--- license: cc-by-4.0 task_categories: - question-answering language: - en pretty_name: DUDE size_categories: - 10K/DUDE_train-val-test_binaries`, which can be reused for the `data_dir` argument. For example: ```bash python3 DUDE_imdb_loader.py \ --data_dir ~/.cache/huggingface/datasets/downloads/extracted/7adde0ed7b0150b7f6b32e52bcad452991fde0f3407c8a87e74b1cb475edaa5b/DUDE_train-val-test_binaries/ ``` For baselines, we recommend having a look at the [MP-DocVQA repository](https://github.com/rubenpt91/MP-DocVQA-Framework) We strongly encourage you to benchmark your best models and submit test set predictions on the [DUDE competition leaderboard](https://rrc.cvc.uab.es/?ch=23) To help with test set predictions, we have included a sample submission file `RRC_DUDE_testset_submission_example.json`.