{"Id":18638,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-04-27T20:39:47.847","Score":2,"ViewCount":494.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-04-28T23:42:31.417","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Many older books printed for the UK market (most notably *The Great Gatsby*) had text on the back cover resembling the following:\n\n\n\n> \n> For copyright reasons this book is not for sale in the U.S.A.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nUnder [*Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley*](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Kirtsaeng_v._John_Wiley_%26_Sons,_Inc.), I'm pretty sure this has no legal meaning in the US any more, but I have some questions:\n\n\n* What was the historical basis for this notice?\n* Is this notice indeed legally void in the United States under *Kirtsaeng* (assuming the book was lawfully acquired in the UK or its territories)? In other works, could I legally sell such a book in the US?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Kirtsaeng and books from the UK marked \"not for sale in the U.S.A.\""} {"Id":22019,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-17T06:43:31.557","Score":1,"ViewCount":1691.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-03T08:53:48.827","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"This is with reference to [Section 9(1) (b) of the Trade Marks Act 1999](https:\/\/indiankanoon.org\/doc\/382675\/). \n\n\nI got an objection regarding my trademark application under the above section.\n\n\nThe examination reports it as : \n\n\n\n> \n> The above mentioned application has been examined under the provisions\n> of Trade Mark Act,1999 and Trade Mark Rules,2002 and the trade mark\n> applied for is open to objection under the following sections :\n> \n> \n> 1. The objection is raised under S 9(1) (b) of the Trade Marks Act 1999, as the mark consists exclusively of words or indications\n> which may serve in trade to designate the kind, quality, quantity,\n> intended purpose, values, geographical origin or the time of\n> production of the goods or rendering of the service or other\n> characteristics of the goods or service;\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nI would like to see some examples on how people have responded to such objections. Appreciate your help in this regard. Thanks \n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Trade Marks Act 1999: How to respond to objection as per Section 9(1) (b)"} {"Id":7414,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-27T11:59:48.110","Score":0,"ViewCount":48.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-09-17T03:39:27.813","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"About 15 years ago while my father was working 55 hour weeks being paid $8\/hr, he completed his taxi license and started working more hours a week as a taxi driver. On the highway, one of his passengers struck him with a hammer on the back of his head landing him in the hospital for a few months for no apparent reason.\n\n\nMy father, being an immigrant, did not understand the law or his rights so did not pursue the issue further, despite police catching the individual in question.\n\n\nI, his son, would like to look at this case and pursue it, despite my father's unwillingness to do so. Is there a way that I, independently, can figure out the identity of the criminal. The city in question is Calgary, Alberta, Canada.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Is there a criminal database for my city Calgary"} {"Id":4725,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-10-25T20:31:13.763","Score":6,"ViewCount":175.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-11-01T08:32:23.963","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"What law is broke if someone subscribes another person's email to several explicit websites?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"What law is violated when someone subscribes another person's email to several websites?"} {"Id":23542,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-10-24T21:14:40.813","Score":0,"ViewCount":30.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-10-24T21:20:24.630","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm having a hard time finding what the copyright law would be on teaching others through videos, what I've learned from professors in college. How does copyright apply to such a thing? Can I make a video of me writing out what I've learned, or should I change the material completely?\n\n\nEven if I change it, isn't it still considered getting the information from my previous instructors? And possibly copyright infringement?\n\n\nBut if so, then pretty much every bit of code that any one has ever learned was learned from some source, and if they teach any thing in a video, it's copyright infringement. So I'm very confused on this topic.\n\n\nAny help would be greatly appreciated.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"copyright of teaching (in video) learned coding techniques"} {"Id":25185,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-01-08T19:49:06.163","Score":1,"ViewCount":132.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-05-09T02:51:26.833","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"A designer drew a logo for me. It is an artistic representation of a lamp screen with recognizable traits, together with text. The original lamp was created more than 100 years ago, in the early 1900s. The specific lamp used as model for this artistic representation is a newer one made by someone else, but it maintains the main traits of the original.\n\n\nOriginally, the design was patented, but the patent expired long ago. Many manufacturers have mass produced their versions of this lamp later, and variants are for sale everywhere. Still, I am wondering if there may be copyright at play here: The original creator died less than 70 years ago.\n\n\nCan using this logo create any problems for me? Can laws vary from country to country, making this problematic only in some countries?\n\n\n(I want to use a nickname that is associated with this type of lamp together with the logo. The name is not trademarked in any domain. Also, I should note that my product has nothing to do with lamps.)\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Artistic representation of 100+ year old lamp"} {"Id":43512,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-08-08T03:15:19.597","Score":1,"ViewCount":36.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-08-08T04:20:24.617","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If company A contracts company B to be paid by the hour, and company B contracts an individual C, also paid by the hour, is it legal for company B to pass on the hours their own contractor C billed them for to company A is if the individual C were company B's employee?\n\n\nReal world example: a company is contracting a software development LLC for some development worked paid by the hour. The software development LLC wants to hire a tester via contract to test this software for a few hours. The softwere dev LLC pays their tester, then bills the hours the tester works on the client's project to their client. \n\n\nI know that companies bill their clients for hours their on-payroll **employees** worked, but my question is specifically whether or not the hours of one contractor can be passed on by another to their client for working on the client's project.\n\n\nAlso, the question is regarding United States law.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"Passing on contractor hours"} {"Id":13249,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-08-10T00:08:28.643","Score":5,"ViewCount":1393.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-03-27T03:17:46.570","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I was wondering what laws, if any, restrict donating money to criminals who have committed crimes which you support and want to encourage (lets assume the motivations are not necessarily so explicitly stated).\n\n\nMusings:\nOn the one hand this seems basically the same as paying someone to commit a crime.\nBut on the other hand, accused criminals get donated money all the time to fight the ensuing court battle. Which seems like something that is clearly legal.\n\n\n*This is in response to the recent flurry of donations and 100K bail given to the man who assaulted Dylann Roof. And was just wondering how exactly the law applies to such unique situations.*\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Giving Someone Money Because of a Criminal Act?"} {"Id":7000,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-08T21:53:59.483","Score":1,"ViewCount":137.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-10-13T21:36:41.977","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am working on some software for a business I want too open. I want to try my best at creating my own terms of use until I get enough money too hire a lawyer to help me through all the legal stuff. \n\n\nIf my business got sued and it lost, am I personally responsible for the assets? Is there a chance I could go to jail? Of course I don't want to be sued and I don't think I'll be sued but I want to know the worst case scenario. Is it that my business goes under or that I may have to pay out of pocket ect. \n\n\nThis business will be a website that \n\n\n* allows people to post videos and charge money for them\n* The business will take a certain percent of the money\n\n\nI plan to do everything on my own and do not want to include anyone in this business. I live in Michigan, United States. \n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"Is there personal liability when a business gets sued?"} {"Id":7964,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-03-23T19:44:37.190","Score":0,"ViewCount":39.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-03-23T22:38:39.047","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Lets say I design an entertainment app and when I finish the app I realize that there is a lot of fowl language and want to use a GNU library for something like checking for curse words. \n\n\nWould using a library as such be a problem legally for selling my product later? (or having it as a closed source project)\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"GNU GPL license question"} {"Id":31869,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-09-19T20:59:16.123","Score":1,"ViewCount":54.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-09-21T02:08:26.940","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I needed a variety of yard work done around my house. I found a contractor and scheduled him to come out and give an estimate. He did not show up on time to give the estimate. However, that is typical in the business. However, I did try to contact him a few times, with no response. I was not happy and started looking for another contractor. He did show up several hours later and gave me an estimate. We ended up agreeing on a price and scheduled the work to be done 5 or 6 days later at an unscheduled time on Sunday. He said it would be \"after Church.\" Sunday came and I tried texting him a few times with no response. He was a no show. While at work Monday, I started looking for another contractor. When I arrived home from work, I saw that all the work had been done in my absence. He did not contact me in any way, just left a bill in my door. He did everything requested and did a good - not great - job. If I had been there, I would have had him touch up a few areas. However, I was satisfied with what was done and mailed him a check.\n\n\nHowever, I was wondering what would have happened if I didnt want him to do the work. Verbally, we said Sunday. Can he just show up Monday and do the job without my permission? I wouldnt think so. Im in Virginia, if that makes a difference.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"Delivering services at a later date"} {"Id":1969,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-08-21T20:54:46.787","Score":1,"ViewCount":31.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-08-22T01:10:49.193","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"When a web-application is finished we minify our source and combine all different CSS and JS files into one, to speed up the performance (pageload).\n\n\nAs I thought about it, I recognize that some tools delete all comments (from source) so that you've to add the copyright information on the correct place afterwards.\n\n\nSo I came to the idea to reformat this information.\n\n\nHere a example what I mean, default copyright-informations:\n\n\n\n```\n\/*! jQuery v1.11.3 | (c) 2005, 2015 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org\/license *\/ {minfied source code}\n\n\/*\n * responsive-carousel ajax include extension\n * https:\/\/github.com\/filamentgroup\/responsive-carousel\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2012 Filament Group, Inc.\n * Licensed under the MIT, GPL licenses.\n *\/\n\n\/*!\n Slimbox v2.05 - The ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone for jQuery\n (c) 2007-2013 Christophe Beyls \n MIT-style license.\n*\/\n\n```\n\nTo something like this:\n\n\n\n```\n\/* \n * Name Version Licence-Type Licence-URL Copyright Copyright-Owner Source\n *\n * jQuery 1.11.3 MIT URL-TO-LICENCE 2005-2015 jQuery Foundation, Inc URL-TO-SOURCE\n * jQuery UI 1.11.4 MIT URL-TO-LICENCE 2015 jQuery Foundation, Inc URL-TO-SOURCE\n * Slimbox 2.05 MIT-style URL-TO-LICENCE 2007-2013 Christophe Beyls URL-TO-SOURCE\n *\/\n\n```\n\nBut the question is... is that allowd\/legal? Or is this already then a copyright\/licence-issue? In the licence text I don't found informations about that.\n\n\n**edited:** URL-TO-Phrases for URLs, because stackexchange identifys doubles as spam.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Recreate copyright information on merged and minified files"} {"Id":31145,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-08-20T19:41:58.183","Score":0,"ViewCount":85.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-08-21T06:42:34.137","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"This question is closely related to:\n[How do community websites and forums defend against copyright claims?](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/questions\/19746\/how-do-community-websites-and-forums-defend-against-copyright-claims), but it didn't exactly answer my question as my question is about servers based in Europe.\n\n\nIf a server is hosted in Germany, what courses of action could the site admin take in order to defend themselves against copyright infringements of user posted content? (E.g. pictures from Tumblr etc)\n\n\nI noticed that America usually uses the DMCA or the fair-use policy (as mentioned in the linked question), but I doubt it is the same in Germany. Would a similar approach work as American forums have? (e.g. put it in their policies that copyright infringement needs to be removed) Or are bigger measures to be taken because the law in Germany seems to be more strict?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"What EU law regulates the service providers liabilities and responsibilities for user posted content?"} {"Id":7113,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-13T14:51:34.627","Score":2,"ViewCount":174.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-02-14T12:48:18.647","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"What are the possible legal implications, and what possible recourse is there for a visitor from outside Germany, when a German website has an Impressum section with invalid contact information?\n\n\nThe background for my question is that I want to reach a site owner regarding a web site which took over a domain name which used to be in my possession. I don't particularly have a problem with the site, I'd just like to get in touch regarding the possibility of setting up some redirects. But so far, every attempt, by email or phone, including whois contact information as well as impressum, has been unsuccessful.\n\n\nMy - admittedly speculative and somewhat vague - line of thinking is that, since the law presumably requires the Impressum information to be correct, the hosting and possible other upstream providers should be able to coerce the guy into providing contact information; even though they likely cannot volunteer his private contact information, they must have an obligation to pressure their customer to rectify the situation if they are notified of a violation.\n\n\nBe that as it may, where can I turn to hopefully get the situation fixed?\n\n\nI'm in the EU, if that makes a difference. I can probably produce a few sentences of roughly intelligible German if need be.\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Invalid information in Impressum on German web site"} {"Id":6825,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-01T14:36:12.703","Score":2,"ViewCount":234.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-02-02T13:15:01.867","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I hope this is the right place to ask this kind of question! \n\nI am a videogame streamer on twitch.tv. It is pretty common to have a so called donation button there. It is a button where you can support your streamer with a little tip so he can buy a beer or the next cool game with it. The method which is used the most for those transactions is Paypal. In Paypal you can make chargebacks as a \"buyer\" (the donator) and the \"seller\" (the streamer) has to refund the money and has to pay refund fee to Paypal. Since there are people who think it is funny to donate you 1000\u20ac and then chargeback the money so you have to pay back a fee you have to make a proper statement on your page to obviously display the situation so you have a higher probability of winning the dispute that might follow, because obviously you don't want to support this fraud behaviour. On my donation page I have the following statement at the moment\n\n\n\n> \n> You don't purchase any kind of product or service with this payment.\n> With this transaction you donate to my stream to support it. Donations\n> are non-refundable! If there are any questions regarding the donation,\n> please feel free to contact me at my@email.com\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nIs this actually enough to protect myself from chargebacks and defend myself later on from people who want to get their money back?\n\n\nI am sorry for my bad English, it is not my native language!\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Paypal chargebacks"} {"Id":23739,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-11-02T07:20:52.447","Score":0,"ViewCount":143.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-11-02T14:51:26.983","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"The father of my wife (from Germany) died in London 10 years ago, with a different name, but with the same family name (for example was born in Germany with the name Johannes Doe, and in London died with the name Michael Doe. The problem he had a different identity, and this one used in London was fake, because he has alot of problems and he tried to escape).\n\n\nHe had different bank accounts in London, but when my wife asked some people there, they said since the name is different, she doesn't have any right to this money.\n\n\nIs there any way to resolve this problem(to prove that my wife is the daughter of this person dead in London)?\n\n\n","text_label":"civil-law","title":"How do we claim the estate of someone who died under a different name in a different country?"} {"Id":44569,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-09-10T15:06:21.100","Score":0,"ViewCount":194.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-09-12T01:04:35.993","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I want to translate Turkish sentences through Google Translate for the purpose of using it in a work. Is this subject to copyright?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Google translations and copyright"} {"Id":45662,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-19T19:24:03.150","Score":5,"ViewCount":283.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-05-03T19:54:30.013","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":8,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I would have thought this would've been asked already, but I searched this site and the Internet, and I couldn't find anything. Apologies if this is a duplicate.\n\n\nAs computers become increasingly autonomous, there have already been a handful of incidents where computers have done things that would be criminal for a person to do. For example, a self-driving car killed a pedestrian, and a Twitter bot made a death threat. Moreover, both of these computers were essentially operating under their own decision-making processes and were not directly controlled by any human.\n\n\nCould it be possible for prosecutors to file criminal charges against a computer? Is there some standard of sentience that the computer would have to achieve in order to indict it?\n(United States)\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Could You Indict a Computer?"} {"Id":29642,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-06-19T21:08:22.720","Score":2,"ViewCount":1918.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-06-19T21:39:42.000","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If I use the blogging platform Medium, to which extent can I (not) reuse the content I have published there on a personal blog website? My naive view on that matter is:\n\n\n* I am still the owner of the text and can republish it anywhere, same goes for own or public domain images\n* I can use links with text and image previews on my own blog, linking to Medium-posts\n* I cannot embed Medium posts in an Iframe on my own site\n* I cannot copy comments from medium which belong to their rightful owner, even if I participate in the discussion under the article\n\n\nIs that correct?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Can I copy & paste an entire article from Medium if it's written by me?"} {"Id":21677,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-02T12:37:06.867","Score":22,"ViewCount":4482.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-30T00:15:08.507","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":13,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I just read the following in [an article](https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/uk-news\/2017\/aug\/02\/three-musketeers-convicted-of-plotting-terrorist-attack) in The Guardian (emphasis mine):\n\n\n\n> \n> In prison they met their co-defendant Rahman, 32, one of nine men prosecuted in connection with a plan to attack the London stock exchange, **who was serving five years for owning copies of an al-Qaida magazine**. On the witness stand, Hussain said Rahman was \u201cdomineering, paranoid, weird and had a lot of contact with MI5\u201d.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nIs there really any law that makes it illegal to own copies of a publication? We punish thoughtcrime, these days? Is this an error in the newspaper or is there actually a law that permits people to be prosecuted (and even jailed for years!) for simply possessing a document?\n\n\nPlease note that I am not asking about cases where the possession of the document was presented as evidence of someone's worldview when they have been caught committing a crime. I am asking if the possession of a document1 can ever be considered criminal.\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\n1Obviously, I am not talking about stolen documents or even certain classes of pornography whose very existence (photographs) implies an illegal act took place. \n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Is there a law in the UK that makes possession of specific publications illegal?"} {"Id":6345,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-01-12T00:20:45.113","Score":1,"ViewCount":475.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-01-12T00:20:45.113","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I recently purchased an LLC via LegalZoom and they made a mistake by adding a comma in my LLC Name. I was told that I had to cough up over $150 just to get it corrected through them so I wanted to do it on my own as the filing fee is only $30 or $45 if I wanted to drop it off.\n\n\nThe form is located here: \n\n\nMy issue is that I don't know what some of these fields are for. What do I put in \"4. Parties to the Document Being Corrected\" and in \"Document Provision\"?\n\n\nFor the parties to the document being corrected, I assumed it would be LegalZoom, Inc. but maybe it's the Secretary of State? Not sure what to put in that field and if I am even allowed to correct it.\n\n\nCurrent LLC is \"Company, LLC\", want it corrected to \"Company LLC\".\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"How to correct an LLC Entity Name in California?"} {"Id":22554,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-10T23:16:44.313","Score":1,"ViewCount":170.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-11T19:27:33.763","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In other words. if some evidence (but not conclusive) exists of somebody else comitting a crime, can a defence lawyer use this when representing their client?\nFor instance, in the Glen Sebastian Burns and Atif Ahmad Rafay case, where the two were accused of murdering the latter's parents, there was an FBI informant that had told the police that Islamic fundamentalists may have been responsible, although the police did not pursue this line of inquiry. Could a defence lawyer raise something like that in court?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Can a criminal defence lawyer talk about the possible guilt of other suspects when defending their client?"} {"Id":26142,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-02-17T00:43:28.230","Score":2,"ViewCount":112.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-02-17T03:17:17.673","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"**EDIT:**\n\n\nMy original title focused on the union, but I changed it to include the employer. They're both working hand in hand against the interests of the employees\/dues-paying union members.\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\nImagine a Corporation (C) that's affiliated with a union (U). They agree on a contract that says extra work should go to more senior people. If the company needs to call people to work an extra shift, it is supposed to call the most senior people first.\n\n\nHowever, the company blatantly ignores the contract, recruiting the LEAST senior people.\n\n\nWhen an employee with seniority with high seniority files a grievance, C and U both lie, intimidate and stonewall. For example, the union claims the company won't give them its payroll records, making it impossible for them to know who worked when. And when the company finally hands the records over - three months later - the union won't let the grievance see the records.\n\n\nThe union also makes grievance jump through all kinds of hoops. If you file a grievance, you're expected to do all the detective work - cite a particular less senior worker, with details (time, date, location) and have it signed by a witness. The irony is that there could be a dozen less senior people who worked that day, a fact the payroll records could easily prove.\n\n\nBut the union refuses to go on a \"fishing expedition.\"\n\n\nLong story short, grievances are typically solved six to nine months after they're filed, and the grievants never expect to get more than about 30% of what they're owed.\n\n\nThe state Dept. of Labor says \"contact the National Labor Board.\" The National Labor Board says a contract - and its interpretation - is between C and U; they can do whatever they want.\n\n\nIs that really the end of the road, or is there some kind of legal or quasi-legal action one could take? If you know the company and union are both withholding information, lying, delaying payouts, etc., can you cite them for violating any particular laws? What about a union that \"interprets\" and enforces the contract two different ways, giving its cronies all their support while thumbing their nose at everyone else?\n\n\nIt appears that the only recourse would be legal action, but it's hard to determine whether any laws have been violated. Moreover, the employee can't afford to hire an attorney. Would this be case that the ACLU or some other organization might help with?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"How can one fight an unfair\/corrupt employer\/union (working hand in hand)?"} {"Id":14414,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-10-04T18:19:19.497","Score":2,"ViewCount":89.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-11-04T18:07:32.313","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If a vendor clearly ignores PCI-DSS regulations and puts my personal credit card information at risk, is there any legal action I can take against them? \n\n\nIn the case at hand, a vendor first scanned my hand-written order form with a phone (likely a personal smartphone) and then sent that scan to me in an unencrypted email. But this is not the first case in which a vendor has mistreated my information like this.\n\n\nWhile I have not (yet) incurred any actual damage, I would like to be able to do my part in making vendors aware of their obligations. So far I usually send a nice email reminding them of the PCI-DSS regulations. But I always feel like that these emails are ignored at best. Is there some form of cease and desist that I can apply in this case? Is there a place or organization that I should notify? Should I sue them?\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Can I sue a PCI violator"} {"Id":51701,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-05-22T18:14:07.563","Score":10,"ViewCount":1528.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-05-22T20:10:31.670","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Can the writer of a contract attempt to trick the signer using defined terms? Is such a contract binding or void, and can the writer get into trouble for doing so (eg. for misrepresentation)? Two types of scenarios that I want to ask about:\n\n\n1. When a defined term in the contract carry a much narrower, or much broader meaning than the common meaning. For example, can a contract define a term \"Image\" (as in a picture) to mean any computer file, or to mean any image showing a red flower?\n2. When the defined meaning is completely incompatible with the common sense meaning. For example, can a contract define an \"Text file\" as a file with the `.png` extension?\n\n\nDoes the answer change if the defined term, when used normally, starts with a capital letter (eg. if \"SVG file\" is defined as a `.png` file), so the reader is less likely to suspect the term has been defined in the contract itself?\n\n\nDoes the answer change if this happened in another legal document, such as a EULA, where the person agreeing does not have a chance to call the writer of the document out?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Is it legal to redefine a term against common sense in a contract"} {"Id":38861,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-06T09:23:34.590","Score":1,"ViewCount":85.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-04-06T17:27:49.537","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Small claims generally do not allow service by publication. If the defendant cannot be found you have to pursue a real lawsuit. This will not be worthwhile unless there is tens of thousands of dollars involved.\n\n\n","text_label":"civil-law","title":"Is it very difficult to collect a debt if the defendant cannot be served?"} {"Id":45649,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-19T00:56:11.457","Score":-4,"ViewCount":90.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-10-19T02:34:06.187","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If a supreme court judge makes a sentence which violates the constitution, who is violating the law, those who follows the sentence, or those who follows the constitution? Can people in executive power positions be judged later, in other governments or under other judges, for violating the constitution, even if they were following the sentence of a supreme court judge? And how about the judge himself, can he be judged?\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"If a supreme court judge makes a constitution violation sentence, are those who follows it violating the law, or those who follows the constitution?"} {"Id":29788,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-06-25T23:02:08.327","Score":0,"ViewCount":98.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-06-26T00:49:57.843","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Under the GDPR, any company doing business in the EU must remove EU users' personal data upon request from that user.\n\n\nSince the statute only applies to persons present in the EU, are companies legally permitted to demand that a user requesting personal data removal supply proof that they are present in the EU, so that they can deny the request to those outside?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Do companies have the right to demand proof of being present in the EU before executing a GDPR request?"} {"Id":11866,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-07-22T15:15:47.863","Score":0,"ViewCount":29.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-07-22T19:22:53.347","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but here we go...\n\n\nI am planning to create a VR game where the user will be able to watch movies. One of the issues I have thought about would be licensing for the movies, obviously I can't afford to pay huge licensing bills for a game that may not get any sort of revenue, and I want to have a large selection of movies.\n\n\nI have thought that it could technically be used as a video player, but I want it to be more of a cinema simulator, where people can connect and have a virtual representation of themselves in the cinema, when a person connects they will viewing at the same point the movie is at. (as if you walk in to the cinema late and start watching)\n\n\nI don't have much knowledge of this area so I was hoping one of you can help me.\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"Movie Licensing"} {"Id":43666,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-08-12T23:30:11.097","Score":2,"ViewCount":1907.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-08-13T00:50:44.957","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Opening or throwing out mail addressed to someone else, such as a previous tenant, is a felony with possible jail time and a statute of limitations of five years. But when is this ever prosecuted? If you know this crime has occurred, who should you report it to? \n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Who prosecutes the crime of opening someone else's mail?"} {"Id":13848,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-09-07T17:46:58.557","Score":0,"ViewCount":39.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-09-08T16:27:12.720","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Imagine this scenario: I have a web site where I offer some freeware applications for Windows that are not Open Source (but perhaps are going to be in the future). I'm going to upload a new application that has a plugin architecture, therefore I need to provide the source code for the plugin interfaces that are written in C#. Under which licence should I publish those interfaces? When the interfaces to the plugins are the only piece of source code you are giving away is a licence really necessary?\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"Open Source Licence"} {"Id":11767,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-07-19T11:07:20.517","Score":6,"ViewCount":3329.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-07-19T19:19:42.253","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"On Workplace.SE, \"[My employer wants me to a sign an NDA that is backdated more than 2 years](https:\/\/workplace.stackexchange.com\/q\/71582\/18412)\" describes the following scenario:\n\n\n* OP is an employee working on a project\n* OP has been working (for 7 years as an employee and for 2 on this project) without an NDA\n* Their employer now wants them to sign an NDA for the project, backdated two years (i.e. dated two years ago to the start of the project).\n\n\nThe OP's jurisdiction is presumably Texas.\n\n\nMy question, is it legal to backdate an NDA like that? Is it a civil contract whose parties are allowed to agree (even retroactively) than an NDA is in place? Or could doing so (backdating such a document) be considered fraud, forgery, or anything illegal, or even for some reason ethically or morally wrong?\n\n\nIt seems to me that it might be legal (assuming that I as the employee were willing to sign it) because as an employee I'd assume that some NDA was in place even if haven't signed one (so it's as if the agreement or meeting of minds was in place even before it was documented).\n\n\nOn the other hand it also appears to be creating a false document, so, I don't know.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Is it legal to backdate an agreement?"} {"Id":4570,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-10-18T22:39:45.573","Score":4,"ViewCount":155.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-10-18T23:24:19.847","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"It's against gender equality to draft men. But it is part of the constitution.\n\n\nIs there any possibility to \"attack\" the constitution by going to a judge? Isn't gender equality part of the EU law set, so actually the constitution is actually breaking laws?\n\n\nThe military conscription is in my eyes very discriminating, useless, costs a lot, brakes males development (they could have worked, traveled or studied instead) and against equality. Furthermore you have to be checked by a random doctor (no self-determination about your own body), you have to go to an IQ-test (because there actually are people to stupid for the military conscription?) and then **you have to** sign a document, that you lose some of your rights, like you may not demonstrate or talk bad about the military and so on. If you don't want to, you have to do some social work.\n\n\nIs there any possibility to attack this law? And how to (where should I go to with this)?\n\n\nThank you very much in advance!\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"Military Conscription in Denmark"} {"Id":10910,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-06-12T00:01:31.990","Score":13,"ViewCount":12464.0,"LastActivityDate":"2022-05-12T15:54:56.120","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am about to self-publish my first novel using a pen name. I will be registering the copyright this week.\n\n\nMy question is, on the first page of the novel where you put all the publishing\/copyright info, should I say that the novel is copyright of my pen name, in order to protect my true identity?\n\n\nExample, let's say my real name is Jane Smith and my pen name is Denise Smithers. I will register the copyright with the copyright office using my real name (but will also write what my pen name is), but I don't want to put that on the book as I want that kept private.\n\n\nIf I write (c) Denise Smithers, will that imply that the copyright belongs to the actual person behind the pen name?\n\n\nI know that the copyright belongs to me anyway, but I still want to add that copyright line to my novel.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"How to express copyright when you use a pen name"} {"Id":15809,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-12-13T16:43:36.863","Score":1,"ViewCount":344.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-12-14T15:25:12.903","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Bob wrote a solution manual for book X. (solution manual = a manual that presents solutions for some\/all exercises of the book)\n\n\nIs Bob authorized to publish it, given that Bob hasn't written book X and doesn't own any right on it?\n\n\nBook X was written and published in the United States, and Bob plans to publish the solution manual in the United States (either on Internet or on paper, and either free of charge or with a charge).\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Am I authorized to publish a solution manual for a book I haven't written?"} {"Id":46965,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-11-28T20:14:02.187","Score":0,"ViewCount":51.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-28T22:05:22.500","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"To keep it short, I\u2019m an online personality and LLC. I keep my online life separate from my personal life for obvious reasons. However, I received an alarming message on my non-work account on instagram from someone stating that they know me in real life and is going to expose me. I know they\u2019re not lying because they gave details on who they know I\u2019m friends with. I ignored the message and have yet to respond so I don\u2019t know what they want from me. Obviously, I\u2019m assuming they\u2019re trying to blackmail me because after I ignored the message they said \u201cI guess you want to be exposed?\u201d. \n\n\nI don\u2019t tell anyone what I do online and I don\u2019t tell anyone online about my personal life. They\u2019ve been tagging my work account under photos of my friends accounts exposing what I do online. Is there any legal issues at what this person is doing? \n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Legal issues regarding my personal information?"} {"Id":49146,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-02-17T22:21:26.473","Score":0,"ViewCount":73.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-02-17T22:21:26.473","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"1. How does \"indemnity\" differ from \"restitutionary\/reliance damages\"?\n2. Why do these four textbooks all still write \"indemnity\", when the first textbook quoted below advises it's \"more accurate to describe it as a personal\nrestitutionary claim\"?\n\n\nMcKendrick. [*Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials* (2018 8 ed)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Contract-Law-Text-Cases-Materials\/dp\/019880816X\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). p 611.\n\n\n\n> \n> (e) RESCISSION AND AN \u2018INDEMNITY\u2019\n> ---------------------------------\n> \n> \n> A claimant who rescinds a contract may also be able to bring a claim for what is often referred\n> to as an indemnity, **although it is probably more accurate to describe it as a personal\n> restitutionary claim.** In *Whittington v. Seale-Hayne* (1900) 82 LT 49 the plaintiff entered\n> into a lease of a farm which he intended to use for breeding prize poultry. He was induced\n> to enter into the lease by misrepresentations made by the defendant that the premises were\n> in a good state of repair and in a sanitary condition. The premises were not sanitary and\n> the buildings were in a state of disrepair. As a result the plaintiff became ill and many of the\n> birds died. The plaintiff claimed that he was entitled to set aside the lease and recover an\n> indemnity in respect of the losses which he had suffered in the performance of the contract\n> before it was set aside. It was held that he was not entitled to recover an indemnity in respect\n> of the loss of his birds and the illness which he suffered. At the time at which the case\n> was decided damages could only be recovered in respect of a fraudulent misrepresentation\n> \n> \n> \n\n\np 612.\n\n\n\n> \n> (see p. 596, Section 5) and the plaintiff could not establish that the defendant had made\n> the misrepresentations fraudulently. But the plaintiff was able to recover the rent paid and\n> the cost of the repair work that had been done pursuant to an order issued by the local authority.\n> These obligations were imposed on him by the terms of the lease. The reason for his\n> entitlement to recover these payments was that they had resulted in an enrichment to the\n> defendant (either through the direct payment of rent or by carrying out the work ordered\n> by the local authority) and, when the lease was set aside, the defendant became subject to\n> a restitutionary liability to repay to the plaintiff the value of the benefits which he had received\n> as a result of the plaintiff\u2019s performance of his obligations under the lease. But he was\n> not subject to any wider liability to pay compensation to the plaintiff for the losses which\n> he had suffered.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n[Richard](https:\/\/www.uclan.ac.uk\/staff_profiles\/richard-taylor.php) and [Damian](https:\/\/www.slaughterandmay.com\/who-we-are\/partners\/damian-taylor\/) Taylor. [*Contract Law Directions* (2019 7 ed)](https:\/\/global.oup.com\/academic\/product\/contract-law-directions-9780198836599?&lang=en&). p 185.\n\n\n\n> \n> ### Indemnity for expenses incurred under an obligation\n> \n> \n> An ancillary order which can also be made along with rescission (even for innocent misrepresentation)\n> is the award of an indemnity. This is a monetary award but should not be confused\n> with damages as it is much more limited. It only covers expenditure which the\n> representee was obliged to incur under the terms of the contract which is being rescinded\n> and which has benefited the other party. It is a restitutionary rather than compensatory remedy\n> and is part of the restitution to the starting position which rescission is designed to\n> achieve. If money has been paid directly to the other party then of course it will be returned\n> as part of the remedy of rescission itself; the indemnity is instead concerned with payments\n> made under the contract to third parties. In *Whittington v Seale-Hayne* (1900) the indemnity\n> included money paid out in rates and to do repairs which the tenant was obliged to do under\n> the lease and which benefited the landlord directly, but it did not extend to medical expenses\n> and loss of stock which, although foreseeable, were not incurred under an obligation contained\n> in the lease. (These latter, and other items claimed, would only be recoverable if a right\n> to damages could have been established, which at the time would have meant proving\n> fraud\u2014the increased availability of damages today would mean that the limited right to an\n> indemnity is less commonly relevant.)\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nPaul Davies. [*JC Smith's The Law of Contract* (2018 2 ed)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Smiths-Law-Contract-Paul-Davies\/dp\/0198807813\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). p. 237. \n\n\n\n> \n> ### (b) Indemnity\n> \n> \n> If a contract is rescinded, that means that the contract is wiped out from the start, so it is\n> logically impossible also to recover damages for breach of contract (which assume that the\n> contract was fully performed). However, a representee may be able to rescind a contract\n> and be paid an indemnity to cover expenses which would necessarily have been incurred\n> by the representor anyway. Otherwise, the representor would be unjustly enriched by the\n> representee\u2019s expenditure.51 This is illustrated by *Whittington v Seale-Hayne*.52 The claimants\n> were induced to take a lease of a farm used for breeding prize poultry by the defendant\u2019s\n> misrepresentation that the premises were in a sanitary condition and a good state of repair.\n> The claimants paid various rates and carried out repairs under the covenants in the lease\n> before rescinding the agreement. Farwell J held that they were entitled to an indemnity for\n> such expenses, since they would have had to be paid anyway by whoever had the farm at the\n> time. However, the scope of the indemnity was limited to expenses incurred which benefited\n> the defendant: the claimant received no indemnity for the loss of poultry, nor for lost profits.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n[*Anson's Law of Contract* (2016 30 ed)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Ansons-Law-Contract-Jack-Beatson\/dp\/0198734786\/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_t_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ZW82SGPZDB8D0GKSVMV4). p 335.\n\n\n\n> \n> \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 The distinction between damages and an indemnity as it works out in practice may\n> be illustrated by the case of *Whittington v Seale-Hayne*,94 where the Court adopted the\n> narrower principle suggested by Bowen LJ:\n> \n> \n> Poultry farmers had been induced to take a lease by the defendant\u2019s non- fraudulent\n> misrepresentation that the premises were sanitary. This was not the case, and in consequence\n> of the contamination of the water supply, their manager fell ill and the poultry died. They\n> claimed rescission of the lease, and an indemnity to cover the value of the stock, loss of profit\n> on sales, loss of breeding season, medical expenses of the manager, rates, rent, and money\n> spent on outbuildings, etc. They had also been compelled by the local council to renew the\n> drains, and this item, too, was included.\n> \n> \n> It was held that the poultry farmers were entitled to have the lease rescinded, and to\n> recover what they had spent on rent, rates, and the renewal of the drains, since these\n> were expenses incurred under the covenants in the lease or arising necessarily out of\n> the occupation of the property, and thus \u2018obligations created by the contract\u2019. Their\n> claim for payment in respect of the other items of loss was not allowed, since these\n> were damages, there being no obligation to carry on a poultry farm on the leased\n> premises.\n> In practice, an indemnity is a useful remedy only where the misrepresentation is\n> wholly innocent. In cases of fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation the claimant\n> may claim damages on the tort measure, in addition to rescinding the contract.95\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Indemnity v. Restitutionary\/Reliance Damages"} {"Id":13974,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-09-13T22:03:15.163","Score":3,"ViewCount":14933.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-03-07T15:01:22.990","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I read the Q&A for \"Can I make fan merchandise and sell it?\", but I didn't see anywhere something about personal use. I was looking at merchandise for my favorite group, but it was so expensive. Could I make my own (not selling it) and not get sued\/fined\/etc.? It'd have their logo and name. \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Can you make merchandise for personal use?"} {"Id":51123,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-04-29T18:42:34.963","Score":0,"ViewCount":91.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-04-29T19:38:28.717","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I want to take The Little Mermaid and remake it. I heard that the original story by the author was actually about how he liked another man, and incorporated that into The Little Mermaid. I want to remake The Little Mermaid into that story, but would it be illegal for me to do so? This is something that I don't intend to make money off of. I know that The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen is public domain, but I'm really inspired by Disney's version. Would it be wrong for me to take the script of The Little Mermaid and interpret it so it's somehow \"my\" own story? \n\n\nAlso willing to add more information if some parts don't make sense.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Would it be copyright infringement if I were to remake a whole movie?"} {"Id":40482,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-27T06:28:12.773","Score":-1,"ViewCount":37.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-04-28T20:59:44.283","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"According to the copyright act, \n\n\n\n> \n> Limited use of copyright work is permitted on the payment of specified royalties and compliance with statutory conditions.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nWhat does this line mean. I think it states that \n\n\n\n> \n> If a buyer pays royalty to the original owner of the work and complies with statutory conditions then use of copyright acts is restricted.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nAm I right in my reasoning?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright act 1976"} {"Id":1067,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-07-12T00:01:12.480","Score":4,"ViewCount":2269.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-08-16T01:06:35.050","AnswerCount":4.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"There's been a lot of attention lately to websites getting subpoenas to hand over user information, and then potentially getting a gag order as well for the subpoena. I'm wondering (just for curiosity's sake) if a website (or any individual\/company) can be legally required to either violate a contract or a ToS agreement.\n\n\nFor example, if a service's ToS agreed to use a certain level of encryption for passing around private data, could a court require that encryption be changed or lifted? Or could it only subpoena the encrypted data.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"Can a warrant, subpoena, court order, etc. require you to violate terms and conditions or a contract?"} {"Id":9699,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-06-03T11:12:41.477","Score":-1,"ViewCount":50.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-01-07T16:04:50.397","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In April 2016 The DAO was launched (see , [The DAO on Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_DAO_%28organization%29)).\nIt enables people from all over the world to invest money in different projects. Those investments are regulated by \"smart contracts\" which may contain payment terms so that investors can receive a return on their investment. \n\nOne of the core features of DAOs is that they are not localized in a specific country \/ region but spread over an arbitrary number of countries while the whole \"work\" is done by the computer code behind it. \n\nAnother core feature is that those investments are made completely anonymously. \n\nSo when a group of anonymous investors gives money to a certain project \/ startup and this project refuses to return anything although it was fixed in the contract, what steps can be taken in order to enforce the terms of the investment? \n\nWhich law would apply in such a case? The law of the country the project is located in? \n\nAnd for submitting the case to court some person or organization would have to step forward and do so. How could this be handled (without abandoning the anonymity of the investors)?\n\n\nSo what steps should be taken \/ what improvements should be made in order to make investments via a DAO safe?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"How can DAOs assure the payout from successful investments as specified in smart contracts"} {"Id":36865,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-02-04T21:21:52.790","Score":2,"ViewCount":488.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-02-05T01:48:59.803","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I would like to gather information about how something works from a computer program and use it in my own. However, there is a software licence that forbids it.\n\n\n\n> \n> Except as and only to the extent expressly permitted in this License or by applicable law, you may not copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, or create derivative works of the [blanked out] or any part thereof.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nAccording to Section 50B of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 ()\n\n\n\n> \n> Decompilation.\n> \n> \n> (1)It is not an infringement of copyright for a lawful user of a copy of a computer program expressed in a low level language\u2014\n> \n> \n> (a)to convert it into a version expressed in a higher level language, or\n> \n> \n> (b)incidentally in the course of so converting the program, to copy it,\n> \n> \n> (that is, to \u201cdecompile\u201d it), provided that the conditions in subsection (2) are met.\n> \n> \n> (2)The conditions are that\u2014\n> \n> \n> (a)it is necessary to decompile the program to obtain the information necessary to create an independent program which can be operated with the program decompiled or with another program (\u201cthe permitted objective\u201d); and\n> \n> \n> (b)the information so obtained is not used for any purpose other than the permitted objective.\n> \n> \n> (3)In particular, the conditions in subsection (2) are not met if the lawful user\u2014\n> \n> \n> (a)has readily available to him the information necessary to achieve the permitted objective;\n> \n> \n> (b)does not confine the decompiling to such acts as are necessary to achieve the permitted objective;\n> \n> \n> (c)supplies the information obtained by the decompiling to any person to whom it is not necessary to supply it in order to achieve the permitted objective; or\n> \n> \n> (d)uses the information to create a program which is substantially similar in its expression to the program decompiled or to do any act restricted by copyright.\n> \n> \n> (4)Where an act is permitted under this section, it is irrelevant whether or not there exists any term or condition in an agreement which purports to prohibit or restrict the act (such terms being, by virtue of section 296A, void).]\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nAm I allowed to reverse engineer\/decompile a computer program, even if a licence forbids me not to? Does it only matter what the laws say in the United Kingdom or do I have to obey the part of the licence?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Am I allowed to reverse engineer\/decompile a computer program?"} {"Id":30119,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-07-10T07:38:35.050","Score":2,"ViewCount":533.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-05T17:44:05.457","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I read a lot of books, and when I come across an interesting part, I take a photo and share it on my social media. \n\nI also do book reviews on my blog which always includes some paragraphs from the book I'm writing about. \n\nI also always do mention the name, and the author of the book in both cases. \n\nAm I violating the copyright law? \n\nThanks\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Am I violating copyright by sharing photos of pages of books I read or quoting them?"} {"Id":8132,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-03-29T19:26:30.570","Score":0,"ViewCount":115.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-03-29T23:31:22.150","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Recently, a `node` software developer asked that his packages be un-published from an index of software packages called \"npm\" when the developer was threatened with trademark infringement. The package un-publication caused a cascade of functionality problems with software dependent on one of these packages.\n\n\nThe developer had not explicitly revoked their license, this question is related but on a more general focus. What if the core open-source packages we depend on so critically were suddenly revoked and re-published with different terms, or none at all? Can we create a derivative work based on previously published terms? If we've already created a derivative work bound by the same license as the original author, are we infringing if they revoke the original license?\n\n\nThe specific [wording of the most popular licenses](https:\/\/opensource.org\/licenses) do not explicitly grant for any particular term. Does that mean it's only valid until explicitly revoked, or perhaps it's valid perpetually\/until copyright expires?\n\n\nPossibly relevant cases:\n\n\n* TV Globo v. Brazil Up-Date Weekly\n* Rano v. Sipa Press\n* Walthal v. Rusk\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Duration of a license granted without specific bound"} {"Id":1691,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-08-07T07:11:37.057","Score":2,"ViewCount":5258.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-09-28T00:14:11.300","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Can I use free Intellij IDEA Community Edition for the developing, if I'm working on the proprietary commercial product?\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"Intellij IDEA Community Edition - commercial proprietary software developing"} {"Id":11075,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-06-20T19:05:18.310","Score":7,"ViewCount":182.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-12-18T15:31:38.227","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"How can somebody best ensure that when they enter into an agreement or relationship with somebody, that they won't later be able to complain that they were unable to understand the terms by reason of either some mental impairment or some disability or deficiency in learning?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"How can you tell whether somebody is \"competent\" to agree with you or your terms?"} {"Id":6273,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-01-08T19:08:47.163","Score":0,"ViewCount":60.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-01-09T11:50:21.840","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am currently creating an online dictionary. All of my information is coming from hard copy dictionaries that I have found online in PDF form and other PDFs which I am not sure where the information came from. One dictionary that I am positive has a hard copy (as I own it) is this: [http:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Comprehensive-Manchu-English-Dictionary-Harvard-Yenching-Institute\/dp\/0674072138](http:\/\/rads.stackoverflow.com\/amzn\/click\/0674072138)\n\n\nWhat do I need to do to use this on a website? Do I need permission? can I just put some type of works cited page?\n\n\nany help would be great. \n\n\nThe dictionary is located here \n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Legality of using pre made dictionaries in my online dictionary applet"} {"Id":49924,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-03-15T22:59:26.673","Score":0,"ViewCount":100.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-08-23T19:46:36.353","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Let's give this for an example:\n\n\nBilly lives in Oregon. Somebody said something in a non-logged chat, and Billy wants to prove they said it. He adds a photo to his Google Drive without the person's consent and shares the link in the chat. Is this legal?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Are you Legally Allowed to add a Screenshot to Google Drive and Create a Sharing Link for Proof?"} {"Id":48403,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-01-23T04:08:26.440","Score":3,"ViewCount":389.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-01-23T19:05:08.870","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I would like to make a video where I teach something. My friend has a video camera and is willing to record me. Who would own the video?\n\n\nI ask because I plan on uploading it to some sort of streaming service (or personal website) and would like to choose the correct license on there. Maybe I'm over thinking this but if I'm not the owner then technically I wouldn't have the right to grant a license? \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"For amateur recordings, who owns the video? The camera man or performer?"} {"Id":26003,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-02-12T03:11:32.050","Score":1,"ViewCount":57.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-02-12T20:45:03.720","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"A former employer deducted a \"fee\" charge when I contacted him to get my 401 funds moved to my new employer's roll-over account. It was 1 year after I was dismissed from his employment. Is it legal for him to deduct this \"fee\" from my personal\nfunds?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Can a former employer deduct a \"fee\" when issuing a check for my new roll-over?"} {"Id":30688,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-08-03T03:57:39.883","Score":0,"ViewCount":72.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-08-03T18:46:16.167","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If you are having an on-going issue for more than a year and your landlord sends a text stating\n\n\n\n> \n> If you want to break the lease, you can forfeit your deposit and move out by the end of the month\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nis it binding?\n\n\nWould it still be binding if you chose to break the lease and move out the following month when the same problem persists?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Is a text offering to cancel a lease binding?"} {"Id":28367,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-05-10T09:00:25.103","Score":2,"ViewCount":866.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-22T23:30:20.537","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I'm wondering if anyone can shed any light on this for me please. I've been doing alot of research about GDPR lately and how it is going to effect my websites using Google Analytics. \n\n\nFrom what I can understand, any website which uses Google Analytics needs to first get the users consent before storing a cookie on their browser? \n\n\nI have implemented this in a cookie notice when the user first goes to the site and by default no tracking is enabled. Once they click agree, the page reloads with Analytics tracking. \n\n\nHowever, since I have implemented this onto my websites the drop in traffic is huge and really makes it hard to optimise and understand how the website is performing. \n\n\nMy question is, Is it ok if in my cookie notice text said something like this..\n\n\n'By clicking agree or continuing to use this site you agree to our privacy policy'\n\n\nThis way if they completely ignore the notice (which a lot of people do) and navigate to another page, then at least I am able to track more visits.\n\n\nIs this still considered clear consent? \n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"GDPR - What's classed as an opt in for Google Analytics cookie and do I need to do it?"} {"Id":46008,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-30T20:32:49.930","Score":5,"ViewCount":174.0,"LastActivityDate":"2022-01-14T12:25:40.280","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I'm interested in some of the legal issues around software licensing, but my question could apply to other copyrightable works too.\nMost free and open source software is copyrighted but distributed under some license that grants others the right to use it.\nOther authors instead opt to disclaim copyright entirely and dedicate their work to the public domain.\nThere is some debate about whether this is a good thing to do or not, see for example this [article](https:\/\/opensource.org\/node\/878) from the open source initiative.\nIn that article and others, I've seen a statement made that \"Disclaiming copyright is only possible in some countries.\"\n\n\n**In what countries can you disclaim copyright? In what countries can you not disclaim copyright?** For example, [this page](https:\/\/gettingthedealthrough.com\/area\/6\/jurisdiction\/11\/copyright-germany\/) seems to say that, under German law, copyright cannot be *transferred* from one person to another except by inheritance. Does that mean the dedicating a copyrighted work to the public domain is a meaningless statement in Germany?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"In what countries can you *not* disclaim copyright?"} {"Id":49145,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-02-17T22:16:53.233","Score":1,"ViewCount":319.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-04-18T01:03:35.360","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"1. How does Innocent Misrepresentation differs from Mistake?\n2. *Scriven Brothers & Co. v Hindley (1913)* (quoted below) illustrates my bewilderment. Defendant made a false statement of fact, acted upon by Plaintiff, pre-contractually that definitely induced the P to contract. So isn't it obvious D made an innocent misrepresentation to P?\n3. Thus why did the first 2 textbooks below discuss it in solely the chapter on mistake, not (again) in misrepresentation? The third textbook discusses it in solely Ch 2 on Offer and Acceptance, and never again, not even Mistake!\n\n\nPoole, Shaw-Mellors. [*Contract Law Concentrate* (4 ed 2019)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Contract-Law-Concentrate-Jill-Pool\/dp\/0198840446\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). p 38.\n\n\n\n> \n> **FACTS:** The Ds mistakenly bid for bales of tow believing they were hemp. At the auction the Ds had\n> examined a sample, which happened to be hemp, and thought that all the bales were hemp because\n> they all had the same shipping mark. This was accepted as a reasonable interpretation but so too was\n> the auctioneer\u2019s belief that the bales being sold were tow.\n> \n> \n> **HELD:** There was no contract and the Ds did not have to pay for the tow.\n> \n> \n> However, in *Tamplin v James* (1880) the purchaser mistakenly believed the lot of property being\n> sold included some garden but had failed to check the plan which indicated that no garden was\n> included. The purchaser was at fault and could not avoid the contract by citing his mistake.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n[*Anson's Law of Contract* (2016 30 ed)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Ansons-Law-Contract-Jack-Beatson\/dp\/0198734786\/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_t_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ZW82SGPZDB8D0GKSVMV4). p 275. Note the 31st ed will be published in Apr 2020.\n\n\n\n> \n> \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Similarly, if A makes to B an offer which is ambiguous in its terms, or is rendered\n> ambiguous by the circumstances surrounding it, and B accepts the offer in a different\n> sense from that in which it is meant, then unless an objective construction requires\n> otherwise, B may effectively maintain that there is no binding contract. In *Scriven Bros\n> & Co v Hindley & Co*:37\n> \n> \n> \n> > \n> > S instructed an auctioneer to sell certain bales of hemp and tow. These bore the same\n> > shipping mark and were described in the auction catalogue as so many bales in different\n> > lots with no indication of the difference in their contents. H\u2019s manager examined samples\n> > of the hemp before the sale intending to bid for the hemp alone. At the auction, the tow was\n> > put up for sale, and H\u2019s buyer, believing it to be hemp, made a bid which was a reasonable\n> > one if it had been intended for hemp, but an excessive one for tow. This bid was accepted\n> > by the auctioneer, who did not realize the buyer\u2019s mistake, but merely thought the bid an\n> > extravagant one for tow. S sought to enforce the contract by suing for the price.\n> > \n> > \n> > \n> \n> \n> It was clear that offer and acceptance did not coincide. S intended to sell tow; H\u2019s buyer,\n> misled by the auction catalogue, intended to buy hemp. The Court held that there was\n> nothing in H\u2019s conduct which would estop it from pleading that the parties were not\n> in agreement as to the subject- matter of the sale\u2014 or, to put it in the language of the\n> objective test set out by Blackburn J in *Smith v Hughes*,38 H had not so conducted itself\n> that a reasonable man would believe that it was assenting to S\u2019s terms. Accordingly, no\n> contract had come into existence, and H was not liable.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n[*O'Sullivan & Hilliard's The Law of Contract*](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/OSullivan-Hilliards-Law-Contract-Janet\/dp\/0198807821\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk) (2018 8 ed). p. 16.\n\n\n\n> \n> 2.17 In *Scriven v Hindley* (1913), the claimant was selling bales of hemp and bales of tow at\n> auction. However, he did not make clear which lot was the hemp and which lot was the\n> tow. The defendant, thinking he was bidding for the lot that contained the hemp, actually\n> bid for the tow. It was held that there was no contract for the sale of the tow, because\n> the defendant\u2019s apparent intent (to bid for the tow) had been caused by the claimant\u2019s\n> carelessness in not making it clear which lot was which. Therefore, because the objective\n> principle did not apply, the court looked at the parties\u2019 actual intention. The defendant\u2019s\n> intention (to buy the hemp) did not coincide with the claimant\u2019s intention (to sell the\n> defendant the tow) so there was no contract.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Innocent Misrepresentation v. Mistake"} {"Id":38985,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-10T16:10:15.807","Score":-4,"ViewCount":321.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-04-10T23:52:33.813","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":8,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Today US Senator Elizabeth Warren released her family's tax returns, as [reported here by LA Times](https:\/\/www.latimes.com\/politics\/la-na-pol-elizabeth-warren-tax-return-20190410-story.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter). Article says that:\n\n\n\n> \n> Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has released her\n> tax return for 2018, reporting that she and her husband paid more than\n> $200,000 in taxes on a joint income of about $900,000 last year.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nThat comes down to about 22% tax rate. When I take into account marginal tax rate total tax comes up to about $275k = $164k+0.37\\*$300k which is effectively 30%, following [this table](https:\/\/www.forbes.com\/sites\/kellyphillipserb\/2018\/11\/15\/irs-announces-2019-tax-rates-standard-deduction-amounts-and-more\/#3b321e6d2081):\n\n\n[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/soM5t.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/soM5t.png)\n\n\nIs that calculation correct? Does it mean Senator's family got deductions worth $75k in taxes?\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Why Elizabeth Warren effective tax rate is 22% and not 30% on $900k income"} {"Id":26835,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-03-13T23:57:33.883","Score":4,"ViewCount":1405.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-03-17T04:35:54.133","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"(Just for reference, this question is for a story I'm working on, and I wanted a realistic look at the law's side of things.)\n\n\nSo, a lot of fiction likes to play off the trope of a Vigilante. This person, (superhero or otherwise) often cuffs the baddies, and leaves them gift wrapped for the police, along with providing ***damning*** evidence to go with that. So my question is, does that actually ***help*** the police in any way?\n\n\nThese situations are almost always portrayed as:\n\n\n* Acquiring evidence without a warrant\n* Falsely imprisoning a person\/criminal (This does not always involve the Vigilante seeing the crime happen, but they are usually acting like a police officer and pre-empting the crime.\n* The Vigilante is generally unable to be present for the accused to 'face their accuser'.\n\n\nSo, if evidence came from a known Vigilante, can it be used in a court of law?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Can a vigilante be useful for a police department?"} {"Id":37065,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-02-10T00:40:14.480","Score":3,"ViewCount":54.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-03-12T03:02:35.507","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Many companies apply for multiple registrations for the same term and similar goods and services, is that worthwhile? For example, Starbucks owns dozens of registrations for \"Starbucks\" both as standard character marks and as stylized designs. It would seem that a single registration would already prevent others from using the name for related products and services. Why is it worthwhile to apply for many registrations for the same term in reference to similar goods and services? \n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Why register many similar marks?"} {"Id":31607,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-09-08T23:26:43.033","Score":4,"ViewCount":2663.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-09-09T21:04:36.870","AnswerCount":5.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"In the US, there is an expectation of almost always tipping certain service providers like waiters and bartenders. Generally, it is expected that customers tip 15% for ordinary service, 20% or more for great service (or when in a large group), and even poor service is supposed to merit 10%. Tipping nothing is considered appropriate only for extremely bad behavior from the service provider.\n\n\nWhenever the topic comes up, many people are enraged at the suggestion of not tipping. It's not unheard of for service providers to harass the customer or even throw them out for refusing to tip, and it is easy to find people claiming that they go further and sabotage the customer by spitting in their food, deliberately serving them very poorly, trashing their car, etc.\n\n\nMy question is 2 part:\n\n\n* Is there any legal obligation whatsoever for the customer to tip? I know some businesses have a mandatory minimum tip or service charge which is clearly shown in writing, I am excluding these from my question.\n* Is it legal for the employee to retaliate against a bad tipper? Even if the customer tipped nothing, they still paid the price of the service, part of which covers the employee's paycheck as well. What minimum level of service is a customer reasonably entitled to expect, legally speaking, even if they do not tip?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"Legal consequences of not tipping in the US"} {"Id":49730,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-03-07T19:01:01.643","Score":0,"ViewCount":198.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-08-16T17:00:40.057","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"1. While trying to modify as little as possible, how can I make the bilateral sales contract in Practical Example 1 unilateral?\n2. What if I copy and paste Practical Example 2 and modify like it this?\n\n\n\n> \n> ~~Daniel~~ [Alex] offers (or promises) ~~a free watch~~ [a bicycle] to anyone who ~~three tokens from the packets of cereal he manufactures, together with a cheque for \u00a35~~ [pays him \u00a3150]. \n> \n> \n> \n\n\nBut then doesn't my edit become a bilateral contract? \n\n\nPoole, Shaw-Mellors. [*Contract Law Concentrate* (4 ed 2019)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Contract-Law-Concentrate-Jill-Pool\/dp\/0198840446\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). p 5.\n\n\n\n> \n> The key distinction: bilateral and unilateral agreements\n> ========================================================\n> \n> \n> Broadly, agreements will be one of two types:\n> \u2022 bilateral\n> \u2022 unilateral.\n> \n> \n> Definition\n> ----------\n> \n> \n> **Bilateral agreements:** by far the most common in practice and consist of a promise in\n> exchange for a promise. Bilateral means both parties are bound on the exchange of promises,\n> although there has yet to be any performance of those promises. \n> \n> \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 A typical sale of goods agreement is bilateral. \n> \n> \n> ### Practical example 1\n> \n> \n> Alex offers (or promises) to sell his bicycle to Becky for \u00a3150 and Becky accepts, thereby promising\n> to pay \u00a3150. (We will use this as our example of a bilateral agreement and look at variations and additions\n> to the facts throughout this chapter.)\n> \n> \n> Definition\n> ----------\n> \n> \n> **Unilateral agreements:** consist of a promise in exchange for an act. It follows that only one party is\n> bound at the outset by a promise. The other\u2019s acceptance is the performance of the requested act. \n> \n> \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 For example, a typical unilateral agreement will involve an offer of a reward and may be\n> phrased as an \u2018if\u2019 contract: I promise to pay \u00a350 to anyone who finds and returns my lost dog.\n> \n> \n> ### Practical example 2\n> \n> \n> Daniel offers (or promises) a free watch to anyone who returns three tokens from the packets of\n> cereal he manufactures, together with a cheque for \u00a35. Emily accepts by returning the three tokens\n> with her cheque for \u00a35. (We will use this as our example of a unilateral agreement and return to this\n> example later in the chapter.)\n> \n> \n> \n\n\np 6.\n\n\n\n> \n> Making the correct distinction.\n> -------------------------------\n> \n> \n> It is not possible to accept a unilateral offer by promising to\n> find and return the lost dog or by promising to collect and return the tokens and the cheque. By\n> comparison, the agreement to sell the bicycle cannot be unilateral. Students sometimes suggest\n> that a simple sale contract is unilateral by interpreting the act of paying for the bicycle as the\n> requested act. This is incorrect since, as long as it is possible to accept by promising to buy (which\n> it is in the example), the agreement will be bilateral.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"What's the tiniest modification necessary to convert a bilateral, to unilateral, sales contract?"} {"Id":44167,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-08-27T13:48:40.547","Score":2,"ViewCount":88.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-03-02T12:50:29.157","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Is a typical retainer's purpose to be a deposit for work to be done? IANAL and seeking to understand why and how the typical retainer works.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Is the a retainer simply a synonym for a deposit?"} {"Id":51075,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-04-28T17:30:29.177","Score":2,"ViewCount":115.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-08-10T23:30:40.503","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Can a person below 18 register copyright in India?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Can a minor get a copyright registered in India?"} {"Id":41618,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-05-31T18:01:44.853","Score":1,"ViewCount":51.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-05-31T18:30:27.967","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am doing a YouTube video about the history of deep sea exploration. I want to show pictures from a 1934 book and I came to the conclusion that the book is public domain because of lack of copyright renewal in the US Copyright Office archives (thanks again to David Siegel for showing where to look in his terrific answer and even better comments!), and also because other people have already taken the effort, among others the Forgotten Books editors who are selling a reprint, and The Internet Archive who holds a scanned copy free for anyone to download.\n\n\nNow, can I show the pictures inside that book? There is no additional copyright notice at the foot of any of them. All you can see in the book is the following 'courtesy note' at the beginning:\n[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/v6StM.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/v6StM.png)\n\n\nWhat now?\n\n\n**EDIT** The author did the last (and only) copyright renewal in 1951.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Are the pictures inside an old book that became PD because of lack of renewal, also PD?"} {"Id":41962,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-06-10T20:14:50.430","Score":0,"ViewCount":168.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-06-10T20:48:29.673","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":14,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Suppose someone does something you don't like but isn't illegal. Can you \n(a prosecutor) prosecute them for something illegal with probable cause not because of their illegal action but because of the legal action you didn't like? Does this fall under abuse of process? Is it against the due process doctrine as the defendant isn't actually being punished for what they're being punished for on paper? Is it at least against a prosecutorial code of conduct? If so, how seriously are such codes of conduct taken?\n\n\nExample: Suppose someone cheated on their wife, can they be prosecuted for the possession of marijuana if the reason that the prosecutor is prosecuting them is the cheating?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Is it legal to prosecute someone for ulterior motives in the US?"} {"Id":46318,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-11-09T15:21:32.677","Score":18,"ViewCount":4928.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-09T23:21:15.713","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Checking up here on a question that appeared on workplace.stackexchange.com: Someone signed a contract saying \"If you leave the assignment without giving 15 days prior notice you will be liable to pay these days.\". This is in the USA in an at-will employment state, which means the employer can fire the employee at any time without notice, and without these terms the employee could quit at any time without notice. \n\n\nSo the question is: In a US state with at-will employment, are contract terms enforceable that say the employee has to pay the employer if they leave without giving notice? (Extra question: Would it be enforceable if the contract just says that the employee has to give 14 days notice, and would it be enforceable if both employer and employee agreed that 14 days notice are required for each side?) Or does the state law that anyone can cancel an employment contract at any time without reason override this?\n\n\n(Probably should have mentioned: In this case the OP posting on workplace had just started a low-paid job, figured out that for medical reasons she couldn't do it, wanted to quit, and then found this term in the contract. So Inaki's answer is very useful in general, while user662852's answer is most helpful in this particular case). \n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Paying to leave without notice in at-will employment state"} {"Id":4180,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-10-02T09:14:24.043","Score":1,"ViewCount":150.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-10-02T14:16:31.293","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"The company I worked for paid salary every 28th day of the month. This was my first job so I am uncertain about how much they would have to pay me after I left. I left on September 16th. Which means I was expecting at least more than half a month salary to be paid into my account plus the remuneration for the holidays not taken. However, the pay I received appears to be only associated with holidays not taken. I have been trying to contact an HR person who is responsible for these calculations for around two weeks to no avail. Is it correct, that I should have received at least half of the monthly salary, and if so where can I seek a legal advice? \n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Leave pay - UK."} {"Id":50026,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-03-19T13:43:53.140","Score":1,"ViewCount":53.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-03-19T15:26:50.440","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"We're planning to purchase [this](https:\/\/www.kaplanittraining.com\/certification\/microsoft\/mcsa-windows-server-2016) bundle from Kaplan IT Training by people more than one.\n\n\nHowever, firstly, we want to know this kind of purchase is legal or not.\n\n\nAnd if it is legal, how many people can use it at the same time?\n\n\nThanks for your help..\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Is it legal to purchase Kaplan IT Training bundle by more than one people? If it is legal, how many people can use it at the same time?"} {"Id":25832,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-02-05T02:04:15.837","Score":2,"ViewCount":62.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-02-05T02:55:01.467","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Which law defines the fact that the capital gains tax is taxed at a different rate than the income tax? I know 26 U.S. Code Subchapter P defines what capital assets are and what capital gains and capital losses are, but I'm not sure where it's defined that capital assets are taxed differently.\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Where is the capital gains tax defined in the law?"} {"Id":4128,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-30T15:26:24.767","Score":7,"ViewCount":1020.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-10-01T01:38:50.787","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Let's say you're in California talking on the phone. Would it be legal to record just your part of the conversation without having approval from the other party? \n\n\nFor example, could you set up a recording device on the desk and have it recording what you're saying during the whole conversation assuming it's not sensitive enough to pick up what the other person is saying also?\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Would it be legal to record only yourself on a phone call without the other party giving consent in California?"} {"Id":39256,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-19T22:32:19.353","Score":2,"ViewCount":207.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-12-06T11:06:11.770","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Paul Davies. [*JC Smith's The Law of Contract* (2018 2 ed)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Smiths-Law-Contract-Paul-Davies\/dp\/0198807813\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). p. 6.\n\n\n\n> \n> On a slightly di\ufb00erent tack, but in a similar vein, Judge Richard Posner has written:17\n> \n> \n> \n> > \n> > Suppose I sign a contract to deliver 100,000 custom-ground widgets at $.10 apiece to A, for use\n> > in his boiler factory. After I have delivered 10,000, B comes to me, explains that he desperately\n> > needs 25,000 custom-ground widgets at once since otherwise he will be forced to close his pianola factory at great cost, and o\ufb00ers me $.15 apiece for 25,000 widgets. I sell him the widgets\n> > and as a result do not complete timely delivery to A, who sustains $1000 in damages from my\n> > breach. Having obtained an additional profit of $1250 on the sale to B, I am better off even\n> > after reimbursing A for his loss. Society is also better off. Since B was willing to pay me $.15\n> > per widget, it must mean that each widget was worth at least $.15 to him. But it was worth only\n> > $.14 to A\u2014$.10, what he paid, plus $.04 (**$1000** divided by **25,000**), his expected profit. Thus the\n> > breach resulted in a transfer of the 25,000 widgets from a lower valued to a higher valued use.\n> > \n> > \n> > \n> \n> \n> 17 R Posner, *Economic Analysis of the Law* (8th edn, Aspen, 2011) 151.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n1. Pls see the emboldenings. Whence did the $1000 hail?\n2. Whence did the 25,000 hail? This is B's quantity demanded, not A's?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Why's A's expected profit $.04?"} {"Id":50397,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-04-02T15:48:42.513","Score":2,"ViewCount":51.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-04-07T19:23:01.197","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"In UK employment law what are the differences between being furloughed, laid off, and made redundant?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"UK Employment law: differences between furloughed, laid off, and redundant"} {"Id":18058,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-03-29T23:30:50.923","Score":1,"ViewCount":165.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-03-31T23:59:56.893","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In the United States, how egregious does an employee\u2019s actions need to be to override [Respondent superior](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Respondeat_superior)\/[Vicarious liability](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Vicarious_liability) and hold the company blameless?\n\n\nA hypothetical example: Bob is a full-time employee of Acme Services, LLC. One of Bob\u2019s responsibilities for Acme\u2019s construction company clients is to verify that equipment rental invoices match delivery records before notifying the client to approve the invoices for payment. For all of the clients except one, Bob follows the procedures properly. For Client C, Bob does no verification and has the invoices paid as presented. Neither Bob nor Acme realize any benefit from this action. Acme conducts periodic audits of its client accounts (selected at random), and eventually the mishandling of Client C\u2019s account is discovered. Bob is fired (his excuse for his actions is that he disagreed with the political views of the owner of Client C). A full audit of Client C\u2019s account shows they have overpaid various vendors.\n\n\nIf Client C sues Acme Services for damages, can Acme (or their liability insurance carrier) in turn sue Bob (with a reasonable chance of prevailing)?\n\n\nCan Client C sue Bob directly without also suing Acme?\n\n\nCould Bob or Acme (or both) face any criminal liability?\n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"Is a company liable if an employee intentionally ignores company procedures?"} {"Id":6327,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-01-11T13:09:58.683","Score":1,"ViewCount":37.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-01-12T01:08:29.367","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If I created an android\/IOS app that listed the names of businesses\/clubs (leisure such as golf, etc.) would I need the consent of each club\/business or would I be able to list their addresses without any legal repercussions?\n\n\nI am based in the UK but I guess international law would apply.\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Listing clubs and businesses"} {"Id":19329,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-06-03T13:05:40.467","Score":1,"ViewCount":257.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-06-03T22:13:54.923","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"A couple of months ago I requested 5 days annual leave, and gave my employer the dates. The employer did not acknowledge the request, but sent an automated e-mail a week before the leave was due to start, telling me that the request had been declined. It\u2019s not the first time it has happened, and my colleagues say that this is the normal practice in this workplace. Is it a requirement for the employer to give reasonable notice when declining leave, and if so, what is the minimum period it must give? I have now requested two weeks leave in July (and I can be flexible on the dates), plus the week that was declined in May, and again it has failed to acknowledge the request, or give any indication when I can expect a response. If the company continues this pattern of behaviour I will clearly be forced into taking my annual leave entitlement at a time of the company\u2019s choosing, which has previously not been in whole weeks, but rather random days dictated by the company.\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"My employer has declined my annual leave request a week before my holiday - is this legal?"} {"Id":49506,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-02-28T11:04:54.870","Score":0,"ViewCount":86.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-02-28T11:04:54.870","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Currently WhatsApp claims it uses end to end encryption.\n\n\nHowever the app provisions users to switch on backups to Google Drive and other providers. So if I am in a group chat with a set of users and send out sensitive\/personal information, I assume I can delete my chat at any time and make a request to WhatsApp to delete any information on me when I delete my account. \n\n\nHowever if other users are backing up their chats to say Google Drive etc how can I ensure my data is deleted from everywhere? \n\n\nI understand anyone can just screenshot or copy this data from their device and paste it somewhere. But the app itself provisions for these backups so does WhatsApp have a duty under Right to Erasure \/ GDPR to ensure they can also be deleted if a request is made for an individual?\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Is WhatsApp GDPR compliant as it allows backups for group chat?"} {"Id":51858,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-05-28T03:59:49.097","Score":2,"ViewCount":63.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-05-28T07:56:04.440","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am in the early stages of designing an online marketplace platform for professional services. In the context of specifying what happens when a user hits the \"delete account\" button, I am considering the following scenario:\n\n\n1. User receives services from a provider\n2. User receives services from a provider\n3. User deletes their account and initiates a request for erasure under GDPR\n4. Provider now has no way of contacting the client either on- or off-platform to pursue their money.\n\n\nIs the situation as I see it possible? Would I have the right of passing along the info to the provider under these circumstances?\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"GDPR\/right of erasure and online marketplaces\/payment platforms"} {"Id":26552,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-03-04T21:04:35.537","Score":-1,"ViewCount":88.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-03-06T19:37:57.157","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If I buy a DVD or Blu-ray, rent it to someone, and stream it to them for their personal\/private use, is that permissible via the First Sale Doctrine?\n\n\nNote that I'm not ripping the DVD or Blu-ray, but inserting the physical copy into the computer drive and streaming it to someone else.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Per the First Sale Doctrine, can I stream a DVD?"} {"Id":46846,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-11-25T20:52:49.380","Score":2,"ViewCount":93.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-25T21:16:26.457","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"So I signup for a service with a 1-year contract. After a year the contact would be renewed on a month to month basis with 1-month notice to terminate the service. I have contacted the company and they refuse to end the contact claim I signed up 2 months ago. The date of the signup is stated in the contact. It is crystal clear that I should be able to terminate the contact. When going through this I noticed that a lot of people are complaining that they are pulling this scammy behavior, so I'm not the only one affected.\n\n\nSo I'm wondering if I can just legally cut off the payment to this company. They have had there noticed delivered if they choose to not accept it is the companies problem right? (All contact was done through email so I have a paper trail proving it all)\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Stop paying for service after company refuse to end contact even on valid ground"} {"Id":3815,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-19T19:55:03.277","Score":0,"ViewCount":24.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-19T19:55:03.277","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I know that I can protect my code and website if I put \"Copyright [my name, surname]\", but could I protect my code and website if I put \"Copyright [website name or address]\"? Would this practice be considered valid?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright name?"} {"Id":1768,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-08-11T23:41:03.590","Score":7,"ViewCount":7995.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-05-03T17:57:35.930","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":9,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Suppose that a fully automated anti-cheat system (claimed by a company to be 99.99% accurate) wrongfully and permanently banned a player from a game that requires a one-time fee to begin playing, offers further optional in-game microtransactions, and has no offline functionality.\n\n\nThe support team for this game refuses to provide any *specific* information for the ban, such as \n\n\n* the time \"foul play\" was detected by the automated system,\n* computer information (e.g. modules injected into the game) that was relevant in the detection process, or\n* other factors that caused the anti-cheat system to ban the player.\n\n\nFurthermore, the support team refuses to investigate the ban in order to lift it or provide any monetary compensation for the player's loss despite the fact that it was entirely wrongful and absolutely no cheating was committed.\n\n\nIn the player\/customer's perspective, he has just lost access to content he paid hundreds of dollars for for absolutely no reason whatsoever.\n\n\nIf no explanation is given for the ban (other than \"you were cheating\") and it was entirely wrongful, can the player take legal action by accusing the company of fraud until it can provide either compensation or an accurate explanation of what caused the system to trigger a ban?\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Must the reason for a permanent ban for a paid online game be provided?"} {"Id":47334,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-12-10T22:12:02.930","Score":3,"ViewCount":133.0,"LastActivityDate":"2022-04-30T18:00:15.047","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"On 8 April 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) [declared](http:\/\/curia.europa.eu\/juris\/document\/document.jsf?text=&docid=150642&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=888650) the [2006\/24\/EC Data Retention Directive](https:\/\/eur-lex.europa.eu\/legal-content\/EN\/TXT\/?uri=celex:32006L0024) (DRD) invalid because it violated the rights guaranteed by Articles 7 & 8 of the [Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union](https:\/\/eur-lex.europa.eu\/legal-content\/EN\/TXT\/?uri=CELEX:12012P\/TXT). The CJEU's [press release (PDF link)](https:\/\/curia.europa.eu\/jcms\/upload\/docs\/application\/pdf\/2014-04\/cp140054en.pdf) clarifies the retroactive effect of the invalidity in a footnote:\n\n\n\n> \n> Given that the Court has not limited the temporal effect of its judgment, the declaration of invalidity takes effect from the date on which the directive entered into force.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nWhile the DRD entered into force in 2006, the Charter was only formally incorporated into the EU treaty framework on 1 December 2009. Though the Charter has existed since 2000, its legal status was [uncertain](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Treaty_of_Lisbon#Fundamental_Rights_Charter) prior to incorporation.\n\n\n**How can the DRD be retroactively invalid prior to 1 December 2009 when the invalidity is based on the Charter incorporated on that date?**\n\n\nTrying to find the answer to this question led me down a number of related questions that may help, but I've not found a definitive answer to any:\n\n\n* Is the press release incorrect? When CJEU invalidates a statute without specifying date, does that really imply complete retroactivity? While this decision is silent about it, is there other case-law that might help here?\n* Has the Charter been determined to have legal force before its formal incorporation by the Treaty of Lisbon? Would that have been the presumably treaty-level force necessary to strike down a Directive?\n* Recital 22 of the DRD specifically cites compliance with Articles 7 & 8 of the Charter, but are recitals a sufficient basis for invalidating the Directive's substantive Articles? The CJEU decision quotes the recital, but doesn't explicitly make use of it in its *ratio decidendi*.\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"Is the invalidity of the Data Retention Directive completely retroactive and what are the implications w.r.t. the Charter of Fundamental Rights?"} {"Id":34342,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-12-13T16:49:39.483","Score":3,"ViewCount":483.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-09-30T13:39:42.443","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Under the Firearms Act of Canada, the SVD Dragunov is banned as a variant of the AK-47. The SVD is a completely different design which shares no important parts (a single screw in the buttstock), and you'd be hard pressed to find a firearm expert who would agree that it's a variant of any Kalashnikov design.\n\n\nHere is the text:\n\n\n\n> \n> The firearm of the design commonly known as the AK-47 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it except for the Valmet Hunter, the Valmet Hunter Auto and the Valmet M78 rifles, but including the:\n> \n> \n> (a) AK-74;\n> \n> \n> (b) AK Hunter;\n> \n> \n> (c) AKM;\n> \n> \n> (d) AKM-63;\n> \n> \n> (e) AKS-56S;\n> \n> \n> (f) AKS-56S-1;\n> \n> \n> (g) AKS-56S-2;\n> \n> \n> (h) AKS-74;\n> \n> \n> (i) AKS-84S-1;\n> \n> \n> (j) AMD-65;\n> \n> \n> (k) AR Model .223;\n> \n> \n> (l) Dragunov;\n> \n> \n> ...\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nIt seems to me this would be equivalent to say, a law banning steam locomotives specifically naming the Ford Mustang as a steam locomotive. While a Ford Mustang shares some common traits with a steam locomotive, such as being motorized transport that requires fuel, it's quite obvious that a Ford Mustang is not a steam locomotive.\n\n\nI'm specifically looking for examples in common-law countries where this sort of thing has been challenged or ruled on instead of being ignored.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"What is the effect of a law which relies on false statements?"} {"Id":17726,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-03-14T16:01:34.650","Score":1,"ViewCount":91.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-03-14T16:55:02.977","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If a toy company has a registered trademark, does it stop an app developer from creating a social app using the same name which has got nothing to do with any toy products whatsoever?\n\n\nWould this even come under \"confusingly similar\"? \n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Trademark infringement between product and software"} {"Id":8638,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-04-18T18:39:42.730","Score":-4,"ViewCount":101.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-04-19T01:50:04.247","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am an indian. I need copyright in my documents. So where and how to get copyright ? \n\n\n\n> \n> the document is also in digital formet \n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Where and how to get copyright on document"} {"Id":28307,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-05-08T17:29:54.607","Score":-2,"ViewCount":52.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-05-09T15:43:42.150","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Registering for a U.S. copyright:\n\n\n1. I saw that no where during registration you actually tell what your work does, you only fill up details, how exactly is it protecting you if you don't specify? For example I have a computer program\/website that do something, how exactly the copyright protects you if you did not specify about it?\n2. If I am a non-us citizen, do I need to select in State \"Non-US\", or leave it blank on \"Select\"? Because it allows me to complete registration with either.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"US Copyright registration questions + Non-US citizen"} {"Id":22100,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-21T20:28:13.570","Score":3,"ViewCount":140.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-10-17T21:24:36.633","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Does [Nixon](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Richard_Nixon) intentionally [derailing Vietnam peace negotiations](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Anna_Chennault#Paris_Peace_Accords) in the run up to the [1968 elections](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/United_States_presidential_election,_1968) constitute treason?\n\n\n\n> \n> Nixon campaign ... sought to block a peace treaty in what one long-term Washington insider called \"activities ... beyond the bounds of justifiable political combat.\" [Anna Chennault] arranged the contact with South Vietnamese Ambassador Bui Diem whom Richard Nixon met in secret in July 1968 in New York.... Republicans advised Saigon to refuse participation in the talks, promising a better deal once elected.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nPS. See also [Nixon\u2019s alleged treason 1968](https:\/\/history.stackexchange.com\/q\/41074\/1979).\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Does Nixon derailing Vietnam peace negotiations in the run up to the 1968 elections constitute treason?"} {"Id":24125,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-11-15T04:47:43.877","Score":5,"ViewCount":1565.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-04-06T13:13:24.537","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"A group decides to cover a protected piece of music. In this example, lets say \"[Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=i1nGx4DX83U)\". \n\n\n* Is the act of playing this song violate any copyright law?\n* Does it make a difference if they make money off playing a cover?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is it illegal to play a cover song?"} {"Id":26162,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-02-18T03:01:02.780","Score":3,"ViewCount":675.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-02-18T23:07:57.947","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Can someone be convicted of being an accessory to a crime while a principal is acquitted? By definition an accessory helps conceal evidence or persons involved in a felony. If a principal is not charged as a felon, but the crime is still a felony, then doesn't that require there being another principal who is the felon, or can we have a felony without a felon? \n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Can we have an accessory while a principal is acquitted?"} {"Id":31093,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-08-18T18:04:55.037","Score":1,"ViewCount":85.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-08-19T17:40:50.583","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"What should I do? I would like to serve on a jury if I can.\n\n\nIve passed 2 background checks since the jury duty notice. If i recall correctly the notice misspelled my name.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Got a jury summon last year, forgot about it, just remembered"} {"Id":8624,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-04-18T08:03:17.057","Score":0,"ViewCount":1916.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-04-18T23:10:44.287","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have seen an book [Chemistry Essential for Dummies](http:\/\/images.pcmac.org\/Uploads\/JeffersonCountySchools\/JeffersonCountySchools\/Departments\/DocumentsSubCategories\/Documents\/Chemistry%20Essentials%20-%20The%20Most%20Basic%20Guide.pdf) on web which says that\n\n\n\n> \n> No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any \n> form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, \n> except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nIs it legal to download this book under the sections 107 or 108 of the [Copyright Law](http:\/\/www.copyright.gov\/title17\/92chap1.html)?.I couldn't understand the sections since it's too lengthy and hard to interpret.Could anyone explain it in simple words. \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Section 107 and 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act"} {"Id":38171,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-03-15T22:59:53.320","Score":4,"ViewCount":4761.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-05-09T07:31:04.310","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Google sells access to their TTS service at . They advertise that you can use it for free, if you use less than 4 million letters (1 million for WaveNet voices).\n\n\nI couldn't find any information regarding the license terms of the generated audio files. So, what may I do with the generated sound files? I mean often you need the same sounds again and again. May I cache the sound files? May I play them to the public? Redistribute them with my app? Offer them as a download? Sell them?\n\n\nTo use the TTS service you have to accept the Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service (). I think the most relevant part is the following section:\n\n\n\n> \n> 5.1 Intellectual Property Rights. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, this Agreement does not grant either party any rights,\n> implied or otherwise, to the other\u2019s content or any of the other\u2019s\n> intellectual property. As between the parties, Customer owns all\n> Intellectual Property Rights in Customer Data and the Application or\n> Project (if applicable), and Google owns all Intellectual Property\n> Rights in the Services and Software.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"Can I use the sound files, generated by the Google Cloud Text-to-Speech freely?"} {"Id":5153,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-11-11T08:46:21.530","Score":1,"ViewCount":120.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-11-13T06:41:30.097","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"My Father was murdered by a bullet to the head using Desi katta (country-made gun). He was a business man. I saw this all this in front of my eyes. The reason he was murdered was a property dispute.\n\n\nI filed a FIR. I saw the person who committed the crime and know who he is. So the FIR was filled along with the name of the primary culprit. \n\n\nThe culprit is a person who is very much involved in illegal activities and all his money is black money. As soon as he committed this crime he went on the run. Police are searching for him. 3 months are already over and the police haven't found him. But the thing is his businesses are running fine. He is constantly in touch of his people (workers and all). He is constantly sending letters to police in which he tries to proves his innocence. \n\n\nPolice told us that they are with us and they will help and they will catch him soon. But instead of catching him, police officials are going to verify the evidences which he is sending in order to prove that he was not present at the spot where the crime was committed(As I was present there and I had seen him and the shooter). What I think is, he is out there forging and creating fake evidences and police is with him. Therefore, I want to know\nWhat legal procedures can I use to question the Inspecting Officer about the case and their efforts?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"What is the procedure to get answer from police related to a case?"} {"Id":22549,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-10T20:45:34.430","Score":0,"ViewCount":82.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-21T14:28:20.667","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"We live and work in Boston, Massachusetts. I work for Company A in computers and my wife for Company B in medicine, both of us with clauses for intellectual property ownership in our employment contracts. Hypothetically, if I had a medical patent idea generated solely by me, would I need to take any precautions before discussing it with my wife to avoid giving her employer any claims to it? Or are there general protections because we're married?\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Any protections or precautions for discussing a patent idea with my spouse if she has IP clauses in her employment contract?"} {"Id":26898,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-03-16T01:08:47.963","Score":1,"ViewCount":84.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-04-15T18:25:55.387","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Under [California PC647(i)](https:\/\/leginfo.legislature.ca.gov\/faces\/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=647.&lawCode=PEN),\n\n\n\n> \n> Except as provided in paragraph (5) of subdivision (b) and subdivision (l), every person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor:\n> \n> \n> ...\n> \n> \n> (i) Who, while loitering, prowling, or wandering upon the private property of another, at any time, peeks in the door or window of any inhabited building or structure, without visible or lawful business with the owner or occupant.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nThe language in this section suggests the space must be occupied at the time the act is done, because of the term \"inhabited.\" Is this a valid interpretation or can \"inhabited\" simply mean \"owned\/rented\", e.g. it may be that the occupant has gone to the market but *does* currently live there.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Inhabitance requirement for peeping"} {"Id":24298,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-11-21T22:31:10.273","Score":1,"ViewCount":117.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-11-24T07:01:49.363","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm curious as to whether public facilities in the United States (i.e. federal, state, county, and\/or municipal grounds) are required, by law, to adhere to the Flag Code as defined in Title 4, Chapter 1 of the United States Code. It is my understanding that the Supreme Court has upheld the unconstitutionality of enforcing the Flag Code on private citizens or organizations as it conflicts with their First Amendment rights (*United States v. Eichman*), but are public facilities such as a public schools or police stations required to adhere to the flag code? Are those acting in an official capacity in those facilities legally required to adhere to the Flag Code as they are operating a public facility?\n\n\nFor example, Section 6, Clause g states, \"The flag should be displayed during school days in or near every schoolhouse.\" If a school were to fail to display the flag, would that be considered a crime? Who would be responsible if it were a crime?\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"Are public facilities required to adhere to the Flag Code as defined in Title 4, Chapter 1 of the United States Code?"} {"Id":47788,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-12-29T02:03:59.257","Score":1,"ViewCount":137.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-01-08T18:44:45.097","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":9,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Isn't all fraud technically criminal, and whatever you can sue for civil fraud could also be sued by the government as criminal fraud? Is it just a matter of whatever the government decides to prosecute?\n\n\nWhat I am asking is, isn't all fraud illegal? Regardless of whether it is prosecuted or who.\n\n\nJust answering the definition of civil vs criminal fraud doesn't answer the question.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Isn't all fraud criminal?"} {"Id":11380,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-07-04T21:14:34.880","Score":2,"ViewCount":662.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-08-19T12:58:41.313","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm referring to this article: [Blizzard sues overwatch \"cheat\" maker for copyright infringement](https:\/\/games.slashdot.org\/story\/16\/07\/04\/206228\/blizzard-sues-overwatch-cheat-maker-for-copyright-infringement)\n\n\nDoes the German company have to come to court in the US? What if the German company couldn't afford to come to the US and refused?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"How does a US company sue a German company for copyright infringement?"} {"Id":27804,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-04-19T11:16:47.910","Score":1,"ViewCount":46.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-04-20T01:57:48.367","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have a complaint about the way I've been treated by a charitable body. In the fallout from some problems, they have chosen to respond to the financial concerns of a majority customer group, while ignoring a smaller group with the same concerns. \n\n\nEssentially the situation is this: they were selling tickets for a two-day event, which they have had to change significantly. Those who have one-day tickets are being offered refunds or the option of a free upgrade to a two-day ticket. Those who bought two-day tickets are being ignored.\n\n\nIn terms of contract law, they are watertight: they did not need to respond to any of these concerns. Instead, they've chosen only to look after those in a particular situation. A cynic might conclude this is a purposeful attempt at damage limitation to save money. It is also manifestly unfair - the sums involved run to the hundreds of pounds.\n\n\nEither way, splitting their customer base like that is manifestly unfair. I am curious to know if there are any further legal principles I could use to take a complaint forward?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Are there any generalised concenpts of \"fair treatment\" in UK law?"} {"Id":25417,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-01-17T23:04:48.497","Score":6,"ViewCount":901.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-11-29T15:06:40.387","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"There's an extensive selection of [public domain feature films](https:\/\/archive.org\/details\/feature_films) available, but video quality is universally extremely poor as users generally prefer low filesize over high bitrate. Some of the films (\"Night of the Living Dead\", Charlie Chaplin catalogue and Christopher Lee's \"Horror Express\" as notable examples) have been released on Blu-ray. Is it allowed to create a lossless copy of a Blu-ray disc and spread the film all over the Internet as a video file? I won't share \"extras\" (commentary tracks, making of documentaries) which may have been created and owned by the publisher, subtitles, menus and foreign or alternative audio tracks to avoid legal issues.\n\n\nI don't know if all Blu-ray discs and DVDs have DRM (circumventing may be allowed under some jurisdictions) \u2014 DRM is out of the scope of the question as it is uncertain if restricting material free of intellectual property rights is in turn legal.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is it legal to distribute any version of a public domain film?"} {"Id":5857,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-12-16T15:18:13.733","Score":2,"ViewCount":115.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-12-16T19:36:55.990","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If an employee relocates to the USA for a short period of time and ships their belongings from their home to their new residence in the US, are there any duties that need to be paid ?\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Do you pay tax on belongings you bring with you to the US?"} {"Id":25632,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-01-27T02:23:49.430","Score":-4,"ViewCount":117.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-01-28T00:58:07.440","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I can understand getting sued for starting a train company called Greyhound, but I want to the alter ego of one of my characters to be Greyhound \u2013 a reference to the quickness of the canine. However, there is a bus carrier chain that has a similar name called Greyhound Lines Inc. Will I be sued by the bus company or do companies have a nominal monopoly on animals?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Can I name my character 'Greyhound'?"} {"Id":1347,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-07-24T23:42:10.927","Score":13,"ViewCount":9393.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-04-03T17:36:17.433","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":9,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"So, this might sound like an odd question, but at a very simple ethical level there is a clear problem with using an adblocker. There is, after all, a very clear understanding that ad providers are paying them for your access to the content or put differently: You pay for the content by watching those ads (of which selling your privacy is often (though not always) a part). Unethical however hardly means directly unlawful\/illegal, so I have often wondered about the legal mirror of those ethical rules. \n\n\nOur hypothetical case\n=====================\n\n\nSo, some ToS's explicitedly have statements like\n\n\n\n> \n> You agree not to alter or modify any part of the Service.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\ntaken from the [YouTube ToS](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/static?template=terms&gl=US). So let's assume our theoretical service has those as well possibly even explicitly addressing adblockers. Note clearly that I am not saying that the quoted statement is the best legal way of putting this, it's purely an example.\n\n\nNow, lets say that a user uses this service for a year whilst an adblocker is running. Lets also say that the user has signed up for the service and explicitly consented the Terms of Service. Is there any way that the service could lawfully get this user to pay up for his usage of the service (the loss of income)? Or if not, is there *any* form of 'punishment' the user could face? (Beyond being blocked from the service, but he could also be blocked from the service even if he didn't use an adblocker if the service answer would feel like it) And if yes, does it require such an explicit segment in the ToS or is this already a natural given?\n\n\nPS. I have selected the [united-states](\/questions\/tagged\/united-states \"show questions tagged 'united-states'\") as the main focus of the question, simply because it's most likely to get a quality answer, however if you also know how the same would work out in a western european country I would love it if an answer could include a *very* short rundown of that as well. \n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Is it illegal\/unlawful to use an adblocker?"} {"Id":3676,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-15T20:06:17.557","Score":4,"ViewCount":5366.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-16T15:28:18.320","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"On a webpage we would like to have a background image demonstrating our product on different devices. The current images we have contain an Intel logo and an iPad (logo not visible but clearly an iPad). Is it OK to use these images without permission?\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"What are the laws on showing another company's logo in commercial photos?"} {"Id":51611,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-05-19T21:40:20.363","Score":-2,"ViewCount":64.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-05-21T04:07:18.803","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"An assault can be defined as anything which is perceived as injuring or threatening. A kidnapping is anything perceived as limiting someones movement. Since an assault necessarily involves a limitation on movement, for example you move someone by punching them, aren't they the same? Is it just a matter of severity and discretion and aren't all violent crimes degrees of kidnapping?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Is the difference between the most and least severe violent crimes subjective?"} {"Id":19724,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-06-21T15:59:01.077","Score":0,"ViewCount":32.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-06-21T16:35:31.373","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm actually developping a \"zen reading mode\" (I don't know if there's a distinct way to say it in english) like [Pocket](https:\/\/getpocket.com\/) for web articles in my own website. \n\n\nRight now, I only save basic data on my database (Article title, thumbnail, author and URL) and when a user selects an article to be read, my website is performing a request to retrieve the article and then processes it to display it in \"zen reading mode\". I don't actually have the \"zen\" version of the article in my database.\n\n\nBut for performance issue, I'm wondering if I could just save the full \"zen\" version in my own database instead of querying the original URL of the articles. \n\n\nOf course, either way, there are links to the original article and the author (if there's not, it's the domain it was published in) is displayed. \n\n\nSo I was just wondering if there was any laws or guideline about \"copying\" articles on the web and this kind of stuff.\n\n\nThanks.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Saving web articles in own database"} {"Id":51757,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-05-24T17:21:48.627","Score":-2,"ViewCount":44.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-05-24T21:41:38.897","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Is it allowed to publish a game(or app) based on a famous movie, in which are used real photos of the actors? Will it be rejected because of some author rights issues (US territory) ? If yes, what modifications should be done in order to get approved? I ready looked for this information on apple\u2019s website but could\u2019t find anything related.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Publishing a game based on a famous movie to AppStore"} {"Id":45209,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-02T20:52:42.813","Score":0,"ViewCount":36.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-10-02T21:27:49.543","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I have utilized GlassDoor and ZipRecruiter in the past to look for and apply to new jobs. It was mostly a reasonable experience: I would apply for jobs I was interested in, and the companies would contact me via my email. I stopped looking several months ago and haven't visited these sites since.\n\n\nToday, I was contacted by a company I did not apply for (which was obvious from the fact that they were halfway across the country), claiming that they received my resume and were moving forward with the interview process. I contacted the company they informed me that my resume was submitted on behalf of a referral company. \n\n\nI know I didn't specifically sign up for any referral companies, and definitely did not apply settings for automatic resume submission.\n\n\nIs what they are doing illegal?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Referral Company submitted resume on my behalf without permission"} {"Id":16491,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-01-18T11:20:08.603","Score":1,"ViewCount":86.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-01-18T17:34:59.510","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If a person dies whilst in a rolling contract, and payments are still taken from the account for a few months,would the company be legally forced to return the money to the account? \n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"What happens with the decedents' estate when a person dies whilst in a rolling contract?"} {"Id":15068,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-11-08T09:39:33.953","Score":2,"ViewCount":260.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-11-09T18:15:20.040","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"A company in Europe has temporarily given some of its computers with licensed Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Premium to a company in Asia. The European company is the client of the Asian company and the software is used for developing a web application for the client.\n\n\nMicrosoft now insists the Asian company is making unauthorized use of the licensed software because the licenses are country specific and geographically limited.\n\n\nMicrosoft now demands a separate purchase of the licenses by the Asian company; just uninstalling isn't good enough. This will cost $5999 per user.\n\n\nCan licenses really be this limiting?\n\n\nI edited my old question, because it was seeking specific legal advice. I hope its fine now.\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Is it legal to lend out your computer with licensed software installed on it?"} {"Id":13364,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-08-14T16:06:14.983","Score":2,"ViewCount":32.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-08-15T02:24:46.777","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"As the title says, am I allowed to use other web applications from my own one (to generate data or to convert files), even though they don't provide an API (which I had to build myself), as long as their terms don't explicitly forbid such behavior?\n\n\nI know it is a short description, but the question really is that simple.\nI could not find the answer elsewhere.\n\n\nThank you in advance.\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Using web apps from my web app"} {"Id":633,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-06-17T13:16:07.747","Score":4,"ViewCount":1522.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-06-24T19:15:59.713","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Most news sites and tech blogs provide only a summary in their rss feeds. If I write a script that scrapes their website and extracts some useful data, can I share the script as open source. Does it depend on each and every website and needs prior permission? If scraping is not allowed without permission, who is guilty, the person who wrote the script or the one who used them? \n\n\nNote 1: I am not redistributing website's content, just sharing the script that helps to read the content in different form. I am specifically interested in Indian and US Law.\n\n\nNote 2: The script may be specific to particular website and may access data that is accessible only with user's login credentials.\n\n\nNote 3: script means a program or software application\n\n\nE.g nytimes offer subscription offer at $3.5 a week for web+smartphone access. But for tablet access, it is $5.00 a week. Can I sell an app for tablet that parses the page from the web interface and converts it to tablet friendly format. The app will use login credentials from the user to login using a virtual browser to download the content and format it such that it is better readable in tablet? Do I have to get permission from nytimes to sell the app? I don't care about this special case but in general can the provider legally restrict how the content is consumed by the end user.\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Is it legal to share a script that scrapes a website and presents in a different format?"} {"Id":9360,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-05-20T06:44:32.640","Score":4,"ViewCount":409.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-05-26T14:55:27.667","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Lot of companies in the world use Java including the company I work for. AFAIK there is no licensing deal and we use most of the Java packages for which Oracle sued Google. So can Oracle sue any company which is using Java and making profit? If not, then why only Google is being targeted?\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"Oracle vs Google: Can Oracle sue any company who is using Java and making profit?"} {"Id":46383,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-11-12T19:23:10.380","Score":1,"ViewCount":166.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-12T20:33:23.910","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"[![Windows 10 Setup 1909 Legal Agreement](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/a2KGk.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/a2KGk.png)\n\n\nThe Windows 10 1909 November setup license agreement has a provision which seems to suggest Microsoft must provide Canadians with the ability to entirely disable updates. Is there such a law?\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Does Canada Have A Law Against Automatic Software Updates?"} {"Id":44461,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-09-06T17:10:50.807","Score":1,"ViewCount":164.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-09-07T01:21:01.753","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am unable to pick up my final paycheck from my employer immediately. How long do I have under federal law to retrieve my paycheck before my employer is no longer bound to honor it?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"How long must an employer hold a paycheck?"} {"Id":32344,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-10-06T16:33:35.207","Score":3,"ViewCount":2181.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-08T17:48:53.897","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I was fired for not showing up to work as ordered. This is after explaining to my boss over the phone that I have [Typhoid](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Typhoid_fever), and working with food would endanger the guests to the restaurant\/arcade at which I work. \n\n\nDo I have any recourse at all in this situation? As it stands, I should've just went to work anyway. This is a followup to this question: [*May I legally work in a restaurant with typhoid if the employer knows?*](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/q\/32298\/2414)\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"I was fired for refusing to work with Typhoid, do I have any recourse?"} {"Id":32822,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-10-21T22:37:34.020","Score":12,"ViewCount":4393.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-25T01:53:45.900","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":8,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am curious as to whether there is any precedent in the U.S. regarding the level of scrutiny applied to 14th amendment claims against statutes that hinder a person's ability to engage in scientific research. In particular, whether the courts have deemed the right to engage in science as \"inherent in the concept of ordered liberty\" or \"deeply rooted in our country's history and tradition.\" It seems plausible to me that a case could be made for this, which would raise the level of scrutiny above rational basis.\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"Is the right to engage in scientific inquiry a fundamental right?"} {"Id":27163,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-03-26T22:45:53.953","Score":2,"ViewCount":127.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-03-27T04:50:00.193","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Say someone applies for a loan and they get the loan. Afterwards the lender wants to see proof of income, but the lendee denies and refuses to provide any proof after the fact. Given that it's after and not before, is there any difference in legal routes? If one refuses to provide proof of income before receiving any money, it's obvious that the lender can just not give it and not care -- but what about after the loan was given? Can they legally demand you provide proof after they give money?\n\n\nAre you required by law to do so then? If you refuse, would they cancel your account and make this a civil\/term based account termination -- or is this actually an entire criminal suit to unfold?\n\n\nBecause it's very easy to say no and avoid giving proof, but saying no isn't proof of being guilty yet.\n\n\nRealistically, how far could this turn serious if the lender demanded and the lendee refused?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Is it illegal to refuse to provide proof of income after receiving a loan\/credit?"} {"Id":13935,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-09-12T23:42:01.730","Score":0,"ViewCount":453.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-09-13T00:36:26.737","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm planning to sell my house. I have a pool table that is too heavy and old . . . so I want to leave it as a bonus. \n\n\nHowever, now that I think about it, I'm concerned. What if this table breaks, and somebody gets injured. It never broke on me, but still this is not a part of the house. So just in case , when i sell the house . . .what if this table falls apart and the new owners get injury , will that be my problem? \n\n\nShould I ask the buyers sign a liability waiver? Do I have any responsibility for what happens after I sell the house. I also have an outdoor shed. Also a bonus . . . \n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"Will I have any responsibility for what happens in my house after I sell it?"} {"Id":24150,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-11-15T19:18:50.713","Score":1,"ViewCount":7162.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-02-28T02:54:17.773","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":10,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have been in alot of trouble with police lately doing illegal actions to catch criminals. I was thinking of trying something else but I want to make sure that it is legal to do this stuff and what I need to avoid.\n\n\nI've been watching alot of YouTube videos of people catching pedophiles in person through online communication. I want to do similar but stay on the right side of the law.\n\n\nSo is it legal to pretend to be an age you are not on websites that require you to be a certain age. Although this may breech their terms and conditions will it be enough to get me in trouble with the police.\n\n\nAlso when looking for pedophiles what do I need to be aware of. When does it go too far and what should I avoid doing to not get myself into trouble but to gather as much evidence against a person\n\n\n*Living in the UK BTW*\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Is it legal to pretend to be under a certain age to catch pedophiles"} {"Id":50468,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-04-04T21:15:18.540","Score":0,"ViewCount":50.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-04-05T16:23:03.587","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I filled out a w4 upon hire and employer never took taxes out of my check. Is it legal for them to have a w4 on file and not take taxes out your paycheck?\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\nETA: Exempt was not specified on the W-4 and no taxes were taken out of the paychecks at all.\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"W-4 filled out, no taxes take out of paycheck?"} {"Id":32748,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-10-19T01:54:58.093","Score":0,"ViewCount":26.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-19T01:54:58.093","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Imagine hiring an artist to view a series of photographs of a famous celebrity or corporate executive - John doe, for example - then create an original drawing - not a **derivative**, but a unique work of art that's legal.\n\n\nNow imagine selling some of your artwork on a website. Maybe you have a separate web page with the heading \"Pictures of John Doe,\" featuring half a dozen pictures the artist created for you.\n\n\nAgain, each individual image is legal; you can personally use them on your website or in a book. I assume it would also be legal to allow others to use them free of charge; you could put them in the public domain or license them under Creative Commons, for example.\n\n\nBut can you legally charge a fee for such pictures?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Selling pictures of famous people"} {"Id":37091,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-02-10T19:26:31.077","Score":1,"ViewCount":266.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-02-11T05:57:14.200","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"is it legal for employers to ask for social media handles in job application or pre-employment forms? If it is unrelated to the job?\n\n\nI understand for jobs like marketing, modeling etc. where a large social media following increases the cash flow, in that case it makes sense to ask for the handles as the person will be a face of the company. Hence the request and assessment could be written under job requirement.\n\n\nBut for a position completely unrelated to one's social media presence, is it legal?\n\n\nLooking at North America and Europe ; Canada, USA, Germany\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Is it legal for employers to ask for social media handles?"} {"Id":25992,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-02-11T17:30:50.927","Score":1,"ViewCount":114.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-02-12T00:45:15.903","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I was wondering if manufacturers of any country are legally bound to print the true origin of the product while exporting to other country? If yes, who makes sure they are printing the real origin of the product?\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"What stops Chinese companies from printing \u201cMade in US\u201d on their products?"} {"Id":25196,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-01-09T03:57:00.737","Score":2,"ViewCount":179.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-01-09T05:28:06.810","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am involved in a nasty domestic dispute with a family member.\nThis domestic dispute involves my knowledge of criminal activity by persons X, Y and Z. I reported this criminal activity to my local police department.\n\n\nOne of my family members is married to person X and became very upset when told that I had reported this information to the police. My family member sent me the following text message:\n\n\n\n> \n> You are messing with the wrong people. Person X is going to come after you bad. You have made a lot of people very angry. I would watch my back if I were you.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nIs this remark a criminal threat against me? \n\n\nShould I report it to the police?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Is this a criminal threat?"} {"Id":47811,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-12-29T23:19:38.013","Score":0,"ViewCount":49.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-12-29T23:38:51.417","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I read on the internet that one can sell, **online**, less than 25 troy ounces of gold Maple Leaf coins without reporting the sale to the IRS. Is this true? Is this over a calendar year?\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Capital gains from bullion sales"} {"Id":25525,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-01-23T01:30:06.563","Score":0,"ViewCount":827.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-01-23T02:27:52.207","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am writing a mobile app, and at the heart of it, I need to be able to leverage a large amount of food recipes. If I just scrape the internet and grab all of the recipes that I come across, is this legal? I've seen some different things with regards to whether or not a recipe can be copyrighted, but I'm still not totally clear on that. From what I've gathered, it seems like if a recipe is just a list of ingredients, then it cannot be copyrighted. However, if a recipe contains some sort of proprietary or new technique, then that particular technique could be copyrighted. \n\n\nI just want to ensure that the method I use to get the recipes is totally legal.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Are recipes public domain?"} {"Id":4045,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-27T19:36:28.167","Score":7,"ViewCount":172.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-03-05T19:57:28.770","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"[\u00a7 5 of the Telemediengesetz (German)](http:\/\/www.gesetze-im-internet.de\/tmg\/__5.html) lists what, for instance, website providers have to include in the typically called [*Impressum*](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Impressum#Webpages) of the website.\n\n\nThe second sentence of (1) is:\n\n\n\n> \n> Angaben, die eine schnelle elektronische Kontaktaufnahme und unmittelbare Kommunikation mit ihnen erm\u00f6glichen, einschlie\u00dflich der Adresse der elektronischen Post,\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nWhich [according to cgerli.org](http:\/\/www.cgerli.org\/index.php?id=50&tx_vmdocumentsearch_pi2%5BdocID%5D=1438) ([PDF](http:\/\/www.cgerli.org\/fileadmin\/user_upload\/interne_Dokumente\/Legislation\/Telemedia_Act__TMA_.pdf)) translates to:\n\n\n\n> \n> details which permit rapid electronic contact and direct communication with them, including the electronic mail address,\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n**Does the term *elektronische Post* (which translates to *electronic mail*) necessarily mean email (via SMTP)?**\n\n\nOf course one would immediately think of email (and some might use this term as synonym for \"E-Mail\", but it\u2019s not really idiomatic), but then why doesn\u2019t it say \"E-Mail\" or \"SMTP\"? \n\nBecause it doesn\u2019t explicitly say so, my assumption is that it doesn\u2019t *have* to be an email address, but just some address that allows to communicate electronically. Like a term for a category of communication protocols (i.e., protocols which allow to send messages in electronic form) instead of refering to the specific [SMTP](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol). (Which would make sense, because email might lose popularity, and then the law wouldn\u2019t have to be updated.)\n\n\nSo, *must* it be an email address ([RFC 6068](https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/rfc\/rfc6068)) or *may* it be an address for a different protocol that allows to send\/receive messages in the Internet?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Is \"elektronische Post\" (\u00a7 5 Telemediengesetz) necessarily email?"} {"Id":3462,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-08T19:15:57.617","Score":1,"ViewCount":437.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-09T15:57:54.327","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":7,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"According to the answers to [Are county clerks exempt from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/questions\/3455\/are-county-clerks-exempt-from-title-vii-of-the-civil-rights-act-of-1964), elected officials of pretty much any sort are exempted from the protections offered citizens under Title VII. But it seems that without this protection, municipalities could enact laws such as \"no Muslim or person with a physical or mental disability may hold an elected position.\"\n\n\nSomething clearly protects this from happening. Yes, it is a violation of the constitution, but from my understanding laws are what establish protections against constitutional violations.\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"If elected officials are exempt from CRA Title VII, what protects their civil rights?"} {"Id":46556,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-11-17T17:51:33.670","Score":1,"ViewCount":41.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-17T18:19:52.837","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I do know that in the US, bank-account interests are taxable as passive incomes, but what I don't understand is the point of filing tax returns on bank account interests, since the government (or the IRS), or whatever, has access to bank accounts and can directly deduct taxes (not seizing, I'm not talking about unpaid taxes or fraud istances), without henceforth requiring a tax return filing, since they could deduct the money themselves.\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Filing US tax returns over bank account-related interests"} {"Id":49437,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-02-26T12:40:48.203","Score":2,"ViewCount":181.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-02-27T00:39:30.020","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Can you read, not aloud, copyrighted material eg. Books, scientific papers in public eg bus, airplane, cafe, where other people can potentially read it\/take picture? \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Reading books in public, copyright"} {"Id":19410,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-06-06T21:34:25.227","Score":2,"ViewCount":158.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-06-09T01:42:01.450","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I submitted a conference talk based in a movie, with the title being a spin-off of the movie title (applied to a technical domain). I have since discovered that there is already a talk form last year with a very similar title, but even though there is this similarity my abstract and the other author's are completely different (and the topics are not quite the same, even though the domain is similar).\n\n\nIn result of this I got a cease and desist letter from a lawyer over copyright infringement that seems a bit preposterous. Could an accusation like this have any legal grounds?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is a cease and desist because of a conference talk valid?"} {"Id":481,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-06-09T19:49:47.023","Score":4,"ViewCount":104.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-06-12T15:38:18.517","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Firstly, I apologize for any brevity in my question and description. I'm under a NDA and can't really give out specifics.\n\n\nA company in the Netherlands is saying that it would not be lawful for them to locate their primary data storage (specifically, supplier and part information) internationally in the United States, underneath a parent company. From all of my research I have not been able to find any evidence that this would be illegal.\n\n\nWould anybody be able to give any advice on this?\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Restrictions on international data storage?"} {"Id":30628,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-07-31T00:48:38.987","Score":5,"ViewCount":272.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-07-31T11:20:55.390","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"The Question:\n-------------\n\n\nIn many legal documents, there is a section for you to sign where you declare that the document is correct to the best of your knowledge. If something small or relatively unimportant is incorrect in the document, would you sign it?\n\n\nSome Context:\n-------------\n\n\nI'm completing a loan application where both I and my wife are joint applicants. Included in the document is a table showing our current debts, which is mostly our mortgage. The table also has a mark on each row indicating if the debt belongs to the primary applicant (me) or the \"other\" applicant (my wife) and then a \"total\", which is the sum of all the debts. For some reason, the table lists the mortgage for me, and then again for my wife, so the total is about 2x what it should be (a large sum). I informed the loan officer that this was incorrect and did not reflect the actual debt that we carry. They indicated that they cannot change it because the table is auto-populated using data pulled from our credit report and the mortgage is listed twice because both of our names are on the mortgage. Instead they countered that many people sign this and that it isn't all that important because I'm just disclosing my debt. So I offered to not sign that portion since it was so unimportant. They obviously would not allow that.\n\n\nI understand that the purpose of this section was to say \"hey, here's all my debts, I'm not stretching myself too thin.\" So if my reported debt is high and the bank is willing to give me a loan anyway, then this section of the document shouldn't matter to me. However, I don't feel comfortable signing a legal document saying \"this is all correct\" when I know it isn't correct. Am I being unrealistic?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"How strict should I be with \"to the best of my knowledge\"?"} {"Id":14340,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-09-30T19:30:13.407","Score":-2,"ViewCount":197.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-10-01T17:39:12.507","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Can anyone use this law to sue the US for killing people in Iraq for example? \n\n\n","text_label":"civil-law","title":"JASTA law, Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act. What's next?"} {"Id":45047,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-09-27T08:02:23.590","Score":1,"ViewCount":142.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-09-27T13:50:51.723","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I don't understand the bold text in the [OATPA 1861](http:\/\/www.legislation.gov.uk\/ukpga\/Vict\/24-25\/100\/contents).\n\n\n1. How is s. 18 \"in at least one respect, broader than section 20\"?\n2. Are there more respects than just \"one respect\"? How many exactly? What are they?\n\n\nHerring, [*Criminal Law: Text, Cases, and Materials* (8 edn, 2018)](https:\/\/global.oup.com\/academic\/product\/criminal-law-9780198811817?cc=ca&lang=en&). p. 372.\n\n\n\n> \n> offence under section 47 because it may not be easy to demonstrate that there was a battery\n> or an assault?251\n> Although the Law Commission252 and many commentators are convinced by these\n> arguments there are a few commentators who are willing to stand up for the Offences\n> Against the Person Act 1861. One of the strongest defences of the Act is provided by John\n> Gardner. In the following extract, he replies to some of the objections mentioned previously.\n> He starts by challenging the claim that the Act is irrational:\n> \n> \n> ### J. Gardner, \u2018Rationality and the Rule of Law in Offences against the Person\u2019 (1994) 53 *Cambridge Law Journal* 502 at 503\u201311\n> \n> \n> \n> > \n> > The rationality argument figures less prominently in the Law Commission\u2019s latest report\n> > than it does in the consultation paper which preceded it. One can only speculate as to the\n> > causes of its demotion, but its spirit certainly lives on in the draft Bill. The spirit of the argument\n> > is captured in the Commission\u2019s comment that \u2018sections 18, 20 and 47 of the 1861\n> > Act . . . were not drafted with a view to setting out the various offences with which they deal\n> > in a logical or graded manner\u2019. The assumption is that the three offences can, in substance,\n> > be graded, and that this would be the logical way to define and organise them. Between\n> > them they deal with matters which would most naturally be dealt with in a hierarchy of more\n> > and less serious offences all conforming to a standard definitional pattern. The irrationality\n> > of the 1861 Act lies in its failure to take this natural path, its failure to carry the underlying\n> > hierarchy of seriousness over into the actual definition and organisation of the offences.\n> > Thus, section 18 should be regarded, in substance, as an aggravated version of section 20;\n> > and yet there are miscellaneous differences between the two sections which do not appear\n> > to bear any rational relation to the aggravation. Likewise, section 20 should be regarded, in\n> > substance, as the more serious cousin of section 47; and yet the two offences are drafted\n> > in quite different terms, so that the essential difference in point of seriousness is obscured\n> > by a mass of other, utterly irrelevant differences. If the sections were properly graded in\n> > definition as they are in substance, then section 18 would surely cover a narrower class of\n> > cases than section 20 which would cover a narrower class of cases than section 47; and\n> > **yet section 47 is, in at least one respect, the narrowest offence of the three, while section\n> > 18 is, in at least one respect, broader than section 20**. That is surely irrational. The law on\n> > such matters should be thoroughly governed, in the Law Commission\u2019s words, \u2018by clear\n> > distinctions . . . between serious and less serious cases\u2019.\n> > That a section 18 offence should be regarded, in substance, as a more serious version of\n> > a section 20 offence is easy enough to understand. Section 20 covers malicious wounding\n> > and the malicious infliction of grievous bodily harm. Section 18 covers malicious wounding\n> > and maliciously causing grievous bodily harm, when these things are done with intention to\n> > do grievous bodily harm or to prevent or resist arrest. The extra element of intention required\n> > for a section 18 offence obviously accounts for the difference between the sentencing\n> > maxima (five years\u2019 imprisonment under section 20 and life under section 18), and marks a\n> > difference in point of seriousness (or potential seriousness) which the Law Commission is\n> > rightly anxious to retain in its hierarchy of replacement offences. The Commission has not\n> > even felt the need to explain its decision, however, to eliminate the difference in the causal\n> > elements of sections 18 and 20. Section 20 requires that grievous bodily harm be inflicted,\n> > \n> > \n> > \n> \n> \n> 251 In fact, in the light of *DPP v K* [1990] 1 All ER 331 there is likely to be a battery. \n> \n> 252 Law Commission (2014).\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Offences Against the Person Act 1861 \u2014 How is Section 18 , in at least one respect broader than Section 20?"} {"Id":22125,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-22T15:50:48.767","Score":-1,"ViewCount":674.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-08-22T21:47:52.340","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I work for an international organization that is organizing a conference that will have around 3,000 people in attendance. To illustrate certain points in our presentation, we wanted to include trailers for certain movies. However, the studios told us that we weren't allowed to use them. Thus, we would like to show the official poster of the movie on our powerpoint presentation. This is a non-commercial conference about work safety and prevention. \n\n\nWould we get into trouble for using the movie posters?\n\n\nThank you\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright infringement for using a movie poster at a non-commercial conference?"} {"Id":48681,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-02-01T10:37:57.203","Score":1,"ViewCount":461.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-10-28T22:03:05.283","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"The two seem very similar in purpose. Here is an example of one each:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n> \n> No Strict Construction. The language used in this Agreement will be\n> deemed to be the language chosen by the parties to express their\n> mutual intent, and no rules of strict construction will be applied\n> against any party.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n\n\n\n\n> \n> Contra Proferentem. Each provision of this Deed will be interpreted\n> without disadvantage to the party who (or whose representative)\n> drafted that provision.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nDoes \"strict construction\" usually mean \"don't consider context as much as you usually would when interpreting this document\"?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"What's the difference between \"no strict construction\" and \"contra proferentem\" clauses in contracts?"} {"Id":41948,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-06-10T10:12:14.447","Score":2,"ViewCount":135.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-06-10T17:50:32.127","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Was watching John Oliver last night and he had a whole feature on the Equal Rights Amendment. What is the point? Are there any current statutes that could be affect by this amendment, anywhere? We have seen what has happened in the past, like with that stupid right to bear arms, and how that has been misapplied.\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"Will the equal rights amendment actually have an effect on any existing statute?"} {"Id":447,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-06-08T19:06:27.990","Score":4,"ViewCount":77.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-06-08T19:06:27.990","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am a student just doing some freelance work over my summer break. I call myself a web \"designer\" as people in my country are more used to that term when they want a website created. I develop websites according to my client's needs using free GNU licensed themes. I let my clients know that I use free templates and do not charge very much. In my website, I want to show the work I have done in my portfolio (somewhat claiming that I designed the websites). However, I did not design any of the themes I use. Is this illegal? Will it still be illegal if I state that I did not design any of those websites myself but I'm merely a developer using themes? Thanks!\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Web Developer Portflolio Using Themes"} {"Id":29635,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-06-19T16:01:26.127","Score":1,"ViewCount":93.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-07-19T21:04:35.763","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am hoping to find a list of companies that aggressively sue or have sued over copyright infringement. For example, a quick Google search shows a number of lawsuits by Disney.\n\n\nDoes anyone know where to find such a list?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Where can I find a list of companies that aggressively sue over copyright infringement?"} {"Id":5951,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-12-21T05:20:39.700","Score":-1,"ViewCount":118.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-12-21T07:29:39.707","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"**B** has a contract with **C** that states:\n\n\n1. **B** will design a building for **C**; and\n2. **C** will indemnify **B** in respect of losses resulting from negligence in design.\n\n\n**B** proceeds to design the building.\n\n\nRoof tiles used, were not compliant with **B**'s design. **B** has warned this to C's client who insisted to use heavier tiles.\nIs it a breach of contract by **C** -not using the tiles as designed by **B** or **B**'s contract with **C** has been discharged by performing the design?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Contractual liabilities - breach - discharge of contract"} {"Id":8811,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-04-27T04:06:56.943","Score":0,"ViewCount":84.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-04-27T05:25:21.640","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Say I apply at McDonald's and give the conditions that I wish to work under:\n\n\n1.No income is withheld from me -- **thus I am self-employed**.\n\n\n2.I work like every other worker, **but get paid a fixed amount agreed upon**.\n\n\n3.I am responsible for taxes myself.\n\n\n4.I ask specifically for **no benefits other than money**.\n\n\n5.It could be contract-based, but doesn't exactly have to be.\n\n\nCould an employer legally do this?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Is it legal to hire an employee, but pay them as a free agent?"} {"Id":36444,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-01-21T12:57:15.610","Score":1,"ViewCount":63.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-02-20T18:06:32.623","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am designing a poster for my school competition but I am concern about the legality regarding the usage of online pictures. Most of them are under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 and I know what each term roughly means. \n\n\nHowever I am still very new to all these and will like to confirm that using them for my poster design competition is considered sharing and not commercial.\n\n\nIn addition, under attribution (BY), do I need to give credit to the pictures on my poster? I think it will look really unglamorous to include the source for each of these pictures on my poster and wondering whether I can get away legally without including them.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"What kinds of pictures can I used for my poster without violating copyright laws?"} {"Id":29505,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-06-14T14:49:36.307","Score":0,"ViewCount":106.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-06-14T22:26:35.323","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I made a mod for this free online indie web-browser game. A snapshot of the website 2 weeks ago on waybackmachine.com shows no copyright logo or Terms of Service anywhere on the page saying it's copyrighted. The developer of the game found out about my mod and tweeted that he would get it shut down. The developer has since put up a Terms of Service on the game's website that says all works are copyrighted and modifying the game is illegal. He then contacted google and got my mod taken down and I received a copyright strike on the chrome extensions store. \n\n\nI don't really care about the mod anymore but can I get into legal trouble for this?\n\n\nEdit: I should also add that the mod I made was free and the game is also free to play.\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Can someone claim copyright infringement after-the-fact?"} {"Id":5350,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-11-21T16:09:30.620","Score":0,"ViewCount":25.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-11-21T21:31:52.890","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"This may sound trivial at first, but if I want to cite something online or want to reference it in any other way, I sometimes find that the authors leave a \"cite as\" part under the content which may or may not have a certain order of fields such as \"author\", \"title\", \"date\" or a certain typesetting.\n\n\nMy question is whether I have to reproduce these patterns or whether it is enough to give the fields for example in the order \"author\", \"date\", \"title\".\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Are \"cite as\" sections obligatory?"} {"Id":44777,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-09-17T11:09:26.717","Score":-1,"ViewCount":81.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-09-25T00:50:57.343","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If a developer creates Android and IOS applications that use YouTube API, what limits are legally applicable?. Suppose the applications will get videos from YouTube, then will manipulate these videos, accelerating, slowing down, playing only certain interval, etc.\n\n\n1. If the apps have ads, is there any copyright problem with the video owners or YouTube company.\n2. Is it a copyright violation or other legal problem to excerpt the videos on YouTube? For example, the apps play only the first minute of the videos? Can the app add extra sounds on these videos?\n3. Is it allowed to play videos on the background? I mean, can the app play only audios of the videos?\n4. Is there any legal way of playing the YouTube videos without YouTube ads in such apps?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Manipulating YouTube videos in mobile application"} {"Id":18987,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-05-15T13:38:47.797","Score":0,"ViewCount":39.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-05-15T17:42:27.220","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am a software developer working on software that allows users to resell tourism products (tours, accommodation, car rentals etc.) The reseller can be either local, in a different state or a foreign reseller. \n\n\nIn understand well enough how U.S\/Canadian sales taxes work when the supplier is selling services directly. The tax percentage is added to the invoice before the customer pays. The same applies when the supplier sells his services to the reseller, the sales tax is added to the discounted price for the reseller.\n\n\nHowever I am not sure how to handle taxes on the invoice from the reseller to the end customer.\n\n\n* Local resellers\n\t+ Do I add the local resellers sales tax to the final price to the customer?\n* Resellers in other states\n\t+ Does the reseller need to apply the sales tax from the state where the services are rendered, or do they apply their local states sales tax?\n* Foreign resellers\n\t+ Should the final sale to the customer apply sales tax from the supplier?\n\n\ni.e. Should the reseller apply the local sales tax where the service is delivered to the final price to the customer?\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Sales tax on tourism services resold abroad"} {"Id":22988,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-30T11:44:59.807","Score":2,"ViewCount":117.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-10-31T23:41:20.760","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In the US, does a parent have any heightened duty of care to a grown child than that of an adult stranger to another adult?\n\n\n","text_label":"civil-law","title":"Does a parent have any heightened duty of care to a grown child?"} {"Id":5948,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-12-21T00:06:19.977","Score":2,"ViewCount":53.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-12-21T00:11:16.717","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"So in October a game publisher sent out a beta over Steam to which people who preordered the game could play. This beta had a fraction of the features that the full game had but a couple of clever people managed to alter the one line of code restricting people with the beta access to the full game. These people know have the full game and are posting screenshots from it but these screenshots keep on getting requested to be deleted saying that publisher will send a dmca for copyright. Is this correct?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Can posted pictures of parts of a game that were not intended to be released count as breaking Copyright law of the producer?"} {"Id":49764,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-03-09T18:44:20.493","Score":1,"ViewCount":198.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-05-04T14:28:06.897","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Take a search engine (e.g. Google), where user A can make searches without logging in with their account. The search engine collects, processes and stores, over time, a number of data about the user A, such as cookies identifiers, IP address, browsers fingerprint, and the search strings. I think all these are \"Personal Data\" according to GDPR (right?).\nHow could user A exercise his right of access to these data? In particular:\n\n\n* how could user A compile such a SAR, given that the search engine has no identifiable information other than the cookie ID (something like \"please supply the personal data you hold about me, identified by cookie ID X\"?)\n* how could user A demonstrate he is the real owner of those data (and not someone else using the same device\/connection)\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Subject Access Request (SAR) of data relating to cookies?"} {"Id":28276,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-05-06T18:20:56.260","Score":7,"ViewCount":2749.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-06-28T09:13:49.663","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"GDPR defines \"personal data\" as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.\n\n\n\n> \n> \u2018personal data\u2019 means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (\u2018data subject\u2019); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nBy that definition, it sounds like *anything* a user writes on a website that requires registration (even if with only an email and a password) is to be considered personal data, even if that data is meant to be public like in the case of internet forum posts, even if the post content is just a simple opinion, thought, or story. Is this correct? Or are there any specific cases where forum posts might not be treated as personal data?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Are internet forum posts considered personal data under GDPR?"} {"Id":710,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-06-23T14:53:48.693","Score":1,"ViewCount":138.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-06-24T00:25:10.147","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":8,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I know an Ambassador who committed a crime and fled abroad on diplomatic immunity. Will he be able to return to his native country in the future under statute barred or statute of limitations rules? He would have been jailed for five years if he wasn't a Diplomat.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Diplomatic Immunity and Statute Law"} {"Id":8029,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-03-26T02:19:27.810","Score":2,"ViewCount":218.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-03-27T00:16:48.500","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"By \"passenger services\" I mean planes, cruise ships, trains, etc. \u2013 any company that transports paying passengers. I ask because a few years ago a friend of mine had a sister who became very ill on a cruise ship, and wanted to get in direct contact with her (she lost her phone) and narrowed down the few possible ships she would be on to get confirmation of her health status.\n\n\nHe intended on contacting the cruise line and cross-referencing his sister's name with the cruise ship identifier (which would designate the cruise ship itself). He never did this since she called, but it does bring up an important question: are passenger services obligated to provide the names of ALL passengers on board in certain circumstances, or is this information private and it can't be given?\n\n\nEveryone who boards a plane, ship, etc. has their name known by the company.\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Are passenger services legally obligated to provide the names of passengers?"} {"Id":40656,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-05-02T23:36:27.473","Score":1,"ViewCount":132.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-05-03T03:07:10.213","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"[*O'Sullivan & Hilliard's The Law of Contract*](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/OSullivan-Hilliards-Law-Contract-Janet\/dp\/0198807821\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk) (2018 8 ed). p. 376.\n\n\n\n> \n> 15.54 Acceptance of a repudiatory breach must be clear and unequivocal, but need not be by\n> express words. As the court said in *Heyman v Darwins* (1942):\n> \n> \n> \n> > \n> > The other party may \u2026 \u2019accept the repudiation\u2019 by so acting as to make it plain that,\n> > in view of the wrongful action of the party who has repudiated, he claims to treat the\n> > contract as at an end, in which case he can sue at once for damages.\n> > \n> > \n> > \n> \n> \n> This acceptance must generally be communicated to the other party (described as a\n> \u2018basic and well known principle\u2019 by the Privy Council in *Sookraj v Samaroo* (2004)) or\n> at least \u2018overtly evinced\u2019 to him, but can the innocent party accept the repudiation by\n> mere failure to perform its future obligations? In *State Trading Corpn [not a typo] of India* (1989), the Court of Appeal suggested not, since **\u2018such conduct would be equivocal and equally\n> consistent with a decision not to exercise the right to treat the contract as repudiated\u2019**.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nHow's the emboldened phrase true?\n\n\nSuppose a promisee contracted to do\/not do something. If he then doesn't\/does it, can't the promisor infer that the promisee's mere failure to perform future obligations consists with the promisee's decision to repudiate the contract? \n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\n[Westlaw has *The State Trading Corporation of India Limited v M. Golodetz Limited*](https:\/\/login.westlaw.co.uk\/maf\/wluk\/app\/document?&suppsrguid=i0ad6ada60000016a7ad33ea68ec13a33&docguid=I6EFA25B14A5111E2AFC5ADE6B0249198&hitguid=I6EFA25B04A5111E2AFC5ADE6B0249198&rank=1&spos=1&epos=1&td=2225&crumb-action=append&context=12&resolvein=true):\n\n\n\n> \n> This brings me to what I would respectfully regard as a red herring in the argument on behalf of STC which the learned judge considered at p. 188 of his judgment. STC sought to counter the arbitrators' finding that on 23rd December the sellers had brought the contract to an end (in the popular sense) by submitting that STC's silence or continuing unwillingness to open the letter of credit between 19th and 23rd December might in itself be regarded as an acceptance of the sellers' assumed breach of condition. In my view this is not a tenable proposition. What is commonly referred to as an acceptance of a repudiation must be communicated to the party in breach or at least overtly evinced: see e.g. Chitty on Contracts, 25th ed. vol. 1 para. 1598, *[Heyman v. Darwins (1942) AC 356 at p. 361](https:\/\/login.westlaw.co.uk\/maf\/wluk\/app\/document?src=doc&linktype=ref&context=13&crumb-action=replace&docguid=IBFF78C61E42711DA8FC2A0F0355337E9)* and The Mihalis Angelos (1971) 1 QB 164 explicitly at p. 204 E per Megaw LJ. The decision of the High Court of Australia in Holland v. Wiltshire (1954) 90 CLR 409 shows that an unequivocal overt act which is inconsistent with the subsistence of the contract may be sufficient, without any concurrent manifestation of intent directed to the other party. But saying and doing nothing at all, other than a continuing failure to perform, cannot constitute an acceptance of a repudiation even if the grounds for such an acceptance then exist. **Such conduct would be equivocal and equally consistent with a decision not to exercise the right to treat the contract as repudiated**.\n> \n> \n> It follows that I cannot accept that STC's silence and inactivity between 18th and 23rd December can be regarded as having had any legal consequences. No doubt they were reluctant, if not unwilling, to pay a large sum in U.S. dollars against documents for a cargo lying at the bottom of the sea, perhaps in particular since it was insured in India and therefore not necessarily in some external currency. Such a reaction would be commercially understandable although legally incorrect.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"How's a \"mere failure to perform future obligations\" equivocal and equally consistent with not exercising the right to repudiate the contract?"} {"Id":18618,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-04-26T22:49:10.220","Score":1,"ViewCount":76.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-04-29T13:28:14.430","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"This question is about a company that is a Delaware corporation but which does business in California (has offices there, and sells to customers there).\n\n\nIf that company wanted to use a DBA, would the DBA need to be registered in Delaware, California, or both?\n\n\nAlso, in which county\/counties in each state should the DBA be registered?\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Where to register a DBA (company Doing Business As) name?"} {"Id":37534,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-02-23T12:06:04.630","Score":4,"ViewCount":94.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-02-23T19:32:15.837","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I purchased [this board](https:\/\/www.st.com\/en\/evaluation-tools\/nucleo-f767zi.html) from [Digi-Key](https:\/\/www.digikey.com\/product-detail\/en\/stmicroelectronics\/NUCLEO-F767ZI\/497-16525-ND\/6004740) for $27.97.\n\n\nLater, I noticed on the ST website that there is a [license agreement](https:\/\/www.st.com\/resource\/en\/license_agreement\/evaluationproductlicenseagreement.pdf) for the board. (To be clear, I did not agree to the license when I purchased the board from Digi-Key, not even in a click-through fashion.)\n\n\nWhat disturbs me about the license is that it seems to apply not only to the software\/firmware, but to the physical board itself. And it states that:\n\n\n\n> \n> STMicroelectronics (\u201cST\u201d) grants You the right to use the enclosed Evaluation Board offering limited features only to evaluate\n> and test ST products solely for Your evaluation and testing purposes in a research and development setting.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nIt's not clear that my use would be \"evaluation and testing,\" since I intend to actually do something useful\/practical with it. (i. e. I am a [maker](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Maker_culture) and intend to incorporate it into a project I'm building.)\n\n\nFurthermore, the license says that the board may not be resold. Although I'm not really intending to resell it, I would generally consider something I bought to be fair game to eBay when I'm done with it and don't need it anymore. How does this restriction fit with the Doctrine of First Sale?\n\n\nI intend to use [open source software](https:\/\/os.mbed.com\/) on the board, to the extent possible. Though there are possibly some bits of the firmware (maybe the bootloader, for example) which are closed-source and cannot be replaced. Does the existence of this firmware on the board mean that ST Microelectronics can control what the board as a whole is used for?\n\n\nAs a hypothetical, could the manufacturer of a washing machine include a \"license agreement\" which prohibits selling the washing machine to someone else when you don't need it anymore? (And if the answer is \"no\", what makes it different than my situation?)\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"Can a license agreement apply to a physical object?"} {"Id":1927,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-08-20T00:31:48.487","Score":2,"ViewCount":52.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-08-20T07:09:26.760","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If I'm looking to build an app or write a book and I wish to use statistics, am I allowed to basically use their numbers as long as I cite where it is coming from? If I do make a profit from it, do I owe any royalties to the original scientists\/surveyers? Must I ask them for permission?\n\n\nCurrently, the poll data in question is from this website but I'd like to know what's within bounds. The data is from various major media outlets like FOX.\n\n\n\n\n\nMy intuition pulls me towards thinking that I see books reference hundreds of studies all the time and public polls should be open information to everyone, but on the other hand commercial interests may be legally entangling.\n\n\nI'm not experienced at all in law, so I'd like to hear what you think. Thanks\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"US Can public survey or experimental data be used in profit content if cited?"} {"Id":11309,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-06-30T21:13:58.873","Score":1,"ViewCount":34.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-06-30T21:13:58.873","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"What are the necessary steps to protect a product name for a subscription based cloud application?\n\n\nPrimarly I want to target the EU-market, though theoretically the product could be used worldwide.\nOutside of the EU, I specifically plan to target Russia, and the Russian speaking countries as well.\n\n\nWhat I did so far:\n\n\n* I own the domain name which corresponds to the product name\n* I have started a trademark protection application (EUTM) with the European Union Intellectual property office. This includes the product name, product service category and a product logo.\n\n\nIn case the EUTM registration completes and confirms my trademark ownership, can I feel safe and market the product?\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Guidelines for product name protection"} {"Id":50874,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-04-21T03:57:20.013","Score":2,"ViewCount":60.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-04-21T04:09:45.587","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Pair programming is a practice in which two or more people get in front of a computer and collaborate on writing program. Usually, one person is \"driving\" by typing the actual program, while the other person offers tips or direction. Suppose that two people pair program for a while, and only one of those people ever touches the keyboard. Does the person who never touched the keyboard hold any copyright over the produced work? What happens if the person who never touched the keyboard works for a large tech company, which claims copyright over the works of all of its employees?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright and pair programming"} {"Id":17843,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-03-19T19:58:52.170","Score":0,"ViewCount":68.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-03-19T22:22:51.670","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Let's say, I want to make a computer video game that is based on some book.\n\n\nAs far as I am concerned, to make such game a reality, I need to acquire the rights.\n\n\nHow can I achieve that goal? Should I contact for such issue book publisher by email?\nOr there's some government entity which processes such inquiries?\n\n\nI'm interested in specific case, when author of the book died long ago.\n\n\nI understand that I probably didn't do enough research on that topic, but I really like to have any advice, at least where should I start my search.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"How to find a rightholder?"} {"Id":31403,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-08-31T17:21:44.433","Score":4,"ViewCount":386.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-09-01T11:34:25.943","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Some Background:\n\n\nMy wife utilized a personal training service from a fitness\/gym company in Michigan. She signed up for a year contract knowing that she would have to move approximately 9 month into the contract. That contract expired last month, and (to nobodies surprise), we got billed again this month. Digging though my records, I have a signed contract stating that the service is for 1 year, and then goes month-to-month. I have placed 2 phone calls giving the requisite 40 days notice that I wished to cancel, the first time I was informed that I must make an in-person visit to cancel (a 3 hour drive one way for me), the second time I was assured it would not be renewed as month-to-month. Fast forward to this month, I get a bill where I don't expect one.\n\n\nQuestion:\n\n\nI contested the last charge, which was outside the scope of the original year-long contract. I also had my bank re-issue my credit card so they cannot bill me further. What can this fitness company try to do to keep taking my money, and what can I do to either head them off, or prevent them from charging us for a service we don't use, and have no intention of using, and is also not under contract anymore?\n\n\nLocation:\n\n\nMichigan, USA\n\n\nUPDATE: A phone call to corporate seems to have resolved the issue. I still ended up getting a new CC number, and contesting the last charge. Will update again if anything ugly happens.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"Gym Membership Cancellation - Michigan, USA"} {"Id":39157,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-15T20:35:39.963","Score":8,"ViewCount":303.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-04-16T12:57:32.237","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I went to my local UPS store to send a package to a place in North Carolina that buys dishes, crystal, and flatware. I handed the UPS store the address and the clerk printed out the ticket because of the nature of the item being shipped, I opted for insurance. \n\n\nA week later, I see that the package made it from California to North Carolina, but said it was on its way back. I call the recipient and they told me that UPS will not deliver to them because there is a lawsuit between the recipient and UPS. The company (recipient) did not refuse my package, they never got my package. I call UPS consumer service and was told that the recipient should have told me not to use UPS and refused to give me a refund.\n\n\nCan UPS take my money and business, if they had no intention of fulfilling their side of the transaction? \n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Is UPS allowed to take my money and business without intention to fulfill its side of the transaction?"} {"Id":3492,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-09T06:29:37.877","Score":1,"ViewCount":2350.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-07-22T23:16:15.743","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In France, you can pay a yearly fee to an organisation called [\"SACEM\"](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9_des_auteurs,_compositeurs_et_%C3%A9diteurs_de_musique) and use copyrighted works to make profit in various ways.\n\n\nIs there an equivalent in the USA?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Equivalent of the French SACEM in the USA?"} {"Id":47514,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-12-17T14:47:02.560","Score":-3,"ViewCount":178.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-12-18T14:28:41.277","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am planning to start targeting small businesses owned by veterans, and apply for jobs while wearing a hidden recorder. \n\n\nI plan to bait them by stating during my request to apply for a job, \"soldiers are nothing more than hired killers and deserve contempt.\"\n\n\nIf they terminate the interview at that point I will then sue them for discrimination based on my political beliefs, which is illegal in my state (california).\n\n\nRinse, repeat.\n\n\nI know that recording a private conversation is illegal and won't be admitted in court, but I plan to get around that by doing this in a public area of their business where other people are around. This will also help keep me from being physically assaulted by stating my belief.\n\n\nCan this tactic of inciting a strong emotional reaction that betrays someone into admitting an illegal discrimination be used to destroy veteran businesses?\n\n\nThanks for any help you can give. I'm very excited by this plan and looking to tighten down the loose ends. Murderers don't deserve to have the economic power to run businesses.\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Secretly recording job applications to incite the manager into EEOC violation"} {"Id":5880,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-12-17T19:15:43.270","Score":2,"ViewCount":58.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-12-17T22:36:24.130","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm a software developer that (finally) has a working prototype of an app that I've been moonlighting with. I'm about 4 months out from having it 'market ready' and would like to form a 'barebones LLC' for a number of reasons:\n\n\n* I need to start reaching out to prospective clients to see if I can use them to trial a \"soft release\" of the app and incorporate their feedback into the final v1 product launch\n* I'd like to associate some intellectual property with a business, not myself personally\n* Soon I'll need to start signing contracts and would like the protection of an LLC\n\n\n**Now I fully understand that using a lawyer or a legal service is highly advised here. Duly noted! *But*, I think I'm *more* than capable of handling this initial barebones formation (which consists of just myself, no partners\/members, etc.).** If you disagree, please give me the reasons! Otherwise, my question is written from the perspective of someone who wishes to execute the LLC formation by himself\/herself (\"*himerself*\").\n\n\nFrom what I can tell, formation in NYS (not NY City or any of the 5 boroughs) is as simple as:\n\n\n* Writing an *Articles of Organization*, which I can bum from free\/open source online templates and tweak as needed; then\n* Filing these Articles with NYS Department of Corporations, and pay the $200 fee; then\n* Announce the formation in 2 newspaper publications in the county of formation\n\n\nHere are my concerns:\n\n\n* How do I determine which newspapers qualify as publications (and hence satisfy that criterium)? Does the DoC maintain a list somewhere?\n* Any other important *formation* steps I'm missing? For instance, do I need to file financial statements with the NYS Dept of Taxation\/Finance and\/or IRS as soon as the LLC is formed? How about obtaining a FEIN? Etc.\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Exact minimal steps to forming an LLC in NYS?"} {"Id":19681,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-06-20T00:09:09.893","Score":0,"ViewCount":250.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-06-20T01:05:42.107","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I had this idea of developing a mobile app that allows users to download videos from twitter and youtube to be able to access them offline.. is this considered illegal? (sorry if my question is in the wrong place)\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Twitter\/Youtube video downloader app"} {"Id":26044,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-02-13T18:02:49.280","Score":0,"ViewCount":86.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-02-14T00:17:14.810","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If a Canadian citizen commits a crime against another Canadian in the USA and Canada, can that person be arrested and prosecuted in both Canada and the USA?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Can a Canadian committing a crime against a Canadian in both the USA & Canada be prosecuted in both countries?"} {"Id":11034,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-06-17T02:04:35.287","Score":3,"ViewCount":647.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-06-17T09:51:18.817","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In Canada, format shifting is explicitly allowed under the new [copyright modernization act](http:\/\/laws-lois.justice.gc.ca\/eng\/annualstatutes\/2012_20\/FullText.html). I have a program and hardware that allow me to convert VHS tapes to digital copies. \n\n\nFrom what I understand about owning movies, is that you buy a new movie, what you are actually purchasing is a license to view that movie on your own home, you never own the movie itself, because of the copyright.\n\n\nI could take the time to convert all my VHS, but there's no guarantee it would be the same quality as when I first purchased it.\n\n\nIf you can only own a license to watch a movie in your home, and format shifting is not an infringement of copyright, then is it legal for someone to download digital copies of movies that they have already purchased a license to view in their homes in another format? \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is downloading videos you already own illegal?"} {"Id":939,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-07-06T09:44:48.437","Score":5,"ViewCount":1074.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-07-06T16:57:32.923","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In the past, copyright terms have been repeatedly extended, and some people have called for extensions that would effectively make copyright eternal, such as terms of 10.000 years or \"forever minus one day\".\n\n\nIf a law were passed today in the United States extending copyright from its current term of \"life of the author + 70 years\" to \"life of the author + 10.000 years\", what exactly would happen? In particular:\n\n\n* Would, say, Shakespeare's works (published before the introduction of copyright) leave the public domain?\n* Would works previously under copyright whose original copyright term had already expired gain renewed copyright?\n* If the answer to the second question is yes, what would happen to derivative works of those works?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"What would happen if copyright were extended (almost) indefinitely?"} {"Id":26733,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-03-10T14:26:15.000","Score":2,"ViewCount":939.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-04-06T14:28:59.987","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":7,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"There seem to be reasons that a court might find the Stormy Daniels NDA to be non-enforceable. I am listing some and would like to know if there are examples that support a court rejecting such NDA agreements. Payment was made to conceal something that the public has a right to know for national security reasons. Payment was made in a criminal manner or to conceal a crime. A person agrees to something that they have a constitutional right to do, such as get married, or in this case speak about their rulers. I have this sense that our founders wanted the first amendment to protect us from abusive rulers and dictators, and I can even envision a place where Donald Trump says he paid everyone in the USA ( via a $1 rebate on their 1040) to never speak against him. \n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"Is the Stormy Daniels NDA enforceable?"} {"Id":22406,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-04T02:59:44.960","Score":0,"ViewCount":100.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-07T00:29:13.260","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Let's say an internet provider (ex: Comcast, At&t, Verizon) says to their users: Hey we have this new free internet access, however, by using it the end ad content will be changed to our liking -for example they can change Ad Units to show their ads or inject ads into content.\n\n\nWhat are the legal repercussions here? If the end user's agree, can sites that serve ads (ex: Google Adsense) sue you for replacing their content?\n\n\nAlso wondering about any other issues that can arise from such action.\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Can an internet provider replace content of websites if the end user is aware of it?"} {"Id":48181,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-01-15T02:27:05.917","Score":0,"ViewCount":96.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-01-15T03:03:24.033","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"A convenience store clerk refused to sell me tobacco when I declined her request to scan my ID. I did allow her to inspect my picture ID which clearly showed my age to be 63 (as if she couldn't tell by my degenerative condition). She stated it was now state law that everyone gets scanned in California. I can find no such law. No store has requested my ID since. \nMy question is:\nDo I have the right to demand proof of a law which I believe to be non-existent or interpreted wrong?\n\n\n","text_label":"civil-law","title":"If a retailer refuses to sell an item citing a state law are they required to prove the legitimacy of the law?"} {"Id":9486,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-05-26T05:02:39.483","Score":5,"ViewCount":603.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-05-26T05:18:40.110","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Can a person violate copyright by taking notes? For example if I am reading a book and want to copy a full paragraph, word for word, into my notes and don't cite it, is that copyright violation? What if the notes are online (Google Drive) and I want to add a picture, and I copy and paste a picture of McDonald's or a famous piece of artwork into it. Technically, would that be breaking copyright?\n\n\nMy understanding is that fair use has nothing to do here as fair use applies to something (sort of) new.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Can taking notes violate copyright?"} {"Id":35605,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-12-23T18:06:10.543","Score":1,"ViewCount":308.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-12-23T20:40:49.743","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I have stumbled across a few websites:\n\n\n* \n* \n* \n* www.truthfinder.com\n\n\nthat contain a lot of detailed information about me: \n\n\n* my age,\n* and all the places I have lived in the U.S.\n* possible names\n* people I hang out with\n* email\n* phone numbers\n\n\nI know that I have never put my addresses anywhere online. In addition, they do share information about my associates (people I hang out with). I understand that you can see who hangs out with whom on Facebook, however, that information in principle can be hidden from public and Facebook shouldn't share it(or whatever)\n\n\nIs there a way to report websites like this? Can they legally share my information with the public like that? They do allow removal of the information, but I don't want to hunt down all websites and try to remove it manually. \n\n\nCan I report these websites to U.S. regulators?\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Can 3rd party websites share my personal information without my consent or knowledge?"} {"Id":47578,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-12-19T23:18:29.893","Score":1,"ViewCount":64.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-12-22T23:15:35.563","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"China is about to roll out a new encryption law that will require the Chinese government \"to seize all communications, data, and other information stored in electronic form that belong to foreign companies.\" ([reference](https:\/\/www.theepochtimes.com\/chinas-new-encryption-law-poses-threat-to-us-companies-experts-warn_3178810.html)) The article referenced goes on to mention that VPNs will no longer be private, if even allowed, and even private servers may be prohibited. My question is how this new law will affect devices produced in China and exported to the US. For example, will OnePlus devices receive an OTA update that will contain a backdoor? What about Oppo, Lenovo, Huawei, and others?\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Will China's new encryption laws affect electronics exported to the USA?"} {"Id":18781,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-05-04T15:46:41.420","Score":-1,"ViewCount":400.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-04-18T20:56:27.233","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Article 1 section 9 part 8 says:\n\n\n\n> \n> No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no\n> Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall,\n> without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument,\n> Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or\n> foreign State.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nI would argue, logically, that when congress exempts itself from laws and taxes that all other citizens and legal residents of the US are required to comply with, based solely on their position of authority in the government this is a defacto title of nobility.\n\n\nThe problem that the founders sought to counter with the prohibition on granting titles of nobility was not the honorific, but rather the special rights and benefits that would be conferred to those people that set them apart from, and make them above the laws that every one else is required to follow.\n\n\nCan a valid arguement be made in court that is in fact a violation of the Constitutional ban on awarding titles of nobility? Has this ever been tried before?\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"Does congress exempting themselves violate Article 1 Section 9(8) of the Constitution?"} {"Id":3554,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-10T20:26:09.890","Score":4,"ViewCount":320.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-03-14T18:45:42.610","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":9,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Let's say I want to assess how comfortable a candidate is with casual conversation, and if he would fit into our business culture. If I ask a question like \"What kind of music do you like?\", is that legal? The question is definitely not relevant to essential job functions, but based on how he answers I can assess how well he would fit in our company culture.\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Are all interview questions that don't apply to essential functions illegal?"} {"Id":30330,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-07-17T13:52:18.040","Score":9,"ViewCount":2467.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-07-18T14:52:44.310","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"For example, I do some work for my employer in the 2016-2017 tax year, but they take a while to pay me and I only actually get paid in the 2017-2018 tax year. \n\n\n**In which tax year should that income be included - the year when the work was done, or the year it was paid for?**\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Is income tax due when the work is done, or when it is paid?"} {"Id":38103,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-03-14T03:24:26.850","Score":1,"ViewCount":46.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-03-14T03:42:23.763","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Company A signs a contract with company B, a scrap metal vendor, to buy all of company A\u2019s scrap metal produced. Company A sells out to new owners and changes names. Company B continues to purchase scrap metal from the new company A under the contract terms. New company A wants to change scrap vendorswhen the contact expired, but there is a 1 year auto renewal clause if Company A does not give 30 days written notice from the expiration of the contract. Since Company B did not sign any type of Novation to the new Company A\u2019s name is the contract null and void?\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Break Contract after company sells to new owners and changes names"} {"Id":37221,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-02-13T23:28:13.153","Score":4,"ViewCount":331.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-02-21T22:04:44.200","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"So Kickstarter allows non-adults to start a fundraising campaign with parents agreement. But how about the taxes after they (teens) received their funds? What type of taxes does Kickstarter's funds count as. Do teens have to pay taxes for their fund (like maybe as income)?\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Do teens have to pay tax for the funds they get from crowdfunding?"} {"Id":15414,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-11-22T11:34:00.613","Score":0,"ViewCount":155.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-12-25T17:47:54.240","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have just resigned from my current company and I briefly mentioned I have unused annual leave left to take.\n\n\nThey have told me, it is company policy to pay leaving employees for unused annual leave, and thus their preferred option is that I do not take my remaining annual leave.\n\n\nIs this enforceable in the United Kingdom by law?\n\n\nMy employment contract doesn't specifically say that.\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Can a company disallow taking annual leave during a notice period?"} {"Id":16155,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-01-03T05:23:07.847","Score":0,"ViewCount":144.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-01-03T05:49:14.460","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Question: How can an advocate lend his exertions to all, while lending himself to none: this appears a logical contradiction? Lending exertions to all logically, implies 'lending something of oneself to all'. \n\n\nSecondary Source: p. 96 Top, [*Is Killing People Right?*](https:\/\/www.cambridge.org\/core\/books\/is-killing-people-right\/BFEF1D0B685077D498DE902A67A0AB50) (2016) by Allan C. Hutchinson.\n\n\n\n> \n> Indeed, the mantra of the defence bar is that they 'lend their exertions to all, and themselves to none.'\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nPrimary Source: \n\n\n\n> \n> Brennan J considered the proper role of counsel in an adversarial context in *Giannarelli v Wraith* (1988) 165 CLR 543 at 578-79:\n> \n> \n> \n> > \n> > Counsel (whether barrister or solicitor) may appear to represent the adversaries, but counsel\u2019s duty is to assist the court in the doing of justice according to law. A client - and perhaps the public - may sometimes think that the primary duty of counsel in adversary proceedings is to secure a judgment in favour of the client. Not so. The true position was stated by Lord Eldon in *Ex parte Lloyd* (5 November 1822, reported as a note in *Ex parte Elsee* (1830) Mont. 69, at p. 70n., at p. 72):\n> > \n> > \n> > \n> > > \n> > > **He lends his exertions to all, himself to none. [Bold mine]** The result of the cause is to him a matter of indifference. It is for the court to decide. It is for him to argue. He is, however he may be represented by those who understand not his true situation, merely an officer assisting in the administration of justice, and acting under the impression, that truth is best discovered by powerful statements on both sides of the question.\n> > > \n> > > \n> > > \n> > \n> > \n> > \n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"How is this not a logical contradiction: 'He lends his exertions to all, himself to none.'?"} {"Id":11598,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-07-13T17:01:18.263","Score":3,"ViewCount":337.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-07-28T00:05:44.490","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"The question is very simple, does the trademarking of a name, mean that they own that trademark in every language?\n\n\nFor instance, ***Windows*** is a trademarked product that has their namesake trademarked to protect against unauthorized usage. Could I then trademark the name sake ***Fenestrae***? For those less versed in classical languages, *\"Fenestrae\"* is the Latin word for *\"Windows\"*.\n\n\nWhat laws or consequences might I face from doing such a thing? Would I even be able to trademark the namesake?\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Do trademarks span multiple languages?"} {"Id":23239,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-10-10T17:55:07.493","Score":0,"ViewCount":154.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-10-11T15:08:10.667","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"A year ago I started working at a well known company and it turned out to be a lot worse than expected, so I'd like to leave ASAP since I already made plans for the future. As part of employment I was also given some money for relocation and other expenses. \n\n\nFor it, there is a sentence in my contract (last part shortened):\n\n\n\n> \n> In the event that you choose to leave the company within 12 months of the start of your job responsibilities (start date for new hires or internal transfer date), all relocation cash allowances and money ... must be paid back.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nMy question (it might be more of an English than law related), but does within 12 months mean if:\n\n\n1. The date when I stop working (my last work day) is within those 12 months,\n2. I make a decision within first 12 months (officially give my resignation in first 12 months, even if then by notice period obligation I still work 13th month),\n3. Something else :)?\n\n\nThanks!\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Paying back relocation money and resignation"} {"Id":11062,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-06-19T18:47:14.853","Score":1,"ViewCount":122.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-06-19T20:53:47.397","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am working on a device which is in the prototyping stages. We may at some point decide that we have proven the concept of the device, and then we would need to sort out intellectual property. I am trying to determine who or what owns this device, and whether I would receive any part of future royalties.\n\n\nI was studying X as part of my PhD thesis work. I showed X to a visiting colleague and he suggested that X could be turned into a device with a specific and useful purpose. I am a graduate student at a university. We sent a proposal to a government institution requesting funding to prototype this device. The proposal was shot down, but they did provide useful feedback regarding what they would like to see proven to verify that the device would work. \n\n\nI am now working as an intern at another government institution which has good facilities and people for building devices. We are building a prototype of the device in order to test the concerns the previous government institution had. The place I am working is providing some funding for materials. \n\n\nAssuming the tests go correctly, we will apply for a large grant from a 3rd government institution. \n\n\nSo I finally mentioned all parties, and I am would like to know who will own the intellectual property of this device (or will it be split). Will it by my school? The colleague who proposed the device? The first, second, or third government institution? My Adviser? Anyone and everyone who contributed in some part? Or finally, can I get a piece of the action myself?\n\n\nAll of this took place in the United States\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Who owns the Intellectual Property of this Device?"} {"Id":41739,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-06-04T14:14:00.913","Score":0,"ViewCount":116.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-07-04T00:11:54.520","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I have had a Limited company UK contract, with an Agency and worked at their end-client.\nAfter working for a few months, my role was suddenly terminated by the client (i.e. the end client, no reason given in writing). But she told (in writing ) that - they will be paying for the full notice.\n\n\nIt seems that - my agency signed me for 1 month (both way) on my contract but under the hood they seems to have signed 1\/2 month with the client. And now agency is saying they are unable to pay for the difference as client\u2019s only gonna pay for - what they want to pay\u2014 Since client is the supreme authority.\n\n\nWhat can we do about it? Will I be able to dispute with the agency on hidden shorter notice period which wasn\u2019t disclosed to me?\n\n\nCheers\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"Notice period fraud"} {"Id":51935,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-05-30T23:08:49.420","Score":0,"ViewCount":85.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-06-04T18:17:19.333","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Is a dislocated shoulder or broken arm bone more severe?\n\n\nMy argument is that a dislocated shoulder has potential for repeat dislocation and therefore is a more aggravated lasting injury. Which is considered more severe, a broken arm bone or dislocated shoulder?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Which is more severe in an aggravated assault case?"} {"Id":36215,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-01-15T12:53:01.817","Score":0,"ViewCount":40.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-01-16T04:19:46.123","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"How does one write no AirBNB into a rental contract that AirBNB or the like is forbidden? Is this merely a form of subleasing? Assume a venue of Florida.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"What is the label associated with AirBNB?"} {"Id":14387,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-10-03T22:55:51.310","Score":1,"ViewCount":105.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-10-03T23:06:59.063","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Let's say there is a copyrighted book which is published illegally by someone. Is it also illegal for the people who have received the book to read it?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is reading an illegally copied book illegal on its own?"} {"Id":28501,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-05-14T22:30:00.957","Score":8,"ViewCount":833.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-05-15T06:22:02.340","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I have several different versions of the same software (written in .Net\/WPF) that interact with different brands of hardware. I decided to discontinue one of the platforms. The company that sells the hardware for that platform approached me about purchasing the software source code from me so they can continue to sell the software to their customers.\n\n\nSo, I would rework the UI and rebrand it so it doesn't look exactly like the other versions of the software, and they could claim it as their own. My question is, is there a way for me to sell and give them the source, without putting myself in legal danger since 50% of the source code is still in use with the other versions of the program I will continue selling?\n\n\nThe client is fully aware of the situation, and is not interested in exclusive rights to the code. They just want to be able to take it over (and modify it if need be) so they can continue to sell it.\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Can I sell computer source code that I reuse in other applications that I still sell?"} {"Id":11285,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-06-29T11:03:24.673","Score":3,"ViewCount":263.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-10-11T05:22:02.423","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Say that I read on the internet a funny story with a punch line at the end saying: \"Don't buy it if the experts publish studies about it.\"\n\n\nI liked it and I drew a comic on a bit different topic including the same phrase. What if I were about to sell it?\n\n\nWould it be possible to succesfully sue me in the USA?\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Is joke an intellectual property?"} {"Id":1576,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-08-02T00:59:20.270","Score":5,"ViewCount":7232.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-12-10T10:47:08.037","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"When publishing an app in the Google Play store, I would like to use the \u00ae symbol for the name of a product that is not registered as a trademark in the USA, but it has been registered as such in the Benelux. Is it fine to use the \u00ae symbol there?\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Can I use the \u00ae symbol in the play store for a trademark registered in the Benelux?"} {"Id":49996,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-03-18T15:20:52.403","Score":-2,"ViewCount":232.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-03-19T10:25:42.203","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/RJY7J.jpg)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/RJY7J.jpg)\n\n\nI wanna know if this is correct or not, if someone can help please!\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"I wanna know if this is correct or not, if someone can help please!"} {"Id":28600,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-05-17T17:25:11.400","Score":0,"ViewCount":137.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-05-19T03:56:10.370","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If I have a game or some other online service I host in which:\n\n\n* It is forbidden for a subscriber to hold more than one account, OR\n* Even if it is not forbidden, to detect one person on multiple accounts for abuse prevention (such as enforcing a ban from the service)\n\n\ndoes the GDPR prevent me from using any of the following data *for the express and singular purpose* of accomplishing this goal?\n\n\n* IP Address\n* Email address\n* Password hash\n* Payment info (hashed, not raw)\n* Screen resolution\n* Video card model and driver version (via regular graphics API)\n* Running process list (as used by anticheat)\n* Hardware hash\n* Typing\/clicking cadence\n* Friends lists\n* Other on-service behavior (menus accessed, access patterns, etc)\n\n\nI'm aware of a [paper (Greidanus, 2017)](http:\/\/arno.uvt.nl\/show.cgi?fid=142935) that covers the legality of using various methods of client side cheat detection software that uses some of this data, but as the purpose would be different in this case, I assume the conclusion may not necessarily be the same.\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"GDPR: Detecting duplicate accounts in online services with customer data"} {"Id":3592,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-12T16:04:09.677","Score":3,"ViewCount":122.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-13T17:28:02.687","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I've been researching user-readable software licenses, and it strikes me that even as they get simpler and cut words, they always start with a wordy passive-voice construction:\n\n\nMIT: `Permission is hereby granted ... to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\")`\n\n\nISC: `Permission ... is hereby granted`\n\n\nBSD: `Redistribution ... are permitted`\n\n\nZlib: `Permission is granted to anyone`\n\n\nWhy do the licenses use this same sort of wording even as they simplify in other places? Is there a legal advantage to using it in favor of the more obvious *you may*?\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"Why do software licenses use passive voice?"} {"Id":23702,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-11-01T01:28:57.653","Score":1,"ViewCount":137.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-11-02T00:54:31.387","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I plan on starting my second company as a corporation and filing as an S-Corp. Would my new business name still be\n\n\n\n> \n> Business Name Corporation\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nor is a different form used?\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Do S-Corps and C-Corps both end their business names in \"Corp\"?"} {"Id":22520,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-09T15:05:57.443","Score":2,"ViewCount":79.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-09T16:22:46.487","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Hosting copyrighted material without permission is illegal in most countries. However, what happens if two independent websites host seemingly random data, which combined (by XOR-ing) form a stream of copyrighted material?\n\n\nThe idea is rather simple, someone has digital copyrighted material, the digital form might be 011001 (CR). He then creates a random string of binary digits, for example 010111 (XOR1) and XORs the copyrighted material with the original, resulting in 001110 (XOR2). Both XOR1 and XOR2 seem random and unrelated to CR, but when XOR-ed, they form CR.\n\n\nNow this person anonymously uploads XOR1 and XOR2 to independent hosts, and publishes links to both on a third independent forum.\n\n\nI would assume the anonymous person violates the copyright, but do any of the three hosts do so as well? Can the copyright holder force the removal of XOR1 or XOR2, since for neither XOR1 nor XOR2 it is provable that it is derived from CR and independently both look random.\n\n\nMoreover, is the post on the forum illegal, as it describes how to get the copyrighted material, but doesn't host it itself?\n\n\nI am curious about this w.r.t. either Dutch or US law.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Hosting One time pad of copyrighted material"} {"Id":39082,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-13T11:13:50.243","Score":1,"ViewCount":52.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-04-13T18:49:41.187","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If I have developed an application on my own time and using my own resources, and that application could be highly valuable in performing my job, can I use it to get my work done without endangering my rights to my own intellectual property?\n\n\nFor example, say I have developed software that allows me to mark up PDF documents with great ease. This was done on my own time, using my own tools and equipment. If part of my job changes and I actually need to mark up PDFs for work, and I use my own custom tool to do it, am I opening the door to my employer having any rights to my software? Could they say that since I am using it for work, they have some claim to it?\n\n\nThanks!\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Use of custom designed software at work?"} {"Id":22714,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-18T16:44:43.883","Score":0,"ViewCount":359.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-10-18T18:17:02.660","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In looking at Texas stalking laws, especially since 2015, in Section 42.072, it appears that even the following actions are illegal:\n\n\nPerson A and Person B are in an online but intimate and romantic relationship. Both live in Texas.\nFrom time to time one of them gets upset at the other and blocks the other from their social media page. But at some point they make up and resume the relationship.\n\n\nPerson A blocks Person B. This time for a month.\n\n\nPerson B thinks something is wrong so Person B attempts to contact Person A using email, social media, phone, texts, etc. Person B attempts for a month to make contact.\nPerson B sends several gifts to Person A's house. At no point does Person A respond in any way.\n\n\nNone of the messages Person B sends threatens violence in any way, nor is intended to annoy, harass or embarrass. (words used in the new Texas law)\n\n\nPerson B drove by Person A's house at one time, but didn't knock or attempt contact.\n\n\nThese attempts went on for about 2 months. Person B then gives up.\n\n\nPerson A then files stalking charges against Person B.\n\n\nFrom looking at Texas law, it appears that Person B has unwittingly committed several violations of the law if Person A feels annoyed in any way.\n\n\nIs this true? Or does there have to be intent? If so, how hard is intent to prove?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"How broad are Texas' stalking laws now?"} {"Id":25092,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-01-04T11:23:50.713","Score":11,"ViewCount":1104.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-01-22T18:00:20.097","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am unsure where I heard of this, but the basic premise is that if an individual in says \"Sorry\" either to law-enforcement or to another party, they are in effect, assuming fault for a given action.\n\n\ni.e. car accident: two cars, one rear-ends the other. The presumably at-fault driver says \"Sorry\" and this is documented. Insurance companies would utilize such a statement as an admission of guilt.\n\n\nTo what degree is this claim true? Should a person in all potentially legal-situation remain silent and not communicate at all?\n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"Is saying \"Sorry\" assuming fault?"} {"Id":15940,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-12-20T07:13:27.530","Score":3,"ViewCount":862.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-12-22T11:38:26.623","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have several old records and casettes of pop music albums some of which are damaged. While I am the legal owner of the recorded media, I do not own the copyright. I understand this. \n\n\nDoes purchasing the record or casette give me the right to listen to the music, and if so, could I legally download and listen to songs that were on my damaged casette or record? \n\n\nOr do I have to buy the CD of the recording?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Can I legally download an MP3 version of songs on a record or casette that I purchased but is now damaged?"} {"Id":19534,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-06-11T21:00:16.953","Score":0,"ViewCount":167.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-06-11T23:09:37.467","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Suppose Party A and Party B sign a letter of intent wherein Part A is selling its assets to Party B. Over time, they are working together to nail down all the details of the agreement in a full contract. But the letter of intent already defines everything both parties see as important at the time that letter is signed.\n\n\nBecause everyone knows that the sale is in progress, Part A is severely hampered in many ways; its employees start leaving, other potential buyers disappear. Since Party B wants to be purchasing an intact business, it starts supplying some staff to work at Party A's offices while the details of the contract are worked out.\n\n\nBefore long, Party A becomes completely dependent on Party B's offer. It is no longer in a condition where it could find another buyer for remotely the original price if Party B backed out.\n\n\nAt this point, Party B adds an extreme demand which was not contemplated in the letter of intent, which is very deleterious to Party A's interests. It won't back down; it demands this new stipulation or it will back out of the sale.\n\n\nIt seems to me that this situation is extremely abusive, and that it should be possible to successfully sue Party B for severely damaging the prospects for a satisfactory sale of Party A's assets. Party B seems to be operating in an extremely manipulative manner which shows bad faith. \n\n\nIs there any case law that supports this view (or supports the opposite view)? Is there a specific legal principle in play here which has a name?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Contract: one party changes the terms after the other has become dependent on deal"} {"Id":16159,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-12-31T02:10:11.323","Score":2,"ViewCount":1300.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-05-24T11:33:09.637","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If a President-elect was proven to have colluded with Foreign operatives to interfere with our presidential election, could he or she be charged with treason?\n\n\nWhat we know: \n\n\n\n> \n> **TREASON**. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war\n> against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort\n> within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall\n> suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and\n> fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be\n> incapable of holding any office under the United States. \n> \n> (*June 25,\n> 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103\u2013322, title XXXIII,\n> \u00a7\u202f330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.*)\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n**ENEMY OF THE STATE**: According to *50 USCS \u00a7 2204 [Title 50. War and National Defense; Chapter 39. Spoils of War]*, \"enemy of the United States\" means:\n\n\n\n> \n> any country, government, group, or person that has been engaged in\n> hostilities, whether or not lawfully authorized, with the United\n> States; (3) the term \"person\" means (A) any natural person; (B) any\n> corporation, partnership, or other legal entity; and (C) any\n> organization, association, or group.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nBut what is the legal definition of hostilities? Must it include a declaration of war? Much could be parsed and debated but I'm not at all sure he could actually be charged, even if it's proven he colluded. \n\n\nWhat say ye??\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"If proven, would collusion with Russia to interfere with election meet criteria for charge of treason?"} {"Id":40700,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-05-04T04:33:07.337","Score":3,"ViewCount":338.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-05-04T23:51:14.683","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"**Question** (short version):\n\n\nMy probation has been transferred to my home state via Interstate Compact. Can the sending state still compel me to resubmit a new DNA sample?\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\n**Background:**\n\n\n* I was convicted of a crime in New York State (New York City), but I live in New Jersey.\n* As part of my plea agreement, I received probation.\n* Once convicted, I submitted the mandatory DNA swab (pursuant to NY State law and the conditions of my probation).\n* I reside in New Jersey, so my probation was immediately transferred to NJ via Interstate Compact. (As far I know, this means that I have no further legal connection to NY.)\n* I still travel to NY regularly, and stay overnight, as I have family there. Before each overnight trip, I request (and am granted) a travel permit from my NJ probation officer.\n* 4 months after my conviction and subsequent transfer to NJ, my former *NYC* Probation Officer contacted me, stating that the initial DNA sample that she'd taken was unable to be processed by their lab, and that I should come in (to NYC) ASAP to submit a new sample. She also sent a letter to my NJ Probation Officer, making the same request.\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\n**Question** (detailed version):\n\n\n**Am I obligated to return to NY for another DNA collection? Does NY have any jurisdiction over me now that I've been transferred to NJ?**\n\n\nI acknowledge that I was required to submit the sample initially, which I did. Did my obligation end there, or am I required to resubmit until NY State is satisfied (bearing in mind that I neither reside in or am supervised by NY State)?\n\n\nThank you!\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\nUpdate in response to questions: Let me state that (1) I've already discussed this with my NJ PO (she asked me to go to NY and submit a new sample, though I'm not sure whether she really cares whether I do), and (2) I'm looking for legal facts about my situation (e.g. what I'm legally *required or not required* to do), not advice on what I *should* do.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Do I have to submit DNA again after first sample failed?"} {"Id":18134,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-04-02T23:59:52.103","Score":0,"ViewCount":61.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-04-03T04:09:30.757","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I disputed with my roommate regarding the noise issue. During a dispute, I said \"If you keep making noise in the future, I will 1. contact the leasing office for feasible solutions 2. report this case to your professor(advisor) 3. cut off the in-room Internet\". He said it was illegal verbal threat and wanted to sue me. May I ask if what I said regarded as an illegal verbal threat? Does \"2.report this case to your professor\/advisor\" commits coercion in the second degree in NY? We are in NYC.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Weather my comments committed coercion in the second degree in NY?"} {"Id":40398,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-24T03:07:34.233","Score":2,"ViewCount":107.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-04-24T03:46:50.277","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"[*O'Sullivan & Hilliard's The Law of Contract*](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/OSullivan-Hilliards-Law-Contract-Janet\/dp\/0198807821\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk) (2018 8 ed). p. 90. \n\n\n\n> \n> 5.5 Better still, keep in mind some common examples of consideration in practice:\n> \n> \n> \u2022\u2002 Simultaneous contract and performance, like sale of goods at a supermarket:\n> you get the goods and provide, by way of consideration, the price in return; the\n> supermarket gets the price and provides, by way of consideration, the goods in\n> return. Contrast this with a gift of goods\u2014the person making the gitf gets nothing\n> in return and therefore the gift \u2018transaction\u2019 has no consideration and is not regarded as a binding contract. Of course, the relevance of the distinction between\n> a binding contract and a purely gratuitous exchange is more significant where\n> there is a gap in time between the formation of the contract and the date it is to be\n> performed, as in the next category.\n> \n> \n> \u2022\u2002 Bilateral contract made before it is due to be performed, as where A and B make a\n> contract in January for the purchase\/supply of grain in August: A\u2019s promise to pay\n> the price is made in exchange for B\u2019s promise to supply the grain\u2014the law regards\n> A\u2019s promise as the consideration for B\u2019s and vice versa. So there is a binding contract in January even though nothing is to be physically handed over until August.\n> (Notice there is no external logic to this principle\u2014A\u2019s promise is only good consideration for B\u2019s because the law regards **it** as enforceable and therefore of value,\n> and **it** is only regarded as enforceable because it is supported by **consideration**.\n> But **it** is only supported by consideration if B\u2019s promise is enforceable and so it\n> goes on *ad infinitum*! Despite this, it is a hugely important commercial principle.)\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n1. What does \"it\" refer to here?\n2. What 'consideration' is being referred by **consideration**?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"What's the antecedent of \"it\"? \"A\u2019s promise is only good consideration for B\u2019s because the law regards it as enforceable and therefore of value\""} {"Id":5755,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-12-11T16:57:23.470","Score":1,"ViewCount":3374.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-08-24T13:16:14.520","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"There is an examination which contains multiple choice test questions.\n\n\nThese test questions aren't published anywhere (only the official test company has access to them). We have a licence from this official company to publish their practice questions, but **only** the ones they give us.\n\n\nThe official authority also has the official website with the same questions (but they don't include the ones in the official exam).\n\n\nBasically the official questions and the practice questions are 2 different sets. I can see that since the practice ones are published on their website, we need a licence from them (which we do have). But what about the exam questions that aren't published? Can we add them to our website and say that \"we came up with them ourselves?\" Also, what if we advertise them as real test questions?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright Law, are the exam questions (that aren't published) protected by Copyright?"} {"Id":38572,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-03-29T17:29:38.087","Score":0,"ViewCount":758.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-12-11T17:56:26.633","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I'm developing a web site for an artist, and I need to do a demo: can I use famous old paintings (from around 1400)? \n\nDoes the owner of the original painting (like a museum) also own the copyright to a work of art?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Can I use famous old artworks on my web site?"} {"Id":21556,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-07-28T15:10:25.527","Score":0,"ViewCount":83.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-07-28T19:33:05.130","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I thought about postingthis in the Politics SE but this is a legal question. In [**this article**](https:\/\/www.adn.com\/politics\/2017\/07\/26\/trump-administration-signals-that-murkowskis-health-care-vote-could-have-energy-repercussions-for-alaska\/) it appears that US Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke has explicitly told two legislators from Alaska that the way they cast their votes in the Senate have put federally funded projects planned for Alaska \"in jeopardy\". There are a lot of different ways this could be done, but ultimately it boils down to how the Secretary will\/won't allocate funds for these projects.\n\n\nThe duty of the Legislative branch is to **faithfully represent** the people of their district\/state when creating laws. \n\n\nThe duty of the Executive branch is to **faithfully execute** the laws that the Legislature creates when implementing programs.\n\n\nThe Founders designed it so that the Legislative branch would control the \"Power of the Purse\" as one of its *checks & balances* versus the Executive branch, yet here it seems that an Executive branch department is saying *it* will control the purse unless Legislature does what the Executive wants.\n\n\nThis seems to me to be a violation of the Separations of Powers at the very least but it also sounds like extortion or bribery for congressional votes. Another issue is that this kind of financial\/political arm twisting essentially tries to force the legislators into representing the interests of the Executive *over* the interests of their constituents.\n\n\nI do realize that political backroom deals for pork barrel spending and earmarked projects are also subject to the same arguments, but in those cases the process is much more visible and the entire Congress has a final voice in approving the specific allocations.\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"Is it legal for a US Secretary to fund\/defund projects based on political payback?"} {"Id":16466,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-01-17T17:08:07.253","Score":0,"ViewCount":105.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-01-17T19:12:23.030","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I posted a video on Facebook and a page asked if they could use the video. I said as long as I get credit. That video now has almost 10 million views on their page and countless other pages and sites have used my video. Am I entitled to any of the money they make off of advertisements? Are pages legally allowed to use that video if I did not give them license?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"What entitlements do I have if someone uses my video on Facebook and gets millions of views?"} {"Id":18172,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-04-03T21:35:48.320","Score":1,"ViewCount":70.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-04-05T03:28:01.913","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Say I live in country A and work from home for a company which resides in country B. Both A and B are members of EU. Where do I pay my income tax?\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Income tax: Working for a foreign company from home"} {"Id":23897,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-11-08T06:50:32.230","Score":4,"ViewCount":1147.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-06-29T05:03:06.923","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I read this slightly [bizarre article](http:\/\/www.abc17news.com\/news\/two-convicted-felons-charged-after-touching-gun-in-gun-store\/653184772) that says two convicted felons were charged after touching guns in a gun store. \n\n\nAlthough the article is unclear on the meaning of touching, I'm going to assume the men had physically held the gun in hand. That of course is clearly a violation broken, nothing to see here, move along type deal. They also had a third person essentially buy a gun for them. I guess they get an A for effort on trying to be smooth. \n\n\nIt is not a smart idea of them to be in a place that sells weapons to begin with, but it made me wonder about a few things. Is it illegal for a convicted felon to enter a gun store, a gun show, or have some proximity restriction involving guns that they are knowingly aware of? My only real guess is some may be given strict rules based on their probation, being released on bond, constraints of their conviction, etc.\n\n\nIf a felon did touch a gun, say with their pointer finger, is that enough to be considered in possession of a gun, or having control of the gun? \n\n\nFor the record, I'm by no means questioning what the police did in this case. The article is worded very poorly, and simply produced a few possible \"grey area\" questions. \n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Convicted Felon - Touching a gun?"} {"Id":36728,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-01-30T08:37:34.037","Score":3,"ViewCount":875.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-05T16:03:20.500","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I understand in this age that there are several uses for vpns.\n\n\nAs such I did some research and decided to use nord as they seemed popular and claimed to not log.\n\n\nHowever when I connect to certain servers in Europe and google what is my isp it brings back a company called M247 ltd. which appears to be based out of the UK.\n\n\nNow my questions is this:\n\n\nHow can nord (or any other big provider) possibly claim a no log policy if they are simply renting the servers and since m247 is based in the U.K. Could they be forced to log turn over information even without consent of nord because the company is based in the U.K. even if the physical server is somewhere else like Switzerland for instance?\n\n\nI get nothing is completely 100% and there has to be some level of trust but they claim no logs so surely they must have some controls over the logging of the servers they rent from m247 (or others who provide servers to them).\n\n\nThis seems like it would be a problem for any vpn provider who rented servers (which is a lot of big providers).\n\n\nSo what exactly is going on? Are they renting the servers and then nord install something to secure the servers from logging or is all traffic anonymised by the vpn before it even reaches the server? Or maybe they have a policy with the owner of the server to not log?\n\n\nHopefully it is clear what I am asking.\n\n\nThank you.\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Should I be concerned my vpn server provider is based in the U.K.?"} {"Id":50431,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-04-03T12:24:06.217","Score":1,"ViewCount":62.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-04-03T21:41:05.740","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Amazon.com sometimes refuses to sell me audiobooks. The message is as follows:\n\n\n[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/8SQAS.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/8SQAS.png)\n\n\nI don't understand how a copyright can be enforced in *other countries*. Surely copyright holds for a specific country where it is registered, and has no enforceable jurisdiction in others. Is this type of copyright restriction valid? Under what law?\n\n\nI can buy the digital text, so this issue is with the copyright for the audio only.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright restriction in other countries"} {"Id":27292,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-03-31T15:27:30.863","Score":2,"ViewCount":76.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-04-01T02:06:30.047","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am curious how I would go about contesting how I was compensated as an independent contractor to the IRS for tax purposes. Is there an official channel for this or do I have to go some sort of court, small claims court. \n\n\nThis question is specific to CA, USA.\n\n\nLong story short, I am doing my taxes for lyft and how the payments work as I understand it is: Either the rider pays me 'the driver or independent contractor' the ride total and I pay lyft their 25% the for using their services OR the rider pays lyft and they pay me AFTER they have taken out the fee\/expense per ride. \n\n\nNow, I am curious because they list my AGI (adjusted gross income) as 25% more. As in I am payed by the rider and give them their cut, yet the amount I am payed does not include that when I am payed at the end of the week. So it seems they take the money from the passenger, deduct their cut and pay me. \n\n\nSo why am I paying income tax on money I didn't receive?\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"How to contest compensation as an independent contractor"} {"Id":7409,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-27T02:34:25.273","Score":0,"ViewCount":96.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-02-27T03:52:21.730","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Today I was leaving a large commercial building (~15 stories) and walked straight into the glass surrounding a revolving door, thinking that the opening was not so narrow. \n\n\nI went to the security desk and asked to use the bathroom to clean myself up. The person I talked to gave me some bandages and let me use the bathroom to clean the blood off my face. Another security guard then took down my phone number, email, name, and asked for an ID. Why did they take this info down? Are they going to contact me?\n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"I hit my head leaving a large commercial building and the security guards asked for my ID, phone number, and email - why?"} {"Id":14874,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-10-28T22:00:28.810","Score":1,"ViewCount":24.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-10-28T22:00:28.810","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"a friends company is using Slack for communication between the team members. Slack is basically like Skype. \n\n\nRecently a few people got fired as the employer read the conversations they were having and deemed it as inappropriate for the work place. \n\n\nMy question is, what legal background does the employer have in reading the messages. Are they legally allowed to do this?\n\n\nThanks for all your help\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Can employer read message sent via Skype \/ Slack etc"} {"Id":49362,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-02-24T11:58:20.833","Score":2,"ViewCount":151.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-02-25T14:41:17.640","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I remember long ago I was watching one of those judge Judy type shows and an interesting case came up. Two roommates came to court because they had a valid rent agreement but the one housemate was smoking marijuana. The other one left the house and refused to pay his part of the rent for which he got sued.\n\n\nThe jist of the ruling was that if the judge enforced this valid rent agreement, he would force the defendant to be an accomplice to drug usage. If he would then fail a drug test his chance at gainful employment would be greatly diminished which would also be unfair to him.\n\n\nIt was a loophole and he found it. The judge remarking that if you want your roommate to pay his rent, don't do drugs. I would love to know what that legal principle is called.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"What is the concept of by enforcing the law a person cannot be forced to break the law called?"} {"Id":33556,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-11-16T11:07:05.813","Score":1,"ViewCount":59.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-11-19T09:10:45.880","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"The short: my company have been paid to develop a software system for a client. There are (sort of) similar systems on the market already, there is currently a lot of demand for it, I want to redistribute something similar if I am within my rights to do so.\n\n\nI am not employed by the client, nor has anything formal been agreed (in terms of ownership) - but I have developed a system for them according to their design and requirements. I have not sold them this product as an off-the-shelf option, it is entirely bespoke.\n\n\nThere are some features of this system that are arguably too bespoke, and technical approaches I have taken due to their own constraints, so if I were to aim to package it up for redistribution\/sale to other customers, it would most definitely be different enough to the original, in many ways.\n\n\nMy questions (with regard to my rights to sell it elsewhere as a product):\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\nDoes 'different enough' matter? I am assuming it does, but I do not know the law as to whether the intellectual property is theirs until the product varies from what they paid for? Am I concerned with the right thing here? How different must my product be? Is this quantified anywhere in law?\n\n\nShould I be concerned at all since nothing was in writing? Or are legal implications already made as a result of them paying the invoices I send them?\n\n\nWhat else am I not considering here? I have no clue about the legals with regards to this, but I am sure it must be well covered. I've signed contracts in the past (with other clients, in totally different industries) stating that I may not work for a competitor etc. within 6 months after project completion, but nothing has been formalised here.\n\n\n**EDIT: Apologies, I should clarify - I am based in the UK, so UK law is what I'm concerned with.**\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Redistribution of system similar to the one commissioned (privately) by a client"} {"Id":45895,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-27T20:44:32.237","Score":-2,"ViewCount":144.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-10-27T23:20:05.823","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":7,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Let's suppose that a person, who has no longer anything to lose and willing to drag an innocent along with him, sends money to an innocent via bank, calls the innocent person by telling them \"I sent you the money for [such and such illegal act]\" and hangs out immediately and blocks the innocent's number.\nThe innocent of course, a per title, did nothing and every mean of comunication or electronic mean of the actual perpetrator is tracked, from bank accounts to phone number and social media, and the perpetrator does know this and by this is willing to involve this innocent person, and by the proper investigations, it is found that the perpetrator had contact with the innocent poor guy- What's the legal ruling on the innocent on this case? Can the innocent individual be dragged in court for messages and money he didn't ask for and for communications interactions not depending on him?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Hypothetical scenario in which an innocent person is involved and dragged in"} {"Id":14923,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-10-31T21:09:46.697","Score":1,"ViewCount":705.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-05-17T16:41:49.880","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"My mate was buying a car from AutoTrader UK and heavily relying on reviews in their website. When I mentioned it to a relative of mine who owns a car supermarket he said that to post a review in AutoTrader you need to contact the dealer and ask them for a link. This obviously means only good reviews would go online unless someone is shameless and determined to post a negative review.\n\n\nSlightly related to [this question](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/questions\/7688\/is-it-legal-to-publish-a-review-of-a-travel-service-without-letting-the-service), but still different- is it OK for a website to only post positive reviews for their sellers?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Can a website only publish good reviews?"} {"Id":38601,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-03-30T17:09:35.793","Score":1,"ViewCount":61.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-03-30T22:12:57.260","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Buyer contracts to buy an item, such as a house, subject to the condition that feature X (perhaps the swimming pool), is in working order (it's clear in the contract that this is an essential condition). After the signing, but before the transfer of funds, it is found that X is not in working condition, thereby violating this essential condition.\n\n\nIt costs $10,000 to bring X into working condition. The seller doesn't have the $10,000. The buyer wants out, and says \"no repairs, no deal.\" The seller counters by saying, \"Please give me $10,000 so that I can make the repairs, and deliver the house, in promised condition,\" or even \"I will lower the net purchase price by the cost of the repairs so that the gross purchase price to you is the same.\" In essence, the seller is asking the buyer to \"front\" the repair cost.\n\n\nCan the seller's counteroffer bring about the operation of the original contract? Or was the original contract's intent violated so that a new contract needs to be negotiated and signed?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"What is the status of the following contract?"} {"Id":43556,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-08-09T14:12:52.413","Score":1,"ViewCount":59.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-08-09T14:35:13.913","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Is there a legal term or definition to use in an appeal when a lower court judge has set an impossible standard of evidence in his decision? In a property tax appeal,a judge has ignored higher court precedents and extrapolated other decisions to effectively eliminate the possibility of proving a non uniform tax assessment rate. I would think that such a decision would be invalid on its face.\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"What Remedy When a judge sets an impossible standard of evidence?"} {"Id":37766,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-03-02T03:01:55.413","Score":1,"ViewCount":539.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-03-02T03:10:28.367","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I'm looking at a document and I am confused if the contract is valid. Hopefully my over simplified example will help.\n\n\nOne page one of the document it has The Amendment of Operating Agreement (\"Amendedment\") is dated \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_, 2012.\n\n\nThe section with \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_ is not filled out.\n\n\nThe contract is then signed and dated by three parties.\n\n\nMr Party One\n6\/1\/2012\n\n\nMr Party Two\n6\/1\/2012\n\n\nMr Party Three\n6\/1\/\n\n\nThat's correct Mr Party three did not place a year. So I'm confused as to how this contract could be be valid based on no clear starting date with the three parties that's needed. \n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"How does a Contract work with Effective Date not filled in but has document signed and dated but not by all parties"} {"Id":1068,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-07-12T01:13:59.780","Score":8,"ViewCount":723.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-07-12T01:29:05.527","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I had this idea to make a network where people can get paid to let other people use their computer for computing purposes. Let's say they got permission to use Person B's computer under terms and conditions, basically saying:\n\n\n\"I will not do anything illegal using this computer.\"\n\n\nAnd they agreed upon the terms. But Person A used Person B's computer to do something illegal like, let's say, distributing paid music for free (without permission) using that computer as a server, so they are violating copyright law. But how can one say \"Person B is innocent!\" in a valid way, before they have to even leave for court.\n\n\nOh, and Person A and Person B both have **unlimited liability**.\n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"If Person A gets permission to use Person B's computer, but uses it for illegal activities, who is held liable?"} {"Id":22577,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-11T23:29:19.067","Score":0,"ViewCount":113.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-12T19:03:01.027","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"We just moved into an apartment in a great (but somewhat expensive) building. Upon move-in we found several dead centipedes on the floor. Following that, we saw several live ones, and a cockroach in the stove.\n\n\nExterminators came and sprayed, and it seems that while that roach was errant (there were no signs of others having been there, and neighbors haven't seen any), the centipedes remain. I haven't seen a lot of them, but we'll see one crawling on a wall at night occasionally.\n\n\nThis isn't a big deal to me, but my wife has a phobia-level aversion to the critters. She can't even kill them with her shoe; she just runs. We talked to the apartment manager about this issue, and she escalated it to the management company. Turns out they'll waive the 6-month apartment transfer requirement, but still make us pay the $500 fee.\n\n\nThe only thing in the contract about bugs relates to bedbugs. There is something about transferring to a different apartment in the contract, but it just says \"a fee\" - no amount is stated.\n\n\nIs my only feasible solution here to pay?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Oops, our new apartment has bugs!"} {"Id":7096,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-12T12:40:26.640","Score":3,"ViewCount":476.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-07-23T11:37:57.353","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"(I read the disclaimer in the sidebar: I'm not looking for legal advice: I'm just curious as to the implications to both parties).\n\n\n**Pre-amble and context**: So I'm trying to rent a property in the UK. The agent we're going through wanted a holding deposit when we agreed to start the process (fine), which came with an agreement that the deposit is returned if we sign the tenancy agreement (reasonable), but *not* returned if we don't (ok, so they're protecting themselves against some loon block-reserving their entire property listing. Fine). I agreed because the justification sounded reasonable (with hindsight: I am not a smart man).\n\n\nThe fees had to be paid before seeing the tenancy agreement. The agency has thus far refused to negotiate terms on any bit of paper it's got me to sign (so we're clear: not asking about that. I ultimately agreed to the conditions, I understood the implications).\n\n\nThe question: **Is it legal to have a deposit that is non-returnable on the basis of not signing a contract that the consumer hasn't had a chance to read before agreeing to the deposit terms?**\n\n\nI understand that a contract, in principal, needs to be fair (), but what if it wasn't fair? Could they have claimed it was fair, and refuse to amend any terms (at which point, I'd have had a \"take it or leave it\" contract that if I don't sign, I'm out of pocket)?\n\n\nI'm aware the situation described is at least ethically dubious, but it seems to me that if they refused to negotiate, if I do sign it would be under some sort of duress (?) for the sum of money I'd be out-of-pocket by?\n\n\nLikewise, this looks similar to the EULA sort of question that arises (pay money for a product behind terms that you can't read until you pay money).\n\n\n(again, so we're clear: it's a situation that happened to me, but if I want actual legal advice I'll call a solicitor. The question is more that I don't understand enough about contract law to work out whether or not this was legally questionable rather than just the agency screwing me).\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Contract tied to a non-refundable deposit if I don't sign"} {"Id":22839,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-23T10:51:24.747","Score":4,"ViewCount":747.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-09-20T03:19:29.080","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Let's say I want to make a miniature replica of Big Ben and sell it online. Do I need any kind of permission for that? I'm assuming that given its age, Big Ben has to be public domain. But I'm not sure. I've tried contacting the British Parliament and other institutions related to Big Ben, but never got an answer.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Are public monuments like the Elizabeth Tower and the Eiffel Tower copyrighted?"} {"Id":35914,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-01-04T00:37:49.153","Score":1,"ViewCount":261.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-01-04T18:20:34.913","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am developing a little mobile MMORPG which is Google Maps based and uses your GPS position to make you play around your area. \n\n\nI came up with the idea after a famous and beloved game called \"Parallel Kingdom\" shut down their servers two years ago. It was a game with a huge playerbase and they had basically exact the same game concept. You played on the Google Map, could fight different monsters, meet other players, level up your equipment and co. So basically I am using the same idea, and many of my content is based on \"Parallel Kingdoms\".\n\n\nNow I asked my self: am I allowed to do that? To use the exact game concept?\n\n\nI researched a bit and found following on their website: \n\n\n\n> \n> ### 7. Content Ownership\n> \n> \n> All of the content on PK including, without limitation text, graphics, maps, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, moving images, illustrations, files, trademarks, logos, service marks, sounds, music, artwork and computer code, design, structure, selection, coordination, \"look and feel\" and arrangement of such content (\"Content\"), is owned by PerBlue, its licensors, vendors, agents or content providers. All elements of PK including, without limitation the general design and the Content, are protected by copyright, trademark, trade dress, moral rights or other intellectual property regimes. \n> \n> \n> PK may only be used for the intended purpose for which PK is being made available. Except as may be expressly set forth herein, You hereby agree not to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from any Content. Except as may be expressly set forth herein, the Terms of Use only allow You to display, view, play, print, and download Content for Your own personal, informational, and noncommercial purposes. PK and the Content will remain the exclusive property of PerBlue or its licensors, vendors, agents or content providers unless otherwise expressly agreed. You will remove no copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices from material found on PK. \n> \n> \n> \n\n\nFollowed by the following: \n\n\n\n> \n> ### Digital Millennium Copyright Act\n> \n> \n> PerBlue respects the intellectual property of others and requires that You \n> do the same. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act \n> (\"DMCA\"), the text of which may be found on the U.S. Copyright Office site \n> at , We will respond \n> expeditiously to notices of alleged copyright infringement that are duly \n> reported to Our Designated Copyright Agent identified in the notice below. \n> We will disable and\/or terminate the accounts of Users who are repeat \n> infringers. If You believe Your content has been copied in a way that \n> constitutes copyright infringement, or Your intellectual property rights \n> have been otherwise violated, please provide Our designated Copyright Agent \n> the following information:\n> A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf \n> of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;\n> Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, \n> if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a \n> single notification, a representative list of such works at that site;\n> Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the \n> subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which \n> is to be disabled and information reasonably sufficient to permit the \n> service provider to locate the material;\n> Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact \n> You, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic \n> mail address;\n> A statement that You have a good faith belief that use of the material in \n> the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its \n> agent, or the law; and\n> A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under \n> penalty of perjury, that You are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of \n> an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.\n> PerBlue's designated Copyright Agent to receive notifications of claimed \n> infringement is: Justin Beck legal@parallelkingdom.com or mail to PO Box \n> 1861 Madison, WI 53701. You acknowledge that if You fail to comply with all \n> of the requirements of this Section, Your DMCA notice may not be valid. \n> \n> \n> We may give notice to Our Users of any infringement notice by means of a general notice on any of Our Websites, electronic mail to a User's e-mail address in Our records, or by written communication sent by first-class mail to a User's physical address in Our records. If You believe that Your User Submission that was removed (or to which access was disabled) is not infringing, or that You have the authorization from the copyright owner, the copyright owner's agent, or pursuant to the law, to post and use the content in Your User Submission, You may send a counter-notice containing the following information to the Copyright Agent:\n> Your physical or electronic signature;\n> Identification of the content that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the content appeared before it was removed or disabled;\n> A statement that You have a good faith belief that the content was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or a misidentification of the content; and\n> Your name, physical address and telephone number, and a statement that You consent to the jurisdiction of a Federal District Court for the judicial district in which Your physical address is located, or if Your physical address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which We may be found, and that You will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of allegedly infringing material or an agent of such person.\n> \n> \n> Modification of the Content or use of the Content for any purpose other than specified in the Terms of Use is a violation of PerBlue's legal rights. For purposes of these Terms of Use, the use of Content on any other website or networked computer environment is prohibited unless explicitly stated otherwise. \n> \n> \n> \n\n\nSo what am I allowed to do and what now? Is it ok to copy the game concept and even with mostly similar content like \"fighting\", \"building houses\" etc.?\nI'm completly unsure about this because my simple English skills don't really understand that law slang.\n\n\nI should also mention that pretty much my whole user interface is based on the user interface from \"Parallel Kingdoms\". I didn't use any of their assets or code. I just use the same structure, as you can see in the pictures below. \n\n\nHeres the original menu from \"Parallel Kingdom\": \n\n\n[![](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/iCAkA.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/iCAkA.png)\n\n\nHere's what I created for my game: \n\n\n[![](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/JShiH.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/JShiH.png)\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is it allowed to \"copy\" a video game concept?"} {"Id":46954,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-11-28T10:06:11.937","Score":1,"ViewCount":38.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-28T10:39:45.567","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I have a contract which refers to schedule 1 which is another document. However in order to be able to add the document referred to in schedule 1 to the same document as my contract, I would need to convert the schedule 1 document to be the same filetype as my contract which I can't do.\n\n\nSo presuming that I sent the contract to the client in an email, could I then attach schedule 1 as a separate attachment to the contract in the email or does the schedule have to be in the same document as the contract?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Can a schedule be a separate attachment in an email?"} {"Id":6660,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-01-19T10:55:57.917","Score":1,"ViewCount":4262.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-05-21T16:09:24.280","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have made a video tutorial using Google Translates Voice\/Speech-functionality to explain what the user should do. It works really good compered to other free open-sorce programs I have used.\n\n\nCan I upload this to Youtube without legal consequences?\n\n\nI am counting on earning a few bucks on the video so it's commerical use. \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Google Translate Voice\/Speech used for Youtube Tutorials (TTS)"} {"Id":9120,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-05-09T08:22:19.180","Score":3,"ViewCount":307.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-05-18T20:08:14.633","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have stumbled over a problem how I can safely name my software. I would like to have a name with a cultural reference, that is character names from older literature or folk tales. Now, there is the \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_wood, which steals all names and trademark them as their own invention. So then, it may happen that *Gretel* becomes an illegal name like the English version *Schneewittchen*.\n\n\nHowever, I then see that *Voldemort*, owned by the Harry Potter franchise, is used by LinkedIn on opensource software, which seems strange in this context.\n\n\nMy questions:\n\n\n1. Can I safely use this kind of names on my software?\n2. Does it matter where the software is used? I wish to put the software on GitHub.\n3. Does the home country of the developer matter? I am not from the US.\n4. Does the application purpose matter? Data storage is far from entertainment. However, what I am doing is some kind of game engine (*not* a game) that I use to learn about collision detection.\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Naming free software and avoiding trademark collision"} {"Id":30504,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-07-26T03:53:05.913","Score":1,"ViewCount":56.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-07-27T15:11:31.093","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"When it comes to patent, it seems like there is a 12 months period where we can file International Patent from the date of provisional patent.\n\n\nI have a trademark in the US. I would like to go for international trademark once I raise some money from Investors. \n\n\nIs there any such grace period available for international trademark?\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Is there any grace period for worldwide trademark protection like patent?"} {"Id":36809,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-02-02T16:02:23.107","Score":2,"ViewCount":24.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-02-02T16:02:23.107","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"My brother and I bought a house together. I own 60% and he owns 40% (this is on the deeds). I live in the house and he does not. I have two lodgers living with me, who pay rent. \n\n\nTypically one is allowed \u00a37500 tax free lodger income if you live in the house. If you are joint owners you are supposed to split this 50-50 (\u00a33750 each). Hence I would be eligible for \u00a33750 income tax free, and my brother will be eligible for \u00a30 tax free since he does not live in the house. But would we be able to split it 60-40, since we are 60-40 joint owners?\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"How to split Rent-a-Room scheme tax exemptions with joint owners"} {"Id":1878,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-08-17T16:41:36.833","Score":5,"ViewCount":1021.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-08-18T00:58:09.410","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"The company sent me the contract, I signed it and returned back to them, so now they should sign and send me the copy.\n\n\nIn Germany, what if they decide to not sign and withdraw the process. What one can do in this situation, is there any law?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Is contract valid if only one side signed it?"} {"Id":43596,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-08-10T22:49:13.720","Score":2,"ViewCount":77.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-08-11T13:45:31.650","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I'm reading about a recent lawsuit filed by Delta Airlines against one of its vendors. Also see [Delta Sues Software Provider Over Data Breach](https:\/\/www.law360.com\/consumerprotection\/articles\/1187052\/delta-sues-software-provider-over-data-breach) and [Lawsuits target Delta and vendor for cybersecurity breach](https:\/\/www.ajc.com\/business\/lawsuits-target-delta-and-vendor-for-cybersecurity-breach\/nfwNIR8nLm1Sbfv2CwnSqJ\/).\n\n\nDelta's position is, the vendor is responsible:\n\n\n\n> \n> Any liability coming out of that breach, which is minimal, is going to be the responsibility of the vendor, which is [24]7,\u201d said Delta CEO Ed Bastian in an interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. \u201cWe\u2019ve been very clear about that. It was their breach, not ours.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nIn the software security and risk management fields, we would hold Delta Airlines responsible because Delta is responsible for its supply chain. That is, Delta is responsible for its vendors it chooses. See, for example, [NIST SP 800-53A](https:\/\/csrc.nist.gov\/publications\/detail\/sp\/800-53a\/rev-4\/final), Assessing Security and Privacy Controls in Federal Information Systems and Organizations, Item SA-12. \n\n\nDoes US law not recognize supply chains and not hold companies responsible for them?\n\n\nIf not, then what stops someone or a corporation from setting up corporations to sidestep requirements, regulation and oversight?\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\nFor the second questions, suppose it would cost a company $10 million dollars to implement a particular program. The company determines it wants to give the money to share holders instead, so they setup an overseas corporation and pays the overseas company $100,000 a year to do the job it was supposed to be doing. It does not matter how poor a job the overseas company is performing since the goal is to offload risk and minimize cost, not comply.\n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"Does US law have a notion of supply chain management?"} {"Id":7455,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-29T21:42:12.853","Score":0,"ViewCount":56.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-03-01T00:20:19.183","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Axanar is a fan made movie of Star Trek in preproduction, whose producers are being sued jointly by Paramount and CBS for copyright violation. When every news coverage article I found failed to question the applicability of copyright for the case, and [at least one](https:\/\/www.thewrap.com\/why-star-trek-fan-film-producers-should-have-seen-cbsparamount-lawsuit-coming\/) implies the cause is lost for Axanar, I started to question my convictions on what copyright is for.\n\n\nPart of me wants to believe that the move is just FUD on the part of the plaintiffs, and the lack of question on the case by the media is simply due to the lack of expert understanding on the Copyright law by people in general (who tends to bundle together every type of intellectual property law into a single mess). But now I am starting to doubt it.\n\n\nCopyright law is very specific for what is protected, so, motion pictures are protected, but if no one is making verbatim copy of part or whole of the work without authors consent, there shouldn't be any copyright infringement, right?\n\n\nI mean, fictitious organizations name, fictitious star system names, characters names, spaceship designs and general concepts falls out of scope of Copyright, is that correct? Maybe other IP laws, like trademark, can apply to theses things, but not copyright as I understand.\n\n\nSo, is my understand about copyright deeply flawed and there indeed any sound legal basis for the motion? How so?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Why there seems to be a case on CBS\/Paramount vs. Axanar?"} {"Id":48241,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-01-16T16:48:28.213","Score":2,"ViewCount":95.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-12-20T18:43:51.173","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Background\n==========\n\n\nIn the United States, the [NARA](https:\/\/www.archives.gov\/) is the authority that receives all final documents related to the State ratification of a United States Constitutional amendment as implied [on the NARA website](https:\/\/www.archives.gov\/federal-register\/constitution\/united-states-code.html):\n\n\n\n> \n> **TITLE 1 -- GENERAL PROVISIONS**\n> \n> \n> **CHAPTER 2 -- ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS; FORMALITIES OF ENACTMENT; REPEALS;\n> SEALING OF INSTRUMENTS**\n> \n> \n> Sec. 106b. Amendments to Constitution\n> \n> \n> Whenever official notice is received at the National Archives and\n> Records Administration that any amendment proposed to the Constitution\n> of the United States has been adopted, according to the provisions of\n> the Constitution, the Archivist of the United States shall forthwith\n> cause the amendment to be published, with his certificate, specifying\n> the States by which the same may have been adopted, and that the same\n> has become valid, to all intents and purposes, as a part of the\n> Constitution of the United States.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nIn addition, the NARA has also received recession or rejections of certain Constitutional amendments from the states, the validity of which is not pronounced by the head archivist, but is seen as conclusive by another (unnamed) authority as stated [here](https:\/\/www.archives.gov\/federal-register\/constitution):\n\n\n\n> \n> In a few instances, States have sent official documents to NARA to record the rejection of an amendment or the rescission of a prior ratification. The Archivist does not make any substantive determinations as to the validity of State ratification actions, but it has been established that the Archivist's certification of the facial legal sufficiency of ratification documents is final and conclusive.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nSince the most credible source I found on the matter does not state who \"established\" that the legal sufficiency of ratification documents is final and conclusive, I wanted to ask the following question:\n\n\nQuestion\n========\n\n\nWhat authority (or authorities) has established that the facial legal sufficiency of ratification documents is final and conclusive?\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"What authority (or authorities) have established the status of State ratifications of U.S. Constitutional amendments?"} {"Id":7879,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-03-19T20:38:57.300","Score":0,"ViewCount":790.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-11-17T02:15:07.010","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Akinator, the app and website, both display images of what I assume is copyrighted material. How do they manage to get around copyright law? Is this considered fair use?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"How does Akinator not violate copyright law?"} {"Id":39309,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-21T23:09:45.453","Score":1,"ViewCount":107.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-09-13T08:23:14.683","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Paul Davies. [*JC Smith's The Law of Contract* (2018 2 ed)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Smiths-Law-Contract-Paul-Davies\/dp\/0198807813\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). p. 449. \n\nMindy Chen-Wishart. [*Contract Law* (2018 6 edn)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Contract-Law-Mindy-Chen-Wishart\/dp\/0198806353\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). p 312.\n\n\n\n> \n> [![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/jPK7W.jpg)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/jPK7W.jpg)\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nI agree with \n\n\n1. Davies that 'consideration' is ambiguous and can be confounded.\n2. Lord Toulson that \"failure of basis\" is more accurate.\n\n\nPlease see question in title. Why was \"consideration\" standardized? This poly-semy is also mentioned on p. 277. [Richard](https:\/\/www.uclan.ac.uk\/staff_profiles\/richard-taylor.php) and [Damian](https:\/\/www.slaughterandmay.com\/who-we-are\/partners\/damian-taylor\/) Taylor. [*Contract Law Directions* (2019 7 ed)](https:\/\/global.oup.com\/academic\/product\/contract-law-directions-9780198836599?&lang=en&). \n\n\n[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/DTw3H.jpg)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/DTw3H.jpg)\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Why was 'consideration' embraced to mean 'failure of consideration', when this would be better termed as 'failure of basis'?"} {"Id":22974,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-29T12:20:17.410","Score":0,"ViewCount":452.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-29T19:49:19.563","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If someone were to start using a trademarked company name with the word 'not' in front of it would it infringe their trademark?\n\n\ne.g. a company is called 'foo' and their name is trademarked and another company comes along and calls itself 'not foo'.\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Is it trademark infringement if you put the word 'not' in front?"} {"Id":50145,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-03-23T23:11:45.543","Score":0,"ViewCount":79.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-03-23T23:37:23.613","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am a software engineer. While I was working for a previous employer I built a software system from scratch. Part of my employment agreement was anything made for that employer on company time or using company resources belonged to them. Approximately 6 months ago I left that position and took a position with a different company. \n\n\nA few months ago I realized that several of the technologies and techniques I have learned while working with the new company could be applied to that system to make it much better. I have been thinking about rebuilding a similar system on my own and trying to sell it. As far as I am aware there are no patents or anything like that on any parts of the system. \n\n\nGiven that the new system will be very similar to the first system I built, and utilize many of the techniques I figured out while building the first system, will my former employer have any rights to the new system if it\u2019s built entirely with my own personal resources?\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Intellectual property after leaving job"} {"Id":45332,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-07T14:24:55.610","Score":3,"ViewCount":52.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-10-07T15:05:34.687","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Good afternoon!\n\n\nI'm interested in a legal issue regarding code licensing. I am writing an Ansible role for two companies, and each company wants to impose its own license on this code: \u201cfull or PARTIAL copying is prohibited\u201d.\n\n\nThe point is that I am writing a role for the same environments and services. Naturally, it turns out that the roles are very similar. And since the changes in the code can not be swung in the role of Ansible, no matter how you say it, it will be at least recognizable.\n\n\nFor example:\n\n\n\n```\n- name: \"Oracle | Install basic Oracle 7 repos\"\n yum_repository:\n name: \"{{ item.name }}\"\n description: \"{{ item.description | default ('No descr') }}\"\n baseurl: \"{{ item.baseurl }}\"\n gpgcheck: \"{{ item.gpgcheck | default ('0') }}\"\n gpgkey: \"{{ item.gpgkey | default ('file:\/\/\/etc\/pki\/rpm-gpg\/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5') }}\"\n state: \"{{ item.state | default('present') }}\"\n enabled: \"{{ item.enabled | default('yes') }}\"\n priority: \" {{ item.priority | default('20') }}\"\n with_items: \"{{ linux_oracle_yum_repo }}\"\n tags:\n - update\n\n```\n\nIn both companies, this piece of code is similar to one and it does not work out to change much.\n\n\nI ask for a little help in the legal issue of this situation: HOW much do I need to change the code so that it does not regarded as \"partial copying\"?\n\n\nIs this changing a one character in a file? Or in the whole program? Or changing one line? Or need to dial a certain percentage of the code difference? Or is it enough just to change a name the variables and the descriptions?\n\n\nThank you for help!\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"How to change the code so that it does not fall under the violation of the license \"partial copying\""} {"Id":14420,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-10-04T21:52:52.177","Score":0,"ViewCount":172.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-10-04T23:31:28.017","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"So i've been building a game and one of the scripts which does a major overhaul on the battle system has a Non-Commercial Creative Commons license on it but it does say that the Non-Commercial aspect of it can be waived by the author which i hope to get done.\n\n\nthere are some other scripts which i hope to use in my game. unlike this battle system overhaul i am confident i can rebuild these myself and add some feature to make using them easier for me to use (ie. one which records map status like chests opened, enemy types killed, etc, uses really long function name which i could shorten down. also i have to use a hack to get it to work with a disk change system) but time wise this would take me quite a while to rebuild.\n\n\nthese scripts however don't come with something like the Creative Commons within the script and the website i got them from didn't have an implied license for anything on the site (unlike say this site which says in the footer *\"user contributions licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required\"*)\n\n\nnow when i make the credits i will surely include the name they released the script under to show they're work was used however i don't want to be in violation of a default copyright license that i am unaware of if i am able to sell my game.\n\n\nSo is there a default copyright license on programming scripts released publicly on the internet without it's own license or one used by the website?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is there a default copyright license on programming scripts released publicly on the internet without it's own license or one used by the website?"} {"Id":22117,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-22T13:46:40.707","Score":1,"ViewCount":69.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-08-23T16:18:55.807","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"The Economist is a weekly magazine, where articles are never signed by authors. Is it then enough that the magazine itself is in the public domain? I have come across posts like [this one](http:\/\/www.publicdomaintreasurehunter.com\/2009\/07\/19\/how-to-tell-if-a-magazine-is-in-the-public-domain\/) stating that individual articles might be further protected under copyright. But if I do not know the author, how can I know?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright for unauthored articles in The Economist"} {"Id":46543,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-11-17T07:07:32.117","Score":0,"ViewCount":62.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-18T00:22:36.380","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"[Richard](https:\/\/www.uclan.ac.uk\/staff_profiles\/richard-taylor.php) and [Damian](https:\/\/www.slaughterandmay.com\/who-we-are\/partners\/damian-taylor\/) Taylor. [*Contract Law Directions* (2019 7 ed)](https:\/\/global.oup.com\/academic\/product\/contract-law-directions-9780198836599?&lang=en&). pp. 318-319.\n\n\n\n> \n> As to the application of the law to the facts of the case Lord Reed continued by saying, at\n> paras [98]\u2013[99]:\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nI now quote [Lord Reed](http:\/\/www.bailii.org\/uk\/cases\/UKSC\/2018\/20.html). Doesn't the emboldened phrase contradict itself? \n\n\n\n> \n> 98. This is a case brought by a commercial entity whose only interest in the defendants\u2019 performance of their obligations under the covenants was commercial. Indeed, a restrictive covenant which went beyond what was necessary for the reasonable protection of the claimant\u2019s commercial interests would have been unenforceable. The substance of the claimant\u2019s case is that it suffered financial loss as a result of the defendants\u2019 breach of contract. The effect of the breach of contract was to expose the claimant\u2019s business to competition which would otherwise have been avoided. The natural result of that competition was a loss of profits and possibly of goodwill. **The loss is difficult to quantify, and some elements of it may be inherently incapable of precise measurement. Nevertheless, it is a familiar type of loss, for which damages are frequently awarded.** It is possible to quantify it in a conventional manner, as is demonstrated by Mr Hine\u2019s report.\n> 99. The case is not one where the breach of contract has resulted in the loss of a valuable asset created or protected by the right which was infringed. Considered in isolation, the first defendant\u2019s breach of the confidentiality covenant might have been considered to be of that character, but in reality the claimant\u2019s loss is the cumulative result of breaches of a number of obligations, of which the non-compete and non-solicitation covenants have been treated as the most significant, as explained in para 17 above.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"How can loss be difficult to quantify, but be a familiar type for which damages are frequently awarded?"} {"Id":18530,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-04-21T15:38:34.880","Score":1,"ViewCount":158.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-04-23T22:17:47.403","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have some idea of story, which I want to publish online (idea, not story, because it doesn't exist yet). I want people to discuss it and get some feedback from them.\n\n\nI asked [question](https:\/\/worldbuilding.meta.stackexchange.com\/questions\/4812\/is-my-story-protected-by-copyright) on worldbuilding.meta, but here I want to ask if I publish it on some website (for example discussion forum).\n\n\nHow can I protect my idea from stealing?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"How to protect my idea by copyright?"} {"Id":21731,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-03T21:36:10.180","Score":1,"ViewCount":35.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-08-03T21:36:10.180","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"A startup I worked for had promised me to grant my options that were vested, however, they are making me pay the legal costs of executing those options. Is that legal? On the contract, it says nothing about legal costs. I feel like I'm being hold for ransom with the fees.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Startup making me pay legal costs of my vested options, is that legal?"} {"Id":32831,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-10-22T13:46:31.673","Score":1,"ViewCount":84.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-22T14:24:07.080","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Suppose I collect three or four public domain images, modify them, build upon them and put them together to form an image that I can claim as my own.\n\n\nThen I purchase an image from some online site like DepositPhotos or Adobe Stock, modify it and add it to the larger image.\n\n\nI can no longer claim copyright because my image includes an image licensed by someone else (e.g. Adobe Stock), even if they don't require me to give credit.\n\n\nSo how can I protect the rest of the image - the portion I created? Can I say \"This image is copyrighted by me EXCEPT for the gold star, which belongs to Adobe Stock\"?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Licensing an image that contains a licensed image"} {"Id":21510,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-07-27T02:49:51.223","Score":0,"ViewCount":80.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-07-27T03:23:27.830","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"My in-laws were put into a nursing home. \n\n\nIf we have their mail sent to our address can we be any liable for any of their bills?\n\n\nI assume the answer is no, because we are not signing for any of their bills, but wanted to double check.\n\n\nWe want to have their mail sent to us so we can manage their bills for them.\n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"Any liability for receiving mail for elder parents"} {"Id":31327,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-08-29T05:43:29.380","Score":0,"ViewCount":110.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-09-30T00:59:29.840","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"On the United States Patent and Trademark Office the [Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) has an entry for \"SQL Server\" that says](http:\/\/tmsearch.uspto.gov\/bin\/showfield?f=doc&state=4807:go6ru4.2.3)\n\n\n\n> \n> **Word Mark** SQL SERVER\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nAnd, then\n\n\n\n> \n> **Trademark Search Facility Classification Code** `LETTER-3-OR-MORE` SQL Combination of three or more letters as part of the mark\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nHere is a screenshot,\n\n\n[![SQL Server USPTO](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/Vvyrc.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/Vvyrc.png)\n\n\nHow do I read that, does that mean the term `SQL` is Trademarked by Microsoft? Other queries for example [\"SQL Boost\"](http:\/\/tmsearch.uspto.gov\/bin\/showfield?f=doc&state=4807:go6ru4.3.37) **and** [\"SQL Sonic\"](http:\/\/tmsearch.uspto.gov\/bin\/showfield?f=doc&state=4807:go6ru4.5.18) make no mention of SQL and explicitly say,\n\n\n\n> \n> NO CLAIM IS MADE TO THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE \"SQL\" APART FROM THE MARK AS SHOWN\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n[Others examples say](http:\/\/tmsearch.uspto.gov\/bin\/showfield?f=doc&state=4807:go6ru4.5.3),\n\n\n\n> \n> NO CLAIM IS MADE TO THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE \"SQL\" APART FROM THE MARK AS SHOWN\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nGoing off this, should I assume Microsoft is making a claim at \"SQL\"?\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"How to interpret \"LETTER-3-OR-MORE\" on patent website (USPTO's TESS)?"} {"Id":32022,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-09-25T15:43:57.910","Score":2,"ViewCount":355.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-17T08:53:23.583","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"In the US, do notices like \"except as required by federal, state or local law\" in contracts have any purpose other than to serve as a reminder to the reader\/party? \n\n\nIf something is required by federal, state or local law, then surely it overrides any contradicting clauses in the contract, so can these notices be omitted without change to the substance of a contract?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"Is there any need for \"except as required by law\" notices?"} {"Id":29298,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-06-06T15:25:09.887","Score":24,"ViewCount":8970.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-06-07T16:24:22.837","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":10,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"In most cases murder is a state crime. However, Washington, DC is not covered within any state's jurisdiction. My question is whether the President can pardon someone for committing murder if the crime took place within the geographical boundaries of DC.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Is murder in Washington, DC pardonable by the President?"} {"Id":40624,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-05-01T23:40:27.417","Score":2,"ViewCount":74.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-05-02T01:32:49.430","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"[*O'Sullivan & Hilliard's The Law of Contract*](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/OSullivan-Hilliards-Law-Contract-Janet\/dp\/0198807821\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk) (2018 8 ed). p. 200.\n\n\n\n> \n> [![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/d2CsB.jpg)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/d2CsB.jpg)\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nI don't understand the red sentence underlined in red. Isn't it gainsaid by the orange underlines beneath? I understand the sentence in green.\n\n\nPaul Davies. [*JC Smith's The Law of Contract* (2018 2 ed)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Smiths-Law-Contract-Paul-Davies\/dp\/0198807813\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). p. 330.\n\n\n\n> \n> [![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/DJNme.jpg)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/DJNme.jpg)\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Why's it \"strange\" for a judge to impose voidness on a guarantee?"} {"Id":11055,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-06-18T17:42:08.990","Score":0,"ViewCount":3948.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-06-19T05:07:36.217","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I would like to name my S-corp after a character from a book. This is not the real name I want to use, but it would be analogous to \"Harry Potter Magic Shop\".\n\n\nI found one [tangentially related question](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/questions\/5004\/can-i-name-a-real-company-after-a-fictional-company-found-in-a-book) and the highest voted answer seems to imply that this is okay, but it wasn't entirely clear, there was no accepted answer and this situation might be different because I don't want to use the book's title but rather just a character's name in the book.\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Can you name your company after a fictional character from a book?"} {"Id":46027,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-31T04:38:11.093","Score":0,"ViewCount":132.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-10-31T04:38:11.093","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I was wondering if there are any illegal aspects about sharing a link to a file hosting site (e.g. mega\/dropbox) to download copyrighted material such as movies etc.\n\n\nAre there any differences if I just share the link compared to if I also upload files on a site and then share it?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is it legal to share links to file hosting sites containing copyrighted material?"} {"Id":1558,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-07-31T20:42:33.350","Score":0,"ViewCount":874.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-08-01T02:02:14.447","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm developing a mobile application and inside it, I have some customization options. I was interested in using designs, colors and ideas based on famous cartoon characters. For example: Wolverine's claws with a yellow background, Captain America's shield, Superman's symbol, Batman's face... etc...\n\n\nSo, I'd like some information about this.\nCan I use those images in the first place? What are the implications?\n\n\nI know that I can't use a full batman drawing from an artist, but how about the batman symbol (which is universally known and used everywhere). Is there a difference?\n\n\nAnd finally, If I do get a C&D order, can I simply remove the content and avoid any further legal implications?\n\n\nThank you very much.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright of cartoon characters in a mobile app"} {"Id":22152,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-24T01:53:11.303","Score":1,"ViewCount":144.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-08-08T11:05:20.563","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I signed up for an exercise class on 7\/18 (\"this agreement entered into on\") and the contract states it's in effect from 8\/1 (\"contract start date\" and \"contract in effect from\").\n\n\nThe class has 30 day money back guarantee within \"30 days of enrolling\". Should the 30 day period be considered from date of signing the contract, or from the effective date of contract?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"Interpretation of \"enrollment date\""} {"Id":14466,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-10-07T03:59:09.930","Score":0,"ViewCount":120.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-10-08T05:34:12.377","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I want to open a service for people to print portrait images of people they are inspired by. Musicians, scientists, people such as Einstein, Mozart, etc.\n\n\nWhat are the legal concerns of using images of **Google Images** and how can I find images which can be legally used for this purpose?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Usage of Images of Google Images for commercial purposes (print)"} {"Id":30728,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-08-05T05:52:08.420","Score":1,"ViewCount":148.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-09-01T02:02:20.330","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"One of my favorite albums of all time is this album that tells a story. It is like a children's album with its story, but I like the characters in it. It is not particularly popular or well-known. I want to make websites and other non-music related communities based on settings from this album. I also want to use a graphical depiction of the main character in this album as my community mascot. Remember, this is all derived from a music album, but not other graphical depictions \/ there's a tremendous amount of original work here as well.\n\n\nWhile there have been animated movies made that make use of the album's songs within them, I would not be using the album's songs for anything and would not be deriving any graphical depictions from that animated film. \n\n\nSince I might eventually make money off these websites through advertising revenue, I was wondering if it was legal to use derivative works of a music album as long as you're not actually copying its lyrics, singing its songs, or usingthe music directly. But if you're making it a derivative that someone could listen to the album and see the connection, does that violate copyright? \n\n\nIs the best approach just to not publicize any connection to the album at all, but keep the overall theme so that people suspect it but it isn't in the face and profiting off it in a marketing way?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is it legal to create derivative works of character descriptions from a music album?"} {"Id":9447,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-05-24T11:01:57.103","Score":-3,"ViewCount":85.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-05-24T13:11:32.547","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Assuming user *A* (in country *I*) sells stolen virtual accounts to the user *B* (in country *II*) on the [darknet market](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Darknet_market) using service owned by user *C* (in country *III*) which is hosted on the web server (hosted in another country *IV*) . Also assuming this activity is illegal in all party's countries (not to mention communication is [onion routed](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Onion_routing) through several other countries), no physical postage is involved and hosting company doesn't know about illegal activity on their server.\n\n\nWho's breaking the law, user *A* (seller), user *B* (buyer) or the owner of the illegal service - user *C* (which is in different country than his service is hosted)? Or all of them, but in different ways (different paragraphs)?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Which country's laws apply to buying\/selling illegal items? Buyer, seller or owner of the service?"} {"Id":8772,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-04-25T11:52:04.053","Score":1,"ViewCount":59.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-04-25T18:44:58.357","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have a website where i would like to offer an incentive for people to contribute content. Once you reach a predefined amount of content that has been approved and added to the site you can earn a reward. For example, submit 10 guides that get approved, you earn X amount of dollars toward your total earnings. Once you reach a threshold of say $20 you unlock the ability to claim the reward. \n\n\nIs this ok to do or do i need to declare this somehow? If i just offer something like a paypal transfer of money is this considered employment?\n\n\nIf the above is true, would it be negated if i offered a gift card? For example, one you get to $20, you can claim a $20 amazon gift card. Being what they are a gift card is a gift. Of course in this case you must earn your gift, but is this a legal way to get around things? \n\n\nI run this website as a hobby. These rewards will be coming from my own pocket and not a registered company.\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Are there legal obligations when giving rewards?"} {"Id":19372,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-06-05T21:26:56.360","Score":0,"ViewCount":100.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-06-05T22:15:04.537","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"For one reason or another, I would like to delete content posted by me on a specific forum.\n\n\nThere are two sections in the TOS that both contradict themselves, which is why I am asking for advice here.\n\n\nThe first section that appears on the topic:\n\n\nPROPRIETARY RIGHTS.\n\n\n\"[Forum] does not claim any ownership rights in the text, files, images, works of authorship, applications, or other materials (collectively, \"Third Party Content\") that its users post.\"\n\n\nHowever, the next sentence then says:\n\n\n\"By posting Third Party Content to any public area of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant to [Forum] an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, and distribute said Content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, said Third Party Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses (through multiple tiers) of the foregoing.\"\n\n\nFrom my (Very uneducated) understanding, this means that I am still the copyright holder of the (unique) content that I have posted, but the forum has the full rights to display the content, which is a right I cannot revoke.\n\n\nIf I'm the owner of the content, surely I have the right to request its deletion?\n\n\nWhen I asked, they said no, however, I'm 100% sure that there's a very fast way to remove all posts at once.\n\n\nThis isn't really a big deal, I was just interested in learning a little more about the situation.\n\n\n(Both I and the registered company are located in the UK)\n\n\nThanks\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Forum Copyright - TOS Contradicts itself"} {"Id":3772,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-17T23:31:40.303","Score":2,"ViewCount":133.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-18T00:24:33.337","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"A lot of media, both on the web and in many other forms, offers all kind of product reviews to their readers\/viewers. Obviously, they use the name of the product, which might be trademarked, to identify what they are talking about. Very often they will show images of the product, which would most likely show a logo that could also be trademarked.\n\n\nAssuming one is the author of the text and the images, so no copyright are infringed, but obviously doesn't own the trademark of the item that is discussed and\/or displayed, what are the consequences, if any, to host a blog in Canada that would review products he likes.\n\n\nI know many people already do it, either commercially or as a hobby. Obviously they do not make people believe they are associated with the product in any way. Does this type of activity require any kind of permission from the trademark owner ?\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Display images of trademarked items in blog post product review"} {"Id":32501,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-10-11T12:30:22.587","Score":0,"ViewCount":55.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-11T21:35:29.263","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Just checking the terms and conditions of one of my suppliers terms and conditions and noticed this clause (as made bold). Does anyone know whether this is in breach of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.\n\n\n\n> \n> GENERAL. In these conditions \"You\" or \"Your\" means\n> any person(s), firm or company that purchases goods\n> from us. **All business is accepted by the Company only\n> upon and subject to the following Terms & Conditions\n> of Sales to the exclusion of all other terms (including\n> any terms You purport to apply under any purchase\n> order, confirmation of order, specification or other\n> document)**. No alterations to these terms shall be\n> accepted unless confirmed in writing by the Company.\n> Your order shall not be binding on the Company unless\n> accepted by the Company in writing.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nI read somewhere that also because it doesn't explicitly say \"conditions\" after \"terms\" that it voids this exclusion clause.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Is This Exclusion Clause In breach of UCTA 1977"} {"Id":4370,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-10-11T03:42:22.470","Score":1,"ViewCount":398.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-04-26T20:33:14.197","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I was thinking of starting a website where you can watch free movies. Now I know it's illegal to host movies, but what if my site just embeds a movie from another site who is hosting it? BTW, if it is legal, can I charge users a small fee just to access my site?\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Is it legal to host a free movie website in the US?"} {"Id":35875,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-01-02T16:30:06.410","Score":2,"ViewCount":72.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-01-03T23:03:40.310","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I received a bonus in a xmas card from my employer. I also quit that day. When I received my last paycheck, the bonus was deducted as a \"gift deduction\". Is this legal? It was not a loan or anything of the nature.\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Can my employer deduct my holiday bonus from my check if I quit right away after receiving the bonus?"} {"Id":37823,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-03-04T09:15:35.473","Score":0,"ViewCount":926.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-03-04T09:26:11.490","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I signed an internet contract with a fake address in California. I live in Georgia.\n\n\nAm I under California or Georgia jurisdiction?\n\n\nContract does not specify.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Jurisdiction in this case?"} {"Id":6999,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-08T21:43:59.433","Score":6,"ViewCount":154.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-08-17T02:33:45.123","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If no license is distributed with an application\/source code, what license applies by default if any from a legal standpoint?\n\n\nEdit:\nIf bob makes source code. And bob has never placed any license in any code, or released applications. Are people legally in the right to dis-assemble\/reverse engineer it? Furthermore If they obtain the source code, do they legally now own it for lack of license or does bob still obtain copyrights over said code\/applications. In both situations assuming the code\/application was obtained both legally, and illegally, please and thank you.\n\n\nPS: bob has never uploaded any source using GIT or anything else, they only exist on bobs computer, and places bob has released them by hand.\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"If no licence is distributed with an application\/source code, what license applies by default if any?"} {"Id":5464,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-11-26T22:36:56.643","Score":4,"ViewCount":1611.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-12-03T02:46:02.440","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm finalising an academic publication (a written research paper that will be published at a conference and be available online), and I am mentioning the computer used to run the experiments:\n\n\n\n> \n> Intel Core i5-4460\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nNow I was wondering: Should I, or do I have to, put the trademark symbols in there as well? I.e.:\n\n\n\n> \n> Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n(of course with the appropriate latex-symbols instead, i.e. the circle and in superscript).\n\n\nIs there any requirement by law to do it? What would you advise, or what's the \"best practice\", if there's any, for similar circumstances?\n\n\nI thought this was the most appropriate place to ask this question.\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Do I have to write the (R) and (TM) of e.g. \"Intel Core i5\" in an academic publication?"} {"Id":5151,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-11-11T06:56:59.547","Score":3,"ViewCount":4358.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-11-11T20:47:51.633","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I know this isn't a law site. I am not looking for law advice or how to get around the law. I just don't understand the licensing around mp3\/4 (and yes I know these are different).\n\n\nOur use case:\n\n\n* very big corporation\n* creating demos\/videos\/Captivates\/Articulates for helping clients out\n* all of the tools that we use to create is licensed and we are paying for it per license agreements\n* we are mainly concerned about the mp3\/audio segment. We currently do not offer audio directly but the audio files help create the video (think Camtasia and similar things) or are used in Captivate\/Articulate.\n\n\nSo where I am confused is do how-to videos (non-revenue generating) need licensing support? Then if we are already using a tool to create the audio\/video isn't the fact that they are supporting mp3 and allowing output already conforming to the licensing? \n\n\nAnd then if we do need licensing - how much? And what is the easiest way to assure that we don't need licensing given the how-to outputs we are creating? (we have talked about moving to .wav files but those are HUGE)\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"What are the legal requirements around mp3 or mp4 files?"} {"Id":1965,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-08-21T17:34:52.103","Score":2,"ViewCount":135.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-08-22T00:01:07.540","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Part of the GPL license is that the owner of the copyright can never take back distribution rights (un license the work).\n\n\nIs this legally valid or is it similar to any other \"free promise\" (\"I promise to give you a million dollars\" isn't binding while \"I'll give you a million dollars for this car which I'm taking now\").\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Are vows not to remove rights legally binding?"} {"Id":33312,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-11-08T22:14:29.810","Score":1,"ViewCount":220.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-11-08T22:39:47.867","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"\n\n\nIn this case, some kid bully another. I am not sure if bullying is a crime or not. It seems that some violence is involved. I think we have a crime for that, called battery or something.\n\n\nYet, despite the complain of the mom, nothing was done.\n\n\nSo the mom collect evidences for bullying. \n\n\nAnd she got charged instead.\n\n\nTo me, the result is not \"intuitive\". To me, what should have happened is that the Mom shouldn't even bother doing the recording. She reports to school. School reports to cops. Cops do investigating and do the recording. We have evidence. The bully sent to jail. I think that \"should have been\" what happened. It's not.\n\n\nIt's as if the society as a whole \"approve\" and \"promote\" the bullying by making sure there is no way the bully faced justice. The cops don't get involved. And the only way to get evidence is criminalized.\n\n\nIf I were a DA, and say I want to get elected, I would throw the bully in jail. And if a bully is thrown in jail, then the \"recording\" event wouldn't have happened in the first place.\n\n\nI understand that DA does not have obligation to prosecute any crime. However, repeated battery seems like a reasonably obvious crime. If that's not crime, what is?\n\n\nNow, usually, if people have a few legal options, they pick the one that's the most profitable.\n\n\nWhat \"profit\" does DA have in prosecuting the mom instead of the bullies.\n\n\nAs someone beaten up when I was a kid, I am wondering about this for a long time. Why do society more interested in protecting something I perceive as more trivial, like recording, compared to something far more substantial, like beating.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Why did the DA choose to prosecute the mother instead of the bully?"} {"Id":6334,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-01-11T19:26:33.393","Score":1,"ViewCount":950.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-07-31T18:01:48.723","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm writing an essay about heroes and villains and I want to include Darth Vader. The question is whether I need permissions to write about a character? I plan on selling the piece.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright question about Darth Vader"} {"Id":23624,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-10-28T21:10:23.297","Score":0,"ViewCount":99.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-10-28T23:07:59.820","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I read on ([mirror](https:\/\/web.archive.org\/web\/20171028211058\/http:\/\/www.ufc.com\/event\/ufc-fight-night-brazil-oct-28-2017)):\n\n\n\n> \n> fights are verbally agreed\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/LOyrI.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/LOyrI.png)\n\n\nWhat's the point in specifying that \"fights are verbally agreed\"? As far as I am aware of, oral contracts have pretty much the same validity as written contracts. E.g., from :\n\n\n\n> \n> In general, oral contracts are just as valid as written ones, but some jurisdictions either require a contract to be in writing in certain circumstances (for example where real property is being conveyed), or that a contract be evidenced in writing (although the contract itself may be oral). An example of the latter is the requirement that a contract of guarantee be evidenced in writing, which is found in the Statute of Frauds.\n> \n> \n> Similarly, the limitation period prescribed for an action may be shorter for an oral contract than it is for a written one.\n> \n> \n> The term verbal contract is sometimes incorrectly used as a synonym for oral contract. However, a verbal contract is one that is agreed to using words, either written or spoken, as opposed to an implied contract.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nLet's assume that the contract was made in the United States.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"What's the point in specifying that \"fights are verbally agreed\"?"} {"Id":36537,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-01-24T11:38:46.160","Score":0,"ViewCount":102.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-02-05T17:12:50.360","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I recently stumbled upon a product patented in the 1950's--let's say it's a beard comb called the \"Drongle\"\n\n\nAfter the patent expired, another company trademarked \"Drongle\" in 2006 and began selling the beard combs.\n\n\nIn 2013, the new manufacturer's \"Drongle\" trademark was cancelled--although they still manufacture and market their beard combs under the same name.\n\n\nTwo questions:\n\n\n\\*Is it permissable to manufacture beard combs and market them under the \"Drongle\" name?\n\n\n\\*If so, should I file for a trademark on the name \"Drongle?\"\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Can I use a cancelled trademark if the owner is still manufacturing the product?"} {"Id":4043,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-27T18:40:45.487","Score":1,"ViewCount":417.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-27T18:40:45.487","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":7,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"The Library of Babel is a database of millions of random strings of text. Among this randomness, passages from other sources inevitably appear, such as the book of Genesis or works by Shakespeare, or [this question](https:\/\/libraryofbabel.info\/bookmark.cgi?pfkgsxxab,46). You can also search the library for specific strings. \n\n\nIf a copyrighted work appears in the database, is it breaching copyright? If not, can I use that text without breaching copyright (provided I indicate my source is the Library of Babel)?\n\n\nYou can find the Library of Babel at [https:\/\/libraryofbabel.info\/](https:\/\/libraryofbabel.info)\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is the \"Library of Babel\" violating copyright?"} {"Id":47852,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-01-01T19:08:30.120","Score":-2,"ViewCount":16345.0,"LastActivityDate":"2022-02-25T10:07:40.467","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Is it legal to download books in PDF-format from ? How one can verify if the book given in the site is a legal copy or not?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Are books in pdfdrive.com legal or illegal?"} {"Id":44803,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-09-18T03:40:06.677","Score":0,"ViewCount":114.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-09-18T14:37:17.077","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Consider someone hacking the super bowl and playing a Holocaust denial ad.\n\n\nIgnore the trivial charges like hacking that occur regardless of the content.\n\n\nIs there any further prosecution of the content *itself*?\n\n\nFor example, would the hacker be prosecuted for harassment due to the *content* negatively affecting Jews?\n\n\nIf a Jew died of a heart attack as a result of the content would the hacker be liable for that? Since this is fairly likely is there a de facto restriction on the content?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Are there de facto limitations on freedom of speech in the us?"} {"Id":6536,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-01-22T02:35:41.587","Score":1,"ViewCount":530.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-02-15T13:06:08.563","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I like to make video games and I figured I might as well make some money off of it. The problem with it is I have no idea how to get a copyright on my games before I start selling them. How would I do this? (Just comment if I need to specify anything else or if this is the wrong site.)\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"How to get a copyright on a video game?"} {"Id":7988,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-03-24T12:43:16.733","Score":2,"ViewCount":73.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-04-23T15:20:57.017","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Assume the following situation: \n\n\n* foreign national in the US\n* working visa (e.g. H1-B)\n* living permanently in the US, no other address, paying all taxes in the US\n* savings account in home country (Europe)\n* savings account incurs interest\n\n\nIs there a threshold for declaring the interest incurred in a foreign country (income) when filing a US tax report? \n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Is there a threshold for declaring interest income from a foreign country?"} {"Id":22401,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-03T22:09:22.323","Score":0,"ViewCount":171.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-03T22:16:38.233","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I live in Omaha Nebraska. I financed a car (2001 Mercury Sable) through a \"buy here pay here\" lot located in Council Bluffs Iowa. The car was sold \"as is, no warrenty\". The car was acquired less than 30 days ago. \n\n\nExactly 16 days after purchase, the car will not start. I believe the starter is bad.\n\n\nIs there any recourse I can pursue? The Iowa lemon law does not seem to cover previously titled vehicles. Are there any other regulations that would allow me to receive some compensation or perhaps a replacement part or vehicle?\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Car broke down within 30 days of purchase. Recourse?"} {"Id":43816,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-08-17T07:42:28.143","Score":0,"ViewCount":138.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-09-27T14:06:00.160","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"1. I don't understand the distinctions between the two clauses. Doesn't 42.2 encompass 42.1? Isn't 42.2 broader? Doesn't 42.1 automatically imply 42.2?\n2. Isn't \"the defendant had acted as he ought\" \"evidence that the victim might not have suffered the harm\"?\n\n\nHerring, [*Criminal Law: Text, Cases, and Materials* (8 edn, 2018)](https:\/\/global.oup.com\/academic\/product\/criminal-law-9780198811817?cc=ca&lang=en&). p. 75\n\n\n\n> \n> When will the omission cause the result?\n> ----------------------------------------\n> \n> \n> It must be shown that the omission caused the harm. In other words, had the defendant\n> acted reasonably in accordance with his or her duty the harm would not have occurred. For\n> example, in \\*Dalloway\\*41 the defendant was driving a cart without keeping a proper grip on\n> the reins. A young child ran out in front of the cart and was killed. It was held that if the\n> defendant was to be convicted it had to be shown that had he been driving properly and\n> holding onto the reins he would have been able to avoid injuring the child.42 Similarly, if a\n> father sees his child drowning in a pond and does nothing to help he is not criminally responsible\n> for causing the child\u2019s death if it is shown that even if he had tried to save the child\n> it would have been too late to do so.43\n> \n> \n> 42 There is some debate over **[call this 42.1] whether it needs to be shown that if the defendant had acted as he ought the\n> victim would not have suffered the harm, or whether [42.2] it is enough that there is evidence that the victim might\n> not have suffered the harm.** In *Marby* (1882) 8 QBD 571 the defendant was convicted of manslaughter after\n> failing to summon medical help which might have saved the life of the victim.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"\"if the defendant had acted as he ought, the victim would not have suffered\" vs. \"there's evidence that the victim might not have suffered the harm\""} {"Id":7322,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-22T18:46:30.123","Score":0,"ViewCount":104.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-08-08T12:36:53.497","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have an idea for a software, which will allow users to upload their files for antivirus scan, receive scan results and perform corresponding action on user end. Is it legal to do so, taking that the antiviral software itself will not be distributed (i.e. i will buy and install it only on my server)?\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Is it legal to sell a software which will scan user files with multiple antiviral engines located on remote server?"} {"Id":1222,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-07-20T15:42:24.623","Score":2,"ViewCount":204.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-07-21T01:48:54.490","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"*This is just a contract question,* and I am not concerned with the intellectual property implications at this point.\n\n\nI'm in the US.\n\n\n**The scenario**: Suppose I was given an unsolicited document, so at no point did I agree to receive it or any terms attached to it. The document expressly states, however, that I may not electronically reproduce or even print the document without the owner's prior consent. Although I did not agree to these terms on receipt, so there is no mutual assent there, is there any legal theory under which I could be bound by those restraints? E.g., if I print or email the document without the owner's consent could I be liable under the document's terms (similar to a click-wrap or browse-wrap)?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Can I be contractually bound by terms accompanying an unsolicited document?"} {"Id":1219,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-07-20T13:18:12.010","Score":3,"ViewCount":799.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-07-22T16:12:53.500","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":9,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Someone has been stealing from my girlfriend's workplace, not her, and they're forcing everyone there to undergo a lie detector test or lose their jobs. Is this even legal since they don't actually work?\nI have done some research but I can't get a straight answer under UK law, the web just mentions US law.\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Employee Lie Detector"} {"Id":28587,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-05-17T12:42:24.637","Score":1,"ViewCount":68.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-05-17T16:12:12.553","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If one could create a new operation system that could run\/support\nall the programs that run on Windows\/Linux\/Mac or whatever operation system one could find, could Microsoft, the creator of windows, for example, sue the creator of this new operation system?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is creating a new operation system that is capable of running windows\/mac\/linux programs legal?"} {"Id":23947,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-11-09T19:04:18.647","Score":2,"ViewCount":170.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-11-09T19:35:00.987","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"My understanding is that:\n\n\n* A \"guilty\" plea means the defendant admits that they have performed the action(s) in question and admits wrongdoing (hence \"guilty\"); while\n* A \"not guilty\" plea means the defendant not only denies wrongdoing, but denies having performed the action(s) in question.\n\n\nWhat would be the name of a plea where the defendant admits to having performed the action(s) in question, but denies any wrongdoing? I thought this was *nolo contendere*, but turns out that means something completely different.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"What is the legal term for the plea where the defendant admits the action but denies wrongdoing?"} {"Id":47294,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-12-09T23:01:15.953","Score":2,"ViewCount":56.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-12-11T23:02:57.963","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am developing an application that will be used for computer security training, specifically for awareness of scams and phishing.\n\n\nAs part of this, I plan to use a series of well-known company brand names and trademarks (e.g. `Stack Exchange`) in order to create examples and demos that the user can relate to.\n\n\nFor example, I may demonstrate how a scammer can use a slightly altered domain name in order to create a convincing scam website, with the goal of educating users of this risk.\n\n\nAs far as I can tell, the use of company brand names and trademarks for this purpose is considered a transformative use, which would therefore be protected under copyright fair use.\n\n\nHowever, there is a risk of causing user confusion or diluting brands, for example if a user doesn't understand that a particular demo is fictional, and not an actual scam. I understand that I can mitigate this with a clearly marked disclaimer and instructions.\n\n\nWhat would be the legality of this, and are there any risks or mitigations that I haven't considered? For reference I am based in the UK, however the app will be globally accessible and may use trademarks registered in many different countries.\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"What are the legal considerations of using trademarks in security training material?"} {"Id":48665,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-01-31T21:37:53.167","Score":2,"ViewCount":144.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-11-22T16:03:59.603","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I've read a lot of articles right now (I'm french) on this topic, and I gotta say I'm pretty confused. I perfectly understand that unless some uni teacher directly allows me to use his work, I don't have rights to use it in any way. But I'm struggling to understand is what about:\n\n\n1. What I copy from what he writes on the board during his class?\n2. What I reword (on my own format) after the class?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) and copyright"} {"Id":7927,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-03-22T16:05:43.510","Score":1,"ViewCount":1901.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-09-16T13:42:01.010","AnswerCount":6.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Is it illegal to create a, say, Facebook\/Twitter account under the full legal name of a deceased person and try to mimic or imitate their living likeness, such as using it as if you were them (like they're alive).\n\n\nI mean you can't be stealing from them directly if they're not alive. It may be indecent, but is it illegal to impersonate the person who has passed? Will it count as \"posing as another\" if the \"another\" is dead?\n\n\nMost importantly, is it illegal?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Against the law to create a social media account of a deceased person?"} {"Id":36224,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-01-15T17:14:02.780","Score":1,"ViewCount":327.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-01-15T17:29:57.310","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I emailed messages to a particular business that were replied to with the business having consistently giving rude and just-don't-care-about-the-customer responses and even grossly incompetent responses.\n\n\nSo am I allowed to show these emails say in a youtube video meaning right when I open my email account and have the emails open?\n\n\nAm I only allowed to quote what the emails said in order to avoid some copyright violation or other law?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"When Is It Illegal To Show Emails That Were Sent To Me"} {"Id":28762,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-05-22T21:47:17.627","Score":1,"ViewCount":536.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-05-23T06:14:28.787","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"My family is dragging me along to a politician's ball. I'm not a very big fan of this particular group of attendees, to put it mildly, and have recently been day-dreaming of one choking while I raid the buffet table. I would not feel a single pang if they ate the dust. But would I be liable to a civil or criminal charge if I refused to give medical aid in this situation, given my occupation as a surgeon?\n\n\nAnd if so, is there any way I can escape this? Perhaps by taking a stiff belt of scotch the moment I see trouble?\n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"Am I required to render medical aid when off-duty if I am a doctor?"} {"Id":19746,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-06-22T14:27:09.047","Score":1,"ViewCount":260.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-06-24T10:29:23.507","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If I have a blog and post up a picture of some artists work, he\/she can come after me for a copyright breach. However what happens on a large website where users can upload images as they wish. Moderators can't be educated on whether every user has permission to publish that image. In the event that a user posts a copyright image that they do have have permission for on a community forum, how to the website owners protect themselves from a claim?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"How do community websites and forums defend against copyright claims?"} {"Id":48803,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-02-05T11:58:08.413","Score":2,"ViewCount":65.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-03-01T17:10:11.040","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If I take FMLA and use sick time and vacation time during my leave, would I still be able to receive any monies from NYS thru its Paid Family Leave? Or since I am being paid, I would not be eligible for additional remuneration.\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Paid Family Leave in New York State"} {"Id":30612,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-07-30T10:42:06.823","Score":-1,"ViewCount":210.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-07-30T14:50:31.793","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I have a simple question that I haven't found any answer on, on the web.\n\n\nI have a lot of purchase music on Google Play and I want to create a internet radio just for fun, for non-commercial purposes. Is that breaking the copyright law in European-Union(Sweden), or I need to buy a special license for every song or album?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is it illegal to broadcast\/stream music for non-commercial purposes?"} {"Id":38739,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-03T09:37:01.090","Score":0,"ViewCount":67.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-04-03T11:33:10.173","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"For US-Law:\n\n\nCan a freelancer charge a client late fees for late payments if they are not explicitly drawn out in a contract? \n\n\nFor example, let's say the freelancer has a contract for an hourly rate only, and no articles related to fees. However, the client has not paid for weeks and the freelancer notifies them he will charge a late fee if not paid in n days. \n\n\nIs this viable? Will it holdup? Or is it an ambiguous situation?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Can a Freelancer charge late fees if not explicitly defined in the contract?"} {"Id":51295,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-05-05T23:39:42.683","Score":20,"ViewCount":7778.0,"LastActivityDate":"2022-01-25T14:02:15.223","AnswerCount":4.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Let's say I watched a film and I really liked it. Now I want to tell my subscribers on Facebook the entire plot of the film. I don't use the real script of the film. I create a post where I retell the film plot in my own words (but I don't change anything, the names are the same, everything is the same, it's just a conversion in textual form) and retell it completely. Is this action legal? Do I have any problems with copyright law?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is it legal to completely retell a film in text?"} {"Id":45825,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-24T23:35:14.013","Score":2,"ViewCount":61.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-04T01:49:12.117","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Mindy Chen-Wishart. [*Contract Law* (2018 6 edn)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Contract-Law-Mindy-Chen-Wishart\/dp\/0198806353\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). [Scanned p 225](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/P6gae.jpg).\n\n\n\n> \n> 1. Where the claimant refuses to continue with the contract, the court must decide whether this amounts to rescission (limiting her to reliance damages) or termination (preserving her right to expectation damages).\n> 2. Since the threshold for termination is very high (it is only available for \u2018serious\u2019 breaches (12.2.2)), a claimant may find that she has unwittingly rescinded the contract (eg by returning defective items), thereby extinguishing her right to potentially superior contractual damages.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nI don't understand 2. Why would returning defective items be worth less than contract damages?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Why would contractual damages be superior to returning defective items?"} {"Id":25524,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-01-23T00:00:49.060","Score":0,"ViewCount":409.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-01-23T22:07:56.033","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I've recently run into a dispute for an invoice with a company for whom I'm doing IT contract work about the number of hours in a work day. We agreed on a rate of \u00a3N a day, which I had assumed to mean N\/7.5 as an hourly rate. However, they have recently said that \"everyone contracting here assumes an 8-hour day\". The contract that I signed doesn't state either way which one is correct. However, if I adjust said invoice to assume an 8 hour day, I will lose 6.25% of my revenue (assuming my maths is correct).\n\n\nWithout this being specified in the contract (or verbally at any point before today), is it legally acceptable to state that 7.5 hours is the standard amount and that I should bill as such, and what can I do about resolving this issue?\n\n\nAlso what should be done about going into the future with this work and asking for a revised contract? Can I request 6.25% to be added on to my day rate, or ask to be billed on a 7.5 hour basis, and have that stand up against their legal team if push came to shove?\n\n\nI am invoicing on an hourly basis rather than by half-day\/day, and have done many hours of overtime.\n\n\nThanks in advance for any help.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Dispute about whether a day consists of 7.5 or 8 hours"} {"Id":45808,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-24T19:50:00.450","Score":1,"ViewCount":18.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-10-24T20:37:11.967","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Mindy Chen-Wishart. [*Contract Law* (2018 6 edn)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Contract-Law-Mindy-Chen-Wishart\/dp\/0198806353\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). p 24.\n\n\n\n> \n> [![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/5ZPSj.jpg)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/5ZPSj.jpg)\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nI don't understand the red sentence. Kindly can someone\n\n\n1. expatiate it?\n2. or give an example with numbers?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"How'd parties 'negotiate around the remedy' to 'share the profits (or savings) from breach rather than allow the contract breaker total retention'?"} {"Id":3680,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-15T23:10:58.263","Score":2,"ViewCount":476.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-16T00:03:08.070","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I created a contract between myself and a client. The contract states that I will provide service A to the client. I provided service A. A third party is blocking the use of the end product of service A to be used for my client. My client no longer returns my emails or texts and has failed to respond to my invoices (sent certified mail and with return receipt).\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Is my client free from obligation to pay an unpaid invoice under contract?"} {"Id":23080,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-10-03T21:53:06.330","Score":0,"ViewCount":36.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-10-04T01:01:56.817","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Like all other guys, I have my own collections of CDs, all legal, from official distributors, paid by money, and all belong to me.\n\n\nI keep them in my room together with my computer. I have ripped some of them, stored them in the laptop my company gave me. I have burned some copies of them and put them in my car. I have burned some other copies and put them in my parents house, just for myself.\n\n\nToday I suddenly start to think -- which copies are legal and which copies are not? Especially for those copies that in my parents house.\n\n\nI live in California.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Multiple duplication of CDs I own"} {"Id":22909,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-27T00:58:50.633","Score":2,"ViewCount":82.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-27T19:29:11.347","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If I record my own work using [IBM's Watson demo](https:\/\/text-to-speech-demo.mybluemix.net), who owns the copyright on those recordings?\n\n\nI couldn't find the terms of use for the demo service, nor the full service after registration.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Who owns the copyright on a Watson recording?"} {"Id":18211,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-04-05T21:59:41.457","Score":0,"ViewCount":68.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-04-07T01:24:33.510","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In many cases rule books are copyrighted. For example, the standard set of rules to play chess in the United States is copyrighted. Also, the standard set of rules to play baseball is also copyrighted.\n\n\nThis creates a problem in that often these rule books are published in some inconvenient format or size for some uses. Also, players who need to summarize rules for various purposes have the problem of how to do so without getting sued. In many cases organizations would like to display the rules on a poster rather than have them in a book. Once again, there are copyright problems.\n\n\nRules could be construed as \"information\" or \"data\" rather than a form of expression, so at some level, to the extent that the rule is \"data\" it is not copyrightable. How can organizations that need to republish rules (for example to put them on a poster) be able to do so without violating copyrights?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright status of rule books"} {"Id":30603,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-07-30T00:14:33.647","Score":0,"ViewCount":134.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-07-30T02:45:09.070","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Recently i passed by a large local mosque. The mosque property was posted \"No Gun Zone\" at the property boundaries.\n\n\nIf a resident posted such signs on their property then missionaries, delivery people, etc could continue to come and knock on their door as has been common for ages.\n\n\nPolice offixers executing warrants would obviously not need heed the signs. Similarly if police are responding to exigent circumstances. \n\n\nWhat if there is no warrant or exigent circumstances and police are doing a \"knock and talk\". Logically they could disarm before entering the property and do a compliant knock and talk. But i doubt they would be willing to disarm.\n\n\nMy question is can a homeowner modify the implied lixense to come to the door to knock? If the modified license does not allow guns, is an armed police officers entry a trespass?\n\n\nIf an armed police officer came to the door and claimed to see, hear, smell contraband not detectable off property is that admissible?\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"No gun zone and knock and talk"} {"Id":15335,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-11-18T00:04:14.280","Score":2,"ViewCount":180.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-01-17T03:42:30.627","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"The setting: a group home for juvenile males.\n\n\nThe situation: they are court ordered to be there.\n\n\nThe problem: they verbally abuse staff on a daily basis, and in some instances, physically abuse staff.\n\n\nThe clients receive a handbook with the rules and policies. There are numerous rules, one of which us they are not allowed to bull each other or make inappropriate comments.\n\n\nHowever, there is no rule stating they have to respect staff. They don't mind reminding you of this as they disrespect you. Management is aware of the situation and their response to us is \"don't take it personally,\" even when we are verbally abused with racial slurs.\n\n\nCan an employer be held accountable in civil court for their clients' actions? If they don't utilize their own tools and policies to prevent the behavior?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Is an employer liable for a hostile work environment caused by clients?"} {"Id":26833,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-03-13T22:11:28.560","Score":3,"ViewCount":259.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-03-15T16:11:09.740","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Would calling for the seizure of guns from unnamed citizens and the suspension of due process in doing so constitute treason? \n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"Calling for the suspension of due process by a president"} {"Id":1996,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-08-23T13:46:42.623","Score":8,"ViewCount":323.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-08-24T13:00:01.860","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I want to start an online browser game following all laws.\n\n\nA few days ago I heard of [COPPA - Children's Online Privacy Protection Act](http:\/\/www.coppa.org\/). In this link, they clearly explain in all details what must be done, and what kind of website must comply. As a person that knows (absolutely) nothing about law, I am glad to find this right-to-the-point text that tells me exactly what to do.\n\n\nMy question is, **how do I find out if there are other things like this to follow?** I am glad I heard of COPPA, otherwise I would have no idea I had to follow it. I am now worried that **there might be other laws to follow that I don't even know they exist.**\n\n\n**How to make sure I am following everything that must be followed?** Is there some kind of \"list\"? **I am using COPPA just as an example - I don't want to be restricted only to privacy laws. The thing is, I can't even dream of what other laws could exist.** (I'm lucky to have found COPPA)\n\n\nI am brazillian, the website would be hosted in Brazil. But I would like people from other countries to be allowed to play as well. *(I don't know if this matters)*\n\n\n*If you really need to know more details about the game to properly answer this question, let me know and I will add them - but I was hoping to a more general answer first, so I can analyse them myself and decide what is needed and what is not. I am not sure if this question is too-broad the way it is now - if it is, I will add the details.*\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\n**EDIT:** I don't think this question is a duplicate from [Where can I find a comprehensive document of computer laws?](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/questions\/1187\/where-can-i-find-a-comprehensive-document-of-computer-laws). Even though its title suggests that, both answers only refer to security and hacking. I am talking about the content of my website, and I am not \"hacking\" anyone nor doing anthing close to that.\n\n\n**EDIT 2:** Just to clarify, I do not expect someone to show up with a complete list and solve my problem like magic. The thing is, as of now I have not the slightest idea of how to proceed.\n\n\nI mean, (at least the majority of) existing MMO browser games (like Clash of Clans, Neopets, Club Penguin, OGame and such) must have done *something* to make sure they comply with all needed laws.\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"How to make sure my website complies with things like COPPA?"} {"Id":9549,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-05-28T17:24:20.983","Score":0,"ViewCount":31.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-05-28T23:05:01.693","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have a blog related to web designing.\n\n\nI make money via affiliate marketing.\n\n\nCan I use our sponsors as other company ( the companies which I used to make money via affiliate marketing) logos?\n\n\nIs it legal?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Can I use our sponsors as other compnay logos?"} {"Id":30098,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-07-09T17:22:27.710","Score":47,"ViewCount":12241.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-07-13T06:53:29.660","AnswerCount":4.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am not a lawyer or a law student; my work is in mathematics, but I like to learn about criminal law as a hobby. I have spent some time googling and searching to find an answer to my question but have found no results. \n\n\nHere is what I am interested in knowing:\n\n\n\n> \n> Suppose a public defender is assigned a criminal case \u2014 let's say the charges are gross misdemeanor or nonviolent felony \u2014 and there is quite\n> literally no conceivable defense for the client. The prosecution has compelling evidence for all elements of the crime, action, and any required culpability. At this point, what do you do for\n> your client?\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nMy best guess would be to put heavy effort into plea bargaining, but this scenario is something that is hard for me to learn about in my hobbyist pursuits because it isn't very well documented. It seems like something you learn from experience, and could depend greatly on the individual attorney and their relationships with the prosecutors in the jurisdiction. The only thing I can find that relates to my question is information about the strategies of lawyers who defended notorious murderers who were overwhelmingly guilty. I would like the scope of my question to be something less serious and less complicated than that. In most of those cases, the defenses' main goal was to keep them out of a death penalty, and the trials were long and complicated. Also, to be thorough, please feel free to note \/ comment on any of the following in an answer:\n\n\n* You know there is practically no conceivable defense for your client; how does that change your efforts in plea bargaining?\n* Let's say the prosecutor won't budge - not a single plea offer. You know there is practically no conceivable defense for your client - what do you do when the case goes to trial?\n* At any point, is it a matter of ethics to make it clear to your client that there is no conceivable defense for their case and your primary service as their counsel will be to provide guidance through the confusing and complicated legal \/ court process and help make sure their rights to a fair trial are upheld?\n* Now suppose you are not necessarily a public defender but a private attorney for hire. Someone comes to you looking to hire you for counsel on the type of charges outlined above. There is little to no conceivable defense. Do you take the case? If so, do you tell them this before negotiating a price?\n\n\nI understand my question is certainly subjective. The answer could vary greatly from case to case, dependent on countless variables. I do, however, still think it is constructive and on topic because it can be answered on a high level as to how to initially assess those variables and form a strategy. I am open to feedback for how to improve my question. Please edit tags as needed.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Course of action in a criminal case when there is no conceivable defense"} {"Id":12002,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-07-28T11:26:07.877","Score":0,"ViewCount":281.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-07-29T08:05:20.707","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"There is a video game called Minecraft, in which you can build structures (e. g. houses). Some people publish them on publicly accessible sites such as PlanetMinecraft.com as sets of files in format A.\n\n\nImagine, I do the following. I take such collection of files in format A and transform it (manually, automatically or semi-automatially) into format B. I have my own, custom software, which takes format B files as input and then recreates these structures in user's Minecraft in format A (they are not exactly the same, but similar). I intend to give access to that software for a monthly fee.\n\n\nFormat B is my own format and its files are smaller and easier to share and modify than format A.\n\n\nAm I allowed to \n\n\n* create format B versions of structures on PlanetMinecraft and\n* distribute them for free\n\n\nin the following 2 cases under American law?\n\n\n**Case 1:** The author of the structure allows to download and distribute the format A file, but does not allow to modify it (according to the copyright statement on the structure page). Technically, I'm not modifying format A file, I read it and create format B file based on information in the format A file.\n\n\n**Case 2:** I write to the author of the structure (ask him or her whether or not I'm allowed to do this with his creations), but don't get a response within 1-2 weeks. There is no clear information about the type of license his work is published under.\n\n\n**Analogy:** You see someone's house and walk around it several times. That house is format A file. Then you sketch a plan of that house (format B file), which you distribute for free.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is it legal to reverse-engineer structures on PlanetMinecraft?"} {"Id":4992,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-11-04T09:20:35.520","Score":2,"ViewCount":73.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-11-04T15:25:26.203","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm managing a french company where the VAT must be applied, and I am stumbling upon a problem that annoys me.\n\n\nThere is a simple form to know if the VAT must be applied or not\n(please tell me in case I'm wrong on that) :\n\n\n\n```\nSeller EU (me) =>\n Outside EU : no VAT\n Inside EU :\n Customer not a business : apply VAT\n Customer's a business : apply VAT ? <== It's my problem\n\n```\n\nOk. (This comes from an article from the TheNextWeb which is linked below)\n\n\nI took a look at how [quaderno.io](http:\/\/quaderno.io) works, since it's their target, I believe they must be right, so I used their demo : and tested for my company in France.\n\n\nWhen I entered my VAT Number, they removed the tax (from 10$+20% to only 10$).\n\n\nBUT, the problem is the following :\n\n\nI asked my accountant if, when making an invoice from a French company to an other French company, I should remove the 20% tax. She said no. I must indicate my VAT number AND the VAT number of the client, and that's it.\n\n\n**The 20% tax still applies and the client must do it's paper work to get back the tax he paid from the state (France), not the issuing company.**\n\n\nSo, as far as I understand, Quaderno is not right for France as I should still pay 12$ (10$ + 20%).\n\n\nBut the explanation given by [TheNextWeb](http:\/\/thenextweb.com\/dd\/2015\/01\/01\/need-know-2015-eu-vat-changes-implemented-tnw\/) and how Quaderno works raise me an other question :\n\n\nThey both remove the VAT tax when the company enters it's VAT number, which leads me to believe that in some EU countries, if the VAT number is given, the service must remove the tax from the invoice.\n\n\nIs this right ?\nIn that case, in which countries we must remove the tax when invoicing the client, and in which countries (like France) we still must keep it ?\n\n\nThank you for your help and feel free to ask for more details if it isn't the case.\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Ways of applying VAT in EU countries?"} {"Id":22325,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-30T23:24:59.980","Score":3,"ViewCount":1655.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-10-01T00:21:44.350","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"(Assuming there were grounds for arrest and prosecution).\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"Can the state of New York arrest and\/or prosecute President Trump during a time when Trump is still president?"} {"Id":7080,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-11T22:04:40.520","Score":2,"ViewCount":120.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-02-12T04:06:19.203","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Someone can somehow buy lots of products and sell them for very low prices.\n\n\nCan I buy from him at low price and sell it for normal price?\n\n\nI'm not from US, but products may be.\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Is it legal to sell a product that has been stolen?"} {"Id":3515,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-09T20:31:48.360","Score":5,"ViewCount":1060.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-09T21:24:29.457","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"After posting [this question](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/questions\/3488\/is-it-legal-to-buy-second-hand-copyrighted-recordings\/3514#3514), another one, more obvious came to mind.\n\n\nIf the \"first sale doctrine\" is a widespread law, and allows someone to give their whole collection of VHS or DVDs or vinyls for free, then why is this rule not applying when it comes to a digital copy?\n\n\nIf the first sale doctrine rule applied, then someone who legally purchased thousands of albums and movies digitally should be able to give these files for free to whoever they want.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Why is it legal to give away for free a physical copy of copyrighted material that you bought, but not a digital copy?"} {"Id":22372,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-02T00:02:56.740","Score":0,"ViewCount":205.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-02T00:25:13.820","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am a real estate agent based in Toronto and I was looking over a lease agreement that a friend of mine signed. I noticed that 5-7 out of the 25 clauses in the agreement were in direct contravention of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (the primary piece of legislation governing rules for tenants and landlords).\n\n\nNow I was curious, as these clauses which are not legal aren't in relation to the core of the agreement (if there is such a thing), so would the fact that there are multiple clauses in contravention if the act, albeit minor, mean that he contract lacked lawful object?\n\n\nI apologize in advance if I've muddled terminology here, as you can imagine, I'm not a lawyer.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Legal Object in a Contract"} {"Id":13312,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-08-12T01:52:22.963","Score":3,"ViewCount":209.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-08-13T16:21:40.100","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I sometime post code to StackExchange sites like StackOverflow or CodeReview. To meet the requirements of the site you often have to post full code to get help. This is often code I would like to later publish to certain sites for sale.\n\n\nWhen I do this I am always quite worried that my code is now visible to millions of people that could simply copy\/paste my code into a notepad file and have the same product as me, completely devaluing mine. \n\n\nAs far as I know once your idea\/product is made public in a timestampable way it is considered intellectual property. But how does that hold up when you freely post it to a knowledge sharing site like this that you cannot include licenses on. Even if it were determined that it were your own intellectual property would it be a worthy cause to fight for when the code might make you a few hundred dollars if anything?\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Intellectual Property of Stack Exchange posts"} {"Id":19366,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-06-05T19:17:33.947","Score":1,"ViewCount":416.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-06-05T21:37:25.750","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I want to distribute a list of MD5 file [checksums](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Checksum) of closed source software, in the form: \n\n\n\n```\n \n\n```\n\nThe purpose of this list is to help forensic researchers to identify whether installations have been tampered with. \n\n\nAm I allowed to do distribute such a list? Or does it depend on the given license? \n\n\nGeneralized, this question is about whether metadata is copyrighted *by the owner of the original IP*. It [was partially asked here](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/questions\/1916\/at-what-point-can-a-computer-generated-file-infringe-copyright\/4366#4366) but went unanswered.\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Are hash checksums of licensed software copyrighted?"} {"Id":21896,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-11T02:35:46.763","Score":1,"ViewCount":149.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-08-11T02:35:46.763","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":17,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am looking at signing a lease on an apartment, but there are a few phrases that give me pause:\n\n\n\"Resident agrees that Resident is at all times responsible for the conduct and actions of all other persons regardless of any culpability or knowledge on Resident\u2019s part.\"\n\n\nI imagine that the *intent* is to say all other persons *party to this lease or guests thereof*, but there is no qualification like this actually in the lease. \n\n\nThe second phrase that I'm getting hung up on is this:\n\n\n\"To the greatest extent permitted by law, **Landlord shall not be liable to Resident**, even for negligent acts or omissions of Landlord or Landlord's agents or employees, **for any damage or injury**, whether to person or property, loss, or destruction to Resident's property, including but not limited to any damage or injury, whether to person or property, loss, or destruction of property **sustained by Resident from any cause** including but not limited to the causes and risks set forth herein.\"\n\n\nThis *seems* to me to exempt the landlord from responsibility, even in the event that he or she breaks into my apartment and shoots me, given that it is always *permitted by law* that a victim choose not to press charges. Is this correct? \n\n\nAlso, related to this, if the landlord is **not** willing to change the wording of the lease agreement, are these pretty standard things to see on a lease that I shouldn't worry about? (Maybe because they're not enforceable?)\n\n\nThanks very much\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"Whether to sign a lease agreement that is poorly worded\/too broad if landlord will not change it?"} {"Id":15485,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-11-25T18:15:01.613","Score":1,"ViewCount":99.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-05-22T17:46:10.367","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm going to release an open source project, let's call it ABC. My project is a piece of software that is non-commercial. However, ABC already exists as a trademark for an existing company.\n\n\nMy project is software. This company sells a consumable product. Would I be infringing on their trademark, or is it okay because they are in completely different \"realms\"? \n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"When am I infringing on a trademark?"} {"Id":18895,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-05-10T00:06:50.897","Score":0,"ViewCount":54.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-05-10T03:47:08.620","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm a graduate student at a US university and I work as a Graduate assistant in the department. It's been around one year I have been working. I'm also an International student who can only work on-campus. \n\n\nRecently I have decided that I want to **transfer** to a another University and the classes will begin at that university from august. I have summer work at current university which could take till august.\n\n\nThe HR department of the university I'm going to transfer, sent me an offer letter and a **I9** form. \n\n\nShould I fill the form and submit to the university where I will be start working from August even though currently i'm working at my current university? \n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"What does the \"submitting\" I9 form?"} {"Id":3671,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-15T14:35:26.390","Score":18,"ViewCount":9972.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-09-07T05:53:35.073","AnswerCount":4.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"This is a question out of curiosity only, indirectly inspired by my [last question](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/questions\/3670\/can-you-plead-the-fifth-to-avoid-revealing-the-identity-of-someone-you-were-accu) post. I'm wondering at what point not reporting a crime is itself a crime.\n\n\nI know that if someone happens to witness a bar fight and doesn't immediately call the cops they are not guilty of a crime (or I assume they aren't, unless they're technically guilty and simply never prosecuted for it). This implies that the refusal to report a crime is not, by itself, a crime.\n\n\nHowever, I'm also pretty sure if, for example, a women knows her boyfriend is sexually assaulting their child and turns a blind eye to it she can be convicted as an accomplice to the crime. Likewise, I think if you're riding in the car with someone who does a hit and run you are required to report it or be an accomplice.\n\n\nSo I'm wondering where this line is drawn. At what point does one's involvement become such that they are guilty simply for failing to report another individual, assuming they have not actively done anything to directly support the crime otherwise?\n\n\nFurthermore, if someone is indirectly benefiting from a crime they do not encourage or facilitate \u2013 for instance a wife getting a new fur coat after her husband robs a bank despite her not approving of the husband's actions \u2013 does this make her an accomplice? Is there a line here to draw, presumably a bar serving a drink to someone they know is a bookie doesn't make them guilty, even if the bookie presumably earned the money he is using to buy the drink via an illegal job?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"At what point does refusal to report a crime make one an accomplice to a crime?"} {"Id":3347,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-04T21:57:52.823","Score":2,"ViewCount":144.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-05T01:14:13.113","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Company A is selling products to Company B at a highly discounted price. Part of the agreement is that Company B cannot resell the products.\n\n\nConsider the following clause in a contract between the two companies:\n\n\n\n> \n> Company B may not resell any products purchased from Company A at a discounted price.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nNow consider the same clause, but with a reason provided:\n\n\n\n> \n> In order to prevent toilets from overflowing, Company B may not resell any products purchased from Company A at a discounted price.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nSuppose the 2nd clause is in effect and Company B goes ahead and turns a profit by reselling the discounted products. However, no toilets overflowed as a result of this action. Is the clause weakened (harder to enforce) due to a nonsensible reason being provided?\n\n\nObviously the \"reason\" is hypothetical, but I believe the question stays the same if you substitute anything in its place that did not occur as a result of the resale.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Can a contract clause be weakened by providing a nonsensible reason for it?"} {"Id":37672,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-02-27T15:27:52.983","Score":0,"ViewCount":298.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-07-27T16:02:40.297","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I haven't been able to find any clearance on this. There are these \"monsters\" in Doctor Who called the Weeping Angels. I love the concept and would want to use it in a VR game.\n\n\nBut are these copyrighted, is the actually statue itself or even the concept of having them move only when you see them claimed? I understand things like the daleks or his robot little dog can be copyrighted but an angel statue?\n\n\nFor reference here is one of them:\n\n\n[![](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/1BqlJ.jpg)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/1BqlJ.jpg)\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"The \"Weeping Angels\" (statues) from Doctor Who"} {"Id":5324,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-11-20T14:49:16.633","Score":0,"ViewCount":44.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-11-20T18:05:43.107","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have an employment contract I'm signing and there's a clause for *Assignment of Inventions* that states *pursuant to California Labor Code 2870*. Does this imply that if I don't live in California, this clause still applies?\n\n\nHere's the full paragraph from the document:\n[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/oRZt2.png%5C)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/oRZt2.png%5C)\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"What does 'pursuant' entail?"} {"Id":5051,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-11-06T08:29:39.940","Score":1,"ViewCount":316.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-11-06T12:06:00.590","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm asking on behalf of my friend.\n\n\nShe has a full-time job at a university, and she worked for a month during summer at another company in a form of an at-will employment. \n\n\nThere was no formal contract, although she signed a certain document specifying the conditions of employment, which states in itself that it is not a contract.\n\n\nAfter she stopped working at the new company and came back to the university, she realized that the signed document stated the condition that she should not receive salary from her original employer (the university) while working at the company. Since she was unaware of this condition, the university had already paid her salary, which potentially brings a dual employment issue.\n\n\nSince she never singed a contract, it's technically not a breach of contract, but she did sign a document which stated the condition of at-will employment.\n\n\nShe seems to have inquired both the university and the company whether she can return her salary for the period or change her status from employment to 'visiting'(company) or 'break'(university), but seems to have been rejected.\n\n\nLooking from the company's side (since the university is abroad), could this be a legal problem?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Dual Employment for At-Will Employment"} {"Id":4585,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-10-19T05:01:37.973","Score":5,"ViewCount":1506.0,"LastActivityDate":"2022-03-09T03:03:15.283","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"My friend's beauty salon and beauty product shop was inspected some time ago and in the inspection report it is noted \"Surveillance camera in the shop\". \n\n\n**Now I am wondering what the inspector might have actually meant with that note on her inspection result? Is there a law that requires notice to be posted?**\n\n\nI can't find anything in regarding cameras so it might be mentioned under different regulations.\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Do I need to post a notice in beauty salon if surveillance camera is on premises (California)?"} {"Id":30217,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-07-13T15:19:06.967","Score":0,"ViewCount":115.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-07-13T18:04:48.740","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"A Boston Herald database posted information about government employees' salaries [here](http:\/\/www.bostonherald.com\/news_opinion\/databases). Can a person named in the database remove their entry?\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"How to remove an entry from Boston Herald database"} {"Id":6024,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-12-24T04:39:06.650","Score":6,"ViewCount":144.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-12-25T22:59:23.687","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In Ontario, Canada, are you entitled to a copy of your employment background check? Does it matter of you were offered the job or not? Is there a time limit? \nBackground check consists of reference check, criminal record and credit history. \n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Are you entitled to a copy of your employment background check?"} {"Id":5031,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-11-05T08:47:11.430","Score":2,"ViewCount":52.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-11-05T19:10:50.800","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":7,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I've been developing an app to augment a Tabletop RPG (mainly for dice pool and roll and damage calculation according to the game's rules). Is the app considered to be a derivative work of the game (the rulebook in particular)?\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Could Software be a Derivative Work of RPG?"} {"Id":1050,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-07-11T04:17:21.310","Score":8,"ViewCount":502.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-21T14:50:46.560","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"So I just finished watching The Fugitive. At the end of the film\n\n\n\n> \n> Sam Gerard realizes that Kimble is innocent\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nand takes him into custody. However, at that moment, in the eyes of the law, Kimble is guilty of murdering his wife.\n\n\n**How would Dr. Kimble go about getting himself declared innocent?** He's already had a trial, so he can't be tried again for the same offense. He obviously needs to appeal, but on what grounds? The trial was conducted properly (we presume), the evidence that would clear his name simply hadn't been uncovered.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"How would Dr. Richard Kimble go about getting himself declared innocent at the end of The Fugitive?"} {"Id":31377,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-08-30T21:34:42.687","Score":1,"ViewCount":257.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-08-30T23:57:19.207","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I like the idea that businesses can specifically hire homeless people who need it, but what I'm not quite sure of is how businesses are able to do that on an arbitrary basis, because as far as I know they are supposed to make the position publicly available and conduct interviews for any applicants. \n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"How do people hire only specific demographics but not face discrimination suits?"} {"Id":4447,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-10-14T02:36:43.867","Score":1,"ViewCount":114.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-10-14T19:30:57.503","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"NASA's ISS live feed is center to an app that I am developing. I am wondering if it is copyright infringement to embed the live stream in my app. I think that it might be ok to use it because according to US copyright law, any US government work is not protected under copyright law. First of all, is this true? Second, because NASA is part of the US government, does that mean that NASA's ISS live stream is owned by the US government, and therefore not protected by copyright law?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Legally Using NASA Material"} {"Id":22417,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-09-04T14:42:42.737","Score":1,"ViewCount":612.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-11-03T23:03:51.260","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Lets suppose Party A creates material and decides to distribute it under some restrictive license entailing fees or similar.\n\n\nParty B now obtains a copy from the copyright holder A and makes it available under some less restrictive license (which violates the license agreement with A).\n\n\nParty C now obtains a copy from B.\n\n\nWhat are the implications to B and C provided that:\n\n\n* B obtained the copy legally\/illegally\n* B made the copy available under the less restrictive licence knowingly\/unknowingly\n\n\nAlso, are there significant differences in EU\/US?\n\n\nI am asking simply as an interested amateur and have no serious background in law. \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Can you be held accountable for copyright infringement due to a mistake by a third party?"} {"Id":5177,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-11-12T17:56:37.777","Score":5,"ViewCount":121.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-11-12T22:25:12.297","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm not a lawyer, so I'm only familiar with a small cross section of civil suits, but it seems to be a general trend that lawyers are very hesitant to publicize any part of a case. Even when the adversary has huge vulnerabilities because of the nature of the civil suit, the lawyer insists you keep quiet, in order to \"not make them mad.\" Instead, you pay the lawyer to keep filing documents and orders, asking for \"christmas lists,\" etc, while they other side does the same, and in the end, it's often a war of attrition, and the little guy loses. However, anecdotally, it seems that a number of cases resolve themselves within hours or days after an appropriate post on social media or call to a journalist. Corporations that rely heavily on their public image and understand their exposure will suddenly see that balance shifted against them and do everything they can to settle as humanely and quickly as possible. \n\n\nMy first conclusion is that using social media cuts into the usual business of lawyering, and so culturally, this would not be welcome around law firms. Is there a better explanation for this?\n\n\n","text_label":"civil-law","title":"Is there a reason lawyers are hesitant to use the media against an adversary?"} {"Id":13878,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-08-26T18:32:11.563","Score":2,"ViewCount":7366.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-09-09T08:12:39.733","AnswerCount":4.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I was employed for a local glass company installing shower doors. When I was finished I would take a picture of it with my phone. My employer knew I was taking the pictures and did not object. I never signed anything saying I could not use the pictures. \n\n\nLong story short I no longer work for that glass company and I've started my own glass business. I'm also now in competition with my ex-employer. I've posted those pictures to show my potential customers pics of my work. My ex-employer is threatening to sue me for using pictures that I took of shower doors that I installed while employed by them. My question is who owns the copyright of those pics me or my employer? Taking pictures was not expected or demanded of as part of my employment.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Who owns the copyright to pictures I took of my work (not as part of my employment)?"} {"Id":38338,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-03-22T21:53:36.617","Score":-2,"ViewCount":89.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-03-24T04:57:50.007","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"While I am located in Europe, I am generally interested in how this is handled in different countries. This is not a current question, but more a theoretical question, about how the law \"generally\" works. I am aware, that different countries may have very different laws, but I would still like to read answers, regardless of the country.\n\n\nLet's imagine, that I get a contract, which claims something along the lines of \"A admits, that all the code he has written for this company has always exclusively belonged to the company\". \n\n\nThis is basically an admission to a fact.\n\n\nLet's imagine, that I have a condition for this admission and add: \"This contract is void, unless payment of X happens before xx.xx.xx.\"\n\n\nOr let's even imagine, that I add \"this contract is void, unless I get a bag of coke before xx.xx.xx.\".\n\n\n1. Does me signing the contract count as an admission of the fact, even if my condition was not met?\n2. What if my condition was illegal or for some other reason invalid. Would this invalidate the whole contract or would it only invalidate the condition?\n3. If the counter party uses the contract in court as proof of my admission, would they need to sign the document as well in order to make the contract valid, thereby accepting the condition?\n4. Let's imagine an even more explicit situation: I am accused of murder. I make a deal, where I admit to the murder, but as compensation I demand a new car. The DA doesn't sign the deal or accept it, but later uses my contract signature as proof my guilt. After all it is a written admission.\n\n\nPlease feel free to edit my question title, there is probably a better way to formulate this question.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Can an unacceptable \/ illegal condition in a contract be ignored without voiding the whole contract?"} {"Id":49453,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-02-26T21:39:40.267","Score":-1,"ViewCount":191.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-02-27T21:33:48.720","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":7,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Can a case against a US serviceman be brought before the Federal government against those responsible for killings in war zones, like drone operators?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Can US drone strike pilots be charged with murder?"} {"Id":35759,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-12-29T05:27:42.157","Score":0,"ViewCount":656.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-12-31T03:56:09.440","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Basically, can I find a popular meme online and use it in a video-game that I am making money off of without giving credit or royalties to the creator \/ owner as often these are hard to find and people using these memes is so common.\n\n\nFor example, there is a grumpy cat meme picture at that meme pages often use, can I use it?\n\n\nMeme pages often use and steal memes from each other without giving credit and then make money through ads and stuff. This seems to be internet culture so is it ok for me to \"steal\" and use memes and make money off of them?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Are memes fair use"} {"Id":47995,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-01-07T18:03:07.953","Score":-1,"ViewCount":1630.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-04-18T19:46:22.167","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Since 1.14, Minecraft has replaced all there texture files with new textures. They still offer the old ones as \"Programmer art.\" I am making my own block sandbox game, and I need textures. However, since the old Minecraft textures are no longer officially in use, how legal is it to use them in my own game, if I cite Mojang? Or should I hit the pixel editor and make my own?\n\n\nWould it be any less legal to use:\n\n\n[![New diamond block](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/wf1bA.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/wf1bA.png)\n\n\nas opposed to:\n\n\n[![Old diamond block](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/pWbdm.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/pWbdm.png)\n\n\nsince the second one is no longer officially in use? What if I edit them slightly? My question is not black and white. As explained, there are other factors.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"How legal is it to use the OLD Minecraft textures in my own game?"} {"Id":22009,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-16T20:11:29.193","Score":0,"ViewCount":80.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-10-21T22:36:28.637","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I don't know if this is the right place for this question or if there is a better one, if so, please forgive me :) \n\n\nI recently bought an Apple Watch and soon enough found out that WhatsApp does not support the Watch, which made me kind of sad. Since i'm a software developer, I had the idea of simply building and distributing such an app through the app store for the other watch owners that felt the same. After searching a little bit, I found some code that I could get working which interacts with [web.whatsapp.com](http:\/\/web.whatsapp.com), but also stumbled upon [this](https:\/\/github.com\/venomous0x\/WhatsAPI) repository where the developer seems to have gotten into trouble with the WhatsApp Inc.\n\n\nSince I am not experienced in any kind of law (especially not american), I wanted to ask whether it is allowed to build such an app (in general). Where the boundaries of that are, especially for making profit of it, like: In-App-Advertisment, Donations or other ways of making profit. Another interesting thought on profit was to make a website that acts as landing page, that has advertisment on it, what about that ? \n\n\nAs far as I know I am also not allowed to use the Trademark \"WhatsApp\", any name that is close to \"WhatsApp\" or their logo or a logo that is looks too similar to the WhatsApp Logo ?\n\n\nI know that are many questions and it's probably super specific, but that's why I would be even more stoked if somebody could answer them! Thanks in advance!\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"WhatsAPI Use for iOS App - legal\/illegal ? & Specific boundaries?"} {"Id":4438,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-10-13T11:53:24.360","Score":5,"ViewCount":991.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-04T19:33:10.943","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am a non-UK student studying in the UK. I have a visa and everything is pretty good, but my visa states that I can work no more than 20 hours per week. I don't want to have any problems, so how can I freelance, for instance, and prove that I have worked not more than allowed?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"How to freelance in the UK without violating the terms of my visa?"} {"Id":2010,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-08-24T06:39:34.063","Score":7,"ViewCount":1788.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-15T23:47:02.407","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Lots of bits and pieces of information and chaotic data spread across the web and it does cost an arm and a leg to gather them together to form something larger and consistent that would prove to be much more useful.\n\n\nIs it legally viable to **scrape** these **factual data** \/ information from different websites, compile and re-organize them as databases \/ data sets that will then be licensed under a **proprietary license**?\n\n\nThus far after some research, I find factual data can't be **copyrighted**, but the particular compilation \/ structure of data can. Does this mean I can do whatever with the scraped factual data as long as I have my own unique **data organization \/ compilation \/ structure**?\n\n\nFor example, I want to make a business information database off hundreds of different websites and then radically re-organize \/ re-structure \/ re-index these different data sets into one database that is better than any of the sources. Can I proprietorially **license** this particular database I made?\n\n\nI know I can never own the data as they are straight facts. Right? But can I **OWN** the particular data organization and legally profit from it?\n\n\nWe are operating in US, but the data could be from websites on other continents.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Scraping factual data off the web and re-organize to release under proprietary license?"} {"Id":9184,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-05-12T00:59:33.517","Score":0,"ViewCount":119.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-05-12T17:38:24.230","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":7,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am not a law professional at all but I all of a sudden realized something to which I cannot find a reasonable answer. In customs (or in similar law-enforcement acts), why is the burden of proof on the subject but not on the state?\n\n\nCASE 1) If Acme Inc. imports some agricultural products, then she needs to demonstrate that everything complies with the biosafety regulations rather than the officers proving a violation. Then Acme needs to perform any necessary test by herself.\n\n\nCASE 2) If it is claimed Mrs. X is insane and needs a guardian, then the burden of proof is with the plaintiff. Mrs. X need not prove that she is a reasonable person to a public authority every single minute to remain officially sane.\n\n\nMy interpretation for the case 2 is that somebody is assumed to be reasonable by nature unless something happens. But why is some\"thing\" is not OK by default?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Burden of proof at customs"} {"Id":25611,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-01-26T04:16:00.037","Score":7,"ViewCount":3583.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-01-26T05:19:14.000","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"When filing their USA Federal taxes, someone might want to state more income than they actually had, for [reasons](https:\/\/money.stackexchange.com\/questions\/89942\/can-i-buy-social-security-credits\/89984#89984). This would result in paying more taxes than the person actually owes. \n\n\nSpecifically, this unreal income would be reported on 1040 Schedule C, line 1 or line 6. \n\n\nAre there any laws or IRS regulations which prohibit that? Since the \"error\" (actually, deception) is in the government's favor, would there be any penalty other than $0? \n\n\n[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/1pN5I.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/1pN5I.png)\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Is there any penalty for intentionally over-reporting income on your 1040?"} {"Id":41079,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-05-16T09:01:06.467","Score":-1,"ViewCount":69.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-05-16T14:19:14.043","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":11,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I have been working with this client for 3 years and recruited a number of permanent staff for them (recently there has been changes in their management). A month ago I submitted a candidate cv to the hiring manager, at the time they had no vacancies. Last week I spoke with my candidate who informed me that she had an interview with the same client the week before and accepted an offer via another recruitment agency!\n\n\nOur Terms and conditions state: An introduction fee will be charged in relation to any Candidate engaged as a consequence of or resulting from an introduction, whether direct or indirect, within six months from the date of our introduction.\n\n\nTherefore my thought process is I introduced the candidate first to the client and she has been engaged within 6 months of my submission so I should be entitled to a fee?\n\n\nOne of the managers from my client contacted me and advised I am not entitled to a fee for this candidate as there was no vacancy at the time & it was unsolicited.\n\n\nI have consent from the candidate and email trails advising her where her cv has been submitted & the client confirmed they received her details from the other agency after me\n\n\nAny advise or help on this would be appreciated.\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Recruitment \/ Employment Law on agency introduction dispute"} {"Id":36828,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-02-03T20:23:28.143","Score":0,"ViewCount":1284.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-03-07T17:44:31.010","AnswerCount":4.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"According to this man...\n\n\n\n\n> \n> The modern notion that the separation of these powers implies opposition or incompatibility is a gross misrepresentation of the founders beliefs and intentions, imposed on the nation by a cabal of hyper-partisan Democrat secularists led by Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black (a virulent anti-Catholic and one-time member of the Ku Klux Klan), along with his co-conspirator Lyndon Baines Johnson, author of the \u201cJohnson Amendment\u201d that purported to ban church involvement in politics.\n> \n> \n> Black wrote the majority opinion in the 1947 US Supreme Court case Everson v Board of Education which redefined the separation of church and state as a barrier to church\/state cooperation \u2013 reversing over 150 years of legal precedent in which it had been recognized as a facilitator of church influence in government. It was this early and egregious example of judicial activism in Everson that shifted America from following the Judeo-Christian presuppositions of the founders to the Secular Humanist presuppositions of Cultural Marxism: preventing government from recognizing the authority of God in our law and history.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nExcept I know the founding fathers said differently. \n\n\nIt goes both ways then?\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"Does the establishment clause prevent schools from promoting religious doctrine as truth?"} {"Id":25703,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-01-29T21:46:54.223","Score":3,"ViewCount":75.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-01-30T18:34:22.873","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Are there any restrictions on using content included under the [D&D System Reference Document](http:\/\/media.wizards.com\/2016\/downloads\/DND\/SRD-OGL_V5.1.pdf)?\n\n\nAs a hypothetical, if I were writing a fantasy book, could I freely throw in a Yrthak or Gray Render with no restrictions?\n\n\nI'm thinking of publishing a supplement for another RPG under their Open Game License that includes creatures in the D&D SRD, which has all relevant information in its first pages.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Am I allowed to freely use content included in the D&D SRD?"} {"Id":3732,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-17T00:38:57.700","Score":10,"ViewCount":756.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-04-02T18:40:54.317","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Say I use three cameramen to record a pro golfer's swing at a public event in order to subsequently digitize the path of the swing in 3-space. Say I then program a baton (like a Wii remote or a smart phone taped to a golf club) to vibrate and\/or beep when the device doesn't move through space along the same path and at the same speed as the original golf swing. (In other words, the device lets you \"feel\" what the pro's swing is really like: as you swing, the more the device will vibrate and beep the more you deviate from the programmed swing. On the other hand, the closer you duplicate the speed and position of the original swing, the quieter the device remains, so you can try to find the preferred \"groove\".)\n\n\nWould it be legal to sell the program and data, without any consideration going to the golfer whose swing is being duplicated?\n\n\nSay the software is embedded with the necessary hardware in a golf club handle that could be attached to any club.\n\n\nSay the software or device being sold didn't replicate a particular golfer, but instead let you download \"path\" files from servers, so that if someone posted a \"Tiger Woods 5-iron\" file or a \"Bubba Watson 3-wood\" file, you could load that \"training\" file into the device. Would that be like song or movie players, where the device is legal, but the file being downloaded or played might not be?\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Is it illegal to \"sell\" a pro golfer's swing?"} {"Id":47560,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-12-19T02:25:32.013","Score":1,"ViewCount":243.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-12-19T02:25:32.013","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Can the Good News Translation (GNT) of the Bible (copyrighted by American Bible Society) be quoted for commercial usage as part of a book's (ebook, paperback & audiobook versions) or if that would infringe upon their copyright?\n\n\n (last bullet below) suggests it can't be used for any commercial usage\n\n\n\n> \n> Summary of Fair Use Policy (All conditions must apply):\n> \n> \n> \u00b7 No more than 500 verses in total may be reproduced without\n> permission\n> \n> \n> \u00b7 Scripture\/Verses may not make up more than 25% of the new work\n> \n> \n> \u00b7 Verses quoted do not amount to 50% of a complete book of the Bible\n> \n> \n> \u00b7 All Scripture must be properly cited with the appropriate copyright\n> notice (see below)\n> \n> \n> \u00b7 The book or product must be available for non-commercial use.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n - bullet #1 seems to suggest it can be used if used within the limit specified there & bullet 2 (which includes verbiage for commercial usage) only applies if it exceeds the bullet 1's limits:\n\n\n\n> \n> Policy for use of the Good News Translation (GNT)\n> \n> \n> General Statement: The GNT text may be quoted in any form (written,\n> visual, electronic or audio) up to and inclusive of five hundred (500)\n> verses without written permission, providing the verses quoted do not\n> amount to 50% of a complete book of the Bible nor do the verses\n> account for twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the total text of the\n> work in which they are quoted. This permission is contingent upon an\n> appropriate copyright acknowledgment \u2013 (see below).\n> \n> \n> Use of the GNT beyond above limits requires written permission.\n> \n> \n> Commercial Use: Commercial use means use in any product offered for\n> sale, lease, rental or barter on any level. Rights and permissions\n> requests for the GNT in media intended for commercial use should be\n> addressed to The American Bible Society, 101 North Independence Mall\n> East FL8 Philadelphia PA 19106-2112, USA . Request shall contain the\n> following information:\n> \n> \n> (1) exact portions to be quoted,\n> \n> \n> (2) the medium in which those portions will be quoted,\n> \n> \n> (3) estimated percentage of the total text of the work made up of the\n> GNT text,\n> \n> \n> (4) any additional material to be included in the work, such as\n> additional text, illustrations, photos, etc.,\n> \n> \n> (5) the purpose, number of copies or reproductions, and distribution\n> of the use in which the GNT is quoted, and\n> \n> \n> (6) the sale or lease price of the work, or other income to be\n> received.\n> \n> \n> For commercial use outside of North America, please send your requests\n> as detailed above to the American Bible Society. If the GNT is used as\n> the lyrics for a song, you must obtain permission prior to production\n> of the same.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Quoting the Good News Translation (GNT) of the Bible in Books (Commercial Usage) - Allowed or Infringes Copyright?"} {"Id":45214,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-02T22:11:49.647","Score":1,"ViewCount":88.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-10-02T22:42:06.357","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"My picture is on a non profit organization without my permission. Can this be removed ? The title at hand states recovering sexual abuse .\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Can a person use a picture of me for a non profit organization? It\u2019s on the internet and I\u2019m not happy about it?"} {"Id":34358,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-12-14T02:15:15.633","Score":0,"ViewCount":1165.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-12-14T18:14:03.610","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I've done some first page of Google research on signing vs refusing to sign a traffic ticket. I understand that it's technically illegal not to sign, though one can still refuse in any case. I also understand that not signing means one can be taken into custody rather than be released on their own recognizance with a promise to appear in court or settle the ticket in the alotted time.\n\n\nSo knowing all this, is it ever OK, or beneficial to still refuse to sign a ticket?\n\n\nThis question was prompted by watching a YouTube video, where an off duty police captain claimed he witnessed a violation, for which he had another officer pull the driver over and issue them a citation, which they refused to sign, because the issuing officer was not a witness, and the violation itself was contested by the driver.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"When is it OK to not sign a traffic ticket"} {"Id":50574,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-04-08T23:13:35.083","Score":1,"ViewCount":50.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-04-09T00:38:54.560","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"In Rock Advertising Ltd. v. MWB Bus. Exchange Centres Ltd [2018] UK 24 Lord Sumption lists reasons why No Oral Modification clauses are beneficial.\n\n\n\"The first is that it prevents attempts to undermine written agreements by informal means, a possibility which is open to abuse, for example in raising defences to summary judgment.\" at para 12. \n\n\nI do not understand the example he gives, how does this undermine a contract?\n\n\nThanks\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"How is \"raising defences to summary judgment\" an example of a contract being undermined that can be prevented with a NOM clause?"} {"Id":7955,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-03-23T14:34:37.023","Score":3,"ViewCount":299.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-05-22T13:01:16.773","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Is it against the law to aggregate and publish legally gathered, publically available information such as:\n\n\n* Social media usernames\n* Real names\n* Date of Birth\n* City\/Country\n* Screenshots of posts\/comments\n* Email address\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Is it illegal to aggregate and publish publically available personal information?"} {"Id":46223,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-11-06T14:25:18.887","Score":0,"ViewCount":64.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-11-07T17:33:09.097","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am writing a science paper for school and I am including the name of a product. Do I need to include the registration symbol after the name of the product?\n\n\n\"The monitor that was used in this experiment was the Garmin Vivoactive (\u00ae?).\"\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Do I Need to Use the Registered Symbol?"} {"Id":31649,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-09-11T09:53:47.390","Score":-2,"ViewCount":160.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-02-07T00:10:44.523","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":12,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am making a software which would do gridcomputing (i.e combine many computers processes to speed up a Function\/App\/Computer) I would post it online like a virus and spread to computers. This software will not take any of data. Delete it. Use it. It will only use a little bit of internet and 10MB of RAM.\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Is it illegal to post a software without permission?"} {"Id":4005,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-25T22:12:03.720","Score":2,"ViewCount":83.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-29T22:02:31.690","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I would like to write a music player for Windows, in C++ or C#, and maybe sell it. I would like to use mciSendString, and I was wondering if I would have to pay any royalties to Microsoft.\n\n\nQuestion 1: Can I use ALL of C# .NET in making premium apps without paying for a license to Microsoft?\n\n\nQuestion 2: If not, can I use mciSendString, again without paying any royalties to Microsoft?\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"Programming languages and APIs licenses"} {"Id":48209,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-01-15T21:34:55.887","Score":0,"ViewCount":77.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-02-15T05:01:40.210","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Sorry if this is in the wrong place or just a dumb question. It honestly expect it to be rejected. However...\n\n\nI'm curious if there's a term for the human inability to fully predict what it will be like living under the terms of a legal contract. I'm talking about having an intellectual understanding of the contract at the time of signing only to realize later that you didn't-- and couldn't-- predict the emotional response you would have to it. \n\n\nTo be clear, I'm not asking if the contract is legal or enforceable. I'm talking about an inability to truly, viscerally understand what life under the terms of the contract would be like at the time of signing.\n\n\nThis question has to do with a home owners' association. I believe it was impossible to truly understand how obnoxious and petty the HOA would be just by reading the text of the contract. I believe that they rely on this human characteristic to not fully \"get it\" until after the fact when it's too late. I'm wondering if others in my neighborhood have had the same reaction but I need a name to call it, if there is one.\n\n\nAny ideas?\n\n\nThanks\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"What is the term for the human behavior of not being able to truly understand what it means to abide by a legal contract until after the fact?"} {"Id":9168,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-05-11T14:44:09.757","Score":1,"ViewCount":132.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-05-11T18:09:21.323","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Private WoW servers use a novel core, but need to be populated with maps, DBC files, and other content in order to actually have anything aside from an empty \"world.\" Blizzard so far has refused to offer legacy servers themselves, but has gone after private servers.\n\n\nOne of the arguments that people use in support of Activision\/Blizzard, in regard to them refusing to releasing IP for use in constructing legacy servers, under a free to use license, is that doing so would reduce their claim on the IP. Is this true, and if so, why?\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Would Blizzard releasing intellectual property under a free to use license reduce their claim to the IP?"} {"Id":21164,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-07-12T20:36:43.077","Score":0,"ViewCount":187.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-09-11T07:07:10.430","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I have been looking up the laws of copyright for games. A lot of the stuff you find is pretty vague so it can be extremely difficult to have a good understanding of what you can\/can't do. There are a range of different styles things can be done in, so how would it be determined if something is \"too similar\" and therefore infringes copyright.\n\n\nThis came into thought while looking at \"Zelda - A link to the past\". The game itself is very basic in design, 2D low resolution textures etc. If this were to be remade in 3D which would look completely different to the original style, could it still be considered too close? Does this account for storyline too, can you copy that?\n\n\nI read this in another post:\n\n\n\n> \n> Copyright will protect only the computer program in the form written by a programmer i.e. its source code. Neither the functionality of a computer program, nor the programming language or the format of data files used in a computer program in order to exploit certain of its functions constitute a form of expression of that program, and thus, those are not protected by copyright\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nSo is storyline considered functionality and therefore exempt? It's too vague and is quite intimidating, any information on this subject would be interesting.\n\n\nKeep in mind, I am not looking for advice but rather a broader understanding of such a vague concept. \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"What is considered \"too similar\" in copyright? Game Development Specific"} {"Id":25023,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-01-01T15:21:21.803","Score":1,"ViewCount":2778.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-12-26T22:48:24.200","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Are app stores that host free yet copyrighted APKs without the author's explicit permission legal? Examples include APKMirror and APKPure.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Are properties like APKMirror or APKPure legal?"} {"Id":7083,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-11T22:52:13.577","Score":0,"ViewCount":1802.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-02-11T23:00:31.317","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Say that someone knew a person of interest's full name and made a request to obtain certain information using someone's name who has permission\/legal rights to view that material, and addressed that the info was sent to a specific address from which returned mail could be obtained by the poser. Given that this isn't identity theft and sending snail mail under another person's name to OR from 2 disclosed locations is legal, could the fact that the information is being read by someone unauthorized make it an illegal act itself? I ask because this is something hardly considered in law.\n\n\nNorth American law in particular, specifically Anglophone laws for the most part.\n\n\nI am certain that sending a request under someone else's name isn't illegal because millions of people do it all the time and it's the reason why people find unexpected bills and subscriptions from which they never recall signing up for. Also, if such a thing were illegal, it's unlikely anyone could prove it.\n\n\nBut this is besides the point.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Is making a request under someone else's name in order to obtain information illegal?"} {"Id":41868,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-06-07T15:05:23.567","Score":0,"ViewCount":1425.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-04-16T22:46:37.243","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"A few friends and were having an argument on the following situation:\n\n\nPeople can sign up for [Steam](https:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/) accounts for free, letting them purchase games and play games over their network. Users are able to create public profiles for their accounts, a nickname, real name, location, etc - but this is not essential (sometimes people put fake information, but a considerable number of people put legitimate information). Via [OpenID](https:\/\/openid.net\/what-is-openid\/), users are able to authenticate and identify themselves to various other websites.\n\n\nSome games, for example Dota 2 (published by [Valve](https:\/\/www.valvesoftware.com\/en\/), who also run the Steam network) use publicly visible Steam IDs of players as unique identifiers within their games - in order to track information about their users, including reports, statistics, etc.\n\n\nProvided that a user consents, part of their data from matches they play in is exposed via an API. This includes stuff like what character you played, your performance in game, etc. This allows 3rd party websites to show you interesting statistics about the games you play.\n\n\nThere is another API (also run by Valve) which allows users to download \"replays\" of the matches, so users can rewatch what happened. Within these replays are, regardless of what a user's consent status may be, users' uniquely identifiable Steam IDs. This allows 3rd parties to track users even if they've not opted into 3rd party sharing.\n\n\nMy questions are:\n\n\n1. Is a Steam ID \"personal data\"?\n2. Is the sharing of data to a 3rd party by Valve without consent against the GDPR?\n3. If #2, How would I make a formal complaint about this.\n\n\nAnswer mostly important for an EU user, but would be interested if there were US comparisons.\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Are Steam account IDs (and telemetry data associated with Steam IDs) deemed personal data?"} {"Id":38406,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-03-25T14:40:14.630","Score":2,"ViewCount":208.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-03-25T20:06:00.700","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"A person is presented with a contract with a consulting company, of which he will be a client\n\n\nSection 8. Indemnification (see below) seems to me to be contradicting itself, but I could be misunderstanding something. Could someone please give me a plain explanation as to what this paragraph is saying in regards to indemnification and hold harmless?\n\n\n\n> \n> 8 Indemnification\n> \n> \n> Each party hereto (the \"Indemnifying Party\") agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each other party (each, an \"Indemnified Party\") and all employees, representatives, directors, officers, shareholders and persons affiliated with the Indemnified Party against all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, settlement costs and any reasonable legal, accounting or other expenses for investigating or defending any actions or threatened actions)(collectively \"Losses\") incurred by the Indemnified Party arising out of or resulting from (a) the gross negligence, willful misconduct or fraud of the Indemnifying Party or (b) a breach by the Indemnifying Party of its representations and warranties, covenants or other obligations under this Agreement. In addition, except in the case of fraud or willful misconduct, the Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Dara and its respective employees, representatives, directors, officers, shareholders and person affiliated with them against all Losses incurred by them in the performance of their obligations under this Agreement.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Explain: indemnify and hold harmless (seems contradictory)"} {"Id":11016,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-06-16T13:10:24.830","Score":1,"ViewCount":19.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-06-16T13:10:24.830","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"[Antlr](http:\/\/www.antlr.org\/index.html) is a parser generator. [This](http:\/\/docs.oracle.com\/cd\/B28359_01\/appdev.111\/b28370\/toc.htm) is the official Oracle reference for PL\/SQL.\n\n\nIf I use the information in the reference to create a PL\/SQL parser, would this have any legal implications?\n\n\nSince the reference is freely available to public, I initially thought not but being freely available to public might not imply that I may use the reference for however purpose.\n\n\nSo, would using the official Oracle reference to create a software be legal?\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Legality of using official Oracle reference to create a parser?"} {"Id":3720,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-16T19:59:02.627","Score":2,"ViewCount":135.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-17T00:35:01.240","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I setup an account with a debt collection service. The collectors will collect my debt for a percent taken from the owed amount. If I sue my client for unpaid debt and win a summons proceeding, do I have to pay my collector? Nothing to this effect was written in the collector's contract between us.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Do I have to pay my debt collector if I collect my debt myself?"} {"Id":37470,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-02-21T11:40:55.970","Score":0,"ViewCount":91.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-02-22T15:25:53.743","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am a German citizen permanently living in Germany. Is it legal to be employed by a company located in Mauritius and work 100% remotely without ever visiting Mauritius?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Work remotely in a EU country for a non EU company"} {"Id":6011,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-12-23T17:30:40.690","Score":2,"ViewCount":1810.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-07-12T01:52:38.943","AnswerCount":4.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"**Background:**\n\n\nRecently, some cards for an upcoming Magic the Gathering Set(trading card game) were leaked to the public a month before Wizards of the Coast(the company that makes Magic) intended to tell the public about the cards. \n\n\nThere's a lot of controversy in the Magic community right now, about these leaks, and Wizard's of the Coast's response to the leaks. If you want to read more about it, you can go to a magic fansite.\n\n\n**Question:**\n\n\nAssume the following:\n\n\n* You have absolutely no contractual obligation to the company that has anything to do with company secrets.\n* You are exposed to information about a product, including photos of that product that the company is going to release to the public.\n* Let's assume your friend told you this information. You don't know where your friend got this information.\n* The public knows **a** new product is coming out, but they don't have the specific information that you've been exposed to.\n* The company definitely does not want information of this product leaked to the public.\n* The company definitely does not want **you** to know this information.\n\n\nThen:\n\n\n1. Is it illegal to leak that information to the public?\n2. If so, then if enough people know that information, does it become legal to spread that information?\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"When is reposting company secrets illegal"} {"Id":6164,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-01-04T17:09:14.707","Score":2,"ViewCount":113.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-01-04T17:09:14.707","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":7,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm developing a mobile app and recently discovered that another app was published to the iOS App Store in 2011 with a similar name and almost identical function. Should I anticipate copyright trouble by releasing my app?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Two mobile apps have same function\/near identical names - copyright trouble?"} {"Id":49394,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-02-25T10:17:59.933","Score":1,"ViewCount":55.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-02-25T14:13:21.803","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I want to find raw information about Harvey Weinstein's trial.\nVerdict, protocol, court documents, etc.\n\n\nPreferably from an official government source.\n\n\nHelp or links appreciated \n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Where can I find the verdict of Harvey Weinstein's trial?"} {"Id":16656,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-01-26T06:19:23.053","Score":2,"ViewCount":328.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-02-26T00:15:43.797","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Company *A* buys company *B*. Company *B* has contracts with additional parties (say Buyer *X*, Merchandiser *Y*, Consultant *Z*, and others).\n\n\nCan Company *A* refuse to honour the contracts established by Company *B*, or cancel their validity, after the sale is complete?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"One company buys another. Does it also take over existing contractual obligations?"} {"Id":18646,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-04-28T00:05:11.743","Score":1,"ViewCount":702.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-03-13T08:53:17.233","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Is it illegal (or criminal) to break a contract? For example when you agree to a websites Terms of Service, if you violate a term, are you breaking the law?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Is it illegal to break a contract?"} {"Id":28650,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-05-19T09:31:56.107","Score":0,"ViewCount":452.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-05-19T11:27:15.813","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Can dividend once declared be revoked or cancelled?and tell me some cases if any.\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Revocation or cancellation of declared divided"} {"Id":32180,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-10-02T03:20:55.257","Score":0,"ViewCount":91.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-02T04:21:45.147","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"What is the difference between copyright infringment and intellectual property violation?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"What is the difference between copyright infringment, and intellectual property violation?"} {"Id":39398,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-23T23:18:17.953","Score":0,"ViewCount":83.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-04-24T11:22:42.443","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Paul Davies. [*JC Smith's The Law of Contract* (2018 2 ed)](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Smiths-Law-Contract-Paul-Davies\/dp\/0198807813\/ref=dp_ob_title_bk). pp. 425-426.\n\n\n1. This question's title refers to the red underlines beneath.\n2. What exactly is this 'legitimate interest protected' by exorbitant credit card interest rates?\n\n\n\n> \n> [![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/7O7H7.jpg)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/7O7H7.jpg)\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"How does the 'legitimate interest protected' by exorbitant credit card interest differ from that of exorbitant interest 'on outstanding fees'?"} {"Id":21089,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-07-08T16:13:10.647","Score":-2,"ViewCount":90.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-07-08T19:39:07.100","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If there is a copyrighted book that I want to be freely available (for whatever reason), is it possible through legal means to make it available to everyone? When I say freely available I mean to publish an ebook that is free or a website that has the whole book online. Would it involve contacting the publisher (if the author is deceased) or author and making some sort of deal? If known what would such a deal potentially entail (one time payment, multiple payments based on usage, or some other criteria)? I live in the US.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Process to make a copyrighted book freely available"} {"Id":15582,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-12-01T00:44:17.977","Score":1,"ViewCount":173.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-12-01T03:50:13.950","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"original: \n\n\nI originally asked this question in academia, and although I received a lot of comments I'm looking more fore a legal viewpoint. so I thought I would post one here.\n\n\nEdit: There is some information I originally left out but I want to include here.\n \\*\\*1) the only thing I have documented from me and the professors exchanges is my email mid semester asking her for office hours, conversations were made on phone. \n 2) The university did not restrict native speakers to take this course. \n\n\n3) The reason I was comfortable with originally not showing up to class was because 2 native speakers did the exact same thing before me, and when I asked about the legality of it they told me the professor said it was okay we speak it, and that the prof wants to enroll more students in order to \"open\" the section. this went over my head, and at the time I thought it was normal as many colleges give credit for competence.\n 4) Public institution\\*\\*\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Reasking in Law forum from academia- Can i defend myself?"} {"Id":14183,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-09-23T22:58:31.040","Score":3,"ViewCount":570.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-09-23T23:12:15.557","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Have a situation with a customer that I`m not exactly sure how to handle. (We are located in Maryland but this job was done in Virginia)\n\n\nWe cleaned a vehicle on a new white concrete driveway. In the process of cleaning the vehicle, we left a minor stain on the driveway.\n\n\nThe customer wants us to pay $2400 to get the driveway resurfaced (and threatening to sue if we don't pay). This seems extreme considering that the discoloration is minor and looks like what would naturally happen to the driveway after a few months of weathering.\n\n\nI would like to get an idea of how things like this are normally resolved for when I talk to the customer again and attempt to work things out. I don't know much about law, but it seems like we might be liable for the extra wear on the driveway, like if we left it in a state similar to what it would look like after a year, we'd liable for a year of the wear?\n\n\nHow is liability normally calculated in this type of scenario, basically assuming that the damage is very minor but the cost of completely undoing it is the the cost of replacing the whole thing?\n\n\n[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/qVx7X.jpg)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/qVx7X.jpg)\n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"Customer wants $2400 for minor stain on driveway, how to calculate what we actually owe them?"} {"Id":3755,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-17T16:38:51.907","Score":4,"ViewCount":74.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-18T12:02:58.280","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"**Scenario:** \n\nA British artist dies and the 70 years pma rule comes into effect. However, his daughter sits on the board for the artist's foundation and does not want copyright to expire after 70 years. Can she renew copyright for his works somehow and if so, what are the limitations on this? \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Renewing copyright for an artistic work"} {"Id":45954,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-29T15:00:22.737","Score":0,"ViewCount":1729.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-12-30T04:04:20.443","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"So for instance, could I develop an energy bar and market it as the \u201cHouston Bar\u201d? \n\n\nOr even just have a bar with \u201cHouston\u201d on the packaging that was self evidently a bar.\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Are towns and city names trademarked?"} {"Id":4480,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-10-15T15:13:22.283","Score":3,"ViewCount":336.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-09-30T07:51:08.587","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"A few years ago a school teacher in the US lost her job when it was discovered that she had previously performed in pornography. There was no suggestion that she was a poor teacher, it was simply the fact that she had an embarrassing past that got her fired. She had not mentioned it when applying for the job, it was only discovered by her students recognizing her in a video seen on the internet.\n\n\nMore recently the EU Right to be Forgotten has been used to prevent a web search associating innocent people with criminals mentioned in news stories.\n\n\nThe owner of Oink's Pink Palace was fired when he was arrested for copyright infringement, but subsequently found innocent. In such cases it seems that the accused often does not get their job back, despite being dismissed over something that turned out to be perfectly legal.\n\n\nGenerally speaking, in the UK what employment rights does a person have when their past is potentially embarrassing? Former jobs, former criminal convictions now spent, former involvement with \"undesirables\" etc. Can they be fired, and if not what specific laws protect them and to what extent?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"What legal employment rights do people with an embarrassing past have?"} {"Id":47365,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-12-11T15:12:54.790","Score":0,"ViewCount":59.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-12-11T16:15:58.763","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Is it likely that a person could be arrested for verbally stating that they wish they could be sharp enough to commit a huge crime, in front of a policeman?\n\n\nFor example (and of course it depends on the jurisdiction), would I be arrested if I say a thing like \"I wish I was able enough to steal billions from the bank\"? \n\n\nJurisidiction: UK, US, Italy.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Being detained for a hypothetical sentence"} {"Id":24140,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-11-15T14:10:29.543","Score":1,"ViewCount":40.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-11-15T20:53:49.927","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I want to use the apple maps for a ios application and saw this in license: (c) reproduce, modify, translate, or create derivative works of the Service or any portion thereof; \n\n\n1.Integrating maps and putting multiple CUSTOM markers will violate the license?\n\n\n2.How about the modifying map colors, will it violate the license?\n\n\n3.Is there a requests per day\/month usage limit?\n\n\nI cannot understand what violates the license and what doesn't. Thanks in advance for response\n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"Adding markers\/colors in an IOS app that is using apple maps violates the license?"} {"Id":1626,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-08-04T16:53:21.393","Score":2,"ViewCount":560.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-09-10T15:55:19.820","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I run a group in the UK on meetup.com which offers free walks\/hikes in my local area. There are over 200 \"members\" but I am the only organiser of walks. I don't charge my members and expenses ($15 US = \u00a310 UK per month for meetup.com subscription) are paid out of my own pocket.\n\n\nI am thinking of starting to charge for the walks - I will give people the option of paying per walk or a yearly subscription. This will cover my subscription and allow me to buy public liability insurance. It would not be run for profit - if there is a surplus, I will simply reduce the subscription\/charge in the next year, or put it towards a Christmas meal for the members, or donate it to charity. The annual turnover would be small - less than \u00a3400 a year.\n\n\nMy question is this: *would I have to register this as a business with HMRC, and would I be required to fill out tax returns each year, or keep accounts?*\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"Not for profit sole trader in UK"} {"Id":16985,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-02-07T20:04:26.370","Score":3,"ViewCount":1295.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-02-10T00:32:43.263","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Follow on to [At what point and how should I change the license\/Copyright notice when I create a derivative?](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/questions\/1121\/at-what-point-and-how-should-i-change-the-license-copyright-notice-when-i-create).\n\n\nWhen an author revises and publishes an updated version of her\/his previously published work, does the revised edition count as a new (derived) work for purposes of establishing the Copyright date?\n\n\nFor example:\n\n\nFirst edition: \"Copyright 2010, John Q Author\"\n\n\nSecond edition: \"Copyright 2017, John Q Author\"\n\n\nI understand that the Copyright of the original would not be extended, but would the revised edition have its own, or would it also expire when the original edition expires?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Changing Copyright date notice for a revised edition"} {"Id":29852,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-06-28T14:28:41.303","Score":1,"ViewCount":450.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-06-28T15:22:59.017","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I was recently charged a $5 fee in error by a California based tech company. I disputed the charge via app and they issued me a \u201crefund\u201d in credits for future use of their service. I have not been able to contact the company in regards to getting my payment method refunded. I\u2019m upset at this shady business practice, because I am out of the $5 for their error no matter what and the only way I can experience the refund is if I use their service again. Personal feelings aside, I\u2019m genuinely interested if this is a legal way to conduct business. \n\n\nCan a company erroneously charge customers and issue credits as refunds instead of refunding the payment method directly?\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"Is it legal for a company to erroneously charge you and refund you in credits?"} {"Id":38951,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-04-09T17:08:26.563","Score":0,"ViewCount":86.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-04-09T17:42:43.613","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"In some pages there are links to books on archive.org, does anyone know if these links can be trusted when it comes to not violating copyright rules?\n\n\nI am particularly interested in a book from \"Mir publishers\". This publishing company closed down, does that make its copyrights void or am I obliged to buy from the remaining copies?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Wikipedia links to books & Mir publishers"} {"Id":35445,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-12-16T16:42:24.763","Score":1,"ViewCount":73.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-09-08T17:18:33.443","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I am in the process of filing for a wage garnishment again a previous employer and one of the forms as asking me to supply the interest rate that the outstanding balance will be increased by if not paid.\n\n\nI have a judgement against them that lists the total amount but nothing that mentions the rate if there were to be no payment.\n\n\nThe official text is as follows:\n\n\n[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/68jLm.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/68jLm.png)\n\n\nIs there some type of public standard rate out there that would be used in the event it is not explicitly mentioned?\n\n\nEdit: I found this website : \n\n\nIt appears that I find the date that comes right after the judgement issue date and that is the interest rate? **In this case it looks to be 2.34% per year?**\n\n\n[![enter image description here](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/Ihuwz.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/Ihuwz.png) \n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Where could I find interest accrual rates for wage garnishments?"} {"Id":9519,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-05-27T06:45:36.010","Score":0,"ViewCount":66.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-05-28T08:38:19.070","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"A company has been closing all my social media account, saying I infringe their copyright. Their documents say they have the name (example) 'Chocolate Cookie Extreme Baking Company'. In their text however they claim they own the name 'Chocolate Cookie' in the whole baking industry. Is this even possible?\n\n\nMy name is 'ChocolateCookie Company' (note the lack of a space there) and therefor I think they are not in their right. However I do not own the trademark for 'ChocolateCookie Company'. Do they?\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Do they own this trademark?"} {"Id":38468,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-03-27T02:28:40.010","Score":2,"ViewCount":186.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-03-28T22:15:44.200","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Consider this\n\n\n1. An American uses a fake scan of a Canadian passport over the internet to open an offshore bank account\n2. The account is never used\n3. No quantifiable damages are incurred\n\n\nIs the American liable for criminal fraud?\n\n\nAlso which federal agency would prosecute? The Diplomatic Service seems to only handle fraud of US passports, and only in immigration, drugs, terrorism and related crimes.\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Does 18 U.S. Code \u00a7\u202f1543 apply to foreign passports?"} {"Id":45240,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-10-03T21:13:50.483","Score":0,"ViewCount":200.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-07-31T14:05:15.630","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Under what guise of law, would state actors (UK, US, etc.) be able to issue secret (unpublished) subpoenas that require industry \/ utilities to provide government **access** to their systems? Examples of **access** include [phone companies, which were forced during the Clinton administration to build digital networks that government agents could tap.](https:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/attorney-general-calls-on-facebook-to-limit-message-encryption-plans-11570130636?mod=hp_lead_pos2)\n\n\nThe modern day version of \"tapping\" is dismantling end to end encryption of messaging systems such as Facebook or WhatsApp\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Is there precedent of secret subpoena that compels government access?"} {"Id":15602,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-12-01T12:09:31.167","Score":1,"ViewCount":245.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-12-02T21:30:57.410","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Due to trademarks I cannot call my new company **AppleComputers** or **CocaColaBeverages** *(obviously)*.\n\n\nWhat if I start using #AppleComputers hashtag in my tweets or posts on Instagram?\n\n\n**In other words: Is using a *#hashtag* of a trademark infringement?**\n\n\nI think that this area of law is new and there might not be many precedents...\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\nBonus question: Does the intention matter? What if I make it clear that I'm not associated with Apple? Even if in my mind I make it clear, who decides *(Judge, Jury, Attorney, Prosecutor)* whether it was clear enough?\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\n**EDIT \/ UPDATE:** An example *(just made it out)* might be Greenpeace using #StopShell #StopExxon #StopBP #StopFossilFuels... My general question is use of the hashtag in social media channels. Domain \/ website can be seized but the hashtag will prevail...\n\n\n*(the concept of creating resilient channel of communication)*\n\n\n","text_label":"trademark","title":"Using #hashtag on social media - does trademark protection apply and is it possible to get sued for damages?"} {"Id":6217,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-01-06T18:40:28.533","Score":1,"ViewCount":794.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-04-15T21:31:16.550","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Is it legal to post dark web exploration videos (e.g. exploring virtual drug markers without buying anything) on YouTube without any trouble (I live in Europe, Estonia to be specific)?\n\n\nAnd clearly I'm not going to buy anything, just \"exploring\". So does anyone know? I'm pretty sure I saw series like that by OrdinaryGamers or something, but can it differ from country to country or something?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"Dark web youtube videos - legal to post?"} {"Id":17581,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-03-06T04:35:37.687","Score":0,"ViewCount":64.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-03-06T19:39:15.473","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Completing taxes, they're asking a question:\n\n\n\n> \n> Was you [Province or State] resident on December 31?\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nWhat does exactly it mean?\n\n\nIf I was abroad at this day, I'm still a resident? Or not?\n\n\n","text_label":"tax-law","title":"resident on December 31"} {"Id":51672,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-05-21T15:27:03.697","Score":1,"ViewCount":57.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-05-22T04:01:01.460","AnswerCount":0.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I have been wfh part-time and sharing childcare responsibilities since the beginning of lockdown. I am an EU citizen working in the UK and have asked my employer for the possibility to wfh from my home country for a few weeks provided that borders are open and we are not required to go back to the office. Can they legally refuse that?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"UK - WFH from EU country"} {"Id":49652,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2020-03-04T13:01:11.670","Score":0,"ViewCount":76.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-04-04T01:02:15.287","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":4,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If a statute states a mitigating or negating circumstance to a criminal charge, who has the burden of proof, the prosecution or the defense?\n\n\nFor example, if a state statute says that it is criminal for a person to threaten another, but in the same statute it says that such a threat will not constitute a crime if the threatened person was trespassing on the defendant's property, then who bears the burden of proof that the threatened person was trespassing (or not trespassing).\n\n\nIn other words, if the law has an exception to a criminal charge, who must prove that the exception does or does not apply? What is the precedent?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"Who bears the burden of proof of a mitigating circumstance if the statute does not state it?"} {"Id":31567,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-09-07T19:16:42.077","Score":-2,"ViewCount":758.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-08-14T11:47:45.770","AnswerCount":4.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I'm new to creating music and trying to understand how everything works.\nI have been trying to look for instruments I like and I just can not find any good download packs. I have even bought a couple expensive ones but it's just not what I want.\n\n\nI have recently found out about \"stems\" and some songs I really like have some stems available to download. \nI would like to download these stems and take the instrument they use in it. For example If they use a trumpet I will take the trumpet track, cut out 1 trumpet note and re-pitch and edit it to however I like and put that in my song.\n\n\nNo, I do not want to make a remix. I am not taking the WHOLE track. I am ONLY interested in the instrument they use. If this is not possible then could I go onto youtube, download a video where someone plays their guitar, take one note they play on that guitar and edit it and put that in my song?\n\n\nIs this legal? Do other people do this? \n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Am I allowed to use other peoples instruments in my music?"} {"Id":21886,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-10T22:18:31.953","Score":2,"ViewCount":1030.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-08-26T02:24:51.773","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I'm playing around with the idea of transcribing some of my favourite podcasts and recorded talks, putting them up on a website and accepting donations from users to hopefully help support some of the costs.\n\n\nWhat are the legal implications of doing this? Am I even allowed to publish the transcriptions without permission?\n\n\nI'm in Aus but happy to hear US advice as most of the content I'm interested in is from there anyway.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Copyright implications of creating transcripts?"} {"Id":15237,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-11-14T14:16:41.983","Score":1,"ViewCount":2448.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-11-16T02:33:41.367","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Source: p 33 Middle, [*JC Smith's The Law of Contract*](https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/gp\/product\/0414041801\/ref=pd_sbs_14_t_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=8AWSERSMKG5WTHNPGVKS) (2016) by [Paul S. Davies](https:\/\/www.law.ox.ac.uk\/people\/paul%C2%A0s-davies).\n\n\n\n> \n> If the procedure envisaged in *Eccles v Bryant* is followed and each contract is concluded\n> only when an exchange through the post is complete, there is a grave risk that X may find\n> that he has committed himself to buy Y 's house, but that W has changed his mind and\n> refuses to buy X's house, with the result that X has two houses on his hands. And Y may find\n> that he has committed himself to sell to X, but that Z has changed his mind, meaning that\n> Y is left without a house at all. The risks are inevitable because of the delay involved in the\n> process of exchange. If the solicitors of all four parties could meet together and exchange\n> the signed parts of the contracts virtually simultaneously, all risk could be eliminated; but\n> it will usually be impracticable for them to meet. A solution has been found in a system of\n> 'exchange' by telephone. If all the contracts have been signed and all the parties are ready\n> to proceed, W 's solicitor may agree to hold the contract signed by W **to the order of** X's\n> solicitor who in turn will agree to hold X 's signed contract to sell to W **to the order of** W 's\n> solicitor. X 's solicitor will also agree to hold X's signed contract to buy from Y **to the order\n> of** Y 's solicitor\u2014and so on down the chain. Some of the contracts may have been physically\n> delivered in advance and held to the order of the delivering solicitor until the time agreed\n> for the 'constructive' (or notional) transfer. But it seems that there need be no physical delivery at all.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nThe OED lacks the correct definition, as the following do not pertain:\n\n\n\n> \n> [23.] [a.](http:\/\/www.oed.com\/view\/Entry\/132334?rskey=qd1pq4&result=1&isAdvanced=false#eid33289311) *Law.* A decision of a court or judge, made or entered in writing. In the Supreme Court: a direction of the court or a judge other than a final judgment.\n> \n> \n> [b.](http:\/\/www.oed.com\/view\/Entry\/132334?rskey=qd1pq4&result=1&isAdvanced=false#eid33289408) *Banking and Finance.* A written direction to pay money or deliver property, made by a person legally entitled to do so.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"What does 'to the order of' mean (excluding contexts of bills, promissory notes)?"} {"Id":41888,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-06-07T21:04:40.507","Score":2,"ViewCount":75.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-06-07T21:31:45.367","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"NJ EZ Pass claims that a vehicle registered to me violated a toll. The vehicle is neither mine, nor is it registered to me. I mailed my dispute with a copy of my registration of the vehicle I own. \n\n\nNJ EZ Pass replied stating that my dispute required documentation from the DMV regarding all the vehicles registered to me for the past 5 years. I sent them this documentation of vehicles I've had registered to me for the past 15 yrs (which had the raised seal of the DMV) through certified mail so that I would get the receipt of delivery.\n\n\nI just got ANOTHER notification about the original violation of this vehicle which is not registered to me, but which they insist is.\n\n\nI would appreciate any guidance with this situation. The phone numbers on the website are automated only.\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"NJ EZ Pass Toll Violation"} {"Id":31975,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-09-23T21:32:09.147","Score":2,"ViewCount":461.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-04-07T14:55:55.527","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"This is quite long-winded and I've tried my best to simplify it as much as possible. I'll clarify if needed.\n\n\nLegal jurisdiction here is US and UK law (if there's a difference).\n\n\nThere are three scenarios here. \"The Employee\" is accused of sexual harassment in all three.\n\n\nWe need to take into account the following which apply for *all* scenarios:\n\n\n* The Employee is **guilty** of harassing their co-workers at Company A.\n* Any investigations conducted are done correctly and fairly.\n* The Employee is a publicly visible figure and a figure of authority having a management role.\n\n\nScenario 1 \u2013 Two Simultaneous Employers\n\n\n\n> \n> The Employee is working for both Company A and B **simultaneously**. They are accused of harassing multiple co-workers. Company A's investigation finds them guilty and they are dismissed. Company B finds out after taking the Employee on as the allegations are made public by the victims.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nScenario 2 \u2013 Fired and then Hired\n\n\n\n> \n> The Employee is accused of harassing multiple co-workers. Company A's investigation finds them Guilty and they are dismissed. They then get a job at Company B. After starting, B discovers this incident, although there are no grievances against the employee from co-workers at Company B and their disciplinary record at B is otherwise clean.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nScenario 3 \u2013 Allegations arise after Moving\n\n\n\n> \n> The Employee leaves Company A to start a better job at Company B. Their disciplinary record is clean; i.e., no grievances were made against them before leaving Company A. After working at Company B for a while, former co-workers from A make a statement alleging that they were harassed by the Employee when they worked at A. Company B determines that this behaviour has not occurred with co-workers at Company B.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nCan *Company B* dismiss the employee in any of these scenarios, even if they conduct an investigation concluding that the behaviour **was not** repeated while working with Company B? If they *can*, should they?\n\n\nDoes *Company B* have any obligation to investigate the employee's behaviour?\n\n\n","text_label":"employment","title":"Can you be fired over behaviour in a second\/previous job?"} {"Id":8572,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-04-15T12:56:15.460","Score":2,"ViewCount":3638.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-10-08T19:29:28.950","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"If I use Microsoft's Text-to-Speech engine on text whose copyright I own, who owns the rights to the resulting audio file? Do I own it in every instance, or are there restrictions of the IP rights I have over the resulting audio files?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"What is the Copyright status of audio files created with Microsoft's Text-to-Speech engine?"} {"Id":30170,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-07-11T20:16:56.323","Score":0,"ViewCount":56.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-07-12T14:50:58.173","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I'm about to publish a paper. It will be in PDF format. I want others to copy and share that file. But I don't want them to modify the content.\n\n\nWhat copyright license I should use for that?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"How do I let others to share my research paper but without modifying its content?"} {"Id":6515,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-01-20T18:07:08.653","Score":2,"ViewCount":790.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-01-21T23:24:35.973","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Is it legal to upload videos that show how to cheat in games?\n\n\nFor example: Using Game Guardian or Lucky Patcher or decompiling the APK with APKTool and changing it.\n\n\nI want to do that, though I think it may be a problem because cheats are kind of **against** copyrights I'm guessing.\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Is uploading game cheats to YouTube an infringement upon copyrights?"} {"Id":6207,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-01-06T08:34:38.783","Score":6,"ViewCount":96.0,"LastActivityDate":"2021-08-28T23:01:30.160","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":8,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I'm developing some apps that rely on RSS feeds for it's contents, these apps never store the feed data, and always pull the fresh atom xml from the server. I limit the char count to 100 chars, so it won't display all the post content on the listing, and then redirect the user to a webview with the content owner's site open, so they receive their visit as they should.\n\n\nMy apps main sell points are the opportunity to favorite posts on the app, and the notification when new posts arrive. Other than that, it is a RSS reader, as many other, that is subscribed only to one feed.\n\n\nThe site owner asked me to remove the app as they didn't like it. I contested them saying that it is fair use, and refused to remove. I do have banners on it, but just on the listing screen and favorites screen, and the content is displayed bannerless.\n\n\nWhat you people think? I'm in trouble? As I don't \"republish\" it, just merely display, nor I store their data, am I safer?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"RSS client and copyright"} {"Id":1291,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-07-23T01:52:05.630","Score":2,"ViewCount":110.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-08-22T06:25:46.493","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"If a bank staff member has access to my financial information, and has then disclosed some of this information (for example, my account balance) on social media, what remedies are available to me? Will there be a difference if I suspect this person acted maliciously? \n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"What remedies are in place for disclosure of financial information?"} {"Id":9552,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-05-28T21:59:39.443","Score":0,"ViewCount":41.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-05-31T07:59:51.630","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"For a comparison portal, that just lists and compares the products developed by others, it is allowed to copy the product description and the product tehnical details from the official website of the manufacturer?\n\n\nThank you!\n\n\nBest regards\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Comparison portal is allowed to copy the product descriptions from manufacturer?"} {"Id":22163,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-08-24T15:28:55.400","Score":3,"ViewCount":68.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-08-24T17:19:21.820","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am in the 17th month of a 24 month contract with a company (ISP A) to provide internet services. They got bought out by (ISP B) this month.\n\n\nI have not paid any money to this new company as of yet. (Invoice is due on the 1st of each month).\n\n\nThe new company added an extra \"Universal Service Fund\" fee that I never had to pay for before. The fee is ridiculous and I did not agree to it in any form.\n\n\nFirst of all, am I obligated to finish out my contract? And secondly, do I have to pay this extra fee? how can I control this? they could charge me $1000\/month in some \"extra random fee\"? \n\n\nthanks for your time!\n\n\nand PS: There is no provision in the contract talking about the company being acquired.\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"Contract Law: Company gets Aquired"} {"Id":3991,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-25T18:12:14.587","Score":1,"ViewCount":1660.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-25T19:05:46.097","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"So, I have bought a lot of things that came in physical format: movies, songs, video games, and all sorts of other digital media.\n\n\nHowever, things like CDs and DVDs are rather annoying -- they take up space and they're always getting lost and dirty and whatever.\n\n\nWould it be legal to copy all of the media I bought to my own hard drive (or an external one), as long as I don't make the media publically available (upload it to a torrent site or whatever)? Would I have to destroy the original media? Can I make backups of this non-original hard drive?\n\n\n","text_label":"copyright","title":"Can I duplicate media for personal use only?"} {"Id":47106,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-12-04T14:37:32.333","Score":1,"ViewCount":491.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-12-05T00:51:40.423","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"In Ron Engineering, the supreme court ruled that a \"Contract A\" is formed when a bidder submits a bid. This seems to imply that Contract A is formed **by** the bidder, not the receiver of that bid, unilaterally. As I understand Ron Engineering, Ron Engineering made a mistake and could not retract their bid. In effect, Ron Engineering was not let out of Contract A.\n\n\nHowever, as Contract A is usually explained, it protects bidders from poor practice from people receiving bids. For instance, if the receiver does not go with the lowest bid due to other bids having additional terms not spelled out in the original tender, the lowest bidder can sue. This appears to be the complete opposite of the decision in Ron Engineering.\n\n\nSo what does Contract A really do, and who is bound by it?\n\n\n","text_label":"contract-law","title":"In Canada's famous \"Ron Engineering\" case, what really is protected by Contract A?"} {"Id":31576,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-09-08T00:16:49.693","Score":-4,"ViewCount":69.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-09-12T12:57:18.560","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"The wording of this paragraph is not clear to me. Does the value of the Phantom Units equate to 0.25% of the FMV or do they equate to 0.25% of 10% of full FMV?\n\n\n\n> \n> The number of Phantom Units granted hereby is intended to equate to\n> one-quarter of one percent (0.25%) of the Fair Market Value of the\n> Company as if the maximum number of Phantom Units that may be awarded\n> under the Plan are outstanding, inclusive of the Phantom Units granted\n> hereby, which in the aggregate represent 10% of the Fair Market Value\n> of the Company, and the remaining 90% of the Fair Market Value of the\n> Company is represented by the outstanding Class A Units held by the\n> Founder Group.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nFor example: Assuming the contract awards 100 Phantom Units and the company is valued at $10M which of the following two calculations correctly interprets the value of the Phantom Units? \n\n\nA) 0.25% of 10% of $10M = $2,500\n\n\nor \n\n\nB) 0.25% of 100% of $10M = $25,000\n\n\n","text_label":"contract","title":"What is the value of these phantom shares?"} {"Id":40621,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-05-01T21:32:33.703","Score":1,"ViewCount":18.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-05-01T21:37:16.180","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"The UK maintains a database of \"registered designs\", and by registering your design here (in my basic understanding) this affords some degree of legal protection against others copying your design, or making a similar design.\n\n\nIn this case however (), someone has registered a design that's a model of a locomotive. Since the design is deliberately a rather faithful, scaled down copy of the original, what implications does this have if I, or someone else wanted to make a model of this same locomotive? It would, by definition, have to be incredibly similar to the design shown, maybe even identical in many aspects. Certainly an average member of the public wouldn't likely be able to tell the difference.\n\n\nDoes this mean that I'm effectively barred from making a model of this same locomotive (which seems ludicrous), or would the circumstances here mean that the registered design is invalid?\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Registering a model of an existing item as a protected design in UK"} {"Id":861,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-06-30T19:11:22.840","Score":6,"ViewCount":308.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-06-30T20:38:53.263","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I am developing a game, and will be using guns in my game, I just am unsure of a few things. From what I understand, I need written permission to use the name of a gun due to the name being IP, but what about the gun's actual design? If I were to recreate a gun to give it the same 'Look', would infringing upon IP even be something to worry about?\n\n\nEdit: I am not looking for a way to rip-off someone's IP, just for information so that I can get some guns designed, I am not full of ideas for what they should look like, so I'd like to base the design off of real guns.\n\n\n","text_label":"intellectual-property","title":"Usage of a gun's design"} {"Id":16859,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-02-02T20:21:30.867","Score":2,"ViewCount":223.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-02-02T22:33:06.180","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"According to the [Windows 10 (Retail) license terms](https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/Useterms\/Retail\/Windows\/10\/UseTerms_Retail_Windows_10_English.htm):\n\n\n\n> \n> c. Restrictions. The manufacturer or installer and Microsoft reserve all rights (such as rights under intellectual property laws) not expressly granted in this agreement. For example, this license does not give you any right to, and you may not:\n> \n> \n> ...\n> (v) **use the software as server software**, for commercial hosting, make the software available for simultaneous use by multiple users over a network, install the software on a server and allow users to access it remotely, or install the software on a device for use only by remote users;\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n\\* emphasis mine\n\n\nI'm thinking of getting [one of these](https:\/\/www.microsoftstore.com\/store\/msca\/en_CA\/pdp\/InFocus-Kangaroo-Signature-Edition-Mobile-Desktop-Pro\/productID.855405800) and using it in a build farm. (A build farm is a group of computers whose primary purpose is to download source code and compile applications \u2014 often for different platforms.)\n\n\nThe device includes a licensed copy of Windows 10 Home. Would using the device for the purpose described above fall within the scope of the license? In particular, I am concerned about the first phrase (\"use the software as server software\"). This seems a bit vague. What type of usage would this prohibit?\n\n\n","text_label":"software","title":"Would using Windows 10 Home on a PC in a build farm violate the license terms?"} {"Id":10781,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-06-06T17:28:48.377","Score":1,"ViewCount":186.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-06-07T13:41:45.993","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I would like to sell items online, and came across [this story about a person who sold a $40 printer](http:\/\/www.indystar.com\/story\/news\/2016\/06\/06\/he-sold-40-printer-then-he-sued-indiana-30000\/85219140\/) and ended up (so far) paying over $12,000 in legal fees.\n\n\nWhat could I do to prevent this situation on a site like Craigslist?\n\n\n","text_label":"liability","title":"How can I protect myself from a prolific, abusive litigant?"} {"Id":41138,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-05-17T16:26:28.083","Score":1,"ViewCount":187.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-05-18T00:59:45.153","AnswerCount":3.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"A [recent answer](https:\/\/law.stackexchange.com\/a\/41091\/104) had this law quote\n\n\n\n> \n> shall not be liable for damages in any action brought in a Federal or State court\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nand this explanation\n\n\n\n> \n> they cannot be sued over their actions\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nI posted a comment\n\n\n\n> \n> This statement is not accurate \"they cannot be sued over their actions\" they can be sued, anyone can be sued for anything in the US, per the law they can not be found \"liable for damage\" not the same thing.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nThen I went looking for reference that supports my comment, and did not find one. \n\n\nCan I be sued if if the law says I am not liable? \n\n\n","text_label":"civil-law","title":"Can I be sued if if the law says I am not liable?"} {"Id":15738,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-12-09T23:25:15.660","Score":2,"ViewCount":185.0,"LastActivityDate":"2020-12-27T23:55:55.573","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":1,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"Paedophile hunting seems to be on the rise (see e.g.: [Paedophile hunters: Should police be working with vigilantes?](https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/magazine-37708233), BBC News, 9 December 2016), and I'm surprised that it seems to lead to convictions (e.g.: [Paedophile jailed after vigilantes set Bluewater trap](https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/uk-england-kent-37726408), BBC News 21 October 2016). While what they're attempting might be abhorrent, it seems to me that technically all they've *actually* done is have a sexually explicit conversation with another consenting adult. What are they being convicted of?\n\n\n","text_label":"criminal-law","title":"What are the alleged perpetrators convicted of after being caught by a paedophile hunter?"} {"Id":13342,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-08-13T15:49:22.097","Score":4,"ViewCount":339.0,"LastActivityDate":"2016-08-13T16:22:54.197","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":5,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Am I allowed to lowercase an ALL CAPS section in a license?\n\n\nExample:\n\n\n\n> \n> The MIT License (MIT)\n> \n> \n> Copyright (c) 2015 Andrej Karpathy\n> \n> \n> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\n> a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n> \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n> without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n> distribute, sublicense, and\/or sell copies of the Software, and to\n> permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\n> the following conditions:\n> \n> \n> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\n> included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n> \n> \n> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\n> EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n> MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\n> IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n> CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\n> TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\n> SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\\*\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nI want to lowercase the last paragraph when I redistribute it:\n\n\n\n> \n> The MIT License (MIT)\n> \n> \n> Copyright (c) 2015 Andrej Karpathy\n> \n> \n> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\n> a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n> \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n> without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n> distribute, sublicense, and\/or sell copies of the Software, and to\n> permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\n> the following conditions:\n> \n> \n> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\n> included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n> \n> \n> The software is provided \"as is\", without warranty of any kind,\n> express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of\n> merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.\n> In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any\n> claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract,\n> tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the\n> software or the use or other dealings in the software.\\*\n> \n> \n> \n\n\n","text_label":"licensing","title":"Am I allowed to lowercase an ALL CAPS section in a license?"} {"Id":24508,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-12-01T19:11:15.717","Score":0,"ViewCount":102.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-12-13T01:32:27.980","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"In a recent [article](https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/us-news\/2017\/dec\/01\/trumps-ex-national-security-adviser-michael-flynn-charged-with-lying-to-fbi) in the Guardian:\n\n\n\n> \n> After months of silence and invisibility, Flynn walked into a federal courthouse in Washington DC on Friday morning and pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI. The plea was part of a larger deal with special counsel Robert Mueller\u2019s team, and strikes at the heart of the Trump White House.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nWhat are the possible penalities that Flynn could face? One article in New York Times mentioned a punitive five years in prison. Presumably a plea bargain reduces the maximum number of years he could face behind bars. Is there any other precedent that could give us some idea of what he might be facing in this situation - or is this situation entirely unprecedented?\n\n\nThe Guardian does mention:\n\n\n\n> \n> He faces a possible sentence of up to six months in prison in his guilty plea to the false statements charge.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nHow accurate is this assessment, or do we just have to wait and see?\n\n\n","text_label":"constitutional-law","title":"What are the possible punitive actions that Michael Flynn faces as he pleads guilty to one charge of lying to the FBI?"} {"Id":3440,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2015-09-08T02:54:24.680","Score":1,"ViewCount":155.0,"LastActivityDate":"2015-09-08T13:06:23.787","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":6,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"Say I'm selling at a swap-meet.\n\n\nA person who, unbeknownst to me, is operating another store in the same area approaches my stall and purchases an item (specifically an old, but still functional laptop), then later demands a refund after removing the screen and hard drive claiming \"*you said this still worked, but there is no screen or drive.*\" Shortly after providing a picture taken before opening (featuring the device still intact) and then pointing to a plainly-written sign stating \"No Refunds,\" the person proceeds to make a loud fuss in front of my stall for an hour or so.\n\n\nAs another example: Say I'm selling something on ebay.\n\n\nAnother store buys a $100 item and mutilates it upon receipt, then demands a refund claiming \"not as described.\" I refuse the refund and receive a negative review.\n\n\nI'm tempted to call the behavior in either case \"fraud & defamation of character,\" but I'm not sure if that applies here...\n\n\n","text_label":"business","title":"What is this called? E.G: Competition buys product, breaks it, and asks for a return"} {"Id":19398,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2017-06-06T16:19:26.833","Score":1,"ViewCount":161.0,"LastActivityDate":"2017-06-12T16:36:56.020","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"My website is hosted in the U.S. but I am using it for my professional services in Europe.\n\n\nThe website uses only technical cookies and anonymized analytics (Google Analytics).\n\n\nWhat should I specify in my privacy policy, except that these technical cookies and anonymized analytics are used?\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"What are legal requirements for privacy policy for a website hosted in the US, used in Europe and with technical cookies only?"} {"Id":36442,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2019-01-21T12:04:33.830","Score":3,"ViewCount":51.0,"LastActivityDate":"2019-01-22T15:28:55.537","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I'm in the process of buying a house and have paid for a survey to be done on the property.\nI have received a contract from the solicitor who will be conducting the survey for me and will provide me with a report of the findings. I found something interesting in regards to how they will use my personal information. The contract states:\n\n\n\n> \n> We will use the personal information you provided to us: \n> \n> - To supply the report to you \n> \n> - to process any payment for the report; and \n> \n> - If you agree to this during the order process, to give you information about similar products that we provide, but you may stop receiving this at any time by contacting us.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nMy question is focusing on the third bullet point. It's hard to decipher because I don't think the sentence makes sense anyway (copied exactly how the letter says), and it's possible there is a typo in there, but it sounds like they are saying I will have to opt *out* of their marketing, rather than opting *in* like the new GDPR law states.\n\n\nAt the back there is also a check list of things you agree to, such as I have read and understood the guide, understood that I cannot cancel my contract after the 'cooling period', and \"I agree to the privacy terms stated above\". There is no mention of marketing. \nWould that mean that I am agreeing to marketing, as per the third bullet point? \nThere is *no* tick box for \"I do not wish to be added to your marketing\".\n\n\nShould I contact the company and request a new contract?\nI am in the UK.\n\n\n","text_label":"privacy","title":"Is this privacy statement from a solicitors in line with GDPR?"} {"Id":31601,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-09-08T17:34:02.343","Score":4,"ViewCount":354.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-09-10T05:36:52.170","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":2,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"[![image of jim carrey](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/VRr6e.png)](https:\/\/i.stack.imgur.com\/VRr6e.png)\n\n\nBy opening this question, you have automatically sent some data to some random website on the internet, the website hosting the above picture. What data? This is the data that is usually sent:\n\n\n* Your IP\n* A cookie\n* The URL you are visiting (the URL of this question)\n* Your user-agent (typically including OS version, browser version, etc.)\n* The time when you first saw this picture (header: if-modified-since)\n\n\nThis can definitely be personal data according to the GDPR, and in practice in most cases **it is**.\n\n\n\n> \n> \u2018personal data\u2019 means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (\u2018data subject\u2019); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nThat data is sent somewhere automatically. Did you see any privacy policies? Did you accept anything? No, you don't know how that data will be used. Of course it could be sent to a stupid random website, that will never use it for anything. Or it could be sent to a big corporation, or to a content delivery network, or any website that is big enough to be able to track you with this data, because they have a lot of services (or just hotlinked images) around spread all over the web. Note: the data is actually sent to Imgur, which I believe would definitely be able to track you, given the huge amount of pictures on the internet that link to them.\n\n\nI've always seen people mainly worried about third-party assets (Google Analytics or Facebook buttons, etc.), some also began to worry about Google Fonts (that's a third-party asset too actually), but I don't think anybody ever brought up the issue of hotlinked images. That's third-party stuff. And communities like this one are basically allowing users to embed third party assets.\n\n\n**Who's responsible for this?** Is it the user's fault, because they should always make sure the image source complies with the GDPR? I doubt it. The website owner's fault (Stackexchange), because they should not allow hotlinking? I'd say yeah, probably. Or the third-party website's fault, for not complying with the GDPR? I'd say no, for all we know they could be based in a country that doesn't even know what the GDPR is.\n\n\nSo my conclusion is that hotlinking should be treated like loading a third-party asset, and if the website owner cannot check the privacy policies of every hotlinked image (for example because it would be impossible in a community like this one), then unsupervised hotlinking should be disabled because the GDPR does not allow it. Am I wrong?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"GDPR and hotlinked images: are they allowed?"} {"Id":32209,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2018-10-02T23:00:02.413","Score":0,"ViewCount":90.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-10-02T23:25:00.977","AnswerCount":1.0,"CommentCount":0,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 4.0","body":"I have someone that just Doxxed me online, by obtaining information from their own community using PayPal donate service. \n\n\nHe used personal information to harass me in the real world, by calling personal house phone and giving the number out publicly to friends in his community. Can he use information that he obtained from PayPal to harass someone outside his gaming community by giving out a personal name and phone number?\n\n\n","text_label":"internet","title":"I have someone that just Doxxed me online, by obtaining information from their own community using paypal donate service."} {"Id":6929,"PostTypeId":1,"CreationDate":"2016-02-04T20:52:12.953","Score":1,"ViewCount":1515.0,"LastActivityDate":"2018-04-19T14:09:46.773","AnswerCount":2.0,"CommentCount":3,"ContentLicense":"CC BY-SA 3.0","body":"I would like to know if it is legal to download the content of a website and display it in my own?\n\n\nThere is one way to include a website inside another: `