diff --git "a/NUFORC_Comprehend_Witness_TDS.csv" "b/NUFORC_Comprehend_Witness_TDS.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/NUFORC_Comprehend_Witness_TDS.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +ID,Context,Question,Answer +0,Nimitz encounter,How many witnesses where there?,0 +1,((NUFORC Note: No information provided by witness. PD)),,0 +2,"coming down flying very low around. about 25 round disks, around 3 with flashing red lights",,0 +3,"hazy blue huge falling star, no sound, followed by small light disapearing moving S>N and spyplane next.",,0 +4,"Green, red and white flashing lights. Visible in the eastern sky. Extremely slow moving upward Almost stationary. No other aircrafts visible",,0 +5,"A stationary object in the northern sky over Shuswap Lake, flashing colours of red, blue & white. I first noticed the object at 10:00 p.m. It is now 10:11 p.m. and the object is still in the same place.",,1 +6,"Spotted it behind my property next to Rt 476 North just out side of the turnpike tunnel, at 12:30 AM, then at 1:28AM it hovered over my mobile home no more then 25 ft., above, It's a large drone, doing work for the turnpike.",,1 +7,"Walking home when witnessed bright blue bursts of light that filled the whole sky just over mountain range on back side of Sun Valley. Bursts lasted for about 6 to 7 seconds then stopped. This happened three times, then stopped completely.",,0 +8,I saw the most awesome thing. Glad there was someone with me. It was huge. Couldn't see the whole thing. Bright strobing. Could feel the light? Colorful. I drew a picture. Never seen anything like it. Weird. Diamond strobing orbs?,,1 +9,"1 illuminated orb. Stationary near watertower on hillside. 90 min. of video taken. ((NUFORC Note: One of three similar reports from the same witness from Natalia, TX. We suspect that she may be looking at celestial bodies, but we cannot be certain. PD))",,1 +10,There were lights flashing at it vertices. The ufo we witnesed was unbelivable. We even got it on a camcorder.The shape of the object was triangler and had lights flashing at its vertices. It was also going in a pattern were it would go fast and slow down.,,0 +11,I have seen and still have them fallowing me . I have them on video hundreds they also interfere with my phone I can send you pictures and they put light that I think track me I promise .I tried to report to much and they are invisible or cloaking I need help please,,1 +12,three bright objects at a stand still east of denver! one medium object at stand still! second object below the top one! but way more illuminated than the other one's! third object can barely be seen through binoculars all objects looks like illumat ed horizontal line!,,1 +13,"We were driving, and it shot across the sky from the left to right. Thought it was a meterite but it was green.. The object was like a blob...it was green and it just shot across the sky, like a meterite. But it was green and very bright. It looked like it went down behind trees.",,0 +14,"Small, white, light in the northeast sky...disappeared Small white light in the Northeast sky. Viewed from interestate 81. Seemed to be moving quickly away from me in a eastern direction. Disappeared after several seconds of viewing. Other air craft (appeared to be an airplane) in the area as well.",,1 +15,"""V"" formation of 7 very small satellites, or tiny bright lights, traveling fast and directly overhead towards NE Appearance is best described as a ""V"" formation of 7 very small satellites, or tiny bright lights, traveling fast and directly overhead in a NE direction. Observable for about 10 seconds. No sound.",,1 +16,"Stays kinda in one spot, moves side to side like a jelly fish would move and freeze in the same spot for a few minutes then floats another in direction. Another craft checks up on it and flys off again so far happened twice. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,0 +17,"green see through bubble It was a green sphere that you can see through. It was similar to a bubble. Me and three of my friends witnessed this sighting. It moved at different speeds and directions, even in zig-zags, then when it was leaving we all seen it go straight to the sky and it was just getting smaller and smaller as it disappeared.",,4 +18,"A formation of light flashing red, green and blue that appeared to be a plane, but then we noticed that it was not moving. It was just staying in one spot flashing. ((NUFORC Note: We suspect that the object may have been a ""twinkling"" star. Sirius?? PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness provides no information; elects to remain anonymous. Hoax?? PD))",,1 +19,"Summary : Liner lights. 4, turn off, 3, turn off2, turn off. High and near the U.S./Mexico Border High, yellow, intense, round lights. All ina straight line. 4 lights lit,five seconds later, lights go out...5seconds later, 3 lights appear, five seconds later,lights go out...five seconds later 2 lights appear quicklyand go out and not seen again.",,1 +20,"Yellow lights in formation traveling silently across the sky, faded away one by one. My husband and I pulled in our driveway and up the the sky in front of us were 10 to 12 orange lights, it looked like the big dipper and more, moving across the sky. Then it changed formation but generally kept the same distance, and one by one they faded. No noise.",,2 +21,Orangish glow seen high over mountain. I looked out the window and saw a flasing light above the mountain. It was high in the sky and flashing like an orangish glow. I called the police and they were heading out there. It got brighter after about an hour. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)),,1 +22,"Reddish-orange light orb over Bayou George Panama City, Florida. I went outside to smoke a cigg. looked up and seen a reddish, orange circluar orb light in the sky going to the east. it looked like it made a 90 degree turn to the north and shot up out of sight in less then 3 to 4 seconds. This isn't the first time i've seen a round reddish, orange orb in the sky in Bayou George.",,1 +23,"""solar"" glowing ""object"" during sunset it looked as if some type of object was gleaming from the sunset. this object, from the ground, was about an arms-length from the sun and appeared to be beyond the clouds or ""in"" the clouds. It just sat there until the sun went completely down and the gleaming went away. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))",,0 +24,"At times, resembles a star. At times resembles cigar shape standing on end, or disk with lights circling the disk. Two of them over Quantico & Manassas Airport. Planes are flying right past them. At times it flashes lights with a pattern. Stays in one position then moves rapidly. ((NUFORC Note: One of three reports from the same source. We suspect that she may be observing stars. PD))",,1 +25,Me and my friend were walking back from the dollar store about a mile from his house we were about half way when me and him see a orange red light raise out of the forest and we see it moving very slowly cruising at the same speed maybe about 15 to 20 MPH and we see it moving across the sky and across the road until we see it vertically land into the forest across the road from where it came from,,2 +26,Light from above searching ally behind home. This is two videos from my security camera. Both events took place within 45 minutes and lasted seconds. This is the rear ally of my building. The area is less than 25 feet across and my car is the one with a roof rack For months I have tried to explain it. This never happened before and never happened again. I tried to replicate it and could not.,,1 +27,"Me and four of my friends were in the woods looking for my dog that ran away earlier that day. All of a sudden, we heard a strange noise and then saw an oval-shaped object hovering above us. My friends ran away but I was in some kind of trance. I couldn't move. The next thing I knew, I was laying on the ground and all of my friends were so worried about me. That is all that I remember. Read above.",,5 +28,"A round shaped light with no movement. i just opened my window and i see this white light, it looks fairly distant, does not move, i waited to see if it moved to make sure it wasn't a plane and it still remains stationary.it doesn't make any noise. it is also over the area of a large cornfield directly down the street. ((NUFORC Note: Possible sighting of Jupiter, or another celestial body?? PD))",,1 +29,"10-12 yellow/orange fireballs moving in strange formation no sound and sequentially disappearing 10-12 yellow/orange fireballs, slowly moving across the sky in formations. Traveling west to east in the sky. No sound present. One fireball slowed down to wait for others to catch up and moved in a lateral direction. As the fireballs moved east, they began to disappear. Caught on cellphone video.",,1 +30,"At present, there has been a light in the southwest sky, about half way between the moon and Venus, it has been moving in all patterns, into retrograde, cganging direction. Very high, not a shape, just a very faint star. Non-orbital movement. Please try to confirm now, as it may still be occurring. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,1 +31,"Three people dumbfounded!!!!!!!!!!!! Flying Very fast, under the moon. Was seen three times by three people. the third sighting the fireball was .75 of the way gone went black looked like a rock still going. Each time seen it came from the same flight path. North to the south east. We all saw other planes flying and could be seen crystal clear and they all had strobes. The sky is clear and a full moon.",,3 +32,"Summary : My 13 year old & I were out looking at Hale-Bopp one night & saw 3 or 4 fast-moving lights flying erratically & very close together, & almost like they were playing tag. Soon they flew away towards the south, & the next morning the big story was about the Heaven's Gate people on the news Me - a 32-year old mother of my 13 year old daughter who also saw this..No mental problems here, just 2 open minds!",,2 +33,Sphere with red white green flashing lights As I lay in bed looking out the window a flashing light caught my eye. I went outside to get a closer look and the sphere was alternating between white/green/red light in random order. Occasionally the light would spread out into a number of lights in a row. This happened sometimes vertically sometimes horizontally. I estimate it was located north west of san ramon about 10-15miles away.,,1 +34,"Bright orange orb observed flying over Casco Bay from the Eastern Promenade. Standing on the Eastern Promenade a bright orange orb was coming in fast from the south east over Peak's Island and then dramatically taking a turn very fast and heading northeast and then fading very quickly in the night sky over long island. The light was orange like fire and did not look like a shooting star, as it turned vastly and did not break apart.",,1 +35,"triangle shaped object with 3 bright lights and 1 dull pulsating light underneath the craft it moved silently the light started as a semi large object but then got smaller as it passed overtop of us, it had 3 bright lights with 1 dullish red light underneath it with a sort of triangle outine to this object. i heard no indications of an aircraft because no sound was emmiting from this object. it was moving very very slow across the nighttime sky.",,1 +36,"Bright white stationary light over Pendleton, IN. Starting at 5:30pm on November 28, 2013, I witnessed a stationary white light high in the sky. It was located South West of State road 13 and I-69 in Pendleton, Indiana. Object was brighter than surrounding stars. Object was still visible at the time of this report. ((NUFORC Note: Sighting of Venus. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,1 +37,"All of a sudden, a strange wind started blowing even the tallest trees around like crazy and my husband and I went to see what was the matter on our front porch and saw a gigantic teal-colored flash light up high in the sky over the trees and all the power went out in our town. The wind began to pick up more and another teal flash lit up the sky over the trees and my husband and I went back inside because we could not explain what was happening..we believe it was a UFO.",,1 +38,"Summary : Small silver-disc high high up in the air... very quick... then it zoomed away. It was a greyish-silvery disc.. I was in my black suburban in the far back seat.This UFO, it stayed there for a moment in the air,hovering, then it was gone... I don't knowwhat it was. At first I thought it had been a glare, but when it zoomed away, I knew it couldn't be. I don't know if it was a sate-lite, or... weather balloon... or maybe justa smear on my glasses, but I've only told my brother.",,1 +39,green line of light seen over halifax for hours for the past 3 weeks we have seen on cirtain nights a long green shaped line seems very high up we have seen it for the past 2 nights i a row and it stays in the air without movment for hours it geats bigger and smaller in length but it deffinetly somthing strange and unexplained we have seen it with at least 5 or more ppl and have had friends in other areas of halifax who have also seen it please get back to me if u have seen this thanks.,,5 +40,"Possible UFO sightings are likely balloons. This is not a UFO report, but rather an explanation of objects observed on this evening, which may be reported by many as UFO's. I observed the lights and had planned on reporting them here, but failed to do so. When I went to work, a fellow employee mentioned an event which he attended where luminaria's were launched in balloons the same evening I observed the lights. The balloons drifted quite a distance at approximately 1-2 miles altitude.",,1 +41,"Comet-like cloud with faint flashing light appeared in clear starry sky, drifting North across Casseopia. Sighted comet like cloud moving towart constellation casseopia, has faint flashing light, called son in N Florida who also could see object. Object drifted into Casseopia around 6:15 CST, becoming vague. pointed structure, moon size, white flashing light about every 5 Minutes. I'm an amateur astronomer, never saw anything like it in 50+ years. ((NUFORC Note: Missile venting fuel in space. PD))",,2 +42,"Comet-like object, high in sky, set at \ angle, nearly vertical, stationary, no aircraft in sight. Object was bright like a vapor trail. Very high in sky. At this angle (\) and about that long in relationship to its width. Looked like a comet or perhaps something burning up in atmosphere. I didn't get the feeling that this was an alien spacecraft, but either a natural phemomen, or maybe a man-made object buring up in atmosphere. One never know though. The light was white (exactly like a vapor trail).",,1 +43,"DRIVING HOME SAW A BRIGHT LIGHT IN SKY THOUGHT IT WAS PLANE AS IT HAD FLICKERING RED AND GREEN LIGHTS BUT MORE WHITE LIGHT THAN ANYTHING, LIKE A STAR. IT WAS STATIONARY AS I DROVE FOR ABOUT 1/2 MILE THEN AS IF IT EJECTED SOMETHING , DIM WHITE LIGHT FELL LIKE A FALLING STAR. AT THIS TIME IT STARTED MOVING. I PULLED OFF THE ROAD TO WATCH. IT MOVED SLOWLY AND BEGAN TO TAKE SHAPE A TRIANGLE WHAT I COULD SEE THEN JUST IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE IT WAS GONE. THE SMALL DIM LIGHT HAD STOPPED IN THE SKY AND WAS STILL THERE.",,1 +44,"We saw silver balls flying irradically in the sky We were in the woods squrril hunting behind the house. The first sighting occured when two silver object thought to be military craft manuvering. When to second check they broke formation and six more appeared and the spherical crafts began orbiting one another. The second sighting observed occured in less than three minutes later. A silver ball was saw making a straight line and dashing really fast making an upside down ""j"". Then it disappeared into thin air.",,0 +45,"Saw a fast movin UFO on the way back from getting a pizza. A friend and I where on our way back from getting a pizza. I looked up and observed a rapid moving single white light. It ziged and zaged, and it moved faster than anything I have ever seen. I asked my friend if he was seeing it to(because my friend had 15 years in the Air Force, I figured if it was a plain, he would know), and he replied ""Yeah, what the hell was it"". It was on a fairly well traveled road. The light continued to zig and zag for about a minute.",,2 +46,"There was a light source larger than a star with several colors moving erratically in the sky. There is one area of light bigger than a star moving erratically in the sky. There are several colors. Through a binoculars it looked like a central light source with a web of lights around it. It stayed close to the horizon but our neighbor saw it move before we showed up. ((NUFORC Note: We observe that the sighting is not inconsistent with that of a ""twinkling"" star. However, confirmation would require a star chart, or triangulation. PD))",,0 +47,A long line of very bright white lights looked like a plane about to crash then just disappeared very light cloud cover wouldn't have concealed the light. Then shortly after a single white light blinking in middle with external white lights blinking directly after happened 3 times after with brief intervals between then nothing. Was accompanied by very loud sounding like jet engine but just hung around in the air with no sign of a a plane after lights disappeared first time sound vanished then after when flashing lights started sound came back.,,1 +48,"observed multiple orange orbs in northern Ohio sky Noticed a cluster of orange lights from my bedroom window. I yelled for my teenage boys and wife. We ran outside and observed 6-10 orange lights due North just over our tree line. They seemed to float around and slowly North. Within about 20 secs they moved out of sight. A few minutes passed and then a sole orange orb appeared higher in the Eastern sky, it descended and moved towards the direction of the other previously viewed objects. It soon also moved down and North until it was out of sight.",,0 +49,"A STREAK OF WHITE LIGHT OVER FORT PIERCE AT FIRST I THOUGHT I WAS SEEING A ""SHOOTING STAR"". OUT OF THE CORNER OF MY EYE TO THE NORTH, I SAW A WHITE STREAK OF LIGHT. IT DISAPPEARED AND REAPPEARED A SHORT DISTANCE IN FRONT OF WHERE IT DISAPPEARED. IT, OR THEY, CONTINUED TO DO THIS IN AN ERRATIC MANNER FROM THE NORTH, TO THE NORTHEAST, TO THE EAST AND BACK TO THE NORTHEAST WHERE I LOST SIGHT OF THE STREAK. THERE WAS A PLANE COMING FROM THE SOUTHEAST AT THE SAME TIME AND THEY APPEARED TO BE NEAR EACH OTHER AT THE TIME THE STREAK WAS DIRECTLY TO THE EAST.",,1 +50,"A cluster of orange lights in the sky spread out and one by one they disappeared I was driving to Honesdale, PA, and up in the sky were orange lights that looked like the formation of the big dipper. We kept watching as we were driving they moved around then they went into a semi-single verticle line formation, at this time we pulled over and got out of the vehicle and looked up and another car came behind us and they got out and looked also, and one by one they moved out and disappeared, Not sure what it was but it was something i never saw before.",,0 +51,"3 bright lights crossing the sky very fast in Sarnia My sister-in-law and myself were sitting in my back yard with a cup of coffee, chatting, when she yelled and pointed to the shy above my head. ""look at these lights"" There was 3 ligths that were crossing the sky very fast! They were definitly not planes because of their speed and the way they were acting. They were flying and they regrouped and they seperated themselves again to finally disapearing in the horizon. They were very bright. When I went to work the next day, other people from my area saw them too.",,2 +52,"I had a psi contact with this ship I have discribed for a few minutes. The ufo was blimp shape and simuliar to a dirigable but it had no logos nor digital lighting on it and was between 400 to 600ft long, no visible engines and ufo was 100 to 200 ft wide, had 6 lights as bright as floodlights, 2 on top of it 4 on bottom of it, I know a normal terrestial man-made blimp when I see it this was not one of those, I am a semi-professional ufo researcher. You can get in contact with me at ((name and e-address deleted)), I can provide you with data on ship I saw etc.",,1 +53,"UFO over Walla Walla WA. On Sunday 09/13/2009 at about 04:00, I went out side for a smoke and looked up towards the south eastern sky and noticed a slow moving, flashing light. I went and got my wife up to come out and see the craft which was flashing red, blue and white lights. We could tell it was very high and far off. This object was flying straight up, down, left and right, and in circles unlike any other known aircraft to me. I went in and got my binoculars, which have photo and video. I took 30 to 40 pictures and several minutes of video of this object.",,2 +54,"5 light craft or crafts that made everyone but me go into a trans playing night football with friends. Then large craft appeared from south. It was flying close to surface, but not very close. Went fast. Had approximently large, circular lights. Everyone on the field looked to be in a trans while I was normal. After craft had pasted, everyone but me went back to playing football. Craft went from south to north in 1 minute to 30 seconds ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. We have assigned an artificial date so that the report sorts to the summer of 1994. PD))",,0 +55,"Large white light in southern sky. Was just waking up and coming down for dinner. The wife and step kids told me about a large white light they saw in the southern sky. They said it moved to the east in the sky and eventually it faded out. As I was sitting having dinner it came back. A large white light in the southern sky, that would dart to the east and then back. Their first sighting lasted about 15 mins, ours together about the same length of time. I watched the light as we ate dinner. Solid white, very bright, and below the cloud layer. Eventually it just winked out.",,0 +56,"Driving, saw a small dot in the sky. brighter than anything else... was sort of an orangish color, about 45 seconds later, disappeared. I was driving, And I saw a dot in the sky, it was 5 o'clock, so I am sure it wasn't a phone tower's light. Its shape was like a BB, It was glowing orange, and about thirty seconds later, I had driven under a tree, and that blocked the view for a few seconds. But after I passed the tree, it was gone... I didn't see any aircraft or anything else near it. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,1 +57,"stunt show made by 3 objects.... I saw the objects on a clear night i came home from work. I always watch at the sky at night because we live close to Shiphol airport (netherlands). I saw 3 teardrop shaped object flying in formation like in a row and the maked strange patterns in the sky ( i think it was really high ) en suddenly the the became really blue and the went right up and the were gone. Now i know that we are not alone , because this objects were not human made it cant be ! The objects went really fast wen the dissapered leaving a white.blue short trail. It was cool !! ((name deleted))",,1 +58,"Triangle craft with rotating becaon seen twice in 10 mins I saw a triangular craft with extreme maneuverability flying a few hundred feet over the trees. It was early dawn and I saw a rotating red beacon underneath the craft (military?). It flew around and showed up twice in areas I could see it while I was driving. Most definitely the same craft. It maintained a forward constant speed at all times but had a lot more ""grace"" when it was flying left and right; banking and faster turns than any standard airplane I can think of that exists. White lights on front and more than two white lights on the back.",,1 +59,"It was about 4 pm today when a few military jets flying south west and very low altitudes went right over our house. Then about an hour later I heard a helicopter coming from the south west , as i watched it go right over me , it was pretty high and going to the North East , I seen an object like nothing i have ever seen before ! It looked like two very large cylinders side by side with like a cloud around it or like a mist , but i could still see the object moving off to the northeast very fast . It was partly cloudy but was in a blue part of the sky , I could only see it for about 3 to 5 seconds , it was very high in the sky .",,1 +60,"UFO hoovering over watching fireworks then takes off me and my friends was watching fireworks and a red beam appeared in the sky im like bra look, it was just sitting there hoovering then it changed to green lights but it was 5 points like a pentagon each point was green then there was a green point flashing directly in the middle of it, then it changed back to red all in the same spot but this time it was just two dots next to each other two red dots my friend was watching aswell, then in the end of the video it takes off flashing green it looked like a disk but when i seen the five dots then just two lol i didnt know no wtf was going on",,0 +61,Flashing white light approx. tree top level. Returning home from work on night of the 3rd saw a bright flasing light about tree top level 2 $1/2 to 3 miles east of West Manchester. Light was very bright and was durring a heavy rain storm. Light flashed at regular intervals on 1 second off 2 seconds approx. Saw light just above tree tops and as I approached it seemes to drop below the tree line and was bright enough to back light the trees. I didn't really think anything about it at the time other than it was kind of unusual. Then I recieved this site location from a friend who didn't know of the sighting and thought it might warrent a report.,,1 +62,"We saw two disk like objects crash. I was downtown in Olive Branch Mississippi near Memphis when there where about five metallic silver disc like objects hovering and makeing odd and strange movements without a sound. A lot of people were pulled on the side of the road wathching them. suddenly two of the objects crashed into each other in a nearby field. The others flew away at an amazing high speed. Some kind of military personel took the rubble away it was like they didnt want anyone seeing what had crashed. They later said they were all weather balloons, but if it were weather balloons why were they in such a hurry to pick up the rubble.",,0 +63,"strange, strange sound im scared well i was writing this report fro school on UFO's. i'm 14 and it scared the crap out of me when it happened. I didn't actually see the object but what i heared freaked me out. It was a bit like an airoplane, but it's like you fed it into a keyboard and warped the sound up, then down. I was way to freaked out to go to my window so i just sat there in terror. Then a few seconds later it came back, a bit shorter and the same noise. It can't have been an airoplane because it went by twice and sounded wicked queer. I hope it doesn't come back....‚Äö√Ѭ∂ ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD))",,1 +64,"Red light West bound to South then stop. 90 degrees total angle of flight Last night on June 30th in Rochester Hills Michigan, just after 10 pm-10:06 to be exact, from a very white light to the west came a Red Light the went to the South, it was truely red it went about 90 degrees to almost due south and then stopped for a maybe just under a minute, disappeared and then came back as a white light and stayed and varied in its brightness. I have a cell phone clip and many witnesses. Cannnot explain how nor why it did what it did but stayed light for at least 45 minutes, I am 49 and have never seen anything like this in my life, have a cell phone pic",,1 +65,"A large circular flying object with flashing lights on it. Well the lights seemed to crackle and caught my attention. I went to the window and they flashed but flashed longer than a plane. It was HUGE, on elight on each side. They flashed simultaneously and flashed many colours like orange, green, blue, red and pink. I don't know how to describe that it wasn't a plane but let me assure you IT WASN'T. It moved at a fair speed though a bit slower than a plane i should think. Afterwards i heard this ""wooshing"" sound, I think there were magnetic effects as it sounds weird but my sister was sick and she's often sick at full moons i think due to the magnetic effects",,1 +66,"Red lights seen over gulf of mexico from ST. George Island. My friend and I were sitting on a deck in a beach house in ST. George Island looking out into the sky. We were looking at Venus when we saw 5 strange red sphereical lights appeared horizontly in the sky. Within a few seconds three went to the east, two went to the west away from each other...they dissapeared. Then within a few minutes the came back and did the same thing again. Then within 10 minutes later, close to the horizon, much further out in the gulf, the red lights appeared again then vanished. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,2 +67,"Ufos becom Ifos We were driving west on a lonely Kansas highway in about 1974. We spotted a cigar shape object that was silver and fit all the stereotypes. We watched it while going west. It was in the sky for a long time. It turned and revealed itself to be a jet airplane. The next day we were returning to Hutchinson. We were going down to town on a westside road when we spotted a number of people jumping out of cars. We saw another item in the sky like we had seen the day before. We knew what it was. Next day, the local paper had this headline as far as can be remembered:""UFO Sighted by Hutchinson Residents."" The dates may not be exact, but this event did occur.",,0 +68,"a lighted object moving across the sky... west to east... no sound, in a cloudy sky... ok it's cloudy here... and it was long and wide, sort of a cross between rectangular and oval. It was moving across the sky slowly... almost like a cloud against a cloudy sky... only faster than that... there were lights in it... a plane flew over head, and the plane was moving faster than that... the one guy we were standing with said he thought it was a blimp, but I said it was moving too fast for that, but too slow to be a plane, and too wide to be a helicopter... And then we couldnt see it anymore, because buildings were blocking our sight... and I thought I should report it.",,0 +69,"Viewed a delta shaped craft in the SE sky traveling south, craft made no noise and flew smoothly before banking and disappearing On Nov 18, 1998 my best friend and I were observing the Leonid meteor shower. At aprox 24:00 movement in the SE sky caught my attention and I observed a grouping of three lighter area of color moving south. These areas weren't lights, merely lighter color reflecting ground lights. In between these areas there were no stars visible and you could just make out the shape of the craft At this point my friend also observed the object. The craft moved fairly quickly with no noise continuing south until it banked to the west and disappeared from sight.",,2 +70,"Marianna, Fl, Football shaped object close to I-10 It was shaped like an elongated football. Exactly like a football execpt narrower in the center. It appeared to be chrome or silver with no windows. It was just one of them, and it was about 300 feet in the air to the north of interstate 10. It was moving east, just as I was, but it was ahead of me, and I was actually moving faster than it(75 mile an hour). It was moving strait eastward alongside the interstate. There were many cars on the road at the time going in both directions. No one stopped to look. I dont know if anyone was paying attention, or if they were, as I was, fearful of it. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))",,0 +71,"2 bright orbs over lake huron, oscoda, mi. Dog fight, playing around. anti gravity maneuvers. My brother and I went outside and have a smoke, and in Oscoda it gets really dark. We see a jet passing over head like usual... Then it all happened. two bright orbs chasing each other over Lake Huron. 3 times and 10 to 12 second intervals. It was like a jet dog fight with no noise and making anti gravity turns at extreme speeds. It stopped on a dime and make a crazy turn. No jet on earth can manuaver they way we seen these two orbs chasing each other. They looked very high in the sky, above our atmosphere. It has changed my life.... We still can't believe what we seen with our eyes....",,2 +72,"Silver disk over Kennesaw, GA On Sat. Mar. 13, around 11am, I was driving westbound on Ernest Barrett Parkway. Blue skies and a few white clouds. Suddenly, ahead of me (at about a 45 degree height) I saw what looked like a silver saucer doing acrobatics. It moved erratically, turning and dipping, then sped off a little to the right and stayed stationary. It stayed in this position another 10-15 seconds, then disappeared. I don't know how to judge the distance, but with my arm extended, I measured the distance that it filled between my thumb and forefinger (about a quarter inch.) A couple of days before this, I saw a different silver UFO about 10 miles east of here in Marietta. Very surprising.",,1 +73,"I observed one black rectangular object flying at a high rate of speed with no lights, noise, tail, trail or wings. I observed one black rectangular object flying at a high rate of speed. This object flew a straight pattern for a short distance and then manuvered latterally away a short distance and began flying straight again. There were no lights, noise, tail, trail or wings. The background was a clear blue sky. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke with the witness, and found him to be quite serious minded, and credible. He and his family apparently witnessed something near the gun club where they were target shooting. The object may have risen out of the woods. The case is under investigation. PD))",,1 +74,"Sky suddenly turned Green for about 12 seconds accompanied by (blink of the eye) power outage. I CAN SEE PILLAR POINT AIR FORCE BASE FROM MY LIVING ROOM WINDOW. AT APPROXIMATELY :45 AM ON FRIDAY NIGHT DEC. 6, 2019 ( JUST TURNED SATURDAY MORNING DEC. 7, 2019) THE SKY OVER PILLAR POINT AIR FORCE BASE LITE UP GREEN (SIMILAR TO THE COLOR OF THE NORTHER LIGHTS IN ALASKA). I RAN TO THE WINDOW TO LOOK AT THE SKY AT WHICH TIME I BELIEVE THAT THERE WAS A SUDDEN VERY SHORT ( BLINK OF THE EYE) POWER OUTAGE. I HAVE DIRECT TV AND THE SERVICE WENT INTO RESTART MODE. I was too stunned to think in time to take a picture, but would like more information about what kind of activity could create such an event",,1 +75,"Hello, This is the picture my son took with his cell phone of one of five UFO's he saw last night (11-9-09) at around 6:25pm. He was at Wadsworth & 10th Ave, Lakewood Co 80215. He was in his truck getting ready to leave the gas station when he noticed 5 objects lined up in the sky. They were lit up on the bottom. He and a friend watched for a few seconds, he reached to get his cell phone to take a picture. Four of the five objects disappeared and one stayed. He could see a dome top with vertical lines, the object was slowly rotating, and the bottom was lit up. It stayed for a moment then took off towards Denver and disappeared. He was able to get one picture of the last object (UFO) with his cell phone.",,1 +76,"Tiny, white dots I was at my grandparents for the afternoon, waiting for my mother to come an pick me up. Today. It was a bright, and sunny day. The skies were blue, and beautiful. I was staring out the window, because I was bored. Like always. As I stared out the window, I started to concentrate really, really hard on the sky. The more I concentrated on the blue skies, the clearer they became. I don't know if I was imagining it, but I saw hundreds, maybe thousands of these cirlular...well...dots. I don't know how else to explain what they looked like. But they were teeny, tiny, little white dots. They were wizzing around and going everywhere. I told my dad, and he gave me the link to this site to write to you.",,1 +77,"Bright light over Schaumburg moving from the north to the south and from the east to the west 11/2/05 At first, appeared to be a star and then slowly moved from North to South and is now moving from East to West. It's quite bright, but we can't make out a consistent shape. My grandson thinks it looks like a bug (a beetle) with eyes in front. It looks like a ladybug with the wings folded down. I can only say with certainty that it is very bright. The movements are not in a straight line. Sometimes it seems to hover - then, move up, down, north, south, but is making steady progress from north to south, and east to west. It is now 22:17 and it's still moving from east to west. ((NUFORC Note: Mars. PD))",,2 +78,White light it seems very close My house is facing Silver Lake in Berlin for the past 6 months I'm seeing a light in the sky is steady it can be like that for days or few hours and it just goes away I'm just wondering if anyone else had a experience of this. One of the examples this was bothering me for hours so I decided to show my husband by the time I dragged him to see it the light was no where to see it for long time he was telling me it's a star till I proved him wrong that all the other stars are there where is the closest light that we saw. This goes on for days sometimes it's not there at all ((NUFORC Note: Source of the report elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)),,1 +79,"I saw 3-5 bright, flame-like lights on a elongated object which did not seem to be moving and then disappeared over Truman Lake. I was traveling home on Highway 7 and as I was just about to cross the Long Shoals Bridge over Truman Lake, I saw 3-5 elongated very bright white lights low in the eastern sky. They appeared to be on a rectangular or cylinder-shaped object. It was visible for only several seconds and then disappeared. Shortly after crossing the bridge, I again saw the lights which appeared almost as flames on a long, thin object. The object did not appear to be moving. It went totally black within a few seconds and then disappeared. There were no clouds in the sky, or noise of passing helicopters or planes.",,1 +80,BRIGHT ORB LIKE SPHERE WAS SEEN DESCENDING FROM HIGH ABOVE AND THEN SUDDENLY STOPPED. THE UFO THEN SEEMED TO ZIG ZAG BACK AND FORTH BEFORE PULSATING RAPIDLY AND THEN DISAPPEARING. THE SPHERE WAS BRIGHT LIKE A STAR AND DIDNT MAKE NE SOUND AND WAS FAIRLY LOW IN ALTITUDE... LOWER THAN A PLANE WOULD FLY...AFTER THE UFO PULSATED AND VANISHED A BLACK AND VERY ODDLY ENOUGH SILENT HELICOPTER WAS SEEN PATROLLING THE AREA NO MORE THAN 20 SECONDS AFTER THE SIGHTING..... THE WHOLE INCIDENT WAS NO LONGER THAN A MINUTE AND A HALF ON 4/11/2010 AT APPROXIMATELY 2AM IN THE MORNING....WE WERE STANDING IN SOUTH RIALTO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY INLAND EMPIRE CALIFORNIA PLEASE POST THIS SIGHTING IM CURIOUS TO SEE HOW MANY OTHER PEOPLE SAW WHAT WE SAW,,0 +81,"four glowing objects hovering then disappearing My husband and I were driving down the road, headed south west, when we looked out the passenger side window and saw four glowing objects. They were orange and hovered for a few seconds. As I continued to watch the far top left one, it started to flicker, then it just shot off into the sky. The two bottom ones started to flicker after the first one left, but they didn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t take off they joined together and just disappeared. By that time I had looked to find the fourth but it had already vanished. I had then asked my husband if he just saw what I had and by the look on his face I knew he had. If I had to tell how far out they were I would have to say less than 100 yards.",,2 +82,Disappearing light. My friend and I have been noticing a very bright light in the sky all summer and sat and watched it one night. It is too bright to be a star. You could see single lights on it the more you looked at it and it was almost hoovering. It then slowly started to dim and fly off. It was gone for about 30 seconds and then came back really bright. It stayed for about 20 more minutes and did the same thing. Faded and then came back. The last time it did this was around 9 pm. It faded and then flew away like a plane and disappeared up into the sky. The color of it was a dull white light. Not white enough like a star but almost like a street light color. I have never in my life seen something like this.,,2 +83,"At approximately 8:10 p.m. on January 21st, 2009 Through the sky light window of our living room in Centereach, New York we witnessed an unidentified flying object. The object was diamond shaped, and flashed several different colors in a rapid manner. I have never seen any aircraft flash lights that fast before. It moved at a medium speed across the night sky and dipped down to a low altitude and went past a large group of trees, then it turned at a 90 degree angle and headed in that direction passed our sight of view. I have never seen anything like that, and we have seen many aircraft passing by in the view of our sky light window, but this was one that we couldn't identify or classify as a typical airplane or know aircraft.",,0 +84,"Several lights at extremely high altitudes, moving very fast and irratically back and forth across the sky. Myself and two friends were in my back yard sitting around a small fire. I lived out in the country and the nearest neighbor or street light was at least 1/2 mile away. It was a very clear night with many, many stars visible. I was admiring the constellations when I noticed things were moving up there. Several white lights, (5-7) very, very high up, zipping back and forth across the sky, stop and go at impossible speeds. I attemped photographing them, but they were too far away to make out any details. Over the next few weeks, I saw similar objects, but not as many. I have no idea what they were, but this account is the honest truth.",,3 +85,"orbs of light in the sky was looking at stars at 10:00 pm on july 01, 2011. I noticed out of nowhere this big circle of light floating across the sky. It wasnt any type of air craft, just a big orb of light. It floated eastward across the clear sky a pretty good distance where it had then dissappeard. It was so amazing but, what is it. I continued looking to the stars. About 10 to 15 minutes later i saw another orb. This one was alot smaller. It looked to be about the size of a star. It seemed to be alot higher and moved alot slower. This orb looked as if it were floating southeast. It was the same color as the first one but yet so tiny. What are they? Amazed with what i am seeing, i am still gazing the stars right now. This is so awesome!",,1 +86,"Four orange balls flying very low with three in a line and a fourth behind moved slowly across sky with absloutely no noise. We observed four orange balls moving slowly at a very low altitude over our home at about 11:50 pm on June 28, 2011. Three balls were in a line and a fourth was behind making a triangle appearance. They were first observed out the bedroom window. We ran outside our home and as they came by there was absolutely no sound. Visibility in Lexington was very far and the sky was clear. We could see airplanes high in the sky at the time. These were very very low. They moved off and disappeared in the distance. Can't believe we saw this. We have no idea what they were. I could not get a camera quick enough to take a picture.",,0 +87,"An oval orb blinking green and red lights and that has electrical currents is watched off the Oregon coast. While star watching at Glen Eden Beach, Oregon, on 9.28.11 about 9:15pm with sister and friend (both retired social workers),we witnessed, over the ocean, about 1 ¬¨Œ© hands above the horizon a large star that flashed color. With binoculars it appeared to be oval in shape, with green and red flashing colors. The interior of the oval looked like it was charged with white electrical currents. Other than it sort of vibrating and a bit of shape shifting movements, it appeared to be stationary, but it may have moved a bit north over the 15 minutes we watched it. When I got home I reported it by leaving a message on the non emergency police line. No pics.",,3 +88,"Yellow glowing saucer in Kentucky. Just previously today I witnessed a saucer/circular shaped craft silenty fly by, just above the clouds. It was dark outside, but the object was clearly visible. It was definitely there. The object did not have any flashing lights. It did not have any visible lights at all. The object itself had a very slight yellowish glow to it. And it was moving at a very high velocity. I would say that the object left a trail, but it may have just been a light trail created by the high speed of the slightly glowing craft. It was definitely saucer shaped. I'm writing this less than 30 minutes after the event. It is definitely still in good memory. This is not a hoax, or a joke. Please take this seriously. Sincerely, A Firm Believer.",,1 +89,"Isosceles triangle formation of 3 brightly glowing, fiery orange orbs. I had just stepped outside for a walk when I randomly looked over my left shoulder and became attracted to a formation of 3 very bright, glowing orange orbs in the shape of an isosceles triangle in the sky that were floating quietly north; no sound. The orbs appeared to look like flickering fire. The formation floated intact (all 3 orbs moving in sync). After about 1 minute, the orbs slightly began to move closer together and the triangle tightened. Within 10 seconds of this, the triangle of orbs, still brightly lit and unfading, then floated into a patch of thin clouds and disappeared. I did not see them again during the duration of my walk. The sky at this time was partly-mostly cloudy.",,1 +90,"lights that moved from one area to another area of the horizon, time span 7 to 10 minutes On the early evening of July 26, 2012, as I was exiting the gym, I noticed the strange cloud formations throughout the entire sky, the anticipated summer storm was approaching our area very fast. Using my cell phone I started to take several pictures to share them with friends and family. I started taking the pictures facing the south and then kept moving until I was facing the east portion of the parking lot. Later on, while I was showing these images to my friend, we noticed these lights that appeared to be in the clouds, several and on different exposures. There is no airport adjacent to the area, neither any towers that would explain the normal existence for these lights.",,1 +91,"Flashing lights moving across sky in northern direction. My friend, my neighbor, and I were sitting out on a trampoline and we were looking into the sky and saw multiple lights moving slowly across the sky (about the size of a small star). We knew it couldn't be a star because stars dont move and it couldn't be a shooting star cause it was moving very slowly. We observed that there were aircraft in the sky taking off from a local airport and we noticed that one of the objects began to follow the aircraft and then disappeared. The objects changed colors very rapidly from blue to red to white. We observed that one of the objects had a green color change in it that none of the others had. They all were moving in a northern/northeastern direction. We saw 7 or more of these objects.",,3 +92,"cigar like encounter It was a early morning, i was up on my bed looking out the windows waiting for my friend call to go to work. while i was looking out the windows i noticed this cigar like between the two buildings, at first i tought it was helicopter but it wasnt moving at all and it looked more like submarine, i didnt think of anything weird until this thing moved forward to one of the building and then back, at that movent i didnt know what to think or say. this thing the moved up and forward again. i went to the kichen to see if this thing whatever it was. I couldnt see it anywere it was gone. up to this day i think that if it was a plane or chaper i would of been able to see. that windows has a clear view to the mentionned area. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))",,1 +93,"I was in my upstairs bathroom looking out of the window and I saw what appeared to be a teardrop shaped fireball moving northwest through the sky. At first I thought it was an airplane simply because I live by an airport but this light was not flashing like an airplane signal light usually does, but the light I witnessed was much larger, brighter, and vividly orange. As my curiosity grew, I opened the window and listened but there wasn't any noise whatsoever. The light was visible for about 45 seconds to a minute and appeared to be gradually rising before disappearing into the night. ((NUFORC Note: We presume a nighttime sighting, and have changed the time above, accordingly. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,1 +94,"I was going to the store and looked up in the sky before getting in my car to see a single light, no blinking lights like on planes or helicopters, zoom past me overhead. I got in my car and followed it on my way to the store. Had no sense of scale for how big or fast the object was moving. It made zero sound, I tried hard to listen for helicopter blades but there were none, nor was there any sound from engines or turbulence. The object made a quick bank to the right almost completely horizontally, and then back to the left before altering it's original course. Why would a plane or helicopter change course and have no blinking lights and make no sound? If I were a pilot i would go straight to my destination, not bank to the right, then the left, then alter my course, it makes no sense.",,1 +95,"I am a 34 year old attorney with two children. My wife and I were traveling from Dallas to Abilene, heading West on Interstate 20. It was near sunset (right at 7:30 p.m.) and my wife said ""What's that!"" I looked up and saw a green colored light moving across the sky. A vapor trail followed it, but it was much larger than a vapor trail left by an airplane. A bright light, appearing to be fire, followed the bright green light and led to the vapor trail. The light traveled from directly in front of our windshield from right to left (North/North East). When it was not too far from the horizon, it looked as if it split into three or four smaller green lights and then disappeared. The same description was also seen by relatives traveling from Houston who were meeting us in Abilene that same day.",,2 +96,"Driving west on Colorado Hy 24 near Chipita Park, Colorado. Talking on cell phone when me and my two kids noticed and aircraft to the northwest. My friend on the other end may now think I am crazy. :-) It was Silver and oval, moving extreamly slow. Its slow speed is what got my attention. It was moving much slower than an airplane, especially for its size. We lost view as we drove due to the elevations, but got a 2nd good view ~.5 miles later. It was hard to tell its altitude as this is a very hilly area, but it appeared to be flying low. Its low altitude also made this odd. This is the 1st time I have ever reported a UFO. I saw something I cannot explain. My kids are 13 & 10 and they could not figure out what we were looking at. Should have, but did not, try to get a cell phone picture.",,3 +97,Small being appeared in window It was circular small scout ship . Colors of lights encircled around it. This has happened every 10 years it seems in the month of Oct.prior to seeing this the lights went out in area and temperature outside increased a bit. I looked out back window to see if neighbors lights were on and saw craft under earth with lights encircling small craft.. my son was sitting looking out living room window he was 4 then i heard him scream and frantically in terror try to run upstairs i caught up to him and he was terrified said a little black eyed man/ or thing was looking at him but being young could not explain until years later . I have encountered him years before has a young girl in 1968 saw same enitity and again 1995 encountered same coming out of my bedroom closet same beings .,,1 +98,"Dec. 25, 2006 8:45 P.M. Rockford, Iowa. A round with blue and red lights slowly moved across the sky. Dec. 25, 2006 at approximately 8:45 p.m. at Rockford, Iowa, I recieved a phone call to look at an object in the sky, which they were observing through a telescope. My son, daughter-in-law and I curiously watched through our binoculars. I took several photos, being so dark out, only a few showed the object clearly. The object appeared to be round (which shows in the enlarged photo) with blue and red lights. It didn't move very fast, yet did move at a slow even rate. Being cold out, we only watch for a few min. so I am not sure how long it actually was visible in our area. This, being a strange event, has my curiosity at what it might be. I am very interested in any opinions you might have on this sighting.",,3 +99,"Glowing object photographed in evening sky near Garden City Kansas On the evening of November 8, 2005, I was travelling west on Hwy 50 just past Ingalls Kansas, enroute to Garden City Kansas, where I was spending the night. I was taking pictures of the sunset with my camera phone. I had taken a few pictures of it, and out of nowhere, a circular object appeared off the driver's side of the vehicle, or south of Hwy 50. This object hovered, seemingly matching my vehicle speed. It was changing colors slowly from a shimmering green to a shimmering yellow. I was able to take a photograph, with my camera phone of this object. It remained off my port side for about another 30 seconds, then in the blink of an eye, took off to the west, upwards at approximately 30 degree angle. It looked like a shooting star, going the opposite direction.",,1 +100,"Four of us saw a huge illuminated object in the sky that has no logical explanation. Sitting on a deck facing Pamlico sound after sunset. F irst one person saw a really bright light in the air which was stationary. He pointed it out to the rest of us. It was on for about 4 - 5 seconds and then off. It came on again about 10 minutes later a little to the left(south) of where it was before. Same shape, same intensity.... again about 4 - 5 seconds not moving at all. Big glowing object which was definitely not a plane. We sat for hours waiting for it again without seeing it. During this time we saw many planes, they where nothing similar to what we saw. A plane in the air is a point of light(s) and this was huge. The was nothing underneath it that we could tell in the sound. All 4 of us have never seen anything like it before.",,4 +101,"Flashing and streaking lights in the northwest sky near Cornelius, Or. I walked out on to my front porch and was looking at the sky to the west to northwest, when I noticed a star like shape. I thought it was a star or planet because it was changing colors from white, red, and blue. Then I noticed many smaller lights would flash around and farther away. Then it would change direction and do figure 8 like pattern with many lights flashing around it. I would also notice streaks of light that would fly close to the main light or just fly in any direction. I saw one small but very bright white streak that was much closer and just over the tree tops. I have been watching them dance around the sky since 0145 and it‚Äö√Ñ√¥s now 0345. The lights look to be very far off but not too high in the sky. ((NUFORC Note: Possible star, we suspect. PD))",,1 +102,"Very bright green and red lights. I was walking home along the toe path along the river. It was quite and dark. Overcast,dry slight wind. Suddenly directly infront of me only a few yards away appeared some very perculiar green and red lights a bit scattered and quite low perhaps roughly 8-12 feet high. They seemed to have a different energy from normal lights such as a torch. Very intense light. Then they vanished,they just disapeared. I stood expecting it was someone or a cyclist approaching me along the toe path. There wasn't anyone or any sound which I thought was odd. Then about a minute later the green light comes back and is directly infront of me. I got my phone camera and videod it zooming in on it. Then the red one comes flying out and in a weird manouvere seems to circle the green one before going into it and just like that it's gone.",,1 +103,"I had a friend over. We went to the fridge to get some soda's. At that point we saw nothing on the sky. After maybe 10-15 min, we saw a flash of red light in the sky. Out of the light came two alien aircrafts. Another flash of light came and there was two new ""UFOs"". It continued like that until it was 8-10 crafts. The crafts that i saw were the same as the ones that got me last year. The crafts were triangles with something looking like a big window on it. Last year I thought I was dreaming, but now I know the truth. I was alien abducted last year. I have been researching on this now and it was ""the grays"" that abducted me. Last year I had trouble recovering from this incident. It would be to painful to go true with this again. Thank you for your understanding. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD))",,2 +104,"2 bird over east of Montr‚àö¬©al? My english is poor ,sorry. I was whit my mother and my father on the pool. We was drinking beer and we was not drunk. I saw 2 light on the sky . White and bright light small . I have told my father: ""Look 2 bird!"" My father have take almost 1 minute to find those things. When he found it he said : "" that what the other peapoel said that is UFO"" Me and my father have luaght a moment , my mother was searching . My mother have finaly found the 2 light but they was very far , and they disapear on cloud maybe 10 seconde after she saw those 2 light. At the end my mother said : ""bird dont live at night."" I am not sure what i have seen, it can be bird , i dont know. But this was not plane because 1 of them did some kind of circle move around the other at the end just before disapear on the cloud.(what have realy impress me)",,3 +105,ROUND CONE SHAPED DISC WITH LIGHTS AROND EDGES. WAS ABOUT 11 YEARS OLD WALKING DOWN ROAD WITH FRIEND SHE SAID RUN ITS GOING TO GET YOU. I DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT. SHE STARTED RUNNING AND I WAS STILL LOOKING AROUND FOR WHAT SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT. I LOOKED AND SEEN ABOUT 50 FEET AWAY FROM ME AN OBJECT IN THE SKY THAT MADE NO SOUND. IT STARTED APPROCHING ME CLOSER UNTIL IT GOT ALMOST NEAR ME LIKE IT WAS WATCHING ME. IT GOT SO CLOSE I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO LAND ON TOP OF ME. I STARTED RUNNING TILL I GOT TO HER DOOR STEP. IT FOLLOWED ON TOP OF ME TILL THE STEP I LOOKED UP IT WAS ABOVE HER HOUSE ABOUT 2 FEET FROM THE ROOF. I RAN INSIDE WE LOCKED OURSELVES IN. IT HAD LIGHTS AROUND THE EDGES. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. We do not know whether this is intended as a serious report. PD)),,2 +106,"This was a orange/ yellow Ufo that was witnessed for more than a minute. I was outside with my brother. We were actually talking about previous sightings. I went to the side of the trailer to urinate. As I looked to the left I see a orange/ yellow orb or light headed east from where i saw it. I ran towards my brother so he can see it to, and he did. It was still headed east. For more proof, I went inside the house to let everyone know so that they can witness it to. Now there was 10 of us looking at this UFO. It turned towards the north and started dimming away quickly. All my family was pretty scared, I know I was. We tried capturing it on a phone but my brother was recording a star instead, I was really upset because he missed. and soon after the light disappeared. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))",,2 +107,"3 starlight objects do trickery through the sky for 1 1/2 hour (video footage) Woke up around 5:00 am to go to bathroom, came to lay back down & looked out window and saw bright ""star"" like thing moving around rapidly. As I continued to watch, it would hover in same spot for 20-30 seconds then shoot rapidly across sky. Would free fall then stop itself on a dime, doing circles & figure 8's. We were amazed & thought quickly to get the video camera. Got a few good shots of it, but it is so fast that it is hard to get good detail. Eventually saw a straight line drop down from object and then another ""light"" began to act erradically also. The 2 would connect then disconnect, and at 1 point a third object was flying in the same manner as the 2 previously listed. DEFINATELY not military or commercial aircraft. This went on until dawn and was nolonger visible to the eye.",,1 +108,"It looked kinda like a triangle, but it had flat edges around the edge's. It was a Chrome like color, as big as at least a 1 story building, maybe about 250-500 feet in the air, and it glowed reddish black and left a whitish trail when it left. During this event, the object changed color at least 3-4 times, between reddish black, to a very dark red. It sounded like a whistle at first, but became silent and came on again. (Kinda like morse code) I saw at least a dozen lights on it that where various colors. I was talking on my cell at the time to my wife, telling her about this, and it was coming in kinda fuzzy, then I heard a noise coming from my cell phone, (Maybe a transmission) and then it went dead a couple of seconds later. The noises I heard from the phone could have been a launguage, but I could not understand a word of it. After my phone went dead It left a few seconds later.",,1 +109,"String of lights in Quartzite desert We were at an RV Rally about 6 miles North of Quartzite off of HWY 10 on Plomosa Rd 3 miles east. We were walking back to our coach at about 11: PM and stopped near a camp fire that was still burning. As we were talking I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I turned and turned my partner towards the mountains. We watched what looked like a string of lights appear in the sky. From right to left, light, light, light and then to the north another set of lights left to right, light, light, light. We watched for about 6 seconds and then they went out. When they went out we could see something dart erratically from the centers of each light. We confirmed what we had just seen and several minutes later one more string of light appeared and disappeared just like the others did. We‚Äö√Ñ√¥re not sure what we saw, but we did see something.",,0 +110,"An object shaped like a teardrop on its side flying at incredible speeds over rural central Pennsyvlania countryside. I was sitting at this computer in my house and a glinting in the sky caught my attention. I looked up and I saw a shiny-grayish object that I assumed was a plane until I realized how incredibly fast it was moving, and looked closer to see that it looked like a teardrop on its side. It was heading from east to west at speeds I have never seen before. Shortly before moving over the horizon and out of my sight, it made a sharp turn towards the north, sped up even more, and went over the horizon. My home is in a small rural town in central Pennsylvania, and about 5-7 miles from the main parts of town, and there are no military installations near our area. There are passenger jets visible that pass over our area from time to time like normal, but never anything like this.",,1 +111,"Three bright objects would appear and disappear covering great distances in the night sky. I had just got in from work and went outside to check the christmas lights, when I looked up at the night sky and off in the distance I saw what I thought was an air craft light. As I continued to watch this light I noticed it would travel across the horizon it would travel slowly ,seem to stop or disappear and reappear a great distance away. It would jump from one spot to another very quickly.Soon another light appeared above the first and another above the second light and all three objects traveled together then would split up in different directions and then reappear one ontop of the other as if looking for something. I watched this for a couple of hours off and on. Because of the cold weather I finally went in for the night. I tried to video tape the objects ,but my camera would not focus inthe night sky.",,1 +112,"If anyone around us has a chance, this is happening right now! ((name deleted)), sitting outside on the balcony, suddenly notices a bright light facing west that is somewhat brighter than that of any aircraft known. this sphericle object will not move in directions up down left or right but does seem to lose potency of light either exiting the hemisphere or reducing energy. ((name deleted)) notifies ((female name deleted)) and ((female name #2 deleted)). The event continues for the next two days then the object is no longer there for the duration of one evening. Best guess would be either a sattelite or a planet. Then upon going outside on March 18th, the object is in the exact same place as it was before. Again getting brighter then less and so again. The only reaction to this in my opinion would be a ufo hovering acknowlidging human conduct or some sort of plan‚Äö√Ѭ∂ ((NUFORC Note: Venus. PD))",,3 +113,"Here not only we(People) My buddy and I work for moving company in Canada . On the way from Saskachewan to Manitoba, very , very , so bright blue - white light flashed above our truck . My buddy was driving , he thought it is police , but very bright blue-white light was everywhere. He lokked at the side mirror noone was behind us. He scared of this. I opened my side window and saw that was so unbelivable ... It was ship making so bright light so far around where it was. ONce in my life I have seen something like that in Kazakstan when I was 5-6 years old , it was 10 - 15 steps from me stood on the ground , 2 of them not from our world and one man was kinda sleeping at front of one of them , my mom , grandma , adults didn't belive us. I wasn't alone to more guys were with me , they were about 6-8 years old. That was it 1000%! ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD))",,2 +114,"I work in a facility that doesn't allow photography or cellphones. Me and my superviser stepped outside (cloudy day), and to the north of us was a large perfect circle of lights that flashed all around in a synchronized fashion, me and him stared at it in amazment as it glided through the air, me and him have never in our lives seen anything like it. It had maybe 15 to 20 lights all the way around (no physical aircraft was visible), from where we were standing the object would have had to have been rather large. We couldn't tell how high it was but it was completely silent. It was moving from east to the west, he called his parents and told them to get a camera and go outside as they lived about 5 miles away from where the object should have been flying directly over but they never saw anything, we still do not know what we saw and everyone we have discussed this with has not said anything about seeing this object.",,2 +115,"Sideways 8, yellow, steady, UFO seen during TV News Show, during Adam Schiff‚Äö√Ñ√¥s Comment at the Whitehouse. I went on YouTube, to watch the News, on YouTube I clicked on The Ingraham Angle 3/25/19 Fox News (Posted by Cris creeper boy) Breaking TrumpToday Mar 25, 2019 149K views- 1 day ago Adam Schiff‚Äö√Ñ√¥s Comment 21:26/ 43:09 to 21:28, 2 seconds Press release at the Whitehouse, outside Interview by Adam Schiff I saw a Bright blue sky with a yellow ufo, maybe 2 ufo‚Äö√Ñ√¥s blended together, unknown form looking like a number eight 8 sideways, filled in with yellow/light beige/white light/substance On the right side of Schiff‚Äö√Ñ√¥s face, at chin‚Äö√Ñ√¥s height. The ufo is Steady non-moving and did not disappear, was only seen for 2 seconds when/until the camera went out of focus/ camera took its focus off of Adam Schiff. The News show went on until 43:09 minutes past, not returning the camera focus to Adam Schiff.",,1 +116,"Strange object seen hovering below Sirius emitting lights in New Delhi, India Yesterday, seen at around 8:35 pm in Delhi. A strange object emitting a kind of red light directly above and following Sirius (star). We saw through our 325x telescope, the object(s) was showing a kind a blueshift, which is only seen , according to physics, when an object is coming towards us. Me and my Brother immediately checked wikisky for any such image, but none like that was there. The Object was like two arrows pointing opposite to each other. The object was immediately below Sirius. It looked strange and appeared to be hovering over the spot. It remained there for around 1 and a half hours.It could be a meteroid but how could a meteoroid be of that shape and could not maintain the same distance from Sirius. Also, sometimes, with the telescope, there seemed to be flashing lights over it. The images could not be taken because the Mobile Camera was not working.",,0 +117,"Spherical type objects hovering above the sky for long durations, rapid movement. Bright orange spheres hovering in the sky, these objects could change direction at whim (Shoot straight up, darted from side to side) Two hovered close to each other extremely bright orange. At one point the bright orange would just stop and only the flashing white, blue and red lights could be seen. Others flew around with white lights on the bottom and blue and red lighting on the side with occasional flashing and a slight orange tint. There was also one that was fairly large that just hovered for 30 minutes or so then dissapeared below the horizon. Speeds varied for each craft. At one point two crafts seemed to have nearly collided but hovered directly above one another for about 5 minutes. You could faintly hear a whirring of a jet-like engine as one passed over. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,1 +118,"Two extremely loud electical/plastic sounding/zapping explosions overhead at 9:45pm on 09/22/01 Just as I was falling asleep at about 9:45pm (I had to be up for work at 5:00am). I was startled by an incredible electical popping/banging sound. I jumped out of bed and ran to the window. I saw nothing. I thought maybe fireworks were set off in the neighborhood. I went back to bed. Just as I pulled the sheets up, I heard a second, same kind of noise. To be descriptive, it sounded as if someone has put a tupperware container in a microwave oven and left the lid on which caused a plastic sounding explosion/bang, but ten times the noise. I covered my ears after each explosion it was so loud. My cat was obviously distrubed and immediately headed for the basement. After the second explosion I looked out front and saw most of the nieghbors in the area turning on their porch lights and looking around outside. I thought it resembled a sonic boom or space debris re-entering the atmosphere.",,1 +119,"The animals were in terror. I was up late reading, had just let my dog inside, when she wanted to go out very badly. I opened the door, and she indicated that I follow her. Once outside, I heard the horses in our pasture, and the cattle across the road just going nuts with fear, and all of the outside neighborhood dogs barking. My dog was looking straight up, snarling, and had her fangs bared. I looked up and saw a single green light. I watched it for just a few seconds, then I looked down and said to my dog: ""I certainly hope you are seeing what I am seeing"". When I looked back up, the light was gone, the horses and dogs in the area were then quiet. You have to understand that at that time, this was a very rural area. The next day, I questioned a couple of neighbors, and none of them had heard anything. I was unable to determine how close this light was, there were no reference points, and there was absolutely no sound but for the animals. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))",,1 +120,"Object looked like a full moon, but it travelled too fast, and went the wrong way... Gentlemen: I was on my way home from work one morning. The object In question looked like a full moon that was out that previous night as well... but this object was hovering when first I spotted it... I say hovering we'll suffice it too say it was stationary, Then all of a sudden it started moving toward the north by north west... As we all know the moon does not travel on a north west trajectory... Especially over here on the north American continent. The last time that I saw it it went over a hill and I lost sight of it.. As I was on the interstate at the time I couldn't pursue it any further. If you have any further questions of me on this matter just contact me by the usual methods. After I got home and was unloading the car I happened to look to the south and there was the moon right where it was supposed to be... ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD))",,1 +121,"Glowing object in the sky over fireworks display. My Wife and I were attending a firewaorks Display at a Ballfield in our hometown. After the fireworks were over and most people had gone home, my wife and I were sitting on a blanket and I noticed a bright red and orange glowing ball about 1000 feet in front of us. It moved extremely slowly in a North Easterly direction. I was close enough to see whatever was inside of this glowing ball was similiar to fire. It also made a buzzing and hissing sound. My partner and I watched this object move across the sky until it faded out of sight. I am not sure if others had seen it however there were still a lot of cars leaving the ballfield so I believe someone must have noticed it? The next day on my way to work, I heard on the radio (95.7 fm) some kids had seen a similiar object in the night sky in the there area after watchimng fireworks( about 100kms) away. I didnt think anymore on this subjct until I tread a report on your website on a similar incident.",,2 +122,"The UFO was a saucer shape, and it had bright red lights. It didn't stay around too long. I was on the phone looking out the window and I see a bright red light. I thought the light was coming from outside because there are a lot of cars and cross signs around here. The light lasted for about 3 seconds. The object looked round, kind of like a disk. The light was so bright that it was beaming below the craft making the object look bigger than it actually was, kind of like a jellyfish with it's body hanging below it. Since it happened so quick I didn't really pay as much mind to it. About 2 minutes later I saw a clearer craft. It was the same shape and the lights were even brighter red. Both objects seemed far away but very visible. The second craft kind of floated around like it didn't know where to go and then it just disappeared so fast. It was like one minute it was there so clearly and the next it was gone. I couldn't even follow it. It didn't fly straight either. It seemed pretty wobbly.",,1 +123,"Nov12/10, 7-34 pm, 3 orange shimmery lites in a triangular formation going slowly in one direction then 90 degrees to another for 2 min At 7:34pm, traveling from the east-south-east, I saw three orange ember-like lights in the sky and I watched them travel very slowly. Each light seemed to be a different size and a different shade of orange, almost strengthening and weakening in color and it looked like they were shimmering, like a glowing, burning ember from a bon-fire as it rises from the flames. They seemed to be at different altitudes and each at different distances away. There was not a sound in the sky and it was very clear as numerous stars could seen. Even with the motion detector lights on from the rear of the yard, the street lights and the lights of the City, it didn't seem to matter - these three objects were very clear. As they moved north-north-west, they slowly changed direction and started going north-north-east. I watched with three other people as they all, one by one, just disappeared.",,4 +124,"A diamond shaped UFO flew over our campsite. While camping at Hueston Woods State Park on a Friday night, a couple of friends and I were sitting on a picnic table around 11:30. It was a very clear night and we could see alot of stars. Then this object which was diamond shaped flew slowly directly over us. It made no noise. It took about 20 seconds to go from one tree horizon to the next. We all agreed that it must have been atleast as big as a football field. It had 6 white lights (I think.) It was shaped something like this....0............................................................................ .....o.o........................................................................... ....O...O.......................................................................... ......O............................................................................ The Os are the white lights. The center was black as the night and blocked out stars. The random periods are so that my picture keeps its shape whe submitted",,3 +125,"Object in Sky in Cary, NC The object was large, made no sound, and had 5 rotating circular compartments with two areas for lights. This object came over the treeline to my right along with a smaller object. I was looking at it through the passenger window. I was looking at the bottom side of this object. This object had 5 circular-shaped compartments with two areas for lights and each circle was rotating and the 5 circular things were also rotating. The smaller object was moving back and forth to the larger object quite quickly. The object was dark grey and where the lights were attached the circles would rotate the object could change shape. I could see the mechanical movements of the object, the rotations of the entire object, and the rotation of the area where the lights were on the object. I grabbed my phone and took 3 pictures, and in the first picture, the white blurry line is the smaller object moving fast to the larger object the video I took was before it left out of sight and the video has been slowed down.",,1 +126,"A Terrace B.C. resident reports - it went immediately 2 times very bright before speeding up again and continuing towards the NW. The light was greyish-white in color, round and extremely bright. The object moved from the Southwest ( Kitimat ) to Northeast. It also moved very quickly. Before losing track of the object it has slowed significantly down over Thornhill. There were two witnesses to this sighting. Thank you to the two witnesses for this report. ((NUFORC Note: We express our gratitude to Brian Vike, Director of the Houston, British Columbia, Canada UFO Research organization, for sharing this report. We encourage other witnesses to the same event to contact Mr. Vike directly at the following e-address: His website homepage for Canadian reports, or ordering his newsletter, is: All the British Columbia UFO reported sightings to HBCC UFO Research can be found at: PD))",,2 +127,Something was flying over downtown Portland on August 6th My friend was visiting me in Portland a few weeks ago from Germany and he was taking some video of downtown Portland while sightseeing in the aerial tram. Later he was watching the footage after uploading it on his computer and he noticed something hovering over the city like a helicopter but then take with a speed and angle that we don't think could possibly be a helicopter or plane. We have no idea what it was or even if perhaps it was a reflection or something but it sure looks like something that is flying. I'm interested in seeing what any experts might think. The incident happened on August 6th at around noon and like I said he was in the portland aerial tram looking down over downtown. As for witnesses there were others in the tram but no one saw anything or had any reaction at the time. We posted the video to youtube to see if anyone else saw anything that day so the link is below so you can see the footage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdjOgVtd2uM,,1 +128,"Rotating Sphere with a light in the middle on one area Note: I immediatly wrote down and drew a rough picture of what I saw, so I'm writing straight from the notebook what I put down after I ran inside and calmed down The object was up in the southern sky, for a while I thought it was an unusually bright star until it began to rotate 360 degrees over and over. It remained in the same spot continuing to turn at a steady pace. I continued to watch in shock as an odd whooshing (it was not wind like sound) sound. I became afraid and stood up and the sphere stopped rotating to where the lit part was in full view to me. Suddenly I could see my own breath, as if the air was freezing, but it was 70 degrees outside. After that I ran into the house, told my brother, got sick and then looked back out to where I had seen it, but it was gone. This was logged at 1:34 a.m. Central US time in my notebook. One thing I forgot to note was that when the light was completely out of my view I could see the full outline of the object from the light.",,1 +129,"Two white orbs above Downtown Palm Springs, spotted by at least two completely sober people. My girlfriend (called Y) and I were in the pool this evening and saw two UFOs above Palm Springs. The first one was like a very bright plane with no blinking light, the light itself was very white-white, and it was moving almost like a plane, south over downtown. Just as Y jokingly said, ""Maybe it's a UFO."" It proceeded to slow down and slightly change direction (either west, or up... not sure), and over the course of 3 or 4 seconds, the round white light dimmed to orange, then, slowly to red, then it faded out; not behind clouds or anything, it was crystal clear out. And I know that nothing that big and bright could go out of sight relatively instantly. About 5 minutes later, as we were still in the pool tripping out, she said 'look, another one!' I totally didnt believe her at first, but sure enough, there was an already dim one changing direction and fading out. It was just above the mountain behind Downtown Palm Springs. I am so pumped we got to see them.",,2 +130,"I walked out to smoke and seen a red triangler red light with white lights circling the outside of it. Both blinking very fast. I walked outside in my back top deck to smoke and i was looking at the stars and how beautiful they were and not a cloud in the sky. I looked across the hill about north east of my house across the road and seen it. It was a huge triangler shaped red light that was blinking really fast. On the exterior of the object there were realy bright white lights around it also blinking really fast. It sat over a house for around a minute and fouty-five seconds. I ran inside the house to try to wake up my mom and she would not wake up, so I ran back outside to see if it was still there and it was gone. I could not sleep the rest of the night and was scared to death. I know for a fact that it wasn't a airplane, hellacoptor, or anything I have ever seen before. I didn't believe in UFO's but i promise I for sure do now. I know what I have seen and now i know there are others out there besides us. Thank You ((name deleted)) Ashland, Ky",,1 +131,"Total of 5 deep orange/yellow lights floated across the sky, too close together to be airplanes, made no sound, & were following a path There were at first 3, yellow/deep orange bright lights, too close together and too small to be airplanes, and they were moving slightly north and more west. They at first looked small enough to just be a nearby planet or for some reason large star, but then I realized they were moving and were definitely neither of those. As I watched the first three, somewhat fireball-like lights move across the sky, a fourth peeked up behind the tree line in front of me and was following the other 3 (who happened to be in a group somewhat like a triangle shape). Eventually a fifth light came from the treeline, still following the other 4. They all remained in the air, seemingly high in the atmosphere, until they either turned a different way and we could not see the light or they dimmed out, it was hard to tell. But soon after seeing the fifth one, two of the first 3 began to quickly dim and distinguish. There was no sound, only light.",,1 +132,"Large red light seen crossing the moon in a few seconds. When I was about 8 or 9 years old my father was stationed at FT Drum New York. My whole family seen it, so not just me. It was a summer night and we where all outside on the patio relaxing. Then... this thing had to be big, really big as it looked like a red dot that went across the moon. It was not a Comet or an Asteroid as it had no tail and honestly moved to slow to be either of the two in my opinion. As a note the light was solid, it did not blink and was the color of a traffic light. It was going the speed or looked the same way a plane looks crossing the sky. It appears slow but in fact is going 100's of miles an hour. Now the fact it crossed the moon in about 4 seconds is very fast indeed. I can not even begin to speculate on the speed. I made a small animation of what it looked like. I have never seen anything else since then even though I looked constantly with my telescope and moon map I got that Christmas. I am now 34 years old. LOL! Thanks ((name deleted)) ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))",,0 +133,"A bright green, flourescent light that traveled at a very rapid speed leaving a trail and changed direction rapidly before disappearing My daughter and I were traveling north on Florida's turnpike at about 8:30PM. A flying object traveled northbound next to the turnpike above the treeline in a straight line, dipped and turned up and to the northeast at an incredibly high rate of speed before it completely disappeared. I could not make out the shape of the object - it was a bright, flourescent green light that left a trail as it moved. I have never seen anything move that quickly in the sky (or on land or sea for that matter). I'm 40 years old and have never seen anything like this in my life, nor have I ever looked for it. I cannot explain it and feel strange even having seen it. It was too big to be a model plane or a firefly or some logical explanation. It was too fast to be a small plane or helicopter. The light was not a projected beam because it was self-propelled and moved with precision and purpose. And it disappeared after it changed direction upward and to the northeast.",,1 +134,"Green line in the sky shaped as a straight line UFO SIGHTING August 13, 2010 Three days ago(August tenth) I went to the store to get a pack of smokes , only to find out that the store was closed so I went to different one . It was nice out so I took a longer route , which was up over a hill As I was walking up this hill something in my peripherals caught my attention. I looked up immediately and what I seen was a green line of light in the sky . Not very large and very sharp. It almost looked like a small LED light. I stopped to look at for about a minute when I got to the top of the hill, to make sure I just wasn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t seeing things. I also Noticed a plane in the sky flying by. After about a minute of looking at the object. I walked down the other side of the hill to the store to get smokes. The farther down the hill I went the less I could see it, until it disappeared. I came back the same way I came to see if I could still see the object. Unfortunately it was gone and I walked home puzzled at what I had saw. I think It could be similar to the report on July 19, 2010.",,1 +135,"Objects: Flame shape - Number of objects: 1 My wife and I were sitting in the pool and the sky lit up for a few seconds. The trajectory was upwards and the flash was a large bright red flame shaped object with a blueish halo and it had a tail and it disappeared into the sky or burnt up? It was much to quick to be an airplane and too large to be fireworks. I have written to the witness in hopes to gather more information on this sighting. Thank you to the witness for the report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Canadian Toll Free UFO Hotline 1 866 262 1989 - Free call. Editor: Canadian Communicator - Paranormal Magazine email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www3.telus.net/public/wilbur8/hbcc_ufo_research.htm ((NUFORC Note: Please see other reports for same event. We express our gratitude to Brian Vike for sharing this report with NUFORC. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: One of several reports of apparently the same event seen over Texas. It is interesting that the event has not been reported from surrounding states, given that a bright meteor can be seen for hundreds of miles around. PD))",,2 +136,"Amber triangular craft seen in Northeast Ohio 500 Lights On Object0: Yes My mother and I were driving south-bound headed into Waynesburg, Ohio at about 8:15 PM, or 20:15, when I noticed something odd above the treeline on the large hill to the southeast. It was a triangle shaped craft with 3 lights. A 4th light was off to the left of the triangle. All of the lights were an Amber or Orange that were very bright. The 3 lights on the triangle were around 20 or 30 feet apart and the light off to the side was around 50 to 70 feet away. They were hovering, not moving, and made no sound from what I could hear. We went into a store for around 5 minutes and when we returned, the craft was gone. As we turned onto the next road and headed east. As I tooked into the sky to find it again, a small light caught my eye. The sky was extremely clear, not a star or cloud out. It was dark, however, and very black. The light that was off to the side of the original triangle was following us down the road but at a safe distance. The object was high in the sky in front of the car and was still the Amber or Orange color.",,2 +137,"While in patrol at above time notced a bright star or planet in eastern sky,approx 30 degrees above horison.Iwas looking there a few moments when a bright yellow light streaked across the sky east to west.It was two streaks,as if it turned off and then back on.It was about 1/8 the size of a full moon to start an the size of a bright star at last sight.It covered approx.30 to 40 deg. As above it travled east to west,covering approx.40 deg.of arc of sky,in about i to 1 and1 1/2 sec.It was bright yellow 1/8 th. size of moon down to star at last sight.It blinked out for split sec.while in flight appeared like two streaks along line of flight.I looked for few sec.for another aperence along path but saw nothing ferther.I am a Phila.Police officer,I had also worked as Airport security and was certified weather observer for NOAA and FAA at PNE in N.E.Phila.The path of object was approx that of trafic.into Willogrove Navel air station but thay are cloced to traffic 10PM to 6AM,But it was not desending and too fast for aircraft if at lower altitude (also no sound)and unlike any shooting star i have seen.Also ext.clear night.",,1 +138,"2 orange/red round balloon type objects with fire seen consecutively...10 minutes ? apart On Friday, June 20, My spouse and I were inside our home when I noticed what I thought was a red/orange balloon with a yellow burner coming from the west and moving to the southwest. I grabbed my binoculars but it was difficult to focus on. It moved steadily to the south/south east and was finally obscured behind evergreen's. A few moments later another one appeared at the same elevation and moving the same speed and direction......I had my binoculars and tried to focus again, it appeared that there were visible yellow flames at the bottom of the object through the binoc's but it was too difficult to tell what it really was. We had been near SEA earlier in the evening and flights were landing to the south indicating there was a south wind. These objects were moving steadily to the south and thus didn't appear to be balloons which should have gone northward in a south wind. The time of 10 pm is an estimate......it could have been between 10 and 11 ! pm. It was dark out............so readily visible in the night sky.",,2 +139,"Low flying round shaped object with lights around bottom hovering over while camping with a few close friends, a quite loud sound was heard. We all wondered what it was, it being 11:30 at night, and went outside the tent to see what was making the noise. The object appeared to be a jet untill it came close to us. There were many lights on the base of the object, seemed to be in a circle. Flying very very low, much lower than conventional aircraft. It hovered over our heads and indeed it was a sphere shaped object with a circle of lights on the bottom, moved very slowly just right of where we were standing. Just as soon as it was out of sight the noise ceased. Luckily one of us had brought a video camera just in case anyone did something funny, and the whole sighting was caught on video. I cant find out how to get it onto the computer though. A very thrilling experience. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of the incident is approximate. We have requested a copy of the video, and have invited the other witnesses to submit reports, as well. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Student rept.; address invalid; possible hoax. PD))",,5 +140,"I awoke suddenly at 2:00a.m. & looked out into the sky and saw what I thought to be a very bright falling star. It disappeard, & thought nothing of it. I looked out side again & there it was. What I though was the wind blowing the trees making it appear & disappear. Looked more like a light blinking off and on. There was no wind. I looked away & it was gone. I looked out side again & there was a bright light in a different place. I watched it & realized it was ""hovering"" and the light around it seemed to be circling it, as in movement, very high & moving a little, & asked my boyfriend to look. He also saw it moving. I watched it as is slowly moved out of sight. The object was very far away & was very hard to tell what shape it was. There was a light that looked to be circling the out side of it, because it wasn't completely lit on what looked to be the top & bottom of it. It also seem to have a main light that circled it. It moved in up & down & side to side & hovering motions. The light would be very dim at times & very bright at others. It gradually, slowly moved in a wesward direction, on the same plane of travel.",,1 +141,"A giant glowing object resembling a car headlight floated across the night sky and then shot straight up through the clouds It was an overcast night and the craft was below the clouds. It looked as if a giant headlight were hanging in the night sky. That's the best way I can describe it, because it wasn't a ball of light, but rather a focused beam of light pointing across the sky in one direction. I'm sure you're familiar with the term ""no inertia""...it hung in the sky for several seconds and then took off without any build-up to a speed of what a small airplane might run at if it were at full speed. But like I said, when it took off it was instantly at that speed. There was absolutely no sound coming from the object as it paced itself to a point in the distance about 1-2 miles away from us and then...WOOOSH! it shot straight up through the clouds exactly like in the movies...the speed mirrored a bolt of lightning. Anyway, that was it. The friends I had with me, although I haven't seen them in a few years, still won't talk about the incident. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of the incident is approximate. PD))",,0 +142,"Small flashing star-like object, primarily white light with smaller red and green lights. Singe object in southwestern sky initially noticed at 20:45. Approximately 45 degrees above horizon and relatively stationary; as of 21:18 had only fallen a few degrees towards the horizon. Appeared as a fairly bright ""star"" approximating magnitude of Sirius, however was visibly flashing with hints of red and green. Viewed through 4"" telescope, very obvious red and green colors intermixed with predominant white light. Appears to be quite distant - through scope, slightly smaller than pencil erasor. No details visible, simply a flashing 'blob' of lights. No sound at all. Is very definitely not a commercial aircraft. As of now, 21:25, has edged at most a few degrees slightly to the west-southwest, but still appears fairly stationary. Very slight haze of bright light around object, pulsating slightly as the flashing (which is continuous and ongoing w/ seemingly no pattern) continues. ((NUFORC Note: We wonder whether the witness might be looking at Sirius. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,1 +143,"It was a large light, bigger than any other in the sky, going from SW to NE at a fast speed zig zaging here and occured at 12:40 AM on It was a clear night no clouds in the sky.It was the day of my 8th grade Graduation and I just wanted to relax after a long day. My Father and I went to the ((deleted)) Store and got a few snacks. We Sat on our porch and started talking. I looked at my dog rolling around in the grass. Then, I looked up into the night sky. There was a big Orange-Redish ball of light passing above my neighbors' houses. It was coming from a South Westernly direction and continued moving to the North East. My father jumped up and said ""What ((deleted)) is that!?!"" It was moving faster than any satilite that I had ever seen in my Life. Occasionally it would Zig zag here and there. When We could see it no more, I ran inside my house and looked at the clock. I got the Time. It was around 12:40. Then I ran back outside and I saw a plane that was going from East and going west at a normal speed. Compared to the UFO I had seen, the plane was extremely Slow. ((NUFORC Note: No bright satellites listed for this time and date by . PD))",,2 +144,"a round metallic object flying over bear del. disappeared and reappeared changed direction and flew away at incredible speed i was looking up and at first i thought i was looking at a bubble then i realized it wasnt a bubble , it flew for about 30 seconds faded then reappeared flew 30 more seconds then disappeared again. it flew like the speed of a plane , but was round and metallic looking . i kept looking up and spotted either the same one or a different object going in a differnt direction and this time it was moving very fast . i yelled to everyone and said do you see it ? my cousin said yeah but didnt know what it was . later a plane flew over in the same exact flight pattern ,same speed as the first sighting and had the same metallic look but you i could see the wings and the rest of the plane where the other craft was just round and the other factor that made a difference was i heard the plane the round craft made no sound . now with the secound sighting the other difference was the speed ,when i see a plane over head it looks like it is moving slow and the round object was! moving fast and you could see the speed and it was much much faster than a plane .",,2 +145,"Srange lights/unknown craft observed in E/ESE sky of NorthEastern St.Clair County Al. on night of 12/05/2008. Observed very strangely lit object approximately 40*-50* azimuth in E/ESE sky, moving in very unconventional flight manner. Began observation @ approximately 21:35 CST and still ongoing as of 22:25 CST. Object shape difficult to discern, only noticing extremely agile motions of this object, in a manner inconsistent of any known flight craft. Reporting made to Saint Clair County Sheriffs Department via phone at approximately 21:45 CST. Lighting appears to be multicolor red/blue/green as best as can be determined from presentation at this unknown distance, which I can best estimate as 3+ miles. I notified two of my neighbors whom saw the same unknown object, and verify that this situation was indeed occuring as reported here. Additionally, my wife came outside and observed same sighting for several minutes as well, until too cold to remain outside any longer. ((NUFORC Note: We are grateful for the excellent report, but we believe that the witness may have been looking at Sirius, which is a very colorful object in the southeaster sky, currently. PD))",,1 +146,"Flashes of Greenish/Blue light over Clear Lake I was in my backyard at 6:04pm, I know the time exactly because I looked at the time, then at the moon. As I looked at the moon and the stars, as I do everynight, off to my right, just above the treeline, there was a bright greenish/blue flash. Honestly as I caught the tail end of it, my first thought was, someone had set of some fireworks, even though there was no noise, and I just caught the cast off falling to the ground. While looking at this spot in the sky, to hopefully see the next flash as it happened, another flash appeared to the left in the sky, I turned to look at it, but it was gone, then right in front of me again above the treeline, another flash, and then again to the right, yet another. Whatever this was, it moved so fast that I couldn't keep up. I never once got to actually look right at it. It was the most beautiful light, and I have been looking for it to happen again the last few nights, but nothing. If anyone saw this, over the Clear Lake area, please confirm that I don't just have some tumor that was rapid firing in my brain. Thanks, anyone with ideas of what it was would be nice as well.",,1 +147,"3 UFO's spotted in a line formation 6/25/08 My husband saw one come in first moving very fast and was very red in color. By the time he came in to get me, object had moved to a different location in the sky, and was also accomanied by a second. We got out the binoculars and watched them move in a very random pattern. Every once in a while they would stop, the whole time moving or not the stayed in a line formation one on top of the other a decent yet close ways away from each other. Then a third came in out of nowhere, more faint then the other two but worked its way toward the line formation. It was hard to tell the shape as it was night but as they moved they looked like blue lines of electricity. When the biggest one stopped you could see a slight shape of circular and blue triangular lines showed up on its shape. The one above it never stopped long enough to see a correct shape. We are both from a small town, and have seen many before and they always come in three's. We have seen them together and apart from each other so this is no unusual occurance for us. This is the first time reporting it. We are only reporting it now because it has happened so often.",,2 +148,"AT LEAST 19 LIGHTS OVER BUCKEYE-GILABEND AREA , 3 NIGHTS IN A ROW FROM 8:30-9:30PM The fisrt night on 09/08/04 there were a total of seven lights on the Estrella Moutains, they would light up and eventually disappear. One of them lite up the clouds so bright,that was the only time that they got that bright. It happened between 8:30 and would go till about 9:30. The jets from Luke Air force base flew out there so fast it was unbelievable then they flew back just the same,like something was wrong. The second night, they would light up in different spots and the jets would go out and come back again. around thesame time. The third night the lights came out slowly, and eventually seven lights formed in a perfect line. The two middle lights for a few minutes were diagonal in the middle of the formation. They did not get very bright. When looking through a telescope they looked like they were on fire and spinging in circles in one spot. At one point you could see smoke trails come from each light. Again the Luke, jets came out extremely quick,maybe even more faster than before right over our house. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident may be approximate. PD))",,0 +149,"The object swayed and suddenly dropped, then made of circular motions,with the coloured lights circling it in no particular sequence It was seen against a dark sky, with lots of stars. As it was near the Newcastle airport planes frequently crossed over, so we new it wasnt an aeroplane. It was oval shaped and seemed to stay in the same place for at least 30 minutes. It flashed white, red, orange and blue in no particular sequence, but it looked like the colours were circling the object.There seemed to also be a red cicle around it like an aura. Then after about 30 minutes it started to sway from side to side. Then it dropped at what seemed like a high speed, but it could still be seen. Again it started to sway then after another 10 minutes it circled in the sky. There was only one in the sky. My friend got her binoculars out of her house and we all saw that there seemed to be four dots of light around it and on the oval itself there looked like there were zig-zag patterns. It also looked like it left a slight red trail behind it.At about 1hour into the sighting it seemed to get smaller and smaller, but not that quickly, this took about 10 minutes. ((NUFORC Note: We suspce a twinkling star. PD))",,0 +150,bow shockwave with rectangle craft it was hyperfast this happened at 4am 10-11-2010 i was outside looking at stars then all of a sudden as i was moving my head from north to south i seen a flash of light with a rectangle in what looked like a bow shock wave. 1st i thought it was a close meteor about to hit just east of me on the plains there was no sound it looked like they were coming out a worm hole or something!?!?! the rectangle looked like it had 3 rectangles on one another it was white in color. the 2nd time i seen the rectangle craft it was with in 5 min of the 1st sighting i was in my room and it happened again it so fast.. i seen the same rectangle craft on my entertainment system. this time it was seen with a stairs coming off the craft.it stationary and it looked like aliens where getting off the craft they were humanoid and minature in size this happened so fast i am wondering if this really happening. why would THEY let me see them what purpose do they have in side my home or with me. i am boggled and keep asking my self it this real!?!?!?! i know what i seen so i am letting you guys know what happened thnx AlA ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)),,1 +151,"November 1, 2002 I seen a Triangle shaped craft. In 2002 the month of October 31, I when to The Creasent Hotel in the pent house so we were very high up well at about 12:30a.m. or 1:00a.m. so lets say November 1, 2002 I was out side on a patio chair langing and looking up in the sky and the stars and the moon very brite that night and clear and I was talking to a friend that was with me and he was standing by the edge looking over smoking a cig and as I was talking and looking up in the night sky theire was the very big it looked black triagle shape craft with light's on each point well not point at each edge it was rounded but anyways they had light's on each rounded corner and theire was not sound what so ever and it was look not very far from were I was no wind moving very slow and I ran to the edge were my friend was and said what is that? and he looked and got all startaled and was mumbling words what the hell is it and this man was in the serves before and he said it was not military and that is had never ever seen such a craft and we just watched it go but he was trying to wave it down I ran in side and would not go back out until it left and it did but that was the last time. Thank's for listening ""GOD"" bless all",,1 +152,"Last night, I had sleep paralysis, unlike any other time before. Except this time, I opened my eyes (so I believed I opened them) except I could only see out of the center of my forehead. I would blink and felt like I only had my one eye. I saw and heard what looked like 3 or 4 grey beings with the big black oval eyes. Except they looked like they were caught and starting to hurry up and stop because they realized I woke up. Anyway, my vision out of my one eye was a little blurry because it looked as if I was looking through a clear kaleidoscope. I felt like I was telling them to go away and leave me alone and so they did. This time, I didn't wake up from that, I just kept sleeping. So, what I acknowledged was going on (I think telepathically) was my vision from that one eye was crystallized. And also telepathically, I told them to stop and they looked like ""why were doing something good for you."" And they hurried up and left me with my blurry eye. Like, I could see their heads moving and looking at one another conversing among each other to hurry, but they didn't hesitate much until I realized ""wait a minute, I'm stronger than you "" that's when they fled entirely and I slept peacefully without waking up from the experience.",,1 +153,"bright light moving north next to I-5 mid Oregon (intermitent Flashing) My business partner and I were driving south on I-5. I had been driving for about 6 hours and wasn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t paying attention to what city I was near, but I do know I was in mid Oregon. Out of the top left of my windshield I saw a bright light and thought a general aviation plane was flying really low with an extremely bright light brighter than I had ever seen on a plane. I watched it for 10 seconds and realized that the light would appear but be still, then move at a fast speed then stop, the light would then go out and the sequence would repeat. That‚Äö√Ñ√¥s how it traveled, it was on a straight plain going north along I-5. It appeared to be 1200 feet in the air. After the 10 seconds previously specified, I told my passenger to look at what I was looking at and he immediately looked to his left and saw it. I kept on driving and looked at the light as frequently as possible. My passenger never stopped looking until it disappeared on the horizon. The light was so bright and so pure it was incredible, it could be described as a white light and it didn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t illuminate anything. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))",,2 +154,"I wasn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t sure who to send this report to. When I was younger, I experienced a traumatic event each and every night that I still cannot explain. I‚Äö√Ñ√¥ve done research but have found no conclusive answer. Every night for as long as I can remember when I was aged 5-7, I would wake up in my bed only to see my mother walk into the room with a plate of food, speak to me saying (from what I remember) ‚Äö√Ñ√∫here‚Äö√Ñ√¥s your dinner. Sorry you couldn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t have it at the table,‚Äö√Ñ√π place it beside my bed and disappear. Evaporate might be a better term. Then this cycle would repeat. It would be endless and I remember staying awake for hours transfixed by what was occurring. What leads me to believe that it wasn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t some sort of dream was the fact that I had full control over my body. I vividly remember trying to reach out and touch the food, get out of bed, move and I did these all successfully. When I would move (apart from getting completely out of bed) the ‚Äö√Ñ√≤thing‚Äö√Ñ√¥ would continue. Many times I tried to talk to it but it would never respond. I‚Äö√Ñ√¥m sorry if this was not the correct place to ask for help, but if someone can explain what was going on, I would be very grateful. ((NUFORC Note: Possibly not UFO-related?? PD))",,1 +155,"Irregular shaped craft hovering stationary then moving at incredible rate of speed. On the 21st of May 2020 vehicle onto the shoulder of the Garden State Parkway in order to photograph what I was witnessing. The skies were clear, wind was calm and temperatures were in the upper fifties. The object was hovering stationary at approximately 12,000 ft. to 20,000 ft. for what seemed like 35 to 55 seconds before it started to move. It continued to travel southbound at a constant rate of speed for an additional 45 seconds to a minute. Its difficult to gauge velocity of anything moving at altitude but if I had to guess I would day it was moving at approximately 100 mph. Not very fast at all. It then made a hard turn to the west, 90 degree turn and accelerated to a unrealistic speed and in the blink of an eye it was out of sight. It's hard to describe the shape so I will attach the photographs along with the report if I can. I would describe it as irregular. When I got back into the vehicle and went over the photographs the one picture I took rev! ealed something that I was not expecting. The shape of the object what's different in the photograph than what I was viewing in real time. The craft or object had no lights no visible markings and it made no noise.",,1 +156,"Two hovering crafts appeared in Avon, NC and emitted a distinct pattern of 4 circular orangish lights each. After coming home from dinner on Sept 25, we sat out on the deck on our oceanfront house in Avon, NC. Around 9:30 pm, two objects appeared in the sky very close to our house hovering just over the ocean. I could not make out the exact shape of the objects, but both emitted a pattern of 4 large, circular, organish lights. Each light lit up individually in a row on both crafts, and then all together. Then the crafts disappeared, as well as the sound. A few minutes later, the crafts reappeared about a half a mile south down the beach. The crafts emitted the exact same pattern of lights, and then disappeard. They reappeared one more time much futher south with the same light pattern. This was the last time that we saw them. Soon after, we saw 3 military jets come together (from different areas) in a triangle formation and flew off together towards the north. We are all level headed and agree that it was certainly an abnormal sighting. Unfortunately, w! e did not get any pictures or videos. The crafts defied the laws of physics - there was no trajectory, no gravity seemed to be acting on it, and the sound disappeared when the crafts did.",,0 +157,"odd moving object I first saw the object while sitting in a car it didn't move for quit awhile so I thought it could possibly be a radio tower or something then it began to move in a particular manner kinda like a zigzag but not exactly, then I got out of the car and turned around and it had moved a considerable distance and was a lot smaller than it first was. Then the other witnesses came out and I told them what I had seen and they too looked in the sky and saw it. It appeared to moving by then so we got in the car and drove not far from where we were and watched we saw other objects in the sky but they seemed to be planes and didn't have the same lights and light patterns that the object did. Then we drove to a marina to see if we couldn't get a better look and we could, it was far away by then but it was still noticeable we watched for about half an hour and it stood still for a long time then it would almost zigzag again and the stand still and then do it again and then go up and down quit always and then go back to its original position when we decided to leave it was in about the same spot it was when we first saw it at the marina. One was observed, there were red and whit lights flashing in an odd pattern, I couldn't really make out the shape.",,0 +158,"Flaming Orb in Chippewa National Forest I live in rural Northern Minnesota. Near around what I presume to be 8:00 p.m. on 11-24-10 driving home in a blizzard in the Chippewa National Forest I saw a flaming fireball in the sky. At first it was distant and flickering. And as it got closer it looked like a flame, not a sharp acute flame but more like a candle. This had what seemed to be a spherical shell around it, like a translucent halo. It moved in a very slow almost ballon type way. I had to stop my vehicle on the side of the road and watch it. It came down to what seemed to be very close, but there was no way of judging size, because it was night, and a blizzard making visabilty poor as well. But I know what I saw was not a civilian aircraft, it had no directional lights of any kind, and the conditions were so poor the Emergency Helicopter base was shut down for the night. When I shut the vehicle off and rolled down the windows, I heard no sound, it actually floated over toward me, (or what I pr! esume was toward me it was hard to tell), in this odd bobbing fashion. It then gained altitude slowly and disapeared into the snow filled, North-Western night sky. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,1 +159,"Two bright lights overhead, travelling S to N On 08/02/2011, I was sitting on my back porch looking at the sky. The night was clear, no haze and normal air traffic was abundant. I saw numerous ""regular"" satellites passing overhead as well. About 2204 hours I noticed a light appear about 45 degrees above the horizon to the south. At first, I thought it was an iridium satellite, as it grew in intensity and size to a brilliant yellowish color. About 1 to 2 seconds later, a second object appeared behind the first, following the exact path of the first. The objects were separated by a space which was approximately the width of my thumb at arms' length. The second object got increasingly brighter, surpassing the brilliance of the first by a small margin. Unlike iridium satellites, these two objects remained at peak illumination for maybe 5 to 10 seconds before fading. My impression is that the objects were self-illuminated and not reflecting the Sun. Both objects seemed to veer slightly to the northwest as they passed overhead. Both objects faded out one after the other and could not be seen anymore. I checked the Heavens Above website and discovered that there were no iridium satellites or other man made objects in the vicinity at the time of my sighting.",,1 +160,"Sighting of orbs after report of large boomerang shaped craft. On Thursday, April 22 my fiancee called me and asked me to come home as soon as possible around 10:55 pm. He said that he had witnessed a boomerang shaped craft flying low over our apartment. (around 3500-5000ft.) This has not been the first time we have witnessed an event like this, we had a similar one last year. When I came home he explained to me that he had seen a large craft flying overhead. We are used to seeing planes fly over us all of the time and he knew that this was not a plane. Also from our previous experience last year I assumed that if I waited outside long enough I might see something else, which I did. Flying north towards the mountains, off to my right, there were two slightly glowing orange orbs circling each other in formation. This is when I called to report the event. Then about ten minutes later a single orb flew in the same direction off to my left. Then again about 5 minutes later another one flew over but seemed to vanish as I was! looking at it and I could no longer trace its flight path. They were much like the orange orbs I had seen last year however not as bright and this time they were flying much closer to the ground. I would say lower than planes yet higher than birds if that makes sense.",,1 +161,"I saw a metallic, saucer shaped, buzzing and very visible saucer at a short distance I was in Grade 12 or 19 at the time of the site. Despite my young age, my mind was very lucid and clear. No belief in UFO's or sightings prior to that or after the event took place. Went out for a job on a track on a very clear night. I heard a humming noise above me, looked above, and I saw a saucer. It was at a 60 degree angle from my position, i did not have to tilt back to look at it. It was flat at the bottom, had a base, and capped at the top, sort of looked like a half circle. Metallic in nature. The lights were red and very bright, flashing on and off. I could not determine if the base was spinning on it's axis or if i got confused by the flashing lights. I had no time to get a camera but I'm certain it was visible to other people. It flew away into the horizon, gone from site. It was definitely, metallic, saucer shaped, big, noisy and very visible. A thundering jet flew over an hour later in the area. I report it now because I listened to Art Bell's show last night and listened to a similiar descriptive sighting. I did an enormous amount of research on such a craft, told by experts no craft exists in operation. I graduated from UofT in accounting and work as a financial analyst.",,1 +162,"2 big, white orbs of light spotted near the Superstition Mountains. When I was waking-up, I went outside to smoke a cigarette and have some coffee. When I sat down to my patio table, I noticed my plants looked different, more vibrant, as if I was wearing rose tinted glasses. I dimissed it, but then I noticed that the birds that come to my yard were absent, and it was extremely quiet. I was very confused, because I have so many birds that come all day, and this was strange to me. While looking in the sky, trying to spy any birds I noticed a very big, and bright orb of white light. It was very high up, traveling in a rapid path from the east towards the west. As I watched it for awhille, a second orb appeared along side of it. They flew in tandem for what seemed like 5 minutes. Then the second orb turned bright red, then disappeared. Then I thought about waking my boyfriend up, to watch it with me, and just then it vanished in thin air. I went outside at about 8am and when it was over, the clock said it was 9:38. It seemed like 15 minutes. I have also noticed strange electrical phenomena occuring when I walk past electronics, I seem to set them off. I'm very befuddled by the whole experience. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,1 +163,"Two silent, rounded triangle shapes with a slight aura appeared in uppstate New York on a very strange date... If it isn't strange enough that this all happened on 02-02-02, there were 2 crafts seen, and there were two witnesses, I saw two strange almost triangle shaped UFO's. They were three sided, but with rounded edges. It was completely silent, and I am sure that the street we were on is usually pretty busy, even at three two in the morning. Neither of us are sure how long they were there, we were mesmerized by the bright aqua light we saw. They figures seemed to glide around, I at first thought they were just airplanes, then they stopped in mid air. They didn't hover, they just hung motionlessly in the air, as if time froze. (Even though this sounds cool, we all know it isnt possible. Its just awesome to think about.) They hung for no more than ten seconds then shot off into the air. Behind them was a trail of light that faded from the same aqua color as the figures to an almost non existant dark black. As beautiful a sight as this was, we were scared out of our wits! My friend and I are both big believers in 'life out there', but never expected to see anything! Later that night we kept thinking we saw them again, but we were just being paranoid, or that is what we have comcluded.",,2 +164,"3 orange spheres in the sky then 2 then 2 more darting around with 90 degree terns then slowly faiding away We were all standing on the ice, ice fishing. It was dark, around 9-9:30, and my brother looks to the north east and said wow there's 3 orange spheres they raised up from the tree level then started to head north the one in the front went about 500 to 600 yards and just faded away the second one did the same the third got really bright and started to do triangles then headed the same way and faided out. Then I walked back to our camper and I looked to the northeast again and in the same place there was two more spheres again they just sat there the one in the front rose up and started to so triangle agen and keeped it up till it got to about the same place as the other 3 disappear the second one rose up from the tree level sat the for about 30 seconds they came tords us then stated darting all over up and dawn left right and they were all 90 degree terms no jet could do this and it was raining out petty good and we even herd a airplane go over when we saw this the ! third time we saw it they did the same thing and appered in the same place but one went dawn behind the trees ad sat there and u could see the horizon glow then it just faided away this happened wiyel it was raining and at night",,0 +165,"Flew directly over my field of vision as I looked at the stars. I GOT A GOOD LOOK. I was atop my Uncle's boat with one of my cousins for a while before the incident occurred. We had been looking at the stars for some time because they are so clear in the keys. Eventually, a majority of my family had made it to the top of the boat and were conversing while a still gazed at the sky. Although many individuals in my family had been drinking that night, I had not been. A fireworks show had just ended and as I continued looking at the stars, I saw what I assume was a satellite moving across the night sky. At the instant I let a breath out to tell my family to look at the satellite a grey object slowly flew over my field of vision which was much closer. It was directly over the boat and was moving south. The object was triangular in shape (more like an elongated crescent) and was completely silent. At this time, all the members who were on the boat were looking at the object, as my Aunt stated she thinks it's a bird. When the back of the object became visible, a single, centered, small, orange light could be seen and observed for only ten more seconds before the object swiftly ascended out of vision. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,0 +166,"Luminous Flourescent Green Flying Cross While driving westbound on 45th Street, near the intersection of Stanley Road, I noticed a fluorescent green object in the sky to my WNW, at an elevation of approximately 45 degrees above the horizon. At first it had a tube shape and I thought it was an airplane flying at me. I realized it was not a single sidelight, but a solid mass of light. Then the object made a sharp turn to the north and then immediately turned vertically. It had the shape of a ""bird"" or upside down cross, as there was no tail. However, it was twilight and glowed a bright fluorescent green with orange around the entire edge. Suddenly, it was gone. Logic left me as I realized it was NOT an airplane nor bird. I proceeded to Shawnee Heights Road, scanning the sky outside of my windows, trying to rationalize what I had just seen. I then continued to the roundabout at Croco Rd. and looped around until heading eastbound. I pulled over near the transformers, just east of the roundabout. Now I noticed a jet, with flashing wing lights and landing light, circling the aforementioned location of the object. This plane circled 3 times before moving off in a northerly direction. I continued into Topeka, where I heard and saw a plane flying over, towards the West. I am not sure if this was the same jet, or another.",,1 +167,"Well my family went out shopping and when they came back they ran inside saying there is a ufo! I went outside to look it wasen't there of course. But they saw a white light accelerate towards the ground then stopped around 50 feet above the ground and accelerated back up to about 200 feet then it stopped turned on 2 bright white ""spot lights"" and started moving west from our house. After about 30 seconds of this it emitted a bright white light and disappeared. After looking around in the sky for more I happen to see about 10 flying north very far in the sky a little to the left of the moon. I was amazed! I stayed outside and kept searching for more and saw 1 here 1 there fliyng only north and south. A little later my girlfriend was on her way to my house ""she lives about 30 miles north of me"". I had told her about what happend and was even on the phone with her when i saw 1 flying alone. So she was searching the sky as she was on the way here and then looke! d to her left and saw a HUGE white disk shape and 2 jets a good ways away from it. It was about a mile or so in the air and she said it was about the size of a football field. I've seen a UFO before and researched it quite a bit but NEVER anything like this? 2 Ufos close to the ground? and multiple flying north and south? Sorry for the bad grammar and punctiuations",,0 +168,Oval object advancing towards me I was about to go to sleep early(I do this once a week) and i got on my bed and laid there because my body gets hot.I always stare at the moon for a minute and wonder about things.I saw a weird figure that was nearly camoflagued with the dark sky though emitted a light blue light on the other side of it.It had an oval outline and i saw it getting bigger.I assumed my eyes were adjusting on it but actually did a few seconds later when i notice it was getting closer.I sometimes see planes flying over the sky but they always have a regular red flashing light on them. I live in a house with a large backyard and porch.I immediately got up and get my camera and go outside since it was comming closer and closer i could get a good snapshot of it.I took about 5 shots of it until my camera started having electrical spark sounds and suddenly died.My neighbor next door to the right had a dog and it was barking fiercly at the object and i heard my neighbor come out to his backyard.I told him a strange object was in the sky.We watched it slowly advance towards us until my neighbor's dog gave a final large bark at it and the sky sorta opened up and the object went in and disappeared in a flash of green glow. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)),,1 +169,"strange. dozens saw it . happens all the time My Friend called me to tell me to look outside at the sky. In the southeast area of the sky there were 3 red lights hovering high in the sky over the horizon. This was at about 1:10 AM at about 1:30 they began to fade away, and then disappeared. This morning at work, I was listening to wbbm on my break. A report came on, they said dozens of people called the police and news talking about these lights. The same thing happened last year 8-21-04 and on 10-31-04. No one knows what they were. As of yet they remain unidentified. Strange Eh? Here is a link to the news report. SIGHTING OCCURED ON OCTOBER 1ST 2005 http://www.wbbm780.com/includes/news_items/news_items_more.php?section_id=9&id=20023 (NUFORC Note: All reports of the two sightings (23:15 hrs., 30SE05, and 01:10 hrs., 01OC05) from Illinois will be passed along to Dr. Mark Rodighier, Director of the CENTER FOR UFO STUDIES, Chicago, as well as to Mr. Dave Marler, State Director of the MUTUAL UFO NETWORK for the State of Illinois, who will pass them along to his Field Investigators in the Chicago area. We would be most grateful if witnesses to this event would please submit a detailed report of their sighting, using the ONLINE REPORT FORM on our website, and we will pass those reports along to those two investigators above. PD))",,24 +170,"Slow moving object in night sky abruptly disappears As I was leaving work on the evening of March 22, 2004 at 10:53 PM, I noticed a very slow moving light in the distance, aprroximately 4 nautical miles or so in a cloudless sky. I was facing in a NNE direction and the object was moving in a SW direction. At first I took the object to be a distant airplane, as we live approximately 94 nautical miles from BWI, DCA and IAD and am quite familiar with how approaching or cruising airplnes appear in the night sky. There was also air traffic in the vacinity that evening, so it was easy to make a quick comparison. But as this object moved and appeared to get closer I could see no individual strobe or marker lights. The object also seemd to be lower than a typical cruising or approaching airplane would be for our region. Due to the distance of the object I could not confirm any presence or lack of any sound. It was at this point that the object, which had a steady luminosity, abruptly and un-nervingly dissapeared. I continued to scan the area of the night sky for its reappearance, but to no avail. It is possible that it may have been a small airplane departing from Doersom Airport, outside of Gettysburg. But wouldn't small aircraft still be required to have strobe and marker lights? I would like to know if I have mis-identified a known object, please advise.",,1 +171,"going for a walk by Lake of Egypt power plant On my way home from the local B.P. gas station I was walking towards the railroad crossing and I noticed something and I stopped and saw no stars... it sounds stuid but I couldn 't see any over the Lake Of Egypt power plant. 8miles southof Marion IL. I stopped and watched it. The length was as long as about 4 times the power plant. I'm not sure what color it was but I would say it was black. It had no sound u would notice. Cars passed me but didn't see it. At the angle I was at {thinking how to eplain this} the tracks are on a downhill slop and if I pointed out in front of me about a 45 degree angle i would say if u were at the sight, it crossed the road at the fire dept.(1/2 mile) to the dam (1/4 mile) not sure.. it was moving the whole time really slow (it never hovered) about best guess 10 miles per hr. till it disappeard over the tree line. Oh and never did any drugs (and never will) and at the time i didn't drink beer ( just for refence ) I'm 32 now and just thought i would let more than the 6 people that know now. 2 days later i called the airport to see if they had any thing fling out there at the time... 10 mins. later they came back and said no... And then they asked my name ... and i hung up... ((name deleted)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD))",,1 +172,"A light in the night sky that wobbled, changed direction and zoomed off at an astonishing rate of speed I was sitting in my backyard sipping a soda pop on a reclining chair with my head facing the sky. I was looking at the stars and suddenly noticed a yellowish light which appeared to be heading down toward earth because as it moved it grew slightly larger. My first thought was that it was a shooting star. It had no flashing beacon or tail. As soon as the thought occurred about the shooting star, the light seemed to hesitate for a split second and wobble slightly. It suddenly and I mean SUDDENLY changed course about 30 degrees and headed due west toward Los Angeles at an astonishing high rate of speed. I tried to follow it and dropped my soda can in the process but it I lost it behind a palm tree. It was just going too fast to follow. Of course I do not know what it was, but I do know that it wasn't a shooting star because it changed direction. It wasn't an airplane or helicopter because there was no flashing beacon. It was not a satellite because it was going too fast and changed direction. Commercial airlines fly over my house on a regular basis. They fly over at about 10,000 feet altitude. These jets are traveling about 300 to 400 miles per hour. If the light that I saw was at this same altitude, it was traveling easily in excess of 10,000 miles per hour.",,1 +173,"Double boomerang formation or chevrons tip to tip, a dozen or so white lights, not blinking, moving slowly NE to SW, no sound This sighting occurred in a residential area as I was looking for a meteor shower that was supposed to be happening in the NW sky. This was no meteor. It looked like a giant seagull, or two chevrons joined ( ^^ ) [that‚Äö√Ñ√¥s the closest my computer will match its shape, but more elongated side to side] It was moving slowly and deliberately NE-to-SW and had a dozen or so lights on the underside. Had it been standing still, it would have blended perfectly into the night sky, they looked just like stars, only they moved together. I detected no colored lights. The shape could have been one unit, two chevrons tip to tip, or multiple in formation, but appeared to move together. The lights did not blink at all, and I heard no sound. The impression I had was of a single unit, probably low altitude compared to planes in the area, which were easily differentiated by their lights. At first I thought perhaps it was just a flock of geese, but I followed it for maybe a 30-second period or longer until it was too far away and too dim to see. Geese in our area are common, but do not remain visible for long, nor do they fly that uniformly, and they invariably honk. They (geese) do not look like lights. It was not an airplane. I never did see any meteors that night.",,1 +174,"Large bright lights in the Sonoran Desert sighted on Sept. 11, 2003. 3 construction guys heading from L.A. to St. Louis, avoiding Phoenix at rush hour. We pulled off I-8, heading east at Vetrol Rd., turning S. After several miles a sign read ""Great Sonoran Desert"". We pulled in directly W. to camp. We could hear and see I-8 far to the N.&S. Approx. 6-8 mi. SW lay the Sand Tank Mts. At approx. 9:30 p.m., I was sitting facing SW when instantly two large bright lights appeared. We tried to figure what it could be, as I-8 was visible, N&S, to our N. Suddenly, two more lights appeared SW of the first two. A bit further away, to the NW , another one popped into view...then the 5th went out slowly, 4 and 3 went out , then 2 & 1, N to S. Around 10:15 p.m. one of the other guys was sitting facing SW, and said ""they're back"". The first two lights were back, though much closer this time. I got out my video camera, w/700 zoom lens. There was no movement and no sound from the area where the lights were visible, and they stayed between the Sand Tank Mts. and us. After 2-3 min. they began to blink and flash either to each other or us. Slowly, the N. one flickered and evaporated...then the lone light did the same. It was my first time for a sighting on video..I have an exceptional 35 mm. still shot taken 6.5 miles SE of Corona, NM. Anyway, Marana, AZ. poster, you were not alone that night.",,3 +175,"Two circular orange fireballs over northeastern Vermont At approximately 10:30 pm on July 31st 2011, I walked out of my front door to the sight of two orange glowing circular lights in the west (southwestern) sky. I would describe the size of each light as being similar to a softball. (The size was slightly smaller than the midway point between a star and the full moon) These balls of light appeared at a diagonal angle from top left to bottom right. The distance between the two lights started as similar to the two stars that make up the ""bottom of the ladle"" Ursa Major. Neither was stationary at any point. The movement of each began as top to bottom (becoming closer to each other) and shortly after from left to right becoming closer still. When the two lights were as close together as slightly less than the diameter of the moon, they appeared to move directly away from my viewing point(the bottom right retreating and fading slightly sooner than the other) The two circular orange lights disappeared at almost the same time. This sighting took place in about 2 and 1/2 minutes. The movement of the two lights towards each other took about 1 and 1/2 minutes and the retreat took about 30 seconds. I heard no sound that I could attribute to these lights. I have never seen anything even slightly similar to these lights. I have no explanation as to what these lights might be. ((name deleted))",,1 +176,"Silver saucer shaped craft moving in rapid eratic movements and 90 degree turns. It was about 5PM in the evening and I was getting ready to start work when I was walking through the parking lot where the trucks were parked and something caught my eye in the sky almost directly overtop of me..It was a very nice day out,warm sunny etc.I saw this object in the sky and it was moving in very rapid,eratic movements.There were big puffy cumulonimbus clouds that day and right at cloud level is where I saw it.The object looked like it was saucer shaped and silver or a stainless steel color.The underneath side was dark because of it's shadow and the top was gleaming due to sunlight.I watched it for about 30 seconds to a minute and it seemed strange to me that it was at such a high altitude and was moving really fast.Honestly,it looked like whomever was piloting this craft was either learning how to fly it or drunk cause it didn't have a set course.It zig-zagged across the sky in a small area back and forth,slowing down and speeding up and turning at 90 degree angles at times.Planes at this altitude appears to be moving really slow but they aren't,so this tells me that this object,even though moving in short distances,was moving extremely fast.I watched it for a short while and it disappeared into the cloud just above it.It had no lights that I was aware of,but it was daytime. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))",,1 +177,"Two sphere type yellow objects Southeast to Northwest with no streaks or flashing lights and fast moving in one direction. It was a clear early morning sky with Mars nearby last quarter of the moon in the eastern southern positioned. The two fast moving yellow objects resembling the moon in color were traveling southeast to northeast. One trailing the other in perfect sequence. As to the size of the objects in question it would take two plus or minus of these for the size of the middle of the quarter moon. No flashing lights, no trail, no other movement but straight forward in direction. We considered this a serious sighting of (2) sphere‚Äö√Ñ√¥s round and yellow in color objects on November 6th, 2007 at 06:00am. ((NUFORC Note: If the sighting occurred on November 05, as indicated above, then we suspect the witnesses observed the ISS and Space Shuttle, just after they undocked before the Shuttle returned to Earth. PD)) Date Mag Starts Max. altitude Ends Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az. 5 Nov -2.2 05:54:40 10 SW 05:57:31 74 SE 06:00:23 10 NE 6 Nov 0.3 04:44:51 18 SSE 04:45:34 19 SE 04:47:42 10 E 7 Nov -2.3 05:07:55 59 SSW 05:08:18 72 SE 05:11:09 10 NE 8 Nov -1.5 05:30:40 30 WNW 05:31:13 33 NNW 05:33:52 10 NE 9 Nov -0.3 05:53:11 13 NW 05:54:18 15 NNW 05:56:06 10 NNE 10 Nov 0.6 04:44:06 12 NNE 04:44:06 12 NNE 04:44:25 10 NE 11 Nov 0.4 05:06:15 11 N 05:06:15 11 N 05:06:35 10 NNE",,0 +178,"Strange UFO object sighted during a drive late at night I was driving on the freeway in the dark at 11:30 pm and had been thinking about how my dad saw a UFO and realized I believed him and then I was begging to see one in my mind and had done some siri searches on my long hour drive to my boyfriends as well last night about aliens and UFOs. Then a strange flashing object lit up in the left of the sky very far away. It was flashing red and then blue. It was shaped like a circus tent array of lights or sort of like a spider shape. It finally stayed red and started moving closer to the middle of the sky and closer to my car. I was still driving at this time. Then I was directly under it and I passed it. It was gone and I called my parents to tell them. During my phone call with my dad, it appeared again far to the left behind buildings and trees. It moved towards the middle of the sky in front of me about a few thousand years up and then it started going back to the left again and slowly inclining higher into the sky towards the moon. That was when I saw three horizontal blue lights in the middle and a black disc within the array of red lights. I knew it was not a plane because it was going very random directions and it appeared twice and was following me. It was like they heard me ask them to show up and then they showed up for real! I have never seen one in my life until last night. I was on the I-405 south.",,1 +179,"Slow Moving Fireball ????? My daughter saw the object 1st. We all looked up into the Western sky. It was at about a 45 degree angle from us. The distance was hard to judge. It was night time and there was low cloud cover as well. The object seemed stationary and appeared to be burning Orange / Reddish in color. It was below the cloud ceiling. It began to move slowly across the sky from West to South East. It moved in a slow jerking motion at first, It began to burn less bright as it flew. It traveled like this for about a 4 minutes. It didn't appear to travel very far,. Then it went out. The object than traveled the remainder of the skyline at a rapid pass. Even though it was dark you could still see a dark egg shaped object flying under the cloud ceiling headed in a southeast direction. The entire time there was no apparent sound from the object. The whole event took 4 - 6 minutes. After retuning home I looked up this sighting on your webpage. It is very similar. Occurred : 8/3/2008 23:00 (Entered as : 08/03/08 23:00) Reported: 8/3/2008 9:01:53 PM 21:01 Posted: 8/12/2008 Location: Sterling Heights, MI Shape: Circle Duration:30 seconds large star-like object becomes red and vanishes A few people were outside my house when we noticed a bright light that looked like a star. It traveled across the sky under the clouds, then it slowed down and turned red, it became smaller and smaller until it vanished. (It made no sound)",,2 +180,I noticed two green dots way up in the sky. As we kept driving they got more vivid. I insisted on stopping so I can take a picture. The view from my camera phone showed the object bouncing up and down and left and right sort of in the same area though. I took about 10 or 15 pictures. Then I zoomed in with my camera and begin to make a video. It was changing colors from blue to green to Yellow to Orange. It seems to have a distinct Ring around The edge with a few spiky shaped things coming around the outside edge. Maybe three of them? It started shooting way up high and down low in all directions to the left and the right all corners of my camera screen blinking and changing colors all the while. Towards the end it was zipping back and forth so fast it seems to split off in two or three different crafts. But I believe it was just the speed of the object that made it appear that way. It never did disappear the only reason I left is because the person that was ! with me insisted on going. I would have stayed there forever. I zoomed in on some of the still shots that I took later on. Amazing! I swear it seem to be a being in there with big dark eyes a little skinny neck and a greenish colored head. If you zoom in on some of the steel shots you'll see what I'm speaking of. It is the most amazing beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life! I would have stayed there all night until it went away if I had an option.,,1 +181,"Three silver lobed shaped On the 18th of June 2004 I had came off of I-26 north and was traveling along I-81 going north between the Tri city's Airport and Blountville exit at about 17:00 or 17:30 hours going towards Bristol, VA. We were Coming home from a long day at the water park and had my son and my nephew with me. The boy had just went to sleep after looking at the pictures we had taken that day. I have a Kodak, DC 3200 digital camera and had it in the front passenger seat. My radio started fading out from a local radio station that I listen to. I started trying to find another station when I noticed something shiny from the corner of my left eye. I looked to my left and noticed 3 silver balls that looked connected coming up the south bound side of the interstate going north and passing me. I looked for what seemed to be forever just in wonder when I realized that I had a camera. By the time I got it turned on it started across the 4 lane highway turnig towards the east and in the direction of the Airport. I started taking pictures while driving and tried to stop, but it went out of site before I could stop. I was traveling at about 75 MPH. when it passed me. I took 9 photos and when I got home I went and downloaded the pictures to see if and what I had taken pictures of. Out of the 9 photos I have one photo that shows the object.I have reported this sighting to Mr.Kim Shaffer Of Tennessee mufon and gave him the report.",,1 +182,"Strange UFO object sighted during a drive late at night I was driving on the freeway in the dark at 11:30 pm and had been thinking about how my dad saw a UFO and realized I believed him and then I was begging to see one in my mind and had done some siri searches on my long hour drive to my boyfriends as well last night about aliens and UFOs. Then a strange flashing object lit up in the left of the sky very far away. It was flashing red and then blue. It was shaped like a circus tent array of lights or sort of like a spider shape. It finally stayed red and started moving closer to the middle of the sky and closer to my car. I was still driving at this time. Then I was directly under it and I passed it. It was gone and I called my parents to tell them. During my phone call with my dad, it appeared again far to the left behind buildings and trees. It moved towards the middle of the sky in front of me about a few thousand years ((sic. yards)) up and then it started going back to the left again and slowly inclining higher into the sky towards the moon. That was when I saw three horizontal blue lights in the middle and a black disc within the array of red lights. I knew it was not a plane because it was going very random directions and it appeared twice and was following me. It was like they heard me ask them to show up and then they showed up for real! I have never seen one in my life until last night. I was on the I-405 south.",,1 +183,"Streaking Bright Flash Witnessed over Portland Oregon I am on the fence as to what was witnessed by my brother and I. Around 17:30hrs (+/- a few minutes or so), sitting in the living room of my brothers home, my brother and I more or less faced the north-facing window. All the sudden a bright white flash occurred. The flash seemed from our perspective, to move from our right, to our left, at a extremely high rate of speed. The line of sight from where we were looking from, to the general area of the flash in the sky, seems to be somewhere between 25' to 35' degrees up, illuminating through the trees that stood between the flash and where we were sitting at the time. Trees vary between coniferous and deciduous, with intermittent uninterrupted lines of sight periodically. We both agreed that the flash originated beyond the aforementioned trees at an unknown distance. We suspected most likely, it was a meteor flash. But, it did seem slightly odd even for a meteor flash, so I feel this should at least be archived. We both agree that we saw the exact same event, in exactly the same details upon comparison, to the best of my knowledge. We monitored the local news for anything related to what we witnessed, which amounted to nothing by the next following morning. More likely, may have been a meteor flash. But, feel unexplainably compelled to document this event, as this report may prove to be a useful reference for some type of research in the future.",,2 +184,"Huge Round Spherical LIght flew overtop my head and then flew over the mountainrange At 9:20 pm, I was outside on my deck fooling around with a sensor light on the side of my house, (close to the roof) all of a sudden i noticed straight overhead, a craft floating along. I was amazed!! The only thing visible was this round ball of light! IF you held a penny at arms length above your head,...that was the size of this object! It made no noise etc. Just a solid white light. IT wasn't the kind of light that flowed out on anything. The only thing lit was the object. a solid pure white, very bright! I watched this fly from overtop my head all the way until it passed over the mountain tops north-east from my house. This object was i'd say halfway between the ground and the height a airliner would fly. I don't know the footage that would be, sorry. It wasn't moving very fast, just a smooth staight path. It wasn't as fast as a jet nor was it slow as a hot air balloon. what ever it was, it had to have some sort of propulsion system. After it wasn't visible any longer a airliner flew over head in the south east direction and it looked like a ant compared to a mouse!! this thing had to be huge!!! As i watched this, I felt at peace and amazed as if i was seeing history in the making! Ever since this sighting i have been obsessed in ufology. and have seen a few more things around where i live but nothing quite the size of this!! Thank You for your time.",,1 +185,"Object over 100 feet in length, 6 square red lights in front, middle area dark, back section [had] 3 red flashing lights, low, silent. The following report information is a transcribed extract from the UFO sighting report files of the Virginia Beach, Virginia, Police Department, taken from a chronology of Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO sighting reports on file with the Virginia Beach Police Department dating back to May 1976. All quotes are taken directly from the original report forms and some extrapolation is made for the description of the UFO(s) sighted, as not all of the report details were recorded in complete and full sentences by the dispatcher who received the report. Report 45: 1/1/85 at 22:00 Description: The UFO was an ""object over 100 feet in length.‚Äö√Ñ√π It had ""6 square red lights in front, 1/2 [word illegible] row.‚Äö√Ñ√π The ""middle area"" of the UFO was ""dark"" and the ""back section [had] 3 red flashing lights.‚Äö√Ñ√π The UFO ""flew very slowly and low and silent out over the ocean.‚Äö√Ñ√π The object was ""followed shortly by 4 aircraft.‚Äö√Ñ√π The ""NAS Oceana tower [was] checked and [had] negative results.‚Äö√Ñ√π This confirms the UFO was not a conventional aircraft tracked by radar. The witness was ""attached to NAS Oceana, VA, 35,"" unless this was in reference to the person phoned at the Oceana tower. How Many: 1 Sighted Distance: ‚Äö√Ñ√∫200-300 yards above trees‚Äö√Ñ√π Duration: ‚Äö√Ñ√∫In view 200 feet‚Äö√Ñ√π Address: Glen Falls Court Witnesses: 2",,0 +186,"Stationary Spherical Light 1 Hour Duration over Santa Rosa NM My friend and I are currently on vacation. We are from Ohio and have been travelling cross country. On May 18th, 2005 we spent the day in New Mexico taking pictures. At approximately 7:30 p.m. in the evening we were driving on Route 40 towards Santa Rosa, New Mexico and both witnessed an unusually bright object in the Southeast sky. Out of a burning curiosity, we drove towards the object and eventually pulled over to photograph it. We took several still photos with a Nikon CoolPix 8700 camera. Initially, my friend insisted that it must be Venus, but upon further observation we determined that it was too large, too bright, and not where Venus should have been. The object looked much like an extremely large, bright star. It remained stationary for about an hour and then seemed to ""fade away,"" or possibly was covered by clouds. We inspected the photos we had taken and then blew them up in photoshop. The enlarged images reveal an object that was split in two-- or, possibly, two spherical objects. We have looked all over the internet in an attempt to discover what we just witnessed and have found similar sightings. Unfortunately, no one seems to know what it is. Hopefully, someone out there will be kind enough to enlighten us-- if that is possible. We will post our photos to this site. ((NUFORC Note: Possible high-altitude balloon. Please see other reports from the southwestern U.S. for this time and date. PD))",,2 +187,"I saw 3 very red lights hovering in a triangle shape near Sea World Orlando Florida and they dissappeared about 5 minutes later. We were riding a roller coaster called Kraken in Sea World Orlando Florida, and we were being pulled up by a chain pull and we were just about to the top of the hill and I looked to the right towards Disney World and I saw 3 red lights in a triangle formation. They were very bright. The next thing I now we are going down the drop of the ride and I didnt see anything else. I told everyone and everyone thought was crazy. I wanted my father to see it so we went on again and I looked in the direction again and it was gone and there was a big thing of smoke that looked like a space shuttle took off in place of it. It couln't be fireworks because the lights were moving to the right they werent going up. They also lasted like 7 seconds and fireworks last for about 3 seconds. They were not flashing and were very close. Airplanes can't do that. Also airplanes don't dissapear or travel the whole horizon in 5 minutes. My dad said the millitary would be watching and the! y would send out helicopters and I think I saw 2 helicopters or maybe I saw the same helicopter twice. There is this video of the same thing happening in the same location 10 days prior. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeaq0LIvCmA This was also on the news about this happening in another state a few months ago. I think the reason why they dissapeared was because I prayed to God for them to go away.",,1 +188,"Unexplained object high in the sky, bright lights - to barely unnoticable - to disappearing within 8-10 mins. I noticed a bright light in the eastern side of the sky, and I witnessed the object change back to a noticeable, but very hard to see object in the sky. After blinking my eyes several times, I followed the object and it appeared to go from one state of very bright light to a little difficult to see. After witnessing this approximately 3-4 times, I called my husband to look at the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫UFO‚Äö√Ñ√π with me, (I don‚Äö√Ñ√¥t mean little green Martians kind of UFO, but just an unidentified flying object.) I witness every single day the airplanes and helicopters flying overhead, but this was just a different thing to witness. It was so high up in the sky that I first thought it might be a balloon, but the light was something I have never witnessed before. My husband was intrigued enough to watch with me and then my sister-in-law and niece pulled up into our driveway and witnessed what we were seeing; Although, I know this can‚Äö√Ñ√¥t be a little green Martian thing, it was very intriguing and wanted to say that I don‚Äö√Ñ√¥t know what it was. It did not make a sound, the light reflection of the sun from the south of me might explain why it got so bright at times, but I think I would have noticed something in all of my 39-years of looking at the skies. Another reflection I would like to share was that there was no dimension, not a noticeable tail, nose or wing of a plane and then it just disappeared.",,1 +189,"Bright blue/white ' star-like' light in broad daylight appears, moves, then vanishes. No other aircraft in the area at the time, although there were plenty after the sighting for me to compare to and come to the conclusion that what I saw was NOT a plane or a star: Clear blue skies no clouds, absolutely no other objects or stars in the sky. A bright blue/white 'star-like' light appeared for a few moments where there was nothing but a clear sky seconds before, it then moved up/right through the sky unlike a plane. The light is all we saw as it overtook whatever object was making the light. It also seemed to move without any light trails or tracers, nor did the light ever blink. It stayed steady, and seemed to have no effect of inertia as it moved. It then stopped, and quickly faded away as if it was a light bulb dimming out. My grandmother was just as shocked and instantly said: ""I'm gonna forget I saw that"", even after reminding her of what we just saw in broad daylight with clear vision and a sober mind. It freaked her out and she ! wanted no more part in talking about it, but I was amazed and inspired to share this story. We are not alone, whatever that may mean. For a light that glowed as bright as a star during the day to have moved, appeared, and vanished the way it did makes me 100% believe that it was not a plane. I lived next to Tinker AFB my whole life, it was entirely different. To all reading, thank you for your time. I would love to hear more from others, especially fellow Oklahomans. I choose to believe.",,1 +190,"60 feet in diameter craft, and real black looking, hovering over a tree. Location of Sighting: Plantagent, Ontario hwy.17 about 8kms from Alfred Shape of objects: circler about 60 feet in diameter and it was black Full Description of event/sighting: I was coming back from Ottawa, Ontario. and it was raining real hard traffic both ways (lots of traffic) I was going up Plantagent Hill,about 45 degrees angle or little less. the car at that point started to chug a little, you know like missing or something like that. Before I hit the top of the hill, I have a habit of bending forward and hugging my steering wheel, saying something like come-on baby you got to get me home, in witch it wasn't very far,about 3 or 4 kms. and that's when I seen it, if I didn't bend over I don't think I would have seen the 60 feet in diameter craft,and real black looking, hovering over a tree, I could have hit it with a rock very easy if I stop the car. but I wanted to get it home I thought then I was starting to have problems with the car, oh yes and it had two big stadium lights on it. One at each end, but they weren't on though, I thought after if they were on they might have blinded everybody on the road booth ways. But when started to get closer to home the car sounded all right after, maybe it was the EM affects from the saucer, that was interfering with my electrical system. Thank you to the witness for the report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Home - Phone 250 845 2189 email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.com",,1 +191,"3 Silver shiny looking Saucers/U.F.O.'s! The next time I began seeing sightings was on, Oct 18, 1989. Where I lived at the time was quiet dark at night because not many lights were around that area. There was a fair going on at the end of a parking light of a Roses Department Store and Tr-City Mall Forest City, N.C., about 4-5 miles away. I saw a light sort of circling around in the sky and though it might have been from the fair, so I stood there to see behind my house on Farmside Drive Forest City, N.C. This object would travel North East to the mall then back South West toward my house in a circling motion. It did this for a good 20-30 minutes. Then there was another object that begin coming right behind that first one as if was following it. Then after about 10-15 more minutes there was the third that joined in. soon they started getting closer and closer. At one point, they got close straight up above me, over my house. The objects seemed to be Space crafts/U.F.O.'s. In the shuffle of watching these objects I sent a family member in the house to get a camera. When this crafts were above my house I took a snap shot of them as they fled away making my photo sort of blury so I decided to trow it away but, should have kept it. I had frightened them when I took the snap shot and they fled off suddenly leaving a light or smokie trail behind that didn't last but seconds. ((NUFORC Note: One of four, seemingly serious-minded, reports from same witness. Date may be approximate, although the witness does not indicate that fact. PD))",,1 +192,"We both saw a very bright light that drew our attention from what we were doing. The light startled us both. On April 22, 2008 around 11Pm, my friend and I were outside enjoying the crispness of the night. At the same time we both noticed a bright light in the sky to the south. The light appeared out of nowhere and glowed brightly in the same exact spot for several seconds. Then there was another light right beside the first that did the same thing. It could have been as much as several miles away. We both looked at it as we both said , ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Man what in the world is that?‚Äö√Ñ√π The light got brighter for a moment then disappeared in thin air. We both walked towards the light for about a hundred yards when we noticed that there were several planes/jets in the night sky in the area. As we watched the jets circled the area above and around where the light had came from. For at least 20 minutes we watched as two then three jets seemed to be monitoring the area. The jets were flying cross patterns and large circles in and around the same area. Then out of nowhere there was 7 bright bursts of light in a trailing pattern. The light was very bright at first and within a second or two would get brighter then go away. Within a few minutes after this the jets left the area and the night became still. Prior to seeing the first bright lights, we had seen a very low flying jet moving across the sky on two separate occasions. This may have been some sort of military training, but at ages 36 and 38 we both have never seen anything like this.",,2 +193,"Bridlington, England I was in my room talking to my boyfriend on the phone when i heard a noise that sounded VERY close. It sounded as if it was down my street kind of the noise a plane would make i guess but more of a consistent humming noise it was very loud and seemed to keep getting louder and louder then stopping completely then about 2minutes later it would return. I guess I am the only witness i put 2 because my boyfriend could hear the sound on the phone. I was really quite scared at this time it didnt cross my mind that it would be a UFO or anything i was thinking more like a helpicopter crash landing at first but then when it stopped and came back again (it repeated this cycle about 3 or 4 times, i had no idea what it could be and i didnt dare look. It got quieter and seemed to be further away so i finally got the courage to go look out the window and i saw a really bright flash of light so i backed up from the window and ran out the room woke my parents up and told them what had happened, they thought i had been dreaming because i looked shocked as if id just has a nightmare. My boyfriend was still on the phone because id just left it on my bed while i looked and he said he had heard a high pitched machine like noise then heard me open my bedroom door so must have been when i ran out. When my parents went to check nothing was there i spent the rest of the night downstairs watching tv and havent heard/seen anything since. I asked my parents to ask the neighbours about it and they just asked are next door ones and they said they hadnt heard anything.",,1 +194,"A black dot on the Arizona horizon Let me start by informing everyone that I have previously filed a report in Middletown, Ohio. This sighting took place while driving on interstate 8, around Gila Bend, Arizona, also this sighting is not related closely to the sighting that I have recently reported... Me and my father were on a road trip to Sherman Oaks, California. We were driving through Arizona on Interstate 8 at about 7:14 in the afternoon (about the time of sunset). I was concentrating on the road when my father asked me to look into the horizon around the northwest direction. What I saw didn't amaze me at first, There was a black dot below the clouds. I watched it a little longer before my father mentioned that he had been viewing it for about fifteen minutes, and it hadn't moved. I pulled off at a rest area and we both got out. We sat and watched it, throwing out ideas of what it might be. My father suggested a helicopter, but it sat so still for so long that I wasn't convinced. He then suggested a weather balloon, but I quickly threw that theory out because I knew that weather balloons were metallic and were moved by the wind. As the sun set his last theory was that it was a blimp. But by that time it was dark and at least an hour went by and it still had not moved, there were also no lights surrounding the object. As night fell onto the land the object slowly disappeared. Which left me to wonder what it was.... possibly a ufo, possibly a secret government project.",,1 +195,"Multiple unexplained lights On the day's of October 7th and 8th, my sister, mother, and myself were vacationing at Myrtle Beach, SC. At approximately 21:30 my sister and myself were on our balcony of our hotel room. When suddenly a bright light appeared out of nowhere. Then a second light ""flashed on"" beside the first. Then a third flashed on, followed by a fourth. These lights looked like no more than 40 feet from shore distance wise, the height of which they were at was probably no more than 700 feet at the highest. My first thought was they had to be flares, but they would ""flash"" on and off and never descended from their altitude. They stayed for approximately 2 minutes or so the first night. The second night at about the same time approximately the same light appeared this time much farther out. This was followed by the same ""flashing"" on and off pattern from the night before. After a minute or so they faded out, only to reappear much closer...one at a time. The same ""flashing"" fo! rmation continued for approximately 35 seconds or so. At this point they disappeared again, only to reappear at a third sight much farther out but parallel to their original point approximately 1400 to 2000 feet off shore. The height remained about constant from both days. This time though, my sister, my mom and I all witnessed the lights. I have done some research on these Myrtle Beach lights, and have seen some video. The video's I have seen are the exact same lights me and my family witnessed. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD))",,2 +196,"On the night of October 17 of 2009 at about 9:50 pm. A friend and myself were sitting in her back yard and I was starring off into the night sky & stars. Before i know it i see a blue & purple anomaly in the sky at warp speed. I screamed to my friend, trying to point it out to her. She missed it. I was convinced what i saw was OUT OF THIS WORLD & Nothing i have EVER seen in my life. it moved at speed a plane could not have. THEN, About 3 to 5 minutes after seeing that first one, my friend yelled my name and said look!! look in the sky!! What i saw was something that was wayyyyyy closer then the one i saw before, and did not have the same colorful lightings as the other. BUT was JUST as strange. It was a upside down V in the sky with what looked to be circles underneath the object on the lines of upside down V. It seemed so near to us, it also seemed to be moving slow motion at first, almost hovering now that i think about. Then before i knew it, it was gone,! at a speed UNRECOGNIZABLE. I also MUST add that this upside down V was SILENT, it made absolutley no sound. I also must say this, i saw what seemed to be sometime other man made plane in the sky around where i seen these two UFO's. Which i do belive were some goverment planes either keeping a eye or studying these objects. They know what and when something is in the sky. The goverment plane theory is just the conspiracist side of me coming out, but i wouldn't doubt it for a second. BUT I KNOW WHAT I SAW IN THE SKY THAT NIGHT. This is my story. I hope this information will help some how. I'll never forget it. Thank you.",,2 +197,"I saw my first UFO when I was on my way to school as a child. I've seen three different UFOs in my life. First when I was in elementary school, maybe 7 or 8 years of age. The first incident took place when I was on my way to school in the morning. I was the only kid at the back of the bus. It was a sunny day in my hometown. Through the emergency window, the large window-like door at the rear of the bus, I was watching the sky, when something of an anomaly caught my eye; a bright object was flying in the sky, seemingly controlled by something as it moved. I can't exactly remember if it was following us, or if it was just moving around in one region in the sky. The only way I can describe it is that it was a large bright orb, almost like I was watching a miniature sun that was moving, and I could look at it without it burning my eyes or anything which, as a kid, or an adult for that matter, was and is quite impressive. It suddenly vanished (the whole event only took maybe 30 seconds to a minute) then came back, almo! st like a light turning off then turning back on. After another few seconds of watching it as we drove away, it vanished again, and I never saw it after that. Because I was the only one at the back of the bus and because everyone else was looking out the side windows in their own seat in the middle and front of the bus, I suspect I was the only one who saw it. I never told any of the other kids as I was quite shy in my childhood; I'm sure you can imagine how hard it would be for a young and shy child to bring up UFOs. At the time I didn't even know what UFOs were, to other kids.",,1 +198,"A craft entered my field of vision, stayed at one side of my vision, then moved across until it was hidden behind trees The object was seen while driving east on highway 22, in Oldham county Kentucky. The object was first seen in the left side of our field of vision, first it was dismissed as glare, or a row of houses, because it wasn't moving. Then the object proceeded to cross our field of vision moving from north to the southeast. It appeared to be a large airplane, traveling close to the ground and close to us, it almost appeared to be a crashing airliner. The only problem with it being a plane was the absence of sound, nothing could be heard except the wind and passing cars. If a big airliner was to pass that close, you would definately hear it. The driver of the car and I discussed the fact that it looked almost like two or three airplanes following close behind each other,or as if they were connected, fusealage to tail. There appeared to be lights on the craft, with a higher concentration near what is assumed to be the front of the craft, than to the rear of the craft. Since the sight looked so much like a crashing plane, we kept waiting to see an explosion, while keeping a lookout for a landing sight, or some other sign of landing. Once the craft passed out of out field of vision, it was not seen again by us, even though there was ample opportunity to see the skyline in which it departed, once the trees cleared. The color of the craft is undetermined, as to the fact it was dark outside, but the craft appeared to be darker than the night sky, as if it were black, or some other dark color.",,2 +199,"An engineer in the aero-engineering field could not identify a strange triangular object over northern Illinois. About 22:00, I was driving from work to pick my brother up from his work. I work as an engineering intern at an AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING FACILITY. I know aircrafts very well, both experimental and common. So as I was driving home, I looked up to the North West and saw a light approaching very low over the highway. There was an airport close, so I assumed it was a 1 or 2 engine plane coming in for a landing. I looked up again, and prepared myself for a huge blast of noise (this is how close it was). When I looked up a second time, a triangular object with three white lights at each point hovered silently over the highway. This is no plane, as I've said before, my education is in engineering, as well as working specifically in aero-engineering field. I am not dumb, and I know what I know. I looked up a third time and it was gone. What I saw cannot be identifiable by anyone on earth, and by my good understanding of physics, broke many physical laws that we could not even begin to comprehend. I'm not saying it was an alien, I'm just saying that I could not identify it, and I believe most on this world couldn't. I mean, an object of this shape could not create lift unless moving at a very fast speed, and if it did create lift by using a propulsion system from underneath, how could it move side to side efficiently? I mean, the harrier jump jets work similarly, but being that close, or anywhere near that close, i would have felt the vibrations and heard the huge roar of the engines.",,1 +200,"Lincoln City, Siletz Bay, and Town of Siletz, OR - late night diamond shaped objects in sky, with red and blue lights.... (1st) North Lincoln City, Lincoln County, OR. I saw a elongated diamond shape over a motel near the beach. It ppleared to have its underside tilted/angled toward the land. Within the crisp outlined/edged dark diamond shape were regularly interval spaced/patterned in red and blue color. As Inwas staring at it, trying to figure out how close or large it might be, noticed others to the right (farther north) and much, much higher in the sky... the main (closer) and others were stationary, motionless. No sound made that I could detect of the maIn one... and other‚Äö√Ñ√¥s were far too distant to know if made sound... so small because of distance that they were barely discernable as the same diamond shape blue and red light patternon each. Eventually I got in my pickup - still pondering what I‚Äö√Ñ√¥d been watching.... five miles south (approx 8-10 mins after leaving 1st sighting) - south of Lincoln City, as approaching Siletz turn-off from hwy 101 - same scene east of 101, but appeared to be facing the ocean, closest one - same object Shape and Color (red and blue) and pattern of lights... and again, others, maybe 10, appearing much smaller because of being much, much higher in the sky. Turned up Siletz River... drove into town of Siletz. As I was approaching town of Siletz, as I was 1/4 to 1/2 a mile from town, again saw one of same objects closer to ground, and a scattering (maybe 8 or so) of the others positioned much higher in the sky - by then it was a little about 11:40 pm.",,1 +201,"Dark triangle with no lights and no sound 150 feet above our heads. We had just returned home from the grocery store, and were unloading groceries out of the car, and my mother was pointing to the visible sattelite in the sky with her cane. A triangle shaped craft was spotted by the three of us flying directly over our heads, approximately 100 feet above the palm trees by my driveway. It appeared to be black, but very visible to the naked eye. We saw what looked like 7 small circles on the bottom of this craft, one at the point, and three on each side. This craft was so low, that we could make out the outer rings around these disks, which were concave in shape. It flew directly over the top of us, not very fast, but not slow either. It continued on for about 500 feet, ascended, and disappeared right in front of our eyes. The thing that really struck us was three things....first of all, there were no lights of ANY kind on this craft, but we could see it clearly, as if the city lights reflected off the bottom, kind of luminescent. The second is that for it flying so low, there was not a single air current in its wake in the tops of the palm trees, like a copter or plane would generate. Lastly, but most importantly, it made ABSOLUTELY NO SOUND! No engine noise, no wind, nothing. What is really strange is that we live literally in the Marine Corp Air Staion's back yard...something flying as low as this craft was would never be seen on their radar. We see military and civilian crafts all day and night, because we also live right next to the airport. This was like nothing we have ever seen before.",,2 +202,"Large triangular delta wing looking 10 to 15 lights not bright dull and dim it moved very fast. I need to tell you about what I just seen at 10:15pm central time March 24 2008. I live in Sioux Falls SD and had just gotten home. I do not smoke in the house so i go out on the deck in the back yard to smoke. at night I'm always looking at the southern sky and looking at the stars when the weather permits. At first I thought this thing was a cloud when I seen it out of the corner of my eye. But when I looked strait at it my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Then I thought it might of been a plane with no landing lights on coming in to the airport. Then my eyes focused on it more and I thought it looked like a hang glider or a stealth bomber but this thing had a lot of dim blue/grey glowing lights on it at least 10 maybe 15. This thing came in from the south east and swung in and up to the north it did not get right over head looking up I'd say it got to an 75 to 80 degree angle off the horizon. I cant tell the distant but it looked fairly high up. If you hold a ruler out at arms length it was 3 1/2 to 4 inches wide from what looked like wing tip to tip it looked big! From the time I first seen it to the time it faded away in the northern sky only took 30 sec to 1 min. IT WAS AMAZING! I am going to work on some drawings of what it looked like and the path it took, Oh yeah it did not move like you would think some thing shaped like a stealth bomber would it looked like it was kind of side ways. ((NUFORC Note: See other reports for Chandler and Tempe, AZ, for the same date. PD))",,1 +203,"I was driving on I294 near OakLawn when I saw a strange light in the sky that strobed white with red and green every few seconds. I was driving to work this morning on I294. I was heading north bound on the highway and as I was coming up to the 95th St. exit, an object in the sky caught my attention. The time was 5:20am,(I had just looked at the clock when I changed the radio station). The object was moving across my vision from left to right so it should have been from west to east at that point. I couldn't tell much about the shape so I will describe it as more of a spherical point of light. It was a white light that strobed in and out fairly quickly. Every few seconds it would change color to red or green. Sometimes I could see the two colors at the same time. I was able to watch the object on and off from the 95th st. exit to almost I55. I lost it around there. As I merged onto I55 a similiar object appeared in front of me again. This time a little bit closer but I still could not make out the shape. It moved in the same general direction as the object I had previously seen but headed a little bit more south east than directly east. It didn't change colors as often and it seemed to flash faster as the object picked up more speed. I glanced back at the road and when I looked at the sky again the object was gone. The sky was clear and the moon was bright this morning. I could see some stars through the city lights. I do realize I was traveling through an area with two major airports and the objects could have been aircraft but they didn't act or look like any kind of aircraft I have seen around here.",,1 +204,"Two Slow Flying Fireballs Within Seven Minutes At about 2100 hours on the night of September 5th, 2009, I was sitting outside with my wife in my backyard around a small fire. In the sky to the north I noticed what looked like a small orange to red fireball. This object moved toward the west at the rate of any normal passing airplane. I ran after the orange glowing object for about one city block, as it would pass behind trees and houses. Eventually it passed out of sight. After I had returned to my house and sat back down for about five to seven minutes, I saw a second, identical object moving along the same course. I ran after this one as well, anticipating its course to get a better view. As it moved into view I thought that it looked almost like it could have been a balloon that was somehow on fire. When I reached the top of the hill, the highest elevation in town, my view could only be obstructed by trees and the nearby church steeple. Two local acquaintances happened to be passing by on the sidewalk. I told them to look at the object. They could not identify it. The three of us watched the object as it flew away toward the west. Eventually, without altering course, the light of the object vanished and we could see nothing but stars in the western sky. The weather was calm. There was absolutely no wind. The sky was completely clear. The moon was low in the eastern sky. The object moved at the rate most any airplane would cross the sky, but the light from this aircraft was much larger than any of the small lights on normal planes. Also, the object made absolutely no engine noise. There was no sound at all.",,2 +205,"Catawissa Missouri in Franklin County, a hudge triangular shaped object in sky just like 4 nights prior to this I live in Catawissa, Missouri a rural area in Franklin County. Approx 4:00 AM I looked out my bedroom window & like clock work for the last 4 nights in a row for sure there was a judge triangular shaped object in sky. The triangle being out lined what appeared at first sight to be stars. Some of the lights had blinking reddish lights. In the inside of triangle there are a vertical row of 3-4 lights and there were no other stars around the triangle the sky behind was a little overcast but very black skies like a usual sky looks at 4:00 AM. To the left of triangle there was other aircraft I would think was military aircraft, helicopters that hung in the distance surrounding premieres watching this triangle object just like the 4 nights before and the triangle object in EXACT form as the 4 nights before was stationary & no sound at all I had the window opened like always and the triangle shape is right on side sky w/ no trees or landscape in viewing site just t! he black early morning sky. The 4 nights previous I was in front& side yard standing under it watching it along with the surrounding traditional aircrafts until the sun came up and the triangular shaped object faded into the dawn skies have called and reported this & several more sightings at different times of the night on the same nights that I have seen this & they are always in the same shape& form and are always located in same exact place in the skylight does this mean? ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))",,1 +206,"Metallic silver like object in the cloudy sky July, 13, 2010. My wife and I were travelling home from Hot Sulphur Springs, CO to Aurora, CO. While on US Highway 40, it was a cold and rainy day. We had past Winter Park, CO, when I began to take pictures because it was a beatuiful scenery of the cloudy mountain tops. This had happened for just a second. Through my camera lens, Samsung SL620, I witnessed between mountains through the clouds a gigantic metallic silver building-like top and clicked the snap button. I shouted to my wife, ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Did you see that?!‚Äö√Ñ√∫ But she said ‚Äö√Ñ√∫I am driving and watching the road.‚Äö√Ñ√∫ After that she asked me what had happened, but I thought that I had seen a hallucination because looking back at that spot there was nothing there. I left everything at that. But in my head left an uncertaintey of what was really there. My son put all the pictures into our computer. Time by time i remembered that moment and looked at the photo. It had been more than a year past. On the eve of my 47th birthday, I couldn‚Äö√Ñ√≤t take it anymore so I zoomed in on the photograph on my computer screen. I called over my wife and son and asked if either of them saw anything unusual on that picture. They saw the same thing as me. A huge object in the upper-left hand side of the picture. So it seems to me that I have yet to go crazy. We talked it over and decided to send this photo to you guys. According to the picture it is easy to figure out at what portion of the US highway 40 the picture was taken. With regards. ((NUFORC Note: Date above has been amended, in order to reflect a date in July 2010. PD))",,2 +207,"North Kingstown RI odd sighting This is going to sound a bit odd. OK, alot odd. I was traveling north on Rt.1 last night at about 9 PM in North Kingstown, RI just past Oak Hill Road but south of the Exeter exit, when I saw what looked like two very bright lights on the west side of the road (about 100 or so yards off the to the north and west. As I approached, I realized the lights were standing still. I slowed way down in my right lane to get a better look because as I passed the bright white lights, there were about ten neon blue strips of lights in triangular and pentagon shapes just hanging there in mid air above the trees but back into the woods. I started to pull off the road to get a better look but I was A) shocked at what I saw and had a little bit of fear B) concerned that the cars behind me would be staring at the same thing and would rear-end my car instead of watching the road and C)I didn't want to be late to pick up my daughter from the movies in Warwick. As a result I only got a 15-20 second close look at this ""thing"". I found it odd that only about 2-300 yards away there was the usual police officer parked on the south side of the road looking for speeders and he obviously didn't see anything (but he was facing north looking for the cars. I went back with my daughter hoping it was still there and that there was a logical explaination but there was nothing there when my daughter and I returned about 9:55pm. Anyway, I was wondering if any of the other drivers reported anything to explain this VERY UNUSUAL Phenomena. P.S.- I'm a physician with a scientific background. This souds as odd to me as it probably does to you. .",,1 +208,"We saw a silent object with multiple lights that changed colors and a bright flash that appeared to be a 2nd object ejecting. Last night (12/5/00) about 8:15PM I went outside to take some pictures of the Christmas lights my husband had put up during the day. I took two pictures and then walked towards the end of the driveway to get another shot. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, looked up, and there was a bright light. It was mostly gold with some red lights underneath. The lights were steady and not blinking. I couldn't see a shape in the light but there was something hanging down below the lights. There was no sound coming from the object and it was close enough that I would have heard any noise it made. It was traveling at a steady height and speed. Since I had my camera I took a couple pictures and then went in the house to get my husband so he could see it. By then it was beside the house moving towards the back, so we went to the back patio. As we got to the end of the patio where we could see the object there was a bright white flash and the colors changed going from gold to red and back to the original gold with the red lights on the bottom. It looked like a second white light/object split from the first and went shooting off in a different direction. Then the object was moving away from us and my husband clearly saw the red lights underneath. There was still no sound. The thing seemed to be floating. The camera I used was digital and I downloaded the pictures right away. They look black until they are enhanced. The enhancements bring out some very strange details that don't seem to fit planes, helos or balloons.",,2 +209,"Bright light sighted for 1 1/2 to 2 hours bouncing eratically in a specific area of the sky. The object was sighted while camping with 2 friends. It was quite high up, and appeared to be a bright star. But, the object darted back and forth, keeping in the same general area of the sky. It being July 4th, we initially dismissed it as some sort of fireworks, but the object remained, nearly straight above us for at least an hour and a half. It continued it's behavior of darting back and forth for the duration of the sighting. It appeared to make some subtle color changes (orangish to reddish to purplish) but we can't be sure. We could have been staring at it for a long time causing our eyes to play tricks on us (I'm a natural skeptic) but if I was forced to answer; I say it did. The sky was cloudless and there was no wind, and no sound emitted. I recorded it on my video camera but with the absence of background stars it gives almost no evidence of it's behavior. It only shows a light in the sky. Also, after an hour of observing, we heard the sound of jet aircraft but none were sighted. They (or it)were probably under the treeline (we were in a heavily wooded campground) out of our line of sight. My campmate claims he saw something eject from the object, but I did not witness that. ((NUFORC Note: The report is reminiscent of the sighting of a celestial body, but that is only a guess. NUFORC received multiple reports of a peculiar red light, sighted from Tacoma, WA, which is reported to have hovered over Puget Sound for an estimated 7 minutes, and which then was seen to suddenly accelerate and disappear over the mountains to the east in a matter of a few seconds. PD))",,3 +210,"A color-changing, spark-like migrating light in the western sky -- seen in Reno, NV At midnight, I was standing outside facing west and noticed a bright light that seemed to be a star. I watched for several seconds, as the brightness intrigued me. It seemed that the ""star"" was changing colors: red, blue and white. I went and got my binoculars. Looking with binoculars, it appeared as a bright light, changing colors routinely from red, blue, white and occasionally all white, and then back to red, blue and white. My husband came out to view it at my request at this point. He noticed that it also appeared to be changing shape and size. When it changed size to smaller, the lights tended to converge. The object at first appeared to remain stationary in the sky (while still changing size). I stood in one spot on my deck and made note of the surrounding background (i.e., a neighbor's pin-oak tree, where I noted the object in relation to the branches, and to determine whether it was moving.) My husband and I continued to view this from 12 am to after 1:15 am. After the first 15 minutes of viewing, it gradually ""migrated"" further to the right, so that after 1 am, it was far to the right of this pin-oak that I had used to ""measure"" this ""star"" and give relevance to its location. It started to become more red and orange in color, and around 1:25 it was gone, seeming to have ""migrated"" beyond the mountain range to the west of Reno. We made note of the other stars and the moon in the sky. During the entire time of seeing this light, the position of the stars and moon had changed slightly, but the light was moving more gradually than the stars and moon, by far. ((NUFORC Note: Possibly Sirius. PD))",,1 +211,"Triangular UFO picture with plane and sandhill cranes I went outside during the afternoon of October 27, 2018 to throw out the garbage and heard some birds overhead. As an avid birdwatcher, I take my binoculars with me when I go outside from time to time. Unfortunately, this time I did not. However the birds I was hearing I was familiar with what they were (sandhill cranes). I decided to whip out my smart phone and take a picture of the area where I could hear them. I took the picture to see approximately how many where flying around. I ended up taking two pictures. When I got back in the house to look at my pictures to find the birds, I noticed a triangular object in one of the two pictures I took. I found the object before finding the birds in the picture. The birds are a large bird with a wingspan of 6'8"". In the opposite direction of the birds is the triangular object. The object seems to be in only one of the two pictures. The pictures are taken five seconds apart according to the time stamp. One other item in the picture is an airplane with it's contrails. I never noticed the triangular object with my naked eyes or heard anything other than the birds. It also happened to be a clear day. This happened in close proximity, sky-wise, to another observance I had one evening maybe in the last two months. I don't have the exact evening and it was somewhere around 21:30 to 22:30. I was looking the same direction just as this observerance and noticed a light in the sky. It was like a bright star which didn't move, however it was there and then it vanished, as if it burned out. This observerance I happened to be inside and looking out my kitchen window. It happened as long as maybe a minute or two.",,1 +212,"Lightball stopped in middle, moved,changed course upwards, rleasd another light,moved upwards disapprd, second light moved westwards Witnesses: My Mom (housewife) Dad (Church Head Pastor) and Me. Bakcground: Clear night sky, Mountains and trees. Philippines, Baguio City. It was around 1:00am to 1:30am I decided to stay up late, as a ""ritual"" before going to sleep i always look out the window to see the night sky to clear my head. suddenly i saw a slow moving light ball and it stopped in the middle and i did not pay much attention to it because i thought its just a helicopter and looked away, it suddenly strucked me that if that was a helicopter well its too quite and the altitude is too much for the helicopter so i looked back. It continued to move to and then suddenly changed course upwards with an alarming speed and before it went away the light ball suddenly became brighter than what it used to be and it released another light thats about half of its size, the first light ball continued to move upwards and disappeard and the second light ball that was released by the first light ball continued to move westwards until it disappeard behind the trees up the mountains. It just so happen that my parents are also looking out the window at the t! ime and saw the whole thing as well. The three of us talked in their room after the event and the three of us has the same discription. A ball of light moving, stopped in the middle, changed course upwards with unusual speed, light became brighter, the first ball of light released another ball of light about half of its size, first ball of light continued to move upwards and disappeard, Second ball of light moved westwards and disappeard behind the trees up in the mountains.",,3 +213,"Two bright lights in the sky, no other stars visible and planes deviated flight path around them Around 6:30 - 7:00pm after we ate dinner. A family friend who tends to stare up at the sky while he smokes outside called to our attention to bright lights in the cloudy sky to the south-southwest of highway 5 and 380 in the general direction of Dallas. One was very bright and was accompanied by a lesser shining light above and to the left of it like (\) this. They both shined white and were the ONLY things visible in the sky. It was too cloudy and too bright out for any stars to be seen. They kept falling out of our view due to passing clouds but did not move in the sky and did not have any tails or trails. Another important note of this is that the flight path of commercial planes coming down toward DFW airport was smack right in the middle of the two lights. Several planes took the standard flight path but after a while the planes DEVIATED their flight paths to the west of the lights and avoided them completely. Tonight we stood outside and looked for anything. The stars have been visible but we DID NOT see anything near where we saw the two lights and the planes that regularly pass are back on the normal flight path. (We saw 4 or 5 planes go straight through the area where they had been flying between the lights yesterday night so we k now that must be their standard flight path.) Several other people including some other friends and family saw it as well and acknowledged that the lights seemed strange seeing as there were no visible stars yesterday (Nov.27) where we were. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of incident is approximate. We suspect that the witnesses were observing Venus and Jupiter. PD))",,0 +214,"Okay i need to share this with everyone and i do not care how crazy this sounds. ((male's initials deleted)) and i are in complete shock right now. So its 330 in the morning. ((baby's name deleted)) woke up for his diaper change and bottle as normal. ((male's initials deleted)) and i both woke up & fed him changed him & he went back to sleep. So as normal we stepped out back to smoke b4 going back to bed. As we are standing there, there isnt a star in the sky. It has been cloudy pretty much all day. So we are standing there and i said baby look at that (in the sky) ((male's initials deleted)) said what is it? And i said mars (bc it glows kinda orange).... Stood there for 30 sec both of us staring at it. She says baby its moving its hovering. I said no. Well, i watched harder. Yes, yes it was moving. But not like a plane going in one direction. It would go to the right, then left, down, up, a circle then up. A little orange light movings as if a fairy was hovering over your head. Anyways after 2 minutes of me and ((males''s initial deleted)) standing there in complete shock of what ((deleted)) we are seeing. Saying to each other ""Omg baby"" it starts to move to the left in one direction like as if a plane would for 10 seconds and was gone. We come back inside get in bed completely freaked out saying we arent crazy we both just saw that. Minds are blown. So we start looking up articles on ufo sighting Witchita Falls, TX. Ppl seeing exactly what we saw. So we check out you tube. This is damn near exactly what tf we seen including all the other videos. Idk if you ppl believe in aliens but i promise you if you were standing there with us you would of been just as freaked out. Im going back to sleep..",,2 +215,"A minor amber color trail, (from where we were) extremely slow movement, and an odd amber coloration like the ""Phoenix Lights"". Well. After just hearing about the ""Phoenix Lights"" on March 13th 1997, my father and myself recall sitting outside one clear summer night in 2009 maybe around 9:30 (Your ZULU time or Military time confuses me a little bit, so might as well be sure on this.) We saw only one oval shaped Amber colored... object, in lack of a better word, about 4-5 miles west of where we were. It had sat in one spot for a minute or two, then we noticed it was slowly moving around, and from where we were sitting it was almost not even noticeable. Then, it disappeared for about two minutes, slowly fading into the night sky. All of a sudden it slowly reappears, and does literally the same exact movement we saw. It was almost like a deja vu moment. After a few more minutes it had disappeared again, and that was the last we saw of it. Oddly enough (This really doesn't matter, but my father and I had found it rather amusing since what we had seen prior to walking into the house.) the! film ""Contact"" was on our television. I hope you do not find this report a ""fake"" or a ""joke"", due to it being as real as anything we have seen or felt or even heard today. If you want to do an interview my email is here: ((e-address deleted)) If you decide to read this, I do hope to hear back from someone, maybe someone from Minnesota, preferably in town, but oh well if not. Thank you for taking this time to read this. - ((name deleted)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. There is not much that could be gained by conducting an interview, we feel, approximately three years after the incident. PD))",,2 +216,"I am a TRUCK DRIVER ( HAY HAULER ) .. I had just got loaded with hay in Tacna and ingressed onto the freeway ( INTERSTATE 8 ) and instantaneously i noticed bright balls of bright pumpkin orange-colored balls of light over in the southeast part of the sky. They were maybe 10-30 degrees above the horizon and almost always under the planet MARS !! These ships put on a spectacular light show for me. They would dim out then light up very brightly then dim out and continue doing this. I witnessed this MAJOR SIGHTING for 1 hour and 25-minutes for a span of approx. 45-miles !!!! The most spectacular light show occurred at EXIT 78 (AZTEC EXIT ) . I contacted Highway Patrol(TUCSON) and I was informed that multiple reports of these UFOs were being called in.. H.P. called Luke Air Force Base and was informed that the military was out in that area conducting training exercises but always remember how much we can trust the AIR FORCE, right ?? When i stopped my rig at the AZTEC exit 4 of these craft were EXTREMELY close to me and absolutely NO SOUND emanated from them and they all dimmed out in sequence. At the time I was witnessing most of this event, I was on my cell phone with a famous UFO researcher up in Wisconsin and based upon what I was telling him, he said I was seeing the real thing ( authentic Extraterrestrial craft ). ((NUFORC Note: Several other reports of yellow, or orange, lights seen in Arizona. The AZ Highway Patrol units in Yuma and Tucson have reported that their facilities had contacted the U. S. Air Force, and that they had been told that military units had been conducting exercises. Whether the observed lights were over military facilities, or not, we do not know, but we doubt that the military would be launching pyrotechnic devices over dry desert terrain. PD))",,1 +217,"About 10:30 pm I noticed a string of yellow/orange lights in the sky on northern Nebraska. I saw something strange around 10:30 pm. Basically I was driving north from O'neil towards Spencer on HWY 281 in Nebraska and I was watching the sky because there was a storm in the distance to the northwest of me and clear skies north and east of me. When suddenly I noticed lights north of me just to the east side of the hwy. The lights were clearly above the horizon in the sky. It seemed like they might have been moving independently then they came together in a horizontal row of 4 lights and were evenly spaced aprart. The cluster appeared to be hovering. Then they began to move, but the cluster as a whole stayed in the same place. The light on the right side of the row of 4 lights stayed stationary the entire time and the other 3 began to scroll toward the stationary light. It was like the lights were on something round and it was rotating right so the lights were still evenly spaced and moving toward the stationary light. When a light came close! to the stationary light it would dissapear and a new light would appear on the left side of the 4 lights. It scrolled like this 5-10 seconds or so. Then the outside 2 lights stayed stationary. So between the 2 stationary lights from the left to right a light would scroll toward the one stationary light on the right side and it would dissapear when it reached the light and a new one would come out from the stationary one on the left move over the the stationary light on the right again. It did this 5-10 seconds or so and I went to grab my camera and just before I turned it on they all just went out and I never saw them again. It was strange. I've never seen anything I couldn't explain before so this was a first. I am curious if anyone else reported anything.",,1 +218,"In the 2 instances I have never seen anything like it before or after,and I can confirm that there was no engine noise, and the final s I have had 2 sightings of UFO, The 1st was way back in Anglesey, North Wales, UK in 1965-66. We were driving on a rough forest track from Newborough in Anglesey, to Llanddwyn beach. It was late Summer and it was about 6 pm in the early evening. There is a lot of airforce association with this part of the UK, and we were not far away from military No Go sites. Lots of the beachhead further along is used by the Airforce.Suddenly out of the blue, came a very large triangular shaped object, and I could see that it was very low over the trees and was obviously following us. It made no sound, and there were red lights flashing around its edge. It stayed with us until we reached the beach and then it shot off along the beach and disappeared. The next day I telephoned the R.A.F station and they said that they would come back to me once they had checked if there were any planes about at that time.They did come back to me, and there was not anything that they knew about in that area at that time. They confirmed that it was a UFO, and that other people had phoned in to say that there were sightings over Bangor city through that particular week. The 2nd time I saw a UFO was in 1975, and this was on a particlarly stormy evening. I was out with my small son and our dog, taking a walk on the mountain track that lay to the rear of our house. Suddenly I saw a cigar shaped object hovering over a large aerial that was on top of the mountain.Even though the wind was very bad and there were black storm clouds the object was static in the sky over this mast. I believe that the aerial or mast is used for radio and TV signals. The object then shot straight upwards at fantastic speed and disappeared out of my sight.",,0 +219,"An object moving Southeast in Kansas that appeared to be a bright star but dimmed and disappeared. I was talking to a friend of mine on my front porch which faces due South. In the middle of our conversation I looked up into the sky Due South East towards the city of Topeka as I'm an avid skywatcher. The night sky was clear showcasing all the stars, milky way, and constellations. I seen an object that looked just like a star in the night sky with the exception that it was brighter than the rest of the stars out. The shape would have been round I guess since it looked exactly like a star in the night sky. The color it was emitting was a mix between white and yellow. I jokingly told my friend ""Is that a UFO?"". He said he didn't know what it is, maybe a space station was the only answer he could come up with. Being an avid skywatcher I quickly went through my options. Falling stars and space debris follow a trajectory and I quickly checked that off the list. The object was moving fairly fast towards the southeast. Kansas has wide open sky's and airplanes you! can usually hear and see the blinking lights on them or the red and blues on the wing. This had neither. Plus with the object heading southeast of my position and away from us, you wouldn't be able to see the front headlights on an airplane. About a minute into the sighting the light emitting from the object dimmed to a more circular ball of light that would be consistent with the stars at night. A few seconds later the object just disappeared completely, just poof and it was gone. The sighting lasted anywhere from 1 1/2 minutes to 2. I watch the night sky almost everynight, and I know what planes look like. In Kansas you can see for miles and miles and the sky is wide open. If this was a plane I would have still seen it moving. I'm open to suggestions of what this could be.",,2 +220,"Object is very bright and has colorful lights. It seems to be aware of being watched. To whom it may concern: May 22, 2019 Over the past three months I have been watching this object in the sky, I found it very strange since it had what appeared to be some sort of smoke trail coming from what I believe to be the back end of the craft. When I got my telescope out and looked at it. It appeared to I would say it hid it self with a round color like octagon ball. The colors on this ball were orange, blue, pink and purple. As I have been watching this object in the sky for a few months now. I know it is aware that I am watching it because every time I look threw the telescope it moves closer to where I am standing. One thing I did find strange is as I was watching this object. I noticed to other lights just not as bright as the one I was watching the formation of these other too lights which had the same ability as the one I am talking about and are also able to hide themselves as well. They are for sure not a star nor a plane or a satellite. But they do have triangle formation. I thought at first that this object was a drone, however it is not all I no is it is very strange that it is there almost every night just moving around our skies I would like to no what this is. My boyfriend had also seen this object as well as another girlfriend. Maybe just maybe your facility will be able to figure it out. It may be a ufo and it may be something totally explainable just thought I would report this object I have been watching for the past three months as I do find it strange for it to be there moving around the night sky. Thank you for your time. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))",,1 +221,"Bright flash of white light . A single witness, a logging truck operator was coming back from picking up a load of logs when we reported to me, seeing a bright flash of white light directly in front of him at a fairly high altitude. When it caught his attention he watched the light heading in a northwesterly direction, from his location towards the south end of Williston Lake. His thoughts were that whatever it was, was a meteor as he said he sees a number of them while working in so many darkened hours. What the witness found strange about the sighting was before the light disappeared it changed direction slightly. After this change in it's flight path, he said it was gone. Just vanished. The sighting lasted approx: no more than 3 to 4 seconds. At arms length he said the light may have been the size of a pea. No sound was heard coming from the light, but this would be no surprise anyway due to him being in the cab of his truck, and they can be rather noisy. He wondered if I had any other reports of this type on the day. (HBCC UFO Note: I am not aware of any other reports from the area where this took place, but if anyone should have had a sighting on the day in question, and around the time provided above I would appreciate hearing from you. Thank you to the witness for his report. ((NUFORC Note: We express our gratitude to Brian Vike, Director of the Houston, British Columbia, Canada UFO Research organization, for sharing this report. We encourage other witnesses to the same event to contact Mr. Vike directly at the following e-address: His website homepage for Canadian reports, or ordering his newsletter, is: All the British Columbia UFO reported sightings to HBCC UFO Research can be found at: PD))",,1 +222,"Stationary Triangular Shaped Object with red lights on its edges. The only reason I reported this, because I was not sure if it was a craft, since it was dark, but the second I noticed someone posting very similar report and not very far away from here. Here is this person's quote ""Tirangular-shaped object hovered over New York State Thruway on September 27 I was driving home from a friend's house on the night of Saturday, September 27,2003. I took the N.Y.State Thruway home. I was traveling alone. Somewhere between the Catskill and Coxsackie exits I saw a triangular-shaped object approaching from the north-west. It moved very slowly and hovered over the lane I was in. It had 3 red lights along it's points that did not flash. As it moved over my car I looked up through my windshield and saw the body of the craft. It was a matte gray. My windows were closed so I could not discern if there was sound or not. A mile or two before this occured, I noticed a police car along along the left side of the Thruway. All traffic slowed down because of this. Once this object appeared, all cars accelerated to speeds of 80-85mph. I know others saw this and I want to find out if anyone else has reported a sighting on this night. I am a public school teacher in New York."" http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/032/S32150.html While we were going home on a local road, I saw a stationary triangular object (black) over the trees. Interestingly this exactly matches the description of the person I quoted what I saw. It was triangular (perfect triangle), and had red lights along its points (did not blink). Thought it appeared black to me, probably because it was dark, however gray color that was reported would be close enough to my witness since it was daylight for the other person. I can bet 100% a gray object would appear black in the dark. Also this object did not make any sound.",,1 +223,"Bright Green Flash of Light Seen for Brief Period in Night Sky At approximately 19:10 p.m. on my way home from work and the grocery store, I was crossing one of the bridges over our local interstate heading from Dublin, GA toward Dexter, GA on Georgia Highway 257. As I got to the far side of the bridge and could note the traffic light, I noted that it was green. Then I immediately noted another green light/ flash of light beyond and above the traffic light in the far distance. This light appeared to burn green and streaked downward toward the horizon in a fast streak, changing to yellow as it fell. This was much more vivid in color than any other meteor/shooting star that I have ever seen, but it did follow the same trajectory. It was just much lower to the ground than anything that I have ever witnessed, and it was bright enough to be seen against other bright lights from the businesses at the interstate exchange including a convenience store, a closed heavy equipment company with many outside lights and one smaller convenience store as well as headlights from oncoming cars (I think two were coming at the time). The whole incident could not have lasted more than 1 to 1 ¬¨Œ© seconds, but it was vivid enough that I fully expected to hear a boom. Upon contemplating, however, it was probably very far away. It was abnormal enough that after getting the kids in the bed, I tried to find out if there were any expected meteor showers or if there was a known plane crash or satellite failure. I could find no evidence of anything like this on the web or new sites. I have never reported anything like this before, but I have also never seen anything quite like this before either. I mainly wanted to post this in case there were any other similar reports. A reply would be nice if anyone has seen anything similar in the central Georgia sky at about the same time.",,1 +224,"White object seen pacing my car on Innerstate 70 between Highland and Pokahontas Illinois. About two and a half hours ago I was returning from my friends house. We were working on my computer there, so I had to connect it and get online when I got home. That's why it has been two and a half hours ago now. My friend lives in Wood River, Illinois and I decided to stop for gas in Highland. I took the exit onto Innerstate 70 headed east. I caught sight of this object to my right (south-east) as I reached the speed limit. I rolled down the passenger window to make sure I wasn't seeing a reflection or distortion in the glass. It looked the same. The object was illuminated in white light although it was somewhat dimmer than the full moon would be. It looked like a round tube standing on it's edge straight up and down. Like the core of a paper towel roll. Except this one had a ring that circled the entire object. Somewhat similar to the rings of Saturn if seen from beneath. The whole object was as big as a penny held at arm's length away and hovered 25 to 30 degrees off of the horizon. As I drove it seemed to float a little higher and lower in the sky but kept pace. I had my little camera with me so I decided to drive down to the next exit (Pokahontas) and pull off to try to get a picture. If nothing else but to prove something was actually there. I didn't want to stop on the innerstate on a late Saturday night/Sunday morning. The problem was it slowly started to fade away and by the time I got to the exit it was gone from view. I had my police scanner with me but no one I heard reported anything. Also I saw plenty of stars around so I don't think it was cloudy. After some rest I will attempt to send a drawing of what I saw. Hopefully it will be of help. In the meantime think of the towel core on it's edge with Saturns rings around it and that's pretty much it.",,1 +225,"A daylight disk was sighted over Queens county of New York City in the spring of 1974. It was a spring day in the middle of the afternoon on a mostly clear day. It was probably 65 to 70 degrees. I believe it was in 1974 although I'm not sure of the month, and I was 11 years old. I was returning home after school let out. Close to home where I came into a clearing between 6-story apartment buildings, I was looking up facing south, and between about 60 and 75 degrees above the horizon, a small disc-shaped, grayish or silvery object caught my eye as soon as it emerged over the top of a building to my right. It was travelling east (from my right to left) and was about to fly over, by my best estimate, John F. Kennedy International Airport. It was probably between one half and one mile high and seemed fairly small...my guess would be about 10 feet in diameter. It had no distinguishing characteristics. I saw no smoke trail, heard no noise, and felt no strange vibes other than my own nervousness. I don't think it was more than a half a mile away horizontally. It never made any erratic movement and was moving at a quick pace...I'm guessing about 150 mph. A few seconds before it disappeared over the top of the building to my left, it had begun a smooth right turn toward the southeast and appeared to be climbing. No wings were visible, and at this point it looked more like a cigar with a reflecting metal surface. Then it was gone. I was able to see this object clearly as my eyesight was perfect then, and I knew I'd never seen anything like it before. I remembered feeling shocked, perplexed and concerned, for I had no idea the source of what I'd seen. I was also annoyed that there was nobody else around for me to call attention to it. Not wanting to risk embarrassment, it was several years before I'd told anyone. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))",,1 +226,"Star-like (but MUCH BRIGHTER AND LARGER) light west of D-town, PA. Seen against sunset. Traveling home from work (west on 322, chester county) it was a beautiful sky with lots of colors and the sun setting before me (10-20% cloud cover, estimate). At approximately 6:33 I looked up and noticed a bright white light near the sun and horizon (i believe it was to the right of the sun). Initially I thought, ""star/planet"" based on the color of light, but quickly decided against that thought based on the brightness of the sky at the time, as well as the size and brightness of the light (it was against the sunset and still brighter than any star/planet I've seen at night.) It seemed to stay stationary, at least laterally to me (though, I was moving in a car). I quickly fumbled for my camera phone, but by the time I had cleared enough storage space to take the shot, it was gone (probably 20-30 seconds). A few minutes later I saw it again (at least in the same area it had been in before, but I am unsure as to whether it was in the same exact position or not). Still driving home, I fumbled for the camera phone again and by the time I unlocked the keys it had dissapeared again* (10-15 seconds). I searched the sky in the following seconds for something, anything... I saw a few, seemingly lighting-fast, ""streaks"" of light, creating 3-5 sharp vertices of ""streak"" (implying ridiculous control), and nothing after that. The streaks were of the same color as the light I saw, though they were much more faint, to the effect that I am still questioning whether the streaks were corporeal or something produced by my eyes. For this, I am hoping to find other witnesses to the event. * I never saw the light source appear or dissapear. In other words, I was fuddling with my camera phone too much and it had already appeared/dissapeared by the times I had looked up for it. ((NUFORC Note: Contrail?? PD))",,1 +227,Balls of light I have seen this thing on two separate occaisons. The second was roughly the date i gave above the first time i saw this was about 2 months before that. The first time - Me and my boyfriend were by the beach where I live. We had been out with some friends but they had gone home and we were just chilling out laying one of the benches near the beach so just looking up at the sky talking. It was a really clear night so lot of visible stars. It was him that first noticed it and he pointed it out to me. It looked exactly like a star..just a ball of light travelling pretty fast and very high as it was about the size of the north star so just a little bit bigger than the others. It wasnt a plane or helicopter we realised because it made no sound..was way to high up and was travelling way to fast. Also they have flashing lights on the wings etc. This did not flash. My first thought was shooting star/comet but we followed this thing across the sky watching it then we noticed another (previously stationary star) move and follow the same flight path. Then another 4 did the same they were still..and then they moved. We eventually stopped looking as i had to go home and we werent exactly liek 'wow' we were just like hey thats weird etc. Second time - The second time was early july. I had been at my boyfriends house that night and he was walking me home. We were on my street about 100 yards from my house and I saw this thing again..looked like a star again but this time it seemed closer as it was bigger. It was definatly the same thing as before..no noise no flashing etc. It moved pretty fast and then it stopped it then moved again and then it changed direction and seemed to go back like it was getting further away. It got smaller and smaller and disappeard within about 3 seconds. No other lights follwed this time. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of incident is approximate. PD)),,2 +228,"Shape warping object seen crossing sky in west to east direction with naked eye and 70mm binoculars. While watching the Leonids, my son (14) and I saw an object aproximately 4 times Jupiters diameter cross from east to west in a somewhat irregular motion. Time from initial discovery to loss of visual contact was about 20 seconds. The object had a strange sort of movement that I think can best be described as a jerky, low frame rate film with maybe 1/30 second gaps between movements. The color shifted from gold to brown to orange. The overall effect was a muddy orange coloration. The objects direction was straight at first, almost like a satelite's but traveling at about 2 1/2 times faster across the sky than a satelite would normally be seen travelling. The object turned slightly south east for the last five seconds that it was seen. The object slightly dimmed after the small change in direction for about two seconds. It then turned SSE for no more than probably 1/4 second and instantly vanished completely. During the first five seconds or so, I was looking at the object with my naked eye. For the next maybe 15 seconds, I followed the object with my 15 x 70 astronomical binoculars. Visually the object looked like a dim but larger than Jupiter object with light intensity changing +/- by as much as 1/3. When seen through my binoculars, it had a totally different look. Through the binoculars the object looked like a giant autumn leaf flying through the air as though alive. Again, while seen through the binoculars, the object had a beatifully fluid although slow frame rate movement. I say fluid because the frame rate of the movements remained pretty consistent. I am a serious amateur astronomer and spend about 8 hrs a week observing. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke with this witness, and he sounded credible, and we believe he probably is an exceptional eyewitness. Please see other reports for this date. PD))",,2 +229,"a stationary pulsing/flickering light randomly changing from white to orange. Heading east on Beltline we witnessed a stationary pulsing/flickering light over the eastern horizon towards Springfield. The light would randomly change from white to orange. The object was too far above the horizon to be a tower af any sort. We watched it for aboout 5 minutes (completly stationary) before we took our exit. We checked back the next day to reassure ourselves that it wasn't a radio tower. We were correct. ((NUFORC Note: We observe that Mars would have been in the southeastern sky, approximately 20 degrees above the horizontal plane, at the time indicated by the witness. Mars appears to be somewhat red to observers on Earth. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Follow up report from same witness: The report that I filed below WAS NOT Mars. What we witnessed was in the North East sky and was DEFINANTLY NOT a planet. It also did not appear to be somewhat red, it was randomly pulsing and changing from bright white to amber/orange. Please correct the comments on the report. Thank You, John Occurred : 6/19/2001 20:05 (Entered as : 06/19/01 20:05) Reported : 6/21/2001 08:32 Posted : 7/5/2001 Location : Eugene, OR Shape : Light a stationary pulsing/flickering light randomly changing from white to orange. Heading east on Beltline we witnessed a stationary pulsing/flickering light over the eastern horizon towards Springfield. The light would randomly change from white to orange. The object was too far above the horizon to be a tower af any sort. We watched it for aboout 5 minutes (completly stationary) before we took our exit. We checked back the next day to reassure ourselves that it wasn't a radio tower. We were correct. ((NUFORC Note: We observe that Mars would have been in the southeastern sky, approximately 20 degrees above the horizontal plane, at the time indicated by the witness. Mars appears to be somewhat red to observers on Earth. PD)) ((END))",,0 +230,"Slow moving flaming fireball moving east to west SW Washington, 9/28/11 20:50 I was walking my dogs around my urban neighborhood heading due south. A completely clear night. All the buildings within at least 5 blocks are 2 stories or less. There were no trees or buildings obstructing my view. At approximately 10 O‚Äö√Ñ√≤clock in the sky at a 40 degree angle above me I observed an ember colored object appearing about ¬¨Œ© the size of a full moon which was slowly traveling East to West. I watched it as it approached towards me and I turned the corner heading due west so I could follow the object. It kept the same pace as me directly parallel and 12 O‚Äö√Ñ√¥clock above me heading west for about 90 seconds or a little more than ¬¨Œ© the length of the city block as I slowly walked while staring at it. At that point it changed velocity. The direction was then WSW and I watched it for another 30 seconds as I continued walking to the end of the block and it got smaller till it disappeared at about 2 O'clock. It reminded me of a hot ash from a campfire! just fizzling out. The object appeared spherical but with what looked like an orange flame flickering around it. It looked like it was flying very steady except the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫flame‚Äö√Ñ√π made it appear to jump around a bit, kind of like a small lighter only the light was bright orange/red like a fireplace ember. There was no discernible noise from the object. There was sparse local car traffic in the area and I could hear people talking a block away outside the local bar. There were people coming or going from a yoga studio on the block as I passed by. There was a large passenger airliner that passed in front of and just under it heading in a SE direction towards the local major airport. There was a small prop plane passing overhead at 90 degrees but I was not paying much attention to it so I don‚Äö√Ñ√¥t remember its direction. The entire sighting lasted between 2 and 3 minutes.",,1 +231,"A grey, oval-shaped object in the sky appears in a photograph taken on this date (but not actually witnessed at the time) I have emailed you a photo (file size 1.8 MB) I recently took that shows a strange, grey object in the sky. I took this photo at a tourist attraction called the ""Old Faithful"" geyser about 2 miles outside of Calistoga, California on December 24 2011. According to my computer, the photo was taken at 11:49 am local time. (This time seems right to me because I remember we were there in the late morning.) I haven't edited the photo in any way - this is the raw image I downloaded from my digital camera. My husband and I briefly visited the geyser as tourists. We didn't notice anything unusual in the sky at the time and we didn't hear any unusual noises. I only noticed this strange object when I later uploaded the photo from my camera phone (an iPhone 4) to my computer. It is possible that we were both distracted at the time because we were watching the geyser itself, which makes hissing and splashes noises as it shoots hot water from underground. There were several other tourists there and from memory they were all acting normal. I don't remember anyone pointing out anything in the sky. I took several other photos of the geyser and several short videos. The object does not appear in any of the other photos or the videos. Interestingly, the image I have emailed you is time-stamped as exactly 11:49:05 on my computer. The next photo I took is time-stamped 11:49:08 (which I assume means it was taken anywhere between 2 and 4 seconds later). The object is nowhere to be seen in that next photo, even though I took it from the same standing position. For this reason I really doubt that this object is dirt or grease on the camera lens. The object also appears to be reflecting the sun, so I believe it was something in the sky. I suppose this could be a helicopter or other aircraft or even a bird or bug, but the explanation isn't obvious.",,2 +232,"Two, non-blinking white lights perform a high speed, 75-degree ascent. My age at the time: 14. Location of sighting: rural Bancroft, WI. Date and time: early October, 1968, about 8:00 PM. We sighted 2, non-blinking white lights low on the visible horizon, S.S.E. The lights moved north together at the speed of small planes. When they reached a N.N.E. position, both objects very suddenly performed a 75-degree ascent at an extremely high rate-of-speed, and disappeared almost instantly. Total witnesses: 1 adult and 3 to 4 boys. Sighting never reported. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD)) ((FOLLOW-UP ADDENDUM FROM SAME WITNESS)) My age at the time: 14. Location of sighting: rural Bancroft, WI. Date and time: late October, 1968, about 8:00 PM. A white, non-blinking light was first sighted low on the visible horizon, S.E., about 1-and-1/2 to 2 miles distant and moving slowly from east to west. The light traveled to a position due south of us (still 1-and-1/2 to 2 miles distant) and stopped. Then light then grew larger and brighter, and we had the impression it was moving north toward us. Suddenly, it vanished. At the same instant, another light (or the same light - changed in appearance) appeared just above the tree line, about 200 feet S.S.W. of us. This was a steadily-glowing orange light, that revolved slowly around its vertical axis, revealing a consistent ""gourd"" shape - about 60 to 80 feet in length. It continued hovering and slowly rotating for about 2 minutes, and then slowly descended behind the tree line. The light was not visible after its descent. We then heard something run along (inside?) the tree line, from the position where the light descended to a position due south of us. We immediately left the area. At no time did the orange light emit any sound, heat, or other sensation. Total witnesses: 2 adults (my father and my junior-high English teacher) and 6 to 8 boys (my classmates and my younger brother). Sighting never reported.",,6 +233,"LARGE BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT DISAPEARS AFTER SPLITING 2 RED LIGHTS TO THE LEFT AND TO THE RIGHT IN THE SKY! HUGE LIGHTS OVER THE ATLANTIC OCEAN SPLIT APART! I was standing down near the ocean in Myrtle Beach,South Carolina with some friends and we saw a large light in the sky. A large white light turned red and split apart into 2 red lights in the sky. The red lights would stay there for about a minute and they would disapear. The same thing happen again down the beach, big white light went out while smaller red lights shoot out, the large white light disapeared again! We saw jets (military) Aircraft coming from the area of Shaw Air Force Base out of Sumter,S.C. go out to the location of where the lights were, as though they were searching for what I had seen in the sky. This has happen several times a week in the sky and almost the same spot. The jets would fly out circling and I'm sure they was sent out for that purpose. The jets had weapons on them as if they were on a misson! I have seen these lights off and on the whole month of September. I saw the UFO's over the ocean and the jets landed at Myrtle Beach airport, every time the jets showed up the lights never appeared! The Jets stayed at the Myrtle Beach Airport 4 days and no lights! It was like the (UFO's) knew when the jets were around because they never showed back up until the jets left. I surf fish almost every night in September and October (The fall months) because the fishing is the best, These nights were clear and I could tell what was stars and what was not. These things (UFO's)that I saw was not Stars!..not any that I've ever saw! I have seen serveral UFO's over the past 15 years, There was a write up in the Myrtle Beach News Paper about these lights and a lot of people reported seeing them, I will try and get the news paper about the reports of sightings. There are UFO's in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Thank You, Ed ((NUFORC Note: Source of report indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD))",,0 +234,"9 of us saw 3 lights moving at incredible speed until one of them stopped dead in its track We were all sitting in the front yard watching the fireworks. The guys decided to do ""intermission"" about 9:45pm so they could get some water, and the kids could get something to drink. My friends' husband said ""That bad boy is moving""..we all looked up and thought at first we were seeing a satellite or something. It looked almost like a star it was so small and far away. Then we realized, with it being that far away, it was REALLY moving fast. It was coming from the North traveling toward the South. We talked about it being a rocket of some sort because it was moving too fast for a satellite. A few times we thought it zig-zagged a little, but, basically went in a straight line. It was fairly close to a bright blinking star, and we noticed another one coming straight toward it from the south, we thought they were going to collide. Then, the first one we saw immediately stopped, the one moving from the south darted around the first one, that seemed to be when all of us went into shock. At that point, NONE of us were sure about what we were really watching. None of us had ever seen anything stop so fast. We watched the one that was traveling from the south move in approximately the same path to the north the first one from the north had traveled going south. When it got just about directly overhead, we noticed another tiny star/light moving in about the same speed coming from the west. One of the neighbors started shooting fireworks, and we lost sight of the 3rd one, but, watched the one that was still traveling north until we couldn't see it anymore. None of us drink, and we all knew if ALL of us had seen this we weren't all crazy. Since I haven't ever really thought one way or another about life outside of ours, I decided today to see if I could find anything that would explain what we saw. So far I haven't, but, am VERY curious about any suggestions of what we have seen.",,9 +235,"Glowing Triangle At 10:45 p.m. on April 26, 2004 took a telephone call from a witness who resides in Kelowna, British Columbia. The fellow I talked with had told his father of a sighting he and his wife had tonight. His dad gave his son my phone number and the man called me and told me of an unusual sighting which he and his wife witnessed this evening. The fellows wife was the first to notice it while the couple were sitting outside of their residence having a cigarette. The sky was completely clear. The object was visible for approx: 20 to 30 seconds before it left the couple line of sight and was certainly a triangular shaped craft. The witness said it was a glowing white in color, no lights were seen on the craft. The man guessed the object was flying at approx: 20,000 feet. Because of how high the craft was and being night time I wanted to make sure how the witnesses came to be able to view the object. This was due to the color of it. They explained that it was extremely bright, but went on to say you couldn't miss it either. There was no aura or glowing light surrounding it, there was no trail or tail following behind. The witness said he saw no aircraft before or during the sighting, but said right after the object passed by a helicopter was seen flying at a low level shinning it's spotlight down towards the ground. The craft flew in a straight line towards the northeast over Okanagan Lake. At arms length the witness guessed the object would have been 1 to 2 centimeters in length looking from his location. No sound was heard. The man said the craft was solid in color and not just points of light in a triangular shape. The witness also said he tried to contact the Kelowna, B.C. airport tower but they were closed or not answering the telephone. Thank you to the witness for the report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Home - Phone 250 845 2189 email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.com Redirect: http://www.brianvike.com Redirect: http://www.hbccuforesearch.com",,2 +236,"saucer type ship with 4 lights uner it and symbols moving aroud the body i was about 5 yrs old and me and my older brother was playing outside it was hot and geting dark. We were playing and then all of a suden we looked up in the sky westward and we saw a saucer shape object fling at a high rate of speed. it flew over our street (were we lived behind us was a landfill/city dump) then it came back as fast as it flew by. then it stoped over our street and just huvered overhead for a while by then the nebigers started to come out becouse of the lights and the humm that it was making. thier was 4 lights undenith the craft and around the main body thier was wierd like symbles going aroud they kind of looked like runnins.then a couple of our friends parents took pics of it then it took off over the city dump again then disapperd and a few min later it came back to the same spot. then went behind the nebers house and you could still see the lights thruog the trees and all of a sudden we saw a beam come from it and we heard someone scream help. I dont rember how the beam went from the bottom or from the fromt becouse of the trees coving it but i rember the beam was bright then it shoot up in the sky and disapeared. Then all the grown-ups took the kids and ran inside thier houses when me and my brother tryed to get in our hose my dad had lock the screen door so we had to wait for our mom to come home from church. i remeber this event like it was yesterday.If anyone from that area rembers anything or has photos please get in contact with me i would love to see some photos or just talk. my email is ((e--address deleted)) also i dont rember anyone ever talking about it and thought it was wierd that no one ever talked about it or said look at these pics. So was just wondering if anyone rembers this if so please contact me via email. ((NUFORC Note: Date of incident may be approximate, although the witness does not indicate that fact. We are unconvinced as to whether this is intended to be a serious-minded report. PD))",,2 +237,"Bright UFO that changed shape from sphere to triangle and color of bright ligt to bluish green and red. Last night on Thursday, November 12, 2009 around 9:30pm my family and I had gone to bed, but my neighbors dogs were going nuts barking. I finally got up and looked out our bedroom window to see what was going on, immediately my eyes were drawn to the sky southwest area, I was shocked at first as the light was so bright-like a star that appeared to be moving towards me, then pulling away, but all in the same space. I kept looking in awe, the light seemed to have bluish green lights coming out from it-it at first appeared to be in a star-cross shape-then spherical and at times seemed to be a triangle. It also showed red lights at times. I was in such awe and realized it was NOT a commercial or military aircraft. Off to the South I saw an airplane- looked to be commercial, but noticed that it circled on the outskirts several times. I then realized I was definitely looking at a UFO- and perhaps that was a military plane circling since we live so close to the ai! rforce bases and often see military craft flying over our home. Either way, this was intriguing and I knew I had seen something similar when I was 9 yrs old in Richmond, Ky over our neighborhood-the way it moved and the lights very similar except this seemed to me more advanced in movement and color from what I saw as a child. I am wanted to report this because I am 100% sure this was nothing of man made origin. I do have a FLIP video of it I would love to share and have analyzed. IT did not zoom in far enough for details, but YOU CAN SEE THE COLOR CHANGES AND ERATIC MOVEMENT, diagonal, up, down, across, houvering, etc‚Äö√Ѭ∂ I finally went to sleep around 10:40 and the craft was still there, do not know how long it had been there prior to my sighting or how long after it remained. I would love to know if others saw this in the area---someone had to, especially the commercial or military craft I saw circling on the outskirts. ((NUFORC Note: Twinkling star?? PD))",,1 +238,"2 bright lights moving erratically in sky and blinking. First off, I dont know if/think this was an 'alien' ship - but I couldnt figure out WHAT it was, even using binoculars. So I am interested in knowing if anyone else reported seeing anything at the same time/night or if you know of any monitoring equipment that was flying around over NH that night. I took my dog outside at around 1:30 am and was sitting on my porch and noticed a relatively large, bright light in the sky. I started staring at it and then noticed that it was moving around randomly in the sky almost like it was being blown by a light wind or something. It was visable above the treeline and looked like an extremely large/bright star, but then I noticed the strange movement. I used binoculars and did not see it much more clearly so I imagine it was quite high in the sky, but realized it definitely had lights on it of some sort - and they were bright enough that it was throwing light around it like a halo. From MY PERSPECTIVE, way away from it, when moving it was only covering a patch of sky about 3 inches X 2 inches. It kept moving around in that general area. I also noticed a few times that a short distance from it there were flashing lights, coming off from about 2:00 and 9:00 and 5:00 if the object was in the middle of a clock-face. I then noticed a second one to the right but farther away as the light was much smaller and dimmer, but I could still see it was moving around also. I thought maybe it was a satellite, but then realized that the movement was not right and it was not tracking across the sky on any sort of trajectory. I also thought maybe it was a weather monitoring device, but didnt understand why it was covered in lights... I studied it with binoculars for about 1/2 hr and couldnt get any clearer picture of it. I looked for it in the morning but could not see anything in the sky so imagine it was either gone or far enough up to not be visible by day. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,1 +239,"2 objects, 2 minutes apart Time: 10:15 pm eastern standard time Location: Wyoming, Mi near the intersection of Spartan Industrial & 44th street. Weather condition: NOT A CLOUD IN THE SKY! Duration of the first incident: about 5 minutes. Duration of the second incident: about 1-2 seconds. I saw two objects about 2 minutes apart. Both were distinctly different. I was looking up at the sky as I walked and chatted with my girlfriend, on the phone. That's when I noticed the first one. It was a bright, red light moving north to south, in the western sky, as it flew erratically. It zig-zagged from east to west. I'm unsure of its distance or altitude. Even this objects speed was unimpressive. It was its course correction that made me stand in amazement. It moved from east to west without slowing down. It didn't circle like a normal aircraft. It just changed course without even coming to a stop. At one point it seemed to come to a dead stop. Then it continued south as its light faded away. I didn't lose sight of it. I continued to maintain a clear look of the object and the sky. It just faded away, like it simply disappeared. 2nd incident. As I continued to watch the sky, as I chatted on the phone, about 2 minutes later a second light/object appeared. I wasn't expecting it and only saw it for a second or two. It moved from east to west and it was VERY FAST AND VERY BRIGHT! The light was white. It was low in the sky, probably a mile or just over and it didn't make any noise. Neither did it leave a trail of any kind. It wasn't quite as fast as a shooting star but MUCH faster than ANY aircraft I've ever seen. Nothing we have could have caught up to it. Just before It disappeared behind the buildings the light simply went out. I've never witnessed anything like it. They were just incredible. Absolutely amazing. Let me close by saying I've never gone out at night hoping to witness a sighting. While I find the subject interesting I'm highly critical of reports, video and images. I'm simply a star gazer. What I saw was incredible.",,1 +240,"Aircraft engine noises were heard in the woods behind my house on 11\8\99. This noise was heard for a period of approx 2 minutes, at two times, approx 15-20 minutes apart. I expected this noise to proceed over my house as a plane would, or die down as the plane left the area, however the noise droned on at the same level for 2+ minutes then abruptly ended. This noise vibrated my house, upset the dog, and there were dogs\coyotes howling in the woods during this incident. My daugher claimed to see a flash of light accross the western sky after the first incident. I heard an engine sound, that sounded like an aircraft engine. WE frequently have the Air National Guard flying over our house so I didn't take much notice. Our house began to vibrate slightly and the dog began to bark and I noticed that the sound was not proceeding over the house as a plane would. I went outside and listened to the engine sound and waited for the ""plane"" to pass over the house, or for the sound to die down as they flew away. The sound continued to drone on for approx 2 minutes, there were coyotes howling in the woods behind my house in the direction of the sound. Due North. The sound abuptly stopped. I went inside and my daughter came down stairs. She to had heard the sound and after it stopped she claims to have seen a flash of light accross the Western Sky. I questioned her about the flash, thinking it could be the flash of the sunset. She said it was very sharp and bright. Approx 15-20 minutes later we again heard the same engine noise in the wood North of my house. Again it lasted for approx 2 minutes and then abruptly stopped. Due North of my home is approx 4 acres of woods and then a seclued farm field. We did not see any craft or ship of any kind. The only sighting was the flash. It was after dark at the time, and I can't think of what could have been in the woods at that time of night making that kind of sound. It was louder then a chain saw, or tractor. It made my house vibrate. The best decription of the sound would be that of a aircraft engine.",,1 +241,"Two orange lights racing one another across the sky. Orillia, Ontario Date: December 5, 2003 Time: 5:43 p.m. I received an email from a gentleman today, December 6, 2003 in which he explains both in an email and in a video clip of what he witnessed. I also telephoned the witness to find out a little more about the sighting. I had a nice conversation with him, and he went on to explain exactly what he saw. On December 5, 2003 (in the video clip the witness tells that the sighting took place on December 6, 2003. The sighting actually took place on December 5, 2003, a simple mix mistake) he saw a pair of unknown objects at 5:43 p.m. while out Barbecuing. When he noticed the two objects, his first thought was a couple of satellites were flying side by side. But he starting thinking this was really strange looking because one of the objects would quickly move past the other, then the object which then followed behind, would make the same moment and fly up a head of the other. The witness said it looked as if they were racing across the sky as each one tried to pass the other. He mentioned that the speed of these two unknowns was incredible as both moved so very quickly. The two objects eventually went into a cloud bank and disappeared. They were a very bright orange in color. An example he gave for the color and size of the two objects were that of the brightness and size of the planet Mars when it was at it's closet to earth. The fellows son, at a different location from where his Dad was saw a single unknown object traveling south at a low rate of speed, it quickly sped up and was gone. The reported time for the son's sighting was between 5:50 - 5:55 p.m. Thank you to the Dad and son for their reports. Also the video clip will be placed to my website once the new site is completely sometime after Christmas. There are tons of updates and new material to be posted at that time. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Canadian Toll Free UFO Hotline 1 866 262 1989 - Free call. Home - Phone/Fax 1 250 845 2189 HBCC UFO Forum Board email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.com",,1 +242,"Staggered, colorful strobing lights spotted southwest of Sour Lake, Texas. Forgive the rushed nature of this sighting, I will submit a more extensive report soon. Beginning on December 11, and as recently as last night, December 13, a series of odd lights were observed to the west-southwest of our town‚Äö√Ñ√¥s high school. Just above the treeline, these lights varied in number from one to six, merging with each other and splitting apart at seemingly random intervals. At times there was only a single light, at other times up to six lights, slowly bobbing around into different patterns. My sightings occurred on December 12 and 13, after hearing about the occurrence from a family friend who had seen them on the 11th. The lights appear at about 5 pm to 5:15, and stay for hours, the latest I have observed was still hovering at 8:15 p.m.. The lights themselves had the general appearance of large stars, but would bob around. In a few instances, the lights multiplied into 5 or 6, and took on the shape of an obtuse angle, with one arm shorter than the other, as if a clock was reading the time 3:50. These lights would take on seemingly intentional color schemes, with some appearing to strobe predominantly cool colors, others flashing warmer, bronze tones, and one that remained white-hot throughout. It should also be noted that over the past three nights, a large group of conventional aircraft, numbering from six to eleven, can be observed circling the area, never venturing too close to the lights. Most appear to be airplanes, a few may be helicopters. Apparently, both the lights and planes have been observed by citizens of the nearby town of Nome sporadically since the end of Hurricane Harvey, the devastation of which ravaged this area quite badly. The area over which the lights seem to be hovering is seemingly inaccessible, and is most likely either rice farms of oilfields. I plan to return tonight and every night until these lights cease. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke via telephone with the witness on two occasions, and he sounded to us to be exceptionally eloquent and sober-minded. We suspect that he is an excellent witness, and he captured some very interesting video. PD))",,1 +243,"Akron Ohio, 1956, Bright object similar to flying wing. 10 pm. See full description. I was walking home from a movie one evening. I had just passed the Rubber Bowl on George Washington Blvd, in south east Akron, when the sky behind me lit-up. I thought someone had turned on the lights in the stadium, so I turned around to look. Out of the night sky(from the north) came a bright object. It was in a shallow dive. At that moment it seemed to have slightly elongated ""wing tips"" and a very bright - whitish glow. It was silent, but I could definitely feel its presents in the sky above me. It slowed as it passed almost directly over head.(Perhaps 2,000 feet above me.) Then it picked up speed and climbed away at about a 45 degree - upward angle, going south. It was gone in less than half a minute and the sky became black again. Estimated entry speed was + 600 mph. Over head speed was about 100 mph. And estimated exit speed accelerated from 100 mph to well over 1,000 mph before it was out of sight. Overall estimated distance that the object appeared visible was: Approach equals 3 miles. Over head about 1 mile. Departure probably 20 miles, before going totally out of sight. I have seen meteors, artillery shells, tracer bullets, and all kinds of aircraft flying at night: And there has been nothing that I've ever seen that behaved like this object. Once over head, I could see that it was slightly curved all across the leading edge (from tip - to tip), and had two smaller curves meeting in the center, at the trailing edge. It had no distinguishable fuselage in the center. A guess at the size would be 100 feet tip to tip and 30 feet leading edge to trailing edge. It could have been 8 feet thick in the center area, but I only got a glimpse at that, as it was coming toward me and going away. There was a lot of very bright light nearest the object. The light was longer and brighter span-wise. It was smooth, with no exterior features, lights or markings. I was not close enough to determine if it was made out of metal, ceramic or other substance, but its surface did have a bright white glow about it. That's all I can tell you. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))",,1 +244,"((NUFORC Note: We suspect the witnesses may have been observing the star, ""Sirius,"" in the eastern sky, but that is only a guess. PD)) Strange lights off the coastline of Aruba My husband and I were on vacation in Aruba, and we had a suite that overlook the Ocean to some extent, but from our balcony, the sky over the water was very visible. I had gone to bed early and had awoke to get a drink of water and to check on the candle which I had lit earlier. I had walked over to the balcony and notice a series of bright lights over the water maybe about 150 feet. The object looked either triangle or egg shaped with the small end at the top. I woke my husband up, because it was so unusual, because it was not that far above the water. I decided to lie down and watch it, and it appeared to be, imitating my candle on the coffee table, with the changing of colors, so ((name deleted)) my husband suggested I blow out the candle, which I did, but the colors continued to change but much differently this time. I went back to bed but lined my body in such a way that I could size up if it moved by the lines on the balcony windows, It stay positionary for 3 hours, only one time moving unbelievably fast straight up and back down. After that it appeared to have 3 smaller lights move towards it, and just as they disappeared in it, it light up on the my right side with a bright orange color which reflected off the clouds. It appeared to stay in front of the clouds because I could see it at all times. Then again 3 smaller lights that would have appeared to be stars, again moved slowly towards it, and appeared to melt into this thing, again sending off a bright orange color on my right, illuminating the sky this time. Then it suddenly disappeared, I watched every night afterwards and nothing at all, no lights even close to that what I had seen, this thing was very bright, it didn't move except that once, and it had lights flashing into different colors. Believe it or not I had a feeling come over me that it wanted me to see it, maybe it was just my imagination, but I was unbelievably calm. I also forgot to say that it did emit some beams from below this thing, like it might have been looking at t! he water or something.",,2 +245,"4 flying orange bright ball shape objects that I filmed at night. I have never seen anything like it before I was standing outside having a smoke and I look to the right and I seen, then filmed 4 bright orange round objects flying in the same straight pattern coming from the top of houses and not going much higher all the way across the sky. The objects seemed to grow larger then they all glowed even bigger and brighter then they al got a bit smaller and then stayed lit. I'm only 13 miles from a major airport and very well aware of what any airplane is flying at night with their lights blinking and on. I have NEVER seen anything like this in my life. I can share the phone camera videos if you tell me what these are and write back ((ADDENDUM/REVISED STATEMENT FROM WITNESS)) I was standing outside having a smoke facing south and I looked to the right (west) and I seen a bright orange round object flying just over the tree tops moving to the Southeast. As I watched it coming closer, it seemed to get larger all of a sudden then shrink in size then it glowed in a pulsating manner. I then pulled out my cell phone video camera and then all of a sudden there was another one coming from the same direction and it did the same thing. I filmed a total of four of them and they were in sight for about 30 to 40 seconds each. I'm only 13 miles from a major airport in Minneapolis, MN, and very well aware of what any airplane is flying at night with their lights blinking on and off. These were not airplanes. Again, this was filmed on December 25, 2013 at 6:30 PM Central time. After more research, I have now ELIMINATED the thought of one of these 4 filmed objects in the sky of possibly being a recent sighting of a red meteor shower because they move downward and these had no tails, these objects were going sideways from west to east. I ELIMINATED the thought of one of these possibly being an orange chinese lantern because if they are carried by the wind, the winds were going SW that day and at the time recorded, and these objects were moving SE. I have NEVER seen anything like this in my life. Here is the Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_Vy_4bkf84&feature=share I would like credit for the filming please. ((END ADDENDUM))",,1 +246,"Bright Red/Orange light hovered changed altitude rapidly ""danced"" dissappeared then reappeared several times. On 9/14/10 at approximately 845 pm I went to the back yard of my residence to feed my dog. As I walked to get his bowl to give him food I observed a bright red light in the south west sky in the Williamston area close to I-85, that looked to be several thousand feet up, and thought it looked odd to be so bright. The ball of light was the size of a golfball and later marble in relation to a star. As I continued to look at the light it then dropped within a second to just above the tree level and hovered, I then ran back to my back door and yelled for my wife to come look so that I would know that I was seeing the same thing. She then looked and only saw the object hovering and commented on how bright it was. As myself and her were watching it the light then emitted another light below it which was bright orange in color. The lighted object then began to dance from left to right up and down! My wife became frightened after she realized the same thing I! apparently did and knew that the way it was moving could not have been a helicopter or airplane due to the speed and movements it was doing. The object then dropped lower below the tree line into a heavily wooded area and I could then see what looked like several bright headlights shining through the trees. As that happened I could then tell it appeared to be within a mile of my house. I then called my neighbor and another and asked for them to come outside and see what we were seeing. As all seven of us were watching it, the object then lifted back up very rapidly several hundred feet and disappeared. It then reappeared across the sky for a few moments and ‚Äö√Ñ√∫danced‚Äö√Ñ√π as it did earlier for five to six minutes. It then disappeared for the second time. We watched for almost two hours to see if it came back, but it did not. It was officially the weirdest thing I had ever seen! I did contact our local news agency and asked if they received any calls asking about the obj! ect we all saw and they stated they did receive more than a fe! w. I wi ll be watching hoping to see it again! ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))",,1 +247,"Flaming mass or UFO? I think I know the difference, regardless there was something in the sky. Circular in shape, Initially appearing to be a satellite located directly above the house across the street from mine until quickly it was noticeably traveling as well as hovering. It descended from high in front of our eyes and we could see it actually hovering in a circular motion with what appeared to be beams of light shining from the object as well as a continuously flashing red light. As it got closer and also traveled in the sky (northbound at this point) after watching it for approx.30 mins as it traveled almost in a triangular-route... a glimpse of it almost made it appear to sparkle/shine as if it was possibly a star or comet. However as it then continued to travel as well as stop to hover for several moments at a time we began to rule out possibilities. A plane or helicopter were the first options to rule out obviously, but as we continued to watch this in awe- we considered every possibility including the sky lanterns that people have been known to illegally ignite despite the fact that we knew this object was CLEARLY way higher than any vehicle flown by a person let alone a simple sky lantern. It continued to descend at a rapid pace and move northward in the sky until the street lights on the corner near where I live made it impossible to watch and it also was after 2 am at that point and I had been monitoring it steadily. My neighbors witnessed but we all are unsure what this object was. Needless to say I did not sleep and will be watching again tonite. I very much would like some answers towards if this was a flaming mass or a UFO although I feel I clearly know that any flaming mass could not travel in the manor of which this object did regardless of how I attempt to rationalize it. At one point I also noticed two lights when it appeared to be moving closer before it began to continue descending and moving northward.. (as it moved east aka towards my house/lake michigan) for the few moments that it did; I saw be! ams steadily moving coming from two lights as if the vehicle w! as movin g directly this way, however then the hovering continued on adn off and the red light began to appear/disappear as it hovered in a circular motion while also traveling in the sky.",,2 +248,"At around 8:00 pm on an Apirl evening NASA was launghing a series of rockets into space from a neiboghring town {manati}. this took place on the month of April it was a program of about 12 rocket, the entire Island was looking to the sky, to witness the event. That night I couldn't make it so I took to looking at the night skies from my house which is in vega alta two towns away from the laungh site. that's when I began to see some activity in the sky, soon after the first NASA laungh an object started moving about in the sky. I saw it from a distance for a very long time, but for a minute or two it came extremely close. seconds after it took of never to be seen that night but as NASA'S project continiud more sightings apeared. I believe that what NASA was doing was distracting the public so that some other government agency would have the chance to perform their testing of a program in fact something was happening on the opposit side of the Island in lajas this is a town on the southwest side. After watching NASA have a rocket failier on almost every one of this, I began wondering NASA CAN'T be so disorganize. That's when I personally saw a lot of activity on the sorounding area of the laguna cartagena, many different government and military vehicles sighted there all thru the same time NASA was launghing rockets. Look I spent some time in the military with top secret clearence and I know something enough to understand that something is going on. Soon after roswell was hit by the media that's when plenty of night activity in the skies began hapening more government personel were being seen and on US military bases housing construction for more military personel is taking place at this very moment. Since I'm retired I often have time to look around and their are more unidentified agency working on sites that are of limits to civilians the same ones that used to be tourist sites, like the small Island near PR called vieques this is next to the bigest naval base of the USA. Somehow the government has take! n almost the entire Island {vieques}they say is for target practice. This is one of the most beautiful places in the word. From what i've gatherd is no shooting range something very important is going on I just hope someone has the ability to investigate and tells us whats going on. PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THIS.",,1 +249,"Witnesses to the sighting were myself age 51 (Fire Alarm System Inspector), Dad age 81 (Sales executive in aircraft bearings industry and Step Mom age 66 (HR for satellite parts manufacturer). Sighting was 122xxx Rios Rd, San Diego, California. We had arrived home from dinner at 18:00 driving two separate cars. My Dad and I pulled into the driveway and got out while my Step Mom was already inside. I was looking up at the the sky because it was a beautiful clear night. I noticed one round dim light that was above me traversing the sky. Object was not blinking and moved at a steady pace in one direction. Object appeared to be higher than a plane and I thought it could be a satellite. Within 10 seconds I noticed two more objects exhibiting the same behavior but moving in different directions. I felt the speed could have been similar to what you would see with a plane but the objects did not appear to be conventional aircraft due to lack of blinking lights and a! ltitude. I witnessed these lights for approximately 1 minute when my step mother came out of the house and noticed a row of approximately 10 to 12 lights, travelling west to east, about 60 degrees from the horizon and north of the front of the house. At this point all 3 of us witnessed these lights and we felt that we were observing something unusual. I watched the lights for about 10 seconds when I attempted to use my phone for video but could not capture the lights so, I went back to watching them. Some audio was captured of our reaction. Lights were dim, white and appeared to be evenly spaced approximately 3 to 4 feet between each one from our perspective. The row of lights did not appear to be one object. They appeared to be the size of small to medium stars. As we were looking to the north from the driveway, the lights travelled slightly left (north west) of us and as they reached slightly to the right (north east) of us, one by one, each light disappeared in order sta! rting with the furthest light on the right until it got to the! last on e. The total approximate time one light would travel to the time it disappeared was approximately 8 seconds. No aircraft were observed in the area during the account. In my opinion, the lights were definitely not due to atmospheric condition, reflection, flares, balloons or any known aircraft. We have never observed anything like it.",,3 +250,"Description of possible UFO sighting and the UFO is still present. Tuesday at about 10:30pm I took my dog out for a walk in the backyard. I was looking up at the stars and I sometimes do. I noticed an airplane descending towards Buffalo, NY. The airplane was brightly flashing and clear, but still high up in the sky to where I could not make out the shape of the plane, but it was obviously a plane due to the speed, straight forward direction it was flying and colors flashing. Because I was looking at this airplane I noticed another moving object farther to the right. At first I thought it was a huge star because it was very twinkly. I realized it was moving. It appears to be significantly higher up then the airplane. I can‚Äö√Ñ√¥t make out the shape but I would describe it as a fuzzy ball of light or sparkling star‚Äö√Ѭ∂that‚Äö√Ñ√¥s the best I can do, it is really high up. I stepped further away from the light on in the backyard to get a better view and still clearly see that the object is moving. It appears to hover in a one spot for a few seconds and then dart back and forth quickly, zigzag, move forward then backward and then quickly forward for 15 seconds and then zing zag again and dart around. It does not resemble the movement of any airplane I‚Äö√Ñ√¥ve ever seen, does not look like a helicopter or any air craft that I‚Äö√Ñ√¥m familiar with. I called somebody out of the house to take a look. They watched with me for almost a full minute and thought it was military night training for some type of aircraft. I continued watching for 15 minutes and brought the dog inside. I went back out and found the object after looking for about 10-15 seconds. It continues to hover for a few seconds and then dart around. It reminds me of floating, and is just all together odd looking. I have no idea what it is, but thought I should report it. It‚Äö√Ñ√¥s really far up there and very easy to miss unless you‚Äö√Ñ√¥re staring at the sky which I was. I don‚Äö√Ñ√¥t have a telescope, I don‚Äö√Ñ√¥t know where my camcorder is and my camera batters are dead, so I apologize. I‚Äö√Ñ√¥m sure it‚Äö√Ñ√¥s still going now! There is only one object. I looked around that part of the sky and couldn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t find any more. It‚Äö√Ñ√¥s a white color/light. I have never seen a ufo before, reported one or anything like that. I have zero experience with this. Thanks.",,1 +251,"Sighting over Quezon City Philippines during midnight of December 31, 2006 We were preparing for NOCHE BUENA in preparation for New Year 2007. I noticed this red shaped object (size of a small planet like Mars) about south-east of the full moon. It was clear although there was some clouds which at times cover the moon. The sky was well lit with fireworks display since it was countdown to New Year. Initially I thought it was Mars but noticed that the object was contant and there was no flickering. I noticed the object moving into a slow speed going North. It took quite some time but the speed was constant and it was straight until it disappeared into the horizon. By that time, my wife's cousing was with me watching the whole thing. I thought it was a plane of sort but later ((name deleted)) (wife's cousin) came inside and claimed that the red object had reappeared and heading into the same position at the same slow constant speed. We watched it until it took the same position as last time and stayed there for quite awhile until it again sped off into the distance at the same slow constant speed. It reappeared the second time. This time my aunt and wife were with us. It performed the same exercise. The third time, by then it was already 1:00 AM, January 1, 2007, it reappeared and followed the same path and position. But this time, it was joined by a second smaller red object which flew parrallel its original route. The bigger object then started speeding into the distance at the same constant speed while the smaller red object reached a point parrallel to the original location of the bigger object. By this time, the bigger object had already disappeared the smaller object started to follow it, at the same slow constant speed. I went up to the balcony to follow its route until it finally disappeared. Time was around 2:00AM. I noticed that at one point the entire street lamps along our house concked out for a full three seconds before it reappeared. But no brownout occured. Perhaps the UFO was watching the fireworks display and perhaps it was thinking that it could not be seen because it was a red dot in the sky. I tried to take pictures of it with my sony W50 digital camera but I am not sure if anything came out of it. I have the file and can send it to you. Have not touched it really as I am not adept with any software relating to photography.",,0 +252,"Enormous silent hovering craft above golf course. I am resubmitting this report because I have not seen my original in the database. I know that there was a move with your organization and it may have gotten lost. This report or near version of it has also been submitted to ufo evidence. After attending a Traverse City West High School game during the fall of 2001 I got gas from the local gas station and traveled up Barnes Road heading west from Traverse City. At the top I stopped at the stop sign and looking west over the tree line I could see bright lights coming in rather low. My first impression is that it's an airliner coming in to Cherrry Capital Airport. It did although seem rather bright and quite low. I then took a right hand turn, a left onto Harris and then another left onto Cedar Run. After about 2 miles I came to the top of a hill that overlooks the Cedar Run Golf Course. At the top of the hill looking towards the southwest I could see a very bright airborne object. This object was very large and emitted brilliant white light. As I traveled down the hill towards the object in my mind I tried to figure out what it could be. I knew it wasn't an airplane because it was not moving, this object was just hovering above the golf course. I knew it was not a helicopter because it was to large, about the size of a 747. At the bottom of the hill and coming up next to the golf course I slowed down and rolled down the window. I could not hear a sound and this is when I started to get scared because I did not know what it was and I had my four year old son in the van with me. The object was just over full grown sugar or red maple trees about 250 feet off the ground. The object was 150 to 200 feet long, 20 to 30 feet tall and probably within 600 yards. I continued west on Cedar Run over a hill and 2 people were standing outside looking in the direction of the craft. I didn't want to stop because it was still to close and I was afraid. I have stopped at 3 houses since the episode and no one could recall the event. The people at the house that were looking towards the golf course have since moved. I learned of this just a couple of weeks ago. What impressed me most about this object was the lack of sound for it's size. I should have heard something. Also, at no point did I see it move, although I saw this object at 2 different locations. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD))",,1 +253,"Was it a UFO or some strange goverment experiment; or was it simply a kid's prank in the middle of nowhere? I had a really weird experience last weekend...Don't know what to believe anymore... We were driving back from Los Angeles, CA to my home in San Jose, CA and were on the I-5 near the Firebaugh area. I knew I was here since my GPS in my car showed me that area. Suddenly there was heavy fog which almost made me not see the road and I slowed down a bit, after the fog somewhat cleared, I saw two lights like the headlights of a car going alongside my car in my window. First I thought it might be a reflection but there was no other cars around me for miles that I could see. I took my window down to see more closely. It seemed like a glider of some sort so my first thought was that maybe its some sort of radar device which the government uses to check speeds of vehicles on the highways or a helicopter. But it none of those. Then it glided down really smoothly and quite beautifully almost touching the ground giving me an idea it was landing. I was looking ahead and looking at it at the same time and slowed my car a bit also. Being honest, at that point I was a little scared as the object without landing just took off again and went over in front of me over the highway across and it cast two lights in the field. The lights were just like ordinary white lights throughout but the object seemed like it was spinning. It stood in the field for about 5-10 seconds casting those lights in a triangulated fashion really beautifully. The object suddenly turned from there and came straight for my car, the lights from it were really bright, almost blinding; at which point I was getting paranoid that whatever it was going to hit my car. But it came on the top of my car and was gone! Yes it was just gone, disappeared totally. I also looked into my back mirror but there was nothing there except absolute darkness. I took the next exit for the gas station and a little while later an SUV stopped from which a lady emerged and I tried to ask her if she saw something. But I guess it was the time of the night, I saw the look in her eyes which was telling me I'm some kind of weirdo...I was yelling for my friends to wake up as they were sleeping but they confirmed to me later they did see some kind of light as at that point they had woken up. I do not know what to make out of it but I know what I saw and it lasted for a good minute or maybe more. It was just a beautiful object, what it was I think I'll never know but what I saw I'll never be able to forget.",,0 +254,"Stange light seen same spot several times and then tried to make contact I go to work around 6 am 5 days a week. On several (6 or 7 times) i have seen what a ppres to be 3 or 4 bright lights streak across the sky. The first time I thought that they were comets or metors of some sorts, but as i thought about it, they were following each other. I live out in the country, away from the city lights. so i get a pretty good view of the sky. The next time was about 3 days later, this time there were more going in the same direction s.s.e. very fast high in the sky. The next time was on October11th. This time they stopped in the middle of the sky, and they were much lower. I could see that they were more of a craft than a shape. one of them had very definded areas while the other ones were small. Still they were very far away. But while they were stopped i could not help but think that they were lookin at me. The last time, 10/14/00 , And this is what promted me to tell this story, I saw only one streak the stay, but it turned around and went back the same way that it had came, without missing a beat. About three min later i was headed down HWY N towards I94 when three crafts, rather small, came up from behind the car, vanished, and reappeard about 1 mile down the raod. Usually this road is busy in the am, but one one seemed to be around, which really creeped me out. I slowed the car down and stopped. Each had a beam of light, one to my left, one the right, and one that when from the ground through my car up and down. none of these lights were terribly bright, and i think that they were white or gray in color. Or it was a blue light. The middle one seemed to control the others movements as it moved. It also had a haze or glow to it that the others did not. The middle one was about the size of a Large SUV and the shpae was almost that of a craft that something could sit in. It was almost like a TV set, large on one side and a bit smaller on the other, but it did nt look like a tv. It did not have any doors or windows, and no visible power source. It had One oth! er light that was directly beneith the craft. The other two were more of a circle or globe with the tops smaller than the rest. They were plaon in color and moved when the middle one did. Just then, I saw a car approaching from the rear. They simply went straight up and returned to the course they had been taking.?????? I have not seen them scince, but most times take another route to work just to be safe. Sometimes i forget and feel real spooked driving down that road.",,1 +255,"Stealth shapped silent object with no noise or vibration from north to south at slow sped and low altitude. This happened last winter while I was delivering papers for the Anchorage Daily News. I saw the same craft if not another that was identical to the first sighting on atleast 5 diffrent nights. Four of the sightings were in the same location and around the same general time of between 1;30 and 2;00 am. The fifth sighting was in a diffrent location and was about 45 minutes earlier . This sighting was due north of the usual location of the sightings. The craft was this night traveling south from north and was traveling at the same steady speed and about the same altitude. The speed I would judge was about 20 to 25 mph and was silent of noise or vibrations. If it was a painted craft it would be of a black color. It had white lights that strobed on the outer end edges of the rear part of the triangle with a solid burning white light in the front point of the triangle. It was a bit brighter I think than a normal landing light on a plane. I saw no green or red light as one would expect to see on a normal plane indicating port and starboard. The thing that was of intrest to me was that if it had been just another 45 minutes later the thing would have been over the same area that i usually saw it for the previous four times. As it happened this night I was running a bit early and therefore was in another part of town. The area of town is with housing additions and very thick wooded areas in between them. There i a mountain ridge to the east of the area about 4 miles away. To the south is the town of Palmer and the Matanuska River and the Knick River and the Knick Glacier and the rough and rugged Chugach mountains. Every time that I saw the caft was always the same altitude and speed and was traveling from north to south, no noise heard. I tried to take a photo of the craft but my digital camera was not the best in the world and is only 3 mega pixels and did not make it worth saving. I am 38 years old and have had experience as a Captain in the Oklahoma State Guard and my fathe! r was a police officer and Chief of police and I have had experience in observation from many points of view during my life and I have explained this to the best of my ability. My only explinations could be that it was either a military stealth craft operating from Elmendorf or that it was extraterestrial. Either way it was a true UFO for me. My telephone is 907 ((deleted)). ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD))",,1 +256,"Weird light above the fields in Ida, a takeoff and possible landing I live on M-50 in Monroe, close to Ida, MI. I went outside to have a cigarette and I noticed a weird light above the fields across the road from my house, in the direction of Ida. It looked like it was hovering and moving around slightly. It seemed to be flashing a few different colors of light. live on M-50 in Monroe, close to Ida, MI. I went outside to have a cigarette and I noticed a weird light above the fields across the road from my house, in the direction of Ida. It looked like it was hovering and moving around slightly. It seemed to be flashing a few different colors of light. The main color was white but it was also flashing red and blue or green. I couldn't tell if those colors were part of the white light or if they were separate lights. The lights seemed to move around the white. I attempted to take photos but my camera was acting wonky. It kept changing the settings, and I kept trying to take pictures, but no matter what I did, it wasn't showing up on the pictures. I went inside, and then went back about 15 minutes later and I didn't see the light in the sky anymore, but I saw something lower on the fields. Being very intrigued, I decided to get in the car and head out to Ida and see if there was anything. On my way down M-50, I saw a very bright light, then it disappeared. Then I saw a light take off from where Dunbar road is. I don't know if that was the same light I saw above M-50, or if it was separate. Kept driving until I got to Ida, and didn't see anything, so I turned back. Then, on my way down Ida-Maybee road, I looked at the fields, and suddenly saw what I think was a landing. I stopped the car and pulled over to look for a minute. Yeah it's probably a dumb idea but I really wanted to see! I saw 3 big square white lights right ON the field flashing one after another. They looked like they were attached to some kind of object, but since it was dark, I couldn't tell the shape of it. I watched it for maybe a minute until I heard some weird sound that I can't even describe coming through the radio in my car. It was definitely not a human. It was like a really weird voice saying something in another language. This scared the crap out of me me, so I got the out of there. I must admit I have seen similar a similar light before, above those fields, multiple times. There also are a couple of other people I know who have seen things like this before. But I have never actually seen anything touch the ground before, so this was way more than I expected. I'm so confused.",,1 +257,"Bright Orb in sky visible at least 1hr 15mins Wainscott, New York March 24, 2012 I was outside with my dog, and I had seen several objects earlier in the night sky which is frequent, I have reported these repeat occurences to MUFON..I saw a white star like object ascend over my tree line in the North West direction, where it then hovered. I was able to get two cameras from inside the house, when I returned moments later, the object was in same place. I have video footage, not that clear in some clips, but quite clear in others. Initially this object went in a westerly direction, before going back heading towards east southerly direction. This object was in the sky heading in an south Easterly direction for approx 1 1/4 hours. I called Mufon NY director,[moved name/CMS/der], and we reviewed all possible objects via Stellarium, and could find no such objects that matched. I was able to send him footage, as I was on the phone with him (I think I woke him up I called so early...am sorry [moved name/CMS/der]!) I was able to maintain visual co! ntact with this white star like orb. In that I had no more avail space on my camera memory card, I looked at object right before it disappeared behind treeline on adjacent side of property from where it had originated, and the object appeared to be reflective, and elongated, almost rectangular shaped. I do not have equip to document telescope visual, only my verbal description. I have reviewed the footage off camera #2, which also has footage visible of this white orb. In a still photo, when zoomed in, the object does not appear round as it did to the eye, but more oblong or oval horizontally. I see white orbs that travel at tremendous rates of speeds, switch directions, intersect other orbs, EVERY night early predawn when it is not overcast. I reported this verbally to Mr. Peter Davenport this evening, March 27, 2012, who told me that UFO's don't normally appear every night. This is why I contacted your site, as I do stand by my word, and know that what is transpiring is ! obviously NOT normal. I have compared my sightings to other k! nown obj ects in the sky on each of these occasions, utilizing multiple sources, and have found nothing that matches these anamolies. I will soon be acquiring a night vision scope with video output to record, and may forward those to you, although I remain reluctant after my conversation with Mr. Davenport. I would like this footage to be reviewed and assessed by an organization who is user friendly, and professional. I swear and attest that the video footage, photos, and verbal/written report(s) are truthful. Martha Nassauer, Wainscott/East Hampton NY",,1 +258,"Bright Orb in sky visible at least 1 hr 15 mins Wainscott, New York March 24, 2012 I was outside with my dog, and I had seen several objects earlier in the night sky which is frequent, I have reported these repeat occurences to MUFON..I saw a white star like object ascend over my tree line in the North West direction, where it then hovered. I was able to get two cameras from inside the house, when I returned moments later, the object was in same place. I have video footage, not that clear in some clips, but quite clear in others. Initially this object went in a westerly direction, before going back heading towards east southerly direction. This object was in the sky heading in an south Easterly direction for approx 1 1/4 hours. I called Mufon NY director,[moved name/CMS/der], and we reviewed all possible objects via Stellarium, and could find no such objects that matched. I was able to send him footage, as I was on the phone with him (I think I woke him up I called so early...am sorry [moved name/CMS/der]!) I was able to maintain visual contact with this white star like orb. In that I had no more avail space on my camera memory card, I looked at object right before it disappeared behind treeline on adjacent side of property from where it had originated, and the object appeared to be reflective, and elongated, almost rectangular shaped. I do not have equip to document telescope visual, only my verbal description. I have reviewed the footage off camera #2, which also has footage visible of this white orb. In a still photo, when zoomed in, the object does not appear round as it did to the eye, but more oblong or oval horizontally. I see white orbs that travel at tremendous rates of speeds, switch directions, intersect other orbs, EVERY night early predawn when it is not overcast. I reported this verbally to Mr. Peter Davenport this evening, March 27, 2012, who told me that UFO's don't normally appear every night. This is why I contacted your site, as I do stand by my word, and know that what is transpiring is ! obviously NOT normal. I have compared my sightings to other k! nown obj ects in the sky on each of these occasions, utilizing multiple sources, and have found nothing that matches these anamolies. I will soon be acquiring a night vision scope with video output to record, and may forward those to you, although I remain reluctant after my conversation with Mr. Davenport. I would like this footage to be reviewed and assessed by an organization who is user friendly, and professional. I swear and attest that the video footage, photos, and verbal/written report(s) are truthful. Martha Nassauer, Wainscott/East Hampton NY.",,1 +259,"White light moving W to E to Big Dipper. Hung there until it disappeared My location was behind (directly south of) the old sheds and farm house located at the east end of State Line Road in New Pine Creek, CA (on the Oregon/California border). My sleeping bag and pad were on the ground with my head at the SE and my feet pointed toward the NW. Far off to my left, at a point near WNW, I saw a ‚Äö√Ñ√∫white light‚Äö√Ñ√π moving in a straight line across the sky (toward ENE.) Because the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫white light‚Äö√Ñ√π was moving, I decided it must be an airplane. At first, because the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫white light‚Äö√Ñ√π was moving at what I call a slower than normal airplane speed, I thought it was a small, private plane -- yet there were no blinking red/green lights. Due to the lack of blinking lights, I decided it was a much larger airplane and must be flying at approximately 30,000 feet or higher, and I probably would not see blinking lights from that distance. I presumed the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫plane‚Äö√Ñ√π had have taken off from Portland or Eugene, OR and was heading for Boise, ID, or Salt Lake City, UT ‚Äö√Ñ√¨ and might have been ahead of schedule. Therefore, the pilot was flying at less than normal speed so as not to arrive too early at the terminal. I continued to watch the light for approximately 35-45 minutes (or longer) as it continued to move in a straight line across the sky. When the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫white light‚Äö√Ñ√π reached the middle of the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫cup‚Äö√Ñ√π of the Big Dipper, it stopped moving; it just hung there! Puzzled, I continued to watch it very carefully expecting to see some movement that would explain why I had thought the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫white light‚Äö√Ñ√π (airplane) was staying in one place. Yet it did not appear to move. Again, it just seemed to be hanging there. I continued to watch the light for at least another 20-25 minutes as the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫white light‚Äö√Ñ√π remained in the same place. Then, suddenly I realized, whereas the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫white light‚Äö√Ñ√π was still in the same spot ‚Äö√Ñ√¨ it was getting smaller and smaller! I watched the light for many more minutes ‚Äö√Ñ√¨ until it disappeared. In thinking carefully about what I had just observed, for that ‚Äö√Ñ√∫white light‚Äö√Ñ√π to have covered the distance to the area of the Big Dipper ‚Äö√Ñ√¨ he was really moving! Then, at the place we call the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫cup of the Big Dipper,‚Äö√Ñ√π where the light made a 90-degree turn to its left and moved away from Earth until it could no longer be seen -- again, to me, that meant he was really moving! Until, and unless, proved otherwise, I firmly believe the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫light‚Äö√Ñ√π was not an airplane, but must have been a UFO ‚Äö√Ñ√∫way, way out there.‚Äö√Ñ√π",,1 +260,"Very bright object low in the evening sky that seemed to spin while emitting light in many different colors. I was driving on Hwy 73 S and Hwy 23 W in Green Lake County last evening when I noticed a very bright, twinkling star very low on the horizon. The light that I was observing was in the to teh southeast, but it continued to hold my attention because of the intensity of the light and it seemed to change from a white to blueish to green hued light. I thought it may be a aircraft due to the intensity of the light.I arrived at my parents house and remained visiting for approx a half hour, when I was going to leave I noticed the light was in the exact location as when I arrived. I knew it could not be a aircraft as it had remained stationary in the sky. I asked both my father and mother to take a look at the light to see if they had any idea as to what it may be. It was then that I remembered that in early August of 2003 we had a observed a similiar light in teh sky in the exact location and had reported it to our local sheriff department becasue through the binoculars it seemed to be a spining object with red, blue & green lights that remained in the same spot before abruptly disappearing. My father and I observed the object through 10x binoculars, at this time we observed an object that seemed to spin (as if a conical shape - imaging a short, fat ice cream cone on it's side) with every color of teh rainbow being emmitted from the circular end. With your naked eye you could continue to observe colors changing, but only in hues of red to blue to green. We then called a friend who lives on the outskirts of Green Lake, he also saw it to teh southeast, slighlty abov ethe horizon and observed teh similar movement and colors that we did through his spotting scope. I then departed my parents home and proceded to a my boyfriends home between Green Lake and Markesan, WI. I watched the object remain stationary in the sky the entire drive and it continued to change colors. At this time, my boyfriend and his nephew and I sat on a hill and continued to view it through binoculars at 10x. The object continued to spin and emit colors from the circular side. At this time we also noticed 4 planes flying from west to east (at a very fast speed) within very close proximity to each other. They seemed to fly right in front of the object, though the object seemed to be quite further into the atmosphere. At about 9:30 we stopped watching the object. Several of our neighbors have reported of seeing the same object until 10 pm at night. No matter what it may be. it was definetly an experience I will never forget. If anyone else has seen this object, please share your experience.",,1 +261,"triangle shape, lights at each point underneath, red light rear green front, alt. 200-300ft., speed appx 40mph. March 25, 2009 On March 20, 2009, at about 9:45 PM, I, ((name deleted)) and my wife ((name deleted)) were standing on the patio at the rear of our house observing the stars as it was a clear night. (For orientation and topographical purposes a description follows : The lot is about 3 acres in size roughly triangular in shape with the broadest part toward the road. The front of the house faces NE. The entire lot is surrounded by woods with tall pines and hardwoods. Elevation is 345 ft. , topography is low rolling hills.) We noticed two bright lights traveling low through the trees and to the south west. We thought it might be a helicopter but there was no sound. The object continued on and became more visible as it approached the house while line of travel was to the west of our house. The object was traveling from SW to NE. The estimated time of observation from first sight to last sight was about a minute to a minute and a half. Object description based on full observation period: triangle shape, about 50 to 60 feet wide, 3 large round lights each located at the points of the triangle and underneath and visible at all points of observation, green flashing light above and centered over bottom light and red flashing light at rear. (90 degree side view and at closest point of observation) : 3 large lights visible underneath, green light on front , red light on rear, toward the front of the object and well above the under side was a row of about six very bright lights that appeared to be windows They were shaped like vertical rectangles with slightly rounded corners and side by side, these lights being toward the front of the object. The only sound was that of a large object passing through the air. The sound could only be heard shortly before the object reached the 90 degree observation point and shortly after it passed this point, otherwise there was no sound. The following are estimates based on knowledge of the terrain, distance at 90 degree observation and prior training and experience: SPEED between 30 and 40 mph; ALTITUDE between 300 to 400 feet; DISTANCE AT 90 DEGREE OBSERVATION POINT 150 to 175 yards (land measurement). My background: 4 years USMC Air Wing (air frames mechanic); 20 years Jackson, MS Police Dept. (Captain at retirement); 3 years as an investigator with Wackenhut Security Corp.; 15 years with MS Dept. of Corrections ( parole & probation officer); 4 years Jefferson Davis Co. Deputy Sheriff (Criminal Court Bailiff). I have 111 college hours and numerous law enforcement training courses. ((name and address deleted)) Rd. Harrisville, MS 39082 601 ((number deleted))",,2 +262,"about 9:50 pm while seating on steeps of front porche facing south I observe a light above Juarez mx just like a plane landing and as what I tought it was because the of location of Juarez airport its directly under the light on question,the light kept on geting closer than after it reach over the line of texas veered to the right as a 90 degree angle as when I noticed the color was more yelloish an there where no navegation lights .it gave me the impresion it was the size of a jet linner lights. after the close to nigthy degree turn the light glare was the same. I got my girlfriend to get me fieldglasses and i had to adjust the focus quite a bit by then the object was far east an then the light speeded up considerable and vanished. I went back on to what i was doing (sorting out dirt and sand on a plastic container) and I dont know weather ten minutes or half an hour past i raised my head after hearing some people two adults and a few kids walking on the sidewalk in front of me saying look at those lights and I got up and there where 4 lights similar in size as the one I saw early, but this time they where comming from the west south of the texas line from the direction of the mountain towards and on top of juarez(not to high up but close tothe grownd maybee 100 to 200 feet up?) down town one after the other one maybe half a mile a apart from eachether and while they reach more or less the same point where the previous one passed by . they formed a square and then the one from the far and upper left and the one on the bottom right I think started distanciating from the other two creating a rombo (in spanish terms )or an square buth of irregular sides. while this was going of I focuss one of the lightswith the fieldglasses and after focussing the shape is like an yelloing orange shape bowl almost like dark burning object a total circle but at the shape of almost a half moon patern seems to apear like more solid shape. I did not have time to explored the other three because the kids close tome wanted to look at them too but they appear to be of the same size after geeting my glasses back I think regaing lookin at the same one and lost the other three the one in question kept goin east but now under american soil and straight east just south of freeway ten and norht of the rio grande. The moon was close to full and this thing was at the same height and very small compare tom the moon size but i can compare the size to alinner plane lights. after I no longer colud see the light at plain sight I steel was able to find it with my fieldglasses and it seems to be maintaining the same speed. The three minures frame time goes in referance of the first sighting the second one dont have any idea on how long it took may be ten to twenty minutes",,0 +263,"Bright color changing object visible across a large field of sky and exhibiting non-ballistic movement My family of four was out in a deserted rural location to see Comet NEOWISE. I am a professional analyst and investigator with some law enforcement background and a lifelong interest in astronomy and space. My wife grew up on Kauai and has had a variety of managerial and administrative positions. My two children, daughter age 12 and son age 10 were also present. The elevation at the location was approximately 1400'. We had an unobstructed view of the sky from West-North-West to North-East. We saw a bright light coming into view from the west, approximately 10 degrees above the horizon. It was approximately 5 times brighter than the brightest visible star. I thought at first it was an aircraft and we all were looking at it because of the brightness. We then saw it exhibit some non-ballistic motion; it was speeding up and then rapidly slowing to a stop, sometimes abruptly jumping up or down 2 degrees from its base course, and jinking around as it proceeded generally eastward. I had a pair of 10-22 x 50 binoculars (to see the comet) and was able to get the light in view. It was jinking around enough that its motion, combined with the binocular motion, made it too blurry to see any shape. When I was watching it magnified it started to pulse the brightness and change color; we saw the brightness vary by about 33% up and down, and the colors shift from white to red, blue green and purple in no particular order. We tracked the object across our entire field of view, which took about 2 minutes. We also saw one plane in the sky on a northward path (likely a Portland to Seattle flight) which made a stark contrast to the object as the plane had distinctly separate lights on the wingtips, did not change color, and was nowhere near as bright. As the object was nearing the eastern limit of our view, my wife and daughter saw 4 more objects in a line that started changing color and brightening as the one object we were observing approached. I was able to see 3 of the four from my location with the binoculars. None of them were as bright - they were about the same brightness as the nearby starfield. They did not move during the next 10 minutes. They also displayed multiple colors, however only white, red and blue. The brightness did not vary much. Due to the lack of motion and different visibility profile, I could not personally confirm if they were other objects or distorted stars. It is not possible to get a good estimate of distance on a light in the sky without reference points and knowledge of the object, but my best guess is given the brightness and comparing it to the plane we did see it was in the atmosphere at least 20 miles away.",,4 +264,"Fiery oval object makes se appearances in the Southern Michigan skies 8 people witnessed this object 2 seperate times, within 45 minutes of each other. First sighting, object was in the North Westerly sky. Very Cloudy night, so much so that you could not see thru the cloud layer to the sky above it. This object was slowly raising straight up at a pretty constant pace. It can be described as a oval shaped, that had a fiery apprearance. The object did not make any noise, nor did it emit any smoke, or anything that would lead you to believe it was actually on fire. The color resembled a molten lava appearance, flickering similar to a candle. It did not have a strobe light, or any flashing lights visible. This object slowly raised, almost hovered, until it raised thru the cloud line. About 45 minutes later, we seen the object again. This time, the clouds in the sky had broken up a bit. Still mostly cloudy, but you could see patches of stars between. The Object was coming from the direction we had previously seen it. H! owever, it was not rising up, but rather traveling in a Northwest to SouthEast direction, eventually traveling pretty close to over our heads. At no point was their any audible sound from this craft. The object was moving much quicker this time, but still had the same, Fiery, flickering appearance. Once this object traveled over our heads, it actually picked up speed traveling to the South. It then actually made a subtle dart from left to right at one point, making all of us watching actually scream ""did you see that"" at the same time. The most amazing part was still to come. As we all watched this glowing fireball pick up speed, there was a patch of clouds ahead of it. The object then appeared to ""turn off"" or change to a jet black appearance. It could be described as it turned into a shadow, darker than the actual night sky. It was at this time you could really see the oval shape of the object. When the object turned black, it was only visible for about 4 or 5 sec! onds more before it was out of our viewing range. The witness! es inclu ded mechanics, computer analyst, sales men, plumbers, Managers, Nurses, and a Doctor. Most of these people could be described as skeptical, but no one was doubting that we had just seen something very odd. We are located 15 miles SouthEast of the Detro Metro Airport. At one point during the first sighting, i actually pointed out a couple of airplanes in the distant sky. The light was no where near as intense, nor no where near the size. Also, the strobing light on the airplane makes it a sure give away. I pointed out the airplanes just as a frame of reference for all of us witnessing this object. Due to the proximity of the Airport, i have to imagine something was picked up on radar.",,8 +265,"My father explained an event of a large cigar-shaped object in perfect flight Throughout my life, my father has described an event that dramatically impacted his perception of UFO phenomena. He has mentioned this story many times. While viewing the ABC special with Peter Jennings on 02/24/2005, at my asking, he elaborated this story in detail. My father was a college student in Georgia at the time. He was travelling to Greenville, SC on US 29. This was before I-85 was constructed. He told me that as he approached the Tugaloo River, which is also Lake Hartwell and also flows downstream to become the Savanah River, he came across something strange. He was driving an MG convertible with the top up, as it was wintertime. Before he crossed the bridge that spanned the river, he noticed a strange object that made him stop his vehicle and watch the event before crossing. He saw a large cigar-shaped object that glided ""perfectly"" down river from his left to right. He described the color as a distinct green. I asked him if it was a phosphorous green like older computer monitors and he said that it was like that green, only more of an earthy green. The object ""floated"" perfectly in the same direction. My dad specifically stated how he noticed the precision of the object's movement. The object continued out of sight down the river. After the object was completely out of sight, my dad continued across the river. He said that there was a car coming from the South Carolina side of the river that also stopped to watch the event before crossing. He said that the driver of that car also decided to cross once the object was gone. My dad said that he looked straight at the face of the driver of the other vehicle as they passed. He described the driver as a white male who had an amazed look on his face. The two vehicles continued on their way without stopping. To this day, my dad says that he wishes that he would have stopped and spoken to the other driver. My dad said that he rolled down the window of his MG while the object was moving in front of him and that the object made absolutely no sound. He said that it seemed to almost ""absorb"" sound it was so quiet. His vehicle never lost power throughout the entire event. This description of events has remained constant throughour the many times that he has told me this. He is older now, yet still very lucid in his description and would be willing to share this with others. He is adamant that the event occured in January or February of 1960. What is interesting is reading the other events concerning a green cigar in the early 1960s. It is interesting to note that on two separate occasions, we have witnesses similar events at the same time over the last fifteen years while being about ten miles from each other. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD))",,1 +266,"Bright object observed in the morning sky until it suddenly disappeared Me and my friend were at Walnut Beach in Ashtabula, Ohio sky watching. We noticed a bright object in the early morning sky. We focused my video camera on it, we then centered the object on the video cameras screen, then paid no attention to it. We then talked about what we had seen earlier that night over the lake, then turned back to the camera, and noticed that the object had moved. We continued to observe the object until it suddenly disappeared. We thought that the object could have been a star, or planet at first but quickly realized that the earth simply doesn't rotate fast enough to account for how far the object progressed across the sky, and even if it were a star or planet the path it would have followed across the sky would have been entirely different. We then thought about the idea of the object being a aircraft, however I did not see any anti-collision, landing lights, navigation lights, or wing lights that were blinking at a timed interval on this object. The object appeared to be pulsating with no predetermined order, and flashing an array of colors. I further concluded that the object could not have been a aircraft because the object was on a eastern heading towards the rising sun so with that being said after the objects lights went off, the sunlight would have reflected off of the aircrafts fuselage still allowing it to be visible. I am former Air Force, and I have been around a lot of different airframes. I've seen many different aircraft in the sky, and I can identify all of the airframes the USAF currently has in service, along with a good portion of those in the civilian sector on sight. However this object doesn't appear to be any airframe I am familiar with. Let alone the object was traveling at a extremely low airspeed, which in most cases the majority of aircraft would have a very hard time trying to stay airborne at such a speed. Not to mention the object was either in or extremely close to the NO FLY ZONE located around the Perry Nuclear Power Plant near Madison, Ohio. I eventually lost sight of the object when it suddenly disappeared from sight. I saw it disappear with my own eyes, an my friend saw it disappear on camera. We managed to capture the object disappearing on tape and we analyzed it frame by frame the best we could. I will be posting the videos link and the images link for the frame by frame breakdown below so you can see what we witnessed for yourself. Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAPdTd7oZqk Frame by frame breakdown: http://s773.photobucket.com/albums/yy20/robertg87/ Equipment: JVC Everio with tripod Any advice, comments, ideas, or information as to what this object might be would be greatly appreciated. I am intrigued by this object and would love to have this footage analyzed but I have no idea on how to go about doing that. Thanks",,2 +267,"My girlfriend and I took an evening walk, saw a brilliant stationary object which suddenly began to move outward and vanished. This siting occurred on Besant Road, in Miners Oaks, a part of Ojai, CA at approximately 10 p.m. in the evening on May 27th, 2002, Memorial Day. Weather conditions were quite clear, beautiful stars and a nearly full moon just rising. There was some humidity in the atmosphere that gave a slight halo to the moon, as well as to the object of interest soon to appear. My girlfriend and I took an evening walk, looking at the stars, waking east, with the moon just peaking through the silhouettes of trees ahead and to the right a few degrees. We were discussing the large amount of water/ice just discovered on mars. I was just commenting about how the prospect of life on other planets would affect many people's religious beliefs and how it would shake up the world ‚Äö√Ѭ∂when my girlfriend called out for me to look up ‚Äö√Ѭ∂and said that she had just seen a big pulse of light! I looked and saw a very bright star or planet, brighter that any object in the sky with the exception of the moon. It had a small visible halo, the only planet besides the moon that did, and was basically a very brilliant single white or yellow/white light. There was no blinking or movement. At first I thought maybe this was the ISS reflecting or a possibly very large satellite. From the time I saw it, the light sat frozen in place for what seemed at least 5 seconds, then suddenly it began to move. Its intensity began to dim quickly, the halo vanished, and then it then appeared more similar to a satellite in motion, except that it reduced in size very quickly, so quickly that in approximately than 5 seconds it was gone completely. To the eye it appeared to be going away very fast from the earth's surface. Specifically, I was facing east and the object was positioned overhead and forward some, maybe 10 degrees East from directly overhead and slightly to my left or North, surrounded by a group of stationary stars. It moved diagonally toward my right and forward or in a generally southeast direction slightly, and at the same time outward very fast. It was positioned near a small cluster of stars, maybe three or four fairly bright ones, but none comparing to it in intensity. They were my reference for the object's motion. The total length of its movement in the horizontal plane appeared to be less than 10 degrees while the movement outward appeared infinite. Note: My girlfriend previously submitted a report to you which I have not seen. ((NUFORC Note: The International Space Station passed over Ojai, CA, at 21:17 hrs. on this date. That may have been the cause of the sighting. Please see the website at the following address: http://www.heavens-above.com/passsummary.asp?lat=34.448&lng=-119.242&alt=242&loc=Ojai&TZ=PST&satid=25544&Date=37396.7916666667&Mag= PD))",,2 +268,"Object hovered over electric transformer for a few minutes, then quietly move over us. No sound. Aprox size of basketball held at arms My mom and I were walking to the library around 7pm on a weeknight when we spotted a circular shaped object coming towards us from the south (I was 7 yrs old, my mom 27 at the time). It stopped over a transformer above us a few feet west of us and maybe 500-700 feet above us. It just hovered there for a few minutes. We thought it was either waiting for a plane to pass by or drawing power from the transformer. After a few minutes of hovering it slowly moved going east, passing over us heading east towards Lake Michigan. The thing that I can not explain is how quiet the object was. Nothing I know of can move, stop, change directions and move again so quietly, not a sound. The size of the craft was about the size of a basketball held at arms length, and I'd guess it was no higher than 500 or so feet. I remember the color being a yellowish changing to orange color that changed back to yellow, then orange. My mom remembers more lighting on its edges, like a ring of lights (I remember when we were looking at the object her saying that to me, and I never did see the ring of lights, she said it might be because of our height difference, I was a short 7 yr old then). My mom also believes that we lost as much as an hour that night. We went to the library to pick up a book and come home. Normally a trip like this would take 30 minutes at the most, but we were gone over 2 hours. My father asked what took us so long, and we didn't think we were gone more than 30 minutes and didn't know what to say. The next morning my mom contacted the Air Force and filed a report. She was made to feel like she was seeing things or saw swamp gas or an airplane. Now 40 years later, we still remember that night. I have a college degree with honors, a pilots license, a scuba license and am an amature astronomer. Nothing in my education or experience can explain what I saw that night. I've seen bright Venus, comets, planes, weather balloons, hot air ballons, flocks of birds flying high over the city at night that looked ! like a flying triangle, but nothing that can move so quietly like that object. Currently I'm involved as a volunteer searching for SETI with my computer at home. I find it interesting that so many people have seen UFO's and we prove them. It's as if they don't want to be proven. If we are dealing with a species more advanced than us, it might be impossible to know what to look for, since we don't know what it is we need to look for. It's like the indians looking for the calvery on horses, but the calvery come by jet instead, here and gone before you know what's going on. What my mom and I witnessed has yet to be explained, it was a UFO in every sense. ((NUFORC Note: Date may be approximate. We will invite the witness to have his mother submit a report, as well. PD))",,2 +269,"We saw on our local news that in Jefferson City,(20 minutes from our home), a craft was spotted reciently. We have not actually observed a craft but have think that our information may be note worthy. The sighting in Jefferson city has prompted me to write. We live on 10 acres in the country. Three actual seperate events have occured involving four individuals. On the first occasion my husband ((name deleted)) was working on a ladder. We are constructing a new home on our 10 acres. He was inside the house under construction, which at the time was just framed in. It was sometime in October, about 10:00p.m. He was using a spot light to work. He suddenly felt a very distinct presence around him which appeared crystal/dust like. It was different than anything he had ever observed or felt. He stated that it only lasted a matter of seconds. He told no one about this event as he did not want to frighten any of us. He kept quiet until our 16 year old daughter, ((name deleted)) told us about a simular occurance that happened on her birthday, November 10 1999. She loves to jump on our trampoline at night which is many yards from the work shop we are currently living in on our 10 acres until our home under construction is completed. Around 9:00pm she was jumping. She said,""it was like a light all around me, right in my face but yet it was not a light. It felt like time had stopped. I am not sure how long it lasted. I was frightened and started to run up to the house when it happened again, it made me stop, I felt like it was all around me."" My husband then told us about the event he had experienced. Our 17 year old daughter ((name deleted)) then told us about a event that happened sometime in October on our property. ((name deleted)) had a girl friend spend the night. They decided to sleep camp out in our house that is under construction. The house was framed in but the shingles were not on as yet. The girls were awake and talking around 1:00am when they saw a bright light filtering down through the rafters in the roof. Their first thought was that it was! an airp lane. The light lasted approximately 20 to 30 minutes. They were very frightened. We do not have any lights on our property that would shine on the roof. We did not have any electricity to the house under construction except for drop cords. The girls had no electric drop cords or flash lights with them. They were in the dark. Nor do we have any neighbors close by. We all compared notes on the day that our 16 year old daughter ((name deleted)) told us about her experience. We do live about 7 miles from a local airport and planes do pass over head but that last only seconds. We never have planes at that time of the night. Have you had any reports in our area? We will let you know if anything else occures. ((deleted)) is at school as I write this. I have not asked her details about the light such as color or amount of intensity or sound.",,1 +270,"Car sized flashing light followed silently overhead I am now 49 and this occurred when I was aproximately 13 to 14 years old and living in the small French Acadian village of Cormier's Cove in the Memramcook Valley New Brunswick. It was early evening around 7 or 8 in the evening in mid Winter. A lot of fresh snow had fallen and it's surface had a crisp crust to it under a bright winter moon. We lived on a long country road about 30 minutes from Moncton and it's airport. This road is due North and lines up with the airport where in the distance it's beacon can be seen at night. My mother had asked if I would go to the store a few houses away and get something needed for the home. I called my friend and cousin from across the street to go with me. We could see across the valley for miles. No clouds in the sky, the moon was out and the stars were crisp. As we neared the store, my cousin and I remarked how in the North in the direction of the airport, a bright red light could be seen and it must be a plane or something. Both our fathers worked at the airport and we both had a facination with aircrafts and flying. We entered the store and within a few minutes we were outside on our way home but we soon noticed that now above the house with the store and behind us was a large red half-ball and it was folowing us. It was about 30 feet high, silent, about the size of a small car and it was flashing similarly to a police light. If you took a red glass ball, painted the top black, and then painted a wide black band dividing the base into two red wedges, and then placed a rotating light within it. Mind you, we could clearly see the two base of the half-orb but I did not see anything above it. A moment of fear came over us and we wanted to go back into the store but it meant going towards this and since it was not making any noise and slowly moving towards us, we turned and walked South towards our two homes. I remember vividly walking home all the while being accompanied by this flashing light. We were scared as we walked but it kept the same distance from us on our way home. From this point to us getting in front of our houses, I have a feeling of dis-jointed time. As if something happened or that of missing time. I don't know. All of a sudden, my cousin and I are standing on the road directly between our two houses. We were scared and didn't want to seperate but wanted to get inside quickly. We decided to split and run at the same time and both of us ran into our respective homes. When I got in, my mother and several of my siblings (big family with 12 kids) could see that something had scared me. Several of my sisters saw it through the back windows as the object just passed over our house and went towards the river about a mile away and then turn North again. This has been etched in my mind for over 35 years and I still can't figure what it was or what happenned to us between the store and us getting home. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))",,3 +271,"My Second Encounter. Close Encounter: 16 years after my first sighting. I had driven 1,000 miles from Spokane, WA where I was living to San Jose, CA where I grew up. I had stopped at Sacramento, CA to take a required 1 day class I needed to take. Only my mom and dad where living in the home and they had went to bed in the back of the house at 10:00pm. So I lay down to sleep on the couch in the livingroom which had two large uncurtained windows directly in front of me at my feet about 12 feet from my feet. As I lay there thinking about my day and many things on my mind still very much awake, able to hear the sound of traffic on the nearby road and fire truck sirens which were common, as well as the sound of the kitchen refrigerator and the nearby grandfather clock to my left, I noticed thru the large windows at my feet, what looked like helicopters in the distance traveling left and right with a large bright white search light going straight down from each one. I estimated 3 or 4 of these were in the air just from my view. These objects were flying at a low altitude of 500 ft. or so. Suddenly one of them changed direction and began to come straight toward me. I noticed there was no sound and that scared me because helicopters are loud. As it got closer, I slowly pulled the blanket over my head hoping not to be seen. Suddenly there was a very loud roaring sound kinda like an engine but like none I ever heard. More like an electrical hum. The room became very bright with an extremely white light that was so bright it was hard to look at. I was frozen in fear. The room being very loud and very bright. Couldn't see anything. Just bright white. Suddenly, I saw them. Three of them. They were standing right next to me on my left. They were hard to see in the brightness of the white that filled the room. In that brightness, they appeared dark, possibly black with two large even darker eyes. Strange shaped head, long skinny arms with an elbow. Only two maybe three fingers. All three of them were reaching out toward my body touching or poking at me. And they were also looking at each other. I could hear nothing due to the lound electrical hum in the room. Suddenly, all the sound was gone. The three entities were gone. The room was still completely white. I could see nothing. Then a small round hole began to open up on the large window so that I could see the sky thru it. The rest of the room still bright white. The hole became larger and larger until the white was gone. As my hearing also began to return, I noticed I was beginning to hear the grandfather clock at my left and the refrigerator in the kitchen. But no street traffic, no sirens. It was very quiet and that confused me because 5 minutes ago, I was hearing the traffic. I turned to look at the grandfather clock and it read 3:00am. Five hours had passed in what felt like 5 minutes. To this day I believe that I was abducted for 5 hours. My parents did not see or hear anything. I have wondered since then if they implanted anything in me.",,1 +272,"Tear shaped brillient gold light over neighborhood in Nebraska City, NE A thick fog filled the air the night of my experience. I was always very observent of strange weather so I watched the fog ""roll"" in. In the fog I noticed a bright light peering thru the fog. I just thought it was a helicopter flying low because of a car acciedent or something. I continued to watch it and began to grow brighter and brighter like it was getting very close to my house. When it was in the air over my neighborhood it was so bright I couldn't see the helicopter I thought it was. All I thought was the spot light on it was pointing my way. I left the window and turned on the scanner to listen what was going on and nothing indicated any thing was going on, in fact the chat on the scanner was very odd. The police and station personel were laughing and joking around with no normal police codes being said with very personal like conversations going on. When I went back to the window was when a stunning, in shock like feeling came over me wi! th what I saw then. A brillient gold like light was hovering approx. 20' above the trees and I yelled fo my girlfreind to come look and when she got to the window, before I said anything about what I was seeing I asked her what she was seeing. When she explained the ""light"" as I was seeing it I grew terrified. Then I saw another light not as bright but still brilliant gold like and the same size. With this one I could make out the shape of the lit up object. It was a crooked tear drop shape, moving slow and not realy in one direction or at least not in a straight line. Finally I heard somthing that made sence on the scanner ""do you guys see the light up toward the hill""? I waited for a responce but nothing. Infact, nothing the rest of the night. But back to the ""lights"", and third one apeered and this time the three I could see were shining a ""super"" spot light or beam in a patrolling like matter toward the houses, ground, and trees. No sound realy came from them b! ut, I could almost feel them flying kind of like a train in th! e far di stance that you can't hear but on a calm quiet night you can feel a train coming. I ran from windo to window looking for more of the ""lights"" but couldn't see any out the other side of the house. What I did see is light in the air like a stop light colors, three total. I huddled in the corner for some of this night terrified the spot beam would point see me. The presun rise was starting to light up the sky and the fog and the lights all disapeared and the scanner went back to normal. There are other details about other strange things I saw that night like I could see in the distant the line of tail lights toward the highway all seemed to be parked or stopped. I don't know what I experienced that night but this site I found tonight seems perfect to get this of my chest and see if I feel better about it. If I try to tell someone like a friend about this they look at me like I am on drugs. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date is approximate. PD))",,1 +273,"It was about 7:30pm, the date really escapes me at the moment, I was 15 years old and headed out to my friend's house near Lake Ave. in Yonkers, NY. I lived near Central Ave. and Tuckahoe Rd.. My mom walked me out to throw the trash when we saw my neighbor from accross the street and his dog just standing there looking up at the sky. When we got to the end of the driveway we saw this ENORMOUS craft hovering silently in the sky. This object was atleast the size of an aircraft carrier and about 7 or 8 stories tall and the sky was crystal clear. It was lighted but the lights were strange and ""flashed"" in a pattern that made them appear as though they wer circling the craft. It was mettalic like a brushed aluminum or stainless steel with a very low gloss finish. We just stood there in aw when my mom suggested that I run accross the street to my uncle's house for a camera. My uncle always had a loaded camera on hand and he had offered to drive me to my friend's house. When I arrived at his house I yelled up to his window and told him whatr we were looking at. Being my uncle he did not pay any attention to me and assumed that I was trying to rush him to give me a lift. As I pleaded for the camera the object began to move slowly SW. Not wanting to loose sight of it I ran back to the position my mom and my neighbor were at and climbed a tree as the craft began to move beyond our sight. I watched as it moved past some apartment buildings located on Palmer Rd. and noted that it was lower that the buildings which would put it at about 50-75 yards in the air since the buildings sit on a hill. I kept an eye on it until it disapeared behind the tree-line still moving SW. O.K. this is where it should end right? Well, my uncle finally comes out with the camera and asks what all the xciment was about...I told him as we drove across Tuckahoe Rd. and eventually up Lake Ave. from Saw Mill River Rd.. Just as we approached Lake there were people stopped and getting out of their cars looking toward the sky. We of course stopped and saw a series of green lights in a formation very much shaped like a kite. As these lights passed overhead we could hear humming. As I explained that this was not what I had seen a few minutes earlier the lights reappeared and seemed to be circling over the city. When I arrived at my friend's house we snapped a photo of these lights with a crappy poliroid, (they circled for about an hour), and then being a not-unintelligent child, I ran into my friend's house and called the operator for the FBI's #..LOL‚Äö√Ѭ∂ The kicker is that I actually got to talk to someone in some office of the FBI who put me on hold for a min. or two and returned, telling me that there were marines choppers on manuvers over Yonkers that night. I insisted that perhaps the green lights were marines but that the first object was certainly not. They of course blew me off and said they had no further info. What the heck were marine's flying over Yonkers when the closest base at the time was 1.5 hours away in NJ??? ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))",,3 +274,"1950's type style u.f.o ready and waxed I was driving to work down 95st past Dennys restraunt on the borderline of Oak Lawn that leads to Chicago Ridge, and Palos Hills. I looked up in the sky, the sky was clear,but looked like down 10 miles down by Palos Hills there were a few small clouds and one 150 foot cloud looked as if a hoving disk drove thru the cloud twice on each end side going up or down on the right and left side of this 150 foot looking cloud. The burnout hoving marks on the left and right side of the 150 foot cloud had the same length width and height of 35 feet. Making the hoving burnout look as if it strach the cloud on each side. I seened these marks on this cloud thats why Iwas looking up in the sky. The cloud looked as if the cloud was the length of 150 feet from left to right,by width on 60 feet going up and down,the girth of the cloud seemed to be 270 feet. As I was driving still down 95st looking at the cloud for 15 seconds while glancing up and down trying to not get in no car accident maintaining the 30mph I stoped at a red light glancing back at the cloud I watched a polish waxed silver 1950's looking u.f.o disk smaller than the ufo hoving type cloud streching burnout marks I saw, it looked like a real small version of the 1950's looking u.f.o. it was so far looked to be at least 5 to 10 feet in height and 7 to 13 in length from right to left. When I was at the red light I watch the disk 30 feet from the right side of the cloud driving in a straight line from right to left enter the 150 foot cloud then disappeared in cloud at speeds of 100 miles per hour in the middle of the cloud I seened it in the middle of the cloud still moving in the same 100 mph speeds for 2 seconds still driving left. The light turned green,I continued to drive expecting to see the disk agian,thinking at 100 mph it would of been out of the 150 foot length cloud by now,glanced and stared at the cloud for 15 minutes on the way to work and the disk never cam out of the cloud from the left side as I was driving. This is the 3rd time I seened something,but this is my 1st I reported. Back in 1985 i seened a skinny tall shadow very athletic jump on my back fence and hissed at me with snake tongue in dark ,violently and I ran in fear i seened as when it jumped on fence and heard fence rattle fast as if his foot right foot was gasped up on fence as if his knee was 3 feet over his head,pointyknee,and in 2002 of march I seened liquid metal u.f.o as if some type of magnet in the sky swirled around liquid and could rewind itself while moving in a 60 degree angle and disapear and then come back then throw a fit moving in angles all over the place in nonstop different directions as fast as moving a flashlite around. Looked like it was studing planes the way they take off I seened it with a kindergarten teacher. It also seemed as if it had some kind of capacity camalflog disappear and reappear and was having technicial diffaculties with his camelflog. I could see ripple of waves on the liquid moving. At one point it looked like the cartoons surfboard the silver surfer.",,1 +275,"RCMP report - Sicamous, British Columbia Sighting. RCMP Report. Date: December 26, 2003 Time: approx: 11:30 p.m. This report is a short update on the case I am working on. After the witnesses from Sicamous, B.C. contacted me over what they had saw, I immediately started an investigation into the case. I called the Sicamous RCMP Detachment and requested to speak to the Constable who attended to the call. I was told by the dispatcher that he wasn't in that day and I left a message for him to call me back at my toll free number. I did talk briefly to the dispatcher who took the call that night from the excited witnesses. He did confirm a report was made and a RCMP Constable did go to the witnesses home to see what all the fuss was about. After several days had past I received a telephone call from the RCMP officer who drove out to take a look at what the family was reporting. (the reason why there was a delay in the officer calling me back was due to him being off for a few days) The police officer was pleasant to talk to and we had a nice discussion. He was very helpful in providing me with information on what he saw when he arrived at the location. He was directed to where the object was sitting in the sky. At this point the witnesses said to the officer that the object had moved slightly up higher in the sky and that they had taken video of it. The constable also told me that the witnesses said that it looked more like a diamond in shape when it was lower and orange lights had kept coming and going from the object. The RCMP constable said the witness did point out one orange colored light to him, which he admits to seeing, but he did say he did not see it move. On the large object which caught everyone's attention that night, I asked the officer if he would be able to describe this to me. He said it was stationary, blue and red lights with clear lighting, almost white light in the middle. The officer also said he did not know what it was. It could have been a number of things. The constable did look through the binoculars at the object and gave me the description of what he saw and whatever it was, was just sitting there. So the officer did see it but he cannot testify to it moving around as he did not see this happen while he was there for a short period of time. The member went back to the detachment to get a phone number for a UFO group who might want to look into the sighting and passed it along to the family. The family called a UFO group and left as message but no one returned their call. They kept searching on internet and found HBCCUFO ... Another update will be coming shortly with the results of what was caught on video. If anyone in the local areas around Sicamous, Salmon Arm, Chase, Sorrento, Enderby and communities in-between have maybe noticed this object, or something else unusual in the skies would you please be kind enough to contact me with the information. Thank you Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Phone 1 250 845 2189 email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.com ((NUFORC Note: We express our gratitude to Brian Vike for submitting this report. PD))",,0 +276,"Spotted aluminum-colored square-shaped blinking lights which disappeared, car stopped & red/orange ball followed us. In September 1980, I was driving from San Jose, CA to Denver, CO along with my son and our two dogs. As we were approaching Elko, Nevada, I saw a sign that said Elko 18 miles straight ahead and a road that went off to the right and straight up the mountain. I mentioned to my son that the road looked like an interesting one to explore and that we should come back later (we had planned to spend the night in Elko) and do just that. We set up camp in a park on the edge of Elko, ate and then took the dogs with us and set out to explore that curious road. It was getting dark as we headed out and was very dark by the time we got up in the mountain. It was very quiet, very dark and very desolate up there and we decided to abandon our search and turned around and headed back down the mountain. My son was driving and I was sitting in the passenger seat and the two dogs were in the back. Suddenly, off to my right a bright light caught my eye. Both my son and I said at the same time ""did you see that?"" It looked like a huge billboard type of thing with aluminum colored glowing squares that were blinking in some strange kind of pattern. The minute we noticed it, it stopped blinking and disappeared. I mean disappeared completely as though nothing at all had been there. There was just an empty meadow where this thing had been. The altimeter ((sic. Please see below.)) light came on in the car and the engine stopped running. So I told my son to turn the car off and we would sit there for awhile. Soon we heard foot steps coming toward the car which unnerved us to say the least. But strangest of all was that the dogs did NOT bark. I got worried and thought it was best to get out of there and told my son to start the car and let's go! He reminded me that the car wouldn't start and I just told him to try again--it would start (I was kind of frantic). The car did start and we started down the mountain again, but by then I was regaining my composure and told him to go slow, real slow. I turned around to look and there was an reddish-orangeish round light floating above the road (maybe 10 or l5 feet above)and it followed us down the mountain, almost to the bottom and then disappeared. When we got back to the campground it was around 2:30 in the morning so I do not know where all the time went as it didn't seem that we were up there for very long. When we got back we were sitting outside, still in amazement over what we had seen when I looked up and there I was about 5 green lights and they were in some sort of formation that looked to me as though they were dancing to some sort of celestial music! I know how improbable that sounds, especially after what we had just seen on the mountain, but I swear to God it is the truth. We were not stoned, not drunk and not crazy. Straight and totally in awe! ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD)) ((FOLLOW-UP REPORT FROM WITNESS)) correction to 12/15/03 report On December 15, 2003, I submitted a report in which I said ""the car's 'altimeter' light came on"". What I meant to say was 'alternator light'. ((END))",,1 +277,"((NUFORC Note: We suspect a ""twinkling"" star. PD)) Extremely bright lights in the sky flashing sequece of white, red, and green At about 2:20 - 3:00 a.m., I was loading wood into the fireplace. This requires me to sit on the floor. From this position I am able to see up into the night sky without any effort. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed an unusually bright light directly over the neighbors house. (My neighbors house was brightly light up for the holiday season, so I found it partcularly strange that I could even see a star with so much light over there., but I sat down to read and forgot about it. About 4:00 a.m., a log I had loaded fell against the fireplace door and started leaking smoke into the house, so I got down on the floor to adjust the fire and once again the light caught my eye. I remembered thinking ""That is a bright star. I have lived here 13 years and never noticed a star there before, and is it that thing flashing"". So I grabbed a pair of binoculars and was astonished to see it was in deed flashing in a sequence of white, red, and green. Its flashes were so definitive that they brightly light up the sky around them. I sat there on the floor in the dark and watched it for about 10 minutes and decided to call my husband at work and tell him about the weird thing that was over the neighbors house. We joked about me signaling the aliens so if I disappeared he would know where I went and he told me to keep him posted. After I hung up from talking to him I started looking around the sky to see if there was anything else ""strange"" out there I had never noticed before and I saw another similar object directly across the sky from the firsts one. I am no good at distances, but I could say from one mountain top to the other. I once again called my husband and noticed at that time the first light was very much lower in the sky and much closer to my neighbors house. That really interested me so I sat there and watched it move until it disappeared behind the mountain. I then took my attention back to the other object and it had gone behind the grove of pine trees and was no longer visible to me. Well you better believe I have checked the same spot every night since. The object was there again on New Years Eve at roughly the same times and pretty much experienced the same series of events. Have been watching every night since, but it has been cloudy here at night, so haven't seen anything. There were lights on the object Not sure if you could consider the colored flashes reflecting off the sky an auora or haze? Thought I may have caught something that looked like a red flare type thing shooting out of the second object on the first night, but wasn't directly looking at it with the binoculars so didn't mention it, but when I read the question thought I better mention it. Couldn't swear to it though it was just like a short red line for a second. Don't known exactly what I saw come out of it, just something flare like and red. Light flashed white red green. Actually there was a plane that flew under the second object shortly before it disappeared. We are surrounded by hills and pine trees so it is difficult to say exactly where the plane came from.",,2 +278,"Large UFO with four red lights appears to do something inexplicable to the power grid in Dallas. I have wanted to report this sighting for a long time, but could not confirm the exact date until recently. There were multiple witnesses (some very close) and physical effects (power grid disturbance). My girlfriend asked me to follow her to pick up the kids. She didn't say why. They were at a friend's 13th birthday party on New Year's Eve. At a high point near White Rock Lake where the downtown skyline could be seen she pulled up beside my car, rolled down her window, pointed to downtown and asked, ‚Äö√Ñ√∫WHAT IS THAT?‚Äö√Ñ√π Above the neon green-lit 72-story Bank of America Plaza building, a huge object, chevron or disk-shaped with four very large red lights visible around the base which were pulsating in a strangely synchronized but unpredictable way, appeared to be almost parked on the roof. Maybe 100 feet above it. It was larger than the top of that skyscraper.I said ‚Äö√Ñ√∫I have no idea‚Äö√Ñ√π. I wanted to stay and observe but she said, ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Come on we've got to get the kids now!‚Äö√Ñ√π and took off. I followed, glancing at the object any chance I got visibility on the way. When we arrived the object was gone but the kids ran full speed to me saying‚Äö√Ñ√∫ (name deleted) WE SAW A UFO! WE SAW A UFO!‚Äö√Ñ√π. They were so excited that they were tugging on my clothes. I asked, ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Where was it?‚Äö√Ñ√π They said, ‚Äö√Ñ√∫RIGHT THERE!‚Äö√Ñ√π, pointing above a large live oak in the front yard. I asked them how big it was and they said ‚Äö√Ñ√∫BIG!‚Äö√Ñ√π. I asked what shape it was, but they couldn't say for sure because it was so close that it was partially obscured by the huge live oak tree. They said it had red lights around the bottom. It turned out that the reason we were picking them up early was because they were terrified by this object. When I went in to talk to the homeowner he said that he also saw it briefly. He said ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Follow me I want to show you something‚Äö√Ñ√π. He pointed in both directions up and down the street and said ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Look at the lights.‚Äö√Ñ√π All the street lamps and porch lights were a very dim, faint yellow in both directions as far as I could see. I had never before seen anything quite like this. It looked like all the light bulbs had been replaced by tiny yellow candles inside. It was as though 95% of all available power had been sucked out of the grid, leaving only a tiny trickle. Clear cloud-free night. I hadn't noticed this in all the excitement when we first pulled up. He said, ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Let me show you something else‚Äö√Ñ√π. I followed him back inside and he tried to turn on his TV, but the power was so weak that it wouldn't come on. Same thing with the stereo, although the inside lights and lamps were lit, seemingly by tiny candles. I asked ‚Äö√Ñ√∫How long has it been like this?‚Äö√Ñ√π He said, ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Ever since the kids ran in screaming about the UFO‚Äö√Ñ√π. That's about it. The next day (New Year's Day), my friend said that the power returned to normal perhaps an hour or two after we left. I found a match for this object when I ran across this video from Turkey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSNViG1HoX8. At the very end you can see an object racing off over the water near dawn and it has the exact same four red lights! Same object with no doubt. Starting at 3:13 into the 3:58 video.",,2 +279,"Luminous flying sphere observed near Lake Quanah Parker, Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Lawton, OK A friend and I were out star-gazing in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge on the night of June 5th, 2011. We were parked at the Lake Quanah Parker Dam Spillway 'turnabout'/fishing area, standing on the pavement facing Lake Quanah Parker (due North) and observing the ""Big Dipper"" just overhead when we observed a a very bright stationary object. The object was positioned just slightly to the right of center between the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor and just below the constellation Draco. The object did not appear to have any clearly defined edges when perceived by the naked eye or when viewed through binoculars (Bushnell 12x21 compact.) The glow of he object appeared to be almost a cream color, not quite white, but not quite yellow. The object's luminosity and apparent diameter appeared to be fluctuating at regular intervals of approximately 1/30th of a second. The objects diameter (when at its smallest) was roughly the equivalent of 5 normal stars, or approximately the size of the planet Jupiter - viewed when it appears closest to Earth. When the object appeared largest, its apparent diameter was close to 7-8 stars or nearly twice the size of the planet Jupiter. The object appeared to remain motionless for more than a minute (at the location mentioned above) and then suddenly it began a steady arc in a northern direction (toward the constellation Draco) then curved gradually south-eastern (making a tear-drop shaped loop) and proceeded onward in a south-easterly path, now at a much more rapid rate of speed. From the moment its motion began until it disappeared somewhere near the far south-eastern horizon, 18 seconds had elapsed. The object did not appear to be flying low to the ground, (seemed significantly higher than normal aircraft would be flying) though without any clear reference point or measurements, it is not possible to discern the object's actual size, speed or altitude. The object did not appear to make any audible sound(s)and no discernible effects were apparent regarding; nearby mechanical devices (cars, cell phones), persons, plant or animal life. My friend and I are both amateur astronomers, experience with military as well as more than 15 years each with astronomy/stargazing. We have lived in the immediate area for 8 and 10 years respectively and have never observed an object like this, or in this location. Neither one of us knows what this object is, but we are both clear that it is neither traditional military nor civilian commercial aircraft. The object's motion is neither consistent with a meteor or any other known natural phenomena. While consulting the NUFORC director, I was informed that the international space station was not visible from that location and at that time. Weather: 78 degrees F., light occasional winds at 10-15mph., slightly humid, two faint displays of apparent distant lightening occurred approximately 35 min. prior to observation of this object. Air traffic: Civilian/Commercial air traffic was high just prior to the sighting but there were no aircraft within the area of the object, at that time. NOTE: When observing the same area the night following this observation a fast moving military aircraft was observed making 7 great loop-like passes of the entire wildlife refuge as well as the nearby military base (Ft. Sill, Army Post) within a time frame of 16 min., and at a fairly moderate altitude, slightly lower than normal air traffic in that region. Neither of us has ever observed this kind of military behavior in the decade or so that we have both lived in this area. Ft. Sill is well known for its loud artillery training exercises, but never for its military flight maneuvers. The nearest Air Force installation is Altus AFB in Altus, Oklahoma, ~45 miles west of the location of the sighting. During the sighting, attempts were made to photograph the object by the use of a built-in cell phone camera, no image was clear, the screen frame appeared entirely black.",,2 +280,"No saucers no lights Just 6 olive dull green humanoids about 7ft came to Hillsboro Missouri and studied me and left I was aprox. 4 at the time this happened to me, I was with my mother visiting my grand parents out on Jarvis road in Hillsboro, MO. We were use to grandpa getting up every night to get snacks, so never thought much of it if we heard doors, even being little we wouldn't. I was laying on my back next to my mom that night Ill never forget as long as I am able to think and breath ill remember it as if it were last night. I heard a door open, knowing my grandmas house well I knew in my little mind it was the breeze way door from the sound it use to make. It would have been around dark mid morning . This twin bed my mom and I were cramped into was straight visioned to see down the hall. I lifted my head slightly and seen these tall forms in a single line walking soundlessly straight at my mother and me, where we lay. I was so afraid to move. If a 4 year old could have heart failure, I was having it. Just as I got the nerve to try to bump my mom or scream, it was like them being all around us at the bed in a operational formation. Somehow, they didn't let me do anything at all. I could move or talk or nothing it was like they calmed me in my mind only not like a mom would more like very matter of fact with firm thoughts, they never made a sound at all. I remember my eyes being able to move watching them stand over us. Seemed like they were studying me as I think back on it, they touched, or seem to touch, places of my joints. But I didn't feel them touch me; it was like I just new they were. So hard to explain but then they all the sudden looked at one another and left in a single line just as they had walked in. My mind goes blank at this point. The next thing I remember is I wake up next to my mom, and am frantic to tell her what happened to me. She, of course, being a mom, along with the whole family, said you probably just heard grandpa get up and had a dream. I remember wondering why when something like this happened to me, they didn't want to know, or wouldn't listen. Thinking back, I wonder how can a little 4 year old dream in 1967 and see detailed humanoids that have a eerie glow of greenish mist about them with huge black eyes same form and color and glow as would be said now in 2009. How can a little girl know this when the only Aliens she has seen at this age is my favorite martian. Some man with a fish bowl on his head. Well, I know I am not a liar or making up things now at 46 to impress anyone. I really finally just want to tell someone in hopes that maybe when I am gone and other things happen who knows maybe one of us and what happened to us or things that we saw will help someone out there that needs that little puzzle piece and if not it is alright with me as well, because they left me I feel better than I was before they came. I have because of them lived my life so much more open minded than I might have before it. They were now I am guessing about 7 foot tall at least that . They had a dull colored lime glow of misty look to them. They had no visual ears , they had black eyes They're head was shaped like a smooth cone huge top small chin They had a line where the mouth would be but very dim impression They communicated to me seemingly with thought and was able to control me as well. They not once made me feel threatened or took me out of that bed. I would give anything to talk to someone else who has maybe went through this not all the bells and whistles and flying off with them but just they came and studied you and left. ((NUFORC Note: Source indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD)) ((CORRECTION FROM A VISITOR TO THE NUFORC WEBSITE)) Hi!! I was just perusing Kansas sightings (I'm from Manhattan) and noticed a report (ostensibly from Hillsboro, KS) at http://nuforc.org/webreports/071/S71132.html. However, in the text of the report it states Hillsboro, MO. I checked Googlemaps and there is a Jarvis Road in Hillsboro, MO but NOT in Hillsboro KS, so I think this report is most likely from Missouri and not Kansas.",,1 +281,"one definite orb, standing still in the sky, and a huge craft with an immense wing span slowly flying above phoenix i was driving home with my girlfriend early thursday at about 4:15 am when i noticed what looked like an incredibly bright star or planet. i noticed it because i had also seen it in the same spot at about the same time on the previous morning, while i was riding my mountain bike. on the first night i immediately thought, it was possibly a plane coming in for a landing, that just happened to have it's headlight shining directly at me, cause sometimes if it is dead on, it can be incredibly bright. anyways, i kept pedalling, watching it almost the entire time. incidently, i was heading north/northwest, and the object, (the only one i saw the first night),which was east northeast, never moved, or at least not enough for me to be sure about it. well actually it moved, but it was very gradual, almost as if it was just traveling through the sky like the stars do. but i watched it right up to sunrise, and then i reached my destination, and sort of wrote it off as an incredibly bright planet. although i was sure that it was much brighter than mars, even when mars was at its brightest. i mean to say that there really was no comparison between the two. finally as the sun was approaching the horizon, there were just a few little clouds traveling due north, and i made sure to see if they passed behind, or in front of the object. it was so bright that i really doubted that they would pass between me and the object, but they definately did, so at this point i had no clue as to the actual distance. also by this time the object seemed to have gradually risen in the sky considerably. so i didn't dare mention it to anybody, for fear of ridicule etc... so when i saw it on the next morning while driving southbound on 47th ave. almost to my apartment complex, i just happened to look left, past my girlfriend in the passenger seat, and notice the same object. only, this time there were two, and both equally bright. however the second, southernmost, and lower elevation of the two, definately seemed to be moving, not far or fast, by any means, but definately moving!! so at this point i mentioned it to my girlfriend, and explained my sighting of the previous night. we both agreed that this could not possibly conventional aircraft. since we were less than 1/4 mile from my apt. complex i decided to haul butt home, and get my telescope, and my digital camera. when we got back, only the northward object was visible so i set up the telescope and tried to getit in my sight. first with the spotting scope. through the spotting scope it looked like an incredibly brilliant star, with all colors of the spectrum beaming from it, then when i finally located it with the high mag lense, i was fascinated to see that it was actually an orb, with about 1/3 of it (the southern third) intensely bright, as though it were an eclipse i was seeing. i decided that the most likely cause was actually sunlight reflecting off the surface. after a couple of minutes, the second object became visible again, and seemed even brighter than the first, and it seemed to be maneuvering slightly, as the light seemed almost to slowly wave back and forth like when somebody waves a flashlight across your vision. and it kept getting brighter. and it was clearly heading in our general direction. i caught it in the spotting scope, and it looked just like the first object, with all the colors and such. but i was having a hell of a time trying to get it with the big scope, cause at this point it was moving a little faster. then it seemed to be heading straight for us, and angled slightly downward. at this point i seemed to notice that, while still many many miles away, the beam was so bright that i could see it lighting the tops of trees between us and it. i would guess it to be about 20-30 times brighter than a regular plane heading straight it kept coming until it was barely a few miles away. i then was able to get my scope on it , though only for a couple of seconds, but it was so fast that i couldn't hardlysee it or make out the shape. i hate to do this, but i'm falling asleep, trying to type this report, so i must finish it tomorrow. but if anyone would like they can feel free to contact me, for more detail, and specifics.",,2 +282,"Famous writer and 3 others saw bright white sausage object hovering over Giza pyramids I am not the one who witnessed the event, but it is documented in Arabic through this article by the famous Egyptian writer Mr. Mohamed Salmawy and was published online and offline in Al-Ahram (official newspaper in Egypt) 31st January, 2000 http://www.ahram.org.eg/archive/Index.asp?CurFN=WRIT1.HTM&DID=6556 I would love to help trying to document this famous event by translating the article into English and contact the famous writer Mr. Salmawy by email to have more comments about his encounter and the 4 others who contacted him to report it; since there is no UFO entity in Egypt yet. The article goes like this: ""I was contacted by Omar to let me know in a calm and precise wayy that last Tuesday he saw UFOs over Cairo that emmited a very bright white light that doesn't resemble any electrical light that we know of. --Omar is a good friend of my kids since they were together in school, 4 years back, he graduated from the American University in Cairo, he is now working hard in a media and TV company in Cairo, Egypt-- the objects were similar to Neon lights that were floating in the sky, or similar to a huge Frankfurter shape with rounded edges. Omar said that this was not the first time to see those flying objects. He continues that 8 years back he was sleeping on his bed in one summer night and saw a huge light ball outside his balcony with a trail of non-contineous lights. It lasted for few seconds, turned the place into bright daylight then vanished... ..I asked him wither someone else saw what he saw last week and he instantly said that his mom and driver also was there and saw that. They were all in the car on the ""Mouneib Bridge"" going from Cairo to Giza and saw those bright objects above the Giza Pyramids, so they stopped the car and went down to watch better, and kept watching till they dissapeared. At that point I myself discovered that I also saw those same lights later during the same night and in the same pattern Omar has discribed!!... [the writer goes into details about perseption theories and how other countries are studying UFOs phenomena since the 40s] [the writer switches to his story] ""I too saw the same phenomena later during the same night, 01/25/2000, i was coming back on the Alitalia flight from Algeria via Italy to Cairo airport. we were still far above Cairo with its glittering lights. I suddenly saw this bright light very visible among the relivantly dimmer city lights. Then it dissapeared. It was similar to a big light bulb. I first thought it was coming from the plane's strobing lights but when it happened again i could tell that it was un-naturaly bright. And was moving with the plane and not stationary as i first thought. It was visibile that it is a rectangular shape flying just above the ground illuminating the ground as it hovered above land with its very special bright pure white (not yellowish as the rest of Cairo's other artificial lights). It happened 4 or 5 times between 11:30 and 11:45 then we landed in Cairo Airport and i forgot all about it till I heared Omar's story."" [the writer also discribes another incident] where another male was ubducted into a UFO while he was sleeping in an empty lot in southern Egypt. when he saw a landing UFO and creatures came out and took him inside on an operation table where he was exposed to some rays, later after this insident he started having strange powers like eating and swallowing broken glass and inserting a nail in parts of his body and taking it out from the other side without any trace of blood. And he demonstrated those powers in my office infront of my own eyes. Omar also started feeling those strange powers, for example sometimes if he just rests his hand on one of his friends that person could fall down to the ground with extreme pain! Lately he started noticing that when he holds a cola glass bottle in his hand, the liquid will turn into frozen ice in the middle of the bottle, while stays as liquid above and bellow the area where Omar was holding it. Omar also continues that when he saw the fire ball years back, his brother was sleeping in the next bed and didn't see the ball, but when the fire ball crossed infront of the bedroom window the sleeping brother punched the air upwards with his fist while still sleeping. And in after the light dissapeared in few seconds his arm went back to his side whithout waking up. Omar remembers that during this incident there was a ringing or beeping sound coming from the tin trash bin in the same bedroom. The sound was similar to the effect resulting of hitting the tin with another metal piece.""",,4 +283,"A number of objects with flashing lights moving erratically. My friend and I drove to a remote area last night called Granite Rock, which is a 30 minute drive from Clarkston, Washington. While star gazing we witnessed some unusual lights in the sky that were unlike any that we‚Äö√Ñ√¥d seen before. We felt that it was unusual enough to report, and we also hoped to learn of anyone else who may have seen this. Granite Rock is a rock formation found on the shore of the Clearwater River. The moon was full and very bright, but many stars were very visible being so far from city lights. Hills surrounding the area created an echo effect. We heard the usual sounds like crickets, bats, and fish splashing in the water, but it was otherwise very quiet. We were leaning back in our chairs looking at the stars when we began to hear something that didn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t sound as if it belonged way out there. It was a low pitched mechanical humming or buzzing that emitted different tones. The sounds were faint but easily audible. We wondered about it, but didn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t think it strange enough to dwell on, because it stopped a few minutes after it began. Several minutes went by, when we were startled by what appeared to be stars in motion. We were looking in different parts of the sky. One of us saw two stars that aligned vertically and of similar brightness. The lower of the two stars slowly descended behind the horizon of the hills. Flashing lights were just visible beyond the hill the object went behind. They appeared to be distant, not just over the hill. At the same time, the other of us saw what appeared at first to be a very twinkly bright star, but it began to move in erratic patterns. The twinkling seemed to be coming from a bar of alternately flashing red, green and white lights. We both alerted the other to what we were seeing. We resisted the impulse to cut and run, as our curiosity was stronger than our fear. We looked all around then and saw a lot of other activity. There were several other ‚Äö√Ñ√∫stars‚Äö√Ñ√π that looked like and were behaving in the same way as the moving, flashing object. They seemed to be spinning and tilting as they would go slowly to one direction, maybe suddenly freefall then move quickly in another direction. They were moving in loops and straight lines, back and forth, hovering, moving up and down, but never straying outside of their immediate area. They appeared to be different distances away as some appeared fainter and smaller or larger and brighter, easier to see and more visibly detailed. One or two of the closer ones seemed to have moving shadows just behind the lights. The shadows changed shape, as if when it moved in different angles it would appear to have different shapes. We kept an eye on the horizon over which the other ‚Äö√Ñ√∫star‚Äö√Ñ√π descended. The object dipped behind the hill and glowed blue and white and then reappeared without the flashing lights and left a dimmer silhouette which glowed green. It then glided very quickly away from us still glowing green. We looked away to watch some of the other flashing objects, and once when we looked back at it, it was flashing blue and white lights above the horizon, dipped behind again and reappeared in the distance with the green glow again. It remained there, dim but visible floating back and forth just over the horizon. It didn‚Äö√Ñ√¥t move like the other objects. It just floated slowly and steadily back and forth and up and down just above the horizon in the glow. We noticed at one point that it had risen back up almost to the level of the star that it was below initially. It should be noted here that the moon and identifiable planets and constellations were also clearly visible. They were stationary in contrast to the moving objects. Over the 2 ¬¨Œ© hours that we watched, the moon and stars moved across the sky as they should, slowly and steadily, but the flashing objects never moved out of their initial territories and never stopped moving within them. We tested each other to see if we were seeing the same things. One of us would describe the different movements of the objects (for example: ‚Äö√Ñ√∫It‚Äö√Ñ√¥s moving left, left, up, left, real quick to the right‚Äö√Ѭ∂.‚Äö√Ñ√π), and we would find that we were indeed seeing the same movements. We also made it a point to stop often and rest our eyes and walk around to avoid eyestrain ‚Äö√Ñ√∫hallucinations‚Äö√Ñ√π. Before all the action, we had opportunity to see an airplane fly over, so we had that image to compare to the flashing objects. They did not look like airplanes. They did not move like helicopters or like anything else we could know about. We observed them for quite a long time, but left while they were still there, and that was at 1:30 am.",,2 +284,"Three Head Lights, Plasma bottom, Different colors, Bizzar flying Patterns, 2 encounters almost exactly 1 year apart. July 27th, 2001 While Driving Home From my GirlFriends house at 12:45, I was heading northbound on Meridian Road in between Ustick and McMillan. While coming to the stop sign at the intersection of Meridian and McMillan I saw a Green light coming from the field northwest of the intersection. It was about 50 feet high in the air, moving parallel with McMillan about 40 feet north of the road. It was coming towards me and then the Green light dissapated. I could still tell their was an object flying in the sky and when it came to the point where it was going to cross meridian road, it banked and turned 180 degrees and was then heading west. I was probably fifty yards from the craft. Then, the belly of this diamond craft lit up like white lava and radiated very bright light on the ground. As soon as the craft lit up, it dived for the ground and then pulled up back to about 50 feet from the ground. Then the plasma light on the belly completely shut off. I saw It then bank, and turn another 180 degrees and it was coming towards me again, still moving parallel with McMillan coming towards meridian road. Then the Front of the craft illuminated it's front ""Head Lights."" It had three very large lights on the front of the craft. The lights remind me of lights in a Football stadium. The middle light was slightly higher then the other Lights on each side. Then the Diamond shaped UFO started to radiate colors from the end of its wings. Not blinking lights like an airplane, But slowly appearing light that gradually became brighter in color. I beleive the first color was blue, then red then green. It took about 5-7 seconds for each color to come on very dim, gradually become brighter and then dim out-to start the next color. After the green color on the edges of the UFO dimmed, the front headlights shut off, the UFO banked and turned again, the belly lit up and the CYCLE repeated itself. Instantly I knew I had encountered it again. Absolutely nobody was on the desolate farming roads except for me. I had a sensation ! of an ov erwhelming feeling that I needed to leave the area ASAP. The only logical thing I could think of doing was to drive where lots of people were, so I headed towards boise down McMillan street at a very fast pace. July 28 2000. While coming home from work at 1:20 in the morning on a late thursday night (Friday morning), I saw the exact same UFO I had just described. Except this was the first time I had ever encountered a UFO. The exact coloring, shape, plasma bottom, three head lights and the cycles of going in circles were all the same. But, I didn't recognize it untill I pulled into my driveway at home. It was probably 100 yards away from me and the three headlights (It was so bright, that Is all I could see)was coming straight for me. I scrambled inside of my house, and paced back in forth in disbeleive of what it was. I kept seeing the craft fly about 30 feet high off of the ground on my street where my house resides. I quickly woke my father up to tell hime about the flying crafts outside of our house. He woke up and walked outside with me. Nothing was their. He went back to bed thinking I was insane. About 20 minutes later I heard the distinct humming noise this diamond craft makes and I immediately went back to wake my father up. We went outside again and the craft was farther off in the distance. Within a minute or so the craft was in our back yard, doing the cycles and my dad was so scared, he ran in the house (of course I did too). We peeked out of our windows and watched the craft for about an hour and a half, going back and forth inside and outside. While watching the UFO, it did it's cycles in three spots within about a couple of miles. The first cycle was right near our house. Then the craft would fly about 2 miles southeast and do some cycles there. Then the UFO would go directly west and do more cycles and then come back to our house, (northeast) and continue its cycles. Three different spots of continuous cycles and then repitition. This lasted for nearly 2 hours..... The UFO was quiet large. I would say it is bigger then an average size home, Especially the width. For how big it was, It meandered through the air like a hang-glider. For something that big to be flying 50-60 feet off of the ground and turning around and diving towards the ground, ruled out any logical explanation of what I think it could be. I also realized that when I had come across the UFO for the second time, it was one day away from being exactly one year from when I saw the first one. The only thing I can conclude, is that both experiences happend on the last thursday night (Early friday morning) of July 2000 and July 2001",,1 +285,"Holographic Grid of Light Display after Seeing Craft The experience unfolded in three parts: 1 ‚Äö√Ñ√Æ At roughly 10pm on Wednesday, August 4, I was gazing outside my bedside window as I listened to a book on tape. I stargaze often & I keep a pair of small binoculars on my nightstand to see deeper into the night sky. I noticed what appeared to be a satellite crossing my field of vision. Watching the light, it began to curve in an upward direction, circled back counterclockwise, & then settled motionless in the sky, seemingly appearing as just another star. I immediately grabbed my binoculars for a closer look. Inspecting the light/object, it shined in a manner that the nearby stars did not. The light seemed to curve & as I looked at it, I noted that it ""twisted"" its light in a very peculiar fashion. It was as if a dark serpentine tether was flailing around the object. I watched it remain stationary for another few minutes with no further light anomalies. I resigned that it was simply a drone & that, perhaps, police or military were testing out their technologies in the air space just offshore as they often do. 2 ‚Äö√Ñ√Æ This is where things get weird. Approximately 5-15 minutes after I observed this object in the night sky, I was again sitting on my bed, listening to the book on tape, with only my nightstand quartz lamp lighting my room. Suddenly, I had a strong intuition that something was about to happen. It was a feeling similar to the onset of deja vu. This feeling was followed by my room being LIT UP with a gridwork of white shining light. Imagine 10 strobe lights going off at once, but contained to a very geometrical grid that roughly spanned a 10' x 10' space across my bedroom. The grid FLASHED twice & vanished. I was completely stunned. Not necessarily in shock, but just stunned. These were not car lights. This was not like anything I've ever laid eyes on in my life. Yet my initial instinct was not in fear, but curiosity. I removed my headphones & again it happened, maybe 10-15 seconds after the initial flash. Except this time I noticed a small ball of light (roughly the size of your fist) tumble through the closed window on the far corner of the room prior to my bedroom again FLASHING with this same grid pattern of pulsing light, again two times, but in a slightly different location of my room. This time I additionally noticed three peculiar elements: 1) the air briefly ""sizzled,"" 2) the pattern of the grid was aesthetically fashioned, as though I was looking at a holographic projection of an ancient temple, & 3) this light wasn't exactly light. Within the span of those second two pulses, the ""light"" appeared to slide & gather against the wall ABOVE the window through which the ball of light came tumbling through. It was almost as if this brightness was more of a substance than a light. I then entered something of an altered state of consciousness (markedly different from the initial deja vu feeling), although this too was very brief. I can't exactly pinpoint the sensation, but there was a certain heaviness, like gravity got a little thicker for that moment, & my ears slightly popped, as though I was surfacing from deep water. After the moment passed, it felt like all the air came flooding back into my room & I was left with this highly uncanny feeling & a deep silence. I couldn't explain what happened & I didn't know how to feel about it. I am certain I did not experience a seizure or any sort of otherwise momentary mental health break. 3 ‚Äö√Ñ√Æ That same night I had a dream, or what I perceived to be a dream, that was also particularly unusual. I saw multiple UFO crafts outside my same bedside window. From high above in the night sky, I watched them trickle down in a motion that resembled falling leaves. I recall 5 crafts in total: 2 hovering & 3 falling in this tumbling, spiraling leaf pattern. They were all a slate blue grey in color, isosceles triangular in shape, with rounded grooves at the bottom of the crafts. There were pale yellow circular lights adorning their frames. Why I say I perceived this to be a dream is because I woke up looking outside the window. I was standing up with my hands gripping the windowsill & my head leaning in for a better view. As I came to a fully waking state, I seemed to shake out of this dream trance & laid back down in my bed. I checked the time on my phone & it was shortly after 3am. As I lay in bed, I replayed the falling motion of these crafts again & again in my head. It sounds strange, but I simply couldn't get the movement in which these crafts fell out of my mind's eye. Even now, those falling movements strike a deeper, more uncomfortable chord in me than the lights which flashed inside my room. To my recollection, I've never dreamed of UFOs until that night. Thank you for taking the time to read my report.",,1 +286,"Object video tapes, darted in and out of the clouds. Date: June 13, 2002 Time: 9:15 p.m. Email report: HBCC UFO Research followed up by placing a phone call to the witness. Video footage taken of the event. Witnesses Email Report below... On June 13, 2002 I video-taped a round dark object in the sky, my kids had noticed as we sat in our hot tub just after 9:00 p.m. The object sat motionless until I started filming. Then it darted in and out of clouds, also back and forth as I tried to follow it. This was a very scary experience for my kids. I live in Hayward, Ca. and noticed on your website another sighting in the area. I've never witnessed anything of this shape or speed in my life. I just want to get a professional opinion from someone else. Any ideas? Telephone follow up below: I had a pleasant conversation with the witness on the telephone. He described in detail what he and two other family members has witnessed on June 13, 2002. The man said it was something he had never saw before and was stunned at what they were observing. The fellow explained that on the night of the sighting he and the family were spending an evening in the hot tub and his daughter was playing a game , who could spot the most airplanes flying over head. The gentleman said that it is an active area due to two airports which are fairly close by. The Oakland and the Hayward airports. It was the daughter who first spotted the object and said ""there is a plane"". The man's son looked and said he didn't believe it was a plane. The son asked his father to look at the object in the night sky. When he looked up to see what the kids were looking at he saw a black spot which was just sitting stationary in the sky just below the cloud cover. They all could see the clouds moving but the dark object stayed in the same spot, not moving. They all wondered what could this be as it certainly looked unusual and it sat in the one position for approximately one minute and again it was not moving. Some quick thinking on the Dad's part ... had him running into their home and grabbing a video camera which was sitting on the kitchen table. He ran back outside with it. He had borrowed it from a close friend a couple of days prior to this sighting to take some footage of everyday things. Also not being really familiar with the camera he was trying his best to catch what he could of the object. As he lined the camera up on the object, it started to move very quickly. It would duck into the cloud cover then pop back out. It continued doing this a couple of times but always remaining in the original area, not moving any distance from where they first noticed it. It was night and I wondered how they were able to see a dark object against a blackened sky. The witness said, even though it was dark out you were able to see a whiteness of the clouds and the dark object which sat below them. So it was the lightened backdrop which enabled the family to see the darkened craft. At one point the object moved into a darker cloud and as everyone watched it .... the cloud started swirling around and seemed to pull more of the surrounding cloud into the swirling motion. As it was doing this the cloud was growing darker. Again the object poked out from the cloud just slightly and moved back in again and this is when they all witnessed a strobing light coming from inside the cloud cover with the cloud starting to move closer in the direction of the family until it stopped and pretty much straight away moved back to it's original place. The total length of this sighting was approximately 2 to 3 minutes. The fellow said all the time they spent outside that evening they had not seen any other aircraft in the area. The man called the Hayward airport to make an enquiry about what they saw. The folks at the airport told him there were no flights going out that night. The witness felt that was rather unusual in itself. He thought maybe because the weather conditions were not that good and socked in very badly, that this may be the reason why no flights left that evening. A still picture was made and blown up from the footage at one of the local universities. The Astronomy Department of the University and others checked the photograph out and saw that there was an object in the photo but no one could figure out what it was. So again the witness was left with no answers to this puzzling sighting. The fellow told me after the sighting was over, they all went into the house as it certainly was a bit frightening to see such a strange sight. He told me he just paced around the home and wasn't at all sure what he was going to tell everyone about what they had seen and videotaped that night. Many thanks to this family for the wonderful report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Home - Phone 1 250 845 2189 email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.com ((NUFORC Note: We express our gratitude to Brian Vike for submitting this report. PD))",,3 \ No newline at end of file