diff --git "a/metadata.csv" "b/metadata.csv" --- "a/metadata.csv" +++ "b/metadata.csv" @@ -1,5560 +1,5560 @@ -file_name,transcription,duration -data/test.clean/672-122797-0000.wav,out in the woods stood a nice little fir tree,4.07 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0001.wav,the place he had was a very good one the sun shone on him as to fresh air there was enough of that and round him grew many large sized comrades pines as well as firs,15.13 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0002.wav,he did not think of the warm sun and of the fresh air he did not care for the little cottage children that ran about and prattled when they were in the woods looking for wild strawberries,13.62 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0003.wav,but this was what the tree could not bear to hear,4.76 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0004.wav,in winter when the snow lay glittering on the ground a hare would often come leaping along and jump right over the little tree,10.25 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0005.wav,oh that made him so angry,3.26 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0006.wav,to grow and grow to get older and be tall thought the tree that after all is the most delightful thing in the world,13.95 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0007.wav,in autumn the wood cutters always came and felled some of the largest trees,6.42 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0008.wav,this happened every year and the young fir tree that had now grown to a very comely size trembled at the sight for the magnificent great trees fell to the earth with noise and cracking the branches were lopped off and the trees looked long and bare they were hardly to be recognised and then they were laid in carts and the horses dragged them out of the wood,30.81 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0009.wav,have you not met them anywhere,2.765 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0010.wav,rejoice in thy growth said the sunbeams,3.815 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0011.wav,and then what happens then,2.54 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0012.wav,i would fain know if i am destined for so glorious a career cried the tree rejoicing,7.765 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0013.wav,i am now tall and my branches spread like the others that were carried off last year oh,8.705 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0014.wav,were i but already on the cart,2.555 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0015.wav,were i in the warm room with all the splendor and magnificence,4.455 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0016.wav,yes then something better something still grander will surely follow or wherefore should they thus ornament me,9.215 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0017.wav,something better something still grander must follow but what,4.82 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0018.wav,rejoice in our presence said the air and the sunlight,4.93 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0019.wav,rejoice in thy own fresh youth,4.11 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0020.wav,but the tree did not rejoice at all he grew and grew and was green both winter and summer,8.825 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0021.wav,and towards christmas he was one of the first that was cut down,4.15 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0022.wav,the axe struck deep into the very pith the tree fell to the earth with a sigh he felt a pang it was like a swoon he could not think of happiness for he was sorrowful at being separated from his home from the place where he had sprung up,19.004938 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0023.wav,he well knew that he should never see his dear old comrades the little bushes and flowers around him anymore perhaps not even the birds,9.695063 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0024.wav,the departure was not at all agreeable,4.13 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0025.wav,the tree only came to himself when he was unloaded in a court yard with the other trees and heard a man say that one is splendid we don't want the others,10.69 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0026.wav,there too were large easy chairs silken sofas large tables full of picture books and full of toys worth hundreds and hundreds of crowns at least the children said so,13.96 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0027.wav,the servants as well as the young ladies decorated it,4.79 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0028.wav,this evening they all said,2.61 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0029.wav,how it will shine this evening,3.05 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0030.wav,perhaps the other trees from the forest will come to look at me,4.575 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0031.wav,it blazed up famously help help,3.98 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0032.wav,cried the young ladies and they quickly put out the fire,4.0 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0033.wav,a story,1.285 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0034.wav,a story cried the children drawing a little fat man towards the tree,5.11 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0035.wav,but i shall tell only one story,2.9 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0036.wav,humpy dumpy fell downstairs and yet he married the princess,5.365 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0037.wav,that's the way of the world,1.96 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0038.wav,thought the fir tree and believed it all because the man who told the story was so good looking well well,8.8 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0039.wav,i won't tremble to morrow thought the fir tree,4.025 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0040.wav,and the whole night the tree stood still and in deep thought,5.125 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0041.wav,in the morning the servant and the housemaid came in,3.88 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0042.wav,but they dragged him out of the room and up the stairs into the loft and here in a dark corner where no daylight could enter they left him,15.31 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0043.wav,what's the meaning of this thought the tree,3.78 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0044.wav,and he leaned against the wall lost in reverie,3.74 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0045.wav,time enough had he too for his reflections for days and nights passed on and nobody came up and when at last somebody did come it was only to put some great trunks in a corner out of the way,13.96 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0046.wav,tis now winter out of doors thought the tree,4.715 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0047.wav,how kind man is after all,3.325 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0048.wav,if it only were not so dark here and so terribly lonely,6.555 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0049.wav,squeak squeak,2.02 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0050.wav,they snuffed about the fir tree and rustled among the branches,4.855 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0051.wav,i am by no means old said the fir tree,4.665 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0052.wav,there's many a one considerably older than i am,4.285 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0053.wav,they were so extremely curious,2.955 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0054.wav,i know no such place said the tree,4.25 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0055.wav,and then he told all about his youth and the little mice had never heard the like before and they listened and said,8.23 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0056.wav,said the fir tree thinking over what he had himself related,5.225 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0057.wav,yes in reality those were happy times,6.56 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0058.wav,who is humpy dumpy asked the mice,4.47 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0059.wav,only that one answered the tree,3.52 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0060.wav,it is a very stupid story,3.35 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0061.wav,don't you know one about bacon and tallow candles can't you tell any larder stories,7.59 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0062.wav,no said the tree,2.675 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0063.wav,then good bye said the rats and they went home,5.075 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0064.wav,at last the little mice stayed away also and the tree sighed after all it was very pleasant when the sleek little mice sat round me and listened to what i told them,15.27 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0065.wav,now that too is over,3.03 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0066.wav,why one morning there came a quantity of people and set to work in the loft,4.815 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0067.wav,the trunks were moved the tree was pulled out and thrown rather hard it is true down on the floor but a man drew him towards the stairs where the daylight shone,13.035 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0068.wav,but it was not the fir tree that they meant,4.02 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0069.wav,it was in a corner that he lay among weeds and nettles,5.01 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0070.wav,the golden star of tinsel was still on the top of the tree and glittered in the sunshine,6.27 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0071.wav,in the court yard some of the merry children were playing who had danced at christmas round the fir tree and were so glad at the sight of him,8.875 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0072.wav,and the gardener's boy chopped the tree into small pieces there was a whole heap lying there,7.94 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0073.wav,the wood flamed up splendidly under the large brewing copper and it sighed so deeply,8.205 -data/test.clean/672-122797-0074.wav,however that was over now the tree gone the story at an end,8.73 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0000.wav,the roarings become lost in the distance,3.04 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0001.wav,the weather if we may use that term will change before long,5.08 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0002.wav,the atmosphere is charged with vapours pervaded with the electricity generated by the evaporation of saline waters,7.25 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0003.wav,the electric light can scarcely penetrate through the dense curtain which has dropped over the theatre on which the battle of the elements is about to be waged,8.905 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0004.wav,the air is heavy the sea is calm,4.31 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0005.wav,from time to time a fleecy tuft of mist with yet some gleaming light left upon it drops down upon the dense floor of grey and loses itself in the opaque and impenetrable mass,12.55 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0006.wav,the atmosphere is evidently charged and surcharged with electricity,4.88 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0007.wav,the wind never lulls but to acquire increased strength the vast bank of heavy clouds is a huge reservoir of fearful windy gusts and rushing storms,11.2 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0008.wav,there's a heavy storm coming on i cried pointing towards the horizon,5.515 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0009.wav,those clouds seem as if they were going to crush the sea,3.435 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0010.wav,on the mast already i see the light play of a lambent saint elmo's fire the outstretched sail catches not a breath of wind and hangs like a sheet of lead,9.995 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0011.wav,but if we have now ceased to advance why do we yet leave that sail loose which at the first shock of the tempest may capsize us in a moment,8.98 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0012.wav,that will be safest no no never,3.545 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0013.wav,the piled up vapours condense into water and the air put into violent action to supply the vacuum left by the condensation of the mists rouses itself into a whirlwind,11.385063 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0014.wav,hans stirs not,1.805 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0015.wav,from the under surface of the clouds there are continual emissions of lurid light electric matter is in continual evolution from their component molecules the gaseous elements of the air need to be slaked with moisture for innumerable columns of water rush upwards into the air and fall back again in white foam,21.185 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0016.wav,i refer to the thermometer it indicates the figure is obliterated,4.865 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0017.wav,is the atmospheric condition having once reached this density to become final,5.225 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0018.wav,the raft bears on still to the south east,3.245 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0019.wav,at noon the violence of the storm redoubles,2.955 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0020.wav,each of us is lashed to some part of the raft,2.9 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0021.wav,the waves rise above our heads,2.71 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0022.wav,they seem to be we are lost but i am not sure,3.705 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0023.wav,he nods his consent,2.385 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0024.wav,the fireball half of it white half azure blue and the size of a ten inch shell moved slowly about the raft but revolving on its own axis with astonishing velocity as if whipped round by the force of the whirlwind,14.595 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0025.wav,here it comes there it glides now it is up the ragged stump of the mast thence it lightly leaps on the provision bag descends with a light bound and just skims the powder magazine horrible,13.445 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0026.wav,we shall be blown up but no the dazzling disk of mysterious light nimbly leaps aside it approaches hans who fixes his blue eye upon it steadily it threatens the head of my uncle who falls upon his knees with his head down to avoid it,16.04 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0027.wav,a suffocating smell of nitrogen fills the air it enters the throat it fills the lungs,6.305 -data/test.clean/260-123288-0028.wav,we suffer stifling pains,2.61 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0000.wav,saturday august fifteenth the sea unbroken all round no land in sight,7.04 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0001.wav,the horizon seems extremely distant,3.07 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0002.wav,all my danger and sufferings were needed to strike a spark of human feeling out of him but now that i am well his nature has resumed its sway,9.985 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0003.wav,you seem anxious my uncle i said seeing him continually with his glass to his eye anxious,7.37 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0004.wav,one might be with less reason than now,3.465 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0005.wav,i am not complaining that the rate is slow but that the sea is so wide,4.81 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0006.wav,we are losing time and the fact is i have not come all this way to take a little sail upon a pond on a raft,7.405 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0007.wav,he called this sea a pond and our long voyage taking a little sail,4.55 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0008.wav,therefore don't talk to me about views and prospects,3.735 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0009.wav,i take this as my answer and i leave the professor to bite his lips with impatience,5.795 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0010.wav,sunday august sixteenth,2.575 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0011.wav,nothing new weather unchanged the wind freshens,4.255 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0012.wav,but there seemed no reason to fear,2.43 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0013.wav,the shadow of the raft was clearly outlined upon the surface of the waves,4.73 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0014.wav,truly this sea is of infinite width,2.98 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0015.wav,it must be as wide as the mediterranean or the atlantic and why not,5.21 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0016.wav,these thoughts agitated me all day and my imagination scarcely calmed down after several hours sleep,7.0 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0017.wav,i shudder as i recall these monsters to my remembrance,3.975 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0018.wav,i saw at the hamburg museum the skeleton of one of these creatures thirty feet in length,5.67 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0019.wav,i suppose professor liedenbrock was of my opinion too and even shared my fears for after having examined the pick his eyes traversed the ocean from side to side,11.905 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0020.wav,tuesday august eighteenth,3.06 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0021.wav,during his watch i slept,2.55 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0022.wav,two hours afterwards a terrible shock awoke me,3.235 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0023.wav,the raft was heaved up on a watery mountain and pitched down again at a distance of twenty fathoms,5.875 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0024.wav,there's a whale a whale cried the professor,3.04 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0025.wav,flight was out of the question now the reptiles rose they wheeled around our little raft with a rapidity greater than that of express trains,9.205 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0026.wav,two monsters only were creating all this commotion and before my eyes are two reptiles of the primitive world,6.94 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0027.wav,i can distinguish the eye of the ichthyosaurus glowing like a red hot coal and as large as a man's head,7.17 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0028.wav,its jaw is enormous and according to naturalists it is armed with no less than one hundred and eighty two teeth,7.465 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0029.wav,those huge creatures attacked each other with the greatest animosity,4.545 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0030.wav,suddenly the ichthyosaurus and the plesiosaurus disappear below leaving a whirlpool eddying in the water,7.53 -data/test.clean/260-123286-0031.wav,as for the ichthyosaurus has he returned to his submarine cavern,5.06 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0000.wav,and how odd the directions will look,2.165 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0001.wav,poor alice,1.74 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0002.wav,it was the white rabbit returning splendidly dressed with a pair of white kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other he came trotting along in a great hurry muttering to himself as he came oh the duchess the duchess,14.715 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0003.wav,oh won't she be savage if i've kept her waiting,3.585 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0004.wav,alice took up the fan and gloves and as the hall was very hot she kept fanning herself all the time she went on talking dear dear how queer everything is to day,12.02 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0005.wav,and yesterday things went on just as usual,3.105 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0006.wav,i wonder if i've been changed in the night,2.715 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0007.wav,i almost think i can remember feeling a little different,3.385 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0008.wav,i'll try if i know all the things i used to know,3.745 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0009.wav,i shall never get to twenty at that rate,3.115 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0010.wav,how cheerfully he seems to grin how neatly spread his claws and welcome little fishes in with gently smiling jaws,8.315 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0011.wav,no i've made up my mind about it if i'm mabel i'll stay down here,4.87 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0012.wav,it'll be no use their putting their heads down and saying come up again dear,5.245 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0013.wav,i am so very tired of being all alone here,3.475 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0014.wav,and i declare it's too bad that it is,3.815 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0015.wav,i wish i hadn't cried so much said alice as she swam about trying to find her way out,6.2 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0016.wav,i shall be punished for it now i suppose by being drowned in my own tears,4.895 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0017.wav,that will be a queer thing to be sure,3.07 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0018.wav,i am very tired of swimming about here o mouse,3.64 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0019.wav,cried alice again for this time the mouse was bristling all over and she felt certain it must be really offended,6.63 -data/test.clean/260-123440-0020.wav,we won't talk about her any more if you'd rather not we indeed,4.995 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0000.wav,the hon charles smith miss sarah's brother was walking swiftly uptown from mister easterly's wall street office and his face was pale,8.955 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0001.wav,at last the cotton combine was to all appearances an assured fact and he was slated for the senate,6.0 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0002.wav,why should he not be as other men,2.315 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0003.wav,she was not herself a notably intelligent woman she greatly admired intelligence or whatever looked to her like intelligence in others,7.965 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0004.wav,as she awaited her guests she surveyed the table with both satisfaction and disquietude for her social functions were few tonight there were she checked them off on her fingers sir james creighton the rich english manufacturer and lady creighton mister and missus vanderpool mister harry cresswell and his sister john taylor and his sister and mister charles smith whom the evening papers mentioned as likely to be united states senator from new jersey a selection of guests that had been determined unknown to the hostess by the meeting of cotton interests earlier in the day,33.91 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0005.wav,missus grey had met southerners before but not intimately and she always had in mind vividly their cruelty to poor negroes a subject she made a point of introducing forthwith,10.9 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0006.wav,she was therefore most agreeably surprised to hear mister cresswell express himself so cordially as approving of negro education,7.715 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0007.wav,but you believe in some education asked mary taylor,3.435 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0008.wav,i believe in the training of people to their highest capacity the englishman here heartily seconded him,6.985 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0009.wav,but cresswell added significantly capacity differs enormously between races,6.71 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0010.wav,the vanderpools were sure of this and the englishman instancing india became quite eloquent missus grey was mystified but hardly dared admit it the general trend of the conversation seemed to be that most individuals needed to be submitted to the sharpest scrutiny before being allowed much education and as for the lower races it was simply criminal to open such useless opportunities to them,24.45 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0011.wav,positively heroic added cresswell avoiding his sister's eyes,4.705 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0012.wav,but we're not er exactly welcomed,3.695 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0013.wav,mary taylor however related the tale of zora to missus grey's private ear later,5.3 -data/test.clean/1995-1836-0014.wav,fortunately said mister vanderpool northerners and southerners are arriving at a better mutual understanding on most of these matters,9.045 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0000.wav,he knew the silver fleece his and zora's must be ruined,3.865 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0001.wav,it was the first great sorrow of his life it was not so much the loss of the cotton itself but the fantasy the hopes the dreams built around it,8.73 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0002.wav,ah the swamp the cruel swamp,2.79 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0003.wav,the revelation of his love lighted and brightened slowly till it flamed like a sunrise over him and left him in burning wonder,7.36 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0004.wav,he panted to know if she too knew or knew and cared not or cared and knew not,6.36 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0005.wav,she was so strange and human a creature,2.635 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0006.wav,the world was water veiled in mists,2.955 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0007.wav,then of a sudden at midday the sun shot out hot and still no breath of air stirred the sky was like blue steel the earth steamed,8.8 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0008.wav,where was the use of imagining,1.955 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0009.wav,the lagoon had been level with the dykes a week ago and now,3.76 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0010.wav,perhaps she too might be there waiting weeping,3.48 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0011.wav,he started at the thought he hurried forth sadly,3.375 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0012.wav,he splashed and stamped along farther and farther onward until he neared the rampart of the clearing and put foot upon the tree bridge,8.245 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0013.wav,then he looked down the lagoon was dry,3.195 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0014.wav,he stood a moment bewildered then turned and rushed upon the island a great sheet of dazzling sunlight swept the place and beneath lay a mighty mass of olive green thick tall wet and willowy,12.46 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0015.wav,the squares of cotton sharp edged heavy were just about to burst to bolls,4.485 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0016.wav,for one long moment he paused stupid agape with utter amazement then leaned dizzily against a tree,7.19 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0017.wav,he gazed about perplexed astonished,3.1 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0018.wav,here lay the reading of the riddle with infinite work and pain some one had dug a canal from the lagoon to the creek into which the former had drained by a long and crooked way thus allowing it to empty directly,12.825 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0019.wav,he sat down weak bewildered and one thought was uppermost zora,5.38 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0020.wav,the years of the days of her dying were ten,3.21 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0021.wav,the hope and dream of harvest was upon the land,3.09 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0022.wav,up in the sick room zora lay on the little white bed,3.415 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0023.wav,the net and web of endless things had been crawling and creeping around her she had struggled in dumb speechless terror against some mighty grasping that strove for her life with gnarled and creeping fingers but now at last weakly she opened her eyes and questioned,16.965 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0024.wav,for a while she lay in her chair in happy dreamy pleasure at sun and bird and tree,5.385 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0025.wav,she rose with a fleeting glance gathered the shawl round her then gliding forward wavering tremulous slipped across the road and into the swamp,9.505062 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0026.wav,she had been born within its borders within its borders she had lived and grown and within its borders she had met her love,8.095 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0027.wav,on she hurried until sweeping down to the lagoon and the island lo the cotton lay before her,6.705 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0028.wav,the chair was empty but he knew,2.34 -data/test.clean/1995-1837-0029.wav,he darted through the trees and paused a tall man strongly but slimly made,5.58 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0000.wav,in the debate between the senior societies her defence of the fifteenth amendment had been not only a notable bit of reasoning but delivered with real enthusiasm,9.485 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0001.wav,the south she had not thought of seriously and yet knowing of its delightful hospitality and mild climate she was not averse to charleston or new orleans,10.17 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0002.wav,john taylor who had supported her through college was interested in cotton,4.605 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0003.wav,better go he had counselled sententiously,3.09 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0004.wav,might learn something useful down there,3.035 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0005.wav,but john there's no society just elementary work,5.125 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0006.wav,been looking up tooms county,2.455062 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0007.wav,find some cresswells there big plantations rated at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars,7.06 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0008.wav,some others too big cotton county,2.895 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0009.wav,you ought to know john if i teach negroes i'll scarcely see much of people in my own class,7.57 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0010.wav,at any rate i say go,2.445 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0011.wav,here she was teaching dirty children and the smell of confused odors and bodily perspiration was to her at times unbearable,8.94 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0012.wav,she wanted a glance of the new books and periodicals and talk of great philanthropies and reforms,6.18 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0013.wav,so for the hundredth time she was thinking today as she walked alone up the lane back of the barn and then slowly down through the bottoms,8.77 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0014.wav,cotton she paused,2.5 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0015.wav,she had almost forgotten that it was here within touch and sight,3.55 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0016.wav,the glimmering sea of delicate leaves whispered and murmured before her stretching away to the northward,5.9 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0017.wav,there might be a bit of poetry here and there but most of this place was such desperate prose,6.145 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0018.wav,her regard shifted to the green stalks and leaves again and she started to move away,5.01 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0019.wav,cotton is a wonderful thing is it not boys she said rather primly,5.25 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0020.wav,miss taylor did not know much about cotton but at least one more remark seemed called for,6.12 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0021.wav,don't know well of all things inwardly commented miss taylor literally born in cotton and oh well as much as to ask what's the use she turned again to go,11.41 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0022.wav,i suppose though it's too early for them then came the explosion,4.745 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0023.wav,goobers don't grow on the tops of vines but underground on the roots like yams is that so,8.14 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0024.wav,the golden fleece it's the silver fleece he harkened,5.095 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0025.wav,some time you'll tell me please won't you,3.295 -data/test.clean/1995-1826-0026.wav,now for one little half hour she had been a woman talking to a boy no not even that she had been talking just talking there were no persons in the conversation just things one thing cotton,15.45 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0000.wav,all about him was a tumult of bright and broken color scattered in broad splashes,5.695 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0001.wav,the merganser had a crested head of iridescent green black a broad collar of lustrous white black back black and white wings white belly sides finely pencilled in black and white and a breast of rich chestnut red streaked with black,16.575 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0002.wav,his feet were red his long narrow beak with its saw toothed edges and sharp hooked tip was bright red,7.51 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0003.wav,but here he was at a terrible disadvantage as compared with the owls hawks and eagles he had no rending claws,7.6 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0004.wav,but suddenly straight and swift as a diving cormorant he shot down into the torrent and disappeared beneath the surface,7.5 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0005.wav,once fairly a wing however he wheeled and made back hurriedly for his perch,4.7 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0006.wav,it might have seemed that a trout of this size was a fairly substantial meal,4.295 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0007.wav,but such was his keenness that even while the wide flukes of his engorged victim were still sticking out at the corners of his beak his fierce red eyes were once more peering downward into the torrent in search of fresh prey,14.3 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0008.wav,in despair he hurled himself downward too soon,3.28 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0009.wav,the great hawk followed hurriedly to retrieve his prey from the ground,4.045 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0010.wav,the cat growled softly picked up the prize in her jaws and trotted into the bushes to devour it,6.74 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0011.wav,in fact he had just finished it the last of the trout's tail had just vanished with a spasm down his strained gullet when the baffled hawk caught sight of him and swooped,10.06 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0012.wav,the hawk alighted on the dead branch and sat upright motionless as if surprised,5.045 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0013.wav,like his unfortunate little cousin the teal he too had felt the fear of death smitten into his heart and was heading desperately for the refuge of some dark overhanging bank deep fringed with weeds where the dreadful eye of the hawk should not discern him,15.0 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0014.wav,the hawk sat upon the branch and watched his quarry swimming beneath the surface,4.67 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0015.wav,almost instantly he was forced to the top,2.335 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0016.wav,straightway the hawk glided from his perch and darted after him,3.92 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0017.wav,but at this point in the rapids it was impossible for him to stay down,3.66 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0018.wav,but this frequenter of the heights of air for all his savage valor was troubled at the leaping waves and the tossing foam of these mad rapids he did not understand them,10.45 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0019.wav,as he flew his down reaching clutching talons were not half a yard above the fugitive's head,5.81 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0020.wav,where the waves for an instant sank they came closer but not quite within grasping reach,5.415 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0021.wav,but as before the leaping waves of the rapids were too much for his pursuer and he was able to flap his way onward in a cloud of foam while doom hung low above his head yet hesitated to strike,12.605 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0022.wav,the hawk embittered by the loss of his first quarry had become as dogged in pursuit as a weasel not to be shaken off or evaded or deceived,9.485 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0023.wav,he had a lot of line out and the place was none too free for a long cast but he was impatient to drop his flies again on the spot where the big fish was feeding,9.645 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0024.wav,the last drop fly as luck would have it caught just in the corner of the hawk's angrily open beak hooking itself firmly,8.195 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0025.wav,at the sudden sharp sting of it the great bird turned his head and noticed for the first time the fisherman standing on the bank,7.38 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0026.wav,the drag upon his beak and the light check upon his wings were inexplicable to him and appalling,5.53 -data/test.clean/7176-88083-0027.wav,then the leader parted from the line,2.13 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0000.wav,he is a welcome figure at the garden parties of the elect who are always ready to encourage him by accepting free seats for his play actor managers nod to him editors allow him to contribute without charge to a symposium on the price of golf balls,14.44 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0001.wav,in short he becomes a prominent figure in london society and if he is not careful somebody will say so,7.56 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0002.wav,but even the unsuccessful dramatist has his moments,3.415 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0003.wav,your play must be not merely a good play but a successful one,3.955 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0004.wav,frankly i cannot always say,2.425 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0005.wav,but suppose you said i'm fond of writing my people always say my letters home are good enough for punch,5.47 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0006.wav,i've got a little idea for a play about a man and a woman and another woman and but perhaps i'd better keep the plot a secret for the moment,7.795 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0007.wav,anyhow it's jolly exciting and i can do the dialogue all right,3.275 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0008.wav,lend me your ear for ten minutes and you shall learn just what stagecraft is,4.43 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0009.wav,and i should begin with a short homily on soliloquy,4.38 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0010.wav,ham to be or not to be,2.16 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0011.wav,now the object of this soliloquy is plain,2.885 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0012.wav,indeed irresolution being the keynote of hamlet's soliloquy a clever player could to some extent indicate the whole thirty lines by a silent working of the jaw but at the same time it would be idle to deny that he would miss the finer shades of the dramatist's meaning,16.4 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0013.wav,we moderns however see the absurdity of it,3.15 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0014.wav,if it be granted first that the thoughts of a certain character should be known to the audience and secondly that soliloquy or the habit of thinking aloud is in opposition to modern stage technique how shall a soliloquy be avoided without damage to the play,16.02 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0015.wav,and so on till you get to the end when ophelia might say ah yes or something non committal of that sort,6.755 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0016.wav,this would be an easy way of doing it but it would not be the best way for the reason that it is too easy to call attention to itself,7.545 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0017.wav,in the old badly made play it was frequently necessary for one of the characters to take the audience into his confidence,7.17 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0018.wav,in the modern well constructed play he simply rings up an imaginary confederate and tells him what he is going to do could anything be more natural,8.94 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0019.wav,i want double nine hal lo,2.405 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0020.wav,double nine two three elsinore double nine yes hallo is that you horatio hamlet speaking,7.165 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0021.wav,i say i've been wondering about this business,2.565 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0022.wav,to be or not to be that is the question whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows what no hamlet speaking,8.23 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0023.wav,you gave me double five i want double nine hallo is that you horatio hamlet speaking,6.215 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0024.wav,to be or not to be that is the question whether tis nobler,4.1 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0025.wav,it is to let hamlet if that happen to be the name of your character enter with a small dog pet falcon mongoose tame bear or whatever animal is most in keeping with the part and confide in this animal such sorrows hopes or secret history as the audience has got to know,15.74 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0026.wav,enter hamlet with his favourite boar hound,2.95 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0027.wav,lady larkspur starts suddenly and turns towards him,2.835 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0028.wav,larkspur bit me again this morning for the third time,3.345 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0029.wav,i want to get away from it all swoons,2.985 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0030.wav,enter lord arthur fluffinose,2.235 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0031.wav,and there you are you will of course appreciate that the unfinished sentences not only save time but also make the manoeuvring very much more natural,9.64 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0032.wav,how you may be wondering are you to begin your masterpiece,3.315 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0033.wav,relapses into silence for the rest of the evening,2.23 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0034.wav,the duchess of southbridge to lord reggie oh reggie what did you say,4.465 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0035.wav,then lord tuppeny well what about auction,3.38 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0036.wav,the crowd drifts off leaving the hero and heroine alone in the middle of the stage and then you can begin,6.47 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0037.wav,then is the time to introduce a meal on the stage,2.86 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0038.wav,a stage meal is popular because it proves to the audience that the actors even when called charles hawtrey or owen nares are real people just like you and me,9.205 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0039.wav,tea please matthews butler impassively,3.125 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0040.wav,hostess replaces lump and inclines empty teapot over tray for a moment then hands him a cup painted brown inside thus deceiving the gentleman with the telescope in the upper circle,10.345 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0041.wav,re enter butler and three footmen who remove the tea things hostess to guest,4.94 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0042.wav,in novels the hero has often pushed his meals away untasted but no stage hero would do anything so unnatural as this,7.27 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0043.wav,two bites are made and the bread is crumbled with an air of great eagerness indeed one feels that in real life the guest would clutch hold of the footman and say half a mo old chap i haven't nearly finished but the actor is better schooled than this,13.28 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0044.wav,but it is the cigarette which chiefly has brought the modern drama to its present state of perfection,5.175 -data/test.clean/7176-92135-0045.wav,lord john taking out gold cigarette case from his left hand upper waistcoat pocket,5.23 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0000.wav,you will find me continually speaking of four men titian holbein turner and tintoret in almost the same terms,10.725 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0001.wav,they unite every quality and sometimes you will find me referring to them as colorists sometimes as chiaroscurists,9.04 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0002.wav,by being studious of color they are studious of division and while the chiaroscurist devotes himself to the representation of degrees of force in one thing unseparated light the colorists have for their function the attainment of beauty by arrangement of the divisions of light,17.96 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0003.wav,my first and principal reason was that they enforced beyond all resistance on any student who might attempt to copy them this method of laying portions of distinct hue side by side,12.61 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0004.wav,some of the touches indeed when the tint has been mixed with much water have been laid in little drops or ponds so that the pigment might crystallize hard at the edge,10.65 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0005.wav,it is the head of a parrot with a little flower in his beak from a picture of carpaccio's one of his series of the life of saint george,8.56 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0006.wav,then he comes to the beak of it,2.4 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0007.wav,the brown ground beneath is left for the most part one touch of black is put for the hollow two delicate lines of dark gray define the outer curve and one little quivering touch of white draws the inner edge of the mandible,14.24 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0008.wav,for believe me the final philosophy of art can only ratify their opinion that the beauty of a cock robin is to be red and of a grass plot to be green and the best skill of art is in instantly seizing on the manifold deliciousness of light which you can only seize by precision of instantaneous touch,20.755 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0009.wav,now you will see in these studies that the moment the white is inclosed properly and harmonized with the other hues it becomes somehow more precious and pearly than the white paper and that i am not afraid to leave a whole field of untreated white paper all round it being sure that even the little diamonds in the round window will tell as jewels if they are gradated justly,23.06 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0010.wav,but in this vignette copied from turner you have the two principles brought out perfectly,6.095 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0011.wav,they are beyond all other works that i know existing dependent for their effect on low subdued tones their favorite choice in time of day being either dawn or twilight and even their brightest sunsets produced chiefly out of gray paper,15.19 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0012.wav,it may be that a great colorist will use his utmost force of color as a singer his full power of voice but loud or low the virtue is in both cases always in refinement never in loudness,14.65 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0013.wav,it must remember be one or the other,3.02 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0014.wav,do not therefore think that the gothic school is an easy one,4.39 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0015.wav,the law of that school is that everything shall be seen clearly or at least only in such mist or faintness as shall be delightful and i have no doubt that the best introduction to it would be the elementary practice of painting every study on a golden ground,16.085 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0016.wav,this at once compels you to understand that the work is to be imaginative and decorative that it represents beautiful things in the clearest way but not under existing conditions and that in fact you are producing jeweler's work rather than pictures,16.595 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0017.wav,that a style is restrained or severe does not mean that it is also erroneous,4.615 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0018.wav,in all early gothic art indeed you will find failure of this kind especially distortion and rigidity which are in many respects painfully to be compared with the splendid repose of classic art,11.549938 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0019.wav,the large letter contains indeed entirely feeble and ill drawn figures that is merely childish and failing work of an inferior hand it is not characteristic of gothic or any other school,13.93 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0020.wav,but observe you can only do this on one condition that of striving also to create in reality the beauty which you seek in imagination,10.26 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0021.wav,it will be wholly impossible for you to retain the tranquillity of temper and felicity of faith necessary for noble purist painting unless you are actively engaged in promoting the felicity and peace of practical life,14.02 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0022.wav,you must look at him in the face fight him conquer him with what scathe you may you need not think to keep out of the way of him,9.63 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0023.wav,the colorist says first of all as my delicious paroquet was ruby so this nasty viper shall be black and then is the question can i round him off even though he is black and make him slimy and yet springy and close down clotted like a pool of black blood on the earth all the same,23.67 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0024.wav,nothing will be more precious to you i think in the practical study of art than the conviction which will force itself on you more and more every hour of the way all things are bound together little and great in spirit and in matter,15.24 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0025.wav,you know i have just been telling you how this school of materialism and clay involved itself at last in cloud and fire,7.45 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0026.wav,here is an equally typical greek school landscape by wilson lost wholly in golden mist the trees so slightly drawn that you don't know if they are trees or towers and no care for color whatever perfectly deceptive and marvelous effect of sunshine through the mist apollo and the python,20.125 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0027.wav,now here is raphael exactly between the two trees still drawn leaf by leaf wholly formal but beautiful mist coming gradually into the distance,11.245 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0028.wav,well then last here is turner's greek school of the highest class and you define his art absolutely as first the displaying intensely and with the sternest intellect of natural form as it is and then the envelopment of it with cloud and fire,19.005 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0029.wav,only there are two sorts of cloud and fire,3.705 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0030.wav,he knows them both,1.915 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0031.wav,there's one and there's another the dudley and the flint,4.25 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0032.wav,it is only a pencil outline by edward burne jones in illustration of the story of psyche it is the introduction of psyche after all her troubles into heaven,10.985 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0033.wav,every plant in the grass is set formally grows perfectly and may be realized completely,6.625 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0034.wav,exquisite order and universal with eternal life and light this is the faith and effort of the schools of crystal and you may describe and complete their work quite literally by taking any verses of chaucer in his tender mood and observing how he insists on the clearness and brightness first and then on the order,20.905 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0035.wav,thus in chaucer's dream,2.925 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0036.wav,in both these high mythical subjects the surrounding nature though suffering is still dignified and beautiful,7.97 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0037.wav,every line in which the master traces it even where seemingly negligent is lovely and set down with a meditative calmness which makes these two etchings capable of being placed beside the most tranquil work of holbein or duerer,14.51 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0038.wav,but now here is a subject of which you will wonder at first why turner drew it at all,5.365 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0039.wav,it has no beauty whatsoever no specialty of picturesqueness and all its lines are cramped and poor,6.625 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0040.wav,the crampness and the poverty are all intended,3.23 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0041.wav,it is a gleaner bringing down her one sheaf of corn to an old watermill itself mossy and rent scarcely able to get its stones to turn,10.07 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0042.wav,the scene is absolutely arcadian,2.66 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0043.wav,see that your lives be in nothing worse than a boy's climbing for his entangled kite,4.885 -data/test.clean/1188-133604-0044.wav,it will be well for you if you join not with those who instead of kites fly falcons who instead of obeying the last words of the great cloud shepherd to feed his sheep live the lives how much less than vanity of the war wolf and the gier eagle,18.545 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0000.wav,since the period of our tale the active spirit of the country has surrounded it with a belt of rich and thriving settlements though none but the hunter or the savage is ever known even now to penetrate its wild recesses,13.48 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0001.wav,the dews were suffered to exhale and the sun had dispersed the mists and was shedding a strong and clear light in the forest when the travelers resumed their journey,9.52 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0002.wav,after proceeding a few miles the progress of hawkeye who led the advance became more deliberate and watchful,7.46 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0003.wav,he often stopped to examine the trees nor did he cross a rivulet without attentively considering the quantity the velocity and the color of its waters,9.865 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0004.wav,distrusting his own judgment his appeals to the opinion of chingachgook were frequent and earnest,6.425 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0005.wav,yet here are we within a short range of the scaroons and not a sign of a trail have we crossed,5.915 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0006.wav,let us retrace our steps and examine as we go with keener eyes,4.845 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0007.wav,chingachgook had caught the look and motioning with his hand he bade him speak,5.54 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0008.wav,the eyes of the whole party followed the unexpected movement and read their success in the air of triumph that the youth assumed,7.875 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0009.wav,it would have been more wonderful had he spoken without a bidding,3.88 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0010.wav,see said uncas pointing north and south at the evident marks of the broad trail on either side of him the dark hair has gone toward the forest,10.195 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0011.wav,if a rock or a rivulet or a bit of earth harder than common severed the links of the clew they followed the true eye of the scout recovered them at a distance and seldom rendered the delay of a single moment necessary,13.695 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0012.wav,extinguished brands were lying around a spring the offals of a deer were scattered about the place and the trees bore evident marks of having been browsed by the horses,10.49 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0013.wav,a circle of a few hundred feet in circumference was drawn and each of the party took a segment for his portion,6.55 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0014.wav,the examination however resulted in no discovery,3.515 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0015.wav,the whole party crowded to the spot where uncas pointed out the impression of a moccasin in the moist alluvion,6.385 -data/test.clean/1320-122612-0016.wav,run back uncas and bring me the size of the singer's foot,3.49 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0000.wav,notwithstanding the high resolution of hawkeye he fully comprehended all the difficulties and danger he was about to incur,7.835 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0001.wav,in his return to the camp his acute and practised intellects were intently engaged in devising means to counteract a watchfulness and suspicion on the part of his enemies that he knew were in no degree inferior to his own,14.055 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0002.wav,in other words while he had implicit faith in the ability of balaam's ass to speak he was somewhat skeptical on the subject of a bear's singing and yet he had been assured of the latter on the testimony of his own exquisite organs,13.585 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0003.wav,there was something in his air and manner that betrayed to the scout the utter confusion of the state of his mind,6.285 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0004.wav,the ingenious hawkeye who recalled the hasty manner in which the other had abandoned his post at the bedside of the sick woman was not without his suspicions concerning the subject of so much solemn deliberation,12.26 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0005.wav,the bear shook his shaggy sides and then a well known voice replied,4.4 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0006.wav,can these things be returned david breathing more freely as the truth began to dawn upon him,5.655 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0007.wav,come come returned hawkeye uncasing his honest countenance the better to assure the wavering confidence of his companion you may see a skin which if it be not as white as one of the gentle ones has no tinge of red to it that the winds of the heaven and the sun have not bestowed now let us to business,18.525 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0008.wav,the young man is in bondage and much i fear his death is decreed,4.185 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0009.wav,i greatly mourn that one so well disposed should die in his ignorance and i have sought a goodly hymn can you lead me to him,7.705 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0010.wav,the task will not be difficult returned david hesitating though i greatly fear your presence would rather increase than mitigate his unhappy fortunes,10.0 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0011.wav,the lodge in which uncas was confined was in the very center of the village and in a situation perhaps more difficult than any other to approach or leave without observation,9.76 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0012.wav,four or five of the latter only lingered about the door of the prison of uncas wary but close observers of the manner of their captive,7.59 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0013.wav,delivered in a strong tone of assent announced the gratification the savage would receive in witnessing such an exhibition of weakness in an enemy so long hated and so much feared,10.755 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0014.wav,they drew back a little from the entrance and motioned to the supposed conjurer to enter,4.9 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0015.wav,but the bear instead of obeying maintained the seat it had taken and growled,5.125 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0016.wav,the cunning man is afraid that his breath will blow upon his brothers and take away their courage too continued david improving the hint he received they must stand further off,10.085 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0017.wav,then as if satisfied of their safety the scout left his position and slowly entered the place,5.655 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0018.wav,it was silent and gloomy being tenanted solely by the captive and lighted by the dying embers of a fire which had been used for the purposed of cookery,9.695 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0019.wav,uncas occupied a distant corner in a reclining attitude being rigidly bound both hands and feet by strong and painful withes,8.23 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0020.wav,the scout who had left david at the door to ascertain they were not observed thought it prudent to preserve his disguise until assured of their privacy,8.895 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0021.wav,what shall we do with the mingoes at the door they count six and this singer is as good as nothing,5.335 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0022.wav,the delawares are children of the tortoise and they outstrip the deer,3.855 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0023.wav,uncas who had already approached the door in readiness to lead the way now recoiled and placed himself once more in the bottom of the lodge,7.815 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0024.wav,but hawkeye who was too much occupied with his own thoughts to note the movement continued speaking more to himself than to his companion,7.555 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0025.wav,so uncas you had better take the lead while i will put on the skin again and trust to cunning for want of speed,6.36 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0026.wav,well what can't be done by main courage in war must be done by circumvention,5.225 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0027.wav,as soon as these dispositions were made the scout turned to david and gave him his parting instructions,5.689938 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0028.wav,my pursuits are peaceful and my temper i humbly trust is greatly given to mercy and love returned david a little nettled at so direct an attack on his manhood but there are none who can say that i have ever forgotten my faith in the lord even in the greatest straits,15.995 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0029.wav,if you are not then knocked on the head your being a non composser will protect you and you'll then have a good reason to expect to die in your bed,7.875 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0030.wav,so choose for yourself to make a rush or tarry here,3.98 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0031.wav,bravely and generously has he battled in my behalf and this and more will i dare in his service,6.285 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0032.wav,keep silent as long as may be and it would be wise when you do speak to break out suddenly in one of your shoutings which will serve to remind the indians that you are not altogether as responsible as men should be,11.28 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0033.wav,if however they take your scalp as i trust and believe they will not depend on it uncas and i will not forget the deed but revenge it as becomes true warriors and trusty friends,11.045 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0034.wav,hold said david perceiving that with this assurance they were about to leave him i am an unworthy and humble follower of one who taught not the damnable principle of revenge,9.485 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0035.wav,then heaving a heavy sigh probably among the last he ever drew in pining for a condition he had so long abandoned he added it is what i would wish to practise myself as one without a cross of blood though it is not always easy to deal with an indian as you would with a fellow christian,18.22 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0036.wav,god bless you friend i do believe your scent is not greatly wrong when the matter is duly considered and keeping eternity before the eyes though much depends on the natural gifts and the force of temptation,12.37 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0037.wav,the delaware dog he said leaning forward and peering through the dim light to catch the expression of the other's features is he afraid,7.18 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0038.wav,will the hurons hear his groans,2.24 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0039.wav,the mohican started on his feet and shook his shaggy covering as though the animal he counterfeited was about to make some desperate effort,7.055 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0040.wav,he had no occasion to delay for at the next instant a burst of cries filled the outer air and ran along the whole extent of the village,7.975 -data/test.clean/1320-122617-0041.wav,uncas cast his skin and stepped forth in his own beautiful proportions,4.15 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0000.wav,every one could observe his agitation and prostration a prostration which was indeed the more remarkable since people were not accustomed to see him with his arms hanging listlessly by his side his head bewildered and his eyes with all their bright intelligence bedimmed,17.97 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0001.wav,upon this madame deigned to turn her eyes languishingly towards the comte observing,6.64 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0002.wav,do you think so she replied with indifference,3.235 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0003.wav,yes the character which your royal highness assumed is in perfect harmony with your own,5.98 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0004.wav,explain yourself,1.905 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0005.wav,i allude to the goddess,2.145 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0006.wav,the princess inquired no,3.31 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0007.wav,she then rose humming the air to which she was presently going to dance,5.46 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0008.wav,the arrow pierced his heart and wounded him mortally,4.155 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0009.wav,a quarter of an hour afterwards he returned to the theater but it will be readily believed that it was only a powerful effort of reason over his great excitement that enabled him to go back or perhaps for love is thus strangely constituted he found it impossible even to remain much longer separated from the presence of one who had broken his heart,22.84 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0010.wav,when she perceived the young man she rose like a woman surprised in the midst of ideas she was desirous of concealing from herself,8.865 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0011.wav,remain i implore you the evening is most lovely,3.62 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0012.wav,indeed ah,1.685 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0013.wav,i remember now and i congratulate myself do you love any one,5.045 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0014.wav,forgive me i hardly know what i am saying a thousand times forgive me madame was right quite right this brutal exile has completely turned my brain,10.115 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0015.wav,there cannot be a doubt he received you kindly for in fact you returned without his permission,6.26 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0016.wav,oh mademoiselle why have i not a devoted sister or a true friend such as yourself,7.48 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0017.wav,what already here they said to her,2.665 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0018.wav,i have been here this quarter of an hour replied la valliere,4.04 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0019.wav,did not the dancing amuse you no,3.875 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0020.wav,no more than the dancing,2.175 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0021.wav,la valliere is quite a poetess said tonnay charente,3.995 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0022.wav,i am a woman and there are few like me whoever loves me flatters me whoever flatters me pleases me and whoever pleases well said montalais you do not finish,12.35 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0023.wav,it is too difficult replied mademoiselle de tonnay charente laughing loudly,5.11 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0024.wav,look yonder do you not see the moon slowly rising silvering the topmost branches of the chestnuts and the oaks,7.33 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0025.wav,exquisite soft turf of the woods the happiness which your friendship confers upon me,5.57 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0026.wav,well said mademoiselle de tonnay charente i also think a good deal but i take care,6.555 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0027.wav,to say nothing said montalais so that when mademoiselle de tonnay charente thinks athenais is the only one who knows it,8.09 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0028.wav,quick quick then among the high reed grass said montalais stoop athenais you are so tall,7.46 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0029.wav,the young girls had indeed made themselves small indeed invisible,5.285 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0030.wav,she was here just now said the count,2.76 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0031.wav,you are positive then,1.92 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0032.wav,yes but perhaps i frightened her in what way,4.745 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0033.wav,how is it la valliere said mademoiselle de tonnay charente that the vicomte de bragelonne spoke of you as louise,8.865 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0034.wav,it seems the king will not consent to it,2.965 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0035.wav,good gracious has the king any right to interfere in matters of that kind,4.415 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0036.wav,i give my consent,2.44 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0037.wav,oh i am speaking seriously replied montalais and my opinion in this case is quite as good as the king's i suppose is it not louise,8.824938 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0038.wav,let us run then said all three and gracefully lifting up the long skirts of their silk dresses they lightly ran across the open space between the lake and the thickest covert of the park,11.26 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0039.wav,in fact the sound of madame's and the queen's carriages could be heard in the distance upon the hard dry ground of the roads followed by the mounted cavaliers,10.07 -data/test.clean/7127-75947-0040.wav,in this way the fete of the whole court was a fete also for the mysterious inhabitants of the forest for certainly the deer in the brake the pheasant on the branch the fox in its hole were all listening,13.79 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0000.wav,at the conclusion of the banquet which was served at five o'clock the king entered his cabinet where his tailors were awaiting him for the purpose of trying on the celebrated costume representing spring which was the result of so much imagination and had cost so many efforts of thought to the designers and ornament workers of the court,19.475 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0001.wav,ah very well,2.17 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0002.wav,let him come in then said the king and as if colbert had been listening at the door for the purpose of keeping himself au courant with the conversation he entered as soon as the king had pronounced his name to the two courtiers,13.19 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0003.wav,gentlemen to your posts whereupon saint aignan and villeroy took their leave,4.81 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0004.wav,certainly sire but i must have money to do that what,4.49 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0005.wav,what do you mean inquired louis,2.67 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0006.wav,he has given them with too much grace not to have others still to give if they are required which is the case at the present moment,7.98 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0007.wav,it is necessary therefore that he should comply the king frowned,4.755 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0008.wav,does your majesty then no longer believe the disloyal attempt,4.46 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0009.wav,not at all you are on the contrary most agreeable to me,4.72 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0010.wav,your majesty's plan then in this affair is,3.6 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0011.wav,you will take them from my private treasure,3.17 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0012.wav,the news circulated with the rapidity of lightning during its progress it kindled every variety of coquetry desire and wild ambition,9.87 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0013.wav,the king had completed his toilette by nine o'clock he appeared in an open carriage decorated with branches of trees and flowers,8.58 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0014.wav,the queens had taken their seats upon a magnificent dias or platform erected upon the borders of the lake in a theater of wonderful elegance of construction,10.175 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0015.wav,suddenly for the purpose of restoring peace and order spring accompanied by his whole court made his appearance,7.515 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0016.wav,the seasons allies of spring followed him closely to form a quadrille which after many words of more or less flattering import was the commencement of the dance,11.21 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0017.wav,his legs the best shaped at court were displayed to great advantage in flesh colored silken hose of silk so fine and so transparent that it seemed almost like flesh itself,12.33 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0018.wav,there was something in his carriage which resembled the buoyant movements of an immortal and he did not dance so much as seem to soar along,9.14 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0019.wav,yes it is suppressed,2.635 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0020.wav,far from it sire your majesty having given no directions about it the musicians have retained it,6.52 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0021.wav,yes sire and ready dressed for the ballet,3.355 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0022.wav,sire he said your majesty's most devoted servant approaches to perform a service on this occasion with similar zeal that he has already shown on the field of battle,10.94 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0023.wav,the king seemed only pleased with every one present,3.745 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0024.wav,monsieur was the only one who did not understand anything about the matter,5.09 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0025.wav,the ballet began the effect was more than beautiful,3.96 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0026.wav,when the music by its bursts of melody carried away these illustrious dancers when the simple untutored pantomime of that period only the more natural on account of the very indifferent acting of the august actors had reached its culminating point of triumph the theater shook with tumultuous applause,20.15 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0027.wav,disdainful of a success of which madame showed no acknowledgement he thought of nothing but boldly regaining the marked preference of the princess,9.675 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0028.wav,by degrees all his happiness all his brilliancy subsided into regret and uneasiness so that his limbs lost their power his arms hung heavily by his sides and his head drooped as though he was stupefied,16.075 -data/test.clean/7127-75946-0029.wav,the king who had from this moment become in reality the principal dancer in the quadrille cast a look upon his vanquished rival,9.285 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0000.wav,to fade away like morning beauty from her mortal day down by the river of adona her soft voice is heard and thus her gentle lamentation falls like morning dew,12.62 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0001.wav,o life of this our spring,2.885 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0002.wav,why fades the lotus of the water,2.755 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0003.wav,why fade these children of the spring,3.08 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0004.wav,thel is like a watry bow and like a parting cloud like a reflection in a glass like shadows in the water like dreams of infants like a smile upon an infants face,13.99 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0005.wav,like the doves voice like transient day like music in the air ah,7.035 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0006.wav,and gentle sleep the sleep of death and gently hear the voice of him that walketh in the garden in the evening time,8.11 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0007.wav,the lilly of the valley breathing in the humble grass answerd the lovely maid and said i am a watry weed and i am very small and love to dwell in lowly vales so weak the gilded butterfly scarce perches on my head yet i am visited from heaven and he that smiles on all walks in the valley and each morn over me spreads his hand saying rejoice thou humble grass thou new born lily flower,32.77 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0008.wav,thou gentle maid of silent valleys and of modest brooks for thou shall be clothed in light and fed with morning manna till summers heat melts thee beside the fountains and the springs to flourish in eternal vales they why should thel complain,19.95 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0009.wav,why should the mistress of the vales of har utter a sigh,4.06 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0010.wav,she ceasd and smild in tears then sat down in her silver shrine,6.28 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0011.wav,which thou dost scatter on every little blade of grass that springs revives the milked cow and tames the fire breathing steed,10.395 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0012.wav,but thel is like a faint cloud kindled at the rising sun i vanish from my pearly throne and who shall find my place,10.09 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0013.wav,and why it scatters its bright beauty thro the humid air,4.315 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0014.wav,descend o little cloud and hover before the eyes of thel,4.52 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0015.wav,o little cloud the virgin said i charge thee to tell me why thou complainest now when in one hour thou fade away then we shall seek thee but not find ah thel is like to thee,14.465 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0016.wav,i pass away yet i complain and no one hears my voice,5.105 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0017.wav,the cloud then shewd his golden head and his bright form emerg'd,4.95 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0018.wav,and fearest thou because i vanish and am seen no more,4.255 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0019.wav,it is to tenfold life to love to peace and raptures holy unseen descending weigh my light wings upon balmy flowers and court the fair eyed dew to take me to her shining tent the weeping virgin trembling kneels before the risen sun,21.44 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0020.wav,till we arise link'd in a golden band and never part but walk united bearing food to all our tender flowers,9.8 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0021.wav,lives not alone nor or itself fear not and i will call the weak worm from its lowly bed and thou shalt hear its voice,10.24 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0022.wav,come forth worm and the silent valley to thy pensive queen,4.61 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0023.wav,the helpless worm arose and sat upon the lillys leaf and the bright cloud saild on to find his partner in the vale,9.625 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0024.wav,image of weakness art thou but a worm,3.44 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0025.wav,i see they lay helpless and naked weeping and none to answer none to cherish thee with mothers smiles,9.265 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0026.wav,and says thou mother of my children i have loved thee and i have given thee a crown that none can take away,8.1 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0027.wav,and lay me down in thy cold bed and leave my shining lot,5.225 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0028.wav,or an eye of gifts and graces showring fruits and coined gold,4.955 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0029.wav,why a tongue impress'd with honey from every wind,3.63 -data/test.clean/908-157963-0030.wav,why an ear a whirlpool fierce to draw creations in,4.52 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0000.wav,all is said without a word,2.125 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0001.wav,i sit beneath thy looks as children do in the noon sun with souls that tremble through their happy eyelids from an unaverred yet prodigal inward joy,11.315 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0002.wav,i did not wrong myself so but i placed a wrong on thee,4.79 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0003.wav,when called before i told how hastily i dropped my flowers or brake off from a game,6.565 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0004.wav,shall i never miss home talk and blessing and the common kiss that comes to each in turn nor count it strange when i look up to drop on a new range of walls and floors another home than this,14.755 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0005.wav,alas i have grieved so i am hard to love,4.49 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0006.wav,open thy heart wide and fold within the wet wings of thy dove,5.89 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0007.wav,could it mean to last a love set pendulous between sorrow and sorrow,5.8 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0008.wav,nay i rather thrilled distrusting every light that seemed to gild the onward path and feared to overlean a finger even,10.005 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0009.wav,and though i have grown serene and strong since then i think that god has willed a still renewable fear,7.705 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0010.wav,o love o troth,2.51 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0011.wav,and love be false,2.335 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0012.wav,if he to keep one oath must lose one joy by his life's star foretold,7.615 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0013.wav,slow to world greetings quick with its o list when the angels speak,6.18 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0014.wav,a ring of amethyst i could not wear here plainer to my sight than that first kiss,7.56 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0015.wav,that was the chrism of love which love's own crown with sanctifying sweetness did precede the third upon my lips was folded down in perfect purple state since when indeed i have been proud and said my love my own,21.465 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0016.wav,dearest teach me so to pour out gratitude as thou dost good,6.48 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0017.wav,mussulmans and giaours throw kerchiefs at a smile and have no ruth for any weeping,7.795 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0018.wav,but thou art not such a lover my beloved,3.915 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0019.wav,thou canst wait through sorrow and sickness to bring souls to touch and think it soon when others cry too late,9.54 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0020.wav,i thank all who have loved me in their hearts with thanks and love from mine,5.895 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0021.wav,oh to shoot my soul's full meaning into future years that they should lend it utterance and salute love that endures from life that disappears,10.905 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0022.wav,then i long tried by natural ills received the comfort fast while budding at thy sight my pilgrim's staff gave out green leaves with morning dews impearled,14.1 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0023.wav,i love thee freely as men strive for right i love thee purely as they turn from praise,8.515 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0024.wav,i love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs and with my childhood's faith,7.54 -data/test.clean/908-31957-0025.wav,i love thee with a love i seemed to lose with my lost saints i love thee with the breath smiles tears of all my life and if god choose i shall but love thee better after death,20.56 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0000.wav,concord returned to its place amidst the tents,3.505 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0001.wav,the english forwarded to the french baskets of flowers of which they had made a plentiful provision to greet the arrival of the young princess the french in return invited the english to a supper which was to be given the next day,14.225 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0002.wav,congratulations were poured in upon the princess everywhere during her journey,5.025 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0003.wav,from the respect paid her on all sides she seemed like a queen and from the adoration with which she was treated by two or three she appeared an object of worship the queen mother gave the french the most affectionate reception france was her native country and she had suffered too much unhappiness in england for england to have made her forget france,23.315 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0004.wav,she taught her daughter then by her own affection for it that love for a country where they had both been hospitably received and where a brilliant future opened before them,11.065 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0005.wav,the count had thrown himself back on his seat leaning his shoulders against the partition of the tent and remained thus his face buried in his hands with heaving chest and restless limbs,13.16 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0006.wav,this has indeed been a harassing day continued the young man his eyes fixed upon his friend,5.85 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0007.wav,you will be frank with me i always am,3.315 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0008.wav,can you imagine why buckingham has been so violent i suspect,4.785 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0009.wav,it is you who are mistaken raoul i have read his distress in his eyes in his every gesture and action the whole day,7.28 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0010.wav,i can perceive love clearly enough,3.035 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0011.wav,i am convinced of what i say said the count,3.195 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0012.wav,it is annoyance then,1.94 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0013.wav,in those very terms i even added more,2.94 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0014.wav,but continued raoul not interrupted by this movement of his friend heaven be praised the french who are pronounced to be thoughtless and indiscreet reckless even are capable of bringing a calm and sound judgment to bear on matters of such high importance,16.84 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0015.wav,thus it is that the honor of three is saved our country's our master's and our own,6.38 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0016.wav,yes i need repose many things have agitated me to day both in mind and body when you return to morrow i shall no longer be the same man,10.015 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0017.wav,but in this friendly pressure raoul could detect the nervous agitation of a great internal conflict,6.16 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0018.wav,the night was clear starlit and splendid the tempest had passed away and the sweet influences of the evening had restored life peace and security everywhere,10.81 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0019.wav,upon the large square in front of the hotel the shadows of the tents intersected by the golden moonbeams formed as it were a huge mosaic of jet and yellow flagstones,11.645062 -data/test.clean/6930-75918-0020.wav,bragelonne watched for some time the conduct of the two lovers listened to the loud and uncivil slumbers of manicamp who snored as imperiously as though he was wearing his blue and gold instead of his violet suit,14.4 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0000.wav,goliath makes another discovery,3.025 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0001.wav,they were certainly no nearer the solution of their problem,3.2 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0002.wav,the poor little things cried cynthia think of them having been turned to the wall all these years,5.56 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0003.wav,now what was the sense of it two innocent babies like that,3.385 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0004.wav,but joyce had not been listening all at once she put down her candle on the table and faced her companion,6.15 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0005.wav,the twin brother did something she didn't like and she turned his picture to the wall,5.035 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0006.wav,hers happened to be in the same frame too but she evidently didn't care about that,4.455 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0007.wav,now what have you to say cynthia sprague,2.82 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0008.wav,i thought we were stumped again when i first saw that picture but it's been of some use after all,5.185 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0009.wav,do you suppose the miniature was a copy of the same thing,3.405 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0010.wav,what in the world is that queried joyce,2.69 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0011.wav,they worry me terribly and besides i'd like to see what this lovely furniture looks like without such quantities of dust all over it good scheme cyn,9.24 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0012.wav,we'll come in here this afternoon with old clothes on and have a regular house cleaning,4.655 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0013.wav,it can't hurt anything i'm sure for we won't disturb things at all,4.305 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0014.wav,this thought however did not enter the heads of the enthusiastic pair,4.72 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0015.wav,smuggling the house cleaning paraphernalia into the cellar window unobserved that afternoon proved no easy task for cynthia had added a whisk broom and dust pan to the outfit,12.405 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0016.wav,the lure proved too much for him and he came sporting after it as friskily as a young kitten much to cynthia's delight when she caught sight of him,9.205 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0017.wav,oh let him come along she urged i do love to see him about that old house,5.41 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0018.wav,he makes it sort of cozier,2.14 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0019.wav,now let's dust the furniture and pictures,2.575 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0020.wav,yet little as it was it had already made a vast difference in the aspect of the room,6.315 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0021.wav,surface dust at least had been removed and the fine old furniture gave a hint of its real elegance and polish,7.355 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0022.wav,then she suddenly remarked,1.895 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0023.wav,and my pocket money is getting low again and you haven't any left as usual,4.85 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0024.wav,they say illumination by candle light is the prettiest in the world,4.05 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0025.wav,why it's goliath as usual they both cried peering in,4.12 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0026.wav,isn't he the greatest for getting into odd corners,3.085 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0027.wav,forgetting all their weariness they seized their candles and scurried through the house finding an occasional paper tucked away in some odd corner,8.27 -data/test.clean/6930-76324-0028.wav,well i'm convinced that the boarded up house mystery happened not earlier than april sixteenth eighteen sixty one and probably not much later,9.875 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0000.wav,no words were spoken no language was uttered save that of wailing and hissing and that somehow was indistinct as if it existed in fancy and not in reality,12.895 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0001.wav,i heard a noise behind i turned and saw kaffar his black eyes shining while in his hand he held a gleaming knife he lifted it above his head as if to strike but i had the strength of ten men and i hurled him from me,17.485 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0002.wav,onward said a distant voice,3.305 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0003.wav,no sound broke the stillness of the night,3.295 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0004.wav,the story of its evil influence came back to me and in my bewildered condition i wondered whether there was not some truth in what had been said,9.56 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0005.wav,what was that,1.815 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0006.wav,what then a human hand large and shapely appeared distinctly on the surface of the pond,6.8 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0007.wav,nothing more not even the wrist to which it might be attached,4.365 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0008.wav,it did not beckon or indeed move at all it was as still as the hand of death,6.055 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0009.wav,i awoke to consciousness fighting at first it seemed as if i was fighting with a phantom but gradually my opponent became more real to me it was kaffar,12.015 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0010.wav,a sound of voices a flash of light,3.835 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0011.wav,a feeling of freedom and i was awake where,4.7 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0012.wav,said another voice which i recognized as voltaire's kaffar,4.43 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0013.wav,i had scarcely known what i had been saying or doing up to this time but as he spoke i looked at my hand,7.325 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0014.wav,in the light of the moon i saw a knife red with blood and my hand too was also discoloured,7.41 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0015.wav,i do not know i am dazed bewildered,3.73 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0016.wav,but that is kaffar's knife,2.16 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0017.wav,i know he had it this very evening,2.34 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0018.wav,i remember saying have we been together,2.93 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0019.wav,voltaire picked up something from the ground and looked at it,3.38 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0020.wav,i say you do know what this means and you must tell us,5.0 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0021.wav,a terrible thought flashed into my mind,3.225 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0022.wav,i had again been acting under the influence of this man's power,4.34 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0023.wav,perchance too kaffar's death might serve him in good stead,4.885 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0024.wav,my tongue refused to articulate my power of speech left me,5.05 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0025.wav,my position was too terrible,2.53 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0026.wav,my overwrought nerves yielded at last,3.075 -data/test.clean/6930-81414-0027.wav,for some time after that i remembered nothing distinctly,3.85 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0000.wav,under the simple test of effectiveness for advertising we should expect to find leisure and the conspicuous consumption of goods dividing the field of pecuniary emulation pretty evenly between them at the outset,11.415 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0001.wav,but the actual course of development has been somewhat different from this ideal scheme leisure held the first place at the start and came to hold a rank very much above wasteful consumption of goods both as a direct exponent of wealth and as an element in the standard of decency during the quasi peaceable culture,16.735 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0002.wav,other circumstances permitting that instinct disposes men to look with favor upon productive efficiency and on whatever is of human use,7.51 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0003.wav,a reconciliation between the two conflicting requirements is effected by a resort to make believe many and intricate polite observances and social duties of a ceremonial nature are developed many organizations are founded with some specious object of amelioration embodied in their official style and title there is much coming and going and a deal of talk to the end that the talkers may not have occasion to reflect on what is the effectual economic value of their traffic,25.115 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0004.wav,the salient features of this development of domestic service have already been indicated,4.7 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0005.wav,throughout the entire evolution of conspicuous expenditure whether of goods or of services or human life runs the obvious implication that in order to effectually mend the consumer's good fame it must be an expenditure of superfluities,13.025 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0006.wav,as used in the speech of everyday life the word carries an undertone of deprecation,4.16 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0007.wav,the use of the word waste as a technical term therefore implies no deprecation of the motives or of the ends sought by the consumer under this canon of conspicuous waste,9.5 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0008.wav,but it is on other grounds worth noting that the term waste in the language of everyday life implies deprecation of what is characterized as wasteful,7.26 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0009.wav,in strict accuracy nothing should be included under the head of conspicuous waste but such expenditure as is incurred on the ground of an invidious pecuniary comparison,8.86 -data/test.clean/3570-5696-0010.wav,an article may be useful and wasteful both and its utility to the consumer may be made up of use and waste in the most varying proportions,7.57 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0000.wav,but already at a point in economic evolution far antedating the emergence of the lady specialised consumption of goods as an evidence of pecuniary strength had begun to work out in a more or less elaborate system,12.085 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0001.wav,the utility of consumption as an evidence of wealth is to be classed as a derivative growth,5.675 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0002.wav,such consumption as falls to the women is merely incidental to their work it is a means to their continued labour and not a consumption directed to their own comfort and fulness of life,10.615 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0003.wav,with a further advance in culture this tabu may change into simple custom of a more or less rigorous character but whatever be the theoretical basis of the distinction which is maintained whether it be a tabu or a larger conventionality the features of the conventional scheme of consumption do not change easily,19.025 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0004.wav,in the nature of things luxuries and the comforts of life belong to the leisure class,5.33 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0005.wav,under the tabu certain victuals and more particularly certain beverages are strictly reserved for the use of the superior class,8.405 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0006.wav,drunkenness and the other pathological consequences of the free use of stimulants therefore tend in their turn to become honorific as being a mark at the second remove of the superior status of those who are able to afford the indulgence,14.505 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0007.wav,it has even happened that the name for certain diseased conditions of the body arising from such an origin has passed into everyday speech as a synonym for noble or gentle,10.545 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0008.wav,the consumption of luxuries in the true sense is a consumption directed to the comfort of the consumer himself and is therefore a mark of the master,9.495 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0009.wav,with many qualifications with more qualifications as the patriarchal tradition has gradually weakened the general rule is felt to be right and binding that women should consume only for the benefit of their masters,12.605 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0010.wav,the objection of course presents itself that expenditure on women's dress and household paraphernalia is an obvious exception to this rule but it will appear in the sequel that this exception is much more obvious than substantial,13.005 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0011.wav,the custom of festive gatherings probably originated in motives of conviviality and religion these motives are also present in the later development but they do not continue to be the sole motives,11.03 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0012.wav,there is a more or less elaborate system of rank and grades,3.205 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0013.wav,this differentiation is furthered by the inheritance of wealth and the consequent inheritance of gentility,5.61 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0014.wav,many of these affiliated gentlemen of leisure are at the same time lesser men of substance in their own right so that some of them are scarcely at all others only partially to be rated as vicarious consumers,11.255 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0015.wav,so many of them however as make up the retainer and hangers on of the patron may be classed as vicarious consumer without qualification,8.435 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0016.wav,many of these again and also many of the other aristocracy of less degree have in turn attached to their persons a more or less comprehensive group of vicarious consumer in the persons of their wives and children their servants retainers et cetera,14.15 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0017.wav,the wearing of uniforms or liveries implies a considerable degree of dependence and may even be said to be a mark of servitude real or ostensible,8.335 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0018.wav,the wearers of uniforms and liveries may be roughly divided into two classes the free and the servile or the noble and the ignoble,7.815 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0019.wav,but the general distinction is not on that account to be overlooked,3.755 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0020.wav,so those offices which are by right the proper employment of the leisure class are noble such as government fighting hunting the care of arms and accoutrements and the like in short those which may be classed as ostensibly predatory employments,14.035 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0021.wav,whenever as in these cases the menial service in question has to do directly with the primary leisure employments of fighting and hunting it easily acquires a reflected honorific character,10.555 -data/test.clean/3570-5694-0022.wav,the livery becomes obnoxious to nearly all who are required to wear it,4.295 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0000.wav,in a general way though not wholly nor consistently these two groups coincide,4.83 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0001.wav,the dependent who was first delegated for these duties was the wife or the chief wife and as would be expected in the later development of the institution when the number of persons by whom these duties are customarily performed gradually narrows the wife remains the last,14.715 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0002.wav,but as we descend the social scale the point is presently reached where the duties of vicarious leisure and consumption devolve upon the wife alone,7.805 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0003.wav,in the communities of the western culture this point is at present found among the lower middle class,5.355 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0004.wav,if beauty or comfort is achieved and it is a more or less fortuitous circumstance if they are they must be achieved by means and methods that commend themselves to the great economic law of wasted effort,10.6 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0005.wav,the man of the household also can do something in this direction and indeed he commonly does but with a still lower descent into the levels of indigence along the margin of the slums the man and presently also the children virtually cease to consume valuable goods for appearances and the woman remains virtually the sole exponent of the household's pecuniary decency,20.03 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0006.wav,very much of squalor and discomfort will be endured before the last trinket or the last pretense of pecuniary decency is put away,7.47 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0007.wav,there is no class and no country that has yielded so abjectly before the pressure of physical want as to deny themselves all gratification of this higher or spiritual need,9.755 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0008.wav,the question is which of the two methods will most effectively reach the persons whose convictions it is desired to affect,6.845 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0009.wav,each will therefore serve about equally well during the earlier stages of social growth,5.025 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0010.wav,the modern organization of industry works in the same direction also by another line,4.665 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0011.wav,it is evident therefore that the present trend of the development is in the direction of heightening the utility of conspicuous consumption as compared with leisure,8.26 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0012.wav,it is also noticeable that the serviceability of consumption as a means of repute as well as the insistence on it as an element of decency is at its best in those portions of the community where the human contact of the individual is widest and the mobility of the population is greatest,14.76 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0013.wav,consumption becomes a larger element in the standard of living in the city than in the country,4.64 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0014.wav,among the country population its place is to some extent taken by savings and home comforts known through the medium of neighborhood gossip sufficiently to serve the like general purpose of pecuniary repute,10.54 -data/test.clean/3570-5695-0015.wav,the result is a great mobility of the labor employed in printing perhaps greater than in any other equally well defined and considerable body of workmen,7.95 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0000.wav,how strange it seemed to the sad woman as she watched the growth and the beauty that became every day more brilliant and the intelligence that threw its quivering sunshine over the tiny features of this child,12.435 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0001.wav,god as a direct consequence of the sin which man thus punished had given her a lovely child whose place was on that same dishonoured bosom to connect her parent for ever with the race and descent of mortals and to be finally a blessed soul in heaven,16.715 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0002.wav,yet these thoughts affected hester prynne less with hope than apprehension,4.825 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0003.wav,the child had a native grace which does not invariably co exist with faultless beauty its attire however simple always impressed the beholder as if it were the very garb that precisely became it best,13.72 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0004.wav,this outward mutability indicated and did not more than fairly express the various properties of her inner life,7.44 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0005.wav,hester could only account for the child's character and even then most vaguely and imperfectly by recalling what she herself had been during that momentous period while pearl was imbibing her soul from the spiritual world and her bodily frame from its material of earth,16.645 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0006.wav,they were now illuminated by the morning radiance of a young child's disposition but later in the day of earthly existence might be prolific of the storm and whirlwind,11.415 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0007.wav,hester prynne nevertheless the loving mother of this one child ran little risk of erring on the side of undue severity,8.795 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0008.wav,mindful however of her own errors and misfortunes she early sought to impose a tender but strict control over the infant immortality that was committed to her charge,10.78 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0009.wav,as to any other kind of discipline whether addressed to her mind or heart little pearl might or might not be within its reach in accordance with the caprice that ruled the moment,10.19 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0010.wav,it was a look so intelligent yet inexplicable perverse sometimes so malicious but generally accompanied by a wild flow of spirits that hester could not help questioning at such moments whether pearl was a human child,15.05 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0011.wav,beholding it hester was constrained to rush towards the child to pursue the little elf in the flight which she invariably began to snatch her to her bosom with a close pressure and earnest kisses not so much from overflowing love as to assure herself that pearl was flesh and blood and not utterly delusive,21.345 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0012.wav,brooding over all these matters the mother felt like one who has evoked a spirit but by some irregularity in the process of conjuration has failed to win the master word that should control this new and incomprehensible intelligence,16.22 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0013.wav,pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world,3.645 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0014.wav,pearl saw and gazed intently but never sought to make acquaintance,4.75 -data/test.clean/1221-135766-0015.wav,if spoken to she would not speak again,2.63 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0000.wav,hester prynne went one day to the mansion of governor bellingham with a pair of gloves which she had fringed and embroidered to his order and which were to be worn on some great occasion of state for though the chances of a popular election had caused this former ruler to descend a step or two from the highest rank he still held an honourable and influential place among the colonial magistracy,24.85 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0001.wav,another and far more important reason than the delivery of a pair of embroidered gloves impelled hester at this time to seek an interview with a personage of so much power and activity in the affairs of the settlement,13.43 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0002.wav,at that epoch of pristine simplicity however matters of even slighter public interest and of far less intrinsic weight than the welfare of hester and her child were strangely mixed up with the deliberations of legislators and acts of state,16.12 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0003.wav,the period was hardly if at all earlier than that of our story when a dispute concerning the right of property in a pig not only caused a fierce and bitter contest in the legislative body of the colony but resulted in an important modification of the framework itself of the legislature,18.63 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0004.wav,we have spoken of pearl's rich and luxuriant beauty a beauty that shone with deep and vivid tints a bright complexion eyes possessing intensity both of depth and glow and hair already of a deep glossy brown and which in after years would be nearly akin to black,19.09 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0005.wav,it was the scarlet letter in another form the scarlet letter endowed with life,5.865 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0006.wav,the mother herself as if the red ignominy were so deeply scorched into her brain that all her conceptions assumed its form had carefully wrought out the similitude lavishing many hours of morbid ingenuity to create an analogy between the object of her affection and the emblem of her guilt and torture,20.56 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0007.wav,but in truth pearl was the one as well as the other and only in consequence of that identity had hester contrived so perfectly to represent the scarlet letter in her appearance,12.77 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0008.wav,come therefore and let us fling mud at them,3.095 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0009.wav,but pearl who was a dauntless child after frowning stamping her foot and shaking her little hand with a variety of threatening gestures suddenly made a rush at the knot of her enemies and put them all to flight,13.34 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0010.wav,she screamed and shouted too with a terrific volume of sound which doubtless caused the hearts of the fugitives to quake within them,8.2 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0011.wav,it was further decorated with strange and seemingly cabalistic figures and diagrams suitable to the quaint taste of the age which had been drawn in the stucco when newly laid on and had now grown hard and durable for the admiration of after times,16.51 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0012.wav,they approached the door which was of an arched form and flanked on each side by a narrow tower or projection of the edifice in both of which were lattice windows the wooden shutters to close over them at need,13.885 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0013.wav,lifting the iron hammer that hung at the portal hester prynne gave a summons which was answered by one of the governor's bond servant a free born englishman but now a seven years slave,11.985 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0014.wav,yea his honourable worship is within but he hath a godly minister or two with him and likewise a leech,7.07 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0015.wav,ye may not see his worship now,2.85 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0016.wav,with many variations suggested by the nature of his building materials diversity of climate and a different mode of social life governor bellingham had planned his new habitation after the residences of gentlemen of fair estate in his native land,15.255 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0017.wav,on the table in token that the sentiment of old english hospitality had not been left behind stood a large pewter tankard at the bottom of which had hester or pearl peeped into it they might have seen the frothy remnant of a recent draught of ale,16.72 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0018.wav,little pearl who was as greatly pleased with the gleaming armour as she had been with the glittering frontispiece of the house spent some time looking into the polished mirror of the breastplate,11.16 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0019.wav,mother cried she i see you here look look,3.78 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0020.wav,in truth she seemed absolutely hidden behind it,3.345 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0021.wav,pearl accordingly ran to the bow window at the further end of the hall and looked along the vista of a garden walk carpeted with closely shaven grass and bordered with some rude and immature attempt at shrubbery,12.72 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0022.wav,but the proprietor appeared already to have relinquished as hopeless the effort to perpetuate on this side of the atlantic in a hard soil and amid the close struggle for subsistence the native english taste for ornamental gardening,14.395 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0023.wav,there were a few rose bushes however and a number of apple trees probably the descendants of those planted by the reverend mister blackstone the first settler of the peninsula that half mythological personage who rides through our early annals seated on the back of a bull,16.27 -data/test.clean/1221-135767-0024.wav,pearl seeing the rose bushes began to cry for a red rose and would not be pacified,5.85 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0000.wav,and often has my mother said while on her lap i laid my head she feared for time i was not made but for eternity,8.23 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0001.wav,why are we to be denied each other's society,2.99 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0002.wav,why are we to be divided,2.11 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0003.wav,surely it must be because we are in danger of loving each other too well of losing sight of the creator in idolatry of the creature,7.595 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0004.wav,we used to dispute about politics and religion,3.105 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0005.wav,she a tory and clergyman's daughter was always in a minority of one in our house of violent dissent and radicalism,7.34 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0006.wav,her feeble health gave her her yielding manner for she could never oppose any one without gathering up all her strength for the struggle,8.3 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0007.wav,he spoke french perfectly i have been told when need was but delighted usually in talking the broadest yorkshire,7.775 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0008.wav,and so life and death have dispersed the circle of violent radicals and dissenters into which twenty years ago the little quiet resolute clergyman's daughter was received and by whom she was truly loved and honoured,13.555 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0009.wav,january and february of eighteen thirty seven had passed away and still there was no reply from southey,6.73 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0010.wav,i am not depreciating it when i say that in these times it is not rare,4.79 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0011.wav,but it is not with a view to distinction that you should cultivate this talent if you consult your own happiness,7.015 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0012.wav,you will say that a woman has no need of such a caution there can be no peril in it for her,5.850062 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0013.wav,the more she is engaged in her proper duties the less leisure will she have for it even as an accomplishment and a recreation,9.175 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0014.wav,to those duties you have not yet been called and when you are you will be less eager for celebrity,6.68 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0015.wav,but do not suppose that i disparage the gift which you possess nor that i would discourage you from exercising it i only exhort you so to think of it and so to use it as to render it conducive to your own permanent good,14.425 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0016.wav,farewell madam,1.695 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0017.wav,though i may be but an ungracious adviser you will allow me therefore to subscribe myself with the best wishes for your happiness here and hereafter your true friend robert southey,12.73 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0018.wav,sir march sixteenth,2.92 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0019.wav,i had not ventured to hope for such a reply so considerate in its tone so noble in its spirit,6.155 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0020.wav,i know the first letter i wrote to you was all senseless trash from beginning to end but i am not altogether the idle dreaming being it would seem to denote,8.645 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0021.wav,i thought it therefore my duty when i left school to become a governess,4.18 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0022.wav,in the evenings i confess i do think but i never trouble any one else with my thoughts,5.825 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0023.wav,i carefully avoid any appearance of preoccupation and eccentricity which might lead those i live amongst to suspect the nature of my pursuits,9.095 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0024.wav,i don't always succeed for sometimes when i'm teaching or sewing i would rather be reading or writing but i try to deny myself and my father's approbation amply rewarded me for the privation,12.255 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0025.wav,again i thank you this incident i suppose will be renewed no more if i live to be an old woman i shall remember it thirty years hence as a bright dream,9.205 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0026.wav,p s pray sir excuse me for writing to you a second time i could not help writing partly to tell you how thankful i am for your kindness and partly to let you know that your advice shall not be wasted however sorrowfully and reluctantly it may be at first followed c b,16.735 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0027.wav,i cannot deny myself the gratification of inserting southey's reply,4.58 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0028.wav,keswick march twenty second eighteen thirty seven dear madam,5.53 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0029.wav,your letter has given me great pleasure and i should not forgive myself if i did not tell you so,6.055 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0030.wav,of this second letter also she spoke and told me that it contained an invitation for her to go and see the poet if ever she visited the lakes,8.945063 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0031.wav,on august twenty seventh eighteen thirty seven she writes,4.0 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0032.wav,come come i am getting really tired of your absence,3.03 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0033.wav,saturday after saturday comes round and i can have no hope of hearing your knock at the door and then being told that miss e is come oh dear,8.5 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0034.wav,in this monotonous life of mine that was a pleasant event,3.495 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0035.wav,i wish it would recur again but it will take two or three interviews before the stiffness the estrangement of this long separation will wear away,9.37 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0036.wav,my eyes fill with tears when i contrast the bliss of such a state brightened by hopes of the future with the melancholy state i now live in uncertain that i ever felt true contrition wandering in thought and deed longing for holiness which i shall never never obtain smitten at times to the heart with the conviction that ghastly calvinistic doctrines are true darkened in short by the very shadows of spiritual death,28.27 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0037.wav,if christian perfection be necessary to salvation i shall never be saved my heart is a very hotbed for sinful thoughts and when i decide on an action i scarcely remember to look to my redeemer for direction,14.2 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0038.wav,and meantime i know the greatness of jehovah i acknowledge the perfection of his word i adore the purity of the christian faith my theory is right my practice horribly wrong,11.535 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0039.wav,the christmas holidays came and she and anne returned to the parsonage and to that happy home circle in which alone their natures expanded amongst all other people they shrivelled up more or less,12.72 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0040.wav,indeed there were only one or two strangers who could be admitted among the sisters without producing the same result,6.905 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0041.wav,she was gone out into the village on some errand when as she was descending the steep street her foot slipped on the ice and she fell it was dark and no one saw her mischance till after a time her groans attracted the attention of a passer by,14.01 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0042.wav,unfortunately the fracture could not be set till six o'clock the next morning as no surgeon was to be had before that time and she now lies at our house in a very doubtful and dangerous state,12.21 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0043.wav,however remembering what you told me namely that you had commended the matter to a higher decision than ours and that you were resolved to submit with resignation to that decision whatever it might be i hold it my duty to yield also and to be silent it may be all for the best,19.0 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0044.wav,after this disappointment i never dare reckon with certainty on the enjoyment of a pleasure again it seems as if some fatality stood between you and me,9.72 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0045.wav,i am not good enough for you and you must be kept from the contamination of too intimate society,6.52 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0046.wav,a good neighbour of the brontes a clever intelligent yorkshire woman who keeps a druggist's shop in haworth and from her occupation her experience and excellent sense holds the position of village doctress and nurse and as such has been a friend in many a time of trial and sickness and death in the households round told me a characteristic little incident connected with tabby's fractured leg,25.64 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0047.wav,tabby had lived with them for ten or twelve years and was as charlotte expressed it one of the family,6.525 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0048.wav,he refused at first to listen to the careful advice it was repugnant to his liberal nature,5.555 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0049.wav,this decision was communicated to the girls,2.715 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0050.wav,tabby had tended them in their childhood they and none other should tend her in her infirmity and age,6.405 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0051.wav,at tea time they were sad and silent and the meal went away untouched by any of the three,4.915 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0052.wav,she had another weight on her mind this christmas,3.0 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0053.wav,but anne had begun to suffer just before the holidays and charlotte watched over her younger sisters with the jealous vigilance of some wild creature that changes her very nature if danger threatens her young,11.945 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0054.wav,stung by anxiety for this little sister she upbraided miss w for her fancied indifference to anne's state of health,8.005 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0055.wav,still her heart had received a shock in the perception of anne's delicacy and all these holidays she watched over her with the longing fond anxiety which is so full of sudden pangs of fear,11.85 -data/test.clean/3575-170457-0056.wav,i doubt whether branwell was maintaining himself at this time,3.370062 -data/test.clean/7021-79759-0000.wav,nature of the effect produced by early impressions,4.775 -data/test.clean/7021-79759-0001.wav,that is comparatively nothing,2.48 -data/test.clean/7021-79759-0002.wav,they are chiefly formed from combinations of the impressions made in childhood,5.25 -data/test.clean/7021-79759-0003.wav,vast importance and influence of this mental furnishing,4.62 -data/test.clean/7021-79759-0004.wav,without going to any such extreme as this we can easily see on reflection how vast an influence on the ideas and conceptions as well as on the principles of action in mature years must be exerted by the nature and character of the images which the period of infancy and childhood impresses upon the mind,24.47 -data/test.clean/7021-79759-0005.wav,the pain produced by an act of hasty and angry violence to which a father subjects his son may soon pass away but the memory of it does not pass away with the pain,13.02 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0000.wav,to such persons these indirect modes of training children in habits of subordination to their will or rather of yielding to their influence are specially useful,11.125 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0001.wav,della had a young sister named maria and a cousin whose name was jane,5.995 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0002.wav,now delia contrived to obtain a great influence and ascendency over the minds of the children by means of these dolls,9.225 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0003.wav,to give an idea of these conversations i will report one of them in full,4.985 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0004.wav,you have come andella andella was the name of jane's doll to make rosalie a visit,6.465 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0005.wav,i am very glad,2.11 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0006.wav,i expect you have been a very good girl andella since you were here last,5.965 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0007.wav,then turning to jane she asked in a somewhat altered tone has she been a good girl jane,6.99 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0008.wav,for instance one day the children had been playing upon the piazza with blocks and other playthings and finally had gone into the house leaving all the things on the floor of the piazza instead of putting them away in their places as they ought to have done,18.415 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0009.wav,they were now playing with their dolls in the parlor,3.635 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0010.wav,delia came to the parlor and with an air of great mystery beckoned the children aside and said to them in a whisper leave andella and rosalie here and don't say a word to them,12.025 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0011.wav,so saying she led the way on tiptoe followed by the children out of the room and round by a circuitous route to the piazza there,10.315 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0012.wav,said she pointing to the playthings see,3.26 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0013.wav,put these playthings all away quick and carefully and we will not let them know any thing about your leaving them out,7.365 -data/test.clean/7021-79740-0014.wav,and this method of treating the case was much more effectual in making them disposed to avoid committing a similar fault another time than any direct rebukes or expressions of displeasure addressed personally to them would have been,14.175 -data/test.clean/7021-79730-0000.wav,the three modes of management,2.44 -data/test.clean/7021-79730-0001.wav,to suppose that the object of this work is to aid in effecting such a substitution as that is entirely to mistake its nature and design,11.49 -data/test.clean/7021-79730-0002.wav,by reason and affection,2.69 -data/test.clean/7021-79730-0003.wav,as the chaise drives away mary stands bewildered and perplexed on the door step her mind in a tumult of excitement in which hatred of the doctor distrust and suspicion of her mother disappointment vexation and ill humor surge and swell among those delicate organizations on which the structure and development of the soul so closely depend doing perhaps an irreparable injury,32.88 -data/test.clean/7021-79730-0004.wav,the mother as soon as the chaise is so far turned that mary can no longer watch the expression of her countenance goes away from the door with a smile of complacency and satisfaction upon her face at the ingenuity and success of her little artifice,17.945 -data/test.clean/7021-79730-0005.wav,so you will be a good girl i know and not make any trouble but will stay at home contentedly won't you,8.01 -data/test.clean/7021-79730-0006.wav,the mother in managing the case in this way relies partly on convincing the reason of the child and partly on an appeal to her affection,11.34 -data/test.clean/7021-79730-0007.wav,if you should not be a good girl but should show signs of making us any trouble i shall have to send you out somewhere to the back part of the house until we are gone,12.455 -data/test.clean/7021-79730-0008.wav,but this last supposition is almost always unnecessary for if mary has been habitually managed on this principle she will not make any trouble,11.765 -data/test.clean/7021-79730-0009.wav,it is indeed true that the importance of tact and skill in the training of the young and of cultivating their reason and securing their affection can not be overrated,12.585 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0000.wav,but anders cared nothing about that,3.02 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0001.wav,he made a bow so deep that his back came near breaking and he was dumbfounded i can tell you when he saw it was nobody but anders,11.33 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0002.wav,he was such a big boy that he wore high boots and carried a jack knife,6.455 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0003.wav,now this knife was a splendid one though half the blade was gone and the handle was a little cracked and anders knew that one is almost a man as soon as one has a jack knife,15.29 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0004.wav,yes why not thought anders,2.805 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0005.wav,seeing that i am so fine i may as well go and visit the king,5.015 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0006.wav,i am going to the court ball answered anders,3.58 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0007.wav,and she took anders hand and walked with him up the broad marble stairs where soldiers were posted at every third step and through the magnificent halls where courtiers in silk and velvet stood bowing wherever he went,16.675 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0008.wav,for like as not they must have thought him a prince when they saw his fine cap,7.125 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0009.wav,at the farther end of the largest hall a table was set with golden cups and golden plates in long rows,8.54 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0010.wav,on huge silver platters were pyramids of tarts and cakes and red wine sparkled in glittering decanters,8.015 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0011.wav,the princess sat down under a blue canopy with bouquets of roses and she let anders sit in a golden chair by her side,8.995 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0012.wav,but you must not eat with your cap on your head she said and was going to take it off,5.33 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0013.wav,the princess certainly was beautiful and he would have dearly liked to be kissed by her but the cap which his mother had made he would not give up on any condition,12.13 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0014.wav,he only shook his head,2.295 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0015.wav,well but now said the princess and she filled his pockets with cakes and put her own heavy gold chain around his neck and bent down and kissed him,11.545 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0016.wav,that is a very fine cap you have he said,4.28 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0017.wav,so it is said anders,2.155 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0018.wav,and it is made of mother's best yarn and she knitted it herself and everybody wants to get it away from me,8.22 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0019.wav,with one jump anders got out of his chair,3.255 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0020.wav,he darted like an arrow through all the halls down all the stairs and across the yard,6.45 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0021.wav,he still held on to it with both hands as he rushed into his mother's cottage,5.365 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0022.wav,and all his brothers and sisters stood round and listened with their mouths open,5.145 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0023.wav,but when his big brother heard that he had refused to give his cap for a king's golden crown he said that anders was a stupid,9.03 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0024.wav,anders face grew red,2.165 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0025.wav,but his mother hugged him close,2.775 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0026.wav,no my little son she said,2.74 -data/test.clean/7021-85628-0027.wav,if you dressed in silk and gold from top to toe you could not look any nicer than in your little red cap,8.5 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0000.wav,the bogus legislature numbered thirty six members,3.285 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0001.wav,this was at the march election eighteen fifty five,3.45 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0002.wav,that summer's emigration however being mainly from the free states greatly changed the relative strength of the two parties,8.3 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0003.wav,for general service therefore requiring no special effort the numerical strength of the factions was about equal while on extraordinary occasions the two thousand border ruffian reserve lying a little farther back from the state line could at any time easily turn the scale,19.805062 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0004.wav,the free state men had only their convictions their intelligence their courage and the moral support of the north the conspiracy had its secret combination the territorial officials the legislature the bogus laws the courts the militia officers the president and the army,20.155 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0005.wav,this was a formidable array of advantages slavery was playing with loaded dice,5.18 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0006.wav,coming by way of the missouri river towns he fell first among border ruffian companionship and influences and perhaps having his inclinations already molded by his washington instructions his early impressions were decidedly adverse to the free state cause,17.005 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0007.wav,his reception speech at westport in which he maintained the legality of the legislature and his determination to enforce their laws delighted his pro slavery auditors,11.53 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0008.wav,all the territorial dignitaries were present governor shannon presided john calhoun the surveyor general made the principal speech a denunciation of the abolitionists supporting the topeka movement chief justice lecompte dignified the occasion with approving remarks,19.065 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0009.wav,all dissent all non compliance all hesitation all mere silence even were in their stronghold towns like leavenworth branded as abolitionism declared to be hostility to the public welfare and punished with proscription personal violence expulsion and frequently death,18.56 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0010.wav,of the lynchings the mobs and the murders it would be impossible except in a very extended work to note the frequent and atrocious details,8.54 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0011.wav,the present chapters can only touch upon the more salient movements of the civil war in kansas which happily were not sanguinary if however the individual and more isolated cases of bloodshed could be described they would show a startling aggregate of barbarity and loss of life for opinion's sake,20.355 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0012.wav,several hundred free state men promptly responded to the summons,4.075 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0013.wav,it was in fact the best weapon of its day,2.675 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0014.wav,the leaders of the conspiracy became distrustful of their power to crush the town,5.295 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0015.wav,one of his militia generals suggested that the governor should require the outlaws at lawrence and elsewhere to surrender the sharps rifles another wrote asking him to call out the government troops at fort leavenworth,14.99 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0016.wav,the governor on his part becoming doubtful of the legality of employing missouri militia to enforce kansas laws was also eager to secure the help of federal troops,11.61 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0017.wav,sheriff jones had his pockets always full of writs issued in the spirit of persecution but was often baffled by the sharp wits and ready resources of the free state people and sometimes defied outright,15.11 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0018.wav,little by little however the latter became hemmed and bound in the meshes of the various devices and proceedings which the territorial officials evolved from the bogus laws,11.35 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0019.wav,to embarrass this damaging exposure judge lecompte issued a writ against the ex governor on a frivolous charge of contempt,8.93 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0020.wav,the incident was not violent nor even dramatic no posse was summoned no further effort made and reeder fearing personal violence soon fled in disguise,10.975 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0021.wav,but the affair was magnified as a crowning proof that the free state men were insurrectionists and outlaws,7.93 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0022.wav,from these again sprang barricaded and fortified dwellings camps and scouting parties finally culminating in roving guerrilla bands half partisan half predatory,11.795 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0023.wav,their distinctive characters however display one broad and unfailing difference,5.5 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0024.wav,the free state men clung to their prairie towns and prairie ravines with all the obstinacy and courage of true defenders of their homes and firesides,10.23 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0025.wav,their assumed character changed with their changing opportunities or necessities,5.485 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0026.wav,in the shooting of sheriff jones in lawrence and in the refusal of ex governor beeder to allow the deputy marshal to arrest him they discovered grave offenses against the territorial and united states laws,15.06 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0027.wav,footnote sumner to shannon may twelfth eighteen fifty six,5.905 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0028.wav,private persons who had leased the free state hotel vainly besought the various authorities to prevent the destruction of their property,9.6 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0029.wav,ten days were consumed in these negotiations but the spirit of vengeance refused to yield,7.06 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0030.wav,he summoned half a dozen citizens to join his posse who followed obeyed and assisted him,7.25 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0031.wav,he continued his pretended search and to give color to his errand made two arrests,6.75 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0032.wav,the free state hotel a stone building in dimensions fifty by seventy feet three stories high and handsomely furnished previously occupied only for lodging rooms on that day for the first time opened its table accommodations to the public and provided a free dinner in honor of the occasion,20.28 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0033.wav,as he had promised to protect the hotel the reassured citizens began to laugh at their own fears,6.775 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0034.wav,to their sorrow they were soon undeceived,2.71 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0035.wav,the military force partly rabble partly organized had meanwhile moved into the town,5.625 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0036.wav,he planted a company before the hotel and demanded a surrender of the arms belonging to the free state military companies,7.705 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0037.wav,half an hour later turning a deaf ear to all remonstrance he gave the proprietors until five o'clock to remove their families and personal property from the free state hotel,11.02 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0038.wav,atchison who had been haranguing the mob planted his two guns before the building and trained them upon it,7.92 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0039.wav,the inmates being removed at the appointed hour a few cannon balls were fired through the stone walls,6.815 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0040.wav,in this incident contrasting the creative and the destructive spirit of the factions the emigrant aid society of massachusetts finds its most honorable and triumphant vindication,11.76 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0041.wav,the whole proceeding was so childish the miserable plot so transparent the outrage so gross as to bring disgust to the better class of border ruffians who were witnesses and accessories,12.415 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0042.wav,relocated footnote governor robinson being on his way east the steamboat on which he was traveling stopped at lexington missouri,9.225 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0043.wav,in a few days an officer came with a requisition from governor shannon and took the prisoner by land to westport and afterwards from there to kansas city and leavenworth,11.035 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0044.wav,here he was placed in the custody of captain martin of the kickapoo rangers who proved a kind jailer and materially assisted in protecting him from the dangerous intentions of the mob which at that time held leavenworth under a reign of terror,17.105 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0045.wav,captain martin said i shall give you a pistol to help protect yourself if worse comes to worst,6.805 -data/test.clean/7729-102255-0046.wav,in the early morning of the next day may twenty ninth a company of dragoons with one empty saddle came down from the fort and while the pro slavery men still slept the prisoner and his escort were on their way across the prairies to lecompton in the charge of officers of the united states army,19.945 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0000.wav,he wore blue silk stockings blue knee pants with gold buckles a blue ruffled waist and a jacket of bright blue braided with gold,8.12 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0001.wav,his hat had a peaked crown and a flat brim and around the brim was a row of tiny golden bells that tinkled when he moved,7.755 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0002.wav,instead of shoes the old man wore boots with turnover tops and his blue coat had wide cuffs of gold braid,7.68 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0003.wav,for a long time he had wished to explore the beautiful land of oz in which they lived,4.835 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0004.wav,when they were outside unc simply latched the door and started up the path,4.285 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0005.wav,no one would disturb their little house even if anyone came so far into the thick forest while they were gone,6.55 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0006.wav,at the foot of the mountain that separated the country of the munchkins from the country of the gillikins the path divided,6.865 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0007.wav,he knew it would take them to the house of the crooked magician whom he had never seen but who was their nearest neighbor,6.265 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0008.wav,all the morning they trudged up the mountain path and at noon unc and ojo sat on a fallen tree trunk and ate the last of the bread which the old munchkin had placed in his pocket,10.49 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0009.wav,then they started on again and two hours later came in sight of the house of doctor pipt,6.285 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0010.wav,unc knocked at the door of the house and a chubby pleasant faced woman dressed all in blue opened it and greeted the visitors with a smile,8.635 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0011.wav,i am my dear and all strangers are welcome to my home,4.275 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0012.wav,we have come from a far lonelier place than this a lonelier place,4.88 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0013.wav,and you must be ojo the unlucky she added,3.705 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0014.wav,ojo had never eaten such a fine meal in all his life,3.665 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0015.wav,we are traveling replied ojo and we stopped at your house just to rest and refresh ourselves,5.835 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0016.wav,the woman seemed thoughtful,2.13 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0017.wav,at one end stood a great fireplace in which a blue log was blazing with a blue flame and over the fire hung four kettles in a row all bubbling and steaming at a great rate,10.68 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0018.wav,it takes me several years to make this magic powder but at this moment i am pleased to say it is nearly done you see i am making it for my good wife margolotte who wants to use some of it for a purpose of her own,12.005 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0019.wav,you must know said margolotte when they were all seated together on the broad window seat that my husband foolishly gave away all the powder of life he first made to old mombi the witch who used to live in the country of the gillikins to the north of here,15.025 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0020.wav,the first lot we tested on our glass cat which not only began to live but has lived ever since,5.87 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0021.wav,i think the next glass cat the magician makes will have neither brains nor heart for then it will not object to catching mice and may prove of some use to us,9.84 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0022.wav,i'm afraid i don't know much about the land of oz,2.885 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0023.wav,you see i've lived all my life with unc nunkie the silent one and there was no one to tell me anything,5.61 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0024.wav,that is one reason you are ojo the unlucky said the woman in a sympathetic tone,5.26 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0025.wav,i think i must show you my patchwork girl said margolotte laughing at the boy's astonishment for she is rather difficult to explain,8.705 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0026.wav,but first i will tell you that for many years i have longed for a servant to help me with the housework and to cook the meals and wash the dishes,8.29 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0027.wav,yet that task was not so easy as you may suppose,3.27 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0028.wav,a bed quilt made of patches of different kinds and colors of cloth all neatly sewed together,6.045 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0029.wav,sometimes it is called a crazy quilt because the patches and colors are so mixed up,5.335 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0030.wav,when i found it i said to myself that it would do nicely for my servant girl for when she was brought to life she would not be proud nor haughty as the glass cat is for such a dreadful mixture of colors would discourage her from trying to be as dignified as the blue munchkins are,16.22 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0031.wav,at the emerald city where our princess ozma lives green is the popular color,4.825 -data/test.clean/1284-1180-0032.wav,i will show you what a good job i did and she went to a tall cupboard and threw open the doors,5.78 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0000.wav,ojo examined this curious contrivance with wonder,3.965 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0001.wav,margolotte had first made the girl's form from the patchwork quilt and then she had dressed it with a patchwork skirt and an apron with pockets in it using the same gay material throughout,11.43 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0002.wav,the head of the patchwork girl was the most curious part of her,3.835 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0003.wav,the hair was of brown yarn and hung down on her neck in several neat braids,4.505 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0004.wav,gold is the most common metal in the land of oz and is used for many purposes because it is soft and pliable,7.15 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0005.wav,no i forgot all about the brains exclaimed the woman,3.855 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0006.wav,well that may be true agreed margolotte but on the contrary a servant with too much brains is sure to become independent and high and mighty and feel above her work,11.405 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0007.wav,she poured into the dish a quantity from each of these bottles,4.04 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0008.wav,i think that will do she continued for the other qualities are not needed in a servant,6.08 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0009.wav,she ran to her husband's side at once and helped him lift the four kettles from the fire,5.245 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0010.wav,their contents had all boiled away leaving in the bottom of each kettle a few grains of fine white powder,6.435 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0011.wav,very carefully the magician removed this powder placing it all together in a golden dish where he mixed it with a golden spoon,7.75 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0012.wav,no one saw him do this for all were looking at the powder of life but soon the woman remembered what she had been doing and came back to the cupboard,8.51 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0013.wav,ojo became a bit uneasy at this for he had already put quite a lot of the cleverness powder in the dish but he dared not interfere and so he comforted himself with the thought that one cannot have too much cleverness,12.66 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0014.wav,he selected a small gold bottle with a pepper box top so that the powder might be sprinkled on any object through the small holes,7.92 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0015.wav,most people talk too much so it is a relief to find one who talks too little,5.115 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0016.wav,i am not allowed to perform magic except for my own amusement he told his visitors as he lighted a pipe with a crooked stem and began to smoke,9.515 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0017.wav,the wizard of oz who used to be a humbug and knew no magic at all has been taking lessons of glinda and i'm told he is getting to be a pretty good wizard but he is merely the assistant of the great sorceress,11.775 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0018.wav,it truly is asserted the magician,3.16 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0019.wav,i now use them as ornamental statuary in my garden,3.2 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0020.wav,dear me what a chatterbox you're getting to be unc remarked the magician who was pleased with the compliment,6.73 -data/test.clean/1284-1181-0021.wav,asked the voice in scornful accents,2.7 -data/test.clean/1284-134647-0000.wav,the grateful applause of the clergy has consecrated the memory of a prince who indulged their passions and promoted their interest,8.53 -data/test.clean/1284-134647-0001.wav,the edict of milan the great charter of toleration had confirmed to each individual of the roman world the privilege of choosing and professing his own religion,10.275 -data/test.clean/1284-134647-0002.wav,but this inestimable privilege was soon violated with the knowledge of truth the emperor imbibed the maxims of persecution and the sects which dissented from the catholic church were afflicted and oppressed by the triumph of christianity,15.11 -data/test.clean/1284-134647-0003.wav,constantine easily believed that the heretics who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinacy and that a seasonable application of moderate severities might save those unhappy men from the danger of an everlasting condemnation,20.145 -data/test.clean/1284-134647-0004.wav,some of the penal regulations were copied from the edicts of diocletian and this method of conversion was applauded by the same bishops who had felt the hand of oppression and pleaded for the rights of humanity,12.835 -data/test.clean/1284-134647-0005.wav,they asserted with confidence and almost with exultation that the apostolical succession was interrupted that all the bishops of europe and asia were infected by the contagion of guilt and schism and that the prerogatives of the catholic church were confined to the chosen portion of the african believers who alone had preserved inviolate the integrity of their faith and discipline,23.335062 -data/test.clean/1284-134647-0006.wav,bishops virgins and even spotless infants were subjected to the disgrace of a public penance before they could be admitted to the communion of the donatists,10.155 -data/test.clean/1284-134647-0007.wav,proscribed by the civil and ecclesiastical powers of the empire the donatists still maintained in some provinces particularly in numidia their superior numbers and four hundred bishops acknowledged the jurisdiction of their primate,14.17 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0000.wav,the army found the people in poverty and left them in comparative wealth,4.78 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0001.wav,but a word further concerning the expedition in general,3.77 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0002.wav,it was through floyd's advice that buchanan ordered the military expedition to utah ostensibly to install certain federal officials and to repress an alleged infantile rebellion which in fact had never come into existence but in reality to further the interests of the secessionists,17.78 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0003.wav,moreover had the people been inclined to rebellion what greater opportunity could they have wished,5.68 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0004.wav,already a north and a south were talked of why not set up also a west,4.985 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0005.wav,they knew no north no south no east no west they stood positively by the constitution and would have nothing to do in the bloody strife between brothers unless indeed they were summoned by the authority to which they had already once loyally responded to furnish men and arms for their country's need,17.84 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0006.wav,what the latter day saints call celestial marriage is characteristic of the church and is in very general practise but of celestial marriage plurality of wives was an incident never an essential,12.749937 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0007.wav,we believe in a literal resurrection and an actual hereafter in which future state shall be recognized every sanctified and authorized relationship existing here on earth of parent and child brother and sister husband and wife,13.95 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0008.wav,it has been my privilege to tread the soil of many lands to observe the customs and study the habits of more nations than one and i have yet to find the place and meet the people where and with whom the purity of man and woman is held more precious than among the maligned mormons in the mountain valleys of the west,19.91 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0009.wav,at the inception of plural marriage among the latter day saints there was no law national or state against its practise,7.65 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0010.wav,in eighteen sixty two a law was enacted with the purpose of suppressing plural marriage and as had been predicted in the national senate prior to its passage it lay for many years a dead letter,11.955 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0011.wav,federal judges and united states attorneys in utah who were not mormons nor lovers of mormonism refused to entertain complaints or prosecute cases under the law because of its manifest injustice and inadequacy,14.13 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0012.wav,this meant that for an alleged misdemeanor for which congress prescribed a maximum penalty of six months imprisonment and a fine of three hundred dollars a man might be imprisoned for life aye for many terms of a man's natural life did the court's power to enforce its sentences extend so far and might be fined millions of dollars,22.095 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0013.wav,before this travesty on the administration of law could be brought before the court of last resort and there meet with the reversal and rebuke it deserved men were imprisoned under sentences of many years duration,12.87 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0014.wav,the people contested these measures one by one in the courts presenting in case after case the different phases of the subject and urging the unconstitutionality of the measure,10.97 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0015.wav,then the church was disincorporated and its property both real and personal confiscated and escheated to the government of the united states and although the personal property was soon restored real estate of great value long lay in the hands of the court's receiver and the mormon church had to pay the national government high rental on its own property,22.205 -data/test.clean/4077-13754-0016.wav,and so the story of mormonism runs on its finale has not yet been written the current press presents continuously new stages of its progress new developments of its plan,11.895 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0000.wav,on the sixth of april eighteen thirty the church of jesus christ of latter day saints was formally organized and thus took on a legal existence,9.56 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0001.wav,its origin was small a germ an insignificant seed hardly to be thought of as likely to arouse opposition,8.745 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0002.wav,instead of but six regularly affiliated members and at most two score of adherents the organization numbers today many hundred thousand souls,9.75 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0003.wav,in place of a single hamlet in the smallest corner of which the members could have congregated there now are about seventy stakes of zion and about seven hundred organized wards each ward and stake with its full complement of officers and priesthood organizations,16.72 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0004.wav,the practise of gathering its proselytes into one place prevents the building up and strengthening of foreign branches and inasmuch as extensive and strong organizations are seldom met with abroad very erroneous ideas exist concerning the strength of the church,16.68 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0005.wav,nevertheless the mustard seed among the smallest of all seeds has attained the proportions of a tree and the birds of the air are nesting in its branches the acorn is now an oak offering protection and the sweets of satisfaction to every earnest pilgrim journeying its way for truth,19.61 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0006.wav,their eyes were from the first turned in anticipation toward the evening sun not merely that the work of proselyting should be carried on in the west but that the headquarters of the church should be there established,13.065 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0007.wav,the book of mormon had taught the people the true origin and destiny of the american indians and toward this dark skinned remnant of a once mighty people the missionaries of mormonism early turned their eyes and with their eyes went their hearts and their hopes,17.22 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0008.wav,it is notable that the indian tribes have generally regarded the religion of the latter day saints with favor seeing in the book of mormon striking agreement with their own traditions,10.555 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0009.wav,the first well established seat of the church was in the pretty little town of kirtland ohio almost within sight of lake erie and here soon rose the first temple of modern times,12.15 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0010.wav,to the fervent latter day saint a temple is not simply a church building a house for religious assembly,6.72 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0011.wav,soon thousands of converts had rented or purchased homes in missouri independence jackson county being their center but from the first they were unpopular among the missourians,11.425 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0012.wav,the lieutenant governor lilburn w boggs afterward governor was a pronounced mormon hater and throughout the period of the troubles he manifested sympathy with the persecutors,12.015 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0013.wav,their sufferings have never yet been fitly chronicled by human scribe,4.315 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0014.wav,making their way across the river most of the refugees found shelter among the more hospitable people of clay county and afterward established themselves in caldwell county therein founding the city of far west,12.61 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0015.wav,a small settlement had been founded by mormon families on shoal creek and here on the thirtieth of october eighteen thirty eight a company of two hundred and forty fell upon the hapless settlers and butchered a score,13.475 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0016.wav,be it said to the honor of some of the officers entrusted with the terrible commission that when they learned its true significance they resigned their authority rather than have anything to do with what they designated a cold blooded butchery,14.515 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0017.wav,oh what a record to read what a picture to gaze upon how awful the fact,5.095 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0018.wav,american school boys read with emotions of horror of the albigenses driven beaten and killed with a papal legate directing the butchery and of the vaudois hunted and hounded like beasts as the effect of a royal decree and they yet shall read in the history of their own country of scenes as terrible as these in the exhibition of injustice and inhuman hate,26.115 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0019.wav,who began the quarrel was it the mormons,2.92 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0020.wav,as a sample of the press comments against the brutality of the missourians i quote a paragraph from the quincy argus march sixteenth eighteen thirty nine,10.295 -data/test.clean/4077-13751-0021.wav,it will be observed that an organized mob aided by many of the civil and military officers of missouri with governor boggs at their head have been the prominent actors in this business incited too it appears against the mormons by political hatred and by the additional motives of plunder and revenge,19.705 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0000.wav,length of service fourteen years three months and five days,4.51 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0001.wav,he seemed born to please without being conscious of the power he possessed,4.49 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0002.wav,it must be owned and no one was more ready to confess it than himself that his literary attainments were by no means of a high order,8.285 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0003.wav,we don't spin tops is a favorite saying amongst artillery officers indicating that they do not shirk their duty by frivolous pursuits but it must be confessed that servadac being naturally idle was very much given to spinning tops,14.81 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0004.wav,once in action he was leading a detachment of infantry through an intrenchment,4.735 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0005.wav,sometimes he would wander on foot upon the sandy shore and sometimes he would enjoy a ride along the summit of the cliff altogether being in no hurry at all to bring his task to an end,11.39 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0006.wav,no cathedral not even burgos itself could vie with the church at montmartre,5.505 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0007.wav,ben zoof's most ambitious desire was to induce the captain to go with him and end his days in his much loved home and so incessantly were servadac's ears besieged with descriptions of the unparalleled beauties and advantages of this eighteenth arrondissement of paris that he could scarcely hear the name of montmartre without a conscious thrill of aversion,26.14 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0008.wav,when a private in the eighth cavalry he had been on the point of quitting the army at twenty eight years of age but unexpectedly he had been appointed orderly to captain servadac,10.73 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0009.wav,the bond of union thus effected could never be severed and although ben zoof's achievements had fairly earned him the right of retirement he firmly declined all honors or any pension that might part him from his superior officer,14.595 -data/test.clean/5105-28233-0010.wav,unlike his master he made no pretension to any gift of poetic power but his inexhaustible memory made him a living encyclopaedia and for his stock of anecdotes and trooper's tales he was matchless,13.595 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0000.wav,fast as his legs could carry him servadac had made his way to the top of the cliff,5.455 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0001.wav,it was quite true that a vessel was in sight hardly more than six miles from the shore but owing to the increase in the earth's convexity and the consequent limitation of the range of vision the rigging of the topmasts alone was visible above the water,16.065 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0002.wav,exclaimed servadac keeping his eye unmoved at his telescope,4.01 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0003.wav,she is under sail but she is count timascheff's yacht he was right,5.515 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0004.wav,if the count were on board a strange fatality was bringing him to the presence of his rival,6.015 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0005.wav,he reckoned therefore not only upon ascertaining the extent of the late catastrophe but upon learning its cause,7.4 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0006.wav,the wind being adverse the dobryna did not make very rapid progress but as the weather in spite of a few clouds remained calm and the sea was quite smooth she was enabled to hold a steady course,13.88 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0007.wav,servadac took it for granted that the dobryna was endeavoring to put in,4.625 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0008.wav,a narrow channel formed a passage through the ridge of rocks that protected it from the open sea and which even in the roughest weather would ensure the calmness of its waters,11.48 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0009.wav,slightly changing her course she first struck her mainsail and in order to facilitate the movements of her helmsman soon carried nothing but her two topsails brigantine and jib,11.65 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0010.wav,captain servadac hastened towards him,2.935 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0011.wav,i left you on a continent and here i have the honor of finding you on an island,6.02 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0012.wav,never mind now interposed the captain we will talk of that by and by,4.73 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0013.wav,nothing more than you know yourself,2.96 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0014.wav,are you certain that this is the mediterranean,3.07 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0015.wav,for some moments he seemed perfectly stupefied then recovering himself he began to overwhelm the count with a torrent of questions,8.525 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0016.wav,to all these inquiries the count responded in the affirmative,4.17 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0017.wav,some mysterious force seemed to have brought about a convulsion of the elements,5.665 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0018.wav,you will take me on board count will you not,2.885 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0019.wav,my yacht is at your service sir even should you require to make a tour round the world,6.240062 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0020.wav,the count shook his head,2.3 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0021.wav,before starting it was indispensable that the engine of the dobryna should be repaired to sail under canvas only would in contrary winds and rough seas be both tedious and difficult,12.455 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0022.wav,it was on the last day of january that the repairs of the schooner were completed,4.725 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0023.wav,a slight diminution in the excessively high temperature which had prevailed for the last few weeks was the only apparent change in the general order of things but whether this was to be attributed to any alteration in the earth's orbit was a question which would still require several days to decide,17.57 -data/test.clean/5105-28240-0024.wav,doubts now arose and some discussion followed whether or not it was desirable for ben zoof to accompany his master,8.2 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0000.wav,her sea going qualities were excellent and would have amply sufficed for a circumnavigation of the globe,6.455 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0001.wav,after an apprenticeship on a merchant ship he had entered the imperial navy and had already reached the rank of lieutenant when the count appointed him to the charge of his own private yacht in which he was accustomed to spend by far the greater part of his time throughout the winter generally cruising in the mediterranean whilst in the summer he visited more northern waters,21.015 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0002.wav,the late astounding events however had rendered procope manifestly uneasy and not the less so from his consciousness that the count secretly partook of his own anxiety,10.96 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0003.wav,steam up and canvas spread the schooner started eastwards,3.98 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0004.wav,although only a moderate breeze was blowing the sea was rough a circumstance to be accounted for only by the diminution in the force of the earth's attraction rendering the liquid particles so buoyant that by the mere effect of oscillation they were carried to a height that was quite unprecedented,17.415 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0005.wav,for a few miles she followed the line hitherto presumably occupied by the coast of algeria but no land appeared to the south,8.415 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0006.wav,the log and the compass therefore were able to be called upon to do the work of the sextant which had become utterly useless,7.55 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0007.wav,there is no fear of that sir,1.88 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0008.wav,the earth has undoubtedly entered upon a new orbit but she is not incurring any probable risk of being precipitated onto the sun,8.54 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0009.wav,and what demonstration do you offer asked servadac eagerly that it will not happen,7.01 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0010.wav,ocean reigned supreme,2.31 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0011.wav,all the images of his past life floated upon his memory his thoughts sped away to his native france only to return again to wonder whether the depths of ocean would reveal any traces of the algerian metropolis,13.71 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0012.wav,is it not impossible he murmured aloud that any city should disappear so completely,6.775 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0013.wav,would not the loftiest eminences of the city at least be visible,4.82 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0014.wav,another circumstance was most remarkable,2.995 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0015.wav,to the surprise of all and especially of lieutenant procope the line indicated a bottom at a nearly uniform depth of from four to five fathoms and although the sounding was persevered with continuously for more than two hours over a considerable area the differences of level were insignificant not corresponding in any degree to what would be expected over the site of a city that had been terraced like the seats of an amphitheater,29.14 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0016.wav,you must see lieutenant i should think that we are not so near the coast of algeria as you imagined,6.285 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0017.wav,after pondering awhile he said if we were farther away i should expect to find a depth of two or three hundred fathoms instead of five fathoms five fathoms,12.755 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0018.wav,its depth remained invariable still four or at most five fathoms and although its bottom was assiduously dredged it was only to prove it barren of marine production of any type,12.83 -data/test.clean/5105-28241-0019.wav,nothing was to be done but to put about and return in disappointment towards the north,5.29 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0000.wav,socrates begins the timaeus with a summary of the republic,4.665 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0001.wav,and now he desires to see the ideal state set in motion he would like to know how she behaved in some great struggle,9.185 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0002.wav,and therefore to you i turn timaeus citizen of locris who are at once a philosopher and a statesman and to you critias whom all athenians know to be similarly accomplished and to hermocrates who is also fitted by nature and education to share in our discourse,19.99 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0003.wav,i will if timaeus approves i approve,4.73 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0004.wav,listen then socrates to a tale of solon's who being the friend of dropidas my great grandfather told it to my grandfather critias and he told me,11.48 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0005.wav,some poems of solon were recited by the boys,3.775 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0006.wav,and what was the subject of the poem said the person who made the remark,4.6 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0007.wav,the subject was a very noble one he described the most famous action in which the athenian people were ever engaged,8.505 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0008.wav,but the memory of their exploits has passed away owing to the lapse of time and the extinction of the actors,7.155 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0009.wav,tell us said the other the whole story and where solon heard the story,5.705 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0010.wav,but in egypt the traditions of our own and other lands are by us registered for ever in our temples,7.83 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0011.wav,the genealogies which you have recited to us out of your own annals solon are a mere children's story,7.815 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0012.wav,for in the times before the great flood athens was the greatest and best of cities and did the noblest deeds and had the best constitution of any under the face of heaven,13.015 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0013.wav,solon marvelled and desired to be informed of the particulars,5.12 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0014.wav,nine thousand years have elapsed since she founded yours and eight thousand since she founded ours as our annals record,9.565 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0015.wav,many laws exist among us which are the counterpart of yours as they were in the olden time,6.815 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0016.wav,i will briefly describe them to you and you shall read the account of them at your leisure in the sacred registers,7.815 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0017.wav,observe again what care the law took in the pursuit of wisdom searching out the deep things of the world and applying them to the use of man,9.73 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0018.wav,the most famous of them all was the overthrow of the island of atlantis,5.29 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0019.wav,for at the peril of her own existence and when the other hellenes had deserted her she repelled the invader and of her own accord gave liberty to all the nations within the pillars,12.255 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0020.wav,this is the explanation of the shallows which are found in that part of the atlantic ocean,6.125 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0021.wav,but i would not speak at the time because i wanted to refresh my memory,4.94 -data/test.clean/2961-961-0022.wav,then now let me explain to you the order of our entertainment first timaeus who is a natural philosopher will speak of the origin of the world going down to the creation of man and then i shall receive the men whom he has created and some of whom will have been educated by you and introduce them to you as the lost athenian citizens of whom the egyptian record spoke,25.985 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0000.wav,he passes abruptly from persons to ideas and numbers and from ideas and numbers to persons from the heavens to man from astronomy to physiology he confuses or rather does not distinguish subject and object first and final causes and is dreaming of geometrical figures lost in a flux of sense,27.18 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0001.wav,the influence with the timaeus has exercised upon posterity is due partly to a misunderstanding,8.250063 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0002.wav,in the supposed depths of this dialogue the neo platonists found hidden meanings and connections with the jewish and christian scriptures and out of them they elicited doctrines quite at variance with the spirit of plato,15.35 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0003.wav,they were absorbed in his theology and were under the dominion of his name while that which was truly great and truly characteristic in him his effort to realize and connect abstractions was not understood by them at all,17.315 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0004.wav,there is no danger of the modern commentators on the timaeus falling into the absurdities of the neo platonists,8.22 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0005.wav,in the present day we are well aware that an ancient philosopher is to be interpreted from himself and by the contemporary history of thought,10.355 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0006.wav,the fancies of the neo platonists are only interesting to us because they exhibit a phase of the human mind which prevailed widely in the first centuries of the christian era and is not wholly extinct in our own day,15.725 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0007.wav,but they have nothing to do with the interpretation of plato and in spirit they are opposed to him,7.64 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0008.wav,we do not know how plato would have arranged his own dialogues or whether the thought of arranging any of them besides the two trilogies which he has expressly connected was ever present to his mind,15.455 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0009.wav,the dialogue is primarily concerned with the animal creation including under this term the heavenly bodies and with man only as one among the animals,11.86 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0010.wav,but he has not as yet defined this intermediate territory which lies somewhere between medicine and mathematics and he would have felt that there was as great an impiety in ranking theories of physics first in the order of knowledge as in placing the body before the soul,20.46 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0011.wav,with heracleitus he acknowledges the perpetual flux like anaxagoras he asserts the predominance of mind although admitting an element of necessity which reason is incapable of subduing like the pythagoreans he supposes the mystery of the world to be contained in number,20.875 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0012.wav,many if not all the elements of the pre socratic philosophy are included in the timaeus,6.89 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0013.wav,it is probable that the relation of the ideas to god or of god to the world was differently conceived by him at different times of his life,10.575 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0014.wav,the ideas also remain but they have become types in nature forms of men animals birds fishes,8.775 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0015.wav,the style and plan of the timaeus differ greatly from that of any other of the platonic dialogues,7.83 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0016.wav,but plato has not the same mastery over his instrument which he exhibits in the phaedrus or symposium,7.76 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0017.wav,nothing can exceed the beauty or art of the introduction in which he is using words after his accustomed manner,7.87 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0018.wav,but in the rest of the work the power of language seems to fail him and the dramatic form is wholly given up,8.38 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0019.wav,he could write in one style but not in another and the greek language had not as yet been fashioned by any poet or philosopher to describe physical phenomena,12.13 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0020.wav,and hence we find the same sort of clumsiness in the timaeus of plato which characterizes the philosophical poem of lucretius,9.88 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0021.wav,there is a want of flow and often a defect of rhythm the meaning is sometimes obscure and there is a greater use of apposition and more of repetition than occurs in plato's earlier writings,15.785 -data/test.clean/2961-960-0022.wav,plato had not the command of his materials which would have enabled him to produce a perfect work of art,7.425 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0000.wav,chapter three as master wishes,3.615 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0001.wav,three seconds before the arrival of j b hobson's letter i no more dreamed of chasing the unicorn than of trying for the northwest passage,9.19 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0002.wav,even so i had just returned from an arduous journey exhausted and badly needing a rest,6.19 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0003.wav,i wanted nothing more than to see my country again my friends my modest quarters by the botanical gardens my dearly beloved collections,9.34 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0004.wav,but now nothing could hold me back,2.34 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0005.wav,conseil was my manservant,2.44 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0006.wav,from rubbing shoulders with scientists in our little universe by the botanical gardens the boy had come to know a thing or two,7.32 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0007.wav,classifying was everything to him so he knew nothing else well versed in the theory of classification he was poorly versed in its practical application and i doubt that he could tell a sperm whale from a baleen whale,12.96 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0008.wav,and yet what a fine gallant lad,2.65 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0009.wav,not once did he comment on the length or the hardships of a journey,4.17 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0010.wav,never did he object to buckling up his suitcase for any country whatever china or the congo no matter how far off it was,8.34 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0011.wav,he went here there and everywhere in perfect contentment,3.91 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0012.wav,please forgive me for this underhanded way of admitting i had turned forty,4.905 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0013.wav,he was a fanatic on formality and he only addressed me in the third person to the point where it got tiresome,7.2 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0014.wav,there was good reason to stop and think even for the world's most emotionless man,5.725 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0015.wav,conseil i called a third time conseil appeared,4.88 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0016.wav,did master summon me he said entering,3.295 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0017.wav,pack as much into my trunk as you can my traveling kit my suits shirts and socks don't bother counting just squeeze it all in and hurry,9.3 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0018.wav,we'll deal with them later what,2.945 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0019.wav,anyhow we'll leave instructions to ship the whole menagerie to france,4.53 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0020.wav,yes we are certainly i replied evasively but after we make a detour,5.915 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0021.wav,a route slightly less direct that's all,2.735 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0022.wav,we're leaving on the abraham lincoln,2.355 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0023.wav,you see my friend it's an issue of the monster the notorious narwhale,4.745 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0024.wav,we don't know where it will take us,1.975 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0025.wav,but we're going just the same,1.99 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0026.wav,we have a commander who's game for anything,2.745 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0027.wav,i left instructions for shipping my containers of stuffed animals and dried plants to paris france,5.98 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0028.wav,i opened a line of credit sufficient to cover the babirusa and conseil at my heels i jumped into a carriage,7.915 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0029.wav,our baggage was immediately carried to the deck of the frigate i rushed aboard,5.285 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0030.wav,i asked for commander farragut,2.695 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0031.wav,one of the sailors led me to the afterdeck where i stood in the presence of a smart looking officer who extended his hand to me,7.765 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0032.wav,in person welcome aboard professor your cabin is waiting for you,4.395 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0033.wav,i was well satisfied with my cabin which was located in the stern and opened into the officers mess,6.365 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0034.wav,we'll be quite comfortable here i told conseil,3.505 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0035.wav,and so if i'd been delayed by a quarter of an hour or even less the frigate would have gone without me and i would have missed out on this unearthly extraordinary and inconceivable expedition whose true story might well meet with some skepticism,14.955 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0036.wav,the wharves of brooklyn and every part of new york bordering the east river were crowded with curiosity seekers,6.985 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0037.wav,departing from five hundred thousand throats three cheers burst forth in succession,5.37 -data/test.clean/8463-294828-0038.wav,thousands of handkerchiefs were waving above these tightly packed masses hailing the abraham lincoln until it reached the waters of the hudson river at the tip of the long peninsula that forms new york city,13.14 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0000.wav,this was what did the mischief so far as the running away was concerned,4.73 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0001.wav,it is hardly necessary to say more of them here,3.545 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0002.wav,from the manner in which he expressed himself with regard to robert hollan no man in the whole range of his recollections will be longer remembered than he his enthralment while under hollan will hardly ever be forgotten,12.92 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0003.wav,of this party edward a boy of seventeen called forth much sympathy he too was claimed by hollan,7.905 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0004.wav,john wesley combash jacob taylor and thomas edward skinner,6.1 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0005.wav,a few years back one of their slaves a coachman was kept on the coach box one cold night when they were out at a ball until he became almost frozen to death in fact he did die in the infirmary from the effects of the frost about one week afterwards,15.975 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0006.wav,the doctor who attended the injured creature in this case was simply told that she slipped and fell down stairs as she was coming down,7.71 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0007.wav,another case said john wesley was a little girl half grown who was washing windows up stairs one day and unluckily fell asleep in the window and in this position was found by her mistress in a rage the mistress hit her a heavy slap knocked her out of the window and she fell to the pavement and died in a few hours from the effects thereof,21.5 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0008.wav,as usual nothing was done in the way of punishment,3.325 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0009.wav,i never knew of but one man who could ever please him,3.71 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0010.wav,he worked me very hard he wanted to be beating me all the time,4.325 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0011.wav,she was a large homely woman they were common white people with no reputation in the community,6.38 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0012.wav,substantially this was jacob's unvarnished description of his master and mistress,5.425 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0013.wav,as to his age and also the name of his master jacob's statement varied somewhat from the advertisement,6.665 -data/test.clean/8463-287645-0014.wav,of starting i didn't know the way to come,3.02 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0000.wav,it's almost beyond conjecture,2.695 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0001.wav,this reality begins to explain the dark power and otherworldly fascination of twenty thousand leagues under the seas,7.805 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0002.wav,first as a paris stockbroker later as a celebrated author and yachtsman he went on frequent voyages to britain america the mediterranean,10.56 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0003.wav,nemo builds a fabulous futuristic submarine the nautilus then conducts an underwater campaign of vengeance against his imperialist oppressor,9.935 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0004.wav,in all the novel had a difficult gestation,3.68 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0005.wav,other subtleties occur inside each episode the textures sparkling with wit information and insight,7.7 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0006.wav,his specifications for an open sea submarine and a self contained diving suit were decades before their time yet modern technology bears them out triumphantly,11.135 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0007.wav,even the supporting cast is shrewdly drawn professor aronnax the career scientist caught in an ethical conflict conseil the compulsive classifier who supplies humorous tag lines for verne's fast facts the harpooner ned land a creature of constant appetites man as heroic animal,21.05 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0008.wav,but much of the novel's brooding power comes from captain nemo,3.98 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0009.wav,this compulsion leads nemo into ugly contradictions he's a fighter for freedom yet all who board his ship are imprisoned there for good he works to save lives both human and animal yet he himself creates a holocaust he detests imperialism yet he lays personal claim to the south pole,20.004938 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0010.wav,and in this last action he falls into the classic sin of pride,4.580063 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0011.wav,he's swiftly punished,2.179937 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0012.wav,the nautilus nearly perishes in the antarctic and nemo sinks into a growing depression,5.965063 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0013.wav,for many then this book has been a source of fascination surely one of the most influential novels ever written an inspiration for such scientists and discoverers as engineer simon lake oceanographer william beebe polar traveler sir ernest shackleton,17.64 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0014.wav,fathom six feet,2.415 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0015.wav,gram roughly one twenty eighth of an ounce,3.25 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0016.wav,milligram roughly one twenty eight thousand of an ounce,4.475 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0017.wav,liter roughly one quart,2.35 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0018.wav,meter roughly one yard three inches,2.935 -data/test.clean/8463-294825-0019.wav,millimeter roughly one twenty fifth of an inch,3.39 -data/test.clean/5142-36586-0000.wav,it is manifest that man is now subject to much variability,3.65 -data/test.clean/5142-36586-0001.wav,so it is with the lower animals,2.215 -data/test.clean/5142-36586-0002.wav,the variability of multiple parts,2.335 -data/test.clean/5142-36586-0003.wav,but this subject will be more properly discussed when we treat of the different races of mankind,5.055 -data/test.clean/5142-36586-0004.wav,effects of the increased use and disuse of parts,3.565 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0000.wav,it was one of the masterly and charming stories of dumas the elder,3.38 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0001.wav,in five minutes i was in a new world and my melancholy room was full of the liveliest french company,5.39 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0002.wav,the sound of an imperative and uncompromising bell recalled me in due time to the regions of reality,5.62 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0003.wav,ambrose met me at the bottom of the stairs and showed me the way to the supper room,3.91 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0004.wav,she signed to me with a ghostly solemnity to take the vacant place on the left of her father,5.485 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0005.wav,the door opened again while i was still studying the two brothers without i honestly confess being very favorably impressed by either of them,7.085 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0006.wav,a new member of the family circle who instantly attracted my attention entered the room,4.635 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0007.wav,a little cracked that in the popular phrase was my impression of the stranger who now made his appearance in the supper room,6.18 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0008.wav,mister meadowcroft the elder having not spoken one word thus far himself introduced the newcomer to me with a side glance at his sons which had something like defiance in it a glance which as i was sorry to notice was returned with the defiance on their side by the two young men,15.425 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0009.wav,philip lefrank this is my overlooker mister jago said the old man formally presenting us,5.14 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0010.wav,he is not well he has come over the ocean for rest and change of scene,4.294937 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0011.wav,mister jago is an american philip,2.165062 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0012.wav,make acquaintance with mister jago sit together,2.715 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0013.wav,they pointedly drew back from john jago as he approached the empty chair next to me and moved round to the opposite side of the table,6.585 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0014.wav,a pretty girl and so far as i could judge by appearances a good girl too describing her generally i may say that she had a small head well carried and well set on her shoulders bright gray eyes that looked at you honestly and meant what they looked a trim slight little figure too slight for our english notions of beauty a strong american accent and a rare thing in america a pleasantly toned voice which made the accent agreeable to english ears,25.415 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0015.wav,our first impressions of people are in nine cases out of ten the right impressions,4.34 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0016.wav,for once in a way i proved a true prophet,2.765 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0017.wav,the only cheerful conversation was the conversation across the table between naomi and me,4.685 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0018.wav,he looked up at naomi doubtingly from his plate and looked down again slowly with a frown,4.97 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0019.wav,when i addressed him he answered constrainedly,2.415 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0020.wav,a more dreary and more disunited family party i never sat at the table with,4.53 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0021.wav,envy hatred malice and uncharitableness are never so essentially detestable to my mind as when they are animated by a sense of propriety and work under the surface but for my interest in naomi and my other interest in the little love looks which i now and then surprised passing between her and ambrose i should never have sat through that supper,18.87 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0022.wav,i wish you good night she laid her bony hands on the back of mister meadowcroft's invalid chair cut him short in his farewell salutation to me and wheeled him out to his bed as if she were wheeling him out to his grave,11.245 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0023.wav,you were quite right to say no ambrose began never smoke with john jago his cigars will poison you,5.79 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0024.wav,naomi shook her forefinger reproachfully at them as if the two sturdy young farmers had been two children,5.78 -data/test.clean/5142-36377-0025.wav,silas slunk away without a word of protest ambrose stood his ground evidently bent on making his peace with naomi before he left her seeing that i was in the way i walked aside toward a glass door at the lower end of the room,11.885 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0000.wav,at another time harald asked,2.005 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0001.wav,what is your country olaf have you always been a thrall the thrall's eyes flashed,5.02 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0002.wav,two hundred warriors feasted in his hall and followed him to battle,3.67 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0003.wav,the rest of you off a viking he had three ships,3.47 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0004.wav,these he gave to three of my brothers,2.215 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0005.wav,but i stayed that spring and built me a boat,2.225 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0006.wav,i made her for only twenty oars because i thought few men would follow me for i was young fifteen years old,6.23 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0007.wav,at the prow i carved the head with open mouth and forked tongue thrust out,4.975 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0008.wav,i painted the eyes red for anger,2.11 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0009.wav,there stand so i said and glare and hiss at my foes,3.37 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0010.wav,in the stern i curved the tail up almost as high as the head,3.455 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0011.wav,there she sat on the rollers as fair a ship as i ever saw,3.52 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0012.wav,then i will get me a farm and will winter in that land now who will follow me,4.59 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0013.wav,he is but a boy the men said,2.11 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0014.wav,thirty men one after another raised their horns and said,3.245 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0015.wav,as our boat flashed down the rollers into the water i made this song and sang it,4.31 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0016.wav,so we harried the coast of norway,2.165 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0017.wav,we ate at many men's tables uninvited,2.635 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0018.wav,my dragon's belly is never full and on board went the gold,3.94 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0019.wav,oh it is better to live on the sea and let other men raise your crops and cook your meals,4.985 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0020.wav,a house smells of smoke a ship smells of frolic,3.315 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0021.wav,up and down the water we went to get much wealth and much frolic,3.505 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0022.wav,what of the farm olaf not yet i answered viking is better for summer,4.77 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0023.wav,it was so dark that i could see nothing but a few sparks on the hearth,3.48 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0024.wav,i stood with my back to the wall for i wanted no sword reaching out of the dark for me,5.345 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0025.wav,come come i called when no one obeyed a fire,3.32 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0026.wav,my men laughed yes a stingy host,3.075 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0027.wav,he acts as though he had not expected us,2.235 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0028.wav,on a bench in a far corner were a dozen people huddled together,3.755 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0029.wav,bring in the table we are hungry,2.135 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0030.wav,the thralls were bringing in a great pot of meat,2.765 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0031.wav,they set up a crane over the fire and hung the pot upon it and we sat and watched it boil while we joked at last the supper began,7.845 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0032.wav,the farmer sat gloomily on the bench and would not eat and you cannot wonder for he saw us putting potfuls of his good beef and basket loads of bread into our big mouths,9.785 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0033.wav,you would not eat with us you cannot say no to half of my ale i drink this to your health,5.28 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0034.wav,then i drank half of the hornful and sent the rest across the fire to the farmer he took it and smiled saying,6.615 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0035.wav,did you ever have such a lordly guest before i went on,3.945 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0036.wav,so i will give out this law that my men shall never leave you alone,4.26 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0037.wav,hakon there shall be your constant companion friend farmer,3.575 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0038.wav,he shall not leave you day or night whether you are working or playing or sleeping,4.18 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0039.wav,i named nine others and said,1.995 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0040.wav,and these shall follow your thralls in the same way,2.81 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0041.wav,so i set guards over every one in that house,2.83 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0042.wav,so no tales got out to the neighbors besides it was a lonely place and by good luck no one came that way,6.095 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0043.wav,their eyes danced big thorleif stood up and stretched himself,3.77 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0044.wav,i am stiff with long sitting he said i itch for a fight i turned to the farmer,4.855 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0045.wav,this is our last feast with you i said,2.385 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0046.wav,by the beard of odin i cried you have taken our joke like a man,3.745 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0047.wav,my men pounded the table with their fists,2.535 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0048.wav,by the hammer of thor shouted grim here is no stingy coward,3.96 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0049.wav,here friend take it and he thrust it into the farmer's hand,3.305 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0050.wav,may you drink heart's ease from it for many years,2.885 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0051.wav,and with it i leave you a name sif the friendly i shall hope to drink with you sometime in valhalla,5.57 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0052.wav,here is a ring for sif the friendly and here is a bracelet a sword would not be ashamed to hang at your side,5.88 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0053.wav,i took five great bracelets of gold from our treasure chest and gave them to him,3.93 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0054.wav,that is the best way to decide for the spear will always point somewhere and one thing is as good as another,5.745 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0055.wav,that time it pointed us into your father's ships,2.77 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0056.wav,here they said is a rascal who has been harrying our coasts,3.07 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0057.wav,we sunk his ship and men but him we brought to you,3.075 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0058.wav,a robber viking said the king and scowled at me,3.225 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0059.wav,yes and with all your fingers it took you a year to catch me the king frowned more angrily,5.47 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0060.wav,take him out thorkel and let him taste your sword,2.615 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0061.wav,your mother the queen was standing by,2.14 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0062.wav,now she put her hand on his arm and smiled and said,2.9 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0063.wav,and would he not be a good gift for our baby,2.515 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0064.wav,your father thought a moment then looked at your mother and smiled,3.3 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0065.wav,soft heart he said gently to her then to thorkel well let him go thorkel,5.195 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0066.wav,then he turned to me again frowning,2.215 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0067.wav,but young sharp tongue now that we have caught you we will put you into a trap that you cannot get out of,5.565 -data/test.clean/5142-33396-0068.wav,so i lived and now am your tooth thrall well it is the luck of war,4.235 -data/test.clean/5142-36600-0000.wav,chapter seven on the races of man,2.525 -data/test.clean/5142-36600-0001.wav,in determining whether two or more allied forms ought to be ranked as species or varieties naturalists are practically guided by the following considerations namely the amount of difference between them and whether such differences relate to few or many points of structure and whether they are of physiological importance but more especially whether they are constant,20.185 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0000.wav,though thrown into prison for this enterprise and detained some time he was not discouraged but still continued by his countenance and protection to infuse spirit into the distressed royalists,17.74 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0001.wav,among other persons of distinction who united themselves to him was lord napier of merchiston son of the famous inventor of the logarithms the person to whom the title of a great man is more justly due than to any other whom his country ever produced,22.45 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0002.wav,while the former foretold that the scottish covenanters were secretly forming a union with the english parliament and inculcated the necessity of preventing them by some vigorous undertaking the latter still insisted that every such attempt would precipitate them into measures to which otherwise they were not perhaps inclined,24.54 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0003.wav,the king's ears were now open to montrose's counsels who proposed none but the boldest and most daring agreeably to the desperate state of the royal cause in scotland,13.085 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0004.wav,five hundred men more who had been levied by the covenanters were persuaded to embrace the royal cause and with this combined force he hastened to attack lord elcho who lay at perth with an army of six thousand men assembled upon the first news of the irish invasion,21.255 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0005.wav,dreading the superior power of argyle who having joined his vassals to a force levied by the public was approaching with a considerable army montrose hastened northwards in order to rouse again the marquis of huntley and the gordons who having before hastily taken arms had been instantly suppressed by the covenanters,26.16 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0006.wav,this nobleman's character though celebrated for political courage and conduct was very low for military prowess and after some skirmishes in which he was worsted he here allowed montrose to escape him,16.98 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0007.wav,by quick marches through these inaccessible mountains that general freed himself from the superior forces of the covenanters,10.085 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0008.wav,with these and some reenforcements of the atholemen and macdonalds whom he had recalled montrose fell suddenly upon argyle's country and let loose upon it all the rage of war carrying off the cattle burning the houses and putting the inhabitants to the sword,20.98 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0009.wav,this severity by which montrose sullied his victories was the result of private animosity against the chieftain as much as of zeal for the public cause argyle collecting three thousand men marched in quest of the enemy who had retired with their plunder and he lay at innerlochy supposing himself still at a considerable distance from them,28.41 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0010.wav,by a quick and unexpected march montrose hastened to innerlochy and presented himself in order of battle before the surprised but not affrightened covenanters,13.62 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0011.wav,his conduct and presence of mind in this emergence appeared conspicuous,6.48 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0012.wav,montrose weak in cavalry here lined his troops of horse with infantry and after putting the enemy's horse to rout fell with united force upon their foot who were entirely cut in pieces though with the loss of the gallant lord gordon on the part of the royalists,19.885 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0013.wav,from the same men new regiments and new companies were formed different officers appointed and the whole military force put into such hands as the independents could rely on,13.61 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0014.wav,besides members of parliament who were excluded many officers unwilling to serve under the new generals threw up their commissions and unwarily facilitated the project of putting the army entirely into the hands of that faction,17.88 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0015.wav,though the discipline of the former parliamentary army was not contemptible a more exact plan was introduced and rigorously executed by these new commanders,12.655 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0016.wav,valor indeed was very generally diffused over the one party as well as the other during this period discipline also was attained by the forces of the parliament but the perfection of the military art in concerting the general plans of action and the operations of the field seems still on both sides to have been in a great measure wanting,27.525 -data/test.clean/8224-274381-0017.wav,historians at least perhaps from their own ignorance and inexperience have not remarked any thing but a headlong impetuous conduct each party hurrying to a battle where valor and fortune chiefly determined the success,17.825 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0000.wav,he passed through henley saint albans and came so near to london as harrow on the hill,7.605 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0001.wav,the scottish generals and commissioners affected great surprise on the appearance of the king and though they paid him all the exterior respect due to his dignity they instantly set a guard upon him under color of protection and made him in reality a prisoner,20.33 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0002.wav,they informed the english parliament of this unexpected incident and assured them that they had entered into no private treaty with the king,9.815 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0003.wav,or hath he given us any gift,3.87 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0004.wav,and the men of israel answered the men of judah and said we have ten parts in the king and we have also more right in david than ye why then did ye despise us that our advice should not be first had in bringing back our king,20.64 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0005.wav,another preacher after reproaching him to his face with his misgovernment ordered this psalm to be sung,8.745 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0006.wav,the king stood up and called for that psalm which begins with these words,6.81 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0007.wav,have mercy lord on me i pray for men would me devour,6.23 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0008.wav,the good natured audience in pity to fallen majesty showed for once greater deference to the king than to the minister and sung the psalm which the former had called for,13.42 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0009.wav,the parliament and the scots laid their proposals before the king,4.805 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0010.wav,before the settlement of terms the administration must be possessed entirely by the parliaments of both kingdoms and how incompatible that scheme with the liberty of the king is easily imagined,14.6 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0011.wav,the english it is evident had they not been previously assured of receiving the king would never have parted with so considerable a sum and while they weakened themselves by the same measure have strengthened a people with whom they must afterwards have so material an interest to discuss,22.36 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0012.wav,if any still retained rancor against him in his present condition they passed in silence while his well wishers more generous than prudent accompanied his march with tears with acclamations and with prayers for his safety,18.73 -data/test.clean/8224-274384-0013.wav,his death in this conjuncture was a public misfortune,5.44 -data/test.clean/121-123852-0000.wav,those pretty wrongs that liberty commits when i am sometime absent from thy heart thy beauty and thy years full well befits for still temptation follows where thou art,17.695 -data/test.clean/121-123852-0001.wav,ay me,1.87 -data/test.clean/121-123852-0002.wav,no matter then although my foot did stand upon the farthest earth remov'd from thee for nimble thought can jump both sea and land as soon as think the place where he would be but ah,17.285 -data/test.clean/121-123852-0003.wav,thought kills me that i am not thought to leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone but that so much of earth and water wrought i must attend time's leisure with my moan receiving nought by elements so slow but heavy tears badges of either's woe,23.505 -data/test.clean/121-123852-0004.wav,my heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie a closet never pierc'd with crystal eyes but the defendant doth that plea deny and says in him thy fair appearance lies,16.29 -data/test.clean/121-123859-0000.wav,you are my all the world and i must strive to know my shames and praises from your tongue none else to me nor i to none alive that my steel'd sense or changes right or wrong,17.39 -data/test.clean/121-123859-0001.wav,o tis the first tis flattery in my seeing and my great mind most kingly drinks it up mine eye well knows what with his gust is greeing and to his palate doth prepare the cup if it be poison'd tis the lesser sin that mine eye loves it and doth first begin,25.395 -data/test.clean/121-123859-0002.wav,but reckoning time whose million'd accidents creep in twixt vows and change decrees of kings tan sacred beauty blunt the sharp'st intents divert strong minds to the course of altering things alas why fearing of time's tyranny might i not then say now i love you best when i was certain o'er incertainty crowning the present doubting of the rest,30.04 -data/test.clean/121-123859-0003.wav,love is a babe then might i not say so to give full growth to that which still doth grow,10.825 -data/test.clean/121-123859-0004.wav,so i return rebuk'd to my content and gain by ill thrice more than i have spent,9.505 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0000.wav,also a popular contrivance whereby love making may be suspended but not stopped during the picnic season,8.46 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0001.wav,harangue the tiresome product of a tireless tongue,5.925 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0002.wav,angor pain painful to hear,4.41 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0003.wav,hay fever a heart trouble caused by falling in love with a grass widow,6.755 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0004.wav,heaven a good place to be raised to,4.02 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0005.wav,hedge a fence,3.1 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0006.wav,heredity the cause of all our faults,3.895 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0007.wav,horse sense a degree of wisdom that keeps one from betting on the races,6.73 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0008.wav,hose man's excuse for wetting the walk,4.99 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0009.wav,hotel a place where a guest often gives up good dollars for poor quarters,7.26 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0010.wav,housecleaning a domestic upheaval that makes it easy for the government to enlist all the soldiers it needs,9.81 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0011.wav,husband the next thing to a wife,4.035 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0012.wav,hussy woman and bond tie,4.045 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0013.wav,tied to a woman,2.49 -data/test.clean/121-121726-0014.wav,hypocrite a horse dealer,3.165 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0000.wav,it was this observation that drew from douglas not immediately but later in the evening a reply that had the interesting consequence to which i call attention,9.875 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0001.wav,someone else told a story not particularly effective which i saw he was not following,5.025 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0002.wav,cried one of the women he took no notice of her he looked at me but as if instead of me he saw what he spoke of,7.495 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0003.wav,there was a unanimous groan at this and much reproach after which in his preoccupied way he explained,7.725 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0004.wav,the story's written,2.11 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0005.wav,i could write to my man and enclose the key he could send down the packet as he finds it,5.82 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0006.wav,the others resented postponement but it was just his scruples that charmed me,4.725 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0007.wav,to this his answer was prompt oh thank god no and is the record yours,5.79 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0008.wav,he hung fire again a woman's,2.76 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0009.wav,she has been dead these twenty years,2.29 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0010.wav,she sent me the pages in question before she died,2.85 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0011.wav,she was the most agreeable woman i've ever known in her position she would have been worthy of any whatever,5.78 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0012.wav,it wasn't simply that she said so but that i knew she hadn't i was sure i could see,4.83 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0013.wav,you'll easily judge why when you hear because the thing had been such a scare he continued to fix me,5.895 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0014.wav,you are acute,2.255 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0015.wav,he quitted the fire and dropped back into his chair,2.96 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0016.wav,probably not till the second post,2.03 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0017.wav,it was almost the tone of hope everybody will stay,2.695 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0018.wav,cried the ladies whose departure had been fixed,2.77 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0019.wav,missus griffin however expressed the need for a little more light,3.525 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0020.wav,who was it she was in love with the story will tell i took upon myself to reply oh i can't wait for the story the story won't tell said douglas not in any literal vulgar way more's the pity then,14.355 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0021.wav,won't you tell douglas,2.0 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0022.wav,well if i don't know who she was in love with i know who he was,5.075 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0023.wav,let me say here distinctly to have done with it that this narrative from an exact transcript of my own made much later is what i shall presently give,10.91 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0024.wav,poor douglas before his death when it was in sight committed to me the manuscript that reached him on the third of these days and that on the same spot with immense effect he began to read to our hushed little circle on the night of the fourth,14.45 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0025.wav,the departing ladies who had said they would stay didn't of course thank heaven stay they departed in consequence of arrangements made in a rage of curiosity as they professed produced by the touches with which he had already worked us up,16.065 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0026.wav,the first of these touches conveyed that the written statement took up the tale at a point after it had in a manner begun,7.53 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0027.wav,he had for his own town residence a big house filled with the spoils of travel and the trophies of the chase but it was to his country home an old family place in essex that he wished her immediately to proceed,13.87 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0028.wav,the awkward thing was that they had practically no other relations and that his own affairs took up all his time,6.75 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0029.wav,there were plenty of people to help but of course the young lady who should go down as governess would be in supreme authority,7.31 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0030.wav,i don't anticipate,2.175 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0031.wav,she was young untried nervous it was a vision of serious duties and little company of really great loneliness,10.765 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0032.wav,yes but that's just the beauty of her passion,3.17 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0033.wav,it was the beauty of it,2.355 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0034.wav,it sounded dull it sounded strange and all the more so because of his main condition which was,7.41 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0035.wav,she promised to do this and she mentioned to me that when for a moment disburdened delighted he held her hand thanking her for the sacrifice she already felt rewarded,14.15 -data/test.clean/121-127105-0036.wav,but was that all her reward one of the ladies asked,4.15 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0000.wav,the stop at queenstown the tedious passage up the mersey were things that he noted dimly through his growing impatience,6.34 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0001.wav,she blushed and smiled and fumbled his card in her confusion before she ran upstairs,4.66 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0002.wav,alexander paced up and down the hallway buttoning and unbuttoning his overcoat until she returned and took him up to hilda's living room,7.675 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0003.wav,the room was empty when he entered,2.06 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0004.wav,alexander did not sit down,2.11 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0005.wav,i felt it in my bones when i woke this morning that something splendid was going to turn up,4.445 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0006.wav,i thought it might be sister kate or cousin mike would be happening along,3.54 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0007.wav,she pushed him toward the big chair by the fire and sat down on a stool at the opposite side of the hearth her knees drawn up to her chin laughing like a happy little girl,8.975 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0008.wav,when did you come bartley and how did it happen you haven't spoken a word,4.13 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0009.wav,i got in about ten minutes ago,2.09 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0010.wav,alexander leaned forward and warmed his hands before the blaze,3.735 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0011.wav,bartley bent lower over the fire,2.435 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0012.wav,she looked at his heavy shoulders and big determined head thrust forward like a catapult in leash,6.025 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0013.wav,i'll do anything you wish me to bartley she said tremulously,3.65 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0014.wav,i can't stand seeing you miserable,2.51 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0015.wav,he pulled up a window as if the air were heavy,2.98 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0016.wav,hilda watched him from her corner trembling and scarcely breathing dark shadows growing about her eyes it,7.3 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0017.wav,but it's worse now it's unbearable,2.475 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0018.wav,i get nothing but misery out of either,2.315 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0019.wav,the world is all there just as it used to be but i can't get at it any more,4.93 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0020.wav,it was myself i was defying hilda,2.72 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0021.wav,hilda's face quivered but she whispered yes i think it must have been,5.05 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0022.wav,but why didn't you tell me when you were here in the summer,3.28 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0023.wav,alexander groaned i meant to but somehow i couldn't,3.805 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0024.wav,she pressed his hand gently in gratitude,2.395 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0025.wav,weren't you happy then at all,2.16 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0026.wav,she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as if to draw in again the fragrance of those days,5.495 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0027.wav,he moved uneasily and his chair creaked,2.995 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0028.wav,yes yes she hurried pulling her hand gently away from him,3.575 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0029.wav,please tell me one thing bartley at least tell me that you believe i thought i was making you happy,6.28 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0030.wav,yes hilda i know that he said simply,2.665 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0031.wav,i understand bartley i was wrong,3.055 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0032.wav,but i didn't know you've only to tell me now,3.245 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0033.wav,what i mean is that i want you to promise never to see me again no matter how often i come no matter how hard i beg,7.06 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0034.wav,keep away if you wish when have i ever followed you,3.08 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0035.wav,alexander rose and shook himself angrily yes i know i'm cowardly,4.075 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0036.wav,he took her roughly in his arms do you know what i mean,2.905 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0037.wav,oh bartley what am i to do,2.09 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0038.wav,i will ask the least imaginable but i must have something,4.53 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0039.wav,i must know about you,1.9 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0040.wav,the sight of you bartley to see you living and happy and successful can i never make you understand what that means to me,6.965 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0041.wav,you see loving some one as i love you makes the whole world different,4.755 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0042.wav,and then you came back not caring very much but it made no difference,5.4 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0043.wav,bartley bent over and took her in his arms kissing her mouth and her wet tired eyes,5.88 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0044.wav,don't cry don't cry he whispered,2.615 -data/test.clean/4446-2275-0045.wav,we've tortured each other enough for tonight,2.635 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0000.wav,mainhall liked alexander because he was an engineer,3.495 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0001.wav,he had preconceived ideas about everything and his idea about americans was that they should be engineers or mechanics,6.35 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0002.wav,it's tremendously well put on too,2.385 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0003.wav,it's been on only two weeks and i've been half a dozen times already,3.7 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0004.wav,do you know alexander mainhall looked with perplexity up into the top of the hansom and rubbed his pink cheek with his gloved finger do you know i sometimes think of taking to criticism seriously myself,12.01 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0005.wav,she saves her hand too she's at her best in the second act,3.395 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0006.wav,he's been wanting to marry hilda these three years and more,2.905 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0007.wav,she doesn't take up with anybody you know,2.1 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0008.wav,irene burgoyne one of her family told me in confidence that there was a romance somewhere back in the beginning,5.495 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0009.wav,mainhall vouched for her constancy with a loftiness that made alexander smile even while a kind of rapid excitement was tingling through him,7.82 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0010.wav,he's another who's awfully keen about her let me introduce you,3.135 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0011.wav,sir harry towne mister bartley alexander the american engineer,3.945 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0012.wav,i say sir harry the little girl's going famously to night isn't she,3.78 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0013.wav,do you know i thought the dance a bit conscious to night for the first time,4.4 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0014.wav,westmere and i were back after the first act and we thought she seemed quite uncertain of herself,5.34 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0015.wav,a little attack of nerves possibly,2.595 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0016.wav,he was beginning to feel a keen interest in the slender barefoot donkey girl who slipped in and out of the play singing like some one winding through a hilly field,10.205 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0017.wav,one night when he and winifred were sitting together on the bridge he told her that things had happened while he was studying abroad that he was sorry for one thing in particular and he asked her whether she thought she ought to know about them,12.26 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0018.wav,she considered a moment and then said no i think not though i am glad you ask me,5.715 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0019.wav,after that it was easy to forget actually to forget,3.825 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0020.wav,of course he reflected she always had that combination of something homely and sensible and something utterly wild and daft,7.55 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0021.wav,she must care about the theatre a great deal more than she used to,3.56 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0022.wav,i'm glad she's held her own since,2.325 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0023.wav,after all we were awfully young,2.265 -data/test.clean/4446-2271-0024.wav,i shouldn't wonder if she could laugh about it with me now,3.16 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0000.wav,hilda was very nice to him and he sat on the edge of his chair flushed with his conversational efforts and moving his chin about nervously over his high collar,8.995 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0001.wav,they asked him to come to see them in chelsea and they spoke very tenderly of hilda,4.66 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0002.wav,lamb wouldn't care a great deal about many of them i fancy,3.295 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0003.wav,when bartley arrived at bedford square on sunday evening marie the pretty little french girl met him at the door and conducted him upstairs,7.835 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0004.wav,i should never have asked you if molly had been here for i remember you don't like english cookery,5.435 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0005.wav,i haven't had a chance yet to tell you what a jolly little place i think this is,4.125 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0006.wav,they are all sketches made about the villa d'este you see,2.94 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0007.wav,those fellows are all very loyal even mainhall,3.095 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0008.wav,i've managed to save something every year and that with helping my three sisters now and then and tiding poor cousin mike over bad seasons,7.715 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0009.wav,it's not particularly rare she said but some of it was my mother's,4.015 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0010.wav,there was watercress soup and sole and a delightful omelette stuffed with mushrooms and truffles and two small rare ducklings and artichokes and a dry yellow rhone wine of which bartley had always been very fond,12.44 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0011.wav,there is nothing else that looks so jolly,2.79 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0012.wav,thank you but i don't like it so well as this,2.98 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0013.wav,have you been in paris much these late years,2.625 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0014.wav,there are few changes in the old quarter,2.39 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0015.wav,don't i though i'm so sorry to hear it how did her son turn out,4.505 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0016.wav,her hair is still like flax and her blue eyes are just like a baby's and she has the same three freckles on her little nose and talks about going back to her bains de mer,9.645 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0017.wav,how jolly it was being young hilda,2.74 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0018.wav,do you remember that first walk we took together in paris,3.4 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0019.wav,come we'll have our coffee in the other room and you can smoke,3.115 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0020.wav,i think we did she answered demurely,2.74 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0021.wav,what she wanted from us was neither our flowers nor our francs but just our youth,5.255 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0022.wav,they were both remembering what the woman had said when she took the money god give you a happy love,5.865 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0023.wav,the strange woman and her passionate sentence that rang out so sharply had frightened them both,6.1 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0024.wav,bartley started when hilda rang the little bell beside her dear me why did you do that,4.825 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0025.wav,it was very jolly he murmured lazily as marie came in to take away the coffee,4.83 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0026.wav,have i told you about my new play,1.95 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0027.wav,when she finished alexander shook himself out of a reverie,3.76 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0028.wav,nonsense of course i can't really sing except the way my mother and grandmother did before me,5.405 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0029.wav,it's really too warm in this room to sing don't you feel it,3.3 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0030.wav,alexander went over and opened the window for her,2.885 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0031.wav,there just in front,1.795 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0032.wav,he stood a little behind her and tried to steady himself as he said it's soft and misty see how white the stars are,7.835 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0033.wav,for a long time neither hilda nor bartley spoke,3.3 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0034.wav,he felt a tremor run through the slender yellow figure in front of him,3.59 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0035.wav,bartley leaned over her shoulder without touching her and whispered in her ear you are giving me a chance yes,6.15 -data/test.clean/4446-2273-0036.wav,alexander unclenched the two hands at his sides,3.12 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0000.wav,young fitzooth had been commanded to his mother's chamber so soon as he had come out from his converse with the squire,6.075 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0001.wav,there befell an anxious interview mistress fitzooth arguing for and against the squire's project in a breath,6.155 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0002.wav,most of all robin thought of his father what would he counsel,4.165 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0003.wav,if for a whim you beggar yourself i cannot stay you,3.835 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0004.wav,but take it whilst i live and wear montfichet's shield in the days when my eyes can be rejoiced by so brave a sight for you will ne'er disgrace our scutcheon i warrant me,10.515 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0005.wav,the lad had checked him then,2.02 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0006.wav,never that sir he had said,2.335 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0007.wav,he was in deep converse with the clerk and entered the hall holding him by the arm,4.485 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0008.wav,now to bed boy,2.15 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0009.wav,tis late and i go myself within a short space,3.405 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0010.wav,dismiss your squire robin and bid me good e e n,3.045 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0011.wav,as any in england i would say said gamewell proudly that is in his day,6.075 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0012.wav,yet he will teach you a few tricks when morning is come,3.135 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0013.wav,there was no chance to alter his sleeping room to one nearer to gamewell's chamber,4.35 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0014.wav,presently he crossed the floor of his room with decided step,3.405 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0015.wav,will cried he softly and stuteley who had chosen his couch across the door of his young master's chamber sprang up at once in answer,8.415 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0016.wav,we will go out together to the bower there is a way down to the court from my window,4.37 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0017.wav,rest and be still until i warn you,2.55 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0018.wav,the hours passed wearily by and movement could yet be heard about the hall,4.6 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0019.wav,at last all was quiet and black in the courtyard of gamewell,3.78 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0020.wav,will whispered robin opening his door as he spoke are you ready,5.025 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0021.wav,they then renewed their journey and under the better light made a safe crossing of the stable roofs,5.405 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0022.wav,robin entered the hut dragging the unwilling esquire after him,3.97 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0023.wav,be not so foolish friend said fitzooth crossly,3.705 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0024.wav,they moved thereafter cautiously about the hut groping before and about them to find something to show that warrenton had fulfilled his mission,7.235 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0025.wav,they were upon the verge of an open trap in the far corner of the hut and stuteley had tripped over the edge of the reversed flap mouth of this pit,7.435 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0026.wav,fitzooth's hand rested at last upon the top rung of a ladder and slowly the truth came to him,5.475 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0027.wav,robin carefully descended the ladder and found himself soon upon firm rocky ground,5.08 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0028.wav,stuteley was by his side in a flash and then they both began feeling about them to ascertain the shape and character of this vault,6.55 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0029.wav,from the blackness behind the light they heard a voice warrenton's,4.03 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0030.wav,save me masters but you startled me rarely,3.24 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0031.wav,cried he waving the lanthorn before him to make sure that these were no ghosts in front of him,5.135 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0032.wav,enquired robin with his suspicions still upon him,3.135 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0033.wav,truly such a horse should be worth much in nottingham fair,3.42 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0034.wav,nay nay lording answered warrenton with a half laugh,4.485 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0035.wav,warrenton spoke thus with significance to show robin that he was not to think geoffrey's claims to the estate would be passed by,7.405 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0036.wav,robin fitzooth saw that his doubts of warrenton had been unfair and he became ashamed of himself for harboring them,6.785 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0037.wav,his tones rang pleasantly on warrenton's ears and forthwith a good fellowship was heralded between them,5.98 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0038.wav,the old servant told him quietly as they crept back to gamewell that this passage way led from the hut in the pleasance to sherwood and that geoffrey for the time was hiding with the outlaws in the forest,10.4 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0039.wav,he implores us to be discreet as the grave in this matter for in sooth his life is in the hollow of our hands,6.665 -data/test.clean/61-70970-0040.wav,they regained their apartment apparently without disturbing the household of gamewell,4.165 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0000.wav,he began a confused complaint against the wizard who had vanished behind the curtain on the left,4.905 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0001.wav,give not so earnest a mind to these mummeries child,3.61 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0002.wav,a golden fortune and a happy life,2.97 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0003.wav,he was like unto my father in a way and yet was not my father,4.315 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0004.wav,also there was a stripling page who turned into a maid,3.885 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0005.wav,this was so sweet a lady sir and in some manner i do think she died,5.07 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0006.wav,but then the picture was gone as quickly as it came,2.935 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0007.wav,sister nell do you hear these marvels,3.55 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0008.wav,take your place and let us see what the crystal can show to you,3.535 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0009.wav,like as not young master though i am an old man,4.51 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0010.wav,forthwith all ran to the opening of the tent to see what might be amiss but master will who peeped out first needed no more than one glance,8.295 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0011.wav,he gave way to the others very readily and retreated unperceived by the squire and mistress fitzooth to the rear of the tent,6.375 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0012.wav,cries of a nottingham a nottingham,2.61 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0013.wav,before them fled the stroller and his three sons capless and terrified,4.45 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0014.wav,what is the tumult and rioting cried out the squire authoritatively and he blew twice on a silver whistle which hung at his belt,7.485 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0015.wav,nay we refused their request most politely most noble said the little stroller,5.375 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0016.wav,and then they became vexed and would have snatched your purse from us,3.72 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0017.wav,i could not see my boy injured excellence for but doing his duty as one of cumberland's sons,5.11 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0018.wav,so i did push this fellow,2.405 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0019.wav,it is enough said george gamewell sharply and he turned upon the crowd,5.475 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0020.wav,shame on you citizens cried he i blush for my fellows of nottingham,5.105 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0021.wav,surely we can submit with good grace,2.69 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0022.wav,tis fine for you to talk old man answered the lean sullen apprentice,4.67 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0023.wav,but i wrestled with this fellow and do know that he played unfairly in the second bout,5.025 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0024.wav,spoke the squire losing all patience and it was to you that i gave another purse in consolation,6.025 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0025.wav,come to me men here here he raised his voice still louder,4.41 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0026.wav,the strollers took their part in it with hearty zest now that they had some chance of beating off their foes,4.92 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0027.wav,robin and the little tumbler between them tried to force the squire to stand back and very valiantly did these two comport themselves,6.87 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0028.wav,the head and chief of the riot the nottingham apprentice with clenched fists threatened montfichet,5.355 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0029.wav,the squire helped to thrust them all in and entered swiftly himself,3.495 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0030.wav,now be silent on your lives he began but the captured apprentice set up an instant shout,5.685 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0031.wav,silence you knave cried montfichet,2.925 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0032.wav,he felt for and found the wizard's black cloth the squire was quite out of breath,4.28 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0033.wav,thrusting open the proper entrance of the tent robin suddenly rushed forth with his burden with a great shout,5.685 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0034.wav,a montfichet a montfichet gamewell to the rescue,4.23 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0035.wav,taking advantage of this the squire's few men redoubled their efforts and encouraged by robin's and the little stroller's cries fought their way to him,7.95 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0036.wav,george montfichet will never forget this day,2.934938 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0037.wav,what is your name lording asked the little stroller presently,4.315 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0038.wav,robin fitzooth,2.05 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0039.wav,and mine is will stuteley shall we be comrades,3.805 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0040.wav,right willingly for between us we have won the battle answered robin,3.95 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0041.wav,i like you will you are the second will that i have met and liked within two days is there a sign in that,6.825 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0042.wav,montfichet called out for robin to give him an arm,2.785 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0043.wav,friends said montfichet faintly to the wrestlers bear us escort so far as the sheriff's house,6.735 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0044.wav,it will not be safe for you to stay here now,2.77 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0045.wav,pray follow us with mine and my lord sheriff's men,3.475 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0046.wav,nottingham castle was reached and admittance was demanded,3.55 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0047.wav,master monceux the sheriff of nottingham was mightily put about when told of the rioting,4.775 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0048.wav,and henry might return to england at any moment,3.02 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0049.wav,have your will child if the boy also wills it montfichet answered feeling too ill to oppose anything very strongly just then,8.25 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0050.wav,he made an effort to hide his condition from them all and robin felt his fingers tighten upon his arm,5.58 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0051.wav,beg me a room of the sheriff child quickly,3.135 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0052.wav,but who is this fellow plucking at your sleeve,2.65 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0053.wav,he is my esquire excellency returned robin with dignity,4.22 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0054.wav,mistress fitzooth had been carried off by the sheriff's daughter and her maids as soon as they had entered the house so that robin alone had the care of montfichet,7.86 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0055.wav,robin was glad when at length they were left to their own devices,3.965 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0056.wav,the wine did certainly bring back the color to the squire's cheeks,3.565 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0057.wav,these escapades are not for old gamewell lad his day has come to twilight,5.065 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0058.wav,will you forgive me now,1.82 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0059.wav,it will be no disappointment to me,2.17 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0060.wav,no thanks i am glad to give you such easy happiness,3.735 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0061.wav,you are a worthy leech will presently whispered robin the wine has worked a marvel,5.53 -data/test.clean/61-70968-0062.wav,ay and show you some pretty tricks,2.555 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0000.wav,miss lake declined the carriage to night,2.645 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0001.wav,and he added something still less complimentary,3.47 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0002.wav,but don't these very wise things sometimes turn out very foolishly,5.125 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0003.wav,in the meantime i had formed a new idea of her,2.865 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0004.wav,by this time lord chelford and wylder returned and disgusted rather with myself i ruminated on my want of general ship,9.225 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0005.wav,and he made a little dip of his cane towards brandon hall over his shoulder,4.59 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0006.wav,yes so they said but that would i think have been worse,4.215 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0007.wav,if a fellow's been a little bit wild he's beelzebub at once,4.12 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0008.wav,bracton's a very good fellow i can assure you,3.3 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0009.wav,i don't know and can't say how you fine gentlemen define wickedness only as an obscure female i speak according to my lights and he is generally thought the wickedest man in this county,13.26 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0010.wav,well you know radie women like wicked fellows it is contrast i suppose but they do and i'm sure from what bracton has said to me i know him intimately that dorcas likes him and i can't conceive why they are not married,15.03 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0011.wav,their walk continued silent for the greater part neither was quite satisfied with the other but rachel at last said,7.37 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0012.wav,now that's impossible radie for i really don't think i once thought of him all this evening except just while we were talking,8.26 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0013.wav,there was a bright moonlight broken by the shadows of overhanging boughs and withered leaves and the mottled lights and shadows glided oddly across his pale features,9.93 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0014.wav,don't insult me stanley by talking again as you did this morning,3.97 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0015.wav,what i say is altogether on your own account,2.83 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0016.wav,mark my words you'll find him too strong for you aye and too deep,4.88 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0017.wav,i am very uneasy about it whatever it is i can't help it,4.585 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0018.wav,to my mind there has always been something inexpressibly awful in family feuds,5.455 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0019.wav,the mystery of their origin their capacity for evolving latent faculties of crime and the steady vitality with which they survive the hearse and speak their deep mouthed malignities in every new born generation have associated them somehow in my mind with a spell of life exceeding and distinct from human and a special satanic action,20.855 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0020.wav,the floor more than anything else showed the great age of the room,3.93 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0021.wav,my bed was unexceptionably comfortable but in my then mood i could have wished it a great deal more modern,7.9 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0022.wav,its curtains were of thick and faded tapestry,3.19 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0023.wav,all the furniture belonged to other times,2.745 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0024.wav,i shan't trouble you about my train of thoughts or fancies but i began to feel very like a gentleman in a ghost story watching experimentally in a haunted chamber,9.855 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0025.wav,i did not even take the precaution of smoking up the chimney,3.47 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0026.wav,i boldly lighted my cheroot,2.34 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0027.wav,a cold bright moon was shining with clear sharp lights and shadows,4.755 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0028.wav,the sombre old trees like gigantic hearse plumes black and awful,5.62 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0029.wav,somehow i had grown nervous,2.275 -data/test.clean/5683-32866-0030.wav,a little bit of plaster tumbled down the chimney and startled me confoundedly,4.845 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0000.wav,you know captain lake,2.19 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0001.wav,said lord chelford addressing me,2.58 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0002.wav,he had his hand upon lake's shoulder,2.78 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0003.wav,they are cousins you know we are all cousins,3.51 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0004.wav,whatever lord chelford said miss brandon received it very graciously and even with a momentary smile,7.365 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0005.wav,but her greeting to captain lake was more than usually haughty and frozen and her features i fancied particularly proud and pale,10.12 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0006.wav,at dinner lake was easy and amusing,3.35 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0007.wav,i'm glad you like it says wylder chuckling benignantly on it over his shoulder,6.065 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0008.wav,i believe i have a little taste that way those are all real you know those jewels,6.12 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0009.wav,and he placed it in that gentleman's fingers who now took his turn at the lamp and contemplated the little parallelogram with a gleam of sly amusement,9.89 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0010.wav,i was thinking it's very like the ace of hearts answered the captain softly smiling on,6.335 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0011.wav,whereupon lake laughed quietly still looking on the ace of hearts with his sly eyes,6.355 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0012.wav,and wylder laughed too more suddenly and noisily than the humour of the joke seemed quite to call for and glanced a grim look from the corners of his eyes on lake but the gallant captain did not seem to perceive it and after a few seconds more he handed it very innocently back to missus dorothy only remarking,21.51 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0013.wav,do you know lake oh i really can't tell but he'll soon tire of country life,7.095 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0014.wav,he's not a man for country quarters,2.615 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0015.wav,i had a horrid dream about him last night that,4.145 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0016.wav,oh i know that's lorne brandon,3.06 -data/test.clean/5683-32865-0017.wav,all the time he was talking to me his angry little eyes were following lake,5.455 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0000.wav,it was not very much past eleven that morning when the pony carriage from brandon drew up before the little garden wicket of redman's farm,8.92 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0001.wav,well she was better though she had had a bad night,3.66 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0002.wav,so there came a step and a little rustling of feminine draperies the small door opened and rachel entered with her hand extended and a pale smile of welcome,11.085 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0003.wav,women can hide their pain better than we men and bear it better too except when shame drops fire into the dreadful chalice,9.345 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0004.wav,but poor rachel lake had more than that stoical hypocrisy which enables the tortured spirits of her sex to lift a pale face through the flames and smile,11.21 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0005.wav,this transient spring and lighting up are beautiful a glamour beguiling our senses,6.11 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0006.wav,there was something of sweetness and fondness in her tones and manner which was new to rachel and comforting and she returned the greeting as kindly and felt more like her former self,11.99 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0007.wav,rachel's pale and sharpened features and dilated eye struck her with a painful surprise,6.795 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0008.wav,you have been so ill my poor rachel,2.95 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0009.wav,ill and troubled dear troubled in mind and miserably nervous,5.135 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0010.wav,poor rachel her nature recoiled from deceit and she told at all events as much of the truth as she dared,7.75 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0011.wav,she spoke with a sudden energy which partook of fear and passion and flushed her thin cheek and made her languid eyes flash,9.21 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0012.wav,thank you rachel my cousin rachel my only friend,4.38 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0013.wav,chelford had a note from mister wylder this morning another note his coming delayed and something of his having to see some person who is abroad continued dorcas after a little pause,11.495 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0014.wav,yes something everything said rachel hurriedly looking frowningly at a flower which she was twirling in her fingers,8.405 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0015.wav,yes said rachel,2.01 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0016.wav,and the wan oracle having spoken she sate down in the same sort of abstraction again beside dorcas and she looked full in her cousin's eyes,10.185 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0017.wav,of mark wylder i say this his name has been for years hateful to me and recently it has become frightful and you will promise me simply this that you will never ask me to speak again about him,14.59 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0018.wav,it is an antipathy an antipathy i cannot get over dear dorcas you may think it a madness but don't blame me,7.44 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0019.wav,i have very few to love me now and i thought you might love me as i have begun to love you,6.35 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0020.wav,and she threw her arms round her cousin's neck and brave rachel at last burst into tears,6.545 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0021.wav,dorcas in her strange way was moved,4.09 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0022.wav,i like you still rachel i'm sure i'll always like you,4.175 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0023.wav,you resemble me rachel you are fearless and inflexible and generous,4.975 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0024.wav,yes rachel i do love you,2.37 -data/test.clean/5683-32879-0025.wav,thank you dorcas dear,1.905 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0000.wav,yes dead these four years an a good job for her too,5.485 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0001.wav,well as i say it's an awful queer world they clap all the burglars into jail and the murderers and the wife beaters i've allers thought a gentle reproof would be enough punishment for a wife beater cause he probably has a lot o provocation that nobody knows and the firebugs can't think o the right name something like cendenaries an the breakers o the peace an what not an yet the law has nothin to say to a man like hen lord,28.41 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0002.wav,grandfather was alexander carey l l d doctor of laws that is,5.625 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0003.wav,mister popham laid down his brush,2.835 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0004.wav,i swan to man he ejaculated if you don't work hard you can't keep up with the times doctor of laws,7.315 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0005.wav,done he ain't done a thing he'd oughter sence he was born,3.845 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0006.wav,he keeps the thou shalt not commandments first rate hen lord does,4.55 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0007.wav,he give up his position and shut the family up in that tomb of a house so t he could study his books,6.905 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0008.wav,mister popham exaggerated nothing but on the contrary left much unsaid in his narrative of the family at the house of lords,8.965 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0009.wav,henry lord with the degree of ph d to his credit had been professor of zoology at a new england college but had resigned his post in order to write a series of scientific text books,13.195 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0010.wav,always irritable cold indifferent he had grown rapidly more so as years went on,6.82 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0011.wav,whatever appealed to her sense of beauty was straightway transferred to paper or canvas,5.445 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0012.wav,she is wild to know how to do things,2.705 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0013.wav,she makes effort after effort trembling with eagerness and when she fails to reproduce what she sees she works herself into a frenzy of grief and disappointment,9.8 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0014.wav,when she could not make a rabbit or a bird look real on paper she searched in her father's books for pictures of its bones,7.215 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0015.wav,cyril there must be some better way of doing i just draw the outline of an animal and then i put hairs or feathers on it they have no bodies,8.65 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0016.wav,they couldn't run nor move they're just pasteboard,3.3 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0017.wav,he wouldn't search so don't worry replied cyril quietly and the two looked at each other and knew that it was so,8.69 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0018.wav,there in the cedar hollow then lived olive lord an angry resentful little creature weighed down by a fierce sense of injury,9.155 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0019.wav,olive's mournful black eyes met nancy's sparkling brown ones,4.755 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0020.wav,nancy's curly chestnut crop shone in the sun and olive's thick black plaits looked blacker by contrast,7.49 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0021.wav,she's wonderful more wonderful than anybody we've ever seen anywhere and she draws better than the teacher in charlestown,8.23 -data/test.clean/4992-41797-0022.wav,she's older than i am but so tiny and sad and shy that she seems like a child,6.45 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0000.wav,but the more forgetfulness had then prevailed the more powerful was the force of remembrance when she awoke,6.645 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0001.wav,miss milner's health is not good,2.71 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0002.wav,said missus horton a few minutes after,3.12 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0003.wav,so there is to me added sandford with a sarcastic sneer,4.645 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0004.wav,and yet you must own her behaviour has warranted them has it not been in this particular incoherent and unaccountable,8.06 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0005.wav,not that i know of not one more that i know of he replied with astonishment at what she had insinuated and yet with a perfect assurance that she was in the wrong,10.74 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0006.wav,perhaps i am mistaken answered she,2.965 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0007.wav,to ask any more questions of you i believe would be unfair,4.045 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0008.wav,he seemed to wait for her reply but as she made none he proceeded,4.91 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0009.wav,oh my lord cried miss woodley with a most forcible accent you are the last person on earth she would pardon me for entrusting,8.395 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0010.wav,but in such a case miss milner's election of a husband shall not direct mine,5.0 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0011.wav,if she does not know how to estimate her own value i do,4.225 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0012.wav,independent of her fortune she has beauty to captivate the heart of any man and with all her follies she has a frankness in her manner an unaffected wisdom in her thoughts a vivacity in her conversation and withal a softness in her demeanour that might alone engage the affections of a man of the nicest sentiments and the strongest understanding,21.735 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0013.wav,my lord miss milner's taste is not a depraved one it is but too refined,6.63 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0014.wav,what can you mean by that miss woodley you talk mysteriously,4.535 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0015.wav,is she not afraid that i will thwart her inclinations,3.675 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0016.wav,again he searched his own thoughts nor ineffectually as before,4.495 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0017.wav,miss woodley was too little versed in the subject to know this would have been not to love at all at least not to the extent of breaking through engagements and all the various obstacles that still militated against their union,14.315 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0018.wav,to relieve her from both he laid his hand with force upon his heart and said do you believe me,6.575 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0019.wav,i will make no unjust use of what i know he replied with firmness i believe you my lord,6.585 -data/test.clean/4992-23283-0020.wav,i have never yet however been vanquished by them and even upon this occasion my reason shall combat them to the last and my reason shall fail me before i do wrong,10.42 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0000.wav,natty harmon tried the kitchen pump secretly several times during the evening for the water had to run up hill all the way from the well to the kitchen sink and he believed this to be a continual miracle that might give out at any moment,14.36 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0001.wav,to night there was no need of extra heat and there were great ceremonies to be observed in lighting the fires on the hearthstones,8.31 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0002.wav,they began with the one in the family sitting room colonel wheeler ralph thurston mister and missus bill harmon with natty and rufus mister and missus popham with digby and lallie joy all standing in admiring groups and thrilling with delight at the order of events,17.745 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0003.wav,kathleen waved the torch to and fro as she recited some beautiful lines written for some such purpose as that which called them together to night,9.24 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0004.wav,burn fire burn flicker flicker flame,3.7 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0005.wav,next came olive's turn to help in the ceremonies,3.73 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0006.wav,ralph thurston had found a line of latin for them in his beloved horace tibi splendet focus for you the hearth fire shines,10.37 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0007.wav,olive had painted the motto on a long narrow panel of canvas and giving it to mister popham stood by the fireside while he deftly fitted it into the place prepared for it,11.415 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0008.wav,olive has another lovely gift for the yellow house said mother carey rising and to carry out the next part of the programme we shall have to go in procession upstairs to my bedroom,11.82 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0009.wav,exclaimed bill harmon to his wife as they went through the lighted hall,4.355 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0010.wav,ain't they the greatest,2.14 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0011.wav,mother carey poured coffee nancy chocolate and the others helped serve the sandwiches and cake doughnuts and tarts,7.84 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0012.wav,at that moment the gentleman entered bearing a huge object concealed by a piece of green felt,6.73 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0013.wav,approaching the dining table he carefully placed the article in the centre and removed the cloth,6.02 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0014.wav,thinks i to myself i never seen anything osh popham couldn't mend if he took time enough and glue enough so i carried this little feller home in a bushel basket one night last month an i've spent eleven evenin's puttin him together,15.21 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0015.wav,missus harmon thought he sang too much and told her husband privately that if he was a canary bird she should want to keep a table cover over his head most of the time but he was immensely popular with the rest of his audience,12.44 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0016.wav,the face of the mahogany shone with delight and why not when it was doing everything almost everything within the scope of a piano and yet the family had enjoyed weeks of good nourishing meals on what had been saved by its exertions,15.76 -data/test.clean/4992-41806-0017.wav,we shut our eyes the flowers bloom on we murmur but the corn ears fill we choose the shadow but the sun that casts it shines behind us still,10.895 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0000.wav,chapter one origin,2.59 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0001.wav,it engenders a whole world la pegre for which read theft and a hell la pegrenne for which read hunger,11.32 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0002.wav,thus idleness is the mother,3.185 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0003.wav,she has a son theft and a daughter hunger,4.895 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0004.wav,what is slang,2.135 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0005.wav,we have never understood this sort of objections,4.21 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0006.wav,slang is odious,2.11 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0007.wav,slang makes one shudder,2.63 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0008.wav,who denies that of course it does,3.59 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0009.wav,when it is a question of probing a wound a gulf a society since when has it been considered wrong to go too far to go to the bottom,11.305 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0010.wav,we have always thought that it was sometimes a courageous act and at least a simple and useful deed worthy of the sympathetic attention which duty accepted and fulfilled merits,15.165 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0011.wav,why should one not explore everything and study everything,5.615 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0012.wav,why should one halt on the way,2.735 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0013.wav,nothing is more lugubrious than the contemplation thus in its nudity in the broad light of thought of the horrible swarming of slang,10.44 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0014.wav,now when has horror ever excluded study,6.115 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0015.wav,since when has malady banished medicine,3.86 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0016.wav,can one imagine a naturalist refusing to study the viper the bat the scorpion the centipede the tarantula and one who would cast them back into their darkness saying oh how ugly that is,17.265 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0017.wav,he would be like a philologist refusing to examine a fact in language a philosopher hesitating to scrutinize a fact in humanity,10.585 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0018.wav,what is slang properly speaking,3.375 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0019.wav,it is the language of wretchedness,2.93 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0020.wav,we may be stopped the fact may be put to us in general terms which is one way of attenuating it we may be told that all trades professions it may be added all the accidents of the social hierarchy and all forms of intelligence have their own slang,22.5 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0021.wav,the painter who says my grinder the notary who says my skip the gutter the hairdresser who says my mealyback the cobbler who says my cub talks slang,14.48 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0022.wav,there is the slang of the affected lady as well as of the precieuses,6.2 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0023.wav,the sugar manufacturer who says loaf clarified lumps bastard common burnt this honest manufacturer talks slang,12.07 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0024.wav,algebra medicine botany have each their slang,5.14 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0025.wav,to meet the needs of this conflict wretchedness has invented a language of combat which is slang,9.215 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0026.wav,to keep afloat and to rescue from oblivion to hold above the gulf were it but a fragment of some language which man has spoken and which would otherwise be lost that is to say one of the elements good or bad of which civilization is composed or by which it is complicated to extend the records of social observation is to serve civilization itself,31.615 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0027.wav,phoenician very good,1.995 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0028.wav,even dialect let that pass,3.265 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0029.wav,to this we reply in one word only,3.87 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0030.wav,assuredly if the tongue which a nation or a province has spoken is worthy of interest the language which has been spoken by a misery is still more worthy of attention and study,14.79 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0031.wav,and then we insist upon it the study of social deformities and infirmities and the task of pointing them out with a view to remedy is not a business in which choice is permitted,14.31 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0032.wav,he must descend with his heart full of charity and severity at the same time as a brother and as a judge to those impenetrable casemates where crawl pell mell those who bleed and those who deal the blow those who weep and those who curse those who fast and those who devour those who endure evil and those who inflict it,28.09 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0033.wav,do we really know the mountain well when we are not acquainted with the cavern,5.545 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0034.wav,they constitute two different orders of facts which correspond to each other which are always interlaced and which often bring forth results,11.27 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0035.wav,true history being a mixture of all things the true historian mingles in everything,7.535 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0036.wav,facts form one of these and ideas the other,5.435 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0037.wav,there it clothes itself in word masks in metaphor rags,5.35 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0038.wav,in this guise it becomes horrible,3.885 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0039.wav,one perceives without understanding it a hideous murmur sounding almost like human accents but more nearly resembling a howl than an articulate word,15.42 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0040.wav,one thinks one hears hydras talking,3.925 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0041.wav,it is unintelligible in the dark,2.975 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0042.wav,it is black in misfortune it is blacker still in crime these two blacknesses amalgamated compose slang,10.375 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0043.wav,the earth is not devoid of resemblance to a jail,3.99 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0044.wav,look closely at life,2.19 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0045.wav,it is so made that everywhere we feel the sense of punishment,4.89 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0046.wav,each day has its own great grief or its little care,4.59 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0047.wav,yesterday you were trembling for a health that is dear to you to day you fear for your own to morrow it will be anxiety about money the day after to morrow the diatribe of a slanderer the day after that the misfortune of some friend then the prevailing weather then something that has been broken or lost then a pleasure with which your conscience and your vertebral column reproach you again the course of public affairs,34.955 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0048.wav,this without reckoning in the pains of the heart and so it goes on,5.215 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0049.wav,there is hardly one day out of a hundred which is wholly joyous and sunny,5.91 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0050.wav,and you belong to that small class who are happy,3.895 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0051.wav,in this world evidently the vestibule of another there are no fortunate,6.17 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0052.wav,the real human division is this the luminous and the shady,6.275 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0053.wav,to diminish the number of the shady to augment the number of the luminous that is the object,8.095 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0054.wav,that is why we cry education science,4.315 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0055.wav,to teach reading means to light the fire every syllable spelled out sparkles,7.225 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0056.wav,however he who says light does not necessarily say joy,6.345 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0057.wav,people suffer in the light excess burns,4.61 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0058.wav,the flame is the enemy of the wing,3.11 -data/test.clean/4507-16021-0059.wav,to burn without ceasing to fly therein lies the marvel of genius,6.205 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0000.wav,she was tired of other things,2.865 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0001.wav,she tried this morning an air or two upon the piano sang a simple song in a sweet but slightly metallic voice and then seating herself by the open window read philip's letter,13.91 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0002.wav,well mother said the young student looking up with a shade of impatience,5.48 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0003.wav,i hope thee told the elders that father and i are responsible for the piano and that much as thee loves music thee is never in the room when it is played,10.02 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0004.wav,i heard father tell cousin abner that he was whipped so often for whistling when he was a boy that he was determined to have what compensation he could get now,9.61 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0005.wav,thy ways greatly try me ruth and all thy relations,4.65 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0006.wav,is thy father willing thee should go away to a school of the world's people,4.47 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0007.wav,i have not asked him ruth replied with a look that might imply that she was one of those determined little bodies who first made up her own mind and then compelled others to make up theirs in accordance with hers,14.81 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0008.wav,mother i'm going to study medicine,3.04 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0009.wav,margaret bolton almost lost for a moment her habitual placidity,5.6 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0010.wav,thee study medicine,2.64 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0011.wav,does thee think thee could stand it six months,3.355 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0012.wav,and besides suppose thee does learn medicine,4.68 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0013.wav,i will practice it,1.98 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0014.wav,where thee and thy family are known,3.26 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0015.wav,if i can get patients,2.36 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0016.wav,ruth sat quite still for a time with face intent and flushed it was out now,6.945 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0017.wav,the sight seers returned in high spirits from the city,3.93 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0018.wav,ruth asked the enthusiasts if they would like to live in such a sounding mausoleum with its great halls and echoing rooms and no comfortable place in it for the accommodation of any body,12.14 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0019.wav,and then there was broad street,2.725 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0020.wav,there certainly was no end to it and even ruth was philadelphian enough to believe that a street ought not to have any end or architectural point upon which the weary eye could rest,12.365 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0021.wav,but neither saint girard nor broad street neither wonders of the mint nor the glories of the hall where the ghosts of our fathers sit always signing the declaration impressed the visitors so much as the splendors of the chestnut street windows and the bargains on eighth street,19.86 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0022.wav,is thee going to the yearly meeting ruth asked one of the girls,4.765 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0023.wav,i have nothing to wear replied that demure person,3.905 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0024.wav,it has occupied mother a long time to find at the shops the exact shade for her new bonnet,6.04 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0025.wav,and thee won't go why should i,3.83 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0026.wav,if i go to meeting at all i like best to sit in the quiet old house in germantown where the windows are all open and i can see the trees and hear the stir of the leaves,10.93 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0027.wav,it's such a crush at the yearly meeting at arch street and then there's the row of sleek looking young men who line the curbstone and stare at us as we come out,9.795 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0028.wav,he doesn't say but it's on the frontier and on the map everything beyond it is marked indians and desert and looks as desolate as a wednesday meeting humph it was time for him to do something,14.67 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0029.wav,is he going to start a daily newspaper among the kick a poos,3.89 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0030.wav,father thee's unjust to philip he's going into business,4.67 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0031.wav,he doesn't say exactly what it is said ruth a little dubiously but it's something about land and railroads and thee knows father that fortunes are made nobody knows exactly how in a new country,15.05 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0032.wav,but philip is honest and he has talent enough if he will stop scribbling to make his way,6.61 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0033.wav,what a box women are put into measured for it and put in young if we go anywhere it's in a box veiled and pinioned and shut in by disabilities,12.025 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0034.wav,why should i rust and be stupid and sit in inaction because i am a girl,5.81 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0035.wav,and if i had a fortune would thee want me to lead a useless life,4.75 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0036.wav,has thee consulted thy mother about a career i suppose it is a career thee wants,5.25 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0037.wav,but that wise and placid woman understood the sweet rebel a great deal better than ruth understood herself,6.885 -data/test.clean/4970-29095-0038.wav,ruth was glad to hear that philip had made a push into the world and she was sure that his talent and courage would make a way for him,8.74 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0000.wav,you'll never dig it out of the astor library,3.03 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0001.wav,to the young american here or elsewhere the paths to fortune are innumerable and all open there is invitation in the air and success in all his wide horizon,11.92 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0002.wav,he has no traditions to bind him or guide him and his impulse is to break away from the occupation his father has followed and make a new way for himself,10.73 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0003.wav,the modest fellow would have liked fame thrust upon him for some worthy achievement it might be for a book or for the skillful management of some great newspaper or for some daring expedition like that of lieutenant strain or doctor kane,15.355 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0004.wav,he was unable to decide exactly what it should be,3.75 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0005.wav,sometimes he thought he would like to stand in a conspicuous pulpit and humbly preach the gospel of repentance and it even crossed his mind that it would be noble to give himself to a missionary life to some benighted region where the date palm grows and the nightingale's voice is in tune and the bul bul sings on the off nights,22.16 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0006.wav,law seemed to him well enough as a science but he never could discover a practical case where it appeared to him worth while to go to law and all the clients who stopped with this new clerk in the ante room of the law office where he was writing philip invariably advised to settle no matter how but settle greatly to the disgust of his employer who knew that justice between man and man could only be attained by the recognized processes with the attendant fees,29.6 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0007.wav,it is such a noble ambition that it is a pity it has usually such a shallow foundation,6.995 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0008.wav,he wanted to begin at the top of the ladder,3.58 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0009.wav,philip therefore read diligently in the astor library planned literary works that should compel attention and nursed his genius,9.12 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0010.wav,he had no friend wise enough to tell him to step into the dorking convention then in session make a sketch of the men and women on the platform and take it to the editor of the daily grapevine and see what he could get a line for it,14.3 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0011.wav,o very well said gringo turning away with a shade of contempt you'll find if you are going into literature and newspaper work that you can't afford a conscience like that,11.45 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0012.wav,but philip did afford it and he wrote thanking his friends and declining because he said the political scheme would fail and ought to fail,8.71 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0013.wav,and he went back to his books and to his waiting for an opening large enough for his dignified entrance into the literary world,8.01 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0014.wav,well i'm going as an engineer you can go as one,4.275 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0015.wav,you can begin by carrying a rod and putting down the figures,3.325 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0016.wav,no its not too soon,2.23 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0017.wav,i've been ready to go anywhere for six months,2.865 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0018.wav,the two young men who were by this time full of the adventure went down to the wall street office of henry's uncle and had a talk with that wily operator,9.715 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0019.wav,the night was spent in packing up and writing letters for philip would not take such an important step without informing his friends,7.47 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0020.wav,why it's in missouri somewhere on the frontier i think we'll get a map,5.58 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0021.wav,i was afraid it was nearer home,2.425 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0022.wav,he knew his uncle would be glad to hear that he had at last turned his thoughts to a practical matter,6.22 -data/test.clean/4970-29093-0023.wav,he well knew the perils of the frontier the savage state of society the lurking indians and the dangers of fever,8.07 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0000.wav,i will endeavour in my statement to avoid such terms as would serve to limit the events to any particular place or give a clue as to the people concerned,8.94 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0001.wav,i had always known him to be restless in his manner but on this particular occasion he was in such a state of uncontrollable agitation that it was clear something very unusual had occurred,10.255 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0002.wav,my friend's temper had not improved since he had been deprived of the congenial surroundings of baker street,6.135 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0003.wav,without his scrapbooks his chemicals and his homely untidiness he was an uncomfortable man,6.55 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0004.wav,i had to read it over carefully as the text must be absolutely correct,4.515 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0005.wav,i was absent rather more than an hour,2.745 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0006.wav,the only duplicate which existed so far as i knew was that which belonged to my servant bannister a man who has looked after my room for ten years and whose honesty is absolutely above suspicion,10.85 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0007.wav,the moment i looked at my table i was aware that someone had rummaged among my papers,4.565 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0008.wav,the proof was in three long slips i had left them all together,4.305 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0009.wav,the alternative was that someone passing had observed the key in the door had known that i was out and had entered to look at the papers,7.04 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0010.wav,i gave him a little brandy and left him collapsed in a chair while i made a most careful examination of the room,5.32 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0011.wav,a broken tip of lead was lying there also,2.825 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0012.wav,not only this but on the table i found a small ball of black dough or clay with specks of something which looks like sawdust in it,7.065 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0013.wav,above all things i desire to settle the matter quietly and discreetly,4.32 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0014.wav,to the best of my belief they were rolled up,2.855 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0015.wav,did anyone know that these proofs would be there no one save the printer,4.985 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0016.wav,i was in such a hurry to come to you you left your door open,4.255 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0017.wav,so it seems to me,2.28 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0018.wav,now mister soames at your disposal,2.675 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0019.wav,above were three students one on each story,2.705 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0020.wav,then he approached it and standing on tiptoe with his neck craned he looked into the room,5.135 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0021.wav,there is no opening except the one pane said our learned guide,3.715 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0022.wav,i am afraid there are no signs here said he,3.295 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0023.wav,one could hardly hope for any upon so dry a day,3.33 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0024.wav,you left him in a chair you say which chair by the window there,4.48 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0025.wav,the man entered and took the papers sheet by sheet from the central table,3.905 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0026.wav,as a matter of fact he could not said soames for i entered by the side door,4.775 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0027.wav,how long would it take him to do that using every possible contraction a quarter of an hour not less,5.225 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0028.wav,then he tossed it down and seized the next,2.585 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0029.wav,he was in the midst of that when your return caused him to make a very hurried retreat very hurried since he had not time to replace the papers which would tell you that he had been there,10.055 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0030.wav,mister soames was somewhat overwhelmed by this flood of information,3.48 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0031.wav,holmes held out a small chip with the letters n n and a space of clear wood after them you see,6.25 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0032.wav,watson i have always done you an injustice there are others,4.135 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0033.wav,i was hoping that if the paper on which he wrote was thin some trace of it might come through upon this polished surface no i see nothing,7.45 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0034.wav,as holmes drew the curtain i was aware from some little rigidity and alertness of his attitude that he was prepared for an emergency,6.99 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0035.wav,holmes turned away and stooped suddenly to the floor halloa what's this,4.98 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0036.wav,holmes held it out on his open palm in the glare of the electric light,3.98 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0037.wav,what could he do he caught up everything which would betray him and he rushed into your bedroom to conceal himself,5.73 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0038.wav,i understand you to say that there are three students who use this stair and are in the habit of passing your door yes there are,7.535 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0039.wav,and they are all in for this examination yes,3.725 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0040.wav,one hardly likes to throw suspicion where there are no proofs,3.75 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0041.wav,let us hear the suspicions i will look after the proofs,3.575 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0042.wav,my scholar has been left very poor but he is hard working and industrious he will do well,5.865 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0043.wav,the top floor belongs to miles mc laren,2.74 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0044.wav,i dare not go so far as that but of the three he is perhaps the least unlikely,5.505 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0045.wav,he was still suffering from this sudden disturbance of the quiet routine of his life,4.36 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0046.wav,but i have occasionally done the same thing at other times,3.53 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0047.wav,did you look at these papers on the table,2.605 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0048.wav,how came you to leave the key in the door,2.785 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0049.wav,anyone in the room could get out yes sir,3.845063 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0050.wav,i really don't think he knew much about it mister holmes,3.085 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0051.wav,only for a minute or so,1.98 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0052.wav,oh i would not venture to say sir,3.45 -data/test.clean/1580-141083-0053.wav,you haven't seen any of them no sir,4.015 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0000.wav,it was the indian whose dark silhouette appeared suddenly upon his blind,4.615 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0001.wav,he was pacing swiftly up and down his room,3.265 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0002.wav,this set of rooms is quite the oldest in the college and it is not unusual for visitors to go over them,5.905 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0003.wav,no names please said holmes as we knocked at gilchrist's door,4.1 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0004.wav,of course he did not realize that it was i who was knocking but none the less his conduct was very uncourteous and indeed under the circumstances rather suspicious,9.005 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0005.wav,that is very important said holmes,2.515 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0006.wav,you don't seem to realize the position,2.135 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0007.wav,to morrow is the examination,2.02 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0008.wav,i cannot allow the examination to be held if one of the papers has been tampered with the situation must be faced,6.795 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0009.wav,it is possible that i may be in a position then to indicate some course of action,4.685 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0010.wav,i will take the black clay with me also the pencil cuttings good bye,4.47 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0011.wav,when we were out in the darkness of the quadrangle we again looked up at the windows,5.0 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0012.wav,the foul mouthed fellow at the top,2.485 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0013.wav,he is the one with the worst record,2.225 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0014.wav,why bannister the servant what's his game in the matter,3.97 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0015.wav,he impressed me as being a perfectly honest man,3.47 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0016.wav,my friend did not appear to be depressed by his failure but shrugged his shoulders in half humorous resignation,5.96 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0017.wav,no good my dear watson,2.0 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0018.wav,i think so you have formed a conclusion,3.345 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0019.wav,yes my dear watson i have solved the mystery,3.125 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0020.wav,look at that he held out his hand,2.86 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0021.wav,on the palm were three little pyramids of black doughy clay,4.01 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0022.wav,and one more this morning,2.06 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0023.wav,in a few hours the examination would commence and he was still in the dilemma between making the facts public and allowing the culprit to compete for the valuable scholarship,8.735 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0024.wav,he could hardly stand still so great was his mental agitation and he ran towards holmes with two eager hands outstretched thank heaven that you have come,9.185 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0025.wav,you know him i think so,2.375 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0026.wav,if this matter is not to become public we must give ourselves certain powers and resolve ourselves into a small private court martial,6.995 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0027.wav,no sir certainly not,3.36 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0028.wav,there was no man sir,2.655 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0029.wav,his troubled blue eyes glanced at each of us and finally rested with an expression of blank dismay upon bannister in the farther corner,8.075 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0030.wav,just close the door said holmes,2.145 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0031.wav,we want to know mister gilchrist how you an honourable man ever came to commit such an action as that of yesterday,6.47 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0032.wav,for a moment gilchrist with upraised hand tried to control his writhing features,4.995 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0033.wav,come come said holmes kindly it is human to err and at least no one can accuse you of being a callous criminal,7.0 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0034.wav,well well don't trouble to answer listen and see that i do you no injustice,4.49 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0035.wav,he could examine the papers in his own office,2.63 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0036.wav,the indian i also thought nothing of,2.475 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0037.wav,when i approached your room i examined the window,2.965 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0038.wav,no one less than that would have a chance,2.955 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0039.wav,i entered and i took you into my confidence as to the suggestions of the side table,4.885 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0040.wav,he returned carrying his jumping shoes which are provided as you are aware with several sharp spikes,5.985 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0041.wav,no harm would have been done had it not been that as he passed your door he perceived the key which had been left by the carelessness of your servant,7.99 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0042.wav,a sudden impulse came over him to enter and see if they were indeed the proofs,5.06 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0043.wav,he put his shoes on the table,2.065 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0044.wav,gloves said the young man,2.895 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0045.wav,suddenly he heard him at the very door there was no possible escape,3.625 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0046.wav,have i told the truth mister gilchrist,2.35 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0047.wav,i have a letter here mister soames which i wrote to you early this morning in the middle of a restless night,5.25 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0048.wav,it will be clear to you from what i have said that only you could have let this young man out since you were left in the room and must have locked the door when you went out,9.265 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0049.wav,it was simple enough sir if you only had known but with all your cleverness it was impossible that you could know,7.575 -data/test.clean/1580-141084-0050.wav,if mister soames saw them the game was up,2.78 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0000.wav,kenneth and beth refrained from telling the other girls or uncle john of old will rogers's visit but they got mister watson in the library and questioned him closely about the penalty for forging a check,11.695 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0001.wav,it was a serious crime indeed mister watson told them and tom gates bade fair to serve a lengthy term in state's prison as a consequence of his rash act,9.315 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0002.wav,i can't see it in that light said the old lawyer,3.075 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0003.wav,it was a deliberate theft from his employers to protect a girl he loved,4.215 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0004.wav,but they could not have proven a case against lucy if she was innocent and all their threats of arresting her were probably mere bluff,7.145 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0005.wav,he was soft hearted and impetuous said beth and being in love he didn't stop to count the cost,6.72 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0006.wav,if the prosecution were withdrawn and the case settled with the victim of the forged check then the young man would be allowed his freedom,7.195 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0007.wav,but under the circumstances i doubt if such an arrangement could be made,3.865 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0008.wav,fairview was twelve miles away but by ten o'clock they drew up at the county jail,4.74 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0009.wav,they were received in the little office by a man named markham who was the jailer,4.22 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0010.wav,we wish to talk with him answered kenneth talk,3.14 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0011.wav,i'm running for representative on the republican ticket said kenneth quietly,4.685 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0012.wav,oh say that's different observed markham altering his demeanor,4.295 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0013.wav,may we see gates at once asked kenneth,2.725 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0014.wav,they followed the jailer along a succession of passages,3.655 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0015.wav,sometimes i'm that yearning for a smoke i'm nearly crazy an i dunno which is worst dyin one way or another,6.525 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0016.wav,he unlocked the door and called here's visitors tom,4.12 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0017.wav,worse tom worse n ever replied the jailer gloomily,3.545 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0018.wav,miss de graf said kenneth noticing the boy's face critically as he stood where the light from the passage fell upon it,7.11 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0019.wav,sorry we haven't any reception room in the jail,2.665 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0020.wav,sit down please said gates in a cheerful and pleasant voice there's a bench here,5.125 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0021.wav,a fresh wholesome looking boy was tom gates with steady gray eyes an intelligent forehead but a sensitive rather weak mouth,7.895 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0022.wav,we have heard something of your story said kenneth and are interested in it,4.115 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0023.wav,i didn't stop to think whether it was foolish or not i did it and i'm glad i did,4.89 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0024.wav,old will is a fine fellow but poor and helpless since missus rogers had her accident,4.945 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0025.wav,then rogers wouldn't do anything but lead her around and wait upon her and the place went to rack and ruin,5.735 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0026.wav,he spoke simply but paced up and down the narrow cell in front of them,4.64 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0027.wav,whose name did you sign to the check asked kenneth,3.065 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0028.wav,he is supposed to sign all the checks of the concern,3.29 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0029.wav,it's a stock company and rich,2.04 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0030.wav,i was bookkeeper so it was easy to get a blank check and forge the signature,4.91 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0031.wav,as regards my robbing the company i'll say that i saved them a heavy loss one day,5.555 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0032.wav,i discovered and put out a fire that would have destroyed the whole plant but marshall never even thanked me,5.72 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0033.wav,it was better for him to think the girl unfeeling than to know the truth,4.02 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0034.wav,i'm going to see mister marshall said kenneth and discover what i can do to assist you thank you sir,6.055 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0035.wav,it won't be much but i'm grateful to find a friend,2.755 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0036.wav,they left him then for the jailer arrived to unlock the door and escort them to the office,5.555 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0037.wav,i've seen lots of that kind in my day,2.53 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0038.wav,and it ruins a man's disposition,2.505 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0039.wav,he looked up rather ungraciously but motioned them to be seated,4.045 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0040.wav,some girl has been here twice to interview my men and i have refused to admit her,4.77 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0041.wav,i'm not electioneering just now,2.66 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0042.wav,oh well sir what about him,2.175 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0043.wav,and he deserves a term in state's prison,2.59 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0044.wav,it has cost me twice sixty dollars in annoyance,3.225 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0045.wav,i'll pay all the costs besides,2.135 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0046.wav,you're foolish why should you do all this,2.57 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0047.wav,i have my own reasons mister marshall,2.325 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0048.wav,give me a check for a hundred and fifty and i'll turn over to you the forged check and quash further proceedings,6.495 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0049.wav,he detested the grasping disposition that would endeavor to take advantage of his evident desire to help young gates,7.4 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0050.wav,beth uneasy at his silence nudged him,2.915 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0051.wav,there was a grim smile of amusement on his shrewd face,3.545 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0052.wav,he might have had that forged check for the face of it if he'd been sharp,4.6 -data/test.clean/6829-68769-0053.wav,and to think we can save all that misery and despair by the payment of a hundred and fifty dollars,6.36 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0000.wav,so to the surprise of the democratic committee and all his friends mister hopkins announced that he would oppose forbes's aggressive campaign with an equal aggressiveness and spend as many dollars in doing so as might be necessary,13.315 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0001.wav,one of mister hopkins's first tasks after calling his faithful henchmen around him was to make a careful canvass of the voters of his district to see what was still to be accomplished,10.355 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0002.wav,the weak kneed contingency must be strengthened and fortified and a couple of hundred votes in one way or another secured from the opposition,8.94 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0003.wav,the democratic committee figured out a way to do this,4.015 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0004.wav,under ordinary conditions reynolds was sure to be elected but the committee proposed to sacrifice him in order to elect hopkins,8.44 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0005.wav,the only thing necessary was to fix seth reynolds and this hopkins arranged personally,6.165 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0006.wav,and this was why kenneth and beth discovered him conversing with the young woman in the buggy,5.92 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0007.wav,the description she gave of the coming reception to the woman's political league was so humorous and diverting that they were both laughing heartily over the thing when the young people passed them and thus mister hopkins failed to notice who the occupants of the other vehicle were,16.285 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0008.wav,these women were flattered by the attention of the young lady and had promised to assist in electing mister forbes,7.18 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0009.wav,louise hoped for excellent results from this organization and wished the entertainment to be so effective in winning their good will that they would work earnestly for the cause in which they were enlisted,13.115 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0010.wav,the fairview band was engaged to discourse as much harmony as it could produce and the resources of the great house were taxed to entertain the guests,9.82 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0011.wav,tables were spread on the lawn and a dainty but substantial repast was to be served,5.625 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0012.wav,this was the first occasion within a generation when such an entertainment had been given at elmhurst and the only one within the memory of man where the neighbors and country people had been invited guests,12.47 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0013.wav,the attendance was unexpectedly large and the girls were delighted foreseeing great success for their fete,7.19 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0014.wav,we ought to have more attendants beth said louise approaching her cousin,4.77 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0015.wav,won't you run into the house and see if martha can't spare one or two more maids,4.525 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0016.wav,she was very fond of the young ladies whom she had known when aunt jane was the mistress here and beth was her especial favorite,6.99 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0017.wav,the housekeeper led the way and beth followed,2.39 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0018.wav,for a moment beth stood staring while the new maid regarded her with composure and a slight smile upon her beautiful face,8.445 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0019.wav,she was dressed in the regulation costume of the maids at elmhurst a plain black gown with white apron and cap,7.42 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0020.wav,then she gave a little laugh and replied no miss beth i'm elizabeth parsons,4.615 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0021.wav,but it can't be protested the girl,2.61 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0022.wav,i attend to the household mending you know and care for the linen,3.8 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0023.wav,you speak like an educated person said beth wonderingly where is your home,5.425 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0024.wav,for the first time the maid seemed a little confused and her gaze wandered from the face of her visitor,6.245 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0025.wav,she sat down in a rocking chair and clasping her hands in her lap rocked slowly back and forth i'm sorry said beth,7.83 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0026.wav,eliza parsons shook her head,2.125 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0027.wav,they they excite me in some way and i i can't bear them you must excuse me,5.32 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0028.wav,she even seemed mildly amused at the attention she attracted,3.555 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0029.wav,beth was a beautiful girl the handsomest of the three cousins by far yet eliza surpassed her in natural charm and seemed well aware of the fact,8.945 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0030.wav,her manner was neither independent nor assertive but rather one of well bred composure and calm reliance,6.225 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0031.wav,her eyes wandered to the maid's hands,2.515 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0032.wav,however her features and form might repress any evidence of nervousness these hands told a different story,6.555 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0033.wav,she rose quickly to her feet with an impetuous gesture that made her visitor catch her breath,5.45 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0034.wav,i wish i knew myself she cried fiercely,2.475 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0035.wav,will you leave me alone in my own room or must i go away to escape you,4.39 -data/test.clean/6829-68771-0036.wav,eliza closed the door behind her with a decided slam and a key clicked in the lock,5.2 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0000.wav,to celebrate the arrival of her son silvia gave a splendid supper to which she had invited all her relatives and it was a good opportunity for me to make their acquaintance,11.17 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0001.wav,without saying it positively she made me understand that being herself an illustrious member of the republic of letters she was well aware that she was speaking to an insect,12.195 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0002.wav,in order to please her i spoke to her of the abbe conti and i had occasion to quote two lines of that profound writer,8.78 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0003.wav,madam corrected me with a patronizing air for my pronunciation of the word scevra which means divided saying that it ought to be pronounced sceura and she added that i ought to be very glad to have learned so much on the first day of my arrival in paris telling me that it would be an important day in my life,21.48 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0004.wav,her face was an enigma for it inspired everyone with the warmest sympathy and yet if you examined it attentively there was not one beautiful feature she could not be called handsome but no one could have thought her ugly,16.46 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0005.wav,silvia was the adoration of france and her talent was the real support of all the comedies which the greatest authors wrote for her especially of the plays of marivaux for without her his comedies would never have gone to posterity,18.54 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0006.wav,silvia did not think that her good conduct was a merit for she knew that she was virtuous only because her self love compelled her to be so and she never exhibited any pride or assumed any superiority towards her theatrical sisters although satisfied to shine by their talent or their beauty they cared little about rendering themselves conspicuous by their virtue,23.74 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0007.wav,two years before her death i saw her perform the character of marianne in the comedy of marivaux and in spite of her age and declining health the illusion was complete,12.49 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0008.wav,she was honourably buried in the church of saint sauveur without the slightest opposition from the venerable priest who far from sharing the anti christain intolerancy of the clergy in general said that her profession as an actress had not hindered her from being a good christian and that the earth was the common mother of all human beings as jesus christ had been the saviour of all mankind,23.86 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0009.wav,you will forgive me dear reader if i have made you attend the funeral of silvia ten years before her death believe me i have no intention of performing a miracle you may console yourself with the idea that i shall spare you that unpleasant task when poor silvia dies,18.31 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0010.wav,i never had any family,2.755 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0011.wav,i had a name i believe in my young days but i have forgotten it since i have been in service,7.37 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0012.wav,i shall call you esprit,2.86 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0013.wav,you do me a great honour,3.3 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0014.wav,here go and get me change for a louis i have it sir,5.71 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0015.wav,at your service sir,2.61 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0016.wav,madame quinson besides can answer your enquiries,4.195 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0017.wav,i see a quantity of chairs for hire at the rate of one sou men reading the newspaper under the shade of the trees girls and men breakfasting either alone or in company waiters who were rapidly going up and down a narrow staircase hidden under the foliage,17.99 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0018.wav,i sit down at a small table a waiter comes immediately to enquire my wishes,6.21 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0019.wav,i tell him to give me some coffee if it is good,3.305 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0020.wav,then turning towards me he says that i look like a foreigner and when i say that i am an italian he begins to speak to me of the court of the city of the theatres and at last he offers to accompany me everywhere,13.215 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0021.wav,i thank him and take my leave,2.96 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0022.wav,i address him in italian and he answers very wittily but his way of speaking makes me smile and i tell him why,8.315 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0023.wav,my remark pleases him but i soon prove to him that it is not the right way to speak however perfect may have been the language of that ancient writer,8.185 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0024.wav,i see a crowd in one corner of the garden everybody standing still and looking up,5.515 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0025.wav,is there not a meridian everywhere,3.0 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0026.wav,yes but the meridian of the palais royal is the most exact,4.69 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0027.wav,that is true badauderie,3.0 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0028.wav,all these honest persons are waiting their turn to get their snuff boxes filled,5.265 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0029.wav,it is sold everywhere but for the last three weeks nobody will use any snuff but that sold at the civet cat,8.605 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0030.wav,is it better than anywhere else,2.84 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0031.wav,but how did she manage to render it so fashionable,4.4 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0032.wav,simply by stopping her carriage two or three times before the shop to have her snuff box filled and by saying aloud to the young girl who handed back the box that her snuff was the very best in paris,13.64 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0033.wav,you are now in the only country in the world where wit can make a fortune by selling either a genuine or a false article in the first case it receives the welcome of intelligent and talented people and in the second fools are always ready to reward it for silliness is truly a characteristic of the people here and however wonderful it may appear silliness is the daughter of wit,28.575 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0034.wav,let a man run and everybody will run after him the crowd will not stop unless the man is proved to be mad but to prove it is indeed a difficult task because we have a crowd of men who mad from their birth are still considered wise,18.895 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0035.wav,it seems to me i replied that such approval such ratification of the opinion expressed by the king the princes of the blood et cetera is rather a proof of the affection felt for them by the nation for the french carry that affection to such an extent that they believe them infallible,20.65 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0036.wav,when the king comes to paris everybody calls out vive le roi,5.24 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0037.wav,she introduced me to all her guests and gave me some particulars respecting every one of them,5.89 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0038.wav,what sir i said to him am i fortunate enough to see you,5.77 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0039.wav,he himself recited the same passage in french and politely pointed out the parts in which he thought that i had improved on the original,8.825 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0040.wav,for the first day sir i think that what you have done gives great hopes of you and without any doubt you will make rapid progress,10.66 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0041.wav,i believe it sir and that is what i fear therefore the principal object of my visit here is to devote myself entirely to the study of the french language,10.895 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0042.wav,i am a very unpleasant pupil always asking questions curious troublesome insatiable and even supposing that i could meet with the teacher i require i am afraid i am not rich enough to pay him,15.165 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0043.wav,i reside in the marais rue de douze portes,4.205 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0044.wav,i will make you translate them into french and you need not be afraid of my finding you insatiable,6.98 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0045.wav,he had a good appetite could tell a good story without laughing was celebrated for his witty repartees and his sociable manners but he spent his life at home seldom going out and seeing hardly anyone because he always had a pipe in his mouth and was surrounded by at least twenty cats with which he would amuse himself all day,20.375 -data/test.clean/3729-6852-0046.wav,his housekeeper had the management of everything she never allowed him to be in need of anything and she gave no account of his money which she kept altogether because he never asked her to render any accounts,12.605 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0000.wav,eleven o'clock had struck it was a fine clear night they were the only persons on the road and they sauntered leisurely along to avoid paying the price of fatigue for the recreation provided for the toledans in their valley or on the banks of their river,15.77 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0001.wav,secure as he thought in the careful administration of justice in that city and the character of its well disposed inhabitants the good hidalgo was far from thinking that any disaster could befal his family,12.44 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0002.wav,rodolfo and his companions with their faces muffled in their cloaks stared rudely and insolently at the mother the daughter and the servant maid,8.91 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0003.wav,in a moment he communicated his thoughts to his companions and in the next moment they resolved to turn back and carry her off to please rodolfo for the rich who are open handed always find parasites ready to encourage their bad propensities and thus to conceive this wicked design to communicate it approve it resolve on ravishing leocadia and to carry that design into effect was the work of a moment,27.12 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0004.wav,they drew their swords hid their faces in the flaps of their cloaks turned back and soon came in front of the little party who had not yet done giving thanks to god for their escape from those audacious men,12.475 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0005.wav,finally the one party went off exulting and the other was left in desolation and woe,5.645 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0006.wav,rodolfo arrived at his own house without any impediment and leocadia's parents reached theirs heart broken and despairing,8.045 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0007.wav,meanwhile rodolfo had leocadia safe in his custody and in his own apartment,5.825 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0008.wav,who touches me am i in bed,2.215 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0009.wav,mother dear father do you hear me,2.375 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0010.wav,it is the only amends i ask of you for the wrong you have done me,4.12 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0011.wav,she found the door but it was locked outside,2.665 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0012.wav,she succeeded in opening the window and the moonlight shone in so brightly that she could distinguish the colour of some damask hangings in the room,8.595 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0013.wav,she saw that the bed was gilded and so rich that it seemed that of a prince rather than of a private gentleman,6.865 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0014.wav,among other things on which she cast her eyes was a small crucifix of solid silver standing on a cabinet near the window,7.72 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0015.wav,this person was rodolfo who though he had gone to look for his friends had changed his mind in that respect not thinking it advisable to acquaint them with what had passed between him and the girl,11.02 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0016.wav,on the contrary he resolved to tell them that repenting of his violence and moved by her tears he had only carried her half way towards his house and then let her go,9.49 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0017.wav,choking with emotion leocadi made a sign to her parents that she wished to be alone with them,5.88 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0018.wav,that would be very well my child replied her father if your plan were not liable to be frustrated by ordinary cunning but no doubt this image has been already missed by its owner and he will have set it down for certain that it was taken out of the room by the person he locked up there,15.414938 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0019.wav,what you had best do my child is to keep it and pray to it that since it was a witness to your undoing it will deign to vindicate your cause by its righteous judgment,12.06 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0020.wav,thus did this humane and right minded father comfort his unhappy daughter and her mother embracing her again did all she could to soothe her feelings,9.82 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0021.wav,she meanwhile passed her life with her parents in the strictest retirement never letting herself be seen but shunning every eye lest it should read her misfortune in her face,10.98 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0022.wav,time rolled on the hour of her delivery arrived it took place in the utmost secrecy her mother taking upon her the office of midwife and she gave birth to a son one of the most beautiful ever seen,13.645 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0023.wav,when the boy walked through the streets blessings were showered upon him by all who saw him blessings upon his beauty upon the mother that bore him upon the father that begot him upon those who brought him up so well,13.92 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0024.wav,one day when the boy was sent by his grandfather with a message to a relation he passed along a street in which there was a great concourse of horsemen,8.845 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0025.wav,the bed she too well remembered was there and above all the cabinet on which had stood the image she had taken away was still on the same spot,8.785 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0026.wav,luis was out of danger in a fortnight in a month he rose from his bed and during all that time he was visited daily by his mother and grandmother and treated by the master and mistress of the house as if he was their own child,14.5 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0027.wav,thus saying and pressing the crucifix to her breast she fell fainting into the arms of dona estafania who as a gentlewoman to whose sex pity is as natural as cruelty is to man instantly pressed her lips to those of the fainting girl shedding over her so many tears that there needed no other sprinkling of water to recover leocadia from her swoon,23.26 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0028.wav,i have great things to tell you senor said dona estafania to her husband the cream and substance of which is this the fainting girl before you is your daughter and that boy is your grandson,12.25 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0029.wav,this truth which i have learned from her lips is confirmed by his face in which we have both beheld that of our son,7.305 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0030.wav,just then leocadia came to herself and embracing the cross seemed changed into a sea of tears and the gentleman remained in utter bewilderment until his wife had repeated to him from beginning to end leocadia's whole story and he believed it through the blessed dispensation of heaven which had confirmed it by so many convincing testimonies,22.285 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0031.wav,so persuasive were her entreaties and so strong her assurances that no harm whatever could result to them from the information she sought they were induced to confess that one summer's night the same she had mentioned themselves and another friend being out on a stroll with rodolfo they had been concerned in the abduction of a girl whom rodolfo carried off whilst the rest of them detained her family who made a great outcry and would have defended her if they could,28.42 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0032.wav,for god's sake my lady mother give me a wife who would be an agreeable companion not one who will disgust me so that we may both bear evenly and with mutual good will the yoke imposed on us by heaven instead of pulling this way and that way and fretting each other to death,17.43 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0033.wav,her bearing was graceful and animated she led her son by the hand and before her walked two maids with wax lights and silver candlesticks,9.15 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0034.wav,all rose to do her reverence as if something from heaven had miraculously appeared before them but gazing on her entranced with admiration not one of them was able to address a single word to her,13.055 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0035.wav,she reflected how near she stood to the crisis which was to determine whether she was to be blessed or unhappy for ever and racked by the intensity of her emotions she suddenly changed colour her head dropped and she fell forward in a swoon into the arms of the dismayed estafania,17.52 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0036.wav,his mother had left her to him as being her destined protector but when she saw that he too was insensible she was near making a third and would have done so had he not come to himself,11.535 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0037.wav,know then son of my heart that this fainting lady is your real bride i say real because she is the one whom your father and i have chosen for you and the portrait was a pretence,11.45 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0038.wav,just at the moment when the tears of the pitying beholders flowed fastest and their ejaculations were most expressive of despair leocadia gave signs of recovery and brought back gladness to the hearts of all,13.8 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0039.wav,when she came to her senses and blushing to find herself in rodolfo's arms would have disengaged herself no senora he said that must not be strive not to withdraw from the arms of him who holds you in his soul,14.375 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0040.wav,this was done for the event took place at a time when the consent of the parties was sufficient for the celebration of a marriage without any of the preliminary formalities which are now so properly required,12.51 -data/test.clean/5639-40744-0041.wav,nor was rodolfo less surprised than they and the better to assure himself of so wonderful a fact he begged leocadia to give him some token which should make perfectly clear to him that which indeed he did not doubt since it was authenticated by his parents,17.2 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0000.wav,the analysis of knowledge will occupy us until the end of the thirteenth lecture and is the most difficult part of our whole enterprise,8.805 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0001.wav,what is called perception differs from sensation by the fact that the sensational ingredients bring up habitual associates images and expectations of their usual correlates all of which are subjectively indistinguishable from the sensation,17.38 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0002.wav,whether or not this principle is liable to exceptions everyone would agree that is has a broad measure of truth though the word exactly might seem an overstatement and it might seem more correct to say that ideas approximately represent impressions,16.475 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0003.wav,and what sort of evidence is logically possible,3.195 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0004.wav,there is no logical impossibility in the hypothesis that the world sprang into being five minutes ago exactly as it then was with a population that remembered a wholly unreal past,14.06 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0005.wav,all that i am doing is to use its logical tenability as a help in the analysis of what occurs when we remember,7.72 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0006.wav,the behaviourist who attempts to make psychology a record of behaviour has to trust his memory in making the record,7.51 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0007.wav,habit is a concept involving the occurrence of similar events at different times if the behaviourist feels confident that there is such a phenomenon as habit that can only be because he trusts his memory when it assures him that there have been other times,15.905 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0008.wav,but i do not think such an inference is warranted,3.62 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0009.wav,our confidence or lack of confidence in the accuracy of a memory image must in fundamental cases be based upon a characteristic of the image itself since we cannot evoke the past bodily and compare it with the present image,16.91 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0010.wav,we sometimes have images that are by no means peculiarly vague which yet we do not trust for example under the influence of fatigue we may see a friend's face vividly and clearly but horribly distorted,15.19 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0011.wav,some images like some sensations feel very familiar while others feel strange,6.25 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0012.wav,familiarity is a feeling capable of degrees,3.64 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0013.wav,in an image of a well known face for example some parts may feel more familiar than others when this happens we have more belief in the accuracy of the familiar parts than in that of the unfamiliar parts,14.56 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0014.wav,i come now to the other characteristic which memory images must have in order to account for our knowledge of the past,7.94 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0015.wav,they must have some characteristic which makes us regard them as referring to more or less remote portions of the past,8.05 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0016.wav,in actual fact there are doubtless various factors that concur in giving us the feeling of greater or less remoteness in some remembered event,10.6 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0017.wav,there may be a specific feeling which could be called the feeling of pastness especially where immediate memory is concerned,7.93 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0018.wav,there is of course a difference between knowing the temporal relation of a remembered event to the present and knowing the time order of two remembered events,11.845 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0019.wav,it would seem that only rather recent events can be placed at all accurately by means of feelings giving their temporal relation to the present but it is clear that such feelings must play an essential part in the process of dating remembered events,18.145 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0020.wav,if we had retained the subject or act in knowledge the whole problem of memory would have been comparatively simple,7.835 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0021.wav,remembering has to be a present occurrence in some way resembling or related to what is remembered,6.56 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0022.wav,some points may be taken as fixed and such as any theory of memory must arrive at,6.44 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0023.wav,in this case as in most others what may be taken as certain in advance is rather vague,6.265 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0024.wav,the first of our vague but indubitable data is that there is knowledge of the past,6.34 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0025.wav,we might provisionally though perhaps not quite correctly define memory as that way of knowing about the past which has no analogue in our knowledge of the future such a definition would at least serve to mark the problem with which we are concerned though some expectations may deserve to rank with memory as regards immediacy,21.78 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0026.wav,this distinction is vital to the understanding of memory but it is not so easy to carry out in practice as it is to draw in theory,9.3 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0027.wav,a gramophone by the help of suitable records might relate to us the incidents of its past and people are not so different from gramophones as they like to believe,11.135 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0028.wav,i can set to work now to remember things i never remembered before such as what i had to eat for breakfast this morning and it can hardly be wholly habit that enables me to do this,11.56 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0029.wav,the fact that a man can recite a poem does not show that he remembers any previous occasion on which he has recited or read it,8.54 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0030.wav,semon's two books mentioned in an earlier lecture do not touch knowledge memory at all closely,7.28 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0031.wav,they give laws according to which images of past occurrences come into our minds but do not discuss our belief that these images refer to past occurrences which is what constitutes knowledge memory,12.665 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0032.wav,it is this that is of interest to theory of knowledge,3.88 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0033.wav,it is by no means always reliable almost everybody has at some time experienced the well known illusion that all that is happening now happened before at some time,11.69 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0034.wav,whenever the sense of familiarity occurs without a definite object it leads us to search the environment until we are satisfied that we have found the appropriate object which leads us to the judgment this is familiar,14.51 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0035.wav,thus no knowledge as to the past is to be derived from the feeling of familiarity alone,7.555 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0036.wav,a further stage is recognition,3.235 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0037.wav,recognition in this sense does not necessarily involve more than a habit of association the kind of object we are seeing at the moment is associated with the word cat or with an auditory image of purring or whatever other characteristic we may happen to recognize in the cat of the moment,20.535 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0038.wav,we are of course in fact able to judge when we recognize an object that we have seen it before but this judgment is something over and above recognition in this first sense and may very probably be impossible to animals that nevertheless have the experience of recognition in this first sense of the word,22.49 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0039.wav,this knowledge is memory in one sense though in another it is not,4.59 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0040.wav,there are however several points in which such an account of recognition is inadequate to begin with it might seem at first sight more correct to define recognition as i have seen this before than as this has existed before,16.695 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0041.wav,the definition of my experience is difficult broadly speaking it is everything that is connected with what i am experiencing now by certain links of which the various forms of memory are among the most important,14.945 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0042.wav,thus if i recognize a thing the occasion of its previous existence in virtue of which i recognize it forms part of my experience by definition recognition will be one of the marks by which my experience is singled out from the rest of the world,18.76 -data/test.clean/8230-279154-0043.wav,of course the words this has existed before are a very inadequate translation of what actually happens when we form a judgment of recognition but that is unavoidable words are framed to express a level of thought which is by no means primitive and are quite incapable of expressing such an elementary occurrence as recognition,24.485 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0000.wav,i remained there alone for many hours but i must acknowledge that before i left the chambers i had gradually brought myself to look at the matter in another light,8.745 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0001.wav,had eva crasweller not been good looking had jack been still at college had sir kennington oval remained in england had mister bunnit and the bar keeper not succeeded in stopping my carriage on the hill should i have succeeded in arranging for the final departure of my old friend,18.125 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0002.wav,on arriving at home at my own residence i found that our salon was filled with a brilliant company,6.24 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0003.wav,as i spoke i made him a gracious bow and i think i showed him by my mode of address that i did not bear any grudge as to my individual self,10.72 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0004.wav,i have come to your shores mister president with the purpose of seeing how things are progressing in this distant quarter of the world,7.84 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0005.wav,we have our little struggles here as elsewhere and all things cannot be done by rose water,5.685 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0006.wav,we are quite satisfied now captain battleax said my wife,4.52 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0007.wav,quite satisfied said eva,2.67 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0008.wav,the ladies in compliance with that softness of heart which is their characteristic are on one side and the men by whom the world has to be managed are on the other,11.835 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0009.wav,no doubt in process of time the ladies will follow,4.58 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0010.wav,their masters said missus neverbend,3.1 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0011.wav,i did not mean said captain battleax to touch upon public subjects at such a moment as this,6.63 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0012.wav,missus neverbend you must indeed be proud of your son,3.525 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0013.wav,jack had been standing in the far corner of the room talking to eva and was now reduced to silence by his praises,7.41 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0014.wav,sir kennington oval is a very fine player said my wife,4.12 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0015.wav,i and my wife and son and the two craswellers and three or four others agreed to dine on board the ship on the next,8.615 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0016.wav,this i felt was paid to me as being president of the republic and i endeavoured to behave myself with such mingled humility and dignity as might befit the occasion but i could not but feel that something was wanting to the simplicity of my ordinary life,16.239937 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0017.wav,my wife on the spur of the moment managed to give the gentlemen a very good dinner,5.330063 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0018.wav,this she said was true hospitality and i am not sure that i did not agree with her,5.925 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0019.wav,then there were three or four leading men of the community with their wives who were for the most part the fathers and mothers of the young ladies,8.105 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0020.wav,oh yes said jack and i'm nowhere,3.155 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0021.wav,but i mean to have my innings before long,2.715 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0022.wav,of what missus neverbend had gone through in providing birds beasts and fishes not to talk of tarts and jellies for the dinner of that day no one but myself can have any idea but it must be admitted that she accomplished her task with thorough success,16.36 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0023.wav,we sat with the officers some little time after dinner and then went ashore,4.73 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0024.wav,how much of evil of real accomplished evil had there not occurred to me during the last few days,7.56 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0025.wav,what could i do now but just lay myself down and die,3.63 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0026.wav,and the death of which i dreamt could not alas,3.0 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0027.wav,when this captain should have taken himself and his vessel back to england i would retire to a small farm which i possessed at the farthest side of the island and there in seclusion would i end my days,12.625 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0028.wav,jack would become eva's happy husband and would remain amidst the hurried duties of the eager world,7.735 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0029.wav,thinking of all this i went to sleep,3.085 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0030.wav,mister neverbend began the captain and i observed that up to that moment he had generally addressed me as president it cannot be denied that we have come here on an unpleasant mission,12.845 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0031.wav,you have received us with all that courtesy and hospitality for which your character in england stands so high,7.67 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0032.wav,it is a duty said i,2.14 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0033.wav,but your power is so superior to any that i can advance as to make us here feel that there is no disgrace in yielding to it,7.51 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0034.wav,not a doubt but had your force been only double or treble our own i should have found it my duty to struggle with you,7.7 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0035.wav,that is all quite true mister neverbend said sir ferdinando brown,4.99 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0036.wav,i can afford to smile because i am absolutely powerless before you but i do not the less feel that in a matter in which the progress of the world is concerned i or rather we have been put down by brute force,15.065 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0037.wav,you have come to us threatening us with absolute destruction,4.735 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0038.wav,therefore i feel myself quite able as president of this republic to receive you with a courtesy due to the servants of a friendly ally,10.03 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0039.wav,i can assure you he has not even allowed me to see the trigger since i have been on board,5.59 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0040.wav,then said sir ferdinando there is nothing for it but that he must take you with him,6.195 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0041.wav,there came upon me a sudden shock when i heard these words which exceeded anything which i had yet felt,6.37 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0042.wav,you hear what sir ferdinando brown has said replied captain battleax,4.78 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0043.wav,but what is the delicate mission i asked,3.145 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0044.wav,i was to be taken away and carried to england or elsewhere or drowned upon the voyage it mattered not which,7.17 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0045.wav,then the republic of britannula was to be declared as non existent and the british flag was to be exalted and a british governor installed in the executive chambers,11.285 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0046.wav,you may be quite sure it's there said captain battleax and that i can so use it as to half obliterate your town within two minutes of my return on board,9.33 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0047.wav,you propose to kidnap me i said,2.54 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0048.wav,what would become of your gun were i to kidnap you,3.43 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0049.wav,lieutenant crosstrees is a very gallant officer,4.11 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0050.wav,one of us always remains on board while the other is on shore,3.945 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0051.wav,what world wide iniquity such a speech as that discloses said i still turning myself to the captain for though i would have crushed them both by my words had it been possible my dislike centred itself on sir ferdinando,13.96 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0052.wav,you will allow me to suggest said he that that is a matter of opinion,4.94 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0053.wav,were i to comply with your orders without expressing my own opinion i should seem to have done so willingly hereafter,6.955 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0054.wav,the letter ran as follows,2.52 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0055.wav,sir i have it in command to inform your excellency that you have been appointed governor of the crown colony which is called britannula,9.555 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0056.wav,the peculiar circumstances of the colony are within your excellency's knowledge,5.545 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0057.wav,but in their selection of a constitution the britannulists have unfortunately allowed themselves but one deliberative assembly and hence have sprung their present difficulties,10.81 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0058.wav,it is founded on the acknowledged weakness of those who survive that period of life at which men cease to work,7.16 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0059.wav,but it is surmised that you will find difficulties in the way of your entering at once upon your government,5.535 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0060.wav,the john bright is armed with a weapon of great power against which it is impossible that the people of britannula should prevail,7.075 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0061.wav,you will carry out with you one hundred men of the north north west birmingham regiment which will probably suffice for your own security as it is thought that if mister neverbend be withdrawn the people will revert easily to their old habits of obedience,15.645 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0062.wav,when do you intend that the john bright shall start,3.05 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0063.wav,to day i shouted,2.26 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0064.wav,and i have no one ready to whom i can give up the archives of the government,3.835 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0065.wav,i shall be happy to take charge of them said sir ferdinando,3.915 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0066.wav,they of course must all be altered,2.76 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0067.wav,or of the habits of our people it is quite impossible,3.755 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0068.wav,your power is sufficient i said,2.59 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0069.wav,if you will give us your promise to meet captain battleax here at this time to morrow we will stretch a point and delay the departure of the john bright for twenty four hours,8.915 -data/test.clean/8455-210777-0070.wav,and this plan was adopted too in order to extract from me a promise that i would depart in peace,5.945 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0000.wav,it is a very fine old place of red brick softened by a pale powdery lichen which has dispersed itself with happy irregularity so as to bring the red brick into terms of friendly companionship with the limestone ornaments surrounding the three gables the windows and the door place,22.57 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0001.wav,but the windows are patched with wooden panes and the door i think is like the gate it is never opened,8.03 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0002.wav,for it is a solid heavy handsome door and must once have been in the habit of shutting with a sonorous bang behind a liveried lackey who had just seen his master and mistress off the grounds in a carriage and pair,15.52 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0003.wav,a large open fireplace with rusty dogs in it and a bare boarded floor at the far end fleeces of wool stacked up in the middle of the floor some empty corn bags,14.675 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0004.wav,and what through the left hand window,2.64 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0005.wav,several clothes horses a pillion a spinning wheel and an old box wide open and stuffed full of coloured rags,9.09 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0006.wav,at the edge of this box there lies a great wooden doll which so far as mutilation is concerned bears a strong resemblance to the finest greek sculpture and especially in the total loss of its nose,13.82 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0007.wav,the history of the house is plain now,2.7 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0008.wav,but there is always a stronger sense of life when the sun is brilliant after rain and now he is pouring down his beams and making sparkles among the wet straw and lighting up every patch of vivid green moss on the red tiles of the cow shed and turning even the muddy water that is hurrying along the channel to the drain into a mirror for the yellow billed ducks who are seizing the opportunity of getting a drink with as much body in it as possible,31.65 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0009.wav,for the great barn doors are thrown wide open and men are busy there mending the harness under the superintendence of mister goby the whittaw otherwise saddler who entertains them with the latest treddleston gossip,14.405 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0010.wav,hetty sorrel often took the opportunity when her aunt's back was turned of looking at the pleasing reflection of herself in those polished surfaces for the oak table was usually turned up like a screen and was more for ornament than for use and she could see herself sometimes in the great round pewter dishes that were ranged on the shelves above the long deal dinner table or in the hobs of the grate which always shone like jasper,30.615 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0011.wav,do not suppose however that missus poyser was elderly or shrewish in her appearance she was a good looking woman not more than eight and thirty of fair complexion and sandy hair well shapen light footed,16.26 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0012.wav,the family likeness between her and her niece dinah morris with the contrast between her keenness and dinah's seraphic gentleness of expression might have served a painter as an excellent suggestion for a martha and mary,16.13 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0013.wav,her tongue was not less keen than her eye and whenever a damsel came within earshot seemed to take up an unfinished lecture as a barrel organ takes up a tune precisely at the point where it had left off,14.25 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0014.wav,the fact that it was churning day was another reason why it was inconvenient to have the whittaws and why consequently missus poyser should scold molly the housemaid with unusual severity,12.995 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0015.wav,to all appearance molly had got through her after dinner work in an exemplary manner had cleaned herself with great dispatch and now came to ask submissively if she should sit down to her spinning till milking time,15.015 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0016.wav,spinning indeed,2.26 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0017.wav,i never knew your equals for gallowsness,2.835 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0018.wav,who taught you to scrub a floor i should like to know,3.155 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0019.wav,comb the wool for the whittaws indeed,2.66 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0020.wav,that's what you'd like to be doing is it,2.435 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0021.wav,that's the way with you that's the road you'd all like to go headlongs to ruin,5.335 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0022.wav,mister ottley's indeed,2.28 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0023.wav,you're a rare un for sitting down to your work a little while after it's time to put by,5.18 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0024.wav,munny my iron's twite told pease put it down to warm,5.27 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0025.wav,cold is it my darling bless your sweet face,3.595 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0026.wav,she's going to put the ironing things away,2.825 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0027.wav,munny i tould ike to do into de barn to tommy to see de whittawd,5.63 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0028.wav,no no no totty ud get her feet wet said missus poyser carrying away her iron,6.84 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0029.wav,did ever anybody see the like screamed missus poyser running towards the table when her eye had fallen on the blue stream,8.525 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0030.wav,totty however had descended from her chair with great swiftness and was already in retreat towards the dairy with a sort of waddling run and an amount of fat on the nape of her neck which made her look like the metamorphosis of a white suckling pig,16.12 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0031.wav,and she was very fond of you too aunt rachel,2.78 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0032.wav,i often heard her talk of you in the same sort of way,3.24 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0033.wav,when she had that bad illness and i was only eleven years old she used to say you'll have a friend on earth in your aunt rachel if i'm taken from you for she has a kind heart and i'm sure i've found it so,12.865 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0034.wav,and there's linen in the house as i could well spare you for i've got lots o sheeting and table clothing and towelling as isn't made up,7.99 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0035.wav,but not more than what's in the bible aunt said dinah,3.575 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0036.wav,nay dear aunt you never heard me say that all people are called to forsake their work and their families,6.915 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0037.wav,we can all be servants of god wherever our lot is cast but he gives us different sorts of work according as he fits us for it and calls us to it,10.49 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0038.wav,i can no more help spending my life in trying to do what i can for the souls of others than you could help running if you heard little totty crying at the other end of the house the voice would go to your heart you would think the dear child was in trouble or in danger and you couldn't rest without running to help her and comfort her,20.25 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0039.wav,i've strong assurance that no evil will happen to you and my uncle and the children from anything i've done,6.28 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0040.wav,i didn't preach without direction,2.385 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0041.wav,direction,1.42 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0042.wav,i hanna common patience with you,2.455 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0043.wav,by this time the two gentlemen had reached the palings and had got down from their horses it was plain they meant to come in,7.35 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0044.wav,said mister irwine with his stately cordiality,3.52 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0045.wav,oh sir don't mention it said missus poyser,3.005 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0046.wav,i delight in your kitchen,1.905 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0047.wav,poyser is not at home is he,2.21 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0048.wav,said captain donnithorne seating himself where he could see along the short passage to the open dairy door,6.39 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0049.wav,no sir he isn't he's gone to rosseter to see mister west the factor about the wool,6.125 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0050.wav,but there's father the barn sir if he'd be of any use,4.045 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0051.wav,no thank you i'll just look at the whelps and leave a message about them with your shepherd,5.31 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0052.wav,i must come another day and see your husband i want to have a consultation with him about horses,6.53 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0053.wav,for if he's anywhere on the farm we can send for him in a minute,3.395 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0054.wav,oh sir said missus poyser rather alarmed you wouldn't like it at all,5.68 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0055.wav,but you know more about that than i do sir,2.655 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0056.wav,i think i should be doing you a service to turn you out of such a place,3.84 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0057.wav,i know his farm is in better order than any other within ten miles of us and as for the kitchen he added smiling i don't believe there's one in the kingdom to beat it,10.08 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0058.wav,by the by i've never seen your dairy i must see your dairy missus poyser,4.93 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0059.wav,this missus poyser said blushing and believing that the captain was really interested in her milk pans and would adjust his opinion of her to the appearance of her dairy,10.01 -data/test.clean/2094-142345-0060.wav,oh i've no doubt it's in capital order,2.71 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0000.wav,frank read english slowly and the more he read about this divorce case the angrier he grew,6.13 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0001.wav,marie sighed,1.81 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0002.wav,a brisk wind had come up and was driving puffy white clouds across the sky,5.07 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0003.wav,the orchard was sparkling and rippling in the sun,3.17 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0004.wav,that invitation decided her,2.225 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0005.wav,oh but i'm glad to get this place mowed,2.39 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0006.wav,just smell the wild roses they are always so spicy after a rain,4.225 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0007.wav,we never had so many of them in here before,2.39 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0008.wav,i suppose it's the wet season will you have to cut them too,3.76 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0009.wav,i suppose that's the wet season too then,2.22 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0010.wav,it's exciting to see everything growing so fast and to get the grass cut,3.995 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0011.wav,aren't you splashed look at the spider webs all over the grass,3.35 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0012.wav,in a few moments he heard the cherries dropping smartly into the pail and he began to swing his scythe with that long even stroke that few american boys ever learn,10.935 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0013.wav,marie picked cherries and sang softly to herself stripping one glittering branch after another shivering when she caught a shower of raindrops on her neck and hair,10.56 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0014.wav,and emil mowed his way slowly down toward the cherry trees,4.25 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0015.wav,that summer the rains had been so many and opportune that it was almost more than shabata and his man could do to keep up with the corn the orchard was a neglected wilderness,10.815 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0016.wav,i don't know all of them but i know lindens are,3.16 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0017.wav,if i feel that way i feel that way,2.18 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0018.wav,he reached up among the branches and began to pick the sweet insipid fruit long ivory colored berries tipped with faint pink like white coral that fall to the ground unheeded all summer through,12.845 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0019.wav,he dropped a handful into her lap,2.86 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0020.wav,yes don't you,2.18 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0021.wav,oh ever so much only he seems kind of staid and school teachery,5.12 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0022.wav,when she used to tell me about him i always wondered whether she wasn't a little in love with him,5.165 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0023.wav,it would serve you all right if she walked off with carl,3.06 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0024.wav,i like to talk to carl about new york and what a fellow can do there,4.41 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0025.wav,oh emil,1.63 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0026.wav,surely you are not thinking of going off there,3.05 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0027.wav,marie's face fell under his brooding gaze,3.27 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0028.wav,i'm sure alexandra hopes you will stay on here she murmured,4.524938 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0029.wav,i don't want to stand around and look on,2.065 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0030.wav,i want to be doing something on my own account,2.78 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0031.wav,sometimes i don't want to do anything at all and sometimes i want to pull the four corners of the divide together he threw out his arm and brought it back with a jerk so like a table cloth,10.61 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0032.wav,i get tired of seeing men and horses going up and down up and down,5.025 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0033.wav,i wish you weren't so restless and didn't get so worked up over things she said sadly,6.35 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0034.wav,thank you he returned shortly,3.075 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0035.wav,and you never used to be cross to me,2.555 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0036.wav,i can't play with you like a little boy any more he said slowly that's what you miss marie,6.6 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0037.wav,but emil if i understand then all our good times are over we can never do nice things together any more,7.105 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0038.wav,and anyhow there's nothing to understand,2.435 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0039.wav,that won't last it will go away and things will be just as they used to,4.63 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0040.wav,i pray for you but that's not the same as if you prayed yourself,4.03 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0041.wav,i can't pray to have the things i want he said slowly and i won't pray not to have them not if i'm damned for it,8.92 -data/test.clean/237-134500-0042.wav,then all our good times are over,2.575 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0000.wav,here she would stay comforted and soothed among the lovely plants and rich exotics rejoicing the heart of old turner the gardener who since polly's first rapturous entrance had taken her into his good graces for all time,13.29 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0001.wav,every chance she could steal after practice hours were over and after the clamorous demands of the boys upon her time were fully satisfied was seized to fly on the wings of the wind to the flowers,11.965 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0002.wav,then dear said missus whitney you must be kinder to her than ever think what it would be for one of you to be away from home even among friends,8.92 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0003.wav,somehow of all the days when the home feeling was the strongest this day it seemed as if she could bear it no longer,6.56 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0004.wav,if she could only see phronsie for just one moment,3.295 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0005.wav,oh she's always at the piano said van she must be there now somewhere and then somebody laughed,6.51 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0006.wav,at this the bundle opened suddenly and out popped phronsie,6.15 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0007.wav,but polly couldn't speak and if jasper hadn't caught her just in time she would have tumbled over backward from the stool phronsie and all,8.68 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0008.wav,asked phronsie with her little face close to polly's own,3.865 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0009.wav,now you'll stay cried van say polly won't you,3.97 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0010.wav,oh you are the dearest and best mister king i ever saw but how did you make mammy let her come,6.24 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0011.wav,isn't he splendid cried jasper in intense pride swelling up father knew how to do it,6.71 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0012.wav,there there he said soothingly patting her brown fuzzy head,4.45 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0013.wav,i know gasped polly controlling her sobs i won't only i can't thank you,6.815 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0014.wav,asked phronsie in intense interest slipping down out of polly's arms and crowding up close to jasper's side,6.79 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0015.wav,yes all alone by himself asserted jasper vehemently and winking furiously to the others to stop their laughing he did now truly phronsie,9.34 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0016.wav,oh no jasper i must go by my very own self,4.25 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0017.wav,there jap you've caught it laughed percy while the others screamed at the sight of jasper's face,6.21 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0018.wav,don't mind it polly whispered jasper twasn't her fault,4.095 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0019.wav,dear me ejaculated the old gentleman in the utmost amazement and such a time as i've had to get her here too,7.12 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0020.wav,how did her mother ever let her go,2.24 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0021.wav,she asked impulsively i didn't believe you could persuade her father,4.365 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0022.wav,i didn't have any fears if i worked it rightly said the old gentleman complacently,5.04 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0023.wav,he cried in high dudgeon just as if he owned the whole of the peppers and could dispose of them all to suit his fancy,6.675 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0024.wav,and the old gentleman was so delighted with his success that he had to burst out into a series of short happy bits of laughter that occupied quite a space of time,9.665 -data/test.clean/237-126133-0025.wav,at last he came out of them and wiped his face vigorously,3.755 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0000.wav,it is sixteen years since john bergson died,4.105 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0001.wav,his wife now lies beside him and the white shaft that marks their graves gleams across the wheat fields,7.38 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0002.wav,from the norwegian graveyard one looks out over a vast checker board marked off in squares of wheat and corn light and dark dark and light,11.395 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0003.wav,from the graveyard gate one can count a dozen gayly painted farmhouses the gilded weather vanes on the big red barns wink at each other across the green and brown and yellow fields,12.765 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0004.wav,the air and the earth are curiously mated and intermingled as if the one were the breath of the other,6.825 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0005.wav,he was a splendid figure of a boy tall and straight as a young pine tree with a handsome head and stormy gray eyes deeply set under a serious brow,10.945 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0006.wav,that's not much of a job for an athlete here i've been to town and back,4.395 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0007.wav,alexandra lets you sleep late,2.035 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0008.wav,she gathered up her reins,2.305 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0009.wav,please wait for me marie emil coaxed,2.975 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0010.wav,i never see lou's scythe over here,2.875 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0011.wav,how brown you've got since you came home i wish i had an athlete to mow my orchard,5.035 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0012.wav,i get wet to my knees when i go down to pick cherries,3.66 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0013.wav,indeed he had looked away with the purpose of not seeing it,4.09 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0014.wav,they think you're proud because you've been away to school or something,3.7 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0015.wav,there was something individual about the great farm a most unusual trimness and care for detail,6.55 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0016.wav,on either side of the road for a mile before you reached the foot of the hill stood tall osage orange hedges their glossy green marking off the yellow fields,10.085 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0017.wav,any one thereabouts would have told you that this was one of the richest farms on the divide and that the farmer was a woman alexandra bergson,9.105 -data/test.clean/237-134493-0018.wav,there is even a white row of beehives in the orchard under the walnut trees,4.79 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0000.wav,he could wait no longer,2.085 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0001.wav,for a full hour he had paced up and down waiting but he could wait no longer,5.415 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0002.wav,he set off abruptly for the bull walking rapidly lest his father's shrill whistle might call him back and in a few moments he had rounded the curve at the police barrack and was safe,11.6 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0003.wav,the university,2.175 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0004.wav,pride after satisfaction uplifted him like long slow waves,5.175063 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0005.wav,whose feet are as the feet of harts and underneath the everlasting arms,5.36 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0006.wav,the pride of that dim image brought back to his mind the dignity of the office he had refused,5.895 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0007.wav,soon the whole bridge was trembling and resounding,3.44 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0008.wav,the uncouth faces passed him two by two stained yellow or red or livid by the sea and as he strove to look at them with ease and indifference a faint stain of personal shame and commiseration rose to his own face,14.985 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0009.wav,angry with himself he tried to hide his face from their eyes by gazing down sideways into the shallow swirling water under the bridge but he still saw a reflection therein of their top heavy silk hats and humble tape like collars and loosely hanging clerical clothes brother hickey,20.055 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0010.wav,brother mac ardle brother keogh,3.195 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0011.wav,their piety would be like their names like their faces like their clothes and it was idle for him to tell himself that their humble and contrite hearts it might be paid a far richer tribute of devotion than his had ever been a gift tenfold more acceptable than his elaborate adoration,20.01 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0012.wav,it was idle for him to move himself to be generous towards them to tell himself that if he ever came to their gates stripped of his pride beaten and in beggar's weeds that they would be generous towards him loving him as themselves,15.03 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0013.wav,idle and embittering finally to argue against his own dispassionate certitude that the commandment of love bade us not to love our neighbour as ourselves with the same amount and intensity of love but to love him as ourselves with the same kind of love,16.33 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0014.wav,the phrase and the day and the scene harmonized in a chord,4.755 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0015.wav,words was it their colours,3.395 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0016.wav,they were voyaging across the deserts of the sky a host of nomads on the march voyaging high over ireland westward bound,9.06 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0017.wav,the europe they had come from lay out there beyond the irish sea europe of strange tongues and valleyed and woodbegirt and citadelled and of entrenched and marshalled races,11.695 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0018.wav,again again,3.09 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0019.wav,a voice from beyond the world was calling,3.155 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0020.wav,hello stephanos here comes the dedalus,3.99 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0021.wav,their diving stone poised on its rude supports and rocking under their plunges and the rough hewn stones of the sloping breakwater over which they scrambled in their horseplay gleamed with cold wet lustre,13.37 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0022.wav,he stood still in deference to their calls and parried their banter with easy words,5.635 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0023.wav,it was a pain to see them and a sword like pain to see the signs of adolescence that made repellent their pitiable nakedness,7.735 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0024.wav,stephanos dedalos,2.215 -data/test.clean/1089-134691-0025.wav,a moment before the ghost of the ancient kingdom of the danes had looked forth through the vesture of the hazewrapped city,8.005 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0000.wav,he hoped there would be stew for dinner turnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat mutton pieces to be ladled out in thick peppered flour fattened sauce,10.435 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0001.wav,stuff it into you his belly counselled him,3.275 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0002.wav,after early nightfall the yellow lamps would light up here and there the squalid quarter of the brothels,6.625 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0003.wav,hello bertie any good in your mind,2.68 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0004.wav,number ten fresh nelly is waiting on you good night husband,5.215063 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0005.wav,the music came nearer and he recalled the words the words of shelley's fragment upon the moon wandering companionless pale for weariness,9.635 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0006.wav,the dull light fell more faintly upon the page whereon another equation began to unfold itself slowly and to spread abroad its widening tail,10.555 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0007.wav,a cold lucid indifference reigned in his soul,4.275 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0008.wav,the chaos in which his ardour extinguished itself was a cold indifferent knowledge of himself,6.73 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0009.wav,at most by an alms given to a beggar whose blessing he fled from he might hope wearily to win for himself some measure of actual grace,10.575 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0010.wav,well now ennis i declare you have a head and so has my stick,4.405 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0011.wav,on saturday mornings when the sodality met in the chapel to recite the little office his place was a cushioned kneeling desk at the right of the altar from which he led his wing of boys through the responses,12.445 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0012.wav,her eyes seemed to regard him with mild pity her holiness a strange light glowing faintly upon her frail flesh did not humiliate the sinner who approached her,11.64 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0013.wav,if ever he was impelled to cast sin from him and to repent the impulse that moved him was the wish to be her knight,7.915 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0014.wav,he tried to think how it could be,2.225 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0015.wav,but the dusk deepening in the schoolroom covered over his thoughts the bell rang,5.815 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0016.wav,then you can ask him questions on the catechism dedalus,3.54 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0017.wav,stephen leaning back and drawing idly on his scribbler listened to the talk about him which heron checked from time to time by saying,8.87 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0018.wav,it was strange too that he found an arid pleasure in following up to the end the rigid lines of the doctrines of the church and penetrating into obscure silences only to hear and feel the more deeply his own condemnation,15.72 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0019.wav,the sentence of saint james which says that he who offends against one commandment becomes guilty of all had seemed to him first a swollen phrase until he had begun to grope in the darkness of his own state,13.895 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0020.wav,if a man had stolen a pound in his youth and had used that pound to amass a huge fortune how much was he obliged to give back the pound he had stolen only or the pound together with the compound interest accruing upon it or all his huge fortune,16.79 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0021.wav,if a layman in giving baptism pour the water before saying the words is the child baptized,6.55 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0022.wav,how comes it that while the first beatitude promises the kingdom of heaven to the poor of heart the second beatitude promises also to the meek that they shall possess the land,11.175 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0023.wav,why was the sacrament of the eucharist instituted under the two species of bread and wine if jesus christ be present body and blood soul and divinity in the bread alone and in the wine alone,13.275 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0024.wav,if the wine change into vinegar and the host crumble into corruption after they have been consecrated is jesus christ still present under their species as god and as man,11.655 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0025.wav,a gentle kick from the tall boy in the bench behind urged stephen to ask a difficult question,6.61 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0026.wav,the rector did not ask for a catechism to hear the lesson from,4.01 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0027.wav,he clasped his hands on the desk and said,2.71 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0028.wav,the retreat will begin on wednesday afternoon in honour of saint francis xavier whose feast day is saturday,7.83 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0029.wav,on friday confession will be heard all the afternoon after beads,4.67 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0030.wav,beware of making that mistake,2.715 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0031.wav,stephen's heart began slowly to fold and fade with fear like a withering flower,6.615 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0032.wav,he is called as you know the apostle of the indies,4.09 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0033.wav,a great saint saint francis xavier,3.33 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0034.wav,the rector paused and then shaking his clasped hands before him went on,5.81 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0035.wav,he had the faith in him that moves mountains,3.445 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0036.wav,a great saint saint francis xavier,3.25 -data/test.clean/1089-134686-0037.wav,in the silence their dark fire kindled the dusk into a tawny glow,5.21 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0000.wav,we want you to help us publish some leading work of luther's for the general american market will you do it,6.12 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0001.wav,the condition is that i will be permitted to make luther talk american streamline him so to speak because you will never get people whether in or outside the lutheran church actually to read luther unless we make him talk as he would talk today to americans,16.125062 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0002.wav,let us begin with that his commentary on galatians,4.315 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0003.wav,the undertaking which seemed so attractive when viewed as a literary task proved a most difficult one and at times became oppressive,8.085 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0004.wav,it was written in latin,1.945 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0005.wav,the work had to be condensed,2.105 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0006.wav,a word should now be said about the origin of luther's commentary on galatians,4.55 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0007.wav,much later when a friend of his was preparing an edition of all his latin works he remarked to his home circle if i had my way about it they would republish only those of my books which have doctrine my galatians for instance,14.675 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0008.wav,in other words these three men took down the lectures which luther addressed to his students in the course of galatians and roerer prepared the manuscript for the printer,9.44 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0009.wav,it presents like no other of luther's writings the central thought of christianity the justification of the sinner for the sake of christ's merits alone,8.35 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0010.wav,but the essence of luther's lectures is there,3.36 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0011.wav,the lord who has given us power to teach and to hear let him also give us the power to serve and to do luke two,9.45 -data/test.clean/2830-3979-0012.wav,the word of our god shall stand forever,3.625 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0000.wav,in every way they sought to undermine the authority of saint paul,3.73 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0001.wav,they said to the galatians you have no right to think highly of paul,3.945 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0002.wav,he was the last to turn to christ,2.025 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0003.wav,paul came later and is beneath us,2.48 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0004.wav,indeed he persecuted the church of christ for a long time,3.81 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0005.wav,do you suppose that god for the sake of a few lutheran heretics would disown his entire church,6.45 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0006.wav,against these boasting false apostles paul boldly defends his apostolic authority and ministry,6.41 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0007.wav,as the ambassador of a government is honored for his office and not for his private person so the minister of christ should exalt his office in order to gain authority among men,10.19 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0008.wav,paul takes pride in his ministry not to his own praise but to the praise of god,4.84 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0009.wav,paul an apostle not of men et cetera,3.885 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0010.wav,either he calls ministers through the agency of men or he calls them directly as he called the prophets and apostles,6.525 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0011.wav,paul declares that the false apostles were called or sent neither by men nor by man,5.525 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0012.wav,the most they could claim is that they were sent by others,3.42 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0013.wav,he mentions the apostles first because they were appointed directly by god,4.145 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0014.wav,the call is not to be taken lightly,2.525 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0015.wav,for a person to possess knowledge is not enough,2.685 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0016.wav,it spoils one's best work,2.37 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0017.wav,when i was a young man i thought paul was making too much of his call,3.665 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0018.wav,i did not then realize the importance of the ministry,3.42 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0019.wav,i knew nothing of the doctrine of faith because we were taught sophistry instead of certainty and nobody understood spiritual boasting,7.015 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0020.wav,this is no sinful pride it is holy pride,3.46 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0021.wav,and god the father who raised him from the dead,2.91 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0022.wav,the clause seems superfluous on first sight,3.27 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0023.wav,these perverters of the righteousness of christ resist the father and the son and the works of them both,6.16 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0024.wav,in this whole epistle paul treats of the resurrection of christ,3.935 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0025.wav,by his resurrection christ won the victory over law sin flesh world devil death hell and every evil,8.795 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0026.wav,verse two,1.485 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0027.wav,and all the brethren which are with me,2.27 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0028.wav,this should go far in shutting the mouths of the false apostles,3.54 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0029.wav,although the brethren with me are not apostles like myself yet they are all of one mind with me think write and teach as i do,9.075 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0030.wav,they do not go where the enemies of the gospel predominate they go where the christians are,5.25 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0031.wav,why do they not invade the catholic provinces and preach their doctrine to godless princes bishops and doctors as we have done by the help of god,8.485 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0032.wav,we look for that reward which eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath entered into the heart of man,7.22 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0033.wav,not all the galatians had become perverted,2.71 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0034.wav,these means cannot be contaminated,2.97 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0035.wav,they remain divine regardless of men's opinion,3.335 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0036.wav,wherever the means of grace are found there is the holy church even though antichrist reigns there,5.765 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0037.wav,so much for the title of the epistle now follows the greeting of the apostle verse three,6.42 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0038.wav,grace be to you and peace from god the father and from our lord jesus christ,5.54 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0039.wav,the terms of grace and peace are common terms with paul and are now pretty well understood,5.195 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0040.wav,the greeting of the apostle is refreshing,2.62 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0041.wav,grace involves the remission of sins peace and a happy conscience,4.89 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0042.wav,the world brands this a pernicious doctrine,3.02 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0043.wav,experience proves this,1.975 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0044.wav,however the grace and peace of god will,3.49 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0045.wav,men should not speculate about the nature of god,3.51 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0046.wav,was it not enough to say from god the father,2.84 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0047.wav,to do so is to lose god altogether because god becomes intolerable when we seek to measure and to comprehend his infinite majesty,7.865 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0048.wav,he came down to earth lived among men suffered was crucified and then he died standing clearly before us so that our hearts and eyes may fasten upon him,10.44 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0049.wav,embrace him and forget about the nature of god,3.42 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0050.wav,did not christ himself say i am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me,7.475 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0051.wav,when you argue about the nature of god apart from the question of justification you may be as profound as you like,6.44 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0052.wav,we are to hear christ who has been appointed by the father as our divine teacher,4.88 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0053.wav,at the same time paul confirms our creed that christ is very god,5.015 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0054.wav,that christ is very god is apparent in that paul ascribes to him divine powers equally with the father as for instance the power to dispense grace and peace,10.085 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0055.wav,to bestow peace and grace lies in the province of god who alone can create these blessings the angels cannot,7.335 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0056.wav,otherwise paul should have written grace from god the father and peace from our lord jesus christ,5.35 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0057.wav,the arians took christ for a noble and perfect creature superior even to the angels because by him god created heaven and earth,8.07 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0058.wav,mohammed also speaks highly of christ,2.69 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0059.wav,paul sticks to his theme,1.825 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0060.wav,he never loses sight of the purpose of his epistle,2.675 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0061.wav,not gold or silver or paschal lambs or an angel but himself what for,7.12 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0062.wav,not for a crown or a kingdom or our goodness but for our sins,5.44 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0063.wav,underscore these words for they are full of comfort for sore consciences,5.415 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0064.wav,how may we obtain remission of our sins,2.88 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0065.wav,paul answers the man who is named jesus christ and the son of god gave himself for our sins,6.515 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0066.wav,since christ was given for our sins it stands to reason that they cannot be put away by our own efforts,6.085 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0067.wav,this sentence also defines our sins as great so great in fact that the whole world could not make amends for a single sin,8.13 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0068.wav,the greatness of the ransom christ the son of god indicates this,5.0 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0069.wav,the vicious character of sin is brought out by the words who gave himself for our sins,5.555063 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0070.wav,but we are careless we make light of sin,3.73 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0071.wav,we think that by some little work or merit we can dismiss sin,3.96 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0072.wav,this passage then bears out the fact that all men are sold under sin,4.855 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0073.wav,this attitude springs from a false conception of sin the conception that sin is a small matter easily taken care of by good works that we must present ourselves unto god with a good conscience that we must feel no sin before we may feel that christ was given for our sins,16.56 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0074.wav,this attitude is universal and particularly developed in those who consider themselves better than others,5.7 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0075.wav,but the real significance and comfort of the words for our sins is lost upon them,5.79 -data/test.clean/2830-3980-0076.wav,on the other hand we are not to regard them as so terrible that we must despair,4.81 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0000.wav,the paris plant like that at the crystal palace was a temporary exhibit,5.08 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0001.wav,the london plant was less temporary but not permanent supplying before it was torn out no fewer than three thousand lamps in hotels churches stores and dwellings in the vicinity of holborn viaduct,14.63 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0002.wav,there messrs johnson and hammer put into practice many of the ideas now standard in the art and secured much useful data for the work in new york of which the story has just been told,13.115 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0003.wav,the dynamo electric machine though small was robust for under all the varying speeds of water power and the vicissitudes of the plant to which it belonged it continued in active use until eighteen ninety nine seventeen years,16.76 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0004.wav,owing to his insistence on low pressure direct current for use in densely populated districts as the only safe and truly universal profitable way of delivering electrical energy to the consumers edison has been frequently spoken of as an opponent of the alternating current,19.91 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0005.wav,why if we erect a station at the falls it is a great economy to get it up to the city,6.9 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0006.wav,there seems no good reason for believing that it will change,4.12 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0007.wav,broad as the prairies and free in thought as the winds that sweep them he is idiosyncratically opposed to loose and wasteful methods to plans of empire that neglect the poor at the gate,13.445 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0008.wav,everything he has done has been aimed at the conservation of energy the contraction of space the intensification of culture,9.125 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0009.wav,for some years it was not found feasible to operate motors on alternating current circuits and that reason was often urged against it seriously,9.605 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0010.wav,it could not be used for electroplating or deposition nor could it charge storage batteries all of which are easily within the ability of the direct current,10.82 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0011.wav,but when it came to be a question of lighting a scattered suburb a group of dwellings on the outskirts a remote country residence or a farm house the alternating current in all elements save its danger was and is ideal,15.875 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0012.wav,edison was intolerant of sham and shoddy and nothing would satisfy him that could not stand cross examination by microscope test tube and galvanometer,11.145 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0013.wav,unless he could secure an engine of smoother running and more exactly governed and regulated than those available for his dynamo and lamp edison realized that he would find it almost impossible to give a steady light,13.89 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0014.wav,mister edison was a leader far ahead of the time,3.75 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0015.wav,he obtained the desired speed and load with a friction brake also regulator of speed but waited for an indicator to verify it,8.875 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0016.wav,then again there was no known way to lubricate an engine for continuous running and mister edison informed me that as a marine engine started before the ship left new york and continued running until it reached its home port so an engine for his purposes must produce light at all times,20.015 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0017.wav,edison had installed his historic first great central station system in new york on the multiple arc system covered by his feeder and main invention which resulted in a notable saving in the cost of conductors as against a straight two wire system throughout of the tree kind,19.915 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0018.wav,he soon foresaw that still greater economy would be necessary for commercial success not alone for the larger territory opening but for the compact districts of large cities,12.54 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0019.wav,the strong position held by the edison system under the strenuous competition that was already springing up was enormously improved by the introduction of the three wire system and it gave an immediate impetus to incandescent lighting,14.82 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0020.wav,it was specially suited for a trial plant also in the early days when a yield of six or eight lamps to the horse power was considered subject for congratulation,10.35 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0021.wav,the street conductors were of the overhead pole line construction and were installed by the construction company that had been organized by edison to build and equip central stations,10.95 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0022.wav,meanwhile he had called upon me to make a report of the three wire system known in england as the hopkinson both doctor john hopkinson and mister edison being independent inventors at practically the same time,13.665 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0023.wav,i think he was perhaps more appreciative than i was of the discipline of the edison construction department and thought it would be well for us to wait until the morning of the fourth before we started up,11.06 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0024.wav,but the plant ran and it was the first three wire station in this country,4.77 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0025.wav,they were later used as reserve machines and finally with the engine retired from service as part of the collection of edisonia but they remain in practically as good condition as when installed in eighteen eighty three,15.28 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0026.wav,the arc lamp installed outside a customer's premises or in a circuit for public street lighting burned so many hours nightly so many nights in the month and was paid for at that rate subject to rebate for hours when the lamp might be out through accident,17.595 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0027.wav,edison held that the electricity sold must be measured just like gas or water and he proceeded to develop a meter,8.62 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0028.wav,there was infinite scepticism around him on the subject and while other inventors were also giving the subject their thought the public took it for granted that anything so utterly intangible as electricity that could not be seen or weighed and only gave secondary evidence of itself at the exact point of use could not be brought to accurate registration,25.94 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0029.wav,hence the edison electrolytic meter is no longer used despite its excellent qualities,6.425 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0030.wav,the principle employed in the edison electrolytic meter is that which exemplifies the power of electricity to decompose a chemical substance,9.98 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0031.wav,associated with this simple form of apparatus were various ingenious details and refinements to secure regularity of operation freedom from inaccuracy and immunity from such tampering as would permit theft of current or damage,16.585 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0032.wav,the standard edison meter practice was to remove the cells once a month to the meter room of the central station company for examination another set being substituted,11.69 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0033.wav,in december eighteen eighty eight mister w j jenks read an interesting paper before the american institute of electrical engineers on the six years of practical experience had up to that time with the meter then more generally in use than any other,17.605 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0034.wav,the others having been in operation too short a time to show definite results although they also went quickly to a dividend basis,8.605 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0035.wav,in this connection it should be mentioned that the association of edison illuminating companies in the same year adopted resolutions unanimously to the effect that the edison meter was accurate and that its use was not expensive for stations above one thousand lights and that the best financial results were invariably secured in a station selling current by meter,25.49 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0036.wav,the meter continued in general service during eighteen ninety nine and probably up to the close of the century,7.085 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0037.wav,he weighed and reweighed the meter plates and pursued every line of investigation imaginable but all in vain,7.965 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0038.wav,he felt he was up against it and that perhaps another kind of a job would suit him better,5.61 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0039.wav,the problem was solved,2.385 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0040.wav,we were more interested in the technical condition of the station than in the commercial part,5.455 -data/test.clean/2300-131720-0041.wav,we had meters in which there were two bottles of liquid,3.75 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0000.wav,so they were quite willing to obey the orders of their girl queen and in a short time the blasts of trumpets and roll of drums and clashing of cymbals told trot and cap'n bill that the blue bands had assembled before the palace,12.04 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0001.wav,then they all marched out a little way into the fields and found that the army of pinkies had already formed and was advancing steadily toward them,8.63 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0002.wav,at the head of the pinkies were ghip ghisizzle and button bright who had the parrot on his shoulder and they were supported by captain coralie and captain tintint and rosalie the witch,11.075 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0003.wav,when the blueskins saw ghip ghisizzle they raised another great shout for he was the favorite of the soldiers and very popular with all the people,8.875 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0004.wav,since last thursday i ghip ghisizzle have been the lawful boolooroo of the blue country but now that you are conquered by queen trot i suppose i am conquered too and you have no boolooroo at all,13.9 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0005.wav,when he finished she said cheerfully,2.555 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0006.wav,don't worry sizzle dear it'll all come right pretty soon,3.92 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0007.wav,now then let's enter the city an enjoy the grand feast that's being cooked i'm nearly starved myself for this conquerin kingdoms is hard work,9.31 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0008.wav,then she gave rosalie back her magic ring thanking the kind witch for all she had done for them,6.135 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0009.wav,you are mate replied the sailor,3.27 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0010.wav,it will be such a satisfaction,2.51 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0011.wav,the guards had a terrible struggle with the goat which was loose in the room and still wanted to fight but finally they subdued the animal and then they took the boolooroo out of the frame he was tied in and brought both him and the goat before queen trot who awaited them in the throne room of the palace,16.52 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0012.wav,i'll gladly do that promised the new boolooroo and i'll feed the honorable goat all the shavings and leather and tin cans he can eat besides the grass,9.87 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0013.wav,scuse me said trot i neglected to tell you that you're not the boolooroo any more,5.775 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0014.wav,the former boolooroo groaned,2.155 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0015.wav,i'll not be wicked any more sighed the old boolooroo i'll reform,5.12 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0016.wav,as a private citizen i shall be a model of deportment because it would be dangerous to be otherwise,5.895 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0017.wav,when first they entered the throne room they tried to be as haughty and scornful as ever but the blues who were assembled there all laughed at them and jeered them for there was not a single person in all the blue country who loved the princesses the least little bit,13.335 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0018.wav,so ghip ghisizzle ordered the captain to take a file of soldiers and escort the raving beauties to their new home,7.03 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0019.wav,that evening trot gave a grand ball in the palace to which the most important of the pinkies and the blueskins were invited,7.61 -data/test.clean/8555-284449-0020.wav,the combined bands of both the countries played the music and a fine supper was served,5.095 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0000.wav,then he rushed down stairs into the courtyard shouting loudly for his soldiers and threatening to patch everybody in his dominions if the sailorman was not recaptured,9.605 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0001.wav,hold him fast my men and as soon as i've had my coffee and oatmeal i'll take him to the room of the great knife and patch him,8.61 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0002.wav,i wouldn't mind a cup o coffee myself said cap'n bill i've had consid'ble exercise this mornin and i'm all ready for breakfas,8.025 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0003.wav,but cap'n bill made no such attempt knowing it would be useless,4.415 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0004.wav,as soon as they entered the room of the great knife the boolooroo gave a yell of disappointment,5.485 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0005.wav,the room of the great knife was high and big and around it ran rows of benches for the spectators to sit upon,6.83 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0006.wav,in one place at the head of the room was a raised platform for the royal family with elegant throne chairs for the king and queen and six smaller but richly upholstered chairs for the snubnosed princesses,12.955 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0007.wav,therefore her majesty paid no attention to anyone and no one paid any attention to her,6.365 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0008.wav,rich jewels of blue stones glittered upon their persons and the royal ladies were fully as gorgeous as they were haughty and overbearing,8.39 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0009.wav,mornin girls hope ye feel as well as ye look,3.275 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0010.wav,control yourselves my dears replied the boolooroo the worst punishment i know how to inflict on anyone this prisoner is about to suffer you'll see a very pretty patching my royal daughters,12.93 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0011.wav,suppose it's a friend,1.955 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0012.wav,the captain shook his head,2.275 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0013.wav,why you said to fetch the first living creature we met and that was this billygoat replied the captain panting hard as he held fast to one of the goat's horns,9.04 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0014.wav,the idea of patching cap'n bill to a goat was vastly amusing to him and the more he thought of it the more he roared with laughter,8.47 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0015.wav,they look something alike you know suggested the captain of the guards looking from one to the other doubtfully and they're nearly the same size if you stand the goat on his hind legs they've both got the same style of whiskers and they're both of em obstinate and dangerous so they ought to make a good patch splendid,19.755063 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0016.wav,fine glorious,2.11 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0017.wav,when this had been accomplished the boolooroo leaned over to try to discover why the frame rolled away seemingly of its own accord and he was the more puzzled because it had never done such a thing before,11.62 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0018.wav,at once the goat gave a leap escaped from the soldiers and with bowed head rushed upon the boolooroo,5.46 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0019.wav,before any could stop him he butted his majesty so furiously that the king soared far into the air and tumbled in a heap among the benches where he lay moaning and groaning,10.28 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0020.wav,the goat's warlike spirit was roused by this successful attack,4.09 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0021.wav,then they sped in great haste for the door and the goat gave a final butt that sent the row of royal ladies all diving into the corridor in another tangle whereupon they shrieked in a manner that terrified everyone within sound of their voices,13.175 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0022.wav,i had a notion it was you mate as saved me from the knife,3.56 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0023.wav,i couldn't shiver much bein bound so tight but when i'm loose i mean to have jus one good shiver to relieve my feelin's,7.155 -data/test.clean/8555-284447-0024.wav,come and get the boolooroo she said going toward the benches,4.635 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0000.wav,brighter than early dawn's most brilliant dye are blown clear bands of color through the sky that swirl and sweep and meet to break and foam like rainbow veils upon a bubble's dome,14.9 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0001.wav,guided by you how we might stroll towards death our only music one another's breath through gardens intimate with hollyhocks where silent poppies burn between the rocks by pools where birches bend to confidants above green waters scummed with lily plants,20.82 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0002.wav,venice,1.81 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0003.wav,in a sunset glowing of crimson and gold she lies the glory of the world a beached king's galley whose sails are furled who is hung with tapestries rich and old,14.58 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0004.wav,the pity that we must come and go,3.245 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0005.wav,while the old gold and the marble stays forever gleaming its soft strong blaze calm in the early evening glow,9.575 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0006.wav,the pleasant graveyard of my soul with sentimental cypress trees and flowers is filled that i may stroll in meditation at my ease,10.18 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0007.wav,it is my heart hung in the sky and no clouds ever float between the grave flowers and my heart on high,8.405 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0008.wav,over the track lined city street the young men the grinning men pass,6.025 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0009.wav,ho ye sails that seem to wander in dream filled meadows say is the shore where i stand the only field of struggle or are ye hit and battered out there by waves and wind gusts as ye tack over a clashing sea of watery echoes,17.965 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0010.wav,old dances are simplified of their yearning bleached by time,5.77 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0011.wav,he had got into her courtyard,3.08 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0012.wav,through the black night rain he sang to her window bars,5.17 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0013.wav,that was but rustling of dripping plants in the dark,4.185 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0014.wav,she was alone that night,2.435 -data/test.clean/8555-292519-0015.wav,he had broken into her courtyard,2.85 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0000.wav,even the sun came out pale and watery at noon,3.315 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0001.wav,the colds and rheumatism of the rainy months vanished,4.03 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0002.wav,asked a worker last sunday you did it when the yunkers,3.94 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0003.wav,well didn't they shoot us one man exhibited his arm in a sling,4.25 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0004.wav,haven't i got something to remember them by the devils,3.645 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0005.wav,who are you to destroy the legal government who is lenin a german,4.365 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0006.wav,who are you a counter revolutionist a provocator they bellowed at him,5.53 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0007.wav,you call yourselves the people of russia but you're not the people of russia,4.77 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0008.wav,the peasants are the people of russia wait until the peasants,3.44 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0009.wav,we know what the peasants will say aren't they workingmen like ourselves,4.495 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0010.wav,these men especially welcomed the call to a congress of peasants,4.52 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0011.wav,these last were the young generation who had been serving in the army,4.155 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0012.wav,whereupon the old executive committee left the hall,3.335 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0013.wav,down with him they shrieked,2.275 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0014.wav,fearful tumult cries down with the bolsheviki,3.79 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0015.wav,upon my return i visited smolny no such accusation was made against me there after a brief conversation i left and that's all let any one present make such an accusation,11.835 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0016.wav,meanwhile the question of the status of the executive committee was agitating all minds,5.615 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0017.wav,by declaring the assembly extraordinary conference it had been planned to block the reelection of the executive committee,7.61 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0018.wav,but this worked both ways the left socialist revolutionists decided that if the congress had no power over the executive committee then the executive committee had no power over the congress,11.955 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0019.wav,on the twenty seventh occurred the debate on the land question which revealed the differences between the agrarian programme of the bolsheviki and the left socialist revolutionaries,10.94 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0020.wav,the constituent assembly will not dare to break with the will of the people,4.525 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0021.wav,followed him lenin listened to now with absorbing intensity,4.565 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0022.wav,the first stage was the crushing of autocracy and the crushing of the power of the industrial capitalists and land owners whose interests are closely related,10.385063 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0023.wav,the dumas and zemstvos were dropped,2.67 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0024.wav,he knew that an agreement with the bolsheviki was being discussed but he did not know that it had been concluded,7.07 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0025.wav,he spoke to the rump convention,2.24 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0026.wav,the villages will save us in the end,2.505 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0027.wav,but the present movement is international and that is why it is invincible,5.06 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0028.wav,the will of millions of workers is now concentrated in this hall,4.09 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0029.wav,a new humanity will be born of this war,3.455 -data/test.other/6938-70848-0030.wav,i greet you with the christening of a new russian life and freedom,3.98 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0000.wav,once upon a time there was a king in the north who had won many wars but now he was old,5.07 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0001.wav,the old king went out and fought bravely but at last his sword broke and he was wounded and his men fled,6.16 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0002.wav,but in the night when the battle was over his young wife came out and searched for him among the slain and at last she found him and asked whether he might be healed,8.14 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0003.wav,so he asked the queen how do you know in the dark of night whether the hours are wearing to the morning and she said,6.465 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0004.wav,then the old man said drive all the horses into the river and choose the one that swims across,5.15 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0005.wav,he is no bigger than other dragons said the tutor and if you were as brave as your father you would not fear him,5.945 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0006.wav,then the person who had killed otter went down and caught the dwarf who owned all the treasure and took it from him,5.795 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0007.wav,only one ring was left which the dwarf wore and even that was taken from him,4.775 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0008.wav,so regin made a sword and sigurd tried it with a blow on a lump of iron and the sword broke,5.045 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0009.wav,then sigurd went to his mother and asked for the broken pieces of his father's blade and gave them to regin,5.595 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0010.wav,so sigurd said that sword would do,2.69 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0011.wav,then he saw the track which the dragon made when he went to a cliff to drink and the track was as if a great river had rolled along and left a deep valley,8.265 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0012.wav,but sigurd waited till half of him had crawled over the pit and then he thrust the sword gram right into his very heart,6.655 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0013.wav,sigurd said i would touch none of it if by losing it i should never die,4.295 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0014.wav,but all men die and no brave man lets death frighten him from his desire,4.35 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0015.wav,die thou fafnir and then fafnir died,4.0 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0016.wav,then sigurd rode back and met regin and regin asked him to roast fafnir's heart and let him taste of it,5.815 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0017.wav,so sigurd put the heart of fafnir on a stake and roasted it,3.28 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0018.wav,there is sigurd roasting fafnir's heart for another when he should taste of it himself and learn all wisdom,6.06 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0019.wav,that let him do and then ride over hindfell to the place where brynhild sleeps,4.785 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0020.wav,there must she sleep till thou comest for her waking rise up and ride for now sure she will swear the vow fearless of breaking,7.95 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0021.wav,then he took the helmet off the head of the sleeper and behold she was a most beautiful lady,5.41 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0022.wav,then sigurd rode away and he came to the house of a king who had a fair daughter,4.745 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0023.wav,then brynhild's father told gunnar that she would marry none but him who could ride the flame in front of her enchanted tower and thither they rode and gunnar set his horse at the flame but he would not face it,11.19 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0024.wav,for one day when brynhild and gudrun were bathing brynhild waded farthest out into the river and said she did that to show she was guirun's superior,8.72 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0025.wav,for her husband she said had ridden through the flame when no other man dared face it,4.83 -data/test.other/3538-163624-0026.wav,not long to wait he said till the bitter sword stands fast in my heart and thou will not live long when i am dead,6.375 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0000.wav,general observations on preserves confectionary ices and dessert dishes,5.16 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0001.wav,the expense of preserving them with sugar is a serious objection for except the sugar is used in considerable quantities the success is very uncertain,8.775 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0002.wav,fruit gathered in wet or foggy weather will soon be mildewed and be of no service for preserves,5.645 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0003.wav,but to distinguish these properly requires very great attention and considerable experience,6.24 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0004.wav,if you dip the finger into the syrup and apply it to the thumb the tenacity of the syrup will on separating the finger and thumb afford a thread which shortly breaks this is the little thread,11.1 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0005.wav,let it boil up again then take it off and remove carefully the scum that has risen,4.965 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0006.wav,it is considered to be sufficiently boiled when some taken up in a spoon pours out like oil,5.27 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0007.wav,before sugar was in use honey was employed to preserve many vegetable productions though this substance has now given way to the juice of the sugar cane,7.55 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0008.wav,fourteen ninety nine,2.21 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0009.wav,boil them up three days successively skimming each time and they will then be finished and in a state fit to be put into pots for use,7.295 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0010.wav,the reason why the fruit is emptied out of the preserving pan into an earthen pan is that the acid of the fruit acts upon the copper of which the preserving pans are usually made,9.88 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0011.wav,from this example the process of preserving fruits by syrup will be easily comprehended,5.035 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0012.wav,they should be dried in the stove or oven on a sieve and turned every six or eight hours fresh powdered sugar being sifted over them every time they are turned,9.535 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0013.wav,in this way it is also that orange and lemon chips are preserved,4.205063 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0014.wav,marmalades jams and fruit pastes are of the same nature and are now in very general request,6.475 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0015.wav,marmalades and jams differ little from each other they are preserves of a half liquid consistency made by boiling the pulp of fruits and sometimes part of the rinds with sugar,9.78 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0016.wav,that they may keep it is necessary not to be sparing of sugar fifteen o three,6.115 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0017.wav,in all the operations for preserve making when the preserving pan is used it should not be placed on the fire but on a trivet unless the jam is made on a hot plate when this is not necessary,10.28 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0018.wav,confectionary fifteen o eight,3.805 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0019.wav,in speaking of confectionary it should be remarked that all the various preparations above named come strictly speaking under that head for the various fruits flowers herbs roots and juices which when boiled with sugar were formerly employed in pharmacy as well as for sweetmeats were called confections from the latin word conficere to make up but the term confectionary embraces a very large class indeed of sweet food many kinds of which should not be attempted in the ordinary cuisine,29.525 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0020.wav,the thousand and one ornamental dishes that adorn the tables of the wealthy should be purchased from the confectioner they cannot profitably be made at home,8.19 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0021.wav,however as late as the reigns of our two last georges fabulous sums were often expended upon fanciful desserts,7.68 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0022.wav,the shape of the dishes varies at different periods the prevailing fashion at present being oval and circular dishes on stems,7.84 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0023.wav,ices,1.55 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0024.wav,at desserts or at some evening parties ices are scarcely to be dispensed with,5.085 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0025.wav,the spaddle is generally made of copper kept bright and clean,4.405 -data/test.other/3538-142836-0026.wav,they should be taken immediately after the repast or some hours after because the taking these substances during the process of digestion is apt to provoke indisposition,10.77 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0000.wav,there was once on a time a widower who had a son and a daughter by his first wife,4.9 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0001.wav,from the very day that the new wife came into the house there was no peace for the man's children and not a corner to be found where they could get any rest so the boy thought that the best thing he could do was to go out into the world and try to earn his own bread,14.235 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0002.wav,but his sister who was still at home fared worse and worse,3.885 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0003.wav,kiss me girl said the head,3.045 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0004.wav,when the king entered and saw it he stood still as if he were in fetters and could not stir from the spot for the picture seemed to him so beautiful,8.51 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0005.wav,the youth promised to make all the haste he could and set forth from the king's palace,5.31 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0006.wav,at last they came in sight of land,3.07 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0007.wav,well if my brother says so i must do it said the man's daughter and she flung her casket into the sea,6.85 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0008.wav,what is my brother saying asked his sister again,3.54 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0009.wav,on the first thursday night after this a beautiful maiden came into the kitchen of the palace and begged the kitchen maid who slept there to lend her a brush,8.865 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0010.wav,she begged very prettily and got it and then she brushed her hair and the gold dropped from it,6.145 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0011.wav,out on thee ugly bushy bride sleeping so soft by the young king's side on sand and stones my bed i make and my brother sleeps with the cold snake unpitied and unwept,13.03 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0012.wav,i shall come twice more and then never again said she,4.3 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0013.wav,this time also as before she borrowed a brush and brushed her hair with it and the gold dropped down as she did it and again she sent the dog out three times and when day dawned she departed but as she was going she said as she had said before i shall come once more and then never again,19.3 -data/test.other/3538-163619-0014.wav,no one can tell how delighted the king was to get rid of that hideous bushy bride and get a queen who was bright and beautiful as day itself,8.74 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0000.wav,wilt thou serve me and watch my seven foals asked the king,3.495 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0001.wav,the youth thought that it was very easy work to watch the foals and that he could do it well enough,4.67 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0002.wav,hast thou watched faithfully and well the whole day long said the king when the lad came into his presence in the evening,6.19 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0003.wav,yes that i have said the youth,2.28 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0004.wav,he had gone out once to seek a place he said but never would he do such a thing again,5.175 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0005.wav,then the king promised him the same punishment and the same reward that he had promised his brother,5.91 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0006.wav,when he had run after the foals for a long long time and was hot and tired he passed by a cleft in the rock where an old woman was sitting spinning with a distaff and she called to him,11.32 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0007.wav,come hither come hither my handsome son and let me comb your hair,3.74 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0008.wav,the youth liked the thought of this let the foals run where they chose and seated himself in the cleft of the rock by the side of the old hag,6.95 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0009.wav,so there he sat with his head on her lap taking his ease the livelong day,4.35 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0010.wav,on the third day cinderlad wanted to set out,3.17 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0011.wav,the two brothers laughed at him and his father and mother begged him not to go but all to no purpose and cinderlad set out on his way,8.415 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0012.wav,i am walking about in search of a place said cinderlad,3.4 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0013.wav,i would much rather have the princess said cinderlad,3.755 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0014.wav,and thus they journeyed onwards a long long way,3.425 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0015.wav,when they had gone thus for a long long way the foal again asked dost thou see anything now,5.795 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0016.wav,yes now i see something that is white said cinderlad,3.48 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0017.wav,it looks like the trunk of a great thick birch tree,3.085 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0018.wav,cinderlad tried but could not do it so he had to take a draught from the pitcher and then one more and after that still another and then he was able to wield the sword with perfect ease,11.13 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0019.wav,for we are brothers of the princess whom thou art to have when thou canst tell the king what we eat and drink but there is a mighty troll who has cast a spell over us,8.825 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0020.wav,when they had travelled a long long way the foal said dost thou see anything,4.785 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0021.wav,and now inquired the foal seest thou nothing now,3.425 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0022.wav,now then said the foal dost thou not see anything now,3.63 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0023.wav,that is a river said the foal and we have to cross it,3.545 -data/test.other/3538-163622-0024.wav,i have done my best replied cinderlad,2.4 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0000.wav,seemed in good spirits last night mister gurr eh,3.0 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0001.wav,yes sir but he may turn up on the cliff at any moment,3.035 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0002.wav,yes men quite ready yes sir,3.105 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0003.wav,that's right of course well armed,2.455 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0004.wav,soon as the signal comes we shall push off,2.44 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0005.wav,awkward bit o country sir six miles row before you can find a place to land,4.39 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0006.wav,so shall we yet sir,2.28 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0007.wav,you don't think mister gurr that they would dare to injure him if he was so unlucky as to be caught,4.23 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0008.wav,well sir said the master hesitating smugglers are smugglers,4.095 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0009.wav,certainly sir smugglers are smugglers indeed,3.3 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0010.wav,beg pardon sir didn't mean any harm,2.8 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0011.wav,i'm getting very anxious about mister raystoke start at once sir,4.28 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0012.wav,no wait another half hour,2.07 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0013.wav,very ill advised thing to do,1.925 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0014.wav,then i must request that you will not make it again very true,3.32 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0015.wav,awk ward mister gurr awkward,2.57 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0016.wav,yes sir of course,1.885 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0017.wav,say awk ward in future not awk'ard,2.525 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0018.wav,i mean all alone by myself sir,2.285 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0019.wav,what for there aren't a public house for ten miles didn't mean that,4.205 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0020.wav,then what did you mean speak out and don't do the double shuffle all over my clean deck no sir,5.57 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0021.wav,hopping about like a cat on hot bricks,2.315 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0022.wav,now then why do you want to go ashore,2.695 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0023.wav,beg pardon didn't mean nowt sir said the sailor touching his forelock,3.56 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0024.wav,yes sir said the man humbly shall i go at once sir,3.14 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0025.wav,no wait,1.82 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0026.wav,keep a sharp look out on the cliff to see if mister raystoke is making signals for a boat,3.93 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0027.wav,he swung round walked aft and began sweeping the shore again with his glass while the master and dick exchanged glances which meant a great deal,7.775 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0028.wav,at last the little lieutenant could bear the anxiety no longer,3.355 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0029.wav,pipe away the men to that boat there he said and as the crew sprang in,3.705 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0030.wav,now mister gurr he said i'm only going to say one thing to you in the way of instructions yes sir,6.11 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0031.wav,beg pardon sir said the master deprecatingly,2.775 -data/test.other/7902-96594-0032.wav,steady my lads steady cried the master keep stroke and then he began to make plans as to his first proceedings on getting ashore,6.97 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0000.wav,say mester gurr said dick after one of these searches he wouldn't run away what,5.09 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0001.wav,mister raystoke sir don't be a fool,2.74 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0002.wav,what chucked him off yonder,2.615 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0003.wav,gurr glanced round to see if the men were looking and then said rather huskily but kindly,4.395 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0004.wav,ah ejaculated dick sadly,2.36 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0005.wav,say mester gurr sir which thankful i am to you for speaking so but you don't really think as he has come to harm,6.305 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0006.wav,i hope not dick i hope not but smugglers don't stand at anything sometimes,4.2 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0007.wav,i do assure you there's nothing here but what you may see,2.64 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0008.wav,if you'd let me finish you'd know said gurr gruffly one of our boys is missing seen him up here,4.76 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0009.wav,boy bout seventeen with a red cap no sir indeed i've not,4.02 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0010.wav,don't know as he has been seen about here do you said gurr looking at her searchingly no sir,4.95 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0011.wav,if she knew evil had come to the poor lad her face would tell tales like print,3.745 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0012.wav,i said a lad bout seventeen in a red cap like yours said gurr very shortly,4.595 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0013.wav,the man shook his head and stared as if he didn't half understand the drift of what was said,4.215 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0014.wav,here my lad where's your master,2.31 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0015.wav,eh i say where's your master,2.72 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0016.wav,gurr turned away impatiently again and signing to his men to follow they all began to tramp up the steep track leading toward the hoze with the rabbits scuttling away among the furze and showing their white cottony tails for a moment as they darted down into their holes,12.63 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0017.wav,i dunno muttered dick and a man can't be sure,3.665 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0018.wav,gurr saluted and stated his business while the baronet who had turned sallower and more careworn than his lot drew a breath full of relief one of your ship boys he said,8.345 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0019.wav,a lad looking like a common sailor and wearing a red cap no said sir risdon,4.515 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0020.wav,i have seen no one answering to the description here,2.5 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0021.wav,beg pardon sir but can you as a gentleman assure me that he is not here certainly said sir risdon,5.385 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0022.wav,surely cried sir risdon excitedly,2.595 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0023.wav,sir risdon was silent,2.025 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0024.wav,lady graeme looked ghastly,2.2 -data/test.other/7902-96595-0025.wav,you do not know no,2.8 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0000.wav,i am from the cutter lying off the coast,2.095 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0001.wav,don't cry he said i was obliged to come,2.51 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0002.wav,and and you have not found out anything came in quick frightened tones,5.02 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0003.wav,i wish you would believe me that i am in as great trouble about it as you are,3.83 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0004.wav,that my father sir risdon graeme has smuggled goods here,3.605 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0005.wav,he could not help it he hates the smugglers you shall not tell,3.425 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0006.wav,pray pray say you will not archy was silent,3.72 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0007.wav,then as archy stood in the dark literally aghast with astonishment he heard the faint rustling once more and again all was silent,7.69 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0008.wav,he laughed but it was a curious kind of laugh full of vexation injured amour propre as the french call our love of our own dignity of which archibald raystoke in the full flush of his young belief in his importance as a british officer had a pretty good stock,14.73 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0009.wav,it all comes of dressing up in this stupid way like a rough fisher lad,3.99 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0010.wav,cold water came on this idea directly as he recalled the fact that the darkness was intense and celia could not have seen him,6.81 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0011.wav,i'll soon show them that i am not going to be played with,2.93 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0012.wav,for it suddenly occurred to him that he was not only a prisoner but a prisoner in the power of a very reckless set of people who would stop at nothing,7.145 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0013.wav,no he thought to himself i don't believe they would kill me but they would knock me about,5.38 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0014.wav,the kick he had received was a foretaste of what he might expect and after a little consideration he came to the conclusion that his duty was to escape and get back to the cutter as quickly as he could,9.71 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0015.wav,to do this he must scheme lie hid till morning then make for the nearest point and signal for help unless a boat's crew were already searching for him how to escape,9.61 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0016.wav,the window was barred but he went to it and tried the bars one by one to find them all solidly fitted into the stone sill,6.045 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0017.wav,next moment as he felt his way about his hand touched an old fashioned marble mantelpiece fireplace chimney,6.675 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0018.wav,yes if other ways failed he could escape up the chimney,3.11 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0019.wav,no that was too bad he could not do that,2.365 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0020.wav,sympathy and pity for the dwellers in the hoze were completely gone now and he set his teeth fast and mentally called himself a weak idiot for ever thinking about such people,8.78 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0021.wav,a narrow table against the wall in two places,2.96 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0022.wav,he went and tried to force his head through recalling as he did that where a person's head would go the rest of the body would pass,5.87 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0023.wav,but there was no chance for his body there the head would not go first,3.365 -data/test.other/7902-96591-0024.wav,a fellow who was shut up in prison for life might do it he said but not in a case like this,5.145 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0000.wav,sure you've looked round everywhere boy yes father quite,4.21 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0001.wav,i'm going home to breakfast,1.83 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0002.wav,shall i come too father no,2.74 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0003.wav,stop here till sir risdon comes down and tell him i'm very sorry that we should have cleared out last night only a born fool saw jerry nandy's lobster boat coming into the cove and came running to say it was a party from the cutter yes father,12.17 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0004.wav,tell him not to be uneasy tis all right and i'll have everything clear away to night,4.325 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0005.wav,the dull sound of departing steps and a low whistling sound coming down through the skylight window into the cabin where archy raystoke lay with his heavy eyelids pressed down by sleep,8.605 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0006.wav,what a queer dream he thought to himself,2.415 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0007.wav,but how queer for mister gurr to be talking like that to andrew teal the boy who helped the cook,5.14 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0008.wav,and why did andy call mister gurr father,2.7 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0009.wav,there was an interval of thinking over this knotty question during which the low whistling went on,4.91 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0010.wav,and i'm hungry too time i was up i suppose,3.165 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0011.wav,no he was not dreaming for he was looking out on the sea over which a faint mist hung like wreaths of smoke,6.795 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0012.wav,what did they say false alarm tell sir risdon they would clear all away to night see if anything had been left about lobster boat,9.975 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0013.wav,once out of that room he could ran and by daylight the smugglers dare not hunt him down,4.85 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0014.wav,oh those bars he mentally exclaimed and he was advancing toward them when just as he drew near there was a rustling noise under the window a couple of hands seized the bars there was a scratching of boot toes against stone work and ram's face appeared to gaze into the room by intention but into the astonished countenance of the young midshipman instead,18.91 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0015.wav,ram was the first to recover from his surprise,2.66 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0016.wav,hullo he said who are you,2.075 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0017.wav,go round and open the door i was shut in last night by mistake,3.245 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0018.wav,i saw you last night and wondered whose boy you was,2.78 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0019.wav,it was you father kicked for shirking and my well i hardly knowed you,5.035 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0020.wav,nonsense,1.315 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0021.wav,won't do said ram grinning,2.005 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0022.wav,think i don't know you mister orficer,2.215 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0023.wav,won't do said ram quickly i know you,2.7 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0024.wav,been playing the spy that's what you've been doing who locked you in,3.8 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0025.wav,archy stepped back to the door listening but there was not a sound,3.43 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0026.wav,he has gone to give the alarm thought the prisoner and he looked excitedly round for a way of escape,4.82 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0027.wav,nothing but the chimney presented itself,2.56 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0028.wav,a happy inspiration had come and placing one hand upon his breast he thrust in the other gave a tug and drew out his little curved dirk glanced at the edge ran to the window and began to cut at one of the bars labour in vain,12.41 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0029.wav,he divided the paint and produced a few squeaks and grating sounds as he realised that the attempt was madness,5.37 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0030.wav,the result was not very satisfactory but sufficiently so to make him essay the bar of the window once more producing a grating ear assailing sound as he found that now he did make a little impression so little though that the probability was if he kept on working well for twenty four hours he would not get through,15.63 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0031.wav,but at the end of five minutes he stopped and thrust back the dirk into its sheath,4.24 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0032.wav,no i can't part with that ha ha ha laughed the boy jeeringly,4.325 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0033.wav,but i'll yes i'll give you a guinea if you will let me out,3.835 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0034.wav,guinea said the boy think i'd do it for a guinea well then two,3.97 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0035.wav,be quick there's a good fellow i want to get away at once,3.2 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0036.wav,not you only a sham,2.2 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0037.wav,why your clothes don't fit you and your cap's put on all skew rew,3.795 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0038.wav,never mind about that let me out of this place,2.74 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0039.wav,i told you a fisher boy cried archy impatiently but trying not to offend his visitor who possessed the power of conferring freedom by speaking sharply,7.87 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0040.wav,not you look like a wild beast in a cage like a monkey you insolent,4.805 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0041.wav,archy checked himself and the boy laughed,2.535 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0042.wav,it was your turn yesterday it's mine to day what a game,3.415 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0043.wav,you laughed and fleered at me when i was on the cutter's deck,2.82 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0044.wav,i say you do look a rum un just like a big monkey in a show,3.97 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0045.wav,ram showed his white teeth as he burst out with a long low fit of laughter,4.565 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0046.wav,you rope's end me he said,1.89 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0047.wav,why i could tie you up in a knot and heave you off the cliff any day what a game,4.635 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0048.wav,bit of a middy fed on salt tack and weevilly biscuit talk of giving me rope's end,5.04 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0049.wav,once more will you come and let me out no,4.135 -data/test.other/7902-96592-0050.wav,to his astonishment the boy did not flinch but thrust his own arms through placing them about the middy's waist clenching his hands behind and uttering a sharp whistle,7.665 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0000.wav,when it was the five hundred and sixty first night,3.115 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0001.wav,then sighing for myself i set to work collecting a number of pieces of chinese and comorin aloes wood and i bound them together with ropes from the wreckage then i chose out from the broken up ships straight planks of even size and fixed them firmly upon the aloes wood making me a boat raft a little narrower than the channel of the stream and i tied it tightly and firmly as though it were nailed,25.39 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0002.wav,land after land shalt thou seek and find but no other life on thy wish shall wait fret not thy soul in thy thoughts o night all woes shall end or sooner or late,13.71 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0003.wav,i rowed my conveyance into the place which was intensely dark and the current carried the raft with it down the underground channel,8.69 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0004.wav,and i threw myself down upon my face on the raft by reason of the narrowness of the channel whilst the stream ceased not to carry me along knowing not night from day for the excess of the gloom which encompassed me about and my terror and concern for myself lest i should perish,18.26 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0005.wav,when i awoke at last i found myself in the light of heaven and opening my eyes i saw myself in a broad stream and the raft moored to an island in the midst of a number of indians and abyssinians,12.89 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0006.wav,but i was delighted at my escape from the river,2.875 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0007.wav,when they saw i understood them not and made them no answer one of them came forward and said to me in arabic peace be with thee o my brother,9.215 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0008.wav,o my brother answered he we are husbandmen and tillers of the soil who came out to water our fields and plantations and finding thee asleep on this raft laid hold of it and made it fast by us against thou shouldst awake at thy leisure,17.27 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0009.wav,i answered for allah's sake o my lord ere i speak give me somewhat to eat for i am starving and after ask me what thou wilt,10.75 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0010.wav,when it was the five hundred and sixty second night,3.68 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0011.wav,she said it hath reached me o auspicious king that sindbad the seaman continued when i landed and found myself amongst the indians and abyssinians and had taken some rest they consulted among themselves and said to one another there is no help for it but we carry him with us and present him to our king that he may acquaint him with his adventures,23.49 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0012.wav,so i consorted with the chief of the islanders and they paid me the utmost respect,5.395 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0013.wav,so i rose without stay or delay and kissed the king's hand and acquainted him with my longing to set out with the merchants for that i pined after my people and mine own land,12.47 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0014.wav,quoth he thou art thine own master yet if it be thy will to abide with us on our head and eyes be it for thou gladdenest us with thy company,12.815 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0015.wav,by allah o my lord answered i thou hast indeed overwhelmed me with thy favours and well doings but i weary for a sight of my friends and family and native country,12.25 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0016.wav,then i took leave of him and of all my intimates and acquaintances in the island and embarked with the merchants aforesaid,7.95 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0017.wav,he asked me whence they came and i said to him by allah o commander of the faithful i know not the name of the city nor the way thither,10.38 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0018.wav,for state processions a throne is set for him upon a huge elephant eleven cubits high and upon this he sitteth having his great lords and officers and guests standing in two ranks on his right hand and on his left,15.15 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0019.wav,his letter hath shown me this and as for the mightiness of his dominion thou hast told us what thou hast eye witnessed,7.765 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0020.wav,presently my friends came to me and i distributed presents among my family and gave alms and largesse after which i yielded myself to joyance and enjoyment mirth and merry making and forgot all that i had suffered,14.375 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0021.wav,such then o my brothers is the history of what befel me in my sixth voyage and to morrow inshallah,8.05 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0022.wav,i will tell you the story of my seventh and last voyage which is still more wondrous and marvellous than that of the first six,7.839937 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0023.wav,when it was the five hundred and sixty third night,3.54 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0024.wav,she said it hath reached me o auspicious king that when sindbad the seaman had related the history of what befel him in his sixth voyage and all the company had dispersed sindbad the landsman went home and slept as of wont,14.43 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0025.wav,the seventh voyage of sindbad the seaman,3.1 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0026.wav,know o company that after my return from my sixth voyage which brought me abundant profit i resumed my former life in all possible joyance and enjoyment and mirth and making merry day and night and i tarried some time in this solace and satisfaction till my soul began once more to long to sail the seas and see foreign countries and company with merchants and hear new things,26.09 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0027.wav,so having made up my mind i packed up in bales a quantity of precious stuffs suited for sea trade and repaired with them from baghdad city to bassorah town where i found a ship ready for sea and in her a company of considerable merchants,16.74 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0028.wav,but the captain arose and tightening his girdle tucked up his skirts and after taking refuge with allah from satan the stoned clomb to the mast head whence he looked out right and left and gazing at the passengers and crew fell to buffeting his face and plucking out his beard,18.05 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0029.wav,this he set in a saucer wetted with a little water and after waiting a short time smelt and tasted it and then he took out of the chest a booklet wherein he read awhile and said weeping know o ye passengers that in this book is a marvellous matter denoting that whoso cometh hither shall surely die without hope of escape for that this ocean is called the sea of the clime of the king wherein is the sepulchre of our lord solomon son of david on both be peace,33.725 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0030.wav,a second fish made its appearance than which we had seen naught more monstrous,5.76 -data/test.other/7018-75789-0031.wav,when suddenly a violent squall of wind arose and smote the ship which rose out of the water and settled upon a great reef the haunt of sea monsters where it broke up and fell asunder into planks and all and everything on board were plunged into the sea,16.13 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0000.wav,then i took up a great stone from among the trees and coming up to him smote him therewith on the head with all my might and crushed in his skull as he lay dead drunk,10.73 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0001.wav,behold a ship was making for the island through the dashing sea and clashing waves,5.91 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0002.wav,hearing this i was sore troubled remembering what i had before suffered from the ape kind,6.1 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0003.wav,upon this he brought me a cotton bag and giving it to me said take this bag and fill it with pebbles from the beach and go forth with a company of the townsfolk to whom i will give a charge respecting thee,13.335 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0004.wav,do as they do and belike thou shalt gain what may further thy return voyage to thy native land,6.845 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0005.wav,then he carried me to the beach where i filled my bag with pebbles large and small and presently we saw a company of folk issue from the town each bearing a bag like mine filled with pebbles,13.62 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0006.wav,to these he committed me commending me to their care and saying this man is a stranger so take him with you and teach him how to gather that he may get his daily bread and you will earn your reward and recompense in heaven,15.77 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0007.wav,now sleeping under these trees were many apes which when they saw us rose and fled from us and swarmed up among the branches whereupon my companions began to pelt them with what they had in their bags and the apes fell to plucking of the fruit of the trees and casting them at the folk,18.68 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0008.wav,we weighed anchor and shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say,8.085 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0009.wav,when it was the five hundred and fifty ninth night,3.405 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0010.wav,and ceased not sailing till we arrived safely at bassorah,4.105 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0011.wav,there i abode a little and then went on to baghdad where i entered my quarter and found my house and foregathered with my family and saluted my friends who gave me joy of my safe return and i laid up all my goods and valuables in my storehouses,16.845 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0012.wav,after which i returned to my old merry way of life and forgot all i had suffered in the great profit and gain i had made,7.96 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0013.wav,next morning as soon as it was light he prayed the dawn prayer and after blessing mohammed the cream of all creatures betook himself to the house of sindbad the seaman and wished him a good day,13.605 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0014.wav,here i found a great ship ready for sea and full of merchants and notables who had with them goods of price so i embarked my bales therein,10.945 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0015.wav,haply amongst you is one righteous whose prayers the lord will accept,5.095 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0016.wav,presently the ship struck the mountain and broke up and all and everything on board of her were plunged into the sea,7.54 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0017.wav,but it burneth in their bellies so they cast it up again and it congealeth on the surface of the water whereby its color and quantities are changed and at last the waves cast it ashore and the travellers and merchants who know it collect it and sell it,17.47 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0018.wav,each that died we washed and shrouded in some of the clothes and linen cast ashore by the tides and after a little the rest of my fellows perished one by one till i had buried the last of the party and abode alone on the island with but a little provision left i who was wont to have so much,20.84 -data/test.other/7018-75788-0019.wav,but there is majesty and there is no might save in allah the glorious the great,6.055 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0000.wav,his followers rushed forward to where he lay and their united force compelling the black knight to pause they dragged their wounded leader within the walls,10.72 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0001.wav,it was on their journey to that town that they were overtaken on the road by cedric and his party in whose company they were afterwards carried captive to the castle of torquilstone,10.479938 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0002.wav,as he lay upon his bed racked with pain and mental agony and filled with the fear of rapidly approaching death he heard a voice address him,9.47 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0003.wav,what art thou he exclaimed in terror,3.205 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0004.wav,leave me and seek the saxon witch ulrica who was my temptress let her as well as i taste the tortures which anticipate hell,9.86 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0005.wav,exclaimed the norman ho,2.44 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0006.wav,rememberest thou the magazine of fuel that is stored beneath these apartments woman,6.57 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0007.wav,they are fast rising at least said ulrica and a signal shall soon wave to warn the besiegers to press hard upon those who would extinguish them,10.185 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0008.wav,meanwhile the black knight had led his forces again to the attack and so vigorous was their assault that before long the gate of the castle alone separated them from those within,11.38 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0009.wav,the defenders finding the castle to be on fire now determined to sell their lives as dearly as they could and headed by de bracy they threw open the gate and were at once involved in a terrific conflict with those outside,14.61 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0010.wav,the black knight with portentous strength forced his way inward in despite of de bracy and his followers,7.3 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0011.wav,two of the foremost instantly fell and the rest gave way notwithstanding all their leaders efforts to stop them,7.92 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0012.wav,the black knight was soon engaged in desperate combat with the norman chief and the vaulted roof of the hall rung with their furious blows,8.605 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0013.wav,at length de bracy fell,2.855 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0014.wav,tell me thy name or work thy pleasure on me,3.74 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0015.wav,yet first let me say said de bracy what it imports thee to know,5.765 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0016.wav,exclaimed the black knight prisoner and perish,3.845 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0017.wav,the life of every man in the castle shall answer it if a hair of his head be singed show me his chamber,7.08 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0018.wav,raising the wounded man with ease the black knight rushed with him to the postern gate and having there delivered his burden to the care of two yeomen he again entered the castle to assist in the rescue of the other prisoners,13.09 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0019.wav,but in other parts the besiegers pursued the defenders of the castle from chamber to chamber and satiated in their blood the vengeance which had long animated them against the soldiers of the tyrant front de boeuf,12.705 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0020.wav,as the fire commenced to spread rapidly through all parts of the castle ulrica appeared on one of the turrets,7.59 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0021.wav,before long the towering flames had surmounted every obstruction and rose to the evening skies one huge and burning beacon seen far and wide through the adjacent country tower after tower crashed down with blazing roof and rafter,17.055 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0022.wav,at length with a terrific crash the whole turret gave way and she perished in the flames which had consumed her tyrant,8.53 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0023.wav,when the outlaws had divided the spoils which they had taken from the castle of torquilstone cedric prepared to take his departure,8.41 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0024.wav,he left the gallant band of foresters sorrowing deeply for his lost friend the lord of coningsburgh and he and his followers had scarce departed when a procession moved slowly from under the greenwood branches in the direction which he had taken in the centre of which was the car in which the body of athelstane was laid,20.21 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0025.wav,de bracy bowed low and in silence threw himself upon a horse and galloped off through the wood,6.99 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0026.wav,here is a bugle which an english yeoman has once worn i pray you to keep it as a memorial of your gallant bearing,8.105 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0027.wav,so saying he mounted his strong war horse and rode off through the forest,5.93 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0028.wav,during all this time isaac of york sat mournfully apart grieving for the loss of his dearly loved daughter rebecca,8.24 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0029.wav,and with this epistle the unhappy old man set out to procure his daughter's liberation,5.84 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0030.wav,the templar is fled said de bracy in answer to the prince's eager questions front de boeuf you will never see more and he added in a low and emphatic tone richard is in england i have seen him and spoken with him,16.69 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0031.wav,he appealed to de bracy to assist him in this project and became at once deeply suspicious of the knight's loyalty towards him when he declined to lift hand against the man who had spared his own life,11.96 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0032.wav,before reaching his destination he was told that lucas de beaumanoir the grand master of the order of the templars was then on visit to the preceptory,9.639938 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0033.wav,he had not until then been informed of the presence of the jewish maiden in the abode of the templars and great was his fury and indignation on learning that she was amongst them,11.24 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0034.wav,poor isaac was hurried off accordingly and expelled from the preceptory all his entreaties and even his offers unheard and disregarded,9.12 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0035.wav,the assurance that she possessed some friend in this awful assembly gave her courage to look around and to mark into whose presence she had been conducted,9.77 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0036.wav,she gazed accordingly upon a scene which might well have struck terror into a bolder heart than hers,6.74 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0037.wav,at his feet was placed a table occupied by two scribes whose duty it was to record the proceedings of the day,7.33 -data/test.other/8461-281231-0038.wav,the preceptors of whom there were four present occupied seats behind their superiors and behind them stood the esquires of the order robed in white,10.2 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0000.wav,and laura had her own pet plans,3.015 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0001.wav,she meant to be scrupulously conscientious in the administration of her talents and sometimes at church on a sunday when the sermon was particularly awakening she mentally debated the serious question as to whether new bonnets and a pair of jouvin's gloves daily were not sinful but i think she decided that the new bonnets and gloves were on the whole a pardonable weakness as being good for trade,27.15 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0002.wav,one morning laura told her husband with a gay laugh that she was going to victimize him but he was to promise to be patient and bear with her for once in a way,11.48 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0003.wav,i want to see all the pictures the modern pictures especially,4.3 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0004.wav,i remember all the rubenses at the louvre for i saw them three years ago when i was staying in paris with grandpapa,7.815 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0005.wav,she returned in a little more than ten minutes in the freshest toilette all pale shimmering blue like the spring sky with pearl grey gloves and boots and parasol and a bonnet that seemed made of azure butterflies,15.09 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0006.wav,it was drawing towards the close of this delightful honeymoon tour and it was a bright sunshiny morning early in february but february in paris is sometimes better than april in london,12.22 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0007.wav,but she fixed upon a picture which she said she preferred to anything she had seen in the gallery,6.31 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0008.wav,philip jocelyn was examining some pictures on the other side of the room when his wife made this discovery,6.545 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0009.wav,how i wish you could get me a copy of that picture philip laura said entreatingly,6.135 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0010.wav,i should so like one to hang in my morning room at jocelyn's rock,4.815 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0011.wav,she turned to the french artist presently and asked him where the elder mister kerstall lived and if there was any possibility of seeing him,8.42 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0012.wav,they have said that he is even a little imbecile that he does not remember himself of the most common events of his life,8.1 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0013.wav,but there are some others who say that his memory has not altogether failed and that he is still enough harshly critical towards the works of others,8.58 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0014.wav,i don't think you will have any difficulty in finding the house,3.905 -data/test.other/8461-278226-0015.wav,you will be doing me such a favour philip if you'll say yes,4.2 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0000.wav,when it was the seven hundred and eighteenth night,3.65 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0001.wav,but he answered needs must i have zaynab also now suddenly there came a rap at the door and the maid said who is at the door,10.85 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0002.wav,the knocker replied kamar daughter of azariah the jew say me is ali of cairo with you,7.885 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0003.wav,replied the broker's daughter o thou daughter of a dog,4.185 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0004.wav,and having thus islamised she asked him do men in the faith of al islam give marriage portions to women or do women dower men,9.805 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0005.wav,and she threw down the jew's head before him,3.7 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0006.wav,now the cause of her slaying her sire was as follows,4.005 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0007.wav,then he set out rejoicing to return to the barrack of the forty,4.46 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0008.wav,so he ate and fell down senseless for the sweetmeats were drugged with bhang whereupon the kazi bundled him into the sack and made off with him charger and chest and all to the barrack of the forty,13.565 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0009.wav,presently hasan shuman came out of a closet and said to him hast thou gotten the gear o ali,7.09 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0010.wav,so he told him what had befallen him and added if i know whither the rascal is gone and where to find the knave i would pay him out,8.93 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0011.wav,knowest thou whither he went,2.42 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0012.wav,answered hasan i know where he is and opening the door of the closet showed him the sweetmeat seller within drugged and senseless,8.805 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0013.wav,so i went round about the highways of the city till i met a sweetmeat seller and buying his clothes and stock in trade and gear for ten dinars did what was done,10.27 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0014.wav,quoth al rashid whose head is this,3.685 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0015.wav,so ali related to him all that had passed from first to last and the caliph said i had not thought thou wouldst kill him for that he was a sorcerer,10.92 -data/test.other/8461-258277-0016.wav,he replied i have forty lads but they are in cairo,4.09 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0000.wav,the strides of a lame man are like the ogling glances of a one eyed man they do not reach their goal very promptly,8.8 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0001.wav,cosette had waked up,2.129938 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0002.wav,jean valjean had placed her near the fire,2.760063 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0003.wav,you will wait for me at a lady's house i shall come to fetch you,4.485 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0004.wav,everything is arranged and nothing is said fauchelevent,4.43 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0005.wav,i have permission to bring you in but before bringing you in you must be got out,6.355 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0006.wav,that's where the difficulty lies,2.28 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0007.wav,it is easy enough with the child you will carry her out,4.28 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0008.wav,and she will hold her tongue i answer for that,3.785 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0009.wav,fauchelevent grumbled more to himself than to jean valjean,4.14 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0010.wav,you understand father madeleine the government will notice it,4.14 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0011.wav,jean valjean stared him straight in the eye and thought that he was raving,5.08 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0012.wav,fauchelevent went on,1.88 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0013.wav,it is to morrow that i am to bring you in the prioress expects you,4.59 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0014.wav,then he explained to jean valjean that this was his recompense for a service which he fauchelevent was to render to the community,9.005 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0015.wav,that the nun who had died that morning had requested to be buried in the coffin which had served her for a bed and interred in the vault under the altar of the chapel,9.73 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0016.wav,that the prioress and the vocal mothers intended to fulfil the wish of the deceased,5.47 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0017.wav,that he fauchelevent was to nail up the coffin in the cell raise the stone in the chapel and lower the corpse into the vault,7.91 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0018.wav,and then that there was another the empty coffin,4.675 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0019.wav,what is that empty coffin,2.42 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0020.wav,asked jean valjean fauchelevent replied,3.35 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0021.wav,what coffin what administration,3.145 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0022.wav,fauchelevent who was seated sprang up as though a bomb had burst under his chair you,7.01 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0023.wav,you know fauchelevent what you have said mother crucifixion is dead,4.535 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0024.wav,and i add and father madeleine is buried ah,4.415 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0025.wav,you are not like other men father madeleine,3.53 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0026.wav,this offers the means but give me some information in the first place,4.51 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0027.wav,how long is the coffin six feet,3.51 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0028.wav,it is a chamber on the ground floor which has a grated window opening on the garden which is closed on the outside by a shutter and two doors one leads into the convent the other into the church what church,13.435 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0029.wav,the church in the street the church which any one can enter,4.16 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0030.wav,have you the keys to those two doors,2.7 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0031.wav,no i have the key to the door which communicates with the convent the porter has the key to the door which communicates with the church,8.24 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0032.wav,only to allow the undertaker's men to enter when they come to get the coffin,4.04 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0033.wav,who nails up the coffin i do,2.9 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0034.wav,who spreads the pall over it,1.93 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0035.wav,not another man except the police doctor can enter the dead room that is even written on the wall,6.35 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0036.wav,could you hide me in that room to night when every one is asleep,4.34 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0037.wav,about three o'clock in the afternoon,2.63 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0038.wav,i shall be hungry i will bring you something,3.414938 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0039.wav,you can come and nail me up in the coffin at two o'clock,3.170062 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0040.wav,fauchelevent recoiled and cracked his finger joints but that is impossible,5.03 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0041.wav,bah impossible to take a hammer and drive some nails in a plank,4.46 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0042.wav,jean valjean had been in worse straits than this,3.555 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0043.wav,any man who has been a prisoner understands how to contract himself to fit the diameter of the escape,7.17 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0044.wav,what does not a man undergo for the sake of a cure,3.26 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0045.wav,to have himself nailed up in a case and carried off like a bale of goods to live for a long time in a box to find air where there is none to economize his breath for hours to know how to stifle without dying this was one of jean valjean's gloomy talents,16.265 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0046.wav,you surely must have a gimlet you will make a few holes here and there around my mouth and you will nail the top plank on loosely good and what if you should happen to cough or to sneeze,12.885 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0047.wav,a man who is making his escape does not cough or sneeze,4.26 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0048.wav,who is there who has not said to a cat do come in,4.05 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0049.wav,the over prudent cats as they are and because they are cats sometimes incur more danger than the audacious,8.29 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0050.wav,but jean valjean's coolness prevailed over him in spite of himself he grumbled,5.78 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0051.wav,if you are sure of coming out of the coffin all right i am sure of getting you out of the grave,5.05 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0052.wav,an old fellow of the old school the grave digger puts the corpses in the grave and i put the grave digger in my pocket,7.785 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0053.wav,i shall follow that is my business,2.665 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0054.wav,the hearse halts the undertaker's men knot a rope around your coffin and lower you down,5.69 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0055.wav,the priest says the prayers makes the sign of the cross sprinkles the holy water and takes his departure,5.925 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0056.wav,one of two things will happen he will either be sober or he will not be sober,5.4 -data/test.other/3764-168670-0057.wav,that is settled father fauchelevent all will go well,3.88 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0000.wav,on the following day as the sun was declining the very rare passers by on the boulevard du maine pulled off their hats to an old fashioned hearse ornamented with skulls cross bones and tears,14.24 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0001.wav,this hearse contained a coffin covered with a white cloth over which spread a large black cross like a huge corpse with drooping arms,10.2 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0002.wav,a mourning coach in which could be seen a priest in his surplice and a choir boy in his red cap followed,7.67 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0003.wav,behind it came an old man in the garments of a laborer who limped along,5.82 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0004.wav,the grave diggers being thus bound to service in the evening in summer and at night in winter in this cemetery they were subjected to a special discipline,9.525 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0005.wav,these gates therefore swung inexorably on their hinges at the instant when the sun disappeared behind the dome of the invalides,8.76 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0006.wav,dampness was invading it the flowers were deserting it,3.945 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0007.wav,the bourgeois did not care much about being buried in the vaugirard it hinted at poverty pere lachaise if you please,8.155 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0008.wav,to be buried in pere lachaise is equivalent to having furniture of mahogany it is recognized as elegant,7.17 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0009.wav,the interment of mother crucifixion in the vault under the altar the exit of cosette the introduction of jean valjean to the dead room all had been executed without difficulty and there had been no hitch let us remark in passing that the burial of mother crucifixion under the altar of the convent is a perfectly venial offence in our sight,22.29 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0010.wav,it is one of the faults which resemble a duty,3.06 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0011.wav,the nuns had committed it not only without difficulty but even with the applause of their own consciences,6.965 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0012.wav,in the cloister what is called the government is only an intermeddling with authority an interference which is always questionable,8.48 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0013.wav,make as many laws as you please men but keep them for yourselves,4.595 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0014.wav,a prince is nothing in the presence of a principle,3.885 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0015.wav,fauchelevent limped along behind the hearse in a very contented frame of mind,5.375 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0016.wav,jean valjean's composure was one of those powerful tranquillities which are contagious,5.815 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0017.wav,what remained to be done was a mere nothing,2.88 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0018.wav,he played with father mestienne,2.04 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0019.wav,he did what he liked with him he made him dance according to his whim,4.375 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0020.wav,the permission for interment must be exhibited,3.14 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0021.wav,he was a sort of laboring man who wore a waistcoat with large pockets and carried a mattock under his arm,7.1 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0022.wav,the man replied the grave digger,3.36 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0023.wav,the grave digger yes,3.76 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0024.wav,you i,3.22 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0025.wav,father mestienne is the grave digger he was,5.115 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0026.wav,fauchelevent had expected anything but this that a grave digger could die,5.62 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0027.wav,it is true nevertheless that grave diggers do die themselves,4.635 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0028.wav,he had hardly the strength to stammer,2.415 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0029.wav,but he persisted feebly father mestienne is the grave digger,5.65 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0030.wav,do you know who little father lenoir is he is a jug of red wine,4.615 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0031.wav,but you are a jolly fellow too,2.155 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0032.wav,are you not comrade we'll go and have a drink together presently,4.32 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0033.wav,the man replied,1.69 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0034.wav,he limped more out of anxiety than from infirmity,4.02 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0035.wav,the grave digger walked on in front of him,3.0 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0036.wav,fauchelevent passed the unexpected gribier once more in review,4.25 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0037.wav,fauchelevent who was illiterate but very sharp understood that he had to deal with a formidable species of man with a fine talker he muttered,11.105 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0038.wav,so father mestienne is dead,3.155 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0039.wav,the man replied completely,2.905 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0040.wav,the good god consulted his note book which shows when the time is up it was father mestienne's turn father mestienne died,9.065 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0041.wav,stammered fauchelevent it is made,3.225 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0042.wav,you are a peasant i am a parisian,3.645 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0043.wav,fauchelevent thought i am lost,3.8 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0044.wav,they were only a few turns of the wheel distant from the small alley leading to the nuns corner,5.99 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0045.wav,and he added with the satisfaction of a serious man who is turning a phrase well,5.73 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0046.wav,fortunately the soil which was light and wet with the winter rains clogged the wheels and retarded its speed,7.84 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0047.wav,my father was a porter at the prytaneum town hall,3.91 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0048.wav,but he had reverses he had losses on change i was obliged to renounce the profession of author but i am still a public writer,8.91 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0049.wav,so you are not a grave digger then,2.485 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0050.wav,returned fauchelevent clutching at this branch feeble as it was,4.565 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0051.wav,here a remark becomes necessary,2.62 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0052.wav,fauchelevent whatever his anguish offered a drink but he did not explain himself on one point who was to pay,8.52 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0053.wav,the grave digger went on with a superior smile,3.62 -data/test.other/3764-168671-0054.wav,one must eat,1.66 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0000.wav,educated people of the upper classes are trying to stifle the ever growing sense of the necessity of transforming the existing social order,6.835 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0001.wav,this is absolutely incorrect,2.06 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0002.wav,in the social conception of life it is supposed that since the aim of life is found in groups of individuals individuals will voluntarily sacrifice their own interests for the interests of the group,9.31 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0003.wav,the champions of the social conception of life usually try to connect the idea of authority that is of violence with the idea of moral influence but this connection is quite impossible,9.245 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0004.wav,the man who is controlled by moral influence acts in accordance with his own desires,4.415 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0005.wav,the basis of authority is bodily violence,2.565 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0006.wav,the possibility of applying bodily violence to people is provided above all by an organization of armed men trained to act in unison in submission to one will,8.14 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0007.wav,these bands of armed men submissive to a single will are what constitute the army,4.755 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0008.wav,the army has always been and still is the basis of power,3.535 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0009.wav,power is always in the hands of those who control the army and all men in power from the roman caesars to the russian and german emperors take more interest in their army than in anything and court popularity in the army knowing that if that is on their side their power is secure,13.95 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0010.wav,indeed it could not be otherwise,2.285 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0011.wav,only under those conditions could the social organization be justified,3.745 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0012.wav,but since this is not the case and on the contrary men in power are always far from being saints through the very fact of their possession of power the social organization based on power has no justification,10.665 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0013.wav,even if there was once a time when owing to the low standard of morals and the disposition of men to violence the existence of an authority to restrain such violence was an advantage because the violence of government was less than the violence of individuals one cannot but see that this advantage could not be lasting,15.405 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0014.wav,between the members of one state subject to a single authority the strife between individuals seems still less and the life of the state seems even more secure,8.745 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0015.wav,it was produced on one hand by the natural growth of population and on the other by struggle and conquest,6.44 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0016.wav,after conquest the power of the emperor puts an end to internal dissensions and so the state conception of life justifies itself,7.47 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0017.wav,but this justification is never more than temporary,2.825 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0018.wav,internal dissensions disappear only in proportion to the degree of oppression exerted by the authority over the dissentient individuals,7.095 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0019.wav,government authority even if it does suppress private violence always introduces into the life of men fresh forms of violence which tend to become greater and greater in proportion to the duration and strength of the government,11.72 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0020.wav,and therefore the oppression of the oppressed always goes on growing up to the furthest limit beyond which it cannot go without killing the goose with the golden eggs,7.42 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0021.wav,the most convincing example of this is to be found in the condition of the working classes of our epoch who are in reality no better than the slaves of ancient times subdued by conquest,9.565 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0022.wav,so it has always been,1.83 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0023.wav,footnote the fact that in america the abuses of authority exist in spite of the small number of their troops not only fails to disprove this position but positively confirms it,9.5 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0024.wav,the upper classes know that an army of fifty thousand will soon be insufficient and no longer relying on pinkerton's men they feel that the security of their position depends on the increased strength of the army,9.89 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0025.wav,the reason to which he gave expression is essentially the same as that which made the french kings and the popes engage swiss and scotch guards and makes the russian authorities of to day so carefully distribute the recruits so that the regiments from the frontiers are stationed in central districts and the regiments from the center are stationed on the frontiers,17.13 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0026.wav,the meaning of caprivi's speech put into plain language is that funds are needed not to resist foreign foes but to buy under officers to be ready to act against the enslaved toiling masses,10.3 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0027.wav,and this abnormal order of things is maintained by the army,3.045 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0028.wav,but there is not only one government there are other governments exploiting their subjects by violence in the same way and always ready to pounce down on any other government and carry off the fruits of the toil of its enslaved subjects,10.485 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0029.wav,and so every government needs an army also to protect its booty from its neighbor brigands,4.42 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0030.wav,this increase is contagious as montesquieu pointed out one hundred fifty years ago,4.245 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0031.wav,every increase in the army of one state with the aim of self defense against its subjects becomes a source of danger for neighboring states and calls for a similar increase in their armies,9.67 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0032.wav,the despotism of a government always increases with the strength of the army and its external successes and the aggressiveness of a government increases with its internal despotism,8.71 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0033.wav,the rivalry of the european states in constantly increasing their forces has reduced them to the necessity of having recourse to universal military service since by that means the greatest possible number of soldiers is obtained at the least possible expense,13.17 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0034.wav,and by this means all citizens are under arms to support the iniquities practiced upon them all citizens have become their own oppressors,7.185 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0035.wav,this inconsistency has become obvious in universal military service,3.875 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0036.wav,in fact the whole significance of the social conception of life consists in man's recognition of the barbarity of strife between individuals and the transitoriness of personal life itself and the transference of the aim of life to groups of persons,13.525 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0037.wav,but with universal military service it comes to pass that men after making every sacrifice to get rid of the cruelty of strife and the insecurity of existence are called upon to face all the perils they had meant to avoid,11.93 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0038.wav,but instead of doing that they expose the individuals to the same necessity of strife substituting strife with individuals of other states for strife with neighbors,7.8 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0039.wav,the taxes raised from the people for war preparations absorb the greater part of the produce of labor which the army ought to defend,6.875 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0040.wav,the danger of war ever ready to break out renders all reforms of life social life vain and fruitless,6.28 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0041.wav,but the fatal significance of universal military service as the manifestation of the contradiction inherent in the social conception of life is not only apparent in that,8.465 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0042.wav,governments assert that armies are needed above all for external defense but that is not true,4.715 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0043.wav,they are needed principally against their subjects and every man under universal military service becomes an accomplice in all the acts of violence of the government against the citizens without any choice of his own,10.28 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0044.wav,and for the sake of what am i making them,2.435 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0045.wav,i am expected for the sake of the state to make these sacrifices to renounce everything that can be precious to man peace family security and human dignity,8.62 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0046.wav,except for the state they say we should be exposed to the attacks of evil disposed persons in our own country,6.165 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0047.wav,we know now that threats and punishments cannot diminish their number that that can only be done by change of environment and moral influence,7.095 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0048.wav,so that the justification of state violence on the ground of the protection it gives us from evil disposed persons even if it had some foundation three or four centuries ago has none whatever now,9.79 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0049.wav,except for the state they tell us we should not have any religion education culture means of communication and so on,6.355 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0050.wav,without the state men would not have been able to form the social institutions needed for doing any thing,4.855 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0051.wav,this argument too was well founded only some centuries ago,3.465 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0052.wav,the great extension of means of communication and interchange of ideas has made men completely able to dispense with state aid in forming societies associations corporations and congresses for scientific economic and political objects,12.295 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0053.wav,without governments nations would be enslaved by their neighbors,3.255 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0054.wav,the government they tell us with its army is necessary to defend us from neighboring states who might enslave us,5.45 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0055.wav,and if defense against barbarous nations is meant one thousandth part of the troops now under arms would be amply sufficient for that purpose,7.675 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0056.wav,the power of the state far from being a security against the attacks of our neighbors exposes us on the contrary to much greater danger of such attacks,7.975 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0057.wav,even looking at it practically weighing that is to say all the burdens laid on him by the state no man can fail to see that for him personally to comply with state demands and serve in the army would in the majority of cases be more disadvantageous than to refuse to do so,14.315 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0058.wav,to resist would need independent thought and effort of which every man is not capable,4.245 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0059.wav,so much for the advantages and disadvantages of both lines of conduct for a man of the wealthy classes an oppressor,6.2 -data/test.other/4350-9170-0060.wav,for a man of the poor working class the advantages and disadvantages will be the same but with a great increase of disadvantages,6.66 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0000.wav,he perceived that it was no good talking to the old man and that the principal person in the house was the mother,5.154937 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0001.wav,before her he decided to scatter his pearls,2.900063 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0002.wav,the princess was distracted and did not know what to do she felt she had sinned against kitty,4.945 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0003.wav,well doctor decide our fate said the princess tell me everything,3.625 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0004.wav,is there hope she meant to say but her lips quivered and she could not utter the question well doctor,5.345 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0005.wav,as you please the princess went out with a sigh,3.145 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0006.wav,the family doctor respectfully ceased in the middle of his observations,3.55 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0007.wav,and there are indications malnutrition nervous excitability and so on,4.005 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0008.wav,the question stands thus in presence of indications of tuberculous process what is to be done to maintain nutrition,6.245 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0009.wav,yes that's an understood thing responded the celebrated physician again glancing at his watch,4.63 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0010.wav,beg pardon is the yausky bridge done yet or shall i have to drive around,3.18 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0011.wav,he asked ah it is,2.14 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0012.wav,oh well then i can do it in twenty minutes,2.11 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0013.wav,and how about a tour abroad asked the family doctor,3.43 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0014.wav,what is wanted is means of improving nutrition and not for lowering it,3.375 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0015.wav,the family doctor listened attentively and respectfully,3.43 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0016.wav,but in favor of foreign travel i would urge the change of habits the removal from conditions calling up reminiscences,6.275 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0017.wav,and then the mother wishes it he added,2.31 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0018.wav,ah well in that case to be sure let them go only those german quacks are mischievous,4.575 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0019.wav,oh time's up already and he went to the door,2.71 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0020.wav,the celebrated doctor announced to the princess a feeling of what was due from him dictated his doing so that he ought to see the patient once more,7.85 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0021.wav,oh no only a few details princess come this way,4.175 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0022.wav,and the mother accompanied by the doctor went into the drawing room to kitty,4.15 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0023.wav,when the doctor came in she flushed crimson and her eyes filled with tears,4.18 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0024.wav,she answered him and all at once got up furious,3.395 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0025.wav,excuse me doctor but there is really no object in this,3.09 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0026.wav,this is the third time you've asked me the same thing,2.745 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0027.wav,the celebrated doctor did not take offense,2.695 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0028.wav,nervous irritability he said to the princess when kitty had left the room however i had finished,5.935 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0029.wav,and the doctor began scientifically explaining to the princess as an exceptionally intelligent woman the condition of the young princess and concluded by insisting on the drinking of the waters which were certainly harmless,10.56 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0030.wav,at the question should they go abroad the doctor plunged into deep meditation as though resolving a weighty problem,6.34 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0031.wav,finally his decision was pronounced they were to go abroad but to put no faith in foreign quacks and to apply to him in any need,7.76 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0032.wav,it seemed as though some piece of good fortune had come to pass after the doctor had gone,4.235 -data/test.other/4350-10919-0033.wav,the mother was much more cheerful when she went back to her daughter and kitty pretended to be more cheerful,4.875 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0000.wav,unfortunately there could be no doubt or misconception as to platterbaff's guilt,5.475 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0001.wav,he had not only pleaded guilty but had expressed his intention of repeating his escapade in other directions as soon as circumstances permitted throughout the trial he was busy examining a small model of the free trade hall in manchester,15.57 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0002.wav,the jury could not possibly find that the prisoner had not deliberately and intentionally blown up the albert hall the question was could they find any extenuating circumstances which would permit of an acquittal,16.595 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0003.wav,of course any sentence which the law might feel compelled to inflict would be followed by an immediate pardon but it was highly desirable from the government's point of view that the necessity for such an exercise of clemency should not arise,17.05 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0004.wav,a headlong pardon on the eve of a bye election with threats of a heavy voting defection if it were withheld or even delayed would not necessarily be a surrender but it would look like one,14.285 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0005.wav,hence the anxiety in the crowded court and in the little groups gathered round the tape machines in whitehall and downing street and other affected centres,11.14 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0006.wav,the jury returned from considering their verdict there was a flutter an excited murmur a deathlike hush,9.475 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0007.wav,the foreman delivered his message,3.36 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0008.wav,the jury find the prisoner guilty of blowing up the albert hall,5.255 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0009.wav,the jury wish to add a rider drawing attention to the fact that a by election is pending in the parliamentary division of nemesis on hand,9.8 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0010.wav,and may the lord have mercy on the poll a junior counsel exclaimed irreverently,7.09 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0011.wav,fifteen hundred said the prime minister with a shudder it's too horrible to think of,6.444937 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0012.wav,our majority last time was only a thousand and seven,3.910062 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0013.wav,seven thirty amended the prime minister we must avoid any appearance of precipitancy,6.89 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0014.wav,not later than seven thirty then said the chief organiser i have promised the agent down there that he shall be able to display posters announcing platterbaff is out before the poll opens,13.6 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0015.wav,he said it was our only chance of getting a telegram radprop is in to night,5.255 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0016.wav,despite the earliness of the hour a small crowd had gathered in the street outside and the horrible menacing trelawney refrain of the fifteen hundred voting men came in a steady monotonous chant,14.795 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0017.wav,he exclaimed won't go,2.575 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0018.wav,he says he never has left prison without a brass band to play him out and he's not going to go without one now,7.175 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0019.wav,said the prime minister we can hardly be supposed to supply a released prisoner with a brass band how on earth could we defend it on the estimates,9.425 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0020.wav,anyway he won't go unless he has a band,2.945 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0021.wav,poll opens in five minutes,2.535 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0022.wav,is platterbaff out yet,2.185 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0023.wav,in heaven's name why,2.315 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0024.wav,the chief organiser rang off,2.83 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0025.wav,this is not a moment for standing on dignity he observed bluntly musicians must be supplied at once,7.175 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0026.wav,can't you get a strike permit asked the organiser,3.51 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0027.wav,i'll try said the home secretary and went to the telephone,4.605 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0028.wav,eight o'clock struck the crowd outside chanted with an increasing volume of sound will vote the other way,7.25 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0029.wav,a telegram was brought in,2.42 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0030.wav,it was from the central committee rooms at nemesis,3.52 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0031.wav,without a band he would not go and they had no band,4.26 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0032.wav,a quarter past ten half past,3.305 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0033.wav,have you any band instruments of an easy nature to play,4.27 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0034.wav,demanded the chief organiser of the prison governor drums cymbals those sort of things,7.12 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0035.wav,the warders have a private band of their own said the governor but of course i couldn't allow the men themselves,7.795 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0036.wav,lend us the instruments said the chief organiser,3.52 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0037.wav,the popular song of the moment replied the agitator after a moment's reflection,5.92 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0038.wav,it was a tune they had all heard hundreds of times so there was no difficulty in turning out a passable imitation of it to the improvised strains of i didn't want to do it the prisoner strode forth to freedom,14.25 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0039.wav,the word of the song had reference it was understood to the incarcerating government and not to the destroyer of the albert hall,8.22 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0040.wav,the seat was lost after all by a narrow majority,3.53 -data/test.other/7105-2330-0041.wav,the local trade unionists took offence at the fact of cabinet ministers having personally acted as strike breakers and even the release of platterbaff failed to pacify them,13.365 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0000.wav,with that notorious failing of his he was not the sort of person one wanted in one's house,6.37 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0001.wav,well the failing still exists doesn't it said her husband or do you suppose a reform of character is entailed along with the estate,11.525 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0002.wav,besides cynicism apart his being rich will make a difference in the way people will look at his failing,7.635 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0003.wav,when a man is absolutely wealthy not merely well to do all suspicion of sordid motive naturally disappears the thing becomes merely a tiresome malady,10.86 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0004.wav,wilfrid pigeoncote had suddenly become heir to his uncle sir wilfrid pigeoncote on the death of his cousin major wilfrid pigeoncote who had succumbed to the after effects of a polo accident,13.605 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0005.wav,a wilfrid pigeoncote had covered himself with honours in the course of marlborough's campaigns and the name wilfrid had been a baptismal weakness in the family ever since the new heir to the family dignity and estates was a young man of about five and twenty who was known more by reputation than by person to a wide circle of cousins and kinsfolk,23.01 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0006.wav,and the reputation was an unpleasant one,3.0 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0007.wav,from his late schooldays onward he had been possessed by an acute and obstinate form of kleptomania he had the acquisitive instinct of the collector without any of the collector's discrimination,12.84 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0008.wav,the search usually produced a large and varied yield this is funny said peter pigeoncote to his wife some half hour after their conversation here's a telegram from wilfrid saying he's passing through here in his motor and would like to stop and pay us his respects,17.84 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0009.wav,signed wilfrid pigeoncote,2.635 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0010.wav,i suppose he's bringing us a present for the silver wedding good gracious,5.275 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0011.wav,the talk flitted nervously and hurriedly from one impersonal topic to another,5.29 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0012.wav,in the drawing room after dinner their nervousness and awkwardness increased,5.37 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0013.wav,oh we haven't shown you the silver wedding presents said missus peter suddenly as though struck by a brilliant idea for entertaining the guest here they all are,12.315 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0014.wav,such nice useful gifts a few duplicates of course,4.895 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0015.wav,seven cream jugs put in peter,4.28 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0016.wav,we feel that we must live on cream for the rest of our lives,3.87 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0017.wav,of course some of them can be changed,3.885 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0018.wav,i put it down by the claret jug said wilfrid busy with another object,6.105 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0019.wav,vigilance was not completely crowned with a sense of victory,4.73 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0020.wav,after they had said good night to their visitor missus peter expressed her conviction that he had taken something,8.565 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0021.wav,how on earth are we to know said peter the mean pig hasn't brought us a present and i'm hanged if he shall carry one off,8.73 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0022.wav,it's the only thing to do,2.095 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0023.wav,wilfrid was late in coming down to breakfast and his manner showed plainly that something was amiss,6.59 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0024.wav,it's an unpleasant thing to have to say he blurted out presently but i'm afraid you must have a thief among your servants something's been taken out of my portmanteau,11.735 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0025.wav,it was a little present from my mother and myself for your silver wedding,4.72 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0026.wav,i should have given it to you last night after dinner only it happened to be a cream jug and you seemed annoyed at having so many duplicates so i felt rather awkward about giving you another,13.095 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0027.wav,the snatcher had been an orphan these many years,3.53 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0028.wav,lady ernestine pigeoncote his mother moved in circles which were entirely beyond their compass or ambitions and the son would probably one day be an ambassador,11.685 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0029.wav,husband and wife looked blankly and desperately at one another,4.375 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0030.wav,it was missus peter who arrived first at an inspiration how dreadful to think there are thieves in the house we keep the drawing room locked up at night of course but anything might be carried off while we are at breakfast,15.72 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0031.wav,she rose and went out hurriedly as though to assure herself that the drawing room was not being stripped of its silverware and returned a moment later bearing a cream jug in her hands,12.695 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0032.wav,the pigeoncotes had turned paler than ever missus peter had a final inspiration,6.83 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0033.wav,peter dashed out of the room with glad relief he had lived so long during the last few minutes that a golden wedding seemed within measurable distance,10.615 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0034.wav,missus peter turned to her guest with confidential coyness,4.085 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0035.wav,peter's little weakness it runs in the family good lord,5.725 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0036.wav,do you mean to say he's a kleptomaniac like cousin snatcher,4.465 -data/test.other/7105-2340-0037.wav,brave little woman said peter with a gasp of relief i could never have done it,6.535 -data/test.other/367-293981-0000.wav,i swear it answered sancho,2.215 -data/test.other/367-293981-0001.wav,i say so continued don quixote because i hate taking away anyone's good name,4.96 -data/test.other/367-293981-0002.wav,i say replied sancho that i swear to hold my tongue about it till the end of your worship's days and god grant i may be able to let it out tomorrow,8.2 -data/test.other/367-293981-0003.wav,though your worship was not so badly off having in your arms that incomparable beauty you spoke of but i what did i have except the heaviest whacks i think i had in all my life,9.575 -data/test.other/367-293981-0004.wav,unlucky me and the mother that bore me,2.325 -data/test.other/367-293981-0005.wav,didn't i say so worse luck to my line said sancho,3.445 -data/test.other/367-293981-0006.wav,it cannot be the moor answered don quixote for those under enchantment do not let themselves be seen by anyone,6.175 -data/test.other/367-293981-0007.wav,if they don't let themselves be seen they let themselves be felt said sancho if not let my shoulders speak to the point,6.37 -data/test.other/367-293981-0008.wav,mine could speak too said don quixote but that is not a sufficient reason for believing that what we see is the enchanted moor,6.76 -data/test.other/367-293981-0009.wav,the officer turned to him and said well how goes it good man,3.295 -data/test.other/367-293981-0010.wav,sancho got up with pain enough in his bones and went after the innkeeper in the dark and meeting the officer who was looking to see what had become of his enemy he said to him senor whoever you are do us the favour and kindness to give us a little rosemary oil salt and wine for it is wanted to cure one of the best knights errant on earth who lies on yonder bed wounded by the hands of the enchanted moor that is in this inn,22.765 -data/test.other/367-293981-0011.wav,to be brief he took the materials of which he made a compound mixing them all and boiling them a good while until it seemed to him they had come to perfection,9.505 -data/test.other/367-293981-0012.wav,sancho panza who also regarded the amendment of his master as miraculous begged him to give him what was left in the pigskin which was no small quantity,8.11 -data/test.other/367-293981-0013.wav,don quixote consented and he taking it with both hands in good faith and with a better will gulped down and drained off very little less than his master,7.96 -data/test.other/367-293981-0014.wav,if your worship knew that returned sancho woe betide me and all my kindred why did you let me taste it,6.745 -data/test.other/367-293981-0015.wav,search your memory and if you find anything of this kind you need only tell me of it and i promise you by the order of knighthood which i have received to procure you satisfaction and reparation to the utmost of your desire,11.06 -data/test.other/367-293981-0016.wav,then this is an inn said don quixote,3.11 -data/test.other/367-293981-0017.wav,and a very respectable one said the innkeeper,2.91 -data/test.other/367-293981-0018.wav,the cries of the poor blanketed wretch were so loud that they reached the ears of his master who halting to listen attentively was persuaded that some new adventure was coming until he clearly perceived that it was his squire who uttered them,12.3 -data/test.other/367-293981-0019.wav,he saw him rising and falling in the air with such grace and nimbleness that had his rage allowed him it is my belief he would have laughed,7.09 -data/test.other/367-293981-0020.wav,sancho took it and as he was raising it to his mouth he was stopped by the cries of his master exclaiming sancho my son drink not water drink it not my son for it will kill thee see here i have the blessed balsam and he held up the flask of liquor and with drinking two drops of it thou wilt certainly be restored,17.29 -data/test.other/367-130732-0000.wav,lobsters and lobsters,2.365 -data/test.other/367-130732-0001.wav,when is a lobster not a lobster when it is a crayfish,4.38 -data/test.other/367-130732-0002.wav,this question and answer might well go into the primer of information for those who come to san francisco from the east for what is called a lobster in san francisco is not a lobster at all but a crayfish,11.28 -data/test.other/367-130732-0003.wav,the pacific crayfish however serves every purpose and while many contend that its meat is not so delicate in flavor as that of its eastern cousin the californian will as strenuously insist that it is better but of course something must always be allowed for the patriotism of the californian,15.005 -data/test.other/367-130732-0004.wav,a book could be written about this restaurant and then all would not be told for all its secrets can never be known,5.875 -data/test.other/367-130732-0005.wav,it was here that most magnificent dinners were arranged it was here that extraordinary dishes were concocted by chefs of world wide fame it was here that lobster a la newberg reached its highest perfection and this is the recipe that was followed when it was prepared in the delmonico,15.555 -data/test.other/367-130732-0006.wav,lobster a la newberg,2.35 -data/test.other/367-130732-0007.wav,one pound of lobster meat one teaspoonful of butter one half pint of cream yolks of four eggs one wine glass of sherry lobster fat,9.785 -data/test.other/367-130732-0008.wav,put this in a double boiler and let cook until thick stirring constantly,4.295 -data/test.other/367-130732-0009.wav,serve in a chafing dish with thin slices of dry toast,3.765 -data/test.other/367-130732-0010.wav,king of shell fish,1.935 -data/test.other/367-130732-0011.wav,one has to come to san francisco to partake of the king of shell fish the mammoth pacific crab,5.71 -data/test.other/367-130732-0012.wav,i say come to san francisco advisedly for while the crab is found all along the coast it is prepared nowhere so deliciously as in san francisco,8.44 -data/test.other/367-130732-0013.wav,gobey's passed with the fire and the little restaurant bearing his name and in charge of his widow in union square avenue has not attained the fame of the old place,8.7 -data/test.other/367-130732-0014.wav,it is possible that she knows the secret of preparing crab as it was prepared in the gobey's of before the fire but his prestige did not descend to her,8.61 -data/test.other/367-130732-0015.wav,gobey's crab stew,2.28 -data/test.other/367-130732-0016.wav,take the meat of one large crab scraping out all of the fat from the shell,4.69 -data/test.other/367-130732-0017.wav,soak the crab meat in the sherry two hours before cooking,3.805 -data/test.other/367-130732-0018.wav,chop fine the onion sweet pepper and tomato with the rosemary,4.215 -data/test.other/367-130732-0019.wav,heat this in a stewpan and when simmering add the sherry and crab meat and let all cook together with a slow fire for eight minutes,7.795 -data/test.other/367-130732-0020.wav,serve in a chafing dish with toasted crackers or thin slices of toasted bread,4.57 -data/test.other/367-130732-0021.wav,lobster in miniature,2.46 -data/test.other/367-130732-0022.wav,so far it has been used mostly for garnishment of other dishes and it is only recently that the hof brau has been making a specialty of them,7.45 -data/test.other/367-130732-0023.wav,all of the better class restaurants however will serve them if you order them,4.255 -data/test.other/367-130732-0024.wav,this is the recipe for eight people and it is well worth trying if you are giving a dinner of importance,6.18 -data/test.other/367-130732-0025.wav,bisque of crawfish,2.15 -data/test.other/367-130732-0026.wav,take thirty crawfish from which remove the gut containing the gall in the following manner take firm hold of the crawfish with the left hand so as to avoid being pinched by its claws with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand pinch the extreme end of the central fin of the tail and with a sudden jerk the gut will be withdrawn,18.52 -data/test.other/367-130732-0027.wav,mince or cut into small dice a carrot an onion one head of celery and a few parsley roots and to these add a bay leaf a sprig of thyme a little minionette pepper and two ounces of butter,13.21 -data/test.other/367-130732-0028.wav,put these ingredients into a stewpan and fry them ten minutes then throw in the crawfish and pour on them half a bottle of french white wine,8.6 -data/test.other/367-130732-0029.wav,allow this to boil and then add a quart of strong consomme and let all continue boiling for half an hour,6.25 -data/test.other/367-130732-0030.wav,pick out the crawfish and strain the broth through a napkin by pressure into a basin in order to extract all the essence from the vegetables,8.21 -data/test.other/367-130732-0031.wav,pick the shells off twenty five of the crawfish tails trim them neatly and set them aside until wanted,6.77 -data/test.other/367-130732-0032.wav,reserve some of the spawn also half of the body shells with which to make the crawfish butter to finish the soup,6.67 -data/test.other/367-130732-0033.wav,this butter is made as follows place the shells on a baking sheet in the oven to dry let the shells cool and then pound them in a mortar with a little lobster coral and four ounces of fresh butter thoroughly bruising the whole together so as to make a fine paste,15.91 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0000.wav,andbut never mind the rest of his outfit it was just wild but it was awful funny,6.725 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0001.wav,the people most killed themselves laughing and when the king got done capering and capered off behind the scenes they roared and clapped and stormed and haw hawed till he come back and done it over again and after that they made him do it another time,16.465 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0002.wav,twenty people sings out,2.225 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0003.wav,the duke says yes,2.2 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0004.wav,everybody sings out sold,2.72 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0005.wav,but a big fine looking man jumps up on a bench and shouts hold on,5.78 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0006.wav,just a word gentlemen they stopped to listen,3.335 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0007.wav,what we want is to go out of here quiet and talk this show up and sell the rest of the town,6.73 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0008.wav,you bet it is the jedge is right everybody sings out,4.25 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0009.wav,we struck the raft at the same time and in less than two seconds we was gliding down stream all dark and still and edging towards the middle of the river nobody saying a word,11.15 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0010.wav,we never showed a light till we was about ten mile below the village,4.335 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0011.wav,greenhorns flatheads,2.58 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0012.wav,no i says it don't,2.225 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0013.wav,well it don't because it's in the breed i reckon they're all alike,4.63 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0014.wav,well that's what i'm a saying all kings is mostly rapscallions as fur as i can make out is dat so,7.955 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0015.wav,and look at charles second and louis fourteen and louis fifteen and james second and edward second and richard third and forty more besides all them saxon heptarchies that used to rip around so in old times and raise cain,16.005 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0016.wav,my you ought to seen old henry the eight when he was in bloom he was a blossom,6.325 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0017.wav,ring up fair rosamun,2.145 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0018.wav,well henry he takes a notion he wants to get up some trouble with this country,5.46 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0019.wav,s'pose he opened his mouthwhat then,3.165 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0020.wav,all i say is kings is kings and you got to make allowances,5.055 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0021.wav,take them all around they're a mighty ornery lot it's the way they're raised,5.19 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0022.wav,well they all do jim,2.14 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0023.wav,now de duke he's a tolerble likely man in some ways,4.7 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0024.wav,this one's a middling hard lot for a duke,2.7 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0025.wav,when i waked up just at daybreak he was sitting there with his head down betwixt his knees moaning and mourning to himself,8.35 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0026.wav,it don't seem natural but i reckon it's so,3.075 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0027.wav,he was often moaning and mourning that way nights when he judged i was asleep and saying po little lizabeth,7.865 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0028.wav,doan you hear me shet de do,3.88 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0029.wav,i lay i make you mine,2.735 -data/test.other/3005-163390-0030.wav,jis as loud as i could yell,2.415 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0000.wav,they swarmed up in front of sherburn's palings as thick as they could jam together and you couldn't hear yourself think for the noise,8.375 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0001.wav,some sung out tear down the fence tear down the fence,5.425 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0002.wav,the stillness was awful creepy and uncomfortable,3.55 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0003.wav,sherburn run his eye slow along the crowd and wherever it struck the people tried a little to out gaze him but they couldn't they dropped their eyes and looked sneaky,11.66 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0004.wav,the average man's a coward,2.47 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0005.wav,because they're afraid the man's friends will shoot them in the back in the darkand it's just what they would do,7.92 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0006.wav,so they always acquit and then a man goes in the night with a hundred masked cowards at his back and lynches the rascal,9.975 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0007.wav,you didn't want to come,2.045 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0008.wav,but a mob without any man at the head of it is beneath pitifulness,5.11 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0009.wav,now leave and take your half a man with you tossing his gun up across his left arm and cocking it when he says this,9.45 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0010.wav,the crowd washed back sudden and then broke all apart and went tearing off every which way and buck harkness he heeled it after them looking tolerable cheap,12.085 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0011.wav,you can't be too careful,2.26 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0012.wav,they argued and tried to keep him out but he wouldn't listen and the whole show come to a standstill,7.28 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0013.wav,and one or two women begun to scream,2.88 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0014.wav,so then the ringmaster he made a little speech and said he hoped there wouldn't be no disturbance and if the man would promise he wouldn't make no more trouble he would let him ride if he thought he could stay on the horse,13.7 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0015.wav,it warn't funny to me though i was all of a tremble to see his danger,5.23 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0016.wav,and the horse a going like a house afire too,3.1 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0017.wav,he shed them so thick they kind of clogged up the air and altogether he shed seventeen suits,6.945 -data/test.other/3005-163389-0018.wav,why it was one of his own men,3.04 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0000.wav,phelps was one of these little one horse cotton plantations and they all look alike,6.135 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0001.wav,i went around and clumb over the back stile by the ash hopper and started for the kitchen,5.775 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0002.wav,i out with a yes'm before i thought,3.475 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0003.wav,so then she started for the house leading me by the hand and the children tagging after,5.405 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0004.wav,when we got there she set me down in a split bottomed chair and set herself down on a little low stool in front of me holding both of my hands and says,9.4 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0005.wav,well it's lucky because sometimes people do get hurt,3.945 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0006.wav,and i think he died afterwards he was a baptist,3.52 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0007.wav,yes it was mortificationthat was it,3.11 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0008.wav,your uncle's been up to the town every day to fetch you,3.02 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0009.wav,you must a met him on the road didn't you oldish man with a,4.33 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0010.wav,why child it ll be stole,2.23 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0011.wav,it was kinder thin ice but i says,3.21 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0012.wav,i had my mind on the children all the time i wanted to get them out to one side and pump them a little and find out who i was,7.935 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0013.wav,pretty soon she made the cold chills streak all down my back because she says,5.375063 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0014.wav,i see it warn't a bit of use to try to go ahead i'd got to throw up my hand,5.285 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0015.wav,so i says to myself here's another place where i got to resk the truth,5.025 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0016.wav,i opened my mouth to begin but she grabbed me and hustled me in behind the bed and says here he comes,7.08 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0017.wav,children don't you say a word,2.405 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0018.wav,i see i was in a fix now,2.49 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0019.wav,missus phelps she jumps for him and says,3.1 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0020.wav,has he come no says her husband,3.565 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0021.wav,i can't imagine says the old gentleman and i must say it makes me dreadful uneasy,5.27 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0022.wav,uneasy she says i'm ready to go distracted,3.8 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0023.wav,he must a come and you've missed him along the road,3.365 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0024.wav,oh don't distress me any more'n i'm already distressed,3.73 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0025.wav,why silas look yonder up the road ain't that somebody coming,4.94 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0026.wav,the old gentleman stared and says,2.45 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0027.wav,i hain't no idea who is it,3.025 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0028.wav,it's tom sawyer,2.15 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0029.wav,being tom sawyer was easy and comfortable and it stayed easy and comfortable till by and by i hear a steamboat coughing along down the river,8.935 -data/test.other/3005-163399-0030.wav,then i says to myself s'pose tom sawyer comes down on that boat,4.62 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0000.wav,which was sound enough judgment but you take the average man and he wouldn't wait for him to howl,6.485 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0001.wav,the king's duds was all black and he did look real swell and starchy,5.16 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0002.wav,why before he looked like the orneriest old rip that ever was but now when he'd take off his new white beaver and make a bow and do a smile he looked that grand and good and pious that you'd say he had walked right out of the ark and maybe was old leviticus himself,19.21 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0003.wav,jim cleaned up the canoe and i got my paddle ready,3.885 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0004.wav,wher you bound for young man,2.83 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0005.wav,git aboard says the king,2.32 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0006.wav,i done so and then we all three started on again,3.765 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0007.wav,the young chap was mighty thankful said it was tough work toting his baggage such weather,5.55 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0008.wav,he asked the king where he was going and the king told him he'd come down the river and landed at the other village this morning and now he was going up a few mile to see an old friend on a farm up there the young fellow says,13.265 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0009.wav,but then i says again no i reckon it ain't him or else he wouldn't be paddling up the river you ain't him are you,8.69 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0010.wav,no my name's blodgett elexander blodgett reverend elexander blodgett i s'pose i must say as i'm one o the lord's poor servants,10.695 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0011.wav,you see he was pretty old and george's g'yirls was too young to be much company for him except mary jane the red headed one and so he was kinder lonesome after george and his wife died and didn't seem to care much to live,14.56 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0012.wav,too bad too bad he couldn't a lived to see his brothers poor soul,4.595 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0013.wav,i'm going in a ship next wednesday for ryo janeero where my uncle lives,6.025 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0014.wav,but it'll be lovely wisht i was a going,3.705 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0015.wav,mary jane's nineteen susan's fifteen and joanna's about fourteenthat's the one that gives herself to good works and has a hare lip poor things,10.77 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0016.wav,well they could be worse off,2.54 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0017.wav,old peter had friends and they ain't going to let them come to no harm,4.27 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0018.wav,blamed if he didn't inquire about everybody and everything in that blessed town and all about the wilkses and about peter's businesswhich was a tanner and about george'swhich was a carpenter and about harvey'swhich was a dissentering minister and so on and so on then he says,18.105 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0019.wav,when they're deep they won't stop for a hail,2.57 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0020.wav,was peter wilks well off,2.425 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0021.wav,when we struck the boat she was about done loading and pretty soon she got off,5.15 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0022.wav,now hustle back right off and fetch the duke up here and the new carpet bags,5.775 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0023.wav,so then they waited for a steamboat,2.61 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0024.wav,but the king was ca'm he says,2.715 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0025.wav,they give a glance at one another and nodded their heads as much as to say what d i tell you,5.97 -data/test.other/3005-163391-0026.wav,then one of them says kind of soft and gentle,3.48 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0000.wav,that night it started to rain and we wore out our horses,3.58 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0001.wav,friday we moved toward waterville and friday night we camped between elysian and german lake,4.965 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0002.wav,bob's shattered elbow was requiring frequent attention and that night we made only nine miles and monday monday night and tuesday we spent in a deserted farm house close to mankato,10.64 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0003.wav,that day a man named dunning discovered us and we took him prisoner,3.535 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0004.wav,finally we administered to him an oath not to betray our whereabouts until we had time to make our escape and he agreed not to,6.63 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0005.wav,no sooner however was he released than he made posthaste into mankato to announce our presence and in a few minutes another posse was looking for us,8.845 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0006.wav,the whistle on the oil mill blew and we feared that it was a signal that had been agreed upon to alarm the town in case we were observed but we were not molested,8.4 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0007.wav,he had to sleep with it pillowed on my breast jim being also crippled with a wound in his shoulder and we could not get much sleep,6.69 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0008.wav,but they soon after got close enough so that one of them broke my walking stick with a shot,4.665 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0009.wav,we were in sight of our long sought horses when they cut us off from the animals and our last hope was gone,6.02 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0010.wav,six stepped to the front sheriff glispin colonel t l vought b m rice g a bradford c a pomeroy and s j severson,9.365 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0011.wav,forming in line four paces apart he ordered them to advance rapidly and concentrate the fire of the whole line the instant the robbers were discovered,8.065 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0012.wav,make for the horses i said every man for himself,3.05 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0013.wav,there is no use stopping to pick up a comrade here for we can't get him through the line just charge them and make it if we can,6.92 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0014.wav,i got up as the signal for the charge and we fired one volley,3.51 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0015.wav,one of the fellows in the outer line not brave enough himself to join the volunteers who had come in to beat us out was not disposed to believe in the surrender and had his gun levelled on bob in spite of the handkerchief which was waving as a flag of truce,13.36 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0016.wav,sheriff glispin of watonwan county who was taking bob's pistol from him was also shouting to the fellow,6.17 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0017.wav,including those received in and on the way from northfield i had eleven wounds,4.375 -data/test.other/7975-280085-0018.wav,and sheriff glispin's order not to shoot was the beginning of the protectorate that minnesota people established over us,6.025 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0000.wav,we took the oath perhaps three hundred of us down on luther mason's farm a few miles from where i now write where colonel hays had encamped after independence,9.14 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0001.wav,boone muir and myself met coffee and the rest below rose hill on grand river,4.46 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0002.wav,accordingly i was shortly awakened to accompany him to lone jack where he would personally make known the situation to the other colonels,7.34 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0003.wav,foster had nearly one thousand cavalrymen and two pieces of rabb's indiana battery that had already made for itself a name for hard fighting,7.315 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0004.wav,come in colonel hays exclaimed colonel cockrell,2.42 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0005.wav,i think he'll be rather tough meat for breakfast i replied he might be all right for dinner,4.55 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0006.wav,jackman with a party of thirty seasoned men charged the indiana guns and captured them but major foster led a gallant charge against the invaders and recaptured the pieces,9.915062 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0007.wav,we were out of ammunition and were helpless had the fight been pressed,3.445 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0008.wav,they did mark my clothes in one or two places however,2.955 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0009.wav,major foster in a letter to judge george m bennett of minneapolis said,4.37 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0010.wav,i was told by some of our men from the western border of the state that they recognized the daring young rider as cole younger,6.415 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0011.wav,about nine thirty a m i was shot down,2.75 -data/test.other/7975-280063-0012.wav,the wounded of both forces were gathered up and were placed in houses,3.36 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0000.wav,these hatreds were soon to make trouble for me of which i had never dreamed,4.83 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0001.wav,henry washington younger my father represented jackson county three times in the legislature and was also judge of the county court,8.09 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0002.wav,my mother who was bursheba fristoe of independence was the daughter of richard fristoe who fought under general andrew jackson at new orleans jackson county having been so named at my grandfather fristoe's insistence,11.92 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0003.wav,i cannot remember when i did not know how to shoot,2.79 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0004.wav,my brother james was born january fifteenth eighteen forty eight john in eighteen fifty one and robert in december eighteen fifty three,7.95 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0005.wav,my eldest brother richard died in eighteen sixty,3.105 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0006.wav,my father was in the employ of the united states government and had the mail contract for five hundred miles,5.74 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0007.wav,he had started back to harrisonville in a buggy but was waylaid one mile south of westport a suburb of kansas city and brutally murdered falling out of his buggy into the road with three mortal bullet wounds,11.565 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0008.wav,missus washington wells and her son samuel on the road home from kansas city to lee's summit recognized the body as that of my father,7.645 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0009.wav,missus wells stayed to guard the remains while her son carried the news of the murder to colonel peabody of the federal command who was then in camp at kansas city,8.4 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0010.wav,missus mc corkle jumped from the window of the house and escaped,3.27 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0011.wav,as the raiders left one of them shouted,2.87 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0012.wav,now old lady call on your protectors why don't you call on cole younger now,4.81 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0013.wav,every knot represented a human life,2.675 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0014.wav,but she failed to find the comfort she sought for annoyances continued in a more aggravated form,5.54 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0015.wav,two months after this incident the same persecutors again entered our home in the dead of the night and at the point of a pistol tried to force my mother to set fire to her own home,9.465 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0016.wav,i have always felt that the exposure to which she was subjected on this cruel journey too hard even for a man to take was the direct cause of her death,8.545 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0017.wav,from harrisonville she went to waverly where she was hounded continually,3.935 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0018.wav,one of the conditions upon which her life was spared was that she would report at lexington weekly,5.62 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0019.wav,one of my old school teachers whom i have never seen since the spring or summer of eighteen sixty two is stephen b elkins senator from west virginia,9.545 -data/test.other/7975-280057-0020.wav,when i was taken prisoner i expected to be shot without ceremony,3.525 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0000.wav,i urged on the boys that whatever happened we should not shoot any one,3.79 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0001.wav,when miller and i crossed the bridge the three were on some dry goods boxes at the corner near the bank and as soon as they saw us went right into the bank instead of waiting for us to get there,10.1 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0002.wav,when we came up i told miller to shut the bank door which they had left open in their hurry,4.98 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0003.wav,j s allen whose hardware store was near tried to go into the bank but miller ordered him away and he ran around the corner shouting,6.865 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0004.wav,get your guns boys they're robbing the bank,2.485 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0005.wav,and i called to him to get inside at the same time firing a pistol shot in the air as a signal to the three boys at the bridge that we had been discovered,7.875 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0006.wav,almost at this instant i heard a pistol shot in the bank,3.26 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0007.wav,chadwell woods and jim rode up and joined us shouting to people in the street to get inside and firing their pistols to emphasize their commands,8.04 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0008.wav,if any of our party shot him it must have been woods,3.05 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0009.wav,meantime the street was getting uncomfortably hot,2.59 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0010.wav,every time i saw any one with a bead on me i would drop off my horse and try to drive the shooter inside but i could not see in every direction,7.545 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0011.wav,doctor wheeler who had gone upstairs in the hotel shot miller and he lay dying in the street,5.185062 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0012.wav,changing his pistol to his left hand bob ran out and mounted miller's mare,4.68 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0013.wav,what kept you so long i asked pitts,2.27 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0014.wav,as to the rest of the affair inside the bank i take the account of a northfield narrator,5.275 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0015.wav,where's the money outside the safe bob asked,2.81 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0016.wav,the shutters were closed and this caused bunker an instant's delay that was almost fatal pitts chased him with a bullet,6.3 -data/test.other/7975-280084-0017.wav,the first one missed him but the second went through his right shoulder,3.165 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0000.wav,although every book purporting to narrate the lives of the younger brothers has told of the liberty robbery and implied that we had a part in it the youngers were not suspected at that time nor for a long time afterward,11.865 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0001.wav,it was claimed by people of liberty that they positively recognized among the robbers oll shepherd red monkers and bud pence who had seen service with quantrell,9.325 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0002.wav,this raid was accompanied by bloodshed judge mc lain the banker being shot though not fatally,6.125 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0003.wav,no warrant was issued for the youngers but subsequent historians have inferentially at least accused us of taking part but as i said before there is no truth in the accusation,10.27 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0004.wav,june third eighteen seventy one obocock brothers bank at corydon iowa was robbed of forty thousand dollars by seven men in broad daylight,8.31 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0005.wav,it was charged that arthur mc coy or a c mc coy and myself had been participants in the gad's hill affair and the two stage robberies,7.98 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0006.wav,the parts of this letter now relevant are as follows,3.28 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0007.wav,you may use this letter in your own way,2.55 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0008.wav,i will give you this outline and sketch of my whereabouts and actions at the time of certain robberies with which i am charged,6.16 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0009.wav,at the time of the gallatin bank robbery i was gathering cattle in ellis county texas cattle that i bought from pleas taylor and rector,7.24 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0010.wav,this can be proved by both of them also by sheriff barkley and fifty other respectable men of that county,6.06 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0011.wav,i brought the cattle to kansas that fall and remained in saint clair county until february,5.04 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0012.wav,i then went to arkansas and returned to saint clair county about the first of may,4.41 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0013.wav,i went to kansas where our cattle were in woodson county at colonel ridge's,3.925 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0014.wav,during the summer i was either in saint clair jackson or kansas but as there was no robbery committed that summer it makes no difference where i was,8.135 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0015.wav,i went through independence and from there to ace webb's,2.92 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0016.wav,there i took dinner and then went to doctor l w twyman's,3.935 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0017.wav,our business there was to see e p west he was not at home but the family will remember that we were there,5.645 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0018.wav,we crossed on the bridge stayed in the city all night and the next morning we rode up through the city,4.88 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0019.wav,i met several of my friends among them was bob hudspeth,3.62 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0020.wav,we were not on good terms at the time nor have we been for several years,3.925 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0021.wav,poor john he has been hunted down and shot like a wild beast and never was a boy more innocent,5.75 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0022.wav,doctor l lewis was his physician,2.415 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0023.wav,there were fifty or a hundred persons there who will testify in any court that john and i were there,5.325 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0024.wav,helvin fickle and wife of greenton valley were attending the springs at that time and either of them will testify to the above for john and i sat in front of mister smith while he was preaching and was in his company for a few moments together with his wife and mister and missus fickle after service,15.585 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0025.wav,about the last of december eighteen seventy three i arrived in carroll parish louisiana,5.485 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0026.wav,i stayed there until the eighth of february eighteen seventy four,3.53 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0027.wav,i had not heard of that when i wrote the letter of eighteen seventy four and to correct any misapprehension that might be created by omitting it i will say that at that time i was at neosho kansas with a drove of cattle which i sold to major ray,14.055063 -data/test.other/7975-280076-0028.wav,it was immediately following the rock island robbery at adair iowa that there first appeared a deliberate enlistment of some local papers in missouri to connect us with this robbery,9.525 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0000.wav,levin did not care to eat and he was not smoking he did not want to join his own friends that is sergey ivanovitch stepan arkadyevitch sviazhsky and the rest because vronsky in his equerry's uniform was standing with them in eager conversation,18.2 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0001.wav,he went to the window and sat down scanning the groups and listening to what was being said around him,6.755 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0002.wav,he's such a blackguard,2.015 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0003.wav,i have told him so but it makes no difference only think of it,4.935 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0004.wav,these persons were unmistakably seeking a place where they could talk without being overheard,6.45 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0005.wav,shall we go on your excellency fine champagne,4.01 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0006.wav,last year at our district marshal nikolay ivanovitch's,3.895 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0007.wav,oh still just the same always at a loss the landowner answered with a resigned smile but with an expression of serenity and conviction that so it must be,11.090063 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0008.wav,why what is there to understand,2.79 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0009.wav,there's no meaning in it at all,2.435 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0010.wav,then too one must keep up connections,3.075 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0011.wav,it's a moral obligation of a sort,2.42 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0012.wav,and then to tell the truth there's one's own interests,3.6 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0013.wav,they're proprietors of a sort but we're the landowners,4.12 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0014.wav,that it may be but still it ought to be treated a little more respectfully,5.87 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0015.wav,if we're laying out a garden planning one before the house you know and there you've a tree that's stood for centuries in the very spot old and gnarled it may be and yet you don't cut down the old fellow to make room for the flowerbeds but lay out your beds so as to take advantage of the tree,20.08 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0016.wav,well and how is your land doing,3.25 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0017.wav,but one's work is thrown in for nothing,3.025 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0018.wav,oh well one does it what would you have,3.945 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0019.wav,and what's more the landowner went on leaning his elbows on the window and chatting on my son i must tell you has no taste for it,9.24 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0020.wav,so there'll be no one to keep it up and yet one does it,4.315 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0021.wav,we walked about the fields and the garden no said he stepan vassilievitch everything's well looked after but your garden's neglected,9.565 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0022.wav,to my thinking i'd cut down that lime tree,3.04 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0023.wav,here you've thousands of limes and each would make two good bundles of bark,4.98 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0024.wav,you're married i've heard said the landowner,3.865 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0025.wav,yes it's rather strange he went on,2.965 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0026.wav,the landowner chuckled under his white mustaches,3.48 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0027.wav,why don't we cut down our parks for timber,3.075 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0028.wav,said levin returning to a thought that had struck him,3.7 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0029.wav,there's a class instinct too of what one ought and oughtn't to do,5.06 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0030.wav,there's the peasants too i wonder at them sometimes any good peasant tries to take all the land he can,7.7 -data/test.other/5442-41169-0031.wav,without a return too at a simple loss,3.21 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0000.wav,captain lake did not look at all like a london dandy now,3.91 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0001.wav,there was a very natural savagery and dejection there and a wild leer in his yellow eyes rachel sat down,8.185 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0002.wav,a slave only think a slave,2.965 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0003.wav,oh frightful frightful is it a dream,3.485 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0004.wav,oh frightful frightful,2.734938 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0005.wav,stanley stanley it would be mercy to kill me she broke out again,5.700062 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0006.wav,bright and natty were the chintz curtains and the little toilet set out not inelegantly and her pet piping goldfinch asleep on his perch with his bit of sugar between the wires of his cage her pillow so white and unpressed with its little edging of lace,16.73 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0007.wav,when he came back to the drawing room a toilet bottle of eau de cologne in his hand with her lace handkerchief he bathed her temples and forehead,9.715 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0008.wav,there was nothing very brotherly in his look as he peered into her pale sharp features during the process,6.96 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0009.wav,there don't mind me she said sharply and getting up she looked down at her dress and thin shoes and seeming to recollect herself she took the candle he had just set down and went swiftly to her room,12.26 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0010.wav,and she threw back her veil and going hurriedly to the toilet mechanically surveyed herself in the glass,6.535 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0011.wav,rachel lake rachel lake what are you now,3.92 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0012.wav,i'll stay here that is in the drawing room she answered and the face was withdrawn,5.345 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0013.wav,he slackened his pace and tapped sharply at the little window of that modest post office at which the young ladies in the pony carriage had pulled up the day before and within which luke waggot was wont to sleep in a sort of wooden box that folded up and appeared to be a chest of drawers all day,19.07 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0014.wav,luke took care of mister larkin's dogs and groomed mister wylder's horse and cleaned up his dog cart for mark being close about money and finding that the thing was to be done more cheaply that way put up his horse and dog cart in the post office premises and so evaded the livery charges of the brandon arms,19.815 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0015.wav,but luke was not there and captain lake recollecting his habits and his haunt hurried on to the silver lion which has its gable towards the common only about a hundred steps away for distances are not great in gylingden,14.26 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0016.wav,here were the flow of soul and of stout long pipes long yarns and tolerably long credits and the humble scapegraces of the town resorted thither for the pleasures of a club life and often revelled deep into the small hours of the morning,15.76 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0017.wav,lose no time and i'll give you half a crown,2.63 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0018.wav,luke stuck on his greasy wideawake and in a few minutes more the dog cart was trundled out into the lane and the horse harnessed went between the shafts with that wonderful cheerfulness with which they bear to be called up under startling circumstances at unseasonable hours,17.8 -data/test.other/5442-32873-0019.wav,if i thought you'd fail me now tamar i should never come back good night tamar,5.565 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0000.wav,the act said that in case of difference of opinion there must be a ballot,5.425 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0001.wav,he went up to the table and striking it with his finger ring he shouted loudly a ballot,6.67 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0002.wav,he was shouting for the very course sergey ivanovitch had proposed but it was evident that he hated him and all his party and this feeling of hatred spread through the whole party and roused in opposition to it the same vindictiveness though in a more seemly form on the other side,19.185 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0003.wav,shouts were raised and for a moment all was confusion so that the marshal of the province had to call for order a ballot,9.97 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0004.wav,we shed our blood for our country,2.265 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0005.wav,the confidence of the monarch no checking the accounts of the marshal he's not a cashier but that's not the point,7.585 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0006.wav,votes please beastly,2.69 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0007.wav,they expressed the most implacable hatred,3.225 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0008.wav,levin did not in the least understand what was the matter and he marveled at the passion with which it was disputed whether or not the decision about flerov should be put to the vote,11.81 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0009.wav,he forgot as sergey ivanovitch explained to him afterwards this syllogism that it was necessary for the public good to get rid of the marshal of the province that to get rid of the marshal it was necessary to have a majority of votes that to get a majority of votes it was necessary to secure flerov's right to vote that to secure the recognition of flerov's right to vote they must decide on the interpretation to be put on the act,29.6 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0010.wav,but levin forgot all that and it was painful to him to see all these excellent persons for whom he had a respect in such an unpleasant and vicious state of excitement,11.445 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0011.wav,to escape from this painful feeling he went away into the other room where there was nobody except the waiters at the refreshment bar,8.69 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0012.wav,he particularly liked the way one gray whiskered waiter who showed his scorn for the other younger ones and was jeered at by them was teaching them how to fold up napkins properly,11.695 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0013.wav,levin advanced but utterly forgetting what he was to do and much embarrassed he turned to sergey ivanovitch with the question where am i to put it,10.72 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0014.wav,sergey ivanovitch frowned,2.29 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0015.wav,that is a matter for each man's own decision he said severely,4.975 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0016.wav,having put it in he recollected that he ought to have thrust his left hand too and so he thrust it in though too late and still more overcome with confusion he beat a hasty retreat into the background,13.22 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0017.wav,a hundred and twenty six for admission ninety eight against,4.855 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0018.wav,sang out the voice of the secretary who could not pronounce the letter r,4.42 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0019.wav,then there was a laugh a button and two nuts were found in the box,4.98 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0020.wav,but the old party did not consider themselves conquered,3.855 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0021.wav,in reply snetkov spoke of the trust the noblemen of the province had placed in him the affection they had shown him which he did not deserve as his only merit had been his attachment to the nobility to whom he had devoted twelve years of service,16.465 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0022.wav,this expression in the marshal's face was particularly touching to levin because only the day before he had been at his house about his trustee business and had seen him in all his grandeur a kind hearted fatherly man,15.66 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0023.wav,if there are men younger and more deserving than i let them serve,4.78 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0024.wav,and the marshal disappeared through a side door,3.25 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0025.wav,they were to proceed immediately to the election,3.15 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0026.wav,two noble gentlemen who had a weakness for strong drink had been made drunk by the partisans of snetkov and a third had been robbed of his uniform,9.76 -data/test.other/5442-41168-0027.wav,on learning this the new party had made haste during the dispute about flerov to send some of their men in a sledge to clothe the stripped gentleman and to bring along one of the intoxicated to the meeting,14.615 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0000.wav,but the middle son was little and lorn he was neither dark nor fair he was neither handsome nor strong,6.62 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0001.wav,throwing himself on his knees before the king he cried oh royal sire bestow upon me also a sword and a steed that i may up and away to follow my brethren,9.915 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0002.wav,but the king laughed him to scorn thou a sword he quoth,4.745 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0003.wav,in sooth thou shalt have one but it shall be one befitting thy maiden size and courage if so small a weapon can be found in all my kingdom,9.56 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0004.wav,forthwith the grinning jester began shrieking with laughter so that the bells upon his motley cap were all set a jangling,7.525 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0005.wav,i did but laugh to think the sword of ethelried had been so quickly found responded the jester and he pointed to the scissors hanging from the tailor's girdle,8.565 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0006.wav,one night as he lay in a deep forest too unhappy to sleep he heard a noise near at hand in the bushes,7.225 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0007.wav,thou shalt have thy liberty he cried even though thou shouldst rend me in pieces the moment thou art free,6.425 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0008.wav,it had suddenly disappeared and in its place stood a beautiful fairy with filmy wings which shone like rainbows in the moonlight,9.535 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0009.wav,at this moment there was a distant rumbling as of thunder tis the ogre cried the fairy we must hasten,7.405 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0010.wav,scissors grow a giant's height and save us from the ogre's might,4.1 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0011.wav,he could see the ogre standing powerless to hurt him on the other side of the chasm and gnashing his teeth each one of which was as big as a millston,9.66 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0012.wav,the sight was so terrible that he turned on his heel and fled away as fast as his feet could carry him,5.71 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0013.wav,thou shalt not be left a prisoner in this dismal spot while i have the power to help thee,4.72 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0014.wav,he lifted the scissors and with one stroke destroyed the web and gave the fly its freedom,5.93 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0015.wav,a faint glimmer of light on the opposite wall shows me the keyhole,4.685 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0016.wav,the prince spent all the following time until midnight trying to think of a suitable verse to say to the scissors,6.465 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0017.wav,as he uttered the words the scissors leaped out of his hand and began to cut through the wooden shutters as easily as through a cheese,7.75 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0018.wav,in a very short time the prince had crawled through the opening,3.775 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0019.wav,while he stood looking around him in bewilderment a firefly alighted on his arm flashing its little lantern in the prince's face it cried this way my friend the fly sent me to guide you to a place of safety,14.06 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0020.wav,what is to become of me cried the poor peasant,3.23 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0021.wav,my grain must fall and rot in the field from overripeness because i have not the strength to rise and harvest it then indeed must we all starve,9.03 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0022.wav,the grandame whom he supplied with fagots the merchant whom he rescued from robbers the king's councillor to whom he gave aid all became his friends up and down the land to beggar or lord homeless wanderer or high born dame he gladly gave unselfish service all unsought and such as he helped straightway became his friends,21.19 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0023.wav,to him who could bring her back to her father's castle should be given the throne and kingdom as well as the princess herself so from far and near indeed from almost every country under the sun came knights and princes to fight the ogre,15.69 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0024.wav,among those who drew back were ethelried's brothers the three that were dark and the three that were fair,6.22 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0025.wav,but ethelried heeded not their taunts,2.635 -data/test.other/4294-35475-0026.wav,so they all cried out long and loud long live the prince prince ciseaux,6.125 -data/test.other/4294-32859-0000.wav,wylder was rather surly after the ladies had floated away from the scene and he drank his liquor doggedly,6.13 -data/test.other/4294-32859-0001.wav,it was his fancy i suppose to revive certain sentimental relations which had it may be once existed between him and miss lake and he was a person of that combative temperament that magnifies an object in proportion as its pursuit is thwarted,16.75 -data/test.other/4294-32859-0002.wav,the story of fridolin and retzch's pretty outlines,3.62 -data/test.other/4294-32859-0003.wav,sit down beside me and i'll tell you the story,2.835 -data/test.other/4294-32859-0004.wav,he assisted at it but took no part and in fact was listening to that other conversation which sounded with its pleasant gabble and laughter like a little musical tinkle of bells in the distance,10.865 -data/test.other/4294-32859-0005.wav,but honest mark forgot that young ladies do not always come out quite alone and jump unassisted into their vehicles,7.71 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0000.wav,as i thought that this was due to some fault in the earth i wanted to make these first experiments before i undertook my perseus,7.515 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0001.wav,when i saw that this bust came out sharp and clean i set at once to construct a little furnace in the workshop erected for me by the duke after my own plans and design in the house which the duke had given me,12.055 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0002.wav,it was an extremely difficult task and i was anxious to observe all the niceties of art which i had learned so as not to lapse into some error,8.155 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0003.wav,i in my turn feel the same desire and hope to play my part like them therefore my lord give me the leave to go,7.44 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0004.wav,but beware of letting bandinello quit you rather bestow upon him always more than he demands for if he goes into foreign parts his ignorance is so presumptuous that he is just the man to disgrace our most illustrious school,13.78 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0005.wav,i ask no further reward for my labours up to this time than the gracious favour of your most illustrious excellency,6.6 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0006.wav,then i thanked him and said i had no greater desire than to show those envious folk that i had it in me to execute the promised work,7.95 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0007.wav,i had better look to my conduct for it had come to his ears that i relied upon his favour to take in first one man and then another,8.43 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0008.wav,i begged his most illustrious excellency to name a single person whom i had ever taken in,5.945 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0009.wav,i said my lord i thank you and beg you to condescend so far as to listen to four words it is true that he lent me a pair of old scales two anvils and three little hammers which articles i begged his workman giorgio da cortona fifteen days ago to fetch back,18.065 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0010.wav,giorgio came for them himself,2.32 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0011.wav,i hope to prove on what account that scoundrel tries to bring me into disgrace,4.76 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0012.wav,when he had heard this speech the duke rose up in anger and sent for bernardone who was forced to take flight as far as venice he and antonio landi with him,11.155 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0013.wav,you had better put this to the proof and i will go at once to the bargello,4.255 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0014.wav,i am willing to enter into competition with the ancients and feel able to surpass them for since those early days in which i made the medals of pope clement i have learned so much that i can now produce far better pieces of the kind i think i can also outdo the coins i struck for duke alessandro which are still held in high esteem in like manner i could make for you large pieces of gold and silver plate as i did so often for that noble monarch king francis of france thanks to the great conveniences he allowed me without ever losing time for the execution of colossal statues or other works of the sculptors craft,34.51 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0015.wav,after several months were wasted and piero would neither work nor put men to work upon the piece i made him give it back,6.685 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0016.wav,among artists certain enraged sculptors laughed at me and called me the new sculptor,6.265 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0017.wav,now i hope to show them that i am an old sculptor if god shall grant me the boon of finishing my perseus for that noble piazza of his most illustrious excellency,9.925 -data/test.other/4294-14317-0018.wav,having this excellent resolve in heart i reached my home,3.75 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0000.wav,he felt what the earth may possibly feel at the moment when it is torn open with the iron in order that grain may be deposited within it it feels only the wound the quiver of the germ and the joy of the fruit only arrive later,15.93 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0001.wav,he had but just acquired a faith must he then reject it already,5.34 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0002.wav,he affirmed to himself that he would not he declared to himself that he would not doubt and he began to doubt in spite of himself,11.2 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0003.wav,to stand between two religions from one of which you have not as yet emerged and another into which you have not yet entered is intolerable and twilight is pleasing only to bat like souls,14.74 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0004.wav,marius was clear eyed and he required the true light,4.76 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0005.wav,the half lights of doubt pained him,3.14 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0006.wav,whatever may have been his desire to remain where he was he could not halt there he was irresistibly constrained to continue to advance to examine to think to march further,13.6 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0007.wav,he feared after having taken so many steps which had brought him nearer to his father to now take a step which should estrange him from that father,8.705 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0008.wav,his discomfort was augmented by all the reflections which occurred to him,5.085 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0009.wav,in the troubled state of his conscience he no longer thought of certain serious sides of existence,6.92 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0010.wav,they soon elbowed him abruptly,2.98 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0011.wav,request courfeyrac to come and talk with me said marius,3.73 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0012.wav,what is to become of you said courfeyrac,3.32 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0013.wav,what are you going to do i do not know,3.08 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0014.wav,silver gold here it is,3.1 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0015.wav,you will then have only a pair of trousers a waistcoat a hat and a coat and my boots,6.565 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0016.wav,that will be enough,1.88 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0017.wav,no it is not good what will you do after that,3.66 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0018.wav,do you know german no,3.02 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0019.wav,it is badly paid work but one can live by it,3.45 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0020.wav,the clothes dealer was sent for,2.085 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0021.wav,he paid twenty francs for the cast off garments they went to the watchmaker's,4.765 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0022.wav,he bought the watch for forty five francs,2.755 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0023.wav,hello i had forgotten that said marius,3.39 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0024.wav,the landlord presented his bill which had to be paid on the spot,4.05 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0025.wav,i have ten francs left said marius,2.645 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0026.wav,that will be swallowing a tongue very fast or a hundred sous very slowly,5.43 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0027.wav,one morning on his return from the law school marius found a letter from his aunt and the sixty pistoles that is to say six hundred francs in gold in a sealed box,10.66 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0028.wav,marius sent back the thirty louis to his aunt with a respectful letter in which he stated that he had sufficient means of subsistence and that he should be able thenceforth to supply all his needs,11.35 -data/test.other/4294-9934-0029.wav,at that moment he had three francs left,3.07 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0000.wav,there's iron they say in all our blood and a grain or two perhaps is good but his he makes me harshly feel has got a little too much of steel anon,15.0 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0001.wav,margaret said mister hale as he returned from showing his guest downstairs i could not help watching your face with some anxiety when mister thornton made his confession of having been a shop boy,12.625 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0002.wav,you don't mean that you thought me so silly,2.835 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0003.wav,i really liked that account of himself better than anything else he said,5.06 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0004.wav,his statement of having been a shop boy was the thing i liked best of all,4.475 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0005.wav,you who were always accusing people of being shoppy at helstone,4.3 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0006.wav,i don't think mister hale you have done quite right in introducing such a person to us without telling us what he had been,8.14 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0007.wav,i really was very much afraid of showing him how much shocked i was at some parts of what he said,7.06 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0008.wav,his father dying in miserable circumstances,4.135 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0009.wav,why it might have been in the workhouse,3.535 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0010.wav,his father speculated wildly failed and then killed himself because he could not bear the disgrace,7.67 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0011.wav,all his former friends shrunk from the disclosures that had to be made of his dishonest gambling wild hopeless struggles made with other people's money to regain his own moderate portion of wealth,14.05 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0012.wav,no one came forwards to help the mother and this boy,3.32 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0013.wav,at least no friend came forwards immediately and missus thornton is not one i fancy to wait till tardy kindness comes to find her out,10.18 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0014.wav,so they left milton,2.07 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0015.wav,how tainted asked her father,2.91 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0016.wav,oh papa by that testing everything by the standard of wealth,4.84 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0017.wav,when he spoke of the mechanical powers he evidently looked upon them only as new ways of extending trade and making money,8.38 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0018.wav,and the poor men around him they were poor because they were vicious out of the pale of his sympathies because they had not his iron nature and the capabilities that it gives him for being rich,12.79 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0019.wav,not vicious he never said that,3.19 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0020.wav,improvident and self indulgent were his words,3.57 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0021.wav,margaret was collecting her mother's working materials and preparing to go to bed,5.21 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0022.wav,just as she was leaving the room she hesitated she was inclined to make an acknowledgment which she thought would please her father but which to be full and true must include a little annoyance,13.865 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0023.wav,however out it came,2.585 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0024.wav,papa i do think mister thornton a very remarkable man but personally i don't like him at all,9.015 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0025.wav,and i do said her father laughing,3.4 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0026.wav,personally as you call it and all,3.585 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0027.wav,i don't set him up for a hero or anything of that kind,4.16 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0028.wav,but good night child,1.94 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0029.wav,there were several other signs of something wrong about missus hale,4.55 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0030.wav,she and dixon held mysterious consultations in her bedroom from which dixon would come out crying and cross as was her custom when any distress of her mistress called upon her sympathy,12.3 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0031.wav,once margaret had gone into the chamber soon after dixon left it and found her mother on her knees and as margaret stole out she caught a few words which were evidently a prayer for strength and patience to endure severe bodily suffering,16.8 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0032.wav,but though she received caresses and fond words back again in such profusion as would have gladdened her formerly yet she felt that there was a secret withheld from her and she believed it bore serious reference to her mother's health,16.85 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0033.wav,she lay awake very long this night planning how to lessen the evil influence of their milton life on her mother,8.685 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0034.wav,a servant to give dixon permanent assistance should be got if she gave up her whole time to the search and then at any rate her mother might have all the personal attention she required and had been accustomed to her whole life,15.164938 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0035.wav,visiting register offices seeing all manner of unlikely people and very few in the least likely absorbed margaret's time and thoughts for several days,10.9 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0036.wav,one afternoon she met bessy higgins in the street and stopped to speak to her,5.165 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0037.wav,well bessy how are you,2.075 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0038.wav,better and not better if yo know what that means,4.17 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0039.wav,not exactly replied margaret smiling,3.94 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0040.wav,i'm better in not being torn to pieces by coughing o'nights but i'm weary and tired o milton and longing to get away to the land o beulah and when i think i'm farther and farther off my heart sinks and i'm no better i'm worse,20.05 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0041.wav,margaret turned round to walk alongside of the girl in her feeble progress homeward,6.94 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0042.wav,but for a minute or two she did not speak,3.26 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0043.wav,at last she said in a low voice,3.425 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0044.wav,bessy do you wish to die,3.405 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0045.wav,bessy was silent in her turn for a minute or two then she replied,5.81 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0046.wav,nought worse than many others i reckon,2.795 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0047.wav,but what was it,1.76 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0048.wav,you know i'm a stranger here so perhaps i'm not so quick at understanding what you mean as if i'd lived all my life at milton,8.25 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0049.wav,i had forgotten what i said for the time continued margaret quietly,5.08 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0050.wav,i should have thought of it again when i was less busy may i go with you now,5.45 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0051.wav,the sharpness in her eye turned to a wistful longing as she met margaret's soft and friendly gaze,6.625 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0052.wav,as they turned up into a small court opening out of a squalid street bessy said,7.08 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0053.wav,yo'll not be daunted if father's at home and speaks a bit gruffish at first,5.81 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0054.wav,but nicholas was not at home when they entered,3.14 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0055.wav,gasped bessy at last,2.39 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0056.wav,bessy took a long and feverish draught and then fell back and shut her eyes,6.79 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0057.wav,margaret bent over and said bessy don't be impatient with your life whatever it is or may have been,8.885 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0058.wav,remember who gave it you and made it what it is,3.885 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0059.wav,now i'll not have my wench preached to,3.56 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0060.wav,but surely said margaret facing round you believe in what i said that god gave her life and ordered what kind of life it was to be,9.78 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0061.wav,i believe what i see and no more,3.13 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0062.wav,that's what i believe young woman,2.775 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0063.wav,i don't believe all i hear no not by a big deal,4.85 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0064.wav,but hoo's come at last and hoo's welcome as long as hoo'll keep from preaching on what hoo knows nought about,7.73 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0065.wav,it's simple and not far to fetch nor hard to work,4.17 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0066.wav,but the girl only pleaded the more with margaret,3.135 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0067.wav,don't think hardly on him he's a good man he is,3.845 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0068.wav,i sometimes think i shall be moped wi sorrow even in the city of god if father is not there,6.7 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0069.wav,the feverish colour came into her cheek and the feverish flame into her eye,5.255 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0070.wav,but you will be there father you shall oh my heart,4.13 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0071.wav,she put her hand to it and became ghastly pale,3.865 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0072.wav,margaret held her in her arms and put the weary head to rest upon her bosom,5.85 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0073.wav,presently the spasm that foreshadowed death had passed away and bessy roused herself and said,7.46 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0074.wav,i'll go to bed it's best place but catching at margaret's gown yo'll come again i know yo will but just say it,11.13 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0075.wav,i will come to morrow said margaret,2.89 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0076.wav,margaret went away very sad and thoughtful,3.84 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0077.wav,she was late for tea at home,2.6 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0078.wav,have you met with a servant dear,2.69 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0079.wav,no mamma that anne buckley would never have done,3.83 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0080.wav,suppose i try said mister hale,3.48 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0081.wav,everybody else has had their turn at this great difficulty now let me try,5.9 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0082.wav,i may be the cinderella to put on the slipper after all,3.47 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0083.wav,what would you do papa how would you set about it,4.21 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0084.wav,why i would apply to some good house mother to recommend me one known to herself or her servants,7.71 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0085.wav,very good but we must first catch our house mother,3.98 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0086.wav,the mother of whom he spoke to us said margaret,3.31 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0087.wav,missus thornton the only mother he has i believe said mister hale quietly,6.82 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0088.wav,i shall like to see her she must be an uncommon person her mother added,6.32 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0089.wav,perhaps she may have a relation who might suit us and be glad of our place,5.48 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0090.wav,she sounded to be such a careful economical person that i should like any one out of the same family,7.96 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0091.wav,my dear said mister hale alarmed pray don't go off on that idea,5.455 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0092.wav,i am sure at any rate she would not like strangers to know anything about it,4.67 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0093.wav,take notice that is not my kind of haughtiness papa if i have any at all which i don't agree to though you're always accusing me of it,9.68 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0094.wav,i don't know positively that it is hers either but from little things i have gathered from him i fancy so,7.38 -data/test.other/1688-142285-0095.wav,they cared too little to ask in what manner her son had spoken about her,5.23 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0000.wav,the gentleman had not even needed to sit down to become interested apparently he had taken up the volume from a table as soon as he came in and standing there after a single glance round the apartment had lost himself in its pages,14.59 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0001.wav,that has an unflattering sound for me said the young man,4.325 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0002.wav,she is willing to risk that,2.385 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0003.wav,just as i am the visitor inquired presenting himself with rather a work a day aspect,7.005 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0004.wav,he was tall and lean and dressed throughout in black his shirt collar was low and wide and the triangle of linen a little crumpled exhibited by the opening of his waistcoat was adorned by a pin containing a small red stone,15.87 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0005.wav,in spite of this decoration the young man looked poor as poor as a young man could look who had such a fine head and such magnificent eyes,9.495 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0006.wav,those of basil ransom were dark deep and glowing his head had a character of elevation which fairly added to his stature it was a head to be seen above the level of a crowd on some judicial bench or political platform or even on a bronze medal,18.3 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0007.wav,these things the eyes especially with their smouldering fire might have indicated that he was to be a great american statesman or on the other hand they might simply have proved that he came from carolina or alabama,14.99 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0008.wav,and yet the reader who likes a complete image who desires to read with the senses as well as with the reason is entreated not to forget that he prolonged his consonants and swallowed his vowels that he was guilty of elisions and interpolations which were equally unexpected and that his discourse was pervaded by something sultry and vast something almost african in its rich basking tone something that suggested the teeming expanse of the cotton field,31.13 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0009.wav,and he took up his hat vaguely a soft black hat with a low crown and an immense straight brim,7.315 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0010.wav,well so it is they are all witches and wizards mediums and spirit rappers and roaring radicals,7.68 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0011.wav,if you are going to dine with her you had better know it oh murder,5.215 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0012.wav,he looked at missus luna with intelligent incredulity,3.815 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0013.wav,she was attractive and impertinent especially the latter,4.63 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0014.wav,have you been in europe,1.655 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0015.wav,no i haven't been anywhere,2.62 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0016.wav,she hates it she would like to abolish it,3.355 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0017.wav,this last remark he made at a venture for he had naturally not devoted any supposition whatever to missus luna,7.4 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0018.wav,are you very ambitious you look as if you were,3.685 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0019.wav,and missus luna added that now she was back she didn't know what she should do,4.865 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0020.wav,one didn't even know what one had come back for,3.225 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0021.wav,besides olive didn't want her in boston and didn't go through the form of saying so,5.415 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0022.wav,that was one comfort with olive she never went through any forms,4.515 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0023.wav,she stood there looking consciously and rather seriously at mister ransom a smile of exceeding faintness played about her lips it was just perceptible enough to light up the native gravity of her face,15.91 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0024.wav,her voice was low and agreeable a cultivated voice and she extended a slender white hand to her visitor who remarked with some solemnity he felt a certain guilt of participation in missus luna's indiscretion that he was intensely happy to make her acquaintance,17.655 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0025.wav,he observed that miss chancellor's hand was at once cold and limp she merely placed it in his without exerting the smallest pressure,8.905 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0026.wav,i shall be back very late we are going to a theatre party that's why we dine so early,5.77 -data/test.other/6128-63240-0027.wav,missus luna's familiarity extended even to her sister she remarked to miss chancellor that she looked as if she were got up for a sea voyage,8.555 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0000.wav,poor ransom announced this fact to himself as if he had made a great discovery but in reality he had never been so boeotian as at that moment,10.81 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0001.wav,the women he had hitherto known had been mainly of his own soft clime and it was not often they exhibited the tendency he detected and cursorily deplored in missus luna's sister,13.095 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0002.wav,ransom was pleased with the vision of that remedy it must be repeated that he was very provincial,7.39 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0003.wav,he was sorry for her but he saw in a flash that no one could help her that was what made her tragic,8.36 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0004.wav,she could not defend herself against a rich admiration a kind of tenderness of envy of any one who had been so happy as to have that opportunity,11.02 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0005.wav,his family was ruined they had lost their slaves their property their friends and relations their home had tasted of all the cruelty of defeat,10.48 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0006.wav,the state of mississippi seemed to him the state of despair so he surrendered the remnants of his patrimony to his mother and sisters and at nearly thirty years of age alighted for the first time in new york in the costume of his province with fifty dollars in his pocket and a gnawing hunger in his heart,21.26 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0007.wav,it was in the female line as basil ransom had written in answering her letter with a good deal of form and flourish he spoke as if they had been royal houses,10.56 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0008.wav,if it had been possible to send missus ransom money or even clothes she would have liked that but she had no means of ascertaining how such an offering would be taken,10.045 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0009.wav,olive had a fear of everything but her greatest fear was of being afraid,5.865 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0010.wav,she had erected it into a sort of rule of conduct that whenever she saw a risk she was to take it and she had frequent humiliations at finding herself safe after all,11.68 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0011.wav,she was perfectly safe after writing to basil ransom and indeed it was difficult to see what he could have done to her except thank her he was only exceptionally superlative for her letter and assure her that he would come and see her the first time his business he was beginning to get a little should take him to boston,19.06 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0012.wav,he was too simple too mississippian for that she was almost disappointed,6.46 -data/test.other/6128-63241-0013.wav,of all things in the world contention was most sweet to her though why it is hard to imagine for it always cost her tears headaches a day or two in bed acute emotion and it was very possible basil ransom would not care to contend,16.45 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0000.wav,miss chancellor herself had thought so much on the vital subject would not she make a few remarks and give them some of her experiences,7.535 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0001.wav,how did the ladies on beacon street feel about the ballot,4.04 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0002.wav,perhaps she could speak for them more than for some others,3.61 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0003.wav,with her immense sympathy for reform she found herself so often wishing that reformers were a little different,7.055 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0004.wav,olive hated to hear that fine avenue talked about as if it were such a remarkable place and to live there were a proof of worldly glory,8.565 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0005.wav,all sorts of inferior people lived there and so brilliant a woman as missus farrinder who lived at roxbury ought not to mix things up,8.615 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0006.wav,she knew her place in the boston hierarchy and it was not what missus farrinder supposed so that there was a want of perspective in talking to her as if she had been a representative of the aristocracy,12.255 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0007.wav,she wished to work in another field she had long been preoccupied with the romance of the people,6.645 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0008.wav,this might seem one of the most accessible of pleasures but in point of fact she had not found it so,6.34 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0009.wav,charlie was a young man in a white overcoat and a paper collar it was for him in the last analysis that they cared much the most,8.625 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0010.wav,olive chancellor wondered how missus farrinder would treat that branch of the question,4.74 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0011.wav,if it be necessary we are prepared to take certain steps to conciliate the shrinking,5.36 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0012.wav,our movement is for all it appeals to the most delicate ladies,4.66 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0013.wav,raise the standard among them and bring me a thousand names,4.145 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0014.wav,i look after the details as well as the big currents missus farrinder added in a tone as explanatory as could be expected of such a woman and with a smile of which the sweetness was thrilling to her listener,12.995 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0015.wav,said olive chancellor with a face which seemed to plead for a remission of responsibility,5.535 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0016.wav,i want to be near to them to help them,3.4 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0017.wav,it was one thing to choose for herself but now the great representative of the enfranchisement of their sex from every form of bondage had chosen for her,9.815 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0018.wav,the unhappiness of women,2.42 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0019.wav,they were her sisters they were her own and the day of their delivery had dawned,5.865 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0020.wav,this was the only sacred cause this was the great the just revolution it must triumph it must sweep everything before it it must exact from the other the brutal blood stained ravening race the last particle of expiation,17.15 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0021.wav,they would be names of women weak insulted persecuted but devoted in every pulse of their being to the cause and asking no better fate than to die for it,10.81 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0022.wav,it was not clear to this interesting girl in what manner such a sacrifice as this last would be required of her but she saw the matter through a kind of sunrise mist of emotion which made danger as rosy as success,14.385 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0023.wav,when miss birdseye approached it transfigured her familiar her comical shape and made the poor little humanitary hack seem already a martyr,10.3 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0024.wav,olive chancellor looked at her with love remembered that she had never in her long unrewarded weary life had a thought or an impulse for herself,10.715 -data/test.other/6128-63244-0025.wav,she had been consumed by the passion of sympathy it had crumpled her into as many creases as an old glazed distended glove,9.295 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0000.wav,it is significant to note in this connection that the new king was an unswerving adherent of the cult of ashur by the adherents of which he was probably strongly supported,13.77 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0001.wav,at the beginning of his reign there was much social discontent and suffering,5.88 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0002.wav,well might sharduris exclaim in the words of the prophet where is the king of arpad,7.725 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0003.wav,tiglath pileser however crossed the euphrates and moving northward delivered an unexpected attack on the urartian army in qummukh,9.825 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0004.wav,a fierce battle ensued and one of its dramatic incidents was a single combat between the rival kings,7.095 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0005.wav,an attempt was made to capture king sharduris who leapt from his chariot and made hasty escape on horseback hotly pursued in the gathering darkness by an assyrian contingent of cavalry,12.965 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0006.wav,despite the blow dealt against urartu assyria did not immediately regain possession of north syria,6.725 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0007.wav,the shifty mati ilu either cherished the hope that sharduris would recover strength and again invade north syria or that he might himself establish an empire in that region,11.475 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0008.wav,tiglath pileser had therefore to march westward again,3.645 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0009.wav,for three years he conducted vigorous campaigns in the western land where he met with vigorous resistance,7.125 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0010.wav,arpad was captured and mati ilu deposed and probably put to death,5.385 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0011.wav,once again the hebrews came into contact with assyria,3.94 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0012.wav,its fall may not have been unconnected with the trend of events in assyria during the closing years of the middle empire,7.64 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0013.wav,jehoash the grandson of jehu had achieved successes in conflict with damascus,6.235 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0014.wav,six months afterwards he was assassinated by shallum,5.35 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0015.wav,this usurper held sway at samaria for only a month,4.31 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0016.wav,no resistance was possible on the part of menahem the usurper who was probably ready to welcome the assyrian conqueror so that by arranging an alliance he might secure his own position,12.92 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0017.wav,tiglath pileser next operated against the median and other hill tribes in the north east,6.46 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0018.wav,he overthrew buildings destroyed orchards and transported to nineveh those of the inhabitants he had not put to the sword with all the live stock he could lay hands on,12.35 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0019.wav,thus was urartu crippled and humiliated it never regained its former prestige among the northern states,8.21 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0020.wav,in the following year tiglath pileser returned to syria,4.32 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0021.wav,menahem king of israel had died and was succeeded by his son pekahiah,6.5 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0022.wav,judah had taken advantage of the disturbed conditions in israel to assert its independence,6.42 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0023.wav,he condemned israel for its idolatries and cried,4.155 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0024.wav,for thus saith the lord unto the house of israel seek ye me and ye shall live have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years o house of israel,13.76 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0025.wav,the remnant of the philistines shall perish,3.295 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0026.wav,israel was also dealt with,2.76 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0027.wav,he swept through israel like a hurricane,3.53 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0028.wav,the philistines and the arabians of the desert were also subdued,5.19 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0029.wav,he invaded babylonia,2.6 -data/test.other/4198-61336-0030.wav,ukinzer took refuge in his capital shapia which held out successfully although the surrounding country was ravaged and despoiled,10.835 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0000.wav,although the plague was there in the most part of all the houses they nevertheless entered everywhere then plundered and carried away all that was within and yet for all this not one of them took any hurt which is a most wonderful case,18.735 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0001.wav,i beseech you think upon it,2.56 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0002.wav,nevertheless at all adventures they rang the bells ad capitulum capitulantes,8.145 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0003.wav,by the virtue of god why do not you sing panniers farewell vintage is done,8.095 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0004.wav,by the belly of sanct james what shall we poor devils drink the while,5.31 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0005.wav,lord god da mihi potum,3.3 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0006.wav,let him be carried to prison for troubling the divine service,4.45 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0007.wav,wherefore is it that our devotions were instituted to be short in the time of harvest and vintage and long in the advent and all the winter,11.79 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0008.wav,hark you my masters you that love the wine cop's body follow me for sanct anthony burn me as freely as a faggot if they get leave to taste one drop of the liquor that will not now come and fight for relief of the vine,18.81 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0009.wav,to others again he unjointed the spondyles or knuckles of the neck disfigured their chaps gashed their faces made their cheeks hang flapping on their chin and so swinged and balammed them that they fell down before him like hay before a mower,18.545 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0010.wav,to some with a smart souse on the epigaster he would make their midriff swag then redoubling the blow gave them such a homepush on the navel that he made their puddings to gush out,15.79 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0011.wav,believe that it was the most horrible spectacle that ever one saw,7.49 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0012.wav,o the holy lady nytouch said one the good sanctess o our lady of succours said another help help,11.59 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0013.wav,some died without speaking others spoke without dying some died in speaking others spoke in dying,11.65 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0014.wav,can you tell with what instruments they did it,3.66 -data/test.other/4198-12281-0015.wav,in the meantime friar john with his formidable baton of the cross got to the breach which the enemies had made and there stood to snatch up those that endeavoured to escape,15.08 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0000.wav,draw reach fill mix give it me without water,5.69 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0001.wav,so my friend so whip me off this glass neatly bring me hither some claret a full weeping glass till it run over,9.62 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0002.wav,a cessation and truce with thirst,2.98 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0003.wav,you have catched a cold gammer yea forsooth sir,3.96 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0004.wav,by the belly of sanct buff let us talk of our drink i never drink but at my hours like the pope's mule,8.075 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0005.wav,which was first thirst or drinking,2.825 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0006.wav,what it seems i do not drink but by an attorney,4.015 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0007.wav,drink always and you shall never die,2.95 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0008.wav,if i drink not i am a ground dry gravelled and spent i am stark dead without drink and my soul ready to fly into some marsh amongst frogs the soul never dwells in a dry place drouth kills it,16.885 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0009.wav,he drinks in vain that feels not the pleasure of it,3.45 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0010.wav,it is enough to break both girds and petrel,3.91 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0011.wav,what difference is there between a bottle and a flagon,3.44 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0012.wav,bravely and well played upon the words,3.315 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0013.wav,our fathers drank lustily and emptied their cans,3.495 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0014.wav,well cacked well sung,2.47 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0015.wav,come let us drink will you send nothing to the river,3.975 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0016.wav,i drink no more than a sponge,2.385 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0017.wav,i drink like a templar knight,2.305 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0018.wav,and i tanquam sponsus,3.03 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0019.wav,and i sicut terra sine aqua,3.34 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0020.wav,give me a synonymon for a gammon of bacon,3.37 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0021.wav,it is the compulsory of drinkers it is a pulley,4.38 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0022.wav,a little rain allays a great deal of wind long tippling breaks the thunder,6.15 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0023.wav,but if there came such liquor from my ballock would you not willingly thereafter suck the udder whence it issued,9.06 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0024.wav,here page fill,2.225 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0025.wav,i appeal from thirst and disclaim its jurisdiction,4.12 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0026.wav,i was wont heretofore to drink out all but now i leave nothing,5.49 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0027.wav,heyday here are tripes fit for our sport and in earnest excellent godebillios of the dun ox you know with the black streak,10.985 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0028.wav,o for god's sake let us lash them soundly yet thriftily,4.85 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0029.wav,sparrows will not eat unless you bob them on the tail nor can i drink if i be not fairly spoke to,8.535 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0030.wav,ho this will bang it soundly,2.615 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0031.wav,but this shall banish it utterly,2.63 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0032.wav,let us wind our horns by the sound of flagons and bottles and cry aloud that whoever hath lost his thirst come not hither to seek it,11.63 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0033.wav,the great god made the planets and we make the platters neat,4.33 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0034.wav,appetite comes with eating says angeston but the thirst goes away with drinking,6.325 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0035.wav,i have a remedy against thirst quite contrary to that which is good against the biting of a mad dog,7.445 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0036.wav,white wine here wine boys,2.9 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0037.wav,o lachryma christi it is of the best grape,4.72 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0038.wav,i'faith pure greek greek o the fine white wine,4.935 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0039.wav,there is no enchantment nor charm there every one of you hath seen it,5.245 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0040.wav,my prenticeship is out i am a free man at this trade,4.615 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0041.wav,i should say master past,3.04 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0042.wav,o the drinkers those that are a dry o poor thirsty souls,5.495 -data/test.other/4198-12259-0043.wav,clear off neat supernaculum,3.51 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0000.wav,of the many times he had examined mister wicker's window and pored over the rope the ship and the nubian boy he had never gone into mister wicker's shop,8.685 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0001.wav,so now alone until someone should answer the bell he looked eagerly if uneasily around him,6.33 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0002.wav,what with the one window and the lowering day outside the long narrow shop was somber,5.66 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0003.wav,heavy hand hewn beams crossed it from one side to the other,4.055 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0004.wav,mister wicker's back being toward the source of light chris could not see his face,4.585 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0005.wav,the double fans of minute wrinkles breaking from eye corner to temple and joining with those over the cheekbones were drawn into the horizontal lines across the domed forehead,11.08 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0006.wav,little tufts of white fuzz above the ears were all that remained of the antiquarian's hair but what drew and held chris's gaze were the old man's eyes,11.8 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0007.wav,chris blinked and looked again yes they were still there,4.11 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0008.wav,chris swallowed and his voice came back to him,3.73 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0009.wav,yes sir he said,1.915 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0010.wav,i saw your sign and i know a boy who needs the job,3.66 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0011.wav,he's a schoolmate of mine,1.925 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0012.wav,jakey harris his name is and he really needs the job,3.605 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0013.wav,i i just wondered if the place was still open,3.79 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0014.wav,what he saw was a fresh cheeked lad tall for thirteen sturdy with sincerity and good humor in his face and something sensitive and appealing about his eyes,11.54 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0015.wav,he guessed there must be a lively fire in that room beyond,4.14 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0016.wav,would that interfere with jakey's getting the job sir,4.185 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0017.wav,but even as he slowly turned the thought pierced his mind why had he not seen the reflection of the headlights of the cars moving up around the corner of water street and up the hill toward the traffic signals,13.105 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0018.wav,the room seemed overly still,2.66 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0019.wav,then in that second he turned and faced about,3.385 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0020.wav,the wide bow window was there before him the three objects he liked best showing frosty in the moonlight that poured in from across the water,8.125 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0021.wav,across the water where was the freeway,3.87 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0022.wav,it was no longer there nor were the high walls and smokestacks of factories to be seen,6.19 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0023.wav,the warehouses were still there,1.9 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0024.wav,flabbergasted and breathless chris was unaware that he had moved closer to peer out the window in every direction,6.685 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0025.wav,no electric signs no lamplit streets,4.065 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0026.wav,where the people's drugstore had stood but a half hour before rose the roofs of what was evidently an inn,7.11 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0027.wav,a courtyard was sparsely lit by a flaring torch or two showing a swinging sign hung on a post,7.07 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0028.wav,the post was planted at the edge of what was now a broad and muddy road,4.36 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0029.wav,a coach with its top piled high with luggage stamped to a halt beside the flagged courtyard,5.82 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0030.wav,they moved into the inn the coach rattled off to the stable,3.53 -data/test.other/4852-28312-0031.wav,my window has a power for those few who are to see,5.195 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0000.wav,they went down to their quarters first,2.4 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0001.wav,guess mister finney went to his quarters i don't remember seeing him cross the deck or come over that way at all,6.14 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0002.wav,next ned cilley was relieved at the helm by elbert jones who took over ned went on down,6.225 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0003.wav,it looks to me as if it could have been one of several people and i'll be switched if i know who i'll keep my eyes open,6.645 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0004.wav,the mirabelle was nearing tahiti,2.23 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0005.wav,we've water and fresh stores to take on there,2.775 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0006.wav,chris lost no time as soon as he could do it without being noticed in hurrying down to his cabin,6.01 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0007.wav,certainly my boy boomed out the captain his blue eyes abruptly keen and penetrating,5.53 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0008.wav,mister finney will be some time on deck we cannot be overheard in here,4.65 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0009.wav,his face froze with nervousness that this might not do as an answer and he stood stiff and still before captain blizzard,6.945 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0010.wav,the captain sat forward in his chair looking at him for a long moment considering,4.595 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0011.wav,then he said well i do not care for it i cannot say i do,5.3 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0012.wav,this ship is more to me than wife or mother or family,4.46 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0013.wav,he paused fingering his lower lip and looking sideways in a reflective fashion at chris standing before him,5.905 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0014.wav,we shall say no more but i trust you understand the responsibility you have,4.005 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0015.wav,this ship its cargo and its men will be in your hands,4.555 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0016.wav,yes sir i think i can do it safely or i should not try sir,5.37 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0017.wav,captain blizzard's round pink face creased in his winning smile,4.125 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0018.wav,he then went on to describe what else was to follow the covering of the ship with leaves to make it blend with its surroundings,6.685 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0019.wav,camouflage was not a word the captain or anyone else of his time yet understood,5.545 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0020.wav,what can be said during that time sir chris thought to ask,4.225 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0021.wav,i am somewhat skilled in medicaments i have to be as captain of a ship and the crew know it,5.91 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0022.wav,i shall say that you are in my own cabin so that i can care for you,3.65 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0023.wav,not since he had left mister wicker had chris felt such confidence as he did in the words and actions of captain blizzard,6.525 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0024.wav,he knew now that his absence for as long as he had to be away would be covered up and satisfactorily accounted for,6.595 -data/test.other/4852-28330-0025.wav,their conversation had taken some little while,2.625 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0000.wav,the learning of magic was by no means easy,3.33 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0001.wav,he had told his master at once about simon gosler his horde of money and his hiding places for it,5.995 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0002.wav,chris therefore threw himself into all the preliminaries of his task,4.49 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0003.wav,one afternoon when he returned after a rest to mister wicker's study he saw that there was something new in the room a bowl with a goldfish in it stood on the table but mister wicker was not to be seen,12.12 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0004.wav,what shall i do first,2.305 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0005.wav,how you have improved my boy he exclaimed it is now time for you to try and this is as good a change as any,7.64 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0006.wav,suppose i change and can't change back,3.255 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0007.wav,mister wicker waited patiently beside him for a few moments for chris to get up his courage,4.485 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0008.wav,then as nothing happened with a voice like a whip mister wicker said start at once,4.645 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0009.wav,the sensation spread faster and faster,3.209938 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0010.wav,his head swam and he felt faint and a little sick but he persisted through the final words,4.865062 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0011.wav,he thought not without a feeling of pride and commenced experimenting with his tail and fins with such enthusiasm and delight that some little time elapsed before mister wicker's voice boomed close by,11.695 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0012.wav,seventy four book one the return,3.47 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0013.wav,the figure's shoes carved in some eastern style had curved up pointing toes,5.465 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0014.wav,then all at once the idea came to chris,2.87 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0015.wav,if he was to be a magician could he make this boy come to life,3.6 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0016.wav,he squatted on his haunches examining the carved wooden figure attentively and felt convinced that once alive the boy would be an ideal and happy companion,9.154938 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0017.wav,but how did one change inanimate to animate,2.920062 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0018.wav,chris got up and stole back to mister wicker's door,2.99 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0019.wav,he heard the magician going up the spiral staircase to his room above and after changing himself to a mouse to slip under the door and see that the room was really empty chris resumed his proper shape and opened the doors of the cupboard at the far end of the room,13.475 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0020.wav,the afternoon rainy before increased in storm,3.465 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0021.wav,dusk came two hours before its time thunder snarled in the sky,4.845 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0022.wav,certain elements were to be mixed and poured at the proper time,3.695 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0023.wav,mister wicker began moving about upstairs the floorboards creaked and still chris could not leave until the potion fumed and glowed,9.965 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0024.wav,with infinite caution chris closed the door silently behind him and running lightly forward reached the figure of the negro boy,7.0 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0025.wav,it was as if the stiffness melted,2.58 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0026.wav,under his eyes the wooden folds of cloth became rich silk embroidery gleamed in its reality upon the coat and oh the face,10.11 -data/test.other/4852-28319-0027.wav,the wooden grin loosened the large eyes turned the hand holding the hard bouquet of carved flowers moved and let the bouquet fall,9.61 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0000.wav,say you know sumthin,2.025 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0001.wav,chris looked from a nickel plated flashlight to a car jack and spark plug,4.98 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0002.wav,know who needs a job bad that's jakey harris,3.885 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0003.wav,o k he said,2.43 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0004.wav,only why didn't you ask him yourself,2.825 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0005.wav,mike became uneasy and fished an elastic band out of his pocket made a flick of paper and sent it soaring out into m street,7.86 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0006.wav,well he admitted i did,2.62 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0007.wav,chris asked and for the first time that day the heavy weight he carried within him lifted and lightened a little,5.66 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0008.wav,think he really needs it he pursued,2.67 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0009.wav,he would have liked to get the job for jakey who needed it but somehow the task of facing mister wicker especially now that the light was going and dusk edging into the streets was not what chris had intended for ending the afternoon,12.01 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0010.wav,mike's expression changed at once to one of triumph but chris was only partly encouraged,5.685 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0011.wav,betcha aren't goin after all chris turned on him,3.35 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0012.wav,mike was standing on the corner,2.31 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0013.wav,aw shucks,2.39 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0014.wav,chris started off once more passing the bleak little victorian church perched on the hill above mister wicker's house,6.59 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0015.wav,an empty lot cut into by church lane gave a look of isolation to the l shaped brick building that served mister wicker as both house and place of business,8.625 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0016.wav,the longer wing toward the back had a back door that opened onto water street the space between the house and wisconsin avenue had been made into a neat oblong flower garden fenced off from the sidewalk by box shrubs and a white picket fence,14.375 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0017.wav,a livid yellow stained the horizon beyond the factories and gray clouds lowered and tumbled above,5.614937 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0018.wav,the air was growing chill and chris decided to finish his job,3.365063 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0019.wav,all at once he wondered how his mother was and everything in him pinched and tightened itself,4.87 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0020.wav,at the foot of the hill he reached the house,2.715 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0021.wav,there were three things that always caught his eye amid the litter of dusty pieces,4.62 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0022.wav,on the left the coil of rope in the center the model of a sailing ship in a green glass bottle and on the right the wooden statue of a negro boy in baggy trousers turkish jacket and white turban,12.525 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0023.wav,but the name still showed at the prow and many a time chris safe at home in bed had sailed imaginary voyages in the mirabelle,7.31 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0024.wav,he had never seen anyone go into mister wicker's shop now he thought of it,3.7 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0025.wav,how then did he live and what did he ever sell,3.765 -data/test.other/4852-28311-0026.wav,a sudden car horn woke him from his dream,2.725 -data/test.other/533-131562-0000.wav,it seems very interesting love said he lifting his head and turning to where i stood wringing my hands in silent rage and anguish but it's rather long i'll look at it some other time and meanwhile i'll trouble you for your keys my dear what keys,18.64 -data/test.other/533-131562-0001.wav,the keys of your cabinet desk drawers and whatever else you possess said he rising and holding out his hand,8.45 -data/test.other/533-131562-0002.wav,the key of my desk in fact was at that moment in the lock and the others were attached to it,6.11 -data/test.other/533-131562-0003.wav,now then sneered he we must have a confiscation of property,5.75 -data/test.other/533-131562-0004.wav,and putting the keys into his pocket he walked into the library,4.285 -data/test.other/533-131562-0005.wav,that and all replied the master and the things were cleared away,5.58 -data/test.other/533-131562-0006.wav,mister huntingdon then went up stairs,3.145 -data/test.other/533-131562-0007.wav,muttered he starting back she's the very devil for spite,4.66 -data/test.other/533-131562-0008.wav,i didn't say i'd broken it did i returned he,4.59 -data/test.other/533-131562-0009.wav,i shall put you upon a small monthly allowance in future for your own private expenses and you needn't trouble yourself any more about my concerns i shall look out for a steward my dear i won't expose you to the temptation,14.805 -data/test.other/533-131562-0010.wav,and as for the household matters missus greaves must be very particular in keeping her accounts we must go upon an entirely new plan,9.18 -data/test.other/533-131562-0011.wav,what great discovery have you made now mister huntingdon,3.625 -data/test.other/533-131562-0012.wav,have i attempted to defraud you,2.395 -data/test.other/533-131562-0013.wav,not in money matters exactly it seems but it's best to keep out of the way of temptation,7.13 -data/test.other/533-131562-0014.wav,here benson entered with the candles and there followed a brief interval of silence i sitting still in my chair and he standing with his back to the fire silently triumphing in my despair,13.31 -data/test.other/533-131562-0015.wav,i know that day after day such feelings will return upon me,4.89 -data/test.other/533-131562-0016.wav,i try to look to him and raise my heart to heaven but it will cleave to the dust,6.26 -data/test.other/533-131564-0000.wav,vain hope i fear,2.01 -data/test.other/533-131564-0001.wav,mister and missus hattersley have been staying at the grove a fortnight and as mister hargrave is still absent and the weather was remarkably fine i never passed a day without seeing my two friends milicent and esther either there or here,16.065 -data/test.other/533-131564-0002.wav,no unless you can tell me when to expect him home,3.935 -data/test.other/533-131564-0003.wav,i can't you don't want him do you,3.62 -data/test.other/533-131564-0004.wav,it is a resolution you ought to have formed long ago,3.8 -data/test.other/533-131564-0005.wav,we all have a bit of a liking for him at the bottom of our hearts though we can't respect him,5.84 -data/test.other/533-131564-0006.wav,no i'd rather be like myself bad as i am,4.215 -data/test.other/533-131564-0007.wav,never mind my plain speaking said i it is from the best of motives,6.42 -data/test.other/533-131564-0008.wav,but tell me should you wish your sons to be like mister huntingdon or even like yourself,6.23 -data/test.other/533-131564-0009.wav,oh no i couldn't stand that,3.06 -data/test.other/533-131564-0010.wav,fire and fury,2.16 -data/test.other/533-131564-0011.wav,now don't burst into a tempest at that,3.04 -data/test.other/533-131564-0012.wav,but hang it that's not my fault,3.15 -data/test.other/533-131564-0013.wav,not years for she's only five and twenty,3.305 -data/test.other/533-131564-0014.wav,what would you make of me and the children to be sure that worry her to death between them,6.25 -data/test.other/533-131564-0015.wav,i know they are bless them,2.68 -data/test.other/533-131564-0016.wav,he followed me into the library,2.585 -data/test.other/533-131564-0017.wav,i sought out and put into his hands two of milicent's letters one dated from london and written during one of his wildest seasons of reckless dissipation the other in the country during a lucid interval,14.04 -data/test.other/533-131564-0018.wav,the former was full of trouble and anguish not accusing him but deeply regretting his connection with his profligate companions abusing mister grimsby and others insinuating bitter things against mister huntingdon and most ingeniously throwing the blame of her husband's misconduct on to other men's shoulders,20.745 -data/test.other/533-131564-0019.wav,i've been a cursed rascal god knows said he as he gave it a hearty squeeze but you see if i don't make amends for it d n me if i don't,12.89 -data/test.other/533-131564-0020.wav,if you intend to reform invoke god's blessing his mercy and his aid not his curse,6.905 -data/test.other/533-131564-0021.wav,god help me then for i'm sure i need it,4.4 -data/test.other/533-131564-0022.wav,where's milicent,1.98 -data/test.other/533-131564-0023.wav,nay not i said he turning her round and pushing her towards me,6.215 -data/test.other/533-131564-0024.wav,milicent flew to thank me overflowing with gratitude,4.355 -data/test.other/533-131564-0025.wav,cried she i couldn't have influenced him i'm sure by anything that i could have said,6.24 -data/test.other/533-131564-0026.wav,you never tried me milly said he,3.915 -data/test.other/533-131564-0027.wav,after that they will repair to their country home,3.385 -data/test.other/533-131556-0000.wav,but how am i to get over the ten or twelve days that must yet elapse before they go,6.205 -data/test.other/533-131556-0001.wav,for none could injure me as he has done oh,3.505 -data/test.other/533-131556-0002.wav,the word stares me in the face like a guilty confession but it is true i hate him i hate him,7.965 -data/test.other/533-131556-0003.wav,i sometimes think i ought to give him credit for the good feeling he simulates so well and then again i think it is my duty to suspect him under the peculiar circumstances in which i am placed,12.125 -data/test.other/533-131556-0004.wav,i have done well to record them so minutely,2.815 -data/test.other/533-131556-0005.wav,they had betaken themselves to their work i less to divert my mind than to deprecate conversation had provided myself with a book,10.125 -data/test.other/533-131556-0006.wav,i am too well acquainted with your character and conduct to feel any real friendship for you and as i am without your talent for dissimulation i cannot assume the appearance of it,11.12 -data/test.other/533-131556-0007.wav,upon perusing this she turned scarlet and bit her lip,4.105 -data/test.other/533-131556-0008.wav,you may go milicent and she'll follow in a while milicent went,5.29 -data/test.other/533-131556-0009.wav,will you oblige me helen continued she,3.93 -data/test.other/533-131556-0010.wav,ah you are suspicious,2.795 -data/test.other/533-131556-0011.wav,if i were suspicious i replied i should have discovered your infamy long before,6.56 -data/test.other/533-131556-0012.wav,i enjoy a moonlight ramble as well as you i answered steadily fixing my eyes upon her and the shrubbery happens to be one of my favourite resorts,11.93 -data/test.other/533-131556-0013.wav,she coloured again excessively and remained silent pressing her finger against her teeth and gazing into the fire,7.475 -data/test.other/533-131556-0014.wav,i watched her a few moments with a feeling of malevolent gratification then moving towards the door i calmly asked if she had anything more to say,9.665 -data/test.other/533-131556-0015.wav,yes yes,2.25 -data/test.other/533-131556-0016.wav,suppose i do,1.99 -data/test.other/533-131556-0017.wav,she paused in evident disconcertion and perplexity mingled with anger she dared not show,6.42 -data/test.other/533-131556-0018.wav,i cannot renounce what is dearer than life she muttered in a low hurried tone,6.505 -data/test.other/533-131556-0019.wav,if you are generous here is a fitting opportunity for the exercise of your magnanimity if you are proud here am i your rival ready to acknowledge myself your debtor for an act of the most noble forbearance,15.22 -data/test.other/533-131556-0020.wav,i shall not tell him,2.04 -data/test.other/533-131556-0021.wav,give me no thanks it is not for your sake that i refrain,4.1 -data/test.other/533-131556-0022.wav,and milicent will you tell her,2.68 -data/test.other/533-131556-0023.wav,i would not for much that she should know the infamy and disgrace of her relation,4.725 -data/test.other/533-131556-0024.wav,you use hard words missus huntingdon but i can pardon you,4.38 -data/test.other/533-131556-0025.wav,how dare you mention his name to me,2.71 -data/test.other/533-1066-0000.wav,when churchyards yawn,2.55 -data/test.other/533-1066-0001.wav,i knew well enough that he might be carried thousands of miles in the box car locked in perhaps without water or food,9.17 -data/test.other/533-1066-0002.wav,i am sure i kissed liddy and i have had terrible moments since when i seem to remember kissing mister jamieson too in the excitement,9.29 -data/test.other/533-1066-0003.wav,fortunately warner and the detectives were keeping bachelor hall in the lodge,5.83 -data/test.other/533-1066-0004.wav,out of deference to liddy they washed their dishes once a day and they concocted queer messes according to their several abilities,9.02 -data/test.other/533-1066-0005.wav,miss innes he said stopping me as i was about to go to my room up stairs how are your nerves tonight,9.02 -data/test.other/533-1066-0006.wav,i have none i said happily,3.795 -data/test.other/533-1066-0007.wav,i mean he persisted do you feel as though you could go through with something rather unusual,8.32 -data/test.other/533-1066-0008.wav,the most unusual thing i can think of would be a peaceful night,5.050063 -data/test.other/533-1066-0009.wav,something is going to occur he said,3.98 -data/test.other/533-1066-0010.wav,put on heavy shoes and some old dark clothes and make up your mind not to be surprised at anything,6.78 -data/test.other/533-1066-0011.wav,liddy was sleeping the sleep of the just when i went up stairs and i hunted out my things cautiously,6.95 -data/test.other/533-1066-0012.wav,they were talking confidentially together but when i came down they ceased,5.215 -data/test.other/533-1066-0013.wav,there were a few preparations to be made the locks to be gone over winters to be instructed as to renewed vigilance and then after extinguishing the hall light we crept in the darkness through the front door and into the night,16.335 -data/test.other/533-1066-0014.wav,i asked no questions,2.47 -data/test.other/533-1066-0015.wav,once only somebody spoke and then it was an emphatic bit of profanity from doctor stewart when he ran into a wire fence,9.35 -data/test.other/533-1066-0016.wav,i hardly know what i expected,2.495 -data/test.other/533-1066-0017.wav,the doctor was puffing somewhat when we finally came to a halt,5.48 -data/test.other/533-1066-0018.wav,i confess that just at that minute even sunnyside seemed a cheerful spot,5.92 -data/test.other/533-1066-0019.wav,in spite of myself i drew my breath in sharply,4.305 -data/test.other/533-1066-0020.wav,it was alex armed with two long handled spades,4.605 -data/test.other/533-1066-0021.wav,the doctor kept a keen lookout but no one appeared,4.345 -data/test.other/533-1066-0022.wav,there's one thing sure i'll not be suspected of complicity,5.425 -data/test.other/533-1066-0023.wav,a doctor is generally supposed to be handier at burying folks than at digging them up,6.275 -data/test.other/533-1066-0024.wav,i held on to him frantically and somehow i got there and looked down,6.05 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0000.wav,once upon a time a brahman who was walking along the road came upon an iron cage in which a great tiger had been shut up by the villagers who caught him,12.35 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0001.wav,the brahman answered no i will not for if i let you out of the cage you will eat me,8.02 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0002.wav,oh father of mercy answered the tiger in truth that i will not,6.52 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0003.wav,i will never be so ungrateful only let me out that i may drink some water and return,7.27 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0004.wav,then the brahman took pity on him and opened the cage door but no sooner had he done so than the tiger jumping out said now i will eat you first and drink the water afterwards,14.54 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0005.wav,so the brahman and the tiger walked on till they came to a banyan tree and the brahman said to it banyan tree banyan tree hear and give judgment,13.48 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0006.wav,on what must i give judgment asked the banyan tree,4.675 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0007.wav,this tiger said the brahman begged me to let him out of his cage to drink a little water and he promised not to hurt me if i did so but now that i have let him out he wishes to eat me,15.375 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0008.wav,is it just that he should do so or no,3.26 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0009.wav,let the tiger eat the man for men are an ungrateful race,5.55 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0010.wav,sir camel sir camel cried the brahman hear and give judgment,6.815 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0011.wav,at a little distance they found a bullock lying by the roadside,5.19 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0012.wav,is it fair that he should do so or not,3.51 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0013.wav,let the tiger eat the man for men have no pity,4.52 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0014.wav,three out of the six had given judgment against the brahman but still he did not lose all hope and determined to ask the other three,10.16 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0015.wav,on what must i give judgment asked the eagle,3.685 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0016.wav,the brahman stated the case and the eagle answered whenever men see me they try to shoot me they climb the rocks and steal away my little ones,12.48 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0017.wav,then the tiger began to roar and said the judgment of all is against you o brahman,6.88 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0018.wav,after this they saw an alligator and the brahman related the matter to him hoping for a more favorable verdict,8.765 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0019.wav,but the alligator said whenever i put my nose out of the water men torment me and try to kill me,8.465 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0020.wav,the brahman gave himself up as lost but again he prayed the tiger to have patience and let him ask the opinion of the sixth judge,10.95 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0021.wav,now the sixth was a jackal,2.49 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0022.wav,the brahman told his story and said to him uncle jackal uncle jackal say what is your judgment,9.77 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0023.wav,show me the place,2.29 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0024.wav,when they got there the jackal said now brahman show me exactly where you stood,6.355 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0025.wav,exactly there was it asked the jackal,4.015 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0026.wav,exactly here replied the brahman,3.409937 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0027.wav,where was the tiger then,2.215063 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0028.wav,why i stood so said the tiger jumping into the cage and my head was on this side,8.38 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0029.wav,very good said the jackal but i cannot judge without understanding the whole matter exactly,7.28 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0030.wav,shut and bolted said the brahman,3.175 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0031.wav,then shut and bolt it said the jackal,3.3 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0032.wav,when the brahman had done this the jackal said oh you wicked and ungrateful tiger,7.72 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0033.wav,when the good brahman opened your cage door is to eat him the only return you would make,6.66 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0034.wav,proceed on your journey friend brahman,3.015 -data/test.other/2414-159411-0035.wav,your road lies that way and mine this,3.695 -data/test.other/2414-165385-0000.wav,thus accomplished he excited the admiration of every silly coquette and the envy of every fluttering coxcomb but by all young gentlemen and ladies of understanding he was heartily despised as a mere civilized monkey,19.96 -data/test.other/2414-165385-0001.wav,that his soul might afterwards occupy such a station as would be most suitable to his character it was sentenced to inhabit the body of that finical grinning and mischievous little mimick with four legs which you now behold before you,20.3 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0000.wav,whither hath my lonesomeness gone spake he,4.52 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0001.wav,my shadow calleth me,2.495 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0002.wav,what matter about my shadow,2.59 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0003.wav,let it run after me i run away from it,3.965 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0004.wav,thus spake zarathustra to his heart and ran away,4.095 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0005.wav,verily my folly hath grown big in the mountains,4.784937 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0006.wav,now do i hear six old fools legs rattling behind one another,6.545063 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0007.wav,but doth zarathustra need to be frightened by his shadow,4.32 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0008.wav,also methinketh that after all it hath longer legs than mine,5.85 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0009.wav,for when zarathustra scrutinised him with his glance he was frightened as by a sudden apparition so slender swarthy hollow and worn out did this follower appear,13.125 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0010.wav,asked zarathustra vehemently what doest thou here,4.305 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0011.wav,and why callest thou thyself my shadow,3.855 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0012.wav,thou art not pleasing unto me,2.71 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0013.wav,must i ever be on the way,2.465 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0014.wav,o earth thou hast become too round for me,4.535 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0015.wav,when the devil casteth his skin doth not his name also fall away it is also skin,7.705 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0016.wav,the devil himself is perhaps skin,3.015 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0017.wav,sometimes i meant to lie and behold,3.2 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0018.wav,then only did i hit the truth,3.555 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0019.wav,how have i still inclination,3.09 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0020.wav,have i still a goal,2.215 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0021.wav,a haven towards which my sail is set,2.945 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0022.wav,for it do i ask and seek and have sought but have not found it,6.26 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0023.wav,o eternal everywhere o eternal nowhere o eternal in vain,6.615 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0024.wav,thou art my shadow,2.45 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0025.wav,said he at last sadly,2.415 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0026.wav,thy danger is not small thou free spirit and wanderer,5.57 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0027.wav,they sleep quietly they enjoy their new security,4.79 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0028.wav,beware lest in the end a narrow faith capture thee a hard rigorous delusion,8.079937 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0029.wav,for now everything that is narrow and fixed seduceth and tempteth thee,6.300063 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0030.wav,thou hast lost thy goal,2.35 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0031.wav,thou poor rover and rambler thou tired butterfly,5.34 -data/test.other/2414-128292-0032.wav,wilt thou have a rest and a home this evening,3.625 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0000.wav,what hath happened unto me,2.91 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0001.wav,he asked himself something warm and living quickeneth me it must be in the neighbourhood,8.44 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0002.wav,when however zarathustra was quite nigh unto them then did he hear plainly that a human voice spake in the midst of the kine and apparently all of them had turned their heads towards the speaker,18.06 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0003.wav,what do i here seek,2.685 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0004.wav,answered he the same that thou seekest thou mischief maker that is to say happiness upon earth,10.445 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0005.wav,for i tell thee that i have already talked half a morning unto them and just now were they about to give me their answer,10.65 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0006.wav,he would not be rid of his affliction,3.465 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0007.wav,who hath not at present his heart his mouth and his eyes full of disgust,6.83 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0008.wav,thou also thou also,3.03 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0009.wav,but behold these kine,2.535 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0010.wav,the kine however gazed at it all and wondered,5.65 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0011.wav,wanton avidity bilious envy careworn revenge populace pride all these struck mine eye,11.23 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0012.wav,it is no longer true that the poor are blessed,3.965 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0013.wav,the kingdom of heaven however is with the kine and why is it not with the rich,9.77 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0014.wav,why dost thou tempt me,3.334938 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0015.wav,answered the other,1.975062 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0016.wav,thou knowest it thyself better even than i,4.48 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0017.wav,thus spake the peaceful one and puffed himself and perspired with his words so that the kine wondered anew,10.69 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0018.wav,thou doest violence to thyself thou preacher on the mount when thou usest such severe words,8.51 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0019.wav,they also abstain from all heavy thoughts which inflate the heart,6.205 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0020.wav,well,1.25 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0021.wav,said zarathustra thou shouldst also see mine animals mine eagle and my serpent their like do not at present exist on earth,13.025 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0022.wav,and talk to mine animals of the happiness of animals,4.525 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0023.wav,now however take leave at once of thy kine thou strange one,6.975 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0024.wav,thou amiable one,2.245 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0025.wav,for they are thy warmest friends and preceptors,4.51 -data/test.other/2414-128291-0026.wav,thou evil flatterer,2.28 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0000.wav,the prioress returned and seated herself once more on her chair,4.05 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0001.wav,we will present a stenographic report of the dialogue which then ensued to the best of our ability,5.54 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0002.wav,father fauvent,2.045 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0003.wav,reverend mother do you know the chapel,3.515 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0004.wav,and you have been in the choir in pursuance of your duties two or three times,5.47 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0005.wav,there is a stone to be raised heavy,3.475 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0006.wav,the slab of the pavement which is at the side of the altar,3.475 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0007.wav,the slab which closes the vault yes,3.68 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0008.wav,it would be a good thing to have two men for it,2.9 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0009.wav,a woman is never a man,2.12 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0010.wav,because dom mabillon gives four hundred and seventeen epistles of saint bernard while merlonus horstius only gives three hundred and sixty seven i do not despise merlonus horstius neither do i,13.53 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0011.wav,merit consists in working according to one's strength a cloister is not a dock yard,5.61 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0012.wav,and a woman is not a man but my brother is the strong one though,3.79 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0013.wav,and can you get a lever,2.04 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0014.wav,there is a ring in the stone,1.995 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0015.wav,i will put the lever through it,1.985 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0016.wav,that is good reverend mother i will open the vault,3.28 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0017.wav,will that be all no,2.635 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0018.wav,give me your orders very reverend mother,2.91 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0019.wav,fauvent we have confidence in you,2.69 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0020.wav,i am here to do anything you wish,2.425 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0021.wav,and to hold your peace about everything yes reverend mother,4.185 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0022.wav,when the vault is open i will close it again,3.69 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0023.wav,but before that what reverend mother,3.48 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0024.wav,father fauvent reverend mother,3.2 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0025.wav,you know that a mother died this morning,2.37 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0026.wav,no did you not hear the bell,3.0 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0027.wav,nothing can be heard at the bottom of the garden really,4.295 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0028.wav,and then the wind is not blowing in my direction this morning,3.56 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0029.wav,it was mother crucifixion,1.82 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0030.wav,three years ago madame de bethune a jansenist turned orthodox merely from having seen mother crucifixion at prayer ah,8.745 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0031.wav,the mothers have taken her to the dead room which opens on the church i know,5.39 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0032.wav,a fine sight it would be to see a man enter the dead room more often,4.695 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0033.wav,hey more often,2.445 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0034.wav,what do you say,1.69 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0035.wav,i say more often more often than what,3.83 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0036.wav,reverend mother i did not say more often than what i said more often,4.84 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0037.wav,but i did not say more often,2.36 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0038.wav,at that moment nine o'clock struck,2.47 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0039.wav,at nine o'clock in the morning and at all hours praised and adored be the most holy sacrament of the altar said the prioress,7.344938 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0040.wav,it cut more often short,2.41 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0041.wav,fauchelevent mopped his forehead,2.44 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0042.wav,in her lifetime mother crucifixion made converts after her death she will perform miracles she will,7.72 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0043.wav,father fauvent the community has been blessed in mother crucifixion,4.16 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0044.wav,she retained her consciousness to the very last moment,3.25 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0045.wav,she gave us her last commands,2.44 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0046.wav,if you had a little more faith and if you could have been in her cell she would have cured your leg merely by touching it she smiled,8.05 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0047.wav,there was something of paradise in that death,2.725 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0048.wav,fauchelevent thought that it was an orison which she was finishing,4.46 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0049.wav,fauchelevent held his peace she went on,3.41 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0050.wav,i have consulted upon this point many ecclesiastics laboring in our lord who occupy themselves in the exercises of the clerical life and who bear wonderful fruit,9.67 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0051.wav,fortunately the prioress completely absorbed in her own thoughts did not hear it,3.85 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0052.wav,she continued father fauvent,3.185 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0053.wav,yes reverend mother,1.77 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0054.wav,saint terentius bishop of port where the mouth of the tiber empties into the sea requested that on his tomb might be engraved the sign which was placed on the graves of parricides in the hope that passers by would spit on his tomb this was done,15.51 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0055.wav,the dead must be obeyed so be it,3.91 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0056.wav,for that matter no reverend mother,2.69 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0057.wav,father fauvent mother crucifixion will be interred in the coffin in which she has slept for the last twenty years that is just,8.445 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0058.wav,it is a continuation of her slumber,2.605 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0059.wav,so i shall have to nail up that coffin yes,3.63 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0060.wav,i am at the orders of the very reverend community,3.37 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0061.wav,the four mother precentors will assist you,3.14 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0062.wav,no in lowering the coffin,2.4 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0063.wav,where into the vault,2.71 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0064.wav,fauchelevent started the vault under the altar,3.784937 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0065.wav,under the altar but,2.820063 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0066.wav,you will have an iron bar yes but,3.75 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0067.wav,you will raise the stone with the bar by means of the ring but,4.75 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0068.wav,the dead must be obeyed to be buried in the vault under the altar of the chapel not to go to profane earth to remain there in death where she prayed while living such was the last wish of mother crucifixion,10.435 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0069.wav,she asked it of us that is to say commanded us,3.745 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0070.wav,but it is forbidden,1.83 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0071.wav,oh i am a stone in your walls,2.73 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0072.wav,think father fauvent if she were to work miracles here,3.125 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0073.wav,what a glory of god for the community and miracles issue from tombs,4.32 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0074.wav,but reverend mother if the agent of the sanitary commission,4.02 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0075.wav,but the commissary of police,2.55 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0076.wav,chonodemaire one of the seven german kings who entered among the gauls under the empire of constantius expressly recognized the right of nuns to be buried in religion that is to say beneath the altar,13.13 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0077.wav,the world is nothing in the presence of the cross,2.61 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0078.wav,martin the eleventh general of the carthusians gave to his order this device stat crux dum volvitur orbis,8.355 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0079.wav,the prioress who was usually subjected to the barrier of silence and whose reservoir was overfull rose and exclaimed with the loquacity of a dam which has broken away,9.805 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0080.wav,i have on my right benoit and on my left bernard who was bernard,5.195 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0081.wav,the first abbot of clairvaux,2.49 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0082.wav,his order has produced forty popes two hundred cardinals fifty patriarchs sixteen hundred archbishops four thousand six hundred bishops four emperors twelve empresses forty six kings forty one queens three thousand six hundred canonized saints and has been in existence for fourteen hundred years,21.35 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0083.wav,on one side saint bernard on the other the agent of the sanitary department,4.85 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0084.wav,god subordinated to the commissary of police such is the age silence fauvent,5.905 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0085.wav,no one doubts the right of the monastery to sepulture,3.525 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0086.wav,only fanatics and those in error deny it,2.835 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0087.wav,we live in times of terrible confusion,2.445 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0088.wav,we are ignorant and impious,2.53 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0089.wav,and then religion is attacked why,2.985 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0090.wav,because there have been bad priests because sagittaire bishop of gap was the brother of salone bishop of embrun and because both of them followed mommol,9.455 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0091.wav,they persecute the saints,1.905 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0092.wav,they shut their eyes to the truth darkness is the rule,3.465 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0093.wav,the most ferocious beasts are beasts which are blind,3.33 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0094.wav,oh how wicked people are,2.095 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0095.wav,by order of the king signifies to day by order of the revolution,5.175 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0096.wav,one no longer knows what is due to the living or to the dead a holy death is prohibited,5.815 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0097.wav,gauthier bishop of chalons held his own in this matter against otho duke of burgundy,6.07 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0098.wav,the prioress took breath then turned to fauchelevent,3.37 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0099.wav,you will close the coffin the sisters will carry it to the chapel,3.295 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0100.wav,the office for the dead will then be said,2.265 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0101.wav,but she will hear she will not listen,3.035062 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0102.wav,besides what the cloister knows the world learns not,3.515 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0103.wav,a pause ensued,1.57 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0104.wav,you will remove your bell,1.705 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0105.wav,has the doctor for the dead paid his visit,2.83 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0106.wav,he will pay it at four o'clock to day,2.245 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0107.wav,the peal which orders the doctor for the dead to be summoned has already been rung,3.885 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0108.wav,but you do not understand any of the peals,2.95 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0109.wav,that is well father fauvent,2.08 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0110.wav,where will you obtain it,1.95 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0111.wav,i have my heap of old iron at the bottom of the garden,3.095 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0112.wav,reverend mother what,2.465 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0113.wav,if you were ever to have any other jobs of this sort my brother is the strong man for you a perfect turk,6.56 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0114.wav,you will do it as speedily as possible,2.66 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0115.wav,i cannot work very fast i am infirm that is why i require an assistant i limp,5.62 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0116.wav,everything must have been completed a good quarter of an hour before that,3.675 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0117.wav,i will do anything to prove my zeal towards the community these are my orders i am to nail up the coffin,6.105 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0118.wav,at eleven o'clock exactly i am to be in the chapel,2.865 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0119.wav,mother ascension will be there two men would be better,2.97 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0120.wav,however never mind i shall have my lever,2.645 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0121.wav,after which there will be no trace of anything,2.845 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0122.wav,the government will have no suspicion,2.15 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0123.wav,the empty coffin remains this produced a pause,3.71 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0124.wav,what is to be done with that coffin father fauvent,2.96 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0125.wav,it will be given to the earth empty,3.31 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0126.wav,ah the de exclaimed fauchelevent,3.8 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0127.wav,the vil stuck fast in his throat,3.085 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0128.wav,he made haste to improvise an expedient to make her forget the oath,4.1 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0129.wav,i will put earth in the coffin reverend mother that will produce the effect of a corpse,4.78 -data/test.other/3528-168669-0130.wav,i will make that my special business,2.6 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0000.wav,she had even been in society before the revolution,3.385 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0001.wav,it was her pleasure and her vanity to drag in these names on every pretext,4.34 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0002.wav,every year she solemnly renewed her vows and at the moment of taking the oath she said to the priest monseigneur saint francois gave it to monseigneur saint julien monseigneur saint julien gave it to monseigneur saint eusebius monseigneur saint eusebius gave it to monseigneur saint procopius et cetera et cetera,20.295 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0003.wav,and the school girls would begin to laugh not in their sleeves but under their veils charming little stifled laughs which made the vocal mothers frown,8.64 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0004.wav,it was a century which spoke through her but it was the eighteenth century,4.7 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0005.wav,the rule of fontevrault did not forbid this,3.395 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0006.wav,she would not show this object to anyone,2.51 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0007.wav,thus it furnished a subject of comment for all those who were unoccupied or bored in the convent,5.625 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0008.wav,some unique chaplet some authentic relic,3.155 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0009.wav,they lost themselves in conjectures,2.785 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0010.wav,when the poor old woman died they rushed to her cupboard more hastily than was fitting perhaps and opened it,6.28 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0011.wav,he is resisting fluttering his tiny wings and still making an effort to fly but the dancer is laughing with a satanical air,7.23 -data/test.other/3528-168656-0012.wav,moral love conquered by the colic,3.05 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0000.wav,there was a man coming from earth on a second ship who would see him,4.47 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0001.wav,the little publisher was back at the crusader again,3.38 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0002.wav,only gordon and sheila were left,2.955 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0003.wav,credit had been established again and the businesses were open,4.56 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0004.wav,gordon came to a row of temporary bubbles individual dwellings built like the dome but opaque for privacy,8.2 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0005.wav,they had been lucky,1.81 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0006.wav,schulberg's volunteers were official now,2.835 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0007.wav,fats place was still open though the crooked tables had been removed gordon dropped to a stool slipping off his helmet,9.485 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0008.wav,he reached automatically for the glass of ether needled beer,4.135 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0009.wav,thought you'd be in the chips,2.265062 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0010.wav,that's mars gordon echoed the other's comment why don't you pull off the planet fats you could go back to earth i'd guess the other nodded,10.955 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0011.wav,guess a man gets used to anything hell maybe i can hire some bums to sit around and whoop it up when the ships come in and bill this as a real old martian den of sin,10.9 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0012.wav,there was a grin on the other's face,2.68 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0013.wav,finally got our orders for you it's mercury,4.13 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0014.wav,we sent twenty others the same way and they failed,3.545 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0015.wav,let's say you've shifted some of the misery around a bit and given them a chance to do better,5.585 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0016.wav,you can't stay here,1.86 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0017.wav,there's a rocket waiting to transship you to the moon on the way to mercury right now gordon sighed,6.65 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0018.wav,and i've paid her the pay we owe you from the time you began using your badge she's out shopping,6.65 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0019.wav,but his old eyes were glinting,2.650063 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0020.wav,did you think we'd let you go without seeing you off cobber he asked,4.67 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0021.wav,i i oh drat it i'm getting old izzy you tell him,5.32 -data/test.other/8131-117029-0022.wav,he grabbed gordon's hand and waddled down the landing plank izzy shook his head,5.805 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0000.wav,it was night outside and the phosphor bulbs at the corners glowed dimly giving him barely enough light by which to locate the way to the extemporized precinct house,12.43 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0001.wav,it had probably been years since any had dared risk it after the sun went down,5.825 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0002.wav,and the slow doubtful respect on the faces of the citizens as they nodded to him was even more proof that haley's system was working,10.14 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0003.wav,gordon hit the signal switch and the marspeaker let out a shrill whistle,4.895 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0004.wav,guns suddenly seemed to be flourishing everywhere,3.375 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0005.wav,you can't do it to me,1.86 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0006.wav,i'm reformed i'm going straight,2.82 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0007.wav,you damned cops can't o'neill was blubbering,4.115 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0008.wav,one look was enough the work papers had the telltale over thickening of the signature that had showed up on other papers obviously forgeries,11.425 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0009.wav,some turned away as gordon and the other cop went to work but most of them weren't squeamish,6.285 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0010.wav,when it was over the two picked up their whimpering captive,4.24 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0011.wav,jenkins the other cop had been holding the wallet,3.89 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0012.wav,must of been making a big contact in something fifty fifty,4.76 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0013.wav,there must have been over two thousand credits in the wallet,3.62 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0014.wav,when gordon and jenkins came back murdoch tossed the money to them split it,5.905062 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0015.wav,whatever comes to hand gov'nor,2.55 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0016.wav,like this social call gordon asked him,3.39 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0017.wav,the little man shook his head his ancient eighteen year old face turning sober nope,8.585 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0018.wav,you owe me some bills gov'nor,2.335 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0019.wav,eleven hundred fifty credits,2.45 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0020.wav,you didn't pay up your pledge to the campaign fund so i hadda fill in,4.93 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0021.wav,a thousand interest at ten per cent a week standard right,3.9 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0022.wav,gordon had heard of the friendly interest charged on the side here but he shook his head wrong izzy,6.895 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0023.wav,huh izzy turned it over and shook his head,3.035 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0024.wav,now show me where i signed any agreement saying i'd pay you back,3.935 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0025.wav,for a second izzy's face went blank then he chuckled,4.32 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0026.wav,he pulled out the bills and handed them over,3.36 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0027.wav,thanks izzy thanks yourself,3.495 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0028.wav,the kid pocketed the money cheerfully nodding,3.995 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0029.wav,the little guy knew mars as few others did apparently from all sides,5.735 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0030.wav,and if any of the other cops had private rackets of their own izzy was undoubtedly the man to find it out and use the information with a beat such as that even going halves and with all the graft to the upper brackets he'd still be able to make his pile in a matter of months,19.4 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0031.wav,the captain looked completely beaten as he came into the room and dropped onto the bench,5.27 -data/test.other/8131-117017-0032.wav,go on accept damn it,2.255 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0000.wav,captain murdoch,2.24 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0001.wav,but marsport had flourished enough to kill it off,3.46 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0002.wav,some of mars laws dated from the time when law enforcement had been hampered by lack of men rather than by the type of men,8.29 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0003.wav,the stonewall gang numbered perhaps five hundred,3.665 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0004.wav,even derelicts and failures had to eat there were stores and shops throughout the district which eked out some kind of a marginal living,9.45 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0005.wav,they were safe from protection racketeers there none bothered to come so far out,6.3 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0006.wav,the shopkeepers and some of the less unfortunate people there had protested loud enough to reach clear back to earth,7.66 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0007.wav,captain murdoch was an unknown factor and now was asking for more men,5.75 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0008.wav,the pressure was enough to get them for him,2.72 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0009.wav,gordon reported for work with a sense of the bottom falling out mixed with a vague relief,5.81 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0010.wav,i've got a free hand and we're going to run this the way we would on earth,5.11 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0011.wav,your job is to protect the citizens here and that means everyone not breaking the laws whether you feel like it or not no graft,10.245 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0012.wav,the first man making a shakedown will get the same treatment we're going to use on the stonewall boys you'll get double pay here and you can live on it,9.49 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0013.wav,he picked out five of the men including gordon you five will come with me,6.42 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0014.wav,the rest of you can team up any way you want tonight pick any route that's open okay men let's go,7.79 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0015.wav,bruce gordon grinned slowly as he swung the stick and murdoch's eyes fell on him earth cop,8.315 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0016.wav,two years gordon admitted,2.435 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0017.wav,for a second gordon cursed himself,2.92 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0018.wav,he began wondering about security then,2.98 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0019.wav,nobody had tried to get in touch with him,2.66 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0020.wav,there was a crude lighting system here put up by the citizens at the front of each building a dim phosphor bulb glowed when darkness fell they would have nothing else to see by,12.585 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0021.wav,moving in two groups of threes at opposite sides of the street they began their beat,6.71 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0022.wav,there was no chance to save the citizen who was dying from lack of air,4.495 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0023.wav,gordon felt the solid pleasure of the finely turned club in his hands,5.81 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0024.wav,gordon's eyes popped at that,2.49 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0025.wav,he swallowed the sentiment his own club was moving now,4.69 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0026.wav,the other four cops had come in reluctantly,3.165 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0027.wav,he brought him to the ground with a single blow across the kidneys,3.91 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0028.wav,they rounded up the men of the gang and one of the cops started off,4.19 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0029.wav,to find a phone and call the wagon,2.845 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0030.wav,we're not using wagons murdoch told him line them up,4.21 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0031.wav,if they tried to run they were hit from behind if they stood still they were clubbed carefully,6.685 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0032.wav,murdoch indicated one who stood with his shoulders shaking and tears running down his cheeks,6.035 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0033.wav,the captain's face was as sick as gordon felt,3.525 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0034.wav,i want the name of every man in the gang you can remember he told the man,4.895 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0035.wav,colonel they'd kill me i don't know,3.42 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0036.wav,murdoch took his nod as evidence enough and turned to the wretched toughs,5.59 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0037.wav,if he should turn up dead i'll know you boys are responsible and i'll find you,5.64 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0038.wav,trouble began brewing shortly after though,3.07 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0039.wav,murdoch sent one of the men to pick up a second squad of six and then a third,5.545 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0040.wav,in the third one bruce gordon spotted one of the men who'd been beaten before,4.635 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0041.wav,get a stretcher and take him wherever he belongs he ordered,4.355 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0042.wav,but the captain stirred finally sighing,3.685 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0043.wav,no the cops they're giving me we're covered gordon,5.565 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0044.wav,but the stonewall gang is backing wayne,2.85 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0045.wav,but it's going to be tough on them,2.79 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0046.wav,bruce gordon grimaced i've got a yellow ticket from security,5.33 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0047.wav,murdoch blinked he dropped his eyes slowly,4.01 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0048.wav,what makes you think wayne will be re elected,3.05 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0049.wav,nobody wants him except a gang of crooks and those in power,4.275 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0050.wav,ever see a martian election,2.52 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0051.wav,no you're a firster he can't lose,4.895 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0052.wav,and then hell is going to pop and this whole planet may be blown wide open,5.995 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0053.wav,it fitted with the dire predictions of security and with the spying gordon was going to do according to them,7.44 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0054.wav,he was getting even fatter now that he was eating better food from the fair restaurant around the corner,6.7 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0055.wav,cost em more but they'd be respectable,3.715 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0056.wav,because izzy is always honest according to how he sees it,4.43 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0057.wav,but you got earth ideas of the stuff like i had once,4.77 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0058.wav,the groups grew more experienced and murdoch was training a new squad every night,5.695 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0059.wav,it wasn't exactly legal but nothing was here,4.005 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0060.wav,this could lead to abuses as he'd seen on earth,3.645 -data/test.other/8131-117016-0061.wav,but there probably wouldn't be time for it if mayor wayne was re elected,4.185 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0000.wav,annie colchester had begun to make friends with leslie,3.41 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0001.wav,leslie determined to try for honors in english language and literature,4.575 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0002.wav,her tastes all lay in this direction her idea being by and by to follow her mother's profession of journalism for which she already showed considerable aptitude,10.175 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0003.wav,she had no idea of allowing herself to break down,3.14 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0004.wav,what do you mean replied leslie,2.83 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0005.wav,why you will be parting from me you know,3.07 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0006.wav,i won't be the constant worry and plague of your life,3.325 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0007.wav,it is this if by any chance you don't leave saint wode's annie i hope you will allow me to be your roomfellow again next term,9.435 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0008.wav,said annie a flash of light coming into her eyes and then leaving them,4.595 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0009.wav,but she added abruptly you speak of something which must not take place,4.835 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0010.wav,i must pass in honors if i don't i shall die,4.415 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0011.wav,a few moments later there came a tap at the door,3.65 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0012.wav,leslie opened the door,2.165 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0013.wav,jane heriot stood without,2.48 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0014.wav,these letters have just come for you and annie colchester she said and as i was coming upstairs i thought i would leave them with you,7.96 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0015.wav,leslie thanked her and eagerly grasped the little parcel,4.14 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0016.wav,her eyes shone with pleasure at the anticipation of the delightful time she would have reveling in the home news the other letter was directed to annie colchester,10.18 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0017.wav,here is a letter for you annie cried leslie,2.92 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0018.wav,her face grew suddenly white as death what is it dear,4.615 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0019.wav,i have been starving or rather i have been thirsting,4.35 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0020.wav,well read it in peace said leslie i won't disturb you,4.79 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0021.wav,i am truly glad it has come,2.36 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0022.wav,leslie seated herself with her back to her companion and opened her own letters,5.76 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0023.wav,don't notice me replied annie,2.505 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0024.wav,i must go into the grounds the air is stifling,3.57 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0025.wav,but they are just shutting up,2.24 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0026.wav,i shall go i know a way,2.72 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0027.wav,just after midnight she rose with a sigh to prepare for bed,4.4 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0028.wav,she looked round the room,1.915 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0029.wav,now i remember she got a letter which upset her very much and went out,4.79 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0030.wav,leslie went to the window and flung it open she put her head out and tried to peer into the darkness but the moon had already set and she could not see more than a couple of yards in front of her,12.015 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0031.wav,she is a very queer erratic creature and that letter there was bad news in that letter,6.72 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0032.wav,what can she be doing out by herself,2.73 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0033.wav,leslie left the room but she had scarcely gone a dozen paces down the corridor before she met annie returning,7.4 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0034.wav,annie's eyes were very bright her cheeks were no longer pale and there was a brilliant color in them,6.36 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0035.wav,she did not take the least notice of leslie but going into the room shut the door,6.15 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0036.wav,don't begin said annie,2.55 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0037.wav,don't begin what do you mean,3.05 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0038.wav,i mean that i don't want you to begin to ask questions,3.26 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0039.wav,i walked up and down as fast as ever i could outside in order to make myself sleepy,5.075 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0040.wav,don't talk to me leslie don't say a single word,3.305 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0041.wav,i shall go off to sleep that is all i care for,3.215 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0042.wav,don't said annie,1.925 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0043.wav,now drink this at once she said in a voice of authority if you really wish to sleep,5.8 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0044.wav,annie stared vacantly at the cocoa then she uttered a laugh,4.31 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0045.wav,drink that she said,2.295 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0046.wav,do you want to kill me don't talk any more,2.945 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0047.wav,i am sleepy i shall sleep,2.38 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0048.wav,she got into bed as she spoke and wrapped the clothes tightly round her,4.97 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0049.wav,can't you manage with a candle just for once,3.355 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0050.wav,certainly said leslie,2.59 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0051.wav,she turned off the light and lit a candle which she put behind her screen then prepared to get into bed,7.53 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0052.wav,annie's manner was very mysterious,2.99 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0053.wav,annie did not mean to confide in anyone that night and the kindest thing was to leave her alone,6.065 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0054.wav,tired out leslie herself dropped asleep,3.26 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0055.wav,annie is that you she called out,3.55 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0056.wav,there was no reply but the sound of hurrying steps came quicker and quicker now and then they were interrupted by a groan,8.01 -data/test.other/8188-269288-0057.wav,oh this will kill me my heart will break this will kill me,5.46 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0000.wav,the commons also voted that the new created peers ought to have no voice in this trial because the accusation being agreed to while they were commoners their consent to it was implied with that of all the commons of england,12.57 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0001.wav,in the government of ireland his administration had been equally promotive of his master's interest and that of the subjects committed to his care,8.69 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0002.wav,the case of lord mountnorris of all those which were collected with so much industry is the most flagrant and the least excusable,8.555 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0003.wav,the court which consisted of the chief officers of the army found the crime to be capital and condemned that nobleman to lose his head,8.32 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0004.wav,where the token by which i should discover it,2.295 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0005.wav,it is now full two hundred and forty years since treasons were defined and so long has it been since any man was touched to this extent upon this crime before myself,10.13 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0006.wav,let us not to our own destruction awake those sleeping lions by rattling up a company of old records which have lain for so many ages by the wall forgotten and neglected,11.465 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0007.wav,however these gentlemen at the bar say they speak for the commonwealth and they believe so yet under favor it is i who in this particular speak for the commonwealth,11.57 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0008.wav,my lords i have now troubled your lordships a great deal longer than i should have done,4.9 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0009.wav,young vane falling upon this paper of notes deemed the matter of the utmost importance and immediately communicated it to pym who now produced the paper before the house of commons,11.25 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0010.wav,the king proposes this difficulty but how can i undertake offensive war if i have no more money,6.77 -data/test.other/8188-274364-0011.wav,your majesty having tried the affections of your people you are absolved and loose from all rules of government and may do what power will admit,8.91 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0000.wav,the guild of saint elizabeth,2.21 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0001.wav,immediately after dinner that evening leslie ran up to her room to make preparations for her visit to east hall,6.5 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0002.wav,i'm not coming said annie,2.505 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0003.wav,every student is to be in east hall at half past eight,3.845 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0004.wav,it doesn't matter replied annie whether it is an order or not i'm not coming say nothing about me please,7.135 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0005.wav,it burned as if with fever,2.49 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0006.wav,you don't know what a trial it is for me to have you here,3.05 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0007.wav,i want to be alone go,2.36 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0008.wav,i know you don't quite mean what you say said leslie but of course if you really wish me,6.015 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0009.wav,you fret me beyond endurance,2.75 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0010.wav,wrapping a pretty blue shawl round her head and shoulders she turned to annie,4.55 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0011.wav,leslie was just closing the door behind her when annie called after her,4.63 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0012.wav,i took it out said leslie took it out,3.925 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0013.wav,have the goodness to find it and put it back,2.49 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0014.wav,but don't lock me out please annie,2.485 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0015.wav,oh i won't lock you out she said but i must have the key,3.585 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0016.wav,jane heriot's voice was heard in the passage,2.88 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0017.wav,as she walked down the corridor she heard it being turned in the lock,4.02 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0018.wav,what can this mean she said to herself,3.46 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0019.wav,oh i won't press you replied jane,3.22 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0020.wav,oh i shall never do that replied leslie,3.45 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0021.wav,you see all the girls except eileen and marjorie laugh at her and that seems to me to make her worse,7.03 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0022.wav,some day jane you must see her,2.56 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0023.wav,if you are in london during the summer you must come and pay us a visit will you,4.56 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0024.wav,that is if you care to confide in me,3.155 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0025.wav,i believe poor annie is dreadfully unhappy,3.36 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0026.wav,that's just it jane that is what frightens me she refuses to come,5.66 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0027.wav,refuses to come she cried,2.495 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0028.wav,she will get into an awful scrape,2.26 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0029.wav,i am sure she is ill she works too hard and she but there i don't know that i ought to say any more,7.35 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0030.wav,i'll wait for you here said leslie,2.33 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0031.wav,do come annie do,2.235 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0032.wav,scarcely likely replied leslie she told me she was determined not to come to the meeting,5.93 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0033.wav,but marjorie and eileen had already departed and leslie and jane found themselves among the last students to arrive at the great east hall,8.71 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0034.wav,miss lauderdale was standing with the other tutors and principals of the different halls on a raised platform,6.51 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0035.wav,then a roll call was gone through by one of the tutors the only absentee was annie colchester,6.78 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0036.wav,the physical part of your training and also the mental part are abundantly supplied in this great house of learning she continued but the spiritual part it seems to me ought now to be strengthened,12.14 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0037.wav,hear hear and once again hear,2.57 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0038.wav,she uttered her strange remark standing up,2.91 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0039.wav,marjorie and eileen were close to her,2.155 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0040.wav,i will talk with you belle acheson presently she said,3.65 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0041.wav,the names of proposed members are to be submitted to me before this day week,4.98 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0042.wav,am i my brother's keeper,1.995 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0043.wav,you ask she continued,2.32 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0044.wav,god answers to each of you you are,2.89 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0045.wav,the world says no i am not but god says yes you are,4.855 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0046.wav,all men are your brothers,2.065 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0047.wav,for all who sin all who suffer you are to a certain extent responsible,5.57 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0048.wav,after the address the girls themselves were encouraged to speak and a very animated discussion followed,6.34 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0049.wav,it was past ten o'clock when she left the hall,3.03 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0050.wav,just as she was doing so miss frere came up,3.45 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0051.wav,annie colchester is your roomfellow is she not she said,3.785 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0052.wav,i see by your face miss gilroy that you are distressed about something are you keeping anything back,5.56 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0053.wav,i am afraid i am replied leslie distress now in her tone,4.77 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0054.wav,i must see her myself early in the morning and i am quite sure that nothing will satisfy miss lauderdale except a very ample apology and a full explanation of the reason why she absented herself,10.915 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0055.wav,excuses make no difference,2.13 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0056.wav,the girl who breaks the rules has to be punished,3.01 -data/test.other/8188-269290-0057.wav,i will tell her,1.47 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0000.wav,proas in that quarter were usually distrusted by ships it is true but the sea is full of them and far more are innocent than are guilty of any acts of violence,12.075 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0001.wav,an hour after the sun had set the wind fell to a light air that just kept steerage way on the ship,7.835 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0002.wav,fortunately the john was not only fast but she minded her helm as a light footed girl turns in a lively dance,9.915 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0003.wav,i never was in a better steering ship most especially in moderate weather,5.33 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0004.wav,mister marble he i do believe was fairly snoozing on the hen coops being like the sails as one might say barely asleep,10.84 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0005.wav,at that moment i heard a noise one familiar to seamen that of an oar falling in a boat,7.02 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0006.wav,i sang out sail ho and close aboard,3.835 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0007.wav,he was too much of a seaman to require a second look in order to ascertain what was to be done,7.395 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0008.wav,although they went three feet to our two this gave us a moment of breathing time,6.495 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0009.wav,as our sheets were all flying forward and remained so for a few minutes it gave me leisure to look about,7.255 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0010.wav,i soon saw both proas and glad enough was i to perceive that they had not approached materially nearer,7.34 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0011.wav,mister kite observed this also and remarked that our movements had been so prompt as to take the rascals aback,7.96 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0012.wav,a breathless stillness succeeded,2.545 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0013.wav,the proas did not alter their course but neared us fast,4.61 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0014.wav,i heard the rattling of the boarding pikes too as they were cut adrift from the spanker boom and fell upon the decks,7.645 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0015.wav,kite went aft and returned with three or four muskets and as many pikes,5.875 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0016.wav,the stillness that reigned on both sides was like that of death,4.25 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0017.wav,the john behaved beautifully and came round like a top,4.17 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0018.wav,the question was now whether we could pass them or not before they got near enough to grapple,6.185 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0019.wav,the captain behaved perfectly well in this critical instant commanding a dead silence and the closest attention to his orders,8.355 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0020.wav,not a soul on board the john was hurt,2.83 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0021.wav,on our side we gave the gentlemen the four sixes two at the nearest and two at the stern most proa which was still near a cable's length distant,11.135 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0022.wav,they were like the yells of fiends in anguish,3.465 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0023.wav,i doubt if we touched a man in the nearest proa,3.605 -data/test.other/2609-169640-0024.wav,in this state the ship passed ahead all her canvas being full leaving the proa motionless in her wake,8.47 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0000.wav,then moses was afraid and said surely the thing is known,4.49 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0001.wav,hold on hold fast hold out patience is genius,4.885 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0002.wav,let us have faith that right makes might and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we understand it lincoln,10.745 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0003.wav,the egyptian background of the bondage,3.36 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0004.wav,every one who is turbulent has been found by king merneptah the testimony of the oldest biblical narratives regarding the sojourn of the hebrews in egypt is also in perfect accord with the picture which the contemporary egyptian inscriptions give of the period,18.13 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0005.wav,the absence of detailed reference to the hebrews is therefore perfectly natural,6.505 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0006.wav,it seems probable that not all but only part of the tribes which ultimately coalesced into the hebrew nation found their way to egypt,10.555 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0007.wav,the stories regarding joseph the traditional father of ephraim and manasseh imply that these strong central tribes possibly together with the southern tribes of benjamin and judah were the chief actors in this opening scene in israel's history,19.91 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0008.wav,the biblical narratives apparently disagree regarding the duration of the sojourn in egypt,7.11 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0009.wav,the later traditions tend to extend the period,4.32 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0010.wav,here were found several inscriptions bearing the egyptian name of the city p atum house of the god atum,8.575 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0011.wav,a contemporary inscription also states that he founded near pithum the house of ramses a city with a royal residence and temples,10.705 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0012.wav,that the hebrews were restive under this tyranny was natural inevitable,5.63 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0013.wav,was any other procedure to be expected from a despotic ruler of that land and day,6.81 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0014.wav,the making of a loyal patriot,3.015 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0015.wav,the story of moses birth and early childhood is one of the most interesting chapters in biblical history,8.005 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0016.wav,was moses justified in resisting the egyptian taskmaster,5.105 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0017.wav,is peonage always disastrous not only to its victims but also to the government imposing it,7.925 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0018.wav,naturally he went to the land of midian,3.37 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0019.wav,the wilderness to the east of egypt had for centuries been the place of refuge for egyptian fugitives,7.67 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0020.wav,from about two thousand b c,2.76 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0021.wav,on the borders of the wilderness he found certain bedouin herdsmen who received him hospitably,8.32 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0022.wav,these sand wanderers sent him on from tribe to tribe until he reached the land of kedem east of the dead sea where he remained for a year and a half,13.505 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0023.wav,later he found his way to the court of one of the local kings in central palestine where he married and became in time a prosperous local prince,12.43 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0024.wav,the school of the wilderness,2.525 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0025.wav,the story of moses is in many ways closely parallel to that of sinuhit,5.79 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0026.wav,the priest of the sub tribe of the kenites received him into his home and gave him his daughter in marriage,8.46 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0027.wav,note the characteristic oriental idea of marriage,4.56 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0028.wav,here moses learned the lessons that were essential for his training as the leader and deliverer of his people,8.09 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0029.wav,after the capture of jericho certain of them went up with the southern tribes to conquer southern palestine,7.995 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0030.wav,many modern scholars draw the conclusion from the biblical narrative that it was from the kenites that moses first learned of yahweh or as the distinctive name of israel's god was translated by later jewish scribes jehovah,18.445 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0031.wav,do the earliest hebrew traditions imply that the ancestors of the israelites were worshippers of jehovah,8.03 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0032.wav,the title of his father in law implies that this priest ministered at some wilderness sanctuary,8.415 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0033.wav,moses in the home of the midian priest was brought into direct and constant contact with the jehovah worship,8.85 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0034.wav,the cruel fate of his people and the painful experience in egypt that had driven him into the wilderness prepared his mind to receive this training,10.69 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0035.wav,his quest was for a just and strong god able to deliver the oppressed,5.465 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0036.wav,the wilderness with its lurking foes and the ever present dread of hunger and thirst deepened his sense of need and of dependence upon a power able to guide the destinies of men,13.43 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0037.wav,the peasants of the vast antolian plain in central asia minor still call every life giving spring god hath given,9.665 -data/test.other/2609-156975-0038.wav,the constant necessity of meeting the dangers of the wilderness and of defending the flocks entrusted to moses care developed his courage and power of leadership and action,13.1 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0000.wav,evidently the intention was to make things pleasant for the royal foe of tobacco during his visit,6.685 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0001.wav,the prohibition in the regulation quoted of smoking in saint mary's church referred it may be noted to the act which was held therein,9.5 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0002.wav,sometimes tobacco was used in church for disinfecting or deodorizing purposes,6.145 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0003.wav,blackburn archbishop of york was a great smoker,4.739937 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0004.wav,on one occasion he was at saint mary's church nottingham for a confirmation,5.695062 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0005.wav,another eighteenth century clerical worthy the famous doctor parr an inveterate smoker was accustomed to do what mister disney prevented archbishop blackburn from doing he smoked in his vestry at hatton,16.305 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0006.wav,parr was such a continual smoker that anyone who came into his company if he had never smoked before had to learn the use of a pipe as a means of self defence,11.405 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0007.wav,one sunday says mister ditchfield he had an extra pipe and joshua the clerk told him that the people were getting impatient,9.035 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0008.wav,let them sing another psalm said the curate,3.58 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0009.wav,they have sir replied the clerk,2.585 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0010.wav,then let them sing the hundred and nineteenth replied the curate,4.57 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0011.wav,six arms the nearest within reach presented with an obedient start as many tobacco pouches to the man of office,11.735 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0012.wav,david deans however did not at all approve this irreverence,4.34 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0013.wav,going to church at hayes in those days must have been quite an exciting experience,6.23 -data/test.other/2609-157645-0014.wav,when these men in the course of my remonstrance found that i was not going to continue the custom they no longer cared to be communicants,9.535 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0000.wav,never mind what the business was it suffices to say that it was a good beginning for a young man like tom who having been born and bred in the most conservative class of the most conceited city in new england needed just the healthy hearty social influences of the west to widen his views and make a man of him,18.73 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0001.wav,fortunately every one was so busy with the necessary preparations that there was no time for romance of any sort and the four young people worked together as soberly and sensibly as if all sorts of emotions were not bottled up in their respective hearts,16.125 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0002.wav,pity that the end should come so soon but the hour did its work and went its way leaving a clearer atmosphere behind though the young folks did not see it then for their eyes were dim because of the partings that must be,14.1 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0003.wav,if it had not been for two things i fear she never would have stood a summer in town but sydney often called till his vacation came and a voluminous correspondence with polly beguiled the long days,12.13 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0004.wav,tom wrote once a week to his mother but the letters were short and not very satisfactory for men never do tell the interesting little things that women best like to hear,10.4 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0005.wav,no i m only tired had a good deal to do lately and the dull weather makes me just a trifle blue,6.64 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0006.wav,forgive me polly but i can't help saying it for it is there and i want to be as true to you as you were to me if i can,7.73 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0007.wav,i try not to deceive myself but it does seem as if there was a chance of happiness for me,5.835 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0008.wav,thank heaven for that,2.02 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0009.wav,cried polly with the heartiest satisfaction in her voice,3.555 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0010.wav,poor polly was so taken by surprise that she had not a word to say,5.26 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0011.wav,none were needed her telltale face answered for her as well as the impulse which made her hide her head in the sofa cushion like a foolish ostrich when the hunters are after it,11.55 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0012.wav,once or twice but sort of jokingly and i thought it was only some little flirtation,6.115 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0013.wav,it was so stupid of me not to guess before,2.935 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0014.wav,it was so tender earnest and defiant that fanny forgot the defence of her own lover in admiration of polly's loyalty to hers for this faithful all absorbing love was a new revelation to fanny who was used to hearing her friends boast of two or three lovers a year and calculate their respective values with almost as much coolness as the young men discussed the fortunes of the girls they wished for but could not afford to marry,28.37 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0015.wav,i hope maria bailey is all he thinks her she added softly for i could n't bear to have him disappointed again,6.805 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0016.wav,said fanny turning hopeful all at once,2.89 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0017.wav,suppose i say a word to tom just inquire after his heart in a general way you know and give him a chance to tell me if there is anything to tell,8.13 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0018.wav,bear it people always do bear things somehow answered polly looking as if sentence had been passed upon her,7.315 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0019.wav,it was a very different winter from the last for both the girls,3.615 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0020.wav,if fanny wanted to show him what she could do toward making a pleasant home she certainly succeeded better than she suspected for in spite of many failures and discouragements behind the scenes the little house became a most attractive place to mister sydney at least for he was more the house friend than ever and seemed determined to prove that change of fortune made no difference to him,23.11 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0021.wav,she kept much at home when the day's work was done finding it pleasanter to sit dreaming over book or sewing alone than to exert herself even to go to the shaws,10.37 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0022.wav,polly was not at all like herself that winter and those nearest to her saw and wondered at it most,6.52 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0023.wav,for ned was so absorbed in business that he ignored the whole bailey question and left them in utter darkness,6.34 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0024.wav,fanny came walking in upon her one day looking as if she brought tidings of such great joy that she hardly knew how to tell them,8.155 -data/test.other/3331-159609-0025.wav,but if work baskets were gifted with powers of speech they could tell stories more true and tender than any we read,7.77 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0000.wav,she pulled her hair down turned her skirt back put her feet on the fender and took puttel into her lap all of which arrangements signified that something very important had got to be thought over and settled,13.67 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0001.wav,the more proposals the more credit,3.095 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0002.wav,i ve tried it and liked it and maybe this is the consequence of that night's fun,6.23 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0003.wav,just suppose it is true that he does ask me and i say yes,5.575 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0004.wav,what a spiteful thing i am,2.115 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0005.wav,i could do so much for all at home how i should enjoy that,4.755 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0006.wav,let me see how can i begin,3.13 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0007.wav,he has known her all her life and has a good influence over her,4.515 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0008.wav,now as polly was by no means a perfect creature i am free to confess that the old temptation assailed her more than once that week for when the first excitement of the dodging reform had subsided she missed the pleasant little interviews that used to put a certain flavor of romance into her dull hard working days,21.53 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0009.wav,i don't think it was his wealth accomplishments or position that most attracted polly though these doubtless possessed a greater influence than she suspected,10.22 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0010.wav,it was that indescribable something which women are quick to see and feel in men who have been blessed with wise and good mothers,9.15 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0011.wav,this had an especial charm to polly for she soon found that this side of his character was not shown to every one,7.765 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0012.wav,lately this had changed especially towards polly and it flattered her more than she would confess even to herself,7.42 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0013.wav,at first she tried to think she could but unfortunately hearts are so contrary that they won't be obedient to reason will or even gratitude,10.35 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0014.wav,polly felt a very cordial friendship for mister sydney but not one particle of the love which is the only coin in which love can be truly paid,9.67 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0015.wav,this finished polly's indecision and after that night she never allowed herself to dwell upon the pleasant temptation which came in a guise particularly attractive to a young girl with a spice of the old eve in her composition,14.61 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0016.wav,when saturday came polly started as usual for a visit to becky and bess but could n't resist stopping at the shaws to leave a little parcel for fan though it was calling time,12.94 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0017.wav,a foolish little speech to make to a dog but you see polly was only a tender hearted girl trying to do her duty,9.19 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0018.wav,take hold of master charley's hand miss mamie and walk pretty like willy and flossy said the maid,6.965 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0019.wav,at a street corner a black eyed school boy was parting from a rosy faced school girl whose music roll he was reluctantly surrendering,9.78 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0020.wav,how he got there was never very clear to polly but there he was flushed and a little out of breath but looking so glad to see her that she had n't the heart to be stiff and cool as she had fully intended to be when they met,14.975 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0021.wav,she really could n't help it it was so pleasant to see him again just when she was feeling so lonely,7.115 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0022.wav,that is the way i get to the roths answered polly,3.495 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0023.wav,she did not mean to tell but his frankness was so agreeable she forgot herself,5.085 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0024.wav,but i know her better and i assure you that she does improve she tries to mend her faults though she won't own it and will surprise you some day by the amount of heart and sense and goodness she has got,12.99 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0025.wav,thank you no,1.72 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0026.wav,how lovely the park looks she said in great confusion,4.5 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0027.wav,asked the artful young man laying a trap into which polly immediately fell,4.72 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0028.wav,he was quicker to take a hint than she had expected and being both proud and generous resolved to settle the matter at once for polly's sake as well as his own,10.52 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0029.wav,so when she made her last brilliant remark he said quietly watching her face keenly all the while i thought so well i m going out of town on business for several weeks so you can enjoy your little bit of country without being annoyed by me annoyed,18.86 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0030.wav,she thought she had a good deal of the coquette in her and i ve no doubt that with time and training she would have become a very dangerous little person but now she was far too transparent and straightforward by nature even to tell a white lie cleverly,15.84 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0031.wav,he was gone before she could do anything but look up at him with a remorseful face and she walked on feeling that the first and perhaps the only lover she would ever have had read his answer and accepted it in silence,14.7 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0032.wav,polly did not return to her favorite walk till she learned from minnie that uncle had really left town and then she found that his friendly company and conversation was what had made the way so pleasant after all,15.33 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0033.wav,wagging to and fro as usual what's the news with you,4.205 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0034.wav,perhaps she ll jilt him,2.035 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0035.wav,utterly done with and laid upon the shelf,3.18 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0036.wav,minnie said the other day she wished she was a pigeon so she could paddle in the puddles and not fuss about rubbers,6.56 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0037.wav,now don't be affected polly but just tell me like a dear has n't he proposed,5.68 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0038.wav,don't you think he means to,2.065 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0039.wav,truly truly fan,2.88 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0040.wav,i don't mean to be prying but i really thought he did,3.66 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0041.wav,well i always meant to try it if i got a chance and i have,5.255 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0042.wav,i just gave him a hint and he took it,2.99 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0043.wav,he meant to go away before that so don't think his heart is broken or mind what silly tattlers say,7.095 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0044.wav,he understood and being a gentleman made no fuss,3.755 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0045.wav,but polly it would have been a grand thing for you,3.845 -data/test.other/3331-159605-0046.wav,i m odd you know and prefer to be an independent spinster and teach music all my days,6.46 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0000.wav,afterward it was supposed that he was satisfied with the blood of oxen lambs and doves and that in exchange for or on account of these sacrifices this god gave rain sunshine and harvest,17.26 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0001.wav,whether he was the creator of yourself and myself,3.915 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0002.wav,whether any prayer was ever answered,4.02 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0003.wav,why did he create the intellectually inferior,3.725 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0004.wav,why did he create the deformed and helpless why did he create the criminal the idiotic the insane,9.465 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0005.wav,are the failures under obligation to their creator,4.665 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0006.wav,is he responsible for all the wars that have been waged for all the innocent blood that has been shed,8.785 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0007.wav,is he responsible for the centuries of slavery for the backs that have been scarred with the lash for the babes that have been sold from the breasts of mothers for the families that have been separated and destroyed,17.01 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0008.wav,is this god responsible for religious persecution for the inquisition for the thumb screw and rack and for all the instruments of torture,11.925 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0009.wav,did this god allow the cruel and vile to destroy the brave and virtuous,5.995 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0010.wav,did he allow tyrants to shed the blood of patriots,4.72 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0011.wav,can we conceive of a devil base enough to prefer his enemies to his friends,7.0 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0012.wav,how can we account for the wild beasts that devour human beings for the fanged serpents whose bite is death,9.3 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0013.wav,how can we account for a world where life feeds on life,5.845 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0014.wav,did infinite wisdom intentionally produce the microscopic beasts that feed upon the optic nerve think of blinding a man to satisfy the appetite of a microbe,15.41 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0015.wav,fear builds the altar and offers the sacrifice,5.21 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0016.wav,fear erects the cathedral and bows the head of man in worship,6.44 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0017.wav,lips religious and fearful tremblingly repeat this passage though he slay me yet will i trust him,9.615 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0018.wav,can we say that he cared for the children of men,3.32 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0019.wav,can we say that his mercy endureth forever,5.125 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0020.wav,do we prove his goodness by showing that he has opened the earth and swallowed thousands of his helpless children or that with the volcanoes he has overwhelmed them with rivers of fire,15.745 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0021.wav,was there goodness was there wisdom in this,4.04 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0022.wav,ought the superior races to thank god that they are not the inferior,5.865 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0023.wav,most people cling to the supernatural,3.9 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0024.wav,if they give up one god they imagine another,4.38 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0025.wav,what is this power,2.405 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0026.wav,man advances and necessarily advances through experience,5.705 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0027.wav,a man wishing to go to a certain place comes to where the road divides,5.555 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0028.wav,he has tried that road and knows that it is the wrong road,4.48 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0029.wav,a child charmed by the beauty of the flame grasps it with its dimpled hand,6.97 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0030.wav,the power that works for righteousness has taught the child a lesson,6.005 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0031.wav,it is a result,2.23 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0032.wav,it is insisted by these theologians and by many of the so called philosophers that this moral sense this sense of duty of obligation was imported and that conscience is an exotic,15.585 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0033.wav,we live together in families tribes and nations,4.125 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0034.wav,they are praised admired and respected,4.32 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0035.wav,they are regarded as good that is to say as moral,5.13 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0036.wav,the members who add to the misery of the family the tribe or the nation are considered bad members,8.715 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0037.wav,the greatest of human beings has said conscience is born of love,6.6 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0038.wav,as people advance the remote consequences are perceived,5.03 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0039.wav,the imagination is cultivated,3.1 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0040.wav,a man puts himself in the place of another,3.24 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0041.wav,the sense of duty becomes stronger more imperative,4.305 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0042.wav,man judges himself,3.065 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0043.wav,in all this there is nothing supernatural,4.635 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0044.wav,man has deceived himself,3.245 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0045.wav,has christianity done good,2.84 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0046.wav,when the church had control were men made better and happier,4.715 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0047.wav,what has religion done for hungary or austria,4.58 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0048.wav,could these countries have been worse without religion,5.225 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0049.wav,could they have been worse had they had any other religion than christianity,5.745 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0050.wav,what did christianity do for them,3.26 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0051.wav,they hated pleasure,2.435 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0052.wav,they muffled all the bells of gladness,3.39 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0053.wav,the religion of the puritan was an unadulterated curse,5.06 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0054.wav,the puritan believed the bible to be the word of god and this belief has always made those who held it cruel and wretched,10.715 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0055.wav,let me refer to just one fact showing the influence of a belief in the bible on human beings,7.98 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0056.wav,the queen received the bible kissed it and pledged herself to diligently read therein,8.565 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0057.wav,in other words it was just as fiendish just as infamous as the catholic spirit,8.465 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0058.wav,has the bible made the people of georgia kind and merciful,4.275 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0059.wav,religion has been tried and in all countries in all times has failed,7.725 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0060.wav,religion has always been the enemy of science of investigation and thought,7.025 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0061.wav,religion has never made man free,2.695 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0062.wav,it has never made man moral temperate industrious and honest,6.17 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0063.wav,are christians more temperate nearer virtuous nearer honest than savages,7.405 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0064.wav,can we cure disease by supplication,3.685 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0065.wav,can we receive virtue or honor as alms,4.39 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0066.wav,religion rests on the idea that nature has a master and that this master will listen to prayer that this master punishes and rewards that he loves praise and flattery and hates the brave and free,17.28 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0067.wav,we must have corner stones,2.39 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0068.wav,the structure must have a basement,2.64 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0069.wav,if we build we must begin at the bottom,3.565 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0070.wav,i have a theory and i have four corner stones,4.855 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0071.wav,the first stone is that matter substance cannot be destroyed cannot be annihilated,8.455 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0072.wav,if these corner stones are facts it follows as a necessity that matter and force are from and to eternity that they can neither be increased nor diminished,14.24 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0073.wav,it follows that nothing has been or can be created that there never has been or can be a creator,10.25 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0074.wav,it follows that there could not have been any intelligence any design back of matter and force,8.47 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0075.wav,i say what i think,3.395 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0076.wav,every event has parents,2.37 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0077.wav,that which has not happened could not,3.71 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0078.wav,in the infinite chain there is and there can be no broken no missing link,6.84 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0079.wav,we now know that our first parents were not foreigners,4.475 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0080.wav,we now know if we know anything that the universe is natural and that men and women have been naturally produced,9.92 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0081.wav,we know the paths that life has traveled,3.055 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0082.wav,we know the footsteps of advance they have been traced,4.485 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0083.wav,for thousands of years men and women have been trying to reform the world,5.35 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0084.wav,why have the reformers failed,2.61 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0085.wav,they depend on the lord on luck and charity,4.835 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0086.wav,they live by fraud and violence and bequeath their vices to their children,6.135 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0087.wav,failure seems to be the trademark of nature why,4.455 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0088.wav,nature produces without purpose sustains without intention and destroys without thought,8.03 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0089.wav,must the world forever remain the victim of ignorant passion,4.205 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0090.wav,why should men and women have children that they cannot take care of children that are burdens and curses why,8.68 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0091.wav,passion is and always has been deaf,4.14 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0092.wav,law can punish but it can neither reform criminals nor prevent crime,6.91 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0093.wav,this cannot be done by talk or example,3.615 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0094.wav,this is the solution of the whole question,3.8 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0095.wav,this frees woman,2.04 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0096.wav,poverty and crime will be childless,3.865 -data/test.other/5764-299665-0097.wav,it is far better to be free to leave the forts and barricades of fear to stand erect and face the future with a smile,10.95 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0000.wav,old mister dinsmore had accepted a pressing invitation from his granddaughter and her husband to join the party and with the addition of servants it was a large one,9.55 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0001.wav,as they were in no haste and the confinement of a railroad car would be very irksome to the younger children it had been decided to make the journey by water,9.2 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0002.wav,there were no sad leave takings to mar their pleasure the children were in wild spirits and all seemed cheerful and happy as they sat or stood upon the deck watching the receding shore as the vessel steamed out of the harbor,13.25 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0003.wav,at length the land had quite disappeared nothing could be seen but the sky overhead and a vast expanse of water all around and the passengers found leisure to turn their attention upon each other,12.58 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0004.wav,there are some nice looking people on board remarked mister travilla in an undertone to his wife,5.87 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0005.wav,beside ourselves added cousin ronald laughing,3.4 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0006.wav,yes she answered that little group yonder a young minister and his wife and child i suppose,6.165 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0007.wav,and what a dear little fellow he is just about the age of our harold i should judge,5.08 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0008.wav,do you son was the smiling rejoinder,3.185 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0009.wav,he certainly looks like a very nice little boy,2.8 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0010.wav,suppose you and he shake hands frank,2.735 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0011.wav,i do indeed though probably comparatively few are aware that tobacco is the cause of their ailments,6.995 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0012.wav,doubtless that is the case remarked mister dinsmore,3.43 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0013.wav,with all my heart if you will step into the gentlemen's cabin where there's a light,4.8 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0014.wav,he led the way the others all following and taking out a slip of paper read from it in a distinct tone loud enough to be heard by those about him without disturbing the other passengers,11.63 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0015.wav,one drop of nicotine extract of tobacco placed on the tongue of a dog will kill him in a minute the hundredth part of a grain picked under the skin of a man's arm will produce nausea and fainting,13.525 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0016.wav,the half dozen cigars which most smokers use a day contain six or seven grains enough if concentrated and absorbed to kill three men and a pound of tobacco according to its quality contains from one quarter to one and a quarter ounces,16.54 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0017.wav,is it strange then that smokers and chewers have a thousand ailments,4.31 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0018.wav,that the french polytechnic institute had to prohibit its use on account of its effects on the mind,7.52 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0019.wav,notice the multitude of sudden deaths and see how many are smokers and chewers,5.12 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0020.wav,in a small country town seven of these mysterious providences occurred within the circuit of a mile all directly traceable to tobacco and any physician on a few moments reflection can match this fact by his own observation,14.31 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0021.wav,and then such powerful acids produce intense irritation and thirst thirst which water does not quench,7.225 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0022.wav,hence a resort to cider and beer,2.6 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0023.wav,no sir what know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which ye have of god and ye are not your own,9.255 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0024.wav,for ye are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are god's,6.555 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0025.wav,we certainly have no right to injure our bodies either by neglect or self indulgence,5.825 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0026.wav,and again i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service,11.14 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0027.wav,it must require a good deal of resolution for one who has become fond of the indulgence to give it up remarked mister daly,7.53 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0028.wav,no doubt no doubt returned mister lilburn but if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell,13.61 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0029.wav,there was a pause broken by young horace who had been watching a group of men gathered about a table at the further end of the room,7.5 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0030.wav,they are gambling yonder and i'm afraid that young fellow is being badly fleeced by that middle aged man opposite,6.71 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0031.wav,the eyes of the whole party were at once turned in that direction,3.51 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0032.wav,no sir he is not here,2.245 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0033.wav,and the door was slammed violently to,2.47 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0034.wav,now the voice came from the skylight overhead apparently and with a fierce imprecation the irate gamester rushed upon deck and ran hither and thither in search of his tormentor,11.415 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0035.wav,his victim who had been looking on during the little scene and listening to the mysterious voice in silent wide eyed wonder and fear now rose hastily his face deathly pale with trembling hands gathered up the money he had staked and hurrying into his state room locked himself in,17.285 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0036.wav,what does it mean cried one,2.38 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0037.wav,a ventriloquist aboard of course returned another let's follow and see the fun,4.845 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0038.wav,i wonder which of us it is remarked the first looking hard at our party i don't know but come on,6.385 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0039.wav,that fellow nick ward is a noted blackleg and ruffian had his nose broken in a fight and is sensitive on the subject was cheating of course,8.375 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0040.wav,who asked the mate i've seen none up here though there are some in the steerage,5.33 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0041.wav,they heard him in silence with a cool phlegmatic indifference most exasperating to one in his present mood,7.045 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0042.wav,a man of giant size and herculean strength had laid aside his pipe and slowly rising to his feet seized the scoundrel in his powerful grasp,9.94 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0043.wav,let me go yelled ward making a desperate effort to free his arms,5.095 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0044.wav,i dinks no i dinks i deach you von lesson returned his captor not relaxing his grasp in the least,7.965 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0045.wav,the german released his prisoner and the latter slunk away with muttered threats and imprecations upon the head of his tormentor,7.925 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0046.wav,mister lilburn and mister daly each at a different time sought out the young man ward's intended victim and tried to influence him for good,8.835 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0047.wav,yet there was gambling again the second night between ward and several others of his profession,5.88 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0048.wav,they kept it up till after midnight,2.4 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0049.wav,then mister lilburn waking from his first sleep in a stateroom near by thought he would break it up once more,6.685 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0050.wav,an intense voiceless excitement possessed the players for the game was a close one and the stakes were very heavy,7.795 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0051.wav,they bent eagerly over the board each watching with feverish anxiety his companion's movements each casting now and again a gloating eye upon the heap of gold and greenbacks that lay between them and at times half stretching out his hand to clutch it,15.535 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0052.wav,a deep groan startled them and they sprang to their feet pale and trembling with sudden terror each holding his breath and straining his ear to catch a repetition of the dread sound,11.34 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0053.wav,but all was silent and after a moment of anxious waiting they sat down to their game again trying to conceal and shake off their fears with a forced unnatural laugh,10.68 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0054.wav,it came from under the table gasped ward look what's there look yourself,5.93 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0055.wav,what can it have been they asked each other,3.025 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0056.wav,oh nonsense what fools we are,2.6 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0057.wav,it was the last game of cards for that trip,2.945 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0058.wav,the captain coming in shortly after the sudden flight of the gamblers took charge of the money and the next day restored it to the owners,8.4 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0059.wav,to elsie's observant eyes it presently became evident that the dalys were in very straitened circumstances,6.83 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0060.wav,oh how kind how very kind missus daly said with tears of joy and gratitude we have hardly known how we should meet the most necessary expenses of this trip but have been trying to cast our care upon the lord asking him to provide,15.69 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0061.wav,and how wonderfully he has answered our petitions,3.115 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0062.wav,elsie answered pressing her hand affectionately art we not sisters in christ,5.61 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0063.wav,ye are all the children of god by faith in christ jesus,4.075 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0064.wav,ye are all one in christ jesus,2.555 -data/test.other/8280-266249-0065.wav,we feel my husband and i that we are only the stewards of his bounty and that because he has said inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me it is the greatest privilege and delight to do anything for his people,17.02 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0000.wav,replied he of a truth i heard him not and i wot him not and folks are all sleeping,9.075 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0001.wav,but she said whomsoever thou seest awake he is the reciter,6.74 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0002.wav,then said the eunuch art thou he who repeated poetry but now and my lady heard him,7.53 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0003.wav,rejoined the eunuch who then was the reciter point him out to me,6.015 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0004.wav,by allah replied the fireman i tell thee the truth,4.305 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0005.wav,tell me what happened quoth zau al makan,3.51 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0006.wav,what ails thee then that thou must needs recite verses seeing that we are tired out with walking and watching and all the folk are asleep for they require sleep to rest them of their fatigue,16.99 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0007.wav,and he also improvised the two following distichs,4.46 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0008.wav,when nuzhat al zaman heard the first improvisation she called to mind her father and her mother and her brother and their whilome home then she wept and cried at the eunuch and said to him woe to thee,17.26 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0009.wav,he who recited the first time hath recited a second time and i heard him hard by,6.94 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0010.wav,by allah an thou fetch him not to me i will assuredly rouse the chamberlain on thee and he shall beat thee and cast thee out,10.44 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0011.wav,but take these hundred diners and give them to the singer and bring him to me gently and do him no hurt,8.945 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0012.wav,return quickly and linger not,3.13 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0013.wav,when it was the seventy third night,2.604938 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0014.wav,but the eunuch said i will not leave thee till thou show me who it was that recited the verses for i dread returning to my lady without him,11.48 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0015.wav,now when the fireman heard these words he feared for zau al makan and wept with exceeding weeping and said to the eunuch by allah it was not i and i know him not,13.67 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0016.wav,so go thou to thy station and if thou again meet any one after this hour reciting aught of poetry whether he be near or far it will be i or some one i know and thou shalt not learn of him but by me,16.925 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0017.wav,then he kissed the eunuch's head and spake him fair till he went away but the castrato fetched a round and returning secretly came and stood behind the fireman fearing to go back to his mistress without tidings,18.33 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0018.wav,i say what made my ignomy whate'er the bitter cup i drain far be fro me that land to flee nor will i bow to those who blame and for such love would deal me shame,14.955 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0019.wav,then said the eunuch to zau al makan peace be with thee o my lord,6.085 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0020.wav,o my lord continued the eunuch and shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say,10.05 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0021.wav,we will do thee no upright o my son nor wrong thee in aught but our object is that thou bend thy gracious steps with me to my mistress to receive her answer and return in weal and safety and thou shalt have a handsome present as one who bringeth good news,21.25 -data/test.other/2033-164914-0022.wav,then the eunuch went out to zau al makan and said to him recite what verses thou knowest for my lady is here hard by listening to thee and after i will ask thee of thy name and thy native country and thy condition,17.909938 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0000.wav,so he turned to the wazir dandan and said to him verily your tale is a wonder of wonders,7.95 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0001.wav,know o chief wazir that here where you have encountered me allah hath given you rest from fatigue and bringeth you your desire after the easiest of fashions for that his almighty will restoreth to you zau al makan and his sister nuzhat al zaman whereby we will settle the matter as we easily can,24.56 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0002.wav,when the minister heard these words he rejoiced with great joy and said o chamberlain tell me the tale of the twain and what befel them and the cause of their long absence,14.07 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0003.wav,zau al makan bowed his head awhile and then said i accept this position for indeed there was no refusing and he was certified that the chamberlain had counselled him well and wisely and set him on the right way,19.4 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0004.wav,then he added o my uncle how shall i do with my brother sharrkan,6.79 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0005.wav,after awhile the dust dispersed and there appeared under it the army of baghdad and khorasan a conquering host like the full tide sea and shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say,18.629938 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0006.wav,when it was the seventy eighth night,2.76 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0007.wav,and in it all rejoiced at the accession of the light of the place,5.665 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0008.wav,lastly the minister went in and kissed the ground before zau al makan who rose to meet him saying welcome o wazir and sire sans peer,14.57 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0009.wav,moreover the sultan commanded his wazir dandan call a ten days halt of the army that he might be private with him and learn from him how and wherefore his father had been slain,16.54 -data/test.other/2033-164916-0010.wav,he then repaired to the heart of the encampment and ordered the host to halt ten days,8.16 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0000.wav,and also these,2.05 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0001.wav,then she threw herself upon him and he gathered her to his bosom and the twain fell down in a fainting fit,8.94 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0002.wav,when the eunuch saw this case he wondered at them and throwing over them somewhat to cover them waited till they should recover,10.3 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0003.wav,after a while they came to themselves and nuzhat al zaman rejoiced with exceeding joy oppression and depression left her and gladness took the mastery of her and she repeated these verses,15.89 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0004.wav,accordingly she told him all that had come to her since their separation at the khan and what had happened to her with the badawi how the merchant had bought her of him and had taken her to her brother sharrkan and had sold her to him how he had freed her at the time of buying how he had made a marriage contract with her and had gone in to her and how the king their sire had sent and asked for her from sharrkan,32.955 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0005.wav,but now go to thy master and bring him quickly to me,4.64 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0006.wav,the chamberlain called the castrato and charged him to do accordingly so he replied i hear and i obey and he took his pages with him and went out in search of the stoker till he found him in the rear of the caravan girthing his ass and preparing for flight,21.77 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0007.wav,she said it hath reached me o auspicious king that when the stoker girthed his ass for flight and bespake himself saying oh would i knew what is become of him,13.605 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0008.wav,i believe he hath denounced me to the eunuch hence these pages et about me and he hath made me an accomplice in his crime,10.205 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0009.wav,why didst thou say i never repeated these couplets nor do i know who repeated them when it was thy companion,9.04 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0010.wav,but now i will not leave thee between this place and baghdad and what betideth thy comrade shall betide thee,8.89 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0011.wav,twas as i feared the coming ills discerning but unto allah we are all returning,7.04 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0012.wav,then the eunuch cried upon the pages saying take him off the ass,6.48 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0013.wav,and he answered i am the chamberlain of the emir of damascus king sharrkan son of omar bin al nu'uman lord of baghdad and of the land of khorasan and i bring tribute and presents from him to his father in baghdad,17.8 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0014.wav,so fare ye forwards no harm shall befal you till you join his grand wazir dandan,7.16 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0015.wav,then he bade him be seated and questioned him and he replied that he was chamberlain to the emir of damascus and was bound to king omar with presents and the tribute of syria,14.050062 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0016.wav,so it was agreed that we go to damascus and fetch thence the king's son sharrkan and make him sultan over his father's realm,10.175 -data/test.other/2033-164915-0017.wav,and amongst them were some who would have chosen the cadet zau al makan for quoth they his name be light of the place and he hath a sister nuzhat al zaman highs the delight of the time but they set out five years ago for al hijaz and none wotteth what is become of them,22.92 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0000.wav,they're done for said the schoolmaster in a low key to the chouette out with your vitriol and mind your eye,9.4 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0001.wav,the two monsters took off their shoes and moved stealthily along keeping in the shadows of the houses,8.08 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0002.wav,by means of this stratagem they followed so closely that although within a few steps of sarah and tom they did not hear them,10.64 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0003.wav,sarah and her brother having again passed by the tapis franc arrived close to the dilapidated house which was partly in ruins and its opened cellars formed a kind of gulf along which the street ran in that direction,16.94 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0004.wav,in an instant the schoolmaster with a leap resembling in strength and agility the spring of a tiger seized seyton with one hand by the throat and exclaimed your money or i will fling you into this hole,16.93 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0005.wav,no said the old brute grumblingly no not one ring what a shame,7.755 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0006.wav,tom seyton did not lose his presence of mind during this scene rapidly and unexpectedly as it had occurred,8.685 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0007.wav,oh ah to lay a trap to catch us replied the thief,5.155 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0008.wav,then addressing thomas seyton you know the plain of saint denis,5.5 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0009.wav,did you see in the cabaret we have just left for i know you again the man whom the charcoal man came to seek,8.035 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0010.wav,cried the schoolmaster a thousand francs and i'll kill him,4.59 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0011.wav,wretch i do not seek his life replied sarah to the schoolmaster,4.99 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0012.wav,let's go and meet him,2.075 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0013.wav,old boy it will pay for looking after,2.94 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0014.wav,well my wife shall be there said the schoolmaster you will tell her what you want and i shall see,8.04 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0015.wav,in the plain of saint denis,2.13 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0016.wav,between saint ouen and the road of la revolte at the end of the road agreed,5.72 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0017.wav,he had forgotten the address of the self styled fan painter,4.42 -data/test.other/6070-63485-0018.wav,the fiacre started,2.57 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0000.wav,then should anything appear to merit a more minute examination albert de morcerf could follow up his researches by means of a small gate similar to that close to the concierge's door and which merits a particular description,16.725 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0001.wav,shrubs and creeping plants covered the windows and hid from the garden and court these two apartments the only rooms into which as they were on the ground floor the prying eyes of the curious could penetrate,15.265 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0002.wav,at a quarter to ten a valet entered he composed with a little groom named john and who only spoke english all albert's establishment although the cook of the hotel was always at his service and on great occasions the count's chasseur also,18.545 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0003.wav,wait then during the day tell rosa that when i leave the opera i will sup with her as she wishes,7.55 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0004.wav,very well at half past ten,2.44 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0005.wav,is the countess up yet,2.33 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0006.wav,the valet left the room,1.935 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0007.wav,good morning lucien good morning said albert your punctuality really alarms me,7.045 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0008.wav,you whom i expected last you arrive at five minutes to ten when the time fixed was half past,7.6 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0009.wav,no no my dear fellow do not confound our plans,3.88 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0010.wav,yes he has not much to complain of bourges is the capital of charles seven,6.0 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0011.wav,it is for that reason you see me so early,3.38 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0012.wav,i returned home at daybreak and strove to sleep but my head ached and i got up to have a ride for an hour,8.615 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0013.wav,peste i will do nothing of the kind the moment they come from government you would find them execrable,8.145 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0014.wav,besides that does not concern the home but the financial department,4.85 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0015.wav,about what about the papers,2.405 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0016.wav,in the entire political world of which you are one of the leaders,5.15 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0017.wav,they say that it is quite fair and that sowing so much red you ought to reap a little blue,7.065 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0018.wav,come come that is not bad said lucien,3.39 -data/test.other/6070-86745-0019.wav,with your talents you would make your fortune in three or four years,4.385 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0000.wav,franz who seemed attracted by some invisible influence towards the count in which terror was strangely mingled felt an extreme reluctance to permit his friend to be exposed alone to the singular fascination that this mysterious personage seemed to exercise over him and therefore made no objection to albert's request but at once accompanied him to the desired spot and after a short delay the count joined them in the salon,33.52 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0001.wav,my very good friend and excellent neighbor replied the count with a smile you really exaggerate my trifling exertions,9.12 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0002.wav,my father the comte de morcerf although of spanish origin possesses considerable influence both at the court of france and madrid and i unhesitatingly place the best services of myself and all to whom my life is dear at your disposal,17.315 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0003.wav,i can scarcely credit it,2.455 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0004.wav,then it is settled said the count and i give you my solemn assurance that i only waited an opportunity like the present to realize plans that i have long meditated,10.655 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0005.wav,shall we make a positive appointment for a particular day and hour inquired the count only let me warn you that i am proverbial for my punctilious exactitude in keeping my engagements day for day hour for hour said albert that will suit me to a dot,17.365 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0006.wav,so be it then replied the count and extending his hand towards a calendar suspended near the chimney piece he said to day is the twenty first of february and drawing out his watch added it is exactly half past ten o'clock now promise me to remember this and expect me the twenty first of may at the same hour in the forenoon,23.349937 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0007.wav,i reside in my father's house but occupy a pavilion at the farther side of the court yard entirely separated from the main building,8.655 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0008.wav,now then said the count returning his tablets to his pocket make yourself perfectly easy the hand of your time piece will not be more accurate in marking the time than myself,12.48 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0009.wav,that depends when do you leave,2.615 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0010.wav,for france no for venice i shall remain in italy for another year or two,5.675 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0011.wav,then we shall not meet in paris,2.57 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0012.wav,i fear i shall not have that honor,2.515 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0013.wav,well since we must part said the count holding out a hand to each of the young men allow me to wish you both a safe and pleasant journey,8.68 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0014.wav,what is the matter asked albert of franz when they had returned to their own apartments you seem more than commonly thoughtful,8.7 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0015.wav,i will confess to you albert replied franz the count is a very singular person and the appointment you have made to meet him in paris fills me with a thousand apprehensions,12.07 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0016.wav,did you ever meet him previously to coming hither,3.31 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0017.wav,upon my honor then listen to me,3.145 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0018.wav,he dwelt with considerable force and energy on the almost magical hospitality he had received from the count and the magnificence of his entertainment in the grotto of the thousand and one nights he recounted with circumstantial exactitude all the particulars of the supper the hashish the statues the dream and how at his awakening there remained no proof or trace of all these events save the small yacht seen in the distant horizon driving under full sail toward porto vecchio,33.645 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0019.wav,then he detailed the conversation overheard by him at the colosseum between the count and vampa in which the count had promised to obtain the release of the bandit peppino an engagement which as our readers are aware he most faithfully fulfilled,18.235 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0020.wav,but said franz the corsican bandits that were among the crew of his vessel,5.23 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0021.wav,why really the thing seems to me simple enough,3.54 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0022.wav,talking of countries replied franz of what country is the count what is his native tongue whence does he derive his immense fortune and what were those events of his early life a life as marvellous as unknown that have tinctured his succeeding years with so dark and gloomy a misanthropy,19.999938 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0023.wav,certainly these are questions that in your place i should like to have answered,4.630063 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0024.wav,my dear franz replied albert when upon receipt of my letter you found the necessity of asking the count's assistance you promptly went to him saying my friend albert de morcerf is in danger help me to deliver him,15.925 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0025.wav,what are his means of existence what is his birthplace of what country is he a native,5.515 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0026.wav,i confess he asked me none no he merely came and freed me from the hands of signor vampa where i can assure you in spite of all my outward appearance of ease and unconcern i did not very particularly care to remain,15.99 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0027.wav,and this time it must be confessed that contrary to the usual state of affairs in discussions between the young men the effective arguments were all on albert's side,10.415 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0028.wav,well said franz with a sigh do as you please my dear viscount for your arguments are beyond my powers of refutation,8.35 -data/test.other/6070-86744-0029.wav,and now my dear franz let us talk of something else,3.685 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0000.wav,but scuse me didn't yo figger on doin some detectin an give up fishin,4.29 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0001.wav,and shag with the freedom of an old servant stood looking at his master as if not quite understanding the new twist the affairs had taken,8.04 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0002.wav,i'm going off fishing i may not catch anything i may not want to after i get there,5.385 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0003.wav,get ready shag yes sah colonel,3.135 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0004.wav,and having put himself in a fair way as he hoped to solve some of the problems connected with the darcy case colonel ashley went down to police headquarters to learn more facts in connection with the murder of the east indian,13.69 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0005.wav,pinkus and donovan haven't they carroll yep,3.54 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0006.wav,carroll was too much engaged in watching the blue smoke curl lazily upward from his cigar just then to say more,6.67 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0007.wav,are you going to work on that case colonel,2.59 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0008.wav,but he hadn't any more to do with it colonel than that cat,3.7 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0009.wav,perhaps not admitted colonel ashley,2.665 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0010.wav,we've got our man and that's all we want,2.84 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0011.wav,you're on the darcy case they tell me in a way yes,3.83 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0012.wav,i'm working in the interests of the young man,2.54 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0013.wav,it's just one of them coincidences like,2.875 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0014.wav,busted his head in with a heavy candlestick one of a pair,3.84 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0015.wav,gad exclaimed the colonel,2.14 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0016.wav,the very pair i was going to buy,2.665 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0017.wav,look here colonel do you know anything about this,3.065 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0018.wav,and the detective's professional instincts got the upper hand of his friendliness not the least in the world not as much as you do was the cool answer,9.59 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0019.wav,i happened to see those candlesticks in the window of singa phut's shop the other day and i made up my mind to buy them when i had a chance,7.855 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0020.wav,now i'm afraid i won't but how did it happen,4.055 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0021.wav,phut i don't know whether that's his first or his last name anyhow he had a partner named shere ali,6.64 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0022.wav,anyhow he and phut didn't get along very well it seems,3.675 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0023.wav,neighbors often heard em scrappin a lot and this afternoon they went at it again hot and heavy,6.1 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0024.wav,toward dark a man went in to buy a lamp,3.445 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0025.wav,he found the place without a light in it stumbled over something on the floor and there was ali's body with the head busted in and this heavy candlestick near it,9.425 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0026.wav,sure held so tight we could hardly get it out,3.09 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0027.wav,maybe the fight was about who owned the watch for the dagos talked in their foreign lingo and none of the neighbors could tell what they were sayin i see,8.125 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0028.wav,and the watch have you it yes it's here,3.22 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0029.wav,that's the watch announced the headquarters detective reaching in for it going yet see,5.745 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0030.wav,you're not as squeamish as all that are you just because it was in a dead man's hand and in a woman's,5.16 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0031.wav,and donovan's voice was plainly skeptical,2.695 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0032.wav,yes it may have some rough edges on it,2.64 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0033.wav,and i've read enough about germs to know the danger i'd advise you to be careful,4.835 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0034.wav,if you don't mind i should like to examine this a bit,3.26 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0035.wav,before the big wind in ireland suggested thong with a nod at his irish compatriot slightly laughed the colonel,7.03 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0036.wav,that's right agreed the colonel as he continued to move his magnifying glass over the surface of the still ticking watch,7.415 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0037.wav,and a close observer might have observed that he did not touch his bare fingers to the timepiece but poked it about and touched it here and there with the end of a leadpencil,10.91 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0038.wav,and donovan take a friend's advice and don't be too free with that watch too free with it,5.59 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0039.wav,asked the surprised detective yes,2.89 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0040.wav,don't scratch yourself on it whatever you do why not,4.18 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0041.wav,simply because this watch,2.345 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0042.wav,some one out here to see you,2.175 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0043.wav,all right be there in a second,2.53 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0044.wav,singa phut was the panting answer,2.745 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0045.wav,i want to talk over darcy's case with you the colonel had said and the two had talked had thought had talked again and now were silent for a time,9.42 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0046.wav,what are the chances of getting him off legally if we go at it from a negative standpoint asked the colonel,5.715 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0047.wav,rather a hypothetical question colonel but i should say it might be a fifty fifty proposition,6.49 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0048.wav,at best he would get off with a scotch verdict of not proven but he doesn't want that nor do i,7.085 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0049.wav,and you i don't want it either,2.29 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0050.wav,but i want to know just where we stand now i know,3.72 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0051.wav,but i need to do a little more smoking out first now i want to think,4.46 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0052.wav,if you'll excuse me i'll pretend i'm fishing and i may catch something,4.25 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0053.wav,in fact i have a feeling that i'll land my fish,3.62 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0054.wav,i'd recommend him to you instead of blackstone thanks laughed kenneth,4.095 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0055.wav,what is it perhaps i can help you,2.32 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0056.wav,the old adage of two heads you know,2.32 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0057.wav,yes it still holds good,2.175 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0058.wav,no alimony repeated the colonel puzzled yes just that,4.765 -data/test.other/6432-63722-0059.wav,and there's no reason you shouldn't know,2.24 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0000.wav,chuckled the colonel as he skilfully played the luckless trout now struggling to get loose from the hook,6.255 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0001.wav,and when the fish was landed panting on the grass and shag had been roused from his slumber to slip the now limp fish into the creel colonel ashley gave a sigh of relief and remarked i think i see it now,11.59 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0002.wav,the reason she asked no alimony inquired kenneth,3.69 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0003.wav,no i wasn't thinking of that,2.24 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0004.wav,however don't think i'm not interested in your case i've fished enough for to day,5.415 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0005.wav,well i don't know that you can,2.25 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0006.wav,it isn't generally known went on the lawyer that the hotel keeper's wife has left him,5.09 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0007.wav,it was one of what at first might be called refined cruelty on her husband's part degenerating gradually into that of the baser sort,9.125 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0008.wav,you don't mean that larch struck her that there was physical abuse do you asked the colonel that's what he did,7.42 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0009.wav,the colonel did not disclose the fact that it was no news to him,3.58 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0010.wav,aaron grafton's statement was being unexpectedly confirmed,4.035 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0011.wav,he remembered that cynthia and grafton had once been in love with each other,4.025 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0012.wav,she said he had struck her more than once and she could stand it no longer,4.005 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0013.wav,because larch made no defense,2.345 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0014.wav,larch by refusing to appear practically admitted the charges against him and did not oppose the separation,7.11 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0015.wav,so i had to let her have her way and we did not ask the court for money though i had no such squeamish feelings when it came to my counsel fee,7.94 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0016.wav,no but he will or i'll sue him and get judgment oh he'll pay all right,5.535 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0017.wav,and it takes all sorts of persons to make it up,2.69 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0018.wav,still i would like to know,2.445 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0019.wav,the murder of missus darcy had some time ago been shifted off the front page though it would get back there when the young jeweler was tried,8.055 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0020.wav,it had a double reputation so to speak,2.785 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0021.wav,grave and even reverend conventions assembled in its ballroom and politicians of the upper if not better class were frequently seen in its dining room or cafe,10.52 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0022.wav,larch himself was a peculiar character,2.775 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0023.wav,in a smaller place he would have been called a saloon keeper,3.055 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0024.wav,and it was this man rich it was said handsome certainly that cynthia ratchford had married,5.905 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0025.wav,to this was the answer whispered money,3.205 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0026.wav,and in a way it was true,2.175 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0027.wav,she also saw an opportunity of paying old debts and reaping some revenges,5.125 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0028.wav,after the marriage which was a brilliant and gay one if not happy the larch hotel it could hardly be called a home became the scene of many festive occasions,10.22 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0029.wav,then it was said of larch that soon after the echoes of the wedding chimes had died away he had begun to treat his wife with refined cruelty that hidden away from the public underneath his habitual manner there was the rawness of the brute,14.985 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0030.wav,but it was noticed that the older and more conservative families were less often represented and when they were it was by some of the younger members whose reputations were already smirched or who had not yet acquired any and were willing to take a chance,14.585 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0031.wav,it wouldn't do you know after that story came out for me and the vice chancellor who sat in the case as well as other judges and members of the bar to be seen there kenneth explained to the colonel,10.88 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0032.wav,meanwhile colonel ashley was a very busy man and to no one did he tell very much about his activities he saw darcy frequently at the jail and to that young man's pleadings that something be done always returned the answer,13.075 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0033.wav,don't worry it will come out all right,2.51 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0034.wav,i'm going to rectify them but it will take time,3.28 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0035.wav,it's hard for miss mason too although she's bearing up like a major,3.77 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0036.wav,so king got bail who put it up,2.965 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0037.wav,it was high larch,2.395 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0038.wav,they took harry away a while ago,2.115 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0039.wav,but his are pretty uncertain shoes to be in just the same,3.11 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0040.wav,only that i darcy hesitated and grew red,4.18 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0041.wav,good evening colonel he called genially will you join me in a welsh rabbit,5.01 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0042.wav,thank you no,1.8 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0043.wav,i'm afraid my digestion isn't quite up to that as i've had to cut out my fishing of late,5.22 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0044.wav,now as to certain matters in the store on the morning of the murder,3.845 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0045.wav,the stopped clocks for instance have you any theory,3.945 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0046.wav,there were three of them the center figure being that of harry king and he was very much intoxicated,6.52 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0047.wav,that is not always but sometimes it happened to be so now,4.26 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0048.wav,i beg your pardon he said in the cultured tones he knew so well how to use yet of which he made so little use of late,7.79 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0049.wav,i said where have you been remarked the other we've missed you,4.09 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0050.wav,i said i was golfing he went on exceedingly distinctly though with an effort,6.765 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0051.wav,why polonius some one asked,2.25 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0052.wav,because dear friend replied king softly he somewhat resembles a certain person here who talks too much but who is not so wise as he thinks,10.515 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0053.wav,there was a rattle of coins on the mahogany bar as king sought to disentangle a single bill from the wadded up currency in his pocket,7.81 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0054.wav,it's it's an odd coin an old roman one that missus darcy had in her private collection kept in the jewelry store safe was the whispered answer,10.01 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0055.wav,i went over them the other day and noticed some were missing though i saw them all when i paid a visit to her just a short time before she was killed,8.135 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0056.wav,that was hers went on the jeweler,2.14 -data/test.other/6432-63723-0057.wav,now harry king has it exclaimed colonel ashley,3.035 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0000.wav,but i am hugely pleased that you have seen my lady,4.555 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0001.wav,i knew you could not choose but like her but yet let me tell you you have seen but the worst of her,7.84 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0002.wav,her conversation has more charms than can be in mere beauty and her humour and disposition would make a deformed person appear lovely,9.995 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0003.wav,why did you not send me that news and a garland,4.04 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0004.wav,well the best on't is i have a squire now that is as good as a knight,5.925 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0005.wav,in earnest we have had such a skirmish and upon so foolish an occasion as i cannot tell which is strangest,8.22 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0006.wav,all the people that i had ever in my life refused were brought again upon the stage like richard the three s ghosts to reproach me withal and all the kindness his discoveries could make i had for you was laid to my charge,16.515 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0007.wav,my best qualities if i have any that are good served but for aggravations of my fault and i was allowed to have wit and understanding and discretion in other things that it might appear i had none in this,14.73 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0008.wav,tis a strange change and i am very sorry for it but i'll swear i know not how to help it,9.01 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0009.wav,mister fish is the squire of dames and has so many mistresses that anybody may pretend a share in him and be believed but though i have the honour to be his near neighbour to speak freely i cannot brag much that he makes any court to me and i know no young woman in the country that he does not visit often,22.75 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0010.wav,i think my youngest brother comes down with him,2.98 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0011.wav,i can no sooner give you some little hints whereabouts they live but you know them presently and i meant you should be beholding to me for your acquaintance,10.22 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0012.wav,but it seems this gentleman is not so easy access but you may acknowledge something due to me if i incline him to look graciously upon you and therefore there is not much harm done,13.32 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0013.wav,i have missed four fits and had but five and have recovered so much strength as made me venture to meet your letter on wednesday a mile from home,10.695 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0014.wav,but besides i can give you others,3.28 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0015.wav,i am here much more out of people's way than in town where my aunt and such as pretend an interest in me and a power over me do so persecute me with their good nature and take it so ill that they are not accepted as i would live in a hollow tree to avoid them,20.67 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0016.wav,you will think him altered and if it be possible more melancholy than he was,6.25 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0017.wav,if marriage agrees no better with other people than it does with him i shall pray that all my friends may scape it,7.92 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0018.wav,well in earnest if i were a prince that lady should be my mistress but i can give no rule to any one else and perhaps those that are in no danger of losing their hearts to her may be infinitely taken with one i should not value at all for so says the justinian wise providence has ordained it that by their different humours everybody might find something to please themselves withal without envying their neighbours,30.939937 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0019.wav,the matter is not great for i confess i do naturally hate the noise and talk of the world and should be best pleased never to be known in't upon any occasion whatsoever yet since it can never be wholly avoided one must satisfy oneself by doing nothing that one need care who knows,21.4 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0020.wav,if i had a picture that were fit for you you should have it,3.67 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0021.wav,how can you talk of defying fortune nobody lives without it and therefore why should you imagine you could,8.38 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0022.wav,i know not how my brother comes to be so well informed as you say but i am certain he knows the utmost of the injuries you have received from her,9.43 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0023.wav,we have had another debate but much more calmly,4.25 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0024.wav,and besides there was a time when we ourselves were indifferent to one another did i do so then or have i learned it since,10.42 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0025.wav,i have been studying how tom cheeke might come by his intelligence and i verily believe he has it from my cousin peters,9.095 -data/test.other/3080-5032-0026.wav,how kindly do i take these civilities of your father's in earnest you cannot imagine how his letter pleased me,7.105 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0000.wav,would it would leave me and then i could believe i shall not always have occasion for it,6.85 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0001.wav,my poor lady vavasour is carried to the tower and her great belly could not excuse her because she was acquainted by somebody that there was a plot against the protector and did not discover it,12.95 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0002.wav,she has told now all that was told her but vows she will never say from whence she had it we shall see whether her resolutions are as unalterable as those of my lady talmash,13.15 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0003.wav,i wonder how she behaved herself when she was married,3.67 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0004.wav,i never saw any one yet that did not look simply and out of countenance nor ever knew a wedding well designed but one and that was of two persons who had time enough i confess to contrive it and nobody to please in't but themselves,16.06 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0005.wav,the truth is i could not endure to be missus bride in a public wedding to be made the happiest person on earth,9.02 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0006.wav,do not take it ill for i would endure it if i could rather than fail but in earnest i do not think it were possible for me,9.79 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0007.wav,yet in earnest your father will not find my brother peyton wanting in civility though he is not a man of much compliment unless it be in his letters to me nor an unreasonable person in anything so he will allow him out of his kindness to his wife to set a higher value upon her sister than she deserves,20.38 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0008.wav,my aunt told me no longer agone than yesterday that i was the most wilful woman that ever she knew and had an obstinacy of spirit nothing could overcome take heed,12.32 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0009.wav,you see i give you fair warning,2.61 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0010.wav,by the next i shall be gone into kent and my other journey is laid aside which i am not displeased at because it would have broken our intercourse very much,9.45 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0011.wav,here are some verses of cowley's tell me how you like them,3.915 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0012.wav,i told you in my last that my suffolk journey was laid aside and that into kent hastened,7.02 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0013.wav,if i drown by the way this will be my last letter and like a will i bequeath all my kindness to you in it with a charge never to bestow it all upon another mistress lest my ghost rise again and haunt you,16.71 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0014.wav,indeed i like him extremely and he is commended to me by people that know him very well and are able to judge for a most excellent servant and faithful as possible,11.61 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0015.wav,because you find fault with my other letters this is like to be shorter than they i did not intend it so though i can assure you,8.659937 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0016.wav,i do not find it though i am told i was so extremely when i believed you loved me,5.75 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0017.wav,but i am called upon,1.895 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0018.wav,directed for your master,2.64 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0019.wav,i see you can chide when you please and with authority but i deserve it i confess and all i can say for myself is that my fault proceeded from a very good principle in me,13.13 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0020.wav,we dare not let our tongues lie more on one side of our mouths than t'other for fear of overturning it,7.08 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0021.wav,you are satisfied i hope ere this that i scaped drowning,4.42 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0022.wav,but i am troubled much you should make so ill a journey to so little purpose indeed i writ by the first post after my arrival here and cannot imagine how you came to miss of my letters,13.06 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0023.wav,how welcome you will be but alas,3.81 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0024.wav,for my life i cannot beat into their heads a passion that must be subject to no decay an even perfect kindness that must last perpetually without the least intermission,12.92 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0025.wav,they laugh to hear me say that one unkind word would destroy all the satisfaction of my life and that i should expect our kindness should increase every day if it were possible but never lessen,13.25 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0026.wav,we go abroad all day and play all night and say our prayers when we have time,6.23 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0027.wav,well in sober earnest now i would not live thus a twelvemonth to gain all that the king has lost unless it were to give it him again,9.7 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0028.wav,will you be so good natured,2.59 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0029.wav,he has one son and tis the finest boy that e'er you saw and has a noble spirit but yet stands in that awe of his father that one word from him is as much as twenty whippings,13.0 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0030.wav,you must give me leave to entertain you thus with discourses of the family for i can tell you nothing else from hence,7.245 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0031.wav,not to know when you would come home i can assure you nor for any other occasion of my own but with a cousin of mine that had long designed to make herself sport with him and did not miss of her aim,12.77 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0032.wav,in my life i never heard so ridiculous a discourse as he made us and no old woman who passes for a witch could have been more puzzled to seek what to say to reasonable people than he was,13.065 -data/test.other/3080-5040-0033.wav,ever since this adventure i have had so great a belief in all things of this nature that i could not forbear laying a peas cod with nine peas in't under my door yesterday and was informed by it that my husband's name should be thomas how do you like that,17.36 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0000.wav,a thousand blessings from a grateful heart,2.36 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0001.wav,perusal said the pawnbroker that's the way to pernounce it,3.905 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0002.wav,his books told him that treasure is best hidden under loose boards unless of course your house has a secret panel which his had not,8.125 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0003.wav,he got it up and pushed his treasures as far in as he could along the rough crumbly surface of the lath and plaster,7.735 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0004.wav,when dickie came down his aunt slightly slapped him and he took the halfpenny and limped off obediently,6.55 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0005.wav,he had never seen one before and it interested him extremely,4.08 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0006.wav,he looked about him and knew that he did not at all know where he was,4.09 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0007.wav,what's up matey lost your way dickie explained,4.3 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0008.wav,when he said ave i bin asleep,2.925 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0009.wav,here we are said the man,1.89 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0010.wav,not exackly said the man but it's all right,2.865 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0011.wav,when it was over the man asked dickie if he could walk a little way and when dickie said he could they set out in the most friendly way side by side,8.585 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0012.wav,and the tea and all an the egg,2.64 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0013.wav,and this is the prettiest place ever i see,2.635 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0014.wav,i shall catch it a fair treat as it is,2.28 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0015.wav,she was waitin for the wood to boil the kettle when i come out mother,4.46 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0016.wav,ain't bad when she's in a good temper,2.46 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0017.wav,that ain't what she'll be in when you gets back,2.665 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0018.wav,i got to stick it said dickie sadly i'd best be getting home,5.15 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0019.wav,i wouldn't go ome not if i was you said the man,3.09 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0020.wav,no said dickie oh no no i never,3.75 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0021.wav,i ain't it yer have i like what yer aunt do,2.62 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0022.wav,well that'll show you the sort of man i am,2.915 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0023.wav,the man's manner was so kind and hearty the whole adventure was so wonderful and new is it country where you going,7.91 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0024.wav,the sun shot long golden beams through the gaps in the hedge,3.535 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0025.wav,a bird paused in its flight on a branch quite close and clung there swaying,4.635 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0026.wav,he took out of his pocket a new envelope a new sheet of paper and a new pencil ready sharpened by machinery,6.66 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0027.wav,an i asks you let me come alonger you got that,3.755 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0028.wav,get it wrote down then done,2.325 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0029.wav,then he folded it and put it in his pocket,3.025 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0030.wav,now we're square he said,1.93 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0031.wav,they could put a man away for less than that,2.74 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0032.wav,i see that there in a book said dickie charmed,2.805 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0033.wav,he reward the wake the last of the english and i wunnered what it stood for,5.115 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0034.wav,wild ones ain't alf the size i lay,2.54 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0035.wav,adventures i should think so,2.81 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0036.wav,ah said dickie and a full silence fell between them,4.22 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0037.wav,that was charming but it was pleasant too to wash the mud off on the wet grass,5.465 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0038.wav,dickie always remembered that moment,2.5 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0039.wav,so you shall said mister beale a reg'ler wash all over this very night i always like a wash meself,6.59 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0040.wav,some blokes think it pays to be dirty but it don't,3.765 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0041.wav,if you're clean they say honest poverty an if you're dirty they say serve you right,6.19 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0042.wav,you are good said dickie i do like you,3.31 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0043.wav,i know you will said dickie with enthusiasm i know ow good you are,5.15 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0044.wav,bless me said mister beale uncomfortably well there,3.635 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0045.wav,step out sonny or we'll never get there this side christmas,3.655 -data/test.other/1998-29454-0046.wav,well you'll know all about it presently,3.275 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0000.wav,if called to a case supposed or suspected to be one of poisoning the medical man has two duties to perform to save the patient's life and to place himself in a position to give evidence if called on to do so,13.315 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0001.wav,he should make inquiries as to symptoms and time at which food or medicine was last taken,6.025 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0002.wav,he should notice the position and temperature of the body the condition of rigor mortis marks of violence appearance of lips and mouth,9.11 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0003.wav,in making a post mortem examination the alimentary canal should be removed and preserved for further investigation,7.25 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0004.wav,the gut and the gullet being cut across between these ligatures the stomach may be removed entire without spilling its contents,8.31 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0005.wav,if the medical practitioner is in doubt on any point he should obtain technical assistance from someone who has paid attention to the subject,8.37 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0006.wav,in a case of attempted suicide by poisoning is it the duty of the doctor to inform the police,6.43 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0007.wav,the best emetic is that which is at hand,3.17 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0008.wav,the dose for an adult is ten minims,2.945 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0009.wav,apomorphine is not allied in physiological action to morphine and may be given in cases of narcotic poisoning,7.555 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0010.wav,tickling the fauces with a feather may excite vomiting,4.375 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0011.wav,in using the elastic stomach tube some fluid should be introduced into the stomach before attempting to empty it or a portion of the mucous membrane may be sucked into the aperture,11.785 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0012.wav,the tube should be examined to see that it is not broken or cracked as accidents have happened from neglecting this precaution,7.865 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0013.wav,antidotes are usually given hypodermically or if by mouth in the form of tablets,6.485 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0014.wav,in the absence of a hypodermic syringe the remedy may be given by the rectum,5.63 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0015.wav,notice the smell colour and general appearance of the matter submitted for examination,5.42 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0016.wav,for the separation of an alkaloid the following is the process of stas otto,5.175 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0017.wav,this process is based upon the principle that the salts of the alkaloids are soluble in alcohol and water and insoluble in ether,8.65 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0018.wav,the pure alkaloids with the exception of morphine in its crystalline form are soluble in ether,6.51 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0019.wav,two cool the mixture and filter wash the residue with strong alcohol and mix the filtrates,7.615 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0020.wav,the residue may be set aside for the detection of the metallic poisons if suspected expel the alcohol by careful evaporation,9.42 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0021.wav,on the evaporation of the alcohol the resinous and fatty matters separate,4.785 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0022.wav,evaporate the filtrate to a syrup and extract with successive portions of absolute alcohol,6.205063 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0023.wav,separate the ethereal solution and evaporate,3.465 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0024.wav,five a part of this ethereal solution is poured into a watch glass and allowed to evaporate,6.895 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0025.wav,to purify it add a small quantity of dilute sulphuric acid and after evaporating to three quarters of its bulk add a saturated solution of carbonate of potash or soda,11.805 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0026.wav,boil the finely divided substance with about one eighth its bulk of pure hydrochloric acid add from time to time potassic chlorate until the solids are reduced to a straw yellow fluid,11.55 -data/test.other/1998-15444-0027.wav,the residue of the material after digestion with hydrochloric acid and potassium chlorate may have to be examined for silver lead and barium,9.205 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0000.wav,the singing and laughing went on long after he had fallen asleep and if later in the evening there were loud voiced arguments or quarrels even dickie did not hear them,11.62 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0001.wav,what's all that there dickie asked pointing to the odd knobbly bundles of all sorts and shapes tied on to the perambulator's front,9.015 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0002.wav,tell yer what mate looks to me as if i'd took a fancy to you,3.89 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0003.wav,swelp me he said helplessly,2.21 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0004.wav,oh look said dickie the flowers,2.88 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0005.wav,they're only weeds said beale,2.49 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0006.wav,but i shall have them while they're alive said dickie as he had said to the pawnbroker about the moonflowers,6.115 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0007.wav,hi there goes a rabbit,1.995 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0008.wav,see im crost the road there see him,2.895 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0009.wav,how beautiful said dickie wriggling with delight,3.735 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0010.wav,this life of the rabbit as described by mister beale was the child's first glimpse of freedom i'd like to be a rabbit,7.675 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0011.wav,ow'm i to wheel the bloomin pram if you goes on like as if you was a bag of eels,4.64 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0012.wav,i like you nexter my own daddy and mister baxter next door,3.695 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0013.wav,that's all right said mister beale awkwardly,3.09 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0014.wav,dickie quick to imitate touched his,2.83 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0015.wav,poor little man said the lady you miss your mother don't you,4.01 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0016.wav,oh well done little un said mister beale to himself,3.57 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0017.wav,the two travellers were left facing each other the richer by a penny and oh wonderful good fortune a whole half crown,7.98 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0018.wav,no i never said dickie ere's the steever,3.68 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0019.wav,you stick to that said beale radiant with delight you're a fair masterpiece you are you earned it honest if ever a kid done,7.57 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0020.wav,they went on up the hill as happy as any one need wish to be,4.31 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0021.wav,please do not be too shocked,1.96 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0022.wav,remember that neither of them knew any better,3.245 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0023.wav,to the elder tramp lies and begging were natural means of livelihood,4.715 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0024.wav,but you said the bed with the green curtains urged dickie,4.03 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0025.wav,which this ain't not by no means,2.72 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0026.wav,the night is full of interesting little sounds that will not at first let you sleep the rustle of little wild things in the hedges the barking of dogs in distant farms the chirp of crickets and the croaking of frogs,12.84 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0027.wav,the new game of begging and inventing stories to interest the people from whom it was worth while to beg went on gaily day by day and week by week and dickie by constant practice grew so clever at taking his part in the acting that mister beale was quite dazed with admiration,17.02 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0028.wav,blessed if i ever see such a nipper he said over and over again,4.77 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0029.wav,clever as a traindawg e is an all outer is own ead,3.86 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0030.wav,i ain't sure as i adn't better stick to the road and keep away from old ands like you jim,5.535 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0031.wav,i ope e's clever enough to do wot e's told keep is mug shut that's all,4.96 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0032.wav,if e's straight e'll do for me and if he ain't i'll do for im see,4.32 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0033.wav,see that bloke just now said mister beale yuss said dickie,4.475 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0034.wav,well you never see im,1.81 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0035.wav,if any one arsts you if you ever see im you never set eyes on im in all your born not to remember im,5.86 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0036.wav,dickie was full of questions but mister beale had no answers for them,3.94 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0037.wav,nor was it sunday on which they took a rest and washed their shirts according to mister beale's rule of life,6.65 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0038.wav,they did not stay there but walked out across the downs where the skylarks were singing and on a dip of the downs came upon great stone walls and towers very strong and gray,11.05 -data/test.other/1998-29455-0039.wav,what's that there said dickie,2.365 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0000.wav,not a sound if you value your lives,2.639937 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0001.wav,to offer resistance would have been madness for even hermon perceived by the loud clanking of weapons around them the greatly superior power of the enemy and they were acting by the orders of the king to the prison near the place of execution,14.055 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0002.wav,was he to be led to the executioner's block,2.91 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0003.wav,what pleasure had life to offer him the blind man who was already dead to his art,5.01 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0004.wav,ought he not to greet this sudden end as a boon from the immortals,3.825 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0005.wav,did it not spare him a humiliation as great and painful as could be imagined,4.895 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0006.wav,whatever might await him he desired no better fate,3.37 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0007.wav,if he had passed into annihilation he hermon wished to follow him thither and annihilation certainly meant redemption from pain and misery,8.395 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0008.wav,but if he were destined to meet his myrtilus and his mother in the world beyond the grave what had he not to tell them how sure he was of finding a joyful reception there from both,9.66 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0009.wav,the power which delivered him over to death just at that moment was not nemesis no it was a kindly deity,7.245 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0010.wav,yet it was no illusion that deceived him,2.245 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0011.wav,again he heard the beloved voice and this time it addressed not only him but with the utmost haste the commander of the soldiers,7.355 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0012.wav,sometimes with touching entreaty sometimes with imperious command she protested after giving him her name that this matter could be nothing but an unfortunate mistake,10.475 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0013.wav,lastly with earnest warmth she besought him before taking the prisoners away to permit her to speak to the commanding general philippus her father's guest who she was certain was in the palace,12.71 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0014.wav,cried hermon in grateful agitation but she would not listen to him and followed the soldier whom the captain detailed to guide her into the palace,8.055 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0015.wav,to morrow you shall confess to me who treacherously directed you to this dangerous path,5.025 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0016.wav,daphne again pleaded for the liberation of the prisoners but philippus silenced her with the grave exclamation the order of the king,8.155 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0017.wav,as soon as the captive artist was alone with the woman he loved he clasped her hand pouring forth incoherent words of the most ardent gratitude and when he felt her warmly return the pressure he could not restrain the desire to clasp her to his heart,14.69 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0018.wav,in spite of his deep mental distress he could have shouted aloud in his delight and gratitude,5.025 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0019.wav,he might now have been permitted to bind forever to his life the woman who had just rescued him from the greatest danger but the confession he must make to his fellow artists in the palaestra the following morning still sealed his lips yet in this hour he felt that he was united to her and ought not to conceal what awaited him so obeying a strong impulse he exclaimed you know that i love you,21.44 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0020.wav,i love you and have loved you always,2.43 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0021.wav,daphne exclaimed tenderly what more is needed,3.24 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0022.wav,but hermon with drooping head murmured to morrow i shall no longer be what i am now,5.96 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0023.wav,then daphne raised her face to his asking so the demeter is the work of myrtilus,5.91 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0024.wav,what a terrible ordeal again awaits you,2.475 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0025.wav,and i fool blinded also in mind could be vexed with you for it,4.725062 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0026.wav,bring this before your mind and everything else that you must accept with it if you consent when the time arrives to become mine conceal and palliate nothing,9.565 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0027.wav,so archias intended to leave the city on one of his own ships that very day,4.825 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0028.wav,he himself on the way to expose himself to the malice and mockery of the whole city,4.94 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0029.wav,his heart contracted painfully and his solicitude about his uncle's fate increased when philippus informed him that the conspirators had been arrested at the banquet and headed by amyntas the rhodian chrysippus and proclus had perished by the executioner's sword at sunrise,16.98 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0030.wav,besides he knew that the object of his love would not part from him without granting him one last word,6.265 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0031.wav,on the way his heart throbbed almost to bursting,3.32 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0032.wav,even daphne's image and what threatened her father and her with him receded far into the background,6.759938 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0033.wav,he was appearing before his companions only to give truth its just due,4.915 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0034.wav,the egyptian obeyed and his master crossed the wide space strewn with sand and approached the stage which had been erected for the festal performances even had his eyes retained the power of sight his blood was coursing so wildly through his veins that he might perhaps have been unable to distinguish the statues around him and the thousands of spectators who crowded closely together richly garlanded their cheeks glowing with enthusiasm surrounded the arena hermon,28.035 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0035.wav,shouted his friend soteles in joyful surprise in the midst of this painful walk hermon,5.23 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0036.wav,even while he believed himself to be the creator of the demeter he had been seriously troubled by the praise of so many critics because it had exposed him to the suspicion of having become faithless to his art and his nature,11.975 -data/test.other/5484-24318-0037.wav,honour to myrtilus and his art but he trusted this noble festal assemblage would pardon the unintentional deception and aid his prayer for recovery,9.275 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0000.wav,when he came from the bath proclus visited him again,3.54 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0001.wav,but hermon was not in the mood to share a joyous revel and he frankly said so although immediately after his return he had accepted the invitation to the festival which the whole fellowship of artists would give the following day in honour of the seventieth birthday of the old sculptor euphranor,18.4 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0002.wav,she would appear herself at dessert and the banquet must therefore begin at an unusually early hour,6.665 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0003.wav,so the artist found himself obliged to relinquish his opposition,4.185 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0004.wav,the banquet was to begin in a few hours yet he could not let the day pass without seeing daphne and telling her the words of the oracle,8.195 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0005.wav,he longed with ardent yearning for the sound of her voice and still more to unburden his sorely troubled soul to her,7.915 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0006.wav,since his return from the oracle the fear that the rescued demeter might yet be the work of myrtilus had again mastered him,7.87 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0007.wav,the approval as well as the doubts which it aroused in others strengthened his opinion although even now he could not succeed in bringing it into harmony with the facts,10.795 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0008.wav,then he went directly to the neighbouring palace the queen might have appeared already and it would not do to keep her waiting,7.205 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0009.wav,hitherto the merchant had been induced it is true to advance large sums of money to the queen but the loyal devotion which he showed to her royal husband had rendered it impossible to give him even a hint of the conspiracy,14.605 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0010.wav,when hermon entered the residence of the grammateus in the palace the guests had already assembled,6.175 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0011.wav,the place by hermon's side which althea had chosen for herself would then be given up to arsinoe,6.65 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0012.wav,true an interesting conversation still had power to charm him but often during its continuance the full consciousness of his misfortune forced itself upon his mind for the majority of the subjects discussed by the artists came to them through the medium of sight and referred to new creations of architecture sculpture and painting from whose enjoyment his blindness debarred him,22.745 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0013.wav,a stranger out of his own sphere he felt chilled among these closely united men and women to whom no tie bound him save the presence of the same host,10.44 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0014.wav,crates had really been invited in order to win him over to the queen's cause but charming fair haired nico had been commissioned by the conspirators to persuade him to sing arsinoe's praises among his professional associates,14.54 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0015.wav,his son had been this royal dame's first husband and she had deserted him to marry lysimachus the aged king of thrace,8.155 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0016.wav,the king's sister the object of his love cried hermon incredulously,5.505 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0017.wav,we women are only as old as we look and the leeches and tiring women of this beauty of forty practise arts which give her the appearance of twenty five yet perhaps the king values her intellect more than her person and the wisdom of a hundred serpents is certainly united in this woman's head,16.735 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0018.wav,the three most trustworthy ones are here amyntas the leech chrysippus and the admirable proclus,8.93 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0019.wav,let us hope that you will make this three leaved clover the luck promising four leaved one,6.06 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0020.wav,your uncle too has often with praiseworthy generosity helped arsinoe in many an embarrassment,7.555 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0021.wav,how long he kept you waiting for the first word concerning a work which justly transported the whole city with delight,7.26 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0022.wav,when he did finally summon you he said things which must have wounded you,5.04 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0023.wav,that is going too far replied hermon,3.51 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0024.wav,he winked at her and made a significant gesture as he spoke and then informed the blind artist how graciously arsinoe had remembered him when she heard of the remedy by whose aid many a wonderful cure of blind eyes had been made in rhodes,13.86 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0025.wav,the royal lady had inquired about him and his sufferings with almost sisterly interest and althea eagerly confirmed the statement,8.47 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0026.wav,hermon listened to the pair in silence,2.96 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0027.wav,the rhodian was just beginning to praise arsinoe also as a special friend and connoisseur of the sculptor's art when crates hermon's fellow student asked the blind artist in behalf of his beautiful companion why his demeter was placed upon a pedestal which to others as well as himself seemed too high for the size of the statue,20.42 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0028.wav,yet what mattered it even if these miserable people considered themselves deceived and pointed the finger of scorn at him,6.85 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0029.wav,a woman who yearns for the regard of all men and makes love a toy easily lessens the demands she imposes upon individuals,8.265 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0030.wav,only even though love has wholly disappeared she still claims consideration and althea did not wish to lose hermon's regard,8.655 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0031.wav,how indifferent you look but i tell you her deep blue eyes flashed as she spoke that so long as you were still a genuine creating artist the case was different,10.35 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0032.wav,though so loud a denial is written on your face i persist in my conviction and that no idle delusion ensnares me i can prove,9.16 -data/test.other/5484-24317-0033.wav,it was nay it could have been nothing else that very spider,4.755 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0000.wav,the duke comes every morning they will tell him when he comes that i am asleep and perhaps he will wait until i wake,7.955 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0001.wav,yes but if i should already ask for something what,5.735 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0002.wav,well do it for me for i swear to you that i don't love you as the others have loved you,6.425 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0003.wav,there are bolts on the door wretch,3.25 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0004.wav,i don't know how it is but it seems to me as if i do,4.315 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0005.wav,now go i can't keep my eyes open,3.2 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0006.wav,it seemed to me as if this sleeping city belonged to me i searched my memory for the names of those whose happiness i had once envied and i could not recall one without finding myself the happier,14.125 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0007.wav,education family feeling the sense of duty the family are strong sentinels but there are no sentinels so vigilant as not to be deceived by a girl of sixteen to whom nature by the voice of the man she loves gives the first counsels of love all the more ardent because they seem so pure,21.69 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0008.wav,the more a girl believes in goodness the more easily will she give way if not to her lover at least to love for being without mistrust she is without force and to win her love is a triumph that can be gained by any young man of five and twenty see how young girls are watched and guarded,20.655 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0009.wav,then how surely must they desire the world which is hidden from them how surely must they find it tempting how surely must they listen to the first voice which comes to tell its secrets through their bars and bless the hand which is the first to raise a corner of the mysterious veil,19.225 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0010.wav,with them the body has worn out the soul the senses have burned up the heart dissipation has blunted the feelings,8.63 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0011.wav,they love by profession and not by instinct,3.315 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0012.wav,when a creature who has all her past to reproach herself with is taken all at once by a profound sincere irresistible love of which she had never felt herself capable when she has confessed her love how absolutely the man whom she loves dominates her,19.035 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0013.wav,they know not what proof to give,2.875 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0014.wav,in order to disturb the labourers in the field was one day devoured by a wolf because those whom he had so often deceived no longer believed in his cries for help,11.765 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0015.wav,it is the same with these unhappy women when they love seriously,4.89 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0016.wav,but when the man who inspires this redeeming love is great enough in soul to receive it without remembering the past when he gives himself up to it when in short he loves as he is loved this man drains at one draught all earthly emotions and after such a love his heart will be closed to every other,23.03 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0017.wav,but to return to the first day of my liaison,4.11 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0018.wav,when i reached home i was in a state of mad gaiety,4.225 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0019.wav,the woman becomes the man's mistress and loves him,3.444937 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0020.wav,how why,2.355 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0021.wav,my whole being was exalted into joy at the memory of the words we had exchanged during that first night,7.72 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0022.wav,here are my orders to night at the vaudeville,4.005 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0023.wav,come during the third entr'acte,2.625 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0024.wav,the boxes filled one after another,2.755 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0025.wav,only one remained empty the stage box,3.465 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0026.wav,at the beginning of the third act i heard the door of the box on which my eyes had been almost constantly fixed open and marguerite appeared,9.72 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0027.wav,did she love me enough to believe that the more beautiful she looked the happier i should be,5.355 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0028.wav,what is the matter with you to night said marguerite rising and coming to the back of the box and kissing me on the forehead,7.585 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0029.wav,you should go to bed she replied with that ironical air which went so well with her delicate and witty face,7.755 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0030.wav,where at home,2.715 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0031.wav,you still love me can you ask,3.19 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0032.wav,because you don't like seeing him,2.285 -data/test.other/3997-180294-0033.wav,nonetheless i was very unhappy all the rest of the evening and went away very sadly after having seen prudence the count and marguerite get into the carriage which was waiting for them at the door,12.725 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0000.wav,ol mistah buzzard grinned,2.495 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0001.wav,this sounded like another story,2.35 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0002.wav,he was curious about that black headed cousin of ol mistah buzzard very curious indeed,6.32 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0003.wav,anyway he would find out,2.38 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0004.wav,please mister buzzard please tell us the story he begged,5.3 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0005.wav,now ol mistah buzzard is naturally good natured and accommodating and when peter begged so hard he just couldn't find it in his heart to refuse,11.785 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0006.wav,way back in the days when grandpap buzzard had his lil falling out with ol king eagle and done fly so high he sco'tch the feathers offen his haid he had a cousin did grandpap buzzard and this cousin was jes naturally lazy and no count,19.655 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0007.wav,like most no count people he used to make a regular nuisance of hisself poking his nose into ev'ybody's business and never tending to his own,10.73 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0008.wav,wasn't anything going on that this trifling member of the buzzard fam'ly didn't find out about and meddle in he could ask mo questions than peter rabbit can an anybody that can do that has got to ask a lot,16.805 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0009.wav,everybody looked at peter and laughed,2.82 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0010.wav,so we uns sit on the chimney tops whenever ol jack frost gets to straying down where he have no business,8.16 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0011.wav,one day this no count trifling cousin of grandpap buzzard get cold in his feet,6.535 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0012.wav,it was on a lil ol house a lil ol tumble down house,5.255 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0013.wav,why he jes stretch his fool haid as far down that chimney as he can an listen an listen,7.535 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0014.wav,but he don't mind that,2.005 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0015.wav,will yo' alls please speak a lil louder he holler down the chimney jes like that,6.370063 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0016.wav,yes sah she sho'ly was plumb scared,3.315 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0017.wav,they like to choke that no count buzzard to death,3.44 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0018.wav,when he get home he try an try to brush that soot off but it done get into the skin an it stay there,8.48 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0019.wav,a little sigh of satisfaction went around the circle of listeners,5.11 -data/test.other/3997-182399-0020.wav,it was just as good as one of grandfather frog's,4.445 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0000.wav,i have not come to hinder you from leaving paris,3.205 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0001.wav,you in the way marguerite but how,3.305 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0002.wav,well you might have had a woman here said prudence and it would hardly have been amusing for her to see two more arrive,9.015 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0003.wav,during this remark marguerite looked at me attentively,4.3 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0004.wav,my dear prudence i answered you do not know what you are saying,5.01 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0005.wav,yes but besides not wishing to put you out i was sure that if you came as far as my door you would want to come up and as i could not let you i did not wish to let you go away blaming me for saying no,13.83 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0006.wav,because i am watched and the least suspicion might do me the greatest harm,5.635 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0007.wav,is that really the only reason,2.525 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0008.wav,if there were any other i would tell you for we are not to have any secrets from one another now,6.35 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0009.wav,honestly do you care for me a little a great deal,4.73 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0010.wav,i fancied for a moment that i might give myself that happiness for six months you would not have it you insisted on knowing the means,9.52 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0011.wav,well good heavens the means were easy enough to guess,4.195 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0012.wav,i listened and i gazed at marguerite with admiration,4.04 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0013.wav,when i thought that this marvellous creature whose feet i had once longed to kiss was willing to let me take my place in her thoughts my part in her life and that i was not yet content with what she gave me i asked if man's desire has indeed limits when satisfied as promptly as mine had been it reached after something further,22.12 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0014.wav,truly she continued we poor creatures of chance have fantastic desires and inconceivable loves,7.75 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0015.wav,we are not allowed to have hearts under penalty of being hooted down and of ruining our credit,5.825 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0016.wav,we no longer belong to ourselves,2.525 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0017.wav,we stand first in their self esteem last in their esteem,3.855 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0018.wav,never do they give you advice which is not lucrative,3.215 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0019.wav,it means little enough to them that we should have ten lovers extra as long as they get dresses or a bracelet out of them and that they can drive in our carriage from time to time or come to our box at the theatre,14.485 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0020.wav,such a man i found in the duke but the duke is old and old age neither protects nor consoles,7.735 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0021.wav,i thought i could accept the life which he offered me but what would you have,5.175 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0022.wav,what i loved in you was not the man who was but the man who was going to be,5.515 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0023.wav,marguerite tired out with this long confession threw herself back on the sofa and to stifle a slight cough put up her handkerchief to her lips and from that to her eyes,12.89 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0024.wav,marguerite do with me as you will i am your slave your dog but in the name of heaven tear up the letter which i wrote to you and do not make me leave you to morrow it would kill me,12.62 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0025.wav,marguerite drew the letter from her bosom and handing it to me with a smile of infinite sweetness said,6.77 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0026.wav,here it is i have brought it back,3.15 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0027.wav,i tore the letter into fragments and kissed with tears the hand that gave it to me,5.235 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0028.wav,look here prudence do you know what he wants said marguerite,5.285 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0029.wav,he wants you to forgive him,2.23 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0030.wav,one has to but he wants more than that what then,4.75 -data/test.other/3997-180297-0031.wav,i embraced marguerite until she was almost stifled,4.095 +file_name,transcription,duration,part +data/test.clean/672-122797-0000.wav,out in the woods stood a nice little fir tree,4.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0001.wav,the place he had was a very good one the sun shone on him as to fresh air there was enough of that and round him grew many large sized comrades pines as well as firs,15.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0002.wav,he did not think of the warm sun and of the fresh air he did not care for the little cottage children that ran about and prattled when they were in the woods looking for wild strawberries,13.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0003.wav,but this was what the tree could not bear to hear,4.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0004.wav,in winter when the snow lay glittering on the ground a hare would often come leaping along and jump right over the little tree,10.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0005.wav,oh that made him so angry,3.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0006.wav,to grow and grow to get older and be tall thought the tree that after all is the most delightful thing in the world,13.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0007.wav,in autumn the wood cutters always came and felled some of the largest trees,6.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0008.wav,this happened every year and the young fir tree that had now grown to a very comely size trembled at the sight for the magnificent great trees fell to the earth with noise and cracking the branches were lopped off and the trees looked long and bare they were hardly to be recognised and then they were laid in carts and the horses dragged them out of the wood,30.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0009.wav,have you not met them anywhere,2.765,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0010.wav,rejoice in thy growth said the sunbeams,3.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0011.wav,and then what happens then,2.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0012.wav,i would fain know if i am destined for so glorious a career cried the tree rejoicing,7.765,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0013.wav,i am now tall and my branches spread like the others that were carried off last year oh,8.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0014.wav,were i but already on the cart,2.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0015.wav,were i in the warm room with all the splendor and magnificence,4.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0016.wav,yes then something better something still grander will surely follow or wherefore should they thus ornament me,9.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0017.wav,something better something still grander must follow but what,4.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0018.wav,rejoice in our presence said the air and the sunlight,4.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0019.wav,rejoice in thy own fresh youth,4.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0020.wav,but the tree did not rejoice at all he grew and grew and was green both winter and summer,8.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0021.wav,and towards christmas he was one of the first that was cut down,4.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0022.wav,the axe struck deep into the very pith the tree fell to the earth with a sigh he felt a pang it was like a swoon he could not think of happiness for he was sorrowful at being separated from his home from the place where he had sprung up,19.004938,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0023.wav,he well knew that he should never see his dear old comrades the little bushes and flowers around him anymore perhaps not even the birds,9.695063,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0024.wav,the departure was not at all agreeable,4.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0025.wav,the tree only came to himself when he was unloaded in a court yard with the other trees and heard a man say that one is splendid we don't want the others,10.69,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0026.wav,there too were large easy chairs silken sofas large tables full of picture books and full of toys worth hundreds and hundreds of crowns at least the children said so,13.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0027.wav,the servants as well as the young ladies decorated it,4.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0028.wav,this evening they all said,2.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0029.wav,how it will shine this evening,3.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0030.wav,perhaps the other trees from the forest will come to look at me,4.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0031.wav,it blazed up famously help help,3.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0032.wav,cried the young ladies and they quickly put out the fire,4.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0033.wav,a story,1.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0034.wav,a story cried the children drawing a little fat man towards the tree,5.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0035.wav,but i shall tell only one story,2.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0036.wav,humpy dumpy fell downstairs and yet he married the princess,5.365,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0037.wav,that's the way of the world,1.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0038.wav,thought the fir tree and believed it all because the man who told the story was so good looking well well,8.8,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0039.wav,i won't tremble to morrow thought the fir tree,4.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0040.wav,and the whole night the tree stood still and in deep thought,5.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0041.wav,in the morning the servant and the housemaid came in,3.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0042.wav,but they dragged him out of the room and up the stairs into the loft and here in a dark corner where no daylight could enter they left him,15.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0043.wav,what's the meaning of this thought the tree,3.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0044.wav,and he leaned against the wall lost in reverie,3.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0045.wav,time enough had he too for his reflections for days and nights passed on and nobody came up and when at last somebody did come it was only to put some great trunks in a corner out of the way,13.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0046.wav,tis now winter out of doors thought the tree,4.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0047.wav,how kind man is after all,3.325,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0048.wav,if it only were not so dark here and so terribly lonely,6.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0049.wav,squeak squeak,2.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0050.wav,they snuffed about the fir tree and rustled among the branches,4.855,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0051.wav,i am by no means old said the fir tree,4.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0052.wav,there's many a one considerably older than i am,4.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0053.wav,they were so extremely curious,2.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0054.wav,i know no such place said the tree,4.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0055.wav,and then he told all about his youth and the little mice had never heard the like before and they listened and said,8.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0056.wav,said the fir tree thinking over what he had himself related,5.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0057.wav,yes in reality those were happy times,6.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0058.wav,who is humpy dumpy asked the mice,4.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0059.wav,only that one answered the tree,3.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0060.wav,it is a very stupid story,3.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0061.wav,don't you know one about bacon and tallow candles can't you tell any larder stories,7.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0062.wav,no said the tree,2.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0063.wav,then good bye said the rats and they went home,5.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0064.wav,at last the little mice stayed away also and the tree sighed after all it was very pleasant when the sleek little mice sat round me and listened to what i told them,15.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0065.wav,now that too is over,3.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0066.wav,why one morning there came a quantity of people and set to work in the loft,4.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0067.wav,the trunks were moved the tree was pulled out and thrown rather hard it is true down on the floor but a man drew him towards the stairs where the daylight shone,13.035,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0068.wav,but it was not the fir tree that they meant,4.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0069.wav,it was in a corner that he lay among weeds and nettles,5.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0070.wav,the golden star of tinsel was still on the top of the tree and glittered in the sunshine,6.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0071.wav,in the court yard some of the merry children were playing who had danced at christmas round the fir tree and were so glad at the sight of him,8.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0072.wav,and the gardener's boy chopped the tree into small pieces there was a whole heap lying there,7.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0073.wav,the wood flamed up splendidly under the large brewing copper and it sighed so deeply,8.205,test.clean +data/test.clean/672-122797-0074.wav,however that was over now the tree gone the story at an end,8.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0000.wav,the roarings become lost in the distance,3.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0001.wav,the weather if we may use that term will change before long,5.08,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0002.wav,the atmosphere is charged with vapours pervaded with the electricity generated by the evaporation of saline waters,7.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0003.wav,the electric light can scarcely penetrate through the dense curtain which has dropped over the theatre on which the battle of the elements is about to be waged,8.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0004.wav,the air is heavy the sea is calm,4.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0005.wav,from time to time a fleecy tuft of mist with yet some gleaming light left upon it drops down upon the dense floor of grey and loses itself in the opaque and impenetrable mass,12.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0006.wav,the atmosphere is evidently charged and surcharged with electricity,4.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0007.wav,the wind never lulls but to acquire increased strength the vast bank of heavy clouds is a huge reservoir of fearful windy gusts and rushing storms,11.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0008.wav,there's a heavy storm coming on i cried pointing towards the horizon,5.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0009.wav,those clouds seem as if they were going to crush the sea,3.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0010.wav,on the mast already i see the light play of a lambent saint elmo's fire the outstretched sail catches not a breath of wind and hangs like a sheet of lead,9.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0011.wav,but if we have now ceased to advance why do we yet leave that sail loose which at the first shock of the tempest may capsize us in a moment,8.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0012.wav,that will be safest no no never,3.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0013.wav,the piled up vapours condense into water and the air put into violent action to supply the vacuum left by the condensation of the mists rouses itself into a whirlwind,11.385063,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0014.wav,hans stirs not,1.805,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0015.wav,from the under surface of the clouds there are continual emissions of lurid light electric matter is in continual evolution from their component molecules the gaseous elements of the air need to be slaked with moisture for innumerable columns of water rush upwards into the air and fall back again in white foam,21.185,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0016.wav,i refer to the thermometer it indicates the figure is obliterated,4.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0017.wav,is the atmospheric condition having once reached this density to become final,5.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0018.wav,the raft bears on still to the south east,3.245,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0019.wav,at noon the violence of the storm redoubles,2.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0020.wav,each of us is lashed to some part of the raft,2.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0021.wav,the waves rise above our heads,2.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0022.wav,they seem to be we are lost but i am not sure,3.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0023.wav,he nods his consent,2.385,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0024.wav,the fireball half of it white half azure blue and the size of a ten inch shell moved slowly about the raft but revolving on its own axis with astonishing velocity as if whipped round by the force of the whirlwind,14.595,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0025.wav,here it comes there it glides now it is up the ragged stump of the mast thence it lightly leaps on the provision bag descends with a light bound and just skims the powder magazine horrible,13.445,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0026.wav,we shall be blown up but no the dazzling disk of mysterious light nimbly leaps aside it approaches hans who fixes his blue eye upon it steadily it threatens the head of my uncle who falls upon his knees with his head down to avoid it,16.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0027.wav,a suffocating smell of nitrogen fills the air it enters the throat it fills the lungs,6.305,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123288-0028.wav,we suffer stifling pains,2.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0000.wav,saturday august fifteenth the sea unbroken all round no land in sight,7.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0001.wav,the horizon seems extremely distant,3.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0002.wav,all my danger and sufferings were needed to strike a spark of human feeling out of him but now that i am well his nature has resumed its sway,9.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0003.wav,you seem anxious my uncle i said seeing him continually with his glass to his eye anxious,7.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0004.wav,one might be with less reason than now,3.465,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0005.wav,i am not complaining that the rate is slow but that the sea is so wide,4.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0006.wav,we are losing time and the fact is i have not come all this way to take a little sail upon a pond on a raft,7.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0007.wav,he called this sea a pond and our long voyage taking a little sail,4.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0008.wav,therefore don't talk to me about views and prospects,3.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0009.wav,i take this as my answer and i leave the professor to bite his lips with impatience,5.795,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0010.wav,sunday august sixteenth,2.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0011.wav,nothing new weather unchanged the wind freshens,4.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0012.wav,but there seemed no reason to fear,2.43,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0013.wav,the shadow of the raft was clearly outlined upon the surface of the waves,4.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0014.wav,truly this sea is of infinite width,2.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0015.wav,it must be as wide as the mediterranean or the atlantic and why not,5.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0016.wav,these thoughts agitated me all day and my imagination scarcely calmed down after several hours sleep,7.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0017.wav,i shudder as i recall these monsters to my remembrance,3.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0018.wav,i saw at the hamburg museum the skeleton of one of these creatures thirty feet in length,5.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0019.wav,i suppose professor liedenbrock was of my opinion too and even shared my fears for after having examined the pick his eyes traversed the ocean from side to side,11.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0020.wav,tuesday august eighteenth,3.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0021.wav,during his watch i slept,2.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0022.wav,two hours afterwards a terrible shock awoke me,3.235,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0023.wav,the raft was heaved up on a watery mountain and pitched down again at a distance of twenty fathoms,5.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0024.wav,there's a whale a whale cried the professor,3.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0025.wav,flight was out of the question now the reptiles rose they wheeled around our little raft with a rapidity greater than that of express trains,9.205,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0026.wav,two monsters only were creating all this commotion and before my eyes are two reptiles of the primitive world,6.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0027.wav,i can distinguish the eye of the ichthyosaurus glowing like a red hot coal and as large as a man's head,7.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0028.wav,its jaw is enormous and according to naturalists it is armed with no less than one hundred and eighty two teeth,7.465,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0029.wav,those huge creatures attacked each other with the greatest animosity,4.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0030.wav,suddenly the ichthyosaurus and the plesiosaurus disappear below leaving a whirlpool eddying in the water,7.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123286-0031.wav,as for the ichthyosaurus has he returned to his submarine cavern,5.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0000.wav,and how odd the directions will look,2.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0001.wav,poor alice,1.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0002.wav,it was the white rabbit returning splendidly dressed with a pair of white kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other he came trotting along in a great hurry muttering to himself as he came oh the duchess the duchess,14.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0003.wav,oh won't she be savage if i've kept her waiting,3.585,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0004.wav,alice took up the fan and gloves and as the hall was very hot she kept fanning herself all the time she went on talking dear dear how queer everything is to day,12.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0005.wav,and yesterday things went on just as usual,3.105,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0006.wav,i wonder if i've been changed in the night,2.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0007.wav,i almost think i can remember feeling a little different,3.385,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0008.wav,i'll try if i know all the things i used to know,3.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0009.wav,i shall never get to twenty at that rate,3.115,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0010.wav,how cheerfully he seems to grin how neatly spread his claws and welcome little fishes in with gently smiling jaws,8.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0011.wav,no i've made up my mind about it if i'm mabel i'll stay down here,4.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0012.wav,it'll be no use their putting their heads down and saying come up again dear,5.245,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0013.wav,i am so very tired of being all alone here,3.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0014.wav,and i declare it's too bad that it is,3.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0015.wav,i wish i hadn't cried so much said alice as she swam about trying to find her way out,6.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0016.wav,i shall be punished for it now i suppose by being drowned in my own tears,4.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0017.wav,that will be a queer thing to be sure,3.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0018.wav,i am very tired of swimming about here o mouse,3.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0019.wav,cried alice again for this time the mouse was bristling all over and she felt certain it must be really offended,6.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/260-123440-0020.wav,we won't talk about her any more if you'd rather not we indeed,4.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0000.wav,the hon charles smith miss sarah's brother was walking swiftly uptown from mister easterly's wall street office and his face was pale,8.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0001.wav,at last the cotton combine was to all appearances an assured fact and he was slated for the senate,6.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0002.wav,why should he not be as other men,2.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0003.wav,she was not herself a notably intelligent woman she greatly admired intelligence or whatever looked to her like intelligence in others,7.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0004.wav,as she awaited her guests she surveyed the table with both satisfaction and disquietude for her social functions were few tonight there were she checked them off on her fingers sir james creighton the rich english manufacturer and lady creighton mister and missus vanderpool mister harry cresswell and his sister john taylor and his sister and mister charles smith whom the evening papers mentioned as likely to be united states senator from new jersey a selection of guests that had been determined unknown to the hostess by the meeting of cotton interests earlier in the day,33.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0005.wav,missus grey had met southerners before but not intimately and she always had in mind vividly their cruelty to poor negroes a subject she made a point of introducing forthwith,10.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0006.wav,she was therefore most agreeably surprised to hear mister cresswell express himself so cordially as approving of negro education,7.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0007.wav,but you believe in some education asked mary taylor,3.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0008.wav,i believe in the training of people to their highest capacity the englishman here heartily seconded him,6.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0009.wav,but cresswell added significantly capacity differs enormously between races,6.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0010.wav,the vanderpools were sure of this and the englishman instancing india became quite eloquent missus grey was mystified but hardly dared admit it the general trend of the conversation seemed to be that most individuals needed to be submitted to the sharpest scrutiny before being allowed much education and as for the lower races it was simply criminal to open such useless opportunities to them,24.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0011.wav,positively heroic added cresswell avoiding his sister's eyes,4.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0012.wav,but we're not er exactly welcomed,3.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0013.wav,mary taylor however related the tale of zora to missus grey's private ear later,5.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1836-0014.wav,fortunately said mister vanderpool northerners and southerners are arriving at a better mutual understanding on most of these matters,9.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0000.wav,he knew the silver fleece his and zora's must be ruined,3.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0001.wav,it was the first great sorrow of his life it was not so much the loss of the cotton itself but the fantasy the hopes the dreams built around it,8.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0002.wav,ah the swamp the cruel swamp,2.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0003.wav,the revelation of his love lighted and brightened slowly till it flamed like a sunrise over him and left him in burning wonder,7.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0004.wav,he panted to know if she too knew or knew and cared not or cared and knew not,6.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0005.wav,she was so strange and human a creature,2.635,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0006.wav,the world was water veiled in mists,2.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0007.wav,then of a sudden at midday the sun shot out hot and still no breath of air stirred the sky was like blue steel the earth steamed,8.8,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0008.wav,where was the use of imagining,1.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0009.wav,the lagoon had been level with the dykes a week ago and now,3.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0010.wav,perhaps she too might be there waiting weeping,3.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0011.wav,he started at the thought he hurried forth sadly,3.375,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0012.wav,he splashed and stamped along farther and farther onward until he neared the rampart of the clearing and put foot upon the tree bridge,8.245,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0013.wav,then he looked down the lagoon was dry,3.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0014.wav,he stood a moment bewildered then turned and rushed upon the island a great sheet of dazzling sunlight swept the place and beneath lay a mighty mass of olive green thick tall wet and willowy,12.46,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0015.wav,the squares of cotton sharp edged heavy were just about to burst to bolls,4.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0016.wav,for one long moment he paused stupid agape with utter amazement then leaned dizzily against a tree,7.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0017.wav,he gazed about perplexed astonished,3.1,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0018.wav,here lay the reading of the riddle with infinite work and pain some one had dug a canal from the lagoon to the creek into which the former had drained by a long and crooked way thus allowing it to empty directly,12.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0019.wav,he sat down weak bewildered and one thought was uppermost zora,5.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0020.wav,the years of the days of her dying were ten,3.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0021.wav,the hope and dream of harvest was upon the land,3.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0022.wav,up in the sick room zora lay on the little white bed,3.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0023.wav,the net and web of endless things had been crawling and creeping around her she had struggled in dumb speechless terror against some mighty grasping that strove for her life with gnarled and creeping fingers but now at last weakly she opened her eyes and questioned,16.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0024.wav,for a while she lay in her chair in happy dreamy pleasure at sun and bird and tree,5.385,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0025.wav,she rose with a fleeting glance gathered the shawl round her then gliding forward wavering tremulous slipped across the road and into the swamp,9.505062,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0026.wav,she had been born within its borders within its borders she had lived and grown and within its borders she had met her love,8.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0027.wav,on she hurried until sweeping down to the lagoon and the island lo the cotton lay before her,6.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0028.wav,the chair was empty but he knew,2.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1837-0029.wav,he darted through the trees and paused a tall man strongly but slimly made,5.58,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0000.wav,in the debate between the senior societies her defence of the fifteenth amendment had been not only a notable bit of reasoning but delivered with real enthusiasm,9.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0001.wav,the south she had not thought of seriously and yet knowing of its delightful hospitality and mild climate she was not averse to charleston or new orleans,10.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0002.wav,john taylor who had supported her through college was interested in cotton,4.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0003.wav,better go he had counselled sententiously,3.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0004.wav,might learn something useful down there,3.035,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0005.wav,but john there's no society just elementary work,5.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0006.wav,been looking up tooms county,2.455062,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0007.wav,find some cresswells there big plantations rated at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars,7.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0008.wav,some others too big cotton county,2.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0009.wav,you ought to know john if i teach negroes i'll scarcely see much of people in my own class,7.57,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0010.wav,at any rate i say go,2.445,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0011.wav,here she was teaching dirty children and the smell of confused odors and bodily perspiration was to her at times unbearable,8.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0012.wav,she wanted a glance of the new books and periodicals and talk of great philanthropies and reforms,6.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0013.wav,so for the hundredth time she was thinking today as she walked alone up the lane back of the barn and then slowly down through the bottoms,8.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0014.wav,cotton she paused,2.5,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0015.wav,she had almost forgotten that it was here within touch and sight,3.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0016.wav,the glimmering sea of delicate leaves whispered and murmured before her stretching away to the northward,5.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0017.wav,there might be a bit of poetry here and there but most of this place was such desperate prose,6.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0018.wav,her regard shifted to the green stalks and leaves again and she started to move away,5.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0019.wav,cotton is a wonderful thing is it not boys she said rather primly,5.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0020.wav,miss taylor did not know much about cotton but at least one more remark seemed called for,6.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0021.wav,don't know well of all things inwardly commented miss taylor literally born in cotton and oh well as much as to ask what's the use she turned again to go,11.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0022.wav,i suppose though it's too early for them then came the explosion,4.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0023.wav,goobers don't grow on the tops of vines but underground on the roots like yams is that so,8.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0024.wav,the golden fleece it's the silver fleece he harkened,5.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0025.wav,some time you'll tell me please won't you,3.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/1995-1826-0026.wav,now for one little half hour she had been a woman talking to a boy no not even that she had been talking just talking there were no persons in the conversation just things one thing cotton,15.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0000.wav,all about him was a tumult of bright and broken color scattered in broad splashes,5.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0001.wav,the merganser had a crested head of iridescent green black a broad collar of lustrous white black back black and white wings white belly sides finely pencilled in black and white and a breast of rich chestnut red streaked with black,16.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0002.wav,his feet were red his long narrow beak with its saw toothed edges and sharp hooked tip was bright red,7.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0003.wav,but here he was at a terrible disadvantage as compared with the owls hawks and eagles he had no rending claws,7.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0004.wav,but suddenly straight and swift as a diving cormorant he shot down into the torrent and disappeared beneath the surface,7.5,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0005.wav,once fairly a wing however he wheeled and made back hurriedly for his perch,4.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0006.wav,it might have seemed that a trout of this size was a fairly substantial meal,4.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0007.wav,but such was his keenness that even while the wide flukes of his engorged victim were still sticking out at the corners of his beak his fierce red eyes were once more peering downward into the torrent in search of fresh prey,14.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0008.wav,in despair he hurled himself downward too soon,3.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0009.wav,the great hawk followed hurriedly to retrieve his prey from the ground,4.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0010.wav,the cat growled softly picked up the prize in her jaws and trotted into the bushes to devour it,6.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0011.wav,in fact he had just finished it the last of the trout's tail had just vanished with a spasm down his strained gullet when the baffled hawk caught sight of him and swooped,10.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0012.wav,the hawk alighted on the dead branch and sat upright motionless as if surprised,5.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0013.wav,like his unfortunate little cousin the teal he too had felt the fear of death smitten into his heart and was heading desperately for the refuge of some dark overhanging bank deep fringed with weeds where the dreadful eye of the hawk should not discern him,15.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0014.wav,the hawk sat upon the branch and watched his quarry swimming beneath the surface,4.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0015.wav,almost instantly he was forced to the top,2.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0016.wav,straightway the hawk glided from his perch and darted after him,3.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0017.wav,but at this point in the rapids it was impossible for him to stay down,3.66,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0018.wav,but this frequenter of the heights of air for all his savage valor was troubled at the leaping waves and the tossing foam of these mad rapids he did not understand them,10.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0019.wav,as he flew his down reaching clutching talons were not half a yard above the fugitive's head,5.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0020.wav,where the waves for an instant sank they came closer but not quite within grasping reach,5.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0021.wav,but as before the leaping waves of the rapids were too much for his pursuer and he was able to flap his way onward in a cloud of foam while doom hung low above his head yet hesitated to strike,12.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0022.wav,the hawk embittered by the loss of his first quarry had become as dogged in pursuit as a weasel not to be shaken off or evaded or deceived,9.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0023.wav,he had a lot of line out and the place was none too free for a long cast but he was impatient to drop his flies again on the spot where the big fish was feeding,9.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0024.wav,the last drop fly as luck would have it caught just in the corner of the hawk's angrily open beak hooking itself firmly,8.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0025.wav,at the sudden sharp sting of it the great bird turned his head and noticed for the first time the fisherman standing on the bank,7.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0026.wav,the drag upon his beak and the light check upon his wings were inexplicable to him and appalling,5.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-88083-0027.wav,then the leader parted from the line,2.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0000.wav,he is a welcome figure at the garden parties of the elect who are always ready to encourage him by accepting free seats for his play actor managers nod to him editors allow him to contribute without charge to a symposium on the price of golf balls,14.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0001.wav,in short he becomes a prominent figure in london society and if he is not careful somebody will say so,7.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0002.wav,but even the unsuccessful dramatist has his moments,3.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0003.wav,your play must be not merely a good play but a successful one,3.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0004.wav,frankly i cannot always say,2.425,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0005.wav,but suppose you said i'm fond of writing my people always say my letters home are good enough for punch,5.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0006.wav,i've got a little idea for a play about a man and a woman and another woman and but perhaps i'd better keep the plot a secret for the moment,7.795,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0007.wav,anyhow it's jolly exciting and i can do the dialogue all right,3.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0008.wav,lend me your ear for ten minutes and you shall learn just what stagecraft is,4.43,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0009.wav,and i should begin with a short homily on soliloquy,4.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0010.wav,ham to be or not to be,2.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0011.wav,now the object of this soliloquy is plain,2.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0012.wav,indeed irresolution being the keynote of hamlet's soliloquy a clever player could to some extent indicate the whole thirty lines by a silent working of the jaw but at the same time it would be idle to deny that he would miss the finer shades of the dramatist's meaning,16.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0013.wav,we moderns however see the absurdity of it,3.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0014.wav,if it be granted first that the thoughts of a certain character should be known to the audience and secondly that soliloquy or the habit of thinking aloud is in opposition to modern stage technique how shall a soliloquy be avoided without damage to the play,16.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0015.wav,and so on till you get to the end when ophelia might say ah yes or something non committal of that sort,6.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0016.wav,this would be an easy way of doing it but it would not be the best way for the reason that it is too easy to call attention to itself,7.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0017.wav,in the old badly made play it was frequently necessary for one of the characters to take the audience into his confidence,7.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0018.wav,in the modern well constructed play he simply rings up an imaginary confederate and tells him what he is going to do could anything be more natural,8.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0019.wav,i want double nine hal lo,2.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0020.wav,double nine two three elsinore double nine yes hallo is that you horatio hamlet speaking,7.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0021.wav,i say i've been wondering about this business,2.565,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0022.wav,to be or not to be that is the question whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows what no hamlet speaking,8.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0023.wav,you gave me double five i want double nine hallo is that you horatio hamlet speaking,6.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0024.wav,to be or not to be that is the question whether tis nobler,4.1,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0025.wav,it is to let hamlet if that happen to be the name of your character enter with a small dog pet falcon mongoose tame bear or whatever animal is most in keeping with the part and confide in this animal such sorrows hopes or secret history as the audience has got to know,15.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0026.wav,enter hamlet with his favourite boar hound,2.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0027.wav,lady larkspur starts suddenly and turns towards him,2.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0028.wav,larkspur bit me again this morning for the third time,3.345,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0029.wav,i want to get away from it all swoons,2.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0030.wav,enter lord arthur fluffinose,2.235,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0031.wav,and there you are you will of course appreciate that the unfinished sentences not only save time but also make the manoeuvring very much more natural,9.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0032.wav,how you may be wondering are you to begin your masterpiece,3.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0033.wav,relapses into silence for the rest of the evening,2.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0034.wav,the duchess of southbridge to lord reggie oh reggie what did you say,4.465,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0035.wav,then lord tuppeny well what about auction,3.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0036.wav,the crowd drifts off leaving the hero and heroine alone in the middle of the stage and then you can begin,6.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0037.wav,then is the time to introduce a meal on the stage,2.86,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0038.wav,a stage meal is popular because it proves to the audience that the actors even when called charles hawtrey or owen nares are real people just like you and me,9.205,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0039.wav,tea please matthews butler impassively,3.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0040.wav,hostess replaces lump and inclines empty teapot over tray for a moment then hands him a cup painted brown inside thus deceiving the gentleman with the telescope in the upper circle,10.345,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0041.wav,re enter butler and three footmen who remove the tea things hostess to guest,4.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0042.wav,in novels the hero has often pushed his meals away untasted but no stage hero would do anything so unnatural as this,7.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0043.wav,two bites are made and the bread is crumbled with an air of great eagerness indeed one feels that in real life the guest would clutch hold of the footman and say half a mo old chap i haven't nearly finished but the actor is better schooled than this,13.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0044.wav,but it is the cigarette which chiefly has brought the modern drama to its present state of perfection,5.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/7176-92135-0045.wav,lord john taking out gold cigarette case from his left hand upper waistcoat pocket,5.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0000.wav,you will find me continually speaking of four men titian holbein turner and tintoret in almost the same terms,10.725,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0001.wav,they unite every quality and sometimes you will find me referring to them as colorists sometimes as chiaroscurists,9.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0002.wav,by being studious of color they are studious of division and while the chiaroscurist devotes himself to the representation of degrees of force in one thing unseparated light the colorists have for their function the attainment of beauty by arrangement of the divisions of light,17.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0003.wav,my first and principal reason was that they enforced beyond all resistance on any student who might attempt to copy them this method of laying portions of distinct hue side by side,12.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0004.wav,some of the touches indeed when the tint has been mixed with much water have been laid in little drops or ponds so that the pigment might crystallize hard at the edge,10.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0005.wav,it is the head of a parrot with a little flower in his beak from a picture of carpaccio's one of his series of the life of saint george,8.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0006.wav,then he comes to the beak of it,2.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0007.wav,the brown ground beneath is left for the most part one touch of black is put for the hollow two delicate lines of dark gray define the outer curve and one little quivering touch of white draws the inner edge of the mandible,14.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0008.wav,for believe me the final philosophy of art can only ratify their opinion that the beauty of a cock robin is to be red and of a grass plot to be green and the best skill of art is in instantly seizing on the manifold deliciousness of light which you can only seize by precision of instantaneous touch,20.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0009.wav,now you will see in these studies that the moment the white is inclosed properly and harmonized with the other hues it becomes somehow more precious and pearly than the white paper and that i am not afraid to leave a whole field of untreated white paper all round it being sure that even the little diamonds in the round window will tell as jewels if they are gradated justly,23.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0010.wav,but in this vignette copied from turner you have the two principles brought out perfectly,6.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0011.wav,they are beyond all other works that i know existing dependent for their effect on low subdued tones their favorite choice in time of day being either dawn or twilight and even their brightest sunsets produced chiefly out of gray paper,15.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0012.wav,it may be that a great colorist will use his utmost force of color as a singer his full power of voice but loud or low the virtue is in both cases always in refinement never in loudness,14.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0013.wav,it must remember be one or the other,3.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0014.wav,do not therefore think that the gothic school is an easy one,4.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0015.wav,the law of that school is that everything shall be seen clearly or at least only in such mist or faintness as shall be delightful and i have no doubt that the best introduction to it would be the elementary practice of painting every study on a golden ground,16.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0016.wav,this at once compels you to understand that the work is to be imaginative and decorative that it represents beautiful things in the clearest way but not under existing conditions and that in fact you are producing jeweler's work rather than pictures,16.595,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0017.wav,that a style is restrained or severe does not mean that it is also erroneous,4.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0018.wav,in all early gothic art indeed you will find failure of this kind especially distortion and rigidity which are in many respects painfully to be compared with the splendid repose of classic art,11.549938,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0019.wav,the large letter contains indeed entirely feeble and ill drawn figures that is merely childish and failing work of an inferior hand it is not characteristic of gothic or any other school,13.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0020.wav,but observe you can only do this on one condition that of striving also to create in reality the beauty which you seek in imagination,10.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0021.wav,it will be wholly impossible for you to retain the tranquillity of temper and felicity of faith necessary for noble purist painting unless you are actively engaged in promoting the felicity and peace of practical life,14.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0022.wav,you must look at him in the face fight him conquer him with what scathe you may you need not think to keep out of the way of him,9.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0023.wav,the colorist says first of all as my delicious paroquet was ruby so this nasty viper shall be black and then is the question can i round him off even though he is black and make him slimy and yet springy and close down clotted like a pool of black blood on the earth all the same,23.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0024.wav,nothing will be more precious to you i think in the practical study of art than the conviction which will force itself on you more and more every hour of the way all things are bound together little and great in spirit and in matter,15.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0025.wav,you know i have just been telling you how this school of materialism and clay involved itself at last in cloud and fire,7.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0026.wav,here is an equally typical greek school landscape by wilson lost wholly in golden mist the trees so slightly drawn that you don't know if they are trees or towers and no care for color whatever perfectly deceptive and marvelous effect of sunshine through the mist apollo and the python,20.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0027.wav,now here is raphael exactly between the two trees still drawn leaf by leaf wholly formal but beautiful mist coming gradually into the distance,11.245,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0028.wav,well then last here is turner's greek school of the highest class and you define his art absolutely as first the displaying intensely and with the sternest intellect of natural form as it is and then the envelopment of it with cloud and fire,19.005,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0029.wav,only there are two sorts of cloud and fire,3.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0030.wav,he knows them both,1.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0031.wav,there's one and there's another the dudley and the flint,4.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0032.wav,it is only a pencil outline by edward burne jones in illustration of the story of psyche it is the introduction of psyche after all her troubles into heaven,10.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0033.wav,every plant in the grass is set formally grows perfectly and may be realized completely,6.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0034.wav,exquisite order and universal with eternal life and light this is the faith and effort of the schools of crystal and you may describe and complete their work quite literally by taking any verses of chaucer in his tender mood and observing how he insists on the clearness and brightness first and then on the order,20.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0035.wav,thus in chaucer's dream,2.925,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0036.wav,in both these high mythical subjects the surrounding nature though suffering is still dignified and beautiful,7.97,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0037.wav,every line in which the master traces it even where seemingly negligent is lovely and set down with a meditative calmness which makes these two etchings capable of being placed beside the most tranquil work of holbein or duerer,14.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0038.wav,but now here is a subject of which you will wonder at first why turner drew it at all,5.365,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0039.wav,it has no beauty whatsoever no specialty of picturesqueness and all its lines are cramped and poor,6.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0040.wav,the crampness and the poverty are all intended,3.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0041.wav,it is a gleaner bringing down her one sheaf of corn to an old watermill itself mossy and rent scarcely able to get its stones to turn,10.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0042.wav,the scene is absolutely arcadian,2.66,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0043.wav,see that your lives be in nothing worse than a boy's climbing for his entangled kite,4.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/1188-133604-0044.wav,it will be well for you if you join not with those who instead of kites fly falcons who instead of obeying the last words of the great cloud shepherd to feed his sheep live the lives how much less than vanity of the war wolf and the gier eagle,18.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0000.wav,since the period of our tale the active spirit of the country has surrounded it with a belt of rich and thriving settlements though none but the hunter or the savage is ever known even now to penetrate its wild recesses,13.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0001.wav,the dews were suffered to exhale and the sun had dispersed the mists and was shedding a strong and clear light in the forest when the travelers resumed their journey,9.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0002.wav,after proceeding a few miles the progress of hawkeye who led the advance became more deliberate and watchful,7.46,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0003.wav,he often stopped to examine the trees nor did he cross a rivulet without attentively considering the quantity the velocity and the color of its waters,9.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0004.wav,distrusting his own judgment his appeals to the opinion of chingachgook were frequent and earnest,6.425,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0005.wav,yet here are we within a short range of the scaroons and not a sign of a trail have we crossed,5.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0006.wav,let us retrace our steps and examine as we go with keener eyes,4.845,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0007.wav,chingachgook had caught the look and motioning with his hand he bade him speak,5.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0008.wav,the eyes of the whole party followed the unexpected movement and read their success in the air of triumph that the youth assumed,7.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0009.wav,it would have been more wonderful had he spoken without a bidding,3.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0010.wav,see said uncas pointing north and south at the evident marks of the broad trail on either side of him the dark hair has gone toward the forest,10.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0011.wav,if a rock or a rivulet or a bit of earth harder than common severed the links of the clew they followed the true eye of the scout recovered them at a distance and seldom rendered the delay of a single moment necessary,13.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0012.wav,extinguished brands were lying around a spring the offals of a deer were scattered about the place and the trees bore evident marks of having been browsed by the horses,10.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0013.wav,a circle of a few hundred feet in circumference was drawn and each of the party took a segment for his portion,6.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0014.wav,the examination however resulted in no discovery,3.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0015.wav,the whole party crowded to the spot where uncas pointed out the impression of a moccasin in the moist alluvion,6.385,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122612-0016.wav,run back uncas and bring me the size of the singer's foot,3.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0000.wav,notwithstanding the high resolution of hawkeye he fully comprehended all the difficulties and danger he was about to incur,7.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0001.wav,in his return to the camp his acute and practised intellects were intently engaged in devising means to counteract a watchfulness and suspicion on the part of his enemies that he knew were in no degree inferior to his own,14.055,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0002.wav,in other words while he had implicit faith in the ability of balaam's ass to speak he was somewhat skeptical on the subject of a bear's singing and yet he had been assured of the latter on the testimony of his own exquisite organs,13.585,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0003.wav,there was something in his air and manner that betrayed to the scout the utter confusion of the state of his mind,6.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0004.wav,the ingenious hawkeye who recalled the hasty manner in which the other had abandoned his post at the bedside of the sick woman was not without his suspicions concerning the subject of so much solemn deliberation,12.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0005.wav,the bear shook his shaggy sides and then a well known voice replied,4.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0006.wav,can these things be returned david breathing more freely as the truth began to dawn upon him,5.655,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0007.wav,come come returned hawkeye uncasing his honest countenance the better to assure the wavering confidence of his companion you may see a skin which if it be not as white as one of the gentle ones has no tinge of red to it that the winds of the heaven and the sun have not bestowed now let us to business,18.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0008.wav,the young man is in bondage and much i fear his death is decreed,4.185,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0009.wav,i greatly mourn that one so well disposed should die in his ignorance and i have sought a goodly hymn can you lead me to him,7.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0010.wav,the task will not be difficult returned david hesitating though i greatly fear your presence would rather increase than mitigate his unhappy fortunes,10.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0011.wav,the lodge in which uncas was confined was in the very center of the village and in a situation perhaps more difficult than any other to approach or leave without observation,9.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0012.wav,four or five of the latter only lingered about the door of the prison of uncas wary but close observers of the manner of their captive,7.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0013.wav,delivered in a strong tone of assent announced the gratification the savage would receive in witnessing such an exhibition of weakness in an enemy so long hated and so much feared,10.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0014.wav,they drew back a little from the entrance and motioned to the supposed conjurer to enter,4.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0015.wav,but the bear instead of obeying maintained the seat it had taken and growled,5.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0016.wav,the cunning man is afraid that his breath will blow upon his brothers and take away their courage too continued david improving the hint he received they must stand further off,10.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0017.wav,then as if satisfied of their safety the scout left his position and slowly entered the place,5.655,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0018.wav,it was silent and gloomy being tenanted solely by the captive and lighted by the dying embers of a fire which had been used for the purposed of cookery,9.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0019.wav,uncas occupied a distant corner in a reclining attitude being rigidly bound both hands and feet by strong and painful withes,8.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0020.wav,the scout who had left david at the door to ascertain they were not observed thought it prudent to preserve his disguise until assured of their privacy,8.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0021.wav,what shall we do with the mingoes at the door they count six and this singer is as good as nothing,5.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0022.wav,the delawares are children of the tortoise and they outstrip the deer,3.855,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0023.wav,uncas who had already approached the door in readiness to lead the way now recoiled and placed himself once more in the bottom of the lodge,7.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0024.wav,but hawkeye who was too much occupied with his own thoughts to note the movement continued speaking more to himself than to his companion,7.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0025.wav,so uncas you had better take the lead while i will put on the skin again and trust to cunning for want of speed,6.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0026.wav,well what can't be done by main courage in war must be done by circumvention,5.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0027.wav,as soon as these dispositions were made the scout turned to david and gave him his parting instructions,5.689938,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0028.wav,my pursuits are peaceful and my temper i humbly trust is greatly given to mercy and love returned david a little nettled at so direct an attack on his manhood but there are none who can say that i have ever forgotten my faith in the lord even in the greatest straits,15.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0029.wav,if you are not then knocked on the head your being a non composser will protect you and you'll then have a good reason to expect to die in your bed,7.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0030.wav,so choose for yourself to make a rush or tarry here,3.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0031.wav,bravely and generously has he battled in my behalf and this and more will i dare in his service,6.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0032.wav,keep silent as long as may be and it would be wise when you do speak to break out suddenly in one of your shoutings which will serve to remind the indians that you are not altogether as responsible as men should be,11.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0033.wav,if however they take your scalp as i trust and believe they will not depend on it uncas and i will not forget the deed but revenge it as becomes true warriors and trusty friends,11.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0034.wav,hold said david perceiving that with this assurance they were about to leave him i am an unworthy and humble follower of one who taught not the damnable principle of revenge,9.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0035.wav,then heaving a heavy sigh probably among the last he ever drew in pining for a condition he had so long abandoned he added it is what i would wish to practise myself as one without a cross of blood though it is not always easy to deal with an indian as you would with a fellow christian,18.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0036.wav,god bless you friend i do believe your scent is not greatly wrong when the matter is duly considered and keeping eternity before the eyes though much depends on the natural gifts and the force of temptation,12.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0037.wav,the delaware dog he said leaning forward and peering through the dim light to catch the expression of the other's features is he afraid,7.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0038.wav,will the hurons hear his groans,2.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0039.wav,the mohican started on his feet and shook his shaggy covering as though the animal he counterfeited was about to make some desperate effort,7.055,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0040.wav,he had no occasion to delay for at the next instant a burst of cries filled the outer air and ran along the whole extent of the village,7.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/1320-122617-0041.wav,uncas cast his skin and stepped forth in his own beautiful proportions,4.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0000.wav,every one could observe his agitation and prostration a prostration which was indeed the more remarkable since people were not accustomed to see him with his arms hanging listlessly by his side his head bewildered and his eyes with all their bright intelligence bedimmed,17.97,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0001.wav,upon this madame deigned to turn her eyes languishingly towards the comte observing,6.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0002.wav,do you think so she replied with indifference,3.235,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0003.wav,yes the character which your royal highness assumed is in perfect harmony with your own,5.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0004.wav,explain yourself,1.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0005.wav,i allude to the goddess,2.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0006.wav,the princess inquired no,3.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0007.wav,she then rose humming the air to which she was presently going to dance,5.46,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0008.wav,the arrow pierced his heart and wounded him mortally,4.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0009.wav,a quarter of an hour afterwards he returned to the theater but it will be readily believed that it was only a powerful effort of reason over his great excitement that enabled him to go back or perhaps for love is thus strangely constituted he found it impossible even to remain much longer separated from the presence of one who had broken his heart,22.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0010.wav,when she perceived the young man she rose like a woman surprised in the midst of ideas she was desirous of concealing from herself,8.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0011.wav,remain i implore you the evening is most lovely,3.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0012.wav,indeed ah,1.685,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0013.wav,i remember now and i congratulate myself do you love any one,5.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0014.wav,forgive me i hardly know what i am saying a thousand times forgive me madame was right quite right this brutal exile has completely turned my brain,10.115,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0015.wav,there cannot be a doubt he received you kindly for in fact you returned without his permission,6.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0016.wav,oh mademoiselle why have i not a devoted sister or a true friend such as yourself,7.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0017.wav,what already here they said to her,2.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0018.wav,i have been here this quarter of an hour replied la valliere,4.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0019.wav,did not the dancing amuse you no,3.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0020.wav,no more than the dancing,2.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0021.wav,la valliere is quite a poetess said tonnay charente,3.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0022.wav,i am a woman and there are few like me whoever loves me flatters me whoever flatters me pleases me and whoever pleases well said montalais you do not finish,12.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0023.wav,it is too difficult replied mademoiselle de tonnay charente laughing loudly,5.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0024.wav,look yonder do you not see the moon slowly rising silvering the topmost branches of the chestnuts and the oaks,7.33,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0025.wav,exquisite soft turf of the woods the happiness which your friendship confers upon me,5.57,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0026.wav,well said mademoiselle de tonnay charente i also think a good deal but i take care,6.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0027.wav,to say nothing said montalais so that when mademoiselle de tonnay charente thinks athenais is the only one who knows it,8.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0028.wav,quick quick then among the high reed grass said montalais stoop athenais you are so tall,7.46,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0029.wav,the young girls had indeed made themselves small indeed invisible,5.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0030.wav,she was here just now said the count,2.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0031.wav,you are positive then,1.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0032.wav,yes but perhaps i frightened her in what way,4.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0033.wav,how is it la valliere said mademoiselle de tonnay charente that the vicomte de bragelonne spoke of you as louise,8.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0034.wav,it seems the king will not consent to it,2.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0035.wav,good gracious has the king any right to interfere in matters of that kind,4.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0036.wav,i give my consent,2.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0037.wav,oh i am speaking seriously replied montalais and my opinion in this case is quite as good as the king's i suppose is it not louise,8.824938,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0038.wav,let us run then said all three and gracefully lifting up the long skirts of their silk dresses they lightly ran across the open space between the lake and the thickest covert of the park,11.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0039.wav,in fact the sound of madame's and the queen's carriages could be heard in the distance upon the hard dry ground of the roads followed by the mounted cavaliers,10.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75947-0040.wav,in this way the fete of the whole court was a fete also for the mysterious inhabitants of the forest for certainly the deer in the brake the pheasant on the branch the fox in its hole were all listening,13.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0000.wav,at the conclusion of the banquet which was served at five o'clock the king entered his cabinet where his tailors were awaiting him for the purpose of trying on the celebrated costume representing spring which was the result of so much imagination and had cost so many efforts of thought to the designers and ornament workers of the court,19.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0001.wav,ah very well,2.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0002.wav,let him come in then said the king and as if colbert had been listening at the door for the purpose of keeping himself au courant with the conversation he entered as soon as the king had pronounced his name to the two courtiers,13.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0003.wav,gentlemen to your posts whereupon saint aignan and villeroy took their leave,4.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0004.wav,certainly sire but i must have money to do that what,4.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0005.wav,what do you mean inquired louis,2.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0006.wav,he has given them with too much grace not to have others still to give if they are required which is the case at the present moment,7.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0007.wav,it is necessary therefore that he should comply the king frowned,4.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0008.wav,does your majesty then no longer believe the disloyal attempt,4.46,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0009.wav,not at all you are on the contrary most agreeable to me,4.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0010.wav,your majesty's plan then in this affair is,3.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0011.wav,you will take them from my private treasure,3.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0012.wav,the news circulated with the rapidity of lightning during its progress it kindled every variety of coquetry desire and wild ambition,9.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0013.wav,the king had completed his toilette by nine o'clock he appeared in an open carriage decorated with branches of trees and flowers,8.58,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0014.wav,the queens had taken their seats upon a magnificent dias or platform erected upon the borders of the lake in a theater of wonderful elegance of construction,10.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0015.wav,suddenly for the purpose of restoring peace and order spring accompanied by his whole court made his appearance,7.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0016.wav,the seasons allies of spring followed him closely to form a quadrille which after many words of more or less flattering import was the commencement of the dance,11.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0017.wav,his legs the best shaped at court were displayed to great advantage in flesh colored silken hose of silk so fine and so transparent that it seemed almost like flesh itself,12.33,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0018.wav,there was something in his carriage which resembled the buoyant movements of an immortal and he did not dance so much as seem to soar along,9.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0019.wav,yes it is suppressed,2.635,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0020.wav,far from it sire your majesty having given no directions about it the musicians have retained it,6.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0021.wav,yes sire and ready dressed for the ballet,3.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0022.wav,sire he said your majesty's most devoted servant approaches to perform a service on this occasion with similar zeal that he has already shown on the field of battle,10.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0023.wav,the king seemed only pleased with every one present,3.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0024.wav,monsieur was the only one who did not understand anything about the matter,5.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0025.wav,the ballet began the effect was more than beautiful,3.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0026.wav,when the music by its bursts of melody carried away these illustrious dancers when the simple untutored pantomime of that period only the more natural on account of the very indifferent acting of the august actors had reached its culminating point of triumph the theater shook with tumultuous applause,20.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0027.wav,disdainful of a success of which madame showed no acknowledgement he thought of nothing but boldly regaining the marked preference of the princess,9.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0028.wav,by degrees all his happiness all his brilliancy subsided into regret and uneasiness so that his limbs lost their power his arms hung heavily by his sides and his head drooped as though he was stupefied,16.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/7127-75946-0029.wav,the king who had from this moment become in reality the principal dancer in the quadrille cast a look upon his vanquished rival,9.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0000.wav,to fade away like morning beauty from her mortal day down by the river of adona her soft voice is heard and thus her gentle lamentation falls like morning dew,12.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0001.wav,o life of this our spring,2.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0002.wav,why fades the lotus of the water,2.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0003.wav,why fade these children of the spring,3.08,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0004.wav,thel is like a watry bow and like a parting cloud like a reflection in a glass like shadows in the water like dreams of infants like a smile upon an infants face,13.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0005.wav,like the doves voice like transient day like music in the air ah,7.035,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0006.wav,and gentle sleep the sleep of death and gently hear the voice of him that walketh in the garden in the evening time,8.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0007.wav,the lilly of the valley breathing in the humble grass answerd the lovely maid and said i am a watry weed and i am very small and love to dwell in lowly vales so weak the gilded butterfly scarce perches on my head yet i am visited from heaven and he that smiles on all walks in the valley and each morn over me spreads his hand saying rejoice thou humble grass thou new born lily flower,32.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0008.wav,thou gentle maid of silent valleys and of modest brooks for thou shall be clothed in light and fed with morning manna till summers heat melts thee beside the fountains and the springs to flourish in eternal vales they why should thel complain,19.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0009.wav,why should the mistress of the vales of har utter a sigh,4.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0010.wav,she ceasd and smild in tears then sat down in her silver shrine,6.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0011.wav,which thou dost scatter on every little blade of grass that springs revives the milked cow and tames the fire breathing steed,10.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0012.wav,but thel is like a faint cloud kindled at the rising sun i vanish from my pearly throne and who shall find my place,10.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0013.wav,and why it scatters its bright beauty thro the humid air,4.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0014.wav,descend o little cloud and hover before the eyes of thel,4.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0015.wav,o little cloud the virgin said i charge thee to tell me why thou complainest now when in one hour thou fade away then we shall seek thee but not find ah thel is like to thee,14.465,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0016.wav,i pass away yet i complain and no one hears my voice,5.105,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0017.wav,the cloud then shewd his golden head and his bright form emerg'd,4.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0018.wav,and fearest thou because i vanish and am seen no more,4.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0019.wav,it is to tenfold life to love to peace and raptures holy unseen descending weigh my light wings upon balmy flowers and court the fair eyed dew to take me to her shining tent the weeping virgin trembling kneels before the risen sun,21.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0020.wav,till we arise link'd in a golden band and never part but walk united bearing food to all our tender flowers,9.8,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0021.wav,lives not alone nor or itself fear not and i will call the weak worm from its lowly bed and thou shalt hear its voice,10.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0022.wav,come forth worm and the silent valley to thy pensive queen,4.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0023.wav,the helpless worm arose and sat upon the lillys leaf and the bright cloud saild on to find his partner in the vale,9.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0024.wav,image of weakness art thou but a worm,3.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0025.wav,i see they lay helpless and naked weeping and none to answer none to cherish thee with mothers smiles,9.265,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0026.wav,and says thou mother of my children i have loved thee and i have given thee a crown that none can take away,8.1,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0027.wav,and lay me down in thy cold bed and leave my shining lot,5.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0028.wav,or an eye of gifts and graces showring fruits and coined gold,4.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0029.wav,why a tongue impress'd with honey from every wind,3.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-157963-0030.wav,why an ear a whirlpool fierce to draw creations in,4.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0000.wav,all is said without a word,2.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0001.wav,i sit beneath thy looks as children do in the noon sun with souls that tremble through their happy eyelids from an unaverred yet prodigal inward joy,11.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0002.wav,i did not wrong myself so but i placed a wrong on thee,4.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0003.wav,when called before i told how hastily i dropped my flowers or brake off from a game,6.565,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0004.wav,shall i never miss home talk and blessing and the common kiss that comes to each in turn nor count it strange when i look up to drop on a new range of walls and floors another home than this,14.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0005.wav,alas i have grieved so i am hard to love,4.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0006.wav,open thy heart wide and fold within the wet wings of thy dove,5.89,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0007.wav,could it mean to last a love set pendulous between sorrow and sorrow,5.8,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0008.wav,nay i rather thrilled distrusting every light that seemed to gild the onward path and feared to overlean a finger even,10.005,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0009.wav,and though i have grown serene and strong since then i think that god has willed a still renewable fear,7.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0010.wav,o love o troth,2.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0011.wav,and love be false,2.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0012.wav,if he to keep one oath must lose one joy by his life's star foretold,7.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0013.wav,slow to world greetings quick with its o list when the angels speak,6.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0014.wav,a ring of amethyst i could not wear here plainer to my sight than that first kiss,7.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0015.wav,that was the chrism of love which love's own crown with sanctifying sweetness did precede the third upon my lips was folded down in perfect purple state since when indeed i have been proud and said my love my own,21.465,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0016.wav,dearest teach me so to pour out gratitude as thou dost good,6.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0017.wav,mussulmans and giaours throw kerchiefs at a smile and have no ruth for any weeping,7.795,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0018.wav,but thou art not such a lover my beloved,3.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0019.wav,thou canst wait through sorrow and sickness to bring souls to touch and think it soon when others cry too late,9.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0020.wav,i thank all who have loved me in their hearts with thanks and love from mine,5.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0021.wav,oh to shoot my soul's full meaning into future years that they should lend it utterance and salute love that endures from life that disappears,10.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0022.wav,then i long tried by natural ills received the comfort fast while budding at thy sight my pilgrim's staff gave out green leaves with morning dews impearled,14.1,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0023.wav,i love thee freely as men strive for right i love thee purely as they turn from praise,8.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0024.wav,i love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs and with my childhood's faith,7.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/908-31957-0025.wav,i love thee with a love i seemed to lose with my lost saints i love thee with the breath smiles tears of all my life and if god choose i shall but love thee better after death,20.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0000.wav,concord returned to its place amidst the tents,3.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0001.wav,the english forwarded to the french baskets of flowers of which they had made a plentiful provision to greet the arrival of the young princess the french in return invited the english to a supper which was to be given the next day,14.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0002.wav,congratulations were poured in upon the princess everywhere during her journey,5.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0003.wav,from the respect paid her on all sides she seemed like a queen and from the adoration with which she was treated by two or three she appeared an object of worship the queen mother gave the french the most affectionate reception france was her native country and she had suffered too much unhappiness in england for england to have made her forget france,23.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0004.wav,she taught her daughter then by her own affection for it that love for a country where they had both been hospitably received and where a brilliant future opened before them,11.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0005.wav,the count had thrown himself back on his seat leaning his shoulders against the partition of the tent and remained thus his face buried in his hands with heaving chest and restless limbs,13.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0006.wav,this has indeed been a harassing day continued the young man his eyes fixed upon his friend,5.85,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0007.wav,you will be frank with me i always am,3.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0008.wav,can you imagine why buckingham has been so violent i suspect,4.785,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0009.wav,it is you who are mistaken raoul i have read his distress in his eyes in his every gesture and action the whole day,7.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0010.wav,i can perceive love clearly enough,3.035,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0011.wav,i am convinced of what i say said the count,3.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0012.wav,it is annoyance then,1.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0013.wav,in those very terms i even added more,2.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0014.wav,but continued raoul not interrupted by this movement of his friend heaven be praised the french who are pronounced to be thoughtless and indiscreet reckless even are capable of bringing a calm and sound judgment to bear on matters of such high importance,16.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0015.wav,thus it is that the honor of three is saved our country's our master's and our own,6.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0016.wav,yes i need repose many things have agitated me to day both in mind and body when you return to morrow i shall no longer be the same man,10.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0017.wav,but in this friendly pressure raoul could detect the nervous agitation of a great internal conflict,6.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0018.wav,the night was clear starlit and splendid the tempest had passed away and the sweet influences of the evening had restored life peace and security everywhere,10.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0019.wav,upon the large square in front of the hotel the shadows of the tents intersected by the golden moonbeams formed as it were a huge mosaic of jet and yellow flagstones,11.645062,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-75918-0020.wav,bragelonne watched for some time the conduct of the two lovers listened to the loud and uncivil slumbers of manicamp who snored as imperiously as though he was wearing his blue and gold instead of his violet suit,14.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0000.wav,goliath makes another discovery,3.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0001.wav,they were certainly no nearer the solution of their problem,3.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0002.wav,the poor little things cried cynthia think of them having been turned to the wall all these years,5.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0003.wav,now what was the sense of it two innocent babies like that,3.385,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0004.wav,but joyce had not been listening all at once she put down her candle on the table and faced her companion,6.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0005.wav,the twin brother did something she didn't like and she turned his picture to the wall,5.035,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0006.wav,hers happened to be in the same frame too but she evidently didn't care about that,4.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0007.wav,now what have you to say cynthia sprague,2.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0008.wav,i thought we were stumped again when i first saw that picture but it's been of some use after all,5.185,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0009.wav,do you suppose the miniature was a copy of the same thing,3.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0010.wav,what in the world is that queried joyce,2.69,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0011.wav,they worry me terribly and besides i'd like to see what this lovely furniture looks like without such quantities of dust all over it good scheme cyn,9.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0012.wav,we'll come in here this afternoon with old clothes on and have a regular house cleaning,4.655,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0013.wav,it can't hurt anything i'm sure for we won't disturb things at all,4.305,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0014.wav,this thought however did not enter the heads of the enthusiastic pair,4.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0015.wav,smuggling the house cleaning paraphernalia into the cellar window unobserved that afternoon proved no easy task for cynthia had added a whisk broom and dust pan to the outfit,12.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0016.wav,the lure proved too much for him and he came sporting after it as friskily as a young kitten much to cynthia's delight when she caught sight of him,9.205,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0017.wav,oh let him come along she urged i do love to see him about that old house,5.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0018.wav,he makes it sort of cozier,2.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0019.wav,now let's dust the furniture and pictures,2.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0020.wav,yet little as it was it had already made a vast difference in the aspect of the room,6.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0021.wav,surface dust at least had been removed and the fine old furniture gave a hint of its real elegance and polish,7.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0022.wav,then she suddenly remarked,1.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0023.wav,and my pocket money is getting low again and you haven't any left as usual,4.85,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0024.wav,they say illumination by candle light is the prettiest in the world,4.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0025.wav,why it's goliath as usual they both cried peering in,4.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0026.wav,isn't he the greatest for getting into odd corners,3.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0027.wav,forgetting all their weariness they seized their candles and scurried through the house finding an occasional paper tucked away in some odd corner,8.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-76324-0028.wav,well i'm convinced that the boarded up house mystery happened not earlier than april sixteenth eighteen sixty one and probably not much later,9.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0000.wav,no words were spoken no language was uttered save that of wailing and hissing and that somehow was indistinct as if it existed in fancy and not in reality,12.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0001.wav,i heard a noise behind i turned and saw kaffar his black eyes shining while in his hand he held a gleaming knife he lifted it above his head as if to strike but i had the strength of ten men and i hurled him from me,17.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0002.wav,onward said a distant voice,3.305,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0003.wav,no sound broke the stillness of the night,3.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0004.wav,the story of its evil influence came back to me and in my bewildered condition i wondered whether there was not some truth in what had been said,9.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0005.wav,what was that,1.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0006.wav,what then a human hand large and shapely appeared distinctly on the surface of the pond,6.8,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0007.wav,nothing more not even the wrist to which it might be attached,4.365,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0008.wav,it did not beckon or indeed move at all it was as still as the hand of death,6.055,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0009.wav,i awoke to consciousness fighting at first it seemed as if i was fighting with a phantom but gradually my opponent became more real to me it was kaffar,12.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0010.wav,a sound of voices a flash of light,3.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0011.wav,a feeling of freedom and i was awake where,4.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0012.wav,said another voice which i recognized as voltaire's kaffar,4.43,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0013.wav,i had scarcely known what i had been saying or doing up to this time but as he spoke i looked at my hand,7.325,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0014.wav,in the light of the moon i saw a knife red with blood and my hand too was also discoloured,7.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0015.wav,i do not know i am dazed bewildered,3.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0016.wav,but that is kaffar's knife,2.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0017.wav,i know he had it this very evening,2.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0018.wav,i remember saying have we been together,2.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0019.wav,voltaire picked up something from the ground and looked at it,3.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0020.wav,i say you do know what this means and you must tell us,5.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0021.wav,a terrible thought flashed into my mind,3.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0022.wav,i had again been acting under the influence of this man's power,4.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0023.wav,perchance too kaffar's death might serve him in good stead,4.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0024.wav,my tongue refused to articulate my power of speech left me,5.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0025.wav,my position was too terrible,2.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0026.wav,my overwrought nerves yielded at last,3.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/6930-81414-0027.wav,for some time after that i remembered nothing distinctly,3.85,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0000.wav,under the simple test of effectiveness for advertising we should expect to find leisure and the conspicuous consumption of goods dividing the field of pecuniary emulation pretty evenly between them at the outset,11.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0001.wav,but the actual course of development has been somewhat different from this ideal scheme leisure held the first place at the start and came to hold a rank very much above wasteful consumption of goods both as a direct exponent of wealth and as an element in the standard of decency during the quasi peaceable culture,16.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0002.wav,other circumstances permitting that instinct disposes men to look with favor upon productive efficiency and on whatever is of human use,7.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0003.wav,a reconciliation between the two conflicting requirements is effected by a resort to make believe many and intricate polite observances and social duties of a ceremonial nature are developed many organizations are founded with some specious object of amelioration embodied in their official style and title there is much coming and going and a deal of talk to the end that the talkers may not have occasion to reflect on what is the effectual economic value of their traffic,25.115,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0004.wav,the salient features of this development of domestic service have already been indicated,4.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0005.wav,throughout the entire evolution of conspicuous expenditure whether of goods or of services or human life runs the obvious implication that in order to effectually mend the consumer's good fame it must be an expenditure of superfluities,13.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0006.wav,as used in the speech of everyday life the word carries an undertone of deprecation,4.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0007.wav,the use of the word waste as a technical term therefore implies no deprecation of the motives or of the ends sought by the consumer under this canon of conspicuous waste,9.5,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0008.wav,but it is on other grounds worth noting that the term waste in the language of everyday life implies deprecation of what is characterized as wasteful,7.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0009.wav,in strict accuracy nothing should be included under the head of conspicuous waste but such expenditure as is incurred on the ground of an invidious pecuniary comparison,8.86,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5696-0010.wav,an article may be useful and wasteful both and its utility to the consumer may be made up of use and waste in the most varying proportions,7.57,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0000.wav,but already at a point in economic evolution far antedating the emergence of the lady specialised consumption of goods as an evidence of pecuniary strength had begun to work out in a more or less elaborate system,12.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0001.wav,the utility of consumption as an evidence of wealth is to be classed as a derivative growth,5.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0002.wav,such consumption as falls to the women is merely incidental to their work it is a means to their continued labour and not a consumption directed to their own comfort and fulness of life,10.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0003.wav,with a further advance in culture this tabu may change into simple custom of a more or less rigorous character but whatever be the theoretical basis of the distinction which is maintained whether it be a tabu or a larger conventionality the features of the conventional scheme of consumption do not change easily,19.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0004.wav,in the nature of things luxuries and the comforts of life belong to the leisure class,5.33,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0005.wav,under the tabu certain victuals and more particularly certain beverages are strictly reserved for the use of the superior class,8.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0006.wav,drunkenness and the other pathological consequences of the free use of stimulants therefore tend in their turn to become honorific as being a mark at the second remove of the superior status of those who are able to afford the indulgence,14.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0007.wav,it has even happened that the name for certain diseased conditions of the body arising from such an origin has passed into everyday speech as a synonym for noble or gentle,10.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0008.wav,the consumption of luxuries in the true sense is a consumption directed to the comfort of the consumer himself and is therefore a mark of the master,9.495,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0009.wav,with many qualifications with more qualifications as the patriarchal tradition has gradually weakened the general rule is felt to be right and binding that women should consume only for the benefit of their masters,12.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0010.wav,the objection of course presents itself that expenditure on women's dress and household paraphernalia is an obvious exception to this rule but it will appear in the sequel that this exception is much more obvious than substantial,13.005,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0011.wav,the custom of festive gatherings probably originated in motives of conviviality and religion these motives are also present in the later development but they do not continue to be the sole motives,11.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0012.wav,there is a more or less elaborate system of rank and grades,3.205,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0013.wav,this differentiation is furthered by the inheritance of wealth and the consequent inheritance of gentility,5.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0014.wav,many of these affiliated gentlemen of leisure are at the same time lesser men of substance in their own right so that some of them are scarcely at all others only partially to be rated as vicarious consumers,11.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0015.wav,so many of them however as make up the retainer and hangers on of the patron may be classed as vicarious consumer without qualification,8.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0016.wav,many of these again and also many of the other aristocracy of less degree have in turn attached to their persons a more or less comprehensive group of vicarious consumer in the persons of their wives and children their servants retainers et cetera,14.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0017.wav,the wearing of uniforms or liveries implies a considerable degree of dependence and may even be said to be a mark of servitude real or ostensible,8.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0018.wav,the wearers of uniforms and liveries may be roughly divided into two classes the free and the servile or the noble and the ignoble,7.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0019.wav,but the general distinction is not on that account to be overlooked,3.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0020.wav,so those offices which are by right the proper employment of the leisure class are noble such as government fighting hunting the care of arms and accoutrements and the like in short those which may be classed as ostensibly predatory employments,14.035,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0021.wav,whenever as in these cases the menial service in question has to do directly with the primary leisure employments of fighting and hunting it easily acquires a reflected honorific character,10.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5694-0022.wav,the livery becomes obnoxious to nearly all who are required to wear it,4.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0000.wav,in a general way though not wholly nor consistently these two groups coincide,4.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0001.wav,the dependent who was first delegated for these duties was the wife or the chief wife and as would be expected in the later development of the institution when the number of persons by whom these duties are customarily performed gradually narrows the wife remains the last,14.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0002.wav,but as we descend the social scale the point is presently reached where the duties of vicarious leisure and consumption devolve upon the wife alone,7.805,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0003.wav,in the communities of the western culture this point is at present found among the lower middle class,5.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0004.wav,if beauty or comfort is achieved and it is a more or less fortuitous circumstance if they are they must be achieved by means and methods that commend themselves to the great economic law of wasted effort,10.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0005.wav,the man of the household also can do something in this direction and indeed he commonly does but with a still lower descent into the levels of indigence along the margin of the slums the man and presently also the children virtually cease to consume valuable goods for appearances and the woman remains virtually the sole exponent of the household's pecuniary decency,20.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0006.wav,very much of squalor and discomfort will be endured before the last trinket or the last pretense of pecuniary decency is put away,7.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0007.wav,there is no class and no country that has yielded so abjectly before the pressure of physical want as to deny themselves all gratification of this higher or spiritual need,9.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0008.wav,the question is which of the two methods will most effectively reach the persons whose convictions it is desired to affect,6.845,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0009.wav,each will therefore serve about equally well during the earlier stages of social growth,5.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0010.wav,the modern organization of industry works in the same direction also by another line,4.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0011.wav,it is evident therefore that the present trend of the development is in the direction of heightening the utility of conspicuous consumption as compared with leisure,8.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0012.wav,it is also noticeable that the serviceability of consumption as a means of repute as well as the insistence on it as an element of decency is at its best in those portions of the community where the human contact of the individual is widest and the mobility of the population is greatest,14.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0013.wav,consumption becomes a larger element in the standard of living in the city than in the country,4.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0014.wav,among the country population its place is to some extent taken by savings and home comforts known through the medium of neighborhood gossip sufficiently to serve the like general purpose of pecuniary repute,10.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/3570-5695-0015.wav,the result is a great mobility of the labor employed in printing perhaps greater than in any other equally well defined and considerable body of workmen,7.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0000.wav,how strange it seemed to the sad woman as she watched the growth and the beauty that became every day more brilliant and the intelligence that threw its quivering sunshine over the tiny features of this child,12.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0001.wav,god as a direct consequence of the sin which man thus punished had given her a lovely child whose place was on that same dishonoured bosom to connect her parent for ever with the race and descent of mortals and to be finally a blessed soul in heaven,16.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0002.wav,yet these thoughts affected hester prynne less with hope than apprehension,4.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0003.wav,the child had a native grace which does not invariably co exist with faultless beauty its attire however simple always impressed the beholder as if it were the very garb that precisely became it best,13.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0004.wav,this outward mutability indicated and did not more than fairly express the various properties of her inner life,7.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0005.wav,hester could only account for the child's character and even then most vaguely and imperfectly by recalling what she herself had been during that momentous period while pearl was imbibing her soul from the spiritual world and her bodily frame from its material of earth,16.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0006.wav,they were now illuminated by the morning radiance of a young child's disposition but later in the day of earthly existence might be prolific of the storm and whirlwind,11.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0007.wav,hester prynne nevertheless the loving mother of this one child ran little risk of erring on the side of undue severity,8.795,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0008.wav,mindful however of her own errors and misfortunes she early sought to impose a tender but strict control over the infant immortality that was committed to her charge,10.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0009.wav,as to any other kind of discipline whether addressed to her mind or heart little pearl might or might not be within its reach in accordance with the caprice that ruled the moment,10.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0010.wav,it was a look so intelligent yet inexplicable perverse sometimes so malicious but generally accompanied by a wild flow of spirits that hester could not help questioning at such moments whether pearl was a human child,15.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0011.wav,beholding it hester was constrained to rush towards the child to pursue the little elf in the flight which she invariably began to snatch her to her bosom with a close pressure and earnest kisses not so much from overflowing love as to assure herself that pearl was flesh and blood and not utterly delusive,21.345,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0012.wav,brooding over all these matters the mother felt like one who has evoked a spirit but by some irregularity in the process of conjuration has failed to win the master word that should control this new and incomprehensible intelligence,16.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0013.wav,pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world,3.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0014.wav,pearl saw and gazed intently but never sought to make acquaintance,4.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135766-0015.wav,if spoken to she would not speak again,2.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0000.wav,hester prynne went one day to the mansion of governor bellingham with a pair of gloves which she had fringed and embroidered to his order and which were to be worn on some great occasion of state for though the chances of a popular election had caused this former ruler to descend a step or two from the highest rank he still held an honourable and influential place among the colonial magistracy,24.85,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0001.wav,another and far more important reason than the delivery of a pair of embroidered gloves impelled hester at this time to seek an interview with a personage of so much power and activity in the affairs of the settlement,13.43,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0002.wav,at that epoch of pristine simplicity however matters of even slighter public interest and of far less intrinsic weight than the welfare of hester and her child were strangely mixed up with the deliberations of legislators and acts of state,16.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0003.wav,the period was hardly if at all earlier than that of our story when a dispute concerning the right of property in a pig not only caused a fierce and bitter contest in the legislative body of the colony but resulted in an important modification of the framework itself of the legislature,18.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0004.wav,we have spoken of pearl's rich and luxuriant beauty a beauty that shone with deep and vivid tints a bright complexion eyes possessing intensity both of depth and glow and hair already of a deep glossy brown and which in after years would be nearly akin to black,19.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0005.wav,it was the scarlet letter in another form the scarlet letter endowed with life,5.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0006.wav,the mother herself as if the red ignominy were so deeply scorched into her brain that all her conceptions assumed its form had carefully wrought out the similitude lavishing many hours of morbid ingenuity to create an analogy between the object of her affection and the emblem of her guilt and torture,20.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0007.wav,but in truth pearl was the one as well as the other and only in consequence of that identity had hester contrived so perfectly to represent the scarlet letter in her appearance,12.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0008.wav,come therefore and let us fling mud at them,3.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0009.wav,but pearl who was a dauntless child after frowning stamping her foot and shaking her little hand with a variety of threatening gestures suddenly made a rush at the knot of her enemies and put them all to flight,13.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0010.wav,she screamed and shouted too with a terrific volume of sound which doubtless caused the hearts of the fugitives to quake within them,8.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0011.wav,it was further decorated with strange and seemingly cabalistic figures and diagrams suitable to the quaint taste of the age which had been drawn in the stucco when newly laid on and had now grown hard and durable for the admiration of after times,16.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0012.wav,they approached the door which was of an arched form and flanked on each side by a narrow tower or projection of the edifice in both of which were lattice windows the wooden shutters to close over them at need,13.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0013.wav,lifting the iron hammer that hung at the portal hester prynne gave a summons which was answered by one of the governor's bond servant a free born englishman but now a seven years slave,11.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0014.wav,yea his honourable worship is within but he hath a godly minister or two with him and likewise a leech,7.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0015.wav,ye may not see his worship now,2.85,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0016.wav,with many variations suggested by the nature of his building materials diversity of climate and a different mode of social life governor bellingham had planned his new habitation after the residences of gentlemen of fair estate in his native land,15.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0017.wav,on the table in token that the sentiment of old english hospitality had not been left behind stood a large pewter tankard at the bottom of which had hester or pearl peeped into it they might have seen the frothy remnant of a recent draught of ale,16.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0018.wav,little pearl who was as greatly pleased with the gleaming armour as she had been with the glittering frontispiece of the house spent some time looking into the polished mirror of the breastplate,11.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0019.wav,mother cried she i see you here look look,3.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0020.wav,in truth she seemed absolutely hidden behind it,3.345,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0021.wav,pearl accordingly ran to the bow window at the further end of the hall and looked along the vista of a garden walk carpeted with closely shaven grass and bordered with some rude and immature attempt at shrubbery,12.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0022.wav,but the proprietor appeared already to have relinquished as hopeless the effort to perpetuate on this side of the atlantic in a hard soil and amid the close struggle for subsistence the native english taste for ornamental gardening,14.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0023.wav,there were a few rose bushes however and a number of apple trees probably the descendants of those planted by the reverend mister blackstone the first settler of the peninsula that half mythological personage who rides through our early annals seated on the back of a bull,16.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/1221-135767-0024.wav,pearl seeing the rose bushes began to cry for a red rose and would not be pacified,5.85,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0000.wav,and often has my mother said while on her lap i laid my head she feared for time i was not made but for eternity,8.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0001.wav,why are we to be denied each other's society,2.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0002.wav,why are we to be divided,2.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0003.wav,surely it must be because we are in danger of loving each other too well of losing sight of the creator in idolatry of the creature,7.595,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0004.wav,we used to dispute about politics and religion,3.105,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0005.wav,she a tory and clergyman's daughter was always in a minority of one in our house of violent dissent and radicalism,7.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0006.wav,her feeble health gave her her yielding manner for she could never oppose any one without gathering up all her strength for the struggle,8.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0007.wav,he spoke french perfectly i have been told when need was but delighted usually in talking the broadest yorkshire,7.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0008.wav,and so life and death have dispersed the circle of violent radicals and dissenters into which twenty years ago the little quiet resolute clergyman's daughter was received and by whom she was truly loved and honoured,13.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0009.wav,january and february of eighteen thirty seven had passed away and still there was no reply from southey,6.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0010.wav,i am not depreciating it when i say that in these times it is not rare,4.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0011.wav,but it is not with a view to distinction that you should cultivate this talent if you consult your own happiness,7.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0012.wav,you will say that a woman has no need of such a caution there can be no peril in it for her,5.850062,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0013.wav,the more she is engaged in her proper duties the less leisure will she have for it even as an accomplishment and a recreation,9.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0014.wav,to those duties you have not yet been called and when you are you will be less eager for celebrity,6.68,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0015.wav,but do not suppose that i disparage the gift which you possess nor that i would discourage you from exercising it i only exhort you so to think of it and so to use it as to render it conducive to your own permanent good,14.425,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0016.wav,farewell madam,1.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0017.wav,though i may be but an ungracious adviser you will allow me therefore to subscribe myself with the best wishes for your happiness here and hereafter your true friend robert southey,12.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0018.wav,sir march sixteenth,2.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0019.wav,i had not ventured to hope for such a reply so considerate in its tone so noble in its spirit,6.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0020.wav,i know the first letter i wrote to you was all senseless trash from beginning to end but i am not altogether the idle dreaming being it would seem to denote,8.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0021.wav,i thought it therefore my duty when i left school to become a governess,4.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0022.wav,in the evenings i confess i do think but i never trouble any one else with my thoughts,5.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0023.wav,i carefully avoid any appearance of preoccupation and eccentricity which might lead those i live amongst to suspect the nature of my pursuits,9.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0024.wav,i don't always succeed for sometimes when i'm teaching or sewing i would rather be reading or writing but i try to deny myself and my father's approbation amply rewarded me for the privation,12.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0025.wav,again i thank you this incident i suppose will be renewed no more if i live to be an old woman i shall remember it thirty years hence as a bright dream,9.205,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0026.wav,p s pray sir excuse me for writing to you a second time i could not help writing partly to tell you how thankful i am for your kindness and partly to let you know that your advice shall not be wasted however sorrowfully and reluctantly it may be at first followed c b,16.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0027.wav,i cannot deny myself the gratification of inserting southey's reply,4.58,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0028.wav,keswick march twenty second eighteen thirty seven dear madam,5.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0029.wav,your letter has given me great pleasure and i should not forgive myself if i did not tell you so,6.055,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0030.wav,of this second letter also she spoke and told me that it contained an invitation for her to go and see the poet if ever she visited the lakes,8.945063,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0031.wav,on august twenty seventh eighteen thirty seven she writes,4.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0032.wav,come come i am getting really tired of your absence,3.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0033.wav,saturday after saturday comes round and i can have no hope of hearing your knock at the door and then being told that miss e is come oh dear,8.5,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0034.wav,in this monotonous life of mine that was a pleasant event,3.495,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0035.wav,i wish it would recur again but it will take two or three interviews before the stiffness the estrangement of this long separation will wear away,9.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0036.wav,my eyes fill with tears when i contrast the bliss of such a state brightened by hopes of the future with the melancholy state i now live in uncertain that i ever felt true contrition wandering in thought and deed longing for holiness which i shall never never obtain smitten at times to the heart with the conviction that ghastly calvinistic doctrines are true darkened in short by the very shadows of spiritual death,28.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0037.wav,if christian perfection be necessary to salvation i shall never be saved my heart is a very hotbed for sinful thoughts and when i decide on an action i scarcely remember to look to my redeemer for direction,14.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0038.wav,and meantime i know the greatness of jehovah i acknowledge the perfection of his word i adore the purity of the christian faith my theory is right my practice horribly wrong,11.535,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0039.wav,the christmas holidays came and she and anne returned to the parsonage and to that happy home circle in which alone their natures expanded amongst all other people they shrivelled up more or less,12.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0040.wav,indeed there were only one or two strangers who could be admitted among the sisters without producing the same result,6.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0041.wav,she was gone out into the village on some errand when as she was descending the steep street her foot slipped on the ice and she fell it was dark and no one saw her mischance till after a time her groans attracted the attention of a passer by,14.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0042.wav,unfortunately the fracture could not be set till six o'clock the next morning as no surgeon was to be had before that time and she now lies at our house in a very doubtful and dangerous state,12.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0043.wav,however remembering what you told me namely that you had commended the matter to a higher decision than ours and that you were resolved to submit with resignation to that decision whatever it might be i hold it my duty to yield also and to be silent it may be all for the best,19.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0044.wav,after this disappointment i never dare reckon with certainty on the enjoyment of a pleasure again it seems as if some fatality stood between you and me,9.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0045.wav,i am not good enough for you and you must be kept from the contamination of too intimate society,6.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0046.wav,a good neighbour of the brontes a clever intelligent yorkshire woman who keeps a druggist's shop in haworth and from her occupation her experience and excellent sense holds the position of village doctress and nurse and as such has been a friend in many a time of trial and sickness and death in the households round told me a characteristic little incident connected with tabby's fractured leg,25.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0047.wav,tabby had lived with them for ten or twelve years and was as charlotte expressed it one of the family,6.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0048.wav,he refused at first to listen to the careful advice it was repugnant to his liberal nature,5.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0049.wav,this decision was communicated to the girls,2.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0050.wav,tabby had tended them in their childhood they and none other should tend her in her infirmity and age,6.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0051.wav,at tea time they were sad and silent and the meal went away untouched by any of the three,4.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0052.wav,she had another weight on her mind this christmas,3.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0053.wav,but anne had begun to suffer just before the holidays and charlotte watched over her younger sisters with the jealous vigilance of some wild creature that changes her very nature if danger threatens her young,11.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0054.wav,stung by anxiety for this little sister she upbraided miss w for her fancied indifference to anne's state of health,8.005,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0055.wav,still her heart had received a shock in the perception of anne's delicacy and all these holidays she watched over her with the longing fond anxiety which is so full of sudden pangs of fear,11.85,test.clean +data/test.clean/3575-170457-0056.wav,i doubt whether branwell was maintaining himself at this time,3.370062,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79759-0000.wav,nature of the effect produced by early impressions,4.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79759-0001.wav,that is comparatively nothing,2.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79759-0002.wav,they are chiefly formed from combinations of the impressions made in childhood,5.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79759-0003.wav,vast importance and influence of this mental furnishing,4.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79759-0004.wav,without going to any such extreme as this we can easily see on reflection how vast an influence on the ideas and conceptions as well as on the principles of action in mature years must be exerted by the nature and character of the images which the period of infancy and childhood impresses upon the mind,24.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79759-0005.wav,the pain produced by an act of hasty and angry violence to which a father subjects his son may soon pass away but the memory of it does not pass away with the pain,13.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0000.wav,to such persons these indirect modes of training children in habits of subordination to their will or rather of yielding to their influence are specially useful,11.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0001.wav,della had a young sister named maria and a cousin whose name was jane,5.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0002.wav,now delia contrived to obtain a great influence and ascendency over the minds of the children by means of these dolls,9.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0003.wav,to give an idea of these conversations i will report one of them in full,4.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0004.wav,you have come andella andella was the name of jane's doll to make rosalie a visit,6.465,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0005.wav,i am very glad,2.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0006.wav,i expect you have been a very good girl andella since you were here last,5.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0007.wav,then turning to jane she asked in a somewhat altered tone has she been a good girl jane,6.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0008.wav,for instance one day the children had been playing upon the piazza with blocks and other playthings and finally had gone into the house leaving all the things on the floor of the piazza instead of putting them away in their places as they ought to have done,18.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0009.wav,they were now playing with their dolls in the parlor,3.635,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0010.wav,delia came to the parlor and with an air of great mystery beckoned the children aside and said to them in a whisper leave andella and rosalie here and don't say a word to them,12.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0011.wav,so saying she led the way on tiptoe followed by the children out of the room and round by a circuitous route to the piazza there,10.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0012.wav,said she pointing to the playthings see,3.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0013.wav,put these playthings all away quick and carefully and we will not let them know any thing about your leaving them out,7.365,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79740-0014.wav,and this method of treating the case was much more effectual in making them disposed to avoid committing a similar fault another time than any direct rebukes or expressions of displeasure addressed personally to them would have been,14.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79730-0000.wav,the three modes of management,2.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79730-0001.wav,to suppose that the object of this work is to aid in effecting such a substitution as that is entirely to mistake its nature and design,11.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79730-0002.wav,by reason and affection,2.69,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79730-0003.wav,as the chaise drives away mary stands bewildered and perplexed on the door step her mind in a tumult of excitement in which hatred of the doctor distrust and suspicion of her mother disappointment vexation and ill humor surge and swell among those delicate organizations on which the structure and development of the soul so closely depend doing perhaps an irreparable injury,32.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79730-0004.wav,the mother as soon as the chaise is so far turned that mary can no longer watch the expression of her countenance goes away from the door with a smile of complacency and satisfaction upon her face at the ingenuity and success of her little artifice,17.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79730-0005.wav,so you will be a good girl i know and not make any trouble but will stay at home contentedly won't you,8.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79730-0006.wav,the mother in managing the case in this way relies partly on convincing the reason of the child and partly on an appeal to her affection,11.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79730-0007.wav,if you should not be a good girl but should show signs of making us any trouble i shall have to send you out somewhere to the back part of the house until we are gone,12.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79730-0008.wav,but this last supposition is almost always unnecessary for if mary has been habitually managed on this principle she will not make any trouble,11.765,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-79730-0009.wav,it is indeed true that the importance of tact and skill in the training of the young and of cultivating their reason and securing their affection can not be overrated,12.585,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0000.wav,but anders cared nothing about that,3.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0001.wav,he made a bow so deep that his back came near breaking and he was dumbfounded i can tell you when he saw it was nobody but anders,11.33,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0002.wav,he was such a big boy that he wore high boots and carried a jack knife,6.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0003.wav,now this knife was a splendid one though half the blade was gone and the handle was a little cracked and anders knew that one is almost a man as soon as one has a jack knife,15.29,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0004.wav,yes why not thought anders,2.805,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0005.wav,seeing that i am so fine i may as well go and visit the king,5.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0006.wav,i am going to the court ball answered anders,3.58,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0007.wav,and she took anders hand and walked with him up the broad marble stairs where soldiers were posted at every third step and through the magnificent halls where courtiers in silk and velvet stood bowing wherever he went,16.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0008.wav,for like as not they must have thought him a prince when they saw his fine cap,7.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0009.wav,at the farther end of the largest hall a table was set with golden cups and golden plates in long rows,8.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0010.wav,on huge silver platters were pyramids of tarts and cakes and red wine sparkled in glittering decanters,8.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0011.wav,the princess sat down under a blue canopy with bouquets of roses and she let anders sit in a golden chair by her side,8.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0012.wav,but you must not eat with your cap on your head she said and was going to take it off,5.33,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0013.wav,the princess certainly was beautiful and he would have dearly liked to be kissed by her but the cap which his mother had made he would not give up on any condition,12.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0014.wav,he only shook his head,2.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0015.wav,well but now said the princess and she filled his pockets with cakes and put her own heavy gold chain around his neck and bent down and kissed him,11.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0016.wav,that is a very fine cap you have he said,4.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0017.wav,so it is said anders,2.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0018.wav,and it is made of mother's best yarn and she knitted it herself and everybody wants to get it away from me,8.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0019.wav,with one jump anders got out of his chair,3.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0020.wav,he darted like an arrow through all the halls down all the stairs and across the yard,6.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0021.wav,he still held on to it with both hands as he rushed into his mother's cottage,5.365,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0022.wav,and all his brothers and sisters stood round and listened with their mouths open,5.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0023.wav,but when his big brother heard that he had refused to give his cap for a king's golden crown he said that anders was a stupid,9.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0024.wav,anders face grew red,2.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0025.wav,but his mother hugged him close,2.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0026.wav,no my little son she said,2.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/7021-85628-0027.wav,if you dressed in silk and gold from top to toe you could not look any nicer than in your little red cap,8.5,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0000.wav,the bogus legislature numbered thirty six members,3.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0001.wav,this was at the march election eighteen fifty five,3.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0002.wav,that summer's emigration however being mainly from the free states greatly changed the relative strength of the two parties,8.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0003.wav,for general service therefore requiring no special effort the numerical strength of the factions was about equal while on extraordinary occasions the two thousand border ruffian reserve lying a little farther back from the state line could at any time easily turn the scale,19.805062,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0004.wav,the free state men had only their convictions their intelligence their courage and the moral support of the north the conspiracy had its secret combination the territorial officials the legislature the bogus laws the courts the militia officers the president and the army,20.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0005.wav,this was a formidable array of advantages slavery was playing with loaded dice,5.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0006.wav,coming by way of the missouri river towns he fell first among border ruffian companionship and influences and perhaps having his inclinations already molded by his washington instructions his early impressions were decidedly adverse to the free state cause,17.005,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0007.wav,his reception speech at westport in which he maintained the legality of the legislature and his determination to enforce their laws delighted his pro slavery auditors,11.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0008.wav,all the territorial dignitaries were present governor shannon presided john calhoun the surveyor general made the principal speech a denunciation of the abolitionists supporting the topeka movement chief justice lecompte dignified the occasion with approving remarks,19.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0009.wav,all dissent all non compliance all hesitation all mere silence even were in their stronghold towns like leavenworth branded as abolitionism declared to be hostility to the public welfare and punished with proscription personal violence expulsion and frequently death,18.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0010.wav,of the lynchings the mobs and the murders it would be impossible except in a very extended work to note the frequent and atrocious details,8.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0011.wav,the present chapters can only touch upon the more salient movements of the civil war in kansas which happily were not sanguinary if however the individual and more isolated cases of bloodshed could be described they would show a startling aggregate of barbarity and loss of life for opinion's sake,20.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0012.wav,several hundred free state men promptly responded to the summons,4.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0013.wav,it was in fact the best weapon of its day,2.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0014.wav,the leaders of the conspiracy became distrustful of their power to crush the town,5.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0015.wav,one of his militia generals suggested that the governor should require the outlaws at lawrence and elsewhere to surrender the sharps rifles another wrote asking him to call out the government troops at fort leavenworth,14.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0016.wav,the governor on his part becoming doubtful of the legality of employing missouri militia to enforce kansas laws was also eager to secure the help of federal troops,11.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0017.wav,sheriff jones had his pockets always full of writs issued in the spirit of persecution but was often baffled by the sharp wits and ready resources of the free state people and sometimes defied outright,15.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0018.wav,little by little however the latter became hemmed and bound in the meshes of the various devices and proceedings which the territorial officials evolved from the bogus laws,11.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0019.wav,to embarrass this damaging exposure judge lecompte issued a writ against the ex governor on a frivolous charge of contempt,8.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0020.wav,the incident was not violent nor even dramatic no posse was summoned no further effort made and reeder fearing personal violence soon fled in disguise,10.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0021.wav,but the affair was magnified as a crowning proof that the free state men were insurrectionists and outlaws,7.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0022.wav,from these again sprang barricaded and fortified dwellings camps and scouting parties finally culminating in roving guerrilla bands half partisan half predatory,11.795,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0023.wav,their distinctive characters however display one broad and unfailing difference,5.5,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0024.wav,the free state men clung to their prairie towns and prairie ravines with all the obstinacy and courage of true defenders of their homes and firesides,10.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0025.wav,their assumed character changed with their changing opportunities or necessities,5.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0026.wav,in the shooting of sheriff jones in lawrence and in the refusal of ex governor beeder to allow the deputy marshal to arrest him they discovered grave offenses against the territorial and united states laws,15.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0027.wav,footnote sumner to shannon may twelfth eighteen fifty six,5.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0028.wav,private persons who had leased the free state hotel vainly besought the various authorities to prevent the destruction of their property,9.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0029.wav,ten days were consumed in these negotiations but the spirit of vengeance refused to yield,7.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0030.wav,he summoned half a dozen citizens to join his posse who followed obeyed and assisted him,7.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0031.wav,he continued his pretended search and to give color to his errand made two arrests,6.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0032.wav,the free state hotel a stone building in dimensions fifty by seventy feet three stories high and handsomely furnished previously occupied only for lodging rooms on that day for the first time opened its table accommodations to the public and provided a free dinner in honor of the occasion,20.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0033.wav,as he had promised to protect the hotel the reassured citizens began to laugh at their own fears,6.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0034.wav,to their sorrow they were soon undeceived,2.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0035.wav,the military force partly rabble partly organized had meanwhile moved into the town,5.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0036.wav,he planted a company before the hotel and demanded a surrender of the arms belonging to the free state military companies,7.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0037.wav,half an hour later turning a deaf ear to all remonstrance he gave the proprietors until five o'clock to remove their families and personal property from the free state hotel,11.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0038.wav,atchison who had been haranguing the mob planted his two guns before the building and trained them upon it,7.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0039.wav,the inmates being removed at the appointed hour a few cannon balls were fired through the stone walls,6.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0040.wav,in this incident contrasting the creative and the destructive spirit of the factions the emigrant aid society of massachusetts finds its most honorable and triumphant vindication,11.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0041.wav,the whole proceeding was so childish the miserable plot so transparent the outrage so gross as to bring disgust to the better class of border ruffians who were witnesses and accessories,12.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0042.wav,relocated footnote governor robinson being on his way east the steamboat on which he was traveling stopped at lexington missouri,9.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0043.wav,in a few days an officer came with a requisition from governor shannon and took the prisoner by land to westport and afterwards from there to kansas city and leavenworth,11.035,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0044.wav,here he was placed in the custody of captain martin of the kickapoo rangers who proved a kind jailer and materially assisted in protecting him from the dangerous intentions of the mob which at that time held leavenworth under a reign of terror,17.105,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0045.wav,captain martin said i shall give you a pistol to help protect yourself if worse comes to worst,6.805,test.clean +data/test.clean/7729-102255-0046.wav,in the early morning of the next day may twenty ninth a company of dragoons with one empty saddle came down from the fort and while the pro slavery men still slept the prisoner and his escort were on their way across the prairies to lecompton in the charge of officers of the united states army,19.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0000.wav,he wore blue silk stockings blue knee pants with gold buckles a blue ruffled waist and a jacket of bright blue braided with gold,8.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0001.wav,his hat had a peaked crown and a flat brim and around the brim was a row of tiny golden bells that tinkled when he moved,7.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0002.wav,instead of shoes the old man wore boots with turnover tops and his blue coat had wide cuffs of gold braid,7.68,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0003.wav,for a long time he had wished to explore the beautiful land of oz in which they lived,4.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0004.wav,when they were outside unc simply latched the door and started up the path,4.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0005.wav,no one would disturb their little house even if anyone came so far into the thick forest while they were gone,6.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0006.wav,at the foot of the mountain that separated the country of the munchkins from the country of the gillikins the path divided,6.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0007.wav,he knew it would take them to the house of the crooked magician whom he had never seen but who was their nearest neighbor,6.265,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0008.wav,all the morning they trudged up the mountain path and at noon unc and ojo sat on a fallen tree trunk and ate the last of the bread which the old munchkin had placed in his pocket,10.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0009.wav,then they started on again and two hours later came in sight of the house of doctor pipt,6.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0010.wav,unc knocked at the door of the house and a chubby pleasant faced woman dressed all in blue opened it and greeted the visitors with a smile,8.635,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0011.wav,i am my dear and all strangers are welcome to my home,4.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0012.wav,we have come from a far lonelier place than this a lonelier place,4.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0013.wav,and you must be ojo the unlucky she added,3.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0014.wav,ojo had never eaten such a fine meal in all his life,3.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0015.wav,we are traveling replied ojo and we stopped at your house just to rest and refresh ourselves,5.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0016.wav,the woman seemed thoughtful,2.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0017.wav,at one end stood a great fireplace in which a blue log was blazing with a blue flame and over the fire hung four kettles in a row all bubbling and steaming at a great rate,10.68,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0018.wav,it takes me several years to make this magic powder but at this moment i am pleased to say it is nearly done you see i am making it for my good wife margolotte who wants to use some of it for a purpose of her own,12.005,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0019.wav,you must know said margolotte when they were all seated together on the broad window seat that my husband foolishly gave away all the powder of life he first made to old mombi the witch who used to live in the country of the gillikins to the north of here,15.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0020.wav,the first lot we tested on our glass cat which not only began to live but has lived ever since,5.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0021.wav,i think the next glass cat the magician makes will have neither brains nor heart for then it will not object to catching mice and may prove of some use to us,9.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0022.wav,i'm afraid i don't know much about the land of oz,2.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0023.wav,you see i've lived all my life with unc nunkie the silent one and there was no one to tell me anything,5.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0024.wav,that is one reason you are ojo the unlucky said the woman in a sympathetic tone,5.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0025.wav,i think i must show you my patchwork girl said margolotte laughing at the boy's astonishment for she is rather difficult to explain,8.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0026.wav,but first i will tell you that for many years i have longed for a servant to help me with the housework and to cook the meals and wash the dishes,8.29,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0027.wav,yet that task was not so easy as you may suppose,3.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0028.wav,a bed quilt made of patches of different kinds and colors of cloth all neatly sewed together,6.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0029.wav,sometimes it is called a crazy quilt because the patches and colors are so mixed up,5.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0030.wav,when i found it i said to myself that it would do nicely for my servant girl for when she was brought to life she would not be proud nor haughty as the glass cat is for such a dreadful mixture of colors would discourage her from trying to be as dignified as the blue munchkins are,16.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0031.wav,at the emerald city where our princess ozma lives green is the popular color,4.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1180-0032.wav,i will show you what a good job i did and she went to a tall cupboard and threw open the doors,5.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0000.wav,ojo examined this curious contrivance with wonder,3.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0001.wav,margolotte had first made the girl's form from the patchwork quilt and then she had dressed it with a patchwork skirt and an apron with pockets in it using the same gay material throughout,11.43,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0002.wav,the head of the patchwork girl was the most curious part of her,3.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0003.wav,the hair was of brown yarn and hung down on her neck in several neat braids,4.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0004.wav,gold is the most common metal in the land of oz and is used for many purposes because it is soft and pliable,7.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0005.wav,no i forgot all about the brains exclaimed the woman,3.855,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0006.wav,well that may be true agreed margolotte but on the contrary a servant with too much brains is sure to become independent and high and mighty and feel above her work,11.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0007.wav,she poured into the dish a quantity from each of these bottles,4.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0008.wav,i think that will do she continued for the other qualities are not needed in a servant,6.08,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0009.wav,she ran to her husband's side at once and helped him lift the four kettles from the fire,5.245,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0010.wav,their contents had all boiled away leaving in the bottom of each kettle a few grains of fine white powder,6.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0011.wav,very carefully the magician removed this powder placing it all together in a golden dish where he mixed it with a golden spoon,7.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0012.wav,no one saw him do this for all were looking at the powder of life but soon the woman remembered what she had been doing and came back to the cupboard,8.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0013.wav,ojo became a bit uneasy at this for he had already put quite a lot of the cleverness powder in the dish but he dared not interfere and so he comforted himself with the thought that one cannot have too much cleverness,12.66,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0014.wav,he selected a small gold bottle with a pepper box top so that the powder might be sprinkled on any object through the small holes,7.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0015.wav,most people talk too much so it is a relief to find one who talks too little,5.115,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0016.wav,i am not allowed to perform magic except for my own amusement he told his visitors as he lighted a pipe with a crooked stem and began to smoke,9.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0017.wav,the wizard of oz who used to be a humbug and knew no magic at all has been taking lessons of glinda and i'm told he is getting to be a pretty good wizard but he is merely the assistant of the great sorceress,11.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0018.wav,it truly is asserted the magician,3.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0019.wav,i now use them as ornamental statuary in my garden,3.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0020.wav,dear me what a chatterbox you're getting to be unc remarked the magician who was pleased with the compliment,6.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-1181-0021.wav,asked the voice in scornful accents,2.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-134647-0000.wav,the grateful applause of the clergy has consecrated the memory of a prince who indulged their passions and promoted their interest,8.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-134647-0001.wav,the edict of milan the great charter of toleration had confirmed to each individual of the roman world the privilege of choosing and professing his own religion,10.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-134647-0002.wav,but this inestimable privilege was soon violated with the knowledge of truth the emperor imbibed the maxims of persecution and the sects which dissented from the catholic church were afflicted and oppressed by the triumph of christianity,15.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-134647-0003.wav,constantine easily believed that the heretics who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinacy and that a seasonable application of moderate severities might save those unhappy men from the danger of an everlasting condemnation,20.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-134647-0004.wav,some of the penal regulations were copied from the edicts of diocletian and this method of conversion was applauded by the same bishops who had felt the hand of oppression and pleaded for the rights of humanity,12.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-134647-0005.wav,they asserted with confidence and almost with exultation that the apostolical succession was interrupted that all the bishops of europe and asia were infected by the contagion of guilt and schism and that the prerogatives of the catholic church were confined to the chosen portion of the african believers who alone had preserved inviolate the integrity of their faith and discipline,23.335062,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-134647-0006.wav,bishops virgins and even spotless infants were subjected to the disgrace of a public penance before they could be admitted to the communion of the donatists,10.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/1284-134647-0007.wav,proscribed by the civil and ecclesiastical powers of the empire the donatists still maintained in some provinces particularly in numidia their superior numbers and four hundred bishops acknowledged the jurisdiction of their primate,14.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0000.wav,the army found the people in poverty and left them in comparative wealth,4.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0001.wav,but a word further concerning the expedition in general,3.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0002.wav,it was through floyd's advice that buchanan ordered the military expedition to utah ostensibly to install certain federal officials and to repress an alleged infantile rebellion which in fact had never come into existence but in reality to further the interests of the secessionists,17.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0003.wav,moreover had the people been inclined to rebellion what greater opportunity could they have wished,5.68,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0004.wav,already a north and a south were talked of why not set up also a west,4.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0005.wav,they knew no north no south no east no west they stood positively by the constitution and would have nothing to do in the bloody strife between brothers unless indeed they were summoned by the authority to which they had already once loyally responded to furnish men and arms for their country's need,17.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0006.wav,what the latter day saints call celestial marriage is characteristic of the church and is in very general practise but of celestial marriage plurality of wives was an incident never an essential,12.749937,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0007.wav,we believe in a literal resurrection and an actual hereafter in which future state shall be recognized every sanctified and authorized relationship existing here on earth of parent and child brother and sister husband and wife,13.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0008.wav,it has been my privilege to tread the soil of many lands to observe the customs and study the habits of more nations than one and i have yet to find the place and meet the people where and with whom the purity of man and woman is held more precious than among the maligned mormons in the mountain valleys of the west,19.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0009.wav,at the inception of plural marriage among the latter day saints there was no law national or state against its practise,7.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0010.wav,in eighteen sixty two a law was enacted with the purpose of suppressing plural marriage and as had been predicted in the national senate prior to its passage it lay for many years a dead letter,11.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0011.wav,federal judges and united states attorneys in utah who were not mormons nor lovers of mormonism refused to entertain complaints or prosecute cases under the law because of its manifest injustice and inadequacy,14.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0012.wav,this meant that for an alleged misdemeanor for which congress prescribed a maximum penalty of six months imprisonment and a fine of three hundred dollars a man might be imprisoned for life aye for many terms of a man's natural life did the court's power to enforce its sentences extend so far and might be fined millions of dollars,22.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0013.wav,before this travesty on the administration of law could be brought before the court of last resort and there meet with the reversal and rebuke it deserved men were imprisoned under sentences of many years duration,12.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0014.wav,the people contested these measures one by one in the courts presenting in case after case the different phases of the subject and urging the unconstitutionality of the measure,10.97,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0015.wav,then the church was disincorporated and its property both real and personal confiscated and escheated to the government of the united states and although the personal property was soon restored real estate of great value long lay in the hands of the court's receiver and the mormon church had to pay the national government high rental on its own property,22.205,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13754-0016.wav,and so the story of mormonism runs on its finale has not yet been written the current press presents continuously new stages of its progress new developments of its plan,11.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0000.wav,on the sixth of april eighteen thirty the church of jesus christ of latter day saints was formally organized and thus took on a legal existence,9.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0001.wav,its origin was small a germ an insignificant seed hardly to be thought of as likely to arouse opposition,8.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0002.wav,instead of but six regularly affiliated members and at most two score of adherents the organization numbers today many hundred thousand souls,9.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0003.wav,in place of a single hamlet in the smallest corner of which the members could have congregated there now are about seventy stakes of zion and about seven hundred organized wards each ward and stake with its full complement of officers and priesthood organizations,16.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0004.wav,the practise of gathering its proselytes into one place prevents the building up and strengthening of foreign branches and inasmuch as extensive and strong organizations are seldom met with abroad very erroneous ideas exist concerning the strength of the church,16.68,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0005.wav,nevertheless the mustard seed among the smallest of all seeds has attained the proportions of a tree and the birds of the air are nesting in its branches the acorn is now an oak offering protection and the sweets of satisfaction to every earnest pilgrim journeying its way for truth,19.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0006.wav,their eyes were from the first turned in anticipation toward the evening sun not merely that the work of proselyting should be carried on in the west but that the headquarters of the church should be there established,13.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0007.wav,the book of mormon had taught the people the true origin and destiny of the american indians and toward this dark skinned remnant of a once mighty people the missionaries of mormonism early turned their eyes and with their eyes went their hearts and their hopes,17.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0008.wav,it is notable that the indian tribes have generally regarded the religion of the latter day saints with favor seeing in the book of mormon striking agreement with their own traditions,10.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0009.wav,the first well established seat of the church was in the pretty little town of kirtland ohio almost within sight of lake erie and here soon rose the first temple of modern times,12.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0010.wav,to the fervent latter day saint a temple is not simply a church building a house for religious assembly,6.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0011.wav,soon thousands of converts had rented or purchased homes in missouri independence jackson county being their center but from the first they were unpopular among the missourians,11.425,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0012.wav,the lieutenant governor lilburn w boggs afterward governor was a pronounced mormon hater and throughout the period of the troubles he manifested sympathy with the persecutors,12.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0013.wav,their sufferings have never yet been fitly chronicled by human scribe,4.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0014.wav,making their way across the river most of the refugees found shelter among the more hospitable people of clay county and afterward established themselves in caldwell county therein founding the city of far west,12.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0015.wav,a small settlement had been founded by mormon families on shoal creek and here on the thirtieth of october eighteen thirty eight a company of two hundred and forty fell upon the hapless settlers and butchered a score,13.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0016.wav,be it said to the honor of some of the officers entrusted with the terrible commission that when they learned its true significance they resigned their authority rather than have anything to do with what they designated a cold blooded butchery,14.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0017.wav,oh what a record to read what a picture to gaze upon how awful the fact,5.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0018.wav,american school boys read with emotions of horror of the albigenses driven beaten and killed with a papal legate directing the butchery and of the vaudois hunted and hounded like beasts as the effect of a royal decree and they yet shall read in the history of their own country of scenes as terrible as these in the exhibition of injustice and inhuman hate,26.115,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0019.wav,who began the quarrel was it the mormons,2.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0020.wav,as a sample of the press comments against the brutality of the missourians i quote a paragraph from the quincy argus march sixteenth eighteen thirty nine,10.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/4077-13751-0021.wav,it will be observed that an organized mob aided by many of the civil and military officers of missouri with governor boggs at their head have been the prominent actors in this business incited too it appears against the mormons by political hatred and by the additional motives of plunder and revenge,19.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0000.wav,length of service fourteen years three months and five days,4.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0001.wav,he seemed born to please without being conscious of the power he possessed,4.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0002.wav,it must be owned and no one was more ready to confess it than himself that his literary attainments were by no means of a high order,8.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0003.wav,we don't spin tops is a favorite saying amongst artillery officers indicating that they do not shirk their duty by frivolous pursuits but it must be confessed that servadac being naturally idle was very much given to spinning tops,14.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0004.wav,once in action he was leading a detachment of infantry through an intrenchment,4.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0005.wav,sometimes he would wander on foot upon the sandy shore and sometimes he would enjoy a ride along the summit of the cliff altogether being in no hurry at all to bring his task to an end,11.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0006.wav,no cathedral not even burgos itself could vie with the church at montmartre,5.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0007.wav,ben zoof's most ambitious desire was to induce the captain to go with him and end his days in his much loved home and so incessantly were servadac's ears besieged with descriptions of the unparalleled beauties and advantages of this eighteenth arrondissement of paris that he could scarcely hear the name of montmartre without a conscious thrill of aversion,26.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0008.wav,when a private in the eighth cavalry he had been on the point of quitting the army at twenty eight years of age but unexpectedly he had been appointed orderly to captain servadac,10.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0009.wav,the bond of union thus effected could never be severed and although ben zoof's achievements had fairly earned him the right of retirement he firmly declined all honors or any pension that might part him from his superior officer,14.595,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28233-0010.wav,unlike his master he made no pretension to any gift of poetic power but his inexhaustible memory made him a living encyclopaedia and for his stock of anecdotes and trooper's tales he was matchless,13.595,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0000.wav,fast as his legs could carry him servadac had made his way to the top of the cliff,5.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0001.wav,it was quite true that a vessel was in sight hardly more than six miles from the shore but owing to the increase in the earth's convexity and the consequent limitation of the range of vision the rigging of the topmasts alone was visible above the water,16.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0002.wav,exclaimed servadac keeping his eye unmoved at his telescope,4.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0003.wav,she is under sail but she is count timascheff's yacht he was right,5.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0004.wav,if the count were on board a strange fatality was bringing him to the presence of his rival,6.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0005.wav,he reckoned therefore not only upon ascertaining the extent of the late catastrophe but upon learning its cause,7.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0006.wav,the wind being adverse the dobryna did not make very rapid progress but as the weather in spite of a few clouds remained calm and the sea was quite smooth she was enabled to hold a steady course,13.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0007.wav,servadac took it for granted that the dobryna was endeavoring to put in,4.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0008.wav,a narrow channel formed a passage through the ridge of rocks that protected it from the open sea and which even in the roughest weather would ensure the calmness of its waters,11.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0009.wav,slightly changing her course she first struck her mainsail and in order to facilitate the movements of her helmsman soon carried nothing but her two topsails brigantine and jib,11.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0010.wav,captain servadac hastened towards him,2.935,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0011.wav,i left you on a continent and here i have the honor of finding you on an island,6.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0012.wav,never mind now interposed the captain we will talk of that by and by,4.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0013.wav,nothing more than you know yourself,2.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0014.wav,are you certain that this is the mediterranean,3.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0015.wav,for some moments he seemed perfectly stupefied then recovering himself he began to overwhelm the count with a torrent of questions,8.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0016.wav,to all these inquiries the count responded in the affirmative,4.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0017.wav,some mysterious force seemed to have brought about a convulsion of the elements,5.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0018.wav,you will take me on board count will you not,2.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0019.wav,my yacht is at your service sir even should you require to make a tour round the world,6.240062,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0020.wav,the count shook his head,2.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0021.wav,before starting it was indispensable that the engine of the dobryna should be repaired to sail under canvas only would in contrary winds and rough seas be both tedious and difficult,12.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0022.wav,it was on the last day of january that the repairs of the schooner were completed,4.725,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0023.wav,a slight diminution in the excessively high temperature which had prevailed for the last few weeks was the only apparent change in the general order of things but whether this was to be attributed to any alteration in the earth's orbit was a question which would still require several days to decide,17.57,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28240-0024.wav,doubts now arose and some discussion followed whether or not it was desirable for ben zoof to accompany his master,8.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0000.wav,her sea going qualities were excellent and would have amply sufficed for a circumnavigation of the globe,6.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0001.wav,after an apprenticeship on a merchant ship he had entered the imperial navy and had already reached the rank of lieutenant when the count appointed him to the charge of his own private yacht in which he was accustomed to spend by far the greater part of his time throughout the winter generally cruising in the mediterranean whilst in the summer he visited more northern waters,21.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0002.wav,the late astounding events however had rendered procope manifestly uneasy and not the less so from his consciousness that the count secretly partook of his own anxiety,10.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0003.wav,steam up and canvas spread the schooner started eastwards,3.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0004.wav,although only a moderate breeze was blowing the sea was rough a circumstance to be accounted for only by the diminution in the force of the earth's attraction rendering the liquid particles so buoyant that by the mere effect of oscillation they were carried to a height that was quite unprecedented,17.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0005.wav,for a few miles she followed the line hitherto presumably occupied by the coast of algeria but no land appeared to the south,8.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0006.wav,the log and the compass therefore were able to be called upon to do the work of the sextant which had become utterly useless,7.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0007.wav,there is no fear of that sir,1.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0008.wav,the earth has undoubtedly entered upon a new orbit but she is not incurring any probable risk of being precipitated onto the sun,8.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0009.wav,and what demonstration do you offer asked servadac eagerly that it will not happen,7.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0010.wav,ocean reigned supreme,2.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0011.wav,all the images of his past life floated upon his memory his thoughts sped away to his native france only to return again to wonder whether the depths of ocean would reveal any traces of the algerian metropolis,13.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0012.wav,is it not impossible he murmured aloud that any city should disappear so completely,6.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0013.wav,would not the loftiest eminences of the city at least be visible,4.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0014.wav,another circumstance was most remarkable,2.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0015.wav,to the surprise of all and especially of lieutenant procope the line indicated a bottom at a nearly uniform depth of from four to five fathoms and although the sounding was persevered with continuously for more than two hours over a considerable area the differences of level were insignificant not corresponding in any degree to what would be expected over the site of a city that had been terraced like the seats of an amphitheater,29.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0016.wav,you must see lieutenant i should think that we are not so near the coast of algeria as you imagined,6.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0017.wav,after pondering awhile he said if we were farther away i should expect to find a depth of two or three hundred fathoms instead of five fathoms five fathoms,12.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0018.wav,its depth remained invariable still four or at most five fathoms and although its bottom was assiduously dredged it was only to prove it barren of marine production of any type,12.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/5105-28241-0019.wav,nothing was to be done but to put about and return in disappointment towards the north,5.29,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0000.wav,socrates begins the timaeus with a summary of the republic,4.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0001.wav,and now he desires to see the ideal state set in motion he would like to know how she behaved in some great struggle,9.185,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0002.wav,and therefore to you i turn timaeus citizen of locris who are at once a philosopher and a statesman and to you critias whom all athenians know to be similarly accomplished and to hermocrates who is also fitted by nature and education to share in our discourse,19.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0003.wav,i will if timaeus approves i approve,4.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0004.wav,listen then socrates to a tale of solon's who being the friend of dropidas my great grandfather told it to my grandfather critias and he told me,11.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0005.wav,some poems of solon were recited by the boys,3.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0006.wav,and what was the subject of the poem said the person who made the remark,4.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0007.wav,the subject was a very noble one he described the most famous action in which the athenian people were ever engaged,8.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0008.wav,but the memory of their exploits has passed away owing to the lapse of time and the extinction of the actors,7.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0009.wav,tell us said the other the whole story and where solon heard the story,5.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0010.wav,but in egypt the traditions of our own and other lands are by us registered for ever in our temples,7.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0011.wav,the genealogies which you have recited to us out of your own annals solon are a mere children's story,7.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0012.wav,for in the times before the great flood athens was the greatest and best of cities and did the noblest deeds and had the best constitution of any under the face of heaven,13.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0013.wav,solon marvelled and desired to be informed of the particulars,5.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0014.wav,nine thousand years have elapsed since she founded yours and eight thousand since she founded ours as our annals record,9.565,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0015.wav,many laws exist among us which are the counterpart of yours as they were in the olden time,6.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0016.wav,i will briefly describe them to you and you shall read the account of them at your leisure in the sacred registers,7.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0017.wav,observe again what care the law took in the pursuit of wisdom searching out the deep things of the world and applying them to the use of man,9.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0018.wav,the most famous of them all was the overthrow of the island of atlantis,5.29,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0019.wav,for at the peril of her own existence and when the other hellenes had deserted her she repelled the invader and of her own accord gave liberty to all the nations within the pillars,12.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0020.wav,this is the explanation of the shallows which are found in that part of the atlantic ocean,6.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0021.wav,but i would not speak at the time because i wanted to refresh my memory,4.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-961-0022.wav,then now let me explain to you the order of our entertainment first timaeus who is a natural philosopher will speak of the origin of the world going down to the creation of man and then i shall receive the men whom he has created and some of whom will have been educated by you and introduce them to you as the lost athenian citizens of whom the egyptian record spoke,25.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0000.wav,he passes abruptly from persons to ideas and numbers and from ideas and numbers to persons from the heavens to man from astronomy to physiology he confuses or rather does not distinguish subject and object first and final causes and is dreaming of geometrical figures lost in a flux of sense,27.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0001.wav,the influence with the timaeus has exercised upon posterity is due partly to a misunderstanding,8.250063,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0002.wav,in the supposed depths of this dialogue the neo platonists found hidden meanings and connections with the jewish and christian scriptures and out of them they elicited doctrines quite at variance with the spirit of plato,15.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0003.wav,they were absorbed in his theology and were under the dominion of his name while that which was truly great and truly characteristic in him his effort to realize and connect abstractions was not understood by them at all,17.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0004.wav,there is no danger of the modern commentators on the timaeus falling into the absurdities of the neo platonists,8.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0005.wav,in the present day we are well aware that an ancient philosopher is to be interpreted from himself and by the contemporary history of thought,10.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0006.wav,the fancies of the neo platonists are only interesting to us because they exhibit a phase of the human mind which prevailed widely in the first centuries of the christian era and is not wholly extinct in our own day,15.725,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0007.wav,but they have nothing to do with the interpretation of plato and in spirit they are opposed to him,7.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0008.wav,we do not know how plato would have arranged his own dialogues or whether the thought of arranging any of them besides the two trilogies which he has expressly connected was ever present to his mind,15.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0009.wav,the dialogue is primarily concerned with the animal creation including under this term the heavenly bodies and with man only as one among the animals,11.86,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0010.wav,but he has not as yet defined this intermediate territory which lies somewhere between medicine and mathematics and he would have felt that there was as great an impiety in ranking theories of physics first in the order of knowledge as in placing the body before the soul,20.46,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0011.wav,with heracleitus he acknowledges the perpetual flux like anaxagoras he asserts the predominance of mind although admitting an element of necessity which reason is incapable of subduing like the pythagoreans he supposes the mystery of the world to be contained in number,20.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0012.wav,many if not all the elements of the pre socratic philosophy are included in the timaeus,6.89,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0013.wav,it is probable that the relation of the ideas to god or of god to the world was differently conceived by him at different times of his life,10.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0014.wav,the ideas also remain but they have become types in nature forms of men animals birds fishes,8.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0015.wav,the style and plan of the timaeus differ greatly from that of any other of the platonic dialogues,7.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0016.wav,but plato has not the same mastery over his instrument which he exhibits in the phaedrus or symposium,7.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0017.wav,nothing can exceed the beauty or art of the introduction in which he is using words after his accustomed manner,7.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0018.wav,but in the rest of the work the power of language seems to fail him and the dramatic form is wholly given up,8.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0019.wav,he could write in one style but not in another and the greek language had not as yet been fashioned by any poet or philosopher to describe physical phenomena,12.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0020.wav,and hence we find the same sort of clumsiness in the timaeus of plato which characterizes the philosophical poem of lucretius,9.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0021.wav,there is a want of flow and often a defect of rhythm the meaning is sometimes obscure and there is a greater use of apposition and more of repetition than occurs in plato's earlier writings,15.785,test.clean +data/test.clean/2961-960-0022.wav,plato had not the command of his materials which would have enabled him to produce a perfect work of art,7.425,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0000.wav,chapter three as master wishes,3.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0001.wav,three seconds before the arrival of j b hobson's letter i no more dreamed of chasing the unicorn than of trying for the northwest passage,9.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0002.wav,even so i had just returned from an arduous journey exhausted and badly needing a rest,6.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0003.wav,i wanted nothing more than to see my country again my friends my modest quarters by the botanical gardens my dearly beloved collections,9.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0004.wav,but now nothing could hold me back,2.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0005.wav,conseil was my manservant,2.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0006.wav,from rubbing shoulders with scientists in our little universe by the botanical gardens the boy had come to know a thing or two,7.32,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0007.wav,classifying was everything to him so he knew nothing else well versed in the theory of classification he was poorly versed in its practical application and i doubt that he could tell a sperm whale from a baleen whale,12.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0008.wav,and yet what a fine gallant lad,2.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0009.wav,not once did he comment on the length or the hardships of a journey,4.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0010.wav,never did he object to buckling up his suitcase for any country whatever china or the congo no matter how far off it was,8.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0011.wav,he went here there and everywhere in perfect contentment,3.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0012.wav,please forgive me for this underhanded way of admitting i had turned forty,4.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0013.wav,he was a fanatic on formality and he only addressed me in the third person to the point where it got tiresome,7.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0014.wav,there was good reason to stop and think even for the world's most emotionless man,5.725,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0015.wav,conseil i called a third time conseil appeared,4.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0016.wav,did master summon me he said entering,3.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0017.wav,pack as much into my trunk as you can my traveling kit my suits shirts and socks don't bother counting just squeeze it all in and hurry,9.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0018.wav,we'll deal with them later what,2.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0019.wav,anyhow we'll leave instructions to ship the whole menagerie to france,4.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0020.wav,yes we are certainly i replied evasively but after we make a detour,5.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0021.wav,a route slightly less direct that's all,2.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0022.wav,we're leaving on the abraham lincoln,2.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0023.wav,you see my friend it's an issue of the monster the notorious narwhale,4.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0024.wav,we don't know where it will take us,1.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0025.wav,but we're going just the same,1.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0026.wav,we have a commander who's game for anything,2.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0027.wav,i left instructions for shipping my containers of stuffed animals and dried plants to paris france,5.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0028.wav,i opened a line of credit sufficient to cover the babirusa and conseil at my heels i jumped into a carriage,7.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0029.wav,our baggage was immediately carried to the deck of the frigate i rushed aboard,5.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0030.wav,i asked for commander farragut,2.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0031.wav,one of the sailors led me to the afterdeck where i stood in the presence of a smart looking officer who extended his hand to me,7.765,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0032.wav,in person welcome aboard professor your cabin is waiting for you,4.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0033.wav,i was well satisfied with my cabin which was located in the stern and opened into the officers mess,6.365,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0034.wav,we'll be quite comfortable here i told conseil,3.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0035.wav,and so if i'd been delayed by a quarter of an hour or even less the frigate would have gone without me and i would have missed out on this unearthly extraordinary and inconceivable expedition whose true story might well meet with some skepticism,14.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0036.wav,the wharves of brooklyn and every part of new york bordering the east river were crowded with curiosity seekers,6.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0037.wav,departing from five hundred thousand throats three cheers burst forth in succession,5.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294828-0038.wav,thousands of handkerchiefs were waving above these tightly packed masses hailing the abraham lincoln until it reached the waters of the hudson river at the tip of the long peninsula that forms new york city,13.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0000.wav,this was what did the mischief so far as the running away was concerned,4.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0001.wav,it is hardly necessary to say more of them here,3.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0002.wav,from the manner in which he expressed himself with regard to robert hollan no man in the whole range of his recollections will be longer remembered than he his enthralment while under hollan will hardly ever be forgotten,12.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0003.wav,of this party edward a boy of seventeen called forth much sympathy he too was claimed by hollan,7.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0004.wav,john wesley combash jacob taylor and thomas edward skinner,6.1,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0005.wav,a few years back one of their slaves a coachman was kept on the coach box one cold night when they were out at a ball until he became almost frozen to death in fact he did die in the infirmary from the effects of the frost about one week afterwards,15.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0006.wav,the doctor who attended the injured creature in this case was simply told that she slipped and fell down stairs as she was coming down,7.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0007.wav,another case said john wesley was a little girl half grown who was washing windows up stairs one day and unluckily fell asleep in the window and in this position was found by her mistress in a rage the mistress hit her a heavy slap knocked her out of the window and she fell to the pavement and died in a few hours from the effects thereof,21.5,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0008.wav,as usual nothing was done in the way of punishment,3.325,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0009.wav,i never knew of but one man who could ever please him,3.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0010.wav,he worked me very hard he wanted to be beating me all the time,4.325,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0011.wav,she was a large homely woman they were common white people with no reputation in the community,6.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0012.wav,substantially this was jacob's unvarnished description of his master and mistress,5.425,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0013.wav,as to his age and also the name of his master jacob's statement varied somewhat from the advertisement,6.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-287645-0014.wav,of starting i didn't know the way to come,3.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0000.wav,it's almost beyond conjecture,2.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0001.wav,this reality begins to explain the dark power and otherworldly fascination of twenty thousand leagues under the seas,7.805,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0002.wav,first as a paris stockbroker later as a celebrated author and yachtsman he went on frequent voyages to britain america the mediterranean,10.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0003.wav,nemo builds a fabulous futuristic submarine the nautilus then conducts an underwater campaign of vengeance against his imperialist oppressor,9.935,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0004.wav,in all the novel had a difficult gestation,3.68,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0005.wav,other subtleties occur inside each episode the textures sparkling with wit information and insight,7.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0006.wav,his specifications for an open sea submarine and a self contained diving suit were decades before their time yet modern technology bears them out triumphantly,11.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0007.wav,even the supporting cast is shrewdly drawn professor aronnax the career scientist caught in an ethical conflict conseil the compulsive classifier who supplies humorous tag lines for verne's fast facts the harpooner ned land a creature of constant appetites man as heroic animal,21.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0008.wav,but much of the novel's brooding power comes from captain nemo,3.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0009.wav,this compulsion leads nemo into ugly contradictions he's a fighter for freedom yet all who board his ship are imprisoned there for good he works to save lives both human and animal yet he himself creates a holocaust he detests imperialism yet he lays personal claim to the south pole,20.004938,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0010.wav,and in this last action he falls into the classic sin of pride,4.580063,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0011.wav,he's swiftly punished,2.179937,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0012.wav,the nautilus nearly perishes in the antarctic and nemo sinks into a growing depression,5.965063,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0013.wav,for many then this book has been a source of fascination surely one of the most influential novels ever written an inspiration for such scientists and discoverers as engineer simon lake oceanographer william beebe polar traveler sir ernest shackleton,17.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0014.wav,fathom six feet,2.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0015.wav,gram roughly one twenty eighth of an ounce,3.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0016.wav,milligram roughly one twenty eight thousand of an ounce,4.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0017.wav,liter roughly one quart,2.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0018.wav,meter roughly one yard three inches,2.935,test.clean +data/test.clean/8463-294825-0019.wav,millimeter roughly one twenty fifth of an inch,3.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36586-0000.wav,it is manifest that man is now subject to much variability,3.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36586-0001.wav,so it is with the lower animals,2.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36586-0002.wav,the variability of multiple parts,2.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36586-0003.wav,but this subject will be more properly discussed when we treat of the different races of mankind,5.055,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36586-0004.wav,effects of the increased use and disuse of parts,3.565,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0000.wav,it was one of the masterly and charming stories of dumas the elder,3.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0001.wav,in five minutes i was in a new world and my melancholy room was full of the liveliest french company,5.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0002.wav,the sound of an imperative and uncompromising bell recalled me in due time to the regions of reality,5.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0003.wav,ambrose met me at the bottom of the stairs and showed me the way to the supper room,3.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0004.wav,she signed to me with a ghostly solemnity to take the vacant place on the left of her father,5.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0005.wav,the door opened again while i was still studying the two brothers without i honestly confess being very favorably impressed by either of them,7.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0006.wav,a new member of the family circle who instantly attracted my attention entered the room,4.635,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0007.wav,a little cracked that in the popular phrase was my impression of the stranger who now made his appearance in the supper room,6.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0008.wav,mister meadowcroft the elder having not spoken one word thus far himself introduced the newcomer to me with a side glance at his sons which had something like defiance in it a glance which as i was sorry to notice was returned with the defiance on their side by the two young men,15.425,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0009.wav,philip lefrank this is my overlooker mister jago said the old man formally presenting us,5.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0010.wav,he is not well he has come over the ocean for rest and change of scene,4.294937,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0011.wav,mister jago is an american philip,2.165062,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0012.wav,make acquaintance with mister jago sit together,2.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0013.wav,they pointedly drew back from john jago as he approached the empty chair next to me and moved round to the opposite side of the table,6.585,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0014.wav,a pretty girl and so far as i could judge by appearances a good girl too describing her generally i may say that she had a small head well carried and well set on her shoulders bright gray eyes that looked at you honestly and meant what they looked a trim slight little figure too slight for our english notions of beauty a strong american accent and a rare thing in america a pleasantly toned voice which made the accent agreeable to english ears,25.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0015.wav,our first impressions of people are in nine cases out of ten the right impressions,4.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0016.wav,for once in a way i proved a true prophet,2.765,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0017.wav,the only cheerful conversation was the conversation across the table between naomi and me,4.685,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0018.wav,he looked up at naomi doubtingly from his plate and looked down again slowly with a frown,4.97,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0019.wav,when i addressed him he answered constrainedly,2.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0020.wav,a more dreary and more disunited family party i never sat at the table with,4.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0021.wav,envy hatred malice and uncharitableness are never so essentially detestable to my mind as when they are animated by a sense of propriety and work under the surface but for my interest in naomi and my other interest in the little love looks which i now and then surprised passing between her and ambrose i should never have sat through that supper,18.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0022.wav,i wish you good night she laid her bony hands on the back of mister meadowcroft's invalid chair cut him short in his farewell salutation to me and wheeled him out to his bed as if she were wheeling him out to his grave,11.245,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0023.wav,you were quite right to say no ambrose began never smoke with john jago his cigars will poison you,5.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0024.wav,naomi shook her forefinger reproachfully at them as if the two sturdy young farmers had been two children,5.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36377-0025.wav,silas slunk away without a word of protest ambrose stood his ground evidently bent on making his peace with naomi before he left her seeing that i was in the way i walked aside toward a glass door at the lower end of the room,11.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0000.wav,at another time harald asked,2.005,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0001.wav,what is your country olaf have you always been a thrall the thrall's eyes flashed,5.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0002.wav,two hundred warriors feasted in his hall and followed him to battle,3.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0003.wav,the rest of you off a viking he had three ships,3.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0004.wav,these he gave to three of my brothers,2.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0005.wav,but i stayed that spring and built me a boat,2.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0006.wav,i made her for only twenty oars because i thought few men would follow me for i was young fifteen years old,6.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0007.wav,at the prow i carved the head with open mouth and forked tongue thrust out,4.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0008.wav,i painted the eyes red for anger,2.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0009.wav,there stand so i said and glare and hiss at my foes,3.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0010.wav,in the stern i curved the tail up almost as high as the head,3.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0011.wav,there she sat on the rollers as fair a ship as i ever saw,3.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0012.wav,then i will get me a farm and will winter in that land now who will follow me,4.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0013.wav,he is but a boy the men said,2.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0014.wav,thirty men one after another raised their horns and said,3.245,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0015.wav,as our boat flashed down the rollers into the water i made this song and sang it,4.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0016.wav,so we harried the coast of norway,2.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0017.wav,we ate at many men's tables uninvited,2.635,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0018.wav,my dragon's belly is never full and on board went the gold,3.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0019.wav,oh it is better to live on the sea and let other men raise your crops and cook your meals,4.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0020.wav,a house smells of smoke a ship smells of frolic,3.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0021.wav,up and down the water we went to get much wealth and much frolic,3.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0022.wav,what of the farm olaf not yet i answered viking is better for summer,4.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0023.wav,it was so dark that i could see nothing but a few sparks on the hearth,3.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0024.wav,i stood with my back to the wall for i wanted no sword reaching out of the dark for me,5.345,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0025.wav,come come i called when no one obeyed a fire,3.32,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0026.wav,my men laughed yes a stingy host,3.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0027.wav,he acts as though he had not expected us,2.235,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0028.wav,on a bench in a far corner were a dozen people huddled together,3.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0029.wav,bring in the table we are hungry,2.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0030.wav,the thralls were bringing in a great pot of meat,2.765,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0031.wav,they set up a crane over the fire and hung the pot upon it and we sat and watched it boil while we joked at last the supper began,7.845,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0032.wav,the farmer sat gloomily on the bench and would not eat and you cannot wonder for he saw us putting potfuls of his good beef and basket loads of bread into our big mouths,9.785,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0033.wav,you would not eat with us you cannot say no to half of my ale i drink this to your health,5.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0034.wav,then i drank half of the hornful and sent the rest across the fire to the farmer he took it and smiled saying,6.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0035.wav,did you ever have such a lordly guest before i went on,3.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0036.wav,so i will give out this law that my men shall never leave you alone,4.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0037.wav,hakon there shall be your constant companion friend farmer,3.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0038.wav,he shall not leave you day or night whether you are working or playing or sleeping,4.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0039.wav,i named nine others and said,1.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0040.wav,and these shall follow your thralls in the same way,2.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0041.wav,so i set guards over every one in that house,2.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0042.wav,so no tales got out to the neighbors besides it was a lonely place and by good luck no one came that way,6.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0043.wav,their eyes danced big thorleif stood up and stretched himself,3.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0044.wav,i am stiff with long sitting he said i itch for a fight i turned to the farmer,4.855,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0045.wav,this is our last feast with you i said,2.385,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0046.wav,by the beard of odin i cried you have taken our joke like a man,3.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0047.wav,my men pounded the table with their fists,2.535,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0048.wav,by the hammer of thor shouted grim here is no stingy coward,3.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0049.wav,here friend take it and he thrust it into the farmer's hand,3.305,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0050.wav,may you drink heart's ease from it for many years,2.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0051.wav,and with it i leave you a name sif the friendly i shall hope to drink with you sometime in valhalla,5.57,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0052.wav,here is a ring for sif the friendly and here is a bracelet a sword would not be ashamed to hang at your side,5.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0053.wav,i took five great bracelets of gold from our treasure chest and gave them to him,3.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0054.wav,that is the best way to decide for the spear will always point somewhere and one thing is as good as another,5.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0055.wav,that time it pointed us into your father's ships,2.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0056.wav,here they said is a rascal who has been harrying our coasts,3.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0057.wav,we sunk his ship and men but him we brought to you,3.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0058.wav,a robber viking said the king and scowled at me,3.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0059.wav,yes and with all your fingers it took you a year to catch me the king frowned more angrily,5.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0060.wav,take him out thorkel and let him taste your sword,2.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0061.wav,your mother the queen was standing by,2.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0062.wav,now she put her hand on his arm and smiled and said,2.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0063.wav,and would he not be a good gift for our baby,2.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0064.wav,your father thought a moment then looked at your mother and smiled,3.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0065.wav,soft heart he said gently to her then to thorkel well let him go thorkel,5.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0066.wav,then he turned to me again frowning,2.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0067.wav,but young sharp tongue now that we have caught you we will put you into a trap that you cannot get out of,5.565,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-33396-0068.wav,so i lived and now am your tooth thrall well it is the luck of war,4.235,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36600-0000.wav,chapter seven on the races of man,2.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/5142-36600-0001.wav,in determining whether two or more allied forms ought to be ranked as species or varieties naturalists are practically guided by the following considerations namely the amount of difference between them and whether such differences relate to few or many points of structure and whether they are of physiological importance but more especially whether they are constant,20.185,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0000.wav,though thrown into prison for this enterprise and detained some time he was not discouraged but still continued by his countenance and protection to infuse spirit into the distressed royalists,17.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0001.wav,among other persons of distinction who united themselves to him was lord napier of merchiston son of the famous inventor of the logarithms the person to whom the title of a great man is more justly due than to any other whom his country ever produced,22.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0002.wav,while the former foretold that the scottish covenanters were secretly forming a union with the english parliament and inculcated the necessity of preventing them by some vigorous undertaking the latter still insisted that every such attempt would precipitate them into measures to which otherwise they were not perhaps inclined,24.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0003.wav,the king's ears were now open to montrose's counsels who proposed none but the boldest and most daring agreeably to the desperate state of the royal cause in scotland,13.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0004.wav,five hundred men more who had been levied by the covenanters were persuaded to embrace the royal cause and with this combined force he hastened to attack lord elcho who lay at perth with an army of six thousand men assembled upon the first news of the irish invasion,21.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0005.wav,dreading the superior power of argyle who having joined his vassals to a force levied by the public was approaching with a considerable army montrose hastened northwards in order to rouse again the marquis of huntley and the gordons who having before hastily taken arms had been instantly suppressed by the covenanters,26.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0006.wav,this nobleman's character though celebrated for political courage and conduct was very low for military prowess and after some skirmishes in which he was worsted he here allowed montrose to escape him,16.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0007.wav,by quick marches through these inaccessible mountains that general freed himself from the superior forces of the covenanters,10.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0008.wav,with these and some reenforcements of the atholemen and macdonalds whom he had recalled montrose fell suddenly upon argyle's country and let loose upon it all the rage of war carrying off the cattle burning the houses and putting the inhabitants to the sword,20.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0009.wav,this severity by which montrose sullied his victories was the result of private animosity against the chieftain as much as of zeal for the public cause argyle collecting three thousand men marched in quest of the enemy who had retired with their plunder and he lay at innerlochy supposing himself still at a considerable distance from them,28.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0010.wav,by a quick and unexpected march montrose hastened to innerlochy and presented himself in order of battle before the surprised but not affrightened covenanters,13.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0011.wav,his conduct and presence of mind in this emergence appeared conspicuous,6.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0012.wav,montrose weak in cavalry here lined his troops of horse with infantry and after putting the enemy's horse to rout fell with united force upon their foot who were entirely cut in pieces though with the loss of the gallant lord gordon on the part of the royalists,19.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0013.wav,from the same men new regiments and new companies were formed different officers appointed and the whole military force put into such hands as the independents could rely on,13.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0014.wav,besides members of parliament who were excluded many officers unwilling to serve under the new generals threw up their commissions and unwarily facilitated the project of putting the army entirely into the hands of that faction,17.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0015.wav,though the discipline of the former parliamentary army was not contemptible a more exact plan was introduced and rigorously executed by these new commanders,12.655,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0016.wav,valor indeed was very generally diffused over the one party as well as the other during this period discipline also was attained by the forces of the parliament but the perfection of the military art in concerting the general plans of action and the operations of the field seems still on both sides to have been in a great measure wanting,27.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274381-0017.wav,historians at least perhaps from their own ignorance and inexperience have not remarked any thing but a headlong impetuous conduct each party hurrying to a battle where valor and fortune chiefly determined the success,17.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0000.wav,he passed through henley saint albans and came so near to london as harrow on the hill,7.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0001.wav,the scottish generals and commissioners affected great surprise on the appearance of the king and though they paid him all the exterior respect due to his dignity they instantly set a guard upon him under color of protection and made him in reality a prisoner,20.33,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0002.wav,they informed the english parliament of this unexpected incident and assured them that they had entered into no private treaty with the king,9.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0003.wav,or hath he given us any gift,3.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0004.wav,and the men of israel answered the men of judah and said we have ten parts in the king and we have also more right in david than ye why then did ye despise us that our advice should not be first had in bringing back our king,20.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0005.wav,another preacher after reproaching him to his face with his misgovernment ordered this psalm to be sung,8.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0006.wav,the king stood up and called for that psalm which begins with these words,6.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0007.wav,have mercy lord on me i pray for men would me devour,6.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0008.wav,the good natured audience in pity to fallen majesty showed for once greater deference to the king than to the minister and sung the psalm which the former had called for,13.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0009.wav,the parliament and the scots laid their proposals before the king,4.805,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0010.wav,before the settlement of terms the administration must be possessed entirely by the parliaments of both kingdoms and how incompatible that scheme with the liberty of the king is easily imagined,14.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0011.wav,the english it is evident had they not been previously assured of receiving the king would never have parted with so considerable a sum and while they weakened themselves by the same measure have strengthened a people with whom they must afterwards have so material an interest to discuss,22.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0012.wav,if any still retained rancor against him in his present condition they passed in silence while his well wishers more generous than prudent accompanied his march with tears with acclamations and with prayers for his safety,18.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/8224-274384-0013.wav,his death in this conjuncture was a public misfortune,5.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-123852-0000.wav,those pretty wrongs that liberty commits when i am sometime absent from thy heart thy beauty and thy years full well befits for still temptation follows where thou art,17.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-123852-0001.wav,ay me,1.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-123852-0002.wav,no matter then although my foot did stand upon the farthest earth remov'd from thee for nimble thought can jump both sea and land as soon as think the place where he would be but ah,17.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-123852-0003.wav,thought kills me that i am not thought to leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone but that so much of earth and water wrought i must attend time's leisure with my moan receiving nought by elements so slow but heavy tears badges of either's woe,23.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-123852-0004.wav,my heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie a closet never pierc'd with crystal eyes but the defendant doth that plea deny and says in him thy fair appearance lies,16.29,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-123859-0000.wav,you are my all the world and i must strive to know my shames and praises from your tongue none else to me nor i to none alive that my steel'd sense or changes right or wrong,17.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-123859-0001.wav,o tis the first tis flattery in my seeing and my great mind most kingly drinks it up mine eye well knows what with his gust is greeing and to his palate doth prepare the cup if it be poison'd tis the lesser sin that mine eye loves it and doth first begin,25.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-123859-0002.wav,but reckoning time whose million'd accidents creep in twixt vows and change decrees of kings tan sacred beauty blunt the sharp'st intents divert strong minds to the course of altering things alas why fearing of time's tyranny might i not then say now i love you best when i was certain o'er incertainty crowning the present doubting of the rest,30.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-123859-0003.wav,love is a babe then might i not say so to give full growth to that which still doth grow,10.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-123859-0004.wav,so i return rebuk'd to my content and gain by ill thrice more than i have spent,9.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0000.wav,also a popular contrivance whereby love making may be suspended but not stopped during the picnic season,8.46,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0001.wav,harangue the tiresome product of a tireless tongue,5.925,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0002.wav,angor pain painful to hear,4.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0003.wav,hay fever a heart trouble caused by falling in love with a grass widow,6.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0004.wav,heaven a good place to be raised to,4.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0005.wav,hedge a fence,3.1,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0006.wav,heredity the cause of all our faults,3.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0007.wav,horse sense a degree of wisdom that keeps one from betting on the races,6.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0008.wav,hose man's excuse for wetting the walk,4.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0009.wav,hotel a place where a guest often gives up good dollars for poor quarters,7.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0010.wav,housecleaning a domestic upheaval that makes it easy for the government to enlist all the soldiers it needs,9.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0011.wav,husband the next thing to a wife,4.035,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0012.wav,hussy woman and bond tie,4.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0013.wav,tied to a woman,2.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-121726-0014.wav,hypocrite a horse dealer,3.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0000.wav,it was this observation that drew from douglas not immediately but later in the evening a reply that had the interesting consequence to which i call attention,9.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0001.wav,someone else told a story not particularly effective which i saw he was not following,5.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0002.wav,cried one of the women he took no notice of her he looked at me but as if instead of me he saw what he spoke of,7.495,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0003.wav,there was a unanimous groan at this and much reproach after which in his preoccupied way he explained,7.725,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0004.wav,the story's written,2.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0005.wav,i could write to my man and enclose the key he could send down the packet as he finds it,5.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0006.wav,the others resented postponement but it was just his scruples that charmed me,4.725,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0007.wav,to this his answer was prompt oh thank god no and is the record yours,5.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0008.wav,he hung fire again a woman's,2.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0009.wav,she has been dead these twenty years,2.29,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0010.wav,she sent me the pages in question before she died,2.85,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0011.wav,she was the most agreeable woman i've ever known in her position she would have been worthy of any whatever,5.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0012.wav,it wasn't simply that she said so but that i knew she hadn't i was sure i could see,4.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0013.wav,you'll easily judge why when you hear because the thing had been such a scare he continued to fix me,5.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0014.wav,you are acute,2.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0015.wav,he quitted the fire and dropped back into his chair,2.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0016.wav,probably not till the second post,2.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0017.wav,it was almost the tone of hope everybody will stay,2.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0018.wav,cried the ladies whose departure had been fixed,2.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0019.wav,missus griffin however expressed the need for a little more light,3.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0020.wav,who was it she was in love with the story will tell i took upon myself to reply oh i can't wait for the story the story won't tell said douglas not in any literal vulgar way more's the pity then,14.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0021.wav,won't you tell douglas,2.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0022.wav,well if i don't know who she was in love with i know who he was,5.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0023.wav,let me say here distinctly to have done with it that this narrative from an exact transcript of my own made much later is what i shall presently give,10.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0024.wav,poor douglas before his death when it was in sight committed to me the manuscript that reached him on the third of these days and that on the same spot with immense effect he began to read to our hushed little circle on the night of the fourth,14.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0025.wav,the departing ladies who had said they would stay didn't of course thank heaven stay they departed in consequence of arrangements made in a rage of curiosity as they professed produced by the touches with which he had already worked us up,16.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0026.wav,the first of these touches conveyed that the written statement took up the tale at a point after it had in a manner begun,7.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0027.wav,he had for his own town residence a big house filled with the spoils of travel and the trophies of the chase but it was to his country home an old family place in essex that he wished her immediately to proceed,13.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0028.wav,the awkward thing was that they had practically no other relations and that his own affairs took up all his time,6.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0029.wav,there were plenty of people to help but of course the young lady who should go down as governess would be in supreme authority,7.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0030.wav,i don't anticipate,2.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0031.wav,she was young untried nervous it was a vision of serious duties and little company of really great loneliness,10.765,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0032.wav,yes but that's just the beauty of her passion,3.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0033.wav,it was the beauty of it,2.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0034.wav,it sounded dull it sounded strange and all the more so because of his main condition which was,7.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0035.wav,she promised to do this and she mentioned to me that when for a moment disburdened delighted he held her hand thanking her for the sacrifice she already felt rewarded,14.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/121-127105-0036.wav,but was that all her reward one of the ladies asked,4.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0000.wav,the stop at queenstown the tedious passage up the mersey were things that he noted dimly through his growing impatience,6.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0001.wav,she blushed and smiled and fumbled his card in her confusion before she ran upstairs,4.66,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0002.wav,alexander paced up and down the hallway buttoning and unbuttoning his overcoat until she returned and took him up to hilda's living room,7.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0003.wav,the room was empty when he entered,2.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0004.wav,alexander did not sit down,2.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0005.wav,i felt it in my bones when i woke this morning that something splendid was going to turn up,4.445,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0006.wav,i thought it might be sister kate or cousin mike would be happening along,3.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0007.wav,she pushed him toward the big chair by the fire and sat down on a stool at the opposite side of the hearth her knees drawn up to her chin laughing like a happy little girl,8.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0008.wav,when did you come bartley and how did it happen you haven't spoken a word,4.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0009.wav,i got in about ten minutes ago,2.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0010.wav,alexander leaned forward and warmed his hands before the blaze,3.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0011.wav,bartley bent lower over the fire,2.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0012.wav,she looked at his heavy shoulders and big determined head thrust forward like a catapult in leash,6.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0013.wav,i'll do anything you wish me to bartley she said tremulously,3.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0014.wav,i can't stand seeing you miserable,2.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0015.wav,he pulled up a window as if the air were heavy,2.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0016.wav,hilda watched him from her corner trembling and scarcely breathing dark shadows growing about her eyes it,7.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0017.wav,but it's worse now it's unbearable,2.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0018.wav,i get nothing but misery out of either,2.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0019.wav,the world is all there just as it used to be but i can't get at it any more,4.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0020.wav,it was myself i was defying hilda,2.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0021.wav,hilda's face quivered but she whispered yes i think it must have been,5.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0022.wav,but why didn't you tell me when you were here in the summer,3.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0023.wav,alexander groaned i meant to but somehow i couldn't,3.805,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0024.wav,she pressed his hand gently in gratitude,2.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0025.wav,weren't you happy then at all,2.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0026.wav,she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as if to draw in again the fragrance of those days,5.495,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0027.wav,he moved uneasily and his chair creaked,2.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0028.wav,yes yes she hurried pulling her hand gently away from him,3.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0029.wav,please tell me one thing bartley at least tell me that you believe i thought i was making you happy,6.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0030.wav,yes hilda i know that he said simply,2.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0031.wav,i understand bartley i was wrong,3.055,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0032.wav,but i didn't know you've only to tell me now,3.245,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0033.wav,what i mean is that i want you to promise never to see me again no matter how often i come no matter how hard i beg,7.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0034.wav,keep away if you wish when have i ever followed you,3.08,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0035.wav,alexander rose and shook himself angrily yes i know i'm cowardly,4.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0036.wav,he took her roughly in his arms do you know what i mean,2.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0037.wav,oh bartley what am i to do,2.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0038.wav,i will ask the least imaginable but i must have something,4.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0039.wav,i must know about you,1.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0040.wav,the sight of you bartley to see you living and happy and successful can i never make you understand what that means to me,6.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0041.wav,you see loving some one as i love you makes the whole world different,4.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0042.wav,and then you came back not caring very much but it made no difference,5.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0043.wav,bartley bent over and took her in his arms kissing her mouth and her wet tired eyes,5.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0044.wav,don't cry don't cry he whispered,2.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2275-0045.wav,we've tortured each other enough for tonight,2.635,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0000.wav,mainhall liked alexander because he was an engineer,3.495,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0001.wav,he had preconceived ideas about everything and his idea about americans was that they should be engineers or mechanics,6.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0002.wav,it's tremendously well put on too,2.385,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0003.wav,it's been on only two weeks and i've been half a dozen times already,3.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0004.wav,do you know alexander mainhall looked with perplexity up into the top of the hansom and rubbed his pink cheek with his gloved finger do you know i sometimes think of taking to criticism seriously myself,12.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0005.wav,she saves her hand too she's at her best in the second act,3.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0006.wav,he's been wanting to marry hilda these three years and more,2.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0007.wav,she doesn't take up with anybody you know,2.1,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0008.wav,irene burgoyne one of her family told me in confidence that there was a romance somewhere back in the beginning,5.495,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0009.wav,mainhall vouched for her constancy with a loftiness that made alexander smile even while a kind of rapid excitement was tingling through him,7.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0010.wav,he's another who's awfully keen about her let me introduce you,3.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0011.wav,sir harry towne mister bartley alexander the american engineer,3.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0012.wav,i say sir harry the little girl's going famously to night isn't she,3.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0013.wav,do you know i thought the dance a bit conscious to night for the first time,4.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0014.wav,westmere and i were back after the first act and we thought she seemed quite uncertain of herself,5.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0015.wav,a little attack of nerves possibly,2.595,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0016.wav,he was beginning to feel a keen interest in the slender barefoot donkey girl who slipped in and out of the play singing like some one winding through a hilly field,10.205,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0017.wav,one night when he and winifred were sitting together on the bridge he told her that things had happened while he was studying abroad that he was sorry for one thing in particular and he asked her whether she thought she ought to know about them,12.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0018.wav,she considered a moment and then said no i think not though i am glad you ask me,5.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0019.wav,after that it was easy to forget actually to forget,3.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0020.wav,of course he reflected she always had that combination of something homely and sensible and something utterly wild and daft,7.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0021.wav,she must care about the theatre a great deal more than she used to,3.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0022.wav,i'm glad she's held her own since,2.325,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0023.wav,after all we were awfully young,2.265,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2271-0024.wav,i shouldn't wonder if she could laugh about it with me now,3.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0000.wav,hilda was very nice to him and he sat on the edge of his chair flushed with his conversational efforts and moving his chin about nervously over his high collar,8.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0001.wav,they asked him to come to see them in chelsea and they spoke very tenderly of hilda,4.66,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0002.wav,lamb wouldn't care a great deal about many of them i fancy,3.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0003.wav,when bartley arrived at bedford square on sunday evening marie the pretty little french girl met him at the door and conducted him upstairs,7.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0004.wav,i should never have asked you if molly had been here for i remember you don't like english cookery,5.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0005.wav,i haven't had a chance yet to tell you what a jolly little place i think this is,4.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0006.wav,they are all sketches made about the villa d'este you see,2.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0007.wav,those fellows are all very loyal even mainhall,3.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0008.wav,i've managed to save something every year and that with helping my three sisters now and then and tiding poor cousin mike over bad seasons,7.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0009.wav,it's not particularly rare she said but some of it was my mother's,4.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0010.wav,there was watercress soup and sole and a delightful omelette stuffed with mushrooms and truffles and two small rare ducklings and artichokes and a dry yellow rhone wine of which bartley had always been very fond,12.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0011.wav,there is nothing else that looks so jolly,2.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0012.wav,thank you but i don't like it so well as this,2.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0013.wav,have you been in paris much these late years,2.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0014.wav,there are few changes in the old quarter,2.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0015.wav,don't i though i'm so sorry to hear it how did her son turn out,4.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0016.wav,her hair is still like flax and her blue eyes are just like a baby's and she has the same three freckles on her little nose and talks about going back to her bains de mer,9.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0017.wav,how jolly it was being young hilda,2.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0018.wav,do you remember that first walk we took together in paris,3.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0019.wav,come we'll have our coffee in the other room and you can smoke,3.115,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0020.wav,i think we did she answered demurely,2.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0021.wav,what she wanted from us was neither our flowers nor our francs but just our youth,5.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0022.wav,they were both remembering what the woman had said when she took the money god give you a happy love,5.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0023.wav,the strange woman and her passionate sentence that rang out so sharply had frightened them both,6.1,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0024.wav,bartley started when hilda rang the little bell beside her dear me why did you do that,4.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0025.wav,it was very jolly he murmured lazily as marie came in to take away the coffee,4.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0026.wav,have i told you about my new play,1.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0027.wav,when she finished alexander shook himself out of a reverie,3.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0028.wav,nonsense of course i can't really sing except the way my mother and grandmother did before me,5.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0029.wav,it's really too warm in this room to sing don't you feel it,3.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0030.wav,alexander went over and opened the window for her,2.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0031.wav,there just in front,1.795,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0032.wav,he stood a little behind her and tried to steady himself as he said it's soft and misty see how white the stars are,7.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0033.wav,for a long time neither hilda nor bartley spoke,3.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0034.wav,he felt a tremor run through the slender yellow figure in front of him,3.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0035.wav,bartley leaned over her shoulder without touching her and whispered in her ear you are giving me a chance yes,6.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/4446-2273-0036.wav,alexander unclenched the two hands at his sides,3.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0000.wav,young fitzooth had been commanded to his mother's chamber so soon as he had come out from his converse with the squire,6.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0001.wav,there befell an anxious interview mistress fitzooth arguing for and against the squire's project in a breath,6.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0002.wav,most of all robin thought of his father what would he counsel,4.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0003.wav,if for a whim you beggar yourself i cannot stay you,3.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0004.wav,but take it whilst i live and wear montfichet's shield in the days when my eyes can be rejoiced by so brave a sight for you will ne'er disgrace our scutcheon i warrant me,10.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0005.wav,the lad had checked him then,2.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0006.wav,never that sir he had said,2.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0007.wav,he was in deep converse with the clerk and entered the hall holding him by the arm,4.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0008.wav,now to bed boy,2.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0009.wav,tis late and i go myself within a short space,3.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0010.wav,dismiss your squire robin and bid me good e e n,3.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0011.wav,as any in england i would say said gamewell proudly that is in his day,6.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0012.wav,yet he will teach you a few tricks when morning is come,3.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0013.wav,there was no chance to alter his sleeping room to one nearer to gamewell's chamber,4.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0014.wav,presently he crossed the floor of his room with decided step,3.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0015.wav,will cried he softly and stuteley who had chosen his couch across the door of his young master's chamber sprang up at once in answer,8.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0016.wav,we will go out together to the bower there is a way down to the court from my window,4.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0017.wav,rest and be still until i warn you,2.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0018.wav,the hours passed wearily by and movement could yet be heard about the hall,4.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0019.wav,at last all was quiet and black in the courtyard of gamewell,3.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0020.wav,will whispered robin opening his door as he spoke are you ready,5.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0021.wav,they then renewed their journey and under the better light made a safe crossing of the stable roofs,5.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0022.wav,robin entered the hut dragging the unwilling esquire after him,3.97,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0023.wav,be not so foolish friend said fitzooth crossly,3.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0024.wav,they moved thereafter cautiously about the hut groping before and about them to find something to show that warrenton had fulfilled his mission,7.235,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0025.wav,they were upon the verge of an open trap in the far corner of the hut and stuteley had tripped over the edge of the reversed flap mouth of this pit,7.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0026.wav,fitzooth's hand rested at last upon the top rung of a ladder and slowly the truth came to him,5.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0027.wav,robin carefully descended the ladder and found himself soon upon firm rocky ground,5.08,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0028.wav,stuteley was by his side in a flash and then they both began feeling about them to ascertain the shape and character of this vault,6.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0029.wav,from the blackness behind the light they heard a voice warrenton's,4.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0030.wav,save me masters but you startled me rarely,3.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0031.wav,cried he waving the lanthorn before him to make sure that these were no ghosts in front of him,5.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0032.wav,enquired robin with his suspicions still upon him,3.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0033.wav,truly such a horse should be worth much in nottingham fair,3.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0034.wav,nay nay lording answered warrenton with a half laugh,4.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0035.wav,warrenton spoke thus with significance to show robin that he was not to think geoffrey's claims to the estate would be passed by,7.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0036.wav,robin fitzooth saw that his doubts of warrenton had been unfair and he became ashamed of himself for harboring them,6.785,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0037.wav,his tones rang pleasantly on warrenton's ears and forthwith a good fellowship was heralded between them,5.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0038.wav,the old servant told him quietly as they crept back to gamewell that this passage way led from the hut in the pleasance to sherwood and that geoffrey for the time was hiding with the outlaws in the forest,10.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0039.wav,he implores us to be discreet as the grave in this matter for in sooth his life is in the hollow of our hands,6.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70970-0040.wav,they regained their apartment apparently without disturbing the household of gamewell,4.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0000.wav,he began a confused complaint against the wizard who had vanished behind the curtain on the left,4.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0001.wav,give not so earnest a mind to these mummeries child,3.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0002.wav,a golden fortune and a happy life,2.97,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0003.wav,he was like unto my father in a way and yet was not my father,4.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0004.wav,also there was a stripling page who turned into a maid,3.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0005.wav,this was so sweet a lady sir and in some manner i do think she died,5.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0006.wav,but then the picture was gone as quickly as it came,2.935,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0007.wav,sister nell do you hear these marvels,3.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0008.wav,take your place and let us see what the crystal can show to you,3.535,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0009.wav,like as not young master though i am an old man,4.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0010.wav,forthwith all ran to the opening of the tent to see what might be amiss but master will who peeped out first needed no more than one glance,8.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0011.wav,he gave way to the others very readily and retreated unperceived by the squire and mistress fitzooth to the rear of the tent,6.375,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0012.wav,cries of a nottingham a nottingham,2.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0013.wav,before them fled the stroller and his three sons capless and terrified,4.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0014.wav,what is the tumult and rioting cried out the squire authoritatively and he blew twice on a silver whistle which hung at his belt,7.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0015.wav,nay we refused their request most politely most noble said the little stroller,5.375,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0016.wav,and then they became vexed and would have snatched your purse from us,3.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0017.wav,i could not see my boy injured excellence for but doing his duty as one of cumberland's sons,5.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0018.wav,so i did push this fellow,2.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0019.wav,it is enough said george gamewell sharply and he turned upon the crowd,5.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0020.wav,shame on you citizens cried he i blush for my fellows of nottingham,5.105,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0021.wav,surely we can submit with good grace,2.69,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0022.wav,tis fine for you to talk old man answered the lean sullen apprentice,4.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0023.wav,but i wrestled with this fellow and do know that he played unfairly in the second bout,5.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0024.wav,spoke the squire losing all patience and it was to you that i gave another purse in consolation,6.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0025.wav,come to me men here here he raised his voice still louder,4.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0026.wav,the strollers took their part in it with hearty zest now that they had some chance of beating off their foes,4.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0027.wav,robin and the little tumbler between them tried to force the squire to stand back and very valiantly did these two comport themselves,6.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0028.wav,the head and chief of the riot the nottingham apprentice with clenched fists threatened montfichet,5.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0029.wav,the squire helped to thrust them all in and entered swiftly himself,3.495,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0030.wav,now be silent on your lives he began but the captured apprentice set up an instant shout,5.685,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0031.wav,silence you knave cried montfichet,2.925,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0032.wav,he felt for and found the wizard's black cloth the squire was quite out of breath,4.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0033.wav,thrusting open the proper entrance of the tent robin suddenly rushed forth with his burden with a great shout,5.685,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0034.wav,a montfichet a montfichet gamewell to the rescue,4.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0035.wav,taking advantage of this the squire's few men redoubled their efforts and encouraged by robin's and the little stroller's cries fought their way to him,7.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0036.wav,george montfichet will never forget this day,2.934938,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0037.wav,what is your name lording asked the little stroller presently,4.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0038.wav,robin fitzooth,2.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0039.wav,and mine is will stuteley shall we be comrades,3.805,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0040.wav,right willingly for between us we have won the battle answered robin,3.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0041.wav,i like you will you are the second will that i have met and liked within two days is there a sign in that,6.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0042.wav,montfichet called out for robin to give him an arm,2.785,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0043.wav,friends said montfichet faintly to the wrestlers bear us escort so far as the sheriff's house,6.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0044.wav,it will not be safe for you to stay here now,2.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0045.wav,pray follow us with mine and my lord sheriff's men,3.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0046.wav,nottingham castle was reached and admittance was demanded,3.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0047.wav,master monceux the sheriff of nottingham was mightily put about when told of the rioting,4.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0048.wav,and henry might return to england at any moment,3.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0049.wav,have your will child if the boy also wills it montfichet answered feeling too ill to oppose anything very strongly just then,8.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0050.wav,he made an effort to hide his condition from them all and robin felt his fingers tighten upon his arm,5.58,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0051.wav,beg me a room of the sheriff child quickly,3.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0052.wav,but who is this fellow plucking at your sleeve,2.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0053.wav,he is my esquire excellency returned robin with dignity,4.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0054.wav,mistress fitzooth had been carried off by the sheriff's daughter and her maids as soon as they had entered the house so that robin alone had the care of montfichet,7.86,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0055.wav,robin was glad when at length they were left to their own devices,3.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0056.wav,the wine did certainly bring back the color to the squire's cheeks,3.565,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0057.wav,these escapades are not for old gamewell lad his day has come to twilight,5.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0058.wav,will you forgive me now,1.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0059.wav,it will be no disappointment to me,2.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0060.wav,no thanks i am glad to give you such easy happiness,3.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0061.wav,you are a worthy leech will presently whispered robin the wine has worked a marvel,5.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/61-70968-0062.wav,ay and show you some pretty tricks,2.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0000.wav,miss lake declined the carriage to night,2.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0001.wav,and he added something still less complimentary,3.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0002.wav,but don't these very wise things sometimes turn out very foolishly,5.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0003.wav,in the meantime i had formed a new idea of her,2.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0004.wav,by this time lord chelford and wylder returned and disgusted rather with myself i ruminated on my want of general ship,9.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0005.wav,and he made a little dip of his cane towards brandon hall over his shoulder,4.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0006.wav,yes so they said but that would i think have been worse,4.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0007.wav,if a fellow's been a little bit wild he's beelzebub at once,4.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0008.wav,bracton's a very good fellow i can assure you,3.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0009.wav,i don't know and can't say how you fine gentlemen define wickedness only as an obscure female i speak according to my lights and he is generally thought the wickedest man in this county,13.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0010.wav,well you know radie women like wicked fellows it is contrast i suppose but they do and i'm sure from what bracton has said to me i know him intimately that dorcas likes him and i can't conceive why they are not married,15.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0011.wav,their walk continued silent for the greater part neither was quite satisfied with the other but rachel at last said,7.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0012.wav,now that's impossible radie for i really don't think i once thought of him all this evening except just while we were talking,8.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0013.wav,there was a bright moonlight broken by the shadows of overhanging boughs and withered leaves and the mottled lights and shadows glided oddly across his pale features,9.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0014.wav,don't insult me stanley by talking again as you did this morning,3.97,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0015.wav,what i say is altogether on your own account,2.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0016.wav,mark my words you'll find him too strong for you aye and too deep,4.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0017.wav,i am very uneasy about it whatever it is i can't help it,4.585,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0018.wav,to my mind there has always been something inexpressibly awful in family feuds,5.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0019.wav,the mystery of their origin their capacity for evolving latent faculties of crime and the steady vitality with which they survive the hearse and speak their deep mouthed malignities in every new born generation have associated them somehow in my mind with a spell of life exceeding and distinct from human and a special satanic action,20.855,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0020.wav,the floor more than anything else showed the great age of the room,3.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0021.wav,my bed was unexceptionably comfortable but in my then mood i could have wished it a great deal more modern,7.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0022.wav,its curtains were of thick and faded tapestry,3.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0023.wav,all the furniture belonged to other times,2.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0024.wav,i shan't trouble you about my train of thoughts or fancies but i began to feel very like a gentleman in a ghost story watching experimentally in a haunted chamber,9.855,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0025.wav,i did not even take the precaution of smoking up the chimney,3.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0026.wav,i boldly lighted my cheroot,2.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0027.wav,a cold bright moon was shining with clear sharp lights and shadows,4.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0028.wav,the sombre old trees like gigantic hearse plumes black and awful,5.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0029.wav,somehow i had grown nervous,2.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32866-0030.wav,a little bit of plaster tumbled down the chimney and startled me confoundedly,4.845,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0000.wav,you know captain lake,2.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0001.wav,said lord chelford addressing me,2.58,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0002.wav,he had his hand upon lake's shoulder,2.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0003.wav,they are cousins you know we are all cousins,3.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0004.wav,whatever lord chelford said miss brandon received it very graciously and even with a momentary smile,7.365,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0005.wav,but her greeting to captain lake was more than usually haughty and frozen and her features i fancied particularly proud and pale,10.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0006.wav,at dinner lake was easy and amusing,3.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0007.wav,i'm glad you like it says wylder chuckling benignantly on it over his shoulder,6.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0008.wav,i believe i have a little taste that way those are all real you know those jewels,6.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0009.wav,and he placed it in that gentleman's fingers who now took his turn at the lamp and contemplated the little parallelogram with a gleam of sly amusement,9.89,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0010.wav,i was thinking it's very like the ace of hearts answered the captain softly smiling on,6.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0011.wav,whereupon lake laughed quietly still looking on the ace of hearts with his sly eyes,6.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0012.wav,and wylder laughed too more suddenly and noisily than the humour of the joke seemed quite to call for and glanced a grim look from the corners of his eyes on lake but the gallant captain did not seem to perceive it and after a few seconds more he handed it very innocently back to missus dorothy only remarking,21.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0013.wav,do you know lake oh i really can't tell but he'll soon tire of country life,7.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0014.wav,he's not a man for country quarters,2.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0015.wav,i had a horrid dream about him last night that,4.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0016.wav,oh i know that's lorne brandon,3.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32865-0017.wav,all the time he was talking to me his angry little eyes were following lake,5.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0000.wav,it was not very much past eleven that morning when the pony carriage from brandon drew up before the little garden wicket of redman's farm,8.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0001.wav,well she was better though she had had a bad night,3.66,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0002.wav,so there came a step and a little rustling of feminine draperies the small door opened and rachel entered with her hand extended and a pale smile of welcome,11.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0003.wav,women can hide their pain better than we men and bear it better too except when shame drops fire into the dreadful chalice,9.345,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0004.wav,but poor rachel lake had more than that stoical hypocrisy which enables the tortured spirits of her sex to lift a pale face through the flames and smile,11.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0005.wav,this transient spring and lighting up are beautiful a glamour beguiling our senses,6.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0006.wav,there was something of sweetness and fondness in her tones and manner which was new to rachel and comforting and she returned the greeting as kindly and felt more like her former self,11.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0007.wav,rachel's pale and sharpened features and dilated eye struck her with a painful surprise,6.795,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0008.wav,you have been so ill my poor rachel,2.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0009.wav,ill and troubled dear troubled in mind and miserably nervous,5.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0010.wav,poor rachel her nature recoiled from deceit and she told at all events as much of the truth as she dared,7.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0011.wav,she spoke with a sudden energy which partook of fear and passion and flushed her thin cheek and made her languid eyes flash,9.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0012.wav,thank you rachel my cousin rachel my only friend,4.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0013.wav,chelford had a note from mister wylder this morning another note his coming delayed and something of his having to see some person who is abroad continued dorcas after a little pause,11.495,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0014.wav,yes something everything said rachel hurriedly looking frowningly at a flower which she was twirling in her fingers,8.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0015.wav,yes said rachel,2.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0016.wav,and the wan oracle having spoken she sate down in the same sort of abstraction again beside dorcas and she looked full in her cousin's eyes,10.185,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0017.wav,of mark wylder i say this his name has been for years hateful to me and recently it has become frightful and you will promise me simply this that you will never ask me to speak again about him,14.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0018.wav,it is an antipathy an antipathy i cannot get over dear dorcas you may think it a madness but don't blame me,7.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0019.wav,i have very few to love me now and i thought you might love me as i have begun to love you,6.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0020.wav,and she threw her arms round her cousin's neck and brave rachel at last burst into tears,6.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0021.wav,dorcas in her strange way was moved,4.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0022.wav,i like you still rachel i'm sure i'll always like you,4.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0023.wav,you resemble me rachel you are fearless and inflexible and generous,4.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0024.wav,yes rachel i do love you,2.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/5683-32879-0025.wav,thank you dorcas dear,1.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0000.wav,yes dead these four years an a good job for her too,5.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0001.wav,well as i say it's an awful queer world they clap all the burglars into jail and the murderers and the wife beaters i've allers thought a gentle reproof would be enough punishment for a wife beater cause he probably has a lot o provocation that nobody knows and the firebugs can't think o the right name something like cendenaries an the breakers o the peace an what not an yet the law has nothin to say to a man like hen lord,28.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0002.wav,grandfather was alexander carey l l d doctor of laws that is,5.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0003.wav,mister popham laid down his brush,2.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0004.wav,i swan to man he ejaculated if you don't work hard you can't keep up with the times doctor of laws,7.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0005.wav,done he ain't done a thing he'd oughter sence he was born,3.845,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0006.wav,he keeps the thou shalt not commandments first rate hen lord does,4.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0007.wav,he give up his position and shut the family up in that tomb of a house so t he could study his books,6.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0008.wav,mister popham exaggerated nothing but on the contrary left much unsaid in his narrative of the family at the house of lords,8.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0009.wav,henry lord with the degree of ph d to his credit had been professor of zoology at a new england college but had resigned his post in order to write a series of scientific text books,13.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0010.wav,always irritable cold indifferent he had grown rapidly more so as years went on,6.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0011.wav,whatever appealed to her sense of beauty was straightway transferred to paper or canvas,5.445,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0012.wav,she is wild to know how to do things,2.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0013.wav,she makes effort after effort trembling with eagerness and when she fails to reproduce what she sees she works herself into a frenzy of grief and disappointment,9.8,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0014.wav,when she could not make a rabbit or a bird look real on paper she searched in her father's books for pictures of its bones,7.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0015.wav,cyril there must be some better way of doing i just draw the outline of an animal and then i put hairs or feathers on it they have no bodies,8.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0016.wav,they couldn't run nor move they're just pasteboard,3.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0017.wav,he wouldn't search so don't worry replied cyril quietly and the two looked at each other and knew that it was so,8.69,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0018.wav,there in the cedar hollow then lived olive lord an angry resentful little creature weighed down by a fierce sense of injury,9.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0019.wav,olive's mournful black eyes met nancy's sparkling brown ones,4.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0020.wav,nancy's curly chestnut crop shone in the sun and olive's thick black plaits looked blacker by contrast,7.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0021.wav,she's wonderful more wonderful than anybody we've ever seen anywhere and she draws better than the teacher in charlestown,8.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41797-0022.wav,she's older than i am but so tiny and sad and shy that she seems like a child,6.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0000.wav,but the more forgetfulness had then prevailed the more powerful was the force of remembrance when she awoke,6.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0001.wav,miss milner's health is not good,2.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0002.wav,said missus horton a few minutes after,3.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0003.wav,so there is to me added sandford with a sarcastic sneer,4.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0004.wav,and yet you must own her behaviour has warranted them has it not been in this particular incoherent and unaccountable,8.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0005.wav,not that i know of not one more that i know of he replied with astonishment at what she had insinuated and yet with a perfect assurance that she was in the wrong,10.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0006.wav,perhaps i am mistaken answered she,2.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0007.wav,to ask any more questions of you i believe would be unfair,4.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0008.wav,he seemed to wait for her reply but as she made none he proceeded,4.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0009.wav,oh my lord cried miss woodley with a most forcible accent you are the last person on earth she would pardon me for entrusting,8.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0010.wav,but in such a case miss milner's election of a husband shall not direct mine,5.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0011.wav,if she does not know how to estimate her own value i do,4.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0012.wav,independent of her fortune she has beauty to captivate the heart of any man and with all her follies she has a frankness in her manner an unaffected wisdom in her thoughts a vivacity in her conversation and withal a softness in her demeanour that might alone engage the affections of a man of the nicest sentiments and the strongest understanding,21.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0013.wav,my lord miss milner's taste is not a depraved one it is but too refined,6.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0014.wav,what can you mean by that miss woodley you talk mysteriously,4.535,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0015.wav,is she not afraid that i will thwart her inclinations,3.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0016.wav,again he searched his own thoughts nor ineffectually as before,4.495,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0017.wav,miss woodley was too little versed in the subject to know this would have been not to love at all at least not to the extent of breaking through engagements and all the various obstacles that still militated against their union,14.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0018.wav,to relieve her from both he laid his hand with force upon his heart and said do you believe me,6.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0019.wav,i will make no unjust use of what i know he replied with firmness i believe you my lord,6.585,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-23283-0020.wav,i have never yet however been vanquished by them and even upon this occasion my reason shall combat them to the last and my reason shall fail me before i do wrong,10.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0000.wav,natty harmon tried the kitchen pump secretly several times during the evening for the water had to run up hill all the way from the well to the kitchen sink and he believed this to be a continual miracle that might give out at any moment,14.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0001.wav,to night there was no need of extra heat and there were great ceremonies to be observed in lighting the fires on the hearthstones,8.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0002.wav,they began with the one in the family sitting room colonel wheeler ralph thurston mister and missus bill harmon with natty and rufus mister and missus popham with digby and lallie joy all standing in admiring groups and thrilling with delight at the order of events,17.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0003.wav,kathleen waved the torch to and fro as she recited some beautiful lines written for some such purpose as that which called them together to night,9.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0004.wav,burn fire burn flicker flicker flame,3.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0005.wav,next came olive's turn to help in the ceremonies,3.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0006.wav,ralph thurston had found a line of latin for them in his beloved horace tibi splendet focus for you the hearth fire shines,10.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0007.wav,olive had painted the motto on a long narrow panel of canvas and giving it to mister popham stood by the fireside while he deftly fitted it into the place prepared for it,11.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0008.wav,olive has another lovely gift for the yellow house said mother carey rising and to carry out the next part of the programme we shall have to go in procession upstairs to my bedroom,11.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0009.wav,exclaimed bill harmon to his wife as they went through the lighted hall,4.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0010.wav,ain't they the greatest,2.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0011.wav,mother carey poured coffee nancy chocolate and the others helped serve the sandwiches and cake doughnuts and tarts,7.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0012.wav,at that moment the gentleman entered bearing a huge object concealed by a piece of green felt,6.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0013.wav,approaching the dining table he carefully placed the article in the centre and removed the cloth,6.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0014.wav,thinks i to myself i never seen anything osh popham couldn't mend if he took time enough and glue enough so i carried this little feller home in a bushel basket one night last month an i've spent eleven evenin's puttin him together,15.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0015.wav,missus harmon thought he sang too much and told her husband privately that if he was a canary bird she should want to keep a table cover over his head most of the time but he was immensely popular with the rest of his audience,12.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0016.wav,the face of the mahogany shone with delight and why not when it was doing everything almost everything within the scope of a piano and yet the family had enjoyed weeks of good nourishing meals on what had been saved by its exertions,15.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/4992-41806-0017.wav,we shut our eyes the flowers bloom on we murmur but the corn ears fill we choose the shadow but the sun that casts it shines behind us still,10.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0000.wav,chapter one origin,2.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0001.wav,it engenders a whole world la pegre for which read theft and a hell la pegrenne for which read hunger,11.32,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0002.wav,thus idleness is the mother,3.185,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0003.wav,she has a son theft and a daughter hunger,4.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0004.wav,what is slang,2.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0005.wav,we have never understood this sort of objections,4.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0006.wav,slang is odious,2.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0007.wav,slang makes one shudder,2.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0008.wav,who denies that of course it does,3.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0009.wav,when it is a question of probing a wound a gulf a society since when has it been considered wrong to go too far to go to the bottom,11.305,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0010.wav,we have always thought that it was sometimes a courageous act and at least a simple and useful deed worthy of the sympathetic attention which duty accepted and fulfilled merits,15.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0011.wav,why should one not explore everything and study everything,5.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0012.wav,why should one halt on the way,2.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0013.wav,nothing is more lugubrious than the contemplation thus in its nudity in the broad light of thought of the horrible swarming of slang,10.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0014.wav,now when has horror ever excluded study,6.115,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0015.wav,since when has malady banished medicine,3.86,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0016.wav,can one imagine a naturalist refusing to study the viper the bat the scorpion the centipede the tarantula and one who would cast them back into their darkness saying oh how ugly that is,17.265,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0017.wav,he would be like a philologist refusing to examine a fact in language a philosopher hesitating to scrutinize a fact in humanity,10.585,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0018.wav,what is slang properly speaking,3.375,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0019.wav,it is the language of wretchedness,2.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0020.wav,we may be stopped the fact may be put to us in general terms which is one way of attenuating it we may be told that all trades professions it may be added all the accidents of the social hierarchy and all forms of intelligence have their own slang,22.5,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0021.wav,the painter who says my grinder the notary who says my skip the gutter the hairdresser who says my mealyback the cobbler who says my cub talks slang,14.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0022.wav,there is the slang of the affected lady as well as of the precieuses,6.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0023.wav,the sugar manufacturer who says loaf clarified lumps bastard common burnt this honest manufacturer talks slang,12.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0024.wav,algebra medicine botany have each their slang,5.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0025.wav,to meet the needs of this conflict wretchedness has invented a language of combat which is slang,9.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0026.wav,to keep afloat and to rescue from oblivion to hold above the gulf were it but a fragment of some language which man has spoken and which would otherwise be lost that is to say one of the elements good or bad of which civilization is composed or by which it is complicated to extend the records of social observation is to serve civilization itself,31.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0027.wav,phoenician very good,1.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0028.wav,even dialect let that pass,3.265,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0029.wav,to this we reply in one word only,3.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0030.wav,assuredly if the tongue which a nation or a province has spoken is worthy of interest the language which has been spoken by a misery is still more worthy of attention and study,14.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0031.wav,and then we insist upon it the study of social deformities and infirmities and the task of pointing them out with a view to remedy is not a business in which choice is permitted,14.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0032.wav,he must descend with his heart full of charity and severity at the same time as a brother and as a judge to those impenetrable casemates where crawl pell mell those who bleed and those who deal the blow those who weep and those who curse those who fast and those who devour those who endure evil and those who inflict it,28.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0033.wav,do we really know the mountain well when we are not acquainted with the cavern,5.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0034.wav,they constitute two different orders of facts which correspond to each other which are always interlaced and which often bring forth results,11.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0035.wav,true history being a mixture of all things the true historian mingles in everything,7.535,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0036.wav,facts form one of these and ideas the other,5.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0037.wav,there it clothes itself in word masks in metaphor rags,5.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0038.wav,in this guise it becomes horrible,3.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0039.wav,one perceives without understanding it a hideous murmur sounding almost like human accents but more nearly resembling a howl than an articulate word,15.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0040.wav,one thinks one hears hydras talking,3.925,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0041.wav,it is unintelligible in the dark,2.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0042.wav,it is black in misfortune it is blacker still in crime these two blacknesses amalgamated compose slang,10.375,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0043.wav,the earth is not devoid of resemblance to a jail,3.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0044.wav,look closely at life,2.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0045.wav,it is so made that everywhere we feel the sense of punishment,4.89,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0046.wav,each day has its own great grief or its little care,4.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0047.wav,yesterday you were trembling for a health that is dear to you to day you fear for your own to morrow it will be anxiety about money the day after to morrow the diatribe of a slanderer the day after that the misfortune of some friend then the prevailing weather then something that has been broken or lost then a pleasure with which your conscience and your vertebral column reproach you again the course of public affairs,34.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0048.wav,this without reckoning in the pains of the heart and so it goes on,5.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0049.wav,there is hardly one day out of a hundred which is wholly joyous and sunny,5.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0050.wav,and you belong to that small class who are happy,3.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0051.wav,in this world evidently the vestibule of another there are no fortunate,6.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0052.wav,the real human division is this the luminous and the shady,6.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0053.wav,to diminish the number of the shady to augment the number of the luminous that is the object,8.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0054.wav,that is why we cry education science,4.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0055.wav,to teach reading means to light the fire every syllable spelled out sparkles,7.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0056.wav,however he who says light does not necessarily say joy,6.345,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0057.wav,people suffer in the light excess burns,4.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0058.wav,the flame is the enemy of the wing,3.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/4507-16021-0059.wav,to burn without ceasing to fly therein lies the marvel of genius,6.205,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0000.wav,she was tired of other things,2.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0001.wav,she tried this morning an air or two upon the piano sang a simple song in a sweet but slightly metallic voice and then seating herself by the open window read philip's letter,13.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0002.wav,well mother said the young student looking up with a shade of impatience,5.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0003.wav,i hope thee told the elders that father and i are responsible for the piano and that much as thee loves music thee is never in the room when it is played,10.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0004.wav,i heard father tell cousin abner that he was whipped so often for whistling when he was a boy that he was determined to have what compensation he could get now,9.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0005.wav,thy ways greatly try me ruth and all thy relations,4.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0006.wav,is thy father willing thee should go away to a school of the world's people,4.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0007.wav,i have not asked him ruth replied with a look that might imply that she was one of those determined little bodies who first made up her own mind and then compelled others to make up theirs in accordance with hers,14.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0008.wav,mother i'm going to study medicine,3.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0009.wav,margaret bolton almost lost for a moment her habitual placidity,5.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0010.wav,thee study medicine,2.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0011.wav,does thee think thee could stand it six months,3.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0012.wav,and besides suppose thee does learn medicine,4.68,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0013.wav,i will practice it,1.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0014.wav,where thee and thy family are known,3.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0015.wav,if i can get patients,2.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0016.wav,ruth sat quite still for a time with face intent and flushed it was out now,6.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0017.wav,the sight seers returned in high spirits from the city,3.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0018.wav,ruth asked the enthusiasts if they would like to live in such a sounding mausoleum with its great halls and echoing rooms and no comfortable place in it for the accommodation of any body,12.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0019.wav,and then there was broad street,2.725,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0020.wav,there certainly was no end to it and even ruth was philadelphian enough to believe that a street ought not to have any end or architectural point upon which the weary eye could rest,12.365,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0021.wav,but neither saint girard nor broad street neither wonders of the mint nor the glories of the hall where the ghosts of our fathers sit always signing the declaration impressed the visitors so much as the splendors of the chestnut street windows and the bargains on eighth street,19.86,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0022.wav,is thee going to the yearly meeting ruth asked one of the girls,4.765,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0023.wav,i have nothing to wear replied that demure person,3.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0024.wav,it has occupied mother a long time to find at the shops the exact shade for her new bonnet,6.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0025.wav,and thee won't go why should i,3.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0026.wav,if i go to meeting at all i like best to sit in the quiet old house in germantown where the windows are all open and i can see the trees and hear the stir of the leaves,10.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0027.wav,it's such a crush at the yearly meeting at arch street and then there's the row of sleek looking young men who line the curbstone and stare at us as we come out,9.795,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0028.wav,he doesn't say but it's on the frontier and on the map everything beyond it is marked indians and desert and looks as desolate as a wednesday meeting humph it was time for him to do something,14.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0029.wav,is he going to start a daily newspaper among the kick a poos,3.89,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0030.wav,father thee's unjust to philip he's going into business,4.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0031.wav,he doesn't say exactly what it is said ruth a little dubiously but it's something about land and railroads and thee knows father that fortunes are made nobody knows exactly how in a new country,15.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0032.wav,but philip is honest and he has talent enough if he will stop scribbling to make his way,6.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0033.wav,what a box women are put into measured for it and put in young if we go anywhere it's in a box veiled and pinioned and shut in by disabilities,12.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0034.wav,why should i rust and be stupid and sit in inaction because i am a girl,5.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0035.wav,and if i had a fortune would thee want me to lead a useless life,4.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0036.wav,has thee consulted thy mother about a career i suppose it is a career thee wants,5.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0037.wav,but that wise and placid woman understood the sweet rebel a great deal better than ruth understood herself,6.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29095-0038.wav,ruth was glad to hear that philip had made a push into the world and she was sure that his talent and courage would make a way for him,8.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0000.wav,you'll never dig it out of the astor library,3.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0001.wav,to the young american here or elsewhere the paths to fortune are innumerable and all open there is invitation in the air and success in all his wide horizon,11.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0002.wav,he has no traditions to bind him or guide him and his impulse is to break away from the occupation his father has followed and make a new way for himself,10.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0003.wav,the modest fellow would have liked fame thrust upon him for some worthy achievement it might be for a book or for the skillful management of some great newspaper or for some daring expedition like that of lieutenant strain or doctor kane,15.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0004.wav,he was unable to decide exactly what it should be,3.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0005.wav,sometimes he thought he would like to stand in a conspicuous pulpit and humbly preach the gospel of repentance and it even crossed his mind that it would be noble to give himself to a missionary life to some benighted region where the date palm grows and the nightingale's voice is in tune and the bul bul sings on the off nights,22.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0006.wav,law seemed to him well enough as a science but he never could discover a practical case where it appeared to him worth while to go to law and all the clients who stopped with this new clerk in the ante room of the law office where he was writing philip invariably advised to settle no matter how but settle greatly to the disgust of his employer who knew that justice between man and man could only be attained by the recognized processes with the attendant fees,29.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0007.wav,it is such a noble ambition that it is a pity it has usually such a shallow foundation,6.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0008.wav,he wanted to begin at the top of the ladder,3.58,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0009.wav,philip therefore read diligently in the astor library planned literary works that should compel attention and nursed his genius,9.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0010.wav,he had no friend wise enough to tell him to step into the dorking convention then in session make a sketch of the men and women on the platform and take it to the editor of the daily grapevine and see what he could get a line for it,14.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0011.wav,o very well said gringo turning away with a shade of contempt you'll find if you are going into literature and newspaper work that you can't afford a conscience like that,11.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0012.wav,but philip did afford it and he wrote thanking his friends and declining because he said the political scheme would fail and ought to fail,8.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0013.wav,and he went back to his books and to his waiting for an opening large enough for his dignified entrance into the literary world,8.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0014.wav,well i'm going as an engineer you can go as one,4.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0015.wav,you can begin by carrying a rod and putting down the figures,3.325,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0016.wav,no its not too soon,2.23,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0017.wav,i've been ready to go anywhere for six months,2.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0018.wav,the two young men who were by this time full of the adventure went down to the wall street office of henry's uncle and had a talk with that wily operator,9.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0019.wav,the night was spent in packing up and writing letters for philip would not take such an important step without informing his friends,7.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0020.wav,why it's in missouri somewhere on the frontier i think we'll get a map,5.58,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0021.wav,i was afraid it was nearer home,2.425,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0022.wav,he knew his uncle would be glad to hear that he had at last turned his thoughts to a practical matter,6.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/4970-29093-0023.wav,he well knew the perils of the frontier the savage state of society the lurking indians and the dangers of fever,8.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0000.wav,i will endeavour in my statement to avoid such terms as would serve to limit the events to any particular place or give a clue as to the people concerned,8.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0001.wav,i had always known him to be restless in his manner but on this particular occasion he was in such a state of uncontrollable agitation that it was clear something very unusual had occurred,10.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0002.wav,my friend's temper had not improved since he had been deprived of the congenial surroundings of baker street,6.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0003.wav,without his scrapbooks his chemicals and his homely untidiness he was an uncomfortable man,6.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0004.wav,i had to read it over carefully as the text must be absolutely correct,4.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0005.wav,i was absent rather more than an hour,2.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0006.wav,the only duplicate which existed so far as i knew was that which belonged to my servant bannister a man who has looked after my room for ten years and whose honesty is absolutely above suspicion,10.85,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0007.wav,the moment i looked at my table i was aware that someone had rummaged among my papers,4.565,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0008.wav,the proof was in three long slips i had left them all together,4.305,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0009.wav,the alternative was that someone passing had observed the key in the door had known that i was out and had entered to look at the papers,7.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0010.wav,i gave him a little brandy and left him collapsed in a chair while i made a most careful examination of the room,5.32,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0011.wav,a broken tip of lead was lying there also,2.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0012.wav,not only this but on the table i found a small ball of black dough or clay with specks of something which looks like sawdust in it,7.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0013.wav,above all things i desire to settle the matter quietly and discreetly,4.32,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0014.wav,to the best of my belief they were rolled up,2.855,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0015.wav,did anyone know that these proofs would be there no one save the printer,4.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0016.wav,i was in such a hurry to come to you you left your door open,4.255,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0017.wav,so it seems to me,2.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0018.wav,now mister soames at your disposal,2.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0019.wav,above were three students one on each story,2.705,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0020.wav,then he approached it and standing on tiptoe with his neck craned he looked into the room,5.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0021.wav,there is no opening except the one pane said our learned guide,3.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0022.wav,i am afraid there are no signs here said he,3.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0023.wav,one could hardly hope for any upon so dry a day,3.33,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0024.wav,you left him in a chair you say which chair by the window there,4.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0025.wav,the man entered and took the papers sheet by sheet from the central table,3.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0026.wav,as a matter of fact he could not said soames for i entered by the side door,4.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0027.wav,how long would it take him to do that using every possible contraction a quarter of an hour not less,5.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0028.wav,then he tossed it down and seized the next,2.585,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0029.wav,he was in the midst of that when your return caused him to make a very hurried retreat very hurried since he had not time to replace the papers which would tell you that he had been there,10.055,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0030.wav,mister soames was somewhat overwhelmed by this flood of information,3.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0031.wav,holmes held out a small chip with the letters n n and a space of clear wood after them you see,6.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0032.wav,watson i have always done you an injustice there are others,4.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0033.wav,i was hoping that if the paper on which he wrote was thin some trace of it might come through upon this polished surface no i see nothing,7.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0034.wav,as holmes drew the curtain i was aware from some little rigidity and alertness of his attitude that he was prepared for an emergency,6.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0035.wav,holmes turned away and stooped suddenly to the floor halloa what's this,4.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0036.wav,holmes held it out on his open palm in the glare of the electric light,3.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0037.wav,what could he do he caught up everything which would betray him and he rushed into your bedroom to conceal himself,5.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0038.wav,i understand you to say that there are three students who use this stair and are in the habit of passing your door yes there are,7.535,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0039.wav,and they are all in for this examination yes,3.725,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0040.wav,one hardly likes to throw suspicion where there are no proofs,3.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0041.wav,let us hear the suspicions i will look after the proofs,3.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0042.wav,my scholar has been left very poor but he is hard working and industrious he will do well,5.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0043.wav,the top floor belongs to miles mc laren,2.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0044.wav,i dare not go so far as that but of the three he is perhaps the least unlikely,5.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0045.wav,he was still suffering from this sudden disturbance of the quiet routine of his life,4.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0046.wav,but i have occasionally done the same thing at other times,3.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0047.wav,did you look at these papers on the table,2.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0048.wav,how came you to leave the key in the door,2.785,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0049.wav,anyone in the room could get out yes sir,3.845063,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0050.wav,i really don't think he knew much about it mister holmes,3.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0051.wav,only for a minute or so,1.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0052.wav,oh i would not venture to say sir,3.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141083-0053.wav,you haven't seen any of them no sir,4.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0000.wav,it was the indian whose dark silhouette appeared suddenly upon his blind,4.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0001.wav,he was pacing swiftly up and down his room,3.265,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0002.wav,this set of rooms is quite the oldest in the college and it is not unusual for visitors to go over them,5.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0003.wav,no names please said holmes as we knocked at gilchrist's door,4.1,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0004.wav,of course he did not realize that it was i who was knocking but none the less his conduct was very uncourteous and indeed under the circumstances rather suspicious,9.005,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0005.wav,that is very important said holmes,2.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0006.wav,you don't seem to realize the position,2.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0007.wav,to morrow is the examination,2.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0008.wav,i cannot allow the examination to be held if one of the papers has been tampered with the situation must be faced,6.795,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0009.wav,it is possible that i may be in a position then to indicate some course of action,4.685,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0010.wav,i will take the black clay with me also the pencil cuttings good bye,4.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0011.wav,when we were out in the darkness of the quadrangle we again looked up at the windows,5.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0012.wav,the foul mouthed fellow at the top,2.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0013.wav,he is the one with the worst record,2.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0014.wav,why bannister the servant what's his game in the matter,3.97,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0015.wav,he impressed me as being a perfectly honest man,3.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0016.wav,my friend did not appear to be depressed by his failure but shrugged his shoulders in half humorous resignation,5.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0017.wav,no good my dear watson,2.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0018.wav,i think so you have formed a conclusion,3.345,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0019.wav,yes my dear watson i have solved the mystery,3.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0020.wav,look at that he held out his hand,2.86,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0021.wav,on the palm were three little pyramids of black doughy clay,4.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0022.wav,and one more this morning,2.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0023.wav,in a few hours the examination would commence and he was still in the dilemma between making the facts public and allowing the culprit to compete for the valuable scholarship,8.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0024.wav,he could hardly stand still so great was his mental agitation and he ran towards holmes with two eager hands outstretched thank heaven that you have come,9.185,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0025.wav,you know him i think so,2.375,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0026.wav,if this matter is not to become public we must give ourselves certain powers and resolve ourselves into a small private court martial,6.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0027.wav,no sir certainly not,3.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0028.wav,there was no man sir,2.655,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0029.wav,his troubled blue eyes glanced at each of us and finally rested with an expression of blank dismay upon bannister in the farther corner,8.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0030.wav,just close the door said holmes,2.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0031.wav,we want to know mister gilchrist how you an honourable man ever came to commit such an action as that of yesterday,6.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0032.wav,for a moment gilchrist with upraised hand tried to control his writhing features,4.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0033.wav,come come said holmes kindly it is human to err and at least no one can accuse you of being a callous criminal,7.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0034.wav,well well don't trouble to answer listen and see that i do you no injustice,4.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0035.wav,he could examine the papers in his own office,2.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0036.wav,the indian i also thought nothing of,2.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0037.wav,when i approached your room i examined the window,2.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0038.wav,no one less than that would have a chance,2.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0039.wav,i entered and i took you into my confidence as to the suggestions of the side table,4.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0040.wav,he returned carrying his jumping shoes which are provided as you are aware with several sharp spikes,5.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0041.wav,no harm would have been done had it not been that as he passed your door he perceived the key which had been left by the carelessness of your servant,7.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0042.wav,a sudden impulse came over him to enter and see if they were indeed the proofs,5.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0043.wav,he put his shoes on the table,2.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0044.wav,gloves said the young man,2.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0045.wav,suddenly he heard him at the very door there was no possible escape,3.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0046.wav,have i told the truth mister gilchrist,2.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0047.wav,i have a letter here mister soames which i wrote to you early this morning in the middle of a restless night,5.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0048.wav,it will be clear to you from what i have said that only you could have let this young man out since you were left in the room and must have locked the door when you went out,9.265,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0049.wav,it was simple enough sir if you only had known but with all your cleverness it was impossible that you could know,7.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/1580-141084-0050.wav,if mister soames saw them the game was up,2.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0000.wav,kenneth and beth refrained from telling the other girls or uncle john of old will rogers's visit but they got mister watson in the library and questioned him closely about the penalty for forging a check,11.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0001.wav,it was a serious crime indeed mister watson told them and tom gates bade fair to serve a lengthy term in state's prison as a consequence of his rash act,9.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0002.wav,i can't see it in that light said the old lawyer,3.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0003.wav,it was a deliberate theft from his employers to protect a girl he loved,4.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0004.wav,but they could not have proven a case against lucy if she was innocent and all their threats of arresting her were probably mere bluff,7.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0005.wav,he was soft hearted and impetuous said beth and being in love he didn't stop to count the cost,6.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0006.wav,if the prosecution were withdrawn and the case settled with the victim of the forged check then the young man would be allowed his freedom,7.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0007.wav,but under the circumstances i doubt if such an arrangement could be made,3.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0008.wav,fairview was twelve miles away but by ten o'clock they drew up at the county jail,4.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0009.wav,they were received in the little office by a man named markham who was the jailer,4.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0010.wav,we wish to talk with him answered kenneth talk,3.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0011.wav,i'm running for representative on the republican ticket said kenneth quietly,4.685,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0012.wav,oh say that's different observed markham altering his demeanor,4.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0013.wav,may we see gates at once asked kenneth,2.725,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0014.wav,they followed the jailer along a succession of passages,3.655,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0015.wav,sometimes i'm that yearning for a smoke i'm nearly crazy an i dunno which is worst dyin one way or another,6.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0016.wav,he unlocked the door and called here's visitors tom,4.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0017.wav,worse tom worse n ever replied the jailer gloomily,3.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0018.wav,miss de graf said kenneth noticing the boy's face critically as he stood where the light from the passage fell upon it,7.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0019.wav,sorry we haven't any reception room in the jail,2.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0020.wav,sit down please said gates in a cheerful and pleasant voice there's a bench here,5.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0021.wav,a fresh wholesome looking boy was tom gates with steady gray eyes an intelligent forehead but a sensitive rather weak mouth,7.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0022.wav,we have heard something of your story said kenneth and are interested in it,4.115,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0023.wav,i didn't stop to think whether it was foolish or not i did it and i'm glad i did,4.89,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0024.wav,old will is a fine fellow but poor and helpless since missus rogers had her accident,4.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0025.wav,then rogers wouldn't do anything but lead her around and wait upon her and the place went to rack and ruin,5.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0026.wav,he spoke simply but paced up and down the narrow cell in front of them,4.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0027.wav,whose name did you sign to the check asked kenneth,3.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0028.wav,he is supposed to sign all the checks of the concern,3.29,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0029.wav,it's a stock company and rich,2.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0030.wav,i was bookkeeper so it was easy to get a blank check and forge the signature,4.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0031.wav,as regards my robbing the company i'll say that i saved them a heavy loss one day,5.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0032.wav,i discovered and put out a fire that would have destroyed the whole plant but marshall never even thanked me,5.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0033.wav,it was better for him to think the girl unfeeling than to know the truth,4.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0034.wav,i'm going to see mister marshall said kenneth and discover what i can do to assist you thank you sir,6.055,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0035.wav,it won't be much but i'm grateful to find a friend,2.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0036.wav,they left him then for the jailer arrived to unlock the door and escort them to the office,5.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0037.wav,i've seen lots of that kind in my day,2.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0038.wav,and it ruins a man's disposition,2.505,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0039.wav,he looked up rather ungraciously but motioned them to be seated,4.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0040.wav,some girl has been here twice to interview my men and i have refused to admit her,4.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0041.wav,i'm not electioneering just now,2.66,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0042.wav,oh well sir what about him,2.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0043.wav,and he deserves a term in state's prison,2.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0044.wav,it has cost me twice sixty dollars in annoyance,3.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0045.wav,i'll pay all the costs besides,2.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0046.wav,you're foolish why should you do all this,2.57,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0047.wav,i have my own reasons mister marshall,2.325,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0048.wav,give me a check for a hundred and fifty and i'll turn over to you the forged check and quash further proceedings,6.495,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0049.wav,he detested the grasping disposition that would endeavor to take advantage of his evident desire to help young gates,7.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0050.wav,beth uneasy at his silence nudged him,2.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0051.wav,there was a grim smile of amusement on his shrewd face,3.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0052.wav,he might have had that forged check for the face of it if he'd been sharp,4.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68769-0053.wav,and to think we can save all that misery and despair by the payment of a hundred and fifty dollars,6.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0000.wav,so to the surprise of the democratic committee and all his friends mister hopkins announced that he would oppose forbes's aggressive campaign with an equal aggressiveness and spend as many dollars in doing so as might be necessary,13.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0001.wav,one of mister hopkins's first tasks after calling his faithful henchmen around him was to make a careful canvass of the voters of his district to see what was still to be accomplished,10.355,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0002.wav,the weak kneed contingency must be strengthened and fortified and a couple of hundred votes in one way or another secured from the opposition,8.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0003.wav,the democratic committee figured out a way to do this,4.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0004.wav,under ordinary conditions reynolds was sure to be elected but the committee proposed to sacrifice him in order to elect hopkins,8.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0005.wav,the only thing necessary was to fix seth reynolds and this hopkins arranged personally,6.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0006.wav,and this was why kenneth and beth discovered him conversing with the young woman in the buggy,5.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0007.wav,the description she gave of the coming reception to the woman's political league was so humorous and diverting that they were both laughing heartily over the thing when the young people passed them and thus mister hopkins failed to notice who the occupants of the other vehicle were,16.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0008.wav,these women were flattered by the attention of the young lady and had promised to assist in electing mister forbes,7.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0009.wav,louise hoped for excellent results from this organization and wished the entertainment to be so effective in winning their good will that they would work earnestly for the cause in which they were enlisted,13.115,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0010.wav,the fairview band was engaged to discourse as much harmony as it could produce and the resources of the great house were taxed to entertain the guests,9.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0011.wav,tables were spread on the lawn and a dainty but substantial repast was to be served,5.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0012.wav,this was the first occasion within a generation when such an entertainment had been given at elmhurst and the only one within the memory of man where the neighbors and country people had been invited guests,12.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0013.wav,the attendance was unexpectedly large and the girls were delighted foreseeing great success for their fete,7.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0014.wav,we ought to have more attendants beth said louise approaching her cousin,4.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0015.wav,won't you run into the house and see if martha can't spare one or two more maids,4.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0016.wav,she was very fond of the young ladies whom she had known when aunt jane was the mistress here and beth was her especial favorite,6.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0017.wav,the housekeeper led the way and beth followed,2.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0018.wav,for a moment beth stood staring while the new maid regarded her with composure and a slight smile upon her beautiful face,8.445,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0019.wav,she was dressed in the regulation costume of the maids at elmhurst a plain black gown with white apron and cap,7.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0020.wav,then she gave a little laugh and replied no miss beth i'm elizabeth parsons,4.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0021.wav,but it can't be protested the girl,2.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0022.wav,i attend to the household mending you know and care for the linen,3.8,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0023.wav,you speak like an educated person said beth wonderingly where is your home,5.425,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0024.wav,for the first time the maid seemed a little confused and her gaze wandered from the face of her visitor,6.245,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0025.wav,she sat down in a rocking chair and clasping her hands in her lap rocked slowly back and forth i'm sorry said beth,7.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0026.wav,eliza parsons shook her head,2.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0027.wav,they they excite me in some way and i i can't bear them you must excuse me,5.32,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0028.wav,she even seemed mildly amused at the attention she attracted,3.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0029.wav,beth was a beautiful girl the handsomest of the three cousins by far yet eliza surpassed her in natural charm and seemed well aware of the fact,8.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0030.wav,her manner was neither independent nor assertive but rather one of well bred composure and calm reliance,6.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0031.wav,her eyes wandered to the maid's hands,2.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0032.wav,however her features and form might repress any evidence of nervousness these hands told a different story,6.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0033.wav,she rose quickly to her feet with an impetuous gesture that made her visitor catch her breath,5.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0034.wav,i wish i knew myself she cried fiercely,2.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0035.wav,will you leave me alone in my own room or must i go away to escape you,4.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/6829-68771-0036.wav,eliza closed the door behind her with a decided slam and a key clicked in the lock,5.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0000.wav,to celebrate the arrival of her son silvia gave a splendid supper to which she had invited all her relatives and it was a good opportunity for me to make their acquaintance,11.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0001.wav,without saying it positively she made me understand that being herself an illustrious member of the republic of letters she was well aware that she was speaking to an insect,12.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0002.wav,in order to please her i spoke to her of the abbe conti and i had occasion to quote two lines of that profound writer,8.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0003.wav,madam corrected me with a patronizing air for my pronunciation of the word scevra which means divided saying that it ought to be pronounced sceura and she added that i ought to be very glad to have learned so much on the first day of my arrival in paris telling me that it would be an important day in my life,21.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0004.wav,her face was an enigma for it inspired everyone with the warmest sympathy and yet if you examined it attentively there was not one beautiful feature she could not be called handsome but no one could have thought her ugly,16.46,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0005.wav,silvia was the adoration of france and her talent was the real support of all the comedies which the greatest authors wrote for her especially of the plays of marivaux for without her his comedies would never have gone to posterity,18.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0006.wav,silvia did not think that her good conduct was a merit for she knew that she was virtuous only because her self love compelled her to be so and she never exhibited any pride or assumed any superiority towards her theatrical sisters although satisfied to shine by their talent or their beauty they cared little about rendering themselves conspicuous by their virtue,23.74,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0007.wav,two years before her death i saw her perform the character of marianne in the comedy of marivaux and in spite of her age and declining health the illusion was complete,12.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0008.wav,she was honourably buried in the church of saint sauveur without the slightest opposition from the venerable priest who far from sharing the anti christain intolerancy of the clergy in general said that her profession as an actress had not hindered her from being a good christian and that the earth was the common mother of all human beings as jesus christ had been the saviour of all mankind,23.86,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0009.wav,you will forgive me dear reader if i have made you attend the funeral of silvia ten years before her death believe me i have no intention of performing a miracle you may console yourself with the idea that i shall spare you that unpleasant task when poor silvia dies,18.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0010.wav,i never had any family,2.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0011.wav,i had a name i believe in my young days but i have forgotten it since i have been in service,7.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0012.wav,i shall call you esprit,2.86,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0013.wav,you do me a great honour,3.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0014.wav,here go and get me change for a louis i have it sir,5.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0015.wav,at your service sir,2.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0016.wav,madame quinson besides can answer your enquiries,4.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0017.wav,i see a quantity of chairs for hire at the rate of one sou men reading the newspaper under the shade of the trees girls and men breakfasting either alone or in company waiters who were rapidly going up and down a narrow staircase hidden under the foliage,17.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0018.wav,i sit down at a small table a waiter comes immediately to enquire my wishes,6.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0019.wav,i tell him to give me some coffee if it is good,3.305,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0020.wav,then turning towards me he says that i look like a foreigner and when i say that i am an italian he begins to speak to me of the court of the city of the theatres and at last he offers to accompany me everywhere,13.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0021.wav,i thank him and take my leave,2.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0022.wav,i address him in italian and he answers very wittily but his way of speaking makes me smile and i tell him why,8.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0023.wav,my remark pleases him but i soon prove to him that it is not the right way to speak however perfect may have been the language of that ancient writer,8.185,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0024.wav,i see a crowd in one corner of the garden everybody standing still and looking up,5.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0025.wav,is there not a meridian everywhere,3.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0026.wav,yes but the meridian of the palais royal is the most exact,4.69,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0027.wav,that is true badauderie,3.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0028.wav,all these honest persons are waiting their turn to get their snuff boxes filled,5.265,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0029.wav,it is sold everywhere but for the last three weeks nobody will use any snuff but that sold at the civet cat,8.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0030.wav,is it better than anywhere else,2.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0031.wav,but how did she manage to render it so fashionable,4.4,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0032.wav,simply by stopping her carriage two or three times before the shop to have her snuff box filled and by saying aloud to the young girl who handed back the box that her snuff was the very best in paris,13.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0033.wav,you are now in the only country in the world where wit can make a fortune by selling either a genuine or a false article in the first case it receives the welcome of intelligent and talented people and in the second fools are always ready to reward it for silliness is truly a characteristic of the people here and however wonderful it may appear silliness is the daughter of wit,28.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0034.wav,let a man run and everybody will run after him the crowd will not stop unless the man is proved to be mad but to prove it is indeed a difficult task because we have a crowd of men who mad from their birth are still considered wise,18.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0035.wav,it seems to me i replied that such approval such ratification of the opinion expressed by the king the princes of the blood et cetera is rather a proof of the affection felt for them by the nation for the french carry that affection to such an extent that they believe them infallible,20.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0036.wav,when the king comes to paris everybody calls out vive le roi,5.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0037.wav,she introduced me to all her guests and gave me some particulars respecting every one of them,5.89,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0038.wav,what sir i said to him am i fortunate enough to see you,5.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0039.wav,he himself recited the same passage in french and politely pointed out the parts in which he thought that i had improved on the original,8.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0040.wav,for the first day sir i think that what you have done gives great hopes of you and without any doubt you will make rapid progress,10.66,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0041.wav,i believe it sir and that is what i fear therefore the principal object of my visit here is to devote myself entirely to the study of the french language,10.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0042.wav,i am a very unpleasant pupil always asking questions curious troublesome insatiable and even supposing that i could meet with the teacher i require i am afraid i am not rich enough to pay him,15.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0043.wav,i reside in the marais rue de douze portes,4.205,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0044.wav,i will make you translate them into french and you need not be afraid of my finding you insatiable,6.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0045.wav,he had a good appetite could tell a good story without laughing was celebrated for his witty repartees and his sociable manners but he spent his life at home seldom going out and seeing hardly anyone because he always had a pipe in his mouth and was surrounded by at least twenty cats with which he would amuse himself all day,20.375,test.clean +data/test.clean/3729-6852-0046.wav,his housekeeper had the management of everything she never allowed him to be in need of anything and she gave no account of his money which she kept altogether because he never asked her to render any accounts,12.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0000.wav,eleven o'clock had struck it was a fine clear night they were the only persons on the road and they sauntered leisurely along to avoid paying the price of fatigue for the recreation provided for the toledans in their valley or on the banks of their river,15.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0001.wav,secure as he thought in the careful administration of justice in that city and the character of its well disposed inhabitants the good hidalgo was far from thinking that any disaster could befal his family,12.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0002.wav,rodolfo and his companions with their faces muffled in their cloaks stared rudely and insolently at the mother the daughter and the servant maid,8.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0003.wav,in a moment he communicated his thoughts to his companions and in the next moment they resolved to turn back and carry her off to please rodolfo for the rich who are open handed always find parasites ready to encourage their bad propensities and thus to conceive this wicked design to communicate it approve it resolve on ravishing leocadia and to carry that design into effect was the work of a moment,27.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0004.wav,they drew their swords hid their faces in the flaps of their cloaks turned back and soon came in front of the little party who had not yet done giving thanks to god for their escape from those audacious men,12.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0005.wav,finally the one party went off exulting and the other was left in desolation and woe,5.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0006.wav,rodolfo arrived at his own house without any impediment and leocadia's parents reached theirs heart broken and despairing,8.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0007.wav,meanwhile rodolfo had leocadia safe in his custody and in his own apartment,5.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0008.wav,who touches me am i in bed,2.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0009.wav,mother dear father do you hear me,2.375,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0010.wav,it is the only amends i ask of you for the wrong you have done me,4.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0011.wav,she found the door but it was locked outside,2.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0012.wav,she succeeded in opening the window and the moonlight shone in so brightly that she could distinguish the colour of some damask hangings in the room,8.595,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0013.wav,she saw that the bed was gilded and so rich that it seemed that of a prince rather than of a private gentleman,6.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0014.wav,among other things on which she cast her eyes was a small crucifix of solid silver standing on a cabinet near the window,7.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0015.wav,this person was rodolfo who though he had gone to look for his friends had changed his mind in that respect not thinking it advisable to acquaint them with what had passed between him and the girl,11.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0016.wav,on the contrary he resolved to tell them that repenting of his violence and moved by her tears he had only carried her half way towards his house and then let her go,9.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0017.wav,choking with emotion leocadi made a sign to her parents that she wished to be alone with them,5.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0018.wav,that would be very well my child replied her father if your plan were not liable to be frustrated by ordinary cunning but no doubt this image has been already missed by its owner and he will have set it down for certain that it was taken out of the room by the person he locked up there,15.414938,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0019.wav,what you had best do my child is to keep it and pray to it that since it was a witness to your undoing it will deign to vindicate your cause by its righteous judgment,12.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0020.wav,thus did this humane and right minded father comfort his unhappy daughter and her mother embracing her again did all she could to soothe her feelings,9.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0021.wav,she meanwhile passed her life with her parents in the strictest retirement never letting herself be seen but shunning every eye lest it should read her misfortune in her face,10.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0022.wav,time rolled on the hour of her delivery arrived it took place in the utmost secrecy her mother taking upon her the office of midwife and she gave birth to a son one of the most beautiful ever seen,13.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0023.wav,when the boy walked through the streets blessings were showered upon him by all who saw him blessings upon his beauty upon the mother that bore him upon the father that begot him upon those who brought him up so well,13.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0024.wav,one day when the boy was sent by his grandfather with a message to a relation he passed along a street in which there was a great concourse of horsemen,8.845,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0025.wav,the bed she too well remembered was there and above all the cabinet on which had stood the image she had taken away was still on the same spot,8.785,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0026.wav,luis was out of danger in a fortnight in a month he rose from his bed and during all that time he was visited daily by his mother and grandmother and treated by the master and mistress of the house as if he was their own child,14.5,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0027.wav,thus saying and pressing the crucifix to her breast she fell fainting into the arms of dona estafania who as a gentlewoman to whose sex pity is as natural as cruelty is to man instantly pressed her lips to those of the fainting girl shedding over her so many tears that there needed no other sprinkling of water to recover leocadia from her swoon,23.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0028.wav,i have great things to tell you senor said dona estafania to her husband the cream and substance of which is this the fainting girl before you is your daughter and that boy is your grandson,12.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0029.wav,this truth which i have learned from her lips is confirmed by his face in which we have both beheld that of our son,7.305,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0030.wav,just then leocadia came to herself and embracing the cross seemed changed into a sea of tears and the gentleman remained in utter bewilderment until his wife had repeated to him from beginning to end leocadia's whole story and he believed it through the blessed dispensation of heaven which had confirmed it by so many convincing testimonies,22.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0031.wav,so persuasive were her entreaties and so strong her assurances that no harm whatever could result to them from the information she sought they were induced to confess that one summer's night the same she had mentioned themselves and another friend being out on a stroll with rodolfo they had been concerned in the abduction of a girl whom rodolfo carried off whilst the rest of them detained her family who made a great outcry and would have defended her if they could,28.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0032.wav,for god's sake my lady mother give me a wife who would be an agreeable companion not one who will disgust me so that we may both bear evenly and with mutual good will the yoke imposed on us by heaven instead of pulling this way and that way and fretting each other to death,17.43,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0033.wav,her bearing was graceful and animated she led her son by the hand and before her walked two maids with wax lights and silver candlesticks,9.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0034.wav,all rose to do her reverence as if something from heaven had miraculously appeared before them but gazing on her entranced with admiration not one of them was able to address a single word to her,13.055,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0035.wav,she reflected how near she stood to the crisis which was to determine whether she was to be blessed or unhappy for ever and racked by the intensity of her emotions she suddenly changed colour her head dropped and she fell forward in a swoon into the arms of the dismayed estafania,17.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0036.wav,his mother had left her to him as being her destined protector but when she saw that he too was insensible she was near making a third and would have done so had he not come to himself,11.535,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0037.wav,know then son of my heart that this fainting lady is your real bride i say real because she is the one whom your father and i have chosen for you and the portrait was a pretence,11.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0038.wav,just at the moment when the tears of the pitying beholders flowed fastest and their ejaculations were most expressive of despair leocadia gave signs of recovery and brought back gladness to the hearts of all,13.8,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0039.wav,when she came to her senses and blushing to find herself in rodolfo's arms would have disengaged herself no senora he said that must not be strive not to withdraw from the arms of him who holds you in his soul,14.375,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0040.wav,this was done for the event took place at a time when the consent of the parties was sufficient for the celebration of a marriage without any of the preliminary formalities which are now so properly required,12.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/5639-40744-0041.wav,nor was rodolfo less surprised than they and the better to assure himself of so wonderful a fact he begged leocadia to give him some token which should make perfectly clear to him that which indeed he did not doubt since it was authenticated by his parents,17.2,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0000.wav,the analysis of knowledge will occupy us until the end of the thirteenth lecture and is the most difficult part of our whole enterprise,8.805,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0001.wav,what is called perception differs from sensation by the fact that the sensational ingredients bring up habitual associates images and expectations of their usual correlates all of which are subjectively indistinguishable from the sensation,17.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0002.wav,whether or not this principle is liable to exceptions everyone would agree that is has a broad measure of truth though the word exactly might seem an overstatement and it might seem more correct to say that ideas approximately represent impressions,16.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0003.wav,and what sort of evidence is logically possible,3.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0004.wav,there is no logical impossibility in the hypothesis that the world sprang into being five minutes ago exactly as it then was with a population that remembered a wholly unreal past,14.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0005.wav,all that i am doing is to use its logical tenability as a help in the analysis of what occurs when we remember,7.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0006.wav,the behaviourist who attempts to make psychology a record of behaviour has to trust his memory in making the record,7.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0007.wav,habit is a concept involving the occurrence of similar events at different times if the behaviourist feels confident that there is such a phenomenon as habit that can only be because he trusts his memory when it assures him that there have been other times,15.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0008.wav,but i do not think such an inference is warranted,3.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0009.wav,our confidence or lack of confidence in the accuracy of a memory image must in fundamental cases be based upon a characteristic of the image itself since we cannot evoke the past bodily and compare it with the present image,16.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0010.wav,we sometimes have images that are by no means peculiarly vague which yet we do not trust for example under the influence of fatigue we may see a friend's face vividly and clearly but horribly distorted,15.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0011.wav,some images like some sensations feel very familiar while others feel strange,6.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0012.wav,familiarity is a feeling capable of degrees,3.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0013.wav,in an image of a well known face for example some parts may feel more familiar than others when this happens we have more belief in the accuracy of the familiar parts than in that of the unfamiliar parts,14.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0014.wav,i come now to the other characteristic which memory images must have in order to account for our knowledge of the past,7.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0015.wav,they must have some characteristic which makes us regard them as referring to more or less remote portions of the past,8.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0016.wav,in actual fact there are doubtless various factors that concur in giving us the feeling of greater or less remoteness in some remembered event,10.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0017.wav,there may be a specific feeling which could be called the feeling of pastness especially where immediate memory is concerned,7.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0018.wav,there is of course a difference between knowing the temporal relation of a remembered event to the present and knowing the time order of two remembered events,11.845,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0019.wav,it would seem that only rather recent events can be placed at all accurately by means of feelings giving their temporal relation to the present but it is clear that such feelings must play an essential part in the process of dating remembered events,18.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0020.wav,if we had retained the subject or act in knowledge the whole problem of memory would have been comparatively simple,7.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0021.wav,remembering has to be a present occurrence in some way resembling or related to what is remembered,6.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0022.wav,some points may be taken as fixed and such as any theory of memory must arrive at,6.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0023.wav,in this case as in most others what may be taken as certain in advance is rather vague,6.265,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0024.wav,the first of our vague but indubitable data is that there is knowledge of the past,6.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0025.wav,we might provisionally though perhaps not quite correctly define memory as that way of knowing about the past which has no analogue in our knowledge of the future such a definition would at least serve to mark the problem with which we are concerned though some expectations may deserve to rank with memory as regards immediacy,21.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0026.wav,this distinction is vital to the understanding of memory but it is not so easy to carry out in practice as it is to draw in theory,9.3,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0027.wav,a gramophone by the help of suitable records might relate to us the incidents of its past and people are not so different from gramophones as they like to believe,11.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0028.wav,i can set to work now to remember things i never remembered before such as what i had to eat for breakfast this morning and it can hardly be wholly habit that enables me to do this,11.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0029.wav,the fact that a man can recite a poem does not show that he remembers any previous occasion on which he has recited or read it,8.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0030.wav,semon's two books mentioned in an earlier lecture do not touch knowledge memory at all closely,7.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0031.wav,they give laws according to which images of past occurrences come into our minds but do not discuss our belief that these images refer to past occurrences which is what constitutes knowledge memory,12.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0032.wav,it is this that is of interest to theory of knowledge,3.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0033.wav,it is by no means always reliable almost everybody has at some time experienced the well known illusion that all that is happening now happened before at some time,11.69,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0034.wav,whenever the sense of familiarity occurs without a definite object it leads us to search the environment until we are satisfied that we have found the appropriate object which leads us to the judgment this is familiar,14.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0035.wav,thus no knowledge as to the past is to be derived from the feeling of familiarity alone,7.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0036.wav,a further stage is recognition,3.235,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0037.wav,recognition in this sense does not necessarily involve more than a habit of association the kind of object we are seeing at the moment is associated with the word cat or with an auditory image of purring or whatever other characteristic we may happen to recognize in the cat of the moment,20.535,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0038.wav,we are of course in fact able to judge when we recognize an object that we have seen it before but this judgment is something over and above recognition in this first sense and may very probably be impossible to animals that nevertheless have the experience of recognition in this first sense of the word,22.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0039.wav,this knowledge is memory in one sense though in another it is not,4.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0040.wav,there are however several points in which such an account of recognition is inadequate to begin with it might seem at first sight more correct to define recognition as i have seen this before than as this has existed before,16.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0041.wav,the definition of my experience is difficult broadly speaking it is everything that is connected with what i am experiencing now by certain links of which the various forms of memory are among the most important,14.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0042.wav,thus if i recognize a thing the occasion of its previous existence in virtue of which i recognize it forms part of my experience by definition recognition will be one of the marks by which my experience is singled out from the rest of the world,18.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/8230-279154-0043.wav,of course the words this has existed before are a very inadequate translation of what actually happens when we form a judgment of recognition but that is unavoidable words are framed to express a level of thought which is by no means primitive and are quite incapable of expressing such an elementary occurrence as recognition,24.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0000.wav,i remained there alone for many hours but i must acknowledge that before i left the chambers i had gradually brought myself to look at the matter in another light,8.745,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0001.wav,had eva crasweller not been good looking had jack been still at college had sir kennington oval remained in england had mister bunnit and the bar keeper not succeeded in stopping my carriage on the hill should i have succeeded in arranging for the final departure of my old friend,18.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0002.wav,on arriving at home at my own residence i found that our salon was filled with a brilliant company,6.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0003.wav,as i spoke i made him a gracious bow and i think i showed him by my mode of address that i did not bear any grudge as to my individual self,10.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0004.wav,i have come to your shores mister president with the purpose of seeing how things are progressing in this distant quarter of the world,7.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0005.wav,we have our little struggles here as elsewhere and all things cannot be done by rose water,5.685,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0006.wav,we are quite satisfied now captain battleax said my wife,4.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0007.wav,quite satisfied said eva,2.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0008.wav,the ladies in compliance with that softness of heart which is their characteristic are on one side and the men by whom the world has to be managed are on the other,11.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0009.wav,no doubt in process of time the ladies will follow,4.58,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0010.wav,their masters said missus neverbend,3.1,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0011.wav,i did not mean said captain battleax to touch upon public subjects at such a moment as this,6.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0012.wav,missus neverbend you must indeed be proud of your son,3.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0013.wav,jack had been standing in the far corner of the room talking to eva and was now reduced to silence by his praises,7.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0014.wav,sir kennington oval is a very fine player said my wife,4.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0015.wav,i and my wife and son and the two craswellers and three or four others agreed to dine on board the ship on the next,8.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0016.wav,this i felt was paid to me as being president of the republic and i endeavoured to behave myself with such mingled humility and dignity as might befit the occasion but i could not but feel that something was wanting to the simplicity of my ordinary life,16.239937,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0017.wav,my wife on the spur of the moment managed to give the gentlemen a very good dinner,5.330063,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0018.wav,this she said was true hospitality and i am not sure that i did not agree with her,5.925,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0019.wav,then there were three or four leading men of the community with their wives who were for the most part the fathers and mothers of the young ladies,8.105,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0020.wav,oh yes said jack and i'm nowhere,3.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0021.wav,but i mean to have my innings before long,2.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0022.wav,of what missus neverbend had gone through in providing birds beasts and fishes not to talk of tarts and jellies for the dinner of that day no one but myself can have any idea but it must be admitted that she accomplished her task with thorough success,16.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0023.wav,we sat with the officers some little time after dinner and then went ashore,4.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0024.wav,how much of evil of real accomplished evil had there not occurred to me during the last few days,7.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0025.wav,what could i do now but just lay myself down and die,3.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0026.wav,and the death of which i dreamt could not alas,3.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0027.wav,when this captain should have taken himself and his vessel back to england i would retire to a small farm which i possessed at the farthest side of the island and there in seclusion would i end my days,12.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0028.wav,jack would become eva's happy husband and would remain amidst the hurried duties of the eager world,7.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0029.wav,thinking of all this i went to sleep,3.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0030.wav,mister neverbend began the captain and i observed that up to that moment he had generally addressed me as president it cannot be denied that we have come here on an unpleasant mission,12.845,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0031.wav,you have received us with all that courtesy and hospitality for which your character in england stands so high,7.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0032.wav,it is a duty said i,2.14,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0033.wav,but your power is so superior to any that i can advance as to make us here feel that there is no disgrace in yielding to it,7.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0034.wav,not a doubt but had your force been only double or treble our own i should have found it my duty to struggle with you,7.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0035.wav,that is all quite true mister neverbend said sir ferdinando brown,4.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0036.wav,i can afford to smile because i am absolutely powerless before you but i do not the less feel that in a matter in which the progress of the world is concerned i or rather we have been put down by brute force,15.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0037.wav,you have come to us threatening us with absolute destruction,4.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0038.wav,therefore i feel myself quite able as president of this republic to receive you with a courtesy due to the servants of a friendly ally,10.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0039.wav,i can assure you he has not even allowed me to see the trigger since i have been on board,5.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0040.wav,then said sir ferdinando there is nothing for it but that he must take you with him,6.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0041.wav,there came upon me a sudden shock when i heard these words which exceeded anything which i had yet felt,6.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0042.wav,you hear what sir ferdinando brown has said replied captain battleax,4.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0043.wav,but what is the delicate mission i asked,3.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0044.wav,i was to be taken away and carried to england or elsewhere or drowned upon the voyage it mattered not which,7.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0045.wav,then the republic of britannula was to be declared as non existent and the british flag was to be exalted and a british governor installed in the executive chambers,11.285,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0046.wav,you may be quite sure it's there said captain battleax and that i can so use it as to half obliterate your town within two minutes of my return on board,9.33,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0047.wav,you propose to kidnap me i said,2.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0048.wav,what would become of your gun were i to kidnap you,3.43,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0049.wav,lieutenant crosstrees is a very gallant officer,4.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0050.wav,one of us always remains on board while the other is on shore,3.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0051.wav,what world wide iniquity such a speech as that discloses said i still turning myself to the captain for though i would have crushed them both by my words had it been possible my dislike centred itself on sir ferdinando,13.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0052.wav,you will allow me to suggest said he that that is a matter of opinion,4.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0053.wav,were i to comply with your orders without expressing my own opinion i should seem to have done so willingly hereafter,6.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0054.wav,the letter ran as follows,2.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0055.wav,sir i have it in command to inform your excellency that you have been appointed governor of the crown colony which is called britannula,9.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0056.wav,the peculiar circumstances of the colony are within your excellency's knowledge,5.545,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0057.wav,but in their selection of a constitution the britannulists have unfortunately allowed themselves but one deliberative assembly and hence have sprung their present difficulties,10.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0058.wav,it is founded on the acknowledged weakness of those who survive that period of life at which men cease to work,7.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0059.wav,but it is surmised that you will find difficulties in the way of your entering at once upon your government,5.535,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0060.wav,the john bright is armed with a weapon of great power against which it is impossible that the people of britannula should prevail,7.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0061.wav,you will carry out with you one hundred men of the north north west birmingham regiment which will probably suffice for your own security as it is thought that if mister neverbend be withdrawn the people will revert easily to their old habits of obedience,15.645,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0062.wav,when do you intend that the john bright shall start,3.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0063.wav,to day i shouted,2.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0064.wav,and i have no one ready to whom i can give up the archives of the government,3.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0065.wav,i shall be happy to take charge of them said sir ferdinando,3.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0066.wav,they of course must all be altered,2.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0067.wav,or of the habits of our people it is quite impossible,3.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0068.wav,your power is sufficient i said,2.59,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0069.wav,if you will give us your promise to meet captain battleax here at this time to morrow we will stretch a point and delay the departure of the john bright for twenty four hours,8.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/8455-210777-0070.wav,and this plan was adopted too in order to extract from me a promise that i would depart in peace,5.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0000.wav,it is a very fine old place of red brick softened by a pale powdery lichen which has dispersed itself with happy irregularity so as to bring the red brick into terms of friendly companionship with the limestone ornaments surrounding the three gables the windows and the door place,22.57,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0001.wav,but the windows are patched with wooden panes and the door i think is like the gate it is never opened,8.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0002.wav,for it is a solid heavy handsome door and must once have been in the habit of shutting with a sonorous bang behind a liveried lackey who had just seen his master and mistress off the grounds in a carriage and pair,15.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0003.wav,a large open fireplace with rusty dogs in it and a bare boarded floor at the far end fleeces of wool stacked up in the middle of the floor some empty corn bags,14.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0004.wav,and what through the left hand window,2.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0005.wav,several clothes horses a pillion a spinning wheel and an old box wide open and stuffed full of coloured rags,9.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0006.wav,at the edge of this box there lies a great wooden doll which so far as mutilation is concerned bears a strong resemblance to the finest greek sculpture and especially in the total loss of its nose,13.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0007.wav,the history of the house is plain now,2.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0008.wav,but there is always a stronger sense of life when the sun is brilliant after rain and now he is pouring down his beams and making sparkles among the wet straw and lighting up every patch of vivid green moss on the red tiles of the cow shed and turning even the muddy water that is hurrying along the channel to the drain into a mirror for the yellow billed ducks who are seizing the opportunity of getting a drink with as much body in it as possible,31.65,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0009.wav,for the great barn doors are thrown wide open and men are busy there mending the harness under the superintendence of mister goby the whittaw otherwise saddler who entertains them with the latest treddleston gossip,14.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0010.wav,hetty sorrel often took the opportunity when her aunt's back was turned of looking at the pleasing reflection of herself in those polished surfaces for the oak table was usually turned up like a screen and was more for ornament than for use and she could see herself sometimes in the great round pewter dishes that were ranged on the shelves above the long deal dinner table or in the hobs of the grate which always shone like jasper,30.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0011.wav,do not suppose however that missus poyser was elderly or shrewish in her appearance she was a good looking woman not more than eight and thirty of fair complexion and sandy hair well shapen light footed,16.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0012.wav,the family likeness between her and her niece dinah morris with the contrast between her keenness and dinah's seraphic gentleness of expression might have served a painter as an excellent suggestion for a martha and mary,16.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0013.wav,her tongue was not less keen than her eye and whenever a damsel came within earshot seemed to take up an unfinished lecture as a barrel organ takes up a tune precisely at the point where it had left off,14.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0014.wav,the fact that it was churning day was another reason why it was inconvenient to have the whittaws and why consequently missus poyser should scold molly the housemaid with unusual severity,12.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0015.wav,to all appearance molly had got through her after dinner work in an exemplary manner had cleaned herself with great dispatch and now came to ask submissively if she should sit down to her spinning till milking time,15.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0016.wav,spinning indeed,2.26,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0017.wav,i never knew your equals for gallowsness,2.835,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0018.wav,who taught you to scrub a floor i should like to know,3.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0019.wav,comb the wool for the whittaws indeed,2.66,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0020.wav,that's what you'd like to be doing is it,2.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0021.wav,that's the way with you that's the road you'd all like to go headlongs to ruin,5.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0022.wav,mister ottley's indeed,2.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0023.wav,you're a rare un for sitting down to your work a little while after it's time to put by,5.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0024.wav,munny my iron's twite told pease put it down to warm,5.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0025.wav,cold is it my darling bless your sweet face,3.595,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0026.wav,she's going to put the ironing things away,2.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0027.wav,munny i tould ike to do into de barn to tommy to see de whittawd,5.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0028.wav,no no no totty ud get her feet wet said missus poyser carrying away her iron,6.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0029.wav,did ever anybody see the like screamed missus poyser running towards the table when her eye had fallen on the blue stream,8.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0030.wav,totty however had descended from her chair with great swiftness and was already in retreat towards the dairy with a sort of waddling run and an amount of fat on the nape of her neck which made her look like the metamorphosis of a white suckling pig,16.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0031.wav,and she was very fond of you too aunt rachel,2.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0032.wav,i often heard her talk of you in the same sort of way,3.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0033.wav,when she had that bad illness and i was only eleven years old she used to say you'll have a friend on earth in your aunt rachel if i'm taken from you for she has a kind heart and i'm sure i've found it so,12.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0034.wav,and there's linen in the house as i could well spare you for i've got lots o sheeting and table clothing and towelling as isn't made up,7.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0035.wav,but not more than what's in the bible aunt said dinah,3.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0036.wav,nay dear aunt you never heard me say that all people are called to forsake their work and their families,6.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0037.wav,we can all be servants of god wherever our lot is cast but he gives us different sorts of work according as he fits us for it and calls us to it,10.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0038.wav,i can no more help spending my life in trying to do what i can for the souls of others than you could help running if you heard little totty crying at the other end of the house the voice would go to your heart you would think the dear child was in trouble or in danger and you couldn't rest without running to help her and comfort her,20.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0039.wav,i've strong assurance that no evil will happen to you and my uncle and the children from anything i've done,6.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0040.wav,i didn't preach without direction,2.385,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0041.wav,direction,1.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0042.wav,i hanna common patience with you,2.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0043.wav,by this time the two gentlemen had reached the palings and had got down from their horses it was plain they meant to come in,7.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0044.wav,said mister irwine with his stately cordiality,3.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0045.wav,oh sir don't mention it said missus poyser,3.005,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0046.wav,i delight in your kitchen,1.905,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0047.wav,poyser is not at home is he,2.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0048.wav,said captain donnithorne seating himself where he could see along the short passage to the open dairy door,6.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0049.wav,no sir he isn't he's gone to rosseter to see mister west the factor about the wool,6.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0050.wav,but there's father the barn sir if he'd be of any use,4.045,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0051.wav,no thank you i'll just look at the whelps and leave a message about them with your shepherd,5.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0052.wav,i must come another day and see your husband i want to have a consultation with him about horses,6.53,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0053.wav,for if he's anywhere on the farm we can send for him in a minute,3.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0054.wav,oh sir said missus poyser rather alarmed you wouldn't like it at all,5.68,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0055.wav,but you know more about that than i do sir,2.655,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0056.wav,i think i should be doing you a service to turn you out of such a place,3.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0057.wav,i know his farm is in better order than any other within ten miles of us and as for the kitchen he added smiling i don't believe there's one in the kingdom to beat it,10.08,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0058.wav,by the by i've never seen your dairy i must see your dairy missus poyser,4.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0059.wav,this missus poyser said blushing and believing that the captain was really interested in her milk pans and would adjust his opinion of her to the appearance of her dairy,10.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/2094-142345-0060.wav,oh i've no doubt it's in capital order,2.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0000.wav,frank read english slowly and the more he read about this divorce case the angrier he grew,6.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0001.wav,marie sighed,1.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0002.wav,a brisk wind had come up and was driving puffy white clouds across the sky,5.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0003.wav,the orchard was sparkling and rippling in the sun,3.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0004.wav,that invitation decided her,2.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0005.wav,oh but i'm glad to get this place mowed,2.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0006.wav,just smell the wild roses they are always so spicy after a rain,4.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0007.wav,we never had so many of them in here before,2.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0008.wav,i suppose it's the wet season will you have to cut them too,3.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0009.wav,i suppose that's the wet season too then,2.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0010.wav,it's exciting to see everything growing so fast and to get the grass cut,3.995,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0011.wav,aren't you splashed look at the spider webs all over the grass,3.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0012.wav,in a few moments he heard the cherries dropping smartly into the pail and he began to swing his scythe with that long even stroke that few american boys ever learn,10.935,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0013.wav,marie picked cherries and sang softly to herself stripping one glittering branch after another shivering when she caught a shower of raindrops on her neck and hair,10.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0014.wav,and emil mowed his way slowly down toward the cherry trees,4.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0015.wav,that summer the rains had been so many and opportune that it was almost more than shabata and his man could do to keep up with the corn the orchard was a neglected wilderness,10.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0016.wav,i don't know all of them but i know lindens are,3.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0017.wav,if i feel that way i feel that way,2.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0018.wav,he reached up among the branches and began to pick the sweet insipid fruit long ivory colored berries tipped with faint pink like white coral that fall to the ground unheeded all summer through,12.845,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0019.wav,he dropped a handful into her lap,2.86,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0020.wav,yes don't you,2.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0021.wav,oh ever so much only he seems kind of staid and school teachery,5.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0022.wav,when she used to tell me about him i always wondered whether she wasn't a little in love with him,5.165,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0023.wav,it would serve you all right if she walked off with carl,3.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0024.wav,i like to talk to carl about new york and what a fellow can do there,4.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0025.wav,oh emil,1.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0026.wav,surely you are not thinking of going off there,3.05,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0027.wav,marie's face fell under his brooding gaze,3.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0028.wav,i'm sure alexandra hopes you will stay on here she murmured,4.524938,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0029.wav,i don't want to stand around and look on,2.065,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0030.wav,i want to be doing something on my own account,2.78,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0031.wav,sometimes i don't want to do anything at all and sometimes i want to pull the four corners of the divide together he threw out his arm and brought it back with a jerk so like a table cloth,10.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0032.wav,i get tired of seeing men and horses going up and down up and down,5.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0033.wav,i wish you weren't so restless and didn't get so worked up over things she said sadly,6.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0034.wav,thank you he returned shortly,3.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0035.wav,and you never used to be cross to me,2.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0036.wav,i can't play with you like a little boy any more he said slowly that's what you miss marie,6.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0037.wav,but emil if i understand then all our good times are over we can never do nice things together any more,7.105,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0038.wav,and anyhow there's nothing to understand,2.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0039.wav,that won't last it will go away and things will be just as they used to,4.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0040.wav,i pray for you but that's not the same as if you prayed yourself,4.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0041.wav,i can't pray to have the things i want he said slowly and i won't pray not to have them not if i'm damned for it,8.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134500-0042.wav,then all our good times are over,2.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0000.wav,here she would stay comforted and soothed among the lovely plants and rich exotics rejoicing the heart of old turner the gardener who since polly's first rapturous entrance had taken her into his good graces for all time,13.29,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0001.wav,every chance she could steal after practice hours were over and after the clamorous demands of the boys upon her time were fully satisfied was seized to fly on the wings of the wind to the flowers,11.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0002.wav,then dear said missus whitney you must be kinder to her than ever think what it would be for one of you to be away from home even among friends,8.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0003.wav,somehow of all the days when the home feeling was the strongest this day it seemed as if she could bear it no longer,6.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0004.wav,if she could only see phronsie for just one moment,3.295,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0005.wav,oh she's always at the piano said van she must be there now somewhere and then somebody laughed,6.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0006.wav,at this the bundle opened suddenly and out popped phronsie,6.15,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0007.wav,but polly couldn't speak and if jasper hadn't caught her just in time she would have tumbled over backward from the stool phronsie and all,8.68,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0008.wav,asked phronsie with her little face close to polly's own,3.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0009.wav,now you'll stay cried van say polly won't you,3.97,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0010.wav,oh you are the dearest and best mister king i ever saw but how did you make mammy let her come,6.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0011.wav,isn't he splendid cried jasper in intense pride swelling up father knew how to do it,6.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0012.wav,there there he said soothingly patting her brown fuzzy head,4.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0013.wav,i know gasped polly controlling her sobs i won't only i can't thank you,6.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0014.wav,asked phronsie in intense interest slipping down out of polly's arms and crowding up close to jasper's side,6.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0015.wav,yes all alone by himself asserted jasper vehemently and winking furiously to the others to stop their laughing he did now truly phronsie,9.34,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0016.wav,oh no jasper i must go by my very own self,4.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0017.wav,there jap you've caught it laughed percy while the others screamed at the sight of jasper's face,6.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0018.wav,don't mind it polly whispered jasper twasn't her fault,4.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0019.wav,dear me ejaculated the old gentleman in the utmost amazement and such a time as i've had to get her here too,7.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0020.wav,how did her mother ever let her go,2.24,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0021.wav,she asked impulsively i didn't believe you could persuade her father,4.365,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0022.wav,i didn't have any fears if i worked it rightly said the old gentleman complacently,5.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0023.wav,he cried in high dudgeon just as if he owned the whole of the peppers and could dispose of them all to suit his fancy,6.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0024.wav,and the old gentleman was so delighted with his success that he had to burst out into a series of short happy bits of laughter that occupied quite a space of time,9.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-126133-0025.wav,at last he came out of them and wiped his face vigorously,3.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0000.wav,it is sixteen years since john bergson died,4.105,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0001.wav,his wife now lies beside him and the white shaft that marks their graves gleams across the wheat fields,7.38,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0002.wav,from the norwegian graveyard one looks out over a vast checker board marked off in squares of wheat and corn light and dark dark and light,11.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0003.wav,from the graveyard gate one can count a dozen gayly painted farmhouses the gilded weather vanes on the big red barns wink at each other across the green and brown and yellow fields,12.765,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0004.wav,the air and the earth are curiously mated and intermingled as if the one were the breath of the other,6.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0005.wav,he was a splendid figure of a boy tall and straight as a young pine tree with a handsome head and stormy gray eyes deeply set under a serious brow,10.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0006.wav,that's not much of a job for an athlete here i've been to town and back,4.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0007.wav,alexandra lets you sleep late,2.035,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0008.wav,she gathered up her reins,2.305,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0009.wav,please wait for me marie emil coaxed,2.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0010.wav,i never see lou's scythe over here,2.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0011.wav,how brown you've got since you came home i wish i had an athlete to mow my orchard,5.035,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0012.wav,i get wet to my knees when i go down to pick cherries,3.66,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0013.wav,indeed he had looked away with the purpose of not seeing it,4.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0014.wav,they think you're proud because you've been away to school or something,3.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0015.wav,there was something individual about the great farm a most unusual trimness and care for detail,6.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0016.wav,on either side of the road for a mile before you reached the foot of the hill stood tall osage orange hedges their glossy green marking off the yellow fields,10.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0017.wav,any one thereabouts would have told you that this was one of the richest farms on the divide and that the farmer was a woman alexandra bergson,9.105,test.clean +data/test.clean/237-134493-0018.wav,there is even a white row of beehives in the orchard under the walnut trees,4.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0000.wav,he could wait no longer,2.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0001.wav,for a full hour he had paced up and down waiting but he could wait no longer,5.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0002.wav,he set off abruptly for the bull walking rapidly lest his father's shrill whistle might call him back and in a few moments he had rounded the curve at the police barrack and was safe,11.6,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0003.wav,the university,2.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0004.wav,pride after satisfaction uplifted him like long slow waves,5.175063,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0005.wav,whose feet are as the feet of harts and underneath the everlasting arms,5.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0006.wav,the pride of that dim image brought back to his mind the dignity of the office he had refused,5.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0007.wav,soon the whole bridge was trembling and resounding,3.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0008.wav,the uncouth faces passed him two by two stained yellow or red or livid by the sea and as he strove to look at them with ease and indifference a faint stain of personal shame and commiseration rose to his own face,14.985,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0009.wav,angry with himself he tried to hide his face from their eyes by gazing down sideways into the shallow swirling water under the bridge but he still saw a reflection therein of their top heavy silk hats and humble tape like collars and loosely hanging clerical clothes brother hickey,20.055,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0010.wav,brother mac ardle brother keogh,3.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0011.wav,their piety would be like their names like their faces like their clothes and it was idle for him to tell himself that their humble and contrite hearts it might be paid a far richer tribute of devotion than his had ever been a gift tenfold more acceptable than his elaborate adoration,20.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0012.wav,it was idle for him to move himself to be generous towards them to tell himself that if he ever came to their gates stripped of his pride beaten and in beggar's weeds that they would be generous towards him loving him as themselves,15.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0013.wav,idle and embittering finally to argue against his own dispassionate certitude that the commandment of love bade us not to love our neighbour as ourselves with the same amount and intensity of love but to love him as ourselves with the same kind of love,16.33,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0014.wav,the phrase and the day and the scene harmonized in a chord,4.755,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0015.wav,words was it their colours,3.395,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0016.wav,they were voyaging across the deserts of the sky a host of nomads on the march voyaging high over ireland westward bound,9.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0017.wav,the europe they had come from lay out there beyond the irish sea europe of strange tongues and valleyed and woodbegirt and citadelled and of entrenched and marshalled races,11.695,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0018.wav,again again,3.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0019.wav,a voice from beyond the world was calling,3.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0020.wav,hello stephanos here comes the dedalus,3.99,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0021.wav,their diving stone poised on its rude supports and rocking under their plunges and the rough hewn stones of the sloping breakwater over which they scrambled in their horseplay gleamed with cold wet lustre,13.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0022.wav,he stood still in deference to their calls and parried their banter with easy words,5.635,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0023.wav,it was a pain to see them and a sword like pain to see the signs of adolescence that made repellent their pitiable nakedness,7.735,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0024.wav,stephanos dedalos,2.215,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134691-0025.wav,a moment before the ghost of the ancient kingdom of the danes had looked forth through the vesture of the hazewrapped city,8.005,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0000.wav,he hoped there would be stew for dinner turnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat mutton pieces to be ladled out in thick peppered flour fattened sauce,10.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0001.wav,stuff it into you his belly counselled him,3.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0002.wav,after early nightfall the yellow lamps would light up here and there the squalid quarter of the brothels,6.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0003.wav,hello bertie any good in your mind,2.68,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0004.wav,number ten fresh nelly is waiting on you good night husband,5.215063,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0005.wav,the music came nearer and he recalled the words the words of shelley's fragment upon the moon wandering companionless pale for weariness,9.635,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0006.wav,the dull light fell more faintly upon the page whereon another equation began to unfold itself slowly and to spread abroad its widening tail,10.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0007.wav,a cold lucid indifference reigned in his soul,4.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0008.wav,the chaos in which his ardour extinguished itself was a cold indifferent knowledge of himself,6.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0009.wav,at most by an alms given to a beggar whose blessing he fled from he might hope wearily to win for himself some measure of actual grace,10.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0010.wav,well now ennis i declare you have a head and so has my stick,4.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0011.wav,on saturday mornings when the sodality met in the chapel to recite the little office his place was a cushioned kneeling desk at the right of the altar from which he led his wing of boys through the responses,12.445,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0012.wav,her eyes seemed to regard him with mild pity her holiness a strange light glowing faintly upon her frail flesh did not humiliate the sinner who approached her,11.64,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0013.wav,if ever he was impelled to cast sin from him and to repent the impulse that moved him was the wish to be her knight,7.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0014.wav,he tried to think how it could be,2.225,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0015.wav,but the dusk deepening in the schoolroom covered over his thoughts the bell rang,5.815,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0016.wav,then you can ask him questions on the catechism dedalus,3.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0017.wav,stephen leaning back and drawing idly on his scribbler listened to the talk about him which heron checked from time to time by saying,8.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0018.wav,it was strange too that he found an arid pleasure in following up to the end the rigid lines of the doctrines of the church and penetrating into obscure silences only to hear and feel the more deeply his own condemnation,15.72,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0019.wav,the sentence of saint james which says that he who offends against one commandment becomes guilty of all had seemed to him first a swollen phrase until he had begun to grope in the darkness of his own state,13.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0020.wav,if a man had stolen a pound in his youth and had used that pound to amass a huge fortune how much was he obliged to give back the pound he had stolen only or the pound together with the compound interest accruing upon it or all his huge fortune,16.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0021.wav,if a layman in giving baptism pour the water before saying the words is the child baptized,6.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0022.wav,how comes it that while the first beatitude promises the kingdom of heaven to the poor of heart the second beatitude promises also to the meek that they shall possess the land,11.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0023.wav,why was the sacrament of the eucharist instituted under the two species of bread and wine if jesus christ be present body and blood soul and divinity in the bread alone and in the wine alone,13.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0024.wav,if the wine change into vinegar and the host crumble into corruption after they have been consecrated is jesus christ still present under their species as god and as man,11.655,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0025.wav,a gentle kick from the tall boy in the bench behind urged stephen to ask a difficult question,6.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0026.wav,the rector did not ask for a catechism to hear the lesson from,4.01,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0027.wav,he clasped his hands on the desk and said,2.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0028.wav,the retreat will begin on wednesday afternoon in honour of saint francis xavier whose feast day is saturday,7.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0029.wav,on friday confession will be heard all the afternoon after beads,4.67,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0030.wav,beware of making that mistake,2.715,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0031.wav,stephen's heart began slowly to fold and fade with fear like a withering flower,6.615,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0032.wav,he is called as you know the apostle of the indies,4.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0033.wav,a great saint saint francis xavier,3.33,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0034.wav,the rector paused and then shaking his clasped hands before him went on,5.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0035.wav,he had the faith in him that moves mountains,3.445,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0036.wav,a great saint saint francis xavier,3.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/1089-134686-0037.wav,in the silence their dark fire kindled the dusk into a tawny glow,5.21,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0000.wav,we want you to help us publish some leading work of luther's for the general american market will you do it,6.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0001.wav,the condition is that i will be permitted to make luther talk american streamline him so to speak because you will never get people whether in or outside the lutheran church actually to read luther unless we make him talk as he would talk today to americans,16.125062,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0002.wav,let us begin with that his commentary on galatians,4.315,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0003.wav,the undertaking which seemed so attractive when viewed as a literary task proved a most difficult one and at times became oppressive,8.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0004.wav,it was written in latin,1.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0005.wav,the work had to be condensed,2.105,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0006.wav,a word should now be said about the origin of luther's commentary on galatians,4.55,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0007.wav,much later when a friend of his was preparing an edition of all his latin works he remarked to his home circle if i had my way about it they would republish only those of my books which have doctrine my galatians for instance,14.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0008.wav,in other words these three men took down the lectures which luther addressed to his students in the course of galatians and roerer prepared the manuscript for the printer,9.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0009.wav,it presents like no other of luther's writings the central thought of christianity the justification of the sinner for the sake of christ's merits alone,8.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0010.wav,but the essence of luther's lectures is there,3.36,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0011.wav,the lord who has given us power to teach and to hear let him also give us the power to serve and to do luke two,9.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3979-0012.wav,the word of our god shall stand forever,3.625,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0000.wav,in every way they sought to undermine the authority of saint paul,3.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0001.wav,they said to the galatians you have no right to think highly of paul,3.945,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0002.wav,he was the last to turn to christ,2.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0003.wav,paul came later and is beneath us,2.48,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0004.wav,indeed he persecuted the church of christ for a long time,3.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0005.wav,do you suppose that god for the sake of a few lutheran heretics would disown his entire church,6.45,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0006.wav,against these boasting false apostles paul boldly defends his apostolic authority and ministry,6.41,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0007.wav,as the ambassador of a government is honored for his office and not for his private person so the minister of christ should exalt his office in order to gain authority among men,10.19,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0008.wav,paul takes pride in his ministry not to his own praise but to the praise of god,4.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0009.wav,paul an apostle not of men et cetera,3.885,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0010.wav,either he calls ministers through the agency of men or he calls them directly as he called the prophets and apostles,6.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0011.wav,paul declares that the false apostles were called or sent neither by men nor by man,5.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0012.wav,the most they could claim is that they were sent by others,3.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0013.wav,he mentions the apostles first because they were appointed directly by god,4.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0014.wav,the call is not to be taken lightly,2.525,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0015.wav,for a person to possess knowledge is not enough,2.685,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0016.wav,it spoils one's best work,2.37,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0017.wav,when i was a young man i thought paul was making too much of his call,3.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0018.wav,i did not then realize the importance of the ministry,3.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0019.wav,i knew nothing of the doctrine of faith because we were taught sophistry instead of certainty and nobody understood spiritual boasting,7.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0020.wav,this is no sinful pride it is holy pride,3.46,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0021.wav,and god the father who raised him from the dead,2.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0022.wav,the clause seems superfluous on first sight,3.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0023.wav,these perverters of the righteousness of christ resist the father and the son and the works of them both,6.16,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0024.wav,in this whole epistle paul treats of the resurrection of christ,3.935,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0025.wav,by his resurrection christ won the victory over law sin flesh world devil death hell and every evil,8.795,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0026.wav,verse two,1.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0027.wav,and all the brethren which are with me,2.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0028.wav,this should go far in shutting the mouths of the false apostles,3.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0029.wav,although the brethren with me are not apostles like myself yet they are all of one mind with me think write and teach as i do,9.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0030.wav,they do not go where the enemies of the gospel predominate they go where the christians are,5.25,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0031.wav,why do they not invade the catholic provinces and preach their doctrine to godless princes bishops and doctors as we have done by the help of god,8.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0032.wav,we look for that reward which eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath entered into the heart of man,7.22,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0033.wav,not all the galatians had become perverted,2.71,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0034.wav,these means cannot be contaminated,2.97,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0035.wav,they remain divine regardless of men's opinion,3.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0036.wav,wherever the means of grace are found there is the holy church even though antichrist reigns there,5.765,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0037.wav,so much for the title of the epistle now follows the greeting of the apostle verse three,6.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0038.wav,grace be to you and peace from god the father and from our lord jesus christ,5.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0039.wav,the terms of grace and peace are common terms with paul and are now pretty well understood,5.195,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0040.wav,the greeting of the apostle is refreshing,2.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0041.wav,grace involves the remission of sins peace and a happy conscience,4.89,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0042.wav,the world brands this a pernicious doctrine,3.02,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0043.wav,experience proves this,1.975,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0044.wav,however the grace and peace of god will,3.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0045.wav,men should not speculate about the nature of god,3.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0046.wav,was it not enough to say from god the father,2.84,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0047.wav,to do so is to lose god altogether because god becomes intolerable when we seek to measure and to comprehend his infinite majesty,7.865,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0048.wav,he came down to earth lived among men suffered was crucified and then he died standing clearly before us so that our hearts and eyes may fasten upon him,10.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0049.wav,embrace him and forget about the nature of god,3.42,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0050.wav,did not christ himself say i am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me,7.475,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0051.wav,when you argue about the nature of god apart from the question of justification you may be as profound as you like,6.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0052.wav,we are to hear christ who has been appointed by the father as our divine teacher,4.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0053.wav,at the same time paul confirms our creed that christ is very god,5.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0054.wav,that christ is very god is apparent in that paul ascribes to him divine powers equally with the father as for instance the power to dispense grace and peace,10.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0055.wav,to bestow peace and grace lies in the province of god who alone can create these blessings the angels cannot,7.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0056.wav,otherwise paul should have written grace from god the father and peace from our lord jesus christ,5.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0057.wav,the arians took christ for a noble and perfect creature superior even to the angels because by him god created heaven and earth,8.07,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0058.wav,mohammed also speaks highly of christ,2.69,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0059.wav,paul sticks to his theme,1.825,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0060.wav,he never loses sight of the purpose of his epistle,2.675,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0061.wav,not gold or silver or paschal lambs or an angel but himself what for,7.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0062.wav,not for a crown or a kingdom or our goodness but for our sins,5.44,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0063.wav,underscore these words for they are full of comfort for sore consciences,5.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0064.wav,how may we obtain remission of our sins,2.88,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0065.wav,paul answers the man who is named jesus christ and the son of god gave himself for our sins,6.515,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0066.wav,since christ was given for our sins it stands to reason that they cannot be put away by our own efforts,6.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0067.wav,this sentence also defines our sins as great so great in fact that the whole world could not make amends for a single sin,8.13,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0068.wav,the greatness of the ransom christ the son of god indicates this,5.0,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0069.wav,the vicious character of sin is brought out by the words who gave himself for our sins,5.555063,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0070.wav,but we are careless we make light of sin,3.73,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0071.wav,we think that by some little work or merit we can dismiss sin,3.96,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0072.wav,this passage then bears out the fact that all men are sold under sin,4.855,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0073.wav,this attitude springs from a false conception of sin the conception that sin is a small matter easily taken care of by good works that we must present ourselves unto god with a good conscience that we must feel no sin before we may feel that christ was given for our sins,16.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0074.wav,this attitude is universal and particularly developed in those who consider themselves better than others,5.7,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0075.wav,but the real significance and comfort of the words for our sins is lost upon them,5.79,test.clean +data/test.clean/2830-3980-0076.wav,on the other hand we are not to regard them as so terrible that we must despair,4.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0000.wav,the paris plant like that at the crystal palace was a temporary exhibit,5.08,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0001.wav,the london plant was less temporary but not permanent supplying before it was torn out no fewer than three thousand lamps in hotels churches stores and dwellings in the vicinity of holborn viaduct,14.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0002.wav,there messrs johnson and hammer put into practice many of the ideas now standard in the art and secured much useful data for the work in new york of which the story has just been told,13.115,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0003.wav,the dynamo electric machine though small was robust for under all the varying speeds of water power and the vicissitudes of the plant to which it belonged it continued in active use until eighteen ninety nine seventeen years,16.76,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0004.wav,owing to his insistence on low pressure direct current for use in densely populated districts as the only safe and truly universal profitable way of delivering electrical energy to the consumers edison has been frequently spoken of as an opponent of the alternating current,19.91,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0005.wav,why if we erect a station at the falls it is a great economy to get it up to the city,6.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0006.wav,there seems no good reason for believing that it will change,4.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0007.wav,broad as the prairies and free in thought as the winds that sweep them he is idiosyncratically opposed to loose and wasteful methods to plans of empire that neglect the poor at the gate,13.445,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0008.wav,everything he has done has been aimed at the conservation of energy the contraction of space the intensification of culture,9.125,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0009.wav,for some years it was not found feasible to operate motors on alternating current circuits and that reason was often urged against it seriously,9.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0010.wav,it could not be used for electroplating or deposition nor could it charge storage batteries all of which are easily within the ability of the direct current,10.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0011.wav,but when it came to be a question of lighting a scattered suburb a group of dwellings on the outskirts a remote country residence or a farm house the alternating current in all elements save its danger was and is ideal,15.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0012.wav,edison was intolerant of sham and shoddy and nothing would satisfy him that could not stand cross examination by microscope test tube and galvanometer,11.145,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0013.wav,unless he could secure an engine of smoother running and more exactly governed and regulated than those available for his dynamo and lamp edison realized that he would find it almost impossible to give a steady light,13.89,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0014.wav,mister edison was a leader far ahead of the time,3.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0015.wav,he obtained the desired speed and load with a friction brake also regulator of speed but waited for an indicator to verify it,8.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0016.wav,then again there was no known way to lubricate an engine for continuous running and mister edison informed me that as a marine engine started before the ship left new york and continued running until it reached its home port so an engine for his purposes must produce light at all times,20.015,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0017.wav,edison had installed his historic first great central station system in new york on the multiple arc system covered by his feeder and main invention which resulted in a notable saving in the cost of conductors as against a straight two wire system throughout of the tree kind,19.915,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0018.wav,he soon foresaw that still greater economy would be necessary for commercial success not alone for the larger territory opening but for the compact districts of large cities,12.54,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0019.wav,the strong position held by the edison system under the strenuous competition that was already springing up was enormously improved by the introduction of the three wire system and it gave an immediate impetus to incandescent lighting,14.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0020.wav,it was specially suited for a trial plant also in the early days when a yield of six or eight lamps to the horse power was considered subject for congratulation,10.35,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0021.wav,the street conductors were of the overhead pole line construction and were installed by the construction company that had been organized by edison to build and equip central stations,10.95,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0022.wav,meanwhile he had called upon me to make a report of the three wire system known in england as the hopkinson both doctor john hopkinson and mister edison being independent inventors at practically the same time,13.665,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0023.wav,i think he was perhaps more appreciative than i was of the discipline of the edison construction department and thought it would be well for us to wait until the morning of the fourth before we started up,11.06,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0024.wav,but the plant ran and it was the first three wire station in this country,4.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0025.wav,they were later used as reserve machines and finally with the engine retired from service as part of the collection of edisonia but they remain in practically as good condition as when installed in eighteen eighty three,15.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0026.wav,the arc lamp installed outside a customer's premises or in a circuit for public street lighting burned so many hours nightly so many nights in the month and was paid for at that rate subject to rebate for hours when the lamp might be out through accident,17.595,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0027.wav,edison held that the electricity sold must be measured just like gas or water and he proceeded to develop a meter,8.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0028.wav,there was infinite scepticism around him on the subject and while other inventors were also giving the subject their thought the public took it for granted that anything so utterly intangible as electricity that could not be seen or weighed and only gave secondary evidence of itself at the exact point of use could not be brought to accurate registration,25.94,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0029.wav,hence the edison electrolytic meter is no longer used despite its excellent qualities,6.425,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0030.wav,the principle employed in the edison electrolytic meter is that which exemplifies the power of electricity to decompose a chemical substance,9.98,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0031.wav,associated with this simple form of apparatus were various ingenious details and refinements to secure regularity of operation freedom from inaccuracy and immunity from such tampering as would permit theft of current or damage,16.585,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0032.wav,the standard edison meter practice was to remove the cells once a month to the meter room of the central station company for examination another set being substituted,11.69,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0033.wav,in december eighteen eighty eight mister w j jenks read an interesting paper before the american institute of electrical engineers on the six years of practical experience had up to that time with the meter then more generally in use than any other,17.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0034.wav,the others having been in operation too short a time to show definite results although they also went quickly to a dividend basis,8.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0035.wav,in this connection it should be mentioned that the association of edison illuminating companies in the same year adopted resolutions unanimously to the effect that the edison meter was accurate and that its use was not expensive for stations above one thousand lights and that the best financial results were invariably secured in a station selling current by meter,25.49,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0036.wav,the meter continued in general service during eighteen ninety nine and probably up to the close of the century,7.085,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0037.wav,he weighed and reweighed the meter plates and pursued every line of investigation imaginable but all in vain,7.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0038.wav,he felt he was up against it and that perhaps another kind of a job would suit him better,5.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0039.wav,the problem was solved,2.385,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0040.wav,we were more interested in the technical condition of the station than in the commercial part,5.455,test.clean +data/test.clean/2300-131720-0041.wav,we had meters in which there were two bottles of liquid,3.75,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0000.wav,so they were quite willing to obey the orders of their girl queen and in a short time the blasts of trumpets and roll of drums and clashing of cymbals told trot and cap'n bill that the blue bands had assembled before the palace,12.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0001.wav,then they all marched out a little way into the fields and found that the army of pinkies had already formed and was advancing steadily toward them,8.63,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0002.wav,at the head of the pinkies were ghip ghisizzle and button bright who had the parrot on his shoulder and they were supported by captain coralie and captain tintint and rosalie the witch,11.075,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0003.wav,when the blueskins saw ghip ghisizzle they raised another great shout for he was the favorite of the soldiers and very popular with all the people,8.875,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0004.wav,since last thursday i ghip ghisizzle have been the lawful boolooroo of the blue country but now that you are conquered by queen trot i suppose i am conquered too and you have no boolooroo at all,13.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0005.wav,when he finished she said cheerfully,2.555,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0006.wav,don't worry sizzle dear it'll all come right pretty soon,3.92,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0007.wav,now then let's enter the city an enjoy the grand feast that's being cooked i'm nearly starved myself for this conquerin kingdoms is hard work,9.31,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0008.wav,then she gave rosalie back her magic ring thanking the kind witch for all she had done for them,6.135,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0009.wav,you are mate replied the sailor,3.27,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0010.wav,it will be such a satisfaction,2.51,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0011.wav,the guards had a terrible struggle with the goat which was loose in the room and still wanted to fight but finally they subdued the animal and then they took the boolooroo out of the frame he was tied in and brought both him and the goat before queen trot who awaited them in the throne room of the palace,16.52,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0012.wav,i'll gladly do that promised the new boolooroo and i'll feed the honorable goat all the shavings and leather and tin cans he can eat besides the grass,9.87,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0013.wav,scuse me said trot i neglected to tell you that you're not the boolooroo any more,5.775,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0014.wav,the former boolooroo groaned,2.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0015.wav,i'll not be wicked any more sighed the old boolooroo i'll reform,5.12,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0016.wav,as a private citizen i shall be a model of deportment because it would be dangerous to be otherwise,5.895,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0017.wav,when first they entered the throne room they tried to be as haughty and scornful as ever but the blues who were assembled there all laughed at them and jeered them for there was not a single person in all the blue country who loved the princesses the least little bit,13.335,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0018.wav,so ghip ghisizzle ordered the captain to take a file of soldiers and escort the raving beauties to their new home,7.03,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0019.wav,that evening trot gave a grand ball in the palace to which the most important of the pinkies and the blueskins were invited,7.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284449-0020.wav,the combined bands of both the countries played the music and a fine supper was served,5.095,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0000.wav,then he rushed down stairs into the courtyard shouting loudly for his soldiers and threatening to patch everybody in his dominions if the sailorman was not recaptured,9.605,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0001.wav,hold him fast my men and as soon as i've had my coffee and oatmeal i'll take him to the room of the great knife and patch him,8.61,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0002.wav,i wouldn't mind a cup o coffee myself said cap'n bill i've had consid'ble exercise this mornin and i'm all ready for breakfas,8.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0003.wav,but cap'n bill made no such attempt knowing it would be useless,4.415,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0004.wav,as soon as they entered the room of the great knife the boolooroo gave a yell of disappointment,5.485,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0005.wav,the room of the great knife was high and big and around it ran rows of benches for the spectators to sit upon,6.83,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0006.wav,in one place at the head of the room was a raised platform for the royal family with elegant throne chairs for the king and queen and six smaller but richly upholstered chairs for the snubnosed princesses,12.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0007.wav,therefore her majesty paid no attention to anyone and no one paid any attention to her,6.365,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0008.wav,rich jewels of blue stones glittered upon their persons and the royal ladies were fully as gorgeous as they were haughty and overbearing,8.39,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0009.wav,mornin girls hope ye feel as well as ye look,3.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0010.wav,control yourselves my dears replied the boolooroo the worst punishment i know how to inflict on anyone this prisoner is about to suffer you'll see a very pretty patching my royal daughters,12.93,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0011.wav,suppose it's a friend,1.955,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0012.wav,the captain shook his head,2.275,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0013.wav,why you said to fetch the first living creature we met and that was this billygoat replied the captain panting hard as he held fast to one of the goat's horns,9.04,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0014.wav,the idea of patching cap'n bill to a goat was vastly amusing to him and the more he thought of it the more he roared with laughter,8.47,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0015.wav,they look something alike you know suggested the captain of the guards looking from one to the other doubtfully and they're nearly the same size if you stand the goat on his hind legs they've both got the same style of whiskers and they're both of em obstinate and dangerous so they ought to make a good patch splendid,19.755063,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0016.wav,fine glorious,2.11,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0017.wav,when this had been accomplished the boolooroo leaned over to try to discover why the frame rolled away seemingly of its own accord and he was the more puzzled because it had never done such a thing before,11.62,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0018.wav,at once the goat gave a leap escaped from the soldiers and with bowed head rushed upon the boolooroo,5.46,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0019.wav,before any could stop him he butted his majesty so furiously that the king soared far into the air and tumbled in a heap among the benches where he lay moaning and groaning,10.28,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0020.wav,the goat's warlike spirit was roused by this successful attack,4.09,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0021.wav,then they sped in great haste for the door and the goat gave a final butt that sent the row of royal ladies all diving into the corridor in another tangle whereupon they shrieked in a manner that terrified everyone within sound of their voices,13.175,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0022.wav,i had a notion it was you mate as saved me from the knife,3.56,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0023.wav,i couldn't shiver much bein bound so tight but when i'm loose i mean to have jus one good shiver to relieve my feelin's,7.155,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-284447-0024.wav,come and get the boolooroo she said going toward the benches,4.635,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0000.wav,brighter than early dawn's most brilliant dye are blown clear bands of color through the sky that swirl and sweep and meet to break and foam like rainbow veils upon a bubble's dome,14.9,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0001.wav,guided by you how we might stroll towards death our only music one another's breath through gardens intimate with hollyhocks where silent poppies burn between the rocks by pools where birches bend to confidants above green waters scummed with lily plants,20.82,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0002.wav,venice,1.81,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0003.wav,in a sunset glowing of crimson and gold she lies the glory of the world a beached king's galley whose sails are furled who is hung with tapestries rich and old,14.58,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0004.wav,the pity that we must come and go,3.245,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0005.wav,while the old gold and the marble stays forever gleaming its soft strong blaze calm in the early evening glow,9.575,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0006.wav,the pleasant graveyard of my soul with sentimental cypress trees and flowers is filled that i may stroll in meditation at my ease,10.18,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0007.wav,it is my heart hung in the sky and no clouds ever float between the grave flowers and my heart on high,8.405,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0008.wav,over the track lined city street the young men the grinning men pass,6.025,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0009.wav,ho ye sails that seem to wander in dream filled meadows say is the shore where i stand the only field of struggle or are ye hit and battered out there by waves and wind gusts as ye tack over a clashing sea of watery echoes,17.965,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0010.wav,old dances are simplified of their yearning bleached by time,5.77,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0011.wav,he had got into her courtyard,3.08,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0012.wav,through the black night rain he sang to her window bars,5.17,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0013.wav,that was but rustling of dripping plants in the dark,4.185,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0014.wav,she was alone that night,2.435,test.clean +data/test.clean/8555-292519-0015.wav,he had broken into her courtyard,2.85,test.clean +data/test.other/6938-70848-0000.wav,even the sun came out pale and watery at noon,3.315,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0001.wav,the colds and rheumatism of the rainy months vanished,4.03,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0002.wav,asked a worker last sunday you did it when the yunkers,3.94,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0003.wav,well didn't they shoot us one man exhibited his arm in a sling,4.25,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0004.wav,haven't i got something to remember them by the devils,3.645,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0005.wav,who are you to destroy the legal government who is lenin a german,4.365,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0006.wav,who are you a counter revolutionist a provocator they bellowed at him,5.53,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0007.wav,you call yourselves the people of russia but you're not the people of russia,4.77,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0008.wav,the peasants are the people of russia wait until the peasants,3.44,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0009.wav,we know what the peasants will say aren't they workingmen like ourselves,4.495,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0010.wav,these men especially welcomed the call to a congress of peasants,4.52,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0011.wav,these last were the young generation who had been serving in the army,4.155,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0012.wav,whereupon the old executive committee left the hall,3.335,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0013.wav,down with him they shrieked,2.275,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0014.wav,fearful tumult cries down with the bolsheviki,3.79,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0015.wav,upon my return i visited smolny no such accusation was made against me there after a brief conversation i left and that's all let any one present make such an accusation,11.835,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0016.wav,meanwhile the question of the status of the executive committee was agitating all minds,5.615,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0017.wav,by declaring the assembly extraordinary conference it had been planned to block the reelection of the executive committee,7.61,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0018.wav,but this worked both ways the left socialist revolutionists decided that if the congress had no power over the executive committee then the executive committee had no power over the congress,11.955,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0019.wav,on the twenty seventh occurred the debate on the land question which revealed the differences between the agrarian programme of the bolsheviki and the left socialist revolutionaries,10.94,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0020.wav,the constituent assembly will not dare to break with the will of the people,4.525,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0021.wav,followed him lenin listened to now with absorbing intensity,4.565,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0022.wav,the first stage was the crushing of autocracy and the crushing of the power of the industrial capitalists and land owners whose interests are closely related,10.385063,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0023.wav,the dumas and zemstvos were dropped,2.67,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0024.wav,he knew that an agreement with the bolsheviki was being discussed but he did not know that it had been concluded,7.07,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0025.wav,he spoke to the rump convention,2.24,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0026.wav,the villages will save us in the end,2.505,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0027.wav,but the present movement is international and that is why it is invincible,5.06,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0028.wav,the will of millions of workers is now concentrated in this hall,4.09,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0029.wav,a new humanity will be born of this war,3.455,test.other +data/test.other/6938-70848-0030.wav,i greet you with the christening of a new russian life and freedom,3.98,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0000.wav,once upon a time there was a king in the north who had won many wars but now he was old,5.07,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0001.wav,the old king went out and fought bravely but at last his sword broke and he was wounded and his men fled,6.16,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0002.wav,but in the night when the battle was over his young wife came out and searched for him among the slain and at last she found him and asked whether he might be healed,8.14,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0003.wav,so he asked the queen how do you know in the dark of night whether the hours are wearing to the morning and she said,6.465,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0004.wav,then the old man said drive all the horses into the river and choose the one that swims across,5.15,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0005.wav,he is no bigger than other dragons said the tutor and if you were as brave as your father you would not fear him,5.945,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0006.wav,then the person who had killed otter went down and caught the dwarf who owned all the treasure and took it from him,5.795,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0007.wav,only one ring was left which the dwarf wore and even that was taken from him,4.775,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0008.wav,so regin made a sword and sigurd tried it with a blow on a lump of iron and the sword broke,5.045,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0009.wav,then sigurd went to his mother and asked for the broken pieces of his father's blade and gave them to regin,5.595,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0010.wav,so sigurd said that sword would do,2.69,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0011.wav,then he saw the track which the dragon made when he went to a cliff to drink and the track was as if a great river had rolled along and left a deep valley,8.265,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0012.wav,but sigurd waited till half of him had crawled over the pit and then he thrust the sword gram right into his very heart,6.655,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0013.wav,sigurd said i would touch none of it if by losing it i should never die,4.295,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0014.wav,but all men die and no brave man lets death frighten him from his desire,4.35,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0015.wav,die thou fafnir and then fafnir died,4.0,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0016.wav,then sigurd rode back and met regin and regin asked him to roast fafnir's heart and let him taste of it,5.815,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0017.wav,so sigurd put the heart of fafnir on a stake and roasted it,3.28,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0018.wav,there is sigurd roasting fafnir's heart for another when he should taste of it himself and learn all wisdom,6.06,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0019.wav,that let him do and then ride over hindfell to the place where brynhild sleeps,4.785,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0020.wav,there must she sleep till thou comest for her waking rise up and ride for now sure she will swear the vow fearless of breaking,7.95,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0021.wav,then he took the helmet off the head of the sleeper and behold she was a most beautiful lady,5.41,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0022.wav,then sigurd rode away and he came to the house of a king who had a fair daughter,4.745,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0023.wav,then brynhild's father told gunnar that she would marry none but him who could ride the flame in front of her enchanted tower and thither they rode and gunnar set his horse at the flame but he would not face it,11.19,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0024.wav,for one day when brynhild and gudrun were bathing brynhild waded farthest out into the river and said she did that to show she was guirun's superior,8.72,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0025.wav,for her husband she said had ridden through the flame when no other man dared face it,4.83,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163624-0026.wav,not long to wait he said till the bitter sword stands fast in my heart and thou will not live long when i am dead,6.375,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0000.wav,general observations on preserves confectionary ices and dessert dishes,5.16,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0001.wav,the expense of preserving them with sugar is a serious objection for except the sugar is used in considerable quantities the success is very uncertain,8.775,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0002.wav,fruit gathered in wet or foggy weather will soon be mildewed and be of no service for preserves,5.645,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0003.wav,but to distinguish these properly requires very great attention and considerable experience,6.24,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0004.wav,if you dip the finger into the syrup and apply it to the thumb the tenacity of the syrup will on separating the finger and thumb afford a thread which shortly breaks this is the little thread,11.1,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0005.wav,let it boil up again then take it off and remove carefully the scum that has risen,4.965,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0006.wav,it is considered to be sufficiently boiled when some taken up in a spoon pours out like oil,5.27,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0007.wav,before sugar was in use honey was employed to preserve many vegetable productions though this substance has now given way to the juice of the sugar cane,7.55,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0008.wav,fourteen ninety nine,2.21,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0009.wav,boil them up three days successively skimming each time and they will then be finished and in a state fit to be put into pots for use,7.295,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0010.wav,the reason why the fruit is emptied out of the preserving pan into an earthen pan is that the acid of the fruit acts upon the copper of which the preserving pans are usually made,9.88,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0011.wav,from this example the process of preserving fruits by syrup will be easily comprehended,5.035,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0012.wav,they should be dried in the stove or oven on a sieve and turned every six or eight hours fresh powdered sugar being sifted over them every time they are turned,9.535,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0013.wav,in this way it is also that orange and lemon chips are preserved,4.205063,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0014.wav,marmalades jams and fruit pastes are of the same nature and are now in very general request,6.475,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0015.wav,marmalades and jams differ little from each other they are preserves of a half liquid consistency made by boiling the pulp of fruits and sometimes part of the rinds with sugar,9.78,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0016.wav,that they may keep it is necessary not to be sparing of sugar fifteen o three,6.115,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0017.wav,in all the operations for preserve making when the preserving pan is used it should not be placed on the fire but on a trivet unless the jam is made on a hot plate when this is not necessary,10.28,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0018.wav,confectionary fifteen o eight,3.805,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0019.wav,in speaking of confectionary it should be remarked that all the various preparations above named come strictly speaking under that head for the various fruits flowers herbs roots and juices which when boiled with sugar were formerly employed in pharmacy as well as for sweetmeats were called confections from the latin word conficere to make up but the term confectionary embraces a very large class indeed of sweet food many kinds of which should not be attempted in the ordinary cuisine,29.525,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0020.wav,the thousand and one ornamental dishes that adorn the tables of the wealthy should be purchased from the confectioner they cannot profitably be made at home,8.19,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0021.wav,however as late as the reigns of our two last georges fabulous sums were often expended upon fanciful desserts,7.68,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0022.wav,the shape of the dishes varies at different periods the prevailing fashion at present being oval and circular dishes on stems,7.84,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0023.wav,ices,1.55,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0024.wav,at desserts or at some evening parties ices are scarcely to be dispensed with,5.085,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0025.wav,the spaddle is generally made of copper kept bright and clean,4.405,test.other +data/test.other/3538-142836-0026.wav,they should be taken immediately after the repast or some hours after because the taking these substances during the process of digestion is apt to provoke indisposition,10.77,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0000.wav,there was once on a time a widower who had a son and a daughter by his first wife,4.9,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0001.wav,from the very day that the new wife came into the house there was no peace for the man's children and not a corner to be found where they could get any rest so the boy thought that the best thing he could do was to go out into the world and try to earn his own bread,14.235,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0002.wav,but his sister who was still at home fared worse and worse,3.885,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0003.wav,kiss me girl said the head,3.045,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0004.wav,when the king entered and saw it he stood still as if he were in fetters and could not stir from the spot for the picture seemed to him so beautiful,8.51,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0005.wav,the youth promised to make all the haste he could and set forth from the king's palace,5.31,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0006.wav,at last they came in sight of land,3.07,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0007.wav,well if my brother says so i must do it said the man's daughter and she flung her casket into the sea,6.85,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0008.wav,what is my brother saying asked his sister again,3.54,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0009.wav,on the first thursday night after this a beautiful maiden came into the kitchen of the palace and begged the kitchen maid who slept there to lend her a brush,8.865,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0010.wav,she begged very prettily and got it and then she brushed her hair and the gold dropped from it,6.145,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0011.wav,out on thee ugly bushy bride sleeping so soft by the young king's side on sand and stones my bed i make and my brother sleeps with the cold snake unpitied and unwept,13.03,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0012.wav,i shall come twice more and then never again said she,4.3,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0013.wav,this time also as before she borrowed a brush and brushed her hair with it and the gold dropped down as she did it and again she sent the dog out three times and when day dawned she departed but as she was going she said as she had said before i shall come once more and then never again,19.3,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163619-0014.wav,no one can tell how delighted the king was to get rid of that hideous bushy bride and get a queen who was bright and beautiful as day itself,8.74,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0000.wav,wilt thou serve me and watch my seven foals asked the king,3.495,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0001.wav,the youth thought that it was very easy work to watch the foals and that he could do it well enough,4.67,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0002.wav,hast thou watched faithfully and well the whole day long said the king when the lad came into his presence in the evening,6.19,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0003.wav,yes that i have said the youth,2.28,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0004.wav,he had gone out once to seek a place he said but never would he do such a thing again,5.175,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0005.wav,then the king promised him the same punishment and the same reward that he had promised his brother,5.91,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0006.wav,when he had run after the foals for a long long time and was hot and tired he passed by a cleft in the rock where an old woman was sitting spinning with a distaff and she called to him,11.32,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0007.wav,come hither come hither my handsome son and let me comb your hair,3.74,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0008.wav,the youth liked the thought of this let the foals run where they chose and seated himself in the cleft of the rock by the side of the old hag,6.95,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0009.wav,so there he sat with his head on her lap taking his ease the livelong day,4.35,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0010.wav,on the third day cinderlad wanted to set out,3.17,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0011.wav,the two brothers laughed at him and his father and mother begged him not to go but all to no purpose and cinderlad set out on his way,8.415,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0012.wav,i am walking about in search of a place said cinderlad,3.4,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0013.wav,i would much rather have the princess said cinderlad,3.755,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0014.wav,and thus they journeyed onwards a long long way,3.425,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0015.wav,when they had gone thus for a long long way the foal again asked dost thou see anything now,5.795,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0016.wav,yes now i see something that is white said cinderlad,3.48,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0017.wav,it looks like the trunk of a great thick birch tree,3.085,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0018.wav,cinderlad tried but could not do it so he had to take a draught from the pitcher and then one more and after that still another and then he was able to wield the sword with perfect ease,11.13,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0019.wav,for we are brothers of the princess whom thou art to have when thou canst tell the king what we eat and drink but there is a mighty troll who has cast a spell over us,8.825,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0020.wav,when they had travelled a long long way the foal said dost thou see anything,4.785,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0021.wav,and now inquired the foal seest thou nothing now,3.425,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0022.wav,now then said the foal dost thou not see anything now,3.63,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0023.wav,that is a river said the foal and we have to cross it,3.545,test.other +data/test.other/3538-163622-0024.wav,i have done my best replied cinderlad,2.4,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0000.wav,seemed in good spirits last night mister gurr eh,3.0,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0001.wav,yes sir but he may turn up on the cliff at any moment,3.035,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0002.wav,yes men quite ready yes sir,3.105,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0003.wav,that's right of course well armed,2.455,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0004.wav,soon as the signal comes we shall push off,2.44,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0005.wav,awkward bit o country sir six miles row before you can find a place to land,4.39,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0006.wav,so shall we yet sir,2.28,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0007.wav,you don't think mister gurr that they would dare to injure him if he was so unlucky as to be caught,4.23,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0008.wav,well sir said the master hesitating smugglers are smugglers,4.095,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0009.wav,certainly sir smugglers are smugglers indeed,3.3,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0010.wav,beg pardon sir didn't mean any harm,2.8,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0011.wav,i'm getting very anxious about mister raystoke start at once sir,4.28,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0012.wav,no wait another half hour,2.07,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0013.wav,very ill advised thing to do,1.925,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0014.wav,then i must request that you will not make it again very true,3.32,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0015.wav,awk ward mister gurr awkward,2.57,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0016.wav,yes sir of course,1.885,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0017.wav,say awk ward in future not awk'ard,2.525,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0018.wav,i mean all alone by myself sir,2.285,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0019.wav,what for there aren't a public house for ten miles didn't mean that,4.205,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0020.wav,then what did you mean speak out and don't do the double shuffle all over my clean deck no sir,5.57,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0021.wav,hopping about like a cat on hot bricks,2.315,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0022.wav,now then why do you want to go ashore,2.695,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0023.wav,beg pardon didn't mean nowt sir said the sailor touching his forelock,3.56,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0024.wav,yes sir said the man humbly shall i go at once sir,3.14,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0025.wav,no wait,1.82,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0026.wav,keep a sharp look out on the cliff to see if mister raystoke is making signals for a boat,3.93,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0027.wav,he swung round walked aft and began sweeping the shore again with his glass while the master and dick exchanged glances which meant a great deal,7.775,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0028.wav,at last the little lieutenant could bear the anxiety no longer,3.355,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0029.wav,pipe away the men to that boat there he said and as the crew sprang in,3.705,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0030.wav,now mister gurr he said i'm only going to say one thing to you in the way of instructions yes sir,6.11,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0031.wav,beg pardon sir said the master deprecatingly,2.775,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96594-0032.wav,steady my lads steady cried the master keep stroke and then he began to make plans as to his first proceedings on getting ashore,6.97,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0000.wav,say mester gurr said dick after one of these searches he wouldn't run away what,5.09,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0001.wav,mister raystoke sir don't be a fool,2.74,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0002.wav,what chucked him off yonder,2.615,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0003.wav,gurr glanced round to see if the men were looking and then said rather huskily but kindly,4.395,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0004.wav,ah ejaculated dick sadly,2.36,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0005.wav,say mester gurr sir which thankful i am to you for speaking so but you don't really think as he has come to harm,6.305,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0006.wav,i hope not dick i hope not but smugglers don't stand at anything sometimes,4.2,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0007.wav,i do assure you there's nothing here but what you may see,2.64,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0008.wav,if you'd let me finish you'd know said gurr gruffly one of our boys is missing seen him up here,4.76,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0009.wav,boy bout seventeen with a red cap no sir indeed i've not,4.02,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0010.wav,don't know as he has been seen about here do you said gurr looking at her searchingly no sir,4.95,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0011.wav,if she knew evil had come to the poor lad her face would tell tales like print,3.745,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0012.wav,i said a lad bout seventeen in a red cap like yours said gurr very shortly,4.595,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0013.wav,the man shook his head and stared as if he didn't half understand the drift of what was said,4.215,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0014.wav,here my lad where's your master,2.31,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0015.wav,eh i say where's your master,2.72,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0016.wav,gurr turned away impatiently again and signing to his men to follow they all began to tramp up the steep track leading toward the hoze with the rabbits scuttling away among the furze and showing their white cottony tails for a moment as they darted down into their holes,12.63,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0017.wav,i dunno muttered dick and a man can't be sure,3.665,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0018.wav,gurr saluted and stated his business while the baronet who had turned sallower and more careworn than his lot drew a breath full of relief one of your ship boys he said,8.345,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0019.wav,a lad looking like a common sailor and wearing a red cap no said sir risdon,4.515,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0020.wav,i have seen no one answering to the description here,2.5,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0021.wav,beg pardon sir but can you as a gentleman assure me that he is not here certainly said sir risdon,5.385,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0022.wav,surely cried sir risdon excitedly,2.595,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0023.wav,sir risdon was silent,2.025,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0024.wav,lady graeme looked ghastly,2.2,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96595-0025.wav,you do not know no,2.8,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0000.wav,i am from the cutter lying off the coast,2.095,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0001.wav,don't cry he said i was obliged to come,2.51,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0002.wav,and and you have not found out anything came in quick frightened tones,5.02,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0003.wav,i wish you would believe me that i am in as great trouble about it as you are,3.83,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0004.wav,that my father sir risdon graeme has smuggled goods here,3.605,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0005.wav,he could not help it he hates the smugglers you shall not tell,3.425,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0006.wav,pray pray say you will not archy was silent,3.72,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0007.wav,then as archy stood in the dark literally aghast with astonishment he heard the faint rustling once more and again all was silent,7.69,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0008.wav,he laughed but it was a curious kind of laugh full of vexation injured amour propre as the french call our love of our own dignity of which archibald raystoke in the full flush of his young belief in his importance as a british officer had a pretty good stock,14.73,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0009.wav,it all comes of dressing up in this stupid way like a rough fisher lad,3.99,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0010.wav,cold water came on this idea directly as he recalled the fact that the darkness was intense and celia could not have seen him,6.81,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0011.wav,i'll soon show them that i am not going to be played with,2.93,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0012.wav,for it suddenly occurred to him that he was not only a prisoner but a prisoner in the power of a very reckless set of people who would stop at nothing,7.145,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0013.wav,no he thought to himself i don't believe they would kill me but they would knock me about,5.38,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0014.wav,the kick he had received was a foretaste of what he might expect and after a little consideration he came to the conclusion that his duty was to escape and get back to the cutter as quickly as he could,9.71,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0015.wav,to do this he must scheme lie hid till morning then make for the nearest point and signal for help unless a boat's crew were already searching for him how to escape,9.61,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0016.wav,the window was barred but he went to it and tried the bars one by one to find them all solidly fitted into the stone sill,6.045,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0017.wav,next moment as he felt his way about his hand touched an old fashioned marble mantelpiece fireplace chimney,6.675,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0018.wav,yes if other ways failed he could escape up the chimney,3.11,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0019.wav,no that was too bad he could not do that,2.365,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0020.wav,sympathy and pity for the dwellers in the hoze were completely gone now and he set his teeth fast and mentally called himself a weak idiot for ever thinking about such people,8.78,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0021.wav,a narrow table against the wall in two places,2.96,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0022.wav,he went and tried to force his head through recalling as he did that where a person's head would go the rest of the body would pass,5.87,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0023.wav,but there was no chance for his body there the head would not go first,3.365,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96591-0024.wav,a fellow who was shut up in prison for life might do it he said but not in a case like this,5.145,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0000.wav,sure you've looked round everywhere boy yes father quite,4.21,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0001.wav,i'm going home to breakfast,1.83,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0002.wav,shall i come too father no,2.74,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0003.wav,stop here till sir risdon comes down and tell him i'm very sorry that we should have cleared out last night only a born fool saw jerry nandy's lobster boat coming into the cove and came running to say it was a party from the cutter yes father,12.17,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0004.wav,tell him not to be uneasy tis all right and i'll have everything clear away to night,4.325,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0005.wav,the dull sound of departing steps and a low whistling sound coming down through the skylight window into the cabin where archy raystoke lay with his heavy eyelids pressed down by sleep,8.605,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0006.wav,what a queer dream he thought to himself,2.415,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0007.wav,but how queer for mister gurr to be talking like that to andrew teal the boy who helped the cook,5.14,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0008.wav,and why did andy call mister gurr father,2.7,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0009.wav,there was an interval of thinking over this knotty question during which the low whistling went on,4.91,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0010.wav,and i'm hungry too time i was up i suppose,3.165,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0011.wav,no he was not dreaming for he was looking out on the sea over which a faint mist hung like wreaths of smoke,6.795,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0012.wav,what did they say false alarm tell sir risdon they would clear all away to night see if anything had been left about lobster boat,9.975,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0013.wav,once out of that room he could ran and by daylight the smugglers dare not hunt him down,4.85,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0014.wav,oh those bars he mentally exclaimed and he was advancing toward them when just as he drew near there was a rustling noise under the window a couple of hands seized the bars there was a scratching of boot toes against stone work and ram's face appeared to gaze into the room by intention but into the astonished countenance of the young midshipman instead,18.91,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0015.wav,ram was the first to recover from his surprise,2.66,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0016.wav,hullo he said who are you,2.075,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0017.wav,go round and open the door i was shut in last night by mistake,3.245,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0018.wav,i saw you last night and wondered whose boy you was,2.78,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0019.wav,it was you father kicked for shirking and my well i hardly knowed you,5.035,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0020.wav,nonsense,1.315,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0021.wav,won't do said ram grinning,2.005,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0022.wav,think i don't know you mister orficer,2.215,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0023.wav,won't do said ram quickly i know you,2.7,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0024.wav,been playing the spy that's what you've been doing who locked you in,3.8,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0025.wav,archy stepped back to the door listening but there was not a sound,3.43,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0026.wav,he has gone to give the alarm thought the prisoner and he looked excitedly round for a way of escape,4.82,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0027.wav,nothing but the chimney presented itself,2.56,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0028.wav,a happy inspiration had come and placing one hand upon his breast he thrust in the other gave a tug and drew out his little curved dirk glanced at the edge ran to the window and began to cut at one of the bars labour in vain,12.41,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0029.wav,he divided the paint and produced a few squeaks and grating sounds as he realised that the attempt was madness,5.37,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0030.wav,the result was not very satisfactory but sufficiently so to make him essay the bar of the window once more producing a grating ear assailing sound as he found that now he did make a little impression so little though that the probability was if he kept on working well for twenty four hours he would not get through,15.63,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0031.wav,but at the end of five minutes he stopped and thrust back the dirk into its sheath,4.24,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0032.wav,no i can't part with that ha ha ha laughed the boy jeeringly,4.325,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0033.wav,but i'll yes i'll give you a guinea if you will let me out,3.835,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0034.wav,guinea said the boy think i'd do it for a guinea well then two,3.97,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0035.wav,be quick there's a good fellow i want to get away at once,3.2,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0036.wav,not you only a sham,2.2,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0037.wav,why your clothes don't fit you and your cap's put on all skew rew,3.795,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0038.wav,never mind about that let me out of this place,2.74,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0039.wav,i told you a fisher boy cried archy impatiently but trying not to offend his visitor who possessed the power of conferring freedom by speaking sharply,7.87,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0040.wav,not you look like a wild beast in a cage like a monkey you insolent,4.805,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0041.wav,archy checked himself and the boy laughed,2.535,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0042.wav,it was your turn yesterday it's mine to day what a game,3.415,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0043.wav,you laughed and fleered at me when i was on the cutter's deck,2.82,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0044.wav,i say you do look a rum un just like a big monkey in a show,3.97,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0045.wav,ram showed his white teeth as he burst out with a long low fit of laughter,4.565,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0046.wav,you rope's end me he said,1.89,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0047.wav,why i could tie you up in a knot and heave you off the cliff any day what a game,4.635,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0048.wav,bit of a middy fed on salt tack and weevilly biscuit talk of giving me rope's end,5.04,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0049.wav,once more will you come and let me out no,4.135,test.other +data/test.other/7902-96592-0050.wav,to his astonishment the boy did not flinch but thrust his own arms through placing them about the middy's waist clenching his hands behind and uttering a sharp whistle,7.665,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0000.wav,when it was the five hundred and sixty first night,3.115,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0001.wav,then sighing for myself i set to work collecting a number of pieces of chinese and comorin aloes wood and i bound them together with ropes from the wreckage then i chose out from the broken up ships straight planks of even size and fixed them firmly upon the aloes wood making me a boat raft a little narrower than the channel of the stream and i tied it tightly and firmly as though it were nailed,25.39,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0002.wav,land after land shalt thou seek and find but no other life on thy wish shall wait fret not thy soul in thy thoughts o night all woes shall end or sooner or late,13.71,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0003.wav,i rowed my conveyance into the place which was intensely dark and the current carried the raft with it down the underground channel,8.69,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0004.wav,and i threw myself down upon my face on the raft by reason of the narrowness of the channel whilst the stream ceased not to carry me along knowing not night from day for the excess of the gloom which encompassed me about and my terror and concern for myself lest i should perish,18.26,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0005.wav,when i awoke at last i found myself in the light of heaven and opening my eyes i saw myself in a broad stream and the raft moored to an island in the midst of a number of indians and abyssinians,12.89,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0006.wav,but i was delighted at my escape from the river,2.875,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0007.wav,when they saw i understood them not and made them no answer one of them came forward and said to me in arabic peace be with thee o my brother,9.215,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0008.wav,o my brother answered he we are husbandmen and tillers of the soil who came out to water our fields and plantations and finding thee asleep on this raft laid hold of it and made it fast by us against thou shouldst awake at thy leisure,17.27,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0009.wav,i answered for allah's sake o my lord ere i speak give me somewhat to eat for i am starving and after ask me what thou wilt,10.75,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0010.wav,when it was the five hundred and sixty second night,3.68,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0011.wav,she said it hath reached me o auspicious king that sindbad the seaman continued when i landed and found myself amongst the indians and abyssinians and had taken some rest they consulted among themselves and said to one another there is no help for it but we carry him with us and present him to our king that he may acquaint him with his adventures,23.49,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0012.wav,so i consorted with the chief of the islanders and they paid me the utmost respect,5.395,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0013.wav,so i rose without stay or delay and kissed the king's hand and acquainted him with my longing to set out with the merchants for that i pined after my people and mine own land,12.47,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0014.wav,quoth he thou art thine own master yet if it be thy will to abide with us on our head and eyes be it for thou gladdenest us with thy company,12.815,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0015.wav,by allah o my lord answered i thou hast indeed overwhelmed me with thy favours and well doings but i weary for a sight of my friends and family and native country,12.25,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0016.wav,then i took leave of him and of all my intimates and acquaintances in the island and embarked with the merchants aforesaid,7.95,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0017.wav,he asked me whence they came and i said to him by allah o commander of the faithful i know not the name of the city nor the way thither,10.38,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0018.wav,for state processions a throne is set for him upon a huge elephant eleven cubits high and upon this he sitteth having his great lords and officers and guests standing in two ranks on his right hand and on his left,15.15,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0019.wav,his letter hath shown me this and as for the mightiness of his dominion thou hast told us what thou hast eye witnessed,7.765,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0020.wav,presently my friends came to me and i distributed presents among my family and gave alms and largesse after which i yielded myself to joyance and enjoyment mirth and merry making and forgot all that i had suffered,14.375,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0021.wav,such then o my brothers is the history of what befel me in my sixth voyage and to morrow inshallah,8.05,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0022.wav,i will tell you the story of my seventh and last voyage which is still more wondrous and marvellous than that of the first six,7.839937,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0023.wav,when it was the five hundred and sixty third night,3.54,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0024.wav,she said it hath reached me o auspicious king that when sindbad the seaman had related the history of what befel him in his sixth voyage and all the company had dispersed sindbad the landsman went home and slept as of wont,14.43,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0025.wav,the seventh voyage of sindbad the seaman,3.1,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0026.wav,know o company that after my return from my sixth voyage which brought me abundant profit i resumed my former life in all possible joyance and enjoyment and mirth and making merry day and night and i tarried some time in this solace and satisfaction till my soul began once more to long to sail the seas and see foreign countries and company with merchants and hear new things,26.09,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0027.wav,so having made up my mind i packed up in bales a quantity of precious stuffs suited for sea trade and repaired with them from baghdad city to bassorah town where i found a ship ready for sea and in her a company of considerable merchants,16.74,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0028.wav,but the captain arose and tightening his girdle tucked up his skirts and after taking refuge with allah from satan the stoned clomb to the mast head whence he looked out right and left and gazing at the passengers and crew fell to buffeting his face and plucking out his beard,18.05,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0029.wav,this he set in a saucer wetted with a little water and after waiting a short time smelt and tasted it and then he took out of the chest a booklet wherein he read awhile and said weeping know o ye passengers that in this book is a marvellous matter denoting that whoso cometh hither shall surely die without hope of escape for that this ocean is called the sea of the clime of the king wherein is the sepulchre of our lord solomon son of david on both be peace,33.725,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0030.wav,a second fish made its appearance than which we had seen naught more monstrous,5.76,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75789-0031.wav,when suddenly a violent squall of wind arose and smote the ship which rose out of the water and settled upon a great reef the haunt of sea monsters where it broke up and fell asunder into planks and all and everything on board were plunged into the sea,16.13,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0000.wav,then i took up a great stone from among the trees and coming up to him smote him therewith on the head with all my might and crushed in his skull as he lay dead drunk,10.73,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0001.wav,behold a ship was making for the island through the dashing sea and clashing waves,5.91,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0002.wav,hearing this i was sore troubled remembering what i had before suffered from the ape kind,6.1,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0003.wav,upon this he brought me a cotton bag and giving it to me said take this bag and fill it with pebbles from the beach and go forth with a company of the townsfolk to whom i will give a charge respecting thee,13.335,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0004.wav,do as they do and belike thou shalt gain what may further thy return voyage to thy native land,6.845,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0005.wav,then he carried me to the beach where i filled my bag with pebbles large and small and presently we saw a company of folk issue from the town each bearing a bag like mine filled with pebbles,13.62,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0006.wav,to these he committed me commending me to their care and saying this man is a stranger so take him with you and teach him how to gather that he may get his daily bread and you will earn your reward and recompense in heaven,15.77,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0007.wav,now sleeping under these trees were many apes which when they saw us rose and fled from us and swarmed up among the branches whereupon my companions began to pelt them with what they had in their bags and the apes fell to plucking of the fruit of the trees and casting them at the folk,18.68,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0008.wav,we weighed anchor and shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say,8.085,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0009.wav,when it was the five hundred and fifty ninth night,3.405,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0010.wav,and ceased not sailing till we arrived safely at bassorah,4.105,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0011.wav,there i abode a little and then went on to baghdad where i entered my quarter and found my house and foregathered with my family and saluted my friends who gave me joy of my safe return and i laid up all my goods and valuables in my storehouses,16.845,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0012.wav,after which i returned to my old merry way of life and forgot all i had suffered in the great profit and gain i had made,7.96,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0013.wav,next morning as soon as it was light he prayed the dawn prayer and after blessing mohammed the cream of all creatures betook himself to the house of sindbad the seaman and wished him a good day,13.605,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0014.wav,here i found a great ship ready for sea and full of merchants and notables who had with them goods of price so i embarked my bales therein,10.945,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0015.wav,haply amongst you is one righteous whose prayers the lord will accept,5.095,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0016.wav,presently the ship struck the mountain and broke up and all and everything on board of her were plunged into the sea,7.54,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0017.wav,but it burneth in their bellies so they cast it up again and it congealeth on the surface of the water whereby its color and quantities are changed and at last the waves cast it ashore and the travellers and merchants who know it collect it and sell it,17.47,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0018.wav,each that died we washed and shrouded in some of the clothes and linen cast ashore by the tides and after a little the rest of my fellows perished one by one till i had buried the last of the party and abode alone on the island with but a little provision left i who was wont to have so much,20.84,test.other +data/test.other/7018-75788-0019.wav,but there is majesty and there is no might save in allah the glorious the great,6.055,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0000.wav,his followers rushed forward to where he lay and their united force compelling the black knight to pause they dragged their wounded leader within the walls,10.72,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0001.wav,it was on their journey to that town that they were overtaken on the road by cedric and his party in whose company they were afterwards carried captive to the castle of torquilstone,10.479938,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0002.wav,as he lay upon his bed racked with pain and mental agony and filled with the fear of rapidly approaching death he heard a voice address him,9.47,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0003.wav,what art thou he exclaimed in terror,3.205,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0004.wav,leave me and seek the saxon witch ulrica who was my temptress let her as well as i taste the tortures which anticipate hell,9.86,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0005.wav,exclaimed the norman ho,2.44,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0006.wav,rememberest thou the magazine of fuel that is stored beneath these apartments woman,6.57,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0007.wav,they are fast rising at least said ulrica and a signal shall soon wave to warn the besiegers to press hard upon those who would extinguish them,10.185,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0008.wav,meanwhile the black knight had led his forces again to the attack and so vigorous was their assault that before long the gate of the castle alone separated them from those within,11.38,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0009.wav,the defenders finding the castle to be on fire now determined to sell their lives as dearly as they could and headed by de bracy they threw open the gate and were at once involved in a terrific conflict with those outside,14.61,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0010.wav,the black knight with portentous strength forced his way inward in despite of de bracy and his followers,7.3,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0011.wav,two of the foremost instantly fell and the rest gave way notwithstanding all their leaders efforts to stop them,7.92,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0012.wav,the black knight was soon engaged in desperate combat with the norman chief and the vaulted roof of the hall rung with their furious blows,8.605,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0013.wav,at length de bracy fell,2.855,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0014.wav,tell me thy name or work thy pleasure on me,3.74,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0015.wav,yet first let me say said de bracy what it imports thee to know,5.765,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0016.wav,exclaimed the black knight prisoner and perish,3.845,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0017.wav,the life of every man in the castle shall answer it if a hair of his head be singed show me his chamber,7.08,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0018.wav,raising the wounded man with ease the black knight rushed with him to the postern gate and having there delivered his burden to the care of two yeomen he again entered the castle to assist in the rescue of the other prisoners,13.09,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0019.wav,but in other parts the besiegers pursued the defenders of the castle from chamber to chamber and satiated in their blood the vengeance which had long animated them against the soldiers of the tyrant front de boeuf,12.705,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0020.wav,as the fire commenced to spread rapidly through all parts of the castle ulrica appeared on one of the turrets,7.59,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0021.wav,before long the towering flames had surmounted every obstruction and rose to the evening skies one huge and burning beacon seen far and wide through the adjacent country tower after tower crashed down with blazing roof and rafter,17.055,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0022.wav,at length with a terrific crash the whole turret gave way and she perished in the flames which had consumed her tyrant,8.53,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0023.wav,when the outlaws had divided the spoils which they had taken from the castle of torquilstone cedric prepared to take his departure,8.41,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0024.wav,he left the gallant band of foresters sorrowing deeply for his lost friend the lord of coningsburgh and he and his followers had scarce departed when a procession moved slowly from under the greenwood branches in the direction which he had taken in the centre of which was the car in which the body of athelstane was laid,20.21,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0025.wav,de bracy bowed low and in silence threw himself upon a horse and galloped off through the wood,6.99,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0026.wav,here is a bugle which an english yeoman has once worn i pray you to keep it as a memorial of your gallant bearing,8.105,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0027.wav,so saying he mounted his strong war horse and rode off through the forest,5.93,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0028.wav,during all this time isaac of york sat mournfully apart grieving for the loss of his dearly loved daughter rebecca,8.24,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0029.wav,and with this epistle the unhappy old man set out to procure his daughter's liberation,5.84,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0030.wav,the templar is fled said de bracy in answer to the prince's eager questions front de boeuf you will never see more and he added in a low and emphatic tone richard is in england i have seen him and spoken with him,16.69,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0031.wav,he appealed to de bracy to assist him in this project and became at once deeply suspicious of the knight's loyalty towards him when he declined to lift hand against the man who had spared his own life,11.96,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0032.wav,before reaching his destination he was told that lucas de beaumanoir the grand master of the order of the templars was then on visit to the preceptory,9.639938,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0033.wav,he had not until then been informed of the presence of the jewish maiden in the abode of the templars and great was his fury and indignation on learning that she was amongst them,11.24,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0034.wav,poor isaac was hurried off accordingly and expelled from the preceptory all his entreaties and even his offers unheard and disregarded,9.12,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0035.wav,the assurance that she possessed some friend in this awful assembly gave her courage to look around and to mark into whose presence she had been conducted,9.77,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0036.wav,she gazed accordingly upon a scene which might well have struck terror into a bolder heart than hers,6.74,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0037.wav,at his feet was placed a table occupied by two scribes whose duty it was to record the proceedings of the day,7.33,test.other +data/test.other/8461-281231-0038.wav,the preceptors of whom there were four present occupied seats behind their superiors and behind them stood the esquires of the order robed in white,10.2,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0000.wav,and laura had her own pet plans,3.015,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0001.wav,she meant to be scrupulously conscientious in the administration of her talents and sometimes at church on a sunday when the sermon was particularly awakening she mentally debated the serious question as to whether new bonnets and a pair of jouvin's gloves daily were not sinful but i think she decided that the new bonnets and gloves were on the whole a pardonable weakness as being good for trade,27.15,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0002.wav,one morning laura told her husband with a gay laugh that she was going to victimize him but he was to promise to be patient and bear with her for once in a way,11.48,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0003.wav,i want to see all the pictures the modern pictures especially,4.3,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0004.wav,i remember all the rubenses at the louvre for i saw them three years ago when i was staying in paris with grandpapa,7.815,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0005.wav,she returned in a little more than ten minutes in the freshest toilette all pale shimmering blue like the spring sky with pearl grey gloves and boots and parasol and a bonnet that seemed made of azure butterflies,15.09,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0006.wav,it was drawing towards the close of this delightful honeymoon tour and it was a bright sunshiny morning early in february but february in paris is sometimes better than april in london,12.22,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0007.wav,but she fixed upon a picture which she said she preferred to anything she had seen in the gallery,6.31,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0008.wav,philip jocelyn was examining some pictures on the other side of the room when his wife made this discovery,6.545,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0009.wav,how i wish you could get me a copy of that picture philip laura said entreatingly,6.135,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0010.wav,i should so like one to hang in my morning room at jocelyn's rock,4.815,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0011.wav,she turned to the french artist presently and asked him where the elder mister kerstall lived and if there was any possibility of seeing him,8.42,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0012.wav,they have said that he is even a little imbecile that he does not remember himself of the most common events of his life,8.1,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0013.wav,but there are some others who say that his memory has not altogether failed and that he is still enough harshly critical towards the works of others,8.58,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0014.wav,i don't think you will have any difficulty in finding the house,3.905,test.other +data/test.other/8461-278226-0015.wav,you will be doing me such a favour philip if you'll say yes,4.2,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0000.wav,when it was the seven hundred and eighteenth night,3.65,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0001.wav,but he answered needs must i have zaynab also now suddenly there came a rap at the door and the maid said who is at the door,10.85,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0002.wav,the knocker replied kamar daughter of azariah the jew say me is ali of cairo with you,7.885,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0003.wav,replied the broker's daughter o thou daughter of a dog,4.185,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0004.wav,and having thus islamised she asked him do men in the faith of al islam give marriage portions to women or do women dower men,9.805,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0005.wav,and she threw down the jew's head before him,3.7,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0006.wav,now the cause of her slaying her sire was as follows,4.005,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0007.wav,then he set out rejoicing to return to the barrack of the forty,4.46,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0008.wav,so he ate and fell down senseless for the sweetmeats were drugged with bhang whereupon the kazi bundled him into the sack and made off with him charger and chest and all to the barrack of the forty,13.565,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0009.wav,presently hasan shuman came out of a closet and said to him hast thou gotten the gear o ali,7.09,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0010.wav,so he told him what had befallen him and added if i know whither the rascal is gone and where to find the knave i would pay him out,8.93,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0011.wav,knowest thou whither he went,2.42,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0012.wav,answered hasan i know where he is and opening the door of the closet showed him the sweetmeat seller within drugged and senseless,8.805,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0013.wav,so i went round about the highways of the city till i met a sweetmeat seller and buying his clothes and stock in trade and gear for ten dinars did what was done,10.27,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0014.wav,quoth al rashid whose head is this,3.685,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0015.wav,so ali related to him all that had passed from first to last and the caliph said i had not thought thou wouldst kill him for that he was a sorcerer,10.92,test.other +data/test.other/8461-258277-0016.wav,he replied i have forty lads but they are in cairo,4.09,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0000.wav,the strides of a lame man are like the ogling glances of a one eyed man they do not reach their goal very promptly,8.8,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0001.wav,cosette had waked up,2.129938,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0002.wav,jean valjean had placed her near the fire,2.760063,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0003.wav,you will wait for me at a lady's house i shall come to fetch you,4.485,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0004.wav,everything is arranged and nothing is said fauchelevent,4.43,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0005.wav,i have permission to bring you in but before bringing you in you must be got out,6.355,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0006.wav,that's where the difficulty lies,2.28,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0007.wav,it is easy enough with the child you will carry her out,4.28,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0008.wav,and she will hold her tongue i answer for that,3.785,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0009.wav,fauchelevent grumbled more to himself than to jean valjean,4.14,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0010.wav,you understand father madeleine the government will notice it,4.14,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0011.wav,jean valjean stared him straight in the eye and thought that he was raving,5.08,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0012.wav,fauchelevent went on,1.88,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0013.wav,it is to morrow that i am to bring you in the prioress expects you,4.59,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0014.wav,then he explained to jean valjean that this was his recompense for a service which he fauchelevent was to render to the community,9.005,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0015.wav,that the nun who had died that morning had requested to be buried in the coffin which had served her for a bed and interred in the vault under the altar of the chapel,9.73,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0016.wav,that the prioress and the vocal mothers intended to fulfil the wish of the deceased,5.47,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0017.wav,that he fauchelevent was to nail up the coffin in the cell raise the stone in the chapel and lower the corpse into the vault,7.91,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0018.wav,and then that there was another the empty coffin,4.675,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0019.wav,what is that empty coffin,2.42,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0020.wav,asked jean valjean fauchelevent replied,3.35,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0021.wav,what coffin what administration,3.145,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0022.wav,fauchelevent who was seated sprang up as though a bomb had burst under his chair you,7.01,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0023.wav,you know fauchelevent what you have said mother crucifixion is dead,4.535,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0024.wav,and i add and father madeleine is buried ah,4.415,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0025.wav,you are not like other men father madeleine,3.53,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0026.wav,this offers the means but give me some information in the first place,4.51,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0027.wav,how long is the coffin six feet,3.51,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0028.wav,it is a chamber on the ground floor which has a grated window opening on the garden which is closed on the outside by a shutter and two doors one leads into the convent the other into the church what church,13.435,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0029.wav,the church in the street the church which any one can enter,4.16,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0030.wav,have you the keys to those two doors,2.7,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0031.wav,no i have the key to the door which communicates with the convent the porter has the key to the door which communicates with the church,8.24,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0032.wav,only to allow the undertaker's men to enter when they come to get the coffin,4.04,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0033.wav,who nails up the coffin i do,2.9,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0034.wav,who spreads the pall over it,1.93,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0035.wav,not another man except the police doctor can enter the dead room that is even written on the wall,6.35,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0036.wav,could you hide me in that room to night when every one is asleep,4.34,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0037.wav,about three o'clock in the afternoon,2.63,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0038.wav,i shall be hungry i will bring you something,3.414938,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0039.wav,you can come and nail me up in the coffin at two o'clock,3.170062,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0040.wav,fauchelevent recoiled and cracked his finger joints but that is impossible,5.03,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0041.wav,bah impossible to take a hammer and drive some nails in a plank,4.46,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0042.wav,jean valjean had been in worse straits than this,3.555,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0043.wav,any man who has been a prisoner understands how to contract himself to fit the diameter of the escape,7.17,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0044.wav,what does not a man undergo for the sake of a cure,3.26,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0045.wav,to have himself nailed up in a case and carried off like a bale of goods to live for a long time in a box to find air where there is none to economize his breath for hours to know how to stifle without dying this was one of jean valjean's gloomy talents,16.265,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0046.wav,you surely must have a gimlet you will make a few holes here and there around my mouth and you will nail the top plank on loosely good and what if you should happen to cough or to sneeze,12.885,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0047.wav,a man who is making his escape does not cough or sneeze,4.26,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0048.wav,who is there who has not said to a cat do come in,4.05,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0049.wav,the over prudent cats as they are and because they are cats sometimes incur more danger than the audacious,8.29,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0050.wav,but jean valjean's coolness prevailed over him in spite of himself he grumbled,5.78,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0051.wav,if you are sure of coming out of the coffin all right i am sure of getting you out of the grave,5.05,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0052.wav,an old fellow of the old school the grave digger puts the corpses in the grave and i put the grave digger in my pocket,7.785,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0053.wav,i shall follow that is my business,2.665,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0054.wav,the hearse halts the undertaker's men knot a rope around your coffin and lower you down,5.69,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0055.wav,the priest says the prayers makes the sign of the cross sprinkles the holy water and takes his departure,5.925,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0056.wav,one of two things will happen he will either be sober or he will not be sober,5.4,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168670-0057.wav,that is settled father fauchelevent all will go well,3.88,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0000.wav,on the following day as the sun was declining the very rare passers by on the boulevard du maine pulled off their hats to an old fashioned hearse ornamented with skulls cross bones and tears,14.24,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0001.wav,this hearse contained a coffin covered with a white cloth over which spread a large black cross like a huge corpse with drooping arms,10.2,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0002.wav,a mourning coach in which could be seen a priest in his surplice and a choir boy in his red cap followed,7.67,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0003.wav,behind it came an old man in the garments of a laborer who limped along,5.82,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0004.wav,the grave diggers being thus bound to service in the evening in summer and at night in winter in this cemetery they were subjected to a special discipline,9.525,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0005.wav,these gates therefore swung inexorably on their hinges at the instant when the sun disappeared behind the dome of the invalides,8.76,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0006.wav,dampness was invading it the flowers were deserting it,3.945,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0007.wav,the bourgeois did not care much about being buried in the vaugirard it hinted at poverty pere lachaise if you please,8.155,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0008.wav,to be buried in pere lachaise is equivalent to having furniture of mahogany it is recognized as elegant,7.17,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0009.wav,the interment of mother crucifixion in the vault under the altar the exit of cosette the introduction of jean valjean to the dead room all had been executed without difficulty and there had been no hitch let us remark in passing that the burial of mother crucifixion under the altar of the convent is a perfectly venial offence in our sight,22.29,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0010.wav,it is one of the faults which resemble a duty,3.06,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0011.wav,the nuns had committed it not only without difficulty but even with the applause of their own consciences,6.965,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0012.wav,in the cloister what is called the government is only an intermeddling with authority an interference which is always questionable,8.48,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0013.wav,make as many laws as you please men but keep them for yourselves,4.595,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0014.wav,a prince is nothing in the presence of a principle,3.885,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0015.wav,fauchelevent limped along behind the hearse in a very contented frame of mind,5.375,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0016.wav,jean valjean's composure was one of those powerful tranquillities which are contagious,5.815,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0017.wav,what remained to be done was a mere nothing,2.88,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0018.wav,he played with father mestienne,2.04,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0019.wav,he did what he liked with him he made him dance according to his whim,4.375,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0020.wav,the permission for interment must be exhibited,3.14,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0021.wav,he was a sort of laboring man who wore a waistcoat with large pockets and carried a mattock under his arm,7.1,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0022.wav,the man replied the grave digger,3.36,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0023.wav,the grave digger yes,3.76,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0024.wav,you i,3.22,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0025.wav,father mestienne is the grave digger he was,5.115,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0026.wav,fauchelevent had expected anything but this that a grave digger could die,5.62,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0027.wav,it is true nevertheless that grave diggers do die themselves,4.635,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0028.wav,he had hardly the strength to stammer,2.415,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0029.wav,but he persisted feebly father mestienne is the grave digger,5.65,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0030.wav,do you know who little father lenoir is he is a jug of red wine,4.615,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0031.wav,but you are a jolly fellow too,2.155,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0032.wav,are you not comrade we'll go and have a drink together presently,4.32,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0033.wav,the man replied,1.69,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0034.wav,he limped more out of anxiety than from infirmity,4.02,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0035.wav,the grave digger walked on in front of him,3.0,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0036.wav,fauchelevent passed the unexpected gribier once more in review,4.25,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0037.wav,fauchelevent who was illiterate but very sharp understood that he had to deal with a formidable species of man with a fine talker he muttered,11.105,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0038.wav,so father mestienne is dead,3.155,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0039.wav,the man replied completely,2.905,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0040.wav,the good god consulted his note book which shows when the time is up it was father mestienne's turn father mestienne died,9.065,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0041.wav,stammered fauchelevent it is made,3.225,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0042.wav,you are a peasant i am a parisian,3.645,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0043.wav,fauchelevent thought i am lost,3.8,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0044.wav,they were only a few turns of the wheel distant from the small alley leading to the nuns corner,5.99,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0045.wav,and he added with the satisfaction of a serious man who is turning a phrase well,5.73,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0046.wav,fortunately the soil which was light and wet with the winter rains clogged the wheels and retarded its speed,7.84,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0047.wav,my father was a porter at the prytaneum town hall,3.91,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0048.wav,but he had reverses he had losses on change i was obliged to renounce the profession of author but i am still a public writer,8.91,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0049.wav,so you are not a grave digger then,2.485,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0050.wav,returned fauchelevent clutching at this branch feeble as it was,4.565,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0051.wav,here a remark becomes necessary,2.62,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0052.wav,fauchelevent whatever his anguish offered a drink but he did not explain himself on one point who was to pay,8.52,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0053.wav,the grave digger went on with a superior smile,3.62,test.other +data/test.other/3764-168671-0054.wav,one must eat,1.66,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0000.wav,educated people of the upper classes are trying to stifle the ever growing sense of the necessity of transforming the existing social order,6.835,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0001.wav,this is absolutely incorrect,2.06,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0002.wav,in the social conception of life it is supposed that since the aim of life is found in groups of individuals individuals will voluntarily sacrifice their own interests for the interests of the group,9.31,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0003.wav,the champions of the social conception of life usually try to connect the idea of authority that is of violence with the idea of moral influence but this connection is quite impossible,9.245,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0004.wav,the man who is controlled by moral influence acts in accordance with his own desires,4.415,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0005.wav,the basis of authority is bodily violence,2.565,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0006.wav,the possibility of applying bodily violence to people is provided above all by an organization of armed men trained to act in unison in submission to one will,8.14,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0007.wav,these bands of armed men submissive to a single will are what constitute the army,4.755,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0008.wav,the army has always been and still is the basis of power,3.535,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0009.wav,power is always in the hands of those who control the army and all men in power from the roman caesars to the russian and german emperors take more interest in their army than in anything and court popularity in the army knowing that if that is on their side their power is secure,13.95,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0010.wav,indeed it could not be otherwise,2.285,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0011.wav,only under those conditions could the social organization be justified,3.745,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0012.wav,but since this is not the case and on the contrary men in power are always far from being saints through the very fact of their possession of power the social organization based on power has no justification,10.665,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0013.wav,even if there was once a time when owing to the low standard of morals and the disposition of men to violence the existence of an authority to restrain such violence was an advantage because the violence of government was less than the violence of individuals one cannot but see that this advantage could not be lasting,15.405,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0014.wav,between the members of one state subject to a single authority the strife between individuals seems still less and the life of the state seems even more secure,8.745,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0015.wav,it was produced on one hand by the natural growth of population and on the other by struggle and conquest,6.44,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0016.wav,after conquest the power of the emperor puts an end to internal dissensions and so the state conception of life justifies itself,7.47,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0017.wav,but this justification is never more than temporary,2.825,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0018.wav,internal dissensions disappear only in proportion to the degree of oppression exerted by the authority over the dissentient individuals,7.095,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0019.wav,government authority even if it does suppress private violence always introduces into the life of men fresh forms of violence which tend to become greater and greater in proportion to the duration and strength of the government,11.72,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0020.wav,and therefore the oppression of the oppressed always goes on growing up to the furthest limit beyond which it cannot go without killing the goose with the golden eggs,7.42,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0021.wav,the most convincing example of this is to be found in the condition of the working classes of our epoch who are in reality no better than the slaves of ancient times subdued by conquest,9.565,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0022.wav,so it has always been,1.83,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0023.wav,footnote the fact that in america the abuses of authority exist in spite of the small number of their troops not only fails to disprove this position but positively confirms it,9.5,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0024.wav,the upper classes know that an army of fifty thousand will soon be insufficient and no longer relying on pinkerton's men they feel that the security of their position depends on the increased strength of the army,9.89,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0025.wav,the reason to which he gave expression is essentially the same as that which made the french kings and the popes engage swiss and scotch guards and makes the russian authorities of to day so carefully distribute the recruits so that the regiments from the frontiers are stationed in central districts and the regiments from the center are stationed on the frontiers,17.13,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0026.wav,the meaning of caprivi's speech put into plain language is that funds are needed not to resist foreign foes but to buy under officers to be ready to act against the enslaved toiling masses,10.3,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0027.wav,and this abnormal order of things is maintained by the army,3.045,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0028.wav,but there is not only one government there are other governments exploiting their subjects by violence in the same way and always ready to pounce down on any other government and carry off the fruits of the toil of its enslaved subjects,10.485,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0029.wav,and so every government needs an army also to protect its booty from its neighbor brigands,4.42,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0030.wav,this increase is contagious as montesquieu pointed out one hundred fifty years ago,4.245,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0031.wav,every increase in the army of one state with the aim of self defense against its subjects becomes a source of danger for neighboring states and calls for a similar increase in their armies,9.67,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0032.wav,the despotism of a government always increases with the strength of the army and its external successes and the aggressiveness of a government increases with its internal despotism,8.71,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0033.wav,the rivalry of the european states in constantly increasing their forces has reduced them to the necessity of having recourse to universal military service since by that means the greatest possible number of soldiers is obtained at the least possible expense,13.17,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0034.wav,and by this means all citizens are under arms to support the iniquities practiced upon them all citizens have become their own oppressors,7.185,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0035.wav,this inconsistency has become obvious in universal military service,3.875,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0036.wav,in fact the whole significance of the social conception of life consists in man's recognition of the barbarity of strife between individuals and the transitoriness of personal life itself and the transference of the aim of life to groups of persons,13.525,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0037.wav,but with universal military service it comes to pass that men after making every sacrifice to get rid of the cruelty of strife and the insecurity of existence are called upon to face all the perils they had meant to avoid,11.93,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0038.wav,but instead of doing that they expose the individuals to the same necessity of strife substituting strife with individuals of other states for strife with neighbors,7.8,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0039.wav,the taxes raised from the people for war preparations absorb the greater part of the produce of labor which the army ought to defend,6.875,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0040.wav,the danger of war ever ready to break out renders all reforms of life social life vain and fruitless,6.28,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0041.wav,but the fatal significance of universal military service as the manifestation of the contradiction inherent in the social conception of life is not only apparent in that,8.465,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0042.wav,governments assert that armies are needed above all for external defense but that is not true,4.715,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0043.wav,they are needed principally against their subjects and every man under universal military service becomes an accomplice in all the acts of violence of the government against the citizens without any choice of his own,10.28,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0044.wav,and for the sake of what am i making them,2.435,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0045.wav,i am expected for the sake of the state to make these sacrifices to renounce everything that can be precious to man peace family security and human dignity,8.62,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0046.wav,except for the state they say we should be exposed to the attacks of evil disposed persons in our own country,6.165,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0047.wav,we know now that threats and punishments cannot diminish their number that that can only be done by change of environment and moral influence,7.095,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0048.wav,so that the justification of state violence on the ground of the protection it gives us from evil disposed persons even if it had some foundation three or four centuries ago has none whatever now,9.79,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0049.wav,except for the state they tell us we should not have any religion education culture means of communication and so on,6.355,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0050.wav,without the state men would not have been able to form the social institutions needed for doing any thing,4.855,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0051.wav,this argument too was well founded only some centuries ago,3.465,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0052.wav,the great extension of means of communication and interchange of ideas has made men completely able to dispense with state aid in forming societies associations corporations and congresses for scientific economic and political objects,12.295,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0053.wav,without governments nations would be enslaved by their neighbors,3.255,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0054.wav,the government they tell us with its army is necessary to defend us from neighboring states who might enslave us,5.45,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0055.wav,and if defense against barbarous nations is meant one thousandth part of the troops now under arms would be amply sufficient for that purpose,7.675,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0056.wav,the power of the state far from being a security against the attacks of our neighbors exposes us on the contrary to much greater danger of such attacks,7.975,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0057.wav,even looking at it practically weighing that is to say all the burdens laid on him by the state no man can fail to see that for him personally to comply with state demands and serve in the army would in the majority of cases be more disadvantageous than to refuse to do so,14.315,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0058.wav,to resist would need independent thought and effort of which every man is not capable,4.245,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0059.wav,so much for the advantages and disadvantages of both lines of conduct for a man of the wealthy classes an oppressor,6.2,test.other +data/test.other/4350-9170-0060.wav,for a man of the poor working class the advantages and disadvantages will be the same but with a great increase of disadvantages,6.66,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0000.wav,he perceived that it was no good talking to the old man and that the principal person in the house was the mother,5.154937,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0001.wav,before her he decided to scatter his pearls,2.900063,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0002.wav,the princess was distracted and did not know what to do she felt she had sinned against kitty,4.945,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0003.wav,well doctor decide our fate said the princess tell me everything,3.625,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0004.wav,is there hope she meant to say but her lips quivered and she could not utter the question well doctor,5.345,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0005.wav,as you please the princess went out with a sigh,3.145,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0006.wav,the family doctor respectfully ceased in the middle of his observations,3.55,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0007.wav,and there are indications malnutrition nervous excitability and so on,4.005,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0008.wav,the question stands thus in presence of indications of tuberculous process what is to be done to maintain nutrition,6.245,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0009.wav,yes that's an understood thing responded the celebrated physician again glancing at his watch,4.63,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0010.wav,beg pardon is the yausky bridge done yet or shall i have to drive around,3.18,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0011.wav,he asked ah it is,2.14,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0012.wav,oh well then i can do it in twenty minutes,2.11,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0013.wav,and how about a tour abroad asked the family doctor,3.43,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0014.wav,what is wanted is means of improving nutrition and not for lowering it,3.375,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0015.wav,the family doctor listened attentively and respectfully,3.43,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0016.wav,but in favor of foreign travel i would urge the change of habits the removal from conditions calling up reminiscences,6.275,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0017.wav,and then the mother wishes it he added,2.31,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0018.wav,ah well in that case to be sure let them go only those german quacks are mischievous,4.575,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0019.wav,oh time's up already and he went to the door,2.71,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0020.wav,the celebrated doctor announced to the princess a feeling of what was due from him dictated his doing so that he ought to see the patient once more,7.85,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0021.wav,oh no only a few details princess come this way,4.175,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0022.wav,and the mother accompanied by the doctor went into the drawing room to kitty,4.15,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0023.wav,when the doctor came in she flushed crimson and her eyes filled with tears,4.18,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0024.wav,she answered him and all at once got up furious,3.395,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0025.wav,excuse me doctor but there is really no object in this,3.09,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0026.wav,this is the third time you've asked me the same thing,2.745,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0027.wav,the celebrated doctor did not take offense,2.695,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0028.wav,nervous irritability he said to the princess when kitty had left the room however i had finished,5.935,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0029.wav,and the doctor began scientifically explaining to the princess as an exceptionally intelligent woman the condition of the young princess and concluded by insisting on the drinking of the waters which were certainly harmless,10.56,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0030.wav,at the question should they go abroad the doctor plunged into deep meditation as though resolving a weighty problem,6.34,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0031.wav,finally his decision was pronounced they were to go abroad but to put no faith in foreign quacks and to apply to him in any need,7.76,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0032.wav,it seemed as though some piece of good fortune had come to pass after the doctor had gone,4.235,test.other +data/test.other/4350-10919-0033.wav,the mother was much more cheerful when she went back to her daughter and kitty pretended to be more cheerful,4.875,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0000.wav,unfortunately there could be no doubt or misconception as to platterbaff's guilt,5.475,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0001.wav,he had not only pleaded guilty but had expressed his intention of repeating his escapade in other directions as soon as circumstances permitted throughout the trial he was busy examining a small model of the free trade hall in manchester,15.57,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0002.wav,the jury could not possibly find that the prisoner had not deliberately and intentionally blown up the albert hall the question was could they find any extenuating circumstances which would permit of an acquittal,16.595,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0003.wav,of course any sentence which the law might feel compelled to inflict would be followed by an immediate pardon but it was highly desirable from the government's point of view that the necessity for such an exercise of clemency should not arise,17.05,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0004.wav,a headlong pardon on the eve of a bye election with threats of a heavy voting defection if it were withheld or even delayed would not necessarily be a surrender but it would look like one,14.285,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0005.wav,hence the anxiety in the crowded court and in the little groups gathered round the tape machines in whitehall and downing street and other affected centres,11.14,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0006.wav,the jury returned from considering their verdict there was a flutter an excited murmur a deathlike hush,9.475,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0007.wav,the foreman delivered his message,3.36,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0008.wav,the jury find the prisoner guilty of blowing up the albert hall,5.255,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0009.wav,the jury wish to add a rider drawing attention to the fact that a by election is pending in the parliamentary division of nemesis on hand,9.8,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0010.wav,and may the lord have mercy on the poll a junior counsel exclaimed irreverently,7.09,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0011.wav,fifteen hundred said the prime minister with a shudder it's too horrible to think of,6.444937,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0012.wav,our majority last time was only a thousand and seven,3.910062,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0013.wav,seven thirty amended the prime minister we must avoid any appearance of precipitancy,6.89,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0014.wav,not later than seven thirty then said the chief organiser i have promised the agent down there that he shall be able to display posters announcing platterbaff is out before the poll opens,13.6,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0015.wav,he said it was our only chance of getting a telegram radprop is in to night,5.255,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0016.wav,despite the earliness of the hour a small crowd had gathered in the street outside and the horrible menacing trelawney refrain of the fifteen hundred voting men came in a steady monotonous chant,14.795,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0017.wav,he exclaimed won't go,2.575,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0018.wav,he says he never has left prison without a brass band to play him out and he's not going to go without one now,7.175,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0019.wav,said the prime minister we can hardly be supposed to supply a released prisoner with a brass band how on earth could we defend it on the estimates,9.425,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0020.wav,anyway he won't go unless he has a band,2.945,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0021.wav,poll opens in five minutes,2.535,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0022.wav,is platterbaff out yet,2.185,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0023.wav,in heaven's name why,2.315,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0024.wav,the chief organiser rang off,2.83,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0025.wav,this is not a moment for standing on dignity he observed bluntly musicians must be supplied at once,7.175,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0026.wav,can't you get a strike permit asked the organiser,3.51,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0027.wav,i'll try said the home secretary and went to the telephone,4.605,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0028.wav,eight o'clock struck the crowd outside chanted with an increasing volume of sound will vote the other way,7.25,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0029.wav,a telegram was brought in,2.42,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0030.wav,it was from the central committee rooms at nemesis,3.52,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0031.wav,without a band he would not go and they had no band,4.26,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0032.wav,a quarter past ten half past,3.305,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0033.wav,have you any band instruments of an easy nature to play,4.27,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0034.wav,demanded the chief organiser of the prison governor drums cymbals those sort of things,7.12,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0035.wav,the warders have a private band of their own said the governor but of course i couldn't allow the men themselves,7.795,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0036.wav,lend us the instruments said the chief organiser,3.52,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0037.wav,the popular song of the moment replied the agitator after a moment's reflection,5.92,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0038.wav,it was a tune they had all heard hundreds of times so there was no difficulty in turning out a passable imitation of it to the improvised strains of i didn't want to do it the prisoner strode forth to freedom,14.25,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0039.wav,the word of the song had reference it was understood to the incarcerating government and not to the destroyer of the albert hall,8.22,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0040.wav,the seat was lost after all by a narrow majority,3.53,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2330-0041.wav,the local trade unionists took offence at the fact of cabinet ministers having personally acted as strike breakers and even the release of platterbaff failed to pacify them,13.365,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0000.wav,with that notorious failing of his he was not the sort of person one wanted in one's house,6.37,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0001.wav,well the failing still exists doesn't it said her husband or do you suppose a reform of character is entailed along with the estate,11.525,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0002.wav,besides cynicism apart his being rich will make a difference in the way people will look at his failing,7.635,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0003.wav,when a man is absolutely wealthy not merely well to do all suspicion of sordid motive naturally disappears the thing becomes merely a tiresome malady,10.86,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0004.wav,wilfrid pigeoncote had suddenly become heir to his uncle sir wilfrid pigeoncote on the death of his cousin major wilfrid pigeoncote who had succumbed to the after effects of a polo accident,13.605,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0005.wav,a wilfrid pigeoncote had covered himself with honours in the course of marlborough's campaigns and the name wilfrid had been a baptismal weakness in the family ever since the new heir to the family dignity and estates was a young man of about five and twenty who was known more by reputation than by person to a wide circle of cousins and kinsfolk,23.01,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0006.wav,and the reputation was an unpleasant one,3.0,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0007.wav,from his late schooldays onward he had been possessed by an acute and obstinate form of kleptomania he had the acquisitive instinct of the collector without any of the collector's discrimination,12.84,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0008.wav,the search usually produced a large and varied yield this is funny said peter pigeoncote to his wife some half hour after their conversation here's a telegram from wilfrid saying he's passing through here in his motor and would like to stop and pay us his respects,17.84,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0009.wav,signed wilfrid pigeoncote,2.635,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0010.wav,i suppose he's bringing us a present for the silver wedding good gracious,5.275,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0011.wav,the talk flitted nervously and hurriedly from one impersonal topic to another,5.29,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0012.wav,in the drawing room after dinner their nervousness and awkwardness increased,5.37,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0013.wav,oh we haven't shown you the silver wedding presents said missus peter suddenly as though struck by a brilliant idea for entertaining the guest here they all are,12.315,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0014.wav,such nice useful gifts a few duplicates of course,4.895,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0015.wav,seven cream jugs put in peter,4.28,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0016.wav,we feel that we must live on cream for the rest of our lives,3.87,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0017.wav,of course some of them can be changed,3.885,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0018.wav,i put it down by the claret jug said wilfrid busy with another object,6.105,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0019.wav,vigilance was not completely crowned with a sense of victory,4.73,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0020.wav,after they had said good night to their visitor missus peter expressed her conviction that he had taken something,8.565,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0021.wav,how on earth are we to know said peter the mean pig hasn't brought us a present and i'm hanged if he shall carry one off,8.73,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0022.wav,it's the only thing to do,2.095,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0023.wav,wilfrid was late in coming down to breakfast and his manner showed plainly that something was amiss,6.59,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0024.wav,it's an unpleasant thing to have to say he blurted out presently but i'm afraid you must have a thief among your servants something's been taken out of my portmanteau,11.735,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0025.wav,it was a little present from my mother and myself for your silver wedding,4.72,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0026.wav,i should have given it to you last night after dinner only it happened to be a cream jug and you seemed annoyed at having so many duplicates so i felt rather awkward about giving you another,13.095,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0027.wav,the snatcher had been an orphan these many years,3.53,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0028.wav,lady ernestine pigeoncote his mother moved in circles which were entirely beyond their compass or ambitions and the son would probably one day be an ambassador,11.685,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0029.wav,husband and wife looked blankly and desperately at one another,4.375,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0030.wav,it was missus peter who arrived first at an inspiration how dreadful to think there are thieves in the house we keep the drawing room locked up at night of course but anything might be carried off while we are at breakfast,15.72,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0031.wav,she rose and went out hurriedly as though to assure herself that the drawing room was not being stripped of its silverware and returned a moment later bearing a cream jug in her hands,12.695,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0032.wav,the pigeoncotes had turned paler than ever missus peter had a final inspiration,6.83,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0033.wav,peter dashed out of the room with glad relief he had lived so long during the last few minutes that a golden wedding seemed within measurable distance,10.615,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0034.wav,missus peter turned to her guest with confidential coyness,4.085,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0035.wav,peter's little weakness it runs in the family good lord,5.725,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0036.wav,do you mean to say he's a kleptomaniac like cousin snatcher,4.465,test.other +data/test.other/7105-2340-0037.wav,brave little woman said peter with a gasp of relief i could never have done it,6.535,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0000.wav,i swear it answered sancho,2.215,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0001.wav,i say so continued don quixote because i hate taking away anyone's good name,4.96,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0002.wav,i say replied sancho that i swear to hold my tongue about it till the end of your worship's days and god grant i may be able to let it out tomorrow,8.2,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0003.wav,though your worship was not so badly off having in your arms that incomparable beauty you spoke of but i what did i have except the heaviest whacks i think i had in all my life,9.575,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0004.wav,unlucky me and the mother that bore me,2.325,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0005.wav,didn't i say so worse luck to my line said sancho,3.445,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0006.wav,it cannot be the moor answered don quixote for those under enchantment do not let themselves be seen by anyone,6.175,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0007.wav,if they don't let themselves be seen they let themselves be felt said sancho if not let my shoulders speak to the point,6.37,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0008.wav,mine could speak too said don quixote but that is not a sufficient reason for believing that what we see is the enchanted moor,6.76,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0009.wav,the officer turned to him and said well how goes it good man,3.295,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0010.wav,sancho got up with pain enough in his bones and went after the innkeeper in the dark and meeting the officer who was looking to see what had become of his enemy he said to him senor whoever you are do us the favour and kindness to give us a little rosemary oil salt and wine for it is wanted to cure one of the best knights errant on earth who lies on yonder bed wounded by the hands of the enchanted moor that is in this inn,22.765,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0011.wav,to be brief he took the materials of which he made a compound mixing them all and boiling them a good while until it seemed to him they had come to perfection,9.505,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0012.wav,sancho panza who also regarded the amendment of his master as miraculous begged him to give him what was left in the pigskin which was no small quantity,8.11,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0013.wav,don quixote consented and he taking it with both hands in good faith and with a better will gulped down and drained off very little less than his master,7.96,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0014.wav,if your worship knew that returned sancho woe betide me and all my kindred why did you let me taste it,6.745,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0015.wav,search your memory and if you find anything of this kind you need only tell me of it and i promise you by the order of knighthood which i have received to procure you satisfaction and reparation to the utmost of your desire,11.06,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0016.wav,then this is an inn said don quixote,3.11,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0017.wav,and a very respectable one said the innkeeper,2.91,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0018.wav,the cries of the poor blanketed wretch were so loud that they reached the ears of his master who halting to listen attentively was persuaded that some new adventure was coming until he clearly perceived that it was his squire who uttered them,12.3,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0019.wav,he saw him rising and falling in the air with such grace and nimbleness that had his rage allowed him it is my belief he would have laughed,7.09,test.other +data/test.other/367-293981-0020.wav,sancho took it and as he was raising it to his mouth he was stopped by the cries of his master exclaiming sancho my son drink not water drink it not my son for it will kill thee see here i have the blessed balsam and he held up the flask of liquor and with drinking two drops of it thou wilt certainly be restored,17.29,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0000.wav,lobsters and lobsters,2.365,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0001.wav,when is a lobster not a lobster when it is a crayfish,4.38,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0002.wav,this question and answer might well go into the primer of information for those who come to san francisco from the east for what is called a lobster in san francisco is not a lobster at all but a crayfish,11.28,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0003.wav,the pacific crayfish however serves every purpose and while many contend that its meat is not so delicate in flavor as that of its eastern cousin the californian will as strenuously insist that it is better but of course something must always be allowed for the patriotism of the californian,15.005,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0004.wav,a book could be written about this restaurant and then all would not be told for all its secrets can never be known,5.875,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0005.wav,it was here that most magnificent dinners were arranged it was here that extraordinary dishes were concocted by chefs of world wide fame it was here that lobster a la newberg reached its highest perfection and this is the recipe that was followed when it was prepared in the delmonico,15.555,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0006.wav,lobster a la newberg,2.35,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0007.wav,one pound of lobster meat one teaspoonful of butter one half pint of cream yolks of four eggs one wine glass of sherry lobster fat,9.785,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0008.wav,put this in a double boiler and let cook until thick stirring constantly,4.295,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0009.wav,serve in a chafing dish with thin slices of dry toast,3.765,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0010.wav,king of shell fish,1.935,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0011.wav,one has to come to san francisco to partake of the king of shell fish the mammoth pacific crab,5.71,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0012.wav,i say come to san francisco advisedly for while the crab is found all along the coast it is prepared nowhere so deliciously as in san francisco,8.44,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0013.wav,gobey's passed with the fire and the little restaurant bearing his name and in charge of his widow in union square avenue has not attained the fame of the old place,8.7,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0014.wav,it is possible that she knows the secret of preparing crab as it was prepared in the gobey's of before the fire but his prestige did not descend to her,8.61,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0015.wav,gobey's crab stew,2.28,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0016.wav,take the meat of one large crab scraping out all of the fat from the shell,4.69,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0017.wav,soak the crab meat in the sherry two hours before cooking,3.805,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0018.wav,chop fine the onion sweet pepper and tomato with the rosemary,4.215,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0019.wav,heat this in a stewpan and when simmering add the sherry and crab meat and let all cook together with a slow fire for eight minutes,7.795,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0020.wav,serve in a chafing dish with toasted crackers or thin slices of toasted bread,4.57,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0021.wav,lobster in miniature,2.46,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0022.wav,so far it has been used mostly for garnishment of other dishes and it is only recently that the hof brau has been making a specialty of them,7.45,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0023.wav,all of the better class restaurants however will serve them if you order them,4.255,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0024.wav,this is the recipe for eight people and it is well worth trying if you are giving a dinner of importance,6.18,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0025.wav,bisque of crawfish,2.15,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0026.wav,take thirty crawfish from which remove the gut containing the gall in the following manner take firm hold of the crawfish with the left hand so as to avoid being pinched by its claws with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand pinch the extreme end of the central fin of the tail and with a sudden jerk the gut will be withdrawn,18.52,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0027.wav,mince or cut into small dice a carrot an onion one head of celery and a few parsley roots and to these add a bay leaf a sprig of thyme a little minionette pepper and two ounces of butter,13.21,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0028.wav,put these ingredients into a stewpan and fry them ten minutes then throw in the crawfish and pour on them half a bottle of french white wine,8.6,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0029.wav,allow this to boil and then add a quart of strong consomme and let all continue boiling for half an hour,6.25,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0030.wav,pick out the crawfish and strain the broth through a napkin by pressure into a basin in order to extract all the essence from the vegetables,8.21,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0031.wav,pick the shells off twenty five of the crawfish tails trim them neatly and set them aside until wanted,6.77,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0032.wav,reserve some of the spawn also half of the body shells with which to make the crawfish butter to finish the soup,6.67,test.other +data/test.other/367-130732-0033.wav,this butter is made as follows place the shells on a baking sheet in the oven to dry let the shells cool and then pound them in a mortar with a little lobster coral and four ounces of fresh butter thoroughly bruising the whole together so as to make a fine paste,15.91,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0000.wav,andbut never mind the rest of his outfit it was just wild but it was awful funny,6.725,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0001.wav,the people most killed themselves laughing and when the king got done capering and capered off behind the scenes they roared and clapped and stormed and haw hawed till he come back and done it over again and after that they made him do it another time,16.465,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0002.wav,twenty people sings out,2.225,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0003.wav,the duke says yes,2.2,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0004.wav,everybody sings out sold,2.72,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0005.wav,but a big fine looking man jumps up on a bench and shouts hold on,5.78,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0006.wav,just a word gentlemen they stopped to listen,3.335,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0007.wav,what we want is to go out of here quiet and talk this show up and sell the rest of the town,6.73,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0008.wav,you bet it is the jedge is right everybody sings out,4.25,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0009.wav,we struck the raft at the same time and in less than two seconds we was gliding down stream all dark and still and edging towards the middle of the river nobody saying a word,11.15,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0010.wav,we never showed a light till we was about ten mile below the village,4.335,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0011.wav,greenhorns flatheads,2.58,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0012.wav,no i says it don't,2.225,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0013.wav,well it don't because it's in the breed i reckon they're all alike,4.63,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0014.wav,well that's what i'm a saying all kings is mostly rapscallions as fur as i can make out is dat so,7.955,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0015.wav,and look at charles second and louis fourteen and louis fifteen and james second and edward second and richard third and forty more besides all them saxon heptarchies that used to rip around so in old times and raise cain,16.005,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0016.wav,my you ought to seen old henry the eight when he was in bloom he was a blossom,6.325,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0017.wav,ring up fair rosamun,2.145,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0018.wav,well henry he takes a notion he wants to get up some trouble with this country,5.46,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0019.wav,s'pose he opened his mouthwhat then,3.165,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0020.wav,all i say is kings is kings and you got to make allowances,5.055,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0021.wav,take them all around they're a mighty ornery lot it's the way they're raised,5.19,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0022.wav,well they all do jim,2.14,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0023.wav,now de duke he's a tolerble likely man in some ways,4.7,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0024.wav,this one's a middling hard lot for a duke,2.7,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0025.wav,when i waked up just at daybreak he was sitting there with his head down betwixt his knees moaning and mourning to himself,8.35,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0026.wav,it don't seem natural but i reckon it's so,3.075,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0027.wav,he was often moaning and mourning that way nights when he judged i was asleep and saying po little lizabeth,7.865,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0028.wav,doan you hear me shet de do,3.88,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0029.wav,i lay i make you mine,2.735,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163390-0030.wav,jis as loud as i could yell,2.415,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0000.wav,they swarmed up in front of sherburn's palings as thick as they could jam together and you couldn't hear yourself think for the noise,8.375,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0001.wav,some sung out tear down the fence tear down the fence,5.425,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0002.wav,the stillness was awful creepy and uncomfortable,3.55,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0003.wav,sherburn run his eye slow along the crowd and wherever it struck the people tried a little to out gaze him but they couldn't they dropped their eyes and looked sneaky,11.66,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0004.wav,the average man's a coward,2.47,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0005.wav,because they're afraid the man's friends will shoot them in the back in the darkand it's just what they would do,7.92,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0006.wav,so they always acquit and then a man goes in the night with a hundred masked cowards at his back and lynches the rascal,9.975,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0007.wav,you didn't want to come,2.045,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0008.wav,but a mob without any man at the head of it is beneath pitifulness,5.11,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0009.wav,now leave and take your half a man with you tossing his gun up across his left arm and cocking it when he says this,9.45,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0010.wav,the crowd washed back sudden and then broke all apart and went tearing off every which way and buck harkness he heeled it after them looking tolerable cheap,12.085,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0011.wav,you can't be too careful,2.26,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0012.wav,they argued and tried to keep him out but he wouldn't listen and the whole show come to a standstill,7.28,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0013.wav,and one or two women begun to scream,2.88,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0014.wav,so then the ringmaster he made a little speech and said he hoped there wouldn't be no disturbance and if the man would promise he wouldn't make no more trouble he would let him ride if he thought he could stay on the horse,13.7,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0015.wav,it warn't funny to me though i was all of a tremble to see his danger,5.23,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0016.wav,and the horse a going like a house afire too,3.1,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0017.wav,he shed them so thick they kind of clogged up the air and altogether he shed seventeen suits,6.945,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163389-0018.wav,why it was one of his own men,3.04,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0000.wav,phelps was one of these little one horse cotton plantations and they all look alike,6.135,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0001.wav,i went around and clumb over the back stile by the ash hopper and started for the kitchen,5.775,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0002.wav,i out with a yes'm before i thought,3.475,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0003.wav,so then she started for the house leading me by the hand and the children tagging after,5.405,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0004.wav,when we got there she set me down in a split bottomed chair and set herself down on a little low stool in front of me holding both of my hands and says,9.4,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0005.wav,well it's lucky because sometimes people do get hurt,3.945,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0006.wav,and i think he died afterwards he was a baptist,3.52,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0007.wav,yes it was mortificationthat was it,3.11,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0008.wav,your uncle's been up to the town every day to fetch you,3.02,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0009.wav,you must a met him on the road didn't you oldish man with a,4.33,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0010.wav,why child it ll be stole,2.23,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0011.wav,it was kinder thin ice but i says,3.21,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0012.wav,i had my mind on the children all the time i wanted to get them out to one side and pump them a little and find out who i was,7.935,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0013.wav,pretty soon she made the cold chills streak all down my back because she says,5.375063,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0014.wav,i see it warn't a bit of use to try to go ahead i'd got to throw up my hand,5.285,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0015.wav,so i says to myself here's another place where i got to resk the truth,5.025,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0016.wav,i opened my mouth to begin but she grabbed me and hustled me in behind the bed and says here he comes,7.08,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0017.wav,children don't you say a word,2.405,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0018.wav,i see i was in a fix now,2.49,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0019.wav,missus phelps she jumps for him and says,3.1,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0020.wav,has he come no says her husband,3.565,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0021.wav,i can't imagine says the old gentleman and i must say it makes me dreadful uneasy,5.27,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0022.wav,uneasy she says i'm ready to go distracted,3.8,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0023.wav,he must a come and you've missed him along the road,3.365,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0024.wav,oh don't distress me any more'n i'm already distressed,3.73,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0025.wav,why silas look yonder up the road ain't that somebody coming,4.94,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0026.wav,the old gentleman stared and says,2.45,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0027.wav,i hain't no idea who is it,3.025,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0028.wav,it's tom sawyer,2.15,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0029.wav,being tom sawyer was easy and comfortable and it stayed easy and comfortable till by and by i hear a steamboat coughing along down the river,8.935,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163399-0030.wav,then i says to myself s'pose tom sawyer comes down on that boat,4.62,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0000.wav,which was sound enough judgment but you take the average man and he wouldn't wait for him to howl,6.485,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0001.wav,the king's duds was all black and he did look real swell and starchy,5.16,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0002.wav,why before he looked like the orneriest old rip that ever was but now when he'd take off his new white beaver and make a bow and do a smile he looked that grand and good and pious that you'd say he had walked right out of the ark and maybe was old leviticus himself,19.21,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0003.wav,jim cleaned up the canoe and i got my paddle ready,3.885,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0004.wav,wher you bound for young man,2.83,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0005.wav,git aboard says the king,2.32,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0006.wav,i done so and then we all three started on again,3.765,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0007.wav,the young chap was mighty thankful said it was tough work toting his baggage such weather,5.55,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0008.wav,he asked the king where he was going and the king told him he'd come down the river and landed at the other village this morning and now he was going up a few mile to see an old friend on a farm up there the young fellow says,13.265,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0009.wav,but then i says again no i reckon it ain't him or else he wouldn't be paddling up the river you ain't him are you,8.69,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0010.wav,no my name's blodgett elexander blodgett reverend elexander blodgett i s'pose i must say as i'm one o the lord's poor servants,10.695,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0011.wav,you see he was pretty old and george's g'yirls was too young to be much company for him except mary jane the red headed one and so he was kinder lonesome after george and his wife died and didn't seem to care much to live,14.56,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0012.wav,too bad too bad he couldn't a lived to see his brothers poor soul,4.595,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0013.wav,i'm going in a ship next wednesday for ryo janeero where my uncle lives,6.025,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0014.wav,but it'll be lovely wisht i was a going,3.705,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0015.wav,mary jane's nineteen susan's fifteen and joanna's about fourteenthat's the one that gives herself to good works and has a hare lip poor things,10.77,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0016.wav,well they could be worse off,2.54,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0017.wav,old peter had friends and they ain't going to let them come to no harm,4.27,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0018.wav,blamed if he didn't inquire about everybody and everything in that blessed town and all about the wilkses and about peter's businesswhich was a tanner and about george'swhich was a carpenter and about harvey'swhich was a dissentering minister and so on and so on then he says,18.105,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0019.wav,when they're deep they won't stop for a hail,2.57,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0020.wav,was peter wilks well off,2.425,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0021.wav,when we struck the boat she was about done loading and pretty soon she got off,5.15,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0022.wav,now hustle back right off and fetch the duke up here and the new carpet bags,5.775,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0023.wav,so then they waited for a steamboat,2.61,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0024.wav,but the king was ca'm he says,2.715,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0025.wav,they give a glance at one another and nodded their heads as much as to say what d i tell you,5.97,test.other +data/test.other/3005-163391-0026.wav,then one of them says kind of soft and gentle,3.48,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0000.wav,that night it started to rain and we wore out our horses,3.58,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0001.wav,friday we moved toward waterville and friday night we camped between elysian and german lake,4.965,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0002.wav,bob's shattered elbow was requiring frequent attention and that night we made only nine miles and monday monday night and tuesday we spent in a deserted farm house close to mankato,10.64,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0003.wav,that day a man named dunning discovered us and we took him prisoner,3.535,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0004.wav,finally we administered to him an oath not to betray our whereabouts until we had time to make our escape and he agreed not to,6.63,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0005.wav,no sooner however was he released than he made posthaste into mankato to announce our presence and in a few minutes another posse was looking for us,8.845,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0006.wav,the whistle on the oil mill blew and we feared that it was a signal that had been agreed upon to alarm the town in case we were observed but we were not molested,8.4,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0007.wav,he had to sleep with it pillowed on my breast jim being also crippled with a wound in his shoulder and we could not get much sleep,6.69,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0008.wav,but they soon after got close enough so that one of them broke my walking stick with a shot,4.665,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0009.wav,we were in sight of our long sought horses when they cut us off from the animals and our last hope was gone,6.02,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0010.wav,six stepped to the front sheriff glispin colonel t l vought b m rice g a bradford c a pomeroy and s j severson,9.365,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0011.wav,forming in line four paces apart he ordered them to advance rapidly and concentrate the fire of the whole line the instant the robbers were discovered,8.065,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0012.wav,make for the horses i said every man for himself,3.05,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0013.wav,there is no use stopping to pick up a comrade here for we can't get him through the line just charge them and make it if we can,6.92,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0014.wav,i got up as the signal for the charge and we fired one volley,3.51,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0015.wav,one of the fellows in the outer line not brave enough himself to join the volunteers who had come in to beat us out was not disposed to believe in the surrender and had his gun levelled on bob in spite of the handkerchief which was waving as a flag of truce,13.36,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0016.wav,sheriff glispin of watonwan county who was taking bob's pistol from him was also shouting to the fellow,6.17,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0017.wav,including those received in and on the way from northfield i had eleven wounds,4.375,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280085-0018.wav,and sheriff glispin's order not to shoot was the beginning of the protectorate that minnesota people established over us,6.025,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0000.wav,we took the oath perhaps three hundred of us down on luther mason's farm a few miles from where i now write where colonel hays had encamped after independence,9.14,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0001.wav,boone muir and myself met coffee and the rest below rose hill on grand river,4.46,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0002.wav,accordingly i was shortly awakened to accompany him to lone jack where he would personally make known the situation to the other colonels,7.34,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0003.wav,foster had nearly one thousand cavalrymen and two pieces of rabb's indiana battery that had already made for itself a name for hard fighting,7.315,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0004.wav,come in colonel hays exclaimed colonel cockrell,2.42,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0005.wav,i think he'll be rather tough meat for breakfast i replied he might be all right for dinner,4.55,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0006.wav,jackman with a party of thirty seasoned men charged the indiana guns and captured them but major foster led a gallant charge against the invaders and recaptured the pieces,9.915062,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0007.wav,we were out of ammunition and were helpless had the fight been pressed,3.445,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0008.wav,they did mark my clothes in one or two places however,2.955,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0009.wav,major foster in a letter to judge george m bennett of minneapolis said,4.37,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0010.wav,i was told by some of our men from the western border of the state that they recognized the daring young rider as cole younger,6.415,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0011.wav,about nine thirty a m i was shot down,2.75,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280063-0012.wav,the wounded of both forces were gathered up and were placed in houses,3.36,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0000.wav,these hatreds were soon to make trouble for me of which i had never dreamed,4.83,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0001.wav,henry washington younger my father represented jackson county three times in the legislature and was also judge of the county court,8.09,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0002.wav,my mother who was bursheba fristoe of independence was the daughter of richard fristoe who fought under general andrew jackson at new orleans jackson county having been so named at my grandfather fristoe's insistence,11.92,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0003.wav,i cannot remember when i did not know how to shoot,2.79,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0004.wav,my brother james was born january fifteenth eighteen forty eight john in eighteen fifty one and robert in december eighteen fifty three,7.95,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0005.wav,my eldest brother richard died in eighteen sixty,3.105,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0006.wav,my father was in the employ of the united states government and had the mail contract for five hundred miles,5.74,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0007.wav,he had started back to harrisonville in a buggy but was waylaid one mile south of westport a suburb of kansas city and brutally murdered falling out of his buggy into the road with three mortal bullet wounds,11.565,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0008.wav,missus washington wells and her son samuel on the road home from kansas city to lee's summit recognized the body as that of my father,7.645,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0009.wav,missus wells stayed to guard the remains while her son carried the news of the murder to colonel peabody of the federal command who was then in camp at kansas city,8.4,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0010.wav,missus mc corkle jumped from the window of the house and escaped,3.27,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0011.wav,as the raiders left one of them shouted,2.87,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0012.wav,now old lady call on your protectors why don't you call on cole younger now,4.81,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0013.wav,every knot represented a human life,2.675,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0014.wav,but she failed to find the comfort she sought for annoyances continued in a more aggravated form,5.54,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0015.wav,two months after this incident the same persecutors again entered our home in the dead of the night and at the point of a pistol tried to force my mother to set fire to her own home,9.465,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0016.wav,i have always felt that the exposure to which she was subjected on this cruel journey too hard even for a man to take was the direct cause of her death,8.545,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0017.wav,from harrisonville she went to waverly where she was hounded continually,3.935,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0018.wav,one of the conditions upon which her life was spared was that she would report at lexington weekly,5.62,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0019.wav,one of my old school teachers whom i have never seen since the spring or summer of eighteen sixty two is stephen b elkins senator from west virginia,9.545,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280057-0020.wav,when i was taken prisoner i expected to be shot without ceremony,3.525,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0000.wav,i urged on the boys that whatever happened we should not shoot any one,3.79,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0001.wav,when miller and i crossed the bridge the three were on some dry goods boxes at the corner near the bank and as soon as they saw us went right into the bank instead of waiting for us to get there,10.1,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0002.wav,when we came up i told miller to shut the bank door which they had left open in their hurry,4.98,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0003.wav,j s allen whose hardware store was near tried to go into the bank but miller ordered him away and he ran around the corner shouting,6.865,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0004.wav,get your guns boys they're robbing the bank,2.485,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0005.wav,and i called to him to get inside at the same time firing a pistol shot in the air as a signal to the three boys at the bridge that we had been discovered,7.875,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0006.wav,almost at this instant i heard a pistol shot in the bank,3.26,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0007.wav,chadwell woods and jim rode up and joined us shouting to people in the street to get inside and firing their pistols to emphasize their commands,8.04,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0008.wav,if any of our party shot him it must have been woods,3.05,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0009.wav,meantime the street was getting uncomfortably hot,2.59,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0010.wav,every time i saw any one with a bead on me i would drop off my horse and try to drive the shooter inside but i could not see in every direction,7.545,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0011.wav,doctor wheeler who had gone upstairs in the hotel shot miller and he lay dying in the street,5.185062,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0012.wav,changing his pistol to his left hand bob ran out and mounted miller's mare,4.68,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0013.wav,what kept you so long i asked pitts,2.27,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0014.wav,as to the rest of the affair inside the bank i take the account of a northfield narrator,5.275,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0015.wav,where's the money outside the safe bob asked,2.81,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0016.wav,the shutters were closed and this caused bunker an instant's delay that was almost fatal pitts chased him with a bullet,6.3,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280084-0017.wav,the first one missed him but the second went through his right shoulder,3.165,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0000.wav,although every book purporting to narrate the lives of the younger brothers has told of the liberty robbery and implied that we had a part in it the youngers were not suspected at that time nor for a long time afterward,11.865,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0001.wav,it was claimed by people of liberty that they positively recognized among the robbers oll shepherd red monkers and bud pence who had seen service with quantrell,9.325,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0002.wav,this raid was accompanied by bloodshed judge mc lain the banker being shot though not fatally,6.125,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0003.wav,no warrant was issued for the youngers but subsequent historians have inferentially at least accused us of taking part but as i said before there is no truth in the accusation,10.27,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0004.wav,june third eighteen seventy one obocock brothers bank at corydon iowa was robbed of forty thousand dollars by seven men in broad daylight,8.31,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0005.wav,it was charged that arthur mc coy or a c mc coy and myself had been participants in the gad's hill affair and the two stage robberies,7.98,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0006.wav,the parts of this letter now relevant are as follows,3.28,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0007.wav,you may use this letter in your own way,2.55,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0008.wav,i will give you this outline and sketch of my whereabouts and actions at the time of certain robberies with which i am charged,6.16,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0009.wav,at the time of the gallatin bank robbery i was gathering cattle in ellis county texas cattle that i bought from pleas taylor and rector,7.24,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0010.wav,this can be proved by both of them also by sheriff barkley and fifty other respectable men of that county,6.06,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0011.wav,i brought the cattle to kansas that fall and remained in saint clair county until february,5.04,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0012.wav,i then went to arkansas and returned to saint clair county about the first of may,4.41,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0013.wav,i went to kansas where our cattle were in woodson county at colonel ridge's,3.925,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0014.wav,during the summer i was either in saint clair jackson or kansas but as there was no robbery committed that summer it makes no difference where i was,8.135,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0015.wav,i went through independence and from there to ace webb's,2.92,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0016.wav,there i took dinner and then went to doctor l w twyman's,3.935,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0017.wav,our business there was to see e p west he was not at home but the family will remember that we were there,5.645,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0018.wav,we crossed on the bridge stayed in the city all night and the next morning we rode up through the city,4.88,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0019.wav,i met several of my friends among them was bob hudspeth,3.62,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0020.wav,we were not on good terms at the time nor have we been for several years,3.925,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0021.wav,poor john he has been hunted down and shot like a wild beast and never was a boy more innocent,5.75,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0022.wav,doctor l lewis was his physician,2.415,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0023.wav,there were fifty or a hundred persons there who will testify in any court that john and i were there,5.325,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0024.wav,helvin fickle and wife of greenton valley were attending the springs at that time and either of them will testify to the above for john and i sat in front of mister smith while he was preaching and was in his company for a few moments together with his wife and mister and missus fickle after service,15.585,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0025.wav,about the last of december eighteen seventy three i arrived in carroll parish louisiana,5.485,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0026.wav,i stayed there until the eighth of february eighteen seventy four,3.53,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0027.wav,i had not heard of that when i wrote the letter of eighteen seventy four and to correct any misapprehension that might be created by omitting it i will say that at that time i was at neosho kansas with a drove of cattle which i sold to major ray,14.055063,test.other +data/test.other/7975-280076-0028.wav,it was immediately following the rock island robbery at adair iowa that there first appeared a deliberate enlistment of some local papers in missouri to connect us with this robbery,9.525,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0000.wav,levin did not care to eat and he was not smoking he did not want to join his own friends that is sergey ivanovitch stepan arkadyevitch sviazhsky and the rest because vronsky in his equerry's uniform was standing with them in eager conversation,18.2,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0001.wav,he went to the window and sat down scanning the groups and listening to what was being said around him,6.755,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0002.wav,he's such a blackguard,2.015,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0003.wav,i have told him so but it makes no difference only think of it,4.935,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0004.wav,these persons were unmistakably seeking a place where they could talk without being overheard,6.45,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0005.wav,shall we go on your excellency fine champagne,4.01,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0006.wav,last year at our district marshal nikolay ivanovitch's,3.895,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0007.wav,oh still just the same always at a loss the landowner answered with a resigned smile but with an expression of serenity and conviction that so it must be,11.090063,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0008.wav,why what is there to understand,2.79,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0009.wav,there's no meaning in it at all,2.435,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0010.wav,then too one must keep up connections,3.075,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0011.wav,it's a moral obligation of a sort,2.42,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0012.wav,and then to tell the truth there's one's own interests,3.6,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0013.wav,they're proprietors of a sort but we're the landowners,4.12,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0014.wav,that it may be but still it ought to be treated a little more respectfully,5.87,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0015.wav,if we're laying out a garden planning one before the house you know and there you've a tree that's stood for centuries in the very spot old and gnarled it may be and yet you don't cut down the old fellow to make room for the flowerbeds but lay out your beds so as to take advantage of the tree,20.08,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0016.wav,well and how is your land doing,3.25,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0017.wav,but one's work is thrown in for nothing,3.025,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0018.wav,oh well one does it what would you have,3.945,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0019.wav,and what's more the landowner went on leaning his elbows on the window and chatting on my son i must tell you has no taste for it,9.24,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0020.wav,so there'll be no one to keep it up and yet one does it,4.315,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0021.wav,we walked about the fields and the garden no said he stepan vassilievitch everything's well looked after but your garden's neglected,9.565,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0022.wav,to my thinking i'd cut down that lime tree,3.04,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0023.wav,here you've thousands of limes and each would make two good bundles of bark,4.98,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0024.wav,you're married i've heard said the landowner,3.865,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0025.wav,yes it's rather strange he went on,2.965,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0026.wav,the landowner chuckled under his white mustaches,3.48,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0027.wav,why don't we cut down our parks for timber,3.075,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0028.wav,said levin returning to a thought that had struck him,3.7,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0029.wav,there's a class instinct too of what one ought and oughtn't to do,5.06,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0030.wav,there's the peasants too i wonder at them sometimes any good peasant tries to take all the land he can,7.7,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41169-0031.wav,without a return too at a simple loss,3.21,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0000.wav,captain lake did not look at all like a london dandy now,3.91,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0001.wav,there was a very natural savagery and dejection there and a wild leer in his yellow eyes rachel sat down,8.185,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0002.wav,a slave only think a slave,2.965,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0003.wav,oh frightful frightful is it a dream,3.485,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0004.wav,oh frightful frightful,2.734938,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0005.wav,stanley stanley it would be mercy to kill me she broke out again,5.700062,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0006.wav,bright and natty were the chintz curtains and the little toilet set out not inelegantly and her pet piping goldfinch asleep on his perch with his bit of sugar between the wires of his cage her pillow so white and unpressed with its little edging of lace,16.73,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0007.wav,when he came back to the drawing room a toilet bottle of eau de cologne in his hand with her lace handkerchief he bathed her temples and forehead,9.715,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0008.wav,there was nothing very brotherly in his look as he peered into her pale sharp features during the process,6.96,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0009.wav,there don't mind me she said sharply and getting up she looked down at her dress and thin shoes and seeming to recollect herself she took the candle he had just set down and went swiftly to her room,12.26,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0010.wav,and she threw back her veil and going hurriedly to the toilet mechanically surveyed herself in the glass,6.535,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0011.wav,rachel lake rachel lake what are you now,3.92,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0012.wav,i'll stay here that is in the drawing room she answered and the face was withdrawn,5.345,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0013.wav,he slackened his pace and tapped sharply at the little window of that modest post office at which the young ladies in the pony carriage had pulled up the day before and within which luke waggot was wont to sleep in a sort of wooden box that folded up and appeared to be a chest of drawers all day,19.07,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0014.wav,luke took care of mister larkin's dogs and groomed mister wylder's horse and cleaned up his dog cart for mark being close about money and finding that the thing was to be done more cheaply that way put up his horse and dog cart in the post office premises and so evaded the livery charges of the brandon arms,19.815,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0015.wav,but luke was not there and captain lake recollecting his habits and his haunt hurried on to the silver lion which has its gable towards the common only about a hundred steps away for distances are not great in gylingden,14.26,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0016.wav,here were the flow of soul and of stout long pipes long yarns and tolerably long credits and the humble scapegraces of the town resorted thither for the pleasures of a club life and often revelled deep into the small hours of the morning,15.76,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0017.wav,lose no time and i'll give you half a crown,2.63,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0018.wav,luke stuck on his greasy wideawake and in a few minutes more the dog cart was trundled out into the lane and the horse harnessed went between the shafts with that wonderful cheerfulness with which they bear to be called up under startling circumstances at unseasonable hours,17.8,test.other +data/test.other/5442-32873-0019.wav,if i thought you'd fail me now tamar i should never come back good night tamar,5.565,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0000.wav,the act said that in case of difference of opinion there must be a ballot,5.425,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0001.wav,he went up to the table and striking it with his finger ring he shouted loudly a ballot,6.67,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0002.wav,he was shouting for the very course sergey ivanovitch had proposed but it was evident that he hated him and all his party and this feeling of hatred spread through the whole party and roused in opposition to it the same vindictiveness though in a more seemly form on the other side,19.185,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0003.wav,shouts were raised and for a moment all was confusion so that the marshal of the province had to call for order a ballot,9.97,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0004.wav,we shed our blood for our country,2.265,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0005.wav,the confidence of the monarch no checking the accounts of the marshal he's not a cashier but that's not the point,7.585,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0006.wav,votes please beastly,2.69,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0007.wav,they expressed the most implacable hatred,3.225,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0008.wav,levin did not in the least understand what was the matter and he marveled at the passion with which it was disputed whether or not the decision about flerov should be put to the vote,11.81,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0009.wav,he forgot as sergey ivanovitch explained to him afterwards this syllogism that it was necessary for the public good to get rid of the marshal of the province that to get rid of the marshal it was necessary to have a majority of votes that to get a majority of votes it was necessary to secure flerov's right to vote that to secure the recognition of flerov's right to vote they must decide on the interpretation to be put on the act,29.6,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0010.wav,but levin forgot all that and it was painful to him to see all these excellent persons for whom he had a respect in such an unpleasant and vicious state of excitement,11.445,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0011.wav,to escape from this painful feeling he went away into the other room where there was nobody except the waiters at the refreshment bar,8.69,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0012.wav,he particularly liked the way one gray whiskered waiter who showed his scorn for the other younger ones and was jeered at by them was teaching them how to fold up napkins properly,11.695,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0013.wav,levin advanced but utterly forgetting what he was to do and much embarrassed he turned to sergey ivanovitch with the question where am i to put it,10.72,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0014.wav,sergey ivanovitch frowned,2.29,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0015.wav,that is a matter for each man's own decision he said severely,4.975,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0016.wav,having put it in he recollected that he ought to have thrust his left hand too and so he thrust it in though too late and still more overcome with confusion he beat a hasty retreat into the background,13.22,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0017.wav,a hundred and twenty six for admission ninety eight against,4.855,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0018.wav,sang out the voice of the secretary who could not pronounce the letter r,4.42,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0019.wav,then there was a laugh a button and two nuts were found in the box,4.98,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0020.wav,but the old party did not consider themselves conquered,3.855,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0021.wav,in reply snetkov spoke of the trust the noblemen of the province had placed in him the affection they had shown him which he did not deserve as his only merit had been his attachment to the nobility to whom he had devoted twelve years of service,16.465,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0022.wav,this expression in the marshal's face was particularly touching to levin because only the day before he had been at his house about his trustee business and had seen him in all his grandeur a kind hearted fatherly man,15.66,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0023.wav,if there are men younger and more deserving than i let them serve,4.78,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0024.wav,and the marshal disappeared through a side door,3.25,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0025.wav,they were to proceed immediately to the election,3.15,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0026.wav,two noble gentlemen who had a weakness for strong drink had been made drunk by the partisans of snetkov and a third had been robbed of his uniform,9.76,test.other +data/test.other/5442-41168-0027.wav,on learning this the new party had made haste during the dispute about flerov to send some of their men in a sledge to clothe the stripped gentleman and to bring along one of the intoxicated to the meeting,14.615,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0000.wav,but the middle son was little and lorn he was neither dark nor fair he was neither handsome nor strong,6.62,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0001.wav,throwing himself on his knees before the king he cried oh royal sire bestow upon me also a sword and a steed that i may up and away to follow my brethren,9.915,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0002.wav,but the king laughed him to scorn thou a sword he quoth,4.745,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0003.wav,in sooth thou shalt have one but it shall be one befitting thy maiden size and courage if so small a weapon can be found in all my kingdom,9.56,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0004.wav,forthwith the grinning jester began shrieking with laughter so that the bells upon his motley cap were all set a jangling,7.525,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0005.wav,i did but laugh to think the sword of ethelried had been so quickly found responded the jester and he pointed to the scissors hanging from the tailor's girdle,8.565,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0006.wav,one night as he lay in a deep forest too unhappy to sleep he heard a noise near at hand in the bushes,7.225,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0007.wav,thou shalt have thy liberty he cried even though thou shouldst rend me in pieces the moment thou art free,6.425,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0008.wav,it had suddenly disappeared and in its place stood a beautiful fairy with filmy wings which shone like rainbows in the moonlight,9.535,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0009.wav,at this moment there was a distant rumbling as of thunder tis the ogre cried the fairy we must hasten,7.405,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0010.wav,scissors grow a giant's height and save us from the ogre's might,4.1,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0011.wav,he could see the ogre standing powerless to hurt him on the other side of the chasm and gnashing his teeth each one of which was as big as a millston,9.66,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0012.wav,the sight was so terrible that he turned on his heel and fled away as fast as his feet could carry him,5.71,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0013.wav,thou shalt not be left a prisoner in this dismal spot while i have the power to help thee,4.72,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0014.wav,he lifted the scissors and with one stroke destroyed the web and gave the fly its freedom,5.93,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0015.wav,a faint glimmer of light on the opposite wall shows me the keyhole,4.685,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0016.wav,the prince spent all the following time until midnight trying to think of a suitable verse to say to the scissors,6.465,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0017.wav,as he uttered the words the scissors leaped out of his hand and began to cut through the wooden shutters as easily as through a cheese,7.75,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0018.wav,in a very short time the prince had crawled through the opening,3.775,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0019.wav,while he stood looking around him in bewilderment a firefly alighted on his arm flashing its little lantern in the prince's face it cried this way my friend the fly sent me to guide you to a place of safety,14.06,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0020.wav,what is to become of me cried the poor peasant,3.23,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0021.wav,my grain must fall and rot in the field from overripeness because i have not the strength to rise and harvest it then indeed must we all starve,9.03,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0022.wav,the grandame whom he supplied with fagots the merchant whom he rescued from robbers the king's councillor to whom he gave aid all became his friends up and down the land to beggar or lord homeless wanderer or high born dame he gladly gave unselfish service all unsought and such as he helped straightway became his friends,21.19,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0023.wav,to him who could bring her back to her father's castle should be given the throne and kingdom as well as the princess herself so from far and near indeed from almost every country under the sun came knights and princes to fight the ogre,15.69,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0024.wav,among those who drew back were ethelried's brothers the three that were dark and the three that were fair,6.22,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0025.wav,but ethelried heeded not their taunts,2.635,test.other +data/test.other/4294-35475-0026.wav,so they all cried out long and loud long live the prince prince ciseaux,6.125,test.other +data/test.other/4294-32859-0000.wav,wylder was rather surly after the ladies had floated away from the scene and he drank his liquor doggedly,6.13,test.other +data/test.other/4294-32859-0001.wav,it was his fancy i suppose to revive certain sentimental relations which had it may be once existed between him and miss lake and he was a person of that combative temperament that magnifies an object in proportion as its pursuit is thwarted,16.75,test.other +data/test.other/4294-32859-0002.wav,the story of fridolin and retzch's pretty outlines,3.62,test.other +data/test.other/4294-32859-0003.wav,sit down beside me and i'll tell you the story,2.835,test.other +data/test.other/4294-32859-0004.wav,he assisted at it but took no part and in fact was listening to that other conversation which sounded with its pleasant gabble and laughter like a little musical tinkle of bells in the distance,10.865,test.other +data/test.other/4294-32859-0005.wav,but honest mark forgot that young ladies do not always come out quite alone and jump unassisted into their vehicles,7.71,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0000.wav,as i thought that this was due to some fault in the earth i wanted to make these first experiments before i undertook my perseus,7.515,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0001.wav,when i saw that this bust came out sharp and clean i set at once to construct a little furnace in the workshop erected for me by the duke after my own plans and design in the house which the duke had given me,12.055,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0002.wav,it was an extremely difficult task and i was anxious to observe all the niceties of art which i had learned so as not to lapse into some error,8.155,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0003.wav,i in my turn feel the same desire and hope to play my part like them therefore my lord give me the leave to go,7.44,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0004.wav,but beware of letting bandinello quit you rather bestow upon him always more than he demands for if he goes into foreign parts his ignorance is so presumptuous that he is just the man to disgrace our most illustrious school,13.78,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0005.wav,i ask no further reward for my labours up to this time than the gracious favour of your most illustrious excellency,6.6,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0006.wav,then i thanked him and said i had no greater desire than to show those envious folk that i had it in me to execute the promised work,7.95,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0007.wav,i had better look to my conduct for it had come to his ears that i relied upon his favour to take in first one man and then another,8.43,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0008.wav,i begged his most illustrious excellency to name a single person whom i had ever taken in,5.945,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0009.wav,i said my lord i thank you and beg you to condescend so far as to listen to four words it is true that he lent me a pair of old scales two anvils and three little hammers which articles i begged his workman giorgio da cortona fifteen days ago to fetch back,18.065,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0010.wav,giorgio came for them himself,2.32,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0011.wav,i hope to prove on what account that scoundrel tries to bring me into disgrace,4.76,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0012.wav,when he had heard this speech the duke rose up in anger and sent for bernardone who was forced to take flight as far as venice he and antonio landi with him,11.155,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0013.wav,you had better put this to the proof and i will go at once to the bargello,4.255,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0014.wav,i am willing to enter into competition with the ancients and feel able to surpass them for since those early days in which i made the medals of pope clement i have learned so much that i can now produce far better pieces of the kind i think i can also outdo the coins i struck for duke alessandro which are still held in high esteem in like manner i could make for you large pieces of gold and silver plate as i did so often for that noble monarch king francis of france thanks to the great conveniences he allowed me without ever losing time for the execution of colossal statues or other works of the sculptors craft,34.51,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0015.wav,after several months were wasted and piero would neither work nor put men to work upon the piece i made him give it back,6.685,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0016.wav,among artists certain enraged sculptors laughed at me and called me the new sculptor,6.265,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0017.wav,now i hope to show them that i am an old sculptor if god shall grant me the boon of finishing my perseus for that noble piazza of his most illustrious excellency,9.925,test.other +data/test.other/4294-14317-0018.wav,having this excellent resolve in heart i reached my home,3.75,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0000.wav,he felt what the earth may possibly feel at the moment when it is torn open with the iron in order that grain may be deposited within it it feels only the wound the quiver of the germ and the joy of the fruit only arrive later,15.93,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0001.wav,he had but just acquired a faith must he then reject it already,5.34,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0002.wav,he affirmed to himself that he would not he declared to himself that he would not doubt and he began to doubt in spite of himself,11.2,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0003.wav,to stand between two religions from one of which you have not as yet emerged and another into which you have not yet entered is intolerable and twilight is pleasing only to bat like souls,14.74,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0004.wav,marius was clear eyed and he required the true light,4.76,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0005.wav,the half lights of doubt pained him,3.14,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0006.wav,whatever may have been his desire to remain where he was he could not halt there he was irresistibly constrained to continue to advance to examine to think to march further,13.6,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0007.wav,he feared after having taken so many steps which had brought him nearer to his father to now take a step which should estrange him from that father,8.705,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0008.wav,his discomfort was augmented by all the reflections which occurred to him,5.085,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0009.wav,in the troubled state of his conscience he no longer thought of certain serious sides of existence,6.92,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0010.wav,they soon elbowed him abruptly,2.98,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0011.wav,request courfeyrac to come and talk with me said marius,3.73,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0012.wav,what is to become of you said courfeyrac,3.32,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0013.wav,what are you going to do i do not know,3.08,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0014.wav,silver gold here it is,3.1,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0015.wav,you will then have only a pair of trousers a waistcoat a hat and a coat and my boots,6.565,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0016.wav,that will be enough,1.88,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0017.wav,no it is not good what will you do after that,3.66,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0018.wav,do you know german no,3.02,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0019.wav,it is badly paid work but one can live by it,3.45,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0020.wav,the clothes dealer was sent for,2.085,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0021.wav,he paid twenty francs for the cast off garments they went to the watchmaker's,4.765,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0022.wav,he bought the watch for forty five francs,2.755,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0023.wav,hello i had forgotten that said marius,3.39,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0024.wav,the landlord presented his bill which had to be paid on the spot,4.05,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0025.wav,i have ten francs left said marius,2.645,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0026.wav,that will be swallowing a tongue very fast or a hundred sous very slowly,5.43,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0027.wav,one morning on his return from the law school marius found a letter from his aunt and the sixty pistoles that is to say six hundred francs in gold in a sealed box,10.66,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0028.wav,marius sent back the thirty louis to his aunt with a respectful letter in which he stated that he had sufficient means of subsistence and that he should be able thenceforth to supply all his needs,11.35,test.other +data/test.other/4294-9934-0029.wav,at that moment he had three francs left,3.07,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0000.wav,there's iron they say in all our blood and a grain or two perhaps is good but his he makes me harshly feel has got a little too much of steel anon,15.0,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0001.wav,margaret said mister hale as he returned from showing his guest downstairs i could not help watching your face with some anxiety when mister thornton made his confession of having been a shop boy,12.625,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0002.wav,you don't mean that you thought me so silly,2.835,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0003.wav,i really liked that account of himself better than anything else he said,5.06,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0004.wav,his statement of having been a shop boy was the thing i liked best of all,4.475,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0005.wav,you who were always accusing people of being shoppy at helstone,4.3,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0006.wav,i don't think mister hale you have done quite right in introducing such a person to us without telling us what he had been,8.14,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0007.wav,i really was very much afraid of showing him how much shocked i was at some parts of what he said,7.06,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0008.wav,his father dying in miserable circumstances,4.135,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0009.wav,why it might have been in the workhouse,3.535,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0010.wav,his father speculated wildly failed and then killed himself because he could not bear the disgrace,7.67,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0011.wav,all his former friends shrunk from the disclosures that had to be made of his dishonest gambling wild hopeless struggles made with other people's money to regain his own moderate portion of wealth,14.05,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0012.wav,no one came forwards to help the mother and this boy,3.32,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0013.wav,at least no friend came forwards immediately and missus thornton is not one i fancy to wait till tardy kindness comes to find her out,10.18,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0014.wav,so they left milton,2.07,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0015.wav,how tainted asked her father,2.91,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0016.wav,oh papa by that testing everything by the standard of wealth,4.84,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0017.wav,when he spoke of the mechanical powers he evidently looked upon them only as new ways of extending trade and making money,8.38,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0018.wav,and the poor men around him they were poor because they were vicious out of the pale of his sympathies because they had not his iron nature and the capabilities that it gives him for being rich,12.79,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0019.wav,not vicious he never said that,3.19,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0020.wav,improvident and self indulgent were his words,3.57,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0021.wav,margaret was collecting her mother's working materials and preparing to go to bed,5.21,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0022.wav,just as she was leaving the room she hesitated she was inclined to make an acknowledgment which she thought would please her father but which to be full and true must include a little annoyance,13.865,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0023.wav,however out it came,2.585,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0024.wav,papa i do think mister thornton a very remarkable man but personally i don't like him at all,9.015,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0025.wav,and i do said her father laughing,3.4,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0026.wav,personally as you call it and all,3.585,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0027.wav,i don't set him up for a hero or anything of that kind,4.16,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0028.wav,but good night child,1.94,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0029.wav,there were several other signs of something wrong about missus hale,4.55,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0030.wav,she and dixon held mysterious consultations in her bedroom from which dixon would come out crying and cross as was her custom when any distress of her mistress called upon her sympathy,12.3,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0031.wav,once margaret had gone into the chamber soon after dixon left it and found her mother on her knees and as margaret stole out she caught a few words which were evidently a prayer for strength and patience to endure severe bodily suffering,16.8,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0032.wav,but though she received caresses and fond words back again in such profusion as would have gladdened her formerly yet she felt that there was a secret withheld from her and she believed it bore serious reference to her mother's health,16.85,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0033.wav,she lay awake very long this night planning how to lessen the evil influence of their milton life on her mother,8.685,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0034.wav,a servant to give dixon permanent assistance should be got if she gave up her whole time to the search and then at any rate her mother might have all the personal attention she required and had been accustomed to her whole life,15.164938,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0035.wav,visiting register offices seeing all manner of unlikely people and very few in the least likely absorbed margaret's time and thoughts for several days,10.9,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0036.wav,one afternoon she met bessy higgins in the street and stopped to speak to her,5.165,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0037.wav,well bessy how are you,2.075,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0038.wav,better and not better if yo know what that means,4.17,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0039.wav,not exactly replied margaret smiling,3.94,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0040.wav,i'm better in not being torn to pieces by coughing o'nights but i'm weary and tired o milton and longing to get away to the land o beulah and when i think i'm farther and farther off my heart sinks and i'm no better i'm worse,20.05,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0041.wav,margaret turned round to walk alongside of the girl in her feeble progress homeward,6.94,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0042.wav,but for a minute or two she did not speak,3.26,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0043.wav,at last she said in a low voice,3.425,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0044.wav,bessy do you wish to die,3.405,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0045.wav,bessy was silent in her turn for a minute or two then she replied,5.81,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0046.wav,nought worse than many others i reckon,2.795,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0047.wav,but what was it,1.76,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0048.wav,you know i'm a stranger here so perhaps i'm not so quick at understanding what you mean as if i'd lived all my life at milton,8.25,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0049.wav,i had forgotten what i said for the time continued margaret quietly,5.08,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0050.wav,i should have thought of it again when i was less busy may i go with you now,5.45,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0051.wav,the sharpness in her eye turned to a wistful longing as she met margaret's soft and friendly gaze,6.625,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0052.wav,as they turned up into a small court opening out of a squalid street bessy said,7.08,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0053.wav,yo'll not be daunted if father's at home and speaks a bit gruffish at first,5.81,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0054.wav,but nicholas was not at home when they entered,3.14,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0055.wav,gasped bessy at last,2.39,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0056.wav,bessy took a long and feverish draught and then fell back and shut her eyes,6.79,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0057.wav,margaret bent over and said bessy don't be impatient with your life whatever it is or may have been,8.885,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0058.wav,remember who gave it you and made it what it is,3.885,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0059.wav,now i'll not have my wench preached to,3.56,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0060.wav,but surely said margaret facing round you believe in what i said that god gave her life and ordered what kind of life it was to be,9.78,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0061.wav,i believe what i see and no more,3.13,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0062.wav,that's what i believe young woman,2.775,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0063.wav,i don't believe all i hear no not by a big deal,4.85,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0064.wav,but hoo's come at last and hoo's welcome as long as hoo'll keep from preaching on what hoo knows nought about,7.73,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0065.wav,it's simple and not far to fetch nor hard to work,4.17,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0066.wav,but the girl only pleaded the more with margaret,3.135,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0067.wav,don't think hardly on him he's a good man he is,3.845,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0068.wav,i sometimes think i shall be moped wi sorrow even in the city of god if father is not there,6.7,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0069.wav,the feverish colour came into her cheek and the feverish flame into her eye,5.255,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0070.wav,but you will be there father you shall oh my heart,4.13,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0071.wav,she put her hand to it and became ghastly pale,3.865,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0072.wav,margaret held her in her arms and put the weary head to rest upon her bosom,5.85,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0073.wav,presently the spasm that foreshadowed death had passed away and bessy roused herself and said,7.46,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0074.wav,i'll go to bed it's best place but catching at margaret's gown yo'll come again i know yo will but just say it,11.13,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0075.wav,i will come to morrow said margaret,2.89,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0076.wav,margaret went away very sad and thoughtful,3.84,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0077.wav,she was late for tea at home,2.6,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0078.wav,have you met with a servant dear,2.69,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0079.wav,no mamma that anne buckley would never have done,3.83,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0080.wav,suppose i try said mister hale,3.48,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0081.wav,everybody else has had their turn at this great difficulty now let me try,5.9,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0082.wav,i may be the cinderella to put on the slipper after all,3.47,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0083.wav,what would you do papa how would you set about it,4.21,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0084.wav,why i would apply to some good house mother to recommend me one known to herself or her servants,7.71,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0085.wav,very good but we must first catch our house mother,3.98,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0086.wav,the mother of whom he spoke to us said margaret,3.31,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0087.wav,missus thornton the only mother he has i believe said mister hale quietly,6.82,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0088.wav,i shall like to see her she must be an uncommon person her mother added,6.32,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0089.wav,perhaps she may have a relation who might suit us and be glad of our place,5.48,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0090.wav,she sounded to be such a careful economical person that i should like any one out of the same family,7.96,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0091.wav,my dear said mister hale alarmed pray don't go off on that idea,5.455,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0092.wav,i am sure at any rate she would not like strangers to know anything about it,4.67,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0093.wav,take notice that is not my kind of haughtiness papa if i have any at all which i don't agree to though you're always accusing me of it,9.68,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0094.wav,i don't know positively that it is hers either but from little things i have gathered from him i fancy so,7.38,test.other +data/test.other/1688-142285-0095.wav,they cared too little to ask in what manner her son had spoken about her,5.23,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0000.wav,the gentleman had not even needed to sit down to become interested apparently he had taken up the volume from a table as soon as he came in and standing there after a single glance round the apartment had lost himself in its pages,14.59,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0001.wav,that has an unflattering sound for me said the young man,4.325,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0002.wav,she is willing to risk that,2.385,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0003.wav,just as i am the visitor inquired presenting himself with rather a work a day aspect,7.005,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0004.wav,he was tall and lean and dressed throughout in black his shirt collar was low and wide and the triangle of linen a little crumpled exhibited by the opening of his waistcoat was adorned by a pin containing a small red stone,15.87,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0005.wav,in spite of this decoration the young man looked poor as poor as a young man could look who had such a fine head and such magnificent eyes,9.495,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0006.wav,those of basil ransom were dark deep and glowing his head had a character of elevation which fairly added to his stature it was a head to be seen above the level of a crowd on some judicial bench or political platform or even on a bronze medal,18.3,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0007.wav,these things the eyes especially with their smouldering fire might have indicated that he was to be a great american statesman or on the other hand they might simply have proved that he came from carolina or alabama,14.99,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0008.wav,and yet the reader who likes a complete image who desires to read with the senses as well as with the reason is entreated not to forget that he prolonged his consonants and swallowed his vowels that he was guilty of elisions and interpolations which were equally unexpected and that his discourse was pervaded by something sultry and vast something almost african in its rich basking tone something that suggested the teeming expanse of the cotton field,31.13,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0009.wav,and he took up his hat vaguely a soft black hat with a low crown and an immense straight brim,7.315,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0010.wav,well so it is they are all witches and wizards mediums and spirit rappers and roaring radicals,7.68,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0011.wav,if you are going to dine with her you had better know it oh murder,5.215,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0012.wav,he looked at missus luna with intelligent incredulity,3.815,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0013.wav,she was attractive and impertinent especially the latter,4.63,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0014.wav,have you been in europe,1.655,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0015.wav,no i haven't been anywhere,2.62,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0016.wav,she hates it she would like to abolish it,3.355,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0017.wav,this last remark he made at a venture for he had naturally not devoted any supposition whatever to missus luna,7.4,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0018.wav,are you very ambitious you look as if you were,3.685,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0019.wav,and missus luna added that now she was back she didn't know what she should do,4.865,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0020.wav,one didn't even know what one had come back for,3.225,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0021.wav,besides olive didn't want her in boston and didn't go through the form of saying so,5.415,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0022.wav,that was one comfort with olive she never went through any forms,4.515,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0023.wav,she stood there looking consciously and rather seriously at mister ransom a smile of exceeding faintness played about her lips it was just perceptible enough to light up the native gravity of her face,15.91,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0024.wav,her voice was low and agreeable a cultivated voice and she extended a slender white hand to her visitor who remarked with some solemnity he felt a certain guilt of participation in missus luna's indiscretion that he was intensely happy to make her acquaintance,17.655,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0025.wav,he observed that miss chancellor's hand was at once cold and limp she merely placed it in his without exerting the smallest pressure,8.905,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0026.wav,i shall be back very late we are going to a theatre party that's why we dine so early,5.77,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63240-0027.wav,missus luna's familiarity extended even to her sister she remarked to miss chancellor that she looked as if she were got up for a sea voyage,8.555,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0000.wav,poor ransom announced this fact to himself as if he had made a great discovery but in reality he had never been so boeotian as at that moment,10.81,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0001.wav,the women he had hitherto known had been mainly of his own soft clime and it was not often they exhibited the tendency he detected and cursorily deplored in missus luna's sister,13.095,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0002.wav,ransom was pleased with the vision of that remedy it must be repeated that he was very provincial,7.39,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0003.wav,he was sorry for her but he saw in a flash that no one could help her that was what made her tragic,8.36,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0004.wav,she could not defend herself against a rich admiration a kind of tenderness of envy of any one who had been so happy as to have that opportunity,11.02,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0005.wav,his family was ruined they had lost their slaves their property their friends and relations their home had tasted of all the cruelty of defeat,10.48,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0006.wav,the state of mississippi seemed to him the state of despair so he surrendered the remnants of his patrimony to his mother and sisters and at nearly thirty years of age alighted for the first time in new york in the costume of his province with fifty dollars in his pocket and a gnawing hunger in his heart,21.26,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0007.wav,it was in the female line as basil ransom had written in answering her letter with a good deal of form and flourish he spoke as if they had been royal houses,10.56,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0008.wav,if it had been possible to send missus ransom money or even clothes she would have liked that but she had no means of ascertaining how such an offering would be taken,10.045,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0009.wav,olive had a fear of everything but her greatest fear was of being afraid,5.865,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0010.wav,she had erected it into a sort of rule of conduct that whenever she saw a risk she was to take it and she had frequent humiliations at finding herself safe after all,11.68,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0011.wav,she was perfectly safe after writing to basil ransom and indeed it was difficult to see what he could have done to her except thank her he was only exceptionally superlative for her letter and assure her that he would come and see her the first time his business he was beginning to get a little should take him to boston,19.06,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0012.wav,he was too simple too mississippian for that she was almost disappointed,6.46,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63241-0013.wav,of all things in the world contention was most sweet to her though why it is hard to imagine for it always cost her tears headaches a day or two in bed acute emotion and it was very possible basil ransom would not care to contend,16.45,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0000.wav,miss chancellor herself had thought so much on the vital subject would not she make a few remarks and give them some of her experiences,7.535,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0001.wav,how did the ladies on beacon street feel about the ballot,4.04,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0002.wav,perhaps she could speak for them more than for some others,3.61,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0003.wav,with her immense sympathy for reform she found herself so often wishing that reformers were a little different,7.055,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0004.wav,olive hated to hear that fine avenue talked about as if it were such a remarkable place and to live there were a proof of worldly glory,8.565,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0005.wav,all sorts of inferior people lived there and so brilliant a woman as missus farrinder who lived at roxbury ought not to mix things up,8.615,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0006.wav,she knew her place in the boston hierarchy and it was not what missus farrinder supposed so that there was a want of perspective in talking to her as if she had been a representative of the aristocracy,12.255,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0007.wav,she wished to work in another field she had long been preoccupied with the romance of the people,6.645,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0008.wav,this might seem one of the most accessible of pleasures but in point of fact she had not found it so,6.34,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0009.wav,charlie was a young man in a white overcoat and a paper collar it was for him in the last analysis that they cared much the most,8.625,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0010.wav,olive chancellor wondered how missus farrinder would treat that branch of the question,4.74,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0011.wav,if it be necessary we are prepared to take certain steps to conciliate the shrinking,5.36,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0012.wav,our movement is for all it appeals to the most delicate ladies,4.66,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0013.wav,raise the standard among them and bring me a thousand names,4.145,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0014.wav,i look after the details as well as the big currents missus farrinder added in a tone as explanatory as could be expected of such a woman and with a smile of which the sweetness was thrilling to her listener,12.995,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0015.wav,said olive chancellor with a face which seemed to plead for a remission of responsibility,5.535,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0016.wav,i want to be near to them to help them,3.4,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0017.wav,it was one thing to choose for herself but now the great representative of the enfranchisement of their sex from every form of bondage had chosen for her,9.815,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0018.wav,the unhappiness of women,2.42,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0019.wav,they were her sisters they were her own and the day of their delivery had dawned,5.865,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0020.wav,this was the only sacred cause this was the great the just revolution it must triumph it must sweep everything before it it must exact from the other the brutal blood stained ravening race the last particle of expiation,17.15,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0021.wav,they would be names of women weak insulted persecuted but devoted in every pulse of their being to the cause and asking no better fate than to die for it,10.81,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0022.wav,it was not clear to this interesting girl in what manner such a sacrifice as this last would be required of her but she saw the matter through a kind of sunrise mist of emotion which made danger as rosy as success,14.385,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0023.wav,when miss birdseye approached it transfigured her familiar her comical shape and made the poor little humanitary hack seem already a martyr,10.3,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0024.wav,olive chancellor looked at her with love remembered that she had never in her long unrewarded weary life had a thought or an impulse for herself,10.715,test.other +data/test.other/6128-63244-0025.wav,she had been consumed by the passion of sympathy it had crumpled her into as many creases as an old glazed distended glove,9.295,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0000.wav,it is significant to note in this connection that the new king was an unswerving adherent of the cult of ashur by the adherents of which he was probably strongly supported,13.77,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0001.wav,at the beginning of his reign there was much social discontent and suffering,5.88,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0002.wav,well might sharduris exclaim in the words of the prophet where is the king of arpad,7.725,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0003.wav,tiglath pileser however crossed the euphrates and moving northward delivered an unexpected attack on the urartian army in qummukh,9.825,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0004.wav,a fierce battle ensued and one of its dramatic incidents was a single combat between the rival kings,7.095,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0005.wav,an attempt was made to capture king sharduris who leapt from his chariot and made hasty escape on horseback hotly pursued in the gathering darkness by an assyrian contingent of cavalry,12.965,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0006.wav,despite the blow dealt against urartu assyria did not immediately regain possession of north syria,6.725,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0007.wav,the shifty mati ilu either cherished the hope that sharduris would recover strength and again invade north syria or that he might himself establish an empire in that region,11.475,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0008.wav,tiglath pileser had therefore to march westward again,3.645,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0009.wav,for three years he conducted vigorous campaigns in the western land where he met with vigorous resistance,7.125,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0010.wav,arpad was captured and mati ilu deposed and probably put to death,5.385,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0011.wav,once again the hebrews came into contact with assyria,3.94,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0012.wav,its fall may not have been unconnected with the trend of events in assyria during the closing years of the middle empire,7.64,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0013.wav,jehoash the grandson of jehu had achieved successes in conflict with damascus,6.235,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0014.wav,six months afterwards he was assassinated by shallum,5.35,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0015.wav,this usurper held sway at samaria for only a month,4.31,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0016.wav,no resistance was possible on the part of menahem the usurper who was probably ready to welcome the assyrian conqueror so that by arranging an alliance he might secure his own position,12.92,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0017.wav,tiglath pileser next operated against the median and other hill tribes in the north east,6.46,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0018.wav,he overthrew buildings destroyed orchards and transported to nineveh those of the inhabitants he had not put to the sword with all the live stock he could lay hands on,12.35,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0019.wav,thus was urartu crippled and humiliated it never regained its former prestige among the northern states,8.21,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0020.wav,in the following year tiglath pileser returned to syria,4.32,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0021.wav,menahem king of israel had died and was succeeded by his son pekahiah,6.5,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0022.wav,judah had taken advantage of the disturbed conditions in israel to assert its independence,6.42,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0023.wav,he condemned israel for its idolatries and cried,4.155,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0024.wav,for thus saith the lord unto the house of israel seek ye me and ye shall live have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years o house of israel,13.76,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0025.wav,the remnant of the philistines shall perish,3.295,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0026.wav,israel was also dealt with,2.76,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0027.wav,he swept through israel like a hurricane,3.53,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0028.wav,the philistines and the arabians of the desert were also subdued,5.19,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0029.wav,he invaded babylonia,2.6,test.other +data/test.other/4198-61336-0030.wav,ukinzer took refuge in his capital shapia which held out successfully although the surrounding country was ravaged and despoiled,10.835,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0000.wav,although the plague was there in the most part of all the houses they nevertheless entered everywhere then plundered and carried away all that was within and yet for all this not one of them took any hurt which is a most wonderful case,18.735,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0001.wav,i beseech you think upon it,2.56,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0002.wav,nevertheless at all adventures they rang the bells ad capitulum capitulantes,8.145,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0003.wav,by the virtue of god why do not you sing panniers farewell vintage is done,8.095,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0004.wav,by the belly of sanct james what shall we poor devils drink the while,5.31,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0005.wav,lord god da mihi potum,3.3,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0006.wav,let him be carried to prison for troubling the divine service,4.45,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0007.wav,wherefore is it that our devotions were instituted to be short in the time of harvest and vintage and long in the advent and all the winter,11.79,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0008.wav,hark you my masters you that love the wine cop's body follow me for sanct anthony burn me as freely as a faggot if they get leave to taste one drop of the liquor that will not now come and fight for relief of the vine,18.81,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0009.wav,to others again he unjointed the spondyles or knuckles of the neck disfigured their chaps gashed their faces made their cheeks hang flapping on their chin and so swinged and balammed them that they fell down before him like hay before a mower,18.545,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0010.wav,to some with a smart souse on the epigaster he would make their midriff swag then redoubling the blow gave them such a homepush on the navel that he made their puddings to gush out,15.79,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0011.wav,believe that it was the most horrible spectacle that ever one saw,7.49,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0012.wav,o the holy lady nytouch said one the good sanctess o our lady of succours said another help help,11.59,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0013.wav,some died without speaking others spoke without dying some died in speaking others spoke in dying,11.65,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0014.wav,can you tell with what instruments they did it,3.66,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12281-0015.wav,in the meantime friar john with his formidable baton of the cross got to the breach which the enemies had made and there stood to snatch up those that endeavoured to escape,15.08,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0000.wav,draw reach fill mix give it me without water,5.69,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0001.wav,so my friend so whip me off this glass neatly bring me hither some claret a full weeping glass till it run over,9.62,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0002.wav,a cessation and truce with thirst,2.98,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0003.wav,you have catched a cold gammer yea forsooth sir,3.96,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0004.wav,by the belly of sanct buff let us talk of our drink i never drink but at my hours like the pope's mule,8.075,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0005.wav,which was first thirst or drinking,2.825,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0006.wav,what it seems i do not drink but by an attorney,4.015,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0007.wav,drink always and you shall never die,2.95,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0008.wav,if i drink not i am a ground dry gravelled and spent i am stark dead without drink and my soul ready to fly into some marsh amongst frogs the soul never dwells in a dry place drouth kills it,16.885,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0009.wav,he drinks in vain that feels not the pleasure of it,3.45,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0010.wav,it is enough to break both girds and petrel,3.91,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0011.wav,what difference is there between a bottle and a flagon,3.44,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0012.wav,bravely and well played upon the words,3.315,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0013.wav,our fathers drank lustily and emptied their cans,3.495,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0014.wav,well cacked well sung,2.47,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0015.wav,come let us drink will you send nothing to the river,3.975,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0016.wav,i drink no more than a sponge,2.385,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0017.wav,i drink like a templar knight,2.305,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0018.wav,and i tanquam sponsus,3.03,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0019.wav,and i sicut terra sine aqua,3.34,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0020.wav,give me a synonymon for a gammon of bacon,3.37,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0021.wav,it is the compulsory of drinkers it is a pulley,4.38,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0022.wav,a little rain allays a great deal of wind long tippling breaks the thunder,6.15,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0023.wav,but if there came such liquor from my ballock would you not willingly thereafter suck the udder whence it issued,9.06,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0024.wav,here page fill,2.225,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0025.wav,i appeal from thirst and disclaim its jurisdiction,4.12,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0026.wav,i was wont heretofore to drink out all but now i leave nothing,5.49,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0027.wav,heyday here are tripes fit for our sport and in earnest excellent godebillios of the dun ox you know with the black streak,10.985,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0028.wav,o for god's sake let us lash them soundly yet thriftily,4.85,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0029.wav,sparrows will not eat unless you bob them on the tail nor can i drink if i be not fairly spoke to,8.535,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0030.wav,ho this will bang it soundly,2.615,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0031.wav,but this shall banish it utterly,2.63,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0032.wav,let us wind our horns by the sound of flagons and bottles and cry aloud that whoever hath lost his thirst come not hither to seek it,11.63,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0033.wav,the great god made the planets and we make the platters neat,4.33,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0034.wav,appetite comes with eating says angeston but the thirst goes away with drinking,6.325,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0035.wav,i have a remedy against thirst quite contrary to that which is good against the biting of a mad dog,7.445,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0036.wav,white wine here wine boys,2.9,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0037.wav,o lachryma christi it is of the best grape,4.72,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0038.wav,i'faith pure greek greek o the fine white wine,4.935,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0039.wav,there is no enchantment nor charm there every one of you hath seen it,5.245,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0040.wav,my prenticeship is out i am a free man at this trade,4.615,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0041.wav,i should say master past,3.04,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0042.wav,o the drinkers those that are a dry o poor thirsty souls,5.495,test.other +data/test.other/4198-12259-0043.wav,clear off neat supernaculum,3.51,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0000.wav,of the many times he had examined mister wicker's window and pored over the rope the ship and the nubian boy he had never gone into mister wicker's shop,8.685,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0001.wav,so now alone until someone should answer the bell he looked eagerly if uneasily around him,6.33,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0002.wav,what with the one window and the lowering day outside the long narrow shop was somber,5.66,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0003.wav,heavy hand hewn beams crossed it from one side to the other,4.055,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0004.wav,mister wicker's back being toward the source of light chris could not see his face,4.585,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0005.wav,the double fans of minute wrinkles breaking from eye corner to temple and joining with those over the cheekbones were drawn into the horizontal lines across the domed forehead,11.08,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0006.wav,little tufts of white fuzz above the ears were all that remained of the antiquarian's hair but what drew and held chris's gaze were the old man's eyes,11.8,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0007.wav,chris blinked and looked again yes they were still there,4.11,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0008.wav,chris swallowed and his voice came back to him,3.73,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0009.wav,yes sir he said,1.915,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0010.wav,i saw your sign and i know a boy who needs the job,3.66,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0011.wav,he's a schoolmate of mine,1.925,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0012.wav,jakey harris his name is and he really needs the job,3.605,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0013.wav,i i just wondered if the place was still open,3.79,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0014.wav,what he saw was a fresh cheeked lad tall for thirteen sturdy with sincerity and good humor in his face and something sensitive and appealing about his eyes,11.54,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0015.wav,he guessed there must be a lively fire in that room beyond,4.14,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0016.wav,would that interfere with jakey's getting the job sir,4.185,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0017.wav,but even as he slowly turned the thought pierced his mind why had he not seen the reflection of the headlights of the cars moving up around the corner of water street and up the hill toward the traffic signals,13.105,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0018.wav,the room seemed overly still,2.66,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0019.wav,then in that second he turned and faced about,3.385,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0020.wav,the wide bow window was there before him the three objects he liked best showing frosty in the moonlight that poured in from across the water,8.125,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0021.wav,across the water where was the freeway,3.87,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0022.wav,it was no longer there nor were the high walls and smokestacks of factories to be seen,6.19,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0023.wav,the warehouses were still there,1.9,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0024.wav,flabbergasted and breathless chris was unaware that he had moved closer to peer out the window in every direction,6.685,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0025.wav,no electric signs no lamplit streets,4.065,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0026.wav,where the people's drugstore had stood but a half hour before rose the roofs of what was evidently an inn,7.11,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0027.wav,a courtyard was sparsely lit by a flaring torch or two showing a swinging sign hung on a post,7.07,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0028.wav,the post was planted at the edge of what was now a broad and muddy road,4.36,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0029.wav,a coach with its top piled high with luggage stamped to a halt beside the flagged courtyard,5.82,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0030.wav,they moved into the inn the coach rattled off to the stable,3.53,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28312-0031.wav,my window has a power for those few who are to see,5.195,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0000.wav,they went down to their quarters first,2.4,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0001.wav,guess mister finney went to his quarters i don't remember seeing him cross the deck or come over that way at all,6.14,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0002.wav,next ned cilley was relieved at the helm by elbert jones who took over ned went on down,6.225,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0003.wav,it looks to me as if it could have been one of several people and i'll be switched if i know who i'll keep my eyes open,6.645,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0004.wav,the mirabelle was nearing tahiti,2.23,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0005.wav,we've water and fresh stores to take on there,2.775,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0006.wav,chris lost no time as soon as he could do it without being noticed in hurrying down to his cabin,6.01,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0007.wav,certainly my boy boomed out the captain his blue eyes abruptly keen and penetrating,5.53,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0008.wav,mister finney will be some time on deck we cannot be overheard in here,4.65,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0009.wav,his face froze with nervousness that this might not do as an answer and he stood stiff and still before captain blizzard,6.945,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0010.wav,the captain sat forward in his chair looking at him for a long moment considering,4.595,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0011.wav,then he said well i do not care for it i cannot say i do,5.3,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0012.wav,this ship is more to me than wife or mother or family,4.46,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0013.wav,he paused fingering his lower lip and looking sideways in a reflective fashion at chris standing before him,5.905,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0014.wav,we shall say no more but i trust you understand the responsibility you have,4.005,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0015.wav,this ship its cargo and its men will be in your hands,4.555,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0016.wav,yes sir i think i can do it safely or i should not try sir,5.37,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0017.wav,captain blizzard's round pink face creased in his winning smile,4.125,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0018.wav,he then went on to describe what else was to follow the covering of the ship with leaves to make it blend with its surroundings,6.685,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0019.wav,camouflage was not a word the captain or anyone else of his time yet understood,5.545,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0020.wav,what can be said during that time sir chris thought to ask,4.225,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0021.wav,i am somewhat skilled in medicaments i have to be as captain of a ship and the crew know it,5.91,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0022.wav,i shall say that you are in my own cabin so that i can care for you,3.65,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0023.wav,not since he had left mister wicker had chris felt such confidence as he did in the words and actions of captain blizzard,6.525,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0024.wav,he knew now that his absence for as long as he had to be away would be covered up and satisfactorily accounted for,6.595,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28330-0025.wav,their conversation had taken some little while,2.625,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0000.wav,the learning of magic was by no means easy,3.33,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0001.wav,he had told his master at once about simon gosler his horde of money and his hiding places for it,5.995,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0002.wav,chris therefore threw himself into all the preliminaries of his task,4.49,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0003.wav,one afternoon when he returned after a rest to mister wicker's study he saw that there was something new in the room a bowl with a goldfish in it stood on the table but mister wicker was not to be seen,12.12,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0004.wav,what shall i do first,2.305,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0005.wav,how you have improved my boy he exclaimed it is now time for you to try and this is as good a change as any,7.64,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0006.wav,suppose i change and can't change back,3.255,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0007.wav,mister wicker waited patiently beside him for a few moments for chris to get up his courage,4.485,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0008.wav,then as nothing happened with a voice like a whip mister wicker said start at once,4.645,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0009.wav,the sensation spread faster and faster,3.209938,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0010.wav,his head swam and he felt faint and a little sick but he persisted through the final words,4.865062,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0011.wav,he thought not without a feeling of pride and commenced experimenting with his tail and fins with such enthusiasm and delight that some little time elapsed before mister wicker's voice boomed close by,11.695,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0012.wav,seventy four book one the return,3.47,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0013.wav,the figure's shoes carved in some eastern style had curved up pointing toes,5.465,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0014.wav,then all at once the idea came to chris,2.87,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0015.wav,if he was to be a magician could he make this boy come to life,3.6,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0016.wav,he squatted on his haunches examining the carved wooden figure attentively and felt convinced that once alive the boy would be an ideal and happy companion,9.154938,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0017.wav,but how did one change inanimate to animate,2.920062,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0018.wav,chris got up and stole back to mister wicker's door,2.99,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0019.wav,he heard the magician going up the spiral staircase to his room above and after changing himself to a mouse to slip under the door and see that the room was really empty chris resumed his proper shape and opened the doors of the cupboard at the far end of the room,13.475,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0020.wav,the afternoon rainy before increased in storm,3.465,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0021.wav,dusk came two hours before its time thunder snarled in the sky,4.845,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0022.wav,certain elements were to be mixed and poured at the proper time,3.695,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0023.wav,mister wicker began moving about upstairs the floorboards creaked and still chris could not leave until the potion fumed and glowed,9.965,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0024.wav,with infinite caution chris closed the door silently behind him and running lightly forward reached the figure of the negro boy,7.0,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0025.wav,it was as if the stiffness melted,2.58,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0026.wav,under his eyes the wooden folds of cloth became rich silk embroidery gleamed in its reality upon the coat and oh the face,10.11,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28319-0027.wav,the wooden grin loosened the large eyes turned the hand holding the hard bouquet of carved flowers moved and let the bouquet fall,9.61,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0000.wav,say you know sumthin,2.025,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0001.wav,chris looked from a nickel plated flashlight to a car jack and spark plug,4.98,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0002.wav,know who needs a job bad that's jakey harris,3.885,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0003.wav,o k he said,2.43,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0004.wav,only why didn't you ask him yourself,2.825,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0005.wav,mike became uneasy and fished an elastic band out of his pocket made a flick of paper and sent it soaring out into m street,7.86,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0006.wav,well he admitted i did,2.62,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0007.wav,chris asked and for the first time that day the heavy weight he carried within him lifted and lightened a little,5.66,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0008.wav,think he really needs it he pursued,2.67,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0009.wav,he would have liked to get the job for jakey who needed it but somehow the task of facing mister wicker especially now that the light was going and dusk edging into the streets was not what chris had intended for ending the afternoon,12.01,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0010.wav,mike's expression changed at once to one of triumph but chris was only partly encouraged,5.685,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0011.wav,betcha aren't goin after all chris turned on him,3.35,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0012.wav,mike was standing on the corner,2.31,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0013.wav,aw shucks,2.39,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0014.wav,chris started off once more passing the bleak little victorian church perched on the hill above mister wicker's house,6.59,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0015.wav,an empty lot cut into by church lane gave a look of isolation to the l shaped brick building that served mister wicker as both house and place of business,8.625,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0016.wav,the longer wing toward the back had a back door that opened onto water street the space between the house and wisconsin avenue had been made into a neat oblong flower garden fenced off from the sidewalk by box shrubs and a white picket fence,14.375,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0017.wav,a livid yellow stained the horizon beyond the factories and gray clouds lowered and tumbled above,5.614937,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0018.wav,the air was growing chill and chris decided to finish his job,3.365063,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0019.wav,all at once he wondered how his mother was and everything in him pinched and tightened itself,4.87,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0020.wav,at the foot of the hill he reached the house,2.715,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0021.wav,there were three things that always caught his eye amid the litter of dusty pieces,4.62,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0022.wav,on the left the coil of rope in the center the model of a sailing ship in a green glass bottle and on the right the wooden statue of a negro boy in baggy trousers turkish jacket and white turban,12.525,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0023.wav,but the name still showed at the prow and many a time chris safe at home in bed had sailed imaginary voyages in the mirabelle,7.31,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0024.wav,he had never seen anyone go into mister wicker's shop now he thought of it,3.7,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0025.wav,how then did he live and what did he ever sell,3.765,test.other +data/test.other/4852-28311-0026.wav,a sudden car horn woke him from his dream,2.725,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0000.wav,it seems very interesting love said he lifting his head and turning to where i stood wringing my hands in silent rage and anguish but it's rather long i'll look at it some other time and meanwhile i'll trouble you for your keys my dear what keys,18.64,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0001.wav,the keys of your cabinet desk drawers and whatever else you possess said he rising and holding out his hand,8.45,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0002.wav,the key of my desk in fact was at that moment in the lock and the others were attached to it,6.11,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0003.wav,now then sneered he we must have a confiscation of property,5.75,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0004.wav,and putting the keys into his pocket he walked into the library,4.285,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0005.wav,that and all replied the master and the things were cleared away,5.58,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0006.wav,mister huntingdon then went up stairs,3.145,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0007.wav,muttered he starting back she's the very devil for spite,4.66,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0008.wav,i didn't say i'd broken it did i returned he,4.59,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0009.wav,i shall put you upon a small monthly allowance in future for your own private expenses and you needn't trouble yourself any more about my concerns i shall look out for a steward my dear i won't expose you to the temptation,14.805,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0010.wav,and as for the household matters missus greaves must be very particular in keeping her accounts we must go upon an entirely new plan,9.18,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0011.wav,what great discovery have you made now mister huntingdon,3.625,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0012.wav,have i attempted to defraud you,2.395,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0013.wav,not in money matters exactly it seems but it's best to keep out of the way of temptation,7.13,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0014.wav,here benson entered with the candles and there followed a brief interval of silence i sitting still in my chair and he standing with his back to the fire silently triumphing in my despair,13.31,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0015.wav,i know that day after day such feelings will return upon me,4.89,test.other +data/test.other/533-131562-0016.wav,i try to look to him and raise my heart to heaven but it will cleave to the dust,6.26,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0000.wav,vain hope i fear,2.01,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0001.wav,mister and missus hattersley have been staying at the grove a fortnight and as mister hargrave is still absent and the weather was remarkably fine i never passed a day without seeing my two friends milicent and esther either there or here,16.065,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0002.wav,no unless you can tell me when to expect him home,3.935,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0003.wav,i can't you don't want him do you,3.62,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0004.wav,it is a resolution you ought to have formed long ago,3.8,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0005.wav,we all have a bit of a liking for him at the bottom of our hearts though we can't respect him,5.84,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0006.wav,no i'd rather be like myself bad as i am,4.215,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0007.wav,never mind my plain speaking said i it is from the best of motives,6.42,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0008.wav,but tell me should you wish your sons to be like mister huntingdon or even like yourself,6.23,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0009.wav,oh no i couldn't stand that,3.06,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0010.wav,fire and fury,2.16,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0011.wav,now don't burst into a tempest at that,3.04,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0012.wav,but hang it that's not my fault,3.15,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0013.wav,not years for she's only five and twenty,3.305,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0014.wav,what would you make of me and the children to be sure that worry her to death between them,6.25,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0015.wav,i know they are bless them,2.68,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0016.wav,he followed me into the library,2.585,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0017.wav,i sought out and put into his hands two of milicent's letters one dated from london and written during one of his wildest seasons of reckless dissipation the other in the country during a lucid interval,14.04,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0018.wav,the former was full of trouble and anguish not accusing him but deeply regretting his connection with his profligate companions abusing mister grimsby and others insinuating bitter things against mister huntingdon and most ingeniously throwing the blame of her husband's misconduct on to other men's shoulders,20.745,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0019.wav,i've been a cursed rascal god knows said he as he gave it a hearty squeeze but you see if i don't make amends for it d n me if i don't,12.89,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0020.wav,if you intend to reform invoke god's blessing his mercy and his aid not his curse,6.905,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0021.wav,god help me then for i'm sure i need it,4.4,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0022.wav,where's milicent,1.98,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0023.wav,nay not i said he turning her round and pushing her towards me,6.215,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0024.wav,milicent flew to thank me overflowing with gratitude,4.355,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0025.wav,cried she i couldn't have influenced him i'm sure by anything that i could have said,6.24,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0026.wav,you never tried me milly said he,3.915,test.other +data/test.other/533-131564-0027.wav,after that they will repair to their country home,3.385,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0000.wav,but how am i to get over the ten or twelve days that must yet elapse before they go,6.205,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0001.wav,for none could injure me as he has done oh,3.505,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0002.wav,the word stares me in the face like a guilty confession but it is true i hate him i hate him,7.965,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0003.wav,i sometimes think i ought to give him credit for the good feeling he simulates so well and then again i think it is my duty to suspect him under the peculiar circumstances in which i am placed,12.125,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0004.wav,i have done well to record them so minutely,2.815,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0005.wav,they had betaken themselves to their work i less to divert my mind than to deprecate conversation had provided myself with a book,10.125,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0006.wav,i am too well acquainted with your character and conduct to feel any real friendship for you and as i am without your talent for dissimulation i cannot assume the appearance of it,11.12,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0007.wav,upon perusing this she turned scarlet and bit her lip,4.105,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0008.wav,you may go milicent and she'll follow in a while milicent went,5.29,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0009.wav,will you oblige me helen continued she,3.93,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0010.wav,ah you are suspicious,2.795,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0011.wav,if i were suspicious i replied i should have discovered your infamy long before,6.56,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0012.wav,i enjoy a moonlight ramble as well as you i answered steadily fixing my eyes upon her and the shrubbery happens to be one of my favourite resorts,11.93,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0013.wav,she coloured again excessively and remained silent pressing her finger against her teeth and gazing into the fire,7.475,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0014.wav,i watched her a few moments with a feeling of malevolent gratification then moving towards the door i calmly asked if she had anything more to say,9.665,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0015.wav,yes yes,2.25,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0016.wav,suppose i do,1.99,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0017.wav,she paused in evident disconcertion and perplexity mingled with anger she dared not show,6.42,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0018.wav,i cannot renounce what is dearer than life she muttered in a low hurried tone,6.505,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0019.wav,if you are generous here is a fitting opportunity for the exercise of your magnanimity if you are proud here am i your rival ready to acknowledge myself your debtor for an act of the most noble forbearance,15.22,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0020.wav,i shall not tell him,2.04,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0021.wav,give me no thanks it is not for your sake that i refrain,4.1,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0022.wav,and milicent will you tell her,2.68,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0023.wav,i would not for much that she should know the infamy and disgrace of her relation,4.725,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0024.wav,you use hard words missus huntingdon but i can pardon you,4.38,test.other +data/test.other/533-131556-0025.wav,how dare you mention his name to me,2.71,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0000.wav,when churchyards yawn,2.55,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0001.wav,i knew well enough that he might be carried thousands of miles in the box car locked in perhaps without water or food,9.17,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0002.wav,i am sure i kissed liddy and i have had terrible moments since when i seem to remember kissing mister jamieson too in the excitement,9.29,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0003.wav,fortunately warner and the detectives were keeping bachelor hall in the lodge,5.83,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0004.wav,out of deference to liddy they washed their dishes once a day and they concocted queer messes according to their several abilities,9.02,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0005.wav,miss innes he said stopping me as i was about to go to my room up stairs how are your nerves tonight,9.02,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0006.wav,i have none i said happily,3.795,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0007.wav,i mean he persisted do you feel as though you could go through with something rather unusual,8.32,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0008.wav,the most unusual thing i can think of would be a peaceful night,5.050063,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0009.wav,something is going to occur he said,3.98,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0010.wav,put on heavy shoes and some old dark clothes and make up your mind not to be surprised at anything,6.78,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0011.wav,liddy was sleeping the sleep of the just when i went up stairs and i hunted out my things cautiously,6.95,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0012.wav,they were talking confidentially together but when i came down they ceased,5.215,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0013.wav,there were a few preparations to be made the locks to be gone over winters to be instructed as to renewed vigilance and then after extinguishing the hall light we crept in the darkness through the front door and into the night,16.335,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0014.wav,i asked no questions,2.47,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0015.wav,once only somebody spoke and then it was an emphatic bit of profanity from doctor stewart when he ran into a wire fence,9.35,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0016.wav,i hardly know what i expected,2.495,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0017.wav,the doctor was puffing somewhat when we finally came to a halt,5.48,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0018.wav,i confess that just at that minute even sunnyside seemed a cheerful spot,5.92,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0019.wav,in spite of myself i drew my breath in sharply,4.305,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0020.wav,it was alex armed with two long handled spades,4.605,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0021.wav,the doctor kept a keen lookout but no one appeared,4.345,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0022.wav,there's one thing sure i'll not be suspected of complicity,5.425,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0023.wav,a doctor is generally supposed to be handier at burying folks than at digging them up,6.275,test.other +data/test.other/533-1066-0024.wav,i held on to him frantically and somehow i got there and looked down,6.05,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0000.wav,once upon a time a brahman who was walking along the road came upon an iron cage in which a great tiger had been shut up by the villagers who caught him,12.35,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0001.wav,the brahman answered no i will not for if i let you out of the cage you will eat me,8.02,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0002.wav,oh father of mercy answered the tiger in truth that i will not,6.52,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0003.wav,i will never be so ungrateful only let me out that i may drink some water and return,7.27,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0004.wav,then the brahman took pity on him and opened the cage door but no sooner had he done so than the tiger jumping out said now i will eat you first and drink the water afterwards,14.54,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0005.wav,so the brahman and the tiger walked on till they came to a banyan tree and the brahman said to it banyan tree banyan tree hear and give judgment,13.48,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0006.wav,on what must i give judgment asked the banyan tree,4.675,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0007.wav,this tiger said the brahman begged me to let him out of his cage to drink a little water and he promised not to hurt me if i did so but now that i have let him out he wishes to eat me,15.375,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0008.wav,is it just that he should do so or no,3.26,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0009.wav,let the tiger eat the man for men are an ungrateful race,5.55,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0010.wav,sir camel sir camel cried the brahman hear and give judgment,6.815,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0011.wav,at a little distance they found a bullock lying by the roadside,5.19,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0012.wav,is it fair that he should do so or not,3.51,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0013.wav,let the tiger eat the man for men have no pity,4.52,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0014.wav,three out of the six had given judgment against the brahman but still he did not lose all hope and determined to ask the other three,10.16,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0015.wav,on what must i give judgment asked the eagle,3.685,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0016.wav,the brahman stated the case and the eagle answered whenever men see me they try to shoot me they climb the rocks and steal away my little ones,12.48,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0017.wav,then the tiger began to roar and said the judgment of all is against you o brahman,6.88,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0018.wav,after this they saw an alligator and the brahman related the matter to him hoping for a more favorable verdict,8.765,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0019.wav,but the alligator said whenever i put my nose out of the water men torment me and try to kill me,8.465,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0020.wav,the brahman gave himself up as lost but again he prayed the tiger to have patience and let him ask the opinion of the sixth judge,10.95,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0021.wav,now the sixth was a jackal,2.49,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0022.wav,the brahman told his story and said to him uncle jackal uncle jackal say what is your judgment,9.77,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0023.wav,show me the place,2.29,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0024.wav,when they got there the jackal said now brahman show me exactly where you stood,6.355,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0025.wav,exactly there was it asked the jackal,4.015,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0026.wav,exactly here replied the brahman,3.409937,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0027.wav,where was the tiger then,2.215063,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0028.wav,why i stood so said the tiger jumping into the cage and my head was on this side,8.38,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0029.wav,very good said the jackal but i cannot judge without understanding the whole matter exactly,7.28,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0030.wav,shut and bolted said the brahman,3.175,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0031.wav,then shut and bolt it said the jackal,3.3,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0032.wav,when the brahman had done this the jackal said oh you wicked and ungrateful tiger,7.72,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0033.wav,when the good brahman opened your cage door is to eat him the only return you would make,6.66,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0034.wav,proceed on your journey friend brahman,3.015,test.other +data/test.other/2414-159411-0035.wav,your road lies that way and mine this,3.695,test.other +data/test.other/2414-165385-0000.wav,thus accomplished he excited the admiration of every silly coquette and the envy of every fluttering coxcomb but by all young gentlemen and ladies of understanding he was heartily despised as a mere civilized monkey,19.96,test.other +data/test.other/2414-165385-0001.wav,that his soul might afterwards occupy such a station as would be most suitable to his character it was sentenced to inhabit the body of that finical grinning and mischievous little mimick with four legs which you now behold before you,20.3,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0000.wav,whither hath my lonesomeness gone spake he,4.52,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0001.wav,my shadow calleth me,2.495,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0002.wav,what matter about my shadow,2.59,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0003.wav,let it run after me i run away from it,3.965,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0004.wav,thus spake zarathustra to his heart and ran away,4.095,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0005.wav,verily my folly hath grown big in the mountains,4.784937,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0006.wav,now do i hear six old fools legs rattling behind one another,6.545063,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0007.wav,but doth zarathustra need to be frightened by his shadow,4.32,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0008.wav,also methinketh that after all it hath longer legs than mine,5.85,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0009.wav,for when zarathustra scrutinised him with his glance he was frightened as by a sudden apparition so slender swarthy hollow and worn out did this follower appear,13.125,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0010.wav,asked zarathustra vehemently what doest thou here,4.305,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0011.wav,and why callest thou thyself my shadow,3.855,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0012.wav,thou art not pleasing unto me,2.71,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0013.wav,must i ever be on the way,2.465,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0014.wav,o earth thou hast become too round for me,4.535,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0015.wav,when the devil casteth his skin doth not his name also fall away it is also skin,7.705,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0016.wav,the devil himself is perhaps skin,3.015,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0017.wav,sometimes i meant to lie and behold,3.2,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0018.wav,then only did i hit the truth,3.555,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0019.wav,how have i still inclination,3.09,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0020.wav,have i still a goal,2.215,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0021.wav,a haven towards which my sail is set,2.945,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0022.wav,for it do i ask and seek and have sought but have not found it,6.26,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0023.wav,o eternal everywhere o eternal nowhere o eternal in vain,6.615,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0024.wav,thou art my shadow,2.45,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0025.wav,said he at last sadly,2.415,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0026.wav,thy danger is not small thou free spirit and wanderer,5.57,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0027.wav,they sleep quietly they enjoy their new security,4.79,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0028.wav,beware lest in the end a narrow faith capture thee a hard rigorous delusion,8.079937,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0029.wav,for now everything that is narrow and fixed seduceth and tempteth thee,6.300063,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0030.wav,thou hast lost thy goal,2.35,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0031.wav,thou poor rover and rambler thou tired butterfly,5.34,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128292-0032.wav,wilt thou have a rest and a home this evening,3.625,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0000.wav,what hath happened unto me,2.91,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0001.wav,he asked himself something warm and living quickeneth me it must be in the neighbourhood,8.44,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0002.wav,when however zarathustra was quite nigh unto them then did he hear plainly that a human voice spake in the midst of the kine and apparently all of them had turned their heads towards the speaker,18.06,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0003.wav,what do i here seek,2.685,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0004.wav,answered he the same that thou seekest thou mischief maker that is to say happiness upon earth,10.445,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0005.wav,for i tell thee that i have already talked half a morning unto them and just now were they about to give me their answer,10.65,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0006.wav,he would not be rid of his affliction,3.465,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0007.wav,who hath not at present his heart his mouth and his eyes full of disgust,6.83,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0008.wav,thou also thou also,3.03,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0009.wav,but behold these kine,2.535,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0010.wav,the kine however gazed at it all and wondered,5.65,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0011.wav,wanton avidity bilious envy careworn revenge populace pride all these struck mine eye,11.23,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0012.wav,it is no longer true that the poor are blessed,3.965,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0013.wav,the kingdom of heaven however is with the kine and why is it not with the rich,9.77,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0014.wav,why dost thou tempt me,3.334938,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0015.wav,answered the other,1.975062,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0016.wav,thou knowest it thyself better even than i,4.48,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0017.wav,thus spake the peaceful one and puffed himself and perspired with his words so that the kine wondered anew,10.69,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0018.wav,thou doest violence to thyself thou preacher on the mount when thou usest such severe words,8.51,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0019.wav,they also abstain from all heavy thoughts which inflate the heart,6.205,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0020.wav,well,1.25,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0021.wav,said zarathustra thou shouldst also see mine animals mine eagle and my serpent their like do not at present exist on earth,13.025,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0022.wav,and talk to mine animals of the happiness of animals,4.525,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0023.wav,now however take leave at once of thy kine thou strange one,6.975,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0024.wav,thou amiable one,2.245,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0025.wav,for they are thy warmest friends and preceptors,4.51,test.other +data/test.other/2414-128291-0026.wav,thou evil flatterer,2.28,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0000.wav,the prioress returned and seated herself once more on her chair,4.05,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0001.wav,we will present a stenographic report of the dialogue which then ensued to the best of our ability,5.54,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0002.wav,father fauvent,2.045,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0003.wav,reverend mother do you know the chapel,3.515,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0004.wav,and you have been in the choir in pursuance of your duties two or three times,5.47,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0005.wav,there is a stone to be raised heavy,3.475,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0006.wav,the slab of the pavement which is at the side of the altar,3.475,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0007.wav,the slab which closes the vault yes,3.68,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0008.wav,it would be a good thing to have two men for it,2.9,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0009.wav,a woman is never a man,2.12,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0010.wav,because dom mabillon gives four hundred and seventeen epistles of saint bernard while merlonus horstius only gives three hundred and sixty seven i do not despise merlonus horstius neither do i,13.53,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0011.wav,merit consists in working according to one's strength a cloister is not a dock yard,5.61,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0012.wav,and a woman is not a man but my brother is the strong one though,3.79,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0013.wav,and can you get a lever,2.04,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0014.wav,there is a ring in the stone,1.995,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0015.wav,i will put the lever through it,1.985,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0016.wav,that is good reverend mother i will open the vault,3.28,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0017.wav,will that be all no,2.635,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0018.wav,give me your orders very reverend mother,2.91,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0019.wav,fauvent we have confidence in you,2.69,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0020.wav,i am here to do anything you wish,2.425,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0021.wav,and to hold your peace about everything yes reverend mother,4.185,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0022.wav,when the vault is open i will close it again,3.69,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0023.wav,but before that what reverend mother,3.48,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0024.wav,father fauvent reverend mother,3.2,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0025.wav,you know that a mother died this morning,2.37,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0026.wav,no did you not hear the bell,3.0,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0027.wav,nothing can be heard at the bottom of the garden really,4.295,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0028.wav,and then the wind is not blowing in my direction this morning,3.56,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0029.wav,it was mother crucifixion,1.82,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0030.wav,three years ago madame de bethune a jansenist turned orthodox merely from having seen mother crucifixion at prayer ah,8.745,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0031.wav,the mothers have taken her to the dead room which opens on the church i know,5.39,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0032.wav,a fine sight it would be to see a man enter the dead room more often,4.695,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0033.wav,hey more often,2.445,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0034.wav,what do you say,1.69,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0035.wav,i say more often more often than what,3.83,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0036.wav,reverend mother i did not say more often than what i said more often,4.84,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0037.wav,but i did not say more often,2.36,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0038.wav,at that moment nine o'clock struck,2.47,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0039.wav,at nine o'clock in the morning and at all hours praised and adored be the most holy sacrament of the altar said the prioress,7.344938,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0040.wav,it cut more often short,2.41,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0041.wav,fauchelevent mopped his forehead,2.44,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0042.wav,in her lifetime mother crucifixion made converts after her death she will perform miracles she will,7.72,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0043.wav,father fauvent the community has been blessed in mother crucifixion,4.16,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0044.wav,she retained her consciousness to the very last moment,3.25,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0045.wav,she gave us her last commands,2.44,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0046.wav,if you had a little more faith and if you could have been in her cell she would have cured your leg merely by touching it she smiled,8.05,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0047.wav,there was something of paradise in that death,2.725,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0048.wav,fauchelevent thought that it was an orison which she was finishing,4.46,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0049.wav,fauchelevent held his peace she went on,3.41,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0050.wav,i have consulted upon this point many ecclesiastics laboring in our lord who occupy themselves in the exercises of the clerical life and who bear wonderful fruit,9.67,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0051.wav,fortunately the prioress completely absorbed in her own thoughts did not hear it,3.85,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0052.wav,she continued father fauvent,3.185,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0053.wav,yes reverend mother,1.77,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0054.wav,saint terentius bishop of port where the mouth of the tiber empties into the sea requested that on his tomb might be engraved the sign which was placed on the graves of parricides in the hope that passers by would spit on his tomb this was done,15.51,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0055.wav,the dead must be obeyed so be it,3.91,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0056.wav,for that matter no reverend mother,2.69,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0057.wav,father fauvent mother crucifixion will be interred in the coffin in which she has slept for the last twenty years that is just,8.445,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0058.wav,it is a continuation of her slumber,2.605,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0059.wav,so i shall have to nail up that coffin yes,3.63,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0060.wav,i am at the orders of the very reverend community,3.37,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0061.wav,the four mother precentors will assist you,3.14,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0062.wav,no in lowering the coffin,2.4,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0063.wav,where into the vault,2.71,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0064.wav,fauchelevent started the vault under the altar,3.784937,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0065.wav,under the altar but,2.820063,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0066.wav,you will have an iron bar yes but,3.75,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0067.wav,you will raise the stone with the bar by means of the ring but,4.75,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0068.wav,the dead must be obeyed to be buried in the vault under the altar of the chapel not to go to profane earth to remain there in death where she prayed while living such was the last wish of mother crucifixion,10.435,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0069.wav,she asked it of us that is to say commanded us,3.745,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0070.wav,but it is forbidden,1.83,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0071.wav,oh i am a stone in your walls,2.73,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0072.wav,think father fauvent if she were to work miracles here,3.125,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0073.wav,what a glory of god for the community and miracles issue from tombs,4.32,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0074.wav,but reverend mother if the agent of the sanitary commission,4.02,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0075.wav,but the commissary of police,2.55,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0076.wav,chonodemaire one of the seven german kings who entered among the gauls under the empire of constantius expressly recognized the right of nuns to be buried in religion that is to say beneath the altar,13.13,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0077.wav,the world is nothing in the presence of the cross,2.61,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0078.wav,martin the eleventh general of the carthusians gave to his order this device stat crux dum volvitur orbis,8.355,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0079.wav,the prioress who was usually subjected to the barrier of silence and whose reservoir was overfull rose and exclaimed with the loquacity of a dam which has broken away,9.805,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0080.wav,i have on my right benoit and on my left bernard who was bernard,5.195,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0081.wav,the first abbot of clairvaux,2.49,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0082.wav,his order has produced forty popes two hundred cardinals fifty patriarchs sixteen hundred archbishops four thousand six hundred bishops four emperors twelve empresses forty six kings forty one queens three thousand six hundred canonized saints and has been in existence for fourteen hundred years,21.35,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0083.wav,on one side saint bernard on the other the agent of the sanitary department,4.85,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0084.wav,god subordinated to the commissary of police such is the age silence fauvent,5.905,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0085.wav,no one doubts the right of the monastery to sepulture,3.525,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0086.wav,only fanatics and those in error deny it,2.835,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0087.wav,we live in times of terrible confusion,2.445,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0088.wav,we are ignorant and impious,2.53,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0089.wav,and then religion is attacked why,2.985,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0090.wav,because there have been bad priests because sagittaire bishop of gap was the brother of salone bishop of embrun and because both of them followed mommol,9.455,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0091.wav,they persecute the saints,1.905,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0092.wav,they shut their eyes to the truth darkness is the rule,3.465,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0093.wav,the most ferocious beasts are beasts which are blind,3.33,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0094.wav,oh how wicked people are,2.095,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0095.wav,by order of the king signifies to day by order of the revolution,5.175,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0096.wav,one no longer knows what is due to the living or to the dead a holy death is prohibited,5.815,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0097.wav,gauthier bishop of chalons held his own in this matter against otho duke of burgundy,6.07,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0098.wav,the prioress took breath then turned to fauchelevent,3.37,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0099.wav,you will close the coffin the sisters will carry it to the chapel,3.295,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0100.wav,the office for the dead will then be said,2.265,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0101.wav,but she will hear she will not listen,3.035062,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0102.wav,besides what the cloister knows the world learns not,3.515,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0103.wav,a pause ensued,1.57,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0104.wav,you will remove your bell,1.705,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0105.wav,has the doctor for the dead paid his visit,2.83,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0106.wav,he will pay it at four o'clock to day,2.245,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0107.wav,the peal which orders the doctor for the dead to be summoned has already been rung,3.885,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0108.wav,but you do not understand any of the peals,2.95,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0109.wav,that is well father fauvent,2.08,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0110.wav,where will you obtain it,1.95,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0111.wav,i have my heap of old iron at the bottom of the garden,3.095,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0112.wav,reverend mother what,2.465,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0113.wav,if you were ever to have any other jobs of this sort my brother is the strong man for you a perfect turk,6.56,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0114.wav,you will do it as speedily as possible,2.66,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0115.wav,i cannot work very fast i am infirm that is why i require an assistant i limp,5.62,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0116.wav,everything must have been completed a good quarter of an hour before that,3.675,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0117.wav,i will do anything to prove my zeal towards the community these are my orders i am to nail up the coffin,6.105,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0118.wav,at eleven o'clock exactly i am to be in the chapel,2.865,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0119.wav,mother ascension will be there two men would be better,2.97,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0120.wav,however never mind i shall have my lever,2.645,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0121.wav,after which there will be no trace of anything,2.845,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0122.wav,the government will have no suspicion,2.15,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0123.wav,the empty coffin remains this produced a pause,3.71,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0124.wav,what is to be done with that coffin father fauvent,2.96,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0125.wav,it will be given to the earth empty,3.31,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0126.wav,ah the de exclaimed fauchelevent,3.8,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0127.wav,the vil stuck fast in his throat,3.085,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0128.wav,he made haste to improvise an expedient to make her forget the oath,4.1,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0129.wav,i will put earth in the coffin reverend mother that will produce the effect of a corpse,4.78,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168669-0130.wav,i will make that my special business,2.6,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0000.wav,she had even been in society before the revolution,3.385,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0001.wav,it was her pleasure and her vanity to drag in these names on every pretext,4.34,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0002.wav,every year she solemnly renewed her vows and at the moment of taking the oath she said to the priest monseigneur saint francois gave it to monseigneur saint julien monseigneur saint julien gave it to monseigneur saint eusebius monseigneur saint eusebius gave it to monseigneur saint procopius et cetera et cetera,20.295,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0003.wav,and the school girls would begin to laugh not in their sleeves but under their veils charming little stifled laughs which made the vocal mothers frown,8.64,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0004.wav,it was a century which spoke through her but it was the eighteenth century,4.7,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0005.wav,the rule of fontevrault did not forbid this,3.395,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0006.wav,she would not show this object to anyone,2.51,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0007.wav,thus it furnished a subject of comment for all those who were unoccupied or bored in the convent,5.625,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0008.wav,some unique chaplet some authentic relic,3.155,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0009.wav,they lost themselves in conjectures,2.785,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0010.wav,when the poor old woman died they rushed to her cupboard more hastily than was fitting perhaps and opened it,6.28,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0011.wav,he is resisting fluttering his tiny wings and still making an effort to fly but the dancer is laughing with a satanical air,7.23,test.other +data/test.other/3528-168656-0012.wav,moral love conquered by the colic,3.05,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0000.wav,there was a man coming from earth on a second ship who would see him,4.47,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0001.wav,the little publisher was back at the crusader again,3.38,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0002.wav,only gordon and sheila were left,2.955,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0003.wav,credit had been established again and the businesses were open,4.56,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0004.wav,gordon came to a row of temporary bubbles individual dwellings built like the dome but opaque for privacy,8.2,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0005.wav,they had been lucky,1.81,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0006.wav,schulberg's volunteers were official now,2.835,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0007.wav,fats place was still open though the crooked tables had been removed gordon dropped to a stool slipping off his helmet,9.485,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0008.wav,he reached automatically for the glass of ether needled beer,4.135,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0009.wav,thought you'd be in the chips,2.265062,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0010.wav,that's mars gordon echoed the other's comment why don't you pull off the planet fats you could go back to earth i'd guess the other nodded,10.955,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0011.wav,guess a man gets used to anything hell maybe i can hire some bums to sit around and whoop it up when the ships come in and bill this as a real old martian den of sin,10.9,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0012.wav,there was a grin on the other's face,2.68,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0013.wav,finally got our orders for you it's mercury,4.13,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0014.wav,we sent twenty others the same way and they failed,3.545,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0015.wav,let's say you've shifted some of the misery around a bit and given them a chance to do better,5.585,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0016.wav,you can't stay here,1.86,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0017.wav,there's a rocket waiting to transship you to the moon on the way to mercury right now gordon sighed,6.65,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0018.wav,and i've paid her the pay we owe you from the time you began using your badge she's out shopping,6.65,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0019.wav,but his old eyes were glinting,2.650063,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0020.wav,did you think we'd let you go without seeing you off cobber he asked,4.67,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0021.wav,i i oh drat it i'm getting old izzy you tell him,5.32,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117029-0022.wav,he grabbed gordon's hand and waddled down the landing plank izzy shook his head,5.805,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0000.wav,it was night outside and the phosphor bulbs at the corners glowed dimly giving him barely enough light by which to locate the way to the extemporized precinct house,12.43,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0001.wav,it had probably been years since any had dared risk it after the sun went down,5.825,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0002.wav,and the slow doubtful respect on the faces of the citizens as they nodded to him was even more proof that haley's system was working,10.14,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0003.wav,gordon hit the signal switch and the marspeaker let out a shrill whistle,4.895,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0004.wav,guns suddenly seemed to be flourishing everywhere,3.375,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0005.wav,you can't do it to me,1.86,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0006.wav,i'm reformed i'm going straight,2.82,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0007.wav,you damned cops can't o'neill was blubbering,4.115,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0008.wav,one look was enough the work papers had the telltale over thickening of the signature that had showed up on other papers obviously forgeries,11.425,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0009.wav,some turned away as gordon and the other cop went to work but most of them weren't squeamish,6.285,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0010.wav,when it was over the two picked up their whimpering captive,4.24,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0011.wav,jenkins the other cop had been holding the wallet,3.89,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0012.wav,must of been making a big contact in something fifty fifty,4.76,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0013.wav,there must have been over two thousand credits in the wallet,3.62,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0014.wav,when gordon and jenkins came back murdoch tossed the money to them split it,5.905062,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0015.wav,whatever comes to hand gov'nor,2.55,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0016.wav,like this social call gordon asked him,3.39,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0017.wav,the little man shook his head his ancient eighteen year old face turning sober nope,8.585,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0018.wav,you owe me some bills gov'nor,2.335,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0019.wav,eleven hundred fifty credits,2.45,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0020.wav,you didn't pay up your pledge to the campaign fund so i hadda fill in,4.93,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0021.wav,a thousand interest at ten per cent a week standard right,3.9,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0022.wav,gordon had heard of the friendly interest charged on the side here but he shook his head wrong izzy,6.895,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0023.wav,huh izzy turned it over and shook his head,3.035,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0024.wav,now show me where i signed any agreement saying i'd pay you back,3.935,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0025.wav,for a second izzy's face went blank then he chuckled,4.32,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0026.wav,he pulled out the bills and handed them over,3.36,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0027.wav,thanks izzy thanks yourself,3.495,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0028.wav,the kid pocketed the money cheerfully nodding,3.995,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0029.wav,the little guy knew mars as few others did apparently from all sides,5.735,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0030.wav,and if any of the other cops had private rackets of their own izzy was undoubtedly the man to find it out and use the information with a beat such as that even going halves and with all the graft to the upper brackets he'd still be able to make his pile in a matter of months,19.4,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0031.wav,the captain looked completely beaten as he came into the room and dropped onto the bench,5.27,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117017-0032.wav,go on accept damn it,2.255,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0000.wav,captain murdoch,2.24,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0001.wav,but marsport had flourished enough to kill it off,3.46,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0002.wav,some of mars laws dated from the time when law enforcement had been hampered by lack of men rather than by the type of men,8.29,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0003.wav,the stonewall gang numbered perhaps five hundred,3.665,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0004.wav,even derelicts and failures had to eat there were stores and shops throughout the district which eked out some kind of a marginal living,9.45,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0005.wav,they were safe from protection racketeers there none bothered to come so far out,6.3,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0006.wav,the shopkeepers and some of the less unfortunate people there had protested loud enough to reach clear back to earth,7.66,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0007.wav,captain murdoch was an unknown factor and now was asking for more men,5.75,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0008.wav,the pressure was enough to get them for him,2.72,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0009.wav,gordon reported for work with a sense of the bottom falling out mixed with a vague relief,5.81,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0010.wav,i've got a free hand and we're going to run this the way we would on earth,5.11,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0011.wav,your job is to protect the citizens here and that means everyone not breaking the laws whether you feel like it or not no graft,10.245,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0012.wav,the first man making a shakedown will get the same treatment we're going to use on the stonewall boys you'll get double pay here and you can live on it,9.49,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0013.wav,he picked out five of the men including gordon you five will come with me,6.42,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0014.wav,the rest of you can team up any way you want tonight pick any route that's open okay men let's go,7.79,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0015.wav,bruce gordon grinned slowly as he swung the stick and murdoch's eyes fell on him earth cop,8.315,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0016.wav,two years gordon admitted,2.435,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0017.wav,for a second gordon cursed himself,2.92,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0018.wav,he began wondering about security then,2.98,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0019.wav,nobody had tried to get in touch with him,2.66,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0020.wav,there was a crude lighting system here put up by the citizens at the front of each building a dim phosphor bulb glowed when darkness fell they would have nothing else to see by,12.585,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0021.wav,moving in two groups of threes at opposite sides of the street they began their beat,6.71,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0022.wav,there was no chance to save the citizen who was dying from lack of air,4.495,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0023.wav,gordon felt the solid pleasure of the finely turned club in his hands,5.81,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0024.wav,gordon's eyes popped at that,2.49,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0025.wav,he swallowed the sentiment his own club was moving now,4.69,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0026.wav,the other four cops had come in reluctantly,3.165,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0027.wav,he brought him to the ground with a single blow across the kidneys,3.91,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0028.wav,they rounded up the men of the gang and one of the cops started off,4.19,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0029.wav,to find a phone and call the wagon,2.845,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0030.wav,we're not using wagons murdoch told him line them up,4.21,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0031.wav,if they tried to run they were hit from behind if they stood still they were clubbed carefully,6.685,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0032.wav,murdoch indicated one who stood with his shoulders shaking and tears running down his cheeks,6.035,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0033.wav,the captain's face was as sick as gordon felt,3.525,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0034.wav,i want the name of every man in the gang you can remember he told the man,4.895,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0035.wav,colonel they'd kill me i don't know,3.42,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0036.wav,murdoch took his nod as evidence enough and turned to the wretched toughs,5.59,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0037.wav,if he should turn up dead i'll know you boys are responsible and i'll find you,5.64,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0038.wav,trouble began brewing shortly after though,3.07,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0039.wav,murdoch sent one of the men to pick up a second squad of six and then a third,5.545,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0040.wav,in the third one bruce gordon spotted one of the men who'd been beaten before,4.635,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0041.wav,get a stretcher and take him wherever he belongs he ordered,4.355,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0042.wav,but the captain stirred finally sighing,3.685,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0043.wav,no the cops they're giving me we're covered gordon,5.565,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0044.wav,but the stonewall gang is backing wayne,2.85,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0045.wav,but it's going to be tough on them,2.79,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0046.wav,bruce gordon grimaced i've got a yellow ticket from security,5.33,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0047.wav,murdoch blinked he dropped his eyes slowly,4.01,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0048.wav,what makes you think wayne will be re elected,3.05,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0049.wav,nobody wants him except a gang of crooks and those in power,4.275,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0050.wav,ever see a martian election,2.52,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0051.wav,no you're a firster he can't lose,4.895,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0052.wav,and then hell is going to pop and this whole planet may be blown wide open,5.995,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0053.wav,it fitted with the dire predictions of security and with the spying gordon was going to do according to them,7.44,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0054.wav,he was getting even fatter now that he was eating better food from the fair restaurant around the corner,6.7,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0055.wav,cost em more but they'd be respectable,3.715,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0056.wav,because izzy is always honest according to how he sees it,4.43,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0057.wav,but you got earth ideas of the stuff like i had once,4.77,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0058.wav,the groups grew more experienced and murdoch was training a new squad every night,5.695,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0059.wav,it wasn't exactly legal but nothing was here,4.005,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0060.wav,this could lead to abuses as he'd seen on earth,3.645,test.other +data/test.other/8131-117016-0061.wav,but there probably wouldn't be time for it if mayor wayne was re elected,4.185,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0000.wav,annie colchester had begun to make friends with leslie,3.41,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0001.wav,leslie determined to try for honors in english language and literature,4.575,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0002.wav,her tastes all lay in this direction her idea being by and by to follow her mother's profession of journalism for which she already showed considerable aptitude,10.175,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0003.wav,she had no idea of allowing herself to break down,3.14,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0004.wav,what do you mean replied leslie,2.83,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0005.wav,why you will be parting from me you know,3.07,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0006.wav,i won't be the constant worry and plague of your life,3.325,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0007.wav,it is this if by any chance you don't leave saint wode's annie i hope you will allow me to be your roomfellow again next term,9.435,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0008.wav,said annie a flash of light coming into her eyes and then leaving them,4.595,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0009.wav,but she added abruptly you speak of something which must not take place,4.835,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0010.wav,i must pass in honors if i don't i shall die,4.415,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0011.wav,a few moments later there came a tap at the door,3.65,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0012.wav,leslie opened the door,2.165,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0013.wav,jane heriot stood without,2.48,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0014.wav,these letters have just come for you and annie colchester she said and as i was coming upstairs i thought i would leave them with you,7.96,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0015.wav,leslie thanked her and eagerly grasped the little parcel,4.14,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0016.wav,her eyes shone with pleasure at the anticipation of the delightful time she would have reveling in the home news the other letter was directed to annie colchester,10.18,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0017.wav,here is a letter for you annie cried leslie,2.92,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0018.wav,her face grew suddenly white as death what is it dear,4.615,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0019.wav,i have been starving or rather i have been thirsting,4.35,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0020.wav,well read it in peace said leslie i won't disturb you,4.79,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0021.wav,i am truly glad it has come,2.36,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0022.wav,leslie seated herself with her back to her companion and opened her own letters,5.76,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0023.wav,don't notice me replied annie,2.505,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0024.wav,i must go into the grounds the air is stifling,3.57,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0025.wav,but they are just shutting up,2.24,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0026.wav,i shall go i know a way,2.72,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0027.wav,just after midnight she rose with a sigh to prepare for bed,4.4,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0028.wav,she looked round the room,1.915,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0029.wav,now i remember she got a letter which upset her very much and went out,4.79,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0030.wav,leslie went to the window and flung it open she put her head out and tried to peer into the darkness but the moon had already set and she could not see more than a couple of yards in front of her,12.015,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0031.wav,she is a very queer erratic creature and that letter there was bad news in that letter,6.72,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0032.wav,what can she be doing out by herself,2.73,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0033.wav,leslie left the room but she had scarcely gone a dozen paces down the corridor before she met annie returning,7.4,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0034.wav,annie's eyes were very bright her cheeks were no longer pale and there was a brilliant color in them,6.36,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0035.wav,she did not take the least notice of leslie but going into the room shut the door,6.15,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0036.wav,don't begin said annie,2.55,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0037.wav,don't begin what do you mean,3.05,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0038.wav,i mean that i don't want you to begin to ask questions,3.26,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0039.wav,i walked up and down as fast as ever i could outside in order to make myself sleepy,5.075,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0040.wav,don't talk to me leslie don't say a single word,3.305,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0041.wav,i shall go off to sleep that is all i care for,3.215,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0042.wav,don't said annie,1.925,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0043.wav,now drink this at once she said in a voice of authority if you really wish to sleep,5.8,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0044.wav,annie stared vacantly at the cocoa then she uttered a laugh,4.31,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0045.wav,drink that she said,2.295,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0046.wav,do you want to kill me don't talk any more,2.945,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0047.wav,i am sleepy i shall sleep,2.38,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0048.wav,she got into bed as she spoke and wrapped the clothes tightly round her,4.97,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0049.wav,can't you manage with a candle just for once,3.355,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0050.wav,certainly said leslie,2.59,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0051.wav,she turned off the light and lit a candle which she put behind her screen then prepared to get into bed,7.53,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0052.wav,annie's manner was very mysterious,2.99,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0053.wav,annie did not mean to confide in anyone that night and the kindest thing was to leave her alone,6.065,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0054.wav,tired out leslie herself dropped asleep,3.26,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0055.wav,annie is that you she called out,3.55,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0056.wav,there was no reply but the sound of hurrying steps came quicker and quicker now and then they were interrupted by a groan,8.01,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269288-0057.wav,oh this will kill me my heart will break this will kill me,5.46,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0000.wav,the commons also voted that the new created peers ought to have no voice in this trial because the accusation being agreed to while they were commoners their consent to it was implied with that of all the commons of england,12.57,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0001.wav,in the government of ireland his administration had been equally promotive of his master's interest and that of the subjects committed to his care,8.69,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0002.wav,the case of lord mountnorris of all those which were collected with so much industry is the most flagrant and the least excusable,8.555,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0003.wav,the court which consisted of the chief officers of the army found the crime to be capital and condemned that nobleman to lose his head,8.32,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0004.wav,where the token by which i should discover it,2.295,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0005.wav,it is now full two hundred and forty years since treasons were defined and so long has it been since any man was touched to this extent upon this crime before myself,10.13,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0006.wav,let us not to our own destruction awake those sleeping lions by rattling up a company of old records which have lain for so many ages by the wall forgotten and neglected,11.465,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0007.wav,however these gentlemen at the bar say they speak for the commonwealth and they believe so yet under favor it is i who in this particular speak for the commonwealth,11.57,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0008.wav,my lords i have now troubled your lordships a great deal longer than i should have done,4.9,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0009.wav,young vane falling upon this paper of notes deemed the matter of the utmost importance and immediately communicated it to pym who now produced the paper before the house of commons,11.25,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0010.wav,the king proposes this difficulty but how can i undertake offensive war if i have no more money,6.77,test.other +data/test.other/8188-274364-0011.wav,your majesty having tried the affections of your people you are absolved and loose from all rules of government and may do what power will admit,8.91,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0000.wav,the guild of saint elizabeth,2.21,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0001.wav,immediately after dinner that evening leslie ran up to her room to make preparations for her visit to east hall,6.5,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0002.wav,i'm not coming said annie,2.505,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0003.wav,every student is to be in east hall at half past eight,3.845,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0004.wav,it doesn't matter replied annie whether it is an order or not i'm not coming say nothing about me please,7.135,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0005.wav,it burned as if with fever,2.49,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0006.wav,you don't know what a trial it is for me to have you here,3.05,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0007.wav,i want to be alone go,2.36,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0008.wav,i know you don't quite mean what you say said leslie but of course if you really wish me,6.015,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0009.wav,you fret me beyond endurance,2.75,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0010.wav,wrapping a pretty blue shawl round her head and shoulders she turned to annie,4.55,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0011.wav,leslie was just closing the door behind her when annie called after her,4.63,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0012.wav,i took it out said leslie took it out,3.925,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0013.wav,have the goodness to find it and put it back,2.49,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0014.wav,but don't lock me out please annie,2.485,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0015.wav,oh i won't lock you out she said but i must have the key,3.585,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0016.wav,jane heriot's voice was heard in the passage,2.88,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0017.wav,as she walked down the corridor she heard it being turned in the lock,4.02,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0018.wav,what can this mean she said to herself,3.46,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0019.wav,oh i won't press you replied jane,3.22,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0020.wav,oh i shall never do that replied leslie,3.45,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0021.wav,you see all the girls except eileen and marjorie laugh at her and that seems to me to make her worse,7.03,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0022.wav,some day jane you must see her,2.56,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0023.wav,if you are in london during the summer you must come and pay us a visit will you,4.56,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0024.wav,that is if you care to confide in me,3.155,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0025.wav,i believe poor annie is dreadfully unhappy,3.36,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0026.wav,that's just it jane that is what frightens me she refuses to come,5.66,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0027.wav,refuses to come she cried,2.495,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0028.wav,she will get into an awful scrape,2.26,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0029.wav,i am sure she is ill she works too hard and she but there i don't know that i ought to say any more,7.35,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0030.wav,i'll wait for you here said leslie,2.33,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0031.wav,do come annie do,2.235,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0032.wav,scarcely likely replied leslie she told me she was determined not to come to the meeting,5.93,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0033.wav,but marjorie and eileen had already departed and leslie and jane found themselves among the last students to arrive at the great east hall,8.71,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0034.wav,miss lauderdale was standing with the other tutors and principals of the different halls on a raised platform,6.51,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0035.wav,then a roll call was gone through by one of the tutors the only absentee was annie colchester,6.78,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0036.wav,the physical part of your training and also the mental part are abundantly supplied in this great house of learning she continued but the spiritual part it seems to me ought now to be strengthened,12.14,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0037.wav,hear hear and once again hear,2.57,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0038.wav,she uttered her strange remark standing up,2.91,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0039.wav,marjorie and eileen were close to her,2.155,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0040.wav,i will talk with you belle acheson presently she said,3.65,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0041.wav,the names of proposed members are to be submitted to me before this day week,4.98,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0042.wav,am i my brother's keeper,1.995,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0043.wav,you ask she continued,2.32,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0044.wav,god answers to each of you you are,2.89,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0045.wav,the world says no i am not but god says yes you are,4.855,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0046.wav,all men are your brothers,2.065,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0047.wav,for all who sin all who suffer you are to a certain extent responsible,5.57,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0048.wav,after the address the girls themselves were encouraged to speak and a very animated discussion followed,6.34,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0049.wav,it was past ten o'clock when she left the hall,3.03,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0050.wav,just as she was doing so miss frere came up,3.45,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0051.wav,annie colchester is your roomfellow is she not she said,3.785,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0052.wav,i see by your face miss gilroy that you are distressed about something are you keeping anything back,5.56,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0053.wav,i am afraid i am replied leslie distress now in her tone,4.77,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0054.wav,i must see her myself early in the morning and i am quite sure that nothing will satisfy miss lauderdale except a very ample apology and a full explanation of the reason why she absented herself,10.915,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0055.wav,excuses make no difference,2.13,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0056.wav,the girl who breaks the rules has to be punished,3.01,test.other +data/test.other/8188-269290-0057.wav,i will tell her,1.47,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0000.wav,proas in that quarter were usually distrusted by ships it is true but the sea is full of them and far more are innocent than are guilty of any acts of violence,12.075,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0001.wav,an hour after the sun had set the wind fell to a light air that just kept steerage way on the ship,7.835,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0002.wav,fortunately the john was not only fast but she minded her helm as a light footed girl turns in a lively dance,9.915,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0003.wav,i never was in a better steering ship most especially in moderate weather,5.33,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0004.wav,mister marble he i do believe was fairly snoozing on the hen coops being like the sails as one might say barely asleep,10.84,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0005.wav,at that moment i heard a noise one familiar to seamen that of an oar falling in a boat,7.02,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0006.wav,i sang out sail ho and close aboard,3.835,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0007.wav,he was too much of a seaman to require a second look in order to ascertain what was to be done,7.395,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0008.wav,although they went three feet to our two this gave us a moment of breathing time,6.495,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0009.wav,as our sheets were all flying forward and remained so for a few minutes it gave me leisure to look about,7.255,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0010.wav,i soon saw both proas and glad enough was i to perceive that they had not approached materially nearer,7.34,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0011.wav,mister kite observed this also and remarked that our movements had been so prompt as to take the rascals aback,7.96,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0012.wav,a breathless stillness succeeded,2.545,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0013.wav,the proas did not alter their course but neared us fast,4.61,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0014.wav,i heard the rattling of the boarding pikes too as they were cut adrift from the spanker boom and fell upon the decks,7.645,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0015.wav,kite went aft and returned with three or four muskets and as many pikes,5.875,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0016.wav,the stillness that reigned on both sides was like that of death,4.25,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0017.wav,the john behaved beautifully and came round like a top,4.17,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0018.wav,the question was now whether we could pass them or not before they got near enough to grapple,6.185,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0019.wav,the captain behaved perfectly well in this critical instant commanding a dead silence and the closest attention to his orders,8.355,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0020.wav,not a soul on board the john was hurt,2.83,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0021.wav,on our side we gave the gentlemen the four sixes two at the nearest and two at the stern most proa which was still near a cable's length distant,11.135,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0022.wav,they were like the yells of fiends in anguish,3.465,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0023.wav,i doubt if we touched a man in the nearest proa,3.605,test.other +data/test.other/2609-169640-0024.wav,in this state the ship passed ahead all her canvas being full leaving the proa motionless in her wake,8.47,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0000.wav,then moses was afraid and said surely the thing is known,4.49,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0001.wav,hold on hold fast hold out patience is genius,4.885,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0002.wav,let us have faith that right makes might and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we understand it lincoln,10.745,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0003.wav,the egyptian background of the bondage,3.36,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0004.wav,every one who is turbulent has been found by king merneptah the testimony of the oldest biblical narratives regarding the sojourn of the hebrews in egypt is also in perfect accord with the picture which the contemporary egyptian inscriptions give of the period,18.13,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0005.wav,the absence of detailed reference to the hebrews is therefore perfectly natural,6.505,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0006.wav,it seems probable that not all but only part of the tribes which ultimately coalesced into the hebrew nation found their way to egypt,10.555,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0007.wav,the stories regarding joseph the traditional father of ephraim and manasseh imply that these strong central tribes possibly together with the southern tribes of benjamin and judah were the chief actors in this opening scene in israel's history,19.91,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0008.wav,the biblical narratives apparently disagree regarding the duration of the sojourn in egypt,7.11,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0009.wav,the later traditions tend to extend the period,4.32,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0010.wav,here were found several inscriptions bearing the egyptian name of the city p atum house of the god atum,8.575,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0011.wav,a contemporary inscription also states that he founded near pithum the house of ramses a city with a royal residence and temples,10.705,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0012.wav,that the hebrews were restive under this tyranny was natural inevitable,5.63,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0013.wav,was any other procedure to be expected from a despotic ruler of that land and day,6.81,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0014.wav,the making of a loyal patriot,3.015,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0015.wav,the story of moses birth and early childhood is one of the most interesting chapters in biblical history,8.005,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0016.wav,was moses justified in resisting the egyptian taskmaster,5.105,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0017.wav,is peonage always disastrous not only to its victims but also to the government imposing it,7.925,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0018.wav,naturally he went to the land of midian,3.37,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0019.wav,the wilderness to the east of egypt had for centuries been the place of refuge for egyptian fugitives,7.67,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0020.wav,from about two thousand b c,2.76,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0021.wav,on the borders of the wilderness he found certain bedouin herdsmen who received him hospitably,8.32,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0022.wav,these sand wanderers sent him on from tribe to tribe until he reached the land of kedem east of the dead sea where he remained for a year and a half,13.505,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0023.wav,later he found his way to the court of one of the local kings in central palestine where he married and became in time a prosperous local prince,12.43,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0024.wav,the school of the wilderness,2.525,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0025.wav,the story of moses is in many ways closely parallel to that of sinuhit,5.79,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0026.wav,the priest of the sub tribe of the kenites received him into his home and gave him his daughter in marriage,8.46,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0027.wav,note the characteristic oriental idea of marriage,4.56,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0028.wav,here moses learned the lessons that were essential for his training as the leader and deliverer of his people,8.09,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0029.wav,after the capture of jericho certain of them went up with the southern tribes to conquer southern palestine,7.995,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0030.wav,many modern scholars draw the conclusion from the biblical narrative that it was from the kenites that moses first learned of yahweh or as the distinctive name of israel's god was translated by later jewish scribes jehovah,18.445,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0031.wav,do the earliest hebrew traditions imply that the ancestors of the israelites were worshippers of jehovah,8.03,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0032.wav,the title of his father in law implies that this priest ministered at some wilderness sanctuary,8.415,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0033.wav,moses in the home of the midian priest was brought into direct and constant contact with the jehovah worship,8.85,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0034.wav,the cruel fate of his people and the painful experience in egypt that had driven him into the wilderness prepared his mind to receive this training,10.69,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0035.wav,his quest was for a just and strong god able to deliver the oppressed,5.465,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0036.wav,the wilderness with its lurking foes and the ever present dread of hunger and thirst deepened his sense of need and of dependence upon a power able to guide the destinies of men,13.43,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0037.wav,the peasants of the vast antolian plain in central asia minor still call every life giving spring god hath given,9.665,test.other +data/test.other/2609-156975-0038.wav,the constant necessity of meeting the dangers of the wilderness and of defending the flocks entrusted to moses care developed his courage and power of leadership and action,13.1,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0000.wav,evidently the intention was to make things pleasant for the royal foe of tobacco during his visit,6.685,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0001.wav,the prohibition in the regulation quoted of smoking in saint mary's church referred it may be noted to the act which was held therein,9.5,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0002.wav,sometimes tobacco was used in church for disinfecting or deodorizing purposes,6.145,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0003.wav,blackburn archbishop of york was a great smoker,4.739937,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0004.wav,on one occasion he was at saint mary's church nottingham for a confirmation,5.695062,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0005.wav,another eighteenth century clerical worthy the famous doctor parr an inveterate smoker was accustomed to do what mister disney prevented archbishop blackburn from doing he smoked in his vestry at hatton,16.305,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0006.wav,parr was such a continual smoker that anyone who came into his company if he had never smoked before had to learn the use of a pipe as a means of self defence,11.405,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0007.wav,one sunday says mister ditchfield he had an extra pipe and joshua the clerk told him that the people were getting impatient,9.035,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0008.wav,let them sing another psalm said the curate,3.58,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0009.wav,they have sir replied the clerk,2.585,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0010.wav,then let them sing the hundred and nineteenth replied the curate,4.57,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0011.wav,six arms the nearest within reach presented with an obedient start as many tobacco pouches to the man of office,11.735,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0012.wav,david deans however did not at all approve this irreverence,4.34,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0013.wav,going to church at hayes in those days must have been quite an exciting experience,6.23,test.other +data/test.other/2609-157645-0014.wav,when these men in the course of my remonstrance found that i was not going to continue the custom they no longer cared to be communicants,9.535,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0000.wav,never mind what the business was it suffices to say that it was a good beginning for a young man like tom who having been born and bred in the most conservative class of the most conceited city in new england needed just the healthy hearty social influences of the west to widen his views and make a man of him,18.73,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0001.wav,fortunately every one was so busy with the necessary preparations that there was no time for romance of any sort and the four young people worked together as soberly and sensibly as if all sorts of emotions were not bottled up in their respective hearts,16.125,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0002.wav,pity that the end should come so soon but the hour did its work and went its way leaving a clearer atmosphere behind though the young folks did not see it then for their eyes were dim because of the partings that must be,14.1,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0003.wav,if it had not been for two things i fear she never would have stood a summer in town but sydney often called till his vacation came and a voluminous correspondence with polly beguiled the long days,12.13,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0004.wav,tom wrote once a week to his mother but the letters were short and not very satisfactory for men never do tell the interesting little things that women best like to hear,10.4,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0005.wav,no i m only tired had a good deal to do lately and the dull weather makes me just a trifle blue,6.64,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0006.wav,forgive me polly but i can't help saying it for it is there and i want to be as true to you as you were to me if i can,7.73,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0007.wav,i try not to deceive myself but it does seem as if there was a chance of happiness for me,5.835,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0008.wav,thank heaven for that,2.02,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0009.wav,cried polly with the heartiest satisfaction in her voice,3.555,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0010.wav,poor polly was so taken by surprise that she had not a word to say,5.26,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0011.wav,none were needed her telltale face answered for her as well as the impulse which made her hide her head in the sofa cushion like a foolish ostrich when the hunters are after it,11.55,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0012.wav,once or twice but sort of jokingly and i thought it was only some little flirtation,6.115,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0013.wav,it was so stupid of me not to guess before,2.935,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0014.wav,it was so tender earnest and defiant that fanny forgot the defence of her own lover in admiration of polly's loyalty to hers for this faithful all absorbing love was a new revelation to fanny who was used to hearing her friends boast of two or three lovers a year and calculate their respective values with almost as much coolness as the young men discussed the fortunes of the girls they wished for but could not afford to marry,28.37,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0015.wav,i hope maria bailey is all he thinks her she added softly for i could n't bear to have him disappointed again,6.805,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0016.wav,said fanny turning hopeful all at once,2.89,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0017.wav,suppose i say a word to tom just inquire after his heart in a general way you know and give him a chance to tell me if there is anything to tell,8.13,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0018.wav,bear it people always do bear things somehow answered polly looking as if sentence had been passed upon her,7.315,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0019.wav,it was a very different winter from the last for both the girls,3.615,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0020.wav,if fanny wanted to show him what she could do toward making a pleasant home she certainly succeeded better than she suspected for in spite of many failures and discouragements behind the scenes the little house became a most attractive place to mister sydney at least for he was more the house friend than ever and seemed determined to prove that change of fortune made no difference to him,23.11,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0021.wav,she kept much at home when the day's work was done finding it pleasanter to sit dreaming over book or sewing alone than to exert herself even to go to the shaws,10.37,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0022.wav,polly was not at all like herself that winter and those nearest to her saw and wondered at it most,6.52,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0023.wav,for ned was so absorbed in business that he ignored the whole bailey question and left them in utter darkness,6.34,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0024.wav,fanny came walking in upon her one day looking as if she brought tidings of such great joy that she hardly knew how to tell them,8.155,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159609-0025.wav,but if work baskets were gifted with powers of speech they could tell stories more true and tender than any we read,7.77,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0000.wav,she pulled her hair down turned her skirt back put her feet on the fender and took puttel into her lap all of which arrangements signified that something very important had got to be thought over and settled,13.67,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0001.wav,the more proposals the more credit,3.095,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0002.wav,i ve tried it and liked it and maybe this is the consequence of that night's fun,6.23,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0003.wav,just suppose it is true that he does ask me and i say yes,5.575,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0004.wav,what a spiteful thing i am,2.115,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0005.wav,i could do so much for all at home how i should enjoy that,4.755,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0006.wav,let me see how can i begin,3.13,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0007.wav,he has known her all her life and has a good influence over her,4.515,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0008.wav,now as polly was by no means a perfect creature i am free to confess that the old temptation assailed her more than once that week for when the first excitement of the dodging reform had subsided she missed the pleasant little interviews that used to put a certain flavor of romance into her dull hard working days,21.53,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0009.wav,i don't think it was his wealth accomplishments or position that most attracted polly though these doubtless possessed a greater influence than she suspected,10.22,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0010.wav,it was that indescribable something which women are quick to see and feel in men who have been blessed with wise and good mothers,9.15,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0011.wav,this had an especial charm to polly for she soon found that this side of his character was not shown to every one,7.765,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0012.wav,lately this had changed especially towards polly and it flattered her more than she would confess even to herself,7.42,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0013.wav,at first she tried to think she could but unfortunately hearts are so contrary that they won't be obedient to reason will or even gratitude,10.35,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0014.wav,polly felt a very cordial friendship for mister sydney but not one particle of the love which is the only coin in which love can be truly paid,9.67,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0015.wav,this finished polly's indecision and after that night she never allowed herself to dwell upon the pleasant temptation which came in a guise particularly attractive to a young girl with a spice of the old eve in her composition,14.61,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0016.wav,when saturday came polly started as usual for a visit to becky and bess but could n't resist stopping at the shaws to leave a little parcel for fan though it was calling time,12.94,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0017.wav,a foolish little speech to make to a dog but you see polly was only a tender hearted girl trying to do her duty,9.19,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0018.wav,take hold of master charley's hand miss mamie and walk pretty like willy and flossy said the maid,6.965,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0019.wav,at a street corner a black eyed school boy was parting from a rosy faced school girl whose music roll he was reluctantly surrendering,9.78,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0020.wav,how he got there was never very clear to polly but there he was flushed and a little out of breath but looking so glad to see her that she had n't the heart to be stiff and cool as she had fully intended to be when they met,14.975,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0021.wav,she really could n't help it it was so pleasant to see him again just when she was feeling so lonely,7.115,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0022.wav,that is the way i get to the roths answered polly,3.495,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0023.wav,she did not mean to tell but his frankness was so agreeable she forgot herself,5.085,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0024.wav,but i know her better and i assure you that she does improve she tries to mend her faults though she won't own it and will surprise you some day by the amount of heart and sense and goodness she has got,12.99,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0025.wav,thank you no,1.72,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0026.wav,how lovely the park looks she said in great confusion,4.5,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0027.wav,asked the artful young man laying a trap into which polly immediately fell,4.72,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0028.wav,he was quicker to take a hint than she had expected and being both proud and generous resolved to settle the matter at once for polly's sake as well as his own,10.52,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0029.wav,so when she made her last brilliant remark he said quietly watching her face keenly all the while i thought so well i m going out of town on business for several weeks so you can enjoy your little bit of country without being annoyed by me annoyed,18.86,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0030.wav,she thought she had a good deal of the coquette in her and i ve no doubt that with time and training she would have become a very dangerous little person but now she was far too transparent and straightforward by nature even to tell a white lie cleverly,15.84,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0031.wav,he was gone before she could do anything but look up at him with a remorseful face and she walked on feeling that the first and perhaps the only lover she would ever have had read his answer and accepted it in silence,14.7,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0032.wav,polly did not return to her favorite walk till she learned from minnie that uncle had really left town and then she found that his friendly company and conversation was what had made the way so pleasant after all,15.33,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0033.wav,wagging to and fro as usual what's the news with you,4.205,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0034.wav,perhaps she ll jilt him,2.035,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0035.wav,utterly done with and laid upon the shelf,3.18,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0036.wav,minnie said the other day she wished she was a pigeon so she could paddle in the puddles and not fuss about rubbers,6.56,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0037.wav,now don't be affected polly but just tell me like a dear has n't he proposed,5.68,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0038.wav,don't you think he means to,2.065,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0039.wav,truly truly fan,2.88,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0040.wav,i don't mean to be prying but i really thought he did,3.66,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0041.wav,well i always meant to try it if i got a chance and i have,5.255,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0042.wav,i just gave him a hint and he took it,2.99,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0043.wav,he meant to go away before that so don't think his heart is broken or mind what silly tattlers say,7.095,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0044.wav,he understood and being a gentleman made no fuss,3.755,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0045.wav,but polly it would have been a grand thing for you,3.845,test.other +data/test.other/3331-159605-0046.wav,i m odd you know and prefer to be an independent spinster and teach music all my days,6.46,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0000.wav,afterward it was supposed that he was satisfied with the blood of oxen lambs and doves and that in exchange for or on account of these sacrifices this god gave rain sunshine and harvest,17.26,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0001.wav,whether he was the creator of yourself and myself,3.915,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0002.wav,whether any prayer was ever answered,4.02,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0003.wav,why did he create the intellectually inferior,3.725,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0004.wav,why did he create the deformed and helpless why did he create the criminal the idiotic the insane,9.465,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0005.wav,are the failures under obligation to their creator,4.665,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0006.wav,is he responsible for all the wars that have been waged for all the innocent blood that has been shed,8.785,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0007.wav,is he responsible for the centuries of slavery for the backs that have been scarred with the lash for the babes that have been sold from the breasts of mothers for the families that have been separated and destroyed,17.01,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0008.wav,is this god responsible for religious persecution for the inquisition for the thumb screw and rack and for all the instruments of torture,11.925,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0009.wav,did this god allow the cruel and vile to destroy the brave and virtuous,5.995,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0010.wav,did he allow tyrants to shed the blood of patriots,4.72,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0011.wav,can we conceive of a devil base enough to prefer his enemies to his friends,7.0,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0012.wav,how can we account for the wild beasts that devour human beings for the fanged serpents whose bite is death,9.3,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0013.wav,how can we account for a world where life feeds on life,5.845,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0014.wav,did infinite wisdom intentionally produce the microscopic beasts that feed upon the optic nerve think of blinding a man to satisfy the appetite of a microbe,15.41,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0015.wav,fear builds the altar and offers the sacrifice,5.21,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0016.wav,fear erects the cathedral and bows the head of man in worship,6.44,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0017.wav,lips religious and fearful tremblingly repeat this passage though he slay me yet will i trust him,9.615,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0018.wav,can we say that he cared for the children of men,3.32,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0019.wav,can we say that his mercy endureth forever,5.125,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0020.wav,do we prove his goodness by showing that he has opened the earth and swallowed thousands of his helpless children or that with the volcanoes he has overwhelmed them with rivers of fire,15.745,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0021.wav,was there goodness was there wisdom in this,4.04,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0022.wav,ought the superior races to thank god that they are not the inferior,5.865,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0023.wav,most people cling to the supernatural,3.9,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0024.wav,if they give up one god they imagine another,4.38,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0025.wav,what is this power,2.405,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0026.wav,man advances and necessarily advances through experience,5.705,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0027.wav,a man wishing to go to a certain place comes to where the road divides,5.555,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0028.wav,he has tried that road and knows that it is the wrong road,4.48,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0029.wav,a child charmed by the beauty of the flame grasps it with its dimpled hand,6.97,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0030.wav,the power that works for righteousness has taught the child a lesson,6.005,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0031.wav,it is a result,2.23,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0032.wav,it is insisted by these theologians and by many of the so called philosophers that this moral sense this sense of duty of obligation was imported and that conscience is an exotic,15.585,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0033.wav,we live together in families tribes and nations,4.125,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0034.wav,they are praised admired and respected,4.32,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0035.wav,they are regarded as good that is to say as moral,5.13,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0036.wav,the members who add to the misery of the family the tribe or the nation are considered bad members,8.715,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0037.wav,the greatest of human beings has said conscience is born of love,6.6,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0038.wav,as people advance the remote consequences are perceived,5.03,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0039.wav,the imagination is cultivated,3.1,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0040.wav,a man puts himself in the place of another,3.24,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0041.wav,the sense of duty becomes stronger more imperative,4.305,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0042.wav,man judges himself,3.065,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0043.wav,in all this there is nothing supernatural,4.635,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0044.wav,man has deceived himself,3.245,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0045.wav,has christianity done good,2.84,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0046.wav,when the church had control were men made better and happier,4.715,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0047.wav,what has religion done for hungary or austria,4.58,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0048.wav,could these countries have been worse without religion,5.225,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0049.wav,could they have been worse had they had any other religion than christianity,5.745,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0050.wav,what did christianity do for them,3.26,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0051.wav,they hated pleasure,2.435,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0052.wav,they muffled all the bells of gladness,3.39,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0053.wav,the religion of the puritan was an unadulterated curse,5.06,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0054.wav,the puritan believed the bible to be the word of god and this belief has always made those who held it cruel and wretched,10.715,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0055.wav,let me refer to just one fact showing the influence of a belief in the bible on human beings,7.98,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0056.wav,the queen received the bible kissed it and pledged herself to diligently read therein,8.565,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0057.wav,in other words it was just as fiendish just as infamous as the catholic spirit,8.465,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0058.wav,has the bible made the people of georgia kind and merciful,4.275,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0059.wav,religion has been tried and in all countries in all times has failed,7.725,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0060.wav,religion has always been the enemy of science of investigation and thought,7.025,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0061.wav,religion has never made man free,2.695,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0062.wav,it has never made man moral temperate industrious and honest,6.17,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0063.wav,are christians more temperate nearer virtuous nearer honest than savages,7.405,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0064.wav,can we cure disease by supplication,3.685,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0065.wav,can we receive virtue or honor as alms,4.39,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0066.wav,religion rests on the idea that nature has a master and that this master will listen to prayer that this master punishes and rewards that he loves praise and flattery and hates the brave and free,17.28,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0067.wav,we must have corner stones,2.39,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0068.wav,the structure must have a basement,2.64,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0069.wav,if we build we must begin at the bottom,3.565,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0070.wav,i have a theory and i have four corner stones,4.855,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0071.wav,the first stone is that matter substance cannot be destroyed cannot be annihilated,8.455,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0072.wav,if these corner stones are facts it follows as a necessity that matter and force are from and to eternity that they can neither be increased nor diminished,14.24,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0073.wav,it follows that nothing has been or can be created that there never has been or can be a creator,10.25,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0074.wav,it follows that there could not have been any intelligence any design back of matter and force,8.47,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0075.wav,i say what i think,3.395,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0076.wav,every event has parents,2.37,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0077.wav,that which has not happened could not,3.71,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0078.wav,in the infinite chain there is and there can be no broken no missing link,6.84,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0079.wav,we now know that our first parents were not foreigners,4.475,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0080.wav,we now know if we know anything that the universe is natural and that men and women have been naturally produced,9.92,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0081.wav,we know the paths that life has traveled,3.055,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0082.wav,we know the footsteps of advance they have been traced,4.485,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0083.wav,for thousands of years men and women have been trying to reform the world,5.35,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0084.wav,why have the reformers failed,2.61,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0085.wav,they depend on the lord on luck and charity,4.835,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0086.wav,they live by fraud and violence and bequeath their vices to their children,6.135,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0087.wav,failure seems to be the trademark of nature why,4.455,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0088.wav,nature produces without purpose sustains without intention and destroys without thought,8.03,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0089.wav,must the world forever remain the victim of ignorant passion,4.205,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0090.wav,why should men and women have children that they cannot take care of children that are burdens and curses why,8.68,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0091.wav,passion is and always has been deaf,4.14,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0092.wav,law can punish but it can neither reform criminals nor prevent crime,6.91,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0093.wav,this cannot be done by talk or example,3.615,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0094.wav,this is the solution of the whole question,3.8,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0095.wav,this frees woman,2.04,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0096.wav,poverty and crime will be childless,3.865,test.other +data/test.other/5764-299665-0097.wav,it is far better to be free to leave the forts and barricades of fear to stand erect and face the future with a smile,10.95,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0000.wav,old mister dinsmore had accepted a pressing invitation from his granddaughter and her husband to join the party and with the addition of servants it was a large one,9.55,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0001.wav,as they were in no haste and the confinement of a railroad car would be very irksome to the younger children it had been decided to make the journey by water,9.2,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0002.wav,there were no sad leave takings to mar their pleasure the children were in wild spirits and all seemed cheerful and happy as they sat or stood upon the deck watching the receding shore as the vessel steamed out of the harbor,13.25,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0003.wav,at length the land had quite disappeared nothing could be seen but the sky overhead and a vast expanse of water all around and the passengers found leisure to turn their attention upon each other,12.58,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0004.wav,there are some nice looking people on board remarked mister travilla in an undertone to his wife,5.87,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0005.wav,beside ourselves added cousin ronald laughing,3.4,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0006.wav,yes she answered that little group yonder a young minister and his wife and child i suppose,6.165,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0007.wav,and what a dear little fellow he is just about the age of our harold i should judge,5.08,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0008.wav,do you son was the smiling rejoinder,3.185,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0009.wav,he certainly looks like a very nice little boy,2.8,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0010.wav,suppose you and he shake hands frank,2.735,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0011.wav,i do indeed though probably comparatively few are aware that tobacco is the cause of their ailments,6.995,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0012.wav,doubtless that is the case remarked mister dinsmore,3.43,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0013.wav,with all my heart if you will step into the gentlemen's cabin where there's a light,4.8,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0014.wav,he led the way the others all following and taking out a slip of paper read from it in a distinct tone loud enough to be heard by those about him without disturbing the other passengers,11.63,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0015.wav,one drop of nicotine extract of tobacco placed on the tongue of a dog will kill him in a minute the hundredth part of a grain picked under the skin of a man's arm will produce nausea and fainting,13.525,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0016.wav,the half dozen cigars which most smokers use a day contain six or seven grains enough if concentrated and absorbed to kill three men and a pound of tobacco according to its quality contains from one quarter to one and a quarter ounces,16.54,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0017.wav,is it strange then that smokers and chewers have a thousand ailments,4.31,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0018.wav,that the french polytechnic institute had to prohibit its use on account of its effects on the mind,7.52,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0019.wav,notice the multitude of sudden deaths and see how many are smokers and chewers,5.12,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0020.wav,in a small country town seven of these mysterious providences occurred within the circuit of a mile all directly traceable to tobacco and any physician on a few moments reflection can match this fact by his own observation,14.31,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0021.wav,and then such powerful acids produce intense irritation and thirst thirst which water does not quench,7.225,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0022.wav,hence a resort to cider and beer,2.6,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0023.wav,no sir what know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which ye have of god and ye are not your own,9.255,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0024.wav,for ye are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are god's,6.555,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0025.wav,we certainly have no right to injure our bodies either by neglect or self indulgence,5.825,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0026.wav,and again i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service,11.14,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0027.wav,it must require a good deal of resolution for one who has become fond of the indulgence to give it up remarked mister daly,7.53,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0028.wav,no doubt no doubt returned mister lilburn but if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell,13.61,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0029.wav,there was a pause broken by young horace who had been watching a group of men gathered about a table at the further end of the room,7.5,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0030.wav,they are gambling yonder and i'm afraid that young fellow is being badly fleeced by that middle aged man opposite,6.71,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0031.wav,the eyes of the whole party were at once turned in that direction,3.51,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0032.wav,no sir he is not here,2.245,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0033.wav,and the door was slammed violently to,2.47,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0034.wav,now the voice came from the skylight overhead apparently and with a fierce imprecation the irate gamester rushed upon deck and ran hither and thither in search of his tormentor,11.415,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0035.wav,his victim who had been looking on during the little scene and listening to the mysterious voice in silent wide eyed wonder and fear now rose hastily his face deathly pale with trembling hands gathered up the money he had staked and hurrying into his state room locked himself in,17.285,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0036.wav,what does it mean cried one,2.38,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0037.wav,a ventriloquist aboard of course returned another let's follow and see the fun,4.845,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0038.wav,i wonder which of us it is remarked the first looking hard at our party i don't know but come on,6.385,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0039.wav,that fellow nick ward is a noted blackleg and ruffian had his nose broken in a fight and is sensitive on the subject was cheating of course,8.375,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0040.wav,who asked the mate i've seen none up here though there are some in the steerage,5.33,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0041.wav,they heard him in silence with a cool phlegmatic indifference most exasperating to one in his present mood,7.045,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0042.wav,a man of giant size and herculean strength had laid aside his pipe and slowly rising to his feet seized the scoundrel in his powerful grasp,9.94,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0043.wav,let me go yelled ward making a desperate effort to free his arms,5.095,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0044.wav,i dinks no i dinks i deach you von lesson returned his captor not relaxing his grasp in the least,7.965,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0045.wav,the german released his prisoner and the latter slunk away with muttered threats and imprecations upon the head of his tormentor,7.925,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0046.wav,mister lilburn and mister daly each at a different time sought out the young man ward's intended victim and tried to influence him for good,8.835,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0047.wav,yet there was gambling again the second night between ward and several others of his profession,5.88,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0048.wav,they kept it up till after midnight,2.4,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0049.wav,then mister lilburn waking from his first sleep in a stateroom near by thought he would break it up once more,6.685,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0050.wav,an intense voiceless excitement possessed the players for the game was a close one and the stakes were very heavy,7.795,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0051.wav,they bent eagerly over the board each watching with feverish anxiety his companion's movements each casting now and again a gloating eye upon the heap of gold and greenbacks that lay between them and at times half stretching out his hand to clutch it,15.535,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0052.wav,a deep groan startled them and they sprang to their feet pale and trembling with sudden terror each holding his breath and straining his ear to catch a repetition of the dread sound,11.34,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0053.wav,but all was silent and after a moment of anxious waiting they sat down to their game again trying to conceal and shake off their fears with a forced unnatural laugh,10.68,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0054.wav,it came from under the table gasped ward look what's there look yourself,5.93,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0055.wav,what can it have been they asked each other,3.025,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0056.wav,oh nonsense what fools we are,2.6,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0057.wav,it was the last game of cards for that trip,2.945,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0058.wav,the captain coming in shortly after the sudden flight of the gamblers took charge of the money and the next day restored it to the owners,8.4,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0059.wav,to elsie's observant eyes it presently became evident that the dalys were in very straitened circumstances,6.83,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0060.wav,oh how kind how very kind missus daly said with tears of joy and gratitude we have hardly known how we should meet the most necessary expenses of this trip but have been trying to cast our care upon the lord asking him to provide,15.69,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0061.wav,and how wonderfully he has answered our petitions,3.115,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0062.wav,elsie answered pressing her hand affectionately art we not sisters in christ,5.61,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0063.wav,ye are all the children of god by faith in christ jesus,4.075,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0064.wav,ye are all one in christ jesus,2.555,test.other +data/test.other/8280-266249-0065.wav,we feel my husband and i that we are only the stewards of his bounty and that because he has said inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me it is the greatest privilege and delight to do anything for his people,17.02,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0000.wav,replied he of a truth i heard him not and i wot him not and folks are all sleeping,9.075,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0001.wav,but she said whomsoever thou seest awake he is the reciter,6.74,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0002.wav,then said the eunuch art thou he who repeated poetry but now and my lady heard him,7.53,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0003.wav,rejoined the eunuch who then was the reciter point him out to me,6.015,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0004.wav,by allah replied the fireman i tell thee the truth,4.305,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0005.wav,tell me what happened quoth zau al makan,3.51,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0006.wav,what ails thee then that thou must needs recite verses seeing that we are tired out with walking and watching and all the folk are asleep for they require sleep to rest them of their fatigue,16.99,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0007.wav,and he also improvised the two following distichs,4.46,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0008.wav,when nuzhat al zaman heard the first improvisation she called to mind her father and her mother and her brother and their whilome home then she wept and cried at the eunuch and said to him woe to thee,17.26,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0009.wav,he who recited the first time hath recited a second time and i heard him hard by,6.94,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0010.wav,by allah an thou fetch him not to me i will assuredly rouse the chamberlain on thee and he shall beat thee and cast thee out,10.44,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0011.wav,but take these hundred diners and give them to the singer and bring him to me gently and do him no hurt,8.945,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0012.wav,return quickly and linger not,3.13,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0013.wav,when it was the seventy third night,2.604938,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0014.wav,but the eunuch said i will not leave thee till thou show me who it was that recited the verses for i dread returning to my lady without him,11.48,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0015.wav,now when the fireman heard these words he feared for zau al makan and wept with exceeding weeping and said to the eunuch by allah it was not i and i know him not,13.67,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0016.wav,so go thou to thy station and if thou again meet any one after this hour reciting aught of poetry whether he be near or far it will be i or some one i know and thou shalt not learn of him but by me,16.925,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0017.wav,then he kissed the eunuch's head and spake him fair till he went away but the castrato fetched a round and returning secretly came and stood behind the fireman fearing to go back to his mistress without tidings,18.33,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0018.wav,i say what made my ignomy whate'er the bitter cup i drain far be fro me that land to flee nor will i bow to those who blame and for such love would deal me shame,14.955,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0019.wav,then said the eunuch to zau al makan peace be with thee o my lord,6.085,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0020.wav,o my lord continued the eunuch and shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say,10.05,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0021.wav,we will do thee no upright o my son nor wrong thee in aught but our object is that thou bend thy gracious steps with me to my mistress to receive her answer and return in weal and safety and thou shalt have a handsome present as one who bringeth good news,21.25,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164914-0022.wav,then the eunuch went out to zau al makan and said to him recite what verses thou knowest for my lady is here hard by listening to thee and after i will ask thee of thy name and thy native country and thy condition,17.909938,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0000.wav,so he turned to the wazir dandan and said to him verily your tale is a wonder of wonders,7.95,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0001.wav,know o chief wazir that here where you have encountered me allah hath given you rest from fatigue and bringeth you your desire after the easiest of fashions for that his almighty will restoreth to you zau al makan and his sister nuzhat al zaman whereby we will settle the matter as we easily can,24.56,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0002.wav,when the minister heard these words he rejoiced with great joy and said o chamberlain tell me the tale of the twain and what befel them and the cause of their long absence,14.07,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0003.wav,zau al makan bowed his head awhile and then said i accept this position for indeed there was no refusing and he was certified that the chamberlain had counselled him well and wisely and set him on the right way,19.4,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0004.wav,then he added o my uncle how shall i do with my brother sharrkan,6.79,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0005.wav,after awhile the dust dispersed and there appeared under it the army of baghdad and khorasan a conquering host like the full tide sea and shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say,18.629938,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0006.wav,when it was the seventy eighth night,2.76,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0007.wav,and in it all rejoiced at the accession of the light of the place,5.665,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0008.wav,lastly the minister went in and kissed the ground before zau al makan who rose to meet him saying welcome o wazir and sire sans peer,14.57,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0009.wav,moreover the sultan commanded his wazir dandan call a ten days halt of the army that he might be private with him and learn from him how and wherefore his father had been slain,16.54,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164916-0010.wav,he then repaired to the heart of the encampment and ordered the host to halt ten days,8.16,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0000.wav,and also these,2.05,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0001.wav,then she threw herself upon him and he gathered her to his bosom and the twain fell down in a fainting fit,8.94,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0002.wav,when the eunuch saw this case he wondered at them and throwing over them somewhat to cover them waited till they should recover,10.3,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0003.wav,after a while they came to themselves and nuzhat al zaman rejoiced with exceeding joy oppression and depression left her and gladness took the mastery of her and she repeated these verses,15.89,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0004.wav,accordingly she told him all that had come to her since their separation at the khan and what had happened to her with the badawi how the merchant had bought her of him and had taken her to her brother sharrkan and had sold her to him how he had freed her at the time of buying how he had made a marriage contract with her and had gone in to her and how the king their sire had sent and asked for her from sharrkan,32.955,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0005.wav,but now go to thy master and bring him quickly to me,4.64,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0006.wav,the chamberlain called the castrato and charged him to do accordingly so he replied i hear and i obey and he took his pages with him and went out in search of the stoker till he found him in the rear of the caravan girthing his ass and preparing for flight,21.77,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0007.wav,she said it hath reached me o auspicious king that when the stoker girthed his ass for flight and bespake himself saying oh would i knew what is become of him,13.605,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0008.wav,i believe he hath denounced me to the eunuch hence these pages et about me and he hath made me an accomplice in his crime,10.205,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0009.wav,why didst thou say i never repeated these couplets nor do i know who repeated them when it was thy companion,9.04,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0010.wav,but now i will not leave thee between this place and baghdad and what betideth thy comrade shall betide thee,8.89,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0011.wav,twas as i feared the coming ills discerning but unto allah we are all returning,7.04,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0012.wav,then the eunuch cried upon the pages saying take him off the ass,6.48,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0013.wav,and he answered i am the chamberlain of the emir of damascus king sharrkan son of omar bin al nu'uman lord of baghdad and of the land of khorasan and i bring tribute and presents from him to his father in baghdad,17.8,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0014.wav,so fare ye forwards no harm shall befal you till you join his grand wazir dandan,7.16,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0015.wav,then he bade him be seated and questioned him and he replied that he was chamberlain to the emir of damascus and was bound to king omar with presents and the tribute of syria,14.050062,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0016.wav,so it was agreed that we go to damascus and fetch thence the king's son sharrkan and make him sultan over his father's realm,10.175,test.other +data/test.other/2033-164915-0017.wav,and amongst them were some who would have chosen the cadet zau al makan for quoth they his name be light of the place and he hath a sister nuzhat al zaman highs the delight of the time but they set out five years ago for al hijaz and none wotteth what is become of them,22.92,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0000.wav,they're done for said the schoolmaster in a low key to the chouette out with your vitriol and mind your eye,9.4,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0001.wav,the two monsters took off their shoes and moved stealthily along keeping in the shadows of the houses,8.08,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0002.wav,by means of this stratagem they followed so closely that although within a few steps of sarah and tom they did not hear them,10.64,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0003.wav,sarah and her brother having again passed by the tapis franc arrived close to the dilapidated house which was partly in ruins and its opened cellars formed a kind of gulf along which the street ran in that direction,16.94,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0004.wav,in an instant the schoolmaster with a leap resembling in strength and agility the spring of a tiger seized seyton with one hand by the throat and exclaimed your money or i will fling you into this hole,16.93,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0005.wav,no said the old brute grumblingly no not one ring what a shame,7.755,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0006.wav,tom seyton did not lose his presence of mind during this scene rapidly and unexpectedly as it had occurred,8.685,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0007.wav,oh ah to lay a trap to catch us replied the thief,5.155,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0008.wav,then addressing thomas seyton you know the plain of saint denis,5.5,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0009.wav,did you see in the cabaret we have just left for i know you again the man whom the charcoal man came to seek,8.035,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0010.wav,cried the schoolmaster a thousand francs and i'll kill him,4.59,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0011.wav,wretch i do not seek his life replied sarah to the schoolmaster,4.99,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0012.wav,let's go and meet him,2.075,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0013.wav,old boy it will pay for looking after,2.94,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0014.wav,well my wife shall be there said the schoolmaster you will tell her what you want and i shall see,8.04,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0015.wav,in the plain of saint denis,2.13,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0016.wav,between saint ouen and the road of la revolte at the end of the road agreed,5.72,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0017.wav,he had forgotten the address of the self styled fan painter,4.42,test.other +data/test.other/6070-63485-0018.wav,the fiacre started,2.57,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0000.wav,then should anything appear to merit a more minute examination albert de morcerf could follow up his researches by means of a small gate similar to that close to the concierge's door and which merits a particular description,16.725,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0001.wav,shrubs and creeping plants covered the windows and hid from the garden and court these two apartments the only rooms into which as they were on the ground floor the prying eyes of the curious could penetrate,15.265,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0002.wav,at a quarter to ten a valet entered he composed with a little groom named john and who only spoke english all albert's establishment although the cook of the hotel was always at his service and on great occasions the count's chasseur also,18.545,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0003.wav,wait then during the day tell rosa that when i leave the opera i will sup with her as she wishes,7.55,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0004.wav,very well at half past ten,2.44,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0005.wav,is the countess up yet,2.33,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0006.wav,the valet left the room,1.935,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0007.wav,good morning lucien good morning said albert your punctuality really alarms me,7.045,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0008.wav,you whom i expected last you arrive at five minutes to ten when the time fixed was half past,7.6,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0009.wav,no no my dear fellow do not confound our plans,3.88,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0010.wav,yes he has not much to complain of bourges is the capital of charles seven,6.0,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0011.wav,it is for that reason you see me so early,3.38,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0012.wav,i returned home at daybreak and strove to sleep but my head ached and i got up to have a ride for an hour,8.615,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0013.wav,peste i will do nothing of the kind the moment they come from government you would find them execrable,8.145,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0014.wav,besides that does not concern the home but the financial department,4.85,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0015.wav,about what about the papers,2.405,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0016.wav,in the entire political world of which you are one of the leaders,5.15,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0017.wav,they say that it is quite fair and that sowing so much red you ought to reap a little blue,7.065,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0018.wav,come come that is not bad said lucien,3.39,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86745-0019.wav,with your talents you would make your fortune in three or four years,4.385,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0000.wav,franz who seemed attracted by some invisible influence towards the count in which terror was strangely mingled felt an extreme reluctance to permit his friend to be exposed alone to the singular fascination that this mysterious personage seemed to exercise over him and therefore made no objection to albert's request but at once accompanied him to the desired spot and after a short delay the count joined them in the salon,33.52,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0001.wav,my very good friend and excellent neighbor replied the count with a smile you really exaggerate my trifling exertions,9.12,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0002.wav,my father the comte de morcerf although of spanish origin possesses considerable influence both at the court of france and madrid and i unhesitatingly place the best services of myself and all to whom my life is dear at your disposal,17.315,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0003.wav,i can scarcely credit it,2.455,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0004.wav,then it is settled said the count and i give you my solemn assurance that i only waited an opportunity like the present to realize plans that i have long meditated,10.655,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0005.wav,shall we make a positive appointment for a particular day and hour inquired the count only let me warn you that i am proverbial for my punctilious exactitude in keeping my engagements day for day hour for hour said albert that will suit me to a dot,17.365,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0006.wav,so be it then replied the count and extending his hand towards a calendar suspended near the chimney piece he said to day is the twenty first of february and drawing out his watch added it is exactly half past ten o'clock now promise me to remember this and expect me the twenty first of may at the same hour in the forenoon,23.349937,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0007.wav,i reside in my father's house but occupy a pavilion at the farther side of the court yard entirely separated from the main building,8.655,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0008.wav,now then said the count returning his tablets to his pocket make yourself perfectly easy the hand of your time piece will not be more accurate in marking the time than myself,12.48,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0009.wav,that depends when do you leave,2.615,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0010.wav,for france no for venice i shall remain in italy for another year or two,5.675,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0011.wav,then we shall not meet in paris,2.57,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0012.wav,i fear i shall not have that honor,2.515,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0013.wav,well since we must part said the count holding out a hand to each of the young men allow me to wish you both a safe and pleasant journey,8.68,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0014.wav,what is the matter asked albert of franz when they had returned to their own apartments you seem more than commonly thoughtful,8.7,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0015.wav,i will confess to you albert replied franz the count is a very singular person and the appointment you have made to meet him in paris fills me with a thousand apprehensions,12.07,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0016.wav,did you ever meet him previously to coming hither,3.31,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0017.wav,upon my honor then listen to me,3.145,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0018.wav,he dwelt with considerable force and energy on the almost magical hospitality he had received from the count and the magnificence of his entertainment in the grotto of the thousand and one nights he recounted with circumstantial exactitude all the particulars of the supper the hashish the statues the dream and how at his awakening there remained no proof or trace of all these events save the small yacht seen in the distant horizon driving under full sail toward porto vecchio,33.645,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0019.wav,then he detailed the conversation overheard by him at the colosseum between the count and vampa in which the count had promised to obtain the release of the bandit peppino an engagement which as our readers are aware he most faithfully fulfilled,18.235,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0020.wav,but said franz the corsican bandits that were among the crew of his vessel,5.23,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0021.wav,why really the thing seems to me simple enough,3.54,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0022.wav,talking of countries replied franz of what country is the count what is his native tongue whence does he derive his immense fortune and what were those events of his early life a life as marvellous as unknown that have tinctured his succeeding years with so dark and gloomy a misanthropy,19.999938,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0023.wav,certainly these are questions that in your place i should like to have answered,4.630063,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0024.wav,my dear franz replied albert when upon receipt of my letter you found the necessity of asking the count's assistance you promptly went to him saying my friend albert de morcerf is in danger help me to deliver him,15.925,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0025.wav,what are his means of existence what is his birthplace of what country is he a native,5.515,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0026.wav,i confess he asked me none no he merely came and freed me from the hands of signor vampa where i can assure you in spite of all my outward appearance of ease and unconcern i did not very particularly care to remain,15.99,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0027.wav,and this time it must be confessed that contrary to the usual state of affairs in discussions between the young men the effective arguments were all on albert's side,10.415,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0028.wav,well said franz with a sigh do as you please my dear viscount for your arguments are beyond my powers of refutation,8.35,test.other +data/test.other/6070-86744-0029.wav,and now my dear franz let us talk of something else,3.685,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0000.wav,but scuse me didn't yo figger on doin some detectin an give up fishin,4.29,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0001.wav,and shag with the freedom of an old servant stood looking at his master as if not quite understanding the new twist the affairs had taken,8.04,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0002.wav,i'm going off fishing i may not catch anything i may not want to after i get there,5.385,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0003.wav,get ready shag yes sah colonel,3.135,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0004.wav,and having put himself in a fair way as he hoped to solve some of the problems connected with the darcy case colonel ashley went down to police headquarters to learn more facts in connection with the murder of the east indian,13.69,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0005.wav,pinkus and donovan haven't they carroll yep,3.54,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0006.wav,carroll was too much engaged in watching the blue smoke curl lazily upward from his cigar just then to say more,6.67,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0007.wav,are you going to work on that case colonel,2.59,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0008.wav,but he hadn't any more to do with it colonel than that cat,3.7,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0009.wav,perhaps not admitted colonel ashley,2.665,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0010.wav,we've got our man and that's all we want,2.84,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0011.wav,you're on the darcy case they tell me in a way yes,3.83,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0012.wav,i'm working in the interests of the young man,2.54,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0013.wav,it's just one of them coincidences like,2.875,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0014.wav,busted his head in with a heavy candlestick one of a pair,3.84,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0015.wav,gad exclaimed the colonel,2.14,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0016.wav,the very pair i was going to buy,2.665,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0017.wav,look here colonel do you know anything about this,3.065,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0018.wav,and the detective's professional instincts got the upper hand of his friendliness not the least in the world not as much as you do was the cool answer,9.59,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0019.wav,i happened to see those candlesticks in the window of singa phut's shop the other day and i made up my mind to buy them when i had a chance,7.855,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0020.wav,now i'm afraid i won't but how did it happen,4.055,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0021.wav,phut i don't know whether that's his first or his last name anyhow he had a partner named shere ali,6.64,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0022.wav,anyhow he and phut didn't get along very well it seems,3.675,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0023.wav,neighbors often heard em scrappin a lot and this afternoon they went at it again hot and heavy,6.1,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0024.wav,toward dark a man went in to buy a lamp,3.445,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0025.wav,he found the place without a light in it stumbled over something on the floor and there was ali's body with the head busted in and this heavy candlestick near it,9.425,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0026.wav,sure held so tight we could hardly get it out,3.09,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0027.wav,maybe the fight was about who owned the watch for the dagos talked in their foreign lingo and none of the neighbors could tell what they were sayin i see,8.125,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0028.wav,and the watch have you it yes it's here,3.22,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0029.wav,that's the watch announced the headquarters detective reaching in for it going yet see,5.745,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0030.wav,you're not as squeamish as all that are you just because it was in a dead man's hand and in a woman's,5.16,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0031.wav,and donovan's voice was plainly skeptical,2.695,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0032.wav,yes it may have some rough edges on it,2.64,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0033.wav,and i've read enough about germs to know the danger i'd advise you to be careful,4.835,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0034.wav,if you don't mind i should like to examine this a bit,3.26,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0035.wav,before the big wind in ireland suggested thong with a nod at his irish compatriot slightly laughed the colonel,7.03,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0036.wav,that's right agreed the colonel as he continued to move his magnifying glass over the surface of the still ticking watch,7.415,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0037.wav,and a close observer might have observed that he did not touch his bare fingers to the timepiece but poked it about and touched it here and there with the end of a leadpencil,10.91,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0038.wav,and donovan take a friend's advice and don't be too free with that watch too free with it,5.59,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0039.wav,asked the surprised detective yes,2.89,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0040.wav,don't scratch yourself on it whatever you do why not,4.18,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0041.wav,simply because this watch,2.345,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0042.wav,some one out here to see you,2.175,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0043.wav,all right be there in a second,2.53,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0044.wav,singa phut was the panting answer,2.745,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0045.wav,i want to talk over darcy's case with you the colonel had said and the two had talked had thought had talked again and now were silent for a time,9.42,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0046.wav,what are the chances of getting him off legally if we go at it from a negative standpoint asked the colonel,5.715,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0047.wav,rather a hypothetical question colonel but i should say it might be a fifty fifty proposition,6.49,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0048.wav,at best he would get off with a scotch verdict of not proven but he doesn't want that nor do i,7.085,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0049.wav,and you i don't want it either,2.29,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0050.wav,but i want to know just where we stand now i know,3.72,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0051.wav,but i need to do a little more smoking out first now i want to think,4.46,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0052.wav,if you'll excuse me i'll pretend i'm fishing and i may catch something,4.25,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0053.wav,in fact i have a feeling that i'll land my fish,3.62,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0054.wav,i'd recommend him to you instead of blackstone thanks laughed kenneth,4.095,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0055.wav,what is it perhaps i can help you,2.32,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0056.wav,the old adage of two heads you know,2.32,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0057.wav,yes it still holds good,2.175,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0058.wav,no alimony repeated the colonel puzzled yes just that,4.765,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63722-0059.wav,and there's no reason you shouldn't know,2.24,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0000.wav,chuckled the colonel as he skilfully played the luckless trout now struggling to get loose from the hook,6.255,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0001.wav,and when the fish was landed panting on the grass and shag had been roused from his slumber to slip the now limp fish into the creel colonel ashley gave a sigh of relief and remarked i think i see it now,11.59,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0002.wav,the reason she asked no alimony inquired kenneth,3.69,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0003.wav,no i wasn't thinking of that,2.24,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0004.wav,however don't think i'm not interested in your case i've fished enough for to day,5.415,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0005.wav,well i don't know that you can,2.25,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0006.wav,it isn't generally known went on the lawyer that the hotel keeper's wife has left him,5.09,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0007.wav,it was one of what at first might be called refined cruelty on her husband's part degenerating gradually into that of the baser sort,9.125,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0008.wav,you don't mean that larch struck her that there was physical abuse do you asked the colonel that's what he did,7.42,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0009.wav,the colonel did not disclose the fact that it was no news to him,3.58,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0010.wav,aaron grafton's statement was being unexpectedly confirmed,4.035,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0011.wav,he remembered that cynthia and grafton had once been in love with each other,4.025,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0012.wav,she said he had struck her more than once and she could stand it no longer,4.005,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0013.wav,because larch made no defense,2.345,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0014.wav,larch by refusing to appear practically admitted the charges against him and did not oppose the separation,7.11,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0015.wav,so i had to let her have her way and we did not ask the court for money though i had no such squeamish feelings when it came to my counsel fee,7.94,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0016.wav,no but he will or i'll sue him and get judgment oh he'll pay all right,5.535,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0017.wav,and it takes all sorts of persons to make it up,2.69,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0018.wav,still i would like to know,2.445,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0019.wav,the murder of missus darcy had some time ago been shifted off the front page though it would get back there when the young jeweler was tried,8.055,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0020.wav,it had a double reputation so to speak,2.785,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0021.wav,grave and even reverend conventions assembled in its ballroom and politicians of the upper if not better class were frequently seen in its dining room or cafe,10.52,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0022.wav,larch himself was a peculiar character,2.775,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0023.wav,in a smaller place he would have been called a saloon keeper,3.055,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0024.wav,and it was this man rich it was said handsome certainly that cynthia ratchford had married,5.905,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0025.wav,to this was the answer whispered money,3.205,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0026.wav,and in a way it was true,2.175,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0027.wav,she also saw an opportunity of paying old debts and reaping some revenges,5.125,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0028.wav,after the marriage which was a brilliant and gay one if not happy the larch hotel it could hardly be called a home became the scene of many festive occasions,10.22,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0029.wav,then it was said of larch that soon after the echoes of the wedding chimes had died away he had begun to treat his wife with refined cruelty that hidden away from the public underneath his habitual manner there was the rawness of the brute,14.985,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0030.wav,but it was noticed that the older and more conservative families were less often represented and when they were it was by some of the younger members whose reputations were already smirched or who had not yet acquired any and were willing to take a chance,14.585,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0031.wav,it wouldn't do you know after that story came out for me and the vice chancellor who sat in the case as well as other judges and members of the bar to be seen there kenneth explained to the colonel,10.88,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0032.wav,meanwhile colonel ashley was a very busy man and to no one did he tell very much about his activities he saw darcy frequently at the jail and to that young man's pleadings that something be done always returned the answer,13.075,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0033.wav,don't worry it will come out all right,2.51,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0034.wav,i'm going to rectify them but it will take time,3.28,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0035.wav,it's hard for miss mason too although she's bearing up like a major,3.77,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0036.wav,so king got bail who put it up,2.965,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0037.wav,it was high larch,2.395,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0038.wav,they took harry away a while ago,2.115,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0039.wav,but his are pretty uncertain shoes to be in just the same,3.11,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0040.wav,only that i darcy hesitated and grew red,4.18,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0041.wav,good evening colonel he called genially will you join me in a welsh rabbit,5.01,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0042.wav,thank you no,1.8,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0043.wav,i'm afraid my digestion isn't quite up to that as i've had to cut out my fishing of late,5.22,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0044.wav,now as to certain matters in the store on the morning of the murder,3.845,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0045.wav,the stopped clocks for instance have you any theory,3.945,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0046.wav,there were three of them the center figure being that of harry king and he was very much intoxicated,6.52,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0047.wav,that is not always but sometimes it happened to be so now,4.26,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0048.wav,i beg your pardon he said in the cultured tones he knew so well how to use yet of which he made so little use of late,7.79,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0049.wav,i said where have you been remarked the other we've missed you,4.09,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0050.wav,i said i was golfing he went on exceedingly distinctly though with an effort,6.765,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0051.wav,why polonius some one asked,2.25,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0052.wav,because dear friend replied king softly he somewhat resembles a certain person here who talks too much but who is not so wise as he thinks,10.515,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0053.wav,there was a rattle of coins on the mahogany bar as king sought to disentangle a single bill from the wadded up currency in his pocket,7.81,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0054.wav,it's it's an odd coin an old roman one that missus darcy had in her private collection kept in the jewelry store safe was the whispered answer,10.01,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0055.wav,i went over them the other day and noticed some were missing though i saw them all when i paid a visit to her just a short time before she was killed,8.135,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0056.wav,that was hers went on the jeweler,2.14,test.other +data/test.other/6432-63723-0057.wav,now harry king has it exclaimed colonel ashley,3.035,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0000.wav,but i am hugely pleased that you have seen my lady,4.555,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0001.wav,i knew you could not choose but like her but yet let me tell you you have seen but the worst of her,7.84,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0002.wav,her conversation has more charms than can be in mere beauty and her humour and disposition would make a deformed person appear lovely,9.995,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0003.wav,why did you not send me that news and a garland,4.04,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0004.wav,well the best on't is i have a squire now that is as good as a knight,5.925,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0005.wav,in earnest we have had such a skirmish and upon so foolish an occasion as i cannot tell which is strangest,8.22,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0006.wav,all the people that i had ever in my life refused were brought again upon the stage like richard the three s ghosts to reproach me withal and all the kindness his discoveries could make i had for you was laid to my charge,16.515,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0007.wav,my best qualities if i have any that are good served but for aggravations of my fault and i was allowed to have wit and understanding and discretion in other things that it might appear i had none in this,14.73,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0008.wav,tis a strange change and i am very sorry for it but i'll swear i know not how to help it,9.01,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0009.wav,mister fish is the squire of dames and has so many mistresses that anybody may pretend a share in him and be believed but though i have the honour to be his near neighbour to speak freely i cannot brag much that he makes any court to me and i know no young woman in the country that he does not visit often,22.75,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0010.wav,i think my youngest brother comes down with him,2.98,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0011.wav,i can no sooner give you some little hints whereabouts they live but you know them presently and i meant you should be beholding to me for your acquaintance,10.22,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0012.wav,but it seems this gentleman is not so easy access but you may acknowledge something due to me if i incline him to look graciously upon you and therefore there is not much harm done,13.32,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0013.wav,i have missed four fits and had but five and have recovered so much strength as made me venture to meet your letter on wednesday a mile from home,10.695,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0014.wav,but besides i can give you others,3.28,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0015.wav,i am here much more out of people's way than in town where my aunt and such as pretend an interest in me and a power over me do so persecute me with their good nature and take it so ill that they are not accepted as i would live in a hollow tree to avoid them,20.67,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0016.wav,you will think him altered and if it be possible more melancholy than he was,6.25,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0017.wav,if marriage agrees no better with other people than it does with him i shall pray that all my friends may scape it,7.92,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0018.wav,well in earnest if i were a prince that lady should be my mistress but i can give no rule to any one else and perhaps those that are in no danger of losing their hearts to her may be infinitely taken with one i should not value at all for so says the justinian wise providence has ordained it that by their different humours everybody might find something to please themselves withal without envying their neighbours,30.939937,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0019.wav,the matter is not great for i confess i do naturally hate the noise and talk of the world and should be best pleased never to be known in't upon any occasion whatsoever yet since it can never be wholly avoided one must satisfy oneself by doing nothing that one need care who knows,21.4,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0020.wav,if i had a picture that were fit for you you should have it,3.67,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0021.wav,how can you talk of defying fortune nobody lives without it and therefore why should you imagine you could,8.38,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0022.wav,i know not how my brother comes to be so well informed as you say but i am certain he knows the utmost of the injuries you have received from her,9.43,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0023.wav,we have had another debate but much more calmly,4.25,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0024.wav,and besides there was a time when we ourselves were indifferent to one another did i do so then or have i learned it since,10.42,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0025.wav,i have been studying how tom cheeke might come by his intelligence and i verily believe he has it from my cousin peters,9.095,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5032-0026.wav,how kindly do i take these civilities of your father's in earnest you cannot imagine how his letter pleased me,7.105,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0000.wav,would it would leave me and then i could believe i shall not always have occasion for it,6.85,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0001.wav,my poor lady vavasour is carried to the tower and her great belly could not excuse her because she was acquainted by somebody that there was a plot against the protector and did not discover it,12.95,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0002.wav,she has told now all that was told her but vows she will never say from whence she had it we shall see whether her resolutions are as unalterable as those of my lady talmash,13.15,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0003.wav,i wonder how she behaved herself when she was married,3.67,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0004.wav,i never saw any one yet that did not look simply and out of countenance nor ever knew a wedding well designed but one and that was of two persons who had time enough i confess to contrive it and nobody to please in't but themselves,16.06,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0005.wav,the truth is i could not endure to be missus bride in a public wedding to be made the happiest person on earth,9.02,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0006.wav,do not take it ill for i would endure it if i could rather than fail but in earnest i do not think it were possible for me,9.79,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0007.wav,yet in earnest your father will not find my brother peyton wanting in civility though he is not a man of much compliment unless it be in his letters to me nor an unreasonable person in anything so he will allow him out of his kindness to his wife to set a higher value upon her sister than she deserves,20.38,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0008.wav,my aunt told me no longer agone than yesterday that i was the most wilful woman that ever she knew and had an obstinacy of spirit nothing could overcome take heed,12.32,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0009.wav,you see i give you fair warning,2.61,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0010.wav,by the next i shall be gone into kent and my other journey is laid aside which i am not displeased at because it would have broken our intercourse very much,9.45,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0011.wav,here are some verses of cowley's tell me how you like them,3.915,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0012.wav,i told you in my last that my suffolk journey was laid aside and that into kent hastened,7.02,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0013.wav,if i drown by the way this will be my last letter and like a will i bequeath all my kindness to you in it with a charge never to bestow it all upon another mistress lest my ghost rise again and haunt you,16.71,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0014.wav,indeed i like him extremely and he is commended to me by people that know him very well and are able to judge for a most excellent servant and faithful as possible,11.61,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0015.wav,because you find fault with my other letters this is like to be shorter than they i did not intend it so though i can assure you,8.659937,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0016.wav,i do not find it though i am told i was so extremely when i believed you loved me,5.75,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0017.wav,but i am called upon,1.895,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0018.wav,directed for your master,2.64,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0019.wav,i see you can chide when you please and with authority but i deserve it i confess and all i can say for myself is that my fault proceeded from a very good principle in me,13.13,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0020.wav,we dare not let our tongues lie more on one side of our mouths than t'other for fear of overturning it,7.08,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0021.wav,you are satisfied i hope ere this that i scaped drowning,4.42,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0022.wav,but i am troubled much you should make so ill a journey to so little purpose indeed i writ by the first post after my arrival here and cannot imagine how you came to miss of my letters,13.06,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0023.wav,how welcome you will be but alas,3.81,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0024.wav,for my life i cannot beat into their heads a passion that must be subject to no decay an even perfect kindness that must last perpetually without the least intermission,12.92,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0025.wav,they laugh to hear me say that one unkind word would destroy all the satisfaction of my life and that i should expect our kindness should increase every day if it were possible but never lessen,13.25,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0026.wav,we go abroad all day and play all night and say our prayers when we have time,6.23,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0027.wav,well in sober earnest now i would not live thus a twelvemonth to gain all that the king has lost unless it were to give it him again,9.7,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0028.wav,will you be so good natured,2.59,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0029.wav,he has one son and tis the finest boy that e'er you saw and has a noble spirit but yet stands in that awe of his father that one word from him is as much as twenty whippings,13.0,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0030.wav,you must give me leave to entertain you thus with discourses of the family for i can tell you nothing else from hence,7.245,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0031.wav,not to know when you would come home i can assure you nor for any other occasion of my own but with a cousin of mine that had long designed to make herself sport with him and did not miss of her aim,12.77,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0032.wav,in my life i never heard so ridiculous a discourse as he made us and no old woman who passes for a witch could have been more puzzled to seek what to say to reasonable people than he was,13.065,test.other +data/test.other/3080-5040-0033.wav,ever since this adventure i have had so great a belief in all things of this nature that i could not forbear laying a peas cod with nine peas in't under my door yesterday and was informed by it that my husband's name should be thomas how do you like that,17.36,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0000.wav,a thousand blessings from a grateful heart,2.36,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0001.wav,perusal said the pawnbroker that's the way to pernounce it,3.905,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0002.wav,his books told him that treasure is best hidden under loose boards unless of course your house has a secret panel which his had not,8.125,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0003.wav,he got it up and pushed his treasures as far in as he could along the rough crumbly surface of the lath and plaster,7.735,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0004.wav,when dickie came down his aunt slightly slapped him and he took the halfpenny and limped off obediently,6.55,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0005.wav,he had never seen one before and it interested him extremely,4.08,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0006.wav,he looked about him and knew that he did not at all know where he was,4.09,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0007.wav,what's up matey lost your way dickie explained,4.3,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0008.wav,when he said ave i bin asleep,2.925,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0009.wav,here we are said the man,1.89,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0010.wav,not exackly said the man but it's all right,2.865,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0011.wav,when it was over the man asked dickie if he could walk a little way and when dickie said he could they set out in the most friendly way side by side,8.585,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0012.wav,and the tea and all an the egg,2.64,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0013.wav,and this is the prettiest place ever i see,2.635,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0014.wav,i shall catch it a fair treat as it is,2.28,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0015.wav,she was waitin for the wood to boil the kettle when i come out mother,4.46,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0016.wav,ain't bad when she's in a good temper,2.46,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0017.wav,that ain't what she'll be in when you gets back,2.665,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0018.wav,i got to stick it said dickie sadly i'd best be getting home,5.15,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0019.wav,i wouldn't go ome not if i was you said the man,3.09,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0020.wav,no said dickie oh no no i never,3.75,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0021.wav,i ain't it yer have i like what yer aunt do,2.62,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0022.wav,well that'll show you the sort of man i am,2.915,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0023.wav,the man's manner was so kind and hearty the whole adventure was so wonderful and new is it country where you going,7.91,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0024.wav,the sun shot long golden beams through the gaps in the hedge,3.535,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0025.wav,a bird paused in its flight on a branch quite close and clung there swaying,4.635,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0026.wav,he took out of his pocket a new envelope a new sheet of paper and a new pencil ready sharpened by machinery,6.66,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0027.wav,an i asks you let me come alonger you got that,3.755,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0028.wav,get it wrote down then done,2.325,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0029.wav,then he folded it and put it in his pocket,3.025,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0030.wav,now we're square he said,1.93,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0031.wav,they could put a man away for less than that,2.74,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0032.wav,i see that there in a book said dickie charmed,2.805,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0033.wav,he reward the wake the last of the english and i wunnered what it stood for,5.115,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0034.wav,wild ones ain't alf the size i lay,2.54,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0035.wav,adventures i should think so,2.81,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0036.wav,ah said dickie and a full silence fell between them,4.22,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0037.wav,that was charming but it was pleasant too to wash the mud off on the wet grass,5.465,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0038.wav,dickie always remembered that moment,2.5,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0039.wav,so you shall said mister beale a reg'ler wash all over this very night i always like a wash meself,6.59,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0040.wav,some blokes think it pays to be dirty but it don't,3.765,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0041.wav,if you're clean they say honest poverty an if you're dirty they say serve you right,6.19,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0042.wav,you are good said dickie i do like you,3.31,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0043.wav,i know you will said dickie with enthusiasm i know ow good you are,5.15,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0044.wav,bless me said mister beale uncomfortably well there,3.635,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0045.wav,step out sonny or we'll never get there this side christmas,3.655,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29454-0046.wav,well you'll know all about it presently,3.275,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0000.wav,if called to a case supposed or suspected to be one of poisoning the medical man has two duties to perform to save the patient's life and to place himself in a position to give evidence if called on to do so,13.315,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0001.wav,he should make inquiries as to symptoms and time at which food or medicine was last taken,6.025,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0002.wav,he should notice the position and temperature of the body the condition of rigor mortis marks of violence appearance of lips and mouth,9.11,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0003.wav,in making a post mortem examination the alimentary canal should be removed and preserved for further investigation,7.25,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0004.wav,the gut and the gullet being cut across between these ligatures the stomach may be removed entire without spilling its contents,8.31,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0005.wav,if the medical practitioner is in doubt on any point he should obtain technical assistance from someone who has paid attention to the subject,8.37,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0006.wav,in a case of attempted suicide by poisoning is it the duty of the doctor to inform the police,6.43,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0007.wav,the best emetic is that which is at hand,3.17,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0008.wav,the dose for an adult is ten minims,2.945,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0009.wav,apomorphine is not allied in physiological action to morphine and may be given in cases of narcotic poisoning,7.555,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0010.wav,tickling the fauces with a feather may excite vomiting,4.375,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0011.wav,in using the elastic stomach tube some fluid should be introduced into the stomach before attempting to empty it or a portion of the mucous membrane may be sucked into the aperture,11.785,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0012.wav,the tube should be examined to see that it is not broken or cracked as accidents have happened from neglecting this precaution,7.865,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0013.wav,antidotes are usually given hypodermically or if by mouth in the form of tablets,6.485,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0014.wav,in the absence of a hypodermic syringe the remedy may be given by the rectum,5.63,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0015.wav,notice the smell colour and general appearance of the matter submitted for examination,5.42,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0016.wav,for the separation of an alkaloid the following is the process of stas otto,5.175,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0017.wav,this process is based upon the principle that the salts of the alkaloids are soluble in alcohol and water and insoluble in ether,8.65,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0018.wav,the pure alkaloids with the exception of morphine in its crystalline form are soluble in ether,6.51,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0019.wav,two cool the mixture and filter wash the residue with strong alcohol and mix the filtrates,7.615,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0020.wav,the residue may be set aside for the detection of the metallic poisons if suspected expel the alcohol by careful evaporation,9.42,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0021.wav,on the evaporation of the alcohol the resinous and fatty matters separate,4.785,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0022.wav,evaporate the filtrate to a syrup and extract with successive portions of absolute alcohol,6.205063,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0023.wav,separate the ethereal solution and evaporate,3.465,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0024.wav,five a part of this ethereal solution is poured into a watch glass and allowed to evaporate,6.895,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0025.wav,to purify it add a small quantity of dilute sulphuric acid and after evaporating to three quarters of its bulk add a saturated solution of carbonate of potash or soda,11.805,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0026.wav,boil the finely divided substance with about one eighth its bulk of pure hydrochloric acid add from time to time potassic chlorate until the solids are reduced to a straw yellow fluid,11.55,test.other +data/test.other/1998-15444-0027.wav,the residue of the material after digestion with hydrochloric acid and potassium chlorate may have to be examined for silver lead and barium,9.205,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0000.wav,the singing and laughing went on long after he had fallen asleep and if later in the evening there were loud voiced arguments or quarrels even dickie did not hear them,11.62,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0001.wav,what's all that there dickie asked pointing to the odd knobbly bundles of all sorts and shapes tied on to the perambulator's front,9.015,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0002.wav,tell yer what mate looks to me as if i'd took a fancy to you,3.89,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0003.wav,swelp me he said helplessly,2.21,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0004.wav,oh look said dickie the flowers,2.88,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0005.wav,they're only weeds said beale,2.49,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0006.wav,but i shall have them while they're alive said dickie as he had said to the pawnbroker about the moonflowers,6.115,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0007.wav,hi there goes a rabbit,1.995,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0008.wav,see im crost the road there see him,2.895,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0009.wav,how beautiful said dickie wriggling with delight,3.735,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0010.wav,this life of the rabbit as described by mister beale was the child's first glimpse of freedom i'd like to be a rabbit,7.675,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0011.wav,ow'm i to wheel the bloomin pram if you goes on like as if you was a bag of eels,4.64,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0012.wav,i like you nexter my own daddy and mister baxter next door,3.695,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0013.wav,that's all right said mister beale awkwardly,3.09,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0014.wav,dickie quick to imitate touched his,2.83,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0015.wav,poor little man said the lady you miss your mother don't you,4.01,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0016.wav,oh well done little un said mister beale to himself,3.57,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0017.wav,the two travellers were left facing each other the richer by a penny and oh wonderful good fortune a whole half crown,7.98,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0018.wav,no i never said dickie ere's the steever,3.68,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0019.wav,you stick to that said beale radiant with delight you're a fair masterpiece you are you earned it honest if ever a kid done,7.57,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0020.wav,they went on up the hill as happy as any one need wish to be,4.31,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0021.wav,please do not be too shocked,1.96,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0022.wav,remember that neither of them knew any better,3.245,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0023.wav,to the elder tramp lies and begging were natural means of livelihood,4.715,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0024.wav,but you said the bed with the green curtains urged dickie,4.03,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0025.wav,which this ain't not by no means,2.72,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0026.wav,the night is full of interesting little sounds that will not at first let you sleep the rustle of little wild things in the hedges the barking of dogs in distant farms the chirp of crickets and the croaking of frogs,12.84,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0027.wav,the new game of begging and inventing stories to interest the people from whom it was worth while to beg went on gaily day by day and week by week and dickie by constant practice grew so clever at taking his part in the acting that mister beale was quite dazed with admiration,17.02,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0028.wav,blessed if i ever see such a nipper he said over and over again,4.77,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0029.wav,clever as a traindawg e is an all outer is own ead,3.86,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0030.wav,i ain't sure as i adn't better stick to the road and keep away from old ands like you jim,5.535,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0031.wav,i ope e's clever enough to do wot e's told keep is mug shut that's all,4.96,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0032.wav,if e's straight e'll do for me and if he ain't i'll do for im see,4.32,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0033.wav,see that bloke just now said mister beale yuss said dickie,4.475,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0034.wav,well you never see im,1.81,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0035.wav,if any one arsts you if you ever see im you never set eyes on im in all your born not to remember im,5.86,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0036.wav,dickie was full of questions but mister beale had no answers for them,3.94,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0037.wav,nor was it sunday on which they took a rest and washed their shirts according to mister beale's rule of life,6.65,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0038.wav,they did not stay there but walked out across the downs where the skylarks were singing and on a dip of the downs came upon great stone walls and towers very strong and gray,11.05,test.other +data/test.other/1998-29455-0039.wav,what's that there said dickie,2.365,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0000.wav,not a sound if you value your lives,2.639937,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0001.wav,to offer resistance would have been madness for even hermon perceived by the loud clanking of weapons around them the greatly superior power of the enemy and they were acting by the orders of the king to the prison near the place of execution,14.055,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0002.wav,was he to be led to the executioner's block,2.91,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0003.wav,what pleasure had life to offer him the blind man who was already dead to his art,5.01,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0004.wav,ought he not to greet this sudden end as a boon from the immortals,3.825,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0005.wav,did it not spare him a humiliation as great and painful as could be imagined,4.895,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0006.wav,whatever might await him he desired no better fate,3.37,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0007.wav,if he had passed into annihilation he hermon wished to follow him thither and annihilation certainly meant redemption from pain and misery,8.395,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0008.wav,but if he were destined to meet his myrtilus and his mother in the world beyond the grave what had he not to tell them how sure he was of finding a joyful reception there from both,9.66,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0009.wav,the power which delivered him over to death just at that moment was not nemesis no it was a kindly deity,7.245,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0010.wav,yet it was no illusion that deceived him,2.245,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0011.wav,again he heard the beloved voice and this time it addressed not only him but with the utmost haste the commander of the soldiers,7.355,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0012.wav,sometimes with touching entreaty sometimes with imperious command she protested after giving him her name that this matter could be nothing but an unfortunate mistake,10.475,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0013.wav,lastly with earnest warmth she besought him before taking the prisoners away to permit her to speak to the commanding general philippus her father's guest who she was certain was in the palace,12.71,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0014.wav,cried hermon in grateful agitation but she would not listen to him and followed the soldier whom the captain detailed to guide her into the palace,8.055,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0015.wav,to morrow you shall confess to me who treacherously directed you to this dangerous path,5.025,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0016.wav,daphne again pleaded for the liberation of the prisoners but philippus silenced her with the grave exclamation the order of the king,8.155,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0017.wav,as soon as the captive artist was alone with the woman he loved he clasped her hand pouring forth incoherent words of the most ardent gratitude and when he felt her warmly return the pressure he could not restrain the desire to clasp her to his heart,14.69,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0018.wav,in spite of his deep mental distress he could have shouted aloud in his delight and gratitude,5.025,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0019.wav,he might now have been permitted to bind forever to his life the woman who had just rescued him from the greatest danger but the confession he must make to his fellow artists in the palaestra the following morning still sealed his lips yet in this hour he felt that he was united to her and ought not to conceal what awaited him so obeying a strong impulse he exclaimed you know that i love you,21.44,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0020.wav,i love you and have loved you always,2.43,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0021.wav,daphne exclaimed tenderly what more is needed,3.24,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0022.wav,but hermon with drooping head murmured to morrow i shall no longer be what i am now,5.96,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0023.wav,then daphne raised her face to his asking so the demeter is the work of myrtilus,5.91,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0024.wav,what a terrible ordeal again awaits you,2.475,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0025.wav,and i fool blinded also in mind could be vexed with you for it,4.725062,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0026.wav,bring this before your mind and everything else that you must accept with it if you consent when the time arrives to become mine conceal and palliate nothing,9.565,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0027.wav,so archias intended to leave the city on one of his own ships that very day,4.825,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0028.wav,he himself on the way to expose himself to the malice and mockery of the whole city,4.94,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0029.wav,his heart contracted painfully and his solicitude about his uncle's fate increased when philippus informed him that the conspirators had been arrested at the banquet and headed by amyntas the rhodian chrysippus and proclus had perished by the executioner's sword at sunrise,16.98,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0030.wav,besides he knew that the object of his love would not part from him without granting him one last word,6.265,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0031.wav,on the way his heart throbbed almost to bursting,3.32,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0032.wav,even daphne's image and what threatened her father and her with him receded far into the background,6.759938,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0033.wav,he was appearing before his companions only to give truth its just due,4.915,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0034.wav,the egyptian obeyed and his master crossed the wide space strewn with sand and approached the stage which had been erected for the festal performances even had his eyes retained the power of sight his blood was coursing so wildly through his veins that he might perhaps have been unable to distinguish the statues around him and the thousands of spectators who crowded closely together richly garlanded their cheeks glowing with enthusiasm surrounded the arena hermon,28.035,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0035.wav,shouted his friend soteles in joyful surprise in the midst of this painful walk hermon,5.23,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0036.wav,even while he believed himself to be the creator of the demeter he had been seriously troubled by the praise of so many critics because it had exposed him to the suspicion of having become faithless to his art and his nature,11.975,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24318-0037.wav,honour to myrtilus and his art but he trusted this noble festal assemblage would pardon the unintentional deception and aid his prayer for recovery,9.275,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0000.wav,when he came from the bath proclus visited him again,3.54,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0001.wav,but hermon was not in the mood to share a joyous revel and he frankly said so although immediately after his return he had accepted the invitation to the festival which the whole fellowship of artists would give the following day in honour of the seventieth birthday of the old sculptor euphranor,18.4,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0002.wav,she would appear herself at dessert and the banquet must therefore begin at an unusually early hour,6.665,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0003.wav,so the artist found himself obliged to relinquish his opposition,4.185,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0004.wav,the banquet was to begin in a few hours yet he could not let the day pass without seeing daphne and telling her the words of the oracle,8.195,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0005.wav,he longed with ardent yearning for the sound of her voice and still more to unburden his sorely troubled soul to her,7.915,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0006.wav,since his return from the oracle the fear that the rescued demeter might yet be the work of myrtilus had again mastered him,7.87,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0007.wav,the approval as well as the doubts which it aroused in others strengthened his opinion although even now he could not succeed in bringing it into harmony with the facts,10.795,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0008.wav,then he went directly to the neighbouring palace the queen might have appeared already and it would not do to keep her waiting,7.205,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0009.wav,hitherto the merchant had been induced it is true to advance large sums of money to the queen but the loyal devotion which he showed to her royal husband had rendered it impossible to give him even a hint of the conspiracy,14.605,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0010.wav,when hermon entered the residence of the grammateus in the palace the guests had already assembled,6.175,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0011.wav,the place by hermon's side which althea had chosen for herself would then be given up to arsinoe,6.65,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0012.wav,true an interesting conversation still had power to charm him but often during its continuance the full consciousness of his misfortune forced itself upon his mind for the majority of the subjects discussed by the artists came to them through the medium of sight and referred to new creations of architecture sculpture and painting from whose enjoyment his blindness debarred him,22.745,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0013.wav,a stranger out of his own sphere he felt chilled among these closely united men and women to whom no tie bound him save the presence of the same host,10.44,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0014.wav,crates had really been invited in order to win him over to the queen's cause but charming fair haired nico had been commissioned by the conspirators to persuade him to sing arsinoe's praises among his professional associates,14.54,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0015.wav,his son had been this royal dame's first husband and she had deserted him to marry lysimachus the aged king of thrace,8.155,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0016.wav,the king's sister the object of his love cried hermon incredulously,5.505,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0017.wav,we women are only as old as we look and the leeches and tiring women of this beauty of forty practise arts which give her the appearance of twenty five yet perhaps the king values her intellect more than her person and the wisdom of a hundred serpents is certainly united in this woman's head,16.735,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0018.wav,the three most trustworthy ones are here amyntas the leech chrysippus and the admirable proclus,8.93,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0019.wav,let us hope that you will make this three leaved clover the luck promising four leaved one,6.06,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0020.wav,your uncle too has often with praiseworthy generosity helped arsinoe in many an embarrassment,7.555,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0021.wav,how long he kept you waiting for the first word concerning a work which justly transported the whole city with delight,7.26,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0022.wav,when he did finally summon you he said things which must have wounded you,5.04,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0023.wav,that is going too far replied hermon,3.51,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0024.wav,he winked at her and made a significant gesture as he spoke and then informed the blind artist how graciously arsinoe had remembered him when she heard of the remedy by whose aid many a wonderful cure of blind eyes had been made in rhodes,13.86,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0025.wav,the royal lady had inquired about him and his sufferings with almost sisterly interest and althea eagerly confirmed the statement,8.47,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0026.wav,hermon listened to the pair in silence,2.96,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0027.wav,the rhodian was just beginning to praise arsinoe also as a special friend and connoisseur of the sculptor's art when crates hermon's fellow student asked the blind artist in behalf of his beautiful companion why his demeter was placed upon a pedestal which to others as well as himself seemed too high for the size of the statue,20.42,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0028.wav,yet what mattered it even if these miserable people considered themselves deceived and pointed the finger of scorn at him,6.85,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0029.wav,a woman who yearns for the regard of all men and makes love a toy easily lessens the demands she imposes upon individuals,8.265,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0030.wav,only even though love has wholly disappeared she still claims consideration and althea did not wish to lose hermon's regard,8.655,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0031.wav,how indifferent you look but i tell you her deep blue eyes flashed as she spoke that so long as you were still a genuine creating artist the case was different,10.35,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0032.wav,though so loud a denial is written on your face i persist in my conviction and that no idle delusion ensnares me i can prove,9.16,test.other +data/test.other/5484-24317-0033.wav,it was nay it could have been nothing else that very spider,4.755,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0000.wav,the duke comes every morning they will tell him when he comes that i am asleep and perhaps he will wait until i wake,7.955,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0001.wav,yes but if i should already ask for something what,5.735,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0002.wav,well do it for me for i swear to you that i don't love you as the others have loved you,6.425,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0003.wav,there are bolts on the door wretch,3.25,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0004.wav,i don't know how it is but it seems to me as if i do,4.315,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0005.wav,now go i can't keep my eyes open,3.2,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0006.wav,it seemed to me as if this sleeping city belonged to me i searched my memory for the names of those whose happiness i had once envied and i could not recall one without finding myself the happier,14.125,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0007.wav,education family feeling the sense of duty the family are strong sentinels but there are no sentinels so vigilant as not to be deceived by a girl of sixteen to whom nature by the voice of the man she loves gives the first counsels of love all the more ardent because they seem so pure,21.69,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0008.wav,the more a girl believes in goodness the more easily will she give way if not to her lover at least to love for being without mistrust she is without force and to win her love is a triumph that can be gained by any young man of five and twenty see how young girls are watched and guarded,20.655,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0009.wav,then how surely must they desire the world which is hidden from them how surely must they find it tempting how surely must they listen to the first voice which comes to tell its secrets through their bars and bless the hand which is the first to raise a corner of the mysterious veil,19.225,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0010.wav,with them the body has worn out the soul the senses have burned up the heart dissipation has blunted the feelings,8.63,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0011.wav,they love by profession and not by instinct,3.315,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0012.wav,when a creature who has all her past to reproach herself with is taken all at once by a profound sincere irresistible love of which she had never felt herself capable when she has confessed her love how absolutely the man whom she loves dominates her,19.035,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0013.wav,they know not what proof to give,2.875,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0014.wav,in order to disturb the labourers in the field was one day devoured by a wolf because those whom he had so often deceived no longer believed in his cries for help,11.765,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0015.wav,it is the same with these unhappy women when they love seriously,4.89,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0016.wav,but when the man who inspires this redeeming love is great enough in soul to receive it without remembering the past when he gives himself up to it when in short he loves as he is loved this man drains at one draught all earthly emotions and after such a love his heart will be closed to every other,23.03,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0017.wav,but to return to the first day of my liaison,4.11,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0018.wav,when i reached home i was in a state of mad gaiety,4.225,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0019.wav,the woman becomes the man's mistress and loves him,3.444937,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0020.wav,how why,2.355,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0021.wav,my whole being was exalted into joy at the memory of the words we had exchanged during that first night,7.72,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0022.wav,here are my orders to night at the vaudeville,4.005,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0023.wav,come during the third entr'acte,2.625,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0024.wav,the boxes filled one after another,2.755,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0025.wav,only one remained empty the stage box,3.465,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0026.wav,at the beginning of the third act i heard the door of the box on which my eyes had been almost constantly fixed open and marguerite appeared,9.72,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0027.wav,did she love me enough to believe that the more beautiful she looked the happier i should be,5.355,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0028.wav,what is the matter with you to night said marguerite rising and coming to the back of the box and kissing me on the forehead,7.585,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0029.wav,you should go to bed she replied with that ironical air which went so well with her delicate and witty face,7.755,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0030.wav,where at home,2.715,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0031.wav,you still love me can you ask,3.19,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0032.wav,because you don't like seeing him,2.285,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180294-0033.wav,nonetheless i was very unhappy all the rest of the evening and went away very sadly after having seen prudence the count and marguerite get into the carriage which was waiting for them at the door,12.725,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0000.wav,ol mistah buzzard grinned,2.495,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0001.wav,this sounded like another story,2.35,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0002.wav,he was curious about that black headed cousin of ol mistah buzzard very curious indeed,6.32,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0003.wav,anyway he would find out,2.38,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0004.wav,please mister buzzard please tell us the story he begged,5.3,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0005.wav,now ol mistah buzzard is naturally good natured and accommodating and when peter begged so hard he just couldn't find it in his heart to refuse,11.785,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0006.wav,way back in the days when grandpap buzzard had his lil falling out with ol king eagle and done fly so high he sco'tch the feathers offen his haid he had a cousin did grandpap buzzard and this cousin was jes naturally lazy and no count,19.655,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0007.wav,like most no count people he used to make a regular nuisance of hisself poking his nose into ev'ybody's business and never tending to his own,10.73,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0008.wav,wasn't anything going on that this trifling member of the buzzard fam'ly didn't find out about and meddle in he could ask mo questions than peter rabbit can an anybody that can do that has got to ask a lot,16.805,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0009.wav,everybody looked at peter and laughed,2.82,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0010.wav,so we uns sit on the chimney tops whenever ol jack frost gets to straying down where he have no business,8.16,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0011.wav,one day this no count trifling cousin of grandpap buzzard get cold in his feet,6.535,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0012.wav,it was on a lil ol house a lil ol tumble down house,5.255,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0013.wav,why he jes stretch his fool haid as far down that chimney as he can an listen an listen,7.535,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0014.wav,but he don't mind that,2.005,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0015.wav,will yo' alls please speak a lil louder he holler down the chimney jes like that,6.370063,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0016.wav,yes sah she sho'ly was plumb scared,3.315,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0017.wav,they like to choke that no count buzzard to death,3.44,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0018.wav,when he get home he try an try to brush that soot off but it done get into the skin an it stay there,8.48,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0019.wav,a little sigh of satisfaction went around the circle of listeners,5.11,test.other +data/test.other/3997-182399-0020.wav,it was just as good as one of grandfather frog's,4.445,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0000.wav,i have not come to hinder you from leaving paris,3.205,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0001.wav,you in the way marguerite but how,3.305,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0002.wav,well you might have had a woman here said prudence and it would hardly have been amusing for her to see two more arrive,9.015,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0003.wav,during this remark marguerite looked at me attentively,4.3,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0004.wav,my dear prudence i answered you do not know what you are saying,5.01,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0005.wav,yes but besides not wishing to put you out i was sure that if you came as far as my door you would want to come up and as i could not let you i did not wish to let you go away blaming me for saying no,13.83,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0006.wav,because i am watched and the least suspicion might do me the greatest harm,5.635,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0007.wav,is that really the only reason,2.525,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0008.wav,if there were any other i would tell you for we are not to have any secrets from one another now,6.35,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0009.wav,honestly do you care for me a little a great deal,4.73,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0010.wav,i fancied for a moment that i might give myself that happiness for six months you would not have it you insisted on knowing the means,9.52,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0011.wav,well good heavens the means were easy enough to guess,4.195,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0012.wav,i listened and i gazed at marguerite with admiration,4.04,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0013.wav,when i thought that this marvellous creature whose feet i had once longed to kiss was willing to let me take my place in her thoughts my part in her life and that i was not yet content with what she gave me i asked if man's desire has indeed limits when satisfied as promptly as mine had been it reached after something further,22.12,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0014.wav,truly she continued we poor creatures of chance have fantastic desires and inconceivable loves,7.75,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0015.wav,we are not allowed to have hearts under penalty of being hooted down and of ruining our credit,5.825,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0016.wav,we no longer belong to ourselves,2.525,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0017.wav,we stand first in their self esteem last in their esteem,3.855,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0018.wav,never do they give you advice which is not lucrative,3.215,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0019.wav,it means little enough to them that we should have ten lovers extra as long as they get dresses or a bracelet out of them and that they can drive in our carriage from time to time or come to our box at the theatre,14.485,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0020.wav,such a man i found in the duke but the duke is old and old age neither protects nor consoles,7.735,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0021.wav,i thought i could accept the life which he offered me but what would you have,5.175,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0022.wav,what i loved in you was not the man who was but the man who was going to be,5.515,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0023.wav,marguerite tired out with this long confession threw herself back on the sofa and to stifle a slight cough put up her handkerchief to her lips and from that to her eyes,12.89,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0024.wav,marguerite do with me as you will i am your slave your dog but in the name of heaven tear up the letter which i wrote to you and do not make me leave you to morrow it would kill me,12.62,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0025.wav,marguerite drew the letter from her bosom and handing it to me with a smile of infinite sweetness said,6.77,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0026.wav,here it is i have brought it back,3.15,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0027.wav,i tore the letter into fragments and kissed with tears the hand that gave it to me,5.235,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0028.wav,look here prudence do you know what he wants said marguerite,5.285,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0029.wav,he wants you to forgive him,2.23,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0030.wav,one has to but he wants more than that what then,4.75,test.other +data/test.other/3997-180297-0031.wav,i embraced marguerite until she was almost stifled,4.095,test.other