827008", "reply_id": "1251252317942198272", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Berkeley is still giving parking tickets????"} {"idx": 29507, "original_id": "1250902023593058304", "reply_id": "1250910810672467968", "label": "wink", "text": "@YankeeDanielle thank you for adherence to the Oxford comma!"} {"idx": 29509, "original_id": "1250805321511174144", "reply_id": "1251005705685020672", "label": "agree", "text": "Are all the packing plants (hogs or beef) that are shutting down foreign owned?"} {"idx": 29511, "original_id": "1251161424769900546", "reply_id": "1251169307771494400", "label": "want", "text": "I need a hug. \n\nPossibly two hugs."} {"idx": 29512, "original_id": "1250843619520585729", "reply_id": "1250844203158056963", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’ll be live with @MileyCyrus’s #BrightMinded show on Instagram at 2:30pm ET. Hope you’ll tune in!"} {"idx": 29513, "original_id": "1251139840046960640", "reply_id": "1251243607647977472", "label": "agree", "text": "When Bermudians say they saw someone “the other day” that could be two months ago😂🤣"} {"idx": 29515, "original_id": "1251210299476066306", "reply_id": "1251230932134014977", "label": "applause", "text": "Cuomo: \"You're going to grant me what the Constitution granted me before you were born? I don't need the president to read the Constitution for me, maybe he should've read the Constitution.\"\n\nI need a cigarette and I don't smoke."} {"idx": 29516, "original_id": "1251179095704117249", "reply_id": "1251183641201446913", "label": "applause", "text": "Really not buying the idea that you can only either care about public health or the economy; you can do both at same time and no one should ever be ashamed about prioritising people's health. Why does this even need said."} {"idx": 29517, "original_id": "1250808974292725765", "reply_id": "1250858609732280320", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I also got kicked back into the basement today. I don't want to talk about it."} {"idx": 29519, "original_id": "1250808197394423811", "reply_id": "1250843255807389696", "label": "agree", "text": "National Horny Day? It's like the day was made for me."} {"idx": 29520, "original_id": "1251125306582319104", "reply_id": "1251131236329938944", "label": "no", "text": "#WritingCommunity would you cope with your daily writing schedule if caffeine was removed from the picture?"} {"idx": 29522, "original_id": "1250801497920733184", "reply_id": "1250851421643210753", "label": "want", "text": "Tomorrow."} {"idx": 29523, "original_id": "1250388265837961216", "reply_id": "1250856886267711489", "label": "yes", "text": "Many people are saying that Trump is the worst President of all time!\n\nWho agrees?"} {"idx": 29524, "original_id": "1251224784718815233", "reply_id": "1251228861569863680", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I stream today? First time back in a long time. Maybe some monster hunter? 😏🤔"} {"idx": 29526, "original_id": "1250942548027326467", "reply_id": "1250943028656852993", "label": "applause", "text": "I guess it’s #Wind and #TwilightSaga.. till i pass out !!"} {"idx": 29529, "original_id": "1251063868563939328", "reply_id": "1251064036705402880", "label": "omg", "text": "sending all the bros a booty vid since I love em 📲tap inwardly homies"} {"idx": 29531, "original_id": "1250493163220766722", "reply_id": "1250935628990054405", "label": "smh", "text": "Wife just accused me of being a transvestite.\n\nSo, I packed up her things and left."} {"idx": 29534, "original_id": "1250819761942024192", "reply_id": "1250873795210104832", "label": "no", "text": "They giving out $500 per child, I know Casey Anthony mad as hell."} {"idx": 29535, "original_id": "1250928037698256896", "reply_id": "1250928265734303745", "label": "idk", "text": "BUT for TONIGHT I need to know are you feeling ... sex for hours or just get to the point ?? #CoffeeWithKelly"} {"idx": 29540, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250966490611945479", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 29544, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250941145749782531", "label": "popcorn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 29549, "original_id": "1250849564707430400", "reply_id": "1250849707288657928", "label": "applause", "text": "It does not matter if you are Left or Right or Center. Or anything. If you are a human, you deserve to go FIRST! #BailoutHumansNOW"} {"idx": 29550, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251236614501793792", "label": "ok", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 29551, "original_id": "1251190897284386816", "reply_id": "1251191207704829952", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I have been fighting with this story for three damn days and I have not gone through all this effort to give up now."} {"idx": 29557, "original_id": "1250871328393121794", "reply_id": "1251109713577730048", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm declaring it. My names JP and I have a GIF addiction. \n\nGod I feel better getting that off my chest. 😓"} {"idx": 29559, "original_id": "1251125768249278465", "reply_id": "1251166765910016000", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Day something of quarantine: discovered that my wife does not like the sound of how I wake up or blink."} {"idx": 29560, "original_id": "1251238886581420038", "reply_id": "1251239090164563969", "label": "hug", "text": "im genuinely so proud of the community iv built. everyone is so open minded, open and eager to learn about other people and others points of view. its so nice to see everyone just being so caring and kind to eachother. thank you guys. like seriously <3"} {"idx": 29561, "original_id": "1251264863084654597", "reply_id": "1251265231554314240", "label": "smh", "text": "When my p4 cums I’m gonna lick it"} {"idx": 29562, "original_id": "1250826625647890440", "reply_id": "1250837751358017538", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Just realised that I haven’t worn a pair of long trousers (!) in the last month... #CovidConfessions"} {"idx": 29563, "original_id": "1250912580127920130", "reply_id": "1250941543197925378", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump said earlier that we take solace that God has taken the people who have died from the virus into \"his eternal and loving embrace.\""} {"idx": 29565, "original_id": "1251189701265907712", "reply_id": "1251192144573972480", "label": "shocked", "text": "Spirituality is the Neo-Soul of religion and astrology is the mumble rap of spirituality."} {"idx": 29572, "original_id": "1250910909582712838", "reply_id": "1250911311426437121", "label": "sigh", "text": "Not gonna get it, will be shipped tho RT @trilly_20: Can I still online shop? I’m bored"} {"idx": 29573, "original_id": "1250947704919908359", "reply_id": "1250949526170546180", "label": "hug", "text": "gm am going to commit fork electric socket"} {"idx": 29574, "original_id": "1250850763003191296", "reply_id": "1250884365523050525", "label": "shocked", "text": "Predictive Programming* \n\nLook it up!"} {"idx": 29579, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250859751216472066", "label": "awww", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 29582, "original_id": "1251191154433024002", "reply_id": "1251191980425728002", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Idk who Sawayama is"} {"idx": 29583, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251002413890314240", "label": "yolo", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 29584, "original_id": "1250844993033469954", "reply_id": "1250845674234617856", "label": "shocked", "text": "Spark Double is a messed up card whose time has finally come"} {"idx": 29588, "original_id": "1251180867046834177", "reply_id": "1251209200442789888", "label": "no", "text": "🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Summer 2020 - expect male pony-tails will see a revival."} {"idx": 29591, "original_id": "1251135163683213312", "reply_id": "1251156691241975808", "label": "no", "text": "happy update day 💙💚🧡❤️💜"} {"idx": 29593, "original_id": "1250823819020824576", "reply_id": "1250843808528396288", "label": "seriously", "text": "I just want to hoop! one good game up to 21. Pop"} {"idx": 29594, "original_id": "1251033342826483713", "reply_id": "1251053593358028801", "label": "no", "text": "is the dababy album worth checking out ??"} {"idx": 29595, "original_id": "1251005475967184897", "reply_id": "1251162372795797508", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Hi, I'm gonna tell you some stuff about Dr. Phil and save you a trip to Wikipedia. \n\n1) He is not a medical doctor. He has a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of North Texas.\n\n2) BUT, he is no longer licensed to practice in any state. \n\n3) Why? Well..."} {"idx": 29598, "original_id": "1250869015150551041", "reply_id": "1250870464433590273", "label": "agree", "text": "If the mayor saw my split ends I’m 100% sure he’d lift the lockdown"} {"idx": 29600, "original_id": "1250947532907216896", "reply_id": "1250952822268428288", "label": "scared", "text": "We’re at the stage in quarantine in which we discover grandma doesn’t know the difference between an avocado and a mango."} {"idx": 29601, "original_id": "1250865403372453889", "reply_id": "1250886187893624839", "label": "sorry", "text": "Is it too much to ask that just one new follower not be a whore!"} {"idx": 29602, "original_id": "1250996716150624256", "reply_id": "1251020819972702209", "label": "yes", "text": "Wouldn't Joe Biden creating his own \"shadow government,\" as MSNBC suggested today, be an overt act of treason?"} {"idx": 29607, "original_id": "1250497617622192130", "reply_id": "1250850010423537667", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "It’s been 508 days since #LSU lost a football game."} {"idx": 29608, "original_id": "1251191076058259456", "reply_id": "1251192397784121345", "label": "hug", "text": "Funny how I could solve 90% of my body issues by gaining weight & working out, but I can't do either of that because of constant nausea & stomach pain\n\nAnother evening of staying in bed instead of using my cute pink workout gear"} {"idx": 29611, "original_id": "1251101804148002817", "reply_id": "1251122958623543296", "label": "smh", "text": "been staring at the photo you sent me for hours."} {"idx": 29612, "original_id": "1251002592710320129", "reply_id": "1251004495087140866", "label": "oops", "text": "Welp....now I'mma be walking around work funny..."} {"idx": 29613, "original_id": "1250821048804577280", "reply_id": "1250911784086667270", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I shit you not. Just received an email from an entity I won't mention, indicating that to increase security of Zoom access, instead of having the passwords in Google docs they share, they're going to use a standard one which is....abc123."} {"idx": 29614, "original_id": "1251018910100488192", "reply_id": "1251228559181520896", "label": "yes", "text": "What horrors did David Brooks visit upon young Ross Douthat in the jakes that night?"} {"idx": 29616, "original_id": "1251209434061299718", "reply_id": "1251274936943026176", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "It would be really funny if the PLL and MLL drafts were exactly the same."} {"idx": 29617, "original_id": "1250842937375653888", "reply_id": "1251080503911989248", "label": "seriously", "text": "Your gut feeling knows wats up trust that BITCH ..."} {"idx": 29619, "original_id": "1251269212959539201", "reply_id": "1251270217629655040", "label": "yes", "text": "Are you ready????"} {"idx": 29620, "original_id": "1250932037177020416", "reply_id": "1250941917543743490", "label": "applause", "text": "With the 4th pick in the Fantasy HQ NFL Mock Draft \n\nThe Giants select #GiantsPride\n\nClemson LB Isiah Simmons"} {"idx": 29621, "original_id": "1250942252211462148", "reply_id": "1251016858599223298", "label": "smh", "text": "WellI don’t know bout you guys but it was another exciting day at the fucking homestead for me."} {"idx": 29622, "original_id": "1250841404017868801", "reply_id": "1250841614261641218", "label": "please", "text": "Fave this tweet. Bridget is going home tonight.\n\n#TheBachelorSA"} {"idx": 29625, "original_id": "1250845984244076544", "reply_id": "1250846446254993411", "label": "yes", "text": "Hey @Benaskren, let's get @thomasgilmanusa & @LeeSpencerlee36 on the horn next! 😜"} {"idx": 29626, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251073048393822209", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 29628, "original_id": "1251193788263006209", "reply_id": "1251195031228211200", "label": "agree", "text": "Yesssss Ellie is back!!! #Chuck #ChuckTableRead #ChuckReunion"} {"idx": 29629, "original_id": "1250861745800916995", "reply_id": "1250862779839451137", "label": "yes", "text": "Is it snowing right now where you're at?"} {"idx": 29630, "original_id": "1250857271476641792", "reply_id": "1250872126745325576", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Huge Partnership announcment announcment within 2 days + something else members should be excited for which will be revealed soon. 🌟✨"} {"idx": 29632, "original_id": "1250943709165817862", "reply_id": "1250944465457475584", "label": "wink", "text": "Awake > Ashes > Ascend"} {"idx": 29634, "original_id": "1250983983875346432", "reply_id": "1250998470778818565", "label": "agree", "text": "Looking for a man who can chop down a tree and build a desk"} {"idx": 29636, "original_id": "1250669015372087296", "reply_id": "1251025397107634176", "label": "agree", "text": "If you are repeated running for much more than an hour during #lockdown then you are a selfish dickhead.\nFeel free to hate, block, get out the voodoo doll etc...."} {"idx": 29638, "original_id": "1250945822935654400", "reply_id": "1250945999616368640", "label": "dance", "text": "And we did it!!!!!!!!!!! Another 15 minutes of reading under our belt! HIGH FIVES! We have time for one more sprint! Let's start at :45 for 10 minutes <3"} {"idx": 29642, "original_id": "1250892839967481856", "reply_id": "1250895893370245120", "label": "shocked", "text": "I dont think a 30 yr old should be having chest pains and feeling lightheaded.....😬"} {"idx": 29644, "original_id": "1251239472701804547", "reply_id": "1251254992217964550", "label": "dance", "text": "We're doing the #FF Party here today! \n@delvin_cox @MRetailSlave @cult45podcast @Moosif3r @Jazzy_Jay013 @JawsomeBrody @3RShow @cult45podcast @GorillaBrainPod @SoWizardPodcast @wndrsoul @LexDaXMan @FYFCStudios @fansonpatrol @GeekdomFancast @MovieguysCraig @Coffincast"} {"idx": 29646, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250878194753736704", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 29649, "original_id": "1250887660224167936", "reply_id": "1250888693503557632", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Once more unto the breach dear friends!"} {"idx": 29653, "original_id": "1251143447597195264", "reply_id": "1251185463982878720", "label": "sigh", "text": "Evil Uno will not be dancing on TikTok."} {"idx": 29654, "original_id": "1250789864095670272", "reply_id": "1251006585511403522", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Someone said the swing had more screen time than Tenten 💀"} {"idx": 29656, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251163967537311749", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 29658, "original_id": "1251184222573867010", "reply_id": "1251244125963407363", "label": "no", "text": "i still want bruno and janet to collab."} {"idx": 29659, "original_id": "1251156195739447304", "reply_id": "1251157048277917705", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m bored, who wants to wrestle?"} {"idx": 29660, "original_id": "1251124902867931137", "reply_id": "1251182654218788865", "label": "agree", "text": "I am really in the mood to make out with a cutie rn"} {"idx": 29662, "original_id": "1250891460985196544", "reply_id": "1250896121418985472", "label": "hug", "text": "Just sat on both my hands for 20 minutes then hugged myself so it felt like someone else."} {"idx": 29665, "original_id": "1251019211779928069", "reply_id": "1251133942926839809", "label": "applause", "text": "Started The Wire for the first time tonight, episode 3 beginning now..."} {"idx": 29669, "original_id": "1251168315453706242", "reply_id": "1251182010627915778", "label": "shocked", "text": "If we started quarantining in January when we first found out about coronavirus then Kobe and Gigi would have never been on that helicopter..."} {"idx": 29670, "original_id": "1250935411108655104", "reply_id": "1250945806770868226", "label": "wink", "text": "Where online can I buy a genuine iphone charger? I’m down to my car charger"} {"idx": 29671, "original_id": "1250857193106288645", "reply_id": "1250859785186050048", "label": "yes", "text": "TEASE ?"} {"idx": 29676, "original_id": "1251178451912056832", "reply_id": "1251178999360954368", "label": "no", "text": "@chubz_ftf and I should drive to Newburgh to get Hudson taco"} {"idx": 29677, "original_id": "1251234852235509760", "reply_id": "1251235537853308933", "label": "seriously", "text": "Add the term “OldRich” to the Pulte Terminology. This will be old rich people in the sense that they have been rich for so long that they forgot what it was like to be poor."} {"idx": 29678, "original_id": "1250775210518863872", "reply_id": "1250835239070576643", "label": "wink", "text": "First off, shout out to @sechevarria27 and @Mike_Ball423 for putting in the work to cover the division. Definitely not an easy job with the turnover and lack of info about teams"} {"idx": 29679, "original_id": "1251153235265482752", "reply_id": "1251171319498133506", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Definitely passed that exam 😏👌"} {"idx": 29680, "original_id": "1251139616368967680", "reply_id": "1251194172347908101", "label": "high_five", "text": "More than 11.6k followers! Thank you all! To give back, here's a #FollowFriday #weekend #writerslift!\n\n💥Under 12k followers comment below, we'll follow you.\n\n💥Over 12k, follow all.\n\nRT, like, follow. I follow back fellow authors+artists! #WritingCommunity #writerscommunity"} {"idx": 29681, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251020751500644352", "label": "seriously", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 29683, "original_id": "1251166175268147200", "reply_id": "1251190718078599169", "label": "kiss", "text": "A miss ma pals so much a could greet"} {"idx": 29685, "original_id": "1250771216329138176", "reply_id": "1250907431875510273", "label": "high_five", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree with @funder and Me...\n#CoronavirusLiar \n\n🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️"} {"idx": 29687, "original_id": "1251194138575462404", "reply_id": "1251196153640689664", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Do people actually willingly choose to use Apple Music over Spotify?"} {"idx": 29691, "original_id": "1250814142220570629", "reply_id": "1250839217208320000", "label": "hug", "text": "Aye, aye, aye.\n\nMy COVID19 test came back. My mom is negative and I am positive, however I will be retesting at 1pm because of improper handling of the first swab. Hopefully it's a false positive.\n\n Prayers please."} {"idx": 29693, "original_id": "1250931707395616768", "reply_id": "1251121660008300545", "label": "ok", "text": "Missing my babies @itsbimbooni @MhizEirene"} {"idx": 29695, "original_id": "1250928090685100032", "reply_id": "1250928223849984001", "label": "yes", "text": "can’t wait to move so @Natalia_garza2 and I can be sad together"} {"idx": 29699, "original_id": "1251186089550888960", "reply_id": "1251214973239529472", "label": "applause", "text": "Gov. Cuomo on President Trump criticizing the NY governor during today's briefing: \"Maybe he should stop watching TV and go to work.\""} {"idx": 29701, "original_id": "1251154031965163522", "reply_id": "1251219851206701056", "label": "yes", "text": "Any interns want to hop on Zoom one day and discuss how we as interns are coping and how we’ll be navigating the job search in the upcoming months? @SydTheKidUIUC @MasterHark @Tiffany45201938 @ebbsmarie_ @haleymajorr"} {"idx": 29702, "original_id": "1250834137000415233", "reply_id": "1250857831823179778", "label": "agree", "text": "One month from today and I will have my MSW. Four years...four years of extremely hard work, no sleep, and a lot of great experiences! It’s almost all over! Bittersweet! #MSW2020"} {"idx": 29704, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251067767031242752", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 29705, "original_id": "1250801060437991428", "reply_id": "1250848532875161601", "label": "ok", "text": "There’s 3 different sex energies I give off\n tipsy sex, 𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗛 sex and or sober sex,\n PICK your punishment 😈💦🤤🥴"} {"idx": 29706, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864599559266304", "label": "yes", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 29707, "original_id": "1251253440149323776", "reply_id": "1251258210541019136", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Guys whose names start with G have a special place in my heart🥰"} {"idx": 29708, "original_id": "1251098473807654914", "reply_id": "1251206823983661063", "label": "want", "text": "I've @FineGael blue blood running through me from tip to toe. And for generations\n\nGather round for a story about Garret Fitzgerald and Ansbacher bank Guinness Mahon where my grandad, as a director of the bank, ran \"special schemes\" for very special friends\n\nMaybe I shouldn't?🤔"} {"idx": 29709, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250886013733355520", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 29713, "original_id": "1251184599293734913", "reply_id": "1251187399604011008", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Listening to the governor's press conference and thinking about how @PrincipalFritz feels about the \"No Senior Skip Day\" comment. 😆"} {"idx": 29714, "original_id": "1250846412918710274", "reply_id": "1250847856178716673", "label": "shocked", "text": "Random flashback of the day:\nOnce at a conference a guy tried to mansplain to me how to make a cup of tea."} {"idx": 29717, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251030677690003456", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 29718, "original_id": "1250891692112306180", "reply_id": "1250926650872737792", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I want a 2K fan base! Trying to build up my community. Please follow my twitch in bio and hit that noti 🛎"} {"idx": 29721, "original_id": "1250934005811351560", "reply_id": "1250934405700284416", "label": "yes", "text": "Sugar is a helluva drug"} {"idx": 29724, "original_id": "1250900552646615051", "reply_id": "1250902135987994627", "label": "shocked", "text": "C-3rd Letter \nO-15th Letter \nR-18th Letter \nO-15th Letter \nN-14th Letter \nA- 1st Letter\n_______________\n6-66"} {"idx": 29727, "original_id": "1251149077443559424", "reply_id": "1251153040024821763", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Got a warning that someone tried to log into my Twitter. Changed password and jumped through the feed to find a writing competition #writementor that closes submissions today. See! Wasting time on twitter is useful! #amwriting"} {"idx": 29728, "original_id": "1250882376428904448", "reply_id": "1250905651372589057", "label": "yes", "text": "Step 1: Zack Ryder signs with AEW.\n\nStep 2: Cody Rhodes teams with him.\n\nStep 3: They call their tag team “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\nStep 4: They rename the Jericho Cruise “AEW: Suite Life On Deck”\n\nStep 5: Ratings 📈📈📈"} {"idx": 29730, "original_id": "1250853686403837952", "reply_id": "1250941717441925120", "label": "shocked", "text": "My husband just told me I have ruined him, and it's my fault if he can't keep a straight face reading Psalm 16:11 this weekend.\n\n\"In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.\""} {"idx": 29732, "original_id": "1250578841476780032", "reply_id": "1250878354863067138", "label": "agree", "text": "Vinny’s is just Italian hooters \nDinos >>"} {"idx": 29733, "original_id": "1250891871804706819", "reply_id": "1250895327802134528", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm so tired..."} {"idx": 29736, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251030964966354944", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 29738, "original_id": "1250936822840123392", "reply_id": "1250948178976751616", "label": "yes", "text": "I always thought about this in the hypothetical. But I think when all this passes I'm getting a tattoo"} {"idx": 29740, "original_id": "1251195453787561984", "reply_id": "1251196936729886721", "label": "applause", "text": "Andrew Cuomo has a sick brother. And now he has a sick sister-in-law. And he has had it with this goddamn incompetent pile of rapey klan shit in the White House."} {"idx": 29741, "original_id": "1251204475433385984", "reply_id": "1251256810297856000", "label": "shocked", "text": "Dirty little bombez tings cannot see people man lolo and pass it straight."} {"idx": 29742, "original_id": "1251256594794311682", "reply_id": "1251256849443303424", "label": "no", "text": "REMINDER: check your voter registration and request an absentee ballot."} {"idx": 29745, "original_id": "1250815182277730304", "reply_id": "1250874576042483712", "label": "awww", "text": "💖 Beautiful Ladies @JosieStevensMTR @KimRossi1111 @KimMars88 @ChristyCanyon11 @0Silvergirl2 @OLIPARSNIP @BrooklynandBo @debra_tate9 @nikki_nova @Esty_Oly @rachelaziani @jshow1830 @SarcasticWonder @robynrosexxx @ChristyHarringt @KristyCat_1968 @thekatiemorgan @BritonandDane"} {"idx": 29747, "original_id": "1250854552385007619", "reply_id": "1250856151857737728", "label": "high_five", "text": "Don't want to brag, but I showered, shaved, washed and did my hair, put on make-up, and a bra and clothes all in the same day."} {"idx": 29749, "original_id": "1250853681387503618", "reply_id": "1251043873360494593", "label": "yolo", "text": "Tweeter is an interesting platform. It allows folks to communicate with people they will never meet in real life; yet many abuse the privilege. A brilliant mind once said: “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge”. - Stephen Hawking"} {"idx": 29750, "original_id": "1250856252911030274", "reply_id": "1250857116744790022", "label": "applause", "text": "@pulte finally noticed me 😩❤️ I am so happy"} {"idx": 29751, "original_id": "1251075846770737152", "reply_id": "1251107152413863937", "label": "hug", "text": "Feeling very lonely and tearful today 😭"} {"idx": 29752, "original_id": "1251148890918711296", "reply_id": "1251151517958062086", "label": "eww", "text": "Bob Quinn says a number of players reached out to them in free agency because they wanted to play for #Lions and Matt Patricia."} {"idx": 29756, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250982568956133377", "label": "sigh", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 29757, "original_id": "1251044333102473216", "reply_id": "1251045925935448065", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy birthday!! @neetapatnam 💐🎉🎊🍰 stay blessed 😇 may all your dreams come true 💫 💕"} {"idx": 29759, "original_id": "1251203972846751768", "reply_id": "1251204971992760323", "label": "seriously", "text": "Cowboys VP Stephen Jones on @1053thefan on Dallas having a predraft interview w/ Jalen Hurts: “I don’t think it has anything to do with Dak’s contract...We’re always looking to have a good backup situation...You’re going down the wrong path when you equate it to Dak’s situation.”"} {"idx": 29768, "original_id": "1251023460022849536", "reply_id": "1251032866932371456", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "So........How DaBaby Album Sounding? Respond With A GIF"} {"idx": 29771, "original_id": "1251056307571916803", "reply_id": "1251059248395505664", "label": "hug", "text": "🌸It’s my Father’s funeral today. Please raise a glass (or a cup of tea) to him, Peter Myles, today at 4pm. \n\nI will keep in my heart and prayers, all those other people who are also saying goodbye to a loved one today🌸 #TogetherWeWillBeOk"} {"idx": 29772, "original_id": "1250855454609154050", "reply_id": "1250858450021691392", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug"} {"idx": 29773, "original_id": "1250892364706611206", "reply_id": "1250895592714317824", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Perseverance."} {"idx": 29775, "original_id": "1250957252917227521", "reply_id": "1250959258805391360", "label": "agree", "text": "Probably as much as getting schooled on the limits of his power, my guess is @realDonaldTrump made the leap from “Total Authority” to “governors decide” because someone persuaded him that there’s risk associated w/the decision to open back up. Better the govs wear the jacket!"} {"idx": 29777, "original_id": "1250921242539909120", "reply_id": "1250941906365952001", "label": "shocked", "text": "Okay - recorvered some harddrives for my studio. Might go crazy uploading things to bandcamp soon. Watch out."} {"idx": 29783, "original_id": "1251050259423297536", "reply_id": "1251052567767011328", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Shout out to @Abigailmata_ for showing me that Walmart had Nintendo Switches 😎 bought the last one in stock aha"} {"idx": 29790, "original_id": "1251022874535747584", "reply_id": "1251144015795216385", "label": "hug", "text": "My Uncle just passed away due to Covid-19. \nHe was a Doctor in charge of emergencies in a Hospital designed to treat those infected by the virus. This is what our medical personal is exposed during this. Plz think of them and STAY HOME! \nHe was a son, husband and a dad"} {"idx": 29793, "original_id": "1250895974052003846", "reply_id": "1250918364555419648", "label": "good_luck", "text": "my life will consist of writing papers and idk how to feel about that 😪"} {"idx": 29794, "original_id": "1251034088246476800", "reply_id": "1251037186331250689", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Y’all my mentor texted me, asking what I was doing up at 2am knowing I’m 2 hours ahead of her. What type of fbi things is college trying to pull?"} {"idx": 29799, "original_id": "1251064332990980096", "reply_id": "1251068192732184577", "label": "agree", "text": "Martin Samuel asks why do the Saudi State need a facilitator? Amanda Staveley is involved in the deal isn't she Martin? As are the Reuben Brothers, 10% each. Saudi State 80%/ Lazy journalism. Sour grapes #NUFC"} {"idx": 29802, "original_id": "1251101046086107136", "reply_id": "1251102603695415296", "label": "shocked", "text": "gurl, never cry over a boy bc they aren’t crying over u. remember that. stay pretty hihi"} {"idx": 29803, "original_id": "1250881791839346689", "reply_id": "1250899597125316608", "label": "high_five", "text": "🌙 feeling inspired, motivated, and excited are some of the BEST feelings ever.\n\nIf we have ever interacted on here before, believe me, I’ve checked you out & you have made me feel at least one but maybe even all 3 of these things.\n\nso thankful for everyone in my life 🥰✨"} {"idx": 29805, "original_id": "1251265627605446656", "reply_id": "1251266137771446272", "label": "agree", "text": "crabs is just tasty spiders"} {"idx": 29809, "original_id": "1250899767556743168", "reply_id": "1250900002026647552", "label": "omg", "text": "We keep asking & begging for peace from warmongers\n\nWe keep asking & begging to end oppression from oppressors\n\nWe keep asking & begging to be treated as equals from supremacists \n\nThere comes a point & time we’re we have to stop asking & begging & instead take it"} {"idx": 29811, "original_id": "1250883486849937408", "reply_id": "1250886528491872256", "label": "wink", "text": "My SIL has sent my kids enough @playdoh to build another house. So I’m going to build one in the backyard and banish them there. Win-win, really."} {"idx": 29812, "original_id": "1250935645654134785", "reply_id": "1250938836856770564", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Today confirms that Donald J. Trump is now the leading cause of death in the United States. \n#CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 29815, "original_id": "1250771334025687040", "reply_id": "1250849797239685121", "label": "please", "text": "Not a peep (or tweet) from the Liar in Chief in 14 hours.....adderal overdose??"} {"idx": 29817, "original_id": "1250872558662103043", "reply_id": "1250880684723445762", "label": "dance", "text": "My last made me feel like I would never try again 🤦🏻‍♀️\nBut when I saw you, I felt something I never felt🤷🏻‍♀️\nCome closer, I'll give you all my love\nIf you treat me right, baby, I'll give you everything ♥️"} {"idx": 29819, "original_id": "1250851054826082305", "reply_id": "1250851355020812290", "label": "yawn", "text": "Good night everyone!"} {"idx": 29822, "original_id": "1250968444671070208", "reply_id": "1251112592342347777", "label": "no", "text": "Netflix down for anyone else?"} {"idx": 29825, "original_id": "1251179600891305984", "reply_id": "1251205908077719552", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Remember to always check your mics and cameras before/during a meeting! My coworker cursed out one of the managers cause he thought his mic was off 😭💀"} {"idx": 29829, "original_id": "1251105283474165760", "reply_id": "1251107691482710017", "label": "applause", "text": "“Courage is doing the right thing in spite of fear.”\n\nThanks to EVERYONE out there doing the right thing. You know who you are. \n\n#TeamKentucky"} {"idx": 29833, "original_id": "1251209025238302720", "reply_id": "1251216212501114880", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "\"You don't have to mute your mics.\"\n\n😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬"} {"idx": 29834, "original_id": "1250554723528257536", "reply_id": "1250898783686193152", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is... \n\nI'm not sure I can process this.\n\nHe claims he has Constitutional authority to forcibly adjourn Congress so that he can make recess appointments with no oversight.\n\nI say, if he wants to go Charles I, let's go all the way."} {"idx": 29835, "original_id": "1251240829647114240", "reply_id": "1251242992683253760", "label": "applause", "text": "Ive been sober too long. Im reaching for the top shelf when i log off work"} {"idx": 29837, "original_id": "1250948950640771078", "reply_id": "1250955894445051905", "label": "hug", "text": "I had a hard day.\n\nNot because of COVID or sickness, or anything that *really* matters in this moment, but still something that I am sad and hurting about.\n\nIf you can spare some joy from your life, please do."} {"idx": 29840, "original_id": "1250911514703196161", "reply_id": "1251153062418251781", "label": "eww", "text": "I like ketchup on my tamales. Do with that information as you please"} {"idx": 29842, "original_id": "1250990441304031237", "reply_id": "1251000121770287105", "label": "agree", "text": "Water tribe has \"olive\" skin (aka they black). Air has tons of monks and buddhism. Earth looks fairly Chinese. But the fire nation....."} {"idx": 29844, "original_id": "1250965955556937729", "reply_id": "1250966339772190720", "label": "hug", "text": "Just had one of the saddest breakdowns I’ve had in a while. Don’t think I’ve cried as much"} {"idx": 29853, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251243816536793089", "label": "dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 29856, "original_id": "1250775016200974336", "reply_id": "1250948238384955392", "label": "yes", "text": "My neighbor who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 just put a @JoeBiden sign out in his yard. I think it is safe to say that a massive, powerful blue wave is imminent. GOP - it is time to pay the piper."} {"idx": 29859, "original_id": "1251153018323496966", "reply_id": "1251238437266522115", "label": "seriously", "text": "I always knew I wasn't shit anyway 🙄"} {"idx": 29860, "original_id": "1250920568234311680", "reply_id": "1250920754096586752", "label": "no", "text": "Our governor extended the stay at home order til the end of may 🙃"} {"idx": 29865, "original_id": "1251213604529016834", "reply_id": "1251214690300108800", "label": "yes", "text": "So. Eh, yeah. Guys. Guys? GuYs. I think I had the dutch version of Mark in my store today. Like twinkle eyes and all. \n\nSafe to say I was a bit overwhelmed."} {"idx": 29867, "original_id": "1250870018751021060", "reply_id": "1250870293582589954", "label": "shocked", "text": "Babies always look like someone drew them from a memory of another baby"} {"idx": 29868, "original_id": "1250830756588421123", "reply_id": "1250836349948760068", "label": "scared", "text": "My man @paperandliquor came all d way from trans amadi to get his ass whooped....ps4...😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 29869, "original_id": "1251228739310100483", "reply_id": "1251228966238576640", "label": "win", "text": "Who wants $50💰 like & retweet \n\nfollow @JennySimile & @DewItLive"} {"idx": 29870, "original_id": "1251248682105802755", "reply_id": "1251260379155529734", "label": "sigh", "text": "My boobs feels so soft, or has it been this soft and I'm just noticing🤔"} {"idx": 29872, "original_id": "1250788832321998848", "reply_id": "1251022599158673410", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Exchanged thoughts with @PMBhutan Dr. Lotay Tshering on the evolving COVID-19 situation in our region. His Majesty The King and Lyonchhen are leading Bhutan's efforts admirably. India will stand by our close friend and neighbour in fighting the effects of the pandemic."} {"idx": 29875, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251046462630354946", "label": "no", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 29877, "original_id": "1250845811941928960", "reply_id": "1250963246468657152", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "saw my crazy side a couple of times & i’ve decided to not involve myself with anyone that would take me out of my peace like that ever again"} {"idx": 29883, "original_id": "1250873143486410752", "reply_id": "1251094128873680897", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve tried to stay strong. But two houses placed under monitoring right next door. No groceries. No access to the hospital. Having elderly at home to care and provide for. No job security. Seeing news saying this maybe extended for a year or two. This is an absolute nightmare..💔"} {"idx": 29885, "original_id": "1250845955559239683", "reply_id": "1250846118725988355", "label": "omg", "text": "Rangers statement coming soon."} {"idx": 29886, "original_id": "1251008439783796739", "reply_id": "1251008553243996160", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I give up on school tonight"} {"idx": 29891, "original_id": "1250311419771285507", "reply_id": "1251181378701426689", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "ill have yo ass in love quit playin"} {"idx": 29894, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251139273098702848", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 29895, "original_id": "1250967794998534145", "reply_id": "1250985433300897792", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "oh h*ck i'm only 400 words away from getting caught up on my nanowrimo goal!"} {"idx": 29897, "original_id": "1250975617606131718", "reply_id": "1251060366769037314", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Shakespeare once said:\n\nI cried when i had no shoes, but stopped crying when i saw a man without legs.\n\nLife is full of blessings, sometime we don't value it.\n#Jummahmubarak ❤❤❤"} {"idx": 29898, "original_id": "1251238525347004416", "reply_id": "1251258221773324291", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Can my friends follow these Patriots?!\n\n@Jill_EllenM 2,936 followers\n@Mallys_Rul 622 followers\n@RightNerve 4,890 followers\n@John_T_Gerhardt 308 followers\n@reiynnn 1,072 followers\n@UnderFraud 5,096 followers\n@FlagmanMan 6,343 followers\n@JayCarl92413203 129 followers\n\nPlease RT :)"} {"idx": 29899, "original_id": "1251095609555202050", "reply_id": "1251115078654533633", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "The weirdest thing is still when you go out to buy food, its the older ppl 65+ who are ignoring the distancing rules 🤦‍♂️ its like ITS FOR YOU GUYS!\n\nSaw 3x Old Mrs Goggins having a good close chit chat ignoring any sort of distancing + the stores 1 way system, they got told off 😅"} {"idx": 29903, "original_id": "1250927351950647307", "reply_id": "1250952034959966209", "label": "agree", "text": "Dr Birx, asked the key question of how many tests it will take to guide these reopening phases - couldn't answer"} {"idx": 29905, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251212780553728001", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 29906, "original_id": "1250616124200255489", "reply_id": "1250899225384271873", "label": "eww", "text": "i haven’t drink in a Week 😬! Im a new person baby! 2020 is my year nigga! Don’t talk to me if you drink you nasty bitch"} {"idx": 29908, "original_id": "1251253897517293572", "reply_id": "1251264791492034561", "label": "agree", "text": "For anyone that need this ... Tough Times dont last but Tough ppl do !!"} {"idx": 29909, "original_id": "1250949856849465345", "reply_id": "1250951144555319299", "label": "hearts", "text": "Fenna try some @thehoneypotcomp products, and support"} {"idx": 29913, "original_id": "1250819333871329280", "reply_id": "1250846425925197827", "label": "smh", "text": "I just opened my laptop, and all 22 million tabs on my web browser were CLOSED!!!!!!! AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!\n\nWhy do I keep so many open?"} {"idx": 29914, "original_id": "1250980740348571648", "reply_id": "1251239121122623490", "label": "ok", "text": "yawflah"} {"idx": 29915, "original_id": "1251216568954114048", "reply_id": "1251219695451156482", "label": "agree", "text": "As much as loved seeing Ben on the edge I do wish he had left with a Ciara and David. The confrontation scenes really didn’t serve any purpose beyond setting up the sibling reveal at the end. #Days #Cin"} {"idx": 29920, "original_id": "1251255764070604803", "reply_id": "1251256376946556928", "label": "hug", "text": "Ice cream makes me feel semi better."} {"idx": 29921, "original_id": "1250912580127920130", "reply_id": "1251108860141744133", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump said earlier that we take solace that God has taken the people who have died from the virus into \"his eternal and loving embrace.\""} {"idx": 29922, "original_id": "1251068043322707969", "reply_id": "1251085718329442304", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’ve just seen the Westminster Bridge footage. I can’t find any words."} {"idx": 29923, "original_id": "1250683552108179456", "reply_id": "1250940415303249920", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I love Stacey Abrams, but she’s not qualified to be Vice-President. \n\nYou have Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren more than ready to take the job, why the fuck would you go with Stacey?"} {"idx": 29924, "original_id": "1251123974458703876", "reply_id": "1251174000765677569", "label": "yes", "text": "if you’re good and obey the rules of social distancing and safety you deserve a reward when we get through this.\n\n*sex is the best reward"} {"idx": 29927, "original_id": "1250818194417373185", "reply_id": "1250976514037997569", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "After #JNJ selected a lead #COVID19 vaccine candidate, the decision to make it available not-for-profit was easy for Alex Gorsky, Chairman & CEO, J&J. Guided by Our Credo, learn how Gorsky is using a people-first approach to lead J&J through this crisis."} {"idx": 29930, "original_id": "1251203156475891715", "reply_id": "1251207537325748228", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Gov. Greg Abbott says after consulting with doctors, the state is now loosening restrictions on diagnostic testing and surgical procedures allowed. He said abortion is not included in the new order. @FOX4"} {"idx": 29931, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251078568580284418", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 29934, "original_id": "1251010842234982400", "reply_id": "1251011516448436224", "label": "awww", "text": "Happy national horny day folks"} {"idx": 29936, "original_id": "1250787838825689088", "reply_id": "1250938439425388544", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug. can i have one?"} {"idx": 29937, "original_id": "1250816404456189953", "reply_id": "1250850561978753025", "label": "no", "text": "Is J. Cole a top 10 artist of all time?"} {"idx": 29938, "original_id": "1251163060770729985", "reply_id": "1251203782568017924", "label": "wink", "text": "Have you ever been woken up by getting hit with a bag of bagels? Today was that day. Guess who"} {"idx": 29940, "original_id": "1251167949798477824", "reply_id": "1251243926956265472", "label": "eww", "text": "In honor of #BatAppreciationDay, soup is half price at all wet markets."} {"idx": 29941, "original_id": "1251242153327673345", "reply_id": "1251268814991474688", "label": "no", "text": "What are your thoughts on domains with a dash in them?"} {"idx": 29945, "original_id": "1251268068032024578", "reply_id": "1251271188489408518", "label": "awww", "text": "I dont know if y'all know who @AlexTheGr8_774 and @JetPackRabbit are... but these 2 men are legends. That is all"} {"idx": 29946, "original_id": "1250849508667375622", "reply_id": "1250895646275579904", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I love New York accents"} {"idx": 29947, "original_id": "1250953828507308039", "reply_id": "1250953961672146945", "label": "yes", "text": "Absolutely amazing Warzone stream... 2 big wins...\n\nMore Warzone going forward as well as FIFA?"} {"idx": 29948, "original_id": "1250788464255209479", "reply_id": "1250841925189545984", "label": "wink", "text": "Why was Mr. Bean in my dream last night"} {"idx": 29949, "original_id": "1250292126643941376", "reply_id": "1250907681503809544", "label": "smh", "text": "Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever."} {"idx": 29952, "original_id": "1251175815175221249", "reply_id": "1251189730496049152", "label": "yolo", "text": "HATE CHEAP TOILET PAPER! ALMOST FINGERED MY BUTT!"} {"idx": 29954, "original_id": "1250994620890308608", "reply_id": "1250998200284123136", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m so ready for Lil Tecca to drop this song"} {"idx": 29957, "original_id": "1251177894635806721", "reply_id": "1251186764774928384", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "What are your values? We might not ask this enough? Having a clear understanding of what is important on our journey of life can help us greatly with any decision, simple or difficult."} {"idx": 29959, "original_id": "1251222275828985856", "reply_id": "1251229462240395270", "label": "no", "text": "Is there such a thing as too much sex?"} {"idx": 29960, "original_id": "1250868702536511488", "reply_id": "1251134317650116608", "label": "agree", "text": "Carrot cake counts as a vegetable right? Because I just had vegetables. (can't wait to tell my Dr)."} {"idx": 29962, "original_id": "1250650273418264577", "reply_id": "1250935341264986113", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you’re over 30, how do any of you have pictures readily available from when you were 20?"} {"idx": 29963, "original_id": "1250901266919718913", "reply_id": "1250916120363745280", "label": "yes", "text": "Is anyone else constantly checking @ForbesBetter page? 😅"} {"idx": 29968, "original_id": "1250916374723072007", "reply_id": "1250958328139673600", "label": "shocked", "text": "“Moms” are an age group I do really well with"} {"idx": 29969, "original_id": "1251193035448299520", "reply_id": "1251193466253709314", "label": "shrug", "text": "Bayley has had her SmackDown Women's title for quite a few months at this point.\n\nWhat's everyone's thoughts about her reign so far?"} {"idx": 29972, "original_id": "1251155879887466499", "reply_id": "1251156589223874564", "label": "hug", "text": "im tired, physically and mentally..."} {"idx": 29973, "original_id": "1250829457029574660", "reply_id": "1250844924595093504", "label": "oops", "text": "David McCormack announces he's returning to KU."} {"idx": 29974, "original_id": "1250906473300996098", "reply_id": "1250906947936804865", "label": "shocked", "text": "Man I had the best nap ever. Just having a straight nigga booty that I always ever wanted creaming on my pipe in my dream lol!😈🤫"} {"idx": 29975, "original_id": "1251013384486580225", "reply_id": "1251016566830854144", "label": "applause", "text": "I can’t wait to move back to SLC"} {"idx": 29979, "original_id": "1250836968449196032", "reply_id": "1250870688551972864", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Playboi be like “Cheerios..extra milk.. Yuh! Yuh! What! What!” & dudes lose their mind"} {"idx": 29980, "original_id": "1251152267366948866", "reply_id": "1251170751400591365", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss bothering @Khalid_AlAbbasi in morning briefing of every race 😪 🏁"} {"idx": 29983, "original_id": "1250858895066542080", "reply_id": "1250859864521207808", "label": "yes", "text": "Allen Robinson is a No. 1 wide receiver."} {"idx": 29986, "original_id": "1251034951811727360", "reply_id": "1251037701220044801", "label": "seriously", "text": "Holy Hell, it’s 2:30 in the morning?😂\nI didn’t think I was on Netflix for that long🤣"} {"idx": 29987, "original_id": "1250727920819044352", "reply_id": "1250863097625133057", "label": "yes", "text": "Zoo Tycoon stream tomorrow?"} {"idx": 29989, "original_id": "1250907388581822464", "reply_id": "1250907547164389379", "label": "shocked", "text": "HOLY FUCK $CL_F"} {"idx": 29990, "original_id": "1250877781958852608", "reply_id": "1251127085973807104", "label": "seriously", "text": "I couldn’t tell if I wanted spaghetti or chocolate chip pancakes so I made both"} {"idx": 29992, "original_id": "1251222607988285440", "reply_id": "1251224549758078976", "label": "oops", "text": "I was once told that it's a 30s thing to post \"this!\" After reading something you agree with and HOT DAMN it totally is and now I cant not notice it"} {"idx": 29997, "original_id": "1250748401567895555", "reply_id": "1250837660370862089", "label": "applause", "text": "if ur mental health is going down the drain this quarantine clap ur hands 👏🏽"} {"idx": 29998, "original_id": "1251045748298452997", "reply_id": "1251173782859010052", "label": "shocked", "text": "tl sleep? two of my followers got the same gf but ima mind my business tho🤭"} {"idx": 30000, "original_id": "1251152601862639617", "reply_id": "1251154212932554753", "label": "ok", "text": "TL wake up i need attention 😡"} {"idx": 30001, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251021983795429376", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30003, "original_id": "1251045320462438401", "reply_id": "1251052922462507008", "label": "awww", "text": "You're so fucking special"} {"idx": 30007, "original_id": "1250912627376652288", "reply_id": "1250913505760272384", "label": "awww", "text": "No joke; you are my friend 🤓"} {"idx": 30010, "original_id": "1251128253898776580", "reply_id": "1251130038201856000", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Met someone from Twitter... At Ogun here... Stepped out to get stuff, she saw me. Kept looking at me. Then walked up and asked my name. Lol. I was hesitant, but told her mimi. Lol. U need to see d way she jumped on me. Such a big hug. And she didn't even tell me her name.. 😍😍"} {"idx": 30013, "original_id": "1250690725521641472", "reply_id": "1250874394353729539", "label": "agree", "text": "If you Dean Chris and Billy still think the best way to win games is 4 man deep on top of a roof in downtown with thermal scopes heartbeat sensors and claymores. Then there’s also a good chance you have never felt the warmth of a woman #warzone facts."} {"idx": 30016, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250975133696692224", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 30017, "original_id": "1251228738253135872", "reply_id": "1251245038253768704", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm gonna sleep at a reasonable time tonight, please reply to this tweet explaining how proud you are of me"} {"idx": 30018, "original_id": "1251172665240387584", "reply_id": "1251177895948619783", "label": "applause", "text": "To those of you who want to open up schools, churches and malls immediately....\n\nIf you end up needing a ventilator, we’re going to use the outlet in your hospital room to power a TV so you can watch Hannity tell you why you don’t need a ventilator."} {"idx": 30020, "original_id": "1251210118626041856", "reply_id": "1251216299641827328", "label": "sigh", "text": "Today was the day Donald trump finally became president"} {"idx": 30025, "original_id": "1250895925209452550", "reply_id": "1250897025551478784", "label": "seriously", "text": "OK QUESTION: Peanut butter sandwiches with chili...is this a southern thing, or a \"your family is just weird\" thing?"} {"idx": 30031, "original_id": "1250854325607444486", "reply_id": "1251169307805003776", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Thanks going out to new friends:\n@vvoyatse\n@000Egghead000\n@AuthorOf2016\n@paris_paul\n@guytonbradley\n@EarthDesires\n@MFYokim\n@GeoffreyMandrag\n@ps_5280\n@MiaSotoWrites\n@darrellzwriting\n@StevenPEasler\n@fico_to750 \nGreat to meet you all - let the tweeting begin😀👍\nBen\n#WritingCommunity"} {"idx": 30032, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250930045603819520", "label": "eww", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 30035, "original_id": "1251180746124988416", "reply_id": "1251181323579985920", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Nomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered\nNomeyy got partnered \n:)"} {"idx": 30039, "original_id": "1251253804672020480", "reply_id": "1251256009365942272", "label": "oops", "text": "Either I go back to school ASAP or have a kid.... ima lose my mind 😂"} {"idx": 30041, "original_id": "1247958908687220746", "reply_id": "1251143801168519168", "label": "yes", "text": "I’d absolutely murder an Abra right now 😢 @Abrakebabra #carlow"} {"idx": 30042, "original_id": "1251198423891673090", "reply_id": "1251199839024500736", "label": "applause", "text": "Pick a high tier"} {"idx": 30043, "original_id": "1251175282037440513", "reply_id": "1251207996199383040", "label": "agree", "text": "Tiddies."} {"idx": 30045, "original_id": "1251146042432610306", "reply_id": "1251175138835431424", "label": "want", "text": "I have writing to do and Doritos to eat. 👋"} {"idx": 30046, "original_id": "1251015230101925889", "reply_id": "1251015900028973057", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "this heffer dr phil"} {"idx": 30049, "original_id": "1250815959511658496", "reply_id": "1250836654903955456", "label": "yes", "text": "Does it bother anyone else that when pages are labeled \"This page intentionally left blank,\" the pages are not in fact blank, intentionally or otherwise? @laureneoneal? Anyone? Bueller?"} {"idx": 30050, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250991784429322240", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 30052, "original_id": "1251074447437713408", "reply_id": "1251100200904601602", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "It seems the world is twisting this crisis to support whatever idealism suites them. Vegan, keto, paleo, left wing, right wing, you name it."} {"idx": 30053, "original_id": "1250870639776407553", "reply_id": "1250871625907666946", "label": "sigh", "text": "QUICK QUESTION - Yall Ever Been In Love Before? How Did That Work Out For You? 💭✍🏾"} {"idx": 30056, "original_id": "1250829924069511169", "reply_id": "1250874596238254082", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone want a long feature and podcast on the 2020 @LSUBasketball signing class?"} {"idx": 30058, "original_id": "1251206968158478336", "reply_id": "1251208941394169863", "label": "agree", "text": "Tik Tok is one of the worse, if not the worse social media phenomenons to happen during covid19 quarantine."} {"idx": 30061, "original_id": "1251040302007300096", "reply_id": "1251047845219545089", "label": "facepalm", "text": "you went from 😙 to 🥴"} {"idx": 30063, "original_id": "1251207126938247169", "reply_id": "1251227598820171781", "label": "shocked", "text": "A relative explained that by reading the Washington Post and the New York Times, I should be careful as they are biased. They suggested I should be watching OANN as that tells the truth without bias."} {"idx": 30064, "original_id": "1250737700975587328", "reply_id": "1250861039647891459", "label": "agree", "text": "Love seeing white washing blowing on the line❤️"} {"idx": 30066, "original_id": "1251263597625266177", "reply_id": "1251266648398614528", "label": "agree", "text": "Today is is a good day. New content from #SelenaGomez and #DemetÖzdemir. Right @niellijude @Roxanajojo @demetsbb?"} {"idx": 30067, "original_id": "1251223844435554304", "reply_id": "1251224142767984640", "label": "yes", "text": "would you still sub to me if I was a worm?"} {"idx": 30069, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251215873949315072", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 30070, "original_id": "1251149329210826752", "reply_id": "1251171621404119040", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Bob Quinn says several free agents had their agents reach out to Detroit because they wanted to play for Matt Patricia. Says he’s never seen a player more happy to be traded to the Lions than Duron Harmon."} {"idx": 30072, "original_id": "1250944717937938432", "reply_id": "1250945338023669763", "label": "thank_you", "text": "[UPDATE] At this time we do not have an ETA for servers coming back online. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have you all playing again soon."} {"idx": 30073, "original_id": "1250876069210730496", "reply_id": "1250934964108943360", "label": "scared", "text": "Smile! 😁"} {"idx": 30074, "original_id": "1250618316583993345", "reply_id": "1251161285367967744", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I'll give $1,000 total to 10 people ($100 each) who retweet this within the next 48 hours. Must be following so I can DM.\n\nHope this helps a few more people dealing with #Covid_19 or any hardships. 💙"} {"idx": 30080, "original_id": "1250874192632918016", "reply_id": "1250879075876352000", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I really wish I could help everyone that’s in my DM’s, but the money @pulte is going straight to bills and my baby. If I have any left I will totally give back, but it only goes so far. My husband and I both are laid off right now, so it’s hard on us as well. ❤️"} {"idx": 30081, "original_id": "1251226259612471298", "reply_id": "1251233358572425216", "label": "applause", "text": "If making ppl feel like shit makes you feel better?! \n\nYou’re not my ppl."} {"idx": 30082, "original_id": "1251017879153229824", "reply_id": "1251018708195172352", "label": "agree", "text": "Life’s just a bunch of stuff that happens, but in different ways for everyone."} {"idx": 30084, "original_id": "1250916676142424064", "reply_id": "1250916872037359616", "label": "popcorn", "text": "WARNING: asshole mode has been activated I will be tweeting things that people don't like."} {"idx": 30085, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251253593673469953", "label": "agree", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 30089, "original_id": "1251161123606294532", "reply_id": "1251164077818368000", "label": "shocked", "text": "Good morning in particular to Fiona Apple because NEW ALBUM!"} {"idx": 30090, "original_id": "1250818111160250368", "reply_id": "1250832916189515786", "label": "agree", "text": "my quarantine feud is with my phone’s front facing camera"} {"idx": 30091, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251085761694310400", "label": "idk", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 30093, "original_id": "1251212475825115139", "reply_id": "1251237633138855936", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "are Kelsey and I sobbing at Morgan Wallen’s new song? absolutely."} {"idx": 30094, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250902665946476545", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 30095, "original_id": "1250837617228361728", "reply_id": "1250843011396878337", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My dad has been married 6 times since he left my mum - his first wife. I've been invited to his next wedding and I fully intend to stand up and list every reason why these two should not be wed."} {"idx": 30096, "original_id": "1250946133486174208", "reply_id": "1250958005983760384", "label": "win", "text": "I hope Betty White is staying safe during all this"} {"idx": 30098, "original_id": "1251170911778230273", "reply_id": "1251173772540796934", "label": "sigh", "text": "PM says cleaning the orphan wells will maintains 5200 jobs in Alberta. A plan to help companies to reduce emissions will maintain 10’000 jobs across the country. “Just because we’re in a health crisis doesn’t mean we can ignore the environmental crisis”"} {"idx": 30099, "original_id": "1251208446130688000", "reply_id": "1251208707565850624", "label": "yolo", "text": "So turns out...\n\nI’ve joined you @SennheiserUSA \nHD 25 gang!\n\n😂🤘🏽"} {"idx": 30100, "original_id": "1251234831914147841", "reply_id": "1251237879231188997", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "i intend to keep going with preheat and respond to the replies, but i'm currently on a 40-person call and simultaneously trying to save my job, so need to take a breather for a few hours. 💛"} {"idx": 30102, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250849841355390976", "label": "omg", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 30104, "original_id": "1251188011284328448", "reply_id": "1251188391305084929", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Nobody panic but the grasshoppers are back 😳"} {"idx": 30107, "original_id": "1251038398837428226", "reply_id": "1251039291481878528", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "“I mean you look nice like I want to slap you across the face with my dick” Lmaoo thank you sir"} {"idx": 30108, "original_id": "1250860481755168769", "reply_id": "1250860890670260225", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "my EMT classes start back up (online) tonight, and I’m super excited about it because I really want to graduate...but I’m also feeling incredibly anxious about this right now."} {"idx": 30112, "original_id": "1250833130392559628", "reply_id": "1250833921815830531", "label": "sigh", "text": "istg hiphop today is for idiots"} {"idx": 30113, "original_id": "1250854371031748608", "reply_id": "1250865412167909383", "label": "yes", "text": "Who is counting down with me? 😎"} {"idx": 30114, "original_id": "1251009732967641089", "reply_id": "1251012758180683776", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I'm drinking, so I need everyone's undivided attention."} {"idx": 30115, "original_id": "1250949146426724360", "reply_id": "1250950493729443840", "label": "high_five", "text": "Seamus just said, \"I've never seen Pocahontas!\" all accusatory-like.\n\nAnd as long as I'M your mother, you won't be. Be mad about it, Seamus.😂 #DisneyFamilySingalong"} {"idx": 30116, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251080912982257664", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30118, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250944144999976960", "label": "shocked", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 30119, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250866518218493953", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 30122, "original_id": "1250768325417635840", "reply_id": "1250940522220318723", "label": "awww", "text": "So I’m going to draft this satanic panic novel idea, partly so I stop spending so much time on my phone. I’m thinking about what I want to do and not do and here in the light of very early morning I want to share my intentions with you."} {"idx": 30123, "original_id": "1250904150906462210", "reply_id": "1250923730425044993", "label": "agree", "text": "I have a mustache now."} {"idx": 30124, "original_id": "1251204743185260546", "reply_id": "1251205904336408577", "label": "idk", "text": "my skin is finally at its prime🤩 where was this when I actually needed it"} {"idx": 30126, "original_id": "1250818099491766272", "reply_id": "1250940406587678721", "label": "no", "text": "In some grocery stores by me (Illinois) they made the isles ONE WAY...so you don't encounter other shoppers. I love it. But the major grocery store I went to his morning didn't have the one way isles. So I'm not shopping there again. Am I being silly?"} {"idx": 30127, "original_id": "1251073864626405378", "reply_id": "1251217008449982464", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I just saw what #DrOz and #DrPhil had to say............ @DrOz and @DrPhil If you know so goddamn much then bring your pretentious asses and battle the front lines with me you fucking dipshits. Come on you fucking quacks, come work the ER with me in NY."} {"idx": 30130, "original_id": "1250912853432905728", "reply_id": "1251142683478896640", "label": "shocked", "text": "\"Nationwide, more than 850 counties—or nearly 30 percent—have reported no new cases in the last 7 days.\" – President @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 30131, "original_id": "1250993687657615361", "reply_id": "1251140324673630208", "label": "omg", "text": "Guys, WE DID IT! Ludwig is dead! I can't believe we finally beat him in BL4! Thank you everyone for your support and believing in me! Only 4 bosses left. Also, huge thank you to the crazy amounts of raids I received! @blueberrybri14 @ZeroSaltShow @Soldi92501411 @anxietony ..."} {"idx": 30132, "original_id": "1250786025762422786", "reply_id": "1251125181877280768", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump shouldn't just stop at deporting illegals. After that he should deport all the feminists to Iraq, all the blue check marked journalists to China, and all the college socialists to Venezuela. Only then will America truly be great again. #MAGA #KingTrump"} {"idx": 30134, "original_id": "1251128435969347590", "reply_id": "1251271445403045893", "label": "hug", "text": "I just got an IM that struck me as so ludicrous I had to get up and walk away from my desk, and still want to rage-cry. And the stupid fucking thing about this stupid fucking situation is that I don't know if my reaction is the irrational one, or the request was irrational."} {"idx": 30138, "original_id": "1251114836521558016", "reply_id": "1251121228691038208", "label": "high_five", "text": "Do you know why and how I'm so chilled out about politics nowadays? Because I no longer believe that we're living in a democracy. Try it. It helps. My mental health is much better now. Earlier, I'd get frustrated and agitated over everything. Now I simply expect the worst."} {"idx": 30139, "original_id": "1251157546120822787", "reply_id": "1251177481639428097", "label": "agree", "text": "Joe Biden put’s on his pull-ups then challenges people to push-ups! This can’t be their candidate."} {"idx": 30140, "original_id": "1250987993076293632", "reply_id": "1251029742121365506", "label": "smh", "text": "Men really do be trash huh"} {"idx": 30145, "original_id": "1251092859824062470", "reply_id": "1251140000701440000", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I don’t wanna brag or anything but I have been working out regularly and washing my hair \nregularly."} {"idx": 30149, "original_id": "1250872594271797249", "reply_id": "1250872743287033869", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just need one thumb..just one lord"} {"idx": 30150, "original_id": "1250945964875096064", "reply_id": "1250946606486171651", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Nah. I want crablegs. I've gone too long!"} {"idx": 30152, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1251204349877006336", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 30154, "original_id": "1251072911554654208", "reply_id": "1251108362470621184", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think your undergraduate degree adequately prepared you for graduate school?"} {"idx": 30156, "original_id": "1250846682994130944", "reply_id": "1250847163913043968", "label": "awww", "text": "Ain’t posting nane ni**a on my social media when I start back dating, Even if shit get serious I ain’t posting him..."} {"idx": 30157, "original_id": "1251211500234190849", "reply_id": "1251235425139789828", "label": "applause", "text": "Oh. Ha! The entirety I’ve lived in my new home- my thermostat is on WiFi..cause. 2020. Fuck. Lol. \n\nDay is made!"} {"idx": 30159, "original_id": "1251061470093365250", "reply_id": "1251070219302375425", "label": "seriously", "text": "Yesterday on a zoom call I heard a VC describe the companies in his pipeline that are closer to receiving investment as “pregnant women rather than the girl you’ve just started dating” - thought it was a strange analogy to use & am sure it reveals something about how VCs think"} {"idx": 30162, "original_id": "1250809519594180611", "reply_id": "1251068403361562624", "label": "yolo", "text": "Could we help this fellow resister rebuild please? Taken down for criticising a Presidential impersonator. Thank you! 👍🤗🤗❤\n\n@GlennInTassie"} {"idx": 30163, "original_id": "1250939087424544768", "reply_id": "1251073141281079296", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "It`s all over now, I got through the day and I am fine, still numb, still robotic but fine. Feeling a little under the weather but normal service will resume when I feel human again."} {"idx": 30164, "original_id": "1251190416738828289", "reply_id": "1251197231895646208", "label": "dance", "text": "Weekend!🎊🎉🎊🎉"} {"idx": 30165, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251240414566326279", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 30167, "original_id": "1250924624575160321", "reply_id": "1251239049907638277", "label": "popcorn", "text": "ARE YALL READY TO SEE THE CAUCASIANS ACT UP IF THEY CANCEL 4TH OF JULY?!!!!!"} {"idx": 30169, "original_id": "1250883869588373505", "reply_id": "1250961290194911232", "label": "sigh", "text": "i love you @xaaaaaaaiiiii"} {"idx": 30170, "original_id": "1251228011531251717", "reply_id": "1251228784373751813", "label": "yes", "text": "you deserve someone who's proud of having you"} {"idx": 30171, "original_id": "1250982123114123265", "reply_id": "1250982372188712961", "label": "yes", "text": "I KNOW WE JUST\nWOKE UP\nI KNOW YOU GOTTA \nGO BUTT\nBREAKFAST ISN’T OVER\nI SEE THE WAY YOU ROSE UP\n🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆"} {"idx": 30172, "original_id": "1251041874787405824", "reply_id": "1251044176789110784", "label": "ok", "text": "The Aztecs will be in the playoffs this season."} {"idx": 30173, "original_id": "1251129251832659968", "reply_id": "1251261952904626178", "label": "agree", "text": "I dont know who needs to hear this, but if I didnt respond to the first 47 rose, heart, kiss emoji DMs, I wont likely respond to the next 47, either."} {"idx": 30174, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251144544147603456", "label": "agree", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 30175, "original_id": "1251014461034553346", "reply_id": "1251147892233887744", "label": "applause", "text": "Don’t put people on pedestals, except Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton will never let you down."} {"idx": 30176, "original_id": "1250894303016169472", "reply_id": "1251194010577842176", "label": "ok", "text": "Nicki Minaj is about to make a huge announcement."} {"idx": 30178, "original_id": "1251098603986141184", "reply_id": "1251109040517558274", "label": "omg", "text": "Day 79 RMO : Download ML"} {"idx": 30179, "original_id": "1251226997734465538", "reply_id": "1251235746385661990", "label": "eww", "text": "Bryce has just whityed at 8pm whilst shouting from the bathroom “some cunt wipe ma moof” 🙃🙃"} {"idx": 30183, "original_id": "1250853855056859142", "reply_id": "1250855126748860416", "label": "yawn", "text": "I hate this quarantine shit just because I'm the only one out of my friends that are still having to go to work & all of their sleep schedules are fucked, so I talk to myself in our group chat all day and they all talk at night when I'm asleep smh."} {"idx": 30184, "original_id": "1251150750295584770", "reply_id": "1251158316199239683", "label": "yes", "text": "if ur reading this its too late.\n\n I already sent good vibes your way.\nthey’re coming & theres nothing you can do to stop them"} {"idx": 30186, "original_id": "1251152952619724802", "reply_id": "1251205909642121217", "label": "high_five", "text": "I'm back !"} {"idx": 30193, "original_id": "1251159904959598593", "reply_id": "1251197093659672582", "label": "applause", "text": "[JUST IN] President Cyril Ramaphosa has rejected calls for the lifting of the alcohol ban. He has instead directed liquor sellers to seek economic relief through programs offered by government. #eNCA #DStv403"} {"idx": 30194, "original_id": "1251179249685282818", "reply_id": "1251257410720653312", "label": "applause", "text": "You are magic and not everyone can handle magic."} {"idx": 30195, "original_id": "1251196762741706753", "reply_id": "1251197462871789568", "label": "hug", "text": "need hug."} {"idx": 30197, "original_id": "1251183324447506436", "reply_id": "1251209923096186884", "label": "hearts", "text": "Only responding with gifs."} {"idx": 30200, "original_id": "1250859267055370240", "reply_id": "1250874527086784514", "label": "eww", "text": "Unpopular opinion #2:\nTea<Coffee\n👀"} {"idx": 30201, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250953182890668042", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 30205, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864561290391552", "label": "applause", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 30206, "original_id": "1250841440936230918", "reply_id": "1250843730673836036", "label": "yes", "text": "Tax the rich. \nTax them a lot. \nTax them a lot NOW.\n \nThanks for coming to my TED Talk."} {"idx": 30207, "original_id": "1250868250428280832", "reply_id": "1250870035486310402", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you’re an absolute NUTJOB, please don’t follow.\n\n*of course, three of you are grandfathered in"} {"idx": 30208, "original_id": "1250961796506189827", "reply_id": "1250981793769181185", "label": "want", "text": "Need a friend"} {"idx": 30210, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251237035609899009", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 30211, "original_id": "1251185561546690565", "reply_id": "1251190411344982025", "label": "applause", "text": "\"If he's sitting home watching TV maybe he should get up and go to work\". Governor Cuomo responding to Trump tweet that Cuomo should complain less."} {"idx": 30215, "original_id": "1250836107920580608", "reply_id": "1250863236666228742", "label": "eww", "text": "Even a night at tin roof Claremont would slap right now"} {"idx": 30216, "original_id": "1250899554641289216", "reply_id": "1250899872326184960", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Twitter Philanthropy News\n\n✅ Successfully Lobbied and Predicted $96 Billion Drug Company for their CoronaVirus Drug \n\n✅ Launched “Bailout Humans” with success across the world in last two days\n\n✅ Gave over $20,000 cash out to people in need \n\n ✅ Many more. Look at timeline 👍"} {"idx": 30219, "original_id": "1250864254669828096", "reply_id": "1251223391610101761", "label": "applause", "text": "fuck you @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 30220, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1251080701794897921", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 30221, "original_id": "1250870402689228801", "reply_id": "1250871533393805317", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m tired."} {"idx": 30223, "original_id": "1250940770086862848", "reply_id": "1251001050821246978", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I want a sugar momma"} {"idx": 30225, "original_id": "1250858057392848898", "reply_id": "1251111792111022081", "label": "yes", "text": "My nipples should be in your mouth."} {"idx": 30226, "original_id": "1251037159911350272", "reply_id": "1251067115114655744", "label": "applause", "text": "Ladko ka 500 followers is equal to ladkiyo ka 2000 followers\n\nBitter truth of #Twitter"} {"idx": 30228, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251022673506758656", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 30231, "original_id": "1250950897074671617", "reply_id": "1250959131181232129", "label": "yes", "text": "MAVERICK CITYY VOL 3 IS OUT EVERYBODY SAY YEAHHHHH!!"} {"idx": 30232, "original_id": "1251274572743299077", "reply_id": "1251274959701368832", "label": "no", "text": "DaBaby shit wasn’t tough ??"} {"idx": 30234, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250883828920528896", "label": "shrug", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 30235, "original_id": "1251123062499676160", "reply_id": "1251124938993524742", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss my friends 😭"} {"idx": 30236, "original_id": "1250913409333440517", "reply_id": "1251116284248498176", "label": "agree", "text": "They're literally just going to pretend like the pandemic is over, put everyone's lives at risk, and slap a slogan on it to help Donald Trump's reelection.\n\nThat's literally what they're going to do."} {"idx": 30237, "original_id": "1250882997076856833", "reply_id": "1251000462687551490", "label": "smh", "text": "Donald Trump really does think Chinatown is in China, doesn’t he?"} {"idx": 30239, "original_id": "1250891783116066818", "reply_id": "1251041048106872832", "label": "hug", "text": "Look. I’m fully aware of how terrible everything is right now & I know that in the grand scheme of things I’ll be fine cause I’ve gone through worse... but, I’ve been going through a pretty bad PTSD spell this week & could really use some positivity/love & no questions🖤"} {"idx": 30241, "original_id": "1251141238125780992", "reply_id": "1251146817036627969", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Just unfollowed a lot of accounts on here , reply if ur gonna be active and interact so I can follow you ."} {"idx": 30242, "original_id": "1251125767716601858", "reply_id": "1251129821599608832", "label": "applause", "text": "i purposefully let my cereal get soggy before i eat it and im not going to be ashamed anymore"} {"idx": 30243, "original_id": "1251171881014657027", "reply_id": "1251180864412831749", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’m bouta create a playlist the only fuckin playlist."} {"idx": 30244, "original_id": "1251107353472057344", "reply_id": "1251108729124204545", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "if 2020 were a person, who would it be?"} {"idx": 30245, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250879261491290126", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 30246, "original_id": "1250932720403910656", "reply_id": "1251016759819284482", "label": "agree", "text": "Drop an emoji for Emmy Richie if still awake"} {"idx": 30247, "original_id": "1251190251260792833", "reply_id": "1251260622320394242", "label": "yes", "text": "Y'all like big clits?"} {"idx": 30249, "original_id": "1251173848529219591", "reply_id": "1251174388721909761", "label": "idk", "text": "dude: hey can you help with this thing? I'll do whatever needs to be done on my part to make it happen. please let me know \n\nme: ok let me check. *checks* ok you just need to fill out this form and you'll be all set\n\ndude: ugh! I have worked here for 30 years, I shouldn't have to"} {"idx": 30251, "original_id": "1250942313309724672", "reply_id": "1250944686967095297", "label": "agree", "text": "Martinis have now proven to cure depression and gout!"} {"idx": 30257, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251054967735160832", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 30258, "original_id": "1251243373882679299", "reply_id": "1251243472973168640", "label": "hug", "text": "i have 1 hour and 40 minutes to finish a practical ive been procrastinating all week someone hit me in the face with a brick"} {"idx": 30259, "original_id": "1251068911782637568", "reply_id": "1251106524111556609", "label": "applause", "text": "Guys, we don’t have to clap everyone."} {"idx": 30260, "original_id": "1251190604211650561", "reply_id": "1251191482658193411", "label": "eww", "text": "Ben comes back to the hotel they can afford with no jobs. He says he is an idiot for going off like that. They make out. #DAYS"} {"idx": 30265, "original_id": "1250955985096781824", "reply_id": "1250956322222325760", "label": "awww", "text": "You are my favorite person"} {"idx": 30267, "original_id": "1250876294872498176", "reply_id": "1251046070307569664", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Guy: So, you like guys and girls?\nMe: Yes\nG: What if the guy was gay?\nM: What?\nG: Like, doesnt that just mean you're gay for liking a guy?\nM: But I like girls as well\nG: Na, you gay dude. Thats nasty\nM: .....\n\nI just..."} {"idx": 30269, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251040610443644928", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 30270, "original_id": "1250968141670297600", "reply_id": "1251169670637338624", "label": "agree", "text": "Even if this president wasn’t a fucking moron, he’d still be a fucking asshole."} {"idx": 30271, "original_id": "1251036051642212353", "reply_id": "1251045970743263232", "label": "oops", "text": "Mankind has been around for over a millennia, and during that time frame, not a single black man has cheated."} {"idx": 30276, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251180851557261314", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 30281, "original_id": "1251107446166368258", "reply_id": "1251112830708965376", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m gunna be so tough today"} {"idx": 30283, "original_id": "1250807837015539713", "reply_id": "1251043210362793986", "label": "seriously", "text": "If 111,500 people donated their $1200 stimulus checks back to the US Treasury we could cover Trump’s 133.8m Golf Tab as of 2/14/20-what do you say America? @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 30289, "original_id": "1250939590715768833", "reply_id": "1250943314695782400", "label": "agree", "text": "Marcus and I should take this time to learn how to create the perfect soup dumpling and then open a window shop somewhere."} {"idx": 30292, "original_id": "1250915140062633987", "reply_id": "1251183253349900288", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The Trump \"plan\" to re-open the economy is similar to the Trump \"plan\" to have drive-thru testing in every Wal Mart parking lot. It's...not a plan. It's just an announcement."} {"idx": 30294, "original_id": "1250654102800838658", "reply_id": "1250935735651164161", "label": "yes", "text": "Peta Credlin on Malcolm Turnbull: \"I have never met a more reprehensible human being\". #auspol"} {"idx": 30296, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250996612144476161", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 30300, "original_id": "1251251289326891008", "reply_id": "1251253853510668288", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Oh no, I'm thinking about starting a podcast."} {"idx": 30301, "original_id": "1250978211720241152", "reply_id": "1250978313478250497", "label": "no", "text": "I love James Charles"} {"idx": 30302, "original_id": "1251201243462152192", "reply_id": "1251214760516911104", "label": "oops", "text": "Remember to be nice to people that have access to your toothbrush."} {"idx": 30303, "original_id": "1250863038632165381", "reply_id": "1250864075724271616", "label": "seriously", "text": "I had a V-8 today! \n\nIt was to make a bloody mary, but still!"} {"idx": 30307, "original_id": "1251233120864612356", "reply_id": "1251253614250733570", "label": "shocked", "text": "this girl i know is pregnant with her 3rd kid by her 3rd baby daddy which wouldn’t be an issue except she’s been married the whole time and her husband thinks all the kids are his💀"} {"idx": 30315, "original_id": "1250946310649323521", "reply_id": "1250962700554903552", "label": "smh", "text": "R500 give away if no one likes your reply within an hour. A winner @ 11am. good luck👌🏼"} {"idx": 30317, "original_id": "1251234831914147841", "reply_id": "1251235721115033602", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "i intend to keep going with preheat and respond to the replies, but i'm currently on a 40-person call and simultaneously trying to save my job, so need to take a breather for a few hours. 💛"} {"idx": 30320, "original_id": "1250834658864107522", "reply_id": "1250839346619572229", "label": "yes", "text": "chris grier: the tape tells you what the player really is.\n\ntranslation: tua tagovailoa, no matter what"} {"idx": 30321, "original_id": "1251034834937548803", "reply_id": "1251040637677375489", "label": "applause", "text": "Important to celebrate the little wins at the moment. On the box of the cereal I just threw away, it said “12 servings”. Completed it in 5."} {"idx": 30322, "original_id": "1251064378696372224", "reply_id": "1251261376292626432", "label": "applause", "text": "I just realized I am a month and 2 days cigarette free!"} {"idx": 30326, "original_id": "1250820201211473920", "reply_id": "1250866075991932929", "label": "no", "text": "Kal cousion ki engagement hai can u feel me 🤧"} {"idx": 30332, "original_id": "1250819091914514432", "reply_id": "1250838296529375233", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Date\n16th April 2020\n\nDonation reference\n19544\n\nDonation amount\n£50.00\n\nReason for donation\nIn honor of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor\\'s 1st Birthday"} {"idx": 30333, "original_id": "1251177819020726279", "reply_id": "1251197774139404288", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "To gay or not to gay thay is the question"} {"idx": 30335, "original_id": "1250923068811358216", "reply_id": "1250957700151816192", "label": "scared", "text": "What are you going to be doing in 169 hours????"} {"idx": 30336, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251081034143236098", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30337, "original_id": "1250958291544403968", "reply_id": "1250958902113394688", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m so tired of politicians and their dumbfuckery. I’m gonna switch my social media time from twitter to tiktok full time 😂"} {"idx": 30342, "original_id": "1251232421044944896", "reply_id": "1251234758568353797", "label": "applause", "text": "I will do giveaway Tomorrow for my followers... I appreciate you all!! I can't thank God enough for grace.\nRemind me at noon pls"} {"idx": 30343, "original_id": "1251024006439858178", "reply_id": "1251053967850631169", "label": "yes", "text": "should I say fuck it and buy a switch even though my mom said no"} {"idx": 30346, "original_id": "1250586340757958656", "reply_id": "1250855087288836097", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "how are you guys holding up after the end of that act? 🤡 #riverdale"} {"idx": 30348, "original_id": "1250827833330536449", "reply_id": "1250833222675714049", "label": "shocked", "text": "Apparently I give slow replies?? I mean I only did leave you on unseen for like 14 hours bro?? Could be worse there’s someone on my insta been left for 2 days 🤷🏼 my replies really don’t get any quicker than that unless it’s courtney or Demi 😚😚"} {"idx": 30349, "original_id": "1250730815870218240", "reply_id": "1250851200670597121", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Ordered pizza earlier and Domino's said they were practicing \"Contactless delivery\". So messed up they got pregnant quadruple amputees out delivering pizza in this mess."} {"idx": 30351, "original_id": "1251160277443211264", "reply_id": "1251186260452028418", "label": "no", "text": "hewwo I am big fiss\nbig fissy big tiddy hoohoo whee whaaaa"} {"idx": 30352, "original_id": "1250770585153679360", "reply_id": "1251098124720001026", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want a to hug someone again"} {"idx": 30354, "original_id": "1251166067444944896", "reply_id": "1251178758028972032", "label": "scared", "text": "just invested my stimulus check..welp, I do know that in the long run that'll pay out. :)"} {"idx": 30355, "original_id": "1250572255186337793", "reply_id": "1251216707227545601", "label": "applause", "text": "I like how our country didn’t want a female president yet we still ended up with a little bitch"} {"idx": 30359, "original_id": "1251167872111476739", "reply_id": "1251204734326910979", "label": "smh", "text": "I don’t know why it’s called animal crossing so far I’ve not seen ONE animal cross anything \n\ndisappointing 0/5 stars"} {"idx": 30360, "original_id": "1251010321281454082", "reply_id": "1251150211168104450", "label": "agree", "text": "Knots? 👀"} {"idx": 30362, "original_id": "1250783455597731845", "reply_id": "1250884171565850640", "label": "agree", "text": "Any other parents out there noticing that there is a weekly cumulative build that has a definite pattern?\n\nMon - We got this! \nTues - I hope we got this.\nWed - I thought we had this?\nThurs - Nobody got this. Call the police.\nFri - Just watch TV, next week, we got this!"} {"idx": 30363, "original_id": "1250962104519139331", "reply_id": "1250962781114900483", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "7 Habits of Highly Effective People is probably top 5 books I’ve ever read"} {"idx": 30364, "original_id": "1250976176962748416", "reply_id": "1251114140065763328", "label": "applause", "text": "We HAVE her! She was trapped behind Christopher’s sock drawer."} {"idx": 30365, "original_id": "1250880155813371904", "reply_id": "1250934186497781760", "label": "applause", "text": "just looked in the mirror and I’m actually so fucking hot man"} {"idx": 30370, "original_id": "1250997316984717314", "reply_id": "1251173731797516290", "label": "shocked", "text": "Mr. Phil is not a doctor"} {"idx": 30371, "original_id": "1250577511001526272", "reply_id": "1250855171120300032", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Hi, @realdonaldtrump, former political science professor here. You have no authority to adjourn Congress at-will. I encourage you to take a slightly closer (or even first look) at the Constitution."} {"idx": 30378, "original_id": "1250811145314807808", "reply_id": "1250893323553902594", "label": "sorry", "text": "It just hit me that I lost all my Backstreet Boys concert videos, it’s sad that I lost all of my pictures but this one hits hard"} {"idx": 30381, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250920938838700034", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 30382, "original_id": "1251161762172243968", "reply_id": "1251162832915165184", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If you don’t know anybody who’s been affected by or lost loved ones due to COVID-19 I don’t expect you to fully understand the impact of this virus.. that being said, keep your effing mouth shut with your uneducated, selfish comments because you look like an asshole."} {"idx": 30389, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250902619637329922", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 30390, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251160909239599110", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 30391, "original_id": "1250854120711352320", "reply_id": "1250874075263594496", "label": "agree", "text": "With The Top High School Players Going Straight To The G-League The NCAA Better Start Figuring Something Out To Start Paying These Kids..Cause A Lot Of The Top Recruited Players May Start Taking That Route..Especially If They Can Get Around $500k Off The Rip!!!"} {"idx": 30393, "original_id": "1251031128556793856", "reply_id": "1251037144761565184", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "won’t ever catch me settling again"} {"idx": 30397, "original_id": "1250780981281218562", "reply_id": "1251166260550762500", "label": "hug", "text": "It was an absolute pleasure seeing how you guys are spending time at home! Keep doing what y’all are doing, stay home & spend time with your family. I shall be back again with something fun. Until next time, stay safe & take care. #GetGiffyWithMD"} {"idx": 30398, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251037177330319361", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 30399, "original_id": "1250899054227271687", "reply_id": "1250900898613792774", "label": "no", "text": "Tomorrow Is 'Indictment Friday'...Are We Finally Going To Have An Indictment Tomorrow?...WHAT SAY YOU?...YES OR NO?"} {"idx": 30400, "original_id": "1251215921009635329", "reply_id": "1251218549756043266", "label": "sigh", "text": "I told my mum to rub my head for comfort (and I got Cornrows in so that shit be nice), she agreed but said she needed to go to a room for a sec ... she came back and began to rub my head with anointing oil."} {"idx": 30401, "original_id": "1251145608615923712", "reply_id": "1251214595420680192", "label": "wink", "text": "Natives with naturally straight hair, how does it feel to be the creator’s favorite?"} {"idx": 30403, "original_id": "1251078004912119815", "reply_id": "1251091782802247680", "label": "seriously", "text": "Genesis was a poundshop Pink Floyd. There, I've said it."} {"idx": 30408, "original_id": "1251077698409168897", "reply_id": "1251130245014405120", "label": "hearts", "text": "Good morning ❤️💋❤️💋"} {"idx": 30409, "original_id": "1250969494488522753", "reply_id": "1251199258587475969", "label": "applause", "text": "Closed on my first investment property today! For so long I wanted ppl to support me... family, friends..Never happened so I started following investors on Twitter. You don’t know me from a can of paint - but @B_REInvest & @AyeshaSelden I swear to God u both changed my life!"} {"idx": 30411, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251015327502094336", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30413, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251263426430595072", "label": "yawn", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 30420, "original_id": "1250942372583743489", "reply_id": "1250943850601787394", "label": "idk", "text": "Y’all HS crushes still fine?"} {"idx": 30421, "original_id": "1250991775927414785", "reply_id": "1250996888146341890", "label": "applause", "text": "let me follow some new faces! let’s go!"} {"idx": 30422, "original_id": "1250947235803734019", "reply_id": "1250947501215096832", "label": "no", "text": "Then everybody be like “oMg Me ToO” stfu Karen"} {"idx": 30423, "original_id": "1251235656438657024", "reply_id": "1251240160555003904", "label": "shocked", "text": "Allergies got me like : 😤🤬🤯🤧🤒"} {"idx": 30424, "original_id": "1251181325656248321", "reply_id": "1251233282387259393", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Please dont come on this here TL asking for prayer when yo stupid ass been ignoring all the orders....\nNow ya silly ass suffocating...can't \nwalk to the kitchen without oxygen.\n\nNah...ima save my prayers for the people u most likely infected...stupid ass."} {"idx": 30425, "original_id": "1250512272138502145", "reply_id": "1250968658207277056", "label": "agree", "text": "throwin a party on zoom tonight at 8 pm pst \n\nwho tryna pull up?"} {"idx": 30427, "original_id": "1250947976933056514", "reply_id": "1250951611993784322", "label": "yawn", "text": "Apparently I'm just staying awake again"} {"idx": 30430, "original_id": "1251231024845029377", "reply_id": "1251245003386564609", "label": "omg", "text": "Cuando Beyonce dijo if you like it then you should have put a ring on it, ajuro tiene que ser un anillo? Le puedo meter el webo y ya"} {"idx": 30434, "original_id": "1250893606304583683", "reply_id": "1251185707344773120", "label": "applause", "text": "One's wellbeing is more important than religion.\nOne's wellbeing is more important than culture.\nOne's wellbeing is more important than politics.\nOne's wellbeing is more important than laws.\n\nDo not forget that religion, culture, politics and laws can do more harm. Question all!"} {"idx": 30435, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250972773356204035", "label": "applause", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 30436, "original_id": "1251167778905698305", "reply_id": "1251171657684787200", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Me: I'm cramping \nMarcus: Na, thats just the baby kicking.\n\nI almost forgot 🥴😂"} {"idx": 30440, "original_id": "1250460581666197510", "reply_id": "1250957263856119808", "label": "shrug", "text": "There is a joke circulating in Germany:\n\n\"What borders on stupidity?\"\n\"Mexico and Canada!\""} {"idx": 30442, "original_id": "1250799973702270981", "reply_id": "1250984393998565376", "label": "smh", "text": "Where can I buy an Xbox One X 😣"} {"idx": 30444, "original_id": "1250827313689833479", "reply_id": "1250835235530514432", "label": "hug", "text": "Sudden waves of sadness <<<"} {"idx": 30445, "original_id": "1251274287849377793", "reply_id": "1251274720982568961", "label": "hug", "text": "Not being able to see my Granda in his final few moments is heartbreaking. Big thank you to all the NHS staff who were able to be with him to make him feel that little less lonely❤️"} {"idx": 30446, "original_id": "1251114260274569216", "reply_id": "1251124274473156608", "label": "idk", "text": "Know what day it is? \n\nNATIONAL BAT APPRECIATION DAY"} {"idx": 30448, "original_id": "1251237643117092865", "reply_id": "1251253795901882369", "label": "agree", "text": "I really thought that after being home for a month my house would be cleaner."} {"idx": 30452, "original_id": "1251051140118011904", "reply_id": "1251059165381849088", "label": "applause", "text": "i just want to publicly say fuck you to my best friend’s dad."} {"idx": 30453, "original_id": "1250959647755898881", "reply_id": "1250960762320809984", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I love the Browns, but they are gonna suck this year. The worst owner in sports."} {"idx": 30454, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251218750667280384", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 30455, "original_id": "1250829170428522501", "reply_id": "1250832494309539840", "label": "applause", "text": "15 MILLION!!\n\nThank you so much. \n\nIt’s been the most incredible and emotional day for me. \n\nThank you to everyone that has helped with this amazing cause @GMB @BBCBreakfast @piersmorgan @mrmichaelball @BBCNaga @NHSCharities @JustGiving \n\n#walkwithtom #TomorrowWillBeAGoodDay"} {"idx": 30458, "original_id": "1250925025366093824", "reply_id": "1251210496578994176", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hi, everyone, I could really appreciate some compliments/words of encouragement tonight. I hate to ask but.."} {"idx": 30459, "original_id": "1250904502766616576", "reply_id": "1250961762272382977", "label": "scared", "text": "What if... Hegeleth zine...😳😳 \nJk.... Unless?"} {"idx": 30460, "original_id": "1251119632351555585", "reply_id": "1251120797013307394", "label": "applause", "text": "Don't give reaction to hatred comment or tweet during chat ...\nWe will look that matter after chat by mass reporting acc....\n\nSPAM WITH LOVE DURING CHAT ......"} {"idx": 30461, "original_id": "1250941292495941632", "reply_id": "1250941788787015680", "label": "dance", "text": "It don’t look good but it feels good!"} {"idx": 30462, "original_id": "1250930811131609088", "reply_id": "1250931812530077696", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "This is a far more sane approach to reopening the country than I anticipated."} {"idx": 30464, "original_id": "1250847764197584897", "reply_id": "1250867065206050820", "label": "yes", "text": "y’all remember webkinz"} {"idx": 30473, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251051501100785664", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30475, "original_id": "1251163181231165442", "reply_id": "1251169404840271874", "label": "hug", "text": "People, I've been sad."} {"idx": 30476, "original_id": "1251227618537623553", "reply_id": "1251229284825473031", "label": "applause", "text": "Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer? He couldn't see himself doing it."} {"idx": 30479, "original_id": "1251117100829036544", "reply_id": "1251135727376781312", "label": "seriously", "text": "@sibumabena unfollowed due to lack of follow back commitment👀✌🏽"} {"idx": 30481, "original_id": "1251198017354502145", "reply_id": "1251236260636528640", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My mumma in her every phone call very proudly mentions the fact that i have started cooking!! ☺️"} {"idx": 30482, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251132436500459521", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30484, "original_id": "1251237498346496001", "reply_id": "1251238342144004098", "label": "yolo", "text": "Might consumer more than normal amounts of alcohol this afternoon/evening"} {"idx": 30486, "original_id": "1251020613109465089", "reply_id": "1251138514797899777", "label": "hug", "text": "mom and i both still work so i haven't gotten a hug in over a month and folks :) i'm losing it :)"} {"idx": 30488, "original_id": "1251258231428648962", "reply_id": "1251261399025823745", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I'll be chatting with @douglasemhoff at 6pm ET over on Instagram. I'm told there may be other special guests 😎"} {"idx": 30489, "original_id": "1250950511530049537", "reply_id": "1250951349208076289", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Yeah i'm cool, my mom said so😎"} {"idx": 30492, "original_id": "1250836327626452992", "reply_id": "1251080889930416130", "label": "awww", "text": "Ravan was a moolnivasi, devoted father, loving husband, fan of Shiva.\n\nAttack on his sister broke him. He kept thinking about it. He got radicaIised and abducted a woman.\n\nHe was kiIIIed by an upper caste Hindu while mob watching him die was shouting Jai Shri Ram.\n\n: Barkha Dutt."} {"idx": 30493, "original_id": "1250921988840882176", "reply_id": "1250928242397270018", "label": "hug", "text": "I will not live very long in a world without hugs and handshakes. It ain't me. Better figure this shit out or my days are numbered."} {"idx": 30495, "original_id": "1251217613784444933", "reply_id": "1251217878227058690", "label": "facepalm", "text": "This is a customer announcement. We apologise for the quality of our humour. #VirtualTrains"} {"idx": 30502, "original_id": "1251196605371383810", "reply_id": "1251257281846677505", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Y'all I have had what can only be described as an insanely difficult seven months and I'm kinda running out of gas in the tank here. Send gifs I guess."} {"idx": 30503, "original_id": "1251025357936791553", "reply_id": "1251028780983832576", "label": "no", "text": "TL sleep ?? Idc if y’all sleep or not fuck it imam get this nigga name tatted 🙈"} {"idx": 30505, "original_id": "1251178688500113408", "reply_id": "1251264533328465921", "label": "applause", "text": "Screw the Stimulus checks, I'm pissed that #SteveHarvey ain't knocking at my door with one of them big ass @pchdotcom checks anytime soon!"} {"idx": 30508, "original_id": "1250951082995363841", "reply_id": "1250952013719891968", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Today has turned to crap lol"} {"idx": 30509, "original_id": "1251251408692797440", "reply_id": "1251252987961507841", "label": "dance", "text": "Whenever you're ready \nI surrender"} {"idx": 30510, "original_id": "1250963888939696129", "reply_id": "1250970996967964676", "label": "yes", "text": "When this is over, I’m throwing the biggest St. Patrick’s Easter de Mayo of July party anyone’s every seen."} {"idx": 30514, "original_id": "1250472384789954561", "reply_id": "1251017300439752705", "label": "awww", "text": "Stella Rosa is NOT wine. I need a nice merlot or Pinot thats 13% or higher to get the job done. We drink for percentage not flavor over here!"} {"idx": 30519, "original_id": "1250622936278540294", "reply_id": "1250975730021756928", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Mexico in December better happen"} {"idx": 30525, "original_id": "1249048586416988161", "reply_id": "1251265838730096640", "label": "applause", "text": "Don’t tell anyone but quarantine got me watching....kpop fancams..."} {"idx": 30527, "original_id": "1250869410493075456", "reply_id": "1250869682078392321", "label": "sigh", "text": "Who would've thought of this ending? Life is harsh"} {"idx": 30531, "original_id": "1250907042367320070", "reply_id": "1250907813305556992", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I smell Jungkook's Vlive 👀"} {"idx": 30534, "original_id": "1250816514841817089", "reply_id": "1250839974829793288", "label": "agree", "text": "† Meet me here at midnight (CEST) with your headphones †"} {"idx": 30535, "original_id": "1250860858479165440", "reply_id": "1251129397366722561", "label": "please", "text": "Do y’all want the first single from my album soon? 🤔"} {"idx": 30536, "original_id": "1251209894461571073", "reply_id": "1251234438328938496", "label": "applause", "text": "More recovered #covid19 patients than active cases for the first time in Manitoba!\n\n#cbcmb"} {"idx": 30538, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251206732732346370", "label": "ok", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 30539, "original_id": "1251212110387990528", "reply_id": "1251246520688685056", "label": "agree", "text": "Why do boys exist? We just need men"} {"idx": 30541, "original_id": "1251240580971024384", "reply_id": "1251240970374479872", "label": "omg", "text": "Trump is appointing Vince McMahon to be one of his economic advisor, with zero experience in that area. He’s The former World Wrestling Ent. CEO and owner of the now bankrupt XFL (Extreme Football League). Maybe Vince could arrange a wrestling match between Trump and Obama!"} {"idx": 30542, "original_id": "1251213426216574983", "reply_id": "1251215599025471488", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy Friday and #FF to the following:\n@mikerobb38 \n@EagleCoach09 \n@DeeDub67 \n@jasmined_brown \n@KeshisCuties \n@PGar58 \nA great weekend to all!\n#WeAreInThisTogether"} {"idx": 30544, "original_id": "1250950813985517569", "reply_id": "1250954455559761920", "label": "dance", "text": "Woah that was unexpected....\nI want to say thank you to everyone who stopped by my stream today.\nHuge thank you to @chefsean81 for that amazing raid and the bitties. 💜\nThank you @ZOMMBiiExG @WakeNBakeJ @FLASHmeYourD and Fast1654Rider for all the bitties. 💙 I appreciate it. 🥰"} {"idx": 30546, "original_id": "1250794396888547328", "reply_id": "1250860551871365121", "label": "high_five", "text": "Gmorning. Need you. Grateful for you. Need you. Let's go."} {"idx": 30547, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250947709353295880", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 30549, "original_id": "1251132169302544385", "reply_id": "1251132388173852672", "label": "awww", "text": "Be the reason someone smiles \n\n5 words, 5 tags\n\n@BankSmartSteph1 @DMorticelli @CoriWiersma @jscardoso10 @nwbartholomew"} {"idx": 30550, "original_id": "1250818306509922304", "reply_id": "1250845786369212416", "label": "applause", "text": "Tweeting something other than Suspension update so that twitter algorithm doesn't classify me as a bot."} {"idx": 30552, "original_id": "1250828952815501312", "reply_id": "1251216220453400576", "label": "awww", "text": ".@ArianaGrande i love you"} {"idx": 30553, "original_id": "1251241161798422529", "reply_id": "1251241478338211840", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My childhood pastor posts a “thot” of the day on Facebook, and I’m wondering if someone should tell him"} {"idx": 30554, "original_id": "1250891993267548162", "reply_id": "1250892500304375814", "label": "smh", "text": "I need to change my friends. None of them sent me lockdown money🤦‍♀️"} {"idx": 30555, "original_id": "1251145838023172097", "reply_id": "1251273914917027841", "label": "yes", "text": "So the first thing my wife says today is “I miss baseball.” It’s going to be a great day!"} {"idx": 30557, "original_id": "1251149943294713856", "reply_id": "1251150826908774407", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Decided to practice some \"daytrading\" today."} {"idx": 30558, "original_id": "1250908721435365376", "reply_id": "1250913607350714371", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "ALL I HAVE BEEN SEEING ALL DAY ON YOUTUBE, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM IS LOVE AND SUPPORT FROM THE FAWNS. I SEE U, I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH. I LOVE YOU GUYS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 😭"} {"idx": 30561, "original_id": "1250862369707683841", "reply_id": "1250863201140346880", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 30564, "original_id": "1250862443603075075", "reply_id": "1250862689317945349", "label": "agree", "text": "people hate when you show them how it feels to be treated the way they treat you"} {"idx": 30565, "original_id": "1251199571612651520", "reply_id": "1251200687901376519", "label": "hearts", "text": "Taylor was playing in places she’s never been or only been once before so of course fans want her to possibly come back. She plays in the US every single time. Don’t be mad at international fans for hoping she goes back regardless of how long it takes to book the venue/festival."} {"idx": 30570, "original_id": "1250956258334527488", "reply_id": "1250974515812687873", "label": "agree", "text": "I could eat like 2 Handsome Owls from @ikessandwiches right about now."} {"idx": 30572, "original_id": "1250870157972393984", "reply_id": "1251005643802112001", "label": "agree", "text": "the wrong people will always teach you the right lessons."} {"idx": 30573, "original_id": "1250795063111606278", "reply_id": "1250886401228288000", "label": "smh", "text": "I gave birth and suddenly all my family people think that it's their kid wtf"} {"idx": 30574, "original_id": "1250892922163130368", "reply_id": "1251274203304726528", "label": "no", "text": "What are your thoughts about the mobile phone tracing app? The PM is ramping up the case for it. We're chatting this morning on @BreakfastNews"} {"idx": 30575, "original_id": "1250955213051232256", "reply_id": "1250969825662337025", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The wife just asked me about Killer/Karrion Kross. Right, now when does she start rocking gold teeth and fangs? ‘Cause...that's what a motherfucking monster do."} {"idx": 30578, "original_id": "1250899554641289216", "reply_id": "1250899860385083393", "label": "agree", "text": "Twitter Philanthropy News\n\n✅ Successfully Lobbied and Predicted $96 Billion Drug Company for their CoronaVirus Drug \n\n✅ Launched “Bailout Humans” with success across the world in last two days\n\n✅ Gave over $20,000 cash out to people in need \n\n ✅ Many more. Look at timeline 👍"} {"idx": 30579, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250900385964974082", "label": "hearts", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 30581, "original_id": "1251201164844109830", "reply_id": "1251201283454885888", "label": "oops", "text": "Jess made the mistake and left her switch home with me last night. So I went ahead and moved some trees and left her a message on her animal crossing"} {"idx": 30582, "original_id": "1251174363287650306", "reply_id": "1251179625868333058", "label": "sigh", "text": "Why isn’t there more news on the overwhelming number of small businesses that applied but didn’t receive PPP funding yet tons of large businesses that shouldn’t have qualified were able to get millions?"} {"idx": 30586, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251218582999982080", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30593, "original_id": "1251143558041612288", "reply_id": "1251159743801856008", "label": "agree", "text": "Nancy Pelosi is the worst Speaker of the House in history. \n\nShe doesn't give a damn about anything but personal power and scamming millions from taxpayers for herself and her friends."} {"idx": 30595, "original_id": "1251257123574611977", "reply_id": "1251258514737180672", "label": "no", "text": "Did y’all get your stimulus check yet?"} {"idx": 30597, "original_id": "1251256980481740800", "reply_id": "1251257593151942656", "label": "agree", "text": "Plan for tomorrow: make chili using Mom’s recipe and then have 46 naps."} {"idx": 30600, "original_id": "1250964058477649921", "reply_id": "1251030462945886208", "label": "omg", "text": "cmon fuck me emo boy"} {"idx": 30602, "original_id": "1250923016663576576", "reply_id": "1251168753431089154", "label": "applause", "text": "He keeps saying cities have low infection rates due to “a lot of talent.” How are they stopping the spread? Tap dancing?"} {"idx": 30606, "original_id": "1251240499391770626", "reply_id": "1251252814753304576", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 30608, "original_id": "1250871061119262721", "reply_id": "1250872438214148096", "label": "no", "text": "Does love and affection cost $1200?"} {"idx": 30610, "original_id": "1250862058071097344", "reply_id": "1250902414196199425", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If you hate Sheff United clap your hands 👏"} {"idx": 30612, "original_id": "1251180562032791552", "reply_id": "1251214743764979719", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "@Kris10Callihan currently rereading the vip series, and I desperately need to know book 4 is a real thing; when can I get my grubby mits on it? And pats on the back for Dear Enemy, adored it ❤️"} {"idx": 30613, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250879528144166912", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 30615, "original_id": "1251073273003233280", "reply_id": "1251104740177559552", "label": "facepalm", "text": "That moment when you finish handwriting a difficult section of your manuscript only to stand up and spill your coffee, which blurs the ink. 🤦🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 30617, "original_id": "1251230670564843527", "reply_id": "1251235522699243522", "label": "dance", "text": "Smoked some wet and is now confused. \n#OmahaScanner"} {"idx": 30618, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251257627365060615", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 30620, "original_id": "1251200299739553797", "reply_id": "1251223521205911560", "label": "wink", "text": "i just wanna make money with the same gang🌫🌫"} {"idx": 30622, "original_id": "1250930164118274051", "reply_id": "1250936025842692097", "label": "applause", "text": "Women have higher standards than men, because men are better than women.\n\nIf men had women's standards, we'd go extinct - because so few would make the cut.\n\nMight sound harsh, but where is the lie?"} {"idx": 30623, "original_id": "1251121867324370944", "reply_id": "1251123328854700034", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just need DaBaby to whisper a few sweet nothings in my ear so I can just get one good one off whewww"} {"idx": 30624, "original_id": "1251144664553369600", "reply_id": "1251145273457270784", "label": "seriously", "text": "Lions GM Bob Quinn says the NFL is holding a \"mock draft, mock trial run\" Monday so teams can practice with their virtual draft setups. From what I've been told, I wouldn't expect teams to be naming actual 2020 draft prospects during that exercise. No one wants to tip their hand."} {"idx": 30626, "original_id": "1251176697963188225", "reply_id": "1251177261459402753", "label": "smh", "text": "#poll Would you give two years of your life to see what the top of Ray Lewis' head looks like?"} {"idx": 30628, "original_id": "1250905612864684033", "reply_id": "1250906336302415872", "label": "hug", "text": "For some reason.\n...\nI do need a hug"} {"idx": 30634, "original_id": "1251045051523833859", "reply_id": "1251045747086315520", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I am a catfish"} {"idx": 30635, "original_id": "1251004242082529281", "reply_id": "1251026214728298497", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "So... how is everyone’s sleep schedule ??"} {"idx": 30636, "original_id": "1250862399214833664", "reply_id": "1250862988728426496", "label": "yes", "text": "Roo and friends sounds so cute 🥰🥰 I’m so hyped for this i hope it makes it past it’s first episode"} {"idx": 30638, "original_id": "1250789811704655872", "reply_id": "1251101770736173058", "label": "wink", "text": "happy national horny day to my luna after dark homies! wrap it up folks :)"} {"idx": 30639, "original_id": "1251048289757130752", "reply_id": "1251050603146428416", "label": "ok", "text": "If you like mushrooms, I don’t trust you"} {"idx": 30641, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251246334360858624", "label": "agree", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 30643, "original_id": "1250919877046501377", "reply_id": "1250921731637813250", "label": "applause", "text": "Creeper: Are you single?\n\nMe: I am married to Twitch chat.\n\nCreeper: Why do you pretend to be single? Your personal Facebook says \"In a relationship\"! Liar.\n\nMe: Ive noticed it helps keep people who use the internet to find my relationship status out of my DMs. People like you."} {"idx": 30645, "original_id": "1251170478699319301", "reply_id": "1251171999470063619", "label": "agree", "text": "& HATING someone is such a Big Thing !\nI Do Not Hate anyone here!\n\nSometimes we can also differ in our opinions tht doesn’t make us Hating only!\n\nI respect everyone who associate with Sana that’s y i avoid many things too\nBcos Love for Her is more than anythng else!\n#Shehnaazians"} {"idx": 30646, "original_id": "1250731533180207104", "reply_id": "1250844120538509312", "label": "shocked", "text": "tell me “ride mE” !!"} {"idx": 30648, "original_id": "1250861065971343360", "reply_id": "1250974778544001025", "label": "agree", "text": "if you don't have me muted answer this twt"} {"idx": 30651, "original_id": "1251252777227112449", "reply_id": "1251255242332811264", "label": "omg", "text": "Kelly Rowland just needs to do health and fitness ads until Beyoncé decides she’s ready for the Destiny’s Child reunion tour. Enough is enough."} {"idx": 30652, "original_id": "1063415063393042432", "reply_id": "1250892570088968192", "label": "agree", "text": "Let’s remember to show a little kindness toward each other. Everyone is going through something - everyone. Soften your heart a bit...maybe bite your tongue...say a prayer for others. Gentleness is an under-rated strength."} {"idx": 30653, "original_id": "1250827636068188161", "reply_id": "1250946722760622081", "label": "scared", "text": "Everyone getting furloughed 😢 I’m sad"} {"idx": 30654, "original_id": "1250912102350495749", "reply_id": "1250912480504750080", "label": "oops", "text": "WHO THE FUCKKK DO YOU THINK I AMM ???"} {"idx": 30657, "original_id": "1251192102177906689", "reply_id": "1251202184844369920", "label": "applause", "text": "News flash for @GovWhitmer your ban on non-essential advertising means nothing to agencies like mine. We are a national firm and you have ZERO control of us."} {"idx": 30658, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251231179644309505", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 30659, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1251034812355424261", "label": "smh", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 30661, "original_id": "1251215858522873863", "reply_id": "1251234583020003336", "label": "agree", "text": "Am I wrong?\nYou’re going to look at me and tell me that I’m WRONG?!?"} {"idx": 30665, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251019406471163905", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30669, "original_id": "1251167532494528512", "reply_id": "1251179185349038082", "label": "omg", "text": "Imagine if Jerry Jeudy was on the board for the #Cowboys at No. 17 and they picked Kenneth Murray instead.... \n\nlol"} {"idx": 30670, "original_id": "1250893913663160321", "reply_id": "1250991187135168514", "label": "hug", "text": "What’s one plausible, reasonably small thing that would make you happy right now? One thing. Don’t be gross."} {"idx": 30671, "original_id": "1250849297974910977", "reply_id": "1250955049859198983", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "China’s actions are criminal. The Coronavirus outbreak came from a lab in Wuhan China and the communist government covered it up. That’s unforgiveable. In the Senate, I’ll introduce and fight to pass the Bring Our Manufacturing Home from China Act."} {"idx": 30672, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251116715372511235", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30674, "original_id": "1250810881681883137", "reply_id": "1250890004714397697", "label": "applause", "text": "I told my wife that 3D printing \"was whittling for the 21st century.\"\n\nShe walked out of the room without saying anything, shaking her head.\n\nHow's your quarantine going?"} {"idx": 30675, "original_id": "1251036382421594112", "reply_id": "1251076184844181504", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I just feel like we should cancel Thanos."} {"idx": 30677, "original_id": "1250939110770053122", "reply_id": "1251033687321436160", "label": "applause", "text": "IM FUCKING DONE SCHOOL. \n\nI don’t even care I’m not getting a cap & gown. After being kicked out twice this is huge lol. BIG WIN. \n\nBusiness major deh bout"} {"idx": 30682, "original_id": "1251209597689278464", "reply_id": "1251253068592807936", "label": "no", "text": "Someone needs to mask & glove DJT up & take him into a NYC hospital to SEE the patients on respirators & ventilators, look at the tired, harried eyes of the health workers over their masks...do you think it would make him feel anything even close to compassion?\n@realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 30687, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250946114460749826", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 30689, "original_id": "1251169885721264128", "reply_id": "1251170238231543808", "label": "applause", "text": "My Q&A from home is going live today on my YouTube channel. I hope you love it."} {"idx": 30690, "original_id": "1251150403409862664", "reply_id": "1251211352577847296", "label": "high_five", "text": "IT'S TIME FOR A #WriterLift \n\nYou need to build your author platform, so join this weekly lift. let's help writers below 10000 followers. If you're over, please join us. Say hi, follow and we'll all follow you back. Retweet to spread the love🤯\n#WritingCommunity #amwriting"} {"idx": 30691, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1251052943517847552", "label": "good_luck", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 30692, "original_id": "1250840683293769728", "reply_id": "1250842419526086656", "label": "yes", "text": "Grier said that one of Flo's greatest strengths is his ability to look into and prepare for the future. Says that has been very beneficial to the team in this unique offseason."} {"idx": 30695, "original_id": "1250941286149955586", "reply_id": "1251096557568565251", "label": "eww", "text": "I know Jeanne and I have been at home a little too long when we are watching Frozen II. And the grandkids ARE NOT HERE!"} {"idx": 30698, "original_id": "1251190857493069825", "reply_id": "1251265853435203586", "label": "hug", "text": "eric so lonely\neric sad"} {"idx": 30699, "original_id": "1251057361336270848", "reply_id": "1251075497758515202", "label": "yes", "text": "Lockdown has really made me realize what is actually important in life 🖤"} {"idx": 30702, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251209015096467457", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 30712, "original_id": "1250535873541574656", "reply_id": "1250862006124654602", "label": "high_five", "text": "Last month was the first March without a school shooting in the United States since 2002. It took all schools to be closed and everyone forced to be inside because of a pandemic, but we finally did it."} {"idx": 30714, "original_id": "1251165527063572480", "reply_id": "1251171198416957443", "label": "ok", "text": "Cold (NSFW)\n*Roman pins Virgil's wrists beside his head as he kisses everywhere on his face*\n\n*Virgil flushes as Roman pulls back to admire his body*\n\nRoman: *kisses his chest* I wanna kiss every one of your freckles~\n\nVirgil: Well... I want a dollar for every one of my freckles."} {"idx": 30715, "original_id": "1251027730147225606", "reply_id": "1251028125464629249", "label": "win", "text": "Officially 37 weeks which is full term for twins! One more week until I can finally get induced 🥳"} {"idx": 30717, "original_id": "1250949956975890432", "reply_id": "1250952874697166850", "label": "sigh", "text": "Absolutely disgusting.\n\nA well known Trump supporter and Turning Point USA staffer, @ALX has been permanently banned from Twitter.\n\nThis is big tech censorship.\n\nWe MUST stand up against this!\n\nRT to tell Twitter to unsuspend @AlX!"} {"idx": 30718, "original_id": "1251241586807242754", "reply_id": "1251248067392737283", "label": "no", "text": "UNC will be competing for a CFB playoff spot"} {"idx": 30720, "original_id": "1251140516294660097", "reply_id": "1251142451471015936", "label": "yes", "text": "I scratch my head when a troll says @nodqdotcom hasn't been relevant in 15 years. Interesting since @aaronrift is still making a living running it as his full time job with no boss to report to other than himself."} {"idx": 30722, "original_id": "1251202635224539136", "reply_id": "1251211526729498628", "label": "smh", "text": "One plan is for #PL players to initially work in pairs for an hour at the training ground after changing in their cars to minimise contact. Clubs are set to have three weeks from the Government go-ahead to train, to playing matches behind closed doors.\n\n[@TeleFootball]"} {"idx": 30724, "original_id": "1250937548500762634", "reply_id": "1250943493503057922", "label": "thank_you", "text": "New Arena merge video coming out later. Found an all cars unbricked method!"} {"idx": 30726, "original_id": "1251054144284065794", "reply_id": "1251121288476676096", "label": "applause", "text": "Today’s announcements by @RBI will greatly enhance liquidity and improve credit supply. These steps would help our small businesses, MSMEs, farmers and the poor. It will also help all states by increasing WMA limits."} {"idx": 30727, "original_id": "1251173268314185728", "reply_id": "1251201821676310529", "label": "agree", "text": "Donald Trump is responsible for extending the lockdown and keeping the economy closed because of his failure to come up with a plan for more testing."} {"idx": 30730, "original_id": "1250764728680374276", "reply_id": "1250984886426644483", "label": "no", "text": "do we love fortnite?"} {"idx": 30731, "original_id": "1251186219251388417", "reply_id": "1251188277027188738", "label": "yawn", "text": "$INO “Hurry up and buy” - I’ll settle for some Lorna doone biscuits, fig newtowns, and a good sized servicing of whatever hopium pill is being passed around here"} {"idx": 30732, "original_id": "1250970169200873472", "reply_id": "1250970743527092224", "label": "agree", "text": "My sense of humor is kind of like mayonnaise because if you don’t like it, you’re wrong."} {"idx": 30733, "original_id": "1250951499804553217", "reply_id": "1250979305032728576", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Speaking with @seanhannity on Fox News Channel in just a few minutes.\n\nTune in!"} {"idx": 30734, "original_id": "1251131305569464320", "reply_id": "1251137384239919104", "label": "hug", "text": "emotionally and mentally exhausted haha pengeng akap naman"} {"idx": 30737, "original_id": "1251004946746503169", "reply_id": "1251012441216921602", "label": "hearts", "text": "Thank y’all I love y’all ❤️✨"} {"idx": 30739, "original_id": "1250927283759693824", "reply_id": "1251128152707010562", "label": "eww", "text": "The men with no chests"} {"idx": 30740, "original_id": "1251000938686492673", "reply_id": "1251002602235457537", "label": "seriously", "text": "taking a cute pic is nice but we all know it means nothing if that one person doesn’t like it"} {"idx": 30741, "original_id": "1251056535373058049", "reply_id": "1251064885632327680", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Over the last few months, I've gotten to where I watch a tutorial to learn how to get started. Once I get started, I go out and read documentation on how to build, and even add on to the tutorials. I've come far, and I'm proud of myself 😊 #100DaysOfCode"} {"idx": 30742, "original_id": "1251179398415474688", "reply_id": "1251195559173652481", "label": "idk", "text": "Happy #BatAppreciationDay Please post pics of your most favorite bats and why we love them. #FridayThoughts"} {"idx": 30743, "original_id": "1251108787617959938", "reply_id": "1251130265625399297", "label": "agree", "text": "Today on FOX we are going to hear from Dr. House, Dr. Doogie Howser, Dr. Pepper, and a MAGA who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express on their thoughts of COVID-19 and why we should reopen the country."} {"idx": 30746, "original_id": "1250481135412482049", "reply_id": "1250946188594929665", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Elizabeth Warren came out and endorsed Joe Biden. Your reaction?"} {"idx": 30747, "original_id": "1250446369665347584", "reply_id": "1250896995625074688", "label": "want", "text": "J.J. Watt on @FallonTonight: \"#Steelers fans are crazy. Steelers fans have been in my Twitter mentions, they've been on my Instagram page, they've been creating these mockups like 'come join us, come join us.' And I'm like, I don't know if you understand how this works.\" @JJWatt"} {"idx": 30749, "original_id": "1250906138222235657", "reply_id": "1250974203001651201", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@jomalleydillon Beto is the only right choice for VP. Biden does not need Kampala to win CA nor does he need Elizabeth to win Massachusetts. Texas can turn blue in November with a rigorous campaign from Beto. We do not need a woman on the ticket and yes I am a black woman."} {"idx": 30754, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228599878848512", "label": "applause", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 30755, "original_id": "1250960495793881090", "reply_id": "1250961402648551426", "label": "hug", "text": "Well.. my day was ruined.. not how I actually planned that to happen tho..🥺"} {"idx": 30758, "original_id": "1250870333663395840", "reply_id": "1250870577168093185", "label": "no", "text": "The next time I hear the word “boomer” I’m gonna bugs bunny someone’s mother till they pass away."} {"idx": 30761, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251243678087045121", "label": "agree", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 30762, "original_id": "1250578173663735810", "reply_id": "1250843765377388544", "label": "omg", "text": "Hey @david_perell and @mkobach. \nI’m watching you guys live. \n\nI love the way you think. \n\nI need your help to expand my Twitter experience. \n\nOne on one private tutorial?"} {"idx": 30763, "original_id": "1251200238188146688", "reply_id": "1251209599815831552", "label": "yes", "text": "My Sandz is such a hoe. 🥴"} {"idx": 30765, "original_id": "1250915018733912064", "reply_id": "1250922707912458241", "label": "yes", "text": "According to NBC News, President Trump invited ALL BUT ONE Republican Senator to be on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group... Guess who? Mitt Romney. 🤣"} {"idx": 30767, "original_id": "1251237163733323776", "reply_id": "1251237653871120384", "label": "wink", "text": "Does anybody know where to find any hand sanitizer? I mean. ANY. FFS."} {"idx": 30769, "original_id": "1251097027078959105", "reply_id": "1251223603623923714", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I really hope @Oprah speaks about the dangerous statements by @DrPhil and @DrOz WE need her voice."} {"idx": 30770, "original_id": "1251127146711416835", "reply_id": "1251131220425011200", "label": "hug", "text": "The game stressed the hell out of me. Someone hug me!"} {"idx": 30771, "original_id": "1251231334716116993", "reply_id": "1251234805238435846", "label": "yes", "text": "Big Friday plans? Yeah me neither. Tonight #ParkersTrail at 8, Dave Turin at 9 and a home edition of #TheDirt at 10. @Discovery"} {"idx": 30773, "original_id": "1250997427651465217", "reply_id": "1251001483421609985", "label": "hug", "text": "Going to be a tough day."} {"idx": 30777, "original_id": "1250947942720176137", "reply_id": "1250976598939119623", "label": "yes", "text": "Fun unknown fact about my husband, he loves Disney songs. Has known every single song on the #DisneyFamilySingalong and is singing loudly to every one!"} {"idx": 30778, "original_id": "1250818104596152320", "reply_id": "1250836522368040961", "label": "smh", "text": "O’Brien starts his call by making a point to say that having the best team possible doesn’t mean having some of the best players, but layers and layers of players. Studying teams that win they are convinced that you need layers and layers of good players in your building."} {"idx": 30781, "original_id": "1251210904227774464", "reply_id": "1251211464498700290", "label": "agree", "text": "#FF 4-17 #OnePride @AdinaRainbird @archambeaum3 @klsmd12 (2300) @LMorgue @GeneCol91775286 @ChimRitchels @Diggydirt70 @4Lawson4 @SwissLionsFan @EnglishLionsFan As always #IgnoreTheNoise and #Believe!"} {"idx": 30783, "original_id": "1250981659626876932", "reply_id": "1250982291763007489", "label": "idk", "text": "How many ‘likes’ equal a personality? 😁"} {"idx": 30786, "original_id": "1250926044078579713", "reply_id": "1250939989413822466", "label": "no", "text": "Mmm do y’all think it’s a great idea for Trump to open America back up on May 1st? 🥴"} {"idx": 30789, "original_id": "1251141990168907776", "reply_id": "1251190612847669248", "label": "hug", "text": "Yesterday they announced that schools here won't open before May 11. And for my kids probably even later.\n\nThat means another month of no RP.\n\nI'm starting to go insane...."} {"idx": 30790, "original_id": "1251217322657775616", "reply_id": "1251219560977571848", "label": "win", "text": "Scored Angel Soft!! Good day !!"} {"idx": 30794, "original_id": "1250870866675720197", "reply_id": "1250872133573586946", "label": "seriously", "text": "Using a GIF, how do you respond when you receive an email where the body is blank and the information in the subject line does not provide details as to why the email was sent to you?"} {"idx": 30795, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250950242532388864", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 30797, "original_id": "1251249569016565762", "reply_id": "1251265964894818304", "label": "agree", "text": "Abs are great, but have you tried cake ?"} {"idx": 30799, "original_id": "1251156849669206017", "reply_id": "1251157582783238144", "label": "smh", "text": "That nightmare when you're pushing your cart through the grocery store and the other shoppers are staring at you. \nYou look down and you're fully clothed, but you FEEL naked because you're not wearing a mask.\nYeah. That just happened.\n#itwasanunplannedtrip #Ihadrubbergloveson"} {"idx": 30801, "original_id": "1250825972590366721", "reply_id": "1250867696792670208", "label": "no", "text": "Got what it takes to be the ONe? 🎮\n\n@anorthesports is giving YOU the chance to become the next #VWFC @eMLS athlete."} {"idx": 30802, "original_id": "1250861453843759105", "reply_id": "1250861783981740035", "label": "awww", "text": "I love you more than everything in this world"} {"idx": 30803, "original_id": "1250984738413703170", "reply_id": "1251037869143023621", "label": "applause", "text": "I just watched this white dude on Dr. Phil say he aint racist cuz he has a colored television.... lol whaaaaaat!!!? 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 30805, "original_id": "1250837752016502790", "reply_id": "1250838073019109376", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I post unused illustrations on patreon?"} {"idx": 30807, "original_id": "1250806545438461953", "reply_id": "1250991921813549056", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "One thing is certain about the WHO. We won’t get fooled again."} {"idx": 30808, "original_id": "1250805210097696768", "reply_id": "1251078425390968833", "label": "sigh", "text": "My 16 yr old said a long time ago China created this COVID-19 virus to take out some of their population because they are overpopulated I think he might be right and then it just got out of hand & they couldn’t control it"} {"idx": 30812, "original_id": "1251234317889495042", "reply_id": "1251245043383484424", "label": "applause", "text": "LIBERATE THE WHITE HOUSE!"} {"idx": 30813, "original_id": "1251085313306320896", "reply_id": "1251185541208514560", "label": "eww", "text": "Ew you niggas are so ugly 🤮"} {"idx": 30816, "original_id": "1250906552560750594", "reply_id": "1250908434637168640", "label": "eww", "text": "i love guacamole so much"} {"idx": 30817, "original_id": "1249645022540107777", "reply_id": "1251246827267141634", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "James Dean Bradfield has been stealing dead birds from my Fridge. \nI wasn't going to say anything but if I tolerate this then my Chilled wrens will be next."} {"idx": 30818, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250881904175439873", "label": "ok", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 30820, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251115985001562114", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30821, "original_id": "1251163266568425482", "reply_id": "1251218768052867074", "label": "omg", "text": "Imagine laughing with yo bae wen romancing then boom yo nose blows a balloon 😂 😂 😂 😂..."} {"idx": 30822, "original_id": "1251226542350483457", "reply_id": "1251247621961732096", "label": "agree", "text": "Hello it's my first post what's up"} {"idx": 30824, "original_id": "1250813241485340672", "reply_id": "1250840197736079363", "label": "applause", "text": "Boy I feel like today I go fuck up a KFC yk 🤔🤔"} {"idx": 30826, "original_id": "1250246056421572621", "reply_id": "1250888938547482630", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Lol I am so burnt out that I already cried about having to go to work tomorrow. I hate telemedicine and everything it is doing to our practice."} {"idx": 30827, "original_id": "1251236666225733633", "reply_id": "1251237573025910790", "label": "applause", "text": "Bruh unemployment just paid me $1400 this week wtf"} {"idx": 30831, "original_id": "1250878908075040769", "reply_id": "1250897419509927936", "label": "ok", "text": "Denzel Mims confirms on @SportsRadioWIP that he had a broken hand during his time at Baylor. Says playing with it was hard but he didn’t want to let his team down. (Would explain his issue with drops) #Eagles"} {"idx": 30833, "original_id": "1250972758739234823", "reply_id": "1250974555310563329", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Due to COVID-19 I've officially extended my summer body to 2021😬"} {"idx": 30834, "original_id": "1250862058071097344", "reply_id": "1250880865770618883", "label": "applause", "text": "If you hate Sheff United clap your hands 👏"} {"idx": 30835, "original_id": "1251144417953460225", "reply_id": "1251167573904887808", "label": "dance", "text": "Vibe with me @itshamz"} {"idx": 30839, "original_id": "1250855624470155271", "reply_id": "1251010336867659776", "label": "applause", "text": "Raise your hand if you think it's time to reopen America. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 30843, "original_id": "1250881315206881280", "reply_id": "1250905117047640064", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I has virtual hug please 🥺"} {"idx": 30844, "original_id": "1251181842276864000", "reply_id": "1251182492062638080", "label": "ok", "text": "You can sing the whole \"aafreen aafreen \" in my praise and i still won't buy any of it . I trust my self doubts more than people !"} {"idx": 30845, "original_id": "1251187780870238212", "reply_id": "1251210530649505792", "label": "hug", "text": "Thanks to everyone who has been asking about my dad. Quick update: he is still in the hospital, they can’t find the source of his infection but think it’s still in the heart. At this point, we are most likely looking at open heart surgery. Should know for sure in 2 or 3 days. ❤️"} {"idx": 30846, "original_id": "1251215738502819841", "reply_id": "1251223765922570241", "label": "shocked", "text": "Am I the only one who warms cake up in the microwave before eating it?"} {"idx": 30847, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250894138993774592", "label": "scared", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 30852, "original_id": "1251131022818844672", "reply_id": "1251202729017511936", "label": "want", "text": "Happy Friday #WritingCommunity \nlet’s do a #WriterLift & support each other.\n\nIf you have fewer than 10k followers:\n- leave a comment/gif\n- follow everyone who likes your response. \n- Please follow back (so long as their content doesn’t upset you)\n\nLike and RT to spread the word."} {"idx": 30853, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1251161292150157314", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 30855, "original_id": "1250805211079282688", "reply_id": "1250841918109515776", "label": "scared", "text": "Describe 2020 in one word."} {"idx": 30857, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251027251002392576", "label": "scared", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30859, "original_id": "1250768998553186304", "reply_id": "1250914466033696768", "label": "applause", "text": "If you can read this tweet it means you no be just fan you are more like a friend I haven’t met !!! Drop your name and where you from ?"} {"idx": 30861, "original_id": "1250800031420088320", "reply_id": "1250832459622580225", "label": "applause", "text": "I spent my $1200 on those Jordache jeans that make my dick look big. 🤷🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 30862, "original_id": "1251064430537908225", "reply_id": "1251066581259558914", "label": "idk", "text": "Morning! How are you all?"} {"idx": 30863, "original_id": "1250826240296202241", "reply_id": "1251120570776932355", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "How much would you pay to watch Steve Mnuchin try to live off $1,200 for 10 weeks?"} {"idx": 30869, "original_id": "1250847884121120774", "reply_id": "1250848395318702086", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "36 points right now, please dont choke Jaymon."} {"idx": 30872, "original_id": "1250875780294496257", "reply_id": "1250886717185261568", "label": "smh", "text": "“The president of the United States calls the shots,” Trump said April 13.\n\n“You’re going to call your own shots,” Trump told governors today."} {"idx": 30874, "original_id": "1251083229605572608", "reply_id": "1251086318920032258", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Position open for someone to sing for/to me.\nDon't ask why or what...doesn't matter. If you have my number, send me a song you're singing. Thank you."} {"idx": 30877, "original_id": "1250891900011364360", "reply_id": "1251159420458856455", "label": "good_luck", "text": "If Mnuchin told you personally that you can survive 10 weeks on $1200 stimulus checks, what would you reply?😠"} {"idx": 30878, "original_id": "1251259765428191233", "reply_id": "1251260644831232005", "label": "no", "text": "Do I shave my head 🤔"} {"idx": 30879, "original_id": "1250831499814817794", "reply_id": "1250980520877416448", "label": "omg", "text": "Why is it that everytime after a run I have MASSIVE bowel movement"} {"idx": 30880, "original_id": "1251210675478843393", "reply_id": "1251264715080314880", "label": "applause", "text": "As a virginian, i hereby exercise the powers of the 10th amendment and liberate america from the treason of @realdonaldtrump .\nDonald, you're relieved of all powers of the presidency. You are hereby charged with treason. @SecretService is hereby ordered to place you under arrest"} {"idx": 30881, "original_id": "1250787268190588929", "reply_id": "1250843876182515712", "label": "sigh", "text": "Very sad to see football players practicing on school facility football fields in mass-with coaches or not why are the facilities not just closed up-just makes you wonder if this is being either encouraged or looked over knowing the players will do this-sort of a WINk WINk thing"} {"idx": 30882, "original_id": "1250879740157796354", "reply_id": "1251180148138954752", "label": "agree", "text": "Absolutely the right move by New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern and her government ministers to take a 20% pay cut and share the pain with fellow Kiwis. Maybe British MPs should follow her lead!"} {"idx": 30883, "original_id": "1251015655391760384", "reply_id": "1251015944974897153", "label": "shocked", "text": "a member of the MB is proposing for pupillage period to be extended ;,) i dont know how to feel about this."} {"idx": 30884, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251254613816365056", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 30889, "original_id": "1251234690637455361", "reply_id": "1251237232935133184", "label": "omg", "text": "I caved.\nHi FF7R (and five other games that were on sale. I'm the worst adult)"} {"idx": 30892, "original_id": "1251188719962353670", "reply_id": "1251191653907542017", "label": "wink", "text": "Happy Friyay! What are you doing this weekend? (Please respond with gifs)"} {"idx": 30895, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251092382210068481", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 30900, "original_id": "1250734799859453955", "reply_id": "1251031533458280451", "label": "applause", "text": "Marks and Spencer was founded 100 years ago today. Many happy returns!"} {"idx": 30903, "original_id": "1250916592571072512", "reply_id": "1251200129727684612", "label": "applause", "text": "Thanks to @realDonaldTrump’s handling of this pandemic we now have the strongest possible infrastructure in place in case of a bioweapon attack. Tests, mobile hospitals, medical products and treatments, all made in America by Americans. Well done sir 29D chess #PressBriefing"} {"idx": 30904, "original_id": "1250991520989274115", "reply_id": "1250991634277380096", "label": "applause", "text": "when i was high for the first time off dabs it felt like i kept breaking through ceilings and everytime i broke through i’d be a little less high..\n\nnot my brightest moment"} {"idx": 30905, "original_id": "1250868399476858881", "reply_id": "1250871523029798912", "label": "no", "text": "there are a bunch of comments on our newest video telling me its pronounced mocha not matcha as i'm mixing a bright green powder into a bowl lmao the internet is really something else"} {"idx": 30910, "original_id": "1250610128061112320", "reply_id": "1250873222687608834", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Want to make the pandemic end? Postpone the elections until 2024. Over this week."} {"idx": 30912, "original_id": "1251117942672064512", "reply_id": "1251120566620360707", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm gonna use quarantine to build ma booty 💃🏾"} {"idx": 30913, "original_id": "1250871598204190721", "reply_id": "1250875028230615040", "label": "want", "text": "pirates of the carolingian"} {"idx": 30919, "original_id": "1249771232393863175", "reply_id": "1251260708391718921", "label": "smh", "text": "Everybody saying the new Kobe card is ass :("} {"idx": 30922, "original_id": "1251200432900317184", "reply_id": "1251205324867989504", "label": "sorry", "text": "Right in a row on my TL right now: \n\nSDCC canceled. \n\nShakespeare in the Park canceled. Beaches in Jacksonville re-opened.\n\nThis isn't going to end well."} {"idx": 30923, "original_id": "1250915804922761216", "reply_id": "1250915961466732548", "label": "shocked", "text": "@iamakyrap you saw Roddy prolly have a baby?"} {"idx": 30925, "original_id": "1251165889556180992", "reply_id": "1251170366065688576", "label": "no", "text": "If it was possible, would you go to a venue that enables you to watch a live sporting event in/from the comfort and safety of your car? Basically “drive-in sports.”"} {"idx": 30927, "original_id": "1251254635379273729", "reply_id": "1251255435149160449", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I walk out of work and a guy is driving down the road with his middle finger out the window screaming \"FUCK EVERYBODY\" 10 times at least"} {"idx": 30929, "original_id": "1251241708899250178", "reply_id": "1251247259804504064", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Ernie from online here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 30932, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250846132772708359", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 30936, "original_id": "1250908158882537472", "reply_id": "1250909384424648705", "label": "idk", "text": "Soph, my 16 y/o has made some fantastic dishes, but she's also had some flubs, like today. A quesadilla with cheese, jalapenos, tomatoes, and raw green beans...??? Sounds delicious 🤮"} {"idx": 30937, "original_id": "1251024035519041536", "reply_id": "1251025629614653440", "label": "eww", "text": "I deserve some dick rn"} {"idx": 30940, "original_id": "1251152923456765955", "reply_id": "1251153589122158592", "label": "omg", "text": "@KySportsRadio Minardi Hall is the Fort Knox of Boob, Sock, and Underwear money"} {"idx": 30944, "original_id": "1250850530211045378", "reply_id": "1250850822289854467", "label": "eww", "text": "My goatee is better than your goatee."} {"idx": 30946, "original_id": "1251214873696112644", "reply_id": "1251216079986274308", "label": "agree", "text": "Ncumisa is flipping the script 😂😂😂#SengKhathele"} {"idx": 30950, "original_id": "1251226967908716545", "reply_id": "1251227833059475463", "label": "eww", "text": "I got worms.......that’s what we’re gonna call it!"} {"idx": 30951, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864958306320386", "label": "do_not_want", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 30953, "original_id": "1250950144444338176", "reply_id": "1250951045095645184", "label": "hug", "text": "Tough one today. Sigh. Inhala. Exhala."} {"idx": 30954, "original_id": "1250994804697083904", "reply_id": "1251008186049540096", "label": "awww", "text": "Everyone I follow is a slut."} {"idx": 30956, "original_id": "1250909145563312130", "reply_id": "1250910570955468800", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump is listing all the things he says his administration has done successfully to deal with the virus."} {"idx": 30957, "original_id": "1251105780788531200", "reply_id": "1251110426668081152", "label": "shrug", "text": "Good morning. How are you?"} {"idx": 30959, "original_id": "1251049513361408000", "reply_id": "1251158372977537027", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone else up listening to Neil Diamond and binge-eating Hershey’s Kisses?"} {"idx": 30961, "original_id": "1250887731154235395", "reply_id": "1250888355476365313", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I just sold all my John Lennon merchandise on eBay.... Imagine all the PayPal"} {"idx": 30964, "original_id": "1251220207290290176", "reply_id": "1251226923146997760", "label": "dance", "text": "OMG for the first time in forever I have the house to myself!! @VincentRule at Costco and @StricklandJess taking @PupStrickland for vet appointment. So it's just me. What should I do with this freedom?!"} {"idx": 30967, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250942221701935105", "label": "popcorn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 30970, "original_id": "1251199301272961026", "reply_id": "1251200458452013058", "label": "eww", "text": "Single use products are now multi-use.\n\nLuckily there isn't an international condom shortage. 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮"} {"idx": 30972, "original_id": "1250820350176362497", "reply_id": "1250845130665254913", "label": "eww", "text": "I’m in the car, just turned on Rush Limbaugh, here’s a synopsis of what I heard:\n\n“Ok, this has gotta stop. This shutdown can’t continue. It doesn’t matter how many people die. 22 million people are unemployed. Enough! People have always died. We’ll adapt.”\n\nAnd millions nodded."} {"idx": 30973, "original_id": "1250985375926902784", "reply_id": "1251007825829978112", "label": "agree", "text": "Was there supposed to be a Cyborg nightmare scene in JL?!?"} {"idx": 30974, "original_id": "1251022593685098496", "reply_id": "1251027613646237697", "label": "hearts", "text": "can’t keep living like this i don’t have the strength to go on"} {"idx": 30975, "original_id": "1250839891539374080", "reply_id": "1250842488828502016", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ll give $100 to a random person who retweets this tweet + within the next 24 Hours.\n\nMust Be Following Myself & @iFlashDesigns"} {"idx": 30983, "original_id": "1250851159973249027", "reply_id": "1250851968349806592", "label": "no", "text": "I might be a bit sensitive about my personal life #INFJ"} {"idx": 30984, "original_id": "1250978148705021953", "reply_id": "1250983530445836289", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm so miserable that its funny at this point, i just laugh at myself most of the time 😂🙂"} {"idx": 30988, "original_id": "1250610843579891712", "reply_id": "1250864029091926024", "label": "agree", "text": "I think we all deserve a Stevie Nicks biopic during this quarantine."} {"idx": 30989, "original_id": "1250990745848287233", "reply_id": "1251212859008258051", "label": "applause", "text": "If I ever get back into a steakhouse, I'm ordering the turf ‘n’ turf. It’s a 16-ounce T-bone and a 24-ounce porterhouse."} {"idx": 30990, "original_id": "1251036470648979456", "reply_id": "1251092710460710913", "label": "hug", "text": "A MAGAt just talked to me and I need a hug but nobody can touch me. 2020 sucks."} {"idx": 30991, "original_id": "1250648412376035332", "reply_id": "1250902104971116544", "label": "seriously", "text": "Stealing sauce is at a all time high \nHIDE YOUR DRIP !!!!!! 🤦‍♂️"} {"idx": 30995, "original_id": "1250846710517153792", "reply_id": "1250852684413849600", "label": "shocked", "text": "The current LTCBTC ratio is 0.00602663\n\nLitecoin is an oscillator to bitcoin & next peak cycle we expect the LTCBTC ratio to peak around .025\n\nAt today's bitcoin price we expect litecoin's price to be: \n\n$70 at .010\n$105 at .015\n$140 at .020\n$175 at .025\n\n$437 at .0625 max"} {"idx": 30996, "original_id": "1251162335118413827", "reply_id": "1251163142387757057", "label": "hug", "text": "i need hugs"} {"idx": 30997, "original_id": "1250843771534749700", "reply_id": "1250905885746094080", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Have you thought about getting over yourself?"} {"idx": 30998, "original_id": "1250930565987082240", "reply_id": "1250975325414187008", "label": "yes", "text": "Can you accept stolen good knowing that they’re stolen?"} {"idx": 30999, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250942602733649928", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 31001, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1251094237887598592", "label": "thank_you", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 31002, "original_id": "1250897095827079170", "reply_id": "1250910226225729536", "label": "smh", "text": "Every day no bs I’ll look at the time and NEVER fails it’ll say 4:20 best believe imma go light that shit up rn"} {"idx": 31003, "original_id": "1250988908248064002", "reply_id": "1250991143405277185", "label": "smh", "text": "haha , i forgot my twitter password 😔✌🏽"} {"idx": 31004, "original_id": "1250888307736797192", "reply_id": "1250927575502712833", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m ready to love somebody like YOU."} {"idx": 31005, "original_id": "1251203054969532422", "reply_id": "1251207486612389888", "label": "agree", "text": "#BorisJohnson\n\nCall me a cynic but who bets that Boris Johnson will wait till the death toll starts to fall before he dares to show his face?"} {"idx": 31007, "original_id": "1250951718063529984", "reply_id": "1250955247310209027", "label": "applause", "text": "I PASSED!! I PASSED!!! Tonight I received my scores from edTPA, one of the hardest obstacles I’ve had to face throughout the education program and I can officially say I am a CERTIFIED TEACHER!!! WAHOOOO!!!! 👩🏼‍🏫❤️🥳"} {"idx": 31008, "original_id": "1249741164028166147", "reply_id": "1251028983065567232", "label": "good_luck", "text": "President @EmmanuelMacron — last year you showed your leadership in the fight against pandemics. We need you to support the global fight against #COVID19 through the @UN, @CEPIvaccines & @Gavi. We’re all in this together as #GlobalCitizens."} {"idx": 31013, "original_id": "1250954351725641731", "reply_id": "1251052719995002881", "label": "want", "text": "FLASH LIFETIME GIVEAWAY \n\nOne random comment will win a lifetime key 🔑 \n(Current members eligible) \n\nYou have 15 minutes! GO!!! 🚨"} {"idx": 31017, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251045939671785473", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 31019, "original_id": "1251205989522694144", "reply_id": "1251207503800684546", "label": "awww", "text": "I just realized the skinnier I am the bigger my teeth look..sheltered observations"} {"idx": 31020, "original_id": "1250825813198614528", "reply_id": "1250851093673922561", "label": "seriously", "text": "The first spider-man movies are so much scarier than the newer ones. Shit had me afraid of James Franco for a hot minute."} {"idx": 31021, "original_id": "1251240070977331205", "reply_id": "1251240806146625538", "label": "applause", "text": "six feet apart becomes a really creepy song if you change the lyric “when you’re right outside my window” to “when I’m right outside your window” \n\nsomebody just pointed that out to me ... 😮"} {"idx": 31026, "original_id": "1251213621532733441", "reply_id": "1251220934884831232", "label": "no", "text": "Anybody else feel like the weeks are getting longer?"} {"idx": 31032, "original_id": "1251016781302562816", "reply_id": "1251251458508574720", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "One of my #MAGA neighbors tonight said that we should all be thankful @realDonaldTrump is such a good biz man that he can afford to give everyone $1,200 to help the economy.\n\n#speechless \n\nYep, I asked if they were joking. \n\nNope, they went on to tell me to look it up."} {"idx": 31033, "original_id": "1250745456638021632", "reply_id": "1250901022438035457", "label": "applause", "text": "The problem with any analysis of @RahulGandhi is that whatever he says, BJP IT cell will ridicule him as ‘Pappu’ and the Cong IT cell will dub him their ‘Future’. Very difficult to have a dispassionate analysis in polarised times: atleast war on corona must be bipartisan! Agree?"} {"idx": 31036, "original_id": "1251196319735123972", "reply_id": "1251215207210389505", "label": "no", "text": "New Twitter @Bartleyhylton add please"} {"idx": 31037, "original_id": "1251070278316068866", "reply_id": "1251226646952239104", "label": "hug", "text": "um its late and im crying wow its been a while since those thoughts. my eyes hurt."} {"idx": 31038, "original_id": "1250813276889518089", "reply_id": "1250832304349630468", "label": "omg", "text": "A lot of speculation around how the world will be different post-COVID. Habits change, more attention being paid to sanitation, more working from home, etc. A new personal habit for my work environment? \n\nChips & salsa near my desk at all times. Never going back"} {"idx": 31040, "original_id": "1250813696818937857", "reply_id": "1250861378761396226", "label": "seriously", "text": "Hats off to BMC 0f Mumbai . They have taken more tests than any other city or even any other state of India Highest number of test that is why highest number of positives who are immediately sent the treatment That is most effective of fighting and defeating corona. Thank you BMC"} {"idx": 31043, "original_id": "1250842174704492545", "reply_id": "1250920666045579264", "label": "yes", "text": "Boink it - I’m making some earrings today."} {"idx": 31046, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251172215166365702", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 31048, "original_id": "1251252190687064064", "reply_id": "1251252607873474560", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“We we tried getting a hold of you to for the bazzi zoom. We already picked someone else. We’re sorry”😌🥰😍😍😗😘"} {"idx": 31050, "original_id": "1251160588081750017", "reply_id": "1251162446779170818", "label": "eww", "text": "Today one of my colleagues said “cheesecake where got cheese” and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since..."} {"idx": 31057, "original_id": "1250988319657414658", "reply_id": "1251003250620407815", "label": "yes", "text": "@iamjvdore I’ll slice on the next one since this is for the dealership. 🙏🏿🙏🏿"} {"idx": 31058, "original_id": "1250887273505099777", "reply_id": "1250908606184058880", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "teonte is fucking shit starter, LEMME TELL YALL. THE FIRST TIME WE EVER SOCIALIZED WAS BECAUSE HE WAS LYING TO THE NEW HIRES AT WORK AND SAID THAT I STOLE A WORK SHIRT SO I HAD TO CUSS HIS ASS OUT."} {"idx": 31060, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250960995977244672", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 31061, "original_id": "1250976465371500544", "reply_id": "1250988099779387401", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "i miss the honky tonks dairy queens and 7elevens"} {"idx": 31062, "original_id": "1250808403477356548", "reply_id": "1250857930368454662", "label": "yes", "text": "What a week! Yesterday found hand sanitizer and today 2 large containers of wipes and a 5lb bag of flour!"} {"idx": 31067, "original_id": "1250990376372121600", "reply_id": "1250990995694641152", "label": "awww", "text": "Good morning to all Zulu women 😃 \nNibahle!"} {"idx": 31068, "original_id": "1251207304151814144", "reply_id": "1251224893951074304", "label": "dance", "text": "Ortíz and Dickerson locking down in TCF, we gotta make that happen 〽️👀"} {"idx": 31072, "original_id": "1250865099243433985", "reply_id": "1250889125093244929", "label": "good_luck", "text": "NYC Mayor Deblasio tells Bill Hemmer that the city will start to reopen in July or August at the earliest."} {"idx": 31075, "original_id": "1250875832744251396", "reply_id": "1250911863384096768", "label": "please", "text": "52 Senate Republicans have been asked by President Trump to serve on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group. The lone GOP Senator NOT invited... @MittRomney"} {"idx": 31078, "original_id": "1250957152904196097", "reply_id": "1250957324107350019", "label": "applause", "text": "New look 🍭"} {"idx": 31079, "original_id": "1251207731127750656", "reply_id": "1251216664944873472", "label": "omg", "text": "Well what an eventful day. As the last Sussex club weve done our famous sporting county proud. We grafted out a narrow lead over 22hs......and then, with 2 hours left and things looking comfy, our vote shot up by 1500 votes and now half of Essex is accusing us of all sorts 😂😂😱"} {"idx": 31084, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250940483678769152", "label": "omg", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 31087, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250951266362175494", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 31088, "original_id": "1251129431726448642", "reply_id": "1251131429817376774", "label": "yes", "text": "Guys, i was soooo wrong abou my bio. SORRY 💔"} {"idx": 31089, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251274702632308736", "label": "awww", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 31093, "original_id": "1251117269431783424", "reply_id": "1251127342740561920", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm an extrovert and being around other people provides me with additional life force, energy and power.\n\nSo you are all getting hugged when this is over.\n\nI don't care if I don't know you.\n\nYou will take the hug. 😠"} {"idx": 31098, "original_id": "1251241328907878402", "reply_id": "1251242416411226112", "label": "applause", "text": "Somebody said I run a cult. If kindness, love, and generosity (in a word of hate) is a cult, then where do I sign up!"} {"idx": 31099, "original_id": "1250895840048304128", "reply_id": "1251139530410860551", "label": "applause", "text": "We know when you fake Your tributes.\n\nWe know when you fake Your tributes.\n\nWe know when you fake Your tributes.\n\nWe know when you fake Your tributes.\n\nWe know when you fake Your tributes.\n\nWe know when you fake Your tributes.\n\nWe know when you fake Your tributes.\n\nFinD • FinDom"} {"idx": 31101, "original_id": "1250873364140494851", "reply_id": "1250885412161290240", "label": "kiss", "text": "Gimmie kiss 😘💜🥺 im havin a bad day ✅👀"} {"idx": 31103, "original_id": "1251021998932844546", "reply_id": "1251025013060317184", "label": "smh", "text": "Being Pineapple is more fun than being Red but I like to switch it up occassionally 😊"} {"idx": 31104, "original_id": "1250126238070472705", "reply_id": "1250990652638351360", "label": "hearts", "text": "My 7 y/o had his first video meeting with his class today.\n\nHis teacher asked them, \"What's one thing you like about being home?\"\n\nSon: \"Spending more time with my mom.\"\n\n😍"} {"idx": 31105, "original_id": "1251135618215747585", "reply_id": "1251179830990831617", "label": "no", "text": "Should Canada and the US re-open their borders, or wait the pandemic out for as long as it takes? Let us know. \n\nEMAIL US: feedback@breakfasttelevision.ca"} {"idx": 31106, "original_id": "1250958443193778177", "reply_id": "1250987484323995648", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Had to cut the monopoly game short..I got an assignment due at 11:59 tonight...about to knock this out!"} {"idx": 31108, "original_id": "1251082497485651970", "reply_id": "1251084745062088704", "label": "shocked", "text": "Not gonna lie, a couple years ago I thought the Eiffel Tower was in London & that’s on America’s education system 😂😂😭😂"} {"idx": 31109, "original_id": "1250859076340396035", "reply_id": "1250860891190358016", "label": "yes", "text": "Should we host a Top 5 series where the community submits their best clips? 🎥\n\nMore importantly, should we give out prizes? 🤔🏆"} {"idx": 31110, "original_id": "1251238812438560769", "reply_id": "1251251938013802496", "label": "agree", "text": "Pay attention to how people treat you both when you’re mad at them, and when they’re mad at you"} {"idx": 31111, "original_id": "1250981997675249665", "reply_id": "1250982386348822528", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "My parents always boil crawfish without inviting me. What a shame. I don’t even live with them but I’m still about to call CPS."} {"idx": 31112, "original_id": "1250807062193291264", "reply_id": "1250845649383424001", "label": "ok", "text": "I should do an art raffle at 200 followers www\nIdk should i? 😔"} {"idx": 31113, "original_id": "1251245595668303872", "reply_id": "1251245781169737728", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m in a bad mood lol"} {"idx": 31117, "original_id": "1251117607660539904", "reply_id": "1251192338342387713", "label": "hug", "text": "When there’s a 100m race challenge give me a shout, Cause I’m not running 5k again."} {"idx": 31118, "original_id": "1251157746927321089", "reply_id": "1251160549162770434", "label": "eww", "text": "Lol holy shit there are a lot of Trump flags that popped up around me."} {"idx": 31119, "original_id": "1251236795133464576", "reply_id": "1251254273280741378", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Sure, I'll cuddle you and rub your dick a little. Why not?"} {"idx": 31120, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251140312032055297", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 31122, "original_id": "1251125608547000323", "reply_id": "1251154571356827651", "label": "no", "text": "When the NFL’s voluntary virtual off-season program opens this month, Jets’ All-Pro safety Jamal Adams is not expected to participate, per league sources. The Jets have not expressed any official interest in extending Adams thus far in the off-season, per source."} {"idx": 31125, "original_id": "1250993210148696064", "reply_id": "1250995965860868097", "label": "agree", "text": "I'll probably eat these words, but the $LINK chart is looking pretty spicy. I want to sleep... but I also want to see where this goes lol"} {"idx": 31127, "original_id": "1250917347067600902", "reply_id": "1251186164423368708", "label": "seriously", "text": "BREAKING NEWS...\n\nScientists discovered snake that cannot be killed by any weapon and usually feeds every 30 seconds\n\nMay God save us all. Another snake discovered that cannot be killed by any weapon and usually feeds on prey every 30 seconds. 👇🏽"} {"idx": 31130, "original_id": "1251131022818844672", "reply_id": "1251164553330790400", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Happy Friday #WritingCommunity \nlet’s do a #WriterLift & support each other.\n\nIf you have fewer than 10k followers:\n- leave a comment/gif\n- follow everyone who likes your response. \n- Please follow back (so long as their content doesn’t upset you)\n\nLike and RT to spread the word."} {"idx": 31133, "original_id": "1251200735246725120", "reply_id": "1251202828229578752", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "K10 is 10K today ✨🔥"} {"idx": 31139, "original_id": "1251107511077224448", "reply_id": "1251110098144948224", "label": "hug", "text": "You know that feeling when you’re lonely but you’re the reason you’re lonely, dat me hehehehe"} {"idx": 31141, "original_id": "1251181544959471617", "reply_id": "1251192328414531590", "label": "sorry", "text": "ME: I should work on a new What the Fiction..\n\nAuction happens \n\n@KrazieUnkie : Actually you need to prep for an interview!"} {"idx": 31142, "original_id": "1250896657883029505", "reply_id": "1250902620471824385", "label": "applause", "text": "went downstairs to get some “real” food came back upstairs w a sugar free red bull and a bowl of chips i am truly making good choices"} {"idx": 31143, "original_id": "1251252533860818945", "reply_id": "1251252995871907847", "label": "omg", "text": "✨Happy #FollowFriday! Here’s a few of my followers that will prob follow you back:\n\n1️⃣@Marvellous_Mrs\n2️⃣@allankigen\n3️⃣@crystalmorgan10\n4️⃣@makeupwithalexa\n5️⃣@JediMidgetjugg\n6️⃣@whoisNee\n\n#Follow #FollowUs #FollowForFollow #FollowForFollowback #IFB #Influensters #BeautyBloggers"} {"idx": 31147, "original_id": "1251024506841260032", "reply_id": "1251026265340968960", "label": "oops", "text": "Oh nawww baby, I don’t want you🥴😬"} {"idx": 31148, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250875536005570560", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 31152, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250918611386077186", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 31153, "original_id": "1250970229397544960", "reply_id": "1250971204757762048", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I hate washing my hair, one day ima just shave it off ."} {"idx": 31154, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250961961476595712", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 31155, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251123975536680960", "label": "ok", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 31158, "original_id": "1250826375382122496", "reply_id": "1250832219268096000", "label": "agree", "text": "Well that's it official , at least another 3 weeks of lockdown .... Time to get on board that OnlyFans ... there's demand for short middle-aged past it guys right?...."} {"idx": 31159, "original_id": "1251259541972496385", "reply_id": "1251264129278541828", "label": "agree", "text": "Yes, the #Eagles should sign Trey Burton as their No. 3 TE"} {"idx": 31163, "original_id": "1251213524266778624", "reply_id": "1251227254593593348", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Thomanique is an interactive follower, the rest of you need to be like her"} {"idx": 31165, "original_id": "1251167856580079622", "reply_id": "1251243005597691904", "label": "seriously", "text": "The worst cookie on Earth is macadamia nut."} {"idx": 31166, "original_id": "1232362492656926720", "reply_id": "1250833738197602307", "label": "no", "text": "Want to tell me what to do? Pay the premium."} {"idx": 31171, "original_id": "1251249635579949058", "reply_id": "1251250815177809927", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm all the way out on Kinlaw at 13. DT isn't the position to spend high end resources on. Kinlaw is a flash player with a killer highlight film, but the consistency isn't there. Add injury(s) and he had to lose 40(!) lbs to get to current playing weight. OT or WR at 13."} {"idx": 31172, "original_id": "1251020320531714048", "reply_id": "1251030221014339587", "label": "agree", "text": "I need a fucking tattoo."} {"idx": 31175, "original_id": "1250913956861968385", "reply_id": "1250914376942583809", "label": "omg", "text": "JFC !! My landlady has lost her mind. She thinks that testing 1% of America is enough to open it back up. When I told her that Dr. Oz said kids should go back to school and only 2-3 % of them would probably die...she said that's not many !!"} {"idx": 31177, "original_id": "1250719352774508551", "reply_id": "1250860670758735873", "label": "awww", "text": "National Horny Day but I’m a virgin ? smh. I HATE IT HERE."} {"idx": 31181, "original_id": "1251178135959330816", "reply_id": "1251180815758888960", "label": "hug", "text": "lol at my dumbass for wearing mascara today."} {"idx": 31183, "original_id": "1250973803800334337", "reply_id": "1251240276607275011", "label": "no", "text": "Yeah, I'm just going to keep tweeting a bunch of stupid shit.\n\nYou have a problem with that?"} {"idx": 31185, "original_id": "1251145165432975364", "reply_id": "1251264035242287104", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Almost 13months of marriage and hubby still tells me how attractive and sexy I am. The random kisses, the random butt spanking and those naughty remarks, all mean so much. I found my soul mate shem guys. So thankful. 😍🙏❤️"} {"idx": 31186, "original_id": "1250870454413393929", "reply_id": "1250966775933665280", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss football so bad I wouldn’t care if Gary Danielson called every game next year"} {"idx": 31187, "original_id": "1250969927164538883", "reply_id": "1251204438464827399", "label": "applause", "text": "To let you know. It's my birthday."} {"idx": 31189, "original_id": "1250935670211842049", "reply_id": "1251013151551823875", "label": "awww", "text": "only fans but instead of nudes you’ll subscribe to my deepest thoughts & outbursts"} {"idx": 31190, "original_id": "1251265406398017536", "reply_id": "1251267455214931971", "label": "hug", "text": "-in need of a hug right about now"} {"idx": 31192, "original_id": "1251251566784458755", "reply_id": "1251252434153979904", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Hey beautiful souls, just letting you all know that I've been hospitalised since yesterday. I have gore stones in my body and liver. Hopefully will be operated on after this weekend, Monday. Stay safe and keep well. God bless ❤️🙏"} {"idx": 31193, "original_id": "1251093072689201152", "reply_id": "1251149902618320896", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Today we have two games:\nBelshina-Smolevichi. It looks like a rivalry of absolute underdogs, but we have the season when we do not want anyone's relegation. There will be something to see. 16:30.\nShaktyor-Slutsk. Salt-Sugar derby, you know. 18:30.\nTime us CET."} {"idx": 31196, "original_id": "1251204720229781505", "reply_id": "1251215283164983296", "label": "agree", "text": "today's Trump Propaganda Show is going to be off the fucking rails"} {"idx": 31198, "original_id": "1251190376565747713", "reply_id": "1251208991708860422", "label": "shocked", "text": "can like more SRK fangirls follow me. let’s be friends pls, idc about the fanboys. thanksssss 🥰🥰"} {"idx": 31201, "original_id": "1251013410105540608", "reply_id": "1251014025951031296", "label": "awww", "text": "not a man saying that hes falling in love with me"} {"idx": 31203, "original_id": "1250888118393278468", "reply_id": "1250891712353845248", "label": "please", "text": "Nimeiona Hii Post Pahala: Eti Corona Which Can Be Killed By Just Washing Hands With A Soap And Sanitizing (Sanitizer) But Scientists Failed To Come Up With Either Vaccine, Or Cure, How Come?"} {"idx": 31204, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864795835723776", "label": "hearts", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 31207, "original_id": "1250973540330987525", "reply_id": "1250980834322022401", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I had a little bit of red wine and a little bit of white wine left so I mixed em 🥴🥴"} {"idx": 31208, "original_id": "1251185857748439046", "reply_id": "1251189163119894528", "label": "hug", "text": "I have a mixture of happy and sad feelings, I’m gonna try and process them before I speak out"} {"idx": 31209, "original_id": "1251086865207300096", "reply_id": "1251167043006738432", "label": "hug", "text": "Took “the call” today to confirm our wedding is off this year 😟 thought that may be the case and I know it’s nothing in comparison to what others are going through, but frankly, I feel a bit crap right now. 😔"} {"idx": 31210, "original_id": "1250844778691989508", "reply_id": "1250847483816796160", "label": "seriously", "text": "So traffic had nothing todo with why I’m always late?? 🤔🤔🤔"} {"idx": 31211, "original_id": "1251013997186428928", "reply_id": "1251015283679981574", "label": "yes", "text": "Broken crayons still color."} {"idx": 31215, "original_id": "1250912853432905728", "reply_id": "1251155360003448834", "label": "yes", "text": "\"Nationwide, more than 850 counties—or nearly 30 percent—have reported no new cases in the last 7 days.\" – President @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 31217, "original_id": "1250954900118396930", "reply_id": "1250955471307104259", "label": "applause", "text": "Nigga"} {"idx": 31218, "original_id": "1250967983926775808", "reply_id": "1251001768680534016", "label": "yes", "text": "Have any of you guys tweeted, deleted, tweeted, deleted for about 5 times until you got it right?"} {"idx": 31222, "original_id": "1251270653145083904", "reply_id": "1251271309666816000", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "are you laughing at my jokes because I’m funny or because you wanna fuck?"} {"idx": 31224, "original_id": "1251139184389009408", "reply_id": "1251169292256567296", "label": "applause", "text": "Last year is when I began saving. I was 23 years old when I finally understood the importance of it. I remember how happy I was when my savings account reached $100 dollars. Here we are about a year later and today I have two savings accounts and they both just reached $1,000."} {"idx": 31226, "original_id": "1251130524447444995", "reply_id": "1251157435701592064", "label": "yes", "text": "Announcement TONIGHT at 6pm! Super excited with changes I’m making to my content 🔥👀"} {"idx": 31227, "original_id": "1251202106066972673", "reply_id": "1251207796940398592", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Getting a check with Trump's signature on it is the closest most of us will ever get to feeling like a porn star"} {"idx": 31228, "original_id": "1250911128353456135", "reply_id": "1250923081977167877", "label": "agree", "text": "Is he literally bragging about one hundred thousand deaths?"} {"idx": 31229, "original_id": "1250829919669583874", "reply_id": "1250907095639228416", "label": "awww", "text": "Nobody can Handle U."} {"idx": 31231, "original_id": "1250963648249573376", "reply_id": "1250963942320541696", "label": "no", "text": "GUYS WHEN WE ACTUALLY DO THE SPIT THING, ANUH SOMUCH WE USE LIKE DEM TWO CRAWNY ONE DEH. RELACKS."} {"idx": 31235, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251262426588147712", "label": "sigh", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 31239, "original_id": "1250910174543478784", "reply_id": "1250910499094638593", "label": "applause", "text": "Alright fr, assignment time."} {"idx": 31240, "original_id": "1250835475381837826", "reply_id": "1250835771197702147", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "the worst part of lockdown was the dementors"} {"idx": 31242, "original_id": "1250936521705885696", "reply_id": "1250958655970775041", "label": "awww", "text": "Grayson just made us dinner and we ate it while it was boiling hot because we were starving and now we’re heavily panting with our tongues out to try to cool them down with the air entering and leaving our mouths because our tongues are burnt"} {"idx": 31243, "original_id": "1251238037461360640", "reply_id": "1251238797431406599", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Just finished DaBaby album..... 4/10 🥱"} {"idx": 31249, "original_id": "1250956359610372102", "reply_id": "1250957865340329985", "label": "ok", "text": "for personal reasons i will be passing the fuck away"} {"idx": 31250, "original_id": "1251156036708208641", "reply_id": "1251196164373909504", "label": "hug", "text": "Fed up with everything lately"} {"idx": 31251, "original_id": "1250878126751510529", "reply_id": "1250878386089517056", "label": "smh", "text": "The irs banned me from their stimulus checker for 24 hours because they had the wrong bank information and when I tried to update the info it just blocked me lol"} {"idx": 31254, "original_id": "1250949825996001280", "reply_id": "1250983424334032896", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I love you guys"} {"idx": 31255, "original_id": "1251250221536903181", "reply_id": "1251263763963133956", "label": "hug", "text": "What a nice evening to sew shorts after being catcalled in a short skirt 🙃"} {"idx": 31258, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251231944098156544", "label": "shrug", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 31259, "original_id": "1250806132253143046", "reply_id": "1250871511684005888", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "mfs taking out of context screenshots of my shitpost tweets to break the 50 follower threshold .... this is how i will be giving to charity this year since corona is keeping me from a job i love giving back"} {"idx": 31260, "original_id": "1250704971416272896", "reply_id": "1251106668089229313", "label": "omg", "text": "Saddened to hear about demise of Sansar Singh from Gurdaspur district due to Covid 19. My heartfelt condolences to the family, may the departed soul rest in peace."} {"idx": 31264, "original_id": "1250862343812050944", "reply_id": "1250863831296782337", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "mom i'm tired af"} {"idx": 31267, "original_id": "1250840964001755136", "reply_id": "1250843464117497860", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Welcome back Dan!\nAfter more than a month in which he was not seen in public, Nicaragua’s president has reappeared, giving a speech in which he claimed the coronavirus was “a sign from God”\n#COVID19 #coronavirus #Covid_19"} {"idx": 31268, "original_id": "1250891110181793792", "reply_id": "1250894382972243974", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "What if we’re all just now being grounded for the shit we did as teenagers and didn’t get caught..."} {"idx": 31270, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1250977338554068992", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 31272, "original_id": "1250930673742839814", "reply_id": "1250951253569335296", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug"} {"idx": 31279, "original_id": "1250911765174587392", "reply_id": "1250915516581101568", "label": "hug", "text": "I literally feel seconds away from crying."} {"idx": 31280, "original_id": "1250960700140163073", "reply_id": "1250963210317860864", "label": "agree", "text": "Well it’s been two weeks since I got dick. Two MF weeks. I miss my bf!"} {"idx": 31283, "original_id": "1250430205279080450", "reply_id": "1250899951460245504", "label": "no", "text": "of all the times to contract poison ivy, i did not expect it to be now, but here we are"} {"idx": 31289, "original_id": "1250889546428014593", "reply_id": "1250890178358661120", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "You used to get respect for being good on Controller.... how times have changed"} {"idx": 31290, "original_id": "1251031212677726210", "reply_id": "1251123610581897221", "label": "hug", "text": "Good news: I’m no longer drowning in anxiety and feelings of inadequacy like I was last week!\n\nBad news: Instead, I’m now drowning in red tape from the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government!"} {"idx": 31291, "original_id": "1250770389648760835", "reply_id": "1250925931402854402", "label": "popcorn", "text": "In last night’s DND game, I horrified my players. Never before had it occurred to them that an enemy might grapple a player and then run away WITH the PC. Unfortunately, they were Chuuls—and carried the PCs straight to the Aboleth they served."} {"idx": 31294, "original_id": "1250841903886557185", "reply_id": "1250968660639911938", "label": "agree", "text": "Nowadays, bra is the most redundant item of clothing."} {"idx": 31296, "original_id": "1251010913173491713", "reply_id": "1251028629972152320", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "But baby it ain’t over till it’s over"} {"idx": 31297, "original_id": "1250885648510259203", "reply_id": "1250888231203332105", "label": "no", "text": "I think FF15 combat shits on FF7 remakes combat system. \n\nFF7 remake is an overall better game tho. #FFVIIRemake #FFXVWindowsEdition"} {"idx": 31299, "original_id": "1250544211092541442", "reply_id": "1250851452739899392", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Why are girls shit at ludo?"} {"idx": 31300, "original_id": "1251261997053693952", "reply_id": "1251265405655662603", "label": "ok", "text": "The son of slaves, True, I started out as a peasant"} {"idx": 31301, "original_id": "1250921037384036352", "reply_id": "1250928508181909504", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Don’t even get me started on the people who say hufu instead of fufu."} {"idx": 31303, "original_id": "1251151860406206474", "reply_id": "1251167865178329088", "label": "hug", "text": "Due to #quarantine I haven't seen my boyfriend for almost 8 weeks now. We've been together over 5 years and never spent that much time apart... It's starting to weigh down on me 😔"} {"idx": 31304, "original_id": "1251242493271773185", "reply_id": "1251272242748690432", "label": "scared", "text": "Yesterday, the City of Houston was able to reach its maximum testing capacity of 1,000 tests. It is likely today, the city will also hit its capacity. #COVID19"} {"idx": 31306, "original_id": "1251149830186913792", "reply_id": "1251171283938795520", "label": "eww", "text": "Which new move of Rillaboom, Cinderace, or Inteleon will you be dishing out first in the #PokemonSwordShield Expansion Pass?"} {"idx": 31309, "original_id": "1251129364529459202", "reply_id": "1251162067861557248", "label": "omg", "text": "I can't stop thinking about how staying at home this much has made me a full-on convert to Crunchy Peanut Butter. \nLife changing."} {"idx": 31314, "original_id": "1250894418200141832", "reply_id": "1250907590000881674", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I love you."} {"idx": 31321, "original_id": "1250910144084340736", "reply_id": "1250923414732320771", "label": "shocked", "text": "going to be releasing new music on TNH every week for the next few months 😊😊"} {"idx": 31324, "original_id": "1250926883631489029", "reply_id": "1251007954666618881", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Pro-life people have FOREVER had the comeback thrown at them of “well what about pro-all of life? Poverty, mental health, etc.”\n\nConcerned about job loss and mental health do to COVID-19 restrictions...”you aren’t really pro-life!”\n\nI can’t keep up!"} {"idx": 31327, "original_id": "1250918909773058050", "reply_id": "1250925306614919169", "label": "yolo", "text": "Hope I don’t regret that nap later on 🥴"} {"idx": 31330, "original_id": "1250880907960922113", "reply_id": "1250885376882864129", "label": "ok", "text": "An hour nap would be advantageous right now but it’s not ideal"} {"idx": 31331, "original_id": "1251230814903418882", "reply_id": "1251250440576139265", "label": "yes", "text": "The current situation really shows up how terrible most merch is. Bands surely need to step it up a bit, hire some new designers, try some new stuff out maybe"} {"idx": 31332, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1251026464889139201", "label": "yes", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 31334, "original_id": "1250917051767468034", "reply_id": "1250917396283621376", "label": "agree", "text": "if kookie goes live soon I'll lose my shit"} {"idx": 31339, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251273439123365888", "label": "idk", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 31340, "original_id": "1250864711027101696", "reply_id": "1251126554031206401", "label": "no", "text": "Ima cut my own hair this weekend 😩 HELP ME JESUS"} {"idx": 31341, "original_id": "1250997322047262720", "reply_id": "1250997834616311808", "label": "no", "text": "I’m running out of room for my kid’s arts and crafts projects. Do I have to keep them all? Because tbh most are not very good."} {"idx": 31346, "original_id": "1250836352662454274", "reply_id": "1250875872221048834", "label": "eww", "text": "I’m gettin real tired of the cole slaw disrespect on my timeline"} {"idx": 31350, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1251007568136282112", "label": "applause", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 31358, "original_id": "1251269508880269314", "reply_id": "1251270504373157896", "label": "hug", "text": "Ah but guys!!??? Not BOB"} {"idx": 31360, "original_id": "1250616843590602753", "reply_id": "1250845590507962368", "label": "applause", "text": "Harry and Meghan donates 90k to a charity.\nThey check in on parents with some special needs kids from their patronage.\nThey also deliver free food to the needy.\nNo photo -ops, no empty promises, they just DO IT!!\n#HarryandMeghan"} {"idx": 31361, "original_id": "1250951629601456129", "reply_id": "1250953504925134848", "label": "shocked", "text": "I really got a jail body 😭🤣🤣"} {"idx": 31368, "original_id": "1250954944649273345", "reply_id": "1251195576617664512", "label": "high_five", "text": "Great news! I spoke with my brother and he and his wife will NOT be voting for trump. He said he's watched him lie and be an asshole long enough. He thanked me for my Facebook posts which made him start paying better attention. Now that he's watching him every day, he's done! 👍"} {"idx": 31375, "original_id": "1250966327612911622", "reply_id": "1251140228364095488", "label": "omg", "text": "I hope you can forgive me for what I've just committed. I... downloaded Fallout 76."} {"idx": 31376, "original_id": "1251082575201763328", "reply_id": "1251083952074493954", "label": "agree", "text": "Guess who’s doing homework 😬😬"} {"idx": 31378, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251228711396966403", "label": "seriously", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 31382, "original_id": "1251046663109480449", "reply_id": "1251093518535110658", "label": "sigh", "text": "i think my biggest mistake was reading into the lyrics of the songs he would send me."} {"idx": 31383, "original_id": "1251140902216773632", "reply_id": "1251141457882169346", "label": "dance", "text": "Hey STANS,\n\nI trust that y'all are good? Anyways, from our camp we've got a special announcement to make to y'all.\n\nY'all stay tuned by 5PM today. Get your excitement gas on. Let's do this.\n\nNPND WDSPFF. 💎\n\n#IykeresaTheContent \n#KetchingUpWithIykeresa"} {"idx": 31385, "original_id": "1251096630327226368", "reply_id": "1251130122591240193", "label": "agree", "text": "Imagine the inhumanity of spending more on weapons than hospitals and using those weapons to bomb hospitals."} {"idx": 31390, "original_id": "1251215928156553216", "reply_id": "1251245059489427457", "label": "sigh", "text": "#Chargers GM Tom Telesco says offensive lineman Sam Tevi has \"very good left tackle feet.\" Sounds like he will have a shot for the job."} {"idx": 31391, "original_id": "1250897350631063564", "reply_id": "1250930102365573120", "label": "shocked", "text": "Happy birthday again Brody we going up tonight 🕺🏿🕺🏿 @aightpat"} {"idx": 31392, "original_id": "1251188486599667713", "reply_id": "1251190815625490436", "label": "applause", "text": "1993 1993\n1994\n1995\n1996 1996\n1997\n1999\n2000\n\nDo y'all realise if you take one(specially the second 96) out, There won't be any F and F for Fantasy!"} {"idx": 31395, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250904779305385988", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 31399, "original_id": "1250874313076596738", "reply_id": "1250903534230540291", "label": "ok", "text": "Is no one in the back of there mind just a tiny bit thinking “How us would it be for all this to happen and then we get relegated if the season was able to be finished” #NUFC"} {"idx": 31400, "original_id": "1250898096827109377", "reply_id": "1250901755426004992", "label": "awww", "text": "Sid stood for loyalty morals ethics n TRUTH!Plzz resp these princpls!These were his qualities which inspired us but wat r some of us doing?RESPECT him🙏 Thk hai fandm hai lekin Sid ke upar nahi hai dnt gt over obsess naye season ke liye bacha ke rakho obsessn #SidharthShuka"} {"idx": 31404, "original_id": "1250930384881270789", "reply_id": "1250930716939968517", "label": "win", "text": "How are you feeling, #TeamBSide? 😌"} {"idx": 31405, "original_id": "1251210923911634944", "reply_id": "1251218397377040384", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s not to late to stand together and demand @SenSanders’s Medicare for All. It will reduce healthcare costs by 50% across the board and cover everyone. We all deserve equal treatment. End further medical bankruptcies & save 60,000 lives per year. ❤️✌🏼"} {"idx": 31406, "original_id": "1250809801040261126", "reply_id": "1250846574462132225", "label": "scared", "text": "Last night, Ian decided to walk up to Scarlett’s bed & have a conversation with her while he sleep. She was so scared 😂"} {"idx": 31407, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251081529054261248", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 31408, "original_id": "1250915434968297477", "reply_id": "1250915767014604800", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "so it's really Ross I don't know how to feel about it"} {"idx": 31409, "original_id": "1251118966048608263", "reply_id": "1251120159621738498", "label": "hug", "text": "why does it feel i’m at fault haha :("} {"idx": 31411, "original_id": "1251121069949366272", "reply_id": "1251121385134534656", "label": "ok", "text": "CHINA CANCELS CLINICAL TRIALS \n\nChina’s efforts to find drug treatments for Covid-19 are being hampered by a lack of suitable candidates for clinical trials as the covid outbreak has been gradually brought under control, one of leading experts on respiratory diseases says: SCMP"} {"idx": 31412, "original_id": "1251208936478445570", "reply_id": "1251250133003571202", "label": "agree", "text": "Seeing well done steaks makes me irrationally angry. A cow died, have the decency to cook it right"} {"idx": 31413, "original_id": "1250833130522644484", "reply_id": "1250874865537728520", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My dad once grounded me for a whole summer in high school because I got home 15 minutes past curfew. I remembered that fondly today as I reported him for breaking quarantine."} {"idx": 31415, "original_id": "1250949902458253312", "reply_id": "1251045380348760064", "label": "idk", "text": "Who is still making their bed every day?"} {"idx": 31421, "original_id": "1250905453871026177", "reply_id": "1251080911803740161", "label": "applause", "text": "Another reason weed is better than alcohol: never stone dialed an ex... By the time I grab my phone I forget why I have it, and just order a pizza instead."} {"idx": 31423, "original_id": "1250909133206966279", "reply_id": "1250938214153674757", "label": "awww", "text": "My friends are all doing that ‘first picture together’ and it’s all respectable&cute photos, while me and Liams first photo together is of us drunk with a chicken nugget in 4 lights :))"} {"idx": 31427, "original_id": "1250984834740207616", "reply_id": "1251214465372049408", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Does anyone wonder if the share this young photo of yourself is a harvesting scheme?"} {"idx": 31437, "original_id": "1251232792077205505", "reply_id": "1251244004324200448", "label": "omg", "text": "Nothing makes me feel less of an adult other than not owning a printer. Cora is going to kill me with my impulse buying"} {"idx": 31440, "original_id": "1250980153758568449", "reply_id": "1250981169207934976", "label": "oops", "text": "Most of the time my attitude is terrible. Just don’t fucking annoy me and everything should be fine."} {"idx": 31441, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251013475733614592", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 31442, "original_id": "1250976257732259842", "reply_id": "1250982626036457474", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all did at-home workouts today?"} {"idx": 31445, "original_id": "1250769279131308035", "reply_id": "1251026344177213440", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Let's play a game. Drop an Emoji and I will rate your profile picture on a scale of 1-10.\n😎😎"} {"idx": 31449, "original_id": "1250839371135229952", "reply_id": "1251024308429819904", "label": "eww", "text": "I pray I don't marry a guy who likes Cassper Nyovest."} {"idx": 31450, "original_id": "1250978579032215552", "reply_id": "1251015348570161152", "label": "agree", "text": "Hear me out....\n\nSPORTS!"} {"idx": 31452, "original_id": "1250929811247136768", "reply_id": "1251181712937279488", "label": "hug", "text": "With all this drama happening today with my friends, I really feel like crying because I just things back to the way it was. I hate bullying. But I feel like crying because I just really want things to be they were. I feel like a loner.😭😭😭."} {"idx": 31454, "original_id": "1251205083162791936", "reply_id": "1251227318284095490", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi everyone, just an update - My daughters COVID-19 test was negative. We are relieved!"} {"idx": 31461, "original_id": "1251187392125566976", "reply_id": "1251189598862151683", "label": "popcorn", "text": "The best sci-fi film of all time is..."} {"idx": 31462, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251239887577272321", "label": "sorry", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 31467, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230319740481536", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 31472, "original_id": "1250832266219212800", "reply_id": "1250846124438667264", "label": "want", "text": "Making a list of things I’m buying once I get my first big girl paycheck and lemme tell you... it’s all merch.."} {"idx": 31473, "original_id": "1251131891341840391", "reply_id": "1251132959102558209", "label": "hug", "text": "It's cold 🥶"} {"idx": 31474, "original_id": "1251198300189048834", "reply_id": "1251235416746987522", "label": "applause", "text": "State parks will reopen MONDAY. But no groups of more than 5 ppl. And must wear face coverings and adhere to social distancing. Per @GregAbbott_TX #wfaa"} {"idx": 31475, "original_id": "1250833418704822273", "reply_id": "1250835203758702592", "label": "hug", "text": "My depression is great, thanks for asking! I feel majorly disconnected and the only thing I wanna do is shoot nunas in Star Wars Galaxies"} {"idx": 31477, "original_id": "1250857677430743040", "reply_id": "1250857996483248129", "label": "hearts", "text": "I love you guys. Truly. I’m sorry I’ve allowed my anxiety to manifest on here and probably in my content so much. I appreciate you all and I’m going to work hard to stay confident and believe in myself so I can deliver the content and the heart I know that I can. ❤️"} {"idx": 31480, "original_id": "1251249587660226560", "reply_id": "1251272767393193985", "label": "smh", "text": "So all that hype was over a youngstown st transfer?"} {"idx": 31482, "original_id": "1250906039030931456", "reply_id": "1250942294435348487", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Just sit there and let me play with myself while I look at you."} {"idx": 31484, "original_id": "1250947633029537792", "reply_id": "1250958816780390408", "label": "wink", "text": "ghina is in another level truly"} {"idx": 31486, "original_id": "1250851211546210304", "reply_id": "1250890142291615744", "label": "applause", "text": "Did you know:\n\nAmericans hold $1 trillion+ in Chinese debt from the 1920s\n\nSoverign debt/bonds never expire or sunset\n\nWe have huge leverage over China\n\nTrump should submit a \"put\" option & demand China pay back this debt, or else 100% sanctions will be applied\n\nMake them pay."} {"idx": 31489, "original_id": "1250844046681137153", "reply_id": "1250856650296025088", "label": "yes", "text": "Once you win my love, it will be yours forever"} {"idx": 31490, "original_id": "1250941798869905410", "reply_id": "1251110453398237189", "label": "agree", "text": "Tonight, let's join in thanking all who are driving the trucks, vans, trains, ships, and forklifts that carry the medical supplies, food, and other essential goods necessary for our nation to stare down this pandemic. We depend on your hard work and sacrifice. We salute you."} {"idx": 31495, "original_id": "1251218908058714112", "reply_id": "1251225554507960324", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Raise your hand if you think the people in Florida going to the opened beaches are going to social distance. Especially, young horny people."} {"idx": 31496, "original_id": "1251208080253087744", "reply_id": "1251209441522774016", "label": "popcorn", "text": "A very cool announcement of next week's #WFHTheater movie and special guest is coming very, very soon... 😁"} {"idx": 31497, "original_id": "1250898653314797569", "reply_id": "1250953110803156995", "label": "no", "text": "I have been invited to two cookouts this weekend.\n\nBoth will involve shared dishes and beverages.\n\nThis thing is not going to end any time soon."} {"idx": 31500, "original_id": "1251214771573014530", "reply_id": "1251254638621253632", "label": "oops", "text": "The dog ate my 20 year old photo 🤨👻"} {"idx": 31501, "original_id": "1250708276607627264", "reply_id": "1251200681538719744", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Can I make macaroni and cheese at 10 in the morning? Yes, yes I can..."} {"idx": 31505, "original_id": "1251030171110408193", "reply_id": "1251037775324778496", "label": "scared", "text": "the man you’re madly in love with went through of stage where he humped a pillow and/or couch cushion every night..\n\nwhat would you do if you walked in on your son gettin giggy with futon cushion ?"} {"idx": 31506, "original_id": "1251002316792180739", "reply_id": "1251186962071007241", "label": "shocked", "text": "I was rapping hard af when I almost smacked a deer lol"} {"idx": 31507, "original_id": "1251162188129042435", "reply_id": "1251205757397356544", "label": "shocked", "text": "We had a beautiful 5 hours last night and here come Apollonia fucking up the vibes 😂🤦🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 31508, "original_id": "1251157562847686657", "reply_id": "1251157688995598347", "label": "oops", "text": "Let me see if this new DaBaby got some gym bangers."} {"idx": 31510, "original_id": "1250590419794214912", "reply_id": "1250913231910187013", "label": "agree", "text": "Books are dope."} {"idx": 31512, "original_id": "1251004500753580032", "reply_id": "1251046577860476928", "label": "ok", "text": "does anyone else remember those vines with that dude just saying \"ok\" and people putting it into other videos n shit. that shit was wack but i laughed everytime"} {"idx": 31515, "original_id": "1251228280843354115", "reply_id": "1251230693893574656", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump:\n\nTOTAL POWER\nNO RESPONSIBILITY\nALL THE CREDIT\n\nDoes that basically sum it up?"} {"idx": 31517, "original_id": "1251251597507801091", "reply_id": "1251251797043355650", "label": "yolo", "text": "I have a feeling that the @alltawinebar box was meant to last more than one night. Oh well! \n#SorryNotSorry"} {"idx": 31519, "original_id": "1250949646387687425", "reply_id": "1250953356727799810", "label": "eww", "text": "a very appetizing opportunity?"} {"idx": 31520, "original_id": "1250931732272091137", "reply_id": "1250932140168097792", "label": "hug", "text": "i just need a good quality hug.. i’m tired"} {"idx": 31522, "original_id": "1250923241578860547", "reply_id": "1251082285996077056", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Serious question: How long will Donald Trump wait before he starts holding #MAGA rally’s again?? 😳 #CoronaVirusUpdate"} {"idx": 31524, "original_id": "1250977898007322626", "reply_id": "1250992274856718338", "label": "yawn", "text": "I’m tired of the tweets about food. Drop a gif below that describes your mood right now."} {"idx": 31525, "original_id": "1251163747172769794", "reply_id": "1251176675792113665", "label": "eww", "text": "I miss walls clenching on my meat 😔"} {"idx": 31526, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251129466249756672", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 31528, "original_id": "1250859001954349057", "reply_id": "1250892155326996480", "label": "yes", "text": "Are you:\n\nCamp absolutely NEED to make my bed. \n\nOr\n\nCamp absolutely NO NEED to make my bed."} {"idx": 31529, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251247316163604481", "label": "applause", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 31530, "original_id": "1250831084591480834", "reply_id": "1250857714378563585", "label": "sigh", "text": "The Tories charging healthcare workers £8.99 for those badges when their hourly rate is less than that despite them putting themselves on the front line of a deadly viral pandemic is the most Tory thing ever"} {"idx": 31531, "original_id": "1250892025286864901", "reply_id": "1250935435066396672", "label": "yes", "text": "Can someone please explain how a working person can look at someone like Donald Trump who has lied, cheated, and bullied his way through life suddenly think is going to help workers and think he actually understands their struggles?\nTrump only cares about Trump\n\n#CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 31533, "original_id": "1250933619033624576", "reply_id": "1250937437431508993", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I heard a parent complain because a teacher was at the store during the day. When are they supposed to go since most stores close early now? and as I have said before this is not traditional school moved online! Teachers are humans trying to take care of families too!"} {"idx": 31536, "original_id": "1251230753230221312", "reply_id": "1251235121476145152", "label": "agree", "text": "Pray for Diane, nothing is wrong with her she’s just a little slow."} {"idx": 31538, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251088791055429635", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 31541, "original_id": "1251214084399341568", "reply_id": "1251214578580627457", "label": "shrug", "text": "If your children are misbehaving or loud while you're trying to work or are on a call, recognize the situation for what it is: proof that you have been a poor parent who inspires zero obedience or discipline.\n\nYour children are a reflection of you. Their failures are yours."} {"idx": 31542, "original_id": "1251200625989296128", "reply_id": "1251201000792350720", "label": "thank_you", "text": "i’m tired of seeing people with j names are shit. almost every single person i’ve been played by starts with “a”. tbf two of them had the same tho"} {"idx": 31546, "original_id": "1251189706236231686", "reply_id": "1251190462867746818", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Whenever I buy shortbread cookies I don’t enjoy it pass 3 sticks but when I steal my mums own it’s sweeter, I keep going back, why 🤦🏻‍♂️🥱"} {"idx": 31547, "original_id": "1250935346612879360", "reply_id": "1251114793785753601", "label": "high_five", "text": "Had some shower sex. \n\nThis has been an important announcement. Thank you for your time."} {"idx": 31548, "original_id": "1250921072205144066", "reply_id": "1250921712859914241", "label": "no", "text": "i “graduate” college in 3 weeks lol"} {"idx": 31549, "original_id": "1251198728259751938", "reply_id": "1251199459754680320", "label": "no", "text": "Oh no...why are these people...following me? I GOT RETWEETED BY BEN FUCKING SHAPIRO??? You do not want to follow me, fellas. Seriously. Spare yourself the disappointment."} {"idx": 31553, "original_id": "1251026058914279424", "reply_id": "1251027096836673536", "label": "yes", "text": "When Corona is done having her period me and @JoshsBandana_ are coming to Miami and you have no choice but to give us your bed. Thanks in advance! @Nanymartinezxo"} {"idx": 31554, "original_id": "1251127448822935553", "reply_id": "1251180884381675521", "label": "applause", "text": "One of the only upsides of #covid19, besides people finally washing their damn hands, is the collective realization of how dangerous and greedy @DrPhil and @DrOz are with their disinformation and callous attitude toward people. Also: they’re creeps."} {"idx": 31555, "original_id": "1251071076127453184", "reply_id": "1251072911085010944", "label": "applause", "text": "Fuck @Ubisoft"} {"idx": 31556, "original_id": "1250910324804538371", "reply_id": "1250961270037192704", "label": "awww", "text": "Day fifty eleven.... i miss my bad ass niece and her demands for \"foo\""} {"idx": 31558, "original_id": "1250603201629286400", "reply_id": "1251169683178389510", "label": "yes", "text": "BRUH i really just committted to my dream university, GO IRISH!! @NDadmissions"} {"idx": 31563, "original_id": "1250816257642958848", "reply_id": "1251112732482506752", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Really ruining my fave day of the week w my very own hands. I hate myself"} {"idx": 31571, "original_id": "1251201417416712193", "reply_id": "1251201714105004032", "label": "agree", "text": "Peoppppple are weirrrdd. That’s why I stick to myself."} {"idx": 31573, "original_id": "1251013311291723776", "reply_id": "1251021444768808961", "label": "applause", "text": "Ayye @RumNitty I tried calling a couple times. Is you waiting around for this to be over or can I drive to Phoenix and giving you this smoke you been begging for?"} {"idx": 31576, "original_id": "1251247364251152384", "reply_id": "1251253546428895233", "label": "agree", "text": "People suck"} {"idx": 31577, "original_id": "1251111621428236288", "reply_id": "1251144877766610947", "label": "agree", "text": "I like No Rules on FIFA20 because I can do bare dirty tackles and not get mugged off by the ref."} {"idx": 31579, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250954656186085377", "label": "shocked", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 31581, "original_id": "1251019656254631938", "reply_id": "1251212266260910081", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Is 27 considered late 20’s?"} {"idx": 31583, "original_id": "1251174812145389570", "reply_id": "1251180432504258562", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Can I propose a minutes clapping for someone, at some time, for doing something."} {"idx": 31584, "original_id": "1250987046107258880", "reply_id": "1251205471098122240", "label": "want", "text": "4am Klance AU concept that I just dreamed = Keith as a gang member but not totally a bad person who just fell in with the wrong crowd, & got in trouble for refusing to do something, now on the run from his own gang. Lance runs a local laundromat (no it's not DL) & helps him hide+"} {"idx": 31585, "original_id": "1251128921040584706", "reply_id": "1251135330754977792", "label": "no", "text": "I wanna see my guy low key"} {"idx": 31587, "original_id": "1250913028947787782", "reply_id": "1250913789995868162", "label": "ok", "text": "get off twitter @CelesteRiosR"} {"idx": 31589, "original_id": "1250883584182890496", "reply_id": "1250959039766376448", "label": "ok", "text": "What’s everyone’s thoughts on having another 3 week lockdown?"} {"idx": 31590, "original_id": "1250922066800332800", "reply_id": "1250926418386497536", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Fuck this stay at home bs! I can’t take it anymore"} {"idx": 31591, "original_id": "1250923593778659328", "reply_id": "1250924396241465348", "label": "ok", "text": "It's time for the First Watch First Hit! \n\nIf a Stripers player gets a hit in the bottom of the 1st inning, one lucky fan will win some Stripers swag!"} {"idx": 31592, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251232957488119808", "label": "yes", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 31597, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251258605984243712", "label": "ok", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 31600, "original_id": "1251025068878188544", "reply_id": "1251170864026079237", "label": "yes", "text": "I wonder what it’s like to receive texts from me?"} {"idx": 31607, "original_id": "1251269365216862209", "reply_id": "1251269648135438336", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Me: It’s Friday! \n\nMe: Who Cares! :)"} {"idx": 31609, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251032593346125824", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 31613, "original_id": "1250884462612799505", "reply_id": "1250885456507658246", "label": "no", "text": "ew statistical mechanics...... am i right?"} {"idx": 31615, "original_id": "1250907753498808320", "reply_id": "1250911996188352512", "label": "agree", "text": "If Trudeau enacts the emergency act to prevent provinces from re-opening their economies, it will be the end of Canada as a united country. You thought the West was pissed off before, buckle up because it's gonna get fuckin' ugly"} {"idx": 31620, "original_id": "1250981351605579777", "reply_id": "1250983093453959168", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m really tryna push it through with this school shit🤦🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 31621, "original_id": "1251164595651133440", "reply_id": "1251176635392548868", "label": "agree", "text": "To anyone who is spending lockdown with their boyfriend/girlfriend,fuck you😩😂(single heart)"} {"idx": 31623, "original_id": "1251149825015312385", "reply_id": "1251216489052540928", "label": "agree", "text": "This quarantine crap getting real old 🥱"} {"idx": 31625, "original_id": "1250855226485211141", "reply_id": "1250855388548866049", "label": "idk", "text": "How can I troll my friend pretending the season 2 live event is happening EARLY?"} {"idx": 31627, "original_id": "1250460581666197510", "reply_id": "1251150411345432576", "label": "applause", "text": "There is a joke circulating in Germany:\n\n\"What borders on stupidity?\"\n\"Mexico and Canada!\""} {"idx": 31629, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250974538722050050", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 31630, "original_id": "1250903109339164672", "reply_id": "1250928035811000327", "label": "ok", "text": "Quarantine day 30: i miss my students so much i want to cry💔"} {"idx": 31631, "original_id": "1250904732404719618", "reply_id": "1250907645990617097", "label": "dance", "text": "Dance battles on House Party with @_NasraAb is what life's about 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 31633, "original_id": "1251259254733864961", "reply_id": "1251260580322611200", "label": "agree", "text": "Niggas ain’t shit smh"} {"idx": 31638, "original_id": "1251004463441158145", "reply_id": "1251013810816724993", "label": "yes", "text": "NBA KILLED THAT SHIT"} {"idx": 31640, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250943410686607360", "label": "applause", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 31642, "original_id": "1250789250494324739", "reply_id": "1250846078653681664", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is not going well at all."} {"idx": 31643, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251002681365274624", "label": "yawn", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 31646, "original_id": "1250901256748576779", "reply_id": "1250923419530678273", "label": "agree", "text": "Fact or Fiction \n\nIf Nina Turner ran on the 2020 Green Ticket Bernie would still be trying to help Biden ?"} {"idx": 31650, "original_id": "1250945800034824203", "reply_id": "1250961095067656192", "label": "no", "text": "y'all ready to have kids?"} {"idx": 31652, "original_id": "1250881266662211584", "reply_id": "1250886491905146880", "label": "awww", "text": "happy birthday gorgeous @SMHQQ 💕"} {"idx": 31653, "original_id": "1251248804386332673", "reply_id": "1251249237951733760", "label": "hug", "text": "👉👈offering hugs again"} {"idx": 31654, "original_id": "1250945174349524992", "reply_id": "1251015751349174272", "label": "agree", "text": "everyone deserves a boyfriend like mike"} {"idx": 31655, "original_id": "1250912911385452545", "reply_id": "1251117930500276230", "label": "applause", "text": "Raise your hand if you're ready to Open Up America Again!\n\n#OUAA @realDonaldTrump \n\nLet's GO 🔥"} {"idx": 31659, "original_id": "1250999368880185344", "reply_id": "1251001640116719617", "label": "applause", "text": "if you've made your point, stop talking."} {"idx": 31660, "original_id": "1251105971725688832", "reply_id": "1251107792628350977", "label": "sigh", "text": "I need 4am friends.😰"} {"idx": 31667, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251058620336234496", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 31668, "original_id": "1250861113723572227", "reply_id": "1250869591296835590", "label": "shocked", "text": "My Sephora cart is $600 ☠️☠️☠️😂😂😂 I cant with myself."} {"idx": 31669, "original_id": "1250849322427654146", "reply_id": "1250850521021382658", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Dating is gamble Las las"} {"idx": 31672, "original_id": "1251183400167202816", "reply_id": "1251184108639858689", "label": "applause", "text": "in the spirit of trying to be more openly proud of my accomplishments, I want you all to know I put pants on today"} {"idx": 31673, "original_id": "1250755029096697856", "reply_id": "1251131074098466822", "label": "agree", "text": "Here's the thing, you can talk badly about me in whatever way. But it won't change anything about my day. Life goes on and at the end of the day though. I hope that you had a great day and maybe some positive vibes came through. Moosey has no room for hate in life."} {"idx": 31674, "original_id": "1250950526163922944", "reply_id": "1250951891044966403", "label": "yes", "text": "A lot of y’all becoming alcoholics during this quarantine 👀"} {"idx": 31677, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251257790145990660", "label": "ok", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 31683, "original_id": "1251188621392183302", "reply_id": "1251188951282524160", "label": "thank_you", "text": "A big THANK YOU to the waste crews who have been collecting your waste and recycling across #Medway this week, including the Bank Holiday. We hope you have a nice well-earned rest this weekend before hitting the roads again next week #StayHomeSaveLives"} {"idx": 31685, "original_id": "1251185547562778624", "reply_id": "1251197654966644741", "label": "hug", "text": "I officially gave my permanent leave notice at the Bartending Academy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 31686, "original_id": "1250942932611248131", "reply_id": "1250990252174573569", "label": "seriously", "text": "I know the gender everyone 🤗🤗"} {"idx": 31689, "original_id": "1251246467286806528", "reply_id": "1251247974430191616", "label": "smh", "text": "$3,000 for kissing??? Harry & Francesca fumbled the bag mannnnnnnnnnnn"} {"idx": 31690, "original_id": "1251020660161347585", "reply_id": "1251223137678696456", "label": "hug", "text": "Couldn't visit him in the hospital. Couldn't say goodbye. Can't have a funeral. Can't have a Shiva house. My father is dead and these people talk about it like it's nothing."} {"idx": 31694, "original_id": "1251219399840690176", "reply_id": "1251226716535549952", "label": "yes", "text": "I had a dream that @BarackObama took Malia to school on a red motorcycle (to Chico State of course) so I waved at them and he asked to hang out with the squad so we went back to my old apt and he told me to turn my heater off and I blamed my roommate for leaving it on"} {"idx": 31696, "original_id": "1250871971379843074", "reply_id": "1250872447538278402", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just tried my first Expert level on Beat Saber and I'm SWEATIN"} {"idx": 31698, "original_id": "1250929026111340546", "reply_id": "1251035393706901505", "label": "applause", "text": "Do you think Trump will have conjugal visits from Melania when he goes to prison?"} {"idx": 31699, "original_id": "1250809484101988354", "reply_id": "1250890842358890496", "label": "agree", "text": "Seems like one person will always be more invested in the relationship than the other. Agree or disagree?"} {"idx": 31701, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250849015635365891", "label": "eww", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 31702, "original_id": "1250865347336507397", "reply_id": "1250901663654850560", "label": "agree", "text": "FSU recruiting assistant followed DJ Taniels #FollowTheQuarantinedFollows"} {"idx": 31705, "original_id": "1250898745899835393", "reply_id": "1250904629652664320", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Everything happens for a reason. EVERYTHING! Pick your head up and get over it."} {"idx": 31707, "original_id": "1250860222551392268", "reply_id": "1251158932866777090", "label": "hearts", "text": "Drop a ❤ let's follow you if you follow back. Follow everyone who LIKES your comment."} {"idx": 31710, "original_id": "1251004982045835264", "reply_id": "1251014141093036033", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "True religion filed for bankruptcy?"} {"idx": 31711, "original_id": "1251105237152215040", "reply_id": "1251110105250246656", "label": "ok", "text": "Just found out ‘Ecuador’ means equator because the equator runs through the country. Mind blown"} {"idx": 31713, "original_id": "1250985850445287424", "reply_id": "1250991543202140165", "label": "shocked", "text": "header header header!!😝❤"} {"idx": 31714, "original_id": "1251217143712055298", "reply_id": "1251219149868728322", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "are we all on the same page as to how hot skylar astin is?"} {"idx": 31719, "original_id": "1250818881175932934", "reply_id": "1250878249422467081", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "How to write a dissertation during a pandemic. Don't even try."} {"idx": 31721, "original_id": "1250979234773782529", "reply_id": "1251007793772900352", "label": "applause", "text": "ff at 15? @aaronmahal"} {"idx": 31723, "original_id": "1251170218178678786", "reply_id": "1251258709424197633", "label": "yes", "text": "Is all dressing from Russia, Russian dressing?"} {"idx": 31724, "original_id": "1251255263924977665", "reply_id": "1251256440112795656", "label": "high_five", "text": "Hardwired to self destructtt"} {"idx": 31726, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251235426452402176", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 31728, "original_id": "1251205602493304833", "reply_id": "1251206906376527873", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Gimme a h*ll yeah if you’re ready to see your humble correspondent reporting live and in color from venues across America"} {"idx": 31730, "original_id": "1250810759388499969", "reply_id": "1250851006201692167", "label": "ok", "text": "Every scene in Ozark:\n\nSomeone: we’re going to torture and kill you and your family \n\nMarty Byrd: 😐hm. Ok"} {"idx": 31731, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250876878392565765", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 31732, "original_id": "1250988748315090944", "reply_id": "1251183067835891713", "label": "dance", "text": "👇 reply to this with your favorite GIF rn"} {"idx": 31737, "original_id": "1251223623320420359", "reply_id": "1251223769340874758", "label": "applause", "text": "im still having nightmares that im in 3rd grade and its bring your dick to school day and i forget my rod back at home"} {"idx": 31738, "original_id": "1250835031746064386", "reply_id": "1250857551752724480", "label": "seriously", "text": "Five weeks away from my wife. Just called for daily FaceTime chat: “Do you mind if we speak another time? Ocado are just about to release new delivery slots.”"} {"idx": 31739, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251077965309501440", "label": "sigh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 31742, "original_id": "1250880330267013125", "reply_id": "1250881292398399489", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm definitely eating my feelings today, but it's all salad so I'm healthier, regular as a German train schedule, and still depressed AF."} {"idx": 31743, "original_id": "1250979940566044672", "reply_id": "1250995857715007490", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Girth > length"} {"idx": 31744, "original_id": "1250845530365800448", "reply_id": "1251131757686112256", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "To say “People will die, so be it” instead of a science & testing-based path to reopening the economy is deeply frivolous & wrong.\n\nEvery life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community. This is something we are all in together. #FamiliesFirst"} {"idx": 31746, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250993345733812224", "label": "facepalm", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 31748, "original_id": "1250830036858437632", "reply_id": "1250976456651481095", "label": "agree", "text": "Say YES below if you are working harder and being more productive now that you are quarantined."} {"idx": 31750, "original_id": "1250831250404913152", "reply_id": "1250868048753496064", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "like if you believe i can hit 100,000 subscribers within 3-5 months ❤️, i’m gonna grind my a** off, so when we hit it imma come back here & see who believed in me ❤️"} {"idx": 31753, "original_id": "1251119632351555585", "reply_id": "1251120199874437123", "label": "agree", "text": "Don't give reaction to hatred comment or tweet during chat ...\nWe will look that matter after chat by mass reporting acc....\n\nSPAM WITH LOVE DURING CHAT ......"} {"idx": 31755, "original_id": "1250943670494334978", "reply_id": "1250945362086580230", "label": "no", "text": "Is it rude for me not to wear a bra in public????"} {"idx": 31756, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251112360359587843", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 31758, "original_id": "1250960177412661249", "reply_id": "1250960286342930432", "label": "shocked", "text": "I need my mf ass busted I’m TIRED of this quarantine shit"} {"idx": 31759, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250884650186059781", "label": "sorry", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 31763, "original_id": "1251235015553417217", "reply_id": "1251236440740106242", "label": "hug", "text": "Yep I'm really out here worrying about taking Gaviscon tablets because I just read they contain sugar."} {"idx": 31764, "original_id": "1250987834024046593", "reply_id": "1250990026185310210", "label": "wink", "text": "Yeah I’m not looking for anything serious right now either. I just want you to play with my hair while I read a book and then you can go home. No strings attached, I’ll even buy the tacos"} {"idx": 31767, "original_id": "1251113497590562817", "reply_id": "1251115155255185409", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "49 Minutes"} {"idx": 31769, "original_id": "1250923370939547649", "reply_id": "1250925498525536258", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump on the $349 billion small business loan program whose funds have run out: \"So just for the viewers watching this, or hearing you ask that question, exhausted is a good thing, not a bad thing. It went quickly, it is so popular.\""} {"idx": 31770, "original_id": "1251208879498649600", "reply_id": "1251221972572188672", "label": "no", "text": "If Tua Tagovailoa drops below six, should the Raiders trade up?"} {"idx": 31771, "original_id": "1250846001193050118", "reply_id": "1250912367270965248", "label": "hug", "text": "Dude I just want a fucking hug"} {"idx": 31772, "original_id": "1250866811144413184", "reply_id": "1250873881189142530", "label": "applause", "text": "my onlyfans is back up 👉🏻👈🏻"} {"idx": 31778, "original_id": "1250953252041977857", "reply_id": "1250963872950956037", "label": "popcorn", "text": "reply with what you think the most commonly used gif is"} {"idx": 31783, "original_id": "1251129357852200962", "reply_id": "1251250137906597889", "label": "hug", "text": "As a person who lives alone, can I take a moment to say:\n\nI just really, really want a hug."} {"idx": 31784, "original_id": "1251129870555533312", "reply_id": "1251133441279758336", "label": "please", "text": "Best thing about quarantine is having a beagle place that delivers freshly baked beagles."} {"idx": 31789, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251065245201653762", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 31814, "original_id": "1249819565963513859", "reply_id": "1251033413034926080", "label": "no", "text": "If I’m sucking the dick I’m sorry, ima slip a finger in that asshole 😋"} {"idx": 31815, "original_id": "1250920980848889856", "reply_id": "1250948497538351104", "label": "no", "text": "Do people who adopted minimalism ever miss their stuff? Honestly looking for an answer here."} {"idx": 31816, "original_id": "1250816404456189953", "reply_id": "1250877371726651392", "label": "no", "text": "Is J. Cole a top 10 artist of all time?"} {"idx": 31834, "original_id": "1250764728680374276", "reply_id": "1251025129347461120", "label": "no", "text": "do we love fortnite?"} {"idx": 31844, "original_id": "1251144169441067008", "reply_id": "1251198142705434630", "label": "hug", "text": "My aunt passed away. I loved her so much. She was my favorite aunt. \n\nShe is the mother of the cousin I lost recently. \n\nAnd no possibility to say goodbye... \n\nOr do anything. \n\nI feel so lost and helpless."} {"idx": 31854, "original_id": "1250820350176362497", "reply_id": "1250916248755539971", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’m in the car, just turned on Rush Limbaugh, here’s a synopsis of what I heard:\n\n“Ok, this has gotta stop. This shutdown can’t continue. It doesn’t matter how many people die. 22 million people are unemployed. Enough! People have always died. We’ll adapt.”\n\nAnd millions nodded."} {"idx": 31861, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228432618438657", "label": "applause", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 31866, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1251186386641850371", "label": "smh", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 31874, "original_id": "1250942252211462148", "reply_id": "1250947843419824129", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "WellI don’t know bout you guys but it was another exciting day at the fucking homestead for me."} {"idx": 31880, "original_id": "1251235069617942533", "reply_id": "1251235214904324096", "label": "applause", "text": "When you become so rich that you forget what it’s like to be poor, you need to get your head examined."} {"idx": 31883, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251098010848768007", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 31884, "original_id": "1250946294597799939", "reply_id": "1251013461259108352", "label": "agree", "text": "I like Oprah, but she created two monsters: Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz."} {"idx": 31888, "original_id": "1251215394171310080", "reply_id": "1251215462412816384", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss hugs"} {"idx": 31913, "original_id": "1250992839976247297", "reply_id": "1251199834146693126", "label": "hug", "text": "My grandma died this morning. \n\nI should be sad, but I’m not. I feel bad that I don’t feel bad. \n\nCan anyone relate? I need a person."} {"idx": 31915, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251269924313497602", "label": "idk", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 31916, "original_id": "1251178611052122112", "reply_id": "1251180476020199424", "label": "shocked", "text": "Alfred Kinsey, author of the Kinsey report into human sexuality and keen exponent of sado-masochism, once circumcised himself in the bathtub with a penknife."} {"idx": 31935, "original_id": "1251135346986962946", "reply_id": "1251228995745648640", "label": "hug", "text": "I hate having repeated nightmares. Gunna be tired all day I guess 😴😴😴😴"} {"idx": 31936, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250943517582520321", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 31939, "original_id": "1250872568967499778", "reply_id": "1250875555597213698", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Starting my keto diet today let’s see how it goes 😅"} {"idx": 31945, "original_id": "1250782047221821440", "reply_id": "1250871236638306305", "label": "dance", "text": "Coworkers have discovered I'm allowed to take off my mask when no one else is in my office. On a related note, everyone's new favorite game is \"I'M IN YOU OFFICE SO NOW YOU HAVE TO PUT A MASK ON!! HA HA HA HA!!\" \n#Hilarious. 🤨"} {"idx": 31946, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251240822114156545", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 31951, "original_id": "1250851055052697600", "reply_id": "1250854542868123650", "label": "thank_you", "text": "MY STUDENT LOAN BALANCE IS UNDER $40k \n\nthat is all."} {"idx": 31952, "original_id": "1250948084235935745", "reply_id": "1250951979096031232", "label": "oops", "text": "How tf did I end up in another long distance situation!? 🙄😩🤨"} {"idx": 31954, "original_id": "1250860479335063552", "reply_id": "1251013372641865728", "label": "no", "text": "If you weren't sure of how bad things have gotten, Amazon is out of podcast mics."} {"idx": 31960, "original_id": "1250942460299300865", "reply_id": "1250946374591565825", "label": "scared", "text": "And now he gay 🤷🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 31962, "original_id": "1251205940663193606", "reply_id": "1251207053542068224", "label": "applause", "text": "If the media doesn’t get some fucking balls and relentlessly confront Trump about his incendiary tweets at today’s briefing, then they deserve all the shit Trump gives em every day."} {"idx": 31964, "original_id": "1250838908667035650", "reply_id": "1250851414747873280", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m so fed up and stressed these days"} {"idx": 31969, "original_id": "1250850229005344768", "reply_id": "1250851393134444544", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Sometimes I like to think about the people who spray painted “cake face” on my car in high school. And how ironically one of their significant others now does makeup for a living."} {"idx": 31975, "original_id": "1250907905227980800", "reply_id": "1250909365638479877", "label": "applause", "text": "ALL i'm saying is, when they go low... we keep reporting and finding the truth and that's all I'M SAYING ABOUT THAT"} {"idx": 31977, "original_id": "1250944605757083652", "reply_id": "1250959607238926338", "label": "seriously", "text": "imagine Corona cancel football szn next year 😖"} {"idx": 31979, "original_id": "1251021078538801152", "reply_id": "1251040709211238400", "label": "yes", "text": "I’d love to see Joe Biden announce his running mate, and then he and she start holding their own press conference at the same time Trump holds his."} {"idx": 31980, "original_id": "1250944016004374528", "reply_id": "1250979501162614784", "label": "ok", "text": "So Coronavirus got 64% of the women I’ve met/been involved within the last 10 years out of my life coming back from the grave asking me what’s the best method to buy a Switch for them (or their son if they have one)"} {"idx": 31983, "original_id": "1250956916030930950", "reply_id": "1251068227704229888", "label": "agree", "text": "Who the fuck told you to be yourself? You can do so much better!"} {"idx": 31988, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251034412587741190", "label": "omg", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 31990, "original_id": "1251144457745031168", "reply_id": "1251170935069016064", "label": "ok", "text": "i love all of u"} {"idx": 31991, "original_id": "1251205960292610051", "reply_id": "1251272046312554496", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I ain't one for money matches but I'm calling out Goweege...\nYou are TRASH! Gimmick character using mothaFUKr with low skill smh\nWhen this quarantine shyt is done put that bread up and catch these hands!\n#isaidwhatisaid"} {"idx": 31992, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251125180644175880", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 31993, "original_id": "1250831839377403904", "reply_id": "1250858188905287681", "label": "smh", "text": "I'm still struggling to reconcile Govt 'stay home to save lives' mantra with the fact they're still allowing 15,000 people to fly into the UK every day with no health checks, many from worst-hit parts of the world like NYC & Italy. \nAm I missing something?"} {"idx": 31996, "original_id": "1250943987625734144", "reply_id": "1250947442780131329", "label": "scared", "text": "We are like exactly a week away from the #Cowboys making their first-round pick. \n\nHow afraid are you of them taking a LB at No. 17?"} {"idx": 31997, "original_id": "1250825282044538883", "reply_id": "1250840561659109377", "label": "hug", "text": "Had an absolute freak out last night.Between Mom’s cancer, no unemployment money, & our lack of competent leadership I lost my shit. Mind racing 1,000 miles a minute, heart palpitations, tears flowing; music, breathing exercises, nothing worked.Only Xanax & vodka got me through"} {"idx": 31998, "original_id": "1251157756800725000", "reply_id": "1251172181704409090", "label": "hearts", "text": "The only receipts in life are our memories weather you instill them in family or yourself make them count because they are non returnable. Love yall stay grinding."} {"idx": 32002, "original_id": "1250957974799110145", "reply_id": "1250960202490355719", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I know GTC festival not happening next month but I jus want confirmation nah bai"} {"idx": 32003, "original_id": "1251009845525917701", "reply_id": "1251011232980586496", "label": "oops", "text": "Lordy, my daughter just said, “I wonder how they got all of the animals to cooperate in this movie.”\n\nWe’re watching The Lion King 💀💀"} {"idx": 32005, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250849532524605440", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 32006, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250939114142253056", "label": "yes", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 32014, "original_id": "1250715469339860993", "reply_id": "1250930661080346625", "label": "shocked", "text": "Im now finding out the guy in asking all them questions next to Emmanuel Hudson wasnt his brother 🤯"} {"idx": 32015, "original_id": "1251131606577950720", "reply_id": "1251131925831573513", "label": "awww", "text": "We’ve not done one of these for a while, and I’ve just realised today is Friday, so here’s today’s #ff @sharigledhill @MrDavidMrIan @mstloveicecream @SeeShaunVlog @NathanStaker1 @CarmenandBrian @BroadwaysAway @3_bigkids @oohgaryc @smithdisneyadv1 @gemark1605 @tangledupinfun"} {"idx": 32017, "original_id": "1250926138840494081", "reply_id": "1250932580968550407", "label": "agree", "text": "I'll say it again. This is all about political positioning. The President now can blame governors for opening up to early or too late. He's in position to take credit and deflect all blame. It's the no responsibility Presidency"} {"idx": 32023, "original_id": "1251212745049092100", "reply_id": "1251244769973583878", "label": "omg", "text": "So sad to hear about Betty White. She’ll be missed. #RIP. \n(She’s fine, just practicing)"} {"idx": 32026, "original_id": "1250846863307296769", "reply_id": "1250848583319842817", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Thanks, everyone, for participating this week! @BeyondType1 and @BeyondType2 kudos! You all rocked it. #diabetesathome"} {"idx": 32028, "original_id": "1250875793275858944", "reply_id": "1250943451270701059", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m at home drunk and high asl g. Yall be doing this everyday?"} {"idx": 32030, "original_id": "1250853997906325504", "reply_id": "1250914735282810880", "label": "applause", "text": "Gallup: Trump's job approval rating, now 43%, has slipped six percentage points since mid-March when he earned 49% approval, which tied his personal best. 54% now disapprove."} {"idx": 32032, "original_id": "1250900751582408705", "reply_id": "1250989769581924352", "label": "omg", "text": "Socialism is the people. If you are afraid of socialism, you are afraid of yourself! - Chairman Fred Hampton"} {"idx": 32038, "original_id": "1250403211137167361", "reply_id": "1250835653211930625", "label": "idk", "text": "How many wings can I buy with $1,200? \n\nAsking for a friend."} {"idx": 32039, "original_id": "1251105378500112387", "reply_id": "1251108931499446273", "label": "seriously", "text": "Have to admit, I expected more of Kim Clijsters’ comeback."} {"idx": 32040, "original_id": "1250955453476962305", "reply_id": "1250958322469081092", "label": "hearts", "text": "I’m in such a mood rn. Really hoping my fans can cheer me up."} {"idx": 32042, "original_id": "1251274136187547651", "reply_id": "1251274312864145412", "label": "hug", "text": "a hug would be nice right about now"} {"idx": 32043, "original_id": "1251001044928278530", "reply_id": "1251120620257120256", "label": "smh", "text": "I hate you Twitter with all my soul.\nI spent 1.5 hours writing a deeply heartfelt,20 part thread I will never be able to duplicate. I go to check on a pic to attch,I come back,twitter relaunches itself,completely deleting my work.\nWHAT KIND OF SHITTY SFTWAR DO YOU WRITE.?"} {"idx": 32050, "original_id": "1250820350176362497", "reply_id": "1250985996369276930", "label": "sigh", "text": "I’m in the car, just turned on Rush Limbaugh, here’s a synopsis of what I heard:\n\n“Ok, this has gotta stop. This shutdown can’t continue. It doesn’t matter how many people die. 22 million people are unemployed. Enough! People have always died. We’ll adapt.”\n\nAnd millions nodded."} {"idx": 32052, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251045829986496513", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 32053, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250944835147558912", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 32058, "original_id": "1250845551064539137", "reply_id": "1250847045230837760", "label": "ok", "text": "I want winters again ;_;"} {"idx": 32061, "original_id": "1250838172336099331", "reply_id": "1250867460221407232", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "All 6 projects drops midnight \n@KabzaDeSmall_ \n@Aymos_shili \n@mas_musiq \n@DaliWongaSA \nMdu Aka TRP x Bongza\nMadumane \nScorpion Kings \n\nall Streaming platform ❤️ \nplease retweet"} {"idx": 32063, "original_id": "1251235727494569984", "reply_id": "1251240793014231040", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Liberate New York from morons who say Liberate New York."} {"idx": 32064, "original_id": "1250730611523964928", "reply_id": "1250849979763130369", "label": "dance", "text": "I’m so glad I discovered the #WritingCommunity 🥰 Somehow I’m 71 followers away from 1000! 😳 I’ve met so many amazing writers and would ❤️ to meet more! ✍🏼 Reply with your book/#WIP + I’ll retweet it! 😊🙏🏼\n#WriterLift #lockdown #Thursday #thursdaymorning #Writer"} {"idx": 32066, "original_id": "1251170409602412544", "reply_id": "1251204076135747587", "label": "no", "text": ". @Prez to the Cowboys. Let's make that happen. What say you, @howaboutafresca?"} {"idx": 32067, "original_id": "1251168783378649088", "reply_id": "1251202882197651466", "label": "hug", "text": "Person: Did I hurt your feelings?\nBrain: say yes\nHeart: say yes\nGuts: say yes\n\nMouth. \"Nope\""} {"idx": 32068, "original_id": "1251205602493304833", "reply_id": "1251206628457820170", "label": "yes", "text": "Gimme a h*ll yeah if you’re ready to see your humble correspondent reporting live and in color from venues across America"} {"idx": 32070, "original_id": "1251097546719723520", "reply_id": "1251140965273866240", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Howdy all 👋👋. Have a great day. Today is Friday the 43rd of April."} {"idx": 32072, "original_id": "1250941556607062016", "reply_id": "1250947551769042944", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Full ice"} {"idx": 32075, "original_id": "1250841445042454530", "reply_id": "1250915917531426816", "label": "no", "text": "I touched my face at the grocery store without washing my hands first so......it was nice knowing all of you 😬\nEPIC. FAIL. 🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 32078, "original_id": "1251212640874983424", "reply_id": "1251223115717160961", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Cuomo: \"'It's up to the states' to reopen. By the way it was always up to the states. What, are you going to grant me what the Constitution gave me before you were born? It's called the 10th Amendment. I didn't need the President of the United States to tell me I'm the governor.\""} {"idx": 32081, "original_id": "1251070324680073216", "reply_id": "1251127217062641665", "label": "shocked", "text": "i might have the rona :-)"} {"idx": 32082, "original_id": "1251214935545257986", "reply_id": "1251226453846310919", "label": "shocked", "text": "Alright fine, I’ll bite: what is a Fiona Apple?"} {"idx": 32084, "original_id": "1250830805078704129", "reply_id": "1251007937012740101", "label": "yes", "text": "China says the US should \"fulfill its obligations\" to the World Health Organization and restore funding\n\nI say China should fulfill ITS obligations and pay damages to the 22.5 million Americans who lost their job because of the virus China unleashed on the world\n\nRT if you agree!"} {"idx": 32087, "original_id": "1250994762779373569", "reply_id": "1250995564671406080", "label": "no", "text": "should i get drunk right now"} {"idx": 32093, "original_id": "1251190763855085568", "reply_id": "1251195941446705159", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Okay, I'm at 44.5k in my novel right now. I think my goal will be 48k by the end of the weekend.\n\n3.5k in edits by Sunday night. That's do-able, right?"} {"idx": 32094, "original_id": "1250920581618335754", "reply_id": "1250957608829308939", "label": "scared", "text": "This is his Mission Accomplished moment."} {"idx": 32095, "original_id": "1250840898298134531", "reply_id": "1250841008369217537", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I'd like to announce I'll be posting a tweet addressing the coronavirus."} {"idx": 32096, "original_id": "1250881007877840902", "reply_id": "1250882340878012417", "label": "eww", "text": "Whenever you're having a bad day... just remember somewhere out there is Joy Behar's gynecologist!"} {"idx": 32097, "original_id": "1250853118725828608", "reply_id": "1250853445109788674", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Anyone wanna push their brawler to rank 30 next season? I'm available just DM me... thanks #Grinding\n#StaySafeStayHome"} {"idx": 32098, "original_id": "1251010842234982400", "reply_id": "1251014458853355526", "label": "wink", "text": "Happy national horny day folks"} {"idx": 32100, "original_id": "1250913405566889989", "reply_id": "1250971751166685186", "label": "no", "text": "Grab your friends for a magical movie night. CATS featuring an all-star cast: James Corden, Judi Dench, Jason Derulo, Idris Elba Jennifer Hudson, Ian McKellen, Taylor Swift, Rebel Wilson and introducing Francesca Hayward. Buy now, watch instantly."} {"idx": 32101, "original_id": "1250846078561390594", "reply_id": "1250846492803424256", "label": "shocked", "text": "Bro wtf someone just sent me a dm saying I’m hotter than a spoon at Demi lovato’s crib 💀"} {"idx": 32105, "original_id": "1250916520315715586", "reply_id": "1250925731540094977", "label": "win", "text": "Keep 6 feet away if you have Covid\n\nGreater than 100ft if you have TDS"} {"idx": 32106, "original_id": "1250869593192542209", "reply_id": "1250901773574795264", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "The F in my name stands for funny"} {"idx": 32108, "original_id": "1251024396568821760", "reply_id": "1251024582296981504", "label": "no", "text": "@LexiiiK9 you keep liking my tweets.... does this mean you want me to call you"} {"idx": 32109, "original_id": "1250936948560146434", "reply_id": "1251153359836295174", "label": "agree", "text": "Honesty:\nI work in 3 different hospitals a week. I haven’t been worried or scared about COVID in over 2 wks. Just like HIV/AIDs, Cdiff, MRSA, TB, pseudomonas, etc... I gear up for my protection. \n\nOpen America & learn to live with this virus. \n\nIf this scares you, stay home."} {"idx": 32110, "original_id": "1251215211803160576", "reply_id": "1251220679170691073", "label": "seriously", "text": "Interesting chat tonight between Murray and Djokovic on Instagram. A good innovation. Would have been improved if they had at least touched on the multiple important issues facing the sport at this moment."} {"idx": 32114, "original_id": "1251018584815480832", "reply_id": "1251263254036393987", "label": "oops", "text": "Guys, if, because of Covid19, you start getting 80% of your salary, you might begin to feel like the average woman"} {"idx": 32118, "original_id": "1251222475171561472", "reply_id": "1251223457687355392", "label": "smh", "text": "On a serious note, Ima need @Starbucks to open UPPPPPPPP"} {"idx": 32120, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1250884270039748612", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 32122, "original_id": "1251093946182270978", "reply_id": "1251096224066932736", "label": "hug", "text": "Just want a big massive long cuddle 🥺☹️"} {"idx": 32123, "original_id": "1251197385998565377", "reply_id": "1251255382695120902", "label": "want", "text": "I need one of those hugs that turn into hot and filthy sex"} {"idx": 32125, "original_id": "1250991991011151874", "reply_id": "1250994006781308928", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "It's been fun, Portland. In the morning the Burrito Bowls are moving to Montana."} {"idx": 32126, "original_id": "1250893712827256832", "reply_id": "1250911909190098944", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "This whole time my boyfriend was a YouTuber??????? Wtf"} {"idx": 32129, "original_id": "1251229203522961408", "reply_id": "1251229658613338112", "label": "wink", "text": "You always made my day happy🥰"} {"idx": 32130, "original_id": "1251164037854801934", "reply_id": "1251230959963267072", "label": "yes", "text": "It’s my day off, should I get drunk?"} {"idx": 32131, "original_id": "1251219842868314112", "reply_id": "1251243514697879552", "label": "agree", "text": "Xbox has better games."} {"idx": 32134, "original_id": "1250856966232125440", "reply_id": "1250857525169328132", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Im sorry but i can’t fw Carti music lmao"} {"idx": 32136, "original_id": "1251203484852146177", "reply_id": "1251209242998161409", "label": "applause", "text": "\"China raises coronavirus death toll in Wuhan by 50%\"\n\nyeah? No shit. They're gonna keep raising it, but each time they do, remember...they're still lying."} {"idx": 32140, "original_id": "1250939825730904065", "reply_id": "1250964418273435649", "label": "agree", "text": "The sappy radio commercials, the lib wailing, the submissive & terrified morons, the ridiculous press conferences, the minute by minute death counts—\nI’m over it. All of it. \n\n#ReopenAmerica"} {"idx": 32142, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251031858579529728", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 32144, "original_id": "1251228436070309890", "reply_id": "1251228633957576704", "label": "scared", "text": "gonna dedicate my account to a different spanish actor I‘m obsessed with every day n see how many followers I can lose"} {"idx": 32145, "original_id": "1250845116106895360", "reply_id": "1251012532233363458", "label": "want", "text": "How long does a heartbreak last? Asking for a friend."} {"idx": 32146, "original_id": "1250842668671827969", "reply_id": "1250847264513327105", "label": "dance", "text": "Today is #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay and we want to know how you're doing. Let us know by using only emojis 👇"} {"idx": 32147, "original_id": "1251189056064675840", "reply_id": "1251224485392506880", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Cuomo is kicking Trumps ass! That’s my fucking governor!!! #Cuomo"} {"idx": 32148, "original_id": "1250955110232068097", "reply_id": "1250958523460128775", "label": "hug", "text": "Lmaooo y’all. People are still in my DMs mad about this whole inside out day. Now I guess I’m not “posting enough” in my outfit getting people excited 😅 I just wanted to clean my damn apartment today man 😩🥺"} {"idx": 32154, "original_id": "1251236385190809601", "reply_id": "1251236571304648718", "label": "agree", "text": "I tweeted about buying dinner for some people. A woman in Tennessee saw it, and started buying dinner for other teammates. This is the power of what we are doing, what we are building. Boots on the ground. Taking care of humans, one human being at a time."} {"idx": 32155, "original_id": "1250901814125498370", "reply_id": "1251269890578821125", "label": "thank_you", "text": "How are people excited about a GSP V Khabib fight?? GSP is retired and way past his prime.. Khabib is a current titleholder and in the prime of his life.. the only way it’d be slightly competitive is if we sent Khabib back in a time machine 5-10 years"} {"idx": 32156, "original_id": "1251261175658098691", "reply_id": "1251272638246187009", "label": "yes", "text": "Do yah think it’s time for another Q&A it’s been like a year..?"} {"idx": 32162, "original_id": "1250920951975415808", "reply_id": "1250921532836261890", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I told a personal trainer I want to be in shape like the Macho Man Randy Savage. He recommended a properly balanced diet of steroids and cocaine.🤔"} {"idx": 32163, "original_id": "1250957166086930435", "reply_id": "1251128207274905602", "label": "seriously", "text": "So after careful consideration, I’ve decided not to do story time. Too vulgar 😭"} {"idx": 32165, "original_id": "1250841835439656961", "reply_id": "1250842891800494080", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Hey all you trumpers. \nDoctors and nurses aren’t social distancing. \nWhy do we have to?\nThat’s bullshit. Right?"} {"idx": 32166, "original_id": "1251062577439944705", "reply_id": "1251111375826497537", "label": "awww", "text": "When I’m having my period I crave for attention and affection 😔"} {"idx": 32167, "original_id": "1250573434154815501", "reply_id": "1250927066167599104", "label": "good_luck", "text": "With my thesis defense in 3 days, I've surpassed stress cleaning and stress exercising to reach stress TV binging. I'm switching between working and binging in 45 minute cycles. I'd feel guilty if it wasn't curing my writer's block #gradschool #sendhelp"} {"idx": 32168, "original_id": "1250947844376322050", "reply_id": "1250965996929720320", "label": "idk", "text": "Anything goes when it comes to hoes.."} {"idx": 32170, "original_id": "1250849327288856577", "reply_id": "1250863213572493312", "label": "hug", "text": "why do people unf me this is so sad alexa"} {"idx": 32173, "original_id": "1250949902458253312", "reply_id": "1250964666102226944", "label": "no", "text": "Who is still making their bed every day?"} {"idx": 32174, "original_id": "1250895278523273217", "reply_id": "1250970135378231302", "label": "smh", "text": "$BA +8.5% AHs -- the crisis has ended. Please book your vacations now"} {"idx": 32176, "original_id": "1251243529533153280", "reply_id": "1251270584870322179", "label": "shocked", "text": "Last month was the first March without a school shooting in 18 years. \nThat's it. That's the tweet."} {"idx": 32182, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864950232391681", "label": "applause", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 32188, "original_id": "1251150965220143108", "reply_id": "1251155205611118599", "label": "agree", "text": "Cancel Culture needs to stop. Seriously."} {"idx": 32191, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251132451365302273", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 32195, "original_id": "1251071991525900288", "reply_id": "1251117786337689601", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Time for #FF full of #gamedevelopers\n@AdrienDittrick\n@PhilRaco \n@IntoADreamGame \n@ancalabro \n@BrobroStudios \n@BruteForceGame \n@BenstarDEV \n@CrossGameStudio \n@CarbsCode \n@bluegoogames \n@NoaCalice \n@pugfuglygames \n@LabsSkull \n@skydevilpalm \n@DaniDevYT \n@Izokia7 \n@DumeSoftware"} {"idx": 32196, "original_id": "1251127909076606976", "reply_id": "1251131071342825476", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Warzone has lowkey gave me so many opportunities it’s mad!\n\nI’m thankful👑"} {"idx": 32200, "original_id": "1251261859740647429", "reply_id": "1251262044826935304", "label": "yes", "text": "Sourdough tastes gross. \n\nDon’t @ me"} {"idx": 32201, "original_id": "1250852758237908992", "reply_id": "1250858119497998337", "label": "agree", "text": "Some of you fuckers need to jump off a goddamn cliff. Stay the fuck home and listen to the medical and scientific community!"} {"idx": 32203, "original_id": "1250859646946095109", "reply_id": "1250883833098100747", "label": "awww", "text": "I swear I have the best friends ever."} {"idx": 32204, "original_id": "1250840714163912710", "reply_id": "1250841250695122953", "label": "agree", "text": "Going to go ball out at Walmart with this stimulus check hahahaha, gaming setup is about to be lit🤣"} {"idx": 32209, "original_id": "1251154114987167744", "reply_id": "1251154766861758466", "label": "wink", "text": "Twitter’s not perfect but none of us are. Yet here we stand collectively expressing our feelings, thoughts , laughter, kinks and supporting each other during a global pandemic. That’s some wicked cool shit ,so thanks to everyone out there who helps make my days a little brighter."} {"idx": 32210, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251191143498424320", "label": "agree", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 32212, "original_id": "1251000678731771906", "reply_id": "1251009076051369984", "label": "hug", "text": "sometimes, I feel a lot of friends, feel many who care about me,,\nbut behind all that, I still feel alone :)"} {"idx": 32214, "original_id": "1250535205821169665", "reply_id": "1250862724139139073", "label": "ok", "text": "if my man expects my vagina to always be shaved then he can damn well do it himself \n\nwait what?"} {"idx": 32217, "original_id": "1251086363488686082", "reply_id": "1251091592137474050", "label": "ok", "text": "No one actually wants to see what you looked like at 20. Just an fyi"} {"idx": 32218, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251216537505021952", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 32219, "original_id": "1251227846107975680", "reply_id": "1251227902479421441", "label": "applause", "text": "you do not have “chaotic energy” you’re annoying"} {"idx": 32220, "original_id": "1250899366770073600", "reply_id": "1250903339505553408", "label": "applause", "text": "I've rewatched all of the Sopranos in 12 days."} {"idx": 32221, "original_id": "1251042878299738112", "reply_id": "1251043447588388864", "label": "yolo", "text": "who all in here"} {"idx": 32222, "original_id": "1250846111708753920", "reply_id": "1250847153041428483", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Today is the day.\nNeeding all of the good vibes from you guys 😖"} {"idx": 32223, "original_id": "1250845384965947392", "reply_id": "1250965346581770240", "label": "no", "text": "It’s national horny day so y’all are legally not allowed to get mad at me for being horny on the TL"} {"idx": 32224, "original_id": "1248628344901570560", "reply_id": "1250839357843361792", "label": "eww", "text": "People of #Endia lesson from #CoronaLockddow is never support political oppression how #ModiGovtFailsIndia by indefinite lockdown of #Kashmir people suffered this agony for too long not becauuse of Pendamic but because #Endia political leadership failed humanity"} {"idx": 32227, "original_id": "1251246755846352897", "reply_id": "1251249267244707840", "label": "applause", "text": "So... what are we thinking?"} {"idx": 32228, "original_id": "1250861585872171008", "reply_id": "1250862496774144001", "label": "good_luck", "text": "About to do my first media Zoom conference call & oh my, am I nervous."} {"idx": 32229, "original_id": "1250901503960891392", "reply_id": "1250901916848136199", "label": "agree", "text": "moms cult leader believes speaking in tongues makes u immune to corona"} {"idx": 32230, "original_id": "1251219261470781441", "reply_id": "1251219556397461504", "label": "agree", "text": "Citizens: Love freedom, & love liberty...these are not buzzwords. As the government makes us more dependent on them every day; don't give in to the ease of embracing that more and more. Govt has a role, of course, but individual Americans make the country what it is."} {"idx": 32234, "original_id": "1251017531692892160", "reply_id": "1251017658746667008", "label": "no", "text": "@Pam_Escalante3 Holiwis :3\nI'm loverboy xD"} {"idx": 32235, "original_id": "1251011348244443137", "reply_id": "1251012524721557505", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Who’s on"} {"idx": 32236, "original_id": "1250862754010931203", "reply_id": "1250973215830097920", "label": "applause", "text": "My in-depth analysis of Utah's 2020 schedule\n\nbyu- trash\nMontana St- trash \nWyoming- trash\nCal- solid but not good\nUSC- good but not great\nWazzu- trash\nUW- maybe good? But probs solid\nUCLA- trash\nArizona- trash\nOregon St- trash\nArizona St- solid but not good \nColorado- trash"} {"idx": 32239, "original_id": "1251023460022849536", "reply_id": "1251158520218570762", "label": "smh", "text": "So........How DaBaby Album Sounding? Respond With A GIF"} {"idx": 32242, "original_id": "1250901835034103809", "reply_id": "1250944305025466368", "label": "applause", "text": "Shout out to 30+ Twitter though!"} {"idx": 32244, "original_id": "1250905208877694981", "reply_id": "1250924079307259905", "label": "applause", "text": "Covid 19 has changed me - I’m cleaning, cooking, baking, doing grocery shopping... lads, I think I’m officially ready to date again too! as soon as this saga is over 😏"} {"idx": 32246, "original_id": "1250882164528500748", "reply_id": "1250943882549964802", "label": "no", "text": "Cran-Grape + Pure White Hennessy \n\nYou’re welcome 💜"} {"idx": 32248, "original_id": "1250509913136287750", "reply_id": "1250879524511911936", "label": "seriously", "text": "My longest talking stage was 3 years, man wasted my time and shit.. My next talking stage that lead to something serious was just two weeks..."} {"idx": 32251, "original_id": "1250872033908490242", "reply_id": "1250883306406547456", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Scheer: proposal is to have 4 accountability sessions a week. To have representation for every party: 11 for CPC, 14 for LPC etc."} {"idx": 32252, "original_id": "1251127309718953984", "reply_id": "1251139228089671680", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Five weeks ago today I felt sick with what would prove to be #COVID19. Today I'm happy to say that my family and I are all feeling much better. Thanks to all who have and continue to express their concern. It is appreciated beyond words. Please keep yourself and your family safe."} {"idx": 32253, "original_id": "1250812852157513728", "reply_id": "1250851446339317765", "label": "idk", "text": "IF he moans with a 𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘧𝘶𝘭 of DICK,\n he’s the devil sexually , toxic bitch \n HE is me , I’m that toxic bitch 👅💦"} {"idx": 32257, "original_id": "1250461871011958784", "reply_id": "1250862449550655493", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I support Trump and will continue to support him in November. \n\nWho else is with me? #TrumpPressConf"} {"idx": 32258, "original_id": "1250841903886557185", "reply_id": "1250844581190529024", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Nowadays, bra is the most redundant item of clothing."} {"idx": 32259, "original_id": "1250851798207721472", "reply_id": "1250852124650549248", "label": "kiss", "text": "The healing & comforting power of touch. Showing affection thru hugs, kisses & more will never be the same post COVID19."} {"idx": 32261, "original_id": "1251091361010352129", "reply_id": "1251116938337517569", "label": "hug", "text": "You ever just feel like you’ve plummeted and you really just watch it happen and just don’t have the desire to fight it anymore?"} {"idx": 32262, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251246607502368772", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 32266, "original_id": "1251088632817029120", "reply_id": "1251102202929860608", "label": "hug", "text": "One of those blue mornings that can't be worked away, danced away, or laughed away. Finally gave in and had a massive cry over everything and nothing, whilst sat on the sofa with an indifferent cat. Now to try the day again and see if I can find a new texture to it."} {"idx": 32267, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251071538822025216", "label": "no", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 32269, "original_id": "1251207620817498114", "reply_id": "1251209647098417154", "label": "dance", "text": "Y'all I felt ok enough to spend an hour doing necessary chores!\n\nCELEBRATE!"} {"idx": 32274, "original_id": "1250847223241494534", "reply_id": "1250847590519898117", "label": "smh", "text": "Gimme a little longer, online school is lasting longer today for some reason😔"} {"idx": 32275, "original_id": "1250956570663493633", "reply_id": "1250957265860915200", "label": "ok", "text": "I think the only season that really drains me is Scorpio season. that dark ass energy be wearing my ass out."} {"idx": 32276, "original_id": "1250923068811358216", "reply_id": "1250935769105084424", "label": "no", "text": "What are you going to be doing in 169 hours????"} {"idx": 32279, "original_id": "1250815357390139392", "reply_id": "1250883181831761920", "label": "shocked", "text": "Getting a lot of ironing done watching The Lost Continent. A lot of people are being savaged by terrifying stuffed-animal limbs while Sir Eric Porter keeps a straight face. Why have we never seen this before? #TCMParty @TheaSabinMovie @DriveInMob @CulturalGutter @UltimoSqualo"} {"idx": 32282, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1251051181381750786", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 32283, "original_id": "1250858763738910721", "reply_id": "1250861116944777216", "label": "thank_you", "text": "The people who want to recall Governor Evers are so fucking stupid lmao. Imagine wanting to die for capitalism, could not be me."} {"idx": 32285, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250954148327161857", "label": "smh", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 32288, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250993369083449344", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 32293, "original_id": "1251198869884620802", "reply_id": "1251209624444981248", "label": "applause", "text": "just paid off my car and I have now graduated to the next lvl of being grown"} {"idx": 32294, "original_id": "1251196952777236482", "reply_id": "1251213672271220738", "label": "idk", "text": "WTAF is wrong with you?"} {"idx": 32295, "original_id": "1251172037726519299", "reply_id": "1251254366884986880", "label": "shocked", "text": "The fact that I’m having your baby, and it’s none of your business, is the only thing that helps me sleep at night 🥱"} {"idx": 32298, "original_id": "1251046820785999875", "reply_id": "1251121052811358209", "label": "ok", "text": "i wanna hug"} {"idx": 32301, "original_id": "1251120684358602752", "reply_id": "1251144615551397888", "label": "oops", "text": "Can't beat a good long wank with the dog."} {"idx": 32302, "original_id": "1250919300677767168", "reply_id": "1250920716549193728", "label": "good_luck", "text": "It’s almost that time for me to do my hw 😫😫🥴"} {"idx": 32304, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251163071160057858", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 32305, "original_id": "1250901949018451979", "reply_id": "1250931223549087744", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you wear a mask when you go out?"} {"idx": 32308, "original_id": "1250852662225952768", "reply_id": "1251014949578706945", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "BREAKING: A Texas judge ruled that all voters in the state can now vote by mail."} {"idx": 32309, "original_id": "1250611851932708864", "reply_id": "1250873980048887816", "label": "hug", "text": "I have a higher chance of getting coronavirus than someone loving me back"} {"idx": 32311, "original_id": "1250888830791626752", "reply_id": "1250889188154769408", "label": "scared", "text": "I actually posted a video on tiktok today what is my life"} {"idx": 32314, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1251032442460426240", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 32316, "original_id": "1250829197939007493", "reply_id": "1251225259883352064", "label": "agree", "text": "technically all music is house music now"} {"idx": 32319, "original_id": "1250872017248813057", "reply_id": "1250907025891966977", "label": "seriously", "text": "Exclusive: Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis. [@SamiMokbel81_DM]"} {"idx": 32321, "original_id": "1250898188808015872", "reply_id": "1251010334002786305", "label": "shocked", "text": "Am I the only person who enjoys running with a hoodie on, no matter how hot it is?"} {"idx": 32325, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1250971303172993026", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 32326, "original_id": "1250820526513238019", "reply_id": "1250838411306508288", "label": "agree", "text": "Retweet this if you are my friend, asking for a friend"} {"idx": 32327, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250960184991604737", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 32328, "original_id": "1250651106822074368", "reply_id": "1250996988973387778", "label": "applause", "text": "How's your experience with Flutter? Only gifs allowed 🤟🏼\n\n#Flutter"} {"idx": 32331, "original_id": "1250877199143579649", "reply_id": "1250910777076338688", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I had to raise my voice in a dept meeting today because a white teacher wanted to give kids letter grades to celebrate extra effort during this crisis time. I had to call to attention the reality that some of out kids still do not have tech access so that is not equitable."} {"idx": 32333, "original_id": "1250898190783700992", "reply_id": "1250898370522042368", "label": "idk", "text": "Should've purchased stock in Duracell"} {"idx": 32334, "original_id": "1251035093621243904", "reply_id": "1251062342621843458", "label": "high_five", "text": "Dating older men does not give you the right to call us kids , Control your clit sisi"} {"idx": 32336, "original_id": "1250829694313865216", "reply_id": "1250934027571224576", "label": "yes", "text": "HOOOOOLY CRAP!! WE HIT THE GOAL!! THIS MAD BIKER IS GETTING A NEW MOTORCYCLE!! My community heard I may miss the riding season, and they said NOOOOPE!! Complete shock and awe!! There are no words to express my thanks and gratitudes... Thank you all."} {"idx": 32337, "original_id": "1250888599282860032", "reply_id": "1250912985796788226", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Just taped a preview of the upcoming SCOTUS argument on cases that will determine whether Trump's tax returns must be turned over to Congress and/or the Manhattan DA with @MuellerSheWrote. Looking forward to listening to the arguments with all of you on May 12."} {"idx": 32344, "original_id": "1250936552974417920", "reply_id": "1250947508211245056", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just sat on my flat iron ... with no pants on. Why does wild shit like this always happen to me 😭"} {"idx": 32346, "original_id": "1250922641281691649", "reply_id": "1250953949831725057", "label": "oops", "text": "Lmao ayu remember when we thought it was avalanche who rob him?😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 32348, "original_id": "1251180704974725120", "reply_id": "1251181518719868929", "label": "yes", "text": "Will one unintended consequence of lockdown will be a rise in tooth decay?\n\nMuch habitual behaviour depends on the presence of a trigger\n\nOne toothbrushing trigger is leaving the house in the morning (& fear of social opprobrium)\n\nNow that’s gone will there be less brushing?"} {"idx": 32350, "original_id": "1251099024054276096", "reply_id": "1251100479481929728", "label": "applause", "text": "Probably a good time to come back. It's been three years and I have A LOT of opinions."} {"idx": 32352, "original_id": "1250865650454667272", "reply_id": "1250914392545378307", "label": "no", "text": "Hey @pernajro, can I grow a #WorkFromHome beard?"} {"idx": 32353, "original_id": "1250868719913500672", "reply_id": "1250871071387107329", "label": "hug", "text": "I am sorry if i don't get to replies quickly... Or at all. my mood is dismal tonight"} {"idx": 32354, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250897193193488384", "label": "applause", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 32355, "original_id": "1250967707647959042", "reply_id": "1250972867610718208", "label": "yes", "text": "RHONY is the best show on tv. These women are the best!!"} {"idx": 32358, "original_id": "1250905420958490627", "reply_id": "1250906534709735430", "label": "popcorn", "text": "My sex tape is me in a tank top, eating a plate of garlic parmesan wings while watching horror movies."} {"idx": 32361, "original_id": "1250830830706008065", "reply_id": "1250872242629758976", "label": "shrug", "text": "Looking for collab opportunities! Who wants to make a video together?"} {"idx": 32362, "original_id": "1251181391771041794", "reply_id": "1251187361012162568", "label": "applause", "text": "Quick reminder that most “crazy conspiracies” are built on facts that you can literally prove for yourself. Facts turn into a conspiracy once there is a secret that the facts start to unveil"} {"idx": 32364, "original_id": "1136520178534178816", "reply_id": "1250931550818107394", "label": "yes", "text": "If your country start with S(Sweden, Spain & Switzerland ) then CR7 is coming for you"} {"idx": 32366, "original_id": "1251262372813078535", "reply_id": "1251264825570865152", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just got reminded how during my second year of undergrad I almost got kicked out of Res and school all because of a man. On top of that I was 2min away from getting stroke 😢 because of him. Men have been wanting us dead. \n#LockdownSA"} {"idx": 32367, "original_id": "1250922621614428162", "reply_id": "1250924154435469313", "label": "eww", "text": "I can say with confidence that I'm enjoying VALORANT a lot more than Overwatch right now"} {"idx": 32370, "original_id": "1250995224639389696", "reply_id": "1250997713702801410", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "idk why but getting called baby girl or good girl make me go crazy and i want to fuck the living shit out of you.. 🥺"} {"idx": 32371, "original_id": "1250954997136797696", "reply_id": "1250955629050695680", "label": "omg", "text": "It took the Fed a bit longer to finish the calculations, but its balance sheet rose by $284.7 billion last week. That's another 3.5 months of QE3 in 1 week. The Fed's balance sheet now stands at $6.368 trillion. But it won't stand there for long as it marches toward $10 trillion!"} {"idx": 32374, "original_id": "1250793146927263746", "reply_id": "1250872354894471168", "label": "agree", "text": "My big frustration w/ our society: failing to realize multiple things can be true at once. \n\nOur govt is inept AND China is untrustworthy.\n\nA virus is serious AND some groups hype a panic.\n\nRepublicans AND Democrats can be simultaneously incompetent.\n\nThe world is not a binary."} {"idx": 32376, "original_id": "1251094955843518464", "reply_id": "1251150320798842882", "label": "smh", "text": "A group of people, many of them intelligent people for that matter, believe that holding back Nigeria's progress for 8 years, is an \"acceptable price to pay\" for \"their people to occupy positions of authority\" by 2023.\n\nWe are waiting for them in 2023."} {"idx": 32380, "original_id": "1251076612919037952", "reply_id": "1251274601247592448", "label": "yes", "text": "Can we cuddle with my d*ck in ur ass :)"} {"idx": 32381, "original_id": "1250852662225952768", "reply_id": "1250913700770394112", "label": "yes", "text": "BREAKING: A Texas judge ruled that all voters in the state can now vote by mail."} {"idx": 32382, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250947265222586368", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 32383, "original_id": "1251185939562430467", "reply_id": "1251204520631242752", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump's behavior this morning leads me to believe that he just got a polling briefing from his campaign"} {"idx": 32385, "original_id": "1250936557995012096", "reply_id": "1250936755206918144", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m watching #DisneyFamilySingalong...are you???"} {"idx": 32388, "original_id": "1251003729152602113", "reply_id": "1251003869452054528", "label": "smh", "text": "bubble jo ft. @mikaelaroa4"} {"idx": 32391, "original_id": "1250926816912650240", "reply_id": "1251077017635655682", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I get positive vibes and hugs?"} {"idx": 32392, "original_id": "1251112090280120320", "reply_id": "1251117059825635333", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Roll on 4 o’clock, 4 days off well and truly deserved"} {"idx": 32395, "original_id": "1250904502766616576", "reply_id": "1250948577037344768", "label": "scared", "text": "What if... Hegeleth zine...😳😳 \nJk.... Unless?"} {"idx": 32396, "original_id": "1251167558964822017", "reply_id": "1251169603474132995", "label": "wink", "text": "@MxCory @AmyRoseCapetta Thank you for the Trumped reference in Sword in the Stars. I love you both so much for that. 😭"} {"idx": 32397, "original_id": "1251106024775450624", "reply_id": "1251157453447639051", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Reminder that Dr. Oz on his best day is a snake oil salesman who has been taken to task multiple times for being a fraud and a general scumbag. Dr. Phil isn't any better. Neither is Dr. Drew. Am I missing any other TV \"doctors\"? #DrOzIsADisgrace"} {"idx": 32399, "original_id": "1251174438025953280", "reply_id": "1251178386040459264", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Follow Friday!! \n\n@SampaguitaMaria \n@minerallitmag \n@PressCypress \n@trampset \n@MythicPicnic \n@periwinklezine \n\n#FF"} {"idx": 32404, "original_id": "1250931916171329537", "reply_id": "1250952486057398273", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Friends. I'm not doing so hot with everything. If I seem on edge I'm sorry in advance"} {"idx": 32405, "original_id": "1250803980000772096", "reply_id": "1251043966486790144", "label": "agree", "text": "The older I get the more I realize how beneficial it is to be private about things"} {"idx": 32407, "original_id": "1250851584206155779", "reply_id": "1250852176244559872", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you aren’t following @TPKRoleplay then you should. Join the community. They are funny and easy going group of nerds."} {"idx": 32408, "original_id": "1251016196092121090", "reply_id": "1251047776063909888", "label": "agree", "text": "People with curly hair really just wake up and look good..."} {"idx": 32414, "original_id": "1250986750404681729", "reply_id": "1251035654051504129", "label": "applause", "text": "if you chase summer walker ... will she keep walking?"} {"idx": 32418, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250962844356501504", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 32420, "original_id": "1251179863396028424", "reply_id": "1251203883617210369", "label": "yes", "text": "Oh yeah I forgot, on Friday I’ll be published writer (collegiate writing magazine, but I’m gonna count it)"} {"idx": 32422, "original_id": "1251065310318399488", "reply_id": "1251066399742660608", "label": "eww", "text": "if u not consistent w me, aint shit to talk about. sry. 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 32423, "original_id": "1251248122409349121", "reply_id": "1251251901049368576", "label": "hug", "text": "Well at least I finished this semester. Thank goodness."} {"idx": 32425, "original_id": "1250832538525929475", "reply_id": "1251042295266279424", "label": "hug", "text": "Sometimes I forget how shit most humans are then someone I trust lets me down and it reminds me. I'm more upset with myself for being a trusting idiot than anything else. Still slightly murderous. And no, I don't want to discuss it."} {"idx": 32427, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250938213943971840", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 32430, "original_id": "1250833374408736768", "reply_id": "1250833664914661379", "label": "sigh", "text": "I miss my little siblings 😩😩"} {"idx": 32432, "original_id": "1250902386727694343", "reply_id": "1250903008956887040", "label": "omg", "text": "You know you're spending too much time on twitter when it starts burning into your phone screen."} {"idx": 32433, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250920991078993926", "label": "smh", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 32435, "original_id": "1251047980133683200", "reply_id": "1251055997336027136", "label": "agree", "text": "All them videos of everyone clapping outside hospitals is brilliant and I totally support it but isn’t it a bit hypocritical that they’re all stood in a massive crowd? 🤔"} {"idx": 32436, "original_id": "1250919871530991617", "reply_id": "1251024329715773440", "label": "agree", "text": "pretty damn sure we helped Jason Derulo over the phone today lol"} {"idx": 32439, "original_id": "1251065260292915202", "reply_id": "1251075944552464387", "label": "applause", "text": "\"F1\" is how the queen says \"fuck me\""} {"idx": 32440, "original_id": "1251241135160385536", "reply_id": "1251245407734312961", "label": "oops", "text": "doing a mass unfollowing cause im bored ... finna get down to 666"} {"idx": 32441, "original_id": "1250907932771876865", "reply_id": "1250945355350511617", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy Happy birthday!"} {"idx": 32443, "original_id": "1250892364706611206", "reply_id": "1250920572328062977", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Perseverance."} {"idx": 32445, "original_id": "1250849140365557766", "reply_id": "1250851572550164493", "label": "hug", "text": "I need 7 shots and a hug right now. Also, I hate insurance and people that don’t know what they’re talking about. Why am I doing all the footwork for the lady? This is HER JOB I’m 9000000% stressed"} {"idx": 32447, "original_id": "1250913252512608257", "reply_id": "1250914114253225988", "label": "shrug", "text": "Princess Beatrice cancels her wedding in May. Another social event @piersmorgan will have to miss out on ."} {"idx": 32448, "original_id": "1250837035625189377", "reply_id": "1250847122288717824", "label": "shocked", "text": "Yes, Chris Grier says, talent can overcome injury history in an evaluation. Sometimes the guys you think won’t get hurt do. And vice-versa. It’s all factored in."} {"idx": 32450, "original_id": "1251019367485075456", "reply_id": "1251184712103727106", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I think I may actually have packed and condensed all of my stuff into my office enough that I can convince my brain we’re good to sit and work on art for the next 2-3 weeks before I move. I’ve got a trip or two to goodwill donations and packing off essentials left, that’s it!"} {"idx": 32452, "original_id": "1251182553542864896", "reply_id": "1251230711819857921", "label": "no", "text": "⚠️ NEW THREAD: the faces of people trying to understand what the heck Joe Biden is saying.\n\nCheck back for updates. I’m sure they’ll be frequent 🥴🥴"} {"idx": 32453, "original_id": "1250598605028810753", "reply_id": "1250833020678033418", "label": "yolo", "text": "If you died right now from covid, how would you feel about your life?"} {"idx": 32455, "original_id": "1250845587169112064", "reply_id": "1250845932477964290", "label": "shrug", "text": "Dr. Oz is a danger to public health. There's no other way to put it."} {"idx": 32458, "original_id": "1251204893127385089", "reply_id": "1251211823031955457", "label": "hug", "text": "Old man nap time. Will pick up mentions later. Now sod off! 😉"} {"idx": 32459, "original_id": "1250983776290844674", "reply_id": "1250996365661962240", "label": "smh", "text": "You faked with me?\n\nYeah.\n\nYou faked with me?\n\nYeah.\n\nNo.\n\nYeah.\n\nYou faked it?\n\nI faked it.\n\nThat whole thing, the whole production, it was all an act?\n\n Not bad huh?\n\n What about the breathing, the panting, the moaning, the screaming?\n\n Fake, fake, fake, fake."} {"idx": 32460, "original_id": "1250795449927245824", "reply_id": "1250865929334001664", "label": "want", "text": "What if....\nWe made more polo bear rugby’s and threw them up online"} {"idx": 32461, "original_id": "1250951736698605568", "reply_id": "1250977501469270016", "label": "shocked", "text": "Self-isolation thoughts: What if Beyoncé’s burner account is already following you?"} {"idx": 32462, "original_id": "1250902986676531200", "reply_id": "1251051300810301440", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I don't think you're ready for the 4/20 kinky meme review... I don't know if I'm ready for the 4/20 kinky meme review. Editing now..."} {"idx": 32463, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251046298138087424", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 32464, "original_id": "1250978180242046976", "reply_id": "1250983427190513667", "label": "sigh", "text": "Nickelback is highly underrated there I said it."} {"idx": 32469, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251251915993821185", "label": "agree", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 32470, "original_id": "1250848818746228736", "reply_id": "1250849065409163264", "label": "applause", "text": "The Fake Politicians from both sides should get their tax-payer funded butts on a plane to Washington D.C. (aren't THEY essential workers, too?), and BAILOUT HUMANS NOW! #BailoutHumansNow cc: @cnn @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 32472, "original_id": "1250957191491846148", "reply_id": "1251177695578382336", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "There’s no way to safely reopen without massive testing.\n\nYet we’re barely testing more people this week than last. And hospitals continue to report serious bottlenecks.\n\nIf Trump ignores the experts and forces a premature reopening,\n\nEven more Americans will die."} {"idx": 32480, "original_id": "1250813847658803202", "reply_id": "1250906279184384001", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you got the direct deposit of your relief check yesterday?\n\nNobody in my family did. 😔"} {"idx": 32483, "original_id": "1250489422208000004", "reply_id": "1250866235748777985", "label": "seriously", "text": "Soooo, #LostFilesVisualEP ?? Tomorrow? If y’all want it 🤷🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 32484, "original_id": "1250771308499087364", "reply_id": "1250914362363125766", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Zero Hedge, January 2020: Coronavirus originated from a top, level-4 biohazard lab in Wuhan.\n\nNext day: Permanently suspended from Twitter.\n\nWashington Post, April 2020 (3 months later): So yeah...it looks like coronavirus came from a bioresearch safety level-4 lab in Wuhan."} {"idx": 32485, "original_id": "1250903964859727874", "reply_id": "1251172564128485378", "label": "applause", "text": "choke me while you put a dick down my throat and tell me i belong to you."} {"idx": 32486, "original_id": "1250838383015809024", "reply_id": "1250845732329844742", "label": "yes", "text": "What should I make today?? I’m thinking of carne asada, pollo, arroz, y frijoles😋 yes! I can grill too. I had to learn cause Cris is at work."} {"idx": 32488, "original_id": "1251135695730749440", "reply_id": "1251144958762860548", "label": "agree", "text": "Calling @DanInPittsburgh about insurance is one if the top 5 best decisions I've ever made"} {"idx": 32490, "original_id": "1250969032859152387", "reply_id": "1250969431775293441", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Trump supporters: today your president eased mercury restrictions, so that the industries that benefit from fewer regulations can make more money."} {"idx": 32491, "original_id": "1245409444109877249", "reply_id": "1250934532146167811", "label": "awww", "text": "My mom just had groceries delivered for the first time and she insisted that I watch her unpack each item on FaceTime complete with a description of why she got it and what she would use it for...so how's your day going? 😳"} {"idx": 32492, "original_id": "1251147554231746560", "reply_id": "1251156823597408260", "label": "yes", "text": "I am once again unfollowing Matt."} {"idx": 32494, "original_id": "1250572255186337793", "reply_id": "1250908722198609920", "label": "applause", "text": "I like how our country didn’t want a female president yet we still ended up with a little bitch"} {"idx": 32496, "original_id": "1251138263458422784", "reply_id": "1251174338650349568", "label": "shocked", "text": "Trump approval by gender via new Gallup poll:\n\nMen:\n49% approve\n47% disapprove\n\nWomen:\n37% approve\n60% disapprove"} {"idx": 32501, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250842434088689666", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 32502, "original_id": "1250946193242415105", "reply_id": "1251171129932361736", "label": "applause", "text": "I hurt my back today.\n13 told me to sit, relax & got my heating pad. Then went to the kitchen made dinner. While dinner was cooking he picked up the house. Then came gave me a hug & told me he loves me.\n\nThe little man he’s growing in to makes me prouder every day. \n\n#Mamabrag"} {"idx": 32503, "original_id": "1251036288859414528", "reply_id": "1251275242129031173", "label": "applause", "text": "Fully expected Farida with man to be a wuss but here I am the same old satirical misandrist😭"} {"idx": 32504, "original_id": "1250859869562761216", "reply_id": "1250860151411630080", "label": "hug", "text": "I am depressed and fucking frustrated as hell."} {"idx": 32507, "original_id": "1250876079666913280", "reply_id": "1250891016409886722", "label": "popcorn", "text": "More “Catching Up with Crystina” Skype interviews for @trboxing coming up soon. So excited about the next few guests we’ll have and we’re trying something a little different for one of the upcoming chats. Stay tuned 👀🤫🥊 👩‍💻 #boxing #WorkFromHome"} {"idx": 32511, "original_id": "1251046805296553984", "reply_id": "1251125577395945475", "label": "hug", "text": "Happy birthday to my brother John, I know we haven’t spoken for 5 years and I don’t know where you are I miss you. Xxxx"} {"idx": 32512, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250920292983222273", "label": "yes", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 32513, "original_id": "1251093881438920706", "reply_id": "1251094299917213696", "label": "applause", "text": "ABS-CBN Management MESSAGED ME AGAIN!!!!!!! 😭❤️"} {"idx": 32517, "original_id": "1250657638771077120", "reply_id": "1250835943319273473", "label": "no", "text": "Might fuck around and take my Christmas tree down this weekend."} {"idx": 32518, "original_id": "1251120274977755137", "reply_id": "1251120642600177664", "label": "shocked", "text": "Don’t just stop in the middle of fingering her to fuck her. Finger her until she cums and THEN fuck her."} {"idx": 32520, "original_id": "1250970366752641025", "reply_id": "1250985330414505984", "label": "eww", "text": "Everyone is posting what they looked like when they were 20\n\nI was 20 last year 😅"} {"idx": 32521, "original_id": "1251271459214852096", "reply_id": "1251271677230624769", "label": "agree", "text": "We just got a one more thing and Columbo's not even here yet. #ColumboS1"} {"idx": 32522, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1250907106162720768", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 32523, "original_id": "1251067031027421184", "reply_id": "1251070531736043520", "label": "hug", "text": "I! Need! A! Hug! Or! 5!"} {"idx": 32524, "original_id": "1250866280636309505", "reply_id": "1250867488658796544", "label": "no", "text": "We will never see #Bitcoin below $7016.5 again! 😎"} {"idx": 32526, "original_id": "1251031122168946690", "reply_id": "1251031379531292672", "label": "hug", "text": "Good night all. \n\nDon't let anyone tell you social media doesn't matter. You people are helping me keep my shit together in a HUGE way these days. Remember that if you feel useless."} {"idx": 32530, "original_id": "1250898004527243269", "reply_id": "1250902677032177664", "label": "no", "text": "Getting the sense that Michigan won’t be reopening until after Memorial Day at best."} {"idx": 32534, "original_id": "1250947040319766533", "reply_id": "1250948213974151168", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm gonna be playing Palu full time for a minute\nDrake clapping gifs only."} {"idx": 32535, "original_id": "1250826954862850048", "reply_id": "1250861535997632517", "label": "ok", "text": "CONFIRMED \n\n#SidNaaz is confirmed for nach baliye\n\n#ShehnaazGiII #SidharthShukIa"} {"idx": 32539, "original_id": "1251152014597210112", "reply_id": "1251157331481526272", "label": "yes", "text": "14 hour stream... we hit 1500 subs... a new record for the stream ♥️ new emote slot unlocked AND 100 subs til ANOTHER emote slot opens🥺 \n\nIdk how this happened... but it feels like a dream. \n\nThank you guys. ♥️ my brain can’t even function"} {"idx": 32542, "original_id": "1250828428061753344", "reply_id": "1250838192598642689", "label": "agree", "text": "I just feel so dumb today...\nI watched the MV 10 times before realizing she's not his wife but the imagination of his mother...\n\nSomeone lend me a few braincells... 🙃🙃🙃\n\n️#넘쳐흘러ByNNG \n#EXO @weareoneEXO #CHANYEOL #loey #박찬열 #찬열 #여리에게ㅇㅍㅇ #mqcy #hyunMQ #studioNNG"} {"idx": 32544, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251243243104276480", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 32546, "original_id": "1251229189832769536", "reply_id": "1251230031508111360", "label": "scared", "text": "21 - Goal for Man City. Another for Sterling. \n\n🔵 #MCFC 3-2 #THFC ⚪️ (3-3)"} {"idx": 32547, "original_id": "1251187270230708226", "reply_id": "1251187374610096129", "label": "applause", "text": "And the next question form “Knitting weekly”"} {"idx": 32549, "original_id": "1250857766522159104", "reply_id": "1250858693454974982", "label": "applause", "text": "🚨 15-minute warning to get out and #ClapForCarers 🚨\n\nIt's week four, can we make this our best and loudest yet? Yes or HELL YES? 👏\n\nSee you out there and reply to this tweet with your best videos of you and your neighbours making a whole heap of noise 🥁 #ClapForNHS"} {"idx": 32551, "original_id": "1250528852637605888", "reply_id": "1251184163530723328", "label": "agree", "text": "Who do you think will be champion by the end of 2021? My picks:\n\nWSTW: Zhang\nWFLW: Shevchenko\nWBW:Nunes\nFLW: Figureido\nBW: Yan\nFW: Zabit \nLW: Ferguson \nWW: Covington \nMW: Costa\nLHW: Jones\nHW: Ngannou"} {"idx": 32552, "original_id": "1250926376493907970", "reply_id": "1250930608857022466", "label": "hearts", "text": "The media’s framing for the most part is always Trump’s point of view. His words, his thousands of lies, just get repeated over and over, by WH correspondents who think they’re informing us, but actually they’re mostly a bunch of cowed and super-effective propoganda platforms."} {"idx": 32553, "original_id": "1250892642570960896", "reply_id": "1250893511827881984", "label": "hearts", "text": "I was wondering where all the delightful gnome and wee folk content on my timeline was coming from and @foxtailferns is the culprit!"} {"idx": 32556, "original_id": "1250907196331831300", "reply_id": "1250926039884324865", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "-take me to art museums and make out with me \n\n+But they said not to touch the masterpieces"} {"idx": 32560, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1251023440984674304", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 32561, "original_id": "1250449263613665282", "reply_id": "1250939368992358400", "label": "agree", "text": "The way I look at it... You either coach how you were coached or you coach how you wanted to be coached."} {"idx": 32566, "original_id": "1250947484517650432", "reply_id": "1250950682359758849", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve had a rough 2 days health wise. Thru google searches - I think I have Ulcerative Colitis. It’s not good. I need to see a doctor and I’m afraid to go near a hospital right now. 😥"} {"idx": 32568, "original_id": "1250841992403341314", "reply_id": "1250880979583074310", "label": "oops", "text": "Would my subs & community be interested in me setting up MLB, UFC, & 2K for league streams?"} {"idx": 32571, "original_id": "1251159342637670400", "reply_id": "1251227558080737280", "label": "want", "text": "42 mins into my shift and all I can think about is that fat nap I’m gonna take when im off"} {"idx": 32573, "original_id": "1251243601482461184", "reply_id": "1251243777244696579", "label": "please", "text": "Sheesh this in state movement jumping 💯🔥👀!! #NC2UNC 🐏?? New hashtag!!! 💁🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 32574, "original_id": "1250891706557497345", "reply_id": "1250893912748765186", "label": "want", "text": "Yelling about KH3 Re:mind coming out this week"} {"idx": 32576, "original_id": "1251207704044920832", "reply_id": "1251207885662621696", "label": "wink", "text": "Thank you Netherlands & @hugodejonge for your support for a #COVID19 vaccine and to @WHO! Global citizens hope that the Netherlands will also continue to support @gavi and that other countries will follow your example and contribute to @CEPIvaccines 🙏"} {"idx": 32582, "original_id": "1251118961875353605", "reply_id": "1251123694979756034", "label": "agree", "text": "Winter is now dead. Welcome to Spring, it's here to stay."} {"idx": 32585, "original_id": "1250705025766248448", "reply_id": "1251100187126194176", "label": "hug", "text": "hugged by\n@RedoNatalia\n\nhugging cycle against quarantine!?\ntag 10 people you'd like to hug, they shall do the same\n\n@TaeLojinn @westancrckheads @llawiika @ShookyMin613 @w0ebegone_ @sweetlikesugas @swansugaa @d7bestboys @suemebighit @shining__myg"} {"idx": 32587, "original_id": "1250888413865271301", "reply_id": "1250888973360259078", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I buy things today? 🙂"} {"idx": 32588, "original_id": "1251243376390914053", "reply_id": "1251244386895233024", "label": "applause", "text": "Oh shit. I’m officially done my 4th year of university."} {"idx": 32589, "original_id": "1250936298308763648", "reply_id": "1250990802286739457", "label": "seriously", "text": "Watched close Encounter of the third kind, for the first time. Meh."} {"idx": 32590, "original_id": "1250978384567386113", "reply_id": "1251091405310693376", "label": "wink", "text": "I’m an older American with no kids or grandchildren but wants to watch “Trolls World Tour”.\n\nAm I beyond help?"} {"idx": 32594, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251130088164413440", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 32595, "original_id": "1250943812471525376", "reply_id": "1250950729491271681", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Zach lavine looks like a blank 2k myplayer"} {"idx": 32596, "original_id": "1251180050449420290", "reply_id": "1251195640635428867", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#Quarantine day 35\n\nMy children have declared that I am actually the worst. To those of you competing for this title, I'm sorry but I won and you lost. \n\n#parenting #lockdownlife"} {"idx": 32597, "original_id": "1250891460985196544", "reply_id": "1251032116319657984", "label": "hug", "text": "Just sat on both my hands for 20 minutes then hugged myself so it felt like someone else."} {"idx": 32599, "original_id": "1251237430713356291", "reply_id": "1251255115442421764", "label": "thank_you", "text": "To clarify, NEW giveaway posted NOW! This is a total of $200 being given away to teachers! 💕"} {"idx": 32606, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250944769628483584", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 32608, "original_id": "1251126997864062976", "reply_id": "1251128321041207296", "label": "applause", "text": "“Amazing effort from national hero (multiple times over) Captain Tom, who has raised £130,000 for each 50m length he has walked...\n\nMind you, that lazy c@@t,Mesut Ozil has been achieving that very same figure for the past 6 years.”\n#afc 😂😂😂🤡"} {"idx": 32609, "original_id": "1251018584815480832", "reply_id": "1251167517135028224", "label": "seriously", "text": "Guys, if, because of Covid19, you start getting 80% of your salary, you might begin to feel like the average woman"} {"idx": 32611, "original_id": "1250862367782600706", "reply_id": "1250901127341711369", "label": "scared", "text": "someone just set of a firework and it scared the shit out of me"} {"idx": 32613, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250969583000776704", "label": "yes", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 32614, "original_id": "1250913494670639116", "reply_id": "1250931722272849921", "label": "no", "text": ".@VP Pence says, \"the new guidelines for 'Opening up America again' are a product of the best science and the best common sense.\""} {"idx": 32615, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250928683784830978", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 32619, "original_id": "1250892721901854720", "reply_id": "1250892993495592961", "label": "sorry", "text": "I’m just a big ball of negative feelings today 🙃"} {"idx": 32620, "original_id": "1250776490477789186", "reply_id": "1250854399917920256", "label": "agree", "text": "If Donald Trump and Joe Biden were both drowning and you only had time to save one of them, where would you and Joe Biden go for lunch together afterward?"} {"idx": 32630, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250904880799035392", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 32631, "original_id": "1250963810665541632", "reply_id": "1251145230633414662", "label": "no", "text": "Spit in my mouth in moderation"} {"idx": 32632, "original_id": "1251216389223772160", "reply_id": "1251217686941495298", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just ew. \nWhy do all tinder people nearby have to have my brother's name? \n\nWhy do my parents have to name us both with such common names?? \n\nAahh"} {"idx": 32633, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251122634542256128", "label": "ok", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 32634, "original_id": "1251145972752637952", "reply_id": "1251164116523327489", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I want to see Nelly battle Drake"} {"idx": 32639, "original_id": "1251063375972446208", "reply_id": "1251093232643125249", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Funny enough, thanks to the epidemic, i can help out people outside of my field. Today i am setting up a livestream for a book shop, so they can realize a live reading for an author. Thats pretty dope."} {"idx": 32642, "original_id": "1250762192301015040", "reply_id": "1250876332742971393", "label": "no", "text": "If your partner openly tells you he/she cheated, will you take them back?"} {"idx": 32643, "original_id": "1251163732354445312", "reply_id": "1251171902296489991", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "announcement in 2 hours👻"} {"idx": 32644, "original_id": "1251172695196262400", "reply_id": "1251235577137000448", "label": "no", "text": "LIBERATE YOUR STATES! \n\nVote out all tyrannical Democrat Governors."} {"idx": 32649, "original_id": "1250734685644361728", "reply_id": "1250852436618534912", "label": "hearts", "text": "Where are those moving pictures that people are sending me from? They are very clever. Are they from the Google?"} {"idx": 32650, "original_id": "1251083532903960576", "reply_id": "1251132243009028097", "label": "no", "text": "Is 8 am PST too early to upload?"} {"idx": 32651, "original_id": "1250820605865349120", "reply_id": "1250939923181572097", "label": "no", "text": "Dick gets hard for anything nowadays sis"} {"idx": 32652, "original_id": "1250651106822074368", "reply_id": "1250912811774906368", "label": "dance", "text": "How's your experience with Flutter? Only gifs allowed 🤟🏼\n\n#Flutter"} {"idx": 32653, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251045492743483392", "label": "hearts", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 32654, "original_id": "1250955331737284609", "reply_id": "1250955983930695680", "label": "applause", "text": "roommate: hey uhhhhh what the fuck is in this mug?\nme: oh I didn't wanna use a bowl, but it's yeast that's activating \nroommate, immediately excited: FOR BREAD??"} {"idx": 32656, "original_id": "1251188486578876416", "reply_id": "1251189010392911873", "label": "yes", "text": "who wants to see little a elias i did two months ago???"} {"idx": 32658, "original_id": "1250908902918504450", "reply_id": "1250909198994595841", "label": "popcorn", "text": "You guys are destined for life changing wealth.\n\nWords don't explain how much I want everyone in this community to succeed! That's why I do Youtube in the first place..\n\nI get my satisfaction seeing those around me come up.\n\nIf I'm eating, your eating too.🔥💰"} {"idx": 32659, "original_id": "1250882376428904448", "reply_id": "1250899604301905921", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Step 1: Zack Ryder signs with AEW.\n\nStep 2: Cody Rhodes teams with him.\n\nStep 3: They call their tag team “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\nStep 4: They rename the Jericho Cruise “AEW: Suite Life On Deck”\n\nStep 5: Ratings 📈📈📈"} {"idx": 32660, "original_id": "1251192737984020481", "reply_id": "1251205021011718147", "label": "seriously", "text": "So my job furloughed most workers (including me) so we aren’t getting paid anymore but they’re sending us “Ways to Give Back During Covid-19”"} {"idx": 32661, "original_id": "1251144750708559877", "reply_id": "1251150891018645506", "label": "thank_you", "text": "OK #FF, Ppl who brightened my week helping make the #infosec community a lil' better.\n@jillians2cents \n@MegatronAL \n@threathuntergrl \n@Ch33r10 \n@wendynather \n@mintynet \n@investigatorchi \n@ChloeMessdaghi \n@PhillipWylie \n@shehackspurple \n@secretmike \n@MayaKaczorowski \n@AnaCidre_"} {"idx": 32662, "original_id": "1251216970550149120", "reply_id": "1251260239212666884", "label": "hug", "text": "I know I'm making the right choice here, but I really hate that things came to this.\n\nHaving to separate my kids from my family and end my careers because adults couldn't act like adults.\n\nI'm struggling today."} {"idx": 32663, "original_id": "1251068124654301185", "reply_id": "1251231525716111360", "label": "sigh", "text": "Well I survived BBP’s visit last night. It was really good for the kids to see us having a civil meal. Really good. Now, to have a smoking ceremony to remove the defensive spirits"} {"idx": 32665, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251239287917600770", "label": "facepalm", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 32667, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250947192472375297", "label": "slow_clap", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 32670, "original_id": "1250806724333895680", "reply_id": "1251066807684915201", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "How dare @Mrr_falsetto ask me to learn Jessie J. Do you know how many complaints I’ve got 😭"} {"idx": 32672, "original_id": "1251112170068168704", "reply_id": "1251164843605819392", "label": "agree", "text": "Oh man if people knew how I really felt while scrolling through this app they wouldn’t like me lol"} {"idx": 32674, "original_id": "1250901812128948230", "reply_id": "1250919885443526657", "label": "agree", "text": "Rashida Jones is black?! #blackAF"} {"idx": 32675, "original_id": "1250848818746228736", "reply_id": "1250886674302861312", "label": "applause", "text": "The Fake Politicians from both sides should get their tax-payer funded butts on a plane to Washington D.C. (aren't THEY essential workers, too?), and BAILOUT HUMANS NOW! #BailoutHumansNow cc: @cnn @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 32677, "original_id": "1251212130868748289", "reply_id": "1251243394216669185", "label": "applause", "text": "Shes at home playing dress up and drinking wine while youre at work while I've been home for weeks now rotating the same pajamas and crying myself to sleep every night, we are NOT the same😤"} {"idx": 32679, "original_id": "1251212745049092100", "reply_id": "1251213496454438912", "label": "no", "text": "So sad to hear about Betty White. She’ll be missed. #RIP. \n(She’s fine, just practicing)"} {"idx": 32680, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250953236996997120", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 32681, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251246365201453056", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 32688, "original_id": "1251179919213760512", "reply_id": "1251184646928424960", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all watching #BlackAF today???"} {"idx": 32689, "original_id": "1251138532611145729", "reply_id": "1251140494693982209", "label": "oops", "text": "THE WHOLE DAY YESTERDAY I THOUGHT IT WAS FRIDAY"} {"idx": 32693, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251037980539547653", "label": "scared", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 32697, "original_id": "1251115522361524226", "reply_id": "1251118089833517056", "label": "hug", "text": "Fed up need a hug"} {"idx": 32698, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251209388276297729", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 32707, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251054396068098048", "label": "scared", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 32708, "original_id": "1250850668606296064", "reply_id": "1250855307074560007", "label": "omg", "text": "Hope you do okay guys, few minutes to go...\n\nretweet the video if you want to as well x"} {"idx": 32711, "original_id": "1250907189725876225", "reply_id": "1250907309372583936", "label": "no", "text": "Summer Is Canceled"} {"idx": 32715, "original_id": "1250925263183130626", "reply_id": "1251002063636639744", "label": "applause", "text": "$34 to fill up the Tahoe. Yes lawd"} {"idx": 32717, "original_id": "1251117244827922432", "reply_id": "1251220390954717185", "label": "applause", "text": "smeeble n i are intimate relationship"} {"idx": 32718, "original_id": "1250881126887051265", "reply_id": "1250881422694461441", "label": "shocked", "text": "Why nobody tagged me in wholesome Twitter????"} {"idx": 32720, "original_id": "1250764144837562369", "reply_id": "1251269468887670786", "label": "seriously", "text": "Good morning! We’re here to share some helpful info that you may or may not be aware of: \n\nToday is Thursday."} {"idx": 32723, "original_id": "1251004128047828992", "reply_id": "1251004748011995136", "label": "kiss", "text": "I’d settle for a goodnight kiss"} {"idx": 32727, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1251200402336464897", "label": "seriously", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 32729, "original_id": "1251270987682689025", "reply_id": "1251271648336019457", "label": "hug", "text": "Kinda tired. Not feeling up to my Munch standard today. Might dip in a bit."} {"idx": 32730, "original_id": "1250964849997131776", "reply_id": "1251146224562036736", "label": "hearts", "text": "Ok ladies get on that @thehoneypotcomp products they are bomb 10/10 would recommend. You literally feel fresh all day!"} {"idx": 32732, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250951284447985666", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 32734, "original_id": "1250935109756297216", "reply_id": "1250994374755921920", "label": "omg", "text": "Dear Golf,\n\nI thought we had something really good going on. But recently, I just feel like we’re not on the same page. I wish that you would notice my hard work and dedication and reward me for it.\n\nLove,\nA Broken Golfer"} {"idx": 32739, "original_id": "1251014823493742592", "reply_id": "1251033066358935552", "label": "smh", "text": "The “L” in my name stands for Loyal"} {"idx": 32740, "original_id": "1250853000798588928", "reply_id": "1251122132815249411", "label": "agree", "text": "NORMALIZE SAYING GG AFTER SEX"} {"idx": 32742, "original_id": "1251236315036815375", "reply_id": "1251237083919929347", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all will not catch me in these streets. Idc what’s opening back up lol"} {"idx": 32746, "original_id": "1251021480151769089", "reply_id": "1251028474971611137", "label": "applause", "text": "test twit"} {"idx": 32747, "original_id": "1251029379993333761", "reply_id": "1251030222331248640", "label": "hug", "text": "i saw my dad today but he has the sniffles so didnt want to hug... ive never been super close with him but ive really needed him Lately so i just cried as i walked home and now i cant stop. i just want to hug my dad"} {"idx": 32748, "original_id": "1250982347304046592", "reply_id": "1250983315055796226", "label": "scared", "text": "One hour left of #NationalHornyDay what will I tweet next hmm"} {"idx": 32750, "original_id": "1251130170494328834", "reply_id": "1251270044341821440", "label": "applause", "text": "I had a new follower ask me if I really have sex with married men and like it when the cum on my face. I told him “ This is Twitter, I would never lie to you.”"} {"idx": 32755, "original_id": "1251153549926428675", "reply_id": "1251154718119743490", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Ready to put on a bunch of Second Leg Down trades.\n\nWho’s with me?"} {"idx": 32758, "original_id": "1250989932732018688", "reply_id": "1251047742069018624", "label": "omg", "text": "i’ve just finished up a remix for a dear friend"} {"idx": 32760, "original_id": "1250953589008318464", "reply_id": "1250954172393979904", "label": "seriously", "text": "So Pruitt was deemed dying as a civilian?! Oh heck to the no. He died as a fire fighter \n🚒🔥 #Station19 🔥🚒\n🚒🔥 \"Dream A Little Dream 🔥🚒\n🚒🔥 Of Me\" 🔥🚒"} {"idx": 32763, "original_id": "1250924117643190272", "reply_id": "1250930941360562178", "label": "eww", "text": "Reply to this tweet with a reaction GIF to the first time you heard a pussy fart"} {"idx": 32764, "original_id": "1251182708908331008", "reply_id": "1251228982294581253", "label": "want", "text": "25th Amendment."} {"idx": 32766, "original_id": "1250842660514009090", "reply_id": "1250843029834919936", "label": "no", "text": "Just got an emergency alert about cell phone outages on the Baltimore/DC area. Excellent timing, rly."} {"idx": 32770, "original_id": "1250889662970789888", "reply_id": "1250898696398495744", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I HAVE 22 PAGES... eight more to go."} {"idx": 32773, "original_id": "1250899604381609984", "reply_id": "1250925659012112384", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Sees Hasek trending and comments suggesting he should be No. 1.\nA few things about that.\nHe was elite but not consistently the best, at times struggling with injuries and stretches of inconsistency.\nWhen he was on, he was the NHL’s best goalie.\nWhen he wasn’t, he was average."} {"idx": 32774, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250927944182226947", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 32775, "original_id": "1251070121121988609", "reply_id": "1251071485029974016", "label": "yes", "text": "\"what are you making?\"\n\"A bacon and onion ring sandwich\"\n\"Oh. Ew... Wait. Can I have a bite?\"\n\n...\n\n\"Oh my god that's incredible\""} {"idx": 32777, "original_id": "1250813362545385472", "reply_id": "1250991487942365184", "label": "shrug", "text": "Find a gif that best describes your denomination."} {"idx": 32780, "original_id": "1251186641194102786", "reply_id": "1251194278807834637", "label": "eww", "text": "am I the only adult that still puts ketchup on their mac and cheese orrr??"} {"idx": 32781, "original_id": "1250922241480699904", "reply_id": "1250952390309580801", "label": "facepalm", "text": "13: Things are getting tense. We need an AR-15 for protection. Level the playing field. \n\n16: No, hear me out — for self defense, all we need is a cowboy hat, baby oil, and a willingness to get naked. \n\nMe: Please shut up. Both of you."} {"idx": 32784, "original_id": "1251042340866633729", "reply_id": "1251056625382645760", "label": "dance", "text": "Finally I can oh-so-proudly say, exams are over 😌"} {"idx": 32787, "original_id": "1250773573658185728", "reply_id": "1250900676860940289", "label": "hug", "text": "aight yup, irrationally irritable, muting anything to do with switches or animal crossing honestly"} {"idx": 32788, "original_id": "1251198711864139778", "reply_id": "1251199307073675268", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ll make an onlyfans before I ever decide to get naked for twitter... rs"} {"idx": 32790, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251039141078331392", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 32791, "original_id": "1250929049188339712", "reply_id": "1250931103524958211", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "My lowest test grade this semester is an 80% I’ll take that as a W"} {"idx": 32792, "original_id": "1250866243692724229", "reply_id": "1250880610413010949", "label": "awww", "text": "Ok. It’s time to stop the madness. Gonna start eating a little better. You guys have any favorite bright + light yummy but filling cookbooks? Preferably not vegan/vegetarian though - I have to lean more protein and veggies! But open to all. Please respond w photo of book cover!"} {"idx": 32793, "original_id": "1251214480987566090", "reply_id": "1251217130894360577", "label": "scared", "text": "Im feeling like i wanna scissor kick someone in the gizzard 😳\n\n Jst sayin😜"} {"idx": 32796, "original_id": "1250862934307352576", "reply_id": "1250907589686296578", "label": "shrug", "text": "Time for the \"You voted Tory yet you clapped for the NHS\" tweets to come in..."} {"idx": 32797, "original_id": "1251084457836261376", "reply_id": "1251110465394167808", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Omo. So you people really get it on in call rooms. I must be in the wrong centre o😂😂"} {"idx": 32799, "original_id": "1251109463110619138", "reply_id": "1251112099167821825", "label": "agree", "text": "hows #prayforparis I'm boutta bump"} {"idx": 32802, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250899668957106176", "label": "ok", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 32804, "original_id": "1250868578867277826", "reply_id": "1250894380099080198", "label": "yes", "text": "I change my clothes more frequently in Animal Crossing than in real life."} {"idx": 32807, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250970199475605504", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 32808, "original_id": "1251222753556008962", "reply_id": "1251267688250441739", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "In listening to Democratic politicians & liberal media, it seems they'd like to see this shut-down drag out & further weaken the economy—not to save lives—but to try to use this to defeat @realDonaldTrump in the election. Pray for the President, that God will give Him wisdom. 3/3"} {"idx": 32819, "original_id": "1250849210292977665", "reply_id": "1250904738767474690", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Manager was telling me she saw a man wearing gloves in a supermarket. At the till he realised the gloves stopped him getting into his wallet, so he pulled the glove off with his teeth and kept it in his mouth."} {"idx": 32820, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251210281482682378", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 32821, "original_id": "1251197416151355396", "reply_id": "1251209906792824833", "label": "popcorn", "text": "You ain’t worth the pride that comes with my last name"} {"idx": 32822, "original_id": "1250835044438085636", "reply_id": "1250843840224702464", "label": "omg", "text": "On March 26 we didn't have 2000 deaths. 22 days later:\nOver 31 thousand."} {"idx": 32823, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251114206700556290", "label": "scared", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 32829, "original_id": "1251031264288665600", "reply_id": "1251031487182503937", "label": "yes", "text": "the whole tl is gay"} {"idx": 32832, "original_id": "1251050026949922818", "reply_id": "1251099995316592640", "label": "hug", "text": "While it’s late at night, I wanna just say......\n*GAAAAASSSPPPPP*\nI miss my boyfriend and once this quarantine is over I’m gonna smooch this man"} {"idx": 32833, "original_id": "1250997698737643522", "reply_id": "1251026773241933826", "label": "thank_you", "text": "In two weeks I’m going to be an engineer... Still remember the racist that told me I was going to wash cars the rest of my life. I hope he’s doing okay."} {"idx": 32834, "original_id": "1251222041048612867", "reply_id": "1251222241033011201", "label": "awww", "text": "Stumblin' in~"} {"idx": 32838, "original_id": "1250811514052804616", "reply_id": "1250833334382592005", "label": "agree", "text": "i want every man to leave me alone forever"} {"idx": 32839, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251034203765870594", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 32840, "original_id": "1251226250280083465", "reply_id": "1251227627525996548", "label": "applause", "text": "To every man, woman, child and Liverpool fan that follows me. Thanks for 40k"} {"idx": 32841, "original_id": "1251181731689963520", "reply_id": "1251199008183377922", "label": "agree", "text": "A lot of people who want to \"Liberate America\" don't understand that until there's adequate testing and/or a viable treatment or vaccine, we need to stay home - just like Trump did during Vietnam. #StayHomeLikeTrumpinVietnam"} {"idx": 32842, "original_id": "1250768163211546626", "reply_id": "1251008417759715329", "label": "dance", "text": "When you want to slam his bedroom door but it's a sheet😏💔😂😂"} {"idx": 32843, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864858213613569", "label": "dance", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 32847, "original_id": "1250827617650917376", "reply_id": "1251143554505641990", "label": "hug", "text": "at least out loud ... i won’t say i’m in love"} {"idx": 32848, "original_id": "1250956942538936328", "reply_id": "1250957685383729152", "label": "popcorn", "text": "#Jaguars RB Leonard Fournette said on @FirstTake today that the team should sign Cam Newton: \"Cam went to the Super Bowl. He's a great guy... And like I told some people, it's no disrespect to Gardner Minshew. I'm just trying to get in the best position as we can to win.\""} {"idx": 32849, "original_id": "1250820147033640960", "reply_id": "1250861721507508229", "label": "win", "text": "i will not wear a shirt today"} {"idx": 32855, "original_id": "1250923518126063617", "reply_id": "1251150793622732800", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump's \"Opening Up America Again\" plan is reckless and puts profit before human lives. \n\nWho agrees?\n#CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 32856, "original_id": "1250874457012547586", "reply_id": "1250915695812063235", "label": "no", "text": "orange juice>>>>>>apple juice"} {"idx": 32866, "original_id": "1251187795357564931", "reply_id": "1251191556616253440", "label": "applause", "text": "OK, I've never done this before but here goes. Some personal news: Today is my last day at @techreview. After 9 great years there, on Monday I will start as news editor at @TheBlock__. Looking forward to the next chapter."} {"idx": 32869, "original_id": "1251089774393413633", "reply_id": "1251225983404912640", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The word \"avocado\" comes from the Aztec word “ahuácatl” meaning \"testicle.\""} {"idx": 32870, "original_id": "1250943250128568321", "reply_id": "1250955035787137024", "label": "no", "text": "If you had to choose between having your brain operated on by Ben Carson, or your heart operated on by Dr Oz, what funeral home do we send flowers to cuz you’re fucked?"} {"idx": 32876, "original_id": "1250855463228325889", "reply_id": "1250861848670482432", "label": "agree", "text": "Every Republican that's calling for the country to be reopened to save the economy should be asked, on record, how many lives they're willing to sacrifice for the almighty economy. Make them defend themselves come election time."} {"idx": 32879, "original_id": "1250834442870050818", "reply_id": "1250853495772712961", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I'm trying so hard to get my shit together today"} {"idx": 32880, "original_id": "1250589436074700800", "reply_id": "1250847098045521921", "label": "eww", "text": "Not sure if it’s a sinus infection, allergies, or just a result of staying inside for over a month, but I’ve been dealing w/ a migraine, runny nose, & dry cough. Plz bear w/ me w/ msgs on OF 🤗\n\nContent is scheduled so it will be consistently uploading 🤗"} {"idx": 32882, "original_id": "1250932856546897920", "reply_id": "1250934227509665792", "label": "awww", "text": "My twitter has never been this active since I joined three years ago. All due to me stepping out of my comfort zone and little bitch skin, and started interacting with Pvris fans it has changed, I have no regrets. \n\nThese people are crackhead dumbasses, and I love them all. 😭"} {"idx": 32884, "original_id": "1251099823832473602", "reply_id": "1251158012544180241", "label": "oops", "text": "This man really just told me that even though we’re not together anymore, he doesn’t want me to be with other people??????? Make it make sense"} {"idx": 32885, "original_id": "1250876193508921347", "reply_id": "1250886491842252801", "label": "shocked", "text": "You can all eat my dick if you think you're having a picture of me when I'm 20. Mainly because you CAN eat my dick, I'm not picky, but I don't even have a picture of me when I was 20."} {"idx": 32886, "original_id": "1251173080157827072", "reply_id": "1251227815808245761", "label": "win", "text": "There is an UPRISING going on in the underground!\n#MAGA"} {"idx": 32889, "original_id": "1251138022562828288", "reply_id": "1251140932616978432", "label": "hug", "text": "GEMS LET'S DO A BIG GROUP HUG!!! !"} {"idx": 32890, "original_id": "1250757168845869056", "reply_id": "1251053650870325248", "label": "agree", "text": "Why do Americans pronounce Craig .... kreg.... shits me"} {"idx": 32894, "original_id": "1250908174435192833", "reply_id": "1250935463151652864", "label": "hug", "text": "Another crying session 😩🙄 can’t deal with my head anymore"} {"idx": 32895, "original_id": "1250771320847171589", "reply_id": "1250867286371708932", "label": "seriously", "text": "Considering giving up weed when outside open back up, cuz honey I got shit to do!"} {"idx": 32897, "original_id": "1251184269222952961", "reply_id": "1251195255531229189", "label": "applause", "text": "A message from all 2021 recruits and football players... Please stay home so that this can end. We'd like to go on OVs😂 and play our senior year"} {"idx": 32898, "original_id": "1251061120376414208", "reply_id": "1251085614038093825", "label": "yawn", "text": "We all know sey lamar na Twitter influencer,em dey influence humans abeg wetin zlatan dey influence.. GENERATORS??😒"} {"idx": 32900, "original_id": "1250995978091585539", "reply_id": "1251000426213847042", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "mind is a prison is my best song"} {"idx": 32902, "original_id": "1250894974138417153", "reply_id": "1250917666333888512", "label": "agree", "text": "tell you wit am wanting a gid month aff work when this is aw finished"} {"idx": 32903, "original_id": "1250981639771041792", "reply_id": "1250983478319026176", "label": "agree", "text": "when did it become a collective thing for all of us to turn our auto-caps off? will we ever outgrow it and start using capital letters when we type"} {"idx": 32905, "original_id": "1250847261489274890", "reply_id": "1250847529090121728", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers fresh attack on SPFL coming up...THREAD"} {"idx": 32910, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250959065108316162", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 32911, "original_id": "1250900701288509442", "reply_id": "1250902703204597761", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Favorite comedian growing up?"} {"idx": 32913, "original_id": "1250958550718976001", "reply_id": "1250970962587267072", "label": "yawn", "text": "It's no coincidence that the best performance in the Disney Singalong is by Donny Osmond and his family singing Mulan, considering that Mulan is the best Disney movie. @hunter_2_2_"} {"idx": 32915, "original_id": "1251146492762603520", "reply_id": "1251148519588548620", "label": "dance", "text": "So much new music today, listening as I clean gbyyyyyyyyeeeeee"} {"idx": 32916, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250865866268442624", "label": "yes", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 32917, "original_id": "1251011762737954817", "reply_id": "1251012306206507011", "label": "agree", "text": "If there’s heaven on earth, I could easily tell it’s watsons. 🤪❤️"} {"idx": 32918, "original_id": "1251214487279017984", "reply_id": "1251232962231840769", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Dude my @FacebookGaming community absolutely went nuts yesterday and today I have absolutely no words for the amount of love they showed. Couldn’t imagine doing this any other place. 100k is so close! #RoadTo100K💙"} {"idx": 32919, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250875793011617793", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 32921, "original_id": "1251159521432461324", "reply_id": "1251165627370225664", "label": "applause", "text": "When Ole takes charge next season I sincerely hope and pray some of the fan cam muppets will f**k off and leave twitter altogether."} {"idx": 32923, "original_id": "1250877005773656064", "reply_id": "1250877883855392779", "label": "idk", "text": "I need some sort of gaming laptop/computer. Budget is around $700. Is that enough to get a quality laptop/computer or nah?"} {"idx": 32924, "original_id": "1250929725813317632", "reply_id": "1250931128195637248", "label": "agree", "text": "Craving some warm peach cobbler with a thick crust and vanilla ice cream."} {"idx": 32927, "original_id": "1251191916290551811", "reply_id": "1251212914071080960", "label": "smh", "text": "It also sound like the Giants plan to bring back Jon Halapio once his Achilles rehab is further along."} {"idx": 32932, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250959956330852368", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 32935, "original_id": "1251172992220004354", "reply_id": "1251177217012490240", "label": "agree", "text": "i just want to have the perfect balance of a job where I make good ass money but also have enough time to have a bomb ass summer is that too much to ask"} {"idx": 32941, "original_id": "1250857678668099585", "reply_id": "1250869811556446209", "label": "thank_you", "text": "People hating on the punjabi music here are the ones who are dancing to ISHQ TERA TADPAVE on weddings and go sit silently when their fav hindi bolly music plays. be real man , for some clout stop hating on the tracks and genre that gave you reason to dance."} {"idx": 32944, "original_id": "1250462089392644096", "reply_id": "1250843100177670144", "label": "smh", "text": "A brand or a badge for #socialcare workers means very little at the moment. #TestingForCovid19 and sufficient #PPE is a must to save lives."} {"idx": 32946, "original_id": "1251049382482329600", "reply_id": "1251050762198609921", "label": "ok", "text": "Woop would ya look at that. It’s needy o’clock."} {"idx": 32947, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251032451717009409", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 32949, "original_id": "1251197645001031682", "reply_id": "1251207359956951046", "label": "please", "text": ".@auraholly has already mentioned a few times that she wants to play through the wolf among us again. Lol"} {"idx": 32950, "original_id": "1250945890011033608", "reply_id": "1251035948261015553", "label": "dance", "text": "If you are not faithful, do not mess with pure people hearts."} {"idx": 32951, "original_id": "1251241712963465220", "reply_id": "1251241833637859328", "label": "applause", "text": "If you think I'm quiet....Maybe I'll CASH gift some supporters for my Youtube project...give me 50+ comments below...1 comment per user..."} {"idx": 32956, "original_id": "1251177530893221894", "reply_id": "1251196378921013248", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Charge your phones guys! I’ll probably be live tweeting my mental breakdown later today."} {"idx": 32961, "original_id": "1251163002398703616", "reply_id": "1251163965175984137", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i want every one to be safe\n\nexcept you. \n\nbitch i’ll dance on ur grave"} {"idx": 32963, "original_id": "1250816253217984518", "reply_id": "1250844126993580033", "label": "please", "text": "Hey @WarcraftDevs would it be possible to extend the Winds of Wisdom buff for a bit longer?\n\nA lot of us are still inside and it makes leveling Allied Races a lot more enticing and gives us more to do!~"} {"idx": 32964, "original_id": "1251239811714879490", "reply_id": "1251248169570177025", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Funny that subie guys are missing going for drives yet their engines work for only 3 days in a year."} {"idx": 32965, "original_id": "1251237479396638720", "reply_id": "1251237824206077952", "label": "applause", "text": "Ima workout at 3:30....my clothes should be ready"} {"idx": 32966, "original_id": "1250967133527379968", "reply_id": "1250981038521630720", "label": "applause", "text": "We hit 2,000 BRM KYC’d users a couple hours ago !! #Csc #CasinoCoin #Crypto"} {"idx": 32968, "original_id": "1251184106131427328", "reply_id": "1251185692367093762", "label": "applause", "text": "I only want to wear dresses and lingerie for the rest of my days on earth"} {"idx": 32970, "original_id": "1251005291199516672", "reply_id": "1251008523397259264", "label": "no", "text": "Let me know if the dababy switches his flow pls........"} {"idx": 32973, "original_id": "1250877357558132736", "reply_id": "1250877548973654016", "label": "dance", "text": "Ima make you mine"} {"idx": 32974, "original_id": "1250993080695697408", "reply_id": "1251006595959599112", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s time for me to leave twitter for awhile. I’ll admit I’ve not been sober all the time during this...I’ve been angry...need a break...would appreciate any prayers...depression is not helped by alcohol...good luck my friends."} {"idx": 32978, "original_id": "1250907632287846407", "reply_id": "1250908530657329152", "label": "yes", "text": "I ordered the Elgato..."} {"idx": 32981, "original_id": "1250949006143950848", "reply_id": "1251051737630171136", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Someone be proud of me. I’m trying. Fuck"} {"idx": 32982, "original_id": "1250842783000166404", "reply_id": "1250864298081112068", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My pussy probably thinks I died😣🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 32984, "original_id": "1251208787853225985", "reply_id": "1251229672907685889", "label": "shrug", "text": "#FF #Writer friends who are supportive\n@CardiganStories \n@liv_author \n@aprilislush \n@anna_mocikat \n@x_ally_oc_x \n@SchuylerThorpe \n@BriannaLynneYA\n@rituparnag\n@BWScribes \n@LalsaVerma \n@CalzoVicky \n@alleycat579 \n@atheistvek \n@victoria_jprice \n@missvaneetakaur\n@fuseboo \n@ab_faniki"} {"idx": 32985, "original_id": "1250838467984060417", "reply_id": "1250838815654068224", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Woke up ready to be on that bullshit for the TL"} {"idx": 32986, "original_id": "1251084000451534850", "reply_id": "1251084816054878211", "label": "no", "text": "Gonna unfollow dead people 🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 32989, "original_id": "1250617552453197826", "reply_id": "1250938277139341313", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Sometimes the people I follow retweet super eye-rollie shit and I’m like...shit, I probably definitely do that too. Wait...is my shit the eye-rollie shit when people RT me? Are we all just a buncha eye-rollie motherfuckers or nah?"} {"idx": 32990, "original_id": "1250937079057379333", "reply_id": "1250942455500771328", "label": "applause", "text": "Margaret made me coffee with crown in it and I don’t think she realized how much crown she put and I’m about to be HAMMERED playing Valorant"} {"idx": 32991, "original_id": "1250737601453178880", "reply_id": "1250854094882902023", "label": "agree", "text": "I don't visit the UL hashtag anymore bcos I want to avoid rubbish and just concentrate on my faves. So I'm always confused by my TL. What's with the provisions shade this morning? Nvm, let me mind my business and concentrate on my #RoksieVibe"} {"idx": 32992, "original_id": "1250930966018707456", "reply_id": "1250933178283556864", "label": "agree", "text": "Fine. Breakfast for dinner. I’ll try sourdough biscuits, since I have starter to use."} {"idx": 32994, "original_id": "1251235920558211073", "reply_id": "1251247286098604033", "label": "kiss", "text": "I had a dream I was in the back seat of a car Ary was driving with all my homies😭 it felt so real I’m shaddddddddd💗"} {"idx": 32995, "original_id": "1251174497681539072", "reply_id": "1251174778939101188", "label": "no", "text": "I need a judges ruling: you may or may not put JAM on Rye toast."} {"idx": 32996, "original_id": "1251225869177126913", "reply_id": "1251258217012834306", "label": "applause", "text": "YO when you drunk you be peeing forever lmao 🤣.... feel like I was pissing for at least a minute straight 😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 32999, "original_id": "1251007454198063104", "reply_id": "1251008654079332352", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone want some late night LoL action?"} {"idx": 33002, "original_id": "1250760719366266881", "reply_id": "1250988971976318976", "label": "omg", "text": "started work this Thursday morning blasting out Cher at full volume because why the hell not"} {"idx": 33004, "original_id": "1251218155445387264", "reply_id": "1251223235129155586", "label": "agree", "text": "Seems like lots of big orgs are leaving the apex scene."} {"idx": 33005, "original_id": "1250845072230244352", "reply_id": "1250845190429880321", "label": "ok", "text": "Guys... do NOT call Poggy at 3 AM.\nCall him earlier because bed times are important\n\nAnyway, the traitor mode will be coming on Friday with two new skins (one of them a highly suggested one)! Also, I wanna hear your ideas for traps I could add! Your ideas are so valuable to me!"} {"idx": 33006, "original_id": "1251243186657394688", "reply_id": "1251246135231918080", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If you ride a bike on the road I hope you get hit by a car"} {"idx": 33007, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251016218527465473", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 33014, "original_id": "1251212640874983424", "reply_id": "1251232533012008962", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Cuomo: \"'It's up to the states' to reopen. By the way it was always up to the states. What, are you going to grant me what the Constitution gave me before you were born? It's called the 10th Amendment. I didn't need the President of the United States to tell me I'm the governor.\""} {"idx": 33015, "original_id": "1251061551701860353", "reply_id": "1251062380961857537", "label": "hug", "text": "Yesterday would have been my parent’s 26th year wedding anniversary if my dad was still here and the 3rd year anniversary of his passing is in a few days. I don’t like April."} {"idx": 33016, "original_id": "1250931100203069446", "reply_id": "1250932899395796993", "label": "agree", "text": "Omg I’m so horny 😩😩😩"} {"idx": 33018, "original_id": "1251247660301864961", "reply_id": "1251248749009084418", "label": "yes", "text": "It’s so easy to forgot Donald Trump is a Multi-Billionaire...\n\nSure doesn’t act like one."} {"idx": 33019, "original_id": "1251180137216950272", "reply_id": "1251218246478508032", "label": "hug", "text": "Weird how my anxiety is pretty much gone now that all my worst fears have come true! (pandemic happening, family members now confirmed positive, boyfriend did leave me for his ex, I’ve already run out of ice cream) Why be worried over things when they’ll just happen anyways???"} {"idx": 33021, "original_id": "1250846850116128769", "reply_id": "1250853956391059462", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "...want to know who I am not drawing today or any day??\n\nDr. Oz\n\nWhat a POS"} {"idx": 33023, "original_id": "1250505186520387585", "reply_id": "1250984229434867712", "label": "no", "text": "Hey👋🏽, \n\nIf you got your #StimulusCheck and you’re doing well financially, consider donating to migrants that won’t get any federal aid. \n\nHere’s a few ways to do so. Feel free to add mutual aid funds.👇🏽"} {"idx": 33024, "original_id": "1250964524091543553", "reply_id": "1251251049366794245", "label": "applause", "text": "Now that we know who the essential workers are, explain to me why professional athletes make so much money if they are basically useless when it matters?"} {"idx": 33027, "original_id": "1250822099385692160", "reply_id": "1250985335342931970", "label": "no", "text": "I have a question. If Trump says right now, we are good, you can go outside and party, work, do whatever, would you do it?"} {"idx": 33028, "original_id": "1251149860608204803", "reply_id": "1251150058667429895", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Faris thanks for joining us today 🥰"} {"idx": 33029, "original_id": "1251267799613272070", "reply_id": "1251270927918211079", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm going to combine @hgbg80 (30 swats) and @jayfromrichmond (50 swats) into one set. Get me nice and warmed up."} {"idx": 33030, "original_id": "1250808413136850945", "reply_id": "1251130590562258944", "label": "ok", "text": "a TOXIC nigga fav line is “I just be chilling” LIKE NIGGA NO TF YOU DONT 😐"} {"idx": 33031, "original_id": "1250833279789531136", "reply_id": "1250863792369610752", "label": "hug", "text": "so emotional today 😣 in need of hugs"} {"idx": 33033, "original_id": "1251150198329405441", "reply_id": "1251153669157826561", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The New England suburb where I live, that is 40 minutes from just about everywhere, reports 5-10 new confirmed cases every day. My next door neighbors had an Easter family gathering in their backyard and joked about social distancing."} {"idx": 33034, "original_id": "1251148173025804289", "reply_id": "1251148946308608001", "label": "good_luck", "text": "dababy is in the queue. wish me luck"} {"idx": 33035, "original_id": "1251205682570964995", "reply_id": "1251205900095946754", "label": "yawn", "text": "Waking up at 6pm is deffo not the move"} {"idx": 33039, "original_id": "1251173446198923266", "reply_id": "1251174170530062338", "label": "agree", "text": "Where is the humor in seeing a dog get eaten alive by a alligator ?? This app full of weirdos"} {"idx": 33041, "original_id": "1250976136051535877", "reply_id": "1251114631193669632", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m bipolar and have non-military PTSD. I have been isolating for almost 6 weeks. I live in a one bedroom apt. The walls are closing in. Every time I turn on the TV the orange man is there justifying what can’t be justified. I could use some support. Any words would help."} {"idx": 33042, "original_id": "1250969543536672769", "reply_id": "1250970105317646336", "label": "yes", "text": "Would y’all play with me on twitch?"} {"idx": 33043, "original_id": "1250952575144259585", "reply_id": "1250952831454117889", "label": "applause", "text": "Damn im juiced i stopped drinking booze 1.5 months ago its starting to get hot out and I do not miss being hungover and sweaaaaty"} {"idx": 33044, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250962736479178752", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 33046, "original_id": "1250887930954092545", "reply_id": "1250895824931913729", "label": "no", "text": "Gonna make my sister watch Stranger Things next week and she’s gonna like it"} {"idx": 33048, "original_id": "1251259287608995845", "reply_id": "1251259798458425350", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm crying, hug me 👉🏻👈🏻🥺"} {"idx": 33049, "original_id": "1250907085426040834", "reply_id": "1250907483247435779", "label": "agree", "text": "Omg I'm watching miracle is cell 7 and there's 18 mins left of the movie, and they just got done hanging the guy, but I think that it wasn't memo that got hung, it was the old guy who kept on staring at the tree! We'll find out if I'm right"} {"idx": 33053, "original_id": "1251247464729935875", "reply_id": "1251247848810663936", "label": "hug", "text": "it's back again...my eating problem...I just...I was there...I was able to eat properly..."} {"idx": 33054, "original_id": "1250618316583993345", "reply_id": "1250838276165890049", "label": "omg", "text": "I'll give $1,000 total to 10 people ($100 each) who retweet this within the next 48 hours. Must be following so I can DM.\n\nHope this helps a few more people dealing with #Covid_19 or any hardships. 💙"} {"idx": 33056, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251169924527030276", "label": "sorry", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 33058, "original_id": "1251043419402768391", "reply_id": "1251116789339246597", "label": "hug", "text": "I can feel muscle wastage happening. Although I do PE everyday I am not walking any distance like I am used to. I’m evolving into a... barefoot white bread-eating vitamin-deficient unemployed alcoholic. \n#HealthyAtHome #lackof #PhysicalActivity"} {"idx": 33059, "original_id": "1250841977064755206", "reply_id": "1250844187068706818", "label": "scared", "text": "If you were one of those “conservatives” who cheered for the felon-coddling First Step Act, don’t turn around now and clutch your pearls as governors release inmates. You wanted this!"} {"idx": 33060, "original_id": "1251249358894481418", "reply_id": "1251254721714589696", "label": "hug", "text": "Watched Big Hero 6 on Disney Plus and fuckin cried at the end. Didn't feel it coming. \"Are you satisfied with your care?\" DON'T 🥺"} {"idx": 33063, "original_id": "1251059609969856512", "reply_id": "1251061618357596160", "label": "applause", "text": "As soon as my internet gets fixed I got yall wit a stream 😋"} {"idx": 33064, "original_id": "1250849302555099139", "reply_id": "1250849447203999745", "label": "applause", "text": "I can’t believe we hit over 1k subs last night. That’s actually crazy. Thank you so much for all the support! The grind continues and I hope everyone has a great day❤️"} {"idx": 33067, "original_id": "1251183683832287232", "reply_id": "1251221774706016257", "label": "hug", "text": "I want a hug."} {"idx": 33070, "original_id": "1250923557829447680", "reply_id": "1250923738901680128", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Guess the other 3 wasn't noti gang.. times up. I'll hand pick 3 new winners"} {"idx": 33071, "original_id": "1250902328808529920", "reply_id": "1250903478119075847", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug..."} {"idx": 33076, "original_id": "1250651106822074368", "reply_id": "1250846158651568134", "label": "dance", "text": "How's your experience with Flutter? Only gifs allowed 🤟🏼\n\n#Flutter"} {"idx": 33077, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251257166788509700", "label": "yes", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 33078, "original_id": "1251147918867759108", "reply_id": "1251148513947185158", "label": "agree", "text": "The truth is the Outlander books and TV series are not real. If you are a critic and cannot separate reality from fiction quit posting negative comments on Twitter. You are the ones that have problems!\n@SamHeughan #WeStandWithSam"} {"idx": 33081, "original_id": "1251220413935484931", "reply_id": "1251230924395642882", "label": "applause", "text": "So, @MrJames_D at all his Easter eggs (about 8 of them) I have 6 and he wants to buy one off me cos he’s desperate for one...Twitter can decide."} {"idx": 33082, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251163939871830016", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 33089, "original_id": "1251180619662389249", "reply_id": "1251189150176296960", "label": "shocked", "text": "My drunk ass was putting old bay seasoning on my potato chips last night, that shit was fire lol"} {"idx": 33094, "original_id": "1251174597736759298", "reply_id": "1251188604921053185", "label": "yes", "text": "Let’s recap.\n\nDemocrats want to:\n-Pay states to release criminals\n-Free detained illegal aliens\n-Close churches\n-Make abortion clinics “essential”\n-Stop gun sales\n\nRepublicans want to:\n-Help small businesses w/ the #PaycheckProtectionProgram\n-Get America back to work\n\nYou decide."} {"idx": 33095, "original_id": "1250807837015539713", "reply_id": "1250918192719036417", "label": "no", "text": "If 111,500 people donated their $1200 stimulus checks back to the US Treasury we could cover Trump’s 133.8m Golf Tab as of 2/14/20-what do you say America? @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 33099, "original_id": "1251231032340332544", "reply_id": "1251232112973426690", "label": "applause", "text": "I can’t wait to pop this ass again"} {"idx": 33106, "original_id": "1250882072383799296", "reply_id": "1250882434696122368", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Learnt how to make a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Zoom Background, who wants to have some meetings?"} {"idx": 33107, "original_id": "1251147099107811328", "reply_id": "1251160140524343297", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I have 8 billion pages of science work due today 😔"} {"idx": 33108, "original_id": "1251208092760657920", "reply_id": "1251233704653082624", "label": "wink", "text": "@EyeVArt @TealiciousVintT thanks for the retweet guys"} {"idx": 33111, "original_id": "1251157309901795335", "reply_id": "1251172454476759045", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Just found a tin of pineapple pieces in the cupboard with a sell by date of January 2019. Should I chance them?"} {"idx": 33113, "original_id": "1251218559679844355", "reply_id": "1251231632411037696", "label": "wink", "text": "My roommates, brother, boyfriend and best friend are all cancers... how did this happen"} {"idx": 33114, "original_id": "1250877336054104064", "reply_id": "1250885081411051525", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m already calling it... uzi and carti are just gonna drop a collab and fool us all but I ain’t complaining 🥰"} {"idx": 33120, "original_id": "1251271517788188672", "reply_id": "1251273359926517760", "label": "yes", "text": "He may be refusing to nap today but I just got some pacifiers in the mail today and my boobie addicted child is actually taking them. Id call that a win."} {"idx": 33124, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250889621174706192", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 33127, "original_id": "1250913409333440517", "reply_id": "1250949370775822338", "label": "agree", "text": "They're literally just going to pretend like the pandemic is over, put everyone's lives at risk, and slap a slogan on it to help Donald Trump's reelection.\n\nThat's literally what they're going to do."} {"idx": 33128, "original_id": "1250977237538611201", "reply_id": "1250989527637856257", "label": "agree", "text": "This is my first time not staying with griffin in months and let’s just say.. this will NEVER happen again (unless I’m staying with Abby) 😂 that’s the only exception..."} {"idx": 33133, "original_id": "1250951396570157056", "reply_id": "1251166112529727488", "label": "want", "text": "Ik I keep tweeting bout dreams but like fuck...\nI wake up feeling so many emotions \nLike idk what’s goin on 😰"} {"idx": 33135, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250864933237129218", "label": "dance", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 33136, "original_id": "1250820350176362497", "reply_id": "1250835989867700225", "label": "eww", "text": "I’m in the car, just turned on Rush Limbaugh, here’s a synopsis of what I heard:\n\n“Ok, this has gotta stop. This shutdown can’t continue. It doesn’t matter how many people die. 22 million people are unemployed. Enough! People have always died. We’ll adapt.”\n\nAnd millions nodded."} {"idx": 33137, "original_id": "1250976559596527616", "reply_id": "1251097858775842817", "label": "agree", "text": "The fight on W Main is over. The 2 fighters are now hugging. #roc #thisisroc"} {"idx": 33139, "original_id": "1251196843893166086", "reply_id": "1251197607155830788", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m not doing great 🙃"} {"idx": 33141, "original_id": "1251187775304597504", "reply_id": "1251207622281187328", "label": "high_five", "text": "We do many games during lockdown, like 2 word Scrabble.\nI have the letters donaldtrump. Can anyone help me please?\nAll I can think of is damn turd."} {"idx": 33143, "original_id": "1251233848618344454", "reply_id": "1251234576854331395", "label": "agree", "text": "The evil dork with the glasses and bowl cut in Despicable Me is definitely Bill Gates lol"} {"idx": 33146, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251217684659867649", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 33150, "original_id": "1251199099736637440", "reply_id": "1251212667303481345", "label": "no", "text": "I am not once again but 1st time asking that \"do you love me ? \" 😡"} {"idx": 33151, "original_id": "1250994587633618944", "reply_id": "1250995182323077121", "label": "yes", "text": "I need to feel it.. I need to smell it.. I need to see it.."} {"idx": 33152, "original_id": "1251206322357514244", "reply_id": "1251210757049589760", "label": "seriously", "text": "nobody can beat me in cup pong 😂😂"} {"idx": 33153, "original_id": "1251238742817464324", "reply_id": "1251241173043351555", "label": "hug", "text": "A hug would slap rn. 🥺👉👈💔"} {"idx": 33154, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250906146124095488", "label": "ok", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 33155, "original_id": "1250917509135548422", "reply_id": "1250962400586551296", "label": "agree", "text": "DDTG may be outta business tomorrow"} {"idx": 33156, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250861021608194048", "label": "omg", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 33159, "original_id": "1251194344536772608", "reply_id": "1251195594028318727", "label": "no", "text": "Would you trade Dak and a 2nd for Darnold and Adams?"} {"idx": 33161, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250861790000566272", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 33164, "original_id": "1251204465023242241", "reply_id": "1251220023923933186", "label": "win", "text": "Now officially banished to another room for farting; sorry even after five decades I still find it funny."} {"idx": 33166, "original_id": "1250920573070462977", "reply_id": "1250921014952894470", "label": "shocked", "text": "Who would’ve thought that giving away money would be popular?"} {"idx": 33168, "original_id": "1250986311361736704", "reply_id": "1251041359923785729", "label": "popcorn", "text": "To those finding out Dr. Phil is a hack -- welcome to the party! We have snacks."} {"idx": 33172, "original_id": "1250811805686837251", "reply_id": "1250873681708015616", "label": "agree", "text": "Since I had a tweet go viral I've been called a twat, had my appearance insulted, and been lectured on constitutional law by a chemist. \n\nIs this what it's like to be a woman on Twitter?"} {"idx": 33173, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250881725288366080", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 33174, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251186253464137731", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 33176, "original_id": "1250960804758745088", "reply_id": "1251137978644213763", "label": "hug", "text": "Friends, I'm sick. Not COVID; it's anxiety-based. I haven't been able to eat for weeks. Can't choke it down. Then last night I began vomiting - even the water I tried to sip slowly. Please understand if I'm not around for a while."} {"idx": 33177, "original_id": "1250877196287131648", "reply_id": "1250877401011294211", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "$TSLA closes at $745 as first US customers try Autopilot traffic control beta"} {"idx": 33179, "original_id": "1251233828271730691", "reply_id": "1251269712866086912", "label": "wink", "text": "All I want right now is to be singing along to Whiskey Glasses and building pitcher towers with my homies at Sports Bar 🥺"} {"idx": 33180, "original_id": "1251222012309245952", "reply_id": "1251232786414886912", "label": "no", "text": "Please hurry up and open the outside. Folks on the TL gettin bored."} {"idx": 33183, "original_id": "1251210115354693633", "reply_id": "1251256513932308482", "label": "yes", "text": "Can your partner kiss you in the mouth after they’ve kissed you down low?"} {"idx": 33184, "original_id": "1251171949914529793", "reply_id": "1251236810069553154", "label": "no", "text": "Somehow in the panic purchases, I forgot that napkins would be a necessity. Currently having to use my pant leg. Mom would not be proud."} {"idx": 33186, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250846726581374978", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 33187, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250858389309132801", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 33188, "original_id": "1251110037272985612", "reply_id": "1251193049159532553", "label": "applause", "text": "When did you start stanning EXO?\n\n2012-14 2015-17 2018-20\n👇 👇 👇"} {"idx": 33189, "original_id": "1250568678069977088", "reply_id": "1250889976839131136", "label": "yes", "text": "Does anyone have a video of the giant rat that ran across the WH lawn?"} {"idx": 33190, "original_id": "1251153955687563264", "reply_id": "1251156297354842114", "label": "shocked", "text": "ppl who prefer no pulp orange juice need to grow up"} {"idx": 33191, "original_id": "1251003652862599168", "reply_id": "1251221046767878144", "label": "wink", "text": "I miss my NCC girls 😥"} {"idx": 33195, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250869481011924994", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 33198, "original_id": "1250853715118100489", "reply_id": "1250854716050997249", "label": "agree", "text": "We all like to see ass and titties"} {"idx": 33200, "original_id": "1251260506368663552", "reply_id": "1251261106473054219", "label": "applause", "text": "I passed my thesis defense! \n\nI AM SO HAPPY, I COULD DIE!"} {"idx": 33201, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251113240492269569", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 33202, "original_id": "1251239579337834497", "reply_id": "1251271416953143296", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all really don’t like DaBaby Album?"} {"idx": 33203, "original_id": "1251155569060179969", "reply_id": "1251164374741344256", "label": "dance", "text": "Despite their public stance, Borussia Dortmund are very open to getting a deal done with #mufc for Jadon Sancho this summer #mulive [@honigstein, the warm down]"} {"idx": 33204, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1251161903436492802", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 33209, "original_id": "1251197177910702080", "reply_id": "1251205818072158209", "label": "yes", "text": "Have you ever been so hungry that you"} {"idx": 33212, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251016234495176705", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 33216, "original_id": "1251254295577669637", "reply_id": "1251272924469891073", "label": "shocked", "text": "\"Lio has been a leader for 30 years, because promare exist for 30 years\"\n\nWut? :D"} {"idx": 33217, "original_id": "1251130445896364032", "reply_id": "1251131336800088065", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug pliss?😔"} {"idx": 33218, "original_id": "1250658921569804289", "reply_id": "1251023873102970880", "label": "omg", "text": "Watching Seth Meyers & he doesn’t know who Pablo Sanchez is or what backyard baseball is... aka I’m hurting"} {"idx": 33222, "original_id": "1251057246651453440", "reply_id": "1251060783095648256", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm a sucker for a man with beautiful eyes and a gorgeous smile. Yey man, come and take off these panties 😍😋"} {"idx": 33224, "original_id": "1251009251553640451", "reply_id": "1251010540379439104", "label": "applause", "text": "Seems like the tl is asleep, boutta lob some cock rn"} {"idx": 33225, "original_id": "1250560605905354755", "reply_id": "1250877262192402434", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I'm hearing that some actually received the #stimuluspayment in the form of a check. And, you're perplexed that it has @realDonaldTrump's name on it. If that bothers you so much, send it back! bwhahahahahahaha"} {"idx": 33229, "original_id": "1250918410915102722", "reply_id": "1250919871325577221", "label": "applause", "text": "I need to follow a bunch you peeps. Can you comment below accounts I should be following? PLEASE AND THANKSSSSS!!!!!"} {"idx": 33231, "original_id": "1251176169254330372", "reply_id": "1251267015479898113", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hey guys, I hate having to ask this but please send positive vibes to me today. A lot has happened this morning and I am just super drained and exhausted by it all. Thank you."} {"idx": 33232, "original_id": "1251191063382855681", "reply_id": "1251193393658691584", "label": "applause", "text": "Okay I guess this NEEDS to be said ALREADY for ALL of my Family and Friends In The Back. Here it is, are you ready?\n\nI'M NOT, NOR HAVE I OR WILL I EVER BE A FUCKING TRUMP SUPPORTER!\n\nNOT TODAY, NOT EVER!"} {"idx": 33234, "original_id": "1251059364452016128", "reply_id": "1251060100430729216", "label": "good_luck", "text": "hopefully my grind pays off"} {"idx": 33238, "original_id": "1251108247173545984", "reply_id": "1251207463606550536", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Interesting quarantine discovery: doing dishes while listening to podcasts is a perfect combination."} {"idx": 33240, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251045806792011776", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 33242, "original_id": "1251157614211117058", "reply_id": "1251202391598346240", "label": "agree", "text": "Day 34 of sheltering in place. I don’t know if it happens to you but Matias Walker Prieto makes me puke. Movie to watch today — A Fistful of Dollars — This film is the first of Sergio Leone’s classic western trilogy."} {"idx": 33244, "original_id": "1251124440148180993", "reply_id": "1251198369445425152", "label": "hug", "text": "49 years ago today we stood on the altar and said till death do us part, now we are holed up in our home trying to keep that from happening.\nA nice Anniversary present would be a follow, Thanks."} {"idx": 33252, "original_id": "1250873655413952515", "reply_id": "1250942930434625540", "label": "eww", "text": "@benmaller you need to set date for talent show. I want to send a video of setting myself on fire! You can post on twitter or facebook if youd like. I dont have to win or be judged it can be an auxiliary category hahahahhah"} {"idx": 33253, "original_id": "1250902441819877377", "reply_id": "1250912785359306761", "label": "eww", "text": "what’s everybody’s cash app? \ni will be blessing one lucky winner with a random $1,000 cash request 💸\n\nRT TO ENTER 📨"} {"idx": 33254, "original_id": "1250876824160219146", "reply_id": "1250883368918515712", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I hope in your next life you come back as a patch of grass in a dog park, enjoying eating shit and piss all day"} {"idx": 33255, "original_id": "1251211005419454465", "reply_id": "1251216197753794563", "label": "no", "text": "I’m sorry Guys I’m done!\nSo far not even single negative Tweet Still being dragged & abused For Somebody else’s actions! \nI can’t take This anymore! I joined Twitter only for @ishehnaaz_gill & thought this handle Will stay active Always 4 her !\nBut today I’m just done!\n1/2"} {"idx": 33257, "original_id": "1251224292454522880", "reply_id": "1251224585636401156", "label": "sigh", "text": "I don’t like Facebook I like twitter 🙃\n\nIm angry as this girl blocked me on Facebook because I post too many things about birds. Well, toucan play that game 🤣🤣🤣🤣"} {"idx": 33260, "original_id": "1250719823308435460", "reply_id": "1250878745352769537", "label": "agree", "text": "If your parent(s)/guardian(s)/caregiver(s) did not allow you to have a social life, constantly threatened by words like \"nikupate umepita hiyo gate\" and \"usikule kwa watu\", chances are you struggle making healthy connections and your attachment style could be insecure too."} {"idx": 33267, "original_id": "1251092381601947649", "reply_id": "1251126857891753987", "label": "smh", "text": "A must see series on Netflix is The Secret City - so close to reality and totally absorbing! Thank u @arsched for recommending it!"} {"idx": 33270, "original_id": "1250771149706887169", "reply_id": "1250962658515435520", "label": "agree", "text": "For the first time from me a likkle pickney, all of a sudden St Thomas look attractive...\n\n...& nobody nuh care bout de obeah\n🤼‍♀️"} {"idx": 33272, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251104289071812609", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 33274, "original_id": "1250874144767557632", "reply_id": "1250874486397820929", "label": "applause", "text": "Only have eyes for u tho 😚"} {"idx": 33276, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251269367221891073", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 33277, "original_id": "1251221937084403714", "reply_id": "1251255737982111753", "label": "eww", "text": "girls be from nepal but never show me their nepals"} {"idx": 33278, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251005977232474112", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 33279, "original_id": "1251227797332332544", "reply_id": "1251257855291928578", "label": "applause", "text": "Dude coronavirus has like no chill"} {"idx": 33280, "original_id": "1251221701314125825", "reply_id": "1251242174064340993", "label": "applause", "text": "Drug dealers: \n\nEvade the police easily by conducting all your business around 8pm on a Thursday night, as all officers will be outside a hospital clapping."} {"idx": 33282, "original_id": "1250889807817039883", "reply_id": "1250891450612453376", "label": "applause", "text": "I WAS A GOOD GIRL AND COOKED LUNCH INSTEAD OF SPEANDING MONEY TODAY\n\n......PLEASE CLAP😂"} {"idx": 33285, "original_id": "1250943787414650880", "reply_id": "1250960334665515009", "label": "yes", "text": "Ok. I have now finished Siege of Mandalore.\n\n...\n\nMy previous statements stand."} {"idx": 33286, "original_id": "1250943067735162881", "reply_id": "1250945021404229633", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was unreal, had an off day losing a family pet, decided to stream and get my mind off things\n\n@marthamaeuk kobrxx & @T3chnopandaTTV big love on raids\n\n@maedivinee @ChrisTT2P @L3thalSequ3l and Dehater for the 120+ subs \n\nAlso anyone who sent love to my mom, meant a lot. 💚"} {"idx": 33288, "original_id": "1250852543783206915", "reply_id": "1250853505738444801", "label": "omg", "text": "Dynamic player from Jersey deciding to join #TheNation and show the world he’s Built Different #LetsGo"} {"idx": 33290, "original_id": "1251240346404749315", "reply_id": "1251240718124953608", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I also watched Frozen 2 with the little ones.\n\nWtf was the movie even about?"} {"idx": 33291, "original_id": "1250951485489401857", "reply_id": "1250954389285724161", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Bouta get tatted bitccchhhh"} {"idx": 33293, "original_id": "1251162452634419212", "reply_id": "1251177066038517761", "label": "awww", "text": "@im_alshamiv knows me so well, yala nhrab l dahab 😂😂❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 33298, "original_id": "1250893999197483008", "reply_id": "1250916271736135687", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "It was rough hearing the news today about the passing of Howard Finkel; in my experience the Fink was an extremely passionate, kind, and talented man who would always go out of his way to share his wrestling knowledge or help people however he could. RIP @howardfinkel"} {"idx": 33299, "original_id": "1250841010353078273", "reply_id": "1250866728147587073", "label": "no", "text": "Did people genuinely think the lock down was going to be lifted this weekend? 😂"} {"idx": 33301, "original_id": "1250590134031941633", "reply_id": "1250838665758035968", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "If Derek Carr takes the raiders to the playoffs, I’ll get his number tatted next to my raider tattoo. Bookmark this"} {"idx": 33302, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250950978888663041", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 33303, "original_id": "1250930684631236608", "reply_id": "1251080658476294145", "label": "shocked", "text": "Did i jus spend more than $500 on alcohol ? Maybe\nWas it worth it ? Definitely"} {"idx": 33306, "original_id": "1251221166586507264", "reply_id": "1251224351392874497", "label": "shrug", "text": "Turnip's losing it."} {"idx": 33308, "original_id": "1250924109611008000", "reply_id": "1250925088293224448", "label": "agree", "text": "I actually thought everybody on twitter stays on the island 🌴. Abi which one is they are robbing in our street already Abekolo, Alagbado, Idi araba, you don move away from park view ? And those banana Island post ?😂😂😂 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 33309, "original_id": "1250842665899356160", "reply_id": "1250972369813934080", "label": "win", "text": "Not only does Jalen Green get $500k to play basketball, the NBA/G League is giving him a $125,000 scholarship to use to get his college education whenever he wants."} {"idx": 33311, "original_id": "1250928052235907072", "reply_id": "1250941906290442240", "label": "agree", "text": "Me: wants to save this stimulus check \n\nAlso me: C A M E R A G E A R"} {"idx": 33313, "original_id": "1250615173943042049", "reply_id": "1250874782243061760", "label": "no", "text": "Just thinking aloud . . . if baseball eventually starts up, and the condensed schedule calls for a lot of doubleheaders . . . that means we'll be forced into many, many games featuring Andrew Knapp catching for the Phils."} {"idx": 33315, "original_id": "1250833063975751683", "reply_id": "1250835457904193537", "label": "no", "text": "@WSMBRZ help"} {"idx": 33317, "original_id": "1250844842466435074", "reply_id": "1250847593892139009", "label": "yes", "text": "Miss World 2020 🙌🏿 @Trish_bago"} {"idx": 33318, "original_id": "1250916707993935872", "reply_id": "1250935412496822272", "label": "ok", "text": "ANYWAY, who wants nudes?"} {"idx": 33319, "original_id": "1251265214781296640", "reply_id": "1251266776995946497", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m about to change the game with a single tweet. *Takes deep breath*.. If you want to run fast, you have to... train fast. 🤯"} {"idx": 33321, "original_id": "1250884033724194818", "reply_id": "1250884440835973130", "label": "agree", "text": "Jamila's Memo should have ended #NewsGang. It was the Highlight."} {"idx": 33326, "original_id": "1250872882290401284", "reply_id": "1250873256845946881", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "You guys can't see me ri8!!!!! ......so I can tweet rubbish abse 😌😌😌"} {"idx": 33330, "original_id": "1250869085048537093", "reply_id": "1250869504428646400", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy birthday to both @JustTheClippy AND @datshadycorner today! 💕💕💕💕💕💕"} {"idx": 33331, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251178579695669248", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 33336, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1250985782925389825", "label": "oops", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 33337, "original_id": "1250877755031461889", "reply_id": "1250879075700355073", "label": "wink", "text": "Honestly, I don’t mind wearing a mask all the time. It’s cut down the need to fake smile at people, and that feels like freedom #MaskOn #coronavirus"} {"idx": 33338, "original_id": "1251170860368445440", "reply_id": "1251179095779614720", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Currently doing a speed test to see if I can stream today..."} {"idx": 33339, "original_id": "1237815982074351616", "reply_id": "1251102566563405825", "label": "no", "text": "Finally, something that's actually free in Maryland."} {"idx": 33341, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250896038900236290", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 33344, "original_id": "1251237802072735747", "reply_id": "1251267895851732992", "label": "yes", "text": "Whelp, as the vacuum cord was retracting, the end of it whipped me straight in the left ball. I’ll be on IR for two weeks with a LBI."} {"idx": 33345, "original_id": "1250600555896070144", "reply_id": "1250857178895994880", "label": "hug", "text": "I wasnt anxious or annoyed b4 and now i am and i am SO fucking pissed."} {"idx": 33346, "original_id": "1250623688686403585", "reply_id": "1250924183409897478", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If you’re looking for an easy way to donate to the Biden campaign just pay your credit card bill"} {"idx": 33347, "original_id": "1251178793957539840", "reply_id": "1251179591244419072", "label": "yes", "text": "Are you guys watching this @NYGovCuomo press conference?\n\nHe’s doling out all sorts of life wisdom. \n\nI ❤️ this guy."} {"idx": 33348, "original_id": "1251184539902324736", "reply_id": "1251240212048392193", "label": "seriously", "text": "If D’s get degrees, then B’s get Ph.D’s"} {"idx": 33349, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1251159688533557249", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 33350, "original_id": "1250855664294952960", "reply_id": "1251043025716776960", "label": "hug", "text": "Just found out that the contract for my #altac position (which is most of my income) will not be renewed.\n\nSo that's fun."} {"idx": 33351, "original_id": "1251186798572814336", "reply_id": "1251242499009646592", "label": "eww", "text": "Need a whole new alliance 🧞"} {"idx": 33352, "original_id": "1250849388756377602", "reply_id": "1250852969123319809", "label": "no", "text": "I have a weird question but...\n\nDo I talk during my streams too much? 😅"} {"idx": 33356, "original_id": "1251257008545656832", "reply_id": "1251260013450051584", "label": "applause", "text": "World Hacker threatened to release my porn video. \n\nTold him if I don’t pay $2000 usd he will send it to everyone. \n\nEnjoy guys 🥰"} {"idx": 33359, "original_id": "1251251084615716869", "reply_id": "1251251481141022726", "label": "win", "text": "My phone just autocorrected duck to fuck. \nThis is a monumental moment."} {"idx": 33363, "original_id": "1250792157570641921", "reply_id": "1250852983115583488", "label": "please", "text": "It has been 28 years since a sitting President was defeated at the ballot box in the United States.\n👀"} {"idx": 33368, "original_id": "1251101496785211392", "reply_id": "1251177040444825602", "label": "agree", "text": "Anybody else hold their breath for ages when they walk past people."} {"idx": 33369, "original_id": "1251206816157126657", "reply_id": "1251241064050065410", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m jealous of y’all with crisp vision 😪"} {"idx": 33372, "original_id": "1251124754582511617", "reply_id": "1251165670290546695", "label": "sigh", "text": "How're your home workouts going?\nReply with the most relevant GIF 👇\n\n#FridayFeeling"} {"idx": 33373, "original_id": "1251241328907878402", "reply_id": "1251241596462329856", "label": "high_five", "text": "Somebody said I run a cult. If kindness, love, and generosity (in a word of hate) is a cult, then where do I sign up!"} {"idx": 33376, "original_id": "1250987243784884224", "reply_id": "1251098468669632512", "label": "good_luck", "text": "It has been a month now, that everyday, I mutter to myself that I'm going to eat better, and stay offline to protect my peace. I'll try again tomorrow..."} {"idx": 33377, "original_id": "1250890670618935296", "reply_id": "1250891513606934529", "label": "shocked", "text": "so today a sansa stan came tried to argue with me about slavery and racism, and said that, I, a black should apply to KKK 😚 and u ? how was ur day ?"} {"idx": 33380, "original_id": "1250938570686136320", "reply_id": "1250946453771390976", "label": "shocked", "text": "Unpopular Opinion: I honestly didn’t like Pam from The Office and I really didn’t want her and Jim to end up together 😶"} {"idx": 33382, "original_id": "1250969773422370816", "reply_id": "1251170280015265793", "label": "no", "text": "So we all just SINGLE , huh ? 🥴"} {"idx": 33384, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251256512330096640", "label": "awww", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 33385, "original_id": "1250928286730989568", "reply_id": "1250939600476024834", "label": "oops", "text": "i’m abt to drop my brother off at marisols. he’s not acting right rn 😖"} {"idx": 33389, "original_id": "1251163437717008384", "reply_id": "1251183632523366400", "label": "dance", "text": "Getting my stimulus and unemployment in the same week is wild"} {"idx": 33391, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1251165130777190400", "label": "agree", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 33393, "original_id": "1250847909031133185", "reply_id": "1250849346335236096", "label": "yes", "text": "Given that it's still technically the 'Easter holidays' is it okay to let your kids slob around in their bedrooms all day? Asking for a friend etc. 🙄"} {"idx": 33394, "original_id": "1250970807637086209", "reply_id": "1250985300492460032", "label": "hug", "text": "Hate dealing with TMJ, literally no matter what i do im dealing with some kind of pain or pressure."} {"idx": 33395, "original_id": "1251219239911845890", "reply_id": "1251224891443068930", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Reply to this tweet with a GIF, image, or meme that shows what you've got planned while you're #selfisolating this weekend. Let's try to cheer each other up!\n\n#GoSOLO🔴"} {"idx": 33397, "original_id": "1251189186448818177", "reply_id": "1251216077272633345", "label": "hug", "text": "I could use some nice messages to get through today... I don’t want to get personal so I won’t share what happened but just please something positive"} {"idx": 33398, "original_id": "1251141057368084481", "reply_id": "1251141607841128450", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I have now finally 5 mask solo cleared orgrimmar and SW horrific visions on EVERY SINGLE HEALER. Am i an elite gamer yet?????"} {"idx": 33399, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251126598830567424", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 33401, "original_id": "1251168041871659009", "reply_id": "1251192355388088322", "label": "no", "text": "Disgusting woman."} {"idx": 33402, "original_id": "1250907428679553026", "reply_id": "1250915177471586304", "label": "agree", "text": "Been watching old football games from the early 2000’s, and all I can say is MAKE FULLBACKS GREAT AGAIN!"} {"idx": 33403, "original_id": "1250886533160357889", "reply_id": "1250889445684858885", "label": "hug", "text": "My day has consisted of nothing but making calls to clients who dont pick up their phones or dont have working numbers. Good thing there's only 90+ people on this case load of mine! I hate this, it keeps me from painting and helping people"} {"idx": 33404, "original_id": "1251257735619973120", "reply_id": "1251258789921124353", "label": "omg", "text": "My name is Rabbit\n\nI am an aspiring comedian\n\nThere may or may not be a stream today\n\nHowever if you watch a certain wrestling stream you might be pleasantly surprised\n\n❤️"} {"idx": 33405, "original_id": "1250696054544248833", "reply_id": "1251032570470567936", "label": "awww", "text": "Bambi, if it’s not a relationship, it’s nothing. Don’t let these talking stage or situationship things mislead you. They are nothing"} {"idx": 33407, "original_id": "1251176073640828928", "reply_id": "1251198665231937538", "label": "eww", "text": "Quarantine is tough. Maybe some of you want to contact your toxic ex. You can't help it. \n\nKeep this in mind, you're strong, what you seek is seeking you. :)"} {"idx": 33408, "original_id": "1251041173927428096", "reply_id": "1251044711676198913", "label": "hearts", "text": "I remember, when I was in depression! God showed me away out ! now I’m STEPPING ON BITCHES"} {"idx": 33409, "original_id": "1250923016663576576", "reply_id": "1250965588979179521", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "He keeps saying cities have low infection rates due to “a lot of talent.” How are they stopping the spread? Tap dancing?"} {"idx": 33411, "original_id": "1250905611920801792", "reply_id": "1250918799538356225", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I volunteered to work our COVID facilities. This is the heavy heavy."} {"idx": 33412, "original_id": "1251266742774493185", "reply_id": "1251267677118779394", "label": "high_five", "text": "Follow at social distance #ff\n@arabellaa12\n@_RoseT9\n@JamieWinn4\n@dphaw\n@sbnauman\n@alexandraswann\n@blankinglost\n@JLconservative\n@BradMD\n@dailyherring\n@misslexi9162\n@FaleroJr\n@BillBeam1\n@MrBillwulf\n@sluggok\n@luckyseas1\n@Jami_USA\n@Beregond\n@AJKFreeland\n@dustopian\n@m_stewart_paine"} {"idx": 33414, "original_id": "1250861647406612480", "reply_id": "1250877868680400897", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Time to start re-opening.\n\nThose who oppose common sense re-opening do so because they enjoy this."} {"idx": 33415, "original_id": "1251132173224161280", "reply_id": "1251163730349449216", "label": "shrug", "text": "Just been to supermarket for my parents. Still loads of moronic couples shopping together."} {"idx": 33416, "original_id": "1251177608437325824", "reply_id": "1251206863661592576", "label": "wink", "text": "Nothing like a glass of wine to wipe away the week's misery and bad decisions.\n \nCheers everyone!! \nHave a good weekend. \n\n🍷\n#weekend"} {"idx": 33422, "original_id": "1250932420817256449", "reply_id": "1250933365534003201", "label": "yes", "text": "should we do another @stageit next week? and by \"we\" i mean we. i can't do it alone...that would be sad."} {"idx": 33424, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251116935237992448", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 33426, "original_id": "1250893505968275456", "reply_id": "1250894274058571777", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "That fucking Nat 2 on Stealth against the Atlas?!?!? @Ninjanomics101 @MEAdventum @Frankly_Emily @TheMattAcevedo @reeree_tv @NaeemBStewart @embroiderymom22"} {"idx": 33428, "original_id": "1250930416573231104", "reply_id": "1250962974468182016", "label": "omg", "text": "Never thought I’d say this but white men might be the move fr lol"} {"idx": 33430, "original_id": "1250745625840431104", "reply_id": "1251067719430156288", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "All those numpties complaining about Muslim women going about their daily business with face coverings are of course going to refuse to leave the house in protest if we have to wear masks in public. Right?"} {"idx": 33433, "original_id": "1250956551600386048", "reply_id": "1250957379287613441", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Okay, @NBCChicagoFire Rockford is not 3 hours from Chicago."} {"idx": 33434, "original_id": "1251018525608538114", "reply_id": "1251019217337552897", "label": "smh", "text": "the afro has a hurtbox?? are you tellin me that guilty gear strive has afro-only combos & afro-only instant overheads"} {"idx": 33436, "original_id": "1250943058583130113", "reply_id": "1250945733450178561", "label": "smh", "text": "1 hour after PW4 dropped, people were screaming \"FALSE ADVERTISING\" \"THERE'S NO CO-OP\". Word travels FAR via social media, so misinformation is easy to obtain. Imagine content creators misinforming their community about anime games, they already got a bad rep in general."} {"idx": 33437, "original_id": "1250923370939547649", "reply_id": "1250966635529203717", "label": "sigh", "text": "Trump on the $349 billion small business loan program whose funds have run out: \"So just for the viewers watching this, or hearing you ask that question, exhausted is a good thing, not a bad thing. It went quickly, it is so popular.\""} {"idx": 33439, "original_id": "1251000199968960515", "reply_id": "1251148228222873601", "label": "idk", "text": "is it drag gemini day or something"} {"idx": 33442, "original_id": "1251112592799485952", "reply_id": "1251115554682728453", "label": "dance", "text": "Good evening ❤"} {"idx": 33443, "original_id": "1250923901778931714", "reply_id": "1250932853640245249", "label": "applause", "text": "Reading some of the excerpts from @TurnbullMalcolm's forthcoming book. This description of @Barnaby_Joyce is utterly hilarious: “a champion of traditional marriage while practising traditional adultery”.\n\nPerfect.\n\n#auspol #HowsTheKidsBarn"} {"idx": 33444, "original_id": "1239209773742112771", "reply_id": "1250870730541150208", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Please add cars to be eazy to pick logs please add this to be easly!!please"} {"idx": 33445, "original_id": "1250727255166214144", "reply_id": "1250866788969197569", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Here's the deal, YO! I'm gonna have a \"good olde time bitch slap\" contest with my boy, @TitusNation !\nThat means we are gonna say mean, funny, cruel, horrible shit to each other! And it's all in love, BABY! So no holds barred, let's ROAST THIS SHIT!!!\nAnd he's a comedy GANGSTAH!"} {"idx": 33448, "original_id": "1250770681501036544", "reply_id": "1250833708837453824", "label": "no", "text": "I got bad news for y'all: this horrible motherfucker is 100% getting re-elected."} {"idx": 33449, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1251202439769972737", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 33450, "original_id": "1251014744741277698", "reply_id": "1251081473290956801", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "3 more weeks Jenice, 3 more 😥😤"} {"idx": 33453, "original_id": "1251187366812942337", "reply_id": "1251194002352869377", "label": "hug", "text": "Really hitting that “maybe it would be fine to just lie down and sleep in the middle of this blizzard because I’m tired of walking” feeling"} {"idx": 33454, "original_id": "1251168513634570241", "reply_id": "1251189806983413766", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "In other news - this DVSN album is making me want to choose a boyfriend before the EOB."} {"idx": 33457, "original_id": "1251017020625346560", "reply_id": "1251025734547632133", "label": "agree", "text": "Sleeping pattern Cruced"} {"idx": 33460, "original_id": "1251171815948529665", "reply_id": "1251172252340686849", "label": "win", "text": "Philly: \n\nMake sure you're using soap & warm wooder everytime you wash your hands, and wash for at least 20 seconds‼️"} {"idx": 33461, "original_id": "1251176735615434752", "reply_id": "1251224469403774977", "label": "smh", "text": "i take back everything i said about @ Meh."} {"idx": 33462, "original_id": "1229379686452494336", "reply_id": "1251197245267087360", "label": "awww", "text": "In today's meeting by CLC, IBA informed that earlier offer stands & ready to discuss further & agitation to be deferred.\nWe informed, we r ready to talk.\nCLC advised further talks to be held by IBA b/f the next date of Conciliation i.e. 05032020\nIBA agreed for the talks.\nCon UFBU"} {"idx": 33470, "original_id": "1250809878643343363", "reply_id": "1250982339183652865", "label": "yes", "text": "I recently got tested positive for being horny as fuck"} {"idx": 33474, "original_id": "1251091433265618946", "reply_id": "1251100616216072192", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "The true sign of adulthood is being able to clean the dishes right after a meal everytime you cook for yourself."} {"idx": 33479, "original_id": "1250849592196898817", "reply_id": "1250850462145875968", "label": "popcorn", "text": "There’s been another statement"} {"idx": 33482, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250880987929759744", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 33484, "original_id": "1251233913667637249", "reply_id": "1251234221495955456", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone wanna join an engagement group? Likes and comments. No retweets (unless you wanna).\n\nI wanna see more babes' posts😍"} {"idx": 33485, "original_id": "1251203090847539200", "reply_id": "1251203152759721988", "label": "smh", "text": "Im actually disgusted with myself for allowing that kind of treatment uno 🥴 girrrrrrrlllllll"} {"idx": 33487, "original_id": "1250948469226901505", "reply_id": "1250949748078661632", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Inconsistent shawties get mad when you hit up their friends .-."} {"idx": 33493, "original_id": "1251199452104327180", "reply_id": "1251226568808071174", "label": "applause", "text": "#BREAKING News for the left! Nobody gives a fuck if you are offended about Trump Inciting States to Liberate! Fuck your feelings! This is a revolution! #MAGA #Qanon #KAG #KeepHerGreat"} {"idx": 33494, "original_id": "1250772152048996353", "reply_id": "1250882319319064576", "label": "high_five", "text": "If handshakes are gone, how would we greet each other? 🤝🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 33501, "original_id": "1250943678950055942", "reply_id": "1250958580028588032", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Decompressing. Soaking in @HeatherBFlynn’s tub. With a huge glass of wine cause the girls say it’s relaxing. \n\nNo pic cause frankly, no one wants to see a dude, in a tub, drinking wine. 😂\n\nBack to work tomorrow. \n\n#mendoinggirlthings #CoronaWillEndSoon #coronarelax"} {"idx": 33502, "original_id": "1250974790233608195", "reply_id": "1250976498640736256", "label": "thank_you", "text": "For those of you out there that are struggling with #Covid_19 your not alone, Never accept failure at any cost. Be thankful for your health, Loved ones, And your neighbors. \nMy prayers are with you all and when your feeling sad, Alone, Or even empty, We can count on each other..."} {"idx": 33503, "original_id": "1250911076646096897", "reply_id": "1250960309860405248", "label": "hug", "text": "Today I was not in the best mood. I went ahead and ended stream early because of it. I appreciate all of yall that showed up and hung out though. The hosts, embers, follows, just being there. It all mean so much to me and I can't thank yall enough. 💜"} {"idx": 33504, "original_id": "1251090307166470144", "reply_id": "1251130753716535297", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I missed so many calls and text yesterday. I deadass was sleep at 4:30p and woke up this morning 🥴"} {"idx": 33509, "original_id": "1251242276652830726", "reply_id": "1251242456475107328", "label": "no", "text": "Are we really thinking the June contract stays >$25/bbl once May rolls next week?"} {"idx": 33518, "original_id": "1251075591014662144", "reply_id": "1251158067384709121", "label": "no", "text": "If you support Biden like this\n\nI want to prove a point to someone"} {"idx": 33520, "original_id": "1251168739497857024", "reply_id": "1251179744462278656", "label": "no", "text": "i don't know who needs to hear this but don't keep a carton of milk right next to a carton of egg whites happy friday"} {"idx": 33521, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250964356927557633", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 33523, "original_id": "1251199610204368896", "reply_id": "1251203999971381253", "label": "hug", "text": "no talk me i need hug😔"} {"idx": 33524, "original_id": "1251219605684551680", "reply_id": "1251220992300658690", "label": "awww", "text": "Daily reminder that @TeenVoodoo_TTV is too good for me and honestly im the luckiest guy. Every time we talk im smiling. She really does make me happy. 💕"} {"idx": 33525, "original_id": "1250850582920757249", "reply_id": "1250850865620979712", "label": "shrug", "text": "SOMEBODY COME GET THIS NIGGA NOW!!!!!!!! @DeAngelo_Hester 😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 33528, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250909510576812032", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 33531, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1251193679638822914", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 33532, "original_id": "1250900150282788866", "reply_id": "1250900585534152704", "label": "oops", "text": "i was almost done with my chem paper ! and then i woke up today to find it all gone ! 😆😆😆😆"} {"idx": 33533, "original_id": "1251224865350332417", "reply_id": "1251231964247609352", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m so close to uninstalling d2 😐"} {"idx": 33534, "original_id": "1250844422851514370", "reply_id": "1250844832395866112", "label": "applause", "text": "NIGGAS DON’T UNDERSTAND CARTI THIS SONG IS AMAZING!"} {"idx": 33538, "original_id": "1251011097911422976", "reply_id": "1251033655771672577", "label": "hug", "text": "I need human touch. Social distancing WILL be the death of me."} {"idx": 33539, "original_id": "1250951499804553217", "reply_id": "1250954484647366658", "label": "no", "text": "Speaking with @seanhannity on Fox News Channel in just a few minutes.\n\nTune in!"} {"idx": 33540, "original_id": "1251202095597981699", "reply_id": "1251202480869748742", "label": "applause", "text": "ok so who all is playing valorant???"} {"idx": 33541, "original_id": "1250949293650972672", "reply_id": "1250957706812325896", "label": "wink", "text": "niggas ain't worried bout that lil pudge in her stomach. As long as she ain't pregnant."} {"idx": 33543, "original_id": "1250189230912892929", "reply_id": "1250835942270697472", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "FUN FACT: apparently, ravens have 17 pinion feathers while a crow only has 16, so really the difference between a crow and a raven is a matter of a pinion"} {"idx": 33547, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251128349549752323", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 33548, "original_id": "1250672619868708866", "reply_id": "1251213914144153600", "label": "agree", "text": "women"} {"idx": 33550, "original_id": "1251203980702765058", "reply_id": "1251209429002981379", "label": "high_five", "text": "The LS dept @kahlams just had a group zoom call with all our students- to check in! it was SO nice to see their faces🤓🤪😀We knew we missed our kids, but now we really can’t wait to see them again 👩🏻‍🏫 Thx to @ColynciaPowell creating an awesome @nearpod lesson! #workingtogether"} {"idx": 33551, "original_id": "1250935500237660163", "reply_id": "1250944723570888712", "label": "yes", "text": "So I have just learned that @BoschAmazon dropped early! @Connellybooks and company are back!"} {"idx": 33552, "original_id": "1251196937010896896", "reply_id": "1251197368348917762", "label": "shrug", "text": "Republican silence today will be deafening. Once again."} {"idx": 33554, "original_id": "1251175743775703040", "reply_id": "1251180085694128130", "label": "agree", "text": "Have seen it in a couple spots now, so, as an official statement from this account:\n\nKenneth Murray to Philly at 21 is a nightmare scenario"} {"idx": 33555, "original_id": "1250847066462568453", "reply_id": "1250908368874733568", "label": "hug", "text": "To whomever suggested I watch Anohana... Fuck you."} {"idx": 33557, "original_id": "1250982129099513857", "reply_id": "1251168436698468357", "label": "agree", "text": "There’s nothing I love more than when Conner compliments me, it makes me feel so loved lol"} {"idx": 33559, "original_id": "1250901876259897346", "reply_id": "1250916476422443010", "label": "hug", "text": "Was put on an involuntary leave of absence from work effective on\n\n4/20/2020.....This will be quite the memorable birthday. 😕\n\nI’m ok. Not really super mad or super sad. Just okay. \n\nVirtual hugs would be appreciated 💜"} {"idx": 33561, "original_id": "1250901876259897346", "reply_id": "1250909838705659905", "label": "hug", "text": "Was put on an involuntary leave of absence from work effective on\n\n4/20/2020.....This will be quite the memorable birthday. 😕\n\nI’m ok. Not really super mad or super sad. Just okay. \n\nVirtual hugs would be appreciated 💜"} {"idx": 33565, "original_id": "1251189368649326594", "reply_id": "1251189693133262849", "label": "awww", "text": "hello world"} {"idx": 33568, "original_id": "1250946548705497089", "reply_id": "1250951422075699201", "label": "shocked", "text": "when you build UMBC NSBE to what it is and find out mfs ruining everything 🤨😒 #tragic"} {"idx": 33570, "original_id": "1250868069423030275", "reply_id": "1251138818842914816", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "As I expected my viewers were gonna go down because apparently I never got the 130,000 kills because there not on my banner feelsbad I do appreciate the people that stayed around I know who the real ones are Imma keep at it ❤️"} {"idx": 33571, "original_id": "1250741869488807937", "reply_id": "1250894863673016320", "label": "agree", "text": "I've got a better idea than Matt Hancock. Just this once, let's give care workers bonuses worth several times their annual salary, and reward investment bankers with a nice shiny badge instead."} {"idx": 33573, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251004987628564480", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 33589, "original_id": "1251251702738509824", "reply_id": "1251252342214635520", "label": "shocked", "text": "Our existence is based on memories."} {"idx": 33590, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250928315218579456", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 33591, "original_id": "1250499750450716672", "reply_id": "1250915970916519936", "label": "agree", "text": "You cannot serve God and the Confederacy."} {"idx": 33593, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250928080778137608", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 33594, "original_id": "1250932037177020416", "reply_id": "1250966946926989313", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "With the 4th pick in the Fantasy HQ NFL Mock Draft \n\nThe Giants select #GiantsPride\n\nClemson LB Isiah Simmons"} {"idx": 33596, "original_id": "1250983593481928706", "reply_id": "1250986745232945153", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "My brothers were the cutest babies. I could not stay mad at them for 5min. Now they are all giant and mean 😭"} {"idx": 33598, "original_id": "1251116312614625281", "reply_id": "1251118329798033408", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Quarantine would be a lot better with someone i could fuck all day😌😌🙈"} {"idx": 33599, "original_id": "1250621659133902848", "reply_id": "1250855894692384768", "label": "agree", "text": "After lockdown they will be 4 women planning to visit one guy 😭💔"} {"idx": 33601, "original_id": "1250903964859727874", "reply_id": "1250905132360970246", "label": "sigh", "text": "choke me while you put a dick down my throat and tell me i belong to you."} {"idx": 33603, "original_id": "1250948412817715200", "reply_id": "1250952634950922244", "label": "kiss", "text": "I've noticed I've been more quiet than usual... I can't get myself to talk to some of my online friends. \n\nI know why...\nBut there is a lot going on in my head and neglecting that fact seems a lot easier. \n\nOr maybe this is how I cope with stuff. \nHard to tell.\nNow I'm rambling"} {"idx": 33604, "original_id": "1251098130935939074", "reply_id": "1251102389496659968", "label": "applause", "text": "Fight for my way > İtaewon Class"} {"idx": 33605, "original_id": "1251025749081014273", "reply_id": "1251156071999107075", "label": "hug", "text": "Cremation today 😭😭😭😭\nGod help me🙏🏿"} {"idx": 33607, "original_id": "1251030426396712961", "reply_id": "1251033390918205440", "label": "ok", "text": "An impromptu “Stand up if you hate Tottenham” broke out in my house. We love to see it!!!! #FOYS"} {"idx": 33608, "original_id": "1251000309507338242", "reply_id": "1251192688826814467", "label": "omg", "text": "So did y’all like??"} {"idx": 33610, "original_id": "1250987298277163008", "reply_id": "1251004394973409283", "label": "yawn", "text": "I just wanna go back to sleep"} {"idx": 33613, "original_id": "1250832963803242497", "reply_id": "1250955465908944896", "label": "popcorn", "text": ".@politico is writing a smear piece on me as shills for the @SenatorBurr camp. (Probably in exchange for some other intel story.)\n\nThe scandalous oppo they’ve dumped:\n\nI have an office lease at or below market rate, approved by the House, from Merrill Land Company."} {"idx": 33614, "original_id": "1251205615311085570", "reply_id": "1251240287592157184", "label": "no", "text": "She gone be pregnant in her graduation photos"} {"idx": 33617, "original_id": "1250829843425624064", "reply_id": "1250861785080573959", "label": "shrug", "text": "I fully support the Government’s decision to extend the lockdown. \n\nThe priority now must be to ensure we see a ramp up in testing, that staff get the PPE they desperately need and more is done to protect our care homes from the virus."} {"idx": 33619, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250870515520110595", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 33622, "original_id": "1251137738499383297", "reply_id": "1251138488315060231", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Next streaming challenge?? what you reckon? 48 hours?"} {"idx": 33626, "original_id": "1251209404608733186", "reply_id": "1251209869681623043", "label": "shocked", "text": "Over $500 at Target later..."} {"idx": 33628, "original_id": "1251004226492391424", "reply_id": "1251014701674303489", "label": "smh", "text": "TL sleep? \n\nCandy corn really buss."} {"idx": 33629, "original_id": "1251204281732157442", "reply_id": "1251238008239448065", "label": "shocked", "text": "This year was suppose to be my first lost lands but doesn’t look like that’ll be happening 😓"} {"idx": 33631, "original_id": "1251168638238932994", "reply_id": "1251169476453826560", "label": "awww", "text": "Every time Loyola posts a picture of Sister Jean on social media, I think the worst has happened and have a mini heart attack. #GodSaveTheQueen"} {"idx": 33632, "original_id": "1251211532404510721", "reply_id": "1251270321153478657", "label": "seriously", "text": "I want to tag you or subtweet at you in all my tweets"} {"idx": 33635, "original_id": "1250999001937256449", "reply_id": "1250999386508791808", "label": "eww", "text": "TL sleep? Bet.\n\nMissionary > doggy style"} {"idx": 33636, "original_id": "1250687171314413569", "reply_id": "1250896625259741189", "label": "hug", "text": "What is the first thing you are going to do when we are done with quarantine?"} {"idx": 33637, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250840094765768704", "label": "shrug", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 33641, "original_id": "1250815583186227202", "reply_id": "1250845892661465088", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I'm normally not one to ask for positive vibes/prayers/anything on social media ... but here I am. So, if you have any, please send them my way."} {"idx": 33643, "original_id": "1251215529043525632", "reply_id": "1251215887291551744", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "cant take a trip for my birthday so guess ill just buy myself a new car probably ☹️"} {"idx": 33644, "original_id": "1250858778783776769", "reply_id": "1250860362347483136", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Funny that people are freaking out about Governor Evers and others across the nation for extending stay at home orders just a bit now. They should prepare for the fact that the epidemic definitely isn't going to be over by the end of the month, thanks to Trump's poor response."} {"idx": 33647, "original_id": "1251072086317117440", "reply_id": "1251076405510668290", "label": "awww", "text": "did you know you’re an angel, who forgot how to fly?"} {"idx": 33648, "original_id": "1250811666247237632", "reply_id": "1251117988758974465", "label": "agree", "text": "I think maybe I should change how I give compliments to people rather than giving them compliments in a form of insult."} {"idx": 33651, "original_id": "1250906116990656515", "reply_id": "1250912788400222208", "label": "omg", "text": "Alright. Committing. IF my faculty call does not get scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, AND if there’s still space, I’m joining @BradleyJames’ Merlin Quiz. @RedemptionPaws"} {"idx": 33655, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251056140185505797", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 33657, "original_id": "1251130957136093186", "reply_id": "1251144971228344320", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "“Strings id” all day on repeat lol 🔥🙌🏼🤩 @artymusic @nkonkin"} {"idx": 33658, "original_id": "1250572285557301250", "reply_id": "1250846934048346123", "label": "yes", "text": "Swallow him up every morning like a vitamin."} {"idx": 33662, "original_id": "1250896753634705409", "reply_id": "1250896877337358342", "label": "agree", "text": "Y’all want FCFS but moan when you don’t cop 😭"} {"idx": 33663, "original_id": "1250876112583843840", "reply_id": "1250911551730507776", "label": "ok", "text": "Keep fucking with me and I’m a punch you in the shirt"} {"idx": 33667, "original_id": "1242519343440760833", "reply_id": "1250999185077387265", "label": "omg", "text": "This is the first time the Nigerian poor do not want what the rich people have."} {"idx": 33670, "original_id": "1250918048237838338", "reply_id": "1251124755672989696", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If this snow keeps up it may be a home school snow day tomorrow! #StayAtHome #homeschool"} {"idx": 33671, "original_id": "1250875479546048513", "reply_id": "1250880299153661953", "label": "seriously", "text": "Only breez can calm me down since I don't drink anymore."} {"idx": 33672, "original_id": "1251259941022830598", "reply_id": "1251264305913348096", "label": "no", "text": "Can it please just be 2021 already..? 😓"} {"idx": 33673, "original_id": "1251046334448037890", "reply_id": "1251048096999464961", "label": "applause", "text": "He’s here, he's ready and he’d kill to see you laughing. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm round of applause for Hasmukh!\n\n@thevirdas \n#NowStreaming"} {"idx": 33674, "original_id": "1251113890722832386", "reply_id": "1251130508282601475", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "PSV are keen to keep Ricardo Rodriguez permanently from AC Milan.\n\nDiscussions have taken place even with the possibility of Denzel Dumfries being included. (Neue Zürcher Zeitung )"} {"idx": 33675, "original_id": "1250897381966692352", "reply_id": "1250897463986343940", "label": "awww", "text": "I have a crush on u if u wore a Guardians of the Galaxy top today"} {"idx": 33676, "original_id": "1251220546848608256", "reply_id": "1251221722168246276", "label": "applause", "text": "100k on twitter 🥳"} {"idx": 33680, "original_id": "1250832455407267841", "reply_id": "1250849083926777858", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I JUST SAW A COSPLAY OF “CORONA-CHAN” AND THE COSPLAYER WAS IN A FUCKING 旗袍 AND HOLDING A FAN I HATE IT HERE."} {"idx": 33682, "original_id": "1250932789207326720", "reply_id": "1251075819843342336", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Alice in Chains Unplugged > Nirvana Unplugged\n\nBoth phenomenal though 🤯"} {"idx": 33684, "original_id": "1249404937466818560", "reply_id": "1250975078671511552", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s encouraging to see how the Sikhs are condemning the act of carrying a Kirpan by the Nihangs. \nA Sikh standing for what’s right and condemning what’s wrong is true sense of their religion."} {"idx": 33685, "original_id": "1250928080719405056", "reply_id": "1250928293098000387", "label": "oops", "text": "Anyone else up way past their bedtime?"} {"idx": 33687, "original_id": "1250885346696597510", "reply_id": "1251089851442577408", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Here are some @WHO recommendations to stay #HealthyAtHome (1):\n1. Eat a healthy & nutritious diet \n2. Limit your alcohol consumption & avoid sugary drinks\n3. Don’t smoke. Smoking can increase your risk of developing severe disease if you become infected with #COVID19"} {"idx": 33689, "original_id": "1250993039801229313", "reply_id": "1250995027003576320", "label": "no", "text": "It’s too late to upload huh?"} {"idx": 33690, "original_id": "1250990418277384197", "reply_id": "1250993287823048705", "label": "popcorn", "text": "These drunk texts about to start hun"} {"idx": 33691, "original_id": "1251094951427026946", "reply_id": "1251132721499439107", "label": "seriously", "text": "Matt Hancock just admitted to the Health Select Committee that he has no idea what number or proportion of health and social care workers are infected with Covid.\n\nLet that sink in."} {"idx": 33693, "original_id": "1250851866264711168", "reply_id": "1250852151078854656", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Do y’all like running as a sport ?: )\nplease answer, it’s IMPORTANT 🆘"} {"idx": 33694, "original_id": "1251164093072855041", "reply_id": "1251165517777448960", "label": "applause", "text": "Can i get an applause that all sports are still canceled ??! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾"} {"idx": 33696, "original_id": "1250923229138616320", "reply_id": "1250925542305607681", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m not the biggest man of him and have disagreed with stuff he’s said in the past, but the guy is sincere and has done so much for the Muslims in the UK in terms of dawah."} {"idx": 33697, "original_id": "1250901177304219651", "reply_id": "1250901388424548356", "label": "agree", "text": "A3 I think @jolainlamott has done such an amazing job getting technology in our hands all year that we were in a good place going into this. She’s always up on the latest and greatest tech for teachers. #1stteachchat"} {"idx": 33698, "original_id": "1251162800954568705", "reply_id": "1251164483285729280", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "what do u desire?"} {"idx": 33701, "original_id": "1250999015363100672", "reply_id": "1251000412091510786", "label": "applause", "text": "When u attack SH girls we hv to take it positively.But if we retaliate its character assassination. Then asking for sympathy card from Sid bcoz God’s child is very precious.Hum idhar tel bhejne nahi baitte hai. 😡Mooh band rekho aur so jao. Fakenaax. #SidharthShukla"} {"idx": 33702, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251224886128840704", "label": "awww", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 33703, "original_id": "1250861296444203008", "reply_id": "1250861385220841473", "label": "yawn", "text": "Time to 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 #ClapForOurCarers #NHS #SocialCare #COVID19 #coronavirus ❤️❤️"} {"idx": 33705, "original_id": "1250874760550125570", "reply_id": "1250881394768777216", "label": "seriously", "text": "What do you call a Mexican guy who can't find his car? \n\nCarlos."} {"idx": 33706, "original_id": "1250777120676200448", "reply_id": "1250853667470823429", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Whatever you heard about me hear it again. Bc I honestly do not care at this point"} {"idx": 33710, "original_id": "1251050893698461697", "reply_id": "1251131534481842177", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Who called it masturbation and not ‘finger on your lips’ ?"} {"idx": 33713, "original_id": "1251214450100768772", "reply_id": "1251230319291875329", "label": "shocked", "text": "Can y’all send me some gifs/pics/videos that cheer y’all up?"} {"idx": 33716, "original_id": "1250729934550687744", "reply_id": "1250937072644431872", "label": "idk", "text": "We can't save or help everyone.\nBut we'll save all the hedge funds, asset managers and banks, and anyone invested in junk bonds."} {"idx": 33718, "original_id": "1250912885469065221", "reply_id": "1250913744764403712", "label": "shrug", "text": "When's Bin Day?"} {"idx": 33727, "original_id": "1248100818248597504", "reply_id": "1250881662214430730", "label": "agree", "text": "Was wondering why I was feeling odd today. Then I remembered I forgot to take my daily medication. \n\nEasy to forget in time like these, folks. Don’t forget to take your meds! It’s important stuff"} {"idx": 33730, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250973993349365764", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 33731, "original_id": "1251260932010971137", "reply_id": "1251264810685267981", "label": "shocked", "text": "Blocking the streets to protest cops beating and killing black people = smug SJWs who deserve to be run over.\n\nBlocking the streets because you can't get gardening supplies while thousands of people die in a pandemic = patriots exercising sacred First Amendment rights."} {"idx": 33733, "original_id": "1251224548130918401", "reply_id": "1251228408576708610", "label": "eww", "text": "I’ll eat your ass but I won’t kiss it"} {"idx": 33735, "original_id": "1250894177757540362", "reply_id": "1250897852647309319", "label": "high_five", "text": "You can cancel 4th of July but I’ll be at the lake with my friends and fam #fightme"} {"idx": 33736, "original_id": "1251253012867289088", "reply_id": "1251253718810583041", "label": "yes", "text": "Everybody have a great weekend!"} {"idx": 33737, "original_id": "1250951704272658434", "reply_id": "1251052141407428608", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think it’s too early to reopen the country?"} {"idx": 33739, "original_id": "1251169097485705222", "reply_id": "1251182441710026755", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I miss a specific kind of species that exist in my life,\nFriends.\n#cantmentionyouall"} {"idx": 33740, "original_id": "1250871430985641985", "reply_id": "1250872086291075072", "label": "yes", "text": "While I was off, a man with schizophrenia chopped up his mother with a power saw & burned her corpse. Elsewhere, woman took too many shrooms and stabbed herself in the jugular. 🤯🤯 #WhatIsHappening"} {"idx": 33741, "original_id": "1250866963171155971", "reply_id": "1251025168362807299", "label": "yes", "text": "Cardiac bass 💉💉yeses🥺"} {"idx": 33743, "original_id": "1251131752267079680", "reply_id": "1251149513143640064", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Chinese Classfellow Yang- So you are from Pakistan Right?\nMe- Yeah\nYang- oh, I know I know. Your Culture is same like India.\nMe- Exactly. Just like Chinese and Japanese cultures are the same. \nYang- silence\nMe- so ? What's up? Done with assignment?"} {"idx": 33745, "original_id": "1251161818409533444", "reply_id": "1251163681997627392", "label": "popcorn", "text": "@RangersFC Celtic run the SFA and SPFL we either roll with it or do something about it"} {"idx": 33747, "original_id": "1250701737549197314", "reply_id": "1250936890695417856", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "y’all be honest do I have a “flirty personality” ? 😔"} {"idx": 33749, "original_id": "1251026713800105985", "reply_id": "1251027895754973184", "label": "no", "text": "Holy fuck @Instacart is down"} {"idx": 33750, "original_id": "1250909738260402177", "reply_id": "1250997669855744000", "label": "no", "text": "President Trump: \"Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us.\""} {"idx": 33751, "original_id": "1251230590789193728", "reply_id": "1251273996982718465", "label": "agree", "text": "I really analyzed data while buzzed and on FT with my friends."} {"idx": 33753, "original_id": "1251219839844265988", "reply_id": "1251220335690727424", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Hi anxiety, how are ya? 🐶 My 11 year old dog Diva, is at the vet right now with swollen abdominal issues so they are giving him medicine and an ultrasound and x-rays! He’s smiling and in really good spirits, I’m probably more nervous than he is"} {"idx": 33757, "original_id": "1251271986388426752", "reply_id": "1251272704302419969", "label": "smh", "text": "Nancy Pelosi will pass the #PaycheckProtectionProgram as soon as she makes sure the people who receive billions of dollars will funnel a large portion of it back to the Democrat Party."} {"idx": 33761, "original_id": "1251165756215169025", "reply_id": "1251200878838788101", "label": "yes", "text": "Skye Boat Song coming at you at 5pm CST!!!"} {"idx": 33763, "original_id": "1247739509581766656", "reply_id": "1250927367306043392", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Im so bored... Im alone at home🙂😍😽\n#ass #snap #slut"} {"idx": 33765, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251231552488574977", "label": "oops", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 33766, "original_id": "1251235077075369984", "reply_id": "1251236526027145217", "label": "agree", "text": "I wish y’all stop lending people money then get on here and complain. What we going do about it?😭"} {"idx": 33769, "original_id": "1251178152648421377", "reply_id": "1251197748004691971", "label": "seriously", "text": "So like... are the ice cream trucks gonna be out this summer, or is that closed too?🥺😭"} {"idx": 33771, "original_id": "1251054144284065794", "reply_id": "1251060500525395969", "label": "applause", "text": "Today’s announcements by @RBI will greatly enhance liquidity and improve credit supply. These steps would help our small businesses, MSMEs, farmers and the poor. It will also help all states by increasing WMA limits."} {"idx": 33777, "original_id": "1251009345799798784", "reply_id": "1251216935427158016", "label": "yes", "text": "Here’s question....\nIf @JoeBiden were to pick @HillaryClinton as his running mate, would you be ok with that choice?"} {"idx": 33779, "original_id": "1251268651824615430", "reply_id": "1251269208798720000", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’ve decided to put up a marquee in my garden with some funky music and flashing lights. Now is the winter of my disco tent."} {"idx": 33780, "original_id": "1250956082337378304", "reply_id": "1250972838112006145", "label": "smh", "text": "I don’t think women should vote... okay fine, I’m just saying this so I can get out of feeling pressure to vote!"} {"idx": 33782, "original_id": "1250872774668750848", "reply_id": "1250872859066380288", "label": "hearts", "text": "i ain’t no jeffree*** star, i cant give out absurd amounts of money but i just wanted to give a lil sumn"} {"idx": 33783, "original_id": "1251224812992622593", "reply_id": "1251253759314927617", "label": "smh", "text": "“Ik yo size , you extra shmedium”"} {"idx": 33785, "original_id": "1251211894490202113", "reply_id": "1251247429392855041", "label": "yes", "text": "Ya boy got his #VALORANT code. Who's trying to game like they are down a player?!"} {"idx": 33786, "original_id": "1250884244592877570", "reply_id": "1250887740075499522", "label": "idk", "text": "forse bho."} {"idx": 33787, "original_id": "1250865934702530560", "reply_id": "1250868900373442561", "label": "yolo", "text": "Downloaded TikTok last night just to see @ZinneckerT videos, and now she’s going to be on @KPRC2 at 4pm and 6pm to talk about them! Be sure to watch her, you won’t regret it! 😉"} {"idx": 33788, "original_id": "1251066035131817984", "reply_id": "1251066457359822850", "label": "applause", "text": "gets all my trolls rts out at 4am so i dont lose subscriber"} {"idx": 33789, "original_id": "1251235829143400448", "reply_id": "1251256322688860160", "label": "oops", "text": "so Florida is opening their beaches this evening...? how fuckin stupid can you Floridians be."} {"idx": 33794, "original_id": "1251050289911734272", "reply_id": "1251064899029082112", "label": "yes", "text": "Your problem is, you want to live Bonang’s life with your boyfriend’s money."} {"idx": 33797, "original_id": "1250882370473013250", "reply_id": "1250884715197890560", "label": "applause", "text": "Thank you tailgaters!!!"} {"idx": 33798, "original_id": "1250809372185419776", "reply_id": "1251118947384123392", "label": "agree", "text": "Why do MAGAts always talk about owning the libs? Is it because they can no longer own slaves?"} {"idx": 33806, "original_id": "1251049427445248005", "reply_id": "1251049833722331136", "label": "seriously", "text": "smol bren, big hart"} {"idx": 33809, "original_id": "1250780006030233601", "reply_id": "1250865665092849668", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss the days where when people didn't like a game, they just said 'its not for me/I didn't like it' and moved on.\n\nI feel like some folx make hating a game into a brand and it's boring."} {"idx": 33810, "original_id": "1251189838235209732", "reply_id": "1251190133577191429", "label": "applause", "text": "Lost Lands fam, are you ready? 🥵🦖"} {"idx": 33813, "original_id": "1251108787617959938", "reply_id": "1251194154773819393", "label": "omg", "text": "Today on FOX we are going to hear from Dr. House, Dr. Doogie Howser, Dr. Pepper, and a MAGA who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express on their thoughts of COVID-19 and why we should reopen the country."} {"idx": 33814, "original_id": "1250936632737443842", "reply_id": "1250937412483723264", "label": "hug", "text": "❌ ❌ no horny allowed just cuddles ❌ ❌"} {"idx": 33815, "original_id": "1250874358202941440", "reply_id": "1250875159180742656", "label": "agree", "text": "the amount of names that have popped up on my phone of people I truly thought I’d never speak to again... 😖 I hate this quarantine"} {"idx": 33816, "original_id": "1250798571806490625", "reply_id": "1250851304114655235", "label": "high_five", "text": "Should college football play their season this fall? If they do will you go to a game?"} {"idx": 33817, "original_id": "1250935304913063939", "reply_id": "1251021764395745280", "label": "want", "text": "What's next?\nProlly go on tour selling grilled cheese sandwiches on shakedown street."} {"idx": 33819, "original_id": "1251148668624793611", "reply_id": "1251149259962892288", "label": "applause", "text": "@Abyss_Sound_Exp hey fans.... hope you enjoyed that... that was @BarryB16872958 in the house for that last hour... see you next week ✌✌❤❤✌✌"} {"idx": 33821, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1250890319668801536", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 33823, "original_id": "1251007933426610184", "reply_id": "1251120369639067648", "label": "agree", "text": "Everything is darker at night."} {"idx": 33824, "original_id": "1250876025397022722", "reply_id": "1250882085809565697", "label": "thank_you", "text": "What does the world see in Ryan Seacrest?"} {"idx": 33825, "original_id": "1250853715118100489", "reply_id": "1250856843544535044", "label": "applause", "text": "We all like to see ass and titties"} {"idx": 33831, "original_id": "1250444150215827458", "reply_id": "1250995973037404163", "label": "applause", "text": "Can someone fix bacon packaging this has gone on long enough"} {"idx": 33832, "original_id": "1250794681421660160", "reply_id": "1250947750818177029", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If you aren't prioritizing the needs of English Learners during distance education, did you really ever? #Equity #Access #LanguageIsAccessToContent"} {"idx": 33834, "original_id": "1251142700293914625", "reply_id": "1251165257420111872", "label": "sigh", "text": "This white girl just posted “not to be racist, but why’s it so hard to find a white friend, I want one frfr.” \nGirl you ARE the white friend 💀💀💀"} {"idx": 33836, "original_id": "1251229430950899714", "reply_id": "1251266913537228804", "label": "shocked", "text": "The episode descriptions for the final 2 episodes of #TheCloneWars.... my god. The first week of May is going to KILL US ALL."} {"idx": 33839, "original_id": "1250946294698446849", "reply_id": "1250949723000844288", "label": "yes", "text": "Breaking News: Multiple sources confirm to @GamecockPod that WR coach Bryan McClendon will leave @GamecockFB for the @pac12 . Des Kitchings will be hired as RB Coach and Bobby Bentley back to TE. Joe Cox to WR."} {"idx": 33840, "original_id": "1251188338821906433", "reply_id": "1251189910071115776", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Saddened to learn of the passing of my old friend Ali Habib today. He was a respected & enterprising businessman who was a member of the SKMT Board and was helping our govt in an honorary capacity in the Ministry of Commerce."} {"idx": 33841, "original_id": "1251189765157924865", "reply_id": "1251213014302289926", "label": "agree", "text": "Bernie Sanders wanted to give Medicare for All to all Americans & undocumented peoples in the USA, whilst ignoring the millions of people who get massacred by U.S. imperialism in the Global South.\n\nBernie has proven himself unable to move further left on the issue of imperialism."} {"idx": 33842, "original_id": "1251117294132039681", "reply_id": "1251232368075010048", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Today is my 65th birthday and my son’s birthday. Yup I had my son on my birthday. Can I get your favorite GIF?"} {"idx": 33843, "original_id": "1251192378431545344", "reply_id": "1251194989385842689", "label": "hug", "text": "CW: Covid-19/Corona/Virus/Death\nTo make matters worse.. someone I went to high school with just died from the virus. He was 24. Had no underlying health issues. His brother is dying too but could still make it (but it's doubtful). The virus doesn't care how old you are. 💔"} {"idx": 33844, "original_id": "1250742718021750786", "reply_id": "1250842913132761090", "label": "agree", "text": "I know I’m getting old bc thinking of going to the chiropractor is exciting now"} {"idx": 33847, "original_id": "1250867988334620679", "reply_id": "1250868319202144256", "label": "shrug", "text": "chocked so hard today"} {"idx": 33849, "original_id": "1250851818260725761", "reply_id": "1250881209330106368", "label": "smh", "text": "Stay home if you’re sick\nCome over if you thick\n\nAmirite?"} {"idx": 33851, "original_id": "1250856252911030274", "reply_id": "1250857886588248065", "label": "applause", "text": "@pulte finally noticed me 😩❤️ I am so happy"} {"idx": 33852, "original_id": "1250842334897623042", "reply_id": "1250842732655935489", "label": "applause", "text": "ANY state proving money for illegals during the economic shutdown should not receive ANY federal tax dollars!! ZERO! ZILCH!"} {"idx": 33853, "original_id": "1250884719249678336", "reply_id": "1250886851667415040", "label": "high_five", "text": "Q: What did you do during the pandemic to pass the time. \n\n*me rolling over* \n\n\"Not very much.\"\n\n*burps*"} {"idx": 33855, "original_id": "1251212763088764928", "reply_id": "1251213024649756672", "label": "applause", "text": "my test came back negative but bill’s was inconclusive so thanks for sticking with me on this very dramatic journey"} {"idx": 33857, "original_id": "1250792467580018689", "reply_id": "1250929800367259649", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I'm tired of cooking. Send help."} {"idx": 33859, "original_id": "1251114957518843904", "reply_id": "1251117810463498241", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FollowFriday #ff Get on these #podcasts. \n@ShoottheFlick \n@BasementSurge \n@HuuuHpodcast \n@watcherpod \n@infrontofmyface \n@shiz_talkin \n@DrinksWithJosh \n@DMSPod \n@pintocomics \n@ScreenDrafts \n@TrueConsPod \n@cinema_recall \n@Cinandscreampod \n@unfortunatelyRR \n@LostYoungs \n@90sCourt"} {"idx": 33860, "original_id": "1251143905292226560", "reply_id": "1251150802556579849", "label": "hug", "text": "The past few weeks I've been going through the worst, most soul-crushing family crisis of my entire life.\n\nI'm getting back to streaming finally today, raising some money for No Kid Hungry!\n\nThank you for your patience while I was AWOL.\n\nSee you all on stream!"} {"idx": 33867, "original_id": "1251031515930202112", "reply_id": "1251194516427755522", "label": "agree", "text": "Blowin on that indo, GameCube nintendo. 5% tint, so you can’t see up in my window."} {"idx": 33868, "original_id": "1249774645294690306", "reply_id": "1250833352174649346", "label": "agree", "text": "So, I've spoken to two erotica writers who were surprised their books made me come. I found this surprising because I read erotica to come.\nJust for the record, if I read your stories and either give you praise or review, I have come at some point during the process. That is all."} {"idx": 33869, "original_id": "1250867692606763010", "reply_id": "1250870889618591746", "label": "facepalm", "text": "#Update #HopefieldOutage Hopefield transformer 3 tripped, technicians are dispatched to work on power restorations, information will be communicated when available^GR"} {"idx": 33870, "original_id": "1250909499042512900", "reply_id": "1251152305338019842", "label": "wink", "text": "Make me horny. You'll like me when I'm horny."} {"idx": 33874, "original_id": "1250955649091080192", "reply_id": "1250956096837124097", "label": "no", "text": "Can y’all see us doing this for the rest of 2020"} {"idx": 33875, "original_id": "1250808818428268546", "reply_id": "1250867901797748736", "label": "no", "text": "Does anyone remember how to write a book"} {"idx": 33879, "original_id": "1250826249758441472", "reply_id": "1250917972853567489", "label": "smh", "text": "OK, it’s happening. I’m starting to lose it."} {"idx": 33884, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1251115577407680512", "label": "seriously", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 33885, "original_id": "1250842505031094272", "reply_id": "1250843735593754626", "label": "sigh", "text": "Dear period/ovulation boobs, can you please stay with us forever😪😭😭😭"} {"idx": 33887, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251133512331210754", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 33891, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1251151886624763905", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 33894, "original_id": "1251141389963997184", "reply_id": "1251145432228483072", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Welp back to staring at this bitch ass weak ass computer and learn shit that I can’t even pronounce."} {"idx": 33895, "original_id": "1251100654392786944", "reply_id": "1251115163706634240", "label": "awww", "text": "Follow these Savage MMA accounts - shout out Friday ⭐✔️\n@MMA_CULT \n@mmaslampod \n@DialogueFight \n@kairosmma \n@BeardsAndInk\n@Imposter_Edits\n@cealanf2 \n@mindforcombat \n@jimassoun1 \n@ImShannonTho \n@Scotlandforfury \n@zamnzeke \n@boxingmma365 \n@FullContactMTWF \n@NoTurnUnstonedd"} {"idx": 33898, "original_id": "1251190169274810370", "reply_id": "1251273195379929089", "label": "thank_you", "text": "\"How can you call yourself Liberty Hangout and not support democracy?\"\n\nEasy. Democracy is the exact opposite of liberty. Democracy is when the majority gets to choose what rights they want to take away from you. Democracy is mob rule. Democracy is the worst kind of tyranny."} {"idx": 33900, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250846992986542080", "label": "idk", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 33901, "original_id": "1251168954439139340", "reply_id": "1251172594797199361", "label": "applause", "text": "Orwell couldn’t have come up with “… and then a 99 year old paced up & down his garden to raise funds for the health service and people celebrated it as a good news story”… this is dystopia stuff. The NHS isn’t a charity! Where’s the rage towards the Tories for underfunding it!"} {"idx": 33908, "original_id": "1251036470648979456", "reply_id": "1251038256642297862", "label": "hug", "text": "A MAGAt just talked to me and I need a hug but nobody can touch me. 2020 sucks."} {"idx": 33910, "original_id": "1250841444970979329", "reply_id": "1250882342677340175", "label": "shocked", "text": "apparently i don’t have brown hair and eyes bc the color brown doesn’t exist makes me mad. here’s to darker gingers"} {"idx": 33911, "original_id": "1250893716715429888", "reply_id": "1251066461365456898", "label": "smh", "text": "If We naked in bed & I scoot back...Sirrr nail me to the cross🥴🤣🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 33912, "original_id": "1251177015211950081", "reply_id": "1251182259903901696", "label": "applause", "text": "NEW: I'm issuing an Executive Order directing all public and private labs in NY to coordinate with the State Department of Health to ensure prioritizing diagnostic testing for public health and restarting the economy."} {"idx": 33915, "original_id": "1251162863462256642", "reply_id": "1251166027120967680", "label": "hug", "text": "can i pwease have a smol hug?"} {"idx": 33916, "original_id": "1250820034361823232", "reply_id": "1250853960442929160", "label": "shocked", "text": "As if 2020 wasn’t wild enough...\n\nI’m pregnant."} {"idx": 33917, "original_id": "1251113805666541568", "reply_id": "1251133743143751680", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "#FridayThoughts \n#TinyVoiceTuesdayUnites \nAnyone got children on meltdown mode? My 8-year-old is being a witch 💔😢"} {"idx": 33920, "original_id": "1251189204803096576", "reply_id": "1251190081177694209", "label": "agree", "text": "it’s 100% kebab night"} {"idx": 33921, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251233776925114368", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 33922, "original_id": "1251133623543246859", "reply_id": "1251154389630214152", "label": "dance", "text": "Good morning ☀️ today is another day to fight. Fight to win! You got this! Love, Pulte"} {"idx": 33924, "original_id": "1250884102724689932", "reply_id": "1250951863127728135", "label": "high_five", "text": "Thinking of driving up to my cabin this weekend just to make the point I’m not a servile punk. @DoorCountyPulse"} {"idx": 33926, "original_id": "1250919340263825409", "reply_id": "1250965513016168450", "label": "yes", "text": "If Biden chooses Kamala Harris as his running mate and they go on to win in November, I think @CAgovernor should appoint @RepKatiePorter to replace her in the Senate. \n\nWhat do you guys think?"} {"idx": 33928, "original_id": "1250876025397022722", "reply_id": "1250898571823591431", "label": "idk", "text": "What does the world see in Ryan Seacrest?"} {"idx": 33929, "original_id": "1251238542614892546", "reply_id": "1251238827353608192", "label": "applause", "text": "@AdamSank cue The Beach Boys:\n\n🎶 \"... Ya see em wearin their MAGA, phallic rifles too...\n\nGOPs gone CrAzY, \n\nInsurrection U.S.A. !\""} {"idx": 33934, "original_id": "1251213952589213708", "reply_id": "1251215048577634305", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Highly requested upload incoming…"} {"idx": 33935, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250833923837431809", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 33937, "original_id": "1251016041125351425", "reply_id": "1251016406163959808", "label": "no", "text": "Someone play me in iMessage games!"} {"idx": 33938, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250924922672746496", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 33939, "original_id": "1250882654171394048", "reply_id": "1250883004290887681", "label": "applause", "text": "been neck deep in labs, daydreaming and fine tuning The Lockdown Mixtape: INSIDE FOR THE PEOPLE ....this thing is BANG. ING. nice & deep and comin to you soon 😜🤘🙏📡❤️"} {"idx": 33940, "original_id": "1250878387989753857", "reply_id": "1251241650128662528", "label": "applause", "text": "We did it\n\nWe did it...."} {"idx": 33942, "original_id": "1250987139149500418", "reply_id": "1251094309547499520", "label": "hug", "text": "Had a LONG day of conf call, missed the press conf for both Trudeau + Legault, end my day to watch news, see where we’re at w this damn pandemic. Get whiplashed by one of my fave ice dancers going on a rant at meanie “trolls” + that he’ll roadtrip 🇺🇸 to 🇨🇦 bc he can ...😑\nNeed 🍷"} {"idx": 33943, "original_id": "1250778467685167106", "reply_id": "1250850825200521216", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "BJP workers providing food to 5 crore needy people daily: Party president J P Nadda."} {"idx": 33944, "original_id": "1250860089176662018", "reply_id": "1250873335224942592", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "As one of the #TransportHeroes saving the world, is it pretentious to stand outside and take a bow on 6 mins when I am clapped by the rest of the street???😉"} {"idx": 33945, "original_id": "1250912359486574594", "reply_id": "1250918363015966720", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "2020- Written and directed by Quentin Quarentino."} {"idx": 33947, "original_id": "1250605732317331456", "reply_id": "1250913158962778117", "label": "agree", "text": "Oh look, Tyler and Amy won. Shocked. Shocked I say. Even though Mark and Boone out-built them all season. Mark and Boone were robbed. #legomasters"} {"idx": 33954, "original_id": "1251007171774558209", "reply_id": "1251009711270477825", "label": "shocked", "text": "I keep forgetting my beard isn’t there anymore and i don’t have nothing to mess with when I’m bored 😭"} {"idx": 33955, "original_id": "1251271168956325888", "reply_id": "1251271416420487170", "label": "applause", "text": "So I decided to learn how to cook today. No frozen no pre made all from scratch. My first lunch aka first meal ever came out pretty good!!"} {"idx": 33956, "original_id": "1250948950640771078", "reply_id": "1251088619151986688", "label": "hug", "text": "I had a hard day.\n\nNot because of COVID or sickness, or anything that *really* matters in this moment, but still something that I am sad and hurting about.\n\nIf you can spare some joy from your life, please do."} {"idx": 33958, "original_id": "1250904925850046464", "reply_id": "1250925865652891649", "label": "applause", "text": "Why are we talking about Opening Up America Again?\n\nThe problem isn't the economy.\n\nIt's the virus.\n\nTo slow its spread, people must stay home. \n\nWith enough income to pay their bills. \n\nThis is what we need to be focusing on—not forcing people to risk their lives for a paycheck."} {"idx": 33959, "original_id": "1250917644477267968", "reply_id": "1250918128546197505", "label": "want", "text": "Need 1 for the 50k\n26k pps as a squad\nSub/flex\nRts appreciated"} {"idx": 33960, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250898603842981895", "label": "applause", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 33964, "original_id": "1251067598416076801", "reply_id": "1251079457823240193", "label": "agree", "text": "More people need to make Trance music"} {"idx": 33967, "original_id": "1250930172225892353", "reply_id": "1250955139374034946", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The tiger at the Bronx Zoo tested positive for COVID19 because he’s got Charlie Sheen blood. #hahafunny #charliesheen"} {"idx": 33969, "original_id": "1250796446821072896", "reply_id": "1250881021006004229", "label": "agree", "text": "Wearing my “not gonna fuck” underwear today. There is zero difference between them and all my others."} {"idx": 33972, "original_id": "1250629388380536832", "reply_id": "1250981663422779396", "label": "agree", "text": "I am a senior at risk for COVID-19. If you think I'm going to start going out shopping, flying on planes, or staying in hotels without comprehensive testing, you're nuts. You'll have to restart the economy without me. I'd like to be able to watch my granddaughter grow up."} {"idx": 33974, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251144949216604161", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 33975, "original_id": "1251246690390216705", "reply_id": "1251258940840718342", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "For our accountability team coach we select @coachsnidesbhs"} {"idx": 33976, "original_id": "1250877538437599233", "reply_id": "1250885524635766784", "label": "ok", "text": "\"Correct your mistakes before they become your habits.\"\n\n–@JamesClear"} {"idx": 33980, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251025700745818117", "label": "yes", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 33981, "original_id": "1250929947255943171", "reply_id": "1250930307399901184", "label": "win", "text": "We win against @Movistar_Riders in the DreamHack Masters qualification!\nSee you in 16 hours on broadcast! 😎🐙"} {"idx": 33985, "original_id": "1250853369557721088", "reply_id": "1250853773024604163", "label": "please", "text": "Ok Peter is in 90% of the flashers today. Usually that means he character is going to die.\nFrom Wubsy's lips... \n#GH"} {"idx": 33986, "original_id": "1251037598929301504", "reply_id": "1251151125530591239", "label": "hug", "text": "Found out I have this thing called ☆*:.。. Trauma .。.:*☆ related to my middle and high school years and experienced what I guess is a ☆*:.。. Trigger .。.:*☆ tonight and basically I’m just fucking going through it. It unlocked memories That I Do Not Need. >:("} {"idx": 33987, "original_id": "1251176369389789186", "reply_id": "1251221560029065217", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "This week @RBHSBolton students answers 33,333 questions on @hegartymaths. Not only a ridiculously pretty number but also a hell of a lot of questions.\n\nSo many in fact that we were 5th on Hegarty's leaderboard for all schools in the world!! (out of 1643 schools that use Hegarty)"} {"idx": 33992, "original_id": "1250951199416705024", "reply_id": "1250960229292007426", "label": "please", "text": "We’ve decided to try and move near the beginning of July.. really thought we would have moved by now 😢 I hope we can make this happen in July!"} {"idx": 33994, "original_id": "1251182870657404928", "reply_id": "1251270361091641348", "label": "agree", "text": "When this crap is over, I want to go have a cup of coffee with @NYGovCuomo & @ChrisCuomo’s mom."} {"idx": 33998, "original_id": "1250964812017864706", "reply_id": "1250989550479917057", "label": "scared", "text": "Twitter has some of the most uninformed, paranoid users I have ever seen on the internet."} {"idx": 33999, "original_id": "1250940680270118913", "reply_id": "1250942968451796994", "label": "oops", "text": "If you see \"GDX 🔜 FF7R Liked\" at the top of a lewd tweet mind ya business"} {"idx": 34000, "original_id": "1250849675072110593", "reply_id": "1250872892054818818", "label": "dance", "text": "5000 words down and I couldn’t feel happier ✨ My assignment is finished!"} {"idx": 34001, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251015336721133568", "label": "oops", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 34003, "original_id": "1251266720737619970", "reply_id": "1251270424207388672", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Hey @GraceRandolph. What happened to your \"sources\" that said @WonderWomanFilm is about FLASHPOINT???\n\nonce again. Your \"sources\" are fake. Stop spreading fake news. My SOURCES were always right when I refuted this. \n\nFlashpoint in theaters July 1st, 2022."} {"idx": 34006, "original_id": "1251201408256401409", "reply_id": "1251203348650483712", "label": "applause", "text": "Been feeling a lot better as of late so that’s nice"} {"idx": 34008, "original_id": "1251208925912854529", "reply_id": "1251209179018039297", "label": "agree", "text": "ano naman if i deleted the tweet after a couple of minutes? wala agad sinseridad at katotohan kapag ganon? people knew it so why do i need to take the tweet longer and not erase it? u know if you guys wanna talk behind me, i just wanna say that pls enjoy it bc i d c hehe perry :*"} {"idx": 34009, "original_id": "1250881494714740736", "reply_id": "1250937153548419078", "label": "yes", "text": "our capture card arrived today! 🌝"} {"idx": 34010, "original_id": "1251043003348574208", "reply_id": "1251059788428918784", "label": "hug", "text": "when youre dealing your sadness with anger \n\nand now im tired + sad"} {"idx": 34011, "original_id": "1251235902141214723", "reply_id": "1251252064690323460", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I thought I was clear about outlawing the thumbs up sign because it looks dorky. Why am I still seeing this?"} {"idx": 34013, "original_id": "1250934277388341249", "reply_id": "1250934923848044545", "label": "shrug", "text": "#Redskins had a thrifty offseason to get competition flowing.\nThey need to get OJ Howard and get this fan base jazzed.\n#HTTR #RollTide"} {"idx": 34015, "original_id": "1250850970675920903", "reply_id": "1250857640487460874", "label": "ok", "text": "Stunna 4 Vegas >>>>>>>>>>>> DaBaby"} {"idx": 34022, "original_id": "1251187633272864769", "reply_id": "1251221644426838016", "label": "no", "text": "The Steelers need to get Cam Newton. Mason they know can’t play and Ben been injured and his status is up in the air. Mike Tomlin and Cam would be great together for the next 7 years and the Steelers would win another Super Bowl"} {"idx": 34024, "original_id": "1250924905488662528", "reply_id": "1250928479564161036", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump blaming unspecified people for not spreading the word about the virus: “People knew what was happening. People didn’t want to talk about it.” Trump and the admin were warned about this going back to January and he chose to downplay it."} {"idx": 34025, "original_id": "1250873973316993027", "reply_id": "1250992958490447874", "label": "hug", "text": "needs a hug"} {"idx": 34026, "original_id": "1250766308481871872", "reply_id": "1251100614257451014", "label": "popcorn", "text": "My name is Alex Oluwatobi & I'm confused!\n\nWhen I was in 200 level, I met Funke who joined my Dept through A-levels. One thing led to the other & we got talking. I started developing a special likeness for her.\n\nShe is a natural beauty, nerdy, well endowed (front & back 💯). 1/25"} {"idx": 34030, "original_id": "1251028751082717184", "reply_id": "1251041398549368832", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "dsvn new album today 😁"} {"idx": 34034, "original_id": "1251237159597568001", "reply_id": "1251240274610860032", "label": "applause", "text": "Joined @7seasCo \n\nOne world, one team."} {"idx": 34037, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1250998320085991431", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 34038, "original_id": "1250820159838785538", "reply_id": "1250842598253658113", "label": "no", "text": "See because lockdown has been extended another 3 weeks, can we all actually stay in and not meet your friends or go back and forth from your boyfriends. It’s so stupid especially seeing how many peoolrnare dying. Don’t be selfish, stay inside."} {"idx": 34041, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251021682300551169", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 34042, "original_id": "1250904709583568908", "reply_id": "1250907060851671042", "label": "shocked", "text": "OMG. the voice of hercules is coops dad from the OC im in shock"} {"idx": 34043, "original_id": "1250853636609114112", "reply_id": "1250973725115052033", "label": "omg", "text": "BRO JOJI DROPPED A SINGLE AND NONE OF YALL SAID ANYTHING BRUH IMM ALISTEN TO THIS SHIT"} {"idx": 34045, "original_id": "1250574950395609088", "reply_id": "1250870721745760257", "label": "applause", "text": "We hear you loud and clear! We'll be doing a playlist update tomorrow night, Thursday, April 16th at 11PM PST that brings BR Trios back to #Warzone."} {"idx": 34046, "original_id": "1251133258869473287", "reply_id": "1251175005590892554", "label": "applause", "text": "Sorry folks - slightly busy with work (it’s not the matumbo’s fault). But I will post the thread on online forex trading and all that later this evening."} {"idx": 34054, "original_id": "1250926902644215808", "reply_id": "1250929047682629632", "label": "awww", "text": "If I had the world, I’d already of given it to you"} {"idx": 34057, "original_id": "1250749580179898368", "reply_id": "1250992057587564544", "label": "dance", "text": "Thinking about our kids’ reading lives and wondering if there’s a group that would be interested in coming together to discuss big ideas/initiatives for how we can ensure kids keep reading every day (and have the skills to do so!) amidst all this? Possible #elachat? @karenvaites"} {"idx": 34058, "original_id": "1250635037176815616", "reply_id": "1250868478220873730", "label": "omg", "text": "is it just me that noticed when you like a tweet little sprinkles come out of heart or???"} {"idx": 34063, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250921087128436736", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 34068, "original_id": "1250938813595234306", "reply_id": "1250947829029318658", "label": "smh", "text": "I predict in the next 6 months we are going to find out the devastating truth that Cardi B was a Mouseketeer."} {"idx": 34069, "original_id": "1250630123474292736", "reply_id": "1250852664738566144", "label": "applause", "text": "not to eat my own pussy or anything but im such a good lover like when my heart is invested in u, i love hard as fuck & i try my best to be mentally and emotionally supportive for u at all times ."} {"idx": 34071, "original_id": "1250886822831538176", "reply_id": "1250887765316730883", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I haz a roast beef sandwich 😊"} {"idx": 34072, "original_id": "1250814258587357184", "reply_id": "1250842246825598977", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I hope\nYou know\nEverything you do is\nSpecial to me"} {"idx": 34074, "original_id": "1250810964733288451", "reply_id": "1250853597199372288", "label": "shocked", "text": "I heard having no taste is a symptom of corona..I hope the people who like mission:space are okay 😔"} {"idx": 34075, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250945337591767041", "label": "smh", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 34076, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250856466552152065", "label": "smh", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 34077, "original_id": "1250794017933197316", "reply_id": "1251168186378129411", "label": "no", "text": "Think I might do the 30 day song challenge. The monotony of quarantine is getting to me. Someone tell me no"} {"idx": 34079, "original_id": "1250916961527238662", "reply_id": "1250917919887896576", "label": "yes", "text": "So we’re supposed to go back to work risking death so the economy which has placed the majority of the country’s wealth in the pockets of a handful of individuals can continue?"} {"idx": 34081, "original_id": "1250886525090508800", "reply_id": "1250887007288647688", "label": "shrug", "text": "So why are people posting pictures of themselves a age 20 ? What have missed ?!"} {"idx": 34082, "original_id": "1250830805078704129", "reply_id": "1250848538428309506", "label": "yes", "text": "China says the US should \"fulfill its obligations\" to the World Health Organization and restore funding\n\nI say China should fulfill ITS obligations and pay damages to the 22.5 million Americans who lost their job because of the virus China unleashed on the world\n\nRT if you agree!"} {"idx": 34083, "original_id": "1251120773206544384", "reply_id": "1251125956149940224", "label": "yes", "text": "If you don’t post a picture of your zoom meeting, did it really happen?"} {"idx": 34085, "original_id": "1250837362353016833", "reply_id": "1250878682861887495", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m already back down to my pre pregnancy weight 😭😭😭😭 I’ve never been so fxn happy"} {"idx": 34088, "original_id": "1251161428175622146", "reply_id": "1251218642747789312", "label": "hug", "text": "My mom would've been 58 today."} {"idx": 34089, "original_id": "1250895280872062977", "reply_id": "1250907528046747648", "label": "want", "text": "I want someway daughter to ride my face then I wanna stick my tongue down her throat"} {"idx": 34093, "original_id": "1250964192254988289", "reply_id": "1251020201358811137", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Some people: We don't want Kamala Harris to be Vice President because we don't like what we heard about her record as California Attorney General.\n\nSame people: You know what would be a great position for Kamala Harris? U.S. Attorney General!\n\n🤔"} {"idx": 34097, "original_id": "1250919401651462144", "reply_id": "1251208208355659777", "label": "scared", "text": "Took Beau out walking and got to catch sight of a red tailed hawk taking off with a pigeon."} {"idx": 34099, "original_id": "1250975563084230656", "reply_id": "1251172033796255745", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "$Daps #DapsCoin $1 in 2020 - 2021 ?"} {"idx": 34103, "original_id": "1251179593190514693", "reply_id": "1251179736719597569", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Thank God there's been a lot of great Ericole content lately on Days of our Lives! Ericole are finally getting the writing they deserve! #Days #DOOL #Ericole"} {"idx": 34104, "original_id": "1250833279789531136", "reply_id": "1250860547400237063", "label": "hug", "text": "so emotional today 😣 in need of hugs"} {"idx": 34108, "original_id": "1250984134119317505", "reply_id": "1250985859823931392", "label": "yawn", "text": "Yo. I’ll make out with the first person I see outside once this goes away."} {"idx": 34111, "original_id": "1251264689075560450", "reply_id": "1251265010216689667", "label": "high_five", "text": "I want chocolates, Oreos, jelly babies, milk bottles... All at once"} {"idx": 34112, "original_id": "1251214348283973640", "reply_id": "1251214468127903744", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is just one of those days where I want to be left alone and NO ONE is leaving me alone. 😒"} {"idx": 34113, "original_id": "1250743744237838336", "reply_id": "1250865048563535872", "label": "agree", "text": "Describe #Bitcoin Price action in a Gif."} {"idx": 34115, "original_id": "1251126357070839808", "reply_id": "1251129022081372160", "label": "no", "text": "So one of my local high schools have send an email out to parents saying they expect to reopen on may 11th as per government guidelines.... Erm what?!?!"} {"idx": 34118, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250896358438912000", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 34120, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251133926925631488", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 34124, "original_id": "1251047517783023617", "reply_id": "1251177573213667328", "label": "hug", "text": "God i miss my grandmother and my mom's friend rn... i hate that my brain won't turn off..."} {"idx": 34125, "original_id": "1250890027644727296", "reply_id": "1250891697912938496", "label": "agree", "text": "I love my husband but he’s a very shady cancer lol I mean it y’all 😂😂"} {"idx": 34126, "original_id": "1251180278330077186", "reply_id": "1251180387814047748", "label": "applause", "text": "Who all plays gta5 online?\n\n@Neuraxis_CNS convinced me to install it."} {"idx": 34127, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250962496560795649", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 34128, "original_id": "1251234573222121474", "reply_id": "1251236083607764992", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m ready for happy hour today!"} {"idx": 34130, "original_id": "1251192234495610882", "reply_id": "1251209432110858242", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "DONNA WARREN\n\nGet this straight .\n\nThe new official story is the BIO LAB located in Wuhan, CHINA at 666 Goaxin Road, which is owned in part by GEORGE SOROS, just happened to release #Coronavirus on the world ACCIDENTALLY and it is was in no way a BIO WEAPON or PLANNED. \n\nGot it."} {"idx": 34132, "original_id": "1250913252512608257", "reply_id": "1250918593648361472", "label": "yawn", "text": "Princess Beatrice cancels her wedding in May. Another social event @piersmorgan will have to miss out on ."} {"idx": 34138, "original_id": "1250925921214832643", "reply_id": "1251144522253299712", "label": "no", "text": "Do you believe China is telling the truth about how covid started & the reality of their numbers?"} {"idx": 34139, "original_id": "1250613532229591046", "reply_id": "1250973842203389960", "label": "yes", "text": "Foreplay does not include kneading tits like you’re making fucking bread"} {"idx": 34141, "original_id": "1250905979476160513", "reply_id": "1250920654448332800", "label": "thank_you", "text": "YNW B Slime sick with it! esp for his age lol"} {"idx": 34143, "original_id": "1251183683832287232", "reply_id": "1251185639933882369", "label": "hug", "text": "I want a hug."} {"idx": 34146, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251196805242589186", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 34147, "original_id": "1250951911949209600", "reply_id": "1250972587024281600", "label": "high_five", "text": "Shoutout to Adri !"} {"idx": 34148, "original_id": "1250814126378692614", "reply_id": "1250924171141537795", "label": "dance", "text": "These days every room in your house is an Escape Room"} {"idx": 34149, "original_id": "1251023252081655810", "reply_id": "1251026626265018368", "label": "agree", "text": "Twitter is the wasteland for my horniest tweets. People are gonna retweet. I don't care. If you can't handle it I don't care. Welcome to the Thunderdome."} {"idx": 34154, "original_id": "1251037069394108417", "reply_id": "1251038360350658560", "label": "applause", "text": "PUBG esports news is starting to roll out across the world. More for NA, LATAM, and OCE coming in the morning. We'll be on bright and early to try to answer your questions. See you there!"} {"idx": 34159, "original_id": "1250844194475839489", "reply_id": "1250852418067279872", "label": "applause", "text": "Feel free to roast me accordingly if I start posting videos of me recreating the dances I find on TikTok. This quarantine has robbed me of my sense of rules and shame. I only care about cheese."} {"idx": 34160, "original_id": "1251197029751103493", "reply_id": "1251208930581069824", "label": "hug", "text": "PENPALS HUG ME NOW PLEASE 😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 34162, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251229912004022273", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 34163, "original_id": "1250847600372318209", "reply_id": "1250847721596035072", "label": "applause", "text": "Normal service resumed ✅"} {"idx": 34165, "original_id": "1251263390284161025", "reply_id": "1251265367240069121", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Somehow all of this is @Kirchyy fault fucken hate that guy"} {"idx": 34166, "original_id": "1251272643262775297", "reply_id": "1251272836997623810", "label": "agree", "text": "My mental health is thriving in this stay at home order. Probably because of animal crossing and the copious amounts of vitamin D I’ve been taking."} {"idx": 34167, "original_id": "1251254154116333573", "reply_id": "1251259016849874949", "label": "applause", "text": "If a tragedy happens and John Piper doesn’t use it as an opportunity to remind us he believes God ordained it to manifest the manifold perfections of divine glory, did it really happen?"} {"idx": 34169, "original_id": "1250835104743727106", "reply_id": "1251105508263710720", "label": "agree", "text": "The oneupmanship amongst my neighbours on the #ClapForCarers is insane\n\nWeek 1: Claps\n\nWeek 2: Bangs saucepan with wooden spoon\n\nWeek 3: blows vuvuzela repeatedly\n\nI can only imagine tonight one of them will be farting 'Hero' by Mariah Carey through a fuck-off sub woofer."} {"idx": 34170, "original_id": "1250943987625734144", "reply_id": "1250955179744256000", "label": "scared", "text": "We are like exactly a week away from the #Cowboys making their first-round pick. \n\nHow afraid are you of them taking a LB at No. 17?"} {"idx": 34171, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251140921476907009", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 34172, "original_id": "1251258204853583872", "reply_id": "1251262932542947328", "label": "hug", "text": "I don’t care about who is no longer here, as long as you are."} {"idx": 34176, "original_id": "1250868882912546816", "reply_id": "1250882391649873920", "label": "yes", "text": "Day 33 in self isolation: \nI actually don’t want to leave my house. Never again."} {"idx": 34178, "original_id": "1250831570031775745", "reply_id": "1250886108491153410", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all."} {"idx": 34181, "original_id": "1251041426550353920", "reply_id": "1251100397206302721", "label": "hug", "text": "Your words cut deeper than a knife 😭"} {"idx": 34188, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1251059446857564160", "label": "shrug", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 34191, "original_id": "1251197380738899968", "reply_id": "1251202831815790592", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Is there anything more awkward than WWE with no fans...🤣🤣🤣"} {"idx": 34192, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251030352212176896", "label": "hearts", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 34198, "original_id": "1250999165318049793", "reply_id": "1251021732938473472", "label": "agree", "text": "when we get outta here, there is a few mf’s ima put hands on."} {"idx": 34201, "original_id": "1250951195784552451", "reply_id": "1250969197787701248", "label": "hug", "text": "The anxiety and stress over the real possibility of losing my small business is overwhelming. I just feel like I am drowning."} {"idx": 34202, "original_id": "1250849891741585409", "reply_id": "1250850153961066501", "label": "shocked", "text": "I feel like drinking tonight.... should I switch it up with some LIQUOR or stay inside my own lane with some wine? Don’t make Day see this y’all"} {"idx": 34204, "original_id": "1248219924423737344", "reply_id": "1251000910160883713", "label": "agree", "text": "The left takes its vision seriously — more seriously than it takes the rights of other people. They want to be our shepherds. But that requires us to be sheep."} {"idx": 34206, "original_id": "1251071474301128707", "reply_id": "1251083189596160000", "label": "yes", "text": "Just got a @Tesco delivery slot and did an air punch. Who is this person. I don't know her"} {"idx": 34207, "original_id": "1250948419306340354", "reply_id": "1250951972557131776", "label": "agree", "text": "in the old days, I'd think, \"I have a headache.\" or \"wow why am I tired today?\" Now everything becomes \"I have it.\""} {"idx": 34214, "original_id": "1251048266273157120", "reply_id": "1251050175776256000", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Follow these people who are doing a excellent job in exposing liberals\n@PrayagrajWale\n@desimojito \n@MrSinha_ \n@Pokershasha \n@lnair123 \n@i4army \n@ExSecular \n@Spoof_Junkey \n@moronhumor \n@Ra_c7r \n@ippatel\n@GSVKapoor\n@Lala_The_Don\n@choga_don \n@IntrepidSaffron\n@TheAngryLord\nLove u all"} {"idx": 34216, "original_id": "1251205093317320705", "reply_id": "1251208890420727809", "label": "shocked", "text": "People who eat avocado cheat the most."} {"idx": 34223, "original_id": "1251012458472370177", "reply_id": "1251059450250584065", "label": "no", "text": "'tropa material' but never 'girlfriend material' i— ✋🏻😔"} {"idx": 34225, "original_id": "1251176913089028096", "reply_id": "1251201997308559361", "label": "applause", "text": "Gov. Walz issues an executive order \"which expands allowable outdoor recreational activities\" to include things like golfing and boating. “It’s important for us to stay active and enjoy the outdoors while preventing the spread of COVID-19,” he said in a statement."} {"idx": 34226, "original_id": "1251242505045237762", "reply_id": "1251245598352818176", "label": "agree", "text": "#FF Some Gr8 Tweeps:\n@ahddrv \n@Staircase2 \n@csibike1 \n@stugraham581 \n@JaneSawkins395 \n@spayrechaynge \n@VixL \n@alwayzlooking \n@DrLindaDykes \n@VoteAndyBrown \n@BeaumontBee \n@Nelsims411 \n@illrev2 \n@sstnes \n@MatthewBaker8 \n@lazaroumterror \n@ChrissieGrech \n@sufiboy \n@13sarahmurphy"} {"idx": 34227, "original_id": "1250877328101486593", "reply_id": "1250877819900567553", "label": "hug", "text": "Going through lots of emotions today because today was supposed to be my commencement ceremony 🥺"} {"idx": 34231, "original_id": "1251044578561531904", "reply_id": "1251157811016298497", "label": "agree", "text": "How are you feeling today?!\n\nReply using a gif 🤍"} {"idx": 34232, "original_id": "1250860072864845824", "reply_id": "1250862569926963201", "label": "yawn", "text": "Covid can't be strategically controlled or dynamically managed, it can't be strategically managed or dynamically controlled, it can't be controlled or managed but it can be managerially controlled or controllable managed if you have a dynamic strategy or strategic dynamism."} {"idx": 34234, "original_id": "1250976767642349569", "reply_id": "1250977397211648001", "label": "agree", "text": "What a disorienting situation it is when you become a ghost in your own hometown...\n\n...especially when you didn't go through death to wander the alternate plane of existence.\n\nIt's like experiencing reality with the audio turned off.\n\n#latenightthoughts"} {"idx": 34235, "original_id": "1250965274230009857", "reply_id": "1250965660730941440", "label": "shocked", "text": "I am going to do something totally cray. I’m going to observe a range of experts judiciously evaluating the contact tracing options. This might include legal, privacy, tech sector and behavioural science experts. Then I will go with what is decided upon. Whack a doodle I know."} {"idx": 34237, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251261206616129536", "label": "dance", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 34239, "original_id": "1250940381979607042", "reply_id": "1251058086611165184", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel like my passion for art died many years ago honestly hMMM some times I don’t really know why I draw :^///\nAlso I apologise if I put out too many vent/personal posts too oops forgive me 🙏"} {"idx": 34247, "original_id": "1250977446645694464", "reply_id": "1250977873147592705", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just started watching Brockmire. Pretty funny so far. Anyone else seen it?"} {"idx": 34248, "original_id": "1250896421470994436", "reply_id": "1251040917978583040", "label": "applause", "text": "I don't respond well to EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL my first husband was a master at it & he almost killed me.\nSince then i have learned i am stronger than most people give me credit for & i don't suffer fools or bullies lightly. \nDon't be that guy all it gets you is \nBLOCKED!!."} {"idx": 34249, "original_id": "1250827617650917376", "reply_id": "1250859855683948545", "label": "hug", "text": "at least out loud ... i won’t say i’m in love"} {"idx": 34250, "original_id": "1251246045331365889", "reply_id": "1251246654084263936", "label": "applause", "text": "Who’s watching the WNBA draft tonight? 👀"} {"idx": 34256, "original_id": "1250858301497147392", "reply_id": "1250877620239114246", "label": "shocked", "text": "i ride my niggas, i lie to my bitch"} {"idx": 34257, "original_id": "1250629388380536832", "reply_id": "1250900551543353344", "label": "agree", "text": "I am a senior at risk for COVID-19. If you think I'm going to start going out shopping, flying on planes, or staying in hotels without comprehensive testing, you're nuts. You'll have to restart the economy without me. I'd like to be able to watch my granddaughter grow up."} {"idx": 34260, "original_id": "1250894267213635584", "reply_id": "1250901316219498496", "label": "awww", "text": "\"The world should have protected you, and instead you have been asked to protect it\"\n\n\"Some would call your approach reckless. I call it selfless\"\n\n\"You are not a queen in an ivory tower, you are an alpha wolf leading her pack\"\n\n#NADDPod is an absolute work of art"} {"idx": 34261, "original_id": "1250650632983318528", "reply_id": "1250880447707361280", "label": "agree", "text": "No writer should have less than 5000 followers, Follow and let’s connect 📚 Would love to meet new writers also tweet your book in reply! \n\n#writerlift #WritersInQuarantine #writingcommmunity #IndieApril #indieauthors #debutbooks"} {"idx": 34263, "original_id": "1250746891765190656", "reply_id": "1251084359693557762", "label": "win", "text": "It’s my 71st birthday. Thankful to have my pets to be with. 🎈❤️🐾"} {"idx": 34269, "original_id": "1251044876847808512", "reply_id": "1251089330673680385", "label": "applause", "text": "Moving on was the best choice and I feel better than ever"} {"idx": 34270, "original_id": "1250939327670075399", "reply_id": "1250940555875540993", "label": "hug", "text": "I have made the decision that I'm going to try to find another apartment. It was SUPER hard to get this one as some of you will remember, but I need to try. I thought staying in this one was gonna be fine cuz it reminds me of mom every day. It WAS fine at first and made me (cont)"} {"idx": 34271, "original_id": "1251252841005678593", "reply_id": "1251252978570403842", "label": "no", "text": "should i go to sleep?"} {"idx": 34272, "original_id": "1250522261972496384", "reply_id": "1250867347067252736", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I thought only adult actresses got their checks signed by @realDonaldTrump?"} {"idx": 34277, "original_id": "1250885208322301956", "reply_id": "1250892608332877824", "label": "agree", "text": "MAGAts: please, go out/have gatherings just to own the libs. \n\nThose of us who believe in science (Dems and GOP) will wait 30 days while you test out exposure to COVID.\n\nPlease don’t go to the hospital when you have high fevers/trouble breathing since all this is fake anyways."} {"idx": 34278, "original_id": "1250929273835343872", "reply_id": "1250934318052134917", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "If you guys don’t already, make sure to throw @TylerrDylann a follow. Not only a great guy, but is behind the scenes on all audio when it comes to my podcast. Amazing work"} {"idx": 34280, "original_id": "1250570351873937408", "reply_id": "1251112273810202624", "label": "applause", "text": "I've spent the better part of the last 5 years trying to move out of SEO and into market research, my true passion. I am excited to announce that I have joined the insights team at Big Fish Games as a Consumer Insights Manager. Extremely excited for this next chapter."} {"idx": 34281, "original_id": "1251220546848608256", "reply_id": "1251220640360730624", "label": "applause", "text": "100k on twitter 🥳"} {"idx": 34285, "original_id": "1250949006143950848", "reply_id": "1250964555880169472", "label": "applause", "text": "Someone be proud of me. I’m trying. Fuck"} {"idx": 34286, "original_id": "1251180472119422976", "reply_id": "1251214122026438658", "label": "agree", "text": "Follow Friday! Follow these fine individuals, won'tcha? #FF\n\n@TDArtGallery \n@theaginggeek \n@Demonpuppy \n@kjkaminski11 \n@ryanwinn \n@ShannonDenton \n@theCHAMBA \n@inkmonkeyhope \n@johnpaulleon \n@adelso_corona \n@Huerta93Till \n@lewislarosa \n@WildstormsCCG \n@ValeriaBurzo \n@canocron"} {"idx": 34288, "original_id": "1250578598064295937", "reply_id": "1250874406160793601", "label": "applause", "text": "I just bought more vinyl. 😭😭"} {"idx": 34290, "original_id": "1251105118742872064", "reply_id": "1251195994072629251", "label": "good_luck", "text": "BREAKING: Michael Cohen has been released from Prison due to Coronavirus.\n\nMeanwhile his co-conspirator and man who instructed him to commit his crimes remains President of the United States.\n\nLet's make sure we Release Trump from the White House in November\n\n#FridayThoughts"} {"idx": 34294, "original_id": "1250965752837857280", "reply_id": "1250967343490007041", "label": "yes", "text": "If you were here in 2017, then you can agree that if projects like $EOS can reach $18B MktCp then $LINK can easily reach those levels and wayy higher. \n\n$LINK with an $18B MktCp is about $37/Coin\n\nReach high, cause #LINK will always be higher"} {"idx": 34297, "original_id": "1251235792678277126", "reply_id": "1251240872970203138", "label": "applause", "text": "This salmon I just made>>>>>>"} {"idx": 34299, "original_id": "1251245435785752576", "reply_id": "1251248420490301440", "label": "idk", "text": "Stacy farber is in schitt’s creek?? Is she recurring? I hope she and Stevie date it’s what we deserve tbh"} {"idx": 34303, "original_id": "1251259911532511233", "reply_id": "1251263300739887105", "label": "shocked", "text": "If we’ve hung out recently check your hair I have lice 🥺"} {"idx": 34305, "original_id": "1250892525721849859", "reply_id": "1250932822359060482", "label": "agree", "text": "A lot of things don’t really phase you when you’re equipped with the word of God."} {"idx": 34306, "original_id": "1251172011478482948", "reply_id": "1251178470979354628", "label": "no", "text": "Random out of context gif replies with no accompanying text are to twitter what the luddite mother minion memes are to facebook\n\nChange my mind"} {"idx": 34308, "original_id": "1251208763387887617", "reply_id": "1251217302286225413", "label": "wink", "text": "I need to re-haul my following list, get rid of the ones who are muted, dont communicate with me, and add some people who do! This might take time, I need a family sized bag of chips...."} {"idx": 34309, "original_id": "1250817149041590277", "reply_id": "1250853142734012416", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "New York on PAUSE will be extended in coordination with other states to May 15.\n\nNon-essential workers must continue to stay home.\n\nSocial distancing rules remain in place.\n\nWe must STAY THE COURSE."} {"idx": 34312, "original_id": "1250821830614671360", "reply_id": "1250923310273245184", "label": "no", "text": "I am honored to be named to the bipartisan Task Force on Reopening the Economy by @POTUS. \n\nI have spoken directly with #NY21 hospitals, health departments, local elected officials, small businesses, farms & hardworking families about their concerns & ideas throughout #COVID19."} {"idx": 34313, "original_id": "1250944388798148608", "reply_id": "1251274436554059776", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I can only imagine what dolphins Twitter will be about after the draft is finally fucking over"} {"idx": 34314, "original_id": "1251123685701885955", "reply_id": "1251134982413836295", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "I am not going to listen to David Brooks tell me that young people are soft when 50-60 year-olds are blocking traffic, protesting, and giving TV interviews in which they can barely hold back tears over not being able to get lawn fertilizer or hair dye."} {"idx": 34315, "original_id": "1251239463814074375", "reply_id": "1251239847412609027", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Mentally preparing myself to get a Big Girl job :(. But it’s way over due"} {"idx": 34318, "original_id": "1250932043141328897", "reply_id": "1250932882580934656", "label": "yes", "text": "It’s nearly 1am and I’m cooking a pepperoni pizza with no regrets."} {"idx": 34319, "original_id": "1250831282579427330", "reply_id": "1250832077752135681", "label": "want", "text": "I don’t release a lot of my favourite music because I’m worried what people will think. I’m going to change that, though. Tired of giving a shit. 🤟🏻"} {"idx": 34321, "original_id": "1250942252211462148", "reply_id": "1250962926963503107", "label": "agree", "text": "WellI don’t know bout you guys but it was another exciting day at the fucking homestead for me."} {"idx": 34324, "original_id": "1251153354673098754", "reply_id": "1251156795088748544", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "final episode of my seeries today. wach out. u dont wnna miss it."} {"idx": 34326, "original_id": "1250905453221105667", "reply_id": "1250945524364165121", "label": "smh", "text": "does frank realize EVERY fan base thinks the shows awful? 😭"} {"idx": 34328, "original_id": "1250977898007322626", "reply_id": "1250996811591974915", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I’m tired of the tweets about food. Drop a gif below that describes your mood right now."} {"idx": 34329, "original_id": "1250862751720890369", "reply_id": "1251215510252867584", "label": "shocked", "text": "You can have ONE more season of any expired TV series. What are you picking? \n\nI'm going Friday Night Lights."} {"idx": 34332, "original_id": "1250823746371239936", "reply_id": "1250837513150828546", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s been a month since I’ve seen my kids.\n\nThings are not going well.\n\nThat is all."} {"idx": 34333, "original_id": "1251231459995680770", "reply_id": "1251266656115896320", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Drop me a GIF that perfectly explains how you feelin rn."} {"idx": 34334, "original_id": "1250842264068186113", "reply_id": "1250890085089849344", "label": "agree", "text": "Well just received my first heckler on an ad\n\nDoes that mean I made it?"} {"idx": 34336, "original_id": "1251119522037157888", "reply_id": "1251121923183931393", "label": "hug", "text": "arkan tolol tolol tolol"} {"idx": 34339, "original_id": "1250743598494167041", "reply_id": "1250853481662910464", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "\"Biggest weapon against COVID19 is testing.\n\nOur testing rate is 199 out of a million, all tests that we've done in last 72 days, works out to approx average of 350 tests per dist.\"\n\n~ Rahul Gandhi"} {"idx": 34342, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251183181589549057", "label": "agree", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 34343, "original_id": "1251005605558521857", "reply_id": "1251050664245026817", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug ;("} {"idx": 34344, "original_id": "1250440515272597506", "reply_id": "1250924828057575426", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Hey @realDonaldTrump, my mom got her stimulus check today. It was direct deposited so she didn’t get to see your name on it. \n\nJust wanted you to know that she voted for @HillaryClinton in 2016 and will be voting for @JoeBiden in November.\n\nShe knows YOU’RE the virus. \n\n😘"} {"idx": 34345, "original_id": "1250945195736281088", "reply_id": "1250998529884975105", "label": "applause", "text": "I just submitted my last assignment of nursing school. I did it. I really freaking did it. 🥺😭"} {"idx": 34349, "original_id": "1251202968675852294", "reply_id": "1251204416641925121", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "#WhoIsMahdi\nMahdi is a fictional character created by Shia n borrowed by Sunnis 4m Shia. It ws created aftr 11th imam died widout an offspring. So 2 kp the shia movment alive they created a concept of hidden imam\ndt is y there is no mention of him in Quran or first 2 hadees books"} {"idx": 34352, "original_id": "1251266363341012995", "reply_id": "1251266742581702656", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "NBA commissioner Adam Silver says Board of Governors are in agreement that safety is paramount: “We are not in any position to make any decisions and it’s unclear when we will be.”"} {"idx": 34354, "original_id": "1251164234001637376", "reply_id": "1251164689926688768", "label": "yes", "text": "Yea I’m a man-child but I’m still a bottom"} {"idx": 34355, "original_id": "1250974064522362880", "reply_id": "1250996218781548546", "label": "applause", "text": "i smoke weed"} {"idx": 34356, "original_id": "1250939087424544768", "reply_id": "1250945757554884608", "label": "hug", "text": "It`s all over now, I got through the day and I am fine, still numb, still robotic but fine. Feeling a little under the weather but normal service will resume when I feel human again."} {"idx": 34357, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230416876511235", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 34359, "original_id": "1250847881789091842", "reply_id": "1250871711110758402", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Work in silence"} {"idx": 34360, "original_id": "1250970102331211776", "reply_id": "1250970255096270848", "label": "agree", "text": "Should I open up commissions and sell my paintings on the side again?🤔🤔🤔"} {"idx": 34361, "original_id": "1251090260068573189", "reply_id": "1251091366102347781", "label": "yes", "text": "I am sure Elijah is behind me losing that account smh"} {"idx": 34363, "original_id": "1250949860687216640", "reply_id": "1250951860170690561", "label": "shocked", "text": "STOP FUCKING ANIMALS YOU WEIRDOS, LEAVE THEM TF ALONE"} {"idx": 34364, "original_id": "1251274301526945792", "reply_id": "1251275062772146176", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Parasite was mid"} {"idx": 34367, "original_id": "1251221797384663041", "reply_id": "1251228872869392388", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Right, someone help me out here.\n\nI can’t be the only person who has never seen an episode of Friends? 🤷🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 34368, "original_id": "1250880354896011272", "reply_id": "1251003977962934272", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone who says mewgulf are not real is an attention seeker and one thing I’d never do on this app is give an attention seeker the attention he/she wants. Period."} {"idx": 34370, "original_id": "1251230852547325956", "reply_id": "1251263742165364737", "label": "dance", "text": "I had such a good day. Considering the circumstances. God is good 😊"} {"idx": 34371, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251185573538287620", "label": "scared", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 34372, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251243790838439943", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 34375, "original_id": "1251176905518260225", "reply_id": "1251178201524699138", "label": "kiss", "text": "Kiss me thru the phone"} {"idx": 34377, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250860131555966976", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 34383, "original_id": "1250918946427015168", "reply_id": "1250920061059153920", "label": "agree", "text": "If you’ve been selected as a winner of a contest, please realize shipping times are currently delayed due to office staff working remotely because of the COVID-19 pandemic.\n\nRemember, good things come to those who wait 😎\n\nThanks for understanding!\n\n#Patience #Understanding"} {"idx": 34387, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251113413717094400", "label": "scared", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 34388, "original_id": "1251209597689278464", "reply_id": "1251239902525771776", "label": "no", "text": "Someone needs to mask & glove DJT up & take him into a NYC hospital to SEE the patients on respirators & ventilators, look at the tired, harried eyes of the health workers over their masks...do you think it would make him feel anything even close to compassion?\n@realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 34390, "original_id": "1250934167623385090", "reply_id": "1250942927913746433", "label": "agree", "text": "Just reading the \"guidelines\" for \"Reopening America Again\" -- It's amazing that we are paying idiots to write these things and come up with this nonsense. 'Our' government is waaayy too bloated and self-absorbed. Here's my guidelines: OPEN IT UP AND GET THE F*CK OUT OF OUR WAY!"} {"idx": 34393, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251218188437729281", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 34394, "original_id": "1250842644441436162", "reply_id": "1250851691945242625", "label": "ok", "text": "@Bee_Landree make me some banana pudding"} {"idx": 34396, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250936679571079170", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 34397, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1251136756197593089", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 34399, "original_id": "1251191495908118537", "reply_id": "1251207934295465984", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "“If his beard don’t connect neither will we” \n\nYou ugly as hell ma’am what makes you think we connect in general ?!?"} {"idx": 34400, "original_id": "1250871654244286464", "reply_id": "1250876588855615488", "label": "seriously", "text": "I just said 'ok boomer' to my teenage daughter. I think I'm doing this right"} {"idx": 34403, "original_id": "1250845461029834760", "reply_id": "1250864805411463169", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who wants a virtual high five? 🖐"} {"idx": 34404, "original_id": "1251139872930193410", "reply_id": "1251141262817681408", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Boom boom ciao"} {"idx": 34405, "original_id": "1251271800689954819", "reply_id": "1251271892679475200", "label": "applause", "text": "🎉Flash Giveaway 🎉\n\n1x HayhaBots\n1x Express Monthly \n\nRules:\nFollow, Retweet and Like!\n@ExpressNotify\n \n@HayhaBots\n\nWinner picked in 1 hour!"} {"idx": 34408, "original_id": "1251009721114517504", "reply_id": "1251010596138561536", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was not a good day. And I ate my feelings. Every last one of them."} {"idx": 34409, "original_id": "1250892673612943362", "reply_id": "1250901713013346309", "label": "shocked", "text": "At this point if a girl hugged me I’d nut"} {"idx": 34410, "original_id": "1250818479835537409", "reply_id": "1250895034435555328", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I'm not all that religious but if anyone can send strengthening vibes. Please do. This is going to be a hard day."} {"idx": 34412, "original_id": "1250872224816529409", "reply_id": "1250966829020975105", "label": "applause", "text": "Just joined a work call from home. Have everything routed through my GoXLR. Upon talking I hear this weird sound but ignore it. 10 minutes later I realized my \"FX\" button was turned on and I was talking with a high pitched voice mod. That was interesting to explain."} {"idx": 34415, "original_id": "1250850515728162816", "reply_id": "1250966113216847872", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Socialism is that person we lean on and use as a crutch until we recover from our trauma, only to reunite with our toxic partner capitalism."} {"idx": 34417, "original_id": "1250996150271905792", "reply_id": "1251099062931206145", "label": "shocked", "text": "i hope my temperature goes down feel like im on fire and im cold too 😔"} {"idx": 34418, "original_id": "1251234674946392064", "reply_id": "1251235327718633472", "label": "agree", "text": "You're an adult and this is twitter. You can remove the asterisks from your curse words."} {"idx": 34421, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251253564233658368", "label": "applause", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 34423, "original_id": "1250846206818836480", "reply_id": "1250848946676658176", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "@OmarAbdullah Sir, do you like my follower count?"} {"idx": 34424, "original_id": "1251027251979710465", "reply_id": "1251027349279129601", "label": "awww", "text": "if you see this, i hope you are doing great <3"} {"idx": 34426, "original_id": "1250995555997831168", "reply_id": "1251008148023832576", "label": "ok", "text": "i dont care how bad quarantine gets im not watching avatar the last airbender"} {"idx": 34427, "original_id": "1250954030815338502", "reply_id": "1251030632328822784", "label": "agree", "text": "It’s not the Flu!\n\n(It’s an influenza like illness) 🙄"} {"idx": 34431, "original_id": "1250926869983178752", "reply_id": "1251008879238041600", "label": "shocked", "text": "I find it utterly fascinating that the most prevalent part of my first week working in a Wal-Mart is that I'm sure I heard the Crazy Frog songs more times in one week than ever in my life until now."} {"idx": 34441, "original_id": "1251058939317248000", "reply_id": "1251059747819667457", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Let it be known that I directly slapped the entire cast of Chapo Trap House in the mouth on Twitter dot com, and lived to tell the tale.\n\nTheir botnets are the weakest they've been."} {"idx": 34442, "original_id": "1251226219665920000", "reply_id": "1251235541741441025", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "This one am hearing shekau wants to surrender, it's like the Covid-19 pandemic is really caughting up with them. They are running out of supplies and support from their allies."} {"idx": 34443, "original_id": "1250482702572290048", "reply_id": "1250952934285664256", "label": "shocked", "text": "they put cheesticks in the philly cheesesteak"} {"idx": 34451, "original_id": "1251179865543507968", "reply_id": "1251226581101617159", "label": "shrug", "text": "my mom made the best spaghetti and meatballs yesterday for dinner and before we went to sleep last night gerardo smiles and says “i can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and eat that spaghetti for breakfast, lunch & dinner” 😂😂😍 he’s not kidding either"} {"idx": 34455, "original_id": "1250997361041641472", "reply_id": "1251131818151161856", "label": "ok", "text": "You missed out on a great thing..."} {"idx": 34456, "original_id": "1250888075108122624", "reply_id": "1250888678093852672", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Twitter should remove the option of posting GIFs. 😳"} {"idx": 34458, "original_id": "1251196558017691650", "reply_id": "1251213319085719554", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Most triple-doubles all-time: \n\nOscar Robertson-181\nRussell Westbrook-146\nMagic Johnson-138\nJason Kidd-107\nLeBron James-94\nWilt Chamberlain-78\nLarry Bird-59\nJames Harden-46\nFat Lever-43\nNikola Jokic-40\nRajon Rondo-32\nJohn Havlicek-29\nGrant Hill-29\nMichael Jordan-28\nBen Simmons-28"} {"idx": 34462, "original_id": "1250890679825436672", "reply_id": "1250898912279478273", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Tomorrow Gameday against @gocr4zy. Lets keep our #1 Place. 🔥🤗"} {"idx": 34463, "original_id": "1250852958671118336", "reply_id": "1250858427192168451", "label": "sigh", "text": "Next an Arab or Caucasian man tries to talk to me, I’ll let them bless my life."} {"idx": 34464, "original_id": "1250966036612087812", "reply_id": "1251163904383700995", "label": "ok", "text": "Got the stimulus today. So if you see your boy walking around in new pair Lululemons. Don't be jealous. Just admire and be thankful you got to witness the booty in all its glory."} {"idx": 34469, "original_id": "1251172011478482948", "reply_id": "1251174771959771140", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Random out of context gif replies with no accompanying text are to twitter what the luddite mother minion memes are to facebook\n\nChange my mind"} {"idx": 34470, "original_id": "1250830347257946112", "reply_id": "1250839343486447622", "label": "shocked", "text": "Supervisor (on Zoom): Cle, do you have something you want to tell us? I see you put on your wig for this meeting 😂🤣"} {"idx": 34472, "original_id": "1250699606205149184", "reply_id": "1250839705962205184", "label": "applause", "text": "Lockdown no way defeats virus, only stops it for sometime: Rahul Gandhi"} {"idx": 34475, "original_id": "1251132520193642497", "reply_id": "1251134504984440832", "label": "applause", "text": "Wanted to order food from a place that didn't deliver to my location by zomato. And swiggy doesnt have the restaurant. Used swiggy genie to get it picked up and delivered. Valid hack or not really?"} {"idx": 34476, "original_id": "1251172389322399744", "reply_id": "1251174073792696321", "label": "eww", "text": "My professor licked his cat on Zoom"} {"idx": 34481, "original_id": "1251238409600774144", "reply_id": "1251238683333681152", "label": "omg", "text": "Got so bored I started talking to my friends"} {"idx": 34482, "original_id": "1250928343760986119", "reply_id": "1250951254190305280", "label": "no", "text": "One of my packages came and a roach fell out 🤬😒"} {"idx": 34485, "original_id": "1251196637155930119", "reply_id": "1251205331033772033", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So I’ve been saying covic instead of covid for a month and no-one on this app told me anything about it?"} {"idx": 34486, "original_id": "1251185895576793089", "reply_id": "1251266300019703810", "label": "applause", "text": "Did you know:\n\nIlhan Omar's campaign is on track to pay her husband's consulting firm $1.16 MILLION in 2020\n\nLast year, while she was having an affair with her now-husband she paid his firm $523K\n\nHow is this legal?\n\nShe's funneling money back into her own pockets\n\nInvestigate!"} {"idx": 34487, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251048453121204224", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 34494, "original_id": "1250924622536749057", "reply_id": "1250925544746577920", "label": "please", "text": "Anyone need a copy for YeezySupply this weekend?\n\nReply to this tweet and I will pick a few!"} {"idx": 34495, "original_id": "1251212927354298368", "reply_id": "1251213357522186240", "label": "idk", "text": "What is tulog (?)"} {"idx": 34498, "original_id": "1250857743814217730", "reply_id": "1251071445423345665", "label": "applause", "text": "Hey #Lovers ... Getting ready to #ClapForCarers #ClapForKeyWorkers. Love, respect and endless gratitude! I, WE 💖 YOU!"} {"idx": 34499, "original_id": "1251013375854706690", "reply_id": "1251119311533506560", "label": "oops", "text": "QUESTION for critics who were at the #BlackWidow screening just before lockdown - are we allowed to talk about the ham scene or is that under NDA? Guessing no because of the cameo but wasn’t sure"} {"idx": 34500, "original_id": "1250933396836167681", "reply_id": "1250934052774961152", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Okay, I can share the good news with everyone TOMORROW. On the bright side, everything is finalized! :D"} {"idx": 34502, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250931321637081089", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 34503, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251031166125256704", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 34508, "original_id": "1250895978799890432", "reply_id": "1250899665689522176", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "\"You can't trust anything coming out of China!\" he typed furiously into his iPhone."} {"idx": 34509, "original_id": "1250957010532696066", "reply_id": "1250973756656418817", "label": "hug", "text": "I just tested positive for COVID-19. I lost my sense of taste about a week ago — a mild symptom, the doctor said. Quarantine has now turned into isolation. Luckily, taste is beginning to come back. The doc expects me to recover fully, told me to call if I have any chest pains."} {"idx": 34510, "original_id": "1250764213582278657", "reply_id": "1250868139941867523", "label": "agree", "text": "People think retweets or likes or views on a video equates to some sort of happiness or satisfaction, Hahahaha. None of that shit matters man. Your life does not change with that stuff. Your life changes when you fix the things you don’t like about it. \n\nSo go do that. Today."} {"idx": 34511, "original_id": "1251273905022603270", "reply_id": "1251275195576451073", "label": "want", "text": "One margarita deep & I’m contemplating cutting my hair 🙃💇🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 34512, "original_id": "1251123839892848645", "reply_id": "1251125096640655361", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Can’t let all my negative past experiences change who I am. Hurt will never make me bitter, ever"} {"idx": 34515, "original_id": "1250904949170376704", "reply_id": "1250905824223993857", "label": "shocked", "text": "Don’t you think it’s weird when you touch your teeth you’re touching your skull? ☠️"} {"idx": 34516, "original_id": "1251132190475161600", "reply_id": "1251134326537891841", "label": "shocked", "text": "No one:\nAbsolutely no one:\n@wannabeludgate : street 1 cafe is pinnacle of refined cuisine"} {"idx": 34518, "original_id": "1250801497023164417", "reply_id": "1250896794520817665", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "There's been power company trucks spotted in my neighborhood 😬😂🙏🤞"} {"idx": 34519, "original_id": "1250914272986591232", "reply_id": "1250974998099111941", "label": "agree", "text": "You ever see someone post a shoe you have & go look for it but can’t find it .."} {"idx": 34520, "original_id": "1250863361169948673", "reply_id": "1250875996464656393", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "when i drink bourbon i feel mature af"} {"idx": 34522, "original_id": "1251181731689963520", "reply_id": "1251187710431240193", "label": "awww", "text": "A lot of people who want to \"Liberate America\" don't understand that until there's adequate testing and/or a viable treatment or vaccine, we need to stay home - just like Trump did during Vietnam. #StayHomeLikeTrumpinVietnam"} {"idx": 34528, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250889145460776961", "label": "seriously", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 34530, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250943347365158912", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 34533, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250872623451512832", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 34536, "original_id": "1251181675918303237", "reply_id": "1251191757376761857", "label": "shocked", "text": "I have 126 pairs of underwear."} {"idx": 34537, "original_id": "1250857359578202114", "reply_id": "1250858079001866240", "label": "please", "text": "Every beautiful face on here: \n\"Share a selfie!\""} {"idx": 34538, "original_id": "1250935453307396096", "reply_id": "1250939351904772099", "label": "popcorn", "text": "i’m not about to argue with someone with no profile picture 😂 i said what i said. & i meant it"} {"idx": 34539, "original_id": "1251007854544326656", "reply_id": "1251008736350486529", "label": "seriously", "text": "Friday."} {"idx": 34541, "original_id": "1250936047912939520", "reply_id": "1250936942742691841", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I’m gonna dye my hair. Right now. Brb."} {"idx": 34542, "original_id": "1250955707966423040", "reply_id": "1250956875237113865", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just saw a new comedy special on Netflix. Going to keep my thoughts to myself for obvious reasons. There are many like me. I’m only tweeting this so you know that you are not alone."} {"idx": 34545, "original_id": "1251032492334866433", "reply_id": "1251033128061173760", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@jiboonyan Happy birthday"} {"idx": 34546, "original_id": "1250867303195041793", "reply_id": "1251069194084462594", "label": "applause", "text": "Everytime CARDI B speaks and people like her, i feel both my IQ drop and feel like i need a shot of penicillan."} {"idx": 34548, "original_id": "1251004056681603072", "reply_id": "1251248152079974408", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Today I learned Ellen makes $50 million a year and the show has been around for 18 years aaaand her crew isn’t being paid adequately. Hmm."} {"idx": 34551, "original_id": "1250864869664047104", "reply_id": "1250868158610710528", "label": "please", "text": "okay i’m bored and want to talk about theatre again. respond with a gif and i’ll recommend you a musical/play! ✨"} {"idx": 34552, "original_id": "1250876917995241472", "reply_id": "1250890554659016704", "label": "yes", "text": "In @CarmieV's and @ScottSBucs' final mock draft, they make a bold move to secure a certain player 👀"} {"idx": 34553, "original_id": "1251194873539112968", "reply_id": "1251197601678086146", "label": "agree", "text": "Apparently today is #pizzafriday with #greatamericanpizzaparty and I’m wondering if it counts that I ate 2 cold slices at 2am this morning?"} {"idx": 34554, "original_id": "1250905208835788803", "reply_id": "1250908391117070339", "label": "hug", "text": "Three more weeks of lockdown! \nI'll get so I'm frightened of going out, that's probably what they want!!!!"} {"idx": 34557, "original_id": "1250853368618053633", "reply_id": "1250949354157989889", "label": "yes", "text": "I think my wife and I are starting our podcast today!"} {"idx": 34559, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250951196828893184", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 34560, "original_id": "1251056356439863296", "reply_id": "1251099128555343873", "label": "facepalm", "text": "BREAKING: Hundreds of people gather on Westminster Bridge to applaud the NHS staff who will be treating them for coronavirus next week."} {"idx": 34562, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1250859349892792320", "label": "yawn", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 34563, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1250924112312180739", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 34568, "original_id": "1250899554641289216", "reply_id": "1250899725575950338", "label": "applause", "text": "Twitter Philanthropy News\n\n✅ Successfully Lobbied and Predicted $96 Billion Drug Company for their CoronaVirus Drug \n\n✅ Launched “Bailout Humans” with success across the world in last two days\n\n✅ Gave over $20,000 cash out to people in need \n\n ✅ Many more. Look at timeline 👍"} {"idx": 34571, "original_id": "1251139107608092672", "reply_id": "1251186769606950912", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve officially lost 30 lbs!!!!!!"} {"idx": 34573, "original_id": "1251152428306542594", "reply_id": "1251178724462116864", "label": "oops", "text": "I really want cookies man. Our oven is broken and now we cant make anymore 😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 34577, "original_id": "1251013367155896321", "reply_id": "1251016735337013249", "label": "applause", "text": "I beat sonic heroes super hard mode.\n\nLet that sink in."} {"idx": 34578, "original_id": "1250960564676972546", "reply_id": "1251095010155560961", "label": "shocked", "text": "So is this @Beyonce “Savage” remix with @theestallion really happening?"} {"idx": 34579, "original_id": "1250972577616531457", "reply_id": "1250973026595848192", "label": "yes", "text": "Just woke so who wants a follow 👀"} {"idx": 34580, "original_id": "1250842385988358145", "reply_id": "1250844300872687618", "label": "hug", "text": "Kept going back to sleep because every time I woke up, I was cold & sad. Love it."} {"idx": 34581, "original_id": "754675185731579904", "reply_id": "1250835673310879744", "label": "awww", "text": "WHOIS@women4remote"} {"idx": 34583, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251223803520266241", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 34584, "original_id": "1250648498355068929", "reply_id": "1250841982462685185", "label": "ok", "text": "Facts: Final fantasy 7 is, always has been, and always will be the greatest rpg ever made. And remake is the greatest game ever made. Don’t @ me."} {"idx": 34585, "original_id": "1251053982220537856", "reply_id": "1251054140500987904", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "y’all telling me to stop now 🥺"} {"idx": 34587, "original_id": "1250481612833402891", "reply_id": "1250857405522620416", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm now seeing that at least 90% of Americans are ignorant to how #economics & the national debt work. They're on FB begging to get another $2K per month but then complaining that almond milk is now $7 per half gal. Want to see it inflate more? Cash another #StimulusCheck. 😏"} {"idx": 34588, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1250968039648100357", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 34591, "original_id": "1250849754273189888", "reply_id": "1250851154138935297", "label": "yes", "text": "So like... y’all want this new no money spent video?"} {"idx": 34596, "original_id": "1250785382540677120", "reply_id": "1250924414935478273", "label": "applause", "text": "Just realised for the last 9 months I’ve averaged 3-5 news stories a day on @VillageNintendo, recorded a podcast once a week, produced a weekly scripted video, written a bunch of reviews and features, and edited shedloads of other content for the site, all while working full time"} {"idx": 34597, "original_id": "1251014141084647429", "reply_id": "1251050638005370880", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@Headuarrrd happy birthday 🥳🥰"} {"idx": 34598, "original_id": "1251157730091397121", "reply_id": "1251165188650221569", "label": "oops", "text": "why is it snowing"} {"idx": 34599, "original_id": "1250921408080646144", "reply_id": "1250934520536276995", "label": "win", "text": "PSA: All Ring 3 blockers have been resolved at this time for Halo 2 and Halo 2: Anniversary flighting to begin on Friday, 4/17. We will let folks know when buttons are being pressed for invites to roll out. Stay tuned to get tactical Marines!"} {"idx": 34600, "original_id": "1250819365815095302", "reply_id": "1250835308851220481", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm fed up, loves. Fed up of feeling and looking like shit. Fed up of having no energy for anything. Fed up of feeling low. Fed up of moaning about being fed up when I have so much to be thankful for. Fed up of being fed up.\n\nFed up."} {"idx": 34602, "original_id": "1251206345338040325", "reply_id": "1251244765783502850", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you agree that Twitter should shut down Donald Trump’s account ✋\n\n(He is unhinged.)"} {"idx": 34603, "original_id": "1250806526555586560", "reply_id": "1250862147904638978", "label": "shocked", "text": "Quarantine day ???:\n\nhelping someone who HAS A PHD use Microsoft PowerPoint \n\nI wish I was joking"} {"idx": 34604, "original_id": "1250786627460517889", "reply_id": "1250967549107408902", "label": "seriously", "text": "If the Giants select Derrick Brown, what will your reaction be? \n\n#giantschat"} {"idx": 34607, "original_id": "1251172404140953607", "reply_id": "1251174353863151617", "label": "yes", "text": "Anyone sleep holding 🏀"} {"idx": 34610, "original_id": "1250959073257811969", "reply_id": "1251032053031854081", "label": "no", "text": "Welp this whole COVID19 thing means I probably shouldn’t call this new piece “Lick The Handle.”"} {"idx": 34611, "original_id": "1250881918255521792", "reply_id": "1250882733003493376", "label": "hug", "text": "i'm not really one to get home sick, and i've been living in a different city from my parents for almost 2 years now.\n\nbut working from home, i can hear someone mowing the lawn outside and it reminds me of my dad when he mows the lawn on the weekends.\n\ni miss them 😔"} {"idx": 34612, "original_id": "1251069597693943810", "reply_id": "1251070113840840704", "label": "high_five", "text": "I HAVE VALORANT"} {"idx": 34613, "original_id": "1251132438430048256", "reply_id": "1251134041568444416", "label": "sigh", "text": "Today @TheHoopGroup \nSpring JamFest would have tip-off. @NookBasketball 🏀🙏"} {"idx": 34614, "original_id": "1251066115511517186", "reply_id": "1251114695941148674", "label": "agree", "text": "At times being a strong person can be tiring like you end up carrying a lot of unnecessary weight 😪"} {"idx": 34615, "original_id": "1249776602575142920", "reply_id": "1251121101448417283", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Here is a fun experiment, if this tweet gets only 1 like and maintains that one like for a minute, I’ll give said person $100,000\n\nWork together people!"} {"idx": 34617, "original_id": "1251246063656337410", "reply_id": "1251251081742606336", "label": "no", "text": "Describe your Covid-19 breakdown... I shaved my head twice and I’m planning on joining the military again 🥴"} {"idx": 34618, "original_id": "1251042980762251264", "reply_id": "1251048781363081216", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Always nervous to go to sleep when I have a tweet going 1000x more wild than I thought it would so uh, night everyone? Fingers crossed I don’t wake up to like death threats or some shit"} {"idx": 34620, "original_id": "1250707503542874112", "reply_id": "1250848469822177281", "label": "yes", "text": "Jamie Redknapp on Sky Sports just now saying that after talking to the Reuben Brothers he believes it's 'only a matter of time' before #nufctakeover will be done.\n\nMore positive noises. 👏"} {"idx": 34621, "original_id": "1251043024659984387", "reply_id": "1251156232053780486", "label": "hug", "text": "happy founders day to my fave swans: @Nydsss_ @shoretea8 and @vanemontalvo9 💙❤️🦢🥳 yes people, GAMMAS and SWANS can be friends 🥰💘"} {"idx": 34623, "original_id": "1250832023805210624", "reply_id": "1250857750378266626", "label": "agree", "text": "If multiple teams are ”aggressively trying to trade up” for CeeDee Lamb shouldn't the Browns just take him 🤔"} {"idx": 34624, "original_id": "1251004464485498881", "reply_id": "1251176494568812544", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Yo sex tape got leaked yo first 2 emojis is yo response... \nMines: 🗣😭"} {"idx": 34628, "original_id": "1250855624470155271", "reply_id": "1250892038314303488", "label": "yes", "text": "Raise your hand if you think it's time to reopen America. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 34629, "original_id": "1251199193043083265", "reply_id": "1251226249525108738", "label": "applause", "text": "What"} {"idx": 34631, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251059480697004035", "label": "eww", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 34633, "original_id": "1251020688623906817", "reply_id": "1251021803310415872", "label": "yolo", "text": "Let’s talk about the pain we feel when we grow apart from our Dm rooms."} {"idx": 34636, "original_id": "1250885905826697216", "reply_id": "1250888290796003344", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m so sick of doing my disso"} {"idx": 34637, "original_id": "1251045631382020096", "reply_id": "1251046061558263808", "label": "yes", "text": "what if i make a marukilovesyou twitter account. hm"} {"idx": 34638, "original_id": "1251255007938314243", "reply_id": "1251255538370912258", "label": "applause", "text": "How dare Glover Quinn come out in an article talking about Patricias arrogance? What the fuck did slay, Quinn, and diggs win and how often, makes them know more than the winningest coaches on earth??? Who is arrogant in this scenario??? GTFOH 🤦🏽‍♀️🦁🏈"} {"idx": 34640, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251114679121960960", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 34645, "original_id": "1251168507275825155", "reply_id": "1251171663351173120", "label": "hug", "text": "Send hug please, i’m sad rn."} {"idx": 34648, "original_id": "1251213952589213708", "reply_id": "1251214117978939398", "label": "applause", "text": "Highly requested upload incoming…"} {"idx": 34649, "original_id": "1251201279382171650", "reply_id": "1251217749050904577", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Gov. Cuomo on Trump: \"He's doing nothing … All he's doing is walking in front of the parade.\""} {"idx": 34650, "original_id": "1251002195513954304", "reply_id": "1251056253759086593", "label": "hug", "text": "anyone wanna airdrop me some affection before i die of loneliness"} {"idx": 34651, "original_id": "1250910490970161155", "reply_id": "1250921731667230721", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug. I’m sad."} {"idx": 34655, "original_id": "1251223389089513477", "reply_id": "1251230258092703744", "label": "sigh", "text": "Yall ever randomly get these memories of people and then wonder if you also exist in their mind like they exist in yours"} {"idx": 34660, "original_id": "1250971449566752769", "reply_id": "1251022008927891458", "label": "sigh", "text": "Wonder why LeBron didn't participate in yet another stand-alone contest - the HORSE tournament. No Dunk Contest. No 3-Point Contest. No televised HORSE."} {"idx": 34661, "original_id": "1250965269175910400", "reply_id": "1250973995647881217", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "COVID-19 got us lookin like Mortal Kombat characters"} {"idx": 34664, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251259269686706178", "label": "ok", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 34665, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251171652924293125", "label": "agree", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 34667, "original_id": "1251030479358160897", "reply_id": "1251096796132249602", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I got sexy soft nudes and no where to send them too"} {"idx": 34668, "original_id": "1251042120997183490", "reply_id": "1251122277791477760", "label": "hug", "text": "So....one of my uncles passed away earlier today from liver failure. I don't know to handle it, so I'm pretending I'm ok. I'm feeling a breakdown coming on though. I wasn't even really close to him. Should I feel weird for being so sad? I kinda do. But it still really hurts."} {"idx": 34670, "original_id": "1251262069166374912", "reply_id": "1251263423389659136", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "i’m tryna bless a bottle"} {"idx": 34672, "original_id": "1250946335437582336", "reply_id": "1251167586081034246", "label": "shocked", "text": "FUN FACT: In the Archie comics, Pepper Smith WAS the fourth Pussycat back when the group first formed!"} {"idx": 34673, "original_id": "1250848096214548481", "reply_id": "1251272970934325249", "label": "dance", "text": "I officially beat COVID-19 💪🏾"} {"idx": 34674, "original_id": "1250922184467349504", "reply_id": "1250937742973943811", "label": "yes", "text": "Things bout to get real interesting in Japan...so many options."} {"idx": 34679, "original_id": "1251190160206823429", "reply_id": "1251215011738988546", "label": "awww", "text": "I miss the time when all i did was get jonzed"} {"idx": 34680, "original_id": "1250893096499503104", "reply_id": "1250893935997865984", "label": "agree", "text": "I have been on twitter for 11 years..I can say I have made some amazing friends and during this lockdown there is no way I would have remained sane without you guys...thank you (now back to my regularly scheduled sarcastic program)"} {"idx": 34682, "original_id": "1250869739674574848", "reply_id": "1250870238477824000", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all love Kelli, she annoying as hell to me lol"} {"idx": 34683, "original_id": "1251125140370239488", "reply_id": "1251138926594662401", "label": "good_luck", "text": "can I get more encouragement pls, your messages helped a lot last time and I’d like to maybe do a day look tomorrow :-) slowly easing back in"} {"idx": 34685, "original_id": "1250985263381139457", "reply_id": "1250989310116937729", "label": "applause", "text": "Praise me, for I have exercised"} {"idx": 34687, "original_id": "1250833928497348608", "reply_id": "1250834505721688064", "label": "eww", "text": "Dirty fingernails are one of the few things I can’t stand 😭"} {"idx": 34692, "original_id": "1250845530365800448", "reply_id": "1250871446626349060", "label": "smh", "text": "To say “People will die, so be it” instead of a science & testing-based path to reopening the economy is deeply frivolous & wrong.\n\nEvery life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community. This is something we are all in together. #FamiliesFirst"} {"idx": 34693, "original_id": "1251231716787867649", "reply_id": "1251232669800808448", "label": "dance", "text": "There are so many more of those dance videos, fyi. I love to move my body :p"} {"idx": 34694, "original_id": "1251108787617959938", "reply_id": "1251146119687450625", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today on FOX we are going to hear from Dr. House, Dr. Doogie Howser, Dr. Pepper, and a MAGA who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express on their thoughts of COVID-19 and why we should reopen the country."} {"idx": 34695, "original_id": "1251110200351821824", "reply_id": "1251119517712990211", "label": "agree", "text": "Did You know Chesney Hawkes is an anagram of Cheesey Wanks? #ThisMorning #itv"} {"idx": 34696, "original_id": "1250898942910496774", "reply_id": "1251182480620769280", "label": "seriously", "text": "I can’t lie being naturally slim is top 2. I’ve worked out for two days and I can already see abs 😂 we love to see it"} {"idx": 34697, "original_id": "1250860727306502151", "reply_id": "1250865444115881986", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My sister wanted me to buy paper towels and I bought toilet paper... I have failed."} {"idx": 34698, "original_id": "1251016212793843713", "reply_id": "1251027720785387521", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Pressured )):"} {"idx": 34700, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251027965694971904", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 34701, "original_id": "1250865524453576705", "reply_id": "1250866751174332416", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Snakes are technically just tails with faces 🤔"} {"idx": 34703, "original_id": "1251176910551482369", "reply_id": "1251181659535421446", "label": "applause", "text": "The proof is in the pudding. Minnesota has one of the (if not the) lowest infection rate in the country. We've seen the best success with our social distancing and stay-at-home order. Keep doing you @GovTimWalz. Regardless of party, just look at the data."} {"idx": 34704, "original_id": "1251272595057586179", "reply_id": "1251273356978065409", "label": "scared", "text": "Are you out your mind, @kierrasheard? \n\nWell since we sharing, y’all need to forgive Denise."} {"idx": 34706, "original_id": "1250968617044279300", "reply_id": "1251012427132604423", "label": "win", "text": "Posted an optional assignment for my seniors today.....her comment was, “Don’t need my grade to be changed, I was just bored lol.” She wrote near 1000 words in response to the assignment. I, on the other hand, have no words for this. Amazing work kiddo! @WoodbridgeHS"} {"idx": 34710, "original_id": "1251147528889708550", "reply_id": "1251175455778103297", "label": "shocked", "text": "Anyone else wonder how every prostitute in Disney’s original animated Aladdin seems to know his name?"} {"idx": 34712, "original_id": "1251188869900505089", "reply_id": "1251201063509725188", "label": "wink", "text": "Do you think we'll ever find out who Satoshi really is?"} {"idx": 34713, "original_id": "1250943315622547456", "reply_id": "1250957988350898180", "label": "shocked", "text": "I need to get back to the office ASAP. Cabin fever has driven me to purchase Captain America #100 and Incredible Hulk #181 in the last 2 days. This must stop!"} {"idx": 34714, "original_id": "1251195171422842882", "reply_id": "1251212298322133009", "label": "omg", "text": "My roommate made the pasta from the ramen package and mixed it with this sauce I made for Rasta pasta earlier in the week and I really just want to know when life got THAT hard."} {"idx": 34715, "original_id": "1251080055712776193", "reply_id": "1251124271113535489", "label": "good_luck", "text": "#lcfc's @JamesJustin98 will join a host of Premier League stars to put their @EASPORTSFIFA skills to the test in the inaugural #ePL Invitational tournament! 🎮"} {"idx": 34717, "original_id": "1251236901085995008", "reply_id": "1251239418901549058", "label": "shocked", "text": "TL sleep? Fried chicken trash and always been trash."} {"idx": 34719, "original_id": "1250968219071938560", "reply_id": "1250968577684848641", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "How y’all doing?!"} {"idx": 34721, "original_id": "1250919338405756928", "reply_id": "1250925800490139648", "label": "no", "text": "I ate too much chips and queso"} {"idx": 34722, "original_id": "1251249506500427778", "reply_id": "1251252362263646210", "label": "applause", "text": "Announcement tonight at 9 PM."} {"idx": 34725, "original_id": "1250907670460223490", "reply_id": "1251040748746747904", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The plant that closed indefinitely due to 733 (employees/close contact with) cases of Covid-19 the other day is already making plans to reopen. 🙃"} {"idx": 34726, "original_id": "1250929503863373824", "reply_id": "1250929647841353731", "label": "hug", "text": "*Hugs*"} {"idx": 34727, "original_id": "1250992950965932034", "reply_id": "1251121791587635201", "label": "applause", "text": "Oprah isn't fuckin responsible for Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil turning into monsters. \n\nSTOP LOOKING FOR A WOMAN TO BLAME EVERY TIME SHITTY WHITE MEN ACT LIKE SHITTY WHITE MEN, YOU SEXIST FUCKS."} {"idx": 34728, "original_id": "1250888751460634629", "reply_id": "1250893022079758337", "label": "hug", "text": "Dogs are making me cry today."} {"idx": 34730, "original_id": "1250968174889222145", "reply_id": "1251168841478090753", "label": "agree", "text": "once I finish shipping out all my orders (i was very productive today and only actually have 2 left) I’m going to announce a cool giveaway as thanks for you all being so awesome!! 💜"} {"idx": 34731, "original_id": "1251026861049540608", "reply_id": "1251031930755137537", "label": "eww", "text": "FUCK GUYS I WAS SLEEPING ON TOP OF A BABY RAT I FICKING KILLED IT"} {"idx": 34737, "original_id": "1250902921685975043", "reply_id": "1250904433745186816", "label": "win", "text": "Pls vote for me 🧯🧯🧯🧯 #QOC"} {"idx": 34738, "original_id": "1250955881216454656", "reply_id": "1250961467567824896", "label": "hug", "text": "I have lost 50% of my income and don't know how I'm going to cover the nortgage...millions have it much worse. I still would rather go through this than see us open up prematurely and lose tens of thousands more Americans. Lives and health are so much more important..."} {"idx": 34739, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251218921371377664", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 34741, "original_id": "1250836893622829057", "reply_id": "1250840039959015426", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Shout out to all of the people who put \"working from home\" as their slack status at a time when everyone on our slack is working from home."} {"idx": 34742, "original_id": "1250962185033039872", "reply_id": "1251029590795059200", "label": "seriously", "text": "If it were not for the irresponsible behavior of the Chinese communist party there would be no #COVID19Pandemic \n\nThousands of Americans would still be alive and 22 million Americans would still be working at their jobs.\n\nChina is responsible. It is time to hold them to account."} {"idx": 34746, "original_id": "1251095556035756032", "reply_id": "1251103825299038208", "label": "eww", "text": "Hey @vanbadham - introducing @carolduncan to Dune.... stand by"} {"idx": 34748, "original_id": "1250923773232066560", "reply_id": "1250928859903598592", "label": "high_five", "text": "It’s weird tweeting when it’s not 3 am and I’m in half asleep delirious state..... hi."} {"idx": 34753, "original_id": "1250827929392689154", "reply_id": "1250836850186436609", "label": "agree", "text": "Oh. Today is “National horny day?” \n\nI thought that was every day."} {"idx": 34755, "original_id": "1251133567360475137", "reply_id": "1251134144849088514", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I didn't do any writing yesterday.\n\nBut I did finish my daily contract work, research places to submit to, submitted 2 pieces, cleaned up on my submission tracker, and set up a work calendar.\n\nAlso got an acceptance from a semi-pro place.\n\nSo... You don't have to write every day."} {"idx": 34757, "original_id": "1251267985466994688", "reply_id": "1251268406810206215", "label": "hug", "text": "hit a real bad low"} {"idx": 34760, "original_id": "1251073762239238144", "reply_id": "1251158527286013953", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all niggas like y’all booty being eaten ?"} {"idx": 34762, "original_id": "1251224311903510528", "reply_id": "1251231189534416897", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Shout out to the people who are never offended when Black people say, \"White people\", you're appreciated."} {"idx": 34766, "original_id": "1250970071075377153", "reply_id": "1251142964065087492", "label": "yes", "text": "Can we just skip past all of this and get to Halloween season?"} {"idx": 34767, "original_id": "1250797064763686917", "reply_id": "1250837715781914627", "label": "omg", "text": "i will outpizza the hut"} {"idx": 34769, "original_id": "1250861807507570689", "reply_id": "1250862929865515008", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I hate when people spell my name wrong"} {"idx": 34772, "original_id": "1251253743204663296", "reply_id": "1251256430948167681", "label": "ok", "text": "Slay queens are now asleep..Awake are hardworking bright ladies.Readers.Leaders. This tweet is for you. Beauty without brains is the private parts that suffers most.Drop your handles let us follow you."} {"idx": 34774, "original_id": "1250845530365800448", "reply_id": "1250920078092177408", "label": "smh", "text": "To say “People will die, so be it” instead of a science & testing-based path to reopening the economy is deeply frivolous & wrong.\n\nEvery life is precious. Each death is heartbreaking — for a family & for a community. This is something we are all in together. #FamiliesFirst"} {"idx": 34777, "original_id": "1250909530059427840", "reply_id": "1250938962312679425", "label": "yes", "text": "Anybody out there ever get the urge to slap the taste out of somebody's mouth?"} {"idx": 34778, "original_id": "1250806325296185346", "reply_id": "1250849022069391361", "label": "yes", "text": "Should i try and do my own faux dreads?"} {"idx": 34779, "original_id": "1251261975172190211", "reply_id": "1251262493164482562", "label": "idk", "text": "I'm trying to understand how we got to a point where there are comments being made to liberate certain states. I'm so confused."} {"idx": 34781, "original_id": "1250978020971606016", "reply_id": "1251106389960929280", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Michael Cohen is going to be released from prison due to the Coronavirus. He is going to try to crush tRump. \n\nHow will this shake out?"} {"idx": 34784, "original_id": "1251132221848801281", "reply_id": "1251132776910389248", "label": "shocked", "text": "time to wake up and fight the pigeon that's been trying to build a nest on my new ac unit for the next 10 hours"} {"idx": 34785, "original_id": "1250968352106835970", "reply_id": "1250972014916988934", "label": "sigh", "text": "js went through his likes .... 😔"} {"idx": 34788, "original_id": "1251262242911379458", "reply_id": "1251266148328443904", "label": "no", "text": "Your friends have a separate group chat without you."} {"idx": 34789, "original_id": "1251214897666457606", "reply_id": "1251229497116024838", "label": "no", "text": "Do you believe this? “We have demonstrated that we can corral the coronavirus” - Texas Gov Abbott"} {"idx": 34795, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250879318256947200", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 34796, "original_id": "1251031760852471808", "reply_id": "1251032278530211840", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ll never be bored enough to cut my own hair."} {"idx": 34799, "original_id": "1250920181867708417", "reply_id": "1251084398449111040", "label": "no", "text": "What’s your reaction when you get told DJM is more valuable than Hopkins and you’d have to add to Hopkins to get DJM? @DynastyFF_KyleM @TheBauerClub @BHartley4144 @McNamaraDynasty @DynastyTheoryFF"} {"idx": 34800, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251183911297781760", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 34802, "original_id": "1251180875972333576", "reply_id": "1251182939716624390", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hi self-hate, long time no see"} {"idx": 34803, "original_id": "1251105495869505537", "reply_id": "1251106416103997440", "label": "popcorn", "text": "MI and Sarz\nDmw and ycee\nIgbo vs Nigeria \nZlatan and Lamar\nPapaya vs twitter \n\nFinna be a long day"} {"idx": 34804, "original_id": "1250932324054818816", "reply_id": "1251153192630378504", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m convinced that for a soulless, incurious, sociopathic dullard like Trump, murder is the only thing left which gets him off.\n\nHe had all the money, women & power there was to have, & now all that’s left to explore is cruelty & death.\n\nHe’s a true monster, as are his enablers."} {"idx": 34805, "original_id": "1251173239113478145", "reply_id": "1251186108731404291", "label": "agree", "text": "In a normal world, I would be doing my @pcaaca panel right now in Philadelphia ☹️"} {"idx": 34807, "original_id": "1251136851269816321", "reply_id": "1251137539446013952", "label": "hug", "text": "Y'all I'm already so irritated."} {"idx": 34808, "original_id": "1251003740490027008", "reply_id": "1251004758929870849", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "TL sleep??? Good... Spongebob is the most overrated cartoon of all time !!!!!"} {"idx": 34810, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250925259361890304", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 34813, "original_id": "1251160577793093632", "reply_id": "1251200039252361216", "label": "no", "text": "Hm, I've noticed something.. Anytime I see a PR search going on, I never see boys that look like me get selected. It's always the same, hyper feminine, no beard. And if they DO have a beard, it's trimmed low-low. \n\nWith that being said, do I have to shave my beard to get noticed?"} {"idx": 34817, "original_id": "1250905014463115264", "reply_id": "1250908525305507843", "label": "applause", "text": "I just parallel parked for the first time \n\n😱😱😱😱😱"} {"idx": 34819, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250926384240709633", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 34821, "original_id": "1251097027078959105", "reply_id": "1251216156993761282", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I really hope @Oprah speaks about the dangerous statements by @DrPhil and @DrOz WE need her voice."} {"idx": 34824, "original_id": "1251110566426480640", "reply_id": "1251110755916812291", "label": "dance", "text": "If you’re reading this you’re blessed🙌🏽 have a positive & productive day. CLAIM IT 🙏🏽‼️❤️💪🏽 GOOD MORNING ☀️"} {"idx": 34826, "original_id": "1250601395935379461", "reply_id": "1250886426197217280", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Bill Gates is seeing his utopian globalization project go up in smoke. We know China lied, Americans died, and a booming economy was fried. Time for real border enforcement and essential products MADE IN USA."} {"idx": 34827, "original_id": "1251033033429397505", "reply_id": "1251058923785859074", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Morning! ☀️\n*little rhyme for you*\nSo I’ve been asked to post more #dadjokes and I’m really not sure why.\nBut in honour of keeping a few of you smiling during #lockdown I’ll endeavour to comply.\n🃏When does a joke become a “dad joke?” \nWhen it becomes apparent.🃏"} {"idx": 34832, "original_id": "1250879056184176640", "reply_id": "1250945283422400517", "label": "applause", "text": "Male online: has any SLIGHT interaction with a woman online.\n\nsimps: OMG YOU FUCKING SIMP!!!!!"} {"idx": 34834, "original_id": "1250937311895969793", "reply_id": "1250938542680752128", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Why do people give a flying fuck about the presentation of their cooking? Eat, it’s just going to get chewed up and slide down your fat disgusting gullet anyway"} {"idx": 34838, "original_id": "1251072565646258176", "reply_id": "1251075088100675585", "label": "ok", "text": "Nah don’t “lmaooo” me now, it’s too late the moment is over CAROL."} {"idx": 34839, "original_id": "1250836481322766341", "reply_id": "1250837971432923136", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug 🥺"} {"idx": 34840, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250946804868419584", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 34841, "original_id": "1250808036614168576", "reply_id": "1250924116112224256", "label": "applause", "text": "I've noticed that every politician and Fake News member who wants us to all be unemployed indefinitely - haven't missed a single paycheck, yet."} {"idx": 34842, "original_id": "1250980062100365312", "reply_id": "1251013140940304384", "label": "agree", "text": "Do I wanna start watching anime?"} {"idx": 34844, "original_id": "1250869958608855040", "reply_id": "1250870829719658497", "label": "no", "text": "If you ain’t trying to laugh stay out my mentions, a beg 🤣"} {"idx": 34847, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1251158718693040134", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 34848, "original_id": "1251152402629058560", "reply_id": "1251209259380961280", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Amplifying the voices of at least ten women. Keep it going!\n@Cagolden71\n@NancyBourque55 \n@KarinSieger \n@rebeccaorr26 \n@Bugaboo687 \n@GriefReiki \n@CarrieJaneZ\n@mumsintheattic \n@estherkane \n@Sallieam"} {"idx": 34850, "original_id": "1251128089532235776", "reply_id": "1251149364564647943", "label": "agree", "text": "Ya'll ever feel like ya'll looks and skills are always at mid tier level? Like you can't really stand out? Physical attributes and talent??"} {"idx": 34853, "original_id": "1250680195482296320", "reply_id": "1251076147951083520", "label": "agree", "text": "Shoutout to all the first time heads of departments who, like me, thought this was an alright time to do it since it looked like this would be a quiet year."} {"idx": 34855, "original_id": "1250937042588090368", "reply_id": "1251036501779140613", "label": "agree", "text": "This “Open Up America Again plan” literally has me cracking up. \n\nThey came out there with this whole presentation and plan that absolutely changes nothing. No tests. No dates. Still up to the states. \n\nThey are as useless as a screen door on a submarine. 🤣🤣😭"} {"idx": 34857, "original_id": "1251000238950584320", "reply_id": "1251008890126417922", "label": "shocked", "text": "would yall believe me when i say ive neevr had breakfast in my life"} {"idx": 34859, "original_id": "1251226668766834689", "reply_id": "1251230159123947520", "label": "yes", "text": "Marvel doing a virtual Hall H panel live on Disney+ seems like a Win-Win for all parties. \n\nPut new content on the streaming service, give fans a look at what’s coming— #BlackWidow, Shang-Chi, Eternals, Falcon & Winter Solider, WandaVision, & Loki have stuff\n\nI volunteer to host."} {"idx": 34862, "original_id": "1250856577982181391", "reply_id": "1250869628399747072", "label": "applause", "text": "Now some of you are stuck with enough toilet paper to last until the next pandemic."} {"idx": 34864, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250945342096445449", "label": "omg", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 34865, "original_id": "1250878250609520640", "reply_id": "1250887052578742278", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Left @AppleMusic \n\nJoined @Spotify"} {"idx": 34868, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251211920104763392", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 34870, "original_id": "1250893764345974785", "reply_id": "1250917047061676033", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you wanna play with me or not?"} {"idx": 34871, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251007160676257792", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 34873, "original_id": "1251138803647033344", "reply_id": "1251190724311334913", "label": "no", "text": "Time to find a new WoW home. Need people to play with and grind stuff with."} {"idx": 34874, "original_id": "1250882475703914502", "reply_id": "1250894557799084032", "label": "yes", "text": "Well, our day is made.\n\n@SherrickM's BACK! 🙌"} {"idx": 34876, "original_id": "1251236769900695569", "reply_id": "1251249045785509888", "label": "shocked", "text": "I cannot drive with one foot. I have to use both or I can’t drive."} {"idx": 34880, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251238696701001731", "label": "thank_you", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 34881, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250936410321956864", "label": "sigh", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 34882, "original_id": "1250911829229883392", "reply_id": "1250913520868134912", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I’ve been practicing my DMX bark and I feel like it’s pretty good but I’m never going to let you guys hear it.\n\nThis is just a tease."} {"idx": 34883, "original_id": "1251186157024616449", "reply_id": "1251186792654442496", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I know the American people will beat this. We’re brave and big-hearted. We’ve emerged stronger from every crisis that has tested us as a nation — and we will again."} {"idx": 34884, "original_id": "1250974910945488896", "reply_id": "1250981936241061888", "label": "applause", "text": "I hit the go-live button and started crying because there were so many people in chat...Now my stream is over and I'm still crying like a little b*tch because I feel so loved. From the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU, EVERYONE!!!"} {"idx": 34885, "original_id": "1251250318156931072", "reply_id": "1251252558276038657", "label": "hug", "text": "A cuddle right now would be sensational"} {"idx": 34886, "original_id": "1250823980358959107", "reply_id": "1250835813304274944", "label": "scared", "text": "My Bluetooth-enabled alarm clock must've picked up a neighbor's device. \"The chase is on,\" my alarm clock said in a friendly, kid's storybook tone, pausing before adding \"in the Arctic\" -- a long enough pause to let me think, \"Well, I guess the machines are taking over, too.\""} {"idx": 34887, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250934935935946759", "label": "wink", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 34891, "original_id": "1250839371135229952", "reply_id": "1250846504073469953", "label": "applause", "text": "I pray I don't marry a guy who likes Cassper Nyovest."} {"idx": 34893, "original_id": "1251205083162791936", "reply_id": "1251268144821424129", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi everyone, just an update - My daughters COVID-19 test was negative. We are relieved!"} {"idx": 34894, "original_id": "1250831684582375427", "reply_id": "1250841007014453249", "label": "smh", "text": "beetlejuice (riverdale cast version)"} {"idx": 34895, "original_id": "1251009491262373889", "reply_id": "1251010295759360002", "label": "applause", "text": "Fritay Fermathe la >>>>>>>>>>le monde"} {"idx": 34898, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250975436831686656", "label": "popcorn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 34899, "original_id": "1251067026157776897", "reply_id": "1251079466115313664", "label": "ok", "text": "Ann Budge & Les Gray planning a league reconstruction panel. Partick keen to join. Reconstruction needs 34 of 42 clubs to approve - 11 Prem, 8 Champ, & 15 across L1 & L2. Season-ending vote was a resolution but reconstruction means changing SPFL articles, so needs 11-1 Prem vote."} {"idx": 34901, "original_id": "1251179266039001088", "reply_id": "1251215852688596994", "label": "applause", "text": "I got out of bed. Applaud me."} {"idx": 34902, "original_id": "1250915945381539841", "reply_id": "1250916864546549769", "label": "no", "text": "In all that cheerleading about opening up America again, did the President of the United States express care and concern for the 22M Americans (so far) who have filed for unemployment? We're pushing to open up for them.....right? #RhetoricalQuestion"} {"idx": 34903, "original_id": "1250961811697995777", "reply_id": "1250962067613310976", "label": "idk", "text": "who wanna mod 4 me"} {"idx": 34905, "original_id": "1250882654171394048", "reply_id": "1250901242320216070", "label": "popcorn", "text": "been neck deep in labs, daydreaming and fine tuning The Lockdown Mixtape: INSIDE FOR THE PEOPLE ....this thing is BANG. ING. nice & deep and comin to you soon 😜🤘🙏📡❤️"} {"idx": 34907, "original_id": "1251040881970425861", "reply_id": "1251061613634949122", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I put milk, THEN cereal.."} {"idx": 34910, "original_id": "1250928721378172928", "reply_id": "1250935028982431748", "label": "yes", "text": "Hear me out .. \nCan guys be “bad bitches” too?"} {"idx": 34912, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251012954352316416", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 34913, "original_id": "1250893718376382464", "reply_id": "1250910678753243136", "label": "hug", "text": "Thinking about my tiny boobs that I finally like and how they won’t be on me anymore in a couple of months. It’s all a vanity thing, I know, but I’m still feeling sad about it."} {"idx": 34914, "original_id": "1251209492957667333", "reply_id": "1251210332044816385", "label": "oops", "text": "sometimes I'm a little jealous when I see people that stick to one series/character and focus all their love and money towards them only. I wish I was that faithful 😩"} {"idx": 34917, "original_id": "1251208231889915904", "reply_id": "1251215538635800577", "label": "yes", "text": "Am I doing a good job at being a fan page for #TheGoodDoctor ?😕💔"} {"idx": 34921, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251136853765283840", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 34922, "original_id": "1250763050581450753", "reply_id": "1250893335532691458", "label": "applause", "text": "Just an observational note: Those sitting at studios in multimillion homes or apartments lecturing on TV that it’s a reckless to reopen parts of the economy are more than gainfully employed, well stocked and aren’t feeling the pain/helplessness many Americans w/o jobs/income are."} {"idx": 34927, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250965791106834432", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 34928, "original_id": "1250929331246899200", "reply_id": "1250929559597469696", "label": "dance", "text": "Manu colocou as lentes. Gavassiers comemoram!!!!"} {"idx": 34933, "original_id": "1250881331921391617", "reply_id": "1250881465212076034", "label": "agree", "text": "After this rona. @_TacosNdTequila and i are taking a weekend trip to Miami 😂😂 we need a break"} {"idx": 34937, "original_id": "1250913699969318912", "reply_id": "1250925359048073219", "label": "yes", "text": "Someone just changed lanes without looking into me and if I hadn't have been watching there would have been a wreck. So I did what any normal person would, I followed them to their house."} {"idx": 34938, "original_id": "1251226058231144449", "reply_id": "1251227330971754496", "label": "hug", "text": "I used to be the one who will always give you affections but I wish I can pause it because I'm tired"} {"idx": 34940, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250909862315397120", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 34941, "original_id": "1250954323191832577", "reply_id": "1250965576371130368", "label": "agree", "text": "In retrospect, the Hunger Games had a lower child death rate than what Dr. Oz is suggesting."} {"idx": 34943, "original_id": "1251022377917378560", "reply_id": "1251023406704689154", "label": "yolo", "text": "PSA: @Sydneyyreneaa is a quitter"} {"idx": 34944, "original_id": "1250624964803407878", "reply_id": "1250847883898871808", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I don't know who needs to hear this, but I don't have diarrhea."} {"idx": 34945, "original_id": "1251241485372022784", "reply_id": "1251263996893827073", "label": "win", "text": "#MarketWrap Major indexes surge at the close \n\nDJIA +2.99% at 24,242\n\nNASDAQ +1.38% at 8,650\n\nS&P 500 +2.68% at 2,874"} {"idx": 34948, "original_id": "1250981545936064512", "reply_id": "1251114060881563650", "label": "no", "text": "\"And we'll see you tomorrow night!!!\" #MNTwins"} {"idx": 34949, "original_id": "1250909223346675712", "reply_id": "1250913333248692237", "label": "no", "text": "Trump's not very good at this wannabe Christian thing is he."} {"idx": 34951, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251269037750980608", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 34952, "original_id": "1251145823674490891", "reply_id": "1251169109766598657", "label": "agree", "text": "I really miss my library. #COVID19"} {"idx": 34955, "original_id": "1251135115259981824", "reply_id": "1251218971774287877", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump’s plan is to take credit for everything the governors do well and to blame them for everything he does poorly."} {"idx": 34957, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1251150433160032257", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 34959, "original_id": "1251231459995680770", "reply_id": "1251259843039703040", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Drop me a GIF that perfectly explains how you feelin rn."} {"idx": 34961, "original_id": "1250872017248813057", "reply_id": "1250896595878543366", "label": "shocked", "text": "Exclusive: Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis. [@SamiMokbel81_DM]"} {"idx": 34966, "original_id": "1250981091890081792", "reply_id": "1251157522859212800", "label": "hug", "text": "You. \n\nYou’re awesome. \n\nKeep kickin ass."} {"idx": 34967, "original_id": "1251214270135775235", "reply_id": "1251232189188014081", "label": "no", "text": "But what if I gave myself a significant haircut with no knowledge or skills or proper scissors JUST THIS ONCE"} {"idx": 34968, "original_id": "1251199532475527169", "reply_id": "1251200452865282053", "label": "no", "text": "Serious question: do ya’ll think we can carry on like this until November?"} {"idx": 34973, "original_id": "1250938661207601152", "reply_id": "1250948165945212929", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "When her level of horniness matches yours... That"} {"idx": 34974, "original_id": "1250954416900972547", "reply_id": "1251127722480414721", "label": "sigh", "text": "Males are truly the weakest link to humanity."} {"idx": 34977, "original_id": "1250888307736797192", "reply_id": "1250916385074696204", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m ready to love somebody like YOU."} {"idx": 34978, "original_id": "1251045988887822336", "reply_id": "1251048196987551744", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Clevedon needs a decent bout of this Corona thingy. Far to many people pretty much going about their normal life. “Clap for carers” one minute and then round to mums for Easter Sunday the next, oh & don’t get forget the group bike ride. Pricks 🖕"} {"idx": 34979, "original_id": "1250942300315934722", "reply_id": "1251011104656015361", "label": "applause", "text": "Corrections:\n\nMike Sonko is the first Kenyan NON-RECORDING artist to trend worldwide... A GOAT 🐐"} {"idx": 34980, "original_id": "1251089252168974336", "reply_id": "1251262367561912321", "label": "eww", "text": "i know i tweeted last week that i didn’t understand the hype over Timothèe Chalamet, but that tweet has now been deleted and i’ve changed my mind. i want him."} {"idx": 34982, "original_id": "1251208457799139328", "reply_id": "1251213393920311296", "label": "yes", "text": "birthday makeup: sweet, glowy, natural"} {"idx": 34983, "original_id": "1251209654274650112", "reply_id": "1251228382521589762", "label": "eww", "text": "Oh man this Dillon Francis record Touch is fucking something."} {"idx": 34996, "original_id": "1250855464180625409", "reply_id": "1250856237362753536", "label": "agree", "text": "One thing I don’t get with Origins is why Bayek has beard in the beginning and then after very bad things happen he shaves it all. Wouldn’t it have made sense the other way around? Good thing Ubisoft added a beard option. Bayek beard made the game twice as good. 😂"} {"idx": 35000, "original_id": "1250954518134693888", "reply_id": "1250963645347102720", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "All I need to do to get a blue check mark next to my name is make a movie. Does anyone want to buy my script for Trumpnado??"} {"idx": 35003, "original_id": "1251150250842001408", "reply_id": "1251152841806213123", "label": "idk", "text": "What are you looking forward to most for this weekend?"} {"idx": 35004, "original_id": "1250855346727538688", "reply_id": "1250859260881375233", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm in such a nothing mood atm it's so weird"} {"idx": 35005, "original_id": "1250992272595877889", "reply_id": "1251271292407422979", "label": "applause", "text": "When a doctor purposely hands out faulty medical advice that results in death, that's a felony. Dr. Phil belongs in prison."} {"idx": 35010, "original_id": "1251270339587432448", "reply_id": "1251271028623491072", "label": "agree", "text": "Westlife are the most underrated “bayband” right. Like I’m not even saying that because I’m a fan. The best vocals a band has ever seen. The greatest harmonies. They’re all handsome. They’re all gentlemen. Never had any crazy scandals. Amazing fathers and humans. I mean CMON!"} {"idx": 35012, "original_id": "1250972230189793280", "reply_id": "1251167271789223937", "label": "agree", "text": "Razors sure can ruin a coochie."} {"idx": 35013, "original_id": "1251240495390633984", "reply_id": "1251248874003578883", "label": "ok", "text": "I'm taking a much needed digital detox this weekend. Need to slow down. Highly recommend.\n\nWho else is in?"} {"idx": 35015, "original_id": "1250849263577378817", "reply_id": "1250853135343652866", "label": "no", "text": "Please Follow me PMLN Workers Thank you."} {"idx": 35016, "original_id": "1250964672041365504", "reply_id": "1250965719422033921", "label": "seriously", "text": "I don’t understand how you can like someone and want to date them but be perfectly okay with not saying a single word to that person all day...??? Donut understand people"} {"idx": 35017, "original_id": "1250882159629475840", "reply_id": "1250927585929895936", "label": "yes", "text": "Ok I know this is soooo out of character for me but I had to say it.....\n\nBrandon Marshall is a butthurt little bitch!\n\n😇"} {"idx": 35018, "original_id": "1250987406997757953", "reply_id": "1250988536360288261", "label": "eww", "text": "Why would you ruin hot wings by dipping them in blue cheese?"} {"idx": 35019, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251042204627288065", "label": "omg", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 35021, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251247018502246405", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 35022, "original_id": "1251148890918711296", "reply_id": "1251149549743124480", "label": "agree", "text": "Bob Quinn says a number of players reached out to them in free agency because they wanted to play for #Lions and Matt Patricia."} {"idx": 35024, "original_id": "1251103006650560512", "reply_id": "1251112842809524225", "label": "awww", "text": "Still not allowed to touch the husband. Not fair. I need a hug ☹️"} {"idx": 35029, "original_id": "1251167078590996483", "reply_id": "1251172632290111488", "label": "sigh", "text": "More from Von on @TODAYshow: “I’ve really just been taking it serious, staying at home. Of course I have people come in and out, like workers - maids and people to come do the plumbing, just everyday stuff. But it was really nothing crazy.”"} {"idx": 35032, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251209897196347392", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 35033, "original_id": "1250896639742619649", "reply_id": "1250916920892829701", "label": "applause", "text": "I love all dicks equally like small dicks for rougher sex, because they are less likely to injure me. I like big dicks for certain positions that are hard with smaller dicks. I\nlike curved dicks for doggy and other positions. All dicks have their place. And it's inside me."} {"idx": 35035, "original_id": "1251177286709022721", "reply_id": "1251180009202597890", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Ansioso por los worlds 2020"} {"idx": 35038, "original_id": "1250977886892425218", "reply_id": "1250995386594066432", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I love that my little brother gave his son our moms last name. I also hope his dad shits himself when he finds out that his only child refuses to pass down his family name 😩😂😂😂"} {"idx": 35039, "original_id": "1250968167951843330", "reply_id": "1250970597041090562", "label": "applause", "text": "i did 4 algebra assignments today and i have 3 more, a quiz, an exam review, and another exam that are due in 2 weeks..........kinda wish i had gotten more done today but i think i am throwing in the towel for the night"} {"idx": 35041, "original_id": "1250870377343000578", "reply_id": "1250874864560492547", "label": "agree", "text": "(Not so) patiently waiting for my nephew to be here already 👶🏽💙 #hurryup"} {"idx": 35044, "original_id": "1250931563564498945", "reply_id": "1251094122489929730", "label": "seriously", "text": "At some point, you’ve just got to take a shower."} {"idx": 35050, "original_id": "1251239757172166666", "reply_id": "1251240419364569088", "label": "hug", "text": "Man what a lame day its been, life SUCKS rn : ("} {"idx": 35053, "original_id": "1250911445337980928", "reply_id": "1250912393577861123", "label": "win", "text": "Government Officials.\n\nStop extending orders by two weeks.\n\nIt's annoying and doesn't inspire the hope you think it does.\n\nPrepare us for the long haul we could have to deal with.\n\nKeep it shut down, then celebrate when you reopen early because you DID THE RIGHT THING!"} {"idx": 35055, "original_id": "1251153737394958336", "reply_id": "1251157129681006598", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m full of cum. Send tweet."} {"idx": 35056, "original_id": "1251156887262777350", "reply_id": "1251172110267023363", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "We will be joined by @ClayTravis for our weekly visit on @Midday180 from 11-11:30 today."} {"idx": 35058, "original_id": "1250944239879348225", "reply_id": "1251004876252786693", "label": "want", "text": "I’ve never experienced anxiety in the level that I did last night. And I wouldn’t ever wish it upon my worst enemy."} {"idx": 35061, "original_id": "1251062975223357441", "reply_id": "1251063178299011072", "label": "awww", "text": "time check!"} {"idx": 35062, "original_id": "1250953046588305409", "reply_id": "1251133253270097921", "label": "agree", "text": "Fun fact: In a post COVID-19 world, a ton of domestic economic capacity will be restored in the west. \n\nWe’re manufacturing again. The globalization is everything narrative was crushed. \n\nEconomies will be much healthier in the end. But it’s going to be a heck of a change."} {"idx": 35068, "original_id": "1251259584779599872", "reply_id": "1251265871269560320", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "#WeAre...Better\n#107kStrong\n#PSUnrivaled"} {"idx": 35069, "original_id": "1251120448034783233", "reply_id": "1251120903787819009", "label": "agree", "text": "🚨BREAKING NEWS!!!!🚨\n\n@realDonaldTrump tested positive for being the right man for the job at this crucial time in US history. \n\nWho Agrees? 🙋🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 35072, "original_id": "1250929290939707392", "reply_id": "1250929530904158211", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Covid 19 can suck me from behind.... 6ft behind cause I don’t want none of that."} {"idx": 35074, "original_id": "1251141303762661376", "reply_id": "1251249628596572160", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "People : What's your special gift ? \nMe : I'm a talker ! I can talk in multiple languages !"} {"idx": 35077, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251039415872479232", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 35078, "original_id": "1251168317034774529", "reply_id": "1251183220424507399", "label": "agree", "text": "He who has the power of turning all negative vibes in his path into positive energy has learned the meaning of life."} {"idx": 35080, "original_id": "1250978805776343040", "reply_id": "1250979077881761793", "label": "high_five", "text": "A video yoga teacher said to high five your neighbor tonight so I... high fived myself 🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 35081, "original_id": "1250830040713043971", "reply_id": "1250834630300794884", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Deputy PM @cafreeland says “Decisions about the Canadian border are made by Canadians, full stop.” when asked about @realDonaldTrump possibly trying to reopen border #cdnpoli #COVID19"} {"idx": 35084, "original_id": "1251183803286126598", "reply_id": "1251191232941961219", "label": "applause", "text": "did i just eat a whole edible at 12 pm? yesssssir"} {"idx": 35085, "original_id": "1251182677274718210", "reply_id": "1251183208567209986", "label": "omg", "text": "i have written and deleted a subtweet, tell me how good i am"} {"idx": 35086, "original_id": "1250531470818623489", "reply_id": "1251081231963480064", "label": "omg", "text": "Kindly refer me your witch doctor. Thx"} {"idx": 35087, "original_id": "1251212113265283072", "reply_id": "1251219979371937792", "label": "no", "text": "I just got back from the store and man were the streets busy! The line at the bank and all drive through fast food places were very long. I guess folks are getting and spending that stimulus money. If you've received GOV money, have you spent any of it yet?"} {"idx": 35088, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251065676560646145", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 35091, "original_id": "1250968967826423809", "reply_id": "1250969047681732608", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Hello I am now catching up on today’s drama with The Bachelor reddit and oh my god"} {"idx": 35093, "original_id": "1251135618215747585", "reply_id": "1251139333710647299", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Should Canada and the US re-open their borders, or wait the pandemic out for as long as it takes? Let us know. \n\nEMAIL US: feedback@breakfasttelevision.ca"} {"idx": 35096, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251003300243103744", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 35102, "original_id": "1250977100753801217", "reply_id": "1250978269081419776", "label": "hug", "text": "Why does nothing in my life goes right? Can I quit?? Where’s the start over button"} {"idx": 35103, "original_id": "1251191193435869187", "reply_id": "1251198226335703040", "label": "want", "text": "Looking at the utter carnage being inflicted on the economies is it any wonder that the markets are down over 5% ytd? The horror. The horror. I'm selling hats that say, \"I survived the covid crash of 2020.\""} {"idx": 35105, "original_id": "1251130865268264961", "reply_id": "1251150903895158787", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Blazers 100% healthy taking the lakers down in a playoff series. Would take a lot of bad calls and phantom foul free throws for lebron and ad for lakers to win."} {"idx": 35107, "original_id": "1251165820430024704", "reply_id": "1251172960204963840", "label": "no", "text": "Ya'll got bfs? That's mad cute. Unfollow back though"} {"idx": 35109, "original_id": "1251235095052259328", "reply_id": "1251243930970185728", "label": "yes", "text": "But will you be there when I'm in my drunk, gotta fuck you now mood?"} {"idx": 35111, "original_id": "1251223014860939264", "reply_id": "1251225665979871234", "label": "applause", "text": "poggies 3k followers THANK YOU SO MUCH FRIENDS ❤️"} {"idx": 35112, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250936783803682820", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 35114, "original_id": "1251000521097281536", "reply_id": "1251002324794802176", "label": "no", "text": "Would you believe that I’m a male who hasn’t played video games for more than an hour during quarantine so far"} {"idx": 35117, "original_id": "1250626475364999169", "reply_id": "1251027503222751238", "label": "yes", "text": "dropping music i really care about tomorrow at 9 am. a part of a project i really care about. from an album i really care about. \n\nk bye see you in the morning"} {"idx": 35120, "original_id": "1251176526311276545", "reply_id": "1251219461094477826", "label": "no", "text": "Just for fun, when they open pubs again, let’s all stay in."} {"idx": 35122, "original_id": "1250723588228943873", "reply_id": "1250908103878545409", "label": "hug", "text": "To all the people still not adhering to the lockdown rules .Our daughter a NHS intensive care nurse working with Covid patients has just come home from a 12 hour shift ,she has come home physically and emotionally drained and too worried to hug her own children . Stay home !"} {"idx": 35124, "original_id": "1250852757260718080", "reply_id": "1250854325263499268", "label": "shocked", "text": "I am an optimist and am confident that Ohioans will also live up to the challenge of doing things differently as we open back up beginning on May 1st."} {"idx": 35125, "original_id": "1250808963412692995", "reply_id": "1251244795801944064", "label": "agree", "text": "Based on health professionals, it take 14 days to show signs of symptoms and up to 28 days for carriers. So, we’ve been shutdown for coming on 40 days now ... why not just close the borders to non-Canadians and open up life INSIDE Canada? Am I missing something here? 🤷‍♀️🤨"} {"idx": 35126, "original_id": "1250872011829719043", "reply_id": "1250888506739744773", "label": "smh", "text": "Southern states will not be banding together to coordinate reopening efforts because outside of Louisiana, none are taking this seriously."} {"idx": 35128, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250953117295771650", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 35129, "original_id": "1251041301879021568", "reply_id": "1251046297525719040", "label": "applause", "text": "Dear diary, \nA chipmunk asked me my name today. I told him it was Joe. That lie will haunt me forever!"} {"idx": 35132, "original_id": "1251248689294782465", "reply_id": "1251266964191920134", "label": "facepalm", "text": "People from Dubai don't like The Flintstones\n\nBut people from Abu Dhabi do\n\nNo YOU fuck off! \n\n#FridayFuckology"} {"idx": 35133, "original_id": "1250851132542509060", "reply_id": "1250881079722094592", "label": "applause", "text": "Love me like you'll never Love again"} {"idx": 35142, "original_id": "1248143608311508994", "reply_id": "1251232617996988416", "label": "shocked", "text": "Download the free CNBC app and live stream CNBC TV for up-to-the-minute market news on any device."} {"idx": 35143, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251270214290989056", "label": "yes", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 35144, "original_id": "1250838690156425221", "reply_id": "1250843785950568448", "label": "agree", "text": "TL sleep?? Calalou is fucking disgusting."} {"idx": 35145, "original_id": "1250835415009017863", "reply_id": "1250844223974395904", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Can Chex Mix come without the pretzels?"} {"idx": 35146, "original_id": "1250892433107238912", "reply_id": "1250893289793830912", "label": "applause", "text": "I was doing so well on my morning walk until I cornered into the shop and bought 4 packets of Doritos, ciggies and a Coke......why am I like this ?"} {"idx": 35148, "original_id": "1251095218302054401", "reply_id": "1251128724356886529", "label": "agree", "text": "national horny day is over but my feelings isn’t"} {"idx": 35150, "original_id": "1250940373779742721", "reply_id": "1251051094219747328", "label": "scared", "text": "What do you do if someone asks you what you’ll after books and libraries become obsolete? Unmatch? Protest? Go on several dates and be extra charming with the explicit plan to break their heart?"} {"idx": 35151, "original_id": "1250933520350003205", "reply_id": "1251126144469884929", "label": "want", "text": "Some lady just came into the store and gave us $200 worth of Chick Fil A gift cards"} {"idx": 35152, "original_id": "1251018955029983233", "reply_id": "1251078732707532800", "label": "win", "text": "2 words to make you smile: Slingshot bikini 👙\nAre you ready? 🤣😁"} {"idx": 35153, "original_id": "1250986739574796289", "reply_id": "1251256759940984838", "label": "wink", "text": "HUGE THANK YOU TO THE ENTIRE @ShadowUprise FOR THE INSANE SUPPORT EARLIER TOO! Guys broke the computer I think 🤣 it’s fixed now tho 😬"} {"idx": 35154, "original_id": "1250988900283068418", "reply_id": "1251050528605220865", "label": "agree", "text": "wattpad installed ✊😁"} {"idx": 35157, "original_id": "1250845761606234118", "reply_id": "1250927433123069954", "label": "idk", "text": "Rebirth was not trash Mikey"} {"idx": 35159, "original_id": "1250932634160705536", "reply_id": "1250941142994206721", "label": "shocked", "text": "A man just tell me I’m too aggressive. Chhhh"} {"idx": 35161, "original_id": "1251015836963205121", "reply_id": "1251027532243075072", "label": "shrug", "text": "You guys DO realize that we can see the nasty ass shit you “like” on our TL’s right?"} {"idx": 35164, "original_id": "1251059656539045888", "reply_id": "1251060929623519234", "label": "no", "text": "TL sleep? wingstop sucks."} {"idx": 35166, "original_id": "1251181097095856130", "reply_id": "1251181867950149632", "label": "agree", "text": "this whole soft and cute episode makes me really thirsty for a cuddle :--("} {"idx": 35167, "original_id": "1251238450751246337", "reply_id": "1251243991649210370", "label": "smh", "text": "eBay is so useless. I tried to look up lighters but all they had was 749 matches."} {"idx": 35170, "original_id": "1250947040319766533", "reply_id": "1250949423942828033", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm gonna be playing Palu full time for a minute\nDrake clapping gifs only."} {"idx": 35174, "original_id": "1251221191752388614", "reply_id": "1251222208963325958", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m currently struggling w my anxiety and my chest is really going thru it"} {"idx": 35175, "original_id": "1250897402292252672", "reply_id": "1250909109743783936", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you ever look back and realize \"Holy shit I was so deceived?\"\n\nAnd then remember you got out 💋"} {"idx": 35178, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251197096377581569", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 35180, "original_id": "1250926481246769157", "reply_id": "1250930808027623424", "label": "applause", "text": "I purchased a standing desk recently. I've found that it really helps me think on my feet."} {"idx": 35181, "original_id": "1250879056184176640", "reply_id": "1250967674378739714", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Male online: has any SLIGHT interaction with a woman online.\n\nsimps: OMG YOU FUCKING SIMP!!!!!"} {"idx": 35182, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251262512953163778", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 35183, "original_id": "1251228280843354115", "reply_id": "1251235541221355522", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump:\n\nTOTAL POWER\nNO RESPONSIBILITY\nALL THE CREDIT\n\nDoes that basically sum it up?"} {"idx": 35187, "original_id": "1250857587681222656", "reply_id": "1250917751406972928", "label": "applause", "text": "Someone like Anonymous needs to release Steve Mnuchin's credit card statements. I'd like to see how many times a month he drops $1200 on a single restaurant meal. \n\nHell, with that wife of his, $1200 doesn't fill in an eyebrow. 😉\n#Mnuchin #StimulusMyAss"} {"idx": 35188, "original_id": "1250954661890338818", "reply_id": "1250969560062320640", "label": "ok", "text": "Moms with toddlers how are you? \nI know life is kicking everyone’s ass right now but stay strong and try not to lose your sanity 💜😘"} {"idx": 35189, "original_id": "1251223380960743424", "reply_id": "1251223807060316160", "label": "no", "text": "Summer 2020 gonna be fucking trash 😂"} {"idx": 35191, "original_id": "1251130653376155648", "reply_id": "1251140806137843712", "label": "agree", "text": "State of the Union is wonderful. Nick Hornby's writing is tender, honest and witty. Rosamund Pike and Chris O'Dowd are great too. 10 episodes x 10 minutes"} {"idx": 35193, "original_id": "1250899196837675008", "reply_id": "1250903398540611585", "label": "smh", "text": "Pulled an all nighter. Now I’m tired"} {"idx": 35194, "original_id": "1250844400214827011", "reply_id": "1250919182826266625", "label": "hug", "text": "I have been trying to avoid the news and world anxiety to keep somewhat sane.\nToday my mother was tested. \nSanity fiercely trampled on by panic as uselessness sings loudly in the background."} {"idx": 35196, "original_id": "1250879530287456257", "reply_id": "1251220233718845441", "label": "eww", "text": "Got the dreaded call today!!\nMachine has landed on our bog ffs.😥😥"} {"idx": 35197, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251139321333116934", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 35198, "original_id": "1250919881022803968", "reply_id": "1251037182728581120", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump: At a certain point in time, when the virus is gone, we'll be back to normal.\n\nI have a feeling, and I have a pretty good hunch, call me an optimist that the #CoronavirusLiar will be gone on November 4, 2020!"} {"idx": 35199, "original_id": "1250868578867277826", "reply_id": "1250929901944930304", "label": "agree", "text": "I change my clothes more frequently in Animal Crossing than in real life."} {"idx": 35205, "original_id": "1250870904386707456", "reply_id": "1250872373282254856", "label": "facepalm", "text": "For everyone responsibly isolating here in Georgia, I’ve got bad news. Your neighbors are out & about in increasing numbers. And they’re acting like this pandemic is over. Those checks hit and we saw an instant spike in retail traffic. And a very cavalier attitude toward safety."} {"idx": 35207, "original_id": "1251156243357380611", "reply_id": "1251165001865408512", "label": "seriously", "text": "professor offered to do a grocery run for me, but then she asked if I was able to participate more in class. so now I can no longer ask her for groceries"} {"idx": 35208, "original_id": "1250891372686716932", "reply_id": "1250892812155072512", "label": "yes", "text": "Dems are trying to humanize Pelosi.\nThat means Trump is winning."} {"idx": 35209, "original_id": "1251231233318834178", "reply_id": "1251231719035994112", "label": "sigh", "text": "Ordered doughnuts from door dash and they never showed up. I just wasted money for no doughnuts 😔"} {"idx": 35210, "original_id": "1251220989838528515", "reply_id": "1251223807660044288", "label": "hug", "text": "if your friendships can last through quarantine that's how you know you got them for life"} {"idx": 35211, "original_id": "1250826371192020995", "reply_id": "1250859780199063553", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone else find the \"Honor the class of 2020 by posting your senior photos\" trend a bit cruel? It's like saying, \"Here's me from the year I went to prom, graduated, hung out with friends....oh wait, you mean you didn't get...oops.\""} {"idx": 35212, "original_id": "1251171056821219328", "reply_id": "1251171423546150912", "label": "scared", "text": "Fiona Apple? I prefer Fiona Orange, though their music is so different you can't even really compare them."} {"idx": 35213, "original_id": "1250840899602378752", "reply_id": "1250846058604687360", "label": "scared", "text": "“Fluent in sarcasm.” *Blocks*"} {"idx": 35214, "original_id": "1251186754486333443", "reply_id": "1251187269819609088", "label": "shocked", "text": "I think I found some more evidence related to the countdown for this upcoming doomsday event being on every TV on the island."} {"idx": 35221, "original_id": "1250828464678219781", "reply_id": "1250867070960623620", "label": "awww", "text": "Only so many chances you can give someone before you realise they aren’t worth it 😔"} {"idx": 35224, "original_id": "1251150538688753666", "reply_id": "1251163009247936513", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Men and women should be equally choosy. Not everyone is deserving of you."} {"idx": 35225, "original_id": "1250163514649522179", "reply_id": "1250915446829744132", "label": "omg", "text": "Don't open any messages from me with View Stalk in the line. Its a virus!!!!!"} {"idx": 35226, "original_id": "1250912800462995456", "reply_id": "1251223932839120896", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Here's a thought. You can still stay at home if you want to. Nobody is forcing you to leave your house."} {"idx": 35229, "original_id": "1250976388301107200", "reply_id": "1250991381147004928", "label": "hearts", "text": "So much pain 😭"} {"idx": 35234, "original_id": "1250923251804454912", "reply_id": "1250925085419921408", "label": "oops", "text": "lmaooo bet"} {"idx": 35235, "original_id": "1251195127588151299", "reply_id": "1251223464062656512", "label": "shrug", "text": "Are you the one who wants to annoy me the rest of my life?"} {"idx": 35239, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251143742855118849", "label": "smh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 35240, "original_id": "1251246833789218816", "reply_id": "1251265097701433346", "label": "omg", "text": "Crazy crab back open 😋"} {"idx": 35241, "original_id": "1250950367917023233", "reply_id": "1251049604797341697", "label": "dance", "text": "My niece said that she misses me so much 😢😩"} {"idx": 35242, "original_id": "1250593567648755714", "reply_id": "1250850619512041474", "label": "scared", "text": "I’m starting to get a cough. This might be the end boys"} {"idx": 35243, "original_id": "1250535738548117505", "reply_id": "1250981435382562816", "label": "wink", "text": "In a gif, describe what your haircut looks like right now"} {"idx": 35245, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250878705263677440", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 35247, "original_id": "1250942368498548736", "reply_id": "1250942885891055622", "label": "hearts", "text": "I love @rachel_morgan97 okay bye ♥️"} {"idx": 35248, "original_id": "1251052677297029121", "reply_id": "1251054055910146048", "label": "idk", "text": "It is illegal to take Indian currency (rupees) out of India"} {"idx": 35251, "original_id": "1250942626007855114", "reply_id": "1250965374134177792", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Went to Costco and Publix not realizing I was wearing my comfy shorts with the hole in the ass. \n\nTo anyone shopping with me today and depending on your views of fat bottom girls I guess either you're welcome or I apologize. 😂🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 35254, "original_id": "1250785357030985732", "reply_id": "1250875667761242113", "label": "facepalm", "text": "22 million people have filed jobless claims since March 14 (Dept. of Labor)."} {"idx": 35259, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250926673433952258", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 35264, "original_id": "1251029864402034691", "reply_id": "1251031105102213120", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I make it a point to check in on a different friend everyday because I know what kind of difference that would make for me."} {"idx": 35265, "original_id": "1250855919849582593", "reply_id": "1250856504577495041", "label": "applause", "text": "Cars finally fixed🥺🥺"} {"idx": 35267, "original_id": "1250906497388863488", "reply_id": "1250909855000539137", "label": "agree", "text": "Just read the reopening plan. Key health takeaways - states must have negative infection trajectory for 14 days and robust testing for healthcare workers. But businesses and states want much more testing overall and contact tracing and those two key factors aren’t there."} {"idx": 35268, "original_id": "1251185273070850049", "reply_id": "1251186501674840070", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Still haven't seen Captain Marvel 💀💀💀"} {"idx": 35272, "original_id": "1250904011584278528", "reply_id": "1251001004943949829", "label": "yes", "text": "The things Congress is doing now, the petulance, the gridlock, the vendettas and the downright evil is the best reason of all for term limits\nThey get so out of touch they think our money belongs to them and they have no idea what it’s like out here in the real world"} {"idx": 35276, "original_id": "1251070278316068866", "reply_id": "1251073181307203586", "label": "hug", "text": "um its late and im crying wow its been a while since those thoughts. my eyes hurt."} {"idx": 35279, "original_id": "1250843367929511939", "reply_id": "1250844001277788161", "label": "agree", "text": "Is there interest in a video/stream where I take a PSP apart and go through all the steps to perform kirk DFA with the chipwhisperer? Go through all the steps needed to instrument a plain motherboard for glitching and writing the software to refine that for usage on kirk."} {"idx": 35280, "original_id": "1250972524499947520", "reply_id": "1250978355396165633", "label": "ok", "text": "Maybe if Kobe was still here 2020 wouldn’t be so toxic"} {"idx": 35284, "original_id": "1251030579103051776", "reply_id": "1251032889099157505", "label": "ok", "text": "Don’t push my kids out... let them stay right there. 😌"} {"idx": 35287, "original_id": "1250941093425881090", "reply_id": "1250954453022375937", "label": "applause", "text": "Unpopular opinion alert\nJosh has started Parks & Rec watching in the morning while we are eating breakfast and I think Leslie Knope is just overbearing and terrible"} {"idx": 35290, "original_id": "1251253807373156352", "reply_id": "1251269951278796800", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Who is the machine behind Trump? The messaging they put out is not even subtle."} {"idx": 35291, "original_id": "1250846762413092864", "reply_id": "1250849969096933381", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’ll never forget how my roommates homegirl told us how she let Brian Pumper smash in the slauson 24 bathroom 😅"} {"idx": 35292, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251114652395855873", "label": "seriously", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 35294, "original_id": "1250863628884074498", "reply_id": "1250886989135544320", "label": "wink", "text": "Two of my three moods this quarantine: bored and hangry. The last one you can guess"} {"idx": 35298, "original_id": "1250823805829873670", "reply_id": "1251062903299596288", "label": "hug", "text": "Not sure if it’s menopause or the current situation but I am mrs angry! Just bought the cashier some flowers in the supermarket to say sorry as I was so cross earlier, only to get cross AGAIN due to more ridiculous behaviour. If one more person blames Covid I will scream! #fedup"} {"idx": 35299, "original_id": "1251248177040068608", "reply_id": "1251251321564520449", "label": "shocked", "text": "Unpopular opinion:\n\nI'm New Mexican, but I don't like red chile. I also really don't care for tacos. 🤷‍♂️😅"} {"idx": 35301, "original_id": "1251229259454169088", "reply_id": "1251233326330982400", "label": "applause", "text": "kk cruisin'"} {"idx": 35302, "original_id": "1250868640460742656", "reply_id": "1250963431995432960", "label": "applause", "text": "When u get a bitch what do u feed it crab legs ????"} {"idx": 35303, "original_id": "1251011951603396608", "reply_id": "1251012298661154816", "label": "oops", "text": "If y’all ever get your nipples pierced, don’t let that shit close up . It’s a pain to redo it ."} {"idx": 35309, "original_id": "1251020545597960193", "reply_id": "1251227171730927616", "label": "applause", "text": "Took a good month off from doing SixNineDuece related work (besides a couple designs) just cuz my heart & mind wasn’t in it. Finally got back to it today & sold ALL my non claimed orders, delayed orders, today’s new orders & 3 tattoo designs. BITCH IM BACK!"} {"idx": 35311, "original_id": "1250745295211687936", "reply_id": "1251005003239526400", "label": "kiss", "text": "do you ever just think damn I’m so lucky to have such a good friend? that’s how I feel about gisseley"} {"idx": 35317, "original_id": "1251197635387686916", "reply_id": "1251208254614654976", "label": "dance", "text": "Monday!"} {"idx": 35318, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1251076414008426497", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 35319, "original_id": "1251255559233437697", "reply_id": "1251260099827511297", "label": "smh", "text": "Right now, we need: \n\n🏥Universal healthcare \n💵Universal cash assistance \n👩‍🎓Student debt cancellation \n🏠Cancellation of rent/mortgage payments\n\nLet’s keep fighting to get the world we deserve.✊🏽"} {"idx": 35321, "original_id": "1250930240697839616", "reply_id": "1250937775806914566", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Finally paid off my car 🙌🏻"} {"idx": 35322, "original_id": "1251220691606745089", "reply_id": "1251221088194961411", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "When people think they mean something to your life but there just a +44🥴"} {"idx": 35325, "original_id": "1250913872837349376", "reply_id": "1250925900302082052", "label": "high_five", "text": "Where are you, @CNN chyron writer? #CoronavirusLiar is currently speaking, I have my TV on mute waiting for your real-time trolling. #TrumpPressConf"} {"idx": 35327, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251161058242293760", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 35328, "original_id": "1251159890040479751", "reply_id": "1251160005635522570", "label": "yes", "text": "is da baby’s album that bad? 😂"} {"idx": 35329, "original_id": "1250574975452565506", "reply_id": "1250915213576192001", "label": "kiss", "text": "It’s time! #Riverdale is back and there’s only one question on everyone’s minds:\n\nBARCHIE OR BUGHEAD?"} {"idx": 35330, "original_id": "1251183400167202816", "reply_id": "1251189770312495105", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "in the spirit of trying to be more openly proud of my accomplishments, I want you all to know I put pants on today"} {"idx": 35331, "original_id": "1251227981982433280", "reply_id": "1251230661144449029", "label": "yes", "text": "Tomorrow morning, the Panthers Insider Show returns to @937theFan. The show starts at 8 and we'll be discussing Pitt's positions of strength, areas of need and a whole lot more."} {"idx": 35332, "original_id": "1250891460985196544", "reply_id": "1250910915450605569", "label": "hug", "text": "Just sat on both my hands for 20 minutes then hugged myself so it felt like someone else."} {"idx": 35335, "original_id": "1250910632087601152", "reply_id": "1250932730814238720", "label": "applause", "text": "#Covid_19 WH briefing: POTUS said far fewer deaths than most positive projections, adding one person is too many “The peak in new cases is behind us” and now time for the next front, opening up America again @CBSNews"} {"idx": 35336, "original_id": "1251005827806228480", "reply_id": "1251030984310558720", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I took my braids out and I’m attempting my very first twist out. Excited? Yes lmao. Confident about this coming good? 4.5/10"} {"idx": 35337, "original_id": "1250829725200789508", "reply_id": "1251103837584310273", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Tucheze na retweet button, #Gain254 #BringBackKTN"} {"idx": 35338, "original_id": "1251248588400685056", "reply_id": "1251250415523381253", "label": "shocked", "text": "And in the least surprising news of the millennium, several areas without stay-at-home orders have seen an acceleration in coronavirus cases."} {"idx": 35339, "original_id": "1250821198918717440", "reply_id": "1250973590134145024", "label": "yes", "text": "Screw it. Going with my gut on this one. \n\nJalen Hurts is QB3."} {"idx": 35341, "original_id": "1251168981634990080", "reply_id": "1251207944558882816", "label": "yes", "text": "UP's Moradabad case:\n\n1. Immediate action against attackers of medical team\n\n2. The remand magistrate convened a special court at 3 AM.\n\n3. 17 people including 7 women sent to Jail by 5 AM.\n\n4. NSA invoked.\n\n5. Yogi govt to seize assets of attackers if they fail to pay for damage"} {"idx": 35342, "original_id": "1250992495665786882", "reply_id": "1251116513072906245", "label": "omg", "text": "OMG WHAT IS THAT AD*M DR*VER VIDEO HOW OD I UNSEE SOMETHING HELP"} {"idx": 35344, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251152683139915776", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 35348, "original_id": "1250823412794167298", "reply_id": "1250868937929211904", "label": "no", "text": "New gamemode is decent but clearly will be way more fun in 1v1 and 2v2 cmon Psyonix"} {"idx": 35353, "original_id": "1250969927164538883", "reply_id": "1251259657647058945", "label": "dance", "text": "To let you know. It's my birthday."} {"idx": 35355, "original_id": "1250829910173790210", "reply_id": "1250861776293560321", "label": "agree", "text": "Nancy Pelosi is having a meeting today about giving more funds to the Paycheck Protection Program.\n\nShe previously blocked additional funding.\n\nNOW she wants Steve Mnuchin to come back to her with a “good offer.”\n\nNancy Pelosi is an utter disgrace to this country."} {"idx": 35357, "original_id": "1250905539262865408", "reply_id": "1251000760017522692", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi @tedlieu. A bunch of your constituents are going to lose their jobs because you refuse to push-back on your boss Nancy Pelosi and tell her to pass a clean PPP refill.\n\nI'm sure you have an excuse for not helping your constituents. You always do. I'm guessing it'll be Trump."} {"idx": 35358, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251267814947786755", "label": "no", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 35359, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250869778694025217", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 35360, "original_id": "1250841403250348033", "reply_id": "1250841823024762881", "label": "yes", "text": "I wish I had more gay friends..but I’m hella awkward so idk how to talk to people 🙂"} {"idx": 35361, "original_id": "1251234781335040000", "reply_id": "1251235085266845696", "label": "smh", "text": "Now they are calling people who protest \"social-distancing deniers\""} {"idx": 35363, "original_id": "1250824352079187969", "reply_id": "1250981403333988352", "label": "no", "text": "Redskins get Myles, #10 this year and 1st round next year \n\nBrowns get #2 and Trent Williams and a late pick"} {"idx": 35364, "original_id": "1250943781932843008", "reply_id": "1250980425364918273", "label": "applause", "text": "Bf: I have to focus, so no sex stuff\nMe after three sips of wine: Would you like to see my cervix?"} {"idx": 35366, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250870308652945408", "label": "win", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 35369, "original_id": "1251160419885957124", "reply_id": "1251166397364875264", "label": "omg", "text": "Me in Fo4: OMG cannibal perk. No thank you.\n\nMe in Fo76: OMG I'M OUT OF DOG FOOD AND ALL MY COOKED ITEMS HAVE SPOILED! OH, HEY THIS FERAL LOOKS TASTY! \n\nAt least I'll get some fucking quality cuts now NPCs are in town."} {"idx": 35371, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1251189972385792001", "label": "high_five", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 35374, "original_id": "1250636592831660032", "reply_id": "1250958381495525378", "label": "popcorn", "text": "can y’all suck dick? let’s discuss"} {"idx": 35377, "original_id": "1251155741752258572", "reply_id": "1251164738203066368", "label": "no", "text": "I just got an email from @Anthropologie with the subject line \"Enough with the sweatpants – it’s time to try these jeans.\"\n\nWHAT?!"} {"idx": 35378, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251210020513034242", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 35379, "original_id": "1250906824582115328", "reply_id": "1251085295057088514", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Life is an art of drawing, without an eraser ~ Varun Sharma"} {"idx": 35380, "original_id": "1250967979589693440", "reply_id": "1250968277922181121", "label": "eww", "text": "A funny example of white male privilege is I said 'see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya' jokingly to a white guy as I was leaving the room and he got upset cause he didn't think it was nice that I didn't want to 'be him' and in the end I had to apologize for saying something so hurtful"} {"idx": 35383, "original_id": "1251160347014074371", "reply_id": "1251164380873609216", "label": "agree", "text": "My top series:\n\nEntourage \nGame of Thrones\nMoney Heist \n\nWhat you got? 🤔"} {"idx": 35384, "original_id": "1250815247000260610", "reply_id": "1250876412300365825", "label": "applause", "text": "We should make a quarantine video where we sing a song asking celebrities to stop making quarantine videos of them singing songs."} {"idx": 35385, "original_id": "1251209053289746435", "reply_id": "1251210530624352257", "label": "no", "text": "BREAKING: President Trump has locked himself in the White House bathroom and says he won’t come out until “that woman reporter apologizes for asking me a follow up question”."} {"idx": 35386, "original_id": "1250868416560246786", "reply_id": "1250868432402178049", "label": "awww", "text": "Best Survival Food Kits"} {"idx": 35387, "original_id": "1250840776327774212", "reply_id": "1250844291301326848", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Nebraska Democrats. want a candidate who can BEAT Don Bacon\n\nI am that candidate\n\nIn head to head polls vs. Bacon, I perform better than ANY other candidate in this race. I perform better with Dems AND Independents\n\nIf you want the SAFEST bet to beat Bacon, vote for Kara Eastman"} {"idx": 35388, "original_id": "1251065991997435904", "reply_id": "1251074837361000448", "label": "idk", "text": "wonder if melvin trains his pokemon teams during covid"} {"idx": 35390, "original_id": "1250976145807478785", "reply_id": "1250980552829808641", "label": "omg", "text": "The New Jersey Devils hit the corona pause with 69 games played. Nice"} {"idx": 35391, "original_id": "1250776490477789186", "reply_id": "1250898983498768384", "label": "yes", "text": "If Donald Trump and Joe Biden were both drowning and you only had time to save one of them, where would you and Joe Biden go for lunch together afterward?"} {"idx": 35395, "original_id": "1251204777880453120", "reply_id": "1251208513424154626", "label": "agree", "text": "Could Ozark be any less believable? Wow a lot of shit happens to Jason Bateman. Worse than Breaking Bad."} {"idx": 35396, "original_id": "1250915468925419521", "reply_id": "1250957868708306950", "label": "awww", "text": "i have to say my favorite part of my day is driving home from work and calling my grandmother to ask her how her day was."} {"idx": 35397, "original_id": "1250887839056879622", "reply_id": "1251089031208845313", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "sex with me so amazin'"} {"idx": 35398, "original_id": "1251022761742331904", "reply_id": "1251023128144146432", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "My mom asked me to teach her pubg. Quarantine got us..."} {"idx": 35403, "original_id": "1250870458150510598", "reply_id": "1251083338238038017", "label": "hug", "text": "Pals, another update: Mum H is feeling awful again today, headache, temp peaked at 39.5 and she has spent most of the day sleeping after being awake coughing all night 😔 seconds out, round 2... 🥊🥊😷"} {"idx": 35404, "original_id": "1251161998714302464", "reply_id": "1251164137553420289", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My mom and @joe_stbm are having a full ass conversation on the phone this early in the morning, like???"} {"idx": 35405, "original_id": "1250847657280618497", "reply_id": "1250861700183711744", "label": "wink", "text": "Someone please tell me why I keep getting ads for takeout Cuck E Cheese. I don’t want this. I don’t think anyone has ever wanted this."} {"idx": 35406, "original_id": "1250953535568609282", "reply_id": "1250997263817748481", "label": "applause", "text": "I just ordered Chili’s from New Caney! So excited! #ChilisToGo"} {"idx": 35408, "original_id": "1250939129128501249", "reply_id": "1250975814767849474", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Dunking on someone on Twitter during a pandemic is social disstancing."} {"idx": 35410, "original_id": "1250863764913762306", "reply_id": "1250864229609062400", "label": "hug", "text": "I don’t remember the last time I hugged someone"} {"idx": 35411, "original_id": "1250920382443532288", "reply_id": "1250971304188133378", "label": "hug", "text": "When my depression with life gets so bad I can’t even get words on paper to tell people about it."} {"idx": 35415, "original_id": "1250955708352397313", "reply_id": "1250956387145965568", "label": "no", "text": "Are hotdogs a sandwich?"} {"idx": 35416, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250878878748459014", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 35417, "original_id": "1250783030693597184", "reply_id": "1250907208595931136", "label": "applause", "text": "If you date me there's 98% chance I'll wake you up at 6am with my mouth on your cock at least 5 days a week. Sorry."} {"idx": 35418, "original_id": "1250881918255521792", "reply_id": "1250883311221825541", "label": "hug", "text": "i'm not really one to get home sick, and i've been living in a different city from my parents for almost 2 years now.\n\nbut working from home, i can hear someone mowing the lawn outside and it reminds me of my dad when he mows the lawn on the weekends.\n\ni miss them 😔"} {"idx": 35419, "original_id": "1250853203106828290", "reply_id": "1250853376771981312", "label": "applause", "text": "BAILOUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 35420, "original_id": "1251172665240387584", "reply_id": "1251184491370086401", "label": "agree", "text": "To those of you who want to open up schools, churches and malls immediately....\n\nIf you end up needing a ventilator, we’re going to use the outlet in your hospital room to power a TV so you can watch Hannity tell you why you don’t need a ventilator."} {"idx": 35423, "original_id": "1250842770601848833", "reply_id": "1250844408737562624", "label": "yes", "text": "to help you old sod's, tomorrows CCFC quiz is 15 photo's of players from 70's and 80's"} {"idx": 35425, "original_id": "1251156849669206017", "reply_id": "1251238392886636545", "label": "oops", "text": "That nightmare when you're pushing your cart through the grocery store and the other shoppers are staring at you. \nYou look down and you're fully clothed, but you FEEL naked because you're not wearing a mask.\nYeah. That just happened.\n#itwasanunplannedtrip #Ihadrubbergloveson"} {"idx": 35428, "original_id": "1251032305625264133", "reply_id": "1251187816161136640", "label": "yolo", "text": "I miss seeing my friends’ IG stories of them gettin lit in the club while I lay in my bed content with zero regrets."} {"idx": 35429, "original_id": "1251155754821668864", "reply_id": "1251158235395919883", "label": "yes", "text": "ChainLink didn’t get any attention at all in the last crypto bull run. I’m amazed at the crowd now. $LINK will be top 3."} {"idx": 35431, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251256179298201600", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 35432, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250927582398349315", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 35433, "original_id": "1250860012190253058", "reply_id": "1251112282844790785", "label": "applause", "text": "Nigeria was an experiment, a chemistry between Hydrogen (H) & Chlorine (CL), only it hasn’t produced the Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) but ordinary table water (H2O)\n\nYou see, Lord Lugard was a bad chemist who didn’t carry out his experiment under standard temperature & pressure (STP)."} {"idx": 35434, "original_id": "1251019874723418112", "reply_id": "1251022496188567553", "label": "idk", "text": "They call me Meatimus Prime 😩"} {"idx": 35438, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250847681242697729", "label": "smh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 35441, "original_id": "1250936066523172864", "reply_id": "1250942680839991297", "label": "yes", "text": "Christmas came a day early 😭😍🤩 watch @BoschAmazon season 6 RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!"} {"idx": 35443, "original_id": "1251044402522439682", "reply_id": "1251044924260220931", "label": "agree", "text": "Sleep sucks"} {"idx": 35444, "original_id": "1250981820541231104", "reply_id": "1250982867955523587", "label": "agree", "text": "Been sitting with it for a minute... But now that it’s out tonight I would like to say that the @FreddieGibbs verse on the new @WESTSIDEGUNN album is on a completely other level... like a Mario warp zone level skip to a new level, level of the game... the level above the level."} {"idx": 35445, "original_id": "1251148890918711296", "reply_id": "1251213715141283843", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Bob Quinn says a number of players reached out to them in free agency because they wanted to play for #Lions and Matt Patricia."} {"idx": 35447, "original_id": "1250931402671038467", "reply_id": "1250935948927369217", "label": "agree", "text": "People just hate and never want to see you win I swear. Stop being jealous and just help each other out! Team work makes the dream work!"} {"idx": 35448, "original_id": "1251148052733157376", "reply_id": "1251150620196626433", "label": "yes", "text": "It’s still Jummah🖤"} {"idx": 35451, "original_id": "1250889148019474434", "reply_id": "1250954697915187200", "label": "applause", "text": "Im proud of myself. I take great pride in not wordering wingstop in 4 weeks"} {"idx": 35452, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250956841816854528", "label": "no", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 35454, "original_id": "1251148890918711296", "reply_id": "1251150670062686208", "label": "ok", "text": "Bob Quinn says a number of players reached out to them in free agency because they wanted to play for #Lions and Matt Patricia."} {"idx": 35455, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1250913709532250115", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 35457, "original_id": "1251192996319465472", "reply_id": "1251207949504204805", "label": "scared", "text": "Since we’re no longer printing paper church bulletins, I’m really worried about the economic viability of Dunder Mifflin."} {"idx": 35460, "original_id": "1250790188789518339", "reply_id": "1250840551034937349", "label": "scared", "text": "If you see me in McDonald’s after this is all over munching 80 chicken nuggies mind your business 🙄"} {"idx": 35461, "original_id": "1250958630637252608", "reply_id": "1250959368792629250", "label": "agree", "text": "There is nothing I hate more on Twitter than clicking to see a complete picture and a browser window opening.\nI didn’t want to read your business. I just wanted to see the rest of that person’s face."} {"idx": 35463, "original_id": "1251210467172773888", "reply_id": "1251213901380771842", "label": "want", "text": "Should I do that \"give me a word and I'll give a line from a WIP\" for 2 SCAVENGE 2 FURIOUS 🤔"} {"idx": 35467, "original_id": "1250623962809356290", "reply_id": "1250850234600615936", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I should say, sorry to all the sports people who are still following me as I turn into a non-stop coronavirus bummer all the time. I appreciate you all. And I never blame people for tuning me out. I would be OK with tuning me out, sometimes. We're all tired. Big hugs, guys."} {"idx": 35468, "original_id": "1250828964941180928", "reply_id": "1250833947661131778", "label": "no", "text": "Might be an unpopular take among my Twitter followers, but Warren would be the best VP option *if* Biden is a one term President.\n\nHis VP becomes the de facto frontrunner in 2024 and I’d rather have it be Warren than a cop."} {"idx": 35472, "original_id": "1251215265884286976", "reply_id": "1251241205297340416", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Convo with @helloimnae \n\n“Why do ribs and bacon taste different if they both are pork?”\n\n“Hmmm for real, ham taste different too...” \n\n“Well makes sense because my pansa doesn’t taste the same as my ass.”"} {"idx": 35478, "original_id": "1250774391069253635", "reply_id": "1250852456994652160", "label": "omg", "text": "TODAY IS THE DAY! \n\nOur 'High School Musical' family will be together again, from their homes, to sing \"We are all in this together\". #DisneyFamilySingalong"} {"idx": 35479, "original_id": "1250992757314854913", "reply_id": "1251188684369604608", "label": "hug", "text": "Feeling a little stressed at the moment. Send cute stuff"} {"idx": 35482, "original_id": "1250853866809233408", "reply_id": "1250854123697836034", "label": "hug", "text": "You know what could actually help keep my sanity right now? If someone could just hug me. That’s it, that’s all I need/want. Idc who it’s from lol."} {"idx": 35483, "original_id": "1250739505021235200", "reply_id": "1250955515674480642", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Name a celebrity with a really sexy voice."} {"idx": 35484, "original_id": "1250869751087280130", "reply_id": "1250870278261014530", "label": "eww", "text": "Hope you bastards are enjoying bathing in hand soap. We’ve just had to buy a bar of soap like neanderthals."} {"idx": 35487, "original_id": "1250943987625734144", "reply_id": "1251124430559985669", "label": "scared", "text": "We are like exactly a week away from the #Cowboys making their first-round pick. \n\nHow afraid are you of them taking a LB at No. 17?"} {"idx": 35488, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251032784560254976", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 35491, "original_id": "1250683027530772481", "reply_id": "1250985341302919168", "label": "high_five", "text": "Is there a thing for toddlers being a natural born vegan? My son doesn't like chicken or any meat since birth. I didn't mind but being back in Fiji I've seen relatives look at him differently cos his a \"overseas born\" or too good for local food. Fck he dislikes meat. Period"} {"idx": 35497, "original_id": "1251160347014074371", "reply_id": "1251264141622423557", "label": "smh", "text": "My top series:\n\nEntourage \nGame of Thrones\nMoney Heist \n\nWhat you got? 🤔"} {"idx": 35498, "original_id": "1250943573849264133", "reply_id": "1250951067933818880", "label": "yes", "text": "Week 5 of quarantine: my neighbor seems to be growing out what seems to be an Afro? Not sure if I should be scared or join in on the trend... #tobecontinued @CoachStesiak"} {"idx": 35499, "original_id": "1251153790624952320", "reply_id": "1251154947065831430", "label": "agree", "text": "So we all vibing out to DVSN today right?"} {"idx": 35502, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251206423465394176", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 35504, "original_id": "1250580680641261569", "reply_id": "1250882000052985857", "label": "applause", "text": "Ted has the same conversation with every girl #blackinkcrew"} {"idx": 35505, "original_id": "1251143930508238849", "reply_id": "1251144544881541120", "label": "hug", "text": "What I'm looking for, what I think a lot of us are looking for, is understanding. Empathy. I don't need someone to tell me that my situation is bad or awful. I already know that. Unless you're going to give me a solution to fix everything, I do not need the stress."} {"idx": 35506, "original_id": "1251189204803096576", "reply_id": "1251194143742799872", "label": "high_five", "text": "it’s 100% kebab night"} {"idx": 35507, "original_id": "1251246121323827201", "reply_id": "1251246553924276226", "label": "shocked", "text": "throwback to when i had a ceiling titty and eventually got so nervous and self conscious about it that i got it changed"} {"idx": 35511, "original_id": "1250891871058120705", "reply_id": "1250917696117575682", "label": "applause", "text": "i am proud to say that my dad is finally cancer free 💙"} {"idx": 35512, "original_id": "1250899340467503104", "reply_id": "1250924281246085121", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Before you start an argument with someone on social media, ask yourself if the anger, resentment, or spite or envy, is worth it. \nAnd then ask yourself how valuable and irreplaceable your time is.\nAnd then walk away."} {"idx": 35515, "original_id": "1250495422910562305", "reply_id": "1250888732498149376", "label": "omg", "text": "Establish dominance by tasering anyone that comes closer than 6 ft."} {"idx": 35516, "original_id": "1251191165526958081", "reply_id": "1251231384301113351", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m going to vulnerable for a moment.\n\nI miss hugs. I miss big fucking hugs from friends and family.\n\nI’m the kind of guy who will great you with a strong, breathtaking, hug.\n\nThe kind of person that closes my eyes when I hug you. \n\nThat’s all I want right now."} {"idx": 35517, "original_id": "1251122395131281408", "reply_id": "1251122863773487105", "label": "agree", "text": "Just caught a few minutes of the FoxNews interview with Thanos and I think it’s wildly irresponsible."} {"idx": 35519, "original_id": "1251077121822375937", "reply_id": "1251230964040130560", "label": "agree", "text": "Never worry about the calorie-count in sperm cuz if youre going to swallow that much, no one's gonna mind if you're a little chubby."} {"idx": 35520, "original_id": "1251262942365937664", "reply_id": "1251264248602230784", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Stop microwaving every meal"} {"idx": 35522, "original_id": "1250553798650671104", "reply_id": "1250925245252304896", "label": "no", "text": "U.S. President Donald Trump says the U.S.-Canada border will be one of the earlier borders to be released from restrictions. Canadian officials have signaled border restrictions won't be eased any time soon."} {"idx": 35523, "original_id": "1250779442659692545", "reply_id": "1251141462936489986", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’m sick of these f*cking MSNBC sh*t squirters polluting our God-given airwaves with their president-hating dreck! Now they’re promoting the subversive notion that Biden form an UNELECTED “shadow government” when he can’t even form a sentence. These people are out of their minds!"} {"idx": 35530, "original_id": "1250876743218606080", "reply_id": "1250879763297828865", "label": "smh", "text": "Increasing the temp of your shower til you burn 😍😍 >>>>"} {"idx": 35532, "original_id": "1250823711990652929", "reply_id": "1250840345430065153", "label": "facepalm", "text": "CPE Peer Reviews:\n\nOne peer: you are understanding, open and tolerant, while holding your own views.\n\nAnother peer: Develop more tolerance.\n\n😐"} {"idx": 35533, "original_id": "1251208355697299462", "reply_id": "1251215978551115776", "label": "no", "text": "pete buttigieg is not a good or great person but can y'all stop baldshaming him please? many nonhaired comrades on this site"} {"idx": 35534, "original_id": "1250861077870583810", "reply_id": "1250861638548426752", "label": "popcorn", "text": "how to keep a man and make sure his happy for the rest of your life.\n\na thread."} {"idx": 35535, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251256406906482688", "label": "oops", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 35536, "original_id": "1251264890552999939", "reply_id": "1251265111739727874", "label": "idk", "text": "Has anyone listened to the new Fiona apple album? Apparently ppl are saying it’s phenomenal"} {"idx": 35538, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251143658838953989", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 35540, "original_id": "1250801023217799168", "reply_id": "1251157381511122944", "label": "shocked", "text": "– and they were roommates \n– oh my god they were roommates"} {"idx": 35541, "original_id": "1250863924175605760", "reply_id": "1250893450192486408", "label": "applause", "text": "Popped out of the briefing and went on the telly to explain the R0 with less than two minutes to actually get my head around what I was going to say.\n\nIt worked out. Crikey."} {"idx": 35543, "original_id": "1250972887575560192", "reply_id": "1251273076106395648", "label": "smh", "text": "Are these protesters in Michigan serious?"} {"idx": 35547, "original_id": "1250778555505655808", "reply_id": "1250908550219644932", "label": "hearts", "text": "My granddad died yesterday from COVID-19. He was an atmospheric physicist and committed Christian who devoted his career to climate justice, including chairing the IPCC and changing the mind of a major U.S. evangelical lobbyist. I want to tell you a bit about his life's work."} {"idx": 35548, "original_id": "1251172891607121920", "reply_id": "1251191290504642565", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Don't forget gogglers tonight #Gogglebox at 9pm #channel4 hope it can lift your spirits a bit all #StaySafe love Dave and shirley xxx"} {"idx": 35550, "original_id": "1250981466185650180", "reply_id": "1250981955149139968", "label": "yes", "text": "The Last Kingdom is pretty bad ass"} {"idx": 35555, "original_id": "1251151450434007041", "reply_id": "1251156455119450121", "label": "yes", "text": "\"It is estimated that over 2-million people employed in the informal economy, small businesses, micro-enterprises and the tourism industry will not receive a salary at the end of April.\" What's sad is that these people would not be in this position if we had better leaders.😡"} {"idx": 35558, "original_id": "1251064978863468545", "reply_id": "1251066423419568129", "label": "oops", "text": "One way or another, I'm gonna find ya"} {"idx": 35559, "original_id": "1250876734016192512", "reply_id": "1250881454344716301", "label": "hug", "text": "Nearly 24 hours in the hospital by myself waiting to go into active labour before Luke can even join me, seeing how stretched the staff are yet they’re still working so hard putting themselves at risk and I’m STILL seeing people with their mates ?!?!?!???? WHAT THE FUCK"} {"idx": 35561, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251059908260364289", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 35562, "original_id": "1250886831480033281", "reply_id": "1250887058144530434", "label": "hug", "text": "Ok, just getting a bit real here, sorry, but today has been.... Well, a day. An odd day. I know everyone is going through some shit, this is why I don't usually post this kind of stuff, cause I know people have it far worse than I do.\nBut, I'm... I dunno exactly. I think"} {"idx": 35563, "original_id": "1251098101928136706", "reply_id": "1251098563762929664", "label": "no", "text": "Ion care how good life is ya NOT BOUT TO ROLL MY WHOLE 3.5 in ONE BLUNT🤷🏽‍♂️‼️"} {"idx": 35565, "original_id": "1251256684330323970", "reply_id": "1251257814762340353", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m going to spend the rest of this time in Quarantine doing a lot of mental dieting. When they tell you to be conscious of your diet and what you consume, this isn’t just about food and beverages.✌🏻"} {"idx": 35566, "original_id": "1250999227511001089", "reply_id": "1251013491223220224", "label": "seriously", "text": "Tom Hanks is probably the GOAT actor"} {"idx": 35569, "original_id": "1250957208076136448", "reply_id": "1250960108600930305", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Thank you for letting me share my love with you ❤️"} {"idx": 35570, "original_id": "1251018250907013121", "reply_id": "1251043300791906305", "label": "oops", "text": "You need to clean out your camera roll"} {"idx": 35571, "original_id": "1250810028061163520", "reply_id": "1250862964141223938", "label": "no", "text": "Is Bobby Wagner the best NFL player to ever play for a Utah university?"} {"idx": 35572, "original_id": "1250920846778159104", "reply_id": "1250921695436845056", "label": "applause", "text": "I'll wash up if you cook."} {"idx": 35573, "original_id": "1250964952791363586", "reply_id": "1250965629047316480", "label": "yes", "text": "hijacks did 9/11"} {"idx": 35574, "original_id": "1251041875038842882", "reply_id": "1251045700810366976", "label": "omg", "text": "Koreans are racist. They used the N word everytime they calling some one else. Cuz you is 니가"} {"idx": 35576, "original_id": "1251263998068170752", "reply_id": "1251267448164225024", "label": "agree", "text": "London boys🤝Birmingham girls"} {"idx": 35578, "original_id": "1250993177055674370", "reply_id": "1251008511296909315", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "not going to lie, these last few weeks have been the hardest of the semester but I’m going to finish STRONG. No excuses! 😩"} {"idx": 35580, "original_id": "1250856678418821122", "reply_id": "1250858564282798081", "label": "eww", "text": "seriously my roots lookin badd looks like I got ombré hair I HATE IT HERE!!!!"} {"idx": 35585, "original_id": "1250876269958500355", "reply_id": "1250954740747378694", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m so happy for my besss friend 🥰🥰🥰"} {"idx": 35586, "original_id": "1251222288231366656", "reply_id": "1251229904059813892", "label": "shocked", "text": "Final Fantasy 7’s remake cast got their oxygen as they were producing carbon dioxide."} {"idx": 35588, "original_id": "1251006680709558273", "reply_id": "1251013709364785154", "label": "smh", "text": "The internet is a weird place, man.\n On Twitch you have a bunch of dudes mad that females have cleavage on stream. Then the same dudes on Twitter are mad when people ask artists to not overly sexualize female video game characters, who showcase 4x the cleavage in games on Twitch."} {"idx": 35589, "original_id": "1250979525359472641", "reply_id": "1251223418541916161", "label": "hug", "text": "Some days I wake up thinking about Abba Jan. When will my heart and mind accept that he is gone. The pain of waking up with him on my mind thinking that oh abhi call krti hon and then realising in the next second that there is no one to call to. Ya Allah!!"} {"idx": 35591, "original_id": "1251219211214602243", "reply_id": "1251222569350463489", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm having a bad day."} {"idx": 35592, "original_id": "1250882751915384833", "reply_id": "1250883718513930241", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Omg guys, just got some BIG news. Stay tuned 🥰🥰🥰🥰 #CharcuterieFilm"} {"idx": 35593, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250955655994843136", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 35594, "original_id": "1250943647459221506", "reply_id": "1250962284307869699", "label": "applause", "text": "Gave a dope presentation on trans//nonbinary competency to a firm, via a video-conferencing platform, and in overalls. The response to it was great... so yes, today was a good day."} {"idx": 35595, "original_id": "1251131103353634817", "reply_id": "1251224354605727745", "label": "wink", "text": "@saraajuana happppy birthday 🥰"} {"idx": 35596, "original_id": "1251079697448030209", "reply_id": "1251168559931195392", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF Brilliant to #follow @kjwanders @BlogNekoRandom @CSmallsWright @YourFireStory @_JerryRoth_ @Melodie_Ramone @AdamAmericaBook @AdamRenfro @HarisKSherwani @TomPalfirey @ShellyannShaw27 @TAlanHorne @zimpeterw @Adam_D_Jones @xavirivers1"} {"idx": 35597, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251229598857248771", "label": "applause", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 35600, "original_id": "1250799837374754818", "reply_id": "1250852269001715713", "label": "dance", "text": "So Cam gets a 99 draft card, I messaged the guy who donated his GT to the viewers and you guys selected Cam, he said Cam never got rejected and never switched his pick."} {"idx": 35601, "original_id": "1250922098945490945", "reply_id": "1250932520658468864", "label": "smh", "text": "Rule number one in dating a man with a kid..\n\nMake sure the mom is cute.. if not.. RUN! That ugly bitch gone be lurking around every corner you turn 🥴"} {"idx": 35602, "original_id": "1251208773982658560", "reply_id": "1251231158194577410", "label": "shocked", "text": "Gov @GregAbbott_TX just put the lobbyist who has owned an island in New Hampshire with Abbott's chief political consultant in charge of the state's COVID-19 strike force. We're in good hands #TxLege #coronavirus"} {"idx": 35603, "original_id": "1251179951044399104", "reply_id": "1251239913145630721", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Niggas with asthma be like “you want the smoke” bro you can’t even handle oxygen 😭😭"} {"idx": 35604, "original_id": "1250954351843123200", "reply_id": "1250987543149064196", "label": "agree", "text": "“Don’t look at where you are now. Look at where you want to be.”\n\n-Chriselle Lim"} {"idx": 35605, "original_id": "1251243248779173891", "reply_id": "1251254659693633539", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Oh yeah it’s Friday, so here’s my #FollowFriday (a thread) follow my good peoples! Lemme if know I missed ya! These are cool peeps& active:\n\n@Yela_BoneBanana @kamisworld49 @3rd_glokage @ZeroFactorX5 @Tomio_B @JeezzzHoney @goodguy5605 @H0ney_Muztard @SirCashius @__thelosthomie"} {"idx": 35607, "original_id": "1250828476510339075", "reply_id": "1250832488022278146", "label": "agree", "text": "U are beautiful 🤍"} {"idx": 35608, "original_id": "1250951981620801542", "reply_id": "1251194135865896968", "label": "yes", "text": "I love khloe as a brunette!"} {"idx": 35609, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250937819607883778", "label": "high_five", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 35613, "original_id": "1250954351725641731", "reply_id": "1250956269923512323", "label": "good_luck", "text": "FLASH LIFETIME GIVEAWAY \n\nOne random comment will win a lifetime key 🔑 \n(Current members eligible) \n\nYou have 15 minutes! GO!!! 🚨"} {"idx": 35614, "original_id": "1250947296822530049", "reply_id": "1250948538382589954", "label": "sigh", "text": "I’m so lost without sports that I’m watching the 2016 Divisional Round against the Packers. Plz send help"} {"idx": 35615, "original_id": "1250734996840742914", "reply_id": "1250855787024564225", "label": "smh", "text": "Football lovers...\nHow's life without Football?"} {"idx": 35617, "original_id": "1251265692986339328", "reply_id": "1251273792392847360", "label": "yes", "text": "Why would you escalate investigating who gave permission for Ruby Princess passengers to disembark\n\nNSW Health\nBorder Force\nPrincess Cruises\n\nto getting feedback from 5,500 passengers trying to find patient zero.\n\nI feel a forest building to hide a potato 😳\n\n#Auspol"} {"idx": 35618, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250926975545458689", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 35619, "original_id": "1251158858346541056", "reply_id": "1251162805065015301", "label": "agree", "text": "When this is all over, we should keep the Karens under quarantine."} {"idx": 35622, "original_id": "1250859752101478400", "reply_id": "1250956147013672966", "label": "yolo", "text": "My dads convinced I could give him a good haircut I’m so scared"} {"idx": 35628, "original_id": "1250875604192366592", "reply_id": "1250924528273731584", "label": "eww", "text": "ngl i've been watching a lot of @KavosYT recently and he's fucking funny \n\nhow much of a dick he is sometimes cracks me up \n\nit feels like old yt when no one gave a fuck"} {"idx": 35633, "original_id": "1250978377701511170", "reply_id": "1251134630238937090", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Ten thousand people in line at a food bank in Texas while Nancy Pelosi is eating ice cream that cost $12 a pint. Maybe we should refer to her as Nancy “let them eat ice cream” Pelosi."} {"idx": 35634, "original_id": "1251098344090300416", "reply_id": "1251098671946448897", "label": "yes", "text": "before, i can’t understand why ppl r crying when performing their dua,,, pero as i grew older,,, now I realized nga this is how it feels & how i felt before my dua."} {"idx": 35637, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250870477188247553", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 35640, "original_id": "1251120953695834112", "reply_id": "1251273469393883136", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you ever watch murder documentaries and kinda think “yep, I kinda get it”?"} {"idx": 35641, "original_id": "1250881096532717568", "reply_id": "1250921095114489857", "label": "shocked", "text": "so.... My sony account got eviscerated."} {"idx": 35642, "original_id": "1250912955237048330", "reply_id": "1250916382260129793", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Masters tank on my last game:\nTank: DIVE IS SO BRAINDEAD I PREFER TO PLAY DOUBLE SHIELD BC THAT AT LEAST REQUIRES SKILL\nMy entire team: what?"} {"idx": 35643, "original_id": "1250876311586955265", "reply_id": "1250927852591239168", "label": "shocked", "text": "Can I be honest about something??\n\nI do not like Valorant...\n\nI'll try it again when the full game is released I guess."} {"idx": 35644, "original_id": "1251226945976709127", "reply_id": "1251273603842281472", "label": "agree", "text": "shades others for doing something but then she does it too, make up ur mind already 🤦🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 35646, "original_id": "1251250366798196737", "reply_id": "1251250937127227393", "label": "high_five", "text": "At @Valvoline getting an oil change"} {"idx": 35649, "original_id": "1250551543155351560", "reply_id": "1251197118141861891", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "While President @realDonaldTrump highlighted American workers producing ventilators for those in need, @MSNBC cut away. Worse, @CNN did not even take the whole first portion of the briefing.\n\nThis is a disservice to all Americans seeking information from their government."} {"idx": 35650, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251042048100073472", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 35651, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250948715008757765", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 35654, "original_id": "1251184956795166720", "reply_id": "1251189557430804483", "label": "hug", "text": "Hug a moo today"} {"idx": 35655, "original_id": "1251023977981652998", "reply_id": "1251033392939847680", "label": "yawn", "text": "Raise your hand 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♀️ if you’re still awake?"} {"idx": 35657, "original_id": "1250897193332023297", "reply_id": "1250943361680277504", "label": "applause", "text": "Day16: playing with Vuetify. Exploring diferents components and testing diferents options. It gives me idea how can apply in my futures projects #100DaysOfCode"} {"idx": 35658, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250865031035715584", "label": "shocked", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 35659, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1250963292748754945", "label": "shrug", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 35661, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251012896710000641", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 35664, "original_id": "1250914004987346944", "reply_id": "1250916358184824832", "label": "eww", "text": "lbj>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mj"} {"idx": 35665, "original_id": "1251004520991043584", "reply_id": "1251201379219243010", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Sorry for the lack of streams lately, I've been having annoying problems with getting my capture card to work, and it may not be possible with the laptop I have Ugh!😠No stream tonight but I hope to be back tomorrow with an improved stream."} {"idx": 35667, "original_id": "1251153485157920773", "reply_id": "1251261861401591808", "label": "idk", "text": "How does one...focus?"} {"idx": 35669, "original_id": "1250921095487602688", "reply_id": "1250924772390731792", "label": "yes", "text": "In other news, a judge just denied Roger Stone's request for a new trial."} {"idx": 35671, "original_id": "1250982855435575296", "reply_id": "1250983902518423554", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "these Astro bitches are so bitter. shut the fuck up"} {"idx": 35676, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251187712104763394", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 35682, "original_id": "1250740066303033350", "reply_id": "1250844986100330498", "label": "seriously", "text": "It's been awhile🙄🙄😡\n I FEEL like a virgin all over😉🤗"} {"idx": 35685, "original_id": "1250862501526470661", "reply_id": "1250862840451420167", "label": "slow_clap", "text": ".@ChrisAvenueNL Dont you shoot my body ever again you shit freak got me on 150 ping and you can barely win a map, fucking clown"} {"idx": 35688, "original_id": "1250991157125005314", "reply_id": "1251190792888242176", "label": "thank_you", "text": "From Dr. Drew to Dr. Oz to Dr. Phil, when you consider all the quacks and nuts Oprah has promoted, maybe the problem is Oprah?"} {"idx": 35689, "original_id": "1250875515961061377", "reply_id": "1251020742961115137", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump is accusing New York City of inflating their death toll numbers. He is outrageous. Do you think the MAGA followers actually believe this?\n#WorstPresidentEver"} {"idx": 35693, "original_id": "1251148475363815424", "reply_id": "1251203880538583041", "label": "shocked", "text": "Sheeesh $120.00 bucks for ink ?? let me go sell some ass+tits vids real quick I be back 😭"} {"idx": 35694, "original_id": "1250944215653199875", "reply_id": "1250985332381831173", "label": "yes", "text": "What’s your shelter at home snack of choice? Mine is Cheez-its"} {"idx": 35696, "original_id": "1250951499804553217", "reply_id": "1251175608169623554", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Speaking with @seanhannity on Fox News Channel in just a few minutes.\n\nTune in!"} {"idx": 35697, "original_id": "1250921938031046656", "reply_id": "1250961403722137600", "label": "sigh", "text": "Trump: \"We have some states that got too much credit for what they've done, frankly.\""} {"idx": 35703, "original_id": "1250916794308665344", "reply_id": "1250949227544481800", "label": "agree", "text": "I will not accept an 'Opening up America Again' plan that doesn't include removing Donald Trump from office."} {"idx": 35704, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251115838502875136", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 35706, "original_id": "1251055932588556288", "reply_id": "1251056000087592965", "label": "no", "text": "no one like this"} {"idx": 35708, "original_id": "1251062059808120832", "reply_id": "1251077122422001664", "label": "hug", "text": "Just a little bitter about not being a part of the MC RTX stuff it’s fine I’m fine this is fine"} {"idx": 35711, "original_id": "1251002458316431365", "reply_id": "1251013878361714691", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I have 5,259 followers, how many of you will say goodnight?"} {"idx": 35712, "original_id": "1251224935575347201", "reply_id": "1251241778151215104", "label": "applause", "text": "Ohhh, i haven't told Twitter yet. I was waiting for it to be confirmed.\n\nI will be getting a PC next week. My brother is getting a new one. So he I am buying his old one. I am extremely excited! I also have a desk coming in the next couple weeks."} {"idx": 35713, "original_id": "1251178266746068995", "reply_id": "1251180468390768642", "label": "yes", "text": "Sitting in my truck waiting for my turn to go into micro center , lit"} {"idx": 35714, "original_id": "1251274611423096832", "reply_id": "1251274802335232001", "label": "no", "text": "One Direction without Zayn"} {"idx": 35716, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1250871908444385283", "label": "oops", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 35717, "original_id": "1251124174912925708", "reply_id": "1251127988676149249", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This is my bulking season... when the gyms open back up... its over😂😂"} {"idx": 35718, "original_id": "1251123782653181954", "reply_id": "1251150192285413377", "label": "smh", "text": "You guys should stop saying MI casted Sarz. He didn’t cast him because it’s not true. I know Sarz very very well and he doesn’t ejaculate fast😔"} {"idx": 35719, "original_id": "1250937016331538432", "reply_id": "1250939766012620800", "label": "yes", "text": "Ya vieron “ The Gift” en Netflix?"} {"idx": 35722, "original_id": "1250990568349597697", "reply_id": "1251085575551139841", "label": "agree", "text": "In a world where we have Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, and Black Widow kicking ass or collecting Infinity Stones, #BoldandBeautiful gives us women who fake illnesses to get a man and keeps giant photos of their ex on the wall. Party like it’s 1920...😒"} {"idx": 35725, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250834712710590464", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 35727, "original_id": "1250995823590203393", "reply_id": "1250997760939171842", "label": "applause", "text": "Your gun doesn't mean shit to me. What matters to me is the ignorance and arrogance of a Presidential administration that is not willing to face a problem like a pandemic or high school mass shootings. These are big issues and a lot of people are dying needlessly."} {"idx": 35728, "original_id": "1251230056522760192", "reply_id": "1251230957727813632", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m proposing a girls night sleepover after quarantine @stephbann04 @tbhuds15 @SkyeLynn_96 @emgethks"} {"idx": 35730, "original_id": "1250053425838112768", "reply_id": "1251000695160881154", "label": "agree", "text": "As many have warned in the past, freedom is unlikely to be lost all at once and openly. It is far more likely to be eroded away, bit by bit, amid glittering promises and expressions of noble ideas."} {"idx": 35731, "original_id": "1251045892133654529", "reply_id": "1251047217433055232", "label": "shocked", "text": "I got a lil crush 😭😭❤️❤️"} {"idx": 35732, "original_id": "1251154293211582475", "reply_id": "1251154801410244615", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "NEW: Speaker @RepDennisBonnen tells me he believes today's presser with @GovAbbott will be about concepts and strategies about how we can reopen Texas. A road-map, not a date. #txlege"} {"idx": 35733, "original_id": "1250769440544665601", "reply_id": "1250847559943426049", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Last night I had the most interesting dream about LEGOs. I'm trying to figure out what it means but I just can't put it together. 😁"} {"idx": 35737, "original_id": "1250847298382229504", "reply_id": "1250850222357397504", "label": "kiss", "text": "you’re hotter than takis"} {"idx": 35738, "original_id": "1250817647110950913", "reply_id": "1250844490065117185", "label": "high_five", "text": ".@JoeBiden will be on CNN town hall, 8pm Eastern tonight. Pass it on, and record it!"} {"idx": 35739, "original_id": "1251135172495446017", "reply_id": "1251146138067046400", "label": "applause", "text": "So excited to get this MacBook... thanks Trump"} {"idx": 35741, "original_id": "1250912648704778246", "reply_id": "1250946850032701441", "label": "applause", "text": "Good tweet"} {"idx": 35742, "original_id": "1250895940510076928", "reply_id": "1251168915415339008", "label": "seriously", "text": "Jesus, how come no one ever told me how good deep purple is"} {"idx": 35745, "original_id": "1250844015471149056", "reply_id": "1250845171735879680", "label": "please", "text": "Sailings between Horseshoe Bay and Departure Bay aren’t cancelled, they’re just... delayed."} {"idx": 35746, "original_id": "1251190623303946241", "reply_id": "1251192310022447104", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": ".@IvankaTrump Dad’s trying to lead a guerilla war."} {"idx": 35747, "original_id": "1250947818493116416", "reply_id": "1250950800035254275", "label": "agree", "text": "Avery Brooks has the most soothing voice. Just gorgeous to listen to."} {"idx": 35748, "original_id": "1250934080256049152", "reply_id": "1250935421607051265", "label": "yes", "text": "One liquor store was closed and the other didn’t have my wine of choice at all. What is life?"} {"idx": 35749, "original_id": "1250994094308036609", "reply_id": "1251081983062618113", "label": "applause", "text": "ACC Fight Song Power Rankings:\n\n1. Clemson\n2. Florida State\n3. Boston College\n4. Wake Forest\n5. Pitt\n6. Syracuse\n7. Miami\n8. North Carolina\n9. Virginia\n10. Virginia Tech\n11. Duke\n12. Georgia Tech\n13. NC State\n14. Louisville"} {"idx": 35750, "original_id": "1251178541804290049", "reply_id": "1251229045716631552", "label": "applause", "text": "Wow. Spring break was so nice and relaxing. I feel so refreshed and ready to return back to work.\n\nOh wait."} {"idx": 35751, "original_id": "1251169337626542085", "reply_id": "1251205113835814914", "label": "scared", "text": "Back from our daily walk early enough to get ready for the tXc tourney today! So so excited! ❤️"} {"idx": 35753, "original_id": "1251084191292248064", "reply_id": "1251093117534527488", "label": "agree", "text": "Since its Friday, I thought let's get into the mood and crack a lame joke :P \n\nWhere does a potato go to do Nature's call?\n\nA-Loo 😂😂\n\n@hvgoenka"} {"idx": 35754, "original_id": "1250899195357270017", "reply_id": "1250904733671399425", "label": "shocked", "text": "Wait. You’re saying @DrOz isn’t a respected medical authority? #IfItQuacksLikeADuck"} {"idx": 35755, "original_id": "1251165137198813184", "reply_id": "1251175055037534209", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 35756, "original_id": "1251270358545637376", "reply_id": "1251271485890547713", "label": "yes", "text": "If I started selling and shipping these edibles would yall cop? 👀"} {"idx": 35757, "original_id": "1250977263920844803", "reply_id": "1251003205363916802", "label": "idk", "text": "Someone give me 50$ i want the new coven skins in league."} {"idx": 35758, "original_id": "1250948434611191813", "reply_id": "1251027858178273286", "label": "no", "text": "A bit slow to this, but the PM told Neil Mitchell on 3AW this morning that unless 40% of people take up this coronavirus tracking app, \"we'd have to\" keep social restrictions in place. \n\nPretty significant carrot to dangle, for an opt-in app #auspol"} {"idx": 35760, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251154685370576900", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 35763, "original_id": "1250815592921280514", "reply_id": "1250869076655734787", "label": "no", "text": "Just figured out I am only two years younger than Stacy’s Mom was in the Stacy’s Mom video."} {"idx": 35764, "original_id": "1251184920128417794", "reply_id": "1251191478245826560", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Allegedly, it's #FF! Give them some 🤳\n@talkin_shiz \n@femaleisfuture_ \n@CinematicBSpots \n@podcast_design \n@TheoryCrime \n@DunkingNDragons \n@KingMaker1314 \n@robinhoodpod \n@EvanLandon \n@LGACode \n@DjDizam \n@Tara51749065 \n@TheKevinLongSh1 \n@AMReviews3 \n@major_marq\n@SomeWouldPlay"} {"idx": 35771, "original_id": "1251237171928993798", "reply_id": "1251238004288638980", "label": "applause", "text": "My goal was to clean my room on my days off yesterday and today....all I’ve done is play rollercoaster tycoon....pls send help"} {"idx": 35772, "original_id": "1250836389077213184", "reply_id": "1250837788804755456", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m becoming a variety streamer omg"} {"idx": 35775, "original_id": "1251189406519656450", "reply_id": "1251218875116662786", "label": "eww", "text": "The best Dark Souls (2, don't @ me) is on sale for 10 bucks on Steam"} {"idx": 35778, "original_id": "1250812319526838272", "reply_id": "1250865209562054656", "label": "applause", "text": "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands in the reply section"} {"idx": 35779, "original_id": "1250807534409052160", "reply_id": "1250865400553693185", "label": "agree", "text": "Nancy Pelosi is a despicable politican who doesn't care about her constituents or what’s best for America"} {"idx": 35781, "original_id": "1251211335385391106", "reply_id": "1251216155546734604", "label": "seriously", "text": "Dear @Airbnb I feel that @taylorswift13 canceling #loverfest due to COVID-19 should qualify as an extenuating circumstance."} {"idx": 35784, "original_id": "1251240025875984384", "reply_id": "1251247186127577089", "label": "seriously", "text": "I see 2,000 more Americans died today while these idiots have been protesting against safety for their fellow citizens. #COVID19"} {"idx": 35787, "original_id": "1250921683415896064", "reply_id": "1250932180030820353", "label": "shocked", "text": "Who would’ve thought that when we fucked, it was the last time?"} {"idx": 35790, "original_id": "1250683979726032896", "reply_id": "1250917867564007427", "label": "kiss", "text": "Sebi if to say person get babe wey Dey drive Okada. She for form delivery service drive come see person. Hisss 🤦🏽‍♂️ 🚶🏻#TwitterPidgin"} {"idx": 35791, "original_id": "1250593798234701825", "reply_id": "1250932277330272256", "label": "applause", "text": "Well, probably most of you already know but I'm joining MK.BPro on a trial basis. With that being said I want to thank @spyleaderCS and @oxygenCSGO_ for the opportunity to prove myself and develop even more. I'm ready to give everything for this project to be a successful one"} {"idx": 35792, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251137286353432577", "label": "sigh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 35793, "original_id": "1250867272475766794", "reply_id": "1250992681016328192", "label": "applause", "text": "It doesn't matter how much effort you put into a relationship/friendship, there isn't a magical amount that you can give that will make them return the same level of effort. Don't put your whole being into people that don't return your energy. Thank you for coming to my TED talk."} {"idx": 35794, "original_id": "1251040213289193472", "reply_id": "1251049295421173761", "label": "wink", "text": "That was fun.\nTonight let me know I’m following the right people."} {"idx": 35795, "original_id": "1251249635579949058", "reply_id": "1251252655856418817", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm all the way out on Kinlaw at 13. DT isn't the position to spend high end resources on. Kinlaw is a flash player with a killer highlight film, but the consistency isn't there. Add injury(s) and he had to lose 40(!) lbs to get to current playing weight. OT or WR at 13."} {"idx": 35796, "original_id": "1251144177548591104", "reply_id": "1251144851116064768", "label": "applause", "text": "if you try to invalidate anyone in the lgbt+ community i’m legally allowed to stab you"} {"idx": 35797, "original_id": "1250545400366407682", "reply_id": "1251157313085272067", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "This is supposed to be a pandemic briefing.. The president is attacking Democrats."} {"idx": 35800, "original_id": "1250907962148880385", "reply_id": "1251051045033332736", "label": "applause", "text": "slow dancing in the dark"} {"idx": 35802, "original_id": "1250944036711460864", "reply_id": "1250950039972659200", "label": "shocked", "text": "Dude my weiner I- now that I have your attention, I hope you have a wonderful day and don’t let any piece of shit try to take your self worth away from you."} {"idx": 35807, "original_id": "1251249074138988544", "reply_id": "1251261999448829955", "label": "applause", "text": "We are extremely excited to welcome home one of our favorite people to Encourage Gaming, @BettyB0om! Please join us in giving this absolute legend a huge welcome and show her that Encourage love! We can't wait to see what the future holds 😎"} {"idx": 35814, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1250930350353797120", "label": "thank_you", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 35816, "original_id": "1250933991890247681", "reply_id": "1251076694519275526", "label": "hearts", "text": "ITS ALL LOVE GUYS. ITS ALL FRICKIN LOVE. And some bullshit here and there and some assholes who need to be smACked other than that ITS ALL LOVE ❤️"} {"idx": 35819, "original_id": "1251235069617942533", "reply_id": "1251235835455901702", "label": "thank_you", "text": "When you become so rich that you forget what it’s like to be poor, you need to get your head examined."} {"idx": 35822, "original_id": "1251224311903510528", "reply_id": "1251226087805329408", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Shout out to the people who are never offended when Black people say, \"White people\", you're appreciated."} {"idx": 35826, "original_id": "1251255390114680832", "reply_id": "1251263565459226624", "label": "please", "text": "Got an 88 on one final, let's hope my Calc final is just as good D:"} {"idx": 35829, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251255990067974144", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 35830, "original_id": "1250739608045920257", "reply_id": "1250873682714599424", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "EP finally complete. 💯"} {"idx": 35831, "original_id": "1251164120902062082", "reply_id": "1251199501630668801", "label": "agree", "text": "How does everyone have photos of themselves when they were twenty? I don't think I even owned a camera when I was twenty"} {"idx": 35832, "original_id": "1250890823702634496", "reply_id": "1250891360196067328", "label": "no", "text": "Nobody:\nLiterally noone:\n\nMe: ... you're right, I should get a nose job"} {"idx": 35833, "original_id": "1250621275451596802", "reply_id": "1250914241483362306", "label": "no", "text": "How do y’all feel about your significant other being friends with their ex?"} {"idx": 35837, "original_id": "1251119301362319361", "reply_id": "1251188965266395137", "label": "eww", "text": "Bro you said 2 it’s 4🥺🤨"} {"idx": 35839, "original_id": "1251175341604945923", "reply_id": "1251202189160255495", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I put a picture of Malcolm X as my facebook profile. I just received a comment from someone asking if that is a picture of my father. wow."} {"idx": 35840, "original_id": "1250875436328013825", "reply_id": "1251049594370379777", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm really happy to see my channel become more popular, unfortunately that also means more transphobes popping up to harass me🙄 wish some people would get a life dude"} {"idx": 35841, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250963746673102848", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 35843, "original_id": "1250936293221003264", "reply_id": "1251274200624492544", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Of course, the Chinese Communist Party & WHO should have been providing us with better information more quickly about #Covid19. I also wonder what our Intelligence Community was reporting. Since when did we start relying on communists to tell us the truth to defend our security?"} {"idx": 35844, "original_id": "1250859345815969793", "reply_id": "1250859571339550726", "label": "seriously", "text": "so i was actually gonna say my assumptions but i don’t know how to assume sorry guys😔"} {"idx": 35845, "original_id": "1250930706857017344", "reply_id": "1250931601908928513", "label": "hug", "text": "Finally got the courage to visit my sister’s grave. Happy 30th Birthday! ☺️☺️"} {"idx": 35846, "original_id": "1251006757905641472", "reply_id": "1251233210153021442", "label": "good_luck", "text": "If I ever share a tittie shot here I better get more than 10 likes"} {"idx": 35850, "original_id": "1251199220893319169", "reply_id": "1251257230277689350", "label": "want", "text": "tried to convince my family to wear masks when they go outside\n\ninstead had a 10 minute lecture on why microwaves give you cancer\n\nsave me"} {"idx": 35851, "original_id": "1251037633553346560", "reply_id": "1251054872872411143", "label": "wink", "text": "Hey Growtopians,\n\nServers will be going under emergency maintenance to fix the connectivity issue. We will keep everyone posted.\n\n~ Kairos"} {"idx": 35852, "original_id": "1250941437237231616", "reply_id": "1250964778425692160", "label": "applause", "text": "I just realized I have an @AOL email address that I use daily that’s over 25 years old. I’m both proud and embarrassed."} {"idx": 35854, "original_id": "1249838671341256704", "reply_id": "1250834690535305217", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Just finished my recertification for Google Certified Educator Level 1, was good to review my skills. Now on to Level 2 and eventually Trainer! Thanks for the motivation @edtechshelly"} {"idx": 35855, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251033089058369537", "label": "dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 35856, "original_id": "1250910844856045568", "reply_id": "1250916471951126529", "label": "please", "text": "Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on @sportsradiokjr regarding football this fall: \"If I had a dollar to bet I'd bet that we'd have football in the fall. But the virus has a vote in this.\""} {"idx": 35862, "original_id": "1250924287730552834", "reply_id": "1251067711251087360", "label": "agree", "text": "Germany is led by a professional scientist. \n\nFrance is led by a professional banker. \n\nThe UK is led by a professional liar."} {"idx": 35864, "original_id": "1251059948340928512", "reply_id": "1251159906125615114", "label": "please", "text": "Anyone in LA want girls supporting girls merch? I have extra boxes of merch and want to deliver some😚😚😚"} {"idx": 35865, "original_id": "1251060603348750336", "reply_id": "1251213226513240065", "label": "applause", "text": "Today my mum an some of her colleagues have gone into lockdown in Bay Tree care home @Wrexham for 6 to 8 weeks!! This is being done to stop #COVID19 getting into the home! #StayHomeSaveLifes"} {"idx": 35868, "original_id": "1251068642315218945", "reply_id": "1251231050241433600", "label": "hug", "text": "Late night drunk tweet but goddamn. The world isn't gonna be the same for a long ass time. \n\nI miss hanging out with the squad. \n\nI miss not being worried about being out in public. \n\nI miss having the option to be hermit.."} {"idx": 35871, "original_id": "1250931139507818498", "reply_id": "1250933197334106113", "label": "omg", "text": "i am so SICK of men hitting on me at the gas station. you know what...ima start shooting them"} {"idx": 35872, "original_id": "1251239952916140039", "reply_id": "1251249010603679744", "label": "no", "text": "Wouldn't really be Top of the Pops without The London Boys.... 😬 #totp1989"} {"idx": 35873, "original_id": "1250904617635975169", "reply_id": "1251141865090560000", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve cried so many times today. Not doing good alert 🚨"} {"idx": 35875, "original_id": "1251178683357954050", "reply_id": "1251245371294187528", "label": "applause", "text": "Once this lockdown gets over, I'll plan hundreds of trips with my friends, and ofcourse I'll cancel them too😂😂\n@SaweraHaha"} {"idx": 35876, "original_id": "1250954810318368768", "reply_id": "1250954972608356352", "label": "applause", "text": "boobs lol"} {"idx": 35878, "original_id": "1251009074470273025", "reply_id": "1251013320104173569", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "@kami_elizabeth okay I didn’t wanna make a tik tok with you anyways 🙄😔"} {"idx": 35879, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251160542909100033", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 35880, "original_id": "1251263920356163585", "reply_id": "1251273196394987521", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Curious: what are YOUR thoughts on the news that the #Bears are releasing Trey Burton??"} {"idx": 35881, "original_id": "1251148455721889795", "reply_id": "1251156428972154881", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone else feel CONSTANT phantom aftershocks?"} {"idx": 35884, "original_id": "1251076025666154496", "reply_id": "1251145667973505030", "label": "hug", "text": "Sorry for not streaming yesterday, IRL stuff hit HARD. It’s a lot to handle. Send good thoughts my way. ❤️"} {"idx": 35887, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250942870384775174", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 35888, "original_id": "1251186515503439872", "reply_id": "1251188992495833090", "label": "wink", "text": "I miss spamming Instagram with videos of Osc looking 😎"} {"idx": 35891, "original_id": "1250878765690953728", "reply_id": "1250917771459858434", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "i’m dumbsilly happy rn"} {"idx": 35896, "original_id": "1250748623119437825", "reply_id": "1250882836426633218", "label": "idk", "text": "I’d rather unfollow people who have me on mute. If you don’t like what I tweet or who I retweet, why bother following"} {"idx": 35897, "original_id": "1250930892736008192", "reply_id": "1250934516832768000", "label": "agree", "text": "You're all cuties. Don't forget it. ;3"} {"idx": 35899, "original_id": "1250866273216577538", "reply_id": "1250895620732305409", "label": "no", "text": "You know... I was going to work tonight but I think I deserve a break.\n\nAnd you also deserve a break.\n\nTake a break. Spend time with family or pets. Read a book. Watch Tiger King. Take care of you. Work can wait until tomorrow."} {"idx": 35902, "original_id": "1250882322976604162", "reply_id": "1250884623183347712", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all think whiskey and Big Red go together?"} {"idx": 35904, "original_id": "1250858323332812802", "reply_id": "1250858527968555009", "label": "agree", "text": "Nigga said bitches don’t screen shot when they begging I am hollering"} {"idx": 35905, "original_id": "1251208010480918528", "reply_id": "1251208672237309952", "label": "no", "text": "i can't smell or taste anything well we had a good run folks"} {"idx": 35906, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251252686068101120", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 35907, "original_id": "1251229177996546049", "reply_id": "1251230828933386240", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m tired, I’m sad and I don’t feel fun or social at the moment. That could change in five minutes or 5 weeks. In the meantime, I’m sending love and positive vibes to my Twitter fam & to the world, really. I’m thankful for you & wish all of you health & peace\n\n💜"} {"idx": 35908, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250857859471929345", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 35909, "original_id": "1251227746484838408", "reply_id": "1251234673302224896", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Holy fucking shit you guys. I interview McAfee for the podcast in TWO hours!!! #NervousAsFuck"} {"idx": 35912, "original_id": "1250976306285686785", "reply_id": "1250976674759483393", "label": "idk", "text": "I’m starting to wonder if all these girls truly do like a dick with a little bit of curve. I’m not so convinced."} {"idx": 35917, "original_id": "1250475855832182784", "reply_id": "1250859769390198784", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "#yyccc is discussing the Climate Strategy annual update. While many Canadian cities are stepping up with more aggressive targets, The City of Calgary is not on track to meet its weak climate targets."} {"idx": 35918, "original_id": "1251273342906228738", "reply_id": "1251274453654425602", "label": "smh", "text": "I can’t remember the last time I worked out ugh"} {"idx": 35920, "original_id": "1250827688215900161", "reply_id": "1251082341922947072", "label": "dance", "text": "Okay, drop your childhood pictures..!"} {"idx": 35921, "original_id": "1250863478576947206", "reply_id": "1250897200810545154", "label": "awww", "text": "I love you all. Just saying. <3"} {"idx": 35923, "original_id": "1251199875204644868", "reply_id": "1251209152610721793", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t wanna be at work today 🙄"} {"idx": 35924, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251092505174724608", "label": "sigh", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 35926, "original_id": "1251229759406825474", "reply_id": "1251231973424738305", "label": "idk", "text": "My sis fried salt n decided to add Little egg to it☺️❤️"} {"idx": 35928, "original_id": "1250623688686403585", "reply_id": "1250914142799659010", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If you’re looking for an easy way to donate to the Biden campaign just pay your credit card bill"} {"idx": 35936, "original_id": "1250958410608066562", "reply_id": "1250973064654999558", "label": "agree", "text": "No carti slander will be tolerated on the tl"} {"idx": 35940, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251093163244236802", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 35942, "original_id": "1250841069933285380", "reply_id": "1250899648065273857", "label": "eww", "text": "I can't state how much I enjoy being on a video call where the presenter has positioned their camera such that i can count her nose hairs #Not"} {"idx": 35943, "original_id": "1251221973931307013", "reply_id": "1251225895928463360", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug. 😔"} {"idx": 35944, "original_id": "1250962186622496770", "reply_id": "1250968164797743107", "label": "scared", "text": "Right in the middle of binging Inuyasha, Hulu goes down 😱"} {"idx": 35946, "original_id": "1251242820066856962", "reply_id": "1251253577445789698", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "something else exciting @ 5pm est. make sure youre on twitter"} {"idx": 35947, "original_id": "1251250301983752195", "reply_id": "1251251023508799491", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "When your boss texts you to open a bottle of wine before you open her next email and have a glass \"or drink directly from the bottle.\""} {"idx": 35951, "original_id": "1251099091901259776", "reply_id": "1251100210455085058", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Ladies shall we have some fun? 😌"} {"idx": 35956, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251195285151387653", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 35958, "original_id": "1251010182387286016", "reply_id": "1251021798486884353", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all sleep yet?"} {"idx": 35959, "original_id": "1251187205919387648", "reply_id": "1251217411463839745", "label": "applause", "text": "22 million Americans have filed for unemployment in the past month, and rent is due again in two weeks.\n\nMy Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act will fully cancel — not suspend — rent and mortgage payments through the pandemic. #CancelRent"} {"idx": 35961, "original_id": "1251004419539456003", "reply_id": "1251004786322931712", "label": "scared", "text": "ldn niggas for the win !!"} {"idx": 35962, "original_id": "1250787308036595712", "reply_id": "1250837502233063429", "label": "scared", "text": "Something new I learnt about rail freight today. When transporting snails around you must mark all boxes containing them with a large ‘S’- ensuring everyone knows that these are S cargo."} {"idx": 35963, "original_id": "1250916810368548865", "reply_id": "1250918313535762432", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@gaabrielarenee is the finest damn woman I have ever laid my eyes on.. truly God’s touch 🥺🤍"} {"idx": 35965, "original_id": "1250854502594342919", "reply_id": "1250961004789407745", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Shortening my tweets... hi"} {"idx": 35966, "original_id": "1250895237297451015", "reply_id": "1250956656177025026", "label": "awww", "text": "This quarantine and insomnia have really messed with my sleep schedule"} {"idx": 35968, "original_id": "1251079228537405440", "reply_id": "1251082515948937216", "label": "no", "text": "i asked sb what wrong with gemini’s he said “ Y’all just two different people every two minutes don’t know who I’m dealing wit and when “ & i agree 🤷🏿‍♀️"} {"idx": 35969, "original_id": "1250848713637011456", "reply_id": "1250878876592594954", "label": "wink", "text": "Just a quick message. Without getting too heavy, I would like to thank you all very much. I have been self isolating and have not left the house for 4 weeks. Interacting, sharing and chatting with you about the things I love has been really important to me. I thank you again. ♥️"} {"idx": 35971, "original_id": "1250985251733753859", "reply_id": "1250988232864608263", "label": "shocked", "text": "BREAKING: Wuhan, where the coronavirus pandemic began, revises death toll to 3,869, an increase of 50%"} {"idx": 35973, "original_id": "1248757866594369536", "reply_id": "1250972649821483010", "label": "no", "text": "Can you imagine Joe Biden behind the wheel?"} {"idx": 35974, "original_id": "1250821318238339073", "reply_id": "1250862094431522824", "label": "applause", "text": "I need a cocktail. \n\nHold the tail."} {"idx": 35980, "original_id": "1251110723582713858", "reply_id": "1251115524508905472", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s okay if you don’t like me."} {"idx": 35984, "original_id": "1250907071106727951", "reply_id": "1250907742874763275", "label": "seriously", "text": "stop overthinking stop overthinking stop overthinking stop"} {"idx": 35989, "original_id": "1251219127903100928", "reply_id": "1251221232198049792", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Opening Texas doesn’t mean a free for all—It just means that certain businesses can operate on a to-go basis like restaurants have been doing and some surgeries will now be approved. Plus, parks open assumes social distancing. #Covid_19 #texas"} {"idx": 35990, "original_id": "1251120780320165891", "reply_id": "1251143046567059456", "label": "shocked", "text": "Your Birthday month shows the App you use spend the day on.\n\nJan - Instagram\nFeb - YouTube\nMar - Porn hub\nApr - Facebook\nMay - Nairaland \nJune - WhatsApp\nJul - TikTok\nAug - Likee\nSep - Xvideos\nOct - Twitter\nNov - CandyCrush \nDec - Netflix"} {"idx": 35993, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251170858963517444", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 35996, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250963455093477377", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 36000, "original_id": "1250976778170089472", "reply_id": "1251265267243511809", "label": "agree", "text": "@Youngdeji_ I think if uzi and carti dropping Monday you gotta drop lil woah also"} {"idx": 36001, "original_id": "1251154260789616642", "reply_id": "1251158994527219718", "label": "ok", "text": "For the third year in a row we’re discussing trading picks for a safety."} {"idx": 36005, "original_id": "1250959397804634112", "reply_id": "1250969216343109632", "label": "yes", "text": "Might just say fuck it and let @LupeLoops cut my hair this weekend 😓"} {"idx": 36006, "original_id": "1251117793065537538", "reply_id": "1251247658225864706", "label": "facepalm", "text": "If you haven't played the first black ops, you ain't a real gamer"} {"idx": 36007, "original_id": "1250921546048102405", "reply_id": "1250943836651753474", "label": "shocked", "text": "Men are some of the biggest disappointments...."} {"idx": 36013, "original_id": "1250994592633237504", "reply_id": "1250996130625794049", "label": "yes", "text": "I just had to cancel my myrtle trip and i am. spiraling."} {"idx": 36018, "original_id": "1250874528508633088", "reply_id": "1250983803197296640", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I literally feel I can’t do enough for everyone and need to hyperventilate into a brown bag. ☹️ I beat myself up more each day than any of you every could. Please know I’m doing the best I’m able, yeah? Thank you. 💛"} {"idx": 36019, "original_id": "1251009683315290112", "reply_id": "1251014577422077953", "label": "kiss", "text": "thank you to my friends for always being supportive 🥺"} {"idx": 36023, "original_id": "1251016445540085762", "reply_id": "1251016937250844673", "label": "agree", "text": "\\\\ So if i did a school AU event who'd join? Im guaging interest."} {"idx": 36024, "original_id": "1250908794537771012", "reply_id": "1250909435347767296", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump, on script, begins by saying they have undertaken the country's greatest mobilization \"since World War II.\" He says they have unleashed the \"most potent weapon of all\": Americans' courage. He tells people who've lost loved ones that their pain is our pain."} {"idx": 36025, "original_id": "1251179216143605765", "reply_id": "1251181132202291200", "label": "oops", "text": "My ex got married yesterday. Should I send them a card or just the screenshots of him trying to get me back when they were dating ?"} {"idx": 36026, "original_id": "1250948842385784835", "reply_id": "1250949344074792961", "label": "thank_you", "text": "idk who needs to hear this but i’m proud of you"} {"idx": 36027, "original_id": "1251154492445188096", "reply_id": "1251212515947790337", "label": "wink", "text": "can’t beat blonde hair blue eyes"} {"idx": 36028, "original_id": "1251148558176157701", "reply_id": "1251201847647506434", "label": "agree", "text": "Feel free to @ me. Women need to do better. Most of these men will show u in every form that they js wna fucj bt bcs u r insecure and do not wna b alone u force relationship and when u get fucked over u shout men r trash. You are trash to yourself. E nr du u natin"} {"idx": 36029, "original_id": "1250460581666197510", "reply_id": "1251160650660712449", "label": "agree", "text": "There is a joke circulating in Germany:\n\n\"What borders on stupidity?\"\n\"Mexico and Canada!\""} {"idx": 36032, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251048984044376064", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 36034, "original_id": "1250904011584278528", "reply_id": "1250970453667176454", "label": "applause", "text": "The things Congress is doing now, the petulance, the gridlock, the vendettas and the downright evil is the best reason of all for term limits\nThey get so out of touch they think our money belongs to them and they have no idea what it’s like out here in the real world"} {"idx": 36036, "original_id": "1251010125688602624", "reply_id": "1251012911188914178", "label": "hug", "text": "I really wanted to draw tonight\nBut my brain is mean and my feelings were hurt by people I care about today and with all the extra stress I've just been hiding in my room alone all day and night.\n\nI hate feeling so bombarded by hurtful words. All my energy is sapped dry.\n#salt"} {"idx": 36037, "original_id": "1251158362739204099", "reply_id": "1251207147603611649", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "do i fancy you or do you just have long hair and a skateboard"} {"idx": 36040, "original_id": "1250909146502836225", "reply_id": "1250928601689546752", "label": "sigh", "text": "The New York Post's line about Roy Halladay's death was fucking garbage today.\n\n\"Some won’t look at Roy Halladay the same after learning of a National Transportation Safety Board report that stated the Hall of Fame pitcher was on high levels of amphetamines and morphine\""} {"idx": 36045, "original_id": "1250855624470155271", "reply_id": "1250856252508442625", "label": "yes", "text": "Raise your hand if you think it's time to reopen America. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 36046, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251150132034203649", "label": "sigh", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 36047, "original_id": "1250815496162668544", "reply_id": "1250977057745416193", "label": "agree", "text": "NEED🌹SOLO 🌹SANA🌹PROJECTS🌹"} {"idx": 36051, "original_id": "1250935268858871815", "reply_id": "1250939857402302466", "label": "scared", "text": "So bars are open but you have to be away from each other smh"} {"idx": 36052, "original_id": "1250791150925086720", "reply_id": "1251025618591858690", "label": "omg", "text": "I don’t want to speak too soon but I think we may now have unlimited internet at our house 😭 hello 2020!"} {"idx": 36053, "original_id": "1250927944660385792", "reply_id": "1250935492616601600", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Ending the government lockdowns does not mean that you are forced to stop quarantining. I have absolutely no idea why these are being conflated.\n\nYou are more than welcomed to stay inside if you do not want to assume the risk."} {"idx": 36061, "original_id": "1250834483420545025", "reply_id": "1250834760705900546", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@ShelleyMcElyea1 happy birthday, darling ❤️💋🎁🎉🍰🎈"} {"idx": 36063, "original_id": "1250651106822074368", "reply_id": "1250861570521010184", "label": "please", "text": "How's your experience with Flutter? Only gifs allowed 🤟🏼\n\n#Flutter"} {"idx": 36065, "original_id": "1250831839377403904", "reply_id": "1251059115176026112", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm still struggling to reconcile Govt 'stay home to save lives' mantra with the fact they're still allowing 15,000 people to fly into the UK every day with no health checks, many from worst-hit parts of the world like NYC & Italy. \nAm I missing something?"} {"idx": 36067, "original_id": "1250951499804553217", "reply_id": "1250959122431803392", "label": "seriously", "text": "Speaking with @seanhannity on Fox News Channel in just a few minutes.\n\nTune in!"} {"idx": 36068, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250863857716920321", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 36070, "original_id": "1250892525826703371", "reply_id": "1251015281092198400", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm a Hugger, I need to hug 😭 ~S"} {"idx": 36073, "original_id": "1251032988323729408", "reply_id": "1251042996717584384", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Breaking News - Sources Say - CNBC AAWAZ - Govt may soon announce Stimulus Package.\n\nThis is the 30th Stimulus Package in last 15 days."} {"idx": 36075, "original_id": "1251054566533144576", "reply_id": "1251055111092273153", "label": "awww", "text": "I just wanna say a big thank you to everyone who took out time to celebrate me on my birthday. From the most beautiful Queen Mercy Eke, to the stylish Uti, the hardworking BobRisky, awesome Enkayy & all the amazing Mercenaries and Spartans. God bless you all ❤️ \n\n#ZenMagazine"} {"idx": 36076, "original_id": "1250974133279653889", "reply_id": "1250974531507929089", "label": "agree", "text": "According to @liberianboii , I need to watch Twenties."} {"idx": 36080, "original_id": "1250834640366997511", "reply_id": "1251058618016751619", "label": "no", "text": "Shet im a disappointment 😮😅"} {"idx": 36081, "original_id": "1250802607439982593", "reply_id": "1250924468014321664", "label": "awww", "text": "One year ago, Tinder told me about an offer they had on a discounted price for their premium services. After a significant amount of time with no luck on the app, I decided to try this out. With premium, you can see who has liked your profile, even if you haven't liked theirs."} {"idx": 36084, "original_id": "1251096243260006400", "reply_id": "1251175709667549184", "label": "applause", "text": "We have for the last many years hosted and interacted with many communities of various religious backgrounds and can never support any element which disrespects any sentiment of any religion."} {"idx": 36086, "original_id": "1250823556235214850", "reply_id": "1250833886629761033", "label": "yes", "text": "I'm definitely putting up a reaction to the @FilmGob vs @jodyscorner1 nonsense. And first question is if this indeed is filmgob vs jody why is Andy there? This is about to be interesting."} {"idx": 36088, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251142659680301057", "label": "awww", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 36089, "original_id": "1250771053531426816", "reply_id": "1250841627033100288", "label": "agree", "text": "girls apologize by sending three \"🥺\" emojis and i hate to admit this but that shit works"} {"idx": 36091, "original_id": "1251061236113891328", "reply_id": "1251062775964557312", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I hug you guys..?"} {"idx": 36092, "original_id": "1250140950392901637", "reply_id": "1251006146682314752", "label": "thank_you", "text": "s/o to the niggas who talk that loyal shit & really stand on it . Y’all the shit"} {"idx": 36095, "original_id": "1250836754199912450", "reply_id": "1250907529690910721", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Got a long overdue health appointment tomorrow that I’m absolutely dreading, could really do with some good vibes or nudes or some shit"} {"idx": 36096, "original_id": "1250526240869662721", "reply_id": "1251210807377043456", "label": "ok", "text": "Do any banks in the U.S even accept checks with his name on it???\n\nLOL"} {"idx": 36098, "original_id": "1250903303594160128", "reply_id": "1250903543164403717", "label": "applause", "text": "Rhode Island transfer Jacob Toppin has committed to Kentucky, per his Twitter page."} {"idx": 36100, "original_id": "1251010947906506752", "reply_id": "1251013534886039553", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Somebody who works housekeeping at my college tested positive and yet. They’re still making us come in."} {"idx": 36103, "original_id": "1250962185033039872", "reply_id": "1251017252029075456", "label": "agree", "text": "If it were not for the irresponsible behavior of the Chinese communist party there would be no #COVID19Pandemic \n\nThousands of Americans would still be alive and 22 million Americans would still be working at their jobs.\n\nChina is responsible. It is time to hold them to account."} {"idx": 36105, "original_id": "1250906870170021888", "reply_id": "1250919412170924033", "label": "agree", "text": "I would like to announce that I've been wearing the exact same sweatshirt for the past month straight\n\nI will not be taking questions at this time."} {"idx": 36106, "original_id": "1251246739199229955", "reply_id": "1251251955571265536", "label": "wink", "text": "Can’t believe I still haven’t had sex in my hammock yet I need to change this after isolation, any offers ?"} {"idx": 36107, "original_id": "1250880844706623489", "reply_id": "1251012042946797568", "label": "idk", "text": "Where are the tests?"} {"idx": 36110, "original_id": "1251216141512355840", "reply_id": "1251216256864325639", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi. If your mask isn’t covering your nose.... it’s pointless. Wear it right please."} {"idx": 36111, "original_id": "1250189417081438208", "reply_id": "1250895767079981069", "label": "high_five", "text": "Good girl doesn't exist; you just have to choose between bad and worse."} {"idx": 36112, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250952416415174657", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 36114, "original_id": "1250973744849436677", "reply_id": "1251018376903868418", "label": "awww", "text": "Y’ALL!!! WE HIT 700 FOLLOWERS ON TWITCH!!! 🥳🤩 thank you so much to everyone that continues to support me! I am so thankful for each and every one of y’all! Also big thank you for all of the gifted subs and donos 💗"} {"idx": 36117, "original_id": "1251263058816536576", "reply_id": "1251265330913185792", "label": "agree", "text": "Am I the only person who gets MORE stressed doing one of those adult coloring books meant for relaxation? I hunch over the page, bear down on the pencil, stress over color choice. By the time I’m done, I need therapy."} {"idx": 36119, "original_id": "1251155990075961346", "reply_id": "1251170001450602496", "label": "shrug", "text": "FSQ!!\n\nRetired players. Living or not.\n\nWho has gotten better with memory? \n\nThis is not to say they weren’t great, but who has gotten better in our nostalgia and memories than they actually were?"} {"idx": 36120, "original_id": "1250821129947746307", "reply_id": "1251007549584932864", "label": "eww", "text": "Childhood: I sprinkled sugar on avocado 😋"} {"idx": 36123, "original_id": "1251138247088132101", "reply_id": "1251241223811207175", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Bitcoin will hit $50,000 next bull run? \n\n#BTC"} {"idx": 36126, "original_id": "1250957763556999168", "reply_id": "1250987769024753665", "label": "oops", "text": "It's ok to be grateful for what you have but still want that extra special something to add some passion/happiness to your life....or some shit like that"} {"idx": 36127, "original_id": "1251136339434704897", "reply_id": "1251137813657124864", "label": "eww", "text": "I really do appreciate you though even if you were being condescending!!"} {"idx": 36130, "original_id": "1250956275325833217", "reply_id": "1250958530087190528", "label": "high_five", "text": "I’m mentally unwell after the @SchittsCreek finale and all y’all talking about is Disney’s shitty ass sing along..."} {"idx": 36131, "original_id": "1250932420817256449", "reply_id": "1251185596560584704", "label": "agree", "text": "should we do another @stageit next week? and by \"we\" i mean we. i can't do it alone...that would be sad."} {"idx": 36132, "original_id": "1251263451248291840", "reply_id": "1251271281854595078", "label": "please", "text": "What if I dropped an album on 4/20"} {"idx": 36133, "original_id": "1250881471453241344", "reply_id": "1250881981203853313", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Job interview tomorrow and they have the AUDACITY to ask me to Skype at 9am. Do they think I have a normal sleeping pattern and have been able to function before 11am?"} {"idx": 36134, "original_id": "1251207105593442305", "reply_id": "1251215725802295296", "label": "agree", "text": "What a busy year !"} {"idx": 36135, "original_id": "1251176992818360320", "reply_id": "1251229443009294336", "label": "idk", "text": "Let’s say you volunteered to have your father in law move in with you to reduce his coronavirus risk but then fantasized daily about smothering him with a pillow.\n\nNet gain or loss on the karma scale?"} {"idx": 36139, "original_id": "1250846368765218816", "reply_id": "1250875995814531074", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "The end of this pregnancy is kicking my ass😩"} {"idx": 36140, "original_id": "1251000070549368832", "reply_id": "1251003680532295683", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I really want to start A YouTube channel but I’m so scared"} {"idx": 36141, "original_id": "1250889296569077760", "reply_id": "1250914736797032449", "label": "yes", "text": "For us nerds that have to wear glasses, wearing a surgical mask creates all type of visibility issues with foggy specs!!! #COVID19"} {"idx": 36145, "original_id": "1250959559939817472", "reply_id": "1250960277455212545", "label": "ok", "text": "Had to write a position grade for Redskins tight ends for the morning. Uh."} {"idx": 36149, "original_id": "1250857829155692544", "reply_id": "1250888052773474306", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Kamo Mphela created a whole blueprint of the moves most women use today! Then everybody using her moves will turn and say \"she dances with the same move always and she is shit\" 😕"} {"idx": 36150, "original_id": "1250762288623161345", "reply_id": "1251219830608445446", "label": "win", "text": "4 years sober today"} {"idx": 36154, "original_id": "1250924624575160321", "reply_id": "1251214184907509769", "label": "agree", "text": "ARE YALL READY TO SEE THE CAUCASIANS ACT UP IF THEY CANCEL 4TH OF JULY?!!!!!"} {"idx": 36155, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251196354145259523", "label": "awww", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 36156, "original_id": "1251013164461772800", "reply_id": "1251018017498173440", "label": "popcorn", "text": "we gotta have the convo about dababy and his meteoric fall as soon as real stars started putting music out again. soon."} {"idx": 36157, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251244410962096129", "label": "awww", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 36165, "original_id": "1251034906580283392", "reply_id": "1251037311925514240", "label": "applause", "text": "Last night, I dreamt I was with other journalists, covering a meeting between Uddhav T & PM. Some aide approaches me to ask if I wanted an informal chat with the PM. \n\nAnd in that random dream state of mine, I said no, tell him to give a press conference first.\n\n#soproudofmyself"} {"idx": 36166, "original_id": "1251213993978494976", "reply_id": "1251214189252808709", "label": "idk", "text": "Niggas talking bout shooting And hooping for money like my lil brother ain’t at my house rn"} {"idx": 36168, "original_id": "1250629073744904192", "reply_id": "1250987428631982081", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’m sitting here eating a bowl of Cocoa Krispies and thinking how it’s strange they are cut like Rice Krispies and then it hits me.\n\nHow did I miss this? 40 years wasted."} {"idx": 36169, "original_id": "1251135007793582081", "reply_id": "1251220112595718145", "label": "applause", "text": "My wife has finally worn me down and I’ve agreed to repaint our master bedroom while were stuck at home. I’m requesting thoughts and prayers to get me through this difficult time."} {"idx": 36170, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251147676290134024", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 36171, "original_id": "1250802403407826949", "reply_id": "1250926566542057475", "label": "agree", "text": "Listen man-half of these assholes that want to keep the country shut down due to health concerns never exercise, they eat like shit, they smoke, and they drink excessive amount of alcohol.\n\nYou're a helluva lot more likely to die of heart disease than Covid.\n\nWake the fuck up."} {"idx": 36172, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251044817062117376", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 36173, "original_id": "1250912390461427712", "reply_id": "1250956139497271296", "label": "shocked", "text": "Leave a period fart on his lip hours"} {"idx": 36174, "original_id": "1250857960768712704", "reply_id": "1250904590238846979", "label": "wink", "text": "Hello just passing by to say that I fucking love Scott Moir. Back to my social media detox now✌🏻"} {"idx": 36175, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251066725287768064", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 36178, "original_id": "1250907686302089219", "reply_id": "1250910960988172290", "label": "smh", "text": "Jens just said once she put 12 sugars in her coffee TWELVE"} {"idx": 36180, "original_id": "1250846619274293248", "reply_id": "1250882403024859136", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Why can't people use their words instead of replying with gifs, and what turns a person into someone who replies with gifs so I can not do it?"} {"idx": 36181, "original_id": "1250887028155322379", "reply_id": "1250931139474317313", "label": "yes", "text": "at this point idgaf if I’m a junior again next year fuck this work"} {"idx": 36182, "original_id": "1251144682534350848", "reply_id": "1251198426869649408", "label": "applause", "text": "i may not be leng but i’ve never posted a snap of me sucking a balloon and i stand by that ☺️"} {"idx": 36185, "original_id": "1250917457788678144", "reply_id": "1250919675933982721", "label": "applause", "text": "91,636\n\n... is the word count of my completed manuscript.\n\n#amwriting #writingcommunity #writing"} {"idx": 36186, "original_id": "1250786627460517889", "reply_id": "1250997005230489600", "label": "shocked", "text": "If the Giants select Derrick Brown, what will your reaction be? \n\n#giantschat"} {"idx": 36187, "original_id": "1251209597689278464", "reply_id": "1251222264835567616", "label": "no", "text": "Someone needs to mask & glove DJT up & take him into a NYC hospital to SEE the patients on respirators & ventilators, look at the tired, harried eyes of the health workers over their masks...do you think it would make him feel anything even close to compassion?\n@realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 36189, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251197462599082000", "label": "shocked", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 36193, "original_id": "1250869085484744711", "reply_id": "1250883487558701061", "label": "sigh", "text": "Can’t wait until @JazzrazDFS gets a glimpse of the mascot the Clips have in store for him tonight in Staples Center"} {"idx": 36195, "original_id": "1250908145955856386", "reply_id": "1250924512289394690", "label": "hug", "text": "For all of my adult life I’ve always been the “see the best in everyone” type and that realy hasn’t gone very well for me. So from now on you are all massive piles of shit until proven otherwise"} {"idx": 36196, "original_id": "1250882376428904448", "reply_id": "1251148812694876160", "label": "yes", "text": "Step 1: Zack Ryder signs with AEW.\n\nStep 2: Cody Rhodes teams with him.\n\nStep 3: They call their tag team “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\nStep 4: They rename the Jericho Cruise “AEW: Suite Life On Deck”\n\nStep 5: Ratings 📈📈📈"} {"idx": 36197, "original_id": "1250786627460517889", "reply_id": "1250928677661147136", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "If the Giants select Derrick Brown, what will your reaction be? \n\n#giantschat"} {"idx": 36199, "original_id": "1250923331663958017", "reply_id": "1250924656221024256", "label": "hug", "text": "To give you an idea of how my day is going I googled how early menopause can hit and about cried when I found out the average age is 51. *starts 15 year countdown*"} {"idx": 36203, "original_id": "1250868578867277826", "reply_id": "1250922496746012674", "label": "shocked", "text": "I change my clothes more frequently in Animal Crossing than in real life."} {"idx": 36205, "original_id": "1250865936300720128", "reply_id": "1250890048100339718", "label": "sigh", "text": "\"Whatever our souls are made off, his and mine are the same.\"\n- Emily Bronte"} {"idx": 36209, "original_id": "1251146897550651392", "reply_id": "1251148192894222336", "label": "yawn", "text": "Premier League clubs remain united in their desire to finish the season, but the controversial proposal of completing the campaign by June 30 was not raised in Friday's meeting."} {"idx": 36213, "original_id": "1250886704153714695", "reply_id": "1250894129166462977", "label": "please", "text": "we're planning a Q&A video, share your questions in a reply to this post! curious about something related to Adopt Me? maybe you want to get to know the team better? anything goes!! 🤔"} {"idx": 36214, "original_id": "1251077717178679296", "reply_id": "1251080928564256769", "label": "popcorn", "text": "tense scenes in the flat as Joe and I simultaneously decide we want to snack on the leftover packet of Bombay mix in the cupboard"} {"idx": 36216, "original_id": "1250867507075956736", "reply_id": "1250877169443586048", "label": "ok", "text": "i HATE tht y2k aesthetic is even a thing!!!!!! its UGLY AND TACKY exclusively! everything. cut. fabrics. fit. colors. brands. vibes. HIDEOUS. i dont want to relive it in any capacity..."} {"idx": 36217, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251216693319266304", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 36222, "original_id": "1251194789959254016", "reply_id": "1251196058077626369", "label": "no", "text": "Idk why this is such a controversial thing but you can play Animal Crossing the way you want to play it. I'm personally not big on cheating it and time traveling but I've sorta done it to get all the cherry blossom recipes. It's your money and your game lol do what you want"} {"idx": 36224, "original_id": "1251110576547233792", "reply_id": "1251115943373094914", "label": "yawn", "text": "From 5 to 5.45 pm I’m @ABPNews"} {"idx": 36225, "original_id": "1251015360800649221", "reply_id": "1251042773257486337", "label": "hug", "text": "Doesn't help that today has been a \"hey, remember your mum is dead\" day."} {"idx": 36226, "original_id": "1251184954744209410", "reply_id": "1251185924769288193", "label": "scared", "text": "i want to be in skan but im t;oo drunk i bwant too be skan"} {"idx": 36227, "original_id": "1251269733187497984", "reply_id": "1251270151124799488", "label": "popcorn", "text": "This Heat 2 Watch Party ain't bad huh?"} {"idx": 36228, "original_id": "1250971389189914628", "reply_id": "1250972797792325633", "label": "thank_you", "text": "You gonna wash & moisturize your face or nah?\nRaise your hand!\n🙋🏿‍♀️\n\n#DontSkipYourSkincareRoutine"} {"idx": 36230, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250855259876003841", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 36231, "original_id": "1251172647439945728", "reply_id": "1251191537490432000", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Yesterday, 4,591 Americans perished from coronavirus. It was our deadliest day yet.\n\nThe number is horrific. And behind each number is a grieving family and community. \n\nLet’s pause to think of those who have been lost, and those on the front lines still fighting to save lives."} {"idx": 36233, "original_id": "1250980029774925826", "reply_id": "1251226895448002560", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "i want to be bent over and disrespected like a slut"} {"idx": 36235, "original_id": "1250959867172360195", "reply_id": "1251007798172762113", "label": "no", "text": "Forget casino openings, I'm wondering if nightclubs/dayclubs have any chance of opening this summer -- or even this year...💃🕺 #vegas #lasvegas @VitalVegas @LasVegasLocally @LuckysLasVegas"} {"idx": 36242, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250958472302284801", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 36246, "original_id": "1250967973176594432", "reply_id": "1250978980557021186", "label": "scared", "text": "Imagine waking up next to me and seeing my beautiful face... but nah yu rather wake up and see nothing"} {"idx": 36248, "original_id": "1251089413649469442", "reply_id": "1251089972498780160", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "NOT THAT ANYBODY CARES BUR YALL IM ONLY 3 AWAY"} {"idx": 36250, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251167562286501893", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 36251, "original_id": "1250963425250992133", "reply_id": "1250967832436891648", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "sitting in my room alone yelling fuck every 5 seconds has become a daily routine"} {"idx": 36255, "original_id": "1250964308290351106", "reply_id": "1250964672074973189", "label": "agree", "text": "I have been too snarky today. \n\nI need Jesus. \n\nI wish I loved others better."} {"idx": 36256, "original_id": "1251132052109492225", "reply_id": "1251133014438039554", "label": "hug", "text": "Cuddling can help heal physical wounds faster due to the release of oxytocin."} {"idx": 36257, "original_id": "1250980387989274624", "reply_id": "1251197255786409984", "label": "ok", "text": "I don’t compete, I complete✨"} {"idx": 36258, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250889711985389568", "label": "omg", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 36260, "original_id": "1251041004330930176", "reply_id": "1251139307374473217", "label": "agree", "text": "Bicyclists have turned into real assholes with a decrease in their natural predators."} {"idx": 36262, "original_id": "1250857504990547969", "reply_id": "1250860707140308993", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss you guy! 😭 @BookieCrumbles @andiABCs @BookScents @bookmarklit \n@gonewiththeword"} {"idx": 36263, "original_id": "1250831978192134146", "reply_id": "1250862651908988934", "label": "yolo", "text": "Was expecting another 3 weeks in this half lockdown, people still aren't getting it and constantly socialising like it's the summer holidays. We'll be lucky if it isn't even longer thanks to the select few idiots out there 🙄"} {"idx": 36265, "original_id": "1251097348878462976", "reply_id": "1251097820485976064", "label": "applause", "text": "not everyone is worth fighting for"} {"idx": 36267, "original_id": "1251270376694468608", "reply_id": "1251272182992379904", "label": "shocked", "text": "tryna eat your ass lowkey"} {"idx": 36271, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251182920590454784", "label": "no", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 36273, "original_id": "1250939454128340994", "reply_id": "1250951026271715329", "label": "hearts", "text": "Soft cotton front close bras on the way, along with a #Mastectomy pillow and mastectomy shirt with built in pockets for drains. Getting ready for beating #breastcancer round 2. It feels REALLY good to have a plan!"} {"idx": 36274, "original_id": "1250842840319635457", "reply_id": "1250842934863450112", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "v12.41 has been added to staging, expect it next week :)"} {"idx": 36279, "original_id": "1251171679658741767", "reply_id": "1251249012625362944", "label": "thank_you", "text": "feel so blessed to have such good pals around me"} {"idx": 36281, "original_id": "1250917866330828800", "reply_id": "1250920069531607041", "label": "applause", "text": "Hahaha Snapchat memories reminding me what a piece of shit my ex actually was 😂"} {"idx": 36287, "original_id": "1251159555418906631", "reply_id": "1251166936429473793", "label": "agree", "text": "Dear Nancy Pelosi ...\n\nLet me break it down for you ... You don't fund the WHO. We the People do with our tax dollars. \n\nAnd we don't want another damn dime of our hard-earned money going to China's corrupt lapdog."} {"idx": 36289, "original_id": "1251015360800649221", "reply_id": "1251015776661897216", "label": "hug", "text": "Doesn't help that today has been a \"hey, remember your mum is dead\" day."} {"idx": 36290, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251151108174540807", "label": "smh", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 36293, "original_id": "1246477844886290439", "reply_id": "1251187206917697539", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Stay connected.\n\nStay fit.\n\nStay safe.\n\nStay #HealthyAtHome!"} {"idx": 36294, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251271268755783680", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 36295, "original_id": "1250925030168461314", "reply_id": "1250941854436274176", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ll be back in one week or so. Nothing’s wrong, I just did something fucking embarrassing and I have to delete this memory out of my mind for my own sake."} {"idx": 36296, "original_id": "1251048786094424064", "reply_id": "1251050296031100928", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m scared and shaking... I just need to calm down.. \n\nI just hope it’s not that toxic person who gulit tripped me into forgiving someone years ago... \n\nMaybe... can you guys just send some.. wholesome things?... like... idk... animals?... adorable stuff idk anymore..."} {"idx": 36300, "original_id": "1251102598456844291", "reply_id": "1251106897165516800", "label": "applause", "text": "Funny how everyone trashes Herbert but if he came out last year and Miami selected him, everyone would’ve been happy as pigs in shit. #hypocrites"} {"idx": 36305, "original_id": "1250988908856434689", "reply_id": "1250989127304187907", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m thinking about staying up to watch Ford VS Ferrari, is that a good play?"} {"idx": 36306, "original_id": "1250852920679034881", "reply_id": "1250935850189205504", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "When u take your ex back because nobody else wants you"} {"idx": 36314, "original_id": "1251022662458961921", "reply_id": "1251022742909943809", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I’m so close to 7K"} {"idx": 36316, "original_id": "1250815509488156672", "reply_id": "1250853595462995969", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "In some positive news, ya girl paid off her car! I’m an adult 😎"} {"idx": 36320, "original_id": "1250403984462020608", "reply_id": "1250930057759121408", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Never going to take my university for granted ever. Fkn done with this zoom university and shizzz"} {"idx": 36325, "original_id": "1250978682643996677", "reply_id": "1250997822930866177", "label": "scared", "text": "I’ve been good lately but let me say this now!!!\n\nI WILL TURN TWITTER TF OUT IF @TyHarris_52 AND @2121Mikiah ARE TRIED TOMORROW!"} {"idx": 36328, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251264623636033538", "label": "applause", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 36329, "original_id": "1250942705640898562", "reply_id": "1250954935870590978", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Archer, G, and Charlie bought 3 sets of armor plates instead of buying me back 🥺"} {"idx": 36333, "original_id": "1251206868166340608", "reply_id": "1251230150433406978", "label": "yes", "text": "Oh man, should I finally remove my conservative pants and draw NSFW 🙈🤔"} {"idx": 36336, "original_id": "1251210818273923072", "reply_id": "1251211693922844675", "label": "shocked", "text": "Ozark is just Schitt’s Creek with more blue filter"} {"idx": 36338, "original_id": "1251161391492259841", "reply_id": "1251161917311213571", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "😭 find a woman that will let you be both 🥴"} {"idx": 36340, "original_id": "1251172565143506944", "reply_id": "1251173268251381761", "label": "awww", "text": "GUYS I LOVE YOU"} {"idx": 36345, "original_id": "15819187397", "reply_id": "1250961399238594560", "label": "scared", "text": "10 minutes away. Everybody still doing okay?"} {"idx": 36346, "original_id": "1250547546205884419", "reply_id": "1250990469695377408", "label": "shrug", "text": "Naij babes talking stage?\nShe’s still seeing 4 guys, smashing 2, one is in love with her (she wont date him cuz he treats her nice) and the other is her long time fwb. \n\nThen there’s you. Sending good morning texts lmao."} {"idx": 36347, "original_id": "1250995458790453249", "reply_id": "1250996349211992069", "label": "hug", "text": "Thank you @LoaOfAnxiety 🥺"} {"idx": 36349, "original_id": "1250924857262518273", "reply_id": "1251009999863595010", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "As President @realDonaldTrump laid out today, we have rapidly expanded testing with more than 3.5 million tests completed, the most in the world."} {"idx": 36351, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250932351263260673", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 36352, "original_id": "1250821915486420999", "reply_id": "1250954413381951492", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Hearing through multiple channels that the Jets are very much considering adding another pick in the top 15. How they'll get there: Jamal Adams. Keep an eye on Jacksonville."} {"idx": 36354, "original_id": "1251195519860461570", "reply_id": "1251199024050438144", "label": "shocked", "text": "In TX, @GovAbbott says he's issuing an executive order today \"guided by data and by doctors\" to begin re-opening the state"} {"idx": 36355, "original_id": "1250893215546343424", "reply_id": "1250894701143699460", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Thank you all for the support but sadly I got declined for viewers again. All the amazing content creators and viewers i have met on my journey is amazing to say the least. I will not give up for you all no way guess it's 4th time the charm."} {"idx": 36357, "original_id": "1250834127097643016", "reply_id": "1250835626229972993", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Bit tipsy. I apologise for my behaviour from here on in."} {"idx": 36359, "original_id": "1250924119786487808", "reply_id": "1250964434455007233", "label": "eww", "text": "People put GROUND BEEF in oatmeal?! WILLINGLY?! \n\nWow"} {"idx": 36360, "original_id": "1251101045943496704", "reply_id": "1251216614915108864", "label": "hug", "text": "All I ask, can we have a peaceful time? I mean today is Ep. 9, and we have 4 more to go. I did this alone, by myself, no one pay me to do this, I just want to share info about Bright & Win in a happy mood. Can you chill a bit? Sometimes I need my friends, so I can hug them."} {"idx": 36361, "original_id": "1250934231645200384", "reply_id": "1250935017729069057", "label": "agree", "text": "This has been a really trying time for all of us. Even though twitter can be a dumpster fire, I appreciate y’all who make me laugh, and the genuine friendships I’ve made on this app. It has helped so much. 💕"} {"idx": 36363, "original_id": "1251026500264091648", "reply_id": "1251028234604630016", "label": "eww", "text": "Noooo one, nooo one, nooooo onn-on-onnnnn, you berrybijaguitnshwbsj yea"} {"idx": 36364, "original_id": "1250932935361998850", "reply_id": "1251113165053726720", "label": "shocked", "text": "Took him out the game 🤪"} {"idx": 36366, "original_id": "1251201498635255810", "reply_id": "1251236971755851778", "label": "seriously", "text": "Two pairs of men’s Court Purples for $211. I’ll take it"} {"idx": 36368, "original_id": "1251035373200986113", "reply_id": "1251046358678679553", "label": "sorry", "text": "bro if yall rewteet/quote that video of that man spitting in that girl mouth ONE MORE TIME"} {"idx": 36369, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1250998620884615169", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 36370, "original_id": "1251186222162034690", "reply_id": "1251187829885014016", "label": "sigh", "text": "There's a lady in my department at work that refuses to wear her mask (provided by the company) because she says coronavirus is all a conspiracy."} {"idx": 36380, "original_id": "1250864508744187907", "reply_id": "1250931681051078657", "label": "shocked", "text": "the letter “c,” wednesday, the number 3 and yellow all have the same energy."} {"idx": 36383, "original_id": "1251177530893221894", "reply_id": "1251250306513539073", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Charge your phones guys! I’ll probably be live tweeting my mental breakdown later today."} {"idx": 36384, "original_id": "1250952221279293441", "reply_id": "1250953890465488896", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Cc @thomas_mock thank you!"} {"idx": 36387, "original_id": "1250623080612806657", "reply_id": "1250835440346845184", "label": "hug", "text": "I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sad in my life."} {"idx": 36388, "original_id": "1250855939890122752", "reply_id": "1250865293041307651", "label": "hearts", "text": "I’m gonna be honest. The past week or two I’ve done really well with school, called my irl friends for a check up, been showing as much love as possible and I’m feeling good. I hope anyone reading this is well, if not, we can talk. Or like call if you want :) have a great day ❤️"} {"idx": 36391, "original_id": "1250949956975890432", "reply_id": "1251107733782355968", "label": "no", "text": "Absolutely disgusting.\n\nA well known Trump supporter and Turning Point USA staffer, @ALX has been permanently banned from Twitter.\n\nThis is big tech censorship.\n\nWe MUST stand up against this!\n\nRT to tell Twitter to unsuspend @AlX!"} {"idx": 36394, "original_id": "1250866663488135168", "reply_id": "1250892863249907713", "label": "hug", "text": "Today has been the second worst Thursday I've had in a while."} {"idx": 36398, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250934376084340736", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 36400, "original_id": "1251263292275716097", "reply_id": "1251263442226262016", "label": "applause", "text": "i am anti racism"} {"idx": 36401, "original_id": "1250810326276243458", "reply_id": "1250870973081018369", "label": "awww", "text": "i hope the cutie who is reading this will be happy soon ☺🤍"} {"idx": 36402, "original_id": "1250916949011374080", "reply_id": "1250997208255774720", "label": "smh", "text": "Which woman of color will Biden pick for VP?"} {"idx": 36403, "original_id": "1251014827645886465", "reply_id": "1251017018049871873", "label": "awww", "text": "Shout out to my baby girl @freudsbb for being an essential worker and full time student!!!! She’s finishing up her senior year as a college student and this momma couldn’t be more proud😘"} {"idx": 36404, "original_id": "1250134655665307648", "reply_id": "1250999731397906433", "label": "agree", "text": "One of the reasons it has taken so long for some people to finally see through Barack Obama is that people do not like to admit, even to themselves, that they have been played for fools by a slick-talking politician."} {"idx": 36405, "original_id": "1251188011284328448", "reply_id": "1251219571219943424", "label": "eww", "text": "Nobody panic but the grasshoppers are back 😳"} {"idx": 36406, "original_id": "1250067542422564867", "reply_id": "1251005374750052352", "label": "applause", "text": "As a former supermarket manager I would shuffle the stack of newspapers at every opportunity to foil the customers who would inexplicably always select the second paper in the stack rather than the one on top. It was the small things that kept you going in that job."} {"idx": 36408, "original_id": "1251161369522536453", "reply_id": "1251169202175696897", "label": "hug", "text": "I cant go a week without cryin yoooooooo😭"} {"idx": 36409, "original_id": "1250838105160126464", "reply_id": "1250974228440068096", "label": "applause", "text": "Just finished my FINAL final exam in my undergraduate career! It is finished 🤣.... for now!"} {"idx": 36411, "original_id": "1250868928521424897", "reply_id": "1250876827108769792", "label": "applause", "text": "Raise your hand if you're smart enough to realize that Joe Biden's wife is actually running the show.."} {"idx": 36413, "original_id": "1250815802636251136", "reply_id": "1251130081977786369", "label": "applause", "text": "For those who dislike my economic tweets because you believe it doesn’t matter amid the Coronavirus shutdown, I’m doing my job. I’m an economic reporter whose job is to report on economic data, including the data showing the impact of the shutdown. \n\nSo I’ll keep doing my job 👍🏼."} {"idx": 36414, "original_id": "1251238819342450693", "reply_id": "1251242061950529536", "label": "eww", "text": "do you put avocado on your pizza"} {"idx": 36416, "original_id": "1251193847406788611", "reply_id": "1251196358251479040", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Quarantine #FF (week 4)\nHere is who I recommend this week:\n\n@KerriTwigg @DeniseMoulton5 @SchneiderKJ @jeanneachille @kristenharcourt @sbrownehr @marenhogan @TrishMcFarlane @simmonslj @jimstroud @JasonVBanks \n\n#PeoplePower #PeopleNow #PeopleFirst\n#HR #Recruiting #TalentAcquisition"} {"idx": 36417, "original_id": "1250851925756608515", "reply_id": "1250855105731190784", "label": "hearts", "text": "#Country104Top5 picks @Country104 @C104Weaver\n\n#SilverLining @HunterBros\n#IPictureYou @sonsofdaughters\n#LikeAMan @dallassmith\n#SheDrivesMeCrazy @BrettKissel\n#SlowDownTown @jamesbarkerband\n#IHope @GabbyBarrett_\n#ForgetToForget @JBenoitcountry\n#ToHellAndBack @MarenMorris"} {"idx": 36422, "original_id": "1250909332214099969", "reply_id": "1250909710477340681", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Whos still up ???"} {"idx": 36423, "original_id": "1251026704966905857", "reply_id": "1251027680402628610", "label": "sigh", "text": "Fire here we go"} {"idx": 36424, "original_id": "1250986894722121736", "reply_id": "1251201819935735813", "label": "applause", "text": "Been feeling stuck in a rut recently with the social distancing. So today I decided to make a change. I sat on the right side of the couch."} {"idx": 36425, "original_id": "1251194915100524546", "reply_id": "1251195485920137217", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel so sad"} {"idx": 36429, "original_id": "1250745684577452035", "reply_id": "1250865798073253890", "label": "high_five", "text": "I miss high fives."} {"idx": 36434, "original_id": "1251134979087781889", "reply_id": "1251140004060913674", "label": "hug", "text": "doing so much better today 🌻"} {"idx": 36436, "original_id": "1251133357494280196", "reply_id": "1251134347199029250", "label": "yes", "text": "Have you ever tried putting peanuts in Coke?"} {"idx": 36438, "original_id": "1251153360285077508", "reply_id": "1251263643938959360", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Just had a video conference and one of our senior bosses commented that some of us needed to be doing our hair and putting on makeup because we look rough working from home.... what the actual hell?!"} {"idx": 36442, "original_id": "1251005127554629632", "reply_id": "1251050923843096577", "label": "shocked", "text": "If you are ever in a slump and need a life lesson. Please just watch the movie \"Coach Carter\" with a serious attitude. Movies like these are actually life changing for me it's amazing :)"} {"idx": 36443, "original_id": "1250951499804553217", "reply_id": "1250953184023109632", "label": "no", "text": "Speaking with @seanhannity on Fox News Channel in just a few minutes.\n\nTune in!"} {"idx": 36445, "original_id": "1251177003463725056", "reply_id": "1251178061359349767", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy birthday Azhu!! I hope you have a wonderful dayy 🥺💖💖💖 @feistymouse_17"} {"idx": 36446, "original_id": "1251088271171518464", "reply_id": "1251106630441340928", "label": "hearts", "text": "I got an ouchie ;( someone come and kiss it better please"} {"idx": 36455, "original_id": "1251258371677667328", "reply_id": "1251260432767242241", "label": "facepalm", "text": "OMFG\n\nI feel so bad for the people of Chile\n\nTheir government is counting those who have died from COVID as \"recovered\" because they are no longer showing symptoms of the disease. Their own people have no idea what their nation's own situation is right now because of that."} {"idx": 36456, "original_id": "1251173656803315713", "reply_id": "1251174881154281476", "label": "hug", "text": "Nothing I like better than waking up from a nightmare and still shaking from it twenty minutes later."} {"idx": 36461, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250839820227579905", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 36465, "original_id": "1250839767446704129", "reply_id": "1250845339990532098", "label": "sigh", "text": "Evil Uno just realized we're only a quarter through 2020."} {"idx": 36466, "original_id": "1250807410421305345", "reply_id": "1250893082918256641", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I am negative for COVID19! I’m so grateful for those results, but I’m so concerned & confused on what’s actually going on with me. I finally have an appointment with my primary doctor & hopefully now we can figure something out. Thank you guys for your love & support ❤️"} {"idx": 36469, "original_id": "1251213485138235397", "reply_id": "1251225358646546434", "label": "applause", "text": "Any chance of an 8 o'clock clap for the thousands of poor cunts like me who've been doing diy in the house for 4 fucking weeks solid now? Her list grows longer every day 😭\n#clapforourdiyprisoners"} {"idx": 36472, "original_id": "1250900114358616065", "reply_id": "1250968273950302208", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy Birthday Brittani!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ @blackdragonfly"} {"idx": 36473, "original_id": "1250966332213993477", "reply_id": "1250970440836820993", "label": "scared", "text": "Everyone doing ok?"} {"idx": 36474, "original_id": "1251120021750853632", "reply_id": "1251136518133035008", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Sham it’s scary how unfit I am 🤓"} {"idx": 36478, "original_id": "1250906701504507904", "reply_id": "1250907089603420161", "label": "smh", "text": "If someone was comatose for last 3 years & woke up-they would be told no one believes any media or science that they disagree with, the UN is evil, China is the new Russia, cell phone towers are causing a deadly virus & The Office has become the most popular show ever."} {"idx": 36480, "original_id": "1250985424920731648", "reply_id": "1250986327245377536", "label": "applause", "text": "Nice"} {"idx": 36481, "original_id": "1251031080355819521", "reply_id": "1251261823665311744", "label": "applause", "text": "these bitches really have fucking worms for brains 💀"} {"idx": 36483, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250935910352338944", "label": "seriously", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 36485, "original_id": "1251263451248291840", "reply_id": "1251272240785551361", "label": "applause", "text": "What if I dropped an album on 4/20"} {"idx": 36487, "original_id": "1251010505310965764", "reply_id": "1251034991951314945", "label": "applause", "text": "I be wanting to slap tf outta Reje sometimes"} {"idx": 36490, "original_id": "1251158855993528323", "reply_id": "1251164339924598784", "label": "facepalm", "text": "High key wanna dropout"} {"idx": 36491, "original_id": "1250720576093782016", "reply_id": "1251221920969678848", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I think the most beautiful thing in the world is watching the light come on in someone’s eyes after they,ve been lost in the dark for so long.\nThat shit is beautiful.\n#recovery #iunderstand"} {"idx": 36493, "original_id": "1251255082206720000", "reply_id": "1251255368274984960", "label": "applause", "text": "Stopped mid workout to finish my joint 😗"} {"idx": 36498, "original_id": "1251052664554586112", "reply_id": "1251053481428832256", "label": "shrug", "text": "We hope YouTube is prepared for this weekend 😳🙏\n\n#BTS #방탄소년단 @BTS_twt"} {"idx": 36501, "original_id": "1250852757260718080", "reply_id": "1250870261911560197", "label": "eww", "text": "I am an optimist and am confident that Ohioans will also live up to the challenge of doing things differently as we open back up beginning on May 1st."} {"idx": 36504, "original_id": "1250971170649841665", "reply_id": "1251019954696175618", "label": "no", "text": "should ashlyn flirt back w a 20 yr old or no?"} {"idx": 36508, "original_id": "1250840627664818176", "reply_id": "1250896116750659590", "label": "hug", "text": "Ya'll, my 77 year old bipolar mother is manic and causing me so much anxiety. I just had to say that😢"} {"idx": 36509, "original_id": "1250670278008614912", "reply_id": "1250959827226034177", "label": "sigh", "text": "@SkyNews The UNTOLD story this last three weeks has been the disparity in coronavirus-related death rates in the four UK nations. There's been zero attempt at analysing these differences which indicate England is by far the worst of the four and the UK Govt the least transparent."} {"idx": 36511, "original_id": "1251024342831509505", "reply_id": "1251035068434448389", "label": "no", "text": "There are spiders big enough to eat snakes in Australia."} {"idx": 36512, "original_id": "1251234337477087233", "reply_id": "1251236383219425282", "label": "eww", "text": "Potentially unpopular opinion, I LOVE when guys wear the shoes and pants where u can see their ankles... I realize this sounds stupid. But alas, here I am."} {"idx": 36515, "original_id": "1250898257628270594", "reply_id": "1251229855892398081", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Here is a fun fact #rhobh fans. Last nights premiere....was the lowest in franchise history! \n#andycohen\n#erikajayne\n#teddimellencamp\n#KyleRichards \n#lisarinna\n#doritkemsley"} {"idx": 36516, "original_id": "1250710783962447872", "reply_id": "1251205648349462528", "label": "applause", "text": "Strategy of the strategist was to give a strategy so that it could strategise the strategy of the strategiser. But the tragedy of the strategist was that the strategy couldn't be stratagised since the strategist actually didn't have a strategy. Did you understand the stratagy?:)"} {"idx": 36517, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251048899575459841", "label": "no", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 36519, "original_id": "1251116513454522368", "reply_id": "1251119544396943362", "label": "hug", "text": "I think I need to disappear for a while\n\nForever*"} {"idx": 36520, "original_id": "1250797427801509888", "reply_id": "1250932932274880512", "label": "awww", "text": "Hey guys. \n\nSorry for being abit quiet this evening. Had a date night with my other half. We set up a nice table setting. \n\nDinner for me. Lunchtime for him and facetimed."} {"idx": 36521, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251185549320347652", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 36522, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251258827975954432", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 36530, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250999934876291072", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 36531, "original_id": "1250943682921914368", "reply_id": "1250959430033653762", "label": "hug", "text": "Waiting to hear from hospital. \nFeeling super stressed and helpless."} {"idx": 36533, "original_id": "1251180819739062272", "reply_id": "1251184510131027968", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Deepika Padukone is so beautiful man every frame of hers is art only"} {"idx": 36534, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251243172765642752", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 36537, "original_id": "1251101045943496704", "reply_id": "1251104002332213254", "label": "hug", "text": "All I ask, can we have a peaceful time? I mean today is Ep. 9, and we have 4 more to go. I did this alone, by myself, no one pay me to do this, I just want to share info about Bright & Win in a happy mood. Can you chill a bit? Sometimes I need my friends, so I can hug them."} {"idx": 36541, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251272261736124417", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 36543, "original_id": "1250959030887092224", "reply_id": "1250964264787021825", "label": "shocked", "text": "i just wan someone **** ** ****** and/or *** ** *****"} {"idx": 36548, "original_id": "1250983520236826625", "reply_id": "1251108383588970499", "label": "wink", "text": "unfollowing inactives. If your active lemme follow you back ❣️"} {"idx": 36549, "original_id": "1250920787084816392", "reply_id": "1250985463411810305", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "how's everyone doing!"} {"idx": 36553, "original_id": "1251133623543246859", "reply_id": "1251139136297279489", "label": "win", "text": "Good morning ☀️ today is another day to fight. Fight to win! You got this! Love, Pulte"} {"idx": 36556, "original_id": "1250604154201894912", "reply_id": "1250888791599898624", "label": "hug", "text": "Whenever I have a sad moment - usually when I’m grieving- all my losses in my life rear their ugly heads and dig that hole deeper. I miss everyone! Especially now. I wish I could hug certain people."} {"idx": 36557, "original_id": "1250545400366407682", "reply_id": "1250844856869511168", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "This is supposed to be a pandemic briefing.. The president is attacking Democrats."} {"idx": 36559, "original_id": "1250819091914514432", "reply_id": "1250942519438958593", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Date\n16th April 2020\n\nDonation reference\n19544\n\nDonation amount\n£50.00\n\nReason for donation\nIn honor of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor\\'s 1st Birthday"} {"idx": 36561, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251265482126213121", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 36562, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251078501609996289", "label": "facepalm", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 36563, "original_id": "1251259398443261954", "reply_id": "1251273125653864453", "label": "yes", "text": "Video will be late today...It will be worth it. \n\nAll I have to say is\n\nF2"} {"idx": 36564, "original_id": "1250892056588926978", "reply_id": "1250892487452958722", "label": "applause", "text": "will people judge me if i draw lolis like megumin as ara aras 🧐"} {"idx": 36566, "original_id": "1251227907168575494", "reply_id": "1251250879753269249", "label": "agree", "text": "It's ridiculous we cannot replenish the small business loan program which is working well. \n\nIf we can't reach an agreement to save additional jobs in the small business sector, Congress should cut its own pay!"} {"idx": 36567, "original_id": "1250958862376562688", "reply_id": "1250959361310167040", "label": "applause", "text": "obligatory happy national horny day"} {"idx": 36568, "original_id": "1250643147035602944", "reply_id": "1250883081847914499", "label": "applause", "text": "y’all i actually gathered the motivation to clean the entire upstairs of my house today. i have been extremely depressed so having my space clean... i could cry right now."} {"idx": 36570, "original_id": "1251149555476819977", "reply_id": "1251153655245365249", "label": "applause", "text": "How many of you have watched Out of the Shadows?"} {"idx": 36571, "original_id": "1248421107020914689", "reply_id": "1251002655633072128", "label": "applause", "text": "Dorinda porks a fat sweaty man, ramona disgustingly throws herself at ANY man, and sonja fucks ANY Tom, dick, or Harry, and they want to look down on Leah for having a tattoo?? GTFOH. #RHONY"} {"idx": 36577, "original_id": "1250870930764685312", "reply_id": "1250875466241781761", "label": "agree", "text": "love the “men ain’t shit” community... all you be talking about is dudes 24/7 and we all know you belong to the streets ... who ya foolin"} {"idx": 36578, "original_id": "1251103267137912832", "reply_id": "1251117664904372224", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Struggling on with my history dissentation and telling my facebook hive mind reminds me that I do not have to struggle alone. <3"} {"idx": 36581, "original_id": "1250904950458245127", "reply_id": "1250962965857071104", "label": "agree", "text": "its been #NationalHornyDay every day since quarantine. nothing new"} {"idx": 36584, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251265254664749056", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 36585, "original_id": "1250863839370870789", "reply_id": "1250878361162805248", "label": "eww", "text": "How dare @iLy_Blush say ew to pepperoni Hot pockets 😤😤😤"} {"idx": 36586, "original_id": "1251218158746247168", "reply_id": "1251260720647462912", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "@MarleyChelsea I’m honored to be able to extend you an official offer to join Black LSU🤝"} {"idx": 36589, "original_id": "1251168112252203008", "reply_id": "1251170410311409666", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I was messing around with some podcast stuff this morning and realized we recently passed 2 million downloads. I really hope we don't end this thing with a baseball-less season."} {"idx": 36592, "original_id": "1250940420395319296", "reply_id": "1250947745600475137", "label": "yes", "text": "Finding lots of YouTube videos like “top ten facts about sirenhead” that go in some WILD directions. A lot of the lore stuff out there is news to me!"} {"idx": 36595, "original_id": "1250722601930014728", "reply_id": "1250916421560938496", "label": "no", "text": "#Ireland strongly supports @WHO in efforts to coordinate a global response to combat #COVID19. So many countries rely on @UN expertise and capacity to save lives. Ireland is quadrupling our normal annual financial contribution to @WHO for 2020 to €9.5 million."} {"idx": 36596, "original_id": "1251253043645079557", "reply_id": "1251253343911063553", "label": "scared", "text": "After a moment of reflection, I think the brandy may have gone to my head a little. I'd like to apologise to #NUFC supporters. This is not how someone of my stature should interacting with fellow football fans."} {"idx": 36600, "original_id": "1250977711268364295", "reply_id": "1250984418295967746", "label": "eww", "text": "Peta Credlin was definitely pegging Tony Abbott"} {"idx": 36602, "original_id": "1251232836918685698", "reply_id": "1251234630998491137", "label": "sigh", "text": "new Gallup poll on how Americans rate Trump’s performance as president\n\nwhites w/out college degrees:\n61% approve\n37% disapprove\n\neveryone else:\n31% approve\n64% disapprove"} {"idx": 36603, "original_id": "1250856397970927616", "reply_id": "1250864137036390400", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "we gave Kevin a 3 hour haircut last night 😂 QUARANTINE QUARANTINE!!"} {"idx": 36604, "original_id": "1250846562307080192", "reply_id": "1250846775973478406", "label": "shocked", "text": "My morning has been spent trying to glue pancakes on to my nipples with syrup ... so yea hi"} {"idx": 36605, "original_id": "1251140338204336131", "reply_id": "1251171803520806913", "label": "applause", "text": "Do not allow negative people to turn you into one of them.\n\n#ravishtram #quotesdaily"} {"idx": 36606, "original_id": "1250827274536001538", "reply_id": "1250845945840889856", "label": "agree", "text": "Thankful Thursday!! ❤️ my Fall Creek family! I’m truly blessed to have a fabulous partner, great team, and supportive administration! #SpreadThePositive @HumbleISD_FCE @mrsparadoski @Mrs_Badeaux @MrsHathorn_FCE @BoydsBunch @MrsHudson_FCE @laura_dirosa @mrshindmon_FCE"} {"idx": 36611, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251180433070608393", "label": "awww", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 36616, "original_id": "1250842668671827969", "reply_id": "1250843955819876354", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Today is #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay and we want to know how you're doing. Let us know by using only emojis 👇"} {"idx": 36618, "original_id": "1250888424233590796", "reply_id": "1250888923271880707", "label": "scared", "text": "I’m boutta buy 1200 $1 scratch offs with my stimulus check. It’s called investing look it up sweaty."} {"idx": 36620, "original_id": "1250855285843021831", "reply_id": "1250855789713121281", "label": "ok", "text": "Die for me bitch I’m perfect"} {"idx": 36623, "original_id": "1250943490776797184", "reply_id": "1251080843214368769", "label": "yes", "text": "If China thinks the WHO is so critical - let them pay for it\n\nWho agrees?"} {"idx": 36626, "original_id": "1251040195450859521", "reply_id": "1251187352036429824", "label": "yes", "text": "What do... Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew and Dr. Phil all have in common?"} {"idx": 36629, "original_id": "1251148821855236099", "reply_id": "1251205545975066624", "label": "yes", "text": "Quarantine has me wanting dino chicken nuggets and french fries for breakfast 🍟 🦖 🐓"} {"idx": 36630, "original_id": "1251270484370612224", "reply_id": "1251271515406061568", "label": "win", "text": "Good people win"} {"idx": 36631, "original_id": "1250855624470155271", "reply_id": "1250936605080092673", "label": "dance", "text": "Raise your hand if you think it's time to reopen America. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 36634, "original_id": "1250861308116971526", "reply_id": "1251126039591477248", "label": "high_five", "text": "I don't know about you but I've had enough of \"Experts Say\""} {"idx": 36636, "original_id": "1250756953380356105", "reply_id": "1250862879114506240", "label": "hug", "text": "Just got a call from my aunt.\n\nMy Grandfather, Micheal is dying of #COVID19.\n\nCovid had spread to his Care Home for Veterans.\n\nHe is expected to pass tonight, alone 😔🥺"} {"idx": 36639, "original_id": "1250701512772329474", "reply_id": "1250908534721691649", "label": "awww", "text": "Yeah, ajpw being bought out is surely at least on ice I'd imagine."} {"idx": 36640, "original_id": "1250872621551550468", "reply_id": "1250874009367056386", "label": "shocked", "text": "Juny = Jandino \nBut yall ain't ready for that conversation"} {"idx": 36642, "original_id": "1250840095881650176", "reply_id": "1250886874400514048", "label": "popcorn", "text": "just had an idea and I got it the most randomist way possible....I was watching all these chemical face peel videos don't ask why....and like a light bulb like we always portray presenting as either suddenly entering a heat/rut. So what if, instead of just entering a heat/rut"} {"idx": 36643, "original_id": "1250930841368367106", "reply_id": "1250932505672384512", "label": "applause", "text": "Today, the only real heroes of the FGC are @XanozIchimonji @TheIceyGlaceon and me.\n\nThe rest of y'all not horny enough to be heroes on #nationalhornyday"} {"idx": 36646, "original_id": "1250980803124887552", "reply_id": "1251154913305915396", "label": "want", "text": "Name me a better doctor than Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. \n\nI’ll start: Octopus."} {"idx": 36649, "original_id": "1250824513668947968", "reply_id": "1251115537582583809", "label": "no", "text": "How about: yes, funding the NHS more efficiently would be better than clapping to thank them, but clapping is *also* a nice thing? Can't two things both be true sometimes, angry people of Twitter?"} {"idx": 36651, "original_id": "1250889956421074944", "reply_id": "1250899828256591872", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m starting to enjoy country music"} {"idx": 36653, "original_id": "1250883774046502914", "reply_id": "1250893618510016514", "label": "idk", "text": "tell me something nice???"} {"idx": 36658, "original_id": "1250933747869986823", "reply_id": "1250952619268456448", "label": "agree", "text": "21 millions lost their jobs, largely due to the inability to get ahead of it by Trump. How, how are Dems NOT running ads every other minute destroying Donald Trump over this when his main pitch was the economy? This isn't rocket science man."} {"idx": 36659, "original_id": "1250926756242116611", "reply_id": "1251044606680141824", "label": "shocked", "text": "YES! I eat the box. YES! I still use the word bowkat as an insult. WE EXIST! #RepresentationMatters"} {"idx": 36661, "original_id": "1250782585321598976", "reply_id": "1250850593662328832", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "It's okey to disagree or confront my tweet. I wud even apologize, it's totally fine. Lesser chance to get a ventilator someday but at least you'd win the argument."} {"idx": 36663, "original_id": "1250661402534002689", "reply_id": "1250885588326273024", "label": "hug", "text": "Can i just feel happy for once"} {"idx": 36665, "original_id": "1251063222012182530", "reply_id": "1251077727937089536", "label": "eww", "text": "An interesting (if slightly disturbing) observation from my husband, currently working in community pharmacy behind a perspex screen... the screen needs to be cleaned v frequently due to small spit droplets from people on the other side - was never aware of this face to face 😬"} {"idx": 36668, "original_id": "1250986542182490113", "reply_id": "1250987108874870784", "label": "yes", "text": "I'm realizing I don't like working at the office or from home...starting to think working is just not for me. Where that onlyfans at"} {"idx": 36670, "original_id": "1251181405171785733", "reply_id": "1251232836033495040", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Please follow these amazing people for #FF!! @DBCarterAuthor @DerekRKing2 @cr_gearhart @laliaristo @halo_scot @byMorganWright @EvelynChartres @ionacrv @MDamonBaker1 @anglrsg9 @agletterman @joanne_paulson @MissPancake9 @BellaRayne10 @FaerieRealms @_Ikklegemz_2 @detective_files"} {"idx": 36672, "original_id": "1251253768697585668", "reply_id": "1251253930727821315", "label": "smh", "text": "I love seeing DL boys post about their girlfriends. This boy who’s back I used to blow out years ago is engaged to a woman and I think it’s the cutest funniest shit ever 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 36673, "original_id": "1251132657783713797", "reply_id": "1251133178657595392", "label": "agree", "text": "Good morning to everyone who just learned Dr Phil is trash"} {"idx": 36674, "original_id": "1250898875159924737", "reply_id": "1250899503483420679", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "These northerners actually believe they’re the supreme tribe LMAO, more than 90% of them are illiterates, the remaining 10% of them that are educated, are still illiterates"} {"idx": 36675, "original_id": "1250864500426842118", "reply_id": "1250952255098032129", "label": "hug", "text": "My husband got laid off, my oven broke, and my fridge broke all in the same week during a pandemic 😭😭\n\nWhen it rains it pours, y'all."} {"idx": 36677, "original_id": "1251202784734654466", "reply_id": "1251202976628248583", "label": "wink", "text": "How is it that every business in New York City has been shut down except those deemed “essential” but yet all the liquor stores are open?"} {"idx": 36683, "original_id": "1251122389418512384", "reply_id": "1251162378340728833", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "@KirkiseNikita please give more content. I thrive for them."} {"idx": 36686, "original_id": "1251178812517298176", "reply_id": "1251220780295303181", "label": "yolo", "text": "This weekend, we need to get drunk"} {"idx": 36687, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251202490835652614", "label": "high_five", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 36688, "original_id": "1251222506087886848", "reply_id": "1251240674545958912", "label": "ok", "text": "Friday confession. - I did not like Ace Ventura : pet detective. You next! #fridayconfession"} {"idx": 36690, "original_id": "1250852563223744513", "reply_id": "1250872038383853573", "label": "no", "text": "Are you buying Trump’s grievances about the W.H.O?"} {"idx": 36697, "original_id": "1250916696136744960", "reply_id": "1251018190232092673", "label": "no", "text": "Yoooooo think about how great life was when SremmLife dropped"} {"idx": 36699, "original_id": "1251222478703128577", "reply_id": "1251225900605210626", "label": "no", "text": "help! i’m entering the watching WESTWORLD phase of quarantine. i really need someone to save me from myself lol."} {"idx": 36700, "original_id": "1251012858965569541", "reply_id": "1251191522546065409", "label": "yes", "text": "Sometimes i'm asked if i have only fans but every time it's a dude trying to humiliate me or only fans girls. Imagine having the self confidence to pose naked, build an audience and be financially independent lol why is that something someone should be ashamed of? 🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 36707, "original_id": "1251189992954695681", "reply_id": "1251191565663510530", "label": "shocked", "text": "Now that we´ve had time to think this over, can we finally agree that the witcher show was terrible?\n\nCavill was one of the few redeeming qualities among horrible writing and one of the worst bastardisations of a source material since the dark tower movie."} {"idx": 36708, "original_id": "1251034443587952640", "reply_id": "1251171665293176834", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy Friday FBR Pt 3 - Please follow back Resisters. Thx.\n@KingQuarantined \n@MelodyWyles \n@MichaelPendrak \n@Honey_Luxe \n@NotonW \n@glennresists3 \n@JanetKmilehigh \n@Mom2ShihTzu \n@NitaFran1 \n@lezleemac \n@SandiBeach25\n@labmomof062 \n@CarolynEvertsol\n@watercutter11 \n@Vermont51160157"} {"idx": 36709, "original_id": "1251230259791495168", "reply_id": "1251243329456607232", "label": "seriously", "text": "We are nearly one third of the way through 2020 let that sink in"} {"idx": 36710, "original_id": "1250880838746726400", "reply_id": "1250881481490096128", "label": "hearts", "text": "in order to put some love in your scroll, i would like to tell you that i love you guys. i love George. ❤️💫"} {"idx": 36713, "original_id": "1251042753770905600", "reply_id": "1251254053700603906", "label": "shocked", "text": "Everybody keeps saying when this is all over... what if it’s never over? What if this is life?"} {"idx": 36714, "original_id": "1250874399688777728", "reply_id": "1250888437806186496", "label": "agree", "text": "Made a song w/ @itswilliamblack \n\nRT if you want it"} {"idx": 36715, "original_id": "1251208271785951232", "reply_id": "1251209418944831488", "label": "shocked", "text": "I was today years old when I found out there is a peanut butter and honey Uncrustable. Absolute game changer"} {"idx": 36718, "original_id": "1251255369583570944", "reply_id": "1251258101421862913", "label": "shocked", "text": "It's the weekend... yeepee! Might go anti clockwise on my bike ride today.. This excitement is killing me"} {"idx": 36720, "original_id": "1250962015423803392", "reply_id": "1250962834898419718", "label": "applause", "text": "I am humbled and grateful for the skill and expertise of @smartertrader and Surrounding myself with other good traders like @AnthonyOhayon. This has indeed changed my life. I realize times are still bad for many. I'll be donating a portion back to helping others and encourage..."} {"idx": 36721, "original_id": "1250925802159570947", "reply_id": "1250946887286489089", "label": "oops", "text": "When you find out them niggas not only know each other but they BROS 🙄"} {"idx": 36723, "original_id": "1251195366659194882", "reply_id": "1251211620208054272", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Today, I'm going to try and choose a phone."} {"idx": 36726, "original_id": "1251024342592487424", "reply_id": "1251221806263996418", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "this quarantine is turning me emo again bc I can’t hang out with my bubblegum pop friends. 🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 36727, "original_id": "1250836671521832964", "reply_id": "1250837960007745537", "label": "shocked", "text": "My cousin films herself everyday doing “circle time” in her bedroom for her Sped kids and today she asked her 5 year old daughter what to do on earth day and Harper said “shoot a deer”"} {"idx": 36730, "original_id": "1251171529162764288", "reply_id": "1251171975440896000", "label": "hug", "text": "I just woke up and now I'm crying😭"} {"idx": 36732, "original_id": "1251200251786145796", "reply_id": "1251200917006934017", "label": "seriously", "text": "Imagine if they release movies on tv and you just had to pay the fee for the ticket like you at the movie theater. @AMCTheatres my dm are open @UniversalPics slide, let me get a check"} {"idx": 36733, "original_id": "1251131785146228738", "reply_id": "1251132174394368000", "label": "yes", "text": "Have you noticed how people who say a fetus is just tissue are now saying SCIENCE! whenever there’s a discussion about the teensy weensy viruses?"} {"idx": 36734, "original_id": "1251073743998324738", "reply_id": "1251252471311327235", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If 2k had a \"fastbreak points\" column in the box score, all of yall fav pgs getting exposed😂"} {"idx": 36735, "original_id": "1251200951563804672", "reply_id": "1251201611789148161", "label": "hug", "text": "My mood is trash today."} {"idx": 36736, "original_id": "1251189771881246720", "reply_id": "1251268713065545729", "label": "applause", "text": "I knew it was coming. Andrew Cuomo finally lost his shit on Trump and slapped the living hell out of him and it is glorious. Donald Trump will be leaking Adderall today."} {"idx": 36737, "original_id": "1250759381089730560", "reply_id": "1250955214124974081", "label": "yes", "text": "The latest claim from the pro-shutdown camp is that people will be too scared to go out in public even when the shutdowns are lifted.\n\nI guarantee that is not true. People will return to their lives as soon as they are allowed to. This is America. It's what we do."} {"idx": 36739, "original_id": "1251199653200244742", "reply_id": "1251213316346740738", "label": "facepalm", "text": "We can do this.\n\nAfter all, we’re New Jersey. \n\nThere’s nothing else that needs to be said."} {"idx": 36740, "original_id": "1250819792803692547", "reply_id": "1250848093697986560", "label": "applause", "text": "I will help #EndHorny2020"} {"idx": 36741, "original_id": "1250971066907848706", "reply_id": "1250991987936735232", "label": "agree", "text": "should i go on a shopping spree?"} {"idx": 36742, "original_id": "1251040947422392321", "reply_id": "1251041239949955072", "label": "want", "text": "i miss @grcanceko and @jbudolano 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 36743, "original_id": "1250846989731999744", "reply_id": "1250889339933843456", "label": "hug", "text": "Dear diary:\nThis morning I woke up, read Luis Sepulveda died and went back to bed. Wake me up when all this fuckery is over 😢."} {"idx": 36746, "original_id": "1251012035548233728", "reply_id": "1251012992025706496", "label": "awww", "text": "i’m so blessed to have an amazing brother @dapp_17 💕"} {"idx": 36749, "original_id": "1250928511151464448", "reply_id": "1250928905256648706", "label": "agree", "text": "Romney is a big boy. He chose to go along with a farce impeachment that ultimately failed.\n\nIs he somehow entitled to be included now?\n\nThat’s not how the real world works."} {"idx": 36750, "original_id": "1250931519381737472", "reply_id": "1250933849435103241", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m sorry but if you consistently come into a streamers channel to self promo, ask chat to follow and announce you’re going live ... do not be surprised when you catch a fat ban. 🤷🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 36752, "original_id": "1250762288623161345", "reply_id": "1251137724641394689", "label": "applause", "text": "4 years sober today"} {"idx": 36754, "original_id": "1250874031949205504", "reply_id": "1250874652060237824", "label": "oops", "text": "Remember when everyone thought BABEL was a great movie? LOL."} {"idx": 36757, "original_id": "1250884763252129793", "reply_id": "1250885214211104773", "label": "seriously", "text": "@nbstv #NBSFrontline Could it be possible for @JaneRuth_Aceng to talk about the -ve cases in other countries that are turning positive again.. Isn't this cause for worry.."} {"idx": 36759, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251248200154902528", "label": "agree", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 36774, "original_id": "1250907537261690887", "reply_id": "1250908774094733312", "label": "dance", "text": "Give away tomorrow ?"} {"idx": 36776, "original_id": "1250913227581657094", "reply_id": "1250928959379828739", "label": "facepalm", "text": "there aren't enough tests, there is no vaccine, there is no cure, people are still dropping dead by the thousands and this stupid fucking moron is taking a victory lap"} {"idx": 36777, "original_id": "1251049482097172480", "reply_id": "1251133676483743744", "label": "yes", "text": "If Trump wants his name on stimulus checks, shouldnt his name be on the 33,000+ death certificates?"} {"idx": 36778, "original_id": "1250665918461628422", "reply_id": "1250863097335685121", "label": "applause", "text": "so I went on my webkinz for old time sake and then bought a new pet because of the limits of a free account...and then bought deluxe because if was only 99 cents...and now I’m in a Snapchat group chat with my webkinz friends"} {"idx": 36781, "original_id": "1251149930221023242", "reply_id": "1251156113405341700", "label": "agree", "text": "food: 1 hour\nshower: 10 minutes\nwalk the dog: 20 minutes\nwrite a single email: 9 hours\n\nsomeone who is good at time management help me etc"} {"idx": 36785, "original_id": "1251245819732377602", "reply_id": "1251271323717963776", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I suspect that many, many more of us will eventually learn that we had the virus in a form that barely presented. I think I did. Two weeks plus of low grade headache and pinkeye. Nothing else. I think eventually, large swaths of us will find out we have the antibodies."} {"idx": 36791, "original_id": "1251217996628070400", "reply_id": "1251222088188338177", "label": "seriously", "text": "I'm going to start watching prison break again! Lol. That going to be the 8th time or so."} {"idx": 36794, "original_id": "1251018584815480832", "reply_id": "1251230113519337473", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Guys, if, because of Covid19, you start getting 80% of your salary, you might begin to feel like the average woman"} {"idx": 36799, "original_id": "1250872995528278019", "reply_id": "1250875082819481601", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "\"You forget, daddy used to be a DJ and still has all his records and his record players…\" ~ me\n\n\"Yeah you've got all the records, but they're not popular songs.\" ~ @weeburnett \n\n#9yearOldSmackdown"} {"idx": 36803, "original_id": "1251109446425681921", "reply_id": "1251121431167066112", "label": "yes", "text": "We are each on our own journey. Keep your eyes focused on the road ahead. Run your own race. Don’t get distracted by looking at what someone else is doing. And don’t worry about what anyone thinks. It’s irrelevant! You’re answerable to the Almighty. Get your priorities right!"} {"idx": 36804, "original_id": "1250777999793770496", "reply_id": "1250837917125263360", "label": "applause", "text": "coronavirus stinks do not like jt"} {"idx": 36809, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250874417581903879", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 36816, "original_id": "1250876450833674241", "reply_id": "1250894453327290368", "label": "oops", "text": "If Olaf melts I am flipping a table"} {"idx": 36817, "original_id": "1251133016576913408", "reply_id": "1251255778754740224", "label": "applause", "text": "#WritingCommunity Time for another #FollowFriday #writerslift\n\nIf you're under 5k followers leave a comment and we'll follow you.\nThose above 5k please like and RT.\n\n#Writers #Authors #Poets #Bloggers\n#FF"} {"idx": 36818, "original_id": "1251268998894927873", "reply_id": "1251269909025349632", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I get a gallon of margaritas with dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 36819, "original_id": "1251225993899016194", "reply_id": "1251263859614253056", "label": "kiss", "text": "thankful for robb and my mom for always keeping me grounded and reminding me that ppl aren’t shit 💖"} {"idx": 36820, "original_id": "1251099446995124225", "reply_id": "1251180533620436999", "label": "applause", "text": "Breaking News\n\nI will ask @sidharth_shukla his mobile number.\nAfter that we will talk at mobile.\n\nThen we will become friends.\n\nAfter that we will convert this friendship into love.\n\nAfter love, we will get marry.\n\nPhir mai roz unke sath selfie upload krungi.\n\nUffff\n\n#AskSid"} {"idx": 36821, "original_id": "1250964896214216705", "reply_id": "1250965030507474944", "label": "no", "text": "@Tee_LowKeey next! 👶"} {"idx": 36822, "original_id": "1250941771716218880", "reply_id": "1250942252278583297", "label": "scared", "text": "Every time someone comes for Cassper he always have to remind them of their drug problem. Ka iPotsa who reminds him gore ha itse desk ya matric"} {"idx": 36824, "original_id": "1250951874464882688", "reply_id": "1251014388196282376", "label": "awww", "text": "2: MULK Please\n\n*hands milk*\n\n2: NO, mulk!\n\nOkay... Are you all done?\n\n2: No all done!\n\nOkay.\n\n2: MULK please!\n\n*pushes milk towards him*\n\n2: *pushes it back* NO\n\nI don't know what you want man...\n\n2: No, dun know what you want!!"} {"idx": 36828, "original_id": "1250988420245139456", "reply_id": "1250989480598745088", "label": "hearts", "text": "Ugh my partner is too damn cute! @starpupperfly I wanna cuddle!"} {"idx": 36829, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1250922747871592454", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 36835, "original_id": "1250797798875856896", "reply_id": "1250857179156013057", "label": "no", "text": "Could you be in a poly relationship?"} {"idx": 36839, "original_id": "1251141974511542272", "reply_id": "1251172518171377664", "label": "yes", "text": "I would love to see Biden tap Adam Schiff or Hakeem Jeffries as the next Attorney General because there would be hell to pay for some people."} {"idx": 36840, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250946496444477440", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 36843, "original_id": "1251266363341012995", "reply_id": "1251270128861396992", "label": "wink", "text": "NBA commissioner Adam Silver says Board of Governors are in agreement that safety is paramount: “We are not in any position to make any decisions and it’s unclear when we will be.”"} {"idx": 36853, "original_id": "1250845157207027712", "reply_id": "1250930084162277376", "label": "agree", "text": "I want some timberland heelys"} {"idx": 36855, "original_id": "1250749079249997825", "reply_id": "1250852886281547776", "label": "hug", "text": "Oh furiends I am so saddened to say that Aura died suddenly. She made a terrible sound and then collapsed and. We suspect a heart attack. I am devastated and in such shock. #CatsOfTwitter #TabbyTroop"} {"idx": 36856, "original_id": "1251265434227077121", "reply_id": "1251267953045233666", "label": "shocked", "text": "JUST IN: 1,081 sailors on France's aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle have tested positive for coronavirus"} {"idx": 36857, "original_id": "1250962446313013249", "reply_id": "1251040221875101696", "label": "smh", "text": "if u ever snorted cocoaine off any part of my body we are bonded forever"} {"idx": 36858, "original_id": "1250917260824399873", "reply_id": "1250918366291820545", "label": "sigh", "text": "i wanna buy a new avatar, any recommended creators?"} {"idx": 36860, "original_id": "1250950130297159683", "reply_id": "1250950697002110976", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug😔"} {"idx": 36861, "original_id": "1250830545489203203", "reply_id": "1250905242381586433", "label": "no", "text": "tuning 808's is essential"} {"idx": 36862, "original_id": "1250825665798176768", "reply_id": "1250848976657661952", "label": "ok", "text": "BREAKING @derbstreit\n\nOhio State QB Vic Collins has announced he will enter the 2020 NFLRB Draft and is expected to go in the 2nd round\n\nHe was redshirted as a Freshman and started the next 2 years at the university. \n\nOSU is expected to target a 3 or 4 star QB as a replacement"} {"idx": 36863, "original_id": "1250484114521817090", "reply_id": "1250856300612931584", "label": "omg", "text": "I just found out that my Ex is related to me😳😂, I knew the dick felt familiar🚶🏾‍♀️."} {"idx": 36865, "original_id": "1251232667749814273", "reply_id": "1251253013693562883", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Who is the smartest?? Ivanka, Don junior or Eric??"} {"idx": 36866, "original_id": "1251245720251834370", "reply_id": "1251250402021998595", "label": "ok", "text": "🚨🚨🚨all of Columbo is streaming for free on IMDB 🚨🚨🚨"} {"idx": 36869, "original_id": "1250860479335063552", "reply_id": "1251113311653019648", "label": "omg", "text": "If you weren't sure of how bad things have gotten, Amazon is out of podcast mics."} {"idx": 36870, "original_id": "1251128753645740037", "reply_id": "1251129591126618112", "label": "awww", "text": "P'Zee: Don't forget to eat whey protein that I gave you\n\n#ZaintSee"} {"idx": 36871, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251185231081746435", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 36874, "original_id": "1251169619429163008", "reply_id": "1251196052398657536", "label": "no", "text": "University of Chicago Hospital: doing pilot study on Remdesivir. \n\nOxford University: might have a vaccine by fall.\n\nGOP: We'd like to kill higher ed in the US by defunding budgets, attacking instructors, & discouraging people from enrolling."} {"idx": 36875, "original_id": "1250899179666395136", "reply_id": "1250902104417263617", "label": "smh", "text": "#DonaldTrump is so, so sick. He held up the presses so they would put his POS name on every relief check. Even when you get your money, you have to look at that egomaniac’s name!"} {"idx": 36879, "original_id": "1250889112288137222", "reply_id": "1250889269649870849", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Yay I’m at my first follower 🥳🥳🥳thank you @_miaiisabella for the follow ❤️"} {"idx": 36880, "original_id": "1250885628528660480", "reply_id": "1250886652886749194", "label": "shocked", "text": "Dominican women fire but they can’t wine 🥺."} {"idx": 36882, "original_id": "1250948026169950210", "reply_id": "1250953957649850368", "label": "please", "text": "allowed one good mental health day per month 😌"} {"idx": 36883, "original_id": "1251205076301099010", "reply_id": "1251205520456773632", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So far Trials is making me want to go back to Fallout 76, which is saying something"} {"idx": 36884, "original_id": "1251200689440722951", "reply_id": "1251201355433287681", "label": "agree", "text": "Many conservative intellectuals were suckered by the CDC and the progressive media. They went along with the dumbest projections even when it was clear they were absurdly exaggerated. Why? To keep up appearances! To look smart! Yet they ended up looking pretty foolish"} {"idx": 36885, "original_id": "1251137801216655360", "reply_id": "1251234678746513413", "label": "hug", "text": "I honestly just want to be hugged right now-"} {"idx": 36887, "original_id": "1250237542441668609", "reply_id": "1251193361266081792", "label": "no", "text": "If Trump died from being infected with Covid-19, would you attend his funeral? 🤔"} {"idx": 36888, "original_id": "1251227080324505602", "reply_id": "1251229317276762115", "label": "high_five", "text": "Once i start cashing out from the Betway casino, una no go rest after Lockdown.\nJust start calling me Royz Sinzu.\n\nWetin dey butst my head is that it’s win as you play."} {"idx": 36889, "original_id": "1251013191569735681", "reply_id": "1251020399296557056", "label": "yes", "text": "They gave me: uhhhendkdnd lesbian??? omg idk im sorry\nI am: bi\n\nThey gave me: 5’2 lol\nI am: 5’3 :O\n\nThey gave me: single\nI am: taken lol 🥰\n\nThey gave me: 🇺🇸\nI am: 🇺🇸 unfortunately \n\ndrop a reply and i'll tell you what i think based on your profile!"} {"idx": 36890, "original_id": "1251237320923234306", "reply_id": "1251242922609123328", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Doing research for current #WIP and it's exceptionally daunting.😳I'm on the verge of a mini-anxiety thingy because I don't know what the fedge I'm doing. 😱"} {"idx": 36891, "original_id": "1250947904459747329", "reply_id": "1251184388731293696", "label": "kiss", "text": "If you go down on me, don’t expect me to kiss you afterwards cause I won’t."} {"idx": 36892, "original_id": "1251207126938247169", "reply_id": "1251223455023988737", "label": "sigh", "text": "A relative explained that by reading the Washington Post and the New York Times, I should be careful as they are biased. They suggested I should be watching OANN as that tells the truth without bias."} {"idx": 36893, "original_id": "1250850057273905152", "reply_id": "1250850384958160896", "label": "applause", "text": "Our newly created hashtag #BailoutHumans is Trending #1 Across the World for the 2nd day in a row! BAIL OUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 36901, "original_id": "1250946916071981057", "reply_id": "1250947300207333377", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Are you tired of not being good enough for the person you call boo? Dw let 'em be, by the time they'd realize, you're so gone. 😉"} {"idx": 36903, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1251184809805832192", "label": "dance", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 36909, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251238295583043586", "label": "smh", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 36913, "original_id": "1250253070711300096", "reply_id": "1250894398675660806", "label": "agree", "text": "um maybe the day wants to be gently held???? you don’t need to seize every time"} {"idx": 36914, "original_id": "1250946639608635392", "reply_id": "1251133286681907200", "label": "agree", "text": "Finally came to my senses. Gerry Cinnamon is a stinking fenian bastard."} {"idx": 36921, "original_id": "1251148296933892101", "reply_id": "1251208766403555328", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I have always been one to form my own thoughts and beliefs, so please don’t force yours on me."} {"idx": 36922, "original_id": "1250981291127947266", "reply_id": "1250981884508737537", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "speaking into existence that my tiktok career is finally about to take off"} {"idx": 36923, "original_id": "1250798571806490625", "reply_id": "1251023578650345475", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Should college football play their season this fall? If they do will you go to a game?"} {"idx": 36925, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251003025692348418", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 36927, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1251006587252211715", "label": "seriously", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 36928, "original_id": "1250887528623857668", "reply_id": "1250888140837060617", "label": "hug", "text": "Just went through the coronavirus screening and not gonna lie, this is the scariest experience ever. \n\nWaiting in the waiting room to get called to go in."} {"idx": 36931, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251181644746235912", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 36932, "original_id": "1251177261761474561", "reply_id": "1251183379749515266", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Jiggly Titties > Fake Porn Titties"} {"idx": 36934, "original_id": "1250833130522644484", "reply_id": "1251018195156303872", "label": "yes", "text": "My dad once grounded me for a whole summer in high school because I got home 15 minutes past curfew. I remembered that fondly today as I reported him for breaking quarantine."} {"idx": 36935, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251183246509047810", "label": "shocked", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 36937, "original_id": "1251162569731010560", "reply_id": "1251215664284663811", "label": "shocked", "text": "Please stop reposting tales of a saintly schismatic priest anointing the sick when the lazy drones refused. Priests obey quarantine because of the Right to Life & horror of spreading disease. Yes, there are bad priests but this is different. We want our people safe & well"} {"idx": 36938, "original_id": "1250947468511948802", "reply_id": "1250967221481934849", "label": "yolo", "text": "aquarius will not talk to you for 3 weeks then hit you for a 9 hour convo 😂😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 36941, "original_id": "1250892492536504321", "reply_id": "1250893025984774150", "label": "no", "text": "@hermosavidaxx cook crablegs & im not taking no for an answer"} {"idx": 36942, "original_id": "1250990536640663552", "reply_id": "1250996951996383232", "label": "agree", "text": "No matter how hard life gets. I WILL SHINE! It might knock me down but it won't keep me down. I will survive anything thrown at me. AMEN AMEN AMEN"} {"idx": 36943, "original_id": "1251217036169973760", "reply_id": "1251218548195594240", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Sarah walks into the living room to see Rudy’s toy halfway across the room. \n\nSarah: “Ok, Wayne Gretzky! Look how far you threw that thing.”\n\nMe:.............\n\nSarah: “He was a baseball player, yeah?”"} {"idx": 36948, "original_id": "1251075969038901248", "reply_id": "1251076686289997824", "label": "facepalm", "text": "JUST TO INFORM twitter have temporarily suspended @SharelearnT account due to a huge blunder on my part! Accidentally put wrong DOB and it thinks the account is a 3 year old - the irony is brilliant! \n\nBe back online soon - I HOPE!"} {"idx": 36950, "original_id": "1250873972465577984", "reply_id": "1250913398864465920", "label": "smh", "text": "#thfc have opened talks with Mauricio Pochettino about reducing his £12.5M severance pay due to the coronavirus pandemic. | @TelegraphSport"} {"idx": 36951, "original_id": "1251139898779799552", "reply_id": "1251149610988388354", "label": "no", "text": "Carrot bacon?\n\nI guess..."} {"idx": 36957, "original_id": "1250845818854289409", "reply_id": "1250848013809049610", "label": "awww", "text": "I have been blocking @mamannajwa and @mabziz and they keep popping up on my mention"} {"idx": 36960, "original_id": "1251250055618519040", "reply_id": "1251258162574917633", "label": "yes", "text": "Yay, it’s the weekend"} {"idx": 36961, "original_id": "1250970562010079233", "reply_id": "1250972363706908672", "label": "seriously", "text": "Just got fucking divorced nobody hmu"} {"idx": 36962, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250894891640651777", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 36963, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1251242295766237191", "label": "seriously", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 36964, "original_id": "1250875832744251396", "reply_id": "1250988328318574592", "label": "yes", "text": "52 Senate Republicans have been asked by President Trump to serve on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group. The lone GOP Senator NOT invited... @MittRomney"} {"idx": 36965, "original_id": "1250916799434182656", "reply_id": "1250922841400389633", "label": "agree", "text": "This orange idiot is going to guilt governors into opening up states, and we’re going to end up right back to where we are now. It’s gonna be a viscous cycle"} {"idx": 36966, "original_id": "1250895724126109697", "reply_id": "1250896743983702019", "label": "omg", "text": "I don't always know how to breath, it takes practice"} {"idx": 36967, "original_id": "1250961408658898946", "reply_id": "1250962280759660545", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "9 months sober today 🤨 (nh)"} {"idx": 36968, "original_id": "1250832565663076359", "reply_id": "1251216346240647168", "label": "wink", "text": "Whitmer reminds me of the mom who’d borrow her teenage daughter’s daisy dukes, put on her lace push-up bra her hubs hasn’t seen in decades, outline her small lips heavily w red lipstick, take a Xanax, & slink downstairs hoping she could be the mom her son’s friends want to fuck."} {"idx": 36970, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250962432211718145", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 36971, "original_id": "1250932745389268992", "reply_id": "1250975786783264768", "label": "seriously", "text": "I hate to come at you guys w/ something this impactful but it needs to be shared, chocolate chip cookies are the worst type of cookies"} {"idx": 36978, "original_id": "1250836583835713537", "reply_id": "1251028687442644992", "label": "shocked", "text": "When she let me dunk my steak in her pussy for extra flavor, I knew she was the one."} {"idx": 36979, "original_id": "1251175826839781377", "reply_id": "1251229869490479111", "label": "shocked", "text": "Brianna has never eaten a raw potato with salt.."} {"idx": 36981, "original_id": "1250852676969078786", "reply_id": "1250865547354542083", "label": "hug", "text": "Well I just ended my (already shit) day by spilling hot soup all over myself, one of my walls, the floor and my desk. Got a couple burns and it was a bitch to clean up but my PC survived at least hallelujah."} {"idx": 36985, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1251179453658562560", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 36990, "original_id": "1251047828497055745", "reply_id": "1251048552828190721", "label": "no", "text": "Can I just sleep at night like everyone else or no?"} {"idx": 36992, "original_id": "1250932553940217856", "reply_id": "1250942737869795328", "label": "wink", "text": "Still not stimulated!!"} {"idx": 36994, "original_id": "1250468997763563520", "reply_id": "1250845243207045120", "label": "agree", "text": "Been chatting to a pro-EU lawyer this afternoon and he reckons that if we can get the EU to retrospectively decommission Article 50 before the end of the transition period, there’s a chance we could persuade the High Court to declare Brexit null and void."} {"idx": 36995, "original_id": "1251131975668244480", "reply_id": "1251138631625916417", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone else feel like the weeks are getting longer?"} {"idx": 36997, "original_id": "1250840517753147394", "reply_id": "1250889530854563848", "label": "no", "text": "Phonics home-learning crimes currently being committed over in the garden next door.\n'Puh O Luh Luh Yuh... Polly' 🙉"} {"idx": 36998, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250955035971903491", "label": "shocked", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 37001, "original_id": "1251196246607478788", "reply_id": "1251241653656051715", "label": "no", "text": "Ok look ima need whoever keeps causing me to wake up after 2 hours of sleep wide awake and feeling like i slept for 8 days to stop ok? thanks"} {"idx": 37002, "original_id": "1250905162950029312", "reply_id": "1250947752420347904", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Democrats will not stop fighting for money for small businesses, and hospitals and healthcare providers, and testing, and our state and local governments, and more to help fight coronavirus."} {"idx": 37003, "original_id": "1251188407377813506", "reply_id": "1251224256643391488", "label": "dance", "text": "Should I drop a fine woman Friday pic lol"} {"idx": 37006, "original_id": "1250894355352768520", "reply_id": "1250947840249126914", "label": "smh", "text": "my lil baby showed mad love today😋... buttt my lil boo might actually be done with me. shit qwazy"} {"idx": 37008, "original_id": "1251065832949587968", "reply_id": "1251135480835571713", "label": "omg", "text": "I want to taste a little bit of everything, it gets me in trouble"} {"idx": 37009, "original_id": "1250846075533045760", "reply_id": "1250880112377180160", "label": "smh", "text": "I think ima buy a PS5"} {"idx": 37013, "original_id": "1250841670305931265", "reply_id": "1250845563395833856", "label": "omg", "text": "EVERYONE STAND BACK. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢"} {"idx": 37014, "original_id": "1250850124051300352", "reply_id": "1250869730317131778", "label": "applause", "text": "Just sent some shithead 12 year old on XBOX Live a link to his moms OnlyFans account . \n\nFlawless Victory, Motherfucker."} {"idx": 37019, "original_id": "1250850975025414146", "reply_id": "1250867005802110976", "label": "applause", "text": "I have a twenty minute lunch break, \nyippee I ay and I'm headed to the cafeteria for a tuna on rye. It's been a crazy day so far people, but hopefully things will get better and my brother was discharged from the hospital this morning..🙋🏽‍♀️😷❤"} {"idx": 37021, "original_id": "1250932638745014272", "reply_id": "1250932791052627968", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Scott Adams is a coward and a phony. \n\nHe was one of the biggest fear mongers who blocked anyone who defended individual liberties when that was an unpopular position.\n\nNow that it's again politically correct to promote freedom, the phony is back on the band wagon."} {"idx": 37024, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251128785732120576", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 37034, "original_id": "1251166907237052416", "reply_id": "1251212570264047616", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Our city’s beaches are reopening today. I fucking hate it here."} {"idx": 37043, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251002695911002112", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 37044, "original_id": "1250672248358395904", "reply_id": "1250968318191828993", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Just told the last how to back off... this shit better fucking last OR imma beat the brakes off a nigga. WATCH"} {"idx": 37045, "original_id": "1250823714356240384", "reply_id": "1250838654861414403", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I know this is hard.\n\nI wish I could say this will be over soon, but I can’t. \n\nWe must make decisions based on the science and the data.\n\nHuman lives are at stake."} {"idx": 37046, "original_id": "1250997560615088128", "reply_id": "1251018357157040129", "label": "yes", "text": "Dr. Fauci absolutely destroyed Laura Ingraham tonight. I don’t think he will he invited back"} {"idx": 37047, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251239231130927107", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 37050, "original_id": "1250862365878489088", "reply_id": "1250862671148265474", "label": "high_five", "text": "Gonna start dropping myself and two random, hot women into dm’s. Just sling awkward emoji’s until they have had enough of my impromptu 3some and bail. \n\nShould be a hoot."} {"idx": 37051, "original_id": "1251059130522931200", "reply_id": "1251096445513601025", "label": "ok", "text": "bought my bestie a car before myself check! \n\ntoday was crazy 🤯"} {"idx": 37053, "original_id": "1250922407163916288", "reply_id": "1251177677509124098", "label": "agree", "text": "The fastest way Trump could begin Opening Up America Again would be to announce he's wants to keep everything closed for the next year. \n\nDemocrats would then hit the streets demanding an end to social distancing and the lockdowns the next day."} {"idx": 37054, "original_id": "1250818662275133441", "reply_id": "1250834468602097669", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I wasn’t working to begin with but I’m taking today off to regroup and I’ll focus tomorrow. Absolutely in the pits of hell but imma accept this shift, move forward and have a successful year. 💔😢"} {"idx": 37055, "original_id": "1250966329114464259", "reply_id": "1250966714478661632", "label": "yes", "text": "calling white people out for using the \"n\" is not a fun thing to do but it MUST be done."} {"idx": 37059, "original_id": "1251236385190809601", "reply_id": "1251236634483294208", "label": "ok", "text": "I tweeted about buying dinner for some people. A woman in Tennessee saw it, and started buying dinner for other teammates. This is the power of what we are doing, what we are building. Boots on the ground. Taking care of humans, one human being at a time."} {"idx": 37060, "original_id": "1251237220796809219", "reply_id": "1251246981114191874", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I can’t believe i got so many entries!! I love the Animal crossing community and for that reason the giveaway will end today and i will host another right after"} {"idx": 37061, "original_id": "1251238982739873792", "reply_id": "1251240628228362241", "label": "applause", "text": "Being a petty bastard all 2020, internet edition"} {"idx": 37062, "original_id": "1250809264454733829", "reply_id": "1250958601839132672", "label": "shocked", "text": "praying that all the people who have made going to edm festivals their only personality trait get their $4000 back from all the cancelled events this summer lmao"} {"idx": 37063, "original_id": "1250936731047809025", "reply_id": "1250937233319825410", "label": "hug", "text": "If we’re all still h*rny, I’ll contribute. I want a h*g from literally anyone."} {"idx": 37064, "original_id": "1250898161096425475", "reply_id": "1250901093682425858", "label": "hug", "text": "i want\nhugs"} {"idx": 37065, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251003729375105024", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 37066, "original_id": "1251043935582998529", "reply_id": "1251052058855313411", "label": "applause", "text": "who wants to help me dye my hair 😰"} {"idx": 37067, "original_id": "1250901802846785536", "reply_id": "1250904450623045632", "label": "hug", "text": "can i get some hugs pls"} {"idx": 37068, "original_id": "1250923336152080385", "reply_id": "1250923696170074116", "label": "sigh", "text": "I've recently got a new job in a reggae band as the triangle player\n\nI just stand in the back an ting"} {"idx": 37071, "original_id": "1251108312357064704", "reply_id": "1251108525704536064", "label": "agree", "text": "Everything happens for a reason but sometimes it’s just so confusing hahaha"} {"idx": 37072, "original_id": "1250985253402894336", "reply_id": "1251157414188953603", "label": "facepalm", "text": "What were the odds of Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil both tanking their careers on the same day?"} {"idx": 37078, "original_id": "1005306371879780352", "reply_id": "1251185179147685890", "label": "eww", "text": "cutting people off will never fix the issues, it'll only make it worse."} {"idx": 37081, "original_id": "1250656883033112577", "reply_id": "1250847181118091271", "label": "want", "text": "i jus be wanting to cuddle lmao"} {"idx": 37082, "original_id": "1251223156305641477", "reply_id": "1251238558121287695", "label": "yes", "text": "Really, really hope to do a collab super show with @MajorWFPod @OffTheHopRope @twoweeksbrewco when things are back to normal. \n\nWhat say you, B!P faithful? Party?"} {"idx": 37084, "original_id": "1250995682380570625", "reply_id": "1251012715092508673", "label": "shocked", "text": "Fuck my ass while squeezing and rubbing my boobs :3"} {"idx": 37085, "original_id": "1250936675171270659", "reply_id": "1250945997632614406", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Lot of people complaining they’ve put on a couple quarantine pounds, but without the gym I’ve somehow managed to drop down to 179 for the first time since I was like 24 😐"} {"idx": 37087, "original_id": "1250690160016195584", "reply_id": "1250882247898607618", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "OMG..😳🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏻‍♂️\nTwitter fam... are you serious?\n1M...? wait.. am I dreaming😳? 1M\nasin 1 fvcking M, and I'm neither a celebrity, I'm speechless and in tears😭 What did I do to deserve all these love. I'm still much in shock😱.\n\nThanks for the\n3Likes in just 1Mins. God bless y'all 🥺"} {"idx": 37089, "original_id": "1251185895576793089", "reply_id": "1251256620958523393", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Did you know:\n\nIlhan Omar's campaign is on track to pay her husband's consulting firm $1.16 MILLION in 2020\n\nLast year, while she was having an affair with her now-husband she paid his firm $523K\n\nHow is this legal?\n\nShe's funneling money back into her own pockets\n\nInvestigate!"} {"idx": 37090, "original_id": "1250885032161366016", "reply_id": "1250886232051081216", "label": "no", "text": "should cheese graters be disposable?"} {"idx": 37094, "original_id": "1251203899266129925", "reply_id": "1251205450546270211", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Overwhelmed by the response to my new blog series 🥰 feeling the event industry love today, really excited to create more content for you all whilst I have more free time 😘"} {"idx": 37095, "original_id": "1251065249999945728", "reply_id": "1251154538179858436", "label": "omg", "text": "My type doesn’t exists that’s why I’m single"} {"idx": 37098, "original_id": "1251211388216696832", "reply_id": "1251274296686710785", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I've hated Oprah for decades."} {"idx": 37100, "original_id": "1251236316378918914", "reply_id": "1251241457584943104", "label": "awww", "text": "In case no one tells you today: \nYou matter.\nYou're needed.\nYou're sexy AF."} {"idx": 37104, "original_id": "1251273353509261312", "reply_id": "1251273818305261568", "label": "yes", "text": "I fully expect the #49ers to sign TE Trey Burton before close of business today."} {"idx": 37107, "original_id": "1250862893605634048", "reply_id": "1250879824555651072", "label": "agree", "text": "COVID19 isn't the flu. \n\nBut for under-45, COVID hospitalizes 1% & kills .014%.\n\nAll ages, flu hospitalizes 1.5% & kills 0.13%.\n\nRestricting COVID to under-45s results in 6x flu hospitalizations & 1x flu deaths, & gets us to herd immunity.\n\nShelter the old, but release the young!"} {"idx": 37108, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250846657832419334", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 37110, "original_id": "1250871277541359616", "reply_id": "1250892536408875008", "label": "smh", "text": "Scheer again calling for in person sittings for Parliament. \"If the govt wants to effectively shut down Parliament, it needs to explain why.\""} {"idx": 37111, "original_id": "1250791324971724803", "reply_id": "1250920578619338752", "label": "scared", "text": "Reply with a picture and I (we?) will roast you."} {"idx": 37112, "original_id": "1250926705398685697", "reply_id": "1250926975247663105", "label": "agree", "text": "Shoutout to the women who uplift other women. Y’all are amazing, and I see you."} {"idx": 37114, "original_id": "1250807837015539713", "reply_id": "1250978698976792576", "label": "no", "text": "If 111,500 people donated their $1200 stimulus checks back to the US Treasury we could cover Trump’s 133.8m Golf Tab as of 2/14/20-what do you say America? @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 37115, "original_id": "1251193668498796550", "reply_id": "1251203215716220928", "label": "applause", "text": "\"Wan Bissaka would have more assists if his teammates could finish\"\n\n\"Martial > Firmino, Rashford > Mane\""} {"idx": 37116, "original_id": "1251168160868233218", "reply_id": "1251171035216519171", "label": "applause", "text": "Imagine if we woke up everyday excited to find things to feel good about over finding things to complain about. This one switch will allow massive happiness and success to come into our lives."} {"idx": 37117, "original_id": "1251196974642184192", "reply_id": "1251200770789294081", "label": "smh", "text": "There is literally 10 days left of classes and my professor still hasn’t told us how to do our project...which is the only thing we are being graded on in the course 😂😩😬🤦🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 37118, "original_id": "1250913330245574659", "reply_id": "1251205589109268486", "label": "applause", "text": "Roger Stone does not deserve a retrial, a federal judge has ruled, per @kpolantz."} {"idx": 37120, "original_id": "1251057118972608512", "reply_id": "1251133596749922307", "label": "agree", "text": "My God @dave_filoni is the new George Lucas. What an episode holy sh*t. Amazing."} {"idx": 37121, "original_id": "1251195166335123456", "reply_id": "1251210834103189504", "label": "yes", "text": "I’ve been talking about @CrumblCookies for two weeks, and @BrandoRhoden just had some delivered to our apartment for my birthday. I love this guy 😭🖤"} {"idx": 37123, "original_id": "1251121102715260931", "reply_id": "1251131149700804609", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "A little bit of happy professional news this a.m. I was just notified that I LOVE YOU, MICHAEL COLLINS is one of the 10 junior books nominated by the children of Colorado for the 2021 Colorado Children's Book Award. This is the 9th state award nom for ILYMC - thanks, Colorado!"} {"idx": 37125, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1251089927162519552", "label": "omg", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 37126, "original_id": "1251137492847333377", "reply_id": "1251138155656482816", "label": "applause", "text": "I always clean and tidy to music. Started blasting an 80’s hits playlist and signing Michael Jackson completely unaware Liam was on a conference call in the next room. Oops 😳"} {"idx": 37127, "original_id": "1250867944281772032", "reply_id": "1250881481615998978", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug"} {"idx": 37128, "original_id": "1250902399549616129", "reply_id": "1250905105127407627", "label": "yawn", "text": "The Saints signed RB Dwayne Washington, per the transaction wire."} {"idx": 37130, "original_id": "1251015836963205121", "reply_id": "1251017567768064001", "label": "yes", "text": "You guys DO realize that we can see the nasty ass shit you “like” on our TL’s right?"} {"idx": 37131, "original_id": "1251213653166022658", "reply_id": "1251217906630905857", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Halp! I’m trapped in a state with the lowest per-capita COVID-19 death rate in the continental US! Please liberate!"} {"idx": 37132, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1250905237801574402", "label": "eww", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 37134, "original_id": "1250857209069809668", "reply_id": "1250919291270168577", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Ok i just tried the BBQ wings at Sports Grill.......... And i have a public service announcement..... Sports Grill wings > Flanigans wings Yeah u heard me"} {"idx": 37135, "original_id": "1251265611189178369", "reply_id": "1251271077533286401", "label": "ok", "text": "Time to make a baby"} {"idx": 37136, "original_id": "1251232387553472514", "reply_id": "1251266142703943690", "label": "yawn", "text": "What is Trump’s spirit animal??"} {"idx": 37137, "original_id": "1250840510685761545", "reply_id": "1250842394662260737", "label": "omg", "text": "Newz room Afrika says we are going to have a ‘jobs massacre’ after covid19 😭💔"} {"idx": 37138, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250986677113368576", "label": "omg", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 37145, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251080433166499840", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 37148, "original_id": "1251242047878635522", "reply_id": "1251242424397107205", "label": "applause", "text": "I do interact. I only don't respond to irrelevant replies :))"} {"idx": 37149, "original_id": "1250629388380536832", "reply_id": "1250932139736076291", "label": "agree", "text": "I am a senior at risk for COVID-19. If you think I'm going to start going out shopping, flying on planes, or staying in hotels without comprehensive testing, you're nuts. You'll have to restart the economy without me. I'd like to be able to watch my granddaughter grow up."} {"idx": 37152, "original_id": "1250922798027071489", "reply_id": "1250923908406140931", "label": "omg", "text": "The older I get, the less I like cis men who are aggressively dominant.\nI'm only interested in people who are going to get on their knees and suck my big, fat strap-on.\nIf you can't take what you're trying to dish, I'm all set.\n🙃🙃🙃"} {"idx": 37153, "original_id": "1251016687882776576", "reply_id": "1251021668853723136", "label": "no", "text": "All my disciples, \n\nUse #TheRealOne to show your appreciation to me ❤️"} {"idx": 37154, "original_id": "1250785336327671808", "reply_id": "1250873803426508800", "label": "sigh", "text": "I miss my friends SO MUCH it’s actually killing me ..... but my friends and I, see, we’re not idiots. So we’re not going to see each other for a long time. Until it’s safe again 🥺😔"} {"idx": 37155, "original_id": "1251014444672413696", "reply_id": "1251039130378592260", "label": "kiss", "text": "Night 39: if someone doesn't kiss me before midnight ima turn into a motha fuckin (already rotted) pumpkin"} {"idx": 37156, "original_id": "1250672619868708866", "reply_id": "1250904338177888257", "label": "thank_you", "text": "women"} {"idx": 37157, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250934134710710273", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 37158, "original_id": "1250953169653379073", "reply_id": "1250953297978183686", "label": "no", "text": "do people actually ship sully and andy ??? #Station19"} {"idx": 37159, "original_id": "1251001801790324736", "reply_id": "1251002338824933377", "label": "shocked", "text": "There should be a bonus stimulus check for anyone who doesn’t murder whoever they’re quarantined with"} {"idx": 37160, "original_id": "1251228187528486920", "reply_id": "1251232995127840772", "label": "applause", "text": "There are two problems when it comes to Black maternal mortality: ongoing systematic disparities and implicit bias.\n\nOn the last day of Black Maternal Health Week, the urgency to pass the Black Maternal Health Momnibus and my Maternal CARE Act couldn’t be more clear."} {"idx": 37164, "original_id": "1250848321847144449", "reply_id": "1250848529167396865", "label": "yes", "text": "You and me created Bailout Humans because that's the way it should be."} {"idx": 37168, "original_id": "1251100521152249856", "reply_id": "1251104643872165890", "label": "awww", "text": "@mrjamesob Never thought summoning the Usherwood would choke me up but here we are."} {"idx": 37170, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250848624155807745", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 37171, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251251401906216960", "label": "shrug", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 37172, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250875414219759625", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 37173, "original_id": "1250695145781112834", "reply_id": "1250940664558190594", "label": "want", "text": "sorry because i can't make u happy"} {"idx": 37174, "original_id": "1250947070824833024", "reply_id": "1250947440422924292", "label": "awww", "text": "I just put on my waist trainer and pretend everything’s okay"} {"idx": 37175, "original_id": "1251034090020708352", "reply_id": "1251045065964675074", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I finally got to apply for unemployment! When I called I got disconnected & I couldn't get back through but when I gave the guy my legal married but divorced last name he asked if itd be under my maiden name so I tried it & it let me apply!! I hope it doesn't mess me up though"} {"idx": 37177, "original_id": "1251196858623557635", "reply_id": "1251227370494795777", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "i have 4 months to get to my goal weight, i’ma do this 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽"} {"idx": 37184, "original_id": "1250906701504507904", "reply_id": "1250908068440879104", "label": "scared", "text": "If someone was comatose for last 3 years & woke up-they would be told no one believes any media or science that they disagree with, the UN is evil, China is the new Russia, cell phone towers are causing a deadly virus & The Office has become the most popular show ever."} {"idx": 37185, "original_id": "1250848219455614976", "reply_id": "1250870804385918976", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Am I not pretty enough ?"} {"idx": 37187, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250959663606239232", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 37189, "original_id": "1250732264562008064", "reply_id": "1250843442302857216", "label": "oops", "text": "People who mix rice with the stew before eating it should face a jail time. Who does that😩"} {"idx": 37190, "original_id": "1250984273915465729", "reply_id": "1250988676835729410", "label": "agree", "text": "Twitter has more free vainga than Walgreen's has pills....\n\nWhy the fuck y'all paying for OnlyFans?"} {"idx": 37192, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251252836777824259", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 37193, "original_id": "1250982938344226830", "reply_id": "1250995017528692738", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "My goal for the evening is to have at least 2 pages written of my 12 page paper."} {"idx": 37195, "original_id": "1250905974552113153", "reply_id": "1250958653525540866", "label": "agree", "text": "Why don't crabs give to charity?\n\n...\n\nBecause they're shellfish."} {"idx": 37198, "original_id": "1250944377997987842", "reply_id": "1250944964256608256", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I haven’t worn makeup or real clothes in a month, I’m starting to look real homely"} {"idx": 37200, "original_id": "1250938579716460544", "reply_id": "1250939097226465280", "label": "sigh", "text": "“There will never be a more screwed up time in Washington” 😳\nOh sure #NerdistFromHome #MonsterverseWatchalong"} {"idx": 37201, "original_id": "1250982333638823946", "reply_id": "1251000557768249349", "label": "applause", "text": "Sorry, gang. I fear my tweets are gonna probably be sappy or sexy for the foreseeable future. I didn’t catch The Rona. I caught the feels. And goddamnit I deserve them."} {"idx": 37202, "original_id": "1251225198004764674", "reply_id": "1251249827729506304", "label": "eww", "text": "Sources: Certain power conference programs in college basketball are considering being bought by other power conference programs in guarantee games due to coronavirus. Budget issues are everywhere."} {"idx": 37206, "original_id": "1251199410148696064", "reply_id": "1251249695269072896", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Do you approve of these anti-lockdown protests in Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Utah, Wyoming and Virginia?"} {"idx": 37207, "original_id": "1250882063735152643", "reply_id": "1250882586488037386", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m happy"} {"idx": 37209, "original_id": "1250961123496603648", "reply_id": "1250962408992059394", "label": "yes", "text": "Wow loaded up on $link before bed last night 💪🏼 sold 25% of it and added a bag of $xtz 🚀🚨💰"} {"idx": 37211, "original_id": "1251181442819854342", "reply_id": "1251184577303007232", "label": "hug", "text": "We’ve had some sad news today. Friend of ours died last night.\nIt was expected (lung cancer) and not anything Covid-related.\nSadly some normality continues.\nCheryl @minnetteawdean worked with his wife for many years."} {"idx": 37213, "original_id": "1251096470239031297", "reply_id": "1251102754874904578", "label": "yes", "text": "For all the talk about the structure of the leagues next season the elephant in the room is that it could easily be 2021 before any of us sets foot inside a stadium again.\n\nMass gatherings will be the very last restriction that gets lifted.\n\nAnyone think different?"} {"idx": 37216, "original_id": "1251248824653352965", "reply_id": "1251249380558090241", "label": "hug", "text": "Easter:\n\nMy friends - *posts pics of their kids in cute outfits.\n\nMe - *posts pics of me with no pants on with a life size #Chucky doll."} {"idx": 37223, "original_id": "1250881320739155968", "reply_id": "1251033386589683712", "label": "no", "text": "Cashew milk > almond milk 👏🏻🥛"} {"idx": 37224, "original_id": "1251186054821851141", "reply_id": "1251186244651847680", "label": "awww", "text": "When my number is able to text outside of Canada and the US, we will all be virtually holding hands and jumping in a circle laughing then crying cuz we made it. What?"} {"idx": 37225, "original_id": "1251023912609038337", "reply_id": "1251030021969448961", "label": "hug", "text": "Accidentally start a 100+ sub train in @Sweatcicle 's chat.... whoops! Having a bad day and I wanted to spread the love and it turned into a beautiful thing. Love this community!"} {"idx": 37227, "original_id": "1250968747332063232", "reply_id": "1250970455512662016", "label": "oops", "text": "since we got the time, which one of my friends having a baby during this quarantine?"} {"idx": 37228, "original_id": "1251215362013704192", "reply_id": "1251242899519520769", "label": "no", "text": "Truth Or Dare?"} {"idx": 37229, "original_id": "1250915018733912064", "reply_id": "1250987664930635781", "label": "applause", "text": "According to NBC News, President Trump invited ALL BUT ONE Republican Senator to be on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group... Guess who? Mitt Romney. 🤣"} {"idx": 37230, "original_id": "1251173981576728578", "reply_id": "1251177049680744451", "label": "hug", "text": "My uncle died today. \nWe are now sitting arranging his funeral for between now and 48 hours. \n1. I am shocked by the fact that I am now an adult who can sit in these things. \n2. There is not kawa maombolezi so the shock of his death is not as an immediate factor as the funeral."} {"idx": 37233, "original_id": "1250859709571072001", "reply_id": "1250861528951033856", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Soon as this Rona is over with im driving or flying back to Cali to win back the loml and tell her to run away with me"} {"idx": 37234, "original_id": "1251203053782478848", "reply_id": "1251203325204316162", "label": "no", "text": "Lemme slap my 🐱 on your face. As a pal."} {"idx": 37235, "original_id": "1251159761719922694", "reply_id": "1251160151257567233", "label": "omg", "text": "Tine: what are you looking at, or i will kiss you! #คั่นกูEP9"} {"idx": 37239, "original_id": "1250879151457910785", "reply_id": "1250879364025192452", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I loved that 80s late night tv show about the German contract killer: The Hitman and Herr."} {"idx": 37244, "original_id": "1251065986616303616", "reply_id": "1251087329835581440", "label": "hug", "text": "Honestly truly don’t feel like todaying. Can I get a break??"} {"idx": 37245, "original_id": "1251223914946142209", "reply_id": "1251237542197956613", "label": "omg", "text": "I’ve been eating Snickers Ice Cream Bars, Cheese, Pepperoni, and Peanut Butter for three days straight. At times in combination with one another."} {"idx": 37247, "original_id": "1251108409845448705", "reply_id": "1251109163553427456", "label": "applause", "text": "New job fridays ❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 37248, "original_id": "1251019515116130304", "reply_id": "1251027607262392320", "label": "awww", "text": "$LINK MARINES I WANNA TAKE THIS TIME TO THANK EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU FOR FOLLOWING ME. I JUST HIT 400 FRENS, SOME MAY THINK THIS IS NOT MUCH BUT I APPRECIATE YOU. I’M JUST A KID WHO HAVE THE SAME VISION LIKE YOU AND I WANNA SAY ONE MORE TIME, THANK YOU, I APPRECIATE YOU :)"} {"idx": 37250, "original_id": "1251133920340512768", "reply_id": "1251136705949839361", "label": "hug", "text": "Due to personal reasons I’ll ask you to not dm me these days... I’m in a bad mood and probably will say something rude and hurt your feelings. I’ll probably o inactive too idk😬"} {"idx": 37251, "original_id": "1250880072770301952", "reply_id": "1250885688184233985", "label": "wink", "text": "Wish everyone would stop necking pints and start necking me"} {"idx": 37252, "original_id": "1250627667444940800", "reply_id": "1250986718163095552", "label": "agree", "text": "Having sex on a balcony out of town is definitely on my bucket list"} {"idx": 37254, "original_id": "1250934914087870464", "reply_id": "1250935531069935623", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’ll never date to marry so there’s that, I don’t want to ever be married .."} {"idx": 37255, "original_id": "1250823105506881538", "reply_id": "1250876072478027776", "label": "applause", "text": "Lemme tell y’all women something bout jumping in a nigga DM...\n\n1. Y’all suck at it 😂😂😂\n\n2. You can’t come in there like “Hey i like you...now do the rest!!!” \n\n3. This might be the most important rule.......DONT OUTKICK YOUR COVERAGE!!!!! There’s a reason Shaq never took 3s."} {"idx": 37261, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251095147661541376", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 37262, "original_id": "1250856127425896448", "reply_id": "1250857232826318848", "label": "omg", "text": "I will never forget the time I was apartment hunting in Melbourne and one apartment I was looking at had to share a bathroom with the restaurant down stairs. And they had the nerve to act like a 10% discount on the food was a good trade off."} {"idx": 37263, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1250928943437209600", "label": "eww", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 37264, "original_id": "1251201160255549443", "reply_id": "1251201376845266945", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Can we just stipulate that just because you have “Dr.” in front of your name doesn’t make you immune from saying some very stupid things?"} {"idx": 37265, "original_id": "1249677907213066241", "reply_id": "1251202142498627585", "label": "agree", "text": "The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation announced that it would officially recognise all global coronavirus deaths as the fault of the Chinese government and would add to the tally of historical victims to communism.\n\n🇨🇳"} {"idx": 37268, "original_id": "1250887425049714694", "reply_id": "1250893966653997057", "label": "facepalm", "text": "anysha never listens to me"} {"idx": 37270, "original_id": "1251163307991429124", "reply_id": "1251166001468542982", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I just wanna get better. It's been more than 10 days since I'm sick. Whoever is reading this, please pray."} {"idx": 37274, "original_id": "1250903944663986176", "reply_id": "1250991789986639873", "label": "agree", "text": "Am I the only one who hasn't watched the Tiger guy show?"} {"idx": 37276, "original_id": "1251193100946546690", "reply_id": "1251193595991699457", "label": "please", "text": "#Giants GM Dave Gettleman says he will seriously consider trading down from No. 4."} {"idx": 37277, "original_id": "1251012082893492224", "reply_id": "1251015634558697472", "label": "scared", "text": "The Exp 62 crew has reached Earth's atmosphere and their Soyuz crew ship's heat shield is creating a plasma trail 50 miles above Earth's surface."} {"idx": 37279, "original_id": "1251128295241977856", "reply_id": "1251176789122207744", "label": "yolo", "text": "I have negative chill when I go to the Amish market.... it’s bad... I just swipe swipe swipe and next thing ya know I’ve blown 100 bucks on donuts and pretzels 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 37282, "original_id": "1251258706517463047", "reply_id": "1251264025565904896", "label": "scared", "text": "They should’ve been created a show where common people that hide behind social media talking trash about professional athletes have to take on the athlete😂😂😂 boy i swear twitter would be wayyyyy more quiet"} {"idx": 37283, "original_id": "1251220574111596544", "reply_id": "1251221181107073024", "label": "seriously", "text": "me fighting nonexistent imaginary bf"} {"idx": 37285, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251174062145101827", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 37290, "original_id": "1250855152120184832", "reply_id": "1250856857159307266", "label": "wink", "text": "National horny day??"} {"idx": 37292, "original_id": "1250974820419792896", "reply_id": "1250975448982568960", "label": "shocked", "text": "\"I prayed I would see Abigail again.\"\n\"Well, you saw part of her.\"\nJESUS CHRIST, HANNIBAL. #YouveGotABloom"} {"idx": 37294, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251118045331771395", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 37296, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251273978360061956", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 37300, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250928840437673984", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 37304, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1251097609667821574", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 37305, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251248417394905088", "label": "no", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 37307, "original_id": "1251190565674385408", "reply_id": "1251206926177898496", "label": "want", "text": "Our merchandise is officially here 🤫"} {"idx": 37309, "original_id": "1250951415876464641", "reply_id": "1250973234671075332", "label": "shrug", "text": "heard my lil brother on the phone and he is calling all of his friends n*ggers and i know this is all my fault"} {"idx": 37311, "original_id": "1250875447904174081", "reply_id": "1250912852891836416", "label": "scared", "text": "Day 42 of quarantine: \nMe: my roommate is looking a little thick 👀"} {"idx": 37312, "original_id": "1250857722272251907", "reply_id": "1250859106262450176", "label": "please", "text": "Y’all always talking bout how bad you want a SUNNYD hoodie and now you have the chance to win one. #staysunnychallenge"} {"idx": 37313, "original_id": "1250844610726952964", "reply_id": "1250853879157227520", "label": "hug", "text": "Sometimes I just feel ugly 😓"} {"idx": 37318, "original_id": "1250818194417373185", "reply_id": "1251201206069927936", "label": "want", "text": "After #JNJ selected a lead #COVID19 vaccine candidate, the decision to make it available not-for-profit was easy for Alex Gorsky, Chairman & CEO, J&J. Guided by Our Credo, learn how Gorsky is using a people-first approach to lead J&J through this crisis."} {"idx": 37321, "original_id": "1251013090235146241", "reply_id": "1251018706768949248", "label": "shocked", "text": "MY MOM ACCIDENTALLY CUT MY DOG'S EAR 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 THERE'S SO MUCH BLOOD IM CRYING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 poor babyyyyyyyyy"} {"idx": 37324, "original_id": "1251177136687247361", "reply_id": "1251219489322139652", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Wow:\n\nA California Pastor could face a fine of $1,000 or up to 6 months in jail for holding a socially-distanced Easter Service on Sunday\n\nMeanwhile—Gavin Newsom is expected to release 3,500 convicts from custody so they don’t get sick\n\nDoes anyone else see the problem here?\n\n🤔"} {"idx": 37325, "original_id": "1250973023194226689", "reply_id": "1251000774206689281", "label": "oops", "text": "@melody_mynx thanks for supporting @ok_jaeger 🤍 I love that guy"} {"idx": 37327, "original_id": "1250809372185419776", "reply_id": "1250872830297690112", "label": "yes", "text": "Why do MAGAts always talk about owning the libs? Is it because they can no longer own slaves?"} {"idx": 37328, "original_id": "1251190974887464960", "reply_id": "1251192620698779656", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Going to target to find cleaning supplies wish me luck LOLOLOLOLOL"} {"idx": 37331, "original_id": "1250834696830763009", "reply_id": "1250984181355683840", "label": "applause", "text": "Dear residents, Today 9 more patients have been cured and discharged, making the total discharge number to 33 out of 92 cases. Now 59 active covid cases remain in GB nagar. All our corona warriors shall continue to do our best 🙏"} {"idx": 37335, "original_id": "1250820980588589056", "reply_id": "1250848819379609600", "label": "seriously", "text": "What do you guys think about OBJ in a colts uniform?"} {"idx": 37340, "original_id": "1251078197350785025", "reply_id": "1251078689661628416", "label": "applause", "text": "Did you heard about the monkeys who shared an Amazon account?\n\nThey were prime mates."} {"idx": 37344, "original_id": "1251173586313904131", "reply_id": "1251242529107795968", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I get angry when people use the word ‘primate’\n\n8 isn’t prime, it’s divisible as fuck"} {"idx": 37346, "original_id": "1251046401028452352", "reply_id": "1251111783244296192", "label": "want", "text": "Hey people who usually hug hello AND goodbye..\n\nYou doing ok?🥺"} {"idx": 37351, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251003589893304321", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 37352, "original_id": "1250968449951694848", "reply_id": "1250972415091527681", "label": "facepalm", "text": "looking at my original design and colouring for my sona....\nthis is not the best idea :eye:"} {"idx": 37353, "original_id": "1251234934741766146", "reply_id": "1251235869786288129", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "WHERE THE HOOD NIGGAS AT?"} {"idx": 37355, "original_id": "1251018126860234757", "reply_id": "1251021825598869504", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Thank you Robotic_boy for the 1000 token offline tip @MyFreeCams! You are super fucking awesome and I love you #mfctip 💚"} {"idx": 37360, "original_id": "1250903486016958464", "reply_id": "1250924272924667904", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "How can I be in two places at once? \n\n@TheHiveVR has a show tonight with @Navahk and @museumpaige chatting about VR Art. Catch it in AltspaceVR!\n\nAlso, I have a game.. Catch @TheKillettosVR on @Onward_VRML's Twitch channel."} {"idx": 37364, "original_id": "1250946396473065472", "reply_id": "1250979693811183616", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m sick and sad and just want hugs"} {"idx": 37366, "original_id": "1250854765468114944", "reply_id": "1250855116753821697", "label": "yes", "text": "I was pretty sure i didn’t want anymore kids... but i changed my mind. I want one more before i turn 30. If i don’t have one before then I’m good with just my monkey 😊"} {"idx": 37369, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251249726839652352", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 37371, "original_id": "1250971398115168256", "reply_id": "1250995707781107712", "label": "hearts", "text": "Only my real ones have seen me busted busted 💀"} {"idx": 37372, "original_id": "1250922359009280001", "reply_id": "1250922526261288960", "label": "applause", "text": "I cleaned my room so can I get an applause or something"} {"idx": 37376, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251058049449701378", "label": "seriously", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 37378, "original_id": "1233738040234954753", "reply_id": "1250847982133678081", "label": "eww", "text": "So this is what happiness is like"} {"idx": 37379, "original_id": "1250921814060130304", "reply_id": "1251216068175187969", "label": "dance", "text": "i just miss the bars and my friends. I miss my friends and i being drunk idiots in the bars. 😫"} {"idx": 37382, "original_id": "1250727805022801921", "reply_id": "1251015996443418624", "label": "agree", "text": "The first Asian Coochie I’ll ever Eat I’ll try to use Chopsticks 🥢💨😂"} {"idx": 37384, "original_id": "1250893389568118785", "reply_id": "1251060077299146754", "label": "applause", "text": "Many thanks to the contact tracing teams and lab technicians for the aggressive work you are doing. You were tasked to find some about 10k at-risk-persons. You have done 5x that and so far about 51k of your samples have been tested."} {"idx": 37386, "original_id": "1250891900011364360", "reply_id": "1250900397566431232", "label": "eww", "text": "If Mnuchin told you personally that you can survive 10 weeks on $1200 stimulus checks, what would you reply?😠"} {"idx": 37387, "original_id": "1251195146315739138", "reply_id": "1251195542853562374", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I feel sad & ugly again :<"} {"idx": 37389, "original_id": "1251245862182887425", "reply_id": "1251246633213464576", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Course I was singing along to Chaka.\nDid I tell you about the time I met David Wolinski?\nHe wrote Ain't Nobody."} {"idx": 37390, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250895973624184833", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 37395, "original_id": "1250968086930427905", "reply_id": "1251161012213911552", "label": "applause", "text": "Whether at future Diamond Classic or creating opportunities to do things to honor first responders. This will be another group we will now honor year after year. Members are prepping ideals and our association all have made it known that this is a group we want to pay respect too"} {"idx": 37396, "original_id": "1251272188096741377", "reply_id": "1251272710153547780", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m trying to spoil someone son"} {"idx": 37398, "original_id": "1250926156490117120", "reply_id": "1251137256204709889", "label": "applause", "text": "Dem Jaime Harrison outraised Lindsey Graham the first 3 months of 2020."} {"idx": 37399, "original_id": "1250985251733753859", "reply_id": "1251170281621774336", "label": "ok", "text": "BREAKING: Wuhan, where the coronavirus pandemic began, revises death toll to 3,869, an increase of 50%"} {"idx": 37401, "original_id": "1250752051337814018", "reply_id": "1250891004858658816", "label": "agree", "text": "As I see it breaking curfew rule right now is a deliberate act of harming others."} {"idx": 37403, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251040329781751815", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 37405, "original_id": "1250885394079637515", "reply_id": "1251044491366187010", "label": "agree", "text": "How many Singles are Online?"} {"idx": 37406, "original_id": "1250061000797192193", "reply_id": "1251218322043088898", "label": "agree", "text": "New York Governor Cuomo Says He'd Defy a Presidential Order Forcing Him to Reopen State: 'I Wouldn't Do It'\n\nRaise your hand if you agree with Gov Cuomo!"} {"idx": 37411, "original_id": "1250798571806490625", "reply_id": "1250900708481798147", "label": "agree", "text": "Should college football play their season this fall? If they do will you go to a game?"} {"idx": 37412, "original_id": "1250983390863450114", "reply_id": "1250989234627870720", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Where my thick men at ? I’m tryna make a list for after quarantine 🍆👅"} {"idx": 37413, "original_id": "1250777364130390017", "reply_id": "1251210970841694208", "label": "shocked", "text": "I have never been horny"} {"idx": 37417, "original_id": "1250858572432510982", "reply_id": "1250859543640317953", "label": "seriously", "text": "I'll slap tf outta my whole timeline 😒say some"} {"idx": 37418, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250958784413028352", "label": "dance", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 37419, "original_id": "1251106055297265666", "reply_id": "1251246771055058944", "label": "smh", "text": "Once again, and it’s embarrassing I have to write this, but I don’t send nudes to anyone but one very lucky lady. And... Much to her dismay it isn’t @sherilynch"} {"idx": 37420, "original_id": "1250860927525826561", "reply_id": "1250889580087304204", "label": "scared", "text": "Lmao now International horny day is a thing...wait , ain't that like everyday for some people?!"} {"idx": 37421, "original_id": "1250972069350776833", "reply_id": "1250975229435838470", "label": "sigh", "text": "bee don’t interact //\ntaz balance spoilers //\n•\n•\n•\n•\n•\n•\n•\n•\ni wonder how terrified lup must have been when the You-Know-What happened? alone, stuck there for ages until taako came along?"} {"idx": 37422, "original_id": "1251225329714098176", "reply_id": "1251225471179726849", "label": "shocked", "text": "ONE HOUR TIL MY FAVORITIST MIRANDA VIDEO EVERRRRR 😭"} {"idx": 37426, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1251092748964433920", "label": "win", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 37429, "original_id": "1250587914909736970", "reply_id": "1250865528589234182", "label": "popcorn", "text": "What do you eat out of boredom when you are bored by eating?"} {"idx": 37430, "original_id": "1250886455951413248", "reply_id": "1250979431725793280", "label": "no", "text": "Tune in to a 48-hour global live stream of LiveXLive Presents 'Music Lives' with TikTok on April 17-19.\n\nFeatured artists include J. Balvin, Anitta, Nas, Trippie Redd, Swae Lee, Matoma, Big Gigantic and many more!"} {"idx": 37432, "original_id": "1251136431210106880", "reply_id": "1251136649842405377", "label": "hug", "text": "wishing for a hug"} {"idx": 37434, "original_id": "1250901826645323777", "reply_id": "1251039502342078464", "label": "hug", "text": "unexpected perks of having a blind boss:\nyou can cry at your desk without him ever having any idea!!!!!!!!!"} {"idx": 37435, "original_id": "1250951385396453382", "reply_id": "1250994974453370880", "label": "shocked", "text": "Is now a bad time to shamefully admit I’ve never seen High School Musical #DisneyFamilySingalong"} {"idx": 37436, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251004427307114496", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 37439, "original_id": "1250837785042227201", "reply_id": "1250996678464696321", "label": "scared", "text": "Nobody:\n\nMy crush: who is your crush? 😐"} {"idx": 37442, "original_id": "1250932568448536576", "reply_id": "1250936301349732358", "label": "awww", "text": "Tweeps: \n\njust want to say again: my tweeps are the best tweeps. \n\nYou are big-hearted and open-minded and come to this hellscape full of humor and good spirit.\n\nI appreciate this every day, even when I forget to say it.\n\n😘😘\n\nCarry on! I have to go bake a birthday cake."} {"idx": 37444, "original_id": "1251225352288034816", "reply_id": "1251231620385976323", "label": "smh", "text": "Less than 3 minutes in, @JT1045 illustrates how much he dislikes mac & cheese. Happy Friday."} {"idx": 37445, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251097047496749056", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 37448, "original_id": "1251215127141068800", "reply_id": "1251216088135798784", "label": "applause", "text": "kum & go"} {"idx": 37452, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251146406791790597", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 37453, "original_id": "1251061737241161728", "reply_id": "1251096827618885633", "label": "seriously", "text": "So Zlatan get mouth to de yab person? Zlatan wey him papa run DNA test on am 5 times because he no believe say him pikin fit ugly reach like this."} {"idx": 37455, "original_id": "1251147840325160968", "reply_id": "1251168901389582342", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lobster is ghetto. Good morning."} {"idx": 37458, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251272975128674305", "label": "ok", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 37461, "original_id": "1251233910647918599", "reply_id": "1251235477149167623", "label": "no", "text": "Is there such a thing as a bad AC/DC song?"} {"idx": 37462, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250986398112526336", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 37464, "original_id": "1250835480028934144", "reply_id": "1250836315462971392", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm fine but not happy anymore."} {"idx": 37468, "original_id": "1250893165281894402", "reply_id": "1250993147716517889", "label": "eww", "text": "Oh cool, Virus is cleared up and we have the green light to flood the streets and open mouth kiss each other May 1st. At least that's how I interpret things."} {"idx": 37469, "original_id": "1250989042541395969", "reply_id": "1251005805027045377", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Ended stream early tonight just SUPER tired from the long day. BUT streaming all day tomorrow starting 11am EST be there ☺️"} {"idx": 37476, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251247299503652865", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 37478, "original_id": "1250583159080734722", "reply_id": "1250905072663506955", "label": "sigh", "text": "Chicken nuggets < Chicken tenders < Boneless wings\nBoneless wing gang"} {"idx": 37480, "original_id": "1250832511069859841", "reply_id": "1250925487616131072", "label": "agree", "text": "this fiona apple album has inadvertently filled the gap in my heart that has been feening for more music from wildbirds and peacedrums"} {"idx": 37482, "original_id": "1251224864624570368", "reply_id": "1251225396063821824", "label": "agree", "text": "i gotta start seriously streaming, because the world is missing such titillating banter, including:\n\n\"wait... what is that thing called when like, you're a libra???\""} {"idx": 37483, "original_id": "1250839021468692482", "reply_id": "1250883171048214528", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you have your copy of @NightwishBand HUMAN. :||: NATURE.?"} {"idx": 37484, "original_id": "1251126059648585730", "reply_id": "1251127745247133698", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "i suck at responding to texts. sorry to everyone I leave on read or unanswered I suck 😂"} {"idx": 37486, "original_id": "1250907278544429062", "reply_id": "1250963732760612864", "label": "sorry", "text": "We just met today and you're sending me VN..\nWhat's doing you!?"} {"idx": 37491, "original_id": "1250943362187829249", "reply_id": "1250945131433340930", "label": "sigh", "text": "I’m really glad i aged ok from my younger days bc chile some of y’all.. mhm."} {"idx": 37493, "original_id": "1250702581132820481", "reply_id": "1250866867473985536", "label": "no", "text": "Just sold my last #Bitcoin 💔"} {"idx": 37495, "original_id": "1251161048209436675", "reply_id": "1251209159808372736", "label": "win", "text": "I have no idea why I follow half of you mofos.😩"} {"idx": 37498, "original_id": "1251157890817114113", "reply_id": "1251159261020696578", "label": "ok", "text": "\"This is a socialist attack,\" Senator Loeffler says of questions about the timing of her stock sales, during a Fox News interview."} {"idx": 37499, "original_id": "1251075630877175808", "reply_id": "1251076747681861634", "label": "hug", "text": "hugs plith🥺"} {"idx": 37501, "original_id": "1251250927916515328", "reply_id": "1251251804588949504", "label": "applause", "text": "More people should take 8 years to make their records."} {"idx": 37506, "original_id": "1250930384881270789", "reply_id": "1250975156316454912", "label": "applause", "text": "How are you feeling, #TeamBSide? 😌"} {"idx": 37508, "original_id": "1251151138147102722", "reply_id": "1251187415093518337", "label": "applause", "text": "Don’t buy clothes and shoes you can’t wear nowhere. Use this time to payoff credit cards and pay on your student loans if you have them or simply save up for business opportunities."} {"idx": 37509, "original_id": "1250917563061751809", "reply_id": "1250918761298870279", "label": "sigh", "text": "The money in the PPP program has just run out. Unbelievable that @SpeakerPelosi and @SenSchumer are still holding additional funding hostage. We are talking about American livelihoods."} {"idx": 37510, "original_id": "1251035130975698946", "reply_id": "1251036552194654208", "label": "shocked", "text": "Fell asleep for 30 minutes, now I’m up and horny on main. 🙄"} {"idx": 37513, "original_id": "1250908174435192833", "reply_id": "1250908543793930241", "label": "hug", "text": "Another crying session 😩🙄 can’t deal with my head anymore"} {"idx": 37514, "original_id": "1251133969657192448", "reply_id": "1251165719531859968", "label": "hug", "text": "Finally starting to feel like myself for the first time since this all began. It's always distressing when that spark of life fades and is replaced by an empty pit of indifference. I might even be able to assemble words in the coming days. Hang in there, my friends! Much love."} {"idx": 37515, "original_id": "1250922132999041024", "reply_id": "1250922894030405632", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Let's see who's here! 🔔\n\nLike this tweet! 👀"} {"idx": 37516, "original_id": "1251072911554654208", "reply_id": "1251160282556071937", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think your undergraduate degree adequately prepared you for graduate school?"} {"idx": 37519, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251130191054766081", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 37521, "original_id": "1250876578390855680", "reply_id": "1250876853465776133", "label": "eww", "text": "Dallas Cowboys ranking in interceptions over the past five seasons:\n\n2019: 30th\n2018: 26th\n2017: 24th\n2016: 27th\n2015: 30th"} {"idx": 37525, "original_id": "1250887801996009478", "reply_id": "1250888779663015936", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "it’s almost time 👨🏻‍🦲"} {"idx": 37528, "original_id": "1251135541426388992", "reply_id": "1251167733645017093", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "My life is a never ending carousel of: -feeding people, but never getting to eat myself \n- trying to get a child to sleep \n- dishes from the people who got to eat \n- laundry \n\n... kinda over it ... and hungry"} {"idx": 37529, "original_id": "1250895288182734850", "reply_id": "1250902994482335746", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I reckon these masks are making a few of y'all smell your own breath. Now you see why we don't want you whispering to us."} {"idx": 37530, "original_id": "1250868306128580608", "reply_id": "1250870030558015488", "label": "eww", "text": "All I've done during lockdown is watch Noah Centineo movies 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰"} {"idx": 37531, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250947401847918593", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 37532, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251148710538436608", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 37533, "original_id": "1250832114586726403", "reply_id": "1251021768803975170", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Soooooooo.......\n\nThrowback Marquee Matchups,\n\nthat's it."} {"idx": 37535, "original_id": "1251197877000572934", "reply_id": "1251239993667923969", "label": "idk", "text": "The Packers trade up to a top 10 pick and your last saved meme is your reaction..."} {"idx": 37538, "original_id": "1250942428783300608", "reply_id": "1250943232810287112", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "The same dudes who say “ one piece is too long “ are the same dudes who cum in 5 seconds."} {"idx": 37540, "original_id": "1251027800863264768", "reply_id": "1251092188743839744", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve dropped quite a number of women at the speed of light when I came across a red flag or a toxic trait. And listen, most women get big mad when you choose yourself as a gent. It’s almost unbelievable to them that you know your worth."} {"idx": 37543, "original_id": "1251159733236449281", "reply_id": "1251160066096422914", "label": "yawn", "text": "Why did @Twitter suspend the account of @TPUSA staffer @ALX\n\nOh yeah, it’s because he posted a hilarious Biden meme saying he might be compromised by China\n\nThis censorship MUST END!\n\nDemand ALX to be reinstated\n\nTech tyranny!"} {"idx": 37546, "original_id": "1251153034068897792", "reply_id": "1251155681077391362", "label": "no", "text": "please let us remove messages in the dms @TwitterSupport"} {"idx": 37550, "original_id": "1250833828609916932", "reply_id": "1250857986114846725", "label": "applause", "text": "Big love to the @EastScroll staff on their @ihspa awards in the Spring news contest. I needed this good news 🙌🏻"} {"idx": 37553, "original_id": "1250873293617455104", "reply_id": "1250887373577166848", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i have to Admitt this ... she is strong ...& lovely & Nice & beautiful ... some times stupid .. but i like her !😌❤"} {"idx": 37554, "original_id": "1250928803335024641", "reply_id": "1251142393136472066", "label": "scared", "text": "I've moved two flights to September and October because we'll be free by then right?🥺"} {"idx": 37556, "original_id": "1251237387524505606", "reply_id": "1251239775853518859", "label": "ok", "text": "i don't capitalize names or gamer tags because i am not a proper noun.\nthis boy is a noun from the rough part of town.\n*cool pose*"} {"idx": 37558, "original_id": "1250907502042021888", "reply_id": "1250914297439543298", "label": "hug", "text": "I am really hitting a low spot today :("} {"idx": 37559, "original_id": "1250985968473001984", "reply_id": "1250989299232718848", "label": "smh", "text": "just missed an open layup in front of four cars. pain."} {"idx": 37561, "original_id": "1250971064743587841", "reply_id": "1250981153475039232", "label": "shocked", "text": "CHINA STATS BUREAU SAYS CHINA FACING INCREASING PRESSURE FROM IMPORTED COVID-19 CASES"} {"idx": 37572, "original_id": "1251184841976135681", "reply_id": "1251215977045463043", "label": "hearts", "text": "I'm not having a good day.\n\nPlease send help."} {"idx": 37573, "original_id": "1250967465515003905", "reply_id": "1250974924446986240", "label": "smh", "text": "The season's only just begun #BellaArmy! See you next week for more #TotalBellas!"} {"idx": 37575, "original_id": "1251104454402813952", "reply_id": "1251138700639113217", "label": "agree", "text": "Social Media can make AND break you. Jiki jiki #CeegaMustFall 😂🤣😂🤣"} {"idx": 37577, "original_id": "1250785229016453121", "reply_id": "1251154066614284288", "label": "please", "text": "I’m gonna tell you right now that regardless of if the country reopens today or in June, the economy is super fucked because consumer spending will be next to zero either way. So please don’t kill my parents generation because your dumb ass thinks otherwise."} {"idx": 37578, "original_id": "1250899809491456014", "reply_id": "1250913373652496386", "label": "applause", "text": "I have one GC where all we do is take shots & personally I love it 😂😂"} {"idx": 37581, "original_id": "1251115121314676736", "reply_id": "1251125157248167936", "label": "want", "text": "send hugs :("} {"idx": 37584, "original_id": "1249332575736299521", "reply_id": "1250850719525220353", "label": "agree", "text": "You can go to hell"} {"idx": 37585, "original_id": "1251119598784647174", "reply_id": "1251124158026715137", "label": "yes", "text": "Covid germ, covid germ\nwhy are you still so bad\ncovid germ, covid germ\nit's all your fault\n\n*sung to Smelly cat."} {"idx": 37586, "original_id": "1251006112024989696", "reply_id": "1251018781092167681", "label": "seriously", "text": "TL sleep or not \n\nBryson Tiller Has way better music than Party Next Door"} {"idx": 37588, "original_id": "1250869712860430337", "reply_id": "1250895815985500165", "label": "seriously", "text": "#ComradesInCorruption are at it again . Sakhisizwe Civil Society Structures Forum gravely concerned about the EC Provincial Executive’s decision to quarantine 18 suspected #COVID_19 patients in #MiocaLodge , #Cala . This lodge is owned by MEC Wezizwe Tikane-Gxotiwe. Makagxothwe!"} {"idx": 37590, "original_id": "1251048989975347201", "reply_id": "1251050697996603394", "label": "seriously", "text": "A man who loves you would never touch you until he marries you.\n\nGuys am i lying?"} {"idx": 37591, "original_id": "1250525548977274880", "reply_id": "1251103556469309446", "label": "no", "text": "We need to release all nonviolent migrant detainees from detention."} {"idx": 37592, "original_id": "1251189636958912513", "reply_id": "1251221602089517057", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss my brothers. I can’t wait for this virus thing to be over 😭😭"} {"idx": 37595, "original_id": "1250755515874975744", "reply_id": "1250933634925834242", "label": "seriously", "text": "I need a boyfriend who will fvck me 3 hours non-stop, where will I find him😒"} {"idx": 37597, "original_id": "1251036470648979456", "reply_id": "1251090683089375237", "label": "hug", "text": "A MAGAt just talked to me and I need a hug but nobody can touch me. 2020 sucks."} {"idx": 37598, "original_id": "1250958335236468737", "reply_id": "1251019724449648641", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Stuart Robert.....the master of Robodebt cruelty expects people to trust him with a people tracking App. ......"} {"idx": 37599, "original_id": "1251198071767216130", "reply_id": "1251224399111471104", "label": "hearts", "text": "If you’re reading this, we’ve gotten through another week of this mad situation. We get to fill our lungs with the world’s beautiful air & talk with families. I hope you’re all keeping well & keeping sane. It’s not an easy time, but keep your chin up. I love ya. ❤️"} {"idx": 37601, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1250893773355220993", "label": "ok", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 37603, "original_id": "1250831331044573184", "reply_id": "1250832148740870150", "label": "hug", "text": "I Can't Take This"} {"idx": 37605, "original_id": "1250872017248813057", "reply_id": "1250878958205272064", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Exclusive: Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis. [@SamiMokbel81_DM]"} {"idx": 37607, "original_id": "1251027294195417088", "reply_id": "1251045664102002688", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "How you gonna send me a d*ck pic to my dm randomly??? And I don’t know you???? And you have a bump on it???🤮"} {"idx": 37608, "original_id": "1251057514768035842", "reply_id": "1251181903853441024", "label": "ok", "text": "Yes I was lurking on Brandon’s page"} {"idx": 37609, "original_id": "1250920597191823361", "reply_id": "1250920763709894656", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump says states without many virus problems could open fully as soon as tomorrow."} {"idx": 37610, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1250884451069857792", "label": "awww", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 37612, "original_id": "1250846635082625024", "reply_id": "1250847647012925440", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "my favorite part about having a boyfriend so far is saying “I don’t need this my man is 6’7” like I’m rochelle from everybody hates chris"} {"idx": 37614, "original_id": "1250861132421701632", "reply_id": "1250862502021410818", "label": "agree", "text": "anyone else overly anxious today 🙃"} {"idx": 37618, "original_id": "1250835203691433984", "reply_id": "1250958799692685312", "label": "applause", "text": "You know what’s shit. First tweeps were moaning about people baking (you don’t usually bake! You don’t need that flour! You’re just stockpiling!) and now they’re sneering because people might want takeaways. Stop having opinions about what other people eat."} {"idx": 37619, "original_id": "1251121543943467008", "reply_id": "1251122899592843264", "label": "applause", "text": "Since basically everything has become politicized these days I’m gonna need Oprah to come out and denounce the shit out of Dr. OZ and Dr. Phil"} {"idx": 37620, "original_id": "1250830833822437377", "reply_id": "1250849212327055360", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Just played desiny 2 on my pc for 5 minutes\n\nThis is it chief"} {"idx": 37623, "original_id": "1250827929392689154", "reply_id": "1250833062113525760", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Oh. Today is “National horny day?” \n\nI thought that was every day."} {"idx": 37625, "original_id": "1251217018772246528", "reply_id": "1251234977653686277", "label": "applause", "text": "Sometimes I remember some of the shit that’s happened to me and I never want to leave my bed ever again other times it makes me wanna go out and achieve everything I have ever wanted. Today it’s the latter lol"} {"idx": 37626, "original_id": "1250923058698870784", "reply_id": "1250933368910491650", "label": "high_five", "text": "Flood my phone and twitter with pictures of puppies. I’m having a bad week."} {"idx": 37627, "original_id": "1250811260125548544", "reply_id": "1250851417000079360", "label": "no", "text": "I don't hate you Pelosi, but I'd unplug your life support.... to charge my phone."} {"idx": 37628, "original_id": "1251068790852313088", "reply_id": "1251069489862504450", "label": "hug", "text": "I don’t feel good."} {"idx": 37630, "original_id": "1251164046360899584", "reply_id": "1251165673083899905", "label": "yes", "text": "Shen Wei may know nothing about technologies but he sure as hell knows how to dress himself up #guardian"} {"idx": 37632, "original_id": "1250826577350361088", "reply_id": "1250832912926347264", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 37637, "original_id": "1250838937876258819", "reply_id": "1250839880055304192", "label": "no", "text": "Coronavirus is disproportionally killing people of color. \n\nWe need to prioritize funding to combat racial health disparities in the next COVID-19 package."} {"idx": 37639, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251155686165147654", "label": "good_luck", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 37645, "original_id": "1251030730513186821", "reply_id": "1251034632675422209", "label": "hug", "text": "i don’t want to be a dissapointment"} {"idx": 37646, "original_id": "1251175503320551431", "reply_id": "1251182247203557378", "label": "thank_you", "text": "For the People that need to hear this ! IF IT DOESN’T FEEL RIGHT , ITS NOT RIGHT 🛑 Stop trying to force things THATS not there ‼️‼️ Trust your intuition 😌"} {"idx": 37647, "original_id": "1250966122259714051", "reply_id": "1251245368576225290", "label": "shocked", "text": "Sees that #NationalHornyDay is trending \n\nStill doesn't have sex with husband"} {"idx": 37649, "original_id": "1251252892507529217", "reply_id": "1251266951994904582", "label": "sigh", "text": "playoffs were supposed to start tomorrow"} {"idx": 37651, "original_id": "1250874685128093698", "reply_id": "1250982349946445824", "label": "hug", "text": "I didn't attend my grampy's funeral. I called mom after, knowing I upset her not being there for her until I heard about poor social distancing, group Sambuca shots, photo of his body in the casket, my sick Dad around it all and that's not even close to the worst part of my day"} {"idx": 37652, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251061505417756672", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 37653, "original_id": "1250956697247645697", "reply_id": "1250965269855559680", "label": "idk", "text": "I am about to post something cool that will make a lot of people angry. Just saying."} {"idx": 37654, "original_id": "1251236581211504641", "reply_id": "1251238959155314688", "label": "shocked", "text": "I really wanna send this woman a strongly worded letter but I know she would post it and sensationalize the letter and play the victim cause that’s the kind of person that she is."} {"idx": 37655, "original_id": "1251083764479844352", "reply_id": "1251157168033652736", "label": "applause", "text": "आज की list\nFollow each other\n@Shahenshah1100\n@TheWatson01\n@GorwalMohsin\n@MdRazialampat\n@Corona_Virus10\n@corona_virush\n@NisarChaudhari\n@Chee_Newz\n@ROHITAS34648272\n@real_imran_\n@bayan_e_ali\n@kheereyMaiHeera\n@5bJoafVi28uBOzS\n@vns26\n@TheTrueIndian18\n@HussainAzamPage\n@suman_tadaraqs"} {"idx": 37656, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251126929391906821", "label": "awww", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 37658, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250869782758535176", "label": "sorry", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 37660, "original_id": "1250868723881213958", "reply_id": "1251119417913737216", "label": "seriously", "text": "At the moment, access to the game may be difficult or absent due to problems of our host provider. We are taking all necessary measures to stabilize the situation #EscapefromTarkov"} {"idx": 37661, "original_id": "1250845821437870081", "reply_id": "1251209265425141770", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I took the first week post-finale off to relax and all I've done is re-create sitcom openings, but with Schitt's Creek."} {"idx": 37663, "original_id": "1251050455796527106", "reply_id": "1251060432393187329", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 37666, "original_id": "1251186369180786691", "reply_id": "1251200889504837646", "label": "no", "text": "Stop yelling at me please"} {"idx": 37668, "original_id": "1251159937436114947", "reply_id": "1251163030915710976", "label": "awww", "text": "If you have less than 25K followers\n\nRetweet now🤯\n\nFollow everybody participating\nFollow back instantly\n\nSpam this tweet with 'Ifb' for a shout out\n\nIt works!!!\n\n500+ followers guaranteed\n\nLet's break records💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼\n🔥🔥⏰⏰🔥🔥"} {"idx": 37671, "original_id": "1250768618717143040", "reply_id": "1250848240313831425", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Good news @BoschAmazon fans! One more wake up until the new season! It is what the world needs right now. @welliver_titus @Connellybooks @aquino_amy @dajuanjohnson @madison_lintz @JamieHector @lancereddick @gregoryscummins @smk21"} {"idx": 37672, "original_id": "1250775016200974336", "reply_id": "1250941599502290944", "label": "applause", "text": "My neighbor who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 just put a @JoeBiden sign out in his yard. I think it is safe to say that a massive, powerful blue wave is imminent. GOP - it is time to pay the piper."} {"idx": 37675, "original_id": "1251244768258072579", "reply_id": "1251268830187454466", "label": "omg", "text": "oh my"} {"idx": 37679, "original_id": "1251012401366958081", "reply_id": "1251020503613046784", "label": "oops", "text": "be honest, you make up scenarios in your head that hurt your feelings don’t you?"} {"idx": 37681, "original_id": "1250861763781943296", "reply_id": "1250881423558541312", "label": "applause", "text": "Had an encouraging bipartisan call with the President this morning, and I appreciate him appointing me to serve on the Task Force on Reopening the Economy.\n\nWhen America gets back to work, we'll make sure our economy is even stronger than it was before! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸"} {"idx": 37682, "original_id": "1251249142568976385", "reply_id": "1251250709141602304", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Tarje and Camera are idiots they clearly took drugs today. Who doesn’t like love and basketball?! But they watch Harry Potter just stupid"} {"idx": 37683, "original_id": "1251193163680808967", "reply_id": "1251198086661181443", "label": "agree", "text": "This is our 3,000th tweet. We hope our service has been helpful to you so far.\n\nPlease continue to stay safe, and we wish all our readers worldwide the very best - for you and your loved ones."} {"idx": 37685, "original_id": "1251237469347024900", "reply_id": "1251237729171656705", "label": "agree", "text": "Is the orange fattie in the WH pushing swing states like MN, MI & VA to \"LIBERATE\" & open up so he can hold rallies there...??\nAt what point do Congressional Republicans say enough is enough & take action...??\nTrump will take them all down with him in November...!!"} {"idx": 37690, "original_id": "1251104812466425856", "reply_id": "1251233885641474049", "label": "yes", "text": "Up early shopping for the nursery lol we have the cutest theme and colors 🥺🥺 I cant wait to tell y’all today what we’re having ! 🤍🤍🤍"} {"idx": 37694, "original_id": "1250914616483344384", "reply_id": "1250916014168006657", "label": "hearts", "text": "Someone literally just emailed me “you’re just doing your job!” in response to an unfortunate email I had to send, and that level of understanding in that moment has pretty much reduced me to a weeping mess. God, I love crying."} {"idx": 37695, "original_id": "1250891641113710593", "reply_id": "1250893211121442817", "label": "ok", "text": "WOW I LOOK SO GOOD RIGHT NOW AND I HAVE NOONE TO SHOW! \nSteven is working,Carson is working, Darlene is out🥺"} {"idx": 37700, "original_id": "1251196166156562434", "reply_id": "1251202074240565248", "label": "applause", "text": "there’s a LOT i miss about bartending, BUT, someone repeating “excuse me” while i’m clearly speaking to another guest will never be on that list 😂"} {"idx": 37701, "original_id": "1250939266911178754", "reply_id": "1250940518105853954", "label": "no", "text": "I have a question: do people actually find Kylie Jenner attractive?"} {"idx": 37702, "original_id": "1250872017248813057", "reply_id": "1250873704709488640", "label": "shocked", "text": "Exclusive: Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis. [@SamiMokbel81_DM]"} {"idx": 37704, "original_id": "1250852744056967168", "reply_id": "1250852920658100225", "label": "eww", "text": "Looking out my window hoping to see the @UPS truck like what’s taking so long dude 😾😾😾😾😾😾😾"} {"idx": 37705, "original_id": "1250985711240708096", "reply_id": "1250992737916157952", "label": "agree", "text": "You just don’t get it. That is all."} {"idx": 37706, "original_id": "1250990966405619713", "reply_id": "1250993052295892993", "label": "yes", "text": "I created this page for u to view. If u wanna be bitter with my post. Please go away or blocked urself..."} {"idx": 37707, "original_id": "1250824325135040512", "reply_id": "1251120260788424708", "label": "ok", "text": "Let's set the record straight: Dems aren't blocking #PPPloans for small businesses. We are fighting to make sure these funds get into the hands of small business owners being shut out by big lenders. GOP: Let's work together to get this relief to the folks who really need it."} {"idx": 37708, "original_id": "1251203989368123392", "reply_id": "1251204276468305921", "label": "ok", "text": "I really would be the best fiancé ever 🥺"} {"idx": 37709, "original_id": "1250862520077877248", "reply_id": "1251156811819782152", "label": "applause", "text": "Rydiee I’ve stopped using “Lol” to end conversation. Bro, that’s some old fashion sh*t. Rydiee you do naaa na m3twa wo Sticker😂 Yapon‼️"} {"idx": 37712, "original_id": "1250930398214991872", "reply_id": "1250931564814483457", "label": "no", "text": "This is my first time catching the HORSE Competition. Thoughts?"} {"idx": 37713, "original_id": "1250797104836096004", "reply_id": "1250945096616476678", "label": "agree", "text": "I feel like my friendships are super weird. And yet I wouldn’t change them for anything."} {"idx": 37715, "original_id": "1251225129788506112", "reply_id": "1251232776742895623", "label": "applause", "text": "Da Baby dropped Da wrong album"} {"idx": 37716, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251183327064834053", "label": "yes", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 37719, "original_id": "1250867944281772032", "reply_id": "1250875207675514880", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug"} {"idx": 37723, "original_id": "1251021505716199424", "reply_id": "1251024075700473856", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "good morning only for my babe"} {"idx": 37726, "original_id": "1251244161660928001", "reply_id": "1251274947227344896", "label": "no", "text": "Today I learned that there are teachers giving Dojo points for coming to a Zoom call and turning on the camera. Where is the “burn it all down” button when you need it?"} {"idx": 37727, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251232813812195331", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 37728, "original_id": "1250956068324364290", "reply_id": "1250960025134096384", "label": "wink", "text": "I’d like to report a crime someone ate all the carbs and sugar in the house because self-isolation"} {"idx": 37730, "original_id": "1250903109339164672", "reply_id": "1250903577226366976", "label": "awww", "text": "Quarantine day 30: i miss my students so much i want to cry💔"} {"idx": 37733, "original_id": "1251226098974642176", "reply_id": "1251226551011758081", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all turned that $100 into $800 yet?"} {"idx": 37737, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250916972642144259", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 37738, "original_id": "1251244025807605760", "reply_id": "1251244996319215616", "label": "yes", "text": "Jim Croce SCREWS"} {"idx": 37739, "original_id": "1250606159884673026", "reply_id": "1251001589411823616", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "never thought I’d be tik tok famous... couldn’t do it without all my fans 🤙🏻 #thankful #blessed #dreamsdocometrue #thisiswhatdreamsaremadeof #hypehouse"} {"idx": 37740, "original_id": "1250924224673312768", "reply_id": "1250925176809615363", "label": "kiss", "text": "I love your avi 😍 @aa_tonioo"} {"idx": 37743, "original_id": "1251224607312318467", "reply_id": "1251232926575910912", "label": "hug", "text": "my brain fell out of my head today or something i just ???? am so absentminded today"} {"idx": 37744, "original_id": "1250860590408642561", "reply_id": "1250862676609314820", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Government: Don't buy Woolies roasted chicken so that we can curb corona virus infections.😂😂"} {"idx": 37745, "original_id": "1251149555476819977", "reply_id": "1251190866120593409", "label": "applause", "text": "How many of you have watched Out of the Shadows?"} {"idx": 37747, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250883355064840194", "label": "scared", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 37749, "original_id": "1250884161788928000", "reply_id": "1250898549010829313", "label": "dance", "text": "Hey! I'll be on @bobandtom tomorrow morning. Friday, April 17."} {"idx": 37751, "original_id": "1250960450210185218", "reply_id": "1251113432130244608", "label": "yes", "text": "We should take select NBA and MLB games to small towns across America!\n\nIt would be great if more of America had the economic opportunity as well as the experience.\n\nIf stadiums are to play empty, why not let communities without cases have a special moment!"} {"idx": 37753, "original_id": "1250876597009145856", "reply_id": "1250879246009942016", "label": "applause", "text": "PhD candidacy exam: passed! So excited. Can’t wait to put the exam books away and get busy on research. Woohoo! Could not have done it without my two incredible supervisors @ltomfohr & @SchulteFiona - so grateful for their guidance & support. Time for a wine!!"} {"idx": 37756, "original_id": "1251023636300890112", "reply_id": "1251029362947678208", "label": "scared", "text": "Convinced Tierra Mia coffee puts crack in their drinks because I am wired 🥴"} {"idx": 37758, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251237527123406849", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 37760, "original_id": "1250993422267060225", "reply_id": "1250993999680139264", "label": "no", "text": "“See you Monday” turned into “See you in June” 🤪"} {"idx": 37762, "original_id": "1250980578754625537", "reply_id": "1251196231830962177", "label": "agree", "text": "Please don’t tell me who or what to tweet about, and I’ll do the same for you. Thanks."} {"idx": 37771, "original_id": "1251273045823623176", "reply_id": "1251274844538363908", "label": "shocked", "text": "I cut all of my facial hair off. 🤦🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 37772, "original_id": "1251202397432688642", "reply_id": "1251250337056423938", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If anyone commits violence against officials in Michigan, Minnesota or Virginia, @realDonaldTrump should be impeached again. I'm not joking. He clearly incited violence. He's a deranged madman and we have to get him out of office before he does more damage. This is unprecedented."} {"idx": 37774, "original_id": "1251217292672679937", "reply_id": "1251223974958284801", "label": "thank_you", "text": "People keep asking,\n“Why do you expect government or politicians to do anything for #ADOS Blacks?”\nTo me, that’s like asking,\n“Why do you expect doctors to talk to patients, examine them and prescribe medications?”\nIt’s called doing their job.\nWhy is that so hard to understand?"} {"idx": 37777, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1250876534296100864", "label": "sigh", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 37779, "original_id": "1251130684128858112", "reply_id": "1251146407257313285", "label": "agree", "text": "Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. ❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 37780, "original_id": "1251092665556484099", "reply_id": "1251099405047996417", "label": "high_five", "text": "Someone literally said to me ‘how do you become succesful on twitch?’ I jokingly said ‘Cry a lot, Throw your pets and be extremely toxic to your chat’ I really hope they realise I was joking, but coming to think of it, I think that’s how you do get success on twitch!"} {"idx": 37784, "original_id": "1250866650267611137", "reply_id": "1250880738565578752", "label": "dance", "text": "New song comes out tonight! I'm stoked cause it's track 1 of the new album. Also, I'm tired of calling it new album. Should we do an album name reveal this weekend?"} {"idx": 37785, "original_id": "1250857784331112448", "reply_id": "1250904557842038787", "label": "seriously", "text": "“A person familiar with one of the conference calls said business leaders warned the president that expanded testing was needed before Americans could safely return to work, but the message was largely drowned out by Trump’s determination to solicit praise from the participants.”"} {"idx": 37790, "original_id": "1250944073269051392", "reply_id": "1250944255306215430", "label": "applause", "text": "Since I started hanging around with young comics I swear like a fucking trooper."} {"idx": 37791, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250926302581919745", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 37795, "original_id": "1250986081593421824", "reply_id": "1250986528626454530", "label": "agree", "text": "A number of small cap stocks absolutely poleaxed over recent weeks are seeing sellers dry up following each shake. A handful I'm trying to accumulate are already turning around on one buy order alone. More downside to come on major indices though as a lot of good news factored in"} {"idx": 37796, "original_id": "1250997072670556160", "reply_id": "1251129386583101443", "label": "agree", "text": "Kissing him is euphoric...but kissing him after I’ve just been squeezing his head between my thighs and tasting what he’s just tasted is a whole other level of ecstasy."} {"idx": 37798, "original_id": "1251162654439174144", "reply_id": "1251164236283330561", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "So the other night my gf and I are watching LOTR and she tells me to turn on subs cause she can’t understand the accents. I tell her no you’re just deaf and she says no I’m not. I go to the sub menu and it literally said “for the hearing impaired” 😂💀"} {"idx": 37799, "original_id": "1250612001019252738", "reply_id": "1250933259082575873", "label": "yawn", "text": "Tell me kind words or send me cute pics of cats, so I don't feel as awful or failureish"} {"idx": 37807, "original_id": "1251269333696815106", "reply_id": "1251269508247048195", "label": "no", "text": "Checked a few songs from Fiona Apple’s new album. Pretty fucking good."} {"idx": 37808, "original_id": "1250777550453977088", "reply_id": "1250845249972428807", "label": "yolo", "text": "Or should I get my mind right for some new ink?"} {"idx": 37809, "original_id": "1250945887263698945", "reply_id": "1250986207078682624", "label": "scared", "text": "I will literally block anyone that doesn’t have anything positive to say"} {"idx": 37812, "original_id": "1250930083109441536", "reply_id": "1250942499146866688", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m having a hard time staying positive today."} {"idx": 37814, "original_id": "1251209231845470208", "reply_id": "1251209831698006022", "label": "popcorn", "text": "What’s the most mundane conspiracy theory you believe in?\n\nMine’s that you could clean a cast iron with normal soap/a sponge and it would be fine."} {"idx": 37819, "original_id": "1250920760903897092", "reply_id": "1250944946909184001", "label": "sigh", "text": "Donald Trump, on what he heard during sports commissioners call: \"Many of them are going to be starting without the fans ... It'll go that way and then the fans will start coming in -- maybe they'll be separated by two seats -- and then ultimately we want to have packed arenas.\""} {"idx": 37820, "original_id": "1251174429494784002", "reply_id": "1251234457077473280", "label": "no", "text": "It's increasingly hard for me to focus on the nuts-and-bolts of the Oilers. I'm still reading though and it's really funny to see that it took a pandemic for people to realize the promise and potential of Caleb Jones. Next lightbulb will be \"should the Oil pay Nurse longterm.\""} {"idx": 37825, "original_id": "1250920996195966976", "reply_id": "1250992075564363776", "label": "ok", "text": "Not ready for a kid but feel like I should have one sooner rather than later so my body can bounce back faster 🤣🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ #QuarantineThoughts"} {"idx": 37829, "original_id": "1250884161788928000", "reply_id": "1250896516807622657", "label": "applause", "text": "Hey! I'll be on @bobandtom tomorrow morning. Friday, April 17."} {"idx": 37830, "original_id": "1250909687760908289", "reply_id": "1250948289232433152", "label": "applause", "text": "I first heard this in high school: \"Tough times don't last. Tough people do.\" That applies like never before."} {"idx": 37832, "original_id": "1250942302631145473", "reply_id": "1251165911433859074", "label": "ok", "text": "Hey all you people getting stinky from staying home and skipping showers \n\nKeep it up 😘"} {"idx": 37834, "original_id": "1250838189901844488", "reply_id": "1250840135949746177", "label": "eww", "text": "i want WINGS. with RANCH"} {"idx": 37835, "original_id": "1251152175381659648", "reply_id": "1251167983369666562", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is every person The Little Prince meets on his interplanetary travels smushed into a big orange ball."} {"idx": 37836, "original_id": "1250930602041278466", "reply_id": "1250936219632009217", "label": "agree", "text": "Starve a cold. \nFeed a fever. \nDrown allergies in alcohol. \n\nI'll have a bottle of the latter, please!"} {"idx": 37840, "original_id": "1250875284833865728", "reply_id": "1250876994318974976", "label": "hug", "text": "When Miley Cyrus says \"So hard with my girls not around me\" in the Party In the USA it hits so HARD"} {"idx": 37841, "original_id": "1251166051108257792", "reply_id": "1251166740899299328", "label": "oops", "text": "Health update: Just got done with my appointment. The doctor said that because I have a fever that I most likely have COVID-19. Ain’t that a bitch."} {"idx": 37842, "original_id": "1250745576582455297", "reply_id": "1251157055194271745", "label": "agree", "text": "The fact that the government has announced today that fast-food chains will remain closed and that the sale of liquor and cigarettes are STILL not allowed just showcases how tone-deaf they are. Killing the economy not softly but with a brick to the head. I suspect mass riots soon"} {"idx": 37845, "original_id": "1251191775789711362", "reply_id": "1251216179441606662", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Choc-kits are elite 🥰"} {"idx": 37847, "original_id": "1251174239178194946", "reply_id": "1251177940416704512", "label": "seriously", "text": "middle class black people arguing on FB over whether they need the stimulus check \"hand out....\""} {"idx": 37851, "original_id": "1250904646023069701", "reply_id": "1250904816475181057", "label": "agree", "text": "Libre not Libra."} {"idx": 37852, "original_id": "1251132456666890242", "reply_id": "1251135025933889540", "label": "hug", "text": "i love waking up at 7 am and the first thing i feel is fucking sad and lonely"} {"idx": 37855, "original_id": "1251184243209879559", "reply_id": "1251184541345157122", "label": "applause", "text": "lowkey, eating vegetables is a female trait.... what u need all those nutrients for, you can’t even have a baby bro"} {"idx": 37858, "original_id": "1250946341578199040", "reply_id": "1250952837766328323", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Gray running pants are all fun and games until you actually run in them. Really killin’ my vibe by not hiding my butt sweat."} {"idx": 37859, "original_id": "1251175613261582338", "reply_id": "1251189617791045632", "label": "smh", "text": "When someone sends me a voice note I will really reply a day later I suck lmao"} {"idx": 37862, "original_id": "1250845461029834760", "reply_id": "1251072617597018113", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who wants a virtual high five? 🖐"} {"idx": 37863, "original_id": "1250830614602960896", "reply_id": "1250834188175118340", "label": "oops", "text": "#Texans RB David Johnson will meet with the media tomorrow."} {"idx": 37864, "original_id": "1251202112685576192", "reply_id": "1251218462686445575", "label": "shocked", "text": "Yo I wanna cry....@hannahova2me went to the store and decided to set a new grocery record of us and spent $350😭...why and how ,I can't wait to see what she got when she gets home...I don't if I should cry or what"} {"idx": 37865, "original_id": "1251251133777170442", "reply_id": "1251253526350757889", "label": "no", "text": "Let's make a list.\n\nWhat would YOU rather do than watch Donald Trump's presser today?\n\nComments, memes, gifs, and pictures all welcome."} {"idx": 37867, "original_id": "1251072793145479169", "reply_id": "1251177955197419526", "label": "no", "text": "If 2020 was a truck it would be a Ford."} {"idx": 37870, "original_id": "1251019126128013313", "reply_id": "1251022124656898048", "label": "shocked", "text": "Finding new squad"} {"idx": 37873, "original_id": "1251152142057893891", "reply_id": "1251154127368843264", "label": "applause", "text": "Fuck #Saudi Arabia."} {"idx": 37877, "original_id": "1251055794860077064", "reply_id": "1251057040371224576", "label": "yes", "text": "MY INTERNET IS FINALLY WORKING, LETS GO! 💪🏼"} {"idx": 37878, "original_id": "1251174959461916672", "reply_id": "1251175347204362244", "label": "hug", "text": "I just figure that I put it out there and if people are ok with it then cool. If not, it sucks but I barely felt comfortable putting it out to begin with, let alone correct people every time..."} {"idx": 37880, "original_id": "1250952843055583232", "reply_id": "1251130666739253249", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "America is about to come roaring back."} {"idx": 37882, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251151366778580996", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 37883, "original_id": "1250608628530384898", "reply_id": "1250950932516536320", "label": "agree", "text": "Not only is he the worst President ever, Donald Trump is the worst American ever. Anyone agree?"} {"idx": 37885, "original_id": "1250800915189248000", "reply_id": "1250849341629255682", "label": "dance", "text": "We’re live!!!! \n\nCome on the morning breakfast hunt with me! \n\nCheck out these d00ds also!! @hey_mr_winston \n@CP_Qualizar @Fr0stym3nAdv @SmallStreamersC @holy_thumb @SupportStreamz @QdesignBD @SmallStreamersR @GivingBackBritt @rtsmallstreams @crazykiller3079 @Yo_McKade"} {"idx": 37887, "original_id": "1250913829950816256", "reply_id": "1250916920167104512", "label": "applause", "text": "one day i'll be able to tweet something without a typo in it on the first try, and when that day comes... *carefully re-reads what i wrote*... it's over fro you hoes"} {"idx": 37888, "original_id": "1251139117213245440", "reply_id": "1251140359058534401", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF to my #FSFRL Brothers and Sisters (S's pt 1)\n@SamPeach15\n@SamuelAuthor\n@sarahmensinga\n@ScarlettKol\n@ScribeOfTexas\n@scribe77\n@SeleneKWriter\n@selfwinding\n@selinajeckert\n@Sentinelcreativ\n@sffeditor\n@ShannonAHiner\n@ShannonRohrer1\n@ShockeyWrites\n@singletonauthor\n@SJMcQuiston"} {"idx": 37889, "original_id": "1251102962274926592", "reply_id": "1251111917411799046", "label": "awww", "text": "I fucking miss my friends :("} {"idx": 37890, "original_id": "1251089139354787840", "reply_id": "1251112252708737026", "label": "facepalm", "text": "i was so excited to order my new tv that i didn't think to check if they had any in stock, so i went online jist there to check and it turns out they won't be delivering til late april 🙃"} {"idx": 37891, "original_id": "1250815684805709824", "reply_id": "1250867434900172800", "label": "sigh", "text": "I thought I can tolerate my new hire but he’s getting weirder and weirder the more he’s getting comfortable and I’m hella over it lol"} {"idx": 37892, "original_id": "1250854933739552769", "reply_id": "1250855193324945408", "label": "applause", "text": "certain GIFs should be punishable by law and by God"} {"idx": 37893, "original_id": "1251028510312820736", "reply_id": "1251029628145135619", "label": "applause", "text": "I showered. Please hold your applause"} {"idx": 37895, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251193005790449664", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 37897, "original_id": "1250842793272115201", "reply_id": "1251031804292841472", "label": "shocked", "text": "Lmfaoooo my bfs dad told him he can do better bc i have no butt"} {"idx": 37898, "original_id": "1250952948374364160", "reply_id": "1250953182089535488", "label": "shocked", "text": "Not gonna lie hunter kinda feels like ass"} {"idx": 37901, "original_id": "1250929829291024384", "reply_id": "1250930158820896769", "label": "agree", "text": "Why is 2k20 gameplay so fuckin slow. Go back to any previous 2k and it was so much faster. If you beat someone iso you must be a god we are literally dribbling in slow motion it should be impossible to score 💀💀💀"} {"idx": 37903, "original_id": "1251215127141068800", "reply_id": "1251215380095340547", "label": "yes", "text": "kum & go"} {"idx": 37905, "original_id": "1250942626007855114", "reply_id": "1250945058322464773", "label": "shocked", "text": "Went to Costco and Publix not realizing I was wearing my comfy shorts with the hole in the ass. \n\nTo anyone shopping with me today and depending on your views of fat bottom girls I guess either you're welcome or I apologize. 😂🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 37907, "original_id": "1250861631040602113", "reply_id": "1250862160743411713", "label": "please", "text": "I need a squad for cod🙃"} {"idx": 37911, "original_id": "1250912580127920130", "reply_id": "1250937972746342401", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump said earlier that we take solace that God has taken the people who have died from the virus into \"his eternal and loving embrace.\""} {"idx": 37913, "original_id": "1250854174918684673", "reply_id": "1250862838404444160", "label": "agree", "text": "#TrumpVirus hit USA & South Korea on 1/18/20. SK attacked it with testing, isolating ill, tracking/quarantining those who may be infected, treating. trump said it was a hoax. Yesterday, USA had 30,500 NEW #TrumpVirus cases, 2,763 deaths. SK had 27 new cases, 3 deaths. @maddow"} {"idx": 37915, "original_id": "1250971495666520065", "reply_id": "1251012717755932678", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I think I'm scared of Mega"} {"idx": 37917, "original_id": "1251152855769071618", "reply_id": "1251156451483021314", "label": "yes", "text": "How I Made...... Hold you down?"} {"idx": 37920, "original_id": "1250925219700752387", "reply_id": "1250925933135114240", "label": "good_luck", "text": ".@xbox please give everyone a voucher to download 1 free game of choice. Thank you!"} {"idx": 37922, "original_id": "1251202015780372482", "reply_id": "1251213464753672194", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’m no psychologist, but you’re batshit crazy."} {"idx": 37925, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251232803418759170", "label": "agree", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 37927, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250916474467876865", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 37929, "original_id": "1250941678996918272", "reply_id": "1250942223862161408", "label": "ok", "text": "The Packers could have taken the best quarterback on the board with their first pick in every draft since 2011, save for 2016, and the roster would barely be different, except they’d also have Lamar Jackson."} {"idx": 37932, "original_id": "1251046843900780544", "reply_id": "1251084745926033414", "label": "agree", "text": "Whoever said eat only home food for a month and see how the weight goes down 😡"} {"idx": 37933, "original_id": "1250924169883238405", "reply_id": "1250924453145567233", "label": "no", "text": "I'm so glad we have a President who never misses a chance to thank himself."} {"idx": 37935, "original_id": "1250991555571302401", "reply_id": "1251267249702424583", "label": "applause", "text": "New Simpsons episode formulas:\n\n-Celebrity guest star comes to town\n-Lisa/Bart has a new friend (it’s a celebrity guest star)\n-Movie/self reference \n-Homer fat"} {"idx": 37937, "original_id": "1251197951688560645", "reply_id": "1251208710422233089", "label": "hug", "text": "I hope we’re gonna keep the 2m public distancing thing forever"} {"idx": 37941, "original_id": "1250845269274398721", "reply_id": "1250845692882542593", "label": "sigh", "text": "RIP Brian Dennehy. One of the great character actors. I’ll always remember him as Big Tom Callahan, the bartender in “10” and Sheriff Will Teasle in “First Blood” but there was many, many more. A big guy. A big loss."} {"idx": 37942, "original_id": "1250856149978681345", "reply_id": "1250878246092226560", "label": "facepalm", "text": "In NC's capital city: \"No communion,\" \"no tithes,\" \"no [religious] literature.” Yet the same gov't orders allow ppl to pay cash for take-out food after reviewing a menu at the local McDonalds.\n\nThis is an outrageous and unconstitutional overstep of government authority. #ncpol"} {"idx": 37944, "original_id": "1112756777362186245", "reply_id": "1250962513107259394", "label": "applause", "text": "oh april fools ha"} {"idx": 37945, "original_id": "1251172342098735104", "reply_id": "1251173375030026240", "label": "agree", "text": "Oh HELLO chronic fatigue. So glad you're back..."} {"idx": 37947, "original_id": "1250942252211462148", "reply_id": "1251034619031388165", "label": "dance", "text": "WellI don’t know bout you guys but it was another exciting day at the fucking homestead for me."} {"idx": 37948, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251232300639059973", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 37950, "original_id": "1251198627357302790", "reply_id": "1251249364808478726", "label": "hug", "text": "My husband is getting tested for corona. We hear the results tomorrow.\nHonestly, im scared. I wont be active at the moment. Going to try and occupie my mind with gaming. \nBig hugs, stay safe."} {"idx": 37952, "original_id": "1251211000277237760", "reply_id": "1251251078655606794", "label": "popcorn", "text": "i have a really exciting tweet coming"} {"idx": 37954, "original_id": "1251218479019106307", "reply_id": "1251219054251163649", "label": "no", "text": "SDC should release a remix project of PWE and call it The Burkutu Express"} {"idx": 37959, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1251059073841324034", "label": "dance", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 37960, "original_id": "1251188824241246214", "reply_id": "1251213091548696576", "label": "shocked", "text": "Wait. Miss J Alexander is 62 years old.\n\nIt just doesn't crack."} {"idx": 37963, "original_id": "1250781439181889538", "reply_id": "1251020244027654144", "label": "sorry", "text": "some of yalls layouts are ugly asf, do better."} {"idx": 37966, "original_id": "1250938912626917377", "reply_id": "1250987687517052931", "label": "applause", "text": "brb learning witchcraft and disappointing my ancestors while in quarantine don't text"} {"idx": 37967, "original_id": "1251004921752805378", "reply_id": "1251046401376747521", "label": "no", "text": "Do you feel bad for Joe Biden or is it just me?"} {"idx": 37969, "original_id": "1250741171426676736", "reply_id": "1250938040488468487", "label": "hug", "text": "I dreamed that my dad died. In my dream, mom had already died, and I was totally alone, no family or friends anywhere. It was awful. I cried through the whole dream."} {"idx": 37970, "original_id": "1250482452021288961", "reply_id": "1250864491769794562", "label": "applause", "text": "I need a boyfriend with at least\n5years relationship experience\nAnd minimum of 4 heartbreak's\nUrgently please."} {"idx": 37971, "original_id": "1251190386711646208", "reply_id": "1251194190370873351", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Havent done a #FF in a while. Shout out to these individuals\n\n@Coin_Shark \n@SmartContracter \n@sellwhenover9k \n@ChonkyOne \n@scottmelker \n@overheardcoffee \n@CryptoGainz1 \n@SatoshiFlipper \n@AlanStacked \n@benbybit \n@katmaiBeast \n@DaSnafoo \n@CryptoGainz1 \n@LilMoonLambo \n@tuned_crypto"} {"idx": 37981, "original_id": "1251002954263474179", "reply_id": "1251004498618834951", "label": "omg", "text": "I had no idea people put cheese on the bottom of the pan when making nachos, I’m over here shook"} {"idx": 37982, "original_id": "1251152603376844804", "reply_id": "1251152785157926914", "label": "eww", "text": "GLITCHED JOKIC IS A POINT GUARD 😳.... Point centres have begun......oh no."} {"idx": 37983, "original_id": "1250866739585388544", "reply_id": "1250934143397085185", "label": "applause", "text": "If Ryu & Ken are the shotos, then Ness & Lucas are from the mother series"} {"idx": 37985, "original_id": "1250815171158671360", "reply_id": "1251042041565306880", "label": "omg", "text": "What is true love?"} {"idx": 37989, "original_id": "1250962787414622209", "reply_id": "1250962975327911938", "label": "dance", "text": "why is there so much music"} {"idx": 37992, "original_id": "1250943302318215168", "reply_id": "1250947834729295873", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi guys. Please follow and give a warm welcome and hugs to our blood brothers:\n\n@AlterHiv\n@endDstigma\n@zimon2k19\n@nyosayn"} {"idx": 37995, "original_id": "1251272200449069057", "reply_id": "1251272550614740993", "label": "hug", "text": "this isn’t funny anymore i need a hug asap 😳😳😳"} {"idx": 37998, "original_id": "1251006556621074432", "reply_id": "1251174567235555330", "label": "hug", "text": "the last few days I just really feel a seizure coming..weird sensations, bad deja and jamais vu.. today I was trembling and my heart has been racing..in and out of coherence.. really not feelin good about this..small noctual seizures last two weeks..figures crossed no big ones🤞🏼"} {"idx": 38001, "original_id": "1250870084832296962", "reply_id": "1250882582801235968", "label": "yes", "text": "Skate 4 please ...."} {"idx": 38002, "original_id": "1250891057337753600", "reply_id": "1250894595363205120", "label": "no", "text": "For all my gym rats\nLVAC isn’t opening back up May 1st\nSorry buff babies 😒"} {"idx": 38004, "original_id": "1250850351319617537", "reply_id": "1250890688641871873", "label": "agree", "text": "Have you ever walked out of a job?"} {"idx": 38005, "original_id": "1251200340306857985", "reply_id": "1251200673665990663", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Cowboys VP Stephen Jones on @1053thefan doesn’t see linebacker as a significant need for Dallas in next week’s draft: “That would be news to me in terms of a heightened need for the linebacker position.”"} {"idx": 38008, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251138812937408513", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 38009, "original_id": "1251188737288966145", "reply_id": "1251249993521995776", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Trump’s *actually* calling for civil war during a pandemic where he killed WHO funding and is minutes away from shutting down congress to avoid checks and balances. Do i have that right, satan?"} {"idx": 38012, "original_id": "1250913382133350405", "reply_id": "1251178353689800704", "label": "eww", "text": "Remember the first time you read “c’mon” and you thought to yourself, wtf does SEEmon mean?"} {"idx": 38013, "original_id": "1250847400308154370", "reply_id": "1250853825130479617", "label": "applause", "text": "I just realized, we hit 1,000 followers last night! Thank you guys so much!!"} {"idx": 38015, "original_id": "1251232872146624512", "reply_id": "1251244795328172035", "label": "agree", "text": "it annoys me how people just complain about anything and everything. just take 1 day to not complain and see how good it feels"} {"idx": 38016, "original_id": "1251232779825790983", "reply_id": "1251236029866151945", "label": "no", "text": "You got a problem, take it up with me directly pussies instead being lame little kids in your group of 5. So lame."} {"idx": 38017, "original_id": "1250808095745474560", "reply_id": "1250841438641848320", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Walking out of the grocery store a women behind me asked where I got the toilet paper, I told her, and she ran back. I guess it was all gone.... I gave her mine. Felt good. #BeBetter"} {"idx": 38020, "original_id": "1251055832172814337", "reply_id": "1251065006323412993", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Morning. TFI Friday."} {"idx": 38025, "original_id": "1251168208532369411", "reply_id": "1251168991298666501", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Whenever I say something that my 4 year old daughter disgarees with she says, “I think not,” totally deadpan in her English accent. I feel like I’ve been told. 🙄"} {"idx": 38026, "original_id": "1251017453745799169", "reply_id": "1251017713331302400", "label": "agree", "text": "One thing I’ve learned from social media is people are going to hate you, talk about you, stab you in the back, etc. \n\nIt’s not what THEY DO that will shape your experience on here, it’s how YOU REACT to it. \n\nSo just be you, have fun, and fuck the haters."} {"idx": 38029, "original_id": "1250953329565470723", "reply_id": "1250953534419460096", "label": "yes", "text": "Also, (new) regular scheduled streams are offically back on tomorrow at 7pm!"} {"idx": 38030, "original_id": "1251119940528148480", "reply_id": "1251126541003689986", "label": "agree", "text": "It would be a gift to the world and would probably save a lot of lives if Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz never made another television appearance for the rest of eternity."} {"idx": 38032, "original_id": "1251119154251345921", "reply_id": "1251119287533744129", "label": "kiss", "text": "GL TO MY BOYS @Dr1venFN x @Accis_ and @VetleFN x @Styrsix 🥺❤️"} {"idx": 38033, "original_id": "1251172695196262400", "reply_id": "1251241916664098821", "label": "applause", "text": "LIBERATE YOUR STATES! \n\nVote out all tyrannical Democrat Governors."} {"idx": 38034, "original_id": "1251182863116054528", "reply_id": "1251184219373658113", "label": "applause", "text": "I realize we got some snow this morning, but cancelling school for the rest of the school year because of the snow? That seems a little extreme. #SnowYear"} {"idx": 38035, "original_id": "1251209364502970369", "reply_id": "1251220974445436929", "label": "applause", "text": "🚨Michigan’s governor Gretchen Whitmer is having a 3 o’clock news conference today, to talk about reopening the economy. \n\nLet’s hope we aren’t just given vague platitudes."} {"idx": 38037, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250927325329477633", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 38038, "original_id": "1250862433939456001", "reply_id": "1250862608212799490", "label": "awww", "text": "Happy birthday to the coolest twitter person I know @synthandlasers"} {"idx": 38039, "original_id": "1250895572103499782", "reply_id": "1250917048139612161", "label": "shocked", "text": "All those that voted Jor Weah, Ole bo. One side sabu, one side grey hair."} {"idx": 38043, "original_id": "1251011901925908480", "reply_id": "1251012955207921665", "label": "awww", "text": "i love how you look at me. like i’m perfect. you tell me im pretty, beautiful , comel, i have a beautiful smile, that you’re happy when i’m happy all that good stuff everyday. i cherish and appreciate you for that ☺️"} {"idx": 38047, "original_id": "1251020035046494208", "reply_id": "1251021497256357889", "label": "want", "text": "made a frozen sangria smoothie with frozen fruit, that shit was 10/10. completely recommend"} {"idx": 38048, "original_id": "1250853217447096321", "reply_id": "1250855576436969479", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Just got thrown out of my own living room by my daughter! I only wanted to join in the dance class! Don’t think she found it funny 🤣🤣🤣"} {"idx": 38052, "original_id": "1251129357852200962", "reply_id": "1251130816249376774", "label": "hug", "text": "As a person who lives alone, can I take a moment to say:\n\nI just really, really want a hug."} {"idx": 38054, "original_id": "1250850227176837121", "reply_id": "1250981910618112001", "label": "good_luck", "text": "D39: Started on #javascript objects today including:\n\n💥Creating Object Literals\n💥Property Access (dot and bracket notations)\n💥Methods\n💥Nested Objects\n💥Pass by Reference Functions\n💥Iterating Through Objects\n\n🤯🥺\n\n#100DaysOfCode #womenintech #WomenWhoCode #codenewbie"} {"idx": 38055, "original_id": "1251211173120430080", "reply_id": "1251213753133170689", "label": "hug", "text": "I just got hit with a crushing wave of sadness."} {"idx": 38056, "original_id": "1250994108182810626", "reply_id": "1251022575901257728", "label": "hug", "text": "Everyday men teach me a different way to put myself first. Men are the masters of selfishness."} {"idx": 38057, "original_id": "1250821491316404226", "reply_id": "1251168748788240384", "label": "no", "text": "Sitting here thinking that one time I was told that I should look like I’m “always single and available” at my table at conventions. News Flash: we’re not your fantasy cosplay girlfriends 🤮"} {"idx": 38060, "original_id": "1250801512588218371", "reply_id": "1250832087420108800", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "If you substituted biscuits & gravy with cornbread and gravy, do you think that would work?"} {"idx": 38062, "original_id": "1251186232220168195", "reply_id": "1251198214398754818", "label": "smh", "text": "Why do we need to fly in 150 Romanians to pick fruit and vegetables when we’ve been warned unemployment could rise by 2 million? Shouldn‘t young unemployed people be required to take the jobs?"} {"idx": 38065, "original_id": "1250853958144405504", "reply_id": "1250854753061330944", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Ten days ago, I wrote a letter to the Department of Defense, urging them to conduct a formal investigation into Acting Secretary of the Navy Modly’s relief of the commanding officer of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, Captain Brett Crozier."} {"idx": 38067, "original_id": "1250834967611006982", "reply_id": "1250837333924028417", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all want a vloggy vlog today? Yes or no? No? Ok 🚶🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 38068, "original_id": "1250790830740246531", "reply_id": "1250851010677006336", "label": "shocked", "text": "thinking about that one time in high school when my entire 55+ person study hall got a jug (i.e. detention) because someone was laughing during the pledge of allegiance. and y’all say liberals are snow flakes hmm 🤔"} {"idx": 38069, "original_id": "1250989305356587014", "reply_id": "1251028847748960256", "label": "shrug", "text": "Forget about a Drake and Future join album. I need a Drake and French Montana joint album! @Drake @FrencHMonTanA"} {"idx": 38070, "original_id": "1250916332046110723", "reply_id": "1250917494845575177", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Cam knows my love languages and caters to all of them. I could never ask for a better partner honestly. He is it."} {"idx": 38071, "original_id": "1251217851693666304", "reply_id": "1251219098681217024", "label": "agree", "text": "Hey @netflix, it’s the perfect time to release #HisHouse. The horror of being stuck inside a haunted apartment could not be more relevant"} {"idx": 38072, "original_id": "1251075321933299712", "reply_id": "1251085369614970881", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Sending my love to everyone who is trying to heal from shit they don't discuss with anyone."} {"idx": 38073, "original_id": "1251186083771138049", "reply_id": "1251189766692966407", "label": "hearts", "text": "Heya, just wanted to shout out more people in the community that are like family to me! @MaiMai_art_ @Dan_Highland @floofyfunster @gfuwfu @ViciousSHADi @SadizticKitten @KaiDoesArt @sleepykokiri @OmegaPhoenix17 @Jemmillion @TheVioletSoul69 @SpaceCakeQueen @RaeGun2k @Palushina"} {"idx": 38074, "original_id": "1250955660331593728", "reply_id": "1250955803131084801", "label": "agree", "text": "Everything sounds better on vinyl..."} {"idx": 38075, "original_id": "1251165941649399809", "reply_id": "1251188554585145349", "label": "dance", "text": "NEW SET COMING MONDAY! 👻👻👻"} {"idx": 38077, "original_id": "1223073998914965504", "reply_id": "1250891773792133123", "label": "shocked", "text": "I do not like big Dick 😭😭 I’m sorry but you will not fck my insides up with big Ass Dick 🥴"} {"idx": 38080, "original_id": "1251189899128188928", "reply_id": "1251208079993114626", "label": "agree", "text": "You need to put in the work and it's not always easy (most of the time is not). \n\nFind a way to enjoy what you're doing as that will simplify the process a lot."} {"idx": 38081, "original_id": "1250896146190479361", "reply_id": "1250910090611302400", "label": "hug", "text": "Doing an incredible sad"} {"idx": 38083, "original_id": "1250997825468428288", "reply_id": "1251129781761916929", "label": "hug", "text": "As the days go by, the depression gets on deeper."} {"idx": 38084, "original_id": "1251128177184796673", "reply_id": "1251130049719197697", "label": "omg", "text": "BiHi nation scream out loud"} {"idx": 38089, "original_id": "1251197646263459841", "reply_id": "1251197890485276675", "label": "hug", "text": "Ok. It's dangerous when you've ben away from a sport for 15 years, but your brain and muscle memory is all \"we know this, we got this!\". But the ACTUAL muscle isn't there no more. \n7 hrs since my dressage grind and my legs feel like they're led coated with ants crawling in them."} {"idx": 38092, "original_id": "1251247397105209344", "reply_id": "1251247582413819905", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "i showered, got dressed, did my hair & makeup & left my apt today. pls acknowledge my accomplishments!"} {"idx": 38093, "original_id": "1251257334174814211", "reply_id": "1251264522087784451", "label": "ok", "text": "South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem in: \"South Dakota is now the first state in America to launch a statewide, state-backed clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine to fight COVID-19.\""} {"idx": 38095, "original_id": "1250765141144150024", "reply_id": "1250835229226532867", "label": "applause", "text": "If you were a nurse and Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock both came in at the same time but you could only save one.\n\nWhat kind of sandwich would you make?"} {"idx": 38096, "original_id": "1250657013530415105", "reply_id": "1250866160637116417", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug."} {"idx": 38097, "original_id": "1251164004375986176", "reply_id": "1251236043183046662", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Ima get drunk and lit by myself tonight fuck it🥱"} {"idx": 38098, "original_id": "1251093062933270529", "reply_id": "1251118484370731009", "label": "agree", "text": "Movie theater date where you finger me in the back row while the movie is playing and cover my mouth so no one can hear my whimpers and moans"} {"idx": 38101, "original_id": "1251008692134178816", "reply_id": "1251040311398199297", "label": "hearts", "text": "This week we’re playing a game of:\n\n“Do My Friends Hate Me or Do I Just Need to Quit My Job”"} {"idx": 38102, "original_id": "1250825831372460037", "reply_id": "1250845189784113154", "label": "hug", "text": "Give me a hug fam 😫😂"} {"idx": 38103, "original_id": "1251179478652420098", "reply_id": "1251184326156398592", "label": "yes", "text": "I would not want to be Liberal Party of Canada supporter out west the next few years. It's going to get ugly. Certain parts of Vancouver perhaps a small enclave there."} {"idx": 38104, "original_id": "1250830366069288960", "reply_id": "1250836856503062528", "label": "want", "text": "👌🏼 close to quitting my shitty job that treats me as less than human and starting an OF"} {"idx": 38105, "original_id": "1250892985438547973", "reply_id": "1250897345270685698", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Boat ramps are being reopened in SC by the governor..."} {"idx": 38107, "original_id": "1250988371842945024", "reply_id": "1250990483599433728", "label": "hearts", "text": "True love is a beginning with no end."} {"idx": 38110, "original_id": "1251103078914207746", "reply_id": "1251202297511567360", "label": "applause", "text": "So today I decide to give out a cup of ice water to each of my foodpanda/grab riders. I legit had tears seeing them rushing out to send orders and not have time to even drink or eat 🥺"} {"idx": 38111, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251163627932889089", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 38114, "original_id": "1250853838585765892", "reply_id": "1250855810869219328", "label": "no", "text": "I am putting the final touches on my Wide Receiver Big Board, and I have to say that with the right people around me, I feel like I would make a great NFL GM"} {"idx": 38119, "original_id": "1250866685588000770", "reply_id": "1250934436981469185", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you guys also recklessly trade stocks when you are listening to gangsta rap?"} {"idx": 38121, "original_id": "1250909940970999809", "reply_id": "1250911079183659008", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Hey CNN chyron writer currently #CoronavirusLiar is speaking right now, please start the trolling."} {"idx": 38122, "original_id": "1250862762118373376", "reply_id": "1250862989219115008", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Can they please make Salt 2? Thanks."} {"idx": 38123, "original_id": "1250839115475701763", "reply_id": "1250991754318413825", "label": "no", "text": "someone buy my 22’s"} {"idx": 38125, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251243465909735429", "label": "agree", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 38127, "original_id": "1250846095040708609", "reply_id": "1250906246875471878", "label": "shrug", "text": "\"national horny day\" as if this entire quarantine hasn't been an exponential build-up of horny on main"} {"idx": 38132, "original_id": "1250923370939547649", "reply_id": "1250931949809491968", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump on the $349 billion small business loan program whose funds have run out: \"So just for the viewers watching this, or hearing you ask that question, exhausted is a good thing, not a bad thing. It went quickly, it is so popular.\""} {"idx": 38133, "original_id": "1250910874841251843", "reply_id": "1251135837493882880", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a really long, warm and reassuring hug rn"} {"idx": 38134, "original_id": "1251130445896364032", "reply_id": "1251130824491020290", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug pliss?😔"} {"idx": 38137, "original_id": "1250629067927203841", "reply_id": "1250876493820915713", "label": "agree", "text": "when all of this is over, I'll go to church to thank god. 🙏"} {"idx": 38141, "original_id": "1251061196930908162", "reply_id": "1251070802755235841", "label": "awww", "text": "@TheMarxxxist and @SheCallsMePrada are baby 😈😈😤😤"} {"idx": 38142, "original_id": "1250848611602137089", "reply_id": "1250848981623717889", "label": "wink", "text": "Actually cannot wait to see my girls ❤️"} {"idx": 38143, "original_id": "1251207199847641088", "reply_id": "1251207662605402112", "label": "smh", "text": "oh my god, my nemesis-neighbor just loudly said \"STOP SLAMMING DOORS!! what is wrong with you people!!\" in the hallway and I literally wrote out a note that says \"let she who is without an annoying yappy dog cast the first noise complaint stone\" and then tore it up but WOW"} {"idx": 38144, "original_id": "1251167376688721925", "reply_id": "1251213394725797893", "label": "yes", "text": "I don’t know who needs to hear this but Fiona Apple’s new album is out!!"} {"idx": 38148, "original_id": "1250849274683949070", "reply_id": "1250947131382345728", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Do u ever block a creepy old man 300 times yet he still can't get the hint and makes new accounts to follow u"} {"idx": 38149, "original_id": "1251143003865059328", "reply_id": "1251158698254168065", "label": "hug", "text": "Thank you everyone for allowing me to take this week off to mourn the death of my papa and to be there for my family! Today is the burial so once I get home this evening I’ll be jumping right back into work mode 💖\n\nLunar cosmos coming soon 🌙"} {"idx": 38154, "original_id": "1251220585599823872", "reply_id": "1251244441135808514", "label": "scared", "text": "Is it just a Mexican thing that we go to dentists who practice out of their garage or is the stupidity evenly spread out?"} {"idx": 38159, "original_id": "1250817805508915200", "reply_id": "1250863070559318021", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Until the end of Lockdown, I am “Spread Positive Vibes Tweezy” throughout. I’m kicking back and supporting peers from the SA Hip Hop Culture...I’d like to see us bury the pride amongst each other and come together like we did in 2014-2017"} {"idx": 38162, "original_id": "1251250782051037184", "reply_id": "1251265129938747392", "label": "yawn", "text": "What is everyone doing right now? Reply with a Gif. ps. Keep it clean"} {"idx": 38165, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251254720548790272", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 38166, "original_id": "1250823563373936642", "reply_id": "1250893664877973504", "label": "awww", "text": "This 👌🏽close to deleting insta. Literally a slug compared to all these beaut girls 🥱"} {"idx": 38167, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251122519131611137", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 38168, "original_id": "1251170965502988290", "reply_id": "1251173384622309376", "label": "agree", "text": "ReMEMBER the times we had... the times that you and me had"} {"idx": 38170, "original_id": "1250608506530607105", "reply_id": "1250917434942423042", "label": "want", "text": "So here’s my question...guys would you rather\n\nA. Have a girl who is super fit, great body, healthy \n\nOR\n\nB. Have a girl that will drink with you and eat pizza"} {"idx": 38171, "original_id": "1251223104057036801", "reply_id": "1251224211336704000", "label": "no", "text": "My boss wants me to be productive on a Friday?"} {"idx": 38176, "original_id": "1250949033092210688", "reply_id": "1251007283913469953", "label": "applause", "text": "Remember when Twatter kicked @Zerohedge off the platform in 30 minutes for linking to their article about COVID19 starting in a bio-lab?\nYeah those fucking conspiracy theorists are bad mmmkayyy.\n\nFuck you Jack you communist piece of monkey shit."} {"idx": 38178, "original_id": "1250881258307149826", "reply_id": "1250904234008158208", "label": "hug", "text": "just want a big fat cuddle off ma pals :(((((("} {"idx": 38179, "original_id": "1251150241664913409", "reply_id": "1251176518333591552", "label": "hug", "text": "moots, i need a hug."} {"idx": 38180, "original_id": "1250985205780766723", "reply_id": "1251008472432300033", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Just finished a PLATICA W/ @iluvsarahii should be up tomorrow"} {"idx": 38181, "original_id": "1250954266321334272", "reply_id": "1250989553143484417", "label": "awww", "text": "hi there. this will only take a moment. i just wanted to let you know.\n\ni love you"} {"idx": 38182, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250937612015108097", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 38183, "original_id": "1250934739151851520", "reply_id": "1250964323469492229", "label": "kiss", "text": "HOURS💛 @elreem"} {"idx": 38186, "original_id": "1251253320968048640", "reply_id": "1251262570658291712", "label": "no", "text": "If I say: I Think He Knows > Cruel Summer....\n\nYou say:"} {"idx": 38191, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250969992868376580", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 38192, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250892724359872516", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 38193, "original_id": "1250449200950546432", "reply_id": "1250992729909272576", "label": "oops", "text": "Games Without Committing a Turnover in Last 2 Years\n\n 1. Oregon, 11\n 2. Utah, 10\n 3. ASU, 9\n 4. Cal, 8\n Colorado, 8\n OSU, 8\n 7. Arizona, 7\n Stanford, 7\n Washington, 7\n WSU, 7\n11. UCLA, 4\n12. USC, 3\n\n*Ducks No. 7 nationally"} {"idx": 38194, "original_id": "1250949649088815104", "reply_id": "1250952353911640064", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m done trying to convince my teenager the world is not against her. But at the same time, my teenager is my world and she’s against me. \n \nThere’s no joke here. \n\nParenting is hard."} {"idx": 38196, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251211819076722689", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 38199, "original_id": "1251089159374229504", "reply_id": "1251090931853463552", "label": "shrug", "text": "You must be more than fucking beautiful naked.\nFucking fucking beautiful!"} {"idx": 38201, "original_id": "1251191136460423170", "reply_id": "1251201703380226054", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Would yall be down to chill on IG live with me tonight if I was reading Lesbian of color erotica to yall? - $"} {"idx": 38202, "original_id": "1250862110931914754", "reply_id": "1250865500135075840", "label": "sigh", "text": "Bruh, who knew you could chip a tooth trying to open a pistachio but. Wild."} {"idx": 38203, "original_id": "1250721413226430464", "reply_id": "1250855199213748228", "label": "yes", "text": "The world we walk into out of lockdown cannot be the world we walked out of into lockdown."} {"idx": 38204, "original_id": "1250717319556296704", "reply_id": "1250910288754413570", "label": "dance", "text": "I guess I am saying something right because \"sexy girls\" try to follow me en masse... LOL\n\nI wasn't so popular in my younger years... 😂😂😂\n\n#Trump #RemoveTrumpToday #TrumpIsTheWORSTPresidentEVER"} {"idx": 38205, "original_id": "1250828990413144066", "reply_id": "1250912633756225547", "label": "hug", "text": "Idk why I’m in my feels today 😔😔"} {"idx": 38207, "original_id": "1251129168072507392", "reply_id": "1251131995314323458", "label": "agree", "text": "60k surprise will take a while... 🤐🤐🤐🤐 but let's post a contest today?!"} {"idx": 38208, "original_id": "1250719714919284736", "reply_id": "1250860120818491392", "label": "no", "text": "A big dick that can't last up to 3hrs 58secs is a total waste of manhood 🙄"} {"idx": 38212, "original_id": "1250965484436107264", "reply_id": "1251006146929967105", "label": "shocked", "text": "I keep seeing this commercial for Corona hard seltzer. Just doesn't sound appealing to me. Lol"} {"idx": 38213, "original_id": "1251196831129915397", "reply_id": "1251260388156551170", "label": "hug", "text": "Honestly every concert I was going to attend was postponed and I was fine with it. Taylor seemingly cancelling BERLIN is something that really breaks my heart. It's not a festival for Gods sake. It's a normal concert and I can't stop crying."} {"idx": 38215, "original_id": "1251004652784623618", "reply_id": "1251272628809187331", "label": "no", "text": "Parks n Rec > the office"} {"idx": 38216, "original_id": "1250708988922146817", "reply_id": "1250892877904990218", "label": "hug", "text": "PSA If you're feeling teary, angry, demotivated, powerless and having weeks of nightmares, you're not the only one.\n\nI'm not going to say chin up or we can do this because I just feel so sad today."} {"idx": 38217, "original_id": "1250922602958393350", "reply_id": "1250923063648157696", "label": "applause", "text": "girls"} {"idx": 38219, "original_id": "1250969639108128769", "reply_id": "1250970395706044423", "label": "applause", "text": "I got my first big girl job offer today ! 🎉"} {"idx": 38223, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251225111975297024", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 38224, "original_id": "1250862129940488198", "reply_id": "1251205174611361792", "label": "win", "text": "just beat a 1534 at bullet. never thought my chess skills would reach these heights"} {"idx": 38225, "original_id": "1250615727784030209", "reply_id": "1250910979862548486", "label": "yes", "text": "I was too damn good for you. You didn’t deserve me"} {"idx": 38227, "original_id": "1250968789312659456", "reply_id": "1250973154165620736", "label": "no", "text": "Someone tell Beiber to return our money since this concert isn’t holding again😒."} {"idx": 38229, "original_id": "1251205473497481216", "reply_id": "1251223882033479681", "label": "yes", "text": "O.M.G!!! I'm at 999 followers♡. What????"} {"idx": 38235, "original_id": "1250971754895421440", "reply_id": "1250974171842195456", "label": "hug", "text": "When I can’t finish an ARC by one of my faves, I know I’m in a reading slump."} {"idx": 38236, "original_id": "1250876492495630338", "reply_id": "1250880451272679424", "label": "agree", "text": "If you’re #ProLife but you’re willing to let American citizens die for the economy, I’ve got news for you...\n\nNot only are you NOT Pro-Life, your anti-abortion stance was never about protecting life if you’re ok with offering human sacrifices to the god of American greed."} {"idx": 38237, "original_id": "1250892803258777600", "reply_id": "1250893471155707906", "label": "agree", "text": "April 1944. The American consul in Spain took us to Alhama de Aragon, a health spa with natural springs. So I spent part of the war sheltering in place at a spa watching the girls in bikinis. Not bad😉 @HISTORY #shelteringinplace #Spain @SERLleida @THR @USATODAY"} {"idx": 38239, "original_id": "1251055026161823744", "reply_id": "1251080760045559808", "label": "shocked", "text": "Well, at least I hope the bat tasted good."} {"idx": 38243, "original_id": "1250939658680352768", "reply_id": "1250960262850654208", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I feel a huge stock market rally tomorrow."} {"idx": 38246, "original_id": "1250623080612806657", "reply_id": "1250847135358242820", "label": "hug", "text": "I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sad in my life."} {"idx": 38247, "original_id": "1250620401345912832", "reply_id": "1251047619700219904", "label": "no", "text": "Should the Lakers retire Pau Gasol’s number 16?"} {"idx": 38248, "original_id": "1250881007877840902", "reply_id": "1250933151695687681", "label": "no", "text": "Whenever you're having a bad day... just remember somewhere out there is Joy Behar's gynecologist!"} {"idx": 38250, "original_id": "1250714200097189889", "reply_id": "1250834225277747200", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "At this rate i stop aiming for the dean list and just hope I'll pass 😔🤘🏼 everything got me feeling stupid and i really dont know wtf am i doing"} {"idx": 38251, "original_id": "1251236161491734528", "reply_id": "1251263235170369538", "label": "facepalm", "text": "After an O group this morning it seems that my painting exploits on #OperationChinookAtHome have brought me to the attention of the chief of staff who has temporarily redeployed me to #PaintTheHallStairsAndLanding #StayHomeSaveLives Still no new mug for @jmgunn7"} {"idx": 38253, "original_id": "1250939658680352768", "reply_id": "1251012890208788483", "label": "high_five", "text": "I feel a huge stock market rally tomorrow."} {"idx": 38256, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251218013476577280", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 38257, "original_id": "1251065704469520384", "reply_id": "1251075099916025859", "label": "seriously", "text": "I was gonna post some hoe shit but now I’m sleepy 😴"} {"idx": 38258, "original_id": "1250855738701946883", "reply_id": "1250855979958308877", "label": "applause", "text": "900 family on twitter wish me 💚"} {"idx": 38259, "original_id": "1251199772192583680", "reply_id": "1251200034227531779", "label": "yes", "text": "I want a black and copper Kirilenko jersey"} {"idx": 38260, "original_id": "1251163832464084997", "reply_id": "1251166862169255938", "label": "agree", "text": "If you really want to help your community, nothing will deter you from doing that - unless all you wanted was praise and accolades."} {"idx": 38262, "original_id": "1250936510557413376", "reply_id": "1250976469745979393", "label": "yes", "text": "Shoutout to @RogueTrysHerBst for getting me on “DAVE!” This show is hilarious! @lildickytweets"} {"idx": 38263, "original_id": "1250776257521909760", "reply_id": "1250854742986645505", "label": "no", "text": "Guys take one mediocre picture in their mid 30s and just ride that bitch out for the rest of their lives on here"} {"idx": 38265, "original_id": "1250801011108823040", "reply_id": "1250854496114298880", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "T Rex is the goat. No way around it. \nIt's time for Rex Vs Cassidy!"} {"idx": 38266, "original_id": "1250739967938244609", "reply_id": "1250841808466305025", "label": "scared", "text": "95% of the world's oceans and 99% of the ocean floor remain unexplored, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."} {"idx": 38267, "original_id": "1250978544097918977", "reply_id": "1250979205908701185", "label": "scared", "text": "Just gave myself a shape up"} {"idx": 38269, "original_id": "1250986434942472192", "reply_id": "1251073736981135361", "label": "applause", "text": "Dr. Phil is the Dr. Oz of Dr. Drews."} {"idx": 38270, "original_id": "1251152365262004225", "reply_id": "1251153055682146309", "label": "oops", "text": "Just saw @BallinBill98 put Corn Pops in his top 5 cereals. Made it all the way to the unfriend button before coolin down about it. Can we get him some help Twitter??"} {"idx": 38273, "original_id": "1250853297113702401", "reply_id": "1250853781241298947", "label": "eww", "text": "At least someone enjoys my tweets"} {"idx": 38274, "original_id": "1250844258707390465", "reply_id": "1251019417271615489", "label": "omg", "text": "I will blue tick you so hard, you'll cum in your pants"} {"idx": 38276, "original_id": "1251168884503252998", "reply_id": "1251169144264962050", "label": "shocked", "text": "So you're telling me that Dr. Phil, the guy who introduced the world to \"cash me outsahh\" girl, is a clueless fraud? Crazy talk."} {"idx": 38279, "original_id": "1250844611599314944", "reply_id": "1250919770318229505", "label": "shocked", "text": "if youre reading this we are dating"} {"idx": 38280, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250873853967863808", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 38282, "original_id": "1250999148003889153", "reply_id": "1251212428009975808", "label": "awww", "text": "I was first introduced to John Piper by Presbyterians. That should not have happened."} {"idx": 38283, "original_id": "1250885763300016130", "reply_id": "1250908288692244482", "label": "smh", "text": "Lord I cover my sugar level with the blood of Jesus. The way I'm downing bottles of berryblast and ribena, God abeg."} {"idx": 38286, "original_id": "1250913252512608257", "reply_id": "1251098410742136834", "label": "yawn", "text": "Princess Beatrice cancels her wedding in May. Another social event @piersmorgan will have to miss out on ."} {"idx": 38289, "original_id": "1251020660161347585", "reply_id": "1251192366788116482", "label": "hug", "text": "Couldn't visit him in the hospital. Couldn't say goodbye. Can't have a funeral. Can't have a Shiva house. My father is dead and these people talk about it like it's nothing."} {"idx": 38291, "original_id": "1251236691861479432", "reply_id": "1251236989082521603", "label": "applause", "text": "Class of 2021 we going crazy next year"} {"idx": 38292, "original_id": "1251137174222843906", "reply_id": "1251159899351875587", "label": "smh", "text": ".@GovChrisSununu confirms he's talked to Gary Bettman about the possibility of playing the rest of the NHL season in Manchester, NH. It's \"on the table\""} {"idx": 38295, "original_id": "1250793766535016448", "reply_id": "1250884011385380865", "label": "agree", "text": "A boy will see your Onlyfans and think you're a disgusting slut \n\nA man will see your Onlyfans and fuck you on camera so you can post it and build a whole empire.\n\n#knowyourworth"} {"idx": 38296, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251225533024800772", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 38297, "original_id": "1251198826368638976", "reply_id": "1251206031960571904", "label": "ok", "text": "Obviously expected, but hard to hear Gov. Abbott say school classrooms are closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year."} {"idx": 38298, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250966070300676097", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 38299, "original_id": "1251189960910295042", "reply_id": "1251196241884721163", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Gov. Cuomo responds to Trump's tweet: \"First of all, if he's sitting home watching TV, maybe he should get up & go to work, right? Second, let's keep emotion and politics out of this. And personal ego, if we can. Because this is about the people and it's about our job.\""} {"idx": 38300, "original_id": "1251220190668390400", "reply_id": "1251220595431391232", "label": "sorry", "text": "I’m honestly tired of this lockdown 😩😩😩😩😩"} {"idx": 38302, "original_id": "1251149135836659715", "reply_id": "1251188923679879168", "label": "smh", "text": "This dude got me blocked on everything and I started to send an email but ima chill."} {"idx": 38307, "original_id": "1250892342460104716", "reply_id": "1250895015108382731", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I don't really like the thumbs up emoji. It's so small that i can't tell if it's the thumb or a finger sticking up."} {"idx": 38311, "original_id": "1250868294208425990", "reply_id": "1250943612348555265", "label": "applause", "text": "Portrait of a Lady on Fire: a reaction chain (spoilers)"} {"idx": 38315, "original_id": "1250997023005958145", "reply_id": "1251007530735632384", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "@victoriaaa_g03 get on cod"} {"idx": 38316, "original_id": "1251040317220028416", "reply_id": "1251041213521821698", "label": "scared", "text": "Tottenham have approached former boss Mauricio Pochettino about a potential pay cut to his gardening leave salary amid the coronavirus pandemic."} {"idx": 38317, "original_id": "1251098951044018177", "reply_id": "1251141880907091968", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "As their Hommie, Skwatta Kamp did Infa dirty, instead of forcing him to rap they could have just made him road manager."} {"idx": 38319, "original_id": "1251142327084683264", "reply_id": "1251144679065817089", "label": "smh", "text": "Nba YoungBoy the Tupac of this younger generation... he has a cult"} {"idx": 38320, "original_id": "1251186369180786691", "reply_id": "1251187158947434497", "label": "no", "text": "Stop yelling at me please"} {"idx": 38322, "original_id": "1251122618993958914", "reply_id": "1251126317199904768", "label": "hug", "text": "Today's a write off. Had a horrendous phonecall earlier. Time for trash movies, ffxiv and tator tots."} {"idx": 38323, "original_id": "1251049902840451074", "reply_id": "1251080256754053120", "label": "please", "text": "9 Months, 3 Days, 9 Hours, 31 Minutes, and 25 Seconds"} {"idx": 38324, "original_id": "1250827574651097092", "reply_id": "1250980837614551040", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI is fast emerging as the dominant leader of the third world, standing out for his compassion & empathy. His statements are taken seriously by leaders & institutions alike. Pakistan is the principal beneficiary. He is a role model to follow."} {"idx": 38325, "original_id": "1251256873090560000", "reply_id": "1251270901661917184", "label": "shocked", "text": "BREAKING: My wife put on jeans today."} {"idx": 38327, "original_id": "1251240541360205824", "reply_id": "1251242525546946560", "label": "agree", "text": "Keep thinking about the barrels of beer in pubs that are gonna go out of date n won’t be able to be used😩"} {"idx": 38330, "original_id": "1251177342342488070", "reply_id": "1251184663349133320", "label": "agree", "text": "Just met the new group of our Dallas Vivint guys since we merged and man I wanna move back up this way now."} {"idx": 38331, "original_id": "1250957313747423234", "reply_id": "1250996253225336832", "label": "applause", "text": "I have decided to train for a 5k during this time of social distancing. I am not a runner/athletic in any way but I know that I need to become more active and this is the perfect time to do it. If you have any tips or tricks or just some positive vibes please send them my way! 🏃🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 38333, "original_id": "1251009721445888000", "reply_id": "1251015190788878336", "label": "ok", "text": "#ThingsIwillNeverpost video or pics of me working out because I find it annoying. Unless it's an actual demonstration video. Other than that never!"} {"idx": 38335, "original_id": "1250979334350872584", "reply_id": "1250979700706471936", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Tom Brady tested negative for COVID-19. He tested positive for COVID 18-1."} {"idx": 38340, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251026648553500672", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 38341, "original_id": "1251195346887290882", "reply_id": "1251196407899398144", "label": "win", "text": "I dreamed about Spider-Twitter. We were all hanging out together & having an awesome time. Then a certain notorious someone showed up & we took him down. That was such a wild dream!"} {"idx": 38343, "original_id": "1250850630844821504", "reply_id": "1250850941718401025", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Got a very special video coming out tomorrow. Stay tuned."} {"idx": 38344, "original_id": "1250544578257727492", "reply_id": "1251125973711564802", "label": "yes", "text": "candles burning in a clean home \nis my favorite type of peace and \ncomfort."} {"idx": 38345, "original_id": "1251233686391066627", "reply_id": "1251233993405747201", "label": "no", "text": "How’s my day going? \n\nI had MLB come into my stream today while discussing “the sadness of receiving a handjob as an adult.”\n\nSo pretty swell"} {"idx": 38346, "original_id": "1251114459348840448", "reply_id": "1251127361602535430", "label": "awww", "text": "Happy 35th birthday, my love, @sundanquist"} {"idx": 38347, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250985017167282183", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 38349, "original_id": "1250905420958490627", "reply_id": "1250978976237051904", "label": "sigh", "text": "My sex tape is me in a tank top, eating a plate of garlic parmesan wings while watching horror movies."} {"idx": 38350, "original_id": "1251217869477572608", "reply_id": "1251229333374427136", "label": "yes", "text": "Poll question: Is Michael Jordan the most famous athlete of all time?"} {"idx": 38351, "original_id": "1251106843277119489", "reply_id": "1251108741468094466", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I honestly did try to put myself in your shoes. But they were cheap and I ended up looking like a c**t. \n#FridayFuckology"} {"idx": 38353, "original_id": "1251036470648979456", "reply_id": "1251066902836846593", "label": "hug", "text": "A MAGAt just talked to me and I need a hug but nobody can touch me. 2020 sucks."} {"idx": 38354, "original_id": "1251158244505997313", "reply_id": "1251173868095639552", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I've been writing about the draft since I was 18 years old. \n\nThis year's mock draft is the hardest I've ever had to do."} {"idx": 38356, "original_id": "1250753718125047809", "reply_id": "1250988766388502528", "label": "yes", "text": "Suck his cuck till you can see his soul leave his body."} {"idx": 38357, "original_id": "1250800714118504448", "reply_id": "1250846677474463746", "label": "awww", "text": "I love iframes"} {"idx": 38358, "original_id": "1250958914729869312", "reply_id": "1250964631667048449", "label": "no", "text": "Serious question does Lil Tjay miss??"} {"idx": 38359, "original_id": "1250857252225003522", "reply_id": "1250870373366681600", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Fox News interrupted the President thanking America's truck drivers to bring on Donna Brazile and to talk about Obama and Biden.. \n\nLet that sink in.."} {"idx": 38360, "original_id": "1250991817534791681", "reply_id": "1251035468235407360", "label": "yes", "text": "For those in my dm’s asking\n\n$GILD taking profits off calls\n\n$MRNA taking profits off calls\n\n$SPY taking profits off calls\n\nDepending on the set up might start to dip my toes into fading the pump. \n\nAfter a massive win, I usually take profits & watch, then attack.\n\n$AMD $AAPL"} {"idx": 38361, "original_id": "1250903647292198913", "reply_id": "1250933840249606145", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I just remembered one time a guy I was with insisted I didn’t c*m during sex with him due to there being something wrong with me, and that I should figure it out. \n\nMen."} {"idx": 38363, "original_id": "1250897467022782464", "reply_id": "1250897830216073222", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So apparently I made a promise today that might get me in some trouble at home and provide ya'll with at least 30 seconds of boundless entertainment and years of mockery-material..."} {"idx": 38370, "original_id": "1250948847876128769", "reply_id": "1250950351567667202", "label": "yes", "text": "Is it okay to pull the bag of wine out of the box and make an adult size Capri Sun??"} {"idx": 38371, "original_id": "1250928436295729152", "reply_id": "1250928905172561920", "label": "applause", "text": "Just got a job today assessing tornado damage. They are paying me directly in $link. What a world."} {"idx": 38373, "original_id": "1251170061622161409", "reply_id": "1251195173343764486", "label": "wink", "text": "Its women like you who make men frown at d idea of feminism. Men are allies! They are not the enemy. You are your own enemy. U reek of self-indulged hatred for yourself. Hence d reason why u feel so abt another human being"} {"idx": 38375, "original_id": "1251236626686029824", "reply_id": "1251238072647323648", "label": "applause", "text": "America would be a lot more tolerable if our capitalist overlords were just portly raccoons."} {"idx": 38378, "original_id": "1250932274868162560", "reply_id": "1251179257570701313", "label": "hug", "text": "Could do with a cuddle💔"} {"idx": 38389, "original_id": "1251099024054276096", "reply_id": "1251124132416229378", "label": "shocked", "text": "Probably a good time to come back. It's been three years and I have A LOT of opinions."} {"idx": 38390, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250943027515817984", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 38392, "original_id": "1251072615126495232", "reply_id": "1251076640165302272", "label": "yes", "text": "Is 3am the time to post butt pics"} {"idx": 38394, "original_id": "1251132470944301056", "reply_id": "1251221427165921280", "label": "popcorn", "text": "2010: Eat, Pray, Love ~ starring Julia Roberts \n\n2020: Eat, Cry, Sleep ~ starring Me"} {"idx": 38396, "original_id": "1251235190103515141", "reply_id": "1251235298815737858", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I'm a really big fan of @SnoopDogg"} {"idx": 38403, "original_id": "1251211274597384194", "reply_id": "1251213610711265280", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "KHIVE ONLY! Who would be your second choice for VP, if god forbid Kamala wasn’t chosen?"} {"idx": 38404, "original_id": "1248048749257031680", "reply_id": "1251257447660040198", "label": "eww", "text": "Heavy lifting six days a week is no longer an option without access to a gym with child care."} {"idx": 38405, "original_id": "1250122641006100485", "reply_id": "1250883978913087491", "label": "seriously", "text": "Good conversation today with Mrs. Elke Büdenbender of #Germany. We discussed the latest coronavirus developments in our countries, as well as some of the disinformation that has emerged. The United States is working closely with Germany & Europe to defeat #COVID19."} {"idx": 38406, "original_id": "1251056356439863296", "reply_id": "1251081379955302402", "label": "no", "text": "BREAKING: Hundreds of people gather on Westminster Bridge to applaud the NHS staff who will be treating them for coronavirus next week."} {"idx": 38410, "original_id": "1250808813915000832", "reply_id": "1250848466089021445", "label": "no", "text": "I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific."} {"idx": 38411, "original_id": "1250863935751847938", "reply_id": "1250868785478860800", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I will never understand the people who love to wallow in sadness. My grandfather did that, mostly for attention but damn it, he could kill a room. Let's dance and listen to music or watch a funny movie. Sadness is meant to be felt, not a permanent destination."} {"idx": 38415, "original_id": "1250897257467195392", "reply_id": "1250978173459869697", "label": "oops", "text": "Harry Styles"} {"idx": 38419, "original_id": "1250854084309061632", "reply_id": "1250858627671429120", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm the worst. I hate myself so much."} {"idx": 38420, "original_id": "1250847646312476673", "reply_id": "1250910406618554379", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This extended lockdown is not lawful.\nThe Prime Minister is incapacitated and didn’t make the decision. \nParliament isn’t sitting.\nThe original aim of the first lockdown has been met. \nCivil disobedience would be justified."} {"idx": 38424, "original_id": "1250982564321529858", "reply_id": "1250982899886837760", "label": "smh", "text": "anybody else dip their pb&j sandwiches in milk or am I the only one ahead of my time?"} {"idx": 38426, "original_id": "1250838103339737093", "reply_id": "1250839162623864834", "label": "shocked", "text": "EVERYBODY CAN KISS MY ASS. THAT GOES FOR ANYBODY I TRULY DO NOT GIVE A FUCK AT THIS POINT."} {"idx": 38427, "original_id": "1251196186935136256", "reply_id": "1251210941657645057", "label": "applause", "text": "So, decided to get a chippy tea whilst it’s Friday.. and some a-hole and his teenage son were completely ignoring the 2m rule and were literally sat on my shoulder in the queue.... I politely asked them to move back and observe the 2m rule..."} {"idx": 38432, "original_id": "1251021352276033536", "reply_id": "1251170632194113538", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Finally She called me babu🥺🥺"} {"idx": 38433, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251084580209201152", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 38435, "original_id": "1251222388701908995", "reply_id": "1251238002199801858", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm really sorry if I don't have time to stay on top of politics, but usually when I get home (not for a while, just taking a break) I am very tired"} {"idx": 38436, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1250931684867883009", "label": "dance", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 38439, "original_id": "1250930068303630336", "reply_id": "1250930490988691456", "label": "yes", "text": "Revised plan.\n\nPhase one: Elect a new President that knows what he is actually doing."} {"idx": 38443, "original_id": "1251190788253458433", "reply_id": "1251191459547676677", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Just killed a million legged demon bug that was hanging in my tub, praise me."} {"idx": 38445, "original_id": "1251015832404197377", "reply_id": "1251016057642536961", "label": "hug", "text": "My head HURTS & I want to cry omg"} {"idx": 38446, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250859097236348929", "label": "no", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 38450, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250894129594167296", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 38452, "original_id": "1250944848753946624", "reply_id": "1250945049908482048", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Oh gosh. I’m at 91 followers. : 0"} {"idx": 38454, "original_id": "1251186917393272833", "reply_id": "1251189666419785739", "label": "seriously", "text": "So what was really eating Sarz up???😒😒😒"} {"idx": 38455, "original_id": "1251092014009114624", "reply_id": "1251092724033499136", "label": "want", "text": "No one could ever understand how much it hurts."} {"idx": 38460, "original_id": "1250875079594041344", "reply_id": "1250878173237186566", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "The richest country in the world has no excuse!\n#CancelRentUSA"} {"idx": 38465, "original_id": "1251190978402308097", "reply_id": "1251192689552437253", "label": "hug", "text": "I just want a rootbeer float and mozzarella sticks. That's ALL I want right now because I'm still incredibly upset about having absolutely no idea if or even when we get to find out baby bat's gender."} {"idx": 38467, "original_id": "1251200341061795841", "reply_id": "1251201093931065345", "label": "sigh", "text": "Spoke to a good friend today who is old so I have to cut her slack but she called Bernie a dangerous communist. :/"} {"idx": 38468, "original_id": "1251153892982702082", "reply_id": "1251157289181933569", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Where's the #WhistleBlower?"} {"idx": 38469, "original_id": "1250790050364829698", "reply_id": "1251185610850578432", "label": "applause", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever trust Bill Gates?"} {"idx": 38471, "original_id": "1250867348984287233", "reply_id": "1250867819127939073", "label": "no", "text": "Trump fucked up the closing of the country, do you really think he can handle the reopening?"} {"idx": 38472, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251270346755448833", "label": "agree", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 38473, "original_id": "1250987413968568321", "reply_id": "1250996518431096834", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I'm struggling guys. Momhood, anxiety, depression, COVID-19 fears. Any uplifting words would be appreciated."} {"idx": 38474, "original_id": "1251111045969534977", "reply_id": "1251252713163124737", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "What do you think of snobs who only read classics and think genre fiction is inferior? This one guy I know only reads works that are, \"Real art and not some made up bs.\" #WritingCommunity #Writing #author #Amwriting"} {"idx": 38478, "original_id": "1251264872911962116", "reply_id": "1251269288159318016", "label": "seriously", "text": "One day I will open a youtube food page to show you my food combinations. I still think the best I have tried is corn flakes and vegetable egusi."} {"idx": 38482, "original_id": "1251252543105220611", "reply_id": "1251253681116385283", "label": "seriously", "text": "Gizdodo is trash if we being honest"} {"idx": 38484, "original_id": "1250867147267436544", "reply_id": "1250879674932224007", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "I love that some of you are enraged every time Eskinder tweets. Every single one of you are unable to present sound arguments against him. Insults and slanders will not deter a man who has spent 1/5 of his life in prison.\n\n@eskinder_nega keep it going, unk."} {"idx": 38485, "original_id": "1251231929350971393", "reply_id": "1251232750251761664", "label": "applause", "text": "If you're a real one follow @iKipTV"} {"idx": 38486, "original_id": "1251158164659027969", "reply_id": "1251158465206120449", "label": "seriously", "text": "Oooops did I time that one perfectly at $0.42?\n\nI'm sorry... 😂\n\n$TRNX"} {"idx": 38488, "original_id": "1250941307075227648", "reply_id": "1250942080685408256", "label": "ok", "text": "OMG @ForeverMalika you didn’t want to tell me you were pregnant!!!!! I do NOT have a big mouth! #KUWTK"} {"idx": 38496, "original_id": "1251139169948258306", "reply_id": "1251184803770175488", "label": "yes", "text": "QOTD: Do men who treat women good, get overlooked because women are so used to dudes who aren’t good?"} {"idx": 38497, "original_id": "1250821015904481280", "reply_id": "1250868732122955776", "label": "ok", "text": "imagine reading my Twitter and still falling in love w me????? lmaooooo"} {"idx": 38498, "original_id": "1251222471719768065", "reply_id": "1251266500066852865", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JoshRobinson00 great job this week on #wRestlingReverb. Love the way you two tackle the releases and your take on the situation. Really enjoyed the show and you did a great job breaking down the duality of this situation"} {"idx": 38506, "original_id": "1250879151541825537", "reply_id": "1250976322307993600", "label": "seriously", "text": "being a water sign is a cruel joke imma start telling bitches i’m a gemini"} {"idx": 38507, "original_id": "1250926715037245442", "reply_id": "1250927340282052609", "label": "smh", "text": "VAT is definitely going up next year."} {"idx": 38510, "original_id": "1251051732701982723", "reply_id": "1251060869972328449", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i just told @playaanae i wasn't gone do the nasty til 2021 . y'all think i can make it ??"} {"idx": 38511, "original_id": "1250803531248029696", "reply_id": "1250998314121588736", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m negative. What a relief."} {"idx": 38513, "original_id": "1250887381110132736", "reply_id": "1250967470959030272", "label": "yolo", "text": "Just cracked open my first beer. This is going to be great"} {"idx": 38516, "original_id": "1251007624914571267", "reply_id": "1251022479742492672", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just found out today that Gavin Newsom’s ex-wife Kimberly Guilfoyle is dating Donald Trump Jr. 🤯"} {"idx": 38520, "original_id": "1251188193212411907", "reply_id": "1251188646205706245", "label": "no", "text": "Francesca is THAT B! #TooHotToHandle"} {"idx": 38523, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251135730644107264", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 38525, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251249213687635976", "label": "ok", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 38530, "original_id": "1250881437865312258", "reply_id": "1250968094006079489", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Question: have any #Uber #Drivers received masks, gloves, or hand sanitizer... as they promised last week?"} {"idx": 38533, "original_id": "1250789493092859904", "reply_id": "1250873704378220559", "label": "agree", "text": "If u stayed true to yourself your whole life u may not have had the material wealth and great successes of your peers but they know and u know those things come and go but your contribution just keeps on giving\nToday more than any our heroes are #NHSThankYou #essentialservices"} {"idx": 38538, "original_id": "1251014356273250305", "reply_id": "1251034997164630016", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Picking up my medicine tomorrow on new insurance........wish me luck😐it’s a fact it’s going up at least $150 blehhh"} {"idx": 38539, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251179434834628609", "label": "idk", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 38540, "original_id": "1250956224700592128", "reply_id": "1251071493624250368", "label": "hug", "text": "Needing the biggest hug but not being able to see any of ur friends is so shite"} {"idx": 38541, "original_id": "1251231391741734912", "reply_id": "1251231711888900096", "label": "agree", "text": "highkey this gon bust heads but we should start building shit in the U.S again. \nthen we can protest , and strike and own production yadda yadda\nbut we need the shirt here first otherwise we just on twitter ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ thinking for free"} {"idx": 38544, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251218690911219717", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 38545, "original_id": "1251019113335406592", "reply_id": "1251074368119156739", "label": "eww", "text": "Nick Saban should be fired for not commenting on the death of Brian Dennehey. Alabama only plays in the stadium named after him!"} {"idx": 38546, "original_id": "1251050567956226051", "reply_id": "1251052699946115074", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Dulu belajar carrot and stick approach. Today, full team meetings, partner basically shove the stick to everyone's ass, twist it, pull out, light up with fire, shove again."} {"idx": 38547, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1250877258593697792", "label": "applause", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 38549, "original_id": "1251127654297763840", "reply_id": "1251132782522232841", "label": "yes", "text": "Let’s quarantine China!"} {"idx": 38550, "original_id": "1251029810564005889", "reply_id": "1251221379812397056", "label": "shocked", "text": "omg ramadan starts next week where the fuck is my hijab"} {"idx": 38552, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250966278027841541", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 38554, "original_id": "1251110998259400704", "reply_id": "1251145347625136130", "label": "sigh", "text": "I'm sorry to bring this up, but that Misbah scoop still haunts me to this day."} {"idx": 38558, "original_id": "1251262807275974663", "reply_id": "1251262896677572611", "label": "applause", "text": "Sent $1,000 to each of my mods during this Covid situation. Everyone around the world is affected, trying to do as much as I can to help my close community and the world. \n\nAlso... Something is coming up in about a week that im involved in and its pretty sick 🤫"} {"idx": 38559, "original_id": "1250935715552038912", "reply_id": "1250957257283534848", "label": "hug", "text": "Gimme hug"} {"idx": 38560, "original_id": "1250881557730123790", "reply_id": "1250920704310198275", "label": "high_five", "text": "Shout out to the @LimestoneDSB colleagues who have supported/ inspired me in various ways, as we all move to emergency remote teaching #collaboration @MrHill_LDSB @Ms_S78_LDSB @jessilalonde @MrsClapp_LDSB @equipe102 @JRHendSK1 @CMarshallClass @BruderGrundy @wynkerr @MmeEBeaulieu"} {"idx": 38561, "original_id": "1250893633060028419", "reply_id": "1250896446766923785", "label": "eww", "text": "@bbceurovision please just give it up. I’m sorry. But you just aren’t fit to be part of the contest anymore. Putting Shine A Light on iplayer only is disgustingly disrespectful. Either make way for someone else or pull us out. You embarrass us."} {"idx": 38562, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1250926802303725568", "label": "scared", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 38563, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250999200600317954", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 38565, "original_id": "1251085022569934848", "reply_id": "1251121905693835268", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "FRIDAY! It's been 30 days since students had their last day of school. How's everyone doing?"} {"idx": 38566, "original_id": "1250882476530110464", "reply_id": "1250987268195713026", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Just created my close friends list .. it’s about to be lit 😎"} {"idx": 38567, "original_id": "1251249049975619584", "reply_id": "1251250658784817155", "label": "yes", "text": "Don't forget to sin this weekend you silly fuckers!"} {"idx": 38568, "original_id": "1251130327147446273", "reply_id": "1251131295234756609", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I see it's @TamsenParker's birthday! Happy day!"} {"idx": 38569, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251087866219737089", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 38573, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250980120266829824", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 38576, "original_id": "1250588211845488641", "reply_id": "1250935519875301384", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If u eat pussy while fingering it u a demon😩"} {"idx": 38578, "original_id": "1250932420817256449", "reply_id": "1251119303639826435", "label": "yes", "text": "should we do another @stageit next week? and by \"we\" i mean we. i can't do it alone...that would be sad."} {"idx": 38579, "original_id": "1251040368839270405", "reply_id": "1251043514676363264", "label": "shocked", "text": "Y’all know horses eat birds"} {"idx": 38581, "original_id": "1251211493762351110", "reply_id": "1251262449174507520", "label": "please", "text": "Can Joe Biden start today?"} {"idx": 38583, "original_id": "1250846498444554240", "reply_id": "1250846840368619521", "label": "yes", "text": "Oh wise people of the internet. After I'm finished with Ori, should I play Hollow Knight?"} {"idx": 38591, "original_id": "1251179592607506433", "reply_id": "1251181297168416769", "label": "win", "text": "Jadon Sancho thread finished. Need to clean it up. Will release at 6.\n\nPeace."} {"idx": 38596, "original_id": "1250891841857191936", "reply_id": "1250893978955907077", "label": "no", "text": "Came here to say Fuck to Emporer Edelgard"} {"idx": 38597, "original_id": "1250886087913934850", "reply_id": "1250887105552711685", "label": "hug", "text": "The amount of love and support I get from everyone makes my heart melt. I cannot put into words just how much you guys make my life better. Thank you. ❤️"} {"idx": 38599, "original_id": "1251232797659930633", "reply_id": "1251239063094530048", "label": "eww", "text": "really went to sleep at 7am 🥴"} {"idx": 38602, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251047890073550848", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 38604, "original_id": "1250807534409052160", "reply_id": "1250852709869158405", "label": "agree", "text": "Nancy Pelosi is a despicable politican who doesn't care about her constituents or what’s best for America"} {"idx": 38605, "original_id": "1250909254288113669", "reply_id": "1251148493659365379", "label": "no", "text": "Men are moodier than women.\n\nI said what I said."} {"idx": 38606, "original_id": "1250911784669773824", "reply_id": "1250919504856657921", "label": "agree", "text": "We should normalize referring to people as 'acquaintances' or 'associates', because I feel like friend(s) is such a BIG title that should not be used so insouciantly."} {"idx": 38608, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251194179939696643", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 38610, "original_id": "1251267513779970050", "reply_id": "1251268632853614593", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just received my first unsolicited dick pick in a DM. What a disgusting, 100% reported rite of passage."} {"idx": 38612, "original_id": "1251079624249020416", "reply_id": "1251092265772204037", "label": "hug", "text": "I have no appetite. Can’t even finish my 250ml smoothie 😭"} {"idx": 38614, "original_id": "1251243707149561862", "reply_id": "1251244167243628545", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I’m excited to go to the liquor store today 😁😁"} {"idx": 38616, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251238399215886339", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 38618, "original_id": "1250772279446900736", "reply_id": "1250868948905721856", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "“wHy dO YoU dO yOUr MaKEuP dUrInG qUaRaNtINe?” \n\nBecause I fucking like it."} {"idx": 38619, "original_id": "1250964043457847298", "reply_id": "1251062607152324609", "label": "popcorn", "text": "So, under Trumps new “re-opening” plan — which amount’s to states can do what they want, but, sorry, no testing, you’re on your own — when will Trump have his first rally and where will it be?"} {"idx": 38620, "original_id": "1250848307880091654", "reply_id": "1250855820759359490", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I promise I’m not being a bitch and ignoring your comments and messages I’m just trying to do 35 masturbation customs today before my cursed period hits tomorrow 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 38622, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1251043134999605248", "label": "high_five", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 38625, "original_id": "1251010886946324482", "reply_id": "1251119874732175360", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Tomorrow's hour of power is gong to be W I L D"} {"idx": 38626, "original_id": "1251117207054102528", "reply_id": "1251135128195207169", "label": "applause", "text": "A hearty round of applause for the @NFLUKMock Commish, @Stu_Court, for once again coordinating a tremendous mock draft. 👏👏👏"} {"idx": 38629, "original_id": "1250921835816013825", "reply_id": "1250958230081200130", "label": "oops", "text": "Cute avi but trash opinions. Hate to see it."} {"idx": 38630, "original_id": "1250835018223620101", "reply_id": "1250989460277395456", "label": "thank_you", "text": "GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format so if you pronounce it \"jiff\" I assume you ate lead paint as a kid"} {"idx": 38632, "original_id": "1251002955744116737", "reply_id": "1251003014976024578", "label": "applause", "text": "I made it through national horny day with only seeing 2 nudes on twitter dot com, call that a dub"} {"idx": 38633, "original_id": "1250911289766969350", "reply_id": "1250917984979353602", "label": "agree", "text": "Some days he’s very down, some days he’s very up, but rarely seen him struggle to read as badly as he is struggling right now."} {"idx": 38635, "original_id": "1250680220937416705", "reply_id": "1251090713258987520", "label": "hug", "text": "bro I need a fckn hug"} {"idx": 38637, "original_id": "1251154811300405251", "reply_id": "1251176087759044608", "label": "agree", "text": "I m not a political stuff please avoid my TL for such stuff."} {"idx": 38638, "original_id": "1251119182621663232", "reply_id": "1251135472127991808", "label": "hug", "text": "That moment you realise your \"friends\" really dont give a damn about you... empty/broken promises and me always being the one to ask how theyre doing first"} {"idx": 38639, "original_id": "1250633646052179968", "reply_id": "1250850689003089920", "label": "yes", "text": "If I have to fight for your attention then fuck your attention."} {"idx": 38640, "original_id": "1250940440339255297", "reply_id": "1250940740978573312", "label": "applause", "text": "Follow me"} {"idx": 38642, "original_id": "1251167280614031361", "reply_id": "1251172744999456774", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m very concerned about those of you who look at an oatmeal raisin cookie and mistake it for chocolate chip. Is it your vision? Your sense of smell? Crack?"} {"idx": 38643, "original_id": "1251081885733789696", "reply_id": "1251085452767105024", "label": "hug", "text": "Can’t concentrate today 🤦‍♀️"} {"idx": 38648, "original_id": "1251101207009132545", "reply_id": "1251102085489348610", "label": "oops", "text": "Mothers Gyaan 101 : a good cook is someone who not only cooks good food but also leaves the kitchen squeaky clean..😕\n\nPS. She videocalled to check."} {"idx": 38649, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250858442383908865", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 38650, "original_id": "1250834074660462592", "reply_id": "1250853153462984705", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I’ll be live tonight 👉👈"} {"idx": 38651, "original_id": "1251004664092344320", "reply_id": "1251069901944442880", "label": "hug", "text": "fuck breakdowns"} {"idx": 38653, "original_id": "1251255210439311361", "reply_id": "1251262415171391491", "label": "applause", "text": "The #unboxing XII will take place tomorrow night at 8pm"} {"idx": 38657, "original_id": "1250920614233161728", "reply_id": "1250920792340086784", "label": "agree", "text": "I have bread rising to bake and a potato ready to go in the oven with it. I have a steak cooking with the @AnovaCulinary. I have a salad made and a vegetable ready to finish. I have a Michelada in hand and a Norah Jones concert on the TV. Today has been a good day!"} {"idx": 38658, "original_id": "1251115206060773377", "reply_id": "1251124716699627520", "label": "ok", "text": "This man sent me $100 dollars yesterday. 😩😍"} {"idx": 38662, "original_id": "1251239176995049480", "reply_id": "1251243316781424640", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I just hit the 4 hour mark of being on hold with unemployment. Good thing I have nothing better to do today."} {"idx": 38666, "original_id": "1250880173161025536", "reply_id": "1250881709467459586", "label": "oops", "text": "The UPS guy just filed a restraining order against me.. \n\nIt’s not my fault - he’s the only human I’ve seen in 4 weeks, and I may have been a bit overzealous when I saw him at my front door with a “package”. \n\nSorry Dale."} {"idx": 38668, "original_id": "1250557212822573059", "reply_id": "1250873525281394689", "label": "smh", "text": "Me: “What are you doing?”\nMax: “Drawing boobs in the air.”"} {"idx": 38669, "original_id": "1251272937811869697", "reply_id": "1251273257992544257", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Today's Coronavirus episode from the White House is gonna be LIT."} {"idx": 38673, "original_id": "1250888300774203392", "reply_id": "1250888546698878987", "label": "yes", "text": "Honestly I’m really not shocked that they are extending this stay at home order."} {"idx": 38674, "original_id": "1251110222757859329", "reply_id": "1251271100681515008", "label": "hug", "text": "Woke up not feeling great at all, migraines are so annoying but not letting it get in the way of my day! Drawing and spending time with my important Hooman. What is everyone else doing today?💜"} {"idx": 38676, "original_id": "1251235069617942533", "reply_id": "1251268082200383490", "label": "agree", "text": "When you become so rich that you forget what it’s like to be poor, you need to get your head examined."} {"idx": 38677, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250993341719810048", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 38678, "original_id": "1251244645851508739", "reply_id": "1251244977373446149", "label": "no", "text": "Girl I'm better than your ex \nAnd hotter than your next 😈"} {"idx": 38679, "original_id": "1250848321847144449", "reply_id": "1250848747808067585", "label": "applause", "text": "You and me created Bailout Humans because that's the way it should be."} {"idx": 38681, "original_id": "1251266228863238146", "reply_id": "1251271834093465604", "label": "oops", "text": "Wow ima be 28 this year"} {"idx": 38683, "original_id": "1251133219661066247", "reply_id": "1251234749861056517", "label": "thank_you", "text": "- Dexter Lawrence & Derrick Brown were both in the 2016 recruiting class \n\n- Lawrence was better as a true freshman & in 2018 \n\n- Lawrence tested better athletically despite being 16 pounds heavier\n\n- The Giants were questioned for taking Lawrence 17th & Brown's a top 15 lock 🤷"} {"idx": 38685, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1250929114841743360", "label": "applause", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 38686, "original_id": "1251029702405308416", "reply_id": "1251030379441655808", "label": "shrug", "text": "How many calories does masturbating for 5 hours burn? Just out of curiosity. And completely unrelated, is it possible to break a clit?"} {"idx": 38687, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250940896524111872", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 38688, "original_id": "1251189308007911424", "reply_id": "1251200475480948742", "label": "sigh", "text": "What sacrifice does the universe need to ensure my cat gets better? Just tell me already 😭🙏"} {"idx": 38690, "original_id": "1250903486016958464", "reply_id": "1250920274146590721", "label": "good_luck", "text": "How can I be in two places at once? \n\n@TheHiveVR has a show tonight with @Navahk and @museumpaige chatting about VR Art. Catch it in AltspaceVR!\n\nAlso, I have a game.. Catch @TheKillettosVR on @Onward_VRML's Twitch channel."} {"idx": 38691, "original_id": "1250870085033644032", "reply_id": "1250919572204482560", "label": "dance", "text": "That's right!\nI just reached 26k in my #wip!! \n#amediting\nI'm edging my way to being 50% of my first edit of draft one. \nThen begins my #betareader search to make sure everything seems good. Then #professionaledits. \n#goodnight! \n#writingcommunity \n\n|The Vial of Deziar|"} {"idx": 38692, "original_id": "1250825497136652290", "reply_id": "1250850634364059648", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "The pop tarts without frosting are elite"} {"idx": 38693, "original_id": "1251067395201880064", "reply_id": "1251068706756558848", "label": "shocked", "text": "Received on Whatsapp:\n\nJyoti Basu's ghost comes in Sitaram Yechury's dream and asks: Comrade, has whole of India come under CPIM rule? \n\nYechury: No, why?\n\nBasu : I saw that all industries are under lockdown."} {"idx": 38694, "original_id": "1251199719369564164", "reply_id": "1251201324026396672", "label": "scared", "text": "i am sweating"} {"idx": 38696, "original_id": "1251216274388144131", "reply_id": "1251228104598716416", "label": "applause", "text": "UNC's Cole Anthony declares for the NBA Draft, says that he wants to focus on basketball only, and no longer wants to \"deal with the distractions of not going to class.\""} {"idx": 38698, "original_id": "1250988608913317889", "reply_id": "1250999914085126145", "label": "awww", "text": "@BookBoy1268 I absolutely love the new handle Rob!!"} {"idx": 38700, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251168155965313026", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 38708, "original_id": "1250936759418081286", "reply_id": "1251015996976046080", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m actually excited for my divorce party lmao"} {"idx": 38709, "original_id": "1250796284056920064", "reply_id": "1250832362923003905", "label": "applause", "text": "I'd sell my soul for some good head 😍😍 right now 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 38710, "original_id": "1251041621958750208", "reply_id": "1251133324799741954", "label": "shocked", "text": "I really am so upset about a brick of ramen being two servings."} {"idx": 38712, "original_id": "1251142509515821058", "reply_id": "1251208300995149825", "label": "no", "text": "DANNY BROWN CALLED SOME RAP SONGS A CLASSIC, DO YOU AGREE?"} {"idx": 38716, "original_id": "1250682969569853440", "reply_id": "1251113335044669441", "label": "seriously", "text": "Someone please explain to me what Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, or any Congressional Democrat has done to fight Covid 19? \n\nAnything? Anything at all?"} {"idx": 38717, "original_id": "1250868424147972100", "reply_id": "1250952359074725893", "label": "shocked", "text": "Gettin 6” today. Whoo Hoo. :("} {"idx": 38718, "original_id": "1250954351725641731", "reply_id": "1250958061885370368", "label": "thank_you", "text": "FLASH LIFETIME GIVEAWAY \n\nOne random comment will win a lifetime key 🔑 \n(Current members eligible) \n\nYou have 15 minutes! GO!!! 🚨"} {"idx": 38719, "original_id": "1251210152625070080", "reply_id": "1251211282402828288", "label": "agree", "text": "i miss donuts"} {"idx": 38721, "original_id": "1251180889129680897", "reply_id": "1251218058061836289", "label": "applause", "text": "Well...\n\nI found my work out earbuds.\n\n...in the washing machine.\n\nAgain."} {"idx": 38726, "original_id": "1251085495850995712", "reply_id": "1251087189758349312", "label": "shocked", "text": "Straight A students have a higher risk of being bi-polar."} {"idx": 38728, "original_id": "1250575226087387137", "reply_id": "1250903976180166657", "label": "shocked", "text": "The virus lowkey saved the Sixers’ season if we keeping it a stack"} {"idx": 38729, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251229500203024394", "label": "wink", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 38730, "original_id": "1251202564500197376", "reply_id": "1251223368763768832", "label": "high_five", "text": "Despite our occassional differences, one thing I appreciate about Broncos PR is they prepare for everything. They had us scribes/TV/radio folk go thru test Zoom run today to ensure things go smoothly in advance of Elway Zoom media session Monday. #9sports"} {"idx": 38731, "original_id": "1250983778136121344", "reply_id": "1250984180734783488", "label": "omg", "text": "Last night I dreamed I was working for DC in the early 1980s and I had to put together a line of TV/toy-based comics a la Micronauts and ROM.\n\nI got Jack Kirby to write and draw THUNDARR in 1980, so you’re welcome, all of you."} {"idx": 38732, "original_id": "1251029065714237440", "reply_id": "1251045334001889280", "label": "no", "text": "It's three in the morning. I haven't been tired.\n\nGuess I should probably stop listening to Iron Maiden now, huh?"} {"idx": 38733, "original_id": "1250926617205059586", "reply_id": "1251121912195026944", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump: “we have tremendous testing capacity.” Many governors say that is not true."} {"idx": 38735, "original_id": "1251168003498131457", "reply_id": "1251168455946055680", "label": "wink", "text": "Who's active rn ? Reply to this if you are 😁⚡️"} {"idx": 38737, "original_id": "1251154091884961792", "reply_id": "1251166948731187200", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Yoooo am I sitting here and watching friends throw shade at each other?! LMAO 😂😂😂 @Dat_badger @thinkkylethink"} {"idx": 38738, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1251022841778225152", "label": "shrug", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 38739, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251106521670434822", "label": "applause", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 38741, "original_id": "1250841114426343424", "reply_id": "1250868077425823747", "label": "no", "text": "Does anyone ever actually use the side burner on propane BBQ?"} {"idx": 38742, "original_id": "1251179647490035715", "reply_id": "1251180152203051008", "label": "hug", "text": "me: oh yeah, no, i'm pretty confident and honestIy i dont care what anyone thinks \n\nalso me: has to lie down for an hour to cry bc someone was mildly critical"} {"idx": 38744, "original_id": "1250898111158943745", "reply_id": "1250900937071366144", "label": "no", "text": "breath if you think i should get a nose piercing"} {"idx": 38745, "original_id": "1250894530838175744", "reply_id": "1250984832458465280", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s national horny day I guess and I just wanna be loved."} {"idx": 38746, "original_id": "1250801883943522305", "reply_id": "1250873879360425986", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Amazon delivery man just dropped off the new baking tray I'd ordered. I am disproportionately excited about this. I did a little dance in the hallway. #littlethings"} {"idx": 38747, "original_id": "1250877989694423041", "reply_id": "1251007529829744641", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day: Should the TSSAA allow for a \"redshirt\" rule for senior spring athletes who had their seasons end. If you have an opinion, DM me."} {"idx": 38750, "original_id": "1250814580403699712", "reply_id": "1250859821659799554", "label": "agree", "text": "Would y’all be interested watching a stream of me working on suits sometime soon? Never really done it before, but it could be nice for those of you finding boredom in these quarantined times. I’d be happy to answer construction questions too 😁"} {"idx": 38756, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251183968491204609", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 38761, "original_id": "1251193604623785985", "reply_id": "1251194927289114624", "label": "agree", "text": "nOoNe WaNtS tO bE lOnG oVeR tHe WeEkEnD"} {"idx": 38765, "original_id": "1250895473822629889", "reply_id": "1250899857276952581", "label": "smh", "text": "I Fucking HATE twinks"} {"idx": 38767, "original_id": "1251187343718969345", "reply_id": "1251188799146618880", "label": "yes", "text": "The question for today is: cherry chip cake or no?"} {"idx": 38769, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250922041374642178", "label": "seriously", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 38770, "original_id": "1250933643641450496", "reply_id": "1250952970839093248", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m kinda diggin my quarantine mullet..."} {"idx": 38773, "original_id": "1250360416649314304", "reply_id": "1251084470662434821", "label": "applause", "text": "Starting from next Tuesday (April 21st) OmniAccess will be conducting a series of FREE 1hr introductory webinars, these will be available to anyone interested in learning more about maritime VSAT communications \n\n1st webinar: Marine VSAT stabilised antennas, theory of operation"} {"idx": 38774, "original_id": "1250988941165166597", "reply_id": "1251091228122382339", "label": "agree", "text": "I have had a twisted fantasy that trump wins the election, but we win the senate and the house and we torture him for 3 months until we impeach him and then we put him in prison and Lindsey Graham disappears never to be heard from again."} {"idx": 38775, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250852507431194624", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 38776, "original_id": "1250839585296281601", "reply_id": "1250841576063897605", "label": "ok", "text": "“I think we have to let it all play out. Let it play out. Let the whole thing play out. Whether it’s that trade or anything else we’ve done, I’d say lets review it a year from now, two years from now” - Bill O’Brien on the Hopkins trade."} {"idx": 38781, "original_id": "1250653214988435457", "reply_id": "1250863323438034944", "label": "yes", "text": "So if the Russians were feeding Steele disinformation, that means Hillary was really the one colluding with the Russians to interfere in the 2016 election."} {"idx": 38783, "original_id": "1251110319348318209", "reply_id": "1251114447239856129", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve decided to start using Twitter again"} {"idx": 38784, "original_id": "1250991123973038080", "reply_id": "1251004823790485505", "label": "shrug", "text": "If Sonic is a hedgehog, then why is he blue?"} {"idx": 38785, "original_id": "1251157835351613448", "reply_id": "1251158700141600775", "label": "eww", "text": "i'm going to trigger you all with 3 words:\n\nintegration by parts"} {"idx": 38788, "original_id": "1251142443107594241", "reply_id": "1251161685710127106", "label": "applause", "text": "Don't let outside stress control your happiness... You are your biggest supporter ...\n\nNobody else will love you like YOU"} {"idx": 38789, "original_id": "1250491822767554566", "reply_id": "1250847948767977478", "label": "eww", "text": "She suggested it alongside cutting out sugar, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and exercising as a health benefit."} {"idx": 38791, "original_id": "1251173078333358082", "reply_id": "1251175772800397312", "label": "scared", "text": "My nose is again stuffed up. 😫🤧🤕"} {"idx": 38792, "original_id": "1250896071888429056", "reply_id": "1250896641047085056", "label": "eww", "text": "My TL has zero wholesome men on it 🥴 \n\nwhew 🤧"} {"idx": 38793, "original_id": "1250918045935185921", "reply_id": "1250925407181795329", "label": "hug", "text": "Anxiety is like you wanna play DND with friends and have fun? Lol nope. 🥺"} {"idx": 38797, "original_id": "1197694831658618880", "reply_id": "1250965667874058240", "label": "applause", "text": "Follow us and learn how the world's FIRST 108MP Penta Camera defines EPIC!"} {"idx": 38800, "original_id": "1250823880266088449", "reply_id": "1251038104229752832", "label": "eww", "text": "Quiz Qs: which state doesn’t have a health minister, much of the health dept is in quarantine, has the city with one of the highest corona mortalities per capita? (It also doesn’t even have a cabinet, the longest period in the country’s history of a govt without a cabinet?)"} {"idx": 38802, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1250962023787225089", "label": "yawn", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 38803, "original_id": "1251161103918174210", "reply_id": "1251164073409916931", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF Enhance your bubble\n@replayNIKO \n@LaurinLues \n@TimDemisch \n@DesNikkl \n@KathaZachi \n@jeanvansta \n@lukasheidrich99 \n@Sebi_Gass \n@pffuzzi \n@bsievers1994 \n@PreislerKa \n@Fabi_Starbug \n@HeikoHeinisch \n@Hoellenaufsicht \n@Tim_PokerKID \n@Khrwdr \n@AliCologne \n@SimonKohlbauer \n@OseloHH"} {"idx": 38805, "original_id": "1250938312170196992", "reply_id": "1250944030113968136", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "buzz your head it’s just hair"} {"idx": 38806, "original_id": "1251014866720169985", "reply_id": "1251016237167058951", "label": "omg", "text": "Once ya cum come out ya dick you not getting it back. It’s mine now. It’s either staying in my cootchie. Staying in my booty. Staying in my mouth. Staying on my face. Stay....u get the picture."} {"idx": 38808, "original_id": "1250508222802386944", "reply_id": "1250937998847422464", "label": "applause", "text": "Unfortunately, you extra wide hips and \"thunderous\" thigh are only appealing till you hit the 40/45 mark. Let's see how alphabet looks after that. She's close but still looks way healthier and younger. #justsaying #nosize"} {"idx": 38810, "original_id": "1250585951656505345", "reply_id": "1250882051873660934", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Three patented Chinese medicines and three #TCM prescriptions have been clinically proven to be effective for treating #COVID_19, said Zhang Boli, a leading Tianjin expert. #coronavirus"} {"idx": 38812, "original_id": "1250850760751005703", "reply_id": "1250851274062430211", "label": "eww", "text": "Creepy will 😳"} {"idx": 38819, "original_id": "1251243754733723648", "reply_id": "1251244188290736139", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Cuz this is love and love is easy."} {"idx": 38826, "original_id": "1250919792774709253", "reply_id": "1250979437543329795", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "many thanks for all the birthday well wishes , texts and calls. they are very much appreciated. after having triple bypass every day is truly a blessing"} {"idx": 38827, "original_id": "1251234353503440896", "reply_id": "1251252868461576199", "label": "wink", "text": "Who wants to make $20"} {"idx": 38828, "original_id": "1250854048841871360", "reply_id": "1250879143899574273", "label": "high_five", "text": "It’s #NationalHighFiveDay…\n\nDon’t let us catch you slippin’"} {"idx": 38832, "original_id": "1251196824507027459", "reply_id": "1251198533153193985", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I think @TinaSmithMN’s gonna rack up some Klobuchar-like numbers this fall."} {"idx": 38833, "original_id": "1250866281085050880", "reply_id": "1250999094564225024", "label": "ok", "text": "Should I make a tiktok"} {"idx": 38838, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251165652888555520", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 38839, "original_id": "1250865086719315970", "reply_id": "1250871593557012481", "label": "ok", "text": "I have a mansion in UNC fans' heads so big they will stick up for NCSU if it makings taking shots at Virginia lmao"} {"idx": 38842, "original_id": "1250836706682531840", "reply_id": "1250836798114336771", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Prepare for like a week of JUMP FORCE content."} {"idx": 38845, "original_id": "1251016914379431936", "reply_id": "1251025066738872327", "label": "ok", "text": "I wanna be on a beach somewhere getting my coochie ate...😩"} {"idx": 38846, "original_id": "1250931390813745152", "reply_id": "1250931518979149824", "label": "omg", "text": "Got the same amount of kills as @HarryJTD in snd. Someone get me on a pro team asap"} {"idx": 38850, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251252665381728256", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 38852, "original_id": "1250858105577115652", "reply_id": "1250967568900390913", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Retweet if you believe Sarkodie will win a grammy🚶#SarkonBillboard"} {"idx": 38855, "original_id": "1250933717692014594", "reply_id": "1251056637550514176", "label": "eww", "text": "orange starburst is the best one and nobody can change my mind"} {"idx": 38857, "original_id": "1251037455479975941", "reply_id": "1251042489357795328", "label": "shocked", "text": "My roommate just discovered disco tits lmao"} {"idx": 38861, "original_id": "1250959286605426696", "reply_id": "1250980218870824960", "label": "wink", "text": "What if instead of watching those boring ass training videos when you start a new job, they show The Office as an example of what NOT to do"} {"idx": 38867, "original_id": "1250913417835294720", "reply_id": "1250914937074905088", "label": "agree", "text": "This is bullshit, someone grab the mic and ask Fauci when anonymous sex will be possible!!!"} {"idx": 38868, "original_id": "1250902575152578561", "reply_id": "1250903753210937344", "label": "applause", "text": "Cable companies give Fox News $2-3 every time you pay your cable bill whether you watch it or not. Do you think its time to threaten to cut cable if they dont permanently ban this channel from existence?"} {"idx": 38870, "original_id": "1250926850597105671", "reply_id": "1250927074489106433", "label": "eww", "text": "Not playing cod for 1 week now, feel so good🥰,we have too much things to do before we die, y’all need to appreciate life and stop playing!"} {"idx": 38871, "original_id": "1251197502902210560", "reply_id": "1251203527281606662", "label": "shocked", "text": "Same person that hit me up to find her an ounce of weed yesterday but she can’t spare money for her child lol"} {"idx": 38874, "original_id": "1250877648798171136", "reply_id": "1250888923015974913", "label": "applause", "text": "I get to marry Clayton in ONE MONTH!!!!! 🥳"} {"idx": 38875, "original_id": "1250982216290557953", "reply_id": "1250987592398417920", "label": "omg", "text": "Look, I’m just gonna come out and say it. \n\nI like pulp in my orange juice. And not “some pulp” I’m talking FULL pulp. So much pulp you gotta chew the shit."} {"idx": 38876, "original_id": "1251216926744944647", "reply_id": "1251225550154276866", "label": "idk", "text": "Fuck it, I'm making myself a cake for my birthday 😂"} {"idx": 38877, "original_id": "1251081993938284546", "reply_id": "1251189653878833153", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I watch The Wire?"} {"idx": 38880, "original_id": "1250985178954113026", "reply_id": "1251018895206617088", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m noticing a bunch of online panels of speakers that are all white. I should start taking screenshots but I’m not about that shaming life. But folks out here showing themselves in these times. I guess they don’t see race. Let this be a reminder: diversity is good for all of us."} {"idx": 38884, "original_id": "1250832328739471362", "reply_id": "1250871439885889537", "label": "eww", "text": "My right tit will not stay in my bra today."} {"idx": 38887, "original_id": "1251009516071763968", "reply_id": "1251011882854625282", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Sorry but @ChadHartmanShow and @ShelettaIsFunny are not going to bully me over @PopeyesChicken !!! 😂"} {"idx": 38888, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251170620408127489", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 38890, "original_id": "1251045687174799361", "reply_id": "1251134532419534850", "label": "applause", "text": "terraria is the dark souls of minecraft"} {"idx": 38891, "original_id": "1250904454016180227", "reply_id": "1251255208547581954", "label": "no", "text": "i got bored and cleaned my oven. let me out this damn house 🙃"} {"idx": 38893, "original_id": "1250850205181804546", "reply_id": "1251031433033834496", "label": "hug", "text": "I want someone to hug me....\n\nAnd with this lonely af tweet, evening..."} {"idx": 38894, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251251491182202887", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 38895, "original_id": "1250878869349023749", "reply_id": "1250951178894094339", "label": "eww", "text": "I just choked on a pickle spear over my kitchen sink, and I’m 100% sure pickle juice now lives in my nasal cavity. 🤮 \n\nAnyway how’s your afternoon?"} {"idx": 38898, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251079427301179392", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 38901, "original_id": "1250909738260402177", "reply_id": "1250929259041849344", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump: \"Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us.\""} {"idx": 38903, "original_id": "1250965398973005826", "reply_id": "1250966940161630209", "label": "please", "text": "I might post an Emo Nite preview but like...do y’all deserve it tho? 🤔"} {"idx": 38908, "original_id": "1250910051847614466", "reply_id": "1250911097823080448", "label": "applause", "text": "I just told my boyfriend that it's apparently national horny day and he says \"I thought that was everyday for you\" 😲😲😲😲😲 like he not wrong but"} {"idx": 38910, "original_id": "1250996284812558336", "reply_id": "1250996422364803073", "label": "awww", "text": "I miss my boyfriend 😔"} {"idx": 38912, "original_id": "1250592611632545792", "reply_id": "1250843693013258242", "label": "applause", "text": "Donald Trump is the best example humanity has of what a miserable son of a bitch you can become if you spend your life only thinking about yourself and never helping others. He has had every gift you can receive in life except class, intelligence, & compassion.@realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 38913, "original_id": "1250808036614168576", "reply_id": "1250925143930568705", "label": "agree", "text": "I've noticed that every politician and Fake News member who wants us to all be unemployed indefinitely - haven't missed a single paycheck, yet."} {"idx": 38914, "original_id": "1250954266321334272", "reply_id": "1250959203444940800", "label": "hearts", "text": "hi there. this will only take a moment. i just wanted to let you know.\n\ni love you"} {"idx": 38918, "original_id": "1250802702495481858", "reply_id": "1250887393084870658", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all. \nI.\nGot.\nA.\nBag."} {"idx": 38920, "original_id": "1251241674124247040", "reply_id": "1251248865187033088", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Here is an idea- to trump and all those protesters in Michigan etc- why don’t you all just have a bunch of rallies? Everywhere? Sell your hats and shorts and bumper stickers etc. ? Just do not go into grocery stores, pharmacies etc. \nCandace Owens will lead the way!!!\n#MAGA"} {"idx": 38921, "original_id": "1251026036361486341", "reply_id": "1251073322907062272", "label": "high_five", "text": "@ZeekPT keeps making fun of the way I high five :c"} {"idx": 38923, "original_id": "1250843619520585729", "reply_id": "1250851316890505218", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ll be live with @MileyCyrus’s #BrightMinded show on Instagram at 2:30pm ET. Hope you’ll tune in!"} {"idx": 38924, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251243729484161025", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 38926, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251172576421797888", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 38929, "original_id": "1250868747671404547", "reply_id": "1250872239924432896", "label": "agree", "text": "it's like living during that bit between Christmas and New Year, but permanently. HELP."} {"idx": 38930, "original_id": "1250951391465533441", "reply_id": "1251221670632632320", "label": "no", "text": "I have been enjoying Samsung devices for years and have really enjoyed it. But I have to say, Apple’s ecosystem works way too well to ignore."} {"idx": 38934, "original_id": "1250636692282699777", "reply_id": "1250842744882421760", "label": "hug", "text": "Heartbreaking when you don’t realise how happy you are with someone until they leave you 🥺"} {"idx": 38935, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251096646089273345", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 38937, "original_id": "1251150786660200451", "reply_id": "1251272498190090247", "label": "no", "text": "It won’t happen but the Jets trading Adams and coming out of this draft with let’s say Thomas and Ruggs/Lamb in the 1st makes them better than Adams and Bechton. #TakeFlight"} {"idx": 38938, "original_id": "1251183750748295171", "reply_id": "1251185335163289603", "label": "hug", "text": "Could really do with a hug right now but those are in very short supply"} {"idx": 38940, "original_id": "1251244636724580353", "reply_id": "1251266908004986881", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel disheartened."} {"idx": 38941, "original_id": "1250852389818716161", "reply_id": "1250853813294182405", "label": "applause", "text": "Terrible things will happen, and terrible things will pass. You have to believe in the moments of quite. You have to believe in the healing."} {"idx": 38946, "original_id": "1251138263458422784", "reply_id": "1251257942298423299", "label": "sorry", "text": "Trump approval by gender via new Gallup poll:\n\nMen:\n49% approve\n47% disapprove\n\nWomen:\n37% approve\n60% disapprove"} {"idx": 38948, "original_id": "1251007493578215424", "reply_id": "1251008758106304513", "label": "shocked", "text": "Had to CARRY @TimPerez27 and @medicatedmel in 2k rn. 😤😤 EaT BuKeTs"} {"idx": 38950, "original_id": "1251259222039420929", "reply_id": "1251274778066984961", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a hug"} {"idx": 38951, "original_id": "1250953495546458112", "reply_id": "1250994582247989248", "label": "applause", "text": "Four hours later and my last exam of the semester is DONE! 🎉\n\nNow just one more assignment... 😅"} {"idx": 38952, "original_id": "1251268457179594752", "reply_id": "1251268954825412610", "label": "high_five", "text": "#timstwitterlisteningparty who thinks Auge/Maschine is a banger please virtually high five me ✋"} {"idx": 38953, "original_id": "1251226867199328256", "reply_id": "1251227242006528001", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Things don't work out for you because you refuse to accept your differences, not because you are different."} {"idx": 38955, "original_id": "1250930834086993927", "reply_id": "1250944590410059777", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Me: I’m going inside for a few minutes to be alone. \n8 yo: I thought you wanted to have us. \nMe: I did. But I’ve also spent 25 hours a day with you for a month. \n#Covid_19 #StayHome 🏠"} {"idx": 38956, "original_id": "1251118921886969856", "reply_id": "1251126003859984390", "label": "hearts", "text": "we wouldn’t have corona right now if George Michael was still here"} {"idx": 38958, "original_id": "1250895039586238469", "reply_id": "1250896339170480128", "label": "omg", "text": "Set Awon geng geng geng acne face geng 😅😅😅"} {"idx": 38961, "original_id": "1250928402233688065", "reply_id": "1250928850722263041", "label": "hug", "text": "rlly wish i were being held rn"} {"idx": 38964, "original_id": "1250851999794581505", "reply_id": "1250857467917066245", "label": "agree", "text": "How many of ya’ll tweet from the toilet? Don’t lie..."} {"idx": 38965, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1251046770236248065", "label": "shocked", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 38966, "original_id": "1251020365964468225", "reply_id": "1251086678430822402", "label": "hug", "text": "I know, I know, “One day at a time.” But the thought of not having a hug for at least another three weeks is making me feel physically sick. 😩😩"} {"idx": 38967, "original_id": "1251128374732324864", "reply_id": "1251147352674455559", "label": "agree", "text": "REMEMBER 9-11 !"} {"idx": 38968, "original_id": "1251001204370558976", "reply_id": "1251002098252210176", "label": "hug", "text": "Whoever prayed on my downfall, y'all won"} {"idx": 38971, "original_id": "1251258700523806720", "reply_id": "1251259033618509826", "label": "hug", "text": "Shout out to the boys @LuvCalles and @JcDZN don't know what I'd do without these talented individuals 🤝"} {"idx": 38972, "original_id": "1250835270506655744", "reply_id": "1250983811766239234", "label": "applause", "text": "Treating myself heavily this year, going to order a new PC in the next few months, no pre built as well, going to attempt to build it myself this time.\n\nWe’re doing it big this year 💪🏻🔥"} {"idx": 38973, "original_id": "1251065906119299072", "reply_id": "1251070689290919941", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Coronavirus is ruining all your plans for 2020? Save them for 2022.\n\nBecause 2022 is 2020 too"} {"idx": 38981, "original_id": "1251235454172700673", "reply_id": "1251236702284328963", "label": "shocked", "text": "Calabar people didn’t make dog expensive ....it was Ogun worshippers that caused the hike...\n\nDem come dey sell accidented ekuke for 7500"} {"idx": 38983, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250850794431184898", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 38986, "original_id": "1250832890692329485", "reply_id": "1250833168405577729", "label": "wink", "text": "Nothing today again? Bet."} {"idx": 38987, "original_id": "1250945945983791104", "reply_id": "1250946194718838784", "label": "shocked", "text": "Apologies if I stepped on anyone’s toes on the Switch post. \n\nJust decided to try since I’ve seen quite a few sneaker replies asking about it."} {"idx": 38992, "original_id": "1251206365000937473", "reply_id": "1251268162731065351", "label": "applause", "text": "Asked was he comfortable about the idea of workers being flown into the country from abroad, Dr Tony Holohan said he was not. While he did not want to be seen to comment on any individual cases, he said it was not consistent with public health advice."} {"idx": 38994, "original_id": "1250867258718552066", "reply_id": "1250877608327294983", "label": "high_five", "text": "I put on pants to get the mail!!"} {"idx": 38995, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251243863022460933", "label": "no", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 38996, "original_id": "1250926762101538819", "reply_id": "1250971450758115331", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "if Biden promised VP to Klob and takes it away, as he did to Yang, she'll beat him to death with an in/out tray"} {"idx": 38997, "original_id": "1250833553279123458", "reply_id": "1251004063375937536", "label": "hug", "text": "What an emotion day so far! \n\nHope y’all enjoying your Thursday."} {"idx": 38999, "original_id": "1251213536023515136", "reply_id": "1251264679424352256", "label": "yes", "text": "I need a boy with long hair to break my back ASAP"} {"idx": 39001, "original_id": "1251179752569868289", "reply_id": "1251226245045653507", "label": "yes", "text": "I’ve told y’all I have cool neighbors except for one bitch ass dude across the street. \n\nAnyway, my lawnmower stopped working early this week. Been buying parts but to no avail."} {"idx": 39002, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251203201409351681", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 39010, "original_id": "1250770647162159104", "reply_id": "1250841182583717888", "label": "no", "text": "EGG.CAME.FIRST.END.OF.STORY"} {"idx": 39011, "original_id": "1250776540960325633", "reply_id": "1251108537096450048", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today is #NationalHighFiveDay\nBut No High Five. We can do it after #coronavirus is gone."} {"idx": 39013, "original_id": "1251240878624124932", "reply_id": "1251242532203364352", "label": "yes", "text": "Simple question: as a FAN - and nothing more - do you want sports back if fans are not allowed in stadiums?"} {"idx": 39016, "original_id": "1250499977127890945", "reply_id": "1250915103035150337", "label": "applause", "text": "Do you know that Canadians are getting $2000 a month for the next several months? Also, they already have universal healthcare so they don’t have medical expenses at all. When will Americans stop celebrating the crumbs we are given by our so called “government?!”\n\n#bailouthumans"} {"idx": 39018, "original_id": "1250648435285463040", "reply_id": "1250943046780411904", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Why did some people even think that Oxford commas weren’t necessary... did someone just read a sentence and think “yeah, idk, that last comma there just doesn’t vibe with me.” Like??"} {"idx": 39021, "original_id": "1250850295430541313", "reply_id": "1250857508928978945", "label": "oops", "text": "I cannot fathom or imagine a world where less than 6 WRs (MINIMUM) are drafted in the 1st round next week."} {"idx": 39025, "original_id": "1250866841372803074", "reply_id": "1250873665387888640", "label": "awww", "text": "Enter my dm with send me your account number then you send me money and we fall in love and we marry because you came to my life when I needed you most. What a love story ❤ let's do it"} {"idx": 39028, "original_id": "1251011720908136448", "reply_id": "1251012178619985920", "label": "ok", "text": "Text me +1 (812) 487-0937"} {"idx": 39030, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251109894012366854", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 39031, "original_id": "1250854302844936192", "reply_id": "1250981004648624128", "label": "no", "text": "Do you like Maxie and Peter as a couple (Paxie)?? #GH"} {"idx": 39032, "original_id": "1250940003934285824", "reply_id": "1250942897375055880", "label": "sigh", "text": "I hope my future husband knows how to cook well because I sure don’t"} {"idx": 39033, "original_id": "1250833901767077888", "reply_id": "1250834287819198464", "label": "ok", "text": "Lemme learn all about them editing apps and your game is over bitches huh.."} {"idx": 39035, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1251122449695084545", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 39036, "original_id": "1251198499753988096", "reply_id": "1251198582373453826", "label": "hug", "text": "i woke up a hour ago and i have been crying the entire time im too sensitive today"} {"idx": 39038, "original_id": "1250993954230845440", "reply_id": "1250994231558189058", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Man I let my cousin cut my hair and this nigga fucked my shit up"} {"idx": 39039, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251227720551464961", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 39040, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1250964457716580354", "label": "high_five", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 39042, "original_id": "1250904235899748352", "reply_id": "1251121212278870016", "label": "ok", "text": "Emotional exhaustion is overtaking me, so I’m going to order pizza and just soak up some good tv or something."} {"idx": 39045, "original_id": "1251062163453685760", "reply_id": "1251078904380604417", "label": "smh", "text": "TL sleep ? I miss my wife 😒"} {"idx": 39046, "original_id": "1251048625783930881", "reply_id": "1251049745683972096", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Can't sleep. So I'm gonna do a quick little workout. Which means 10 push-ups."} {"idx": 39049, "original_id": "1251153430795612160", "reply_id": "1251218258897694723", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s #FollowFriday #WritersLift time!!!\n\nWhether you’re a pro or just getting started, we could all use a boost & extra support!\n\nPost your:\n-Links\n-WIPs\n-Bios\n-GIFs\n\nDon’t forget to follow me & all who comment!! \nRT to spread the love! You rock #WritingCommunity !!!"} {"idx": 39051, "original_id": "1251227146376278017", "reply_id": "1251230028609867776", "label": "awww", "text": "Going to be going live on youtube at 1pm PST to say hi to people and answer questions. The wife will be there too... and probably the cats. \n\nLink will be coming soon."} {"idx": 39052, "original_id": "1250981693810331653", "reply_id": "1251068793935233025", "label": "hug", "text": "Day 2 of COVID-19 positive \n\nDeep cleaned my apartment and drank plenty of water.\n\nNo changes in symptoms besides a bit more of a cough and felt very winded a couple times today. Maybe I was tired from cleaning but usually don't get that winded.\n\nHoping I wake up normal tomorrow"} {"idx": 39055, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250870838263377920", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 39056, "original_id": "1250868268081876992", "reply_id": "1250907129998802944", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Blown away by how simple some of these companies are making standing up an initial product demo and business..\n\nThere's never been a better time to start something 👏\n\n@figmadesign\n@clerkyinc\n@framer\n@useloom\n@NotionHQ\n@asana\n@webflow\n@parabolahq\n@typeform\n@stripe"} {"idx": 39060, "original_id": "1250826123652595719", "reply_id": "1250845839716581377", "label": "agree", "text": "My only fans would just be me complaining about how hard it is to find knickers that comfortably cover my c section scar while pointing to my stretch marks and crying about being fat. Also I would only accept cheeseburgers as payment and no one would ever actually see me naked..."} {"idx": 39061, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250893746373353480", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 39062, "original_id": "1250886987021770761", "reply_id": "1250903095103508480", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Somebody come up with a money 8s T1-T3 list of the best players I wanna see"} {"idx": 39064, "original_id": "1250943225562529798", "reply_id": "1250960288318394370", "label": "seriously", "text": "Fun fact rectangular pizza tastes better than round pizza"} {"idx": 39067, "original_id": "1250698290401882112", "reply_id": "1250963110518718465", "label": "awww", "text": "Destroy the blavity black, \"I'm maga, \"no I'm democrat\", \"no I'm a democratic socialist\", \" I'm a different type of black person\", \"I listen to Solange\", I'm bourgeois with no generational wealth, imperialist nĕgr0 henchmen industrial complex."} {"idx": 39068, "original_id": "1251212114816978947", "reply_id": "1251223388929978369", "label": "oops", "text": ".@slp206 you are supposed to be on PTO!"} {"idx": 39070, "original_id": "1250879944173006851", "reply_id": "1250891441309511682", "label": "eww", "text": "I don’t watch sports nearly as much as I did in college (except volleyball), but 6 weeks of no sporting events has reaffirmed I am a sports gay and I miss them."} {"idx": 39075, "original_id": "1250848096214548481", "reply_id": "1251207409025998850", "label": "yes", "text": "I officially beat COVID-19 💪🏾"} {"idx": 39077, "original_id": "1250961200709545985", "reply_id": "1250961501982056448", "label": "agree", "text": "If you’re on Twitter... You know your Borderline, right???"} {"idx": 39081, "original_id": "1251152069890699270", "reply_id": "1251165867221626880", "label": "applause", "text": "When Lord Nelson died he was 5 feet tall. His statue in London is 15 feet tall. That's Horatio of 3:1"} {"idx": 39084, "original_id": "1251216876509822977", "reply_id": "1251217820123369483", "label": "seriously", "text": "The only thing my left hand is good at is"} {"idx": 39085, "original_id": "1251101807960522752", "reply_id": "1251102304704610306", "label": "hug", "text": "So much ughhhhhhhhh right now...😢😢😢"} {"idx": 39088, "original_id": "1251166785459585024", "reply_id": "1251214112400474120", "label": "hug", "text": "can someone send me hugs"} {"idx": 39090, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250990175783718912", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 39091, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251129631878656002", "label": "no", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 39092, "original_id": "1250897567891648512", "reply_id": "1251170285434306563", "label": "hug", "text": "People who are reaching out, to either ask for emotional support or to offer it, keep that shit up."} {"idx": 39095, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251033090438266880", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 39097, "original_id": "1250935596198969349", "reply_id": "1250936184169066496", "label": "high_five", "text": "Today is #NationalHighFiveDay \n😐"} {"idx": 39102, "original_id": "1251137801216655360", "reply_id": "1251151686111907841", "label": "hug", "text": "I honestly just want to be hugged right now-"} {"idx": 39104, "original_id": "1250171802611003392", "reply_id": "1251248044538056705", "label": "agree", "text": "Simps are the root of all evil"} {"idx": 39106, "original_id": "1251121997557334016", "reply_id": "1251240088379387905", "label": "omg", "text": "After lying by omission for so long, finally watching Shawshank Redemption 🛐"} {"idx": 39107, "original_id": "1250854302844936192", "reply_id": "1250912860856778752", "label": "no", "text": "Do you like Maxie and Peter as a couple (Paxie)?? #GH"} {"idx": 39108, "original_id": "1251183116665925633", "reply_id": "1251183850262106113", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Yes, the president is encouraging protests against tyrant governors. No, there is nothing wrong w doing so. It's a reminder that we are free Americans and we have every right to hold our ground, in the form of peaceful protest, against those who want to strip us of our liberties."} {"idx": 39115, "original_id": "1251075818580856833", "reply_id": "1251084239925362688", "label": "agree", "text": "I need to troll someone!"} {"idx": 39119, "original_id": "1251159560854728705", "reply_id": "1251196820946145284", "label": "applause", "text": "400K followers, thank you sweethearts!♥️"} {"idx": 39122, "original_id": "1250986735217098752", "reply_id": "1250987036535816198", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Hey guys quick flash giveaway! Special thanks to community member @kasaundratara for this one!\nMust follow so i can DM and retweet!\nLet's drop #AllInThisTogether in comment's.\n#PeopleHelpingPeople #AllInThisTogether #COVID19 \n(Ends in 2 hours)\n#paypal #cashapp"} {"idx": 39123, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250889088217030657", "label": "no", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 39124, "original_id": "1250962397382279170", "reply_id": "1250963077450760192", "label": "hug", "text": "When in doubt just cry really hard and ugly into a pillow."} {"idx": 39125, "original_id": "1251077641848979456", "reply_id": "1251081168382025728", "label": "eww", "text": "I am an endnote kind of girl"} {"idx": 39126, "original_id": "1250953865807069184", "reply_id": "1250996497451151362", "label": "shocked", "text": "so if you eat popcorn kernels before you die and get cremated.. do you just turn into a human popcorn machine or"} {"idx": 39130, "original_id": "1251223343438708737", "reply_id": "1251223687996428289", "label": "popcorn", "text": "investing in sweatpants that will show off my massive dong and huge swinging balls"} {"idx": 39132, "original_id": "1251154833643454466", "reply_id": "1251155610973769731", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Only I would clock in late while working from home 😅"} {"idx": 39133, "original_id": "1250841817718960129", "reply_id": "1250842185177628677", "label": "oops", "text": "All my amazon deliveries showed up at the same time... and my husband saw lol 🙃"} {"idx": 39134, "original_id": "1250834586801704960", "reply_id": "1250845434895097856", "label": "agree", "text": "How much of a dick do you have to feel like if you get Corona like right now? Like, what the fuck are you doing, going around licking door handles and shit? #COVID19 #thursdaymorning #coronavirus #StayAtHome"} {"idx": 39135, "original_id": "1251266327542673408", "reply_id": "1251271199834939394", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "..... y’all ain’t hot?"} {"idx": 39141, "original_id": "1250900076727341059", "reply_id": "1250951161051377664", "label": "no", "text": "Do y’all believe in marriage?"} {"idx": 39142, "original_id": "1250889516736483330", "reply_id": "1250905523261767681", "label": "applause", "text": "doing top secret things"} {"idx": 39144, "original_id": "1251191673964593152", "reply_id": "1251196203146117126", "label": "hug", "text": "Can Harry Potter be on today? I need some cheering up. 🙄"} {"idx": 39147, "original_id": "1250836111066267650", "reply_id": "1250840595485974528", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m going buy 2 pregnancy tests & see who the winner is bc i KNOW I’m not pregnant but she swear she not either 😂😂😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 39149, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251229844614103046", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 39150, "original_id": "1250810764216107008", "reply_id": "1251187050142973952", "label": "yes", "text": "Is everybody happy?"} {"idx": 39151, "original_id": "1250816112469704705", "reply_id": "1250882846916575233", "label": "applause", "text": "Lesbian rights."} {"idx": 39153, "original_id": "1251025569149378562", "reply_id": "1251054218753871874", "label": "agree", "text": "Sugardaddys are fake"} {"idx": 39157, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251189952542576643", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 39160, "original_id": "1250953543848058881", "reply_id": "1251092903050403846", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Face it. ."} {"idx": 39162, "original_id": "1250842521049030656", "reply_id": "1250843457691758594", "label": "applause", "text": "Macron warns populists could win if EU fails to launch common fund: FT"} {"idx": 39166, "original_id": "1251255823369744385", "reply_id": "1251256074025316352", "label": "sigh", "text": "HOLY SHIT MY GLASS WAS ON MY SPACEBAR AND IT MADE EVERYTHING KEEP SCROLLING DOWN AND IT TOOK ME LIKE 5MINS OF THINKING MY MOUSE WAS BROKEN TO FIGURE IT OUT"} {"idx": 39167, "original_id": "1250998066498469888", "reply_id": "1251011592826675200", "label": "oops", "text": "Woke up with a sore throat, cough, headache, and slight chest pains. 😳 No fever though so I think I'm good.\n\nTime to not leave my house for two years just in case."} {"idx": 39168, "original_id": "1251093874723950593", "reply_id": "1251094502858797057", "label": "awww", "text": "#FF @jesthan @Weltraumhirsch (protected) @gedankengewirr @CarlsHGW @spintronicsHGW"} {"idx": 39171, "original_id": "1251007119031181312", "reply_id": "1251011470319550465", "label": "shocked", "text": "I want head before we fuck and I want it nasty"} {"idx": 39175, "original_id": "1250844824116301826", "reply_id": "1250885785475330048", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Honored to be named to @POTUS's bipartisan task force to plan our country’s path forward. I'll take AZ concerns & ideas straight to the task force to inform a strong economic recovery that benefits Arizona’s families and businesses while prioritizing the safety of all citizens."} {"idx": 39177, "original_id": "1250838986320310272", "reply_id": "1251151391411732488", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Listen, folks:\n\n**It is NOT a coincidence that Republicans have started saying “A little bit of death is no biggie” IMMEDIATELY AFTER we had a week of stories about health disparities in black communities**\n\n[I hope this tweet is read by more than twenty ppl. Just this once, pls]"} {"idx": 39179, "original_id": "1251172331348770817", "reply_id": "1251173168259239936", "label": "high_five", "text": "That old saying \"You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette?\" When they reopen this country just remember we are the eggs and the economy is the omelette and the reality is the powers that be probably care more about actual eggs than they do us. Proceed with caution."} {"idx": 39182, "original_id": "1251012114828984320", "reply_id": "1251112074626977792", "label": "hug", "text": "Sad tweet"} {"idx": 39184, "original_id": "1251223508232921093", "reply_id": "1251230677972013056", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If you vote for creepy Joe in November - you're about as ridiculous as a bowl of bat soup with a d*ck sammich!🖕"} {"idx": 39185, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1250999200021540864", "label": "smh", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 39187, "original_id": "1251196767942717440", "reply_id": "1251196896250560515", "label": "want", "text": "JOINED @SkirataGaming"} {"idx": 39188, "original_id": "1251005084881711104", "reply_id": "1251039023780544512", "label": "omg", "text": "Copion"} {"idx": 39192, "original_id": "1250968733906075653", "reply_id": "1250993387722944512", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Maybe if my chair was more comfortable I'd be able to sit still in it and focus better"} {"idx": 39193, "original_id": "1250970664124719104", "reply_id": "1250973219529449474", "label": "applause", "text": "This is officially the deepest I’ve ever\ngone into a season with a zero ERA."} {"idx": 39194, "original_id": "1250826962332868608", "reply_id": "1251088905824276481", "label": "applause", "text": "i have been living with a lizard for two weeks.\ntoday I kicked him out successfully.\ni only cried once."} {"idx": 39196, "original_id": "1250806663856209926", "reply_id": "1250837660257697793", "label": "eww", "text": "my phone fell down my stairs 😩 i have 3 new cracks 😓"} {"idx": 39197, "original_id": "1250953051789238274", "reply_id": "1251154999121342465", "label": "omg", "text": "Car sex is never a problem, where to park the car is the problem"} {"idx": 39198, "original_id": "1250911402191134720", "reply_id": "1251231771720589312", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Such a whore for minecraft"} {"idx": 39200, "original_id": "1250829856562122755", "reply_id": "1251120015090335745", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Everyone arguing that “only 2-3%” of children dying isn’t a big deal to get the Dow back on track needs to identify 1 or 2 kids that they are willing to offer up to death. Name them."} {"idx": 39201, "original_id": "1251119116821368833", "reply_id": "1251144099555446786", "label": "awww", "text": "Last night he made me sad. I left him in bed &went downstairs to lay on the couch. He didn’t force me to talk. He didn’t start an argument. He didn’t ignore me. He came and laid down behind me, wrapping me in his arms. I woke up fine. That’s it. That’s all I needed."} {"idx": 39205, "original_id": "1250923370939547649", "reply_id": "1250925563386064897", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trump on the $349 billion small business loan program whose funds have run out: \"So just for the viewers watching this, or hearing you ask that question, exhausted is a good thing, not a bad thing. It went quickly, it is so popular.\""} {"idx": 39206, "original_id": "1250999398546452485", "reply_id": "1251132702495068161", "label": "kiss", "text": "I just wanna cuddle"} {"idx": 39208, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251212427431034885", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 39209, "original_id": "1251018402254196736", "reply_id": "1251023571675156480", "label": "yes", "text": "TL sleep bet........ when it comes to wings Flats are way better than Drums ☺️"} {"idx": 39210, "original_id": "1251163198281199617", "reply_id": "1251173818103664641", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Alright wish me luck! Today is about to be really crazy! Gotta fight to get this video done!"} {"idx": 39211, "original_id": "1250866821873442818", "reply_id": "1250946301732089857", "label": "win", "text": "My fellow Ace folk,What is your favorite dessert?"} {"idx": 39212, "original_id": "1251000093232291840", "reply_id": "1251129641097560064", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss tour"} {"idx": 39213, "original_id": "1250884052506120192", "reply_id": "1250901251828654082", "label": "yes", "text": "hi all, as a way to thank you for the support I will be doing a print giveaway once a week until I hit 10k on here ✨ announcing #1 in 1 hour"} {"idx": 39214, "original_id": "1250900842905063432", "reply_id": "1250938960316174336", "label": "high_five", "text": "Ok, almost midnight. I have just slept my kiddos, I didn't have dinner yet, and I have to clean the dining room and kitchen before I die of tiredness.\n\nThis quarantine is being as tough as shit."} {"idx": 39216, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251219598248198148", "label": "high_five", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 39218, "original_id": "1251254107194576897", "reply_id": "1251262066851266563", "label": "kiss", "text": "Benjamin Franklin once wrote a letter to a friend who was struggling with his sexual urges called ‘Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress’, in which he recommended finding an older lover."} {"idx": 39220, "original_id": "1250818759692083202", "reply_id": "1250911226391126023", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "It’s unfortunate when you have a talent but your procrastination, laziness, imposter syndrome, and short ass attention span are like “lol that’s cute”."} {"idx": 39225, "original_id": "1251217056198012928", "reply_id": "1251219441767141376", "label": "popcorn", "text": "This really is an ideal opportunity during this crisis to “Drain the swamp”.\n\nDispense with Sadiq Khan\nSack Cressida Dick\nClose the @bbc news teams\nCancel the tv licence fee\nArrest Tony Blair \nBan Chinese imports\nSack 200,000 hospital managers\nBan Miranda Hart from tv\nClose C4"} {"idx": 39226, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251058215426629632", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 39228, "original_id": "1251171817726840832", "reply_id": "1251210754499502086", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Just want to point out \nThat all the Trump supporters rushing onto Twitter to defend Dr. Phil for calling himself a doctor \nAre the same people who a few days ago losing their minds because Dr. Jill Biden insisted on being called doctor"} {"idx": 39230, "original_id": "1250849840914931715", "reply_id": "1250935311154253826", "label": "no", "text": "I want a #Browns alternate uniform w white helmets."} {"idx": 39233, "original_id": "1250941822391607296", "reply_id": "1250943759535288324", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "One More Week! #NFLDraft"} {"idx": 39235, "original_id": "1251201238324203521", "reply_id": "1251225858708312064", "label": "shrug", "text": "Can't believe Jess has just asked me what 5k is in KM ffs 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 39236, "original_id": "1250944447854137349", "reply_id": "1250947934256017408", "label": "agree", "text": "Less than 67k 🍒🍁🌾\n\nDrop your handles let follow you all back now 🍒🍁🌷\n \nFollow and turn on my post 🛎. Notification 🛎 for daily gains 🌱🌾🌻"} {"idx": 39238, "original_id": "1251105118742872064", "reply_id": "1251127732873936896", "label": "good_luck", "text": "BREAKING: Michael Cohen has been released from Prison due to Coronavirus.\n\nMeanwhile his co-conspirator and man who instructed him to commit his crimes remains President of the United States.\n\nLet's make sure we Release Trump from the White House in November\n\n#FridayThoughts"} {"idx": 39242, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250898709233184768", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 39243, "original_id": "1250907992389644288", "reply_id": "1250969970932019200", "label": "thank_you", "text": "idc how homeless people spend the money i give them. they can choose to do whatever they want with it. obviously i wish for them to invest in improving their situation but they are 100% entitled to spend it however they choose. you can’t control people."} {"idx": 39245, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250946363883388928", "label": "agree", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 39247, "original_id": "1250829978071171072", "reply_id": "1250832760962506757", "label": "high_five", "text": "I've just finished my workout doing everything as the coach said. \nSomeone tell me I did good 😪"} {"idx": 39248, "original_id": "1250873972465577984", "reply_id": "1250874488935395329", "label": "facepalm", "text": "#thfc have opened talks with Mauricio Pochettino about reducing his £12.5M severance pay due to the coronavirus pandemic. | @TelegraphSport"} {"idx": 39253, "original_id": "1250821100767817728", "reply_id": "1250880944308920321", "label": "agree", "text": "Ugh I miss being pregnant I want a little boy!! 😭 but then when Maddy acts up and I have to whoop her ass it reminds me that ima have to start all over and all of a sudden that feeling goes away. 😒"} {"idx": 39254, "original_id": "1245580914354081793", "reply_id": "1251106556453797889", "label": "no", "text": "Download now for 90 days free. Limited time. \nYour life's purpose can change in an instant. Sophie Turner. Survive. Only on Quibi."} {"idx": 39255, "original_id": "1251130170494328834", "reply_id": "1251139746023247872", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I had a new follower ask me if I really have sex with married men and like it when the cum on my face. I told him “ This is Twitter, I would never lie to you.”"} {"idx": 39259, "original_id": "1250959712289349632", "reply_id": "1251177394464907264", "label": "agree", "text": "I'm sick of this being a grown-up and adult shit."} {"idx": 39260, "original_id": "1251262325375500295", "reply_id": "1251264139839836160", "label": "no", "text": "I wish I could make a quarantine baby"} {"idx": 39262, "original_id": "1250938126501060608", "reply_id": "1250946089483743233", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!"} {"idx": 39263, "original_id": "1251226242931548161", "reply_id": "1251228994399113219", "label": "applause", "text": "Why do people complain about controller when they used to be controller players? Like why the fuck you switch if its so OP."} {"idx": 39267, "original_id": "1250873302366720002", "reply_id": "1250884293502656516", "label": "yes", "text": "Just got done at the Amazon interview. I got the job."} {"idx": 39268, "original_id": "1251172165308776450", "reply_id": "1251175789518823428", "label": "hug", "text": "Damn I would love a hug rn"} {"idx": 39269, "original_id": "1249917104825856002", "reply_id": "1250991794734747648", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m just that into you."} {"idx": 39271, "original_id": "1251174063319461888", "reply_id": "1251192311524007937", "label": "shocked", "text": "My Family Wants Me To Move Down South, I Literally Have NO Family Here🙄"} {"idx": 39272, "original_id": "1251157871816933376", "reply_id": "1251191482729377793", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "it’s payday\n\nif you got furloughed or lost your job send me your CashApp\n\nlet me send you a paycheck"} {"idx": 39273, "original_id": "1251006835823464448", "reply_id": "1251267799588245510", "label": "agree", "text": "PSA: if you hold my head down while I'm giving head, I will 100% stay there until I suffocate. 🤷‍♀️ #isaidwhatisaid"} {"idx": 39274, "original_id": "1251020216181460992", "reply_id": "1251034238670893064", "label": "hug", "text": "I want sleep with human dog or human wolf. ಠಿヮಠ also naked together ಥ‿ಥ"} {"idx": 39275, "original_id": "1251083969245917185", "reply_id": "1251197689036972034", "label": "agree", "text": "I can name a lot of things I’d rather do than go to work and suffer today."} {"idx": 39278, "original_id": "1251190169300078593", "reply_id": "1251191386138980353", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "@DJSHIRE Thanks for the retweet!"} {"idx": 39279, "original_id": "1250937821776343041", "reply_id": "1250989524760526849", "label": "awww", "text": "My girl’s the best 🥰"} {"idx": 39281, "original_id": "1251035365407940613", "reply_id": "1251035781998825473", "label": "no", "text": "Y'all listen to Kevin Gates on purpose?"} {"idx": 39284, "original_id": "1251173528252174339", "reply_id": "1251177201363562496", "label": "wink", "text": "I need that wake up. Soon as we wake up."} {"idx": 39285, "original_id": "1251007642115305477", "reply_id": "1251007896093175811", "label": "smh", "text": "NEW BABY!!!!!!!"} {"idx": 39288, "original_id": "1250847798859386880", "reply_id": "1250860706456653829", "label": "agree", "text": "@RealOrangers Let's agree that you're the better team coming out of the fruit circuit"} {"idx": 39290, "original_id": "1250831418353123334", "reply_id": "1250834953966956545", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Salty ass men in my dm callin me a prostitute. I'll be that for $3500 for just waking up. This aint onlyfans."} {"idx": 39292, "original_id": "1251245997155631105", "reply_id": "1251270122368630784", "label": "omg", "text": "Blow my back out like a glow stick 😩"} {"idx": 39295, "original_id": "1250919111552532481", "reply_id": "1250920274318331904", "label": "sigh", "text": "remember in hxh, when gon stopped running in the first phase to wait for leorio to keep running, because he wasn't going to leave his friend behind and knew he could do it. I fucking love that scene"} {"idx": 39297, "original_id": "1251120684358602752", "reply_id": "1251171063393849344", "label": "omg", "text": "Can't beat a good long wank with the dog."} {"idx": 39303, "original_id": "1250822099385692160", "reply_id": "1251132591085846528", "label": "no", "text": "I have a question. If Trump says right now, we are good, you can go outside and party, work, do whatever, would you do it?"} {"idx": 39304, "original_id": "1251026486510759936", "reply_id": "1251056354560806913", "label": "yes", "text": "Coming out of quarantine like big booty Judy. Fr"} {"idx": 39305, "original_id": "1251216024537649153", "reply_id": "1251236400760082433", "label": "eww", "text": "I Just Want To Pull Your Pants 👖 Down And.....Nvm 🤦🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 39309, "original_id": "1251223432739663874", "reply_id": "1251234999057219594", "label": "no", "text": "Colleagues, its imperative to adopt a culture of reading. It will definitely save you one day.\n\nOver and out!"} {"idx": 39312, "original_id": "1251206048796553216", "reply_id": "1251221047417987073", "label": "scared", "text": "so my tik tok career is taking off, so i’m ordering a ring light. i promise myself i wouldn’t be one of those girls...but here i am"} {"idx": 39313, "original_id": "1251172959173185538", "reply_id": "1251173718522564615", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I'm so far behind I don't know where to begin.\nDamn you Scrabble Go!!\n\n(I'm supposed to be working but keep playing)"} {"idx": 39315, "original_id": "1250841112123760643", "reply_id": "1250841576240304129", "label": "agree", "text": "This site will rue the day journalists discovered they were key workers"} {"idx": 39316, "original_id": "1250950779952721921", "reply_id": "1250959642945085440", "label": "yes", "text": "New monitor and motherboard are ordered should be here sunday"} {"idx": 39321, "original_id": "1251220234477932545", "reply_id": "1251222101903761408", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug... or 7000."} {"idx": 39322, "original_id": "1251274611423096832", "reply_id": "1251274994249871360", "label": "no", "text": "One Direction without Zayn"} {"idx": 39323, "original_id": "1251200845762478081", "reply_id": "1251214149033635841", "label": "hug", "text": "Really wish I would stop thinking about this nightmare...It shouldn't fuck me up as much as it is."} {"idx": 39329, "original_id": "1251165043640713216", "reply_id": "1251167520612143107", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Pretty sad when u have to talk shit to stay relevant"} {"idx": 39331, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251144165712265219", "label": "hug", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 39332, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251031113738399746", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 39336, "original_id": "1250837036098965504", "reply_id": "1250970964868894725", "label": "seriously", "text": "Man I just get the feeling that this covid19 is truly working in a weird way for America’s good! Without going deeper I’m just gonna leave this tweet here and let it keep playing out. I’m talking an unthinkable sacrifice that had to happen but when we find out we’ll be grateful🙏🏾"} {"idx": 39337, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250929823536611334", "label": "smh", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 39338, "original_id": "1251120684358602752", "reply_id": "1251202018645024768", "label": "shocked", "text": "Can't beat a good long wank with the dog."} {"idx": 39339, "original_id": "1251215394171310080", "reply_id": "1251215492360007681", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss hugs"} {"idx": 39341, "original_id": "1250852093373661185", "reply_id": "1250852643150364673", "label": "hug", "text": "Panic attacks suck."} {"idx": 39343, "original_id": "1251185782708146176", "reply_id": "1251193024945754114", "label": "shocked", "text": "Ppl who prefer flour tortillas are questionable"} {"idx": 39344, "original_id": "1251191040976973827", "reply_id": "1251197164191129600", "label": "sigh", "text": "Y'all pronounce it data or data ?\n..\n...\nI'm mad that I read these words in two different ways.... but you're trippin if you think it's data or data\n#QuarantineLife #boredinthehouse"} {"idx": 39346, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251115929435594753", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 39347, "original_id": "1250882778931093506", "reply_id": "1250923296876646401", "label": "applause", "text": "Just ordered parts to build my first PC! Im hyped!!! 😈"} {"idx": 39354, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251093153391804417", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 39355, "original_id": "1251018584815480832", "reply_id": "1251268814374748160", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Guys, if, because of Covid19, you start getting 80% of your salary, you might begin to feel like the average woman"} {"idx": 39357, "original_id": "1250985059932307462", "reply_id": "1250985213603217409", "label": "yes", "text": "PC comes in tomorrow and I finally got a code, looks like my luck is turning around 🤪"} {"idx": 39362, "original_id": "1250946821230415879", "reply_id": "1250947032912625664", "label": "applause", "text": "@tartsotart wanna play 8ball"} {"idx": 39363, "original_id": "1250626665740488716", "reply_id": "1250973499738460160", "label": "applause", "text": "Done school ✅"} {"idx": 39367, "original_id": "1251165390857699328", "reply_id": "1251199085761253377", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Having a conference call remotely while I’m still a lil drunk from last night , pray for me"} {"idx": 39371, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250901456732876800", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 39373, "original_id": "1250931962119950336", "reply_id": "1250977303078682624", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Saw tweets from professorial class saying: \"COVID fatality rate is now about 125/100K in NYC. So why do people over-react to small rises in the murder rate, which is just 5/100K.\" \n\nIn high-crime neighborhoods, the murder rate for blacks is 125 per 100,000 EVERY DAMN year."} {"idx": 39374, "original_id": "1250926821929095169", "reply_id": "1251130527316353024", "label": "please", "text": "Personally, I think it's past time all those beautiful, emotional, intimate full body hugs turned a little more...horizontal. #caryl"} {"idx": 39379, "original_id": "1250969571621769216", "reply_id": "1250970273324687366", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Stop frontin. \n\nYou know you’ll still hide behind your fake avi and handle once this is over. \n\nTwitter. Helping people stay home and talk smack since 2006."} {"idx": 39380, "original_id": "1251064378696372224", "reply_id": "1251268233170206721", "label": "applause", "text": "I just realized I am a month and 2 days cigarette free!"} {"idx": 39381, "original_id": "1251113805624606721", "reply_id": "1251146671569793024", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "We've got some really exciting news to share with you!\n\nAlthough, not just yet!!\n\nHowever, it will be something to get involved with and hopefully a lot of fun.\n\nSo dust off those thinking caps as you may need them for ideas!"} {"idx": 39382, "original_id": "1250883008565051392", "reply_id": "1250937231575003137", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just got into Greenleaf and whew lol"} {"idx": 39390, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250933398350282752", "label": "no", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 39393, "original_id": "1250607260226785281", "reply_id": "1251046141518655490", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "WE DO NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT \nJOE BIDEN AS THE \nDEMOCRATIC NOMINEE. \nDO YOU ALL HEAR ME?"} {"idx": 39395, "original_id": "1250811135529541638", "reply_id": "1250856936439820290", "label": "agree", "text": "@ARonHubbardBM incredibly insightful Empire cast. Very thankful for them. I feel like a shareholder."} {"idx": 39396, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250865641290072064", "label": "omg", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 39397, "original_id": "1250906372834762752", "reply_id": "1250906665916026881", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "The Bulls are the ones making the money.\nThe Trend is Your Friend.\n#Bitcoin #Bullish"} {"idx": 39398, "original_id": "1251238684516659201", "reply_id": "1251244073857552384", "label": "hug", "text": "Realise I’m lucky to be alive but after three days of brutal migraine, starting to wish I wasn’t."} {"idx": 39404, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251143977937416194", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 39407, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251216070037458944", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 39408, "original_id": "1250802177452408834", "reply_id": "1250855648016752640", "label": "sigh", "text": "WH sends statement confirming Ivanka Trump's travel to Trump National Golf Club Bedminster for Passover:\n\n\"Her travel was not commercial. She chose to spend a holiday in private with her family\" and says it's \"a closed down facility considered to be a family home.\""} {"idx": 39409, "original_id": "1250842715350130688", "reply_id": "1250843276766253059", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Have been burning the candle at both ends to complete my part of a complicated group fellowship application by tomorrow afternoon. \n\nJust checked the call for applications for details on submission. Noticed that the deadline was not April 17, but April 7.\n\nHow's your day going?"} {"idx": 39414, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251031259196690432", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 39415, "original_id": "1251222682831654916", "reply_id": "1251223906356264961", "label": "applause", "text": "Update - I ate pop tarts"} {"idx": 39419, "original_id": "1250909929046716416", "reply_id": "1251110731342323712", "label": "idk", "text": "President Trump says no one in America who needs a ventilator has been denied one."} {"idx": 39424, "original_id": "1250952203373862913", "reply_id": "1250964778199244800", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "My name should change to Hakeem the way I block shit"} {"idx": 39425, "original_id": "1251055549027954688", "reply_id": "1251055618133196803", "label": "no", "text": "would it be weird to order myself a trophy just because"} {"idx": 39429, "original_id": "1250904831209820160", "reply_id": "1250979880667213824", "label": "hug", "text": "Hugged by : @_sseagul\nHugging cycle against quarantine!? \nTag 10 people you'd like to hug, they shall do the same! \n@inviaio \n@cutiepiehyuka \n@hueningjinvers \n@jjunieduckling \n@syooobean \n@letsgodream01 \n@WFever10 \n@huening_sister \n@ursmintchoco \n@GoldenJjun"} {"idx": 39430, "original_id": "1250862685853450242", "reply_id": "1250863404518125569", "label": "hug", "text": "It has been one shitty ass day. 9 more hours until a new one."} {"idx": 39435, "original_id": "1250819694484836353", "reply_id": "1250870429058772993", "label": "sigh", "text": "Told my bridesmaids to order their dresses like a month ago, half did, half didn’t. Now the dress is out of stock 🙃"} {"idx": 39436, "original_id": "1251234831914147841", "reply_id": "1251249368138743815", "label": "good_luck", "text": "i intend to keep going with preheat and respond to the replies, but i'm currently on a 40-person call and simultaneously trying to save my job, so need to take a breather for a few hours. 💛"} {"idx": 39438, "original_id": "1250823392963551233", "reply_id": "1251268230259388418", "label": "oops", "text": "I trust Dr. Pepper, Doctor Who (All 14!) and Dr. Dre all day before #DrOz."} {"idx": 39441, "original_id": "1250957087905067008", "reply_id": "1250987604297867264", "label": "hug", "text": "I ruined my 6 month streak of no self-harm due to getting angry, dissociating and self-harming. Great day and night it is."} {"idx": 39442, "original_id": "1251133923645689856", "reply_id": "1251205248120696843", "label": "scared", "text": "Find the 8th picture in your camera roll and stick it up your arse."} {"idx": 39443, "original_id": "1251050893698461697", "reply_id": "1251096950910226433", "label": "wink", "text": "Who called it masturbation and not ‘finger on your lips’ ?"} {"idx": 39444, "original_id": "1250830636081971200", "reply_id": "1250846024245141506", "label": "no", "text": "Another 3 weeks? I’m going for a nap"} {"idx": 39445, "original_id": "1250820178360877058", "reply_id": "1250927702950817793", "label": "hug", "text": "I don't matter to anyone"} {"idx": 39446, "original_id": "1251240151776280576", "reply_id": "1251245545110204416", "label": "want", "text": "I know everyone wants to smooch with me but I just ate garlic prawns for lumch and also we're sheltering in place so the answer is NO"} {"idx": 39450, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251012627427295233", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 39451, "original_id": "1251065343826489344", "reply_id": "1251187411683426308", "label": "awww", "text": "Request GHQ Rawalpindi to update progress on #Referendum2020. You guys were supposed to give a global push for Khalistan this year. It’s already April2020. WAKE UP!\n\nAlso, you were supposed to give us a surprise in Kashmir. What happened?\n\nGen Bajwa missing after extension?"} {"idx": 39453, "original_id": "1251117294132039681", "reply_id": "1251262072064634881", "label": "oops", "text": "Today is my 65th birthday and my son’s birthday. Yup I had my son on my birthday. Can I get your favorite GIF?"} {"idx": 39456, "original_id": "1251208727727706113", "reply_id": "1251209906989830145", "label": "idk", "text": "And yet another whack job Fox Propaganda tv Doctor has an opinion.\n\nDr. Phil said that he doesn’t understand why lockdown measures are needed for Coronavirus when lockdowns measures aren’t needed for swimming pool deaths.\n\nWell buffoon, Coronavirus is contagious, drowning isn’t."} {"idx": 39457, "original_id": "1250955708352397313", "reply_id": "1250956878311493635", "label": "no", "text": "Are hotdogs a sandwich?"} {"idx": 39459, "original_id": "1251232202219753473", "reply_id": "1251237640206266371", "label": "yes", "text": "Width > length"} {"idx": 39462, "original_id": "1250865966214524928", "reply_id": "1250866052747198464", "label": "oops", "text": "we see you all commenting on the #seeyou video still <3 you're helping it SO MUCH!\n\nit almost has more comments than #phobias! 😯"} {"idx": 39463, "original_id": "1251228486620061696", "reply_id": "1251235576419774465", "label": "yes", "text": "If he is sad, show him your boobs.\nIf he is happy, show the boobs.\nIf he is angry, boobs again.\nBoobs are magic."} {"idx": 39466, "original_id": "1251235890053156872", "reply_id": "1251265013626671104", "label": "no", "text": "Genuinely curious: what’s the dink fams opinion on Gabbie Hanna?"} {"idx": 39469, "original_id": "1250839745770295296", "reply_id": "1250854718735171585", "label": "applause", "text": "Canada has strict Social Distancing that's enforced, payments to Canadians of $2,000 monthly for 16 weeks, payments of 75% of employees wages so businesses can keep them on payroll, rent assistance to business and people. And Trudeau doesn't care who signs the stimulus checks!"} {"idx": 39471, "original_id": "1251035740915372033", "reply_id": "1251054101170753536", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Am against making fun of Phogats based on English. Make fun of their 'intelligence', condemn their bigotry. But English is no measure of knowledge anyway.\nBy making fun baais English, we are displaying our classism. My opinion."} {"idx": 39473, "original_id": "1250831250404913152", "reply_id": "1250853534750240770", "label": "good_luck", "text": "like if you believe i can hit 100,000 subscribers within 3-5 months ❤️, i’m gonna grind my a** off, so when we hit it imma come back here & see who believed in me ❤️"} {"idx": 39476, "original_id": "1250899481840648192", "reply_id": "1250900590365794304", "label": "oops", "text": "Tbh, Im pretty sure my girl loves @DJNittiGritti more than she loves me and I don't know how to feel"} {"idx": 39478, "original_id": "1251135163683213312", "reply_id": "1251139975485124614", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "happy update day 💙💚🧡❤️💜"} {"idx": 39480, "original_id": "1251057488067063808", "reply_id": "1251057601850343424", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Why are you awake right now\n\ngo to bed."} {"idx": 39481, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251042666445524992", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 39483, "original_id": "1251172343617118209", "reply_id": "1251177283009855490", "label": "seriously", "text": "90% of the time you can tell what show i'm binge watching lately based on my GIF response choices."} {"idx": 39484, "original_id": "1250916949011374080", "reply_id": "1251209215433150466", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Which woman of color will Biden pick for VP?"} {"idx": 39486, "original_id": "1250970912750399491", "reply_id": "1251166708737474560", "label": "hug", "text": "My appointment went very well. My brain and my heart are both way too full to figure out how to share things in a way that works with Twitter, but one thing I think I can say is that for ONCE in my life, the doctor knows more about my condition than I do.\n\n...I'm gonna cry again."} {"idx": 39487, "original_id": "1251206106896052224", "reply_id": "1251206569091629056", "label": "eww", "text": "I fucking love spaghetti in a can"} {"idx": 39488, "original_id": "1251004875388772354", "reply_id": "1251048518367600640", "label": "omg", "text": "So roads are just outdoor hallways??"} {"idx": 39489, "original_id": "1251155952734068749", "reply_id": "1251219312225878017", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "So The Office is clearly the best tv show of all time with Parks and Rec being right behind in second, but what’s the third best?"} {"idx": 39491, "original_id": "1250844798224908290", "reply_id": "1250845885287759873", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m athletic slim if that makes sense. Skinny but muscular. 🤣"} {"idx": 39492, "original_id": "1250899874423472129", "reply_id": "1250908902478295046", "label": "smh", "text": "I need to get my windows tinted so I can cry in my car in peace"} {"idx": 39495, "original_id": "1250914039049474048", "reply_id": "1250931998446587904", "label": "no", "text": "Trolls 2 world tour is the greatest movie ever made."} {"idx": 39496, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251149939666612227", "label": "eww", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 39497, "original_id": "1250910230516576256", "reply_id": "1250910503582543879", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m old enough to have rolled my eyes at the mere existence of Saved By the Bell the first time."} {"idx": 39500, "original_id": "1250916162147422214", "reply_id": "1250944439847202818", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m not wearing a mask"} {"idx": 39502, "original_id": "1250922978503610370", "reply_id": "1250924609790021632", "label": "yes", "text": "I just bought some sexy stockings and a new red lipstick. Expect lots of slutty photos soon."} {"idx": 39503, "original_id": "1251053680226455552", "reply_id": "1251132738817703938", "label": "shocked", "text": "tl sleep? \nRihanna’s Anti, was trash. only a good 3/4 songs tbh."} {"idx": 39505, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251165277443719168", "label": "yes", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 39506, "original_id": "1250953721883832325", "reply_id": "1250958312058880006", "label": "idk", "text": "if you spin a mirror then spin yourself at the same time and speed as it do you see a still reflection?"} {"idx": 39510, "original_id": "1251223605096128517", "reply_id": "1251234836620156928", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Dear Vikings,\n\nStay away from Jake Fromm."} {"idx": 39514, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250919315127369735", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 39517, "original_id": "1250848874924617733", "reply_id": "1250867012613652481", "label": "yes", "text": "Nick is finally realizing what Phyllis has known all along about Chelsea. She's a treacherous con artist and being in cahoots with Adam is proof of that. #YR"} {"idx": 39520, "original_id": "1251205898367877122", "reply_id": "1251248332560793602", "label": "smh", "text": "Saying “white people shit” and “Colored People Time” is also hindering us from being united."} {"idx": 39525, "original_id": "1250836395825827840", "reply_id": "1250842072145223680", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Why does my ward all of the sudden keep scheduling Zoom meetings?! If I wanted to hear my Elder’s quorum spout of scriptures and opinions they haven’t examined since their missions, I would find some annoying Mormon red-it forums."} {"idx": 39526, "original_id": "1250984221054775297", "reply_id": "1250984636559261696", "label": "yolo", "text": "I'm tipsy..."} {"idx": 39532, "original_id": "1251104424828657665", "reply_id": "1251113189988843522", "label": "sigh", "text": "Finals is comin’"} {"idx": 39533, "original_id": "1250904332486225924", "reply_id": "1250905353824370691", "label": "agree", "text": "What is your plan if no ever gets to marry you?\nMe: date everyone 😆"} {"idx": 39534, "original_id": "1250851707535458306", "reply_id": "1250856037466374144", "label": "idk", "text": "Imagine fucking a pit bull for $400 & still not being able to provide for yourself"} {"idx": 39537, "original_id": "1250419909043027968", "reply_id": "1250903703604867074", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ve never been in a serious relationship before."} {"idx": 39540, "original_id": "1250873339297632256", "reply_id": "1250876624951808000", "label": "kiss", "text": "Haven't been this grumpy my entire life"} {"idx": 39541, "original_id": "1250843746503139328", "reply_id": "1250881970558717959", "label": "applause", "text": "How the hell am I, of all people, 2 months ahead on all my bills? Like WHAT?"} {"idx": 39542, "original_id": "1251114601812340736", "reply_id": "1251121093756289025", "label": "eww", "text": "It’s almost 5 am and im thinking bout how British people sound when they fuck 🤦🏾‍♀️😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 39545, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250969484979875840", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 39548, "original_id": "1251175052734840832", "reply_id": "1251178822264688641", "label": "oops", "text": "Can we even go one day without y’all fucking talking about eating butt like why is that in yalls causal conversation choices? Fucking enough already"} {"idx": 39549, "original_id": "1250893362259013633", "reply_id": "1250893953404211202", "label": "no", "text": "PJs on, cozied up in bed with a cup of tea watching....Interspecies Reviewers lmaoooo"} {"idx": 39552, "original_id": "1250319188406579201", "reply_id": "1250903954000678916", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "When he wants to learn everything about you being T1D 😬🙌🏾 #singlepeopleproblems ##singleandT1D"} {"idx": 39553, "original_id": "1251163846552715264", "reply_id": "1251175838961340416", "label": "facepalm", "text": "In times like these, I’m so grateful to have roommates. Without them, I wouldn’t need to clean the kitchen every day"} {"idx": 39554, "original_id": "1251225858892804103", "reply_id": "1251227283152609285", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm feeling quite tired and lonely :/"} {"idx": 39559, "original_id": "1251170143868239873", "reply_id": "1251174656909901824", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "My next relationship im cheating. Its been 13yrs since ive cheated i think i need to run it back for old times sake🥴🤣😂."} {"idx": 39564, "original_id": "1250929596792549377", "reply_id": "1250929863021727744", "label": "shocked", "text": "Bro I joined a house party chat with gang people I know and the one person I didn’t know was like “who is this can he leave”💀💀💀"} {"idx": 39566, "original_id": "1251055525782884352", "reply_id": "1251112108256686080", "label": "hug", "text": "i hate how easily my mood can plummet. fuck everything."} {"idx": 39567, "original_id": "1251030708715507712", "reply_id": "1251034003152482310", "label": "yes", "text": "lil nigga you think you tuff?"} {"idx": 39568, "original_id": "1250961805775704064", "reply_id": "1251080709399166976", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Good to speak with #Qatar’s Deputy Prime Minister Abdulrahman al-Thani. I thanked him for Qatar’s support in helping us bring #AmericansHome during #COVID19. We also discussed regional issues, in particular confronting Iran's destabilizing actions, including in Iraq."} {"idx": 39571, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250993777340059650", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 39578, "original_id": "1251240446501834753", "reply_id": "1251259535056089091", "label": "applause", "text": "Been drinking since 12 now I’m drunk in bed 🥴I seriously need rehab"} {"idx": 39579, "original_id": "1250861870031962113", "reply_id": "1250891744608243713", "label": "agree", "text": "Registration open for new friends."} {"idx": 39583, "original_id": "1251181843631792128", "reply_id": "1251183596565561344", "label": "thank_you", "text": "YAYYYY!! I’m so glad it’s out in the world. I hope you love it(:"} {"idx": 39584, "original_id": "1250822056221933569", "reply_id": "1250835201120276481", "label": "no", "text": "bye world"} {"idx": 39585, "original_id": "1250873278471823362", "reply_id": "1250884094818430976", "label": "yes", "text": "Good times ahead pending🤞🏼"} {"idx": 39588, "original_id": "1250850038869262337", "reply_id": "1250851412667334656", "label": "applause", "text": "One little cramp & here I am rolling up ... again 😭"} {"idx": 39589, "original_id": "1250851096031084546", "reply_id": "1250930688578248708", "label": "agree", "text": "Need to order a thong swimsuit"} {"idx": 39595, "original_id": "1250850015456620545", "reply_id": "1250850724272996352", "label": "agree", "text": "Don’t belittle someone just for you to look smart cuz its not cool periodt"} {"idx": 39596, "original_id": "1250987663198322690", "reply_id": "1251138832965292035", "label": "applause", "text": "Beyoncé sounds so beautiful #disneysingalong ✨✨✨"} {"idx": 39598, "original_id": "1250971527702609921", "reply_id": "1250976218142224385", "label": "sigh", "text": "What's the weather like in #FFVII?\n\nPartly Cloudy"} {"idx": 39599, "original_id": "1250921307736334336", "reply_id": "1250921657637707776", "label": "no", "text": "John I can cut your hair. RT @MrJohnD: I just want a haircut and to sit at bar and have drinks. Shit."} {"idx": 39602, "original_id": "1250954266321334272", "reply_id": "1251014157064863744", "label": "hug", "text": "hi there. this will only take a moment. i just wanted to let you know.\n\ni love you"} {"idx": 39606, "original_id": "1250839371135229952", "reply_id": "1251118400878907394", "label": "seriously", "text": "I pray I don't marry a guy who likes Cassper Nyovest."} {"idx": 39608, "original_id": "1250861763781943296", "reply_id": "1250894026867445761", "label": "yes", "text": "Had an encouraging bipartisan call with the President this morning, and I appreciate him appointing me to serve on the Task Force on Reopening the Economy.\n\nWhen America gets back to work, we'll make sure our economy is even stronger than it was before! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸"} {"idx": 39610, "original_id": "1251173661316460546", "reply_id": "1251173911397531648", "label": "hug", "text": "I am not going to cry in the grocery checkout line I am not going to cry in the grocery checkout line. #deepbreaths"} {"idx": 39614, "original_id": "1250921762671538176", "reply_id": "1250922294035259392", "label": "agree", "text": "President Trump is such a fast learner, he’s adapting very well as POTUS. He has been a GREAT Leader through times of Crisis despite all of the Resistance."} {"idx": 39615, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250935537701027840", "label": "applause", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 39616, "original_id": "1251179639407550465", "reply_id": "1251232955986513924", "label": "shocked", "text": "Low key I’ve always had a crush on my professor, he has a lil something I like"} {"idx": 39617, "original_id": "1251215224176119810", "reply_id": "1251240987885625344", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Okay. Going into the writing trenches. Wish me luck! #amwriting #amwritingfantasy #TheEverwinterWraith"} {"idx": 39618, "original_id": "1251161459603632128", "reply_id": "1251161651656552449", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "*to a tree* Hate to see you grow but love to watch your leaves"} {"idx": 39619, "original_id": "1251068347334213632", "reply_id": "1251188408547934209", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "so tempted to order a wig"} {"idx": 39624, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250942222809182208", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 39625, "original_id": "1250907246466347016", "reply_id": "1250968915997601798", "label": "agree", "text": "Same people in WI calling for #recallevers were the ones who voted for Trump. You know, the guy who you should really be upset at."} {"idx": 39626, "original_id": "1251166407334621186", "reply_id": "1251184894996176899", "label": "dance", "text": "I see you at the movieeeees"} {"idx": 39627, "original_id": "1250991680611909632", "reply_id": "1251092182209085445", "label": "applause", "text": "The older I get, the shorter my attention span gets."} {"idx": 39629, "original_id": "1250992092484005888", "reply_id": "1251002768489406464", "label": "agree", "text": "Luke Evans is incredibly attractive. #disneysingalong"} {"idx": 39631, "original_id": "1250963440925106178", "reply_id": "1251013735944241157", "label": "yes", "text": "stay home\nstay home & \nstay home & w\nstay home & wi\nstay home & win\nstay home & win g\nstay home & win gi\nstay home & win giv\nstay home & win give\nstay home & win givea\nstay home & win giveaw\nstay home & win giveawa\nstay home & win giveaway\nstay home & win giveaways"} {"idx": 39633, "original_id": "1250956929062637572", "reply_id": "1251125266824351744", "label": "agree", "text": "BREAKING: Millions of Americans have not received their stimulus payments. The coronavirus stimulus rollout is a complete failure, because Trump was in charge of it. He failed at this just like he failed at the initial response. And everything else in his life. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 39637, "original_id": "1250861128713986049", "reply_id": "1250877969049907200", "label": "please", "text": "Who wants a free key for this weekend? 👀"} {"idx": 39642, "original_id": "1251186234644287489", "reply_id": "1251191025479147522", "label": "agree", "text": "Steamed momos>>>>>>>>>>>>Fried momos."} {"idx": 39643, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251131408434765825", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 39648, "original_id": "1250953368815755267", "reply_id": "1251237327357259779", "label": "yes", "text": "Do I use part of my stimulus check to buy a pop-a-shot for the apartment?"} {"idx": 39649, "original_id": "1250753667436863488", "reply_id": "1251185038026330113", "label": "yes", "text": "I AM 90 DAYS SOBER TODAY!!"} {"idx": 39650, "original_id": "1251263017511194627", "reply_id": "1251267613491150850", "label": "no", "text": "Today in Insurance: I should have my claim rep’s cell phone number in case I have questions or concerns after the office closes. If he really cared about your driver causing my injury and damages, he’d be there 24/7 for me."} {"idx": 39651, "original_id": "1250726643116670983", "reply_id": "1250967473509171200", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Prime Minister suggesting industry super funds should lend @VirginAustralia the money it needs on @abc730"} {"idx": 39655, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250963446314577920", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 39659, "original_id": "1250830754482880518", "reply_id": "1250847655925813249", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump bucks just hit"} {"idx": 39665, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251246025865678850", "label": "no", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 39666, "original_id": "1250787008311590913", "reply_id": "1251146642096394240", "label": "yes", "text": "Beginning this Saturday I will be doing a show on @975TheFanatic from Noon-3pm. Going to have some fun and I am excited to be on the air and talk to a lot of listeners I have not spoken to for a while. Plus @Pat_Egan is my half assed producer. Watch out. Cheers."} {"idx": 39668, "original_id": "1251214317694918656", "reply_id": "1251223154363678720", "label": "facepalm", "text": "YOU: So I'm thinking about buying some classical music\nME: Well, just make sure you remember to bring your \nChopin Liszt RS"} {"idx": 39669, "original_id": "1250989895084052480", "reply_id": "1251093879111266304", "label": "awww", "text": "We're thinking of doing a #giveaway for a gaming chair 🤔 ...\n\nanyone need a new one?"} {"idx": 39676, "original_id": "1250944574668836864", "reply_id": "1250944767355236354", "label": "agree", "text": "YO ITEM SHOP RESETS IN 13 HOURS! THE X-FORCE SET IS DROPPING THEN!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥 #Fortnite"} {"idx": 39679, "original_id": "1250833702898237448", "reply_id": "1250894122451378183", "label": "yes", "text": "Last year, I believed @Tuaamann was the best college QB. \n\nThis year, I believed he was the best college QB. \n\nI believe he will be better than any prospect next year (Lawrence and Fields). \n\nI actually love @Trevorlawrencee and @justnfields. \n\nI’d still roll with Tua."} {"idx": 39680, "original_id": "1251256013887586304", "reply_id": "1251256658233352192", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Now I just gotta pick a place, whaaaaa, stress but exciiiiiiited"} {"idx": 39681, "original_id": "1250828769042092033", "reply_id": "1250839638459236353", "label": "eww", "text": "Crazy Nancy is about as likable as pubic hair covered Honey Bun! 😳😂"} {"idx": 39682, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251006160129232896", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 39684, "original_id": "1250943746528571397", "reply_id": "1250976882574741504", "label": "agree", "text": "One day you're gonna see my videos on a jumbotron 🙏"} {"idx": 39685, "original_id": "1251266341086076929", "reply_id": "1251267977749692420", "label": "smh", "text": "The Trump 2020 signs started going up in our neighborhood 😓😭"} {"idx": 39686, "original_id": "1250645789803716610", "reply_id": "1250849875496927235", "label": "hug", "text": "Suppose it’s true the truth always comes out and cheaters always get caught out in the end, definitely need to focus on myself from now on🥴"} {"idx": 39687, "original_id": "1250955023116234753", "reply_id": "1250967169388535809", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Digging up old pics and found some of me dragged and dolled up. Hmm maybe I shouldn't post it up.. or should I?.... 🤔"} {"idx": 39693, "original_id": "1251179460042223618", "reply_id": "1251180039971864577", "label": "applause", "text": "Roses are red...\nViolets are blue...\nIf KFC was a person...\nI’d be on lockdown with you 😍😂"} {"idx": 39694, "original_id": "1251231274405998592", "reply_id": "1251232805926952961", "label": "dance", "text": "I made veggie pizza and built a chair \n\nI am unstoppable"} {"idx": 39697, "original_id": "1251108339276185600", "reply_id": "1251216590202380294", "label": "agree", "text": "Things I don’t miss:\n\nShaving\nWearing trousers\nShopping Malls\nJames Corden’s Karaoke Car Share.\nWearing pants\n#everycloud #selfisolating #lockdown"} {"idx": 39701, "original_id": "1251261940615217156", "reply_id": "1251270917461880834", "label": "applause", "text": "wtf i somehow lost 10 pounds during this quarantine???"} {"idx": 39702, "original_id": "1251236795133464576", "reply_id": "1251239349829750785", "label": "high_five", "text": "Sure, I'll cuddle you and rub your dick a little. Why not?"} {"idx": 39704, "original_id": "1250862430604967938", "reply_id": "1250864910218620934", "label": "hug", "text": "If I could wrap my arms around you all and tell you it'll be okay, I would. Stay strong 💜✨"} {"idx": 39705, "original_id": "1250895464557187072", "reply_id": "1250905546078720000", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Vida Sexual. 404 Not Found."} {"idx": 39707, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1250983266494136320", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 39708, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251030853163065344", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 39709, "original_id": "1251234159076442115", "reply_id": "1251234411409846273", "label": "hug", "text": "devastated for so many students who rely on school for safety and social connection. i’m not against the decision at all, i’m grieving. i miss my (foster) niece too. idk how/when i’ll see her again now. i hate this so much."} {"idx": 39717, "original_id": "1250850421863841794", "reply_id": "1250891933251186688", "label": "no", "text": "Can I pet that dog!"} {"idx": 39724, "original_id": "1250886813784236032", "reply_id": "1250886939252645888", "label": "applause", "text": "Workers in the food sector are the unsung heroes of this unprecedented time.\n\nI signed an Executive Order that will increase sanitary measures and give 2 weeks of supplemental paid sick leave for #COVID19.\n\nOur grocery lines have become our frontlines and must be treated as such."} {"idx": 39726, "original_id": "1251119248434479105", "reply_id": "1251120344754241538", "label": "no", "text": "Massive thanks to pc 1235 Neil Mackenzie @NorthantsPolice for being more vigilant than me! I stupidly left my £3k of tools behind my van and drove off🙈 didnt realise until next job the next day, luckily Neil was patrolling, saw them and secured them.. soo relieved 😃@vaillantuk"} {"idx": 39727, "original_id": "1250870732025999366", "reply_id": "1250960857816801287", "label": "applause", "text": "I once had to write an apology letter to someone because he took offence to me calling him a \"douchebro\".\n\nI was then suspended for a week because my letter said, \"I'm sorry for identifying your unique markers; I'd just never seen a Douchebro in the wild before\".\n\nOops."} {"idx": 39729, "original_id": "1251187633272864769", "reply_id": "1251218100374077441", "label": "eww", "text": "The Steelers need to get Cam Newton. Mason they know can’t play and Ben been injured and his status is up in the air. Mike Tomlin and Cam would be great together for the next 7 years and the Steelers would win another Super Bowl"} {"idx": 39730, "original_id": "1250924843685384193", "reply_id": "1251143218642780160", "label": "agree", "text": "If you disliked Annie/Foster, PLEASE be respectful of the decision she made. We don’t know what happened or why she’s leaving. There’s no need to throw shade towards Annie or her character."} {"idx": 39731, "original_id": "1250886973801336832", "reply_id": "1251181227656318977", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Bruh 40 cal better realize I ain’t the female he should be trying on his crossover he gone fuck around and crossover heaven gates"} {"idx": 39738, "original_id": "1251268721273966595", "reply_id": "1251268987725348864", "label": "hug", "text": "Reminder that keeping yourself busy to distract yourself from grief works until you’re not busy because you have to sleep 🙃"} {"idx": 39743, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251221302876278786", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 39745, "original_id": "1251202844683718657", "reply_id": "1251204427261804552", "label": "please", "text": "Missing the boys :("} {"idx": 39746, "original_id": "1251196605371383810", "reply_id": "1251232971148812289", "label": "hug", "text": "Y'all I have had what can only be described as an insanely difficult seven months and I'm kinda running out of gas in the tank here. Send gifs I guess."} {"idx": 39749, "original_id": "1250901366895083520", "reply_id": "1250903604933857283", "label": "ok", "text": "@Yo_Chxpo is the best guard prove me wrong ?? 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 39750, "original_id": "1251150560390115328", "reply_id": "1251151446713593860", "label": "agree", "text": "Please don’t tell me to ‘’CHILL’’ or ‘’CALM DOWN’’ i promise it dosent ever work it just automatically triggers me."} {"idx": 39761, "original_id": "1250891460985196544", "reply_id": "1250892656860897280", "label": "awww", "text": "Just sat on both my hands for 20 minutes then hugged myself so it felt like someone else."} {"idx": 39764, "original_id": "1250820926536466433", "reply_id": "1250964329459003392", "label": "no", "text": "I need a Break!"} {"idx": 39768, "original_id": "1251235117609123842", "reply_id": "1251235511139696643", "label": "applause", "text": "I want a fatter ass 🥴"} {"idx": 39772, "original_id": "1250961401381871617", "reply_id": "1251030206355292167", "label": "thank_you", "text": "2011 Thundercats would have flourished in this streaming boom. Am I the only who liked this show?"} {"idx": 39774, "original_id": "1250872305279893504", "reply_id": "1250993461748215808", "label": "applause", "text": "Shout out again to the masses of black voters who rendered IA and NH irrelevant in the nomination process and proved once and for all that they don’t tell us what to do."} {"idx": 39778, "original_id": "1251184907021365250", "reply_id": "1251227278517981184", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "When he was young my son was invited to a birthday party and being new area I didn't know the boy or his family. I decided a pair of roller skates would make a great present. It was only when I handed the present to his mum that i realised he was disabled and in a wheel chair."} {"idx": 39779, "original_id": "1251204529921589248", "reply_id": "1251210077513691136", "label": "no", "text": "If my mouth is still hot from the hot salsa on my tacos, do you still want me to suck your dick?"} {"idx": 39780, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250946374432063489", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 39784, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250965915329576960", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 39786, "original_id": "1250832899668131841", "reply_id": "1250852097052020739", "label": "high_five", "text": "#NationalHornyDay and you're not getting laid"} {"idx": 39790, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251015309483339776", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 39795, "original_id": "1250836678605828096", "reply_id": "1251100860471562241", "label": "applause", "text": "Just ordered Harry Potter to read with the 7yo. So it begins."} {"idx": 39796, "original_id": "1237631781764861952", "reply_id": "1250876427097997313", "label": "applause", "text": "I will not be bullied.\n\nI will not be intimidated.\n\nI will not be shouted down.\n\nBy Biden supporters.\n\nIf @JoeBiden wins this primary and wants my vote then he is going to have to EARN it and move to the left on health care, climate change, and economic policy. #EarnMyVoteBiden"} {"idx": 39799, "original_id": "1250772667575095301", "reply_id": "1250898944168792064", "label": "please", "text": "LETS GO ON A #WRITERLIFT!!!\n\nThank you #writingcommunity for being so supportive!\n\nIf you are under 10000 followers, say hi and like!\nOver 10k? Please join and retweet!\n\nFollow and connect as you like. We'll all follow you back🥰\n\n#WritingCommunity #writing #amwriting"} {"idx": 39800, "original_id": "1250828080295235584", "reply_id": "1250922401556119552", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "This fall, I'll be a Digital Technology and Development Fellow at William and Mary's @global_wm, also working with people at @AidData. I feel lucky to have an opportunity to both continue my work on India and also work on cool new data+development projects in Zimbabwe and (1/2)"} {"idx": 39802, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250906763236388866", "label": "high_five", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 39804, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251269108496322565", "label": "applause", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 39805, "original_id": "1250929469587689473", "reply_id": "1250990726156103685", "label": "shocked", "text": "your guy makes you cry because he’s a dick. my guy makes me cry because his dick is big. we are not the same."} {"idx": 39807, "original_id": "1250917239643009024", "reply_id": "1251012144184938496", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m lowkey sad/hurt. Yesterday was my boyfriends birthday so I went all out for him while he was at work. Got him gifts, decorated the house and spent 3 hours baking/decorating a cake. He hardly even acknowledged any of it and didn’t even try the cake. Ouch my heart ☹️🥺"} {"idx": 39808, "original_id": "1251220241851379712", "reply_id": "1251229025093267457", "label": "hug", "text": "dont mind me, just looking through my old photos and reminiscing a time when I could go outside and wear cute clothes ._."} {"idx": 39813, "original_id": "1251157017177161731", "reply_id": "1251161153176088581", "label": "applause", "text": "If you think it's OK for the police to arrest people who open their businesses to feed their families and in the process disregard unconstitutional local rules that illegally preempt state law, you're the problem and are living in the wrong nation."} {"idx": 39814, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250837750531657733", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 39816, "original_id": "1250987125102829570", "reply_id": "1250989769905102849", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s a ‘cry myself to sleep and hope the tears dry by the morning’ kind of night"} {"idx": 39817, "original_id": "1250915684974026757", "reply_id": "1251158222116773892", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m having a bad day🥺"} {"idx": 39820, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251249566801952774", "label": "ok", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 39821, "original_id": "1251218324316397568", "reply_id": "1251218756057157639", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I think I just saw my husband today. Omg! He was looking and I wanted to speak but i was scared 😂🤦🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 39822, "original_id": "1250893388846596096", "reply_id": "1250894958598504452", "label": "sigh", "text": "Trump told governors they had \"leeway\" on testing in call this afternoon. \"Testing is very interesting. There are some states where I think you can do with a lot less testing than other people are suggesting... Some are big believers in the testing. Some believe a little less.\""} {"idx": 39824, "original_id": "1250833127536316417", "reply_id": "1250842886549180419", "label": "applause", "text": "I am pleased to be joining the bipartisan task force on reopening the economy. Together with @realdonaldTrump, we will get this economy roaring once again. We need to let Americans get safely back to work and bring prosperity to this nation anew! 🇺🇸"} {"idx": 39825, "original_id": "1250944191431086080", "reply_id": "1250944908959113216", "label": "ok", "text": "Hoes always think you bleming bitch when I’m talking about yo big headed bipolar ass I’ll tag yo name hoe like this @nogoodass 🤨🙄😑"} {"idx": 39831, "original_id": "1250509975337738247", "reply_id": "1251197220055105540", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm 54 and don't think I've ever missed an election, most ppl I've voted for have let me down, but I have never been more proud of my vote for @realDonaldTrump, he hasn't let me down, he has GREATLY EXCEEDED MY HOPES AND EXPECTATIONS!! I can't wait to vote for him again in Nov!!"} {"idx": 39832, "original_id": "1250937605312651266", "reply_id": "1250937705267179521", "label": "awww", "text": "SMILE PEOPLE 😁"} {"idx": 39833, "original_id": "1250684064207499265", "reply_id": "1251080857332441088", "label": "no", "text": "new @chrisdelia standup is one of the best maybe ever"} {"idx": 39835, "original_id": "1250208159211413504", "reply_id": "1251162335181324290", "label": "win", "text": "As a Longhorns fan, I was trying to teach my 2 y/o daughter the “hook’em” sign. Her face focused as she tried to figure out the finger positions. After about 5 seconds, it slowly morphed into her giving me the middle finger. I knew I shouldn’t have moved to Oklahoma."} {"idx": 39836, "original_id": "1250924915714215936", "reply_id": "1250937647440297985", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’m gonna day it. The Gossip Girl “go piss girl” memes and all their variants aren’t funny. They just aren’t funny."} {"idx": 39837, "original_id": "1250962185033039872", "reply_id": "1251115622404063232", "label": "facepalm", "text": "If it were not for the irresponsible behavior of the Chinese communist party there would be no #COVID19Pandemic \n\nThousands of Americans would still be alive and 22 million Americans would still be working at their jobs.\n\nChina is responsible. It is time to hold them to account."} {"idx": 39839, "original_id": "1250842844211957760", "reply_id": "1250843493905207296", "label": "applause", "text": "The unit of an economy should be each person not each dollar."} {"idx": 39840, "original_id": "1250854933739552769", "reply_id": "1250865663763193856", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "certain GIFs should be punishable by law and by God"} {"idx": 39842, "original_id": "1250909771433037824", "reply_id": "1251118304141475841", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I have so much love inside of me that I started giving it to wrong people"} {"idx": 39843, "original_id": "1251129044973862918", "reply_id": "1251140491153780739", "label": "hug", "text": "I really don’t know what to say then just crying, poor me, poor myself :”"} {"idx": 39844, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251242082058076168", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 39846, "original_id": "1250575450423693312", "reply_id": "1250932900368748545", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm done letting depression beat me down over physical distancing. I've been down and avoiding people lately, but not anymore.\n\nOne day at a time, one facetime/House Party/DnD session at a time. Fuck you, depression. You aren't beating me today, or any other day. #SickNotWeak"} {"idx": 39848, "original_id": "1250984041203073027", "reply_id": "1250988137830125569", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "How many of you are okay with the slow opening of America?"} {"idx": 39850, "original_id": "1251007108369301504", "reply_id": "1251152767055302661", "label": "agree", "text": "Why am I watching My Best Friends Wedding?! I hate the ending. I wish he would have ended up with Julia Roberts!!"} {"idx": 39854, "original_id": "1250970160413827072", "reply_id": "1251212969062662146", "label": "applause", "text": "Y’know, I’d be *far*’more inclined to believe all the major corporations buying ad-time to say “how we’re all in this together” if they spent that money on paying their workers a living wage, guaranteed paid sick leave, and benefits, instead.\n\nJust sayin... \n🤷🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 39855, "original_id": "1251222137815302146", "reply_id": "1251271367187709955", "label": "no", "text": "@SavannahCawthon does not think I’m gangster. Ha guess what... I am."} {"idx": 39856, "original_id": "1251213708040130560", "reply_id": "1251216544711000064", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under my thread is a man asking me \"where are the films though?\" \n\nMen stay Men-ing."} {"idx": 39859, "original_id": "1251008486584078337", "reply_id": "1251023975930646528", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Congratulations @GoldenStryker keep killing it brother! Here’s to 800!🍾"} {"idx": 39862, "original_id": "1250686656044101632", "reply_id": "1250852293924335616", "label": "agree", "text": "\"Warren or Harris\" That's easy. HARRIS. Warren is 70 and will be 75 after Biden's first term. We need a VP who can be our POTUS for eight years. Those who are suggesting Harris as AG are forgetting Adam Schiff."} {"idx": 39863, "original_id": "1251221663666110470", "reply_id": "1251261098998878208", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Haha just realized the stress that is going to hit me in June because I’m getting married June 18th and moving across the country on June 26th"} {"idx": 39864, "original_id": "1251170911778230273", "reply_id": "1251174042637238273", "label": "idk", "text": "PM says cleaning the orphan wells will maintains 5200 jobs in Alberta. A plan to help companies to reduce emissions will maintain 10’000 jobs across the country. “Just because we’re in a health crisis doesn’t mean we can ignore the environmental crisis”"} {"idx": 39867, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250924666375585792", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 39868, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251033465761304576", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 39870, "original_id": "1250828145906921472", "reply_id": "1250836240993304581", "label": "applause", "text": "Very hyped to announce that I have been granted a full scholarship by @UniLeidenNews to participate in the Master programme ‘Crisis and Security Management’ in the city of #peace & #justice - The Hague, starting September 2020!"} {"idx": 39873, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251078913494638592", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 39876, "original_id": "1251102410443034624", "reply_id": "1251118555267043328", "label": "agree", "text": "Vj wants me dead"} {"idx": 39884, "original_id": "1251175238068559874", "reply_id": "1251221553305587712", "label": "agree", "text": "I am so tired that tonight I will simply have a gin & tonic and a Dominos and I will point blank refuse to do anything else."} {"idx": 39886, "original_id": "1250892966345965568", "reply_id": "1251120040767881218", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My lawyer is making me write this. I am not a licensed doctor, lawyer, financial advisor, accountant, or therapist. Don’t listen to me! ❤️😘"} {"idx": 39887, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251053617345228800", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 39889, "original_id": "1251219705773383690", "reply_id": "1251220674498236416", "label": "agree", "text": "What a great pick of a match from @DaveMastiff on this weeks @NXTUK 👍"} {"idx": 39890, "original_id": "1250727461551300608", "reply_id": "1250843600210051072", "label": "shocked", "text": "fuck pretending to cum i’ll stroke a dykes ego by pretending they can actually pin me down"} {"idx": 39891, "original_id": "1250809372185419776", "reply_id": "1250917472733184005", "label": "idk", "text": "Why do MAGAts always talk about owning the libs? Is it because they can no longer own slaves?"} {"idx": 39892, "original_id": "1250946962645540865", "reply_id": "1251026736470523905", "label": "awww", "text": "My favorite piece of @OU_Football gear I own is the hat that doesn’t fit well that my 5yo bought at Dollar General for me because “Daddy Loves Boomer Sooner”"} {"idx": 39896, "original_id": "1251223104413671425", "reply_id": "1251223739443838976", "label": "please", "text": "btw there's totally a possibility i write smoaking billionaires if i ever get around to tackling the smut bingo card"} {"idx": 39899, "original_id": "1251194085374918658", "reply_id": "1251209692216389633", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "#WorkJokeOfTheDay How do you tell the sex of an ant? \nDrop it in water. \nIf it Sinks: Girl Ant.\nIf it floats: BOY ANT. \n\nGet it? ....Buoyant."} {"idx": 39901, "original_id": "1251198497526812674", "reply_id": "1251200214985248770", "label": "yes", "text": "Love & Solidarity."} {"idx": 39902, "original_id": "1251051443752067072", "reply_id": "1251051726766915585", "label": "hug", "text": "Wow... I'm just not gonna argue about anything on the internet anymore, I'm just gonna draw and not interact with any long thread lol"} {"idx": 39904, "original_id": "1251187162965409793", "reply_id": "1251195107761704963", "label": "ok", "text": "To make your weekend stuck at home more entertaining we decided to make some of the Apex Legends challenges easier. Let your friends know, drop down and wreak havoc upon your opponents!\n\nEasier Apex challenges will be available the whole weekend."} {"idx": 39905, "original_id": "1250672791327838208", "reply_id": "1250938587870375937", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Have you ever wondered how big the #WritingCommunity is on Twitter?\n\nLet’s test it out: If you’re apart of it, like, RT, or just say hi👋🏻"} {"idx": 39906, "original_id": "1250891900011364360", "reply_id": "1250898118306074630", "label": "smh", "text": "If Mnuchin told you personally that you can survive 10 weeks on $1200 stimulus checks, what would you reply?😠"} {"idx": 39907, "original_id": "1250845273431171076", "reply_id": "1250845394428444678", "label": "awww", "text": "In case you weren’t already in love with me, I am wearing a Kelly Kapowski tshirt that is two sizes too small for me."} {"idx": 39908, "original_id": "1251083461613334528", "reply_id": "1251178998492585984", "label": "ok", "text": "Wake me up when 2020 is over."} {"idx": 39909, "original_id": "1250989094982660096", "reply_id": "1251001049441357824", "label": "agree", "text": "We dropping in 30 mins 🔥🔥"} {"idx": 39910, "original_id": "1250939087424544768", "reply_id": "1250967023494053891", "label": "hearts", "text": "It`s all over now, I got through the day and I am fine, still numb, still robotic but fine. Feeling a little under the weather but normal service will resume when I feel human again."} {"idx": 39911, "original_id": "1216400020506890243", "reply_id": "1250847405634801664", "label": "shrug", "text": "introverted romantics be like i’m gonna find my soulmate but i’m not leaving my bedroom to do it"} {"idx": 39918, "original_id": "1251163909911916545", "reply_id": "1251233702404861958", "label": "oops", "text": "Have we considered consulting Dr. Dre about coronavirus, seeing as we have apparently gone through all other available doctors"} {"idx": 39919, "original_id": "1250910305447751690", "reply_id": "1250923502523289602", "label": "hug", "text": "Would like a crumb of love and or affection"} {"idx": 39920, "original_id": "1250475232957288449", "reply_id": "1251046850473242626", "label": "high_five", "text": "Should I be worried that the lockdown hasn't appreciably changed what I laughingly call my lifestyle?"} {"idx": 39921, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250946008051265538", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 39924, "original_id": "1250238259524857856", "reply_id": "1250958317352038403", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Where all my Taurus’s at?"} {"idx": 39925, "original_id": "1251016041125351425", "reply_id": "1251016460568272901", "label": "no", "text": "Someone play me in iMessage games!"} {"idx": 39930, "original_id": "1250783030693597184", "reply_id": "1250906136280100864", "label": "omg", "text": "If you date me there's 98% chance I'll wake you up at 6am with my mouth on your cock at least 5 days a week. Sorry."} {"idx": 39931, "original_id": "1250903848102825988", "reply_id": "1250925117170946048", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Dropped my first 30 bomb today on Valorant 😍😍😍"} {"idx": 39934, "original_id": "1251181583064682500", "reply_id": "1251222503952977921", "label": "eww", "text": "The final straw that's making me DNF this book?\n\nHero to the heroine: “Well whatever you do, make sure you use some of that time to shave your kitty cat. All that extra stubble down there made me feel like I was kissing a dude.”"} {"idx": 39935, "original_id": "1250925894065143810", "reply_id": "1250927152536727555", "label": "applause", "text": "Few months ago I could not hold over and touch my toes. Now I stretching very easy. #Progress"} {"idx": 39937, "original_id": "1250903986724626432", "reply_id": "1250904310424240128", "label": "shocked", "text": "It’s only after I started learning that I clocked that PNG files are higher tier than JPGs and if u can make basic SVGs you can get something looking nice at scale"} {"idx": 39939, "original_id": "1251250198032105474", "reply_id": "1251253020853186561", "label": "facepalm", "text": "It's nice to see the employees at @dunkindonuts wearing masks, but perhaps it would be more effective on their face rather than their chins. 😷"} {"idx": 39940, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251256661349548032", "label": "seriously", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 39941, "original_id": "1251129635372482560", "reply_id": "1251231922845437953", "label": "seriously", "text": "I like titties that sag 😁🤤 when u riding 💦 Iont gotta strain my neck to lick one 😋"} {"idx": 39942, "original_id": "1250933283719766018", "reply_id": "1250951128587448320", "label": "hug", "text": "anxiety is ripping right through me this morning and it's only quarter to ten... 😭😭"} {"idx": 39943, "original_id": "1250898606099398660", "reply_id": "1250900793470988289", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m getting pregnant after all this quarantine. Yolo."} {"idx": 39945, "original_id": "1251178890359386112", "reply_id": "1251272155540721670", "label": "applause", "text": "I want to make this clear.\n\nI was an outspoken Bernie supporter. I believe in Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and structural change. Biden was not close to my first choice.\n\nI’m sorry that I haven’t made that clear — & that I dismissed the necessary critique of Biden. (1/10)"} {"idx": 39948, "original_id": "1251148249399885824", "reply_id": "1251148528069402624", "label": "no", "text": "Damn I could have had Wendy’s breakfast but I’m on a mission"} {"idx": 39949, "original_id": "1251238351862206466", "reply_id": "1251240258433400833", "label": "idk", "text": "I honestly don't understand how Republican senators can sleep at night when they were handed the most serious offenses ever committed by a president and the strongest case for removal of a president ever and they shit the bed for their own petty political gain and now here we are"} {"idx": 39950, "original_id": "1251165923077128192", "reply_id": "1251173719843602433", "label": "idk", "text": "How many people have died of unknown causes in their homes, nursing homes, senior living centers who will never be counted in the covid-19 statistics"} {"idx": 39951, "original_id": "1250872976288989185", "reply_id": "1250873162499272706", "label": "win", "text": "According to @NUFCTakeover1 this is how the owner rich list of the premier league would rank\n\n4. Chelsea – Roman Abramovich (£9.6bn)\n3. Newcastle - Reuben Brothers (18bn)\n2. Man City – Sheikh Mansour (£23.3bn)\n1. Newcastle – Saudi Arabia Public Investment Fund (£260bn)\n\n#NUFC."} {"idx": 39952, "original_id": "1250822002174234626", "reply_id": "1250836399668035584", "label": "agree", "text": "If you consider yourself #WokeAF then you may want to stop sharing articles from @CBS"} {"idx": 39955, "original_id": "1251202034914729984", "reply_id": "1251273135263035392", "label": "awww", "text": "I have the best friends."} {"idx": 39961, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250841332341518342", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 39963, "original_id": "1251267664766476288", "reply_id": "1251273120683642886", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "The most non-essential workers in America are in Congress."} {"idx": 39966, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251119964737675265", "label": "yes", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 39967, "original_id": "1251129610558943232", "reply_id": "1251134181784027142", "label": "please", "text": "I should probably be using this time to write werewolf porn, instead of dicking around on Twitter."} {"idx": 39971, "original_id": "1250994592348020736", "reply_id": "1251119779047407618", "label": "applause", "text": "arg - everytime i try to add a picture on twitter it crashes"} {"idx": 39976, "original_id": "1250913498676301825", "reply_id": "1250930360948580352", "label": "wink", "text": "just sent caitlin skuddies. too close"} {"idx": 39981, "original_id": "1251236182681243648", "reply_id": "1251265716419870721", "label": "no", "text": "Has anyone told Trump that COVID-19 isn’t the Olympics and being in first isn’t gonna give him the gold medal? Man is trying way to hard to keep 1st place. 😂"} {"idx": 39982, "original_id": "1250852188303372293", "reply_id": "1250947587701706758", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all think if I go to an island that’s not heavily infected for a few days 3/4... they’ll let me in?"} {"idx": 39983, "original_id": "1250857493728657408", "reply_id": "1250860612068016128", "label": "agree", "text": "NCAA is in some trouble huh?"} {"idx": 39984, "original_id": "1250938083031363586", "reply_id": "1250939032772755458", "label": "yes", "text": "is Ozark worth watching ?"} {"idx": 39986, "original_id": "1250889833981108241", "reply_id": "1250928112906502151", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "I know it's thursday.\n\nIf i see anything about ratings, I'm just gonna mute ya.\n\nThis has been a shitty week in wrestling.\n\nShouldn't be worried about that right now."} {"idx": 39987, "original_id": "1250926769395437568", "reply_id": "1250930216970715142", "label": "hug", "text": "@DaFirst_Ladi Is Something Like A Best Friend To Me 🥴 Swear We Think So Much Alike"} {"idx": 39990, "original_id": "1251199147811749888", "reply_id": "1251223146050584577", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "What, you thought I was done, #WritingCommunity? Here are more folks to follow this #ff:\n\n@allensonarmory @BenjaminTMilnes @AuthorLinzFera @JanProc82826346 @MissPinkMinx @juliakayauthor @TattooedDaughtr @AuthorWoodroe @belet_seri @CadyHammer @DzintraSullivan @SarahMaeSutton"} {"idx": 39991, "original_id": "1250970164331376640", "reply_id": "1250976894075338752", "label": "shocked", "text": "“she has a boyfriend” so? football has a goalie, that doesn’t mean you can’t score🥱"} {"idx": 39992, "original_id": "1250443939624058880", "reply_id": "1250883565522427905", "label": "omg", "text": "To use this time productively our operational directors are having weekly education sessions. Today @MediaComNorth are covering @Facebook marketing strategies! #future"} {"idx": 39993, "original_id": "1251162836736172033", "reply_id": "1251164027574616064", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Well folks we made it through another week of this Craziness together!! Happy #fridaymorning to you all!! We are coming together to defeat the horrible plague on #America AKA the #coronavirus! Have a great day & even better weekend! #FridayVibes #FridayThoughts #FridayMotivation"} {"idx": 39994, "original_id": "1251120448034783233", "reply_id": "1251202917408923648", "label": "yes", "text": "🚨BREAKING NEWS!!!!🚨\n\n@realDonaldTrump tested positive for being the right man for the job at this crucial time in US history. \n\nWho Agrees? 🙋🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 39995, "original_id": "1250855463228325889", "reply_id": "1250916738100867073", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Every Republican that's calling for the country to be reopened to save the economy should be asked, on record, how many lives they're willing to sacrifice for the almighty economy. Make them defend themselves come election time."} {"idx": 39998, "original_id": "1250869951772217344", "reply_id": "1250882587670786048", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Just made a (major?) breakthrough in my analysis that may or may not make my #MRE make sense!! Looks like this thing might work out after all ❤🤙."} {"idx": 39999, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251119496892301312", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 40006, "original_id": "1250835616096542726", "reply_id": "1250840721059385350", "label": "agree", "text": "I feel like I'm going to regret asking this, but ... should I play Final Fantasy XIV"} {"idx": 40011, "original_id": "1250959964065067014", "reply_id": "1250960222849363968", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "armys who stan harry potter series where you at"} {"idx": 40012, "original_id": "1246477844886290439", "reply_id": "1250950654849359872", "label": "seriously", "text": "Stay connected.\n\nStay fit.\n\nStay safe.\n\nStay #HealthyAtHome!"} {"idx": 40013, "original_id": "1250873954614599681", "reply_id": "1250892319638687745", "label": "yes", "text": "Look who's absentee ballot just came in the mail! My first ever Dem ballot. I have until April 27th to get it sent but shall not wait that long. This puppy will be filled out and sent by tomorrow - too late today. @JoeBiden you'll be getting a vote from this EX GOP Ohioan!"} {"idx": 40014, "original_id": "1250975185437679626", "reply_id": "1250987328165863425", "label": "shocked", "text": "My sister on the phone with her sweetie talking about sugaring. So I asked very loudly if her chin hair grew back yet 🤣"} {"idx": 40016, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250921608895762433", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 40017, "original_id": "1250945088987058176", "reply_id": "1250950853747453952", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I found the original poster of steamed chicken wings. \n\nAnd I KNOW for a fact is this person because I'm going through their other food posts and I-"} {"idx": 40021, "original_id": "1251179782752141312", "reply_id": "1251181181577629707", "label": "good_luck", "text": "my wife is watching Dr Phil which means we gonna be fighting about some dumb shit later"} {"idx": 40026, "original_id": "1251103211156635648", "reply_id": "1251103923328475136", "label": "ok", "text": "Good morning beautiful people, sending love and good vibes to end your week✨✨"} {"idx": 40027, "original_id": "1250945663245979648", "reply_id": "1250947040353402885", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Shoutout to the homies who are still looking out for me 🥺❤️"} {"idx": 40029, "original_id": "1250887297756782595", "reply_id": "1251166671169114113", "label": "oops", "text": "i am so excited for some upcoming covers 🤗. book covers are getting me through this weirdness and i love them."} {"idx": 40030, "original_id": "1251260143028834306", "reply_id": "1251260352123121665", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Pass pages for #WellPlayed are back with my editor! I think that means this book is done. DONE. Wow."} {"idx": 40034, "original_id": "1251224418103300097", "reply_id": "1251225449449033731", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "The only reason I would show up to my 8am college history course was because my professor looked like Gerard Butler \n\nIt’s the little things in life, ya know?"} {"idx": 40035, "original_id": "1251179624425353221", "reply_id": "1251182615186432001", "label": "smh", "text": "“you from roswell?” \n\n“yeah why”\n\n“OHHH SO YOU AN ALIEN!!!! BROOO WHATTTT” \n\n“man..... NOOOO i’m not an alien 😒”"} {"idx": 40037, "original_id": "1251183320987140097", "reply_id": "1251246351817506819", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Made it to my office. I am overwhelmed at what I need to do and then cried at being back"} {"idx": 40039, "original_id": "1250954266321334272", "reply_id": "1250988166468820992", "label": "thank_you", "text": "hi there. this will only take a moment. i just wanted to let you know.\n\ni love you"} {"idx": 40040, "original_id": "1250941514961780736", "reply_id": "1251109325982089217", "label": "applause", "text": "Ramadan is the month of forgiveness , so don’t go into Ramadan with a bitter heart and holding grudges"} {"idx": 40041, "original_id": "1250957191491846148", "reply_id": "1251119820537462789", "label": "yawn", "text": "There’s no way to safely reopen without massive testing.\n\nYet we’re barely testing more people this week than last. And hospitals continue to report serious bottlenecks.\n\nIf Trump ignores the experts and forces a premature reopening,\n\nEven more Americans will die."} {"idx": 40043, "original_id": "1251019857358811137", "reply_id": "1251049902341124097", "label": "no", "text": "🚬 at ☕\n\nPerfect comboooooo! 😌🤎"} {"idx": 40044, "original_id": "1250947803855171595", "reply_id": "1250966780719190016", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Now that I have so much extra time I’m taking a coding class online and I’m actually so stoked."} {"idx": 40045, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1251107758830690304", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 40046, "original_id": "1250810095476379648", "reply_id": "1250844404690104334", "label": "scared", "text": "i'm gonna make homemade chili tonight for miguel.......... i'm almost positive i'll fuck it up BUUUUTTTT i'll try my best 😭"} {"idx": 40048, "original_id": "1251133939881783306", "reply_id": "1251136521316569089", "label": "kiss", "text": "Where's my big fat kiss? 🥰 @chir1cutio"} {"idx": 40050, "original_id": "1250923404179496965", "reply_id": "1250927958359003136", "label": "high_five", "text": "Threw together another collection of flash fiction to submit bc apparently I like to welcome rejection into my life"} {"idx": 40052, "original_id": "1250802019088171009", "reply_id": "1251110245272780801", "label": "agree", "text": "Have you ever lived through what you thought was hell at the time, then you looked back at it and said THANK YOU JESUS for helping me dodge that bullet?!? Like if you hadn’t gone through that situation, you would be going through the most....."} {"idx": 40059, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251076967719407617", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 40060, "original_id": "1251014508144779264", "reply_id": "1251046302072270848", "label": "agree", "text": "hey, you’re pretty cool"} {"idx": 40061, "original_id": "1250477198110146561", "reply_id": "1250904580591943690", "label": "no", "text": "Did soulja boy ever tell em?"} {"idx": 40062, "original_id": "1251190051117191170", "reply_id": "1251247719747858441", "label": "hug", "text": "need a hug"} {"idx": 40064, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250932192580165633", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 40065, "original_id": "1250916895475273729", "reply_id": "1250917764333633536", "label": "applause", "text": "YO #avtweeps and all you other party people! Prepare yourselves for THE premier #AVRaoke experience as it goes #virtual this year. Right along with #ICConnected, get your \"A\" game up. Details to follow. #virutalAVraoke @madsoundguy @jeremy_caldera @LukeJordanEAVI @PaladinMachina"} {"idx": 40069, "original_id": "1250886274820562945", "reply_id": "1250896381461647361", "label": "shocked", "text": "omg i'm replaying morrowind main quest and i'm talking to canon llevule outside the ancestral tomb... then i see barbas watching in the background,, and when i go towards him he runs off... does this happen a lot in the questline and i've just never noticed it???"} {"idx": 40070, "original_id": "1250992757314854913", "reply_id": "1250997169584320512", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Feeling a little stressed at the moment. Send cute stuff"} {"idx": 40073, "original_id": "1250989741559799809", "reply_id": "1251008116180709376", "label": "agree", "text": "@InfinityWard Why can the dual weild revolvers 1 shot you but a shotgun can't? please adjust shotgun damage in close quarters please"} {"idx": 40074, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251035074360827904", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 40077, "original_id": "1251024186098831360", "reply_id": "1251145398627926023", "label": "shocked", "text": "This app that I’m using to relearn French is the goat. I ended up paying for a year subscription without ads 😭"} {"idx": 40078, "original_id": "1250920181867708417", "reply_id": "1251105394153447424", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "What’s your reaction when you get told DJM is more valuable than Hopkins and you’d have to add to Hopkins to get DJM? @DynastyFF_KyleM @TheBauerClub @BHartley4144 @McNamaraDynasty @DynastyTheoryFF"} {"idx": 40079, "original_id": "1250922726925176833", "reply_id": "1250922872790568962", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Can’t wait to post a photo of myself from a mere five years ago and comment that I haven’t aged at all because most women just absolutely SHRIVEL up in that amount of time!!!Except me!!! I am a fountain of youth."} {"idx": 40080, "original_id": "1251133252791873536", "reply_id": "1251135184788848642", "label": "hearts", "text": "Hello everybody! How are you all doing?"} {"idx": 40081, "original_id": "1250699118856605696", "reply_id": "1251139073600827392", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm close to 600 followers which is more than I'd thought I'd be by the end of the year so I'd like to do my first #writerslift as a thank you! Leave your book links, or just comment, then RT and follow as many as you can 😁 I'll do the same! #writingcommunity #writers"} {"idx": 40086, "original_id": "1251013558130708480", "reply_id": "1251036146257272832", "label": "high_five", "text": "Not so fun fact about me: \nI can’t swim. \nYou’re welcome to make fun of me. I deserve it 😂"} {"idx": 40087, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250847197811412992", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 40088, "original_id": "1251149451915194370", "reply_id": "1251150887638032393", "label": "agree", "text": "If it weren’t for my 7 day medication pack I’d have no idea what day of the week it is."} {"idx": 40090, "original_id": "1251172011478482948", "reply_id": "1251238468799381506", "label": "applause", "text": "Random out of context gif replies with no accompanying text are to twitter what the luddite mother minion memes are to facebook\n\nChange my mind"} {"idx": 40094, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251100086148497409", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 40096, "original_id": "1251034865673424896", "reply_id": "1251035961804443648", "label": "agree", "text": "I love what the community is becoming"} {"idx": 40098, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250980222947807235", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 40099, "original_id": "1251071250807640064", "reply_id": "1251104417627152385", "label": "shocked", "text": "I rather catch that Rona than catch feelings."} {"idx": 40100, "original_id": "1247180197788557314", "reply_id": "1250970285295239169", "label": "popcorn", "text": "The only feelings I have are in my pussy."} {"idx": 40101, "original_id": "1251089824808763393", "reply_id": "1251268115146645504", "label": "seriously", "text": "Niggas gas Playboi Carti for no reason smh losing brain cells listening to that garbage"} {"idx": 40102, "original_id": "1251242003687452672", "reply_id": "1251246818614104064", "label": "facepalm", "text": "someone reached out to us:\n\n\"purchased my headset yesterday. Mic simply don't work. spent 2 hours on internet to find solution to this problem, but no success. idk know what to do beside returning my new headset.\"\n\ntheir mic was muted😐"} {"idx": 40106, "original_id": "1251115001177427974", "reply_id": "1251209862442356737", "label": "smh", "text": "My ENT friend who is volunteering in the COVID admissions tent at one hospital just called to say he’s gotten a pay cut. \n\n“Imagine that. A society where physicians get a paycut during a pandemic.”\n\n@wendellpotter brought this up the other day. Any other docs experiencing this?"} {"idx": 40107, "original_id": "1251211552948211712", "reply_id": "1251216882373451780", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Horny day is over please stoP"} {"idx": 40108, "original_id": "1250924624575160321", "reply_id": "1250959115343540224", "label": "popcorn", "text": "ARE YALL READY TO SEE THE CAUCASIANS ACT UP IF THEY CANCEL 4TH OF JULY?!!!!!"} {"idx": 40110, "original_id": "1250934876372496384", "reply_id": "1250935480306339841", "label": "agree", "text": "Hunker down and dig in @PrimeVideo has an early release surprise! Enjoy and thank you all for the never ending support! Hold fast"} {"idx": 40112, "original_id": "1250813366400147456", "reply_id": "1251011908855095296", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I woke up from a nightmare crying. I hate today already."} {"idx": 40114, "original_id": "1251224452571987969", "reply_id": "1251224562420854786", "label": "shocked", "text": "5 NEW ADDITIONS TO THE O₂ FAM TODAY\n\n1 HOUR - Who will they be?\n\n#BreathingOxygen"} {"idx": 40116, "original_id": "1250882654171394048", "reply_id": "1250919156817551365", "label": "dance", "text": "been neck deep in labs, daydreaming and fine tuning The Lockdown Mixtape: INSIDE FOR THE PEOPLE ....this thing is BANG. ING. nice & deep and comin to you soon 😜🤘🙏📡❤️"} {"idx": 40119, "original_id": "1250990273452060672", "reply_id": "1250995040324710404", "label": "kiss", "text": "Me and mf gf smoking and I was holding in a cough hard af and she goes “let it out mija” bruh😭"} {"idx": 40122, "original_id": "1251188011284328448", "reply_id": "1251206226022502400", "label": "scared", "text": "Nobody panic but the grasshoppers are back 😳"} {"idx": 40124, "original_id": "1250885682807091200", "reply_id": "1250970204387106816", "label": "applause", "text": "Idk why da woman gone start up CAYMAN twitter for."} {"idx": 40126, "original_id": "1250982337946345475", "reply_id": "1251063970804330498", "label": "agree", "text": "Thank you China for sending 5lakh testing kits and 6.5 lakh more arriving. 🙏\nBut many Indians have decided to boycott anything Chinease. So they will all go to Baba Ramdev."} {"idx": 40131, "original_id": "1250937955100868609", "reply_id": "1250938598754603008", "label": "hug", "text": "grief is fucking nuts\n\nI'm in a better headspace today and then something so stupid just triggers me\n\nI was buying shampoo and body wash for the kids and they came out with one for curly haired babies and I fucking LOST it. All of my babies have the sweetest curls. I miss Wes."} {"idx": 40133, "original_id": "1251149595284922368", "reply_id": "1251158938734563337", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF: Great friends and charts!\n\n@Timeless_Crypto \n@devchart \n@pierre_crypt0 \n@HerroCrypto \n@RookieXBT \n@ruffiian \n@TraderSmokey \n@Larousse____ \n@Pentosh1 \n@theo_crypto99 \n@888Velvet \n@imBagsy \n@BullChain \n@cryptunez \n@7ommyZero \n@TheCryptoDog \n\nWelcome back: \n@TraderLenny"} {"idx": 40135, "original_id": "1250796629722124289", "reply_id": "1250873687680724993", "label": "shocked", "text": "Rings ordered. 💍"} {"idx": 40136, "original_id": "1250793253856780290", "reply_id": "1250946557421268993", "label": "shocked", "text": "Can we talk about masturbating with pets in the room or is that taboo??"} {"idx": 40141, "original_id": "1250869487517282304", "reply_id": "1250869886475264001", "label": "hug", "text": "I can't cope anymore... 😭"} {"idx": 40142, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251270666285916160", "label": "applause", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 40145, "original_id": "1250936607580061696", "reply_id": "1250938496430280706", "label": "agree", "text": "Honestly think ive lost the ability to talk to lads"} {"idx": 40150, "original_id": "1250916739308609536", "reply_id": "1250955606946721793", "label": "smh", "text": "I work with smart people. I think. But my teammates are talking in chat about Trxmp's plan, and how Ducey will reopen AZ by end of day. Actual quotes:\n\n\"Survival rate is 96-98%. We'll be fine.\"\n\n\"If you're high-risk stay home, take Vit C, wash your hands\" <-- this person has MS"} {"idx": 40151, "original_id": "1250885220485783554", "reply_id": "1250891574445322246", "label": "hug", "text": "Today has been particularly hard for me. I've been tearing up all day, and I feel really sad. I know this won't last forever, but I just want you to know that you're not alone."} {"idx": 40152, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251211486925516813", "label": "shrug", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 40154, "original_id": "1250909603639906304", "reply_id": "1250912901440761858", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "So many ideas and goals, just need some motivation."} {"idx": 40155, "original_id": "1250801886829129728", "reply_id": "1250947644786163719", "label": "shocked", "text": "I deserve head everyday honestly 🤷🏽‍♂️🦍"} {"idx": 40156, "original_id": "1250876004329013249", "reply_id": "1250924022533152770", "label": "awww", "text": "Sometime last year, I saw a guy twice in one week. First at the bank. Second at an event, this time I walked up to him to ask if I knew him from somewhere - no. Till this moment I feel like I met him before the bank. Anyway, he popped on my TL just last week."} {"idx": 40158, "original_id": "1251080784867471361", "reply_id": "1251083899519807489", "label": "seriously", "text": "Good morning Waterloo Region!\n\nToday, mainly cloudy with snow (2-3 cm worth). High of 3.\n\nTonight, partly cloudy and a low of -4."} {"idx": 40159, "original_id": "1251235713414123521", "reply_id": "1251240020037390336", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "The president’s statements this morning encourage illegal and dangerous acts. He is putting millions of people in danger of contracting COVID-19. \n\nHis unhinged rantings and calls for people to “liberate” states could also lead to violence. We’ve seen it before. 1/7"} {"idx": 40160, "original_id": "1250850991043416075", "reply_id": "1250896686337187843", "label": "agree", "text": "Thursdays don’t feel the same no more😒"} {"idx": 40165, "original_id": "1250927741744164869", "reply_id": "1250953457030385666", "label": "thank_you", "text": "giving u the album early cause I love u"} {"idx": 40166, "original_id": "1251228888807718914", "reply_id": "1251231843765981184", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I am done Twitter purging for awhile. After I'm done, my followers count might only be 12, but I will love all 12 of you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"} {"idx": 40170, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1251046468997320706", "label": "yes", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 40171, "original_id": "1250845547965173762", "reply_id": "1250846588534218754", "label": "smh", "text": "My sister and I farted at the same time and I said jinx 😂😂"} {"idx": 40174, "original_id": "1250576002767446017", "reply_id": "1250969117743431680", "label": "applause", "text": "Tonight, a deep gratitude to all whose job it is to clean, in hospitals, offices, and elsewhere. In normal times, your work is vital. In these times, it's a matter of life and death. You do not get the appreciation or wages you deserve. This must change as we enter a new normal."} {"idx": 40175, "original_id": "1251024442395770882", "reply_id": "1251025978215800835", "label": "agree", "text": "imma just play this WSG all night"} {"idx": 40176, "original_id": "1251017436939329536", "reply_id": "1251026385482715136", "label": "eww", "text": "TL sleep? 👀 cold milk be tasting so good at night"} {"idx": 40177, "original_id": "1251166785459585024", "reply_id": "1251167047905619969", "label": "hug", "text": "can someone send me hugs"} {"idx": 40179, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250909002336210945", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 40181, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250870387388407809", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 40183, "original_id": "1250824671387357185", "reply_id": "1250893489652580352", "label": "idk", "text": "Booking any event for later in the year would be a massive jinx right?!"} {"idx": 40185, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251262280064352257", "label": "smh", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 40194, "original_id": "1251223705658822656", "reply_id": "1251238826074411016", "label": "smh", "text": "i would rather die from corona than listen to nba youngboy"} {"idx": 40195, "original_id": "1250821691933986816", "reply_id": "1250887731984678912", "label": "high_five", "text": "I’ve seen improvement in my valorant gameplay and it’s honestly really exciting but at the same time I see where I’m going wrong and I’m doing my best to try and get rid of the bad habits I have \n\nthe improvement is real bois"} {"idx": 40198, "original_id": "1251168555359449088", "reply_id": "1251194804106600448", "label": "idk", "text": "He who finds the truth must sacrifice the false!"} {"idx": 40199, "original_id": "1251138381544714242", "reply_id": "1251138917635461127", "label": "good_luck", "text": "First time cdp design chestunna Friends 🙌🏻\nBless me"} {"idx": 40204, "original_id": "1250854048523325441", "reply_id": "1251027297374662656", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I'll go bald if @EmadGG follows me back.\nBald + Face reveal no way 😳"} {"idx": 40206, "original_id": "1251172556566126592", "reply_id": "1251173254619947010", "label": "no", "text": "Skip bayless really Tranna say Dennis Rodman would stop shaq 😐😐😐"} {"idx": 40210, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250859082673803265", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 40211, "original_id": "1251259179752394752", "reply_id": "1251259510850826246", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "when this year is over we’ll call 2021 the year 1 AC for after corona"} {"idx": 40212, "original_id": "1250673554208755712", "reply_id": "1250871042983297027", "label": "agree", "text": "“You smell good” is in my top 5 for fav compliments"} {"idx": 40215, "original_id": "1250904781750595584", "reply_id": "1250905690496876544", "label": "smh", "text": "FUCK A LOCK DOWN WE GOING UP FOR MY CDAY STILL JUST WAIT ON IT😁😁😁 #May29#GoodToxicGemini"} {"idx": 40216, "original_id": "1251056356439863296", "reply_id": "1251157768796426241", "label": "agree", "text": "BREAKING: Hundreds of people gather on Westminster Bridge to applaud the NHS staff who will be treating them for coronavirus next week."} {"idx": 40217, "original_id": "1250950539329679360", "reply_id": "1251073796888383488", "label": "idk", "text": "playboy carti is trash in general idc what anyone says"} {"idx": 40220, "original_id": "1250853139412144128", "reply_id": "1250860568241672198", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Kinda sick of seeing packers/ Vikings beef on my TL every day. Come on fam I know y’all bored but still.\n\nLets dedicate one day of the week to trash talk. Trash talk Tuesday’s. Y’all can go nuts on Tuesday’s 😂"} {"idx": 40222, "original_id": "1251148681308336129", "reply_id": "1251158333811130368", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Which rapper has the most loyal fan base?"} {"idx": 40224, "original_id": "1251224872245694466", "reply_id": "1251228062441713665", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "where are the cute boys with cuter personalities ?!?!"} {"idx": 40227, "original_id": "1250802177452408834", "reply_id": "1250965518015758336", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "WH sends statement confirming Ivanka Trump's travel to Trump National Golf Club Bedminster for Passover:\n\n\"Her travel was not commercial. She chose to spend a holiday in private with her family\" and says it's \"a closed down facility considered to be a family home.\""} {"idx": 40230, "original_id": "1250994982590308352", "reply_id": "1250996720915357696", "label": "omg", "text": "DOVE CAMERON LIKES LADIES?!"} {"idx": 40233, "original_id": "1250964158356631555", "reply_id": "1250972072408313857", "label": "thank_you", "text": "pst, u cute."} {"idx": 40234, "original_id": "1250807855852204039", "reply_id": "1250842802226954240", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Not having a job was super unexpected, Twitch has helped me stay above water and do what I love doing while being able to take care of the things I need to take care of. So shoutout to you guys man. Seriously. Thank you for supporting. ❤️"} {"idx": 40241, "original_id": "1250983249087729664", "reply_id": "1251000461718630400", "label": "agree", "text": "You gunna be sick when you find out🤣🤣 #BossMoves"} {"idx": 40243, "original_id": "1250907684448034816", "reply_id": "1250908055346135041", "label": "want", "text": "Doodling mutant ideas for CM VOL 2\n- fire breathing rage girl that Dylan calls Kacchan\n- sweet enby w/ social phobia that teleports people away\n- mean girl with psychically crushing putdowns \n- cheeky girl w/ adorable smile summoning nightmares via NECROMANTIC FLUTE oops no stop"} {"idx": 40244, "original_id": "1250817420278857728", "reply_id": "1250837558638137344", "label": "want", "text": "take me to the king came on the radio and now I miss @despicablerei_ more than ever"} {"idx": 40246, "original_id": "1250551831060570112", "reply_id": "1250886560574300162", "label": "applause", "text": "While I was shitposting on facebook I ran across this:\n\nQ.: What's the difference between Dubai and Abu Dhabi?\n\nA.: The people in Dubai don't like the Flintstone's and the people in Abu Dhabi Doo!\n\nI'll see myself out."} {"idx": 40248, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251244567279648770", "label": "seriously", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 40253, "original_id": "1251146793124892673", "reply_id": "1251160200624537600", "label": "yes", "text": "The Jaguars and Redskins have the lowest win total (4.5) in the NFL for 2020, per Caesars Sportsbook. Bengals (5), Panthers (5.5) and Giants (5.5) are only other teams below six victories. (via ESPN Stats & Info)"} {"idx": 40254, "original_id": "1251126611740512256", "reply_id": "1251135010708484096", "label": "sigh", "text": "Dumping our lager yeast today 😥"} {"idx": 40260, "original_id": "1250203112691961864", "reply_id": "1251147518529777665", "label": "applause", "text": "Raise your hand if you agree with President Trump halting America's funding of the World Health Organization. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 40264, "original_id": "1250896180604739584", "reply_id": "1250900222399537153", "label": "no", "text": "I will give you a box with $1Billion. Only thing is that one person (you don’t know) will die. Only you can have and open the box, or pass. Box or no box?"} {"idx": 40266, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1251247570627833858", "label": "no", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 40268, "original_id": "1250848818746228736", "reply_id": "1250849138255622144", "label": "thank_you", "text": "The Fake Politicians from both sides should get their tax-payer funded butts on a plane to Washington D.C. (aren't THEY essential workers, too?), and BAILOUT HUMANS NOW! #BailoutHumansNow cc: @cnn @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump"} {"idx": 40269, "original_id": "1250632404043259904", "reply_id": "1250891683874525184", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "What if the 49ers draft a OT with the 13th pick. What will be your reaction? #NB9ers"} {"idx": 40270, "original_id": "1250900157094338561", "reply_id": "1250910738383855619", "label": "hug", "text": "VIRTUAL HUGS ARMY 💜\nOMG IM GOING THROUGH IT"} {"idx": 40272, "original_id": "1251202596922175490", "reply_id": "1251202879731363841", "label": "popcorn", "text": "funny how locals can talk shit about the series when they literally just watch the series for the actors’ visuals? you clearly can’t see the point of the series if ur just looking at their dicks hunny. shove that up your shitter 😩"} {"idx": 40274, "original_id": "1250588085370454028", "reply_id": "1251184567228280833", "label": "hug", "text": "YOU OK?\n\nHere are some of the feelings I remember from surviving years of war/lockdown in Beirut:\n\nEmptiness.\n\nFear.\n\nLoneliness. \n\nAnxiety.\n\nConfusion.\n\nGrief.\n\nAgitation.\n\nAimlessness. \n\nAre you feeling any of these under the #COVID19 shutdown? If so, please accept this hug 🤗"} {"idx": 40276, "original_id": "1251190716740636676", "reply_id": "1251191052326797323", "label": "hug", "text": "My biggest fear is that my dad’s dementia is gonna get the best of him & that next time I go see him he won’t remember me since I haven’t been able to see him & that makes my stomach turn 😭 God, please let this end soon 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 40282, "original_id": "1251090838450434048", "reply_id": "1251127838213763073", "label": "hug", "text": "sinabi na babanggitin nanaman nila na sana tinuloy ko thesis ko since i have all the time in the world now they didn't even consider how hard it was going to be for me and hell even my mental well being fuck they really dont know anything about me i hate it here i wanna d word"} {"idx": 40283, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250887428296134656", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 40289, "original_id": "1250996598756315136", "reply_id": "1250997304254959616", "label": "no", "text": "Think about the people you knew 7 years ago? Are you still friends? Do you think they can understand who you are now???? #kameneAndKibe @kibeandy @Kiss100kenya"} {"idx": 40291, "original_id": "1250945763636662272", "reply_id": "1250957853407543301", "label": "agree", "text": "Whew - what a day. Pass the cookie dough, please. Hold the judgement. 🍪"} {"idx": 40293, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251265534034878464", "label": "ok", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 40296, "original_id": "1251191479076376577", "reply_id": "1251191754621161473", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "It’s one of those days where I throw my hands up in the air and yell I QUIT MOTHERHOOD and it’s only 10am."} {"idx": 40300, "original_id": "1251042801459924993", "reply_id": "1251090254364160005", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "We are hiring! Across roles in BD, writing, editing, project management. \nPlease write at Careers.india@fireworkhq.com\n#fireworkindia #Hiring @FireworkIndia"} {"idx": 40302, "original_id": "1251256131139198976", "reply_id": "1251259747187089409", "label": "sigh", "text": "Wish my boy @hittaofficial was watching this livestream with me :("} {"idx": 40303, "original_id": "1250962663095615489", "reply_id": "1251170378719858688", "label": "smh", "text": "Oooh! How about @maddow / @GovWhitmer for 2024??!!!"} {"idx": 40304, "original_id": "1251151431253454851", "reply_id": "1251151680613187586", "label": "please", "text": "Chris Klieman thinks college football teams will be ready to begin practicing on August 1 if players are allowed back on campus by July 13."} {"idx": 40308, "original_id": "1251146223563620357", "reply_id": "1251234582046834694", "label": "thank_you", "text": "My mouth is little so I’ll gag no matter what."} {"idx": 40309, "original_id": "1250887786934173698", "reply_id": "1250891622751055872", "label": "agree", "text": "Yoooo\nMarty snapped 😂 😂 😂 😂"} {"idx": 40310, "original_id": "1250912277651501062", "reply_id": "1251065811520847872", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "hey. i get on t in 5 days. :)"} {"idx": 40312, "original_id": "1250910713511661575", "reply_id": "1250914024902008835", "label": "agree", "text": "It's amazing to me how in a lot of fantasy stories, racism still exists in some fashion. Like in the vast imaginations of the worlds best creators they cant imagine a world where racism doesn't exist."} {"idx": 40321, "original_id": "1251033074789494784", "reply_id": "1251038088119320577", "label": "agree", "text": "I often comment on tweets that have nothing to do with me. If you pop up on my timeline you are fair game."} {"idx": 40325, "original_id": "1250926481758474240", "reply_id": "1250950969896165376", "label": "idk", "text": "So kansas going to wait until 5/3 or we going to open up sooner???"} {"idx": 40327, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250980188810350592", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 40330, "original_id": "1251215634765152262", "reply_id": "1251259356860911616", "label": "idk", "text": "Thank goodness Trump supporters are smart enough to know that their guy is playing them for fools again—declaring himself to have “absolute” power before ceding it to governors. Then calling to “liberate” Democratic states so the deaths will be on other’s hands. Wow."} {"idx": 40331, "original_id": "1251207105593442305", "reply_id": "1251210187203100672", "label": "eww", "text": "What a busy year !"} {"idx": 40333, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251135309485498369", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 40334, "original_id": "1250888575538925568", "reply_id": "1250890861673619456", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm in a hurry to get things done\nOh I rush and rush until life's no fun\nAll I really gotta do is live and die\nBut I'm in a hurry and don't know why."} {"idx": 40336, "original_id": "1250919543926591490", "reply_id": "1250919916552716294", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m in such a bad mood, I’ve tried multiple times to turn it around, and it’s like if it isn’t one thing its another. Feeling very defeated today."} {"idx": 40337, "original_id": "1250931101905936384", "reply_id": "1250953067501096960", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Hey guys! Let’s all listen to Christmas music!! Who’s with me?!?!"} {"idx": 40341, "original_id": "1249054074470793218", "reply_id": "1250857989730336775", "label": "awww", "text": "My boobs are itching 😓😓. Who is using my nudes for kasabuni 😂😂"} {"idx": 40342, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251156229822406663", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 40343, "original_id": "1251239004726611968", "reply_id": "1251259481809354753", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Name your favorite movie that starts with the letter W."} {"idx": 40348, "original_id": "1250866076969287681", "reply_id": "1250871741401923584", "label": "agree", "text": "It’s all feeling a bit overwhelming today for some reason 🌈🦠"} {"idx": 40349, "original_id": "1250936127223021568", "reply_id": "1250941959373352960", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Remember when .24 was considered cheap.. let’s see how cheap it will be around the 24-28th"} {"idx": 40350, "original_id": "1251044845621256197", "reply_id": "1251055542090502145", "label": "yes", "text": "#PUBG Question of the day:\n\nShould we add Vikendi instead of Sanhok from now on in #TobysTryhardThursday ?\n\n🌴vs.🏔️"} {"idx": 40351, "original_id": "1250892966345965568", "reply_id": "1250893106578423809", "label": "agree", "text": "My lawyer is making me write this. I am not a licensed doctor, lawyer, financial advisor, accountant, or therapist. Don’t listen to me! ❤️😘"} {"idx": 40352, "original_id": "1251056356439863296", "reply_id": "1251090725149818880", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: Hundreds of people gather on Westminster Bridge to applaud the NHS staff who will be treating them for coronavirus next week."} {"idx": 40353, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1251172161470914562", "label": "hug", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 40354, "original_id": "1251039908971585538", "reply_id": "1251041728116686848", "label": "seriously", "text": "A girl can apologise, cry and even faint and still be lying"} {"idx": 40360, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1251086253124132865", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 40362, "original_id": "1250999459560992768", "reply_id": "1250999938227593217", "label": "applause", "text": "Some people don’t want to be healed because they like the attention that being broken gets them."} {"idx": 40366, "original_id": "1251010305531842561", "reply_id": "1251017874010857472", "label": "yes", "text": "This one guy I met in PS added me on Snapchat and I see that he’s still partying with multiple people....should I tell his dumbass something?"} {"idx": 40368, "original_id": "1250902917646819328", "reply_id": "1250903251563806727", "label": "ok", "text": "The trapt thing was entertaining but some of y’all are still dragging it out for a crumb of some weird clout begging them to interact with you..I.. don’t understand this level of pathetic."} {"idx": 40369, "original_id": "1251227314823720960", "reply_id": "1251230207278583808", "label": "agree", "text": "if you have met @Gitana_Andaluz you have met an angel who is walking on earth. 🥺❤️"} {"idx": 40370, "original_id": "1250952929831530500", "reply_id": "1250956410092843008", "label": "yes", "text": "Starting Dragon Ball Super 🤝"} {"idx": 40371, "original_id": "1250899507165962242", "reply_id": "1250926900102348801", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "You know them Latter-day Saint feminists always want to talk about Heavenly Mother but they’re awfully silent on Mrs. Satan."} {"idx": 40375, "original_id": "1251214768158978048", "reply_id": "1251253955767697410", "label": "no", "text": "LIBERATE SPOTLIGHT!"} {"idx": 40376, "original_id": "1250959074595868681", "reply_id": "1250959704999813122", "label": "seriously", "text": "New reason to be jealous of people: they can sit still during Zooms"} {"idx": 40378, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250979155673563136", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 40379, "original_id": "1251230417694396416", "reply_id": "1251230768673828864", "label": "agree", "text": "One of the pettiest pleasures I will admit to is parents who were smug to me about their first baby being a good sleeper or a good eater or whatever because they “put them on a schedule” or “didn’t give in to pickiness” only to have a second child and realize that all is chaos"} {"idx": 40382, "original_id": "1250810915605241856", "reply_id": "1250852105323188227", "label": "hug", "text": "Today I go in for the echocardiogram and bloodwork. The port comes after that. Then the chemo and herceptin treatments (couple other extra drugs in there I can't remember) along with the meds to counteract the chemo stuff. That lasts about 4 1/2 months. Then double mastectomy."} {"idx": 40383, "original_id": "1250799542737518596", "reply_id": "1251139951363751936", "label": "seriously", "text": "So, I’m not looking to start a fight, but I think needs to be said. Raisins don’t belong in trail mix."} {"idx": 40384, "original_id": "1250858517101260802", "reply_id": "1250861516154449920", "label": "shrug", "text": "Okay, it's probably known that im not a 110% R6 competitive player who wants to go for Pro League. There is a reason i call myself a \"Tier 4\"-player. But jesus, why am i always joining leagues that are meant for \"Tier 4\" teams and ending up playing against Diamond-stack teams?!"} {"idx": 40385, "original_id": "1251270763916734466", "reply_id": "1251271549694308352", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you’re reading this, you’re beautiful! ☺️"} {"idx": 40386, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250964212584779778", "label": "seriously", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 40387, "original_id": "1251042978174365697", "reply_id": "1251049849673232394", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Damn I forgot what I was going to say"} {"idx": 40388, "original_id": "1250902575152578561", "reply_id": "1250929424033214465", "label": "yes", "text": "Cable companies give Fox News $2-3 every time you pay your cable bill whether you watch it or not. Do you think its time to threaten to cut cable if they dont permanently ban this channel from existence?"} {"idx": 40390, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864635487629312", "label": "applause", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 40392, "original_id": "1251207242340159489", "reply_id": "1251214039973314562", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Don’t ever ignore me, you’ll be sorryyyy"} {"idx": 40394, "original_id": "1251181583064682500", "reply_id": "1251182943701065730", "label": "no", "text": "The final straw that's making me DNF this book?\n\nHero to the heroine: “Well whatever you do, make sure you use some of that time to shave your kitty cat. All that extra stubble down there made me feel like I was kissing a dude.”"} {"idx": 40398, "original_id": "1250973511591616514", "reply_id": "1250974433386401794", "label": "yes", "text": "🥰🥰🥰 today is a good day 😚"} {"idx": 40400, "original_id": "1250905884248678401", "reply_id": "1250906295265374208", "label": "eww", "text": "My husband has bought and is going to eat a rustler burger. Who on earth did I marry?"} {"idx": 40401, "original_id": "1251038890196115456", "reply_id": "1251178033702146050", "label": "agree", "text": "The greatest reason why I don't have a male bestie is the fear of being eaten"} {"idx": 40404, "original_id": "1250830415083995138", "reply_id": "1250832618733678598", "label": "ok", "text": "God those chaser questions were easy #thechase"} {"idx": 40407, "original_id": "1251168613836283908", "reply_id": "1251171466231635968", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Say what you will about aim assist, but playing fortnite on controller is HARD... like REALLY HARD"} {"idx": 40411, "original_id": "1250833145873625089", "reply_id": "1250835783319203840", "label": "smh", "text": "California’s Governor Newsom to give $125million in payouts to undocumented immigrants. What is he doing for all of the homeless Americans in his state?"} {"idx": 40412, "original_id": "1251203540577595402", "reply_id": "1251213477215121409", "label": "idk", "text": "CRYPTO JOB OFFER\n\nHave you read the Bitcoin Standard by @saifedean?\nDo you understand central banking?\nAre you good on camera and have excellent English?\n\nIf YES - please email contact@ivanontech.com\n\nYou will be working with our team creating a video course for our academy"} {"idx": 40413, "original_id": "1251149124298084358", "reply_id": "1251206336869613570", "label": "no", "text": "I want crocs slides who wants to buy them for me"} {"idx": 40414, "original_id": "1250822736210878464", "reply_id": "1250966622346579970", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I am a Girl in the Furry Fandom\n\nThere is nothing wrong with that. =^.^="} {"idx": 40417, "original_id": "1250879414382080006", "reply_id": "1250904123345719301", "label": "agree", "text": "If you don’t want me to call you out for being a sexist pig, don’t be a sexist pig. Especially if you look like you live in your moms basement and jack off to pictures of her"} {"idx": 40418, "original_id": "1250868373770113024", "reply_id": "1250890306137948160", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Blocked 7 & muted 9 today but my followers still go up lol"} {"idx": 40424, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251203061655240705", "label": "seriously", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 40427, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251249364615471104", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 40428, "original_id": "1250871206791843847", "reply_id": "1250887546294460428", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Tampa teacher makes the news today for having a relationship with a 14yr old 🤦🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 40432, "original_id": "1250742332145745920", "reply_id": "1250834043677138947", "label": "applause", "text": "Strange why the taigs aren’t supporting an investigation into the SFA after screeching about a Masonic hierarchy that’s been out to get them for years. \n\nMust not bother them now or they know it was a figment of their imagination and they don’t want the SFA’s true colours shown."} {"idx": 40437, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1250949573419433985", "label": "scared", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 40438, "original_id": "1251213111685758976", "reply_id": "1251258200348856323", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I expect the current bear market to put a bottom in Q2 2021. Target SPX 1250. By the way I started seeing this target all over the internet recently, I gave it to you months ago, it belongs to me and others are all copying"} {"idx": 40439, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250839687209648128", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 40440, "original_id": "1250899218534825984", "reply_id": "1250901951312588801", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Libras are so sweet idc .. they are the best sign"} {"idx": 40445, "original_id": "1250933215084322821", "reply_id": "1250936154167394304", "label": "shocked", "text": "Two middle fingers up as I make an exit"} {"idx": 40448, "original_id": "1251016041125351425", "reply_id": "1251016642475307008", "label": "no", "text": "Someone play me in iMessage games!"} {"idx": 40450, "original_id": "1250856840948256768", "reply_id": "1251149448278757378", "label": "shocked", "text": "I feel like girls that went to all girls schools were always so judgeyyyyy and b*tchy. Not good vibes at all. They still carry a judgey mentality even after they’ve left school."} {"idx": 40461, "original_id": "1250917269372362753", "reply_id": "1250925056705859584", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Birx says states can meet criteria for loosening guidelines by showing a 14-day decline in cases. \n\nBut without robust testing, which is being left to the states, that data may not mean much in terms of public health."} {"idx": 40463, "original_id": "1250913150930530304", "reply_id": "1250931799292862472", "label": "applause", "text": "Almost at 1500 followers! Thank you all, this is too much fun for one guy to have!"} {"idx": 40464, "original_id": "1250848321847144449", "reply_id": "1250848437567754241", "label": "applause", "text": "You and me created Bailout Humans because that's the way it should be."} {"idx": 40465, "original_id": "1250963365909929987", "reply_id": "1250964933715476482", "label": "agree", "text": "Just don’t bother starting streaks with me im horrible with keeping them 🙃"} {"idx": 40466, "original_id": "1250915323206930433", "reply_id": "1250916837510057985", "label": "omg", "text": "Question that I am absolutely asking for no reason at all: is it possible to figure out your ring size at home without going to a jewelry store? 👀"} {"idx": 40467, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1250956430229803010", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 40469, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251207569835806720", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 40470, "original_id": "1251239133835595778", "reply_id": "1251247478474760192", "label": "yes", "text": "Monster close!\n\nWhen the market bolts out the gate and then gives up half those gains and sags into the last hour of trading on a Friday you can assume it will holding by its fingernails ahead of the closing bell. This session found a second wind to extend the improbable rebound."} {"idx": 40471, "original_id": "1250946595463495686", "reply_id": "1250953431738732546", "label": "thank_you", "text": "You know, the States can declare themselves open for business tomorrow if they wanted to but until people feel safe about COVID-19 business will be slow. BUT! As things start humming back to life, it will encourage other people to take their chances too."} {"idx": 40475, "original_id": "1250988670120800256", "reply_id": "1250989502207864832", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "that was the most unreal stream to date!! got my first hype train AND reached level 5, passed 100 subs (my highest ever), and i've almost hit 3k followers on Twitch and Twitter!! i'm gonna cry. thank you all so much, i love you al!! <333"} {"idx": 40476, "original_id": "1251123327260917761", "reply_id": "1251132035651035137", "label": "hug", "text": "Rollercoaster of emotions kind of day. One minute I feel fine, next I feel like I’m falling apart. 😔💔"} {"idx": 40477, "original_id": "1250982093129232384", "reply_id": "1250982471593865218", "label": "applause", "text": "the only reason there be so many women history teachers is because hoes love bringing up the past"} {"idx": 40478, "original_id": "1250845518827315200", "reply_id": "1250854629983862784", "label": "thank_you", "text": "you know what... fuck it.\nbeard’s coming back y’all.\n#quarantinebeard #riseoftheresistance\n#nikkyburrsir"} {"idx": 40481, "original_id": "1250839883612073992", "reply_id": "1250840348311592960", "label": "omg", "text": "Extra pulp in my OJ plz"} {"idx": 40483, "original_id": "1251264030540476422", "reply_id": "1251266868926730241", "label": "facepalm", "text": "There's a lot of social distancing complaints about #Gogglebox. It's a Guideline. If you've both been symptom-free for 14 days, there's no reason why you can't go and see a friend."} {"idx": 40485, "original_id": "1251126164602728450", "reply_id": "1251216226254086144", "label": "omg", "text": "Do you have a preferred platform to watch live stream music performances? Asking for a rock band."} {"idx": 40486, "original_id": "1250865709388754944", "reply_id": "1250869198080765952", "label": "smh", "text": "To think I have executive Human Resources experience at a leading general merchandiser and never put it on my resume."} {"idx": 40489, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251028528016928770", "label": "oops", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 40490, "original_id": "1251038732800733185", "reply_id": "1251061003468619778", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was really rough, and to top it off my mic cable fully died, and I can't get a replacement for 2 weeks or so\n\nso tomorrow's stream may not happen, i'll keep you guys updated 🥺"} {"idx": 40492, "original_id": "1251024208655605762", "reply_id": "1251024719714742274", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Since the world is ending anyway... I’ll just go ahead and say it. I wish TV stayed 4:3."} {"idx": 40493, "original_id": "1250974656493838337", "reply_id": "1250974860886421504", "label": "dance", "text": "Hey everyone! I plan on going live on Twitch in 30 mins!"} {"idx": 40495, "original_id": "1250922004729016328", "reply_id": "1250957145752965122", "label": "no", "text": "Washington Post is reporting that a judge just rejected Roger Stone's request for a new trial. Anyone feel bad for poor old Roger Stone?"} {"idx": 40497, "original_id": "1250832547535302656", "reply_id": "1250833474199662593", "label": "shocked", "text": "No amount of isolation will ever get me to start watching The Wire when I could just watch Buffy for the hundredth time"} {"idx": 40498, "original_id": "1251008185772781568", "reply_id": "1251012284463280129", "label": "hug", "text": "Sigh"} {"idx": 40501, "original_id": "1250871298839973888", "reply_id": "1250874858143207424", "label": "hug", "text": "Can't emphasise enough how much I miss my pals & getting hugs off them :(( I have many feelings rn"} {"idx": 40502, "original_id": "1250789403036749824", "reply_id": "1250872930004688896", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Teachers are amazing!! Mind blown by all I continue to read. Thank you for being YOU!!!!"} {"idx": 40504, "original_id": "1251175006756732931", "reply_id": "1251179344820678667", "label": "smh", "text": "BREAKING NEWS: Florida beaches start reopening THIS EVENING: Jacksonville becomes first county to start easing lockdown - despite state's RISING COVID-19 infection rate - after Trump handed control to governors with three-phase plan to reopen America."} {"idx": 40508, "original_id": "1250960469822750722", "reply_id": "1251178599417368577", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "ty christophers 🥺"} {"idx": 40509, "original_id": "1250964274622590979", "reply_id": "1251033599266164737", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "When it comes to the meat of President Trump’s pandemic plans, I’ve seen more on a bleached, picked-over stray cattle carcass left for months in the Texas sun."} {"idx": 40510, "original_id": "1250939350189146112", "reply_id": "1251210297987051521", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Getting closer to set up. Just need to calibrate now. @hdinred @Dirtykiwi_"} {"idx": 40512, "original_id": "1250778283576352768", "reply_id": "1250845824210345984", "label": "no", "text": "Wear a damn mask people. It’s a minor inconvenience. All you’re proving is you don’t give a damn about anyone else. End of sermon. Have a good day."} {"idx": 40513, "original_id": "1250841134907052034", "reply_id": "1250841865613697026", "label": "applause", "text": "All right, I think I’ll make the official announcement here!\n\n‘Bad Intentions’ will be the third installment of the Phoenix series. Look for the first chapter drop within the next few weeks. ^_^"} {"idx": 40515, "original_id": "1251260402387816450", "reply_id": "1251273213209968641", "label": "shrug", "text": "I found a pornography website and sometimes I download videos off it"} {"idx": 40516, "original_id": "1251050457524510720", "reply_id": "1251051939820908544", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Goodnight & sweet dreams y’all 😘 I am gonna go attempt to do this thing called “sleep”."} {"idx": 40517, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250904463864365056", "label": "eww", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 40521, "original_id": "1250963971835932673", "reply_id": "1250964221614931969", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I heard Vanilla Ice likes pizza by the slice slice baby."} {"idx": 40522, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1251188455121604608", "label": "good_luck", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 40524, "original_id": "1250591147522736129", "reply_id": "1250841017122725888", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Watching this @Timberwolves classic game 7 against the @SacramentoKings on @fsnorth reminds me of how lit Bellanotte and Escape were in the Wolves heyday!! Right @BrianneBauer ? 😂 #WolvesAfterDark"} {"idx": 40526, "original_id": "1250903621006274561", "reply_id": "1250903808512851968", "label": "shocked", "text": "Feels like a sell the news event tomorrow.\n🤷‍♂️ \n$spy"} {"idx": 40527, "original_id": "1250921202324914176", "reply_id": "1250921856384679936", "label": "shrug", "text": "real talk, why havent you signed up for the 3v3?\n\nlooking at my mk8 players"} {"idx": 40529, "original_id": "1251195521575911427", "reply_id": "1251230999721185286", "label": "awww", "text": "Drop your Twitter username, let's follow you with speed ✈️🤸🏾‍♀️🇿🇦🇿🇦"} {"idx": 40530, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250854758069370883", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 40531, "original_id": "1250945542462398464", "reply_id": "1251002775993024512", "label": "want", "text": "OVER $10,000 PROFIT IN ONE DAY.\n\nFAST MONITORS + FAST PINGS = FEAST\n\nHundreds of switches cooked. 🎮🕹️\n\nWho needs a spot? 🥳"} {"idx": 40533, "original_id": "1250948463300186117", "reply_id": "1251000696264028161", "label": "yes", "text": "OMG guys. Zoro returned##"} {"idx": 40539, "original_id": "1251064677439684608", "reply_id": "1251220922259787776", "label": "ok", "text": "I sure know how to ruin someone’s ego 😅🤷🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 40545, "original_id": "1251115808081809410", "reply_id": "1251117205418389505", "label": "sigh", "text": "Could’ve been some weekend in Milan 🍺🇮🇹"} {"idx": 40546, "original_id": "1251239607171088385", "reply_id": "1251247720418795520", "label": "hug", "text": "being inside everyday is starting to get to me :))))"} {"idx": 40547, "original_id": "1250957929571893249", "reply_id": "1250964162135699457", "label": "smh", "text": "Are Spirit Airlines flights as bad as y’all make it seem or y’all just used to Delta, AA, and etc?"} {"idx": 40548, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250927201198977026", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 40549, "original_id": "1250604826322513928", "reply_id": "1250939751340945410", "label": "yes", "text": "fuck uncontrollably"} {"idx": 40556, "original_id": "1250798344101924866", "reply_id": "1250993300271751169", "label": "agree", "text": "Let us never take normal for granted again."} {"idx": 40561, "original_id": "1250854502594342919", "reply_id": "1250860176825090050", "label": "high_five", "text": "Shortening my tweets... hi"} {"idx": 40563, "original_id": "1251012283393687552", "reply_id": "1251015240533241857", "label": "applause", "text": "My two boys aged 16 and 18 changed 4 tires today. By themselves. Im pretty proud. When I was 18 I had a baby and I didn't know how to cook ."} {"idx": 40566, "original_id": "1250865040552574977", "reply_id": "1250867677800914944", "label": "kiss", "text": "leenda i love u"} {"idx": 40567, "original_id": "1250913783289122818", "reply_id": "1250915008042733578", "label": "dance", "text": "lol y’all are so annoying man"} {"idx": 40568, "original_id": "1251263747928125440", "reply_id": "1251264544556625920", "label": "agree", "text": "Getting ready to donate plasma. Based on height and weight I can provide 5 doses"} {"idx": 40575, "original_id": "1250927279531872263", "reply_id": "1250941487761764352", "label": "agree", "text": "Hasek is the greatest goalie I’ve ever watched but that’s just my opinion.\n\n#NotedHotTaker"} {"idx": 40576, "original_id": "1250969492357672961", "reply_id": "1250970221365596160", "label": "seriously", "text": "I more than likely will be going MAINSTREAM PORN within the next few months. Which means my following is expecting to grow by the 100,000s. I do hope you guys subscribe and get a chance to speak with me before this all happens. I know once I start filming and releasing it will"} {"idx": 40578, "original_id": "1250924624575160321", "reply_id": "1251219703504273408", "label": "popcorn", "text": "ARE YALL READY TO SEE THE CAUCASIANS ACT UP IF THEY CANCEL 4TH OF JULY?!!!!!"} {"idx": 40579, "original_id": "1251143670482391047", "reply_id": "1251187239788220416", "label": "yes", "text": "this man treats me so good 🥺"} {"idx": 40583, "original_id": "1250815851705569280", "reply_id": "1250856077471645697", "label": "ok", "text": ".@SpeakerPelosi Pelosi having a banner week...\n-gets attacked by Republican operatives for loving 🍦\n-gets attacked by President Trump for RUNNING THE COUNTRY while he calls Coronavirus a hoax.\n\nThe only Q: Which @jenisicecreams pint will she enjoy today as she saves the country."} {"idx": 40585, "original_id": "1250961539072434182", "reply_id": "1250975637122187264", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I like Gremlins WAY more than i like Ghostbusters. 🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 40586, "original_id": "1250836978121179136", "reply_id": "1250844690078892034", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "how important is it to hit a HR in this draft?\n\nvery important. for us and the organization. these next 2 drafts..if we do the job we're expected to do. we can build a strong team here. if we hit it right and make smart picks, we have a chance to have a good team for a long time."} {"idx": 40591, "original_id": "1250833153197031429", "reply_id": "1250833744254164992", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm really just not feeling it today.😞"} {"idx": 40593, "original_id": "1251133016576913408", "reply_id": "1251161875552714752", "label": "agree", "text": "#WritingCommunity Time for another #FollowFriday #writerslift\n\nIf you're under 5k followers leave a comment and we'll follow you.\nThose above 5k please like and RT.\n\n#Writers #Authors #Poets #Bloggers\n#FF"} {"idx": 40594, "original_id": "1251013723000471552", "reply_id": "1251017587221082113", "label": "smh", "text": "I don’t think I’ve ever heard a full Dababy song"} {"idx": 40597, "original_id": "1251198741677330434", "reply_id": "1251210490149306370", "label": "facepalm", "text": "How is everyone doing today? 😄"} {"idx": 40598, "original_id": "1251013592822005761", "reply_id": "1251169804884606976", "label": "agree", "text": "\"Don't spend your time on and give your heart to any guy who makes you wonder about anything related to his feelings for you\""} {"idx": 40600, "original_id": "1250894757611667460", "reply_id": "1250895210239987712", "label": "omg", "text": "I'm demoralized after just 6 weeks of the coronavirus pandemic. Imagine this going on for 7 years like the Black Plague?"} {"idx": 40604, "original_id": "1250846343834238976", "reply_id": "1250849122111848450", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "It's @adarh9 birthday in a bit 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾"} {"idx": 40605, "original_id": "1251184617320669184", "reply_id": "1251220867071094784", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "late night talks with hmm"} {"idx": 40607, "original_id": "1250756816339959809", "reply_id": "1250882200578387969", "label": "idk", "text": "#𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒀱𒂝𒀱𒂝𒀱𒂝𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒂝𒀱𒂝𒀱𒂝𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒀱𒂝𒀱𒂝𒈔𒅒𒈔𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒀱𒂝𒀱𒂝𒈔𒅒𒈔𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒅒𒈔 what the FUCK?"} {"idx": 40608, "original_id": "1250960474281213952", "reply_id": "1250960671744970752", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Over here cutting my hair. So far so good. I took it down and still don’t look like Ernest J. Frye. Time to do a sharp hairline. But these 4 drinks and common sense are telling me to leave well enough alone."} {"idx": 40610, "original_id": "1250845461029834760", "reply_id": "1250853536029704194", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who wants a virtual high five? 🖐"} {"idx": 40614, "original_id": "1250949211669041152", "reply_id": "1250954696413626368", "label": "applause", "text": "If you joined us for @morningmika’s IG LIVE today, thank you! Mika will be back with another LIVE on Monday, April 20th at 9:05am EST after #MorningJoe. \nHave a question for her? Leave it here!"} {"idx": 40616, "original_id": "1251239281521238016", "reply_id": "1251256774491070464", "label": "hug", "text": "I worked in vain today 😭."} {"idx": 40619, "original_id": "1250892922163130368", "reply_id": "1250946799679881216", "label": "no", "text": "What are your thoughts about the mobile phone tracing app? The PM is ramping up the case for it. We're chatting this morning on @BreakfastNews"} {"idx": 40621, "original_id": "1250683592226807813", "reply_id": "1250858724270489600", "label": "idk", "text": "Why do boys text and then not respond back for the rest of the night"} {"idx": 40624, "original_id": "1251216416587595777", "reply_id": "1251219496473374720", "label": "dance", "text": "Necesito a alguien que disfrute Blinding Lights de The Weeknd tanto como yo para gritar juntos “OOOHHHHH, I’M BLINDED BY THE LIGHTS”"} {"idx": 40628, "original_id": "1251116341203030016", "reply_id": "1251263157676449793", "label": "hug", "text": "So Been Fighting My Jolene Alot. Today Is My Birthday And Honestly Wish I Wasn’t Here Anymore. #sodone"} {"idx": 40629, "original_id": "1251033138471436288", "reply_id": "1251035844019802112", "label": "hug", "text": "oh to be in a zoom meeting and hyperventilate."} {"idx": 40630, "original_id": "1251187838583926784", "reply_id": "1251188333306212353", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I really just joined a 6 week challenge 🥴🥴 wtf did I get my self into"} {"idx": 40631, "original_id": "1251162048202850305", "reply_id": "1251163395040018432", "label": "oops", "text": "I would've been seeing Tiesto tonight in Vegas"} {"idx": 40632, "original_id": "1251094306837929984", "reply_id": "1251098089559142401", "label": "shrug", "text": "My wife used to work as a prostitute.\n\nThere. I said it. Finally."} {"idx": 40633, "original_id": "1250881007877840902", "reply_id": "1250926963503411200", "label": "eww", "text": "Whenever you're having a bad day... just remember somewhere out there is Joy Behar's gynecologist!"} {"idx": 40634, "original_id": "1251103820333056001", "reply_id": "1251106569367977986", "label": "omg", "text": "I just cracked my phone AGAIN 🥺"} {"idx": 40638, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251261020405927938", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 40642, "original_id": "1251213113224986628", "reply_id": "1251213709353070592", "label": "agree", "text": "I know you already know this, but @paintboxsoaps is the best person. We're real lucky to have this gem in our lives, friends. <3 <3"} {"idx": 40643, "original_id": "1250839203883220992", "reply_id": "1250888320420372480", "label": "hug", "text": "Tough day 😥"} {"idx": 40645, "original_id": "1250889698278551552", "reply_id": "1250890072620228608", "label": "shocked", "text": "Quick Question: Did anyone who says \"Trump isn't their President\" return their stimulus check?"} {"idx": 40647, "original_id": "1250939266911178754", "reply_id": "1251169392257269761", "label": "yes", "text": "I have a question: do people actually find Kylie Jenner attractive?"} {"idx": 40649, "original_id": "1250915563997728773", "reply_id": "1250919565296623618", "label": "yes", "text": "You know that feeling on a CFB Saturday, when you've been drinking all day, you've watched a Bama W, and then you're watching the other games until past midnight?\n\nIt's coming. Keep the faith."} {"idx": 40651, "original_id": "1251237762361102337", "reply_id": "1251238526508830722", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Carlene is so fit I can’t"} {"idx": 40652, "original_id": "1250951195784552451", "reply_id": "1250957402582720512", "label": "hug", "text": "The anxiety and stress over the real possibility of losing my small business is overwhelming. I just feel like I am drowning."} {"idx": 40653, "original_id": "1251239637743435776", "reply_id": "1251239828383051779", "label": "high_five", "text": "Now we know that the Wednesday cuts were actually necessary as WWE will be losing out on all that TV money by violating the live stipulation. Everyone apologize."} {"idx": 40656, "original_id": "1251215645934530561", "reply_id": "1251216546304798724", "label": "applause", "text": "Started sitting down to pee during this quarantine because of boredom. But I face the wall because I’m still a man."} {"idx": 40657, "original_id": "1251168319056601091", "reply_id": "1251168470181523456", "label": "agree", "text": "I need a fucking haircut"} {"idx": 40660, "original_id": "1251030788084322304", "reply_id": "1251032615609663488", "label": "smh", "text": "Hey @MeekMill can I send you pictures of my feet?😋😍"} {"idx": 40662, "original_id": "1250880961346244610", "reply_id": "1250881339840233473", "label": "omg", "text": "Back at this studio again being productive and currently working on one of the coolest things I’ve ever been a part of! #bowlingforsoup #canthashtagbecauseitwillgiveitaway"} {"idx": 40663, "original_id": "1250932573724790784", "reply_id": "1250946390198333440", "label": "applause", "text": "Bad joke of the day:\n\nMy dog Minton ate my shuttlecock.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\nBad Minton!"} {"idx": 40664, "original_id": "1251016816845099009", "reply_id": "1251017094491107328", "label": "no", "text": "deleting twitter for awhile let’s see how long it lasts"} {"idx": 40666, "original_id": "1250907124781244416", "reply_id": "1250908854038257664", "label": "agree", "text": "4/4p again (4-3 W, 4-3 OTW), not much to say 🤒 GGs COG"} {"idx": 40667, "original_id": "1250946788393209857", "reply_id": "1251003511569100800", "label": "hug", "text": "Can’t. Stop crying 😖😣😞"} {"idx": 40668, "original_id": "1250959358520893440", "reply_id": "1250960797448232961", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I go live on IG tomorrow ? 👨🏽‍💻"} {"idx": 40669, "original_id": "1250918649612824576", "reply_id": "1250929287047208962", "label": "wink", "text": "I haven’t had champagne in over a week... I think it’s about time I got drunk in the middle of the day again 🥂"} {"idx": 40670, "original_id": "1251253353109053441", "reply_id": "1251254634976444416", "label": "no", "text": "This #COVID19 quarantine and self isolation is getting to me. I’m starting to miss Drew Remenda."} {"idx": 40671, "original_id": "1250849075391586305", "reply_id": "1250851620109406211", "label": "hug", "text": "Bad day"} {"idx": 40674, "original_id": "1250838997036748800", "reply_id": "1250844944778100738", "label": "sorry", "text": "RIP Brian Dennehy. Brilliant and versatile, a powerhouse actor and a very nice man as well."} {"idx": 40678, "original_id": "1251228366721687553", "reply_id": "1251230926589263873", "label": "agree", "text": "I thought working from home would solve all my problems but my coworkers still manage to disappoint me 😑"} {"idx": 40680, "original_id": "1251208569795551233", "reply_id": "1251212755480305666", "label": "scared", "text": "bigular"} {"idx": 40682, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250868812804763648", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 40685, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251081392756121600", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 40686, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251175744425910274", "label": "shrug", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 40687, "original_id": "1251097950350192641", "reply_id": "1251191995864944640", "label": "awww", "text": "Just want to give a shoutout to not only streamers but who are awesome too @CloneKorp @1_Art_Tale @InB4Gaming_TTV @titans_mark @charjrryuki @Elmomcd @ArtyQuinzel @XONeonTiger @HeikaTheDemon @TwistyShape @chrispcompton @tomthinks @aka_Nook @MrJakeWoof @OGJunkyard @Mrgregles"} {"idx": 40689, "original_id": "1250831665448050690", "reply_id": "1250857664319336453", "label": "yes", "text": "Back to work, I'll be posting 1 giveaway today, 1 giveaway tomorrow. Thanks! :] See you soooon."} {"idx": 40690, "original_id": "1250883075246088192", "reply_id": "1250904273019375628", "label": "yes", "text": "A vinyl release of the \"That Thing You Do\" soundtrack is happening. It's really happening people."} {"idx": 40694, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1250878875950858240", "label": "eww", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 40696, "original_id": "1250751169590202370", "reply_id": "1251028726508224512", "label": "no", "text": "Azucarera Series and Costa Leona will end soon. I think I will never be ready for this."} {"idx": 40697, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251105395122139137", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 40699, "original_id": "1250835288781402119", "reply_id": "1250843030204174336", "label": "eww", "text": "My roommate brings down three (3️⃣) days worth of dishes at a time, and I’m not even mad, just... where are you keeping all this in your room?!"} {"idx": 40700, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250984544838332417", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 40702, "original_id": "1250884880180928514", "reply_id": "1250889321172938754", "label": "hug", "text": "A need a massive hug nd abt a kilo of chocolate :("} {"idx": 40703, "original_id": "1251269396573704193", "reply_id": "1251269780721430528", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m really so confused when someone wants to start something with me and say I’m starting rumors about them????\n\nI’m too busy for this lmfao. I honestly don’t care and don’t have a bad bone in my body to even hurt someone or start anything. I do things outta love"} {"idx": 40704, "original_id": "1251240750244823048", "reply_id": "1251241176444928000", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Fcck all that dancing on tiktok & come dance on this dick 🙂"} {"idx": 40705, "original_id": "1251137388958699520", "reply_id": "1251141837168967680", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Fine. Story tiiiiiiiime 🤗"} {"idx": 40708, "original_id": "1251122500165124098", "reply_id": "1251124495823392768", "label": "agree", "text": "Why didn’t anyone warn us that amidst everything else going on, we are also skipping Summer and fast forwarding to Fall weather"} {"idx": 40709, "original_id": "1250938600566423552", "reply_id": "1250940351357095937", "label": "hug", "text": "I NEED HUGS! Who wants a hug!\n\nThey’re Free ⬇️"} {"idx": 40711, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251076376482009088", "label": "shocked", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 40713, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251233002283323392", "label": "hearts", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 40714, "original_id": "1251150337882247171", "reply_id": "1251169572398395392", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Y'all- I belong to an author's FB group, last night they posted that it's time to \"do some culling in the group\". Then asks that folks who want to stay reply w/ something a fan of their books would know.\nNo, hard pass. I'm not proving my worth as a reader to stay in a FB group 😡"} {"idx": 40719, "original_id": "1251075999170564096", "reply_id": "1251091047637082113", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Um so has anyone seen that lady ngārima on fb claiming on behalf of nz if jacinda doesn't step down her and her army will come and take her down. And if her fb post is removed it will be seen as treason. She's out the gate. Can someone go get there aunty off fb please"} {"idx": 40724, "original_id": "1250138136182583297", "reply_id": "1251032233168625666", "label": "agree", "text": "My favorite sexual position is when the penis enters the vagina."} {"idx": 40725, "original_id": "1250803052765995008", "reply_id": "1250832987228377091", "label": "smh", "text": "How can @British_Airways tell you to call them, then cut you off because call volumes are too high 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 40729, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251140759253733377", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 40730, "original_id": "1250839021468692482", "reply_id": "1250859702168309760", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you have your copy of @NightwishBand HUMAN. :||: NATURE.?"} {"idx": 40731, "original_id": "1251190083350216704", "reply_id": "1251196771855937537", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m so fucked up that I still have empathy for people who have deeply hurt me. Like... let me hate all y’all, PLEASE."} {"idx": 40732, "original_id": "1250957242846846979", "reply_id": "1250957747476140033", "label": "no", "text": "I ft @YT___24 and he ignored me and is on social media"} {"idx": 40738, "original_id": "1250515808356188160", "reply_id": "1250924530165481472", "label": "sigh", "text": "Thank you All, Rusev out!"} {"idx": 40741, "original_id": "1251199241298608129", "reply_id": "1251200327942103041", "label": "yes", "text": "Resident Evil Revelations uploading soon today 🙌🏽"} {"idx": 40742, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250948684579291136", "label": "applause", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 40746, "original_id": "1250996260896681984", "reply_id": "1251015933914742785", "label": "sigh", "text": "You’re on my mind again.\n\nLovely dirty thoughts, again."} {"idx": 40747, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251027508360695810", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 40748, "original_id": "1250993813650358272", "reply_id": "1251257468686123010", "label": "agree", "text": "don’t dm if u not tryna vibe . Like a nigga could a have a casual convo every now and thing and don’t always have be on no freak shit err time we talk y’all niggas so damn thirsty for some ass and dick🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂"} {"idx": 40749, "original_id": "1251220544369954818", "reply_id": "1251222582466097153", "label": "applause", "text": "I just wanted to say:\n\nIt's ok to be horny 👍✨"} {"idx": 40750, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250863738560950279", "label": "yes", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 40751, "original_id": "1250926973171503119", "reply_id": "1250965356237160455", "label": "want", "text": "@reylo_prompts cw sex work, blood\n\nAfter vampires go public and live feeding is banned, Rey sells her neck to vamps illegally. One guy in particular is really.... Intense."} {"idx": 40755, "original_id": "1251061162709594114", "reply_id": "1251213644307677184", "label": "applause", "text": "and just like that. the second chapter too our story starts"} {"idx": 40757, "original_id": "1250823684765474817", "reply_id": "1250867506576797697", "label": "applause", "text": "Bill O'Brien talking about the abundance of \"brain power\" the #Texans have in the organization."} {"idx": 40758, "original_id": "1250839538672390145", "reply_id": "1250977618326966273", "label": "seriously", "text": "Waluigi’s full name is Wallace Squeegee"} {"idx": 40759, "original_id": "1251235090279084034", "reply_id": "1251236017375522816", "label": "hug", "text": "I have Disabilities and Special needs am still a human being just like everyone else I love to be positive because I wanna to enjoy life I love to inspire everyone and bring love and joy to everyone and I will continue to bring inspirational to a lot of people ❤️"} {"idx": 40760, "original_id": "1250842486165008386", "reply_id": "1251065842097405952", "label": "hug", "text": "Just posting since some have been concerned about me not streaming the past few nights. I realized how scary this can come off at this time.\n\nI've just been on one hell of a rollercoaster but I'm fine and streams will proceed as normal now.\n\nTLDR: 2020 sucks. I'm single again."} {"idx": 40761, "original_id": "1250871194942943234", "reply_id": "1250871432915177476", "label": "smh", "text": "While I do appreciate all the artistic photos of Asian people saying #IamNotAVirus that’s definitely preaching to the choir. The people who think we are a virus are the same that don’t like subtitles. They for sure don’t care about shallow depth of field and handwritten fonts."} {"idx": 40763, "original_id": "1249283977762004992", "reply_id": "1251267346716647425", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "#LizCrokin congratulations. You made the Q board. #outoftheshadows"} {"idx": 40764, "original_id": "1250871658941997056", "reply_id": "1250872378965532678", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "How are you guys holding up today"} {"idx": 40766, "original_id": "1250896482808614913", "reply_id": "1250897199048921090", "label": "sorry", "text": "Not feeling the best tonight, so no stream. I will catch you in the next one."} {"idx": 40769, "original_id": "1250928537315479552", "reply_id": "1250966918166650881", "label": "idk", "text": "Cut my leg shaving an d oh my g o d the amount of blood made me so sick to my stomach"} {"idx": 40770, "original_id": "1251218702512672768", "reply_id": "1251219234195214336", "label": "eww", "text": "#yeah\nI don't go on date with guys who can't open the car door for me🤨🤨"} {"idx": 40772, "original_id": "1251008435375628288", "reply_id": "1251012995024654338", "label": "smh", "text": "YIKES\n\nSomeone posted a Nazi RWBY \"AU\" on my discord. Complete with \"Roman salutes\", Reichs, a Fuhrer, etc.\n\nYeah, I don't care if they're on the commission waitlist. Get out."} {"idx": 40774, "original_id": "1250848122542026753", "reply_id": "1250874016908357641", "label": "applause", "text": "You know I only got on this social media because I love my youngest brother hell or high water"} {"idx": 40775, "original_id": "1251194165733588993", "reply_id": "1251211701522923522", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "One good thing to come out of all of this is how creative my current and former students are! I had a former student send me his mixtape to get notes on because he remembered \"I like music\". Love it."} {"idx": 40777, "original_id": "1250844673263972353", "reply_id": "1251117744407359488", "label": "applause", "text": "Daily reminder: The Miami Dolphins are drafting Tua Tagovailoa."} {"idx": 40778, "original_id": "1250595175568683008", "reply_id": "1251127940642942978", "label": "agree", "text": "Using that later...\n\nAm I your favorite hoe?\n\nYes\nor \nNo?"} {"idx": 40781, "original_id": "1250952792673415168", "reply_id": "1250952916279554049", "label": "yes", "text": "Holy shit y'all only eight new cases"} {"idx": 40782, "original_id": "1250841342319775744", "reply_id": "1250842411473031170", "label": "seriously", "text": "To be a Sunderland fan right now must feel like.....\n\nFinish The Sentence with a GIF🤣\n#NUFC #NUFCtakeover #cans #toon"} {"idx": 40783, "original_id": "1251050623497191424", "reply_id": "1251056441353400322", "label": "shocked", "text": "My face and hands are now stained pink 🥴"} {"idx": 40784, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251229802998136835", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 40789, "original_id": "1250959452020359169", "reply_id": "1250981283867627521", "label": "applause", "text": "Didnt have a real last last day of school, but issssa okay. I got my law degree ⚖️"} {"idx": 40790, "original_id": "1250938423302635521", "reply_id": "1250970259449921536", "label": "yolo", "text": "Thank you for being a cunt \n\nYou know you have been 👋🏼"} {"idx": 40791, "original_id": "1250917242402988034", "reply_id": "1250945121580974082", "label": "omg", "text": "Me and Demi are ready to go live on YouTube together 🖖🏻"} {"idx": 40792, "original_id": "1251037769427587072", "reply_id": "1251059149300998144", "label": "seriously", "text": "Wuhan gives 4 reasons for revised death toll: \n1. Surge in patients at the early stage and some died at home \n2. Belated, missed and mistaken reporting.\n3. Some medical institutions didn't report data in time. \n4. Some data was incomplete, there were repetitions and mistakes"} {"idx": 40793, "original_id": "1251249762071990274", "reply_id": "1251249956373102593", "label": "dance", "text": "so much music coming soon:)"} {"idx": 40794, "original_id": "1250966395392851969", "reply_id": "1250970374826688512", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Deep run in the 8kgtd tourney let's go!!!!!"} {"idx": 40801, "original_id": "1250862058071097344", "reply_id": "1251051371836641281", "label": "applause", "text": "If you hate Sheff United clap your hands 👏"} {"idx": 40805, "original_id": "1251153858362896384", "reply_id": "1251258277234696193", "label": "shocked", "text": "“So do you speak Spanish at home with your family?”\n\nMe: No.. I’m not Hispanic.\n\n...oh.. haha..\n\n......................."} {"idx": 40807, "original_id": "1250319673586888704", "reply_id": "1250880996507103242", "label": "thank_you", "text": "marvelous 2follow… @DerekRKing2 @TomZapiecki @PapaPorter1 @YukariKingdom18 @EsteeStimler @CristinPereyra @zapp12347 @Abrazos4u @PKellenbarger18 @MistressTepco @Marieaaow @femaleisfuture_ @monicasloves @DaviesWriter @Susanjmccann @ShenaeChase @shinunao2"} {"idx": 40809, "original_id": "1251044305185079296", "reply_id": "1251088206000357378", "label": "no", "text": "Covid-19 crisis:\n\nIndia sending Hydroxychloroquine to 55 nations\n\nNow, Pakistan has asked India to help by providing Hydroxychloroquine medicine\n\n5 days ago, 3 civilians, including child & woman, killed in J&K's Kupwara due to shelling by Pakistan Army\n\nDoes Pak deserve humanity?"} {"idx": 40810, "original_id": "1250857897807900673", "reply_id": "1251077121453125637", "label": "awww", "text": "I wanna be the chihaya to your arata 😌"} {"idx": 40812, "original_id": "1250920637838659584", "reply_id": "1250921806502006784", "label": "awww", "text": "i love my 3 friends but they really are a pain sometimes"} {"idx": 40813, "original_id": "1251167439313948672", "reply_id": "1251168216027672576", "label": "applause", "text": "There will be a day, maybe not soon but it will come when this will be over and we will look back with relief and wonder at how we lived through it. I am, of course, talking about the Trump Presidency."} {"idx": 40814, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250920759322705921", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 40815, "original_id": "1250665253945446400", "reply_id": "1251032169813811200", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Guys please I want to break my virginity 😣 what should I use🤔🤔"} {"idx": 40816, "original_id": "1250955572821856256", "reply_id": "1250957554655662085", "label": "applause", "text": "🙏🏻🌴🔥 We will still get Fire Island speak it into existence 🔥🌴🙏🏻💛"} {"idx": 40817, "original_id": "1251010327975788544", "reply_id": "1251020022870429696", "label": "applause", "text": "Real men appreciate thick thighs."} {"idx": 40820, "original_id": "1250882675113488384", "reply_id": "1251208010904539136", "label": "scared", "text": "Need me a man that gon text back"} {"idx": 40823, "original_id": "1250818481307545602", "reply_id": "1251166209581756417", "label": "yes", "text": "Raise of hands... Who else would LOVE to see all players involved in Averys 85 case and 2006 case in the hot seat being interrogated or Questioned if you will, about their involvement with anything involving Avery? Who would love to see them all uncomefortable and sweaty?"} {"idx": 40825, "original_id": "1251050582804238338", "reply_id": "1251051685046358023", "label": "awww", "text": "shlep"} {"idx": 40826, "original_id": "1250836419137978368", "reply_id": "1250987072782917632", "label": "hug", "text": "Sick as shit and it may be covid."} {"idx": 40832, "original_id": "1251007854544326656", "reply_id": "1251016842329505793", "label": "agree", "text": "Friday."} {"idx": 40834, "original_id": "1251053325946105858", "reply_id": "1251054314786885637", "label": "hug", "text": "odio los abrazos but i kinda need one rn"} {"idx": 40839, "original_id": "1251249725971607554", "reply_id": "1251256812608897024", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "People are assholes. Nice friendly wave to people while they’re walking and all I get is them turning their head the other way."} {"idx": 40844, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251033472421859328", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 40845, "original_id": "1250873531308535808", "reply_id": "1250889184404885505", "label": "no", "text": "So... I guess there are some people who don’t like potatoes?? Can they be trusted??"} {"idx": 40850, "original_id": "1251229587889102849", "reply_id": "1251230380155338754", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Managed to book my first home delivery (via Tesco) in ages yesterday for today - received everything! A miracle! Only took me checked everyday for a month to get it lol. Felt like Christmas this afternoon 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 40851, "original_id": "1250972042880593920", "reply_id": "1250974179551313920", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "if I could put in 90 clips of 90 different bandito shows in an edit... I can do this x_x"} {"idx": 40854, "original_id": "1251174211147661312", "reply_id": "1251234452275068928", "label": "no", "text": "Why I’m eating Whataburger and I bite on a strand of hair.."} {"idx": 40855, "original_id": "1251094964735406080", "reply_id": "1251146145826398209", "label": "smh", "text": "if the world was ending, you'd come over right? the sky'd be falling and i'd hold you tight. we would even say goodbye"} {"idx": 40856, "original_id": "1250793253856780290", "reply_id": "1250846613846794240", "label": "omg", "text": "Can we talk about masturbating with pets in the room or is that taboo??"} {"idx": 40857, "original_id": "1250954351725641731", "reply_id": "1250954411381125120", "label": "applause", "text": "FLASH LIFETIME GIVEAWAY \n\nOne random comment will win a lifetime key 🔑 \n(Current members eligible) \n\nYou have 15 minutes! GO!!! 🚨"} {"idx": 40858, "original_id": "1251024097754009602", "reply_id": "1251024785510932482", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Please accept me 😞🥺"} {"idx": 40861, "original_id": "1251015360800649221", "reply_id": "1251124792985559041", "label": "hug", "text": "Doesn't help that today has been a \"hey, remember your mum is dead\" day."} {"idx": 40862, "original_id": "1250618815328722946", "reply_id": "1250961181738774528", "label": "yes", "text": "Would you feel betrayed if you were watching a show with a friend and they watched an episode without you? 👀👀"} {"idx": 40863, "original_id": "1250967983926775808", "reply_id": "1250992041561120770", "label": "agree", "text": "Have any of you guys tweeted, deleted, tweeted, deleted for about 5 times until you got it right?"} {"idx": 40869, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1251156647889653761", "label": "shrug", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 40870, "original_id": "1250983291651579905", "reply_id": "1250985082325737475", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m going to stay up all night and eat cookies.\n\nWho’s with me?"} {"idx": 40873, "original_id": "1251179216143605765", "reply_id": "1251218025107402759", "label": "popcorn", "text": "My ex got married yesterday. Should I send them a card or just the screenshots of him trying to get me back when they were dating ?"} {"idx": 40876, "original_id": "1250839759502503936", "reply_id": "1250840809240358912", "label": "eww", "text": "Ill walk around lookin pissed off while im listenin to California Girls by Katy Perry"} {"idx": 40879, "original_id": "1251022330723217409", "reply_id": "1251057051117248513", "label": "hug", "text": "*sigh* im lonely 😔 feeling in between wanting to cuddle and kiss for hours or having my shit wrecked. Both maybe? Maybe even just someone calling me cute or telling me they love me? I’m not needy at all btw 🤥"} {"idx": 40880, "original_id": "1251109433645637633", "reply_id": "1251246200717635586", "label": "yes", "text": "Can we have a separate section of twitter for people with no sense of humour/self awareness?"} {"idx": 40882, "original_id": "1251178765872398337", "reply_id": "1251181497886924800", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I think ima do my nails today. Just because."} {"idx": 40884, "original_id": "1251053064200482817", "reply_id": "1251054009290457089", "label": "ok", "text": "don’t get beat up bitch."} {"idx": 40887, "original_id": "1250929488629817345", "reply_id": "1250947688880881665", "label": "agree", "text": "Which governor's want to wait for a Covid-19 vaccine before they consider opening up their state?\n\nWe have a vaccine for the flu, and we all know how that turned out."} {"idx": 40888, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250834452143579137", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 40889, "original_id": "1251150888514641920", "reply_id": "1251155484242874368", "label": "applause", "text": "Korrasami...........that's the tweet"} {"idx": 40890, "original_id": "1250842914206429197", "reply_id": "1250845539261984789", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "A melon asked me to run away with it and get married. \n\nI told it we Cantaloupe."} {"idx": 40892, "original_id": "1250941330114650112", "reply_id": "1250941514835992578", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m so gay I make Matty look straight"} {"idx": 40895, "original_id": "1251257334174814211", "reply_id": "1251269687859527680", "label": "facepalm", "text": "South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem in: \"South Dakota is now the first state in America to launch a statewide, state-backed clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine to fight COVID-19.\""} {"idx": 40896, "original_id": "1250825715018108928", "reply_id": "1250919739381211137", "label": "thank_you", "text": "no, he doesn't make you wet, that's just your vaginal discharge 😁"} {"idx": 40897, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250952474984239105", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 40899, "original_id": "1250890708619104256", "reply_id": "1250936372254388224", "label": "yes", "text": "1 week until the NFL Draft! I will be posting my insight and possible bets in the next few days.\n\nWhat is your favorite draft prop bet?"} {"idx": 40903, "original_id": "1251271364171923456", "reply_id": "1251271514810245120", "label": "ok", "text": "if i've ever had sex with you i was just kidding"} {"idx": 40908, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864687954173955", "label": "shocked", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 40912, "original_id": "1251191165526958081", "reply_id": "1251192005721456640", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m going to vulnerable for a moment.\n\nI miss hugs. I miss big fucking hugs from friends and family.\n\nI’m the kind of guy who will great you with a strong, breathtaking, hug.\n\nThe kind of person that closes my eyes when I hug you. \n\nThat’s all I want right now."} {"idx": 40915, "original_id": "1250830628884537347", "reply_id": "1250849932979945483", "label": "no", "text": "do smothered pork chops and grits go together? 🤔"} {"idx": 40917, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251206564611887107", "label": "eww", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 40918, "original_id": "1250802467178086407", "reply_id": "1250959625978970112", "label": "awww", "text": "Work from Home \n\nBoss : \"I called you. Your wife picked the phone and told that you were cooking. Why did you not call me back after cooking is completed ?\"\n\nEmployee : \"I called you back sir. Your wife picked the phone and told that you were washing clothes\" 😂🤣"} {"idx": 40920, "original_id": "1250783068841017344", "reply_id": "1250890469862789121", "label": "agree", "text": "MbZ is a malignant parasite worse than the coronavirus.. Isn’t it?."} {"idx": 40921, "original_id": "1250834222752956417", "reply_id": "1250834400834715654", "label": "agree", "text": "Green's committing to become part of year-long developmental program with G-League oversight that'll include pro coaching, top prospects and veteran players who’ll combine training and exhibition game competitions against likes of G-League teams, national teams and NBA Academies."} {"idx": 40924, "original_id": "1251145745136152578", "reply_id": "1251220481723764736", "label": "applause", "text": "Per a memo to staff this morning, 9% of Vox Media employees will be furloughed 5/01-7/31. Hours reduced for 1% of employees, tiered salary reductions for employees making over 130k. Wage increase and 401k matching freeze."} {"idx": 40925, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251160046320250882", "label": "no", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 40926, "original_id": "1251243380107075584", "reply_id": "1251243733728866304", "label": "awww", "text": "I just need a gf that likes music as much as I do so I can create playlists for us"} {"idx": 40927, "original_id": "1250800128363036674", "reply_id": "1250909195228139520", "label": "applause", "text": "who has the best voice in all of hip-hop?"} {"idx": 40929, "original_id": "1251273377156923392", "reply_id": "1251273917181964300", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Question. . . who is ready for two hours of #LivePD tonight? We sure hope to see you at 9p @AETV @OfficialLivePD"} {"idx": 40930, "original_id": "1250860829953667076", "reply_id": "1250864074923089929", "label": "shocked", "text": "My wife pretends I’m Eddie Alvarez when we kiss.\n\nI pretend she’s Eddie Alvarez when we make love."} {"idx": 40933, "original_id": "1251150207548452869", "reply_id": "1251153205855023110", "label": "yes", "text": "Is it time for a drink yet?"} {"idx": 40936, "original_id": "1250670616442789888", "reply_id": "1251239629040291841", "label": "yes", "text": "There was once a \"Radio Kudirat\" that was used to fight against the junta on behalf of the masses. One will think If those who championed that cause have access to power, Nigeria will change for better. Unfortunately, na to secure the bag! \n\nWho will fight for Nigerian masses?"} {"idx": 40937, "original_id": "1251197111191908352", "reply_id": "1251203496835256322", "label": "hug", "text": "I have the best internet friends!! Thank you @tlovesyou20 and @MaximumMagus !!!"} {"idx": 40938, "original_id": "1250878770409549824", "reply_id": "1250885042466938902", "label": "hearts", "text": "Im tripping"} {"idx": 40940, "original_id": "1250706795959631873", "reply_id": "1250877153589092353", "label": "yes", "text": "Gahhh dayum I missed streaming. Definitely gonna be streaming more often"} {"idx": 40944, "original_id": "1250898726845063170", "reply_id": "1250900539161935872", "label": "omg", "text": "do we make choices, or do choices make us?"} {"idx": 40946, "original_id": "1250985885966852096", "reply_id": "1250996137319956480", "label": "idk", "text": "@J3nnif3rnguy3n who’s brandon?"} {"idx": 40948, "original_id": "1251126928679018496", "reply_id": "1251130484270288896", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF 4 some fave tweeps #LiveFree 😍@DollarVigilante @KimDotcom @GregMannarino @officialmcafee @clif_high @RoadtoRoota @pulte @cappymar @RonPaul @Gene1Christian @dahboo7 @DrKND @QuakerLiberty @NotAnarchyball @SallyMayweather @AnarchoXP @AgoristAlexis @kali_thKitty @hkmoon87"} {"idx": 40950, "original_id": "1251109688235773952", "reply_id": "1251181819791376384", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Jurassic park forever🦖🦖🦖"} {"idx": 40963, "original_id": "1250912251768258560", "reply_id": "1250949295282388995", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "cant believe I've resorted to taking a nap during my lunch break just so i can keep myself awake during the second half of work 🙃"} {"idx": 40964, "original_id": "1251176180549648386", "reply_id": "1251187881806385155", "label": "please", "text": "We recently passed 10,000 followers on Twitter. Pretty awesome. How about a giveaway in the near future? \n\nI mean. Does anyone want that?\n\nHmm."} {"idx": 40966, "original_id": "1251149795734872064", "reply_id": "1251151998138724352", "label": "eww", "text": "Idk if quarantine is making people act some type of way but my god the amount of creepy messages I’ve been getting is astounding STOP"} {"idx": 40969, "original_id": "1250974109619519489", "reply_id": "1250980849216040961", "label": "agree", "text": "man, the way hyde was right when he said 'by writing more ideas are born'. i come up with things i didn't even think of before just by writing MORE."} {"idx": 40972, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251031238267277312", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 40974, "original_id": "1250984041203073027", "reply_id": "1251189045398511617", "label": "shrug", "text": "How many of you are okay with the slow opening of America?"} {"idx": 40975, "original_id": "1251227715757277186", "reply_id": "1251230378838437889", "label": "applause", "text": "thank you guys for 6k on twitch <3 back on the grind for #valorant"} {"idx": 40976, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250979282165383168", "label": "agree", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 40977, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251221753830862849", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 40978, "original_id": "1250909381706694657", "reply_id": "1250919810009104384", "label": "idk", "text": "The people who hate the briefing the most also seem to be the ones who love live-tweeting it. I'm not a genius but...maybe you love the attention you get from hating the briefing?"} {"idx": 40985, "original_id": "1250896629927776256", "reply_id": "1250901626992365577", "label": "hug", "text": "If you accept masculine gays (aka straight acting gay people) but find feminine gay men stereotypical/annoying or use the phrase “they’re throwing it in our face” you’re homophobic"} {"idx": 40986, "original_id": "1250983116820414464", "reply_id": "1251182159840317440", "label": "yawn", "text": "Another good night of Valorant. Thinking I might be a Sage main. Brimstone was fun though I didn't care for one ability. I was trash with Jett and I didn't love Cypher.\n\nLooking forward to playing some more!"} {"idx": 40988, "original_id": "1250962424074813446", "reply_id": "1250969259796242432", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Why did I show ivy the show POWER 🤦🏾‍♂️😩..."} {"idx": 40989, "original_id": "1250927159360860164", "reply_id": "1250941341833531396", "label": "hug", "text": "amazing stweam today🥺❤️ getting a lot of support playing valorant and I appreciate it !!! ILY GUYS ❤️❤️\n\nALSO tomorrow will be the nanoleaf give away ! 1 starter kit (9 triangles) & any country is eligible to win! 🤗"} {"idx": 40990, "original_id": "1250975429986529281", "reply_id": "1250985642445737988", "label": "shocked", "text": "For the 'Grum, its the middle of the middle of the end...."} {"idx": 40993, "original_id": "1250913650778337280", "reply_id": "1250913849223643136", "label": "smh", "text": "Pence is just waiting to teach us sinners a lesson."} {"idx": 40994, "original_id": "1250969695752269824", "reply_id": "1251153781338730500", "label": "no", "text": "Subliminal twitter content got me thinking about cutting my own bangs and adopting a cat. \n\nHALLLLP"} {"idx": 40995, "original_id": "1250602803527143424", "reply_id": "1250912402834632704", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Ok, let's get a quick Twitter gut-check (and yes I know Twitter is not the actual world, so this just is what it is.) Who would you like to see @JoeBiden choose as his running mate?"} {"idx": 41003, "original_id": "1251124754582511617", "reply_id": "1251128325009018880", "label": "yes", "text": "How're your home workouts going?\nReply with the most relevant GIF 👇\n\n#FridayFeeling"} {"idx": 41005, "original_id": "1250937729128464384", "reply_id": "1250938352867725312", "label": "agree", "text": "I want those 4/20 Dunks"} {"idx": 41007, "original_id": "1251153986939310082", "reply_id": "1251220350680981504", "label": "sigh", "text": "Are you eating more? Working out more? Meditating more? Skipping more showers? Drinking more? In other words: Chunk? Hunk? Monk? Skunk? Drunk? (Don’t blame me. Source is my neighbor.) Feel free to add your own! It’s Friday!"} {"idx": 41011, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1251154027879923715", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 41014, "original_id": "1250470480068456451", "reply_id": "1250897781893595138", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Delaying direct payments to vulnerable families just to print his name on the check is another shameful example of President Trump’s catastrophic failure to treat this crisis with the urgency it demands."} {"idx": 41019, "original_id": "1250867485844353025", "reply_id": "1250867819354435587", "label": "hug", "text": "I need huggies plssss 🥺"} {"idx": 41022, "original_id": "1251250097997975558", "reply_id": "1251251146733375490", "label": "hug", "text": "Probably going to pass out before the concert starts, my depression is destroy my body. I just feel sick and exhausted..."} {"idx": 41028, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251233929996181504", "label": "yes", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 41029, "original_id": "1251051484692783109", "reply_id": "1251069041923538944", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "JUST IN: Prime Minister Imran Khan has been declared as Muslim Man of the Year 2020."} {"idx": 41030, "original_id": "1251054710859149313", "reply_id": "1251062583924326405", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "#FF to these super natterers @KarlaB465 @CaravanNut @Daffodil01chase @FrankiesRunning @andrewjditton @here_we_tow @CAKubicki @gwelliot @Geoff_AFoster @R23370820Amanda @Feemoon @Venomator @b_bstephens @Valley_40 @barberlegend @ourcaravantime @rob3047 @RobinHoodPark @dogscenturion"} {"idx": 41034, "original_id": "1251243837814706176", "reply_id": "1251248782215450630", "label": "applause", "text": "Some good news to help start the weekend: For the 24-hour period ending 10:00 PM last night, 787 New Jerseyans were discharged.\n \nEvery recovery is a victory. We will beat this damn virus together."} {"idx": 41036, "original_id": "1250893858436775940", "reply_id": "1250910641294106625", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Ladies do you masturbate? YES OR NO\n\nI don't need explanation"} {"idx": 41041, "original_id": "1250897439156047873", "reply_id": "1250900732162781184", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s been confirmed that my mum has coronavirus and she’s being kept in hospital 😭"} {"idx": 41043, "original_id": "1251201733570686977", "reply_id": "1251202205501272072", "label": "wink", "text": "I might get a Mac just to edit my videos. When I edited on my Mac I never had any issues, I somehow was able to edit faster with no lag with double the quality even if the size was massive."} {"idx": 41045, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251206705494388736", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 41046, "original_id": "1250811260125548544", "reply_id": "1250834518912774144", "label": "agree", "text": "I don't hate you Pelosi, but I'd unplug your life support.... to charge my phone."} {"idx": 41047, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251182417278189568", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 41051, "original_id": "1251263292275716097", "reply_id": "1251264392391536643", "label": "applause", "text": "i am anti racism"} {"idx": 41053, "original_id": "1250879414382080006", "reply_id": "1250881125590892545", "label": "agree", "text": "If you don’t want me to call you out for being a sexist pig, don’t be a sexist pig. Especially if you look like you live in your moms basement and jack off to pictures of her"} {"idx": 41054, "original_id": "1250924974300434435", "reply_id": "1250932673800998912", "label": "oops", "text": "I just woke up.. 😳"} {"idx": 41056, "original_id": "1251104856141492224", "reply_id": "1251109551723753474", "label": "smh", "text": "I gave one kid N500 make he go buy me N400 Glo card and then take the remaining change.\nCan you just imagine he came back with a plastic bottle coke and return N400 to me saying Glo is N410 😤"} {"idx": 41058, "original_id": "1251015510021595137", "reply_id": "1251016712700526594", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I'm the worst video game player ever! I have to lose 26 more times in @Dutch_Oven45 league! I can't sleep because of this stupid game."} {"idx": 41060, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250951144958046211", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 41061, "original_id": "1251261614432665603", "reply_id": "1251263283346255873", "label": "thank_you", "text": "✨🎉💖#FollowFriday💖🎉✨\n⬇️So amazing⬇️\n@goddess_sim \n@samsims1989 \n@ForTheLuvOfSims \n@AdeleLauraG\n@BrennachanSims \n@Studio_Simli \n@caidilycreates \n@dikkiedoodah \n@DottyDot89 \n@sandrahayes69 \n@simswithindi \n@itsphysicsjim \n@SorrySimmer \n@Adamollyy \n@IslandSimmer9 \n@queenikobi"} {"idx": 41062, "original_id": "1246185695259037699", "reply_id": "1251214715545620483", "label": "agree", "text": "a lot of mixed feelings I can’t handle this shit anymore"} {"idx": 41063, "original_id": "1250948340008849408", "reply_id": "1250953891920961536", "label": "good_luck", "text": "2,200 hot damn, thank you friends!"} {"idx": 41064, "original_id": "1250861666578960389", "reply_id": "1250888303320145920", "label": "popcorn", "text": "We have a plan to start opening Ohio back up. It's going to be gradual- one thing after another. We want to do this in a thoughtful way that engenders confidence and ensures customers and employees are safe."} {"idx": 41067, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250940701887598594", "label": "idk", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 41068, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251270411523932168", "label": "idk", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 41072, "original_id": "1251259537652359173", "reply_id": "1251261769865199617", "label": "idk", "text": "As much as I love the OnePlus 8 Pro display, not having an Always-On display is something I'm seriously missing. Surely it can't be that difficult to add it in software as an option? 🤔"} {"idx": 41073, "original_id": "1250775007417954304", "reply_id": "1251152307271565315", "label": "smh", "text": "Anyone tweeting ridiculous Bill Gates rumors this week is raising a huge flag that says, \"I will literally believe anything if it is on the Internet.\""} {"idx": 41074, "original_id": "1250903866255847425", "reply_id": "1250971455925469185", "label": "sigh", "text": "Pain is temporary\nGPA is forever\n ~ the motto for the next few weeks ~"} {"idx": 41076, "original_id": "1251253637042577421", "reply_id": "1251254682514849800", "label": "applause", "text": "The @DMVANICLUB is having a Financial Assistance Q&A today and i just want to say.....I’m so proud"} {"idx": 41078, "original_id": "1250934576467152896", "reply_id": "1250934764279861249", "label": "yes", "text": "Ready for our first twitter sprint in 10 minutes??? #stayhomereadingrush"} {"idx": 41079, "original_id": "1250929828347478025", "reply_id": "1251056145587933184", "label": "agree", "text": "Greatest KY born b-ball players. Here’s my 10 man team. Starters first. Who you got?\n\nDave Cowens, Wes Unseld, Darrell Griffith, Rex Chapman, Allan Houston\n\nBird Averitt, Rajon Rondo, Derek Anderson, Goose Givens, Jim McDaniels"} {"idx": 41081, "original_id": "1251262022119043074", "reply_id": "1251262261752221699", "label": "yes", "text": "The Arbor took a little longer to hit with me but JOHNNY DAT BASSLINE 🖤 #timstwitterlisteningparty"} {"idx": 41082, "original_id": "1250752188802109440", "reply_id": "1250921669675216896", "label": "idk", "text": "Real question: Why can restaurant employees bring food to my car window but pastors not bring communion to my car window?"} {"idx": 41083, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1250948192352571392", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 41084, "original_id": "1250926638398930944", "reply_id": "1250927263786455041", "label": "awww", "text": "I joined someone’s live by accident and then my phone froze and they SHOUTED ME OUT"} {"idx": 41085, "original_id": "1250845588016553985", "reply_id": "1250860509022302209", "label": "idk", "text": "If you have a quarantined birthday this year, how are you celebrating it?"} {"idx": 41086, "original_id": "1250849754273189888", "reply_id": "1250938513203183616", "label": "agree", "text": "So like... y’all want this new no money spent video?"} {"idx": 41087, "original_id": "1250974856704700416", "reply_id": "1250982254500696065", "label": "applause", "text": "National horny day...\n\nIsn’t that just every day? \n\n#Nationalhorneyday"} {"idx": 41091, "original_id": "1250855177806020608", "reply_id": "1250858007388438528", "label": "applause", "text": "deez nuts"} {"idx": 41092, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251238955414163457", "label": "idk", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 41094, "original_id": "1251171384790863874", "reply_id": "1251174844433158144", "label": "hug", "text": "I want a hug reeeal bad"} {"idx": 41095, "original_id": "1251109495918465024", "reply_id": "1251188481386307585", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Dr. Phil went on Fox News + said we shouldn’t shut the country down because of COVID.\n\nHe claimed 360,000 people die every year from swimming pool accidents and we “don’t shut the country down for that.”\n\nActual number is 3,600.\n\n+ swimming pool accidents aren't contagious Phil."} {"idx": 41097, "original_id": "1250952843055583232", "reply_id": "1250966254309031937", "label": "yes", "text": "America is about to come roaring back."} {"idx": 41099, "original_id": "1250920763714142215", "reply_id": "1251157761200545792", "label": "yes", "text": "Thinking about Rick flicking Michonne’s pencil across the room so he could put a baby in her.."} {"idx": 41100, "original_id": "1251027811365765123", "reply_id": "1251092140668653568", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "60% of women cheat but 85% of the time it is the man's fault.Women tend to cheat because they are not being loved properly or they have been feeling lonely for a long period of time in a relationship & so might lean on another male for support & accidentally have sex with them."} {"idx": 41101, "original_id": "1250955731890769925", "reply_id": "1250993663624298502", "label": "high_five", "text": "Get a damn edit button @Twitter, it’s 2020!!"} {"idx": 41103, "original_id": "1250887135726497793", "reply_id": "1250959786956349440", "label": "no", "text": "Should I ask for trouble or no ?"} {"idx": 41107, "original_id": "1250946118135005184", "reply_id": "1250951809893613577", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Thursday shoutouts: @kadeem_kusaragi @WishIwasSpock @Miketheking75 @WaywardToadSage @ragnarok09 @Jecka1021 @ThunderYellow25 @PreachedEarth1 @brutalpuncher1 @M1kegamer13 @MikeMorse1017 @darkbluesman82 @mysticrouge @kennyandres10 @Saru245Reborn @YukikoYukimura @RealHero93"} {"idx": 41110, "original_id": "1251203275946328067", "reply_id": "1251210743262953473", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all support me if I made an Only Fans?"} {"idx": 41111, "original_id": "1250943096956891137", "reply_id": "1250943464524713984", "label": "agree", "text": "You know what I will never fucking ever understand?! I will never fucking ever understand anyone wanting the most useless piece of shit loser to be our President."} {"idx": 41112, "original_id": "1250997896855670791", "reply_id": "1251017101277609985", "label": "agree", "text": "2 underscores in your Twitter handle instantly makes you superior on this app. #ProTip."} {"idx": 41114, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251265345437839360", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 41116, "original_id": "1250926276942028800", "reply_id": "1250952237947346944", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I have a sudden urge to recite famous monologues."} {"idx": 41121, "original_id": "1250906233730711552", "reply_id": "1250906382972456961", "label": "popcorn", "text": "ok but if @CharlesSoule goes on @Wtforceshow can he just swing by @skytalkerspod afterwards real quick?? 👀"} {"idx": 41123, "original_id": "1250918210192519168", "reply_id": "1250988280545501186", "label": "dance", "text": "It's April 16th, and @MNUFC are STILL undefeated. #Loonesota #MNUFC"} {"idx": 41124, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250971493242146819", "label": "awww", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 41127, "original_id": "1251020459250003969", "reply_id": "1251047301767999489", "label": "dance", "text": "I think we can do a HankCon wedding tomorrow. As a treat. 🥳🍾🥂💍💖"} {"idx": 41129, "original_id": "1251067081761501184", "reply_id": "1251067343192551424", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Working on edits \ndekhte hai reply mil jaye \n\n🤞🤞 #AskSid"} {"idx": 41130, "original_id": "1251194656622288898", "reply_id": "1251196215217324035", "label": "shocked", "text": "North Carolina's Cole Anthony has declared for the 2020 NBA Draft, per his Twitter page."} {"idx": 41134, "original_id": "1250797672501559298", "reply_id": "1250916905323581440", "label": "idk", "text": "MMA Twitter is in peril, we must elect a group into power to lead us out of these dark times. Whoever wins we must stand behind them fully."} {"idx": 41136, "original_id": "1251005720180469760", "reply_id": "1251047206414663681", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Your little habits and idiosyncrasies are why I adore you"} {"idx": 41137, "original_id": "1250860305183318023", "reply_id": "1250860482048806919", "label": "seriously", "text": "WHY ARE DARLEEN AND WYATT ABOUT TO FUCK?!?"} {"idx": 41138, "original_id": "1250826579493740545", "reply_id": "1250903081824518146", "label": "shocked", "text": "National horny day. \n\nSo fucking silly. Sex isn’t even real."} {"idx": 41139, "original_id": "1251155190897496064", "reply_id": "1251197242867884033", "label": "agree", "text": "Drop your tweeter handles and let us follow up 🍑🍊"} {"idx": 41141, "original_id": "1251229586966208512", "reply_id": "1251230907303895040", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Boss: ya but you won't do 6 feet.\nMy reply to the girls without boss hearing: ya but I'll do 6inches!! 🤣😂 \nYess that is where my mind is today and idk why. Hahaha"} {"idx": 41142, "original_id": "1250603313625575426", "reply_id": "1250841543830880259", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I've begun blocking people who block me. Twitter is a two way street and if you want to be wrong, I'm not fighting you."} {"idx": 41143, "original_id": "1251027737239785472", "reply_id": "1251033779789053953", "label": "awww", "text": "The first date, the first kiss, the first sex...... is going to hit different after this lockdown."} {"idx": 41150, "original_id": "1250858414424690688", "reply_id": "1250868559053500418", "label": "idk", "text": "Females play more mind games than professor x and wonder why they got so many ex-men"} {"idx": 41154, "original_id": "1250865750484500480", "reply_id": "1250870977547960321", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Imagine if #Toonami paired Paranoia Agent with Boogiepop and Others..."} {"idx": 41155, "original_id": "1250829924069511169", "reply_id": "1250835066655256577", "label": "please", "text": "Anyone want a long feature and podcast on the 2020 @LSUBasketball signing class?"} {"idx": 41157, "original_id": "1250952770892500993", "reply_id": "1250954759265308672", "label": "idk", "text": "Love that @USA_Network is playing @Psych_USA every week. Arguably one of my favorite shows in high school and college"} {"idx": 41162, "original_id": "1250911875149303813", "reply_id": "1251018710598520833", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "We now have more Americans dead than Hillary had emails. \n\nHeckuva of job, Donnie."} {"idx": 41166, "original_id": "1251198465683619845", "reply_id": "1251249820322263042", "label": "agree", "text": "I call on @Twitter to suspend the account of @realDonaldTrump for inciting violence."} {"idx": 41168, "original_id": "1251255816835006464", "reply_id": "1251257280324161537", "label": "oops", "text": "The guy at I-610 E asking for money has a moped hidden in the bushes"} {"idx": 41174, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251061272142995457", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 41175, "original_id": "1251185177415553024", "reply_id": "1251189013932900354", "label": "wink", "text": "Beef stifado cooking and a glass of wine to keep me hydrated. I've got the weekend off and I'm going to enjoy every minute at home with the people I love. \nBe safe everyone x"} {"idx": 41176, "original_id": "1251068341529313286", "reply_id": "1251073109077241857", "label": "applause", "text": "Right, off to my day job. Go easy on the eggs but full tilt on the biscuits @EcclestonArms ;)\nRemember we deliver so #StayHomeStaySafe \nCall 01744881881\nOur @StevePrescott1 @BrookOA are ready & waiting to bring the essentials to you 🌈💚X"} {"idx": 41177, "original_id": "1250911875149303813", "reply_id": "1250934522629230595", "label": "applause", "text": "We now have more Americans dead than Hillary had emails. \n\nHeckuva of job, Donnie."} {"idx": 41178, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250930751308132352", "label": "no", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 41179, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1251161144196075520", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 41180, "original_id": "1250827663259971585", "reply_id": "1250856051714514945", "label": "shocked", "text": "NY extended the stay at home quarantine till May 15🙃"} {"idx": 41181, "original_id": "1251138221272162305", "reply_id": "1251192598074703872", "label": "shocked", "text": "Did Beyoncé get her teeth done?"} {"idx": 41182, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1250996661045821441", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 41185, "original_id": "1251213767758819329", "reply_id": "1251215672086081550", "label": "shocked", "text": "What would you be doing in quarantine if this happened back during the early 2000s? Before the internet was a serious hangout spot🤔🤔🤔"} {"idx": 41189, "original_id": "1250879274489430018", "reply_id": "1250941763482800129", "label": "shocked", "text": "Honestly, yeah quarantine sucks and I miss my friends. But so much has already been canceled that the extension doesn’t change much. Stay home and then maybe our lives can start going back to normal the end of May. It’s that simple!!"} {"idx": 41196, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251155758512697350", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 41199, "original_id": "1251146656768094208", "reply_id": "1251153897864847361", "label": "hug", "text": "Ima sleep now ILY all have a great day! 🤗❤"} {"idx": 41201, "original_id": "1250846989731999744", "reply_id": "1250849159982309378", "label": "hug", "text": "Dear diary:\nThis morning I woke up, read Luis Sepulveda died and went back to bed. Wake me up when all this fuckery is over 😢."} {"idx": 41205, "original_id": "1250875464043954178", "reply_id": "1250890836759523329", "label": "agree", "text": "Ready for the meltdown that comes with that decision tomorrow night lol 😂"} {"idx": 41207, "original_id": "1250953617303011329", "reply_id": "1250954399033233409", "label": "eww", "text": "When I see gyms talking about reopening May 1st with \"social distancing\" I think of...\n\nthe guy who puts his lips directly on the water fountain\n\nthe dude who wrings out his sweat-drenched shirt on the sauna floor\n\nthe old men who sit their bare asses on the locker room benches"} {"idx": 41208, "original_id": "1251227341893906432", "reply_id": "1251268934944374785", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Sorry midlands; you're southerners."} {"idx": 41209, "original_id": "1250831570031775745", "reply_id": "1250849144752791559", "label": "applause", "text": "When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all."} {"idx": 41213, "original_id": "1251006809327927297", "reply_id": "1251075647440662528", "label": "eww", "text": "Tooooooo many thoughts. I’m about to start smoking cigs."} {"idx": 41215, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251027790461165569", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 41216, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251221645722882048", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 41217, "original_id": "1251105317599039493", "reply_id": "1251258513168297984", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF to great writers @ShakespeareSaga @ShimaHlongwane @helen_castles @wonderstars111 @MJSandersAuthor @NormaNikutowski @byMorganWright @WayneGr71276033 @MattLavPoems @cgriffinauthor @StephenJohnPeel @michelleatravis @AtypicalTiff @PaulTaitWrites #WritingCommunity #Writerslift"} {"idx": 41218, "original_id": "1251226424268271616", "reply_id": "1251227036049223680", "label": "awww", "text": "stop holding onto people just because you have history together. you got to have people in your circle that go hard for you before you tell them to. ppl you know you can rely on that’ll always be there for you and that will support you to the max 🥺👉🏻👈🏻"} {"idx": 41219, "original_id": "1251140787309629440", "reply_id": "1251141382887976962", "label": "wink", "text": "I would just like to thank @AG_Developer for bringing the \"ABSOLutely\" joke back into circulation. Much appreciated, buddy."} {"idx": 41220, "original_id": "1250945201520205824", "reply_id": "1250946582901653504", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I just can't anymore ... somebody on Fb posted about mass voter fraud ... I asked for proof ... said I don't need proof because I know it happens. This is America ..."} {"idx": 41224, "original_id": "1251010182387286016", "reply_id": "1251010957205217280", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all sleep yet?"} {"idx": 41225, "original_id": "1250857470039293958", "reply_id": "1250890156447371264", "label": "facepalm", "text": "i really woke up, took a shower & did my hair just to get ready 4 bed again & i mean it when i say i hate it here"} {"idx": 41229, "original_id": "1250882536118587392", "reply_id": "1250902487491469313", "label": "kiss", "text": "I meant every single ‘I Love you’... \n\nYou’ll always live in my heart."} {"idx": 41230, "original_id": "1251036248346710016", "reply_id": "1251045343883493376", "label": "shocked", "text": "The country has confirmed the official death toll at the epicentre is much higher than previously reported."} {"idx": 41232, "original_id": "1250892405345267719", "reply_id": "1250894793628102660", "label": "agree", "text": "Is 4:02 too early to go to bed?"} {"idx": 41233, "original_id": "1251182318355656720", "reply_id": "1251195032054489092", "label": "high_five", "text": "Jokes on all of you. In order to be wearing sweatpants that would mean putting pants on in the first place"} {"idx": 41235, "original_id": "1250935301490556932", "reply_id": "1250941100631752707", "label": "dance", "text": "Looks like Florida is green 🟩 and ready for Phase One!"} {"idx": 41236, "original_id": "1250978766920302593", "reply_id": "1251114430332633089", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Today was asss but I’m glad to be home 🙏🏾"} {"idx": 41239, "original_id": "1250799792931983362", "reply_id": "1250982177128566785", "label": "thank_you", "text": "RetailMeNot is literally the best thing ever 😩🙌🏾"} {"idx": 41241, "original_id": "1251165670949228544", "reply_id": "1251166342641856513", "label": "ok", "text": "Need friends"} {"idx": 41242, "original_id": "1250887201346510860", "reply_id": "1250887766390513665", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My mom just called, apparently my state has gone fucking nuts. Everyone got their stimulus check and they're _fucking out spending it_, roads are packed, everyone's out shopping...\n\nPeople are going to die."} {"idx": 41243, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250927561397489666", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 41244, "original_id": "1251028012243521542", "reply_id": "1251161678600826880", "label": "omg", "text": "Zim women are lost. Look @ their female influencers\n\nJojo Tank - hid her HIV status to her ex husband\nYellowbone - rose to prominence with a sextape\nVulgar Queen - hosted a divorce party\nDJ (d🍆ck jockey) - multiple baby daddies\nCrying Cougar - always crying about young men"} {"idx": 41245, "original_id": "1250975906904104962", "reply_id": "1250981247221972993", "label": "no", "text": "mango green milk tea, 30% sweet, regular ice, 1/2 mini and 1/2 regular boba pleaaaaase🥺"} {"idx": 41246, "original_id": "1250920159650279425", "reply_id": "1250950663711928321", "label": "hearts", "text": "I haven't been excited about seeing anyone in a romantic way in a long time. That sucks. I want to feel that again."} {"idx": 41248, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251253422365474820", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 41249, "original_id": "1250851792814030850", "reply_id": "1250855204637073410", "label": "agree", "text": "My picks #Country104top5 @Country104 @C104Weaver \n#BeALight @ThomasRhett \n#SlowDownTown @jamesbarkerband \n#Monsters @ericchurch \n#SilverLining @HunterBros \n#AfterAFew @Travis_Denning \n#AllICanDo @BuckTwentyBand \n#ThatsWhyILoveDirtRoads @GrangerSmith \n#JustTheWay @parmalee"} {"idx": 41251, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250851378735480833", "label": "no", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 41252, "original_id": "1251168422555201542", "reply_id": "1251173593880330247", "label": "seriously", "text": "I'm genuinely asking this.... whats corned beef??"} {"idx": 41253, "original_id": "1251219188573667330", "reply_id": "1251220162017218560", "label": "yes", "text": "REMINDER! \n\nNo stream today since we streamed the ending of Yakuza 0 yesterday. (btw all parts are now available on YouTube!)\n\nTomorrow is the 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY STREAM!!!!!\n\nWe'll be starting a Pokemon Black/White 2 randomizer. Hope to see you guys there :D\n\nEnjoy your day <3"} {"idx": 41256, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251215845604446209", "label": "no", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 41259, "original_id": "1251127811173122049", "reply_id": "1251161197585461248", "label": "applause", "text": "Quote of the day: \"He who fights with monsters Should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, The Abyss Also gazes into you.\" ~Friedrich Nietzsche"} {"idx": 41260, "original_id": "1251163058740723716", "reply_id": "1251240446057041921", "label": "smh", "text": "I miss my mans 😭😭"} {"idx": 41262, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251047177872384000", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 41267, "original_id": "1250859284516216835", "reply_id": "1250893913281396738", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Bhad bharbie or whatever the fuck .. she didn’t do anything the Kardashian’s didn’t already do 😭 can’t hate on her but watch them bitches on tv every other day . Hypocrisy part of the game but sheesh . It’s starting to look like hatin 🤧"} {"idx": 41268, "original_id": "1250778278631288834", "reply_id": "1250845182179733504", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi I appreciate all the DM’s I just don’t have the energy or capacity to answer them all. Yesterday and today have been blah so I’m stepping away from twitter for a few hours.\n\nI’ll be fine just gotta re-energize.\n\nbe excellent to each other.\n\nOh and send me a hug or cuddles pls"} {"idx": 41269, "original_id": "1250850541753831425", "reply_id": "1250854498987397122", "label": "eww", "text": "Shorty scratched her ass and sniffed her finger 🤮💔"} {"idx": 41270, "original_id": "1250894448604712962", "reply_id": "1250894978001391616", "label": "applause", "text": "New York's update:\n\n- Number of new cases down\n- Number of new people tested down\n- Number of new deaths down\n- Number of hospitalized down\n- Number of ICU patients down\n- Number of intubations down"} {"idx": 41273, "original_id": "1251048038019276800", "reply_id": "1251055841786032129", "label": "oops", "text": "@Dragon_Apex HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"} {"idx": 41274, "original_id": "1250978193076412416", "reply_id": "1250978636955389953", "label": "hug", "text": "Can’t wait to give my friends a group hug when we finally get to link up😢"} {"idx": 41277, "original_id": "1250865439028260869", "reply_id": "1250887687176957962", "label": "kiss", "text": "kiss me till i can’t breathe"} {"idx": 41278, "original_id": "1251066667490213889", "reply_id": "1251081156210106369", "label": "high_five", "text": "#FF\n@_nickv7_ \n@GrantDoughnut26 \n@cinemancunian \n@kolbytoldme \n@MilsteadMovies \n@ajmckay24 \n@AlliCinema \n@Kat_Directs_ \n@samcorner21 \n@filmswithamy \n@SoniaCerca \n@BookstoreThor \n@BryanTannAuthor \n@MovieManifesto \n@Rob_Motto \n@zombie_ducky_82 \n@MDNAistheQueen \nShow them some love!"} {"idx": 41281, "original_id": "1251074375157256193", "reply_id": "1251225148360982530", "label": "thank_you", "text": "serving on the @AoIR_org @nancybaym book award committee is always concurrently the most humbling and the most inspiring experience. so many amazing books!"} {"idx": 41282, "original_id": "1251131394044186626", "reply_id": "1251154003938799617", "label": "oops", "text": "The media guys you are listening to... are listening to @3YardsPerCarry"} {"idx": 41283, "original_id": "1251033231538831361", "reply_id": "1251121914405253125", "label": "awww", "text": "Which #OnePlus8 Colour has won you over?\nOnyx Black = ❤️\nGlacial Green = 🔁 \nInterstellar Glow = 💬 for its radiant charm"} {"idx": 41286, "original_id": "1250940037903953922", "reply_id": "1250950764975054848", "label": "agree", "text": "#CNNTownHall Should teachers and kids be tested before they go back to school?"} {"idx": 41287, "original_id": "1250280449672228867", "reply_id": "1250876327168802817", "label": "facepalm", "text": "ive never had a Bloody Mary... I said what I said"} {"idx": 41288, "original_id": "1250870445223473153", "reply_id": "1250914844976570370", "label": "yawn", "text": "Commitment Saturday🖤"} {"idx": 41292, "original_id": "1251005133028077569", "reply_id": "1251010452894572546", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "People get so defensive when you call out Ozark for being the bad show that it is. Being that defensive about something is usually a sign that you actually believe it to be possibly true."} {"idx": 41293, "original_id": "1251135905911451648", "reply_id": "1251136553780469762", "label": "hug", "text": "I dunno. I'm feeling a lot of different things today. I'm just...ugh. A mess."} {"idx": 41294, "original_id": "1250835141879971840", "reply_id": "1250983697920274433", "label": "shocked", "text": "Becoming used to Washington weather has me fucked up, out here sweating on the deck talking about “it’s hot as a mf today” and it’s 57 degrees out 🤦🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 41295, "original_id": "1251094330263175168", "reply_id": "1251110888448200706", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Reply anything in comment nd I'll reply you with a template.😌\n\n**Bakc#odi ni** 😴"} {"idx": 41296, "original_id": "1250893716715429888", "reply_id": "1250959546228584450", "label": "applause", "text": "If We naked in bed & I scoot back...Sirrr nail me to the cross🥴🤣🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 41298, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251168534400569345", "label": "omg", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 41300, "original_id": "1250941339677667329", "reply_id": "1250948435945152512", "label": "hug", "text": "Tbh I just need a hug"} {"idx": 41301, "original_id": "1250925034224451589", "reply_id": "1250947298324107264", "label": "applause", "text": "My son just drank ranch out of a cup and I've never been more proud as a father."} {"idx": 41303, "original_id": "1250755825720872963", "reply_id": "1250919696041496580", "label": "agree", "text": "Honeysuckles beginning to bloom in Chapel Hill.\n\nBig Honeysuckle guy."} {"idx": 41306, "original_id": "1251196164352983041", "reply_id": "1251196504267726853", "label": "shrug", "text": "In a GIF, how’s your week been?"} {"idx": 41307, "original_id": "1251082892056371200", "reply_id": "1251165446071439369", "label": "hug", "text": "So much love to @reece_dinsdale\n@RealMattLucas @Jo_Frost @JohnSimpsonNews @louistheroux @PamRobins3 @lucyportercomic @JamesConlon_ @watsoncomedian @BootstrapCook @Nigella_Lawson @jimdalycomedy @JimMFelton @BegumNadiya\n@matthaig1 @cathynewman\nfor the inspiration and thoughtfulness"} {"idx": 41310, "original_id": "1250949036766568448", "reply_id": "1250949274952597505", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I haven’t. Drinked a water all day"} {"idx": 41312, "original_id": "1250839697556824064", "reply_id": "1250842600581459969", "label": "agree", "text": "@BrentTerhune you're going straight to HELL."} {"idx": 41313, "original_id": "1251025913397026817", "reply_id": "1251157476520587265", "label": "ok", "text": "i gotta go to bed im going cross eyed and refuse to give you shitty smut lmao"} {"idx": 41314, "original_id": "1250907901838921728", "reply_id": "1250908176263888897", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Once This Account Ceases To Exist\n\nThere Will Only Be Three Tweets From Here To Guide You\n\nWhat A Beautiful Time To Be Alive\n\nGood Afternoon Good Evening Good Night"} {"idx": 41317, "original_id": "1250840103552987139", "reply_id": "1251039131515396096", "label": "no", "text": "I need to follow some good people. Please share some good accounts to follow.\n\nIf it is you, please tell me whether you think pineapple belongs on a pizza below and I’ll make my decision from there."} {"idx": 41329, "original_id": "1250833695856119808", "reply_id": "1250834514856812544", "label": "hug", "text": "I really feel like shit today"} {"idx": 41331, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250870115685580804", "label": "applause", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 41336, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250856886632677376", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 41338, "original_id": "1250978377701511170", "reply_id": "1251096490581393410", "label": "applause", "text": "Ten thousand people in line at a food bank in Texas while Nancy Pelosi is eating ice cream that cost $12 a pint. Maybe we should refer to her as Nancy “let them eat ice cream” Pelosi."} {"idx": 41340, "original_id": "1251173274270273536", "reply_id": "1251175105687887872", "label": "yes", "text": "BREAKING NEWS: The 3 has been dropped from @HowieRose"} {"idx": 41341, "original_id": "1250814446164799488", "reply_id": "1250842152210296833", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "ok. promise myself that tomorrow ill be m o r e productive. ✋//"} {"idx": 41342, "original_id": "1251206768241381379", "reply_id": "1251244399406641152", "label": "agree", "text": "I think it's fair to say the Cleveland Browns, on paper, have the league's worst linebacker corps."} {"idx": 41344, "original_id": "1250948701004193793", "reply_id": "1250962162916433921", "label": "smh", "text": "Do you think you can pop your lungs by breathing in too deep"} {"idx": 41345, "original_id": "1251150333587275785", "reply_id": "1251216013414273024", "label": "popcorn", "text": "It’s sad how many folks think BTC is the real Bitcoin."} {"idx": 41347, "original_id": "1250999477265203200", "reply_id": "1251076364716867584", "label": "agree", "text": "This whole virus thing is the biggest scam on humans since the creation of the federal reserve. There I got it out of my system."} {"idx": 41348, "original_id": "1250996329678925824", "reply_id": "1250996869033013253", "label": "hug", "text": "Give me a hug"} {"idx": 41351, "original_id": "1250947263129702400", "reply_id": "1251120537776070657", "label": "hug", "text": "I don't know if you noticed but im depressed"} {"idx": 41352, "original_id": "1250881767508238338", "reply_id": "1250953272917135360", "label": "applause", "text": "About to start my kids lessons for the day, I call them to my classroom by playing If I could teach the world x Bone Thugs-N-Harmony"} {"idx": 41354, "original_id": "1251175282037440513", "reply_id": "1251229596495876102", "label": "applause", "text": "Tiddies."} {"idx": 41355, "original_id": "1250916349787996160", "reply_id": "1250963874305671168", "label": "yes", "text": ".@realDonaldTrump said Democrats and Republicans are working together, so why is @MittRomney the only GOP Senator not invited to join the President's congressional task force on reopening from the coronavirus? Could it be that he was the only GOP Senator to vote to convict?"} {"idx": 41356, "original_id": "1250842589743415297", "reply_id": "1250843268537102342", "label": "shocked", "text": "U.S. fintech startup Stripe raises $600 million, valued at $36 billion ##"} {"idx": 41359, "original_id": "1251032505941217284", "reply_id": "1251057295913553920", "label": "applause", "text": "If Your Pride, Masculinity and Ego as a woman will not permit you to be submissive to your man,then just forget about marriage because no man wants to marry another man..\nPoint Delivered ✌️"} {"idx": 41361, "original_id": "1250870107254988800", "reply_id": "1250870812535664640", "label": "scared", "text": "when ur friend tells you they're going to call u back, they absolutely are not going to call you back"} {"idx": 41363, "original_id": "1250720722906951680", "reply_id": "1250872895473160193", "label": "oops", "text": "Raining in Cape Town CBD and my Weather Report #CapeWeather #ThatChickAgain said absolutely nothing about the rain. That's Mother Nature for you, she rules!!"} {"idx": 41365, "original_id": "1250487027025485827", "reply_id": "1250848937919090688", "label": "wink", "text": "20 years from now in a history lesson kids will ask what nationality or colour was I and the response will be .. “I was anything I chose to be” #Welcometothenewworld GET CONSTIPATED, I SAID WHAT I SAID!"} {"idx": 41366, "original_id": "1251170771797454850", "reply_id": "1251198936263598081", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I Will Be Announcing My Commitment Tomorrow At 12 P.M.‼️ #AGTG"} {"idx": 41367, "original_id": "1250813847658803202", "reply_id": "1250941845619847168", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you got the direct deposit of your relief check yesterday?\n\nNobody in my family did. 😔"} {"idx": 41368, "original_id": "1250831840258088960", "reply_id": "1250925307135057920", "label": "no", "text": "Legitimate question: is there a better full album by a Canadian band than Fully Completely? There are a few recent entries I think stack up well, but I'm curious."} {"idx": 41370, "original_id": "1251260830680846341", "reply_id": "1251261163633082368", "label": "seriously", "text": "Curious, when wrestlers play wrestling video games do they play as themselves?"} {"idx": 41371, "original_id": "1250719106195546112", "reply_id": "1250888077398151168", "label": "idk", "text": "If I see that $1200 in 20’s coming down ur arm you getting blocked"} {"idx": 41372, "original_id": "1251238095791501313", "reply_id": "1251273172843991041", "label": "smh", "text": "One of my cousin,another one is from my in laws \ngood News has started coming in!\nThey all r getting Pregnant 😂😂\nThis Quarantine Will Shoot up the Population To Sky high!\nBelieve me🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 41374, "original_id": "1251167511300759553", "reply_id": "1251197502172401665", "label": "ok", "text": "I love men."} {"idx": 41379, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250909553857835010", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 41381, "original_id": "1251150824320806916", "reply_id": "1251153729614524416", "label": "awww", "text": "#poll When you see someone trending are you immediately worried that they died?"} {"idx": 41382, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250968249736536065", "label": "oops", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 41386, "original_id": "1250875418200215552", "reply_id": "1250877492212178948", "label": "ok", "text": "Oh cool, more actors telling me how to conduct public policy!"} {"idx": 41390, "original_id": "1249886500994666498", "reply_id": "1250980340635762688", "label": "agree", "text": "I like to think that aliens like alien titties and alien butts but probably they are in a whole new level of sexuality. Shout out to all the ass-aliens, that's where's at boi"} {"idx": 41391, "original_id": "1250854675986989056", "reply_id": "1251161139326488580", "label": "eww", "text": "We lost another to the Coronavirus today: RIP Dr. Oz's credibility, killed off by his response to COVID on 4.16.2020"} {"idx": 41392, "original_id": "1251168054521839616", "reply_id": "1251239854815490055", "label": "shocked", "text": "Ladies, if he\n\n- Once killed some old guy at a crossroads\n- Correctly answered the riddle of the Sphinx\n- Is now the king of Thebes\n\nHe's your man, but he's also your son"} {"idx": 41395, "original_id": "1251050279237226498", "reply_id": "1251273381456097281", "label": "agree", "text": "I think we all can come to the conclusion that cinnamon toast crunch is the best cereal."} {"idx": 41398, "original_id": "1250978266451755009", "reply_id": "1250999952261726211", "label": "smh", "text": "my friend invited me over for drinks ☺️"} {"idx": 41403, "original_id": "1251064547567378432", "reply_id": "1251066116161626112", "label": "eww", "text": "I'm looking for an imaginative partner with imagination and a very wide criminal streak\n\nWe buy up all the used NHS masks for as little as possible\n\nThen sell them on eBay as Infectious Bras for Guarenteed WallFlower Action\n\nMust be good at sewing in Chinese\nNo Knitters thanks"} {"idx": 41404, "original_id": "1250746891765190656", "reply_id": "1251178120151011332", "label": "win", "text": "It’s my 71st birthday. Thankful to have my pets to be with. 🎈❤️🐾"} {"idx": 41407, "original_id": "1250610488183939072", "reply_id": "1250837376227782660", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m over ppl complaining about not being with their significant other.. \n\nSome ppl are actually alone. No family or friends with them. \n\nCheck your perspective"} {"idx": 41410, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251018528666214401", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 41414, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251102022931296256", "label": "high_five", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 41415, "original_id": "1250969493100167170", "reply_id": "1250972310367924229", "label": "shrug", "text": "What did I miss?"} {"idx": 41417, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251219637246857216", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 41418, "original_id": "1250854057289244673", "reply_id": "1250897571452719107", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Y’all...I’m taking my dad to the store. I swear to goodness he’s matching. Shoes, hat, shirt, AND socks! 😂😂😂Ummm sir...we’re in a pandemic."} {"idx": 41420, "original_id": "1251125355630518272", "reply_id": "1251134598777626626", "label": "seriously", "text": "Former Health Sec and Foreign Sec, @Jeremy_Hunt says the decision to allow 15k people to arrive daily at airports with no health checks should be reviewed."} {"idx": 41422, "original_id": "1250854894548004864", "reply_id": "1250904967193509889", "label": "smh", "text": "Now I gotta take another 14 days worth of nudes/vudes 🙄😭"} {"idx": 41423, "original_id": "1250881928498159618", "reply_id": "1250959690470772736", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Once this pandemic is behind us I would still love to have Trumps nightly press conference. Grabbing a cold beer and watching Trump brutalize members of the media is kinda entertaining as hell. I can’t lie."} {"idx": 41426, "original_id": "1250969226313109505", "reply_id": "1251237324593287176", "label": "idk", "text": "CNN is reporting that Michael Cohen will serve out the rest of his prison sentence at home due to the pandemic. What do you think?"} {"idx": 41429, "original_id": "1251235696096002056", "reply_id": "1251236178252238854", "label": "eww", "text": "Gotta be high, ion even think she knw what she was saying.. either way god bless her when i see her. I am CARRYINGGGGG lmao"} {"idx": 41431, "original_id": "1251222958456143872", "reply_id": "1251247030586028037", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was hard. \n\nAlmost 2.5yrs since my rape &I still can't sleep through the night (no advice pls) &felt defeated. I didn't eat or drink all day (I have now), couldn't think straight &wondered what the point of my men's work was. \n\nToday was hard but I survived. \nI survived 🙏🏼"} {"idx": 41432, "original_id": "1250918511880425480", "reply_id": "1250992427730481155", "label": "scared", "text": "Somewhere on each one or our phones lies an alive Covid cell or particle or whatever it’s called."} {"idx": 41433, "original_id": "1251074966658965504", "reply_id": "1251134253196345344", "label": "no", "text": "Ok\nOwn up?\nWho voted for Starmer and Rayner?"} {"idx": 41434, "original_id": "1250916708510052357", "reply_id": "1250923211975462912", "label": "hug", "text": "Just found my old lake bag from last summer that i put all of Onyx’s toys in when she would go with me.. I’m not ok"} {"idx": 41435, "original_id": "1250847645251375109", "reply_id": "1250935405849051139", "label": "awww", "text": "me: *gets home from work* hiii \n@tripprowe: go shower so i can hug you"} {"idx": 41436, "original_id": "1251215394171310080", "reply_id": "1251224453729705984", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss hugs"} {"idx": 41438, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250949949417717760", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 41439, "original_id": "1250556870747717634", "reply_id": "1250890145139699715", "label": "yes", "text": "You know, I'm thinking it's time for a cocktail bucket."} {"idx": 41444, "original_id": "1250955377698537472", "reply_id": "1250956077396566017", "label": "ok", "text": "White liquor makes me aggressive"} {"idx": 41445, "original_id": "1251023838952869888", "reply_id": "1251269287815323653", "label": "yes", "text": "Men in lingerie... yay or nay? 👀"} {"idx": 41446, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251033205467119616", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 41448, "original_id": "1251240729151602689", "reply_id": "1251259138241450002", "label": "no", "text": "The last few weeks have been an unprecedented time. Since it is becoming apparent that COVID-19 restrictions will not be a short-term matter, we have made the sad decision to cancel Comic-Con for the first time in its 50-year history."} {"idx": 41451, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251243273387225088", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 41452, "original_id": "1250964845144477698", "reply_id": "1250967167023165441", "label": "smh", "text": "This NBA Horse is TRASH"} {"idx": 41454, "original_id": "1250670720092381184", "reply_id": "1250887441101344768", "label": "applause", "text": "Different level of stig if ye start scranning peoples food in work 😠 brought a dairy milk in from an Easter egg and some cunts scranned 80% of it an left 2 little cubes of it. The audacity 🙆🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 41462, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1251221825444593665", "label": "no", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 41463, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250883923745243139", "label": "idk", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 41464, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250866286587977728", "label": "shocked", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 41466, "original_id": "1251198477532610562", "reply_id": "1251213059202232320", "label": "yes", "text": "Who needs a day off? \n\nAnd by a day off I mean a day off from all this bullshit."} {"idx": 41467, "original_id": "1250910961013346308", "reply_id": "1250932830089117698", "label": "eww", "text": "BREAKING: Twitter has suspended @allidoisowen"} {"idx": 41469, "original_id": "1251244747513085963", "reply_id": "1251247987315146752", "label": "omg", "text": "Are roller skates cool?"} {"idx": 41471, "original_id": "1251130944624394247", "reply_id": "1251138932315697153", "label": "seriously", "text": "When a rich nigga wants you 🥰"} {"idx": 41473, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251255508880830464", "label": "want", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 41474, "original_id": "1250952948441645058", "reply_id": "1251019770390077440", "label": "smh", "text": "Y’all really share your location with your significant other just because? If it’s an emergency, I could understand, but just because????"} {"idx": 41475, "original_id": "1251212826947059712", "reply_id": "1251227195919474688", "label": "smh", "text": "Finally took our Christmas tree down 😅"} {"idx": 41481, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251120856245235712", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 41484, "original_id": "1250791649241956352", "reply_id": "1250856882329260032", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "\"Money Heist\" starring Bondnote Mangudya, Mthuli Surplus and Ever Disappointing.\n\nWe need new leaders.🇿🇼"} {"idx": 41485, "original_id": "1251234883277598721", "reply_id": "1251237693083787266", "label": "applause", "text": "If you ever need me to rise from the dead (waaay in the future, I hope), play the knock-brush sound on Slack."} {"idx": 41489, "original_id": "1251057431708196864", "reply_id": "1251062016124391429", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Everything will be okay, Sel :\")"} {"idx": 41490, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250855582090711041", "label": "yes", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 41492, "original_id": "1250870268102422530", "reply_id": "1250875036514357251", "label": "hug", "text": "Honestly needing a hug."} {"idx": 41493, "original_id": "1250779544145068032", "reply_id": "1250949901392973825", "label": "facepalm", "text": "#BigServicerCEO: \"We will be at 35% #CARESACT forbearance by May. If the @FHFA does not let #GSEs support servicers as in the past, then we'll see defaults on P&I and T&I advances, then defaults in muniland\" Interview next week. Stay tuned. 😳😠😭"} {"idx": 41496, "original_id": "1251159815205687303", "reply_id": "1251254226749198337", "label": "win", "text": "@glennkirschner2 Glenn do you think the next administration AG will investigate and hold Trump his family Barr, Miller and all the rest accountable possibly charges brought against them?"} {"idx": 41498, "original_id": "1250894154323951616", "reply_id": "1250918135760326656", "label": "agree", "text": "fuck it"} {"idx": 41500, "original_id": "1250974453816864768", "reply_id": "1250975863195254784", "label": "kiss", "text": "I will never understand that \"if I saw it you gotta see it\" 😐"} {"idx": 41502, "original_id": "1250960090540146693", "reply_id": "1250966977801342976", "label": "high_five", "text": "I really did hit the jackpot with @ashlynbrooke981"} {"idx": 41504, "original_id": "1250918544117846018", "reply_id": "1250919170344132614", "label": "no", "text": "Raise your hand if you trust your governors!!\n\nNot me!! DeSantis is a trump shill!! Don’t trust him one bit...\n\n😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤🤨🤨🤨🤨"} {"idx": 41505, "original_id": "1251191709305901056", "reply_id": "1251209285041823744", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm told that\n-it's Friday?\n-people have been sort of bummed lately?\n\n#FF these mensches & buck up, buster:\n@alexkiki \n@ari_saperstein \n@beccasaltz \n@BillyHurls \n@cara_smith5 \n@heycaves \n@johnathanappel \n@jorjasmic \n@KathrynKvas \n@scarletkmeyer \n@thejinius \n@varley_craig"} {"idx": 41507, "original_id": "1251176180549648386", "reply_id": "1251184097721905152", "label": "yes", "text": "We recently passed 10,000 followers on Twitter. Pretty awesome. How about a giveaway in the near future? \n\nI mean. Does anyone want that?\n\nHmm."} {"idx": 41513, "original_id": "1251092988996001792", "reply_id": "1251260454904659971", "label": "sigh", "text": "IF i offer money and level services does those prices looks good? 🤔\n\nLevel : \n5€ / 100lvl \nand 1000 is max\n\nMoney :\n20€ / 500mil\n30€ / 1bil \n40€ / 2bil \n50€ / 3bil \n60€ / 4bil\n75€/ +5bil\n100€ / +10 bil"} {"idx": 41514, "original_id": "1250790939620265986", "reply_id": "1250878347497762816", "label": "hug", "text": "My mother estranged everyone in our family from her life, including me. The last time I saw her, she attacked me & my aunt had to pull out her pink pistol, threatening to shoot her own sister if she didn't get off me. Since, we've been no contact as the very idea makes me panic."} {"idx": 41515, "original_id": "1251187558811348995", "reply_id": "1251229278357860358", "label": "hug", "text": "I think I am hitting my wall of living alone with the current lack choice & lack people contact. \n\nI need human Interaction. Not phones, not FaceTime, not Skype, not Zoom, etc, etc. \n\nI want hugs!! \n\nVent over.\n\n#SurvivingCOVID19 #PhysicalTouchLoveLanguage #MissingMyPeeps"} {"idx": 41516, "original_id": "1250145270194724864", "reply_id": "1250885946746249218", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I hope that one day I can be happy."} {"idx": 41517, "original_id": "1251063113274855425", "reply_id": "1251187641376178178", "label": "agree", "text": "Its time Celtic dumped Parks of Hamilton, with all the crap coming out of Ibrox and blaming of us for everything, now 10 chins himself is spurring on the knuckledraggers."} {"idx": 41519, "original_id": "1251124754582511617", "reply_id": "1251190648851619842", "label": "yes", "text": "How're your home workouts going?\nReply with the most relevant GIF 👇\n\n#FridayFeeling"} {"idx": 41520, "original_id": "1250966179734306816", "reply_id": "1250972448083845126", "label": "smh", "text": "I might break the next dick I sit on."} {"idx": 41521, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250955226951155712", "label": "shocked", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 41523, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251025482340077569", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 41525, "original_id": "1250869712860430337", "reply_id": "1251132508307144704", "label": "want", "text": "#ComradesInCorruption are at it again . Sakhisizwe Civil Society Structures Forum gravely concerned about the EC Provincial Executive’s decision to quarantine 18 suspected #COVID_19 patients in #MiocaLodge , #Cala . This lodge is owned by MEC Wezizwe Tikane-Gxotiwe. Makagxothwe!"} {"idx": 41526, "original_id": "1251200404861390860", "reply_id": "1251203934653382657", "label": "yes", "text": "Guess who just landed a freelance gig?! THIS GIRL!"} {"idx": 41527, "original_id": "1250795317135650817", "reply_id": "1250894921013264386", "label": "applause", "text": "Brandon Marshall is on First Take saying the Bucs will win the NFC South and the Saints are done. This reminds me of two things: \n\n1) Brandon Marshall couldn't even beat out Keith Kirkwood to be active on the roster in 2018\n2) Brandon Marshall has NEVER played in the postseason"} {"idx": 41529, "original_id": "1250893130347528197", "reply_id": "1250905712655577093", "label": "applause", "text": "I don’t get mad or bothered by single men doing their thing. Be MAD when he’s YOUR man but acting single everywhere else. Otherwise, who gives a mf what he doing. Single people do what they want to do."} {"idx": 41532, "original_id": "1250845362211844097", "reply_id": "1250847913292398592", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I got one of those slips that just smooshes your body into Ideal Lady Shape but leaves your titties in the breeze. I'm hoping it turns out to be sexy and not torture."} {"idx": 41533, "original_id": "1250800013678194690", "reply_id": "1250869901537038336", "label": "seriously", "text": "I just did an entire load of laundry — dried and all— and realized I never put detergent in... \n\nSo yeah, that’s how quarantine is going today 🤦🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 41536, "original_id": "1250923866152742915", "reply_id": "1251207298397040640", "label": "shocked", "text": "President Trump on states re-opening one by one: \"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different. But when it's all done, it's a mosaic. When it's all done, it's going to be, I think, a beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 41537, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251261428897636357", "label": "eww", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 41538, "original_id": "1251129343851417600", "reply_id": "1251136184765431808", "label": "applause", "text": "Today my uncle messaged our family group chat and said he bought an expensive port to open and share when this is over, and I said: ‘no thanks, I’m a crows girl’ and nobody got it and I felt lame"} {"idx": 41539, "original_id": "1250986837755285504", "reply_id": "1250987541202980865", "label": "applause", "text": "Anyone who thinks Americans are going to \"un-quarantine\" slowly needs to drive up Warsaw Ave on the first 60 degree day in March."} {"idx": 41540, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251115904655597569", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 41542, "original_id": "1251026133648195584", "reply_id": "1251029208517636097", "label": "eww", "text": "I’ll never forget the time this dude doug actually said “Logic doesn’t miss”"} {"idx": 41543, "original_id": "1251167532494528512", "reply_id": "1251169287965990912", "label": "ok", "text": "Imagine if Jerry Jeudy was on the board for the #Cowboys at No. 17 and they picked Kenneth Murray instead.... \n\nlol"} {"idx": 41544, "original_id": "1250994845197336576", "reply_id": "1250997850562949127", "label": "applause", "text": "feels like we’re living in a black mirror episode rn"} {"idx": 41549, "original_id": "1251005379007430656", "reply_id": "1251020928768716800", "label": "agree", "text": "Could you die today? Are you at peace?"} {"idx": 41550, "original_id": "1250577511001526272", "reply_id": "1250923836134039557", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi, @realdonaldtrump, former political science professor here. You have no authority to adjourn Congress at-will. I encourage you to take a slightly closer (or even first look) at the Constitution."} {"idx": 41552, "original_id": "1251017748324507648", "reply_id": "1251018036200583169", "label": "yes", "text": "Oh my god, you can RC after 214H with Pot and get an unblockable from that lmfao"} {"idx": 41554, "original_id": "1250823714356240384", "reply_id": "1250853325865533440", "label": "high_five", "text": "I know this is hard.\n\nI wish I could say this will be over soon, but I can’t. \n\nWe must make decisions based on the science and the data.\n\nHuman lives are at stake."} {"idx": 41555, "original_id": "1250944423556452352", "reply_id": "1251011409716097024", "label": "agree", "text": "My hands are so dry from all the hand washing 🙃"} {"idx": 41557, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1251157528576004099", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 41559, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1250979734453981188", "label": "shocked", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 41562, "original_id": "1250626047646871554", "reply_id": "1250836460829278208", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "never trust a man who only communicates via snap"} {"idx": 41563, "original_id": "1250880320687280136", "reply_id": "1250880664087527425", "label": "agree", "text": "dudes be on house arrest but be worried about the wrong house arrest"} {"idx": 41564, "original_id": "1251245815202484230", "reply_id": "1251247265039220737", "label": "applause", "text": "It's a really not that big of a deal but I got pronouns added to our new student information sheet for all incoming students. \n\nI'm so thankful my colleagues supported this idea and change!"} {"idx": 41565, "original_id": "1250920585124864009", "reply_id": "1250926039930470408", "label": "shocked", "text": "Has Terry Venables turned into the Reverend?"} {"idx": 41566, "original_id": "1250846419340181505", "reply_id": "1250938909984387074", "label": "agree", "text": "There is no moral argument for refusing to pass a wealth tax"} {"idx": 41572, "original_id": "1250798819132035073", "reply_id": "1250849251808235521", "label": "oops", "text": "Are you a Oozer 💧or shooter 💦 ?"} {"idx": 41574, "original_id": "1250859506415726592", "reply_id": "1251118490049605639", "label": "yes", "text": "2020 needs to relax a bit"} {"idx": 41578, "original_id": "1251228187528486920", "reply_id": "1251228319070203904", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "There are two problems when it comes to Black maternal mortality: ongoing systematic disparities and implicit bias.\n\nOn the last day of Black Maternal Health Week, the urgency to pass the Black Maternal Health Momnibus and my Maternal CARE Act couldn’t be more clear."} {"idx": 41586, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1251018418381377544", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 41592, "original_id": "1250911304979746816", "reply_id": "1250911485959626752", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Folks, I have a BIG BIG announcement coming tomorrow night at 9 PM EST"} {"idx": 41593, "original_id": "1250922641281691649", "reply_id": "1250923122196439040", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Lmao ayu remember when we thought it was avalanche who rob him?😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 41594, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250983295799701507", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 41595, "original_id": "1250614385015508993", "reply_id": "1250848051335516160", "label": "yes", "text": "content is great, but we moving to product. 📌"} {"idx": 41599, "original_id": "1250856043686645761", "reply_id": "1250878484823638016", "label": "yes", "text": "I’ve been pretty bad about a consistent schedule lately.I’ve had a lot of irl stuff to take care of.\n\nHowever, I have applied to three colleges today to finish my degree! I’ve put it off for too long! 💖💖💖"} {"idx": 41600, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250878745579315205", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 41601, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251131079362318337", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 41605, "original_id": "1250979279925587968", "reply_id": "1250979466794467329", "label": "applause", "text": "GGs @TCeSportsgg another 3-0 for the boys @_Stretcho @Discured_ @iSnaaps @suubtract"} {"idx": 41607, "original_id": "1250809001178271746", "reply_id": "1250899724770652163", "label": "shocked", "text": "Per inside and outside sources: the Chiefs will not draft a quarterback in the first round."} {"idx": 41610, "original_id": "1250845518827315200", "reply_id": "1250847705561260037", "label": "agree", "text": "you know what... fuck it.\nbeard’s coming back y’all.\n#quarantinebeard #riseoftheresistance\n#nikkyburrsir"} {"idx": 41612, "original_id": "1251188528790339586", "reply_id": "1251211389567410176", "label": "thank_you", "text": "So @Julie_Atherton's #LeaveALightOn concert was a fabulous way to spend 45 minutes and I loved every second of it ❤ thanks to all involved for providing us with such fantastic entertainment!"} {"idx": 41613, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250948541205360646", "label": "applause", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 41615, "original_id": "1251155779396136961", "reply_id": "1251157767919829000", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF Friends\n\n@RetroRelapstic @NISAmerica @IdeaFactoryIntl @zen_studios @Activision @ArcSystemWorksU @Skelextorr @RandomFurby @NotoriousJnX @NeoSpawn @_SimplyG @PrimitiveMeat1 @xTxRACKx @euphzilla @SyaoranQ8 @Mac_Sempai @Postsemreh @Fireforge_Audio"} {"idx": 41619, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251174829874728962", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 41620, "original_id": "1251263009227448320", "reply_id": "1251263292552683522", "label": "applause", "text": "I am wearing my hair down for Friday night Zoom class, please clap"} {"idx": 41621, "original_id": "1251187528532553728", "reply_id": "1251189627672645632", "label": "no", "text": "Is Trump Ok ?"} {"idx": 41622, "original_id": "1251236795133464576", "reply_id": "1251239431119540225", "label": "win", "text": "Sure, I'll cuddle you and rub your dick a little. Why not?"} {"idx": 41623, "original_id": "1250820472561979400", "reply_id": "1250874280868548608", "label": "seriously", "text": "Oh. My. God. They've just explained why they can't give a date on when the lockdown will end and your first question is when it will end?!"} {"idx": 41632, "original_id": "1204751039586557953", "reply_id": "1251157926716162048", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "2020 world cup winner"} {"idx": 41637, "original_id": "1250995981128044544", "reply_id": "1251127542792290306", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "In the past three days, the United States has more cases and deaths than China does in total...\n\nDoes anyone actually believe China’s numbers? Give me a break!"} {"idx": 41638, "original_id": "1251155114259148803", "reply_id": "1251155406358892544", "label": "shocked", "text": "The right is coalescing around a strategy to defend Trump from rage at his lack of action on coronavirus killing tens of thousands of Americans:\n\n✔️ Pretend the numbers are fake\n✔️ If they are real, it's China's fault\n✔️ Either way, it's less than you thought it might be, right?"} {"idx": 41639, "original_id": "1250991210807738373", "reply_id": "1251087231697055744", "label": "thank_you", "text": "i've been fighting against COVID-19 since day one.. i am a Nurse and i am proud of it.. but this time, i have to take a break. my test came in, and it's positive.. once a nurse, and now a patient. i am strong and i can do this.. because i am an ARMY.. ❤️ @BTS_twt"} {"idx": 41640, "original_id": "1250648916716109825", "reply_id": "1250900074382516225", "label": "ok", "text": "The “E” in my name stands for Everything you need"} {"idx": 41648, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251243931897126913", "label": "agree", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 41651, "original_id": "1250554692012314625", "reply_id": "1250839460557787137", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "No. News. Value. \nWhat. The. Hell."} {"idx": 41652, "original_id": "1251189630692704256", "reply_id": "1251212430983782400", "label": "yes", "text": "True News out tonight"} {"idx": 41653, "original_id": "1251013102306422785", "reply_id": "1251057814467801094", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: Indian film actor Ajaz Khan is tested positive for COVID-19."} {"idx": 41654, "original_id": "1251115387011444739", "reply_id": "1251120930174177281", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I wanna drive to no destination with music on real loud. 🎶"} {"idx": 41655, "original_id": "1250635635938848768", "reply_id": "1250863361346154497", "label": "yes", "text": "Excited to make some financial strides — I am one month away from a 6-month emergency fund that will cover every possible expense pre-Covid. 9-months during Covid."} {"idx": 41656, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251158194639892483", "label": "eww", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 41658, "original_id": "1250866636539736067", "reply_id": "1250909022041055233", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Going to zoom me waxing my bush if anyone is bored this weekend"} {"idx": 41659, "original_id": "1250862464788553729", "reply_id": "1250863676778614786", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Winners are being drawn and emails will be sent out this evening and tomorrow. Be sure to check your spam as well. #Assassin2020"} {"idx": 41660, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251026057697931267", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 41661, "original_id": "1250965273974198274", "reply_id": "1250966276807159808", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I can’t wait to have another baby ☹️ getting prego in two years si dios quiere 🙏🏻"} {"idx": 41663, "original_id": "1250920405272936450", "reply_id": "1251161489735471105", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Quick note:\n\nSubmitting Cheat Reports filled with expletives/insults towards our Security Team may result in you being banned from using the form, or other.\n\nKeep it clean. Thank you to everyone that's helping us on the never ending fight against cheaters."} {"idx": 41666, "original_id": "1251028233253990405", "reply_id": "1251068124327182337", "label": "applause", "text": "Ladies don't wait for him to ask for sex🍑🍆 learn to rape your boyfriend 😋😏"} {"idx": 41667, "original_id": "1250947510144770050", "reply_id": "1250955330323910657", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you’re ready for this lockdown to end."} {"idx": 41668, "original_id": "1251163266568425482", "reply_id": "1251204061216542722", "label": "oops", "text": "Imagine laughing with yo bae wen romancing then boom yo nose blows a balloon 😂 😂 😂 😂..."} {"idx": 41669, "original_id": "1250869277378383872", "reply_id": "1251166028085813248", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I got some STORIES.. bwoyyyyyyy"} {"idx": 41675, "original_id": "1250901835034103809", "reply_id": "1251024677264330752", "label": "dance", "text": "Shout out to 30+ Twitter though!"} {"idx": 41676, "original_id": "1250923016663576576", "reply_id": "1250923378480828416", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "He keeps saying cities have low infection rates due to “a lot of talent.” How are they stopping the spread? Tap dancing?"} {"idx": 41677, "original_id": "1250862044884209666", "reply_id": "1251197824903061507", "label": "thank_you", "text": "You voted conservative, but you wanna be clapping every Thursday at 8 for the NHS🧐🧐"} {"idx": 41679, "original_id": "1250528857054154764", "reply_id": "1250903341045030915", "label": "high_five", "text": "So...who else besides me loathes @realDonaldTrump ? Raise your hand for a roll call!"} {"idx": 41681, "original_id": "1250873548341686278", "reply_id": "1250873762724995072", "label": "omg", "text": "Dang y’all. This has been the longest pandemic, like, ever"} {"idx": 41682, "original_id": "1250846083967639554", "reply_id": "1251058239648591872", "label": "oops", "text": "I’ve barely started horny tweeting and I’m already losing followers. YA’LL SOME WEAK ASS BITCHES 🗣🗣"} {"idx": 41683, "original_id": "1250983983875346432", "reply_id": "1251180490259824640", "label": "agree", "text": "Looking for a man who can chop down a tree and build a desk"} {"idx": 41686, "original_id": "1250869194960355329", "reply_id": "1250869574641352706", "label": "agree", "text": "No jokes. I really need a baby 👶"} {"idx": 41687, "original_id": "1250849118877933574", "reply_id": "1250891661779120128", "label": "applause", "text": "I've been trying to figure out how to articulate something for a few days & fumbling for words (thanks insomnia), but I really want people to hear this: \n\nHow much you spend or attend within fandom is NOT what makes you a true fan. (1/3)"} {"idx": 41688, "original_id": "1250926296193998849", "reply_id": "1250927849252495363", "label": "scared", "text": "Some people only message me to ask me to RT things for them. Kinda rude."} {"idx": 41689, "original_id": "1250917223511871490", "reply_id": "1250940728122974209", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Brooke ate my last ice cream cup so I’m burning her last Mahogany Teakwood scented candle from Bath & Body Works. This is how I win."} {"idx": 41690, "original_id": "1250340644846878721", "reply_id": "1251199124906655745", "label": "scared", "text": "How’re you feeling today? \nAnswer by gif only #BPDChat"} {"idx": 41692, "original_id": "1251009392318779392", "reply_id": "1251016157500444672", "label": "hug", "text": "man this is the WORST possible time to need a hug"} {"idx": 41694, "original_id": "1251214457155448832", "reply_id": "1251222094123134976", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ll never be the same.. and I’m sorry for everyone I’ve hurt in the path."} {"idx": 41697, "original_id": "1250803937961283585", "reply_id": "1250836822684508160", "label": "eww", "text": "Pineapple on Pizza?"} {"idx": 41698, "original_id": "1250796697812217857", "reply_id": "1251137076361334784", "label": "applause", "text": "Extraordinary leadership from CEO of Outback Steakhouse (Bloomin' Brands):\n\nSales down ~60%\nNo furloughs or layoffs (90,000 employees)\nCEO & board pay cut to 0\nFree meals for staff\n\n\"Our priorities have centered on taking care of our people and serving food in a safe environment\""} {"idx": 41699, "original_id": "1250790090114166784", "reply_id": "1250976898135425024", "label": "high_five", "text": "I got a Twitch payout today\nThere’s been a lot of ‘mr nice guy’ tweets as of late from me but more are fuckin coming!\nThank you so fucking much for supporting; can’t even properly put it into words - it’s motivating the fuck out of me to bring as much as I can into this space ❤️"} {"idx": 41703, "original_id": "1251180427970326531", "reply_id": "1251269306932957189", "label": "hug", "text": "Really struggling today 😔 Feeling meh"} {"idx": 41706, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251184516510756870", "label": "sigh", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 41709, "original_id": "1251128814576431105", "reply_id": "1251161592844017665", "label": "hug", "text": "@solo_cuban *Big hug* from @flydahyun"} {"idx": 41710, "original_id": "1251197402817671168", "reply_id": "1251197610502864896", "label": "popcorn", "text": "There are people who live on your block who have better credentials to opine on a global pandemic than Dr. Phil."} {"idx": 41713, "original_id": "1251261654148538368", "reply_id": "1251262939308441604", "label": "applause", "text": "When you have eliminated Mission: Impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. #PutHolmesInMoreMovies"} {"idx": 41715, "original_id": "1251222560999645187", "reply_id": "1251268422626836489", "label": "yes", "text": "thinking about eating an entire jar of pickles today"} {"idx": 41716, "original_id": "1250918204458729474", "reply_id": "1250923886620770304", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel like shit today 😖"} {"idx": 41717, "original_id": "1250841342319775744", "reply_id": "1250853904725803009", "label": "good_luck", "text": "To be a Sunderland fan right now must feel like.....\n\nFinish The Sentence with a GIF🤣\n#NUFC #NUFCtakeover #cans #toon"} {"idx": 41718, "original_id": "1250895815729709058", "reply_id": "1250896511799627778", "label": "hug", "text": "What sort of witchcraft keeps you stuck on one person for such a long, long time."} {"idx": 41719, "original_id": "1251187633272864769", "reply_id": "1251218601480200192", "label": "no", "text": "The Steelers need to get Cam Newton. Mason they know can’t play and Ben been injured and his status is up in the air. Mike Tomlin and Cam would be great together for the next 7 years and the Steelers would win another Super Bowl"} {"idx": 41721, "original_id": "1251205470666330116", "reply_id": "1251231890738221056", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Has anyone ever used those gamer glasses that help with your eyes? If so do they help?"} {"idx": 41724, "original_id": "1250833635369824257", "reply_id": "1250840747143655424", "label": "awww", "text": "Why does my boyfriend have to be annoying and then have to be adorable. Like go away 😂"} {"idx": 41729, "original_id": "1250917134361866242", "reply_id": "1251045055651090432", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Influencers wey dey earn 10M in a year self , I still see them dropping account details under Giveaway and calling poeple wey no fit born them mummy and daddy 😆 \n\nNa me no go come hustle for Giveaway post ? We sleep here today ! Tag me kia"} {"idx": 41732, "original_id": "1250957296718528522", "reply_id": "1250967108424536066", "label": "no", "text": "So does the past month count as a year toward retirement?"} {"idx": 41734, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251175096103862272", "label": "omg", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 41736, "original_id": "1250997660494057473", "reply_id": "1251204590214746112", "label": "hug", "text": "Bad day in Brian's Head today no live no girl only work work work"} {"idx": 41737, "original_id": "1250849537431932929", "reply_id": "1250857249096024064", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Mexican and black jokes are all pretty much the same.\n\nOnce you've heard Juan, you've heard Jamal."} {"idx": 41739, "original_id": "1251135115259981824", "reply_id": "1251252095820410880", "label": "yes", "text": "Trump’s plan is to take credit for everything the governors do well and to blame them for everything he does poorly."} {"idx": 41742, "original_id": "1250984179447324674", "reply_id": "1250984529407488000", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Almost week 4 of my class. I'm in the home stretch, I can see the end! AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"} {"idx": 41746, "original_id": "1250808532322131974", "reply_id": "1250843564734545921", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Idc if you don’t wanna be a wife lol keep it yourself. \n\nI wanna be one. \n\nI am gonna be one. \n\nI’m not finna be a mans girlfriend for years and give him wifey treatment. That’s a dub. \n\nSave your opinions. \n\nCourt is adjourned."} {"idx": 41748, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250933597076434944", "label": "high_five", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 41749, "original_id": "1251006561419329537", "reply_id": "1251200595924520960", "label": "shocked", "text": "Being home alone all the time surrounded by mirrors really reminds me that I’m ugly 😌✌🏼"} {"idx": 41752, "original_id": "1250953538882211840", "reply_id": "1250954738994081792", "label": "applause", "text": "Tell you what, if I get that $1200 what ever deposit (I’ll check in the morning), i will go out first thing to Best Buy/the internet, and buy a Nintendo switch and animal crossing and smash and Zelda and every other stupid switch game there is,"} {"idx": 41753, "original_id": "1250985111501385728", "reply_id": "1250995933107695618", "label": "shocked", "text": "nigga get ya dick & leave me the fuck alone"} {"idx": 41758, "original_id": "1250961569741242375", "reply_id": "1250963134036180997", "label": "agree", "text": "@bANAana__ be getting me right"} {"idx": 41759, "original_id": "1250925731544215560", "reply_id": "1250926571025817603", "label": "win", "text": "The futures market is going crazy up right now."} {"idx": 41762, "original_id": "1251097009332813824", "reply_id": "1251150416458334210", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Our Junction Deviation uses a Lagrange polynomial arccosine approximation for moves under 1mm, and apparently in some circumstances it can cause unwanted accelerations. We're switching to an arcsine minmax polynomial with a lower error which costs a little more to calculate."} {"idx": 41763, "original_id": "1250608328415350786", "reply_id": "1250842621628624899", "label": "sigh", "text": "Why did they keep @BaronCorbinWWE?? Got rid of lots of talent and kept him? Bunch of trash #wwe"} {"idx": 41765, "original_id": "1251164942364848130", "reply_id": "1251166429396819969", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "who can help me set up a discord server with member counts and scripts? DM me :)"} {"idx": 41769, "original_id": "1251074675972681728", "reply_id": "1251076278314205186", "label": "no", "text": "I’m So Damn Ugly & Pale !"} {"idx": 41770, "original_id": "1251037563806253056", "reply_id": "1251054005217660929", "label": "kiss", "text": "I’m sry for being so emotional but man do I love you guys 🥺 I’m so grateful to have met all of you. I appreciate all of u that take time out of their day to come pop in the stream. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Also, majorthank you @Mother_Coconutz & @Gatsby_Not_Blue for the raids"} {"idx": 41771, "original_id": "1251167674857652225", "reply_id": "1251201329571209217", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "finally bought Ableton today can I get a hell yeah"} {"idx": 41772, "original_id": "1251133016576913408", "reply_id": "1251136455201763328", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "#WritingCommunity Time for another #FollowFriday #writerslift\n\nIf you're under 5k followers leave a comment and we'll follow you.\nThose above 5k please like and RT.\n\n#Writers #Authors #Poets #Bloggers\n#FF"} {"idx": 41773, "original_id": "1251135797899730947", "reply_id": "1251138242189156352", "label": "no", "text": "Good thing I'm not Netflix because I'm taking today off! Going to relax a bit before an interesting floor challenge tomorrow. Thanks for being awesome! Have an amazing day <3"} {"idx": 41775, "original_id": "1251084350751293440", "reply_id": "1251087992686407681", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Kalista just referred to ethnicities as BREEDS😭😭 omg I can’t brath😭"} {"idx": 41776, "original_id": "1250944717937938432", "reply_id": "1250945697966428160", "label": "facepalm", "text": "[UPDATE] At this time we do not have an ETA for servers coming back online. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have you all playing again soon."} {"idx": 41777, "original_id": "1250847765644447745", "reply_id": "1250985398253150208", "label": "applause", "text": "I beat the coronavirus!!!"} {"idx": 41778, "original_id": "1250902609428451328", "reply_id": "1250904380997619720", "label": "wink", "text": "I’m bored. Let’s do a few shout outs 🥳 follow my friend and rt this post. I’ll pick the next shout out from the rt’s and comments for this one \n\n💜🖤🦄👇\n@mjbarbera1138"} {"idx": 41783, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251120436244557825", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 41787, "original_id": "1250924894033866752", "reply_id": "1250925268799311873", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump talking about an infrastructure bill when there are almost 35,000 people dead of coronavirus is peak trump."} {"idx": 41792, "original_id": "1250937845117845505", "reply_id": "1250938235758489602", "label": "applause", "text": "Joined @Villainous_Team"} {"idx": 41793, "original_id": "1251195469084180481", "reply_id": "1251200017928523785", "label": "seriously", "text": "No, you pervs, I didn't say liberate my vagina.\n\nGod, I love you people. ;) lol"} {"idx": 41794, "original_id": "1250620401345912832", "reply_id": "1250955617004515328", "label": "no", "text": "Should the Lakers retire Pau Gasol’s number 16?"} {"idx": 41795, "original_id": "1250868578867277826", "reply_id": "1250869308827279362", "label": "eww", "text": "I change my clothes more frequently in Animal Crossing than in real life."} {"idx": 41799, "original_id": "1251070082194845696", "reply_id": "1251070488975040514", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I’m already tired for tomorrow 😴"} {"idx": 41801, "original_id": "1251181714518372355", "reply_id": "1251245371893977088", "label": "scared", "text": "It’s my birthday!! 🥳🥳!! I ain’t doing shit so send me your FAVORITE FUNNY GIF!! Also send followers 😄\n\nHAPPY DAY OF MY BIRTH EVERYONE!! 🥳"} {"idx": 41802, "original_id": "1251004865813213184", "reply_id": "1251011743330873345", "label": "smh", "text": "@malaiye told me not to but I really wanna pierce my ears. Like I know I’m black but I’ve never had keloids so maybe I won’t die"} {"idx": 41807, "original_id": "1251229360574484480", "reply_id": "1251234169666994177", "label": "agree", "text": "3am thoughts have become 24/7"} {"idx": 41808, "original_id": "1250845882003722242", "reply_id": "1250845998563426305", "label": "agree", "text": "So what’s up with the lighting in the Hope/Jen scenes? I’m guessing they’re trying to soften them to look younger but instead they just look washed out. They’re both beautiful, no need for filters & soft lights. #Days #embraceyourage #wrinklesarebeautiful"} {"idx": 41809, "original_id": "1250927093241860112", "reply_id": "1251163460806688769", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "We unlocked the “baby shit in the tub” parenting achievement. I won’t ask about prizes."} {"idx": 41810, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250893942662418433", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 41813, "original_id": "1251261229374550019", "reply_id": "1251267475209142275", "label": "no", "text": "Can't wait to see someone to suggest Sign Burton and Trade Jonnu"} {"idx": 41814, "original_id": "1250853838585765892", "reply_id": "1251173997951188992", "label": "seriously", "text": "I am putting the final touches on my Wide Receiver Big Board, and I have to say that with the right people around me, I feel like I would make a great NFL GM"} {"idx": 41815, "original_id": "1250866880123936768", "reply_id": "1250867272845070336", "label": "agree", "text": "Dimples are damn attractive 🤍"} {"idx": 41818, "original_id": "1250936357779836934", "reply_id": "1250959949808705537", "label": "facepalm", "text": "no stream tonight guys! we decided to take off so we could celebrate the holiday. see you tomorrow for a whole stream of 3v3 SnD matches :)"} {"idx": 41821, "original_id": "1250912725426987009", "reply_id": "1250913104612995073", "label": "shocked", "text": "Holy shit my 7 yo just scared the fuck out of me. I screamed like a little girl."} {"idx": 41822, "original_id": "1251194488824963081", "reply_id": "1251196053967327235", "label": "applause", "text": "The people saying “Trump doesn’t know about medicine” consider a 16-year-old Swedish girl to be a climate expert. \n\nLet that sink in."} {"idx": 41823, "original_id": "1251174360821444611", "reply_id": "1251188255103397895", "label": "agree", "text": "My deep thought for the day, if you didn’t notice any type of positive change once this is all over, then you were truly in isolation."} {"idx": 41824, "original_id": "1250963146858250241", "reply_id": "1250963745985171456", "label": "scared", "text": "Starting tonight, I’ll be counting down the top 10 hardest workouts I’ve done in my life that I can remember. Maybe some of you that are advanced can give them a try!\nLocation (Bellevue East)\n10. 10 hill sprints\n 300 push ups\n Tire flip 200 yards\n 45min workout"} {"idx": 41825, "original_id": "1250706227962642433", "reply_id": "1250977926977253376", "label": "awww", "text": "I had come to the Secretariat today to cover @CMOTamilNadu press conference after his video conference meeting with the district collectors. The PROs at the Department of Information and Public Relations (DIPR) said they can't allow me inside."} {"idx": 41826, "original_id": "1250764204522561537", "reply_id": "1250845716865404929", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Woke up early, motivated to go for a nice long walk and be productive. \n\nAm still in bed an hour later. Damn."} {"idx": 41830, "original_id": "1250738455858098176", "reply_id": "1250833712952066049", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING NEWS: Quizy will upload a mf BANGER today..."} {"idx": 41831, "original_id": "1250870811768086530", "reply_id": "1250871251381477376", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "If you could end COVID-19 by ending one college football program forever, who would it be and why would you choose Florida State University?"} {"idx": 41834, "original_id": "1251212122949853196", "reply_id": "1251263878467448833", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "got a new name for the anti-lockdown protestors.\n \nBranch Covidians"} {"idx": 41839, "original_id": "1250953004393484288", "reply_id": "1251152849301471240", "label": "hug", "text": "Coming close to the anniversary...\nWanna to know a sad thing?\nMy mom doesn't cook her chicken stroganoff anymore. It wasn't my father's favorite but it was his go-to when he came home late at night from work and my mom had it all prepared just for him. And they would talk..."} {"idx": 41840, "original_id": "1251009462539882497", "reply_id": "1251068302866223104", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Once upon a time not long ago \nI was a hoe \nAnd I'm admitting It \nI wont take it back because I did the shit"} {"idx": 41841, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251230129709350912", "label": "hearts", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 41842, "original_id": "1250926582526509058", "reply_id": "1250926746117058566", "label": "agree", "text": "cocaine is the cure for covid"} {"idx": 41843, "original_id": "1250838868296785920", "reply_id": "1250853381221933057", "label": "eww", "text": "Beef coca-cola"} {"idx": 41846, "original_id": "1250897509611905029", "reply_id": "1250899029182959616", "label": "applause", "text": "Unpopular opinion: the N64 was trash. Terrible hardware, whack controller, and the PlayStation was miles ahead even though it came out 2 years earlier. And Mario 64 isn’t a good game."} {"idx": 41855, "original_id": "1250498303994798081", "reply_id": "1250859108183539713", "label": "agree", "text": "Everyone who got a stimulus check should not use a dollar of it on goods made in China!\n\nWho agrees? 🙋🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 41857, "original_id": "1250946546193108992", "reply_id": "1250946764388982784", "label": "kiss", "text": "First day back at work in nearly three weeks! Tonight! 10 hour shift... Please drop some cute GIFs below. 🥰"} {"idx": 41859, "original_id": "1250890404976709632", "reply_id": "1251011744836681729", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I don't get jealous I get uninterested, they can have you. ✌🏻"} {"idx": 41861, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251219024870023174", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 41869, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251267103061086209", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 41870, "original_id": "1250860256097234944", "reply_id": "1250878604759556106", "label": "agree", "text": "Search for “Coinbase” in twitter gifs. What comes up? @SwanBitcoin"} {"idx": 41871, "original_id": "1250817383255531521", "reply_id": "1251166189767856133", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Bitch all that talking out your neck finna get your throat cut 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 41872, "original_id": "1251231977962864641", "reply_id": "1251232298634223616", "label": "hug", "text": "I really thought watching Miss Americana right now would be a good idea huh? Ouch."} {"idx": 41874, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251131198606172160", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 41875, "original_id": "1250909357396631553", "reply_id": "1250910868671528965", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Just posting this to hold myself accountable!\n\nI will do nothing everyday."} {"idx": 41876, "original_id": "1250951352597073920", "reply_id": "1250952471511478272", "label": "shocked", "text": "Guys, using a Reese’s instead of a Hershey’s chocolate bar on a S’mores is a GAME. CHANGER."} {"idx": 41878, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251001659976585216", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 41883, "original_id": "1251009002890162176", "reply_id": "1251040093172666368", "label": "shocked", "text": "Men are so fucken weak when it comes to temptation I swear."} {"idx": 41892, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251137631708045318", "label": "hearts", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 41894, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250863007795683333", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 41896, "original_id": "1251090251071860736", "reply_id": "1251090440662720512", "label": "kiss", "text": "Someone pls wake up and come lay with me I had a bad dream 🥺"} {"idx": 41898, "original_id": "1250922507613483008", "reply_id": "1250971501890699264", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump: I have friends that went into the hospital, 4 days later they were dead. Then they went🤯 in a coma. WHAT!?!"} {"idx": 41901, "original_id": "1251249903533199361", "reply_id": "1251250252759347206", "label": "applause", "text": "My husband just asked what was for dinner.\nI told him whatever he brings home."} {"idx": 41902, "original_id": "1251234420805169153", "reply_id": "1251243946803630088", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I don’t know how @BillGates became this evil genius puppeteer boogyman. He’s not even Jewish. Every decent conspiracy theorist knows that it’s Jews who control everything."} {"idx": 41904, "original_id": "1251207414453604354", "reply_id": "1251209169614573571", "label": "yes", "text": "I hope y’all sung the caption to my video 😌"} {"idx": 41905, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1251025907843645441", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 41906, "original_id": "1250901802846785536", "reply_id": "1250902270885191684", "label": "hug", "text": "can i get some hugs pls"} {"idx": 41907, "original_id": "1250903964859727874", "reply_id": "1250906694869188608", "label": "seriously", "text": "choke me while you put a dick down my throat and tell me i belong to you."} {"idx": 41911, "original_id": "1250825088120901632", "reply_id": "1250839872488816642", "label": "yes", "text": "Starting to get excited hearing how sports are making plans to get rolling. I’m sure precautions will be taken and all the gloom and doomers can stay in their bunkers. Let’s get going. #sportsnow"} {"idx": 41913, "original_id": "1250388265837961216", "reply_id": "1250894420418969618", "label": "agree", "text": "Many people are saying that Trump is the worst President of all time!\n\nWho agrees?"} {"idx": 41914, "original_id": "1250905649430421504", "reply_id": "1251197229005668356", "label": "applause", "text": "Means nothing....Obama the worst president of the United States ever!"} {"idx": 41916, "original_id": "1251162693513277442", "reply_id": "1251163120946429952", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Big up ma fren from wen @LeaLevers as she completes another lap around the sun... \nBlessings haffi flow like a river"} {"idx": 41918, "original_id": "1251153003156918272", "reply_id": "1251201358100860929", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Shoutout to @portcityjava for always making my rough mornings so much better ❤️☕️❤️"} {"idx": 41924, "original_id": "1250972886871015426", "reply_id": "1250988153046999042", "label": "yes", "text": "Started @BetterCallSaul a few days ago. Definitely into it thus far."} {"idx": 41925, "original_id": "1251202865240182785", "reply_id": "1251214629293916166", "label": "hug", "text": "today I found out that my yellow lab has cancer that has spread throughout his whole body and the vet gave him about 1-3 months left. This has become a very impossible day."} {"idx": 41928, "original_id": "1250836976917512193", "reply_id": "1250878127582195721", "label": "hug", "text": "At least one more month of this...I am spiritually exhausted. 😩"} {"idx": 41929, "original_id": "1251126256122376195", "reply_id": "1251139277339189249", "label": "hug", "text": "Love starting my day being yelled at for no fucking reason."} {"idx": 41936, "original_id": "1251238591188963328", "reply_id": "1251247131454832640", "label": "oops", "text": "I miss playing 2k and beating @EddoSpaghetto_ @NateYeager19 @dagooo_81 @CharlieDanek @AntonioGurrola1 all in one sitting 🥱🥱"} {"idx": 41937, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251005779139874818", "label": "seriously", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 41942, "original_id": "1251109204758269952", "reply_id": "1251112392467132420", "label": "hug", "text": "I hope today gets better 😪"} {"idx": 41943, "original_id": "1251148798123864072", "reply_id": "1251150057753022466", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel guilty a lot for needing people when they don't have the capacity to be there for me right now."} {"idx": 41946, "original_id": "1251220411171340288", "reply_id": "1251222548165033987", "label": "agree", "text": "The blank hit markers in game are still trash"} {"idx": 41947, "original_id": "1250621142936715267", "reply_id": "1250948819149299718", "label": "agree", "text": "Dennis Miller is a dick, Sean Hannity is a dick, so Dennis Miller on Sean Hannity is just two dicks together and you knew that already, amiright?"} {"idx": 41948, "original_id": "1250917685019283456", "reply_id": "1251251851032432640", "label": "applause", "text": "If you are a straight news reporter it doesn't undermine your neutrality to characterize the failure on testing as a failure. It is an objective fact that they failed to meet any of the metrics set by public health professionals or even their internal goals. It's a failure."} {"idx": 41950, "original_id": "1250949344162914304", "reply_id": "1250952990879612928", "label": "smh", "text": "I need to stay off amazon they trying get all my money 😅😩"} {"idx": 41953, "original_id": "1251237607901556736", "reply_id": "1251238512206270466", "label": "want", "text": "MOC $4.4 billion to buy"} {"idx": 41954, "original_id": "1251259584779599872", "reply_id": "1251259751666790401", "label": "applause", "text": "#WeAre...Better\n#107kStrong\n#PSUnrivaled"} {"idx": 41956, "original_id": "1251133828531453953", "reply_id": "1251138261122256903", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Some Very cool folk here on Twitter! @ElenaDeLuca @HeraChevalier\n@MelissaBSexy @KINKMAKER1 @AffordableLeath @SexyBootsMore\n@mistressitalia @IVLuxe_ @CutiepieLI @asia_leather @Scarlett_J_RDU @EXXXOTICA @_LadyBellatrix_ @vipkatelayne #FF #CoolFolk"} {"idx": 41957, "original_id": "1250947055222247424", "reply_id": "1251136992613728256", "label": "agree", "text": "How does this work while practicing social distancing?! 😂😂😂😂😂 #NationalHornyDay"} {"idx": 41958, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1250998179497213952", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 41959, "original_id": "1251158269990539272", "reply_id": "1251159360798986244", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Unfollowed a Corbynista after a classic case of whataboutism - excusing antisemitism by saying anti-BAME is bad. They're both fucking unacceptable, you dissembling dimwit."} {"idx": 41962, "original_id": "1251068068786298880", "reply_id": "1251079864062533633", "label": "hug", "text": "I probably cried the most during lockdown than anything else in my life."} {"idx": 41963, "original_id": "1251073366703783939", "reply_id": "1251074489032548355", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "It's my #Twitterversary! I have been on Twitter for 9 years, since 8 Oct 2011 (via @twi_age)."} {"idx": 41969, "original_id": "1251010327975788544", "reply_id": "1251129622760169473", "label": "yes", "text": "Real men appreciate thick thighs."} {"idx": 41971, "original_id": "1251179466862350336", "reply_id": "1251197490772226050", "label": "ok", "text": "Well, it's official. I'm an HCPC registered Occupational Therapist."} {"idx": 41972, "original_id": "1251047964254048256", "reply_id": "1251186534839025666", "label": "yes", "text": "Quarantine has really showed me you don’t need fun to have alcohol."} {"idx": 41974, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1251130054161113088", "label": "applause", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 41977, "original_id": "1251085043117817857", "reply_id": "1251132751375478785", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a really crap time recently but there's always something that pops up to give me hope."} {"idx": 41978, "original_id": "1251254135904702466", "reply_id": "1251269629139456000", "label": "applause", "text": "What do you call a lesbian vampire with coronavirus?\n\nCarmilla Quaranstein!"} {"idx": 41979, "original_id": "1250879414382080006", "reply_id": "1250893664102027269", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If you don’t want me to call you out for being a sexist pig, don’t be a sexist pig. Especially if you look like you live in your moms basement and jack off to pictures of her"} {"idx": 41982, "original_id": "1250998553154973697", "reply_id": "1251183445495156738", "label": "hug", "text": "You all have seen me pretty fucking vulnerable.\n\nThank you for staying."} {"idx": 41984, "original_id": "1251238455612518401", "reply_id": "1251241085835317249", "label": "shrug", "text": "i’m looking a bit pale-sbwl vitamin D 👉🏻👈🏻"} {"idx": 41985, "original_id": "1250939777576243201", "reply_id": "1251145879043497988", "label": "applause", "text": "Well, @MichaelRWarren was right. Having two kids is four times the work. \n\nOur son was born early Monday — Mom and kiddo are doing great & catching up on sleep while Dad entertains the big sister. \n\n(I now don’t have to pay attention to Twitter for the next 2ish months, suckers.)"} {"idx": 41987, "original_id": "1251129349186695169", "reply_id": "1251138211142938625", "label": "agree", "text": "Today is International Bat Appreciation Day?\n\nWe can just skip that for a few years."} {"idx": 41988, "original_id": "1250551543155351560", "reply_id": "1250878840206811136", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "While President @realDonaldTrump highlighted American workers producing ventilators for those in need, @MSNBC cut away. Worse, @CNN did not even take the whole first portion of the briefing.\n\nThis is a disservice to all Americans seeking information from their government."} {"idx": 41989, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250937529098031104", "label": "shocked", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 41991, "original_id": "1251176180549648386", "reply_id": "1251176932751953922", "label": "yes", "text": "We recently passed 10,000 followers on Twitter. Pretty awesome. How about a giveaway in the near future? \n\nI mean. Does anyone want that?\n\nHmm."} {"idx": 41994, "original_id": "1251255098891735045", "reply_id": "1251256807202447360", "label": "shocked", "text": "I have some exclusive 🔥 from Jimmy Jam tonight 6pm #BSides"} {"idx": 41995, "original_id": "1251136909876891651", "reply_id": "1251137664939671553", "label": "applause", "text": "New skill unlocked during this time - moderator \n\n*adds to resume * #celebratethesmallthings"} {"idx": 41996, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251133082981339136", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 41999, "original_id": "1250943755777122304", "reply_id": "1250946553294000128", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Met my future wife today and she lives 1400 miles away... 😔"} {"idx": 42000, "original_id": "1250786587111313410", "reply_id": "1251194788004745216", "label": "sigh", "text": "Family of 4\nRent 500k\nFood 720k\nPower units 360k\nGenerator fuel 360k\nGenerator and vehicle servicing 60k\nSchool fees 1m\nSchool supplies 300k\nInternet on all devices 480k\nAirtime 240k\nWaste disposal 24k\nGardening 30k\nSecurity (home) 240k\nEstate dues 60k\nAlumni, Club dues 100k"} {"idx": 42001, "original_id": "1250878387989753857", "reply_id": "1250964711488790529", "label": "applause", "text": "We did it\n\nWe did it...."} {"idx": 42002, "original_id": "1250916591774162945", "reply_id": "1250921963717111810", "label": "smh", "text": "I made my bf download cash app ‘ so I can beg🤣🤣"} {"idx": 42004, "original_id": "1250870657753243650", "reply_id": "1250965241451761664", "label": "scared", "text": "As much as I like to hate on LOTR for the eagles plot hole, I have to admit hat Harry Potter also has some. For example, why did no one think of binding Peter Pettigrew in the Prisoner of Azkaban? Why didn’t Remus take his freaking potion knowing it was a full moon? Why didnt the"} {"idx": 42006, "original_id": "1251168613836283908", "reply_id": "1251179745896792064", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Say what you will about aim assist, but playing fortnite on controller is HARD... like REALLY HARD"} {"idx": 42007, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250895862948978689", "label": "applause", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 42008, "original_id": "1251101045943496704", "reply_id": "1251106186700550144", "label": "hug", "text": "All I ask, can we have a peaceful time? I mean today is Ep. 9, and we have 4 more to go. I did this alone, by myself, no one pay me to do this, I just want to share info about Bright & Win in a happy mood. Can you chill a bit? Sometimes I need my friends, so I can hug them."} {"idx": 42009, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251198444439572489", "label": "no", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 42012, "original_id": "1251249495943323648", "reply_id": "1251274421228261377", "label": "yes", "text": "My hubby fell asleep on the couch that you see in the background in our family room during my @6abc sportscasts. Should I leave him there and see if anyone notices???"} {"idx": 42015, "original_id": "1250946102511230978", "reply_id": "1250948996530450438", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’m not sure how I got here but we hit 1,000 followers. You all are insane! Thank you for everyone that has supported me from day one and everyone that is new to the family❤️❤️"} {"idx": 42016, "original_id": "1250933215084322821", "reply_id": "1251154592336760832", "label": "shocked", "text": "Two middle fingers up as I make an exit"} {"idx": 42018, "original_id": "1251198478778277890", "reply_id": "1251206766853066752", "label": "agree", "text": "Hi friends. Feeling like shit never drinking again. Unfortunately gonna cancel the stream today. Miss all you beautiful people. So sorry to announce it so late. Was hoping I could rally."} {"idx": 42019, "original_id": "1250884444359139328", "reply_id": "1250932202746998784", "label": "yes", "text": "I JUST WOKE UP TO A WHOLE BUNCH OF TEXT & VOICE MESSAGES. I ALREADY GOT AN ADDRESS, PHONE # & EMAIL OF A CERTAIN PERSON. THAT HAPPENED IN A FEW HOURS & I DIDN’T EVEN ASK FOR IT. I’M ABOUT TO WATCH THE SOPRANOS WITH MY BEAUTIFUL LADY. LOVE MY LIFE."} {"idx": 42020, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1250980044786110464", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 42021, "original_id": "1250815543562682375", "reply_id": "1250941895666253825", "label": "applause", "text": "Whoa. It’s been an ENTIRE YEAR since my last drink, and I don’t miss alcohol one bit. Thanks to everyone who has helped make it feel normal. If you think you’re getting out of control you probably are. Help is out there, and life is beautiful."} {"idx": 42023, "original_id": "1251165135072145408", "reply_id": "1251172969973518337", "label": "applause", "text": "Finally got my hands on some jump rope, let’s see if I’ll use it now 🤦🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 42024, "original_id": "1251138608066703361", "reply_id": "1251178625895936003", "label": "agree", "text": "I have to remember just because I like one nigga doesn’t mean I have to stop talking to 7 others"} {"idx": 42025, "original_id": "1250836946504552450", "reply_id": "1251148074098950144", "label": "hug", "text": "Damn it. Freebirds is too far away for Favor to deliver it to me."} {"idx": 42027, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251073641732648960", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42028, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251104952354844673", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 42029, "original_id": "1250889409345576962", "reply_id": "1250899207898030080", "label": "shocked", "text": "Hear me out: special Animal Control units, not for rescuing house pets, but to punish them when they act up. Your pup chewin up your sandals? Call Animal Control, well give him a stern talk maybe even set em in the back of the squad car to scare some sense into ‘em"} {"idx": 42030, "original_id": "1251020180831993856", "reply_id": "1251033114392002563", "label": "yes", "text": "Of all the things I’ve said today, I’m gonna be judged for liking pulp in my orange juice? Reallllyyyyy??"} {"idx": 42033, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250905330789216258", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 42035, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251052587832369154", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42039, "original_id": "1251010327975788544", "reply_id": "1251145877768425472", "label": "applause", "text": "Real men appreciate thick thighs."} {"idx": 42042, "original_id": "1250928592718102530", "reply_id": "1250929026832580608", "label": "hug", "text": "This week has been very stressful. Life is not easy when you distrust EVERYTHING. Always on defence, always bracing for the next calamity...\n\nI hope someday I learn how to recognize and internalize the good again."} {"idx": 42044, "original_id": "1250753667436863488", "reply_id": "1250921282150952960", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I AM 90 DAYS SOBER TODAY!!"} {"idx": 42046, "original_id": "1251085022569934848", "reply_id": "1251152364502839299", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "FRIDAY! It's been 30 days since students had their last day of school. How's everyone doing?"} {"idx": 42049, "original_id": "1249744344036208644", "reply_id": "1250883807466721280", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "My love language....just feed me all the time. Every two hours to be precise."} {"idx": 42052, "original_id": "1251208879498649600", "reply_id": "1251257869342855168", "label": "no", "text": "If Tua Tagovailoa drops below six, should the Raiders trade up?"} {"idx": 42053, "original_id": "1250941822391607296", "reply_id": "1251115469379117057", "label": "omg", "text": "One More Week! #NFLDraft"} {"idx": 42054, "original_id": "1250953911793401857", "reply_id": "1250972900376686594", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I know it may be boring, but everyone try to stay inside and do your best to avoid the Steve Corino virus."} {"idx": 42057, "original_id": "1250849186507042825", "reply_id": "1250933841281404928", "label": "sigh", "text": "Reopening the economy is similar to a short-sighted/impatient coach who pushes their injured player to return way too soon. Sure, it might lend some short term results, but long term ramifications could be damaging, even catastrophic. All athletes have seen or experienced this."} {"idx": 42060, "original_id": "1248697634220474368", "reply_id": "1251209284819365888", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "\"The germ has got so brilliant\""} {"idx": 42062, "original_id": "1251271508523200514", "reply_id": "1251271995167330304", "label": "shocked", "text": "ever just do something you need to instead of putting it off and then you're like wow nice now i won't have anxious dread about this every waking minute"} {"idx": 42065, "original_id": "1250949828366020612", "reply_id": "1250959639002439681", "label": "popcorn", "text": "When a jalapeño seed gets stuck in your braces and it’s HOT, HOT, HOT 🥵 Haha"} {"idx": 42066, "original_id": "1250961459464503297", "reply_id": "1250970985723019264", "label": "shocked", "text": "Today, Krillin is 6 months and I found out that he is actually... she 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"} {"idx": 42067, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251158470583185409", "label": "yawn", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 42070, "original_id": "1251007649547599872", "reply_id": "1251200670490918913", "label": "hug", "text": "I hope everyone is doing okay during this time. If you need anything, I’m here for you ❤️🧡💜💙"} {"idx": 42071, "original_id": "1251145132092665856", "reply_id": "1251184738515267584", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "What do you call a horny conspiracy theorist? \n\nIllumi-naughty."} {"idx": 42076, "original_id": "1250839371135229952", "reply_id": "1251170861740163072", "label": "smh", "text": "I pray I don't marry a guy who likes Cassper Nyovest."} {"idx": 42078, "original_id": "1250941410909421568", "reply_id": "1251157160282558464", "label": "yes", "text": "Checked out @Wild_West_RP earlier today. I think I will be streaming this in the near future."} {"idx": 42079, "original_id": "1251162938200604678", "reply_id": "1251163353306652672", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Get this, some hedge fund managers have declared themselves \"small businesses\" to qualify for emergency loans and bailouts. \n\nThe greed and hypocrisy of some people never ceases to amaze me."} {"idx": 42083, "original_id": "1251023451370008576", "reply_id": "1251024321805455360", "label": "agree", "text": "Giving head while hitting a j😞"} {"idx": 42084, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250938897854537728", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 42085, "original_id": "1251195653155422213", "reply_id": "1251197525685604357", "label": "oops", "text": "Decided to play with fire and make spaghetti bolognese while wearing white."} {"idx": 42089, "original_id": "1250931295531737090", "reply_id": "1251042231701536773", "label": "omg", "text": "Diddy and Van Jones are doing a live Saturday called... wait for it...\nThe Color of Covid"} {"idx": 42091, "original_id": "1250906600921075714", "reply_id": "1251013631103438848", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Today I listened to the universe and responded to the opportunity. Let's see how this plays out."} {"idx": 42098, "original_id": "1250958057409875968", "reply_id": "1250959410710474752", "label": "please", "text": "I actually hate cuddling but after today I just wanna be spooned for a while 😞"} {"idx": 42102, "original_id": "1250847918032109571", "reply_id": "1250858283696623622", "label": "scared", "text": "Is hitting your girlfriend still frowned upon if you're both wearing sparring equipment?"} {"idx": 42103, "original_id": "1250848096214548481", "reply_id": "1251270708526710785", "label": "applause", "text": "I officially beat COVID-19 💪🏾"} {"idx": 42104, "original_id": "1251125762003996677", "reply_id": "1251159710654291968", "label": "shrug", "text": "people say “shut up about Harry Potter, it has nothing to do with real life,” but I think a book series about a government badly bungling its response to a crisis for which it had ample warning might have some things to say about these times we live in."} {"idx": 42106, "original_id": "1251223019390930945", "reply_id": "1251231490484174848", "label": "applause", "text": "Thanks to a donation of $30.00, we've raised $1,215.00 for the @ArthritisFdn!"} {"idx": 42110, "original_id": "1251254555972710403", "reply_id": "1251254822403268610", "label": "no", "text": "Imagine being with someone that drinks fizzy drinks first thing in the morning & right before they sleep instead of water 🚩🚩🚩"} {"idx": 42111, "original_id": "1251151338634801152", "reply_id": "1251165070161326080", "label": "applause", "text": "Burritas > baleadas. Sorry not sorry."} {"idx": 42113, "original_id": "1251169807363379201", "reply_id": "1251245236111716356", "label": "agree", "text": "Search \"liberate Minnesota\" and learn who will be responsible for the spread of #Covid_19"} {"idx": 42115, "original_id": "1250894058886660099", "reply_id": "1250958752838279180", "label": "no", "text": "I’m deleting apex 🖕🏿"} {"idx": 42116, "original_id": "1251263377705443328", "reply_id": "1251263974483558404", "label": "wink", "text": "I started singing a song from \"Grease\" and my Husband put his noise cancelling headphones on\n\nWow"} {"idx": 42117, "original_id": "1251164497588506625", "reply_id": "1251165886817452033", "label": "wink", "text": "My parents made me gay by playing Fiona Apple constantly during my crucial developmental years. Didn’t realize until I saw all the girlies tweets about Fetch the Bolt Cutters this morning, which I am listening to bc my parents told me to."} {"idx": 42118, "original_id": "1250898604782280704", "reply_id": "1250967619219402755", "label": "thank_you", "text": "People acting like opening up the country and the economy is putting money before peoples lives. Do the research on how poverty actually takes many more lives than the virus, not to mention trafficking and abuse! #OPENAMERICANOW"} {"idx": 42120, "original_id": "1250926816912650240", "reply_id": "1250935154127724544", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I get positive vibes and hugs?"} {"idx": 42122, "original_id": "1251166186114445315", "reply_id": "1251180557444231168", "label": "agree", "text": "People complain about Pineapple on a pizza but I put baked beans on it."} {"idx": 42124, "original_id": "1251205879778750465", "reply_id": "1251233067869618181", "label": "yes", "text": "making us wait a whole week before we can see the next episode of \"Listen to Your Heart\" is stupid and rude and offensive"} {"idx": 42126, "original_id": "1250919313483141120", "reply_id": "1250922126405664769", "label": "yes", "text": "I'm 2 chapters into Foreign Scenes and I absolutely love it so far. Got to stop now because my eyes are hurting and I've had a stressful day, but I'm excited to carry on tomorrow. :D"} {"idx": 42127, "original_id": "1251169617843798017", "reply_id": "1251232647331938306", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I would really like to know who started the whole “post your prom/grad photo” thing to support the 2020 kids. They literally won’t have either of those things and you’re shoving it in their face lmfao wtf 🤨"} {"idx": 42128, "original_id": "1250934995868360705", "reply_id": "1250943340801032193", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump says too much in so little time, that's it's difficult for him to acknowledge what he said or didn't say, the moment before."} {"idx": 42129, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251261761493151744", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 42130, "original_id": "1250952416339648514", "reply_id": "1250973891201314817", "label": "oops", "text": "Quarantine Day #34: I've left the house for the first time in a while and have forgotten my keys. The roommate is unreachable."} {"idx": 42131, "original_id": "1251147974664523777", "reply_id": "1251148619379380237", "label": "agree", "text": "srsly boring here."} {"idx": 42134, "original_id": "1250933397637251073", "reply_id": "1250946951593496576", "label": "yes", "text": "And at some point...40+ aged adults with be hitting happy hours like they’re 21. First week of a listen quarantine isn’t going to be pretty! \n\nCan’t fucking wait!!!"} {"idx": 42135, "original_id": "1251195705349242884", "reply_id": "1251203672329072640", "label": "shocked", "text": "Comic-Con is canceled"} {"idx": 42136, "original_id": "1251119066875482112", "reply_id": "1251129105874968576", "label": "agree", "text": "Today's press release is brought to you by Billion-rufiyaa-profiting Internet Service Providers of Maldives."} {"idx": 42138, "original_id": "1250839118474620929", "reply_id": "1250843950883254273", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "maria such a pretty name for such a lovely person"} {"idx": 42140, "original_id": "1251200524587802624", "reply_id": "1251201823282737161", "label": "applause", "text": "finally DANCING TO MUSIC ! i feel great rn 🥺🤒☺️"} {"idx": 42141, "original_id": "1250901963274948608", "reply_id": "1250909601190445056", "label": "no", "text": "NFL star and Super Bowl 50 MVP Von Miller has a confirmed case of COVID-19, his agent @JobyBranion of @VanguardSG tells me. The #Broncos star is at home resting and in good spirits. He plans to speak publicly tomorrow."} {"idx": 42142, "original_id": "1251207344937197569", "reply_id": "1251208282573701120", "label": "dance", "text": "Alone on a friday night? 😏\n\nNot anymore, it's Funky Friday. Let's see those dancing shoes."} {"idx": 42146, "original_id": "1250610232276905984", "reply_id": "1250864448878886912", "label": "ok", "text": "The tragic results of this pandemic are actually a Democrat’s dream: Americans unhappy, unemployed, and needing the nanny state to rescue them."} {"idx": 42148, "original_id": "1251170679510056961", "reply_id": "1251187728739426304", "label": "hug", "text": "having anxiety attacks while you're alone is so hard ☹️☹️☹️"} {"idx": 42149, "original_id": "1250651018418937856", "reply_id": "1250941674118942722", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I usually never ask for this but I really need prayers. 😔 my mental state is not good"} {"idx": 42150, "original_id": "1250944193687465984", "reply_id": "1250945620702978048", "label": "agree", "text": "I know it's sexist, but if I come to home depot without a bra on, I should definitely get to skip the line"} {"idx": 42152, "original_id": "1250955776279097345", "reply_id": "1251012318328164352", "label": "oops", "text": "quarantine is taking a break from netflix to watch tik toks and then tweeting about it"} {"idx": 42154, "original_id": "1250861454149861376", "reply_id": "1250867850295861250", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I don't have a talent in me to keep the conversation going, this cost me a lot. What should i do ?"} {"idx": 42155, "original_id": "1251059216191815681", "reply_id": "1251112288150532097", "label": "seriously", "text": "Three farmers. Mr. A. Mr. B. Mr. C. Which one sold medicine and tablets? Answer. farmer C 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 42160, "original_id": "1251199976161644544", "reply_id": "1251205059460968449", "label": "no", "text": "my cat sneezed in my face"} {"idx": 42162, "original_id": "1250974150358753280", "reply_id": "1250991600651563010", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi @sonnyliew - I saw your excellent comic regarding the covid. Do you mind me to translate it into Indonesian and release it in Indonesian circles? It's important. All credits of course to you. Thanks!"} {"idx": 42164, "original_id": "1251178239969673216", "reply_id": "1251185543075049478", "label": "agree", "text": "Should I buy an air fryer? Is it worth it?"} {"idx": 42167, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251259008989593600", "label": "eww", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 42170, "original_id": "1251110630611914763", "reply_id": "1251149778727038987", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I’m very annoyed that I have to work today. And then I remembered how lucky I am to have a job, particularly one I can do from home.\n\nI’m still annoyed but...trying some perspective."} {"idx": 42173, "original_id": "1250449706603307008", "reply_id": "1250911904974987265", "label": "no", "text": "Anyone else wake up without a stimulus check because your parents claim you as a dependent even though you still pay for majority of your life?????🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰"} {"idx": 42174, "original_id": "1251031089776377858", "reply_id": "1251080416792018949", "label": "eww", "text": "I need a sugar daddy ."} {"idx": 42177, "original_id": "1250957680937705472", "reply_id": "1250972306039607296", "label": "hug", "text": "I give up. Nothing ever seems enough"} {"idx": 42178, "original_id": "1250823392963551233", "reply_id": "1250950570132697089", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I trust Dr. Pepper, Doctor Who (All 14!) and Dr. Dre all day before #DrOz."} {"idx": 42179, "original_id": "1250844871675568133", "reply_id": "1250847071365627904", "label": "thank_you", "text": "the alcoholics are safe"} {"idx": 42185, "original_id": "1250977521408995328", "reply_id": "1250982511783510016", "label": "thank_you", "text": "MITI needs to facilitate and ease government processes for businesses to resume. Don't put in more road blocks for an already very-difficult business environment."} {"idx": 42186, "original_id": "1250875840545665025", "reply_id": "1251064634968117248", "label": "sigh", "text": "when klaus showed new orleans to caroline, where did he take her? what did he say? what did they do? did they hug? did they talk about what would've happened between them if he wasn't forced to kill himself? did he mention \"rome, paris, tokyo\"? did he tell her \"i love you\"? did h"} {"idx": 42188, "original_id": "1251114829483356162", "reply_id": "1251195179530362892", "label": "agree", "text": "sorry but if we don’t send each other tiktoks, memes, tweets and music.. you’re not the one"} {"idx": 42190, "original_id": "1251127832870375424", "reply_id": "1251133649459859457", "label": "agree", "text": "Every time I click on the Twitter search tab and see the “For You” and the “Trending” topics, I immediately regret it, and a little part of my soul dies."} {"idx": 42191, "original_id": "1251027666364334081", "reply_id": "1251066811224780800", "label": "applause", "text": "I wonder if Scomo’s app tracker works in Hawaii?"} {"idx": 42192, "original_id": "1250924624575160321", "reply_id": "1251266645735149570", "label": "popcorn", "text": "ARE YALL READY TO SEE THE CAUCASIANS ACT UP IF THEY CANCEL 4TH OF JULY?!!!!!"} {"idx": 42194, "original_id": "1251059805130829824", "reply_id": "1251060942961627136", "label": "agree", "text": "The music on the radio has reminded me that leero Furidayyy!!!\nChrist is Eneergggyyy 🥳"} {"idx": 42201, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250944608399491073", "label": "high_five", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 42204, "original_id": "1251090072344158208", "reply_id": "1251200913202712577", "label": "agree", "text": "I miss rugby league.\nI miss @WiganWarriorsRL\nI miss @McDonaldsUK\n\n😩🥴"} {"idx": 42205, "original_id": "1250920324633448450", "reply_id": "1250963644990529536", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on the anti-restrictions protesters: \"They seem to be protesters that like me.\" (Indeed, there were MAGA hats and Trump flags in Michigan.)"} {"idx": 42209, "original_id": "1250917447810646022", "reply_id": "1251192768027938824", "label": "no", "text": "Do you trust Dr Scarf? Just curious."} {"idx": 42211, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250938668438691840", "label": "seriously", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 42215, "original_id": "1250745891901882369", "reply_id": "1250908637826088962", "label": "hearts", "text": "Happy 7th Birthday Feathercoin. We launched in 2013, which makes us one of the older altcoins and one of the very few, from that time, that is keeping up-to-date with the latest upstream developments. 0.19 client will be available soon.\n\n@coinkit_ mon 5 200 $ftc"} {"idx": 42216, "original_id": "1251249740680839169", "reply_id": "1251251387268292609", "label": "wink", "text": "If my future spouse isn't just my best friend that I get to make out with THEN I DON'T WANT IT"} {"idx": 42217, "original_id": "1251268992192458754", "reply_id": "1251272198012231680", "label": "applause", "text": "I have been researching for five hours so I could write a total of 8 sentences with 7 footnotes. Please clap."} {"idx": 42218, "original_id": "1251186064649269251", "reply_id": "1251190348216512513", "label": "no", "text": "Big buff to habs?"} {"idx": 42220, "original_id": "1250917545827356672", "reply_id": "1250921490716987403", "label": "eww", "text": "This is the worst time to have allergies. Y’all ever had to sneeze with a mask on?"} {"idx": 42222, "original_id": "1250913168152502272", "reply_id": "1250913341184389127", "label": "awww", "text": "Appreciation post for @britttlifts @PhillyGuyInVa @ThisIsMyAtName0 @tiiffanylyn @ThomasMazze @brifui15 @DesertEagleX90 @JCentifonti @Eaglesinc311 @Remedy13itch @BentleyAudrey @bexxy41 @rockidelphia @BigTWil34 @RealBunBun and lots of others 💗"} {"idx": 42223, "original_id": "1250841158919557121", "reply_id": "1250844280282849281", "label": "idk", "text": "These quesadillas I made for lunch are SO GOOD someone marry me already"} {"idx": 42225, "original_id": "1251131843858046976", "reply_id": "1251133243157602304", "label": "agree", "text": "🍿 | Saturday night. Showtime. #EFC 🔵"} {"idx": 42226, "original_id": "1250965675839041536", "reply_id": "1251054526775296000", "label": "agree", "text": "The next time you ride his dick make sure you give me credit. Mad o"} {"idx": 42228, "original_id": "1251115614233649152", "reply_id": "1251264792981102592", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "yoooo shoutout to everyone coming through with the subs! big shout outs to @RealFreshLive @ChiefSzn_ and @_oaik for the gifted subs! we at 31 subs now 👀👀👀 loving all the support!"} {"idx": 42230, "original_id": "1251246310377783296", "reply_id": "1251253121696874499", "label": "no", "text": "MY DAD JUST ASKED IF HE COULD SEE MY TWITTER. NO. NOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO."} {"idx": 42231, "original_id": "1250866810880221186", "reply_id": "1250867281862721538", "label": "want", "text": "I need a fucking hug, everything feels like it’s falling apart"} {"idx": 42235, "original_id": "1250847402296250368", "reply_id": "1250856161508761601", "label": "wink", "text": "I was stressed out earlier today, recognised it, took a nap, woke up, cooked and cleaned and now I feel great! Shout out @MrsWeirdWorld and @adamaa_b for the pick me up today 🙂❤️"} {"idx": 42237, "original_id": "1251197318176608257", "reply_id": "1251199367639334915", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Hatred is a childish word"} {"idx": 42238, "original_id": "1251135163683213312", "reply_id": "1251152238170406920", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "happy update day 💙💚🧡❤️💜"} {"idx": 42239, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251010518698979328", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42241, "original_id": "1250983910332194816", "reply_id": "1250985441769058304", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I know most traders here were sitting with overnight long positions.\nWell,I don't have any overnight FnO positions.Apn itne genius nahi hain k sb predct krle😁\nAur koi mere sath🙋‍♂️??"} {"idx": 42242, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250940420785348616", "label": "smh", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 42243, "original_id": "1250950855869837313", "reply_id": "1250951191745486848", "label": "dance", "text": "And we did ittttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An epic sprint completed! Phew!"} {"idx": 42246, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250841506568523776", "label": "sigh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 42247, "original_id": "1251175031771664385", "reply_id": "1251175476111896577", "label": "hug", "text": "I wanna hug someone"} {"idx": 42251, "original_id": "1250973834871582720", "reply_id": "1250975652380991490", "label": "smh", "text": "I just found out my stupid ass brother is a trump supporter! I’m pisstttt"} {"idx": 42252, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251050564042944518", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42253, "original_id": "1250809684497481740", "reply_id": "1250966509725384704", "label": "eye_roll", "text": ".@FarabeeJoel of the #Flyers says players just want to get back and it \"wouldn't be too big of a problem\" to play without fans."} {"idx": 42254, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250939374272950279", "label": "seriously", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 42255, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230385582850049", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 42256, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251014112059899904", "label": "scared", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42257, "original_id": "1250865800635912192", "reply_id": "1250869657747116032", "label": "no", "text": "I feel like my friend is about to use me in a TikTok..."} {"idx": 42258, "original_id": "1250871838173003780", "reply_id": "1250915053534093313", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Are we the only country that has batshit crazy people protesting the quarantine?"} {"idx": 42260, "original_id": "1251230851939160064", "reply_id": "1251247295267471361", "label": "applause", "text": "Played COD last night and got 10 kills. Maybe that’s not a lot but for someone who started off barely knowing how to function the controller, I call that progress 🤣"} {"idx": 42265, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250965456858558464", "label": "no", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 42269, "original_id": "1250911091942551552", "reply_id": "1250964105801854976", "label": "applause", "text": "Mini-leagues are coming to Virtual FPL, stay tuned hopefully in a few days!"} {"idx": 42271, "original_id": "1250764228958588929", "reply_id": "1251117543357665281", "label": "high_five", "text": "Ramadan starts next week. \n\nLet’s see if Dem governors are as heavy handed with mosques as they were with churches on Easter."} {"idx": 42273, "original_id": "1251179216143605765", "reply_id": "1251219914594988037", "label": "popcorn", "text": "My ex got married yesterday. Should I send them a card or just the screenshots of him trying to get me back when they were dating ?"} {"idx": 42274, "original_id": "1250935574166454282", "reply_id": "1250943748701401088", "label": "smh", "text": "i’m so sorry that it’s come to this but i’m watching mukbang asmr"} {"idx": 42275, "original_id": "1250911504515260416", "reply_id": "1250941732708990976", "label": "seriously", "text": "All I gotta say is.....\n\nThe Office >>>>> That ‘70s Show"} {"idx": 42276, "original_id": "1251236072501260290", "reply_id": "1251242146943959047", "label": "yes", "text": "Do I need pink hair?"} {"idx": 42277, "original_id": "1251222486500376576", "reply_id": "1251237817000361989", "label": "seriously", "text": "everytime my bf dies in his stupid game my heart feels at peace"} {"idx": 42279, "original_id": "1250515808356188160", "reply_id": "1250882343931437060", "label": "sigh", "text": "Thank you All, Rusev out!"} {"idx": 42282, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251185806317772804", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42283, "original_id": "1251162579096887306", "reply_id": "1251165029287825408", "label": "hug", "text": "Got a meeting in 5 mins & my house is falling apart."} {"idx": 42284, "original_id": "1250974624994770948", "reply_id": "1250994996099964928", "label": "applause", "text": "I died in cap and I’m so mad rn"} {"idx": 42285, "original_id": "1251154770712129543", "reply_id": "1251158800226070528", "label": "kiss", "text": "I haven’t sat down and watched the season yet fully but I can already tell this is one of my favorite @RuPaulsDragRace casts ever! What a talented diverse group! And major props to all the gals for handling this situation with such grace and maturity 🙌🏻❤️"} {"idx": 42286, "original_id": "1251010334133039108", "reply_id": "1251132276819312641", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Lately I’ve been feeling like throwing in the towel"} {"idx": 42289, "original_id": "1250839371135229952", "reply_id": "1251070576191512576", "label": "applause", "text": "I pray I don't marry a guy who likes Cassper Nyovest."} {"idx": 42290, "original_id": "1251153440966717440", "reply_id": "1251153658802081794", "label": "agree", "text": "Twitter is a lot more amusing when you're high."} {"idx": 42291, "original_id": "1250988713443766274", "reply_id": "1251189805133844483", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I feel like Valorant recoil is kinda flawed; guns should either be the exact same pattern every time like in CS so you can learn it, or have the crosshair track the recoil so you can reactively correct the RNG. Both randomness and no player feedback makes it less enjoyable IMO."} {"idx": 42293, "original_id": "1251003936808394752", "reply_id": "1251126233762422786", "label": "applause", "text": "I realize that Twitter is a platform for self-promotion / hustle. I try not to hate on it, as I've certainly been culprit myself. But holy moly, young strategy world. I love you and I say this with love: Get. Off. Your. Self. Important. Bullshit. Love, Auntie."} {"idx": 42294, "original_id": "1232361440750731264", "reply_id": "1250973588640980994", "label": "awww", "text": "Bernie sanders is not a radical. \nRaising minimum wage is not radical.\nPursuing healthcare for all is not radical.\nPursuing higher education for all is not radical. \nSeeking legislation that protects our earth, our home, is not radical.\nThe pursuit of equity is American."} {"idx": 42296, "original_id": "1251066249653768192", "reply_id": "1251077840503799808", "label": "omg", "text": "tl sleep? I’m tryna suck my mans wild sloppy🤤"} {"idx": 42297, "original_id": "1251020660161347585", "reply_id": "1251163252127498240", "label": "hug", "text": "Couldn't visit him in the hospital. Couldn't say goodbye. Can't have a funeral. Can't have a Shiva house. My father is dead and these people talk about it like it's nothing."} {"idx": 42300, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251223320114143242", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 42303, "original_id": "1250874289659809794", "reply_id": "1250876042731978753", "label": "hug", "text": "I haven't been about much today as I have been ridiculously ill, and have been asleep alot of the day. I love you all so much and thanks for being so supportive ❤"} {"idx": 42306, "original_id": "1251062096990789632", "reply_id": "1251127011856318464", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Thanks so much for Rts @thundadownunda0 @JosheMauro @vanyadhanya @Esienne @lagaviota521 @AMBADANAROBA @flawlessfooduk @ladybuttons1 @featheronawire @billgrierson @mugikikaku @VermaakBernice @average_kitchen @PerfectingTruth @sophie19621 #staysafe & have a fab Friday 🥂"} {"idx": 42312, "original_id": "1250978377701511170", "reply_id": "1251234693913206784", "label": "sigh", "text": "Ten thousand people in line at a food bank in Texas while Nancy Pelosi is eating ice cream that cost $12 a pint. Maybe we should refer to her as Nancy “let them eat ice cream” Pelosi."} {"idx": 42318, "original_id": "1251207069589549057", "reply_id": "1251207969058021376", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "7 billion people in this world and you think your soulmate is a girl who twerk on live ? get a grip."} {"idx": 42322, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251189673118052352", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 42324, "original_id": "1250824363122843648", "reply_id": "1250833566768025602", "label": "seriously", "text": "I could’ve lived without that Carti single..."} {"idx": 42325, "original_id": "1250992578960306176", "reply_id": "1250993137029275654", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Let me make it clear again because bots are not sentient & thus SUPER dumb.\n\nI don’t care how many followers I have. \n\nIf you are #MAGA #ADOS or a putrid 🌹, feel free to block yourself from this page, with my blessing. \n\nI will tweet to a quorum and the tweets will be 🔥!\n\n😜"} {"idx": 42326, "original_id": "1251243620675567622", "reply_id": "1251248453876883459", "label": "idk", "text": "bout to see what this Baby album hittin for"} {"idx": 42328, "original_id": "1251000838560067584", "reply_id": "1251002583675789314", "label": "want", "text": "This house isn’t a home so ima pack my shit and go 😒"} {"idx": 42329, "original_id": "1251237876907606017", "reply_id": "1251275291084947458", "label": "ok", "text": "still can’t believe she said we were for life but left after i cheated ten times. still don’t understand😭"} {"idx": 42331, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250995475416743937", "label": "eww", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 42335, "original_id": "1250292126643941376", "reply_id": "1250918673750978561", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever."} {"idx": 42344, "original_id": "1251112574734733312", "reply_id": "1251147516277452800", "label": "hug", "text": "Goodbye grandpa. I will miss you terribly."} {"idx": 42345, "original_id": "1251207821326192640", "reply_id": "1251215928953573382", "label": "sigh", "text": "Infringements all look “necessary” until it’s too late. Give up your rights and you may never get them back. #ReopenAmerica"} {"idx": 42347, "original_id": "1251063965926543360", "reply_id": "1251089802788843520", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF some fantastic #bookbloggers: @ReadtoRamble @AncaAntoci @biblio_fi @_forbookssake @ReviewingMum @mrsreadalot1989 @bookdutchesses @ISolemnlySwrRvs @kerrimcbooknerd @MarriedToBooks3 @HollyRawlins2 @TStrawberryPost @AndOnSheReads1 \nHappy Friday all! 🥰💖🎉"} {"idx": 42349, "original_id": "1250967109250637824", "reply_id": "1251015042142740481", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Your Presence is your Gift."} {"idx": 42351, "original_id": "1250871760364412928", "reply_id": "1250872068561932293", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "You DO NOT need to earn your value from others’ approval. Fight for YOU. Prove your inherent value for yourself, not for them."} {"idx": 42352, "original_id": "1251157890817114113", "reply_id": "1251161124633903105", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "\"This is a socialist attack,\" Senator Loeffler says of questions about the timing of her stock sales, during a Fox News interview."} {"idx": 42353, "original_id": "1251213729347354626", "reply_id": "1251214427254374407", "label": "eww", "text": "Week 5 of lockdown and my sister just chased me around the house just to lick my face."} {"idx": 42356, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250978677254352897", "label": "applause", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 42358, "original_id": "1250877907033100288", "reply_id": "1251082390283456512", "label": "agree", "text": "I know natural born actors and screenwritters staying at home with the burning desire to make it your big screens. \nI know some of us scammed by fake agencies trying to fulfill our dreams but we refuse to give up.\n#GomoraMsanzi\n#Imbewu\n#INoLongerRemember \n#Isibaya \n#Lithapo"} {"idx": 42359, "original_id": "1251101148666302469", "reply_id": "1251167465901522945", "label": "applause", "text": "& just like that, my car is finally paid off 😍😊"} {"idx": 42361, "original_id": "1251005364268662784", "reply_id": "1251166794351509504", "label": "seriously", "text": "No country has ever progressed by hating its leaders. If you don't like them change them, but once you elect someone into office, for heavens sake support them, pray for them and do your part as a citizen to contribute to the development of your country"} {"idx": 42362, "original_id": "1250800671361765376", "reply_id": "1250833294175895553", "label": "omg", "text": "Do it be squirtin n fartin grippin n huggin @GayleKing ???"} {"idx": 42364, "original_id": "1250944050590556160", "reply_id": "1251126624252239878", "label": "seriously", "text": "Guys whats happening with Shortpan I'm blocked"} {"idx": 42367, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251205516342243332", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 42368, "original_id": "1250466700585316352", "reply_id": "1250886042925883410", "label": "applause", "text": "If you don't spoil and fuck him, someone else will."} {"idx": 42369, "original_id": "1250888630207471618", "reply_id": "1251076067852537857", "label": "omg", "text": "I'm sorting out encounters for my one shot for a 7 person party who are level 10\n\nI need to give so many health potions for these guys because of the boss battle\n\nHow cruel is it to just murder everyone in an one shot, especially if it's one of the players first time playing?"} {"idx": 42372, "original_id": "1251083370660081664", "reply_id": "1251087417106411521", "label": "sigh", "text": "Describe your current account balance with an emoji. #StayHome\n#StayAtHome"} {"idx": 42374, "original_id": "1250930635658522624", "reply_id": "1250932810782818310", "label": "applause", "text": "Just bought a pipe and some weed tonight is gonna be a good night ☺️😭"} {"idx": 42375, "original_id": "1250904455735894017", "reply_id": "1250904785487663104", "label": "awww", "text": "nova is chirping at the snow outside and it's so cuuuuuute"} {"idx": 42378, "original_id": "1250842144228757504", "reply_id": "1250845972659306505", "label": "hug", "text": "This week has been a real rollercoaster of emotions and I’m tired. #LockdownDiaries"} {"idx": 42380, "original_id": "1250993229962641408", "reply_id": "1250993731064430592", "label": "agree", "text": "Sometimes I want an itch just to feel the satisfaction of scratching it"} {"idx": 42384, "original_id": "1251252385986547712", "reply_id": "1251269862590046209", "label": "smh", "text": "Husband: this soup tastes funny \n\nMe: we didn’t have any chicken stock so I used butter instead"} {"idx": 42385, "original_id": "1251194737266176002", "reply_id": "1251197220197629953", "label": "sigh", "text": "At this point im hiding my amazon packages from my mother. I got two this morning..."} {"idx": 42386, "original_id": "1250992003577331712", "reply_id": "1250993180981563393", "label": "hug", "text": "Alright Twitter ya getting way too political for me tonight, time for me to fuck off before my anxiety spikes and I cry all night again. Peace ✌️"} {"idx": 42388, "original_id": "1250922021652852737", "reply_id": "1250992630361661446", "label": "yolo", "text": "Hey @virgiltexas @willmenaker @cushbomb @chapotraphouse @chapofym how's the ratf*cking going?\n\nCrypto accounts full?\n\nHaving any regerts yet?\n\nI'll check back in a few months from now if you're still all walking free out of jail"} {"idx": 42389, "original_id": "1251017095615254528", "reply_id": "1251185584539918342", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m glad my relationship with my sisters is where it’s at. We’ve come a long way and I would literally kill for them"} {"idx": 42392, "original_id": "1250120377218617346", "reply_id": "1250948828238360578", "label": "applause", "text": "There has been 700% increase in domestic violence during lockdown. My sister runs two women’s refuges in London. She’s been working flat out for four weeks and no one is clapping for #socialworkers today is her birthday so can you all give this a little retweet & show love 🙌🏾❤️"} {"idx": 42393, "original_id": "1250807500670189568", "reply_id": "1250832892059582464", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "the NFL draft is really a week away 👀"} {"idx": 42399, "original_id": "1251249685047672833", "reply_id": "1251262022978764803", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Been thinking about marriage a lot lately...and kids...not going to rush anything though...just riding this wave 🏄🏾‍♀️🌊"} {"idx": 42401, "original_id": "1250900500943450113", "reply_id": "1250917109720326144", "label": "scared", "text": "YALL I JUST GOT SOME GOOD NEWS !!! just wait"} {"idx": 42404, "original_id": "1251236299823960065", "reply_id": "1251237185887457280", "label": "hug", "text": "SOMEBODY GIVE ME A HUG PLEASE \n\nI would really like one right now 😭"} {"idx": 42406, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251170552275927041", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 42407, "original_id": "1250852662225952768", "reply_id": "1250972781908549634", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "BREAKING: A Texas judge ruled that all voters in the state can now vote by mail."} {"idx": 42409, "original_id": "1251076479389179910", "reply_id": "1251076752723582977", "label": "omg", "text": "Anyone else want to lay on the floor with me and scream in frustration? It’s a nice activity to share and we can keep 2m apart."} {"idx": 42410, "original_id": "1251254422509936640", "reply_id": "1251260356124725250", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Just sent my first submission for my short story, Two Graves! 😳😬🤭🥳\n\nCan’t wait for my first rejection! 🤩🤪\n\n#WritingCommunity #amwriting"} {"idx": 42415, "original_id": "1251178060533116929", "reply_id": "1251197968943808519", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "This week, I learned that on July 1 I will be promoted to Associate Professor at @IUPUI (with tenure officially to follow in 2021). As I reflect on all who helped me reach this milestone, I want to call particular attention to @DukeSanford, where I earned my PhD."} {"idx": 42416, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250943616979070976", "label": "omg", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 42422, "original_id": "1250923804488093697", "reply_id": "1251067921209733126", "label": "applause", "text": "u hav 5 seconds 2 lik this video or creepy spider will b in ur bed 2nite"} {"idx": 42424, "original_id": "1251197326527520769", "reply_id": "1251224464043454467", "label": "applause", "text": "MY LIL SISTER BEAT COVID-19 ASS!!!!!!! 🎉🙌🏽😁 #thankful #fucoronalashay #fucovida"} {"idx": 42425, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251269164892815364", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 42426, "original_id": "1250841256403533824", "reply_id": "1250842022212075520", "label": "yes", "text": "I’d like to make a short action film! How fun would that be?"} {"idx": 42429, "original_id": "1251166069349330944", "reply_id": "1251172989476970497", "label": "good_luck", "text": "They're predicting snow tomorrow???!!! WTF? What's next, locusts? #endtimes"} {"idx": 42430, "original_id": "1250985253402894336", "reply_id": "1251167401627930624", "label": "good_luck", "text": "What were the odds of Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil both tanking their careers on the same day?"} {"idx": 42431, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1250933552730050562", "label": "awww", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 42432, "original_id": "1250957548225732608", "reply_id": "1251082061068357634", "label": "awww", "text": "People who make my Twitter feed special - Investing - @jposhaughnessy @mjmauboussin @morganhousel @NeerajMarathe @ritholtz @Sanjay__Bakshi @shyamsek Life etc - @Calvinn_Hobbes @farnamstreet @JamesClear @naval @RyanHoliday"} {"idx": 42433, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1250968501810012160", "label": "shocked", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 42434, "original_id": "1250988774991048704", "reply_id": "1250992103192223749", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "So depressing that the \"Shirley Chisolm should step aside because she owes McGovern those votes/delegates\" played out again almost 50 years later with \"Elizabeth Warren owes Bernie her votes/delegates/endorsement.\""} {"idx": 42436, "original_id": "1250806591819046914", "reply_id": "1251012245271621635", "label": "applause", "text": "So @GavinNewsom is giving out 125 million dollars to support illegal immigrants during the #coronavirus.\n\nIt’s a good thing I don’t live in the communist state of California or I’d outright refuse to pay state taxes. \n\nEVERY RED CENT OF FUNDING SHOULD GO TO STRUGGLING AMERICANS!"} {"idx": 42437, "original_id": "1251176549161844737", "reply_id": "1251251229776371713", "label": "seriously", "text": "not 1 but 2 of my friends said they’d call me yesterday and never did ... i’m throwing them away"} {"idx": 42438, "original_id": "1250982123114123265", "reply_id": "1250994307311587332", "label": "wink", "text": "I KNOW WE JUST\nWOKE UP\nI KNOW YOU GOTTA \nGO BUTT\nBREAKFAST ISN’T OVER\nI SEE THE WAY YOU ROSE UP\n🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆"} {"idx": 42441, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251221014123474945", "label": "high_five", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 42442, "original_id": "1248810599686868993", "reply_id": "1251025446822526976", "label": "yes", "text": "White chocolate is better then normal chocolate #chocolate"} {"idx": 42443, "original_id": "1250956968296144898", "reply_id": "1250970372964405248", "label": "shocked", "text": "That moment when you finish your quiz, submit that essay, start studying for the next exam after doing your daily assignments then you remember.. you hv basketball homework.🤦🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 42445, "original_id": "1250998432061370368", "reply_id": "1251033615271710721", "label": "agree", "text": "ppl with beards, we letting that shit looose for a couple months or we shaving? \n\ni think imma let that bitch grow, always had to trim every few weeks, lets see how i look in a couple months lmao"} {"idx": 42447, "original_id": "1250980803124887552", "reply_id": "1251236136439119880", "label": "oops", "text": "Name me a better doctor than Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. \n\nI’ll start: Octopus."} {"idx": 42449, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251251981089411072", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 42450, "original_id": "1250605164471312390", "reply_id": "1250897030353809408", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel like my heart needs a hug"} {"idx": 42451, "original_id": "1250859475914743808", "reply_id": "1250861676699611136", "label": "agree", "text": "happy #nationalhornyday I want to go on date pls"} {"idx": 42453, "original_id": "1250849514493222914", "reply_id": "1250978275385585664", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm trying to find fluffy scarabia pics and i see this baby pic and it looks cute but then they'll be saying shit like \"i don't want to get killed and poisoned\" and it's like\ncome one scarabia fans"} {"idx": 42455, "original_id": "1251076097422360582", "reply_id": "1251081072638488577", "label": "idk", "text": "Morning all 😁🖤"} {"idx": 42456, "original_id": "1250865552945528832", "reply_id": "1250873284373237763", "label": "agree", "text": "Make as many memes as you want, internet, I'm not watching Tiger King."} {"idx": 42458, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250931081991327746", "label": "hug", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 42461, "original_id": "1250941866343903233", "reply_id": "1250942493648203776", "label": "popcorn", "text": "keeping these drafts for twitter hours"} {"idx": 42462, "original_id": "1250898535589044225", "reply_id": "1250927970929135616", "label": "agree", "text": "Thank u guys for your sweet words.. and for defending me n all.. y’all don’t really need to worry about me.. I don’t get effected by tweets like those anymore.. I used to.. back when I deactivated.. but now I don’t, bec I know I am not doing anything wrong.. I love you guys ❤️❤️"} {"idx": 42463, "original_id": "1251219568066023424", "reply_id": "1251220947664764939", "label": "yes", "text": "I just want to say @AdriyanRae is the coolest. 🥰🥰🥰 everyone should watch #VagrantQueen pleaseeee watch it!!!"} {"idx": 42464, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250846592174825472", "label": "awww", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 42465, "original_id": "1250785126209863680", "reply_id": "1251024255430660098", "label": "awww", "text": "The refreshing thing about @RahulGandhi’s presser today was not only that it was an open press meet where he took all qs from press (which is democratic duty of all politicians) but also that he offered a constructive purposeful agenda rather than a negative tirade #RahulGandhi"} {"idx": 42466, "original_id": "1251183568279293952", "reply_id": "1251183743378747392", "label": "applause", "text": "AGHHH I check out my business on Facebook just now and it’s blowing up 🤩🤩🤩\nSince being out of a my two jobs, I had to make money some how, now people want to buy the gym equipment I’ve got in club, oooooooo things are looking up"} {"idx": 42470, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250842832014913536", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 42471, "original_id": "1251178172076429312", "reply_id": "1251179143934476289", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Brace yourselves, because @TheCanaryUK is about to publish an exclusive on Keir Starmer's campaign funding that explains why the #LabourLeaks are just the tip of the iceberg."} {"idx": 42473, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250886597475794944", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 42477, "original_id": "1251239841804804096", "reply_id": "1251240515879735297", "label": "hearts", "text": "i can't believe i finally changed a pack after 76272 years"} {"idx": 42479, "original_id": "1251139188671430657", "reply_id": "1251142482806689792", "label": "agree", "text": "Was @realDonaldTrump Manufactured in a lab? No real human being can be so devoid of basic feelings.\n\nDo you agree? 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️"} {"idx": 42483, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250926282327707648", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 42484, "original_id": "1250787052762865664", "reply_id": "1251245078737190919", "label": "agree", "text": "Ok I’m calling this: it’s impossible to work at home effectively in the middle of a global health crisis with small children in the house. \nThere, I said it. That’s a weight off."} {"idx": 42485, "original_id": "1250770148962840578", "reply_id": "1250994429588111365", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Just eval’d a total knee, 6 weeks post op... Pt is lacking 30° extension and only has 55° flexion, hows your Thursday going? 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃"} {"idx": 42487, "original_id": "1250918231558295554", "reply_id": "1250922422347476993", "label": "win", "text": "If you’re reading this you’re the best for real"} {"idx": 42488, "original_id": "1250953317615833088", "reply_id": "1250981560456810496", "label": "agree", "text": "I think i deserve a night out when the bars open back up ughhhh"} {"idx": 42490, "original_id": "1250787677093482501", "reply_id": "1250869770141999105", "label": "no", "text": "I passed out 5 minutes into watching A fall from Grace, should I resume?"} {"idx": 42493, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251144547297566720", "label": "win", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 42499, "original_id": "1250865830642016258", "reply_id": "1250889515696132096", "label": "wink", "text": "tell me that u love me pls it’s anxiety hours :("} {"idx": 42500, "original_id": "1250949823378763778", "reply_id": "1250950921594568706", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "You know what’s annoying? When you order something on Wednesday, a friend in the same house orders one for them on the Thursday, and theirs arrives on the Friday, while yours hasn’t. 😩 sigh.. Patience is a virtue.... So they say!"} {"idx": 42501, "original_id": "1250856951694725127", "reply_id": "1250963226076028934", "label": "hug", "text": "Even when you predicted it was coming, hearing officially that the governor closed schools for the rest of this school year, & you did in fact leave the building March 13th having no idea that would be the last time you saw students in person this school year, is surreal."} {"idx": 42505, "original_id": "1251234852235509760", "reply_id": "1251235176471916544", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Add the term “OldRich” to the Pulte Terminology. This will be old rich people in the sense that they have been rich for so long that they forgot what it was like to be poor."} {"idx": 42507, "original_id": "1251019286166089728", "reply_id": "1251108547963891714", "label": "hug", "text": "To everyone who follows me. \n\nI appreciate. Every. Single. One.\nOf.\nYou.\n\nI never take anyone for granted."} {"idx": 42508, "original_id": "1250953774576721920", "reply_id": "1251228159716007939", "label": "agree", "text": "A reminder that Predator trump said he’ll be sending ventilators to Russia as he continues to attack U.S. Democratic Governors who ask him for life saving resources. Once again, you can either be an American or a MAGA Cultist. You clearly can’t be both."} {"idx": 42509, "original_id": "1251229033536389122", "reply_id": "1251230075762155520", "label": "applause", "text": "I just wanna slob on my mans knob 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 42510, "original_id": "1251248125127393286", "reply_id": "1251257072185942020", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Ya girl got into Univeristy of Southern California Master of Social Work🤪🤪🤪 God knows I love Cali"} {"idx": 42511, "original_id": "1251175284365234176", "reply_id": "1251184923739688962", "label": "high_five", "text": "Honestly I just need a high five man"} {"idx": 42512, "original_id": "1250841342319775744", "reply_id": "1250841994152349698", "label": "scared", "text": "To be a Sunderland fan right now must feel like.....\n\nFinish The Sentence with a GIF🤣\n#NUFC #NUFCtakeover #cans #toon"} {"idx": 42513, "original_id": "1251163548216111104", "reply_id": "1251176759103492096", "label": "yes", "text": "I don't know about y'all but I'm fucking feeling it."} {"idx": 42514, "original_id": "1251189960910295042", "reply_id": "1251227473783803908", "label": "yes", "text": "Gov. Cuomo responds to Trump's tweet: \"First of all, if he's sitting home watching TV, maybe he should get up & go to work, right? Second, let's keep emotion and politics out of this. And personal ego, if we can. Because this is about the people and it's about our job.\""} {"idx": 42517, "original_id": "1251224354534416385", "reply_id": "1251224651541422080", "label": "yes", "text": "In the past of October, rockstar said they had no news on gta v, a month later they dropped a trailer on 11/2/11 and announced its full development the next day. This seems to be the same thing with the gta 6 early development."} {"idx": 42520, "original_id": "1251251786943541250", "reply_id": "1251263866887114755", "label": "scared", "text": "Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove of @WHO speaking today emphasized there is no evidence that #SARSCoV2 antibody tests indicate immunity to the #coronavirus, just that infection has occurred. At this point, those with antibodies should not assume they are unable to be re-infected. #COVID19"} {"idx": 42521, "original_id": "1251182998126563330", "reply_id": "1251220460953645056", "label": "dance", "text": "YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! MY NEW COLORED PENCILS ARE OUT FOR DELIVERY!!!! I'm dancing in the breakroom at work!"} {"idx": 42522, "original_id": "1251026760117948417", "reply_id": "1251177878588395522", "label": "hug", "text": "Missing the sound of my daddy’s voice. I have one voice note saved. ONE. I listen to it every chance I get. All it says is “Hi Zani B. How you doing? Hope you alright” \n\nIt could not be more perfect."} {"idx": 42523, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250947593020080129", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 42524, "original_id": "1250856772878970880", "reply_id": "1250860265211670529", "label": "applause", "text": "The man himself inspired me, imma keep working on my book 🤴🏻"} {"idx": 42525, "original_id": "1251235263906529281", "reply_id": "1251239177129209861", "label": "popcorn", "text": "My employee just got slapped in the face by a customer. 🤦🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 42530, "original_id": "1251043595529879552", "reply_id": "1251169765181263872", "label": "agree", "text": "Sleep>my relationships. Then I complain why I'm lonely."} {"idx": 42531, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251015367696150528", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42532, "original_id": "1250907120142356480", "reply_id": "1250907869517451264", "label": "applause", "text": "ALMOST RONA RALLY TIME"} {"idx": 42533, "original_id": "1250922447827808263", "reply_id": "1250929814040526848", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Checked my emails and I guess I got the closed beta for Valorant. So here's my in no way serious announcement that I will be a semi pro in Valorant and hope to find a org very not soon."} {"idx": 42536, "original_id": "1250916161862152192", "reply_id": "1250962127092961281", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Lmao cooter bay attacking me over my hobbies. I’d attack them for theirs but they already got raided for serving alcohol to underage girls so l’ll let it rest."} {"idx": 42537, "original_id": "1250922208467341312", "reply_id": "1251091449896034304", "label": "sigh", "text": "Trim Singh’s are monay too"} {"idx": 42538, "original_id": "1250881085082304515", "reply_id": "1250881441522737158", "label": "kiss", "text": "i love diana 🥺🥺🥺"} {"idx": 42539, "original_id": "1251141835910758400", "reply_id": "1251188298380455937", "label": "idk", "text": "I been coughing and sneezing and having allergies...... I think"} {"idx": 42542, "original_id": "1251012688798457856", "reply_id": "1251060464265682945", "label": "agree", "text": "What’s success without happiness?"} {"idx": 42545, "original_id": "1251012368240381952", "reply_id": "1251012990461239296", "label": "no", "text": "Hey @hulu, with everything going on, now would be a great time to add @cartoonnetwork's Steven Universe Season 5. It's been well past a year since Season 5 aired and it still isn't up on Hulu, but the movie is? This is truly unjust"} {"idx": 42547, "original_id": "1251128462913519621", "reply_id": "1251128702416465921", "label": "agree", "text": "Dems: Can we pls stop living in a dreamworld & be like Repubs? You know, those guys who will do ANYTHING to win? It's time to stop fantasizing abt perfect worlds...thinking with your heart...sending messages & protest votes. It's time to FIGHT, bc this is a war to save democracy"} {"idx": 42548, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251233696595746818", "label": "seriously", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 42551, "original_id": "1250911491563196417", "reply_id": "1250952677523152898", "label": "applause", "text": "Hey friends, I have an announcement to make!\nTomorrow is my last day at Heavy Iron Studios.\nFor the past 2 years, I've made good friends and had a great time working there, but now it's time to start a new chapter. If you care, I'll be announcing where I'm headed soon <3"} {"idx": 42552, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250869975432278019", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 42553, "original_id": "1250998543818436608", "reply_id": "1251004297560690688", "label": "agree", "text": "Once everything returns to normal I'm looking forward to self isolating alone again.\n\nit's not as special when EVERYONE'S doing it."} {"idx": 42555, "original_id": "1250980960105005057", "reply_id": "1251081977857486849", "label": "awww", "text": "Lmao I'll go and buy waistbeads from ileke by munoyedi for 15k and you'll cut it during sex because you want to hold on to something?? 😂😂😂😂. You must be mad honestly"} {"idx": 42556, "original_id": "1250882782756089857", "reply_id": "1250886561043898368", "label": "no", "text": "My friend and I are exchanging our misophonia triggers and I am very very uncomfortable right now"} {"idx": 42558, "original_id": "1251262829178449920", "reply_id": "1251263276073148416", "label": "applause", "text": "snitches get stitches bro, mark my words 😉"} {"idx": 42560, "original_id": "1251005201923944448", "reply_id": "1251011320377479169", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm out of things to tweet about\n\nUhhh\n\nAzura"} {"idx": 42561, "original_id": "1251213823488507904", "reply_id": "1251214503980695552", "label": "awww", "text": "Can everyone help me in reminding @boibyeex how amazing she is?! I wake up every day knowing I am the luckiest guy in the world to have her. I do not always do a great job of expressing that. So here we are. I love her to death. I knew it the second I saw her."} {"idx": 42564, "original_id": "1251088632817029120", "reply_id": "1251094934087745537", "label": "hug", "text": "One of those blue mornings that can't be worked away, danced away, or laughed away. Finally gave in and had a massive cry over everything and nothing, whilst sat on the sofa with an indifferent cat. Now to try the day again and see if I can find a new texture to it."} {"idx": 42567, "original_id": "1250916471896543232", "reply_id": "1250985795462160384", "label": "hug", "text": "I knew this was coming but my heart wasn’t ready for this, it feels so heavy tonight.\n\nThis is just the beginning... 💔💔"} {"idx": 42569, "original_id": "1250852217244069892", "reply_id": "1250890221882925060", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "As we look at restarting our economy, we need to listen to public health experts and involve Tennesseans who are seeing the effects of the illness and economic devastation up close."} {"idx": 42570, "original_id": "1251109495918465024", "reply_id": "1251247157388038144", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Dr. Phil went on Fox News + said we shouldn’t shut the country down because of COVID.\n\nHe claimed 360,000 people die every year from swimming pool accidents and we “don’t shut the country down for that.”\n\nActual number is 3,600.\n\n+ swimming pool accidents aren't contagious Phil."} {"idx": 42571, "original_id": "1250971039380709376", "reply_id": "1251105991975895041", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I KNOW MAURA HEALEY IS NOT IN THE FIRST FOUR MINUTES OF #howtofixadrugscandal TALKING ABOUT THE IMPACT OF THE DRUG LAB SCANDALS SHE DID NOTHING ABOUT I KNOW THATS NOT WHAT IM SEEING"} {"idx": 42572, "original_id": "1251220609721401349", "reply_id": "1251221144616697857", "label": "applause", "text": "Real doctors dont have T.V. shows."} {"idx": 42576, "original_id": "1250898267241508864", "reply_id": "1250907292977049600", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "My parents live in a secure building. Last night, some drunk bish beat the hell out of the locked door with a 2x4, trying to break in. It’s all elderly, well-to-do people in there. Thank goodness my brother was there. He took pics of her and called the cops. \n\nI am livid."} {"idx": 42577, "original_id": "1251261901801168899", "reply_id": "1251273453266767872", "label": "oops", "text": "Ford finds plenty of appetite for the $8 Billion in high yield bonds. And for good reason, the interest on those three year bonds: 8.500% Notes due 2023  9.000% Notes due 2025  9.625% Notes due 2030\n$F"} {"idx": 42578, "original_id": "1250892971530022912", "reply_id": "1250966761362653185", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I applied for a job I want yesterday... like really want. It will give me skills I need. It will enable me to save the way we want... you name it and it feels positive. It suits my personality.. I'm nervous, I'm excited... wish me luck."} {"idx": 42579, "original_id": "1250848958257270784", "reply_id": "1251042602381643776", "label": "high_five", "text": "Yesterday I got my 1st Twitch payout and received very generous donations from my stream which has allowed me to invest back into my channel to make sure I'm giving you guys the best! I bought a Elgato stream deck and a mic arm! You guys have helped so much, thank you sm 🥺💚"} {"idx": 42580, "original_id": "1250811332619689985", "reply_id": "1251009583830581251", "label": "hug", "text": "I feel so stressed! this has been a stressful workweek. 😩"} {"idx": 42584, "original_id": "1250948835045601280", "reply_id": "1250949843092029440", "label": "awww", "text": "@Puckguy14 thanks for putting up with me these last two years!! Happy Anniversary!! Love you ❤️❤️💕💕😘😘"} {"idx": 42585, "original_id": "1251022132638822401", "reply_id": "1251027392740634631", "label": "shocked", "text": "i hate my fans 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 42589, "original_id": "1251205371018072066", "reply_id": "1251206365034491906", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I’m now officially a part of the FQ College football network! Had to go through some other stuff to get verified. I now cover the SEC! My dream job is paying off! I’ve worked hard to get to this point. For those who’ve followed my journey... Thanks! \n\nGod is Good man!!!"} {"idx": 42592, "original_id": "1251238365493710851", "reply_id": "1251243680930791426", "label": "agree", "text": "I guess the people of Michigan hate New York and New Jersey so much they can not stand being 3rd in COVID-19 deaths behind those two states. They are going to do their work to pass them and be number 1. God bless them."} {"idx": 42595, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251055289014669312", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 42598, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250871311871639554", "label": "smh", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 42600, "original_id": "1250891449073311744", "reply_id": "1251059108465303553", "label": "shocked", "text": "My wife who is 42 and was born in Wales and lived there for 41 years, the capital of Wales is Swansea. I give up !!!"} {"idx": 42602, "original_id": "1250860012190253058", "reply_id": "1251026230276751361", "label": "applause", "text": "Nigeria was an experiment, a chemistry between Hydrogen (H) & Chlorine (CL), only it hasn’t produced the Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) but ordinary table water (H2O)\n\nYou see, Lord Lugard was a bad chemist who didn’t carry out his experiment under standard temperature & pressure (STP)."} {"idx": 42605, "original_id": "1250880017510383616", "reply_id": "1250885597847314447", "label": "applause", "text": "Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it’s all an experience."} {"idx": 42608, "original_id": "1250986311361736704", "reply_id": "1251084636756770816", "label": "popcorn", "text": "To those finding out Dr. Phil is a hack -- welcome to the party! We have snacks."} {"idx": 42609, "original_id": "1250683912969498625", "reply_id": "1250947531007078401", "label": "eww", "text": "The worst part about celebrating my niece’s birthday via Zoom was all the lagging and buffering while singing Happy Birthday so everyone finished at different times. It was like nails on a chalkboard."} {"idx": 42610, "original_id": "1250956109776650247", "reply_id": "1250957273909919745", "label": "shocked", "text": "y’all my sister passed out in my room earlier today (she’s fine). but that bitch really broke her neck when she fell and it was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen."} {"idx": 42613, "original_id": "1250934314998435841", "reply_id": "1250934414365917186", "label": "shocked", "text": "Okay so"} {"idx": 42614, "original_id": "1250729101863731202", "reply_id": "1250969423579504640", "label": "agree", "text": "strawberries are the best fruit"} {"idx": 42616, "original_id": "1251008484344291328", "reply_id": "1251014318608519169", "label": "seriously", "text": "I just want to confess that I struggle with speaking concededly to people, you bunch of troglodyte-nymphs."} {"idx": 42617, "original_id": "1250989250801291267", "reply_id": "1251099517379923968", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Extremely appreciative of our #FCPSsbts, Stacey Delaney and @carin_edtech who have consistently worked to provide quality resources & support to over 350 @FCPSLBSS faculty and staff and have done incredible work over the past weeks. Our community would be in rough shape w/o you."} {"idx": 42618, "original_id": "1250959324299567106", "reply_id": "1251221806347948032", "label": "no", "text": "Who else hasn’t downloaded tik tok? Am I getting to old for some of this social media already??? I only use FB, Insta and the Tweeter. #quarentine #isolation"} {"idx": 42619, "original_id": "1250923222880657408", "reply_id": "1250987586866290691", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Bill O’Brien addressed the biggest needs for the #Texans after a busy offseason of trades and signings."} {"idx": 42622, "original_id": "1251215672086007809", "reply_id": "1251236154265010178", "label": "facepalm", "text": "So, turns out I have had an account since 2017 🤦‍♀️🤪"} {"idx": 42625, "original_id": "1251164232353107969", "reply_id": "1251164463882924033", "label": "please", "text": "Should have been seeing Harry Styles tonight😩"} {"idx": 42634, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251188825403072515", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 42638, "original_id": "1250880210561622024", "reply_id": "1250880521971867648", "label": "popcorn", "text": "We all have one night.. One night we truly wish we could take back.. One night that really didn't NEED to happen.. Liquor tends to be involved in these nights.. But when you mix liquor with irrational sexual desire.. These nights typically don't end well.. Here's the story.."} {"idx": 42639, "original_id": "1251153261328871425", "reply_id": "1251155562730909711", "label": "ok", "text": "Nobody better talk shit about Britney Spears...honey, she's still FIRE🔥"} {"idx": 42641, "original_id": "1250844968547160064", "reply_id": "1250848495386472448", "label": "applause", "text": "pretty sure i have a dissertation topic i want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"} {"idx": 42642, "original_id": "1251243841316884480", "reply_id": "1251252592145031169", "label": "applause", "text": "tweet"} {"idx": 42643, "original_id": "1251165462731333632", "reply_id": "1251167855300743168", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "So I woke up earlier than usual today, maybe I do long stream?"} {"idx": 42644, "original_id": "1250684904012218368", "reply_id": "1250842989657636865", "label": "agree", "text": "...respect is earned...not given."} {"idx": 42645, "original_id": "1251162400717369346", "reply_id": "1251209274459516931", "label": "hug", "text": "I think this is the longest I’ve gone without a hug from another human being? Going on 8 weeks?"} {"idx": 42646, "original_id": "1251173661316460546", "reply_id": "1251175194560995329", "label": "hug", "text": "I am not going to cry in the grocery checkout line I am not going to cry in the grocery checkout line. #deepbreaths"} {"idx": 42647, "original_id": "1251146569170087939", "reply_id": "1251224115480014848", "label": "applause", "text": "If only you pay attention and do whats best for you, you wont b here shouting \"men are trash\" or \"men are dogs\". Some of you are the trash you keep talking about. Trash."} {"idx": 42650, "original_id": "1250854468477947909", "reply_id": "1250856284796211201", "label": "idk", "text": "Everyone!!! @HcMando will be live today at 5:30 CST!!! If your not doing anything stop by and hangout with him!!!"} {"idx": 42651, "original_id": "1251196164352983041", "reply_id": "1251226478886387714", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "In a GIF, how’s your week been?"} {"idx": 42653, "original_id": "1251214909511274497", "reply_id": "1251217972775063554", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Florida beaches are reopening. God fucking dammit people."} {"idx": 42658, "original_id": "1250946512198275072", "reply_id": "1251118843315060736", "label": "agree", "text": "She did it #TigerKing"} {"idx": 42659, "original_id": "1251023460022849536", "reply_id": "1251026015574544385", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "So........How DaBaby Album Sounding? Respond With A GIF"} {"idx": 42660, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1250921929885863939", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 42663, "original_id": "1251103343428210689", "reply_id": "1251135975616589832", "label": "want", "text": "Hockey"} {"idx": 42667, "original_id": "1251081453070319616", "reply_id": "1251140658955509760", "label": "seriously", "text": "Just had a dream that I got a fucked up haircut ! 😂😂 woke up grabbing my hair to double check"} {"idx": 42668, "original_id": "1250903612202659845", "reply_id": "1250908505764171778", "label": "yes", "text": "I haven’t really used twitter in a long time, Hmm, might be time..."} {"idx": 42669, "original_id": "1251127250348576769", "reply_id": "1251213871974625287", "label": "hug", "text": "I really just want a hug. That silent hug. That hug where you're being held held but you have to break it because you're about to start crying. You say thank you and lie if they ask if you're okay. I want that."} {"idx": 42673, "original_id": "1251127550807433218", "reply_id": "1251128593268092929", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Thank you @theaifc for coming up with such a great initiative for coaches.\n\nIt was a very interative session with @JeddyJohnAlmeid.\n\nWe are Lifelong student of the game."} {"idx": 42675, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251003277287632896", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 42676, "original_id": "1250550622488719360", "reply_id": "1250924477065674754", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm voting for Joe Biden and blue down the ticket, because I want to see Mitch's face when #MerrickGarland walks into the Senate for confirmation."} {"idx": 42679, "original_id": "1250928037698256896", "reply_id": "1250931216477564929", "label": "shocked", "text": "BUT for TONIGHT I need to know are you feeling ... sex for hours or just get to the point ?? #CoffeeWithKelly"} {"idx": 42683, "original_id": "1250969382341144577", "reply_id": "1250969942976950273", "label": "awww", "text": "now I know how he feels whenever he wakes up before me, I feel empty sia"} {"idx": 42684, "original_id": "1250914819366105088", "reply_id": "1251143128372797450", "label": "oops", "text": "Are your makeup brushes clean? Don’t lieeeeeee 👀"} {"idx": 42687, "original_id": "1251075591014662144", "reply_id": "1251170605627592709", "label": "no", "text": "If you support Biden like this\n\nI want to prove a point to someone"} {"idx": 42689, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251114356449832961", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42690, "original_id": "1250927101747789824", "reply_id": "1251053942731149312", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Hey @realDonaldTrump: can we just get one very important thing clear: no one gives a flying FUCK who’s a friend of yours..."} {"idx": 42695, "original_id": "1250912911385452545", "reply_id": "1250913775093338117", "label": "applause", "text": "Raise your hand if you're ready to Open Up America Again!\n\n#OUAA @realDonaldTrump \n\nLet's GO 🔥"} {"idx": 42696, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251116457590575106", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42697, "original_id": "1250814696724324353", "reply_id": "1250995582107365377", "label": "eww", "text": "I'm not a whore, but I'd totally love to be one for you."} {"idx": 42699, "original_id": "1251181250074669060", "reply_id": "1251190457222086657", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "My planks have gone from one minute to two minutes straight. Just thought we all needed some good news on this Friday."} {"idx": 42704, "original_id": "1250814142220570629", "reply_id": "1250909795944554496", "label": "please", "text": "Aye, aye, aye.\n\nMy COVID19 test came back. My mom is negative and I am positive, however I will be retesting at 1pm because of improper handling of the first swab. Hopefully it's a false positive.\n\n Prayers please."} {"idx": 42706, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250895089565491200", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 42712, "original_id": "1251141325124059137", "reply_id": "1251175302350413824", "label": "smh", "text": "Received my certificate of entitlement in the post\n\nJust ordered some new plates\n\nCan't do anything till they get here\n\nI'm gonna be a number plate wanker by the end of the week 😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 42714, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250941728057692160", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 42716, "original_id": "1251130961766436864", "reply_id": "1251260181570347009", "label": "hug", "text": "1 like = 1 happy"} {"idx": 42718, "original_id": "1250950668594171905", "reply_id": "1250951152516169729", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Happy #NationalHornyDay have fun yall!"} {"idx": 42720, "original_id": "1250935025287204865", "reply_id": "1250935470739128320", "label": "yes", "text": "\"No matter how dirty your past is, your future is still spotless.\""} {"idx": 42721, "original_id": "1250833519036772358", "reply_id": "1250851301728096256", "label": "agree", "text": "Rostam is back-the Game changer"} {"idx": 42723, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251234233944698881", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 42724, "original_id": "1250867165970026501", "reply_id": "1250867512369184770", "label": "applause", "text": "37-10 last 47 🙏"} {"idx": 42726, "original_id": "1250334973854224388", "reply_id": "1250915544074780673", "label": "wink", "text": "Today is the last day I'm doing this vigilante thing.\n\nSo I & 5 hefty guys were securing the front of our crip. I had a shovel, they had cutlasses. One then suggested we patrol and we agreed.\n\nLess than 100m walk, we saw two bikes accelerating towards us. Before I could say pim.."} {"idx": 42727, "original_id": "1250874929664442368", "reply_id": "1250893294785179649", "label": "awww", "text": "Remember to live for love, It’s time to be happy again. let’s go, you can do it."} {"idx": 42731, "original_id": "1251246414270611457", "reply_id": "1251247354902085632", "label": "no", "text": "If you ran the blue and orange...\n\nWould you give up Denver's first-round pick, second-round pick and a third this year, along with a third-round pick next year to trade up to No. 3 overall?"} {"idx": 42735, "original_id": "1250801894307463170", "reply_id": "1251002932473913345", "label": "please", "text": "Who is your favourite Friend?"} {"idx": 42740, "original_id": "1251218249334710272", "reply_id": "1251224559644180480", "label": "sigh", "text": "Anyone wanna come play Mario kart right now w me and my family?? 💖🤣🤣 they wanna play with y’all!!"} {"idx": 42741, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251005672646340608", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42744, "original_id": "1251000309507338242", "reply_id": "1251070922540216320", "label": "dance", "text": "So did y’all like??"} {"idx": 42750, "original_id": "1250888014932381698", "reply_id": "1250919228162498560", "label": "shocked", "text": "BREAKING: Jacksonville beaches and parks open tomorrow Friday! 5p with certain restrictions. @ActionNewsJax #COVID19"} {"idx": 42753, "original_id": "1251010327975788544", "reply_id": "1251227724431187970", "label": "agree", "text": "Real men appreciate thick thighs."} {"idx": 42754, "original_id": "1251179129946484737", "reply_id": "1251180008112033800", "label": "shocked", "text": "A lot went down recently so here's a recap:\n* @barinate02 has been suspended for 12 races (until Atlanta) due to comments made to a driver.\n* @Kylethekiller18 has been suspended 4 races for comments made to a driver.\n* @bean2713 has been suspended 3 races for a recent discovery."} {"idx": 42757, "original_id": "1250867790019465218", "reply_id": "1250880871927709696", "label": "agree", "text": "Here is what I like at first glance. It’s early but fun. Bears texans and colts my favorite ones. #NFLTwitter \n\nNiners u 10.5\nBears u 8.5\nColts o 8.5\nRams u 8.5\nRavens u 12\nSaints o 10.5\nTexans u 7.5\nFalcons o 7.5\nPackers o 8.5"} {"idx": 42758, "original_id": "1250946294597799939", "reply_id": "1250995907069218816", "label": "agree", "text": "I like Oprah, but she created two monsters: Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz."} {"idx": 42762, "original_id": "1251023460022849536", "reply_id": "1251023971061022722", "label": "smh", "text": "So........How DaBaby Album Sounding? Respond With A GIF"} {"idx": 42764, "original_id": "1251037473825796097", "reply_id": "1251107748722421763", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Welp didn’t finish my script I just don’t have the energy to do it tonight. I’ll just have to finish it in the morning then record and then edit it all tomorrow... tomorrow is gonna be a busy day hopefully I can just get it al done"} {"idx": 42766, "original_id": "1250097471549816832", "reply_id": "1250960605953089537", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s official. I’ve finally graduated university. It’s a BA. The first in my family. It may be small potatoes to some, but being the first to negotiate academia in a family, I feel, is an accomplishment in itself."} {"idx": 42767, "original_id": "1250861948570423296", "reply_id": "1251237376346783746", "label": "scared", "text": "Friends, during these coronavirus times (not being allowed to touch the face outdoors) how do you make the Sign of the Cross when passing a Catholic Church, in the event of an ambulance coming past, or a hearse, near a cemetery etc.? \n\n#ShortPowerfulPrayers #SignOfTheCross"} {"idx": 42771, "original_id": "1250984730222145536", "reply_id": "1250984998758346752", "label": "hug", "text": "I just about bawled after having the thought that all I want to do for my birthday next month is fly to Seattle and eat at Le Pichet."} {"idx": 42773, "original_id": "1251189459283873794", "reply_id": "1251190192754405376", "label": "win", "text": "If you’re reading this you’re still in the fight. Keep moving forward. 😤👊🏻"} {"idx": 42774, "original_id": "1250860382278897665", "reply_id": "1250863243201056775", "label": "seriously", "text": "I feel like this quarantine is hard for a lot of people Bc they have to spend time with the person they dislike the most. Themselves 👀"} {"idx": 42775, "original_id": "1250958074518532096", "reply_id": "1250958624702304256", "label": "ok", "text": "Guys many of you are using old tag ??????\n\nPlease use new tag 👉 \n#22ndSaintStillBeYourBoy\n\nAnd use only one tag 👆\n\n#Saint22ndBeGrownUp\n #Saint_sup"} {"idx": 42776, "original_id": "1251245474943729664", "reply_id": "1251245620263899138", "label": "eww", "text": "When you think a friend wants to catch up but instead he proposes working together private shows for 50/50 and now your sad cus a man thinks u need him to make money and even that split it 🤢🙄"} {"idx": 42781, "original_id": "1251253103543963655", "reply_id": "1251253520654725120", "label": "yes", "text": "#WritingCommunity, describe the feeling when a perfect opening line strikes you???? 😈🔪😇"} {"idx": 42782, "original_id": "1250993379728654341", "reply_id": "1250994958733017089", "label": "yes", "text": "ima host a tourney FREE entry $50-100 prize pool . most likely a warzone tourney more details soon!"} {"idx": 42784, "original_id": "1250793253856780290", "reply_id": "1250867230050582531", "label": "shocked", "text": "Can we talk about masturbating with pets in the room or is that taboo??"} {"idx": 42790, "original_id": "1248896890806116352", "reply_id": "1250930132371587072", "label": "agree", "text": "Why isn’t there a corn dog button on the microwave?"} {"idx": 42794, "original_id": "1250835674506366976", "reply_id": "1250837169717075971", "label": "seriously", "text": "You guys should blame Meridith Grey for my thinking Grey's Anatomy sucks, not me. I'm the victim here"} {"idx": 42795, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250978170054025217", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 42796, "original_id": "1250959261724807169", "reply_id": "1250959836633841664", "label": "agree", "text": "Plain potato chips are worthless unless one of two conditions are met:\n\n1. They are Pringles\n\n2. They have French onion dip next to them"} {"idx": 42797, "original_id": "1250831337373736960", "reply_id": "1250847985820479488", "label": "facepalm", "text": "When you try to groom your dog yourself and he turns into a gremlin except not the cute kind but the kind that come out if you feed them after midnight"} {"idx": 42798, "original_id": "1250893716715429888", "reply_id": "1251159483222392841", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "If We naked in bed & I scoot back...Sirrr nail me to the cross🥴🤣🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 42800, "original_id": "1250569326257733632", "reply_id": "1250871527144333313", "label": "agree", "text": "Don’t fuck with writers. They’ll describe you."} {"idx": 42802, "original_id": "1250911136960020482", "reply_id": "1250911464304467968", "label": "thank_you", "text": "We have only tested 1% of our population #fail #COVID19 #PressBriefing"} {"idx": 42803, "original_id": "1251180440112836614", "reply_id": "1251182354095366144", "label": "yes", "text": "Why don’t we shut down the Mainstream Media for 30 days?\n\nWe could watch 90% of our nation’s problems disappear! 😂"} {"idx": 42804, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250975039022870528", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 42805, "original_id": "1251019030195912704", "reply_id": "1251019209951211520", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "This guy just told me that he has a crush on me and I replied \"Why do the people I consider bhai start crushing over me\". Uska bura laga shayad."} {"idx": 42807, "original_id": "1250881190040657924", "reply_id": "1251087630713917440", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I haven't had a toogood day, but I want to put this here:\n\nThank you everyone for being so truly amazing. You all mean so much to me, I can't even express my gratitude. Many of you are closer to me than most of my irl friends. I'm so thankfull to have you all ❤\n\nLove you all ❤"} {"idx": 42808, "original_id": "1251031163411542016", "reply_id": "1251031533009408000", "label": "hug", "text": "Thank you for all of the supportive comments. I usually hold strong but the weight of having your body failing you and things falling apart has been a lot. But I never lose my hope or faith. I may just have to dream a new dream. Love you all.❤ We are all stronger together💪"} {"idx": 42810, "original_id": "1251149347237969924", "reply_id": "1251184447220842502", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Pssst . . . disaster researchers: next week on #COVIDCalls . . . Kathleen Tierney."} {"idx": 42814, "original_id": "1250816404456189953", "reply_id": "1250863687155548162", "label": "yes", "text": "Is J. Cole a top 10 artist of all time?"} {"idx": 42816, "original_id": "1251208909752279041", "reply_id": "1251224118894243843", "label": "idk", "text": "I’ve had a twitter for about 4 months now and I still don’t get it."} {"idx": 42817, "original_id": "1250854502594342919", "reply_id": "1250948300913741827", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Shortening my tweets... hi"} {"idx": 42821, "original_id": "1250884088984035328", "reply_id": "1250906213275107328", "label": "shocked", "text": "Since we’re in quarantine...\n\nYou tryin to Zoom and boom?"} {"idx": 42822, "original_id": "1250900580454858752", "reply_id": "1251227060003110913", "label": "smh", "text": "i just took a dab after forgetting to put water in the rig and bitch i saw the light"} {"idx": 42824, "original_id": "1250925118517280768", "reply_id": "1250929072525455360", "label": "no", "text": "Guys... I really want Adam Trautman on the #Colts"} {"idx": 42826, "original_id": "1250983935611297793", "reply_id": "1251110568930488321", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m not crying. You’re crying. No, wait... I’m crying. #MamaWong is a champ! SO MUCH LOVE for my fellow chefs and their family members for kitchen support @StephanieCmar @ChefMelissaKing @BryanVoltaggio @KAkunowicz @chefnininguyen @ChefJenCarroll @BravoTopChef #mamawong #family"} {"idx": 42828, "original_id": "1250971736805343232", "reply_id": "1250972774635646976", "label": "applause", "text": "taco with no brim"} {"idx": 42829, "original_id": "1251182239746002945", "reply_id": "1251183164329988100", "label": "eww", "text": "Man saw a lady cough twice into her arm, clear runny nose, no mask in the PRODUCE SECTION at @wegmans state college."} {"idx": 42830, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251110180911222784", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 42831, "original_id": "1251207488193433601", "reply_id": "1251208445862096896", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "I’ve really been blown away by the reception and stories shared with me of what this character and game means to everyone. Thank you for sharing your stories and supporting us so fully! I feel the love and appreciate all of you! ❤️❤️❤️\n@finalfantasyvii #FFVIIRemake #FFVIIR #Tifa"} {"idx": 42832, "original_id": "1250831231874486272", "reply_id": "1250832809612148738", "label": "please", "text": "Come and learn forex trading!!! People are really making money even in this pandemic. There’s time to learn all you need now plus the training is free. Leave your village ppl alone and DM me for links. Ahn ahn!"} {"idx": 42835, "original_id": "1250823933223251973", "reply_id": "1250964225385734144", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "i think once i'm done with work being on camera in the near future, will be emotionally trained to be completely numb to absolutely everything. i will be able to conquer whatever the fuck i want :o"} {"idx": 42836, "original_id": "1250549086970880004", "reply_id": "1250845254581997570", "label": "yes", "text": "I don't mean to sound negative but does anyone think we will have a 2nd wave of COVID-19 ?"} {"idx": 42837, "original_id": "1251046174301147136", "reply_id": "1251056274185183232", "label": "ok", "text": "Pro players of you have ever wanted to do a giant give away i urge you to do it right now and have your stream title be GIVEAWAY FREE ARCANA AND STEAM WALLET so that we can protect these viewbot streams if valorent can do it ehy cant we I ask you #protectthebots"} {"idx": 42839, "original_id": "1251188125759569920", "reply_id": "1251239158477205507", "label": "agree", "text": "My Quarantine Haiku\n\nThis sucks this sucks this\nSucks this sucks this sucks this sucks\nThis sucks this sucks butt"} {"idx": 42840, "original_id": "1251019576084533249", "reply_id": "1251042990501425153", "label": "no", "text": "The Office sucks"} {"idx": 42841, "original_id": "1250909582446256129", "reply_id": "1251130668622532608", "label": "facepalm", "text": "The dishes are looking at me dirty again"} {"idx": 42845, "original_id": "1250862352708308992", "reply_id": "1250862642140459008", "label": "no", "text": "Moving to the Nashville area sounds more and more appealing each day"} {"idx": 42846, "original_id": "1250991547081986053", "reply_id": "1250999809764241411", "label": "applause", "text": "My PC fixed😁 but I lost everything🥴"} {"idx": 42853, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251104727825289218", "label": "yes", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 42855, "original_id": "1250954944649273345", "reply_id": "1251255630293135360", "label": "yes", "text": "Great news! I spoke with my brother and he and his wife will NOT be voting for trump. He said he's watched him lie and be an asshole long enough. He thanked me for my Facebook posts which made him start paying better attention. Now that he's watching him every day, he's done! 👍"} {"idx": 42862, "original_id": "1251149813413904384", "reply_id": "1251158542054088707", "label": "seriously", "text": "It’s hard going from Lobster to Fish sticks. I need to get back to work😮🤦🏽‍♂️😢😷"} {"idx": 42865, "original_id": "1251224421685006342", "reply_id": "1251232176647008256", "label": "yes", "text": "i want a babyyyyyyy 🥺"} {"idx": 42866, "original_id": "1251159077624807429", "reply_id": "1251164502101540865", "label": "applause", "text": "Paying off my car 2 years early?! The only thing that’s gone right lately so I’ll fucking take it. 💪🏻"} {"idx": 42868, "original_id": "1251135560745472001", "reply_id": "1251260285299679239", "label": "applause", "text": "Seeing the feedback and how much you’re loving Wastelanders and Fallout 76 has meant everything to us. \n\nIt’s been a long road, thanks for sticking with us and the game. We couldn’t do it without you."} {"idx": 42869, "original_id": "1250875390664609795", "reply_id": "1250876806254772225", "label": "oops", "text": "Who wants to pay off my mortgage this month?"} {"idx": 42871, "original_id": "1250975006235885568", "reply_id": "1250998763939745793", "label": "high_five", "text": "Spending today working on my thesis after months of not being able to do anything other than teaching, marking, and writing lectures, and HOO BOY it feels so good 🥰"} {"idx": 42873, "original_id": "1251193711691804674", "reply_id": "1251218435524063232", "label": "shocked", "text": "Everytime I talk about graduation my mom says “let’s just wait and see if you graduate”. Okay thanks mom😑"} {"idx": 42875, "original_id": "1250842373921206274", "reply_id": "1250904316623433732", "label": "please", "text": "NEW UNIFORMS ARE STILL BY FAR THE BEST IN THE LEAGUE"} {"idx": 42876, "original_id": "1250215633066786816", "reply_id": "1250966096947154949", "label": "applause", "text": "How does everybody feel about trump cutting off funding to the world health organization and stating that they are responsible for coronavirus deaths?"} {"idx": 42877, "original_id": "1251166046041657349", "reply_id": "1251186626031648769", "label": "shocked", "text": "just saw a snap memory from 3 years ago of my ex and audibly \n🎤~gaAaAaAaAsped~🎤"} {"idx": 42878, "original_id": "1250853015550144514", "reply_id": "1250943920164536325", "label": "wink", "text": "What does a meat pounder even look like, this recipe is saying to use one"} {"idx": 42880, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250961093494747136", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 42881, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250861058467794956", "label": "omg", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 42882, "original_id": "1250612696518733826", "reply_id": "1251048982295359490", "label": "applause", "text": "For long time fans here im bringing back deep web stuff weekly."} {"idx": 42883, "original_id": "1250687108517212160", "reply_id": "1250975843750477827", "label": "scared", "text": "The Stimulus Check is NOT for a PC The Stimulus Check is NOT for a PC The Stimulus Check is NOT for a PC The Stimulus Check is NOT for a PC The Stimulus Check is NOT for a PC The Stimulus Check is NOT for a PC The Stimulus Check is NOT for a PC The Stimulus Check is NOT for a PC"} {"idx": 42884, "original_id": "1250805761803907073", "reply_id": "1250835237237653506", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“The #Vikings said they weren’t going to trade Harvin or Diggs either.”\n\nSo now every time a name is brought up in trade speculation, they automatically assume that a deal is going to get done."} {"idx": 42885, "original_id": "1250942290501066752", "reply_id": "1250947219198365696", "label": "awww", "text": "Yolies gotta be one of my favorite people 🥺✨"} {"idx": 42886, "original_id": "1251210339145965575", "reply_id": "1251212203824254976", "label": "hug", "text": "i have decided. i feel bad today."} {"idx": 42889, "original_id": "1251176471621537793", "reply_id": "1251212370245902336", "label": "agree", "text": "A bunch of y’all buddy buddy with eachother then talk shit the next minute that’s why my circle small 😴"} {"idx": 42890, "original_id": "1251131291967291392", "reply_id": "1251139038041473029", "label": "smh", "text": "I had a dream I was watching Florida beat up on Tennessee in football this coming season. Man, if we don’t get football I’m going to be DEVASTATED 🥺😭"} {"idx": 42891, "original_id": "1250947431963004928", "reply_id": "1250966583960375296", "label": "eww", "text": "y’all smell that? taurus szn. 😎"} {"idx": 42892, "original_id": "1250717864002281473", "reply_id": "1250902028215181312", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "How are you all doing? Sum it up in a GIF..."} {"idx": 42893, "original_id": "1250934157267668993", "reply_id": "1250938910387113984", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Getting 👶🏼 out of the shower and ready for bed, she grabs my face and says, “I hate to tell you this, but you look a hot mess.” 🙄 #neverholdsback #alotlikeme #butcmongirl #cutmommasomeslack"} {"idx": 42894, "original_id": "1250988586956193797", "reply_id": "1250996850078990336", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Just want to graduate with a Master of Arts in Mass Communication and Public Relations minor in 2020. Please send prayers my way! This is no walk in the park. Ain’t no #QuaratineAndChill 😭#QuarantineActivities #Quarantine #StayHome"} {"idx": 42895, "original_id": "1251152828384436225", "reply_id": "1251153280312291329", "label": "no", "text": "so should I download DaBaby album or what ?"} {"idx": 42900, "original_id": "1250819637517959169", "reply_id": "1250939355302178819", "label": "yes", "text": "Top 3 hockey movies of all time \n\n1. Slapshot\n2. Miracle \n3. Mighty Ducks"} {"idx": 42902, "original_id": "1250944283173158924", "reply_id": "1250946532985245696", "label": "hug", "text": "Can I get a virtual hug? 🥺 because my graduation for my senior year of the 2020-2021 school year might be cancelled because of the Coronavirus >:( can I have a hug from you guys? Pls? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🙏 please? Anyone? @faniplier? @Jackietaylorbr2 @MarkipliteW @honk_it_worlds"} {"idx": 42904, "original_id": "1250850229047484416", "reply_id": "1250854947693920259", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just farted and nearly shit myself. Is it normal to be that afraid of your own farts?"} {"idx": 42905, "original_id": "1250881234777055234", "reply_id": "1250883763648815109", "label": "yes", "text": "That nutcase is going to 'open' America isn't he? 😱"} {"idx": 42906, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250897725702516736", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 42907, "original_id": "1250916866018537473", "reply_id": "1251015778813411330", "label": "hug", "text": "Week 5 of quarantine: parents don't seem to realize that I've learned a completely new skill set in a VERY short amount of time. I am TRYING MY BEST KAREN. TEACH THIS CLASS YOURSELF IF YOU WANT TO BE MEAN."} {"idx": 42910, "original_id": "1250775717970939905", "reply_id": "1250898608385191937", "label": "oops", "text": "Do not like or RT this. Don't. You're naughty and will be punished if you do so."} {"idx": 42911, "original_id": "1250863511980343296", "reply_id": "1250976958113918976", "label": "hug", "text": "As we head into another 3 weeks of Lockdown it means it will be at least 2 months for me on my own. A mate dropped off some wine for me and I'm sitting here remembering how many fucking legends I've had the privilege to have known over these last 11 years or so."} {"idx": 42912, "original_id": "1251018006139789313", "reply_id": "1251122323907887104", "label": "yes", "text": "TWO AND A HALF HOUR EPISODE GOES LIVE TOMORROW AT 6AM PST."} {"idx": 42915, "original_id": "1250833130522644484", "reply_id": "1251227253356195840", "label": "applause", "text": "My dad once grounded me for a whole summer in high school because I got home 15 minutes past curfew. I remembered that fondly today as I reported him for breaking quarantine."} {"idx": 42916, "original_id": "1251025254836695040", "reply_id": "1251027472230965248", "label": "ok", "text": "Stop checking your phone nobody texted you 😂😂"} {"idx": 42918, "original_id": "1251137888936484864", "reply_id": "1251138582468792320", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@Trizzn happy birthday :)"} {"idx": 42921, "original_id": "1250870431789309953", "reply_id": "1250870623078879232", "label": "agree", "text": "@citizentvkenya #NewsGang It will be written in the books of history that this war was not won by bullets but soap and water,no military sophisticated equipments but nurses and doctors..Meaning everyone has a part to play"} {"idx": 42923, "original_id": "1251207486574661633", "reply_id": "1251209450448318464", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug wtf"} {"idx": 42925, "original_id": "1250840003355312129", "reply_id": "1250840700398325760", "label": "hug", "text": "Oh no. My mood. It gone."} {"idx": 42928, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251035982398279683", "label": "hearts", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 42930, "original_id": "1250964248873914368", "reply_id": "1250965502236790791", "label": "applause", "text": "My period on. I’m in a long distance relationship, I’m horny AND we in quarantine. So I had a dream about a girl... a fine biddy and she was tryna get atcha girl... guess what y’all.. PERIOD ON IN THE DREAM! I am depression."} {"idx": 42932, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1251010519038742529", "label": "yes", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 42935, "original_id": "1250992277641736192", "reply_id": "1251080001266614280", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I used to struggle so much with eating , id go days or even full weeks without eating & now thanks to my boyfriend i got my confidence back & when i look at a meal i just say \" my boyfriend thinks im beautiful so idc \" , hes been such a great help in my life 💘 my #1 supporter."} {"idx": 42941, "original_id": "1250845560468393986", "reply_id": "1250872297184952328", "label": "thank_you", "text": "🗣️Bring back the bronze helmets"} {"idx": 42942, "original_id": "1250601817811103744", "reply_id": "1250885398689177607", "label": "high_five", "text": "Governor #wolf is a idiot. Not only are you mandating masks when some of the country will be reopening May 1st but your also trying to veto a bill that would help small businesses open. You need to go! PA has the highest claims of unemployment in the U.S. that’s insane!"} {"idx": 42943, "original_id": "1250769279131308035", "reply_id": "1250863888326971399", "label": "high_five", "text": "Let's play a game. Drop an Emoji and I will rate your profile picture on a scale of 1-10.\n😎😎"} {"idx": 42944, "original_id": "1251135618215747585", "reply_id": "1251137836528566273", "label": "no", "text": "Should Canada and the US re-open their borders, or wait the pandemic out for as long as it takes? Let us know. \n\nEMAIL US: feedback@breakfasttelevision.ca"} {"idx": 42947, "original_id": "1251204014949183488", "reply_id": "1251207113604554753", "label": "awww", "text": "Jon S. from the Braves has checked on me more times during this baseball drought than half my friends."} {"idx": 42949, "original_id": "1250924622536749057", "reply_id": "1250930526715670529", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Anyone need a copy for YeezySupply this weekend?\n\nReply to this tweet and I will pick a few!"} {"idx": 42950, "original_id": "1250772462473637894", "reply_id": "1251178756955189248", "label": "applause", "text": "I feel guilty to upload pictures of food on social media these days for I know there are millions out there without food and water and starving. 😔"} {"idx": 42951, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251265794178072576", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 42952, "original_id": "1250797684983607296", "reply_id": "1251123746510864384", "label": "scared", "text": "If 2020 was a gif, what gif would it be?"} {"idx": 42953, "original_id": "1251172408419143688", "reply_id": "1251183816540131329", "label": "yes", "text": "It’s okay to go from coffee straight to beers right?"} {"idx": 42954, "original_id": "1250951499804553217", "reply_id": "1250963787944869888", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Speaking with @seanhannity on Fox News Channel in just a few minutes.\n\nTune in!"} {"idx": 42955, "original_id": "1251143878180143104", "reply_id": "1251145782884839424", "label": "agree", "text": "“If you have to hurt other people in order to feel powerful, you are an extremely weak individual.” - Bobby Mattingly"} {"idx": 42958, "original_id": "1251245119623364609", "reply_id": "1251261383930335232", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "📽️ WORLD WAR Z(4th time)😅\n BRAD PITT😊😍"} {"idx": 42959, "original_id": "1250846414411689984", "reply_id": "1250846992424529920", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "are you guys ready to pay the big bucks when boxing comes back \n\nCanelo vs GGG \nFury vs Wilder 3 -$100\nDavis vs LSC- $75\nLoma vs Lopez- $75\nManny vs M Garcia\nSpence vs DSG -$75\nBud vs Brook- $75"} {"idx": 42961, "original_id": "1251037054911332352", "reply_id": "1251037891632955392", "label": "idk", "text": "Goodmorning.\n\"If you are born poor its not your mistake,but if you die poor,its your mistake\"~Bill Gates"} {"idx": 42962, "original_id": "1251137541929041921", "reply_id": "1251144350278365186", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "🚨New Fiona Apple album today🚨"} {"idx": 42964, "original_id": "1251145350515220480", "reply_id": "1251200572243488774", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Pandemic has brought out the nasty this morning. Y’all need more fucking coffee or a heart. One or the other."} {"idx": 42966, "original_id": "1250911357270196226", "reply_id": "1250974383646089217", "label": "shocked", "text": "Hey Gemini if you have to TELL yourself “I don’t even care” .....it means you probably do... probably so much it HURTS. And funny enough, the more you say “I don’t even care” the more you actually DO. Ok yeah yeah yeah I know “you’re too loud @thatssogemini” got it lol"} {"idx": 42967, "original_id": "1250792543782154241", "reply_id": "1250950626307190784", "label": "hug", "text": "Okay, this one cut me to the bone.\n\nDon't think I'll be getting out of bed today"} {"idx": 42968, "original_id": "1251087191192637442", "reply_id": "1251241133570551809", "label": "applause", "text": "Today I ironed a tablecloth. But only half of it. I simply did not have the will to continue. Sadly a true story."} {"idx": 42970, "original_id": "1250952612020539392", "reply_id": "1251126956898357248", "label": "no", "text": "Yes hi my 5 year old ate orange slices on his pizza and I’d like the number for the FBI please"} {"idx": 42974, "original_id": "1250841586734415877", "reply_id": "1250864841092407296", "label": "hug", "text": "Can’t be arsed anymore 😭"} {"idx": 42976, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250851311597129728", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 42977, "original_id": "1250921525089312769", "reply_id": "1250924242096599041", "label": "popcorn", "text": "oxygen is having a 12 day marathon on serial killers I’m so excited"} {"idx": 42980, "original_id": "1251133568857735170", "reply_id": "1251145684973047814", "label": "shocked", "text": "I love it when I go to bed and I hear birds chirping"} {"idx": 42982, "original_id": "1251209719198474240", "reply_id": "1251226060085243904", "label": "applause", "text": "New goal for first YouTube video: Monday release. \n Maybe Tuesday."} {"idx": 42984, "original_id": "1251147901138436096", "reply_id": "1251153006059372544", "label": "facepalm", "text": "You can’t say 1k and forget about saying noah 🤣😂 1knoah"} {"idx": 42986, "original_id": "1251144781205516288", "reply_id": "1251149217441017866", "label": "eww", "text": "ngl i miss build-a-bear"} {"idx": 42987, "original_id": "1250834090749825027", "reply_id": "1250836989517185026", "label": "no", "text": "Carbonated yogurt"} {"idx": 42989, "original_id": "1251206989339856898", "reply_id": "1251267633762066432", "label": "win", "text": "Pres Trump said governors \"call the shots\" for opening their states. Today, he tweeted \"LIBERATE MINNESOTA\" (as well as MI and VA). A \"liberate Minnesota\" protest is now being organized in front of the MN governor's residence. So much for supporting the Govs. #coronavirus"} {"idx": 42990, "original_id": "1251135618215747585", "reply_id": "1251155569970298880", "label": "no", "text": "Should Canada and the US re-open their borders, or wait the pandemic out for as long as it takes? Let us know. \n\nEMAIL US: feedback@breakfasttelevision.ca"} {"idx": 42998, "original_id": "1250948155136450561", "reply_id": "1251196499108773888", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "mars ruled venuses aren’t here to make you feel good. they’re here to make you feel alive."} {"idx": 42999, "original_id": "1251133623543246859", "reply_id": "1251134460235591681", "label": "high_five", "text": "Good morning ☀️ today is another day to fight. Fight to win! You got this! Love, Pulte"} {"idx": 43001, "original_id": "1251004735877836800", "reply_id": "1251006030454145024", "label": "shocked", "text": "guys i don’t mean to be rude but i think this virus is definitely NOT cool."} {"idx": 43002, "original_id": "1250891306152460288", "reply_id": "1250894814763196416", "label": "hug", "text": "I don't want to be alone"} {"idx": 43006, "original_id": "1251063222012182530", "reply_id": "1251065366643642371", "label": "eww", "text": "An interesting (if slightly disturbing) observation from my husband, currently working in community pharmacy behind a perspex screen... the screen needs to be cleaned v frequently due to small spit droplets from people on the other side - was never aware of this face to face 😬"} {"idx": 43009, "original_id": "1250852563223744513", "reply_id": "1250858221830410240", "label": "no", "text": "Are you buying Trump’s grievances about the W.H.O?"} {"idx": 43010, "original_id": "1251192970344366083", "reply_id": "1251229938344222723", "label": "yes", "text": "#Libra often crave for sweet stuff after meals."} {"idx": 43013, "original_id": "1250972747582312449", "reply_id": "1250976629993672710", "label": "wink", "text": "I just realized who @CrownedPrinceHC is lmao"} {"idx": 43014, "original_id": "1251020053232758784", "reply_id": "1251022951748562945", "label": "please", "text": "I’m feeling generous tonight.. who wants an L in cup pong or darts?"} {"idx": 43017, "original_id": "1251126500016959488", "reply_id": "1251269324255494144", "label": "no", "text": "Squirting is piss\nAss eating is fucking gross\n.....I fucked your wife"} {"idx": 43019, "original_id": "1250980326878449664", "reply_id": "1250981235561836546", "label": "applause", "text": "🐼📢 \n\nWe are constantly applying fixes for deposits and withdraws (among other things), for example our CSGO Marketplace withdraw (using @WAXPEER) should be more stable now.\n\nAlso, very important: Everyone's ETH and BTC addresses changed, use your new addresses when depositing."} {"idx": 43021, "original_id": "1251212337140453376", "reply_id": "1251222357588443136", "label": "wink", "text": "Snow in mid April is gonna be the thing that breaks me."} {"idx": 43022, "original_id": "1250990294801084418", "reply_id": "1250990474657255428", "label": "ok", "text": "unless u my mama ion owe u a text back. suck a dick"} {"idx": 43023, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251269900502544384", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 43024, "original_id": "1250940698007871490", "reply_id": "1250942455056420865", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m a legend.....gonna become very apparent very very soon 🤷🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 43026, "original_id": "1250974065248141313", "reply_id": "1251272471820582913", "label": "hug", "text": "Oolong didn’t nap today. Instead he spent a lot of this afternoon trying to get me to play with him while I was in meetings. He finally gave up and dejectedly sat in front of the TV to watch the third random Disney movie I put on today to distract him and I feel like total shit."} {"idx": 43027, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250869029515997184", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43028, "original_id": "1250892787278585864", "reply_id": "1250897713698410498", "label": "applause", "text": "Okay here me out: CeeDee Lamb....in an Eagles Uniform"} {"idx": 43034, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1251200131451543555", "label": "no", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 43035, "original_id": "1251201920183816192", "reply_id": "1251206560161976327", "label": "shocked", "text": "Unpopular opinion: yellow and orange starburst are the better flavors. The pink and red are overrated."} {"idx": 43036, "original_id": "1250974576021917697", "reply_id": "1250975322356449280", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "May you all be blessed with these folks on here. Or in Normie's case, just block them all.\n@Leroy_Brown7 \n@thesmugglerdav1 \n@covfefepot \n@PYeetimus \n@GingerMorticia \n@OffensivelyHigh \n@MrNukemCocaine \n@JTSandman10 \n@slomotion4199 \n@lee_bail83 \n@AsTheWorldBurnz \n@RealGitmoTrump"} {"idx": 43037, "original_id": "1251161757998911491", "reply_id": "1251222689257336833", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "File this in the SMH file. \n\nDude writes a companion \"You don't have to worry about me. I had chickenpox when I was 7. I have immunity to viruses\""} {"idx": 43042, "original_id": "1250515808356188160", "reply_id": "1250853488449462275", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Thank you All, Rusev out!"} {"idx": 43048, "original_id": "1251200653256536065", "reply_id": "1251213888152047616", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Do guys just genuinly like making girls cry?"} {"idx": 43050, "original_id": "1250739718477807616", "reply_id": "1251025099911688192", "label": "hug", "text": "In case my subconscious doesn’t know this,.... The list of people I don’t want to dream about; pretty much starts with my ex. Hello 5:30am and an emotional gut punch.💔"} {"idx": 43053, "original_id": "1250828723508699136", "reply_id": "1250839064477085700", "label": "hug", "text": "You guys don't know, but this whole pandemic thing has aggravated my mental well being. That's why I haven't been uploading regularly. I just have a lot on my plate. Good vibes would be nice right now. (1/2) @BrianLeBel @xxcfox99xx @maazracer @OrigatoProject #pokemongo"} {"idx": 43055, "original_id": "1251058185131048963", "reply_id": "1251058515071942656", "label": "hug", "text": "I want to cry 😞"} {"idx": 43057, "original_id": "1251163322814062593", "reply_id": "1251249519683141633", "label": "smh", "text": "Serious question for #Libertarian-minded folks: Assuming @justinamash doesn't get the @LPNational nomination, is there anyone realistic @JoeBiden might pick as VP that would get you giving him a second look?"} {"idx": 43058, "original_id": "1251131679697022979", "reply_id": "1251133452524625926", "label": "high_five", "text": "Would I stop watching/supporting my favorite comedian/actor/singer/athlete because they support Donald Trump?\n\nYou bet your fucking ass I would.\n\nWhy the fuck would I keep supporting someone who is alright with a xenophobic/racist president?"} {"idx": 43059, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251173616449921025", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43061, "original_id": "1250948643525459969", "reply_id": "1251018751216168961", "label": "sigh", "text": "El Salvador, Uganda and Kenya are using the coronavirus pandemic as an “opportunity for brutality”, according to @hrw exec director @KenRoth, while other leaders such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban had been using the virus as a pretext for power-grabs."} {"idx": 43062, "original_id": "1250996253686669318", "reply_id": "1251126056855183361", "label": "applause", "text": "there's something really wrong with the way this stimulus was distributed when there are people telling me they got it and don't even need it when i know there are people who couldn't get it that it would make a world of difference for 😏 #StimulusPackage2020"} {"idx": 43068, "original_id": "1251091315032502272", "reply_id": "1251103227220824064", "label": "omg", "text": "It’s snowing again. 🙄"} {"idx": 43076, "original_id": "1250918310633508864", "reply_id": "1250923972822253568", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm sad."} {"idx": 43078, "original_id": "1250832023805210624", "reply_id": "1251205262637101056", "label": "idk", "text": "If multiple teams are ”aggressively trying to trade up” for CeeDee Lamb shouldn't the Browns just take him 🤔"} {"idx": 43079, "original_id": "1250925157885059073", "reply_id": "1250927589822279682", "label": "hearts", "text": "I didn’t realize just HOW much I missed my students till these FlipGrid videos started pouring in. The smile on my face just keeps growing! @EtownAreaMS @KaraSchoessler"} {"idx": 43082, "original_id": "1250911934314156033", "reply_id": "1250924656607010816", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I just want to say that this has always been a @KyleWalkine Beard Fan account. I'm glad this time of hardship has some blessings."} {"idx": 43083, "original_id": "1250848144201580545", "reply_id": "1250851993272283136", "label": "awww", "text": "When you fall for someone’s personality, everything about them becomes beautiful."} {"idx": 43086, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250969616110804992", "label": "want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 43087, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251217353523658753", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 43088, "original_id": "1251018755792162817", "reply_id": "1251019324774666243", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "If you a top notch bitch lemme hear you holla"} {"idx": 43090, "original_id": "1250914318574596096", "reply_id": "1250915097914028034", "label": "agree", "text": "How can Mike Pence spend this much time kissing Trump’s ass and still maintain social distancing guidelines?"} {"idx": 43091, "original_id": "1250515663162146823", "reply_id": "1250946239421714435", "label": "agree", "text": "Thinking\nIf Trump & 'em\nSaw #coronavirus coming\n+ knew contagion risk\nThey would've seen the\nUS shutdown coming B4\nAny of us. State Govs included.\nRight?\nMeaning bailout shoulda\nHappened earlier.\nBack then, prolly coulda called it \nSumpn more proactive than a\nBailout."} {"idx": 43093, "original_id": "1250807093231267841", "reply_id": "1250964230729326592", "label": "ok", "text": "I'm from #Michigan and what you all witnessed over Social Media & the news was the vocal minority NOT the majority of the state. Please don't lump all those dumbasses in the same boat as I.\n\nI support #GovWhitmer and her order of #StayHomeStaySafe. \n\n💙💙💙💙"} {"idx": 43094, "original_id": "1251247464729935875", "reply_id": "1251248448764022786", "label": "hug", "text": "it's back again...my eating problem...I just...I was there...I was able to eat properly..."} {"idx": 43096, "original_id": "1251258789539516416", "reply_id": "1251266001834061825", "label": "hug", "text": "Wherever you are right now, just know that I’m thinking of you, and I’m pulling for you to make it through all this madness!\n\nWe all we got!"} {"idx": 43098, "original_id": "1250971131084853248", "reply_id": "1250972361211478017", "label": "yes", "text": "JUST IN: China's economy shrunk by 6.8% in first quarter of 2020"} {"idx": 43101, "original_id": "1251105569097814017", "reply_id": "1251129300394348545", "label": "shocked", "text": "I've lost the ability to \"like\" a tweet."} {"idx": 43102, "original_id": "1250957217349750785", "reply_id": "1250958424181018628", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Uh oh. The single malt just came out. This could get fun for you all"} {"idx": 43105, "original_id": "1250843004908310534", "reply_id": "1251138095908560896", "label": "no", "text": "Y’all think Steph doing what Trey doing in a ATL?"} {"idx": 43109, "original_id": "1251176180549648386", "reply_id": "1251226246761066502", "label": "dance", "text": "We recently passed 10,000 followers on Twitter. Pretty awesome. How about a giveaway in the near future? \n\nI mean. Does anyone want that?\n\nHmm."} {"idx": 43110, "original_id": "1250938512498733058", "reply_id": "1250951538266312704", "label": "yes", "text": "my husband just said those eleven words every woman wants to hear:\n\n\"actually, i don't think luke skywalker was a well-developed character.\""} {"idx": 43111, "original_id": "1251192766106910721", "reply_id": "1251199766337327106", "label": "applause", "text": "Seem like my parents wanted me to have a boyfriend more then I did 😂😂 they in love with this boy lol"} {"idx": 43112, "original_id": "1250900776370802694", "reply_id": "1250903897499226112", "label": "agree", "text": "What I believe is, if President Trump wanted to keep us locked down until Aug. the Democrats would be screaming we need to open back up now."} {"idx": 43114, "original_id": "1250833190366973953", "reply_id": "1251011612057784320", "label": "smh", "text": "Does anyone else hate, and I mean fucking despise “You’ll never walk alone’’?"} {"idx": 43115, "original_id": "1251167050183081985", "reply_id": "1251173910143307781", "label": "no", "text": "Hey @mcbyrne and @lpackard - Did you know that all pickles are trash?"} {"idx": 43116, "original_id": "1250920036799258629", "reply_id": "1250921366179774464", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "What do you think about the protesters? “They seem to like me.“"} {"idx": 43119, "original_id": "1250964102035443714", "reply_id": "1250967284044177409", "label": "no", "text": "Can cousins fuck ? 🤔"} {"idx": 43122, "original_id": "1250852474199695363", "reply_id": "1250854428070105095", "label": "shocked", "text": "I like turning men into sluts. I really get a kick out of it. 😍"} {"idx": 43123, "original_id": "1251003355369033728", "reply_id": "1251066925762973702", "label": "agree", "text": "Some of y’all don’t know or don’t understand the saying “you don’t have to tell your left hand what your right hand is doing.” And it shows...\n\nKeep your mouth shut about your business and keep grinding."} {"idx": 43124, "original_id": "1251255447425822720", "reply_id": "1251256030396387329", "label": "agree", "text": "#TCMParty If only this FLW house were located in Carmel. Or even here in Austin. And if only I were filthy rich. Sigh. #NxNW"} {"idx": 43125, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251042262038900736", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 43126, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251032944979800064", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 43128, "original_id": "1250729069794164737", "reply_id": "1250884926196666368", "label": "awww", "text": "I'm super tired and I have a headache, leave cute pics of animals in the comments to cheer me up 🌿"} {"idx": 43133, "original_id": "1250911710082260992", "reply_id": "1251029804729556993", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I keep hearing about \"non-essential\" businesses. Perhaps they're \"non-essential from a consumption perspective but they're darn essential to the owner of the business and those who work there."} {"idx": 43134, "original_id": "1251201482503962625", "reply_id": "1251201883047411714", "label": "shocked", "text": "My nose hair clipper thingy has died.\n\nWill have to do it manually from here on in..."} {"idx": 43136, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250897739338125312", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 43139, "original_id": "1250988635119398913", "reply_id": "1251045695232114695", "label": "no", "text": "If you ask me.. Uzi is definitely a better artist than Carti. Facts or nah?"} {"idx": 43142, "original_id": "1251219357369319427", "reply_id": "1251220977238904832", "label": "hearts", "text": "It could be love if you want it 👉🏻👈🏻🥺"} {"idx": 43143, "original_id": "1250645694106480642", "reply_id": "1250877111176499201", "label": "applause", "text": "So trump said fuck us. “keep broke college students broke”"} {"idx": 43145, "original_id": "1250831184139096064", "reply_id": "1250838438196195328", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "There are 2 metrics that aren't listed on any SEC filing or internal document, which are hard to measure, and that reflect 2 of a wrestling company's most valuable (and often underappreciated) assets: the trust of the audience and the trust of talent and other workers."} {"idx": 43148, "original_id": "1250856614200033280", "reply_id": "1251150134554984448", "label": "omg", "text": "I’m beginning to think one of my friends might be an idiot"} {"idx": 43150, "original_id": "1250930937820397568", "reply_id": "1250949176910888965", "label": "yes", "text": "There is but one NHL Mount Rushmore \n\nGretzky\nLemieux \nOrr\nHowe\n\nI get it if you wanna put Crosby, Hasek, Jagr, Lidstrom or any number of Hall of Famers up there. \n\nBut you’d be wrong."} {"idx": 43151, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251223606681624576", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43154, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250977558927233029", "label": "sigh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 43156, "original_id": "1250927665944629248", "reply_id": "1250927945109159943", "label": "thank_you", "text": "The prospect of HS players not having college camps is real.The silver lining is this,you can focus on becoming physically ready to perform, study film,master your craft mentally be the best for your team! As as we evaluate your Senior Season, opportunities will come. @DeepDishFB"} {"idx": 43157, "original_id": "1250945433209372673", "reply_id": "1250956151287689218", "label": "eww", "text": "So... Apparently if you tweet about old testament covenant ideas around circumcision that invites random guys to side into your DMs and ask if you prefer circumcised or not...\n\nGuys, if I'm tweeting about the old testament, chances are I don't want to talk about your penis."} {"idx": 43158, "original_id": "1250860516441878528", "reply_id": "1250861301393313792", "label": "scared", "text": "Attached needs another T in it before the ch. I’ll say it!!!!"} {"idx": 43165, "original_id": "1251251655246352386", "reply_id": "1251256695436619776", "label": "sigh", "text": "I, like many others in the sports media world, am being put on a 3 month furlough that starts Monday. So today is my last day at The Score for a bit. Its gonna be a little strange, but i feel that Im gonna be ok. Just promise that youll all be nice to @SportsTalk953 while Im out."} {"idx": 43166, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1251154678991089664", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 43168, "original_id": "1251243006033829890", "reply_id": "1251246702863892480", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Y’all need to stop dating men who thirst over 18yo twinks"} {"idx": 43169, "original_id": "1251166533755252737", "reply_id": "1251168601664602112", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "My ex just texted and told me he wishes he got pregnant, so I would have to deal with him! \n\nThis lockdown is showing a side of crazy I never knew he had! 🤦🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 43170, "original_id": "1250900179122864128", "reply_id": "1250935012637110274", "label": "agree", "text": "I’d rather have an active chat then a high viewer count any day."} {"idx": 43171, "original_id": "1250914092832813056", "reply_id": "1250966600557060096", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I will say one thing about Pence\n\nHe has Always said\n\n\"At the Direction of the President\"\n\nWe call that 'covering your ass'"} {"idx": 43172, "original_id": "1251177652318240770", "reply_id": "1251178603523473408", "label": "yes", "text": "Ya girl got her laptop backkkk - thank you Lord 😭💛"} {"idx": 43175, "original_id": "1250949293650972672", "reply_id": "1251005290855596033", "label": "yes", "text": "niggas ain't worried bout that lil pudge in her stomach. As long as she ain't pregnant."} {"idx": 43178, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251060425946324993", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 43180, "original_id": "1250813696818937857", "reply_id": "1250877705408536576", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Hats off to BMC 0f Mumbai . They have taken more tests than any other city or even any other state of India Highest number of test that is why highest number of positives who are immediately sent the treatment That is most effective of fighting and defeating corona. Thank you BMC"} {"idx": 43184, "original_id": "1250912860596625409", "reply_id": "1250912952426942466", "label": "awww", "text": "wish someone loved me enough i could have 8 boyfriends"} {"idx": 43186, "original_id": "1251099314589511680", "reply_id": "1251170439331602432", "label": "shocked", "text": "I know y’all gon hate me for this but mayo belongs on breakfast sandwiches"} {"idx": 43190, "original_id": "1251083641834237952", "reply_id": "1251194891151040514", "label": "shrug", "text": "What day is it?"} {"idx": 43191, "original_id": "1251213539894792197", "reply_id": "1251231276939558913", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "4 weeks alcohol free since the pubs shut, and I must say I've never felt better about myself."} {"idx": 43192, "original_id": "1250909276605997057", "reply_id": "1250916153238708226", "label": "hug", "text": "the way I need a hug or someone right now, sigh"} {"idx": 43193, "original_id": "1250836400934699008", "reply_id": "1250836702492491777", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Odell Beckham Jr earned $226,351.35 per catch last season #Browns"} {"idx": 43194, "original_id": "1251264689327296513", "reply_id": "1251273981493157888", "label": "agree", "text": "Is a Fudgie the Whale cake technically vore?"} {"idx": 43196, "original_id": "1251235691490676737", "reply_id": "1251236265904812033", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I just wanna put my neon windbreaker on and go back to the 90s."} {"idx": 43197, "original_id": "1251159408354058241", "reply_id": "1251188606527352832", "label": "applause", "text": "Thankfully I keep check on my weight and diet. Not only I maintained my weight just as before the lockdown, I managed to lose another kg which I have been dying to do so for a month."} {"idx": 43199, "original_id": "1250838561617780738", "reply_id": "1250843666396131329", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ve decided, #ScatterHisFriendship is my post quarantine energy"} {"idx": 43201, "original_id": "1251024002656567298", "reply_id": "1251027259600691202", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I legit got no motivation for class at this point"} {"idx": 43202, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251035138927910912", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 43203, "original_id": "1250825153535045633", "reply_id": "1250932172044693504", "label": "shocked", "text": "Spoiler: The emperor was never wearing clothes in the first place."} {"idx": 43206, "original_id": "1250968887455178752", "reply_id": "1250970355654520833", "label": "wink", "text": "I had the best breakfast this morning ❤️"} {"idx": 43208, "original_id": "1250936293221003264", "reply_id": "1250948901152178176", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Of course, the Chinese Communist Party & WHO should have been providing us with better information more quickly about #Covid19. I also wonder what our Intelligence Community was reporting. Since when did we start relying on communists to tell us the truth to defend our security?"} {"idx": 43210, "original_id": "1251038864476495876", "reply_id": "1251057871350976517", "label": "please", "text": "I wish I could be happy"} {"idx": 43212, "original_id": "1250729005009055744", "reply_id": "1250916496265494528", "label": "agree", "text": "This quarantine is a personal affront to those of us who are hotter in person"} {"idx": 43213, "original_id": "1251208145411727366", "reply_id": "1251212770906976257", "label": "win", "text": "I did my workout everyday this week despite not really wanting to and I feel great about it.\nAlso my bum looks 👌"} {"idx": 43214, "original_id": "1250867444463349760", "reply_id": "1250903426663354368", "label": "awww", "text": "just saw myself on a list of “celebrities who have cut or dyed their own hair in quarantine” which is a nice way of saying “d-listers who are having mild to moderate mental breakdowns”"} {"idx": 43215, "original_id": "1251036339845214209", "reply_id": "1251058901488828417", "label": "shocked", "text": "bethany mota is trending and i just remembered i won one of her giveaways many years ago but she didnt respond back after i gave her my address so i never received it"} {"idx": 43216, "original_id": "1251257375731986433", "reply_id": "1251258568201945088", "label": "agree", "text": "Alcohol is great, isn’t it?"} {"idx": 43217, "original_id": "1250888118913425414", "reply_id": "1250901586454482947", "label": "shocked", "text": "As soon as this quarantine is over I’m getting a tattoo"} {"idx": 43218, "original_id": "1250891965341802496", "reply_id": "1250898505637511168", "label": "win", "text": "My new hobby is hearing what everyone scored at the grocery store."} {"idx": 43220, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251048692531859456", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 43224, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251257100006809606", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 43225, "original_id": "1250758591939850240", "reply_id": "1250847018802692097", "label": "yes", "text": "@BengalsCaptain one week from today @Joe_Burrow10 will be our new quarterback. #whodey I am counting down the days!"} {"idx": 43226, "original_id": "1251174597736759298", "reply_id": "1251178609064189952", "label": "awww", "text": "Let’s recap.\n\nDemocrats want to:\n-Pay states to release criminals\n-Free detained illegal aliens\n-Close churches\n-Make abortion clinics “essential”\n-Stop gun sales\n\nRepublicans want to:\n-Help small businesses w/ the #PaycheckProtectionProgram\n-Get America back to work\n\nYou decide."} {"idx": 43231, "original_id": "1250942248323170304", "reply_id": "1250945858230763522", "label": "hearts", "text": "love."} {"idx": 43232, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251230897451524096", "label": "please", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 43234, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250949535917957120", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43239, "original_id": "1250951716540833792", "reply_id": "1250953404391854080", "label": "smh", "text": "got to go outside today so I could go pick up a bushel of rodents and bugs for my creatures ... curbside service!"} {"idx": 43241, "original_id": "1251103889090154499", "reply_id": "1251237940556173318", "label": "agree", "text": "new profile pic who this"} {"idx": 43242, "original_id": "1250829815294365699", "reply_id": "1250853113185153025", "label": "no", "text": "Ever, selfishly, just need someone to love the fuck out of you?"} {"idx": 43244, "original_id": "1250832990944391170", "reply_id": "1250835130006016001", "label": "thank_you", "text": "My midday people \n@JasminAshleigh \n@AshAufderheide \n@SofiaRosinsky \n@AlexaJonesYoun3 \n@AElleSmith \n@LBannonWX \n@HayleyWielgus \n@Linds_NanceWSMV \n@PiperRubio_ \n@NoelleEParker23 \n@MaryEllenFox43 \n@EveActor \n@KaylaAndersonTV \n@NC5_BreeSmith \n@NC5_HMathis \n@greene_lizzy 😀😀"} {"idx": 43245, "original_id": "1251063537155227649", "reply_id": "1251065294115819520", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Oh boi here i go watching boruto again"} {"idx": 43246, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250942371447009280", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 43248, "original_id": "1250968621360111616", "reply_id": "1251008524122873857", "label": "applause", "text": "Rbi governor to speak at 10 am today; Last time he spoke with no clarity and banks have since been going with moratorium as per their wishes. Kindly be clear on the directives to the banks and public. Also hope to have extended public welfare measure to improve liquidity @RBI"} {"idx": 43252, "original_id": "1250734418869858304", "reply_id": "1250842752192876544", "label": "agree", "text": "It's time that the Republicans who advocate ending the shutdowns led by example by volunteering to get infected with the Coronavirus to demonstrate how harmless it is.\nParticularly the older ones.\nAnyone agree?"} {"idx": 43253, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250885249778610176", "label": "sigh", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 43254, "original_id": "1250982430036672514", "reply_id": "1251100313228054528", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'll say this for the ESPN HORSE competition: Yeah, it was shaky from a technical aspect and not all that compelling. But at least they TRIED. Gotta be creative in this environment. Will be hits and misses. Keep swinging"} {"idx": 43255, "original_id": "1251120274977755137", "reply_id": "1251185069575806976", "label": "yes", "text": "Don’t just stop in the middle of fingering her to fuck her. Finger her until she cums and THEN fuck her."} {"idx": 43256, "original_id": "1250864488183672832", "reply_id": "1250879200464076800", "label": "awww", "text": "And finally, acceptance."} {"idx": 43257, "original_id": "1251138958110547968", "reply_id": "1251139437246976000", "label": "scared", "text": "So this happened today! In the middle of quarantine I met a beautiful girl, just went outside my home and there she was walking her dog, sparks flew instantly,don't wanna brag but she fell head over heels for me, she ended up coming back to my place.\nI just love my new Taser gun."} {"idx": 43258, "original_id": "1250982806974578688", "reply_id": "1251147872021516289", "label": "agree", "text": "\"Poutine on me after covid\" is the stuff of nationhood"} {"idx": 43260, "original_id": "1251239535364714496", "reply_id": "1251240110399598594", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "@lunndog98 fuck off"} {"idx": 43262, "original_id": "1251226068465455104", "reply_id": "1251260127946121218", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If I see one more person write that all the trump “haters” should just rip up the stimulus check if they hate him so much... it’s literally tax payers’ money. It didn’t come out of his pocket, nor did he do it out of the kindness of his heart!! Lmfao"} {"idx": 43264, "original_id": "1251027002133368833", "reply_id": "1251027713021927424", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I *will* be 150lbs by December. It will be aggressive. It will suck. But I will do it."} {"idx": 43265, "original_id": "1250824639435223041", "reply_id": "1250859637638905856", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "i want a neon again badly"} {"idx": 43266, "original_id": "1250836675137331204", "reply_id": "1250846126204497921", "label": "no", "text": "If someone has a family of stick people on their back windshield do they deserve rights?"} {"idx": 43268, "original_id": "1251143905292226560", "reply_id": "1251144093872336896", "label": "hug", "text": "The past few weeks I've been going through the worst, most soul-crushing family crisis of my entire life.\n\nI'm getting back to streaming finally today, raising some money for No Kid Hungry!\n\nThank you for your patience while I was AWOL.\n\nSee you all on stream!"} {"idx": 43270, "original_id": "1251261836772749313", "reply_id": "1251266545189302274", "label": "applause", "text": "#ProtectTerrencekWilliams because the hateful speech and threats of physical violence against black conservatives and Trump supporters needs to STOP!"} {"idx": 43271, "original_id": "1250823089002123264", "reply_id": "1251253675873284096", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Update: Sean John model just DM’d me to ask “How are things in San Fran?”\n\nSan Fran, y’all. 🤢"} {"idx": 43272, "original_id": "1250797671406854144", "reply_id": "1250906113400332291", "label": "agree", "text": "Random thought of the day.. It's really frustrating how much Unity relies on external plugins for basic functionality such as rendering debugging. Another reason why I find UE4 so much more empowering for artists. If you use Unity, you absolutely need to know a tech programmer."} {"idx": 43274, "original_id": "1250855245296447491", "reply_id": "1250875594918621184", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I stream tonight"} {"idx": 43275, "original_id": "1251103870278930438", "reply_id": "1251178212505370624", "label": "agree", "text": "I decided that it would be best for you all if I was mean today. What do you think?"} {"idx": 43276, "original_id": "1250954746174857217", "reply_id": "1250955159225667588", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "This is big:\n\nDemocrats are laying out our $30 billion plan for a comprehensive national testing strategy\n\nand major new investments that bolster the supply and manufacturing chain, and significantly expand free testing for all, reporting, and contact tracing."} {"idx": 43277, "original_id": "1250816264110592001", "reply_id": "1251017382346145792", "label": "awww", "text": "Have you watched any Miraculous during quarantine? If yes what has been your go to episode?"} {"idx": 43279, "original_id": "1251241332858896389", "reply_id": "1251260628238467080", "label": "yes", "text": "PayPal stimulus payments just posted"} {"idx": 43280, "original_id": "1250729584229855233", "reply_id": "1251129257235021825", "label": "facepalm", "text": "“Single-cell sequencing reveals Carole Baskin killed her husband”"} {"idx": 43281, "original_id": "1251162982836367360", "reply_id": "1251166677477269505", "label": "yes", "text": "I had a dream I was braiding snoops hair"} {"idx": 43287, "original_id": "1250872845644808195", "reply_id": "1250873704579506180", "label": "yes", "text": "In half an hour I open commissions 💗"} {"idx": 43288, "original_id": "1251173476670468098", "reply_id": "1251174363254022145", "label": "hug", "text": "“I want to be there with you when you’re ready.”\n\n🥺"} {"idx": 43289, "original_id": "1250980029774925826", "reply_id": "1251175606139617281", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "i want to be bent over and disrespected like a slut"} {"idx": 43290, "original_id": "1250987165414240256", "reply_id": "1251204366075408386", "label": "agree", "text": "Don’t think about it make it happen!"} {"idx": 43291, "original_id": "1251223583143190529", "reply_id": "1251253085134974976", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Fuckin ay. Popcorn is needed."} {"idx": 43292, "original_id": "1250897351272804354", "reply_id": "1250898031362412546", "label": "shocked", "text": "Haven't seen any of those, \"send us your DNA and we'll tell you some generic information\" commercials lately 🤔\n\nWhat could they have possibly done with all that DNA?🤔\n\nI'm sure whatever was developed was for the greater good 🙄"} {"idx": 43294, "original_id": "1251030479358160897", "reply_id": "1251094896796041219", "label": "shocked", "text": "I got sexy soft nudes and no where to send them too"} {"idx": 43296, "original_id": "1251155313715105792", "reply_id": "1251156696191299594", "label": "shocked", "text": "Dear God,\nPlease grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change and the courage to put my face in some coochie and the wisdom to stop desiring men."} {"idx": 43299, "original_id": "1250865099243433985", "reply_id": "1251142950379229184", "label": "facepalm", "text": "NYC Mayor Deblasio tells Bill Hemmer that the city will start to reopen in July or August at the earliest."} {"idx": 43301, "original_id": "1251117357386403843", "reply_id": "1251168155105361920", "label": "hug", "text": "This morning, we’ve said our final goodbyes to my MIL. A very moving humanist celebration of her life & her love for her family but at the same time, broken hearts all round. So difficult not be able to get together afterwards but we will make up for it when we can. #RIP Jane ❤️"} {"idx": 43304, "original_id": "1250857706946285570", "reply_id": "1250858300964433920", "label": "shocked", "text": "I took a Xanax on an empty stomach while at work..... Weeeeeeeeeeeee!"} {"idx": 43305, "original_id": "1251251900026105864", "reply_id": "1251264369666605057", "label": "agree", "text": "We have a drug dealer living in our building. Today when 3 sketchy ass dudes were outside I leaned out the window and yelled: WTF you doing here?!!! They said: were to see a friend. I then said: BULLSHIT. Ur here to buy drugs!!! They gagged!"} {"idx": 43307, "original_id": "15827162730", "reply_id": "1250992221442068480", "label": "applause", "text": "The team still hasn't left the locker room yet. Too much fun. Going to be a lot of happy dry cleaners back in Chicago."} {"idx": 43309, "original_id": "1251236385190809601", "reply_id": "1251248732798160898", "label": "applause", "text": "I tweeted about buying dinner for some people. A woman in Tennessee saw it, and started buying dinner for other teammates. This is the power of what we are doing, what we are building. Boots on the ground. Taking care of humans, one human being at a time."} {"idx": 43314, "original_id": "1250673440899706880", "reply_id": "1251000132654563329", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m in the mood to suck some dick. Balls n all."} {"idx": 43317, "original_id": "1251138843539103744", "reply_id": "1251139416585887745", "label": "no", "text": "Just want unu kno se me love unu. If a dirt a dirt eno my side."} {"idx": 43321, "original_id": "1250946021900914689", "reply_id": "1250994326253056001", "label": "oops", "text": "I need to perform a double gawk gawk twist 5000 before I lose my mind"} {"idx": 43322, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251225781155647494", "label": "dance", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 43325, "original_id": "1251204296894545922", "reply_id": "1251246024049356802", "label": "hug", "text": "Grateful that these canceled cons have thought about *safety*, but I think I'll be sad for a v brief, self-indulgent second that in my first yr w/ multiple projects releasing I won't be celebrating them in real life w/ friends & readers, but on my own, behind a computer screen"} {"idx": 43330, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251014532283224064", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 43334, "original_id": "1251152468756447233", "reply_id": "1251161617305198593", "label": "applause", "text": "@_Lalo23 shout out to my boy!!! Easiest $400 I’ve made but trading options 🤑 who would of known that lil Mexican boy from muscoy would be so smart 😂 #whereweeating"} {"idx": 43335, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251244819340357632", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 43336, "original_id": "1251198781531570178", "reply_id": "1251199654362046469", "label": "yes", "text": "Not been a good day, couldn't handle my normal routine. \nCan't face watching the news at all. \nI'm just not myself. \nUnderstandable tho, innit?"} {"idx": 43337, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251044954748661760", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43342, "original_id": "1251133623543246859", "reply_id": "1251191249849196550", "label": "applause", "text": "Good morning ☀️ today is another day to fight. Fight to win! You got this! Love, Pulte"} {"idx": 43344, "original_id": "1250905453871026177", "reply_id": "1250908896245489666", "label": "agree", "text": "Another reason weed is better than alcohol: never stone dialed an ex... By the time I grab my phone I forget why I have it, and just order a pizza instead."} {"idx": 43347, "original_id": "1250925271953420288", "reply_id": "1251123390024486912", "label": "scared", "text": "more like snowvid-19, amirite?\n\nsorry"} {"idx": 43348, "original_id": "1250903018809315334", "reply_id": "1250903505591812096", "label": "shocked", "text": "how is it that salmon is the best-tasting raw fish and the worst-tasting cooked fish?"} {"idx": 43351, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250937862754832384", "label": "ok", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 43352, "original_id": "1250933697848553472", "reply_id": "1251008481299099648", "label": "sigh", "text": "Bitches: 1\nMarc: 0"} {"idx": 43355, "original_id": "1251235095052259328", "reply_id": "1251240774718685184", "label": "agree", "text": "But will you be there when I'm in my drunk, gotta fuck you now mood?"} {"idx": 43359, "original_id": "1250763434721005569", "reply_id": "1250907623773237249", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "One week away #NFLDraft #Raiders"} {"idx": 43360, "original_id": "1251243507466944512", "reply_id": "1251244047533920256", "label": "kiss", "text": "Princess think this a joke . Alright"} {"idx": 43361, "original_id": "1251042336789889024", "reply_id": "1251049745822474242", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm not doing well"} {"idx": 43362, "original_id": "1250925886314033152", "reply_id": "1250929982404268032", "label": "sigh", "text": "I don’t think she baked a cake."} {"idx": 43364, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250857983728287749", "label": "applause", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 43365, "original_id": "1251121492517105664", "reply_id": "1251132065648697344", "label": "applause", "text": "Really excited for March to end."} {"idx": 43368, "original_id": "1250842536521854976", "reply_id": "1250844268966576130", "label": "oops", "text": "Can't remember the last time I wore deodorant \n\nNow I can't find my deodorant"} {"idx": 43369, "original_id": "1251104453962412034", "reply_id": "1251116408089595904", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is a bad day. Please send cute animals’ pics. Or hot cosplays... whichever comes first."} {"idx": 43370, "original_id": "1251270539533971456", "reply_id": "1251271329585614848", "label": "high_five", "text": "PLOT, huh... What is it good for?\n\nAbsolutely nothing!!!!!\n\nSing it again, y'all"} {"idx": 43371, "original_id": "1250577511001526272", "reply_id": "1251112538068189190", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Hi, @realdonaldtrump, former political science professor here. You have no authority to adjourn Congress at-will. I encourage you to take a slightly closer (or even first look) at the Constitution."} {"idx": 43372, "original_id": "1251111243798249473", "reply_id": "1251116833660428288", "label": "seriously", "text": "if money = power\nand power = trash talking opponents on rocket league\nthen baby im rich"} {"idx": 43373, "original_id": "1250916491400228868", "reply_id": "1251039958531551238", "label": "awww", "text": "My roommate just asked me when the last time I showered was......ope"} {"idx": 43374, "original_id": "1250889705819955214", "reply_id": "1250899037194268673", "label": "ok", "text": "Ahaha don't like my tweets I catch feelings"} {"idx": 43375, "original_id": "1251227564233969664", "reply_id": "1251229698216116224", "label": "hug", "text": "We are ALLLL struggling right now... whether it be financially or mentally. We. All. Are.\n\nCan we just take a moment to realize being kind could do a world of good right now?!"} {"idx": 43376, "original_id": "1251191716620705794", "reply_id": "1251201121546317835", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Breaking: according to a source, the Patriots and Lions are close to a deal that will include the Patriots receiving the #3 overall pick in the 2020 NFL Draft."} {"idx": 43377, "original_id": "1250937057943228416", "reply_id": "1250944316786139138", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is so used to getting whatever he wants...even destroying our country, thanks to republicans!\n\nBut he can't control this virus with threats and temper tantrums. \n\nEnough of this fuckwittery. He needs to shut his filthy butthole of a mouth, and let the experts guide us."} {"idx": 43384, "original_id": "1251257274850406400", "reply_id": "1251262580598796288", "label": "seriously", "text": "Can y’all just stay home? I’m tryna have a Senior SZN 😔🏈"} {"idx": 43386, "original_id": "1251240458547638272", "reply_id": "1251259132478251008", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I’d kill your kids myself if they’d let me."} {"idx": 43388, "original_id": "1250835767984873473", "reply_id": "1250864626440552448", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@asmmmax happy birthday 7ubii 💙"} {"idx": 43390, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251015603592273920", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43392, "original_id": "1250871677178675200", "reply_id": "1250872843182768132", "label": "hug", "text": "Can anyone hug me?👉👈"} {"idx": 43396, "original_id": "1250999198616399874", "reply_id": "1251000755080724480", "label": "seriously", "text": "holding on to the shred of hope that I will be able to study abroad"} {"idx": 43397, "original_id": "1250955271272308736", "reply_id": "1250955808000675841", "label": "hug", "text": "Hey guys!\n\nI'm going to take tonight off. I've had another rough day mentally and have been fighting a headache. I'm going to relax and try to get an early night.\n\nI hope you all have a wonderful evening. Love yo faces! ❤"} {"idx": 43399, "original_id": "1250827420338458628", "reply_id": "1250834502949261312", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "who’s active? I wanna see you so I can show you love👀"} {"idx": 43401, "original_id": "1251198191975964673", "reply_id": "1251198672869695488", "label": "hug", "text": "1: Have come home this early evening to some much needed brevity courtesy of our twitter community. Thank you, it was a much needed distraction after the loss of a dearly and much loved family member yesterday. Not to Kovid19, but I'm sure you'll understand our sense of loss..."} {"idx": 43403, "original_id": "1250661455646593025", "reply_id": "1250871817562198017", "label": "scared", "text": "Life it’s a fucking bitch"} {"idx": 43404, "original_id": "1250292126643941376", "reply_id": "1251049329005035520", "label": "scared", "text": "Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever."} {"idx": 43407, "original_id": "1251230270843269120", "reply_id": "1251232844921233408", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "all I want for my bday is a neck tattoo 😫"} {"idx": 43411, "original_id": "1250831570031775745", "reply_id": "1251094930619076610", "label": "no", "text": "When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all."} {"idx": 43413, "original_id": "1250911328652259329", "reply_id": "1250913227531325440", "label": "agree", "text": "i ain’t never been a half ass lover"} {"idx": 43414, "original_id": "1250764931181342721", "reply_id": "1251019098332581889", "label": "omg", "text": "Selling used panties must be hard in this economy."} {"idx": 43415, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250904116039221248", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 43418, "original_id": "1250716058853478401", "reply_id": "1250853925382770696", "label": "high_five", "text": "Come to think of it Uganda is not even a country, its Kenya Extension.\n\n#UGAZIM"} {"idx": 43419, "original_id": "1250894748493242368", "reply_id": "1250903991292243971", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Mans gonna attempt a 5K tomorrow"} {"idx": 43420, "original_id": "1250962833635934208", "reply_id": "1250974122890407937", "label": "shocked", "text": "I find it so disrespectful that this girl ago message me and basically insinuate that me and her man ina things... like what??? Me look caayliss to yuh ? 😒"} {"idx": 43421, "original_id": "1251225617179213824", "reply_id": "1251226693743894530", "label": "oops", "text": "But remember sleeping on a pavement with one foil blanket between 5 of us, eating cereal out of cups, finding vegan sushi, squats on Domis shoulders, getting locked in a police station, ABBA, Domis car getting towed with literally ALL our stuff in (and singing with J obvs) 🥺😩"} {"idx": 43422, "original_id": "1251151431253454851", "reply_id": "1251197145669042178", "label": "agree", "text": "Chris Klieman thinks college football teams will be ready to begin practicing on August 1 if players are allowed back on campus by July 13."} {"idx": 43424, "original_id": "1250888388456124417", "reply_id": "1250915584964997120", "label": "win", "text": "Well Mrs brought us a new smart tv 📺 for the boudoir bang bang 👌👌👌🤓"} {"idx": 43425, "original_id": "1250969543536672769", "reply_id": "1251239462929158147", "label": "yes", "text": "Would y’all play with me on twitch?"} {"idx": 43426, "original_id": "1251200116633096198", "reply_id": "1251200371906744323", "label": "agree", "text": "Hold your hand?\n\nOh, no no no. I thought you said hold your dick."} {"idx": 43428, "original_id": "1250877601050230784", "reply_id": "1250881195778256896", "label": "dance", "text": "@thepillclub you guys are so awesome! Got my first 4 bc packs yesterday and the chocolate and cute sticker! I am so happy I can skip when i want now & not have to worry about running out to the pharmacy for my prescription anymore."} {"idx": 43429, "original_id": "1251166977726570496", "reply_id": "1251219983410978818", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think America is ready to reopen on 1 May❓"} {"idx": 43430, "original_id": "1251208196724797445", "reply_id": "1251208588611239937", "label": "sigh", "text": "Okay, so my DMs are down (again) but to the rando who just sent me one asking if I would be interested in watching his snaps if he paid me...... ummmmmmm no thank you. 🤦‍♀️"} {"idx": 43431, "original_id": "1250939054503260162", "reply_id": "1251198132467240965", "label": "agree", "text": "I will say the Todd Krianes prank was the best ever!!"} {"idx": 43437, "original_id": "1250771216329138176", "reply_id": "1250856588241301504", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree with @funder and Me...\n#CoronavirusLiar \n\n🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️"} {"idx": 43439, "original_id": "1251249928732540931", "reply_id": "1251259982663815169", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Being called a whore by a guy with an anime avi because I REFUSED to show him my tits is delightfully absurd."} {"idx": 43441, "original_id": "1251204376762474497", "reply_id": "1251205184619008002", "label": "yes", "text": "just in case no one had told you today, you're beautiful❤️"} {"idx": 43443, "original_id": "1251148024190926849", "reply_id": "1251155005328879618", "label": "please", "text": "Connie Maheswaran might just be the most badass Indian in the galaxy."} {"idx": 43445, "original_id": "1251186407416254465", "reply_id": "1251187882750095363", "label": "omg", "text": "Simply stated, Trump is a sadistic sociopath. He enjoys seeing people murdered. By assault weapons, by riots, by cOVID-19, he gets off on human suffering. \n\nThe only thing that turns Donald on more than death and suffering is pictures of his daughter"} {"idx": 43454, "original_id": "1250999187518320640", "reply_id": "1251213812121792513", "label": "shocked", "text": "Holy crap! Just found out that MySpace is still a thing!!!\n\nToodaloo Mofos!"} {"idx": 43458, "original_id": "1250936839726411781", "reply_id": "1250962516886388736", "label": "oops", "text": "hit rock bottom yet i keep falling"} {"idx": 43459, "original_id": "1251171403342192643", "reply_id": "1251174803492478976", "label": "scared", "text": "you know isolation is hitting you hard when your sat with your Hitachi Wand on your neck because you've got a trapped nerve... sorry for the #overshare 🤣🤣 #sorrynotsorry #noshame"} {"idx": 43460, "original_id": "1250945420987072512", "reply_id": "1250946380916568065", "label": "applause", "text": "To-go Mexican food just isn’t as good. Something about crushing four baskets of chips and salsa before your entree hits differently"} {"idx": 43462, "original_id": "1251167532494528512", "reply_id": "1251236256849240069", "label": "no", "text": "Imagine if Jerry Jeudy was on the board for the #Cowboys at No. 17 and they picked Kenneth Murray instead.... \n\nlol"} {"idx": 43467, "original_id": "1250577511001526272", "reply_id": "1250836341736247298", "label": "applause", "text": "Hi, @realdonaldtrump, former political science professor here. You have no authority to adjourn Congress at-will. I encourage you to take a slightly closer (or even first look) at the Constitution."} {"idx": 43468, "original_id": "1250984338042298368", "reply_id": "1251204392222679040", "label": "no", "text": "am i really such a fuck up ?"} {"idx": 43470, "original_id": "1250849785692618752", "reply_id": "1250861248868220930", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Today we challenge you to say thank you to the essential workers in your lives. You may be surprised how far a simple thanks can go. #thankyou #EssentialWorkers"} {"idx": 43473, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251018701933096964", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43474, "original_id": "1250914819366105088", "reply_id": "1250977639147417601", "label": "oops", "text": "Are your makeup brushes clean? Don’t lieeeeeee 👀"} {"idx": 43478, "original_id": "1250833753041039365", "reply_id": "1250840097039228928", "label": "shocked", "text": "So, Spider-Man Twitter became Dr. Strange Twitter. It's almost like your Sam Raimi fans, and not Spider-Man fans. 🤔"} {"idx": 43479, "original_id": "1251003336209379329", "reply_id": "1251003397744050183", "label": "agree", "text": "i love being loyal and never switching up. gn"} {"idx": 43483, "original_id": "1250895667360382976", "reply_id": "1250896213823479808", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm going to end my hiatus by Saturday. I think I'll be decreasing days that I stream. Maybe go back down to 3 days instead of 5."} {"idx": 43484, "original_id": "1250796276372975618", "reply_id": "1250834483105935366", "label": "applause", "text": "A better way to honour Tom would be to fund the NHS properly so that in future a 99 year old won't have to walk up and down a garden. It's not a fucking charity, it's a public service."} {"idx": 43486, "original_id": "1250813696818937857", "reply_id": "1251010408204255232", "label": "applause", "text": "Hats off to BMC 0f Mumbai . They have taken more tests than any other city or even any other state of India Highest number of test that is why highest number of positives who are immediately sent the treatment That is most effective of fighting and defeating corona. Thank you BMC"} {"idx": 43487, "original_id": "1250857692664672261", "reply_id": "1250860300720537603", "label": "yawn", "text": "Wisconsin needs to let Governor Evers know that he is abusing his powers. According to the WI State Legislature, his state of emergency cannot extend beyond May 11. See WI State 323.10. #recallevers"} {"idx": 43494, "original_id": "1250999131524349958", "reply_id": "1251019186370801664", "label": "ok", "text": "Fuck"} {"idx": 43496, "original_id": "1250929856390615041", "reply_id": "1250929985805856768", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "my charades of Julie and Julia was ‘Juul E & Juul Ear’ and it didn’t really work"} {"idx": 43500, "original_id": "1250920257579089920", "reply_id": "1250944110992732172", "label": "hearts", "text": "Finally got my @thehoneypotcomp and just used it 🤗"} {"idx": 43501, "original_id": "1250866825971273729", "reply_id": "1250871178559803393", "label": "agree", "text": ".eslintrc, tsconfig, jsconfig, babelrc, jestconfig, .wtfrc, world.js... a PhD to understand all of this stuff and how to make them all work together. 😭"} {"idx": 43502, "original_id": "1250789053194215425", "reply_id": "1250913702452228096", "label": "hug", "text": "Shit.\n\nI fit the symptom profile. My job has put me on leave for 7 days (paid) and they're going to have me tested.\n\nI'm self-proning already."} {"idx": 43503, "original_id": "1250946731304464385", "reply_id": "1250953772693667844", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I just need one win please. Just One good thing please."} {"idx": 43505, "original_id": "1250967307461054464", "reply_id": "1251193091756826624", "label": "scared", "text": "Reply with the gif that best describes how you felt at the start of OT in Game 6 of the 2010 Stanley Cup Final. \n\n#HawksRewind"} {"idx": 43510, "original_id": "1251019650420228097", "reply_id": "1251032886716710913", "label": "agree", "text": "These days I wake up in the morning just to sleep in the afternoon so that I can stay up late in the night. #SideEffectsOfQuarantineLife"} {"idx": 43511, "original_id": "1250875102649913345", "reply_id": "1250897851900559360", "label": "no", "text": "Yo I got the drop! Who is playing Valorant with me?!?!"} {"idx": 43514, "original_id": "1251085534157582337", "reply_id": "1251085990657232897", "label": "ok", "text": "@JETERGOTJUICE go to bed 😂"} {"idx": 43516, "original_id": "1251243701927624707", "reply_id": "1251245248321327104", "label": "yes", "text": "Keep your hands clean. And your minds dirty ."} {"idx": 43518, "original_id": "1251156484706021379", "reply_id": "1251156647608606724", "label": "awww", "text": "Respect to my followers... I do have some of the smartest followers on TWITTER."} {"idx": 43519, "original_id": "1251267749856362496", "reply_id": "1251272026343583745", "label": "oops", "text": "Now I’m not one to complain, especially when my lovely husband is cooking dinner...buuuuut I will say that all I can hear right now is him using a metal spoon on a nonstick pan 😣"} {"idx": 43520, "original_id": "1251246916802838531", "reply_id": "1251272643698929664", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m pissed"} {"idx": 43523, "original_id": "1250923016663576576", "reply_id": "1251217199106265088", "label": "dance", "text": "He keeps saying cities have low infection rates due to “a lot of talent.” How are they stopping the spread? Tap dancing?"} {"idx": 43525, "original_id": "1251024774353973248", "reply_id": "1251039490149199872", "label": "eww", "text": "To: @Nadicore\nFrom: micheal jackson\n\ngoodmorning :*"} {"idx": 43526, "original_id": "1251223232272883713", "reply_id": "1251224477775659009", "label": "agree", "text": "Came to chill at my new house tonight... fire on, vino open, chippy tea and Dr Packer Live in Bangkok on soundcloud.... current position... dancing round the living room... 💖💖💖"} {"idx": 43528, "original_id": "1250662946088333312", "reply_id": "1251002769315704835", "label": "applause", "text": "Laying next to my man tryna figure out how ima get another man that’ll massage me every other night 😩"} {"idx": 43529, "original_id": "1250814571763376130", "reply_id": "1250886591452786689", "label": "high_five", "text": "Stop suggesting Michelle and Hillary for VP. I want them to have a TV show where they get their nails done, drink wine, and talk smack."} {"idx": 43531, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250886982768537600", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 43536, "original_id": "1251241883298402306", "reply_id": "1251242232671240198", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’ve decided in an effort to save some money and avoid going out, I’m going to make my own cheese. Been working on my first batch of toe cheese and boy, I think I’ve nailed it."} {"idx": 43539, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251070763433508865", "label": "seriously", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 43544, "original_id": "1250924220055519233", "reply_id": "1250926226954506241", "label": "no", "text": "You know who has the best french fries? Your local mediterranean restaurant"} {"idx": 43545, "original_id": "1251175757897965575", "reply_id": "1251176602609881092", "label": "applause", "text": "I dont even get high anymore. I’m immune now"} {"idx": 43547, "original_id": "1251230956402458625", "reply_id": "1251231971960856576", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "who wants to play words with friends my username is SydneyC80 start a game"} {"idx": 43550, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251160027433324544", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 43556, "original_id": "1250917557596553227", "reply_id": "1250917968235630594", "label": "shrug", "text": "What about Asymptomatic transfer of the virus?\n\n#TrumpPressConference"} {"idx": 43557, "original_id": "1251220710539886594", "reply_id": "1251225261984624641", "label": "please", "text": "anyone else in the mood for another follow spree? 👀"} {"idx": 43558, "original_id": "1250960793153277953", "reply_id": "1250962132612468736", "label": "hug", "text": "i want a hug"} {"idx": 43559, "original_id": "1251204164060737537", "reply_id": "1251248670907006976", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I got hit in the face with a tootsie roll in my dream last night. I haven't had a tootsie roll in years. Any idea what it could mean? 😴"} {"idx": 43560, "original_id": "1250832581362237444", "reply_id": "1250833284671528961", "label": "awww", "text": "All im saying is before i had 180, i had 90.\n\nAnd some of you followed my lame ass then. So i love you guys.\n\nYou know who you are."} {"idx": 43561, "original_id": "1250932782597103617", "reply_id": "1250941326079569921", "label": "no", "text": "Currently having a debate with my friend about how Sisqo would sing Usher under the table."} {"idx": 43563, "original_id": "1250908854608474113", "reply_id": "1250910188405587969", "label": "oops", "text": "Do I post the filth? (no nudes sorry 😂)"} {"idx": 43564, "original_id": "1225452590470705162", "reply_id": "1250911856165781505", "label": "applause", "text": "What God does in us while we wait is as important as what it is we are waiting for."} {"idx": 43565, "original_id": "1250863362050854914", "reply_id": "1251244827607474177", "label": "facepalm", "text": "we as a collective have been traumatized by men with J names."} {"idx": 43567, "original_id": "1251076211301703680", "reply_id": "1251076845107281920", "label": "please", "text": "JUST IN: China denies it covered up extent of coronavirus outbreak"} {"idx": 43570, "original_id": "1250841802258644992", "reply_id": "1250842136746098691", "label": "applause", "text": "Today, right now, I’m going to sleep. Early"} {"idx": 43572, "original_id": "1251237477718908931", "reply_id": "1251238498910306305", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m always going to remember this time and who was there for me when I needed them the most ."} {"idx": 43582, "original_id": "1251010210577121281", "reply_id": "1251015581295415296", "label": "eww", "text": "So how y’all feel about du riz au lait ? 🙇🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 43583, "original_id": "1251231899621527555", "reply_id": "1251242744871256066", "label": "hug", "text": "This was going to me by last season playing derby and coaching the juniors. Practicum next year won’t allow for my full participation in organized sport. These last few months were supposed to be a time for me to mentor coaches into head coaching positions. 😭 #DerbyTwitter"} {"idx": 43584, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251158130928451584", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 43585, "original_id": "1250854871609356288", "reply_id": "1250862040576557062", "label": "hug", "text": "someone gimme a hug plz"} {"idx": 43587, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251160098933583872", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 43589, "original_id": "1251136410670809095", "reply_id": "1251142785383591944", "label": "hug", "text": "Fuck it, not gonna let myself stop me from having fun. 5h break over."} {"idx": 43591, "original_id": "1251133016576913408", "reply_id": "1251204411466153985", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "#WritingCommunity Time for another #FollowFriday #writerslift\n\nIf you're under 5k followers leave a comment and we'll follow you.\nThose above 5k please like and RT.\n\n#Writers #Authors #Poets #Bloggers\n#FF"} {"idx": 43593, "original_id": "1250804484126789634", "reply_id": "1251081675242684419", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I was challenged by @samismymuse , thank you :)\n5 words that make me happy right now + 5 tags.\n\ncoffee, sun, flowers, keep losing weight, newly in love (please keep your fingers crossed for me 🤗) \n\n@Irena_SG @lakes_and_mist @BeccaTauri_BSB @eliason_robert @BaronDestructo"} {"idx": 43594, "original_id": "1251269658348597250", "reply_id": "1251269910795292672", "label": "hug", "text": "So from tonights session i have literally got the best dumb racing vid ever in line.\nall with @JaroslavHonzik @Actrollvision @JimmyBroadbent @steviejb87 @Chris_HayeSR @NateLupson @Tiametmarduk @F4HSuperGT And many more."} {"idx": 43598, "original_id": "1250973594638835714", "reply_id": "1250993740916891650", "label": "hug", "text": "BUT I LIKE THAT GIRL TOO MUCH I WISH I NEVER MET HER"} {"idx": 43599, "original_id": "1251178842179481600", "reply_id": "1251179370623926272", "label": "awww", "text": "Hey @BeeeejEsq is 19 away from 2k. He is VERY funny and clever. If you arent following him you should. You wont regret it. In fact if you’re thinking “Trouble i only have room for you or Beej...” pick Beej. He’s way funnier. Unless you know legs and mediocre jokes are your jam."} {"idx": 43602, "original_id": "1250934352717975560", "reply_id": "1251195563061776395", "label": "wink", "text": "Meanwhile in Athens, Kirby just called an emergency meeting to discuss plans to expand Sanford Stadium to 110k"} {"idx": 43603, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250945801288912900", "label": "yawn", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 43609, "original_id": "1250872748466814977", "reply_id": "1251237626931273729", "label": "awww", "text": "The “i” in my name stands for “i need to see my mans”"} {"idx": 43610, "original_id": "1251193202968838144", "reply_id": "1251237333271273473", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "holy crap, gamechanger\n\npush \"L\" to skip forward 10 second on youtube\n\nsorry if you all knew this already"} {"idx": 43611, "original_id": "1251027385769619457", "reply_id": "1251061401524801538", "label": "shocked", "text": "these days i don’t go to sleep unless my face is lookin like a glazed donut"} {"idx": 43613, "original_id": "1250927295528927233", "reply_id": "1250929492068950016", "label": "please", "text": "Trump appeared unwell. Left early."} {"idx": 43615, "original_id": "1251257676715130882", "reply_id": "1251259989026627589", "label": "hug", "text": "Can’t stop thinking about my dad and it’s ruining my day 🙃"} {"idx": 43616, "original_id": "1251241151681556480", "reply_id": "1251241401637056514", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "#DrPhill and #DrOz are medical doctors like #Hannity and #LauraIngraham are journalists."} {"idx": 43619, "original_id": "1251000567993782272", "reply_id": "1251156001006350338", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "We are excited to announce that the first episode of our podcast will be available in early May! #StarTrek #Voyager #StarTrekVoyager #TomParis #HarryKim #TheDeltaFlyers"} {"idx": 43620, "original_id": "1250980578754625537", "reply_id": "1251126198681440259", "label": "agree", "text": "Please don’t tell me who or what to tweet about, and I’ll do the same for you. Thanks."} {"idx": 43621, "original_id": "1250884230852358149", "reply_id": "1250886922408517635", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Hi. I have an announcement later! ❤️😊"} {"idx": 43623, "original_id": "1251225311783649280", "reply_id": "1251227108384350210", "label": "eww", "text": "Who actually gets off to “fisting porn” please step to the front of the church, I have some questions"} {"idx": 43624, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251073896368963585", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 43628, "original_id": "1250879587380314113", "reply_id": "1250879897620406275", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m in love 🥰"} {"idx": 43629, "original_id": "1250992848054386689", "reply_id": "1250994497087029248", "label": "hearts", "text": "Good night dear tweeties. Know someone on this blue/green marble cares about you always. No exceptions ever ❤🌸"} {"idx": 43631, "original_id": "1250777320757084160", "reply_id": "1250841963227684865", "label": "smh", "text": "I’ve tried but I can’t figure out Tik Tok or how to use it. 🤷🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 43632, "original_id": "1251088094054567937", "reply_id": "1251252232047263747", "label": "applause", "text": "If as a guy, you know you don't like the girl you're dating anymore, why not break up properly? Other than leaving the girl in the relationship breaking her heart small small.\nIf any guy should try this with me, I swear the person will live his whole life with everlasting curse."} {"idx": 43633, "original_id": "1251177894635806721", "reply_id": "1251178086164504582", "label": "agree", "text": "What are your values? We might not ask this enough? Having a clear understanding of what is important on our journey of life can help us greatly with any decision, simple or difficult."} {"idx": 43634, "original_id": "1250958258409537542", "reply_id": "1250972449795002370", "label": "shocked", "text": "Do birds actually exist?"} {"idx": 43636, "original_id": "1250916931168862209", "reply_id": "1250926189449011200", "label": "awww", "text": "Everyday Lamar start with \nA) Damn you really pregnant \nB) Hurry up and have my baby\nAnd my response is always the same..*gives him death stares*"} {"idx": 43638, "original_id": "1248226276256727045", "reply_id": "1251275184155303938", "label": "applause", "text": "Now that we have to wear masks, all the people with bad breath will now know what it’s like when we talk to them."} {"idx": 43639, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251206241747177473", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 43640, "original_id": "1250589238795489280", "reply_id": "1250836826866278400", "label": "ok", "text": "Btw, @TeddiMellencamp was newly pregnant and not into walking but did to support me and killed it!!"} {"idx": 43642, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251222699684384771", "label": "please", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 43654, "original_id": "1250837617228361728", "reply_id": "1250890969202987008", "label": "popcorn", "text": "My dad has been married 6 times since he left my mum - his first wife. I've been invited to his next wedding and I fully intend to stand up and list every reason why these two should not be wed."} {"idx": 43655, "original_id": "1251250782051037184", "reply_id": "1251251008908525571", "label": "yawn", "text": "What is everyone doing right now? Reply with a Gif. ps. Keep it clean"} {"idx": 43660, "original_id": "1250939754729877505", "reply_id": "1250945253798023168", "label": "smh", "text": "You know what pisses me off? #ElizabethWarren finished 3rd, 4th & a distant fourth & fifth in the first four states, but media was still hyping her comeback (while selling the narrative of Buttigieg’s “disappointing” results). She came in 3rd in Mass. & now the big VP push? WTF"} {"idx": 43662, "original_id": "1250948053659500545", "reply_id": "1250970048325398528", "label": "ok", "text": "& it’s always wet a bitch never had to use lip gloss on it..."} {"idx": 43664, "original_id": "1251097670200037381", "reply_id": "1251125389486952454", "label": "agree", "text": "The biggest lie ever perpetrated on society is thirty minutes of sleep is the same amount of time as thirty minutes on the treadmill."} {"idx": 43671, "original_id": "1251120448034783233", "reply_id": "1251165968341938176", "label": "agree", "text": "🚨BREAKING NEWS!!!!🚨\n\n@realDonaldTrump tested positive for being the right man for the job at this crucial time in US history. \n\nWho Agrees? 🙋🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 43673, "original_id": "1251129196006404098", "reply_id": "1251129547891675143", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Twitter is Twitter"} {"idx": 43675, "original_id": "1250657340782592000", "reply_id": "1250917423558979584", "label": "hearts", "text": "29 days ago I took in some people who were in unsafe situations. I was kinda scared ‘cause I wasn’t working but they’ve helped with childcare, groceries,cleaning, set up my mobile studio and tonight they fixed us a gorgeous steak dinner! I’m so grateful for my #QuarantineCrew!"} {"idx": 43676, "original_id": "1250935609360777219", "reply_id": "1251034010001772544", "label": "applause", "text": "I don’t think my tribe is superior to any tribe and at the same time I don’t think any tribe is superior to mine, not everyone from my tribe is an illiterate and not everyone from your tribe is a cultist or a yahoo boy, we all have our flaws, no tribe is perfect 👌🏾"} {"idx": 43677, "original_id": "1251257914138013697", "reply_id": "1251258518591680514", "label": "applause", "text": "BREAKING: the wife has taken a shower and put on jeans."} {"idx": 43678, "original_id": "1250954854303969281", "reply_id": "1250964895165829122", "label": "ok", "text": "really wish i could hurry up and move in with my bf 🙃"} {"idx": 43680, "original_id": "1251232327763558400", "reply_id": "1251232885605990400", "label": "shocked", "text": "I read a Tumblr post at 1:30am that said “you can never face backwards on stairs” and that alone kept me up all night"} {"idx": 43682, "original_id": "1249784866041925632", "reply_id": "1251116195744366592", "label": "hug", "text": "Understood what a panic attack was for the first time today."} {"idx": 43683, "original_id": "1250906951543918593", "reply_id": "1250922178423525378", "label": "awww", "text": "Two more weeks until @cybersecstu and I record #AcrossThePond No. 2! What will the news be then? We shall see."} {"idx": 43687, "original_id": "1250916081960697856", "reply_id": "1250917309776113664", "label": "dance", "text": "Tonight’s cooking dance party is brought to you by @mochamomma and the Kitchen Swagger playlist on Spotify."} {"idx": 43689, "original_id": "1251140666660237312", "reply_id": "1251141257318948865", "label": "hug", "text": "can I hug y’all."} {"idx": 43690, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251155116696072192", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43691, "original_id": "1251087738750803968", "reply_id": "1251088231719997440", "label": "shocked", "text": "Disabled coochie gotta different type grip"} {"idx": 43694, "original_id": "1250862675564867584", "reply_id": "1250863483161321477", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Group of people on my street who don’t live together (grandmother, dad and grandchild) just emerged from the grandmothers house to clap the NHS.\n\nAstounding."} {"idx": 43695, "original_id": "1250835179238760451", "reply_id": "1250838396387262467", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is a mood ... not a good one tho 😔💔"} {"idx": 43699, "original_id": "1251226862568853512", "reply_id": "1251231529122115584", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "done with writing for today 🥰"} {"idx": 43703, "original_id": "1251235881928650752", "reply_id": "1251263556198244357", "label": "shrug", "text": "Why are the MAGA accounts the maddest of hoes on this site today?"} {"idx": 43704, "original_id": "1251122687046451201", "reply_id": "1251169518220705792", "label": "agree", "text": "a toxic habit of mine is sometimes looking for reasons to be upset abt something where i couldve just like ignored it or brush it off and not let something insignificant break my peace"} {"idx": 43709, "original_id": "1251012618883497986", "reply_id": "1251048847775862784", "label": "hug", "text": "Breakdown here I come"} {"idx": 43710, "original_id": "1251258801476550656", "reply_id": "1251260860800081920", "label": "applause", "text": "Bears releasing Trey Burton, per source."} {"idx": 43712, "original_id": "1250814429794623491", "reply_id": "1250892970041147393", "label": "smh", "text": "Day 3 , getting a follow back from the homie @ClixHimself 😕"} {"idx": 43717, "original_id": "1250950855869837313", "reply_id": "1250951203074330626", "label": "dance", "text": "And we did ittttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An epic sprint completed! Phew!"} {"idx": 43718, "original_id": "1250758834080976901", "reply_id": "1250886639016128513", "label": "applause", "text": "I sat here at 1 in the morning congratulating myself. It might not be a big deal for other people but it is for me. I finally made it, you know? After my breakup with David, I was LOST AND WAS LITERALLY JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE. I couldn’t wrap my mind around what he did ..."} {"idx": 43720, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250927504468180992", "label": "eww", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 43721, "original_id": "1251008484532989952", "reply_id": "1251010768012636160", "label": "sigh", "text": "I’m Going 2 Bed 💐"} {"idx": 43722, "original_id": "1250913318186950660", "reply_id": "1250913928923643905", "label": "omg", "text": "I know the community is flooded with new products and palettes lately, but i can’t wait to share with you all the artwork for this palette. It’s so peaceful and the energy vibin off it is just perfect 😭 🍃🧚🏻‍♂️ ☂️"} {"idx": 43723, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250908329599070208", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43725, "original_id": "1251030498635206656", "reply_id": "1251031888929542145", "label": "hug", "text": "As I’m packing to leave, I found a backpack full of stuff that have to do with my ex, from our clothes to our pictures, so my heart just started racing and my eyes just started tearing."} {"idx": 43726, "original_id": "1251228280843354115", "reply_id": "1251235379874676737", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump:\n\nTOTAL POWER\nNO RESPONSIBILITY\nALL THE CREDIT\n\nDoes that basically sum it up?"} {"idx": 43729, "original_id": "1250854193906298885", "reply_id": "1250857810553901064", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@Linnnyzeee YOU ARE A QUEEN AND YOU TRULY DO DESERVE EVERYTHING THAT YOU EVER HAVE AND WILL HAVE. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!"} {"idx": 43730, "original_id": "1251157441707827200", "reply_id": "1251228355690737670", "label": "applause", "text": "woke up to bowie getting exposed as a pedo for real let's gooooooo"} {"idx": 43734, "original_id": "1250855871258771457", "reply_id": "1250856137852936198", "label": "awww", "text": "jonny sucks. jonny’s a dick. jonny just spit towards me buh buh buh"} {"idx": 43735, "original_id": "1251160588081750017", "reply_id": "1251183137113047041", "label": "shocked", "text": "Today one of my colleagues said “cheesecake where got cheese” and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since..."} {"idx": 43736, "original_id": "1251167931418898432", "reply_id": "1251199803662483459", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Very interesting rumour circulating right now about a prominent left media figure that was allegedly on the payroll of Chris Williamson in 2018. If anyone has evidence, my DMs are open."} {"idx": 43738, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1250979647631867904", "label": "yes", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 43740, "original_id": "1250374516875853824", "reply_id": "1251124344664834051", "label": "yes", "text": "Who else is tired of cooking?! 😂😫"} {"idx": 43741, "original_id": "1250922344861876225", "reply_id": "1250940801929998336", "label": "scared", "text": "The “D” in my name stands for dick, can I have some?"} {"idx": 43745, "original_id": "1251028658933751809", "reply_id": "1251038817294770176", "label": "hug", "text": "deserves millions of hugs: areums"} {"idx": 43747, "original_id": "1250797684983607296", "reply_id": "1250866273820368897", "label": "sigh", "text": "If 2020 was a gif, what gif would it be?"} {"idx": 43750, "original_id": "1251120448034783233", "reply_id": "1251172811605004288", "label": "agree", "text": "🚨BREAKING NEWS!!!!🚨\n\n@realDonaldTrump tested positive for being the right man for the job at this crucial time in US history. \n\nWho Agrees? 🙋🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 43751, "original_id": "1251217971520983042", "reply_id": "1251231369713389568", "label": "wink", "text": "just finished recording my next video 😎😎"} {"idx": 43753, "original_id": "1250849304941641728", "reply_id": "1250969904846704648", "label": "please", "text": "might tweet my phone number later"} {"idx": 43756, "original_id": "1251223215252230149", "reply_id": "1251235830825279488", "label": "shocked", "text": "unpopular opinion?\nI don’t care for Led Zeppelin’s music"} {"idx": 43757, "original_id": "1251212277178646529", "reply_id": "1251213993777266692", "label": "facepalm", "text": "How you come out the store and take yo mask off to share a cigarette"} {"idx": 43758, "original_id": "1250912954511433734", "reply_id": "1251079804109103105", "label": "applause", "text": "🚨Please beware of a new #Covid_19 temperature scam🚨\n\nPenises are not thermometers"} {"idx": 43760, "original_id": "1250894781506519040", "reply_id": "1250895005683716096", "label": "shocked", "text": "I might have to meme @Lowes. I arranged to have an item brought outside so I wouldn’t have to enter the store. When I got there, it took over an hour for them to bring it out & when they finally did, none of the employees were wearing gloves or masks. WTF?"} {"idx": 43764, "original_id": "1250966495384891393", "reply_id": "1250973727657005059", "label": "ok", "text": "Holy crap it’s been 1 year already 🥰"} {"idx": 43765, "original_id": "1251187775304597504", "reply_id": "1251246336084713473", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "We do many games during lockdown, like 2 word Scrabble.\nI have the letters donaldtrump. Can anyone help me please?\nAll I can think of is damn turd."} {"idx": 43766, "original_id": "1250956914638442503", "reply_id": "1250957182016933889", "label": "awww", "text": "welcome to my 245th 2000th follower @adored_hater who i shall now make room for because he's a true friend 🙂"} {"idx": 43767, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251033899196538885", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 43768, "original_id": "1251206642491932673", "reply_id": "1251207593529409539", "label": "scared", "text": "how to deal with grief: call people simps on the internet"} {"idx": 43770, "original_id": "1251253775429402625", "reply_id": "1251259090485084166", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m so emotional today, gonna need to try again. 😂"} {"idx": 43772, "original_id": "1250894693199745032", "reply_id": "1250897840852930561", "label": "applause", "text": "If this is the end of Mike Ashley at #nufc it is more than a decade overdue. A stubborn, arrogant and spiteful owner who failed to deliver any of the things he promised for the team. A man who admitted he knew nothing about football and still refused to listen to those who did."} {"idx": 43774, "original_id": "1250519349586247685", "reply_id": "1250891434606997505", "label": "eww", "text": "All you non-Trump supporters should take a second and thank Trump for that $1200 check. Oh an he’s still your President ✊🏼"} {"idx": 43775, "original_id": "1251013006785482757", "reply_id": "1251017815647309824", "label": "applause", "text": "if twitter rats me out for likin ass pics, mind ya business"} {"idx": 43778, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250870605643210764", "label": "shocked", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 43781, "original_id": "1250917242402988034", "reply_id": "1250917691235467277", "label": "yes", "text": "Me and Demi are ready to go live on YouTube together 🖖🏻"} {"idx": 43783, "original_id": "1250899373397082112", "reply_id": "1250900360580890625", "label": "applause", "text": "The reason that I had to give Tough Love to The Bad CEO (now FIRED) of Boeing Plane ✈️ is because he put himself in front of others. Do not get on Pulte and Team’s bad side! We kill with KINDNESS! ❤️👍"} {"idx": 43784, "original_id": "1250887596743458816", "reply_id": "1251233451589672967", "label": "yes", "text": "Hypothetical Q honest say I knew where a reefer was from about 6 years ago would some1 be able to smoke it 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 43785, "original_id": "1250958831263395841", "reply_id": "1250959273162571776", "label": "yes", "text": "Five, extremely sweet and innocent little girl voice: \n\n“But is bedtime more important than ... love?”"} {"idx": 43788, "original_id": "1251208197949599745", "reply_id": "1251212264222257152", "label": "agree", "text": "GOVERNMENTS MUST RIGOROUSLY ENFORCE BANS ON TRADE OF WILDLIFE FOR FOOD - WHO"} {"idx": 43791, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250858678242226181", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 43794, "original_id": "1250959206863171584", "reply_id": "1250961460118917120", "label": "seriously", "text": "“Today our office administrator reprimanded us for our terrible numbers this past month and asked us to start secretly doing some non-emergent procedures on the side to boost our numbers."} {"idx": 43795, "original_id": "1251213675341414404", "reply_id": "1251228124475318272", "label": "high_five", "text": "Act like this tweet is a banger 😈💯"} {"idx": 43797, "original_id": "1251032454309335040", "reply_id": "1251050888820637696", "label": "no", "text": "not watching frozen 2 kyn k mainen suna olaf mar gya ;/"} {"idx": 43800, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251052699375644674", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 43801, "original_id": "1251157383633461250", "reply_id": "1251165001856905218", "label": "please", "text": "The REALITY is . . . we CAN have nice things again. Things like decency and compassion and empathy and integrity and inclusion and a love of diversity and respect for and allegiance to the rule of law. And all we have to do is Vote, Vote, Vote. #PleaseVote\n#FridayMotivation"} {"idx": 43803, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250874954456989696", "label": "applause", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 43804, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1251186685058179074", "label": "yawn", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 43809, "original_id": "1250861666578960389", "reply_id": "1250960457625714689", "label": "idk", "text": "We have a plan to start opening Ohio back up. It's going to be gradual- one thing after another. We want to do this in a thoughtful way that engenders confidence and ensures customers and employees are safe."} {"idx": 43813, "original_id": "1251206955567325184", "reply_id": "1251212097029054465", "label": "no", "text": "Chocolate hummus...I don't trust it."} {"idx": 43814, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250959395401404422", "label": "idk", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 43821, "original_id": "1250876573059887104", "reply_id": "1250907312883208201", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Can we please bring back blinking shoes?!"} {"idx": 43822, "original_id": "1250990972663730176", "reply_id": "1251246073970032640", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Followers. I love y’all. 🥺"} {"idx": 43823, "original_id": "1250891853387436033", "reply_id": "1251097493435305984", "label": "eww", "text": "Certain man be washing their hand 10× a day but brush their teeth once a week"} {"idx": 43825, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251208768202948608", "label": "seriously", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 43827, "original_id": "1251127224213913601", "reply_id": "1251133274602319874", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Today we are a releasing a report on a listed company that we believe is a engaged in an obvious scam.\n\nWe think the stock has 75% near-term downside and risks being halted by regulators."} {"idx": 43834, "original_id": "1250798571806490625", "reply_id": "1250847597608271877", "label": "yes", "text": "Should college football play their season this fall? If they do will you go to a game?"} {"idx": 43835, "original_id": "1250799683137462273", "reply_id": "1251021627439017985", "label": "no", "text": "Have you followed your ex on social media yet? \n\nJust asking for a friend\n\n#QuarantineLife"} {"idx": 43836, "original_id": "1250838479614947328", "reply_id": "1250840957584637952", "label": "awww", "text": "Got a call from my gardener’s Mum, that his wife just had a baby girl, and her name? Mine.\n\n😭😭😭 I’m an emotional mess right now."} {"idx": 43841, "original_id": "1250915031887212544", "reply_id": "1250915635820986371", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is a bad day"} {"idx": 43842, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251179844085440512", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 43843, "original_id": "1250860428781027328", "reply_id": "1251089898301460480", "label": "no", "text": "How long do you have to be in lockdown for before you resort to drinking Carling?"} {"idx": 43845, "original_id": "1251053982220537856", "reply_id": "1251054153104863232", "label": "no", "text": "y’all telling me to stop now 🥺"} {"idx": 43846, "original_id": "1251033033429397505", "reply_id": "1251108930610176001", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Morning! ☀️\n*little rhyme for you*\nSo I’ve been asked to post more #dadjokes and I’m really not sure why.\nBut in honour of keeping a few of you smiling during #lockdown I’ll endeavour to comply.\n🃏When does a joke become a “dad joke?” \nWhen it becomes apparent.🃏"} {"idx": 43849, "original_id": "1250990972663730176", "reply_id": "1251013386793615363", "label": "hug", "text": "Followers. I love y’all. 🥺"} {"idx": 43850, "original_id": "1250811857973260294", "reply_id": "1250848001217757192", "label": "scared", "text": "Who else keeps forgetting what day of the week it is!? \n#QuarantineLife \n\n#AgentInk #Esports #Apparel"} {"idx": 43852, "original_id": "1251136828322668544", "reply_id": "1251137168115785728", "label": "smh", "text": "So apparently everyone gets notified when you get viber?? So much for being lowkey. Literally everyone but shop and save is texting me. Can they give a fuck?? I downloaded this for them."} {"idx": 43854, "original_id": "1251261678630711297", "reply_id": "1251262367817760769", "label": "hug", "text": "I just wanna sit in the dark and cry."} {"idx": 43855, "original_id": "1250522261972496384", "reply_id": "1250989785528836096", "label": "high_five", "text": "I thought only adult actresses got their checks signed by @realDonaldTrump?"} {"idx": 43856, "original_id": "1250989287996178434", "reply_id": "1251183586906181637", "label": "no", "text": "ARMY CAN U READ THIS FONT: 𝖙𝖆𝖊𝖐𝖔𝖔𝖐 ?? 🤔"} {"idx": 43857, "original_id": "1251154934889758728", "reply_id": "1251178798701252614", "label": "hug", "text": "i'm an emotional bitch this week.. don't mind me."} {"idx": 43859, "original_id": "1251235334953881601", "reply_id": "1251258223350472705", "label": "hug", "text": "Whenever I have a mental breakdown and my sisters around she just laughs and records 😓 bitch hug me"} {"idx": 43861, "original_id": "1250948784323952640", "reply_id": "1250949547553173504", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "It will be a travesty if persons who know they have been exposed to COVID-19, escape to parishes like Hanover which so far, haven’t reported one positive case."} {"idx": 43864, "original_id": "1251252429296996352", "reply_id": "1251264589171433478", "label": "hug", "text": "uuuuuugh everything aches Dx"} {"idx": 43865, "original_id": "1250853453582217218", "reply_id": "1250866042508840967", "label": "high_five", "text": "All I wanna do is walk around a big garden center but it feels irresponsible"} {"idx": 43867, "original_id": "1250547017027371010", "reply_id": "1250861077719650305", "label": "agree", "text": "Woke up the demon ."} {"idx": 43871, "original_id": "1250959806485200896", "reply_id": "1250960788212367362", "label": "smh", "text": "I think my ex got his stimulus check... I’m about to text him and ask how he’s doing.. 😂💀"} {"idx": 43875, "original_id": "1250889137575669761", "reply_id": "1250954029087232000", "label": "shocked", "text": "I just need head & a comfortable bed!! Jk .. but fr a bitch tired 😭"} {"idx": 43876, "original_id": "1250886498670350336", "reply_id": "1250948332752691206", "label": "agree", "text": "I won't be online for some time. I need some space. Sorry that I won't be here. Love you all. Whatever happens happens."} {"idx": 43879, "original_id": "1250881265949003776", "reply_id": "1250882811927486464", "label": "hug", "text": "I just wanna hug the homies 🥺"} {"idx": 43882, "original_id": "1251232737442197504", "reply_id": "1251260981126168577", "label": "hug", "text": "Bad day"} {"idx": 43883, "original_id": "1251105649926209536", "reply_id": "1251177273912430596", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "well i finally finished the bastard essay (minus filling in footnotes)"} {"idx": 43885, "original_id": "1250759805398024194", "reply_id": "1251103042088218624", "label": "eww", "text": "Things Trump has blamed for his Coronavirus response:\n\nObama\nCDC\nChina\nWorld Health Organization\nFDA\nImmigrants\nGovernors\nDr. Fauci\nMedia\nAsians\n\nThings actually responsible for Trump’s response:\n\nTrump"} {"idx": 43887, "original_id": "1250903800522477568", "reply_id": "1250953503876558849", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Y’all ready for me to shut down twitter 👀"} {"idx": 43889, "original_id": "1251006481664741377", "reply_id": "1251009329739829248", "label": "no", "text": "what if i... put down my phone & went to sleep"} {"idx": 43891, "original_id": "1250995555997831168", "reply_id": "1251008625784631296", "label": "applause", "text": "i dont care how bad quarantine gets im not watching avatar the last airbender"} {"idx": 43894, "original_id": "1250846281817341952", "reply_id": "1251077442661466112", "label": "awww", "text": "I have sent N5,000 to all Nigerians using BVN. \n👇\nOlusegun Obasanjo"} {"idx": 43900, "original_id": "1251138402876944386", "reply_id": "1251141659917725696", "label": "hug", "text": "me:\nmy father, yelling: you're the most disrespectful [redacted] on earth, you're disgusting, shut up before i punch you i dont want to see you again you disgusting [redacted]"} {"idx": 43901, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251269437401030657", "label": "awww", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 43902, "original_id": "1251116804912623616", "reply_id": "1251117531110297600", "label": "dance", "text": "MY PAINTS ARE HERE MY PAINTS ARE HERE MY PAINTS ARE HEREEEEEEEEE 🤩😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰"} {"idx": 43904, "original_id": "1250956224700592128", "reply_id": "1251133491976249344", "label": "hug", "text": "Needing the biggest hug but not being able to see any of ur friends is so shite"} {"idx": 43905, "original_id": "1250834075503525892", "reply_id": "1250840046736936966", "label": "omg", "text": "Soon as I get drunk or high I be wanting to show everybody my nip rings 🙄😂"} {"idx": 43906, "original_id": "1250883264350433281", "reply_id": "1251124116775669764", "label": "scared", "text": "<-- Wants to give birth to like 11 kids."} {"idx": 43908, "original_id": "1250857756619190272", "reply_id": "1251032378727956487", "label": "hug", "text": "Sent my love to my sick and dying grandmother through my brother who delivered it through a hospital window this morning. I can’t hold her hand. I can’t say goodbye. I can’t be there so she knows I don’t hold the past & my father’s abuse against her. Fuck this pandemic. 😭"} {"idx": 43909, "original_id": "1251148150351392769", "reply_id": "1251153685838622720", "label": "hug", "text": "Ummmm can i cry now?"} {"idx": 43912, "original_id": "1251262972288212992", "reply_id": "1251263780262207489", "label": "no", "text": "I've asked multiple major label reps this week, how they plan to market artists during a pandemic when video content is in short supply and touring is out. The most common answer: encouraging artists to make viral hashtag challenge music."} {"idx": 43913, "original_id": "1251214378684289024", "reply_id": "1251215451918647296", "label": "yes", "text": "Who else listens to the same music all over again?"} {"idx": 43914, "original_id": "1250292126643941376", "reply_id": "1250843644103462912", "label": "no", "text": "Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever."} {"idx": 43917, "original_id": "1250899519115603968", "reply_id": "1250989135445311489", "label": "oops", "text": "All I know is that I better be able to spend my birthday with my mans next month or I’m fighting"} {"idx": 43918, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251214625821122565", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 43922, "original_id": "1250651999965716482", "reply_id": "1250845461264531456", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Forest Gump is the ultimate example of white male privilege. It’s about a white guy who has mild retardation who has success in everything he attempts."} {"idx": 43924, "original_id": "1251013230635347970", "reply_id": "1251037791577731073", "label": "eww", "text": "I want to cut my hair a little"} {"idx": 43926, "original_id": "1251013198859374592", "reply_id": "1251022370577567746", "label": "oops", "text": "I just can’t stop thinking ab how I’m going to get old one day"} {"idx": 43927, "original_id": "1251169534389694464", "reply_id": "1251170402904260610", "label": "no", "text": "Man lol stop post dah wash out rice and chicken on my TL. Thing sick dog stomach"} {"idx": 43931, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251213442632970242", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43932, "original_id": "1251159783131865089", "reply_id": "1251160380413362183", "label": "high_five", "text": "After we have a vaccine..."} {"idx": 43933, "original_id": "1251216171275296768", "reply_id": "1251241144882782210", "label": "applause", "text": "As a Virginian, Donald can come to my home and kiss my ass since I'm following our Governors orders and only leaving for food and to take my dog out"} {"idx": 43934, "original_id": "1250964506349645824", "reply_id": "1251241825467277312", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Bouta see what the hype is about money Heist, y’all better not be cappin’"} {"idx": 43937, "original_id": "1250882772375347202", "reply_id": "1250883489710460928", "label": "applause", "text": "nowadays niggas don’t know how to be themselves."} {"idx": 43940, "original_id": "1250455337158578176", "reply_id": "1250873904161148935", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Drop one gif to show how you feel about Fortnite right now"} {"idx": 43944, "original_id": "1250951158731960321", "reply_id": "1250951557283057664", "label": "shocked", "text": "i am tired of being bad at fighting games and have decided to become good at them instead"} {"idx": 43945, "original_id": "1250829671270359041", "reply_id": "1250833667141894144", "label": "no", "text": "How many more years until you turn 30? This question is not for Hector P Twitter."} {"idx": 43946, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251206418100862979", "label": "applause", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 43954, "original_id": "1250898334832668672", "reply_id": "1250924358958223362", "label": "no", "text": "Gimme-gimme love🥺❤️#joji"} {"idx": 43955, "original_id": "1250825660752330754", "reply_id": "1250944500970606592", "label": "want", "text": "who wants this\n\nDabow x Losco \n\ntune \n\n?"} {"idx": 43958, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251183870113955840", "label": "agree", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 43959, "original_id": "1250993397533487105", "reply_id": "1250995780355338240", "label": "ok", "text": "Water signs like me cos I never like them back n they love to self sabotage."} {"idx": 43960, "original_id": "1251258030139768832", "reply_id": "1251258489504227334", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Francesca is looking at Kelz the way I look at.. lool 😂"} {"idx": 43962, "original_id": "1250846267019800578", "reply_id": "1250846499866652674", "label": "yes", "text": "UK calls for review of China's handling of coronavirus outbreak ##"} {"idx": 43964, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251134914814148612", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 43965, "original_id": "1251145352478101505", "reply_id": "1251146368065736707", "label": "yes", "text": "SUBS: Thanks for the feedback - didn't realize that showing you how to trade a hedge fund was so valuable. I'll do it more often"} {"idx": 43967, "original_id": "1251185461751676928", "reply_id": "1251190814270611457", "label": "applause", "text": "I just donated to #EXTRALIFE to help the kids treated at @CMNHospitals!"} {"idx": 43969, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251011199170490368", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 43970, "original_id": "1251067124010778625", "reply_id": "1251097690332676096", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Quick, what's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear Bitcoin?\n\n🚀🌑\n\n#crypto #bitcoin"} {"idx": 43971, "original_id": "1250665450813321217", "reply_id": "1250862180624465920", "label": "no", "text": "Would anyone else be kinda sorta okay if Trump dissolved Congress and made himself dictator?"} {"idx": 43973, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1251154301948358660", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 43974, "original_id": "1250623688686403585", "reply_id": "1250959055083823104", "label": "applause", "text": "If you’re looking for an easy way to donate to the Biden campaign just pay your credit card bill"} {"idx": 43975, "original_id": "1251211153138647042", "reply_id": "1251211571445063681", "label": "agree", "text": "I hate how superior Sonny and Carly act when it comes to Ava spending time with Avery. Like Ava said theyre just as bad as her. And it’s still the same two years later #gh"} {"idx": 43976, "original_id": "1251113662519140352", "reply_id": "1251114153584050176", "label": "ok", "text": "@johndumelo1 I register for the Bitsika oo... My ID be $betina\n\n#DropYourBitsika"} {"idx": 43978, "original_id": "1250979970727456769", "reply_id": "1250980249824825348", "label": "hug", "text": "i need a big hug right now"} {"idx": 43979, "original_id": "1251258442041475072", "reply_id": "1251266056540356615", "label": "hug", "text": "Lost my favorite leather jacket that my mom has had for years and gave me as a gift. I’m beyond upset with myself rn."} {"idx": 43981, "original_id": "1251028199485485059", "reply_id": "1251080269299421184", "label": "dance", "text": "purple is so underrated"} {"idx": 43983, "original_id": "1251238492446679041", "reply_id": "1251243879061508104", "label": "applause", "text": "If ur reading this and u steal my content to put up for free just know this: \nI HATE YOU AND I HOPE YOUR GENITALS FALL OFF"} {"idx": 43984, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250995873787625478", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 43985, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250859520487763974", "label": "yawn", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 43986, "original_id": "1250933333673955328", "reply_id": "1250946002938408961", "label": "agree", "text": "I did a mass unfollowing cause I’m trying to keep my socials mostly industry only. If you’re a fan and I unfollowed you please know it’s not personal at all and I forever appreciate our connections and your support. I’m just trying to practice protecting my own boundaries now."} {"idx": 43988, "original_id": "1251113692126732288", "reply_id": "1251151118249259009", "label": "shocked", "text": "Maybe the real pandemic is our continued, crippling desire for validation from strangers on the internet."} {"idx": 43990, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1250998235038023680", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 43995, "original_id": "1251070686195380225", "reply_id": "1251079122463358976", "label": "applause", "text": "More and more I see loyalty doesn’t mean sh!t anymore."} {"idx": 43996, "original_id": "1251159495863971842", "reply_id": "1251164152216850432", "label": "eww", "text": "I need a cigarette after this week and I don't even smoke."} {"idx": 43997, "original_id": "1251081168532824072", "reply_id": "1251089684249247747", "label": "sigh", "text": "Boys would add their ex girlfriends,their best best friends and their cousins and expect their girlfriends to keep the list short.\nBOY BYE! 👋"} {"idx": 43998, "original_id": "1251132315729899520", "reply_id": "1251143819799617538", "label": "hug", "text": "my work now has 16 cases, including my mother, co-workers & 6 of our residents 😔\n\nit’s concerning for my mom not only bc she has pre-existing conditions, but my sister who is 16 & sees my mom daily, has really bad asthma, i’m just worried about her. \n\ni want this to all be over"} {"idx": 44000, "original_id": "1250297938363813894", "reply_id": "1250895230213242881", "label": "agree", "text": "Have y’all come to grips yet with the fact that summer is a wrap?"} {"idx": 44002, "original_id": "1251009005004210176", "reply_id": "1251023966115938304", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Niggas be tryna fuck but don’t read my poetry like at least try nigga I listen to yo wack ass beats"} {"idx": 44004, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250979492211970054", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 44006, "original_id": "1251181356777738240", "reply_id": "1251195713033306112", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Welp, we made it to Fri-Yay.\n\nDescribe your week in a gif."} {"idx": 44010, "original_id": "1250893769475424257", "reply_id": "1250895598968061953", "label": "hug", "text": "Video chat isn’t cutting it anymore 🥺 Can I get hug from a relative or friend 😭 #QuarantineLife I’m Over This 😔"} {"idx": 44011, "original_id": "1251021494332715009", "reply_id": "1251056399297253376", "label": "applause", "text": "I think I really done fucked my leg up"} {"idx": 44016, "original_id": "1251129357852200962", "reply_id": "1251131749783961600", "label": "hug", "text": "As a person who lives alone, can I take a moment to say:\n\nI just really, really want a hug."} {"idx": 44017, "original_id": "1250450524119293952", "reply_id": "1251245712156897282", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "The new iPhone SE is priced at Rs.42,500. Thoughts?\n\n#iPhoneSE #iPhoneSE2020"} {"idx": 44020, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251272501751173121", "label": "yes", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 44022, "original_id": "1251130259082227712", "reply_id": "1251185353374994437", "label": "agree", "text": "I don't like watching shirtless men except my men. It is scary and not at all sexy huhuhu.\n.\n.\n.\n🤡."} {"idx": 44023, "original_id": "1251104886537760768", "reply_id": "1251113400882597888", "label": "yes", "text": "Denmark has reopened Tattoo Parlours, I'm off to Denmark........ laters"} {"idx": 44024, "original_id": "1250990975884816387", "reply_id": "1250993951999315969", "label": "applause", "text": "I didnt pay it off completely but now i only have 5 more payments left on my car!!!"} {"idx": 44029, "original_id": "1251216289034498054", "reply_id": "1251222740679503873", "label": "idk", "text": "You cannot sex someone into LOVING you! 🤷🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 44031, "original_id": "1250914936609439745", "reply_id": "1250916831566716928", "label": "applause", "text": "Recharging x_x"} {"idx": 44032, "original_id": "1250746891765190656", "reply_id": "1251204233355026434", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s my 71st birthday. Thankful to have my pets to be with. 🎈❤️🐾"} {"idx": 44036, "original_id": "1250987401637277697", "reply_id": "1250989087798046720", "label": "eww", "text": "i was an ugly 20 year old from all the drinking i was doing to cope with being a really hot 13 year old"} {"idx": 44041, "original_id": "1250922550235992064", "reply_id": "1250931749783253006", "label": "applause", "text": "Good evening 💤 as you put your beautiful head on the pillow tonight, can you think of three things you are grateful for? They can be small. Even the ability to breathe. Love you, good night, Pulte"} {"idx": 44046, "original_id": "1250625659191341056", "reply_id": "1250884245964423169", "label": "agree", "text": "If you can’t see yourself having a child with them, why are you having unprotected sex with them?"} {"idx": 44047, "original_id": "1250854691946156037", "reply_id": "1250859175971864577", "label": "applause", "text": "Boss just asked if you could be a Republican and be in a union. I replied that I was pretty sure Abe Lincoln was pro-Union and nobody appreciates how fucking clever I am."} {"idx": 44050, "original_id": "1250969761929760768", "reply_id": "1251061021571194882", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy Why am I the last to know? Happy birthday."} {"idx": 44052, "original_id": "1250793765876482053", "reply_id": "1250849127879098374", "label": "applause", "text": "Thanks, everyone for helping me hit 8k followers! I appreciate all the support!"} {"idx": 44053, "original_id": "1251057488067063808", "reply_id": "1251066478494793728", "label": "no", "text": "Why are you awake right now\n\ngo to bed."} {"idx": 44054, "original_id": "1251153555496398848", "reply_id": "1251162579323379713", "label": "shocked", "text": "All I’m saying is that covid didn’t show up until we switched to paper straws...\n\n🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 44055, "original_id": "1250914478985805825", "reply_id": "1250923861572349952", "label": "smh", "text": "Well Mike Pence finally just uttered remorse for the over 30,000 dead... but no sooner were the words out his mouth than Trumps dick went in it saying, “If it wasn’t for leadership of the President”... 🤢 #TrumpPressBriefing"} {"idx": 44057, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251230323851042816", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 44060, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251022421001293824", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 44063, "original_id": "1251187388803661829", "reply_id": "1251189176327901184", "label": "popcorn", "text": "No turning back from this one. @realDonaldTrump is going to see @NYGovCuomo in full force. Place your bets nation."} {"idx": 44065, "original_id": "1251016754593218565", "reply_id": "1251016986437484545", "label": "oops", "text": "Wow I accidentally got drunk tn"} {"idx": 44067, "original_id": "1250855755189805057", "reply_id": "1250856533367259136", "label": "seriously", "text": "I wanna DJ in the driveway for my neighbors like I saw Vinny and Diane do, I just need these damn speakers to ship"} {"idx": 44068, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251179721343356932", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 44069, "original_id": "1251194972260511745", "reply_id": "1251196032689549312", "label": "smh", "text": "My phone hasn’t left my hand this entire quarantine, but no, no I didn’t get your text."} {"idx": 44071, "original_id": "1251265423024283649", "reply_id": "1251274830483197955", "label": "thank_you", "text": "✨The #ttrpg infantry spreading love and positivity!\n\n@J_Dungeonmaster \n\n@StarShinobi\n\n@sigmanuggets\n\n@DMsForge\n\n@BasiliskOnline \n\n@ShaunSunday_Art\n\n@mrvalorisalive\n\n@MashedFriesi \n\n@TartanDM\n\n@TheAKPhoenix\n\n@ArienBloom\n\nFollow these people if you're caring, and supportive.💫"} {"idx": 44075, "original_id": "1251017383520743424", "reply_id": "1251039394494132224", "label": "hug", "text": "Feelin' like poo. \n\nSo goodnight for now, frens.\n\nHere's to waking up feeling much better! \n\n♥️✌️🏻"} {"idx": 44076, "original_id": "1250250136229416960", "reply_id": "1250990479707197440", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I rarely update here anymore, so let me tell y'all who don't follow me on FB: I finished a new Levi Brody story. Not the final book in the Southern Scrimmage but a prequel. There will be 3 or 4 prequels. Eventually. Hope this finds you well."} {"idx": 44077, "original_id": "1251046470767132672", "reply_id": "1251048252935454721", "label": "agree", "text": "The picture I took earlier took way too fucking long to edit only to get 20likes and I’m mad about it honestly."} {"idx": 44080, "original_id": "1251176252507029505", "reply_id": "1251227357098237952", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s really sad that with all this going on they’ll likely have to delay the opening of the Rt. 21 go kart track another year... 😂"} {"idx": 44081, "original_id": "1250954130308374535", "reply_id": "1251145002719129601", "label": "smh", "text": "My mom keeps asking me to do TikTok dances with her"} {"idx": 44082, "original_id": "1250865849659002880", "reply_id": "1251122985014112257", "label": "eww", "text": "Do you think Melanie gets butterflies in her stomach when 45 walks in the room?"} {"idx": 44083, "original_id": "1251131297675837440", "reply_id": "1251197412431081472", "label": "ok", "text": "If you ever see me talking to myself, I'm having a staff meeting."} {"idx": 44084, "original_id": "1251178160005079041", "reply_id": "1251221193174028290", "label": "agree", "text": "Sure, fitted sheets suck but the real asshole is the duvet that won’t stay in its cover."} {"idx": 44085, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251143300368732160", "label": "applause", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 44086, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251263094682247170", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 44088, "original_id": "1250861152851988480", "reply_id": "1250862340360159232", "label": "facepalm", "text": "\"So..zombie hordes?\"\n-\"no.\"\n\"Looters?\"\n-\"not yet.\"\n\"Famine?\"\n-\"maybe in a few years.\"\n\"Martial law?\"\n-\"in a few places, maybe.\"\n\"Forced to stay at home for months on end with insane tiger documentaries and celebrity singalongs?\"\n-\"Yes exactly.\""} {"idx": 44089, "original_id": "1250943015121813504", "reply_id": "1250949168820039683", "label": "thank_you", "text": "sending me porn you want to do with me is a valid way of flirting"} {"idx": 44090, "original_id": "1251222437582299141", "reply_id": "1251223824093380610", "label": "shocked", "text": "My mom just came into my room, excited because a letter came for me that looked like a check, her mind automatically when STIMULUS. But yeah anyways, I got excited, I opened the letter and it was a $1,400 E.R MEDICAL BILL HAHAHAHA."} {"idx": 44091, "original_id": "1251009148218757120", "reply_id": "1251009547981877248", "label": "hug", "text": "Haha I hate myself 👽"} {"idx": 44092, "original_id": "1251098473807654914", "reply_id": "1251134131163054080", "label": "agree", "text": "I've @FineGael blue blood running through me from tip to toe. And for generations\n\nGather round for a story about Garret Fitzgerald and Ansbacher bank Guinness Mahon where my grandad, as a director of the bank, ran \"special schemes\" for very special friends\n\nMaybe I shouldn't?🤔"} {"idx": 44093, "original_id": "1250965052536115203", "reply_id": "1250966025190944769", "label": "eww", "text": "I have awaken."} {"idx": 44094, "original_id": "1250935346612879360", "reply_id": "1250938971770716160", "label": "applause", "text": "Had some shower sex. \n\nThis has been an important announcement. Thank you for your time."} {"idx": 44098, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1251026151641772032", "label": "idk", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 44100, "original_id": "1251139339658158080", "reply_id": "1251192274521919488", "label": "agree", "text": "Good morning @GOP & @realDonaldTrump Just a note to let you know your attempt to allow the coronavirus to kill me off for the sake of the economy hasn’t succeeded. And I will be sheltering in place for at least the next 2 months since you are so eager to open the country."} {"idx": 44101, "original_id": "1251204403513589761", "reply_id": "1251212154901983232", "label": "hug", "text": "my head has hurt for a week and i think i have a sinus infection and I'm working 60 to 70 hours a week and I'm so tired and with five people in the house why is it still my job to clean the bathroom and now trump is inciting armed insurrection or whatever and LOLOL fuck you."} {"idx": 44104, "original_id": "1251160382325981193", "reply_id": "1251222081460678657", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I don't know who needs to hear this, but: it's time to stop procrastinating."} {"idx": 44107, "original_id": "1250816404456189953", "reply_id": "1250835623432163328", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Is J. Cole a top 10 artist of all time?"} {"idx": 44108, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250931414029213696", "label": "no", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 44113, "original_id": "1251186775567020039", "reply_id": "1251188601985122305", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "I have always struggled with making decisions for myself (PTSD yay) \n\nBut the past couple of months I've been making my own decisions, limiting who I get input from, and am more comfortable with feeling certain.\n\nIt may seem really silly, but this is *huge* for me ✨"} {"idx": 44114, "original_id": "1250941584557867008", "reply_id": "1250977334808793088", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm a firm believer that if you eat boneless wings over traditional wings you're a uncultured swine"} {"idx": 44116, "original_id": "1251201261342466048", "reply_id": "1251202204918259712", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Liberate Minnesota? \n\nWhat the fuck does that even mean? \n\nIt's like he's giving a wink and a nod to those rebels carrying torches, pitchforks, and guns."} {"idx": 44119, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251244608333504512", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 44120, "original_id": "1251257232752336897", "reply_id": "1251270821659762695", "label": "sigh", "text": "I’m not sure if there’s anything more annoying than playboi cartis voice"} {"idx": 44122, "original_id": "1250848321847144449", "reply_id": "1250848722717720584", "label": "applause", "text": "You and me created Bailout Humans because that's the way it should be."} {"idx": 44125, "original_id": "1251265587596136451", "reply_id": "1251273114194898944", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "As a Virginian (and damn proud of it), I'd remind the President that his order to \"LIBERATE VIRGINIA\" was already tried when his friends visited Charlottesville in August 2017."} {"idx": 44126, "original_id": "1250922407163916288", "reply_id": "1250959534304223232", "label": "smh", "text": "The fastest way Trump could begin Opening Up America Again would be to announce he's wants to keep everything closed for the next year. \n\nDemocrats would then hit the streets demanding an end to social distancing and the lockdowns the next day."} {"idx": 44129, "original_id": "1250296908578349056", "reply_id": "1250935524660928513", "label": "dance", "text": "Just got myself a passion planner 🥰"} {"idx": 44131, "original_id": "1250842668671827969", "reply_id": "1250902272143433735", "label": "ok", "text": "Today is #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay and we want to know how you're doing. Let us know by using only emojis 👇"} {"idx": 44133, "original_id": "1250957603057864704", "reply_id": "1251144459275796480", "label": "agree", "text": "A lot streamers message me saying “I feel sad becuase I don’t average x amount of viewers“\n\nI’ve never once been sad becuase of my viewership I used to avg 100+ but then lost it all to a fire I’m lucky to hit 30 and yet I’m never sad about it \n\nBe grateful for what you have ❤️"} {"idx": 44136, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250847441668145152", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 44137, "original_id": "1250913841472516096", "reply_id": "1250914522665230336", "label": "facepalm", "text": "influenza like illness....wt-WTFF?"} {"idx": 44144, "original_id": "1250949867251347456", "reply_id": "1250959057046953985", "label": "want", "text": "oh fuck the new fiona apple is here. the new FIONA APPLE IS HERE"} {"idx": 44146, "original_id": "1250873364140494851", "reply_id": "1250960143790923776", "label": "hearts", "text": "Gimmie kiss 😘💜🥺 im havin a bad day ✅👀"} {"idx": 44147, "original_id": "1250899554641289216", "reply_id": "1250899797780975617", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Twitter Philanthropy News\n\n✅ Successfully Lobbied and Predicted $96 Billion Drug Company for their CoronaVirus Drug \n\n✅ Launched “Bailout Humans” with success across the world in last two days\n\n✅ Gave over $20,000 cash out to people in need \n\n ✅ Many more. Look at timeline 👍"} {"idx": 44153, "original_id": "1250906312160010241", "reply_id": "1250908018427953157", "label": "yes", "text": "Man, we really about to see a wave of NFL players getting infected now, aren't we? 😔"} {"idx": 44155, "original_id": "1250953989878878209", "reply_id": "1250990185325760513", "label": "no", "text": "I wonder if I’ll go viral if I tweet"} {"idx": 44156, "original_id": "1251195495252471819", "reply_id": "1251255974956011523", "label": "applause", "text": "#NEW: Premier @fordnation says the gov't is purchasing iPads for students from low-income families that will have free data to support online learning #onted"} {"idx": 44157, "original_id": "1251193417880817664", "reply_id": "1251196282766602248", "label": "eww", "text": "Airline travel is down 97%. Do you think they’ve managed to clear the smell of fear farts out of the seat cushions yet?"} {"idx": 44159, "original_id": "1250850204338642944", "reply_id": "1250850827960451072", "label": "seriously", "text": "I HATE PEOPLE"} {"idx": 44163, "original_id": "1251071091499384833", "reply_id": "1251262326851829760", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm gay \n\nSend tweet."} {"idx": 44166, "original_id": "1250902887351431169", "reply_id": "1250946355196882945", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Think we could pull of a virtual concert? \n\n* laughs maniacally* \n\nUs either."} {"idx": 44167, "original_id": "1251107565305581569", "reply_id": "1251108253896974336", "label": "sorry", "text": "i might have to delete some tweets to extract myself from an emerging programming language debate...\n\nthis is what happens when i just casually throw a comment in before coffee. i break cardinal rules like 'never tweet about programming language features'"} {"idx": 44168, "original_id": "1250451111057559554", "reply_id": "1250938008536100865", "label": "no", "text": "worth it ba yung second/last chance?"} {"idx": 44171, "original_id": "1250897927847006209", "reply_id": "1250898670612033536", "label": "dance", "text": "#theme #music @theweeknd #theweeknd Good thursday evening ! imagine perfume in Hans, hair on the wind, I'm on a nightclub tonight. 🌹🥂 #love #lover ♥️"} {"idx": 44173, "original_id": "1250861545258713088", "reply_id": "1250870705899667456", "label": "win", "text": "They gave me: straight\nI am: pan ig\n\nThey gave me: 5'3\nI am: 5'6\n\nThey gave me: taken\nI am: taken\n\nThey gave me: 🇺🇲\n\nI am: 🇩🇰\n\ndrop an emoji and I'll tell you what I think based on your profile!"} {"idx": 44175, "original_id": "1250990311419056130", "reply_id": "1250996413128998912", "label": "no", "text": "@dpburnette , the offer still stands to be a buckeye, you see the recruiting right? @ryandaytime has it going with more to come!"} {"idx": 44177, "original_id": "1250843660469575680", "reply_id": "1250844272275845122", "label": "agree", "text": "Lots of talk about the great divergence between tech and everything else\n\nWhat if some of it is just a good old fashioned OpEx pain trade blowout?"} {"idx": 44178, "original_id": "1250892914407940105", "reply_id": "1250936751608250369", "label": "awww", "text": "Does it ever hit you that when gulf woke up from a nap the first thing he said was \"ᵂʰᵉʳᵉ ᶦˢ ᵖ'ᵐᵉʷ?\"🥺✋"} {"idx": 44179, "original_id": "1250809372726505476", "reply_id": "1250951155879948288", "label": "shocked", "text": "“I’ve never been fertilised by an elephant”. Possibly my favourite line ever in @WineShowTV season 3. #comingsoon"} {"idx": 44181, "original_id": "1251221059208187904", "reply_id": "1251224089165017088", "label": "no", "text": "I'm so bored I just considered waking a sleeping baby so I have someone to hang out with... I've been staring at her for an hour waiting to pounce as soon as I see an eye open!"} {"idx": 44183, "original_id": "1251270921526013957", "reply_id": "1251273128396931077", "label": "sigh", "text": "Thanos was right. Every villain that ever said humanity can't make smart decisions was right. I'm done."} {"idx": 44184, "original_id": "1250850498359394304", "reply_id": "1250857200605593609", "label": "eww", "text": "Q: What is daughter of a Tiger called?\n\nA: Tigirl\n\n#OkSorry"} {"idx": 44187, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251198400961314818", "label": "yolo", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 44191, "original_id": "1251194842337681409", "reply_id": "1251232045549981699", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Can you cuddle naked without having sex?🤔😊"} {"idx": 44192, "original_id": "1250856572286316544", "reply_id": "1250859887875239940", "label": "applause", "text": "Who needs silver and gold when you’ve got a diamond 💎💎💎"} {"idx": 44194, "original_id": "1250948462650195968", "reply_id": "1251248897411989504", "label": "oops", "text": "WHO IS THE NICEST ARTIST YOU HAVE EVER MET?"} {"idx": 44195, "original_id": "1250958894257582080", "reply_id": "1250965673863458816", "label": "hug", "text": "Haven’t had a hug in at least 33 days. I need affection. I need to be held."} {"idx": 44196, "original_id": "1251190593071398912", "reply_id": "1251256698515460096", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Just got into New Girl 😭😭😭 perfect timing"} {"idx": 44197, "original_id": "1250842311698853889", "reply_id": "1250843193656201224", "label": "shocked", "text": "Might fuck around and see an improv show when this is all over"} {"idx": 44199, "original_id": "1251151456922513417", "reply_id": "1251174759985004544", "label": "hug", "text": "Ah the weekend is almost here. I've got some making up to do with the kids for pretty much ignoring them all week, and we need to plan how we celebrate Sam's 'lockdown' birthday next week. It's been an up and down week in our house fair to say, lockdown blues starting to hit."} {"idx": 44201, "original_id": "1251007153969733632", "reply_id": "1251015342643654656", "label": "wink", "text": "Super thankful for @ashleyy_nw"} {"idx": 44202, "original_id": "1250873988038881280", "reply_id": "1250876767587328001", "label": "no", "text": "Are Hot Cheetos essential? Asking for a friend.."} {"idx": 44203, "original_id": "1250739302868365312", "reply_id": "1250850909401292801", "label": "no", "text": "I can’t take the small penis. I just cannot 😭"} {"idx": 44205, "original_id": "1251113010581647360", "reply_id": "1251116067566608386", "label": "applause", "text": "Bout to bring bae breakfast to his job and give him mouf"} {"idx": 44206, "original_id": "1251061700033314816", "reply_id": "1251065660249010176", "label": "yes", "text": "Is vampire diaries good?"} {"idx": 44207, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251000824672616449", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 44210, "original_id": "1250847165527871493", "reply_id": "1250862264049156096", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Broke girls have this little tendency of expecting guys to give them money. Go to work!"} {"idx": 44212, "original_id": "1251163210712879106", "reply_id": "1251175215402381314", "label": "applause", "text": "the day before spm i lost my ic and the day before final exam for sem 1 i lost my matrix card wowiez it feels good to be the most stupid person in the world😃✌🏻"} {"idx": 44213, "original_id": "1250980587214647296", "reply_id": "1250989213849395201", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Yeah I should have listened, Aquarius’ are fucking INSANE."} {"idx": 44214, "original_id": "1251013888658649088", "reply_id": "1251018542759247872", "label": "smh", "text": "Pineapple on pizza will always belong. 🍍🍕"} {"idx": 44215, "original_id": "1251251227091927044", "reply_id": "1251261497273131008", "label": "awww", "text": "Playing the @Ambush_gg Female Tournament with the new team tomorrow, lets get the best out of it!\n @ScapeEsports w/ @Lenam0n , @v1spel , @yunrcss and Ayumi.\n#LetsGoGirls"} {"idx": 44216, "original_id": "1251150664094244864", "reply_id": "1251154726034395142", "label": "agree", "text": "It's Friday! So it's time to thank @NTI_WMD 's (brilliant) Comms team for being the best comm's team around! We :literally: couldn't do anything without you. Thanks @cmac_dc @COGwin @thistabithahope @rwcahill (& their non twitter users - Rachel, Caressa, and Mimi!) 👏"} {"idx": 44217, "original_id": "1250812767138971648", "reply_id": "1250847224126455809", "label": "yes", "text": "Awesome questions submitted this week for #AskEWoodAnything. Tune in tomorrow to “What’s Next with Eric Wood” and see if your question made the cut. Yes, @OLINEPRIDE, your question made the cut..."} {"idx": 44222, "original_id": "1250958305301860358", "reply_id": "1250959052873650176", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Madden Or 2k ? What’s Better . Quote This"} {"idx": 44223, "original_id": "1250912390318886912", "reply_id": "1251070557250084865", "label": "kiss", "text": "Drop a ❤️ if you’re awake. Follow everyone in the comments."} {"idx": 44224, "original_id": "1250839860866428928", "reply_id": "1250862597160579072", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I applied for the #NFA Executive Fire Officer program and I can not wait to see if I was accepted or not. I am really hoping that the accepted/denial letters are not delayed due to COVID virus. #EFOprogram"} {"idx": 44228, "original_id": "1250128993182986241", "reply_id": "1250923172486152193", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Black men, if no one has told you today..\n\n I love you ❤️"} {"idx": 44229, "original_id": "1250770716942688257", "reply_id": "1250852707423809536", "label": "agree", "text": "Today’s gonna kick my butt"} {"idx": 44232, "original_id": "1251073535553998848", "reply_id": "1251081221939105792", "label": "hearts", "text": "Trauma dreams at home w fam hit different than when in a flat w friends... brb gonna b on anch for ever"} {"idx": 44233, "original_id": "1250981825721380864", "reply_id": "1251012533714116609", "label": "seriously", "text": "I miss having girlfriends :( my only friend lives in florida"} {"idx": 44236, "original_id": "1251071171883405313", "reply_id": "1251141443202232320", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#ff the light in the dark \n@kellyxevans \n@dad_on_my_feet \n@Ketih_the_Yeti \n@Steph_A_Nanny \n@adorableinNE \n@VisionBored1 \n@SweetCor83 \n@kaL12578 \n@katy_fit \n@KatjaQueen \n@katesterloos \n@DrisanaJuliette \n@76Tumbleweed \n@PanickedFoodie \n@Mialew79 \n@morningside36 ❤️"} {"idx": 44240, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1250998399048060929", "label": "no", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 44241, "original_id": "1251244669150920704", "reply_id": "1251256605817155591", "label": "win", "text": "Dan Bongino will have the largest Podcast show in a couple of years! The man pays attention to details. I guess it’s his secret service background. The man is on it. Go Dan go! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"} {"idx": 44244, "original_id": "1250779810235727873", "reply_id": "1251061832162344960", "label": "hug", "text": "Hey ya'll! I've been feeling kinda down about streaming recently but tonight's stream was incredible, I had the best time. I wanna say thank you to ya'll that hung out, and everyone that just popped by for a sec, and all you sneaky lurkers! Love you all, and thank you!"} {"idx": 44245, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250939653374586885", "label": "shrug", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 44249, "original_id": "1251107954092380161", "reply_id": "1251261139335479298", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "How about friday the 17th, we dont allow any reporters in the daily coronavirus task force meeting...\nDo you want to see that?"} {"idx": 44250, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251126414658723847", "label": "seriously", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 44253, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251052029104906240", "label": "shrug", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 44254, "original_id": "1250743333137395712", "reply_id": "1250866491723046917", "label": "shocked", "text": "Not to brag but I’m a bit mentally unstable"} {"idx": 44258, "original_id": "1250867564281909253", "reply_id": "1250867727897702403", "label": "no", "text": "gonna have to finally commit and get a harness like every other brooklyn gay"} {"idx": 44259, "original_id": "1251068746615197698", "reply_id": "1251215362378665984", "label": "agree", "text": "Question for my American friends - how would you like your country to ‘re-open’?\n\nOK, I’ll answer it for you - safely, with someone other than Trump in charge..."} {"idx": 44262, "original_id": "1250826735177760773", "reply_id": "1251108093745905664", "label": "oops", "text": "PSA: You don’t have to yell in your Zoom meeting. We can all hear you. We can hear your dog. We can hear your kids. We can hear your neighbor in their house watching tv on mute. Stop yelling."} {"idx": 44264, "original_id": "1250853516836573185", "reply_id": "1250854331013890057", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was a beautiful day so I drove up to the cemetery to visit my daughter and I decorated it it looks beautiful she's beautiful 🙏🏽😢💔 🙏🏽😢💔"} {"idx": 44265, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1251021902459666432", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 44266, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250847692462477313", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 44268, "original_id": "1250967419297730560", "reply_id": "1251145163411341314", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Tomorrow I have to actually apply for a job. Any (business)job. Not just hone my documents or update accounts on various sites or troll through postings. \nI need to actually apply for at least one..."} {"idx": 44271, "original_id": "1251218154522632192", "reply_id": "1251220463717580800", "label": "win", "text": "just chance that I even know what day of the week it is but I need to #FF those that are getting me through this isolation..\n@Bob_Janke @Rae_volution @citizenkawala @JeannieG40 @LostNTheAbyss @turtledumplin @TrueTorontoGirl @AbleLikes @Jake_Vig @XanaxWarrPrncss @dadmann_walking"} {"idx": 44272, "original_id": "1250815179668901890", "reply_id": "1251007907644141568", "label": "agree", "text": "Sometimes reasoning is build for winning arguments, rather than finding truth. This is simply to satisfy our ego. This is what i believe. \nThis post is open for correction😊\n#observation #Lockdown2 #RandomThoughts"} {"idx": 44273, "original_id": "1250972611980517377", "reply_id": "1251203784929357825", "label": "hug", "text": "Just found out that my 83 year old aunt is in the hospital. Her heart is weak and she has an infection. She's septic and none of us are allowed to visit her. I know that I'm just screaming into the void here, but if you can, just.. I don't know. Send good vibes. Everything counts"} {"idx": 44274, "original_id": "1251038166674542592", "reply_id": "1251038712160555013", "label": "idk", "text": "do i have any simps?"} {"idx": 44275, "original_id": "1250831633072209920", "reply_id": "1250871437700857856", "label": "sigh", "text": "Not to be controversial but @WWE had to fire all those great talents to clear up some money to sign @ColbyCovMMA. They need him to leapfrog and beat all the other lifelong professional wrestlers"} {"idx": 44278, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251136485019004928", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 44282, "original_id": "1250896228373671937", "reply_id": "1250897349565730818", "label": "yes", "text": "Should I have a margarita tonight? Yes or yes? 🤔🤔"} {"idx": 44283, "original_id": "1251011776008708096", "reply_id": "1251015337597964289", "label": "eww", "text": "felt like a roach was crawling up my ass,,but it was just a hair </3"} {"idx": 44286, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251202619651039233", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 44289, "original_id": "1251138484225466373", "reply_id": "1251139487515713537", "label": "kiss", "text": "Crazy how much i improve every fucking day,Legit feels like deleting my video a month ago because im so much better rn !😂 I'll be unstoppable with a good pc,trust"} {"idx": 44293, "original_id": "1250898210882752512", "reply_id": "1250899938323693569", "label": "high_five", "text": "High 5"} {"idx": 44295, "original_id": "1250848483466190848", "reply_id": "1250881432861499397", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m just fucking sad."} {"idx": 44299, "original_id": "1250749954085224448", "reply_id": "1250939127580839936", "label": "hug", "text": "My beautiful mum is in the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Woolwich. A problem with her heart or lungs. She’s stable but they have said they won’t resuscitate her if things go wrong? Apparently, it won’t work? How can they know. Please pray! @LG_NHS"} {"idx": 44301, "original_id": "1250968352106835970", "reply_id": "1251044907122176000", "label": "facepalm", "text": "js went through his likes .... 😔"} {"idx": 44302, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250997779184271360", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 44304, "original_id": "1250820253094944770", "reply_id": "1250913218068992002", "label": "yes", "text": "Most snacks and foods targeted at gamers are trash and terrible for you. I really want to start advocating for healthier eating for gamers. Just because you sit in a chair and game doesn't mean your snacks have to be awful for you and there are alternatives that are delicious!"} {"idx": 44307, "original_id": "1250659169805336576", "reply_id": "1250943247708557325", "label": "shocked", "text": "When she’s all pelona and soft but doesn’t get no action 😪"} {"idx": 44311, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251120924579037186", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 44312, "original_id": "1251211138030764038", "reply_id": "1251244153280901127", "label": "wink", "text": "Shout out to @moe_elkhalifa for telling me about FKJ"} {"idx": 44313, "original_id": "1250979953874796551", "reply_id": "1251001096052465664", "label": "yes", "text": "After 2k piss me off i be ready to take all my pinned up aggression out on some 😻"} {"idx": 44314, "original_id": "1250896864259555328", "reply_id": "1250897087262269440", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#2020IsKarmaFor all reality tv."} {"idx": 44317, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251237217525272579", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 44323, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251232930632028160", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 44326, "original_id": "1250847462123646976", "reply_id": "1250847542897717248", "label": "dance", "text": "HOLLYMOOD"} {"idx": 44327, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230725367427073", "label": "please", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 44330, "original_id": "1250806412453851137", "reply_id": "1251116987788300288", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Raise your hand if you think Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are putting politics over the American people. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 44332, "original_id": "1250525351345893383", "reply_id": "1250911654272958465", "label": "seriously", "text": "Neighbour is blasting out The Police! As in Sting police."} {"idx": 44333, "original_id": "1251118088671694848", "reply_id": "1251129135247904775", "label": "shrug", "text": "Idk, maybe you shouldn't have had 20 restaurants that don't provide benefits or a living wage but make you, the owner rich, in the first place."} {"idx": 44334, "original_id": "1251178308571717632", "reply_id": "1251178438314074113", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "One thing I could go without seeing any more of on Facebook is people discussing/arguing about unemployment benefits for the self-employed when they have no idea what they’re talking about"} {"idx": 44336, "original_id": "1251099729120894976", "reply_id": "1251131821305331713", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Shout-out Friday - My Favorite MMA Twitter Accounts ⭐\n\n@FlyingKneePicks\n@VB_MMA_Picks\n@Clemons_HTM\n@JenkinsonLeslie\n@Zoyourstruly\n@BobbyJackson3B\n@leolionmma\n@Grim_Reefer687\n@THEBBQPIT_Live\n@Scotlandforfury\n@BeardsAndInk\n@MisterB1986\n@AustinPARLAYMMA\n@Dr_Beans17\n@wavy666666"} {"idx": 44337, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250861008731738114", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 44339, "original_id": "1251252017814810635", "reply_id": "1251270546051993600", "label": "oops", "text": "Send.....\n Nudes.........."} {"idx": 44341, "original_id": "1251079926360313858", "reply_id": "1251085121148444675", "label": "hug", "text": "ᶦᵐ ᵇᵃᵇᶦᵉ ᵖˡˢ ʰᵒˡᵈ ᵍᵉⁿᵗˡʸ ᶦᵐ ᶜᵒˡᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢˡᵉᵉᵖʸ"} {"idx": 44345, "original_id": "1250863954617749504", "reply_id": "1250882109943799822", "label": "agree", "text": "I’ll never understand social media. Anything light always gets perverted by darkness. And if it can’t be perverted, it tanks."} {"idx": 44346, "original_id": "1250812138894974976", "reply_id": "1251026630132133888", "label": "eww", "text": "I do not need new friends because last time I tried to make one she slept w my boyfriend"} {"idx": 44347, "original_id": "1251139752239042560", "reply_id": "1251208355118366720", "label": "hug", "text": "Was laughing at something then started crying. This Quarantine is an emotional rollercoaster! And this has nothing to do with my excessive day drinking..."} {"idx": 44351, "original_id": "1250823392963551233", "reply_id": "1251112607576096769", "label": "yes", "text": "I trust Dr. Pepper, Doctor Who (All 14!) and Dr. Dre all day before #DrOz."} {"idx": 44353, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251258450786615297", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 44355, "original_id": "1251018539626123265", "reply_id": "1251065333508706304", "label": "thank_you", "text": "sometime ago this big insta acc had reposted my work without credit & they had an ad in the description. i msged and asked them to take it down bc they were making money off my uncredited work. They called me a bitch so I filed a DMCA and their 300k acc got deleted by insta 😌"} {"idx": 44358, "original_id": "1250965842235396100", "reply_id": "1250966113728544777", "label": "shocked", "text": "Holy shit...\nI’m only six away from 2,000 followers."} {"idx": 44359, "original_id": "1251240762458599425", "reply_id": "1251240888963141639", "label": "yes", "text": "I don't like to generalize, but I'd personally prefer if we would elect a President who doesn't call for armed riots against their own states"} {"idx": 44360, "original_id": "1251196555023060996", "reply_id": "1251198073612746753", "label": "scared", "text": "Stalking my ex from when I was 20 because we are friends on facebook and I saw he had tested positive and I don't want to be creepy and reach out to ask how things are so I'll just keep \"uncreepedly\" stalking him. He changed his avi back from virus to dog so good sign, right? 😄"} {"idx": 44365, "original_id": "1251110036169830400", "reply_id": "1251119825616867330", "label": "shocked", "text": "V For Vendetta is essentially an adult version of Howl’s Moving Castle. I’ll let you work it out on your own."} {"idx": 44366, "original_id": "1251170764071600129", "reply_id": "1251171021081710594", "label": "scared", "text": "Men don’t even want sex rn, literally all we want is a mf haircut 😂😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 44367, "original_id": "1250904186687979522", "reply_id": "1250916965813796864", "label": "sigh", "text": "No it’s not that. It’s that I don’t trust a soul on this earth"} {"idx": 44370, "original_id": "1251228433826353161", "reply_id": "1251230466608332805", "label": "awww", "text": "Alana pmo to hella soft ass music.. kinda like it😂"} {"idx": 44371, "original_id": "1250802156082540545", "reply_id": "1250867582758006784", "label": "hug", "text": "So Captain Tom Moore has now raised well over £14m and I've just helped to applaud a previously very unwell colleague as she has finally been discharged home.\n\nI hadn't planned on being emotional today yet here I am, being emotional. 😢"} {"idx": 44372, "original_id": "1251145483558326274", "reply_id": "1251181917300555778", "label": "hug", "text": "Holy crap I just had a bad nightmare. My accounts were hacked and were spamming like mad. I couldn’t get them back. When I tried confronting the hacker by replying “Who the hell do you think you are?!” he PHYSICALLY attacked me with spam messages that I woke up. 😰"} {"idx": 44376, "original_id": "1251178426276425729", "reply_id": "1251179509765808132", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m on edge and work is actually going my head in. Need a hug."} {"idx": 44377, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251230263713181699", "label": "yes", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 44379, "original_id": "1251149743226404866", "reply_id": "1251149956552904712", "label": "hug", "text": "can someone give me a tight hug? 😭"} {"idx": 44380, "original_id": "1251171407599460356", "reply_id": "1251175710330433547", "label": "hug", "text": "Today is my Nana's funeral. My Nana, Dorothy Shoemaker Sullivan lived 96 or 97 years. We are not sure because she could never get a copy of of birth certificate because she was born at home in Savannah, GA at the turn of the century when black life had no value...."} {"idx": 44381, "original_id": "1251082699026108416", "reply_id": "1251085397116858369", "label": "applause", "text": "People with a second secret family are probably getting found out."} {"idx": 44383, "original_id": "1250765053491634178", "reply_id": "1250910067714592770", "label": "no", "text": "Quarantine Day 56: Don't spray other people with Lysol."} {"idx": 44387, "original_id": "1250862181589176322", "reply_id": "1251147670392995840", "label": "dance", "text": "Sold another WAV lease randomly today🙏🏻"} {"idx": 44389, "original_id": "1250812728056279041", "reply_id": "1250846368622657538", "label": "applause", "text": "Reality check: NV unemployment fund had $1.9 billion on Mar. 1. Every 100k people in the system costs $40m/week. Within two weeks, NV will have 400k people in the system, costing more than $160m/week. NV will run out of unemployment funds end of June. We need to get back to work."} {"idx": 44391, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251223962488459265", "label": "no", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 44393, "original_id": "1251143003865059328", "reply_id": "1251156158850560004", "label": "hug", "text": "Thank you everyone for allowing me to take this week off to mourn the death of my papa and to be there for my family! Today is the burial so once I get home this evening I’ll be jumping right back into work mode 💖\n\nLunar cosmos coming soon 🌙"} {"idx": 44396, "original_id": "1251199139662237696", "reply_id": "1251207633605808133", "label": "no", "text": "BREAKING: For the first time in its 50 year history @Comic_Con announced that it is canceled for this year. It will return July 22-25th 2021"} {"idx": 44397, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251210453306523649", "label": "smh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 44399, "original_id": "1250914545918447616", "reply_id": "1250916377470386180", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump presser just now: Trump just claimed (spinned) that under his leadership states are working great together and are forming regional partnerships. Fact: states formed these regional partnerships on their own due to the failures of the federal response."} {"idx": 44402, "original_id": "1250795138990903296", "reply_id": "1250840594852786183", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "(Bloomberg) --Funding for a $349 billion federal relief program meant to help U.S. small businesses survive the coronavirus outbreak has run out, with many still waiting to get a lifeline, according to an official familiar with the situation."} {"idx": 44403, "original_id": "1251213506382368768", "reply_id": "1251213858808758272", "label": "applause", "text": "Our online ‘European theatre club’ continues the exploration of the fascinating and incredibly sophisticated Polish theatrical culture with the viewing of Jan Klata’s H based on Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Let's keep open our (cultural) borders. #KlataH"} {"idx": 44407, "original_id": "1251187763585654786", "reply_id": "1251265810951258112", "label": "no", "text": "I honestly think the world needed this reset buana. They should do it every decade. 6 months of doing nothing with curfews imposed."} {"idx": 44408, "original_id": "1240290743291449344", "reply_id": "1251032538333810689", "label": "hug", "text": "Who missed me!!"} {"idx": 44409, "original_id": "1250980209601454080", "reply_id": "1250980772485279744", "label": "shrug", "text": "im cute af why do i let myself feel insecure sometimes"} {"idx": 44411, "original_id": "1251221895980220417", "reply_id": "1251229745913741312", "label": "applause", "text": "gonna do my makeup and drink vodka tonight like things are normal again xo"} {"idx": 44416, "original_id": "877369343696191489", "reply_id": "1251226352310771714", "label": "applause", "text": "June 26."} {"idx": 44417, "original_id": "1250458368579420163", "reply_id": "1251017943615451136", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "My man😍,her man or whoever you belong to🙄 i miss you😩😩"} {"idx": 44418, "original_id": "1249322075824762882", "reply_id": "1251244643158761473", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "How we all doin in Quarantine™?"} {"idx": 44419, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250972596881022976", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 44422, "original_id": "1251254791646429186", "reply_id": "1251268220968894467", "label": "yes", "text": "Weekend."} {"idx": 44425, "original_id": "1251199069617303553", "reply_id": "1251203620013473795", "label": "high_five", "text": "According to our National Electronic Injury Surveillance System there were approx. 31,400 pants-related injuries treated in hospital emergency rooms in 2019.\n\nJust saying."} {"idx": 44426, "original_id": "1251077121822375937", "reply_id": "1251226688765087746", "label": "applause", "text": "Never worry about the calorie-count in sperm cuz if youre going to swallow that much, no one's gonna mind if you're a little chubby."} {"idx": 44427, "original_id": "1250994804697083904", "reply_id": "1251025788461334528", "label": "wink", "text": "Everyone I follow is a slut."} {"idx": 44429, "original_id": "1250930873798713344", "reply_id": "1250963213891457024", "label": "agree", "text": "I need some attention ASAP"} {"idx": 44432, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250867787020537859", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 44434, "original_id": "1235169963050074113", "reply_id": "1250899446411464706", "label": "agree", "text": "wtf is a titty? im a visual learner btw"} {"idx": 44436, "original_id": "1251258488275243009", "reply_id": "1251274833041723394", "label": "applause", "text": "Enough of the defeatist attitude, who’s down to come flee to the woods with me and make a big mountain commune of Tired Gays."} {"idx": 44442, "original_id": "1250860111544963074", "reply_id": "1251225485037711363", "label": "hug", "text": "I am low."} {"idx": 44443, "original_id": "1250711863412666368", "reply_id": "1251248792143200258", "label": "hearts", "text": "Remember a year ago when I wanted to kill myself? A year later I’m working a job that I love with my whole heart, I own my own car, I’m living the life that I want to live, and I only surround myself with people who treat me the way I deserve to be treated. It’s gets better."} {"idx": 44446, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251234196288409600", "label": "applause", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 44447, "original_id": "1250954351725641731", "reply_id": "1250955087318564865", "label": "applause", "text": "FLASH LIFETIME GIVEAWAY \n\nOne random comment will win a lifetime key 🔑 \n(Current members eligible) \n\nYou have 15 minutes! GO!!! 🚨"} {"idx": 44450, "original_id": "1251205960292610051", "reply_id": "1251265574015053824", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I ain't one for money matches but I'm calling out Goweege...\nYou are TRASH! Gimmick character using mothaFUKr with low skill smh\nWhen this quarantine shyt is done put that bread up and catch these hands!\n#isaidwhatisaid"} {"idx": 44452, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251048141954179073", "label": "no", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 44453, "original_id": "1251182981152210944", "reply_id": "1251195380303347712", "label": "agree", "text": "Country music is the Nickelback of music."} {"idx": 44455, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250925674577244161", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 44458, "original_id": "1251163909911916545", "reply_id": "1251228483692314625", "label": "applause", "text": "Have we considered consulting Dr. Dre about coronavirus, seeing as we have apparently gone through all other available doctors"} {"idx": 44460, "original_id": "1251249066249531395", "reply_id": "1251249145874190337", "label": "yawn", "text": "Slowly slipping ...."} {"idx": 44462, "original_id": "1250227550648860673", "reply_id": "1250898895581908999", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Coronavirus briefing update.\nConfused? I can tell everyone what to do. Only me. I will authorize the governors to do whatever they need to do for their states. #mamievandoren"} {"idx": 44463, "original_id": "1250884836476231682", "reply_id": "1250887770828165122", "label": "facepalm", "text": "A gorgeous chocolate man was complimenting me at loves and asked for my number and had to crush his spirit by telling him I’m only 20 years old... 😂😂"} {"idx": 44464, "original_id": "1250922035141914632", "reply_id": "1250922244550717440", "label": "smh", "text": "Trump on state-by-state reopening: \"I call it: a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces. All very different...But when it's all done...a very beautiful picture.\""} {"idx": 44473, "original_id": "1250863349132394504", "reply_id": "1250932680352501760", "label": "applause", "text": "Guess I’m posting a new YouTube video tomorrow"} {"idx": 44474, "original_id": "1251154308113985543", "reply_id": "1251160636278493184", "label": "please", "text": "So my sister wore a new shirt and I sprayed my favorite 1K+ perfumes just for aswaaq and I genuinely hope y’all understand what we’re going through"} {"idx": 44477, "original_id": "1250996193640865799", "reply_id": "1251090720741621760", "label": "scared", "text": "People who bite into their string cheese versus peeling it are psychopaths."} {"idx": 44478, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250884453062361090", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 44480, "original_id": "1250962407683289088", "reply_id": "1250966222373445633", "label": "no", "text": "I dropped my phone the one time I’ve left the house this week and my camera lens cracked. RIP cute pictures of Bella."} {"idx": 44482, "original_id": "1250901015215443972", "reply_id": "1250962244046852097", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Stop staring at your phone and give me your attention while I stare at my phone."} {"idx": 44486, "original_id": "1251189771881246720", "reply_id": "1251199377638674432", "label": "applause", "text": "I knew it was coming. Andrew Cuomo finally lost his shit on Trump and slapped the living hell out of him and it is glorious. Donald Trump will be leaking Adderall today."} {"idx": 44488, "original_id": "1250769882842566656", "reply_id": "1251179900591058945", "label": "omg", "text": "Had such a weird dream last night that i was @sushitrash maid and his wife both at the same time and then we had a pokemon battle with my parents 🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 44490, "original_id": "1250218746968526848", "reply_id": "1251063198104444928", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Today we experienced a series of DDoS attacks that we’ve now been able to resolve. If you’re still having trouble logging in, please contact us."} {"idx": 44491, "original_id": "1251188475711365120", "reply_id": "1251188769149063171", "label": "scared", "text": "151 hours until the NFL Draft but whose counting"} {"idx": 44493, "original_id": "1251035886348836865", "reply_id": "1251039455105830912", "label": "applause", "text": "Just woke up & im supposed to talk about this shitty rumor lol\nSo anyways here is my opinion"} {"idx": 44496, "original_id": "1251184492804550660", "reply_id": "1251186551142395904", "label": "no", "text": "The last time you got laid is probably going to be the last time forever."} {"idx": 44498, "original_id": "1251220546848608256", "reply_id": "1251221249054957568", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "100k on twitter 🥳"} {"idx": 44500, "original_id": "1250891706557497345", "reply_id": "1250943793471184898", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Yelling about KH3 Re:mind coming out this week"} {"idx": 44501, "original_id": "1251132681053704193", "reply_id": "1251133892104462340", "label": "applause", "text": "Bolton fans, @stokecity are showing the FA Cup Semi Final in full today. Be good for most of you to see what actually happened in the second half."} {"idx": 44502, "original_id": "1250921497285332995", "reply_id": "1250922048299425793", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Switch Update: I couldn’t get the regular one but got my hands on a lite and it just arrived!!!"} {"idx": 44503, "original_id": "1251125608547000323", "reply_id": "1251259320110583810", "label": "sigh", "text": "When the NFL’s voluntary virtual off-season program opens this month, Jets’ All-Pro safety Jamal Adams is not expected to participate, per league sources. The Jets have not expressed any official interest in extending Adams thus far in the off-season, per source."} {"idx": 44504, "original_id": "1250900440012804096", "reply_id": "1250907872516505602", "label": "agree", "text": "“Opening up America Again” when the curve is just beginning to flatten is like stopping your prescribed antibiotics because you started to feel better"} {"idx": 44507, "original_id": "1251239106320805888", "reply_id": "1251241646592753672", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "2 kids downstairs doing their own skype meeting play-dates. I'm up here vpned into work. it's like technology has gone mad!"} {"idx": 44510, "original_id": "1251143346556293121", "reply_id": "1251263088906600449", "label": "smh", "text": "I am fucking old\nI feel fucking old\nI feel fucked"} {"idx": 44518, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250880411422556163", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 44520, "original_id": "1251025881599967232", "reply_id": "1251123257601921024", "label": "shocked", "text": "TL sleep ? Grits is nasty and you deserve to be locked up. I don’t make the rules"} {"idx": 44521, "original_id": "1251247257870987264", "reply_id": "1251248543626452992", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "This Demi/Selena situation is feeling very familiar 🤣"} {"idx": 44522, "original_id": "1250920528975736833", "reply_id": "1250933438531751938", "label": "scared", "text": "Imma pray continually for my American peeps...this guy...."} {"idx": 44524, "original_id": "1251088093894959105", "reply_id": "1251089649772056576", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "@imansrfna broke my heart please go attack her"} {"idx": 44527, "original_id": "1250907006090633217", "reply_id": "1250913407110385668", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he chose Barbara Lee as his VP?"} {"idx": 44529, "original_id": "1251173245237297152", "reply_id": "1251179804004618243", "label": "seriously", "text": "Pizza is SO overrated."} {"idx": 44531, "original_id": "1250863062334287877", "reply_id": "1250916880644268032", "label": "agree", "text": "I try to avoid sweeping radical statements here but:\nBanish all doorknobs"} {"idx": 44532, "original_id": "1250846781916811264", "reply_id": "1250847069386006529", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers set to release a statement shortly. Remember we’re on air right now."} {"idx": 44533, "original_id": "1251162261088944136", "reply_id": "1251190267916541955", "label": "hug", "text": "My father is in hospital, in neurosurgery. He had an episode yesterday evening and they suspect a stroke. We’re 30km apart, and I haven’t seen him in a month.\n\nThis is the only network where I can pour out, where my family won’t see it. I can’t let them know I’m afraid."} {"idx": 44534, "original_id": "1251097456277770241", "reply_id": "1251099152554979328", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Why is it so hard to let go of the wrong person?"} {"idx": 44535, "original_id": "1250919427194806272", "reply_id": "1250919759769559040", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@imoutosex follow me ho"} {"idx": 44537, "original_id": "1250885787949948935", "reply_id": "1250917847796084738", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "*rubs beard, pulls off hair strand, puts it on cat*\n\npayback"} {"idx": 44540, "original_id": "1251197592693886977", "reply_id": "1251237817696440321", "label": "agree", "text": "What if I told you, frightened adult babies could actually stay in their own fucking house while the rest of us carry on? Have a nice day😁"} {"idx": 44542, "original_id": "1250998406039900160", "reply_id": "1251000747103334403", "label": "idk", "text": "who actually becomes scientists? how much do scientists make? do you have to be rich from the beginning in order to become a scientist? because how do you get paid to tinker in a lab and potentially not invent/discover anything at all?"} {"idx": 44546, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250944207679823873", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 44547, "original_id": "1250872426566758402", "reply_id": "1250911446990385152", "label": "high_five", "text": "Hi all! I can't see most of you to follow back so can I get a\n🙋🏼‍♀️-hello\n🖕-y ru bugging me\n🍷-I'm drinking now\nOr any emoji or gif so I can follow you back. Working daily, like its my job, to follow back. Thanks!"} {"idx": 44549, "original_id": "1251103524123009024", "reply_id": "1251159931689943040", "label": "shocked", "text": "gender reveal or no? 🤔"} {"idx": 44550, "original_id": "1250967450545463297", "reply_id": "1250969499236524032", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I can’t stand Dasia ass but that’s really my bitch 😭 funny as hell"} {"idx": 44555, "original_id": "1250980332326866946", "reply_id": "1250983318671306752", "label": "oops", "text": "Like chest hurt to breathe. 🤦🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 44557, "original_id": "1251204917580066817", "reply_id": "1251208290588999681", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m trying to pop some molly"} {"idx": 44558, "original_id": "1250340344316583936", "reply_id": "1251101046073630720", "label": "dance", "text": "I'm bored.. Post me your best memes.\nthe best meme with highest likes takes home a Credit alert.\nGood morning😊"} {"idx": 44566, "original_id": "1251174523539304450", "reply_id": "1251181991300481025", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Hella overwhelmed today, with school, with life. It’s just one day tho, it will pass."} {"idx": 44568, "original_id": "1250961286680248320", "reply_id": "1250961707184390145", "label": "oops", "text": "This man went in our staff chat and talk about 5G and the response from management was so fucking funny 😂😂😂😂\n\nI'm sure they get fired today 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 44570, "original_id": "1250667659131342853", "reply_id": "1251072129967120384", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Karnataka govt has cracked the Nanjungud Pharma Covid19 mystery. The first patient who tested positive had visited China and came in contact Chinese. Till now govt suspected consignment coming in from China to the Pharm company. \n\nOver 40 positive in Mysore due to Pharma Company."} {"idx": 44572, "original_id": "1251220359803629568", "reply_id": "1251253176344309760", "label": "ok", "text": "Officially postponed our wedding till next year. So don’t talk to me until next year."} {"idx": 44575, "original_id": "1251045463639252993", "reply_id": "1251047269299654658", "label": "no", "text": "My wife put the empty pistachio shells back in the same container that has the unopened pistachios and look I’m gonna leave her now"} {"idx": 44581, "original_id": "1250993595479457798", "reply_id": "1251017076220801024", "label": "agree", "text": "“Be grateful, Jaun Pablo. Today is especially delicious.”"} {"idx": 44582, "original_id": "1250918963392860160", "reply_id": "1250932293390094336", "label": "no", "text": "Am I qualified to groom my dog after watching how to videos on yt? Let’s find out..."} {"idx": 44584, "original_id": "1250994055720235008", "reply_id": "1251138916465467393", "label": "hug", "text": "My confidence is at an all time low. I both know and don’t know why. \n\nI’m usually so good with this. It’s been stolen from me in all of this madness and I hate it."} {"idx": 44585, "original_id": "1250812899481858049", "reply_id": "1250860130746449922", "label": "smh", "text": "Wow I fucking hate when I intend on rolling something small and it comes out fat"} {"idx": 44586, "original_id": "1250993406005960704", "reply_id": "1251069327522123777", "label": "yes", "text": "If I loved The Office, will I love Parks and Rec? Literally sitting down to my first episode right now"} {"idx": 44588, "original_id": "1250840122611941376", "reply_id": "1251167791929077766", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Of all the nostalgia driven bad takes, hockey twitter thinking the Kachina jersey is good is among the worst. Cartoonishly awful jersey."} {"idx": 44592, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251272218291646464", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 44594, "original_id": "1251239356788092930", "reply_id": "1251256818845835265", "label": "agree", "text": "#NYCASP rules will be suspended tomorrow, Saturday, April 18. Parking meters will remain in effect."} {"idx": 44600, "original_id": "1251274361673322496", "reply_id": "1251275229944397825", "label": "no", "text": "I like to extend a warm welcome to my newest followers by letting you all know I fully wash my cast irons with soap and water every time I use them."} {"idx": 44601, "original_id": "1250828247777984512", "reply_id": "1251024900598292480", "label": "no", "text": "Hmm weeellll now is the time to experiment with hair, right...? 💇🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 44604, "original_id": "1250854941289263114", "reply_id": "1250861293986287617", "label": "hug", "text": "Took a personal day today to just take of myself. Ran five miles, worked out. Got more laundry done. It just feels good to feel okay today. I’m blessed to have a support system around me."} {"idx": 44605, "original_id": "1251217559111659520", "reply_id": "1251254401848598528", "label": "shocked", "text": "I texted all 3 of my bfs and my favorite one left me on read... Alexa play heartless by Kanye west"} {"idx": 44607, "original_id": "1251050140279939073", "reply_id": "1251056286428520450", "label": "agree", "text": "Every region in Nig has its challenges with regards to poverty and illiteracy, you can keep downplaying on yours and dragging others to look good on Twitter.\nThen, to Arewa people, take these things as insults and as well as a challenge because behind the insults lies a reality"} {"idx": 44608, "original_id": "1251188812929216513", "reply_id": "1251189384466096129", "label": "agree", "text": "\"In life, there is no permanent champion, only reigning champions\" - Mr Lekan.\n\nI can NEVER forget that statement."} {"idx": 44609, "original_id": "1250809372185419776", "reply_id": "1250857960454213638", "label": "agree", "text": "Why do MAGAts always talk about owning the libs? Is it because they can no longer own slaves?"} {"idx": 44611, "original_id": "1250904203658051586", "reply_id": "1250904568239738885", "label": "seriously", "text": "Does Zoom have a virtual strip club? #TheFive"} {"idx": 44613, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251174569345515520", "label": "dance", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 44616, "original_id": "1251251289326891008", "reply_id": "1251252299466305537", "label": "shocked", "text": "Oh no, I'm thinking about starting a podcast."} {"idx": 44617, "original_id": "1251160371626307586", "reply_id": "1251196512685752331", "label": "wink", "text": "When shows come back around need more LIVINING IN FEAR & POLICY bills"} {"idx": 44620, "original_id": "1250890549193826322", "reply_id": "1251022659468423170", "label": "ok", "text": "A poem \nEaster Sunday came and went \nYet still I have a need to vent \nThis quarantining is no fun\nI want to kill, well, everyone \nBut most of all I save my rage\nFor big fat orange man\nOn the stage \nFinis"} {"idx": 44627, "original_id": "1251264842314334208", "reply_id": "1251265135584444419", "label": "oops", "text": "Shut the fuck up... I’m trying to tweet positive today."} {"idx": 44628, "original_id": "1251222397891612673", "reply_id": "1251223403693998081", "label": "ok", "text": "\"I like those Balenciagas, the ones that look like socks.\"\n\n-MY president"} {"idx": 44629, "original_id": "1251227525927309313", "reply_id": "1251249011962589192", "label": "please", "text": "I don't know why I feel so emotional today."} {"idx": 44632, "original_id": "1250881120998174720", "reply_id": "1250882795989237762", "label": "yes", "text": "If the boyfriend casually mentions he’s never had cream cheese and then tells me to calm down like it means nothing is that grounds for breaking up Y/N"} {"idx": 44637, "original_id": "1251193523438747648", "reply_id": "1251203667161743361", "label": "applause", "text": "The greatest threat to American lives is Donald J (punk ass) Trump."} {"idx": 44639, "original_id": "1251123844468916230", "reply_id": "1251138778191630337", "label": "shocked", "text": "Good morning to literally everyone on the planet except @TheEllenShow \n\nFuck you"} {"idx": 44643, "original_id": "1250809727547781122", "reply_id": "1251046889107197958", "label": "sigh", "text": "Finally I'm done. Congrats to the 25 people and if you didn't get today, maybe some other time you will. God bless you all #Greatness"} {"idx": 44647, "original_id": "1251037112889032705", "reply_id": "1251040121178054656", "label": "hug", "text": "I want hugs. 🥺"} {"idx": 44649, "original_id": "1250981361500008448", "reply_id": "1250994430707982336", "label": "hug", "text": "Doctor told me that I can be around my family again without a mask when I go 72 hours without fever above 100° and.... the 72-hour cycle shall start again. 😡 I’m so fed up with this shit."} {"idx": 44657, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251109870838910978", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 44658, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250957855307509763", "label": "please", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 44660, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251171131836510210", "label": "shrug", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 44661, "original_id": "1250867552743329793", "reply_id": "1250868407995596800", "label": "wink", "text": "can’t wait to get stuffed :)"} {"idx": 44663, "original_id": "1250961850776215552", "reply_id": "1250961959127666688", "label": "eww", "text": "This man just told me him and his girl like me... I-"} {"idx": 44667, "original_id": "1250878960205955072", "reply_id": "1251170238759985154", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m honored to be named to @POTUS’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.\n\nI will be working closely with President @realDonaldTrump and his administration to reopen our country and reignite the economic vitality America has enjoyed under his leadership."} {"idx": 44669, "original_id": "1250388265837961216", "reply_id": "1250909201012064256", "label": "agree", "text": "Many people are saying that Trump is the worst President of all time!\n\nWho agrees?"} {"idx": 44670, "original_id": "1250880702565908480", "reply_id": "1250960501728702466", "label": "agree", "text": "Things Las Vegas needs in order to reopen safely:\n\n1. Widespread rapid COVID testing to know who's infected & who has immunity\n\n2. Mass contact tracing to quickly break chains of infection\n\n3. TONS of personal protective equipment (PPE) for med workers AND front-line employees"} {"idx": 44671, "original_id": "1250914190728081409", "reply_id": "1250914598666018818", "label": "idk", "text": "@SwensonsDriveIn Wink’s Drive In on 5th and Robinson is for sale, perfect spot for another swensons ;)"} {"idx": 44672, "original_id": "1250984434439819265", "reply_id": "1250984859901677568", "label": "no", "text": "I have reached ponytail level of quarantine. Sorry."} {"idx": 44674, "original_id": "1250935301490556932", "reply_id": "1250958122971279360", "label": "yes", "text": "Looks like Florida is green 🟩 and ready for Phase One!"} {"idx": 44680, "original_id": "1250614708513705984", "reply_id": "1250835843780087808", "label": "no", "text": "Why does each celebrity I help say the same thing “This is more than I bargained For”. Should I have a complex ? Lol. @AETV #celebrityghoststories #terrybradshaw"} {"idx": 44681, "original_id": "1250854249535324164", "reply_id": "1250855511643357190", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Big Birthday shoutouts to two of my favorite people @destinyrach and @JessAtHome_ ! I hope you both have great days and keep on being the wholesome wonderful people you are :)"} {"idx": 44682, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251143518283722752", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 44687, "original_id": "1250987663198322690", "reply_id": "1251251607494328325", "label": "agree", "text": "Beyoncé sounds so beautiful #disneysingalong ✨✨✨"} {"idx": 44698, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250995088878006272", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 44700, "original_id": "1250871055092117504", "reply_id": "1250979980709855235", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I didn’t know it was like that lmao but go for it"} {"idx": 44701, "original_id": "1251143150401277955", "reply_id": "1251154656002052097", "label": "omg", "text": "3 hours of animation design gone 🤦🏿‍♂️."} {"idx": 44702, "original_id": "1250912580127920130", "reply_id": "1250912831681245185", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trump said earlier that we take solace that God has taken the people who have died from the virus into \"his eternal and loving embrace.\""} {"idx": 44704, "original_id": "1251254254729216000", "reply_id": "1251256949422710784", "label": "sigh", "text": "Josh McCarron just received two crystal balls to Virginia from two of the top recruiting guys on 247. That would be classified as not so good news for WSU"} {"idx": 44706, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250943458002391040", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 44710, "original_id": "1250972421399642113", "reply_id": "1250972681421365250", "label": "hug", "text": "You guys @Mayordollar stays fighting with me! I’m not sure if this is the definition of hating someone’s guts but I think you really hate mine! It’s all love brutha 😘🤗"} {"idx": 44713, "original_id": "1251086670277103616", "reply_id": "1251154833001742342", "label": "kiss", "text": "I could use a hug right now 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 44715, "original_id": "1250909800042561536", "reply_id": "1250911234557444097", "label": "ok", "text": "Trump says “experts say” that the peak is “behind us”"} {"idx": 44717, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250983558883106817", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 44718, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251168709131067392", "label": "shrug", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 44719, "original_id": "1251227907168575494", "reply_id": "1251241648606056448", "label": "applause", "text": "It's ridiculous we cannot replenish the small business loan program which is working well. \n\nIf we can't reach an agreement to save additional jobs in the small business sector, Congress should cut its own pay!"} {"idx": 44722, "original_id": "1251189901392875523", "reply_id": "1251191698539110406", "label": "high_five", "text": "If Cuomo wants people wearing masks I best see his ugly face wearing one, too. I’m sick of all of this “do as I say not as I do BS.” \nSame goes for Newsom and all the other big mouthed Demturds.😏"} {"idx": 44723, "original_id": "1251132640490426368", "reply_id": "1251134515537272833", "label": "applause", "text": "Someone just tagged D*PR Karnataka to tell them that fuel prices should be hiked to 200/l so that people won't use vehicles during lockdown unless really necessary. Enna kodumai !"} {"idx": 44726, "original_id": "1250952044040642560", "reply_id": "1250964091352612871", "label": "idk", "text": "Dam greek fuck bois in my DM’s?\n\nThese GUY’ros feta off"} {"idx": 44728, "original_id": "1251197989621772292", "reply_id": "1251198721905381379", "label": "sigh", "text": "Maurizio Sarri: “I had an adversarial relationship in the Chelsea locker room for 4-5 months, then when I told them I would be gone after the Europa League final I cried and so did many of them, because in the end the strong relationship was created.”"} {"idx": 44731, "original_id": "1251141476375056384", "reply_id": "1251149429534363651", "label": "hug", "text": "Good morning."} {"idx": 44733, "original_id": "1251139258385121280", "reply_id": "1251169992638369792", "label": "omg", "text": "People are angry this morning at David Brooks for bizarrely using this crisis to mock and condescend to Millennials, but in his defense, he's married to one."} {"idx": 44735, "original_id": "1251074497509298182", "reply_id": "1251172509397012481", "label": "no", "text": "Should I just ditch everyone I know to make one person happy?"} {"idx": 44736, "original_id": "1250924421235085312", "reply_id": "1250930037295120385", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Try trolling me while quarantine is on. I got a whole lotta time to start arguments"} {"idx": 44737, "original_id": "1250865099243433985", "reply_id": "1251018707725283328", "label": "popcorn", "text": "NYC Mayor Deblasio tells Bill Hemmer that the city will start to reopen in July or August at the earliest."} {"idx": 44741, "original_id": "1251016015850291200", "reply_id": "1251016705243037698", "label": "awww", "text": "don’t trip,\n\ni got you ❤️"} {"idx": 44742, "original_id": "1250861128713986049", "reply_id": "1250861304572674051", "label": "please", "text": "Who wants a free key for this weekend? 👀"} {"idx": 44743, "original_id": "1251194383627681794", "reply_id": "1251219216398680066", "label": "no", "text": "NASCAR has now officially postponed the Martinsville race scheduled for May 9."} {"idx": 44744, "original_id": "1251165048158015488", "reply_id": "1251167951488761857", "label": "hug", "text": "My brother & sisters-in-law tested positive for #caronavirus2020 they’ve been sick for several days 💔"} {"idx": 44747, "original_id": "1250922165949661186", "reply_id": "1250924789016952837", "label": "awww", "text": "Really miss my queen🥺"} {"idx": 44748, "original_id": "1251036544200331265", "reply_id": "1251037159915741184", "label": "shrug", "text": "like this if u up not doing shit right now"} {"idx": 44749, "original_id": "1250969702937100288", "reply_id": "1250969896508416005", "label": "agree", "text": "I can’t stop looking at the teamtage and acknowledging how good it is"} {"idx": 44757, "original_id": "1251173744543850498", "reply_id": "1251190746503208967", "label": "hug", "text": "It is perfectly okay to admit you're not okay."} {"idx": 44761, "original_id": "1250854016902447106", "reply_id": "1250863874573660160", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm just going to start giving the same energy I get..."} {"idx": 44765, "original_id": "1251199350157516800", "reply_id": "1251205575708413952", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Just wanna find a bird that ain’t a absolute dickhead"} {"idx": 44766, "original_id": "1251191309274173443", "reply_id": "1251193295608430595", "label": "yes", "text": "Just saw two jean skirts... are they back in?? Somebody tell me!"} {"idx": 44767, "original_id": "1250943118678999040", "reply_id": "1251015415767003136", "label": "shocked", "text": "People who like Dr. Pepper are spawns of Satan"} {"idx": 44773, "original_id": "1251107620548722688", "reply_id": "1251123285582123009", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling a bit today, combination of things, nothing anyone can help with, but all good thoughts and virtual hugs gratefully received x"} {"idx": 44775, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250903228360855552", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 44777, "original_id": "1251101045943496704", "reply_id": "1251152454336393218", "label": "hug", "text": "All I ask, can we have a peaceful time? I mean today is Ep. 9, and we have 4 more to go. I did this alone, by myself, no one pay me to do this, I just want to share info about Bright & Win in a happy mood. Can you chill a bit? Sometimes I need my friends, so I can hug them."} {"idx": 44786, "original_id": "1250931683701993478", "reply_id": "1250932863765266435", "label": "applause", "text": "200 days."} {"idx": 44787, "original_id": "1251204917542428672", "reply_id": "1251205645266804743", "label": "ok", "text": "3-on-3. No keepers.\n\nQF3: Messi's magicians vs. Europe's deadliest marksmen\n\nWho's winning? #TheCage"} {"idx": 44789, "original_id": "1250883156946726912", "reply_id": "1250884785767165961", "label": "hug", "text": "@chanikookie *Hug* from @julsxiu"} {"idx": 44790, "original_id": "1250946396473065472", "reply_id": "1251098753110626304", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m sick and sad and just want hugs"} {"idx": 44798, "original_id": "1250884254269083650", "reply_id": "1250977146102853634", "label": "agree", "text": "Had another great Defensive round table chat with coaches from Brownsville, Laredo, San Antonio, PSJA, and others."} {"idx": 44799, "original_id": "1251210654494515201", "reply_id": "1251210769775067136", "label": "want", "text": "@lilbaadt i’d suck ur ass"} {"idx": 44803, "original_id": "1251130515530362880", "reply_id": "1251230166371561474", "label": "shocked", "text": "Headache is gone. New symptom: hiccups."} {"idx": 44807, "original_id": "1251209690249388032", "reply_id": "1251210219482464256", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss my grandmother"} {"idx": 44809, "original_id": "1251134806907289600", "reply_id": "1251168710213107712", "label": "oops", "text": "I haven’t seen one positive tweet about Da Baby’s new album. Y’all just hating or it’s not good?"} {"idx": 44811, "original_id": "1251000056645160961", "reply_id": "1251073057298448384", "label": "yolo", "text": "sooo covid-19, you done yet?? i want to go outside 😩"} {"idx": 44812, "original_id": "1251192944520048640", "reply_id": "1251267294782722049", "label": "no", "text": "I'm going live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 11am PT. Join me then."} {"idx": 44814, "original_id": "1251138630741102594", "reply_id": "1251142090626682881", "label": "agree", "text": "MH Andrew Holness: I have asked the COP to investigate the circumstances that lead to the spike of Covid-19 cases. \n\nHon. Christopher Tufton: Alorica is the weak link. \n\nCMO: There was no breach by the call center (Alorica). \n\nEven the blind can see what is going on here."} {"idx": 44815, "original_id": "1250907531850981377", "reply_id": "1251029787973259266", "label": "omg", "text": "Parents, I say this with love. There won’t be camp this summer. Day, sleep away, none of it. The sooner you wrap your head around it the easier this is going to be."} {"idx": 44818, "original_id": "1251055864653455360", "reply_id": "1251056008354336768", "label": "applause", "text": "I've now been actively attending therapy sessions for 4 months and damn I just wanted to say how proud I am. I really never thought i'd be in such a great place mentally.. and finally start to feel confident in myself and who I am as a person! I've made so much progress yay! 🧠👏🏻"} {"idx": 44820, "original_id": "1250885618818842625", "reply_id": "1250905556602236930", "label": "scared", "text": "I almost had a panic attack when I couldn’t find my wine bottle opener last night. #quarantineproblems"} {"idx": 44823, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250968279092518919", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 44825, "original_id": "1251148408758218754", "reply_id": "1251170258313809920", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s tea time"} {"idx": 44827, "original_id": "1250878090525446145", "reply_id": "1250886549115461648", "label": "yes", "text": "I got some work today, Twitter 😊\n\n🌈"} {"idx": 44828, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1250904638473277448", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 44830, "original_id": "1251036051642212353", "reply_id": "1251043055605411840", "label": "win", "text": "Mankind has been around for over a millennia, and during that time frame, not a single black man has cheated."} {"idx": 44831, "original_id": "1250836220894216197", "reply_id": "1250840428611399680", "label": "hug", "text": "I was thinking yesterday that I might be getting used to this weird new life and then I got an email refunding my kid’s school pizza lunch money for April to June and no I am not used to this. Cue the wave of grief."} {"idx": 44833, "original_id": "1250799858736340992", "reply_id": "1250979728321904640", "label": "applause", "text": "Eventually this pandemic will pass...and the doctors and political experts on your timeline will once again return to their jobs in the sports media 😆"} {"idx": 44835, "original_id": "1250999878374895616", "reply_id": "1251002480227467264", "label": "shocked", "text": "like this post if i should run genrry over with my car"} {"idx": 44839, "original_id": "1250602180370972673", "reply_id": "1250839879388446722", "label": "shrug", "text": "just blocked everyone i don’t wanna fuck so if you see this hi lol"} {"idx": 44842, "original_id": "1251175282037440513", "reply_id": "1251178243849240576", "label": "yes", "text": "Tiddies."} {"idx": 44845, "original_id": "1250520587451023360", "reply_id": "1251024399290990592", "label": "omg", "text": "Idk why I fucking hate the word \"woke\" these days. Okay,you \"know\" more than other ppl and you watch conspiracy theories but don't use it as a reason to belittle/look down on others who are not \"woke\" as you. STFU with your superiority complex."} {"idx": 44846, "original_id": "1250950372014714881", "reply_id": "1251084474089041920", "label": "applause", "text": "i miss balls in my mouth"} {"idx": 44847, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250996568985141249", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 44850, "original_id": "1250964910458261504", "reply_id": "1250965226356387841", "label": "wink", "text": "Aye lil woadie, just chill 😂🖕🏾 @Mr_Gemini85"} {"idx": 44852, "original_id": "1250857784331112448", "reply_id": "1250909781705068544", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“A person familiar with one of the conference calls said business leaders warned the president that expanded testing was needed before Americans could safely return to work, but the message was largely drowned out by Trump’s determination to solicit praise from the participants.”"} {"idx": 44853, "original_id": "1251186829589647360", "reply_id": "1251194636493864963", "label": "applause", "text": "What I love about Twitter is that when I get some loony making nasty and unkind comments that have no truth, I have a whole army of amazing Twitter friends who’ve got my back !! Cheers guys you’re all amazing 👏😁 #BeKindToEachOther"} {"idx": 44856, "original_id": "1250861663542112257", "reply_id": "1250862719042908161", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@HURRICANEMIKEY8 happy birthday brotha! 🤞 Have a good one!!"} {"idx": 44858, "original_id": "1251268991038959618", "reply_id": "1251275236173131777", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m doing ok. Overwhelmed and over emotional as always :) James #timstwitterlisteningparty"} {"idx": 44859, "original_id": "1251042026012934144", "reply_id": "1251059333967872000", "label": "want", "text": "My phone gallery is full of memes"} {"idx": 44863, "original_id": "1251215394171310080", "reply_id": "1251215525843210240", "label": "want", "text": "i miss hugs"} {"idx": 44864, "original_id": "1251169606728921088", "reply_id": "1251170019528134668", "label": "no", "text": "My kids have resorted to socializing with Alexa...asking her questions and having her tell jokes....they even told her she was pretty and smart....I feel as though she is trying to take my place...😂"} {"idx": 44866, "original_id": "1250707257584545793", "reply_id": "1250856915078348801", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "stop scrolling. it’s ok. we’ll all be here tomorrow. go to sleep beautiful. don’t forget to turn that light off."} {"idx": 44868, "original_id": "1250922602958393350", "reply_id": "1251070158333829120", "label": "agree", "text": "girls"} {"idx": 44869, "original_id": "1250579495649783808", "reply_id": "1250847891309989889", "label": "yes", "text": "Powdered milk is just disgusting! Does anyone actually like it? #IsolationLife"} {"idx": 44871, "original_id": "1251251462459572229", "reply_id": "1251251928543252487", "label": "want", "text": "Tomorrow I'll be shaving off all the hair on my head. Embracing the bald life once again."} {"idx": 44872, "original_id": "1251178381158350857", "reply_id": "1251247564214734854", "label": "applause", "text": "Ain’t nothing wrong with being fat and ugly.\n\nBut don’t forget that you’re fat and ugly when you proceed with the name calling."} {"idx": 44874, "original_id": "1251178818146050048", "reply_id": "1251189348604747776", "label": "eww", "text": "Still haven’t seen Birds of Prey 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 44880, "original_id": "1250941159502995465", "reply_id": "1250941286426841093", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I hate this school homework dumb shit im so over it"} {"idx": 44884, "original_id": "1251258253389987841", "reply_id": "1251258635734462473", "label": "agree", "text": "You in her dm's while im in her 🐱\n WE AINT THE SAME"} {"idx": 44885, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251259177403592704", "label": "wink", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 44886, "original_id": "1251193719224754178", "reply_id": "1251200366017945611", "label": "win", "text": "Quarantine party this weekend!\n\nNone of you are invited"} {"idx": 44889, "original_id": "1250929185524051971", "reply_id": "1251004449860059136", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Seriously, Birx let it slip that the lack of testing is because it wasn’t profitable enough for private labs, so trump ended the briefing.\n\nTHIS DISASTER HAS BEEN ALL ABOUT FOR-PROFIT TESTING???"} {"idx": 44891, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251004897413066752", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 44896, "original_id": "1250970305293455361", "reply_id": "1250991431365296128", "label": "hug", "text": "Today was a lot. In a short time span.\n\nLike fuck me up fam."} {"idx": 44898, "original_id": "1251111214941458434", "reply_id": "1251140356466507777", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "day 38438432843 of our sentence inmates. I'm feeling annoyed. The letter is G. Give me songs that are not annoying and start with the letter G. Only 1. And by not annoying that means no Beatles. ;) Go."} {"idx": 44899, "original_id": "1250820814611591169", "reply_id": "1250923122859085824", "label": "hug", "text": "Happy Thursday ❤️everyday I was praying to st Anthony to put my friend or her neighbor in my path something told me to have a 711 coffee and wait in the doorway omg I start to walk home Rosie appears outta no where 🙏🙏I said where have you been I’ve been sick with worry part 1"} {"idx": 44901, "original_id": "1250878387989753857", "reply_id": "1250967882370035714", "label": "applause", "text": "We did it\n\nWe did it...."} {"idx": 44904, "original_id": "1251213495137374209", "reply_id": "1251222487779532801", "label": "shocked", "text": "JaMarcus Russell may have been a bust but he was a FINE bust who could bust on me anytime. So there’s that....."} {"idx": 44905, "original_id": "1250939680192937984", "reply_id": "1251166477408968706", "label": "agree", "text": "Today is the day, my catfish side was shown."} {"idx": 44906, "original_id": "1250787052762865664", "reply_id": "1251110582419427331", "label": "agree", "text": "Ok I’m calling this: it’s impossible to work at home effectively in the middle of a global health crisis with small children in the house. \nThere, I said it. That’s a weight off."} {"idx": 44908, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250864669755129856", "label": "awww", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 44909, "original_id": "1251123782653181954", "reply_id": "1251171660792762373", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "You guys should stop saying MI casted Sarz. He didn’t cast him because it’s not true. I know Sarz very very well and he doesn’t ejaculate fast😔"} {"idx": 44915, "original_id": "1251263926031040512", "reply_id": "1251266638827134979", "label": "eww", "text": "Lockdown till Dcember........Forget 2020 and your goals"} {"idx": 44917, "original_id": "1251225014709424129", "reply_id": "1251225270637465600", "label": "eww", "text": "I want a toxic relationship I’m bored af 😕"} {"idx": 44919, "original_id": "1250843619520585729", "reply_id": "1250846491515772928", "label": "eww", "text": "I’ll be live with @MileyCyrus’s #BrightMinded show on Instagram at 2:30pm ET. Hope you’ll tune in!"} {"idx": 44920, "original_id": "1251167764338765824", "reply_id": "1251206625303703552", "label": "smh", "text": "They say 9 out of 10 Twitter users are dumb. I’m so glad I’m in the other 1 percent."} {"idx": 44921, "original_id": "1250998943346946048", "reply_id": "1250999198679396352", "label": "applause", "text": "Yo girlfriend look like my mom"} {"idx": 44922, "original_id": "1251184965129125889", "reply_id": "1251216944163938309", "label": "agree", "text": "Why is @realDonaldTrump being so passionate? Umm because he’s trying to save the f**king Country."} {"idx": 44927, "original_id": "1250945989449527296", "reply_id": "1251141516699017217", "label": "agree", "text": "petition to extend today's twitter theme for all of 2020"} {"idx": 44929, "original_id": "1251067332996345856", "reply_id": "1251078252296355841", "label": "hug", "text": "It's Friday! #ff @mystrale @biomouse @alyzande @superMedSec @emswifthook @RoseMontague @KatStilesAuthor @Grasshopper2407 @steel_jo @PukahWorks @MargenaHolmes @LyraShanti @amyunchained @chloehammond111 @wanderlustlost @BellaRizinti @galaxaure @JaneJago1 @MeredithAncret @Archaema"} {"idx": 44930, "original_id": "1250900315395764227", "reply_id": "1250908741832245248", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Wait...Did you guys know we could have been showering this whole time? Just found out and now I’m #QuaranCLEAN"} {"idx": 44934, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250924853848408075", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 44940, "original_id": "1251208380649095170", "reply_id": "1251262082835574784", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#ff\nWe❤️our true crime podcasts !\n@naptimenancydrw\n@CriminologyPod\n@goingwestpod\n@case_file\n@crimesalad\n@CrimexNoir\n@bloodymurderpod\n@CrimeDeadline\n@DomesticPodcast\n@confrontingpod\n@casesofcolor \n@CanadianTCpod\n@MurderishPod\n@morbidology\n@CrimePhilosophy\n@MurderInMyFam"} {"idx": 44941, "original_id": "1251113399204950018", "reply_id": "1251156905323421696", "label": "hearts", "text": "Awful dream last night. I was going to die and was very sad that I had wasted my life and achieved nothing. Anyone else having similarly disturbing dreams?"} {"idx": 44944, "original_id": "1250843637677768704", "reply_id": "1250845067453124616", "label": "eww", "text": "Why did I even do it🤦🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 44949, "original_id": "1250494076434223110", "reply_id": "1250850729780064257", "label": "yes", "text": "Y’all really into big niggas?"} {"idx": 44950, "original_id": "1250735022237036545", "reply_id": "1251007371658137600", "label": "hug", "text": "I have a very sad life. I will not be able to watch Bang Con since the semester is ending and the professors just decide the add more quizzes and exams. I have to study all weekend. This is so so sad. Someone please hold me"} {"idx": 44953, "original_id": "1251253673289830400", "reply_id": "1251255741589192704", "label": "no", "text": "Holy shit, remember that garbage ass Pet Sematary remake?"} {"idx": 44954, "original_id": "1250957191491846148", "reply_id": "1251124079664431105", "label": "applause", "text": "There’s no way to safely reopen without massive testing.\n\nYet we’re barely testing more people this week than last. And hospitals continue to report serious bottlenecks.\n\nIf Trump ignores the experts and forces a premature reopening,\n\nEven more Americans will die."} {"idx": 44960, "original_id": "1250860519441006593", "reply_id": "1250870670369619976", "label": "applause", "text": "I didn’t procrastinate a paper for once!! Everyone clap"} {"idx": 44961, "original_id": "1251012124215664647", "reply_id": "1251045917316141056", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I swear I got the world's bestest boyfriend 😍🥰😘❤ @OdaKagekatsu"} {"idx": 44962, "original_id": "1250594308501241856", "reply_id": "1250891188791660544", "label": "applause", "text": "There’s no such thing as too much cheese"} {"idx": 44963, "original_id": "1251236299823960065", "reply_id": "1251236834782466056", "label": "hug", "text": "SOMEBODY GIVE ME A HUG PLEASE \n\nI would really like one right now 😭"} {"idx": 44964, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250902377323991040", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 44965, "original_id": "1250877142600163328", "reply_id": "1250890087551905792", "label": "agree", "text": "Why do girls use only their body to attract a guy. Then call the guy gross when he wants sex?"} {"idx": 44968, "original_id": "1251066133219696646", "reply_id": "1251118946083729410", "label": "want", "text": "We are royally fucked"} {"idx": 44971, "original_id": "1251161120687022082", "reply_id": "1251163669586604036", "label": "high_five", "text": "Blind Mike just walked out on the show."} {"idx": 44974, "original_id": "1251156223023439872", "reply_id": "1251217079585452034", "label": "agree", "text": "I bust my ass everyday at work to be able to keep paying my bills and buying $LINK I could sell right now and not have to work at this exhausting job anymore but making it is more important then being tired.. so if anyone ever says I got lucky they can go fuck themselves"} {"idx": 44977, "original_id": "1250931135430852608", "reply_id": "1251045845769900032", "label": "seriously", "text": "i like when i look at the comments on my youtube videos and it’s some white kid like “not bad he kinda sounds like eminem geazy mgk lildicky russ type vibes” lmao thanks trevor good ear"} {"idx": 44978, "original_id": "1251215419630850048", "reply_id": "1251242672561500162", "label": "applause", "text": "LIBERATE THE WHITE HOUSE\nThe Squatter has been there way too long. Time to evict him and invoke the #25theAmendmentNow"} {"idx": 44981, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251082636157612032", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 44982, "original_id": "1250853203106828290", "reply_id": "1250856921546010626", "label": "applause", "text": "BAILOUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 44983, "original_id": "1250832173952729088", "reply_id": "1250832875978719233", "label": "shocked", "text": "one of my new years resolutions this year was to be social and go out more........ well then"} {"idx": 44984, "original_id": "1251107634868105217", "reply_id": "1251148653814665218", "label": "agree", "text": "I understand the economic imperative, but I worry that ANY state going back to work early is jumping the gun. We’ve made progress at great cost. I would hate to see it lost."} {"idx": 44986, "original_id": "1250923862767726593", "reply_id": "1250925316043943936", "label": "smh", "text": "Tony Ferguson is the type of guy that wakes up the alarm."} {"idx": 44988, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251135650264256512", "label": "sigh", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 44989, "original_id": "1250950096394391552", "reply_id": "1250960729827500032", "label": "wink", "text": "So I’m new to the hobby and still figuring everything out. I wanted to thank a few people who have been awesome in getting me acclimated. I feel part of this awesome community already in just a few short months\n\n@WillisBlack3186 \n@NSC5319\n @OldTownCards \n@Mike__McKenna \n\nThanks!"} {"idx": 44996, "original_id": "1251023043654086656", "reply_id": "1251024450885050373", "label": "agree", "text": "Republicans got more upset about 33,000 emails than they are about 33,000 dead Americans."} {"idx": 44997, "original_id": "1250794886065946624", "reply_id": "1250930315171856386", "label": "thank_you", "text": "It's Tuesday"} {"idx": 45001, "original_id": "1250950110680363009", "reply_id": "1251037004151656449", "label": "agree", "text": "a brief survey would indicate that we do not, in fact, peak at 20?? the average person needs roughly 10-20 additional years to figure out their hair and gender presentation and invest seriously in tattoos."} {"idx": 45005, "original_id": "1250863517198176257", "reply_id": "1250875639143501825", "label": "idk", "text": "There's a pandemic ...\n\nDemocrats ... Quick, let's release all the prisoners, give trillions to our pet project, and try to change our entire voting system so we can cheat.\n\nSeriously, how do people vote for these treasonous traitors?"} {"idx": 45006, "original_id": "1251117269431783424", "reply_id": "1251160562282577921", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm an extrovert and being around other people provides me with additional life force, energy and power.\n\nSo you are all getting hugged when this is over.\n\nI don't care if I don't know you.\n\nYou will take the hug. 😠"} {"idx": 45015, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251253741677883397", "label": "dance", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 45021, "original_id": "1250884048274112512", "reply_id": "1250890327595999232", "label": "yes", "text": "Ruth Chris got the best ceaser salad in the 🌎"} {"idx": 45022, "original_id": "1251208379327844352", "reply_id": "1251208785680429058", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Being an advocate for electoralism in washington, oregon, california, other safe blue states..... what's the fucking point your state is going blue it is statistically impossible to make a difference by voting"} {"idx": 45023, "original_id": "1250809372185419776", "reply_id": "1250909588515368961", "label": "shocked", "text": "Why do MAGAts always talk about owning the libs? Is it because they can no longer own slaves?"} {"idx": 45024, "original_id": "1250937032970391552", "reply_id": "1250949960058597376", "label": "idk", "text": "I have never been overseas, but I have heard enough about seedy Manila bars, to know that many of the 'women', are in fact girls.\nGeorge went to these bars for a reason, over our strip clubs, etc.\nWhat were the reasons though?"} {"idx": 45028, "original_id": "1250879996169764864", "reply_id": "1250880640247107584", "label": "eww", "text": "Oh God I just realized a LOT of guys are gonna come out of this with pony tails."} {"idx": 45029, "original_id": "1251248071507353602", "reply_id": "1251256952488943617", "label": "shocked", "text": "wing stop is trash"} {"idx": 45030, "original_id": "1250745456638021632", "reply_id": "1251261126593048576", "label": "agree", "text": "The problem with any analysis of @RahulGandhi is that whatever he says, BJP IT cell will ridicule him as ‘Pappu’ and the Cong IT cell will dub him their ‘Future’. Very difficult to have a dispassionate analysis in polarised times: atleast war on corona must be bipartisan! Agree?"} {"idx": 45031, "original_id": "1251253471824789507", "reply_id": "1251254255610138624", "label": "eww", "text": "The way that I’m in love with the sun and it’s been so sunny here for weeks but it’s supposed to rain on my birthday tomorrow"} {"idx": 45034, "original_id": "1250932420817256449", "reply_id": "1250932968304128001", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "should we do another @stageit next week? and by \"we\" i mean we. i can't do it alone...that would be sad."} {"idx": 45039, "original_id": "1251246557787238402", "reply_id": "1251274841816260614", "label": "popcorn", "text": "First day out and I done forgot how to use steps. \nBuss my ass 🤦🏾‍♂️"} {"idx": 45043, "original_id": "1250876004567900161", "reply_id": "1250946220287160321", "label": "seriously", "text": "when Kanye West said “I know there’s corny niggas you wish you could unswallow” I felt that in my throat😪"} {"idx": 45044, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251045628915757056", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 45047, "original_id": "1251208787853225985", "reply_id": "1251212659774521344", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF #Writer friends who are supportive\n@CardiganStories \n@liv_author \n@aprilislush \n@anna_mocikat \n@x_ally_oc_x \n@SchuylerThorpe \n@BriannaLynneYA\n@rituparnag\n@BWScribes \n@LalsaVerma \n@CalzoVicky \n@alleycat579 \n@atheistvek \n@victoria_jprice \n@missvaneetakaur\n@fuseboo \n@ab_faniki"} {"idx": 45055, "original_id": "1250901834304303111", "reply_id": "1250968919830982656", "label": "omg", "text": "OKAY QUARANTINE IS OVER I WENT TO USE THE BATHROOM AND A RAT HAD SWUM UP MY TOILET I THOUGHT THIS WAS DC URBAN LEGEND AND NOW I NEED TO MOVE."} {"idx": 45058, "original_id": "1251187633272864769", "reply_id": "1251251500808093701", "label": "yes", "text": "The Steelers need to get Cam Newton. Mason they know can’t play and Ben been injured and his status is up in the air. Mike Tomlin and Cam would be great together for the next 7 years and the Steelers would win another Super Bowl"} {"idx": 45062, "original_id": "1250900354562002944", "reply_id": "1250900701892325377", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I'm so sick of dealerships and their integrity. I have to take my car to another place Just to see if the work the dealership told me I needed to get done is real on my wife's ice. Thankful that Tesla practically no maintenance and has integrity. 🙏🏽 @elonmusk"} {"idx": 45063, "original_id": "1251268592731111429", "reply_id": "1251275328854597638", "label": "thank_you", "text": "You don’t HAVE to leave your house just because the shutdown ends. You’re welcome to stay locked inside forever if you’re scared. And I don’t even mean that in a combative way. Anyone who wants the shutdown to last longer can always institute a personal shutdown."} {"idx": 45064, "original_id": "1250914440360259584", "reply_id": "1251057115608895488", "label": "scared", "text": "They ready, you think? @YuuriVoice"} {"idx": 45065, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251075880073474050", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 45067, "original_id": "1251162991996792838", "reply_id": "1251192993945706497", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Discussed on phone with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi @AlsisiOfficial about the COVID-19 situation in India and Egypt. India will extend all possible support to Egypt’s efforts to control the spread of the virus and its impact."} {"idx": 45071, "original_id": "1251091876977029120", "reply_id": "1251176132549853185", "label": "seriously", "text": "nah this whole going to bed when the sun comes out thing gotta come to a complete stop"} {"idx": 45077, "original_id": "1250620366801731585", "reply_id": "1250840278627495936", "label": "popcorn", "text": "There. Are. People. In. Reading. That. Do. Not. Have. Your. Best. Interest. At. Heart. No. Matter. What. They. Tell. You. 😡🤦‍♂️"} {"idx": 45078, "original_id": "1250833816207278081", "reply_id": "1250835555631403009", "label": "hug", "text": "Being positive is so hard\nBut I really hope it will be worth it in the end 💗💗💗"} {"idx": 45079, "original_id": "1251129024979644417", "reply_id": "1251129621761974272", "label": "omg", "text": "I ain’t gone lie I miss him so very much but I can’t keep being disappointed & disrespected"} {"idx": 45080, "original_id": "1250909341735096331", "reply_id": "1250917161570316288", "label": "popcorn", "text": "What snack food do you find yourself binging on much more now that you’re working from home?"} {"idx": 45081, "original_id": "1250857228917256192", "reply_id": "1250859346768138246", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Not to alarm anyone but I just recorded the first episode of my podcast."} {"idx": 45085, "original_id": "1250917509135548422", "reply_id": "1251057638319820801", "label": "no", "text": "DDTG may be outta business tomorrow"} {"idx": 45086, "original_id": "1250943229693956101", "reply_id": "1250943401844973573", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Who wanna help me run social media accounts for Litmonade?! 👀\n\nDon’t all jump at once... Lol!"} {"idx": 45087, "original_id": "1250942084145508354", "reply_id": "1250944247773097984", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "theres someone pulling that “all Mexicans are Indigenous bc blood” thing on tik tok... while having a Spanish flag in their background lmao 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 45088, "original_id": "1251224302931922946", "reply_id": "1251225584614510592", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "My follower count had meant little to me before I joined the Resistance. Now, realizing how many I can reach with the truth and receive truth from them, it means a lot.We are all in this together."} {"idx": 45090, "original_id": "1250966430234718208", "reply_id": "1250971799652675584", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I guess Oz is a better Wizard than a Doctor, amirite?"} {"idx": 45094, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251014898483630087", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 45095, "original_id": "1250926848667643905", "reply_id": "1250931891676594177", "label": "shocked", "text": "I really hope the Guardian Games competition is only in gambit. That would be such a blast. 🙂"} {"idx": 45097, "original_id": "1250912664412446727", "reply_id": "1250917120852013056", "label": "yes", "text": "I’ll be live in 2 hours after being gone for about a week. I hope you miss me as much as I’ve missed yooouuuu 💜💕"} {"idx": 45100, "original_id": "1250571954056245250", "reply_id": "1251032070245289984", "label": "yawn", "text": "sex is not for FUN sex is a SPIRITUAL BOND ( soul tie ).\nhow many men/women souls do you have inside of you ? every person you sleep with leaves a part of themselves with you. some of us think sex is for fun but don't know that sex outside marriage is the greatest covenant."} {"idx": 45103, "original_id": "1250910045128228864", "reply_id": "1251166952116060160", "label": "agree", "text": "also I just feel like it's classist when niggas say salmon croquettes instead of salmon patties."} {"idx": 45104, "original_id": "1251177421598068738", "reply_id": "1251202646234595329", "label": "applause", "text": "My niece got a call from the Emergency room Doctor saying that her Wednesday COVID test was actually NEGATIVE! They are retesting her tonight and if it's negative she is clear. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞She'll still be taking extra precautions and self-isolating cuz she's not a selfish fuck."} {"idx": 45106, "original_id": "1250827345461751809", "reply_id": "1250861994086973440", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I start my masters in a couple of days 🥺"} {"idx": 45112, "original_id": "1251007206998376448", "reply_id": "1251030381182287872", "label": "seriously", "text": "Jus papaye 🗑"} {"idx": 45113, "original_id": "1251269353884061697", "reply_id": "1251269722093559815", "label": "agree", "text": "please be Solo FNCS next"} {"idx": 45114, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251182605397102594", "label": "no", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 45116, "original_id": "1250802864055676936", "reply_id": "1250896031987855360", "label": "no", "text": "Attituding for the past days and Francis has been like ano ba Angelli grabe ka na HAHAHAHAHAHA and in my head I'm like kakapoy makig away oy but still makes away anyways, wasn't born to lose an argument with a guy. Nyehehehehe"} {"idx": 45117, "original_id": "1251255205800353793", "reply_id": "1251266686432370688", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Been married for 29 yrs, never accused of rape, never had sex with prostitutes or porn stars, tell the truth, don’t fantasize about sexing my daughter, attend church, repented according to Romans 10...\n\n...but, to evangelicals, I’m “no man of God” and Trump is “God’s anointed.”"} {"idx": 45118, "original_id": "1250964251071721472", "reply_id": "1251046544226336770", "label": "awww", "text": "I was looking in the mirror today... couldn't recognise my body... like I was wearing tires!\n\nNow the lock down has been extended till May 15. \n\nSigh. It is well!"} {"idx": 45119, "original_id": "1250936078560870405", "reply_id": "1250969120251817995", "label": "sigh", "text": "Did you hear about the bloke who took an airline to court over losing his luggage??..... He lost his case."} {"idx": 45120, "original_id": "1250903612202659845", "reply_id": "1250906765237116930", "label": "agree", "text": "I haven’t really used twitter in a long time, Hmm, might be time..."} {"idx": 45121, "original_id": "1250854502594342919", "reply_id": "1251134630473785344", "label": "wink", "text": "Shortening my tweets... hi"} {"idx": 45122, "original_id": "1250964274622590979", "reply_id": "1251167317016313856", "label": "omg", "text": "When it comes to the meat of President Trump’s pandemic plans, I’ve seen more on a bleached, picked-over stray cattle carcass left for months in the Texas sun."} {"idx": 45127, "original_id": "1250861686946500610", "reply_id": "1250868847030276097", "label": "yes", "text": "so, you’re telling me i can go golfing but not get my braces fricken tightened? 😅😅😅"} {"idx": 45137, "original_id": "1250818049613066242", "reply_id": "1251002112714178565", "label": "agree", "text": "I have an announcement to make! The announcement is that I am tired of this pandemic and do not want to do it anymore. Please respect my wishes by no longer having a pandemic happen. Thank you all for your cooperation"} {"idx": 45138, "original_id": "1250976586423304192", "reply_id": "1251020482775781376", "label": "agree", "text": "The Liberty Ladies of Twitter are a lot more fun to follow than you Freedom Bois. Just sayin. Step it fellas"} {"idx": 45143, "original_id": "1251222450265886720", "reply_id": "1251224237442060288", "label": "hug", "text": "tonight was supposed to be my first ever opening night...i’m so sad"} {"idx": 45144, "original_id": "1250954944649273345", "reply_id": "1251196414975266816", "label": "applause", "text": "Great news! I spoke with my brother and he and his wife will NOT be voting for trump. He said he's watched him lie and be an asshole long enough. He thanked me for my Facebook posts which made him start paying better attention. Now that he's watching him every day, he's done! 👍"} {"idx": 45147, "original_id": "1251217218681155587", "reply_id": "1251219692179644419", "label": "shocked", "text": "jesus fuckin christ the neighbors saw me having sex in the doorway and took pictures"} {"idx": 45148, "original_id": "1250929396321595392", "reply_id": "1250946629915611137", "label": "idk", "text": "A week away from the 2020 #NFLDraft. Who are you hoping for your team to select?"} {"idx": 45149, "original_id": "1250903519118462978", "reply_id": "1250917699238182912", "label": "popcorn", "text": "If I wanted to see a cock ...I’d ask 🙄"} {"idx": 45150, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250886431188439041", "label": "want", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 45155, "original_id": "1250773187702505474", "reply_id": "1251142663782481920", "label": "yes", "text": "Just started episode one of @glasscannonpod!!"} {"idx": 45157, "original_id": "1251231463552552963", "reply_id": "1251232284918808576", "label": "seriously", "text": "If you decide to sleep with my man because of envy, I will cut off your tits and sew it to your eyes. If you are a witch, I am thug. And you can keep the guy."} {"idx": 45159, "original_id": "1250927340344967169", "reply_id": "1250929907036717056", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "What do you think of President Trump’s plan to reopen America?"} {"idx": 45160, "original_id": "1251223671189975041", "reply_id": "1251224363401129985", "label": "awww", "text": "Checked my tracking information on the official adoption date of my baby yoda and it's official on SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! @timvicious"} {"idx": 45161, "original_id": "1250776490477789186", "reply_id": "1250878234750836744", "label": "smh", "text": "If Donald Trump and Joe Biden were both drowning and you only had time to save one of them, where would you and Joe Biden go for lunch together afterward?"} {"idx": 45162, "original_id": "1251063683301511169", "reply_id": "1251103864213975040", "label": "no", "text": "u know what makes me sad? the thought that when mike and will had that argument, will's mind automatically flashed back to when mike said befriending him was the best thing he had ever done. will probably blamed himself a lot later on, calling himself stupid for ever believing it"} {"idx": 45163, "original_id": "1250995127184580614", "reply_id": "1251143561950588929", "label": "shocked", "text": "I’m off garlic."} {"idx": 45164, "original_id": "1249225545461592064", "reply_id": "1250903873201602561", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "i almost replied to someone's tweet and was like shit.. that might start a conversation."} {"idx": 45165, "original_id": "1251226207468716032", "reply_id": "1251235409121742854", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Do y’all think we should reopen American soon or later ?"} {"idx": 45168, "original_id": "1251007578638819328", "reply_id": "1251010631521665024", "label": "wink", "text": "If you having trouble sleeping am sending you beautiful hearts for you ❤️ to make you feel better have a good night everyone love you ❤️"} {"idx": 45173, "original_id": "1251215233143779331", "reply_id": "1251225024331161600", "label": "agree", "text": "And my prayers were answered!\nA life goal reached!!!!! \nThank you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽"} {"idx": 45175, "original_id": "1251227688519467008", "reply_id": "1251250209054654465", "label": "shocked", "text": "someone just dm’d me and said “hey i can’t afford your earrings so can you tell me how to make them myself thanks”"} {"idx": 45176, "original_id": "1250839106306932737", "reply_id": "1250839390076706819", "label": "agree", "text": "Carey Price had a really, really good four-year run from 2013-2017. Other than those, he been pretty average, so enough of this \"he's been the best goalie in the NHL for years\" nonsense"} {"idx": 45179, "original_id": "1250885134393499659", "reply_id": "1250887517014024202", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug."} {"idx": 45180, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250917740933722116", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 45183, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251239890727157760", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 45188, "original_id": "1250847190014197760", "reply_id": "1250849469823946753", "label": "agree", "text": "So...is it just me and or is anyone else worried this hermit life will make you literally never want to leave the house again? I mean...just getting me out to walmart takes hot pokers and bribes."} {"idx": 45189, "original_id": "1250987152990588930", "reply_id": "1250990196428025858", "label": "hug", "text": "Gonna watch DEADPOOL and try not to feel down. I've been having an okay day, but it's trying to creep in."} {"idx": 45190, "original_id": "1250505725467656194", "reply_id": "1250868367394824200", "label": "hug", "text": "Fatal flaw: forgetting that I'm allowed to have needs too 💔 #mentalhealth #neglect #abuse #pmdd #pmddwarriors #pmddpeeps #selfworth #love #relationships #fatalflaw"} {"idx": 45191, "original_id": "1250976541510533120", "reply_id": "1250976701439512577", "label": "awww", "text": "The kittens are beautiful 🤩 I’ll post pics later. The mom needs to get comfortable first and I don’t wanna bother her."} {"idx": 45198, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251257615960674306", "label": "ok", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 45199, "original_id": "1250857677430743040", "reply_id": "1250858032608747523", "label": "agree", "text": "I love you guys. Truly. I’m sorry I’ve allowed my anxiety to manifest on here and probably in my content so much. I appreciate you all and I’m going to work hard to stay confident and believe in myself so I can deliver the content and the heart I know that I can. ❤️"} {"idx": 45200, "original_id": "1250839706696208384", "reply_id": "1250843707739303937", "label": "hug", "text": "Lololololololololololololololololololololololol okay, never give up? nah fam, fuck you, i'm giving up."} {"idx": 45201, "original_id": "1250988005281628161", "reply_id": "1251003432552427520", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug ❤💋🥂"} {"idx": 45204, "original_id": "1250813727009648645", "reply_id": "1250931046574624768", "label": "smh", "text": "JUST IN: President Trump has named Senator Marsha Blackburn to his congressional task force to provide counsel on the re-opening of America in the wake of #COVID19. @WKRN"} {"idx": 45207, "original_id": "1251174076640624641", "reply_id": "1251174323827683331", "label": "hug", "text": "Today I got so worked up by the cruelty and unfairness of the world I went to bed at 1pm to make it go away.\n\nThen I woke up and realised this is exactly what my father used to do."} {"idx": 45212, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251231536688648194", "label": "applause", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 45214, "original_id": "1250949580163878912", "reply_id": "1250997442268495874", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "SOURCE: Houston Texans expected to trade up for left tackle Laremy Tunsil next week in the draft."} {"idx": 45218, "original_id": "1250989494033055750", "reply_id": "1251115457333116929", "label": "seriously", "text": "i am never playing call of duty again"} {"idx": 45219, "original_id": "1250897673521160193", "reply_id": "1250902736784236548", "label": "shocked", "text": "Absolute mammoth 5 and a half hour @WeAudition session, but enjoyed every minute! Big love to everyone who came to say hi. I’ll do another one soon, after many glasses of wine ✌🏻💖"} {"idx": 45223, "original_id": "1250994938793385986", "reply_id": "1251057916955803649", "label": "smh", "text": "Did you know that actor Raymond Burr had a brother who was a lumberjack ? His name was Tim ."} {"idx": 45224, "original_id": "1250544374821289985", "reply_id": "1250935903553495040", "label": "applause", "text": "The last guy you want to listen to about stopping a virus is Bill Gates. He couldn't even keep viruses off of Windows. It's one reason many of us switched to Macs and we never saw a virus ever again."} {"idx": 45225, "original_id": "1250904241964630016", "reply_id": "1250928059957608449", "label": "shocked", "text": "it doesn't surprise me that the men who love JJ without question also appear to be the type themselves to leave women unsatisfied with an abrupt and unpleasant ending, 💅"} {"idx": 45226, "original_id": "1251040180389150721", "reply_id": "1251040813242552321", "label": "hug", "text": "I am still not ok with ot6. I also have exam in 13 minutes. And only thing I see is my tears 😔 sorry for spreading this sadness, but I had to let it go. Couldn't they at least wait till my exam is over?"} {"idx": 45231, "original_id": "1251021916992729088", "reply_id": "1251024004967792640", "label": "scared", "text": "being an artist is mostly learning to tell that voice saying \"this is cheesy\" to shut up and just write that ttrpg move that buffs you if you hold hands with somebody you love"} {"idx": 45233, "original_id": "1251172292727410690", "reply_id": "1251174357923057664", "label": "smh", "text": "Okay but what if Raelle finds out Scylla is part of the spree and doubts that Scylla really loves her bc its all supposedly an act😭 #MotherlandFortSalem"} {"idx": 45234, "original_id": "1250988522829422593", "reply_id": "1251252545865027584", "label": "applause", "text": "fasure gonna pass this semester and beat the fuck out this cancer at the same time. Shittin me !! I got this 🤞🏽"} {"idx": 45235, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251230865033555968", "label": "applause", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 45237, "original_id": "1251124428215250944", "reply_id": "1251240021341896705", "label": "high_five", "text": "Happy to let you all know that I made it down the stairs safely this morning"} {"idx": 45240, "original_id": "1250866607133425671", "reply_id": "1250869607583252480", "label": "agree", "text": "Some of you only remember our family & friends in the Diaspora when you’re in the Western Union line or at the wharf a clear barrel."} {"idx": 45244, "original_id": "1250901876259897346", "reply_id": "1250905354877186054", "label": "hug", "text": "Was put on an involuntary leave of absence from work effective on\n\n4/20/2020.....This will be quite the memorable birthday. 😕\n\nI’m ok. Not really super mad or super sad. Just okay. \n\nVirtual hugs would be appreciated 💜"} {"idx": 45245, "original_id": "1251159175981232130", "reply_id": "1251160285550751746", "label": "hug", "text": "give me some hug, moots?"} {"idx": 45246, "original_id": "1251146446297956355", "reply_id": "1251147280377196546", "label": "awww", "text": "The way I have been craving puff puff for the past 5days 🥴😭"} {"idx": 45247, "original_id": "1226794663643897856", "reply_id": "1250989960510885888", "label": "agree", "text": "\"The only thing that stays the same is everything changes.\""} {"idx": 45248, "original_id": "1250849581291712512", "reply_id": "1251001067648749568", "label": "applause", "text": "Eskom has warned residents in Orange Farm, south of Johannesburg, that they will remain without power until there are talks with the utility regarding illegal connections and payment. #sabcnews"} {"idx": 45250, "original_id": "1251178818146050048", "reply_id": "1251179078746550274", "label": "smh", "text": "Still haven’t seen Birds of Prey 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 45251, "original_id": "1251206812533219330", "reply_id": "1251212434066546689", "label": "yes", "text": "Never been this happy before 🥰"} {"idx": 45253, "original_id": "1251239962785144832", "reply_id": "1251264739298041857", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I had to take myself out of a food group today. Bitches got all crazy over recipe sharing. This is what we're fighting over now 😩🤣🤣"} {"idx": 45254, "original_id": "1251253863069503488", "reply_id": "1251256245387956226", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I know imma regret moving back but whatevz"} {"idx": 45255, "original_id": "1250976662390521857", "reply_id": "1250977028192432128", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy Birthday @neetapatnam 🥃🥳"} {"idx": 45256, "original_id": "1251252044322746368", "reply_id": "1251257802066145284", "label": "wink", "text": "Don't get baited by the silliness today. Let's have a social distance party tonight on Twitter. Brink a drink and some good music to your timeline and we'll all find each other this evening. We won't be alone, because we'll be together."} {"idx": 45257, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251202003117711360", "label": "awww", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 45258, "original_id": "1251133916867633154", "reply_id": "1251136536139239424", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "My neighbor has been super loudly coughing all morning. I can hear her even with all her windows closed. Oh. Also she had her whole extended family over for Easter."} {"idx": 45261, "original_id": "1251227176470319104", "reply_id": "1251238970282803201", "label": "agree", "text": "You ever had dick so good you just started deleting niggas number out your phone?"} {"idx": 45262, "original_id": "1250852058338557952", "reply_id": "1250852206552596481", "label": "applause", "text": "A kitchen knife and fork had a race.\n\nWho won?\n\nNeither. \n\nIt ended in a drawer."} {"idx": 45263, "original_id": "1251237867348619267", "reply_id": "1251243486868729857", "label": "sigh", "text": "Would've been a month until edc lol"} {"idx": 45267, "original_id": "1250823450765205504", "reply_id": "1251211942494187523", "label": "hug", "text": "wish I could socially distance from this depression"} {"idx": 45268, "original_id": "1251269074136506370", "reply_id": "1251269560663183361", "label": "awww", "text": "Growing up, I thought the people who lived in the high rise apartments in Suitland were the ones with money in PG County, I NEVER saw any of those palaces from that video in person before. 😂"} {"idx": 45269, "original_id": "1251090835485097985", "reply_id": "1251191176109137922", "label": "no", "text": "Borussia Dortmund were interested in including Greenwood in a deal for Jadon Sancho last summer. #mufc had absolutely no intention of discussing Greenwood and he will not be involved in any further talks #mulive [espn]"} {"idx": 45273, "original_id": "1250899233097449473", "reply_id": "1250965765953654789", "label": "high_five", "text": "One positive about wearing a mask, fewer people see my resting bitch face."} {"idx": 45274, "original_id": "1251250519626170371", "reply_id": "1251250732361289732", "label": "eww", "text": "Me: trying to buy a switch on olx, finds out the guy was trying to sell me a V1 as a V2, wishes him good luck but no thanks.\nThe guy: ahah que idade tem?"} {"idx": 45276, "original_id": "1250914715603255296", "reply_id": "1250915196463431680", "label": "agree", "text": "i feel like all white people live the same life"} {"idx": 45281, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251036767362281474", "label": "omg", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 45282, "original_id": "1250925199970754566", "reply_id": "1250925588476542978", "label": "sigh", "text": "I gotta taste for some homemade head straight off the neck 😩"} {"idx": 45283, "original_id": "1250922239265996806", "reply_id": "1251062555730227201", "label": "yes", "text": "Bored . Thinkin about getting pregnant"} {"idx": 45284, "original_id": "1250902816048189441", "reply_id": "1250903100724072451", "label": "hug", "text": "Sigh 😔. Really am going through it right now man"} {"idx": 45286, "original_id": "1251234023818567680", "reply_id": "1251242185154088960", "label": "oops", "text": "I’m so funny 😭😭😭"} {"idx": 45288, "original_id": "1250851466983747586", "reply_id": "1250852116526178315", "label": "agree", "text": "How are U doing today? Sending you all #light!"} {"idx": 45289, "original_id": "1250783702579363843", "reply_id": "1250903524269056000", "label": "applause", "text": "I just displayed some critical thinking capacity in front of my father. Man is in awe"} {"idx": 45290, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251239278446870529", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 45291, "original_id": "1250967003449274375", "reply_id": "1250988544627269633", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "So the @SICHLSteelhawks beat the @SICHLMontreal 4 to 2 tonight. We give @FreddyExpress and @mark_macrae_ a huge advantage! And to top it off, Loui Eriksson scores into an empty netter to secure a hat trick?! Thank you @SICHLSlammers for letting him go. Proving rather valuable. 😎"} {"idx": 45293, "original_id": "1250880667073863681", "reply_id": "1250881638285926405", "label": "high_five", "text": "What a fucking shitty day"} {"idx": 45294, "original_id": "1250960741995171841", "reply_id": "1250961086771331073", "label": "hug", "text": "Nothing like crying my fucking eyes out all day about hard work stuff on top of just being moody because I’m lonely"} {"idx": 45295, "original_id": "1251014691469406209", "reply_id": "1251014879453999108", "label": "hearts", "text": "minah seungho kiss scene on ep 12 \nTHIS IS NOT A DRILL"} {"idx": 45296, "original_id": "1250910243397218306", "reply_id": "1250913496188977154", "label": "applause", "text": "Am I going to mess around and make Almond Joy macarons? Probably."} {"idx": 45298, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251174470699581440", "label": "agree", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 45299, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250976177436712961", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 45301, "original_id": "1251015836963205121", "reply_id": "1251038027356479488", "label": "shocked", "text": "You guys DO realize that we can see the nasty ass shit you “like” on our TL’s right?"} {"idx": 45303, "original_id": "1250893716715429888", "reply_id": "1251040216736907266", "label": "please", "text": "If We naked in bed & I scoot back...Sirrr nail me to the cross🥴🤣🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 45305, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250985724154974208", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 45306, "original_id": "1250941378118500354", "reply_id": "1250947875833622529", "label": "agree", "text": "Kelly Rowland is over there with Roc Nation, huh? As long as her husband is still her manager the kite will never fly."} {"idx": 45307, "original_id": "1250952805424287744", "reply_id": "1250954307614236673", "label": "high_five", "text": "Cornflakes slaps at this time. 😍"} {"idx": 45311, "original_id": "1250864869664047104", "reply_id": "1250865011242733570", "label": "dance", "text": "okay i’m bored and want to talk about theatre again. respond with a gif and i’ll recommend you a musical/play! ✨"} {"idx": 45312, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251132590477635585", "label": "hearts", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 45316, "original_id": "1250830498445824002", "reply_id": "1250864652134813696", "label": "hug", "text": "It worked for @juliemac1000 when she felt lonely. I am feeling lonely. Can I have a big hug off the internet too?"} {"idx": 45319, "original_id": "1250681497616445440", "reply_id": "1250870050199949312", "label": "shocked", "text": "It’s my mans birthday. Bout to go give him printed out copies of his tweets. Brb"} {"idx": 45320, "original_id": "1250956453868945408", "reply_id": "1250995712671789057", "label": "thank_you", "text": "you’re the best thing i never planned"} {"idx": 45321, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250963639395250176", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 45322, "original_id": "1251152812790050819", "reply_id": "1251212729316188166", "label": "agree", "text": "\"Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.\" —@marylouretton"} {"idx": 45326, "original_id": "1251218140983328768", "reply_id": "1251274781351174144", "label": "yes", "text": "Twitter needs to permanently suspend @realDonaldTrump account. Who's with me?"} {"idx": 45335, "original_id": "1203689599463280640", "reply_id": "1251091462315442176", "label": "hug", "text": "@amr_alhag appreciation tweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 45339, "original_id": "1251180133748215810", "reply_id": "1251182412899508228", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "men that use the 🤷🏽‍♂️ emoji will never love you the way you want them to"} {"idx": 45340, "original_id": "1251118666109812737", "reply_id": "1251122236104364032", "label": "want", "text": "You know that trope where A is seriously injured but B doesn’t notice till A nearly collapses? Then A tries to be light about it all while B is just Freaking Out? I want the Hartwin version of that but I love picturing Eggsy as the apologetically injured one."} {"idx": 45341, "original_id": "1250917345863835649", "reply_id": "1250917745509761037", "label": "omg", "text": "ON THE SAUSAGE"} {"idx": 45342, "original_id": "1250964648066723845", "reply_id": "1250965091895435264", "label": "sigh", "text": "Can’t wait to transfer from Omoge Lashes to Omoge Cosmetics."} {"idx": 45344, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251225440863375360", "label": "smh", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 45347, "original_id": "1250423364927143936", "reply_id": "1250845460492943361", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Patience is a virtue. Things come to he who waits."} {"idx": 45355, "original_id": "1251223884977840135", "reply_id": "1251251879390195720", "label": "hug", "text": "Hello darkness, my old friend."} {"idx": 45356, "original_id": "1250945549722845184", "reply_id": "1250946242265387012", "label": "eww", "text": "I never thought I’d be a fan...but u see when u kiss n spit n pull apart n it stretches?! 🥵 love it"} {"idx": 45359, "original_id": "1251249992544604161", "reply_id": "1251251138604806146", "label": "applause", "text": "From the moment I laid eyes upon her I knew. Her huge brown eyes, sparkling, invading my soul. Dark hair rolling like waves down her back. Her curves flowing round and athletic. Her long shapely legs that went all the way up. \n\n\"Yeah she's a nice horse mate, I'll take her.\""} {"idx": 45360, "original_id": "1250826740139651073", "reply_id": "1250913970204147712", "label": "yes", "text": "Woke up to 80K 😏"} {"idx": 45361, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250965779086020609", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 45362, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250977107955638272", "label": "popcorn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 45364, "original_id": "1250823058400710657", "reply_id": "1251116754597601282", "label": "no", "text": "OPINIONS ON CARTI’S NEW SONG"} {"idx": 45368, "original_id": "1250843921825042432", "reply_id": "1250971726994903040", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "@LandauDave I wrote this. \n\nWhat’s the difference between a toddler and the Coronavirus? \n\nEric Clapton will catch the Coronavrus."} {"idx": 45371, "original_id": "1250869298286874624", "reply_id": "1250936338251046912", "label": "no", "text": "With each passing day I feel more and more pressured to make that whipped coffee stuff. \n\nLord help me in this quarantine"} {"idx": 45375, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251078725032046592", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 45381, "original_id": "1251205770525511680", "reply_id": "1251206064869183491", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Just so everyone knows game of thrones premiered 9 years ago today🤷‍♂️ the greatest show ever made 🙃 #GameofThrones @Austino240"} {"idx": 45385, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250960114368090113", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 45389, "original_id": "1250936731047809025", "reply_id": "1250955763297681408", "label": "hug", "text": "If we’re all still h*rny, I’ll contribute. I want a h*g from literally anyone."} {"idx": 45392, "original_id": "1251262383844016129", "reply_id": "1251270065082810370", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@Leviatha99 \nI will follow back, thank you.\nm(_ _)m"} {"idx": 45394, "original_id": "1251236299823960065", "reply_id": "1251236721368412160", "label": "hug", "text": "SOMEBODY GIVE ME A HUG PLEASE \n\nI would really like one right now 😭"} {"idx": 45396, "original_id": "1251057923612172288", "reply_id": "1251222052977217536", "label": "yes", "text": "The Bible has all of the answers we are looking for."} {"idx": 45397, "original_id": "1250703439165784064", "reply_id": "1251090845819899904", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug."} {"idx": 45400, "original_id": "1251057691511779328", "reply_id": "1251061660829102081", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "What the fuck did I just see"} {"idx": 45401, "original_id": "1251176231984418818", "reply_id": "1251179192731000832", "label": "hug", "text": "Work today has been awful, very very awful. Thank God it's Friday, I'm going to sit in bed and cry"} {"idx": 45404, "original_id": "1250911705053478912", "reply_id": "1250927311479640065", "label": "smh", "text": "I'm afraid Trump is going to cause more death to happen from COVID-19. 😥 \n\nHis supporters believe every word he says & they will continue to do as they were."} {"idx": 45405, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1250932842726666245", "label": "please", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 45407, "original_id": "1251208970313830405", "reply_id": "1251224629437444098", "label": "facepalm", "text": "7 billion people in the world n u think u found ur soulmate in redditch ?😪"} {"idx": 45408, "original_id": "1250844159684030468", "reply_id": "1250862600528687104", "label": "yes", "text": "Worst Gallup poll for Trump in 5 months: \n43% approval (-6)\n54% disapproval (+9)"} {"idx": 45410, "original_id": "1250865540186484738", "reply_id": "1250866062150623232", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Ugh I’m blocking him I don’t have time for hissy fits\nNo one likes your MAGA wife who is going to stop working during a pandemic\nGet over it"} {"idx": 45411, "original_id": "1251166094150135808", "reply_id": "1251237563672727559", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Just had a termite guy come to my apartment in Florida. A load of sawdust appeared on the floor under a cabinet. He went on to bore me on all details of how termites come/work in USA and started to fringe on European termites at which point.I told him I have to make phone call."} {"idx": 45415, "original_id": "1251100769908072448", "reply_id": "1251103694696873987", "label": "hug", "text": "Fuck.\n\nJust this minute learned of the death of a very good scientist I know. He was just a few years older than me (still well under 50). Not seen him for years.\n\nFuck. Fucking hell. 😢"} {"idx": 45416, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250952615250231296", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 45417, "original_id": "1250847169851998208", "reply_id": "1250891820885819393", "label": "facepalm", "text": "national horny day & I’m on my period ? lol , men ain’t shit"} {"idx": 45418, "original_id": "1250926926832648192", "reply_id": "1250936653549408257", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "To those who don’t like Trump’s plan to open back up, you realize you can still stay home right? Stop trying to control everyone else’s lives."} {"idx": 45421, "original_id": "1250870930764685312", "reply_id": "1250887007523528709", "label": "applause", "text": "love the “men ain’t shit” community... all you be talking about is dudes 24/7 and we all know you belong to the streets ... who ya foolin"} {"idx": 45422, "original_id": "1250927672693264390", "reply_id": "1250978901926522880", "label": "applause", "text": "Gonners mate"} {"idx": 45424, "original_id": "1251255582125887490", "reply_id": "1251268217298812928", "label": "facepalm", "text": "🗣️ Devin Haney replying to a comment about Vasyl Lomachenko: \"I will never lose to a white boy in my life. I don't care what nobody got to say. Can't no white boy beat me on any day of the week. Fight a white boy ten times, I'm gonna beat him ten times.\" [@78SPORTSTV]"} {"idx": 45429, "original_id": "1251053262641532928", "reply_id": "1251259829663993858", "label": "agree", "text": "Underwear should be made an essential item please, Mr President. We’re gaining weight and our penties aren’t fitting."} {"idx": 45430, "original_id": "1250855494232739840", "reply_id": "1250856586605625345", "label": "facepalm", "text": "OMG I FORGOT MY ANNOUNCEMENT\n\nF IN THE CHAT"} {"idx": 45434, "original_id": "1251234222838349825", "reply_id": "1251240723250372611", "label": "no", "text": "so if they say stay inside until 2021, y’all gon do it?"} {"idx": 45440, "original_id": "1251246554394099712", "reply_id": "1251249745617719296", "label": "agree", "text": "As a #Scorpio you have the ability to self-destruct & to destroy others in a matter of seconds."} {"idx": 45443, "original_id": "1250799525398286336", "reply_id": "1250873502346829824", "label": "applause", "text": "Fell short even with all winners. Streak ended, but we’ll get right back today! If you got a daily yesterday, you’ll have access for free today."} {"idx": 45445, "original_id": "1250973896892973059", "reply_id": "1250980947501166594", "label": "no", "text": "Controversial tweet:\n\nDipping filet mignon in ketchup. \n\nI did it tonight and I don’t care because I ❤️ ketchup."} {"idx": 45446, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250956468142116866", "label": "seriously", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 45447, "original_id": "1251199531875778560", "reply_id": "1251265583976513537", "label": "hug", "text": "In personal Covid related news today:\n\n1. Found out that my cousin passed away from the virus today.\n2. Found out that my great aunt who has the disease is about to die and they're taking her off the ventilator today.\n3. Found out that the hours that I work will be cut."} {"idx": 45450, "original_id": "1250651106822074368", "reply_id": "1250981428004663298", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "How's your experience with Flutter? Only gifs allowed 🤟🏼\n\n#Flutter"} {"idx": 45452, "original_id": "1250928955319816196", "reply_id": "1250929228423421952", "label": "facepalm", "text": "“The Governor of Washington was saying he can’t find cotton. Swab is a very easy thing to get. Essentially, it’s a little more sophisticated than a Q-Tip. The federal government shouldn’t be forced to do everything. You got to go and get it”. - Trump"} {"idx": 45453, "original_id": "1251028012243521542", "reply_id": "1251103784308277248", "label": "agree", "text": "Zim women are lost. Look @ their female influencers\n\nJojo Tank - hid her HIV status to her ex husband\nYellowbone - rose to prominence with a sextape\nVulgar Queen - hosted a divorce party\nDJ (d🍆ck jockey) - multiple baby daddies\nCrying Cougar - always crying about young men"} {"idx": 45455, "original_id": "1251235198622224384", "reply_id": "1251263049673125895", "label": "agree", "text": "Money highlights what already exist. If you was a cornball when you was broke. Guess what?"} {"idx": 45456, "original_id": "1251237785454993412", "reply_id": "1251269812124372993", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "switches are weak, the game boy was the BEST to ever do it"} {"idx": 45457, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251015821817606145", "label": "omg", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 45461, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1251151409501704193", "label": "yawn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 45465, "original_id": "1248145663000363008", "reply_id": "1251047960944635904", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "im 6ft, 72inchs , 182.88 centimeters.\ni am single. pls refer to this tweet when you see someone misinformed."} {"idx": 45466, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251248292433985540", "label": "oops", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 45467, "original_id": "1250560298588745728", "reply_id": "1250897051635855360", "label": "no", "text": "Imagine Andrew Sheer looking after this shit show?"} {"idx": 45469, "original_id": "1251114381750013952", "reply_id": "1251194044128034819", "label": "shrug", "text": "That moment when you are trying to find a tool for a specific purpose and input data type then you realize you published one recently..."} {"idx": 45470, "original_id": "1250839203883220992", "reply_id": "1250839876041355264", "label": "hug", "text": "Tough day 😥"} {"idx": 45475, "original_id": "1251250681593253889", "reply_id": "1251268557498920961", "label": "awww", "text": "To everyone who supports me....\n\nI dont care if you sub, donate, chat, lurk or even just like my tweets.\n\nYouve changed my life for the better. \n\nAnd I'm forever grateful 💜"} {"idx": 45477, "original_id": "1251199532475527169", "reply_id": "1251272470818164736", "label": "no", "text": "Serious question: do ya’ll think we can carry on like this until November?"} {"idx": 45480, "original_id": "1251173066559848448", "reply_id": "1251176188019642370", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I'll be biting clouds tomorrow In shaa Allah 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃"} {"idx": 45483, "original_id": "1250904995299459072", "reply_id": "1250928497264070656", "label": "agree", "text": "There are plenty of doctors, scientists and mental health pros that believe it’s time to move on. We are trending to lose more lives to economy than virus. Those experts just haven’t been embedded in federal government or media for 30 years."} {"idx": 45484, "original_id": "1251137114235863042", "reply_id": "1251149779997847559", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hits the like button on your tweet because I’m polite but rolls my eyes into tomorrow because you’re an idiot."} {"idx": 45485, "original_id": "1250976674214293505", "reply_id": "1250990564453031938", "label": "smh", "text": "Supposed to be peer reviewing a report right now on the European Union but instead I'm thinking about Our Light again. Typical me."} {"idx": 45486, "original_id": "1250908226775810049", "reply_id": "1250940449285500929", "label": "kiss", "text": "Hey all! I’m online😋"} {"idx": 45487, "original_id": "1250895283430490112", "reply_id": "1250949268933836800", "label": "smh", "text": "I don’t even know who rely on anymore"} {"idx": 45490, "original_id": "1250864547298189313", "reply_id": "1251130674515492866", "label": "kiss", "text": "you’re a genius!"} {"idx": 45491, "original_id": "1250940785035554816", "reply_id": "1250950256918966273", "label": "scared", "text": "🎶 Music Tweet 🎶\n\nIf the question is Beatles or Stones, the answer is Zeppelin. Am I right?"} {"idx": 45492, "original_id": "1250826921530626048", "reply_id": "1250952794766532609", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "awww. do my hard nipples violate your terms and conditions??? gonna cry about it??? 🥺🥺"} {"idx": 45493, "original_id": "1251232387553472514", "reply_id": "1251235774311301124", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "What is Trump’s spirit animal??"} {"idx": 45494, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250985006526353411", "label": "win", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 45495, "original_id": "1232857042928504834", "reply_id": "1250891058600345601", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Listen, I don't care if you're straight, gay, bi, trans, it doesn't matter, if you're my people, you're my people, and I'm teaching my kids the same, so hopefully your kids don't have to go through what you went through, I love you all ❤❤❤"} {"idx": 45497, "original_id": "1251213208519618561", "reply_id": "1251242000155701248", "label": "agree", "text": "what happened to ski mask the slump god yo i miss his weird ass"} {"idx": 45500, "original_id": "1251028085886947328", "reply_id": "1251181314943840258", "label": "applause", "text": "All of my mutuals are dead. Accepting new positions."} {"idx": 45502, "original_id": "1250941167002423296", "reply_id": "1250944437578010631", "label": "dance", "text": "Oh man, I just realized, if this virus thing lightens up and all goes well I could have a suit in time for Halloween ;w; ❤️❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 45503, "original_id": "1250829290796613634", "reply_id": "1251058060438667264", "label": "facepalm", "text": "My rather depressing takeaway from that press briefing is that the Govt haven't got a clue when this #coronavirus crisis is going to end, but it certainly won't be any time soon."} {"idx": 45505, "original_id": "1251061737241161728", "reply_id": "1251232981567619075", "label": "seriously", "text": "So Zlatan get mouth to de yab person? Zlatan wey him papa run DNA test on am 5 times because he no believe say him pikin fit ugly reach like this."} {"idx": 45507, "original_id": "1250909538116493312", "reply_id": "1251023634337914880", "label": "applause", "text": "Girls really ain’t shit."} {"idx": 45509, "original_id": "1250855329321099265", "reply_id": "1250945289919139841", "label": "shrug", "text": "Everything opening back up may 1st ?"} {"idx": 45512, "original_id": "1251173981576728578", "reply_id": "1251198070689353728", "label": "hug", "text": "My uncle died today. \nWe are now sitting arranging his funeral for between now and 48 hours. \n1. I am shocked by the fact that I am now an adult who can sit in these things. \n2. There is not kawa maombolezi so the shock of his death is not as an immediate factor as the funeral."} {"idx": 45513, "original_id": "1250939601331593216", "reply_id": "1251118851204538368", "label": "smh", "text": "#757Twitter Im delivering liquor.. And starting tomorrow, Ill have bottles after hours 😎"} {"idx": 45515, "original_id": "1251106598258434049", "reply_id": "1251143107149737984", "label": "shocked", "text": "so for the first time ever i have just been sent an unsolicited clit pic rather than an unsolicited dick pic and my reaction is the same - wtf is wrong with people"} {"idx": 45520, "original_id": "1251254366830551042", "reply_id": "1251255276717703175", "label": "high_five", "text": "My right hand’s itching out of nowhere let’s get it! 🤑🙌🏾💃🏾"} {"idx": 45521, "original_id": "1250961818530414594", "reply_id": "1250964928225312775", "label": "yes", "text": "Can we all just agree the last thing we need in a deadly pandemic is a malignant narcissist who cares more about grabbing attention & getting his broken ego buffed than saving lives?"} {"idx": 45522, "original_id": "1251163568239591424", "reply_id": "1251188312183902208", "label": "scared", "text": "Thank God i never really got into cigarettes, I can't imagine what yall are going through right now"} {"idx": 45525, "original_id": "1248493688411447297", "reply_id": "1251107424188104704", "label": "dance", "text": "Finally Friday!"} {"idx": 45527, "original_id": "1251159695265415175", "reply_id": "1251160687025418242", "label": "shocked", "text": "Good morning —to everyone who doesn’t take gas station pictures"} {"idx": 45529, "original_id": "1251236416811610113", "reply_id": "1251246557401407489", "label": "omg", "text": "Finally back on Twitter 🐣"} {"idx": 45533, "original_id": "1250599411664683008", "reply_id": "1250913162272129024", "label": "hearts", "text": "Sending love and solidarity to brothers & sisters & \nMothers & fathers in New York City & all over world suffering & losing loved ones - & thank you to all the heroic beautiful souls caring for the sick and those just doing whatever they can -"} {"idx": 45534, "original_id": "1250901723834732545", "reply_id": "1250906253615923200", "label": "no", "text": "OH LIKE NO FLYERS FAN OUT THERE EVER HAD GEAR FROM ANOTHER TEAM"} {"idx": 45536, "original_id": "1251104202241257473", "reply_id": "1251110667819585537", "label": "hug", "text": "Worst comes to worst, I'm going to have 72 hours of opiate withdrawal."} {"idx": 45542, "original_id": "1251177410126647301", "reply_id": "1251182298294296584", "label": "agree", "text": "I just want monkey as a pet I'm not asking much🥺"} {"idx": 45543, "original_id": "1250999918380093440", "reply_id": "1251000180943523841", "label": "no", "text": "Tecca is Top 3 and top 10 of all time"} {"idx": 45545, "original_id": "1251190089402789890", "reply_id": "1251191661058719745", "label": "hug", "text": "Just a forewarning my EST classes end May 1st. Like I have to complete and pass this course before I can even apply to sit for my boards in August. So I'm going to be a hot mess for the next 11 days starting Monday.. ya’ll been warned. 😂😅"} {"idx": 45546, "original_id": "1251131555428343816", "reply_id": "1251132197353947138", "label": "eww", "text": "I have this bad habit of cleaning my finger on my hair....\nLets say I eat chocolates, and I lick my hand... Then I will clean d rest on my hair... 😌"} {"idx": 45548, "original_id": "1251131927580545024", "reply_id": "1251135896440786945", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Hello! Happy @BoschAmazon Season 6 Day!! Soooo excited!"} {"idx": 45549, "original_id": "1251125151128858625", "reply_id": "1251193141279014917", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Tomorrow I will be running a 12 hour race consisting of as many 5 mile loops as I can in 12 hours. I have never done an event like this before. Please send all the luck you can to this girl, she is super nervous!"} {"idx": 45550, "original_id": "1251156209274511362", "reply_id": "1251163082405154816", "label": "scared", "text": "Y’all really trying me in my DM 🙄"} {"idx": 45553, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250972305653665793", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 45554, "original_id": "1251170272213901312", "reply_id": "1251264498104774656", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m not driving another stroke for the day! I going n watch tv!"} {"idx": 45556, "original_id": "1250898524973252613", "reply_id": "1250899177535610880", "label": "shocked", "text": "AGAIN, HONEY MUSTARD BELONGS IN THE TRASH ‼️"} {"idx": 45557, "original_id": "1251020131481743360", "reply_id": "1251187269609947137", "label": "yes", "text": "You think there’s a correlation between back pain and lack of back shots?"} {"idx": 45561, "original_id": "1251129870555533312", "reply_id": "1251254707445776386", "label": "oops", "text": "Best thing about quarantine is having a beagle place that delivers freshly baked beagles."} {"idx": 45564, "original_id": "1250817647110950913", "reply_id": "1250903706138222593", "label": "agree", "text": ".@JoeBiden will be on CNN town hall, 8pm Eastern tonight. Pass it on, and record it!"} {"idx": 45567, "original_id": "1251185755227148289", "reply_id": "1251199076244348932", "label": "smh", "text": "Does Trump not realize how self-defeating it is to incite mass COVID-19 protests among his base when everyone else is staying inside?\n\nWithin days, we're going to see reports about how people attending these protests are coming down with symptoms.\n\nHe’s harming his own voters."} {"idx": 45568, "original_id": "1251204750529478658", "reply_id": "1251205817992347654", "label": "kiss", "text": "Today we are not doing very good so send some peace to calm us."} {"idx": 45571, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251120240366358528", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 45572, "original_id": "1250888250975191040", "reply_id": "1250896299093786627", "label": "wink", "text": "We drive each other mad, itmight be kinda sad but I think that's what makes us good in bed"} {"idx": 45573, "original_id": "1250895783311917061", "reply_id": "1250896362629144576", "label": "shocked", "text": "Did I ever tell you of the time when I used to be a trolling shit on Xbox live and how I used to put on Alice Deejay \"Better off alone\" as loud as I could on the mic while I was team killing with my gamer tag being \"IPreferPS3\"?"} {"idx": 45575, "original_id": "1250749336285315072", "reply_id": "1251082002096443394", "label": "no", "text": "Hi all,\nI’ve sent out another anonymous Staff Well-Being questionnaire. Please spend a few hours answering all 500 questions as honestly as you can, and email it back to me by the end of the school day tomorrow. \nThanks x"} {"idx": 45579, "original_id": "1250871290036137985", "reply_id": "1250871837745012736", "label": "no", "text": "I’m thinking, because it is going to be at least another month before I can do anything about it, perhaps now might be the best time to admit I’m not a real blonde."} {"idx": 45580, "original_id": "1251121733823877120", "reply_id": "1251122037361434624", "label": "hug", "text": "Ain’t shit been right since last May"} {"idx": 45581, "original_id": "1250974413148880896", "reply_id": "1251003727475023874", "label": "shocked", "text": "Frank worse than Tommy! #HTGAWM"} {"idx": 45583, "original_id": "1251009518064021504", "reply_id": "1251010129014796288", "label": "applause", "text": "Trans rights are human rights. Unfollow if you disagree I won’t miss you"} {"idx": 45585, "original_id": "1250882338579533826", "reply_id": "1250913401389355014", "label": "high_five", "text": "i want elon musk to bend me over a tesla. i want him to slowly take my panties off. he then whispers in my ear “are you ready for this spaceX rocket?”. my legs quiver, “y-y-yes mr.musk send me to m-m-mars”. He rubs his hard rocket against my butt. “3...2...1... lift off”"} {"idx": 45590, "original_id": "1251040619255848960", "reply_id": "1251040798663233536", "label": "agree", "text": "y’all.... hear me out... WALK ONS CHEESE FRIES"} {"idx": 45591, "original_id": "1251262566636150785", "reply_id": "1251269633132331008", "label": "yes", "text": "I’m that petty MFer that pays attention to who told me happy birthday & who didn’t"} {"idx": 45594, "original_id": "1251095887490809856", "reply_id": "1251096204739477504", "label": "thank_you", "text": "We can all do our bit to support small businesses! I have just ordered a keyring from @Ness_SeaGlass and some vitamins from @Zenserra3 ! Let's support each other! #supportsmallbusiness #FridayThoughts #shopsmall"} {"idx": 45595, "original_id": "1250979250754056192", "reply_id": "1250980398273687555", "label": "applause", "text": "im sorry guys , but, you cant spell \"daisuke\" without \"uke\" 😔🤚🤚"} {"idx": 45596, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250964011811696642", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 45598, "original_id": "1250932102025134081", "reply_id": "1250969520979787779", "label": "agree", "text": "And, btw, I have no problem with TV covering campaign events...as long as they cover both campaigns. There nothing the President is doing right now that's not driven by his campaign. So Biden deserves equal time."} {"idx": 45601, "original_id": "1251171116866891776", "reply_id": "1251179799948800001", "label": "yolo", "text": "HELLO CAN ANYONE SEE ME PLS RESPOND TO THIS IN ANY WAY LASJDLAKSJD"} {"idx": 45602, "original_id": "1250881471453241344", "reply_id": "1251036206701387776", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Job interview tomorrow and they have the AUDACITY to ask me to Skype at 9am. Do they think I have a normal sleeping pattern and have been able to function before 11am?"} {"idx": 45603, "original_id": "1250960506237509632", "reply_id": "1251136649662259200", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I'm not a Duchess (yet!) but I did just make a donation to @ProjAngelFood to help feed those in need. What great organization did you help out today? Even $5 is better than nothing if you can spare it. #ProjectAngelFood #WereAllInThisTogether"} {"idx": 45605, "original_id": "1250895365412290560", "reply_id": "1250897142253678592", "label": "shocked", "text": "This baby has me STARVING like all I want is meats and to be full full with nova I ate sugar all the time and I was content lol I had to get my sugar fix all the time hahah"} {"idx": 45606, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250843652827549700", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 45607, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251010235751268353", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 45608, "original_id": "1250997846016327681", "reply_id": "1251061523918852096", "label": "applause", "text": "Who deserves 5 gifted subs 🤔"} {"idx": 45610, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1250946905418366979", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 45614, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1251116696233967616", "label": "shrug", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 45616, "original_id": "1250820350176362497", "reply_id": "1250919721844854784", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m in the car, just turned on Rush Limbaugh, here’s a synopsis of what I heard:\n\n“Ok, this has gotta stop. This shutdown can’t continue. It doesn’t matter how many people die. 22 million people are unemployed. Enough! People have always died. We’ll adapt.”\n\nAnd millions nodded."} {"idx": 45617, "original_id": "1250969773422370816", "reply_id": "1251004662188331010", "label": "yes", "text": "So we all just SINGLE , huh ? 🥴"} {"idx": 45619, "original_id": "1251196036644769797", "reply_id": "1251196625239891971", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi. Please send memes or something cute. I need today 🥺"} {"idx": 45622, "original_id": "1251022182441840640", "reply_id": "1251022540765458432", "label": "shocked", "text": "why are men soo toxic?"} {"idx": 45623, "original_id": "1250948147645485058", "reply_id": "1250948757442695172", "label": "ok", "text": "I wanna get drunk and do whatever the liquor tells me to do"} {"idx": 45628, "original_id": "1251123168082661377", "reply_id": "1251125243135041538", "label": "shocked", "text": "CRACKED DA CODE on how to stream and have good frames on pc :) simply just stop using stream shit labs"} {"idx": 45630, "original_id": "1251025073919664128", "reply_id": "1251031402902179840", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gn kings and queens 💕 reply for a Gm when I wake up"} {"idx": 45631, "original_id": "1250867485844353025", "reply_id": "1250867938573287434", "label": "hug", "text": "I need huggies plssss 🥺"} {"idx": 45633, "original_id": "1251035822134083584", "reply_id": "1251036141609943040", "label": "awww", "text": "Every Pisces I know act like a serial killer in training or some shit lmao"} {"idx": 45637, "original_id": "1251069030204502022", "reply_id": "1251069163629498370", "label": "applause", "text": "*edits video*\n*uploads to YouTube*\n*gets one clip copyright struck and blocked from mobile viewing*\n*cries*"} {"idx": 45639, "original_id": "1250812053154967553", "reply_id": "1250858187885969408", "label": "yes", "text": "I miss seeing everyone’s smiles."} {"idx": 45640, "original_id": "1251017026837131264", "reply_id": "1251019845380030464", "label": "applause", "text": "I woke up"} {"idx": 45641, "original_id": "1251216728744497153", "reply_id": "1251216964157976578", "label": "hug", "text": "i need hugs pls 🥺"} {"idx": 45643, "original_id": "1250886004338286603", "reply_id": "1251128239705206788", "label": "agree", "text": "terrible life.. what a waste of being pretty"} {"idx": 45647, "original_id": "1250853516836573185", "reply_id": "1251044439256162305", "label": "hearts", "text": "Today was a beautiful day so I drove up to the cemetery to visit my daughter and I decorated it it looks beautiful she's beautiful 🙏🏽😢💔 🙏🏽😢💔"} {"idx": 45649, "original_id": "1250993039801229313", "reply_id": "1250994017820696578", "label": "no", "text": "It’s too late to upload huh?"} {"idx": 45655, "original_id": "1251244833278230528", "reply_id": "1251245088866533376", "label": "win", "text": "Today I achieved a huge goal at work. I have completed the major edit of a 1409 page index. I still have to run through and recheck the cross-references, then dump to Word and format for publication, but this has been a long slog I never thought I'd get done."} {"idx": 45657, "original_id": "1250926341127655426", "reply_id": "1251005386267791360", "label": "agree", "text": "I follow some very disturbed individuals on this platform"} {"idx": 45658, "original_id": "1250857067008733186", "reply_id": "1250858677986361350", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Today in ONE conversation. One health care assistant asked me if I could twerk (as all blacks can), another said all blacks like bananas & a nurse said she’s not going to China because ‘who eats bats’. I was in the middle of taking a referral from a colleague..."} {"idx": 45662, "original_id": "1250961337037008897", "reply_id": "1250964795895025665", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Maybe it's time to take a rest\n\n#i_think_so"} {"idx": 45664, "original_id": "1250886337168891908", "reply_id": "1250889584206102529", "label": "scared", "text": "My boss just took off her shoes and 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🥴🥴🥴"} {"idx": 45667, "original_id": "1250835332767133700", "reply_id": "1250836141718331393", "label": "no", "text": "OMFG, I'm out of coffee 😢😭😭😭"} {"idx": 45669, "original_id": "1250855509856411648", "reply_id": "1250887210548641798", "label": "awww", "text": "tavi calls our backyard “the garden” cuz that’s what all the british cartoons she watches call it 🥺"} {"idx": 45671, "original_id": "1250929026111340546", "reply_id": "1251226674424930304", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will have conjugal visits from Melania when he goes to prison?"} {"idx": 45674, "original_id": "1251178793957539840", "reply_id": "1251252707991539712", "label": "agree", "text": "Are you guys watching this @NYGovCuomo press conference?\n\nHe’s doling out all sorts of life wisdom. \n\nI ❤️ this guy."} {"idx": 45676, "original_id": "1251043784005005312", "reply_id": "1251050853970046977", "label": "ok", "text": "Who up"} {"idx": 45677, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251243427276062721", "label": "seriously", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 45679, "original_id": "1250883483695800322", "reply_id": "1251165978592862211", "label": "applause", "text": "must be an incredibly bad time for the people who secretly live in a stranger’s walls"} {"idx": 45681, "original_id": "1251133507478278144", "reply_id": "1251135907857653763", "label": "applause", "text": "it’s my bday, applaud."} {"idx": 45684, "original_id": "1251223608791310342", "reply_id": "1251242873045028864", "label": "hug", "text": "Heavy feelings for no reason today. Or maybe many little reasons combined. We're gonna be OK though."} {"idx": 45685, "original_id": "1251224506217177088", "reply_id": "1251224708634292226", "label": "applause", "text": "Joker"} {"idx": 45686, "original_id": "1250910207770857478", "reply_id": "1250910806490972164", "label": "ok", "text": "If it does come based on the sbc listings it has to be a pretty big one\n\n(If they are what I think they are)"} {"idx": 45687, "original_id": "1250963497736953857", "reply_id": "1250964628630355971", "label": "no", "text": "*nsync > backstreet boys"} {"idx": 45688, "original_id": "1250869853306707971", "reply_id": "1250870527641739265", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just watched a woman protesting in Michigan, she wants her state opened back up again, because she can’t go to the hairdressers as she is going grey! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ #COVID19 #MichiganProtest"} {"idx": 45689, "original_id": "1250556279501750274", "reply_id": "1250888294335832064", "label": "agree", "text": "Prodigy she said."} {"idx": 45690, "original_id": "1250526816806342656", "reply_id": "1250942743330816001", "label": "no", "text": "Cowboys fans, would you trade a 2nd and a 5th round pick for OBJ?"} {"idx": 45692, "original_id": "1251046979683024897", "reply_id": "1251053929082707968", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "i’ve seen a bajillion romance movies so drop a comment and i’ll give you a romance movie that reminds me of you 😌"} {"idx": 45694, "original_id": "1251042115729059841", "reply_id": "1251042329567191042", "label": "idk", "text": "Wait, if we talking about legit carbonara here, the sauce is just, pasta water, beaten up eggs, and parm to make it creamy. Alfredo Is CREAM, garlic, oinion, salt & pepper, etc. So, technically Filipinos have been cooking pasta with Alfredo sauce all this time? & not Carbonara?"} {"idx": 45695, "original_id": "1251171276028289026", "reply_id": "1251178625904316416", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Socially distance yourself from bad energy."} {"idx": 45696, "original_id": "1251180135408996352", "reply_id": "1251180477089636352", "label": "hug", "text": "i hope @LANYLEAN has the best day ever 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 i love you bb <3"} {"idx": 45697, "original_id": "1250891717064056832", "reply_id": "1251154631410937858", "label": "awww", "text": "Many female footballers are at risk of losing their livelihoods due to football's global shutdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report by players' union FIFPRO."} {"idx": 45698, "original_id": "1251254804996935687", "reply_id": "1251263521733607426", "label": "yes", "text": "Today. I play Spider-Man PS4 for the first time."} {"idx": 45699, "original_id": "1250858658042392577", "reply_id": "1250874312166432768", "label": "yolo", "text": "I might get cancelled for today's video, so I just wanted to say it's been a good ride everyone! <3"} {"idx": 45700, "original_id": "1250850526536724481", "reply_id": "1250895873623482368", "label": "hug", "text": "Okay everyone, here I am..... 6:15am April 17. Ulcers in my mouth, grumpy, mad about the world... and drinking coca cola cause I am a rebel now and breaking all the rules."} {"idx": 45701, "original_id": "1251163128194150400", "reply_id": "1251181215534723078", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "mickey mouse shorts Hercule Poirot spoof only Goofy is Poirot send tweet"} {"idx": 45702, "original_id": "1251263031918694401", "reply_id": "1251263899493679104", "label": "shocked", "text": "Wife's family playing some ridiculous game: who is one famous dead person with whom who would like to have gone out on a date? \nJt: Nothing good ever comes out of these gedanken experiments, at least for me but they insisted, so I said Hedy Lamarr.\nTheir response was who?"} {"idx": 45704, "original_id": "1250857047995887616", "reply_id": "1250859205793374210", "label": "shocked", "text": "If Apple ever wants to get into the car industry, currently it could scoop up Fiat Chrysler with their quarterly profit and have $7 billion of that profit to spare. 🤯"} {"idx": 45705, "original_id": "1251168613836283908", "reply_id": "1251169515905441793", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Say what you will about aim assist, but playing fortnite on controller is HARD... like REALLY HARD"} {"idx": 45709, "original_id": "1250895544316289024", "reply_id": "1251097672234213377", "label": "smh", "text": "Aged 20, a man I was dating scratched in small letters, ‘you will never be happier than I allow you to be’ into the corner of an oil painting of a bird he’d done for me as a Xmas gift. When your friends all think the dudes a creep, he’s probably a creep👌🏻in the pics I’m smiling."} {"idx": 45711, "original_id": "1250850553640321025", "reply_id": "1251165403427946497", "label": "thank_you", "text": "There’s something so satisfying about refactoring tightly coupled classes."} {"idx": 45712, "original_id": "1251057309243125760", "reply_id": "1251061060053893120", "label": "hug", "text": "I’ve had 3hrs sleep, 2 meltdowns and my WiFi isn’t working and it’s not even 9am \n\nToday is going to be a fantastic day"} {"idx": 45713, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250940638977130496", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 45714, "original_id": "1251081050198913024", "reply_id": "1251111205210673154", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Shadaya's abusive behaviour on twitter can be stopped. His targeted harassments on women have gone for too long without a check. Report him!"} {"idx": 45718, "original_id": "1251129173956952065", "reply_id": "1251130660078542848", "label": "applause", "text": "If i were to add same group of people from instagram/facebook in twitter i would have never joined it in first place. I add who i like here (be it my friend or not) coz i share what i feel (opinions/insecurities) and don't want to be questioned irl for it's explanation. Period."} {"idx": 45719, "original_id": "1251025618394681347", "reply_id": "1251041588068974593", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m back"} {"idx": 45720, "original_id": "1250847000624537600", "reply_id": "1250847532604887045", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "4U randoms"} {"idx": 45721, "original_id": "1251195508787421193", "reply_id": "1251215648807682048", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Body: You’re tired don’t go for a run\n\nMind: No go for a run,don’t even think about it\n\nBody: Just go tomorrow instead\n\nMind: Run now god dammit!\n\nThe mind vs body struggle before a run is real😫 #running #motivation #struggle #body #mind"} {"idx": 45722, "original_id": "1251262373559705613", "reply_id": "1251264180273000449", "label": "hug", "text": "I keep thinking i'm better, and then I wake up with horrible migraines and fever. ghlfjghjhgfh; kggdfh"} {"idx": 45725, "original_id": "1251050021920935936", "reply_id": "1251051047755358208", "label": "scared", "text": "Just made beef patties in anticipation of bagel sandwich later today yay me. Lol"} {"idx": 45726, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251137751602298882", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 45727, "original_id": "1250974736764583938", "reply_id": "1250997975662440448", "label": "oops", "text": "Someone told my mom about my Nigerian skits 😩\n\nNothing and no one is safe 😷\n#SendHelp"} {"idx": 45729, "original_id": "1251108312357064704", "reply_id": "1251110359320064001", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Everything happens for a reason but sometimes it’s just so confusing hahaha"} {"idx": 45738, "original_id": "1251193861021536257", "reply_id": "1251198419173027840", "label": "shrug", "text": "NASCAR officially postpones Martinsville. #nascar @NASCARONFOX"} {"idx": 45739, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1251171824567713794", "label": "yes", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 45745, "original_id": "1115936448941785088", "reply_id": "1251214763268411392", "label": "awww", "text": "Smile and stay positive ."} {"idx": 45746, "original_id": "1250755553665613832", "reply_id": "1250835960851361792", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Nancy Pelosi only cares about power and money.\n\nPass it on."} {"idx": 45751, "original_id": "1250555261418385409", "reply_id": "1250853108097249281", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Q: \"Mr. President, why did you add your name to the coronavirus relief check?\"\nTrump: \"I don't know too much about that...I don't understand how my signature got on the relief check. I'm sure people are very happy to get a big fat beautiful check with my name on it.”\nUmmm..."} {"idx": 45753, "original_id": "1251247060864679945", "reply_id": "1251261299012636675", "label": "win", "text": "Sending my parents a video of me skating in the house since they never let me do it!!!!!!"} {"idx": 45754, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251176436704202752", "label": "idk", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 45756, "original_id": "1250967407792881670", "reply_id": "1250969727431827463", "label": "wink", "text": "Not all hero’s wear capes @Marispiva 😭😭💕💓"} {"idx": 45757, "original_id": "1250811382443970560", "reply_id": "1250922002518552576", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t trust WHO\nI don’t trust China\nI don’t trust the UN \nI don’t trust the media \nI don’t trust the democrats"} {"idx": 45762, "original_id": "1250920331285368834", "reply_id": "1250922343855243266", "label": "applause", "text": "I think @NKOTB should roll out the step by step plan. 👀😂"} {"idx": 45763, "original_id": "1250799039899107332", "reply_id": "1250849561326882817", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Gonna be #tough watching Rory blow two Masters in a span of five months."} {"idx": 45764, "original_id": "1250924699669999617", "reply_id": "1250985888085139456", "label": "applause", "text": "Oh hell yes! I now hold the high score for riding Larry."} {"idx": 45765, "original_id": "1251167499766435846", "reply_id": "1251169014690308097", "label": "awww", "text": "A fucking cat gave birth in my garden"} {"idx": 45769, "original_id": "1250948165303484416", "reply_id": "1250954002294018050", "label": "kiss", "text": "I love you, Manny🥺❤️🔐"} {"idx": 45771, "original_id": "1250956374432976898", "reply_id": "1251124736698068998", "label": "eww", "text": "guys with nose rings are just *chefs kiss*"} {"idx": 45772, "original_id": "1251230591015673859", "reply_id": "1251235601262796800", "label": "oops", "text": "Corny asses"} {"idx": 45775, "original_id": "1251177468045799424", "reply_id": "1251192049287733257", "label": "applause", "text": "The rona got me thinking I think I’m gonna workout today who’s down"} {"idx": 45778, "original_id": "1250891395705049095", "reply_id": "1250896387878912000", "label": "smh", "text": "Okay wait, if I figured out the first chapter and the seeds of the plot that will eventually flourish through the protagonist’s actions, am I allowed to go back and rewrite it? Or do I have to wait until the book is finished?\n\nAsking for myself and every other writer ever. 😶"} {"idx": 45779, "original_id": "1250837658663878656", "reply_id": "1250838232805318656", "label": "oops", "text": "Word to the wise: Beware of your husband shouting profanities whilst playing video games. You may be used to it, but your colleagues on @MicrosoftTeams are not. Oops."} {"idx": 45781, "original_id": "1250920951975415808", "reply_id": "1250925921105838081", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I told a personal trainer I want to be in shape like the Macho Man Randy Savage. He recommended a properly balanced diet of steroids and cocaine.🤔"} {"idx": 45784, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250964357695057920", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 45785, "original_id": "1251236591655358469", "reply_id": "1251237447226327044", "label": "scared", "text": "Wings take a late 2-1 lead... going to need to come back again. #VirtualRobby #TaurosGoneHogWild"} {"idx": 45787, "original_id": "1251194037916352512", "reply_id": "1251212250829873153", "label": "hug", "text": "This past month has felt like a forced depressive episode and I am not handling it well."} {"idx": 45788, "original_id": "1250859558664392707", "reply_id": "1250893053927329793", "label": "shocked", "text": "They just extended the stay-at-home order in STL indefinitely. INDEFINITELY! 🥴"} {"idx": 45789, "original_id": "1251265671926816768", "reply_id": "1251270081981505538", "label": "yes", "text": "HE LET ME DO IT HE LEFT ME TRY ADAM MAKEUP ON HIM-"} {"idx": 45790, "original_id": "1250846126313361408", "reply_id": "1250851339879366656", "label": "idk", "text": "Am I being vulnerable or just over sharing?"} {"idx": 45791, "original_id": "1251187643540529154", "reply_id": "1251193667248951298", "label": "hug", "text": "I think I overdid it playing Beat Saber. 🤕"} {"idx": 45792, "original_id": "1250926617205059586", "reply_id": "1250937335266586625", "label": "kiss", "text": "Trump: “we have tremendous testing capacity.” Many governors say that is not true."} {"idx": 45793, "original_id": "1250835890496253958", "reply_id": "1251063382037401600", "label": "awww", "text": "It's a sad day in America when you can sit at home on unemployment and get $1,100 a week vs going back to work, while essential works be grinding hard every day to make $600 week after taxes! #Isaidwhatisaid"} {"idx": 45794, "original_id": "1250909833563459584", "reply_id": "1250958391234703361", "label": "shocked", "text": "I swear to fucking god. IF ONE MORE PERSON SLIDES IM MY DMS ABOUT NUDES WHILE I'M DEALING WITH THIS TORNADO BULLSHIT I'M GONNA LOSE IT."} {"idx": 45795, "original_id": "1250851111092674560", "reply_id": "1250853645437923329", "label": "seriously", "text": "You'll see no discussion of the biggest conversation in the off season on the subreddit right now. \n\nLooks like the mods removed it."} {"idx": 45797, "original_id": "1250966589320556544", "reply_id": "1250985026654736385", "label": "eww", "text": "Oh damn I just RTd tweets of some aalu biryani account.\nI hope by aalu biryani this person means pulao or something🧐"} {"idx": 45800, "original_id": "1250880464673480705", "reply_id": "1250881895723872258", "label": "yes", "text": "The White House announces that all Senate Republicans except Mitt Romney—who voted to impeach Trump on one of two counts in February—have ben invited to join a bipartisan task force on reopening the economy."} {"idx": 45801, "original_id": "1250958434675064834", "reply_id": "1250959418742566912", "label": "hug", "text": "turns out actually I cannot write and instead need a hug"} {"idx": 45803, "original_id": "1250772248962703360", "reply_id": "1250961633226063872", "label": "thank_you", "text": "While @JoeBiden is not the @DNC candidate I had hoped for, and while I’m still a proud member of the @GOP, I won’t vote again for @realDonaldTrump and will support #JoeBiden for President. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #Election2020"} {"idx": 45805, "original_id": "1251221819715018752", "reply_id": "1251228235477577730", "label": "yolo", "text": "It took me going to a different island to find a good guy. No regrets at all💗"} {"idx": 45807, "original_id": "1251176765550137344", "reply_id": "1251196513092546570", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you think Fox News is a danger to the USA? Do you believe their enabler, their advertisers, should be boycotted?"} {"idx": 45808, "original_id": "1250972989014700032", "reply_id": "1251025444284973058", "label": "agree", "text": "Maybe it’s time to eat my professors ass for a passing grade"} {"idx": 45809, "original_id": "1251209700332486656", "reply_id": "1251211666898989058", "label": "hug", "text": "why can we never close out our 1st matches, always so close, but never enough😥"} {"idx": 45812, "original_id": "1250924007391666178", "reply_id": "1250925355969458178", "label": "ok", "text": "So...\n\n--States that are smart and continue to shut down drive down the number of cases.\n--States that open prematurely increase their numbers.\n--Then those states reinfect the other states.\nIs that fair?"} {"idx": 45814, "original_id": "1251194586556481538", "reply_id": "1251195588781191170", "label": "awww", "text": "Okay but I think you're kind of like sort of in a way, I mean, you know .. really cute or whatever. 🙂💕"} {"idx": 45818, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250948023166865411", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 45821, "original_id": "1251145117626298368", "reply_id": "1251164998975569920", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "A lot of commitments are expected today-monday. \n\nTeams who should be excited\n• UNC\n• Vanderbilt\n• Virginia Tech \n• Georgia\n• Michigan\n• USC\n• Michigan State \n• Penn State \n• South Carolina"} {"idx": 45825, "original_id": "1251097019319541762", "reply_id": "1251134246728732672", "label": "kiss", "text": "Good morning Tweeps, happy Friday! Times are tough right now, but you have made it through every trial you've faced and this will be no different...you got this! Stay strong, but there's no shame in asking for help. Take care, stay safe and have a great day! \n\n#ReachOut\n#BeKind"} {"idx": 45827, "original_id": "1250875456783441920", "reply_id": "1250899808577093634", "label": "idk", "text": "Can somebody nail my knee to the floor please."} {"idx": 45828, "original_id": "1250987125102829570", "reply_id": "1251101887534895104", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s a ‘cry myself to sleep and hope the tears dry by the morning’ kind of night"} {"idx": 45831, "original_id": "1250931295531737090", "reply_id": "1251054727405506562", "label": "smh", "text": "Diddy and Van Jones are doing a live Saturday called... wait for it...\nThe Color of Covid"} {"idx": 45833, "original_id": "1251159302456266755", "reply_id": "1251161182817251328", "label": "awww", "text": "FF some new friends \n\n@seanforhire \n@slimthicccins \n@casablankstare \n@HoldinCoffeeld \n@BeeeejEsq \n@2tickytacky \n@RachelNoise \n@ElyRamps \n@toomanycommas3 \n@WeedlordKrillin"} {"idx": 45834, "original_id": "1250952989063491586", "reply_id": "1250953358615117829", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "From 8am -9 pm . Bro im tiredddd. 13hour road job 😩"} {"idx": 45837, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251011262131040256", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 45839, "original_id": "1251120153288249345", "reply_id": "1251120580302012418", "label": "dance", "text": "Took a drive to school to pick up learning material (because St Josephs College cant affors to go online, K12,000x38 in class, not enuf)\n\nHowever, travelling solo phone MAX VOL Car Bose Sound sys to the Max.\n\n1. Ace of Base - Its a beautiful life \n2. Vengaboy - Shala la la la\n😎"} {"idx": 45840, "original_id": "1251113692558655488", "reply_id": "1251159569662791682", "label": "oops", "text": "When Vector was dragging MI like I pass my neighbour, some of you felt he was doing too much. \n\nCan y'all see the type of person MI is now? Danku alabosi eyan! Elenu pelebe bi òbe ìrélé!"} {"idx": 45842, "original_id": "1250896687025004549", "reply_id": "1251095126555930627", "label": "please", "text": "I don’t have any photos of me when I was 20. I do have video of me when I was 17 on Blockbusters, but nobody wants to see that. There’s no appetite for it."} {"idx": 45843, "original_id": "1251176180549648386", "reply_id": "1251190092280008704", "label": "yes", "text": "We recently passed 10,000 followers on Twitter. Pretty awesome. How about a giveaway in the near future? \n\nI mean. Does anyone want that?\n\nHmm."} {"idx": 45844, "original_id": "1250862750609420289", "reply_id": "1250906996678811649", "label": "shocked", "text": "\"Twitter for...\""} {"idx": 45847, "original_id": "1251185429182844933", "reply_id": "1251211764240392194", "label": "idk", "text": "I guarantee you the first idiot Red State Governor who will prematurely “open” his state in order to kiss up to trump will be Ron “Build That Wall” DeSantis."} {"idx": 45853, "original_id": "1250853203106828290", "reply_id": "1250853666459750400", "label": "applause", "text": "BAILOUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 45854, "original_id": "1250904717477150720", "reply_id": "1251070865325916160", "label": "seriously", "text": "Knowing me, knowing you 😒\nI’m not interested...\n“Myself” was one of the essays I disliked in primary school.\nPls, let google assist u wai 😉"} {"idx": 45857, "original_id": "1251240729151602689", "reply_id": "1251245547823886336", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "The last few weeks have been an unprecedented time. Since it is becoming apparent that COVID-19 restrictions will not be a short-term matter, we have made the sad decision to cancel Comic-Con for the first time in its 50-year history."} {"idx": 45860, "original_id": "1250955884022452224", "reply_id": "1250956606612914184", "label": "no", "text": "Government back open May 1? Who ask hitting the the May 3rd Sunday Funday Reunion Brunch Tour?"} {"idx": 45870, "original_id": "1250928704626192384", "reply_id": "1250954930074144770", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm flustered over a certain someone but you didnt hear it from me :x"} {"idx": 45871, "original_id": "1250912594958995456", "reply_id": "1251144602163142659", "label": "yes", "text": "Harry Potter is one of the greatest works of fiction ever. Masterpiece of a series, literally never been so immersed into a world"} {"idx": 45872, "original_id": "1251242779071528961", "reply_id": "1251243235244048384", "label": "agree", "text": "Larry David used to have this stand-up \"bit\" where he'd walk up to the microphone take a good long look at everyone in the crowd, then shake his head and go \"nope,\" then walk off the stage.\n\nThat's how it felt waking up to twitter today."} {"idx": 45874, "original_id": "1251218465370898432", "reply_id": "1251231291716120585", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve fallen back in love with myself it’s over for u hoes"} {"idx": 45875, "original_id": "1251239133835595778", "reply_id": "1251239645213388801", "label": "yes", "text": "Monster close!\n\nWhen the market bolts out the gate and then gives up half those gains and sags into the last hour of trading on a Friday you can assume it will holding by its fingernails ahead of the closing bell. This session found a second wind to extend the improbable rebound."} {"idx": 45878, "original_id": "1250910608465162241", "reply_id": "1250968774997504000", "label": "shocked", "text": "everyone who uses the “🥺” emoji is a bottom"} {"idx": 45880, "original_id": "1250920980848889856", "reply_id": "1251059401349230593", "label": "no", "text": "Do people who adopted minimalism ever miss their stuff? Honestly looking for an answer here."} {"idx": 45881, "original_id": "1251152930545123338", "reply_id": "1251153377976676354", "label": "hug", "text": "So I just came to the conclusion that, yes what happened to me was really shitty however its also saved me from a self destructive path that 100% would have led to the grave I was trapped in a toxic manipulative friendship that if I hadn't got out of I would never met any of you,"} {"idx": 45884, "original_id": "1250926036306591744", "reply_id": "1250936981640622081", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Y'all have no idea how happy I am right now."} {"idx": 45885, "original_id": "1250880684937404428", "reply_id": "1250882261941190658", "label": "hearts", "text": "Love my girlfriend @SophieSkyeHigh so much, shes the light thats kept me going through quarantine and alwaya out a smule on my face"} {"idx": 45886, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250947288245178371", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 45891, "original_id": "1250924103906754561", "reply_id": "1250950095555747841", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump: \"In 1917, they went through something that was similar. Probably not as contagious.” \n\nThe Spanish flu was 1918-19."} {"idx": 45896, "original_id": "1251097519573962754", "reply_id": "1251100316122009601", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Steppp brooooooooo😆"} {"idx": 45897, "original_id": "1251183324447506436", "reply_id": "1251247679880826881", "label": "ok", "text": "Only responding with gifs."} {"idx": 45900, "original_id": "1250895578491269121", "reply_id": "1250899569606488065", "label": "agree", "text": "I just wanna get super high and finally watch Midsommar"} {"idx": 45902, "original_id": "1250816121093206017", "reply_id": "1250996411300265985", "label": "high_five", "text": "No taxes, No stimulus, No stamps😒Alexa play YNW Melly: Murder on my mind 😅"} {"idx": 45906, "original_id": "1251223925188591616", "reply_id": "1251232009164333058", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Good afternoon @michaelsobrien and @joehoopsreport"} {"idx": 45907, "original_id": "1250951545832734721", "reply_id": "1250953121347653633", "label": "hug", "text": "My stomach and head are hurting, and when I tried playing an extremely casual game earlier I started sweating.\n\nI am not doing well right now."} {"idx": 45909, "original_id": "1251158121071837184", "reply_id": "1251164013032947717", "label": "high_five", "text": "Is anyone selling \nI ❤️Amit \nt-shirts?\n\nPl DM for biz proposal."} {"idx": 45911, "original_id": "1250958132769144833", "reply_id": "1251096270103511043", "label": "agree", "text": "Has anyone ever mispronounced your last name enough times that you actually wondered if you had been saying it wrong for all these years?"} {"idx": 45912, "original_id": "1251025622287241216", "reply_id": "1251042269991485440", "label": "good_luck", "text": "We’re a month into quarantine and if you’re still trying to bring negativity to the table everyday you aren’t seeing the silver lining in all this"} {"idx": 45917, "original_id": "1251199926681440256", "reply_id": "1251200566858076165", "label": "thank_you", "text": "One of our today's success story-\nSent Medicines & Medical equipment to a patient from B'lore to Raichur. All within 24 hrs of the issue coming to light.\nSpecial thanks to \n@DiprKarnataka\n@Sreejavn\n@sriAAA_\n@vDoddaveeraiah\n@Manushri15 cc: @mani1972ias\n\nRegards,\n#Janasnehi"} {"idx": 45921, "original_id": "1251162542958768131", "reply_id": "1251216906671001601", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss baseball 😢"} {"idx": 45925, "original_id": "1250956641798967296", "reply_id": "1251012739880935425", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "y’all pray for a sis on this bio test😔🤞🏽"} {"idx": 45926, "original_id": "1251032740872380418", "reply_id": "1251033624092303367", "label": "shocked", "text": "Day 32 of quarantine and I read ben10 omniverse as ben10 omegaverse. I need to nap"} {"idx": 45927, "original_id": "1251248536026578945", "reply_id": "1251248925803044864", "label": "sigh", "text": "NEW: In Nigeria, security forces have killed 18 people while enforcing lockdown, more than the coronavirus itself (13). - NHRC"} {"idx": 45930, "original_id": "1250911736619773953", "reply_id": "1250911807369351171", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I really need a t shirt press if I wanna keep making shirts. This little iron ain’t cutting it. It takes like 15 minutes per shirt"} {"idx": 45933, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251178121572777984", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 45936, "original_id": "1250876944142524417", "reply_id": "1250924262652809216", "label": "ok", "text": "Where does the bat keep it's money?\n\nPicture frames"} {"idx": 45940, "original_id": "1251060038245982208", "reply_id": "1251214746914902020", "label": "applause", "text": "#Outlander ACTORS ARE PEOPLE WITH REAL LIVES ITS A BLOODY JOB THEY DO. i put this in capitals so maybe the so called fans who abuse the cast, will just fuck off back into there hole, u have zero right to abuse anyone on social media. keep your views to yourself and leave."} {"idx": 45942, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251240419368861706", "label": "shocked", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 45945, "original_id": "1250845272109977608", "reply_id": "1250845748201172992", "label": "no", "text": "No seriously male followers...would y’all take a birth control pill/shot/IUD if the option was available?"} {"idx": 45946, "original_id": "1250814160973131777", "reply_id": "1250843321821511681", "label": "applause", "text": "22 million people have filed for unemployment since this all began. reaching out to a to folks in LA who've lost their jobs; if youd like to share your story @ me or DM me. i’d like to help, only have resources to help a few people/families.. its thebest i can do right now."} {"idx": 45947, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251010203757076480", "label": "sigh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 45948, "original_id": "1250881168523907078", "reply_id": "1250881302104072198", "label": "applause", "text": "I hate men AND women! equal rights"} {"idx": 45949, "original_id": "1250964274622590979", "reply_id": "1251003250431496192", "label": "agree", "text": "When it comes to the meat of President Trump’s pandemic plans, I’ve seen more on a bleached, picked-over stray cattle carcass left for months in the Texas sun."} {"idx": 45951, "original_id": "1251170513768058882", "reply_id": "1251191660110807042", "label": "agree", "text": "If we can shop in grocery stores today we can vote in November! \n\nMail-in voting is a scam by the left to steal future elections. \n\nRt!"} {"idx": 45954, "original_id": "1251026819676950528", "reply_id": "1251034270023311360", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "i’ve been smoking every night this whole week and i ran out of weed💔💔"} {"idx": 45955, "original_id": "1250861208787472384", "reply_id": "1250864617548582913", "label": "high_five", "text": "You think your tweets are smart.\nI know mine are stupid.\n\nWe are not the same."} {"idx": 45956, "original_id": "1250886761481334784", "reply_id": "1250895650415394820", "label": "idk", "text": "Niggas judge me when I say I’m scared of sex 😭"} {"idx": 45957, "original_id": "1250840797886296065", "reply_id": "1250881151943794698", "label": "applause", "text": "Just realised that over the last few days, or week probably, I crossed 24,000 followers on Twitter.\n\nThank you all for your attention. I am really grateful for it."} {"idx": 45959, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251035683709386752", "label": "seriously", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 45960, "original_id": "1250881557730123790", "reply_id": "1250883165100453888", "label": "high_five", "text": "Shout out to the @LimestoneDSB colleagues who have supported/ inspired me in various ways, as we all move to emergency remote teaching #collaboration @MrHill_LDSB @Ms_S78_LDSB @jessilalonde @MrsClapp_LDSB @equipe102 @JRHendSK1 @CMarshallClass @BruderGrundy @wynkerr @MmeEBeaulieu"} {"idx": 45961, "original_id": "1250813197554253825", "reply_id": "1250980699181645826", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "My best friend suggested I change my goal from trying to first lose 60lbs and instead lose in increments of 10-15. So I’ve set my first goal of 15lbs. Hoping to have lost that within the next two months. Wish me luck!"} {"idx": 45962, "original_id": "1250679571957121024", "reply_id": "1250854888973537281", "label": "shocked", "text": "\"Never odd or even\" spelled backwards is still \"Never odd or even.\""} {"idx": 45967, "original_id": "1251120879226028033", "reply_id": "1251135520702423040", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "I think we should call him “Mr. Phil” from now on."} {"idx": 45970, "original_id": "1184260174430822400", "reply_id": "1251001427532509184", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I'm like that one horny guy only hornier."} {"idx": 45971, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250958191627841538", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 45972, "original_id": "1251065942278373378", "reply_id": "1251098989245628416", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Lol, \"London Bridge\" is trending. Do non-Londoners think every bridge in London is called London Bridge? 🤨 #WestminsterBridge"} {"idx": 45974, "original_id": "1251168301822160896", "reply_id": "1251192340531884032", "label": "yes", "text": "Bundesliga PB Analysis video out tomorrow! 👀"} {"idx": 45975, "original_id": "1250871762788769792", "reply_id": "1250877194076815361", "label": "sorry", "text": "Abuja Weather😭 Wetin be this nowww"} {"idx": 45977, "original_id": "1250916584786259968", "reply_id": "1250986512306626560", "label": "no", "text": "Spare the rest of us by deactivating your account"} {"idx": 45978, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1250844926096613376", "label": "applause", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 45979, "original_id": "1250861445870428160", "reply_id": "1250914528969265152", "label": "applause", "text": "The getting out of the seat @ tribal needs to stop. Its not entertaining when its happening every ep. #Survivor40 #SurvivorWinnersAtWar"} {"idx": 45980, "original_id": "1251024550806118400", "reply_id": "1251226150602489863", "label": "shocked", "text": "Hang with a rat. You a rat too."} {"idx": 45981, "original_id": "1251177006718316545", "reply_id": "1251200316810412032", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Since today in FF day, let's do a small exercise:\n\n1. Everyone who wants followers, reply to this tweet.\n\n2. Everyone who replies to this tweet follows everyone else who replies to this tweet. Go!"} {"idx": 45985, "original_id": "1251176180549648386", "reply_id": "1251189564561133570", "label": "yes", "text": "We recently passed 10,000 followers on Twitter. Pretty awesome. How about a giveaway in the near future? \n\nI mean. Does anyone want that?\n\nHmm."} {"idx": 45986, "original_id": "1251143883632730113", "reply_id": "1251144811349897224", "label": "no", "text": "No more free plays today\n\nAll selections will be posted on @ProfitBetVIPs \n\nRecaps will be posted here with screenshots after plays go final."} {"idx": 45989, "original_id": "1251248286964596737", "reply_id": "1251262145234337802", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump needs to resign. Now."} {"idx": 45990, "original_id": "1250853132332122112", "reply_id": "1250857759408611331", "label": "agree", "text": "Paws?"} {"idx": 45991, "original_id": "1251253842018254848", "reply_id": "1251263125690683393", "label": "applause", "text": "I ain’t letting NOBODY spit in my mouth are you INSANEEEE? Imma freaky ass girl but THAT is where I draw the line ."} {"idx": 45992, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251191579647324163", "label": "idk", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 45994, "original_id": "1250838577749123078", "reply_id": "1250839122333315075", "label": "wink", "text": "Admit it!\nEverytime you play truth or dare,you always choose truth and then you lie."} {"idx": 45996, "original_id": "1251003660986769409", "reply_id": "1251008159696723968", "label": "agree", "text": "i want someone to fuck me as good as it feels when i press my lower abdomen down on a full bladder"} {"idx": 45997, "original_id": "1250926820314079232", "reply_id": "1250932290617835523", "label": "win", "text": "Mission Accomplished.\nI guess there will be no more press briefings."} {"idx": 45998, "original_id": "1251051250222878721", "reply_id": "1251235017981931520", "label": "omg", "text": "Let us #PrayTogether for expectant women who will become mothers and who ask themselves: \"What type of world will my child live in?\". May the Lord give them the courage and confidence that it will certainly be a different world, but also one which the Lord will love tremendously."} {"idx": 46000, "original_id": "1251048022781210624", "reply_id": "1251076860126978048", "label": "oops", "text": "I just asked Andrea on insta if she wanted to pet my knees, I’ve hit rock bottom......"} {"idx": 46001, "original_id": "1250862199339450370", "reply_id": "1250862883669528576", "label": "agree", "text": "ever wish u could just delete someone from ur memory cause same✌🏻🥴"} {"idx": 46002, "original_id": "1251107187449114625", "reply_id": "1251202358777798657", "label": "no", "text": "Is anyone even bothered if Scottish football clubs go to the wall?"} {"idx": 46003, "original_id": "1250879740157796354", "reply_id": "1251268904393019392", "label": "applause", "text": "Absolutely the right move by New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern and her government ministers to take a 20% pay cut and share the pain with fellow Kiwis. Maybe British MPs should follow her lead!"} {"idx": 46004, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251198137060003840", "label": "hug", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 46005, "original_id": "1250996136338489344", "reply_id": "1251001756575727616", "label": "no", "text": "Season 4 Nathan and Haley is my fav"} {"idx": 46008, "original_id": "1251172306480660480", "reply_id": "1251174577167691776", "label": "oops", "text": "The amount of times I accidentally post, like, send, or do something I didn't mean to on Facebook seriously makes me question my age and technological ability..."} {"idx": 46013, "original_id": "1251109519477874694", "reply_id": "1251112424419127297", "label": "agree", "text": "Large sections of the climate movement need to confront their own anthropocentrism. Yeah I said it."} {"idx": 46014, "original_id": "1250746811326832641", "reply_id": "1251209337684410368", "label": "high_five", "text": "What does it say about many conservative Americans when we point out that another country is doing things better than we are in any given area and the response is, “well, move there then.” \n\nIt’s very sad that we can’t hear constructive criticism. That’s the only way we grow."} {"idx": 46016, "original_id": "1250487842050060288", "reply_id": "1250894863274475523", "label": "applause", "text": "when did you start liking 5sos?\n\n2011-14 2014-17 2018-20\n👇 👇 👇"} {"idx": 46017, "original_id": "1250906399808163840", "reply_id": "1250906769427017728", "label": "yes", "text": "I found a bag of Halloween candy that I think is from 2016. Should I eat it?"} {"idx": 46020, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251005541738065920", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 46024, "original_id": "1250845418394705920", "reply_id": "1250927391310036992", "label": "agree", "text": "Why are you limited 1 emblem per email address on the @Bungie donation thing? I can have 10 emails so why limit me?"} {"idx": 46030, "original_id": "1250978913620299777", "reply_id": "1250980253050298368", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I hope my kids go to sleep on time tonight @_Briana_Rose 😇"} {"idx": 46034, "original_id": "1250846796617863169", "reply_id": "1251107435856556040", "label": "scared", "text": "If you hear a Bloodbound howl followed by a Schnauzer howl...know the signal for anarchy has been activated. The pets are fucking sick of us being home. Riots are coming. Prepare."} {"idx": 46037, "original_id": "1251121724935921670", "reply_id": "1251146231625084930", "label": "shocked", "text": "it's not over yet. i'm still working on it."} {"idx": 46038, "original_id": "1250904044165632002", "reply_id": "1250904589785694208", "label": "win", "text": "I don't care who you are, what you do, or what your circumstances are, we must keep our heads high and tear up each day with as much gusto as possible. We all will see the other side of this. We all will persevere through this crap. We must all.... #KeepSteppin #NeverLookBack 🤘🏼"} {"idx": 46039, "original_id": "1250615173943042049", "reply_id": "1250938596628090888", "label": "no", "text": "Just thinking aloud . . . if baseball eventually starts up, and the condensed schedule calls for a lot of doubleheaders . . . that means we'll be forced into many, many games featuring Andrew Knapp catching for the Phils."} {"idx": 46042, "original_id": "1251039241502523392", "reply_id": "1251039450102067203", "label": "yes", "text": "should i do my makeup rn? 😗"} {"idx": 46043, "original_id": "1250877454836776960", "reply_id": "1251010829270560768", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Trippie > Drake"} {"idx": 46047, "original_id": "1251152722948050944", "reply_id": "1251250518992646146", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m gay and haven’t yet bleached my hair, AMA."} {"idx": 46048, "original_id": "1250895989961109504", "reply_id": "1250896523958894592", "label": "agree", "text": "Can you use Hibbett awards on new releases?"} {"idx": 46049, "original_id": "1251122457509060608", "reply_id": "1251123833630789632", "label": "dance", "text": "I'm back on my ESSENTIAL WORKER BULLSHIT"} {"idx": 46050, "original_id": "1251151204106682368", "reply_id": "1251151450224209922", "label": "kiss", "text": "Ah shit here we go again"} {"idx": 46051, "original_id": "1250905391585730563", "reply_id": "1250911045897486336", "label": "scared", "text": "I had a Skype call with my supervisor and 4 other people that are working from home and it was really nice 🥺\n\nDo I miss people?"} {"idx": 46052, "original_id": "1251060851064397824", "reply_id": "1251200979472715777", "label": "yes", "text": "2 years seizure free today, flown by!"} {"idx": 46061, "original_id": "1251003536986472448", "reply_id": "1251218100449665025", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone else escalating in staying up later and later during quarantine to get their needed alone time away from their family or is that just me?"} {"idx": 46063, "original_id": "1251205369357049857", "reply_id": "1251209270722531332", "label": "yes", "text": "Imagine having a president who leads instead of attacks or points fingers."} {"idx": 46064, "original_id": "1250851106818793474", "reply_id": "1250854947299758080", "label": "agree", "text": "I’ve been watching @piersmorgan on @GMB for the last few weeks.\nWhether you love him or hate him he’s brilliant!\nThis morning he had the Secretary of State for health @MattHancock totally flustered and lost for words over flights in/out of UK \nKeep it up #getstuckin 🌈"} {"idx": 46065, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250945669164081152", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46066, "original_id": "1251193179778449416", "reply_id": "1251205232098529285", "label": "kiss", "text": "S/O Latina beauties @kristy_pullard @ms_honduras @likeomgingrid @Queennnessy @xAV_CHAOSx @LomeliMariaaa @justszh @Craie @Gqthy @MissSweetNina @milana_mulatto @LakerGangDay @HunnyB718 @Mrz_Aguilar9205 @twinqueen53 @DuranJermy @EtherealMelrose @caminaly @oldschool_bby Love you 💋❣"} {"idx": 46067, "original_id": "1251132315729899520", "reply_id": "1251181311198461952", "label": "hug", "text": "my work now has 16 cases, including my mother, co-workers & 6 of our residents 😔\n\nit’s concerning for my mom not only bc she has pre-existing conditions, but my sister who is 16 & sees my mom daily, has really bad asthma, i’m just worried about her. \n\ni want this to all be over"} {"idx": 46069, "original_id": "1250857010590965760", "reply_id": "1250912914090815489", "label": "eww", "text": "Unpopular opinion: I'd like to see Jozea get another shot on The Challenge. He really didn't do anything wrong on Final Reckoning. Considering the amount of BS he had to deal with, he was reasonable and far from over the top."} {"idx": 46070, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250938281778270209", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 46073, "original_id": "1250588615278723073", "reply_id": "1250896288079654912", "label": "no", "text": "Former NBA player Shaquille O’Neal said on ESPN that the three-peat Los Angeles Lakers in their prime would've \"easily\" beaten Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls in their prime."} {"idx": 46074, "original_id": "1250890602293735427", "reply_id": "1250891502307475456", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“Do you know what a mosque is?”\n\nCharlie Cuthbert- “Who’s that”"} {"idx": 46075, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250997377541914625", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46076, "original_id": "1251247423097315329", "reply_id": "1251249631658475520", "label": "hug", "text": "i miss being hugged"} {"idx": 46079, "original_id": "1250990298580135937", "reply_id": "1251190418500452353", "label": "applause", "text": "How beautiful does @ArianaGrande look!!!!!!!!!! #disneysingalong 🤍🤍🤍🤍"} {"idx": 46080, "original_id": "1251263451248291840", "reply_id": "1251268679284584449", "label": "want", "text": "What if I dropped an album on 4/20"} {"idx": 46082, "original_id": "1250852757260718080", "reply_id": "1250874369812754432", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I am an optimist and am confident that Ohioans will also live up to the challenge of doing things differently as we open back up beginning on May 1st."} {"idx": 46083, "original_id": "1251210297353875456", "reply_id": "1251229455328124930", "label": "shocked", "text": "Dear Prsident Trump, would you please tweet that you love and support Satan so all the Liberals will start loving God?\nThank you @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse"} {"idx": 46084, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251143230055464960", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 46087, "original_id": "1251176527280078855", "reply_id": "1251182139531563008", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Joe Biden should be able to resume his rallies at any time. \n\nIt’s not difficult to get 13 people to stand 6 feet apart."} {"idx": 46093, "original_id": "1250829887247659010", "reply_id": "1250840498429767680", "label": "yes", "text": "one week til new album"} {"idx": 46094, "original_id": "1251231839173382144", "reply_id": "1251273995628040199", "label": "yes", "text": "#RollTide fans we got some good news 😁‼️"} {"idx": 46095, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1251138725763076098", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 46096, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251194126495875079", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 46101, "original_id": "1251225549130866688", "reply_id": "1251226414080241667", "label": "scared", "text": "Want to hear something really scary?\n\nImagine this happening to our country without Donald Trump in the White House to lead us out of it."} {"idx": 46103, "original_id": "1250764728680374276", "reply_id": "1251037666168184832", "label": "smh", "text": "do we love fortnite?"} {"idx": 46106, "original_id": "1250902583935467522", "reply_id": "1250907689372323842", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trying mangoe and pawpaw for the first time ever."} {"idx": 46109, "original_id": "1251112121833869313", "reply_id": "1251115472558358529", "label": "good_luck", "text": "My wife's coffee maker broke.\n\nWhen the comic books are written and movies are made, this was the beginning of my wife's super villain origin story."} {"idx": 46110, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250864068610543619", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 46111, "original_id": "1251226151344889858", "reply_id": "1251253229259763713", "label": "applause", "text": "Arrow is so much better than Supergirl."} {"idx": 46114, "original_id": "1250851876905668611", "reply_id": "1250909350601748480", "label": "thank_you", "text": "ARTIST APPRECIATION TWEET ✨\n\nSHARE YOUR FAV FURRY ARTISTS AND TELL THEM HOW AMAZING THEY ARE! \n\nMy personal favs are: \n@Catlawn \n@Crafty_Cryptid \n@KaynoPup \n@/ubecakess on insta \n\nTheyre all so talented and their art always makes me smile 🥺💜✨\n\nUntag them if you comment pls 💕"} {"idx": 46116, "original_id": "1250818341549346816", "reply_id": "1251136556284461062", "label": "no", "text": "Dominik Hasek is the best goalie of all time this shouldn’t be a debate"} {"idx": 46117, "original_id": "1250774022788460545", "reply_id": "1250841219380502529", "label": "hug", "text": "i hate seeing negativity on the tl so hey reply for a nice direct 🥺"} {"idx": 46119, "original_id": "1250825715018108928", "reply_id": "1250863236288667651", "label": "agree", "text": "no, he doesn't make you wet, that's just your vaginal discharge 😁"} {"idx": 46120, "original_id": "1251074089055326209", "reply_id": "1251110596017369096", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I don’t wanna brag but I slept all night ☺️"} {"idx": 46123, "original_id": "1251035250265739264", "reply_id": "1251035369807605760", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I said i wouldn’t shop for make up and then i got gift cards to my fave make up stores"} {"idx": 46124, "original_id": "1251220674300932097", "reply_id": "1251245018783891459", "label": "dance", "text": "When you can’t find your smile, find your music."} {"idx": 46127, "original_id": "1251014369367846912", "reply_id": "1251166138358132740", "label": "shrug", "text": "One time when I’m watching an interview with a black person from LA inevitably they will say south central or Compton i wanna hear one person say actually grew up A little further north in Bel-Air"} {"idx": 46131, "original_id": "1251228162593304577", "reply_id": "1251228459130486785", "label": "sigh", "text": "As promised, I sent $1,000 to one of your teammates today. ✅"} {"idx": 46135, "original_id": "1250943212241301504", "reply_id": "1250944112515256320", "label": "ok", "text": "My roommate tryna tell me that Lebron & KD got the same basketball IQ."} {"idx": 46139, "original_id": "1250907918913986565", "reply_id": "1250908513418780672", "label": "smh", "text": "A woman in Richmond (VA) said, she'd rather die from #COVID19 than comply with the stay-at-home order."} {"idx": 46142, "original_id": "1250967983926775808", "reply_id": "1250969483486863361", "label": "no", "text": "Have any of you guys tweeted, deleted, tweeted, deleted for about 5 times until you got it right?"} {"idx": 46143, "original_id": "1250822288854798344", "reply_id": "1250899528288366592", "label": "kiss", "text": "23:23 w/@.Partith229"} {"idx": 46147, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250921525991129090", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46148, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250873156840992768", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 46149, "original_id": "1250503933442826240", "reply_id": "1250946770567401472", "label": "shocked", "text": "IF YOU EAT RICE WITH A SPOON YOU ARE A INFANT."} {"idx": 46150, "original_id": "1250808863965818883", "reply_id": "1250853351677460481", "label": "hug", "text": "Sad news today. Totally defeated"} {"idx": 46153, "original_id": "1251198522894028802", "reply_id": "1251219020071817220", "label": "yes", "text": "Yo the way @ST3PHAN13_M is low key excited about my baecation got me rolling finding restaurants and shit!!!!"} {"idx": 46154, "original_id": "1250836540147863553", "reply_id": "1250859352925274119", "label": "shocked", "text": "The Institution of Engineers of Kenya had a Zoom conference today. 150 engineers were online. \n\nSomeone hacked the call and streamed hardcore porn."} {"idx": 46155, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251256550158729216", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46156, "original_id": "1250834412880777222", "reply_id": "1251177635402649602", "label": "hug", "text": "This week was supposed to be a completely different week for me; such a happy week. And whilst I am sad bc of that. I am incredibly aware that I am healthy & that I still have my life. \nMy plans for what should have been can be postponed. \nAnd I am sad. \nBut I am thankful.\n💛💛"} {"idx": 46157, "original_id": "1251198129002733569", "reply_id": "1251255423950348288", "label": "no", "text": "BREAKING: @GovAbbott “school classrooms are closed for the remainder of 2019-2020 school year.” @FOX4"} {"idx": 46158, "original_id": "1251061852173262848", "reply_id": "1251065555072638976", "label": "hearts", "text": "The only good thing about this lockdown is my skin has become more clearer and is glowing like never before ✨"} {"idx": 46159, "original_id": "1250859455555796992", "reply_id": "1250870096232427520", "label": "applause", "text": "Don’t want to make a big deal of this because I still have such a long way to go but I haven’t binged and purged in three days."} {"idx": 46163, "original_id": "1250748401567895555", "reply_id": "1250922550583898112", "label": "applause", "text": "if ur mental health is going down the drain this quarantine clap ur hands 👏🏽"} {"idx": 46165, "original_id": "1251068914039021586", "reply_id": "1251070705124421636", "label": "awww", "text": "Mary Jane is too good 😌"} {"idx": 46168, "original_id": "1250982595677917189", "reply_id": "1251005011921965058", "label": "agree", "text": "I can’t wait till baseball is back in a month or so, & I think it should be mandatory that all the doubters and negative Nancy’s on the likelihood of 2020 baseball not be allowed to podcast for 50 days. Like their first PED suspension"} {"idx": 46171, "original_id": "1250973291650613248", "reply_id": "1250974976993382401", "label": "hug", "text": "Only two full days in my partial childhood home (I moved a lot until I was 10, I love my step mom and my dad for taking me in) and I'm getting a tight feeling in my chest and I'm probably gonna cry... so many memories flooding in at once."} {"idx": 46173, "original_id": "1250857900924440576", "reply_id": "1250858301782401025", "label": "high_five", "text": "This #NationalHighFiveDay we stick to social distancing. #TogetherDetroit \n\nSee a virtual high five, send a virtual high five. ✋"} {"idx": 46174, "original_id": "1251181580233703424", "reply_id": "1251181812308676609", "label": "dance", "text": "Day 2 without cigaretts: I feel good !"} {"idx": 46175, "original_id": "1250924103906754561", "reply_id": "1250928437931339776", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump: \"In 1917, they went through something that was similar. Probably not as contagious.” \n\nThe Spanish flu was 1918-19."} {"idx": 46177, "original_id": "1251029372305358848", "reply_id": "1251034023750746113", "label": "hug", "text": "I love having so much anxiety that i havent been able to sleep and fuck me im so tired but i cant my mind keeps racing even though my head is the literal manifestation of the \"no thoughts head empty\" meme and i cant even joke because i will cry im fragile i hate this"} {"idx": 46178, "original_id": "1251209958147780609", "reply_id": "1251211370013450240", "label": "hug", "text": ".,.. .. I need a hug :("} {"idx": 46179, "original_id": "1251173080157827072", "reply_id": "1251198312386105347", "label": "applause", "text": "There is an UPRISING going on in the underground!\n#MAGA"} {"idx": 46184, "original_id": "1251250519642910721", "reply_id": "1251263717247012864", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I started my first canvas painting. I'm afraid. Its scary. I can't handle a paintbrush like I do a pencil. 😓"} {"idx": 46185, "original_id": "1250875538991910912", "reply_id": "1250875696643260417", "label": "smh", "text": "I lied ... I didn’t shave my head 👨‍🦲"} {"idx": 46186, "original_id": "1250791891047550978", "reply_id": "1250927821628805121", "label": "sigh", "text": "I can hear them. It's not like I can't hear them.\n\nBut the #desolation of my mind is a wasteland of empty emotions.\n\nI simply don't care anymore.\n\nI fought for them. They betrayed me, killed those I love.\n\nNow they beg me for salvation.\n\nFuck them. They can burn.\n#vss365"} {"idx": 46187, "original_id": "1250905972786200576", "reply_id": "1250920557849325575", "label": "yes", "text": "Imagine this. \n\nCooper\nGallup\nZeke \nPollard\nAntonio Gibson\n\nAll on the field together. Think of the freaking possibilities and matchup nightmares that could create."} {"idx": 46188, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250955183724658688", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 46191, "original_id": "1250880146191646720", "reply_id": "1250883226656215040", "label": "kiss", "text": "My friends really burst my head 😂💓"} {"idx": 46192, "original_id": "1251253936453046272", "reply_id": "1251265384289898496", "label": "want", "text": "Hace sed"} {"idx": 46194, "original_id": "1251019568929112064", "reply_id": "1251020159973683200", "label": "oops", "text": "I'm really out here searching how to use Apple Music LMFAOOOOO"} {"idx": 46195, "original_id": "1251027050321924096", "reply_id": "1251086593286340609", "label": "applause", "text": "Being a virgin in the village is very risky, you can be use for sacrifice at any time."} {"idx": 46197, "original_id": "1250847493962657792", "reply_id": "1250939912486084608", "label": "no", "text": "After the layoffs and furloughs, we were at serious risk of having too few employees named Jose. After some serious discussion and near-panic in our operations department, we rehired one of them to keep our company's Jose retention over the 5% threshold. #Safe"} {"idx": 46198, "original_id": "1251012659014782978", "reply_id": "1251016041989357571", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Movie night tomorrow, Friday night at 9pm EST in discord. Tell yo friends. We watching IT Chapter 2."} {"idx": 46200, "original_id": "1251131429263757313", "reply_id": "1251133031773077504", "label": "applause", "text": "I’ve lost 17 lbs 😳"} {"idx": 46204, "original_id": "1250899054227271687", "reply_id": "1250911858967674882", "label": "want", "text": "Tomorrow Is 'Indictment Friday'...Are We Finally Going To Have An Indictment Tomorrow?...WHAT SAY YOU?...YES OR NO?"} {"idx": 46207, "original_id": "1250946661775335430", "reply_id": "1251004210294009858", "label": "applause", "text": "I have been stuck at home for six weeks and I haven't watched a single movie or TV show."} {"idx": 46212, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250942906317393920", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 46214, "original_id": "1250809720656531456", "reply_id": "1250856846463774720", "label": "wink", "text": "So i just came to know that today is *national horny day* 😌"} {"idx": 46217, "original_id": "1250572255186337793", "reply_id": "1251180613354131456", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I like how our country didn’t want a female president yet we still ended up with a little bitch"} {"idx": 46223, "original_id": "1251082995362119680", "reply_id": "1251098010978783234", "label": "hug", "text": "When is this going to be over, I’m losing people left right and centre 😞"} {"idx": 46225, "original_id": "1250962283062349825", "reply_id": "1250962669336756231", "label": "shocked", "text": "if ur free stuck at home wondering what to do go launch league of legends and queue up for ranked, you won't regret it"} {"idx": 46226, "original_id": "1250843790685896706", "reply_id": "1250871300299673601", "label": "ok", "text": "Thank you @realdonaldtrump for the honor of serving on your bipartisan Task Force to Reopen the Economy! \n\nI’ll fight for #NY21 small businesses & hardworking families! We will ultimately defeat #COVIDー19, protect public health, & rebuild our booming economy!"} {"idx": 46230, "original_id": "1250550319639138313", "reply_id": "1250853941824204801", "label": "yes", "text": "An enormous rat just ran behind @realDonaldTrump in the Rose Garden. You cannot make this stuff up."} {"idx": 46231, "original_id": "1250985887392919554", "reply_id": "1250990259111964678", "label": "idk", "text": "BREAKING: China's Wuhan revises coronavirus death toll up to 3,869 from 2,579"} {"idx": 46232, "original_id": "1251023871995637764", "reply_id": "1251159628194254856", "label": "good_luck", "text": "seeing celebrities/influencers use their platform to help ones in need during this difficult time really inspires me to work and hustle to get my own capital so i can also give back one day"} {"idx": 46233, "original_id": "1250935654093029383", "reply_id": "1250991471693639681", "label": "eww", "text": "playboi carti is atrocious"} {"idx": 46234, "original_id": "1250849297974910977", "reply_id": "1250956847143694337", "label": "no", "text": "China’s actions are criminal. The Coronavirus outbreak came from a lab in Wuhan China and the communist government covered it up. That’s unforgiveable. In the Senate, I’ll introduce and fight to pass the Bring Our Manufacturing Home from China Act."} {"idx": 46237, "original_id": "1250901591336587265", "reply_id": "1250916933890867205", "label": "yes", "text": "Can you get COVID-19 by licking a sphincter or by being an asshole?"} {"idx": 46238, "original_id": "1251185016421351424", "reply_id": "1251185825741778944", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Let me go pray and ask for forgiveness because I just laughed at that man cuz he ain't got no ankles now.. 😧😧"} {"idx": 46239, "original_id": "1250827617650917376", "reply_id": "1250884285285855232", "label": "kiss", "text": "at least out loud ... i won’t say i’m in love"} {"idx": 46244, "original_id": "1250874597291032577", "reply_id": "1250921558396284932", "label": "please", "text": "Jamal Adams in a Cowboys jersey sounds way too good to be true"} {"idx": 46245, "original_id": "1251258801476550656", "reply_id": "1251272548144295938", "label": "want", "text": "Bears releasing Trey Burton, per source."} {"idx": 46247, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250962240045547520", "label": "smh", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 46248, "original_id": "1251044305185079296", "reply_id": "1251116927289659392", "label": "no", "text": "Covid-19 crisis:\n\nIndia sending Hydroxychloroquine to 55 nations\n\nNow, Pakistan has asked India to help by providing Hydroxychloroquine medicine\n\n5 days ago, 3 civilians, including child & woman, killed in J&K's Kupwara due to shelling by Pakistan Army\n\nDoes Pak deserve humanity?"} {"idx": 46249, "original_id": "1251159000114069504", "reply_id": "1251182509267628034", "label": "hug", "text": "I need hugs 🥺🥺"} {"idx": 46251, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250940658979831810", "label": "popcorn", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 46252, "original_id": "1250841835439656961", "reply_id": "1250971800860790785", "label": "smh", "text": "Hey all you trumpers. \nDoctors and nurses aren’t social distancing. \nWhy do we have to?\nThat’s bullshit. Right?"} {"idx": 46254, "original_id": "1251144746455592962", "reply_id": "1251153702292877316", "label": "yes", "text": "We acting up today?"} {"idx": 46255, "original_id": "1250850673002008582", "reply_id": "1250851278068035586", "label": "high_five", "text": "Who’s down for me to beat them in spades? 😼🃏"} {"idx": 46256, "original_id": "1251023460022849536", "reply_id": "1251024118704754690", "label": "facepalm", "text": "So........How DaBaby Album Sounding? Respond With A GIF"} {"idx": 46257, "original_id": "1250533095960272897", "reply_id": "1250906460839571456", "label": "yes", "text": "Did I make a enough fake chicken nuggets for lunch and dinner? Yes. Did I eat them all for lunch? Also yes."} {"idx": 46258, "original_id": "1250935804819582983", "reply_id": "1250960348494073859", "label": "omg", "text": "I wonder what facial expressions you'll make just before cum"} {"idx": 46260, "original_id": "1251043872865746944", "reply_id": "1251095540730748928", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Great streams today 🥰\n\nWe’ll do another pool stream Tuesday"} {"idx": 46262, "original_id": "1250726644207280129", "reply_id": "1251011023454208001", "label": "shocked", "text": "Me : I CAN’T FIND THE TUPPERWARE MUMMY \n\nMOTHER : what can you find Amina ? You can’t even find a boy."} {"idx": 46264, "original_id": "1250781177411039233", "reply_id": "1250928540289085440", "label": "hug", "text": "I appreciate and love yall. \n\nThank you."} {"idx": 46265, "original_id": "1251137482072227841", "reply_id": "1251141414395707392", "label": "no", "text": "Dr. Phil is trending. Will you click and look?"} {"idx": 46266, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250940085924659202", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46269, "original_id": "1250993527045095430", "reply_id": "1250993948534935557", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Some people in my life are literal God sent."} {"idx": 46275, "original_id": "1251056471980343296", "reply_id": "1251077778285441025", "label": "agree", "text": "@BlazerThree_ \n\nThat’s just the tweet..."} {"idx": 46276, "original_id": "1251247378155241472", "reply_id": "1251258812872327168", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Just a friendly programming note that #TheJump is back on your TV on ESPN, if you missed us earlier. \n(We're on twice a day now because twice is nice 😎)"} {"idx": 46278, "original_id": "1251249211577782272", "reply_id": "1251273302087102464", "label": "seriously", "text": "I gave Fiona Apple a chance. Gonna have to pass on this one."} {"idx": 46279, "original_id": "1250861763781943296", "reply_id": "1250863639197896712", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Had an encouraging bipartisan call with the President this morning, and I appreciate him appointing me to serve on the Task Force on Reopening the Economy.\n\nWhen America gets back to work, we'll make sure our economy is even stronger than it was before! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸"} {"idx": 46283, "original_id": "1251270931542167557", "reply_id": "1251273026471067649", "label": "yes", "text": "I will be interviewing Roger Stone on @OANN on Monday"} {"idx": 46291, "original_id": "1250988015608107008", "reply_id": "1251032284486160384", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Heath Slater quickly eliminates both Jericho and Edge by pinfall. No, that’s not a typo."} {"idx": 46292, "original_id": "1250790770799521793", "reply_id": "1251026589313368064", "label": "agree", "text": "How weird is 2020? \n\nIt's April 15th and the IRS is sending you money."} {"idx": 46293, "original_id": "1250645270704029696", "reply_id": "1251100983960240129", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview:\n\ntrump - defeated in landslide\nMitch McConnell - defeated\nLindsey Graham - defeated\nSusan Collins - defeated\nMartha McSally - defeated\nCory Gardner - defeated\nKelly Loeffler - defeated\nThom Tillis - defeated\n\nYeah, I'm calling it."} {"idx": 46296, "original_id": "1251255944425734147", "reply_id": "1251258157998931969", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I’m just, bad for you"} {"idx": 46297, "original_id": "1251241355306729474", "reply_id": "1251241493827858434", "label": "applause", "text": "Wait until Biden wins the election and nominates Obama to the Supreme Court. Now THAT will piss off the Trumpers"} {"idx": 46304, "original_id": "1250927218999676937", "reply_id": "1250928126311489538", "label": "high_five", "text": "I had two bouts of exercise today, please don't grass me up 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 46308, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250932355289829384", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 46313, "original_id": "1250857504990547969", "reply_id": "1250858735049805829", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss you guy! 😭 @BookieCrumbles @andiABCs @BookScents @bookmarklit \n@gonewiththeword"} {"idx": 46316, "original_id": "1250981783497256962", "reply_id": "1250982235177508864", "label": "want", "text": "SOMEONE HOLD ME I SWEAR I CANT RN WTF"} {"idx": 46321, "original_id": "1251162863462256642", "reply_id": "1251163456562008073", "label": "hug", "text": "can i pwease have a smol hug?"} {"idx": 46323, "original_id": "1251174905242140673", "reply_id": "1251208239766781952", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Going through some of the Official History CAB files a tthe TNA to add to my archives spreadsheet. Lots of files on this one general, called Correspondence? Anyone got any sources for him? Can't find on the army lists"} {"idx": 46327, "original_id": "1250508916200366080", "reply_id": "1251188441758531585", "label": "omg", "text": "when did you start hating 5sos?\n\n2011-14 2014-17 2018-20\n👇 👇 👇"} {"idx": 46330, "original_id": "1250910012907466752", "reply_id": "1250982200285319169", "label": "high_five", "text": "Hilarious #NationalHighFiveDay"} {"idx": 46332, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250929146131349504", "label": "applause", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 46333, "original_id": "1250704579680821248", "reply_id": "1251053674836582400", "label": "scared", "text": "How are all you couples and married folk holding up? I haven’t seen \" I am soo in love or he/she is my everything”In a while?"} {"idx": 46334, "original_id": "1251205662341824513", "reply_id": "1251238753286291456", "label": "no", "text": "It would be incredibly nice if @Avis wouldn’t put me on hold for over an hour."} {"idx": 46335, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251178278670434305", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46336, "original_id": "1251164098705813505", "reply_id": "1251166153612935170", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Have just cleaned the tops of the kitchen cupboards. It's done."} {"idx": 46338, "original_id": "1250920405272936450", "reply_id": "1250942026549321730", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Quick note:\n\nSubmitting Cheat Reports filled with expletives/insults towards our Security Team may result in you being banned from using the form, or other.\n\nKeep it clean. Thank you to everyone that's helping us on the never ending fight against cheaters."} {"idx": 46340, "original_id": "1250840834297249792", "reply_id": "1250842625248288769", "label": "dance", "text": "Feel like Bane with this mask on 🤣"} {"idx": 46342, "original_id": "1250888914421706752", "reply_id": "1250889632750776320", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "i’m so happy i made beth and soup watch the bachelorette, the rest of the homies y’all next 😁🥳"} {"idx": 46345, "original_id": "1250949682039267335", "reply_id": "1251265306917560320", "label": "awww", "text": "For the record: all of you look better now than you did at 20."} {"idx": 46346, "original_id": "1251165702544715776", "reply_id": "1251188522167525381", "label": "applause", "text": "That's ya girl signed up for possible palliative, GPN, or CAC extras for the NHS Scotland COVID recruitment 💪"} {"idx": 46348, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251245437476093955", "label": "applause", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 46349, "original_id": "1250959541338025984", "reply_id": "1250971316053835776", "label": "agree", "text": "What if chains could be used to link Minecarts together?"} {"idx": 46350, "original_id": "1251042106266710017", "reply_id": "1251049208653557760", "label": "hug", "text": "when I delete all my sad tweets it's like I dont tweet at all"} {"idx": 46352, "original_id": "1251110382246268931", "reply_id": "1251131229681979392", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Why isn’t the original Point Break not on tv, Netflix or anywhere? \n\nI want to watch the original Point Break."} {"idx": 46353, "original_id": "1231295037389991936", "reply_id": "1250968503559032833", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Well I lost enough weight to finally see my pussy again."} {"idx": 46355, "original_id": "170162503307886593", "reply_id": "1250996858572472321", "label": "agree", "text": "I just love meeting new expat teachers when they arrive.  \n I'm a little worried about the ones being sent to Al Mirfa'a though. "} {"idx": 46356, "original_id": "1250746084617588736", "reply_id": "1251027960045469696", "label": "ok", "text": "My daughter sleeps with her tongue out & it’s so precious 🥰😍"} {"idx": 46357, "original_id": "1250963769213280257", "reply_id": "1250985406604152833", "label": "oops", "text": "Eating rice with a fork sounds like NBA Youngboy type activity."} {"idx": 46359, "original_id": "1250952607146946560", "reply_id": "1250952977176842240", "label": "omg", "text": "holy shit i got a knife only win on warzone! first game trying it today on stream. im shaking! #CallofDuty #CallofDutyModernWarfare"} {"idx": 46360, "original_id": "1251004056681603072", "reply_id": "1251219060093857792", "label": "shocked", "text": "Today I learned Ellen makes $50 million a year and the show has been around for 18 years aaaand her crew isn’t being paid adequately. Hmm."} {"idx": 46362, "original_id": "1250672476763205632", "reply_id": "1250850371070685185", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "If I get pregnant during this quarantine. My husband is gonna be a single mom. I said what I said!"} {"idx": 46363, "original_id": "1251216816665329664", "reply_id": "1251243652137062400", "label": "no", "text": "you look lost, follow me"} {"idx": 46366, "original_id": "1251117065110466563", "reply_id": "1251243901475643392", "label": "yes", "text": "Who thinks the Republican party is corrupted by dirty Russian money?"} {"idx": 46367, "original_id": "1236748536475275266", "reply_id": "1251135430763909121", "label": "no", "text": "Once a vaccine for coronavirus is developed, it should be free."} {"idx": 46369, "original_id": "1250998798165307393", "reply_id": "1251001886783664128", "label": "hug", "text": "Need kisses 😔"} {"idx": 46370, "original_id": "1251117942672064512", "reply_id": "1251127952668069890", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm gonna use quarantine to build ma booty 💃🏾"} {"idx": 46372, "original_id": "1251233407532703745", "reply_id": "1251236191724343296", "label": "agree", "text": "i hate how shawn used to spoil those rats SO MUCH that they feel entitled to his attention and his meaningless posts. i remember those exact stans BEGGING him to take a break from everything but now that he’s doing exactly that, that’s also a problem? sounds fake af if you ask me"} {"idx": 46375, "original_id": "1251142610497880064", "reply_id": "1251198397526290443", "label": "smh", "text": "Genuinely don't think there's that much difference between Rashford and Neymar at their best. At least Marcus doesn't hide in a pub league"} {"idx": 46376, "original_id": "1250945696129118209", "reply_id": "1251160944790523906", "label": "hug", "text": "Feel completely broken. Being stuck in bedroom is bringing everything back. Realizing that I am just as damaged as before. None of the work I’ve done has changed anything, I’m a five year old girl again being held captive in her room. Nothing feels safe. Can’t do this anymore."} {"idx": 46379, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251215011323641856", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46381, "original_id": "1251021538884632576", "reply_id": "1251028692836352002", "label": "yes", "text": "Can we get another Avril Lavigne record now"} {"idx": 46384, "original_id": "1251262678083031043", "reply_id": "1251269589394165761", "label": "seriously", "text": "When this is all over I’m gonna fuck an old lady"} {"idx": 46385, "original_id": "1251230564050329600", "reply_id": "1251233028501762048", "label": "hug", "text": "Just tried to call John's room.\nNo answer.\nHis cell is off as well.\nI hate this."} {"idx": 46387, "original_id": "1251215575621099520", "reply_id": "1251216585345437696", "label": "wink", "text": "you’re a c*tie"} {"idx": 46389, "original_id": "1250993343359864833", "reply_id": "1251110089597091840", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Job interview in the morning! If y’all could pray for me, I’d appreciate it."} {"idx": 46393, "original_id": "1250944377997987842", "reply_id": "1250948104020529152", "label": "wink", "text": "I haven’t worn makeup or real clothes in a month, I’m starting to look real homely"} {"idx": 46394, "original_id": "1250866700368654341", "reply_id": "1250918181780295680", "label": "no", "text": "@lime__black this girl is flipping rude herh😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 46395, "original_id": "1250480869959057409", "reply_id": "1251094632353730560", "label": "idk", "text": "Oh where oh where did our freedom go? Oh where oh where did it go? With the parks being closed and no haircuts allowed, oh where oh where did it go"} {"idx": 46400, "original_id": "1250800879965540353", "reply_id": "1250955914531745794", "label": "shocked", "text": "Can I have my OWN PERSON, please?"} {"idx": 46403, "original_id": "1251157265454788608", "reply_id": "1251169113306791936", "label": "hug", "text": "When my laptop decides to flip out and crash the program I am making the edit video on, and deletes what I had finished. 🙃 I'm not crying, you are."} {"idx": 46405, "original_id": "1251077278282297345", "reply_id": "1251081589695500294", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "@koltyg gingers suck!!"} {"idx": 46415, "original_id": "1250834725192826880", "reply_id": "1250836549828141056", "label": "no", "text": "Raisins are yummy. Periodt."} {"idx": 46417, "original_id": "1251239004726611968", "reply_id": "1251247516697473024", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Name your favorite movie that starts with the letter W."} {"idx": 46420, "original_id": "1251183788144590849", "reply_id": "1251189113526652930", "label": "seriously", "text": "We need a strong testing regime NOW\n\nDemocrats are fighting for our $30 billion plan for a comprehensive national testing strategy\n\nand major new investments to bolster the supply & manufacturing chain, and significantly expand free testing for all, reporting, and contact tracing"} {"idx": 46421, "original_id": "1251189078172803072", "reply_id": "1251213163405729793", "label": "agree", "text": "Now Cuomo on Trump presser: \"He says this is a 50 piece puzzle. Oh no no. It's called a map of the United States. And those lines are called states. And those states have constitutional power...So introduction to constitutional theory and policy\""} {"idx": 46423, "original_id": "1250939907519979521", "reply_id": "1250941417574318081", "label": "scared", "text": "So today I experienced peak COVID-19 stupidity.\n\nA customer wearing gloves and a mask. Removes one glove, removes mask by grabbing the front with ungloved hand to lick fingers to handle cash."} {"idx": 46426, "original_id": "1250910658188709892", "reply_id": "1251256250182090757", "label": "applause", "text": "*sees geese on the side of the road*\nMackenzie: “look at those turkeys”"} {"idx": 46427, "original_id": "1251234632831512579", "reply_id": "1251234932275412995", "label": "yes", "text": "Got a call with the @Russo_Brothers tonight 👀"} {"idx": 46428, "original_id": "1251022503729905665", "reply_id": "1251027829065564161", "label": "idk", "text": "Actually is it Friday? I'm hearing conflicting reports and I don't want to be the spreader of fake news"} {"idx": 46431, "original_id": "1251103135642398720", "reply_id": "1251112375006134272", "label": "agree", "text": "It is very important to have an occupation. Otherwise you find yourself obsessed with reporting accounts instead of bettering your own life. \nIf you really feel that strongly simply block or mute them.\n🙄"} {"idx": 46432, "original_id": "1250922601423220736", "reply_id": "1250923068194775046", "label": "yes", "text": "Are we watching this 99 Natty as a family? #Nolefam #GoNoles"} {"idx": 46433, "original_id": "1250819963226554368", "reply_id": "1250899828361646082", "label": "hug", "text": "I took PTO to cry. You know how fucking sad that is? I’m working from my home. Alone. I can cry literally whenever I want. I’m so sad today that I can’t even function."} {"idx": 46434, "original_id": "1251160479545749506", "reply_id": "1251167376579743748", "label": "applause", "text": "You might notice we’ve begun refunding #CRNVL tickets. We are doing this because we don’t see a need to hold that money when people need it most. When(!) we reschedule we will simply start over with presale and everything else.\n\nThanks for sticking with us. Means everything."} {"idx": 46435, "original_id": "1250570936769626112", "reply_id": "1250934446808690688", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "What word best describes the Republican Party?"} {"idx": 46437, "original_id": "1250984041203073027", "reply_id": "1250985479455080450", "label": "applause", "text": "How many of you are okay with the slow opening of America?"} {"idx": 46440, "original_id": "1250991400855928838", "reply_id": "1251043210815836165", "label": "seriously", "text": "Last time I shit myself during anal, I ended up with a baby daddy 🥴😭"} {"idx": 46442, "original_id": "1250972136262385665", "reply_id": "1250972831426531328", "label": "eww", "text": "Low Carb sugar free brownies are not all that great. Just saying."} {"idx": 46444, "original_id": "1250970907696226304", "reply_id": "1250971393715392515", "label": "applause", "text": "Beat Breath of the Wild and I'm cryin'"} {"idx": 46445, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1251216616894926850", "label": "idk", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 46447, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1250998300058230784", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 46452, "original_id": "1251133931954540544", "reply_id": "1251161419204050947", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "#FridayFiesta\nMany of us are staying home... \nHow are you creatively getting your fiesta on?"} {"idx": 46453, "original_id": "1251231530195673089", "reply_id": "1251232367370534912", "label": "popcorn", "text": "I’m getting pissed on my own tonight so expect some tweets soon that I’ll probably delete in the morning xoxo"} {"idx": 46454, "original_id": "1250820230214975489", "reply_id": "1250859065204334595", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m gonna take a half day and eat a fuck ton of cheese and cookie dough and watch shit movies that make me cry. 🤘🏼"} {"idx": 46455, "original_id": "1250935609620914178", "reply_id": "1250935892392509441", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you’re reading this... You will be successful... Never give up."} {"idx": 46456, "original_id": "1250892647314661379", "reply_id": "1250902520152588290", "label": "smh", "text": "According to @90min_Football, KSE faces losses, which could be up to $1bn in LA alone because work on the SoFi Stadium has stopped as a result of the pandemic. 90min has been told while the impact may not be felt immediately, #Arsenal’s owners will not sanction any major outlays."} {"idx": 46459, "original_id": "1250963816260816902", "reply_id": "1250994417223245825", "label": "hug", "text": "Evening everyone. Today has been plain awful. I lost my dear friend of over 20 years to Covid19. I screamed for 15 minutes straight. I’m stunned and I don’t know how I’m going to do this thing called life without her. I just want to crawl into a ball and stay that way forever."} {"idx": 46461, "original_id": "1250863289099149312", "reply_id": "1250866123425361923", "label": "shocked", "text": "being poor in the United States should be considered a disability at this point 😂"} {"idx": 46469, "original_id": "1250934479721566208", "reply_id": "1250935710741336064", "label": "agree", "text": "Should I get a new Apple Watch 👀"} {"idx": 46470, "original_id": "1251267598773358596", "reply_id": "1251271630434770952", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugs. Lots of affection and hugs. That’s it."} {"idx": 46472, "original_id": "1250805210097696768", "reply_id": "1251220848129855495", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "My 16 yr old said a long time ago China created this COVID-19 virus to take out some of their population because they are overpopulated I think he might be right and then it just got out of hand & they couldn’t control it"} {"idx": 46473, "original_id": "1250861533049106432", "reply_id": "1250925564535410691", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Hey @TRAPTOFFICIAL I fear for your lives after seeing how you spoke to @DannyDiablo Good luck to you..."} {"idx": 46474, "original_id": "1250888725615304713", "reply_id": "1250891003390767104", "label": "agree", "text": "I think @littlekeish is misunderstood. Trolls say she's got a tough exterior. That called self-confidence, self-esteem. I love that she's got a low threshold for bullshit. If you're rude, crude or disrespectful, she'll call you on it. Be respectful. I love that girl."} {"idx": 46476, "original_id": "1250959305026781184", "reply_id": "1250997746619674624", "label": "hug", "text": "Was having better day and all of a sudden went down :("} {"idx": 46477, "original_id": "1250908942630354945", "reply_id": "1250914625241169923", "label": "yes", "text": "I am getting the feeling that the GOP is trying to suck out as much money from our coffers as they possibly can for themselves and their friends, before giving up the ghost and leaving Dems with the worst possible debacle to clean up. \n\nAnyone else feeling that way?🤔🤨"} {"idx": 46480, "original_id": "1251006793196560384", "reply_id": "1251014927248171009", "label": "oops", "text": "I just ate a pint of ice cream and six donuts in your honor. You’re welcome."} {"idx": 46481, "original_id": "1251182293206675462", "reply_id": "1251185578026115074", "label": "hug", "text": "I am just, paranoid im fuckin up rn h"} {"idx": 46482, "original_id": "1251188222782300160", "reply_id": "1251221241878515718", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I miss going out on the weekends and catching women checking me out, completely unaware that I caught 7 buneary's, 4 lillipups, and 2 pikachu's wearing dumb hats in Pokemon Go on my way to the bar."} {"idx": 46483, "original_id": "1250877926784086018", "reply_id": "1250878904090402817", "label": "win", "text": "Just want to share, \n\nMY MOM IS THE GOAT"} {"idx": 46488, "original_id": "1250999375012286465", "reply_id": "1251095169698430976", "label": "applause", "text": "While I sit looking at these stacks of unsold Ron Swanson Funko Pops I had unsuccessfully arbitraged, my mind drifts to the question that so vexed Chernyshevsky and Lenin, What is to be Done?"} {"idx": 46489, "original_id": "1251006948704694272", "reply_id": "1251031704405454850", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "i don’t even remember what getting my face sat on feels like anymore. i’ve never gone this long w/o pussy in my life. i am reborn."} {"idx": 46492, "original_id": "1251067084693528576", "reply_id": "1251155624005533700", "label": "awww", "text": "I'm so lucky to have such incredible people in my life ☺️"} {"idx": 46495, "original_id": "1250722365320937472", "reply_id": "1251073349456990208", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Life is a$$"} {"idx": 46497, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250950851339960320", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 46501, "original_id": "1251024525648711680", "reply_id": "1251030472437772288", "label": "smh", "text": "Si nilisema lazima niclown jana🤣\n\nFr someone needs to take my phone every time I’m intoxicated because I can’t be trusted with it.\n\nAnyways🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 habari zenu?"} {"idx": 46503, "original_id": "1251243080168148997", "reply_id": "1251244930082598912", "label": "no", "text": "My name is iloveyou, can you say my name?😝"} {"idx": 46504, "original_id": "1250468702509764611", "reply_id": "1250878056459362307", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Imagine unplugging the WiFi box and hearing “DA FUCK” from across the street 🤨"} {"idx": 46506, "original_id": "1251128400829431808", "reply_id": "1251134007309471744", "label": "smh", "text": "My dad has been dead 15 (!!!!!) years and we’re still getting mail addressed to him. 😂😐"} {"idx": 46508, "original_id": "1250857493728657408", "reply_id": "1250949377306374145", "label": "agree", "text": "NCAA is in some trouble huh?"} {"idx": 46510, "original_id": "1250981367631933440", "reply_id": "1250984065848631297", "label": "scared", "text": "My boyfriend and I are sitting outside having dinner. He wasn’t listening to me so I yelled “hello?!” At least theee different houses yelled “hello” back 😂🤦‍♀️"} {"idx": 46513, "original_id": "1250957198907318274", "reply_id": "1250957990460641280", "label": "hug", "text": "Anxiety Brain: See how they don’t acknowledge your presence or respond to what you say? It’s because they don’t like you. No one wants you here. You should just go.\n\nMe: oh😕O-okay\n\nOther Me: *breaks down door. Shoves Anxiety Brain out of the way*: OMG YOUR MIC IS MUTED YOU DUMB—"} {"idx": 46514, "original_id": "1250987660493160455", "reply_id": "1251021548091252738", "label": "ok", "text": "I’ve been self reflecting and I been sober for awhile now, I’ve come to the conclusion that I am a crackhead"} {"idx": 46516, "original_id": "1251193858639224834", "reply_id": "1251194655108202499", "label": "thank_you", "text": "You want to search for a ticker on Twitter, make sure you add \"-filter:links\" (without the speech marks) to get more interesting results"} {"idx": 46517, "original_id": "1251109495918465024", "reply_id": "1251123713493344256", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Dr. Phil went on Fox News + said we shouldn’t shut the country down because of COVID.\n\nHe claimed 360,000 people die every year from swimming pool accidents and we “don’t shut the country down for that.”\n\nActual number is 3,600.\n\n+ swimming pool accidents aren't contagious Phil."} {"idx": 46518, "original_id": "1251183573123469314", "reply_id": "1251191175266041861", "label": "agree", "text": "If I am gonna feel bad for anyone over this coronavirus, it’s Jeffrey Epstein. \n\nThe dude killed himself and all he needed to do was wait 2 months and he would have been released from prison by a Democrat governor. #DemsHateAmerica\n#Epsteindidntkillhimself"} {"idx": 46523, "original_id": "1251271010621378560", "reply_id": "1251273934953082880", "label": "shrug", "text": "i got into berkeley"} {"idx": 46524, "original_id": "1251192503518277632", "reply_id": "1251196021553717250", "label": "hearts", "text": "My husband just got a 14inch sandwich from @jerseymikes #loveisfat"} {"idx": 46526, "original_id": "1251071556299694080", "reply_id": "1251074124677558274", "label": "ok", "text": "Comixology keeps sending me an email every Friday that Immortal Hulk 34 is out next week and it makes me sad every time."} {"idx": 46528, "original_id": "1250830670395584513", "reply_id": "1250866494055071745", "label": "applause", "text": "Y’all I got the crown of wonder on Webkinz"} {"idx": 46529, "original_id": "1250909237871439872", "reply_id": "1250933968494571521", "label": "please", "text": "When you're in a #StarWars livestream with @Toomedtoo and a random wookiee shows up. Can we get @JoonasSuotamo next? 🤣 @aRuralfarmboy @ReaperGirl27"} {"idx": 46530, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250857393753411584", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 46531, "original_id": "1251188410770845696", "reply_id": "1251195085255053312", "label": "oops", "text": "Who wants to drink tonight hehe 🤪\nMis amigas me mandaron a la chingada 🤷🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 46534, "original_id": "1251049255990689792", "reply_id": "1251223050059526144", "label": "applause", "text": "Jackie Aina. That’s it. That’s the tweet"} {"idx": 46538, "original_id": "1250314779513643013", "reply_id": "1250880612153602054", "label": "hug", "text": "I'm heartbroken. My husband my children's father has passed away of covid-19. I've no words to describe my pain."} {"idx": 46539, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1251063335207882757", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 46541, "original_id": "1246951583327256576", "reply_id": "1251177534437363713", "label": "applause", "text": "Female equals bitch to me so stop referring to women as such. Thanks, management"} {"idx": 46544, "original_id": "1251144900344598528", "reply_id": "1251224748308099073", "label": "agree", "text": "If you don’t lay around on a bean bag naked while eating Cheetos are you really doing quarantine?"} {"idx": 46545, "original_id": "1251248169238880257", "reply_id": "1251273901885345792", "label": "smh", "text": "I hate it when someone keep asking do u love me?...and keep saying oh You dont love me...oh i am annoying you..just fork off"} {"idx": 46546, "original_id": "1250965045665845249", "reply_id": "1250985936298573829", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Everybody annoying and unfunny today. I hate it here."} {"idx": 46549, "original_id": "1251196545581699077", "reply_id": "1251207264008052737", "label": "applause", "text": "We have gaydar\n\nWe have bi-fi \n\nI would like to submit, for consideration,\n\npan-scan"} {"idx": 46551, "original_id": "1250854155628900353", "reply_id": "1250859759042953216", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I went to home depot to pick up supplies for a repair i needed to do and helped a guy load a bunch of wood panels into his truck and now I really get how Dads believe they deserve a beer for this kind of thing"} {"idx": 46553, "original_id": "1250881045030985734", "reply_id": "1250916447292981250", "label": "agree", "text": "I have at least 3 hills that I will die on.\n\n- Dominik Hasek is by far the best goalie in NHL history.\n- Tyrod Taylor was under-appreciated by Bills fans.\n- Eli Manning was an average at best QB."} {"idx": 46554, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251148800980217857", "label": "smh", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 46557, "original_id": "1250957191491846148", "reply_id": "1251240686512246787", "label": "smh", "text": "There’s no way to safely reopen without massive testing.\n\nYet we’re barely testing more people this week than last. And hospitals continue to report serious bottlenecks.\n\nIf Trump ignores the experts and forces a premature reopening,\n\nEven more Americans will die."} {"idx": 46562, "original_id": "1251047464725086214", "reply_id": "1251049034397241344", "label": "omg", "text": "Who even knew today was Friday? 😂🙈"} {"idx": 46564, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251100031723229185", "label": "smh", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 46572, "original_id": "1251117612844617728", "reply_id": "1251118487042437120", "label": "want", "text": "If you need hugs, tell me and I'll give you some 🥺💕"} {"idx": 46573, "original_id": "1251116417942016001", "reply_id": "1251117167694749701", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "AHHHHHHHH. STEP MOM is SOOOOOOO STUBBORN"} {"idx": 46574, "original_id": "1251064378696372224", "reply_id": "1251099066714353664", "label": "applause", "text": "I just realized I am a month and 2 days cigarette free!"} {"idx": 46576, "original_id": "1251025295714418688", "reply_id": "1251136004548853762", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Damn I was literally looking up armor plates for my vest on google rn, and once I got on instagram accounts that sell plates started popping up. The government is watching me smh"} {"idx": 46581, "original_id": "1251011748355850246", "reply_id": "1251012261889613824", "label": "idk", "text": "How do you know if you’ve found your “Person”?"} {"idx": 46582, "original_id": "1251152716790820864", "reply_id": "1251155011658084358", "label": "no", "text": "If you have the opportunity to get back with your ex what would you do differently?"} {"idx": 46585, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251090560946847744", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 46586, "original_id": "1250877139781431296", "reply_id": "1250993285889327104", "label": "agree", "text": "Me, looking at the clock: \"Wow today has gone by pretty quick so far!\"\n\nMe, looking at the clock literally 3 seconds later: \"aaaaaaaand now it's gonna go by slow.\""} {"idx": 46587, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251207572780089346", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 46590, "original_id": "1251036470648979456", "reply_id": "1251139907382370309", "label": "hug", "text": "A MAGAt just talked to me and I need a hug but nobody can touch me. 2020 sucks."} {"idx": 46593, "original_id": "1251204340150341632", "reply_id": "1251247266251386891", "label": "agree", "text": "just was joking with my wife about mowing the lawn (with an inch of snow on it) to \"just get my gardening in & stick it to Whitmer!\" and now she's fully on-board and wants to make a video"} {"idx": 46595, "original_id": "1251219647283826690", "reply_id": "1251224920123740161", "label": "hug", "text": "no thoughts head empty"} {"idx": 46596, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250912282500087815", "label": "no", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 46600, "original_id": "1251018539626123265", "reply_id": "1251023694505234434", "label": "applause", "text": "sometime ago this big insta acc had reposted my work without credit & they had an ad in the description. i msged and asked them to take it down bc they were making money off my uncredited work. They called me a bitch so I filed a DMCA and their 300k acc got deleted by insta 😌"} {"idx": 46604, "original_id": "1250837201979662336", "reply_id": "1250837677068427268", "label": "agree", "text": "Big game of Michael Myers tomorrow ? @CaasiVI__ @nickh_2122 @JBoogeyV @dede_10v @Migueldoe_ @Jackson_A11en @Rey_e31 @carranza_thomas @TristanCancino"} {"idx": 46607, "original_id": "1251209023027699713", "reply_id": "1251228785334276096", "label": "ok", "text": "GIF for your mood 👇"} {"idx": 46608, "original_id": "1250950179169001472", "reply_id": "1250951127648133121", "label": "agree", "text": "Sorry, but I don’t need real world life experience advice from boomers who have never left their rural town of 5,000 people."} {"idx": 46610, "original_id": "1251201279382171650", "reply_id": "1251202203160805377", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Gov. Cuomo on Trump: \"He's doing nothing … All he's doing is walking in front of the parade.\""} {"idx": 46616, "original_id": "1250828978757271553", "reply_id": "1251242123464228866", "label": "agree", "text": "porridge skin is the best part"} {"idx": 46617, "original_id": "1250924033174122496", "reply_id": "1250957024625639425", "label": "agree", "text": "So annoying that after almost a month in quarantine, some of y’all don’t know the definition of stay home. I’m typically not a Karen, but folks are really out here posting that they leave the house for random, unnecessary shit each day & if that makes me a Karen, then so be it."} {"idx": 46618, "original_id": "1243573912732143616", "reply_id": "1250892910842859525", "label": "seriously", "text": "When you feel like you're just fading away. And you don't really care."} {"idx": 46619, "original_id": "1250946774585552899", "reply_id": "1250946868919631874", "label": "agree", "text": "Do I drink?"} {"idx": 46620, "original_id": "1251126568975556609", "reply_id": "1251207030796402693", "label": "high_five", "text": "Dr. Jeff says stay the fuck at home"} {"idx": 46623, "original_id": "1251228280843354115", "reply_id": "1251228882088452097", "label": "agree", "text": "Trump:\n\nTOTAL POWER\nNO RESPONSIBILITY\nALL THE CREDIT\n\nDoes that basically sum it up?"} {"idx": 46626, "original_id": "1251199485558116352", "reply_id": "1251199734926147594", "label": "agree", "text": "I remember the strange looks I would get from my colleagues, just a couple of months ago, when I would talk about the use of tools like @youtube and @Flipgrid. #edchat"} {"idx": 46628, "original_id": "1251122501318393857", "reply_id": "1251244806682169346", "label": "agree", "text": "Screw social distancing ,if you turn me on ,I am jumping you !"} {"idx": 46629, "original_id": "1250927668826189825", "reply_id": "1250928969555292161", "label": "omg", "text": "so u mean to tell me that midnight t, g Rex and Dion, and monxx are all streaming at the SAME time tonight lmfso ok !"} {"idx": 46630, "original_id": "1250917736898629632", "reply_id": "1250969630975373313", "label": "hug", "text": "Well, my sister just died."} {"idx": 46631, "original_id": "1250930217893257216", "reply_id": "1251115775630258176", "label": "applause", "text": "Do you think they will ever be a Trump Library and if there is, what will they have in it since he can’t read?"} {"idx": 46635, "original_id": "1250939838800572416", "reply_id": "1250988740941688832", "label": "yes", "text": "y’all really gon love this one fr ik what y’all like"} {"idx": 46637, "original_id": "1250789237215166467", "reply_id": "1250870139622473728", "label": "high_five", "text": "Happy #NationalHighFiveDay 👏! Now don't leave us hangin' ✋#NorseUp"} {"idx": 46638, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250833577857748992", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 46639, "original_id": "1250793233333891072", "reply_id": "1250833418646151181", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Its day, who the fuck knows. Have showers become optional yet?"} {"idx": 46642, "original_id": "1251136141539127299", "reply_id": "1251215851631435776", "label": "agree", "text": "A thousand likes on a tweet calling Bunty King a cuck\n\nman everyone hates this dude lol"} {"idx": 46643, "original_id": "1250798656363659264", "reply_id": "1250894059159392262", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "There are some people that you put through SO much but still stick with you.. They’re ride or dies. \n\nJust taking this moment to thank @ionic_isa for being there for me at my worst & promise to do better 🥺"} {"idx": 46644, "original_id": "1250956594294059008", "reply_id": "1250983568505004034", "label": "yes", "text": "If you are inside right now you get a high five and a cookie."} {"idx": 46645, "original_id": "1251242731277606912", "reply_id": "1251261384723218432", "label": "hug", "text": "Oh man. I’m in pain. This job is knocking me on my ass.\nI have tendonitis in my elbow and I threw my back out this morning.\nI am half way done though.\n\nWay to get humbled..."} {"idx": 46646, "original_id": "1250339322848399360", "reply_id": "1251028960323883009", "label": "applause", "text": "more triangle guy merch soon? 🤔"} {"idx": 46648, "original_id": "1250870135977459712", "reply_id": "1251130436081704960", "label": "yes", "text": "I love it cuz I know you’re the type of guy who’d never say negative opinions/paragraph to their face, coward."} {"idx": 46651, "original_id": "1251262292206817280", "reply_id": "1251264106721472512", "label": "win", "text": "Super excited by the line-up of great guest speakers scheduled for the rest of my @UOsojc Reporting II class this term: including six @uoregon alum @isabellaaliciaa @maggie_vanoni @VicSanchez1212 @deborahebloom @katehouston_tv @BillyManggalol + fellow PNWer @T_TimeForce 🙏"} {"idx": 46652, "original_id": "1250775651826708482", "reply_id": "1250912898500694018", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I was wondering if subliminal messaging was real Nancy Pelosi is an idiot and it made me kinda freak out that I could be covertly manipulated Nancy Pelosi is an idiot into buying a product or trusting someone Nancy Pelosi is an idiot who isn’t trustworthy. I decided it’s not real"} {"idx": 46654, "original_id": "1251198851714887681", "reply_id": "1251203584148082688", "label": "high_five", "text": "I remember when lockdown started and I planned to use the opportunity to get super fit. \n\nTurns out, I can’t be arsed."} {"idx": 46659, "original_id": "1250871309346668544", "reply_id": "1250871837942263810", "label": "smh", "text": "I received the following message through my professional website from a Trump supporter on Twitter: \"I think you have dick envy. I think you want them to be dicks because you can’t get any dicks. So shut the fuck up you piece of shit.\" So, that was pleasant!"} {"idx": 46664, "original_id": "1250758790426832896", "reply_id": "1250848128724619265", "label": "oops", "text": "Just listened to an apparent serial killer whistling the wheels on the bus as he walked alone down the sidewalk"} {"idx": 46665, "original_id": "1250995195702915073", "reply_id": "1250996199865409536", "label": "applause", "text": "I said “get it together carol” on club penguin and got banned so that’s my night.."} {"idx": 46666, "original_id": "1250933097849393158", "reply_id": "1250933619629199363", "label": "shocked", "text": "nice of you to get in this zoom but I’d rather you get in this womb"} {"idx": 46667, "original_id": "1250951079271030785", "reply_id": "1250973680039059456", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "psa: u don’t need an X-ray if u have a broken toe"} {"idx": 46668, "original_id": "1250842626477174785", "reply_id": "1250911756257558531", "label": "agree", "text": "Falling in and out of sync with people is the byproduct of growth. We're rapidly travelling and arriving at different destinations everyday. There's no need to wait for anyone, if your paths are intended for longevity you will reconnect again. If not, give thanks and move on."} {"idx": 46669, "original_id": "1250823466586013696", "reply_id": "1250850027569807365", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Hello to you."} {"idx": 46670, "original_id": "1251151603739967492", "reply_id": "1251154015288619013", "label": "applause", "text": "Animal crossing is like crack...my friend code is SW-7102-6726-2714 🖤"} {"idx": 46672, "original_id": "1251216995233775616", "reply_id": "1251217316534247429", "label": "no", "text": "have i been quarantined too long or are men really handsome"} {"idx": 46675, "original_id": "1251244925636796417", "reply_id": "1251269396288462849", "label": "ok", "text": "I have a confession to make. \n\nI've been hiding from my family for the past 2 hours."} {"idx": 46676, "original_id": "1251083162643509249", "reply_id": "1251147426133508100", "label": "idk", "text": "it’s about to b a fuckin green liiiight"} {"idx": 46687, "original_id": "1250833935862505474", "reply_id": "1251159381367861249", "label": "yes", "text": "I just ordered new furniture for my home office from @IKEAUSA today. It’ll take a few weeks to get here, but that just gives me time to purge all the crap this office/catch-all room has hiding in it. Prepare for pics of lots of older @ATLUTD and #MLSAtlanta2017 things... 👀"} {"idx": 46692, "original_id": "1250953287907586053", "reply_id": "1250956181734121473", "label": "applause", "text": "My bad that was college baseball hub not college baseball nation that awarded ole piss the natty?🤣"} {"idx": 46693, "original_id": "1250879516148457480", "reply_id": "1250883211447558144", "label": "agree", "text": "new music announcement tomorrow, can’t wait for you guys to hear this one 😛"} {"idx": 46694, "original_id": "1251129514769424386", "reply_id": "1251233894977978370", "label": "hug", "text": "Struggling today a bit - the relentless anxiety is exhausting."} {"idx": 46695, "original_id": "1250611452794322945", "reply_id": "1250884695891599370", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "For the record, Waylon Jennings IS essential\n\n#moleg #WaylonJenningsMemorialHighway\n@OfficialWaylon"} {"idx": 46696, "original_id": "1250781753704235021", "reply_id": "1251106540444168194", "label": "high_five", "text": "I just need everyone to acknowledge that the official PlayStation YouTube page posted a trailer with my music on it. That is INSANE"} {"idx": 46697, "original_id": "1250850229047484416", "reply_id": "1250868321886617609", "label": "eww", "text": "I just farted and nearly shit myself. Is it normal to be that afraid of your own farts?"} {"idx": 46698, "original_id": "1250681504071651328", "reply_id": "1250978725660934147", "label": "agree", "text": "I hate escort missions where it's Game Over if the bad guys kill the hostage. I mean, *I* didn't die"} {"idx": 46702, "original_id": "1250973254782599168", "reply_id": "1250989070261432321", "label": "hug", "text": "Im mad and sad asf Rn bro"} {"idx": 46703, "original_id": "1250924965978951684", "reply_id": "1250926273884545027", "label": "shocked", "text": "About to put @Tae_Gamble on to this 1800 tho 😂😭"} {"idx": 46704, "original_id": "1250867485844353025", "reply_id": "1250867860857065479", "label": "hug", "text": "I need huggies plssss 🥺"} {"idx": 46705, "original_id": "1251258505614577664", "reply_id": "1251258975099781121", "label": "please", "text": "I'm having a really bad day, cheer me up, and ill send you $25.00 via @PayPal"} {"idx": 46708, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1250986760974319617", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 46709, "original_id": "1250796637980672003", "reply_id": "1251167201631113216", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "As we prepare for the next Rounds of negotiations, I want to reiterate the Government's position on the transition period created following our withdrawal from the EU. \n\nTransition ends on 31 December this year.\n\nWe will not ask to extend it. If the EU asks we will say no. 1/2"} {"idx": 46710, "original_id": "1250933172860157953", "reply_id": "1250957145413017600", "label": "sigh", "text": "As counterpoint to previous tweet, stakeholder call this afternoon:\n\n\"You know why we can't come to an agreement? There's too much damn estrogen in the room!\"\n\nSigh. #CAwater"} {"idx": 46711, "original_id": "1250912847959404545", "reply_id": "1250961625550663681", "label": "high_five", "text": "i really love it when guys cry about my follower ratios, i gather their tears and bathe in them to stay young and beautiful"} {"idx": 46714, "original_id": "1250862446019072000", "reply_id": "1250864656236843016", "label": "shocked", "text": "I near pop my ass running to the door cause I hear the ice cream van. And he int even come up my gap. Stupse\nIon like that one bit"} {"idx": 46717, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251116893454446592", "label": "smh", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 46719, "original_id": "1251200116633096198", "reply_id": "1251201964312059910", "label": "high_five", "text": "Hold your hand?\n\nOh, no no no. I thought you said hold your dick."} {"idx": 46720, "original_id": "1251160810098814979", "reply_id": "1251199170351857665", "label": "applause", "text": "Arrgh pls\n\nWhen I tweet re Furlough news, will self-employed, ltd co directors stop saying what about us?\n\nWhen its re self-employed news will employees & ltd co directors stop saying what about us\n\nWhen its re ltd co news will employees & self employed stop saying what about us"} {"idx": 46721, "original_id": "1251243778620473345", "reply_id": "1251246549293645824", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just got an email from a guy mad because he tried to cancel his @icbc insurance today and hold his plates - but it turns out they're NOT waiving the $30 cancellation fee until govt approves it and there will be NO retroactive cancellation fee rebate."} {"idx": 46722, "original_id": "1251226250280083465", "reply_id": "1251229545480536064", "label": "wink", "text": "To every man, woman, child and Liverpool fan that follows me. Thanks for 40k"} {"idx": 46723, "original_id": "1250440242659618818", "reply_id": "1250839144055463936", "label": "shocked", "text": "We live in a world where the “new” 4.7” iPhone SE (same exact size as an iPhone 8) qualifies for best compact phone of the year."} {"idx": 46724, "original_id": "1250855624470155271", "reply_id": "1250957804485124096", "label": "applause", "text": "Raise your hand if you think it's time to reopen America. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 46725, "original_id": "1250903303594160128", "reply_id": "1250905412704051201", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Rhode Island transfer Jacob Toppin has committed to Kentucky, per his Twitter page."} {"idx": 46728, "original_id": "1250875548055875584", "reply_id": "1251180537760251910", "label": "applause", "text": "There are still some men who are worried about getting laid."} {"idx": 46729, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250946250930872322", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 46733, "original_id": "1250856560957538307", "reply_id": "1251018421032140801", "label": "applause", "text": "fall out boy’s evening out with your girlfriend is absolutely iconic"} {"idx": 46734, "original_id": "1251221863046529024", "reply_id": "1251222083192754176", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "goat schlatts last words were baaa."} {"idx": 46735, "original_id": "1250911609804988416", "reply_id": "1250917243984261120", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump: If the virus returns in the fall, \"as some scientists think it may, possibly,\" we will \"put it out quickly.\""} {"idx": 46736, "original_id": "1250893921019985920", "reply_id": "1250916771764240387", "label": "thank_you", "text": "People complaining about the $1200 stimulus are driving me crazy. That $1200 is on top of $600 a week bump in unemployment for 39 weeks - almost $24k. Then add your state's unemployment to that and you're eaisly over 30k sitting at home."} {"idx": 46737, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250868239372103686", "label": "oops", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46740, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1251197594249854983", "label": "high_five", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 46741, "original_id": "1250888125209075714", "reply_id": "1250894396305768449", "label": "want", "text": "I made a lil Ep.. who want the private link ?"} {"idx": 46742, "original_id": "1250867158646763521", "reply_id": "1250895020560973824", "label": "ok", "text": "if ur ugly pls stop playing hard to get ur already hard to want"} {"idx": 46745, "original_id": "1250975458679799813", "reply_id": "1250975933898592256", "label": "shocked", "text": "Anyone find it strange that in an age where women are constantly being told that men are SO much more privileged, that there are simultaneously more leftist females transitioning to be anything other than women?"} {"idx": 46747, "original_id": "1251013240714334213", "reply_id": "1251045135909036032", "label": "hug", "text": "@DineoDinni miss you! ❤️"} {"idx": 46748, "original_id": "1250509975035817984", "reply_id": "1250992060053807104", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "To all my friends,fans. And family. This is a crazy time and I want to say thanks to @WWEUniverse and everyone I’ve ever shared ring time with, working with or teaching. Stay safe. Especially to all the amazing girls (women) I’ve had the honor to work with. Stay safe y’all."} {"idx": 46750, "original_id": "1250946941325893632", "reply_id": "1251152166623961094", "label": "applause", "text": "Just realized Olaf and LeFou are both played by @joshgad SOS"} {"idx": 46752, "original_id": "1250847702222585862", "reply_id": "1250945107164934144", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "FIONA APPLE'S ALBUM COMES OUT TOMORROW\nFIONA APPLE'S ALBUM COMES OUT TOMORROW\nFIONA APPLE'S ALBUM COMES OUT TOMORROW\nFIONA APPLE'S ALBUM COMES OUT TOMORROW\nFIONA APPLE'S ALBUM COMES OUT TOMORROW\nFIONA APPLE'S ALBUM COMES OUT TOMORROW\nFIONA APPLE'S ALBUM COMES OUT TOMORROW"} {"idx": 46754, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251115925560070146", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 46757, "original_id": "1250939327670075399", "reply_id": "1250990402011893761", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I have made the decision that I'm going to try to find another apartment. It was SUPER hard to get this one as some of you will remember, but I need to try. I thought staying in this one was gonna be fine cuz it reminds me of mom every day. It WAS fine at first and made me (cont)"} {"idx": 46759, "original_id": "1251230085778210823", "reply_id": "1251231163915657221", "label": "applause", "text": "Haha butts"} {"idx": 46760, "original_id": "1250979158420795392", "reply_id": "1251164961482641408", "label": "seriously", "text": "When there’s not another person in my bed, I sleep with pillows, stuffed animals, a weighted blanket, random art supplies, and my dog\n\nAnd I still can’t sleep"} {"idx": 46765, "original_id": "1250876453333479426", "reply_id": "1250882359869792257", "label": "applause", "text": "reply guys out in full force this week keep it up sweeties"} {"idx": 46768, "original_id": "1251263613504905216", "reply_id": "1251266776454901761", "label": "no", "text": "not really talented but I will beat you at monopoly deal"} {"idx": 46769, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250945581985361920", "label": "omg", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 46771, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251245545869492224", "label": "agree", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 46772, "original_id": "1250449016606818306", "reply_id": "1250974720729571328", "label": "seriously", "text": "Joe Biden will have to earn our vote. Pass it on."} {"idx": 46777, "original_id": "1250917230054830081", "reply_id": "1250922268349231104", "label": "applause", "text": "Seattle cracked 70 degrees for the first time this year at 3:20 PM. #wawx"} {"idx": 46779, "original_id": "1250829237734555654", "reply_id": "1250887577789399042", "label": "yes", "text": "Might fuck around and cut my husband's hair while he sleeps tonight."} {"idx": 46782, "original_id": "1250812392033976331", "reply_id": "1250856026506760193", "label": "hug", "text": "my first day at this job starts in like an hour i’m so scared haha"} {"idx": 46783, "original_id": "1251028850517082113", "reply_id": "1251072714573479936", "label": "win", "text": "Few weeks ago I started a Bible study with one of my atheist friend. I also made her few playlists of gospel songs because she told me she was interested in what I believe in. As we speak, I just got off the phone with her and she said she heard the Voice y'all! 😭"} {"idx": 46786, "original_id": "1251202777738555395", "reply_id": "1251205087264989185", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Y’all. I think I’ve written all the songs for my EP. 😭"} {"idx": 46788, "original_id": "1251086287689441281", "reply_id": "1251197612616757249", "label": "applause", "text": "I wanna change my number, Man arguing with me telling me the lamppost outside my house is trying to kill me was the last straw 😂😂😂"} {"idx": 46789, "original_id": "1250913147839492103", "reply_id": "1250914663174373376", "label": "seriously", "text": "If Saturn has so many rings why is it still single🤔?"} {"idx": 46790, "original_id": "1250866754768842754", "reply_id": "1250867389882916866", "label": "applause", "text": "My doctor just called me and said I’m a young healthy nigga that just tested negative for Corona 🥳🥳🥳"} {"idx": 46792, "original_id": "1251066681918582784", "reply_id": "1251068354216878080", "label": "hug", "text": "it's been an exhausting week :("} {"idx": 46793, "original_id": "1250977454467973120", "reply_id": "1250999511327150082", "label": "smh", "text": "I'm watchin comedies to cheer myself up but the god damned commercials keep trying to make me cry. fuckers."} {"idx": 46794, "original_id": "1250964274622590979", "reply_id": "1251108865367855105", "label": "agree", "text": "When it comes to the meat of President Trump’s pandemic plans, I’ve seen more on a bleached, picked-over stray cattle carcass left for months in the Texas sun."} {"idx": 46798, "original_id": "1250950656220958720", "reply_id": "1250954546286911488", "label": "shocked", "text": "It's really not hard to spread ya cheeks and shave back there."} {"idx": 46799, "original_id": "1250958785495085056", "reply_id": "1250985762260226056", "label": "yolo", "text": "Nothing says excitement on a Thursday night like repathing evvvvvvvery deployment we have, on the Server. LOL"} {"idx": 46800, "original_id": "1250988080863031296", "reply_id": "1250988595734695936", "label": "eww", "text": "If you eat your significant other, do you go from a couple to a double? Or are you just single and twice the size??"} {"idx": 46801, "original_id": "1250910144084340736", "reply_id": "1250981214045044737", "label": "omg", "text": "going to be releasing new music on TNH every week for the next few months 😊😊"} {"idx": 46802, "original_id": "1250910657798684672", "reply_id": "1251120322222460930", "label": "yes", "text": "President Trump is doing awesome."} {"idx": 46804, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250955229144723458", "label": "no", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 46805, "original_id": "1250949281730777102", "reply_id": "1250952784943427584", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I’d rather cheer for the Patriots than drink a Bang"} {"idx": 46807, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251254296525574145", "label": "agree", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 46811, "original_id": "1251263102085201921", "reply_id": "1251263398739927047", "label": "sigh", "text": "So apparently some DME companies are just wishing folks the best with their CPAPs? They’re delivering them, taking payment for them, and then refusing to help the patient learn how to use them."} {"idx": 46813, "original_id": "1251005254490963968", "reply_id": "1251042080823971842", "label": "want", "text": "Had an idea for a podcast, Drunk Dotnet where me and the guest get drunk and shit talk about dotnet related topics. Mostly we shit talk @robconery because it’s fun. Should I make this? And yes, I’ve had a few due to a Zoom happy hour. So what? Fight me!"} {"idx": 46815, "original_id": "1250958449929867267", "reply_id": "1250972416744054786", "label": "applause", "text": "It's just a gut feeling but I think these probiotics are working."} {"idx": 46816, "original_id": "1251066667490213889", "reply_id": "1251208466171117568", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FF\n@_nickv7_ \n@GrantDoughnut26 \n@cinemancunian \n@kolbytoldme \n@MilsteadMovies \n@ajmckay24 \n@AlliCinema \n@Kat_Directs_ \n@samcorner21 \n@filmswithamy \n@SoniaCerca \n@BookstoreThor \n@BryanTannAuthor \n@MovieManifesto \n@Rob_Motto \n@zombie_ducky_82 \n@MDNAistheQueen \nShow them some love!"} {"idx": 46817, "original_id": "1251118211329699840", "reply_id": "1251126453166538756", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "We've got another physical arc for you! Something to Talk About by Meryl Wilsner! Our review for it will be posted on IG when it releases! USA only. RT to win this copy. We will pick a winner 4/18 at 8 pm EDT"} {"idx": 46819, "original_id": "1250881915990822915", "reply_id": "1250888706887688192", "label": "good_luck", "text": "My mom’s phone broke and I’m the tech. Send prayers 🙂"} {"idx": 46820, "original_id": "1250941727982133248", "reply_id": "1251232377486979072", "label": "kiss", "text": "When you suckin his dick all sloppy and he brings your head up and kisses you😩😩"} {"idx": 46822, "original_id": "1250927336272334848", "reply_id": "1250933968230387715", "label": "wink", "text": "I blame you for the incoming snow. \n\nYou know who you are."} {"idx": 46823, "original_id": "1251162885868236801", "reply_id": "1251197502361141248", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Starting my new job today and it’s CS on phones and I’m so damn nervous 😩"} {"idx": 46824, "original_id": "1250950228674523136", "reply_id": "1250959325738213378", "label": "hug", "text": "Social worker life has worn me out today. #ChildAbuseOnTheRise"} {"idx": 46829, "original_id": "1250875775869485065", "reply_id": "1250884287295086594", "label": "applause", "text": "Tired of hearing people complain about the extensions of quarantine. Be happy you’re not sick. Be thrilled you don’t have a loved one who is. Be ecstatic you haven’t lost somebody to this virus. You can live w/o the beach for one summer. Stop using “the economy” as your reason."} {"idx": 46834, "original_id": "1250824606811914240", "reply_id": "1250840810586693632", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "We will not stop fighting to make sure that hospitals and healthcare providers get the help they need\n\nThat means supporting DOCTORS and NURSES and MEDICAL WORKERS and ESSENTIAL WORKERS\n\nAnd that means TESTING and VENTILATORS and PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT and MASKS and MORE"} {"idx": 46836, "original_id": "1251126272018845697", "reply_id": "1251134340936933383", "label": "no", "text": "Who loves a mid-April snow?? #wmiwx #earlyclub"} {"idx": 46837, "original_id": "1250908235965464578", "reply_id": "1250913655807340545", "label": "applause", "text": "Today’s #COVID19AB public health update has less data due to a power failure Tuesday night which affected our reporting system. We hope to have this resolved by tomorrow. Over the past 24 hours we’ve had 162 new cases for a total of 2,158 and have completed 2,779 tests. (1/8)"} {"idx": 46844, "original_id": "1250791682313990145", "reply_id": "1251009293949624321", "label": "oops", "text": "im not uwu soft im a whore"} {"idx": 46845, "original_id": "1250944827862265856", "reply_id": "1250986441238212609", "label": "seriously", "text": "BREAKING: Twitter has suspended @ALX"} {"idx": 46846, "original_id": "1251262938641547266", "reply_id": "1251263223866765312", "label": "ok", "text": "Never let these white people tell you how to feel. Never let ANYBODY tell YOU how to feel ."} {"idx": 46852, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250956545463996417", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46853, "original_id": "1250676668248674307", "reply_id": "1251097919802929152", "label": "no", "text": "Morrison said today that one of the things that had to be in place for us to come out of #COVID19au lockdown is that we all download a tracking app onto our phone. \n\nHow does everyone feel about that? \n#auspol"} {"idx": 46855, "original_id": "1250847371895939073", "reply_id": "1250847632911712256", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Yes the huns are doin a Statement @ClydeSSB 😂"} {"idx": 46859, "original_id": "1250635236490149891", "reply_id": "1250946882693509121", "label": "dance", "text": "Hello Guys! \n\nTomorrow Evening @ 6 P. M Lets Gather For a Trend Awaiting For Mass Maharaj @RaviTeja_offl's Comeback. \n\nMay 8th Also Marks the 11th anniversary of Raviteja's KICK . \nSo Trend regarding that will happen on \nMay 7th evening\nCDP and other details soon. \n\nStay Tuned"} {"idx": 46860, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251273865743011840", "label": "idk", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 46861, "original_id": "1251175462132502533", "reply_id": "1251204909766189060", "label": "yes", "text": "I finally had a good workout last night after stream.\nWow it made me feel amazing. \nCant wait to get back into it.\n\nFitness streams?"} {"idx": 46863, "original_id": "1251146997492363266", "reply_id": "1251152960421154817", "label": "hug", "text": "Did a personal card reading today for the first time in awhile & got hit right in the emotions afterwards 🥺✨"} {"idx": 46865, "original_id": "5081", "reply_id": "1250856052150554624", "label": "omg", "text": "Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine..."} {"idx": 46866, "original_id": "1250859758237683719", "reply_id": "1250860645513379840", "label": "yes", "text": "Who wants to Join omen? 👀 #OmenSZN"} {"idx": 46867, "original_id": "1250918438261882881", "reply_id": "1250924771937746944", "label": "agree", "text": "I really think more top prospects going to the G league is only gonna make UVA more dominant over the next 10 years. I really see Tony getting one or two more titles."} {"idx": 46870, "original_id": "1250932948884430850", "reply_id": "1250933069814681603", "label": "hug", "text": "20 years later and the Survivor reunion episode still makes me bawl. HOW."} {"idx": 46871, "original_id": "1251202397432688642", "reply_id": "1251223290300919809", "label": "seriously", "text": "If anyone commits violence against officials in Michigan, Minnesota or Virginia, @realDonaldTrump should be impeached again. I'm not joking. He clearly incited violence. He's a deranged madman and we have to get him out of office before he does more damage. This is unprecedented."} {"idx": 46872, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251266493666349056", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 46874, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250937246326435842", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 46876, "original_id": "1250952475084877825", "reply_id": "1250962406416633857", "label": "sigh", "text": "See you next week for our season finale! #Brooklyn99"} {"idx": 46877, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250856087206547456", "label": "omg", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 46880, "original_id": "1250916402938118144", "reply_id": "1250917026098372608", "label": "hug", "text": "Took over 100mg of my anti depressants and a bunch of pain killers cause I hate myself oopsie hope I die"} {"idx": 46885, "original_id": "1250636809371090944", "reply_id": "1250871803930533888", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm so glad I live in California where my governor isn't actively trying to kill me."} {"idx": 46886, "original_id": "1251025006810677248", "reply_id": "1251026810151645185", "label": "hug", "text": "it feels hurt, again hmm"} {"idx": 46888, "original_id": "1251179642456813572", "reply_id": "1251202152506306563", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "You need a haircut. \nSend us a selfie."} {"idx": 46890, "original_id": "1250987712514895872", "reply_id": "1250996516640055297", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Fuck you lubia"} {"idx": 46891, "original_id": "1250835524245426177", "reply_id": "1250849434734333956", "label": "applause", "text": "Fuck this quarantine shit. I just got a new job in a higher position at one of the best hotels & the 10th tallest building in the US last month & I wanna go back NEOW."} {"idx": 46892, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250983080212533249", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46894, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251190534783283206", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 46895, "original_id": "1251208299686453248", "reply_id": "1251246386361794560", "label": "dance", "text": "#ff #FollowFriday \n#truecrime and more \n@lemmegetadrink\n@stillunknownpod\n@toxictruecrime \n@NynmPodcast\n@itwasntmepod\n@scarletpodcast\n@MrDeadmanDT\n@masksanitypod\n@NewUnsolved\n@HHGetsWeird \n@MurderTour\n@slayqueenspod\n@MalicePodcast\n@ddupcast\n@biopsychpod"} {"idx": 46896, "original_id": "1250953615717445634", "reply_id": "1250956328777904128", "label": "no", "text": "50 likes and I’ll shave my head"} {"idx": 46898, "original_id": "1250854503353446401", "reply_id": "1250855144079540224", "label": "agree", "text": "Waffles > French Toast > Pancakes"} {"idx": 46903, "original_id": "1251259555192995844", "reply_id": "1251262199110045696", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Who thinks this next Corona virus briefing is going to be a doozy?"} {"idx": 46906, "original_id": "1251009660884148232", "reply_id": "1251012093630791680", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "3 days off for this week and I can't rest properly!! \nSuch a fucked up family..!! \nNo one on the phone also ,, talk."} {"idx": 46910, "original_id": "1250891136010420224", "reply_id": "1251141667010248709", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Respond with a gif of your reaction to the #Packers drafting Xavier McKinney at 30."} {"idx": 46912, "original_id": "1250868164407296000", "reply_id": "1250868297836433409", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy Happy Birthday you wonderful human being! ❤️"} {"idx": 46913, "original_id": "1251159529506500611", "reply_id": "1251161647701348352", "label": "shocked", "text": "My hand caught a bad cramp last night lol"} {"idx": 46915, "original_id": "1250711669443002369", "reply_id": "1250858373618139142", "label": "applause", "text": "My friend called me earlier to discuss who was best, Worzel Gummidge or the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. I really hate having these strawman arguments."} {"idx": 46916, "original_id": "1251185014609453056", "reply_id": "1251195841542586368", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "brb cryin in the swamp dunno if i can get thru this exam"} {"idx": 46922, "original_id": "1250503718644199424", "reply_id": "1250882013160189952", "label": "no", "text": "Damn Fb had me thinking Citi Trends start doing taxes 😭😭"} {"idx": 46924, "original_id": "1250837453935710212", "reply_id": "1250838415832231937", "label": "applause", "text": "First online quiz went great👏🏻"} {"idx": 46925, "original_id": "1250958647951273984", "reply_id": "1251210239770267649", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I look forward to the day when my heart doesn’t feel so heavy :/"} {"idx": 46927, "original_id": "1250727884534185984", "reply_id": "1250843023996588037", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I keep having dreams about one direction, if they don’t get back together now I’m going to be forever sad ☹️🥺@onedirection"} {"idx": 46929, "original_id": "1250873096099299329", "reply_id": "1251043682599538688", "label": "shocked", "text": "Ayo...does Google have a website??"} {"idx": 46931, "original_id": "1250975986990055424", "reply_id": "1251118536329756672", "label": "high_five", "text": "a highfive to every clikkie who DIDNT buy a neon orange carhartt beanie"} {"idx": 46932, "original_id": "1251020660161347585", "reply_id": "1251239901346934784", "label": "hug", "text": "Couldn't visit him in the hospital. Couldn't say goodbye. Can't have a funeral. Can't have a Shiva house. My father is dead and these people talk about it like it's nothing."} {"idx": 46933, "original_id": "1250885070921125890", "reply_id": "1250970242563571719", "label": "scared", "text": "There are two types of people on April 16th\n\npeople celebrating national horny day and people celebrating national tickling day"} {"idx": 46935, "original_id": "1250901197306900480", "reply_id": "1250984751722303489", "label": "hug", "text": "Goodnight everyone! Am severely depressed! Tomorrow is my therapist visit on the phone. Feeling very sad. Thank God for my two dogs! They make it real!"} {"idx": 46937, "original_id": "1251258015271002112", "reply_id": "1251268255760748544", "label": "yes", "text": "Alright I’m feelin it. Live soon(ish). NoPixel needs a new cop to clean up these fucking streets."} {"idx": 46938, "original_id": "1251245777927667719", "reply_id": "1251256131315515404", "label": "hearts", "text": "1 year."} {"idx": 46940, "original_id": "1250913456909410305", "reply_id": "1250965957771759616", "label": "smh", "text": "Ladies could y’all deal with a man who is not affectionate, non romantic, doesn’t give compliments but shows up in almost every other area? Basically I’m asking if y’all could date a fine ass robot?"} {"idx": 46941, "original_id": "1250949967377600512", "reply_id": "1251037703262531584", "label": "hug", "text": "CAN I GET A HUG PLS"} {"idx": 46942, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250991244853075968", "label": "sigh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 46944, "original_id": "1250857448237342726", "reply_id": "1250892991000129537", "label": "no", "text": "Twitter hapert...leest u dit"} {"idx": 46945, "original_id": "1250999303495127046", "reply_id": "1251006778952818690", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "BIG PRESENTATION TOMORROW. IM FEELING IT"} {"idx": 46946, "original_id": "1250360453378818049", "reply_id": "1251155384800120834", "label": "applause", "text": "They say men are dogs, but they also say dogs are loyal.🙃🙂"} {"idx": 46947, "original_id": "1250862307816566784", "reply_id": "1250900565997035522", "label": "shocked", "text": "My life is a joke bruh lol. Standing in line at the grocery store this older white guy comes up to me an says hey i wanna show you a meme, w/all this Corona going on you'll get it. It was a picture of the kkk that said, \"we already had our masks\". Then he said no offense"} {"idx": 46948, "original_id": "1251129357852200962", "reply_id": "1251182484210900995", "label": "hug", "text": "As a person who lives alone, can I take a moment to say:\n\nI just really, really want a hug."} {"idx": 46950, "original_id": "1251144277566132224", "reply_id": "1251196736695140352", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I will give someone $10 that retweets this tweet. Must be following @Emilyymc__ & myself. Winner chosen in 5hrs. Good luck!"} {"idx": 46954, "original_id": "1251091084597293058", "reply_id": "1251100056603639809", "label": "hug", "text": "im feeling way too many for this day. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sobrang daming regrets, what ifs, uncertainty, emptiness, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"} {"idx": 46956, "original_id": "1250957574737985538", "reply_id": "1251188471852601345", "label": "agree", "text": "Watched the first two episodes of #TigerKing , Trumps election makes much more sense now ."} {"idx": 46959, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251012678824460288", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 46962, "original_id": "1251141252671668225", "reply_id": "1251187843164241921", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Capstone Presentation Day!!!!!!!!!! @DatsVonDoe you’re going to do great!!!! So proud of you😘😘😘"} {"idx": 46969, "original_id": "1250520828661334017", "reply_id": "1251081468601946112", "label": "agree", "text": "multilinguism is such a scam because instead of becoming fluent in multiple languages, you just get gradually worse in all of them & can’t form a single coherent thought"} {"idx": 46970, "original_id": "1251162050467753992", "reply_id": "1251166605956038656", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Been slacking on the thank you's lately, sorry guys. Thanks so much @83JayJH1 for the new sub and gift subs to the channel, @AAfterall and @alinkinthepast for the resubs, @silentstorm_702 and @Mobius570 for the new subs and @hawktatoes, @steviemike86, crath and general for bits!"} {"idx": 46972, "original_id": "1251130445896364032", "reply_id": "1251133003419414532", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug pliss?😔"} {"idx": 46973, "original_id": "1251118011802664960", "reply_id": "1251184540330098692", "label": "no", "text": "My baby said i must tweet that he is either gonna put a baby in me or marry me"} {"idx": 46976, "original_id": "1250900157094338561", "reply_id": "1251072785767677954", "label": "hug", "text": "VIRTUAL HUGS ARMY 💜\nOMG IM GOING THROUGH IT"} {"idx": 46978, "original_id": "1251177753908559873", "reply_id": "1251206234025463817", "label": "shrug", "text": "if you from New York what is the immediate response after being asked how you living?"} {"idx": 46980, "original_id": "1250894236117086208", "reply_id": "1250908314231279617", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m on day 27 of being useless in a pandemic."} {"idx": 46981, "original_id": "1250999148003889153", "reply_id": "1251000327538704389", "label": "agree", "text": "I was first introduced to John Piper by Presbyterians. That should not have happened."} {"idx": 46982, "original_id": "1251240635836755968", "reply_id": "1251243446339284992", "label": "agree", "text": "Sometimes we all need a little nudge, some comfort, a compliment... be a cheerleader for someone today. Even if they're having an awesome day - hearing positive things from your peers and friends is the greatest feeling. I feel like we've lost that."} {"idx": 46986, "original_id": "1250917574738620417", "reply_id": "1250923372764151809", "label": "win", "text": "S/O to everyone who helped me win/ also @MUFC_SuperTroll for running it\n@Blagsco2 \n@McGregor93 \n@Geddy7777 \n@gedashton34 \n@Kieran_MUFC20 \n@CharlieEisnor \n@parkj794 \nAnd the power of # itself"} {"idx": 46989, "original_id": "1250828669003628549", "reply_id": "1251192107206934529", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Ok, I’ve had 3 cups of coffee. I’m now ready to face the anxiety causing crowds of people that I’ll encounter at Walmart. Should be there in 10 minutes. I’m terrified. Taken my anxiety med. Here I go."} {"idx": 46993, "original_id": "1250618402403749890", "reply_id": "1250907787414175746", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Holy fuck I thought of a big flex"} {"idx": 46996, "original_id": "1250904224319373312", "reply_id": "1250907074084646912", "label": "seriously", "text": "National horny day ? BITCH IM HORNY EVERYDAY"} {"idx": 46997, "original_id": "1250865099243433985", "reply_id": "1250982395827949568", "label": "smh", "text": "NYC Mayor Deblasio tells Bill Hemmer that the city will start to reopen in July or August at the earliest."} {"idx": 46998, "original_id": "1250892736980553728", "reply_id": "1250898089730363394", "label": "shocked", "text": "Deadpool\nDrinks\nDinner\n\nTriple D!!!"} {"idx": 47000, "original_id": "1250917520791519238", "reply_id": "1250918078944358400", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Note to professional wrestlers : take this time off to actually wash your knee pads. \nTry something new."} {"idx": 47001, "original_id": "1250921250899341314", "reply_id": "1250947707725729794", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump is predicting essentially full restaurants in some states where they’ve moved through phases of new government guidelines."} {"idx": 47002, "original_id": "1251244354942808065", "reply_id": "1251271743475507203", "label": "no", "text": "Monday I’m gonna start studying"} {"idx": 47003, "original_id": "1251191752788267009", "reply_id": "1251197782846844931", "label": "no", "text": "My friend asked me to do a fitness challenge with her and idk how to say fuck no 😂😂😂😂"} {"idx": 47004, "original_id": "1250850417271070720", "reply_id": "1250852257408716802", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Talking stage for a year💛\n\nAsikhulume... Let’s talk. \n\nRIPXolaniGwala"} {"idx": 47010, "original_id": "1250823186117267461", "reply_id": "1250833535394553856", "label": "agree", "text": "Not to brag but I definitely think I’m better than Joe Biden."} {"idx": 47012, "original_id": "1251200762572615680", "reply_id": "1251208910456999936", "label": "hug", "text": "i know there’s much more important things to be sad about but i have room in my sad brain to be sad about it all"} {"idx": 47013, "original_id": "1251171569474420742", "reply_id": "1251173937918115844", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#FollowFriday #FF authors edition!\nHere is a list of some great authors to follow...\n\n@wdejackson \n@salharris1 \n@JackieMBaldwin1 \n@JustinSomper \n@CScottBooks \n@AuthorSGrey \n@SSCav \n@KiaAbdullah \n@theodorecarter2 \n@SRMastersAuthor"} {"idx": 47015, "original_id": "1250801096441954304", "reply_id": "1250848782457208832", "label": "yes", "text": "'cause I told you my level of concern\nbut you walked by like you never heard\nand you could bring down my level of concern\njust need you to tell me we're alright\ntell me we're okay"} {"idx": 47017, "original_id": "1251260402387816450", "reply_id": "1251262781829120000", "label": "shocked", "text": "I found a pornography website and sometimes I download videos off it"} {"idx": 47018, "original_id": "1251110035721248778", "reply_id": "1251229072014835718", "label": "applause", "text": "Speaking of abuse majority of women are emotional abusers, men cant speak about that though"} {"idx": 47019, "original_id": "1251221981925646344", "reply_id": "1251222336881209344", "label": "ok", "text": "I am drunk"} {"idx": 47020, "original_id": "1251087734866919424", "reply_id": "1251163181537427456", "label": "seriously", "text": "Interesting that @MattHancock said \"early signs\" show that hydroxychloroquine may be \"very effective treatment\" for #Covid19. He implied UK government is acquiring significant stocks of it"} {"idx": 47021, "original_id": "1250864146830315520", "reply_id": "1250959512208629761", "label": "hug", "text": "I survived an emotionally, mentally, abusive BPD mom and now nothing scares me\n\nexcept loving, nurturing, stable emotional connections"} {"idx": 47023, "original_id": "1250917509135548422", "reply_id": "1251061780660486145", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "DDTG may be outta business tomorrow"} {"idx": 47024, "original_id": "1251028294880788482", "reply_id": "1251196161198784514", "label": "hearts", "text": "miss you"} {"idx": 47027, "original_id": "1250845713178689544", "reply_id": "1251068423792197633", "label": "applause", "text": "1/2 Some personal news. After over 4 years and 10 product launches, the OnePlus 8 Series launch was my last at OnePlus. \n\nWhen I joined OnePlus, a few frantic weeks before the OnePlus 2 launch, we were a scrappy upstart doing our best to create phones in a very crowded space."} {"idx": 47031, "original_id": "1250623080612806657", "reply_id": "1250877767056592897", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sad in my life."} {"idx": 47033, "original_id": "1251148754746404870", "reply_id": "1251150058000539649", "label": "facepalm", "text": "On April 25th NC \"might\" be prepared for self-employed to apply for unemployment benefits. A solid 6 weeks after all this ish has been going on."} {"idx": 47034, "original_id": "1250887296812892160", "reply_id": "1250945171354681345", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’d be single for eternity before I’d let someone treat me like shit “in the name of love”."} {"idx": 47036, "original_id": "1251066885526958080", "reply_id": "1251090195455315968", "label": "shocked", "text": "China has revised Wuhan’s death toll upwards by 50 percent. Hmm. Wonder what else Beijing is not telling us."} {"idx": 47037, "original_id": "1251268881932365824", "reply_id": "1251274145154785280", "label": "sigh", "text": "Holy hell Kenney.\nIsn't this supposed to be a fucking #Covid19 update?\nOil.\nGas.\nOil.\nGas.\nOil.\nGas.\nOil.\nGas."} {"idx": 47038, "original_id": "1250721703698796545", "reply_id": "1250862022390145025", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Need some writing motivation.....badly.\nPlease help.\n\nI'm only 5k words into my first novel and wondering whether I'm cut out for it.\n#WritingCommunity\n#amwriting"} {"idx": 47039, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250935035550740488", "label": "yolo", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 47041, "original_id": "1251173177834770432", "reply_id": "1251173967190163459", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "saw like 8 dudes running together in a group yesterday, but they were kind enough to spread out evenly on both sidewalks in clusters of 4 as to be unavoidable. cool cool cool"} {"idx": 47044, "original_id": "1250417194032390144", "reply_id": "1250867458497556482", "label": "applause", "text": "After 3 years and 3 jobs in tech, I did the one thing I have dreamt about—press the “pay all amount due” on my very last student loan payment. 🎉"} {"idx": 47046, "original_id": "1251179216143605765", "reply_id": "1251218276069376001", "label": "oops", "text": "My ex got married yesterday. Should I send them a card or just the screenshots of him trying to get me back when they were dating ?"} {"idx": 47047, "original_id": "1251172738309459969", "reply_id": "1251188562067947521", "label": "want", "text": "You all laugh at me now, but wait until I buy the Village Mall and turn it into the world's largest Beyblade arena"} {"idx": 47054, "original_id": "1251007799586426881", "reply_id": "1251008309588422658", "label": "applause", "text": "Been well over 2 months since I’ve worn makeup"} {"idx": 47057, "original_id": "1251127498861092864", "reply_id": "1251131165446008833", "label": "please", "text": "I'm actually super surprised that Anonymous haven't hijacked any of the live daily briefings yet."} {"idx": 47058, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251270503010009088", "label": "wink", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 47059, "original_id": "1251175241860218881", "reply_id": "1251197784448995332", "label": "yes", "text": "Do u think if I eat so much in quarantine I’ll grow boobs x"} {"idx": 47060, "original_id": "1251159560854728705", "reply_id": "1251161646178775040", "label": "applause", "text": "400K followers, thank you sweethearts!♥️"} {"idx": 47061, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251135184184807426", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 47062, "original_id": "1251181673246593025", "reply_id": "1251221110395371523", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Funny how some people that blatantly disrespect me are commenting with their momo. I see"} {"idx": 47065, "original_id": "1250961539491753987", "reply_id": "1250962874626912256", "label": "no", "text": "I know this is heresy, but there are too many songs in this movie. #ASIB54 #TCMParty #TCMFF"} {"idx": 47067, "original_id": "1250949348134977537", "reply_id": "1250949949933719552", "label": "yes", "text": "If you can't look back at your younger self and realize that you were an idiot, you are probably still an idiot."} {"idx": 47068, "original_id": "1250971449566752769", "reply_id": "1251143694952140801", "label": "scared", "text": "Wonder why LeBron didn't participate in yet another stand-alone contest - the HORSE tournament. No Dunk Contest. No 3-Point Contest. No televised HORSE."} {"idx": 47072, "original_id": "1251155114259148803", "reply_id": "1251155908052180998", "label": "yes", "text": "The right is coalescing around a strategy to defend Trump from rage at his lack of action on coronavirus killing tens of thousands of Americans:\n\n✔️ Pretend the numbers are fake\n✔️ If they are real, it's China's fault\n✔️ Either way, it's less than you thought it might be, right?"} {"idx": 47076, "original_id": "1250876256746340352", "reply_id": "1251068443954163712", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Rangers releasing every stament but their bank yin 👋"} {"idx": 47077, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250903216604225538", "label": "no", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 47078, "original_id": "1251207397290291200", "reply_id": "1251208202483404800", "label": "oops", "text": "the fact that they just shoot nc scene and next day it's a first day that they separate during quarantine then jimmy tweets miss tommy."} {"idx": 47079, "original_id": "1250849426358362113", "reply_id": "1250850164534906881", "label": "agree", "text": "It's so hard for me to vid Zeke because I always just end up gushing over how amazing Matt's performance is in every scene of his 😭❤️ #Manifest"} {"idx": 47080, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251275262324387841", "label": "agree", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 47081, "original_id": "1250954266321334272", "reply_id": "1251229740893114375", "label": "applause", "text": "hi there. this will only take a moment. i just wanted to let you know.\n\ni love you"} {"idx": 47082, "original_id": "1250649972699062272", "reply_id": "1250868518301634563", "label": "shocked", "text": "Hello friends, mutual and others\n\nThe time has come\n\nMyself and @Red9Artist need to find some good bunny fursuit makers. We're in the market for a zombie bunny head/paws >.> >:3"} {"idx": 47083, "original_id": "1250897243130953728", "reply_id": "1250965003823439878", "label": "agree", "text": "As long as we ignore all of the record low economic data points, oil prices, small business bankruptcies, bailouts, negative interest rates, and recession, I feel like we could still hit new highs this year."} {"idx": 47085, "original_id": "1250942583066550273", "reply_id": "1251238612915630088", "label": "oops", "text": "im losing it tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"} {"idx": 47086, "original_id": "1251237944532205568", "reply_id": "1251238299995262976", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Another exam done ✅✅✅✅ one more to go! 😫🥳"} {"idx": 47089, "original_id": "1251194191620816903", "reply_id": "1251217146341965827", "label": "hug", "text": "Yo big shoutouts to the @PhearlessGaming fam soecial shoutouts to @AlfaFoxy for the raid @Baby_Hooligan08 @TOKN_SMURF505 @tyler55483442 @GivingBackBritt for the gifted subs, new followers, hosts, and all round awesome hype on my channel thank you my awesome family ❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 47091, "original_id": "1250771216329138176", "reply_id": "1250946290009157632", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree with @funder and Me...\n#CoronavirusLiar \n\n🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️"} {"idx": 47092, "original_id": "1251164306764443649", "reply_id": "1251204315361968131", "label": "idk", "text": "WAIT. We still celebrate weekends, right?"} {"idx": 47094, "original_id": "1250927114037198851", "reply_id": "1251212389061734401", "label": "eww", "text": "I’m really not getting laid enough around here. Truly just through five sex dreams during one nap."} {"idx": 47098, "original_id": "1250979517192998912", "reply_id": "1250985121672343552", "label": "applause", "text": "Really enjoying the Bulldogs' ability to spread quickly from a stoppage."} {"idx": 47099, "original_id": "1251272105288781825", "reply_id": "1251272224402792451", "label": "kiss", "text": "@Fact I love 💘you"} {"idx": 47100, "original_id": "1250273633643061256", "reply_id": "1250891161394245632", "label": "omg", "text": "#WritingCommnunity I...feel so welcomed?"} {"idx": 47102, "original_id": "1250878387989753857", "reply_id": "1250962441309224969", "label": "applause", "text": "We did it\n\nWe did it...."} {"idx": 47103, "original_id": "1250768413284274178", "reply_id": "1250933437910810624", "label": "hug", "text": "Today I was supposed to fly to the US for three conferences, two of which I'd be keynoting. More importantly, I was going to be back in the same country as my friends and family and get to see them. It'll pass, but I'm feeling sad this morning."} {"idx": 47109, "original_id": "1251038237386211329", "reply_id": "1251055690443108352", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m a mess 💔"} {"idx": 47110, "original_id": "1250866934566002688", "reply_id": "1250867388561657860", "label": "agree", "text": "Any fellow introverts doing a lot of Zoom meetings just need a few minutes afterward to sort of sit and twitch?"} {"idx": 47113, "original_id": "1251239493669195777", "reply_id": "1251254319946567689", "label": "agree", "text": "I am once again being verbally abused for my correct opinions about nipple piercings\n\nI will not be silenced\n\nTiddy soft and smooth\n\nMetal hard and rough\n\nI rest my CASE"} {"idx": 47114, "original_id": "1250907706862387200", "reply_id": "1250995156775571456", "label": "shocked", "text": "I got the call, \n\nI’M GOING BACK TO WORK BABY 😪😪"} {"idx": 47116, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1251184646416674816", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 47118, "original_id": "1250954746174857217", "reply_id": "1251038734612652033", "label": "facepalm", "text": "This is big:\n\nDemocrats are laying out our $30 billion plan for a comprehensive national testing strategy\n\nand major new investments that bolster the supply and manufacturing chain, and significantly expand free testing for all, reporting, and contact tracing."} {"idx": 47119, "original_id": "1250687427871678465", "reply_id": "1250933411218427905", "label": "idk", "text": "Imagine not having Patrick Mahomes on your football team..."} {"idx": 47123, "original_id": "1250871838361612288", "reply_id": "1250873603882577920", "label": "sigh", "text": "Ew. Gross. I don't know why people like this.\nI do not reccomend \"Pudding on a Ritz.\""} {"idx": 47125, "original_id": "1250910999630221312", "reply_id": "1250911203993493514", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Kudos to Netflix for milking the shit out of Money Heist 👏👏"} {"idx": 47126, "original_id": "1250935196016402433", "reply_id": "1251030715501703168", "label": "oops", "text": "SHORTY WANNA BLOW GOT A SHORT FUSE \nI'm shorty."} {"idx": 47128, "original_id": "1251202758423781378", "reply_id": "1251203139237302274", "label": "agree", "text": "if u don't have any good things to said i think u'd better shut your fucking mouth cause no one wanna knows your opinion bruh"} {"idx": 47130, "original_id": "1250944451264086016", "reply_id": "1250945813787947009", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Here’s a secret. The best way to win an argument is to just ask questions. Never present a counter. Now that you know that secret, watch the Howard County Board of Education. There’s one board member who knows the secret and is using it in bad faith."} {"idx": 47131, "original_id": "1250747772392873985", "reply_id": "1250915198837198849", "label": "yes", "text": "Gordo for @tconspiracyguys has the SEXIEST voice! #sexy #podcast #conspiracy #perksofCovid_19\n#Loveit"} {"idx": 47132, "original_id": "1251265977779548160", "reply_id": "1251269972925571078", "label": "sigh", "text": "When Hardin and Noah were fighting and Tessa left and they were trying to find her and Hardin knew that she would be in the greenhouse because thats where she used to sit as a kid and he put his hands on her ears to drown out the noise and they both fell asleep...that shit hurt."} {"idx": 47133, "original_id": "1251044584018399233", "reply_id": "1251050738501013505", "label": "yes", "text": "A person who’s healed on their own is dangerous and powerful."} {"idx": 47135, "original_id": "1251240729151602689", "reply_id": "1251267396100333568", "label": "sigh", "text": "The last few weeks have been an unprecedented time. Since it is becoming apparent that COVID-19 restrictions will not be a short-term matter, we have made the sad decision to cancel Comic-Con for the first time in its 50-year history."} {"idx": 47136, "original_id": "1251004045290082304", "reply_id": "1251004343576342529", "label": "shocked", "text": "If the voices in the head is you , then who is the one that’s listening ?"} {"idx": 47139, "original_id": "1251190425249107968", "reply_id": "1251191642834558976", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "@LynnoVen @kathlee71013772 @JLGarsh @scolegit13 @magicskyway @bells_within @jakejday @sandrawillis412 @ChuckFinley202 @LopezLovinLife @Wycked_Yum @SehzadeSoroush @jules1327 @thefabulous0ne dear God he’s off his meds"} {"idx": 47141, "original_id": "1250909500342546435", "reply_id": "1250911578708459521", "label": "sigh", "text": "mental check in: how are we doing"} {"idx": 47142, "original_id": "1250926617368711169", "reply_id": "1250946213341364224", "label": "seriously", "text": "So basically Birx is saying that after 32,000 dead bodies they are still trying to line up the test with the labs and add personnel. STILL?! After 32,000 dead people?!!! In one month?!!!!!!!!"} {"idx": 47145, "original_id": "1250828769042092033", "reply_id": "1250837253972062208", "label": "eww", "text": "Crazy Nancy is about as likable as pubic hair covered Honey Bun! 😳😂"} {"idx": 47147, "original_id": "1251193151903215622", "reply_id": "1251196265511161857", "label": "yes", "text": "Alex Jones is going to be rolling through the streets of Duluth in his info wars tank by dawn."} {"idx": 47148, "original_id": "1251213265889198080", "reply_id": "1251213396130910209", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "So my brothers ex hit him up after cheating on him a breaking his heart the bitch was sobbing for him apologizing to him! He said he never felt better 😆"} {"idx": 47152, "original_id": "1250822084877574145", "reply_id": "1250834377082372096", "label": "no", "text": "Someone come curl my hair 🥺👉🏼👈🏼"} {"idx": 47154, "original_id": "1251132849144684547", "reply_id": "1251165798636240897", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Haven’t had to work for a month until today. I have to go in for a few hours so naturally, I’m running late ;) \n\nCoffee first!"} {"idx": 47155, "original_id": "1250940470718615553", "reply_id": "1251157882252345351", "label": "no", "text": "Ay forget holding hands I'm tryna hold feet yall feel me??"} {"idx": 47157, "original_id": "1250933191998951430", "reply_id": "1250935204186816515", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "I have no idea how I feel at this point."} {"idx": 47160, "original_id": "1250256036088471552", "reply_id": "1250931988631924736", "label": "ok", "text": "Besides Gilbert Gottfried whose voice can you hear and instantly know who it is?\n\nFor me it’s Morgan Freeman"} {"idx": 47161, "original_id": "1250918285186609153", "reply_id": "1250919136013611008", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If I read my first draft I’m sure I’ll vomit. You need to fail in order to get better and BOY did my first draft suck. Cringe-worthy. I’m happy with how the final draft turned out, though! Even if this book doesn’t get me an agent, I’ll still be proud of myself for writing it."} {"idx": 47163, "original_id": "1251016041125351425", "reply_id": "1251016534790672384", "label": "no", "text": "Someone play me in iMessage games!"} {"idx": 47164, "original_id": "1251103889090154499", "reply_id": "1251104149246054400", "label": "smh", "text": "new profile pic who this"} {"idx": 47165, "original_id": "1250971449566752769", "reply_id": "1250979267913146368", "label": "smh", "text": "Wonder why LeBron didn't participate in yet another stand-alone contest - the HORSE tournament. No Dunk Contest. No 3-Point Contest. No televised HORSE."} {"idx": 47168, "original_id": "1250914649932853248", "reply_id": "1250915111608426497", "label": "facepalm", "text": "lmao my kid has decided to watch chuck. he just popped in the first disc and two minutes in goes “ooh john krasinski.” HE THOUGHT ZACHARY LEVI WAS JOHN KRASINSKI AND NOW I CANT UNSEE IT"} {"idx": 47170, "original_id": "1251240951001100288", "reply_id": "1251242997683027968", "label": "seriously", "text": "When you have Adele and Camilla living with you, what else you looking for 😘."} {"idx": 47172, "original_id": "1250904867687796736", "reply_id": "1250963121335869447", "label": "awww", "text": "Anyway who’s trying to be friends when I move to LA? 🤗"} {"idx": 47173, "original_id": "1250924657366183936", "reply_id": "1250925758614306822", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Just read a tweet, Slippy is Joe the toff b4 next season and Barry the FUD lined up as new manager. The banter years go on and on and on and....................."} {"idx": 47174, "original_id": "1250911747289931776", "reply_id": "1250964725061451777", "label": "please", "text": "Wrangling something cool new, and way overdue.\n\nIf I can wrap my head around it all, we might have that new path, OR, even better, we FUND, and this allows us to do something.... MORE. ;)"} {"idx": 47175, "original_id": "1250900552646615051", "reply_id": "1250911592922796033", "label": "eww", "text": "C-3rd Letter \nO-15th Letter \nR-18th Letter \nO-15th Letter \nN-14th Letter \nA- 1st Letter\n_______________\n6-66"} {"idx": 47176, "original_id": "1250485284187316228", "reply_id": "1251169942302535686", "label": "agree", "text": "Please do not try to bait me into politics. I don't have any interest in that. I care about helping people. People helping people. That is all."} {"idx": 47177, "original_id": "1251130445896364032", "reply_id": "1251131109594632198", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug pliss?😔"} {"idx": 47180, "original_id": "1251042189876084736", "reply_id": "1251139209630494720", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "I'm thrilled we're adhering to social distancing 5 weeks now, with no family/friends, so they can continue to let planes fly people in/out of country. I'm glad our leaders choose to basically murder half the population by turning a blind eye to it too. #Covid_19 #Keelings"} {"idx": 47184, "original_id": "1250829714236641280", "reply_id": "1251002177587261440", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I love you @nlzll"} {"idx": 47186, "original_id": "1250871138500165632", "reply_id": "1251125032006410241", "label": "agree", "text": "If you have to climb over a gate that you can’t get open, climb by the hinges... don’t let the leverage screw up your corner post"} {"idx": 47187, "original_id": "1250920409329012742", "reply_id": "1250926891533578241", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "hi. say it back. 💕"} {"idx": 47190, "original_id": "1251104482311778305", "reply_id": "1251124888649293824", "label": "no", "text": "Ready for the “cocaine before the milkshake” explanation?"} {"idx": 47192, "original_id": "1251098552899702784", "reply_id": "1251102962052669440", "label": "agree", "text": "OOO messages when we are all WFH make me laugh."} {"idx": 47197, "original_id": "1250738405002133504", "reply_id": "1250920590527156231", "label": "high_five", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree. #CoronavirusLiar"} {"idx": 47202, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250896727202164737", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 47203, "original_id": "1250573624592957441", "reply_id": "1250953880508280832", "label": "agree", "text": "video games by lana del rey is a WORK OF ART and i’ll fight u if u say otherwise"} {"idx": 47204, "original_id": "1251228130100068358", "reply_id": "1251228770251440129", "label": "omg", "text": "Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century takes place in 2049 and the space station she lives on is 27 years old. She also mentions how Earth has germs and that “people with colds are packed together like microchips.” Is Zenon really about people that left Earth to escape COVID-19??"} {"idx": 47205, "original_id": "1250897044107116544", "reply_id": "1250898128124837890", "label": "wink", "text": "Sorry ladies, I don't care if there's a quarantine. If you want feet pics, it's gonna cost you😤"} {"idx": 47206, "original_id": "1251129332761796608", "reply_id": "1251133784914825217", "label": "hug", "text": "first day spent entirely alone in weeks and I’m struggling so far to keep myself safe if I’m honest"} {"idx": 47212, "original_id": "1250976586423304192", "reply_id": "1250994471010996225", "label": "seriously", "text": "The Liberty Ladies of Twitter are a lot more fun to follow than you Freedom Bois. Just sayin. Step it fellas"} {"idx": 47213, "original_id": "1251147182599581700", "reply_id": "1251219087159709703", "label": "yes", "text": "I’ve put on deodorant twice in the last month."} {"idx": 47220, "original_id": "1251187189603540993", "reply_id": "1251221457478303746", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "When Despot Uhuru Kenyatta's niece Ann Nderitu rejected the FRAUD he had attempted to perpetrate on his own political outfit @JubileePartyK, Uhuru Kenyatta and his QUISLINGS like Conman Raila, Cowdung Murathe and COTU Urinator Atwoli have been told that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW."} {"idx": 47222, "original_id": "1251037250521047040", "reply_id": "1251065782370476032", "label": "yes", "text": "I don’t understand why there is so much hype for the show All American on Netflix. I just can’t seem to get into it. Is it really worth watching? 🥴"} {"idx": 47223, "original_id": "1250874425001406464", "reply_id": "1250878671029596161", "label": "scared", "text": "Genuinely concerned my tweets could be used against me by my employer so...locked up"} {"idx": 47224, "original_id": "1250939667211567104", "reply_id": "1250940183630888960", "label": "no", "text": "Would you rather be...."} {"idx": 47226, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251128218247143425", "label": "wink", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 47229, "original_id": "1250999854177943552", "reply_id": "1251002188152795137", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m probably in the minority but I hate Westside’s voice. Just can’t do it"} {"idx": 47231, "original_id": "1251153694222979077", "reply_id": "1251179669514223620", "label": "oops", "text": "If you had an obsession with Ryan Sheckler in middle school, chances are, you’re gay now."} {"idx": 47237, "original_id": "1251173245237297152", "reply_id": "1251179397626974208", "label": "shocked", "text": "Pizza is SO overrated."} {"idx": 47239, "original_id": "1251263465014034433", "reply_id": "1251267977376403459", "label": "facepalm", "text": "4/20 is in 3 days...... 🥺🥺🥺 I need a loyal sub to bless my cashapp so I can be happy $wavynaeee"} {"idx": 47240, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251200562844008449", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 47243, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250877766150602765", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 47244, "original_id": "1250829683849146370", "reply_id": "1250852127787925506", "label": "dance", "text": "EVERYBODY BE QUIET, MY CAT IS SLEEPING"} {"idx": 47245, "original_id": "1250323514432696323", "reply_id": "1251169020474253313", "label": "facepalm", "text": "I’m having nightmares again"} {"idx": 47248, "original_id": "1250809949652946944", "reply_id": "1251097295887663106", "label": "idk", "text": "Sad to hear the inventor of marshmallows has died. Please join me in toasting him."} {"idx": 47249, "original_id": "1250900157094338561", "reply_id": "1250925591794245633", "label": "hug", "text": "VIRTUAL HUGS ARMY 💜\nOMG IM GOING THROUGH IT"} {"idx": 47252, "original_id": "1250909738260402177", "reply_id": "1250913008731279360", "label": "no", "text": "President Trump: \"Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us.\""} {"idx": 47259, "original_id": "1251199858595201026", "reply_id": "1251234554746073089", "label": "agree", "text": "@realDonaldTrump is a piece of shit and killing people. Pass it on. #coronavirus #TrumpLiedPeopleDied"} {"idx": 47260, "original_id": "1251229679765401601", "reply_id": "1251231030868094976", "label": "no", "text": "Will life ever go back to normal?"} {"idx": 47263, "original_id": "1250924243279384576", "reply_id": "1250925514983964672", "label": "facepalm", "text": "“I had a lot of good people, friends that were completely decimated by this, some are dead. I have a friend that called me saying he tested positive, 4 days later he was dead, the following day he was unconscious.” - Trump 🤷‍♂️"} {"idx": 47264, "original_id": "1250923071919345666", "reply_id": "1250953046995189760", "label": "yes", "text": "It's happening!!!\n\nAMERICA IS GOING BACK TO WORK!!!!\n\nGIVE ME A HELL YEAH!!!!👊🇺🇸👍"} {"idx": 47267, "original_id": "1250799197248348160", "reply_id": "1250893139264655367", "label": "applause", "text": "If Lindsay Graham has to be intubated, do you think they’ll find it unusually easy to slide that tube in?"} {"idx": 47268, "original_id": "1250807982063058950", "reply_id": "1250844063433187328", "label": "seriously", "text": "NEW: South Dakota's governor, who opposed stay-at-home order, now faces the biggest coronavirus hotspot in the U.S."} {"idx": 47269, "original_id": "1251221763763007488", "reply_id": "1251228266255355904", "label": "please", "text": "i miss having sex with strangers in shady hotels"} {"idx": 47270, "original_id": "1250699903325605888", "reply_id": "1250946295164022784", "label": "hug", "text": "Ive been having nightmares for a month straight, ever since this lock down started every single night and I'm exhausted. I'm anxious, stressed, freaking out and have to deal with anxiety attacks. How do I live like this for another month? 🙃"} {"idx": 47279, "original_id": "1250832386927058944", "reply_id": "1250929686286401536", "label": "omg", "text": "THREAD\n@ProfAkinAbayomi (@LSMOH) @DrEOEhanire (@Fmohnigeria)\n@Chikwe_I (@NCDCgov ) \nWe must be very transparent when communicating facts about #COVID19 figures and info to Nigerians. A lot of money and lives are involved. Urgency needed against SPREAD\n#IJCovid19 \n#drkemiolunloyo"} {"idx": 47281, "original_id": "1250908652510339073", "reply_id": "1250909601865838598", "label": "oops", "text": "How the fuck did my Hulu account end up on 38 devices"} {"idx": 47282, "original_id": "1250832616347127816", "reply_id": "1250851861692690433", "label": "smh", "text": "When I was young, I invented an invisible friend called Mr Ravioli. My psychiatrist says I don’t need him anymore, so he just sits in the corner and reads."} {"idx": 47283, "original_id": "1250857252225003522", "reply_id": "1250900357372276736", "label": "smh", "text": "Fox News interrupted the President thanking America's truck drivers to bring on Donna Brazile and to talk about Obama and Biden.. \n\nLet that sink in.."} {"idx": 47285, "original_id": "1251268313658716160", "reply_id": "1251272432532373504", "label": "yes", "text": "do i buy another @Excision hockey jersey ???"} {"idx": 47286, "original_id": "1250918620416393217", "reply_id": "1250920503163981824", "label": "agree", "text": "I want to be the person that can pull off a leather mini skirt, but I don’t think I AM the person that can pull of a leather mini skirt..."} {"idx": 47289, "original_id": "1251211278422380544", "reply_id": "1251212788208451584", "label": "yawn", "text": "Leftists hate you and will never demand you do something that is in your own best interests."} {"idx": 47290, "original_id": "1251019823712092166", "reply_id": "1251020398558433280", "label": "shocked", "text": "You might be in my DMs but he's in my therapists notes"} {"idx": 47292, "original_id": "1251166673177993221", "reply_id": "1251246558831665160", "label": "hug", "text": "Today has been a bad day. I feel like I'm losing my grip. Watching All or Nothing might just keep me together today. Hold on to what makes you happy with everything you've got"} {"idx": 47293, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251066451445809153", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 47298, "original_id": "1251030579103051776", "reply_id": "1251234272826007552", "label": "omg", "text": "Don’t push my kids out... let them stay right there. 😌"} {"idx": 47299, "original_id": "1251177015211950081", "reply_id": "1251177200591736850", "label": "ok", "text": "NEW: I'm issuing an Executive Order directing all public and private labs in NY to coordinate with the State Department of Health to ensure prioritizing diagnostic testing for public health and restarting the economy."} {"idx": 47300, "original_id": "1250424174901788673", "reply_id": "1251216880288903174", "label": "hug", "text": "Welp. After 2yrs, I'll be transitioning away from BET. It's been fun, challenging and helped me grow. I met some amazing people who I now consider friends. Hoping the next endeavor stretches me even further"} {"idx": 47301, "original_id": "1251104128270557184", "reply_id": "1251261221971640321", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Can you marry a person who is not a virgin?"} {"idx": 47302, "original_id": "1251031140154179584", "reply_id": "1251119927970447360", "label": "thank_you", "text": "if you have not slept hungry during this Lockdown, say something to God! 🙏🏼"} {"idx": 47303, "original_id": "1251221177017806849", "reply_id": "1251231933738123264", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a very bad mental health day. I've just got to remember to be kind to myself."} {"idx": 47305, "original_id": "1250629786336190465", "reply_id": "1250867319255060484", "label": "seriously", "text": "In a few months Joe Biden will be President of the United States, and Dennis Miller will still be a guy who lost his ability to tell a coherent joke twenty years ago."} {"idx": 47306, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251186526500904960", "label": "smh", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 47308, "original_id": "1250933089712271360", "reply_id": "1250939368661008385", "label": "hug", "text": "i needa hug :/"} {"idx": 47309, "original_id": "1250763375132491777", "reply_id": "1250951436113973249", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "The people in 2016 who said that they would rather die than vote for Hillary Clinton may just get their wish."} {"idx": 47311, "original_id": "1251186252759654401", "reply_id": "1251186403213479936", "label": "oops", "text": "Gettleman: \"Everybody has strapped it on and done a great job.\""} {"idx": 47312, "original_id": "1250800164396294144", "reply_id": "1250851891384184834", "label": "no", "text": "Is there ANYTHING Trump could do which would cost him the approval of his brainwashed cult-like following?"} {"idx": 47313, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251155195855114245", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 47314, "original_id": "1251198580897046528", "reply_id": "1251205457005461515", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Peeve: When it's daylight savings time and people still use EST to refer to Eastern Time when scheduling a meeting."} {"idx": 47316, "original_id": "1250980578754625537", "reply_id": "1251064621622013957", "label": "oops", "text": "Please don’t tell me who or what to tweet about, and I’ll do the same for you. Thanks."} {"idx": 47317, "original_id": "1251198497526812674", "reply_id": "1251199821370793986", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Love & Solidarity."} {"idx": 47320, "original_id": "1250921614511726592", "reply_id": "1250922113558614021", "label": "oops", "text": "Raw on the first night? spicy lmfao."} {"idx": 47322, "original_id": "1251225545288925184", "reply_id": "1251225795021934593", "label": "wink", "text": "Bitch 💀😭😂😂 @brave_t__"} {"idx": 47323, "original_id": "1250637075675832320", "reply_id": "1250862288086552576", "label": "no", "text": "I need someone to tell me no!!! NOOOOOOO to the Louis Vuitton purse!!!! #louisvuitton"} {"idx": 47324, "original_id": "1250832968974774273", "reply_id": "1250833422425219072", "label": "agree", "text": "This is such a long time for Lukas not to be able to socially interact with other kids. 😩😩Play is an important part of toddler learning and development!"} {"idx": 47327, "original_id": "1250954832258772993", "reply_id": "1251033078576877572", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I love the fact that every PS4 update is always “improving system performance” but gets more sluggish each time :’)"} {"idx": 47329, "original_id": "1251154617695518721", "reply_id": "1251253454217117701", "label": "applause", "text": "I DO NOT SUPPORT SPITEFUL RUDE DOMMES! We are suppose to support and lift each other up, not tear each other down or do shady shit behind other Dommes backs. It’s fucking rude and I’m not here for that. 👋🏻 • findom •"} {"idx": 47330, "original_id": "1250912277651501062", "reply_id": "1251104377907089408", "label": "applause", "text": "hey. i get on t in 5 days. :)"} {"idx": 47331, "original_id": "1251116988329529344", "reply_id": "1251117324372971521", "label": "win", "text": "Phone sex in 2020\n📞\n\n1: Tell me your dirty fantasy, baby\n\n2: I'm sitting in a café—\n\n1: Shit\n\n2: —with people all around me. Like, a foot away\n\n1: Oh yes. Oh wow\n\n2: I put my hand down. Without sanitising\n\n1: Stop\n\n2: —and then I line up. At the counter. To order\n\n1: Oh my god"} {"idx": 47335, "original_id": "1250890044870553600", "reply_id": "1250987717543878656", "label": "shocked", "text": "My nephew for real just told on himself for spending $100 of my sisters money on his iPad video games without her permission 😂😂😂 pray for the poor child"} {"idx": 47336, "original_id": "1250886876816433175", "reply_id": "1250892494931464194", "label": "high_five", "text": "I think it’s gonna be easier for me to just build a website isn’t it 😂"} {"idx": 47342, "original_id": "1250880464673480705", "reply_id": "1250987947568107521", "label": "sigh", "text": "The White House announces that all Senate Republicans except Mitt Romney—who voted to impeach Trump on one of two counts in February—have ben invited to join a bipartisan task force on reopening the economy."} {"idx": 47343, "original_id": "1251047541988184065", "reply_id": "1251161460798980102", "label": "shocked", "text": "Goodnight women that didn’t get a goodnight text from him. It’s okay let that man-go and come with Man-do"} {"idx": 47344, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251259034843242496", "label": "seriously", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 47345, "original_id": "1251198708588384259", "reply_id": "1251199960093282311", "label": "hug", "text": "My job is now making me cry on a daily basis. Every day there’s a new task that involves hours of phone calls & logging them in utterly non-intuitive spreadsheets. We can’t finish the 1st or 2nd thing they give us before we’re getting a 3rd & 4th. I can’t keep track of anything!"} {"idx": 47346, "original_id": "1250771675936886784", "reply_id": "1250932420775489536", "label": "smh", "text": "This morning I woke up to the new unemployment numbers and death tallies from #COVID19 and my mind immediately shifted back to 2016 to all the folks who pursed their lips to say or twisted their fingers to type that there was no difference between Trump and Clinton. Happy now?"} {"idx": 47347, "original_id": "1251072641290481666", "reply_id": "1251079529486888961", "label": "seriously", "text": "I’m told the Curnow weights injury has damaged the same right knee cap - which would probably end his season. Blues tell me ‘it’s a set back’ and they’re investigating extent and implications. His manager says no surgery, just requires training to wind back."} {"idx": 47348, "original_id": "1251248588400685056", "reply_id": "1251248824082989058", "label": "shocked", "text": "And in the least surprising news of the millennium, several areas without stay-at-home orders have seen an acceleration in coronavirus cases."} {"idx": 47349, "original_id": "1250793307766173697", "reply_id": "1250839198283620352", "label": "agree", "text": "These are my views on Rahul's @RahulGandhi today press conference :- \na. A Big leader's presser\nb. A true patriotic person expressing genuine concerns\nc. A true Opposition leader's analysis & suggestions to government with constructive balanced critisism. \n\nYour views ?\n🙏🙏🙏"} {"idx": 47351, "original_id": "1251048444833062919", "reply_id": "1251050039528456193", "label": "seriously", "text": "real Gs move in silence like lasagna"} {"idx": 47352, "original_id": "1250949063383691264", "reply_id": "1250978970700525570", "label": "smh", "text": "Kanye West: \"it's better now than when Obama was in office\"\n\nWhat makes Kanye think it's better now?"} {"idx": 47353, "original_id": "1251171745635106818", "reply_id": "1251172521350660096", "label": "applause", "text": "Brownie at the 50, script Browns in end zones flanked by AFC logo and #Browns helmet. You're welcome @JDubsIII"} {"idx": 47354, "original_id": "1250850452834402305", "reply_id": "1250856131641012224", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "eek my anxiety is real bad today 😖"} {"idx": 47356, "original_id": "1251012643294494720", "reply_id": "1251013277464891397", "label": "agree", "text": "The Chinese are treating Africans like intruders in their country why do we still allow them here in Kenya? If the government doesn't act Kenyans should. Bottom line is Chinese must vacate. \n#KomeshaChinese"} {"idx": 47357, "original_id": "1250881351819157505", "reply_id": "1250906047935655938", "label": "hug", "text": "I deleted a post which I made earlier because I was confused and upset about some friendships I thought I had and it didn’t come across the way I wanted it to in the end. \n\nThis lockdown really heightens emotions, I miss being able to talk to people in person with a clear head.🙇🏻‍♂️"} {"idx": 47358, "original_id": "1251257257439965184", "reply_id": "1251265586543419397", "label": "oops", "text": "if it ever looks like i’m replying to myself it’s bc mark doesn’t switch over to his twitter🤦🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 47359, "original_id": "1251045128514555904", "reply_id": "1251045405829132288", "label": "idk", "text": "Going to bed angry at myself because alllllll this time I’ve spent tweeting tweets I could have easily read every single play by William Shakespeare and watched all the classic films of Pauly Shore."} {"idx": 47361, "original_id": "1250755238195273729", "reply_id": "1251118125476712449", "label": "applause", "text": "Maybe if Rangers fans had taken as much interest in their own club's finances, as they are doing with those of St Johnstone in regard to reconstruction, they wouldn't have let their club die in 2012."} {"idx": 47362, "original_id": "1251030745428054016", "reply_id": "1251031529934991360", "label": "hug", "text": "Ok, well, if my brain is going to interpret bedtime as silently weeping for 2 straight hours while having more existential crisis moments, I’m going to have some pie. In for a penny, and all that."} {"idx": 47363, "original_id": "1250969226313109505", "reply_id": "1251243141404995588", "label": "no", "text": "CNN is reporting that Michael Cohen will serve out the rest of his prison sentence at home due to the pandemic. What do you think?"} {"idx": 47365, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251114030166507521", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 47366, "original_id": "1251243486499627008", "reply_id": "1251255260682702848", "label": "want", "text": "I’m done with twitter no one interacts with me anymore lmaooo"} {"idx": 47367, "original_id": "1250944830827626501", "reply_id": "1250981811452182529", "label": "thank_you", "text": "#ThankfulThursday #WritingCommunity #writersmeetwriters #writerscommunity #writerslife #WriterLift \n\nNearly to .5K thanks to these fine folk:\n1/2\n@FrancisJRedmond @dutta_tutu @hubner_t @Annaliedawriter \n@Lin_Ryals @Albert_Schmidt @KWHaleLit @AshayeBrown @hbmichaels"} {"idx": 47370, "original_id": "1250983615103504395", "reply_id": "1251171125234749440", "label": "awww", "text": "I’m so lucky to have u guys in my life. Thanks so much for cheering me up today. Forever grateful for u angels💗"} {"idx": 47372, "original_id": "1251111418067324928", "reply_id": "1251128900530458624", "label": "scared", "text": "some things just shouldnt be on a snapchat story tho"} {"idx": 47377, "original_id": "1250984756570980358", "reply_id": "1250985950806781952", "label": "please", "text": "Who want my $1200? 😏"} {"idx": 47378, "original_id": "1250633867356225537", "reply_id": "1250911847131287555", "label": "shocked", "text": "My parents went to bible study last night. With 10 other people. In someone else’s home. But they didn’t hug so my mom thinks it’s ok..........\nWHO DO I CALL to report them?!"} {"idx": 47379, "original_id": "1251175587936440321", "reply_id": "1251176955992514568", "label": "awww", "text": "I like bitches who like bitches. I don’t like bitches tho😂😂"} {"idx": 47380, "original_id": "1250909254288113669", "reply_id": "1251105522159321088", "label": "shocked", "text": "Men are moodier than women.\n\nI said what I said."} {"idx": 47383, "original_id": "1251142192359329795", "reply_id": "1251145916238540807", "label": "shrug", "text": "When you find out they were actually 5 @azulrios27"} {"idx": 47386, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251002211234205696", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 47388, "original_id": "1250853705114624000", "reply_id": "1251177668487372800", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "California is wasting your tax dollars on “mixed status families,” AKA “illegals and their anchor babies.” Lovely."} {"idx": 47391, "original_id": "1250292126643941376", "reply_id": "1250841281225359362", "label": "eww", "text": "Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever."} {"idx": 47392, "original_id": "1250874477132550145", "reply_id": "1250889448340029441", "label": "high_five", "text": "The people who respond to every post with “😂😂😂😂😂” or similar won’t be laughing for much longer when Gerrard gets his points across to the watching football world.\n#CelticFC #RangersFC"} {"idx": 47393, "original_id": "1251215018080653313", "reply_id": "1251218914081738752", "label": "please", "text": "Sigh I feel like posting hole again"} {"idx": 47394, "original_id": "1251162035687092225", "reply_id": "1251164583261282305", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happiest birthday 🍰 to @fluffysmiko !!!"} {"idx": 47397, "original_id": "1251116271682359296", "reply_id": "1251116416004247555", "label": "seriously", "text": "Next winner."} {"idx": 47399, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250955170294509569", "label": "applause", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 47401, "original_id": "1250940310210973696", "reply_id": "1251101456461168640", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "For every Jalen Green there’s an Obi Toppin. For every none & done there’s a Luke Garza, a Markus Howard. College Basketball will be fine. Nice articles though guys. Next..."} {"idx": 47402, "original_id": "1250991416991342593", "reply_id": "1251010286414266368", "label": "shocked", "text": "Ok I'm ready for tik tok!"} {"idx": 47405, "original_id": "1250847467563823106", "reply_id": "1250871469619449856", "label": "thank_you", "text": "I’m struggling to understand how “people will die anyway” is a consistent pro-life position. You can’t be so adamant about people being allowed to come into the world but not concerned if a virus takes them out."} {"idx": 47406, "original_id": "1250849310729740299", "reply_id": "1250919830699589633", "label": "hug", "text": "i am no longer adult, i want affection."} {"idx": 47407, "original_id": "1250726870368301057", "reply_id": "1250863402563637248", "label": "facepalm", "text": "After me and my future hubby get two kids., He's getting a vasectomy, it's not a debate."} {"idx": 47409, "original_id": "1250982036459773952", "reply_id": "1250982836418445314", "label": "hug", "text": "Pls hug me, i need it rn . ."} {"idx": 47410, "original_id": "1250948068125614092", "reply_id": "1250977642674864128", "label": "yawn", "text": "Goodnight everybody!"} {"idx": 47415, "original_id": "1250854877481205760", "reply_id": "1250876548393193474", "label": "smh", "text": "I just had a childless, male \"friend\" try to tell me I can 100% control my anxiety while I act as schoolteacher, nurse, maid, private cook, laundress to my 2 kids during a global pandemic and I think his metaphysical body might have left streak marks on the astral plains..."} {"idx": 47417, "original_id": "1251164273960562689", "reply_id": "1251169552324530176", "label": "shocked", "text": "JMR Ghosts montage 2020 USR Multi only"} {"idx": 47419, "original_id": "1251127672597549058", "reply_id": "1251128008469078023", "label": "sigh", "text": "If the NBA season is cancelled Lebron James now has 4 RINGS in all future GOAT debates! I don’t make the rules...."} {"idx": 47422, "original_id": "1251220546848608256", "reply_id": "1251221409826779137", "label": "thank_you", "text": "100k on twitter 🥳"} {"idx": 47423, "original_id": "1250879459382747157", "reply_id": "1250886902896644097", "label": "omg", "text": "<-- He killed a child."} {"idx": 47425, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1251140367598202886", "label": "applause", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 47426, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250944625860317184", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 47428, "original_id": "1251089820358774785", "reply_id": "1251092278396870656", "label": "no", "text": "Having a convo with Mrs Wookie, telling her about how guys don't read instructions\n\nAs a man do you ever read them????"} {"idx": 47430, "original_id": "1250967307461054464", "reply_id": "1250968516565577728", "label": "scared", "text": "Reply with the gif that best describes how you felt at the start of OT in Game 6 of the 2010 Stanley Cup Final. \n\n#HawksRewind"} {"idx": 47431, "original_id": "1251145745136152578", "reply_id": "1251186743421865984", "label": "yes", "text": "Per a memo to staff this morning, 9% of Vox Media employees will be furloughed 5/01-7/31. Hours reduced for 1% of employees, tiered salary reductions for employees making over 130k. Wage increase and 401k matching freeze."} {"idx": 47432, "original_id": "1250983242368339968", "reply_id": "1251018178496327680", "label": "applause", "text": "If your reading this you’re a KING!"} {"idx": 47434, "original_id": "1250804366908420097", "reply_id": "1250844441620946944", "label": "high_five", "text": "Why is this trending? To remind us all of the life we used to have? \n\n #NationalHighFiveDay"} {"idx": 47436, "original_id": "1250937505509228544", "reply_id": "1250937687470739458", "label": "please", "text": "Yeezy Slide Analytics 📊\n\n500+ checkouts.\n15 users running."} {"idx": 47438, "original_id": "1251061641640361985", "reply_id": "1251181440794066954", "label": "shocked", "text": "Clubbers in Leeds are using dental syringes to inject liquid Ecstacy directly into their mouths!....\n\nA dangerous process known as 'E by Gum'\n\n💉💊😜🙄 happy Friday you lovely people! Keep smiling! 😊"} {"idx": 47440, "original_id": "1251174910208196608", "reply_id": "1251189562682019845", "label": "omg", "text": "Walked in the backyard and there was a beheaded buzzard\n\nGood morning"} {"idx": 47441, "original_id": "1250767438943326208", "reply_id": "1250927311702163457", "label": "please", "text": "I wish that i have a cat💔"} {"idx": 47442, "original_id": "1250642464546992129", "reply_id": "1251021456198168576", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Day two of being “out” as a conservative. Lost a couple hundred more followers across all platforms. Replaced them with a couple hundred free thinking open minded folks who are actually awake enough to have a conversation. Recorded some vocals. Winner of a day #walkaway"} {"idx": 47446, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251022148971360257", "label": "smh", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 47448, "original_id": "1251248204261269508", "reply_id": "1251248968492650497", "label": "hug", "text": "In a major funk"} {"idx": 47453, "original_id": "1250929396644339712", "reply_id": "1250995987734130689", "label": "wink", "text": "Been feeling a little restless the past couple days dealing with this stay at home shit but I keep reminding myself that like a year and a half ago I was in a bad place mentally so I’m just grateful for the progress I’ve made to be here present and for this powerful ass I got 🥰"} {"idx": 47454, "original_id": "1251210074242023424", "reply_id": "1251214853236195335", "label": "hug", "text": "day 30 and i just need a hug 😭😭"} {"idx": 47457, "original_id": "1250906711524814854", "reply_id": "1250909587085107201", "label": "shocked", "text": "You can’t tell me that #MeAt20 on Twitter and the ridiculous senior picture challenge aren’t a way to gather face identification information overtime"} {"idx": 47460, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250967855840935939", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 47461, "original_id": "1250860674516955140", "reply_id": "1250869065142370305", "label": "applause", "text": "I asked my girlfriend what she wanted for breakfast this morning and all she said was “Eat my nuts” while she continued playing animal crossing in bed\n\nI don’t think she even heard what I said"} {"idx": 47462, "original_id": "1250909174562725889", "reply_id": "1250909549126488064", "label": "no", "text": "Trump: We've done more testing than any country anywhere in the world."} {"idx": 47466, "original_id": "1251178596460376067", "reply_id": "1251219578568441857", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Been laying in bed awake for 2 hours, guess I should get up 🤷‍♀️"} {"idx": 47471, "original_id": "1251125289964486656", "reply_id": "1251134460797562880", "label": "agree", "text": "Bought some $Link again, not much but I feel better after I did it. Now I just hodl them with rest of my Links. They are in good hands 🙏"} {"idx": 47475, "original_id": "1250923222880657408", "reply_id": "1250940694405042177", "label": "eww", "text": "Bill O’Brien addressed the biggest needs for the #Texans after a busy offseason of trades and signings."} {"idx": 47477, "original_id": "1250853390088724481", "reply_id": "1250886496594399238", "label": "applause", "text": "Tested negative for Corona which is good, given my medical history. Hopefully I'll avoid it properly!"} {"idx": 47478, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251232765875552257", "label": "dance", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 47479, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251140215118405634", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 47481, "original_id": "1251058018810245123", "reply_id": "1251058552359325697", "label": "wink", "text": "@sajolusajo shenziiii😂😂"} {"idx": 47483, "original_id": "1251237210063601664", "reply_id": "1251240223712980994", "label": "omg", "text": "It’s so nice and considerate of cashiers at gas stations to grab your drink from the top (where your mouth touches) to scan it. One energy drink comes to $2.59, the coronavirus is on the house."} {"idx": 47484, "original_id": "1250883882817409025", "reply_id": "1250885433262825476", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "KENDRICK LAMAR IS SO SO OVERRATED 😒\n\nDONT @ ME"} {"idx": 47486, "original_id": "1251107731508826112", "reply_id": "1251121100664127493", "label": "hearts", "text": "My sister was upset because today was supposed to be her convocation.\nSo i got her to get ready and take pictures with mom(because i am always in my nightsuit). And now she is happy.\nQuite an awww moment."} {"idx": 47489, "original_id": "1250879414382080006", "reply_id": "1250902963670876161", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "If you don’t want me to call you out for being a sexist pig, don’t be a sexist pig. Especially if you look like you live in your moms basement and jack off to pictures of her"} {"idx": 47490, "original_id": "1250922560331698178", "reply_id": "1250923508399513601", "label": "scared", "text": "Honestly, this love shit scares tf outta me."} {"idx": 47492, "original_id": "1251241314638692353", "reply_id": "1251241738473287681", "label": "yes", "text": "The president of the United States is a sociopath."} {"idx": 47493, "original_id": "1251085043117817857", "reply_id": "1251181331549163520", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a really crap time recently but there's always something that pops up to give me hope."} {"idx": 47494, "original_id": "1250977898007322626", "reply_id": "1250978680513400833", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m tired of the tweets about food. Drop a gif below that describes your mood right now."} {"idx": 47497, "original_id": "1250830036858437632", "reply_id": "1250932396352036866", "label": "yes", "text": "Say YES below if you are working harder and being more productive now that you are quarantined."} {"idx": 47498, "original_id": "1250939805623435264", "reply_id": "1250972563565694984", "label": "yes", "text": "And here. We. Go!"} {"idx": 47500, "original_id": "1250964960131325953", "reply_id": "1250965273240313863", "label": "hug", "text": "i didn’t know so many of you would send me hugs 🥺 it makes me feel better just knowing i have friends like you all 💞 if you ever need help i’m here for you too"} {"idx": 47501, "original_id": "1251060052741353474", "reply_id": "1251063074632560640", "label": "shocked", "text": "fuck social distancing do u want some cock or not"} {"idx": 47502, "original_id": "1250908169993367564", "reply_id": "1250908542623780864", "label": "sigh", "text": "I miss my bed"} {"idx": 47504, "original_id": "1250834841127596034", "reply_id": "1250873044421218304", "label": "eww", "text": "My husband still has to go into the Pentagon for work once a week... and I must say, I’ve gotten so used to having him around all day while I’m working, that I’m kinda bummed when he’s not here. Yes, I realize this is quite sappy #confession"} {"idx": 47506, "original_id": "1250840996428087297", "reply_id": "1251041735817465858", "label": "yes", "text": "thinking of having a live show on instagram of me eating wendys in my car"} {"idx": 47510, "original_id": "1250382921866895362", "reply_id": "1251041086643908608", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "If I wanted a check signed by tRump, I would have\nbecome a porn star."} {"idx": 47512, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250960784131346441", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 47515, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250961275665944578", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 47516, "original_id": "1251237743067308035", "reply_id": "1251247728413364226", "label": "ok", "text": "If you woulda told me a week or two ago I’d be off the waft and out run I would have laughed in your face, now I’m off the waft and just went for a nice run and am feeling good about myself 🙏"} {"idx": 47518, "original_id": "1250961631896625152", "reply_id": "1250974988615725058", "label": "eww", "text": "I just saw a mouse in the kitchen!"} {"idx": 47519, "original_id": "1250850980251525121", "reply_id": "1250876495276507136", "label": "no", "text": "should men have rights? be honest."} {"idx": 47520, "original_id": "1250899507165962242", "reply_id": "1251033449990774785", "label": "popcorn", "text": "You know them Latter-day Saint feminists always want to talk about Heavenly Mother but they’re awfully silent on Mrs. Satan."} {"idx": 47521, "original_id": "1251087273245974528", "reply_id": "1251087799136194566", "label": "shocked", "text": "It's just like me replying someone I'm cool with with a little banter, and he should reply me with \"That's why you have erectile dysfunction\". Because he knows I do"} {"idx": 47522, "original_id": "1250950224194887680", "reply_id": "1250951297592778752", "label": "smh", "text": "Her: I’m a squirter.\n\nMe: I cum like a regular woman then pee afterwards."} {"idx": 47523, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251005251458457601", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 47524, "original_id": "1251028563693887488", "reply_id": "1251031224811810818", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "why are straight men just like...not it"} {"idx": 47526, "original_id": "1251146393705517059", "reply_id": "1251196060430749696", "label": "wink", "text": "With all due respect - if you have more than 3 kids - ,”yo pussy is everything!!!” - #KevinGatesVoice"} {"idx": 47527, "original_id": "1250762786428379139", "reply_id": "1251050327001968641", "label": "applause", "text": "i just wanna be a cute hentai girl i guess"} {"idx": 47529, "original_id": "1250880498974576640", "reply_id": "1251132938718269442", "label": "shocked", "text": "Okay so as many of you know, I like to be filled like a Twinkie. Now, it’s been about two years since that happened bc well...we divorced but I would like to announce that..\n\nThat drought has been broken. I’ve been creampied 🤗"} {"idx": 47530, "original_id": "1250813089903259652", "reply_id": "1250845938085756930", "label": "eww", "text": "Raw cabbage as a snack. It’s come to this. In your honour @MrStevenCree"} {"idx": 47531, "original_id": "1250509290626048000", "reply_id": "1250932819800580098", "label": "oops", "text": "i'm glad i had my wild phase already and partied when i was younger bc now i can just focus on being a mom and not regretting not having fun 🥰"} {"idx": 47532, "original_id": "1251192427882389504", "reply_id": "1251219206823129090", "label": "no", "text": "Top 3 best rappers:\n\nNLE Choppa\nBlueface\nKodak Black"} {"idx": 47534, "original_id": "1250908950444363781", "reply_id": "1250909725568499720", "label": "yes", "text": "6pm.\n\nIt’s the bullshit hour😃"} {"idx": 47535, "original_id": "1250874467531833344", "reply_id": "1250874815466090501", "label": "shrug", "text": "Prime Minister's spokesman says Boris Johnson joined in with the Clap for Our Carers tonight to say thank you for the \"incredible efforts of the country's doctors, nurses and care workers\""} {"idx": 47536, "original_id": "1251174984392814593", "reply_id": "1251207671019175936", "label": "no", "text": "How many of you have never once put the title of President in front of Trump?"} {"idx": 47541, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251207238385119232", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 47543, "original_id": "1251138568904466432", "reply_id": "1251139049965961216", "label": "shocked", "text": "TL sleep ?? Choke me while you fuck me I’m in love with that shit 😌😛"} {"idx": 47546, "original_id": "1250849963841662979", "reply_id": "1250887046597664768", "label": "agree", "text": "i want all of u to consider this: wonho could’ve never come back. he could’ve stayed silent. he could’ve never ever gone back to the music industry. yet here mbbs are, demanding more from him. this was probably the hardest months of his life. no kpop idol has bounced back so fast"} {"idx": 47549, "original_id": "1250940501018238979", "reply_id": "1250962169702699009", "label": "hug", "text": "#WorldSemiColonDay (mental health awareness & suicide prevention) This year’s theme is a story worth sharing to help others know they aren’t alone. \n\nOn 1/16/09 I tried to take my own life, after a week in the hospital I started my recovery journey."} {"idx": 47550, "original_id": "1250918372373671941", "reply_id": "1250955669022355456", "label": "applause", "text": "guys the corporate journalists think the contempt for them is exclusive to, or a function of, trump and that once he's gone america will rightfully venerate them \"again\""} {"idx": 47553, "original_id": "1251165687684517889", "reply_id": "1251181864871657477", "label": "yes", "text": "If only the whole world could be run by we Gen Xers, the only good generation alive."} {"idx": 47556, "original_id": "1251204849758343168", "reply_id": "1251209260781973505", "label": "scared", "text": "Guys, I know I’m fun but please when lockdown is over, DO NOT tempt me into booking holidays."} {"idx": 47559, "original_id": "1250870171528388608", "reply_id": "1250880981118054400", "label": "applause", "text": "DBs and WRs the most toxic positions in football and here’s why😂\n\nDB gets cooked & ball is overthrown*\nDB: “You trash, sorry as hell bringing that s**t over here”\n\nWR gets clamped all game then scores a GL pick play*\nWR: “You can’t guard me! You’re a** bro! SCOREBOARD!!!!"} {"idx": 47564, "original_id": "1250860623971471371", "reply_id": "1250861686543785984", "label": "eww", "text": "Why am I thinking the snake got out and into Ava’s purse?! #GH"} {"idx": 47565, "original_id": "1251223649098633217", "reply_id": "1251264054225784835", "label": "yes", "text": "What do you guys think of Jake Fromm and a potential fit with the Patriots?"} {"idx": 47566, "original_id": "1250858822652039169", "reply_id": "1251133816632213505", "label": "yawn", "text": "The most funny,noisemakers,dumbest and naive fanbase we have in Ghana is de sarknatives herrh fanbase wey shaa like Dem art ein lyrics tweakai🤣u will troll wale with streams,YouTube,followers on both IG and Twitter including Facebook and wen dah mke ur art appear on billboard"} {"idx": 47570, "original_id": "1251247870021419009", "reply_id": "1251252822806605828", "label": "yolo", "text": "Talks of my virtual birthday plans began today 😞 I miss my peeps, and being able to go places"} {"idx": 47573, "original_id": "1251046820785999875", "reply_id": "1251075346352402433", "label": "hug", "text": "i wanna hug"} {"idx": 47576, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251240201671901191", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 47577, "original_id": "1251033790606045184", "reply_id": "1251050121091039233", "label": "agree", "text": "Beyond excited to find out this afternoon that our @arc_gov_au Linkage project ‘Designing Gender Equality Into the #FutureofWork’ was successful. Working with @meraiahfoley @ariadne_syd @SarahMosseri #squad @Sydney_Uni"} {"idx": 47580, "original_id": "1251238297810219012", "reply_id": "1251239046489214982", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@jakecoco \nOkay... I'll give ya a try lol \n\n*Followed\n#WalkAway"} {"idx": 47581, "original_id": "1251081041072119808", "reply_id": "1251082334750695425", "label": "eww", "text": "Is it normal to actually smile and admire your long nails ? Or am I just weird ? 🤔"} {"idx": 47582, "original_id": "1251215445815971848", "reply_id": "1251218816945868802", "label": "facepalm", "text": "#BREAKING: Maryville Baptist Church in Louisville & Pastor Jack Roberts today filed a federal lawsuit against Gov. @AndyBeshearKY for “violating their religious freedom by targeting churchgoers on Easter Sunday,” according to the Liberty Counsel. @WKRN"} {"idx": 47585, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250841203408601089", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 47586, "original_id": "1251197090967027713", "reply_id": "1251204590005075968", "label": "seriously", "text": "Man I love racing but I’m not gonna lie I’ve low key thought a million times about how I could put that money into a brand new glider show truck and trailer 🥴🤪"} {"idx": 47592, "original_id": "1250782321210351618", "reply_id": "1250835609817497600", "label": "hearts", "text": "Yesterday was very hard for me. Today is a new day."} {"idx": 47593, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251112426189307911", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 47598, "original_id": "1251036156176879618", "reply_id": "1251041128448765954", "label": "agree", "text": "I thought I was the ruler of archery tbh turns out I’m wrong"} {"idx": 47599, "original_id": "1250515808356188160", "reply_id": "1250911963774947338", "label": "no", "text": "Thank you All, Rusev out!"} {"idx": 47600, "original_id": "1251167655534395400", "reply_id": "1251168301255966723", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugs, guy. \nI really miss hugging people.\n😔"} {"idx": 47605, "original_id": "1251193777022271494", "reply_id": "1251239109449986051", "label": "shrug", "text": "Be honest: how much work are you getting done each day on average, in hours?"} {"idx": 47607, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251173179931983874", "label": "smh", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 47609, "original_id": "1251192530613526528", "reply_id": "1251261240581619712", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Friends! The ETP was approved - count down to America officially starts now!"} {"idx": 47615, "original_id": "1250828953272619010", "reply_id": "1251092042123444224", "label": "hug", "text": "Just really really really need a hug"} {"idx": 47616, "original_id": "1250924117643190272", "reply_id": "1250926741914345473", "label": "yes", "text": "Reply to this tweet with a reaction GIF to the first time you heard a pussy fart"} {"idx": 47617, "original_id": "1251157309901795335", "reply_id": "1251204239420002305", "label": "shocked", "text": "Just found a tin of pineapple pieces in the cupboard with a sell by date of January 2019. Should I chance them?"} {"idx": 47620, "original_id": "1251033179529580545", "reply_id": "1251034065962237957", "label": "seriously", "text": "I want a lil boo to txt"} {"idx": 47621, "original_id": "1251215452942016525", "reply_id": "1251216315358089219", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Worryingly for the US, the rich run the country and there's saucepans with more sense than the leaders and governors - their voice is heard louder than most. They'll re-open trade and businesses and the virus will sweep even faster. Fucking idiots."} {"idx": 47624, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251053835360956416", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 47625, "original_id": "1251110347143966720", "reply_id": "1251110545589067781", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I'll also dm the winner if he/she didn't follow I will be picking another winner! (it's fair)\nGood luck to all the people who entered my giveaway! 🤗💕💕"} {"idx": 47627, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250941577884819456", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 47631, "original_id": "1250940789544247296", "reply_id": "1250944032278228993", "label": "ok", "text": "Play it back!\n\nJoin us on Friday afternoon as we watch the 2002 playoff matchup from Green Bay. \n\nTune in to YouTube and follow along on Twitter beginning at 4pm Friday."} {"idx": 47638, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250945786436673536", "label": "applause", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 47641, "original_id": "1250908252721655809", "reply_id": "1250912574742212608", "label": "yes", "text": "Name a better combo than Turbos and blue cherry Gatorade 🤤"} {"idx": 47642, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1251047064252940288", "label": "wink", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 47644, "original_id": "1250853203106828290", "reply_id": "1250853482208227328", "label": "applause", "text": "BAILOUT HUMANS NOW!"} {"idx": 47646, "original_id": "1251212072018296834", "reply_id": "1251212787797258240", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "i'm so proud: the employee I advised my manager to hire for our department is like one of our best ever & she's still so new :D"} {"idx": 47650, "original_id": "1251258591148990464", "reply_id": "1251258967566712838", "label": "hug", "text": "My father went into the hospital today with a stroke. My mom can't go stay with him bc covid. My sister was exposed by a coworker and is now waiting. My best friend was exposed by a coworker and is now waiting. I've lost 2 classmates and a teacher to corona.\n\n2020 can eat a dick."} {"idx": 47654, "original_id": "1251219636789538816", "reply_id": "1251234882983989249", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I just wanted to stream and play fallout all day :("} {"idx": 47657, "original_id": "1251230084570255361", "reply_id": "1251231292282277888", "label": "good_luck", "text": "If you like 70s porn, you will love what I’ve got going on nowadays 😂"} {"idx": 47658, "original_id": "1251164912618889217", "reply_id": "1251166958936100864", "label": "no", "text": "what if u looked at my header"} {"idx": 47659, "original_id": "1251011467739926530", "reply_id": "1251012212556087296", "label": "seriously", "text": "Need a new roster current one sucks"} {"idx": 47660, "original_id": "1250895572103499782", "reply_id": "1251096802654408710", "label": "shocked", "text": "All those that voted Jor Weah, Ole bo. One side sabu, one side grey hair."} {"idx": 47663, "original_id": "1250798292730105866", "reply_id": "1250877147700514825", "label": "applause", "text": "just texted a girl in my math class and she is responding to all my messages in less than 30 seconds."} {"idx": 47664, "original_id": "1251191947529801732", "reply_id": "1251192059882602496", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "No way rn i finally finished my essay what year is it"} {"idx": 47670, "original_id": "1250919881656107014", "reply_id": "1250922503750500354", "label": "shocked", "text": "is the tl busy?\n\ni just had cornbread for the first time.. this shit slaps."} {"idx": 47671, "original_id": "1251176407365029888", "reply_id": "1251176683719163905", "label": "sigh", "text": "BREAKING NEWS: Manchester United are prepared to pay the fee for Jack Grealish which will include bonuses after agreeing personal terms with the player.🔴\n#MUFC #grealish"} {"idx": 47672, "original_id": "1250900486817005575", "reply_id": "1250901956526252032", "label": "awww", "text": "There are people here who make me smile, who are real and admit their lives are shitpits, who just want to get through the day. You guys are the reason I'm here 💜 \n\nAnd boobs. Also here for boobs"} {"idx": 47676, "original_id": "1250979925349109760", "reply_id": "1250991787033812993", "label": "eww", "text": "just saw an irl in my tl and now im scared >:(((("} {"idx": 47677, "original_id": "1251226734277488640", "reply_id": "1251229355713261568", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Smfh the worst part about sports getting cancelled was that I was gonna win both fantasy leagues that I was in 😫😫"} {"idx": 47679, "original_id": "1250865015692779520", "reply_id": "1250942248964861952", "label": "hug", "text": "Before bed, I’m watching How I Met Your Mother and it’s the episode where Marshall’s dad died. I started crying when they started talking about last words because I realized that I don’t remember my grandfather’s last words to me were. And here I am, alone, crying."} {"idx": 47682, "original_id": "1251229473271279616", "reply_id": "1251244081595985922", "label": "hug", "text": "Somebody hug me. 💔"} {"idx": 47683, "original_id": "1251268051699331072", "reply_id": "1251272187052523520", "label": "applause", "text": "Bears fans reply with a gif of how you feel about Trey Burton being released"} {"idx": 47684, "original_id": "1250927626082025481", "reply_id": "1250967596440182784", "label": "no", "text": "President @realDonaldTrump has moved heaven and earth to ensure ventilators get to where they are needed most."} {"idx": 47689, "original_id": "1250797590028959744", "reply_id": "1250856715215679494", "label": "shrug", "text": "5 yo: What do you like Mommy?\n\nMe: Peace and quiet. \n\n5: That’s RUDE."} {"idx": 47690, "original_id": "1250871056119693312", "reply_id": "1250953884706603008", "label": "oops", "text": "NBA/G-League Initiative Losers:\n* Foreign Leagues like NBL & their American associates steering US players to them for a hefty kick-back\n* NBA - now have to explain to WNBA players why they are paying HS kids hundreds of thousands more than the average WNBA salary ($116k)"} {"idx": 47694, "original_id": "1250889977967362048", "reply_id": "1250898671421571073", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I accomplished so much today! Thank God for giving me the energy to do so🙂"} {"idx": 47696, "original_id": "1251186242357772294", "reply_id": "1251188137017171968", "label": "agree", "text": "Does anyone else put a pound of pepper on everything they eat"} {"idx": 47697, "original_id": "1250923580545740801", "reply_id": "1250923822808793093", "label": "wink", "text": "The country is about to open!!!\n\nThank you President @realDonaldTrump for your leadership during this crisis! \n\nWe believe in you! \n#America"} {"idx": 47698, "original_id": "1250873386244296705", "reply_id": "1251124726384254977", "label": "yes", "text": "All of the VP speculation is getting really tiresome lol"} {"idx": 47701, "original_id": "1250883716471156736", "reply_id": "1250886058364923905", "label": "agree", "text": "love is not dying @jeremyzucker \nwhat a crazy piece of art , what a vibe , what an artist 🙏💙✨\n@TeamVisionary"} {"idx": 47705, "original_id": "1250875832744251396", "reply_id": "1250926745978646529", "label": "applause", "text": "52 Senate Republicans have been asked by President Trump to serve on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group. The lone GOP Senator NOT invited... @MittRomney"} {"idx": 47707, "original_id": "1249899889405771776", "reply_id": "1251040164694155264", "label": "agree", "text": "Me, all day: \"Oh, gosh, I really need to work on X. Ugh, and Y really needs to get done this week. Oh, no, I forgot I have to do Z!!\"\n\nMe, finally finding time to sit at my computer: *stares blankly in complete overwhelm until I get interrupted*"} {"idx": 47709, "original_id": "1250847041019711488", "reply_id": "1250848689637085186", "label": "no", "text": "Do y’all really think we’re gonna open up on May 1st?"} {"idx": 47710, "original_id": "1250954569774923777", "reply_id": "1250978104488521728", "label": "yes", "text": "I debated posting this publicly for a while but fuck it I’m proud of myself.\n\nI helped launch a game this week while battling a depressive episode without medication. \nI don’t know how I’m functioning right now but I’m really proud of myself for working through this."} {"idx": 47711, "original_id": "1250980350156779522", "reply_id": "1250994358855200768", "label": "applause", "text": "Dr Oz says let kids die. Dr Phil says open up because we don't close down for car deaths. What would Dr. Smith from Lost in Space recommend. He'll be on @seanhannity tomorrow night along with Judge Judy."} {"idx": 47714, "original_id": "1250853369557721088", "reply_id": "1250853817702322178", "label": "please", "text": "Ok Peter is in 90% of the flashers today. Usually that means he character is going to die.\nFrom Wubsy's lips... \n#GH"} {"idx": 47715, "original_id": "1250746891765190656", "reply_id": "1250972904671662080", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s my 71st birthday. Thankful to have my pets to be with. 🎈❤️🐾"} {"idx": 47716, "original_id": "1251226668766834689", "reply_id": "1251241385396539392", "label": "please", "text": "Marvel doing a virtual Hall H panel live on Disney+ seems like a Win-Win for all parties. \n\nPut new content on the streaming service, give fans a look at what’s coming— #BlackWidow, Shang-Chi, Eternals, Falcon & Winter Solider, WandaVision, & Loki have stuff\n\nI volunteer to host."} {"idx": 47719, "original_id": "1250981098168803329", "reply_id": "1250981408610430977", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm really proud of myself the past two weeks. I've been up, showered, and at my desk for 7am — AND I'm averaging three glasses of wine a night. It's all going great."} {"idx": 47721, "original_id": "1251259989915729937", "reply_id": "1251262351397072898", "label": "good_luck", "text": "Finding a lot of new music with this lockdown, you should too."} {"idx": 47722, "original_id": "1251012476373622784", "reply_id": "1251019175788601344", "label": "no", "text": "I aM ᵂᵒʳᵗʰˡᵉˢˢ"} {"idx": 47724, "original_id": "1250864711027101696", "reply_id": "1250865504522317824", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Ima cut my own hair this weekend 😩 HELP ME JESUS"} {"idx": 47725, "original_id": "1251162349647560704", "reply_id": "1251174621451374593", "label": "agree", "text": "Updated tiers for my top 10 rookies:\n\nJonathan Taylor\nD’Andre Swift\n—————\nCam Akers\nJK Dobbins\nCeeDee Lamb\nClyde Edwards-Helaire\nJerry Jeudy\n—————\nJustin Jefferson\n—————\nTee Higgins\nJalen Reagor"} {"idx": 47726, "original_id": "1251191602762133507", "reply_id": "1251192632413507584", "label": "sigh", "text": "Me and Khaleah been on and off for about a good 8 years LMAOOO it’s sad"} {"idx": 47730, "original_id": "1250909738260402177", "reply_id": "1250926788089466880", "label": "facepalm", "text": "President Trump: \"Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us.\""} {"idx": 47731, "original_id": "1250535281931010048", "reply_id": "1250852513999392769", "label": "agree", "text": "The trash took itself out"} {"idx": 47736, "original_id": "1250999645393817600", "reply_id": "1251002199649464325", "label": "scared", "text": "I’m pissed."} {"idx": 47738, "original_id": "1251155330714632192", "reply_id": "1251198705316880387", "label": "oops", "text": "I want someone to look 👀 at me the way \n\nmy ex looked at everyone but not me 🙃"} {"idx": 47741, "original_id": "1250954587361738757", "reply_id": "1250972353221332992", "label": "agree", "text": "I cooked Griffin dinner tn and he said he wanted me to do so every night. But like that’s funny, I don’t remember there being a ring on my finger??"} {"idx": 47743, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251034426177437698", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 47745, "original_id": "1250929351106969605", "reply_id": "1250932276810133506", "label": "shocked", "text": "Cum to the dark side. I give mind-blowing blow jobs. Feel the force of my grip. It's like a kung-fu grip. I wanna make you drip not trip."} {"idx": 47748, "original_id": "1251122501318393857", "reply_id": "1251186660861030401", "label": "shocked", "text": "Screw social distancing ,if you turn me on ,I am jumping you !"} {"idx": 47751, "original_id": "1250850675321339906", "reply_id": "1250860153601175553", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m back on Twitter! I lost my password about 9 years ago and only just got round to resetting it."} {"idx": 47752, "original_id": "1250928532785704960", "reply_id": "1251029734743592961", "label": "no", "text": "oh fuck i’m bout to deactivate"} {"idx": 47753, "original_id": "1250899554641289216", "reply_id": "1250899767745548293", "label": "applause", "text": "Twitter Philanthropy News\n\n✅ Successfully Lobbied and Predicted $96 Billion Drug Company for their CoronaVirus Drug \n\n✅ Launched “Bailout Humans” with success across the world in last two days\n\n✅ Gave over $20,000 cash out to people in need \n\n ✅ Many more. Look at timeline 👍"} {"idx": 47755, "original_id": "1251025866395652096", "reply_id": "1251027534885597185", "label": "facepalm", "text": "You know someone actually told me “You’re not frontlines because you don’t have patient contact......”"} {"idx": 47757, "original_id": "1251157276578115586", "reply_id": "1251157902653444097", "label": "oops", "text": "Why is the fuck am I watching Cats?"} {"idx": 47758, "original_id": "1250989795578458113", "reply_id": "1250991681450635265", "label": "awww", "text": "The TL is a happy place this morning!"} {"idx": 47760, "original_id": "1251053325946105858", "reply_id": "1251165436034478081", "label": "hug", "text": "odio los abrazos but i kinda need one rn"} {"idx": 47761, "original_id": "1251117124304723970", "reply_id": "1251225108146016258", "label": "applause", "text": "Dr Oz...You're a moron\nDr Phil...You're a moron\nDr Drew...You're a moron\nDr #Fauci...Thank you...\n\n#coronavirus #Covid19"} {"idx": 47763, "original_id": "1251232836918685698", "reply_id": "1251235951051001857", "label": "facepalm", "text": "new Gallup poll on how Americans rate Trump’s performance as president\n\nwhites w/out college degrees:\n61% approve\n37% disapprove\n\neveryone else:\n31% approve\n64% disapprove"} {"idx": 47767, "original_id": "1251176180683808771", "reply_id": "1251176907569274880", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Saw 6 young lads (not related obviously) all hanging out on the streets, playing football. No regard for social distancing let alone lockdown, whilst taking the dogs out for a walk... I wish I had bigger dogs... then I might have yelled at them like an old man"} {"idx": 47770, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250968304937652224", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 47771, "original_id": "1251118853234601985", "reply_id": "1251183984593244166", "label": "hug", "text": "Just tell me you want to play with my tits 🤤"} {"idx": 47772, "original_id": "1251107827097223168", "reply_id": "1251147358076727304", "label": "ok", "text": "Shame on you Babita Bigot!"} {"idx": 47773, "original_id": "1250897927847006209", "reply_id": "1250898948241403905", "label": "dance", "text": "#theme #music @theweeknd #theweeknd Good thursday evening ! imagine perfume in Hans, hair on the wind, I'm on a nightclub tonight. 🌹🥂 #love #lover ♥️"} {"idx": 47777, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251062064426225664", "label": "seriously", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 47778, "original_id": "1250965108005597184", "reply_id": "1250965257247289347", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "maybe I should have a nap for lunch"} {"idx": 47780, "original_id": "1251001315108536320", "reply_id": "1251001647985307650", "label": "oops", "text": "You are all beautiful😘"} {"idx": 47781, "original_id": "1251157321616482309", "reply_id": "1251274554946748417", "label": "oops", "text": "when they open at the high and close at the low, the Japanese refer to that as the candle melting. (hint: it's not bullish)"} {"idx": 47785, "original_id": "1250798571806490625", "reply_id": "1250932956807540736", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Should college football play their season this fall? If they do will you go to a game?"} {"idx": 47786, "original_id": "1250846666455781376", "reply_id": "1250855980457320449", "label": "seriously", "text": "I need a little weed. ☹️"} {"idx": 47788, "original_id": "1251149758032343041", "reply_id": "1251150300091527176", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Its Friday and it is time to make new friends.\nCheck out;\n@HoloskyPodcast \n@10ishPod \n@theDropAnchor \n@DecisionsPod \n@spookyalecsam \n@GLSleeping \n@PBI_Crypto \n@SSTTWYDPodcast"} {"idx": 47792, "original_id": "1250945195736281088", "reply_id": "1250951688577572865", "label": "applause", "text": "I just submitted my last assignment of nursing school. I did it. I really freaking did it. 🥺😭"} {"idx": 47793, "original_id": "1250852315566833665", "reply_id": "1250853278784643074", "label": "hug", "text": "Y’all: *shakes tree* gets badass cool furniture.\n\nMe: *shakes tree* gets a fuckin fax machine for the 5ths time. \n\n🥺"} {"idx": 47800, "original_id": "1251201784619687937", "reply_id": "1251220386148241409", "label": "shocked", "text": "My goodness, missing someone this much shouldn't even be normal 😭"} {"idx": 47801, "original_id": "1250861626296684544", "reply_id": "1251052808431960065", "label": "applause", "text": "nobody:\n\n90's boybands:\n\n(-(-_(-_-)_-)-)"} {"idx": 47805, "original_id": "1250951928378359808", "reply_id": "1250970934955192322", "label": "agree", "text": "At least mandatory face masks are covering up most of my adult acne."} {"idx": 47806, "original_id": "1250919296651399169", "reply_id": "1250951963057029128", "label": "facepalm", "text": "It’s so cute when guys make their girlfriend their header"} {"idx": 47807, "original_id": "1250902608983752706", "reply_id": "1250921147253882880", "label": "wink", "text": "Appreciate me."} {"idx": 47808, "original_id": "1250790050364829698", "reply_id": "1250920718616932354", "label": "no", "text": "Under what circumstances would you ever trust Bill Gates?"} {"idx": 47813, "original_id": "1250859453101928448", "reply_id": "1251078844037169153", "label": "yes", "text": "Did Dr. Oz just basically say \"fuck them kids\"???"} {"idx": 47815, "original_id": "1250951197248425986", "reply_id": "1250967629789122561", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "If a guy propose and she says no, is the relationship automatically over?"} {"idx": 47816, "original_id": "1250946467386273792", "reply_id": "1250955489963376641", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Lockdown got you all realizing you are the side chic..OUCH"} {"idx": 47817, "original_id": "1250976362820706304", "reply_id": "1251024148597485569", "label": "no", "text": "If I Block You That Means Pull Up 🤷🏾‍♂️😂😂😂"} {"idx": 47820, "original_id": "1251230032271466504", "reply_id": "1251249905978560519", "label": "ok", "text": "Why am I getting all of these followers? Stop following me you idiots!"} {"idx": 47822, "original_id": "1251125517685788672", "reply_id": "1251126502973980672", "label": "agree", "text": "How do we feel about a Sag sun, Libra moon, Cap rising?"} {"idx": 47823, "original_id": "1251114811095539714", "reply_id": "1251115299551748097", "label": "agree", "text": "Sony fans are 'Pony's' . XBox Fans are 'Xbots'. PC fans go by 'Master Race'.Being a neutral gamer and loving each one of them, does that just make me a grown ass man that doesn't act like he's 10?"} {"idx": 47824, "original_id": "1250080043235041281", "reply_id": "1250879553519542272", "label": "want", "text": "Who tryin to run some Warzone?"} {"idx": 47825, "original_id": "1251225222579204097", "reply_id": "1251225608824201219", "label": "agree", "text": "A $10 box of chocolates not 1959 must have been the size of a suitcase. #NxNW #TCMParty"} {"idx": 47826, "original_id": "1251220636791382017", "reply_id": "1251261676495736832", "label": "hug", "text": "I really miss hugging :/"} {"idx": 47828, "original_id": "1251265202978533381", "reply_id": "1251265881742639105", "label": "eww", "text": "selling used children's underwear on ND is fucking weird."} {"idx": 47832, "original_id": "1251167147184861184", "reply_id": "1251170616616660993", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "When The Grinch was talking about “an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable,” I’m pretty sure he was talking about Susan Allan Block’s Facebook page."} {"idx": 47833, "original_id": "1251075591014662144", "reply_id": "1251081739872550912", "label": "no", "text": "If you support Biden like this\n\nI want to prove a point to someone"} {"idx": 47837, "original_id": "1251123327260917761", "reply_id": "1251177342938079234", "label": "hug", "text": "Rollercoaster of emotions kind of day. One minute I feel fine, next I feel like I’m falling apart. 😔💔"} {"idx": 47840, "original_id": "1251145842188152832", "reply_id": "1251146418670104583", "label": "agree", "text": "There is no way people would be coming for Oprah for the words of two white men that she has no control over if she weren’t a black woman. No way."} {"idx": 47841, "original_id": "1251097027078959105", "reply_id": "1251122936037232645", "label": "seriously", "text": "I really hope @Oprah speaks about the dangerous statements by @DrPhil and @DrOz WE need her voice."} {"idx": 47846, "original_id": "1251193711741943809", "reply_id": "1251196679686152194", "label": "no", "text": "Is Jamie Vardy one of the best strikers in world football? 🌍\n\n#LCFC boss Brendan Rodgers joined The Football Show to discuss Jamie Vardy, James Maddison and being a manager under lockdown. 🔒"} {"idx": 47849, "original_id": "1250973728554528774", "reply_id": "1250994327389519872", "label": "applause", "text": "So Fauci's on Laura Ingraham tonight. She played a tape of Biden being critical of trump & plans to deal with the virus. She tried to get Fauci to attack Biden. She kept trashing him & then said \"what do you have to say to Biden?\"\nHe said \"Well, Laura, he's right. Biden's right\""} {"idx": 47853, "original_id": "1251240087788150785", "reply_id": "1251240236794830848", "label": "no", "text": "Ok imagine a RWBY huntress team made up of...\n\nBellona\nNemesis\nNike\nAmaterasu\n\nTeam BNNA or banana.\n\nSIGN MY ASS UP"} {"idx": 47854, "original_id": "1251107622536622080", "reply_id": "1251127183445131265", "label": "shocked", "text": "P'Zee called Saint at 01 am and gave him Whey protein as a present lol\n\n#ZaintSee"} {"idx": 47858, "original_id": "1250880925203927041", "reply_id": "1251018222880636928", "label": "agree", "text": "The #Stimuluscheck #stimuluspayment is phenomenal.\n It should go out every month. Forever. #UniversalBasicIncome"} {"idx": 47859, "original_id": "1251158352232513536", "reply_id": "1251209025523519488", "label": "idk", "text": "So at no point during the recording of DaBaby new album did the engineers just say ENOUGH??"} {"idx": 47865, "original_id": "1251022843447373826", "reply_id": "1251092616017371136", "label": "no", "text": "11:11 need my crush to like me back."} {"idx": 47866, "original_id": "1250785714217914369", "reply_id": "1250948035271589896", "label": "omg", "text": "When I get to 3000 followers, I'll post a stupid video of myself, probably saying something dumb and doing absolutely nothing."} {"idx": 47867, "original_id": "1251252742150066178", "reply_id": "1251255762703310854", "label": "yes", "text": "i think i should stream tonight... 🤔\nit's been almost a week. lol"} {"idx": 47868, "original_id": "1250864837766320146", "reply_id": "1250867348434714624", "label": "no", "text": "Concept: Transformers Kiss Players x Neon Genesis Evangelion"} {"idx": 47872, "original_id": "1250861320926310402", "reply_id": "1251122256056594434", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "a year ago today I went on my first date since being in a relationship and I still have this guy in my life, I’m so thankful for him, he’s one of the best people I know 😭"} {"idx": 47873, "original_id": "1250826198655082502", "reply_id": "1250879674877526016", "label": "no", "text": "Mel Kipper JR thinks the Steelers will draft Jalen Hurts in his recent Mock Draft. #Steelers"} {"idx": 47876, "original_id": "1250846405138227206", "reply_id": "1250847162818273287", "label": "agree", "text": "Blair is such a cool name to have."} {"idx": 47877, "original_id": "1250853637867425795", "reply_id": "1250854201749536770", "label": "awww", "text": ". @RangersFC on their own resolution: “The fact that this solution was not afforded sufficient consideration defies belief and further underlines the view held by many clubs that the processes and behaviours of certain individuals must now be the subject of forensic examination”"} {"idx": 47878, "original_id": "1250801512588218371", "reply_id": "1251001943461371904", "label": "agree", "text": "If you substituted biscuits & gravy with cornbread and gravy, do you think that would work?"} {"idx": 47881, "original_id": "1251233804943048704", "reply_id": "1251233925869056000", "label": "seriously", "text": "A Thread of gifs explaining me right now...."} {"idx": 47884, "original_id": "1250917630522855427", "reply_id": "1250929045107363843", "label": "thank_you", "text": "OH MY GOD @masquedgirl HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! ALSJKAS YOU'RE THE MOST AMAZING WONDERFUL BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEING AND TALENTED WRITER and i love you so much and wish you ALL the best (and Orion as well bc he's the best too) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"} {"idx": 47885, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251185983967592448", "label": "seriously", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 47888, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250929863525109764", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 47890, "original_id": "1251257123574611977", "reply_id": "1251258598820380672", "label": "no", "text": "Did y’all get your stimulus check yet?"} {"idx": 47895, "original_id": "1250950172105990144", "reply_id": "1250962954867978240", "label": "oops", "text": "Part time in a relationship, full time meme dispensers 😜 @Nikkiclsp"} {"idx": 47896, "original_id": "1250933834423533568", "reply_id": "1250942010929930241", "label": "shocked", "text": "My five year plan: hopefully dead"} {"idx": 47897, "original_id": "1250675690850013185", "reply_id": "1251029671917039616", "label": "no", "text": "hey! got any grapes?"} {"idx": 47899, "original_id": "1250793213738221571", "reply_id": "1250985035735408641", "label": "agree", "text": "Anyone notice how quickly the washing machine can clean clothes but the lazy ass dryer takes like 15 hours to dry them?\n\nI seriously pondered that question yesterday. Send help."} {"idx": 47901, "original_id": "1250929460796416000", "reply_id": "1250964408307716103", "label": "sigh", "text": "Talked to my dad today who I haven’t seen in more than a month bc he lives in an assisted living facility. \n\nHe has early stage dementia and forgets that we’re in a pandemic. \n\n1st thing he said when he heard my voice was:\n\n“I haven’t seen you in a long time.”\n\nThat was hard."} {"idx": 47903, "original_id": "1250948796894400520", "reply_id": "1250961344901324800", "label": "shocked", "text": "Guys vacuum sealed means a dick in every hole okay. For those asking.."} {"idx": 47904, "original_id": "1251243333931933696", "reply_id": "1251246678860091394", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Dr. Oz says opening schools would 'only' cost us 2-3 per cent of our children due to covid-19 deaths. If I ever happen to bump into him on the street, I will punch him in the nose."} {"idx": 47906, "original_id": "1251121880662065152", "reply_id": "1251147294818222082", "label": "dance", "text": "Header❤"} {"idx": 47909, "original_id": "1251257925223448583", "reply_id": "1251274805208387586", "label": "good_luck", "text": "I’m in the \nmultiple-existential-crises-a-week phase of my book launch.\n\nPlease send kind words and funny GIFs."} {"idx": 47912, "original_id": "1251234852235509760", "reply_id": "1251235127377776646", "label": "agree", "text": "Add the term “OldRich” to the Pulte Terminology. This will be old rich people in the sense that they have been rich for so long that they forgot what it was like to be poor."} {"idx": 47913, "original_id": "1250902153222332417", "reply_id": "1251129668742328320", "label": "fist_bump", "text": "Browns!!!!!!! I’m fired up.."} {"idx": 47914, "original_id": "1250832099441074177", "reply_id": "1250834717445812229", "label": "applause", "text": "Hey everyone 👋🏼 James from the Wakelet team here in the UK! Thank you all for joining, this chat is going to be a good one 🤩 #wakeletwave"} {"idx": 47918, "original_id": "1250862645462339586", "reply_id": "1250863262901645312", "label": "eww", "text": "Just read a blog post about natural deodorant and the author tester the recipe by...\n\nby um...\n\num...\n\nthey tested the recipe by not showering for 10 days and then attended a party on the 10th day, hugged all their friends and asked them all if their pits were funky...\n\n!!!!!!!!!"} {"idx": 47920, "original_id": "1250725285919686657", "reply_id": "1250835742613528578", "label": "wink", "text": "Real men do nasty things to pretty girls."} {"idx": 47922, "original_id": "1250943096956891137", "reply_id": "1250943586549391361", "label": "agree", "text": "You know what I will never fucking ever understand?! I will never fucking ever understand anyone wanting the most useless piece of shit loser to be our President."} {"idx": 47923, "original_id": "1250980559532285956", "reply_id": "1251023319903670277", "label": "agree", "text": "Are we about to get high and listen to Bowie? Yes we are."} {"idx": 47924, "original_id": "1250829862421618690", "reply_id": "1250986401295982592", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "When someone asks you to be their accountability partner but they keep making excuses.🤦🏾🙄"} {"idx": 47928, "original_id": "1251213029875896321", "reply_id": "1251215560509194240", "label": "seriously", "text": "Dropped off some milk I picked up for my aunt and uncle this afternoon and was regaled with their feelings about how Trump is doing a great job. I mentioned his crazy tweets from this morning and the response was “I don’t believe that.” We are doomed and now I won’t sleep."} {"idx": 47932, "original_id": "1250852757260718080", "reply_id": "1250868063446142978", "label": "yes", "text": "I am an optimist and am confident that Ohioans will also live up to the challenge of doing things differently as we open back up beginning on May 1st."} {"idx": 47935, "original_id": "1250539949092335617", "reply_id": "1251125563122692097", "label": "agree", "text": "Recieved my first rejection. \n\nThis means I'm a real writer, right?"} {"idx": 47936, "original_id": "1250955728484999168", "reply_id": "1250991638387793925", "label": "applause", "text": "This got a bit lost in the shuffle, but wanted to share - our college landed a $3.5 million dollar grant to train engineers to work in Indian Country and beyond for the next few years. \n\nPress release pending. 😊"} {"idx": 47942, "original_id": "1251231626643767296", "reply_id": "1251240257351290880", "label": "wink", "text": "Any Orgs looking for a Streamer 👀"} {"idx": 47943, "original_id": "1250884752485150720", "reply_id": "1250890106401161216", "label": "smh", "text": "I lost my shit when someone called me at 4am when it was only 7 their time...Had me scared thinking som’n happened and all they wanted to do was talk...BIHHHHHHH DO U KNOW WAT TIME IT IS HERE?!?!"} {"idx": 47948, "original_id": "1251110506930278401", "reply_id": "1251112080436006919", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "They may as well let Reading and MK Dons play in front of their fans, be easy for them to stick to social distancing rules."} {"idx": 47952, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250884155619106819", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 47953, "original_id": "1250930974700912642", "reply_id": "1251002193861279745", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "What's your favorite comedy movie of all time?"} {"idx": 47954, "original_id": "1250932655924756480", "reply_id": "1250986796630114311", "label": "hug", "text": "I've tried to keep positive. I'm hitting my threshold. Trying to take it day by day. Isolation even with my loved ones is getting harder for me. This quarantine has to stop soon. Not sure how much more I can take. Sorry for the vent. Thank you for taking time 2 read.🙁"} {"idx": 47961, "original_id": "1250999607657746432", "reply_id": "1251153176088031234", "label": "sigh", "text": "Putting an end stage Alzheimer's patient in the ICU with aggressive care is quite possibly the most inhumane thing anyone can choose to do."} {"idx": 47966, "original_id": "1250920140239224840", "reply_id": "1250958647896743936", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Started signing off emails with “Go Beyond! PLUS ULTRA!” because what’re you gonna do about it? Fire me for being a weeb?"} {"idx": 47967, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251210714007711744", "label": "agree", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 47970, "original_id": "1249514757025140739", "reply_id": "1251164167458840582", "label": "agree", "text": "Am I popular now?"} {"idx": 47973, "original_id": "1251213325444288516", "reply_id": "1251213611021844480", "label": "dance", "text": "it’s koh lanta day!!!!!"} {"idx": 47974, "original_id": "1251159733236449281", "reply_id": "1251185385780195328", "label": "agree", "text": "Why did @Twitter suspend the account of @TPUSA staffer @ALX\n\nOh yeah, it’s because he posted a hilarious Biden meme saying he might be compromised by China\n\nThis censorship MUST END!\n\nDemand ALX to be reinstated\n\nTech tyranny!"} {"idx": 47979, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251233021233180674", "label": "applause", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 47982, "original_id": "1250890873040142337", "reply_id": "1250895980284780545", "label": "dance", "text": "DO YOU WANT A REVOLUTION WHOOP WHOOP I SAID DO YOU WANT A REVOLUTION WHOOP WHOOP"} {"idx": 47983, "original_id": "1251249975901765632", "reply_id": "1251250094919290886", "label": "agree", "text": "I just want to know why you still watch my Instagram Story."} {"idx": 47984, "original_id": "1250841342319775744", "reply_id": "1251086126347096064", "label": "want", "text": "To be a Sunderland fan right now must feel like.....\n\nFinish The Sentence with a GIF🤣\n#NUFC #NUFCtakeover #cans #toon"} {"idx": 47987, "original_id": "1250800429023268864", "reply_id": "1250842742856409088", "label": "hearts", "text": "Got my Result I’m Covid-19 Positive"} {"idx": 47989, "original_id": "1251037804529807360", "reply_id": "1251038484288110592", "label": "hug", "text": "Ma'am, I feel down again sigh"} {"idx": 47990, "original_id": "1251258413742522368", "reply_id": "1251265323225006081", "label": "no", "text": "im built like a marshmallow"} {"idx": 47991, "original_id": "1250916286537666560", "reply_id": "1250956012690870272", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "seems like National Horny Day comes earlier every year"} {"idx": 47994, "original_id": "1251075740075991040", "reply_id": "1251116979802591233", "label": "applause", "text": "Tl asleep? Men are gods gift to earth and deserve nothing but love and affection 🥺❤️"} {"idx": 47995, "original_id": "1250886263093288971", "reply_id": "1250890839276077057", "label": "yes", "text": "Unpopular white girl opinion:\n\n@SnoopDogg is sexy. \n\nDon’t @ me, I’m right."} {"idx": 47996, "original_id": "1250959578952581122", "reply_id": "1250959921627172864", "label": "hug", "text": "Just started crying out of the blue 😿 yoooh\nI shall heal"} {"idx": 47997, "original_id": "1250749905263562755", "reply_id": "1250923581686587392", "label": "agree", "text": "Are all the Democrats with TDS sending their $1,200 checks back yet?"} {"idx": 48002, "original_id": "1250880567081496576", "reply_id": "1250881017130483713", "label": "no", "text": "Due to how the social distancing restrictions and lock downs have greatly reduced, or eliminated Mass shootings, going forward we should #BanMassGatherings to protect the lives of everyone and promote a safe environment for all.\n#COVID19 #coronavirus"} {"idx": 48003, "original_id": "1249214253648580610", "reply_id": "1250883976476033030", "label": "hug", "text": "I need head pats 🥺"} {"idx": 48006, "original_id": "1250876495599452164", "reply_id": "1250876963545366528", "label": "popcorn", "text": "CG dodged us as expected. \n\nEoX vs @NoSympathyNS \n\nOfficial CB next Saturday \n\n9-10pm est will be streamed by us \n\nRts appreciated \n\nand let us know who y’all got winning"} {"idx": 48007, "original_id": "1250981345876205568", "reply_id": "1250994856517873664", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Every commercial right now: \n\nWe know the world is hurting, that times are tough, and that you miss your friends and family. And we’re still here, pretending we care, just to remind you that we sell stuff 🥰"} {"idx": 48009, "original_id": "1251143975517511680", "reply_id": "1251144111991578628", "label": "yes", "text": "SP futures dropping below support on 1 hour chart look out"} {"idx": 48011, "original_id": "1250909649743855622", "reply_id": "1250911013634863104", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Listening to @TheOpenBarPod with @FFManBun @JMicCheck @ETurnerFF_PT @BrianHarrFF @carljunior @CommishMaGriff \n\nThis is going to take multiple sessions"} {"idx": 48012, "original_id": "1250883541723987968", "reply_id": "1250901232811638787", "label": "no", "text": "Hey you! Yeah you. Get me out of your spank bank right now."} {"idx": 48018, "original_id": "1250743819114553344", "reply_id": "1251100045165891584", "label": "sigh", "text": "Time to find the motorcycle I want!!!"} {"idx": 48021, "original_id": "1250963289053462529", "reply_id": "1250963855964090370", "label": "applause", "text": "whenever i'm about to eat food i'm like dang this is going to be good and then i eat it and sometimes it's good"} {"idx": 48027, "original_id": "1251183694167126016", "reply_id": "1251207784147963910", "label": "ok", "text": "My weight hella fluctuates and I hate it"} {"idx": 48029, "original_id": "1250872017248813057", "reply_id": "1250872305451859968", "label": "seriously", "text": "Exclusive: Arsenal to receive cash injection from owner Stan Kroenke to help ease club's financial burden during coronavirus crisis. [@SamiMokbel81_DM]"} {"idx": 48031, "original_id": "859058123209703425", "reply_id": "1251009653007409153", "label": "ok", "text": "if you see a speeding pickup truck with a hay bale on fire in the back that's me"} {"idx": 48032, "original_id": "1248375157963411459", "reply_id": "1250954464002899970", "label": "scared", "text": "Stop telling men y’all can meet after things go back to normal. He believes it 🤣"} {"idx": 48033, "original_id": "1251179853543587840", "reply_id": "1251193374721351688", "label": "scared", "text": "Daily reminder: The Miami Dolphins are drafting Tua Tagovailoa."} {"idx": 48034, "original_id": "1251080352350814208", "reply_id": "1251113965473628161", "label": "applause", "text": "Today's question: Are people who vote Tory amongst the thickest people on the planet?"} {"idx": 48036, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251242925863792640", "label": "wink", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 48037, "original_id": "1250825963929079808", "reply_id": "1250902987553288196", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Alright folks, cooking up my deck for a meeting this afternoon.\n\nGot Destiny 2 memes? Show me what you've got."} {"idx": 48039, "original_id": "1250998626588868610", "reply_id": "1251015185420005378", "label": "shocked", "text": "I'm ready for someone to love me"} {"idx": 48041, "original_id": "1250897962785542144", "reply_id": "1250982117678493704", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "More like snowvid-19, amirite?"} {"idx": 48042, "original_id": "1251098798614437888", "reply_id": "1251101307269599233", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "1000 units short at 8945.25 just placed on the ndaq cash."} {"idx": 48043, "original_id": "1250783030693597184", "reply_id": "1250870167426473984", "label": "please", "text": "If you date me there's 98% chance I'll wake you up at 6am with my mouth on your cock at least 5 days a week. Sorry."} {"idx": 48045, "original_id": "1250801512588218371", "reply_id": "1250868690649788417", "label": "no", "text": "If you substituted biscuits & gravy with cornbread and gravy, do you think that would work?"} {"idx": 48046, "original_id": "1251231922682048513", "reply_id": "1251233228242989057", "label": "no", "text": "I saw a tweet about sourdough bread followed by a tweet about vaginal microbiomes and I can't help wondering if anybody's tried that."} {"idx": 48048, "original_id": "1250841903886557185", "reply_id": "1250858896488427520", "label": "wink", "text": "Nowadays, bra is the most redundant item of clothing."} {"idx": 48049, "original_id": "1251160632893693952", "reply_id": "1251163994573987840", "label": "scared", "text": "I’ve been sneezing too much lately"} {"idx": 48054, "original_id": "1251236936804696064", "reply_id": "1251237948303069189", "label": "agree", "text": "There are a bunch of data points about the percentage of a given population that are asymptomatic Covid19+ and as far as I can tell it's just *all over the place*."} {"idx": 48055, "original_id": "1250865815399825408", "reply_id": "1250867083828776963", "label": "yes", "text": "Currently own an Xbox One...considering buying a PlayStation just so I can play @MLBTheShow.\n\nTell me if it's worth it?"} {"idx": 48057, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250956294531551234", "label": "oops", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 48061, "original_id": "1250816568117940224", "reply_id": "1250843261842763778", "label": "dance", "text": "onc ordered tumor markers in bloodwork yesterday, first time since starting Enhertu, of which yesterday was 4th dose. All 3 tumor markers are down, which indicates that Enhertu might be working"} {"idx": 48062, "original_id": "1250925477834850305", "reply_id": "1250925785575092225", "label": "facepalm", "text": "@TheKieranNaidu I’m gonna say it...... I don’t care that you broke your elbow"} {"idx": 48063, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251088854859292672", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 48064, "original_id": "1251126543675342848", "reply_id": "1251141107326439425", "label": "awww", "text": "Here I am"} {"idx": 48065, "original_id": "1250623080612806657", "reply_id": "1250832066997977088", "label": "hug", "text": "I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sad in my life."} {"idx": 48066, "original_id": "1250227217424158720", "reply_id": "1251114291165573120", "label": "agree", "text": "idk i feel like a baecation is for both parties to enjoy so i wouldn’t expect for only one to cover all expenses"} {"idx": 48068, "original_id": "1250910023594774531", "reply_id": "1251184247618048001", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "(Work-from-home thought)\n\nTeachers. \n\nHow do you do it?\n\nAnd why?"} {"idx": 48070, "original_id": "1250752866526072832", "reply_id": "1250858681656389635", "label": "awww", "text": "Did I just order myself some Dragon soop because I am missing it too much. Yep!"} {"idx": 48073, "original_id": "1250885534706208768", "reply_id": "1250886126354804736", "label": "ok", "text": "@MrAwaisH traitor"} {"idx": 48080, "original_id": "1251022741911846912", "reply_id": "1251146139128205312", "label": "no", "text": "$10 iMessage games anyone ? Im done winning for free"} {"idx": 48082, "original_id": "1251097577023512576", "reply_id": "1251097966145921024", "label": "shocked", "text": "Are their filters that make you a BETTER-LOOKING human, tho?\nYes? \nYou should use one of those then"} {"idx": 48083, "original_id": "1251183413614333952", "reply_id": "1251191757817208832", "label": "hug", "text": "The art of helping doesn’t come as naturally to some as it does to others. One of the most overlooked nuances to helping WELL is to do something nice for someone in a way that does NOT create extra unplanned work for the receiver. \n\n::sigh::\n\nSomeone is “helping” me today. 😭"} {"idx": 48088, "original_id": "1250829887247659010", "reply_id": "1250845834519830529", "label": "want", "text": "one week til new album"} {"idx": 48089, "original_id": "1251195038492737537", "reply_id": "1251195703008911360", "label": "applause", "text": "it’s uploading..⏳🔥"} {"idx": 48092, "original_id": "1250746210727542784", "reply_id": "1251014348308389890", "label": "ok", "text": "Do you believe Deontay Wilders excuse that he wasn’t 100% leading into the Tyson Fury rematch and this had an influence on the result? Comment below 👇"} {"idx": 48094, "original_id": "1250843005004795906", "reply_id": "1250849355071918080", "label": "kiss", "text": "Friend voice is the best 💕\n@alqabandi57_"} {"idx": 48096, "original_id": "1251229583409545216", "reply_id": "1251229730298368003", "label": "awww", "text": "Who needs dinner tonight?"} {"idx": 48098, "original_id": "1250970946971656192", "reply_id": "1250973710237831169", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Oh no, Covid-19 got to Waka & Tammy"} {"idx": 48101, "original_id": "1251044578561531904", "reply_id": "1251095159208587266", "label": "omg", "text": "How are you feeling today?!\n\nReply using a gif 🤍"} {"idx": 48108, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251118511893643264", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 48110, "original_id": "1250823135701733377", "reply_id": "1251185335343689729", "label": "dance", "text": "What that new carti sound like?"} {"idx": 48111, "original_id": "1250815359512428547", "reply_id": "1250846833640910848", "label": "idk", "text": "Hey... 😅 anybody know what day it is?"} {"idx": 48112, "original_id": "1251192353290956803", "reply_id": "1251196953301528577", "label": "agree", "text": "In other countries - i think you are having an anxiety attack \n\nIn india - Are kuch nahi gas ban rahi hogi , hajmola diyo toh ise ...."} {"idx": 48113, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251122871268782081", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 48117, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1251124307503329281", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 48120, "original_id": "1250871602855792643", "reply_id": "1251021195736219648", "label": "agree", "text": "U ever told somebody good news and jus seen the hate in they face 😂"} {"idx": 48122, "original_id": "1250892238265241605", "reply_id": "1250892538665410561", "label": "scared", "text": "I've been craving all kinds of food all day. The monthly tournament must be starting soon."} {"idx": 48125, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1250980505543159808", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 48126, "original_id": "1250521691844902919", "reply_id": "1250968129058082821", "label": "eye_roll", "text": ".@WHO is on the front lines of this pandemic, providing advice, training, and equipment crucial to saving lives—including Americans’.\n\nCutting their funding is not only dangerous—Trump doesn’t have the authority to do it. He should know: violating spending laws got him impeached."} {"idx": 48127, "original_id": "1250871328393121794", "reply_id": "1251063264789889025", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "I'm declaring it. My names JP and I have a GIF addiction. \n\nGod I feel better getting that off my chest. 😓"} {"idx": 48131, "original_id": "1250544815936331777", "reply_id": "1250967457151533058", "label": "applause", "text": "Trump is complaining about the \"disgusting\" Voice of America, an arm of his government.\n\nNot sure what this has to do with his \"White House Coronavirus Task Force Briefing,\" as the Fox chryon right now has it."} {"idx": 48133, "original_id": "1250887731154235395", "reply_id": "1250943311969304577", "label": "applause", "text": "I just sold all my John Lennon merchandise on eBay.... Imagine all the PayPal"} {"idx": 48137, "original_id": "1251008273794437121", "reply_id": "1251013635457105923", "label": "high_five", "text": "Moderate snow in the metro right now.."} {"idx": 48139, "original_id": "1250901558075830273", "reply_id": "1251041594272350208", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "so i kinda miss talking to [redacted] ,, they usually start the conversation so im kinda shy to start one myself what should i do aahladbgljaf help im a coward haha *cries*"} {"idx": 48141, "original_id": "1250927008089022469", "reply_id": "1250947887657291790", "label": "seriously", "text": "I still have not recovered from this dude in my chat telling me I shouldn’t swear because he was watching with his grandmother and she said it’s “unbecoming of a young lady to curse”"} {"idx": 48142, "original_id": "1251175127338737664", "reply_id": "1251178001393385472", "label": "scared", "text": "This morning my wife broke our coffee pot. The world is ending and now I don’t even have coffee. \nNot good here today. Oh man whyyyyy coffee pot whyyy!?!"} {"idx": 48143, "original_id": "1250794666452279296", "reply_id": "1251233403376189443", "label": "no", "text": "We have no Prime Minister (not even when he isn't ill, on holiday, or hiding in a fridge) no Cabinet, & no Parliament: we are in a pandemic crisis and a forthcoming double Brexit-induced crisis: we need a National Government of competent people to steer the country through."} {"idx": 48144, "original_id": "1251213157013417985", "reply_id": "1251216844989628417", "label": "applause", "text": "if we didn't have fear then we wouldn't need courage"} {"idx": 48145, "original_id": "1250909887271522310", "reply_id": "1250910767815278593", "label": "applause", "text": "The greatest tragedy isn't that @realDonaldTrump believes his base is worthless.\n\nThe greatest tragedy is that they agree with him."} {"idx": 48146, "original_id": "1251220398697517064", "reply_id": "1251220677471985664", "label": "sigh", "text": "can y’all stop asking me for nudes. \n\nbecause, no. 🙂"} {"idx": 48148, "original_id": "1250911028675821569", "reply_id": "1250962997113245696", "label": "smh", "text": "Guys for an awkwardly long amount of time I thought miracle whip and cool whip were the same thing & I eat both"} {"idx": 48149, "original_id": "1251172300373794818", "reply_id": "1251178942892998658", "label": "yes", "text": "My company got the CARES grant and I should be back to work by next week!! \n\nThanks for the positive vibes, everyone!"} {"idx": 48150, "original_id": "1250917762257559555", "reply_id": "1250952873241952257", "label": "hug", "text": "Not gonna lie, I may not stream tonight. I got some pretty bad news about my grandpa, and idk if I'm feeling up to entertain tonight. I may just play some FFXIV and try to get my mind off of it. I hope that's okay..."} {"idx": 48151, "original_id": "1250933894200909825", "reply_id": "1251083319338565634", "label": "ok", "text": "new iann dior track with mgk and travis barker is soo fire . Proof me wrong"} {"idx": 48154, "original_id": "1250997959501598720", "reply_id": "1250999070727913477", "label": "idk", "text": "Ozark is awesome until you realize its not that good."} {"idx": 48162, "original_id": "1250909567061540869", "reply_id": "1250909829700386824", "label": "oops", "text": "What idiot would willingly study law"} {"idx": 48163, "original_id": "1251133666220179456", "reply_id": "1251134928835817479", "label": "no", "text": "ANY SSI or SSDI get their check? \nNO here."} {"idx": 48164, "original_id": "1251167449652682754", "reply_id": "1251178929899147264", "label": "applause", "text": "whack cover art shouldnt be accepted no more 2020 tbh"} {"idx": 48166, "original_id": "1250844296225394690", "reply_id": "1250844855435014144", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "I went from a 3 to a 6 in quarantine. terrible turn of events for my haters."} {"idx": 48169, "original_id": "1251210652464615424", "reply_id": "1251213713597706240", "label": "shocked", "text": "So what we think about Da Baby new album so far???"} {"idx": 48171, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251125826634080267", "label": "smh", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 48172, "original_id": "1250811382443970560", "reply_id": "1250854008971038722", "label": "agree", "text": "I don’t trust WHO\nI don’t trust China\nI don’t trust the UN \nI don’t trust the media \nI don’t trust the democrats"} {"idx": 48173, "original_id": "1251132774746128385", "reply_id": "1251168822041522177", "label": "awww", "text": "One of Emma’s classmates just showed us his pet turtle during the zoom session just now. Her name is donut. I die. 😍💚"} {"idx": 48176, "original_id": "1251192956968669184", "reply_id": "1251273508207951872", "label": "no", "text": "What if Biden’s VP pick is Hillary Clinton?"} {"idx": 48177, "original_id": "1250903153102295040", "reply_id": "1250911253691633664", "label": "eww", "text": "Dudes have the audacity to send me a picture of their roach talking about “where are you” sir leave me alone"} {"idx": 48178, "original_id": "1251062688135831553", "reply_id": "1251109417640058880", "label": "hug", "text": "wtf :( I promised myself I wouldn't be this down again but holy shit does this world hate me. Putangina talaga."} {"idx": 48180, "original_id": "1251188888447512576", "reply_id": "1251193314700939265", "label": "hug", "text": "It's Follow Friday, #writerscommunity! Here's my list of people who have brightened my week: @DinoParenti @LOHFiction @Inkwellmonster @EveHarmsWrites @MaryRajotte @DamienAWalters"} {"idx": 48181, "original_id": "1250840209111027714", "reply_id": "1250840725023006721", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Happy birthday @JustTheClippy - hope you're having a lovely day, despite the madness!"} {"idx": 48183, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1250903090477367299", "label": "sigh", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 48184, "original_id": "1251024863029915649", "reply_id": "1251044576141271040", "label": "awww", "text": "TB pics 🤪"} {"idx": 48186, "original_id": "1251198209231409153", "reply_id": "1251202133099196418", "label": "applause", "text": "Only time we see Trump smile is when Putin tells him to"} {"idx": 48187, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1250862811712028673", "label": "applause", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 48188, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1251160355364958209", "label": "scared", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 48189, "original_id": "1250958868844142592", "reply_id": "1250966074679574529", "label": "wink", "text": "Splurging on my twins because they’re our last ones fuck it 🥴"} {"idx": 48190, "original_id": "1250985844858486784", "reply_id": "1251243041202946048", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I gave my dude @Amir_Garrett the work.. It's your turn now homie @JoeyGallo24. I'll give you a chance to really prove yourself on the sticks!"} {"idx": 48191, "original_id": "1250997780807467009", "reply_id": "1251010278310858752", "label": "applause", "text": "I bought a pair of Reebok’s because I needed a new pair of shoes 🥴"} {"idx": 48192, "original_id": "1250853446275735558", "reply_id": "1250854979784462342", "label": "high_five", "text": "Not that I am wishing C19 on anyone,* but if a whole class of people have to be hit harder with it, can it be TSA agents instead of healthcare workers? \n\n*ok, fine, I am not a great person, I do wish it on a few people. What? You knew who the fuck I was when you followed me."} {"idx": 48193, "original_id": "1251270408441118722", "reply_id": "1251270892337991680", "label": "shocked", "text": "Me: *minding my own business*\nLexx: \"HOW YOU BE EATING SPAGHETTI WITH SUGAR AND COCOA??\""} {"idx": 48194, "original_id": "1250807093231267841", "reply_id": "1250927421773303808", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "I'm from #Michigan and what you all witnessed over Social Media & the news was the vocal minority NOT the majority of the state. Please don't lump all those dumbasses in the same boat as I.\n\nI support #GovWhitmer and her order of #StayHomeStaySafe. \n\n💙💙💙💙"} {"idx": 48195, "original_id": "1251180632325197824", "reply_id": "1251189501436858375", "label": "yolo", "text": "Will I eat spaghetti every single day until this huge pot of sauce is gone? Yes, that was the point anyway."} {"idx": 48200, "original_id": "1250875838482067458", "reply_id": "1250878989276794881", "label": "ok", "text": "tell me your mood with GIF🤯"} {"idx": 48201, "original_id": "1250769023538737152", "reply_id": "1251247342042468354", "label": "awww", "text": "A Venda man would rather go to jail than cheat on his girlfriend."} {"idx": 48203, "original_id": "1250922229002407936", "reply_id": "1250923135794200576", "label": "awww", "text": "<— Daddy Material for children and would cuddle his own kids a-lot while giving them flame kisses"} {"idx": 48206, "original_id": "1250932420817256449", "reply_id": "1250932564392587265", "label": "yes", "text": "should we do another @stageit next week? and by \"we\" i mean we. i can't do it alone...that would be sad."} {"idx": 48207, "original_id": "1251203652230004736", "reply_id": "1251204734951862273", "label": "applause", "text": "You never know the hour, nor the time but Apple gone get they $9.99😫😫😫"} {"idx": 48209, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250872219145695232", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 48212, "original_id": "1251172398805716994", "reply_id": "1251188202993573889", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "You become so used to looking through the spectacles of your own preferences and ideology that only another person can point them out to you. This is why it’s crucial to have a motley assortment of friends and colleagues."} {"idx": 48214, "original_id": "1251187633272864769", "reply_id": "1251251185039880196", "label": "no", "text": "The Steelers need to get Cam Newton. Mason they know can’t play and Ben been injured and his status is up in the air. Mike Tomlin and Cam would be great together for the next 7 years and the Steelers would win another Super Bowl"} {"idx": 48216, "original_id": "1250842116705718272", "reply_id": "1250875969407238146", "label": "eww", "text": "Can I be arsed with that Elton John film? Pretty certain I can't."} {"idx": 48217, "original_id": "1250827682494865409", "reply_id": "1250838325977587725", "label": "applause", "text": "Me: What should we do today boys?\n\nMy boys: (a collection of imaginary animals, just looking at me)\n\nMe: I heard “self-isolate”"} {"idx": 48219, "original_id": "1250839744646447109", "reply_id": "1250843215567208448", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I downloaded Just Dance to workout and collapsed after one song. Quarantine is killing my energy, but it's time to get some G A I N S!"} {"idx": 48224, "original_id": "1251227711856447488", "reply_id": "1251242220113391616", "label": "agree", "text": "it’s such a relief getting to say goodbye formally to @shelahnarcaroti and @JanelleEdmonds 🥺"} {"idx": 48228, "original_id": "1250812733840338944", "reply_id": "1251015217938563072", "label": "yes", "text": "Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn’t turn the ability off?"} {"idx": 48234, "original_id": "1251137286009430019", "reply_id": "1251201069650247682", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Dear developer,\n\nNothing is ever 100% perfect. Don’t put pressure on yourself. \n\nIf your favorite apps and APIs were perfect, there wouldn’t be need for app updates and versioning wouldn’t be a thing because it would have been perfect from day one. \n\nCode. Learn. Code again 💕"} {"idx": 48237, "original_id": "1250988996135657472", "reply_id": "1250993400716890113", "label": "agree", "text": "@sweet_an_sexy26 I 110% support you and your dancing videos. 💕"} {"idx": 48240, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250867234802667521", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 48244, "original_id": "1251190897284386816", "reply_id": "1251216863213871107", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "I have been fighting with this story for three damn days and I have not gone through all this effort to give up now."} {"idx": 48245, "original_id": "1250960267577524228", "reply_id": "1251014084201533440", "label": "yes", "text": "Assumptions are poison ☠️"} {"idx": 48251, "original_id": "1250856614015520770", "reply_id": "1250856856475574273", "label": "shrug", "text": "Twitter Fam\n\nI've unlocked a new Twitter Badge. \n\nGetting DMs expecting my time to be free."} {"idx": 48253, "original_id": "1251188266201747460", "reply_id": "1251192259602759680", "label": "seriously", "text": "Stay home everyone! Just like Trump did during Vietnam, follow his lead."} {"idx": 48254, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251087049148387329", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 48255, "original_id": "1251020899555381248", "reply_id": "1251261611492249600", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Anyone wanna be my new best friends? I'm dropping two of them🤷🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 48257, "original_id": "1250841211272925190", "reply_id": "1250841910748610561", "label": "no", "text": "4 more weeks of schools closed in New Jersey. Ok. It’s fine. I’ll be fine."} {"idx": 48258, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251260380917182469", "label": "agree", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 48261, "original_id": "1250820795280101377", "reply_id": "1251142386023088128", "label": "yes", "text": "So since it’s national horny day anyone wanna come fuck me till I can’t walk or think and I’m just full of hot cum so I’ll get pregnant"} {"idx": 48263, "original_id": "1250648119840083971", "reply_id": "1250847985573023746", "label": "good_luck", "text": "i need a bad b****"} {"idx": 48270, "original_id": "1251151045675245568", "reply_id": "1251151249287704584", "label": "hug", "text": "Guys I didn't notice that I reached 502 followers thank you all so much! It's been a very fun journey and I have found a lot of amazing people ❤️"} {"idx": 48274, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251271992269045760", "label": "no", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 48277, "original_id": "1250776778651643907", "reply_id": "1251115706881540096", "label": "yawn", "text": "Gif me your current mental state."} {"idx": 48279, "original_id": "1250845924403949571", "reply_id": "1250846821238407169", "label": "no", "text": "I really hate myself haha"} {"idx": 48280, "original_id": "1251172753144676353", "reply_id": "1251206708002766848", "label": "shocked", "text": "BREAKING: China has now admitted that the Death Toll in Wuhan was 50% Greater than Reported..."} {"idx": 48281, "original_id": "1250884472880455691", "reply_id": "1250885920385126401", "label": "good_luck", "text": "If the Raiders selected Justin Jefferson at 12 overall over Ruggs or Jeudy (Lamb is off the board) what would your reaction be in gif form? \n\n#RaiderNation"} {"idx": 48282, "original_id": "1251081418811334656", "reply_id": "1251105078297198592", "label": "high_five", "text": "I got my scores back from @devconfza and I cannot be more happy. This was my first time talking at a Development Conference with such high standards. Also thank you for the kind comments hope to be back again."} {"idx": 48284, "original_id": "1251026421247590400", "reply_id": "1251029316483387392", "label": "shrug", "text": "Yall ass horny tonight"} {"idx": 48287, "original_id": "1250877400423989251", "reply_id": "1250894910661832709", "label": "shocked", "text": "My coworker pissed me off today so I let her know she was trash 🤷🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 48289, "original_id": "1250861791980056576", "reply_id": "1250863580414607361", "label": "hug", "text": "This moment of collective grief is finally shaking up our culture of dismissing feelings.\n\nYou don’t have to pretend to be fine all the time. Let it fall open. It’s ok to be sad, scared, hopeless.\n\nWith time/space, feelings will pass. What remains is the strength to move forward."} {"idx": 48290, "original_id": "1251204622628290561", "reply_id": "1251207661099589632", "label": "smh", "text": "Curve ball."} {"idx": 48291, "original_id": "1250983144091615238", "reply_id": "1250983597084983296", "label": "agree", "text": "Ranking of chicken parts\n\n1) leg\n2) wing \n3) thigh \n4) breast"} {"idx": 48294, "original_id": "1251044644974141440", "reply_id": "1251044930463641600", "label": "applause", "text": "Booty."} {"idx": 48295, "original_id": "1251071439685382144", "reply_id": "1251156940329086978", "label": "applause", "text": "Missionary ain’t my favorite but it hits"} {"idx": 48296, "original_id": "1250793676244242433", "reply_id": "1250882812305182721", "label": "high_five", "text": "If you don’t wanna high five after sex, you aren’t the one for me."} {"idx": 48297, "original_id": "1250970418716061696", "reply_id": "1251153274058665987", "label": "smh", "text": "I’m such a good wife. Since I put myself on timeout from buying stuff online(for me), I decided to buy my husband stuff instead! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🤣🤣 #winning"} {"idx": 48299, "original_id": "1250957087905067008", "reply_id": "1250970632482783232", "label": "hug", "text": "I ruined my 6 month streak of no self-harm due to getting angry, dissociating and self-harming. Great day and night it is."} {"idx": 48300, "original_id": "1251148558176157701", "reply_id": "1251151648895852544", "label": "agree", "text": "Feel free to @ me. Women need to do better. Most of these men will show u in every form that they js wna fucj bt bcs u r insecure and do not wna b alone u force relationship and when u get fucked over u shout men r trash. You are trash to yourself. E nr du u natin"} {"idx": 48303, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250909739451547648", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 48306, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250992212453683206", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 48307, "original_id": "1251117065110466563", "reply_id": "1251121311310626817", "label": "yes", "text": "Who thinks the Republican party is corrupted by dirty Russian money?"} {"idx": 48308, "original_id": "1250934723620282368", "reply_id": "1250935327939874817", "label": "hug", "text": "Someone hug me"} {"idx": 48312, "original_id": "1251000340138336256", "reply_id": "1251003370053107712", "label": "kiss", "text": "gaah damn i love my girlfriend more than anything, she has helped me with so many mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks and i just couldn’t ask for anyone better for me. ❤️"} {"idx": 48315, "original_id": "1251130724213764097", "reply_id": "1251132873312210944", "label": "seriously", "text": "I really can’t get in to yank mac and cheese dawg i tried"} {"idx": 48317, "original_id": "1250834831979798529", "reply_id": "1250837046513434626", "label": "agree", "text": "If I’ve learned anything substantial in my two months on twitter, it’s that I do NOT want to see about 99% of y’all naked."} {"idx": 48322, "original_id": "1250940342268039169", "reply_id": "1250966676029485056", "label": "applause", "text": "Not to brag but I got everything on my to do list done today \n\nYeah it was a small list but still"} {"idx": 48327, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251256287003906049", "label": "idk", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 48328, "original_id": "1250876304150237185", "reply_id": "1250943164493361152", "label": "agree", "text": "As if you don’t film yourselves having sex 🥱 some of u do it dirtier but u act like u some saint, stop the bashing already"} {"idx": 48333, "original_id": "1251270523906113537", "reply_id": "1251271056159117320", "label": "agree", "text": "Netflix dropped the ball here, not Tom, not the cast & crew. It's great they rescued Lucifer from FOX, but when they said Season 5 was it, they shouldn't have expected everyone from pursuing their next gig. It's on them. 2/2"} {"idx": 48335, "original_id": "1250881007877840902", "reply_id": "1250889253401374721", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Whenever you're having a bad day... just remember somewhere out there is Joy Behar's gynecologist!"} {"idx": 48338, "original_id": "1251188571714682880", "reply_id": "1251255509233123328", "label": "shocked", "text": "True confession: \nI shave my toes. \nYour turn."} {"idx": 48339, "original_id": "1251184106131427328", "reply_id": "1251267748971319296", "label": "applause", "text": "I only want to wear dresses and lingerie for the rest of my days on earth"} {"idx": 48343, "original_id": "1251255843141701635", "reply_id": "1251263470504423430", "label": "hug", "text": "I now have anxiety from my email. EVERYTHING is about COVID-19. COVID-19 and small business, COVID-19 and mental health, COVID-19 and where to get the best food. I am tapped out people. I still trying to take care of people in the middle of all this. This tew much now."} {"idx": 48347, "original_id": "1251199418600230915", "reply_id": "1251200229006852096", "label": "shocked", "text": "Y’all ever drink and it make your p***y hot lmfao? I’m trippin"} {"idx": 48348, "original_id": "1250852463864774656", "reply_id": "1250852875846275072", "label": "yes", "text": "BREAKING: CHERNOBYL star Stellan Skarsgard and BREXIT actor Kyle Soller join Diego Luna in the CASSIAN ANDOR series on Disney+"} {"idx": 48349, "original_id": "1250991993326432256", "reply_id": "1251043028774424576", "label": "oops", "text": "If the world was ending\nYou'd come over right?"} {"idx": 48352, "original_id": "1250915018733912064", "reply_id": "1250945608724217862", "label": "applause", "text": "According to NBC News, President Trump invited ALL BUT ONE Republican Senator to be on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group... Guess who? Mitt Romney. 🤣"} {"idx": 48353, "original_id": "1250526816806342656", "reply_id": "1250843561018355712", "label": "no", "text": "Cowboys fans, would you trade a 2nd and a 5th round pick for OBJ?"} {"idx": 48354, "original_id": "1250904534781693959", "reply_id": "1250917101998673922", "label": "smh", "text": "If your name is Amaka, you're a slayqueen. #kemitalks"} {"idx": 48355, "original_id": "1250918335774183429", "reply_id": "1250934970434158597", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Phase One: If you ain’t dead go to work.\nPhase Two: Don’t die.\nPhase Three: Quickly forget about the pandemic."} {"idx": 48356, "original_id": "1251052227218808832", "reply_id": "1251053918781571073", "label": "agree", "text": "@Rosemarino OMG Bruce beef. Funniest character yet!! #shaggedmarriedannoyed"} {"idx": 48358, "original_id": "1251184972565790724", "reply_id": "1251194195114688516", "label": "applause", "text": "Am finally halfway through revisions of a novel I wrote b/t Dec. and Feb. last year. Revising is much harder than drafting. But I'll soon have it off to my critique group and then, fingers crossed, lit agents. #amwriting #amwritingfantasy #writerslift"} {"idx": 48359, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251266858336030726", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 48362, "original_id": "1250988635119398913", "reply_id": "1251234078688448512", "label": "thank_you", "text": "If you ask me.. Uzi is definitely a better artist than Carti. Facts or nah?"} {"idx": 48363, "original_id": "1250863345714020360", "reply_id": "1250903458410086401", "label": "yes", "text": "If i host a party, would u come??\nAnd it’s definitely after the lockdown"} {"idx": 48366, "original_id": "1250992078605242369", "reply_id": "1251100014937546752", "label": "smh", "text": "The architect in Northern Virginia says he can’t keep 6 feet away from me if we meet up. Says at best, 8 inches"} {"idx": 48367, "original_id": "1250985677472366593", "reply_id": "1251069797229625345", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Me: tries to go to bed early; takes forever to fall asleep.\n\nWife: finally puts her phone down and tries to sleep; snoring in 2 minutes.\n\nLucky bitch."} {"idx": 48371, "original_id": "1251034976100941824", "reply_id": "1251081469579210752", "label": "awww", "text": "everyone who sees this (if you want but its HIGHLY appreciated) comment what makes you smile, one thing only. i wanna know!"} {"idx": 48373, "original_id": "1250525630615216129", "reply_id": "1250859317676445696", "label": "want", "text": "Ya me gusta bad bunny 🤭"} {"idx": 48375, "original_id": "1251070123831701504", "reply_id": "1251207343129403393", "label": "agree", "text": "One thing moving away has taught me is how much of a joke America really is."} {"idx": 48376, "original_id": "1251113392942854155", "reply_id": "1251225659332050944", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Hey @KRACare, how do I turn my etr machine from the 16% VAT to the current 14% VAT? 🙆🙆🙆. People want to be paid lots of cash to \"teach me\". I know am not alone in this. 😊 @KRACorporate"} {"idx": 48378, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251099149312892929", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 48380, "original_id": "1077836488883068928", "reply_id": "1251119722365546496", "label": "dance", "text": ".@OPPOMobileIndia I want to see how #Barcelona plans to #SeizeTheNight with #OPPOR17Pro during Christmas and New Year"} {"idx": 48382, "original_id": "1250847261489274890", "reply_id": "1250847673843933184", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Rangers fresh attack on SPFL coming up...THREAD"} {"idx": 48385, "original_id": "1251246328061009920", "reply_id": "1251251520554795011", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "am I the only one that needs a beer or a whole case today?"} {"idx": 48386, "original_id": "1251204173691052033", "reply_id": "1251262738216751104", "label": "yawn", "text": "Four weeks since @broxbourneRC closed its doors and I still feel bereft despite circuits and squad nights via zoom. I want to be back on the water more than anything ever #rower #lockdown #COVID19"} {"idx": 48387, "original_id": "1250970220166025219", "reply_id": "1251039617119252480", "label": "agree", "text": "Can this finally be what makes people stop listening to the fraud Dr. Oz?"} {"idx": 48388, "original_id": "1251047844942757889", "reply_id": "1251060773658357760", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "YAS GUYS I MANAGED TO DO 1000 SKIPS TODAY AND HIIT AND NOW IM DYING"} {"idx": 48392, "original_id": "1250988528000999425", "reply_id": "1251004990333714433", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Samantha should have written the column"} {"idx": 48396, "original_id": "1251248780319449093", "reply_id": "1251271563468517382", "label": "eww", "text": "Y’all putting pineapple on pizza??"} {"idx": 48400, "original_id": "1250975804114128896", "reply_id": "1251006812486320128", "label": "idk", "text": "Name a single piece of evidence for god’s existence. Just one"} {"idx": 48401, "original_id": "1250934820902825984", "reply_id": "1250960901164892160", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Good grief, Donald. \n\nGyms are in your reopen Phase 1, but with physical distancing? Policed by whom? And before any widescale testing has been done?\n\nCray. Zee."} {"idx": 48403, "original_id": "1250868723881213958", "reply_id": "1250927155992813570", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "At the moment, access to the game may be difficult or absent due to problems of our host provider. We are taking all necessary measures to stabilize the situation #EscapefromTarkov"} {"idx": 48410, "original_id": "1250836788291215365", "reply_id": "1250846400503562240", "label": "shocked", "text": "With everyone airing their dirty laundry out on the Unicorn I'm gonna come out at say that the Zeta Gundam looks like ass"} {"idx": 48411, "original_id": "1250884161788928000", "reply_id": "1250932653290917888", "label": "dance", "text": "Hey! I'll be on @bobandtom tomorrow morning. Friday, April 17."} {"idx": 48412, "original_id": "1251078630865809409", "reply_id": "1251079613255647235", "label": "no", "text": "Is anyone okay?"} {"idx": 48413, "original_id": "1250898306508652544", "reply_id": "1250969020330885126", "label": "agree", "text": "IF ANY CUNT ON THE STREETS GETS FUNNY WITH YOU JUST ASK THEM WHERE'S MY MONEY? COMPLETELY THROWS THEM THEN PUNCH AS HARD AS YOU CAN THRU THEM...FACE FIRST THEN JUST WALK OFF."} {"idx": 48416, "original_id": "1251194743201181698", "reply_id": "1251195142872104963", "label": "applause", "text": "I’m not in love but I’m open to persuasion .."} {"idx": 48418, "original_id": "1250812444022276096", "reply_id": "1250942525281574912", "label": "yes", "text": "Do you AGREE with President Trump's decision to hault funding to the World Health Organization?\n\nShould the United States LEAVE the WHO permanently? \n\nShould other countries FOLLOW suit?"} {"idx": 48423, "original_id": "1250980176361476097", "reply_id": "1250980875833131008", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Yeah that tracks"} {"idx": 48424, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1250832729731559424", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 48425, "original_id": "1250889934954610689", "reply_id": "1250890405844881408", "label": "hug", "text": "Can u hug me without ask anything cause I'm tired af"} {"idx": 48427, "original_id": "1251011845265088512", "reply_id": "1251018293240049664", "label": "hug", "text": "I need attention ???????"} {"idx": 48430, "original_id": "1250858133976735745", "reply_id": "1251122637163692033", "label": "sigh", "text": "Just realizing that none of my characters have ever discovered love during the course of a story. \n\nWonder what that says about me."} {"idx": 48432, "original_id": "1251147712717680647", "reply_id": "1251161748003930121", "label": "applause", "text": "Some positive news. My uncle had Covid-19 quite badly and was bed ridden for 5 days but he made it through and has now recovered. 😊"} {"idx": 48433, "original_id": "1250962572796461061", "reply_id": "1250988089994084352", "label": "awww", "text": "Ride your face while I smoke this blunt 💨😏"} {"idx": 48434, "original_id": "1250894003794595840", "reply_id": "1251143781945970694", "label": "awww", "text": "When you roll the perfect blunt but can't find your lighter it#JustMakesMeSoFurious #smoker"} {"idx": 48435, "original_id": "1251148043568574466", "reply_id": "1251236552899989505", "label": "applause", "text": "Happy launch day to me & my company 🍒 6:00 PM EST"} {"idx": 48437, "original_id": "1250965955556937729", "reply_id": "1250987781737689088", "label": "hug", "text": "Just had one of the saddest breakdowns I’ve had in a while. Don’t think I’ve cried as much"} {"idx": 48440, "original_id": "1250854552385007619", "reply_id": "1250872197914247168", "label": "applause", "text": "Don't want to brag, but I showered, shaved, washed and did my hair, put on make-up, and a bra and clothes all in the same day."} {"idx": 48441, "original_id": "1250933594262065152", "reply_id": "1250958521262313474", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "I’ll try to stay strong as long as Ezoo technically hasn’t been cancelled yet"} {"idx": 48443, "original_id": "1250943951265300481", "reply_id": "1250951248301391873", "label": "applause", "text": "Give me your GIF ⬇️⬇️ on your reaction if the #Vikings go wide receiver at pick #22."} {"idx": 48444, "original_id": "1250917173398319105", "reply_id": "1250917654711410690", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Reports of companies that track mouse/keyboard idle time... 🤦‍♂️"} {"idx": 48445, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250873140386729984", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 48448, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251109605314195458", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 48450, "original_id": "1250902604097429506", "reply_id": "1250904331404161025", "label": "no", "text": "i guess you will never see the weenie. tragic"} {"idx": 48452, "original_id": "1251150241664913409", "reply_id": "1251150880075743238", "label": "hug", "text": "moots, i need a hug."} {"idx": 48459, "original_id": "1250873049592795136", "reply_id": "1250911150046412801", "label": "no", "text": "Time to be random... \n\nReply to this tweet with the best GIF to sum up 2020 so far.\n\nI’ll pick my favourite 3 and buy them dinner/takeaway on Saturday night 👍👀"} {"idx": 48463, "original_id": "1251177633670455299", "reply_id": "1251189033310486532", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Gotta bust 3 essays. Pray 4 me"} {"idx": 48465, "original_id": "1250663243862982663", "reply_id": "1250832929913073664", "label": "eww", "text": "Bitches be wanting you to cuff them after only talking for a year like damn chill stop tryin rush 😒🤦🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 48468, "original_id": "1250835381437620224", "reply_id": "1250845073220276224", "label": "agree", "text": "Should I do another giveaway today?! 🤔"} {"idx": 48475, "original_id": "1250982892966080513", "reply_id": "1251112127768735746", "label": "hug", "text": "I have feelings about how some people criticized my parenting and judged my family when we were going through trauma over the last few months. Now everyone is going through trauma and realizing how it can affect children and adults in big ways."} {"idx": 48476, "original_id": "1251125738289446912", "reply_id": "1251128193643352065", "label": "sigh", "text": "Jesus Christ I'm so fucked lmfaooooo sahii ata the only thing I can do is laugh at myself"} {"idx": 48478, "original_id": "1251227668680491008", "reply_id": "1251275267709911042", "label": "seriously", "text": "In a town hall with my school's dean and someone said, via anonymous comment of course: \"Your use of need based aid in this situation feels like favoritism and discrimination.\"\n\nFUTURE BUSINESS LEADER FOLKS!"} {"idx": 48481, "original_id": "1251024771938086912", "reply_id": "1251026640869572608", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@KASHYAPROHITH23 welcome to Twitter!"} {"idx": 48483, "original_id": "1251003655337230336", "reply_id": "1251008220677591040", "label": "agree", "text": "Twitter is like YouTube comments without the video."} {"idx": 48484, "original_id": "1250849304941641728", "reply_id": "1250878370012729344", "label": "oops", "text": "might tweet my phone number later"} {"idx": 48487, "original_id": "1251167013839482881", "reply_id": "1251170138092720129", "label": "agree", "text": "If my 88 year old client can e-sign a return... anyone can."} {"idx": 48490, "original_id": "1251183873406521345", "reply_id": "1251192706715357186", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Everyone on Zoom in my class is absolutely trashing my professor for his shitty mic 😂 “I didn’t know radio shack still sold microphones” 😂💀😂"} {"idx": 48491, "original_id": "1251211000277237760", "reply_id": "1251211867680321536", "label": "want", "text": "i have a really exciting tweet coming"} {"idx": 48501, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251264745451249666", "label": "applause", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 48506, "original_id": "1251220746363457543", "reply_id": "1251254176094531586", "label": "no", "text": "*Murder mystery hint: the person has a profile picture of themselves*\n\n*@El_Vasqinho changes profile pic of himself to baby yoda.*\n\nI've never seen such a horrible murderer in my life💀😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️"} {"idx": 48509, "original_id": "1250703102740705286", "reply_id": "1250852320574877696", "label": "agree", "text": "One of the good things that is coming out of this Covid-19 'crisis' is that government finally seems to be finding the money to spend on things they should have been spending it on years ago."} {"idx": 48511, "original_id": "1251116482643275782", "reply_id": "1251123368549482496", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Was excited to land a pitch at a Hearst publication but they just emailed to kill the story, saying they found out they can’t accept freelancers from Indiana because of new laws about “essential business.”"} {"idx": 48514, "original_id": "1251126611740512256", "reply_id": "1251178324128342016", "label": "sigh", "text": "Dumping our lager yeast today 😥"} {"idx": 48515, "original_id": "1251129471563894786", "reply_id": "1251131477930250240", "label": "high_five", "text": "I think I might need cat gifs please 😕"} {"idx": 48516, "original_id": "1250917570334674945", "reply_id": "1250917814522851335", "label": "seriously", "text": "The guidelines released by @realDonaldTrump to reopen our country are data-driven and based on strong public health science. This is the right way to safely start to reopen our country & get Americans back to work. #InThisTogether"} {"idx": 48521, "original_id": "1250809709130584072", "reply_id": "1251070464815820801", "label": "yes", "text": "Is chick fil a essential? Asking for a me"} {"idx": 48527, "original_id": "1251121163042017285", "reply_id": "1251122746035232768", "label": "applause", "text": "my brother constantly stops my music cause every iphone in thr household is able to access all homepods in it. \n\nJust wait until I blast some Monsta X or Stray Kids on full volume when you try to sleep 😏"} {"idx": 48531, "original_id": "1250627454219190273", "reply_id": "1250871419455639553", "label": "popcorn", "text": "So I found a female name in my man phone instead of going off on him I put my number under her name and her number under my name 😭 he just texted me well her and ask where she at ? 😂 should I link up with him or what ?"} {"idx": 48533, "original_id": "1251199147732017154", "reply_id": "1251201340719747074", "label": "agree", "text": "busy black lighting the place so i can sleep directly on your cum puddles"} {"idx": 48536, "original_id": "1250474236394815489", "reply_id": "1250911304946253830", "label": "agree", "text": "If I cannot get the person I want, then the person who wants me will not get me.\nWe must all suffer together.😂😂😂"} {"idx": 48541, "original_id": "1251029874908606464", "reply_id": "1251048289471885312", "label": "yes", "text": "Hi Guys up for a chat ..... if yes see you at 6pm 😊 waiting ...."} {"idx": 48542, "original_id": "1250642424562499584", "reply_id": "1250874668401082368", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "@IAMGEOOFFICIAL_ has me dancing 💃🏻"} {"idx": 48543, "original_id": "1250926296777048064", "reply_id": "1250933157534355457", "label": "yes", "text": "Phase One should involve phasing out the #CoronavirusLiar from the press briefings."} {"idx": 48546, "original_id": "1251225918212726784", "reply_id": "1251226204146937856", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Show me with a GIF what your plans for this weekend are! 😃"} {"idx": 48547, "original_id": "1250771216329138176", "reply_id": "1250871713891581961", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump is the biggest liar in American history. Raise your hand if you agree with @funder and Me...\n#CoronavirusLiar \n\n🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️"} {"idx": 48548, "original_id": "1251185822084235265", "reply_id": "1251188933565640707", "label": "shocked", "text": "Toasting both sides of the bread when making a melt is a god damn game changer"} {"idx": 48550, "original_id": "1250919366775865344", "reply_id": "1251085990648705024", "label": "agree", "text": "Hey I'm not doctor, but it seems to me that talking about opening anywhere (Phase One?) without full-on widespread testing is insane. TESTING TESTING TESTING should be Phase One. #Amiright? WE ARE NOWHERE NEAR THAT!!!!! And I'm in a good state too."} {"idx": 48553, "original_id": "1250949580163878912", "reply_id": "1250950005487292416", "label": "shocked", "text": "SOURCE: Houston Texans expected to trade up for left tackle Laremy Tunsil next week in the draft."} {"idx": 48554, "original_id": "1250808116830179332", "reply_id": "1250989998712725506", "label": "ok", "text": "I just submitted a short story to my dream market, F&SF Magazine. Wish me luck! I think it's a good one. I'm nervous as anything, I haven't sent out a submission in ages."} {"idx": 48556, "original_id": "1250831211515252739", "reply_id": "1250873937988325382", "label": "applause", "text": "On a positive note everyone, and just so I can remind myself a little, I’ve lost 27 lbs since the beginning of spring break. #smallvictories"} {"idx": 48557, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251039348843139075", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 48558, "original_id": "1251228719152316417", "reply_id": "1251230769978265602", "label": "awww", "text": "Just letting y'all know, I changed my @ to @phoenixmaiika cause it looks a lot cuter 🥺💜"} {"idx": 48559, "original_id": "1251010978755551232", "reply_id": "1251020697901514752", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s another rough night 😔"} {"idx": 48563, "original_id": "1250817149041590277", "reply_id": "1251090506198781954", "label": "applause", "text": "New York on PAUSE will be extended in coordination with other states to May 15.\n\nNon-essential workers must continue to stay home.\n\nSocial distancing rules remain in place.\n\nWe must STAY THE COURSE."} {"idx": 48568, "original_id": "1250865778808836098", "reply_id": "1250943406077067265", "label": "oh_snap", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 48571, "original_id": "1250800048998408195", "reply_id": "1250845497532846080", "label": "shrug", "text": "While here ku Twitter u called it #DontRushChallenge kwa nanikane the call it \"brush challenge\" .😂"} {"idx": 48572, "original_id": "1250961900269076482", "reply_id": "1250967537510223873", "label": "smh", "text": "Griot 🗑 🚮"} {"idx": 48574, "original_id": "1250928412400791552", "reply_id": "1250953457428643840", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Coming tomorrow #YouCantHoldMyHeart @OfficialMonstaX #monstax"} {"idx": 48577, "original_id": "1250952335758635017", "reply_id": "1251016270226640896", "label": "shocked", "text": "Deadass if this wasn’t happening, I would ask my friends to hangout & ACTUALLY go through with it 😂😂 I’m that bored"} {"idx": 48583, "original_id": "1250873972465577984", "reply_id": "1250894173273829377", "label": "no", "text": "#thfc have opened talks with Mauricio Pochettino about reducing his £12.5M severance pay due to the coronavirus pandemic. | @TelegraphSport"} {"idx": 48584, "original_id": "1251237738956783617", "reply_id": "1251238049591128064", "label": "smh", "text": "Me to myself when I knowingly got myself into this mess when she said she does have these episodes from time to time and even her best friends gets mad at her sometimes when she disappears:"} {"idx": 48586, "original_id": "1250863335794454529", "reply_id": "1250890584467877888", "label": "no", "text": "Should I get dressed and take pictures??"} {"idx": 48587, "original_id": "1251026090811895809", "reply_id": "1251063630260387841", "label": "seriously", "text": "I got a heart shaped asshole sometimes 😝"} {"idx": 48591, "original_id": "1250990656014729216", "reply_id": "1250993252414754818", "label": "awww", "text": "i love going to jos house. her an brandon sooooo cute their house little family and allllllll that 😂🥰🥰🥰🥺"} {"idx": 48592, "original_id": "1251134432716750849", "reply_id": "1251190218008547328", "label": "seriously", "text": "Breaking news: Tanzania confirmed cases jump to 147 after they confirm 53 new cases in the past 24hrs #CoronaVirusPandemic"} {"idx": 48593, "original_id": "1251269316693147648", "reply_id": "1251269659631980545", "label": "seriously", "text": "Adam Silver acknowledges that the NBA is not yet \"at the point\" where it can pinpoint prerequisites \"A, B and C\" to establish \"a clear path\" to a return"} {"idx": 48596, "original_id": "1251054168258875393", "reply_id": "1251054282281037824", "label": "smh", "text": "okay actually i’m ty ty so imma watch greys now"} {"idx": 48597, "original_id": "1250678262000349186", "reply_id": "1250836552034336768", "label": "yes", "text": "sucking his fingers after he gets done fingering you >>>>"} {"idx": 48598, "original_id": "1250970933948411904", "reply_id": "1250971048771678209", "label": "hug", "text": "I just finished my first commission SOMEONE GIVE ME HEAD PATS"} {"idx": 48599, "original_id": "1250934254529372163", "reply_id": "1250934932614111232", "label": "dance", "text": "Touch the Sky is my favorite Kanye beat ever"} {"idx": 48600, "original_id": "1250996319692431365", "reply_id": "1251000423995060226", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Any clans wanna wager XT 👀 \n2/3 Teams dm me any amount 💰🦍"} {"idx": 48602, "original_id": "1250841637871378432", "reply_id": "1250846397106057216", "label": "hug", "text": "My mom just found out her aunt is on hospice due to complications from Covid-19 #fuckCorona"} {"idx": 48603, "original_id": "1250828120699133954", "reply_id": "1250850293639786498", "label": "awww", "text": "Quin telloo"} {"idx": 48604, "original_id": "1251028817767993344", "reply_id": "1251041712195211265", "label": "eww", "text": "tl sleep? \n\nsyrup goes on eggs"} {"idx": 48608, "original_id": "1250978037224615936", "reply_id": "1251139891746033664", "label": "smh", "text": "Today I announced the VoteSafe Act. It includes:\n→$2.5 billion to expand vote-by-mail and early voting\n→$2.5 billion to improve safety of polling places\n→No-excuse mail-in absentee voting\n→At least 20 days of early voting \n\nVoting is a fundamental right. We must protect it."} {"idx": 48617, "original_id": "1251216436460244995", "reply_id": "1251217593349951488", "label": "yawn", "text": "Fighting sleep."} {"idx": 48618, "original_id": "1250943422380335104", "reply_id": "1250943798500306945", "label": "sigh", "text": "#NationalHornyDay I GOT HORNY JUST THINKING ABOUT WHAT WE USED TO CALL A ‘DAY’"} {"idx": 48619, "original_id": "1251273085350809600", "reply_id": "1251273737145630724", "label": "scared", "text": "Whenever a comic book guy has me blocked, I am like “what is he hiding”"} {"idx": 48620, "original_id": "1250778467685167106", "reply_id": "1251040606966579201", "label": "seriously", "text": "BJP workers providing food to 5 crore needy people daily: Party president J P Nadda."} {"idx": 48622, "original_id": "1251184537163489280", "reply_id": "1251197551119917062", "label": "hug", "text": "I’m so overwhelming tired today. Is this the depression stage of grief? Cleaned my whole garden yesterday. Today I can’t find energy to push the start on the washing machine. Feel like I’m underwater."} {"idx": 48623, "original_id": "1251179862611591168", "reply_id": "1251180280821493762", "label": "awww", "text": "Afternoon beautiful people!!! \nYou are amazing! You were put in this world for a reason.\nNever forget that."} {"idx": 48627, "original_id": "1250848742720364549", "reply_id": "1250909827825614849", "label": "no", "text": "At that point in the semester of my fully-online composition classes where students I've never heard from are e-mailing to say, \"Sorry I've been absent. Can I make up the work?\" \n\nIt's Week 6 of an 8-week course."} {"idx": 48628, "original_id": "1251143905292226560", "reply_id": "1251166879999070208", "label": "hug", "text": "The past few weeks I've been going through the worst, most soul-crushing family crisis of my entire life.\n\nI'm getting back to streaming finally today, raising some money for No Kid Hungry!\n\nThank you for your patience while I was AWOL.\n\nSee you all on stream!"} {"idx": 48630, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1251005351064997893", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 48631, "original_id": "1250929702300196864", "reply_id": "1251046036136759296", "label": "hug", "text": "Wish I'd just stayed at uni and scraped pass for end of year 3... I'd be finished \n\nAll this is just as isolating as placements without rotas, not knowing when I Can see people again, financial worries, colitis flare. Can't go gym etc\n\nStraight back to square 1 😭"} {"idx": 48632, "original_id": "1250838160030019585", "reply_id": "1250838306453180416", "label": "no", "text": "Who wants some announcements today? 👀\n#HNCMagic"} {"idx": 48635, "original_id": "1251111541631586304", "reply_id": "1251114417418313728", "label": "shocked", "text": "im gonna have a working computer in less than 2 weeks holy fuck"} {"idx": 48636, "original_id": "1251058790679539712", "reply_id": "1251178519725371394", "label": "oops", "text": "I said I wasn’t gonna get drunk until tomorrow but.... I blame @BiancaFierro 🤭"} {"idx": 48644, "original_id": "1250838046095933440", "reply_id": "1250841706116689921", "label": "applause", "text": "Legit don’t know what’s been happening 😭 hour live and 75 subs and 300$ in donos like whattttttttttttt"} {"idx": 48645, "original_id": "1251193919704047623", "reply_id": "1251194132850245633", "label": "agree", "text": "Dude Splinter Cell Conviction is amazing."} {"idx": 48647, "original_id": "1250988992125898754", "reply_id": "1250992180476477440", "label": "shrug", "text": "😭😭😭😭 niggas really gotta stop wit this freaky liq shit"} {"idx": 48648, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251015954668163073", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 48649, "original_id": "1250886455951413248", "reply_id": "1251187907005743106", "label": "no", "text": "Tune in to a 48-hour global live stream of LiveXLive Presents 'Music Lives' with TikTok on April 17-19.\n\nFeatured artists include J. Balvin, Anitta, Nas, Trippie Redd, Swae Lee, Matoma, Big Gigantic and many more!"} {"idx": 48653, "original_id": "1251270661328138240", "reply_id": "1251274232618778624", "label": "applause", "text": "Streaming tonight at 7:00 pm pst! Playing more LoD!"} {"idx": 48654, "original_id": "1251097194935050241", "reply_id": "1251124698387267585", "label": "good_luck", "text": "My sleep schedule is destroyed... I've been up till 7 or 8 in the morning the past 3 days and sleeping till 3 PM... Gotta fix this before class on Monday."} {"idx": 48657, "original_id": "1251058255771533313", "reply_id": "1251058841330089984", "label": "high_five", "text": "Feeling so VERY gay right now, my friends. SO gay. GAY."} {"idx": 48658, "original_id": "1250858153455112199", "reply_id": "1250858721015717888", "label": "agree", "text": "Watseba Ke motle mare ☺️Self-love and appreciation."} {"idx": 48659, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250964901679394816", "label": "eww", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 48666, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1250882930127384576", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 48667, "original_id": "1250860347356934145", "reply_id": "1250861785961259008", "label": "hug", "text": "Its almost 3 n im awake n anxious bout my pc haha i gotta try n not worry but its rough"} {"idx": 48668, "original_id": "1251177299958849536", "reply_id": "1251199590495289347", "label": "awww", "text": "I literally had a dream me and my kitchen crew were leaving work and we were all trying to talk nd bullshit but we couldn’t stop walking away from each other and our voices got quieter and quieter and we tried to reach out to hug goodbye and we barely missed each other .."} {"idx": 48670, "original_id": "1251215667736559617", "reply_id": "1251235435696791559", "label": "agree", "text": "Since I can no longer be trusted with keeping snacks in the house, I’ve converted my car into a pantry. I park it blocks and blocks away and now all is well. \n#HowQuarantineHasChangedMe"} {"idx": 48671, "original_id": "1250858744537284608", "reply_id": "1250868051655954434", "label": "hug", "text": "I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and pull up my big girl panties. My family is healthy and I’m working. It could be way worse. Carry on..."} {"idx": 48674, "original_id": "1250892967889367040", "reply_id": "1251117000040079360", "label": "applause", "text": "finally got out of bed and it only took me ten hours can i get a round of applause"} {"idx": 48675, "original_id": "1251210544071262209", "reply_id": "1251211337230880773", "label": "eww", "text": "Innumeracy is another epidemic."} {"idx": 48677, "original_id": "1250857359427149829", "reply_id": "1250862496677683200", "label": "applause", "text": "New York will send 100 ventilators to our friends in New Jersey.\n\nOther states helped us when we most needed it, and we are proud to do the same.\n\nWe're all in this together."} {"idx": 48681, "original_id": "1250888193383129088", "reply_id": "1250896556246458369", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Thank you, company that has been sending me spam email for ages, for letting me know what it is you're doing about COVID."} {"idx": 48683, "original_id": "1251114931811840000", "reply_id": "1251249466037997569", "label": "no", "text": "Weekend is here. Do we really care?"} {"idx": 48684, "original_id": "1251192830254632960", "reply_id": "1251257456547807232", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "putting up 5 sheets of notes and then asking for an assignment a week later without any response is not teaching"} {"idx": 48686, "original_id": "1250943987625734144", "reply_id": "1250981580736286720", "label": "scared", "text": "We are like exactly a week away from the #Cowboys making their first-round pick. \n\nHow afraid are you of them taking a LB at No. 17?"} {"idx": 48688, "original_id": "1250844322305581056", "reply_id": "1250873976500428800", "label": "applause", "text": "To everyone who only managed to shower or accomplish one task today: you’re doing great, please hang in there."} {"idx": 48689, "original_id": "1250912627376652288", "reply_id": "1250913186955616256", "label": "awww", "text": "No joke; you are my friend 🤓"} {"idx": 48690, "original_id": "1250754503072272385", "reply_id": "1250852162105729024", "label": "shocked", "text": "Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it"} {"idx": 48694, "original_id": "1250911463956307968", "reply_id": "1250915949227671552", "label": "sorry", "text": "Should be in Vegas and headed to @RuPaulsDragRace Live! \n\n*deep breath*"} {"idx": 48696, "original_id": "1250787397559779328", "reply_id": "1250962196672253952", "label": "idk", "text": "It's Round 2 of 1 TRUTH AND 2 LIES to guess our NEW DM for #rollout! Vote on what you think the TRUTH is!\n\nWe think it’s someone VERY popular! 🤩\n@AlexaBliss_WWE, we know you told @WWEEmberMoon...TELL US!\n\nROLLOUT Season 3 premieres THIS TUESDAY 4/21 at 10 am!!!"} {"idx": 48699, "original_id": "1250841830985326594", "reply_id": "1250845599764828160", "label": "applause", "text": "Pleased to announce that I've accepted a role with the @Twitch Partnerships team.\n\nOver the last 4 years, I've worked with some of the most passionate people in the space of online Safety. I cannot state how appreciative I am of all the opportunities I've had. Thank you all."} {"idx": 48700, "original_id": "1250924237621202950", "reply_id": "1250943998044274690", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "President Trump: \"I want to make the country better. I don't care about campaigning.\""} {"idx": 48702, "original_id": "1250900277730750464", "reply_id": "1250902733395288067", "label": "hug", "text": "Yesterday was, believe it or not, our biggest viewership day ever! Thanks to all who continue to watch our goofy content over the years, we appreciate it."} {"idx": 48703, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250957053033660417", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 48705, "original_id": "1250926011526590470", "reply_id": "1251121014697873409", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "If trump called the suicide hotline and you answered the phone, what would you tell him?"} {"idx": 48707, "original_id": "1250893400196423681", "reply_id": "1250893844012384257", "label": "hug", "text": "I want a hug"} {"idx": 48709, "original_id": "1250983961787916288", "reply_id": "1250986429200519168", "label": "applause", "text": "I know I make mistakes but I realized instead of beating myself up about it , I need to acknowledge it and change my way of doing things 💆🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 48710, "original_id": "1250856573871808519", "reply_id": "1250858447043690497", "label": "agree", "text": "Talking sense to a supporter of Rand Paul is my useless thing to do today. How about y’all?"} {"idx": 48713, "original_id": "1251178721521827843", "reply_id": "1251187105453215748", "label": "agree", "text": "I need to make an Ashland trip after the rona @Derek__J0nes"} {"idx": 48716, "original_id": "1251261525421174784", "reply_id": "1251261657734619136", "label": "yes", "text": "THE VIDEO WORKED!!! Should I post the video today? 🤪"} {"idx": 48718, "original_id": "1250982489402687491", "reply_id": "1250984039567118336", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Is the midichlorian the powerhouse of the force?"} {"idx": 48719, "original_id": "1250950370068758528", "reply_id": "1250990707227201539", "label": "agree", "text": "I’d just like to point out I was a crazy jackass before quarantine made it cool."} {"idx": 48720, "original_id": "1251177032173654016", "reply_id": "1251183488855945217", "label": "wink", "text": "I like to see people flirting on my TL, please do more :)"} {"idx": 48722, "original_id": "1251219032134443008", "reply_id": "1251219306517532672", "label": "agree", "text": "in an attempt to make your quarantine NOT suck, I’m doing a $10,000 giveaway! randomly selecting 10 people to donate $1,000, just RETWEET this for a chance to win💰"} {"idx": 48728, "original_id": "1250897919517036549", "reply_id": "1251160066998145025", "label": "hug", "text": "Here’s a small update.. \n\nI had to get some tests run to rule out something going on in my pelvis since the pain is located around that area, however they think something is wrong within my bowels, I’m on a bunch of medication and will have to get a lot more tests done. Yay me"} {"idx": 48730, "original_id": "1250982130940809216", "reply_id": "1251162926481727489", "label": "good_luck", "text": "deactivating for ramadhan seems like a really good idea inshallah"} {"idx": 48731, "original_id": "1250844954622115842", "reply_id": "1250906765463609345", "label": "omg", "text": "Tweet me your thoughts on the NFL Draft being one week away, using one GIF. \n\nAnnnnnnnnd GO."} {"idx": 48735, "original_id": "1251006736426663936", "reply_id": "1251017641470291968", "label": "sigh", "text": "“We’ve got to remember, this is Covid-19! Presumably there’s been 18 other coronaviruses, on the way to get to 19!”\n- Michelle Boag, a moment ago, confirming that the RNZ Panel policy of only having on informed people is very much over."} {"idx": 48736, "original_id": "1250923186537074688", "reply_id": "1250925003132059650", "label": "omg", "text": "Sis said STEAMED CHICKEN WINGS"} {"idx": 48737, "original_id": "1250827692171300867", "reply_id": "1250975703987781636", "label": "eww", "text": "I had only enough milk for cereal OR a latte. I chose cereal. When I was done with my fruit loops I steamed the leftover milk for a latte and now I’ll never not do that."} {"idx": 48739, "original_id": "1250837824351244289", "reply_id": "1250839025885122562", "label": "yes", "text": "the world is fucked, find comfort where you can and get really fat with your friends"} {"idx": 48740, "original_id": "1251216902195752960", "reply_id": "1251218678525255680", "label": "hearts", "text": "@shypotatooo why do you own my heart 😩❤️"} {"idx": 48742, "original_id": "1250848314184142849", "reply_id": "1250848509441564674", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "So at least 40 more days of quarantine for Yours Truly.\n\nBetter safe than sick or dead."} {"idx": 48744, "original_id": "1251046403285147648", "reply_id": "1251050749695602688", "label": "smh", "text": "Describe your current mood with a gif."} {"idx": 48747, "original_id": "1251115404820267008", "reply_id": "1251265741896196097", "label": "applause", "text": "i'm a size smaller!"} {"idx": 48748, "original_id": "1250943143614320640", "reply_id": "1251139539357351936", "label": "yes", "text": "You guys digging Nightrider?"} {"idx": 48754, "original_id": "1250909457288216576", "reply_id": "1251212287970549760", "label": "no", "text": "Girls be honest are you more likely to have sex with an ugly rapper because of his status ? ( be very honest)"} {"idx": 48755, "original_id": "1250575347344650241", "reply_id": "1250882090368933894", "label": "no", "text": "Anybody feel extra “stimulated” today?!! 💵😜"} {"idx": 48756, "original_id": "1250894100829736963", "reply_id": "1250974882021675008", "label": "eww", "text": "Basketball coach: Baseline ... Put 15 seconds on the clock ! \n\nRespond as a player using GIFs only lol 🤔!"} {"idx": 48758, "original_id": "1250991196626997249", "reply_id": "1250991542191501312", "label": "sorry", "text": "Yall do me a favor & keep that corny shit to a minimum on my TL."} {"idx": 48759, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250878892048625664", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 48764, "original_id": "1250959602411339776", "reply_id": "1250962564005191681", "label": "applause", "text": "Thank you ALL for helping me break 1k!!! You’re the best!!! 😍🙌🏻\n\nI DO feel I need to make a confession.\nOver half my followers are porn bots and I DID have sex with all of them to get their follow."} {"idx": 48765, "original_id": "1251250598344822784", "reply_id": "1251260211609792512", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "How would you feel about being referred to as \"differently abled\"?"} {"idx": 48767, "original_id": "1251235714567532545", "reply_id": "1251236311656210441", "label": "mic_drop", "text": "Them: why did you decide to play mono black? \n\nMe: I’d like to be appropriately dressed for your funeral"} {"idx": 48768, "original_id": "1250940305882390530", "reply_id": "1250940646250209280", "label": "agree", "text": "Only 13 minutes in and the #DisneyFamilySingalong might be the best thing about quarantine."} {"idx": 48769, "original_id": "1250913782790053889", "reply_id": "1250916316191641601", "label": "idk", "text": "DONT GO HAVING YO FAMILY MEMBERS STALKING MY PAGE LIKE DELUSIONAL ASS PEOPLE😂"} {"idx": 48774, "original_id": "1250872426566758402", "reply_id": "1250882635846606855", "label": "yawn", "text": "Hi all! I can't see most of you to follow back so can I get a\n🙋🏼‍♀️-hello\n🖕-y ru bugging me\n🍷-I'm drinking now\nOr any emoji or gif so I can follow you back. Working daily, like its my job, to follow back. Thanks!"} {"idx": 48777, "original_id": "1251024108160245760", "reply_id": "1251024994311733249", "label": "awww", "text": "if i unfollow you theres a reason for it, unfollowed a lot of people recently simply because we dont talk or havent talked for a year or more. friendship goes both ways & people really soft & hurt over an unfollow button 👍🏼"} {"idx": 48779, "original_id": "1250879715956547585", "reply_id": "1250883008313176064", "label": "smh", "text": "Oomf was cute until he opened his mouth 😳🤕"} {"idx": 48783, "original_id": "1250886391111856128", "reply_id": "1251027485967421440", "label": "applause", "text": "Ladies monna wa llelwa, kore olle gore obe otxwe lemina la balloon🎈😌"} {"idx": 48784, "original_id": "1250907126907707392", "reply_id": "1251002631692210178", "label": "yes", "text": "If you could end Covid-19 by sacrificing an El Paso side of town, What side would it be and why would you choose the Eastside?"} {"idx": 48787, "original_id": "1251176169254330372", "reply_id": "1251176325542486016", "label": "hug", "text": "Hey guys, I hate having to ask this but please send positive vibes to me today. A lot has happened this morning and I am just super drained and exhausted by it all. Thank you."} {"idx": 48789, "original_id": "1251268996315439105", "reply_id": "1251269537493909504", "label": "agree", "text": "So the Spanish community still doing the double cheek kiss during all this?"} {"idx": 48790, "original_id": "1250849789178187777", "reply_id": "1250851473531064321", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "For the bitches that can’t keep their mouths shut long enough to keep a dick out of it, what the cheer team NEEDS and WANTS is for you to keep your legs shut 😊"} {"idx": 48791, "original_id": "1250572679222083584", "reply_id": "1251020841082634241", "label": "high_five", "text": "Raise your hand if you don't trust Bill Gates 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 48793, "original_id": "1250975127896014850", "reply_id": "1250990042002198530", "label": "shocked", "text": "If a Minotaur and a centaur were to fall in love there’s a 50/50 chance that their kid would either be a full human or a cow"} {"idx": 48794, "original_id": "1250589556774240256", "reply_id": "1250964715880185863", "label": "agree", "text": "“It’s always good to have a girl in your group. Because they’re smart!” - my 6y/o is wiser than most grown men."} {"idx": 48795, "original_id": "1250978466947690497", "reply_id": "1250983939109351424", "label": "applause", "text": "I hope everybody that knows my brother, posts the most embarrassing pictures ever on his 18th birthday and don’t take it down for shit."} {"idx": 48796, "original_id": "1251061419958829056", "reply_id": "1251061814210723841", "label": "hug", "text": "It’s really four am n I’m awake smh"} {"idx": 48797, "original_id": "1250946520142286848", "reply_id": "1251224733598842882", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Just had a Trump supporter tell me I should be thankful for the $1,200 check Trump's giving me and that Obama would never do that because he's a socialist and not a billionaire who can afford it.\n\nI have so many questions…"} {"idx": 48798, "original_id": "1250864457804320771", "reply_id": "1250890846343487488", "label": "agree", "text": ". MoNDaY"} {"idx": 48799, "original_id": "1250841779886272512", "reply_id": "1250847484274003974", "label": "yawn", "text": "I had my shrimp & steak. Now I’m tired 😩"} {"idx": 48804, "original_id": "1249199441107726343", "reply_id": "1250981195107586049", "label": "seriously", "text": "Five Big Lie that was told to us..\n\n1- Savarkar was brave \n2- Rahul Gandhi is 'papu' \n3- Cow urine cures corona virus \n4- CAA has no relation with NRC \n5- Sudhir Chaudhary, Rubika , Anjana Om , Amish Devgan, Deepak Chaurasia, Arnab Goswami are journalists.\n\nTruth is 💯 % Opposite"} {"idx": 48807, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250964762940317696", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 48808, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251097723631104003", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 48813, "original_id": "1250844090549272585", "reply_id": "1250845657780404224", "label": "seriously", "text": "Get rid of toxic relationships"} {"idx": 48814, "original_id": "1250848976556810240", "reply_id": "1250871979978010624", "label": "shocked", "text": "want stores to open up again I miss shoplifting"} {"idx": 48815, "original_id": "1251260634676842496", "reply_id": "1251265188608782337", "label": "agree", "text": "Ladies let’s stop entertaining men cause we bored ."} {"idx": 48817, "original_id": "1250995667583016964", "reply_id": "1251108603550928896", "label": "no", "text": "Question of the day:\n\nAre you better off today than you were four years ago?"} {"idx": 48820, "original_id": "1251085073400467459", "reply_id": "1251095419486011393", "label": "omg", "text": "A setback in his recovery has pushed back Charlie Curnow's return from a knee injury.\n\nAll of us are with you throughout this, Charlie. 💙"} {"idx": 48821, "original_id": "1251224264214265858", "reply_id": "1251234367558447104", "label": "applause", "text": "farting using my butt @FBI @SecretService @realDonaldTrump @potus @DonaldJTrumpJr @nypd @flpd @USArmy @NYPDCT"} {"idx": 48822, "original_id": "1250850644539383810", "reply_id": "1250971028190384129", "label": "hug", "text": "My sleeping schedule is so so broken. Fml"} {"idx": 48826, "original_id": "1251249506500427778", "reply_id": "1251249613199347712", "label": "yes", "text": "Announcement tonight at 9 PM."} {"idx": 48830, "original_id": "1251098801688866818", "reply_id": "1251100909557317632", "label": "seriously", "text": "Frens, teacher @himsini is back with same handle new account. Whether you knew?"} {"idx": 48831, "original_id": "1250859038469836800", "reply_id": "1251182942107381760", "label": "applause", "text": "#WritingCommunity I just emailed my first ever masterpiece of a book proposal to my first ever potential literary agent. Who’s happy for me? #imreadyimreadyimready #dontpanic"} {"idx": 48835, "original_id": "1251265593766010883", "reply_id": "1251267580184141825", "label": "applause", "text": "Stepson ordered some clothes and they came with a gift of a \"gold\" chain. He's been wearing it (ironically).\nMe: \"You'd better take that off. It'll give you a rash\"\nHim: \"Yeah, on my dick, from all the pussy I'm going to get!\"\n😂"} {"idx": 48836, "original_id": "1250930368682885126", "reply_id": "1250930717363765249", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m doing a photoshoot this weekend... Time to get cute on you whores"} {"idx": 48840, "original_id": "1251101045943496704", "reply_id": "1251103193594904577", "label": "hug", "text": "All I ask, can we have a peaceful time? I mean today is Ep. 9, and we have 4 more to go. I did this alone, by myself, no one pay me to do this, I just want to share info about Bright & Win in a happy mood. Can you chill a bit? Sometimes I need my friends, so I can hug them."} {"idx": 48841, "original_id": "1250827522553475072", "reply_id": "1250884847330975746", "label": "good_luck", "text": "They didn't tell me @PlayVALORANT was in the Battle Royale genre\n\n(Battle Royale for every esports commentator on the planet trynna get a piece of the action)"} {"idx": 48842, "original_id": "1251224282237210630", "reply_id": "1251229967230345220", "label": "applause", "text": "Just now: House Dems say the FDA rejected their request to temporarily pull e-cigarettes off the market during the #Covid_19 emergency\n\nIn early April the director of NIDA warned people who vape, smoke, or use drugs have higher risk of severe Covid19 symptoms/death"} {"idx": 48845, "original_id": "1251127189799649281", "reply_id": "1251166002286641152", "label": "high_five", "text": "Just shaved my legs for the first time in... a bit. So yeah, bout to fuck this Friday up!"} {"idx": 48849, "original_id": "1250991158332919809", "reply_id": "1251055240691855360", "label": "popcorn", "text": "The drama on Jtwitter is particularly intense tonight."} {"idx": 48851, "original_id": "1250936731047809025", "reply_id": "1251031845036150784", "label": "hug", "text": "If we’re all still h*rny, I’ll contribute. I want a h*g from literally anyone."} {"idx": 48852, "original_id": "1250988060982067200", "reply_id": "1250990688910692353", "label": "no", "text": "Guys, what if we all collectively tried not to be absolute garbage"} {"idx": 48854, "original_id": "1250836744527704064", "reply_id": "1250837095003811843", "label": "hug", "text": "wanna cry till i die."} {"idx": 48863, "original_id": "1251166287159414787", "reply_id": "1251217276440739841", "label": "no", "text": "Do you think Trump will debate Biden?"} {"idx": 48864, "original_id": "1250841196903247873", "reply_id": "1250842037634707458", "label": "hug", "text": "i just need a hug"} {"idx": 48865, "original_id": "917400819506581504", "reply_id": "1250889453469499392", "label": "agree", "text": "If you think “girls never go for nice guys,” consider the possibility that a.) they do, and b.) you’re not one."} {"idx": 48866, "original_id": "1250836976237977601", "reply_id": "1250880719703834624", "label": "seriously", "text": "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump for appointing me to your task force on re-opening America safely in the wake of #COVID19.\n\nWith 22 million Americans filing for unemployment, it’s clear we must start working to revive our economy and get the American people back to work safely."} {"idx": 48867, "original_id": "1251124973562822656", "reply_id": "1251127793217347585", "label": "awww", "text": "shadow woke me up early and was just standing over me. i asked her what was up and she just plopped down and cuddled into me little-spoon style."} {"idx": 48869, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251113387775254528", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 48870, "original_id": "1250842324789350400", "reply_id": "1250865525422542858", "label": "thank_you", "text": "@JustTheClippy Happy Birthday, Amanda! Here's a cupcake to help celebrate: 🧁... also a thanks for all that ya do! 🥳 Have a great one!"} {"idx": 48877, "original_id": "1251161120687022082", "reply_id": "1251165820346130432", "label": "applause", "text": "Blind Mike just walked out on the show."} {"idx": 48878, "original_id": "1250560423876628480", "reply_id": "1250840413730111488", "label": "scared", "text": "Does anyone else habitually take screenshots of error messages?"} {"idx": 48881, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251107131274731521", "label": "applause", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 48882, "original_id": "1250937176050843654", "reply_id": "1251112418551488512", "label": "agree", "text": "As the red pill is consumed, many are learning most everyone above the masses in power is a SATANIST. We are live stock to them. Our children they consume and people wonder why they do nothing for the people. Because why care what the cow wants."} {"idx": 48883, "original_id": "1250885931269308416", "reply_id": "1250931413899231233", "label": "no", "text": "I’m not afraid to open up America. \n\nYou?"} {"idx": 48886, "original_id": "1251024530459377664", "reply_id": "1251037832539496448", "label": "omg", "text": "I just accidentally ate a gallon of plain yogurt trying to decide if I liked the taste."} {"idx": 48887, "original_id": "1251118644400029697", "reply_id": "1251126638810509313", "label": "ok", "text": "guess im not streaming tonight clicked start like 10 times but it isnt working. ggs"} {"idx": 48890, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251072743094677504", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 48893, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251077437078728706", "label": "eww", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 48895, "original_id": "1251143772122959873", "reply_id": "1251145136911691783", "label": "shrug", "text": "Trump is literally doing nothing to manage this pandemic, which is killing thousands of Americans each day. Just tweets, campaign rallies and gaslighting. How is he still in office?"} {"idx": 48897, "original_id": "1251144169441067008", "reply_id": "1251255105439088645", "label": "hug", "text": "My aunt passed away. I loved her so much. She was my favorite aunt. \n\nShe is the mother of the cousin I lost recently. \n\nAnd no possibility to say goodbye... \n\nOr do anything. \n\nI feel so lost and helpless."} {"idx": 48900, "original_id": "1250922514919768066", "reply_id": "1250923120581632000", "label": "agree", "text": "Without getting into an argument, I’m going to explain why I’d take OT over a WR @ 11:\n\n1. Positional value: OT is more valuable & important to the QB.\n\n2. Positional scarcity: This WR class is next level deep.\n\n3. A guy being “OT4” doesn’t make hi less valuable than WR1.\n\n#Jets"} {"idx": 48902, "original_id": "1251059786575200256", "reply_id": "1251062135121219584", "label": "yes", "text": "If you’re up you’re cool"} {"idx": 48904, "original_id": "1250535738548117505", "reply_id": "1250958383588442112", "label": "agree", "text": "In a gif, describe what your haircut looks like right now"} {"idx": 48911, "original_id": "1250863649712898049", "reply_id": "1250863999828193280", "label": "oops", "text": "I’m over a month late on my period ! I’ve took a test twice and I’m not pregnant 😪 but man i feel like shit , haven’t been eating well . Don’t know what’s going on 🤦🏽‍♀️"} {"idx": 48914, "original_id": "1250876919270256644", "reply_id": "1250877525129035779", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Idk wth going on between @playboicarti and @LILUZIVERT but i like it 🛸🦋"} {"idx": 48917, "original_id": "1251028454163673091", "reply_id": "1251061408973959168", "label": "applause", "text": "New pb for BO3 zombies solo round 54 on SOE today... looking forward to future grinds for those high rounds"} {"idx": 48919, "original_id": "1250951048820391943", "reply_id": "1250951339611430912", "label": "dance", "text": "Taven baby, it’s your turn 🥺"} {"idx": 48920, "original_id": "1250934100241920000", "reply_id": "1250935219307372546", "label": "hearts", "text": "now is an important time to check up on ur friends bc you never know how someone’s coping. that being said, notice whos texting you and asking if you’re okay as well or even just for a chat. it goes both ways"} {"idx": 48921, "original_id": "1251085822209728512", "reply_id": "1251210369923719170", "label": "agree", "text": "I’m so over 2020. Let’s move on to 2021 already"} {"idx": 48922, "original_id": "1250887099290660871", "reply_id": "1250929973663281152", "label": "scared", "text": "@bq55__ Missed u 😑."} {"idx": 48923, "original_id": "1250879154482040832", "reply_id": "1250880508478840832", "label": "shocked", "text": "About to turn Sandra on ya Rass. Come thru with the comments. Place dem below. I have time."} {"idx": 48924, "original_id": "1250549086970880004", "reply_id": "1250938989869256704", "label": "yes", "text": "I don't mean to sound negative but does anyone think we will have a 2nd wave of COVID-19 ?"} {"idx": 48925, "original_id": "1250867670960033793", "reply_id": "1250869387961253895", "label": "seriously", "text": "Oh, and I've never even seen The Color Purple. Everything I know about that movie came from other people's jokes."} {"idx": 48930, "original_id": "1251033072537133056", "reply_id": "1251129924720701442", "label": "high_five", "text": "Going to start my stand up career tomorrow live on instagram make sure to look out for my Netflix special in the coming years. @netflix"} {"idx": 48931, "original_id": "1251081456807546892", "reply_id": "1251081854825922561", "label": "hug", "text": "Well guys, a massive thank you once again for being here for me since my time has been very hard with the loss of Poppy. Sending me all your condolences, love and support which I feel appreciated.I know it's a hard year for everyone and stay safe. I love you all."} {"idx": 48934, "original_id": "1250931698679844869", "reply_id": "1250932388936519688", "label": "wink", "text": "my best friend rlly my best friend lmao 😂"} {"idx": 48937, "original_id": "1250818729417609222", "reply_id": "1250842862582992896", "label": "no", "text": "Hey @TheRealOJ32 can i get a like for my birthday from the juice"} {"idx": 48939, "original_id": "1250988735015108608", "reply_id": "1250996430212341767", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "if you want cash, you gotta gonculate for it. plain and simple"} {"idx": 48940, "original_id": "1251183314926546945", "reply_id": "1251183500356509696", "label": "dance", "text": "It's Friday? who knew? #ff these fine folks @philhester @seanpphillips @alex_segura @CalumAWatt @alexdecampi @sxbond @jpalmiotti @HeatherAntos @HackinTimSeeley @tomfowlerbug @TomRaney_art @Joe_Quinones @samhumphries @ChrisSamnee @ChrisDiBari @TheBurnham @niK_IT @NicKlein"} {"idx": 48941, "original_id": "1250871357719617536", "reply_id": "1250871932909768710", "label": "hug", "text": "For a programme as funny as Schitts Creek, I sure do spend a lot of time crying at it."} {"idx": 48943, "original_id": "1251000772050984961", "reply_id": "1251003279372357632", "label": "shocked", "text": "escalate deez nuts into ur mouth"} {"idx": 48944, "original_id": "1250923370939547649", "reply_id": "1250961728055246849", "label": "seriously", "text": "Trump on the $349 billion small business loan program whose funds have run out: \"So just for the viewers watching this, or hearing you ask that question, exhausted is a good thing, not a bad thing. It went quickly, it is so popular.\""} {"idx": 48945, "original_id": "1250867264330633217", "reply_id": "1250868766403108865", "label": "no", "text": "@DaBarberMeech yo u doin house calls? Lol"} {"idx": 48947, "original_id": "1250989844886683652", "reply_id": "1251026098080681985", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "i like when people are blunt and straightforward, but very often when people tell you they are blunt and straightforward it's code for \"i'm an asshole\""} {"idx": 48948, "original_id": "1250861666578960389", "reply_id": "1250923131772035072", "label": "thank_you", "text": "We have a plan to start opening Ohio back up. It's going to be gradual- one thing after another. We want to do this in a thoughtful way that engenders confidence and ensures customers and employees are safe."} {"idx": 48949, "original_id": "1250891319200931840", "reply_id": "1250902516994396166", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "imagine carrying a baby a 9 whole months, dealing with sickness, pain, and childbirth, and then it grows up to be a fucking controller player"} {"idx": 48950, "original_id": "1251099251981062147", "reply_id": "1251138294680891397", "label": "eww", "text": "Cause he loves scars & I’m his masterpiece."} {"idx": 48951, "original_id": "1251019489153605632", "reply_id": "1251096093426888704", "label": "no", "text": "so would y’all really let someone spit in your mouth?"} {"idx": 48953, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251237691473174533", "label": "oops", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 48954, "original_id": "1251223959141380096", "reply_id": "1251240583219294208", "label": "dance", "text": "Who’s excited to watch kick ass in 30 minutes !"} {"idx": 48955, "original_id": "1250871207148359680", "reply_id": "1250871327554060288", "label": "awww", "text": "Omm dont come round me bragging bout yo 1200 ima take it and hoe you"} {"idx": 48957, "original_id": "1250846798480015360", "reply_id": "1251117261395558401", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Ahem...I SAID I'm 10 years a vegan!"} {"idx": 48959, "original_id": "1251239130232754181", "reply_id": "1251260815950348291", "label": "no", "text": "It cannot be too often repeated that what destroyed the Family in the modern world was Capitalism."} {"idx": 48961, "original_id": "1250881425701777410", "reply_id": "1250881893916200966", "label": "applause", "text": "#NXT: 692k viewers\n#AEW: 683k viewers"} {"idx": 48962, "original_id": "1250911392128851969", "reply_id": "1250973910771748871", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "You can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish.\nUnless, of course, you play bass."} {"idx": 48968, "original_id": "1250815842276839434", "reply_id": "1250836104401616902", "label": "yes", "text": "In less than a month I’ll be debt free and a college graduate.\n\nIt literally just hit me.\n\nWtf?\n\nIdk how I even got here."} {"idx": 48970, "original_id": "1251218647617425408", "reply_id": "1251227001639391233", "label": "oops", "text": "I made a list of the WIPs that are drafted or mostly drafted and basically just need to get tidied up and sent to my agent and 6... there are 6... I..."} {"idx": 48971, "original_id": "1251000567993782272", "reply_id": "1251176530543357952", "label": "yes", "text": "We are excited to announce that the first episode of our podcast will be available in early May! #StarTrek #Voyager #StarTrekVoyager #TomParis #HarryKim #TheDeltaFlyers"} {"idx": 48973, "original_id": "1251185885619433472", "reply_id": "1251185904229552128", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "We kashmiri people are bestowed with all best .... But in this pandemic we should keep eye on our neighbors needy ... Worried when heard about some sufferer ..... Before a while ..."} {"idx": 48974, "original_id": "1251070754571067393", "reply_id": "1251125924294246401", "label": "hug", "text": "goodmorning i’m am very confused and have no clue what is going on and i want to go back to sleep because my head hurts :("} {"idx": 48975, "original_id": "1251218234692513794", "reply_id": "1251218572887461888", "label": "eww", "text": "Welp i switched to a #iPhone11... Changing things up trying to get used to the functionality isn’t too bad"} {"idx": 48976, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251109804895952901", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 48977, "original_id": "1251191396222078983", "reply_id": "1251192348727554049", "label": "hug", "text": "Well I feel like this week has chewed me up and spat me out. Embracing the weekend and trying to switch off everything else."} {"idx": 48978, "original_id": "1251040485478731778", "reply_id": "1251040784087908352", "label": "eww", "text": "Why am I thinking about my ex now? 🤢"} {"idx": 48979, "original_id": "1250832516807704577", "reply_id": "1250854542092242944", "label": "sigh", "text": "Thanks @travelocity... I’m sure I’m going to book $1400 worth of flights to fly someplace before December 2020. 🤦🏼‍♀️"} {"idx": 48980, "original_id": "1251055921456754689", "reply_id": "1251056758941978624", "label": "win", "text": "Guys, on this day i want to say thank you, after almost 1 year and a half i'm ready to start making 100% quality content.\n\n8-9 Months saving money to get my PC and got my new mic yesterday. \n\nGreat things are coming and i'm glad that i have your support!\n\n#WWESuperCard"} {"idx": 48981, "original_id": "1251158564455899136", "reply_id": "1251163338827948032", "label": "agree", "text": "Would rather be in bed w/ Aaron."} {"idx": 48982, "original_id": "1234580034289111040", "reply_id": "1251246026356404229", "label": "good_luck", "text": "For Chapter 2 - Season 2, we're working to address performance issues impacting both clients and servers. Our goal is to improve performance before kicking off any cash prized competition. We'll keep you posted with schedule updates as soon as possible."} {"idx": 48984, "original_id": "1250845713178689544", "reply_id": "1250906382381002754", "label": "shocked", "text": "1/2 Some personal news. After over 4 years and 10 product launches, the OnePlus 8 Series launch was my last at OnePlus. \n\nWhen I joined OnePlus, a few frantic weeks before the OnePlus 2 launch, we were a scrappy upstart doing our best to create phones in a very crowded space."} {"idx": 48986, "original_id": "1250899718139342848", "reply_id": "1250956484751454209", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "Would you vote for Joe Biden if he picked Elizabeth Warren as his VP?"} {"idx": 48987, "original_id": "1251140719944884225", "reply_id": "1251152084042317841", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "I really slept from 2am - 2pm."} {"idx": 48988, "original_id": "1250986834403954706", "reply_id": "1250987305080406017", "label": "hug", "text": "So I realized today I might be hard to talk to. I apologize to everyone I’ve been dismissive with. I’m going to try harder to engage. I might have adult adhd."} {"idx": 48990, "original_id": "1250874266788270081", "reply_id": "1250879635535081480", "label": "sorry", "text": "dating a malnourished skater boy who couldn’t even afford to pay for his Wendy’s 4 for $4 and eventually cheats on you is a heterosexual rite of passage"} {"idx": 48992, "original_id": "1251029538361860096", "reply_id": "1251029766309806086", "label": "agree", "text": "Stop comparing strive to sfv. They didnt fuck up anyones face"} {"idx": 48993, "original_id": "1251150238003290113", "reply_id": "1251161426703421444", "label": "applause", "text": "Bob Quinn says defense was a focus in free agency. Believes they added and upgraded at every level."} {"idx": 48994, "original_id": "1251176871557050368", "reply_id": "1251272588032184320", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Hi. Nathaniel from CNN here. Can I DM you?"} {"idx": 48996, "original_id": "1250956389918208000", "reply_id": "1250956535691227136", "label": "applause", "text": "Setting up New Stream Setup! 😏"} {"idx": 48997, "original_id": "1250922788380184576", "reply_id": "1250923123584774144", "label": "applause", "text": "Surely I can’t be the only one that thinks Trisha Paytus is kinda fit???"} {"idx": 48998, "original_id": "1251142084209209347", "reply_id": "1251170059831185408", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "That homegirl that you call \"twin\" on social media thinks she looks better than you in real life. #TheMoreYouKnow🌈 😂"} {"idx": 48999, "original_id": "1251052718162161665", "reply_id": "1251052800982740993", "label": "applause", "text": "the ~ you did this for what? ~ sound would be the background sound for my life"} {"idx": 49000, "original_id": "1250963150331162631", "reply_id": "1251150646574632969", "label": "thank_you", "text": "For extra protection you can put a coffee filter inside your cotton mask"} {"idx": 49001, "original_id": "1250937710065451011", "reply_id": "1250959420839919621", "label": "want", "text": "Choose a gif that best describes the Republican party...."} {"idx": 49004, "original_id": "1251256704639082498", "reply_id": "1251257738891530243", "label": "hug", "text": "feeling very alone and unloved tonight."} {"idx": 49006, "original_id": "1251197309351854087", "reply_id": "1251198333831581698", "label": "hug", "text": "having a homophobic parent is so fucking stressful, my mom keep telling me that my sexual orientation is a disease. oh god I'm so fucking tired, i slit my wrist so many times but all she can say is \"you're overreacting! go pray and be grateful\" haha stfu mom,i suffer too."} {"idx": 49007, "original_id": "1251221810982649858", "reply_id": "1251223709534347265", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Additional #FF Gratitude @marczimmermann @Lt_Hicks @che666th70 @sadolli68 @UEndruscheit #TY"} {"idx": 49010, "original_id": "1250893184642793473", "reply_id": "1250899362655481857", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "bought purple hair dye for my dick so I can become Thanos"} {"idx": 49014, "original_id": "1250977824980250627", "reply_id": "1250983800202395650", "label": "agree", "text": "Reached the “over-touched” part of the evening"} {"idx": 49015, "original_id": "1250918649612824576", "reply_id": "1250920567277936640", "label": "applause", "text": "I haven’t had champagne in over a week... I think it’s about time I got drunk in the middle of the day again 🥂"} {"idx": 49018, "original_id": "1251165216227770368", "reply_id": "1251168377835585536", "label": "please", "text": "I have started loving my new schedule. No office, household works, getting up late, afternoon nap, trying new recipes, following my hobbies, etc etc. I am going to wail loudly when office starts. 😭😭😭\n#lockdowneffect #lovelydays"} {"idx": 49020, "original_id": "1251198901476040704", "reply_id": "1251200579520602118", "label": "applause", "text": "Brown girl twitter starter pack\n\n: uwu other women\n: upload selfies with captions claiming themselves to be ugly\n: complain about period cramps\n: are secretly dying to be in my DMs"} {"idx": 49021, "original_id": "1250675298674376704", "reply_id": "1250949090692796417", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "BRAND NEW Ma-E FEAT. K.O DROPPING 24 APRIL‼️ \n\nReply with a 🚜 if you READYYYY!!!!"} {"idx": 49023, "original_id": "1250931709434093568", "reply_id": "1250982858245541888", "label": "no", "text": "If your governor decided it was fine to lift restrictions and let all businesses open up, would you trust them?"} {"idx": 49025, "original_id": "1250902609487106054", "reply_id": "1250921165696221192", "label": "awww", "text": "Hausa is the only language in Nigeria that is broadcast by foreign stations, a few of them are BBC, RFI, CRI VOA and IRIB. \n\n#iamnorth"} {"idx": 49028, "original_id": "1250923233991372810", "reply_id": "1250935067813326851", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "Trump on what happens if there are new hot spots says health officials will be able to “whack it...”"} {"idx": 49029, "original_id": "1250806412453851137", "reply_id": "1250988118968238080", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Raise your hand if you think Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are putting politics over the American people. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️"} {"idx": 49030, "original_id": "1250862569373306882", "reply_id": "1250999897052119040", "label": "applause", "text": "Holler at me when Trae Young wins unanimous mvp and leads his team to 3 straight finals.... until then keep Steph name out your mouth. The guy literally only gets to do what he does cuz Steph EXISTS. No Steph, no logo Bombs, no 3 first mentality none of that. FOH"} {"idx": 49031, "original_id": "1250990677409894400", "reply_id": "1251117033237942277", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Quarantine has shown me that an awful lot of y'all are married with kids and should absolutely not have either of those things."} {"idx": 49032, "original_id": "1251223884977840135", "reply_id": "1251248602762051586", "label": "hug", "text": "Hello darkness, my old friend."} {"idx": 49034, "original_id": "1250453987435913221", "reply_id": "1250878106556157957", "label": "applause", "text": "Someone thought I was 18 today, lockdown is doing wonders"} {"idx": 49037, "original_id": "1250958622827429888", "reply_id": "1251025621444169728", "label": "thank_you", "text": "trekkie shout outs round2) @JanewayKatheryn @ghostfleming @SevenOfNine_79 @fillingspace_ @theNiceCaptain @sunflower_scout @MrsChrisPike @VinaVinx @johnCrichtonUSA @zoidberg95 @DenisCoveney @KesZimmerman @OneZimmerman_1 @selzero @SciFiFa26502583 @miss_dbora @TomParis_Voy"} {"idx": 49040, "original_id": "1250882376428904448", "reply_id": "1250898772281962496", "label": "yes", "text": "Step 1: Zack Ryder signs with AEW.\n\nStep 2: Cody Rhodes teams with him.\n\nStep 3: They call their tag team “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\nStep 4: They rename the Jericho Cruise “AEW: Suite Life On Deck”\n\nStep 5: Ratings 📈📈📈"} {"idx": 49041, "original_id": "1251137264899547139", "reply_id": "1251150312271822857", "label": "hug", "text": "Hi ❤️ \n\nToday I got up which I think is awesome 😊"} {"idx": 49043, "original_id": "1251219755249405959", "reply_id": "1251246619124695040", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?"} {"idx": 49044, "original_id": "1250528428224323586", "reply_id": "1251112643366191104", "label": "agree", "text": "Do you believe Trump would let us all die to keep himself in power?"} {"idx": 49046, "original_id": "1250299598347718656", "reply_id": "1251011472706207744", "label": "applause", "text": "Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19"} {"idx": 49048, "original_id": "1250970597032710144", "reply_id": "1250980127829299203", "label": "awww", "text": "I talked to a record of 3 people today."} {"idx": 49049, "original_id": "1251083085594189825", "reply_id": "1251087754143977473", "label": "agree", "text": "It’s official - @euanyatess_ is the worst quiz master ever!"} {"idx": 49050, "original_id": "1251100548721520646", "reply_id": "1251127942828011521", "label": "smh", "text": "spent my morning emailing the lawyers doing my exams🥳"} {"idx": 49053, "original_id": "1250953779123572738", "reply_id": "1250956808052768769", "label": "shocked", "text": "@PAWD_WC #F1ghtClub is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 right now on @indiewrestling. Go get em, @TrishAdora202! #WatchIWTV"} {"idx": 49057, "original_id": "1251208641153122311", "reply_id": "1251208851711557632", "label": "applause", "text": "Swigert: \"Okay, Joe.\"\nCAPCOM: \"Okay. We read you, Jack.\"\n#Apollo13\n#Apollo50"} {"idx": 49058, "original_id": "1250927631412932609", "reply_id": "1250928312710582273", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Lol how do you flirt? Asking for a friend."} {"idx": 49067, "original_id": "1250793253856780290", "reply_id": "1250843932818317312", "label": "no", "text": "Can we talk about masturbating with pets in the room or is that taboo??"} {"idx": 49068, "original_id": "1251129870555533312", "reply_id": "1251271894839504896", "label": "applause", "text": "Best thing about quarantine is having a beagle place that delivers freshly baked beagles."} {"idx": 49069, "original_id": "1251206432038371328", "reply_id": "1251206854207823872", "label": "no", "text": "Oh how I need that?????"} {"idx": 49070, "original_id": "1250883486132690944", "reply_id": "1250906405705584641", "label": "slow_clap", "text": "Does something special happen when you hit 3K followers? \n\nBalloons arrive?\n\nMarching band plays? \n\nI should put on pants."} {"idx": 49071, "original_id": "1251025088343953415", "reply_id": "1251262683703320578", "label": "applause", "text": "lil baby still has the best album this year , i haven’t yet been proven to be wrong"} {"idx": 49072, "original_id": "1251159411713642497", "reply_id": "1251222512882659330", "label": "facepalm", "text": "what is the point in anything anymore..."} {"idx": 49073, "original_id": "1250862058071097344", "reply_id": "1251249065742008320", "label": "applause", "text": "If you hate Sheff United clap your hands 👏"} {"idx": 49079, "original_id": "1250933094783295488", "reply_id": "1251104237922156547", "label": "yes", "text": "If these ass clowns are going to Pump, we free market capitalists are going to make money on it"} {"idx": 49080, "original_id": "1251258427797618690", "reply_id": "1251261434501177349", "label": "hug", "text": "I need a hug"} {"idx": 49081, "original_id": "1250964274622590979", "reply_id": "1251098135918673921", "label": "agree", "text": "When it comes to the meat of President Trump’s pandemic plans, I’ve seen more on a bleached, picked-over stray cattle carcass left for months in the Texas sun."} {"idx": 49082, "original_id": "1250959367291183110", "reply_id": "1251208699772887041", "label": "no", "text": "If David Brooks hates millennials so much then why did he marry one"} {"idx": 49083, "original_id": "1250950224194887680", "reply_id": "1251179537196556288", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Her: I’m a squirter.\n\nMe: I cum like a regular woman then pee afterwards."} {"idx": 49084, "original_id": "1251138961260544000", "reply_id": "1251142669285220358", "label": "applause", "text": "what i need more than anything right now is a new @Khruangbin album"} {"idx": 49085, "original_id": "1251179148300693506", "reply_id": "1251179343008739328", "label": "happy_dance", "text": "Zombies Stream?👀🔥🍕"} {"idx": 49086, "original_id": "1251224169838239744", "reply_id": "1251272495463665664", "label": "applause", "text": "As a Virginian, I find it very strange that the same people who are shunning masks to protest social distancing are the same people who covered their faces in January to protest common sense gun legislation.\n\n@Northam is doing the right thing on both counts."} {"idx": 49087, "original_id": "384267513388744705", "reply_id": "1250987016809967617", "label": "awww", "text": "We don't need no piece of paper from the city hall."} {"idx": 49091, "original_id": "1250978354242768896", "reply_id": "1250981337126797314", "label": "agree", "text": "Women got judged for whining and now they getting judged for drinking wine?\n\nLmfao niggas ain’t shit 🤦🏽‍♂️"} {"idx": 49092, "original_id": "1250838391987544065", "reply_id": "1251114205014642693", "label": "omg", "text": "I'm sure I could still get work as a #crisisactor 🤣👍"} {"idx": 49094, "original_id": "1251188920076898304", "reply_id": "1251189427554136064", "label": "smh", "text": "Liberate South Brooklyn!"} {"idx": 49097, "original_id": "1251146667069300739", "reply_id": "1251223046301659143", "label": "hearts", "text": "hi. good morning. ily. 💓 (shoutout to girls)"} {"idx": 49099, "original_id": "1250933020732862465", "reply_id": "1250933233409196033", "label": "hug", "text": "Taking another mental health break. Take care of yourselves and be nice to others because you never know what someone else may be going through 💜"} {"idx": 49100, "original_id": "1251259299000725504", "reply_id": "1251264142306013184", "label": "smh", "text": "If two vegans have an argument... can it still be beef?"} {"idx": 49101, "original_id": "1250831028320681992", "reply_id": "1250836647157075975", "label": "hug", "text": "school sent an email & at the end they said “if the borders aren’t reopened by this time” referring to SEPTEMBER and now i need to lay down"} {"idx": 49102, "original_id": "1250921729368764416", "reply_id": "1250941447538446348", "label": "eww", "text": "Don't You Worry Child"} {"idx": 49106, "original_id": "1251246699697373185", "reply_id": "1251251139154231298", "label": "shocked", "text": "rebels kick it was the best song 2019"} {"idx": 49109, "original_id": "1251217578938322947", "reply_id": "1251226427120406528", "label": "yes", "text": "This is whole thing is gonna make the “3 days weekend” obsolete."} {"idx": 49110, "original_id": "1250885744048001024", "reply_id": "1250965939358584832", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Those who don’t get to be with their significant other during quarantine should be appreciating this time apart to miss each other, I on the other hand am one dirty dish left in the living room away from going full on Carol Baskins 🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 49111, "original_id": "1251199443845742595", "reply_id": "1251249127993860098", "label": "applause", "text": "We’re Looking To Pickup 3 Dedicated Grinders THIS WEEKEND!\nLike And Retweet If You’re Excited!🤩"} {"idx": 49115, "original_id": "1250828831704920064", "reply_id": "1250851505877536769", "label": "you_got_this", "text": "Not been on last few days, was feeling low. I have just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Now I have my head around it, I'm going to fight it and kick it's arse. HH"} {"idx": 49116, "original_id": "1250927007124373505", "reply_id": "1250947253306613761", "label": "scared", "text": "\"We have learned a lot\" ~ let's hope they learned never to destroy the Constitution again."} {"idx": 49117, "original_id": "1250897948461789184", "reply_id": "1250929242323353602", "label": "hug", "text": "can’t believe I cried at work LMAOOOO"} {"idx": 49119, "original_id": "1251236385190809601", "reply_id": "1251245858328391681", "label": "hug", "text": "I tweeted about buying dinner for some people. A woman in Tennessee saw it, and started buying dinner for other teammates. This is the power of what we are doing, what we are building. Boots on the ground. Taking care of humans, one human being at a time."} {"idx": 49120, "original_id": "1250715712252973056", "reply_id": "1250904923425964033", "label": "applause", "text": "Y’all sleep??? I love being his throat bandit 🥰🤩😍😍"} {"idx": 49121, "original_id": "1251148407848284160", "reply_id": "1251191867896672258", "label": "wink", "text": "Respond with a GIF and we’ll tell you what to watch this weekend! #LikewiseApp"} {"idx": 49123, "original_id": "1250891512285736960", "reply_id": "1250895863834165249", "label": "applause", "text": "I washed my hair AND dried it AND shaved my legs. Thriving, honestly."} {"idx": 49125, "original_id": "1250957450968260608", "reply_id": "1250959333413793806", "label": "hug", "text": "Now writer misses her father"} {"idx": 49126, "original_id": "1250746740678017031", "reply_id": "1250990034255114241", "label": "shocked", "text": "If you don't like tofu you're cooking it wrong."} {"idx": 49127, "original_id": "1250990658149511169", "reply_id": "1251001304744251392", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "weebs really out here catching feelings thru messages 😭 you like my ninja way huh?"} {"idx": 49128, "original_id": "1250886039712829440", "reply_id": "1250886239839850496", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Demento, Detroit, Who, No, Evil, Ock, Kildare, Casey, Pepper, Zhivago, Marten, Gupta, Hollywood, Antle, Sleep, Dre, Strange, Doolittle, Foster, Doom, Faustus, House, Quinn, My Eyes, Ruth, and Kevorkian.\n\nWho are doctors I trust more than Dr. Oz?"} {"idx": 49129, "original_id": "1251033773157859328", "reply_id": "1251040717180305408", "label": "shocked", "text": "the furry agenda send tweet"} {"idx": 49140, "original_id": "1250922507613483008", "reply_id": "1250939266487771136", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump: I have friends that went into the hospital, 4 days later they were dead. Then they went🤯 in a coma. WHAT!?!"} {"idx": 49144, "original_id": "1250944827862265856", "reply_id": "1250953731195183104", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "BREAKING: Twitter has suspended @ALX"} {"idx": 49145, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250906535955496961", "label": "want", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 49146, "original_id": "1251000458375770112", "reply_id": "1251054996189253632", "label": "oops", "text": "I should be getting my back blown out 😭"} {"idx": 49150, "original_id": "1250957208076136448", "reply_id": "1250960690564784128", "label": "thank_you", "text": "Thank you for letting me share my love with you ❤️"} {"idx": 49151, "original_id": "1250979489833578497", "reply_id": "1251014388464549888", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss hugs."} {"idx": 49152, "original_id": "1251089400710279168", "reply_id": "1251193791161262080", "label": "applause", "text": "Sterling is better than Gnabry."} {"idx": 49153, "original_id": "1250771286252544001", "reply_id": "1250884009959317508", "label": "high_five", "text": "Drop an image of a character that sums up your lockdown life?"} {"idx": 49155, "original_id": "1250958862020206593", "reply_id": "1251153803409149952", "label": "wink", "text": "Unless you @ me you speaking to who????? Your daddy who didn’t raise you right."} {"idx": 49156, "original_id": "1251149077703561218", "reply_id": "1251158396067147776", "label": "hug", "text": "Having a rough day today...\n\nRejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.\nRomans 12:15\n\nWhen my brothers and sisters grieve, I grieve with them, too.\nLord, help."} {"idx": 49161, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250875751441797121", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 49163, "original_id": "1250857800479186945", "reply_id": "1251152297091989505", "label": "agree", "text": "Amazon makes a fortune from coronavirus while local business locks down. The government MUST kickstart the economy once this is over with time-limited retail vouchers for every Brit, printed by De La Rue, that exclude online giants - we can't let lockdown kill the high street!"} {"idx": 49166, "original_id": "1250890536891740161", "reply_id": "1250942155042021376", "label": "eww", "text": "lego masters finale: @ragzyart should’ve won 🙃🤦🏻‍♀️"} {"idx": 49167, "original_id": "1250462392468656128", "reply_id": "1251053667400200192", "label": "applause", "text": "No joke, my hair took 17 hours to finish - legit 15 hours over two days to apply the color 😂 shout out to my girlfriend! Can’t wait to reveal 🤟🏼"} {"idx": 49169, "original_id": "1250909494340698124", "reply_id": "1250937689924423682", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm really proud of myself. 4 weeks ago I didn't know anything about coding and today I got all but one of my end of unit challenges right."} {"idx": 49170, "original_id": "1250922859356094465", "reply_id": "1250923949527117826", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "i realized i only tweet when i want to talk🤔"} {"idx": 49172, "original_id": "1250940267546521606", "reply_id": "1250940629254889479", "label": "idk", "text": "When Khaled said “they” he was talking about this virus"} {"idx": 49173, "original_id": "1250978152215728128", "reply_id": "1250981721878781956", "label": "high_five", "text": "I think I’m about video-gamed out for this life."} {"idx": 49174, "original_id": "1168308638940835841", "reply_id": "1250946034932514816", "label": "smh", "text": "Ion care when I die has long as I’m high tbh"} {"idx": 49177, "original_id": "1251242036696690691", "reply_id": "1251268211686936577", "label": "shrug", "text": "Why is the President of the United States of America trying to instigate riots?\nIs this his final attempt at saving his presidency?\nIs this where we are now?"} {"idx": 49178, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251252341677805568", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 49184, "original_id": "1251014269430161408", "reply_id": "1251015266756149248", "label": "applause", "text": "Goodnight to everyone except for the people who cheat in Warzone...\n\nI hope none of you get invited to any birthday parties for the rest of your life."} {"idx": 49185, "original_id": "1251002127284965377", "reply_id": "1251062099259699200", "label": "no", "text": "Will you be installing #ScottyFromMarketing's new tracking app. \n\nPlease answer in the form of a gif."} {"idx": 49187, "original_id": "1250838643121500160", "reply_id": "1251075798628544512", "label": "agree", "text": "men this men that everytime i open this app😭😂can you rest or find someone who actually likes you"} {"idx": 49188, "original_id": "1251194553861910529", "reply_id": "1251197364091736065", "label": "hug", "text": "I miss\n\nMy hot ass wife"} {"idx": 49189, "original_id": "1251198245067505665", "reply_id": "1251200666057539587", "label": "shocked", "text": "Evan and Zoey being siblings is about as surprising and shocking as someone coming back from the dead on this show. Who TF cares these characters are a dud and a fail. #Days"} {"idx": 49192, "original_id": "1251191657770307587", "reply_id": "1251191873814835205", "label": "hug", "text": "i forgot to put one of my piercings back in last night & just repierced my own titty pls don’t talk to me today"} {"idx": 49194, "original_id": "1250925762645032962", "reply_id": "1250926387017498630", "label": "no", "text": "Someone on Facebook just said the presidential speech is the most up to date information out there and imagine trusting the president more than facts."} {"idx": 49195, "original_id": "1251053985890308102", "reply_id": "1251070366740385798", "label": "awww", "text": "bored."} {"idx": 49198, "original_id": "1251250322472869888", "reply_id": "1251258490581966848", "label": "agree", "text": "If I’ma fw you we gotta be able to communicate via gif only"} {"idx": 49199, "original_id": "1250864094611042304", "reply_id": "1250873777635770368", "label": "omg", "text": "My daughter just asked, you read that right reader, ASKED if she could clean her room.\n\nTimes be crazy ya'll."} {"idx": 49200, "original_id": "1250669245144367104", "reply_id": "1250847612627869696", "label": "hearts", "text": "Bored, entertain me."} {"idx": 49201, "original_id": "1251200603205885952", "reply_id": "1251255299194961924", "label": "applause", "text": "Nice to officially be back on the internet! ty for all the support yesterday"} {"idx": 49203, "original_id": "1251043132524752896", "reply_id": "1251049664494829568", "label": "popcorn", "text": "Lebron is better than MJ. That’s it."} {"idx": 49205, "original_id": "1251123740689268736", "reply_id": "1251123985447710721", "label": "no", "text": "me: hey @jposhaughnessy, guess what?\n\njim: leave me out of this\n\nme: my chicken is examining some lettuce\n\njim: please stop\n\nme: so i started playing The Chronic\n\njim: don’t\n\nme: now my chicken sees a salad and the dre sings on the side. \n\njim: <sobbing.gif>"} {"idx": 49207, "original_id": "1250953889811099648", "reply_id": "1250958477096181760", "label": "applause", "text": "It’s not the heat it’s the humidity"} {"idx": 49209, "original_id": "1251000970244472833", "reply_id": "1251170861584748545", "label": "agree", "text": "Fuck Dr. Phil\nFuck Dr. Oz\nFuck Dr. Drew\nFuck Trump"} {"idx": 49210, "original_id": "1251257123574611977", "reply_id": "1251258216496988161", "label": "no", "text": "Did y’all get your stimulus check yet?"} {"idx": 49212, "original_id": "1251001243238928384", "reply_id": "1251007916389195776", "label": "oh_snap", "text": "Me: Kya Tum Mujhe Apna Gmail Id De Sakte Ho ?\n\nShe: Ha, I_Have_boyfreind. Ilovehim@GetLost.com...\n\nMe: Thanks, I_am_your_bro.AajTuPitegi@Gharpe.com"} {"idx": 49213, "original_id": "1250572255186337793", "reply_id": "1250840760775315456", "label": "applause", "text": "I like how our country didn’t want a female president yet we still ended up with a little bitch"} {"idx": 49214, "original_id": "1251119998665449478", "reply_id": "1251267052180037633", "label": "applause", "text": "i'm not sad or happy, i'm just okay"} {"idx": 49217, "original_id": "1250874693713891329", "reply_id": "1250880824431595522", "label": "ok", "text": "I’m sitting here thinking 🤔 the past 19+ years I only fucked 3 niggas I wasn’t in a relationship with🤷🏾‍♀️... Bitchies be talking bout “HOE” is life tho no “LOW MILEAGE” is a lifestyle‼️A freak that barely have sex yeah that’s me 📌"} {"idx": 49219, "original_id": "1250882376428904448", "reply_id": "1250902379546865664", "label": "omg", "text": "Step 1: Zack Ryder signs with AEW.\n\nStep 2: Cody Rhodes teams with him.\n\nStep 3: They call their tag team “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”\n\nStep 4: They rename the Jericho Cruise “AEW: Suite Life On Deck”\n\nStep 5: Ratings 📈📈📈"} {"idx": 49221, "original_id": "1251192589560229889", "reply_id": "1251197544190836736", "label": "agree", "text": "Smart people hatch pursuits for what they are missing. Dumb people throw parades for what they know."} {"idx": 49222, "original_id": "1250587785901342722", "reply_id": "1251112903836655616", "label": "agree", "text": "I wish someone would love me the way the Democrat party loves China."} {"idx": 49227, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250986842758897672", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 49228, "original_id": "1251190991484260359", "reply_id": "1251191525658243073", "label": "agree", "text": "New York governor Andrew Cuomo emphasized the states had the power to reopen the economy, as guaranteed by the Constitution.\n\n“He’s doing nothing,” Cuomo said of Trump after the president sent a critical tweet about the governor. “All he’s doing is walking in front of the parade."} {"idx": 49229, "original_id": "1250166852971630594", "reply_id": "1250906381785411584", "label": "facepalm", "text": "From a scale of 1 to 10, how good is Trump's administration handling the pandemic??"} {"idx": 49230, "original_id": "1251194029473218560", "reply_id": "1251265286432600064", "label": "sorry", "text": "Twitter Boys Go Troll & Body Shame Girls But Low-key Their Girlfriends Can Be Use For Horror Movies."} {"idx": 49234, "original_id": "1250869880523546630", "reply_id": "1250892048414109696", "label": "wink", "text": "#NationalHornyDay? Isn’t that every day?"} {"idx": 49235, "original_id": "1250812958957088769", "reply_id": "1251025681837932544", "label": "applause", "text": "I'm looking for quarantine positives.\n\nI'll start:\n\nYou take away our James Wiseman?\n\nWe cancel your NCAA tournament.\n\n#PositiveFromNegative"} {"idx": 49236, "original_id": "1250819655792558080", "reply_id": "1250869281123971072", "label": "deal_with_it", "text": "Kill me now 😩😩😩"} {"idx": 49238, "original_id": "1251070467651309568", "reply_id": "1251082276563308544", "label": "no", "text": "Not even 10am and I’ve been misgendered. Love that for my mental health 🥴🤙🏻"} {"idx": 49242, "original_id": "1251238903228411905", "reply_id": "1251256931525615616", "label": "omg", "text": "My mom just offered to give me a lineup 😭 I'm scared"} {"idx": 49248, "original_id": "1251232248701083653", "reply_id": "1251232795575439361", "label": "seriously", "text": "Can’t wait until the Last Dance come on man"} {"idx": 49256, "original_id": "1250962185033039872", "reply_id": "1250963221319766016", "label": "smh", "text": "If it were not for the irresponsible behavior of the Chinese communist party there would be no #COVID19Pandemic \n\nThousands of Americans would still be alive and 22 million Americans would still be working at their jobs.\n\nChina is responsible. It is time to hold them to account."} {"idx": 49259, "original_id": "1250989902742896642", "reply_id": "1250995286413127680", "label": "shocked", "text": "if you're in a toxic situation, you're toxic yourself..."} {"idx": 49260, "original_id": "1250867559651348480", "reply_id": "1250867776811663363", "label": "omg", "text": "Random thought 💭 I just realized I’ve never had a banana split before lol"} {"idx": 49264, "original_id": "1251249928732540931", "reply_id": "1251250210858242049", "label": "do_not_want", "text": "Being called a whore by a guy with an anime avi because I REFUSED to show him my tits is delightfully absurd."} {"idx": 49265, "original_id": "1251232659394699265", "reply_id": "1251232889766916097", "label": "applause", "text": "If you are a OldRich Person and are judging me for using technology to feed people, how about you take that judgement, transform it into kindness, and give your money to one of my HUNGRY followers (now called “teammates”)!"} {"idx": 49266, "original_id": "1251167365418545153", "reply_id": "1251169079412441099", "label": "scared", "text": "Starting from 20:30hrs tonight, we will take actions against anyone on the streets. So please go back inside and #StayAtHome! Your cooperation is greatly needed to control the community spread of #COVID19.\n\n#COVID19Maldives"} {"idx": 49267, "original_id": "1250978806367768578", "reply_id": "1251002482089697285", "label": "scared", "text": "So on the one hand I’m glad to learn that I was totally justified in spending $60 a month for the past 10 years. On the other hand, if you’re even thinking about attempting an at home Brazilian. STOP. NOW."} {"idx": 49269, "original_id": "1251223649098633217", "reply_id": "1251261116237459457", "label": "eww", "text": "What do you guys think of Jake Fromm and a potential fit with the Patriots?"} {"idx": 49270, "original_id": "1251206691359805444", "reply_id": "1251226162455556096", "label": "no", "text": "Anyone else going a little stir crazy after 5 weeks of quarantine?"} {"idx": 49272, "original_id": "1251016252627185664", "reply_id": "1251214690778308609", "label": "applause", "text": "Should I drop another nude?"} {"idx": 49275, "original_id": "1251238982739873792", "reply_id": "1251239701719195653", "label": "hearts", "text": "Being a petty bastard all 2020, internet edition"} {"idx": 49279, "original_id": "1250873756840386561", "reply_id": "1250879334467993601", "label": "thumbs_down", "text": "One week from the 2020 NFL Draft.\n\nThank God we don't have to hear Goodell get boo'd this year."} {"idx": 49280, "original_id": "1251210742327578625", "reply_id": "1251214789470302210", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "This man is helping me figure out how I’ll go about sending these hairs to the different countries I got orders from today. A partner that’s involved in your business? Blessings upon blessings my guuuy!"} {"idx": 49282, "original_id": "1250856699629461505", "reply_id": "1250866224235347969", "label": "no", "text": "Jacob Eason and C.J. Beathard have nearly identical college stats. It's spooky."} {"idx": 49284, "original_id": "1250959752315584513", "reply_id": "1250979284958638080", "label": "applause", "text": "When this is all over, the first thing I am doing is throwing my mini her house prom ❤️ @itsbellapritch"} {"idx": 49285, "original_id": "1250912580127920130", "reply_id": "1250912742896271369", "label": "eww", "text": "Trump said earlier that we take solace that God has taken the people who have died from the virus into \"his eternal and loving embrace.\""} {"idx": 49290, "original_id": "1250853418228424706", "reply_id": "1250853500784906241", "label": "applause", "text": "Going back to blonde. Fuck it."} {"idx": 49293, "original_id": "1250919896533405703", "reply_id": "1250920849227624453", "label": "ok", "text": "I think I’m gonna buy a voodoo doll. You guys are in big trouble now"} {"idx": 49294, "original_id": "1251182757402816513", "reply_id": "1251192089121099780", "label": "shocked", "text": "When a man calls you “dangerous”, he has a girlfriend."} {"idx": 49299, "original_id": "1250814516922892289", "reply_id": "1250892680051044352", "label": "facepalm", "text": "Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world."} {"idx": 49300, "original_id": "1251147654077116418", "reply_id": "1251148081422143494", "label": "agree", "text": "Fiona Apple rules and always has."} {"idx": 49303, "original_id": "1250620401345912832", "reply_id": "1250875383043567619", "label": "yes", "text": "Should the Lakers retire Pau Gasol’s number 16?"} {"idx": 49307, "original_id": "1250859862554218496", "reply_id": "1250881565586083840", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Doctors that are more dependable than Dr. Oz.\n\nGo!"} {"idx": 49310, "original_id": "1251006736426663936", "reply_id": "1251057807027081216", "label": "eye_roll", "text": "“We’ve got to remember, this is Covid-19! Presumably there’s been 18 other coronaviruses, on the way to get to 19!”\n- Michelle Boag, a moment ago, confirming that the RNZ Panel policy of only having on informed people is very much over."} {"idx": 49311, "original_id": "1251059596094922752", "reply_id": "1251104746162868225", "label": "hearts", "text": "if you stan niall, louis, liam, harry, and zayn equally, respect their own decisions, support all of their solo careers, and you don't hate nor compare them with each other, i love you"} {"idx": 49312, "original_id": "1251176869677817856", "reply_id": "1251178989772607488", "label": "hug", "text": "Imagine finding out someone you care for doesn’t actually want you around.. it’s a wonderful feeling honestly 🙃"} {"idx": 49315, "original_id": "1251190198790246401", "reply_id": "1251192400380334089", "label": "yes", "text": "Lift his penis, not his spirits. Am I doing it right?"} {"idx": 49316, "original_id": "1251095155219869697", "reply_id": "1251103229548650497", "label": "thumbs_up", "text": "Yesterday was a bit of a shit day for me and I was pretty ugly to a few people on here because of it. Well out of sorts last night and definitely not the person I want to be. Genuinely sorry about that."} {"idx": 49323, "original_id": "1250857472069337089", "reply_id": "1250875623624638466", "label": "awww", "text": "Throwback to when @LacrymaNUSA said my AG hearing is the example everyone should be following..."} {"idx": 49325, "original_id": "1251236193477386240", "reply_id": "1251236587721162761", "label": "no", "text": "Chips and guacamole!!!"}