from glob import glob from pathlib import Path import json import numpy as np import pandas as pd """ Dataset url: Paper url: There are no splits available ==> Make random split ourselves """ pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) def analyze_dataset(df, num_characters_for_short_sentence=25): short_sentence = False counter = 0 same_label_counter = 0 other_number = 0 num_one_paragraph_len = 0 for i in range(200): for paragraph in df.iloc[i].decision_reasons: for sentence in paragraph: if short_sentence: print("previous sentence was short: ", short_sentence) print("current sentence label: ", sentence[1]) print("current paragraph: ", paragraph) if sentence[1] == short_sentence[1]: same_label_counter += 1 if len(sentence[0]) < num_characters_for_short_sentence: counter += 1 short_sentence = sentence print() print("short sentence: ", sentence) print("short paragraph: ", paragraph) if sentence[1] == 'other': other_number += 1 if len(paragraph) == 1: num_one_paragraph_len += 1 else: short_sentence = False print("num short sentences: ", counter) print("num short sentences containing the same label as the next one: ", same_label_counter) print("num short sentences containing 'other' as label: ", other_number) print("num short sentences where the paragraph contains only this one short sentence: ", num_one_paragraph_len) # ==> the label is only the same in very few cases # ==> the label is 'other' in the majority of cases, when it is not: it seems to be mislabeled # ==> think about removing them entirely # ==> we opted for not interfering in the content of the dataset # create a summary jsonl file dataset_filename = "dataset.jsonl" if not Path(dataset_filename).exists(): with open(dataset_filename, "a") as dataset_file: for filename in glob("annotated_corpus/*.json"): # we need to do this charade, because some jsons are formatted differently than others json_text = Path(filename).read_text() json_obj = json.loads(json_text) # make it less nested so that it is easier to read as df new_dict = {} new_dict.update(json_obj["meta"]) new_dict.update(json_obj["decision_text"]) dataset_file.write(json.dumps(new_dict) + "\n") else: print(f"{dataset_filename} already exists. Please delete it to re-aggregate it.") df = pd.read_json(dataset_filename, lines=True) # Do splits before expanding the df so that entire decisions are in the splits and not samples from one decision are spread across splits # perform random split 80% train (160 decisions), 10% validation (20 decisions), 10% test (20 decisions) train, validation, test = np.split(df.sample(frac=1, random_state=42), [int(.8 * len(df)), int(.9 * len(df))]) def expand_df(df): """ Expand the df so that each sentence has its own row and is its own sample :param df: :return: """ rows = [] for index, row in df.iterrows(): for paragraph in row.decision_reasons: for sent_idx, sentence in enumerate(paragraph): new_row = {'file_number': row['file_number'], 'input_sentence': sentence[0], 'label': sentence[1]} # Discussion with lawyer yielded, that the paragraph as context is enough # take the sentences before new_row['context_before'] = paragraph[:sent_idx] # take the remaining sentences afterwards new_row['context_after'] = paragraph[sent_idx + 1:] rows.append(new_row) return pd.DataFrame.from_records(rows) train = expand_df(train) validation = expand_df(validation) test = expand_df(test) # Num samples for each split: train (19271), validation (2726), test (3078) print(len(train.index), len(validation.index), len(test.index)) # save to jsonl files for huggingface train.to_json("train.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records") validation.to_json("validation.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records") test.to_json("test.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records") # save main df with meta information to file # link to splits is given via file_number df = df.drop(['decision_reasons'], axis=1) df.to_json("meta.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records") def print_split_table_single_label(train, validation, test, label_name): train_counts = train[label_name].value_counts().to_frame().rename(columns={label_name: "train"}) validation_counts = validation[label_name].value_counts().to_frame().rename(columns={label_name: "validation"}) test_counts = test[label_name].value_counts().to_frame().rename(columns={label_name: "test"}) table = train_counts.join(validation_counts) table = table.join(test_counts) table[label_name] = table.index total_row = {label_name: "total", "train": len(train.index), "validation": len(validation.index), "test": len(test.index)} table = table.append(total_row, ignore_index=True) table = table[[label_name, "train", "validation", "test"]] # reorder columns print(table.to_markdown(index=False)) print_split_table_single_label(train, validation, test, "label")