code_frames,text,label 13,"Politically speaking, this has been true for some time",12 1,BIG TOBACCO BLOWS SMOKE - AGAIN,0 4,Gender Bias in Immigration Law,3 5,Jury Begins Deliberations In Wendy's Massacre Case,4 10,GROUP EYEING PARTNER BENEFITS,9 5," If she were Cuban or Nicaraguan, though, she could have received amnesty.",4 5,"Angel had been hearing testimony in Ocala during the weekend in Lightbourne's challenge of the constitutionality of Florida's lethal injection process. His attorneys say it violates the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment of criminals. ",4 9,health,8 7," Inmate set to be executed June 4",6 7,NORTH CAROLINA MAN EXECUTED IN DEATHS OF 3 POLICE OFFICERS,6 5,Homosexual and unmarried heterosexual couples were able to register at City Hall as domestic partners today for the first time to get recognition and benefits previously reserved only for husbands and wives.,4 15,Gay marriage comes into 'Question',14 6,The trend has set off brisk exchanges over the nation's immigration policies.,5 12,Proposed Marriage Ban Splits Washington's Gays,11 13, Biden's visit to promote reform,12 5,"The ruling in that case, Windsor v. the United States , found that gay couples married in states where it is legal must receive the same federal health, tax, Social Security and other benefits that heterosexual couples receive. ",4 10,"When you take an only child from the parents and a daughter from her father, you destroy the future of the parents,"" Cartagena told jurors. ""She was the nucleus of our family, she was who Chris (his wife) and I lived for."" Sandra Sewell of Gray, the defendant's mother, said she and John Cook divorced when Andrew, the second of their three children, was 8. She testifed that her son was damaged by her second husband. ""If Andy exhaled, he thought the boy should have inhaled,"" Sewell testified. ""To his stepfather, Andy could do nothing right."" ",9 13,"White's bill, which passed out of a House committee Tuesday",12 1,"Beretta U.S.A., like most American gun makers, is owned by a foreign company. Beretta is a unit of Fabbrica D'Armi Pietro Beretta in Riviera, Italy.",0 5,REPRIEVE FOR SLAYING SUSPECT Accused bias killer wins trial delay,4 7,Illegal gun charge dropped against Vadnais Heights dad implicated in school threat case involving son,6 6,"'This state and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage.''",5 8,A Militia Gets Battle Ready for a 'Gun-Grabbing' Clinton Presidency,7 13,"Kelly is working with council members, ban supporters and business owners to craft a compromise that would fall short of prohibiting smoking entirely, said Deputy Mayor Dennis Flaherty.",12 6,"Taking ownership and responsibility for a gun could save children's lives and America's future. It shouldn't be called ""gun control"" but rather ""gun responsibility.""",5 11,"* * * Utilizing the same madcap juxtaposition of vintage ""gotcha"" footage that characterized his co-directed classic The Atomic Café (1984), Kevin Rafferty teams with co-director Frank Keraudren to hang the tobacco industry with old commercials (e.g. ""When you change to Philip Morris, you'll feel better"").",10 15,The dire predictions clearly not justified,14 5," Last year, it failed to win Supreme Court review on another high-profile issue, the federal ban on the civilian sale of fully automatic machine guns. Now, it has fired and fallen back on the California law as well.",4 1," gun dealers are exempt if they are selling their ""personal inventory,"" even when the sales take place at public gun shows.",0 12,'International Village' gets hostile reception,11 5,"Vargas, who has a temporary reprieve from deportation and a work permit under President Obama's deferred action program, needed to convince the court that he met the state's requirements for good character and general fitness.",4 5,A grand jury indicted 17-year-old Lee Boyd Malvo on murder charges that could bring the death penalty for his alleged role ,4 1,Tobacco CEO faces grilling by lawmakers,0 6,initiative,5 5,"""The law sentenced me to hang, then I should hang. I don't want to. But that's the law,"" Bailey said. ",4 13,Senators Urge Bush To Clarify His Views About Assault Guns,12 13,"DON'T SEE THEM Chuck's plea to retailers ",12 6,"GUNS, GUNS EVERYWHERE -- STRATEGIES FOR ARMS CONTROL",5 5,"The case before the Court involved immigration officials' efforts to deport a former student leader in Guatemala who had led demonstrations that included forcing passengers off buses and then burning the empty buses to protest rising fares. The Guatemalan, Juan Anibal Aguirre-Aguirre, argued in seeking asylum and a ""withholding of deportation,"" a form of administrative relief, that his actions were political and not criminal.",4 9,"Using the data on nicotine yields of Marlboro cigarettes provided by Philip Morris to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for 1997 through 2006, I conducted my own analysis of the trends in Marlboro nicotine yields.",8 13,"I hope this decision will allow a working coalition to transcend partisan disagreements and support strategies proven to reduce gun violence. ",12 10,Survivor in Gay Union Appeals Denial of Benefits to Boy,9 13,Six weeks after Mayor David N. Dinkins signed an executive order,12 13,"During an impassioned debate in the legislature on Wednesday, another lawmaker, Rep. Warren Goern, also said",12 12,"An estimated 4,000 demonstrators from across Northern California -- including 11 busloads of immigrants from the South Bay -- plan to converge on the state Capitol steps at noon today to demand restoration of public assistance.",11 3,"Several Episcopal bishops who spoke against the same-sex unions trial liturgy warned about repercussions overseas. ""I believe it will put us out of the Christian mainstream,"" said Bishop Edward Little of the Diocese of Northern Indiana.",2 13,"A WALL BETWEEN 'EM Trump, Cruz anti-immig plan stalls GOP drive for key Hispanic vote in Prez elex",12 12,That fact is not lost on gay-rights activists,11 3,SERMONS MOUNTED PRO & CON Gay unions on minds of city's pastors,2 6,Bill would honor World War II internment challenger from East Bay,5 3,Nor would gay marriage harm society or cheapen the institution.,2 11,Mary Cheney gets married,10 13,MIKE BLOOMBERG must be fuming.,12 15,First push vs. Vegas gun gizmo,14 7,"ARMED, DRUNK, DEADLY",6 7,Fairfax Woman Won't Be Deported,6 13,"Nixon, a Democrat, writes that he's concerned Missourians will wrongly think they can get married in California and have it recognized in Missouri. Nixon also said that it doesn't make sense to implement a ruling that might be overturned in several months. ",12 10,"Pazman described Gabor Balogh, the man she'd known since grade school and her husband of 22 years, as he was just days before Christmas 1993.",9 11,"T'S PUBLISHER OR PERISH FOR PETERSON ",10 5,SUPREME COURT HEARS AREA SENTENCING CASE,4 5,"In an unusual legal move, the plan would not allow those who oppose the terms to opt out and pursue their own lawsuits. In contrast, most class-action lawsuits allow plaintiffs to drop out of a settlement. In addition, plan participants would not receive any specific details about the allocation of settlement money until after the pact is finally approved, court papers indicate.",4 13,The passing of CRC 167 shows either their willingness to hand off the state's responsibilities to someone else or it is a power grab by local politicians.,12 10,"The first is the delusion that there may be closure from death. It is impossible not to sympathize with a grieving mother who has lost a young child, yet it is naive to think that Schwab's death could bring closure to her grief.",9 5,"""Who do we go after with the death penalty?"" asked Palo Alto defense attorney Tom Nolan, a former chairman of the death penalty committee of California Attorneys for Criminal Justice. ""Do we go against those people who do not have the power, the resources . . . people who aren't well liked, don't have the means to hire the best lawyers, to garner public attention to present themselves as human beings?"" ",4 7,Killings show access to guns still too loose,6 10,"""It's about their nasty habit",9 9,"He traveled with armed bodyguards. Fearing a bomb, bodyguards would inspect his car --- and start it for him. His children and his lawyers also were threatened.",8 7,MURDERS IN CAPITAL RANDOM BUT ROUTINE,6 13,", Gov. Mel Carnahan is taking aim at Sen. John Ashcroft's voting record on gun issues and his political support from pro-gun groups.",12 13,"Perhaps Mr. Stark would better serve the American public if he would discuss the benefits of gun control with the foremost gun-control advocates in the world-- I refer to those famous people Mikhail Gorbachev, Adolf Hitler,",12 10,DENIAL OF GAYS' FEELINGS HURTS INNOCENT,9 13,Youth smoking deal drives tobacco talks,12 13,Trump must go,12 6,Our current gun laws - if anything - have men just like Johnson and Long in mind.,5 13," PAWLENTY DEFENDS 'CONCEALED CARRY' GUN LAW PROPOSAL IS TOUGHER IN SOME WAYS THAN CURRENT LAW, HE SAYS",12 5," ""Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end.""",4 8,Concealed Weapons Should Be Allowed,7 6,"Paschall's bill originally was a version of covenant marriage. Paschall replaced that language with the gay-marriage ban, and it passed on a 36-29 vote. ",5 9,on smoking-related illnesses,8 13,"McAuliffe, GOP agree to deal on gun laws",12 1,The RJR Nabisco Holdings Corporation said yesterday that Charles Harper was retiring as chairman after leading the cigarette and food company through three turbulent years.,0 10,"Others will arrive in the next few years, experts predicted at national conference on nicotine and addiction here last month.",9 10,Campus Life and Guns,9 6,AU widens smoking ban to outdoors,5 11,"'Of Mice and Men,' and Death Row in Texas",10 13, I hope the mayor's conference approached the problem from that standpoint,12 1,The Dark Science Of Fund-Raising by Mail,0 13,Capital Repeals Liability Law For Assault-Weapons Makers,12 7,SALVATION ARMY SPURNS SAN FRANCISCO CONTRACTS CHARITY WON'T FOLLOW CITY'S PARTNERS LAW,6 5,"Dunn's story won him a hung jury on the charge of murdering Davis but secured his conviction for attempting to murder Davis' companions because he fired as they were taking off. Facing 60 years in prison, Dunn asked his lawyer, ""How is this happening?"" ",4 1,Wisconsin bar owners say cigarette ban has hurt business,0 11,"Yang was among the first wave of refugees to leave Laos after the communist regime took over in 1975. After spending four years in Thailand's Ban Vinai refugee camp, Yang settled in Minnesota.",10 13,"Restaurant and tavern owners have called every City Council member and plan to descend on City Hall in force Oct. 10, when the Council's Health Committee is scheduled to begin hearings on the toughest-in-the-nation bill.",12 6,Union and district negotiations began in September just before the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act forbade smoking in any public education building or property,5 7,Bystander Who Fired at a Fleeing Shoplifter's Vehicle Is Charged in Michigan,6 6,FLORIDA CREATES NO-LAWYER LOOPHOLE,5 6,"Mr. Blumenthal is calling for legislation that would limit teen-agers' access to cigarettes -- banning cigarette vending machines except in bars, increasing penalties to $5,000 from $50 for stores found selling cigarettes to minors, in short, giving Connecticut the toughest laws in the nation regarding teen-agers and tobacco products.",5 13,"The measure passed by an unexpectedly large, bipartisan vote of 67 to 32 after negotiations between Democratic and Republican leaders culminated in a successful maneuver to head off a filibuster by a small band of gun-control opponents.",12 10,If smoking were stamped out ... / What would our lives be like,9 5,"Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey, intent on trying Garcia-Gomez in Colorado, will work within those guidelines, a spokeswoman said.",4 13," Gay marriage is shaping up as a hot political topic this year.",12 4,AARONSON SHOWS BIAS ON ALL GUN ISSUES,3 5,NRA DISTORTS THE INTENT OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT,4 10,They survived a school shooting only to wage battle in some of the nastiest cor-ners of the Internet,9 9,High court tosses Texas's gauges for mental ability of death-row inmates,8 5,Innis told the crowd that protecting the Second Amendment right to bear arms is a civil rights cause.,4 13,Contra Costa supervisors ask state to ban gun shows at fairgrounds,12 3,"The Roman Catholic archbishops of Washington and Baltimore and the bishop of Wilmington said in a statement that they take ""strong exception"" to the decision.",2 9,"N.C., Va. agents tracking infected tobacco plants",8 5,The Illinois Supreme Court last week began considering whether gun makers can be sued for the damage done by their products. Even leaders of the state's pro-gun lobby believe the Democrat-controlled court will likely side with gun-control forces on the issue.,4 5,Why Refugees Wait,4 13,Thrust of TV Campaign Ads Can Vary With the Territory,12 13,"SOUNDING A WARNING SHOT ABOUT 'STAND' BILL ",12 13,Georgians will soon have an opportunity to choose which Republican they want to see battle President Barack Obama for the White House.,12 2,"Despite the overwhelming traffic, the site was expected to have successfully processed 8 million requests by midnight, said a spokeswoman for the newly opened American Family Immigration History Center on Ellis Island. ",1 1,"MAKE IT COST TO SELL GUNS, BOSLEY URGES",0 5,DISPUTE OVER DNA TEST IN DEATH PENALTY CASE,4 9,"or real danger of public injury from individuals.""",8 5,"Killer exhausts legal appeals, but execution not a done deal",4 9,"health for the sake of their 'integrity,""",8 6,POPULAR GUN BAN SET TO END MONDAY,5 9,Arbitrator to Rule on Giving Health Benefits for Partners,8 5,Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and John Paul Stevens were in the minority.,4 15,Humor smokes as ``Rescue Me'' starts 3rd year,14 12,"has not shaken Jonesboro's belief in the right to own firearms. ",11 13,Bilirakis' voting record favors tobacco industry,12 1,Focus on employers,0 4,N.J. Civil Unions; Still second class,3 13,"Candidate Puts Fight On Drugs, Guns First",12 9,"nicotine as a drug, and cigarettes as drug-delivery devices. The FDA is seeking to enforce 1996 rules drafted to curb sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products to minors.",8 10,"Mr. Kundu is a master marksman from rural Washington who owns pistols and assault rifles for self-defense, all while claiming to detest the presence of guns in his life and in the broader American culture.",9 1,New gun store opens in Sunnyvale amid concerns from neighbors,0 5,Hall DA to seek death penalty,4 7, It would sensationalize sexual predators instead of death row inmates.,6 8,"""Fortunately, we are in a much better position now,"" said Kerlikowske, who was sworn into office this year to oversee an agency with 60,000 employees and a $12.4 billion budget. ""We redeployed several hundred Border Patrol agents to the Rio Grande Valley."" ",7 5,"At least four other men are in the same situation as Speed --- their death sentences were thrown out for one reason or another years ago, but they've never had a resentencing hearing. And three of those cases, all from the Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit in North Georgia, are even older than Speed's.",4 8,Harming the Troops,7 13,"""He broke the logjam on how to restrict smoking,"" said Blair Horner, the legislative director for the New York Public Interest Research Group. ""Prior to his time as health chairman, the Senate never did anything on smoking.""",12 6,"Two other states, Minnesota and Alaska, require tapings",5 13,"The hearing date signals that lawmakers may deal with the issue earlier in the 90-day session than is often the case with controversial bills. Committees typically do not vote on the same day that a hearing is held, but a majority of the Senate panel's members have expressed support for the legislation. ",12 5,GAY RIGHTS FLOURISH IN HAWAII'S CLIMATE IT COULD BE FIRST STATE TO LEGALIZE GAY MARRIAGE.,4 5,Gun rights cases fail to make it before justices,4 1,Filling City Coffers,0 13," Gov. Parris Glendening's spokesman, Michael Morrill",12 5,"On Monday, U.S. District Judge Thomas Thrash granted a request for a preliminary injunction that keeps key parts of HB 87 from going into effect.",4 13,"""It's going to be a tough fight legislatively,"" Ramsey said Thursday, a day after Obama's announcements. ""People still don't get it. They think this is all an overreaction that infringes on their rights. And that's a debate that's not going away."" ",12 5,DEATH ROW INMATE TAKES NEW TACK IN RESENTENCING BID,4 5,Court rejects D.C. ban on guns,4 5,"With a 4-to-3 ruling on Friday that granted gay and lesbian couples the right to marry, the Connecticut Supreme Court",4 5,"t was designed to ensure that all capital trials are properly funded, allowing defense attorneys and others to tap the fund for their trial expenses. ",4 11,ROAMING CIGAR BAR IS RETRO-CHIC,10 1,And taxpayers may never know what happens to the money because Prop A does not require a regular financial audit and thus lacks any significant taxpayer accountability.,0 5,"The Constitution ""authorizes Congress to permit tribes, as an exercise of their inherent tribal authority, to prosecute non-member Indians,"" Justice Stephen G. Breyer wrote for the court.",4 1,"""The company and the industry as a whole are fully aware of the extent of the criminal misuse of firearms,"" Hass said in his affidavit. ",0 5,"Gay couples marry in Kansas despite legal fight ",4 6,NEW LAWS WOULD HAVE DONE NOTHING TO PROTECT KIDS AT COLUMBINE,5 5,"Mr. Verniero called the action by Judge Reginald Stanton of Superior Court unprecedented and ""patently illegal.""",4 11,"could have gotten similar weaponry from almost any home here. In this community, guns are as common as Bibles. ",10 3,"Same-sex marriage decision for Utah comes after Mormon leader calls for civility should same-sex marriage become law ",2 13," A few hours before President Obama offered his historic endorsement of same-sex marriage on Wednesday, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. apologized to the president in the Oval Office for forcing Mr. Obama's hand by airing his own views three days earlier, several people briefed on the exchange said on Thursday.",12 7,Criminals don't abideby laws restricting guns,6 15,CLEARING THE AIR AT LAST,14 10,"Unemployed and needing to support his parents, the 24-year-old had little choice but to leave the United States. Today, he's working for an investment firm in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with little chance of ever returning to the United States.",9 13,A bill that would outlaw semiautomatic assault weapons in Florida stalled in the House Criminal Justice Committee Thursday when members could not agree on what types of guns should be banned,12 13,"After Slow Execution, Renewed Death Penalty Debate and Threat of Lawsuit",12 10,"Gay Couples in Utah, Surprised but Glad, Rush to Marry After Ruling Permits It ",9 13,"The House approved the plan last week. ",12 13,"Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Thursday plans to deliver a speech on the connection between Republican Donald Trump's campaign and the ""disturbing 'alt-right' political philosophy,"" a Clinton aide said.",12 13,The GOP's immigration incoherence,12 6,DISAGREEMENTS OVER NEW GUN LAW PERSIST,5 11,to teen-agers.,10 13,The votes were 136-58 in the House and 33-16 in the Senate - the exact numbers needed for the two-thirds majority for an override.,12 8,"In an ad that appeared Monday in the Capitol Hill publication Roll Call, three mug shots of suspected terrorists appeared with these words beneath: ""Terrorists are exploiting the gun show loophole.""",7 5,"In November, the state's Supreme Judicial Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to bar gay couples from civil marriage and gave",4 4," Trapped In the System",3 6,Handgun-control measure fails in N.J.,5 4,'MEGAN'S' KILLER BEGINS HIS APPEAL / JESSE TIMMENDEQUAS' LAWYERS SAY PUBLICITY DEPRIVED HIM OF A FAIR TRIAL,3 7, larger crime measure,6 12,"Where There's Smoke, There's Anger",11 13," The vote came just a few hours after Gov. Sonny Perdue announced his opposition to the bill, which was backed by the National Rifle Association.",12 7,10 Accused of scheme to smuggle foreigners,6 12,Latinos: Can you hear us now?,11 5,Civil trial renews case of slaying by pizza deliverer,4 7,Cleric Tied to Bomb Suspects Detained; Egyptian Surrenders in New York Pending INS Deportation Hearing,6 15,NATION DIGEST,14 5, Arkansas' highest court halted the distribution of marriage licenses to same-sex couples Friday as it suspended a judge's ruling that struck down the state's same-sex marriage ban.,4 13,"Christie, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, has said he favors civil unions but remains opposed to same-sex marriage. He has said he would prefer that the issue be put on the ballot rather than decided by the courts. ",12 13,"Once hopeful of a fast start to showcase the Republicans' strengths for next year's elections, the GOP-controlled Congress is now sending out sputtering signals that are raising questions about leadership on both sides of the Capitol.",12 13," Shoot-first law is product of NRA aggressiveness",12 5,"But Santa Rosa still hasn't fulfilled constitutional requirements. The militia there isn't well-regulated. Not only is there no reveille, there are no drills or exercises. It is, County Attorney Tom Dannheisser says, strictly symbolic.",4 5,"Now, same-sex divorce",4 9, The domestic partners of gay city employees can start applying for health coverage under the city's health plan starting Nov. 1.,8 13," It also found unease about homosexual relations in general, making the issue a potentially divisive one for the Democrats and an opportunity for the Republicans in the 2004 election. ",12 3,"""For decades, we denied that we controlled the level of nicotine delivered in cigarettes,"" a third statement says. ""Here's the truth. ... We control nicotine delivery to create and sustain smokers' addiction, because that's how we keep customers coming back.""",2 10,Seeing Crime Guns Destroyed Gives Solace to Victims' Families,9 11,Do movies trigger smoking?,10 7,"DeLuna was arrested in 1983 and charged with murdering Wanda Lopez, a single mother who was stabbed to death with a lock-blade buck knife while working at a convenience store in Corpus Christi.",6 5," Those characteristics were on display Tuesday, when Messitte granted a stay of execution to convicted murderer Steven Oken, the first prisoner put to death by Maryland since 1998.",4 13,"Democratic lawmakers launched an extraordinary protest Wednesday, staging a sit-in on the House floor, bringing legislative business to a halt and triggering a chaotic, late-night showdown as they demanded a vote on gun control legislation.",12 11,"In today's click-bait media culture, ''The Armor of Light,'' a new documentary, could be provocatively summarized like this: Disney takes on gun-loving evangelicals.",10 12,GAY MARRIAGE: People have a right to change the laws,11 12,Gun-control groups are scheduling the parents to attend another round of meetings and other public events -- including a reading of the names of people killed by guns since the Newtown shooting -- in a push to restart debate on the issue sometime in the coming months.,11 13,". The attack on President Reagan last March was with the best-selling snubbie, the .22 caliber Roehm RG14.",12 5,"he Georgia Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by Fred Tokars, clearing the way for his trial ",4 13, Fears over crime and gang violence - and a supposed laid-back approach to illegal immigration - doomed Tom Selders in his bid to reclaim the mayor's seat.,12 5,"The firm played the lead role in a lawsuit filed by Minnesota in 1994 to recover Medicaid costs spent treating smoking-related illnesses. The case was settled for $6.5 billion last May, just as it went to a jury. The sum was the biggest recovery per capita for any state that sued the cigarette makers.",4 6, to a new assault weapons ban.,5 7,BAMBI'S FIANCE TO BE DEPORTED; CANADA ORDERS ESCAPEE'S COMPANION BACK TO U.S.,6 13,"A Republican bill would require the government to delay the purchase of a gun for 72 hours by anyone who is a terrorism suspect, or has been the subject of a terrorism investigation within the last five years, while a review takes place.",12 7,"The execution of Stacey Lawton, convicted of murdering a man on Christmas Eve 1992 and scheduled to die on Wednesday, was reset for Nov. 14.",6 11,A Sportswriter and the 'Gay Super Bowl',10 1,"The stock market is in chaos. First it crashes because of a $ 48 billion-a-year crater in the economy left by the tobacco industry. Then it mounts a recovery as investors figure the average smoker has an extra $ 1,000 a year to spend on something other than tobacco.",0 5,Missouri: Court Rules for Same-Sex Couples,4 1,"Decision on Rower costly for taxpayers ",0 3," Suspect in Catholic Supply shooting supported gun rights, had served as pastor",2 1,"R.J. Reynolds was desperate in the mid-1970s to learn why its leading brand, Winston, was losing market share to Philip Morris' Marlboro. Other tobacco firms also were losing out.",0 5, As Attorney General of the United States and a prosecutor for 15 years,4 13,"The Democrats, while in the majority in the Legislature, need a dozen more votes in the Assembly and three in the Senate - mostly from the Republican side of the aisle - to achieve an override. Buono told a rally outside the Statehouse Thursday morning that such a vote should happen that very afternoon. ",12 5,'Stand your ground' claim threatens trial of Jones' killer,4 6,"The resolution also calls for the city to create a Domestic Partner Registry. The registries give couples some rights that married couples enjoy, such as the ability to make decisions on a partner's medical treatment in emergencies.",5 7, the death sentence of a Washington Park man who killed two teen-agers in 1989.,6 13,"Among the featured speakers was Sen. Ken Cuccinelli II, one of the most conservative members of the state legislature and a fixture in gun rights circles.",12 5,Last week I praised a Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling that will allow homosexuals to marry,4 7,"Five of those arrested have been convicted of possessing or selling drugs, eight of domestic violence, and one of second-degree assault, said Immigration and Naturalization Service officials.",6 6,"The bill would subject manufacturers and sellers of assault weapons and unlicensed handguns used in New York to ""strict liability."" They would be responsible for damages caused by the guns they produce or distribute, even if they have no knowledge of the crime. There would be no strict liability for injuries caused by licensed guns, or for people who sustain gun wounds in the course of committing crimes.",5 5,- A federal appeals court on Wednesday refused to allow gay marriages to take place in California while it considers the constitutionality of the state's voter-approved ban.,4 7,"The Treasury Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is charged with enforcing it - but is not sure it can.",6 6,"Among its provisions, the measure would place semiautomatic weapons under existing gun regulations for the first time, would lengthen handgun waiting periods to five days to conform with the federal Brady bill, and would forbid minors from owning or possessing firearms without adult authorization. ",5 2," This year, some 163,000 applicants from both categories vied for 85,000 H-1B work visas -- 65,000 for foreign workers with bachelor's degrees and another 20,000 for foreign alumni of U.S. graduate schools. In April, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services was so swamped it stopped accepting applicants after just five days; recipients were selected at random by computer lottery. The number of applications was a third higher than last year and shows no sign of abating.",1 13,Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's,12 1,How is the industry supposed to make a buck? In a word: silencers.,0 13,Gingrey heads for border,12 13," GOP on immigration: Of two minds?",12 11,Thousand Oaks shooting: Warriors Steve Kerr praises Enough initiative,10 15,WHITE'S CRUSADE INCLUDES TV AD,14 13,Corzine Tells Legislators He Backs Civil Unions,12 5,"Cooper, 30, waived his right to a speedy trial at a hearing yesterday in U.S. District Court. Judge Joyce Hens Green said Cooper's decision will give attorneys on both sides ample time to prepare for a ""complex case.""",4 13,ELECTION 2004: GEORGIA RACES AND AMENDMENTS: GAY MARRIAGE AMENDMENT: Voters finally get say in fervid fight,12 5,"The ruling was ""per curiam,"" which means all three judges agreed. Dooley will be returned to Hillsborough County in a few weeks, his lawyer said, and will be eligible to be freed on bail pending a new trial.",4 12,GUN LOVERS will march for their rights at state capitols across the U.S. this weekend in response to a string of stu-dent-led protests against gun violence.,11 1,Election means high gun sales,0 11, found a 110 percent increase in smoking among teenage girls between 1967 and 1973.,10 4,"Repressive reality belies ""freedom-to-marry"" rhetoric",3 15,"U.S. must accept, aid incoming multitudes",14 15,Et cetera; Smart insights on the news of the day,14 9,Air pollution falls after smoke ban;,8 12,"Antismoking groups say they are concerned that the city's new law banning smoking in bars and restaurants is getting a bum rap, so they are planning a campaign to publicize a poll, which they commissioned, showing that the ban enjoys wide support.",11 7,Larry Lonchar was convicted in the murder of three people. He was sentenced to death,6 6,Risky immigrants may have to register,5 10,"enjoying the many benefits that marriage carries with it, including tax breaks and other pension, health and educational benefits.",9 5,N.D.'s unique status set to endwith challenge of gay marriage ban,4 5,Terror Trial Evidence,4 4, on the rate at which blacks are excluded in St. Louis County juries,3 11,AMERICA'S MOMENT OF SILENCE: NOTEBOOK,10 9,Hospital releases 2 of 5 stowaways,8 11,. Hosted by former San Francisco 49ers Harris Barton and Ronnie Lott,10 5," The Supreme Court refused yesterday to consider directly whether the drug combination used in executions across the country amounted to unconstitutional cruel punishment.",4 2,ELLIS ISLE WEB SITE SWAMPED,1 13,Gay-Marriage Bill Falls Short in House,12 5,"On cross-examination, industry attorneys focused on her attempts to quit smoking and dismissed them as ""several minor attempts"" that were ""a joke,"" a phrase borrowed from another deposition she gave a month earlier. ",4 7, sentence Barnett to death.,6 14,"In Britain, there was shock at the scale of the killings, but many people said they were not surprised, seeing the United States as a nation obsessed with guns, where firearms are easy to obtain. ",13 7,Immigration officials have begun a crackdown on what they call a new wave of fraud: Haitians claiming they've had their U.S. immigration papers stolen and thus need duplicate papers to return to the United States.,6 11,. A few of us actually remember when you would go to see the Saints play the Millers at the St. Paul Auditorium and you could hardly see the skaters because of the haze in the building.,10 1,Some same-sex couples denied family policies on insurance marketplaces,0 15,Gay Marriage Through a Black-White Prism,14 15,Guns vs. abortions,14 8,"The new procedures, intended to improve the monitoring of certain foreigners in the country, will apply to anyone arriving with a student, business or tourist visa who is believed to fit the criteria of a potential terrorist.",7 13,Political Memo,12 5,ELIAN'S GRANDMOTHERS MEET WITH RENO THEY URGED HIS RETURN TO CUBA. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL WAS SUPPORTIVE BUT SAID IT WAS NOW FOR THE COURTS TO DECIDE.,4 13,Fundraising email misquotes Gingrey,12 10,GRIEVING PARENTS RIP VA. GUN PRIZES,9 1,National Rifle (Selling) Association,0 13,"The contrast between the Senate and the House of Representatives has rarely been so stark. On Thursday, the House had two and a half hours of crisp debate on whether to ban semiautomatic assault weapons. Almost every seat was filled. Most representatives spoke for a minute or two. No one spoke for more than five. Then, before 5 P.M., they voted. The excitement built as the running tally was registered on the electronic scoreboard overhead. After 15 minutes, the opponents of the ban were ahead, 214 to 213. Then a Congressman switched, and the proponents were ahead. Two more voted yes. One voted no. And that was it. The bill was approved by the narrowest of margins, 216 to 214, and the House went on to other matters. In the Senate, meanwhile, the business was a bill that would prohibit members of Congress from accepting gifts and meals and expense-paid trips to fancy resorts. Senator Carl Levin, the Michigan Democrat who was the bill's floor manager, explained why it was needed. A recent poll that he cited time and again had asked this question: Which do you think really controls the Federal Government in Washington? These choices were the President, Congress or special interests. The responses, Senator Levin kept saying with a flourish, were these: The President, 7 percent; Congress, 22 percent; special interests, 50 percent. ",12 10," Some, such as Pablo Santiago, 33, and Edgardo Rivera, 31, went directly to a justice of the peace and had the unions solemnized. Santiago and Rivera, of Hartford, had their ceremony in the atrium of City Hall, embracing after City Clerk Dan Carey said, ""I now pronounce you partners in life.""",9 11,Wedding ways when bride is also groom,10 5,A federal appeals court said he could not return to the United States to live with his American wife and son. And his lawyer did not have the expertise or money to pursue the case further.,4 7,"was that of John Allen Muhammad, who was part of a sniper team that gunned down 10 people in the Washington area in 2002.",6 5,"Samadi was ordered released by an immigration court Monday after being held 98 days by the Immigration and Naturalization Service on suspicion of being associated with a terrorist group. ",4 7,the 51-year-old former Tampa resident will die by lethal injection at 6 p.m. today for strangling his girlfriend's daughter and burying her body beneath the home where they lived.,6 12,"Kokesh's original plans for at least 1,000 people with guns to march across Memorial Bridge from Virginia into Washington attracted the attention of law enforcement officials, who worried about a confrontation on an already busy holiday. ",11 13,"A similar effort in the state failed last year and future measures face a likely veto from Gov. Christie, who has said he is ""not a fan"" of legalizing gay marriage.",12 9,"some urban hospitals will close, said Louis Keeler, the New Jersey Medical Society president.",8 15,Backward stance unbefitting of Fulton,14 1,"But these days, the workers who fill those jobs are more likely to come from the Philippines or Romania than Palm Beach County.",0 1,Only 13 NRA members used Delta's discount,0 7,"Immigration officials said four employees of the harvester, the Lane Packing Company, had smuggled thousands of aliens into the country over the last two years and had employed many of them, keeping them in conditions akin to bondage while the aliens worked to pay off the fees charged by the smugglers",6 13,"For Daley, whose family ran Chicago for decades, what Heitkamp, Begich, Pryor and Baucus did was unforgivable. Writing a few days after the vote in the Washington Post, Daley laid down the gauntlet:",12 10,"Administrators and faculty members have been discussing the issue of benefits for domestic partners for about two years, but Wednesday marked the university's first public acknowledgement that it is committed to providing them.",9 11,"Born here, it's their Washington",10 11,"When one of Virginia's largest newspapers reviewed the intensely publicized execution of Roger Keith Coleman on May 20,",10 5," The immigration court's letter - sent during the Obama administration - does not resolve that dispute",4 13,Bump stocks and background checks: Where Pa. and NJ legislators stand on guns,12 10,"Dressed in an antique lace, beaded wedding gown and a string of pearls, she was the picture of politeness as she waved a clear plastic purse and demurely thanked shouting reporters for their patience.",9 7,"Just the day before, an elderly woman was shot, and soon afterward, a biker shot and killed a man in the same neighborhood. These shootings were likely done with guns sold by Philadelphia gun shops.",6 5,Texas: Murder Verdict in Revenge Plot,4 5,"On Monday the court ruled 5 to 4 that immigrants who are deportable under a 1996 statute for having commited an ""aggravated felony"" may access the courts for a review of their deportation order. And, the court said, the attorney general has the discretion to grant a waiver of deportation for immigrants who pleaded guilty to their crimes before the passage of the 1996 act.",4 5,"The state's high court had already put off Williams' execution after his lawyers requested additional time to conduct the additional DNA testing. ",4 3,An Appalling Silence on Gun Control,2 1,The two Santa Clara businesses,0 5,SEVEN GUN MAKERS DROP LAWSUIT AGAINST HUD AND CITIES,4 13,Cold gun bigs fire up Conn.,12 9,"Despite low IQ, Phila. man eligible for death penalty",8 7,"TRAIL OF DEATH Cop-slay gun from Ga. rob Laws weak, thefts common ",6 13,Gov. Jay Nixon,12 4,"Light-skinned immigrants in the United States make more money on average than those with darker complexions, and the chief reason appears to be discrimination, a researcher says.",3 5,Mumia Abu-Jamal was granted a stay of his Aug. 17 execution yesterday so that he may pursue his state and federal appeals - a process that could take several years.,4 7,"Aileen Wuornos, a hitchhiking prostitute who killed six men along Florida highways, was executed by injection today after dropping her appeals and firing her lawyers. ",6 5,"San Diego still can seek review of the ruling by an 11-judge panel of the 9th Circuit. If that is denied, or if either side chooses to appeal the larger panel's ruling, the case could go to the U.S. Supreme Court.",4 5,Second Amendment's role is explained in its history,4 15,Care about guns?,14 9,to help treat sick smokers,8 4,unfair,3 5,MAN INVOLVED IN DEATHS OF SISTERS GETS NO HIGH COURT CONSIDERATION,4 13,"The Senate is scheduled to debate federal gun control legislation next month. ",12 12,"The government said that 150,000 children would march outside the U.S. Interests Section today to protest American immigration polices and continued delays in Elian's return to his communist homeland. ",11 13," said Republican state Sen. Peter Roskam of suburban Chicago, who thinks Ryan has hurt his own cause.",12 5,NOVEL TOBACCO LAWSUIT DISMISSED IT CONTENDED THAT BLACKS RIGHTS WERE VIOLATED WHEN FIRMS TARGETED THEM FOR THE SALE OF MENTHOL CIGS.,4 13,Nassau Plan For a Registry For Partners Is Defeated,12 9,"'A ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines might not prevent shootings, but it may reduce the carnage if a mass shooting occurs.'",8 13,Florio Gets Singled Out By Kennedys For Courage,12 10,benefits to the domestic partners ,9 14,Aliens' Rights Are Issue in Texas Death Row Case,13 13,Senator Sets Priorities for Tobacco Legislation,12 13,"To salvage his child safety bill, Scott wants to attach it to gun legislation supported by Gov. Roy Barnes, an unlikely scenario since the governor opposes the move. ""I am not saying his bill is good or bad,"" said Barnes on Tuesday. ""I think our bill is too important to be weighted down with anything else."" ",12 11,"Immigrants, Woven Into America",10 5,"The ruling reverses an earlier state Supreme Court stance that said ingestion of psychotropic medication automatically creates doubt about a defendant's fitness for trial. That conclusion ""was simply erroneous,"" states the ruling.",4 13,Dayton opposes ending gun permits,12 3, The revival of capital punishment expressed a powerful moral clarity that ''time off for good behavior'' did not.,2 1,"Agency falsely cried poverty, says auditor",0 13,"Reform bill on death penalty defense fund sent to governor The measure passed the House in March and won Senate passage this week, without garnering a single ""no"" vote in either chamber.",12 10,"Beyond marriage, other gay-rights challenges loom ",9 3,''leave it to the churches to make that call.'',2 5," As a result of the 5-4 decision, Pennsylvania must either give Rompilla a new capital sentencing hearing or sentence him to life in prison.",4 3,gathering support from religious leaders,2 9,CAMPAIGN TO KEEP KIDS FROM SMOKING IS VITAL,8 5,"On Wednesday, in the first decision in the country to find the government's use of secret evidence against a detained immigrant unconstitutional, U.S. District Judge William H. Walls ordered Kiareldeen released. The same day, attorneys for the Immigration and Naturalization Service got a temporary stay to keep him in jail.",4 7,Man sentenced to die for home invasion,6 13,The federal government,12 8,Oklahoma City bombing.,7 5,The Court's two-sentence written order offered no explanation for denying the Texas request.,4 13," however, have prompted calls for a speedy debate on the bill, sponsored by Sen. Dennis DeConcini, D-Ariz.",12 11,"The gay-marriage saga in Florida has come to mirror the Samuel Beckett tragicomedy ""Waiting for Godot."" ",10 13,"Same-sex marriage is the hot-button issue du jour in lots of A-list families: Candace Gingrich and her brother Newt disagree, as do Meghan McCain and her dad, Sen. John McCain. In the '80s, outspoken liberal Patti Davis famously clashed with parents Ronald and Nancy Reagan over just about everything; now she's feuding with conservative brother Michael Reagan: Patti maintains their father would have supported gay marriage, Michael says he would never have gone that far. ""We've always had different opinions,"" Patti told The Daily Beast. ""I certainly have no control of what Michael says. We're cordial."" ",12 7,Tex. trailer immigs may get sent back,6 1,"are properly funded, ",0 5,Attorney General John Ashcroft's announcement Thursday that he is seeking the federal death penalty,4 3,Warning that marriage is under attack,2 1,He's president of the Main Street Business and Professional Association in Niagara Falls ,0 5,Ease to attain permit rises as concern,4 12,A measure there led 52 percent to 48 percent with half of precincts reporting.,11 10,Washington weddings begin for same-sex couples,9 12,"""There are a lot of people who came to see me,"" she said after a 15-minute question-and-answer session with reporters. ",11 7,Now Shadow Clark might face the death penalty,6 8," ""Would you rather have your 911 call bring a good guy with a gun from a mile away or from a minute away?"" ",7 10,"For the Families, the Death of a Loved One's Killer Offers a Slim, Bittersweet Consolation",9 13,McCarthy said she will sponsor the House version of the new assault weapons ban legislation that is being introduced in the Senate in January.,12 9," Many more children are killed, injured or maimed in auto accidents than (with) firearms at home.",8 3,"Same-sexmarriage isapproved byPresbyterians ",2 11,WHO WANTS TO MARRY A GAY MILLIONAIRE?,10 1,Some Balk at Moving With Philip Morris,0 13,Gun Control Drive Blocked In Senate,12 13,Massachusetts Effort to End Same-Sex Marriage Is Dead for Now,12 12, where support for gun control runs higher than in other parts of the state.,11 1,Skilled immigrants highly desired,0 13,"Brady's appearance, the first before Congress since he was shot in the head and partially paralyzed in John Hinckley's 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, was not only emotional but unsparingly hard-hitting.",12 13,PRESSURE BUILDS ON RUBIO OVER GUN CONTROL STANCE,12 6,It would establish a 7-day waiting period before handgun purchases to allow local police time to check buyers' backgrounds; 21 states with tougher handgun laws would be exempted.,5 5,Prosecutors didn't think Sean Stewart was covered by the stand-your-ground law,4 8,He has argued that security comes first in order to avoid another terrorist attack.,7 5,"A16-21, B6 and D21-23. refugees' right to due process in the 1979 deportation hearings. The case developed in the spring of 1979 when the courts ordered immigration officials to provide ''speedy'' hearings for Haitians in Florida refugee camps. ''Between six and seven thousand unprocessed Haitian deportation cases were pending,'' the court said. ''These were staggering numbers.''",4 2,CITY CLERK GEARS UP FOR A RUSH,1 5,COUPLE FORCED TO PROVE THEIR LOVE IN COURTROOM,4 1,Graham ticked off the problems facing tobacco: a record judgment against tobacco companies in Florida; low opening prices in Georgia and Florida markets; quota cuts and warehouse closings.,0 12,NRA TAPS GUNRUNNER,11 5,"Ricker's affidavit was filed Monday in San Diego Superior Court in a suit brought against gun makers by 12 California cities. The suit alleges the industry's distribution system lets criminals and juveniles obtain guns. The case, which also alleges unfair business practices, is set for trial in April.",4 1,The tobacco industry is marketing its cigarette ads,0 6,"The reason, dealers and their customers here say, is a concern that an Obama administration will stiffen gun control.",5 13,"Clinton said he was ""deeply disappointed"" that Congress chose not to approve a package for paying back $ 900 million in U.N. arrears over three years. The United States has withheld the money to pressure the United Nations to reform and to reduce Washington's annual dues.",12 6,Don't Expect Congress to Protect Your Privacy; Data Base Illusions,5 3,"The continuing murder of our children by gunfire breaks our hearts, defies understanding, and demands outrage. Doing nothing is no longer acceptable. ",2 11,Hicks: Brad Pitt's mom writes anti-gay letter,10 13,Bradley Says 3 Issues Set Him Apart From Gore,12 13,"Still, Swett doesn't think the vote will be the dominant issue in his re-election campaign. ",12 5,"Defense lawyer Leonard Weinglass wanted yesterday to call to the witness stand private defense investigators who say they have talked with people in Philadelphia who have seen White in recent months. Senior Judge Albert F. Sabo of Philadelphia Common Pleas Court did not permit that testimony. ""As far as I'm concerned, she's dead,"" Sabo told Weinglass. ""If she's alive, go out and get her. Bring her in! I have heard evidence that she is definitely dead.""",4 13,"With President Obama's push for limits on high-capacity ammunition magazines stalled, some states are restricting their size in a shift that authorities say could dramatically reduce deaths in future mass shootings.",12 9,CANCER LIST TARGETS SECONDHAND SMOKE,8 5,"An international driving permit translates a government-issued driver's license into different languages; it is not a substitute for an American license, or any other identification document issued in the United States. J. Howard Beales, director of consumer protection at the commission, said the fraudulent permits misled people with limited English proficiency. He said the permits were sold on the Internet for as much as $375, while the AAA and the American Automobile Touring Alliance charge $10.",4 5,"The plaintiffs sued over a section of the 1990 Immigration and Naturalization Act that made document fraud a crime punishable by automatic and permanent deportation. The provision was intended to deter illegal immigrants from tampering with Social Security or residency green cards. ",4 5,"After a hearing, the judge, Richard P. Matsch of Federal District Court, said the discovery of more than 4,000 pages of F.B.I. documents in the case did not mitigate Mr. McVeigh's guilt nor did it invalidate the jury's death sentence, which is scheduled to be carried out on Monday.",4 7,An Iranian immigrant who said he came to the United States ''to live the American dream'' was convicted on Friday of violating the Iran trade embargo by using an informal money-transfer system known as hawala to move millions of dollars between the United States and Iran.,6 13,Newsom's,12 13,Assembly bullish on bearing arms,12 7,JURY URGES LIFE FOR KILLER OF GIRL ON SCHOOL BUS,6 1,STATE INITIATES $22 MILLION ANTI-SMOKING AD CAMPAIGN,0 5,Tharpe's lawyers filed new motions after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in March that courts can examine what happened in a jury room when there are showings that racial prejudice played a role in the deliberations.,4 5,"Kids in legal gray area when gay couples split ",4 10,New Pall Falls on Gay Wedding Hopes,9 13,"In recent days, the Clinton Administration has intensified its lobbying for the legislation in advance of a House vote this week.",12 4,Mistakes and Confusion on Marriage Equality,3 13,"They face a political system that is historically resistant to major change, and a Republican president and Congress with a strong base of support among much older voters, many of whom have more conservative views on guns.",12 5,The judge reminded Miller that the same jury will decide his sentence.,4 13,"Rep. Virgil H. Goode Jr., a maverick conservative Democrat first elected to Congress in 1996, said he introduced the amendment because he believes the District's prohibition on handgun ownership contradicts the Constitution's right to bear arms.",12 13,"The Board of Regents, which sets policy for the university system, is scheduled to act on the recommendation July 12. But Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr., a university alumnus and an important ally in Annapolis, has urged the regents to delay action until legislators can weigh in.",12 8,public safety,7 5,DON'T BLAME LAW-ABIDING GUN OWNERS,4 13,As the Senate Thinks About Guns,12 13,Bills backed by the group are pending in House and Senate committees. One is scheduled for a hearing next week.,12 15,A Bridge Across the Rio Grande,14 12,The Gun Minority Flexes Muscle,11 7,"Franco, 26, was convicted in August 2008 of four counts of criminal vehicular homicide and 17 counts of criminal vehicular injury in the Feb. 19, 2008, crash, which killed 9-year-old Hunter and 13-year-old Jesse Javens, Emilee Olson, 9, and Reed Stevens, 12, near the southwestern Minnesota community. She was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison.",6 1,Fiscally prudent tact: Scrap death row,0 6,"""This rescission will not affect the terms of the original DACA program as outlined in the June 15, 2012 memorandum,"" the department said online. Kelly said he made the decision after consulting with the U.S. attorney general.",5 7,SENTENCED TO REMEMBER,6 5,"The written arguments are in, and now the state Supreme Court is just days from publicly weighing in on the legality of Georgia's constitutional ban on gay marriage.",4 13,"Evers, R-Baker, is sponsoring two controversial gun bills this legislative session",12 5,"Gay marriage foes line up arguments in U.S. Supreme Court ",4 4," ''I don't think they're being fair at all,''",3 13,"Rep. John Heard said. Heard, an architect, is a first-term House member from the Lawrenceville area and one of 24 Republicans who voted Thursday",12 5,BUENOANO WINS STAY OF EXECUTION,4 12,Gay rights groups held rallies throughout the Peninsula on Tuesday,11 13,"State Sen. Scott Dibble, DFL-Minneapolis, said he plans to introduce a bill to authorize same-sex marriage in a week or so. ",12 12,We strongly encourage Coloradans to sign the petition and ultimately vote for the initiative.,11 5,"Malvo was tried first for a fatal shooting in Falls Church, Va., and a jury in Chesapeake, Va., convicted him but chose a life sentence without parole rather than a death sentence. Muhammad was tried for a slaying in Manassas, Va., and a jury in Virginia Beach convicted him and sentenced him to death. Malvo then pleaded guilty to two more slayings near Fredericksburg, Va., and received two more life sentences.",4 6,marriage should be legally defined as a union between a man and a woman.,5 1," Deportation would send economy into a tailspin",0 13,"The one dissenting vote, Sen. Nadine Thomas (D-Decatur), said her colleagues already had decided and the hearing was just for show. ""This was a waste of time,"" Thomas said.",12 12,"Gay and lesbian voters, while generally supportive of Mr. Obama, have grown frustrated with his reluctance to take a clear stance for same-sex marriag",11 7," FEDERAL GUN LAW IS DISARMING SOME POLICE ",6 15,McCarran- Walter's Last Gasp,14 11,"Long famed for its sunshine and oranges, Florida is gaining a new reputation as a major supplier of a less savory commodity guns found at New York City crime scenes.",10 13,Obama Says Marriage Law Should Be Repealed,12 13,Obama Set to Announce Plans to Address Gun Violence,12 5," not an inalienable right, as the Founders believed.",4 4,protecting gay people from discrimination.,3 7,TEXAN EXECUTED BY INJECTION FOR MURDER IN 1977,6 13,MURPHY TARGETS RUBIO ON GUNS,12 10,"A con from hell Inmates: Cop killer a jailhouse menace ",9 11,"The seeds were planted more than 200 years ago. Not all that long after the Founding Fathers drafted a Constitution ""to form a more perfect union,"" Americans became concerned not only with who's coming to our shores, how many, and from where, but also with how the newcomers might behave.",10 13,Lawmakers in Virginia Reject A Compromise on Gun Sales,12 4,"That means federal employees in same-sex marriages are discriminated against because of the sex of their spouse. That can take a heavy and unfair financial toll on a marriage in the form of additional health-care payments and lost retirement benefits. ",3 13,"Gov. Gray Davis, who already ordered the Corrections Department to stop selling used and damaged guns to licensed gun dealers, has asked state agencies with weapons to report how they dispose of them, said Michael Bustamante, the governor's press secretary.",12 3,An obvious question occurs in light of these results: How do such Christians reconcile their stalwart commitment to the Second Amendment with their belief in a gospel that preaches nonviolence?,2 15,Illegal immigration called 'game' Experts: Stop demand supply stops,14 13," Robert Kennedy's Gun Control Crusade",12 3,Giffords: 'Stopping gun violence takes courage',2 13,Trump's strong words on guns give way to political reality,12 11,"When dawn breaks over Brooklyn's beaches and train after train rumbles up to the Brighton Beach elevated stop, the subway station is a bit like Moscow's Metro - fur-covered heads buried in the New Yorkbased Novoye Russkoye Slovo or Sovetsky Sport, which is published in Moscow, grandmothers knitting and bragging about their offspring.",10 5,The confessed murderer had moved to the front of the execution line by saying in 1995 that he wanted to give up his appeals,4 9,Ferguson is severely mentally ill and has been that way for more than 40 years,8 7," Amid a divorce, she served 1 1/2 years' probation and performed 100 hours of community service for the crime in Florida, she said. She thought it was all behind her.",6 13,"""I have no illusions about what we're up against or how hard the task is in front of us. ... We should do as much as we can, as quickly as we can. And we cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good.""",12 12, the NRA said in a statement.,11 13,Republican officials said the White House counsel's office had asked Kerik about the matter repeatedly in investigating his background before the nomination was announced last week. A Republican source said some White House officials found it highly suspicious that Kerik was not aware of a potential problem with a nanny who left the country very recently.,12 14,Business and political leaders in Mexico have told the United States that passage of a comprehensive immigration bill now pending in Congress would seriously harm relations between the two countries and ''foster political unrest'' if it was effectively enforced.,13 8,7 JORDANIANS HELD AT CANADIAN BORDER ARE CLEARED OF TERRORISM,7 13,PANEL APPROVES BILL ON DEATH PENALTY,12 5,"In these cases, what added purpose is there in legally recognizing what a religious body has done?",4 6,California aims to quash immigration detention growth,5 8,Border security agreement improves prospects for Senate immigration bill,7 13,SENATE REJECTS GAY MARRIAGES IN 85-14 VOTE,12 7,"During the 1994 operation, federal authorities recorded conversations involving Davis and came across evidence that led to his conviction of having a woman who had filed a brutality complaint against him killed. Davis and triggerman Paul ""Cool"" Hardy were both sentenced to death on federal civil rights charges.",6 6,"The California Cancer Research Act will help turn that tide. This initiative will dedicate more than $500 million to the creation of new ways to prevent, detect, treat and cure cancer. It will fund anti-tobacco education efforts and save thousands of California residents from deadly smoking habits by creating a $1 tax on packs of cigarettes.",5 13,WARREN'S SMART PLAN ON GUN LIMITS,12 13," President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) are among those who have talked about their views evolving or having evolved.",12 5,Neighbor feud in Santa Cruz Mountains spawns gun rights battle,4 11,Airport incident hurts gun owners,10 13,"This gift to the gun lobby, the subject of a hearing last week by a House Judiciary subcommittee, is nearly identical to a provision the Senate defeated by a narrow margin two years ago.",12 3,"Those are words that many of us remember from Sunday school lessons, especially around Easter. The ""him"" was Jesus Christ. The time was about 2,000 years ago",2 12,Gun Rights Advocates Sound Alarm Over Ehrlich's Appointments,11 5,"The National Rifle Association Wednesday sued California, challenging the constitutionality of the state's first-in-the-USA ban on assault weapons sales. The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Fresno, contends the law, which took effect Jan. 1, violates the constitutional right to bear arms and illegally restricts Army-run civilian marksmanship programs. ''The NRA pulled out all the stops to defeat our ban on assault weapons in the Legislature and failed,'' said Attorney General John Van de Kamp, the only defendant in the suit. ''Now they will try out their ridiculous position in court.",4 12,we all felt a rush of anger and a wave of revulsion.,11 5,Va. fights to keep man on death row,4 10,"With several states now sanctioning same-sex marriages or civil unions, the next logical step, unfortunately but inevitably, is same-sex divorce. ",9 10,"""We want to catch them before they go into junior high school, where the peer pressure to smoke can be intense,"" said sixth-grade special-education teacher Sue Greenberg.",9 9,"The government also needs to increase its TB-control efforts to battle the disease at its source -- in immigrants' homelands, where TB remains endemic and takes the lives of a record number of people each year.",8 6,"And at his weekly session with reporters yesterday, Street said that had Nutter's bill been voted down yesterday, it would have sent ""a bad message to the public at large that the issue was dead.""",5 13,"Wainwright, Nixon pitch in on students' antismoking ad to be shown at ballpark",12 11,"""To white people, we are all black,"" said Wanjiru Kamau, a Kenyan-born community activist in Washington. ""But as soon as you open your mouth to some African-Americans, they look at you and wonder why you are even here.",10 12,NRA: 'Attacking firearms and ignoring children is not a solution',11 13,"Both legislative chambers are controlled by Republicans, as is the governor's office. And Gov. Corbett, as well as top GOP legislative leaders, have said they oppose legalizing gay marriage.",12 5," But his attorney, Leonard Weinglass, argues that on several grounds Mumia deserves, at the very least, a new trial: evidence of bias by the judge; introduction of Mumia's political comments, which is not allowed in a capital case; conflicting eyewitness testimony; admittedly incompetent earlier legal representation, and the fact that Mumia's gun did not fire the fatal shot.",4 3,"Start with the ethics: If you believe something is wrong and must change, anonymity should not be a prerequisite for coming forward. ""If the fear of retaliation causes us not to stand up for our principles,"" said Stephen L. Carter, a Yale law professor and author of ""Integrity"" (Basic Books, 1996), ""then what kind of principles are they?""",2 7,"exas 7 escapee guilty of murder ",6 13,"For Bradys, brief rest then 'new beginning'",12 5,"In a 4-3 ruling Tuesday, the court said it was postponing Spivey's execution until it decides whether the chair violates the Eighth Amendment's protection against cruel and unusual punishment.",4 5, to sue out-of-state gun makers and dealers for injuries or deaths caused by their weapons.,4 12," But, instead of giving up, supporters of the freedom to marry went right back to knocking on doors, raising money, honing their arguments and organizing for a new vote this fall to legalize same-sex marriages.",11 5,"The U.S. Supreme Court rejected the last of a dozen years of appeals by Tuggle on Dec. 5, said his lawyer, Timothy Kaine.",4 5,Listen to 'The Daily': The Right to Bear Arms;,4 5,"An administrative law judge still must decide on a remedy for the parties. ",4 11,Botanical Garden's gun ban upheld,10 13,"Response to gay ruling could hurt Democrats ",12 8,FBI USED TRAP TO CATCH U.S. OFFICIAL CHARGED WITH SPYING FOR CUBA,7 5,"The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday temporarily halted the execution of convicted killer Ernest McCarver, a man his lawyers said shouldn't die because he is mentally retarded.",4 7,THE FEDERAL death sentence now hanging over Ronell Wilson's head is no guarantee that he will eventually pay with his own life for killing two city cops.,6 5,"St. Louis judge tosses out gun case, citing newly-enacted Amendment 5",4 13,Flaunting Guns in the Washington Statehouse,12 15,Convention Notebook,14 13," Hogan spokesman Adam Dubitsky said the new 30-second ad is the latest ""in a failed attempt to distract struggling Marylanders from [Brown's] 40 straight tax hikes and job-killing economic record. ... It's not surprising that he's scrounging for any help he can find in these final days."" ",12 13,"The crowded marital histories of the ex-mayor and his wife, both of whom are on their third marriages, were not seen as a problem by the GOP audience.",12 13,"But Bloomberg's talk of a ballot question - which effectively would pull an end run around the City Council - seemed to win him few friends. Ballot questions in New York must be treated as City Charter revisions, a process traditionally reserved for changes in the shape of city government.",12 13,"The announcement will set off a fierce confrontation with Congress over an issue that has riven American society for decades. Obama's far-reaching firearms agenda has at best tepid support from his party leaders and puts him at loggerheads with Democratic centrists. ",12 1,Tobacco companies pressured over ads,0 1,TOBACCO FIRMS ORDERED BY JURY TO PAY $1.7 MILLION,0 5,"Attorneys in the murder trial of Alfredie Steele Jr. on Wednesday asked potential jurors pointed questions about race, law enforcement and the death penalty.",4 15,"Why, yes, I do have thoughts on gun control",14 12,Students will walk out Friday a second time to call for gun control,11 3,Messenger: St. Louis archbishop to Legislature: Keep guns out of our churches,2 4, state-sponsored discrimination,3 13,"The County's Changing Face Brings Political Challenges; Candidates Differ on Illegal Immigration, Growth Issues",12 5,"Homosexual marriage is neither prohibited nor sanctioned by Georgia law,",4 5,FIRST THING FIRST: TRIAL,4 13,Obama faces ire for DHS sweeps,12 12,Gun Control Groups Find a Wealthy Ally in Big Law,11 2,"Congress has capped the number of visas at 65,000, but U.S. companies have such a demand for highly skilled workers that they file more than 150,000 applications on the first day of eligibility every year.",1 7,Deputies Tracy Watson and Kurtis Franklin were placed on paid leave after the beatings.,6 5,Jury could impose death penalty on convicted murderer,4 7,"Back in May, that entire state observed a day of mourning after a student used two handguns to murder 32 innocents at Virginia Tech. ",6 6," When the state signed on this spring, ICE assured officials that each county could decide if it would take part in the information exchange, according to a Division of Criminal Justice Services spokesman.",5 13,"The governor, who is considering clemency for all the state's 160 condemned inmates, has to make a decision by Jan. 13, his last day in office. Ryan is not bound by the recommendations of the Prisoner Review Board. ",12 5,Justice Department proposes banning rapid-fire bump stocks,4 7,"Border Patrol agent found dead, is suspected in attack on illegal immigrants",6 13,WILSON STICKS TO HIS PLAN FOR BUDGET GOVERNOR STILL PINS HOPES ON IMMIGRATION AID,12 5,"Second Amendment and firearms restrictions are not at odds. ",4 13,MAYOR BLOOMBERG made an impassioned plea yesterday for same-sex marriage - and revealed the issue was a matter close to his own family.,12 14,Agency Fighting Proposal To Import Old Weapons,13 4,is biased against minorities and can lead to the execution of innocent people.,3 13,"With cameras rolling, Chris Murphy and Joe Manchin told the president that he alone could succeed where his predecessors have failed.",12 5,"""It's anybody's guess why the date was changed,"" said Tracy Synan, the spokeswoman for the Missouri Supreme Court.",4 2," At the heart of the conflict is the failure of the city's school system to provide the resources to educate the 50% of its students who come from immigrant families.",1 1,TOBACCO PAYS $ 300 MILLION TO SETTLE FLIGHT ATTENDANTS' SUIT,0 5,A previously undisclosed collection of what are purported to be confidential documents from the Philip Morris Companies has been turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation as potential evidence in Federal investigations of the tobacco industry.,4 6, banning 92 types of assault weapons,5 13," STATES, POLITICIANS",12 13,"Hurdle for civil-unions bill After passing Senate, measure lands in House committee where GOP support doubtful",12 2,"Some lawyers have added night and weekend hours to keep up, while others already have stopped taking new cases in the face of the demand.",1 13,All eyes on Romer on same-sex bill,12 13,GROUPS GIVE VIEWS ON GAY UNIONS TO HOUSE PANEL SESSION PREVIEWS COMING DEBATE,12 13,Clinton Orders Initiative Against Gun Violence,12 7," who was sentenced to die for his role in the deaths of two sisters, Julie and Robin Kerry, at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge in far northern St. Louis in April 1991.",6 11,"Only 6 percent of students with no friends who used tobacco used it themselves. That jumped to 24 percent among those with one smoking friend, 44 percent with two, 65 percent with three and 80 percent with four.",10 6,"The ""Stand Your Ground"" laws in Florida and other states should all be repealed. At best, they are redundant. At worst, as in the Trayvon Martin killing, they are nothing but a license to kill. ",5 13,"But most Republican leaders in Congress and elsewhere stayed relatively silent, underscoring the extent to which support for gay marriage has expanded in the decade since President George W. Bush (R) supported a constitutional amendment to ban such unions.",12 12,Baltimore students walk out over gun violence,11 13,Democrats,12 7,Latest Tool Of Shoplifters: Metal in Bags,6 13," Obama walked onstage at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel and had to plead with his audience to sit down after a long ovation and chants of ""Four more years!"" Screens on each side of the stage displayed huge ""Obama Pride"" logos.",12 5," After less than a full day of deliberations, jurors convicted Malcolm Wright on two counts of murder and one count of conspiracy. He showed little emotion as the verdict was read.",4 13,Betsy DeVos's gun-less gun-violence study is irresponsible - and unsurprising;,12 5," A16-21, B6 and D21-23. refugees' right to due process in the 1979 deportation hearings. The case developed in the spring of 1979 when the courts ordered immigration officials to provide ''speedy'' hearings for Haitians in Florida refugee camps. ''Between six and seven thousand unprocessed Haitian deportation cases were pending,'' the court said. ''These were staggering numbers.''",4 11,"The film suggests - gasp! - that some lobbyists may not even believe in the causes they're paid to espouse. Framed by a congressional hearing that pits Elizabeth against Sen. Ron Sperling (John Lithgow), the movie backtracks to find how the lobbyist got there.",10 15,Cupertino grades a 'B' on county's annual tobacco report card,14 13,"U.S. Rep. Patsy Mink of Hawaii survived attacks for opposing the ban on same-sex marriage to win nomination for re-election in the Democratic primary, joining fellow incumbent Neil Abercrombie on the general election ballot.",12 13,GORE NEEDS TO UNHOLSTER GUN ISSUE,12 7,RAIDS TARGET GANGSTERS IN CHINATOWN,6 11,"The city has long been a big contributor to Pennsylvania's death row. With 243 prisoners, the state has the fourth-largest death-row population in the country, behind California, Texas and Florida. About 135 of the Pennsylvania inmates were convicted of Philadelphia murders. ",10 6,GUN BILLS,5 11,"America takes in more immigrants than the rest of the world combined, but legal immigration is now under serious attack. An old argument . . . is surfacing, and it says that the new immigrants are smothering American culture. . . . These days, immigrants hail less from Europe and more from Asia and Latin America. . . . [And] if current trends continue . . . , by the year 2050, just over half of America will be so-called Anglos.",10 5,Democrats plan fallback in case Ariz. law is upheld,4 5,"Two Bay Area constitutional law professors predicted today the U.S. Supreme Court, after two days of hearings on same-sex marriage, will end up invalidating both California's Proposition 8 and a key section of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.",4 5,Attack Showed That Legally Bought Firearms Do Not Always Remain Legal,4 2,"e asked readers whether it's worth the time, effort and cost to retry Tokars. ",1 13,"""Unfortunately, real-life events are going to provide support for legislation of this type,"" said DeConcini. ""It is a sad and costly way to build support for legislation, but inevitable.",12 9, anti-drug efforts,8 5,"Although many experts predict that Nichols won't be sentenced to die when the jury reconvenes Monday for the penalty phase, the looming possibility of capital punishment - a theoretical option on the conspiracy charge even if no one had died in the 1995 Oklahoma City blast - underscores an American response to terrorism triggered by the bombing of New York City's World Trade Center in 1993. ",4 6,Gun control no answer,5 5,High court to define reach of gun-control laws,4 5,"to grant clemency to all of the 160 inmates facing execution in Illinois,",4 15,Death Is Different,14 13,"""It is a rejection of President Trump's false and cynical portrayal of undocumented immigrants as a lawless community,"" said Senate leader Kevin de León, who is carrying Senate Bill 54, in a celebratory news conference after the vote.",12 3," Supporters of Senate Resolution 595 said it protects children and clarifies what is biblically and socially the norm --- that only men and women should be allowed to marry",2 11,Mexican study shatters stereotypes about migrants,10 5,"Stanley Rosenblatt said the decision by an appellate court decertifying the class after the 2000 verdict was essentially written by an attorney for Phillip Morris USA, ignoring a ""half century of fraud deceit on behalf of the tobacco industry.""",4 3,"""But no matter how many years he serves, it won't bring back Paula.""",2 9,"The business must be at least 1,000 feet from a residential district and 1,500 feet from a school or day care center.",8 5,"State District Judge Werner Voigt set a Dec. 2 trial date for Ricardo Aldape Guerra, whose original conviction was thrown out by a federal judge in 1994. ",4 7,7 Thais Enter Guilty Pleas For Detention In Sweatshop,6 5,"""This is another big step toward the end of this process,"" she said. ""Once the appeal process is completed, there is no reason why the execution can't be carried out.""",4 5," CONSTITUTION ON GUNS",4 11,Can a Label Sum Up a Heritage?,10 5,"D.A. WON'T SEEK DEATH FOR O.J. LEGAL, POLITICAL FACTORS THOUGHT TO HAVE INFLUENCED DECISION ",4 10,"The office is filled with anguished people, many of them with children in tow, desperately searching for answers to myriad questions about their future. Some are willing to talk about their situation, but none wants to be identified.",9 13," The House passed the bill in March, but the Senate folded under filibuster pressure in the final hours of the legislative session. The House bill is sponsored by Rep. Lois Frankel, D-West Palm Beach. Sen. Vince Bruner, R-Fort Walton Beach, who filibustered the Senate the final night of the regular session and succeeded in killing the bill, argued for more time ""to get some accurate information.""",12 12,Gun group apologizes to Jenkins for statement,11 5,"In a 5-2 decision, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that new evidence must be heard in the case of Rickey Bernard Roberts",4 1,It links smoking with a dedicated funding source,0 5," the state's high court in late July took the unprecedented step of appointing his lawyers as his legal guardians so they can continue to pursue various legal options on his behalf. ",4 5,"If you're counting on the U.S. Supreme Court to clear up the gay rights muddle, don't. Last month the court struck down a Colorado state constitutional amendment that prohibited local gay rights ordinances. But the court didn't overrule its own existing precedent that states may still outlaw homosexual conduct.",4 13,"Later, Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee voted 11 to 10 to attach an amendment to the bill that one delegate said turned it into ""scrambled eggs."" The committee then voted unanimously to kill the entire proposa",12 12,"Civic Center rally may draw 10,000",11 7,"Law enforcement officials said yesterday that the evidence is not strong enough to charge Abdel Rahman in either the alleged plot to bomb the United Nations and other Manhattan sites or the World Trade Center bombing Feb. 26. But acting INS commissioner Chris Sale said last night that the agency formally revoked the sheik's parole status, which has permitted him to remain free for months while appealing a deportation order.",6 15,New York Harbor From a Different Angle,14 13,MISSOURI PROPOSITION B: CONCEALED WEAPONS : BOTH SIDES IN GUN DEBATE POINT TO,12 5,"Florida already bans gay marriage by state law. But supporters say they need the constitutional ban to prevent legislators from changing the law or judges from overturning the law, as happened in California this year.",4 9,Immigrant loses battle with cancer,8 7,"Demanding Parole, Immigrants Held in Queens Stage Protest",6 4,"New Jersey should move to allow gay marriage because civil unions are not providing same-sex couples with the protections and benefits granted to married heterosexual couples, according to a report released yesterday.",3 5,Convicted Killer Could Be Freed,4 13,"Mr. Cuomo said in a veto message. Although the Republican-controlled State Senate has been able to obtain a two-thirds majority vote to override vetoes in the past, the Democratic-controlled Assembly has failed to come up with the 100 votes necessary to override the veto in the 150-member house.",12 11,"Networks including ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and Fox joined several local affiliates in asking permission for two cameras to monitor the court proceedings. The news organizations would share the cameras.",10 7,2 MEN ORDERED TO DIE SENTENCE IN SLAYING OF STORE MANAGER,6 6,"One month later, Belmont smoking ban seems to be smooth sailing",5 13,"The House and Senate have scheduled final votes on the bill today, meaning it could be on the desk of Gov. Lawton Chiles by next week. Chiles supports the legislation, a spokeswoman said. The law would take effect upon his signing.",12 5,"The suit is considered potentially precedent-setting because it invokes the theory of ""negligent distribution"" of guns, rather than charging liability on the basis of the product's inherent harmfulness, said David Leebron, the dean of Columbia University Law School and an expert in tort litigation.",4 12,Activists vow to fight for ban on gay weddings in Pentagon bill,11 13,OFF POLITICAL YEAR FINDS BELEAGUERED TOBACCO FEELING GENEROUS,12 5,"The Supreme Court gave itself plenty of room to maneuver when it agreed Friday to review the issue of same-sex marriage. The justices could decide one of the great political and civil rights questions of our time, rule narrowly on the two cases it accepted or even punt, on the grounds that the cases are not properly before them.",4 7,"Fremont is officially calling itself a ""sanctuary city.""",6 13,"Gun control: Rebellious Democrats disrupt House, stage protest over guns",12 10,FAMILY OF VICTIM 'HEARTBROKEN' BUT GLAD APPEALS ARE FINALLY OVER,9 7,"DHS inspectors made unannounced visits to 63 sites, saying they ""did not observe misconduct or inappropriate conduct by DHS employees"" during their stops and that they did not receive further complaints during random interviews with the children, according to the report",6 3,The statement from Bishop Wilton Gregory was the first from the American church,2 13,"The National Rifle Association, representing gun owners, dealers, collectors and firearms manufacturers, has vowed an all-out fight against the bill and House and Senate members who vote for it. Many members fear the NRA because of its influence with voters.",12 15,Lock and Load,14 5,Federal Judge in Brooklyn Grants Day's Recess in 4th Abscam Trial,4 5,City Will Request a Quick Decision on Gay Marriage,4 5,on Monday asked the Florida Supreme Court to stop the state suit.,4 5,A STAY OF EXECUTION,4 5,"The highest courts in two states dealt gay rights advocates dual setbacks Thursday: ",4 5,", so is protecting the rights of states to make their own decisions on requiring trigger locks.",4 13,Gun tragedy takes pains to be apolitical,12 12,UW-Stout to hold student vote on campus smoking ban,11 13,Rudy Giuliani's attack on President Obama for urging stronger gun control laws was so cynically political and personally dishonest that we verged on explicitly stating what he is full of.,12 13,"Hogan has sought to downplay the importance of the gun issue, saying it's not central to his campaign. He has also pledged not to try to roll back a sweeping gun-control bill passed by the legislature last year. ",12 6,Lawmakers seek to apply brake to teen smoking,5 11,Gay marriage: Young folk OK anything,10 9,Some new treatments are already available,8 14,"n fact, there is so much political mileage to be gotten from criticizing the executions that a candidate for Paris mayor recently went all the way to Texas to meet with Mr. Barnes. ",13 1,The State of Texas filed a $4 billion,0 13,Acting like he always loved Prez,12 5,"pleaded not guilty Wednesday, and plans to challenge the special circumstances that could lead to the death penalty.",4 6,NEW LAWS WON'T KEEP GUNS FROM KIDS,5 5,"Florida lawmakers said in interviews yesterday that they were uncertain whether the legislation drafted by Mr. Butterworth would be offered. But the proposal, first reported in The Los Angeles Times yesterday, is clearly intended to affect the large class-action case in Miami that was brought against the tobacco industry on behalf of all Florida smokers.",4 13,"Less than a week before Maine voters decide whether to repeal the state's new same-sex marriage law, donations and volunteers are pouring in to sway what both sides call a nationally significant fight.",12 11,"Kimmel and Noah, you aren't helping",10 13,"Santorum, in New Hampshire, gets a challenge on his marriage stand",12 8,"The other 13 hijackers entered the United States legally but three had allowed their visas to expire, Ziglar said.",7 5, are demanding a new trial at a crucial juncture in the appeal process.,4 5," A constitutional amendment also ""takes it out of the hands of the courts,"" he said, and ""ensures that activist judges can't usurp"" state law.",4 13,MOST DEMOCRAT PRESIDENTIAL HOPEFULS OPPOSE GAY MARRIAGE,12 5,NIXON WANTS HIGH COURT TO HEAR CASE AGAIN,4 12,Metro students join nationwide walkouts,11 5,New Appeal Being Prepared To Bar Louisiana Execution,4 11,sharp departure from Western tradition.,10 15,Morning Bits,14 11,The L.G.B.T. Case for Guns,10 11,Death sentence is first in state in decades,10 13,At least 27 states and cities are considering or have passed bans.Congress is considering a national ban.,12 14,Death Penalty Death Watch: Rhode Island and the Rest of the World,13 13,"That prompted Koop, who has said Dole is either ignorant about nicotine addiction or loyal to his tobacco industry contributors, to issue a short statement: ""The facts speak for themselves.""",12 13,President Bush flew into the heart of the nation's volatile debate over illegal immigration Monday and defended his administration's efforts to control the nearby border with Mexico after a surge of criticism from across the political spectrum.,12 13,"Despite its low profile, the foundation has close ties to members of Congress, allowing its donors, who give as much as $100,000 a year, to mix with lawmakers at shooting contests, banquets and wine tastings. The food and drink at last month's gathering were paid for in part by the National Rifle Association and the trade group for the gun industry.",12 12,Letter: Reader supports `no' vote on Proposition 8,11 5,"ew sentencing hearing for Abu-Jamal would be complicated ",4 7,But at least one of the Las Vegas survivors was among the dead at the bar.,6 11,". Linnea and I see Tomlin as one of our own - we came of age when her one-woman shows, written and directed by Wagner, changed how we understood ourselves as women and feminists. But now we wonder: Do we see ourselves in their decision to legally marry?",10 5,"In an affidavit filed with the court, Smith said he began to suffer from depression and insomnia after being assigned to represent Tucker on appeal in 1998.",4 11," culminating in his historic emptying of death row on Jan. 11, two days before leaving office.",10 5,"The announcement came just hours after a federal appeals court indefinitely delayed one of those executions, which had been scheduled for Thursday, because of similar concerns about procedures.",4 5,ANTIOCH MAN MIGHT FACE DEATH PENALTY,4 13,County may drop obsolete gun rules,12 9," The Brady Law is a significant step, but it will do nothing to prevent the senseless deaths of those killed by guns in the home.",8 11,Reporter Jose Vargas becomes subject in undocumented immigrant story revealed to high school journalists at Mountain View High,10 11,Santa Clara County seeks to welcome migrant kids flooding Texas border,10 13,"If the mayors' campaign does nothing more than force the Legislature to confront its own embarrassingly weak-kneed record on the regulation of firearms, it will not have been for naught. But the end result may not be as important as what the mayors' position represents. ",12 12,Farmers want say in settlement talks,11 13,The issue will reappear in legislative elections around the state,12 7,"After leaving the news conference with her friend, two law enforcement cars pulled her over. ICE agents reportedly opened the car door, telling Vargas, ""you know who we are and you know why we're here,"" her friend, Jordan Sanders, told Univision. Then, they handcuffed her and took her into custody.",6 10,quit smoking,9 3,"Bishop Righter will take the pulpit of First Unitarian Church of Wilmington tomorrowfor the 9 and 11 a.m. services, and will conduct a public forum at the church at 7 p.m.",2 1,Letters; Make employers responsible for undocumented workers,0 6,Missouri 'stand your ground' bill is dangerous,5 6," and the law banning handguns in Washington, D.C.,",5 10,COUNSELORS HELP IMMIGRANTS ADJUST TO NEW LIFESTYLES,9 12,"Yes, smoking bans are a step in the right direction!",11 13,"Gay-marriage rulings heat up divisive issue in governor's race ",12 9," said death in the electric chair was ""almost painless and immediate.""",8 10," Keebler's grandmother, Nita McCulty, testified that her grandson was born out of wedlock to a mother who was 17 and a father who never acknowledged that Keebler was his son.",9 6,Anti-smoking bills have failed in Georgia since the first attempt in 1995.,5 9, but he took more than a half-hour to die and required a second dose of the chemicals,8 5,Stayner family appeals to jury,4 10,Eberle worked at Delaware Investments and was engaged to be married in April.,9 6,WORKER CHALLENGES CHRYSLER PLANT'S SMOKING POLICY,5 4,"""We want the same benefits that legally married couples have,"" John Catania, of New York said after exchanging vows with his partner. ""You want the country to be better, and recognizing this in law makes the country better.""",3 13,"On the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group are the top three House Republicans - Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.) and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (Cal-if.) - and the top two House Democrats - Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer (Md.).",12 13,President Bill Clinton's administration announced Wednesday that 29 cities and counties,12 12,N.C. group seeks death penalty moratorium,11 13,"President Obama on Thursday evening avoided taking a position on a measure being considered by the New York legislature that would legalize gay marriage. Instead he said, ""I believe that gay couples deserve the same legal rights as every other couple in this country.""",12 3,Presbyterian Court Denies Two Efforts Against Gays,2 8,U.S. steps up patrols to stop illegal immigrants,7 1,"From April through September of 2002, the Department of Finance collected $10.8 million in general corporation and unincorporated business taxes from bars and restaurants. From April through September of 2003, the department collected $12 million from those businesses.",0 10,benefits of marriage,9 5, Ms. Kasinga's case should be sent back to an immigration judge to consider what the service said were inconsistencies in her story and new testimony from an expert on Togo.,4 13,". In fact, if the gun debate is reignited after another massacre claimed 12 victims Monday at the Navy Yard in Southeast Washington, it will take place in a country with fewer restrictions on firearms than were in place a year ago. ",12 13,OKLAHOMA AND INDIANA ALLOW PEOPLE TO CARRY CONCEALED WEAPONS.,12 13,"In Connecticut, Other Issues Help Foes of Gun Control",12 1, $1 million into New York legislative races to boost support for the measure.,0 1,"There are a lot of competing studies (and pundits) out there, but the general takeaway from conservative and liberal economists is that immigration is good for Americans' living standards over the long run. That's because immigrants raise the wages of native-born workers (and also lower the cost of immigrant-dense services like child care and cleaning).",0 5,California same-sex marriage ban faces three lawsuits,4 6, to declare Oakland a death-penalty-free zone.,5 13,"Sen. Mike Gibbons is confident, if not downright certain, about which party will reign in the Missouri Senate after the upcoming election. ",12 4,"''The American system does not allow for the tyranny of the majority,'' said the couple's lawyer, Mari Newman. ''Marriage is a fundamental right, which should be for all Coloradans, not just some Coloradans.''",3 9,It was a strong acknowledgment of the danger of secondhand smoke.,8 13,"The debate over guns was a major focal point across the Sunday show landscape, with the question of whether lawmakers will pass a measure to expand background checks on firearm purchases front and center.",12 1," The nation's largest gun manufacturer is saying no to gun shows.",0 7,Mo. inmate is among three set for execution in 24 hours,6 5,"On Saturday, jurors required two hours and 45 minutes to conclude the penalty phase of the trial. They decided that Link had showed ""callous disregard"" for life and deserved the death penalty.",4 1,"Its backers, however, note that new statewide figures show a slight increase in the state's beer and alcohol tax collections in August - $15.2 million, about $800,000 more than the $14.4 million collected in August 2002.",0 11,"Hayward, Alameda fly pride flag",10 13,"""The Legislature's action gives the governor motivation to take a stand,"" said Ron Crews, head of the Massachusetts Family Institute. ""The vote sends a signal to the governor and the court.""",12 11,"Even in Gay Circles, The Women Want the Ring",10 5, urging a federal appeals court to declare gay marriage bans in Utah and Oklahoma unconstitutional.,4 7,hat a drive on a country road can be ended by fatal fire.,6 9, The panel cited previously undiscovered evidence that Thompson was schizophrenic at the time of the crime.,8 8,Mexico's Open Southern Border Lures Migrants Headed to U.S.,7 3,Churches take sides over gay-marriage ban,2 5,"Within days, authorities in Virginia, Maryland and the District filed murder charges against the pair. Muhammad was shipped to Prince William County on Nov. 7, 2002, for his first prosecution; Malvo went to Fairfax.",4 6," EDITORIAL Close deadly loophole",5 5,Some justices suggested Monday that they did not want to leave issues unresolved and prolong the hiatus.,4 12,Perspectives on Same-Sex Marriage,11 12,Gay Rights Victory Is Not Without Hitches,11 3,Methodist ministers defy church at same-sex union,2 1,"In Salt Lake City, the sales are likely to include used police sidearms.",0 5,"But on Wednesday, the Florida Supreme Court refused, 4-3, to delay Buenoano's execution, ruling that just because Tafero's execution was botched, it doesn't mean the Department of Corrections can't electrocute Buenoano.",4 12,"Pollsters say that while support generally is building for same-sex marriage, especially as the electorate ages, voters resist when they fear the issue is being pushed too fast.",11 13,The politics of immigration,12 5,Okla. case's impact likely to be limited,4 5,"Sure enough, a year ago the State Legislature passed a ''concealed carry'' law, which means that it's legal to carry a concealed weapon if you have a permit. So that no one misses the point, the Legislature has also turned Minnesota into what is called a ''shall require'' state. If you apply for a concealed-weapon permit, the local authorities must grant it to you.",4 5,"Anderson's attorney, Neil McGinn, said the defense plans to appeal.",4 13,SENATE BILL SUFFERS SETBACK COMMITTEE HEARS EMOTIONAL TESTIMONY OF SURVIVORS,12 4,MOVING TOWARD EQUALITY,3 5,"Although it may not appear so at first glance, the Georgia Supreme Court's ruling on Thursday upholding the state's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage is actually a win of sorts for gay couples in Georgia.",4 4,"James Ferguson, the academy's president, said the death penalty isn't fair to poor defendants because they are often represented by inexperienced or even incompetent attorneys.",3 13,N.J. lawmakers fail to override Christie gun bill veto,12 1,SMOKING GIANT HIT FOR $28B Record cigarette suit,0 10," More than 1,000 federal, state and intangible benefits were open to them as a married couple, from Social Security survivorship benefits to tax benefits to AAA memberships.",9 2,"The department started shifting resources over the summer, when a wave of unaccompanied Central American children rushed across the border.",1 15,KEEP FLAME LIT UNDER BIG TOBACCO,14 13,Clinton Undertakes His Drive on Guns and Crime,12 11,ESTIMATES OF ALIENS BAFFLE U.S.,10 5,"In the process, two dissenting members of the court -- Justices Stephen G. Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- came very close to announcing that they were ready to rule the death penalty unconstitutional. This gave rise to slashing debate with Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas about the reliability and effectiveness of the punishment, a dispute that overshadowed the core issue in the case.",4 5,"Regarding a letter under the heading ""Armed citizenry helps deter repressive government,"" I resent the implication that my interpretation of the Second Amendment makes me an enemy of the people.",4 13,Editorial: Greitens steps up to remove doubt in Lisha Gayle murder case,12 9,"Jesse L. Steinfeld, former anti-smoking U.S. surgeon general, dies at 8",8 13,"Second, the majority and dissenting opinions in Lewis v. Harris defied political labeling. ",12 13,"With Gov. Cuomo and the Assembly strongly supporting the move, the fate of this landmark legislation hangs on a closely divided state Senate.",12 9,TEXAS APPEALS COURT BLOCKS EXECUTION OF KILLER SAID TO BE MENTALLY INCOMPETENT,8 5,Other grand juries are investigating whether industry-financed research groups have fraudulently operated as public relations shields for the industry.,4 13,Politics of grief and gun control after latest shooting,12 5,"Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut attorney general who is helping to coordinate the investigation, said that more states might join and that the states would work as ""a single team in what will be essentially a national investigation that can reach beyond any of our borders."" Some subpoenas have already been issued, Mr. Blumenthal said, and a task force will begin interviewing witnesses soon.",4 11,It's not a new development: The 1990 census showed that the number of Asian residents in the area had increased 250 percent in 10 years. The Latino population jumped 150 percent.,10 11,JURY SAYS DEATH FOR COPS' KILLER He's first person condemnbed by feds in New York in 50 years,10 13,new amendment passed and put on the November ballot.,12 13," Mr. Allen has dropped his flat opposition, campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh explained in a Richmond Times-Dispatch report, because as governor he",12 1,"The 600 tickets for the sold-out LGBT Leadership Council Gala started at $1,250 per person. The gala was the centerpiece of a two-day fundraising swing to San Francisco and Los Angeles that was expected to net more than $5.5 million. Obama was scheduled to attend a smaller, $25,000-a-plate dinner later Wednesday at the home of ""Glee"" creator Ryan Murphy, as well as a breakfast Thursday at the home of developer Charles Quarles.",0 7,Will Concealed Weapons Curb The Crime Wave?,6 13,Ban on e-cigarette sales to minors passes the House,12 13,and why I am carrying a bill to return Colorado's law to that provision which had always prevailed until changed a few years ago,12 6,What Does It Take to Tighten Gun Laws?,5 2,"At times in the past two months, passengers have waited so long during 90-minute stopovers that they have missed connections with domestic flights, an airline representative said. Arriving passengers also have been held on their planes or on the airport's mobile lounges until the crowded immigration area cleared out.",1 5,Justices To Hear Two Challenges On Gay Marriage,4 7,"Officials said the arrests, which began Wednesday, were meant to target illegal foreign workers, although there was no immediate explanation why the FBI was involved.",6 1,"The Dow Jones industrial average fell 32.18 to 5,681.31. But most of it came in the last half hour as Philip Morris shares plunged on news of a Florida jury's $750,000 damage award to an addicted smoker.",0 1,"Questions of sexual orientation never appeared on the Employee Viewpoint Survey until last year, when the Office of Personnel Management asked workers to volunteer the information. ",0 13,Montana Republican Senate nominee Matt Rosendale is facing accusations that he coordinated with the NRA on an ad buy after a leaked audio recording was reported Thursday by the Daily Beast.,12 13,GUN RIGHTS REFERENDUM DRAWING ATTENTION,12 7,"Zimmerman killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in the Orlando suburb of Sanford on Feb. 26, police say. ",6 13, while most Democratic presidential contenders have been left in the uncomfortable position of trying to explain the difference between civil unions - which they support - and gay marriage - which they don't.,12 5,Justice Dept. Plans to Step Up Gun-Crime Prosecutions,4 13,"Beyond honoring his friendship with Mr. Brady, Mr. Reagan, a member of the N.R.A., makes clear that no one need be bullied by the big gun lobby when it strays from common sense. That's an act of leadership for President Bush to follow.",12 13,California braces for wave of new voters,12 15,"Relishing Nicotine, Come What May",14 9," HOW CAN IT HAPPEN HERE? HAITIANS THOUGHT TORTURE WAS IN THEIR PAST",8 11,"The individual stories on this remarkable bus ride deserve to be heard. They are reminders of the proud history of American immigration and because we need immigration policies that reflect reality, not fear.",10 5,Gun ownership right isn't a barrier to regulation,4 10,U.S. Weighs the Fate of Child Immigrants,9 7,Focus on ABUSERS WITH A BADGE,6 13,"Mr. Bush, in a statement issued by the White House on Wednesday night, stopped just short of explicitly backing a change to the Constitution, but left little doubt that he is heading in that direction.",12 1,Defeat Worries Employers Who Rely on Immigrants,0 15,Md.'s wait for gay marriage near an end,14 11," How much do Americans love guns? More than anyone else in the whole, wide world. ",10 13,Govs vs. guns,12 7,"2 ARRESTED IN ALTON FIRE COULD FACE DEATH LANDLORD, TENANT CHARGED UNDER U.S.",6 11,"Donna E. Shalala, secretary of health and human services, noted that recent reports have shown a leveling or falling trend in illicit drug, marijuana and cigarette use among adolescents since 1996 or 1997, after a period of increases since the beginning of the 1990s.",10 12,ON THE MARCH,11 5, The U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled that children younger than 16 cannot be executed.,4 8,When exactly should Matthew Shepard have reached for a concealed weapon?,7 5,Ad for new cigarette raises concern over possible intent to influence jury,4 5,"Under decades of bipartisan tradition, the Justice Department is obliged to defend statutes passed by Congress, regardless of the political imperatives of the president. But gay activists registered their pique after government lawyers filed a brief in June that included language that appeared to equate same-sex marriage with incest and pedophilia. In another passage, the lawyers wrote that heterosexual marriage is ""the traditional and universally recognized form.""",4 10,UF TRUSTEES OK BENEFITS PLAN FOR DOMESTIC PARTNERS,9 5,Clean House at Justice Now,4 12,California voters overturned same-sex marriage in a 2008 referendum.,11 1,AGRIBUSINESS: State to help tobacco farmers,0 13,GUN CONTROL IS SHOT DOWN,12 12,Gay Marriage Debate Inconclusive,11 13,Senate bill aimed at gun-show loophole SAFE official leery of Democrats' help,12 13,Reagan gives Brady bill backers a boost,12 13,"""I don't know what the difference between a dictatorship and this is,"" said state Sen. Richard H. Black (R-Loudoun). ",12 13,"The Senate began debate on its bill Thursday and adopted several amendments. Under a unanimous consent agreement, the Senate, after debating the budget resolution next week, will return to the immigration bill on May 9, with a vote on final passage tentatively set for May 10.",12 1,"don't think the majority care too much about it at this time because they're out of work, they want to see the state reduce spending, and they are having a hard time making ends meet.",0 6,"Death of girl, 13, prompts call for tough gun laws",5 11,Their executions were the second for each state since they resumed capital punishment.,10 7," In 1982, he was convicted of killing a white police officer, Daniel Faulkner, a few blocks from City Hall.",6 6,Change Rejected in Aliens Bill,5 12,New count of U.S. protests shows more than 300 separate rallies against gun vio-lence in Feb.,11 13,Ted Cruz's Strange Gun Argument,12 13,"Conservative groups have been sounding the alarm about a leaked report from the Department of Homeland Security that they say portrays veterans and gun owners as likely terrorists. ",12 9,But health concerns changed that,8 5, Firearm ownership today is justified not merely by appeals to the Framers of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights,4 5," The high court last month took up two same-sex marriage cases, including one challenging the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which denies benefits to gay married couples. ",4 7,Killer of Polly Klaas Is Sentenced to Death,6 5,Testimony ends in Valentine's Day murder trial,4 13,Mayor Gavin Newsom,12 5,"cases in which there is no merit and lots of litigation taking years to plod their way through a thicket of legal proceedings towards an inevitable conclusion. ",4 5, the judges said.,4 5,Arkansas judge invalidates state's ban on gay marriage,4 8,"Close the ""gun show loophole"" in the federal background check system that allows guns to be sold at shows, flea markets and yard sales without a criminal background check.",7 13,"Whether the vote takes place in August or November could affect several key political races - including the presidential contest. Many strategists say a large conservative voter turnout against gay marriage could hurt Democrats' chances in November. ",12 13,President Clinton signed the law Sept. 30,12 7,"Her husband, whom she married in 1994 when he was on death row for killing the Glades Correctional Institution guard, told her he did it. ",6 13,"The legislation would have little chance of passing in a stalemated Senate or being approved by a GOP-held House, but it would allow Democrats to push their electoral advantage with Latino voters just as the presidential campaign heats up in July.",12 1,"The EPA says that will translate into an economic benefit of more than $ 100 billion annually, $ 385 for every citizen.",0 13,One on immigration didn't make it to the ballot just last year because of that rule.,12 13,Some Democrats have speculated the assault-gun bill may now be tacked onto President Bush's drug-control policy measure as a way of forcing the issue past the powerful opposition of the National Rifle Association (NRA).,12 5,"Barring an appeal of Circuit Judge Robert Kaye's settlement order, attendants with illnesses attributed to the air they breathed on smoky airliners can sue any time in the next year for compensatory damages.",4 15,UNDER THE DOME,14 5,The justices heard arguments in his case one day after announcing that they would consider later this year whether the Constitution allows killers with mental retardation to be executed at all.,4 1,"Funding comes from forfeiture money recovered from drug dealers and other offenders, Chiesa said. ",0 13,CLINTON REQUESTS SURVEY ON CIGARETTE USE AMONG TEEN-AGERS,12 13,"Giffords, an Arizona Democrat seriously wounded in January 2011 when a gunman opened fire as she met with constituents outside a Tucson supermarket, and her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, have been lobbying for more gun-control legislation. ",12 11,IMMIGRATION BILL HAS PERSONAL ROOTS,10 5," The bill's introduction follows the New Jersey Supreme Court's ruling last month that gay couples be given the same rights as their married heterosexual counterparts. ",4 13,The G.O.P. Platform,12 9,Four injured by fire at retirement facility,8 5,"""We respect the Second Amendment right of law-abiding citizens to have guns for hunting, for sport, for protecting their homes and families.",4 1,Signs homeless are willing to work,0 7,"He passed the better part of his incarceration on San Quentin's death row. His accomplice, Gregory Ulas Powell, who was also twice convicted, was scheduled to appear before a three-member panel of the Board of Prison Terms on Thursday for his final progress report. He was scheduled for parole June 13. ",6 13,Gov. Wilder's Run at the Guns,12 12,Demonstrations Pro and Con,11 13,"Four months after he rekindled the death penalty debate by imposing a moratorium on executions in Illinois, Gov. George Ryan",12 1,Cheap Lawyering in Virginia,0 11,"O'Reilly said on his July 8, 2014, show The O'Reilly Factor.",10 5,"That makes the amendment an unsuitable addition to the U.S. Constitution, which grants rights and protects people from discrimination.",4 6,"House leaders asked him to step in after Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced this year that the administration would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court. Several same-sex couples have sued over the law. ",5 10,"""I think I can sleep and not have nightmares, and maybe do better in my own bed,"" said the girl, who has a jagged pink scar across her neck. ""I had to sleep with my mom because (the nightmares) were bad.""",9 11,Sharper Drop in D.C. Population Foreseen,10 7,"when a wacko in Waco is accused of allegedly possessing illegal firearms,",6 11,"Since 1973, more than 120 people have been freed from Death Row.",10 12,Gun Control Group Urges Expanded Background Checks,11 5,JUDGE DENIES NORTH GUN PERMIT,4 5,"A jury convicted Robinson and imposed separate death sentences for all three murders, but a county judge vacated two of the death sentences on technical grounds involving the jury's consideration of aggravating circumstances. Martin said a separate jury would be picked to consider whether Robinson should be sentenced to death or life in prison for the other two murders.",4 13,"So President Bush says he would support a constitutional amendment defining marriage as only between a man and a woman. Will this be a wedge issue in an already so-partisan presidential election? Was San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's unprecedented move to allow same-sex unions the tipping point for the president? Will it distract from the more important issues of Iraq and the economy? Was this the right time, the right place, the right year to push the same-sex marriage discussion? Count on the weekend's national shows in Washington to go on and on about peril to the Democrats and strength to the Republicans. It doesn't matter. ",12 10,"hospital visitation rights for same-sex partners, and he has expressed some tolerance for laws that allow gay couples to adopt children.",9 12,Bingo players fight butt ban,11 5,"Because of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that invalidated the three-judge-panel system for sentencing in death-penalty cases, Canister was determined ineligible for the death sentence.",4 6,"This is the falsehood. Or, at least, it's incomplete to the point of deception. If Americans don't want these jobs, it's usually because these jobs offer wages and conditions that are unattractive to them.",5 5,A Palm Beach County jury will begin deliberating today in the case of a 52-year-old Mississippi man who could face the death penalty if convicted,4 7,"ichael Griffin was convicted in the slaying of Dr. David Gunn, who was stalked and then shot three times in the back outside a women's clinic where he worked. ",6 6,WE ARE A STATE WITH NO FIREARMS CONTROLS,5 12,About 50 people gathered at the Minnesota state Capitol on Saturday to demonstrate against a proposed amnesty for illegal immigrants.,11 13,Governor announces plan to help legal immigrants,12 6," They've won waiting periods and background checks for handgun purchases, bans on ""assault weapons"" and many other gun restrictions in federal, state and local laws. ",5 15,"The Gun Report: July 11, 2013 ",14 8," ""The effect has been dramatic. About 8 percent (of potential gun buyers) have been rejected.""",7 7,"A year later, Langley found himself in trouble again after his longtime friend Jac'Quez Jones was found shot in the head on Dec. 4, 2006, in the back yard of a home just north of Brooksville.",6 13,"Lhota was asked the question as a followup to remarks he made to a Staten Island Tea Party group in April, when he slammed the bureaucratic gun permit process as being at ""almost a level of harassment.""",12 5,Execution freeze receives hearing,4 6, New Year Brings New Gun Laws in Some States,5 11,MORE AMERICANS KICKING THE HABIT,10 13,Voters may be asked to consider death penalty,12 13,SENATE VOTES SWEEPING BILL TO LOOSEN CONTROL OF GUNS,12 7,Byron Williams: Cannot ignore urban violence committed with unregistered guns,6 9,Supplier: Drug sold to Arkansas not intended for executions,8 7,"The death-wish gunman who shot four cops in a Brooklyn gunfight was able to legally buy weapons for 20 years because of a loophole in city licensing laws, according to officials and gun-control advocates.",6 5,"U.S. District Judge William Osteen, in a highly anticipated 65-page decision, also ruled nicotine in cigarettes is a drug and cigarettes are drug-delivery devices.",4 5,"After the Supreme Court's ruling in U.S. v. Windsor , federal agencies pledged to treat all couples equally, but justices had anticipated potential conflicts because of state laws.",4 13,Senate Set to Consider Gun Proposals Seen as Unlikely to Pass,12 5,"Attorneys for the plaintiffs, in their Tuesday filing, reiterated their arguments, including that the state failed to show it would be irreparably harmed if the weddings went on or that it was likely to win on appeal. It is the families who will be seriously harmed, they said. ",4 5,"Ed Walsh, the Williamson County District Attorney, said, ''It was the tapes that did it and the facts he gave.''",4 13,States move on e-cigarettes as federal government delays action,12 11,"Emanuel sent the text that read: ""Will you marry me in Iowa?"" No time to wait, or be creative.",10 7,MURDERER SENTENCED TO DEATH / RICARDO NATIVIDAD WAS CONVICTED OF KILLING TOWN-WATCH LEADER ROBERT CAMPBELL LAST YEAR.,6 5,"Reversing decades of official government policy on the meaning of the Second Amendment, the Justice Department told the Supreme Court for the first time late Monday that the Constitution ""broadly protects the rights of individuals"" to own firearms.",4 7,EX-SHERIFF'S AIDE FIGHTS DENIAL OF GUN PERMIT,6 13,"U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La, a sponsor of one of the measures.",12 5,Attorneys for death row inmate seek stay over new DNA evidence,4 5,The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed both the conviction and the sentence.,4 8,"By extending the ""castle doctrine,"" which gives armed homeowners the right to shoot an intruder",7 12,"'A beautiful victory': Supporters celebrate as Minnesota legalizes gay marriage ",11 5,"nd so the issues were joined in New York City's second death penalty trial since capital punishment was revived in the state three years ago. ",4 13,"Five moderate Democrats in the Senate voted no. If each of them had supported it, the bill would have become law, DACA would have been unnecessary, and this manufactured political crisis now facing Congress would have been averted.",12 13,"Chris Christie, Revisionist Historian",12 12,"Anti-gun marches planned for cities throughout the U.S., world;",11 1,"Immigrants contribute nearly one-fourth of the economic output of New York State, and outside of New York City,",0 13,D.C. in the Cross Hairs,12 1,Take Pete's Kitchen ,0 13,"Faced with fury, Md. bill co-sponsoris now torn on same-sex marriage",12 7, 'Onion Field' Killer Paroled in California,6 13,Senate vote on gun control bill too close to call,12 9,"So they're safer than conventional cigarettes, right? The products are too new for possible long-term health effects - good or bad - to be known. ",8 5,"St. Louis County Circuit Judge James R. Hartenbach took a 10-minute recess after closing arguments by prosecutor Joan Moriarty and defense attorney Beth Davis, then he pronounced Page guilty of first-degree murder and five other counts.",4 4,MEMO: CHEMIST DOCTORED DEATH-ROW CASE EVIDENCE,3 13,Republican hopefuls attack Obama's plan,12 13,Gov. Jay Nixon's administration,12 13," HOUSE JOINS SENATE TO SNUFF OUT TOBACCO COMPANY TAX CREDIT ",12 5,Administration lawyers have spent months reviewing various proposals to make sure they can withstand legal challenges.,4 14,The European view of the death penalty -- staunch opposition even in the face of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks -- was the central theme of an international symposium on the subject Friday at Santa Clara University.,13 5,Public defender Tim Bazar was assigned to the case after Peterson said he could not afford a lawyer. The case was continued until a May 6 bail hearing.,4 6,"The good, bad and ugly of immig reform",5 5,"Mr. Graham said that the state had retained a Washington law firm and had instructed it ''to file the lawsuit as soon as possible.'' While Mr. Graham has not disclosed details of a possible legal basis for his action, he indicated at a news conference that it would concentrate on the handling of Haitians who arrive in south Florida by boat illegally almost every day.",4 10,Delta joins companies extending benefits to partners of same sex,9 7,"AWAITING DEATH, BYRD TIED TO NEW KILLING",6 4,"For many, decades of workplace discrimination impaired their earning potential.",3 13,Gov. George E. Pataki's budget proposal,12 13,Crist had signaled,12 13,"The measure, approved 342-67",12 5,"''You know you're guilty,'' ",4 7,So law enforcement officials say that New Yorkers get most of their illegally purchased cigarettes by mail.,6 4,Lawyers Say DNA Clears Ex-Va. Death Row Inmate,3 5,Court Hears Selective Deportation Argument by 'L.A. Eight',4 12,"Although six states, along with the District of Columbia, now permit gay and lesbian couples to marry, none reached that point via a popular referendum",11 5,DA: Concealed weapons no panacea,4 6,"BAN ON BAR SMOKING INEVITABLE, INEQUITABLE",5 5,Ship File Proves Legal Status Of a 1912 Immigrant to U.S.,4 13," He drew support, albeit somewhat reluctantly, from the Mayors of Miami and San Diego.",12 5,"Judge Robert B. King said attorneys for Lentz were ""dead wrong"" when they asserted that prosecutors had tried to introduce one of the planners into evidence. He then seemed to suggest that defense lawyers had targeted Mellin, 42. ",4 3,"True to Episcopal Church's Past, Bishops Split on Gay Weddings ",2 9,"The 35-year-old father of three suffered from several chronic illnesses, including cirrhosis of the liver, anemia and diabetes.",8 1,Hightower commented that the money would come in handy since the county is facing a projected $ 85 million shortfall in the 1999 budget.,0 5,The Georgia Supreme Court today put an end to electrocution as a means of executing condemned killers on death row.,4 5,"Those are not the facts that have led us to question his temperament and good sense. It has been seeing him in action in a highly charged case, in a volatile courtroom.",4 13,These are the people Donald Trump wants to keep out of the United States,12 12,"By nearly a 2-to-1 ratio, Minnesota voters oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally, a recent poll shows.",11 5,"The 6-1 opinion rejected a request for an evidentiary hearing on the study sought by Clarence Edward Hill, who is set to die Tuesday. ",4 5," As an Associated Press examination of the consequences of Alabama's strict new immigration law noted, although federal courts are reviewing elements of the stricter immigrations laws, many Hispanic farm workers have fled the state",4 5,CIG FIRM TO GIVE UP SECRETS IN SUIT DEAL,4 3,"''Our position is the same,'' he said. ''A Christian organization has a Constitutional right to use their facilities in a way that is consistent with their beliefs.''",2 1,gun-show sales ,0 13,"While Tennessee's ever-obeisant Legislature has enacted a law permitting handguns in all state and local parks, about 70 cities and counties have voted to opt out of this latest lock-and-load obsession from the N.R.A.",12 13,Democrats also pushed a vote on a plan to bar suspected terrorists on the federal government's no-fly list from buying guns.,12 5,"who was issued a stay by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Friday. ",4 6,LOOK FOR PRACTICAL GUN SOLUTIONS,5 9,RESTAURANTS THAT BAN SMOKING ARE A HEALTHY TREND WE COULD LIVE WITH,8 8,"""right to carry"" laws, ",7 13,"Bill Horn, a leading anti-gay rights activist who publishes a newsletter called ""Straight from the Heart,"" has been questioning presidential campaigns about their views on gay issues. Pushed to detail the Texas governor's positions, the Bush campaign sent Horn a brief statement Tuesday.",12 13,"A new report, which you can read about on Think Progress, recommends that Congress repeal the provision. But I doubt many members of Congress have the courage to stand up to the NRA on this. In fact, the NRA is trying to make the situation even worse. It worked with Senator Jim Inhofe, the Oklahoma Republican, to add language to the military spending bill that would prohibit the Defense Department from ""issuing any requirement, or collecting or recording any information"" relating to legal gun ownership.",12 5," The 2-to-1 ruling upheld a 2010 decision by Judge Vaughn Walker, which declared the marriage ban, known as Proposition 8, unconstitutional. Like Judge Walker, the court panel found that the antigay initiative, which was narrowly approved by California voters in 2008, violated the equal protection rights of same-sex couples.",4 10,"Polly's father, Marc Klaas, clenched his fist in victory and said an exultant ""Yes!"" as the sentence was read.",9 7,"But in an interview with Mundo Hispanico, Guerra's daughter, Nicolle, denied the nonprofit has defrauded customers and threatened them with deportation. ",6 4,"""exercising their discretion to seek capital punishment in an arbitrary, capricious and standardless manner.""",3 10,"Kasinga grew up expecting that her wealthy, Westernized father would protect her from submitting to this custom. But he died in 1993, leaving her the ward of a tradition-observing aunt, who arranged for Kasinga to become the fourth wife of another wealthy Togolese.",9 13,Some supporters and opponents of an immigration overhaul were starting their ground games in Washington this week in anticipation of a House debate that has no clear direction and could be influenced by populist pressure from both sides.,12 5,"The justices knocked down three other key provisions, and they made clear the surviving tenet is no carte blanche for detention of suspected illegal immigrants.",4 7,charges he illegally presided over the unlicensed weddings of same-sex couples.,6 12,Scores of Minnesotans came to witness the opening debate on the bill Tuesday in the House Civil Law Committee,11 15,The Wizard With A Bad Plan,14 13,"One month later, Mr. Cuomo claimed victory, stunning many observers with the speed and apparent ease with which he pushed a gun control package through a divided Legislature. The State Senate, controlled by a coalition of 30 Republicans and 6 Democrats, approved the package, which included a significant expansion of the state's assault weapons ban, on its first day in session; the Assembly, controlled by Democrats, followed suit the next day, and the governor signed the legislation into law. ",12 3,"""They have stolen marriage,"" said the Rev. Lou Sheldon, head of the Traditional Values Coalition, calling opposition to gay union ""the central moral issue of our civilization.""",2 13,"BRADLEY, GORE ARGUE TOBACCO",12 7,"We'll return him to the regular prison population"" today, Kniest said. ""It's easier to move him when we're at full staff."" ",6 6,"When New Jersey passed a much-heralded civil union law in 2006, it was supposed to give the equivalent of marriage to same-sex couples",5 7,A Way to Get The Gunmen: Get the Guns,6 5,The Supreme Court was urged Monday to ban the death penalty for all juvenile murderers.,4 13,"Immigration bill riles conservatives The House members criticized liberalizing proposals, as well as protesters and Bush. ",12 7," ""Murder's up nearly 10 percent. He treats cops like criminals and criminals like freedom fighters.""",6 7,A KBR spokeswoman said the firm will look into any allegations that its subcontractors have violated the law or the company's code of conduct. She could not immediately say whether BMS was working for KBR.,6 13,N.J. SENATE COMMITTEE APPROVES BILL BANNING SAME-SEX MARRIAGES,12 5,High court reviews life terms for juveniles Court will hear arguments about cases in which youths killed no one but were sentenced to life.,4 11,"The number of people killed by guns rose after laws making it easier for people to carry concealed weapons went into effect in four of five urban areas that were studied by the University of Maryland, researchers reported today.",10 5,"Balking Prosecutors: A Door Opens to Death Row Challenges ",4 5,Death Outside the Constitution,4 13, not the Legislatur,12 12,"While the general election might not break partisan gridlock in Congress, it could result in historic changes for U.S. social policy: Several states had a chance to be the first to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote and to legalize recreational use of marijuana.",11 13,"President Obama calls for U.S. Supreme Court to strike down California's gay marriage ban ",12 9,"All the warnings that smoking may kill you seem to be paying off at last, health researchers said recently.",8 13,conservative,12 11,"A majority of gay Americans now live in states where gay marriage is legal ",10 5,"""If you have five,"" Kennedy told a Council of the Americas conference here last month, ""then you can say what you want."" ",4 13,"The council will need to pass the legislation before it becomes law. Council members embraced the idea but bickered over timing. ",12 3,Bishop council's opinion assures area Methodists,2 13,"Under a measure carried by Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, people would have to buy ammunition from a licensed dealer and provide identification. The bill, AB48, was approved by the Democratic-controlled Public Safety Committee on a party-line 5-2 vote. It was the first of nearly two dozen bills legislators will soon address to combat gun violence. ",12 12,Group begins anti-smoking effort,11 5,"The Supreme Court could rule that only Gov. Jerry Brown, Attorney General Kamala Harris or other state officials have the standing to defend the ban, which they have refused to do. If the court is looking to avoid a sweeping and potentially polarizing ruling on gay marriage, it could let Walker's ruling stand and allow gay marriage to resume in California. ",4 12,"Campus carry issue will be back for 2017, despite colleges' opposition",11 7,"The hearing took place inside the detention center, where the individual had been incarcerated for several months on presumption of guilt (illegal entry).",6 11,'60 MINUTES' UNPLUGS CIGARETTE EXECUTIVE,10 5,Partner protection Our view,4 11,"In an armed nation, that's going to have dire consequences.",10 1,Cuts Possible For Program That Handles Capital Cases,0 7,A Closer Look at Rampage Killings,6 7,"Adams is accused of killing his boss, Billy White, and co-worker Christian Albarello at Frenchman's Creek in Palm Beach Gardens.",6 5,"4th Circuit rejects Va. ban on gay marriage ",4 6,Gun bill's recoil can be disastrous,5 6,"The new policy calls for local laws that would require the registration of all firearms in Newark and the reporting of lost or stolen guns. And though there are currently no gun dealers in the city, another ordinance would prevent any future ones from selling in residential areas or near schools.",5 1," with checks going out before Christmas, state officials decided Monday.",0 13,in the state Senate's hands.,12 13,LEADERS MEET WITH STUDENTS ON GUN REFORM,12 5,"focus is on passing the marriage amendment,""",4 6,The delay undermines a good feature of Sen. Vincent Fumo's original law - expanding the list of those who can't legally buy guns to include those who as teenagers ran afoul of the law. This juvenile background check is unique to Pennsylvania.,5 5,"Gun-control group sues ATF, alleging agency won't turn over policy documents",4 7,"Two San Diego area teenagers charged with hate crime in migrant beating ",6 12,Marchers seek path to immigration reform,11 13,"Have you heard of Obamaphones, cellphones for people on welfare? Now there's a new catchphrase going around conservative circles: Marcophones.",12 7,"Arrest of Cigarette Seller Is a Coup, Brooklyn Officials Say",6 13,Gun measures head to Christie's desk,12 11,"Jerry Whebbe, a hunting enthusiast from West St. Paul",10 5,And attorneys can help navigate these scenarios.,4 6,SUMMER BAD TIME TO LOOK AT SMOKING LAW'S EFFECT,5 7,Man pleads guilty to threatening GOP senators on Twitter over gun violence,6 12,"The workers, members of Local 32B-32J of the Service Employees International Union, were protesting their dismissal from a cleaning company that lost its contract with three independent medical groups whose centers serve members of the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York.",11 4,Why Innocent People Confess,3 1,to pay,0 4,Still others are responding to the risk that collaboration with federal immigration officials could lead to racial profiling and civil liberties violations.,3 9,"The Coast Guard pulled 27 people out of the waters off Boynton Beach on Wednesday, at least 9 of them dead, after a boat packed with Haitian immigrants capsized and sank.",8 1,"But the broader impact of the agreement will depend heavily on whether other major manufacturers follow Smith & Wesson, which experts say produces about one-fifth of the 2.5 million handguns sold nationwide each year. Today, the president of the largest trade association for gun makers issued a statement denouncing Smith & Wesson for breaking ranks.",0 5,State attorney general files brief backing gay vows ban,4 9,Metro Briefing New York: Niagara Falls: Rescue From Ice Floe,8 13," Cuomo Asks Lawmakers for Gun Vote On King Day",12 11,Fox affiliate discloses that its chief investigative reporter is a Second Amendment 'proponent',10 13,"It is a newletter called ''The Insider Gun News'' and is produced by John D. Aquilino, onetime spokesman for the National Rifle Assocation, who promises in a promotional letter that ''the skeletons can't be kept hidden any more.''",12 6,"""It's not obvious what the legal effect of that language is. ... They have crafted language that is very nebulous, very hard to pin down",5 5,Supreme Court,4 11,"And the numbers in most parts of the Bay Area are even lower. Just 8 percent of adults in Santa Clara County smoke, which was the third-lowest tally in California, the state Tobacco Control Program reported",10 13,What Virginia's candidates for governor are getting wrong about gun control,12 13,"The administration of President George Bush and congressional bargainers considered a boost in the federal tax on cigarettes Wednesday as they pushed with new optimism toward the end of marathon talks to reduce the federal deficit, officials said.",12 1,"THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN TOBACCO IS NO LONGER KING IN THE HALLS OF CONGRESS ",0 15,BE GONE NRA TOOLS,14 5,"The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Virginia, Lambda Legal and the firm Jenner and Block filed a federal class action lawsuit Thursday challenging Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage and the state's refusal to recognize out-of-state marriages by gay couples. ",4 1,Why It May Be Impossible to Measure the Impact of Stores Limiting Gun Sales,0 5,"When a San Francisco jury last month awarded $ 50 million in punitive damages in a lawsuit brought by a single smoker, it looked like it was going to be curtains for the big cigarette manufacturing companies.",4 7,"The executions came after Arkansas, ",6 1,"The state tax is currently 48 cents a pack. Raising it 10 cents would not make it the nation's highest, a position held by Michigan, with taxes of 75 cents a pack. ",0 13," The Assembly gave final legislative approval Thursday to a proposal that would ban high-capacity ammunition magazines in New Jersey, sending a bill that is highly unpopular with some gun-rights groups to Gov. Christie. ",12 6," House Resolution 1470, would delete a key provision of the Republican plan, Senate Resolution 595. The provision, ""Section B,"" stipulates that Georgia cannot recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states and stipulates that no gay marriage ""shall be recognized by this state as entitled to the benefits of marriage.""",5 13,They quickly took credit for the Reynolds decision and brought Gore out in front of the cameras to do the same.,12 5,"The Supreme Court's decision striking down a key part of the Brady gun-control law prompted conflicting proposals for action on Capitol Hill yesterday, although many lawmakers agreed the ruling was unlikely to lead to a surge in gun sales to criminals.",4 9,To Make All Americans Safer,8 5,"In 1977, after he pleaded guilty to the initial murder charge, the Court of Appeals ruled that Mr. James had been wrongly sentenced to death in the killing of the correction officer. The court found unconstitutional the portion of the state's capital punishment statute making the death penalty mandatory for those convicted of intentionally killing police or correction officers who were on duty.",4 7,Use death penalty Killer is not the victim,6 5,"Congress had hoped that when the 1986 Federal immigration law was enacted, making it illegal to hire aliens not eligible for amnesty,",4 10,"The children of immigrants have higher grades and sharply lower dropout rates than other American children, according to a four-year study that claims to be the largest of its kind.",9 11,"A survey in December 2000 showed that 34 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds at UW-Oshkosh smoked, compared with 29 percent nationally. A follow-up study in December 2001 found just 24 percent in that age group are smokers.",10 7," Ana Ortega left here for the USA 14 years ago. She never thought she'd return, much less like this: in handcuffs and ankle shackles, on a U.S. government jet with 49 others whose criminal convictions got them deported from the USA. ",6 5,Charges dropped in lesbian wedding case,4 5,"The final arguments in the landmark Proposition 8 trial have ended, with the case now in the hands of Judge Vaughn Walker. Read Howard Mintz's recap of the day's proceedings later today online on this Web site and in tomorrow's Mercury News, Contra Costa Times, Oakland Tribune, and other Bay Area News Group papers.",4 11,Ellis Island pays tribute to immigrants Recent renovations don't whitewash past,10 1,35-cent-per-pack fee on cigarettes made by smaller manufacturers.,0 13,"""I want to focus on what we can accomplish this year,"" said Latz, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will take up the proposals Thursday and Friday.",12 13,"MIKE: THIS TIME, CITY'S VS. GAY NUPS",12 6,"It is that conviction that has helped put fresh scrutiny on the size of magazines as Congress debates new gun laws. ",5 1,Tech Firms Join Bid for Easing Of Immigration,0 14,"""His reelection will only reinforce these convictions, and he'll feel infallible,"" Kubler added, reflecting the views of a number of European analysts. ""Which of course will only increase European disquiet.""",13 5, steppingstone toward the legal acceptance of homosexuality in Georgia.,4 13,"Party officials met over the weekend in Minneapolis and approved the first step to amend their platform. In two weeks, the entire platform committee will vote on the matter at a meeting scheduled in Detroit. Then, if approved as expected, it would move on to convention delegates in Charlotte, N.C., for final approval in September.",12 11,The American Civil War is a clear example of how this works as each state of the former Confederacy was required to pledge allegiance to the federal government prior to being readmitted to the Union,10 5,Bucks County District Attorney Diane E. Gibbons said she would appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.,4 1,"""This will have a huge effect on employees",0 5,prenups,4 13,Panel OKs gay-marriage resolution,12 15,Pro & Con,14 6,"In April, Al-Qoudoh complied with the federal government's special registration program that required Muslim and Arab immigrant men to report to immigration officials.",5 5,"Gun ownership is founded on the right guaranteed by the Second Amendment, not on the privilege of hunting or engaging in sporting activities. It is clear from the Supreme Court's 1939 decision in United States v. Miller that the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear the types of firearms that are part of the ordinary military equipment of a well-regulated militia.",4 15,A question for proponents of gun ownership,14 5,"Since the Vermont Supreme Court ruled in December that committed gay couples should receive the same rights and benefits as straight spouses,",4 3,"""considered finally confessing",2 12,"My latest research in Florida, which is consistent with my polling in several other states, indicates that a large majority of Florida citizens have a strong preference for a sentence of life in prison without parole over the death penalty when they are given the option of lifetime imprisonment in a survey.",11 6,". The idea behind the program, authorities say, is to get guns out of the hands of those who are carrying them illegally, people who are most likely to use the weapons in other crimes.",5 6,"We need common sense gun laws, not unsound justifications",5 5,"The judge's order, handed down late Friday, was to enforce his ruling on May 3 that the immigration service had imposed an overly strict interpretation on the law when it required that illegal aliens applying for amnesty obtain the agency's permission before leaving the country while awaiting approval of their amnesty applications.",4 13," RYAN GETS RECOMMENDATIONS ON DEATH SENTENCES",12 10,THEY ARE FAMILY,9 11,"Smokeless tobacco has been a visible part of baseball for 150 years, almost since the day Abner Doubleday didn't invent the sport. The Doubleday creation theory is a myth. So is the notion that smokeless is harmless.",10 5,Philip Morris Wins Tobacco Death Suit,4 13,Joe Manchin's support dips in new GOP poll,12 13,"Council members have to vote again on the issue next month. That's almost always a mere technicality, but it may not be this time. A coalition of black ministers is campaigning hard to get council members to switch their votes. If that doesn't work, they say, they may support a recall campaign against Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly unless she vetoes the bill. Cardinal James A. Hickey, Archbishop of Washington, also urged the council to scrap the bill last week. ",12 13," Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign announced a new Latino outreach initiative Sunday focused on mobilizing young undocumented immigrants to highlight their risk of deportation if Donald Trump becomes president, with the aim of inspiring others in their communities to vote in November.",12 5,U.S. Supreme Court stays Texas execution of man convicted of two murders,4 13,GOP hopefuls slide to the right,12 15,"This time, quitters win",14 9,GUN PROFICIENCY TEST REQUIREMENT ADVANCES,8 5,"ELLIS ISLAND, N.J.? COULD BE COURT REPORT ADVISES GIVING HALF OF IMMIGRANT PORTAL TO GARDEN STATE",4 5,"Jury gives Rodriguez death penalty in Sjodin case ",4 5,NRA FILES LAWSUIT OVER REVISED GUN LAW,4 5,"John Justice, National District Attorneys Association president, responded: ""I believe the great majority of prosecutors in this country are truly dedicated to doing their jobs in the proper fashion.""",4 5,Tobacco liability fight reaches Pinellas,4 7," Cartel leader charged in killing of agent",6 8,"The White House said the agents being sent to Arizona were being reassigned from the Canadian border and from interior stations in Arizona and other parts of the United States. They will begin to report for work on Tuesday, increasing the border force by 17 percent.",7 5,"A panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit sent Winston's case back to the federal district court in Roanoke two years ago to examine claims that Winston had scored a 66 on an intelligence test as a teenager, which would put him below the score of 70 that is Virginia's threshold for mental retardation.",4 6,Gay Nuptials Ban Gains,5 9,"The plaintiffs are survivors of 11 people who died of smoking-related illnesses between 1992 and 2004, according to the lawsuit, filed in Hillsborough Circuit Court.",8 5,become part of the Georgia Constitution,4 7," Because his administration deported record numbers of undocumented immigrants, immigration advocates often derided him as ""Deporter-In-Chief.""",6 13, one a Democrat and the other a Republican.,12 13,"CLINTON AND NRA TAKE FIGHT TO TV AFTER BEING ACCUSED OF ""KNEE-JERK"" REACTIONS, THE NRA ACCUSED THE PRESIDENT OF EXPLOITING GUN DEATHS",12 11,BRUTALIZING SOCIETY,10 5,LEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN RECORD NUMBERS WANT CITIZENSHIP,4 15,The ultimate goal,14 13,Democrats have promised to revive the issue.,12 13,CAMPAIGN '94 Cobb commissioner's new ideas on 'gay lifestyle' resolution irks some,12 13,"The legislation, which the House passed last week, now goes before Gov. Roy Barnes, who hasn't said if he'll sign it.",12 13,"Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) said in a statement Wednesday that he hopes to move forward on gun control legislation ""early this year"" and that ""all options should be on the table moving forward."" But Reid sounded more skeptical over the weekend, telling a Nevada television station that Obama's most ambitious request a new federal ban on assault weapons likely couldn't be passed by the House and Senate in the current political environment.",12 7,"Still worse, law enforcement officials report that at least 75 percent of the weapons used in murders are never recovered.",6 13,"ACTIVIST JANET MURGUÍA CALLS OBAMA 'DEPORTER-IN-CHIEF,' SAYS HE HAS DEPORTED MORE IMMIGRANTS THAN OTHER PRESIDENTS",12 5,"The trial was moved from Milledgeville to Morgan County on a change of venue, which prosecutor Fred Bright said he did not fight because ""I want to try it once and try it clean.""",4 5,All-American legal eagles,4 5,"The Supreme Court abdicated its responsibility to address fundamental questions of ethics and fairness when it declined to review the case of Charles Dean Hood, an inmate on death row in Texas.",4 15,Guns under fire,14 14,UK politician slain in rare gun violence,13 7,A third sweep near Nashville last month uncovered a conspiracy in which prosecutors say state license examiners in Murfreesboro accepted bribes from a driving school to provide illegal immigrants with driver's licenses and certificates without testing.,6 1,Philip Morris was ordered yesterday to pay a record $28 billion in punitive damages to a former smoker whose lung cancer has spread to her liver.,0 3,"In a clear, controlled voice heard through a microphone in the death chamber, Anthony Antone said after he was strapped into the chair: ''The only thing is, 'Forgive them, Father, for in their ignorance they know not what they do.' And that's it.'' ",2 13," Moreover, the immigration stalemate has inflicted a political cost.",12 4,"""It's not fair,"" said Milagro Perez, 36, a Salvadoran cook at Afterwords Cafe in Dupont Circle, who took her 7-year-old son, Jimmy, to the rally. ""We all have the same needs. We all have the same problems.""",3 12,Voters in California Back Pension Cuts for City Workers,11 7,Extradition Raises Troubling Questions,6 1,"Undocumented workers in the United States are a demand-side problem. Most illegal immigrants come here because there is a demand for their cheap labor. If we cut the demand, their motivation to come to the U.S. will decline.",0 9,"Our Towns; After a Flood, Immigrants Vanish Again",8 3,"'I'd like to say I'm here because I'm guilty,''",2 1," Diaz added that the Bronx's surging immigrant population has played a major role in boosting the borough's economic fortunes.",0 13,"Brady bill supporters want the measure handled separately so it can proceed through a conference with the House and get to President Clinton's desk before Congress recesses next week for the year. ",12 9,"""Although many smokers endorse a desire to quit, very few are able to do so on their own, and fewer than half are able to quit long-term even with comprehensive treatment,"" said Nora D. Volkow, the director of the National Institute for Drug Abuse, which helped fund the research. ""This study helps explain why.""",8 6," number of bills that extend benefits to same-sex couples but by how many unfriendly bills have been stopped, if only temporarily, in their legislative tracks.",5 6,"Or it could mean nothing would change, except that killers would get more ruthless toward potential witnesses.",5 5,"after a flurry of failed, last-ditch appeals",4 13,GOP gun nut smears kid,12 4,New York's Missing Civil Right,3 5,ACLU sues Pa. over ban on gay marriage,4 5, activist judges,4 13,"The bipartisan group of House members that has been meeting quietly for nearly four years to discuss an overhaul of the nation's immigration system is nearing agreement on a framework, and is briefing their respective leadership this week.",12 5," makes the four suspects eligible for the death penalty, prosecutors said.",4 5,Facet of Immigration Law Is Argued,4 7,"Jerome Mallett was sentenced to death for the slaying of Trooper James Froemsdorf after a traffic stop in Perry County in 1985. ",6 13,"Rep. James Sensenbrenner, who pushed the measure through faster than the White House wanted but eventually got its blessing, called for abolishing an embattled INS he described as an ""undesirable and unwanted stepchild.""",12 6,"The Brady Bill's best feature is the proposed $ 100 million a year to create a computerized instant background check system. If that system is successful, the waiting period no longer would be needed. Such a system should allow gun purchases by the law-abiding, while making it slightly easier to track the illicit sale of weapons.",5 15," The marriage wedge",14 13,The gun lobby may be holding Congress hostage,12 5,"By a 5-to-4 vote, the court said a cornerstone of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, known as DOMA, was unconstitutional in denying married same-sex couples from receiving a range of federal tax, health and Social Security benefits available to those in heterosexual marriages. ",4 6,"The Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games says smoking areas will be designated at venues, but no smoking will be allowed in seating areas in any stadium or arena. Also to be restricted are the International Broadcast Center and print Media Center, where 15,000 journalists will work during the Games.",5 4,"This decision marks the beginning of the end to sex discrimination in marriage.""",3 5," Second Amendment, which guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms.''",4 1,TOBACCO FARMERS GET $9 BILLION BUYOUT PLAN,0 7,"Johnile DuBois, a parolee convicted of killing a mentally disabled convenience store clerk in 1991, was executed tonight at the Greensville Correction Center here.",6 7,A man twice convicted of murdering his 5-year-old stepson was sentenced to death Friday,6 5,Cary man found guilty of killing fianc)e,4 5,"Same-sex marriage cases: Apple, Google and big business ask Supreme Court to strike down DOMA",4 7,A Russian citizen who runs a Moscow-based business empire was arrested in Palm Beach last week on charges of concealing his criminal record from U.S. immigration authorities.,6 4,Justices review DA's choice of all-white murder trial jury,3 8, criminal background checks and a three-day waiting period,7 13,"A photo of President Obama skeet shooting at Camp David was released by the administration last week. Who cares? Let Obama do as he pleases. Just because the president of the United States is reforming gun laws doesn't mean he can't shoot a shotgun.",12 13,"Hispanics are the fastest-growing slice of the electorate. The 2012 Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, took an anti-immigration stance and got only 27 percent of that vote. It had not always been so. George W. Bush won almost 40 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2004. Twenty years earlier, Ronald Reagan did as well, according to some estimates.",12 7,"""Everyone in here is for killing,"" observed Angel Maturino Resendiz, the so-called ""railroad killer"" who is among the 447 men Rivas joins on Texas death row.",6 10,WIDOW WHO LED FIGHT VS. FEDS PINES FOR LOST LOVE,9 6,"The mayoral bill instructs city agencies to extend to roughly 8,700 gay, lesbian and other unmarried partners the same benefits now offered spouses.",5 7,Execution date stands for killer of Wesleyan cheerleader,6 6,"Can't we get this one thing right? ",5 7,KILLER IN TEXAS MAY HOLD KEY TO 3 SLAYINGS HERE IN 1983,6 13,"""We want to get Brady signed, sealed and delivered before Thanksgiving,"" said Sarah Brady, whose husband, Jim, wounded in the 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan, is the inspiration for the bill. ""We're tired of having this thing prolonged and put off.""",12 5,"The Supreme Court will decide this month whether that is an effort it is ready to undertake. ",4 11,The two winning designs for pop-up wedding chapels that will be built at the Merchants' Gate entrance to Central Park near Columbus Circle were announced on Monday after a 10-day competition.,10 5,U.S. fights court on gun license for felon,4 6,Report: Revise N.J.'s 'strict' gun laws,5 1,EMBATTLED L.A. GUN SHOW FILLS THE HOUSE,0 13,Musgrave hit at home,12 12,Pro-Death Penalty but Chivalrous Texans Debate Fate of Karla Faye Tucker,11 13,Can Jeb Bush change the conversation on immigration in the 2016 GOP presidential primary?,12 9,Is gun violence like a disease? Doctors think so,8 13,"The new House bill, the Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act of 2015, has bipartisan support. Rep. Bob Dold (R-Ill.) appeared Wednesday with the Democratic authors of the bill, and three other Republicans -- Mike Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Peter T. King (N.Y.) and Pat Meehan (Pa.) -- are also authors.",12 5,Jurors took just three hours to recommend the death penalty. He was scheduled to be formally sentenced Wednesday.,4 1,"At the same time, it was reported that tobacco firms had tentatively agreedto raise the price of a pack 35 cents nationally as part of a $200 billion deal to settle lawsuits against them.",0 1,avoided taverns and smaller restaurants,0 5,The Supreme Court begins a new term Monday with the most important civil rights agenda in years on the horizon and amid intensified scrutiny of the relationship between Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and his fellow conservatives.,4 13,Rell's Usual Caution Is Apparent in an Execution Debate,12 5,MINNESOTA: Lawyers debate over value of MPAAT activities,4 11,Time magazine reports today,10 5,"Warrick, 32, of Logan, told Common Pleas Court Judge Glenn B. Bronson that he did not wish to testify in his defense following a meeting with his mother and McMahon.",4 11," Latinos see Gomez as ``one of us''",10 13,"Harry Reid: Shame on GOP senators threatening to block gun bill ",12 13,This is Trumpistan,12 5,"Wanda Valdes is hoping her revelation will help. ",4 6,That apparently is what the legislature is seeking. This bill (HB 1410) would force local law-enforcement agents to issue concealed-weapons permits against their better judgment and their keen understanding of the local community and unusual circumstances.,5 13,BAD GUYS WITH GUNS: REVIVING THE GUN DEBATE IN MISSOURI,12 8, to ban concealed handguns,7 15,"The Gun Report: February 14, 2014",14 10,"In statements to lawyers, Munyua, 35, of Santa Rosa, said, ""When we left Kenya, I felt as if we had escaped a burning house and our lives had been saved.""",9 1,But a few others find that patience and hard work help them become large contributors to the county's economy as employers.,0 13, Mr. Romney said in an interview aboard his campaign bus two days before he meets Mr. Obama in a debate in Denver.,12 13," said Hatch, whose bill has 18 co-sponsors.",12 11,"The three-man exhibition titled ""Dead Time=Tiempo Muerto"" at Taller Boricua was timed to open as part of this event,",10 6,"The bills signed into law toughen sentencing procedures for criminals who prey on children, make it a crime to lure a child into a building or isolated area, and increase the penalties for criminal trespassing at schools.",5 13,Premature and political,12 3,Some also initially fled the Lutheran state for religious reasons.,2 13,"Others, however, claimed to know that he has been for gay marriage all along. Kerry Eleveld, Washington correspondent for the Advocate, wrote that ""no one ever really believed [Clinton] opposed marriage equality. Call it craven politics, but everyone knows Clinton signed DOMA into law before the '96 election to avoid a potential GOP family-values offensive at the ballot box."" ",12 9,Smoking more hazardous than thought,8 4,"achievable goal such as a federal civil rights bill outlawing private-sector discrimination based on sexual orientation. ",3 7,"ho was shot to death on orders of the murderous drug lord. ",6 5,Judge Bars Expulsion of Immigrants in 3 States,4 5," The court system summoned 115 people for jury duty on the case, started questioning a group of 60 and from that group picked 12 jurors and two alternates.",4 15,SCIENCE,14 12,"Currently, the NRA membership stands at nearly 3 million. This is indeed a reduction from our 125-year historic peak of 3.5 million members, but it is our success rather than failures to which the fluctuation should be attributed.",11 3,"DEATH, WITH A VENGEANCE",2 5,"That assumes 21,000 same-sex couples from New York will say ""I do"" here - plus an additional 3,300 couples who will travel here to tie the knot from states where gay marriage is still illegal.",4 13,Clinton said,12 13,Editorial: Debunking the gun lobby's outsized influence,12 12,AFTER THE SHOOTING: READERS RESPOND: Let us defend ourselves,11 7,PASCO OFFICERS TO JOIN WITH ICE,6 11,DESTRUCTIVE MYTHS ABOUT GUN OWNERSHIP,10 7,"Two NYPD detectives, Dillon Stewart and Daniel Enchautegui, have been killed and nine city cops wounded since June. The attacks prompted the Daily News' Crimes Against Cops campaign, which helped put stronger sentences on the books for those who assault or menace police officers. ",6 5,"Ohio Woman's new gun permit comes in handy ",4 3,"Many people who have lost a loved one to murder oppose capital punishment for many reasons, not the least of which is that they know that hate is requisite in order to support a death sentence - and that there is no healing in hate.",2 14,The Court's Global Message on DOMA,13 1,"""We're after what the companies got: stability,"" said Tim Cansler, national affairs director for the Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation. ""The implications of this negotiated settlement very much put us into a new light."" Sixth-largest cash crop The proposed $ 368 billion settlement of health-related tobacco lawsuits negotiated by the cigarette companies and 40 state attorneys general makes no mention of the impact on America's estimated 124,000 tobacco farms. Tobacco is the nation's sixth-largest cash crop.",0 7,Smuggled Aliens Now Cross Mohawk Land,6 12,"Students, teacher speak out in support of new gun laws",11 13,Obama Speaks of Frustrations After Oregon Shooting,12 1,Gun industry sees banks as new threat to 2nd Amendment,0 5,"Because states generally honor marriages made in other states, Illinois lawmakers fear that legalizing gay marriages in Hawaii effectively legalizes them in Illinois - unless they're specifically prohibited. ",4 9,N.J.'s 'Blind Faith' killer dies in prison,8 5,"What really floors them, though, is my contention that the Constitution provides a number of mechanisms for the people to ""petition the government for a redress of grievances,"" none of which includes armed force.",4 5,Judge OKs benefits offer for unmarried partners,4 1,Illinois Judge Again Orders Philip Morris to Pay $12 Billion Bond,0 5,"""This decision ends the degrading spectacle of smoke, fire and burning flesh that almost every other modern society in the world has abandoned,"" said Stephen Bright, director of the Southern Center for Human Rights. ""This is a historic decision.""",4 10,"he pain that they have inflicted on the families and friends of their victims far outweighs any pain that the executed may feel. ",9 5,"Attorneys for Williams had argued that the trial judge should have considered Williams's troubled childhood as a mitigating circumstance. But the court said Williams's sentence was ""neither excessive nor disproportionate.""",4 13,"James Mastroddi, director of the Philadelphia Archery and Gun Club in South Philadelphia, said the furor was probably being caused by the ""Obama factor.""",12 13,The seven types of political cartoons you'll see about gun control;,12 12,HISPANICS AIM CAMPAIGN AT ANTI-IMMIGRATION ADVOCATES,11 7,"If convicted, Lopez-Ramos, of Sonoyta in the Mexican state of Sonora, could receive up to life in prison or the death penalty, the Immigration and Naturalization Service said.",6 5,"A federal judge in Louisiana bucked a national trend and ruled Wednesday that the state has the right to ban same-sex couples from marrying. ",4 10,"In the essay, Cook said that this seismic change influenced his decision to speak out, despite concerns for his own privacy. ",9 6,Plan snuffs inmate smoking,5 5,Stay halts rush of gay marriages in Mich.,4 5,"Sniper suspect John Allen Muhammad appeared in Prince William County Circuit Court yesterday morning for the second time since his arrest last month, learning that two highly experienced lawyers will represent him against capital murder charges and the possibility of a death sentence.",4 12,"A crowd of about 40, outside the gates of San Quentin, cheered and hugged one another upon hearing the news. ",11 10,'How Not to Get Too Sad': Santa Fe Students Turn to Parkland for Advice,9 5," U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leonof the District's federal court initially sided with the tobacco firms in issuing the temporary restraining orderthat blocked the new rules. In his 19-page Wednesday opinion, Leon reiterated that analysis.",4 8,Terrorism Trial's Strategies Revealed,7 5,California Sets June 17 for Same-Sex Marriage Licenses,4 5,"A Santa Clara County Superior Court lawsuit filed Monday by U.S. Firearms; its owner, Eric Fisher; and the National Shooting Sports Foundation claims the ammo sales provision is pre-empted by state law and illegally shares customers' data with police -- and that the loss or theft reporting provision conflicts with state and federal laws.",4 5,That would bring them under FDA jurisdiction.,4 6,"""Some of my customers have predicted that another Clinton-type gun ban is coming,"" ",5 5,Court ready to hear gay marriage case,4 7,Ms. LaGuardia said investigators were still interviewing the immigrants to determine whether any of the missing passengers might be members of the gang that arranged the smuggling operation. She said the figure of 20 believed to be missing was based interviews with the immigrants.,6 11,Harvey Weinstein fighting a losing battle over gun control,10 5,"The likely result, Justice John Paul Stevens said, ""is the arbitrary or discriminatory imposition of death sentences."" ",4 13,McCain praises Obama's immigration speech; ,12 7," Orloff is a ""firm believer in capital punishment"" when the crime warrants it, Anderson said.",6 3,"At Mass, Archbishop Is Silent on Same-Sex Marriage",2 13,"Alice Johnson, a member of a group called Georgians Against Gun Violence, also spoke against the bill, even though she had predicted before the meeting that the committee would approve it. ""It's probably a runaway freight train in the House,"" said Johnson.",12 7,"Investigators tracing the source of the guns allegedly used by the felon think he was aided by a straw buyer who could clear background checks likely to foil Miller, said a law enforcement official familiar with the case.",6 6,TA-BOO LEADS WAY FOR VOTERS ON FLORIDA'S AMENDMENT 6,5 5, when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the death penalty in 1972.,4 5,"In all, the Supreme Court's ruling on DOMA opens the door to more than 1,000 federal provisions in which marital status is a factor in determining or receiving benefits, rights and privileges, according to the Government Accountability Office. Here are three major areas of interest: ",4 13,Obama embraces his gay supporters,12 9,"""We all know the close link between smoking and cardiovascular disease.""",8 13,The president said he acted after Congress failed to approve a comprehensive immigration reform bill last summer.,12 5,"In Los Angeles, Yvonne Magdalena Flores, president of the Mexican-American Bar Association of Los Angeles County, said she plans to file a federal lawsuit today on behalf of the two immigrants who were beaten.",4 5,Judge: Ronell too dumb for Death Row,4 5,Retrial again puts Long on death row,4 8, Officials Say Death Penalty Would Deter Terrorist Acts,7 13,"""What I've always tried to do in my work is use government to play a positive role in improving the quality of people's lives and that is a view that Mayor Bloomberg shares,"" she said.",12 4,"John Thompson, Cleared After Serving 14 Years On Death Row, Dies at 55",3 6,Tri-Valley letters: Isla Vista killings show access to guns still too loose,5 7,MORE GUNS MEAN LESS CRIME,6 5,"The appeals court rejected Sully's arguments that his trial was tainted by an ineffective defense, including a failure to present evidence of his mental disorders, calling the evidence at his penalty phase ""staggering.""",4 9, Medicaid ,8 12,NRA criticized for silence on police shooting in Minn.,11 13,House GOP drops an effort to loosen D.C. gun-control laws,12 13,"After leaving Arizona, Bush headed to California, another state where illegal immigration has long provoked angry debate. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has come under pressure from fellow Republicans to follow the lead of his neighbors and declare a state of emergency along the border. Bush drew strong applause in Rancho Cucamonga when he vowed to enforce border control.",12 9, mentally unstable people,8 9,"New state law requires cigarettes sold in New York to be ""fire-safe""",8 3,"But a handful of times over the last 10 years as rabbi at Shir Tikvah Congregation in South Minneapolis, Offner has presided over ceremonies with a more non-traditional element: both partners are women, or men.",2 7,"""We took two guys off the street as a result of our good relationship with the immigrant community,"" Takoma Park Police Chief Ronald Ricucci said.",6 1,"The WHO will push for regulations that would make 100% of the world's workplaces and public spaces smoke-free. Only a few countries, including Ireland, have done so.",0 13,CLINTON RIBS RIVAL ON GUN BAN IN NAACP SPEECH,12 13,White House putting a spotlight on immigrant crime,12 5,Iowa Justices Hear Same-Sex Marriage Case,4 5,"The Georgia Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by Fred Tokars, clearing the way for his trial in the November 1992 slaying of his wife, Sara. ",4 5,REGISTRATION OF OLD ASSAULT GUNS HALTED RULING: JUDGE ORDERS ATTORNEY GENERAL LUNGREN TO STOP ALLOWING ANY FIREARMS MADE ILLEGAL BY 1989 BAN.,4 9,a demented drug user with an IQ of 67,8 13,The House voted overwhelmingly Friday to block the Obama administration from implementing a controversial proposal meant to give federal authorities a new tool to catch gunrunners to Mexico.,12 8,"Travelers entering, leaving U.S. face tighter scrutiny",7 1,"``The only year that comes close to what we got now is three years ago,'' said Billy Yeargin, owner of Yeargin's Tobacco Warehouse, one of four warehouses in Oxford. ``We're expecting to get around $1.93 a pound for some of it.''",0 4,"A yearlong investigation financed by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund unearthed the disclosures. The project's lawyers and investigators believe Griffin was innocent of the crime for which he was executed: the murder of Quintin Moss, 19.",3 9,Experts estimate 47 million adults in the United States smoke. About half are expected to die prematurely from cancers caused by smoking. More than 80 percent of lung cancers are believed to be caused by smoking.,8 1,"Customers from as far as San Francisco flocked to the tiny roll-your-own store he opened in Fremont's Niles district last year. There, they could shred tobacco and roll their own cigarettes using small machines -- for about half of the cost of buying traditional brands sold at stores.",0 13,"Anti-smoking forces in Congress frantically tried to derail the change when details began drifting out late Thursday afternoon. By then, however, it was too late.",12 13,"Gun control, like abortion and busing, is one of those emotional issues that Senate Republican leaders managed to keep off the legislative agenda in 1981. The New Right and its Congressional allies did not press these issues during Mr. Reagan's first year, lest they divert attention from the President's economic program.",12 13," and at least one Republican lawmaker said the state would now need to re-examine its marriage and adoption laws. ",12 13,"soothing a policy rift between President Bush and his brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.",12 3,"Marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman,"" Romney said to deafening cheers. ",2 6,U.S. ANTI-SMOKING BILL PASSES ITS FIRST HURDLE,5 7,"apist, murderer gets death penalty ",6 12,"Anti-smoking activists back, 'sin tax' on harmful items",11 7,This report also is troubling because it is not the only one about police losing guns.,6 13,"A year later, the American president's rhetoric on immigration is far different. Below we've compiled every mention of immigration, immigrants or the border in President Trump's joint speech to Congress on Tuesday and added context where appropriate.",12 5,"""A stay of execution when there is no execution ordered, I'm not sure what that does,"" said Ken Nunnelley, the assistant attorney general representing Florida against the appeal by Lightbourne.",4 9,after Citizens for a Healthy Greeley,8 13,"If Marco Rubio is willing to make his election a higher priority than his state, he isn't qualified to represent Florida in the Senate.",12 13,I share your excitement about President Obama's embrace of same-sex marriage. Advocates for equality must continue to push for the universal embrace of our cause.,12 13,Gun-law ad sponsor a mystery,12 5,Death penalty hearings continued,4 13,"Kelly's spokesman, Vada Manager, said that though the mayor has not yet seen the final version of the bill, it's unlikely she will veto it.",12 3,"""especially heinous"" and ""atrocious.""",2 7,"5 Charged in Work Visa Fraud; Men Secured False Papers for Immigrants, Indictment Alleges",6 11," them on the forefront of social change. ",10 1,home to Philip Morris's rival R. J. Reynolds,0 13,"The gun lobby is offering, through full-page newspaper ads",12 13,GUN-BAN BILL SHOT DOWN IN ILLINOIS,12 7,DEATH SENTENCE IN ASSOCIATE'S MURDER,6 13,Gun control: Bay Area Democrats join House sit-in seeking to force vote,12 13,The House of Representatives shouted its way into recess last month during a battle over gun control that will resume this week as the chamber prepares to vote on a bill that Democrats call an empty gesture.,12 13,"This week, New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch (D) said he would sign legislation to make his state the sixth to legalize gay marriage if the legislature ensured religious protections",12 13,"He and the House sponsor, Rep. Mark Ferrandino, D-Denver, are two of four openly gay lawmakers in the 100-member General Assembly. The measure is expected to cruise through the Democratic-controlled Senate, but the real question is what happens when it gets to the House, where Republicans have a 33-32 edge. Ferrandino wouldn't name names, but he said there is Republican support if it gets to the floor. But first the bill has to get out committee, and Democrats are concerned it will be sent to a committee that kills it. House Majority Leader Amy Stephens, R-Monument, said she is opposed to the bill, and so are her constituents. ",12 13,"A gun deal is within range ",12 7, a Macon killer was put in line Friday to be the first in Georgia to die by lethal injection.,6 7," Noting that more than half the murders committed in the United States involve handguns, the group said in a report that stiffer laws were needed ''to send a message that crime committed with the use of a firearm will not be tolerated.''",6 5,"In what could be a pivotal moment in the push to have the Supreme Court resolve an issue it left unanswered last year, a federal appeals court in Cincinnati is set to hear a host of arguments on the topic on Wednesday. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit will hear arguments regarding six cases from four states, a flurry of legal activity that could play a role in how quickly the Supreme Court intervenes.",4 5,A DeKalb County jury on Sunday found Ammon Sumrall guilty of murder in the shooting death of a police officer and will decide today whether to recommend the death penalty,4 13,"But Trump said on the plane ride to Florida on Friday that he was considering signing a ""brand new order"" as early as Monday to try to bypass the legal challenges.",12 13," And that, she told state lawmakers Thursday",12 5,Must Guns Be Our No. 1 Right?,4 6,"The two new state gun laws took effect May 17. One makes it easier to qualify for a permit to carry a concealed handgun. Previously, Denver issued such permits, but only under special circumstances.",5 13," Georgia Supreme Court Justice Leah Sears and challenger Grant Brantley exchanged barbs about personal finances and political views during a brief televised debate Friday night.",12 9,Pediatricians as a group have long been concerned about the psychological effects of exposure to violence and the culture of gun violence.,8 5,"The Texas court is a ""conspicuous outlier"" among state courts and ""defies both the Constitution and common sense,"" Clifford Sloan, Moore's lead lawyer, told the justices in written briefs submitted ahead of Tuesday's scheduled oral arguments. Such a ""head-in-the-sand approach ... ignores advances in the medical community's understanding and assessment of intellectual disability over the past quarter century,"" he wrote.",4 5,"Excerpts from St. Louis Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer's ruling Friday that made permanent his injunction barring enforcement of Missouri's concealed carry law. ",4 13,House panel OKs gay marriage bill,12 9,Story of 6 epidemics examines mobile germs and their victims,8 5," Mr. Elias applied for political asylum and it was denied. His appeal, which is now before the United States Supreme Court, could decide the fate of thousands of other young men who say they fled their homelands to avoid forcible recruitment into guerrilla armies.",4 11,to some of Greensboro's neediest young people.,10 4,"ase is reopened 10 years after man was executed ",3 13,"Gov. Zell Miller got on board during his gubernatorial campaign. He said he would support a system in Georgia similar to that used in Virginia, where instantaneous background checks are in place.",12 6," ""enact legislation to fix the broken immigration system and work with the Senate to ensure that a bill is signed by the president this year.""",5 13,"Legislators in March agreed to use 50 percent of the $4.6 billion the state expects to get from cigarette companies over the next 25 years for a charitable foundation to help ""tobacco-dependent communities."" ",12 6,too little is being done to prevent,5 15,With guns blazing,14 6," Executions likely to resume soon in Maryland",5 5,Immigrants get 'a better test' for U.S. citizenship,4 12,"Second Amendment Sisters is the brainchild of a small group of women who decided to fight back against propaganda put forth by organizations such as Handgun Control Inc., which are seeking to exclude the public from firearms ownership.",11 7,WOMAN 'WITHOUT A COUNTRY' FACES DEPORTATION,6 6,"I speak of the so-called ""gun show"" loophole, which allows anyone claiming to be a ""collector"" or occasional seller to set up shop at flea markets and gun shows and sell firearms without the waiting periods and criminal records checks that apply to licensed dealers. ",5 6,"So you can guess where I stand on the recent decision by the Montgomery County Council to ban smoking in bars and restaurants within the next three years. That booming noise you just heard was Levey belting out: ""Hooray! And what took you so long?""",5 11,"Last year, 11.8 percent of middle school students surveyed were using tobacco products - down from 18.9 percent in 1999. Among high school students surveyed, 33.6 percent were using tobacco, down from 38.9 percent in 1999. ",10 7,"Mr. James, a native of Arkansas, forced the women to engage in sexual acts with each other before sodomizing and raping the store clerk, according to court records. ",6 13,"Debate: Rendell, Swann clash over gun control",12 12,"Thousands of people swamped Denver streets Saturday in protest of Arizona's tough immigration law, chanting slogans in Spanish and English, waving signs and American flags, and walking hand in hand with family.",11 13,Trump's highly dubious claim that more gun control could have left 'hundreds more dead' in Texas,12 13,The Political Future of Marriage Equality,12 6,"A bill aired at a City Council hearing yesterday would subject licensed gun owners to a possible year in jail and $10,000 fine if they're over the limit and armed.",5 7,who face criminal charges,6 9,"The man started gasping, choking and struggling for air. He had to be let off the bus and called his wife to pick him up. He couldn't make it to work that day, all because of secondhand smoke clinging to someone else's clothes. I haven't seen him on the bus since then, and I hope he's okay.",8 9,"TIGHTEN LAW ON GUNS, MENTALLY ILL",8 6,Wary About a Ban on Smoking,5 13,"A candidate for House District 48 says that illegal immigrants are such a problem for Florida that ""camps"" should be built to house them until they can be sent back to their homeland.",12 5,"The verdict did not appear to surprise Pasha, 69. He scanned the jury without emotion.",4 5,He emphasized that he went through all legal channels while applying for a student visa from the U.S. government to attend the University of Texas.,4 13,"Several Republican senators said they believe a smoking ban would be an infringement on civil liberties, but Senate Majority Leader Richard L. Saslaw (D-Fairfax), a committee member, said he doesn't buy the argument.",12 13,"Mr. Hughes and Representative Mario Biaggi, Democrat of New York City's 19th District, who co-sponsored the legislation both years, want to stop the production, import and sale of the bullets. Another bill, sponsored by Representative Jack Brooks, Democrat of Texas, seeks to ban only importing and manufacturing the bullets.",12 9,Locks Issued by Gun Group Are Being Recalled,8 5,"Man wins fight to get same-sex union recognized ",4 3,"a murder in the name of murder that does absolutely no good,",2 9, mentally retarded.,8 13,Mike urged to holster attacks,12 13,He had said previously that he would have voted for legislation defeated by the House,12 1,Fee Increase for Immigration Papers Planned,0 9,", from medical experts",8 5," It is doubtful that there's enough evidence left over to convict Nelson, but that's not to say that Chatham County won't try.",4 1,ADVERTISING/MARKETING: Philip Morris tests smokeless tobacco,0 11,Fiesta cheers immigrant stew,10 8,Background check disqualifies 8% of handgun buyers,7 5,"Timothy Brown, 27, will be under house arrest as a condition of his $5,000 bond, a judge ruled.",4 6,"Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex unions",5 8,"They accuse him of conspiring with the 19 hijackers and al-Qaida leaders in a broad plot to kill Americans, using commercial airliners as weapons. The conspiracy included the Sept. 11 attacks.",7 13, Gov. George Ryan,12 7, shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin,6 1,Cost Is Put in the Millions For Computer Gun Check,0 10, was beaten and raped as a child after being put in foster care when his abusive and alcoholic mother abandoned him.,9 5,Court Reinstates Death Sentence,4 13,"CLINTON REBUTS JIBES ON CRIME, FACES ANGRY GAYS",12 15,May 26-June 1; The Gay Debate,14 13,"'It doesn't belong in this committee in the first place,' fumed Rep. Alice Borodkin, D-Denver, as she paced in the back of the hearing room for the House Information and Technology Committee, where she said the bill had been sent to die. 'You have all the most right-wing people here.'",12 13,"Senators John McCain and Charles E. Schumer, who are leading a push for bipartisan immigration legislation, said Thursday that they were aiming to win 70 votes in the Senate and hoped to gain the backing of a majority of senators in both parties - a prospect Mr. McCain said was ""very doable.""",12 9," ""Guns save lives.""",8 1," For the first seven months of this year , the Comfort Inn's occupancy rate has been a strong 96 percent. ",0 6,Regulating Tobacco,5 5, will soon be challenged in court.,4 11,"Nearly three months later, a study by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) has completed a close examination of how the media covered the issue",10 5,"""What we need is a definitive answer from the courts of what the Constitution does and does not permit,"" Bloomberg said yesterday. ",4 13,Gun legislation and improving education are among the top priorities both candidates,12 12,MAIL REFLECTS GROUNDSWELL OF SUPPORT FOR GAY MARRIAGE,11 12,Same-Sex Marriage Activists Look to Law,11 5,Judge James R. Hartenbach refused but gave them a postponement to seek help from experts and possibly do their own testing. Jury selection is now set for Feb. 20.,4 15,Alabama Surrenders,14 5, surrounded by books about the Second Amendment,4 7,This report reveals the human rights violations associated with the dramatic increase in the use of detention as an immigration enforcement mechanism.,6 5,"Gay Marriage | For Many Judges, It's Personal",4 9,"Graphic ads worked, CDC says",8 6,"Mercury News editorial: County needs help confiscating illegal guns, assault weapons",5 5,50 IN PEACE GROUP TO GET VISAS FOR SESSION AT U.N.,4 3,Immigration's moral crossroads,2 1,Whitman Plans $2 Million to Help Immigrants Become Citizens,0 12,"On Saturday afternoon, Krewson, who represents the 28th Ward, spoke to a crowd of about 100 at a rally in Forest Park to publicize the Million Mom March. The march's purpose is to call for tougher gun control laws, its location is Washington, and its date is May 14 - Mother's Day. Krewson recalled that, when she was a child in the 1950s, polio ""was feared by mothers as a killer that struck without warning. Mothers mobilized themselves, and millions of dollars in scientific research resulted in a cure, the polio vaccine."" She declared, ""Guns are the polio of this new century ... We need to get the mothers organized again."" Rep. Richard Gephardt, D-south St. Louis County, also spoke. Gephardt, the House minority leader, promised to push hard for a law that would require background checks of gun buyers at gun shows, safety locks for weapons and a ban on large clips of ammunition.",11 5," Prosecutors Steve Lee and Jim Peters have countered that the delays were reasonable considering the 10,000 pages of documents already generated by the investigation. ",4 10,Social Security spousal survivor benefits. Less expensive health care options. The ability to file one set of tax returns. And the list goes on.,9 5,as the U.S. Supreme Court took up arguments in key marriage rights cases.,4 11,"In the typical state, four out of 10 teen-agers successfully",10 6,PUBLIC SMOKING BAN NECESSARY,5 7, if he were sentenced to death,6 7,"In the wake of the horrific mass shootings last month at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn.,",6 12,Vermont Residents Split Over Civil Unions Law,11 10,"Yesterday, Burno forged his future by using the same combination of maturity and savvy that has helped him survive one of Jersey City's toughest housing projects and flourish despite living without parents for 10 years.",9 5, get back to court as quickly as possible,4 15,GUN DUEL,14 12,"At a park in Virginia just across from the nation's capital, marchers will be openly strutting with their weapons, as the state's ''open carry'' law permits. Participants at the other rally on the National Mall are being told that it is illegal to flash guns, so they must dare to leave them home. Just up the Hill in Congress, the gun lobby's ever-compliant caucus is fighting that ban too.",11 7," About 200 people were arrested at the rally",6 12,Not everyone shared the governor's sense of urgency.,11 12," So much has changed in such a short time since 59 percent of Wisconsin voters adopted a constitutional ban on gay marriage in 2006",11 13,The gun lobby has undertaken this campaign because it knows it cannot prevail with the public by setting forth its true position,12 11,TREASURE COAST SCHOOLS TOUTING SMOKE-FREE SANTA,10 6,LARGO REJECTS BAN ON EMPLOYEE SMOKING DURING WORKING HOURS,5 13, legislatures,12 9," Cigarettes, if used as directed, will eventually kill the user. A gun, if used properly, will never kill the user",8 6,"The department estimated the anti-smoking rules would apply to more than six million workplaces covered by OSHA rules, while the indoor air quality rule would cover more than 4.5 million non-industrial work sites such as offices, schools, and cafeterias.",5 6,Getting Even Tougher on Guns,5 5," He said his lawyer told him not to talk about the 1996 killings of two Tampa prostitutes, the crimes that put him on death row.",4 5,"U.S. officials conceded that from 1998 to 2004, immigration authorities in Seattle misapplied the ""good moral character"" standard for naturalization and routinely denied citizenship to people because of minor infractions on their record.",4 13,"recently passed the House and is pending in the Senate, where 54 members have voiced support.",12 7," in response to the fatal shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., in April.",6 3,Churches lobby on gay unions,2 8,Splitting the Difference at the Border,7 1,"Each pack of smokes is worth five miles, so it would take 160 packs to get the jacket, 290 to get the wrist watch and just 20 for the ball cap. ",0 3,Churches grapple with gay marriage,2 7,U.S. sees rising fraud in employer-based visa programs,6 7,"Since Victor Feguer was hanged in an Iowa prison on federal kidnapping charges March 15, 1963",6 7,CAFETERIA KILLINGS LED TO A NEW PATH< HER PARENTS AND 21 OTHERS DIED IN A SHOOTING SPREE IN 1991,6 7,"""I fired one shot, then four more shots: bam, bam, bam, bam,"" Watkins said in a monotone. ""She was screaming. She was drowning in her own blood. You could hear a gurgling sound."" ",6 6,Hospital says it won't hire those who smoke,5 4," ""But I will not stop fighting until I've taken my last breath.""",3 5,Vote retains 3-judge panels in death-penalty cases,4 7," ""If they don't leave, then a series of penalties would kick in including a $100 fine.""",6 1,Tobacco states find a way to distribute trust fund,0 2,POPULATION GROWTH IS GREATEST U.S. PROBLEM,1 5,Court accepts gay marriage cases,4 7,"Under Gun Rules, F.B.I. Will Receive Health Data",6 13,GUN LOVERS TAKE POTSHOTS AT MIKE,12 13,"GOP hopefuls slug it out in 'first in South' debate; In South Carolina, candidates' records on abortion, spending come under fire",12 9,REDUCE HARM OF SMOKING BY CUTTING LEVELS OF NICOTINE,8 7,The shooting was at least the third fatal attack in a school in the past five months.,6 13,"The 7-to-4 vote by the Judicial Proceedings Committee sends the bill the Senate floor, where a lengthy and emotional debate is expected next week on the most high-profile social issue facing lawmakers during their 90-day session",12 13,Louisiana lawmakers have thwarted,12 8,"""This is part of a national strategic plan in which we're going to secure the Southwest border,"" said Ortega, a 19-year veteran.",7 1,How Hard Is It to Buy a Gun?,0 13,"The Democratic Party's move comes more than two months after President Obama personally backed the rights of same-sex couples to wed, making the action decidedly less controversial than it could have been had the party been in conflict with its leader.",12 8,"But to believe that such Coast Guard missions as drug interdiction and stopping illegal immigrants are ""unrelated to terrorism,"" as the article notes, misses an essential point: ",7 7, misused by criminals ,6 13,"""I remain very optimistic,"" said Senate bill sponsor Thomas Duane (D-Manhattan). ",12 7,"Instead, it has everything to do with accusations of a murder plot and the possibility one of Carolina's players might face the death penalty.",6 5,"A Miami judge recently ruled the updated ""stand your ground"" law unconstitutional.",4 5,"Additionally, the agency noted that a 2001 Supreme Court ruling limits detention of illegal immigrants to six months, although some exceptions are allowed. ",4 15,SMOKING THEM OUT,14 7,The traditional solution relied on the police and prisons to punish criminals after they had committed violent acts.,6 3,"In 2000, the church's court ruled that ministers can officiate at same-sex unions as long as the ceremonies are not called marriages. Some churches have also ordained gay and lesbian leaders without facing sanctions.",2 11,It's not like the GOP has become a bastion of progressiveness on gay rights,10 13,"Opponents of the measure submitted 96,000 signatures last week to the City Clerk in an effort to force a vote.",12 5,"""We were dismayed by Lorillard's 'Don't ask' policy when we sought information about how their ads affected kids,"" said Richard F. Teerlink, Harley-Davidson's president and chief executive. Several telephone calls to Lorillard were not returned.",4 7,"Renner, 84, was found lying next to his safe from which an estimated $80,000 was missing. Barnett was arrested in December after a neigborhood tipster reported his extravagant spending spree.",6 13,"""The Democrats are trying to slow roll things,"" said one aide to Majority Leader Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss. ""Bush was in Silicon Valley yesterday, so they definitely didn't want to see the vote happen then. Plus, this visa bill is a mixture of two bases for the Democrats: high tech and labor. Labor is not too fond of this bill.""",12 11,EXECUTIONS AT HIGHEST LEVEL SINCE '62 - AND CLIMBING,10 11,Only one out of four Americans smoke these days.,10 5,TOBACCO INDUSTRY: VOID JURY,4 11," Reporters have no business there. But to contend, as KQED has, that if print media news hounds are allowed there, then public- television cameras should also be on hand to broadcast a condemned prisoner's death, makes my flesh crawl.",10 13,"With the November elections approaching, Republican leaders in the House have scheduled a series of votes on hot-button social issues that they hope will force Democrats into a difficult position at the polls, particularly in areas where support for gun rights is strong.",12 12,"Some Missouri universities encourage high school students to speak up, walk out",11 5,Some concealed weapons proponents in Missouri are applying for permits from other states in order to carry guns in Missouri while sheriffs and legal experts try to sort out the impact of a decision last week by the Missouri Supreme Court.,4 13,Gore says GOP stalling gun control for NRA,12 13," Though people on both sides of the debate say they do not expect the amendment to come anywhere near winning approval this week, both sides say they expect it, and an anticipated version in the House, to be used as a conservative litmus test in elections this fall. ",12 7,"Starting Sunday, the inmates and staff at the county jail and the work release center will gradually be weaned off cigarettes, cigars and pipes over three months, Claire Gunster-Kirby, spokeswoman for the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation, said yesterday.",6 11,"Despite crackdowns, teen-agers across the country",10 5,"oyce has assigned two top lawyers to investigate the case as if it had just happened. Moss, a drug dealer, was murdered 25 years ago this summer. ",4 5,"Chief Assistant State Attorney Paul Zacks did not explain why the death penalty will not be sought in the case. Besides weighing the aggravating and mitigating factors, prosecutors also look at the ''strength of the case and evidentiary issue(s) that may arise.'' A team of prosecutors who routinely handle murder cases, called the death penalty committee, reviews each first-degree case and votes on whether to seek the death penalty. Zacks refused to release the committee's memo or the results of the vote, saying the case is pending. Barrow's attorney, John Tierney, said he suspected the state waived the death penalty because of the ''case's weakness'' but was given no explanation for the decision.",4 5,"In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, lawyers for gun rights advocates are asking a federal judge to invalidate San Francisco's handgun law based on the Supreme Court's decision striking down a broader Washington, D.C. law forbidding residents to own handguns. The Supreme Court, for the first time in history, found an individual right to own handguns under the Second Amendment's right to bear arms. The NRA lawsuit against San Francisco is expected to test whether the Supreme Court's ruling applies to state and local gun regulations, a prospect that could open the door to a host of challenges to California gun control laws.",4 5,The court doesn't provide a breakdown of which of those applying to tie the knot are same-sex couples. But court officials said that they began to see a stark increase in total marriage license applications less than a month after the ruling.,4 7,Ex-lover guilty of shooting into home,6 5,INS Sees Big Drop in High-Tech Visas,4 12,"Placards of support included one marked ''Let Our Reverend Go,'' a rainbow-captioned ''Freedom to Love'' and a sandwich board worn by a 79-year old congregant from Ms. Greenleaf's church marked ''Straight, but not narrow.'' No one demonstrated against the ministers.",11 13,PRESIDENTIAL VISIT,12 11,"From there, Mr. Warren and Mr. Passell extrapolated, based on the Census Bureau's experience in miscounting other segments of the population. For example, having counted two million illegal aliens means that, if there are really six million illegal aliens in the United States, the bureau must have missed more than 60 percent of them.",10 7,Audit sought of skipped process with jobless aid E-mails show that state workers disabled software blocking benefits for illegal immigrants.,6 5,STATE DROPS EFFORT TO TRY GUARDS FOR INMATE'S DEATH,4 6,A door opens on gun reform,5 5,Brazilian Loses Ohio Clemency Bid,4 7,Inmates Protest Building of Execution Table,6 5,"R. J. Reynolds Tobacco said it received notices on Friday that courts in Mississippi and Florida had scheduled hearings for Wednesday on the documents, which Reynolds and other companies argue are protected by rules guaranteeing the privacy of lawyers' work for their clients. ",4 5,"Under the sentencing agreement, if Delap attempts to appeal his sentence, the state will have the right to ask a court to impose the death penalty.",4 5,"In courtrooms and state capitols nationwide, opponents and supporters of gay marriage have embarked on a collision course, pursuing lawsuits and legislation so deeply at odds that prolonged legal chaos is likely.",4 13,"Trump vs. Pope, Round 2",12 5,"There's still a chance that Judge Barbara Bellis will decide that Remington Arms, which churns the assault rifle off its assembly lines, gets blanket immunity thanks to an odious federal law passed in 2005 as a gift to the National Rifle Association.",4 13,With just two weeks before New Jersey changes governors,12 3," Invoking Allah,",2 5,were seeking to maintain a temporary stay that Judge Walker had issued in conjunction with his ruling.,4 10,Death Row Inmate Seeks To Marry Team Investigator,9 1," and never paying a cent in damages, the companies agreed to pay billions for decades in compensation",0 5,"preside at your wedding,''",4 12,created a firestorm of controversy,11 7,"on death row for the 1992 murder and attempted rape of Ruth Dickie of Arlington, Va. ",6 7,Three months after an elementary school massacre in Connecticut,6 11,Smokers won't simply disappear - they'll do what some smokers do now,10 13,". But his Democratic challenger, Ken Toltz, criticized him for opposing similar measures in Congress.",12 5,Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Makes Waves,4 5,A judicial decision was delayed Tuesday on whether prosecutors must reveal how they plan to seek the execution of murder suspect Todd Boggess.,4 7,Palestinian-Born Man Deported to Jordan; Technician Accused of Immigration Fraud; Lawyer Fears Torture in Amman,6 5,"The state maintains that Nichols is not facing double jeopardy, in part because the federal government was legally permitted to try him only for the murder of eight federal agents killed in the attack, while Oklahoma accuses him of the premeditated murder of 160 others, over whom only Oklahoma has jurisdiction.",4 5,Right to bear arms must be respected,4 5,"""The Constitution limits the power of the government, and in this case limits the power of individuals,"" Steadman said. ",4 1,"The economic war on developing countries continues to the present time. The World Bank gives money to the elite, leaving the average working person the choice of emigrating or starving.",0 10,"No one bothered to make the young Baker go to school, and by the time he was 8, he was running away from home regularly and sleeping in movie theaters, hotel bathrooms and abandoned cars. He soon began drinking, smoking pot and shooting heroin.",9 6,that would grant legal recognition to same-sex marriages in the state.,5 9,"Citing Flaws, Health Panel Rejects Deal On Tobacco",8 11,"Five years after Sandy Hook, the legislative landscape on guns is . . . confusing",10 1,seeking compensation for Medicaid spending,0 9,"Immigration and Naturalization Service officials agreed to hold the meeting at Mercy Hospital to accommodate Elian's great-uncle Lazaro Gonzalez, who said he could not leave his 21-year-old daughter, Marisleysis. The young woman, who has been a mother figure to Elian, has been hospitalized since Saturday for stress and exhaustion.",8 6,REVISION 12 IS NOT NEEDED,5 5,The Florida Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the state's death penalty sentencing law is constitutional even though it lets a judge overrule a jury's recommendation.,4 4,"Conceal guns, not truth",3 5,GAY UNIONS' UNCERTAIN STATE,4 14,a gay couple married in another state could move to Missouri and force the state to recognize the marriage under the U.S. Constitution's requirement to honor out-of-state contracts.,13 5,"U.S., Stymied 21 Years, Drops Bid to Deport 2 Palestinians",4 10,The woman said she has spent almost two decades trying to erase from her mind the extremely difficult decision she had to make as a juror in the murder-rape trial in Oklahoma City.,9 7,"Bower was convicted of shooting and killing four men in an aircraft hangar in 1983. He shot one man in an attempt to steal an ultralight plane the man was trying to sell, and then shot the other three when they arrived unexpectedly, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.",6 1,Put focus on gun sales,0 9, killed a 14-year-old student and wounded a physical education teacher,8 11,"New York City Losing Blacks, Census Shows",10 13,RUDY GUN-BAN GIG AIMS NOT TO PLEASE,12 13,"Try McCain's border plan; How Obama might break a political logjam ",12 13, Obama said during the speech,12 9," A federal law aimed at disarming abusive spouses and parents",8 11,who had advertised for several years on Comcast cable in South Jersey. He was told he would have to create new advertisements to conform to the rules.,10 5," THIS LAWSUIT OVER GUNS OUT OF LOBBYISTS' RANGE",4 12,Gun Control Movement Changes Approach,11 1," The $800,000 cost for one Illinois trial included defense attorneys, investigation, medical and forensic services as well as DNA testing by both sides. The $46,000 figure for two Missouri trials covered none of these costs, including only the cost of sequestering jurors. As the article made clear, Missouri taxpayers pay all of the same costs through their funding of the capital defense offices of the Public Defender System. ",0 1,"Empire Blue Cross was seeking more than $1 billion in damages from the tobacco companies: Philip Morris, R.J. Reynolds, Brown & Williamson, Lorillard and Liggett Group.",0 12,Mixed reaction to FDA's e-cigarette proposal,11 13,"MacKay under fire for Democratic Party's tobacco money ",12 13,"Congress and the White House have abandoned a bipartisan effort to loosen immigration law this year, prompting Democrats to seize on the issue in a bid to lure Latino voters in the upcoming midterm elections.",12 5,"This potential juror, known only as No. 101, is unlikely to serve in the trial of accused bomber Timothy J. McVeigh, for it is a legal requirement that jurors on a capital case be willing to impose the death penalty.",4 3, Why don't the governor and the senators step up and bring this family back together? It is the right thing to do.,2 13,"Mr. Bloomberg, an independent who is the biggest single donor to the Senate Republican caucus, is a strong advocate of same-sex marriage, and he flew up to Albany in an effort to persuade the G.O.P. Senate majority to allow a vote on the contentious issue, which is supported by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and was approved by the State Assembly Wednesday night.",12 9, health care ,8 12,'Open carry' event planned for Palo Alto,11 3,Governor signs bill on guns in churches,2 10,Angry and Depressed About Guns,9 5," A prosecutor followed up",4 14,"ILLINOIS SETS A PRECEDENT WITH HALT TO EXECUTIONS ",13 1,Citigroup Sets Restrictions on Gun Sales by Business Partners,0 11,TEENAGERS SHOWCASE TALENTS IN S.J. SHOW; ANTI-SMOKING EVENT CELEBRATES HEALTH,10 1,Gun-sale reporting plan hits a snag,0 7,LIFE SENTENCE IN MULTIPLE-MURDER CASE,6 15,GUNNING FOR THE HOME TEAM,14 13,The Assembly and Senate gave the proposal the first 'yes' votes in 1996. The Assembly granted its second OK in January 1997.,12 13,"The main reason is simple: with President George W. Bush in the White House and Republicans controlling both the House and Senate, activists say they have little hope of enacting new gun restrictions this year.",12 13,Vt. 'civil unions' get final Senate OK,12 4, made it impossible for him to get a fair trial,3 1," Anthony Testa, general manager of Just Right Carbines in upstate Canandaigua, southeast of Rochester, said his company received at least a dozen offers from other states.",0 5,"Virginia AG to fight state's gay marriage ban ",4 5,"iss Falling earlier pleaded not guilty to all three charges. Miss Falling declined comment today on the change in her plea. But prosecutors played the woman's confession, taped July 20 at a Tallahassee psychiatric unit. ",4 10,"From tragedies, activists are born",9 13, and the Republicans who defend them.,12 10,Uncertainty remains for gay couples in many states,9 1,"Immigrants Play Key Role as City Entrepreneurs, Study Finds",0 6,Gun control that works,5 11,"Since arriving, the weekend's festival was the first time some had been surrounded by so many of their people and by so much of their language and music, said Kahoua Yang, Lao Family Community of Minnesota vice president",10 13,GUN LOBBY MYOPIA OMITS HUMAN FACTORS,12 3,"""I think we've got an obligation to see that doesn't happen.""",2 5,Insurance policy stays in murder case,4 12,Listen to the Families,11 11,A joint report published in January by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and the Education Commission of the States outlined the history of campus carry nationwide.,10 13,Black Legislators Stall Marriage Amendment in Georgia,12 13,passed seven months ago by the D.C. Council and set to go into effect Friday,12 7,Thousands released after immigration holds denied Agencies have rejected ICE requests to keep prisoners in custody beyond release dates,6 1,RJR will switch to new leaf despite lack of proof on toxicity,0 13,"The language in the new bill is similar to language that failed in an April 2013 Senate vote, effectively killing the proposal for the 113th Congress.",12 13,CLINTON HITS GUNS: 'WE HAVE TO MOVE',12 8,"and they don't do background checks,""",7 1,"the $1,153.54 it cost",0 9, that might identify an anesthesiologist on the state execution team.,8 5, But he assured Howard and Smith's lawyers that he no longer feels that way.,4 5,"HIGH COURT REJECTS JEOPARDY ARGUMENT MAN CAN BE TRIED IN TRIBAL, FEDERAL COURTS FOR SAME CRIME",4 12,"Forty-seven percent of Virginians say gay couples should be allowed to legally wed, and 43 percent are opposed, according to the poll. Fifty-five percent of Virginians say gay couples should be able to legally adopt children.",11 8," Background checks would be possible for all gun transactions, since private sales would only take place at these centers. ",7 12, With hundreds of high school students massed at the Capitol to demand gun control,11 4,"An almost happy ending for the story of marriage equality ",3 1,"""We went too far,"" said Alderman Paul Skidmore, a sponsor of the council resolution",0 9,"An admitted drug user, he was placed on suicide watch and ordered into detoxifcation treatment at his arraignment March 30.",8 5,Judge rules against New Jersey in same-sex couples case,4 11,"'Cheap slaves': Trump, immigration and the ugly history of the Chinese Exclusion Act",10 12,SOUTH CAROLINA EXECUTES KILLER: AGE STIRS PROTEST,11 7, to remove the ban from a crime bill.,6 15,Same-Sex Marriage Vaulted Into Spotlight,14 1,GE won't make loans to buy guns,0 3,"''Today there was a very clear and strong signal from the church, and that message is, 'Change is on the way,' '' Mr. Schaefer said in a telephone interview. ''One day we will celebrate the fact that we have moved beyond this horrible chapter in our church's life.''",2 1,Fisher said his outdoor advertising company would be affected only minimally because it carries only a very small amount of tobacco advertising.,0 1,"MPAAT, whose board is dominated by Humphrey appointees, received $202 million directly from tobacco companies as part of the settlement. Among various concerns that arose about sending the private organization more public dollars were reports that MPAAT had hired Tunheim Santrizos for startup communications work.",0 13,Pa. House faces a slew of crime bills,12 1,"Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, has toughened its gun-sales policy and taken what it calls an ""extra step"" beyond",0 1,"A third ordinance requiring tobacco retailers to pay $425 a year for a license, plus a one-time $340 application fee, will be considered for final approval at the board's Nov. 23 meeting. The ordinance also limits in-store tobacco displays, San Jose officials Nov. 16 will consider whether to develop a similar retail ordinance calling for a $450 annual license for the city's 855 tobacco retailers.",0 7,"Woman executed for killing husband, 2 kids",6 5,"According to the lawyers who were defending Mr. Evans then, she ""fell between the cracks"" and was never even interviewed.",4 8," five months after the bombings,",7 7,McVeigh convicted McVeigh was convicted for his role in the bombing and sentenced to death in a separate federal trial in Denver.,6 15,In America; In the Mouths of Babes,14 8,MCVEIGH EXECUTION,7 13,"COUNCILMAN'S PROPOSAL TO BAN SMOKING IN CHESTERFIELD'S BARS, RESTAURANTS FAILS",12 5,"L'AFFAIRE MUMIA IN COURT, JUDGE SABO IS HIS OWN WORST ENEMY.",4 7,"There's a man with a gun over there. Or maybe a knife. And he has killed someone in cold blood, and even though New York now has the death penalty, odds that any murderer will face the ultimate punishment in the city approach zip. ",6 11,"Pregnant smokers are targeted New campaign by March of Dimes sponsors ads in city, encouraging moms-to-be to quit.",10 7,"All of the defendants pleaded not guilty before United States Magistrate Judge Joan M. Azrack and all but one, Hamood Zokari, 53, were freed on bond. The arrests were the result of a three-year investigation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM (NYT)",6 11,African Americans and Latinos spur gay marriage revolution,10 5,"In 2007, the full federal appeals court in Cincinnati rejected Mr. Getsy's argument that his death sentence violated the Constitution because the man who orchestrated the plot had escaped the death penalty. The vote was 8 to 6.",4 12,Opponents of gay marriage ban to use Pride Festival as campaign kick off,11 6,Certainly banning smoking at work is fine.,5 13,Minnesota Rep. Karen Clark to be honored by White House,12 12,Texas voters approve ban on same-sex marriages,11 7,"Burglars do not fear getting shot, and criminals do not face much of a threat from armed victims.",6 7,EX-ST. RAY'S STAR GRANT FACING EXILE,6 5,Herhold: Supreme Court blows it with YouTube ruling in Prop. 8 case,4 5,Charges Dropped Against Mayor Who Performed Gay Weddings,4 6,Puffing Till the Bitter End as the Legal Ban Looms,5 3,TOBACCO FIRMS ACCUSED OF BANKING ON ADDICTION,2 13, a similar gun-show measure was passing in Oregon.,12 15," Guns as pacifiers",14 4,"""Loving couples, regardless of their sexual orientation, should have the right to marry whomever they want,"" ",3 9,"On Monday morning, just before the start of classes at the middle school in Sparks, Nev., a 12-year-old boy fatally shot a teacher and wounded two fellow students, both 12, before turning the gun on himself",8 13,"The Militia and Police Committee of the House of Delegates voted by wide margins to defeat a proposal by Del. James F. Almand (D-Arlington) to ban all guns except police weapons in the state Capitol and General Assembly office building in Richmond, which have several heavily used public hearing rooms.",12 9,AGENCY MAY CHANGE WAY CIGARETTES ARE TESTED,8 1,"$300 to $1,000",0 10,Rarely has the concept of happiness caused so much consternation in public health circles.,9 7,Let's use our power to end gun violence,6 7," Colorado school shootings,",6 1,PUFF SNUFF Marlboro maker saddles up for ... e-cigs!,0 6,THE UNCERTANTY OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT,5 5," anticipates a ruling soon by the U.S. Supreme Court, which could challenge the status of such bans in the 30 states that have adopted them.",4 11,Guns and Roses Into the Fray,10 13,Oregon college killings renew state gun debate,12 7,"""If they'd sell to me, I'd pay for them and walk out to the vehicle,"" Alexa, a nonsmoker who is an 11th grader at Adlai E. Stevenson High School in the Bronx, recalled yesterday. ""Then, one of the inspectors would go back in to give them a summons, and I would fill out an affidavit.""",6 13,NRA loses round in Senate,12 14,Does Canada Need Better Gun Control?,13 6,"""policy",5 5,Court: Texas can't stop gay divorce that's granted,4 7," Police officers across the state are urging a ""no"" vote",6 13,"On Charlton Heston's heels, Democrat Joseph Lieberman assured Wisconsin hunters on Thursday that he and Al Gore would not take away their guns if elected to the White House.",12 13,ENACT SAME-SEX UNIONS BY CUTTING OUT POLITICS,12 11,"""You may not see it up here, but we've got kids killing kids in Pennsylvania,"" he said.",10 6,Proposals would allow some semiautomatic rifles in Md.,5 6," But two recent advances in immigration policy-- major steps that allow more immigrants and grant legal status to undocumented immigrants, such as the Guatemalans-- seem to indicate a heartening reaffirmation of the ""open-door""",5 6,"Yes, lethal injection is a demonstrably less macabre means of execution, and the Legislature should substitute intravenous death for the gruesome spectacle of electrocution",5 5,"The court, however, stopped short of suspending the ban, which California voters passed as Proposition 8 two weeks ago after an expensive and hard-fought campaign.",4 7,Less disfiguring execution sought for mother,6 12,175 gun advocates protest group's agenda at hotel,11 1,Handgun Sales Fall,0 6," The immigration provision, which has been on the books for the past three years, will be extended until Jan. 14. It allows illegal immigrants to pay a $ 1,000 fine and remain in the country while their visas are processed.",5 13,Gun background checks still lack votes in Senate,12 13,The governor drew a star next to the licensing provision as he read the memo. He knew what he wanted.,12 8,More border agents may not stop determined aliens heading for U.S.,7 1,A Tax That's Good for You,0 5,Legalizing same-sex marriage in Minnesota ,4 13,"President Obama continues a swing through the western part of the country today. Day one of his trip neatly encapsulated both the top priorities and early complications of his second term. ",12 14,"In order to receive a weapon permit in Great Britain, a person must have a very convincing reason. Even the police are unarmed. This is not because the government is authoritarian or tyrannical; it is because the democratic government and the people do not want angry lovers, playful children or madmen to be able to get their hands on a murder weapon with ease. Their low crime-fatality figures show that this works. ",13 13,Bloomy: It's a win for thugs,12 13,"BOSLEY TAKES FIGHT FOR POLICE, GUN CONTROL TO CAPITAL",12 4,"""same rights as traditional marriages",3 15,"The Gun Report: September 17, 2013",14 7,A Silver Spring couple was found guilty yesterday of enslaving a teenager from Cameroon by forcing her to work long hours as a housekeeper and nanny for three years without pay.,6 5,"The fight over same-sex marriage erupted on many new battlefields, from Oregon to New York, from county clerk's offices to statehouses to courtrooms.",4 5,The University of Minnesota professor was the first defense witness in the trial that began Jan. 20 as the industry sought to show that the state's residents and government officials have known about the health hazards of smoking for a very long time.,4 13,Chesterfield moves to regulate e-cigarettes after Nixon vetoes bill,12 12,"A new poll shows a majority of Floridians support the measure, but the number falls short of the 60 percent a constitutional amendment needs for passage. ",11 4," And then, what do you know? A DNA test proved he was innocent of the crime that put him there. Whoops.",3 11,Tales of an earlier flood of immigrants,10 8, expand background checks for gun purchasers.,7 5," Mr. Wilson's lawyers claim in the challenge, filed Wednesday in Federal District Court in Frankfort.",4 5, In imposing the moratorium,4 12,"The grassroots group pushing for 'sensible gun laws' has endorsed Ken Toltz, Diana DeGette and Mark Udall in their races for Congress over their Republican opponents.",11 13,"If the ordinance passes the full council, ",12 13,"The bill passed the Senate 32-24-1 after passing the House by a one-vote margin a day before. ",12 13,Rendell calls bid to curb guns in Pennsylvania 'a lost cause',12 2,"A Flood of Applications, With a Trickle of Approvals",1 13," Even as the national gun debate intensifies ",12 1,as farmers whose crops had just sold had money to spend.,0 6,Lake Worth moves to ban smoking at beach,5 11,"Based on a Pew Research Center analysis of census and other government data, the report finds that illegal immigration in general ""has stabilized since the end of the Great Recession."" That's because, while more Mexicans have left the United States than arrived here, the influx from other regions, including Asia, Central America and sub-Saharan Africa, has grown.",10 7,"also are repeat offenders, and they also face possible misdemeanor charges once investigations are complete, Arriola said.",6 13,"""In 1994, my initial platform had nothing to do with concealed weapons,"" Anderson says. ""The constituents really forced this on me as a candidate.""",12 13,QUEENS PUBLICAN POURS IT ON ROMNEY OVER IMMIGS,12 7,680 in U.S. illegally are arrested in raids,6 5,A Legal Threshold Is Crossed By Gay Couples in New York,4 3,Stop the torrent of hate after a deadly drunk-driving crash,2 13,the Food and Drug Administration,12 10,Victim's mother: Davis 'is guilty',9 12,"Many gays and lesbians in Atlanta, often called the gay mecca of the South, expressed shock and despondency in the aftermath of Tuesday's overwhelming approval of the marriage ban",11 13,Massachusetts limits same-sex marriages,12 7,"Capano Sentenced to Die For Murder of Mistress ",6 11,"Even after controlling for parental smoking, family income, race, school performance and other factors, the correlation between seeing movies with smoking and taking up the habit persisted. Children who had the greatest exposure to smoking in movies were more than two and a half times as likely to start smoking as those who had the lowest exposure.",10 7,Sentencing Mess,6 10,"""It would totally screw up my social life,"" said Shimko, 26, a software engineer from Catonsville, as he puffed on a cigarette. ""What's the point of going out if you can't smoke?""",9 8,". ""We think it's reasonable to tell people that they should avoid passionate confrontations when they come to Florida,"" ",7 13,NRA backs Barnes' gun control plan,12 1,A tobacco company in 1980,0 12,'A Day Without a Mexican' catches on Little-noticed movie resonates with activist immigrants,11 13, they bought off politicians en masse.,12 5,"State attorney Susan Boleyn countered that the chair, used on death row in Jackson, does not cause pain and is legally acceptable. ",4 5, Expect the lawyers to reap a fortune litigating that distinction without a difference.,4 12,"`We need your help,'' Goodrich wrote, urging",11 13,52 senators have an A-minus NRA rating or higher - including four Democrats,12 13,Few things illustrate the difference between liberals and conservatives as clearly as the approach taken on immigration by liberal Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein and conservative Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan.,12 11,CITY OF IMMIGRANTS,10 14,(something that California has had for years),13 12,"To Rudy Cervantez, who is feeling blue for the smoking ban",11 8, He said the law is designed to allow people like nurses working late hours or jewelry salesmen to carry guns. ,7 9,"Under intense pressure from Congress, the nation's biggest tobacco companies released Wednesday a top-secret list of chemicals in cigarettes - including some also found in candy, coffee and fruit.",8 7,"Rousan was sentenced to death for killing Grace Lewis, 62, of rural St. Francois County, in 1993. He was sentenced to life in prison for killing her husband, Charles, 67. On Sept. 21, 1993, Rousan, his son, Brent, 16, and his brother, Robert, concocted a plan to kill the couple and steal their cattle. Authorities said at trial that William Rousan was the ringleader. ",6 10,"I'll be marking a milestone this month, too. My brother, Robert James Kerr, would have been 50 years old, and I would have been celebrating with him",9 5,"""I don't think this case would make any difference on a moratorium.""",4 9, But I fail to understand why mental health advocates and civil liberties groups also oppose reporting of mental illness information for effective background checks.,8 12,"They may have lost their voices, but they are a talkative bunch",11 5,"Yesterday, three days into his trial in federal court, Tidwell, 37, pleaded guilty to murder, tax evasion, running a $1-million-a-year drug organization, and a host of other charges.",4 13,Politicians can no longer hide behind,12 6,"Gov. Gilmore should use the remaining allocated funds exclusively for improving the health of the commonwealth's citizens, not the roadways they travel. ",5 13,The measure had been approved by Congress amid accusations of gay-bashing and White House assertions that Republicans were trying to put Clinton on the spot,12 15," And Now the Zoo",14 12,allowing the people of the United States to have a say.,11 9,"Myers announced the new reporting requirement during a congressional hearing on medical care for immigration detainees, the first since The Washington Post published a series of articles last month that documented a broken system of care for the growing number of foreigners who are imprisoned while the government tries to deport them.",8 13,"At a news conference at the governor's mansion in Princeton, where he signed a comprehensive health care bill, the Governor said that for the first time since he took office 18 months ago, he would allow a piece of legislation to leave his desk without either a veto or a signature.",12 5, that would attempt to overturn Thursday's ruling and write a ban into the state's constitution.,4 10,Who comforts the mothers and daughters and loved ones of the people who are tortured and killed in the execution chamber?,9 7," They are accused of killing Levin, 31, in his upper West Side apartment May 30.",6 11,"""There is a great diversity within the API (Asian-Pacific Islander) population. Not everyone has that relatively high income,"" Rolark said. For example, populations with roots in Japan, China, India and the Philippines are better-established in the United States and have high average family incomes. Poverty among groups with an Asian background ranges from 3.4 percent of Japanese-Americans with incomes below the federal standard for poverty to 61.8 percent of Hmong. ",10 7,"Inmates already are barred from smoking in mess halls, infirmaries and punitive cells, but they can light up freely in dorms, TV rooms, hallways and in their cells, he said.",6 11,'Hip' factor of cigarettes goes up in smoke,10 5,Proposition 8 case: Court packed for hearing on same-sex marriage judge,4 5,"Hennepin County District Judge Marilyn Rosenbaum ruled that the handgun permit law infringes upon the churches' ""free exercise of religion as guaranteed by the Minnesota Constitution.""",4 9,"Homeless Man in Brooklyn and Elderly Woman in Harlem Die in Fires ",8 13,Clinton's gutsy willingness to take on the wide-open firearms traffic was one reason major police organizations supported his candidacy,12 5,Facing a deadline for appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn California's ban on semiautomatic assault weapons,4 13,ALDERMEN DIVIDED ON SMOKING BAN,12 12,conservative groups seeking to halt the marriage spree,11 1," had him work to reduce the cost,",0 11,What the ancient Greeks can teach us about gun control,10 5,KILLER'S DEATH SENTENCE UPHELD,4 6,The new policy was worked out in an agreement,5 1,"And while the nation's unemployment rate jumped to a 2 1/2-year high of 4.5 percent last month, not enough U.S. citizens are willing to wash dishes, clean bathrooms and perform similar jobs, said John Young, who runs HELP, an employment company in Goffston, N.H.",0 5,COMPLICATED ILLINOIS DRUG-AND-MURDER CASE GETS MORE COMPLICATED WHEN WITNESS,4 11,U.S. comeback isn't enough to shake off Iran at freestyle wrestling World Cup,10 12,TEXAS SET TO SHIFT IN WAKE OF FUROR ON DEATH PENALTY,11 14,"That attitude explains why business and immigration leaders in the state hope Mexico's president has sent a new consul general to Denver who's a skilled diplomat. Eduardo Arnal, a career politician, recently assumed the helm of the Mexican consulate in Denver.",13 10,"THEY'VE already exchanged vows and rings once before, say George W. Slowik Jr. and Patrick Turner. But that time, at a 2002 civil union ceremony in Vermont with four friends as witnesses, the festivities were limited to a luncheon followed by a round of facials.",9 12,Poll: Most voters oppose gay marriage,11 5,Sotomayor gun view debated,4 7,"Smith's victim, 19-year-old Jennifer Soto, was pistol-whipped, shot and stabbed with a butcher knife. ",6 13,That ought to appeal to Gov. Lawton Chiles. He will be adding bills to the special session agenda. This one should definitely be on his list.,12 1,"First, though I don't dispute the report's assertion that overall nicotine yields in cigarettes have increased, this does not appear to be the case for Marlboro, the leading cigarette brand that commands over 40 percent of the market.",0 11,Bay Area immigrants tell their stories of life in America,10 13,"And yet, the Senate did not behave as though this was a piece of legislation favored by 80 percent or more of the public. The analysis that we posted last week suggested that, if anything, senators who are up for re-election in 2014 were less likely to vote for the bill.",12 5,"In addition, Council will soon file a lawsuit in Common Pleas Court against the General Assembly to win the city the authority it needs to legally pass its own firearms legislation, said Councilman Darrell Clarke, who cosponsored the bills with Councilwoman Donna Reed Miller.",4 5,"James K. Hahn, the city attorney for Los Angeles, said of his city's lawsuit, ""We think it sends a big, important message to the gun industry that there are a number of cities in California that have had to deal with the cost of human suffering from guns and that we are united.""",4 13,"C'MON, NRA Back Bam ATF plan or your full of it: Chuck",12 13,NRA has had Florida under the gun,12 9,IMMIGRANTS TELL OF FRUSTRATIONS IN CITY OF CAMDEN STATE OFFICIALS ASKED ABOUT THE HEALTH CONCERNS OF HAITIANS AND VIETNAMESE. THEY GOT AN EARFUL.,8 13,"Toomey could be key to a deal on guns ",12 10,as everyone forgotten the cruel and unusual punishment inflicted upon the family and friends of the victims? ,9 6,"which include an expanded federal death penalty and stiffer penalties for gun-related crimes, are shelved or passed by Congress in ""a watered-down version,"" ",5 15,A Washington wedding,14 13,'BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN' BUSH WANTS MARRIAGE LAW FOR HETEROSEXUALS ONLY,12 12,"He showed up at the Argus pub Friday with ""Smoke Free in Mad City 2005"" handwritten in marker on his shirt. He sat at the bar while a group of smokers sat outside at a sidewalk patio. ""That's where we like them. Outside,"" Bakken said. ""It's about their nasty habit imposing on my health.""",11 7,"Wanda Valdes knows William Van Poyck didn't kill prison guard Fred Griffis in a botched 1987 escape attempt outside a West Palm Beach doctor's office. ",6 5,"As in the marriages sanctioned by judges in 27 states this year, all of which mention Windsor by name.",4 5,Walcker has moved on since the widely publicized trial ended seven months ago.,4 9,Immigrant health benefits,8 7," that would toughen sentences on undocumented immigrants, including ones with criminal records, who are convicted of illegally reentering or attempting to reenter the United States after they have been deported",6 5,The D.C. Superior Court is temporarily expanding its marriage license bureau as a result of increased demand in the District for licenses and weddings following a recent same-sex marriage ruling by the Supreme Court.,4 11,"THE replacement of a Marlboro Man billboard by a cowboy clone warning that ""smoking causes impotence"" isn't just turning motorists' heads on Sunset Boulevard.",10 1,LETTING ILLEGALS STAY WON'T AID ECONOMY,0 6,Crime Data Underscore Limits Of D.C. Gun Ban's Effectiveness,5 3,"The Rev. Jennifer Mills-Knutsen, assistant minister of Old South Church in Boston, endorsed such marriages with the words, ''This is a civil rights issue.'' The Rev. Hurmon Hamilton, pastor of Roxbury Presbyterian Church, told The Globe that same-sex marriage was not ''a solution.'' ",2 5,"""It's as much an issue of where does the sunshine on government stop and the protection on individual privacy begin.""",4 1,"The agreement would be a major victory for the tech industry, which has backed an intense lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill in recent months arguing that Google, Facebook, Microsoft and other companies are having trouble finding qualified workers because of visa limits. ",0 6,EDITORIAL Smoking ban sets new era,5 5,"A lawsuit could pit the state against the city of San Francisco, which has sanctioned same-sex weddings since Feb. 12.",4 13,"The measure, which was debated on the House floor late Monday, failed 105-64 and probably won't resurface, though a similar bill still is in the General Assembly.",12 6,making secret the identities of people who carry out executions in Missouri.,5 5,"Peterson was found guilty Nov. 12 of murdering his wife, Laci, and the couple's unborn son nearly two years ago. He could be sentenced to death or to life in prison without parole.",4 13," The Virginia Senate on Thursday approved the first piece of a gun deal hashed out between Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) and Republicans, a measure that greatly expands the right to carry concealed handguns.",12 5,Attorney general seeks gun-ruling rehearing,4 6,"On the wrong side of history Senate Bill 172, the failed civil-unions bill, would have given gay Coloradans rights that a majority of Americans now support.",5 15,"With the Plebes, Firing Broadsides, Dropping Depth Charges, Dodging a Bullet",14 11,EVAN KENNEDY started smoking when he was 12 years old. All his friends smoked; it seemed like the cool thing to do.,10 5,"Gay marriage supporters urge court to reject latest Proposition 8 appeal ",4 15,EFFORT TO BLOCK RESEARCH,14 1,"The tobacco industry calls the idea ""unwise.""",0 10,"For Some, Owning Guns Doesn't Necessarily Mean Liking Them",9 6,"Policy Will Change on Young Border Crossers ",5 7,"Klaas was abducted at knifepoint from a slumber party with friends at her home in Petaluma in Northern California while her mother slept down the hall. Police say Davis led them to her body, buried in a shallow grave, two months later.",6 13, was passed by the Colorado Legislature Sept. 1,12 5,ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION; Enforcement challenge rejected,4 10,NOLLIE MARTIN: DEATH WOULD BE A RELIEF,9 7," Death Penalty Is Ruled Out By Morgenthau in Slayings",6 13,It was a small but significant gesture that suggests the president-elect may understand that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.,12 13,"Its sponsor, Rep. David Bishop, R-Rochester, said his purpose was to alert Gov. Jesse Ventura and the unions that their contracts are in jeopardy and to prod them to renegotiate new settlements without same-sex benefits.",12 13,"FOLLOWING TRUMP VOTER FRAUD ALLEGATIONS, CLAIM THAT 5.7 MILLION NONCITIZENS VOTED IS WRONG",12 8,The system will be similar to that used by merchants checking the validity of a credit card. ,7 3,It was the right thing for the right reason:,2 5,After months of legal wrangling ,4 5,"Hain had won the stay of execution on Wednesday in an appeals court. Oklahoma asked the Supreme Court to intervene, arguing that his appeals had run out. Members of the court voting to lift the stay were Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy and Clarence Thomas.",4 5,"But when the court gave same-sex marriage the green light across much of the country last week, ",4 13,"Last year's legislation is still languishing in congressional committees, and Republicans say they will not pass any new legislation regulating gun sales without compelling evidence that the laws now on the books are being enforced aggressively. ",12 5," Electric chair hearing gets under way today",4 15,WASHINGTON IN BRIEF,14 9, It was also after Smith was examined by an independent mental health specialist who determined that he was competent to stand trial.,8 13, But O'Malley believes Obama's announcement will be of great help.,12 13,Obama's Small Steps on Gun Control,12 5,"""The preliminary injunction now in effect thus does not require the Clerk to issue licenses to other applicants,"" Hinkle wrote in an order released Thursday afternoon. ""But as set out in the order that announced issuance of the preliminary injunction, the Constitution requires the Clerk to issue such licenses.""",4 7,"But federal immigration officials said she would be deported, noting that she had been in the United States illegally since 2006.",6 12,"In November, voters will have a chance to evaluate the candidates for most of the seats in the General Assembly",11 6,U.S. BANS 43 TYPES OF ASSAULT GUNS,5 11," I found it surprising to read that a professor of political science believes what protects us most from an oppressive, tyrannical government is our ""gun culture"" (""Why we need a gun culture,"" Jan. 2).",10 11,"Thompson asked to borrow it, and Leszcynski used Thompson's cellphone camera to snap a picture. The result quickly made the rounds on Facebook and elsewhere on the Internet: Thompson is beaming, arms outstretched, head cocked slightly to the side, the words ""Your Pink Sign is So Gay"" scrawled in marker above her head, an arrow pointing to her three ideological opponents, at least one of whom appears almost equally amused.",10 5,The results so disturbed Attorney General Jay Nixon that on Thursday he filed lawsuits against three retail chains he said showed especially poor compliance with the state law banning tobacco sales to minors.,4 1," and advance U.S. economic interest,""",0 5,"A trial is scheduled to start Jan. 20. A lawyer",4 10,and studies show that they have the desired effect of discouraging teens from starting to smoke.,9 7,"convicted criminals, including some felons, should be able to recover their right to own and carry guns, as long as their crimes were not violent.",6 9," have not been committed to a mental hospital within the last two years,",8 13,"""Those initiatives ... did have an impact in election results,"" says Mark Rozell, professor of public policy at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. ""Turnout was 2.4% higher on average in those 11 states than the other 39 states.""",12 13,"On Capitol Hill, Johnson's agency stood 10 days away from losing funding, but Hanen's ruling made a compromise on that dispute look more distant than ever. Republicans are blocking funding for the Homeland Security Department unless Democrats agree to cancel Obama's immigration orders, and they seized on the ruling as validation for their position.",12 10,"""When my husband quit smoking, I took it as almost a betrayal. As my friends and relatives quit smoking, I often teased them by saying they couldn't stick to anything.",9 3,condemned by evangelist Jerry Falwell.,2 1, Brooklyn gun shop owner,0 13,MARRIAGE DEBATE LIVES ON GOVERNOR INSISTS REFERENDUM BE PART OF ANY SPECIAL SESSION,12 1, the company ,0 11,the third prisoner to be executed since California re-instituted the death penalty in 1977.,10 3,"Tim ropes in Pope on gay views Dolan: Francis talk 'tender,' but church still on straight & narrow ",2 7, wanted him executed,6 13,before he leaves office in January. Both Clinton,12 8,An Army private suspected of leaking hundreds of thousands of sensitive and classified documents to the WikiLeaks anti-secrecy group was charged Wednesday with aiding the enemy,7 8,"A NATION CHALLENGED: NATIONAL MEASURES; Entire Nation On High Alert As Security Is Stepped Up ",7 5,U.S. Convenes Grand Jury To Look at Tobacco Industry,4 6,Because of strict licensing and zoning rules concerning gun sales,5 7,Lopez said it's unacceptable for undocumented immigrants to be targeted by criminals.,6 13,SENATE OKS A REVIVED BRADY BILL,12 11,"Nearly one out of four high school students, 23 percent, said they had smoked tobacco in the preceding month - a drop from 28 percent the last time the survey was conducted, two years earlier. ",10 13,A mixed victory for same-sex marriage,12 13,But a fight is brewing over how tightly this law enforcement web should be woven. The legislation will be back before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday.,12 6,"bill allowing gay couples to wed. ",5 1,Gun Maker Says 'News Events' Drove Firearm Sales Higher,0 13,"The outcome of a veto override attempt depends on what happens in the state Senate, where two St. Louis area lawmakers will play important roles in the bill's fate. The pressure is on state Sen. Mike Gibbons, R-Kirkwood, to change his ""no"" vote and favor the conceal-carry bill. At the same time, it's questionable whether Sen. Jon Dolan, R-Lake Saint Louis, a ""yes"" vote for concealed weapons, can leave active military duty and attend this week's session when lawmakers review all the bills that Holden rejected.",12 15,A Storm Over Arizona and Immigrants,14 13,"BEFORE HE CHANGED HIS STANCE ON GAY MARRIAGE, CHARLIE CRIST SAYS HE ALWAYS SUPPORTED CIVIL UNIONS",12 13,Mike Honda blasts Jeb Bush on anchor babies,12 5,Durham woman on death row guilty in prison attack,4 13,The Missouri Legislature's response?,12 7,"A Reno college student grabbed earlier off the street by Daveggio and Michaud, then raped and sodomized, will testify at the murder trial, officials said.",6 7,"The man, who told police he was in the country illegally, faces charges of sexual battery and false imprisonment.",6 13,Senate Blocks 4 Measures Proposed to Curb Gun Sales,12 7,"Crooks find that many are easily converted to machine guns. They are prized by criminal gangs and armed cults, like the one whose members murdered those Federal agents in Waco, Tex.",6 15,"Judith D. Wilkenfeld, 64",14 5,"Like most Second Amendment absolutists, he leaves out the part that, indeed, states that gun ownership may be regulated. ",4 5,Hillsborough State Attorney Mark Ober will not seek the death penalty for Paula Gutierrez,4 13," But with one major change: The version by Rep. Wayne Crump, D-Potosi, won't send the proposal to a statewide vote - unless he needs that step to help it clear the Legislature.",12 12,"The Douglas students were supported by some 1,000 of their peers from West Boca High School. Those students walked out of class and traveled 12 miles en masse to the scene of the slayings.",11 5,"MALVO JURY DELIBERATES ALL DAY, BUT NO VERDICT",4 9,a year and a half after Glenara's death,8 13,Two dozen female lawmakers gathered Tuesday at the Capitol to make their own passionate plea for a crime bill that prohibits the manufacture of combat- style weapons.,12 6,"An earlier ordinance banning cigarette vending machines in areas accessed by children was amended and now will require that smokeless tobacco, pipe tobacco and other tobacco products, some of which are commonly stocked on store counters, to be kept behind the counter.",5 7,Seeking an Alias Years After the Crime,6 13,Bush Backs Hill Republicans on Guns,12 7,"Man sentenced to death in 2008 Fairfax killing ",6 15,Morning Views,14 10, It was a double wedding ceremony; the other couple were dear friends of ours with whom we wished to share our joy. The food and beverages we purchased were obtained from people who also supported the steps we were taking.,9 13,"Mayor Tom Bradley, who narrowly lost the California governorship to the Republican George Deukmejian in 1982, is expected to be the Democratic nominee again this year. But Mayor Bradley, who'd be the first black state governor, has an unusual problem:",12 6,"Already dead in the House of Delegates is a similar gun-control bill, HB 1017, sponsored by Del. James M. Scott (D-Fairfax), that contains no such exemption.",5 7,"But William Andrews, his partner in the crime, is different.",6 5,"A Hennepin County District Court judge has issued a permanent injunction against part of Minnesota's ""conceal-and-carry"" law, declaring that provisions governing religious institutions are unconstitutional.",4 7,deserve to die for killing Marc Nadeau on Dec. 29 last year during a robbery.,6 5,Texas Tobacco Trial Is Postponed,4 15,Guns And The Slog,14 13,"All Senate Democrats, except Ben Nelson of Nebraska, oppose the amendment, and critics say Bush's efforts are primarily aimed at energizing conservative voters for the November elections. Together with moderate Republicans, the Democrats are expected to block a yes-or-no vote, killing the measure for the year.",12 14,"As an expatriate from California, I have felt this same sense of gratitude many times",13 6," Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990,",5 10, slain ,9 13,Some in G.O.P. Cool To Gay Marriage Ban,12 7,"Nearly five years after Delray Beach police found the bodies of two children stuffed in suitcases in a canal,",6 12,"Gun-Rights Allies Rally in Hartford Against New Rules ",11 3,Editorial: Misleading labels,2 13,"On Oct. 9, 2009, the day before the Finance Committee began voting on amendments to the Baucus bill, GOA sent an alert to members titled, ""ObamaCare Could be Used to Ban Guns in Home Self-Defense."" The conservative group speculated about the impact of the health care bill on gun owners, hypothesizing that, in a bid to control spiraling health care costs, the administration will target people who have ""excessively dangerous"" behaviors that officials believe raise the cost of health care. The group warned that gun ownership - particularly keeping ""a loaded firearm for self-defense"" - is likely to be high on that list.",12 5,"State Supreme Court denies death row appeal ",4 6,"As the investigation unfolds, it's worthwhile to look back to the origins of the ""stand your ground"" law and the concerns legislators like Joyner had at the time.",5 12,"On Monday, nearly a dozen ministers asked the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics to approve a public vote. But after being overshadowed by same-sex marriage opponents, religious leaders who back the concept are speaking out. ""The coalition here is able to identify across all lines, all wards of the city, all races, all backgrounds,"" said Nick McCoy, an organizer for the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group. ""People have come to the forefront with the argument that this something that churches don't back and believe in, and we say, that is not true.""",11 7,"During a two-day period earlier this month, INS officials pulled 15 illegal immigrants from their jobs at three doughnut shops: one on Dorsett Road in Maryland Heights, one on Olive Boulevard in Creve Coeur and one on Florissant Road in Dellwood.",6 11,Hiring of illegals props poultry 'culture',10 14,U.S.: No deal cut for Noriega surrender,13 5,"Court reaffirms new sentencing for killer of 13 ",4 3,That is no less a tragedy than the destruction he wrought later. And proves that guns are not the issue.,2 1,a required blessing if the overall $206 billion deal among the companies and 46 states is to move forward in Pennsylvania and ultimately nationwide.,0 1,"""Employers are the magnet,"" state Rep. Morgan Carroll, D-Aurora, told me last week.",0 1,"But some partners looking at the financial obligations are likely to say no thanks to California's domestic-partner version of ""I do.""",0 13,"""Move Over 'Obama Phone,' Say 'Hola!' to the Marco Rubio Immigration Phone, AKA MarcoPhone,"" said The Shark Tank, a conservative South Florida website.",12 6,"It was a major change in procedure, marking one of the few times that Washington had not automatically approved refugee applications from Soviet Jews.",5 10,"""I'm just so thrilled for these families,"" said a tearful Diane Leonard, whose husband died in the bombing. ""After nine years, the families who lost loved ones finally have justice.""",9 5,"The practical impact of Wednesday's Defense of Marriage Act ruling on gay married couples who live in Georgia is, at least for now, minimal. ",4 7,"ichael Roberts was put to death by injection early Wednesday at the Potosi Correctional Center for killing his neighbor in Jennings in 1994 after a two-week drug binge. ",6 13,Why This Gun Debate Is Different From the Rest,12 7," in Virginia's death chamber at the Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, Department of Corrections spokesman Larry Traylor said. The execution was the first in Virginia this year.",6 13,"But University of Georgia political science professor Charles S. Bullock said Johnson, who angered some conservative constituents by voting for President Clinton's budget, probably will be getting some static soon.",12 14,"States like Alaska, Arizona, Vermont and Wyoming have seen drops in their murder rates since passing permitless carry statutes, which is why more states like Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi and West Virginia have recently joined Missouri to pass similar legislation.",13 12,GROUPS ASK ASHCROFT TO HALT EXECUTION,11 5,"Certainly, the Supreme Court propelled the nation toward greater equality in late June with two 5-to-4 rulings that restored same-sex marriage in California and struck down the central provisions of the Defense of Marriage Act, the dreadful 1996 law that denied federal benefits to same-sex couples married in states that permit it. ",4 5,"The court's decision cements the ability of dozens of cities and counties, including San Jose, to continue enforcing ""junk gun"" bans that local officials argue reduce gun violence on California streets.",4 11,KMOV WON'T SHOW AD THAT CRITICIZES SEN. ASHCROFT,10 3,"Justice, Not Revenge",2 5,Judge William Danser ordered the three to be arraigned Monday.,4 9, Department of Health death records ,8 9,"Along the way to their earlier graves, smokers also consume more health care",8 7,L.A. sheriff hopes to ID 50 women in killer's photos,6 6,because of the ban on smoking.,5 5," That's why New York City sued 27 gun shops, including some in Georgia, whose weapons showed up in crimes 800 miles away. Last year, four Georgia shops and 11 in other states settled the case and agreed to court-appointed monitoring of their sale practices.",4 13,"For most Americans, my view on guns would be considered conservative. But for Republican leaders and the NRA lobbyists who funnel millions to the GOP each year, conservatives such as me are just as out of touch as liberals who want to ban handguns and obliterate all Second Amendment protections.",12 13," Georgia law expands rights on carrying guns",12 11,They were a social media sensation.,10 5,"""Believe it or not, there's a lot of gun owners who don't know the laws,"" he said.",4 13,"That isn't stopping each side in the gun debate from planning to pump tens of millions of dollars into this fall's races. ",12 5,Public Defender System,4 5,Fla. executes man who sought stay,4 13,BAN ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGES ENDORSED BY HOUSE LEADERS,12 9,"Pax. This site promotes campaigns urging parents to ask neighbors if there is a gun where their children play, and encouraging children to speak up if they hear of a gun or threat of violence in school.",8 5,Personal Focus as Same-Sex-Marriage Trial Opens,4 2,MANY EXPECT NEW INFLUX OF REFUGEES,1 13,"Seeking support from black and Hispanic voters, presumptive Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry pledged Tuesday to ease citizenship for working immigrants and improve educational opportunities for minority and low-income students.",12 5,The suit was filed in April over a plan to give preferential treatment to Smith & Wesson when buying guns for law enforcement agencies after the gun maker had agreed to install gun locks on its weapons and block gun sales without background checks at gun shows.,4 13,"''I am proud to be part of this government, not just because New York has the first bill, but because New York has the best bill,'' the governor, a Democrat, said at a news conference. ''I'm proud to be a New Yorker because New York is doing something -- because we are fighting back.'' ",12 13,"HAROLD FORD took his ""listening tour"" to the mostly gay Stonewall Democratic Club in Manhattan's West Village last night - and he sure got an earful.",12 7,"By highlighting gangs and crimes committed by immigrants living in Virginia illegally,",6 11,English: Kids' language of choice // Immigrants' children are abandoning native tongues,10 5,"In the filing, Holmes's attorneys said they initially made the offer to plead guilty before Holmes's arraignment on March 12.",4 5,Tuition lawsuit dismissed,4 7,"Lopez, a member of the organization, said the problem of fear among immigrants in reporting crime is prevalent throughout the nation. He said the problem exists in Durham, but that it's not as bad as it once was.",6 1," Neither did the business impact of those efforts turn out to be what many people expected at the time. Publicly traded gun companies didn't merely survive after Newtown, they prospered. ",0 7,"""These criminals are willing to do just about anything to get to guns,"" said Margaret Moore, who oversees agents from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms who are assigned to ACES II, a federal-local effort targeting illicit gun dealing. ""You are probably talking about more-violent individuals, people going to great lengths not to be traced to the weapons. [In these types of thefts], you would likely have orders before you steal and distribute.""",6 13,New York's junior senator is pushing federal legislation to lift the ban on gay couples and individuals adopting children.,12 1,"""I'd like to tell you I did serious market research,""",0 9," Despite questions about mental state, Cho could buy gun",8 7,"Five years ago, a golfer made a grisly discovery after hooking a shot into the woods at a golf course in Hopewell Township, N.J. -- the severed head of a young woman.",6 1,IRS should settle for tighing,0 5,Judge Barnard based the sentence on a finding of special circumstances under a state multiple-murder rule.,4 5,"NRA aims for ban on lawsuits Sellers, manufacturers would be protected",4 9,d he has the mentality of an 11-year-old.,8 5,Pa. judge: Halt issuing of gay-marriage licenses,4 5,"Crowley, a graduate of CUNY's Queens College, took one of the calls from a woman trying to get visa information.",4 6,"""saw it wasn't doing any great harm, so he did not attempt in any way to repeal that law.""",5 6,"New York State's gun law, which went into effect last August, has resulted in proportionately more indictments and convictions in the city than felonies overall.",5 13,"Mayor Giuliani yesterday said he opposes gay marriages, joining other officials",12 11, The changing tide has made for great theater and juicy headlines.,10 13,"Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho), considered by the Republican Party to be an important voice on the issue of immigration, announced late Wednesday that he is stepping away from bipartisan negotiations over how to overhaul the nation's immigration laws.",12 7,"Federal agents who searched her Fremont home in 1991 found 56 counterfeit postal cancellation stamps from foreign countries, used to back-date letters, as well as blank birth certificates, Gruel said. He said D' Fiandra also held classes for 30 to 40 illegal entrants at a time, coaching them on the stories they would tell immigration officials.",6 5,SCOTUS: A case for a scythe,4 13,"The lack of clarity has not stopped liberal New York politicians like Mr. Schneiderman, a Democrat, from moving to erect a wall of their own -- designed, in this case, to keep Mr. Trump away from immigrants.",12 5, was elated when the Supreme Court ruled in late June that the federal government must treat legally married gay couples the same as married heterosexual couples.,4 7,Execution date is set for Devier,6 12,The conservative Christians' insistence on an amendment to prohibit same-sex marriage,11 12,Bay Area immigration activists call for putting off deportation,11 7,WOMAN GUILTY IN SENIOR SLAYS,6 9,Assistant State's Attorney Teresa Brown of Madison County said Bennett had a history of mental problems and hospitalizations since he was 13. She said he was unable to control his impulses and abused drugs.,8 6,"Current state law makes clear that marriage is between one man and one woman. ",5 5,Cop-gift susp denies guilt,4 12,But events the past week suggest the public may not be willing to accept gays on their own terms,11 13,BETTER ENFORCEMENT PART OF OBAMA PLAN TO REDUCE GUN VIOLENCE,12 13,"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), a gun rights advocate, said he was uncertain whether a ban could pass the Senate, and even less optimistic that it could clear the Republican-controlled House.",12 13,"Colorado's House delegation split along party lines, with Republicans Wayne Allard, Joel Hefley, Scott McInnis and Dan Schaefer voting for the measure and Democrats Pat Schroeder and David Skaggs voting against it.",12 5,Constitution,4 12,"With smiles and laughter, more than 50 people gathered Monday night at Ooh La Latte Café on Broad Street to celebrate a Massachusetts victory for same-sex marriage.",11 12,"Recent public hearings at the Vermont legislature in Montpelier have attracted an estimated 3,500 people, roughly divided into large groups adamantly opposed to same sex-marriage and much smaller groups supporting it. Considering the small population in Vermont, these are huge turnouts. It's been estimated that if the same proportion of the population showed up at a hearing in Albany, N.Y., the hall would have to hold 90,000.",11 5,LAWYER: MCVEIGH PLEA 'POSSIBLE',4 13,Sen. Mark Dayton was not available for comment.,12 13,Colorado civil unions bill clears second House committee,12 3,"Gays and lesbians owe thanks to President George W. Bush and Justice Scalia ",2 7,"Mather traveled to gun shows with Mike Meienberg, a Colorado Springs gun dealer accused of conspiring to sell more than 140 handguns in 1995 and 1996 without background checks, some to felons and juveniles.",6 1,Consummate Consumer,0 13,Blog; Political Insider; Immigration as an '08 issue: Tancredo for president?,12 1, gun dealers have obtained permits to bring in thousands of these firearms before a deadline bars them from doing so.,0 1,"From Niagara to New York City, retailers are predicting an upswing in wedding sales and services once the state joins Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Washington, D.C., in offering same-sex weddings. Caterers, hotels, florists and banquet halls could benefit, experts say.",0 7, violence to their streets but has had exactly the opposite effect.,6 13,"raised his gun and fired into Giffords' head. ",12 5,Gun licenses up in smoke,4 11,"FLAG DOWN NFLer's personal foul is having gun at LaGuardia ",10 1,"TIGHT BORDERS TO CAUSE WORKER SQUEEZE, GROWERS WARNED",0 5,"St. Clair County State's Attorney Robert B. Haida has moved for dismissal of the request. He said that the claims had been argued before and that they did not apply. ",4 15,"The Gun Report: October 10, 2013",14 6,PUSH TO STUB OUT CANDY-FLAVORED CIGARETTES,5 5,Court hearing gay marriage arguments from 4 states,4 12,which was embraced by Georgia's conservative majority,11 1,Levi Strauss CEO takes a side on gun control: 'It's inevitable that we're going to alienate some consumers';,0 5,"The city contends it didn't violate state zoning law because the firearms ordinance does not change the zoning of any property, nor does it regulate the use, location or size of buildings.",4 15,MARRIAGE'S DECLINE NOT GAYS' FAULT,14 1,"But in the end, we knew the money",0 14, Which is perhaps why Australia's massive gun ban and buyback has become such a popular talking point for those supporting stricter gun control.,13 11,"In 2011, death sentences hit a 35-year low",10 6,said they would wait to see what the fallout of the law was before they started the process.,5 13,"But as a Democrat running in Virginia, he starts out in a four- to six-point hole",12 5,"The penalty phase begins today in the death penalty trial of Tracen Franklin,",4 9,"Each puff of the inhaler contains eight to 10 times less nicotine than a puff of a cigarette - and none of the dangerous tar and other toxins cigarettes deliver. Also, because the nicotine is absorbed gradually through mouth tissue, users don't get the quick jolt that smokers feel when the chemical hits their lungs.",8 9,"Along the ripped and sagging wire fence that forms the country's southern border here, small white crosses mark the spots where people have died trying to enter the United States illegally.",8 7,Sheriff Koog is one of five rural sheriffs from around the country,6 12,N.R.A.'s New Ad Idea,11 5," Justices to Review Rules For Death Case Appeals",4 14,"In Arizona and Connecticut, disparate responses to mass shootings ",13 13,"Christie Wants State's Top Court To Block Gay Marriage Ruling ",12 5,"The Second Amendment is usually interpreted according to what bias that individual (or jurisdiction) already has. I believe it does not mandate an absolute right to bear arms, nor does it guarantee the government the right to regulate guns.",4 1, $ 200 billion,0 6,It's OK to pack heat in luggage,5 13,Sunnyvale council places 'sensible gun measures' on November ballot,12 9,"To help reform health care, change lifestyle",8 6,Cynthia Allen: Please convince me gun control will work,5 9,"if the smoking public wants to imperil their health in public spaces, by all means let them.",8 10,Dylann Roof's last words,9 7," in ""vicious"" first-degree murder cases in which killers are convicted using DNA evidence.",6 6,A ban on smoking in all St. Paul bars and restaurants could go into effect by midsummer,5 13,SENATE LOOKS DOWN BARREL,12 13," But this is Florida, and lawmakers are tinkering with the death penalty instead of abolishing it.",12 11,"In three of the counties -- Prince William, Montgomery and Charles -- the share reached about 60 percent. And in Prince George's, where Hispanic immigration has supplemented an even larger African American population, more than 90 percent of these children are minorities.",10 12,"Recent opinion polls show that, while a large majority of Americans oppose gay marriage, many oppose amending the Constitution to outlaw the practice.",11 3,GUN OWNERS' RESPONSIBILITY,2 9, they didn't deserve the basic standards of medical care and safety provided in publicly run facilities.,8 5,Both trials were held in Southern California because of intense local publicity.,4 4, Its message about the unfairness of treating the relationships of same-sex couples as somehow inferior needs to be taken to heart.,3 5,AIRLINE GROUP ARGUES AGAINST PARTNERS LAW ATTORNEY FOR S.F. SAYS CITY HAS RIGHT TO REQUIRE BENEFITS FOR NON-SPOUSES,4 13,Virginia to fight gay-marriage ban,12 1,"'USER FEE'WOULD SAVE LIVES, LOWER HEALTH-CARE COSTS",0 7,The Mexican navy said Monday it has detected a disturbing trend of migrant smugglers abandoning boatloads of people off the coast of Baja California.,6 12,"Earlier Wednesday, more than 100 protesters milled outside Lazaro Gonzalez's home, chanting, praying and vowing to form a human chain to keep the boy here.",11 5,"A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting the state from implementing most provisions of Proposition 187, the voter-approved measure that would deny public services to illegal immigrants.",4 11,A city that makes guns confronts its role in the Parkland mass shooting,10 5," But if a trial is held, the DNA battle will be joined. ",4 13,"Va. GOP Attacks Democrats On Gays; Ads Not Accurate, Warner Ticket Says",12 5,The Firearms the Second Amendment Protects,4 13, to the Republican-dominated state Capitol,12 5,"Fayne's attorney, John O'Gara, succeeded once in keeping Fayne off death row, and will continue his mission. Fayne was insane, O'Gara says.",4 13, But the battle is far from won.,12 13,"Senate Votes Sweeping Crime Bill, Banning Some Assault Weapons",12 1,L.A. bans sales at largest U.S. gun show,0 5,Inmates' attorneys say refurbished electric chair faulty,4 11," Then the researchers added up the number of times each child would have been exposed to smoking in a movie.",10 14,"For Mexico's president, one state visit has dual agenda; CalderÃ3n in Washington to press drug war case, push against Ariz. law",13 15,'Yes-or-no' immigration mostly no's,14 4,"For those of us who favor equal rights for gays and lesbians, it's easy to take the recently introduced Defense of Marriage Act as a slap in the face.",3 11,"Smoking detectives at the University of California School of Medicine at San Diego drew their conclusions after following Asian immigrants from countries where smoking is acceptable. They learned that when the immigrants moved to California where smoking is considered uncool, they had an easier time quitting.",10 11,"Although I am frustrated by illegal immigrants' lack of contribution to a society that they expect so much from, I also recognize that their dream is the same as ours.",10 9,"Smoking-related deaths rise to more than 400,000 a year",8 13,"Former justice commission chairman Monroe Al'' Coogler, who proposed the Guns-to-Tallahassee stunt, encouraged members of the county's Tourist Development Council to tell lawmakers that if they don't pass Klein's bill this year, they are risking embarrassment because of the gun pile planned for 1995.",12 3,"at the feet of a Catholic priest. ""Joe and I have big disagreements about God,"" says the priest, Father Neil, who's wearing a Cleveland Cavaliers T-shirt and sitting on a bench Thursday afternoon. Joe says that there's a reason God put him in jail, on death row, for decades, but God doesn't operate that way. ""That's injustice . That's sin . That has nothing to do with God. And Joe disagrees. He - """,2 7,Death to Whistle-Blowers?,6 5,"But under an order by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, gay marriage is scheduled to become legal on May 17. The high court ruled in November that it was unconstitutional to bar gay marriage. ",4 12,Poll after poll has shown Coloradans strongly support reasonable gun-control laws.,11 13,"A few years ago, I chided him for his liberal politics by saying in a column that while his heart is in the right place, I'm not always sure where his head is. Though he is a dedicated progressive, he is to the right of more militant immigrant advocates. ",12 5,Ill. Supreme Court tightens standards in capital cases,4 5,"Spotsylvania Commonwealth's Attorney William F. Neely said afterward that he chose not to seek the death penalty against Malvo because the plea brings certainty to the victims, because the cost of a capital prosecution would be prohibitive and because he did not think a county jury would order the execution of Malvo, who was a juvenile at the time of the shootings.",4 13,"It's not often that a bill backed by the National Rifle Association dies in the Florida Legislature. ",12 10,"Many of the immigrants in those days crammed the Brooklyn tenements, took jobs on the Brooklyn piers or at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.",9 5,and gives the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States an earned path to legal status with or without citizenship.,4 4,Bernie Sanders resurrects a 'zombie' claim on gun sales without background checks;,3 6,"If an applicant can demonstrate he or she has a clean criminal record, has undergone gun safety training, and has no drug or alcohol addictions or mental illnesses, local authorities must issue a gun permit unless there are grounds to believe that person would be dangerous to himself or others.",5 1,Five people connected with three different companies,0 10,"KC IS CONSIDERING BENEFITS FOR GAY, LESBIAN PARTNERS",9 13,"During a meeting of the Judiciary Committee on Thursday, Senator John Cornyn of Texas tried to shore up the pro-gun side by offering nine ''news stories of people defending themselves with assault weapons'' for the record. The list spanned 17 years and included things like ''tenant shoots intruder on porch.'' If this is the best the ban opponents have to offer, Feinstein's bill should be passed by unanimous consent.",12 7,"Mr. Davis was serving 80-year sentences for two of the other killings. He was sentenced to death for the third, but the sentence was overturned on appeal.",6 3,A Moral Test for Maryland Legislators,2 6,Coming soon: The Brady Law,5 13,"President Bush on Monday outlined a get-tough program to ""take back the streets.""",12 12,"National Rifle Association,",11 5,"Last month, New York became the sixth state, joining Iowa, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, to legalize gay marriage along with the District.",4 13,"Dan Pfeiffer, a senior adviser to President Obama, tweeted a link to an editorial in La Opinion, a Southern California newspaper, that was critical of Cantor's proposal. The piece ""nails the cruel hypocrisy of the GOP immigration plan: allow some kids to stay but deport their parents,"" Pfeiffer wrote. ",12 9,Scientists from Ohio and California said Tuesday that a group of mothers tested who smoked during pregnancy or were in contact with secondhand smoke were associated with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.,8 7,"The undercover operation, which led to 43 indictments charging the 119 people, was centered in Miami, where it was begun in January 1993 by the F.B.I. and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the authorities said.",6 6,PENALTY OF DEATH KEPT IN DRUG BILL,5 5,"Further reporting, including thousands of pages of documents dislodged in an open-record lawsuit and interviews with former agency officials",4 5,"R. LATRONE, COMMON PLEAS JUDGE",4 13,Already a faction of aldermen wants to repeal,12 7,Another shooting puts hole in NRA cause,6 5,"hat Mr. Sabo was goaded, though, is no matter: It is his job to remain above the fray, to deflect the needling, to set tone of respect. ",4 6,HANDGUNS NEED STRICTER NATIONAL CONTROL,5 3,"the schools whose halls will display the Ten Commandments. ",2 12," Their constituents are torn, too. A recent Washington Post pollfound that 50 percent of Maryland residents support the right to same-sex marriage",11 7,"Such carnage had already visited the Capitol back in 1998, when a crazed gunman killed two Capitol Police officers.",6 6,"Under the agreement, the voluntary ""repatriation"" plan would end no later than Sept. 30, the agency said Tuesday. ",5 9,Carolyn McCarthy has lung cancer,8 7,"Troy Davis, who was convicted of shooting a police officer to death in the parking lot of a Burger King in Savannah, Ga., is scheduled to be executed on Tuesday.",6 9,ASSAULT ON DEADLY WEAPONS,8 8,Hillsborough to draft 'cooling off' rule,7 13,"A Decade After Assassination Attempt, Reagan at GWU",12 6,"If Congress can pass a special bill granting the Gonzalez family citizenship, then Congress also can change the rules followed by the Immigration Department.",5 7,"Her father, Charles Biebel, 89, was shot to death in his wheelchair in a robbery on Dec. 22, 1978, of his home, across the street from Belleville Area College. It was one of four killings for which Davis was convicted - three involving elderly victims robbed and slain in their Metro East area homes. He is suspected in still other killings.",6 12,"While the gun appreciation day events were underway, a small group of local peace protesters gathered to promote peace in a silent vigil. About 30 people, from different Pacifica peace groups, made signs and stood in silence where the gun appreciation participants and others could see them, but not too close. A roadway separated them from the other group.",11 1," a broad range of businesses, ranging from the insurance industry to the Walt Disney Co.,",0 3,Reform rabbis back legalizing gay unions,2 13,"What was surprising was Cheney's willingness to publicly split with his boss and the conservative cabal on such a critical election-year litmus test. Hoping to energize the Christian right, the Republicans have forced same-sex marriage into every race from school board president to U.S. president. On Wednesday, conservative delegates to next week's GOP convention urged platform language that not only demanded a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage but also opposed any sort of legal recognition of gay civil unions.",12 13,CAMPUS GUN BILL IS READY FOR VOTE IN HOUSE,12 11,"Morrisville, a Bucks County borough of 8,000 residents perched along the Delaware River, is a baseball town. ",10 6, prompting even some leading death penalty supporters to question its benefits.,5 7,"Hubert Williams, president of Police Foundation (a Washington-based organization that promotes improving law enforcement), states ""police agencies have found that some guns they sold lawfully later were used to commit crimes."" It would seem that the $ 4,979 gained by the Cobb County sheriff doesn't justify the possible loss of one life related to his selling of 58 confiscated guns, even though the buyers were ""licensed gun dealers."" With 58 guns involved, the possibility of more than one life being lost is highly likely.",6 1,"Patel says that in his experience, tobacco products make up 40 percent of inside sales for gas stations. ",0 10,"'Thinking about it scares me,' she said.",9 5,"Justice Antonin Scalia criticized the Supreme Court's recent decision to strike down the death penalty for juveniles, calling it the latest example of politics on the court that has made judicial nominations an increasingly bitter process.",4 7,Deporting a parent,6 13,Republicans Risk Repeating Mistake on Hispanic Vote,12 13, since the National Rifle Association is always there to lobby for gaps and to ensure that the laws aren't effective.,12 7," ""Twelve dead children, one dead adult, 24 injured kids and a community that has had its heart broken -- that made the difference.""",6 11,Review: 'The Armor of Light' Follows 2 Unlikely Allies Against Gun Violence,10 13,"Goodlatte will use the first hearing in his committee today to provide Immigration 101 to members who have not been involved in the wide array of issues facing Congress on the topic. He said they will hold several such hearings in his full committee, and the Judiciary Committee's immigration subcommittee headed by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., as well as briefings for representatives and their staff. ""Most members of Congress do not have a lot of experience with immigration law,"" Goodlatte said. ""We think there are a lot of members who want and need to learn a lot more about the issue.""",12 13," President Obama and Congressional Democrats to keep trying to make a deal with Congressional Republicans. ",12 5, who faces a state Supreme Court hearing next month on a judge's order to parole him.,4 9,"When a three-drug lethal-injection cocktail was administered to Ledell Lee at 11:44 p.m. Central time last Thursday -- the first to render him unconscious, the second to halt his breathing, and the third to stop his heart ",8 13,"Senators who voted against the measure say the vote showed there is no political will to amend the Constitution to ban gay marriage. ",12 6," NYC aims to clear the air with strict smoking ban",5 13,Dem rips gun lobby 'worship',12 9,"Brandon spoke Thursday at a Moffitt symposium for journalists about lung cancer, the nation's biggest cancer killer. About 155,000 Americans die from lung cancer every year.",8 6,IMMIGRATION LAW IS FAILING TO CUT FLOW FROM MEXICO,5 13,BAM SOUNDS BATTLE CRY Weeps as he inks orders curbing guns Tragic kin join in plea for change,12 13,Democrats move to repeal marriage act,12 12,"That should be clear even to the Citizens for a Safer Minnesota, the group that thinks no one -- not even Matthew Dirks -- should have a gun.",11 11,settlement money to pay for a program to stop young people from smoking and using tobacco.,10 10,"""I'm not against the death penalty,"" Elizabeth Sanchez said, weeping as she buried her face in her hands and her mother gently kissed her short blond hair.",9 5,"Diane and her domestic partner, Marilyn Maneely, made history of their own a decade ago as one of seven same-sex couples to sue the state seeking marriage equality.",4 13,PARTY LINE DIVIDES FLORIDIANS ON GUNS,12 8,ALLOW THE GOOD GUYS A GOOD DEFENSE,7 11,Gun advocate takes empty holster into St. Louis Zoo,10 13,Mr. Bush is appealing to,12 9,were fighting over which current was safer. ,8 13,Rubio faces backlash for inaction on gun control,12 5,Nichols trial made mockery of justice system,4 6,The state of Colorado and the city of Denver already prohibit smoking in public buildings.,5 7,"Banks, 60, a former prison guard, is housed at the state prison at Graterford in Montgomery County. He was convicted of 12 counts of first-degree murder and one count of third-degree murder in the early-morning Sept. 25, 1982, rampage. ",6 13,"No law could have prevented Vegas shooting, Feinstein says",12 5,"On Thursday, opponents of the restrictions sued in federal court in Baltimore, seeking to block the legislation from taking effect. The court scheduled a hearing for Tuesday on their motion for an order that would temporarily block implementation while the court considers whether to permanently bar Maryland from enforcing the law.",4 1,"Despite tobacco's troubles, agribusiness remains North Carolina's No. 1 industry, generating $59.2 billion in revenues each year for the state's economy. Tourism is a distant second at $13 billion, she said. Kings, a subsidiary of Associated British Foods plc, a British company with $6.4 billion in annual revenues, also confirmed its plans to bring its global headquarters to Winston-Salem.",0 12,"Through e-mail messages, phone calls, word of mouth, and coverage in ethnic and mainstream news media, the loose network has shared tactics and developed an ad hoc blueprint repeated from Fresno, Calif., to Omaha to Atlanta: engage Spanish-language radio DJ's, who reach millions; place leaflets in churches; and buttonhole members of Latin American soccer leagues.",11 5,Parenting ability proved key in same-sex marriage ruling,4 5,Judge OKs city challenge to state gun laws,4 6,says about half report the state's 15-month old ban on smoking,5 13,Gun Lobby Criticizes President On Assault-Weapons Proposal,12 13,"The national debate over gay marriage is a hot battle raging in an ongoing culture war, but Monday's clash in the Georgia Senate was a relatively restrained one.",12 9," Public health officials estimate that 450,000 Americans die each year from illnesses caused by smoking and second-hand smoke.",8 9,It's responding to what has become routine phrases and pedestrian fears.,8 10,"My parents started me smoking when I was 12. No, cigarettes weren't handed to me. But they were available to filch. Mom left bowls of cigarettes, along with the colored mints, on each table at her bridge club meetings. Mom began smoking at that time. Dad always smoked a pipe and cigars on social occasions.",9 13,"The Senate voted Thursday morning to take the first step toward considering the background-check bill sponsored by Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey, a Republican, and West Virginia's Joe Manchin, a Democrat. While the vote will only allow debate to move ahead, it opens the door to up-or-down votes on the background check bill as well contentious plans to ban assault weapons and high-capacity gun magazines. Those debates are expected in the coming weeks.",12 11,IMMIGRANT 'PIONEER' DIES UNEXPECTEDLY; HMONG BUSINESSWOMAN CALLED 'MOM' BY MANY,10 11,CASINOS A GLITZY TRAP FOR MANY IMMIGRANTS FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA,10 12,Protesting a Ban On Gay Marriage,11 5,"On a late afternoon, she is heaving large flow charts onto her desk, trying to describe a case that could affect civil suits against the gun industry nationally, because last month, for the first time, the plaintiffs obtained comprehensive information from the federal government tracing gun sales. The evidence is what some courts have said has been missing from other cases.",4 1,a store eligible for permit,0 13,COUNTY OKS STATE'S TOUGHEST GUN LAW,12 3,Churches to shelter illegal immigrants,2 5,"A bitterly divided Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Friday that a central part of the Brady gun-control law is unconstitutional, saying the federal government cannot require local police to conduct background checks on people who want to buy handguns.",4 8,'Gun-free zones' make vulnerable people targets,7 13,local governments,12 1,"If Mr. Conner's assumption that 21 percent take jobs from Americans were true, then why did the Government's ''Operation Jobs'' fail to deliver more than a handful of jobs to American applicants for vacancies created by the arrest of 5,635 workers in May 1982 (87 percent of whom were Mexican and most of whom were back at work within days)",0 9,"Anti-smoking groups have seized on the report as evidence that the Food and Drug Administration must begin regulating tobacco products. ",8 3,"Akbar, who is Muslim, has said he was worried that U.S. forces would harm Muslims in the war",2 7," Convicted of murdering a young woman in his apartment complex, Cook spent 22 years in nerve-wracking proximity to the executioner's needle on Texas' death row before DNA testing won his release.",6 6,juvenile justice bill containing gun control provisions.,5 5,"The court could also decide to tackle the legal controversy, which would result in a ruling by the end of June on whether states such as California have the right to outlaw gay marriage. Or the justices could put the Proposition 8 case on hold while they review the challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act, the federal ban on benefits for same-sex couple",4 7,"A shotgun was in clear view on the back seat of Overby's car, and because he had a past conviction involving a drive-by shooting, the 20-year-old was charged with illegal possession of a firearm by a felon.",6 7,"Hupp described how her father decided to charge the man during the methodical slaughter, and was cut down by bullets in the chest. She said she watched as her mother, cradling Suzanna's dying father, was herself shot to death.",6 8,REFUSING TO SURRENDER,7 13,The board heard four hours of testimony yesterday and is expected to make a decision Friday or early next week.,12 8," In the Revolutionary War, thousands of immigrants fought for America's independence.",7 13,"Will the gun bill make it through this week? ",12 5,Molina's situation certainly was a peculiar one. All five of his brothers and sisters and his mother have gained legal residency over the last few years. But Molina's age kept him in legal purgatory.,4 1,"""We have the workers, we prescreen the workers, and we can help train the workers,"" said Tom Veenstra, senior director of support services at CareerSource Palm Beach County, which hosted the job fair. ""And we do it all for free. I don't know why an employer wouldn't want to use us.""",0 13,At the Capitol: Gay-marriage bill gains support from a GOP corner,12 9,Nicholas Perrotto was 56 when he died of lung cancer in September 1996.,8 15,FINDINGS,14 10,Willow Glen residents Clark Williams and Jim Moore will soon assume many of the benefits conferred to married couples.,9 13,"declined invitations to testify, says Waxman.",12 7,A pass for criminals,6 4,A Victory for Equality and Justice,3 4,A balanced approach to gay rights,3 8,And what's the point? That if somebody sees you have a gun they won't mess with you? That is false security.,7 4,"For Gay Employees, An Equalizer",3 7,"Authorities say Elizabeth Pearl Weaver, 17, who was dating Greer, lured him to a Flowery Branch park, where the three other suspects were waiting late Friday. The group is accused of drowning Greer in the lake and stealing his car and wallet.",6 4,"''While I personally support the goal of marriage equality,",3 5,"Ramsey, Washington counties' same-sex marriage licensing process begins Thursday ",4 1,"""There's $30,000 worth, roughly,"" he said. ""We're not in a position out here to throw away $30,000.""",0 12,"While opponents said that expanding Florida's controversial 2005 self-defense law risks the spread of gun violence in Florida, supporters said it would give judges a chance to consider all the issues that led to a violent encounter. ",11 13,NRA focused and effective in efforts to weaken ATF and gun laws,12 9,the state Department of Health and Senior Services and released Tuesday.,8 5,"In California, lawyers for the city of San Francisco filed briefs with the State Supreme Court defending the city's decision to marry thousands of same-sex couples in recent weeks",4 5,"Lawyer's Fall Rends Immigrants' Lives; Search for Help in Gaining Work Permit Leads to Deportation ",4 1,weapons sales.,0 1,Gun foes plan to match NRA spending in fall races,0 11,Brad Pitt's mom apparently isn't as friendly toward gay people as her son.,10 11," Armed celebrities aren't immune to the scanners at Hartsfield-Jackson, either, as rapper Waka Flocka Flame learned last fall. Agents found a handgun in his carry-on bag and sent him to the Clayton County Jail.",10 5,"A homosexual couple sued the District of Columbia Monday, contending that the city had discriminated against them by refusing to approve their request for a marriage license. ""We demand the right to marry,"" said Craig Dean, a lawyer who filed the suit on behalf of himself and Patrick Gill. Frederick Beane, clerk of the city's superior court, denied the couple's application for a license last week on grounds that ""the sections of the District of Columbia Code governing marriage do not authorize marriage between persons of the same sex."" But Dean and Gill say city law explicitly prohibits only polygamists and practitioners of incest from obtaining marriage licenses. The suit asks that Beane be ordered to grant the license. It also seeks $250,000 in compensatory damages and $1 million in punitive damages. Beane has 20 days to respond to the suit.",4 5,"""Not asking for clemency, just time.""",4 1,The casinos,0 9,"During the Nov. 6 execution of Jose High, it took a medical team 39 minutes to insert two intravenous lines because of High's intravenous drug use",8 7,"imothy Brown, 27, will be under house arrest as a condition of his $5,000 bond,",6 15,Why Are Cubans So Special?,14 13,Senator puts positive spin on Irma nursing home tragedy,12 5,Attorneys for the District formally asked U.S. District Judge Frederick J. Scullin on Monday to reconsider his July opinion striking down as unconstitutional the city's ban on carrying handguns in public.,4 9, health inspectors,8 6,SHOTGUN APPROACH TO GUN-CONTROL LAW,5 11,Gunslinger law,10 9,BLUE CROSS PLANS TO COVER STOP-SMOKING TREATMENTS,8 3,Nation has failed Sandy Hook victims,2 13,"Democrats: Still not enough support for gun legislation ",12 5,Judge Asks U.S. to Consider Forgoing Death Penalty in Imprisoned Mobster's Trial,4 12,"Beyond Gun Control, Student Marchers Aim to Upend Elections",11 6,"Today, under the Trump administration, the end of DACA could be just six months away. ",5 13,"Ex-Gov. Ryan Of Illinois Reports To Prison ",12 8,"Thirty seconds. That's how long most background checks of gun buyers take, according to a new Justice Department study.",7 5,Visas for Foreign Workers,4 13,HATCH RAISED CONCERNS ABOUT OFFICE'S DEALINGS WITH MPAAT,12 13," ""hopefully we can put politics aside and try to actually accomplish something,"" said Whitley.",12 13,Mr. Schaefer's gun-control courage,12 9,"The agency did release a June 12 statement on the death of a man they described as a Salvadoran immigrant in ICE custody identified as Carlos Mejia-Bonilla, adding that 10 people have died in the agency's custody during fiscal year 2017",8 1,THE HIGH PRICE OF KILLING KILLERS,0 13, Pueblo voters decided,12 1,"Kids smoke to be cool. It's cool to rebel, to do things your parents don't want you to do. An extra buck for a pack of smokes - even an extra two bucks - wouldn't have done a thing.",0 5,"A sharply divided Connecticut Supreme Court struck down the state's civil union law on Friday and ruled that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. Connecticut thus joins Massachusetts and California as the only states to have legalized gay marriages. ",4 13,"It is nothing short of comical that the bill is primarily supported by Republican lawmakers, those who most often scoff at the notion of government interference and who champion state sovereignty. It is ironic that Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) would call Chief Lanier's remark that D.C. residents can already protect themselves at home by legally owning shotguns or pistols ""arrogant."" The true arrogance lies in Ms. Foxx's actions, which would make our city less safe and put at risk the lives of law enforcement officers who face danger every day to protect us.",12 13,"Regardless, the House GOP majority - secure in gerrymandered seats and in thrall to the gun lobby - marches in lockstep against an up-or-down vote.",12 1,is giving tobacco farmers $3.5 million this year to promote their product overseas,0 1,"costs from cigarette makers. It would also dramatically reshape the way cigarettes are sold and marketed in America - ending cigarette billboards, for instance, and forcing tobacco companies to pay for antismoking ad campaigns.",0 13,The normally risk-averse Florida senator shifts toward embracing more gun control measures in a move that could mark an inflection point for the GOP.,12 8,"Security personnel watch over every committee meeting. ",7 11,CARTOON THAT DREW ON IMAGE FROM BOMBING IGNITES PROTESTS,10 12,"For a change, gay rights activists welcome Election Day results",11 5,Community groups join handgun suit,4 13,Senate to Hold Full Debate on Gun Legislation,12 5,"RULING ALLOWS GAYS TO MARRY HAILED AS CIVIL RIGHTS VICTORY, IT ALSO FUELS THE DRIVE FOR BAN",4 5,"The other was a technical ruling that said nothing at all about same-sex marriage, but left in place a trial court's declaration that California's Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.",4 10,"""I'm so happy. . . . I can't talk, I'm so happy,"" she said.",9 13,"When the panel has delved into actions taken by Congress, its findings have suggested that inertia and pressure politics interfered with national security.",12 5,"Stephen Johns' best chance to avoid execution tonight may rest with a 17-year-old document, found last week among court papers, in which an accomplice recants an earlier claim that Johns shot a gas station clerk in St. Louis.",4 5,"These arguments failed to sway the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, however. On Tuesday afternoon, the seven-member board unanimously rejected a petition from Mr. Wood's lawyers for a commutation of his sentence.",4 7,Mexican-American runs deportation INS official says it's part of the job,6 10," Now, though, every shooting -- no matter where it happens in America -- registers immediately. ",9 15,Among friends,14 5,Prosecutors in Smuggling Case Against Tyson Contend Trial Is About 'Corporate Greed',4 6,Concealed-Guns Law,5 8,How many more must die from a bullet before Mr. Ashcroft realizes that strict gun control -- to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people -- should be his top security concern?,7 1,The proposed tobacco tax increase,0 5,LOUISIANA KILLER GETS EXECUTION REPRIEVE,4 13,"""The American people are demanding action and the least Speaker Ryan can do is get out of the way,"" the spokesman, Drew Hammill, said.",12 9, is a rising health concern,8 11,DEATH PENALTY IN NEW YORK REINSTATED AFTER 18 YEARS,10 5,"Note that the relevant Washington Supreme Court precedent leaves open the possibility that certain knives that are ""traditional or modern arms of self-defense"" are indeed protected under the Washington Constitution, though ordinary kitchen knives, it concludes, are not. Note also that the Washington ordinance exempts some carrying of knives:",4 9,"Bullock, 64, of Newport Beach, started smoking when she was 17 and was diagnosed last year with lung cancer that has since spread to her liver",8 13,"Romney's staff touted his immigration plan, which would give green cards to illegal immigrants studying at American universities and help those serving in the military achieve citizenship.",12 15,How far should responsibility go?,14 5,"Twenty-five Pennsylvanians sued the state last July for the right to marry there or to have out-of-state marriages recognized. A 1996 state law defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. ",4 5,"But the alignment of the justices in the Getsy case gave a preliminary indication that, as expected, the ideological fault line at the court was not changed by Justice Sotomayor's succeeding Justice David H. Souter, who often voted with Justices Stevens, Ginsburg and Breyer.",4 9, because his troubles began after he was left mentally disabled while serving his country in Vietnam.,8 9,", contrary to the editorial, schools and churches could ban concealed arms if they so desire.",8 7,"ut William Andrews, his partner in the crime, is different. ",6 13,The National Rifle Association's stranglehold on politicians will be the death of us,12 1,RJR may roll with Morris proposa,0 7,"The carnage guns wreak daily on our children reaches far beyond Columbine High, or Springfield, Ore., where two students were murdered by a schoolmate, or Jonesboro, Ark., where a teacher and four little girls were gunned down by two other students, or West Paducah, Ky., or Pearl, Miss., where even more students were killed by their schoolmates.",6 7, The nightmares experienced by most police chiefs concern armed robbers and other gun owners whose crimes are hardly clerical. ,6 13,Bureau Discounts Big Rise in Number Of Same-Sex Couples,12 5,"""This is a turning point,"" said Stanley Rosenblatt, attorney for the nonsmoking attendants, who settled their class-action suit against the tobacco industry four months into trial last October.",4 7,Immigration Officials In Seattle Detain Saudi,6 6,The change bars the release of any information that was gathered regarding gun dealers and forces the ATF to more quickly purge information obtained in background checks of buyers. Law-enforcement agencies still would have access.,5 5,Gun Ban Ruling Puts Fenty on the Spot; Going to High Court Would Be Risky,4 7,BROTHERS CHARGED WITH DOUBLE SLAYING,6 10,KILLER PASSES TIME WITH VIDEO GAMES,9 15,Requiem for a Dream,14 5,"The Second Amendment, which contains the lethal phrase ""the right of the people to . . . bear Arms"" has no place in the discussion.",4 5,Mr. Myers's value as a government witness is in his extensive involvement in two of the biggest efforts to restrict the marketing activities of tobacco companies: a proposed agreement in 1997 between the major companies and the states that served as a blueprint for legislation that later failed in Congress and the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement between the states and the companies that ended a series of lawsuits to recover the state-borne health care costs of smoking.,4 13,"Before a 9-to-4 vote to approve the measure, taken by the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on crime and criminal justice, Representative Charles E. Schumer, the Brooklyn Democrat who is the panel's chairman, read from a letter sent by Attorney General Dick Thornburgh",12 11,"Mark Cuban on NBA Trump protests: 'It's country first, basketball second'",10 10,USF TO PROVIDE PARTNER BENEFITS,9 13,Formerly known as a conservative bench,12 13,"Behind the politics, real problems to address",12 13,The House chose not to consider the gun-control bill.,12 11,"The 2000 census recorded 881,300 U.S. residents who were born in Africa. By 2005, the number had reached 1.25 million, according to Brookings Institution researcher Jill Wilson.",10 13,"And President Clinton's recent executive order on teen smoking and federal regulation of tobacco is not the Emancipation Proclamation, but it's war all the same.",12 5,"Circuit Judge Jane Marum Roush denied the jury's request to again see the Chevrolet Caprice that Malvo and Muhammad allegedly used in the s hooting spree. The jury also asked for help with the definition it was given of malice, a necessary element to a murder conviction. ",4 13,"Despite record, Reed marriage shift major",12 7,SECOND OPINION Unchecked and illegal,6 13,"Castle-doctrine critics, some of whom called it the ""shoot first, ask questions later"" bill, fumed over a procedural vote that stifled any debate on the issue or the amendments.",12 5,"Lee Boyd Malvo is on trial here, but John Allen Muhammad might as well be.",4 13,McGovern said tea party members object to the closed-door process Rubio and the bipartisan Gang of 8 has followed to produce the legislation being released this week after months of negotiations.,12 11,Smoking In U.S. Declines Sharply,10 12, the National Rifle Association and other gun groups,11 5,"A federal appellate panel struck down parts of the District's gun law as unconstitutional, ruling that the city cannot bar people from keeping firearms in their homes. ",4 1,ILLEGAL IMMINGRANTS PAYING THEIR DUES,0 13,PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP STALLS ON PROMISE TO ELIMINATE J-1 VISA PROGRAM,12 12,"Advocates for stricter firearm restrictions are employing mothers of shooting victims in their public relations push, calculating that when they speak out against gun violence they are hard to dismiss. Hundreds of thousands of moms who began organizing on Facebook after December's Newtown shootings are staging rallies nationwide and lobbying lawmakers to pass President Obama's gun-control proposals. ",11 9,especially after an FSU student died in a recent accidental frat-house shooting involving an AK-47,8 1,Tax Changes for Gay Married New Yorkers,0 9,Immigrant Laborers Say They Knew of Job Risks,8 5,Mayor Giuliani Makes Case For Immigration in Lawsuit,4 11,"Witnessing a historic moment is such an odd and exhilarating thing. It is hard to register the full scope of it because you are chest deep in it. ",10 6,"It would also broaden the current law to include all types of firearms, not just handguns. That means someone purchasing any type of gun - a rifle or even a starter pistol - would be subject to the five-day waiting period.",5 9,FIRST-GRADER SHOOTING,8 1, misjudged the gun industry's cunning.,0 13,Bachmann hits on immigration in S. Fla ; She seeks Latino support but calls for massive deportations.,12 11,", Pennsylvania would become the 19th state where gay men and lesbians can marry, representing nearly 44% of the U.S. population.",10 13,"Democrats' New Chief Strides to the Forefront, Then Sidesteps",12 5,Court overturns sentence in killing,4 8,Nine witnesses told similar stories of self-defense.,7 5,"Deputy District Attorney Colton Carmine said this week that a grand jury does not decide a defendant's guilt and therefore doesn't need to be told about the possibility of lesser offenses -- that would be decided at the conclusion of a trial. ",4 10,Duke gives benefits to grad students' same-sex partners,9 13,McCollum told reporters the assault weapons ban got caught up in politics and in definitions over what constituted an assault weapon.,12 13,"REITZ BATTLES RESTRICTIONS ON WEAPONS, AMMUNITION",12 4,"It's about fairness, the Constitution",3 11,"11.2 MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN U.S. LAST YEAR, REPORT SAYS",10 11,A new baseline on gay marriage,10 7,though the conviction stands.,6 7,The Missouri Department of Corrections said in a statement ,6 4,"EQUALITY FLORIDA DIRECTOR NADINE SMITH SAYS GAY COUPLES CAN FACE $300,000 IN ADDED COSTS",3 3,Community of Faith; ROUNDTABLE; Do any moral principles address how to handle illegal immigration?,2 12,Annoyingly self-righteous,11 5,"It became clear after three hours of arguments that the panel could become the first roadblock for proponents of same-sex marriage who have had an extraordinary winning streak in knocking down state restrictions following a landmark decision by the Supreme Court in 2013. ",4 13,"""We are going to be determined and committed and we are going to make this a voting issue, just like the other side does,"" Clinton said while campaigning in Iowa.",12 6,"Today, New York will become the first state to phase in a law requiring tobacco companies to sell the new ""fire-safe"" cigarettes. The law is meant to cut down on the number of smoking-related fires.",5 14,European boycott of death penalty drugs slows US executions,13 7,The decision could lead to their deportation when handed over to immigration authorities.,6 7,Phoenix finds sweet spot of immigration enforcement policy,6 13,"""I told them up front I had plenty of reason to have a closed-door policy with them,"" said Crump, who controls when and which bills get debated. ""They really hurt Proposition B when they came out against it.""",12 12,What it looks like when students across the country walk out over gun violence,11 7,The Brady bill would do nothing about the fact that some states have no computerized criminal records and that several do not share criminal record data with the F.B.I.'s national registry,6 11,As we noted in an editorial last month,10 13,"MAYOR BLOOMBERG signed up another Democratic heavyweight for his reelection bid, this time a former Fernando Ferrer aide and fierce advocate of immigration reform.",12 6,"It would allow federal law enforcement officials to delay a gun sale to a suspected terrorist for three days, then halt the sale but only after proving probable cause before a judge.",5 3,Bishop Says Confession Seal Impedes Clearing a Convict,2 9,"CORRIDOR OF DEATH ONE MEXICAN'S DESPERATE, ILLEGAL AND ULTIMATELY FATAL TREK ACROSS THE DESERT IN PURSUIT OF U.S. EMPLOYMENT TYPIFIES THE NIGHTMARE OF ILLEGAL MIGRATION.",8 4, Democracy means equality for all.,3 5,JUDGE POSTPONES DECISION ON PLEA OF AFGHANS DETAINED IN CALIFORNIA,4 11,"N.J. ranks third in increase of nonnatives; It trails only California and Texas, a new study says. N.J. immigrants tend to be more affluent, though.",10 6,"The Georgia bill, signed into law Monday by Gov. Sonny Perdue, requires verification of the legal status of those seeking certain taxpayer-funded services. The law also prevents employers from claiming the wages of illegal workers as a state tax deduction.",5 11,"Evidence suggests that next year, the pace of change may speed up.",10 15,"Sunday Breakfast Menu, Feb. 3",14 13,"Much of the attention was on a new front-runner, former House speaker Newt Gingrich, who toward the end of the two-hour forum waded into one of the most contentious issues in Republican politics: Immigration",12 7,"The woman, Karla Faye Tucker, had been scheduled for execution June 30. ",6 6,"The idea of ""open carry"" generally applies to sidearms, such as pistols and revolvers, and not long guns, such as rifles and shotguns. ",5 7,"The former air traffic controller could receive the death penalty for his first-degree murder conviction in the Jan. 6, 2001, death of Lillian Jarvis.",6 5,The state Supreme Court made the right call in saying that the California initiative process would be significantly undermined if public officials who normally would file an appeal to defend a voter-approved measure refused to do so.,4 1,Reynolds Plans a New Version of Winston,0 13,"In answer to a Republican question, he said he would not use his office as ''a bully pulpit for gun control.''",12 7,"The victims, retired school custodian Johnny Tubner, 71, and Fannie Mae Tubner, 63, a domestic worker, were bound with duct tape and chopped to death in their home, ",6 7,"Angel Maturino Resendiz, the admitted railroad killer, was sentenced to death Monday for killing a Houston-area doctor.",6 6,"The other point the Lautenberg amendment misses is that wife and child beaters should be tried and convicted as felons. It's long been a federal offense for felons to possess a firearm or ammunition. And such violent degenerates have no place in society, and certainly not in law enforcement or the military.",5 13,"But even before the governor officially proposed the increase Tuesday, House Speaker William J. Howell, Virginia's top Republican lawmaker, pronounced it dead on arrival",12 15,The Candor Gap,14 14,Mexico Says U.S. Abuses Its Illegals,13 5,The Justice Department said today that it was studying whether it could appeal what it considered excessively light sentences given to two Texas men convicted of holding 19 Mexican workers in slavery.,4 13,"As he leaves office, Gov. Bush can make Florida a state where there are no deadlines on justice. ",12 12,"Poll shows complexity of gun-control views ",11 6,Pounded over gun-law fails,5 5,County Creates Militia To Defend Gun Rights,4 5,"Two previous juries decided he deserved the death penalty, but their verdicts were overturned by the state Supreme Court for legal reasons. The latest verdict resolves the oldest capital case in New Jersey, ending the state's efforts to return Hightower to death row, where he spent eight years.",4 5,"""It's a courageous order and an example of a judge rigorously following the law and applying an important constitutional principle to a very difficult case,"" said Jack Martin, one of Williams' attorneys.",4 15,Gay Marriage in New York,14 2,Raise the cap on high-skill visas,1 7,"A career criminal was executed early today in Huntsville, Texas, for killing a cafeteria worker during a robbery",6 5,"""In reviewing the entire record I find no compelling reason to grant clemency in this case",4 1,Few Resist the Temptation To Opine on Chick-fil-A,0 13,"At the other end of the political spectrum, however",12 5,was indicted yesterday on charges that could bring the death penalty.,4 5,There are also legal battles over new Federal regulations; over whether potentially damaging documents released by the Liggett Group after its settlement last month with some opponents can be used in lawsuits,4 12,GUN CONTROL NOT IN 'CULTURE OF LIFE' CRITICS QUESTION BUSH'S RESPONSE TO TWO HIGH-PROFILE NEWS EVENTS,11 8,Should Georgia allow concealed weapons at public gatherings?,7 13,Romer signs gun bill into law Clearance to buy a 5-minute wait,12 7,"Old Deportation Orders Leading To Many Injustices, Critics Say",6 3,The death penalty represents revenge against vicious people whose exploits are portrayed in movies and on television.'',2 13,"He said he had not planned to lead a debate on immigration this year, but the 207 e-mails he received over the weekend convinced him. ",12 5," Dealer Charged With Enlisting College Students in Gun Scheme",4 11," Actually, Americans have been pretty successful at undermining and redefining marriage for years without any help from civil unions. ",10 5,PROSECUTORS WANT DEATH PENALTY AFFIRMED,4 6,The We Are America Alliance of immigration rights groups billed the march as a post-Labor Day demonstration to show Congress that undocumented workers still want an immigration reform bill that would allow them to work in the country legally.,5 5,"Remember, this is the same lawman who prosecuted as an adult a 15-year-old Dacula High School kid who stabbed a classmate in August 2003. The same prosecutor whose office secured a 1998 murder conviction and death sentence against the only female on death row in Georgia. The same tattooed litigator who, in 1992, became the first prosecutor in the state to win a murder conviction in a case where the victim's body had not been found.",4 5,"As they studied the decision, legal experts said yesterday that they could see the beginnings of a protracted tug-of-war over the Cuban boy in court. They said court proceedings could extend into next year, during which the boy may be kept in this country either with his father or with his Miami relatives.",4 11,Fissures in the N.R.A. Bedrock,10 7,"Of the nine people shot, one survived. Harriet Stretz, 73, is in critical condition. She was having her hair done by her daughter, Laura Lee Elody, who was killed. ",6 13,"When voters head to the polls in California and Nebraska on Election Day, they will get to weigh in on whether their states should abolish the death penalty.",12 3,"True to Episcopal Church's Past, Bishops Split on Gay Weddings",2 5, A federal judge overturned California's gay-marriage ban Wednesday in a landmark case that could eventually force the U.S. Supreme Court to confront the question of whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to wed.,4 5, Wants to require annual permits for ammunition purchases.,4 13,"Unless a handful of wavering Democrats change their minds, the Republican-controlled Missouri legislature is expected to enact a statute next month nullifying all federal gun laws in the state and making it a crime for federal agents to enforce them here.",12 11,"But as Madison reveals in the documentary she screened at Morgan State University, a lot of other folks could feel the ripple effects of the president's action. The film Finding Samuel Lowe: From Harlem to China is the story of Madison's efforts to explore her family tree's Chinese branch.",10 13,President Bush ,12 5,Prop 8 trial could wrap up on June 16,4 7,"and keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals.""",6 8,"The inspectors must check the documents of each foreigner to try to keep out terrorists, smugglers and other criminals who would harm the country",7 5,"hen we put people on trial for their life,",4 4,a civil rights advocacy group,3 13,"Senate Republicans are prepared to strike a blow today at the embattled Brady bill and its requirement of a five-day waiting period before the purchase of a handgun. When debate resumes on a far-reaching $ 22 billion anti-crime measure, Senate Minority Leader Robert Dole, R-Kan., will reserve the right to amend it with a more restrictive version of the bill passed last week in the House. ""The idea is to save the Senate some time,"" said Dole spokesman Clarkson Hine. Judiciary Committee Chairman Joseph Biden, D-Del., has said the Senate will vote separately on the Brady bill once it completes action on the crime package.",12 5,Court rules against new death penalty law,4 11," The area's newest Americans also need children's books in foreign languages so their children won't lose their culture, traditions and history as they grow up here.",10 13,GUN CONTROL BY CITIES WOULD SEND A MESSAGE TO STATE,12 7," It has helped develop effective programs to deter criminal firearm use in cities such as Richmond, Va.",6 13,Will opposing views on immigration tilt state's large Hispanic voting bloc?,12 3,Opponents say the legislation undermines traditional marriage,2 13,"from the tobacco lobby. We don't need campaign reform, do we? We don't really need Bob Dole, either!",12 5,Jurors suggest death for Bolin,4 12,The NRA wants policies that most gun owners don't,11 13," He had just heard that George W. Bush, as governor of Texas, signed a law in 1995 allowing non-felons to carry concealed weapons with a permit.",12 4,Tobacco companies have right to petition government,3 6,"DEAL IN WORKS ON SMOKE, WAGE BILLS",5 5,"""With this bill, we face no less than the specter of a sign posted on the federal courthouse door which reads you may not defend your constitutional rights in this court,""",4 13,N.Y.'s Cuomo gets boost from same-sex marriage bill,12 7,"Resident aliens who possess any amount of illegal drugs must be deported and cannot prove the ""good moral character"" that might allow them to return",6 5,Attorney General Seeks Funding for Tighter Gun Rules,4 13,"At a speech Monday in San Francisco, a young man yelled at President Barack Obama and urged the president to overhaul the nation's immigration system.",12 7,"WE NEED CRIME CONTROL, NOT MORE GUN CONTROL",6 1,State tax filings show Poospatuck dealers sold enough cigarettes since 2004 to provide every adult and child on the reservation with 960 packs a day.,0 4, He has steadfastly maintained he is innocent.,3 1,Gun sales will be banned at the largest gun show in the nation,0 13,"California's state Senate Democrats roll out big gun control package ",12 1,expensive,0 1,"""As pressure increases to attract and retain talented employees, many employers find that providing domestic partner benefits is a relatively low-cost means of achieving this goal,""",0 1,"As the commission recognized, immigration should meet the needs of the American economy. Yet, more than 75 percent of recent immigration is by persons who have met no criteria based on education, job skills or even literacy.",0 8,"The group warned that gun ownership - particularly keeping ""a loaded firearm for self-defense""",7 5, local governments should be able to adopt tougher gun laws than the state,4 13,GOVERNOR COMMENTS ON LAW,12 7," since police could exercise arrest discretion, separate parties and allow a cooling-off period.",6 7,who were at risk of deportation because of long-ago or minor convictions.,6 6,Prescription for BULLETS,5 4, He alleged that the records were improperly withheld from his attorney at trial.,3 13,The Brown administration ,12 10,TV slay vic's dad rips pols as 'cowards',9 5,Texas Execution Is Halted By State Court of Appeals,4 7,' obeying even those laws,6 13,North Carolina's path to a moratorium,12 10,What will happen is likely to be very little at all. Couples will marry. Life will go on. Almost no one will care. And that is what scares the opponents most of all.,9 3,"After about 30 ministers -- mostly representing small Protestant fundamentalist churches -- held an hourlong meeting with Mayor Gavin Newsom, they joined the larger group on the steps of City Hall and unfurled a banner reading: ""Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman."" ",2 8,Preventing massacre is not a left-right issue,7 5,Prosecutors claimed to have witnesses.,4 12,"53 percent of those polled support allowing it, while 40 percent oppose doing so. ",11 5,"Colorado's proposed concealed-carry law would keep names of permit-holders secret, so if someone is arrested in a shooting, we'd never know if they had been issued a permit.",4 5,U.S. District Judge Timothy Black in Cincinnati had said earlier in April that he expected to enter a ruling striking down Ohio's ban on recognizing legal same-sex marriages as a violation of the U.S. Constitution.,4 13,"Obama to gun owners: Relax ",12 5,constitutional rights,4 7,Malvo Gets Two More Life Terms,6 4,Prosecutorial Misconduct Leads Justices to Overturn Death Sentence in Texas,3 13, Congress sacrifices safety,12 10,"The new tax took effect July 1, and during the first two weeks of the month, QuitPlan Services received 900 calls through a helpline -- an increase of 256 percent compared with the same period last year. The free stop-smoking program, operated by ClearWay Minnesota, has seen a similar increase in website traffic, according to a news release issued Wednesday.",9 7, The 58-year-old is sentenced to die for the 1987 killing of prison guard Fred Griffis outside a West Palm Beach doctor's office.,6 3,"""Our great challenge is to create a culture of encounter which encourages individuals and groups to share the richness of their traditions and experience; to break down walls and to build bridges,"" he said.",2 1,"Among major issues not yet settled is how much money the tobacco companies would have to pay, although it is expected to be more than $ 300 billion over 25 years.",0 13,McNulty set trend aside,12 6,Draft of tax bill undoes earlier cuts,5 13,VP to talk guns near school site,12 13,"In a highly unusual move, the governor wrote the Senate last Friday, saying he opposed this session's bill as written, but suggesting amending it with ""straightforward language"" that he would approve.",12 6,Immigration bill holds deals,5 3,Gay marriage to take center stage on pulpit ,2 13," The gay marriage question drew a heavy turnout on Tuesday to an election that also produced a surprising result in the race for governor. Late Tuesday night, Gov. Bob Holden conceded defeat to Claire McCaskill, the state auditor, in the Democratic primary. It was the first time a sitting governor lost a primary in the last decade. Ms. McCaskill will face Matt Blunt, the secretary of state, who won the Republican primary. ",12 15,"Wisconsin / A haven for choice - or an ashtray? ",14 13,"These three non-randomly selected facts illustrate a deep structural tilt in our politics to the right. This distortion explains why election outcomes and the public's preferences have so little impact on what is happening in Washington. At the moment, our democracy is not very democratic. ",12 5,LARGO CONSIDERS DOMESTIC REGISTRY,4 6,"It's time to bring back the assault weapons ban, gun violence experts say",5 10,and social cost,9 6,to smoking bans,5 5,"In March, however, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals reimposed Smith's death sentence after it concluded that any problems with the jury instructions were harmless.",4 4,"They legitimized discrimination against a minority, denying for gays the same legal recognition of loving relationships that other couples so deeply value.",3 13," Debate Over Guns Now Colors a Buyout Bid",12 5,The prospective jurors were closely questioned to determine whether they should be selected for the first death penalty trial in the state since capital punishment was reinstated in New York three years ago.,4 7,"Bail for McDade was set at $30,000 cash.",6 1,Farmers aren't the only ones who feel shortchanged by the pac,0 9,"SMOKERS MAY LIVE AS LONG AS OTHERS, BUT NOT AS WELL",8 7,"s that Fader's killer could be a mystery man on a motorcycle who had followed her and her sister, Martha Jo Bailey, home from a local bar just hours before the murder when the two returned from a night out on the town.",6 13,"'We've got to make them afraid of us' Mike's $50M pledge to fight NRA ",12 12,East Bay activist quilters take on gun debate at San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles,11 7," Arkansas, which has no scheduled executions and has not executed an inmate since 2005,",6 7,'Ma' prison guard sentence,6 10, because the families of the victims must still deal with their loss,9 14,"Atlanta, is the local importer for China North Industries, also known as Norinco. While nominally separate from the People's Liberation Army, Norinco oversees China's defense industries.",13 5,A Philadelphia judge said Tuesday that she would decide Friday whether Wednesday's execution will proceed. Another appeal is being heard by the state pardons board Thursday.,4 14, the Americans were initially assured they'd be allowed to enter the country.,13 13,"Gov. Mitt Romney, an opponent of gay marriage, invoked the provision in 2004 when Massachusetts became the only state to allow same-sex marriage.",12 5,"''The right of individuals to keep and bear arms consistent with the purpose of self-defense shall not be infringed. Congress and the states shall have the power to regulate the possession, ownership, sale, production and transportation of arms and ammunition, provided that such regulations do not infringe the right of individuals to keep and bear arms consistent with the purpose of self-defense.''",4 10,"'I guess some people feel I should abandon her,'' Hawkins said. ''To me, it's like she was dying of cancer or anything else. I want to be with her as much as I can.'' ",9 13,"The bill provides a classic example of how a well-organized, highly motivated lobby may, in terms of political calculations, outweigh a generalized public concern. But, as Mr. Roybal said, ''The opposition to this bill was not limited to Hispanics.'' Ultimately, it appears, the bill failed because the opponents, including Texans and Californians, cared more deeply about its impact than did the proponents.",12 5,Delaware Supreme Court strikes down broad restrictions on gun possession in state parks and forests,4 12,The Immigrants Who Oppose Sanctuary,11 12,Anti-tobacco group says poll backs actions,11 5,MASSACRES SET STAGE FOR RULING ON GUN SUITS,4 13,"On the first of two days of platform hearings and votes, Republican delegates reaffirmed long-standing planks on bills that have stalled in Congress, such as allowing prayer in public schools and amending the Constitution to ban abortion.",12 13,"Obama applauded the framework put forward Monday by a bipartisan group of eight senators and said he has pushed some of the same ideas for years. Noting that previous efforts to forge an immigration bill have failed, Obama said that ""this time action must follow,"" and immigration should not ""get bogged down in an endless debate,"" as it has in the past.",12 7,"He has been held at the Gwinnett Detention Center since he was arrested. Thompson was killed April 15, 1993. ",6 15,Gunning for NRA backing,14 5,The trial was moved here from Fayetteville because of pretrial publicity.,4 12,"A majority of Californians still oppose a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, but the margin is narrowing so notably that the fate of Proposition 8 may hinge on the turnout for the presidential race.",11 11,"After all that - and more - millions of American adults still choose to smoke. ",10 13,"President Bush has been weighing whether to endorse a federal constitutional ban on gay marriage. But even if he acts before May 17, reacting to the establishment of same-sex marriage by Massachusetts would present a tricky challenge to President Bush as he competes for swing voters who are not aligned with either side in the culture wars.",12 3,"''You can't make an orthodox rabbi or priest administer an interfaith ceremony,'' he said.",2 13,"Hillary Clinton was on the cover of a recent National Review magazine--pictured in profile, her hair long, her demeanor stern. ""The Perfect Liberal,"" the conservative magazine headlined. Wrong, as usual. The Perfect Liberal, if there were such a thing, would have the guts to oppose capital punishment.",12 11,"She and her bride-to-be were offered a free reception at the historic Old Homestead Steakhouse last week, and yesterday, it was time to talk menu and decor.",10 9,Philadelphia-area hospitals acting to curb smoking,8 5,overturn California's same-sex marriage ban,4 10," Their stories are filled with longings for a better life, only to be met with hardships of working at fast-food restaurants, supporting relatives on different shores and going to school.",9 11,"BUYERS DON'T CONDEMN ARTISTS ON DEATH ROW PAINTINGS CAN BE VALUABLE, ESPECIALLY AFTER EXECUTION",10 14,Tobacco firms find hospitality abroad,13 5,Supreme Court rules on 'straw purchaser' law,4 13,"Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio, has switched his stand on same-sex marriage, saying he now supports it after his son told him he is gay. ",12 5,"Kentucky Law Official Will Not Defend Ban on Same-Sex Marriage ",4 9,She was placed under a suicide watch.,8 13,Virginia Execution Highlighted Politics of Death,12 15,Word for Word/Cigarette Papers,14 7,"Edward J. McElroy, district director of the immigration service in Manhattan, said this was the largest number of I.N.S. employees arrested in such a scheme in New York, although similar schemes have been uncovered in Manhattan and elsewhere in recent years.",6 10,It was just the punishment he wanted.,9 11,"""That's what America is about, a land of dreams and opportunity,"" Carson said.",10 13,"California Senator Voices Anger Over Bill's Exclusion of an Assault Weapons Ban ",12 1,Get Off Your Gun-Show High Horse,0 5,U.S. DELAYS HEARING ON CUBAN BOY'S RETURN,4 9,Cigarette Suit Says Maker Gave Samples To Children,8 13,"The N.R.A. has now moved its formidable lobbying campaign to the House. Steny Hoyer, the Democratic majority leader, said last week that he did not have the votes to bring the District of Columbia bill to the floor without opening the possibility that the weapons amendment would be added. ",12 9,scientific,8 9,Reckless Disregard for Safety,8 7,After the murder of 20 first graders,6 13,gun lobby,12 1,"This is the social and economic context of Farmingville, a community of ordinary middle class and working Americans reeling from the larger forces of international trade rigged to the advantage of the privileged and the wealthy.",0 10,"On my desk there is a photograph taken in 1978, the portrait of a young woman smiling, my daughter. Her features have not aged, her youthful face will never change, frozen into death by a bullet, three years ago.",9 6,Hot debate over regulating teen smoking,5 13,Clinton signs illegal-immigrant bill,12 5,"In addition to deciding the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the 9th Circuit plans to rule on gay marriage opponents' attempt to set aside Walker's ruling because he did not disclose he was in a long-term same-sex relationship at the time of the trial.",4 7,"Generally, condemned inmates are given four months' notice of an execution, which means McVeigh could be put to death as early as May.",6 5, He has pleaded not guilty. Federal prosecutors have said they will seek the death penalty.,4 1,"Without a tax increase, next year's spending plan, for the 2004 fiscal year starting July 1, has a potential $800 million to $1 billion gap. The tobacco tax increase would raise about $348 million next year, not enough to balance that budget, also estimated at $16 billion, without more spending cuts.",0 7,"""We're convinced that some of these people met with foul play,"" Peavy said.",6 13,PRO-GAY NOTE IGNITES ANGER AT MRS. BUSH,12 13,Local Officials Seek Help From U.S. on Immigration,12 6,GAY MARRIAGE BAN TACTIC QUESTIONED,5 5,A threat to D.C.'s independence,4 5,COURT RULES F.D.A. LACKS AUTHORITY TO LIMIT TOBACCO,4 9,Botched execution draws out mixed emotions,8 13, on its way to Gov. Rick Scott's desk.,12 3,Jose H. Gomez is the archbishop of Los Angeles and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Migration,2 5," While Chicago had some strict ordinances in the past, many are no longer in force - notably the ban on handguns, which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down in 2010. Residents are allowed to carry concealed firearms, and while assault weapons are banned, they are also illegal in New York and Los Angeles, which have much lower homicide rates.",4 13,"Pa. Senate closes session with flurry of activity ",12 5,others view any accommodation as an affront to U.S. sovereignty and the rule of law.,4 11,"The American cigar-smoker is Maj. Gen. William Nash, commander of the 1st Armored Division. His trademark cigar - a kuba, in the Serbo-Croatian language - has more or less disappeared from the Balkans since the death in 1980 of Tito, the cigar-smoking Yugoslav president.",10 13, Congress,12 9,"ne older brother survived. ",8 5,"And it ended the San Mateo County district attorney's second attempt to send a man to death this year. (In the first case, prosecutors obtained a death sentence conviction from a judge, after murder suspect Drax Quartermain waived his right to a jury trial.)",4 10,POL WANTS CIGS OUT IF KIDS IN CAR,9 12, Gun control groups praised Facebook on Wednesday for changing its policies to block potentially illegal firearm sales online.,11 13,stalled in the state Senate in the face of opposition from rural Democrats and a wall of Republicans.,12 12,Hispanic leaders disavow organizer of today's march,11 9,"Children write to Obama urging stricter gun measures ",8 9, health coverage.,8 1,The weapons were originally paid for by U.S. taxpayers.,0 9,High Court Bans Execution of the Retarded,8 5,"As expected, in a case called Bishop v. Smith, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals today struck down Oklahoma's ban on same-sex marriage as a violation of the fundamental right to marry. The decision follows the appellate panel's own ruling invalidating Utah's ban on June 25 in Kitchen v. Herbert. The decision adds nothing on the merits to the earlier Utah decision. The case is notable because it was filed ten years ago, making it the oldest active same-sex marriage litigation in the country.",4 11,"Coming to America, and becoming American",10 5,D.C. Case Could Shape Gun Laws,4 13,Pleasant Hill delays vote on firearms regulations until Nov. 4,12 13," And if the former Republican congressman were to get back on the campaign trail, his stump speech about gun control would probably sound a lot like what he said Tuesday on his MSNBC show, ""Morning Joe.""",12 5,"In his March 22 letter, Alan Gura, lead counsel for the plaintiffs in the gun-ban case, Parker v. District of Columbia, obfuscated the issue when he asserted that ""there cannot both be a right to do something and an absolute prohibition on the exercise of that right. The government [cannot] ban handguns across-the-board. . . . """,4 6,"""If you drive those people out of the Census, the consequence is that they're not in it,"" he said. ""It's a step toward not counting the people you don't want to count. And that goes very far in redrawing legislative boundaries.""",5 5,"But after each trial, the Florida Supreme Court overturned Morgan's convictions on legal technicalities revolving around the insanity issue and ordered new trials.",4 5,"If the Tampa couple couldn't convince a judge otherwise, Nelly would be deported to Peru, and all they worked for would be lost.",4 6,"To prosecute offenders, the president's proposal calls for the hiring of 1,000 new prosecutors and would provide $ 150-million to state and local governments to help achieve that goal. It also calls for $ 10-million in new federal spending to speed the development of so-called smart-gun technology that is intended to prevent accidental shootings and deter gun theft. ",5 6,ANTI-TOBACCO BILL MAY GO UP IN SMOKE,5 5,"At issue is a 2-to-1 ruling last March by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that found unconstitutional a law barring handguns in homes and requiring that shotguns and rifles be stored with trigger locks or disassembled. The ruling upheld a radical decision by a federal trial judge, who struck down the 31-year-old gun control law on spurious grounds that conform with the agenda of the anti-gun control lobby but cry out for rejection by the Supreme Court.",4 2,"The crowds are coming to work in the vast farm fields that stretch for miles around San Luis and nearby Yuma. But despite the numbers, farmers in the area say there just are not enough workers pouring across the border each morning.",1 13,BUSH BACKS MARRIAGE AMENDMENT : ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE IS UNLIKELY TO ADVANCE BILLS ON GAY MARRIAGE,12 3,Shame on the Legislature,2 15,Staking Their Claim,14 4, Another shift on marriage equality?,3 12,Same-sex marriage may sway 2004 vote,11 5,"The decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit followed a similar ruling this week in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in California, thereby aligning detention law in the nation's largest immigrant hubs. ",4 3," a Catholic archbishop strongly urged that he reconsider the move, suggesting the governor was acting out of ""mere political expediency.""",2 12,The NRA's privacy fever dreams,11 5,"Judge Vanessa A. Zecher heard arguments Wednesday in Santa Clara County Superior Court on several issues, including a brief mention of defense's interest in having her allow Chatman's conclusion about the sergeant into the penalty phase of Garcia-Torres' trial. The defense views it as evidence of ""lingering doubt'' about his guilt in a case in which Sierra's body never was found.",4 7,"Agencies that do not comply, Nocenti warned, ""could be subject to liability.""",6 3,"Presbyterians allowing clergy to perform same-sex unions ",2 11,"Vermont already is ahead of most other states in reducing smoking. About 21% of Vermonters smoke, compared with 25-27% of the population nationwide, a state survey says.",10 13,Down and Dirty in the Gun Debate,12 5,"A public relations representative for Altria, the parent company of Philip Morris, said Altria would not go beyond the prepared statement and that lawyers representing Philip Morris in the case had gone home for the weekend.",4 5,"The Supreme Court, interpreting the law, has lifted the injunction against forced repatriation, making it clear that immigration laws must be altered.",4 13,"I just finished the May 8 editorial concerning the NRA and its relationship with the Bush campaign. I find it a little amusing and very frustrating that you condemn Gov. George Bush's position on gun ownership, while strongly approving of Bill Clinton's close association with anti-gun organizations. Why is President Clinton's relationship any more proper, other than the fact that it furthers your paper's political point of view?",12 5,"On appeal, Mr. Thomas' lawyers argued that he had been framed by former Philadelphia Police Officer James Ryan, who later pleaded guilty to unrelated corruption charges. Mr. Thomas' attorneys presented testimony that Ryan threatened an eyewitness and prevented her from testifying at Mr. Thomas' trial.",4 1,"Gun sales in California increased 18.9 percent in 1993, to a record 665,229 firearms, the state attorney general's office said Thursday. ",0 14,Other voices: Mexico plays a new tune on border security,13 1,Fire Stoked on Cigarette Tax,0 13," In his inaugural address on Jan. 1, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg declared that a major goal of his second term would be to ''rid our streets of guns, and punish all those who possess and traffic in these instruments of death.''",12 9,Johnny Paul Penry's mental deficiency,8 11,In postings on a popular message board and in interviews with The Washington Post,10 5,"Appeals Panel Rejects Virginia Gay-Marriage Ban ",4 1,"Opponents: But the industry could make huge profits on the new products and the new market they would serve. ",0 13,The 'More Guns' Argument,12 13,"SENATE PANEL TO LOOK AT 'STAND YOUR GROUND' LAW REVISIONS ",12 6,GUN-TRACING PLAN IN CITIES TO BE EXPANDED,5 5,Neulander also can make a statement in what is known as an elocution. Defense attorney Michael E. Riley said Neulander would speak in his own behalf.,4 1,This company is making millions from America's broken immigration system;,0 12,Same-sex marriage: Field Poll finds California voters now strongly support gay marriage,11 6,"The Senate bill would make it a felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison, to knowingly use a passport issued to another person or to possess or use a passport ""produced or issued without lawful authority.""",5 10,WHY QUITTING IS SUCH A BEAR,9 6,Metro Briefing New Jersey: Trenton: Changes Proposed For Smoking Rules,5 5,a federal appeals court ruled in a decision that included the following wisdom:,4 6,Georgia is asked to toughen up gun laws,5 12, which was campaigning on behalf,11 11,"Sports locker rooms were once bastions of homophobia, but Ayanbadejo says things have changed dramatically in recent years. The latest generation of ballplayers grew up with openly gay friends and watched openly gay actors on TV and in movies, he says. They are also aware that anti-gay slurs, even when said in jest between friends, could be emotionally damaging to people struggling with their sexuality. ",10 5,"hy second Tokars trial? ",4 5,Courts block immigration law in Calif.,4 11,"BLOOD GAMES Video companies get in pols' heads Resist study of effects on violence ",10 11,History at the altar,10 7,"""Maybe this can snowball into demonstrating the concern that urban areas - and it should be rural areas, too - have about crime,""",6 5,JUDGE REDUCES AMOUNT OF PHILIP MORRIS BOND,4 4,MEGAN KILLER TAKES APPEAL TO HIGH COURT / LAWYERS FOR JESSE TIMMENDEQUAS SAY PUBLICITY DOOMED HIS CHANCE FOR A FAIR TRIAL.,3 5,COUNTYWIDE DOMESTIC PARTNERS REGISTRY GETS QUICK OK,4 13, and now President Obama is hailing her as a hero for her gun control efforts.,12 12,Hundreds of same-sex couples celebrated,11 5,"Gun Sellers Liable, Court Says",4 1,fundraiser,0 1,Liggett Group,0 15,RIGHT ON TARGET,14 6,"hopes the pilot is a stopgap measure until a more comprehensive program is approved. ",5 13,NRA Aims Assets at Beating Gore in November,12 7,unless for crimes committed,6 8,t undergoing a check.,7 6, legislation,5 9,"Every year, an average of nearly 300 illegal immigrants trying to cross the Mexico-United States border die in the attempt.",8 13,"Gay marriage: At least 7 swing-district House DFLers could support ",12 13,"The state Republican Party is poised to oust its own chairman over his support of the bill. Some African-American Democrats - including Rep. Eddie Jackson of East St. Louis - are also breaking ranks, by opposing it. ",12 12,"The apparent softening of Mr. Schwarzenegger's public stance had proponents of same-sex marriages rejoicing on Tuesday and opponents feeling betrayed. But advocates on both sides predicted he had not spoken his final words on a subject that has provoked a national debate. ",11 5,"""I'm disappointed with the court's decision, but it can be tried again,"" said Mountain Circuit District Attorney Mike Crawford.",4 1,The Worker Next Door,0 7,"McVeigh, 32, who is on death row at a federal prison in Terre Haute, Ind.",6 13,Cheney sisters spar over gay marriage: Why now?,12 7,Fulwood Urges Gun Limits Near Schools,6 12,"Some say that the smoke-free environment has brought in more customers. ",11 15,GAY COUPLES ARE NO THREAT TO MARRIAGE,14 13,Gay Marriage Needs a Vote,12 13,"One Democrat, Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D., Mercer/Hunterdon), called for an emergency vote Thursday on a bill he has sponsored that would put gay marriage to a popular vote. The governor has previously urged something similar, a referendum on a constitutional amendment, but the Democratic leadership has rejected that as inappropriate for a civil rights question.",12 10,"AFTER GAY MARRIAGE, NO HONEYMOON ON FEDERAL RIGHTS ",9 5,"Andrew Lee ""Flash"" Jones, 35, had unsuccessfully pleaded to be put to death by injection rather than in the electric chair.",4 13,"t and his fellow Republicans who control the Legislature want the issue on the November ballot, when it is likely to bring large numbers of Republicans to the polls. Democratic Gov. Bob Holden has called for putting the issue before voters on the day of the state's August primary election, which typically has a lower voter turnout. Turnout is a key issue this year in Missouri, a swing state. A high GOP turnout could help Republicans: from President George W. Bush to Blunt himself, who is expected to be his party's nominee for governor. ",12 13,"The ploy comes in a midterm election year as anti-gun groups in some states gear up to put gun control legislation on the ballot and release scorecards of legislators' voting records on gun legislation. Colorado has no gun legislation on this November's ballot, but gun groups are preparing to rate lawmakers.",12 6,End Maryland's Death Penalty,5 15,Getting the hardware,14 5,"But lawyers for the Justice Department said the government is ready to implement the law on schedule. They argued that any delay would cause problems and that the public had been given adequate time to respond to the regulations governing enforcement of the law, which were published March 6.",4 1,"Prices continued to improve on North Carolina's three flue-cured tobacco markets at the close of the sixth week of sales, the Federal-State Tobacco Market News Service reported. An upward price trend continued Friday for the Eastern Belt. Volume remained heavy and no major change was reported in quality. Loan receipts increased slightly, but were still relatively light. Auctions for the week totaled 30,161,252 gross pounds and averaged $179.16. Season-to-date figures reached 164,533,151 pounds, averaging $177.45 per hundred. About six out of every ten bid averages recorded increases this week. Leaf offerings were steady to $2 higher, while cutters and lugs gained $2 to $3. The few losses that did occur, some as much as $9, were mainly centered on nondescript tobacco. A range of $176 to $184 per hundred covered most of the heavy volume marketings. Producers delivered 1.4 percent of this week's sales to the Flue-Cured Tobacco Cooperative Stabilization Corp., raising the season figure to 0.4 percent. Markets on the Old Belt also saw improvements. A good majority of the bid averages reported small gains this week. Volume was moderate to heavy at most points, and loan receipts were up slightly. This week's auctions totaled 20,146,772 gross pounds, averaging $176.15 per hundred. Season totals are 112.4 million pounds, at $178.89 per hundred. For the week, about two-thirds of the bid averages were unchanged to higher, while one-third declined. Gains were mainly $1 to $2 and were centered on cutters, ripe lugs, and primings. Losses were $1 to $3, appearing for most leaf and unripe lug grades. The bulk of bid averages were between $172 and $179 this week. Leaf grades were brought from $180 to $184 per hundred. ",0 5,U.S. District Judge Joseph Bataillon in Lincoln,4 13,"Graham, of South Carolina, said on CNN's ""State of the Union."" ",12 5,U.S. COURT UPHOLDS N.J. BAN ON ASSAULT-WEAPONS,4 5,Lautenschlager asks for lawsuit's dismissal;,4 5,"Partners for 12 years, Maneely and Marini are among seven gay and lesbian couples suing New Jersey for the right to marry. Currently, no state permits same-sex marriage, according to a family-law expert.",4 13,"This was a new and unusual tactic, and nobody had any idea how it was going to end. The House doesn't have a filibuster, so it doesn't have a way to end one. That makes it newsworthy.",12 5,SECOND JURY RECOMMENDS DEATH,4 7,"Jenkins, who received four years' probation and repaid $11,000 in goverment funds, said that because his conviction was for a nonviolent offense, ""I didn't realize it was something I had to report. . . . Otherwise I would never have applied for"" a permit. ",6 5,"The nine men and three women had been impaneled only to decide whether Nadey should die or spend the rest of his life in prison. He was convicted last February of murdering Fermenick, but the trial jury deadlocked on the penalty -- seven favored a death sentence, four wanted life in prison and one was undecided.",4 6,of passing a ban in Congress.,5 9, people who are mentally incompetent or mentally retarded,8 6,"Francisco Duran was just one of those, but his story is instructive nonetheless. Last September, he tried to buy a pistol at a Colorado gun shop, but a Brady background check revealed that Duran was a convicted felon. The sale was refused.",5 14,What President Trump's Sweden moment reveals,13 5,"""This is not a bill about taking away anyone's Second Amendment rights,"" ",4 9,injected with lethal drugs at 12:12 A.M. and was pronounced dead at 12:19 A.M.,8 5,"""This case involves the murders of three defenseless children, all age 9 and under, as well as the murder of their mother,"" the court wrote, and said that aggravating factor outweighed any factors mitigating against capital punishment. ",4 15,"Searching for the Life That Belonged to a Body ",14 5,Justice Dept. Official Cites Gun Ban Loopholes,4 13,"Then he spoke Wednesday night. The speech was a stemwinder, promising a complete crackdown, ramped up enforcement across the board and assurance that any illegal immigrant in the United States will be subject to deportation.",12 13,government,12 13,Governor of Massachusetts Seeks to Delay Same-Sex Marriages,12 3,Free this little girl,2 6,gun laws already tighter than the provisions,5 9,"A toddler was abused since birth, and officials ignored it, a lawsuit claims",8 1,Philip Morris Plans Moves in Mexico,0 9, its utter disregard for public safety,8 5,"The city agreed to temporarily stop issuing more licenses while the matter winds its way through the courts. Koster's motion for a temporary restraining order was denied, but Circuit Judge Rex Burlison signed an order requiring the city to give Koster 48 hours advance notice if the issuing of licenses was to resume. A ruling on a permanent injunction is expected later.",4 7,curb illegal gun trafficking,6 13,"Unfortunately, Democrats and Republicans alike have long benefited from making this a partisan issue. Many Republicans, along with rights groups such as the National Rifle Association, have energized their constituencies by claiming that their opponents were ""trying to take away our guns."" Gun ownership was a reliable wedge issue that Republicans used to win swing voters and that gun rights groups use to raise millions of dollars to support their advocacy efforts. Over time, the fear of gun confiscation grew so great that some groups ended up in extreme positions, such as opposing bans on ""cop killer"" bullets or on plastic guns that are invisible to metal detectors. ",12 6,IMMIGRATION BILL REVISED,5 5,Court to Webcast gay ban appeal; Special judge to hear case,4 12,GUN-CONTROL ADVOCATES ARE FEELING SURROUNDED,11 11,"Run on guns here, nationwide New Yorkers clamor for licenses, lessons",10 5,"Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon immediately filed a motion with the Supreme Court to lift the 8th Circuit's stay. ",4 1,"On Wednesday, Kraft reported a 41 increase in first-quarter earnings, mainly because of its piece of the favorable tax audit. Its net income rose to $1.01 billion, or 61 cents a share, from $713 million, or 42 cents a share, in the period a year earlier. Altria owns 87.6 percent of Kraft. Altria's revenue increased 3 percent, to $24.36 billion, in the quarter from $23.62 billion in the year-earlier period, led by a 4.3 percent increase in domestic tobacco sales.",0 13,What's wrong with politicizing a tragedy?,12 11,"In case you missed it, Theodor Seuss Geisel's 1961 story documents a society of creatures who elevate those born with a star on their bellies. But when the mysterious Sylvester McMonkey McBean offers the Plain-Belly Sneetches a chance to print stars on their bellies with a machine for a fee, they become indistinguishable from the Star-Belly Sneetches, who then pay McBean to remove their stars. The cycle of prejudice continues until the Sneetches happily conclude ""that Sneetches are Sneetches,"" with or without stars.",10 13,GOP House bill aims to keep guns from mentally ill,12 6,Smoking Ban Satire Burns Him Up,5 13,State Sen. David Scott (D-Atlanta) managed to get a bill mandating instantaneous background checks through the Senate last year. He has been waiting for the House to consider the legislation.,12 7,MAN WHO KILLED CLERK PUT TO DEATH IN TEXAS,6 5,Gay marriage case decisons could come Friday from U.S. Supreme Court,4 5,when there are many class-action lawsuits and a stream of allegations,4 6,"In addition to posting signs at every Metrodome entrance forbidding guns in the building, that personalized welcome may well be needed to keep guns outside of the Dome during Twins games,",5 12,ANTI-SMOKING FORCES NOT THRILLED WITH NEW 'SMOKELESS' CIGARETTE,11 7,"Zile was convicted in Bartow last month of first-degree murder in Christina's death, as well as three counts of aggravated child abuse.",6 13,GAY REPUBLICANS EXPAND CAMPAIGN BACKING MARRIAGES,12 1,"Big Tobacco, on the Run",0 13,Reid supports expanding background checks,12 3,Bishop backed in gay-union row Iliff president uses 'Net to build support among United Methodists,2 15,"2 Brothers, 2 Countries, 1 Vivid Tale",14 1,"Medical experts for the plaintiffs have estimated that such monitoring - just for Pennsylvania smokers - could cost the cigarette manufacturers as much as $4 billion to $5 billion annually. ",0 7,"Marshall, 65, was sentenced to death in March 1986 for arranging the 1984 contract killing of his wife, Maria. She was shot in a remote area off the Garden State Parkway in Ocean County as the Marshalls returned home from Atlantic City.",6 11,"I would encourage you once again to take a look at states like Vermont, Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia and more than 25 other states that allow their citizens to exercise their right to self-defense. ",10 12,Gun rights advocates rally on steps of Minnesota Capitol,11 14,"has gained international sympathy for his fight to avoid receiving a lethal injection at about 12: 05 a.m. on July 30. ",13 3,Bible scriptures on love,2 13,"A regular site for advertisers like Jeep and Toyota, was not exactly what Mr. Romney's campaign had in mind when it set out this summer to blanket the Web with messages about the candidate.",12 7,GUN LAWS NEED TO BE ENFORCED,6 13,"BUECHNER, HORN SPAR OVER POSITION ON DEATH PENALTY",12 6,Massachusetts enacts strict rules for handguns,5 6, New Jersey replaced its death penalty with mandatory life in prison.,5 5,U.S. judge strikes down same-sex marriage ban in Pa.,4 10,"""Our work force is diverse,"" Sheriff Jim Coats said Tuesday. ""This is one of the needs that I feel that we should at least offer to our employees.""",9 5,The ground zero for immigration ruling,4 7,"The two were arrested and charged with numerous counts of grand larceny, scheming to defraud and criminal possession of stolen property. Felder also was charged with criminal impersonation. They face a maximum of seven years behind bars for each count.",6 13,And President Barack Obama may be reluctant to take on another controversial issue at a time when he is fighting to defend his signature health care overhaul and engaged in difficult negotiations over the federal deficit and other issues.,12 8,On sale soon: A bullet body armor can't stop,7 5,"Defense lawyers said that could lead the courts to overturn the new legislation, adding more delays.",4 9,"NICOTINE IS A DRUG, TOO",8 7,"Robert Charles Browne, 53, who pleaded guilty in the 1991 abduction and killing of Heather Dawn Church, told investigators that he killed up to four dozen men and women from 1970 until his arrest in 1995 in the slaying of Heather, who lived in Black Forest. Investigators have uncovered bodies, police reports and other evidence from seven killings that corroborated Browne's story, including the 1987 killing of a 15-year-old Colorado Springs mother - the crime Browne pleaded guilty to Thursday. Investigators said that in those cases Browne provided information that only the killer would know. Those seven victims were petite women, about 5 feet tall and about 100 pounds. Browne told police the killings were triggered by his ""disgust"" with the women's ""lack of morality."" ",6 4,Life Sentences for 2 Aryan Brotherhood Men,3 12,Invisible Community's Hushed Cheer; 'Guest Worker' Plan Excites Area's Illegal Mexican Immigrants,11 12,"Overall, the Post poll found that 50 percent of Marylanders support allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry, while 44 percent are opposed.",11 6,Bill seeks to limit fees paid to tobacco lawyers,5 13,SHOWDOWN OVER GAY MARRIAGES MEASURE WOULD VOID UNIONS PERFORMED IN OTHER STATES,12 13,GUN STORAGE BILL MAY BE SHOT DOWN,12 12,Snoop Dogg will head a youth rally Saturday outside San Quentin State Prison to protest the Dec. 13 scheduled execution of convicted murderer and former Crips gang co-founder Stanley ``Tookie'' Williams.,11 13,"Bob Taft, a Republican, was governor of Ohio from 1999 to 2007. Joseph E. Kernan, a Democrat, was governor of Indiana from 2003 to 2005.",12 9,"- the power to decide medical treatment for an ailing partner, for instance.",8 5,Johnson said that he would seek life without parole.,4 13,"""I don't know what more I can say, other than that I realize I was wrong,"" he said. ""You may not embrace me, you may not vote for me, but I would only hope that you would at least accept the fact that the reason the numbers and support for marriage equality goes up is because people like me change their minds.""",12 5,NEW MEXICO BACKS LIFTING OF SENTENCES FOR 5 ON DEATH ROW,4 4," The bill would provide civil rights to smokers in much the same way that civil-rights laws protect people against job discrimination on the basis of race, religion and sex. ",3 7,"""He had previously been released from the custody of the New York Department of Correction with an active detainer in place,"" ICE spokeswoman Rachael Yong Yow said in a statement.",6 1,Jury Awards Ex-Smoker $51.5 Million,0 13," Rubio absent for protesters",12 5,"Hawaii OKs benefits to same-sex couples Law does not legalize marriages for gays, lesbians ",4 7,"The report was the third compiled by the ATF, working with law enforcement officials in the District and 35 other U.S. cities examined in the study. ""It's extremely helpful because it gives us a real picture of how firearms are illegally trafficked, how they're obtained, and it helps us to focus our resources,"" said ATF Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey R. Roehm.",6 1, $ 22 billion,0 13, Democrats in both chambers oppose and that failed to garner enough votes to pass last month,12 1,"He said the company would be fined an additional $ 100,000 a day",0 7,"who chose to bludgeon his immediate family to death with a hammer, and is suspected of two other deaths with a machete-like tool. ",6 11,We've rounded up some of the memorable late-night commentary about Trump's immigration order and the resulting protests.,10 12,D.C. Smoking Ban May Sow Discord,11 12,The gun rights group and one of its members ,11 6,House weighs regulations,5 9,"Nicotine is so addictive that it often overpowers parents' natural instincts to do everything they can to protect their children from potentially deadly asthma attacks, a Minneapolis researcher has found.",8 5,"A federal judge bristled with what he called ""sheer disbelief"" at the government's failure to follow his order in the case of a blind Palestinian immigrant stalled in his quest for citizenship. ",4 7,"The Valentine's Day massacre at Northern Illinois University, like the killings at places such as Columbine High School and Virginia Tech",6 13,Gun Control Can Win at the State Level,12 12," The effort provoked an outcry from gay rights groups, which said it represented a significant step backward because it would bar even civil unions and could have unintended consequences for heterosexual couples.",11 5,Final arguments begin 4 weeks into Tokars trial,4 13,"New School President and former U.S. Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.) once described Bill Clinton as ""an unusually good liar."" Well, Gov. Spitzer is an unusually bad one.",12 10,"Maybe it's because I grew up in New York, a city that seemed to have one tragic headline after another, day after day, in the local tabloids. ",9 12,"The protesters, all of whom have participated in hunger strikes before, began this effort Monday.",11 10,Non-smoking cruise lets passengers sample a taste of time Paradise,9 7,"Some thought Patrick Evans should die for what he did to his estranged wife and the man he found in her bedroom - shot him in the neck, then, as she cried for help, pulled the trigger again. ",6 14,"The most deadly attack in Norway did not lead to stricter gun control laws, but lawmakers there added new safety provisions to the country's Mental Health Act.",13 8,The Everymigrant's Guide to Crossing the Border Illegally,7 13," Mr. O'Malley for civil rights",12 13,Giuliani gets backing of former Gov. Wilson,12 13,"Republicans countered that the bill, spearheaded by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.),",12 9, who have disabilities,8 12,"The National Rifle Association also invoked Obama's family in an advertisement this week accusing the president of being an ""elitist hypocrite"" for surrounding his children with armed guards but not supporting the NRA's proposal to put armed guards in every school. ",11 12,"The protesters gathered in front of the Immigration office at 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan for a silent march to show solidarity with their ""immigrant brothers and sisters.""",11 12,LaPierre said he has appeared on 35 radio shows and several television programs to promote arming pilots. ,11 5,"Defense attorneys Frank Goldsmith of Marion and Melinda Lawrence of Raleigh listed five reasons that Smith should get a new sentencing hearing. Allen rejected all of them, saying they were ``procedurally barred'' from being considered by him because they either already have been considered by a state or federal court or they should have been mentioned in earlier appeal filings.",4 12,"A group of Durham women hopes that this Mother's Day the only gift mom will want is a $30 round-trip bus ticket to Washington. Local organizers of a national campaign called the ""Million Mom March"" met Wednesday to add Durham to the list of cities mobilizing mothers to march in Washington May 14 and show lawmakers that there is another powerful voting bloc in the gun-control issue.",11 9,"he believes Colorado faces a health-care crisis, ",8 5,Lawmakers gave final approval yesterday to legislation making Vermont the first state to grant gay couples nearly all of the rights and benefits of marriage.,4 13," LaPierre, the NRA's executive vice president and chief operating officer",12 15,``Immigration'' isn't the problem,14 11,"The wedding - the first legal gay marriage held at the Four Seasons - drew luminaries, including singer Aretha Franklin, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Barbara Walters and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly",10 8,"""[W]hen the owner called in the checks",7 5, allow each state to ignore such marriages performed in any other state.,4 7,"Sebastian Abrocio Hernandez has been jailed since late November, yet is charged with no crime.",6 13, That's what President Clinton said in February,12 6,The first sentence in both the original and newer version of the Musgrave-Allard amendment reads: 'Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman.',5 5,"The justices issued two 5-4 rulings in their final session of the term. One decision wiped away part of a federal anti-gay marriage law that has kept legally married same-sex couples from receiving tax, health and pension benefits. ",4 1,A spokeswoman for the FTC declined to comment. The agency generally does not pre-approve ads. The job of the FTC is to prevent false and deceptive advertising.,0 13,Latest Updates on the Gun Violence Debate,12 12,"GUN CONTROL ADVANCES IN THE STATES ACROSS THE COUNTRY, THE TIDE SEEMS TO BE TURNING TOWARD REGULATION, ALTHOUGH THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS.",11 5,HIGH COURT CHALLENGES CONVICTED MURDERER'S DEATH SENTENCE,4 12,Grass roots for gun control,11 7,"Crack down on untrained and unscrupulous ""immigration consultants"" who charge applicants high fees to prepare fraudulent applications.",6 13,"""The country has come a long way on this issue, and if Republicans think people are going to go crazy over this, they underestimate the change,"" one Democratic presidential strategist said. ""On the other hand, this decision does take the issue as far as it can go. And the unhappy coincidence is that this is Massachusetts, where we will have our convention and where our likely nominee hails from. So it's not ideal.""",12 11,N.J. finds teens smoking less,10 5,Circuit Judge Stanley R. Mills ordered the hearing after Derrick's lawyers said Thursday that they were prepared to call several witnesses who would testify that another man admitted to the murder of 55-year-old Rama Sharma.,4 12,"Organized by the New Sanctuary Coalition of NYC, 4th Ave. United Methodist Church, American Friends Service Committee-Immigrant Rights Program, Families for Freedom, the New York Immigration Coalition and others, the march was the last of seven similar events held in the past seven weeks to protest local and federal laws that deny immigrants what the marchers call their ""right to remain.""",11 9,"Lerman is director of cancer genetics at the Lombardi Cancer Center of Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington. Her work and a follow-up study by Dr. Dean Hamer of the National Cancer Institute and colleagues appear in this month's issue of the journal Health Psychology. It's at least the third gene to show evidence of an effect on smoking. Scientists hope that by understanding such biological influences, they can tailor treatments to particular smokers and get hints for finding better therapies. Dr. Ernest P. Noble, a psychiatry professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who studies the genetics of smoking, said the evidence that the gene influences smoking isn't very strong, though he added, ""I believe it is a real effect."" But Ken Kidd, a Yale University geneticist who has studied the genetic marker used by the researchers, criticized the design of the studies and analysis of the results.",8 13,"Brady reveals in a new memoir that she bought James Brady Jr. a Remington .30-06,",12 1,Arkadi Kuhlmann: Zuckerberg takes back seat on fighting global poverty,0 12,"Citizens themselves have weighed in on same-sex marriage in more than 30 states, and have ultimately rejected it in all of them. They did so most recently in North Carolina, where an amendment to the state constitution that bans same-sex marriage was passed earlier this year by a margin of 61 to 39. ",11 5,"""Hopefully, the Supreme Court will allow us to join,"" Neulander lawyer Jeffrey C. Zucker said yesterday.",4 1,Who Buys Guns At Gun Shows?,0 5,"A federal judge has set an April 10 trial date for Carl Derek Cooper, who was charged in a triple slaying at a Starbucks coffeehouse, and prosecutors said they hope to decide by year's end whether to seek the death penalty in the case.",4 12,"""Very few initiatives in the history of the Field Poll have started out behind and come from behind to be approved,"" said Mark DiCamillo, director of the Field Poll. ""The fact that (Proposition 8) is behind does not bode well for its chances.""",11 4,"equal protection.""",3 14,"President Vicente Fox of Mexico, the guest of honor Wednesday at President Bush's first state dinner, sparked controversy by challenging his host to strike an agreement on immigration reform by the end of the year.",13 13,Elected gays step up in marriage debate GOVERNMENT,12 5,"James W. Fisher, vice president and sales manager of Corey Media Inc. in Atlanta, said the proposed ban comes as ""no surprise to anyone in the industry"" because it has been discussed for months.",4 12,Public opinion is divided on gay marriages,11 8," No waiting period, no background check required",7 5,Judge paves way for same-sex marriages in Kansas,4 7,"Both investors were victimized in what the authorities say is a scheme that has swindled more than $10 million in the last three years from hundreds of Asian immigrants in New York City and California. The immigrants, mainly Chinese and South Koreans, were enticed into speculating on the future value of currencies with unregulated dealers, according to criminal and civil charges brought against six firms and their top officials. In one instance, immigrants were led to believe that one of the companies was endorsed by the Chinese Government.",6 7,"Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, 54, has acknowledged shooting Kate Steinle in the back while she was walking with her father on the downtown pier on July 1, 2015.",6 5,"""I'm a Second Amendment guy. I believe that Heller was passed properly,""",4 7,Girl's killer gets death sentence,6 5,"Connecticut is the first state to pass a civil union law, which will confer the same rights as marriage, without court pressure. Vermont is the only other state that allows civil unions; Massachusetts is the only state that allows same-sex marriages.",4 8,Armed in Kentucky,7 10,Fulfilling U.S. humanitarian obligations to assist refugees,9 11, To deny Mr. Khannouchi a place on the team would break this tradition.,10 6,"REPUBLICAN state lawmakers in Virginia have advanced a grab bag of legislation designed to hound, harass and hassle illegal immigrants. The idea, as expressed by the author of one such bill, Del. Jackson H. Miller of Manassas, is ""to make Virginia an unwelcome place if you are in this country illegally."" Translation: Drive the immigrants out of the state. In this the bills are overwhelmingly likely to fail, since most immigrants are likely to remain near jobs despite official persecution. But the bills do threaten to push undocumented immigrants further underground, forcing them to live in fear, draw their curtains and keep their children indoors even as they fill a niche in the local economy.",5 12,"There's nothing like the sight of 500,000 protesters on U.S. turf, demanding rights in Spanish while waving Mexican flags, to stir Americans from their siestas",11 12,Anti-smoking commercials generate heat,11 7, Violators - smokers and the business owners who allow them to puff - face fines of up to $300,6 7,"Thomas Provenzano, 51, was executed just after 6:30 p.m. in Starke, Fla., for killing a court bailiff in 1984. ",6 10,educational agency,9 12,And he has urged prospective clients to lobby state lawmakers for a religious exemption for wedding vendors.,11 10,BOOK EXPLAINS WHY MEXICAN MIGRANTS KEEP CROSSING THE BORDER,9 11,"Cheeky gay-marriage sign makes splash on Web ",10 12,"In New Hampshire, the national organizations are partnering with local groups that plan to follow her across the state. ",11 11,"In ''Gunfight,'' his provocative, highly uneven new book about the fight over gun control,",10 11,In the Jan. 26 Metro article,10 9,keep them healthier and stronger without the detrimental effects of tobacco.,8 13,won seats,12 13,RYAN SIGNS LAW BOOSTING TAX FOR CIGARETTES,12 7,"ATF's problem of 'lost, stolen, or missing' guns has gotten better, but it's still a problem;",6 7," in the aftermath of Fort Hood, or Tucson, or Aurora.",6 7,Law officers sharply divided on domestic violence gun law,6 13,"We don't need an extremist agenda for the 21st century; we simply need the common sense, center-left agenda that many members of both parties have supported for decades.",12 15,Reality Makes Gay Marriage Debate Obsolete,14 5,Gun rights for teens?,4 5,"Now, with its nonprofit supporters like the Brady Center, it needs to start preparing for a Supreme Court confrontation. That's the endgame for the National Rifle Association, which was shoring up its legal team before the printer ink was dry on Wednesday's ruling.",4 13,"The Republican presidential candidate's gun record dominated a rally of gun-control activists, doctors, church members, residents and a congressional candidate yesterday in front of St. Paul United Methodist Church",12 12,"A sizable majority of the Senate, both Democrats and Republicans, agreed",11 9,his 8-year-old son had been held up at gunpoint by a kid who wanted his jacket. ,8 9,"""I really see this as a safety issue",8 7,Murderer's penalty to be decided,6 5,The petition asks that the District Attorney's Office be barred from seeking the death penalty until court-appointed lawyers are paid enough to properly prepare for typically protracted capital trials.,4 7,", thereby reducing killings",6 13,Obama and Romney React to Court's Immigration Decision,12 5,Jury selection - a process expected to take the rest of the week because of the possibility of capital punishment - resumes today at the Criminal Justice Center.,4 5,"A Massachusetts court has dropped a political hot potato in the laps of the Democratic presidential candidates. ",4 4,"""We are moving in a direction of greater equality.""",3 5,"Court revives lawsuit over police, domestic violence",4 13,"""No,"" Richardson responded, ""He's anti-immigration. Almost every Hispanic in the country wants to see immigration reform. No, I don't think he should be defined as a Hispanic. He's a politician from Texas, a conservative state.""",12 8,Owning a gun can deter crime and safeguard liberty,7 1,"The 14-page memo is from T.W. Kidd of British-American Tobacco Co. Ltd., parent of the U.S. maker of Kools and Lucky Strikes",0 5,The Supreme Court has released the full audio and transcript of today's hearing.,4 7,"THE BLUE-EYED HEROIN addict suspected of killing three people in a string of jewelry heists moved a step closer to facing the death penalty yesterday,",6 6, The state's indisputably defective death penalty system is made more horrifying by attempts to rush inmates to execution. ,5 6,Village Still Wants Ban On Smoking,5 6,More California Air Space Set for No-Smoke Zones,5 13,"""We have registered 240,000 immigrant citizens since 1998,"" Kaplan said. ""We think it is entirely possible to turn out 100,000 voters in November.""",12 13,The Dread That Is Ted,12 10,"""I was so emotional,"" she said. ""My voice was almost gone from crying and screaming.""",9 13,PANEL BACKS CITY-FOCUSED GUN CONTROL,12 6,Gov. Nixon can make Missouri safer by signing SB 656,5 15,Also Opening,14 13,"The City Council on Tuesday took steps toward strengthening the city's firearm laws, unanimously introducing two ordinances aimed at improving weapon safety.",12 3,"Protester, church delegate ratio 2-1 United Methodists address gay issues",2 11,"According to data from several states, gathered by the Asthma Regional Council of New England, 25 to 63 percent of tenants can smell secondhand smoke from other rental units. ",10 2,Tobacco Trash Dominates Haul at State Shoreline,1 8, alleging he associates with terrorists.,7 12,"""If the people change their minds and want to overrule that, that's fine with me",11 1,HAIR STYLIST CHALLENGES BAN ON SMOKING IN BEAUTY SALONS,0 11,Same-sex couples line up for recognition in Chicago,10 13,Legis-flation,12 1,"This year, Florida will get $414 million from the 1997 tobacco settlement. How much of that is the Legislature prepared to spend to keep kids from getting hooked?",0 13,"One senior aide on the Senate Banking Committee, who, citing the sensitivity of the matter, spoke on the condition of anonymity, pointed yesterday to the National Rifle Association. The mayor is singling out the group for criticism as he begins a new campaign for tougher national gun laws. ''Our understanding is that the nomination was going to be sent to the Senate this week,'' the aide said. When it was not, the aide said, his office questioned the White House, other Banking Committee staff members and the Pataki administration. ''The reason we were given is that the N.R.A. had a bee in its bonnet about Bloomberg's position on guns and wanted to try to send him a message,'' the aide said. ",12 6,ALL PUFFED UP OVER CIG LAW,5 8,Collapse of Prison Security Blamed in Virginia Breakout,7 11,"Acceptance of the gun culture can be changed ",10 1,"In 1992, there were only about 400 such stores, handling a little more than 1 percent of cigarettes sold. By last year that had jumped to around 4,500 outlets, accounting for 11 percent of sales, according to the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, the nation's second-largest tobacco company, after the Philip Morris Companies.",0 9,mental retardation.,8 7,"The fact is that Washington, D.C., is ranked among the top five in violent crimes in the United States despite having some of the most restrictive gun laws.",6 5,Marietta man challenges machine-gun ban today,4 3,"The center chose him in part because of his getting evangelicals working to solve social problems such as poverty, he said. ",2 7,Your April 9 news article on Representative Charles E. Schumer's study showing that firearms from states with weak gun laws are often exported to other states and used in crimes was interesting but failed to ask the crucial question: Why do criminals take these guns to other states rather than use them where they obtained them?,6 5,"Decades ago, the U.S. Supreme Court would wind up its term each summer in relatively obscure fashion compared with the Internet microscope trained on its decisions today. ",4 5, constitutional,4 3,"Just as Harris showed her no mercy, the courageous Brooklyn jury has showed him none. ",2 5,GAY-PARTNER SUIT IS TOSSED,4 10,"""If it weren't for this, I don't know what I would have done,"" said Paulina Rosales, 21, a scholarship winner and undocumented immigrant, who for now, is permitted to live in the U.S. through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). ""There is no way I would have been able to afford college without this scholarship.""",9 10,"Georgia Burden, one victim's aunt, said while the victims' families wanted a death sentence, they were relieved the jury acted quickly.",9 1, usually rank at or near the bottom of states in which to do business.,0 13,"Ramey's and Valladolid's views reflect the strong reactions emerging in Georgia, a rapidly diversifying state where the battle over illegal immigration still rages inside the state Capitol. In Washington, Democrats were celebrating the measure and Republicans were debating a response to what they term an unconstitutional abuse of power.",12 13,HESTON WINS ELECTION TO BOARD AT NRA'S ANNUAL CONVENTION,12 12,Celebratory Air at Obama Event for Gay Rights Supporters,11 7,Dispatches from Death Row,6 1,It looks as if the state will keep an advantage in its effort to recover $ 1.4-billion in health care costs from the nation's major tobacco companies.,0 2,The advent of modern DNA technology,1 13,"Mr. Leno said that if Mr. Schwarzenegger in fact vetoes the bill without first hearing from him and other supporters, ''It would be highly unusual and a direct insult to the proponents of this bill and the many millions of Californian families who want him to sign it.''",12 8, carrying guns in public to demonstrate that they have a special need for self-protection,7 7,"""These are all immigration-related charges and Mr. Akhtar thought it was in his best interest to accept the plea offer and minimize his amount of prison time and expedite his departure to Pakistan,"" defense lawyer George N. Miller said Thursday. ""He's going to be deported after serving any prison time ordered as a result of this plea agreement.""",6 7,"Digital, a Boston computer manufacturer, underpaid 24 computer programmers and will pay $26,360 in back wages and a $19,000 civil penalty, the Labor Department announced. The company also agreed not to use the temporary worker visa for three months.",6 12,A Death Penalty Advocate's Sad Argument,11 7,is scheduled to be executed on Thursday.,6 13,IMMIGRATION NOT STATE'S TOP PRIORITY,12 13," Madigan expects cigarette tax battle",12 11,About New York; A Latin Takes Manhattan,10 7,"""Not only did Mr. Wilson's behavior in prison illuminate his continuing lack of remorse and disregard for authority, but also it shed light on the apparent ineptitude of the Bureau of Prisons,"" Garaufis said Tuesday in Brooklyn Federal Court. ",6 13,Illinois backs gay couples Legislature approves bill to OK 'civil unions',12 13,Trump's suggestion,12 5,Another Round in a Same-Sex Marriage Case,4 10,"""I wouldn't want another community to go through what we've gone through,"" he said.",9 13,"Democrats in the Senate and the House, led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), reintroduced a bill to repeal DOMA and erase any lingering uncertainty about which same-sex couples are married in the eyes of the federal government. ",12 15,ASK AMY: Advice for the real world For release 06/07/08 bc-ask-amy 06/07 TMS Original,14 10,"A recent cigarette break began with a walk out of the office, followed by a stroll across the parking lot, a climb over a snow mound, and a slippery ascent of a hill - a little more than 100 yards in all - before an office worker in shirt and tie and wing-tipped shoes gained the property line. He cupped his hand around a match. He took a deep drag and exhaled.",9 5,state Attorney General Paula Dow said Tuesday.,4 7,"Killer's execution slated for today, but appeal could again mean delay",6 5,STAY SOUGHT IN MAN'S EXECUTION,4 5,"The court did not comment on its reasons for refusing the appeals. None of the four prisoners has an execution date. ",4 9,"Safety locks are relatively simple and inexpensive devices that attach to a handgun's trigger, blocking its use. They are removed by a key or a combination.",8 13,I just wish that our Republican leadership had done the right thing. We just handed President Obama the perfect way to defeat many Republicans in the next election.,12 12,Civil Rights Leader Is Under Fire for Backing Same-Sex Marriage,11 13,"For good reason, they feel they are in the new president's crosshairs.",12 4,FACT-CHECKING CLAIMS AFTER MASS SHOOTING,3 9,'Smart Guns' Setting Off Debate: How Smart Will They Really Be?,8 8,"Strengthens national instant criminal background check system by requiring better data from states. ",7 13,They debated which gun measures their side would offer for consideration.,12 5,Founding Fathers meant to go with the right to bear arms.,4 12,Parade participants celebrate passage of same-sex marriage,11 15,A Life-or-Death Dodge,14 7,"Horton, you may recall, was a black Massachusetts lawbreaker who was convicted and imprisoned for murder. Muhammad is one of two men currently under arrest for recent sniper attacks in the D.C. area.",6 9,"""Old Sparky"" is in fine shape now, just like new. That's what repairmen always tell me when they finish working on a busted appliance. ",8 13, NRA-backed congressional conservatives have refused to entertain any piece of legislation that aims to re-duce the number or lethality of military-style firearms.,12 13,District Gun Bill Goes to Council,12 5, must decide whether he should be executed or spend the rest of his life in prison.,4 5,"The case was brought by James Alvin Castleman, who was charged with selling firearms on the black market. He was charged with violating the federal firearms law because he had pleaded guilty in Tennessee to misdemeanor domestic violence, meaning he had ""intentionally or knowingly caused bodily injury"" to the mother of his child. ",4 7,"The arrest followed a six-month joint investigation in which Fort sold a dozen semiautomatic weapons - mostly 9 mm pistols - to undercover detectives, authorities said. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms said Fort was involved in the transfer or sale of about 100 firearms during the six months. ""Basically, you'd go to him and tell him what you wanted, and then he'd go out and buy the weapon as a private citizen and sell it back to you for a nice profit of a couple of hundred dollars,"" said Capt. Harry Hegger, commander of the St. Louis Police Department's intelligence unit. People dealing with Fort were people unable to purchase weapons on their own because of a criminal history or some other reason, police said. ",6 10," A well-known interior designer, Keith grew up in Tampa, where he has styled residential and commercial interiors for more than 30 years. Recent notable Bucklew Designs projects include Bern's Steak House and the Hillsborough County Bar Association building. ",9 8,"Giuliani said the Immigration and Naturalization Service was aware that one of the alleged bomb-makers, Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, ""was accused of being a member of a terrorist group"" when he applied for U.S. asylum in April. ""So it seems to me that that should have resulted in an investigation."" ",7 1,Montgomery prods its contractors to cover gay partners,0 13,"Bitter Debate, Then a Vote for Rejecting Same-Sex Marriages",12 12,"The Times Mirror poll also asked about Clinton's vow to challenge the NRA on gun control, with 61 percent saying it was a good idea and 28 percent calling it a bad idea.",11 13,"Gun rights backed, but not broader law",12 5,the rule of law,4 11,A CIGAR IS STILL A SMOKE AT RITZ CARLTON'S SECOND BASH,10 13,"Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, said in a written statement.",12 13,"Opposition moves include slowing Cabinet picks, legislating on immigration ",12 13,"The compromise may hinge on the votes of a few Democrats, up for reelection next year, who fear a backlash from the potent gun lobby and a few Republicans who seem to want to support the measure yet fear the political fallout. A handful of senators in either party could swing the outcome. ",12 7,"Even as dozens of ships crammed with Chinese sail for U.S. shores, President Clinton announced a crackdown Friday on organized crime syndicates that have turned ""this transport in human cargo and traffic in human misery"" into a $ 3 billion-a-year enterprise.",6 5," lawsuits that seek changes in industry behavior are necessary. Federal gun industry immunity legislation must be rejected, and City Council legislation that would establish a code of conduct and target lawsuits against those who contribute disproportionately to the city's illegal gun problem should be passed.",4 11,Blacks may absorb more nicotine,10 7,"The joint agreement is part of an INS initiative, ""Operation Southpaw,"" that began Monday with the detention and deportation of 150 undocumented workers from four Atlanta job sites. On Tuesday, federal agents detained an additional 100 foreign nationals at job sites in Chamblee, Hapeville, Kennesaw, Lithonia and Atlanta.",6 13,Obama Orders Policy Review on Executions,12 13,Same-sex marriage bill vetoed in Calif.,12 11,N.C.'s stick tobacco barns fading away,10 5,Va. court weighs visa path for juveniles,4 3,"After Bishop Steward Wood made an emotional plea to priests to stop blessing such unions, he got a standing ovation, but some delegates charged he had demeaned homosexual members. The Rev. Zalmon Sheron, an openly gay priest, said, ""In asking me and other clergy to stop blessing same-sex unions, he has rendered countless lesbian and gay people in this diocese invisible."" However, the Rev. Richard Kim said, ""I know we have to find new ways to minister but we cannot rewrite the Bible."" The issue also has smouldered widely in the church.",2 1,Can I Make My Company Take a Stand on Guns?;,0 12,"They said the petitions have been signed by 244,587 Oregon voters, more than double the 108,840 signatures required. ",11 9,"LINK ESTABLISHED BETWEEN SMOKING, SIDS",8 7,National Briefing South: North Carolina: Deportation For Pakistani Who Taped F.B.I. Office,6 5,"(The Court declined to hear the case, and thus left open the question whether the Second Amendment secures a right of law-abiding adults to carry guns outside the home - a subject on which lower courts continue to be split; Thomas and Gorsuch were urging the court to hear the case.)",4 5,Mr. Bixby showed no reaction as the verdict was read. He was convicted of the killings on Sunday after a five-day trial in this small town near the Georgia state line.,4 7,"The 17-year-old youth arrested at McKinley by police was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, and a hearing in the case was set for Oct. 15.",6 3, refused to spare his life,2 13,"In a dramatic break with his own administration and in defiance of President Bill Clinton's pleas that the legal dispute be kept out of the political arena, Gore declared in a statement that ""our immigration laws may not be broad enough"" to achieve a just resolution in the Gonzalez case.",12 13,"Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle announced Friday that the committee will be led by Sen. Mitch Seabaugh (R-Sharpsburg), a strong firearms rights supporter. Seabaugh sponsored the resolution creating the committee. According to the resolution creating the study committee, it will ""examine Georgia's firearms law and the way these laws are applied in our state to ensure that the constitutional right to bear arms and the right to self-defense are properly protected.""",12 13,SCHUMER ZAPS NRA ON RACE REPORT,12 13,"He accused the Bush White House and the Republican Party of using same-sex marriage as a wedge issue ""to hurt Democrats who are against discrimination.""",12 5,The Senate approved measures that would begin development of counterfeit-proof birth certificates and other such identification. And there would be funding for pilot projects to help employers weed out workers who are not eligible to work in the U.S.,4 3,evoked a plea from Pope John Paul II.,2 13,Stop stalling on gun control,12 7,A Concealed Gun Claims a Victim,6 13," Even conservative Senator Strom Thurmond, Republican of South Carolina and chairman of the Judiciary Committee, appears willing to go along, at least partway.",12 13,Senate Republicans Agree on Immigration Bill; Wide Bipartisan Support Would Break Logjam,12 6,"Handgun registration is desperately needed in America,",5 13," Michigan Gov. Snyder considering veto of concealed weapons measure",12 3,"Since the Rev. William Owens launched his national campaign in May calling on African-Americans to withdraw their support of President Obama because of his stance on gay marriage, he has claimed the backing of 3,700 black clergy and touted his organization as predominantly Democratic.",2 5,U.S. GRANTS CASTRO'S DAUGHTER ASYLUM,4 13,Gun issue raised in Pennsylvania governor's race,12 9,Man Who Killed Driver Hangs Himself in Jail,8 1,"has studied a wide range of taxes to pay for coverage of the uninsured, including a value-added tax; taxes on insurance premiums, health benefits and corporations; and ""sin taxes"" on alcohol, tobacco, guns and ammunition.",0 1,"Yet when you report on Fortune 500 companies trimming personnel, you characterize such actions as ""streamlining the work force.""",0 6,Marco Rubio is right: There probably isn't a loophole-free assault weapons ban;,5 6,"gun control advocates rose to demand more rigorous laws: stricter background checks, limits on magazine capacities, bans on assault weapons and tougher controls on gun shows and online firearms markets -- almost always to no avail.",5 12,AIM YOUR MESSAGES AT US,11 9," ""insane in the ordinary sense of the word"" ",8 15,Stop hysteria over gay marriages,14 12,Activists on both sides of the gun control debate have serious problems with the new background checks.,11 5,Supreme Court justices struggle with lethal-injection case,4 11,"Hold the champagne. Or at least the California sparkling wine. ",10 5,Gay Marriage Ban Challenged in Illinois,4 15,Will she or won't she?,14 13,GOVERNOR STEPS UP INMATE DEATHS,12 7,SEPTA Transit Police Chief Thomas J. Nestel III said he was not aware of any enforcement actions there.,6 11,"That was something to track down, along with the fellow who wrote it. He's John Kane, an affable retired police lieutenant from Sacramento. Fifteen minutes of conversation turned into 40, and by the end, this much was clear: ",10 7,Trucker guilty in smuggling deaths,6 5,Gay marriage lawsuit on hold in Hennepin County,4 13,"The Brady bill has engendered some of the most emotional debate and is one of the most fiercely lobbied measures of this congressional session. Backers of the bill acknowledged yesterday that, despite the recent switches and the endorsement last month by Reagan, nose counts for the House show an extremely close vote.",12 5,YATES IS FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER,4 6,Gun laws don't solve everything,5 7,"""The State of New York will not tolerate cigarette bootlegging,"" said Taxation and Finance Commissioner Arthur Roth. ""We will aggressively pursue those who seek to scam the people of New York and hurt honest merchants who uphold their obligations.""",6 10,"Not surprisingly, in 2000, the first year the Regents' English exam became a graduation requisite for every high school senior in the city, the dropout rate for immigrant students went through the roof.",9 6,"Typical of those affected by Monday's ruling are legal residents who apply for citizenship only to face deportation because of brushes with the law that had long since receded into the past. The 1996 law required the deportation of most immigrants who received sentences of 12 months or more, even those who spent the 12 months on probation.",5 7,LAKE WORTH MOM GETS 38 YEARS FOR TODDLER'S MURDER,6 12," bans that came in each case with heated and often quite polarizing debates. So where, one might reasonably ask, lies the potential for agreement?",11 1,"Officially, the money being returned to Pullen Memorial Baptist Church will tell members that their contributions to the Southern Baptist Convention aren't welcome.",0 5,Stay of Execution,4 1,Importing Assault Weapons,0 1,"U.S. companies, particularly in technology, say they need the visas to fill vacant positions. But some worker advocacy groups counter that the companies are using the visa program to hire cheaper foreign labor.",0 13,Could there be a connection between Rubio's actions and the fact that he's the sixth largest recipient of donations from the National Rifle Association?,12 4,The court looks at items ranging from the race and sex of the defendant and victim to the so-called aggravating circumstances of the crime such as previous felony convictions of the defendant and whether the victim was a child or held for ransom.,3 7,Man gets life in death of trooper,6 5,"California: Court Rejects Challenge To Gay Marriage ",4 1,"Getting more stripped each day means getting finished quicker, which lowers the cost of labor. And lowering the cost of the crop to farmers is vital, said Wayne Mattingly, Daviess County extension agent.",0 11,Britney's smoke signals new image,10 3,They are sending a four-page flier to Catholic households ,2 4, race,3 12,"More than half of Californians support a proposed ballot measure that would overturn a recent ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in the state, a poll has found.",11 10,"Far From Family, Alone, Homeless And Still Just 18",9 13,"With a Valentine's Day vote, the Illinois Senate approved a bill on Thursday that would legalize same-sex marriage, inching the home state of President Obama closer to becoming the 10th in the nation, plus the District of Columbia, to allow gay couples the right to wed. ",12 5,support defense of those facing deportation,4 6, ban assault weapons.,5 13, to the governor,12 11, told the Tampa Bay Times in 2002.,10 5,"Rules sought for death penalty judges, lawyers",4 7,Law Enforcement Officers Turn to Gun Shops for Gear,6 14,Group Assails Soviet on Inmates,13 11,Teen smoking rates appear to level off,10 7,"To stop copycat crimes, establish codes for reporting on mass shootings ",6 9, Chief of Detectives William Allee said common sense should have kept the gun out of Alalouf's hands.,8 4,"We should all hope he is right, but there are good reasons to believe that innocent people have died at the hands of the state, and many more nearly so, because the death-penalty system in Florida is demonstrably mistake-prone.",3 13,Obama calls on candidates to support gun reform,12 7,3 Charged With Smuggling Deaf Mexicans,6 7,"Deaf Immigrant, Once Classified As a Victim, Is Now a Suspect",6 5,"One issue, however, cannot await long-term resolution: The question soon to be decided by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. ",4 5,"In that North Carolina case, the justices stopped the execution of Ernest McCarver hours before he was scheduled to die last month. It takes the affirmative votes of at least four justices for the court to hear a case. Those votes are secret.",4 2,CLEARING THE AIR,1 15,He may see the death of a stranger,14 9,"A Vietnam War veteran, the 54-year-old Holloway has been diagnosed with combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder and the early stages of a deadly skin cancer. In November, he learned he has prostate cancer. He says he smokes for the same reasons many others do: anxiety and depression.",8 6,HIGH HOPES FOR GAY-MARRIAGE BILL DASHED,5 13,"Perry Bolsters a Border, and His National Profile",12 7,MAN SENTENCED UNDER FEDERAL GUN LAW,6 5,Attorneys for Luisa Solis of Miami don't believe any other state's high court has ruled on whether people who have applied for political asylum are eligible for Aid to Families with Dependent Children.,4 7,"Once again, Joshua Langley finds himself bound for state prison. This time, it's a much better option for him than the alternative.",6 5,attorney general of Virginia,4 11,to minors,10 4,Pa. investigators take aim at eyewitness errors,3 5,Colorado judge overturns state ban on same-sex marriage,4 5, Johnson County Administration Building in Iowa City today to get their marriage licenses,4 13,"The president strongly supported the Brady bill, which had been opposed by Presidents Reagan and Bush and by most Republicans in Congress. But he stressed that it is only a first step in tightening regulations.",12 7,"Tobacco manufacturers have won an appeal challenging lawsuits by the governments of Belize, Ecuador and Honduras that claim the companies conspired to smuggle cigarettes into their countries to boost profits and evade taxes.",6 13,SENATE BATTLE IS SHAPING UP ON LIFE-SENTENCE MEASURE,12 5,City attorneys countered that local governments should be allowed to condition use of public property - including San Francisco International Airport - on a company's promise not to discriminate.,4 13," Lawmakers in Albany Adjourn for Night Without Deciding on Same-Sex Marriage",12 15,MARYLAND NOTEBOOK,14 13,Carrboro's fear of court showdown triggers drop of gun-ban plan,12 5,"""The death penalty is constitutional. It's constitutional to use lethal injection. That's been established,"" said Richard Dieter, executive director of the Washington-based Death Penalty Information Center. ""Now, we're getting down to the details. Should lethal injection be done the way it's been done?""",4 6," Real Gun Control From Sacramento",5 11,Putting the Sex in Homosexuality,10 11,smokers,10 10,"Like so many other people these days, I regain my composure only to see it crumble in an instant. At the piercing sight of a photograph: Daniel Barden with his impish smile and missing front teeth. At the devastating power of a simple sentence, about Charlotte Bacon's Girl Scout troop: ""There were 10 girls in the group. Only five are left.""",9 13,"""Now, however, there are some who have decided that their disagreement with this particular vote warrants their making public information about my private life -- information they may have heard second or third hand about my sexual orientation,"" he said in a statement. ",12 12,"In the Post-Kaiser poll, rural residents are almost three times as likely as city dwellers to consider immigrants a burden to the United States - 42 percent vs. 16 percent. ",11 5,"Washington embodies the conflicts. It is among more than 30 states that have passed laws defining marriage as being between a man and a woman, but it has steadily expanded rights for gay couples since 2006, the year it approved a wide-ranging gay rights bill. In 2007, it approved rights for domestic partners. In 2009 it passed a so-called everything-but-marriage bill.",4 5,"Not surprisingly, Burton said it was not. She said the Rome, Ga., prosecutors were preoccupied with the race of the potential jurors only because lawyers for the defendant had said they would challenge each dismissal of an African American potential juror.",4 6,"IN FLORIDA, A LOW BAR FOR DEATH PENALTY",5 13,IMMIGRATION BILL DETAILS EMERGE,12 5,Kate Steinle shooting moves from political talking point to trial,4 7,"Hunsaker told investigators that he and Clagett were attacked by the three men, who were being handcuffed, and shot them in self-defense. Clagett said he was hit in the face, and Hunsaker claimed he was stabbed during the attack.",6 12,"300 gun-control opponents protest at Governor's Mansion Marchers criticize Owens' proposals to tighten firearms laws ",11 12,Thousands Rally on the Mall To Protest Same-Sex Marriage,11 13,"Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo also took a swipe at Bush, accusing him of undermining the Clinton administration's negotiations with gun makers.",12 13," But the Republican-controlled House of Representatives has taken a slower approach, considering smaller bills that tackle small pieces of immigration.",12 3,A reminder from the Catholic Church in Texas: Thou shalt not carry a weapon inside. And remember - no guns at the Alamo.,2 13,Santa Clara County moves forward with e-cigarette ban,12 10,"""Even if it was just two, that's two too many.""",9 5,Court orders retrial in decades-old killing,4 7,"Oxford, who grew up near Tulsa, Okla., was convicted of first-degree murder in the 1986 shooting deaths of Harold and Melba Wampler, a Joplin-area couple who raised dairy cattle.",6 7,"Minucci pleaded not guilty before Justice Arlene Goldberg and was released after agreeing to post $150,000 bond. ",6 7," Assault weapons, sawed-off shotguns or weapons used in the commission of any criminal act will be destroyed.",6 12," The students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., surely grasp this truth.",11 3,"The ongoing battle over redefinition of marriage threatens to shatter a long-standing, popular approach to personal faith and biblical morality. For several generations, most Americans have embraced what could be described as the Goldilocks attitude toward religion: affirming faith choices that seemed not too soft but not too hard, not too hot but not too cool. Majorities viewed easy-going moderation and comforting compromise as the religious path that counted as ""just right."" Conservative Judaism -- the ""middle branch"" of the ancient faith -- always exemplified the ""Goldilocks"" orientation with its emphasis on the ""sweet spot"" between stringencies of Orthodox observance and the anything-goes adaptability of Reform. But just before Passover, the Conservative movement's flagship institution, The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), announced a controversial decision highlighting the painful contradictions of middle way religions. Following the findings of an expert panel filed last December, JTS signaled its intention to accept openly gay candidates for the rabbinate and to raise no objection to their involvement in same-sex commitment ceremonies. For a movement that still stresses time-honored standards of Sabbath observance and kosher food, this represents a stunning break with tradition. A spiritual leader proudly, publicly promoting consumption of pork would never fit in with the Conservative rabbinate, but this same denomination now will sanction rabbis who call unblushing communal attention to their personal practice of sexual relations that the Torah describes as ""abomination."" ",2 13,"Banks, D-St. Louis, warned that he would talk 51 hours if necessary - until the Legislature's mandatory adjournment at 6 p.m. on Friday. Later Wednesday, the Senate moved to other business, but the weapons bill standoff may continue today.",12 6,"The resolution allows unmarried couples -- same-sex or not -- to pay $20 and receive a certificate, making their partnership somewhat official. ",5 7,Study Says Police Misuse Immigration-Inquiry Rule,6 1,The letter asks Clinton to consider an assistance program to help ``ensure a safe and stable future for farmers and their communities.'',0 13,U.S. MAYORS URGE CONGRESS TO TIGHTEN GUN LAWS,12 10," It has also been shown that children do benefit from a father and a mother, although I have also seen studies to the contrary.",9 1," The Vandenbergs, who have been partners for 12 years, have been forced to open their checkbooks repeatedly over the years to pay thousands of dollars in taxes on health benefits and for legal transactions that married couples rarely face. ",0 10,"But after the court session, family members of the victims in the 2013 murders made their feelings clear.",9 13,"Obama's gay marriage support fails to sway Americans; Despite President Obama's shift to support gay marriage in May, public opinion remains unchanged on this issue.",12 6,The need for tighter Federal gun control laws is obvious. Three measures require immediate attention in Washington:,5 9,representation to victims of gun violence,8 13,"The governor has received fairly good reviews for his other politically popular anti-crime positions - a toughening of the death penalty, 20-year sentences for three-time violent offenders, a reasonable police notification rule for released sex offenders. The missing element in his crime package was any attempt to discourage crime, except for his courageous endorsement of the gun-control bill drafted by the Select Committee on Gun Violence chaired by state Sen. Vincent Fumo (D., Philadelphia).",12 7," The intention was to target illegal immigrants, though some U.S. citizens of Mexican ancestry were also caught up in the dragnet.",6 5," To the extent that the current Supreme Court's interpretation of the second amendment stands in the way of reasonable regulation, then by all means let's work to amend or even eliminate its outdated provisions.",4 6,Gun law reciprocity bad idea,5 5,"In a one-sentence order released 15 minutes before the execution warrant expired, the court said that Alito referred the application to the full court and that it was then denied. No explanation was given and no dissents were recorded.",4 6, Smoking bill turns to ashes,5 10,Pardon Sought to Heal a Community,9 12,Same-Sex Weddings Bring Division to an Upstate Village,11 13,"A national grass-roots organization dedicated to stricter gun control laws will make its debut today in Atlanta and six other cities. ",12 12,High-tech smoking ignites new debates,11 11,"A total of 5,186 people were sentenced to death in 53 countries in 2005, bringing the number of people awaiting execution to about 20,000, Amnesty said. ",10 5,Chavez case highlights illegal immigration issues,4 10,A mother touched by gun violence knows reform is hard,9 6,"""The Brady Bill offers a beginning to control a situation that has gotten out of hand.""",5 15,NEIGHBORHOOD REPORT: JACKSON HEIGHTS,14 9,'Fire safe' requirements for cigarettes make inroads on state level,8 13,"On a voice vote of 11-1, the commission agreed to send the proposed ordinance to the supervisors.",12 9,"As he lay strapped to a gurney and separated by plate-glass from 36 witnesses and reporters, Hampton coughed repeatedly. His heavily tatooed right arm and hand, handcuffed to the gurney and visible outside the sheet that covered the rest of him, twitched several times. After a hard cough that lifted his head off the gurney and turned his face bright red, Hampton closed his eyes and seemed to fall into unconsciousness.",8 13,Sweeney's support of gun-control bill draws ire of gun-rights groups,12 9,Doctors shouldn't ask about gun ownership,8 5,"Instead, Hildwin refused to waive his right and the trial is still scheduled for Sept. 29, leaving Barrett about five weeks to sift through more than 20 boxes of documents.",4 4,Should an African American judge disclose that he or she might apply for a job someday before ruling on an affirmative action case?,3 1," business acumen,",0 6,WHAT THE EXECUTIVE ORDER MEANS TO UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS,5 13,"The bill's proponents have labeled Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Don Betzold, DFL-Fridley, an ""arch-obstructionist"" for not scheduling a hearing on the bill. ",12 5,. But the entire asylum system should not be cast under suspicion when there are already practical tools to root out and prosecute abuse.,4 5,"A lawyer for Basic Rights Oregon argued that the measure made separate amendments to the State Constitution, each of which should have been voted on separately. The lawyer, Mark Johnson, also told the judge that Measure 36 violated local governments' home rule rights. Charles Fletcher, an assistant attorney general, said voters had only clarified the marriage law and did not change it. ''There was no right to same-sex marriage before Measure 36, and there is no right to same-sex marriage after Measure 36,'' Mr. Fletcher told Circuit Judge Joseph Guimond of Marion County.",4 3,Catholic group slams same-sex marriage bill,2 5,The gay-rights group pushing to make same-sex marriages legal in New Jersey plans to ask the state Supreme Court to consider the dispute.,4 7,"His classmates all got life sentences, including the likes of serial killer Charles Manson and Sirhan Sirhan, Robert F. Kennedy's assassin. But not all served their full sentences, and some who were released went on to commit new crimes.",6 5,"A Nicaraguan who asked for political asylum after entering the country illegally can get welfare because the government doesn't plan to deport her, the Florida Supreme Court said Thursday.",4 13,"""It's unfortunate it's all gotten so political.""",12 13,Lou Dobbs Crusades Against Spitzer's Driver's License Plan for Illegal Immigrants,12 13,Governor Finds New Middle Ground in Death Penalty Debate,12 15,Conversation Starter,14 13,"* Instead, Senate candidate says, he favors civil unions. His opponent, Alan Keyes, accuses him of trying to have it both ways.",12 13, political changes,12 13,"The bill, sponsored by Del. Luiz R.S. Simmons (D-Montgomery),",12 15,WHO HONORS HUMPHREY FOR ANTI-TOBACCO EFFORTS,14 6,State's electric chair passes test,5 1,F.D.I.C. Post Seems Remote For Official In New York,0 5,"The state wanted justices to overturn a ruling by the court's new member, Samuel Alito. The new justice had handled Antuan Bronshtein's case at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, writing a ruling last year that gave the Russian immigrant a chance to appeal his death sentence. Alito did not participate in Monday's decision.",4 15,"Topics Small Bangs, Big Bucks",14 1,"Tech giants rally against immigration policies, 'fake news'",0 8,Gun owners argue that they need their guns for protection.,7 5,"City clerks began handing out marriage-license applications to gay couples early today, making Massachusetts the first state in the nation to legalize same-sex unions and the United States just one of four countries in the world where homosexuals can legally wed.",4 7," Allison said authorities received information that Crippen had ties to a motorcycle gang, that she had been convicted of selling methamphetamine, and that she had boasted to friends she wouldn't hesitate to 'cap' (shoot) a police officer.",6 8,NO BIG FISH IN 9/1 DRAGNET City catch included hustlers & those with v isa woes,7 10,"Snell, who grew up in Twentynine Palms, Calif., and Las Vegas, was known among family members for her outgoing nature and ""infectious personality,"" said Denise Alexander, her aunt. Alexander said that Snell volunteered helping autistic children and hoped to make a career of it when she had finished her Navy service.",9 13,DINGELL'S GUN-CONTROL EFFORT ANGERS GET-TOUGH DEMOCRATS,12 10,Family separated by government's delays,9 1,FREMONT TO RESTRICT FIREARM SALES LAW TO BAN NEW LICENSES FOR RESIDENTIAL-AREA DEALERS,0 7, the rate of illegal aliens arrested in the last four months of the budget year was higher than during the same period a year earlier,6 15,A spotlight on gay marriage and civil unions,14 3,Episcopal parishes may bless same-sex unions,2 7,"BAIL IS $750,000 FOR MAN ACCUSED IN DISMEMBERMENT",6 15," The Gun Report: February 26, 2014",14 15,Crusader Curran,14 13,Debate on Guns Defies Political Labels,12 10,"FAIR WILL EXPLAIN AREA'S SERVICES TO IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES; REAL ESTATE FIRMS, BANKS, CITY AGENCIES WILL SHOW THEIR WARES",9 6,"""I'm really embarrassed for my state,"" he said. ""The death penalty ought to be abolished.""",5 5, Her tips include making sure that attorneys are licensed and advisers are recognized by the U.S. Justice Department's Board of Immigration Appeals.,4 6,"After more than four months of disputes, special hearings and negotiations, a special master has sided with the Martin County School District by recommending a smoking ban on all district property.",5 5," COMPROMISE COULD RESCUE TOBACCO SUIT",4 8,Shafiqullah said customs can detain immigrants within 100 miles of any border - including the ocean - making the agency's law enforcement duties not that different from Immigration and Customs Enforcement in New York City.,7 7,An illegal immigrant deputies were searching for since an hourslong standoff in Carrollwood on Friday night was caught in a stakeout late Saturday,6 11,"Amerasians: Caught between cultures // Encouraged to come here, embittered by problems",10 5,JUDGE SEES PROGRESS IN TALKS TO REDUCE APPEAL BOND IN TOBACCO SUIT,4 7,"Federal investigators have detained in recent days more than a dozen suspected illegal immigrants doing contract work at U.S. military facilities across the country, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said yesterday.",6 7,A Chicago neighborhood battles endless flow of illegal guns,6 12,Parkland Activists' Stand Against the Gun Lobby Drew Mixed Results National-ly,11 5,The Supreme Court's decision last summer to strike down the District's unconstitutional ban on handguns affirmed what many of us already knew -- that the Framers guaranteed all Americans an individual right to bear arms,4 5,"Then what happens to the ""right to bear arms"" in the Second Amendment?",4 6,"BAN THIS, AND WHAT IS NEXT",5 13,Running through it all was a dispute over the death penalty in a state that has long been one of the country's most active proponents of it but recently has struggled with the practice.,12 5, which would have left the ultimate life-or-death decision in the hands of the presiding judge in a capital murder trial,4 5,States Are Trying to Cheat Tobacco Lawyers,4 13,"Nixon, who is entering the final six months of his two terms as chief executive, has been largely accommodating to gun-rights legislation during his tenure.",12 5,"But Foiles denied that request last week and said he doubted Scanlan's preparedness to act as his own lawyer. Scanlan's plea to abandon legal representation altogether would ""make a mockery of this process,"" Foiles said. Judges are by law allowed to reject a defendant's request for self-representation if they think the accused is not aware of what he is doing or is trying to delay proceedings. Scanlan has been ruled competent to stand trial.",4 11,Guns and The Soul Of America,10 5,"The court's first major examination of gay rights in 10 years continues today, when the justices will consider the federal law that prevents legally married gay couples from receiving a range of benefits afforded straight married people.",4 5,E-Verify is an online database that checks information on an employee's I-9 form - on which identifying information such as Social Security documentation is registered - against data from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration. It is one of two databases prospective state contractors can use in complying with state immigration status-verification rules.,4 9,Gun violence is a community health issue,8 11,Behind the Cover Story: Jo Becker on Reporting the Fight for Marriage Equality,10 1," It was a small-town raffle intended to raise money for the local fire department here, with a Windham AR-15 semiautomatic rifle as one of the prizes.",0 13,Council snuffs smokes,12 7," In a joint operation, federal law enforcement officials on Monday morning arrested 25 people suspected of human smuggling on a fishing boat off the coast of Southern California, the authorities announced. The United States Coast Guard was notified by Border Patrol agents of a vessel approaching the shore near Rancho Palos Verdes in Los Angeles County around 5 a.m. The type of vessel seized, known as a panga, has been increasingly used by smugglers to move drugs along the California coast; last week, a member of the Coast Guard was killed while trying to board a similar vessel.",6 1,Gun dealers may get refund,0 13,'GRIEF ISN'T ENOUGH' AS POLS FIGHT NRA,12 13,"Assemblyman Dov Hikind of Brooklyn voiced those fears during the prevote debate when he proposed, with heavy sarcasm, that ""maybe we should include incest in the bill and sort of deal with the whole package at one time."" ",12 14,Import of Fake M-16s Banned,13 5,"When the high court rebuffed an appeal from several Arkansas inmates seeking stays of execution, the 5-to-4 decision marked the first known vote of consequence for new Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, who joined the body this month and sided with conservatives in rejecting the request.",4 5,"That said, the justices' line of questioning offers hope for supporters of gay marriage. Chief Justice John Roberts immediately questioned whether the proponents of Proposition 8 even had the legal right, or standing, to appeal San Francisco federal district court Judge Vaughn Walker's ruling that struck down the ban on same-sex marriage. It may prove to be the essential question of the case.",4 7,That was before the murders in Alabama. ,6 13,Mixed GOP reaction to Portman's gay marriage shift,12 9,"Corrections officials initially attributed Diaz's slow death to liver disease, but the preliminary autopsy results showed no outward signs of damage to the organ.",8 13,"Claim on background checks by state senator checks out ",12 10," Anderson, a prison poet characterized as a ""hit man"" by prosecutors, spent his final hours preparing to die, dining on a last meal of grilled cheese sandwiches, ice cream and radishes. ",9 7,GUNS IN RIGHT HANDS PREVENT CRIME,6 10,House bills limit immigrant aid,9 1,Some managers,0 5,The decision comes three weeks after the district and the Martin County,4 13,"The Post long has preferred laws passed by the Legislature over those created by citizen initiative, believing that the legislative process provides the testing that produces sound laws.",12 13," After a day that found him at the center of the contentious national debate over new gun laws, Sen. Pat Toomey said a deal on background checks was near.",12 11,He added that children,10 13,"Tobacco campaign might be redirected ",12 8, Brady Law and Delaware state background checks with great fanfare.,7 3,"In debating gay marriage and abortion in American civic life, those with secular or left-of-center religious values frequently object that limiting marriage to man-woman couples and restricting abortion in any way means traditional people are ""imposing their religion.",2 9," PREGNANT SMOKERS CITED IN INFANT DEATHS",8 13,"President Obama said in his weekly radio address Saturday that opponents will ""try to stoke fear and create division. They'll try to play politics with an issue that the vast majority of Americans want addressed. And if they succeed, we will lose this chance to finally fix an immigration system that is badly broken.""",12 9,"They threatened to kill her. Then, while her mother was forced to watch, three soldiers raped and beat her. The woman, who was 27 and married, is unable to bear children as a result of the attacks.",8 1,More Companies Reaching Out With Gay-Friendly Policies,0 13," Sierra Club Rejects Move To Oppose Immigration",12 5,seeing a slippery slope that would eventually lead to the loss of all civilian gun rights,4 2,Tobacco allotment system now outdated,1 11,"Virtually all elected officials talk today about the need to protect our children from illegal drugs. What is not widely known is that cigarette smoking is the ""gateway"" to illegal drug use. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University in New York has prepared a study on ""gateway"" drugs. It reports that only 7 percent of teens age 12-17 who are non-smokers become involved with illegal drugs. At that same time, 65 percent of teens who abuse cocaine began their drug abuse by becoming cigarette smokers.",10 4," In this homosexuals and heterosexuals are now, and always have been, equal before the law.",3 5,"TRIPLE KILLER'S EXECUTION SLATED, PENDING APPEALS",4 11,"Then the Mexican and Guatemalan and Honduran workers started coming. And coming. And staying. Now Father John is pastor to at least 2,500 people. Other churches are growing, too.",10 5,Court Is Asked to Hold Pentagon to Its Promise to Comply With Gun Laws,4 13," Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders battled in Brooklyn in the ninth Democratic primary debate Thursday night, leaving no feelings spared and no attacks unused",12 11,ELLEN DEGENERES UPSET AT PROP 8,10 1, How about the cost of the entire program?,0 11,"At the Capitol, sympathizers including Natalie Maines, lead singer for the Dixie Chicks, unfurled a long banner of postcards asking for the men to be released.",10 13,"Another top Ohio Republican speaks on gay marriage He and other lawmakers with gay, lesbian children want the state's ban overturned.",12 11,"This after a summer of jubilation with gay couples in matching tuxedos and white gowns emerging from courthouses in San Francisco, New Jersey, Oregon and Massachusetts, waving at the cameras, weeping with joy. It was in that historic but fleeting moment that gay Americans glimpsed the possibilities of mainstream acceptance.",10 7,She is a mother who murdered her children,6 13,A NEW MITT ROMNEY RADIO ad aimed at Republican voters worried about illegal immigration takes a point-blank shot at New York - and Mayor Bloomberg didn't hesitate to fire back yesterday.,12 9,Byko: Congress gives mentally ill access to guns?,8 13,Key Dem is now gun-shy,12 12,"collected more than 115,000 of those signatures. Their effort has been inspiring.",11 10,"Editorial: Today belongs to couple, married at last after 50 years",9 12,State Officials Are Faulted On Anti-Tobacco Programs,11 2,Time is running out,1 5, Further attempts to infringe on our right to bear arms will damage the stability of our country.,4 12,"Most support gun control ",11 6,BANNING SALES IS ONLY A HALF-STEP,5 5,The jury has been deliberating since June 10 and will continue today.,4 1,"Just as the pharmaceutical industry, in its goal to sell as much of its drugs to as many people as possible, ignores real need or better options, so, too, do the weapons and violent-video game manufacturers and sellers ignore the same.",0 12,"For a Day, Same-Sex Pairs Get a Warm Reception",11 1, double the state cigarette tax to fund medical care for uninsured children and low-income families,0 13,"In debate on guns, little hope for common ground ",12 3,"More than a dozen ministers from churches in Prince George's County were among religious leaders lobbying Maryland lawmakers in a last-ditch effort to defeat same-sex marriage legislation, which they say violates God's law.",2 3,"""I wasn't somebody who thought this was immoral, this is always unjust. I do respect the right of a political majority to decide this, and I cannot look at a system that executes the likes of John Wayne Gacy as immoral.""",2 5,"Since Merrick Garland was nominated to the Supreme Court two weeks ago, few groups have been more strongly opposed to his confirmation than gun rights supporters.",4 12, those polls did not reflect the sentiments of the state.,11 11," to owners presenting valid hunting licenses in season,",10 5, was upheld Friday by a Federal appeals court.,4 15,Who's in charge here?,14 5,It also has a more key component: a district attorney who has sought capital punishment before.,4 13,Giffords: Pick Clinton for gun safety,12 5,DOCUMENTS FOR THE UNDOCUMENTED,4 12,"Calls for gun control are passionate, based on evidence",11 7,Unarmed black man killed by police near San Diego had twice been ordered deported,6 3,"""I read a book, and my heart accepted,"" Ahmadshah said. ""I believe that this is the book that says the truth.""",2 11,"The nation's Latinos are showing a ""dramatic increase"" in their English language ability across generations, moving from a Spanish-dominant population for immigrants, to a predominantly English-fluent population for their children, a new report shows.",10 13,"The bill, which passed on a 44-34 vote, would reduce magazines' maximum legal capacity to 10 rounds from 15.",12 7,Va. Killer Executed in Landmark DNA Case,6 13,Clinton: Trump wrong on guns,12 12,"Public support for gay marriage has hit a new high as Americans increasingly see homosexuality not as a choice but as a way some people are, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. ",11 11,It takes a Village,10 13," An N.R.A. lobbyist helped block the proposal from moving out of committee last spring, and lobbyists are confident that they can prevent it from being approved when the measure is again considered this fall. The powerful Coalition of New Jersey Sportsmen has also vowed to oppose any legislator who votes for the measure. ",12 11,History of gun control in U.S. portends a bitter [#xfb01]ght ahead,10 13,State House passes bill expanding gun-owners' rights,12 3,SHE WAS LAST TO GO & FULL OF LOVE,2 13,Trump faces test from North Korea while mulling travel order,12 7, when he was hanged before a crowd after being convicted of capital murder.,6 13," Democratic strategists are eager to exploit what they see as an edge for Robb on issues important to those voters. ""If we can win those female undecided voters . . . we will win this election,"" said Craig K. Bieber, executive director of the Virginia Democratic Party. The party bought the gun-control ad, which is running only in the Washington market, where support for gun control runs higher than in other parts of the state. Several Democratic contenders ran campaigns for state legislative seats in Northern Virginia on gun issues a year ago--to mixed results. ",12 5,Prosecutors won't seek death in Cosby case,4 7,"POLS SEEK GUN CRACKDOWN, ANTI-BIAS-CRIME LEGISLATION",6 7,Rower gets life in Tokars killing,6 8," But it is impossible to know whether the attacks would have been stopped had Moussaoui been forthcoming, and putting someone to death for an act of omission is unprecedented. ",7 3,"Roman Catholic schools in Brooklyn and Queens have stopped inviting all lawmakers, and have stopped accepting personal donations from lawmakers who voted for same-sex marriage.",2 7, $10 billion in crime-fighting block grants that would wipe out funds now dedicated to police and prevention programs.,6 12,"They also vowed to take their anger to the streets, setting a date of March 25 for what would turn out to be the largest protest in recent weeks, more than 500,000 people in downtown Los Angeles, and promising months of other demonstrations.",11 8,Bloomberg Ad Invokes Al Qaeda in Fighting Illegal Guns,7 5,"While civil libertarians on Thursday celebrated a Monroe County judge's decision to strike down Florida's ban on gay marriage, other court cases ? including two in Palm Beach County ? could pave the way for the legalization of same-sex unions throughout the state.",4 1,"With a $12.8 billion marketing budget, tobacco companies will find subtle new ways to attract new smokers.",0 9,"Genital mutilation, an extremely painful procedure that carries the risk of infection, hemorrhage and sometimes death, is widely practiced in parts of Nigeria and other African countries.",8 13,"The amendment passed, 39-11, and is almost certain to become law. Gov. Ridge supports it, and gun-rights supporters in the House say it will have no trouble there.",12 13,Md. Debate to Intensify As More Executions Near,12 9,"Consider some of the sample questions from the study guide for the Handgun Safety Certificate, produced by the California Department of Justice: An important lesson children should learn is that guns are not toys. True or False? To ''know your target, its surroundings and beyond,'' you must consider that if the bullet misses or completely passes through the target, it could strike a person or object. True or False?",8 7,cop-killer bullets,6 13,"Toomey quickly jumped on board with the background-check proposal - he cosponsored it, and was one of four Republicans to vote for it - but opposed the second measure, backing a less restrictive GOP version on terror suspects.",12 13,"Specifically, the House demands that in return for allowing an instant background check, all local gun-control laws in Georgia must be wiped off the books. The House also insists that local government must be permanently barred from enacting any future gun-related laws.",12 10,Alongside family members of some of the victims of the shooting,9 1,Some things shouldn't be sold,0 7,police have yet to document any complaints or problems attributable to them.,6 13,Once again we have local lawmakers eager to make names for themselves by being an author or co-author of an anti-gun law.,12 5,"Nathan Scott, 37, had appealed his death sentence after last year's U.S. Supreme Court decision that blocked the execution of the mentally retarded.",4 12,Gays bask in wedding bliss amid muted protest,11 6,"First, America needs more regulation of guns, not less, and better, not weaker enforcement of existing regulations",5 6,pending federal legislation to curb gun violence.,5 7,"SMOKE LAW, YER ASH! DEFIANT PUFFERS HIT THE PARKS, CROW NEW BAN CAN'T BE ENFORCED",6 13,"But recall leaders insisted that Roberti, a liberal Democrat, must be ousted immediately because of his gun-control crusades and his leadership of a legislative body plagued by political corruption.",12 7,"If you beat your wife, you lose your gun",6 13,"IN CALIF., MORE THAN JUST TALK ABOUT GUN CONTROL SINCE THE COLUMBINE SHOOTINGS, THE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR AND STATE LAWMAKERS HAVE ENACTED A RAFT OF RESTRICTIONS.",12 7,"2 WENDY'S SUSPECTS HELD EX-EMPLOYEE BUSTED ON L.I., SET COPS ON PAL",6 13,Illegal immigration boils up as litmus test for GOP voters,12 7,"Between 1994 and 1995 overall crime in Sector III, First District, rose 15.8 percent. Robberies have increased 21.9 percent; burglaries, 20.5 percent; auto theft, 52.1 percent; and thefts from autos, 12.1 percent. In Beat 25, which begins three blocks from the Capitol steps and extends to Seventh Street (33 square blocks representing approximately 2,000 households), there were 65 robberies in 1995, 15 by gun, three by knife. Burglaries increased from 108 in 1994 to 166 in 1995, a 65 percent increase. Of 119 home burglaries, 18 occurred when people were at home, 30 were in businesses and nine in churches. In 1995, 93 cars were stolen compared with 46 in 1994, a 100 percent increase. Nine burglaries occurred in one square block alone and 15 in the adjoining square block.",6 9,"Don't mix guns, alcohol",8 13,"Rep. Roger Bruce, D-Atlanta, introduced a bill this session",12 3,This denial of personal responsibility is part of a distressing trend that is degrading both human worth and civilized society.,2 13, along with several elected officials,12 6, The old law required background checks at gun shows only for people buying from federally licensed dealers.,5 5,"Smith & Wesson is among 26 gunmakers named in the city's suit, which was filed yesterday in Brooklyn Federal Court with the mayor's approval.",4 7," man wounded in the same shooting says Griffin was not involved. And the first police officer on the scene has given a new account that undermines the trial testimony of the only witness who identified Griffin as a killer. ",6 13,Open-records chief slams Corbett over gay-marriage remark,12 13,"Courageous, in that the NRA has mounted an all-out war to kill the 48-hour waiting period and some other sound gun-control measures in the Fumo bill. (Note that levels of courage are purely relative in Pennsylvania, since Sen. Fumo, a loyal NRA member, last year helped scotch laws to ban assault weapons in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.)",12 13,"Any political candidate knows to expect attacks - sharp, personal or unfair - from an opponent. But you know things are tough when you get hammered by your own family.",12 11,"Read the Journal-Constitution's complete four-part series, A Matter of Life and Death, on",10 3,Religious right is on wrong side of history,2 15,Another Bad Argument Against Marriage Equality,14 1,Tougher gun sale policy possible,0 9,that smoking causes disease,8 13,"The televised Senate debate Sunday offered a fuller discussion of the issues than two previous debates, but truth was a casualty in several instances as the candidates traded charges.",12 15,Holding a candle to crime,14 12,"Strenth in NUMBERS Organizers hope to draw 50,000-plus today for Denver's immigration-rights march. How does that stack up against the crowd that welcomed Pope John Paul II when he came to Denver in 1993? Or the demonstrations here in the '70s to protest the Vietnam War?",11 1, gun manufacturers.,0 1,"STATE WORKERS' CONTRACTS: Same-sex benefits imperil union pacts ",0 12,Has the N.R.A. Won?,11 6,"The lapsed federal ban on assault weapons prohibited such high-capacity ammunition magazines. The ban might not have prevented the Arizona shootings, but it might have limited the number of victims.",5 5,"A court ruling that dramatically loosened California's restrictions on concealed firearms came closer to taking effect Wednesday, as an appeals court quashed legal maneuvering that might have staved it off.",4 10," Same-sex couples in Washington state began reciting wedding vows across the state on Sunday, the first day they could marry after the state's gay marriage law took effect.",9 6,"Paul Stevens, a lawyer and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, has concluded that what it all means is we need even more gun laws.",5 11,"It will air on cable in Washington through Jan. 14, and in several areas where there have been mass shootings: Tucson; Waco, Texas; Roanoke, Va.; Denver, Colo.; Binghamton, N.Y. and Milwaukee, Wis. In Tucson, the ad will air at or very near 10:10 a.m. local time when the 2011 shooting took place. ",10 7,"federal deportation program designed to root out the ""worst of the worst,"" because the program had swept up many illegal immigrants who had never been convicted of any crime.",6 5,"A federal judge on Friday ruled that a lawsuit seeking to have gay marriages recognized on Ohio death certificates can proceed despite a statewide ban on the nuptials. ",4 14,"WITH GAY NUPS LEGIT, N.Y. COUPLES PLAN CALIF. I-DO'S",13 1,Lawrenceville businessman,0 13,GEORGIA POLITICS,12 15,Contra Costa recorder-clerk plans own same-sex wedding,14 12, Liberals seek mob rule,11 13,"But even though Bloomberg now publicly supports gay marriage, the mayor decided to appeal the ruling because he said it's important for the state's highest court to make a final decision on the subject.",12 9,Psychiatrist says death row altered killer's mental state,8 5,"The attorneys noted that gay marriage is against state law, just as marriage between children is. ",4 12,Most support the same gun policies,11 13,"Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) has endorsed an amendment banning same-sex unions, and a Colorado legislator has reintroduced a marriage amendment bill in the House.",12 13,Mr. Clinton's plan -- identical to Vice President Al Gore's campaign proposal --,12 7,"The five men in that van, firearms traffickers from Brooklyn, almost got away with 26 brand-new guns, including four MAC 10 machine pistols. The guns, all illegally purchased from a licensed Birmingham gun dealer, almost made it to the sidewalks of New York.",6 15,"Guns yes, marriage no",14 5," said Ray Slaughter, director of the Colorado District Attorneys Council.",4 13,California Governor Signs Legislation Limiting Assault Weapons,12 12,"Still, the gathering drew some protesters.",11 4,Poor people facing the death penalty in Georgia are so badly defended that the state Supreme Court has overturned death cases 10 times since 1989 on the grounds that the defendant's attorney didn't do a proper job.,3 5,A lawsuit seeking to block enforcement of Missouri's new law allowing qualified citizens to carry concealed guns stalled Wednesday in a dispute over whether the matter can be heard in St. Louis Circuit Court.,4 7,"Morris, 28, was convicted of capital murder for shooting Officers Jeffrey Kocab and David Curtis. ",6 13,Biden shows battle for gun safety legislation isn't over: Mercury News editorial,12 3,There is no good reason for it not to take place.,2 1,"Target Stores is getting out of the cigarette business and plans to have all packs off the shelves of its 714 stores by the end of September, the company said Wednesday.",0 5,"On Tuesday, Robinson's lawyers filed last-minute appeals, one of which was quickly rejected. ",4 9,A healty use for tobacco,8 5,Law firm defending Defenseof Marriage Act withdraws,4 11,If Justin Bieber Weren't Famous,10 5,"The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has overturned the death sentences of more than 100 prisoners in Arizona, Idaho and Montana, further complicating the death-penalty debate.",4 11,"EDWARDS, ON RANGE, TOUTS RURAL VALUES",10 1,BLOW TO CIGARETTE MAKERS,0 1,Analysts and financial journalists have been criticizing the offering for weeks. Some say RN-Nabisco Group wasn't a true stock and shouldn't be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Others were confused by the tangled offering that promised dividends from all those Oreos but also the potential liabilities of Camels and Winstons.,0 5,"But last week a jury found Cox guilty of violating federal law for the manufacture, sale and possession of unregistered firearms and silencers. Kettler was found guilty on one count for possessing the unregistered silencer.",4 13,The City Council created the registry June 7.,12 13,GEPHARDT TOPS TOBACCO-MONEY LIST,12 5,A hearing on establishing a registry for domestic partners in Santa Clara County has been delayed,4 7,"Ms. Chaubal, 25, was not worried about deportation when she arrived at the Eloy Detention Center, a privately run immigration jail 80 miles southeast of Phoenix and several hours away from the Border Patrol checkpoint where she had been stopped.",6 13,"Vowing not to give up, Democratic state Sen. Eleanor Sobel delayed a committee vote of a domestic partnership bill that looked unlikely to pass and still faces long odds. ",12 4,Death-case lawyers 'ill-trained',3 11,Marshall could become the first person executed in New Jersey since 1963,10 1,and damages could climb as high as $200 billion,0 1,"In making their pitch, industry officials keep coming back to their studies that show smokers are heavier gamblers than the rest of the populace. In effect, they argue that the business of regularly relieving gamblers of the rent money depends heavily on letting people puff while wagering.",0 7,was linked to the killing by a DNA analysis of hairs found on Amy's body.,6 1, originally purchased out of state is only part of the story showing culpability of the gun industry.,0 11," He decried that school shootings had become ""the norm,"" blasted America's gun violence as ""off the charts"" ",10 5,Scalia Cites Obama Immigration Policy in Dissent on Arizona Law,4 7,"2 TOP COPS BACK GUN-CONTROL PROPOSALS ",6 11,Minority groups demand cigarette ads be pulled,10 11,Gallery full of guests puts faces on the rhetoric,10 7," $ 22 billion anti-crime package that expands the number of federal crimes that carry the death penalty, calls for building new prisons and imposes tougher sentences for the prisoners who will fill them. ",6 6,"In Newark, Proposing a First Step in Regulating Guns",5 13," He is absolutely correct. The liberal agenda has been attacking things these institutions hold dear. It is a 200-year-old war with little hope of end. ",12 5,"""The crux of this case is the application and meaning of Article I, Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution to the ""Conceal and Carry"" or ""License to Carry"" law. (It reads) 'That the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or when lawfully summoned in aid of the civil power, shall not be questioned; but this shall not justify the wearing of concealed weapons.'"" ""While the words are simple and clear, their meaning in the context of the Constitution is not definitive. This Court never said or implied anything to the contrary."" ""In light of the lack of a clear and definitive interpretation or meaning of the words of the Constitution, this Court must turn to the constitutional debates in order to decipher the meaning of Article I, Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution."" ""It seems clear from this history that the intent of the framers and the people who adopted the Constitution were to not justify the wearing of concealed weapons. This language was put into the Constitution due to a court striking down a law banning concealed weapons. This is a direct limitation on the inherent power of the legislature to regulate the manner, time and place of the citizens right to bear arms."" ",4 7,LETTERS TO THE EDITOR : STRICT GUN LAWS FAILED TO PREVENT KILLING OF 7 PEOPLE,6 5,"""Castle-doctrine"" defense arises in deadly North Philly shooting",4 7,EX-FEDERAL AIDE GETS FOUR YEARS IN ABSCAM CASE,6 5,"The U.S. Supreme Court is set to examine whether the nation's busiest state for capital punishment is trying to put to death a convicted killer who's intellectually disabled, which would make him ineligible for execution under the court's current guidance.",4 13,"Mr. Bloomberg has since said he did not see smoking -- or at least he did not remember seeing smoking -- at the St. Regis event, and yesterday he became annoyed during an interview on WLIB when he was asked about it again.",12 13,"You even yukked it up with a ""Bloomberg Gun GiveAway"" raffle at a gun shop that sold at least 22 guns used in crimes in New York. You went into a tizzy when Mayor Bloomberg sued some of your gun shops after undercover agents made fraudulent ""straw purchases.""",12 5,"""The legal landscape has changed,"" said Beth Littrell, the lead attorney for the seven Georgia plaintiffs. ""We attempt to be very strategic in where and when we file to maximize our chances of winning."" Last June's ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that married same-sex couples were entitled to federal benefits has eased the path for proponents of gay marriage. Justice Antonin Scalia predicted as much in his dissent, saying the court's majority ""arms well every challenge to a state law restricting marriage to its traditional definition."" ",4 9, juror's undisclosed illness.,8 13,"Flowers: You are wrong on immigration, President Trump",12 6,"WHEN you look back on all the attempts to curb teenage drinking, smoking and drug use over the last couple of decades, you start to ask yourself a question that countless parents have asked: Does anybody really know how to change a teenager's behavior?",5 14,Word for Word/Amnesty International,13 10,But the surprising tale of how their simple desire to wed,9 15,The Next to Last Whiff Of Smoke and Mirrors,14 1,RIVALS BALK AT CIGARETTE DISCOUNTS,0 1,New gun laws baffle businesses Many cite lack of guidance on how to keep them out,0 13,"Immigration hot topic for voters, not candidates",12 3,"The letter was released Sunday by the Rev. Jimmy Creech of Raleigh, who was asked to leave a church in Omaha, Neb., after performing a same-sex blessing ceremony for two women in September 1997.",2 13,"''I hope a few unreasonable extremists will not try to prevent an up-or-down vote on this legislation with a filibuster,'' Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, said on the Senate floor.",12 11,"strongest in cities, in the East and among women.",10 6,It's too easy to get guns,5 3,Ministers Who Officiated at Same-Sex Marriages Go to Court,2 7,"University President Anthony J. Catanese immediately suspended Hersh, said FAU spokeswoman Lynn Laurenti. ""He will not be interacting with any of our students until this is resolved,"" she said.",6 13," Enraged legislators vowed yesterday to enact a fire-safe cigarette law this year, despite Gov. Pataki's midnight veto of the bipartisan legislation.",12 7,of murdering his pregnant wife and unborn son and now is deciding whether he should die.,6 3," The Rev. Laurie Hill, a minister of the United Church of Christ, officiated.",2 6,NICOTINE MAY BE BANNED IN BOSTON,5 12,"After more than an hour of often-passionate public comment,",11 8," Border fence is full of problems, costs Spending as much as $1.2 billion on a barrier between Mexico and the U.S. only serves to mask the fact that Congress isn't dealing with immigration.",7 6,"The bill, which included provisions to authorize the death penalty as appropriate punishment for crimes involving the murder of a law enforcement officer, terrorism and drug trafficking, never reached the desk of President George H.W. Bush. ",5 10,RULING GIVES NEW HOPE TO CONDEMNED MAN COURT TO HEAR NEW EVIDENCE,9 11,"Pointing to Texas as an example, she said, ""We do have these attitudes that reflect regional differences.""",10 11,"We have written before about gun sales transpiring on Instagram and Reddit, mostly without background checks. Now we can add Facebook, where photos of breastfeeding mothers are censored, but gun sales continue unabated.",10 7, crime plans,6 11,Complex Regional Divisions,10 9," CONVICTED MURDERER'S SUICIDE STIRS MEMORIES AND REFLECTIONS",8 5,DEATH PENALTY CASE,4 9,"Lampman lost her father, husband and son to cancer. She is in remission from breast cancer and soft-tissue sarcoma, which is cancer in soft tissues such as nerves, fat or muscles.",8 10,"Tibby Middleton and Barbara Kenny were so pessimistic about anything in the Old Dominion ever changing that they reluctantly moved from Fredericksburg to Frederick, Md., where on Monday they were trying to absorb the news that same-sex couples were now able to marry in Virginia. ",9 3,"Same-sex marriage ""fundamentally undermines our value system and the way we have raised children since evolution got started.""",2 10,"If that happens, she said, she's done. A new mother with no job, she struggles to find the money for cigarettes as it is. ""It's going to make me quit.""",9 11, cultural matter,10 7,"Emmett Nave, who murdered his landlady during a drug- and alcohol-related crime rampage in Jefferson City, is getting a chance to avoid the death penalty.",6 6,"The smoking ban that sparked a wildfire of interest in similar ordinances across the state began as a smoldering ember in a smoky bar in St. Paul. ",5 7," to drugging, sexually abusing and killing his 14-year-old daughter.",6 5,"We don't have to believe what individuals do is right, as long as we believe it is their right. ",4 11," Statistics show that 3 million teenagers smoke nationwide, as many as 16 percent of eighth-graders smoke, and nearly all adult smokers start young.",10 13," Throw in the left-wing media, Katie Couric, President Obama and Bill Clinton, and LaPierre gave his appreciative Louisville, Ky., audience a greatest hits show.",12 5,"After two days of deliberations, a seven-woman, five-man jury decided Miles Harris, 23, was guilty of ""willful and deliberate murder,"" two counts of child abuse, sexual assault and larceny.",4 14,Colombia gun-ban plea backed,13 5,"Judge Hilton Fuller, who is presiding over the Nichols trial, had set a Monday hearing to determine whether the Georgia Public Defender Standards Council should be held in contempt for not abiding by his Oct. 11 order to provide more money for attorneys' fees and expenses for Nichols' defense team.",4 15,Editorial: Beyond Deadwood.,14 7,"Tony Cimo, the white man who hired Gaskins, received only eight years and served only six months.",6 6,The Assault Weapon Myth,5 5,"Bucks County District Attorney Alan Rubenstein said the ruling exhausts Chester's state appeals and that he can turn only to the federal courts. In March, the court rejected an appeal from Chester's codefendant, Richard Laird, who was also convicted and sentenced to death.",4 9,New Strategy To Save Lives: Bullet Control,8 11,IMMIGRANT CHILDREN SAID TO PREFER ENGLISH,10 8,Sheriffs decide on issuing gun permits without checks,7 9,is far greater when viewed through the lens of the leading and entirely preventable cause of cancer: tobacc,8 13,"He noted lawmakers' concern with the bill's ''political ramifications,'' but said: ''Tell that ... to the parents and loved ones of the victims of handgun violence.''",12 15,"Death penalty, child support, smoking bans",14 9,Study: Tobacco firms' own research showed dangers,8 4,One step forward for gay rights,3 6,The notion that outlawing semiautomatic guns and high-capacity magazines is impeded only by the NRA misjudges the national consensus required to enact such a law and thereafter to respect it. And nobody wants to broach the perilous issue of how it would be enforced.,5 13,"Gun Debate Pits County's Past, Present",12 13,THE SENATE'S GOOD START ON GUN CONTROL,12 13,setting up a battle over gay rights that Democratic leaders said they were hoping to avoid.,12 5," Here in California, some people are still worried it might. Proposition 22 was struck down last spring by the California Supreme Court, thus clearing the way for gay marriages. Now the opponents of gay marriage have proposed another ballot initiative, Proposition 8, which would amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage. ",4 11,"If it could be enclosed, Doug Anderson said, it might work as a place where diners might pause after their final course for a coffee, cognac and to light a cigarette or cigar. It might also serve as a break point for diners between courses. ""I don't even know what percentage of my customers smoke,"" he said. ""We do get an interesting crowd, people associated with the arts, with music. We get business entertaining. They come in to relax and entertain, not just eat, and a lot of them want a cigarette or cigar when they are spending an evening out.""",10 13,"""It is becoming increasingly clear that Congress must act,"" said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., predicting that gay marriages would spread through all 50 states unless Congress",12 13,NOMINEE BENNETT MAY FAVOR BANNING SEMIAUTOMATIC GUNS,12 8,BIN LADEN IS CHARGED IN EMBASSY BOMBINGS,7 13,Maine: Ethics Panel Fines Group Opposed to Same-Sex Marriage,12 8,by providing funds for border security,7 5," In a landmark victory for gay rights, the Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned a key provision of the law banning federal recognition of same-sex marriage.",4 3,The desire to impose the harshest punishment possible on those who inflict such harm on children -- or to deter others from such brutality -- is understandable and morally defensible. But it may not be lawful and it may not be in the best interest of children.,2 13,"OK, I get that Mr. Christie is a conservative Republican, which requires him to have a flexible understanding of the history of race relations in this country. I also assume he's coming under great pressure from religious groups to oppose any bill that would extend the right to marry to all adult New Jersey residents.",12 12,"Protesters gather in Washington, demanding gun control",11 3, they each discussed their marital troubles with the pastor of their Bible fellowship,2 13,Trump's voter fraud commission is hearing a proposal to make every voter pass a gun background check,12 4,"Arab, Muslim Men to Get Tougher U.S. Visa Screening",3 9,National Health Care Reform,8 13,Daughter Speculates on Reagan's Gay-Rights Views,12 5,"Rogers said the two boxers, who were considered favorites to win gold medals at this summer's Olympic Games, fled a training camp for Cuban boxers in Guadalajara, Mexico, early last week. With the help of people in Mexico, Casamayor and Garbey managed to travel from Guadalajara to Tijuana, where they met on Sunday with Rogers and Frank E. Ronzio, the lead lawyer in the case, Rogers said. The people who were helping the Cubans to defect contacted Ronzio's firm -- which specializes in immigration cases -- several days ago, he said.",4 10,TAT'S NOT RIGHT Immig's family is torn by stink over ink He can't leave Mex,9 4,When 'Self-Defense' Violates Civil Rights,3 5,"The legal battle over same-sex marriage, and whether marriage is a fundamental right for all couples, gay or straight, seems destined to return to the Supreme Court, with cases and appeals inexorably winding their way through courts across the country.",4 13,"Katrina Pierson is a paid employee of the Trump campaign. She has worked for the campaign as a spokeswoman since last fall, despite constantly saying bizarre or erroneous things. We compiled them earlier this month and had to update the list within a week after she declared that Hillary Clinton suffered from ""dysphasia."" (Clinton doesn't.) ",12 9,"The program was developed by the Lung Association's regional board of directors. The program's goal is to introduce teens to careers available in health care and - in the process - train them to teach their peers and others about important health issues, says Marina Cofer-Wildsmith of the Lung Association, who directs the program.",8 6,"The legislation to establish a waiting period does not require background checks, but its proponents have maintained that the seven days would allow gun dealers and local law-enforcement authorities to conduct such inquiries.",5 6,This year's bill would allow the local police or sheriff to release names only after notifying permit holders of the release. It gives them 10 days to ask that their names not be included on the list.,5 5,"The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed the decision of a lower court, which decided that immigration officials violated the",4 12,"With the recent passage of two state ballot measures banning same-sex marriage, opinion polls and advocates on both sides of the debate say similar initiatives are likely to be approved in as many as 10 other states in November, leading advocates of such marriages to pour money and manpower into a last stand in Oregon.",11 5,Gay partner of fallen trooper seeks benefits Missouri Supreme Court ponders pension changes.,4 9,IN OTHER HEALTH NEWS:,8 11,Black groups give tobacco an inside line,10 13,Sen. Jeff Klein (D-Bronx) said Friday he will seek to amend the state's SAFE Act gun control law passed in 2013 to ban anyone on the federal terrorist watch list or the no-fly list from buying a gun in New York State.,12 6,"The district generally would be bordered by Cass Street on the south, Columbus Drive on the north, Habana Avenue on the west and Fremont Avenue on the east.",5 5,Court Says New Paltz Mayor Can't Hold Gay Weddings,4 4,"Although The Post is to be lauded for its stand in support of equal marriage rights for same-sex couples [""A Defeat for Gay Marriage,"" editorial, Sept. 22], its criticism of the American Civil Liberties Union for opposing a compromise involving civil unions was misguided. Many see civil unions as ""separate but equal"" -- the same rights, just with a different name. Even if you consider that ""separate but equal"" has been out of vogue since, oh, 1954, civil unions are certainly not marriage, nor do they provide the same benefits as marriage. ",3 6,We don't need a gun-control law.,5 7," State prison officials prepared to execute Smith, 31, by lethal injection at 12:01 a.m. at the Potosi Correctional Center, a new state prison about 65 miles south of St. Louis. ''Everything's proceeding right on schedule,'' said Dale Riley, a spokesman for the Missouri Department of Corrections.",6 4,On Persecution,3 3,Caught in Methodism's Split Over Same-Sex Marriage,2 1,GUN COLLECTORS FEAR CHANGE IN LAW WOULD CUT TRADING,0 5,"But prosecutors disputed the claim of retardation and noted that in any case the United States Supreme Court had upheld the execution of retarded killers. The Pardon Board sided with the prosecutors, declining to recommend clemency to the Governor.",4 13,DISTRICT 18 BATTLE BEGINS OVER GUN VOTES,12 5,"Now a crew of attorneys will provide a lifeline, for free, thanks to Second Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Robert Katzmann.",4 6,Texas school texts change description of marriage,5 13,That's what congressional Republicans are doing as they maneuver to side with the cigarette companies on tobacco control legislation. The Republicans are betting the voting public will side with Big Tobacco in the fight over a bill that would raise taxes on cigarettes and rein in the tobacco industry.,12 13,Obama's deportations review carries risk It could hamper Congressional reform efforts and fail to satisfy pro-immigrant groups.,12 5,"In her earlier ruling, Kessler had argued that the government waited too long to recover expenses dating to the 1950s.",4 13,"Many senators could afford to support one, maybe two, but not all three, said Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.), the lead negotiator of a failed bipartisan plan to expand background checks on gun purchases.",12 5,"Last year, both the U.S. and the Florida Supreme Court determined that Florida's death sentencing statute was unconstitutional because it failed to require a jury to unanimously decide on the sentence. The Florida Supreme Court further stated that anyone sentenced to death since 2002 would be entitled to a new sentencing hearing - or could instead be sentenced to life in prison without parole. ",4 13,Everything you need to know about the Senate's gun bills,12 13,PANEL OKAYS CIG AGE HIKE,12 5,"A three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit had held, by a 2-1 vote, that the Second Amendment secures the right of law-abiding adults to carry guns in public, though potentially subject to various regulations (including restrictions on carrying them into government buildings and similar locations) and nondiscretionary licensing requirements. The D.C. Circuit then declined to rehear the case before the entire court.",4 1,"Social Security won't approve spousal or survivors benefits for same-sex spouses in the 16 other states (at the moment) that, like Texas, still don't recognize their marriages.",0 9,"Mr. Roach was pronounced dead at 5:16 A.M., nine minutes after receiving the first of two electrical surges.",8 5,"After two days of struggling with its role in deciding the gay marriage issue, the U.S. Supreme Court does not appear poised to make much history. In fact, the justices appear reluctant to make much law. ",4 3,"Lord, show us the 'gay' ",2 13,"Finish what you started, Gov. Nixon Death penalty o Governor must carry out executions using lethal gas. ",12 7,Smith's detailed confession last fall - in which she admitted drowning her two young sons and shattered her nine-day tale of a black carjacker-kidnapper - seems to have all but resolved that.,6 5,"Whether to seek the death penalty has been a charged issue in New York, involving questions of limited resources and the sensibilities of local juries.",4 6,"Susman says the provision forbidding individual cigarette sales was included because such sales can be in violation of state revenue laws. ""It's still OK for an adult to bum a cigarette but not to have them sold that way,"" he said.",5 3,Marriage Is a Mixed Blessing,2 4,"""Denying basic rights to members of our community will not be tolerated,""",3 12,Talkin' 'bout our generations: Opinions on social issues shift,11 6,"The legislation would also require that only marriages between one man and one woman would be recognized as valid under Wisconsin law, regardless of the laws governing marriage in the jurisdiction where the marriage was approved.",5 7,MAN WHO KILLED 2 WOMEN GETS DEATH PENALTY,6 5," COURT REJECTS SMOKERS' APPEAL",4 7,"The shot was fired from more than 70 feet away, police sources said.",6 11,"The survey rated the healthiest states after New Hampshire as Minnesota, Utah, Connecticut, Hawaii, Vermont, Massachusetts, Iowa and Wisconsin. The lowest-ranked states above Mississippi were Louisiana, South Carolina, West Virginia, Arkansas, Nevada, Alaska, New Mexico and Alabama.",10 13,Ruben Rosario: Gun debate moves to state Capitol next week,12 13,"Now that Newt Gingrich has become the latest in a series of Republican front-runners, he is getting the kinds of scrutiny and attacks that have done in other front-runners. One of the issues that has aroused concern among conservative Republicans is that of amnesty for illegal immigrants, especially after Gingrich said that it would not be ""humane"" to deport someone who has been living and working here for years.",12 13," Adding a prominent Republican voice to the ranks of those supporting same-sex marriage, the man who managed Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign warned members of his party Friday that continued opposition on the issue could turn the GOP into a ""sectarian"" party. Steve Schmidt, a California political strategist, long has held more moderate views on social issues than do many top GOP officials. On Friday, he used a speech in front of the gay-rights group Log Cabin Republicans to urge the party to shift its views on same-sex marriage. Otherwise, he said, it will continue losing voters who are younger than 35 or who live outside of the South. Pushing the party to reconsider the issue are a handful of GOP figures, including Meghan McCain, 24, the daughter of November's Republican standard-bearer. She will speak tonight at a dinner for the Log Cabin Republicans.",12 1,R.J. Reynolds cutting its work force,0 5,"WOMAN WHO FLED GENITAL MUTILATION GETS ASYLUM SHE LEFT GHANA TWO YEARS AGO. THIS MONTH, SHE BECAME THE SECOND PERSON GRANTED U.S. HAVEN ON SUCH GROUNDS.",4 7,DEATH PENALTY PUSH,6 13,"Political Memo; After U.S. Agents Seize Cuban Boy, Giuliani Seizes an Issue",12 6,". Current regulations ban gun owners from carrying loaded, accessible firearms onto parks and wildlife refuges managed by the National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service",5 7," more gun-carrying criminals are turning to friends and family for their weapons rather than buying them at stores, gun shows or flea markets. ",6 7, an hour before he was to die in the electric chair,6 7,"On March 15, two months after a deadly shooting spree in Tucson left a U.S. congresswoman in critical condition,",6 7,One of 12 survivors of a border crossing that ended in the deaths of 14 illegal immigrants who wandered five days in the scorching Arizona desert was charged with smuggling the group from Mexico.,6 14,Mexicans Deny They Would Order Border Crackdown in Return for U.S. Loan Guarantees,13 15,Marriage-minded,14 10,"Their faces drawn and voices weary, Megan Kanka's parents sat on their front porch yesterday, trying to salve their shattered lives with the knowledge that their daughter's killer is sentenced to die.",9 3,Detecting glimpses of humanity in D.C. sniper,2 8," Since colleges have no mechanism to enforce gun-free zones, these killers had a government guarantee that their victims would be unarmed and defenseless.",7 1,"For instance, he's probably cutting his own business slightly by announcing that all of the dining rooms in Bern's Steak House will be for non- smokers. ""I had a problem. People weren't being seated on time.-- They were waiting on a non-smoking table. We were working with a smaller number of tables because of that. So I made a decision to have a non-smoking policy in the dining rooms, and convert the lounge into a smoking dining room. It was definitely controversial. I even got hate mail. But even if I lose business, I won't go back.""",0 6,"LIKE NATION'S GUN LAWS, BRADY STUDY HAS HOLES",5 7,RAMPAGE AT THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING: THE WEAPON,6 5,U.S. District Magistrate Judge Candy Dale wrote in her decision Tuesday evening that Idaho's laws barring same-sex marriage unconstitutionally deny gay and lesbian citizens their fundamental right to marry.,4 5,High court trims anti-drug gun law,4 2,"With new DNA tests available, this should speed up all appeals",1 13,"Hastert, DeLay Disagree on Assault Weapons Vote",12 15,WHO WILL STAND UP TO THE NRA?,14 13,House Republicans unveil conservative plan to derail Obama's immigration actions,12 13,"Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly appeared on Capitol Hill ahead of the vote Thursday with House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.) and other Republican leaders to promote the bills. ",12 1,of the industry.,0 13,Barr acts to block gun suits,12 10,GAY UNION BRINGS STRIFE,9 12,"""Where is the statement expressing outrage from the NRA",11 1,"The advertising provisions in the new law, which restrict political broadcast advertising within 30 days of a primary and 60 days of a general election, are particularly troubling to the group's four million members. By owning its own station, the group could take advantage of an exception to the rules that permit news organizations to broadcast political stories and commentaries on issues like gun control, as long as the news operation was not owned by a political party, committee or candidate.",0 6,No threat of confiscation from gun legislation,5 1,"As a result, Americans could see the cost of some fruits and vegetables soar.",0 13,"The debate promises to be intense, protracted and ugly",12 3,"The national office of the Presbyterian Church (USA) will likely consider whether the vote conforms to church law, a church official said.",2 3,"The pope also interceded on behalf of Georgia prisoner Kelly Gissendaner, who was executed early Wednesday morning for ordering her husband's murder in 1998.",2 13,State initiatives expose glitch in campaign-finance law,12 13,President Clinton's anti-smoking campaign,12 5,"he prosecutor said he feels strongly that Nichols and McVeigh should be prosecuted in Oklahoma and has said he will fight any attempt to move the state trial out of Oklahoma City. ",4 10,Can gays save the family?,9 6,"The San Francisco law, the first of its kind in the nation, went into effect last year.",5 7, drove him to kill.,6 5," after a Hawaii court struck down that state's same-sex marriage ban. ",4 13,The state Senate on Tuesday approved a law,12 13,Passions drive debate on gay marriage off course,12 9,"""Guns are the polio of this new century ... We need to get the mothers organized again."" ",8 13,GUN-CONTROL COMMITTEE ADJOURNS TO FIRING RANGE,12 13,What is surprising is that the traditionally rigid Utah gun lobby made the first overture toward surrendering its weapons for the 17-day duration of the Games.,12 5,"Circuit Judge Stephen Rapp ruled prosecutors may present evidence that Pauline Zile actively participated with her husband, John Zile, in covering up the death of 7-year-old Christina Holt, a source who asked not to be identified said Friday. Rapp refused to reveal his rulings on that and other issues.",4 1,"""If I can do that by spending some money",0 12,"ON AMENDMENTS, VOTERS DISAPPOINT",11 8, more horse patrols and 24-hours-a-day and seven-days-a-week surveillance by drones.,7 5,"Falcon Heights becomes the 12th city in Minnesota to adopt a registry. Other cities include St. Paul, Maplewood, Minneapolis, Duluth, and Rochester. Moorhead approved registries in 2010.",4 10,Immigrants Weigh Possible Impacts of Senate Bill,9 11,"The modern American death penalty is beset with endless complications and contradictions, and over the years no state has embodied the full range of these as consistently as Georgia.",10 13,Gun legislation deal reached in Connecticut,12 13,The Brady Bill: Now the Senate,12 5,Suits against tobacco firms threatened,4 6,WILL SAYS ARIZONA LAW MERELY ECHOES FEDERAL IMMIGRATION STATUTES,5 13,"The bill, scheduled for debate today in the House,",12 7," five weeks after the slaughter of 20 children at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.",6 5,DA confident about Al-Amin case,4 1,There's no money in the budget for a fence along the northern border,0 4,Anti-gun propaganda,3 7," More than 15 years ago, Romano's sister was brutally raped and murdered by Steven Oken, who is on death row.",6 3,"A committee that investigated the South Presbyterian Church in Dobbs Ferry, which openly holds same-sex unions, found the unions are allowed but do not constitute marriage.",2 6, limiting orbanning tobacco advertising in places where youngsters hang out.,5 10," PRIMARY",9 5," In a move that cast doubt over the marriages of roughly 1,000 same-sex couples in Utah, the United States Supreme Court on Monday blocked further same-sex marriages there while state officials appeal a decision allowing such unions. ",4 5,"The first couple to begin filling out the paperwork was Marcia Hams, 56, and her partner, Susan Shepherd, 52, of Cambridge. They showed up at midnight Saturday - a full 24 hours ahead of time - to stake out the first spot in line where the city clerk was to hand out the nation's first state-sanctioned gay marriage applications.",4 1,Gun-Show Loophole,0 15,"The Gun Report: June 13, 2013 ",14 5,sued the city and won,4 1,"WellPoint, a major insurer, found in a 2001 study of small employers in California that health insurance costs for same-sex couples were 17.1 percent higher than for opposite-sex couples.",0 4,The Innocence Defense,3 5,"THER ACTIONS BY THE SUPREME COURT ON MONDAY ",4 5,Justice Department attorneys disclosed only that Jama was on his way back to the United States when they addressed Jama's status Saturday during a teleconference with Jama's attorneys and U.S. District Judge John Tunheim,4 7,LA GUNMAN WAS NEARLY DEPORTED IN '96; BUT YEAR LATER HE GAINED RESIDENCY THROUGH WIFE,6 6,Let District Residents Carry Guns,5 5,"Attorneys for San Francisco, meanwhile, defended the more than 3,600 same-sex marriages sanctioned there, arguing to the California Supreme Court that nothing in the state constitution required local officials to obey laws they believed infringed on the civil rights of their citizens.",4 13,"""I have my guns,"" he said with a smile, ""and I'm going to keep them.""",12 13,"Housing Secretary Henry G. Cisneros has invited police and housing authority leaders from 40 cities to the Washington meeting. His intent is to urge them to support limited, warrantless searches of public housing complexes and perhaps an outright ban on guns in the buildings.",12 10,"Lauren O'Neill, 21, the cousin of first-grader Daniel Barden, who was killed in the Newtown massacre, said she was taken aback when the bill went down.",9 1, fund-raising reception,0 5,"State prosecutors indicated in a statement they have no plans to accept Nichols' offer. ",4 5,opening the prospect of legal skirmishes in the state's highest court.,4 5,"The briefings, which are expected to begin midweek, are the strongest indication yet that negotiators representing eight states and four major cigarette makers have resolved most major differences between them, said those lawyers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.",4 9,"In September, a representative of the state attorney general's office acknowledged that prison guards and nurses had botched Mr. Williams's lethal injection, failing to hook up a backup intravenous line to his arm. Ms. Becnel said Mr. Williams was in agony during his execution, which took 35 minutes to complete.",8 2,The Larimer County Sheriff's office has been flooded with applications for concealed weapons permits since waiving the $ 100 fee last month.,1 9,"The prison physician, Dr. Robert D. Jones, said the prisoners could expect it to take six to eight weeks to overcome withdrawal symptoms.",8 11,"For the first time in state history, Florida is expecting to execute a white man Thursday for killing a black person ",10 13,"Lawmakers See Hope for Help On Death Cases ",12 6,"""Does anybody for a minute believe the death penalty or a longer sentence is going to solve the problem?""",5 6,The pushback against gun control,5 11,"Starting Tuesday night, the university's School of Public Administration is offering a class on the state's self-defense statute that became a national topic of conversation following George Zimmerman's fatal 2012 shooting of the Miami teenager in Sanford.",10 1,"so expensive, at about $50 for a ""starter kit""",0 11,"I was disturbed by William Branigin's article ""Immigrants Question Idea of Assimilation"" [front page, May 25]. While the melting pot is an appealing idea, it was no more an accurate description of the last great wave of immigrants than it is of the current wave. Of the masses of people leaving Europe earlier in this century, many came to the United States, while others went to Argentina, Chile and Brazil. Those who came here did not do so because they wanted to ""become American"" vs. ""becoming Chilean.""",10 6,to consider declaring tobacco smoke a public nuisance,5 12,They locked arms. They walked out.,11 13,"""For nearly a decade, liberal death penalty opponents have orchestrated legal challenges to impede the law in North Carolina. Justice delayed is justice denied,""csaid cNorth Carolina Republican State Sen. Phil Berger after he led the charge to repeal the Racial Justice Act.",12 13,". Despite the general enthusiasm, Senate Republicans are not content to share in this cornucopia with House Democrats; they threaten to filibuster any bill that includes the House-passed Racial Justice Act.",12 1,Retail price: $ 69.95.,0 3,Minister's position deserves support,2 5,"Gun myths, gun rights",4 3,"In Maryland, the Case For Sparing a Life.",2 13,NRA chief denounces Phila. antigun effort,12 7,A Georgia inmate once on death row for killing an 81-year-old Albany woman and raping her 60-year-old daughter in 1994 has been sentenced to life in prison without parole.,6 5,"Chief Justice Rosemary Barkett, who also joined the dissent, described the deal plainly: ""Thus, the Legislature attempts to confront the court with the choice of adopting a rule change in order to improve legal representation for death-sentenced individuals or putting up with inadequate representation. I suggest this is an illusory choice and, worse, it establishes a dangerous precedent.""",4 5,"The Supreme Court agreed Monday to decide whether Congress can ban the possession of handguns within 1,000 feet of school buildings. The justices took a Texas case in which a federal appeals court struck down the 1990 school zone law. The case will be heard this fall, with a decision unlikely before 1995. The law was challenged by Alfredo Lopez Jr., a student who arrived at a San Antonio high school in 1992 with a handgun and bullets. ",4 13,Norcal congressman's Confederate flag ban dropped amid sit-in over gun control,12 11, according to a widely cited study published this week.,10 13,"""We set up a video contrast of someone committed to conservative issues for 30 years with someone who doesn't know where she stands,""",12 12,Marchers cross Golden Gate Bridge to raise awareness for tighter gun controls,11 6,GAY MARRIAGE BAN BOGS DOWN,5 6,BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS,5 6,proposed a ban on the sale and possession of the military-style rifles in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.,5 5,Defense attorney Jeffrey Garland asked the judge to impose a life sentence because Bush was put to death before he could rebut testimony from a former Martin County Jail inmate who claims he overheard Bush indicated Cave actually fired the shot that killed Slater.,4 13,"By enacting the measure, New York would join 15 other states that have already passed similar laws, and help build momentum for national action by Congress. But first the bill must clear the Republican-controlled State Senate, where the gun lobby often prevails over common sense. ",12 3,"The Maryland clergyman who led opposition to same-sex marriage called the trolley company's choice to abandon profits on principle ""gutsy"" and predicted that more businesses would quietly follow suit.",2 13,Many of the newly elected Democrats represent conservative districts and ran campaigns that promised tough enforcement on illegal immigration.,12 3,Conservative pastors are poised for a fight to persuade the state Legislature to put the definition of marriage before Minnesota voters as a proposed amendment to the state constitution.,2 13,SCOTT TRUMPETS LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS,12 11,Roof's death sentence bucks national trend,10 5,Arizona Man Looks to Law in Bid to Retrieve Ranch,4 5,"he racketeering suits against Philip Morris, R.J. Reynolds, Brown & Williamson, Lorillard and Liggett boil down to attempts to enforce foreign tax claims in U.S. courts, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided, upholding an earlier ruling by a Miami federal judge throwing out the lawsuit.",4 5,But the justices left in place bans in at least three dozen states and did not require those states to recognize gay couples married legally elsewhere. Legal experts have said that couples who live in such states may still be denied some federal benefits,4 14,"Gun-control group ranks Illinois high but Missouri near bottom Illinois has stricter laws than Missouri governing the ownership, sale and possession of weapons.",13 13,"Supporters say allowing more concealed carry permits simply makes it easier for law-abiding people to have guns. Criminals, they say, won't bother applying to authorities for permits.",12 5,His lawsuit argued that the way California administered lethal injections violated the Eighth Amendment's ``cruel and unusual punishment'' clause.,4 13,State House leaders have said they will not override any of the bills Lingle has vetoed.,12 12,"Where there's smoke, there's ire",11 5," where same-sex marriage and civil unions are illegal,",4 5,The board governing the state-funded public defender system asked the judge in the Brian Nichols death penalty case to remove two of the accused courthouse killer's defense attorneys because of a funding shortage.,4 5,"In a decision raptly watched across the country, a federal judge yesterday threw out Hazleton's ordinance designed to crack down on undocumented aliens.",4 5,PROSECUTORS RULE OUT DEATH PENALTY,4 10, fearful of losing income and medical benefits under the overhaul of federal welfare laws.,9 11,"But I also think it is in keeping with the nature of our country --- that we are a nation of immigrants, have always been from the very beginning and continue to be. And this is just the current issue that we have to confront here at the beginning of the 21st century. ",10 9,Minnesota once put public health above special interests.,8 6,"The National Guard's Defiance on Civil Rights ",5 7, Maj. Nidal Hasan is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder in the November 2009 shooting spree.,6 7,Sheriff battling Brady gun law,6 13,PA. GIVEN POOR RATING BY GUN-CONTROL GROUP,12 6,"The Florida measure says any person ""has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm.""",5 5,"Hall said she would make her decision on the motion to dismiss the case on Sept. 27. ",4 8,"Investigators still were searching for clues into whether Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, 23, and Lafi Khalil, 22, were acting alone or with a Middle East terrorist group. National security adviser Sandy Berger said Sunday on CBS's Face the Nation that there is no evidence so far of a connection. ",7 7,Newtown shootings change tenor of debate on gun violence,6 5," The U.S. Constitution grants citizens a right to bear arms, and so states must accommodate that right. It cannot simply be nullified by a ban on personal possession of guns.",4 4,This is a grossly unfair and completely wrong comparison,3 7,"More than 100 guns have been seized at Chicago housing projects in the last year. But the police counted 35 killings in which firearms were used last year in the Chicago projects, where 200,000 people live.",6 9, defendants' mental retardation,8 7,what was to have been the first death penalty carried out in the United States by lethal injection,6 13,"Earlier this week, the House OK'd legislation",12 7," Prosecutors say Schenecker shot her two children, Calyx and Beau, on Jan. 27, 2011. She shot her 13-year-old son after driving him home from soccer practice, police said. Then she walked upstairs and shot her 16-year-old daughter as she did homework.",6 13,The Gun Lobby's Loss,12 13,No one expects this Congress to approve a dramatic overhaul of existing regulations. But the Republicans should at least be willing to hold hearings on the Clinton plan's common-sense provisions.,12 5,"U.S. Constitution as it applies to the lesbian and gay couples seeking the right to marry in Hawaii's landmark Baehr v. Miike, in which a state court ruled that civil marriage law cannot discriminate against homosexuals",4 13,Barr opposes marriage amendment,12 6,Olson: 'Point of no return' on gay marriage,5 7,"York was arrested last Feb. 25 and Burns a month later, both on charges of attempted first-degree murder in a separate 2002 incident, Moore said, and they have remained in custody since.",6 9,Bill would shield execution doctors' names,8 11,"Study links immigrants, flight from public schools ",10 13,"Democrat Ralph Northam demanded that ""it's time to take action [on gun control] and stop talking."" Republican Ed Gillespie said there will ""ample time for conversations and policy discussions and politics over the course of this campaign.""",12 9, He was pronounced dead at 9:07 p.m.,8 5,Death row inmate's lawyers want out,4 6,"SAME-SEX PAIRS DEALT A SETBACK ON REGISTRY LAW 18 OPPONENTS GATHER 59,000 SIGNATURES AGAINST IT, PUTTING THE MEASURE ON HOLD",5 5," The 14th Amendment of our Constitution guarantees citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States, and we cannot stand by and let anyone diminish that right,",4 7,"In a handwritten letter, the so-called ``Happy Face Killer'' had told prosecutors how he had met a woman at a truck stop and gave her a ride before strangling her and dumping her body near the Pacheco Pass on Highway 152.",6 7,COLORADO SHOOTINGS PROMPTED FEW CHANGES IN STATE GUN LAWS,6 7,Illinois man charged with gun sales to racist killer,6 5,"On Monday, a U.S. Supreme Court decision to not hear appeals from five states legalized marriage for same-sex couples in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Wisconsin, and Virginia. And on Tuesday, Colorado said counties in that state could begin issuing licenses for same-sex couples. ",4 13,N.C. lawmakers fight leaf plan,12 5, defense lawyer Anthony Ricco said outside court. ,4 7,". A woman driving in South Georgia is killed by a shotgun blast from a passing car. ",6 13," GOVERNOR SHOULD VETO 'WARNING SHOT' BILL ",12 6,"In 130 of Worst Shootings, Vision of Porous Gun Laws",5 6,4 border states face new rule on gun sales,5 5,pleaded guilty to murder earlier this year. ,4 5,"Gay-rights supporters hoped South Dakota would become the first state ever to defeat a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. That measure was virtually tied. ",4 6,Answer: That's much in doubt.,5 5, ILLINOIS COURT ORDERSTOBACCO DECISION REVIEW,4 5,Why second Tokars trial?,4 13,Missouri Lawmakers Pass Gun Rights Bill,12 12,"Responses to the New Attitudes column ""Beef up limits on guns,"" @issue, Jan. 14: Blame lack of knowledge",11 7,"that Mr. Page, 24, was one of two armed robbers who shot Marvin McIntosh while stealing his jewelry on a street in the East New York section of Brooklyn in May 1996. Mr. Page, they say, was the main assailant because his bullets were the ones that killed the 28-year-old victim. ",6 3,Religious conservative groups,2 11,minors,10 12,"Despite the public's demand for it, ",11 5,"Ms. Shahar sued him and the state, claiming her constitutional rights to freedom of religion and association were denied, along with her right to due process and equal protection of the laws.",4 11,"In the wake of another mass shooting, a reminder that opinions on gun control are complicated",10 13,According to a Senate Democratic aide,12 7,"Since then, nearly every single mass murderer in America has used these clips, which can hold as many as 100 bullets, to help them kill: 32 dead at Virginia Tech; 13 people slaughtered at Ft. Hood; 8 killed at a Hartford, Conn., beer distributorship; 13 slain in Binghamton.",6 4," ""discrimination enshrined in law.""",3 1,On-time check comes too late for dead smoker,0 15,Tobacco breakthrough,14 1,BILL TARGETS GUN SHOW SALES,0 4,", declined to defend discriminatory laws.",3 13,Anti-Immigrant Group Active on East End,12 5,"We Can Regulate Guns at the Local Level, Too",4 4,"But the intervening transitional years are proving to be dangerous ones for the dual principles of equality and liberty,",3 13,"Sponsored by the Republican father-son duo of Sen. Don Gaetz of Niceville and Rep. Matt Gaetz of Fort Walton Beach, the bill would allow permit holders to carry firearms in ""any place that a person has the right to be, subject only to exceptionally and narrowly tailored restrictions"" that aren't specified.",12 1,At issue is Phase II money that goes to state funds created under the tobacco companies' 1998 settlement with the states. Payments totaling $5.1 billion over 12 years were to be distributed to tobacco farmers and owners of tobacco quotas to compensate for reduced income from lower domestic tobacco consumption.,0 10,Education rate jumps for Hispanic immigrants in U.S.,9 13,"In a speech yesterday and an article on today's Op-Ed page, Mr. Reagan finally breaks his silence with a resounding endorsement of the so-called Brady bill. His welcome support adds heft to growing pressure for the bill and puts President Bush, who continues to oppose it, on the spot.",12 7,Alleged Member Of Gang Charged,6 5,But the county's public defender and immigration advocates are objecting because the shift also means that poor defendants in those cases will no longer get a free lawyer to help them understand - and perhaps fight - the charge.,4 7,The daughter of Florida's ''Black Widow'' - scheduled to be the first female to die in the state's electric chair March 30 - asked legislators Tuesday to use lethal injection instead.,6 13,Perry plays a bit of political catch-up in New Hampshire,12 4,"They have gathered the produce, completed the framing and foundations of the homes we live in. Yet we do not want them in our neighborhoods, schools or places of business.",3 9,Prenatal smoking linked to hearing loss in adolescents,8 13,Daley Backs Marriage for Gays in Chicago,12 6,A CASE FOR STANDING AGAINST 'STAND YOUR GROUND' LAW,5 5,"Most lower-court judges have ruled in recent decades that the Second Amendment protects a right to arms associated with service in a state militia, such as a National Guard unit.",4 11,"Before us in the stuffy little auditorium, the curtains were opened, Williams was led in by guards, and the midnight show began -- a dark, sinister, medieval drama in an archaic prison.",10 10,"""I was relieved for my family,"" he was quoted as saying. ""It was a surprise.""",9 4,FREEDOM OF CHOICE,3 7,"His Appeals Exhausted, Serial Killer Is Executed",6 13,"The secret session is expected to tackle the two biggest questions hanging over the issue for gay marriage advocates: whether Republican leaders, who control the Senate, will allow a vote to be taken, and, if they do, whether there is sufficient bipartisan support to pass a bill.",12 5,"The U.S. Supreme Court declared the death penalty unconstitutional in 1972, and both men were taken off death row.",4 12,NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION MOVES TO WIN RECOGNITION FROM U.N.,11 13,'Make Neighbor's Day' law OK'd by committee,12 12,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE? POLL SAYS 'I DON'T',11 6,Hawaii's Ban on Gay Marriage,5 9,"The federal government transferred 258 more unaccompanied Central American children to the care of sponsors in Georgia last month, bringing the total to 1,412 since the beginning of this year, updated federal figures show.",8 5, Slaying trial won't move,4 5,"As Md. Court Weighs Same-Sex Marriage, Plaintiffs Hear Echoes of Previous Fight",4 5,New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and CUNY School of Law Dean Michelle Anderson were among those who testified and filed papers supporting Vargas.,4 6,"The stogies will burn on St. Patrick's Day, thanks to legislation signed Wednesday by D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, one of the leading sponsors in 2006 of the city's smoking ban. ",5 5,Calif. Judge Won't Halt Gay Nuptials,4 6,"Mr. Bates, the sponsor of a bill that would repeal New Hampshire's marriage equality law.",5 12,Outcry Over a Newspaper's Map of Handgun Permit Holders,11 9,mentally ill,8 10,"Same-sex couples who have a civil union may now jointly adopt children, be entitled to inheritances and take another's surname without a court hearing. Couples are also eligible for some health care benefits and state-financed pensions.",9 9,"Virtually everyone knows about the connection between smoking and health. Smoking causes 440,000 deaths a year in the United States (50,000 of which are from exposure to secondhand smoke) and 5 million worldwide. It shortens smokers' lives by 10 to 15 years, and those last few years can be a miserable combination of severe breathlessness and pain.",8 12,NRA moving its '07 convention out of Ohio city over gun law,11 15,WHERE THEY STAND ON GUN LAWS,14 13,"Obama has fired guns, has 'profound respect' for rights",12 4,"Same-sex couples need the protections and security marriage provides, and this ruling says they're entitled to get them the same way straight couples do.""",3 6,Krauthammer: The only immigration solution,5 7,Texas shooting renews debate about American school design,6 5,"The Second Amendment's language is quite limited. It says, ""A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."" We can't reasonably interpret this to say that private citizens can own guns of whatever type (and for whatever purposes) they choose; or that the public has no right to know the owner's identity or qualifications to use guns safely. A gun is no less dangerous than a car.",4 15,A disconnect between gun comments and gun ads,14 1,tobacco company presidents,0 1,A Mercury News analysis of campaign fundraising reports filed Thursday shows gay marriage supporters raised about $1.6 million since the May 15 court ruling - almost three times more than the lead groups supporting a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage raised in late May and June.,0 13,the city,12 1, he contended that he had never been warned by Philip Morris that the Marlboro cigarettes,0 12,"In Citrus, new gun law gets a collective shrug",11 10,Still They Quit Smoking,9 11,Immigration Still Makes America What It Is; Sophisticated Crossings,10 7," She is a spokeswoman for 57 investors -- one of whom lost $125,000 -- who have asked Federal authorities for help in recovering their losses.",6 7,"On Dec. 14, 2012, Adam Lanza, 20, fatally shot 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown before killing himself in one of the deadliest mass shootings in American history. ",6 5,Federal officials found Manning's case as part of a broad review of the FBI's handling of scientific evidence in thousands of violent crimes in the 1980s and 1990s.,4 5,"However, the jury, which deliberated about eight hours Tuesday and another two hours Wednesday, found McKinney not guilty of first-degree premeditated murder.",4 8, a state background check for gun purchases,7 10,"Activism, charity sustain Sandy Hook families 5 years later",9 1,"Instead, she sold him a pack.",0 11,"Amid DACA protests, the 'Baldo' cartoon puts a personal face on the 'dreamers' debate",10 12,"Most don't want illegal immigrants in health plan, poll says",11 1," could be paid for with public money now spent on ""green"" environmental projects and ""other waste-of-money social service spending.""",0 1, Philip Morris ,0 14,he path to the nation's busiest death chamber ,13 9, was one of five inmates hospitalized. A guard and a member of the tactical team were treated and released.,8 12,"But this month Al Breznay, 79, and Maxine Piatt, 75, were pivotal in defeating an Arizona initiative that defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman -- the only one of 28 such state measures ever to fail.",11 7,Immigrants welcome relief from deportation,6 6,Decision Time on Immigration,5 5,"But a motion filed Tuesday in Fulton County Superior Court seeking to bar prosecutors from pursuing the death penalty for Philip Anthony ""Tony"" Harwood contends the state's evidence ""at best"" will show that Harwood only aided in the killing and was not the triggerman.",4 13,"Effort to Undo Gay Marriage Ruling Fails, for Moment",12 12,"I am the NRA, and I will defend my rights",11 6,"he letter read, in part, ""The governor has made it his policy that he will sign no death warrant with respect to an inmate until DNA evidence that could exonerate that inmate has been tested."" ",5 9,"Doctors, NRA take aim at CDC's anti-violence program",8 6,domestic relations law,5 2,JAIL IN TINY ILLINOIS TOWN HAS INFLUX OF INS PRISONERS,1 4,Questions of Innocence,3 5,"A judge clears the way for the tests on the killer's body. Lawyers say the location of mark suggests a slow, painful death.",4 6,for the ban.,5 8,SB 125 would reinstate the Colorado Bureau of Investigation Insta-Check system for conducting criminal background checks of people buying guns from licensed dealers.,7 13,"""Very frankly, the President cannot be imprisoned by a few who may or may not demonstrate.""",12 5, The legal battle over California's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage came one step closer to resolution on Thursday as lawyers argued before a federal appeals panel over whether a federal judge's decision to strike down the ban should be vacated because the judge is gay.,4 12,"Backed by moms and money, gun-safety group expands its clout",11 6,Open carry vs. announced carry,5 7,CROAT ACCUSED OF WAR CRIMES IS ORDERED DEPORTED,6 6, including on gun control.,5 13,"It is up to Congress to ensure that the Justice Department cleans up, not covers up, the politicized hiring.",12 4,The Death Penalty Lottery,3 13,Lawmakers reject open-carry gun ban,12 15," The Gun Report: September 19, 2013",14 8,Bearing arms and housing soldiers,7 5,"Pulaski County Circuit Judge Wendell Griffen issued a temporary restraining order blocking the state from using its supply of vecuronium bromide after a company said it had sold the drug to the state for medical purposes, not capital punishment. Griffen scheduled a hearing Tuesday, the day after the first execution was scheduled.",4 5,"""We are not going to make the mistakes our predecessors made,"" Raphael told U.S. District Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen. ",4 13,"President Barack Obama on Wednesday became the first president to endorse same-sex marriage, ensuring that the polarizing issue will be part of the 2012 election debate.",12 11,Youth: Long a Focus in Tobacco Debate,10 4,Give American workers respect for all they willingly do,3 9,They would have to undergo 12 hours of training.,8 6,"The bill, which already passed in the state's House of Representatives and which the governor said he was likely to sign, grants gay and lesbian couples most of the rights and benefits that Rhode Island provides married couples.",5 9,"A plan for better health, universal care",8 13," Amid criticism from some conservatives, Bush also got praise.",12 6," Gay-Marriage Bans Fall in Wisconsin and Indiana",5 5,udge 'Killer Keller' cultivates reputation,4 13,"In a statement, Gov. Christie's spokesman said: ""The Supreme Court has made its determination. While the governor firmly believes that this determination should be made by all the people of the state of New Jersey, he has instructed the Department of Health to cooperate with all municipalities in effectuating the order of the Superior Court under the applicable law."" ",12 6, Regulate the sale of ammunition for handguns,5 13,"That bill passed the Democrat-controlled House this month but has now failed twice in the Senate. Supporters allege that Philip has prevented a fair vote by cajoling his members into voting ""present"" or, in some cases, simply failing to show up for the vote.",12 1,CATALOG ROPES IN THE SMOKERS,0 7,69 Immigrant Workers Held in Baltimore Area Raids,6 10,No Gay Marriage Benefits at the Federal Level,9 5,Frein pleads not guilty of killing state trooper,4 1,tobacco sales,0 11,"GUNS, KIDS AND THE NRA",10 13,"Sanders opposed the Violent Crime Prevention Act of 1991 during his first year in the U.S. House of Representatives. ",12 6,Fight crime with tighter regulation of gun dealers,5 11,"They range from surgeons and scholars to illiterate refugees from some of the world's worst hellholes - a dizzyingly varied stream of African immigrants to the United States. More than 1 million strong and growing, they are enlivening America's cities and altering how the nation confronts its racial identity.",10 4, gays still are struggling for equality with three agencies.,3 1,"Tobacco money, Bailout Window, Eric Holder",0 13,"The issue helped lift Florio's low ranking in the polls, albeit not enough to beat Christie Whitman in the 1993 gubernatorial election. ",12 12,"Carly McGehee, a Dallas activist who came up with the idea for the protest, said more than 15,000 people pledged they would join the kiss-in since she announced it on her Facebook page on July 19.",11 10,Nicotine patches don't work alone,9 6,"""This bill will not arm criminals,"" he said. ""Nothing in this bill would allow (a convicted criminal) to purchase or possess a firearm, let alone carry one in a concealed fashion.""",5 15,Gay Marriage Overreaction,14 5," The Supreme Court struck down Washington's ban on handguns in the home last June. The same decision found that local government can impose reasonable gun restrictions.",4 11," which would make her the country's 16th woman executed since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, according to the Death Penalty Information Center",10 13,"On the House floor Friday, the bill remained largely unchanged, as sponsor Schwarz fought off over a dozen amendments by both the right and the left designed to make the permitting more or less restrictive. Amendments defeated Democratic Minority Leader Carol Snyder, D-Northglenn, offered an amendment to allow communities to declare certain places ""safe zones,"" such as schools and courthouses, where concealed weapons wouldn't be permitted. Rep. Todd Saliman, D-Boulder, sought to require those requesting a permit to demonstrate their need for one. Both amendments failed on voice votes.",12 7,"Huckaby could have received the death penalty had a jury convicted her of killing Sandra, whose body was found April 10, 2009, in a suitcase in a Tracy irrigation pond. Instead, Huckaby, 29, will spend the rest of her life in prison -- without the possibility of parole -- after she is sentenced June 14 in Stockton.",6 5,"In Fight for Marriage Rights, 'She's Our Thurgood Marshall'",4 6,act,5 7,"Bobby Lewis Shaw, who was convicted of murdering a prison guard in 1979, was scheduled to die by injection on June 9. He was low key when told of Wednesday's commutation to a life sentence without parole",6 5," The Supreme Court on Monday let stand lower-court rulings allowing same-sex marriage in Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, Indiana and Wisconsin and made it all but certain that six other states - Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina - will have to recognize marriage for all, too. That would bring the number of states where gay couples can marry to 30. ",4 5,COURT WILL WEIGH IN ON GAY MARRIAGE VOTE,4 1,"we're paying generous salaries and benefits to a group of pathetic shirkers who seek to impress us by standing up to defend the institute of marriage. ",0 5,The court has cast doubt on the constitutionality of an act of Congress based on the erroneous claim that the statute did not exist.,4 5,Attorneys for accused spy Brian P. Regan told an Alexandria federal judge yesterday that their client will be denied his constitutional right to a fair trial because they cannot find a death penalty specialist willing to take on the case with only 38 days to prepare.,4 11,"Nationwide, at least 4 million such parents could benefit from such a policy, and states with large numbers of illegal immigrants - led by California, with 2.45 million, and followed by Florida, New York and New Jersey, each with over half a million - would be the most heavily affected by a presidential order.",10 1," Wal-Mart, which sells firearms in most of its 2,700 stores. Wal-Mart does not break out sales numbers on its guns.",0 7,"cVeigh convicted McVeigh was convicted for his role in the bombing and sentenced to death in a separate federal trial in Denver. ",6 13," BOOKER'S WEDDED TO CAUSE ",12 5,A Virginia judge has ruled that he alone will decide whether Shawn Paul Novak is sent to the electric chair should a jury convict the 16-year-old of slaying two neighborhood boys last March in Virginia Beach.,4 8,so he can keep it in his Capitol Hill home for self-defense.,7 9,"In addition to a higher risk of erectile dysfunction, the report notes, men who light up also have a lower sperm count and a higher proportion of malformed sperm.",8 6,"The Suffolk bill would ban the sale of herbal cigarettes to anyone under 18. It would require the posting of signs where herbal cigarettes are sold, stating: ""Sale of herbal cigarettes to persons under the age of 18 is prohibited under penalty of law.""",5 1,"Two committees of the Maryland Senate voted yesterday to raise the state tax on cigarettes to $ 1 per pack and to devote most of the proceeds to a groundbreaking plan to increase education funding, particularly for poor districts.",0 9," But the notion of thousands upon thousands of additional gun-carrying guards roaming school halls strikes us as impractical and unwelcome. Where would these new guards come from, would they really be trained and what additional margin of safety would be achieved? ",8 9,Smoking worsens bad backs,8 5,CITY SUIT TO TAKE AIM AT GUN BIZ,4 6,LOGIC OF GUN CONTROL FATALLY SKEWED,5 1,"The Olin Foundation funds two fellowships that I know of, one for John Lott at the University of Chicago Law School, and one for Walter Williams at George Mason University",0 5,"ALBANY - A state lawyer urged a skeptical appeals court yesterday to maintain New York's ban against same-sex marriage, arguing that the Legislature, not the courts, should decide the issue. But the lawyer, Peter Schiff of the state attorney general's office, also admitted that the state has no ""compelling interest"" in stopping gay marriages. The arguments heard by the panel of five judges are likely to shape the decision on whether same-sex couples can marry under the state Constitution. The case is likely to find its way to the Court of Appeals, the state's highest court. ",4 13,"Toomey presses immigrant issue, keeps distance from Trump",12 5,"The brief was filed with Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who is designated to hear emergency requests from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, which covers Utah. She can decide the issue herself or refer it to the full court. There is no deadline for action.",4 6,to curb tobacco use,5 12,PROTESTERS DEMAND NEW TRIAL IN KILLING,11 13,"When Quinn signed the bill last week abolishing the death penalty, he was asked about the possibility that proponents would try to reinstate it, and whether he would be amenable to reconsidering. He said at that time that he believes the issue is over.",12 3,"For the second time in a year, a United Methodist Church minister will face an ecclesiastical trial on a charge that he violated a church law against ministers' officiating at same-sex unions.",2 4, and this year it extended protections against discrimination to gays.,3 11,Bilingual Education's Pioneer State,10 1," If new taxes are necessary, they should be broad-based and progressive. Excise taxes on smokers are neither.",0 13,"The Colorado Legislature has failed to do anything to combat gun violence, so a coalition of politicians, private citizens and mothers will have to battle the pro-gun lobby at the ballot box. ",12 11,THIS IS 'THE REVOLUTION',10 9," even if it means making our streets and schools more dangerous. ",8 5,Yesterday's weddings were not legally sanctioned,4 1,Colo. tobacco ties panned Lung association: Many in state helped fight smoking limits Groups and people -- including Gov. Owens -- that were named as tobacco allies say the report is one-sided.,0 5,VIOLATIONS CAUSE TEMPORARY HALT,4 13,"Now McCain and Lieberman, who both gained national stature in the presidential campaign last year, are working together to try to bridge that divide. They are tackling one of the most politically charged issues in American politics -- one that almost everyone else predicts will defy a bipartisan solution.",12 12,"Waving flags from several countries and chanting slogans demanding ""Residencia,"" they called on Congress to allow Salvadorans, Guatemalans and Hondurans to apply for permanent residency under the same generous terms it set for Cubans and Nicaraguans.",11 6,Catering to NRA's bidding creates absurd laws,5 15,They Have Standing,14 10,Pension Benefits For Some Same-Sex Partners,9 5,Death sentence is upheld by state Supreme Court Anthony Mertz's death sentence came one month after former Gov. George Ryan commuted all 167 inmates on Illinois' death row to life,4 13,FREDDY HIT ON DEATH PENALTY OK,12 5, the others had been canceled by appeals.,4 7,California: 25 Arrested Off Coast In Suspected Smuggling Case,6 5,Panel approves court nominee,4 7,"The three others had confessed to their crimes. ",6 13,"MELLO'S PLAN TO CURB WILD PIGS DEFEATED GUN LOBBY, REPUBLICANS SHOOT DOWN BILL AIMED AT CONTROLLING LAND, CROP DAMAGE",12 6, marriage equality bill,5 7,Death penalty sought again Tiffany Hall is charged separately in the killing of a pregnant friend and the friend's children.,6 5,"The inspection, which was to be held this morning, is a procedure by which a person's immigration status is determined. The Immigration andNaturalization Service will determine whether Elian Gonzalez should be returned to his father in Cuba.",4 7,U.S. Cracks University Gun-Trafficking Ring,6 13,"Brochin, a moderate Democrat who represents a swing district in conservative Baltimore County, said he would base his position on ""what my district tells me do,"" then cut off further questions. ",12 6,Beating death is latest test of 'Stand Your Ground' law,5 7,States move to restrict domestic abusers from carrying guns,6 1,software company,0 13,"The good news, for gay voters, is that the Democratic presidential candidates are wooing them to an unprecedented degree.",12 5," Here are 10 that illustrate some of the more than 1,000 rights that come with that ring. ",4 13,Owen,12 7,"Woman was stalked before killing, say prosecutors They are seeking the death penalty in killing of Moscow Mills woman. ",6 11,But as the culture changes,10 6,WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS POLICY? PLEASE DO ASK,5 5,"The suit said Georgia law prohibits local governments from regulating where or when guns can be carried. The suit also said the state constitution says only the Legislature can ""prescribe the manner in which arms may be borne"" as long as state laws don't infringe on ""the right of the people to keep and bear arms.""",4 4,Law Against Discrimination,3 2,N.Y. readies for crush of same-sex weddings,1 5,COURTS UNDERMINE A HOLY INSTITUTION,4 5,"COURT REJECTS CITY GUN LAWSUIT A JUDGE SAID THAT PHILA. AND SEVERAL GROUPS DID NOT HAVE GROUNDS TO SUE. AN APPEAL IS LIKELY, THE CITY SOLICITOR SAID.",4 9,"Like Nicotrol, a competitor that the agency approved earlier this month for nonprescription sale, Nicoderm resembles a big bandage and releases nicotine for absorption through the skin.",8 5, hours after the United States Supreme Court rejected his appeal.,4 5,"ADVOCATES LOSE GAY-MARRIAGE CASE IN HAWAII STATE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT RESOLVED ISSUE, HIGH COURT RULES",4 10,Remaining trapped in a marriage is happening around the country to gay couples. ,9 9,"LISA MORRISON has always considered herself a pillar of health. She ate only organic food, exercised often and meditated. The only glitch in her otherwise exemplary existence was the pack of Marlboros that she had inhaled daily since age 18.",8 9,"Every one of the ""shooters,"" whether at Sandy Hook Elementary School or in San Bernardino, Calif., was mentally ill.",8 5,"DON'T NEED HIZZONER ON STAND, GUN SUIT JUDGE SEZ",4 5,affect the rights of millions of Americans who choose to own firearms,4 6,An urgent priority for gun control,5 1,Should lawyers reap billions from the tobacco settlement?,0 15,SMOKING,14 5," Same-sex couples flocked to city halls and county courthouses across California on Monday to marry as same-sex marriages resumed across the state after a five-year legal hiatus. Monday was the first chance for all but a handful of the state's same-sex couples to wed since 2008, when about 18,000 marriages went forward during a brief legal window before a voter-approved ban. ",4 13,HAVING just about completed its No. 1 legislative task of the year -- providing nearly $200 billion to the states in a pork-greased transportation bill -- Congress is now ready to tackle task No. 2: the tobacco settlement.,12 6,"New federal rules from DOMA case can help some couples but hurt others ",5 11,"Ted Nugent once said Obama should suck on my machine gun, but now he wants to tone down the hateful rhetoric",10 13,"The Missouri House passed the concealed-gun amendment 111 to 40. If this bill were to become law, there are many negative implications.",12 1,"and the largest cigarette manufacturer in the country [Philip Morris, based in Richmond]",0 7,"A Tijuana, Mexico man who told undocumented aliens in Soquel and Watsonville he could help them get United States citizenship for a price was actually running an immigration fraud scheme with a New Mexico woman, authorities said Monday.",6 13,"By a vote of 238 to 173, the House agreed to the bill recommended by a conference committee of House and Senate negotiators.",12 13,State gun bills make first legislative salvo,12 10,"""It's going to put closure to a lot of things. He took my baby,"" said Terry Harris, the father of the victim, Kaylene Harris, who was killed Dec. 31. ""It's hard to explain the rage.""",9 6,"The White House announced a policy last month that would clear the way for young illegal immigrants to come out of the shadows, work legally and obtain driver's licenses and many other documents they have lacked. The temporary reprieve could benefit at least 800,000 young people.",5 13,"The Democratic and Republican candidates for president, Al Gore and George W. Bush, do not support gay marriage",12 1,Gay and Married Couples in New Land of Taxation,0 5,"Bruce Rosen, Lewitzke's attorney, said he will appeal the conviction. Leaving court, Lewitzke and Rosen would not respond to a reporter's questions.",4 15,TOBACCO,14 12,"The numbers paled in comparison with Wednesday's crowds, but the demonstrators said it was not about matching enthusiasm, it was about creating awareness.",11 3,"Bishop Steven Charleston, dean of the Episcopal divinity school in Cambridge, Mass., said Collins 'must be talking to the wrong people.' He said that the church has a 'long way to go' before all people feel included, but added there are 'no victims in this church.'",2 10,"According to corrections officers, Robinson was in good spirits throughout the day.",9 5,GETTING DOWN TO CASES ON LEGISLATING GUN CONTROL,4 1,The companies,0 6,Sweeping Limits on Guns Become Law in New York,5 13, long considered one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington,12 7,"have promised a crackdown on sanctuary jurisdictions, but they have yet to clearly define which regulations or laws would make a state or locality vulnerable to sanctions.",6 6,a resolution seeking a temporary suspension of the death penalty.,5 12,DEATH STARE 1st look at killer Ore. teen NRA still mum 74 school shootings later,11 4,"But David S. Buckel, with the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, compared the ban on same-sex marriages to debunked laws that prohibited interracial marriage. He said the ban on same-sex marriage ""will wind up in the same dustbin."" ",3 1,"AS THEY HUFF AND PUFF, A RESTAURANT GUIDE JOINS THEIR CAUSE",0 8,"The release points out that the Columbine killers used weapons bought at a gun show from an unlicensed seller; the Virginia Tech shooter got a gun he wouldn't have had if his records had been reported to the FBI gun background check system; and the suspect in Tucson, Ariz., got a gun because of lax federal regulations.",7 6,"QUIT STALLING, BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS NOW",5 5,"In declining to grant its request for a stay, the justices may have harbored doubt about whether the group had suffered the sort of direct injury that would give it standing in the case, National Organization for Marriage v. Geiger.",4 8,defend themselves against attack,7 7,Violators may be fined $100 to $500.,6 1,"""It's got us afraid to do anything,"" Osborne said. ""I wanted to buy a harvester to cut down on labor costs. You aren't going to invest in something when you don't know what's going to happen.""",0 5," Use of secret evidence is unconstitutional and bigoted, say rights groups lobbying for changes.",4 6," The bill, sponsored by D.C. Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2), gives a one-time exemption from the city's smoke-free laws to two groups: the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, which hosts an annual gathering of Washington's business and government elite March 17, and Fight for Children, which holds an annual, smoke-filled, professional boxing fundraiser.",5 5,"By taking both, the court gave itself the chance to issue a sweeping ruling that would cast aside bans on same-sex marriage nationwide. But the speed with which the court moved also raised the possibility of a split decision, one that would provide federal benefits to same-sex couples married in states that allow such unions but would permit other states to forbid gay and lesbian couples from marrying.",4 15,The promise of immigration,14 5,"Montgomery County Assistant State's Attorney Robert Dean said yesterday that prosecutors have not decided whether to seek the death penalty against Newman. Dean said Newman qualifies for the death penalty because he has been charged with multiple murders. Under Maryland law, prosecutors must notify the defense at least 30 days before trial if they plan to seek the death penalty.",4 9,Deported Va. teen killed in Tex. was trying to get back to U.S. in truck,8 13,"That is not to say the gun lobby will get everything it wants from this _blankGeneral Assembly session, even with the GOP in control of the House, Senate and governor's mansion. A Senate committee has killed two high-profile gun-rights proposals that would have done away with state background checks and prevented colleges from banning firearms on campus",12 13,"Gov. Ted Kulongoski, a Democrat",12 11,"' These words cause me to imagine a society whose people - even the ones who choose not to arm themselves - can drive, conduct business, eat in a restaurant, take a walk and send their children to public schools with some peace of mind",10 5,Judge delays start of smoking trial,4 12,Legislature 2004: Hundreds protest marriage proposal,11 7,Illegal sales already covered,6 5," Mr. Kueper, a retired Army master sergeant and truck driver, is suing the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and the Tobacco Institute, which represents the industry, for unspecified damages in St. Clair County Circuit Court here. He claims the defendants concealed the dangers of smoking through misleading advertising.",4 9,"in a bid to control spiraling health care costs, the administration will target people who have ""excessively dangerous"" behaviors that officials believe raise the cost of health care",8 1,Tobacco industry brushes off call for new restrictions on menthol cigarettes,0 3, infidelity and religion,2 1,"intolerably high, and it was time for tobacco firms",0 5,High Court Allows Va. Execution,4 9,"IN '80S, PEOPLE QUIT SMOKING, GAINED WEIGHT",8 11,Texas shootings ignite fury over thoughts and prayers,10 13,HOUSE DEMOCRATS PRESS EARLY VOTE ON FIREARMS BILL,12 1,"The state paid another $300,000 for experts used by prosecutors, not including the salaries of law enforcement officers, medical examiners and other state employees who testify as experts.",0 10,over the fate of the thousands of people who want to leave their impoverished nation.,9 7,"Police noticed a pattern in the Mack and Henderson slayings. Both were black, had been strangled, and their apartments showed no signs of forced entry. Detectives then saw similarities in the Baucom slaying.",6 4,to affirmative action,3 13,A spokeswoman for People for the American Way pointed us to three instances where the group thinks Rubio voted on legislation that amounts to deporting Dreamers. We also reached out to Rubio's staff but did not hear back.,12 5,PRESSURE NO PROBLEM FOR TREASURE COAST STATE ATTORNEY BRUCE COLTON WILL HAVE A LOT OF EYES ON HIM AS HE LOOKS INTO THE FRANK SMITH CASE,4 6,which would deny federal recognition of same-sex marriages.,5 5,Chief Justice Under Scrutiny Again as Court Hears Immigration Case,4 13,The final adoption of Santa Clara's smoking ordinance has been delayed by a city council member's last-minute push to further ease some provisions.,12 7,"reality that mass shootings are usually scenes of mayhem and crossfire,",6 1,fine,0 6,Irresponsible smokers are to blame for bans,5 5,Court Rulings Help Illegal Immigrants' College-Bound Children,4 3,California churches are among those lined up on both sides of the proposal.,2 13,where a conservative Legislature has consistently expanded gun rights and limited government regulations of firearms,12 11,"Night is falling on South Omaha, and Maria Jacinto is patting tortillas for the evening meal in the kitchen of the small house she shares with her husband and five children. Like many others in her neighborhood, where most of the residents are Mexican immigrants, the Jacinto household mixes the old country with the new",10 12,"A roar of approval rose from the crowd, gathered at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial for the second annual rally in support of gun ownership. As flocks of foreign tourists looked on, the protesters waved tiny American flags, brandished anti-Clinton lapel buttons and pumped a variety of hand-lettered signs that said, for example, ""We are the militia.""",11 5,"Only Massachusetts and Connecticut allow gay marriage, while Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey and New Hampshire allow civil unions.",4 5,"A decade later, a flurry of court decisions has struck down similar bans on same-sex marriage across the country,",4 13,"Representative Carolyn McCarthy hopes she can quit Washington for good before another group of families left grieving by gun violence arrives at her office. She suspects otherwise, since she's got another 10 months to go before finishing out her 18-year career at the end of the year, and she knows better than anyone in Congress the unyielding rhythm of the nation's gun trauma.",12 12,When asked how he felt about the audience applauding so many deaths,11 6,MARRIAGE AMENDMENT,5 11,"But it is who we are. It is America. In fact, it's only America.",10 5, set off for a busy day thinking the U.S. Supreme Court would uphold the Defense of Marriage Act.,4 13," But with Republicans back in control of both the House and the Senate, many observers believe one or more of the concealed-carry measures will become law. Gov. Bill Owens has said he will consider signing a bill that sets uniform standards for obtaining carry permits.",12 7,"Ogle, 46, a Sterling minister and former math teacher at Herndon High School, is charged with criminal solicitation of a felony, for which he could receive up to 10 years in prison, and attempted capital murder, a charge that could bring him life in prison",6 13,"With a career grade of ""D+"" from the highly respected Washington-based Americans for Better Immigration, presidential hopeful Sen. Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), who has promised to push for Senate passage of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, has clearly heard the voice of the majority of the American voters on border security --- it would seem.",12 5,The decision on whether to seek a death sentence in individual cases would be made by the U.S. attorney's office. A spokesman for U.S. Attorney Jay B. Stephens said yesterday that he has testified in favor of the death penalty in certain cases.,4 13,City Hall aides confirmed the mayor plans to include the new cigarette tax in his preliminary budget proposal on Jan. 31.,12 12," SPORTS PEOPLE; Support for Swimmer",11 11,Memos Highlight Importance Of 'Younger Adult Smokers',10 9,Protecting Young People From 'the Awful Dangers of Tobacco',8 1,A new handgun is produced every 20 seconds.,0 5,The Supreme Court of Hawaii is expected this summer to hand down a decision legalizing gay marriage.,4 5,Death Penalty Jury Is Told That Killer Showed Remorse,4 1,"He canceled a show that was scheduled for the weekend after the shooting, but it was the exception. He said he'll continue the monthly events. ''We'll do gun shows as long as we can do gun shows.''",0 3,"A born-again Christian and grandmother who maintained her innocence until the end, she appeared to be praying when prison officials lowered a black hood over her head.",2 4,Sherif Girgis on same-sex marriage and sex discrimination,3 7,They're worried that criminals might steal exposed weapons and possibly use them against gun owners.,6 5,Tobacco companies seeking dismissal of government's suit,4 13,political,12 13,"While the ad doesn't take a stand on the Senate bill -- instead urging them to merely support ""conservative immigration reforms"" -- the Chamber as an organization has endorsed the Senate bill and worked toward its passage. ",12 7,"The third bad guy wore a badge. He is Jeff Knipp, the former police chief of Farber, Mo., who helped the smugglers.",6 7,"The six were the victims of Carl Isaacs, a man who would live another 30 years before being put to death for the murders.",6 13,"In gun debate, a battle over statistics",12 3,but her religion dictates that marriage is between a man and a women.,2 11,Foreign people to wave the flag Immigrants toast Fourth with honor,10 13,"Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, along with Senators Dick Durbin of Illinois and Robert Menendez of New Jersey, said the Senate will revive the Dream Act, one of the few signature pieces of Democratic legislation that failed during the lame-duck session of the last Congress, when Democrats controlled both chambers.",12 5,U.S. MAY REQUIRE CLOSER SCRUTINY TO GET A LICENSE,4 5,"Paving the way for a potential legal precedent in Pennsylvania, a lawyer for convicted killer Gary Heidnik asked the state Supreme Court to block Heidnik's execution on the ground that he is mentally unfit to make rational choices and needs a so-called ""next friend"" to act as his legal guardian.",4 5,As the Court Turns,4 7,"Feds: Yep, death to cop killer",6 11,teenage drinking soon dropped,10 11,GIVE 'EM A LIGHT: FANS ENJOY THEIR CIGARS,10 5,Appeals court hears Md. gun-ban challenge,4 1,cigarette makers,0 11, is airing a new Mafia-themed TV spot,10 7," shot a classmate to death,",6 9,Killer Described as Retarded Is Put to Death in Louisiana,8 13,"""They're trying to put [Christie] in an awkward position,"" Tomicki said of the governor, whose national profile continues to rise as he campaigns with presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts. ",12 13,"he subject first came before the council at its Nov. 16 meeting, when council members asked staff to return with additional information on Nov. 30. Hannon says it took longer than expected and is likely to be on the Dec. 14 agenda.",12 11,Full participation in the 2000 Census. Hong says studies show Korean Americans were undercounted by almost 2 percent in the last national tally.,10 6, to revamp a broken immigration system and devise a way to handle up to 12 million undocumented immigrants while tightening border security.,5 5,"""I'm just looking for my day in court. It's just not right, what they're doing.""",4 6,Let this be the year for true gun control,5 5,IN DEFENSE OF LIFE,4 5,"A Cook County jury handed down the sentence after two hours of deliberation and one week after it had convicted the defendant, Juan A. Luna Jr., of seven counts of first-degree murder in what has become known as the Brown's Chicken Massacre.",4 5,"2 Provisions Thrown Out In 1977, the Court of Appeals, the state's highest, threw out the two other key provisions, which mandated the death penalty for the intentional killing of a police officer or a prison employee. But in that ruling, the court did not address the provision applying to prisoners serving life sentences.",4 13,"Barr, Darden sticking to their guns in 7th District race",12 5,"But ""the industry would take him to court,"" Ballin says.",4 9,"""Today was a bad day for public safety in Illinois,""",8 8,Hanssen Indicted As Spy for Moscow,7 13,"California gun laws: Brown signs new restrictions on firearms, rejects others",12 9,Glaxo drug for depression found to help smokers quit,8 13,"Romney, a Republican, cited an obscure 1913 law that says that the state cannot marry an out-of-state couple if the union would be void in their own state.",12 8,N.Y.ER ON TERROR WATCH LIST FACES CHARGES,7 5,"The lawsuits have alleged, among other things, that unqualified execution teams sometimes have botched the procedure and made it a cruel and unusual punishment that should be considered illegal under the Eighth Amendment. ",4 13,"What happened, basically, was that the Senate passed certain restrictions, including mandatory background checks on all customers at gun shows, that were attached to a bill on juvenile crime.",12 5,"The Board of Immigration Appeals, meeting in a suburb of Washington, D.C., heard the case of Fauziya Kasinga, 19, of Togo, who came to the USA in 1994 after her female relatives forced her into an arranged marriage and prepared to subject her to female genital mutilation. ",4 13,The Finance Committee voted,12 9,"Coast Guard officials said the rescue effort was among the largest in recent years. It included two large Coast Guard boats from Lake Worth, Fla., along with two HH-65 helicopters and an HU-25 Falcon jet from Miami. At least five people were flown from the scene to area hospitals.",8 11,Rocker Nugent aids Barr,10 10,Jurors give killer last wish: death,9 5,"On Monday, Yeap took his family aboard a retired aircraft carrier to watch him become a U.S. citizen. The Malaysian-born software designer was one of 75 immigrants from 29 countries who were naturalized on the USS Hornet in a ceremony that gave new meaning to Independence Day.",4 5,"After the court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to gun ownership and that the District's handgun ban was unconstitutional, it was an upstart band of libertarian lawyers that celebrated on the marble steps and received the glory for the breakthrough decision. ",4 13," GOV. WILSON VETOES BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS",12 13,It was another provocative reminder that the New York real estate tycoon and Republican presidential candidate has made himself the most pro-gun-rights nominee in modern G.O.P. history,12 1," businesses should not be able to deny serving gays for religious reasons. ",0 6,"The proposal, one of the most divisive issues to confront Georgia lawmakers in years, now moves to the state's voters, who must approve it in a Nov. 2 referendum before it can become part of the state constitution.",5 13,"The National Coalition to Ban Handguns said in a statement that Mr. McClure had received $8,300 in progun lobbies' 1980 campaign contributions, and that Representative Harold L. Volmer, Democrat of Missouri, who also testified, had received $32,186. ",12 12,"Gun-control groups made it their top priority, saying it would end a loophole that now allows 40 percent of sales to take place without oversight. ",11 14,"Missouri carries out its 7th execution this year, tying Texas and Florida for the most in 2014",13 4,"In apparent case of mistaken identity, father caught in ICE sting",3 7,"It has been a year since Ippolito Gonzalez, a popular Franklin Township police sergeant, was killed during a routine traffic stop. But the authorities still do not know which of the two motorcycle gang members charged in his death fired the .45-caliber gun used in the slaying. ",6 5,STATES BALK AT SHARING TOBACCO PAY / THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAD SAID IT SHOULD GET PART OF ANY SETTLEMENT.,4 13,"Golden's bill has little chance of winning approval in the Democratic-dominated Assembly, but it underscores the challenge faced by advocates of same-sex marriage in the GOP-controlled state Senate.",12 6,"With the implementation of the law, Illinois becomes the 12th state to officially license same-sex relationships. It won't be called marriage in Illinois, but most of the same rights will apply, at least on the state level. It also will be available to any opposite-sex couples who want certain benefits without marriage.",5 7,Md. Prisons Brace for Ban on Cigarettes,6 6,"But nearly every other question about the new gun law -- from how it works to how far it goes -- seems either tied up in administrative chaos or suspended in mid-air awaiting the court challenge to the law that groups representing gun owners say they will file in the next week or two. Prosecutors also say the first arrest could come any time, creating a test case for the courts to use in figuring out just how broad or narrow, or simply murky, the law is.",5 7, The actions by law enforcement personnel,6 13,"MIKE AIMS AT GUNMAKERS, HINTS AT BAN",12 4,LESS THAN 1% OF NONCOMPLIANT GUN DEALERS GET THEIR LICENSES REVOKED,3 7,The homeowner shot Martinez after catching him and two other boys searching his unlocked car in the 5900 block of Riverview Boulevard. One of the surviving boys said the homeowner fired on them without warning and kept firing as they fled. The homeowner did not talk publicly about the shooting,6 7,that the person who fired the fatal shots was the one the prosecutors called the second gunman ,6 7,Kevan Brumfield shot and killed an off-duty police officer in Baton Rouge more than 22 years ago.,6 11,"On the Commentary Page to the right are the words of current immigrant artists who have a show at De Anza College in Cupertino. They have lots to say about leaving home and finding refuge and freedom, but also discrimination and identity crises, in America. They are mostly optimistic, which, when you think about it, is the word that best describes the immigrant in history.",10 13,"The bills die quick deaths in GOP-controlled legislative committees, receiving little or no debate as Democratic lawmakers resign themselves to the will of their Republican colleagues.",12 4,Gun rights-advocating local Fox reporter has told different versions of 'home invasion',3 1,"The signs were posted as a test in about 2,800 video store throughout South Florida and the nation, but the experiment didn't work out, said Wally Knief, spokesman of the Fort Lauderdale-based entertainment company. ",0 6,Here comes the tobacco regulation,5 7,"Herndon, 24, of Queens, was arrested Thursday, four days after a gunman opened fire atop the Empire State Building with a pistol he bought in Florida.",6 7, with evidence that Chastine participated in a 1989 robbery in South Bay.,6 6,Tobacco tax bill closer to a vote,5 1,How illegal immigrants influence grocery bills,0 8,"Homeland Security, Washington-Style",7 13,"With time running out on the chance to pass gun control legislation, President Barack Obama warned Congress on Monday not to use delay tactics against tighter regulations and told families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims that he was ""determined as ever"" to honor their children with tougher laws.",12 13,GUN DEBATE FALLOUT,12 13,THE 1994 CAMPAIGN: CALIFORNIA; Media-Wise Governor Runs A Smooth Race in California,12 13,"Carson has criticized the news media, saying his comments are being taken out of context, but he has not backed down from the basic positions.",12 6,"Virginia Tech Panel Won't Second-Guess Review Will Look at Run-Up, Not Response",5 13,"""It's so clear that the legislators need time to think. It's so clear that they're exhausted, they're confused about the amendments, they're uncertain about the issues and they're desperately asking time to sort this out,""",12 3, traditional values of banning gay marriage,2 13," So, while the new administration is promoting",12 11,Every month of the year has seen the highest number of background checks for that particular month.,10 13, vice president ,12 11,ORLANDO AFTERMATH,10 10,Tying the knot in a New York minute,9 4," GREEN-CARD LOTTERY IS DISCRIMINATORY",3 10,"Local lesbian couple fly across country to say vows ",9 11,Just days after Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling revealed that the popular professor character Albus Dumbledore was gay,10 11,"A 2005 report from the American Lung Association, stated that 20.2 percent of 18- to 19-year-olds had tried flavored cigarettes, compared with 8.6 percent of 20- to 26-year-olds.",10 9,ONCOLOGISTS ASK LARGE CIGARETTE TAX INCREASE,8 7,ILLEGAL WEAPONS BIZ SHOT FULL OF HOLES AS FEDS COLLAR 10,6 13,Immigration politics,12 13," and another battlefront in the fight for marriage equality. ",12 5,A hearing to consider whether Mr. Broom can be executed in conformity with constitutional requirements is scheduled for Nov. 30.,4 9,11-year-old son w as slain,8 7,"Yet much as the gun lobby likes to claim that life is safer when more people carry guns, there's no evidence that a heavily armed citizenry spurs a drop in the crime rate. If anything, statistics suggest that the converse is true. The Center to Prevent Handgun Violence has the figures to show a much larger decline in both overall crime and violent crime from 1992 to 1997 in states with strict concealed-weapons laws than in those that have relaxed such laws.",6 3,Debating the meaning of marriage,2 5,Although gay marriage is legal in Massachusetts and California,4 5," Death sentence delayed for Ray A judge postpones for two months because of motions filed by the defense.",4 3," to reach a ""reasoned, moral"" decision.",2 13,HAROLD L. VOLKMER,12 9,"An anti-depressant that's been on the market since 1989 can be an effective, non-nicotine aid to stop smoking, a drug company announced Thursday.",8 3,National Cathedral dean challenges people of faith to take on gun lobby,2 13,Mercury News editorial: Obama finally does the right thing on gay marriage,12 5,court decision in Massachusetts,4 1,"The Palm Beach County School District made headlines last year when it started offering domestic-partner benefits, but the premiums are so expensive - more than twice than for a traditional couple - that not a single employee has signed up. The district expected from 60 to 100 employees to apply. Participation usually is low because most public employers don't subsidize domestic partner benefits. But what sets the school district apart is that the district's 12,000 teachers aren't eligible. Unlike Broward and Miami-Dade school districts, where all employees can buy coverage, only school administrators and certain non-union secretaries - about 1,500 people - can qualify in Palm Beach County. School board member Monroe Benaim, who pushed for domestic-partner benefits as a way to stay competitive with neighboring school districts, hopes the pilot is a stopgap measure until a more comprehensive program is approved. ",0 5,Court axes Calif.'s gay nups ban,4 7,Imprisoned for his wife's murder,6 1,Poor Smokers Spend 25% Of Income On Cigarettes,0 4,Thomas Sowell: The political left doesn't let facts ruin a good theory,3 7,"""If you fail to comply, we may have to terminate your lease and may have to evict you from the apartment,"" the notice read.",6 3,The Rev. Duane Motley,2 13," but U.S. Rep. Karen Thurman, who represents Citrus, Hernando and parts of Pasco counties on Capitol Hill, said she stands by the constitutional right to bear arms",12 7,"Bahamian smuggling operations that have been increasing around the islands for years have grown and become more organized, and are now capable of stealing several vessels and transporting larger groups than Border Protection has seen in years",6 15,BREATHING LESSONS,14 13,REASON WON'T WIN THIS BATTLE OVER GUNS,12 12,"N.J. gay rights backers divided on next step ",11 13,y until the state Legislature can convene and rewrite the law.,12 15,New laws a bull's-eye,14 6,"Casas said the proposal also would help resolve questions about whether to allow children of undocumented immigrants to obtain HOPE scholarships. It could set aside controversy about whether aliens are entitled to constitutional due process protections when they're arrested or wronged, he said. And it could ensure that undocumented workers get workers' compensation if they get hurt on the job, he said.",5 10,is addicted to addicting millions,9 9," ""physical violence, disfigurement and torment"" during the process of dying.",8 7, to stop his execution,6 13,"The ability of gun rights activists and the NRA to mobilize members, money and votes over a single issue makes them feared by many of the nation's politicians.",12 13,"McCain supports the amendments, Obama opposes them - yet the two nominees rarely mention them proactively as they compete for middle-of-the-road voters who rank the marriage debate low on their list of concerns.",12 5,Bloodhound evidence ruled out in Harlan case,4 6," The deferred action policy",5 13,Council KOs Blaz on immig lawyers,12 8,", including harboring terrorists, funding terrorist activities, and suppressing evidence of terrorism. It also includes terrorism among the crimes for which wiretaps can be sought.",7 5,"Robert Barnett Sr.'s lawyer, David Belmont, tried to attack the credibility of Walker and a jailhouse snitch who stated that Barnett Sr. said Renner was slain because he saw his attacker's face.",4 12,Gun raffles draw fire from critics,11 11,"SMOKING IN FILMS SHOWS NO DECLINE, RESEARCH SAYS",10 13,"West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin (D) said he directed all state agencies to uphold the marriage decision. ",12 14,Ruben Navarrette Jr.: U.S.-Mexico agenda is the same as it ever was,13 13,House Votes To Advance Bill on Safety In Schools,12 12,Americans remain just as divided on gay marriage as they were before President Obama's announcement in early May he now publicly supported it.,11 13,"Gov. George Ryan cited their case when he commuted the sentences of every inmate on death row in January, just before he left office.",12 5,"Whatever the truth about H-1Bs, Silicon Valley companies need to do more to resolve the issues surrounding these visas. ",4 1," ""A retailer can refuse or delay a sale based on the need for information, as they do in the case of minors,"" said Edie Clark, a spokeswoman for the International Mass Retail Association.",0 5,"Since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976,",4 5,St. Louis Circuit Judge Joan Moriarty heard testimony and arguments,4 1,"The government is now seeking costs dating back to the early 1990s. It estimates it spends $20 billion annually on tobacco-related illnesses.",0 3,The cardinal said traditional marriage should be preserved and protected at all costs.,2 5,"The 83-year-old Manhattan woman emerged from the Supreme Court to a hero's welcome after bringing her four-year fight for same-sex marriage equality all the way to the nation's highest court. ",4 9,"The Department of Homeland Security, which is responsible for immigration and customs inspections at airports and other border crossings, has provided masks and gloves to thousands of its airport inspectors in the last month as part of the agency's effort to stem transmission of SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, which can be deadly.",8 1,"Despite intense opposition from restaurants, officials in Maryland's second-most-populous county banned smoking in bars and restaurants yesterday - effective in 2002.",0 11,"""They don't want to hear what they should do or not do,"" Paek said. Instead, she said, ads should focus on convincing teens their friends are heeding the anti-smoking warning because peer pressure has the most direct effect. Paek and co-author Albert Gunther from the University of Wisconsin-Madison examined surveys from 1,700 middle school students about their exposure to anti-smoking ads and their intention to smoke. The study will be published in the August issue of the journal Communication Research. The study is the latest in a string of research showing that anti-smoking campaigns often have little to no impact on teens. In 2002, a study commissioned by an anti-smoking foundation found tobacco manufacturer Philip Morris' youth anti-smoking campaign was making students more likely to smoke. Paek said the data showed middle school students are more likely to be influenced by the perception of what their friends are doing, and that anti-smoking campaigns should be more focused on peer relations. ""Rather than saying, 'Don't smoke,' it is better to say, 'Your friends are listening to this message and not smoking,'"" she said. ""It doesn't really matter what their peers are actually doing.""",10 5,High Court Won't Take Up Appeal by Terry Nichols,4 15,STARING DOWN THE BARREL,14 11,"ecause they were closer to the Neulander coverage, ",10 5,SUIT FILED TO END SAME-SEX NUPS,4 12,Abu-Jamal's defenders irate,11 7,U.S. Seeks Thousands Of Fugitive Deportees; Middle Eastern Men Are Focus of Search,6 5,"Canadian computer programmer Brian Deans-Rowe and his wife, Rebecca, arrived at the San Jose Federal Building at 6 a.m. Monday to file his application for a work permit",4 7, actions violate state marriage laws.,6 5,"""Gun Rights Should Not Trump Private Property Rights"" ",4 3,"A Methodist pastor who was defrocked because he presided at the wedding of his gay son is being reinstated in a startling reversal by a large Protestant denomination that, like many, is riven by disagreements over same-sex relationships. ",2 1,The $10 million plan,0 7,The reality of the matter is that the bad guys are carrying weapons now and they will continue to do so no matter what happens on April 6,6 5,Judge Rejects Ballot Question On Ban of Same-Sex Marriage,4 10,"Lucia Guzman was returning from Texas when she got an earful. The travelers at the airport snack bar were comparing Mexican immigrants to moles and rabbits, and talking about building a rabbit-proof fence along the border. They were ridiculing people - people like her.",9 12," Polling for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in 1994 found that a large majority of Americans supported regulation aimed at youth smoking, even in tobacco states. ",11 13,Presidential Race Could Turn On Bush's Appeal to Women,12 5,legally,4 8,When States Allow Concealed Guns,7 5,"Federal judges rule in favor of gay marriage in Arizona, Alaska and Wyoming",4 1,"Post-Trump, gun sales fall, but Florida's dealers adapt",0 12,THE NRA RELOADS ON GUN CONTROL,11 5, Capital-punishment cases like that of Anderson -- whose legal claims have dragged through the appeals courts for decades -- seldom have reached the final stage.,4 1,New Jersey last night appeared on the verge of joining other states in relying on a cigarette tax - along with other revenue sources - to pay the hospital bills of people without any health coverage.,0 4,"""the same legal obligations, responsibilities, protections, and benefits as are afforded or recognized by the law of Illinois to spouses.""",3 9,Investigators visited the college in September and reported that Manuszak was endangering the health of 10 employees when she smoked in the bathroom next to her office.,8 7,"Glenn, who was 18 at the time of the murders, initially was sentenced to death, but his sentence was commuted to a life term",6 10,"Cooke hastened to add that people can still use nicotine patches to stop smoking, but not for long periods.",9 5,"Much of that security came from the May 15 ruling by the California Supreme Court legalizing same-sex marriage, and the subsequent rejections of challenges to the decision by the same court and the State Court of Appeals, which denied another request for a stay of the marriages on Tuesday.",4 13,"The Senate passed the legislation Friday, and Glendening (D) said he will sign it soon. ",12 9,"In each case, the victim apparently fell asleep or passed out with burning cigarettes near them. The cigarettes caught bedding on fire in two of those blazes - a chair in the third - and killed the snoozing smoker. ",8 5,NAACP calls for new look at case,4 11,"Former Minnesota Vikings center Matt Birk has spoken out in support of the state's proposed marriage amendment in an online video released Monday, Oct. 1, by the Minnesota Catholic Conference.",10 5," Khalid Khannouchi has had bad and good luck in his quest for citizenship before the May 7 Olympic trials marathon. ",4 5,Court says it can't force marriage vote,4 12,"""I don't want to leave my drink or my food alone,"" Dougherty said. ""Right now, you're basically held hostage.""",11 7,"Immigration duty a burden, police say",6 5,"U.S. District Judge E. Richard Webber set Holder's sentencing for July 1. ",4 5," The 'Mad Russian' wins fight to stay",4 13,"Osterman has been the sponsor of several gun control bills that have failed in the House this spring, mostly with the opposition of downstate Democrats, who contend that better enforcement of current gun laws is the answer to illegal gun use, not additional requirements.",12 6,"The move put the Garden State among 15 states with similar DREAM Act laws aimed at providing educational assistance to undocumented youth. ",5 1,Philadelphia officials had braced for potential funding cuts when Trump signed the order in January.,0 13,Schumer to move ahead on background checks,12 5,Four death warrants signed,4 5,"That judge's ruling has caused the state so much havoc that officials now complain Florida's smoking ban, although usually obeyed, is largely unenforceable. And they're turning to lawmakers this year for help.",4 13,"'Smart' Firearm Draws Wrath of the Gun Lobby ",12 5,"""But I know defending the Second Amendment is the right thing to do. And so I've led the charge year in and year out to do just that."" ",4 13,"When a citizen at a Republican forum this month asked U.S. Senate candidate Anne Evans Estabrook where she stood on the Second Amendment's guarantee of the right to bear arms, she said she supported a waiting period for gun purchases.",12 7,they had broken up an illegal gun-sales operation in Brooklyn,6 13,consequences for both Democrats and Republicans in the primaries this summer.,12 9,Angie Della Vecchia was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago and had surgery.,8 1,"""I think restaurant owners ought to provide a space for both smokers and nonsmokers,"" he said. ""If people can't smoke in a restaurant after a meal, they're going to be upset. It could hurt business.""",0 13,"After Backing Gay Marriage, 4 in G.O.P. Face Voters' Verdict",12 5," AROUND THE NATION; Judge Denies a Motion To Stay Haitians' Parole",4 12, Polls show a majority of Americans don't condone gay marriage.,11 1,Hill harmony for federal employees,0 7,"Late Monday night, as one of 39 witnesses, I was ushered past dozens of guards and prison officials and into the viewing area a few feet from the octagonal death chamber.",6 5,A spokeswoman for the Mexican Consulate in San Antonio said each of the witnesses would be examined individually by an immigration court.,4 9,A math teacher at Liverpool High School who said he had to visit a doctor after being exposed to cigarette smoke,8 13,"Tuesday's announcement was notable in part because it was the third time this year that McCain has taken a high-profile stance against President Bush, who defeated him in the Republican primaries last year. Bush and McCain also are at odds over legislation that would restrict political contributions and regulate managed health care plans.",12 5,"On Thursday, the federal appeals court in Chicago rejected bans in Indiana and Wisconsin. Opponents of same-sex marriage, however, scored a legal victory last week when a federal judge in Louisiana upheld that state's ban. ",4 13,"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and other Democrats blamed Republican opponents of the bill for its collapse, even though 11 Democrats also opposed the bill.",12 10,"So she makes choices. A drive to the grocery store or to pick up her kids from school is deemed essential. Nearly everything else is not. ",9 5,The legal contract belongs to the state,4 11,An evolution in the black community,10 5,"In Gill v. Office of Personnel Management, the judge held that the act's divergent treatment of same-sex and heterosexual couples violates the equal protection principles implicit in the Fifth Amendment. The court asked whether Congress had a legitimate basis for treating same-sex couples differently. The unambiguous answer was ""No.""",4 1,"But runs on ammo are nothing new to Michael Sfakianos, who manages Bill Jackson's Shop for Adventure in Pinellas Park. He said Thursday that the shortage began when the gun control debate first heated up. ",0 12," said Barbara Lautman, executive director of the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, a public advocacy group.",11 13, underscoring a split in the marquee governor's race in a state that bans gay unions.,12 5,"The case likely will set a precedent binding on the nation's 179 immigration judges. ",4 13,POLITICS BEATING PROGRESS ON IMMIGRATION REFORM,12 13,"President Barack Obama's administration announced on Friday a pair of executive actions aimed at strengthening federal background checks for gun purchasers, with a particular focus on limiting firearm access for those with mental health issues. ",12 6,smoking bans are a step in the right direction!,5 3,So what do we do about this pure cruelty and madness? Neither a protest nor news coverage nor a political speech can stop the unleashing of human brutality. Only swift death penalties - nothing less - will end it. We know what has to be done. I only pray that the memory of Melissa will finally trigger the changes we so desperately need. Dave Kharbanda Chesterfield,2 1,Demise of Same-Sex Weddings Disheartens Businesses,0 13,"The detente between billboard companies, the city's Environmental Health Department, Councilwoman Debbie Ortega and a group of West High School ninth-graders came less than two hours before Monday's Denver City Council meeting, during which the total ban was to be discussed. The pact followed weeks of negotiations between advocates, who said the ordinance would curb teen smoking, and detractors, who complained it would violate free-speech rights.",12 10,Sean Richey never had much hope of getting to know his father,9 7,The use of guns in violent crimes is nothing new,6 13," For Obama, a Hit and a Miss On Gay Rights",12 9,A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH,8 6,Michigan: No Id's For Illegal Immigrants,5 13,"In face of facts, gun lobbyists keep crying wolf",12 6,"Empirical evidence and common sense convinced me that the death penalty is an ineffective deterrent, is unfairly applied and has become increasingly costly for states.",5 5,"ver the last several days in a handsome City Hall courtroom, the search for justice in the case of the death-row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal might have been a serious, sober, rational affair - a proceeding that enhanced respect for the law. ",4 5,Soviet Scientist Is Said to Request Asylum in U.S. After Leaving Ship,4 5,Justice Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a statement that other defendants in the embassy bombings case have received life prison sentences or will not be subject to the death penalty because the U.S. agreed not to seek it as a condition of their extradition.,4 6,"Short of abolishing the death penalty, the solution for states is to seek and ensure more humane methods. Instead, some are taking a sneakier, and constitutionally more suspect, route: dropping a veil of secrecy over executions.",5 11,Chapel Designs Are Selected to Pop Up for Gay Weddings,10 10,Several family members of victims from the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown are in Washington this week to help Obama's team pressure lawmakers for action.,9 1,"The cost to the city has been negligible, because few city employees have applied for health benefits for same-sex partners and because the backlash that some had feared has not materialized.",0 10,I think that some other Americans and many foreign visitors will also either avoid the city or leave it feeling frustrated by the severe restrictions that the Mayor and City Council are placing on those of us who smoke,9 13," BENNETT, KENNEDY DUEL OVER FIREARMS",12 1,Smell of money: Millionaires and big cigars go hand in hand,0 8,"And Congress and the administration have yet to make good on their promise to increase the ranks of the Border Patrol by 50 percent. Before the bill's enactment there were 3,700 Border Patrol agents; today there are 3,800 on duty, according to the Immigration and Naturalization Service.",7 12,"The strategy takes a long view of how to produce change on gun law reform, and is designed to beat the National Rifle Association at its own game: developing the political clout needed to get lawmakers to back the group's agenda - and to punish those who don't. ",11 5,But defense attorney Tom Jacquinot said in his opening statement in Jackson County Circuit Court,4 7,Expose gun felons,6 13,The calculus for each candidate is how to craft a plan strong enough to attract the liberal Democrats needed to secure the nomination without alienating general election voters.,12 13,"But Representative Martin Hoke, Republican of Ohio, accused Mr. Frank of a ""desperate attempt to politicize what is not a political issue.""",12 14,"The 13 Cubans were met on shore by U.S. Interests Section Consul Sandra Salmon and Vice Consul Ted O'Connor, and by Communist Party ideology department head Rolando Alfonso, Reuter reported. It appeared to be the first time in decades that a U.S. official vessel had docked in the communist-ruled island.",13 12,Anti-death penalty groups see the case as a firm test for Schwarzenegger and the idea that rehabilitation should play a renewed role in clemency deliberations.,11 12,DUKE LIVES - AS NRA'S PATRON SAINT,11 5,"Most encouraging, juries and judges have been less willing to impose death sentences.",4 5, The outcome of that vote is now subject to a lawsuit.,4 13,"Bush administration officials maintain that the actions by the U.S. trade representative's office earlier this month do not represent a change in U.S. policy, and are necessary because South Korea's plans were unfair to American tobacco companies. ",12 13,"Now playing in immigration politics, the 'reverse brain drain'",12 3,"In war zones, shooters must use restraint. In Florida, fire away!",2 11,A square box with thick pink horizontal lines (the mathematical equals symbol) was offered for sharing this week by the Human Rights Campaign,10 13,Assemblyman Danny O'Donnell (D-Manhattan),12 7,"Signaling a major shift by the federal government to control the flood of illegal immigration, a grand jury Tuesday indicted the operators of a Lyons stone quarry on six counts of harboring and employing undocumented immigrants.",6 7,"Joseph O'Dell has been on Virginia's death row since 1986 when he was sentenced to death for the rape and murder of Helen Schartner, a 44-year-old woman whose body was found behind a Virginia Beach tavern. There was no evidence that O'Dell and the woman ever met, but they were seen in the same tavern on the night of the murder, and witnesses said they left between 15 and 30 minutes of each other. When O'Dell returned home later that night there was blood on his shirt and jacket. ",6 7,scheduled to die early today in Delaware for raping and killing a woman.,6 1,B.A.T,0 1,"As Maryland pays out millions to discourage tobacco farming, Jacob Swarey and his brethren say they may grow more than ever. ",0 5," Gail Laster, counsel at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, told a House panel that the department ""does not plan to bring any action on its own against the gun industry.""",4 12,Eighty-six percent of the public favors allowing them to permanently remain in the country.,11 5,With the Massachusetts Supreme Court clearing the way for same-sex marriages in that state as soon as May 17,4 7,"On Oct. 19, an after-school shooting near Hatch Middle School in Parkside left one teen severely wounded and another in custody. The next day, a daylight shooting in front of a day-care center on Yorkship Square in Fairview left one man wounded and two in custody.",6 13,"The mayor did not say which additional Republican lawmakers he expected to switch their votes, but Mr. Bloomberg mentioned three Republican senators he had spoken with in recent weeks: Andrew Lanza of Staten Island, John J. Flanagan of East Northport, and Mark J. Grisanti of North Buffalo. ""In all my conversations with senators - Senator Lanza, Senator Flanagan, Senator Grisanti - and many others, I could see how personal this was for them and their families, how carefully they were listening to both their parents and children, and how earnestly they are struggling to find the right answer,"" Mr. Bloomberg said. ""This is not an easy issue."" ",12 5,"Peach said that the case record showed that Godfrey had never ruled on the issue of Lashley's lack of a criminal record because the defense had never asked him to do so. The Missouri attorney general's office will ask the entire 8th Circuit to rehear the issue, Peach said. Peach said the opinion was typical of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, which he said is viewed as ''the most liberal, bleeding heart group in the country.'' Reached at his office in Little Rock, Waters defended the decision but refused to trade barbs with Peach. ''I believe it was the right decision,'' Waters said. ''There's not anything I can do about his opinion.'' (The following text ran in the 3* edition only) Arnold could not be reached for comment.",4 5,"If the move can withstand a likely legal challenge,",4 3,National Briefing New England: New Hampshire: Bishop Would Like A Civil Union,2 13,"Bipartisan Senate Group Proposes 'No Fly, No Buy' Gun Measure",12 13,Florida Republican Party spokesman quitting because of Trump,12 12,"After Las Vegas, gun-control group seizing moment to push for tighter regulations",11 7,Businesses Cite a Catch-22 After Miss. Immigration Raid,6 15,'Enough is enough',14 13,"Romney immediately pounced, saying Giuliani had ""absolutely"" run a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, to which Giuliani responded that Romney had run a ""sanctuary mansion"" by allowing illegal immigrants to tend his lawn outside of Boston while governor.",12 6,"AT EVENT, OFFICIALS CALL FOR TOUGHER GUN LAWS",5 5,"Ohio must recognize the marriages of same-sex couples wed legally outside the state, a federal judge ruled on Monday in the latest in a string of decisions supporting an expansion of gay rights.",4 5," If not for multiple lawsuits that have blocked any executions in North Carolina since 2006, McCollum would have likely been put to death years ago.",4 13,GOVERNMENT,12 5,Muhammad Is Assigned A Veteran Defense Team,4 15,Let's talk about smoking,14 12,"In Gun Control Marches, Students Led but Adults Provided Key Resources",11 1,"""We do not support measures that would constrain legal trade and legal manufacturing of small arms and light weapons,",0 14,"Twenty years ago, when President George H.W. Bush hosted President Carlos Salinas de Gortari at the White House, topics included immigration, trade and drugs. This week, the discussions in Mexico City between President Barack Obama and President Felipe Calderón will almost certainly revolve around the same subjects with a few twists. ",13 10,"""Anyone can quit if they do two things. First, recognize, admit and accept how stupid it is to smoke. Then preach 'no smoking.'",9 5,"In Capital Murder Trial, 2 Versions of Encounter ",4 10,"refuse to allow the ban on smoking to interfere with my enjoyment of shopping, dining and people-watching. Rather, I merely step outdoors to have a cigarette, and I always meet the nicest, friendliest people there who, like me, would rather switch than fight!",9 5,"But U.S. District Court Judge Robert Vining denied a stay of execution Monday, saying that the death penalty would probably have been imposed even without the 13-year-old's testimony. His decision was then appealed.",4 13,SHIFTING SIGHTS: LOBBYISTS USE SELF-DEFENSE TO ATTACK GUN BAN,12 9,"The procedure involves injecting a series of three drugs: one that sedates the prisoner, a second that paralyzes him and a third that stops the heart.",8 13,"It could be argued that President Obama's so-called evolution on gay marriage is nothing more than a politically expedient flip-flop to appeal to gay, young and independent voters in a tight re-election campaign. He supported gay marriage as an Illinois state Senate candidate, then opposed it as a presidential candidate in 2008.",12 13,The NRA is using Trump's playbook to attack the news media.,12 5,"THE ruling was in Massachusetts, but the reverberations were felt across the country. Massachusetts' highest court removed the state's last barrier to gay marriage last Wednesday, ruling that nothing short of full-fledged marriage would comply with the court's ruling in November, and that civil unions would not pass muster.",4 5,"In Pennsylvania and most other states, the law traditionally held that people's homes were their castles and that they might use deadly force to defend it against an intruder.",4 15,THE NEWS INTERVIEW,14 5,The Supreme Court rulings on same-sex marriage reverberated across the Potomac River and into Virginia on Wednesday,4 13,"NRA aims to join news media, avoid political spending limits",12 3,GAY PARTNERS HAVE A PRAYER,2 13,Mosca's weapons permit is safe,12 7,"3 MEN AVOID DEATH PENALTY IN '92 SLAYINGS 1 GETS LIFE SENTENCE, MISTRIAL FOR 2 IN SHOOTING OF DRUG DEALER, FRIEND",6 12,After celebrating court's ruling same-sex couples look ahead,11 13,Gabby and hubby give Hil a boost,12 12,Gun group's claim of church violence can't be verified,11 13,"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), a popular tea party conservative and potential 2016 presidential contender, called the court's move ""tragic and indefensible"" and vowed to introduce a constitutional amendment allowing states to ban gay marriage.",12 7,no airline passengers had required forcible detention,6 13,GUN BAN FELL VICTIM TO OVERKILL PRO-GUN HOUSE MEMBERS VOTED TO KILL THE PHILA. ASSAULT-WEAPONS BAN AND THEN VOTED TO REFUSE A RECONSIDERATION VOTE.,12 13,"Much of the paper is obscured by Kobach's sleeve and hand, but a portion at the bottom makes it apparent that he would propose changes to ""voter rolls.""",12 13,"Senate Democratic leaders have decided not to include the ban, proposed by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, in the official gun bill that will reach the floor in the next few weeks. It was always a long shot, but now Democrats have officially given the ban the cold shoulder. ",12 5,Virginia Sets Restriction on Bearing of Firearms,4 13,Gun Measure Is Lesson in Geography,12 7,D.C. Sniper: Execution date approaches for John Allen Muhammad,6 5,"Moussaoui Jury Pauses For Query, Resumes",4 5," The tobacco industry, which had brought the suit to block the regulations as soon as they were issued, tried to dissuade the Justices from taking the case by arguing that the settlement reached last fall between the industry and 46 states already included an array of restrictions.",4 6,Pass domestic partners ordinances,5 1,"Dallas Fed chief: Immigration crackdown hurting economy ",0 13,The Conservative movement's decision to both prohibit and legitimize full inclusion of homosexuals has something important to teach Americans,12 12,Teaching Activities for: 'Students Lead Huge Rallies for Gun Control Across the U.S.',11 6,"NEW RULES CLARIFY WHICH WELFARE PROGRAMS IMMIGRANTS CAN APPLY FOR ",5 5," CONSTITUTION FRAMERS BACKED THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS",4 7,"PRIMARY ",6 9,The bill tightens existing rules that bar the violently mentally ill from buying guns,8 5,Judge May Decide Teenager's Fate,4 12,Rarely in my lifetime have I seen the type of civic engagement schoolchildren and their supporters demonstrated in Washington and other major cities throughout the country this past Saturday.,11 7,"Immigration agents questioned him after one of the robberies, said Lt. Dale Patrick of the sheriff's office in Queen Anne's County, where the last of the robberies occurred.",6 7,ICE had been denying his pleas for citizenship because it alleged he tortured and murdered people while he was a soldier for El Salvador's brutal Treasury Police. Larin-Lara had admitted to other offenses but never to those.,6 8,Washingtonians only now have been granted the right to protect themselves within the sanctity of their home,7 10,"Bound for better life, deported to despair Thousands of Latin American teens fleeing gangs and poverty in their home nations are being turned away from the United States. And many of the youths sent back to their homes embark again on the dangerous journey.",9 7,"In April 1985, Madison shot Mobile, Ala., police officer Julius Schulte twice in the back of the head after Schulte responded to a domestic call. Efforts to execute Madison, now 67, for the crime have dragged on for decades.",6 14,States Joining In Combating Illegal Guns,13 7,"The scramble to find the white van highlights a growing challenge for local law enforcement: Penetrating immigrant communities - and their fear of police - to help solve crimes. ",6 13,BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO REPUBLICANS,12 3," Ian Uydess, a former Philip Morris research scientist, is expected to tell a federal grand jury that the Marlboro maker ""manipulated"" nicotine levels to keep them high. The cigaret giant knew this produced a ""drug-like"" effect on smokers, Uydess will testify, because its researchers secretly measured workers' brain waves at laboratories in Switzerland and Germany. ",2 4,Two Death-Row Inmates Exonerated in Louisiana,3 1,Health panel urges $2 cigarette-tax boost,0 13,", I was outraged at Vice President Cheney when he disclosed his opposition to the constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, which President Bush supports",12 1, there is so much money to siphon from the tobacco industry.,0 12,Skepticism Prevails in San Bernardino After President's Announcement,11 13,"""We're in an effort to see how we can provide another opportunity for the people who voted no"" on universal background checks, which failed in the Senate in April. ""That's the hardest thing for a politician and we need to provide them a rationale. We will get to this eventually."" ",12 5,"Federal appeals courts also have disallowed smoking-related lawsuits by Blue Cross, foreign countries and smokers' employers.",4 5,"On Tuesday, the issue comes to a vote with Revision 12 to the Florida Constitution.",4 12,"Voters in South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin approved constitutional same-sex marriage bans. That brings to 22 the number of states that have approved such amendments since they started appearing on ballots in 1998 after a Hawaii court struck down that state's same-sex marriage ban. ",11 1,Cuban invasion: Killer spores hit tobacco crop,0 5,SUPREME COURT REJECTS RIGHT OF MACHINE-GUN OWNERSHIP,4 5,Justices urged to toss death penalty,4 9," National Briefing Science And Health: Women And Lung Cancer",8 13,House Votes to Repeal D.C. Gun Limits,12 7," 2-year-old boy's killer avoids death penalty",6 12,"That evening, Faulkner supporters plan a memorial dinner. Eight hundred are expected at the sold-out event, which will be held at the Union League. Money raised will be used to ""spread the truth,"" organizer Michael A. Smerconish said.",11 9,Sanity Finding Upheld for Death Row Inmate,8 7,"""And yet those laws are never enforced or hardly ever enforced.""",6 5,"Cuomo's Tenant Protection Unit has served a subpoena on Castellan Real Estate Partners/Liberty Place Property Management, asking the landlord to cough up rental papers.",4 10,FACEOFF ON GAY RIGHTS BILL CITY HITS PUSH TO GIVE PARTNERS BENEFITS,9 5,they lose the right to own firearms or ammunition indefinitely.,4 3,The religious debate,2 11,"SMOKERS, YOU MAY THINK YOU LOOK COOL, BUTT, BUTT, BUTT ..,",10 9, retarded man ,8 13,Trump expresses support for senators' gun bill;,12 1," About $5,720 will be spent per wedding, potentially giving a $42 million boost to the local wedding industry, according to the Williams Institute.",0 5,"By Howard Mintz Civil rights organizations today asked the California Supreme Court to block a November ballot initiative that would restore the state's ban on gay marriage, arguing that it was not drafted properly.",4 4,Lawyers for death row inmate say Mo. could be about to execute an innocent man,3 3,Seminary Votes Out Leader Over Daughter's Gay Wedding,2 3,"To Reduce the Cost of Teenage Temptation, Why Not Just Raise the Price of Sin?",2 5,"California Supreme Court won't halt same-sex marriages ",4 12, but proponents of marriage had been defeated at the ballot box in more than 30 states.,11 1,"""It's hostile, and that's why there is a market for a guide like mine,"" said Carol Davenport, president of Kato Enterprises, which published the $8.95 booklet.",0 12,"Rallies in Harrisburg feature both sides of gun debate ",11 9, accord with public health advocates,8 15,Damage control,14 11,Colonial America and the militia,10 5,"The Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, on behalf of 16 children in the Tyler school district, challenged that district's imposition of a $1,000 annual fee for each illegal alien child to attend its schools. At the time of the suit, there were about 40 Mexican children in the 16,000-student district.",4 13,"Its legislature did so on Thursday. But the process was fraught from the start, and up until the very end, the leaders had to contend with potential deal breakers and ferocious lobbying by pro- and anti-gun forces.",12 5,Jodi Arias now asks Arizona jury to spare her death penalty,4 15,Unpredictable outcome,14 11,"Of course that doesn't mean I really am, since we're all tribal creatures and gun rights advocates are part of my strange and motley right-wing tribe.",10 6,"However, it is not reasonable or proper to limit the rights of small businesses and legal gun owners through excessive fees",5 5,Immigration judges were always overworked,4 6," The bill, which has not yet passed either house, would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and would deny Federal pension, health and other benefits to same-sex couples.",5 13,Paterson Vows Personal Support To Pass Same-Sex Marriage Bill,12 13,Trump's 'disarm' remark draws renewed debate,12 4, There is reason to believe this would be a miscarriage of justice.,3 5,"The officials now demanding the end of DACA were plaintiffs in the federal court case in Texas that successfully stopped the rescinded program, known as DAPA, which sought to shield about 4 million parents of U.S. citizens and green-card holders from deportation. ",4 7," better police work,",6 13,"Mr. Weicker first floated the idea of the handgun ban on Monday, but he said then that he was not certain if he would submit such a proposal to the General Assembly.",12 15,"On guns, the context matters",14 7,"Mr. Hunt long avoided suspicion in the killing of the actress, Myra Davis, whose stage name was Myra Jones. But in 1998, when the family of the second victim, Jean Orloff, 60, was preparing to have her body cremated, the authorities discovered that she had died of strangulation and not a heart attack as had been thought. The police quickly linked the two killings, noting that the victims had similar marks on their necks.",6 7,"Mr. Moore has been on death row since 1980 for fatally shooting a 72-year-old Houston supermarket clerk, James McCarble, during a robbery.",6 6,not when virtually every other public and work space in New Jersey is off-limits to smoking,5 5,"Latest Updates on Supreme Court Hearings on Same-Sex Marriage ",4 5, when the Il linois Supreme Court stayed it to examine the question of his mental competency.,4 5,"Green had been asked several times throughout the trial if he wanted to testify on his own behalf. He declined each time, saying he wanted to testify but his attorneys advised against it.",4 8,From train station kiosk to terror probe; Two Indian immigrants held since Sept. 12 are among a handful facing the most intense scrutiny,7 13,"Notably, Democratic state Rep. Janet Cruz voted for the special session. Her opponent in the race for the Senate District 18 seat, incumbent Republican Dana Young, voted against the session. We may hear more about that vote as we get closer to November in this key Senate race.",12 15,Wisdom in the open,14 5," A federal judge in Texas struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage on Wednesday, ruling that the laws restricting marriage to a man and a woman violated the United States Constitution and handing gay-rights advocates a major legal victory in one of the nation's biggest and most conservative states.",4 6,"""Starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target - even in communities where it is permitted by law.""",5 5,FLORIDA GUN-PERMIT APPLICATIONS SOAR,4 10,"Urban violence, quality education, the economy, and diseases such diabetes, strokes, obesity, cancer and AIDS that disproportionately affect the African-American community would have declined to a point that they would have the luxury to focus on a single issue that does not affect their lives in any tangible way",9 11,"Jo Becker, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter for The Times, is the author of It is an adaptation from her new book, ""Forcing the Spring: Inside the Fight for Marriage Equality,"" to be published this month by Penguin Press. ",10 1,"Further, it isn't demand from immigrants, but huge tax cuts for the wealthy that have decimated schools, hospitals and fire and police departments. ",0 13,"The final vote, after seven days of debate, was closer than the margins by which the Senate passed similar bills in 1982 and 1983. Those votes were 80 to 19 and 76 to 18. Opponents of the bill, especially growers of fruits and vegetables, were better organized this year.",12 3,"Kid used as bait to grab immig ",2 9,and coughing for days,8 13,State Dems: Gun votes a weapon against Sanders,12 13,"Backers of the bipartisan Senate plan are calling on Bush to use the full force of the White House to forge a compromise, but acknowledge that the president is weakened by declining polls and his growing lame-duck status.",12 11,What I thus came to realize was that bloodshed on the capital's streets was no longer newsworthy.,10 5," Then Brady borrowed a nine-year-old quote from Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, whose office prosecuted Harris despite Hynes' stated opposition to the death penalty.",4 6,DON'T CRIMINALIZE SMOKING,5 13,CLINTON BACKS ANTI-TOBACCO EFFORT,12 1,"This month, other members of Marco's DECA class paid a nominal $300 or so for 16 weeks of instruction at GPC. His bill was closer to $5,000 because of the Board of Regents' policy --- adopted four years ago at the Legislature's insistence --- that students who are illegal immigrants pay out-of-state tuition.",0 13,Kelly Ayotte in focus as NRA and anti-gun groups mobilize,12 3,GAY UNIONS? MIXED BLESSING,2 13,Martin O'Malley Presses Rival Democrats to Support His Gun Control Measures,12 12,"Barron Trump's school joins calls for gun control, not to arm teachers",11 15,IN SCHOOLS,14 7,"Police said the two groups, which included 30 men and one woman, were most likely smuggled from Haiti aboard two speedboats that dropped the immigrants close to shore.",6 7,"Cruz, a Salem County man who worked as a house painter, is charged in the 1995 stabbing death and robbery of a 74-year-old grocer in Woolwich, Gloucester County",6 9,The challenge: Create a cigarette that delivers nicotine to smokers without delivering secondhand smoke to those around them.,8 5,Arkansas' highest court halted the distribution of marriage licenses to same-sex couples Friday as it suspended a judge's ruling that struck down the state's same-sex marriage ban.,4 1,'DEEP COUGH' STAYS SUPPRESSED IN $10 BILLION TOBACCO SUIT,0 13,"For the bill's author, Sen. David Scott (D-Atlanta), Wednesday's vote marked another failure in his 20-year battle for statewide gun control. ""This has been 20 years of my life - literally in vain,"" Scott said. ""Apparently, I just have no success in the House of Representatives."" ",12 1,"The AMA also targeted 1,474 mutual funds that have sizable stakes in the nicotine business.",0 13,Top Democrats Politick Through Rural Mexico,12 1,boosted by hundreds of buyers at the Tanner Gun Show.,0 4,"The Daily News reported exclusively on Sunday night that 23 apartments in a building on 42nd Ave. near Junction Blvd. in Corona, Queens had received such a letter.",3 11,"Unfortunately, this documentary is primarily about a far less compelling person, prison chaplain Carroll Pickett, and the case for De Luna's innocence isn't nearly as strong as filmmakers seek to portray it.",10 11,He would be the fourth person put to death in North Carolina this year.,10 13,Panel Passes Bill to Let States Refuse to Recognize Gay Marriage,12 7,violent crime,6 15,A Step Closer to Justice,14 6," And, after careful consideration, I agree with him that the law should be repealed.",5 11,"The number of public high school students who say they smoke cigarettes has plummeted significantly in recent years - now only 8.5% light up regularly, city officials said yesterday.",10 9,"Safe From Fire, But Not Guns",8 13,Bernie Sanders Defends Gun Record,12 5,Court Allows Vote on Barring Same-Sex Union,4 6,DO MORE ABOUT GUN VIOLENCE,5 12,"By its extremism, the NRA makes all gun owners appear extremist. And by making rational gun-control legislation impossible, it threatens to make irrational legislation inevitable.",11 9,Saving women's lives in Maryland,8 13,Changes to Md. gun bill put supporters in a bind,12 13,The gun control debate on Capitol Hill has evolved into an annual political fight that is a more reliable barometer of the divisions between urban and rural interests than of those between Republicans and Democrats.,12 7,"McCarver, 40, is scheduled to die by injection at 2 a.m. Friday for the 1987 robbery and slaying of an elderly Concord cafeteria worker. Executions take place at Central Prison in Raleigh.",6 3,Dixie Hummingbirds never stray from their gospel,2 13,Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's decision to schedule a vote to bring gun legislation to the floor Thursday coupled with the news this morning that a bipartisan agreement had been reached on expanded background checks is being touted by advocates of gun control as a major step in the right direction.,12 12,FDA'S STANCE ON TOBACCO WILL NEED PUBLIC SUPPORT,11 7,"Pedro Medina, 39, went to his death in ""Old Sparky"" at the Florida State Prison in Starke",6 3,Ohio is recruiting churches for an antismoking campaign,2 1,THE MEDIA BUSINESS: ADVERTISING -- Is Anybody Getting The Picture?,0 10,A recent report from the Brookings Institution seeks to quantify and tackle the challenges faced by people in America who don't know English.,9 13,FLA. GUN BACKERS GET PAIR OF WINS,12 13,"Sen. Christopher S. Bond, R-Mo., is one of nine senators pressing to cut a federal research project on gun violence, which they called a ""political agenda against gun ownership.""",12 11,"His town sits in Atkinson County, Ga., population 8,030 and a cauldron of demographic change. Over the past decade, hundreds of thousands of immigrants, mostly from Mexico, have poured into the South, bypassing traditional settlement states like New York, California and Florida in favor of far-flung towns with thriving industries.",10 12,"Gun-control backers cry victory State Amendment 22, Oregon law passed",11 5,Neulander to be retried in Monmouth County,4 5,Killer's third jury spares his life,4 10,"More than 10,000 people called the state's tobacco quit line during its first three months of operation, the Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention reported Wednesday. Calls to the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line have come from every county in the state. The line was started in May.",9 13,S.F. approves smoking ban on city golf courses,12 13,President Donald Trump has advanced the gun control debate nationally,12 5,Vollack sworn in as Colo. high court chief justice,4 13,"The Sunnyvale City Council at its June 25 meeting voted to add ""sensible gun measures"" to the list of ballot measures for the upcoming election in November.",12 13," Gun-control advocates, including the ban's main sponsor, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., say there's one reason why: the National Rifle Association.",12 13,Same-sex marriage rejected in N.J.; The Senate bill needed 21 votes. It got 14. Advocates vowed to fight on. Opponents claimed victory.,12 5, the court said in a 5-to-1 ruling approving the changes in the review process,4 13,BATTLE OF THE BUTT BEGINS BILL'S CIGARET WAR SET TO SPARE KIDS,12 7,58 Years to Life For the Murder Of a Friend,6 15,Trolley wedding service halts over gay marriage,14 1,New leaf panel's task: Advocate for farmers - and public health,0 7," 5 CUBANS HELD IN PROBE OF BOAT HIJACKING",6 1,Pete's is an establishment,0 12,Gun rights group wants airport restraining order,11 7, guilty of violating church law for having blessed the union of two gay men.,6 8,"The case is the latest in a federal crackdown on document and identity fraud in Virginia since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Seven of the 19 hijackers in the attacks had fraudulently obtained Virginia documents.",7 11,I used the Internet to quit smoking,10 13,"Gay-marriage backers end losing streak, look ahead ELECTIONS 2012",12 13,"But the Senate gave a resounding ""no"" this week. It voted overwhelmingly to turn the current ban into law, a move that would make it more difficult for the President to honor his pledge. Now the House must decide whether to go along, and the President must decide whether to veto any legislation that might emerge.",12 9,SMOKING Feds studying need for cigar warning labels,8 7,"Flor was arrested for drunken driving Sept. 29, 2005. He was taken to St. Mary to have his blood and urine tested.",6 11,Hooking Teen-Age Smokers,10 9," If one smoker in three dies from smoking-related illness (the ratio often cited), the number of lives saved is 26,600 and climbing.",8 1,"Next month, the nationwide chain will host ""smokers"" for female cigar aficionados at its 28 locations. The local ones will be held Feb. 20. For a mere $ 95, women can spend an evening in Morton's private board room, enjoying a four-course meal, vintage wines, martinis and -- of course -- hand-rolled cigars by Davidoff.",0 7,"Deputies had been chasing the truck, but broke off pursuit before the accident.",6 1,"and hurt the bottom line of gunmakers, which is why they oppose the move.",0 5,"Among Lawson's responsibilities, he said, is to decide who may come onto city property. Someone violating the administrative ban would be asked to leave the property, Sunderland said. If necessary, the violator could be charged with trespassing.",4 9, Her son Kevin was badly wounded and remains partially paralyzed.,8 13,The gun lobby speaks,12 1,LEGAL FEES IN TOBACCO CASE ARE YET TO BE SET,0 7, sentenced Krause to life in prison without the possibility of parole.,6 5,"They're trying to hurt individual rights,'",4 1, businesses,0 10,"They sat together on the couch of their big old house, a crackling fire in front of them, two dogs snoozing between them, framed pictures of their five children all around.",9 5,"Atlanta lawyer Stephen B. Bright, representing McWilliams, said the intent of the Supreme Court's 1985 decision in Ake v. Oklahomawas clear: to ensure that poor defendants have a chance to have the kind of expert assistance that wealthy defendants and state prosecutors could afford.",4 9,CHILD-PROOFING FIREARMS FLAWED PLAN BY VICE MAYOR TRIGGERS A LIFE-SAVING IDEA,8 4,BALANCED VIEWS,3 9,"""Unsteady gait. Fell onto tarmac,"" says a medical note on the deportation of a 38-year-old woman to Costa Rica in late spring 2005. Another detainee was ""dragged down the aisle in handcuffs, semi-comatose,"" according to an airline crew member's written account. Repeatedly, documents describe immigration guards ""taking down"" a reluctant deportee to be tranquilized before heading to an airport.",8 13,Priest and ex-inmate share a path from death row to Capitol Hill,12 8,"U.S. to Seek Death Penalty, Bombing Suspect Is Notified",7 13,Webb misses Allard's pitch for 'pledge' while in D.C.,12 13,Officials have not signaled what Obama would do.,12 7,Van services a conduit for illegal immigrants,6 5,"""No one is above the law,"" he said.",4 5,"In another case, the court boosted the rights of property owners by allowing them to challenge state and local environmental regulations that were in place at the time they bought their land. ",4 5,"For the second time in a week, the California Supreme Court has refused to halt same-sex marriages across the state while it considers the latest legal showdown over Proposition 8. ",4 5,"Stelmokas lost his citizenship in 1995, when a federal judge ruled that he had lied about his wartime activities to gain entry into the United States.",4 5, and last week he went on trial for his heinous act.,4 1,"To the surprise of just about everyone in the industry, imports of foreign tobacco leaf declined this year while exports of American-blended cigarettes surged, swelling the demand for home-grown tobacco.",0 8,suspected terrorists.,7 13,an issue that has captured its fair share of the political spotlight: gay marriage.,12 5,"Seven attorneys, led by newly hired outside counsel Gene C. Schaerr, crafted the brief. ",4 8,Schools Can Keep Kids Safe Without Giving Their Teachers Guns,7 13,SANTA CRUZ COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO CONSIDER BAN ON SATURDAY-NIGHT SPECIALS BOARD CONSIDERS HANDGUN BAN,12 5," Gee wanted Khannouchi in Houston recently to take care of paperwork, but he elected to continue training in Spain prior to taking third in Sunday's London Marathon. ",4 3,"Can we not see that killing him for killing others is just as wrong as his killing to avenge the deaths that he perceived were unjust at Ruby Ridge and Waco? I can see no good from any of these deaths. The victims are still victims. The hate, pain and anger will not go away because of revenge. Only by forgiveness and love can one find peace. As Gandhi once said, ""An eye for an eye will make the world blind.""",2 6, because that in fact is what the law dictates,5 8,Share thoughts on border watch groups forming here,7 5,"In several brief orders, majorities of the Court of Appeals granted defense requests to stay the execution of Vernon L. Evans Jr., who was first sentenced to die more than two decades ago for the contract killings in Baltimore County of potential witnesses in a federal drug case.",4 12,"Survey: Two years after Newtown, support for gun rights surges",11 13,FRESNO EDGES OUT LOOSER GUN-PERMIT PLAN,12 10,"In a trembling voice, Sissy Madden told the judge she did not understand why the men had taken her husband's life.",9 5,"FIGURES SHOW A SPURT, THEN A DROP, IN DENIALS OF ASYLUM FO",4 5, A city ordinance that extends insurance benefits to live-in partners of municipal employees is up for review by the Georgia Supreme Court for the third time.,4 4," Fair or Foul?",3 10,"IN N.J., KILLER SAYS THERE'S A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH FEW LIKELY WILL PROTEST JOHN M. MARTINI SR.'S DECISION TO END APPEALS",9 12,"Indeed, the president's more strident campaign rhetoric is reenergizing our grass-roots membership base. No doubt we can all look forward to reading about it in your paper, perhaps under the headline ""NRA Membership Increases to Record Levels"" or ""NRA Declares Overwhelming Electoral Victory Again."" ",11 15,GAY RITES,14 13," Something, for politicians, means legislation. And for Democratic politicians, this means gun control.",12 8,Program's Value in Dispute As a Tool to Fight Terrorism,7 13,"So when Mr. Gore stumps for gun control, as he often does these days, many Democrats here, particularly men, squirm. To them, the issue is a divisive headache that drives their friends and neighbors into the arms of Mr. Gore's presumed Republican rival, Gov. George W. Bush of Texas, a frequent critic of gun control.",12 7,"The manager of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles office at Springfield Mall was charged yesterday with selling driver's licenses to illegal immigrants and others for up to $3,500 apiece.",6 4,have been denied to same-sex spouses of federal employees and retirees.,3 9,"3RD GENE MIGHT AFFECT SMOKING ADDICTION, STUDY SAYS",8 1," but we need to be wise as to how we spend the money,""",0 13,"Democrats in the House of Delegates said yesterday that they will fight to limit any cuts in funding for K-12 education in this two-year budget. ",12 12,"Nelson T. Shields, a founder of an opposing organization, Handgun Control Inc., once called Mr. Carter ""Mr. N.R.A."" And yesterday Wayne R. LaPierre, the rifle association's current chief officer, said Mr. Carter ""was our champion and fiercest warrior."" ",11 13,Ferrer and Bloomberg Spar Over Gun Manufacturer Bill,12 13,"The former Republican senator tried to walk back his controversial comments, saying he had intended to focus on ""the positive things that have come out of these mass shootings.""",12 7,Nearly 20 years after he was sentenced to death for arranging his wife's murder,6 13,"Utah Gov. Gary Herbert announced Wednesday that the state will not recognize the 1,000-plus same-sex marriages performed in the state since Dec. 20,",12 11,"stout defender of yeoman hunters, woodsy lore and the wide-open gun trade",10 9,New anti-smoking rules earn Pleasant Hill a passing grade from health group,8 7,"setting the Sept. 30, 1996, fire that killed his 81-year-old father, Edward Camiolo, and injured his 57-year-old mother, Rosalie Camiolo. She died 2 1/2 months later of injuries sustained in the fire.",6 15,'Be Best' shouldn't go it alone,14 13,"Two of Florida's House members have experienced gun violence, but have different takes on firearm regulation. ",12 5," Pam Carrozza, deputy district director of the Immigration Service, confirmed that a Soviet citizen had asked for asylum. She said no decision had been reached on the request.",4 13," Quinn proposes rewrite of gun bill Move gives lawmakers only one day to react",12 13,Closing it has emerged as one of the most widely supported proposals among congressional Democrats and some Republicans,12 12,CONCEALED-HANDGUNS MOVEMENT OUT OF TOUCH,11 1,Colleges Snuff Out Tobacco Sales,0 15,MONDAY MEMO COLUMN,14 6,"Brady law too lenient, article says",5 5,Appeals Court Sets Rehearing on Ruling That Eased Gun Restrictions,4 15,Wanted: Straight Shooters,14 10,"Damon, who works for the Emergency Medical Service Authority, has no desire to see McVeigh's lethal injection. He has seen enough death.",9 13," President promises more action on guns",12 8,No death sought for Benghazi suspect,7 9, force immigrants to return to lands where they are persecuted.,8 1,We must invest a portion of the tobacco money in a comprehensive tobacco control plan,0 1,and sold out their customers,0 7,"'If you kill someone, we might kill you back': Sheriff welcomes visitors with om-inous warning",6 15,"Sunday Breakfast Menu, May 13",14 15,The Guns of Academe,14 6,"Bill HB155/SB1152 is designed to prevent government agencies from compiling databases that include arbitrary lists of law-abiding gun owners who have committed no crime, and that amounts to illegal gun registration. Federal law (Firearms Owners Protection Act) prohibits the establishment of ""any system of registration of firearms, firearm owners, or firearm transactions or dispositions.""",5 13,The Votes for Gun Control,12 5,"A judge may decide as soon as Monday whether that law applies in this case, since the suit was filed before the law was passed. ",4 13,N.C. House gives initial OK to opening gun laws,12 9,Trump's safety panel seeks to revoke school discipline rules (copy),8 13,Abuses in Gun Control Described to Senators,12 7," That task is all the more urgent now that the city has seen a spate of senseless killings, including a triple shooting in Juniata Park.",6 13,COUNCIL URGES ACTION ON PARTNER BENEFITS,12 9,N.C. school gun raffle stirs storm over safety,8 9," If they wanted to quit for health reasons, they would have done it long before they wound up sitting in a smoking cessation class.",8 1,But whether those changes will actually have a meaningful effect on gun sales is difficult -- if not impossible -- to know.,0 15,WEEK IN REVIEW; March 4-10,14 12,"Gun control advocates in Sacramento are putting a new twist on an old NRA slogan: ""Guns don't kill people -- bullets kill people."" ",11 9,"Snapp Shots: Oakland council member presses hard on public safety ",8 13,"HOUSE OKS NEW RULES FOR CIGARETTE DISTRIBUTION ",12 13,"The gang that can't shoot straight Our view o Legislature turns gun debate into a farce. ",12 2,The Cruel Waste of America's Tech Talent,1 5," In depositions obtained by The New York Times taken while gunmakers were successfully fighting a spate of liability lawsuits, gun execs claimed not to know how much damage their products were doing - or insisted the monitoring of gun dealers wasn't their problem.",4 9,Study shows fetuses metabolize cancer-causing tobacco byproduct,8 6,"Well, let us examine that premise as it applies to individuals.",5 5,"eller is ""clearly not the friend of the criminal defendant, and she is active and aggressive in espousing her view of the law, which is very often - almost always - very pleasing to the prosecutors and not to the defense lawyers,"" said John Wright, a Huntsville, Texas, defense attorney who has represented death row clients before the state Court of Criminal Appeals. ",4 11,"An estimated 20% of gun owners possess 65% of the nation's guns, according to a Harvard University survey published in 2007. ",10 5," Man acquitted in case regarding Castle Doctrine",4 8," ""cooling-off"" period of three working days between the time a customer purchases a gun and when he or she receives it. ",7 13,"But, others on both sides of the gun-control wars, including the liberal Democrats and the NRA, say the dynamics that have led state politicians to shy away from the sensitive issue of restricting Californians' access to guns has not changed.",12 7,"More than 34,000 people have been killed in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon took office in late 2006 and launched a sustained effort to eliminate violent drug-trafficking cartels. More than 65,000 guns recovered in Mexico have been traced back to the United States.",6 13,politicians,12 5,U.S. judge bars capital prosecution of drug lord,4 13,"Dean says he'll support that provision if there's a way to appeal denials. Rep. Al White, R-Winter Park, is set to introduce the bill in the House. Chlouber wants to carry it in the Senate, but Matsunaka has strongly suggested that it would be 'helpful' to have it carried by a Democrat in the upper chamber.",12 11,"occer player David Regis was placed on the U.S. World Cup team in '98 via the provision. New Balance, the shoe company sponsoring Khannouchi, decided against posting Sandra overseas, saying it ""seemed contrived."" ",10 11,"Such shootings are all too common, both in California and elsewhere. Those fake guns can look remarkably real, built to scale with scopes, banana clips and dull black or camouflage finishes.",10 11, In television advertisements and op-ed articles,10 12,Illegal immigration is group's focus,11 13,- Vice President Joe Biden,12 1,"Beginning today, the Pentagon will hike the price of cigarettes at on-base supermarkets by $4 a carton to discourage soldiers from smoking.",0 7,"Never mind that Jared Padgett, the 15-year-old Oregon high school student who killed a fellow freshman and wounded a teacher before offing himself, was armed with an AR-15 rifle.",6 15,PILOT PROGRAMS URGED ON TOBACCO,14 13,"One of the truths of our system is that if you're part of a powerful majority group - either in sheer numbers or in the volume of your political contributions - then you generally want to keep your fight in the legislature, where your majority status carries a lot of weight",12 13," President Obama traveled to the nation's heartland on Monday to press his case for tougher national gun laws, even as he appeared to acknowledge that expanded background checks on gun sales were far more likely to pass Congress than a ban on military-style assault weapons.",12 15,"Simple claim, muddy reality",14 13,Groups spending big on McCollum,12 7,"A Delaware County woman Wednesday became the first person sentenced for the straw purchase of guns under the state's ""Brad Fox Law,"" receiving a six- to 12-year jail term. ",6 13,"But fasten your seat belt, because here comes the propaganda to go with the facts that the gun grabbers spin.",12 13," Dennis Kucinich said fellow Democrat Richard Cordray ran his attorney general's office as ""an extension of the NRA.""",12 13,Schwarzenegger has signaled he intends to veto a bill passed by the Legislature this month,12 5,Texas death row inmate wins reprieve ,4 6," Does gun control suddenly have real momentum?",5 13,"McBath joins two other Democrats challenging Republican Rep. Karen Handel, who won last year's nationally watched special election to represent the suburban Atlanta district. Businessman Kevin Abel and former newscaster Bobby Ka-ple, both first-time candidates, filed paperwork to run for the seat.",12 6,"The team won't formally enforce the smoking ban, but will politely ask people who light up to refrain, Sharrer said.",5 6,"Three days after New Jersey's ""toughest in the nation"" ban on assault weapons took effect",5 5,She said the board should take up the case after final passage of a new rule proposed last month by the INS that would make it easier for immigrant women to justify claims of gender-based persecution.,4 5,90-day moratorium on issuing the permits required to carry a concealed weapon.,4 13,"In fact, immediately after taking office last summer, the two things the 27-year-old asked his new village attorney to check on were, first, the state and local beaver trapping laws, since a dog had recently been caught and killed in a beaver trap on the old Bienstock property -- a huge New Paltz scandal that was soon labeled Beavergate; and second, whether a mayor could perform gay marriages.",12 12,"Other surveys have showed the measure passing by wide margins, too. An Elway Poll conducted two weeks ago showed 60 percent supporting the measure.",11 6,"t all depends on your point of view,",5 7, Imprisoned for his wife's murder,6 13,SENATE PASSES GUN BILL,12 5,"Don Self and Pamela Braun, Elissa's mother, were in court for the three-week trial with their current spouses, Sue Self and Jake Braun.",4 1,Golden Belt sale now part of tobacco firm's reorganization plan,0 6,"The measure, passed 368 to 58, also includes provisions -- decried by immigrant and refugee advocates -- that would restrict illegal immigrants from getting driver's licenses, tighten U.S. asylum laws, and speed completion of a fence along the southwest border between the U.S. and Mexico.",5 1,"Gun Control, Privatized",0 11,"As the wealth of images attest, immigrants and their lives have long been fertile territory for artists. They even engendered new genres. Lewis Hines took many of the ""arrival pictures"" here, which caught the new Americans literally just off the boat ---serious, fearful, proud, exotic and, as epitomized by the raggedy child clutching a coin in ""Italian Girl at Ellis Island Finds Her First Penny"" (1926), hopeful.",10 1," sold $18 million worth of tickets last weekend while ""Up Close & Personal,"" which it knocked out of the No. 1 slot, had opened to a mere $11 million",0 1," tuition assistance, survivors' benefits under workers' compensation laws",0 15,...SMOKING GUNS,14 10,WARNER OFFERS SAME-SEX PARTNERS BENEFITS,9 5,COURT WILL DECIDE WHETHER FDA CAN REGULATE TOBACCO,4 4,Pardoned Death Row Inmate Seeks Justice,3 12,Four-fifths of the American people and the police officers who protect them favor that ban.,11 13,"And, all but ensuring gay marriage will become a pivotal issue in the presidential race, it was reported that Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry told a few gay supporters in San Francisco on Friday he would give state-sanctioned gay couples the federal benefits that married heterosexual couples now receive.",12 13," the House of Representatives took up the proposal, and after five hours of speeches voted 70-62 to place a question on the ballot in the 2012 general election about whether the constitution should be changed to say that marriage is the union of a man and a woman.",12 15,Courting trouble,14 1," 'Roses': Labor of Love",0 6,Immigration Reform on Bush Agenda,5 1,Money Is Tipping Big Tobacco's Scales,0 1,"For years, farmers have had difficulty finding workers. Farm jobs are physically demanding and often conducted in extreme weather, but many foreign workers see these jobs as opportunities.",0 4,A Leap for Equality,3 9,Gun safety article was ruse for more control,8 7,"Elsewhere, many sheriffs and police chiefs are grumbling about the cost of conducting background checks on would-be gun buyers within the five-working- day waiting period prescribed by the new law. But most are willing to give it a try. ""You have to do it. But it's going to be a long, slow process,"" said Bobby Timmons, executive director of the Alabama Sheriffs Association. In Alabama, installing new computer systems and hiring employees to prevent criminals from buying handguns will cost an estimated $300,000, he said.",6 13,Gun rights still trumping gun controls in politics,12 11,"Africans shift racial landscape Stereotypes mar interaction among African-Americans, immigrants.",10 9,"HEY, DRUNKS CAN PACK HEAT",8 13,Big shot Trump pumps up the rallying ragers,12 1,"California's cigarette tax is currently 87 cents a pack, bringing the cost of each pack to about $4 to $5. That tax ranks 31st in the nation among states, according to Padilla's office. A $2.37-a- pack tax would be the fifth-highest in the country, behind New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.",0 5,"Gay marriages on hold temporarily in Idaho ",4 5,Attorneys seek new trial for killer in '88 slaying,4 13," PRIMARY ",12 15,Under the gun,14 7,"The trial of a Teaneck resident who pleaded guilty to using sleeping pills, strangulation and suffocation to kill his two children raises a possibility that was once statistically remote. One who is not only Jewish but religiously observant may sit on death row in Trenton State Prison. ",6 13,"Powers limited, Obama, Biden seek action on guns ",12 5,"""Today I want to talk to you about guns -- why we have them, why the Bill of Rights guarantees that we have them, and why my right to have a gun is more important than your right to rail against it in the press,"" he said to the assembled lunch time crowd of journalists. Well!",4 7,was one of the six people killed when a madman shot 19 people at a Giffords meet-and-greet in a Tucson supermarket parking lot.,6 1,COMPANY NEWS; REYNOLDS TOBACCO SETSLOWER-THAN-EXPECTED DIVIDEND,0 5,ATTACKING A BASIC AMERICAN RIGHT,4 13,HILLARY CLINTON IS FUMING OVER STARS' SMOKING,12 5,New Yorkers should hail Gov. George E. Pataki's action in providing insurance for the working poor and also the recent ruling by the State Court of Appeals declaring that the state's denial of Medicaid coverage to qualified immigrants is unconstitutional.,4 13,Governor Postpones Swisher Execution,12 13,"Amid the scandal-mania, it has gone somewhat under the radar that the Florida state director of Hispanic outreach for the Republican National Committee, Pablo Pantoja, recently resigned his position and left the GOP. Indeed, Pantoja changed his party affiliation to Democrat. ",12 7,Gunfire at the Office,6 5," The drafters of this amendment wanted the members of a well-regulated militia to have their weapons at hand at all times to defend the state",4 1,Top firm quitting gun shows Ruger wants to confine firearm sales to stores,0 5,"The jurors, who appear to range in age from their 20s to more than 60, include a school coach, a social worker, a firefighter, a former police officer, an adoption worker and a former security guard.",4 10," In their decision, the justices made it clear that they understood ''the social indignities and economic difficulties'' gay couples have faced. ",9 7, may contain evidence of fraud and other crimes by tobacco company officials and their lawyers.,6 5,"At a late-morning hearing in Fulton Superior Court, defendants Jeremy L. Moody and William Franklin Felts Jr. sat quietly with their heads down, occasionally shaking their heads as representatives of Fulton District Attorney Paul Howard officially served notice of their intent to seek the death penalty.",4 13,A reactionary gun lobby,12 13,Wayne Curry's last campaign,12 7,"In San Jose on the morning of Dec. 31, maintenance worker Luis Ricardo Hernandez told police he was just trying to help his supervisor perform a citizen's arrest when a man the boss believed was a serial burglar drove into the San Jose apartment complex garage. But now Hernandez, 26, faces second-degree murder charges after shooting the man when he wrestled loose and began to flee.",6 13,Senate Panel Approves Two Gun Control Bills,12 5,An uneasy alliance fights Va. ban on same-sex marriage,4 3,"Some of the church leadership talked about affirming long-term, committed same-sex relationships in the same way the Catholic Church affirms the virtue in other religious traditions. ""One simply cannot say that a faithful homosexual relationship that has held for decades is nothing,"" Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich elaborated to a reporter. ",2 5,"''It makes them do things,'' he said. ''It makes every state in America responsible for enforcing these provisions. It makes the federal government enforce the provisions. I don't need to trust them, I don't need to like them. But if we don't get over this 'Let's get mad,' we'll never get even.''",4 5,Attorney general urges state Supreme Court to act quickly on Prop. 8,4 12,"With a bullhorn in hand, Obanion Gordon wanted to make sure his message Saturday was loud and clear",11 13,The Fix: Obama gives thanks to Boston,12 7,2 COULD FACE DEATH PENALTY IN KILLING OF FORMER FRIEND,6 11,"Citizens of N.Y., but not U.S.",10 9,"""The tobacco companies knew that secondhand smoke caused disease in nonsmokers,"" said the flight attendants' lawyer, Stanley M. Rosenblatt, ""and they hid, distorted and lied about that knowledge.""",8 5,The same 12 jurors hearing the death penalty arguments this week convicted Chastine of Nadeau's murder earlier this month.,4 9,Bill curbs gun buys by mentally ill people,8 9,PLEA: HELP IRAQIS FLEE,8 5,CIGARETTE TRIAL CLOSING ARGUMENTS SCHEDULED FOR TODAY,4 13," But as it happens, the legislature's action, far from being a triumph of democracy, was a repudiation of it.",12 9, Almost half a million Americans die each year from tobacco usage,8 2,"Within the next three years, facilities will be built in Bonne Terre and St. Joseph to carry out those functions.",1 6,CLARITY SOUGHT ON GAY MARRIAGE,5 13,President Obama is reportedly poised to take executive action requiring more small-scale gun sellers to vet all buyers and to demand more rigorous reporting of lost or stolen weapons.,12 5,"It's smokeless tobacco firms' turn to feel the heat A lawsuit seeking class-action status against smokeless tobacco companies is expected to be filed today. A draft copy of the suit names dominant chewing tobacco and snuff maker UST Inc., whose brands include Skohl and Copenhagen. It also names Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co., a B.A.T Industries unit that has tested a smokeless brand called Diamondback, and others. The case is significant because it is the first seeking class-action status to single out smokeless tobacco makers since new evidence has emerged on the tobacco industry's research into nicotine",4 13,"I have to wonder why, on so many issues, Democrats in this state and country don't seem to have any guiding values or sense of leadership. They seem hell-bent on appeasing the right, moving to the middle and worrying about getting reelected. In a Democrat-dominated statehouse, with a Democratic governor and several more Democratic would-be governors waiting in the wings, leadership on civil rights issues is still sorely lacking.",12 5,"In June 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court knocked down the District's long-standing ban on handgun possession. The court concluded that the Second Amendment grants individuals the right to possess guns for self-defense but said governments may impose reasonable restrictions.",4 5,"Cigarette makers won't be able to use their traditional ""buyer beware"" defense when the state's $ 1 billion lawsuit against tobacco companies goes to trial this summer, a judge ruled Monday.",4 9,"is expected to be carried out using etomidate, an anesthetic",8 5,The Supreme Court on Monday reinstated a death sentence that a California jury imposed in 1982 and that was twice overturned by the federal appeals court in San Francisco.,4 13,Romer volunteered his thoughts on same-sex marriage in an impromptu meeting with reporters after he had signed a number of bills Thursday.,12 13,Fear Is Making Anti-Gun Forces A Better Match for the N.R.A.,12 7," ACCIDENT LEADS TO PRISON FOR VICTIM WITH RECORD",6 13,Pinole council bans home-based gun and ammo sales,12 6,"Death-row inmates also would lose one of three steps in their appeal process, known as ""proportionality review,"" and would not be able to conceal from the trial jury any history of violence. The changes would be similar to those enacted in a handful of other states, including Pennsylvania, in recent years in reaction to complaints about the long wait and cost of appeals.",5 5,Jury Selection Resumes in Oklahoma Bombing,4 11,"In a Shift, Biggest Wave Of Migrants Is Now Asian",10 12, A Florio Ad Angers More Than the Usual Critics,11 3,"God is coming soon. I want to cry over this photograph and the idea of same-sex marriages and homosexuality. ",2 13,"A relatively muted four-hour debate and the ease with which the Senate passed the measure by a 3-to-1 ratio came a day after voters in Kansas banned gay marriage and civil unions, joining 13 states that voted last year to ban gay marriage",12 11,"us that guns do not kill people, that people kill people.",10 12,"The science of polling tells us that the very existence of the cousin is a good thing for advocates of same-sex marriage. ",11 7,"Preiser's goal is not to get guns off the streets but to put them in the right hands and thus ""raise the body count of criminals."" Preiser seems confident that more guns will mean more dead bad guys.",6 1,California and Florida didn't invite illegal immigrants; nor did these states create the poverty that plagues those unfortunate families. Illegal immigrants are no more the responsibility of taxpayers in Los Angeles than they are of taxpayers in Butte,0 1,Disputed cigarette fee still collected,0 11,"Gee, it kind of reminds you of Casablanca, doesn't it? Remember the scene where Capt. Louis Renault, played by the marvelous Claude Rains, says to Rick Blaine/Humphrey Bogart that he was ''shocked, shocked I tell you'' to discover that gambling was going on at Rick's cafe?",10 13,District Weighing Boosts in Gay Rights,12 1,JURY GIVES $ 6.9 MILLION IN LAWSUITS BY 2 SMOKERS WHO GOT LUNG CANCER,0 5,CITIES' RIGHT TO BAN GUNS UPHELD RIPPLE EFFECT: SAN JOSE WELCOMES THE RULING ON 'SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS.',4 5,The Supreme Court's Next Gun Battle;,4 12," ""There's a little anxiety, too, because it's still unclear.""",11 13, The Right (and Left) of the Living Dead,12 11," It also has featured such figures as thriller writer Tom Clancy, actor and NRA President Charlton Heston and sports greats Steve Largent and Nolan Ryan.",10 13,HOUSE PASSES 'OPEN CARRY',12 10,Helping Couples Put Their Love to Music,9 6,"No states currently allow gay marriages, and failure to pass the initiative would not legalize same-sex marriage by default. ",5 13," Conor Lamb, the Democratic nominee in a March 13 special congressional election in southwest Pennsylvania, has deviated from his party's positions on guns - and a Republican super PAC wants Democratic voters to know about it.",12 7,"Alfred Palmer beat, raped and killed Edna Sharpe in 1988, after breaking into the 81-year-old woman's Bibb County home and stealing $25. ",6 13,BRADYS RENEW BATTLE FOR NATIONAL HANDGUN WAITING PERIOD,12 7,"In an order approved by Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier, police were told that District residents are permitted to carry pistols if the weapons are registered. Those who had not registered their handguns could be charged on that ground, the instruction said. ",6 5,"""We find that [female genital mutilation] can be a basis for asylum,"" Schmidt said in the opinion. ",4 6,"State firearms laws are takinga radical, dangerous turn",5 13,"BUSH, GORE PROPOSE SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF YOUTH VIOLENCE",12 13,"GOTTA GET SERIOUS ABOUT GUN CONTROL, SAYS MIKE",12 13,What Should Lawmakers Do About Guns and Gun Violence?;,12 13," Lawmakers in both chambers had been deferring to Mr. Cuomo, who has made legalizing same-sex marriage a top priority and this week began a statewide tour to bolster support for that and other issues, to introduce his own bill. But at a time when no Senate Republican has yet voiced support for a same-sex marriage bill - and prospects for victory seem uncertain at best - Mr. Cuomo has held off, with the apparent support of advocates and Senate Democrats who support the bill.",12 6,A law that gun-rights advocates should be fighting to keep,5 13,"Will President Obama say to the Supreme Court what he said to the American people in his second inaugural address about same-sex marriage? ",12 9,"violence in the schools, ",8 7,"TRIO CHARGED WITH SALE OF 1,700 ILLEGAL GUNS",6 11,to young people.,10 6,"Moreover, if they don't want to carry in other states, they might not need a permit at all.",5 11,"When Anthony Idow hankers for a native Nigerian dish or fresh news from his homeland, he simply strolls over to one of the blazing grills dotting his neighborhood, where men and women in flowing tribal gowns, shirts and headdresses gather against a backdrop of leafy streets and cloistered suburban-style homes on Staten Island. ",10 13,Senate Again Votes to Ban Assault Weapons for 3 Years,12 7,"An angry seventh-grader warned friends in Jonesboro, Ark., that he ""had a lot of killing to do."" Tragically, the 13-year-old suspect may have had a lot of guns with which to do it. Accused of opening fire Tuesday on classmates at Westside Middle School, he and his 11-year-old cousin, also a suspect, were apparently able sharpshooters. Four girls and an English teacher who shielded a student died in the ambush. Eleven others were wounded.",6 1,"IRS issues tax rules for married gay couples ",0 13," In refusing, he is abandoning his obligation as an elected alderman and should not serve.",12 3,WEDDING BAN: GAY UNION LEADING TO CHURCH OUSTER; THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION IS PREPARING TO ACT THIS WEEK.,2 1,because the tobacco companies,0 9,"What does it mean to consider gun violence a public health problem, especially when it comes to children?",8 7,"Although police do not believe the assailant knew the men were on patrol, such programs ""serve as the eyes and ears of the police and we have to do everything we can to support them,"" Prince William Police Chief Charlie T. Deane said.",6 11, Abu-Jamal has attracted a lot of attention for his polished commentaries on prison life,10 6,"Members are considering removing features common to many semiautomatic rifles modeled after military ones, potentially leaving such guns as the Colt AR-15 and its many copycats legal for purchase. Such weapons are used in only a small fraction of Maryland homicides but have become a symbol of gun-control efforts nationally.",5 13,"America as a Safe Haven, From Politics",12 13,"Constituent service is the hallmark of many legislators here, and some lawmakers can deliver more than others. Rep. John Barley, the powerful Republican chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, showed this week that he can deliver more than most.",12 8,"Citing the ""specific circumstances of their cases,"" U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is allowing the immigrants ""to remain in the community, as opposed to in detention,"" under supervision, said ICE spokeswoman Gillian Christensen.",7 5,DEATH-ROW INMATE WINS NEW TRIAL IN FIVE MURDERS,4 1,TOBACCO FIRMS LOSE BID FOR TIME,0 8," for jobs in the military,",7 13,"But they say the Republican-led Congress, which rejected a broad tobacco bill last year, is unlikely to act.",12 11,First 'illegal' eagle in N.Y.,10 4,Those who try to make it out as an attack on gays are doing so to further their own anti-gun and social engineering agendas and using the tragedy for that purpose. Shame on them.,3 4,"it simply forbids government from discrimination regarding who can marry whom.""",3 7," get tough on crime,",6 15,It's amazing how impassioned ...,14 6,would add all semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines to the state's list of banned assault weapons,5 5,"Steve ErkenBrack, Colorado's chief deputy attorney general, said the elite public defender's unit that fights death cases must be countered by a comparable team of specialized prosecutors.",4 5,The suits are modeled after the tobacco litigation that resulted in a negotiated settlement that will fill state coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars. But there is a big difference between marketing a product that's harmful if used as intended and marketing one that's harmful if used maliciously.,4 13,Bannon sees GOP 'civil war',12 8,". As for me, let it be known to all who may attempt to assault me or my family that I am well-armed and an expert marksman as well. Beware. Go someplace else where it is safer for you criminals to do your work. A liberal's home, perhaps?",7 7,"Tobacco companies would cut the cigarettes they sell to teen-agers by 60 percent or face ""billions of dollars"" in penalties under an agreement being negotiated by industry, government and private lawyers.",6 5,"The steady march of judicial approval for same-sex marriage over the past year ran into some skepticism here on Wednesday as a three-judge federal appeals panel heard arguments in six same-sex marriage cases from four states. ",4 7,"Two men who pleaded guilty to an alien smuggling charge in a case connected to the deaths of 13 Salvadoran refugees in the Arizona desert last summer have been sentenced to Federal custody for five years, but are eligible for release by the parole board ''at any time.'' ",6 13, President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno warned before the vote that the government would have to drop the landmark suit without the money.,12 4,POLITIFACT FLORIDA'S TOP 5 FOR APRIL 2015,3 5, 1994 court case that ruled such treatment violates commercial free speech rights.,4 5,"Three decades after the Supreme Court ruled that immigration violations cannot be used as a basis to deny children equal access to a public school education, one in five school districts in New York State is routinely requiring a child's immigration papers as a prerequisite to enrollment, or asking parents for information that only lawful immigrants can provide",4 8,"Buying guns for killers 'too easy,' Anderson says",7 8, emphasizing border security ,7 7,"""Our nation has to finally get serious about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and cracking down on the few reckless gun dealers who make their living catering to them,""",6 7," to allow bond for one of two cousins who face possible death penalties for allegedly killing a woman, shooting out a toddler's eye and wounding two others on Markham Avenue last year.",6 4,Equality for all advances with Obama support for gay marriage,3 15,AIRLINES FIGHT DOMESTIC-PARTNER LAW,14 7,"As of this writing, 386 people are housed on the state's death row. All but four are men. There are 221 white males and 149 black men awaiting their final walk.",6 6,GAY-MARRIAGE BAN PASSES EASILY,5 9,it had fewer cancer-causing compounds than a typical cigarette.,8 6,"Balance benefits, penalties",5 13,"That coherent philosophy should be embraced by U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, Gov. Rick Scott and Jolly's other colleagues who continue to cling to a rigid, discriminatory position that is being rejected by the courts. ",12 13,"The bill will likely be voted on in the Senate by the end of the month, a Senate Republican spokesman said. ",12 9,"Refugees from dozens of countries, including Nepal, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Myanmar crowded into the agency's headquarters on Arch Street on Saturday afternoon. Children colored pictures of turkeys with crayons while parents sampled sweet potatoes and cranberries. ",8 9,"""because of their disabilities in areas of reasoning, judgment and control of their impulses.""",8 12,DISTRUST OF GOVERNMENT ISN'T UNIQUE TO THE NRA,11 13,Santorum takes medieval view of gays,12 7,"Suspect indicted in family's deaths ",6 6,the ban.,5 6,"California law permits a murder charge for a fetus if a pregnant woman is slain, even if the fetus is not viable",5 13,Gun-Control Battle Heats Up in District,12 11,"Instead of criticizing Chris Duncan's chewing habits, we should find out what brand he uses, and give some to Albert Pujols, and Scott Rolen. In the A&E section of Sundays paper there is a review of the 1934 Cardinals with a picture of the ""Gashouse Gang"" and the comment that ""they didn't look like a major-league ball club. Their uniforms are stained and dirty. ... They spit out of both sides of their mouths."" They too won the National League pennant, and beat the Detroit Tigers team in the World Series. Several of those pictured appear to have a jaw full of Days Work, or Mule Shoe. Ah, for the good old days!!!!",10 7,"DEFYING STATE LAW, SAN FRANCISCO OFFICIALS PERFORM GAY WEDDINGS",6 10,Newtown mother shares grief over gun violence,9 7,Trial sparks debate in immigrant communities,6 6,"Major League Baseball says it is enforcing the 15-month-old ban on smokeless tobacco at the Class A and rookie league level. This year, the commissioner's office has received 15 reports of violations of its ban on chewing tobacco and snuff in the two levels, according to spokesman Jim Small.",5 10," A Ban on Child Labor in Tobacco Fields",9 5,Effort to Overturn Bans on Gay Marriage Begins,4 11, Television and movies depicting violent encounters with assaultive strangers conjure up a primitive dread response motivating a desire to have a tool to defend oneself from the evil other,10 9,Border Near San Diego Is Home to More Violence,8 5,"Berry, 63, released a statement from his court in Winchester today that said in part, ""I believe this to be a serious attack on our concept of a separation of powers and the maintenance of an independent judiciary not beholden to the legislative and executive branches of government.",4 13,Campus gun bill shows NRA hold on lawmakers,12 4,She was making the point that the rules are different,3 7,"""life means life"" sentences, which allow a judge to send a convicted criminal to prison without any hope of release.",6 8,We're putting security first,7 5,NO EASY ROAD TO ASYLUM FOR GUATEMALANS,4 9,"Sanderson's body arched as he struggled against the leather straps that held him in a sturdy oak chair, once used for electrocutions, as the thick cyanide mist rose quickly around him. His face was covered with a leather mask, but as he strained his lip protruded from a mouth hole.",8 7,Jury recommends death in abortion slaying,6 13," Long idealized as the Midwest's hotbed of liberalism, Madison has never been afraid of a fight.",12 9," Surely not the American parents whose children are being slaughtered by gun-happy teenagers in the schools whose halls will display the Ten Commandments. ",8 7, but if we don't enforce the law,6 9,Gripped by addiction amid search for a cure,8 1,"The report was prepared by economists for Philip Morris Inc.; the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, a subsidiary of the RJR Nabisco Holdings Corporation; the Lorillard Tobacco Company, a subsidiary of the Loews Corporation, and United States Tobacco, a subsidiary of UST Inc. The other major United States tobacco maker, the Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation, a subsidiary of B.A.T. Industries is preparing a separate study.",0 6,Reno-era policy kept Loughner off FBI list,5 15,CATON ROBOCALL BLASTS BECKNER,14 4,A level field for immigrants,3 5,"Only folks with a really clean record get a license to carry, and they carry only under certain rules.",4 6," They contend that such weapons, while not fully automatic like the genuine military assault models, are nevertheless far more lethal than the average hunting or target gun because they trace their lineage to the battlefield. ",5 1,Tobacco cooperative makes another offer to companies,0 13," Dean says, looking up with a grin as he slips into the jargon of the National Rifle Association",12 1,"The trolley company's decision, publicized by a straight groom offended by what he called ""repressive bigotry,"" offers a snapshot of a local business navigating a new landscape in Maryland's wedding industry, and leaving it behind for a competitor to swoop in.",0 13,Conservative views becoming the norm,12 1,Are Immigrants Taking Your Job?,0 13,Demos seize immigrant issue after Bush abandons effort,12 11,"The Pew report found that illegal immigration to the United States had dropped to about 500,000 annually since 2005 from an average yearly rate of 800,000 from 2000 to 2004. Since 2000, the average number of legal immigrants entering the United States each year has remained steady at about 600,000 to 700,000.",10 11,"Julia Louis-Dreyfus, picking up an award for TV comedy actress on HBO's ""Veep,"" started out with jokes about Russians hacking the SAG Award voting, but quickly got serious as she slammed the executive order.",10 11,"proponents of gun controls used the ""failed paradigm"" that pits public safety against the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms",10 9,Richer and poorer nations now equal in smoking deaths,8 5,Gay activists say the law is unlikely to stand because its target was interracial marriages.,4 7,"Brenda Denise Ferguson, 42, was charged with trafficking in about 2.4 kilograms (5.29 pounds) of heroin at a Malaysian airport on Sept. 4.",6 5,"Wednesday's historic ruling mattered not for New Jersey,",4 11,expensive handmade cigars,10 5,"While the Court has ruled that indigent defendants have the constitutional right to a free lawyer on their first direct appeal, it refused as recently as last year to find such a right for convicts who file petitions for a second round of appeals. The habeas corpus proceedings challenge the constitutionality of a trial or sentence and have long been the main avenue of legal relief for death row inmates.",4 15,Tobacco takes its toll,14 5,"To the extent that they are not applicable of their own force, the following provisions of the Constitution of the United States will be applicable within the Northern Mariana Islands as if the Northern Mariana Islands were one of the several States: Article I, Section 9, Clauses 2, 3, and 8; Article I, Section 10, Clauses 1 and 3; Article IV, Section 1 and Section 2, Clauses 1 and 2; Amendments 1 through 9, inclusive; Amendment 13; Amendment 14, Section 1; Amendment 15; Amendment 19; and Amendment 26; provided, however, that neither trial by jury nor indictment by grand jury shall be required in any civil action or criminal prosecution based on local law, except where required by local law. ",4 5,Death row inmate's lawyers try to stop execution,4 6," Guns should not be banned",5 13,"Obama is who he is. He is the best we have right now, much better than any alternative offered in 2012. But he is not Superman; he is not someone who can fix every wrong; he is not some fictional movie hero. Get over it. ",12 3,"At the Episcopal convention, bishops and lay and clergy delegates appeared ready Thursday to agree on a resolution restating the denomination's standard that sex is appropriate only within heterosexual marriage and acknowledging the church's failure to deal with the gap between its teaching and the lifestyles of its members.",2 9,domestic partners health coverage,8 13,"The politics of gun control return to center stage at San Jose City Hall next week, with a final decision due from a divided council on whether to ban the cheap, concealable weapons known as Saturday night specials.",12 15,IS THERE HOPE FOR REASON ON GUNS?,14 5,not whether the government may give gay couples who commit themselves to lasting partnerships the same bundle of benefits and burdens it gives straight couples who marry.,4 13,"At a meeting tonight, the City Council will consider possibilities",12 13,special lawmaking session.,12 4," and the possibility in some cases of executing an innocent person,",3 5,"In Georgia, a unanimous Supreme Court overturned a lower court decision that invalidated a ban on same-sex marriage. This measure also bars the state from recognizing same-sex marriages in any other state and prohibits the Georgia legislature from granting the benefits of marriage to any union between persons of the same sex.",4 11,St. Louis women use crafts and clothing to build cultural awareness,10 9,"SICK SYSTEM Bamcare helps, but 1M in city lack coverage",8 12,NRA PLAYS A SHELL GAME ON GUNS,11 6,"""We're up to our necks in firearms right now,"" said Brady. ""Why do we need more?""",5 11,"San Francisco's 34th annual Gay Pride Parade on Sunday continued its traditional no-holds-barred celebration that city residents and tourists alike have come to embrace: drag queens in multi-colored bouffant hairdos, leather-clad women dancing atop the back of a flatbed truck, and the Gay Men's Chorus singing from a cable car.",10 9, his mental capacity was very much in doubt,8 13,"The rest of the council, however, wanted to restrict the workshop to home sales only; Councilman Jack Weir voted against even having a discussion.",12 5,California Justices Bar Suit Against Gun Manufacturer,4 12,Gun-control advocates are seriously losing public opinion,11 3,KILL THE KILLER?,2 5,"The Supreme Court on Monday said it would review two cases brought by African Americans on death row in Texas, the state that most often carries out what is an increasingly rare punishment in the United States.",4 13,I think my government is secretly happy that I'm a smoker.,12 6,Citizenship exemption can be abused,5 12, the plan has not met with universal acceptance in the state.,11 13,Senate to Vote on Shielding Gun Makers,12 5,"The New Jersey Supreme Court said Friday that same-sex marriages can begin taking place Monday, brushing aside a request from the administration of Gov. Chris Christie (R) for a delay. ",4 11," ITALIAN-AMERICANS COMING INTO THEIR OWN ",10 1,"has cost them business. The survey, financed by the Southern California Business Association, a hotel and motel group, said on average the restaurants reported a 14.3 percent drop in business. Two-thirds of business owners said they predict greater losses ",0 13,"RYAN IS OUT OF OFFICE, STILL IN SPOTLIGHT",12 15,Objections,14 5,Federal judge upholds laws on guns in D.C,4 8,"LINES FORM EARLY FOR CONCEALED CARRY/ FRANKLIN, JEFFERSON COUNTIES BEGIN ISSUING PERMITS",7 9,STUDY: END SUBSTANCE ABUSE OR LOSE HEALTH-COST BATTLE,8 12,Hundreds protest civilian border patrol,11 5,"DEATH PENALTY RECOMMENDED FOR MAN WHO KILLED 2 STUDENTS ",4 5," A judge has struck down Georgia's ban on same-sex marriages, saying that a measure overwhelmingly approved by voters in 2004 violated a provision of the state constitution that limits ballot questions to a single subject.",4 13,Chicago Housing Officials Reject Protest by NRA,12 13,COMMON SENSE IS NO MATCH FOR GUN LOBBY,12 5,Utah turns to high court in fight over gay marriage,4 13,House refuses to restore gun violence study funds,12 13,The Trump administration released a list of hard-line immigration principles late Sunday that threaten to derail a deal in Congress to allow hundreds of thousands of younger undocumented immigrants to remain in the country legally.,12 5,Don't indulge the defendant in Fort Hood murder trial,4 5,"Smith's lawyer, David Bruck, said Solicitor Tommy Pope, who's prosecuting the case, intends to have Smith arraigned at today's hearing. ",4 12,"NRA President David Keene was more strident in an afternoon interview on former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee's radio show. ",11 13,"The vote on Tuesday will be held in conjunction with the state's Democratic and Republican primaries, which is headlined by a competitive gubernatorial race on the Democratic side in which a number of candidates are seeking to replace Bev Purdue, a Democrat who is retiring amid low approval ratings. Republicans are almost certain to anoint Pat McCrory, the 2008 gubernatorial nominee and a former mayor of Charlotte, as their nominee, but their voters have a number of competitive down-ballot races as well as the presidential nomination to vote upon. ",12 13,President Appeals to N.R.A. for Help in the Midterms,12 6,California can lead on immigration reform by passing the Dream Act,5 4,"Rudolf said prosecutors have challenged eight of 11 blacks who said they could impose the death penalty. The eight include all four of the black men who said they could impose the death penalty, he said.",3 7,DRUG CRIME,6 11,"""My Facebook feed is a cascading aesthetic nightmare. Thanks, equality,"" Washington Post writer Dan Zak wryly grumbled on Twitter. ",10 6,SMOKING LEGISLATION,5 7,The brother of a man seriously injured in a shooting in St. Paul was charged Thursday with illegally having a gun after police found two pistols near the shootings scene.,6 13,"The question was gun control, and Sam Katz was fed up. He thought his fellow candidates for governor were beating around the bush. ""Tom Ridge had just given this gobbledygook answer,"" Katz said of the Erie congressman, ""and I just went off the charts. I flipped."" Katz, a financial adviser from Philadelphia, was recalling a forum last month at which the half-dozen Republican candidates were addressing 200 of the state's business, legal and political leaders. ""Everyone says you can't be elected in Pennsylvania if you are in favor of gun control of any kind,"" Katz told them. ""I said, 'It's time for the Republican Party to show some leadership on this issue. We're smart people. We're surrounded by smart people. Smart people can figure out which weapons are legitimate hunting and self-protection weapons. And the ones that are not, let's get them off the streets.' ""Then I turned to Ridge and said, 'For someone who professes so much concern about violence in the schools, it would have been good if you had shown a little courage and voted for the Brady bill.' He said nothing. There was a hush in the room."" Katz told how his 8-year-old son had been held up at gunpoint by a kid who wanted his jacket. ""I said, 'When I'm governor of Pennsylvania, I will ban the sale of assault weapons, and I'll find a way to get rid of the Saturday night specials.""",12 13,"He also urged Congress to ban the importation, manufacture or sale of gun magazines holding 15 or more rounds. ",12 5,Prosecutors will ask the West Palm Beach jury to sentence her to death in Florida's electric chair.,4 13, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon,12 5,DEATH PENALTY REJECTED BY JURY IN BOY'S KILLING,4 1,"Social Security agency shows why Supreme Court must act on gay marriage ",0 13,FEW LAWMAKERS FAVOR OVERALL BAN,12 10, They also said they are concerned about how their lives will be affected.,9 5,COURT TO HEAR SMOKER'S SUIT OVER WARNING,4 5,National Enquirer scion sues to get guns back,4 7,"Freeman, 23, was convicted Saturday of murdering 16-year-old Charles ""Chet"" Planchard III while robbing the Burger King where the teen worked.",6 5," A judge withdrew his order that ABC reveal its ""Deep Cough"" source to Philip Morris, which sued for libel over a story alleging that tobacco companies spiked cigarets with addictive nicotine.",4 13,Mark Sharpe's shifting persona,12 12,Students Press for Action on Immigration,11 6,"An effort in Montgomery County to control secondhand smoke was rebuffed, but a condo board in New York voted recently to require new buyers to maintain smoke-free units, though the city grandfathered in present owners.",5 7,"Fitzgerald, 34, was convicted of capital murder for the 1980 rape and killing of a Chesterfield County woman, Patricia D. Cubbage. She was stabbed 184 times with a machete and left to bleed to death in a wooded area near her suburban Richmond home.",6 13,Pro- and anti-Trump forces hold dueling rallies in Cleveland,12 5,New Jersey became the third state to offer civil unions.,4 5,"The decision, a major victory for gay rights activists, makes it more likely that the District will begin allowing same-sex couples to marry in March.",4 6," A thoughtful and well-worded domestic partnership law would provide legal recognition with its accompanying benefits to persons whose relationships are other than the traditional marriage between a woman and man. Without any specific reference to homosexuality that some would find objectionable, this law would serve to include legal recognition for same-sex unions. At the same time, it would negate the need some may feel to challenge the present legal recognition of marriage as a traditional union between a woman and man.",5 7,"9 life sentences in state case on Charleston church slayings ",6 13,would require an act of Congress.,12 13,"Some members of the Hispanic caucus objected and Brown, a 55-year-old insurance agent from DeFuniak Springs, apologized by the end of the day. House Speaker Marco Rubio said the e-mail was ""offensive"" and ""in bad taste"" but pointed out that Brown apologized and ""we move on.""",12 4,"""The powers that be in Virginia have refused to say Earl is factually innocent, and Earl continues to live with that cloud over him,"" said Peter Neufeld, one of Washington's attorneys. ""We need to lift up the stone on what's wrong with Virginia's system of capital justice and to show everybody how easy it is to send a factually innocent man to death row.""",3 6,measure being considered by the New York legislature that would legalize gay marriage. ,5 13,Gay marriage: GOP woos Christian vote,12 4,until he fulfills a promise to appoint a panel to study racial disparities in the death penalty process.,3 5, A federal judge ruled Friday that the Justice Department could resume detention of Central American refugees who have been crossing into Texas by the thousands. ,4 6,"LET'S BAN SMOKING, KEEP BUTTS OFF BEACH",5 6,and growing restrictions,5 7,Illegal sales of guns outlined,6 7,Death Penalty Urged for Citizen Patrol Killings,6 6,"A state law that took effect July 1 allows people who pass background checks to carry concealed weapons on public transportation, in state parks and in restaurants that serve alcohol.",5 7," He, Patsy Jones and Alvan Hudson shot Uwe-Wilhelm Rakebrand during a botched robbery a few minutes after the victim and his wife arrived in Miami from Germany for their honeymoon in 1993. Jones and Hudson are serving life sentences.",6 1,High Price for Smoking,0 13,The problem for gun control advocates who've long called for such a measure is that there are fresh signs that it could be stonewalled on Capitol Hill.,12 13,"Ad Wars Come to Arizona, Next Battleground in Republican Race",12 5,Justices debate Barrett's death sentence,4 13,"""Senators are afraid of their NRA ratings,",12 8,"A long-term planning document prepared by DHS' Customs and Border Patrol service, which is already using Predator drones for surveillance along the border, would authorize the use of ""nonlethal weapons designed to immobilize"" targets of interest.",7 13,"President Barack Obama praised the court's ruling on the federal marriage act, which he labeled ""discrimination enshrined in law."" ",12 12,Competing protests over immigration turn ugly,11 5," His attorneys argued for moving the retrial away from Camden County, saying that the extensive publicity surrounding the case would make it impossible to select an impartial jury. Baxter declared a mistrial last November when Neulander's jury could not reach a verdict.",4 13,administration ,12 11,One Language For All,10 10,into fighting tobacco addiction,9 1,"The proposed exemption is aimed at protecting the casino industry, which said it expects to see a 20 percent decline in revenue if the ban applied to riverboats. That revenue drop would also affect the amount of tax money that flows from the boats to their host communities, such as East St. Louis and Alton, prompting legislative interest.",0 10,"""Show me an area of high unemployment, and I'll show you high alcohol and drug abuse, often tied to issues of literacy and education,"" Simon promised.",9 13,INACTION ON IMMIGRATION TOUCHES OFF FREE-FOR-ALL,12 13,"The Ward 5 vote was 87 against and 51 in favor. ",12 13,"When we awaken from the nightmare of this presidential administration, one lesson will be clear: Donald Trump was a master at exploiting our worst fears.",12 10,Same-sex couples get 'married' en masse,9 1,RESTAURANTS SEE DROP IN TRAFFIC SINCE SMOKE BAN,0 13,"According to the White House, President Obama called Giffords and ""expressed amazement"" at her determination and courage ",12 9,Ohio Execution Using Untested Drug Cocktail Renews the Debate Over Lethal Injections,8 11,as an instrument of flirtation,10 13,"And Bloomberg says he is ready to take on anti-gun control Democrats again, a step party leaders warn could hurt their chances to keep control of the Senate.",12 5, the court has failed because it is impossible to succeed at this task.,4 5,"City lawyers want two separate actions brought earlier this week by conservative groups opposing gay marriage tossed and a ruling that would legalize the nearly 3,000 marriage licenses issued here in the past eight days.",4 13,Jay Ambrose: How Obama could rescue millions from poverty,12 11,"Over the past 10 years, the number of Palm Beach County's concealed weapon permits has grown faster than the area's mushrooming population",10 10,"As for Davis, she said, ""If you tell yourself for 20 years you didn't do it, you start to believe it. I'm still convinced he did it.""",9 8,"However, eight countries either have not made enough changes to meet our baseline for information sharing, or have proved unable to effectively and consistently cooperate with the U.S. and mitigate internal terrorist threats. Thus I recommended, and the president approved, restrictions for these countries until they comply or the threat from these nations is lowered. ",7 4," yearlong investigation financed by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund unearthed the disclosures. The project's lawyers and investigators believe Griffin was innocent of the crime for which he was executed: the murder of Quintin Moss, 19. ",3 6,"At the same time, smoking would be banned.",5 12,WE COULD ALL LEARN FROM THE NRA,11 5,"The court will review a federal appeals court ruling that blocked several provisions in the Arizona law. One of those requires that police, while enforcing other laws, question a person's immigration status if officers suspect he or she is in the country illegally.",4 9,Burn may be key in 2nd Davis autopsy,8 1,What's More Compromising Than Money?,0 5,Courts reject Alston's pleas,4 5,"A judge's order forcing prosecutors to reveal the home addresses of law enforcement witnesses in a death penalty case not only jeopardizes those officers and their families but potentially all law enforcement officers because of the precedent it sets, prosecutors have argued to the Colorado Supreme Court.",4 13,House Panel Issues Subpoena For Records on Gun Program,12 1,"Corporate mergers have increased, and white-collar workers find themselves jobless. Those who remain are the middle-class members ""working harder and longer with less to show for it."" These same corporations have also gone offshore in search of cheap labor and weak labor laws. ",0 7,"State's chief witness, a Boston felon here in the witness protection program, said Larry Griffin was the killer. ",6 13,Thanks to the 'D' senators,12 7,law enforcement officials,6 6,"Thanks to NAFTA, U.S. growers have been able to sell corn and other produce duty-free in Mexico, driving down prices for the country's own farmers as much as 70 percent. As result, many went bust and left their land - often heading for the United States.",5 9," Boy's shooting renews call for better gun control",8 1,"Local immigrant professionals maintain extensive ties to their homes, bringing business opportunities, technology and networks that link Silicon Valley to urban centers in countries like India, China and Taiwan, according to a study by the non-profit Public Policy Institute of California. ",0 5,N.Y. JUDGE TOSSES CHRISTIAN GROUP'S ANTI-GAY NUPS SUIT,4 13,"According to Democrats who were briefed on the vote in Minneapolis, there was no objection when the issue came up. Though the language that was voted on still could be revised, party officials do not anticipate any major obstacles going forward. ",12 8,"Overpopulation and a revolving-door penal system, among other factors, have made a means of self-defense much more necessary today than it ever was in the past",7 5,"The sentence and the plea agreement came together quickly, said Jerry Word, head of the state Capital Defender's Office.",4 7,"Harris' term of 100 years for various other crimes related to the murder, such as robbery and auto theft, still stands, and he is in prison.",6 11,"already the phone was ringing at the Falls Wedding Chapel. It was a lesbian couple in central New York, looking forward to an August wedding after 28 years together.",10 13,Gay marriage splits the Pitts,12 9,A Hidden Epidemic,8 10,Domestic partners seek benefit of sanction,9 7,YOUR TURN TO DIE Cop-killing scum is sentenced to lethal injection,6 7,"Davis Carpenter Jr., 38, and Joshua Brown, 22, are charged with capital murder and six counts of rape in the death of Jesse Dirkhising, who was found in the men's home at Rogers on Sept. 26.",6 9,"Shot in the neck at 17, this is the trauma surgeon now leading doctors against gun violence and the NRA",8 5,"While the Brooklyn suit was brought by victims of gunfire or their survivors, there are several suits pending in other states in which cities have sued the gun manufacturers.",4 12,Poll: Owners favor gun laws,11 5,City Sues Reservation's Cigarette Stores,4 12,Youths Rally to Protest Cuts in D.C. Payment,11 5,a constitutional ban on such unions,4 4," Racial considerations aside,",3 5,"The decision is a boost to the states suing the industry to recoup medical expenses for treating sick smokers. Had Osteen ruled against the FDA, it would have given the cigarette makers a chit in the negotiations.",4 13,"NO ON 2, FOR ALL FAMILIES",12 5,Detained Asylum-Seekers Find It Harder to Win Release,4 12,"Recent national polls detail seismic shifts, often in a matter of years. Among the changes: ",11 12,gun rights advocates didn't waste time expressing their thoughts about what seemed like an obvious irony:,11 7," It was instead a very common occurrence that had led to the city being dubbed the ""murder capital.""",6 15," NATION IN BRIEF",14 5,It's not up to us to determine whether such individuals or companies should be held liable for those actions - that's a finding of fact that can only rightly be made by the juries who weigh the evidence in such cases. But a bill making its way through the U.S. Congress would give gun manufacturers and dealers broad protections - far too broad - from lawsuits brought by municipalities and victims of crime.,4 7,Felker slated to be state's second execution of day,6 12,"Among respondents in the new poll, 59 percent give House Bill 60 a thumbs down. Half the naysayers own guns themselves or live with someone who does, such as native Georgian Lynda Greaves, 66, of Pike County.",11 7,Tobacco sales violations cited,6 12,"In Brooklyn, more than 2,000 people gathered at Cadman Plaza before marching across the bridge.",11 5,Is checking out visitors at home with gun behind your back 'disorderly conduct'?,4 13,Obama calls out two who stir up bad blood,12 13,Texas Gov. George W. Bush said Friday he would provide free trigger locks to gun owners in his state and expand the program nationwide if elected to the White House.,12 9,New Challenges In Fighting AIDS,8 7,NEW YORK MINUTE. JURY FINDS IMMIGRANT GUILTY IN FATAL STABBING OF FIANCeE,6 5,"Therefore, the court promulgated a new definition for the purposes of Massachusetts law: ""We construe civil marriage to mean the voluntary union of two persons as spouses, to the exclusion of all others.""",4 5," Lawsuit Targets New Policy Allowing Guns in Parks",4 13,"MAYOR BLOOMBERG, who has repeatedly said he's not running for President, yesterday placed full-page advertisements in newspapers in states hosting the nation's first presidential contests. ",12 5,"Finally, is the goal of the march to register, outlaw or curtail in any way legal gun ownership as protected by the Bill of Rights?",4 5,Ashcroft seeks to curtail audits of gun purchases,4 13,"Democratic House Speaker Andrew Romanoff warned not to assume that ""no services will be affected.""",12 5,"To those who complain that we have too many activist federal judges who want to circumvent the executive and legislative branches of government, I offer Exhibit B: U.S. District Judge Donovan Frank.",4 5,Gun rights suit: New D.C. rules on concealed weapons still unconstitutional,4 11,"The order specifically cited ""investigating the relationship between video games, media images and violence.""",10 13,Politics By Intimidation,12 4,Delivering justice to defendants,3 13,"Same-sex marriage backers are putting pressure on Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and, particularly, the openly gay members of his caucus to move the bill to the front burner of the tightly controlled Legislature. ",12 7,Plymouth Twp. officer's killing renews pressure on straw-buyer gun bill,6 10,Leave smoking perk alone,9 7,Deportation case is no model of justice served,6 13,he said at a news conference last week to announce the legislation.,12 3,RABBIS CAN PRESIDE AT SAME-SEX RITES,2 11,"Like starting to drive or date, owning a gun has long been a rite of passage for teen-agers in Utah, a state where many schools once closed during deer hunting season to accommodate the sport.",10 5,"Arguing that prosecutors lacked credible witnesses, physical evidence and a motive, she said, ''the whole thing doesn't make sense.''",4 9," Va. eyes electric chair as execution standby",8 5,"A federal judge yesterday dismissed Philadelphia's lawsuit against gun manufacturers, ruling that the city and several civic groups that joined the suit did not have legal standing to sue.",4 3,"With church bells resounding over the snow- covered landscape and hundreds of people looking on, 12 Benedictine monks welcomed a family from Guatemala to the sanctuary of a hilltop monastery here today.",2 13,States take sides on undocumented students; 3 more clarify stands on college tuition,12 11,"Ironically, the gay marriage revolution is the bright spot in the marriage picture, with heterosexual marriage in decline and single-parent households surging.",10 7,Only a handful of criminals will ever be subject to a federal death penalty.,6 13," The administration is throwing its weight behind suits filed by more than two dozen cities against gun companies in the hope that a far-reaching settlement might be achieved, said Housing Secretary Andrew M. Cuomo and Bruce Reed, President Clinton's domestic-policy adviser.",12 1,"By promoting and financing airport smoking lounges, such as those at Lambert Field, Big Tobacco is able to protect its profits, reduce the decline in social acceptability of smoking, and create expensive smoking venues that are difficult to eliminate in the future",0 4,"In other words, I'm white and my husband is black. ",3 6,GUN LAWS GO FROM BAD TO WORSE,5 5,"Politicians bluster about tougher laws, yet the existing ones are rarely enforced.",4 7,"Horton, armed with a gun, showed up at the home of Clifford Barnes, 28, in Oxon Hill, Md. For the next six hours, Horton subjected Barnes to torture that included being cut 22 times across the abdomen. ",6 13,"Hillary Clinton, Calling Out the N.R.A., Gets a Quick Reply",12 2,300 queue up to get visas at Charlotte office,1 13,"'Gang of Eight' pledges tough enforcement, difficult path to citizenship",12 5,"onday morning a judge dismissed criminal charges against Baumruk, and a St. Louis County grand jury reissued them. The actions set the stage for a trial for Baumruk, 59. ",4 5,"Do you take this amendment to be part of your constitution? ",4 5," ""restrict the rights of gun owners.""",4 11,"These ballads are usually written about current events that affect Mexicans, Mexican-Americans and other Hispanics here or in their homeland. Popular themes, played to a catchy oom-pah-pah beat, include tragedies, love affairs, miracles, narcotics, horses and immigration.",10 13,Nixon gets it wrong in vetoing common-sense gun bill,12 13,The bill was defeated in a 232-128 vote.,12 13,It's nice to see Dick Cheney step off the ranch,12 13,S.J. COUNCIL OUTLAWS 'JUNK GUNS' 6-5 VOTE MAKES CITY THIRD IN STATE WITH BAN,12 1,University Chief Is Selling Tobacco Holdings,0 1,"The company is said to be working with Denver-based Rader Railcar, which specializes in rebuilding boutique, bilevel commuter cars - many with glass domes and sleeping facilities. Estimated cost: $ 1.9 million each.",0 13,The Eagan City Council voted Tuesday night to establish a domestic partner registry,12 5,", Williams said. The lawyers met with her Tuesday.",4 13,"One prominent District supporter, Rep. Julian C. Dixon (D-Calif.), said the twin defeats marked the city's worst day on Capitol Hill in his memory.",12 11,"It was, however, already clear that marriages could begin there.",10 10," ""It's just messy, very messy,"" said health board member Sari Budrow, who saw ashes landing on a cone. ""It's just a bad atmosphere. You need to keep that stuff in the bar.""",9 7,"Hurst was convicted of the 1998 murder of Cynthia Lee Harrison, his coworker at a Popeyes fast-food restaurant in Pensacola.",6 9," Drops of Water in the Desert Help Immigrants on Their Way; Tales of Dehydration and Death Motivate Volunteer Fliers",8 7,"""I've never had a doubt that we had the right guy. I thought so then, and I think so now,"" said Charles Rowe, deputy chief of the Columbus Police Department, who interrogated Gary after he was taken into custody in 1984.",6 13,"Va. GOP ready to defend ban ",12 14, Amnesty International's latest report on worldwide use of the death penalty,13 6,"the district, the building owners would face the same restrictions imposed by landmark status. They would have to follow architectural guidelines and get approval from a review board to change their properties.",5 10,Illegal immigrants get a shot at college with scholarships,9 5," The legal showdown came amid a broader debate over the rights of gays to marry and serve openly in the military playing out in recent months in Congress and courtrooms. ",4 6,The need for sensible gun control is becoming even more apparent,5 13,Gun-control showdown set to continue in House,12 13,KLEIN'S RIFLE BAN JUST A POPULARITY PLOY,12 6,"With the state's burdened corrections system granting early release to thousands of inmates each month, Martinez said Floridians would ""be less safe if they didn't have these beds.""",5 13,"Results for G.O.P. Backers of Gay Marriage: Two Victories and, It Appears, a Loss ",12 5," Prosecutors plan to portray him in a far less sympathetic light: as a vicious, remorseless killer. ",4 1,STUDY UPS ESTIMATE OF IMMIGRATION COSTS,0 3,Local Methodists like same-sex ban,2 13,"Our plan is to continue to call the bill,"" said Madigan, the state's most powerful Democrat who has made no secret of his hope to block Edgar from a second term.",12 5,Court Restricts Refugee Status for Criminals,4 3,"Francis noted that the U.S. church has welcomed immigrants throughout its history and said the ""rich variety of their languages and cultural traditions"" had enriched the church and the country. He urged the U.S. church to ""go out from its comfort zone"" and heal a society facing ""increasing polarization.""",2 13,The New York State Senate decisively rejected,12 12,Poll finds gay-marriage ban lacking support,11 6,Gay marriage ban called bad for business,5 12,The power of a million moms,11 13,"Gilmore has refused to stop any of Virginia's eight executions since he took office in January. In a two-paragraph statement, he said he thoroughly reviewed DuBois's clemency petition but found no reason to intervene.",12 11,"the website on Wednesday announced new policies to stop the illegal sale of firearms through its site. ",10 13,"Smoking alights on ballots Pueblo, Greeley, Summit voters to speak on public usage ",12 13,GINGRICH'S LESBIAN SISTER DECRIES BILL ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGES,12 7," Waye was convicted of murdering Lavergne B. Marshall, a widow who was beaten beyond recognition, bitten and left nude in a bathtub in 1977. The killer then poured laundry bleach on her body, according to testimony",6 13,Casey mulls run against Santorum,12 12,"They were among the 100 people who joined Gov. Rendell, dozens of police officers, Democratic lawmakers, and mayors from six Pennsylvania cities at a rally yesterday in the latest push to win legislative support for what organizers called ""sensible"" gun-control measures. ",11 7,"""The ability of juveniles and felons to walk into gun shows and purchase guns is a huge crime problem,"" she says. ""There are days when I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels.""",6 7,The four-month series of killings ended when a woman bound head to toe with duct tape made enough noise in Conde's apartment to attract the attention of neighbors while Conde was in court on a shoplifting charge.,6 13,Obama Expected to Address Gay Marriage,12 5, licenses for gun owners and the registration of the weapons.,4 6,Gay marriage bans point to too much government,5 7,"The gun-wielding rapist, who has posed as an immigration agent, may have struck as many as eight times in northern Queens since May 1994, police said",6 7,DOUGLAS COUNTY: Traffic stop nets illegal immigrants,6 1,"The whole thing was ""fabricated by the gun groups"" because the male market became saturated, gun sales dropped and gun manufacturers wanted to mine American women as a potential new market, according to Smith's study released recently by the anti-gun Violence Policy Center in Washington.",0 7,What used to be petty kinds of fights now become life-threatening encounters.,6 9, bill promoting safe neighborhoods in Chicago,8 13,Don Jr. loud in support of silencers,12 6,SAME-SEX WEDDINGS BILL WAITS ANOTHER WEEK,5 1,"Can Microsoft help? ",0 15,THE KERIK BACKSTORY,14 13," What Romney might shake off",12 13,Rep. Silver dodges bullets to lead fight for gun control,12 5,"In reaching the verdict, jurors agreed that Len Davis, 31, used his position as a police officer to arrange the killing. ",4 5,"Mr. Slaton said that, under state law, for a murder to be punishable by death, it must be accompanied by an aggravating act, such as rape, robbery or kidnapping by force. He said that the Supreme Court had restricted a part of Georgia's capital punishment law that allowed the death penalty in murders that were ''wantonly vile'' or that involved ''torture or depravity of mind.'' ",4 13,More pro-gun Democrats open to new laws,12 5,"DEATH PENALTY FITS INTO CONSTITUTION, BREYER TELLS HEARING",4 7,"Ramsey Countys top prosecutor, St. Paul police chief head to D.C. to support common sense gun safety regulations",6 15,Tobacco Name Game,14 5,"''Judge Golde was only telling me what I already should have known to do,'' Mr. Quatman's statement said. ''It was standard practice to exclude Jewish jurors in death cases.''",4 5," At Thursday's hearing, Walker told the judge",4 5,The University of Illinois' legal counsel says a proposal for the school to grant health insurance benefits to unmarried partners of employees would violate state law.,4 6,The bills would also add gang-crime information to Uniform Crime Report data and prohibit disclosure of addresses and other personal information about grand jury witnesses.,5 13,"But the mayor did manage to stop by the office of one prominent Republican, Rep. Bud Shuster, R-Pa. He's the chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and aides say that Webb went there seeking more federal transportation dollars for Denver, not a vote on gun legislation.",12 5,TOBACCO SUIT FILED IN TAMPA,4 7," It wasn't because of horror stories about kids getting caught in the crossfire of drug-dealer warfare. ",6 13,Effort to cut gun fee falls short,12 13,SENATE TO VOTE ON GAY MARRIAGE TIMING OF DEBATE MAY BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN PASSAGE,12 8,"Pate said McVeigh's reference to ""power hungry storm troopers"" was a popular phrase in the militia movement referring to ""conduct in specific incidents where at least the perception is ... there has been excessive force, abusive force."" ",7 13,Christie issues guidelines to streamline gun permits,12 5,The ruling was the third case in the last year where immigration judges have questioned the Immigration and Naturalization Service's procedures in using secret evidence against suspected terrorists.,4 13,"After two hours of intense debate, the Democratic-controlled state House of Representatives narrowly endorsed the referendum, which passed the Republican-run Senate early in the legislative session.",12 5,"The Florida Supreme Court has denied a convicted mass killer's request for a stay of his execution scheduled for Oct. 16. The justices on Tuesday, though, wrote they weren't prohibiting a trial judge from ordering a stay if needed to complete a review of Gov. Rick Scott's denial of an insanity claim. ",4 1,"Prices continued to improve on North Carolina's three flue-cured tobacco markets at the close of the sixth week of sales, the Federal-State Tobacco Market News Service reported. An upward price trend continued Friday for the Eastern Belt. Volume remained heavy and no major change was reported in quality. Loan receipts increased slightly, but were still relatively light. Auctions for the week totaled 30,161,252 gross pounds and averaged $179.16. Season-to-date figures reached 164,533,151 pounds, averaging $177.45 per hundred. About six out of every ten bid averages recorded increases this week. Leaf offerings were steady to $2 higher, while cutters and lugs gained $2 to $3. The few losses that did occur, some as much as $9, were mainly centered on nondescript tobacco. A range of $176 to $184 per hundred covered most of the heavy volume marketings. Producers delivered 1.4 percent of this week's sales to the Flue-Cured Tobacco Cooperative Stabilization Corp., raising the season figure to 0.4 percent. Markets on the Old Belt also saw improvements. A good majority of the bid averages reported small gains this week. Volume was moderate to heavy at most points, and loan receipts were up slightly. This week's auctions totaled 20,146,772 gross pounds, averaging $176.15 per hundred. Season totals are 112.4 million pounds, at $178.89 per hundred. For the week, about two-thirds of the bid averages were unchanged to higher, while one-third declined. Gains were mainly $1 to $2 and were centered on cutters, ripe lugs, and primings. Losses were $1 to $3, appearing for most leaf and unripe lug grades. The bulk of bid averages were between $172 and $179 this week. Leaf grades were brought from $180 to $184 per hundred.",0 9,"Zhuo Hua Wu suffers from kidney stones, but all he has to relieve his pain is a mixture of tea remedies and a $1.88 medication from Hong Kong.",8 5,Visa process bans wedding guest,4 1,GRANT TO JERSEY CITY INSTITUTE TO AID 'UNDOCUMENTED' ALIENS,0 6," like a renewed assault weapons ban, a limit on high-capacity magazines ",5 13," The Senate approved and sent legislation to President Reagan today that temporarily prohibits the Government from denying visas to foreigners because of their political beliefs.",12 1, multimillion-dollar war chest,0 9," But critics say cigarettes aren't off the hook. Amid the wholesome-sounding descriptions made public Wednesday are some chemicals that do pose safety questions.",8 13,"After all, they've scheduled three days of debate on a Federal Marriage Amendment that is doomed to fail. Could it be to score political points ahead of the election? Could it be to further divide a divided country?",12 5,Same-sex marriage issue to return to California Supreme Court,4 1,"bans on billboard advertising, branded merchandise and tobacco ad placements in movies.",0 13,Senate panel backs bill easing gun control,12 5,AROUND THE NATION; Lawsuit on Detention Of Haitians to Be Tried,4 9,despite decades of health warnings,8 13,'All the king's horses' push gun ban through / White House pulls out all the stops,12 3,Clouds of Doubt Waft Over Tobacco,2 13,Carson cites Holocaust in defense of gun rights,12 13,"Councilman Marvin Braude, who has been in the forefront of the anti-smoking movement",12 13,Senate Republicans began arguing their case on Friday for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage as Democrats signaled that they were willing to drop procedural hurdles and allow a vote on the proposal next week,12 6,STATE'S GUN LAW: IMPACT AND INTENT UNCERTAIN,5 5,"Of those, a large portion are illegal",4 11," duck blinds, hunting camps, gun-club meetings or innocent displays of large gun collections 'gun shows' ",10 2, right now we need to decrease the number of guns on our streets,1 5,Milbank: Evenly split court means chaos,4 8,"GUN APPLICANTS PACK IRON WILLS THEY CITE PROTECTION, RIGHTS AS OTHERS POST SIGNS BANNING GUNS",7 12,Holland & Knight has warned,11 10,"""(It's) so awful that on numerous nights it has interrupted (our) ability to sleep,"" upstairs neighbor Natalie Elsberg said in an affidavit.",9 13,"On a day when negotiators traded barbs over who was to blame for delaying the death penalty bill, the Senate released its version of the legislation tonight, in a document that detailed for the first time how New York would restore capital punishment.",12 6,Trying Again for a Bill to Limit Tobacco Ads,5 1,"The brief, dramatic gesture of draping mourning cloth across a billboard advertising cigarettes in an inner-city neighborhood",0 1,"""You could buy that gun at the time,""",0 5," The couple were to receive the license at a news conference Tuesday but canceled. ",4 13,"White House recognizes Utah's same-sex marriages More than 1,000 unions were in limbo awaiting appeals court ruling.",12 4,"Homophobia is the only reason to ban blood donation by gay men ",3 1,"''Unfortunately, this is an area that is ripe for abuse in terms of tobacco sales to minors,'' Representative McHugh said in an interview. ''The data shows that of the some 400 sites that are engaged in tobacco sales over the Internet, there are virtually no meaningful age enforcements.'' He said that the states will lose an estimated $1.4 billion this year in tax revenue from the sale of illegal tax-free cigarettes online.",0 4,APPEALS COURT SCRAPS TWO DEATH SENTENCES OF CONVICTED KILLER,3 13,"Representative Steny Hoyer conceded on Tuesday that the votes for passage had evaporated. He noted disagreement among city officials. Some wanted acceptance of the amended measure because the city's chance for a voting representative was unlikely to occur again soon. ",12 4,"Darby Tillis spoke briefly at a press conference on the steps of City Hall in Lower Manhattan last week, which was remarkable. He was supposed to have been strapped to a gurney and executed by an injection of poison years ago. It turns out he was innocent.",3 12,The public outrage sparked by,11 3,Think about it: Weddings are often religious affairs conducted according to religious traditions.,2 1, And the money stopped flowing.,0 7,"Lyndon Fitzgerald Pace, 31, was convicted Tuesday in the 1988 and 1989 murders of three women in Vine City and another in southeast Atlanta.",6 13,"For the first time, a representative of the registrar's office gave a get-out-and-vote speech at a local naturalization ceremony. But the efforts generated resentment from the League of Women Voters - a group that has been giving similar talks and signing up voters at such ceremonies for 25 years.",12 1,Cigarette companies to buy less tobacco,0 7,Lawyers seek reduction of charges for brothers in immigration fraud-sex case,6 5,"Nearly two decades later, a shocking allegation about that trial has created a buzz in legal circles.",4 15,And That's My Opinion!,14 10,COUNTY RETHINKS AID FOR PARTNER PERKS,9 12,"A new Louis Harris survey suggests that such timidity may be misinformed. A 68-percent majority continues to believe in capital punishment, virtually unchanged from the 67 percent in 1976. But the poll finds that an interesting shift has occurred within the majority. In 1976, 40 percent supported the mandatory execution of anyone convicted of first-de-gree murder. In 1983, the figure declined to 27 percent. Meanwhile, the proportion of people who think the sentence for first-degree murder should be flexible increased from 44 to 60 percent.",11 7,Answers sought in border agents' deaths,6 6,"The measure also would allow smoking in taverns and in bowling alleys if they meet certain conditions, including having an adequate ventilation system and banning smoking in lanes used by children",5 10,Gay Marriage and Family Life,9 9,N.C. fraternity fire apparently started in party room,8 11,"Warriors coach Steve Kerr condemned the ac-tions of the shooter, while pushing for tighter gun laws.",10 5,"Appeals court rules Oklahoma must OK gay marriage ",4 1,"Butterworth said negotiators had reached agreement, subject to a complete pact, that cigarette companies would end all outdoor advertising such as billboards and put in place a campaign aimed at reducing teenagers' cigarette use.",0 2,Backlog Stymies Aspiring Citizens Yearning to Vote,1 5,"If Biehn sentences any of them to death, he will be the first Bucks County judge to do so without a jury since Pennsylvania reinstated capital punishment in 1978.",4 1,"Outside of casino areas, however, there may not be wider state support for a casino exemption.",0 5,COURT DENIES VIETNAM VET'S EXECUTION STAY,4 10,benefits to their employees' domestic partners ,9 10,Students win prizes in anti-smoking contest,9 13,A cautious Obama hails N.Y. law,12 9," The drug is varenicline. When it goes on sale this year, it will become the first new prescription drug for smoking cessation approved by the Food and Drug Administration in nearly a decade and only the second stop-smoking drug that is nicotine-free, says Pfizer Inc. ",8 9,Inquirer Editorial: Gun-safety talk is cheap,8 6,there's a passage in the legislation that requires signs about health risks to be placed in all elevators where smoking is allowed. But current D.C. law prohibits smoking in elevators.,5 12, and led to protests.,11 3,"hough his Catholic faith causes him to have some misgivings,",2 9,"LUNG CANCER PATIENTS ARE FEMALE, YOUNGER",8 7,"A Sicklerville man was sentenced to 15 months in prison Thursday for evading taxes by failing to report wages paid to undocumented immigrants who worked at his dry cleaning business, authorities said. ",6 15,Some Differences Between Guns and Cars,14 4,unalienable rights,3 13,A Fight Over 'Aliens',12 1,"Philip Morris, with its dominant Marlboro brands, reportedly has a 53 percent share of the retail cigarette market, while Reynolds, whose brands include Salem and Winston, claims 25 percent.",0 7,SCHOOL 'RESIDENT' MAY BE DEPORTED BUT STORY OF HOMELESS EX-PUPIL CAPTURES HEARTS,6 12,"The American people just aren't ready for this. Progressives are getting way ahead of them, showing contempt for true democracy and trying to subvert it",11 3," Homosexuality is an abomination, they said. It is a perversion. It is wrong. ",2 1," Low-income smokers in New York spend 25 percent of their income on cigarettes, according to a new study, which led advocates for smokers' rights to say it proved high taxes were regressive and ineffective.",0 5,Gay couples file for marriage licenses in Mass.,4 1,"Lorillard spends $ 13 million a year on its youth anti-smoking efforts. Bob Doyle, director of tobacco control for the American Lung Association of Colorado, called on the NBA to drop Lorillard in a news release issued Wednesday. ",0 11,First Things First -- Tracee Hamilton talks sports,10 9,Is anti-science sentiment threatening public health policy?,8 7,My mother was only 3 when her 28-year-old father was shot and killed.,6 13,CHICAGO'S DALEY STEPS UP ANTI-GUN CAMPAIGN,12 12,dozens of spectators in the balcony burst into celebration.,11 5, is poised to plead guilty,4 5, makes construction firms use the federal E-Verify program to validate new employees' immigration status as a condition of holding a city contract. The firms must also vouch for their existing employees' immigration status before being awarded a contract.,4 13,"Sen. Ulysses Currie (D-Prince George's), one of a handful of Maryland senators who had not declared a position on same-sex marriage, said Wednesday that he intends to vote against the bill.",12 7,convict the 16-year-old of slaying two neighborhood boys last March in Virginia Beach.,6 3,"St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson chased nuptial-hunting gays all the way to Maine earlier this month when he used an Archdiocesan fund to drop $10,000 into the coffers of those fighting to defeat gay marriage. ",2 3,My husband and I were privileged to have Southworth preside over our wedding ceremony last year ,2 5,Congress vs. the States on Guns; ,4 14,Cuba Agrees to Resume Immigration Talks With U.S.,13 5,"VACCO SEEKS DEATH PENALTY IN COP KILLING ",4 5,Representing them at their Chattanooga trial were an alcoholic real-estate attorney who showed up drunk on the first day and a forgetful septuagenarian who hadn't set foot in court for years.,4 7,"GUN CONTROL SPLITS THIS CHIEF, OFFICER",6 12,NRA GIVES SCOTT EDGE OVER MCCOLLUM,11 1,Gun Sellers Are Target Of Treasurer,0 5,"Tokars case may prompt D.A. to challenge new law ",4 9,University of South Florida trustees this week approved offering health benefits to domestic partners of USF employees.,8 4," ""We cannot ignore that there is unfairness in the way the death penalty is imposed in this country.""",3 13,Clinton urged to cancel visit,12 1,"Immigrant Workers Vital, Va. Firms Say; Poultry Industry Seeks Better U.S. Screening to Cull Illegal Applicants, Avert Fines",0 13,Social Conservatives Criticize Cheney on Same-Sex Marriage,12 13,"McAuliffe makes a deal, but allies think he folded",12 5,"It is the second time in three years that Florida's high court has ordered an inquiry into whether the electric chair is ""cruel and unusual.""",4 9,DISEASE AND SMOKING,8 11, in the first death penalty case to go before a St. Louis jury in almost 16 years.,10 6, Laws declared that airplane cabins would be smoke-free. Employers would forbid workers to smoke in their buildings.,5 7,"Over the years, our strict gun-control laws have stopped more than 10,000 convicted felons from buying guns. Those laws, along with tough mandatory sentences for crimes committed with guns, have produced a significant drop in violent crime in New Jersey.",6 5,Critics of the way capital punishment is administered say Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor helped their reform effort with her unexpected public skepticism on the issue.,4 5,"he U.S. Supreme Court agreed Tuesday night to delay the execution of Richard Oxford,",4 5,OPENING STATEMENTS DUE,4 7,"Executions were set Tuesday for two condemned Georgia inmates --- Warren Hill, who killed a fellow prisoner, and Andrew Cook, who fatally shot two Mercer University students.",6 13," In a day of battles on various fronts, aides confirmed that O'Malley hopes to unveil a plan early next week to raise hundreds of millions of additional dollars for transportation projects, probably with a new sales tax on gas.",12 5,Americans' traditional rights to own guns.,4 13,Gay marriage is an issue in the GOP primaries. Rick Santorum has appeared at an anti-gay-marriage rally in Washington. Mitt Romney has added a line about gay marriage to his stump speech.,12 1,selling illegal firearms on eBay and other Internet sites.,0 9,Death-row inmate who won new trial dies in jail,8 3,"""We still believe in traditional values here,"" he said. ""It boils down to a personal thing, a moral value, that says that traditional marriage should stay as traditional marriage."" ",2 9,"Smoking causes cancer - not only for smokers but for those around them. That's the irrefutable conclusion from the American Medical Association's huge new study on cancer",8 12,Allowing Gay Marriage Isn't a Majority View,11 5,"The splintered positions were offered in opening statements by tobacco attorneys trying to avoid a multibillion-dollar punitive verdict for 300,000 to 500,000 sick Florida smokers.",4 12,"Poll Finds That More Americans Back Gun Rights Than Stronger Controls ",11 6,Gun laws are no answer,5 7,"As a deputy district attorney, I have seen countless cases of violent crime that would not have occurred if a handgun had not been easily available. It is standard wisdom in the law enforcement community that the level of violent crime would be significantly lowered if we could control handguns.",6 5,Moves afoot in some states to dodge new federal gun laws,4 10,"Smoking bingo players, feeling unwanted, will play elsewhere",9 6,Tom Tancredo and Denver's immigration policy,5 6,Gun 'actions' prove superficial,5 8,Army charges WikiLeaks suspect with 'aiding enemy',7 13,"As such, it was a victory for state governments, gun owners and conservatives, who have long sought a halt to the growing commerce power of Congress.",12 12,"After Success on Same-Sex Marriage, Gay Rights Group Uses Ad to Keep Pressure On",11 13,"Congressional Republicans were incensed at what they saw as the Justice Department's abdication of its duty to defend the law of the land. Last week, the House announced that, to defend the statute, it had hired the law firm of King & Spalding and one of its stars, former Bush solicitor general Paul D. Clement.",12 13,Gunning for the District,12 7, McGuire's measure would make it a misdemeanor to smoke in a designated no-smoking area in a building or part of a building ''that is generally accessible to the public.',6 6,Checks offer few benefits,5 9, TEXAS GUARDS RIGHTS OF THE MENTALLY IMPAIRED,8 10,"""It just feels good to be out,"" Mr. Brown said as he stepped out of jail. ""I'm going home to my family.""",9 13,"During Super Bowl, for 30 Seconds, 2 Mayors Will Be on Same Side",12 5,KILLER TRIES TO HELP JUROR DECIDE HIS FATE,4 5,The New Jersey Supreme Court recently upheld the ban.,4 6,The catch: Those who sign the Death Penalty Opposition Registry would be required to sign over their estates to the Virginia Board of Corrections to help cover the cost of incarcerating their murderers.,5 7,DEBATE TO BEGIN ON DEPORTATION SYSTEM PROGRAM WOULD TARGET JAILED ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS,6 5,unsettling look at capital punishment Witness for the defense,4 1,"They also were responsible for starting 25 percent of new U.S. high-technology companies in the last decade, said the study, which also involved the University of California at Berkeley.",0 6,to deny recognition to same-sex marriages performed in other states,5 10,"The school would offer a three-tiered approach to teaching English depending on a student's fluency, said Brenda Kazin, the principal at Fallis who would lead the new school.",9 1,"Promoter Matt Eastman, who puts on 29 such shows a year, said a normal show in past Januarys might have drawn 4,500.",0 11,N.C. stuck in days tobacco was king,10 9," household firearms may be an important source of guns used to kill children, women and men, both on the street and in their homes",8 5,"d so the issues were joined in New York City's second death penalty trial since capital punishment was revived in the state three years ago. ",4 5,"This time, judges find sensible compromise on gay unions",4 7,Fewer Illegal Immigrants Stopped for Traffic Violations Will Face Deportation,6 11,A HISTORIC SHIFT BEGINS IN THE DEBATE OVER GUN CONTROL IN PA.,10 5,In the wake of the Massachusetts ruling -- the most conclusive recognition by a court of a right to same-sex marriage,4 13,"After the angry exchange, all the senators stormed off. Their staffs began furious negotiations over how to bridge their differences, and bargaining appears to be headed into the weekend.",12 5,The state is appealing Fulton County Superior Court Judge Constance Russell's ruling that the gay marriage ban approved by 76 percent of voters in November 2004 is unconstitutional because of the way it was written.,4 5," Theodore Kaczynski pleaded guilty Thursday to all the federal charges against him, acknowledging that he was the",4 12,"Kerry Messer, the president of the Missouri Family Network, was quoted as saying ""99 percent of Missourians"" support the bill. I challenge you and Messer to provide the source of that outrageous statistic",11 4,The real travesty is that defendants are often sentenced to death with evidence that yields something less than full certainty. Experience has shown that all too often we are missing that mark.,3 13,"In Barbados, Sharpton Criticizes Giuliani on Immigration",12 6,Denounce `defense' act,5 4,Al-Amin letter: 'I am falsely accused',3 5,"When we think of what governments should legitimately do --- provide police and fire protection, build roads and lighthouses, defend borders --- the idea of sanctioning marriage immediately sticks out as an anomaly, all the more so for those who wish to keep government's activities to a minimum.",4 9,"STUDY: SMOKING CANCELS BENEFIT OF ESTROGEN THERAPY FOR WOMEN ",8 10,More quitters and fewer starters cut Twin Cities smoking rate in half since 1980,9 3,"The Rev. John H. Thomas, president of the United Church of Christ, said with the vote on Independence Day, the rule-making body ""acted courageously to declare freedom.""",2 11,Some gay marriages are models of success,10 2,Farm Worker Shortage Feared,1 13,"Sen. Ron Johnson, R-WI, says he wants to protect 'Dreamers'",12 13,"IF NRA LIKES 'EM, I'LL VOTE AGAINST 'EM",12 15,GREAT SCOT,14 13,VOTE BACKS ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN,12 3,"""I'm going to do whatever it takes . . . to protect marriage",2 13,LOSING FIREPOWER Fictional Prez takes on gun lobby in labored last part of trilogy,12 5,"The Riverside County Sheriff's Department referred calls to John Porter, an attorney who handled the matter for the county. He did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment.",4 3,"Thus, when I try to restrict legal marriage to man-woman couples - by using my one vote and my First Amendment rights - I am doing what I believe God wants me to do.",2 13,White House,12 13,"California lawmakers consider regulating, taxing ammunition",12 5,"They participate in citizenship interviews and ceremonies, get information about immigration and deal with issues such as political asylum, visas and work permits with about 120 government employees. Suspected illegal immigrants also face immigration judges in the building.",4 5, A federal judge will soon decide whether your next tank of gas or bottle of soda comes with a free apology from the Marlboro man and Joe Camel.,4 6,Death penalty good thing for the society,5 13," GOVERNOR SEEKS LAP DOG, NOT INDEPENDENT COURT",12 13,"To gun-control advocates, this could be tipping point",12 1," For nicotine addicts in deep Southern Illinois, even sweeter deals will beckon from Kentucky, a tobacco-growing state that rewards farmers by charging a mere 3-cent excise tax. ",0 6,Anti-crime measure has an 'even shot',5 12,"A nationwide Gallup Poll taken last week shows opposition to same-sex unions has not eased, and the voters most likely to say it could affect their vote are almost all opposed to gay marriage.",11 1,"one-time application fee of $340 and an annual permit fee of $425, while San Jose's proposal would not charge for any application fees, just an annual permit fee of $450. The amount will ""cover the costs of reviewing applications, doing staff site inspections and processing of permits",0 3,"""for crimes involving moral turpitude",2 3,We understood the obligation,2 13," The House and Senate last year passed bills in the shooting's aftermath, but Republican congressional leaders have yet to convene a joint committee to work out differences between the two versions--mainly because the Senate GOP leadership no longer supports the tougher version its chamber approved, and which Clinton supports.",12 12,"To demand the end of repression and to ask for Congress to recognize and address the systemic failures of 20 years of immigration policy, New York United is holding a march and rally on Saturday under this slogan: No deal: full legalization now!",11 9,"Nicotine compound may signal smoker's risk of lung cancer, U study finds",8 5,"Lower courts need not weigh an issue simply because two Supreme Court justices believe it is important. But comments from even one justice on novel legal questions have sometimes spurred state and federal judges to study them and take conflicting positions, leading to a formal Supreme Court ruling.",4 6,The law was passed,5 9,Police Officer Dies,8 6,"The platform draft declares that ""homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable alternative lifestyle, in public policy, nor should family be redefined to include homosexual couples.""",5 6,The lesson from the Charleston murders should be to focus on strengthening the laws relating to gun purchases and ensuring enforcement processes that are already in place are correctly applied to prevent felons obtaining guns through the legal purchasing system to pursue criminal acts,5 5,"California Attorney General Bill Lockyer said it was his duty to defend laws that said the state recognized marriages only of a man and a woman. But whether such laws are constitutional, he said, is becoming ""one of the great legal and civil rights issues of our day"" and ""must be answered by our courts.""",4 6,The legislation would effectively override laws in 31 states that make it easy to obtain permits to carry concealed handguns.,5 10," which denies federal benefits, from Social Security to tax status, to gay and lesbian couples. ",9 5,SENATE BILL 28: PRO AND CON Return death sentences to the jury,4 5,Judge Finds for Aliens on Absences From U.S.,4 13,"The deepest divisions were between Republicans and Democrats who answered the questionnaire. For example, 84 percent of Republicans thought the United States is too open to immigrants; 62 percent of Democrats felt that way.",12 5,Death penalty on table in slain cop case,4 12,"Gun owners and advocates are fond of saying, ""Guns don't kill people, people kill people."" ",11 12,"Two-thirds favor banning assault rifles School, neighborhood violence shakes up attitudes on firearms",11 5,"And I think we ought to codify that one way or the other. And we've got lawyers looking at the best way to do that.""",4 5,Judge Gives Immigrant in Same-Sex Marriage a Reprieve From Deportation,4 7,GUARDSMAN COULD GET DEATH,6 15,OPPORTUNITIES LOST,14 11," For decades, tobacco signs were the canvas used by some of the advertising industry's most talented designers and photographers. And the works they produced, ranging from the quaint to the ingenious to the garish, have served not only as urban meeting places and reference points for lost motorists but as cultural touchstones.",10 7,GUN LAW REPORT: BAILEY'S PISTOL LACKED SERIAL NUMBER,6 1,"a spokeswoman for R. J. Reynolds, a part of Reynolds American and the second-largest tobacco seller and maker of Camel cigarettes.",0 6,"And it's also just the tip of the iceberg, since there are thousands of other equally outrageous horror stories that don't get any publicity. ",5 7," We will enforce law, local ICE chief vows",6 7," Guns are trafficked into our inner cities from out of state -- from Arizona No. 1, then Nevada, then Texas. Anybody can drive over there, go to a gun show and load up.""",6 12," 20,000 people signed petitions asking that Mr. Davis be spared the death penalty.",11 8,"The 188-page report on the INS by the department's inspector general said that before Sept. 11, the INS did not scrutinize student visa applications from foreigners closely enough. The report said the agency's inconsistency in requiring documentation from foreign students seeking to enter the country has undermined the government's ability to track such people once they are in the USA. ",7 12,"Gun plan draws support, fire in state",11 5,CITY MOVES ON APPEAL OF GAY-NUPTIALS RULING,4 11,"The Tribune called City Arms to comment and the person who answered the phone said, ""no comment."" ",10 9,"trigger locks and recording ballistic ""fingerprints"" before guns are sold.",8 13,His current crusade is universal background checks on gun sales.,12 5,"And in Indiana, Attorney General Greg Zoeller (R) has come under fire from conservatives for refusing to defend a portion of that state's immigration law. He said a recent Supreme Court ruling on a similar Arizona provision means that Indiana's law is unconstitutional. ",4 5,"In revoking the shield of attorney confidentiality, Fitzpatrick said cigarette makers and their trade groups ""committed numerous abuses of privilege and certain violations of court orders and the rules of court.""",4 13,yan has been considering c,12 8,". Had the bureau discharged its obligation to protect the public at that date, ",7 13,"A takeover. Private equity. Politics. And guns. ",12 11,"A couple of months ago, in the privacy of his Reston townhouse, Alan Chien made a final break from cultural tradition, a guilt-filled decision he has yet to share with his parents.",10 1,Stop Shielding Gun Makers,0 5,Wisconsin Supreme Court asked to rule on domestic partner registry,4 11,"Why America is experiencing a growth market in wrong hands and guns, I don't know. I doubt that anyone knows.",10 3,"No church in the farming and ranching community of Grand Island, which is about 150 miles west of Omaha, would allow Creech to perform the mock ceremony, but the minister had plenty of supporters around the country.",2 1,any cigars,0 9," Teaching more than 4,000 people to safely use handguns for 12 years through NRA-sponsored courses has given me a better background than simply reading magazines and fliers received in the mail.",8 11,on North Carolinians than on the nation as a whole.,10 11,MISSOURI OUT FRONT IN EXECUTIONS,10 9,"Dr. Josh Sharfstein, commissioner of health for the City of Baltimore.",8 7,"Perez, 28, popped shots into the air during a July 2016 altercation in Sunset Park, authorities have said. They added that the image of the gunman who was caught on a cell phone camera hoisting a .380-caliber semiautomatic pistol looked a lot like him.",6 1,"""This is in line with economic development.""",0 4,"''The issue is fairness for all of the immigrants who came to this country with a promise from this government that they would receive a chance for amnesty,",3 1,2d Dissident Slate of Candidates Is Filed for RJR Nabisco Board,0 6,said AB 1301,5 13,"Pa. black caucus: No gun laws, no budget",12 9,WE ALL HAVE HABITS THAT COULD KILL US,8 13,"""It's not gone forward because there's a political advantage for Democrats not to have an immigration bill,"" said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pa.). Democrats blamed Republican bad faith and said Republicans refused to impose a reasonable limit on amendments. ""The amendments were being offered by people who didn't want the bill,"" said Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.).",12 5,"After Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. said, ""The case is submitted,"" on March 27, the justices of the Supreme Court presumably took a private vote and now are at work writing the opinions that will decide the fate of same-sex marriage in the United States. ",4 6,better gun control and an assault weapons ban,5 6,The Overturning of a City's Handgun Ban,5 8,Protect the Police From Armor-Piercing Bullets,7 11,among non-smoking women,10 4,The death penalty's fatal flaws,3 5,What Right to Bear Arms?,4 1,IMMIGRANTS SEE HOUSE AS BIGGEST PRIORITY A FANNIE MAE SURVEY SAYS THEY'RE THE MOST LIKELY TO BUY,0 15,Shooting blanks,14 7,"While federal authorities declined to give details Monday of where DeMatthew got the rifle, or even some of the specifics about the gun, experts said there were several ways DeMatthew could have obtained it.",6 3,Civil Union Dispute Pits Methodist Retreat Against Gays Who Aided in Its Rebirth,2 5,"Thomas Michael Hardiman, a federal appeals court judge in Pittsburgh for the past 10 years, has not followed the typical path to the Supreme Court.",4 15,Strong words on guns,14 10,"They say such a policy can split families and wreak havoc on deportees' economic situations. Glenn Fogle, an Atlanta attorney, said his cases often involve families with small children who may be left in limbo if their parents are thrown in jail.",9 10,TEEN-AGE SMOKERS NEED EXTRA HELP TO QUIT,9 6,The Law of the Gun in Florida,5 11,It would be better to protest in english,10 13,Officials vote to block gun suite,12 9,Study: Smoking hits hardest on lung capacity of black women,8 7,"Alan P. Newman, a Wheaton man charged with four slayings in Montgomery County, was ordered held without bond yesterday in the county jail in Rockville.",6 1, by the tobacco industry,0 5,"Mr. Solak, 45, a graduate of the University of Connecticut, earned his law degree from Western New England College of Law in Springfield in 1976. He went into private practice for a year and spent a year reviewing proposed laws for several General Assembly committees before becoming an assistant state's attorney in 1978. The following year he became State's Attorney for Windham County.",4 6,"ALDERMEN MODIFY CITY SMOKING BAN BECAUSE MOST OFFICIALS, WORKERS SMOKE",5 4,"""This is the same message that racial-segregation laws wrongfully sent,"" the report states. ""Separate treatment was wrong then and it is just as wrong now.""",3 6,"The liability laws play to all the collectivist mythologies of our age, presupposing that (a) it is not the individual user of tobacco who is at fault but the folks who somehow ""coerced"" him into using it, and (b) it's not the state, which has chosen to assume the burden of paying for health care, that should pay for these particular health costs but (again) those ""responsible"" for causing the diseases.",5 3," They said the death penalty is morally wrong, violates human rights",2 11,One nation under the gun,10 5,"Seven couples, including two Haddonfield women, sued the state last year for the right to have same-sex marriages legally recognized in New Jersey. They argue that by denying them the right to marry, the state prevents them from enjoying benefits, such as tax breaks and health insurance, available to other married couples. ",4 13,Cullerton said.,12 7,"In connection with the arrest, federal agents seized several computers and examined Internet servers at the nursing school, said an employee at the school who asked not to be identified.",6 12,"Support for the death penalty is at historic 40-year lows according to the Gallup poll, which has been tracking attitudes on the issue since the 1930s. Pew Research Center's last national poll found support to be as low as 56 percent. But support for the death penalty may actually be even weaker than these polls reveal because pollsters routinely fail to ask the most telling question: Do you prefer the death penalty or life in prison without parole for persons convicted of first-degree murder?",11 12,"An operation by federal immigration agents in Detroit set off protests from Latino and church groups on Wednesday after the officers stopped two illegal immigrants as they were dropping off their children at school. ",11 11,Ask Amy: Smoking Hot vs. Smoking Not,10 13, Otter said in a statement when the bill was signed in March,12 8, five-day waiting period,7 7," KILLER MAY GET DEATH PENALTY",6 13,Meet some of the 4 percent of D.C. voters who went for Trump,12 3, exercise their moral judgment as the conscience of the community,2 3,has engaged in systematic fraud and racketeering since the 1950s by withholding facts about the dangers of smoking and doing everything possible to entice people to smoke.,2 5,Federal judge rules against key part of D.C. gun law,4 13,"John Dingell is a large man with a forceful personality, famous for reducing Pentagon brass to pulp in his hearing room. When he was chairman of the House Commerce Committee, he executed a breathtaking extension of his jurisdiction by hauling officials to the witness table so he could thunder at them about defense contracts. But he is sentimental about guns and his father's tutelage in firearms. He broods about endangered gun shows.",12 13,"Portman's Son Describes Personal Side of Senator's Shift on Same-Sex Marriage ",12 12,The National Rifle Association voiced on Wednesday its opposition to a Missouri bill that would nullify federal gun laws - after the addition of an amendment to the bill Tuesday night.,11 15,"The who, not the where",14 11,"SILENT GUESTS; LITTLE NOTICED, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE GROWING PRESENCE HERE",10 13,GOP hashes out immigration stance,12 11,Something is deadly wrong in this country;,10 13,Romney Makes a Move in Gay-Marriage Battle,12 7,"Killer cries, gets death sentence",6 13,"N.R.A. Goes After Orman in Kansas, by Way of New York ",12 13,"After Brief Split, Trump and N.R.A. Appear to Reconcile",12 7,"Ryan Carroll, 18, of Livermore, Beau Defrenchi, 18, of Tracy, and Adrien Olivas, 18, of Newark, were arrested and arraigned in federal court in Oakland in connection with thefts that occurred at Fremont's Irvington Arms gun shop and Dom's Surplus in Livermore. ",6 9,"In some cases, the illegal immigrants, hoping to use the isolation of the mountains to work their way north, are at serious risk of being hurt or killed by wildfires they helped start.",8 13,"At this point, Obama probably wishes that his key appointees were solely people who preferred to retire to microphone- and media-free caves. Napolitano's comments are the latest in a series of revelations and critiques from past members of Obama's Cabinet that cast the administration in varying degrees of negative light.",12 8,Moussaoui first claimed last month that Reid was the one confirmed member of his crew to hijack a fifth plane on 9/11 and fly it into the White House.,7 15,New Jersey's Marriage Moment,14 9,"Experts: Smoking areas, filtration fail sniff test",8 7,Florida: Brothers' Deportation Delayed,6 12,no one calls for a ban on cars.,11 11,TEENS HELP CRAFT ANTI-SMOKING MESSAGE,10 13,"The White House was making its push on immigration as it wrapped up what Republicans said was Mr. Bush's first good week in as long as they could remember, one capped by the president's signing of the Iraq war spending bill at Camp David on Friday evening. Passage of the bill without the timelines for withdrawal that Mr. Bush had opposed was cause for celebration at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, as were tentative signs of progress on the immigration bill.",12 13,"""I think as of last night, they may have an agreement, an agreement in principle in terms of how we would deal with the question of both legal immigration and illegal immigration,"" Mr. Boehner said in an interview Thursday.",12 15,In Brief,14 11,Building bridges between immigrants and communities,10 5,CIGARETTE SUIT,4 5, Federal authorities chose to prosecute Muhammad in Prince William in part because of Commonwealth's Attorney Paul B. Ebert's record in capital cases. He has sent more than a dozen people to Virginia's death row.,4 10,"Welfare reform denies most legal immigrants food stamps and SSI, which is a federal cash benefit for needy senior citizens and the disabled. Many immigrant advocates worry that some people cannot take and pass the citizenship test because of physical and mental problems",9 13,"The bill passed its final vote in the legislature last week. Romer's staff said he had received 2,600 phone calls urging him to sign the bill and 1,200 urging him to veto it.",12 13,"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's premier gun-control advocate, chose Ehrlich as one of its prime targets of the 2002 campaign,",12 5,Official's Asylum Request Could Complicate Saudi-U.S. Diplomacy,4 9,"Ads will fight smoking, back county ban Campaign to include positive testimonials about law, promote end to exemptions.",8 5,Missouri: Official Sued Over Granting Marriage Licenses to Gay Couples,4 5,uhammad's Bid for New Trial Rejected;,4 12,"A 14-year-old girl tells Chiles he could dash her dreams of marrying the person she loves if he does not veto a bill banning same-sex marriages. ""This is because I am bisexual,"" she says. A gay law enforcement officer talks of a painful breakup with his partner of 12 years. ""The combined stresses of living in an unconventional relationship such as ours without legal recognition and societal support was more than we could bear."" ",11 7,FEDS STUB OUT BIG CIG RACKET,6 10,because they were affected or annoyed by a smoky environment can now enjoy a drink or meal without worrying,9 5,"Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, another federal court rules",4 4,"Another step toward equality ",3 12,HUNDREDS AT NYU FIND GOP 'IMMIG HUNT' AWFUL,11 13,"The effort is being spearheaded by tobacco state lawmakers--including Rep. Harold Rogers (R-Ky.)--who want to kill the lawsuit and appropriations committee leaders who disapprove of the administration shifting funds from the departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and Health and Human Services to underwrite the cost of the litigation.",12 5,"The challenge was filed by the Empire State Restaurant and Tavern Association, whose members include about 5,000 eating and drinking establishments, the County Chamber of Commerce and Philip Morris Companies, the tobacco giant, which has offices in Rye Brook.",4 7,Inmate Convicted in '86 Prison Murder Gets New Trial,6 1,PHILIP MORRIS CHIEF RESIGNS AFTER 3 YEARS,0 13,Figures don't back up senator's claims on assault weapons and guns,12 6,A Flawed Law,5 12,Voices From the Marches,11 5,"Clearly, judges need more sentencing options to help jails deal with this dilemma: ""That'll be 30 days, Mr. Smith. And would you prefer smoking or non-smoking?""",4 5,Volunteer lawyers witnessed countless cases of coercion and denial of due process while fighting obstacles thrown up by the federal government to block those pro bono efforts.,4 13,"In an appearance Wednesday morning before a gay and lesbian group, Republican gubernatorial candidate Richard Riordan said he was ""open to discussion"" of a bill that would institute civil unions for same-sex couples.",12 5,IDENTITY CARDS FOR EVERYONE? PROP. 187: WILSON SAYS ALL MUST PROVE CITIZENSHIP,4 3,Pastor whose congregation dwindled after gay-marriage vote to close St. Paul church,2 5,FISHER: MINN. TRIAL WON'T HURT PA. TOBACCO SUIT,4 11," Revisiting Guns, the N.F.L. and Costas",10 11,Have we now come to a time in this country where it has become politically incorrect to stand up for the flag and constitution of this great land? I do hope this is not the case.,10 11, He was the sixth person to be executed in Missouri this year.,10 11,"The fallout: people won't be able to buy guns for four days - four days that coincide with the start of hunting season, when doves and early Canada geese become fair game, hunting enthusiasts say.",10 6,"America's last statewide gun ban is being mailed out of existence starting now. ",5 6,BILL TO BAN GUNS IS A TYPICAL QUICK FIX,5 9," social worker showed jurors Susan Smith's family tree Thursday and told them it was overloaded with cases of mental depression, alcoholism, attempted suicide and other afflictions. ",8 13,"The wording was inserted by lawmakers at the insistence of tobacco companies - particularly R.J. Reynolds - even though Democrats and the White House opposed it, said Rep. John Spratt, D-S.C., a top budget negotiator. ""I'm surprised to see this in the final agreement because the meetings I was at, the administration dismissed it out of hand. But stuff happens,"" said Spratt, the ranking Democrat on the House Budget Committee.",12 7,Arrest made in dragging death Suspect may be illegal immigrant,6 1,"JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America have done away with services that allowed Mexican immigrants to send money to their families across the borders, and the Spanish bank BBVA is reportedly exploring the sale of its unit that wires money to Mexico and across Latin America. Citigroup's Banamex USA unit has now closed a number of branches that served Mexicans living in the United States and stopped most remittances to Mexico as it faces a federal investigation related to money laundering controls.",0 7,"n Feb. 9, Jaturun Siripongs was executed by lethal injection for two murders during a 1981 robbery in Orange County, the sixth person to be put to death since California resumed executions in 1992 after a 25-year halt. ",6 12,"But the National Association for Gun Rights , a fast-growing Second Amendment advocacy group describing itself as a more conservative alternative to the NRA, targeted the measure -- and the NRA -- even before the bill passed.",11 4,Paul Singer's Equality Efforts,3 7,Police in Takoma Park said yesterday that their policy of not enforcing immigration laws helped them solve a violent crime recently when a Hispanic day laborer saw suspects fleeing after an armed robbery and scratched a license plate number into the dirt,6 11,I am young,10 12,Vermont Town's Voters Back Gun-Owner Law,11 5,"The plaintiffs are relying heavily on the same arguments that persuaded Massachusetts' highest court to legalize gay marriage this year -- namely, that laws limiting marriage to a union between a man and a woman discriminate against gays, violating several constitutional guarantees. ",4 5,Ga. judge voids gay-marriage ban,4 5,D.C. gun law faces another challenge,4 7, in a sniper attack here last fall that left one soldier dead and 18 others injured.,6 1,WAWA TO REMOVE TOBACCO-TOUTING BILLBOARDS AGAIN,0 1,"New York Is Trying Again to Tax Indians' Cigarette Sales ",0 7,"Zadvydas is a convicted drug dealer. Ma was convicted of manslaughter in a gang killing. About half of the immigrants affected by the ruling are from Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, countries that do not have repatriation agreements with the United States. ",6 13,"But Mr. Bush mentioned that plan only in passing, in the context of a fairly general assertion of his belief that his agenda, priorities and attitude of compassion should appeal to minority voters who had perhaps been suspicious of Republicans in the past",12 13,"As governor of Vermont -- a small, rural state whose gun laws are among the least restrictive in the country -- Dean earned a national reputation as an opponent of gun control and worked closely with the NRA, a requirement for survival in this state's politics.",12 13," Supervisors urge COG to stay out of gun issues ",12 13,"Pressured by Trump, A.T.F. Revisits Bump Stock Rules",12 13,CRIST WISELY IGNORES THE EXTREMISTS,12 6,"The legislation raises the minimum age to buy a gun of any kind to 21, implements a three-day waiting period to pur-chase a firearm and bans bump stocks.",5 5,"The Supreme Court has held that marriage is a fundamental right, a right that can be limited only if there is a compelling state interest.",4 5,Hughes ultimately denied Floyd's request. But the loud 20-minute argument delayed the start of jury selection until almost 3 p.m.,4 4,EDITORIAL A question of equality,3 5,Challenge to Gay Marriage Ban Is Rejected,4 1,"Gun magazine supplier expands in Iowa college town ",0 7,"onvicted Georgia killers Larry Grant Lonchar and Ellis Wayne Felker have been scheduled for execution on consecutive days next month, state prison officials said Monday. ",6 11,Mass shootings are the focus a lot of commentary about gun violence in the United States. ,10 1,"No matter which estimate you accept, it's a lot of people",0 5,"The ruling is a major legal setback for Beardslee,",4 5,"TRIAL BEGINS FOR 3 ACCUSED OF SMUGGLING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS / A BOAT CARRYING 23 CHINESE MEN RAN AGROUND IN BAY HEAD IN MAY, EXPOSING THE OPERATION",4 9,"AT CLINIC, SMOKERS NEED NOT APPLY",8 12,gay-rights activists,11 5,"Yesterday, the Ghanaian woman celebrated the legal victory that won her asylum in the U.S. and announced plans for a new life of school and volunteer work. ",4 4,"""We are hopeful that people can find common ground and agree that you can't just let the system operate when you have some clear warning signs that it is not working,"" said Diann Rust-Tierney, director of the American Civil Liberties Union Capital Punishment Project.",3 5,The nation's highest immigration court ruled yesterday that a 19-year-old West African woman should be granted political asylum because she fears the bloody but traditional practice of genital mutilation by members of her tribe.,4 13,"Because no matter where you stand on the issue of gun control, chances are pretty good that today's expected recommendations from Joe Biden's task force will disappoint.",12 8,U.S. steps up border control,7 13,"""Jim, we must have made a wrong turn,"" deadpanned Mrs. Brady. ""This isn't San Diego.""",12 10,Wary immigrants drop food stamps,9 7, Eighty-one percent of victims under age 24 are shot in those seven counties.,6 11,"Since a community center opened there last spring, Grant Park Apartments has become a central place for Vietnamese families to begin new lives. They learn about the complex by word of mouth and arrive in droves.",10 5,a state should not maintain unnecessary procedural hurdles simply to avoid recognizing certain domestic living arrangements.,4 8,TIME TO COOL,7 15,"READ BOOK, THEN DECIDE",14 7,"Franklin shot into the crowd at the bar mitzvah. Besides hitting Gordon, another bullet wounded William Ash, then 30, of Akron, Ohio. Ash lost a finger in the shooting. A third shot grazed the shoulder of Steven Goldman of Chesterfield. ",6 5,Same-Sex Married Couples in California Await Court's Ruling,4 11,"Aside from the terrible toll they take, guns have only trivial purposes in our society, and it is time they be removed from our midst. ",10 14," VANCOUVER-SEATTLE GUN-CONTROL STUDY QUESTIONED",13 13," That left Democrats, who bulldozed Republicans in weekend negotiations, to round up the votes of liberals opposed to capital punishment and conservatives opposed to the death-row appeals provision and a five-day waiting period for handgun purchases.",12 7," ""felons among us.""",6 7,Officials on Monday pored through requests sent by people interested in watching the execution of convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.,6 11,"""Americans are healthier today because we're making better personal choices,""",10 9,Sun worshipers who smoke can wrinkle 12 times faster,8 11,WEDDINGS/CELEBRATIONS,10 13, Mayor Eric Garcetti has vowed to do everything he can to fight widespread deportations of illegal immigrants.,12 9," Two of them survived, one with serious brain damage.",8 13,big-city mayors,12 10,"At first, he said, he liked the idea. But now, at the age of 15, the Milford boy is having second thoughts. Back when he started, he didn't need to smoke; he just lit up when he felt like it. ""But then it got like you had to go out and have a cigarette or have one as soon as you got off the school bus and I got kind of addicted to it,"" he said. Although he still likes to smoke, he often wishes he had never started.",9 6," overturned the Defense of Marriage Act, which had denied federal benefits to same-sex married couples.",5 5, Permits would cost $100 and be valid for three years,4 13,POLITICS: THE VOTERS; Influx of Immigrants Is Changing Electorate,12 1,THE FIREARM FIRE SALE SHOULD IT BE EASIER TO DEAL GUNS THAN IT IS TO SELL CHRISTMAS TREES?,0 7,"Edwin Ives, 53, turned himself in Friday in Los Angeles after three of his foremen and an alleged alien smuggler were arrested earlier in the day at his 49-acre Ventura County ranch.",6 5,"Returning to New Hampshire to sever the bond is not an option either. Although marrying can be accomplished with a brief visit there, a divorce requires residency in the state for at least a year.",4 13,"That, said the congressman, is what always happens when the opposition to something can't fashion a coherent and logical argument.",12 13,Senate approves plan to allow armed pilots,12 7,"After Conn. tragedy, some in Pa. look again at gun laws",6 5,A clear decision on immigration,4 14,Phila. officials applaud N.Y. in move against gun violence,13 7,"She was accused of causing 7-year-old Christina Holt's death by not protecting her from her stepfather, John Zile, accused of beating the girl to death for soiling her pants.",6 4,"""I've always believed that we would make progress because we were on the right side of equality and justice.""",3 5,A federal judge today refused to stop New Jersey's smoking ban from going into effect this Saturday.,4 11, as hunters in blaze-orange clothing watched from a visitors' gallery.,10 12,Vigil a quiet protest against amendment,11 13,"In an effort to salvage the illegal immigration reform bill, congressional Republicans finally backed off their plan to penalize the school children of illegal immigrants - and bucked Bob Dole, their presidential candidate, in the process. Unfortunately, the bill they struggled to save is still a severely flawed piece of work.",12 5,"Gay marriage advocates on Thursday urged a federal appeals court to reject a bid to reconsider last month's ruling striking down California's voter-approved ban on same-sex nuptials. In court papers filed with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, lawyers for same-sex couples argued that another review of the legal challenge to Proposition 8 is ""an unnecessary step"" that will delay the outcome. San Francisco city officials also filed documents asking the court to reject the latest legal volley by Proposition 8 backers. ""Two federal courts have already found Proposition 8 unconstitutional,"" gay marriage supporters wrote. ""Yet plaintiffs -- along with thousands of other gay and lesbian Californians -- still suffer the daily indignity and humiliation of having the state designate their relationships as second-class pairings unworthy of the name 'marriage.'"" A three-judge 9th Circuit panel in February ruled 2-1 that Proposition 8 violated the equal protection rights of same-sex couples because without legal or social justification it stripped them of an established right to marry in California. But Proposition 8 backers last week asked the 9th Circuit to rehear the case with an 11-judge panel, an ""en banc"" review. A majority of the court's 25 full-time judges must vote to rehear the case, a move most legal experts say is unlikely given the 9th Circuit's current ideological makeup. The legal maneuvering postpones the eventual likelihood of the U.S. Supreme Court being asked to address the Proposition 8 challenge. ",4 6,"The administration said its proposal to have illegal immigrants ''involuntarily disenrolled'' would save at least $67 million over five years, mainly by requiring private Medicare Advantage plans and prescription drug plans to deny or revoke coverage for people who are in the country illegally. ",5 14, sparked an international outcry,13 6,"In a new, controversial push against smoking, the FDA will require graphic photos on cigarette packs ",5 13,SENATORS ARE WARY OF ACCORD ON TOBACCO,12 5,"The Connecticut Supreme Court deserves praise for acknowledging, as other states that allow same-sex marriage have not, the constitutional principles that compelled the justices to guarantee all consenting adult Americans the right to enjoy the freedoms and bear the responsibilities of citizenship, including marriage.",4 2,Arizona's Border Burden,1 5,"A hearing in El Paso County in Texas went from ordinary to ""unprecedented"" last week when half a dozen Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents showed up at a courthouse where an undocumented woman was seeking a protective order against the boyfriend she accused of abusing her.",4 11,"one of the deadliest mass shootings in American history. ",10 3,TO DISARM THE PEOPLE IS TO ENSLAVE THEM,2 14,MEX PREZ: BAN ASSAULT RIFLES,13 6,The National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act would enable millions of American permit holders to carry their licensed weapon in any of the 49 states that already permit concealed carry.,5 9,"SMOKING, NOT TOBACCO, KILLS",8 5,"In the 5-2 decision, Judges Stephen Limbaugh Jr. and William Ray Price Jr. dissented. White wrote that Corrigan's remarks at a hearing in his chambers during Smulls' trial were ""oafish and insensitive at best and, at their worst, call into question the trial judge's ability to serve as a member of the judiciary. . .",4 13,The Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to take up a White House-backed bill,12 11, found that Old Joe was as recognizable to children as Mickey Mouse,10 1,Tobacco money sways smoking legislation,0 10,"Killer Is Executed, as He Wished",9 13,"Armed with toy pistols, Banks began a filibuster after the Senate voted 18-17 not to send the bill to a joint House-Senate committee. That move was aimed at reviving a provision for a statewide vote on the issue. ",12 14,"The State Department spokesman, John H. Trattner, said the program was humanitarian in nature and was unrelated to the question of normalization of relations between Washington and Hanoi.",13 12,"""Our country is frustrated and angry with federal inaction on this issue.""",11 6,. It is absurd for Washington to outlaw guns; it guarantees that only outlaws will have guns.,5 7,"mmigration enforcement authorities detained and deported record numbers of illegal immigrants in 2011 and are on track for similar figures this year, even as the numbers of migrants crossing the border illegally dropped to a 40-year low, according to data published Friday by the Department of Homeland Security",6 8,Stand Your Ground Mischief in Florida,7 14,A Death Penalty Case in Puerto Rico,13 4,A victory for equality,3 13,House GOP's gun bill vote could fracture bipartisan coalition on background checks,12 1,The click of a button indicates that dozens of other funds with a similar performance that don't invest in any gun stocks.,0 13,Special-Interest Groups Widening Political Attack Ads,12 12, a position that has drawn sharp criticism from some gay advocacy groups,11 4,"A Year After a Gay Man's Killing, Laramie Braces for a Second Trial",3 13,"The issue was raised in a letter this month to CHA officials from Robert Dowlut, deputy general counsel of the powerful lobbying organization.",12 5,"At a change-of-venue hearing, Judge Linda G. Baxter said Monmouth has similar demographics to Camden County, ample space, and a willingness to accommodate the trial at the courthouse in Freehold. And it is outside the Philadelphia-area media market.",4 7,"Missouri man executed for deaths of girlfriend, her daughter ",6 9,"LEGAL GUARDIAN NEEDED FOR HEIDNIK, COURT TOLD / THE CONDEMNED MAN IS MENTALLY UNFIT AND NEEDS A ""NEXT FRIEND"" TO HELP WITH DECISIONS, A LAWYER SAID.",8 12, to an initial public offering,11 5,"Jury says no to death for Pasco man's killer ",4 13,Senate relents on gun bills,12 11,Troubling increase in gun ownership,10 13,"There they go again. Seeking a seat in Congress, a Georgia GOP legislator is raising the specter of phony voters --- illegal immigrants sneaking into the voting booth to cast a ballot.",12 11,"If Old Joe were real, instead of just a cartoon character, he ought to be shot.",10 3, a ban on guns in churches and other places of worship today,2 7, The Haitians on board were taken into the custody of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and remain in local detention centers.,6 7, is sentenced to death or life behind bars.,6 13,"Gov. Rick Scott's new task force on public safety will begin reviewing the state's ""stand your ground"" law in two weeks, but the lawmakers anchoring the group have voting records packed with support for the law and other gun rights expansions.",12 6," Bet on the latter. ""In the long run, [same-sex marriage] is absolutely going to happen,"" said David Garrow, a legal and civil rights scholar who teaches at the Emory University law school. ""Will it happen pell-mell, or will it be two-steps-forward-one-step-back over 15 years?"" ",5 7,DEATH PENALTY SOUGHT IN SLAYING AT RESTROOM,6 6,STATE CONSIDERS GUN LAW ON TRACEABLE BULLETS,5 11," With advanced worldwide communications and travel, immigrants have more of an opportunity to maintain ties to the homeland and its values. ",10 1,Shares of cigarette makers including the Philip Morris Companies and R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings fell,0 13,"Nearly two dozen Republicans voted for the measure, including the author of a failed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Some socially conservative Democrats also voted for the bill, including a Baptist minister from Baltimore who at first had tried to kill it.",12 1,work ,0 9,Teen tobacco 'epidemic' shocks surgeon general,8 12,"""We're really disappointed; we thought they would at least debate this,"" said Jeff Mutchnik, legislative director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, a national group. ""It just seems like they've given up on it.""",11 15,'Please' proves magic word in smoking battle,14 5,Bans on gay marriage upheld,4 5,"In a court hearing last week, Stephen Tillery argued that the $10.1 billion judgment against Philip Morris should be revived because new evidence has emerged in a separate tobacco case now before the U.S. Supreme Court.",4 5,JURY REJECTS DEATH PENALTY FOR TEEN-AGER IN SLAYING OF AN 80-YEAR-OLD MAN,4 9,cost of treating Medicare patients sick with smoking-related illnesses.,8 12,"Open Carry Texas claims the men, women and children armed with about two dozen semi-automatic rifles were not ready to confront anyone. ""In reality, the peaceful gun owners were posing for a photo,"" the group said in a statement. Moms Demand Action released a statement calling the group ""gun bullies"" who ""disagree with our goal of changing America's gun laws and policies to protect our children and families."" ",11 13,Only a minor difference between the House and Senate versions on gun control provisions is holding up this legislation; members of Congress seem content to play politics during this election year.,12 5,Maryland Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Gay Marriage,4 9,"Someone who hasn't entered into the institution is not necessarily at risk of poor health. Likewise, there are many people in unhappy and unhealthy marriages, so just because you have a license you're not automatically healthier.",8 6,"Under a Bush administration policy adopted in December, Haitians seeking asylum in the United States are held in indefinite detention during the processing of their immigration claims.",5 11,"""We just traded one culture war for another,"" said Allen Thornell, executive director of Georgia Equality, the state's largest gay rights organization.",10 9,4 HOSPITALS AGREE TO ADD TRANSLATORS FOR IMMIGS,8 7,Trantino's sentence was changed to life in prison.,6 5,The Drug Cartels' Right to Bear Arms,4 1,Legal Foreign Students Paying A Price Under Immigration Law,0 5,Court strikes ban on gay marriage,4 7,Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri gets that. Hillsborough County Sheriff David Gee does not.,6 5,"GAY COUPLE SUES D.C. FOR RIGHT TO MARRY ",4 3,"What happens when religious beliefs lead business owners to refuse to serve gay people? Is it living according to their faith? Is it discrimination? ",2 13,"President Bush, ",12 9," E-cigarettes outdo smoking-cessation approaches",8 5,Labor Dept. cites error in missed Sun hiring notices,4 9," to present his evidence of mental retardation and that, even if it had, the state still could not execute a retarded man.",8 7,'Kill the NRA': Vandals commandeer a billboard to redirect their post-Parkland anger,6 5, proposed amendment to the state constitution banning same-sex marriages or civil unions,4 1,billionaire,0 12,"Still, it does seem a bit odd that the National Rifle Association, the purveyors of Big Fear, which wants everybody to be able to carry a gun anywhere they want, would suddenly go all weak in the knees over the remote possibility that someone attending Hutchinson's Potemkin Village news conference might be packing heat. ",11 5,April Trial Scheduled In Slayings At Starbucks,4 12,"On the street, opinion split on execution",11 5,"'Gun ownership is a constitutional issue, and it needs to be dealt with on a statetwide basis, not with a patchwork of municipal laws,'",4 5," The eloquently worded, 26-page opinion evoked memories of Kennedy's ruling exactly a decade earlier in Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down state sodomy laws.",4 12,Why the Parkland students have made pro-gun conservatives so mad,11 1," ""It's the best company and it has the wherewithal to pay the liabilities from any litigation,"" says Yacktman. He estimates Philip Morris' tobacco and food businesses are worth at least $ 300 a share.",0 5,Prosecutors immediately appealed both rulings to the U.S. Supreme Court.,4 1,The group has run out of money.,0 6,Georgia's weak gun laws lead to dubious distinction,5 9,and disarm the land mines,8 5,"Proposed St. Paul registry would recognize unwed committed couples, including same-sex partners",4 5,Maryland would join the District and eight states that have legalized gay nuptials - most recently New York and Washington state.,4 3,citing either moral,2 13,"When it comes to passing sensible gun laws, Congress typically offers Profiles in Cowardice.",12 6,Belmont considering crackdown on second-hand smoke,5 1,"""Florida's taxpayers consistently have to make withdrawals from their wallets",0 6,"Don't give up - St. Charles County can go smoke-free, too",5 11," This gallery of portraits, assembled by Sarah Weissman, picture editor of the Week in Review, reflects gun owners (all those pictured say their guns are legal) who offer a range of other reasons for owning a weapon: for sport, for hunting, for collecting, for self-protection (against rattlesnakes as well as human intruders), for sentimental reasons and as a financial investment.",10 1,A Duluth gun shop manage,0 5,"Manning's case presents a difficult first test of the Justice Department review. Last week, the Mississippi Supreme Court denied a request by Manning's lawyers to reexamine a rape kit, fingernail scrapings, hairs and fingerprint evidence in the case, ruling narrowly that even if Manning's DNA was absent, that would not be enough to overturn his 1994 conviction. ",4 11,"With such figures as Troy Davis, Lawrence Brewer and Gov. Rick Perry so recently in the news, this story of a botched death-penalty case - which the filmmakers argue resulted in a man being wrongfully executed in 2004 - qualifies as one of the most timely movies of the year. But as expertly crafted by filmmakers Steve Mims and Joe Bailey Jr., ""Incendiary"" possesses the hallmarks of true-crime nonfiction filmmaking at its most classic.",10 13,"Mr. King is adamantly opposed to immigration reform and, in discussing the topic, has at times employed language that even Republican colleagues find offensive.",12 11," He was, however, simply acting in the tradition of a community long committed to taking a critical stance on a number of issues.",10 5,state ban on same-sex marriage,4 5,Texas Man's Death Sentence Thrown Out Over Racist Testimony,4 5,States May Not Be Compelled 'to Implement . . . Federal Regulatory Programs',4 8,ON TARGET Gun backround checks may pass,7 3," The foundation of a civil society is that life is something of value by itself, something that cannot be eliminated for somebody else's convenience!",2 13," Maryland, California, Oregon, Florida, Indiana and Connecticut; and permit-for-purchase systems in New York, North Carolina, New Jersey and Michigan.",12 5,Death row defender is named,4 9,"""the most important public health and safety rulemaking that FDA has conducted in the past 50 years.",8 7,"AROUND THE NATION; 2 Men Get 5-Year Terms In Alien-Smuggling Case ",6 13,Act speeding up executions goes to Scott,12 6,"Spokeswoman Lyn May said ACOG will vigorously enforce its policy. ""Most people have become quite comfortable with designated smoking areas,"" she said. ""Even though Americans may be more familiar with them, people from around the world are increasingly accepting the concept.""",5 6,Bad policy to consider breaks in illegal immigrants' tuition,5 9,in conjunction with the County Public Health Department and the American Lung Association of Santa Clara and San Benito Counties,8 3,churches,2 8,"RUDY SAYS FEDS SHOULD'VE PROBED TERROR SUSPECT ",7 4,Death penalty's fatal flaw,3 7,SHERIFFS OFFER OPEN-CARRY LAW ALTERNATIVE,6 6,California's 'Trust Act' bill limiting deportations,5 5,"A 50-State Ruling ",4 7,GUN CONTROL: Cycle of violence,6 13, conservatives have been pushing hard for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between those of the opposite sex.,12 7,"The 15-year-old Stone Mountain boy was driving the van when he was arrested, police spokesman Chuck Johnson said. He said the van contained other items stolen from Mr. Conrad's home.",6 1,"Although sales records for long guns never have been kept, Severs said they far exceed handgun sales. ""We're looking at jumping up to 360,000 transactions next year,"" he said.",0 5,State Appeals Ruling On Execution Deadline,4 5,"Otter cited the state's constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. ",4 9," Someone who hasn't entered into the institution is not necessarily at risk of poor health. Likewise, there are many people in unhappy and unhealthy marriages, so just because you have a license you're not automatically healthier.",8 1,to loosen restrictions on sales at gun shows.,0 7,"In some police districts in that large Metroliner stop to the north, annual shootings are down in the last two years from averages of about 50 to literally three, four or six.",6 10," Robert Lee Tarver Jr., who had eaten his last meal and given away his possessions.",9 6,Brady Law works as it is,5 3,"""This is not a case of seeking mercy on the philosophy of opposition to the death penalty,",2 5,"""This law defines in statute that marriage is between a man and a woman, which is important to many of the Vermonters we have heard from,"" he said. ""But I believe it also meets the Vermont Supreme Court mandate that gay and lesbian couples receive the same legal rights, benefits and obligations now enjoyed by married couples.""",4 13,White House wants more cities to trace gun purchases,12 12," During this time, there has been an unprecedented rise in public support for gay marriage. This change, along with the tireless work that gay rights advocates have put into this effort, may just yield long-overdue results.",11 11,The program is a grassroots attempt to educate young people,10 5,Ashcroft is right in his view on the 2nd Amendment,4 5," In Florida, a federal judge temporarily stayed the execution of Dan Patrick Hauser",4 9,"She was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1989, but her disease is in remission.",8 9,"One of the 20 residents at Arbor Village heard noises and saw smoke coming from Brown's room and pulled her out, said Lisa Perez, an aide at the facility.",8 9,"The report calls on Congress to pass laws protecting immigrant female farmworkers, and for the Department of Homeland Security to repeal rules that encourage local police to report federal immigration violations.",8 12,"""Anyone who's an incumbent, I'm not too happy with,"" says Orr, a water planning analyst.",11 13,POST-DISPATCH AD CHECK (RICHARD GEPHARDT),12 5,RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS SPELLED OUT,4 4,Questions of Death Row Justice For Poor People in Alabama,3 13,LEGISLATURE CAVING IN TO GUN LOBBY,12 15,Warning for the 'bad guys',14 12,LIVOTI'S ACQUITTAL FILLS MARCH BUSES,11 1, Not that the estimated $30 billion gun industry can't afford liability; gun sales actually spiked during and after the national uproar about Newtown.,0 7,on a three-state killing spree in 1995.,6 5,"''Haitians who came to the United States seeking freedom and justice did not find it,'' Judge King wrote in a 180-page decision. Instead, he said, ''they were confronted with an Immigration and Naturalization Service determined to deport them,'' and to do so ''irrespective of the merits of their asylum claims.''",4 1,before the company was sold to Brown & Williamson in 1994,0 1,That's what happens to trendy products in a strong economy.,0 11,"Instead, the members of the Atlanta Senior Chinese Athletic Club have a table filled with homemade foods --- sushi, pickled seaweed, chicken broth, roasted pork and duck.",10 7,police traced another crime-related gun back to Brooking's store,6 7,DEATH PENALTY SOUGHT IN SLAYING OF BUCKS MOTHER / DONALD A. TRAUB IS ACCUSED OF GUNNING DOWN A WOMAN OUTSIDE A WARMINSTER SUPERMARKET LAST WEEK.,6 13,Bloomberg's gun claim pretty much on target,12 13,But Massachusetts Assistant Attorney General Peter Sacks,12 5,under a 1998 master settlement of their suits,4 6,"A few months ago, you proposed a ban on hiring smokers for county jobs. What happened with that idea? ",5 1,humidor attendant,0 8, basic self-defense arguments ,7 2,Cut back on immigration and step up screening,1 15,Love and same-sex marriage,14 1,"So at a gun store here in Meridian, a bit west of Boise, the counter has a display promising ''2 FREE HIGH-CAPACITY MAGAZINES.''",0 13,casting the issue into the middle of the 2004 presidential campaign.,12 13,"Over the impassioned objections of Levin and other gun owners, the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee unanimously passed a package of legislation that would:",12 6," What Should Be Done About Guns?",5 13,Rubio himself called a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants a bad idea when he was running for his Senate seat less than three years ago.,12 5,SPITZER RELOADS IN GUNMAKER SUIT,4 13,KENNEDY FIGHTS BILLS THAT WOULD RESTRICT IMMIGRATION,12 3,How many deaths before assault rifle ban?,2 9,THE OVERWHELMING PERILS OF SMOKING,8 13,Compromise gun bill accepted Panel rejects attempt to cancel local control,12 9,of providing health care,8 5,"Under Florida law, a spouse is recognized as a personal representative of an estate provided the out-of-state marriage is recognized as valid under state law. Simpson petitioned Lewis to be recognized as Bangor's personal representative despite the ban on gay marriage in Florida. ",4 5,"The federal courts have unanimously held that the amendment grants the people the right to be armed only in connection with service in state militias. As the Supreme Court has written, the ""obvious purpose"" of the Second Amendment was ""to assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness"" of the state militia, adding that the amendment ""must be interpreted and applied with that end in view."" The ""well regulated Militia"" is not a self-appointed army of ""patriots"" training for armed resistance to government policies they oppose. Twice the Supreme Court has held that the modern version of the constitutional ""militia"" is the National Guard.",4 7,"""Crack Down on Illegal Immigration",6 15,Fields of Green,14 5,"Federal prosecutors had said they would seek the death penalty for Tidwell. Then, two weeks ago, they reversed themselves, without explanation.",4 4," ""Our results reveal a death penalty system collapsing under the weight of its own mistakes,"" said professor James Liebman, who oversaw the study. ""They reveal a system that is wasteful and broken and needs to be addressed.""",3 13,"Even as Schwarzenegger has steered clear of the strident anti-illegal immigration politics dominating Republicans nationally, recent polls have found tepid Latino support for his re-election.",12 5,"Joel Casamayor, 24, the 1992 Olympic gold medalist in the bantamweight division, and Ramon Garbey, 25, a three-time world champion in the super middleweight division, have asked to defect to the United States because ""they would rather die than fight for Fidel Castro,"" said Al Rogers, the administrative officer of a Los Angeles-based law firm that is representing the two boxers.",4 5,"Issue a broad ruling, or let states decide? ",4 10,"Andrews, now 37, has gained international sympathy for his fight to avoid receiving a lethal injection at about 12: 05 a.m. on July 30. ",9 7,"In some cases, the guns have been transported to New York and other cities. Many of the stolen firearms were brought into the District within hours. Guns from one Wheaton store, Guns Unlimited, have been recovered in arrests or searches in each of the District's four quadrants, and from five of the city's seven police districts.",6 15,Where they stand,14 7,US man accused of illegally exporting guns,6 9,A 'DREAM' TURNS DEADLY Jimmy Breslin details an immigrant's tragedy,8 11," In this particular instance, one should also be aware of the fact that the population of Washington, D.C., has decreased, but it's too convenient to ignore that fact when one is trying to prove a point. Accordingly, the per-capita rate of homicides has risen in Washington, D.C., and if we truly want to base our decisions upon facts, I would suggest that gun control advocates stick to facts rather than statistics that have been purposely manipulated to prove their point.",10 13, Gov. Mitt Romney made a last-ditch effort on Thursday to keep them from taking place for at least two and a half years.,12 5,Former FDA chief gets a grilling in tobacco suit,4 10,Hospital will offer tips on how to stop smoking,9 5,TOBACCO INDUSTRY ALLOWS STATE TO SEEK PUNITIVE DAMAGES,4 15,Wisconsin's tide's turned in 3 years over gay marriage,14 7,"For years, foreigners arrested in the United States for overstaying their visas have often been let go with a promise that they leave the country. Not surprising, many never did leave.",6 9,"Fisher noted that lung cancer, 90 percent of which is caused by smoking, has now surpassed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer death in women.",8 4,Does Anti-Gay Bigotry Compare to Racism?,3 10,When Immigrants Are Children,9 5,"Bogliolo's card was just the third one ever issued to a gay immigrant by the U.S. ",4 8,"Monday's report gives government officials and immigration researchers a second year of data, possibly providing insights into countries or visa categories that may warrant closer scrutiny from immigration officials.",7 7," He was neither arrested nor informed of an impending deportation hearing, but was told he would face a deportation case eventually.",6 13,"Republicans have been cool to the Democratic plan. ""This is an issue that cries out for bipartisan leadership and, frankly, a bill written solely by the Democratic caucus is not going to get the job done,"" said Sen. John Chafee, R-R.I., a leader on health care issues.",12 3,Although Warren's views are not far from those of other clergy members who could have been asked to deliver the invocation,2 1,"N.C. markets' flue-cured tobacco prices firm, good",0 3,Fear Continues To Masquerade As Justice,2 10, denies marriage-based federal benefits to same-sex married couples.,9 3,SISTER HELEN PREJEAN ASKS THAT KILLER BE SPARED,2 7, Ramirez is accused of killing officer Nels ''Dan'' Niemi.,6 13," Toomey, Manchin announce deal on gun background checks",12 13,administration,12 13,Current rules a disgrace - Chuck,12 7,The ordinance also assesses a minimum $ 100 fine to retailers who sell tobacco to minors.,6 5,"In 'limited' opinion, Kennedy may sow the seeds of deep change",4 13,Democrats' message at gun-control rallies: Do what the students say,12 9,"Tobacco kills. Cigarette smoking alone causes more deaths than illegal drugs, car accidents, fires, homicides, AIDS, alcohol and suicides combined.",8 5," U.S. prosecutors to seek death penalty for six",4 6,California Sheriffs Oppose Bill on Illegal Immigrants,5 5,"No citizen or legal resident should have to compete with workers who are here illegally,"" said Councilman Charlie Brown.",4 5,Court Takes Death Penalty Challenge,4 13,"Gloucester County Assemblyman John Burzichelli, a Democrat who served on the panel, said he would sponsor a bill to put the changes in place. He hopes to have the amendments approved before the law takes effect. ",12 1,"ut CCR appears to have enough cash,",0 11,North Carolinians,10 4, all of our citizens are created equal. ,3 9,Children should not be in cigar bar,8 9,and its myriad health consequences.,8 7,Gun pushers on notice: Pol seeks boost in jail time,6 7,The shooter murdered 14 students and three staff members in the latest American outbreak of unprovoked gun violence.,6 11,The nation's first new firearms law in more than a decade,10 1,Odd pair of pals for Chick-fil-A,0 8," Background checks by state for gun purchases about to end ",7 5,DOUBLE MURDER CASE GOES TO JURY MONDAY,4 10,"The number of Palm Beach County School District employees insuring domestic partners grew by almost 400 percent this year, now that premiums are the same for partners as for married couples.",9 10,"For the past year and a half, my life has been dominated by the status of the death penalty in Montana.",9 6,Marriage bill seeks to strip freedoms,5 5,"Sviggum's bill is part of a nationwide reaction to a court case in Hawaii, where a judge ruled in December that the state cannot deny marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples. That case is on appeal to the Hawaii Supreme Court.",4 13,"""We will finish the bill -- I repeat -- before recess,"" Reid said.",12 10," A heterosexual marriage and a traditional family have more to fear from Congress, and the many things that it can do to detrimentally affect the future, than from homosexual marriages. Worry about finances, worry about educating the kids, worry about planning for your retirement, worry about crime, worry about the decreasing quality of lifebut don't waste a moment's concern about the negative effect of gay marriages on your own lifestyle.",9 7,"Meanwhile, back on the mean streets of Philadelphia and other cities, the shootings continue. The city averages 2,000 shootings a year. Many of the bullets come from illegal guns, which can be about as easy to purchase as cigarettes. ",6 9,doesn't justify the possible loss of one life,8 5,New York Joins the Gun Suits,4 12,"""The American public has gotten a sense of what the facts are,"" said David Boies, who, along with former Republican U.S. Solicitor General ",11 6," Will Trump end protections for the 'dreamers'?",5 10,Her weird treatise would have us believe that heterosexual married couples would benefit by patterning ttheir relationships after those of oh-so-near-to-perfect gay and lesbian couples.,9 5,The Latest Big Boom: Citizenship,4 15,A TOUGHER SELL,14 3,"CHRIST DIED FOR GAYS, TOO: DOLAN ",2 6,South San Francisco proposes tough smoking ban,5 1,"Depending on the quality of the sign material and the quantity ordered, prices can range from $6 to nearly $50 apiece, according to the sign makers interviewed for this story. Typical profits on signs are double or more the makers' costs, said one sign maker. ",0 1,No shield for lethal injection makers,0 13,Illinois gay marriage bill may come up short in house,12 5,COURT DELAYS EXECUTION OF MAN WHO KILLED AT 17,4 13,Bill to Block Gun Lawsuits Moves Ahead,12 12,It sometimes seems Americans have started worrying about immigration only in the last couple of years,11 7,GUN CONTROL WILL NEVER PREVENT CRIME,6 5,"An Arkansas judge on Friday struck down the state's ban on gay marriage, opening the door for gay couples to wed.",4 5,Where gay marriage is recognized - now 13 states plus the District of Columbia - the answer seems clear.,4 11,"Missouri homicide, suicide rates jumped after repeal of background checks, researcher says",10 3,"In the fall of 1971, two young men were planning their wedding in Minneapolis. At the last minute, the minister backed out. ",2 6,ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION; Law's impact unseen in public schools,5 13,ROMNEY vs. OBAMA on immigration,12 7,Valdes and co-defendant William Van Poyck were convicted of murdering Griffis after ambushing a van that carried an inmate to a dermatologist's office in West Palm Beach.,6 5," When caught, she would find a private lawyer instead of accepting the services of the Fairfax County public defender. She would ask her attorney how a guilty plea would affect her immigration status.",4 10,Mom of Orlando victim calls for common sense,9 13,O'C ATTACKS UNMARRIED PARTNERS BILL,12 9,"But according to the Centers for Disease Control, 13 people under the age of 19 are killed in gun homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings each day. And most of these deaths occur not because of rampages but because guns were easily available during a heated argument or child's play.",8 7,"Involuntary manslaughter, which alone carries no more than six years behind bars, was defined as a slaying ``without malice ... a lawful act done without due caution, which might produce death.''",6 5,Immigrant Group to Sue State Over License Crackdown,4 9," His mother, Kimberly Gee, admitted savagely beating him. She intentionally dumped him out of his stroller onto the ground. She burned the boy with cigarettes.",8 13,"The poll also looked at the race to replace retiring Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D). Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (R) has a 20-point lead over Democratic state Supreme Court Justice Robin Davis in a potential matchup. But Democratic primary voters prefer W.Va. Secretary of State Natalie Tennant to Davis or any other potential candidate, with 40 percent of voters choosing her. ",12 13,Md. Panel Approves Gun Control Plan,12 13,"Shortly after Obama's announcement, Romney was pressed about his own stance on same-sex marriage. In each case, he offered similar answers.",12 5,"Peter Greenspun, a lawyer for Mr. Muhammad, argued that the law was so vague that any crime that produces fear in a community could be prosecuted as terrorism. Mr. Muhammad's lawyers also dropped a request to allow a judge to decide the case alone. Mr. Greenspun said after the hearing that a retooled motion to dismiss would be refiled in a few days but declined to say whether the motion would seek a bench trial. ",4 3,John Walker should get justice fit for a traitor,2 11,"Steve Kerr, son of a slain man, blasts gun law laxity as 'insane'",10 13,"O'Fallon jumped with both feet Tuesday into the growing war on teen-age smoking and, at the same time, embraced a St. Charles County effort to curb the use of tobacco by youths under the age of 18.",12 13,Governor Aims to Reinstate Massachusetts' Death Penalty,12 6," A shrewd and sensible gun plan",5 13,"The primary authors of the amendment, Sens. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) and Patrick Toomey (R-Pa.), spent most of Monday lobbying wavering colleagues with phone calls, letters, discreet in-person meetings and personal deliveries, as Manchin deployed his office interns Monday afternoon to distribute copies of the proposal to each senator's office.",12 9,13 Dead in New York,8 7,Apples of the Criminal Eye,6 6,"amendment prohibiting gay marriages and civil unions. ",5 13," Unfortunately, it also provided a platform for Republican county officials to make unsupported claims about the high costs of educating these children, decry the negative impact on taxpayers and complain about federal immigration policy.",12 5,"They have no [legal] status now,'' said Ruth Gorman, a Charlotte lawyer who represented five of the people in the jail proceedings. ``But this wonderful country still gives them a chance to go before a judge for a hearing.''",4 1, against bigger tobacco companies.,0 3,Gays & God,2 9,"Here's how the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cited the effects of secondhand smoke on nonsmokers last year: 50,000 deaths. An estimated 46,000 of the nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke died from coronary heart disease, more than 3,000 from lung cancer and 430 newborns from sudden infant death syndrome.",8 13,Gay marriage ban repeal falls short,12 12,has drawn an angry response from Hispanic leaders.,11 9, flatly asserted in March that smoking causes cancer and is addictive as part of a settlement with states suing to recover Medicaid funds spent on sick smokers.,8 4,Marriage Equality Goes Prime Time,3 3," ""I believe in the Bible, an eye for an eye.""",2 6," The only shortcoming with Sen. Chafee's proposed legislation (at least as he described it) is that it will not implement a program to interdict the illegal supply of guns. Given the great costs already incurred because of handguns, investing these resources is not only necessary but also would likely result in a substantial net gain to society.",5 15,"NO SAVINGS, NO JUSTICE",14 7,"With the voices inside her head ordering her to kill, Lisa Duy walked into Doug's Shoot'n Sports here to buy a Smith & Wesson 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol.",6 12,"Gillum among those at protest in Rick Scott's office, renews calls to repeal 'stand your ground'",11 11,"His ideological brethren had to fight to get their views into stories in newspapers, online and on television.",10 5,Stay Sought For Mexican Slated to Die,4 13,"and Republicans, a majority in the new Congress, have held up appropriations and confirmations in retaliation.",12 11,Old Film Mirrors New Immigrant Life,10 7,"A Fremont woman pleaded guilty to conspiracy Thursday in an immigration fraud scheme that produced between 300 and 1,200 phony applications for legal status, federal prosecutors said.",6 11,"The study interviewed 6,522 children nationwide about their movie-viewing habits. Fifty films were chosen at random from a list of 532 box office hits from 1998 through the first four months of 2003, and each subject was asked if he or she had seen them.",10 13,Letter highlights battle for credibility in the national immigration debate,12 5," Justice Stephen G. Breyer noted that the high court's 8-1 opinion last year found a ""strong suspicion"" of discrimination. Black jurors were questioned more aggressively about the death penalty, he said, and the pool was ""shuffled"" at least twice by prosecutors, apparently to increase the chances whites would be selected. ",4 7," Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents rounded up 92 immigrants last week in Colorado as part of a nationwide sweep designed to snare the most egregious criminals and fugitives among the illegal immigrant population. Those arrested do not face certain deportation. ICE's hands are tied in some cases by a 2001 Supreme Court ruling that has been spotlighted since a Vietnamese ex-convict was charged last month with fatally shooting five people in San Francisco.",6 1," During the strike, Uber continued to carry passengers and later cut surge pricing, setting off a wave of backlash. On Sunday, Uber said it would support any of its drivers affected by the order, and would create a $3 million legal defense fund to help drivers with immigration and translation services.",0 9,Insane And on Death Row,8 8,Black Friday gun checks decline,7 7,"Terry Whitaker's case offers another cautionary tale. He was carelessly operating a Jet Ski at Chatfield Reservoir and attracted the attention of park rangers. When the rangers tried to talk to him, Whitaker fled, making them even more interested in him. The rangers searched his car and found an SKS assault rifle with a laser scope.",6 4,"""The city's practice . . . remedies discrimination rather than creates it,"" the city said in papers filed with Millan.",3 6,LOGIC FOREIGN TO U.S. IMMIGRATION,5 5,NO RIGHT TO GAY NUPS: COURT,4 7,"The world has too many illegal guns, used in too many warring countries to kill and maim too many innocent people. ",6 6,New S.C. law bans same-sex marriages,5 13,"Even more than that, Republican leadership has evolved, too. It has quietly worked behind the scenes to kill amendments that reaffirm opposition to same-sex unions, several sources told Politico.",12 11," In fact, Georgia has the dubious honor of being the No. 1 illegal gun- running source in the nation. ",10 11,WE AMERICANS now live in a nation where we cannot go a week before a student-led gun-violence protest without another act of gun violence amid students.,10 12,The N.R.A.'s Science Ban,11 4,The first federal death penalty case in the southern district of Illinois was withdrawn last week because prosecutors learned of an affair between an Illinois State Police investigator and a defendant's wife.,3 8, which mandates a seven-day waiting period on handgun purchases.,7 4, Sensing that the convict might have been railroaded,3 5,Arizona sheriff's immigration patrol is handed court defeat,4 11,"Virginia has executed 98 convicted murderers since 1976. In 2005, it recorded 461 homicides in a population of 7.6 million, 6.1 per 100,000 -- nearly 40 percent lower than Maryland's.",10 7,where a former student is accused of killing 17 people last month,6 13,"ADVOCATING HANDGUN CONTROLS, SARAH BRADY FINDS IRONY IN CONTROVERSY THAT SHADOWS HER",12 11,Think of him as a more physically fit Sean Han-nity.,10 7,for firing an unregistered .22-caliber pistol and slightly wounding a young swimming pool trespasser in his backyard here.,6 1,RJR's smokeless cigarette on sale,0 5,"It's permit renewal time for a lot of private citizens in Missouri who carry weapons, and the effect of the controversial concealed-carry law remains what it's been from the start: nil.",4 5,Matos will next appear in court Dec. 9 for a pretrial hearing.,4 5,"Selection of the jury pool took 23 days, six days longer than it did in the McVeigh trial. A total of 124 prospects were questioned during the process that began Sept. 29. Today, both the prosecution and defense will have the right to exercise 23 peremptory challenges in selecting the jury, which is drawn from the Denver area and northeastern Colorado.",4 5,"Matsch, who had ordered the costs to be sealed to avoid tipping off the prosecution on leads the defense team was pursuing, released the figures compiled by the administrative office of the federal courts.",4 13," And now, thanks to DeLay, legislation to renew it appears dead in the House.",12 1,1997 SOUTHERN ECONOMIC SURVEY,0 6,"In One Town, No-Smoking Area May Be the Beach",5 6,"Supporters want to enact an ordinance by June, the 15th anniversary of Berkeley's landmark decision to grant domestic partner benefits to city employees. But the city manager said he needs six months. ",5 14,A Georgia export: Guns,13 13,said City Council Speaker Gifford Miller before it was approved by a vote of 42 to 7. Two members abstained from voting.,12 5,NOTES ON PEOPLE; A Brand-New 99-Year-Old Nephew for Uncle Sam,4 3," And we treat everyone in Minnesota with dignity and respect.""",2 13,My subject tonight is one that worries all good Americans. It is so serious that I speak to you not only as a candidate in this election but as your President,12 12,National Rifle Association spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said background checks at gun shows would take too long and impede the rights of legal gun owners.,11 6,Brady Bill Will Help Illegal Gun Runners,5 6,Immigrant isolation being weighed,5 5,"In affirming a lower court ruling, the three-judge panel held ""that the enemy combatant witnesses could provide material, favorable testimony on Moussaoui's behalf.""",4 15,A Milestone for Gay Marriage,14 4,"equality and dignity guaranteed by the Massachusetts constitution by barring same-sex couples from the ""protections, benefits, and obligations"" of marriage",3 12,SAME-SEX MARRIAGE OPPONENTS HAVE A VALID VIEW,11 9,of treating smokers,8 12,"Ed Todeschini, a volunteer from the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group, accused the church of helping propagate what he called misinformation about the Supreme Court ruling, including that same-sex marriage would have to be taught to kindergartners",11 11,"After Parkland, gun-control advocates see a turning point for new state laws",10 2,"Federal immigration officials admitted yesterday that they lack the resources to do more than ""try to send a message"" to employers in Colorado resort towns who hire illegal immigrants.",1 7,A seventh person has been arrested for her alleged role in a smuggling operation that led to the deaths of 19 illegal immigrants who had been packed into a sweltering tractor-trailer.,6 15," WASHINGTON IN BRIEF",14 10,"All of which leaves Jill Moratto miffed. ''We have to hide out like criminals,'' said Ms. Moratto, who works in -- no kidding -- organ recovery. ''I mean, I've smoked all over the world, but here I'm hiding out behind the Dumpster.''",9 13,Gun control: Issue splitting Georgia GOP's solid front,12 3," that lessens his ""moral culpability.""",2 5,"In a statement, the hospital, which provided Mr. Jimenez life-saving care and kept him as a ward for several years before undertaking his repatriation in 2003, applauded the jury's decision.",4 13,but Congress has not acted on the matter,12 12,POLL QUESTIONS CAN SWAY ANSWERS,11 1,Clamor to restrict guns just leads to more sales,0 6,Firearms Bill,5 11,Smokeout targets 25% of today's tobacco users,10 6," Why? Neither location appears to be close enough to a door or ""operable window"" under the law, which expands the state's current smoke-free zone by 15 feet in an effort to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke. But it is still hazy exactly where the new law will apply at the Capitol.",5 13,"A year ago, Dean's outlook was starkly different. He was in tears at one point as letter writers and phone callers laid the blame for the Columbine shootings at his doorstep because of his pro-gun fervor.",12 15,"The Gun Report: May 8, 2014",14 13,"'We were in the middle of a special session on a very important tax bill,'' she said. ''I was right on the middle of it. I said, 'We're going back to guns.' ''",12 3,"The suit was filed in part under federal racketeering laws. It also seeks to force cigarette-makers to give up profits that were ""ill-gotten"" through what it says were efforts to conceal the dangers of smoking that go back to the 1950s.",2 5,"The Los Angeles Superior Court jury of seven women and five men, which deliberated for 22 days, next must decide whether to condemn the devil-worshipping drifter from El Paso, Texas, to die in the gas chamber at San",4 11,"Tobacco use seems to have lost some appeal among New Jersey middle school students in the last two years, according to a new study. But high school students didn't make as much progress. Between 1999 and last year, tobacco use by older students didn't fall off as much as it did for younger ones, according to the survey",10 13,"In a recent column, Maureen Dowd tells us that President Barack Obama could have done more to get meaningful gun control legislation passed. He could have pulled out more stops, been more of a bully, an enforcer.",12 9,"Texas school shooting kills 10, deadliest since Parkland",8 5,"Relatives are appealing to have his sentence reduced to life in prison,",4 11,Cigarette smoke curled toward the ceiling in the community room of Kings Manor mobile home park Wednesday while the 18 people underneath played some serious bingo.,10 13,Washington Watch Georgians' doings in D.C.,12 13,"Bay Area Vietnam veteran, avid hunter, to lead House Democrats' gun-control task force ",12 5,amendment clutters up the Constitution,4 1,Cigarette Tax Rise Proposed For Va.,0 11,Joe Camel draws fire from CDC,10 13,KELLY OPPOSING SMOKING BAN,12 13,"There are a lot of good lobbyists at the Georgia Legislature, people who know their issues and are effective at what they do. The best of the breed, however, are the lobbyists for the National Rifle Association.",12 12,NRA MEMBERS JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE EXCEPT SMARTER,11 12,"That consensus has since disappeared, confirming the fears of many gun-control advocates that outrage after Newtown wouldn't last long. ",11 13,"Although Obama remains opposed to same-sex marriage, the White House position in recent months has been that the president's position is ""evolving.""",12 13,"Cynics said that Mr. Ryan's last minute decision was a transparent effort to distract from the licenses-for-bribes scandal that tainted his tenure, or even to grasp at a Nobel prize.",12 7,NEIGHBOR COULD BE CHARGED FOR NOT REPORTING IMMIGRANT BROTHEL,6 13,Gore Would Ban Guns in Places of Worship,12 13,that Colorado citizens have twice voted to uphold the death penalty.,12 1,Corporate dominoes falling over firearms,0 15,Column's portrayal of gun issue was wrong,14 6,"Today, 48 states issue licenses to carry firearms concealed, but only Georgia has them issued by a judge. The majority of states do not require any license at all to carry a firearm openly. Georgia is in the minority, prohibiting the carrying of pistols openly without a license.",5 7,Schneiderman who cops said was trying to rob his father was fleeing down a stairwell when he confronted Sanchez and allegedly shot him.,6 1,Tobacco stock prices dropped yesterday after news of the suit. But some financial analysts said the cigarette-makers had some key advantages in this round of the tobacco wars. ,0 1,The long and winding sale Brady Law change slows gun buyers,0 13,This was not the conscience of a conservative. It was the sad farewell of a pro-gun-control pol.,12 13, Gov. Chris Christie vetoed the same-sex marriage bill passed this week by the New Jersey Legislature.,12 13,Chris backs guns over abuse vics,12 13,GOP is dangerously wrong on gun control;,12 10, I don't for a minute believe most immigrants come here for welfare,9 13,"Democratic legislative leaders say Republicans are using political maneuvers to spare themselves political pain on gun issues. The Republican leaders who control both chambers have decided to load all the gun bills into two days of hearings, one for the Senate and one for the House.",12 5,Immigration law a federal matter,4 5,When facing someone who defends the Second Amendmen,4 13,"The board has now received sound guidance from Rodney Ellis, the president pro tem of the Texas Senate and the state's third-ranking official.",12 12,Thousands of protesters demonstrated outside the State House,11 7,"''All these laws and regulations don't do a damn thing for criminals because criminals don't obey laws,''",6 12,"""The anti-immigrant movement's divisive tone and demagogic rhetoric keeps politicizing Hispanics and bringing them together in support of a new immigration policy,"" Sergio Bendixen, president of Bendixen and Associates, concluded about the survey results.",11 13,Texas and Arizona can teach the GOP a lesson,12 10,"RIMARY ",9 13,"Mr. Bloomberg formed a ""super PAC'' last year to donate to candidates and causes that he supports. The causes include gay rights and tougher gun laws.",12 5,"found that 160 deceased New Yorkers are licensed to carry weapons,",4 13,"There is some evidence that President George W. Bush is sympathetic. While campaigning last year, Mr. Bush said Congress should give the FDA ""the authority necessary to discourage teen-age smoking."" What's more, Mr. Bush made that statement in Kentucky -- tobacco country. ",12 8,national background check system.,7 6,REFORM PROPOSALS,5 5,"A federal judge's decision last week to strike down Utah's ban on same-sex marriage came as such a surprise to state officials that at least one county clerk wasn't able to make arrangements to open his office to issue marriage licenses the next day, a Saturday.",4 9, intellectually disabled residents,8 5,3-D printed gun ban kept,4 7,"Police, CBI prepare for concealed-gun bill's passage ",6 1,"27 Businesses In Montgomery Fined by INS; Feb. Immigrant Roundup Draws $154,000 in Levies",0 7,"In the end it was the suspects' sloppiness and vanity that was their undoing, prosecutors say. They deliberately ignored obvious mistakes on documents, and they bought expensive cars and designer clothes that they couldn't afford on their salaries.",6 13,BRADLEY HOPES WASHINGTON STATE GIVES HIS CAMPAIGN A BOOST,12 5,A teen's citizenship dream,4 8, of universal background checks.,7 13,1966: Johnson Urges Gun Control,12 8,"NO MORE, JIHADIS Conn. gov: I'll nix watch-list gun sales Move vs. NRA draws praise",7 15,Auburn researcher working to create plastic from tobacco plants,14 3,DEATH IS TOO GOOD FOR TIMOTHY MCVEIGH,2 1, $ 349 million ,0 15,WHAT'S UP TODAY,14 6,"""This would be the biggest expansion since we began utilizing [capital punishment] since 1976,""",5 8,"""We are working very hard in Iraq to get AK-47s off the street, to get Uzis off the streets.",7 5,Two arguments on licensing,4 12,Other voices: It's only a matter of time for same-sex marriage,11 1,Northern Virginia city officials are considering raising local cigarette taxes even as legislators in Richmond contemplate limiting their ability to do so with at least two of more than a dozen bills aimed at tobacco taxes and introduced in the General Assembly.,0 7,"Program to control crime, not guns, right on target",6 5,"A federal law that went into effect in December allows about 640,000 illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens or legal residents to apply for visas without first returning to their home countries and applying from there. Most illegal immigrants are prohibited from re-entering the United States once they leave.",4 9,"She said that statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 1.2 million children have access to guns in their homes. She also said that 34 percent of handgun owners store their weapons loaded and unlocked, according to the National Institutes of Justice.",8 9,"""From a health point of view, you will be better off to give up smoking in any case, because smoking is very detrimental to your health,"" said Katherine Flegal of the National Center for Health Statistics, principal author of the report.",8 14,"Orders' Effect Might Be Felt in Canada, Official Says",13 5, And people on both sides of the issue said it moved the state closer to fully legalizing same-sex unions in this state.,4 11,"Review: In 'The Girl Is in Trouble,' a Pretty Face Masks Danger",10 4,"There's a reason why some of President Trump's supporters don't fear Russian President Vladimir Putin: Racism is altering their perceptions of what a threat is and isn't, even at the international level.",3 4,"Both men were convicted, but they were freed in 1999 --- five days before Williamson was scheduled to die by lethal injection --- after DNA evidence proved their innocence.",3 8, has one of the better background-check systems in the country ,7 13,Gallagher and Attorney General Charlie Crist are seeking the Republican gubernatorial nomination. Crist's campaign declined to comment.,12 11,"Where Men Are Men, Guns Were for Movies",10 7, crackdown on violent crime in New York,6 12,THE YOUNG WILL BE HEARD,11 6,Kill latest gun bill,5 13,Mayor to join anti-gun group,12 13,"But in a sign of the party's anxiety over the issue, House Republican leaders railroaded the gun-crime bill to the floor under a time-saving procedure that bars amendments, even though the measure had only one hearing and no votes in the House Judiciary Committee.",12 6,Davis's Bill On Tobacco Is Criticized,5 3,Smokescreen Obscures Facts In Cigarette Controversy,2 13,House votes to halt handgun ban in nation's capital,12 1,or paying the Tobacco Products Tax,0 13,MARTINEZ: GUN BILL HAS MERIT,12 12,The move was immediately criticized by the National Rifle Association as infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens who want to buy their guns in a timely manner.,11 7,"he Griffin case of a planned murder, carried out against a defenseless and unsuspecting victim, ",6 4,"""We have worked hard . . . to balance the rights of all workers,""",3 13,championed by Gov. Martin O'Malley.,12 13,BEHIND PASSAGE OF THE BRADY BILL,12 5,JAMAL SAYS HE TRUSTS COURTS TO CLEAR HIM SOMALI ACTIVIST HELD IN IMMIGRATION CASE,4 5,"PHILIP MORRIS ALONE IS LIABLE FOR BOND, JUDGE RULES",4 2,TIME TO FIX FARM LABOR SHORTAGE,1 13,"Rep. Wolf's gun stance is right in the middle ",12 13,"President Obama may have been forced to come out sooner than he wanted on gay marriage, but he deserves tremendous credit for taking a risky political stand on one of the more divisive social issues of the day.",12 13,"An image circulating on Twitter and Reddit claims Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have opposing views on a host of issues, including the death penalty. ",12 13,MAYOR IS UNMOVED BY LOBBYING ON GUN ISSUE,12 1,"""This is a shameless effort by certain cash-strapped cities to grab a bag of money.""",0 5,"he Missouri Supreme Court's four Democratic appointees inserted themselves into the national death-penalty debate last week, earning praise with a 4-3 ruling as bold visionaries and condemnation as brazen activists. ",4 5,The prosecutor who sent Muhammad to death row said he plans to watch the lethal injection.,4 13,1. Immigration: House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) repeatedly refused Sunday to take a position on whether he supports establishing ways for illegal immigrants to seek permanent legal status or U.S. citizenship.,12 1,Living the Global Economy,0 7,"Criminals, however, have gotten around this requirement by using forged licenses.",6 7,"Ramos-Andrade was arrested Dec. 21 and released that day on $10,000 bail, police said. Attempts to reach Ramos-Andrade, who was a civilian worker at the Carderock division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, were unsuccessful.",6 5,Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became a U.S. citizen in 2012.,4 1," a fund-raising letter from a gun dealer that describes her as ""the savior of our industry""",0 9,as assessed by a yearly state department of health survey,8 13,CLINTON SIGNS BILL ON GUNS INTO LAW,12 11,"Racin', smokin' just go together",10 13,"Gov. John Hickenlooper said he hasn't read the bill so he won't comment on the measure, but it's no secret he supports civil unions.",12 10,"Though some new efforts are beginning to address the issue, advocates worry about child trafficking, smuggling or abuse that may go unnoticed because children do not know how to ask for help",9 13,BUSH SEEKS TO TIGHTEN CRIME LAWS,12 13,"Bill limiting gun magazines sent to Christie ",12 5,"Wright Allen did not ask a question of any of the five lawyers who addressed her during the nearly two hours of arguments but said she will rule quickly on an issue that all agreed will ultimately be settled by the U.S. Supreme Court. ",4 13,"Congress is debating sweeping immigration legislation this year, but lawmakers are divided on some key issues, the main one being what to do about the 12-million illegal immigrants already in the United States.",12 10,Using Former Smokers to Spur Others to Quit,9 4,"Minority Gun Owners Face Balancing Act, Weighing Isolation and Stigma of Violence ",3 13,A White House spokesman declined to comment on the reason for the longer route.,12 11,"Our main ''character'' starts as an unknown: The question of the title comes from a tattoo found on a dead body, vividly shown the way it was found in a desert. In one of the film's three main strands, Arizona forensics workers relate the painstaking search that takes place after the discovery, down to grisly details of handling the remains. We also hear, in sun-dappled sequences, from the missing man's family members -- his courtship of his wife, what he liked to do for fun, how little they knew.",10 11,"The city's population grew by more than 20,000 between 1990 and 1997, while the state population, also powered by immigration, rose 146,000.",10 11,For Georgians,10 4," but instead on impermissible prejudice.""",3 5,Because it would undermine the Constitution of the United States?,4 5, made the appeal in one of many legal briefs filed with the Supreme Judicial Court.,4 6,"Gun bills advance in California capital, would raise to 21 the legal age to buy ri-fles, same as handguns",5 5,TEEN-AGER CERTIFIED AS ADULT IN SLAYING,4 6,"""Illegal immigration is a critical problem facing our country, but amnesty is not the solution,"" he said in Dec. 2010. ""I do not support legislation that provides a path to citizenship for anyone in this country illegally.""",5 9,HOMETOWN MOURNS 7 FOUND IN BOXCAR,8 14,Secretary of State Warren Christopher led eight U.S. Cabinet members to Mexico on Monday in a show of confidence in the closeness of U.S.-Mexican relations.,13 1,"There are 20,000 food service establishments in New York City",0 10,"Kristin and Jean Rivers, who'd planned to marry at a San Jose church June 18, have been wondering for weeks whether the court would spoil their big day. ""I've been riding a roller coaster,"" said Kristin Rivers, a schoolteacher. ""Two weeks before I'm supposed to get married, I find out I can get married. On one hand, I'm totally relieved. On the other hand, I'm kind of freaking out.""",9 13,The existence of the letter became public after a constituent complained to state Sen. Jose Peralta (D-Queens) last week.,12 6,Future still cloudy on city smoking ban,5 8,State places tight restrictions on concealed handgun law,7 13, at the heart of one of the country's most passionate debates: ,12 6,BILL SEEKS TO BAN SOME BULLETS,5 12,Public support for the amendment has been overwhelming. A statewide poll by Handgun Control Inc. showed 75 percent of those questioned supported it. A poll by the Constitution Revision Commission found 78 percent endorsed it.,11 9,"The psychiatric experts charge roughly $250 to $350 per hour for court work, sources said. ",8 5,"But they won't, at least not at the federal level.",4 7, There is no question that Mr. Baird killed his parents and his pregnant wife back in 1985.,6 11,"E-Cigarettes Gain Among High School Students, C.D.C. Finds",10 8,"New York security guard accused of threatening to blow up high school ",7 10,"WHERE DOES THIS LEAVE GAY COUPLES IN FLORIDA? ",9 5,"Court papers omit the women's last names as standard procedure to protect minors in cases about parenthood. ",4 1,"The company was ""spending vast sums of money"" to find scientists amenable to its cause and to fund research by them, the memo said.",0 1,Tobacco companies and other business interests would like to see advertising,0 9,"When his pain becomes unbearable, Wu likely will end up in a hospital emergency room, where, according to a new study, more and more legal immigrants are ending up for their primary health care.",8 13,"Newtown is onboard with the President. ",12 5,In a videotape played for a jury,4 9,"Migrant Smuggling Grows More Ruthless, Deadly",8 6,"he state of Georgia's new immigration policy, Senate Bill 529, went into effect on July 1. E. R. Snell voluntarily began implementation of the plan in February of this year --- five months before the state-required date. ",5 5,Court lets stand initiative on same-sex marriages,4 15,A Defeat for Gay Marriage,14 5,Our laws should be respected by both citizens and immigrants. And our authorities who enforce the laws should not be vilified.,4 7,"The 25-year-old state trooper was shot to death after pulling over Mr. Moreno for a traffic violation near Hempstead. According to trial testimony, Trooper Boyd's bulletproof vest deflected two shots from Mr. Moreno's .357-caliber Magnum, but he was struck by four others, including a final shot to the head at close range while he lay wounded on the side of the road.",6 7,"The sheriff's office did stings of 33 Peninsula stores in February paid for with a $17,000 grant from the Tobacco Education Coalition and caught two offenders, down from six in the previous grant cycle, said Sgt. Joe Sheridan.",6 7,"6 bullets, 4 lives: Legacy of Reagan shooting",6 12,"Tuesday evening, however, one of the women whom Sundstrom recognized from the previous encounter showed up, washed off the slogans and then left in the SUV.",11 1,"You see, four years ago, as a state lawmaker from Tifton, Scott cast a vote against an effort to slap a 5 percent tax on money wired home by illegal immigrants.",0 13,"Senator Richard M. Burr, a Republican from North Carolina",12 13,"Md. governor's agenda faces major hurdles, poll shows ",12 11,Target The Reason Teens Smoke,10 5,Swingle did question the prosecutors' decision to pursue the death penalty in this case.,4 13,"CAN CITY, COUNTY BE PARTNERS IN GROWTH?",12 13,The organized opposition consisted almost solely of the gun lobby,12 2," About 180 people were already in line, which snaked half a block from the Immigration and Naturalization Service to the west side of the United Artists theater",1 9,"""Our research confirms what farmworker advocates across the country believe: sexual violence and sexual harassment experienced by farmworkers is common enough that some farmworker women see these abuses as an unavoidable condition of agricultural work,"" the report said.",8 10,"A Busy Day for Nuptials Across New York, Beginning at the Stroke of Midnight",9 13,"This time, the debate is expected to be muted, and political analysts, gun control advocates and politicians predict no further restrictions on guns will result. The main reason: the political power of those who favor gun rights, led by the National Rifle Association.",12 5,"A Hillsborough County judge ruled against a same-sex couple seeking a divorce Friday, setting up an appeal of the state law that bars same-sex marriage. ",4 5,"Macy said. He has also said a state trial is needed in the event a federal conviction and penalty are overturned on appeal. ",4 13," Senate reaches deal on gun amendments",12 13,legislation,12 12,"A pro-immigration rally that promised to bring tens of thousands of marchers from across the nation to Washington yesterday managed to draw only a paltry number of demonstrators, raising questions about the movement's tactics and staying power.",11 13,Gay Marriage Makes Gain In Maryland,12 5,Texas: Execution Reprieve Granted,4 10,Gay marriage rulings greeted in Minnesota with joy and new resolve,9 5,But Judge Gladys Kessler of Federal District Court for the District of Columbia declined to apply internationally an earlier decision ordering companies to post signs in stores in the United States saying such cigarettes are dangerous and addictive and that tobacco companies have manipulated them to deliver nicotine to smokers.,4 5,"When the Second Amendment was adopted, it took a matter of minutes to load one bullet into a musket, using a wad, powder, another wad and then a bullet, and using a ramrod each time down the barrel of the gun, before the gun was ready to fire. Our Founding Fathers approved of each state having a militia, not of each individual having a semiautomatic weapon.",4 6,"Under Peachtree City's existing smoking ordinance, businesses must display signs showing whether cigarette smoke is in the building. Green signs indicate the building is smoke-free; red signs show smoking is allowed in separate areas; blue signs mean smoking is allowed, but that smoking and nonsmoking areas have separate ventilation systems.",5 7,That's 750 executions,6 15,Out of the shadows,14 7,Death Penalty for Killing During Robbery,6 13,POL TAKES AIM AT SELLERS OF CIGS TO MINORS,12 12,"Tens of thousands of mothers, grandmothers, daughters and other women and men filled the National Mall on Sunday to decry gun violence and rally for stricter gun control laws.",11 13,CAMPUS WEAPON DEBATE RETURNS,12 13,"At Ted Cruz's Speech, the Joke's on Donald Trump",12 13,NEW CITIZENS URGED TO GET OUT AND VOTE,12 1,"Business groups, including a coalition of local chambers of commerce, have lined up against the bill, contending that it could put many of Montgomery's restaurants at a disadvantage.",0 1," $1,000 from the California Distributors Association",0 10,"To see unfolded before my eyes the principle of reaping and sowing, to lose Michael and Alex, to see you and Linda crushed. . . . You don't have all the guilt of this tragedy. My heart breaks for what I have done to you."" ",9 11,Increase in Latino residents brings anti-immigration backlash,10 7,"He said he hoped the FBI, Broward County Sheriff's Office and other authorities were investigating the threats - ""and initiating arrests.""",6 7,She Broke the Law,6 9,"NEW TECHNOLOGY IS PUSHED TO REDUCE GUN USE BY YOUNG / TRIGGER LOCKS ARE VIEWED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO UNENFORCED LAWS, OR NO LAWS, AS IN PA.",8 13,"Congress is expected to enact a bill cracking down on illegal immigration, but the chances for policy changes this year on legal immigration appear dim.",12 8,Moussaoui Case,7 5," SUPREMES TAKING AIM AT GUN LAW",4 10,FIGURES PROVE SUCCESS OF ANTI-SMOKING DRIVE,9 8,rmed civilian militias be available to defend the people.,7 7,The former Giants receiver spent 20 months in prison after shooting himself in the leg with an unlicensed gun in a Manhattan night club in November of 2008,6 5,"Utah officials fail in bid to halt same-sex weddings State is appealing ruling that nullified law; couples rush for licenses. ",4 13,"Some might quibble that Mr. Obama's comments came only after months of self-described evolving and no-commenting, and on the heels of remarks by Vice President Bidenthat were deeply, if not explicitly, supportive of marriage equality. What we think matters is the president's bottom line - that ""for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.""",12 7,"Police say that masked, armed bandits battered and shot male victims, sexually assaulted some female victims and pistol-whipped a child. They stole money, jewelry and vehicles",6 13,Law on guns dead for '13,12 1,"to income from the sale of the family crop,",0 13,Editorial: Expect new fear mongering as gun lobby works to prop up sales,12 13," The President invoked the names of immigrants past, like Albert Einstein, I.M. Pei, Isaac Asimov and Andrew Carnegie, in urging support for the immigrants of the new millennium.",12 13,"Politics, Intolerance and Fair Courts",12 5,Gay marriage amendment,4 13,Governor Refuses to Free Louisiana Prison Editor,12 7,NEARLY 30 CUBANS HELD AFTER 1-MILE BOAT CHASE,6 5,The comments by Justice Paul Pfeifer come as the state's ban on same-sex marriage is appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court in a case that could settle the issue across the nation once and for all.,4 9,"Most of the controversy over the bill has focused on the risk of water pollution caused by lead pellets fired at outdoor ranges. But at a news conference Tuesday co-sponsored by the Florida Consumer Action Network and the Sierra Club, Thoenes brought up concerns regarding indoor gun ranges.",8 13,"We all know the drill by now. Politicians of all stripes will offer their ""thoughts"" and ""prayers"" to the victims' families. Special-interest groups on the left will cite the latest bloodbath as proof that we need gun control. Special-interest groups on the right will cite the latest bloodbath as proof that we need more gun ownership. ",12 9,Mr. Colburn was incompetent to be executed,8 9,"COMMON SENSE ON GUN SAFETY ",8 6,Bill would expand gun-friendly spaces,5 1," He declined to identify the companies, saying the aim was not to penalize them.",0 3,CHRISTIAN COMPASSION IS NOT ONLY FOR HETEROSEXUALS,2 11,War on Terrorism Stirs Memory of Internment,10 7,"Rizvi's younger brother, Armoghan Rizvi, 23, was arrested by the INS outside the federal courthouse in Denver while using a cellphone during his brother's arraignment in November. Charged with being an undocumented immigrant, Armoghan is expected to plead guilty on Feb. 11.",6 7,WALKER'S EXECUTION CALLED 'UNEVENTFUL',6 7,LAKE SAINT LOUIS WOMAN'S KILLER GETS DEATH SENTENCE,6 4,"A federal policy that requires immigrants with certain criminal convictions to be detained without bond while they wait for their cases to be heard is excessive, costly and has resulted in lengthy and unnecessary detentions of immigrants in Maryland, according to a report by the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland.",3 13,"In the wake of the Connecticut shooting rampage, Gov. Cuomo and legislative leaders are quietly negotiating a package of tough new gun laws that they hope can be voted on within days, the Daily News has learned.",12 5," In fact, the Second Amendment provides every American with a constitutional right to be protected from the disaster that its authors recognized would occur if criminals, psychopaths and just plain stupid or ignorant people were ''free'' to own guns",4 8,Weapons of war add to insanity,7 10,Philly smoking rates at lowest level in years,9 11,ut electric chairs have had their problems since the first one was introduced in 1890 at New York's Auburn Prison. ,10 5,"During a hearing on that issue last month, the justices indicated that Mr. Newsom had overstepped his authority. But that case is unrelated to the question whether the State Constitution allows gays to marry.",4 7,"Both the border patrol and the FBI said that the investigation led authorities early Thursday to the Mission home of the agent, who was found dead inside. Law enforcement officials discovered the third female in the agent's apartment, the border patrol said. The FBI is not identifying the agent.",6 7,"Eaton also was convicted in the slayings of his 24-year-old girlfriend, one of her male friends and a neighbor. He received sentences of life in prison for those crimes and the death penalty for Hines's murder.",6 13,Election '94 Candidates split on gun control,12 1,exuberantly awarded them $10.1 billion in compensation.,0 5,"Justice's troubling legacy Mullarkey court altered constitution's clear meaning ",4 10,"The robust scent of coffee and soft chatter of baristas-in-training was abruptly shattered by the rattle and hiss of espresso machines at 1951 Coffee Companys training cafe. Pouring boiling water over fresh coffee grounds, Amanuel, a 27-year-old man from Eritrea enrolled in the Oakland-based nonprofits intensive two-week program, is generous with everything but his surname. ",9 7,"Alcala was sentenced to death in Orange County in 2010 for the murders of four women and a 12-year-old girl. The evidence against Alcala, an amateur photographer, included a trove of photographs of women and girls found in a storage locker in Seattle.",6 13,"Yet Senate Democrats, who have been blocking a House-passed bill that would fund the department but also undo Obama's actions, said the ruling from Hanen did nothing to budge them.",12 12,"Million Mom March seeks to keep kids, guns apart",11 5,Prosecutors said they would seek the death penalty if they convict him.,4 1,"The McDonald's Corporation said today that all its 1,400 wholly owned restaurants",0 13,ACLU chief: Same-sex marriage 'a sure thing',12 5,High court hears inmate rights case,4 4,"""I couldn't live with our process, knowing how badly it was faulted,"" Ryan said, calling flaws in the state's death-penalty system ""truly shameful.""",3 1,Immigration Reform Holds Key to Economy; Easy to Get In,0 15,Two Reasons to Rejoice on Immigration,14 13,"In interviews, conservative leaders said they had complained to the White House that the campaign was blocking opponents of gay marriage from prime-time speaking slots at the Republican National Convention.",12 7,"Mr. Taylor, the last remaining man on New York State's death row, was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to death at his trial in Queens in 2002. He and an accomplice, Craig Godineaux, were found to have forced seven people into a walk-in freezer at the Wendy's in Flushing, bound and gagged them, then forced them onto their knees before shooting each in the head.",6 5,okars' appeal is rejected by justices;,4 11,Even The Simpsons is weighing in: Producers recently announced that gay marriage will be legalized in TV's Springfield.,10 12,GUN OWNERS GROUP GRADES CANDIDATES,11 13,"ABOUT-FACE! GOV. RIDGE'S ON-AGAIN, OFF-AGAIN SUPPORT FOR A MILD GUN-CONTROL BILL GIVES HIM NO PROFILE IN COURAGE.",12 5,"On gay marriage, 'waiting for Scalia' may not save Scott, Bondi",4 5,"Six of the crimes he was convicted of make him eligible for the death penalty. The same jury that sat during the three-week trial must soon determine, in a penalty phase that could last a month, whether Mr. Hayes is to be sentenced to death. The penalty phase is to begin on Oct. 18.",4 6,Bill Would Subject Guns To Federal Safety Controls,5 5,"One Court, Three Judges and Four States With Gay Marriage Cases ",4 9,DEATH ROW INMATE'S HEALTH IMPROVES,8 13,STATE WON'T APPEAL RULING AGAINST BAN ON WEAPONS,12 12,Gun control sit-in a brave effort,11 7," Enos Irigaba Kagaba, 49, was arrested Dec. 14, 2001, at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and accused of attempting to enter the United States without valid documents and fraud for misrepresenting his identity.",6 5,he paper also found that attorneys ,4 5,"In Same-Sex Marriage Calculation, Justices May See Golden Ratio ",4 5,"Superior Court Judge John Reid, the supervising judge of the criminal division, immediately transferred the matter to Santa Monica Superior Court where it will be tried. No trial date was set, but a hearing was scheduled for June 12.",4 1,"The nation's largest gay rights group announced Wednesday that Pitt agreed to match contributions from the group's members up to $100,000.",0 13,"Mike ad airs on ann'y of Gabby shoot ",12 7, two killers,6 8,"The real reason for their detention, of course, was law enforcement's dragnet for Arabs and Muslims cast after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.",7 5,Records requests from death row denied,4 10,A HEATED DEBATE OVER SPOUSE'S CLOSET SMOKING,9 6,"The Clinton administration announced details yesterday of a migration plan solely for Cuba that will permit at least 20,000 immigrants to enter the United States each year, including about 6,000 chosen by lottery. ",5 4, acted prematurely and unfairly Friday when it allowed gay marriage to resume by lifting a hold that had been placed on same-sex unions.,3 13,"A measure to hold a special session, which would have needed support of three-fifths of both the Florida House and Senate, had previously failed mostly by Republican sway by 19-15 in the Senate and 58-33 in the House.",12 7,2 MEN SENTENCED IN GUN SALES SCHEME,6 3,"The Rev. Jane Spahr, 67, was acquitted two years ago of similar charges when the church's top court found that she did not violate denominational law because the ceremonies she performed were not real marriages.",2 5,GRUNOW JURY WAS BEING USED TO CREATE ANTI-GUN PRECEDENT,4 13,Decatur won't delay a ban on smoking,12 10,"""I get up to go to work at 3 a.m. . . . I don't want my son to see me lying in a casket.""",9 5,Arkansas court suspends gay marriage ruling,4 6,Death Penalty Law Is Not Easy to Apply,5 5,"Suit gives hopes to detained immigrants; Appeals court hearing due Atlanta man being held in Florida. ",4 13,Gov. Sonny Perdue's,12 13,"NRA, GOP fire barbs at Clinton",12 5,"U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema, clearly exasperated by the new problems in the oft-delayed case, called the conduct of Carla J. Martin, a Transportation Security Administration lawyer, ""the most egregious violation of the court's rules on witnesses"" she had seen ""in all the years I've been on the bench.""",4 15,"A Momentous Day, Not Only for Same-Sex Couples",14 6,New Impetus to Ban Secondhand Smoke,5 12, nearly half of the taxpayers who helped build this bridge may not share in the excitement of marriage equality.,11 15,'IT'S A HISTORIC DAY',14 5,Hunt vows court fight to keep `big government' out of tobacco fields,4 5,"But Assistant Defender Andrea Konow said that while her client should be held accountable, jurors must try to understand who he is.",4 4, by treating unmarried couples the same as those who are married,3 5,"Mr. Kueper testified that he was already smoking as much as two packs of Winston cigarettes a day when, at the age of 18, he joined the Army in 1959. He did not quit, he said, until late 1990, when doctors told him not to smoke around his wife, who was recovering from surgery. A few months later, in March 1991, he was found to have cancer.",4 5,"and not get tied down in 10 years of appeals,""",4 9,Do the American people have the right to be safe from guns?,8 5, Powell's Plea,4 12,"In addition, the organization is beefing up recruitment programs for women and children, and recently launched a membership campaign that includes discount credit cards, commissions to businesses that recruit members, and speaking tours by hunting and shooting experts.",11 7,"ierre fired the fatal shots. ",6 11,"Open-carry picnic set at St. Croix County Fairgrounds ",10 12," The rally was smaller than an Albany protest last year, but the anger was just as real. ",11 5,Mertz had argued his sentence was unjustified for several reasons.,4 13,NRA CHIEF FIGHTS BOARD SEEKING WAYS TO DISMISS OFFICERS WITH FEWER VOTES,12 6,"The Firearms Safety Act set tough guidelines for gun dealers and purchasers that require licensing, fingerprinting and background checks for handgun buyers. But the new legislation said nothing about regulating gun shows.",5 9,Pancreatic cancer linked to smoking,8 1,A Brave New World of Work,0 13,"The Senate voted Thursday in Sacramento to override Gov. Pete Wilson's veto of a politically charged illegal immigrant bill, but Republicans blocked an effort to complete the override in the Assembly. It was the first time since 1984 that either house of the Legislature had voted to overturn a veto. The Legislature hasn't overridden a veto since 1979. The vetoed bill, by Sen. Art Torres, D-Los Angeles, would have directed state officials to try to transfer about 16,000 illegal immigrants in California prisons to federal custody to reduce state costs. ",12 7,Inmate asks victim to see execution,6 12, over intense objections from gun control groups.,11 13,California City Requires Ammunition Buyer Check,12 13,Senate Democrats to Renew the Push for Gun Control,12 11,"IN 1997, two prominent conservative writers, David Frum and Andrew Sullivan, debated same-sex marriage for the online magazine Slate. ",10 6,states with bans,5 5,"He appointed three retired circuit judges, including senior St. Louis Circuit Judge Michael Hart. That panel met for the first time last Wednesday in the governor's office in Jefferson City.",4 6," We need to devise a system that at least attempts to answer the question, ""Why?""",5 3,"The Rev. Heather Kirk-Davidoff, pastor of the Kittamaqundi Community Church in Columbia, Md., got choked up talking about the Afghan refugees who were scheduled to fly into Dulles International Airport on Feb. 8.",2 3,"Bishop Dyer also was involved in dialogue among the Episcopal, Lutheran and Orthodox churches. ",2 5,Casting aside the Constitution,4 1,SOME BASICS ON PRODUCT,0 13,There is bipartisan consensus that action is needed against illegal immigration. House and Senate members of a negotiating committee returning yesterday from a summer recess will seek to find accommodation on details of a bill.,12 13,Politics of the Gun,12 5,HURTADO WINS INS APPEAL IMMIGRANT FROM EL SALVADOR HOPES 19-YEAR FIGHT TO STAY IN U.S. IS ENDING,4 13,The deportation priorities outlined by the Republican presidential nominee during a policy address here late Wednesday,12 5,SecondAmendment remainsassafeguard,4 5,"Court to explore if lethal injection is cruel, unusual",4 5, received the death penalty from a different jury in 2007 after his first trial. That sentence was overturned by the U.S. Court of Appeals due to prosecutorial error.,4 13,House eases up on hidden weapons,12 7,There are reports that a number of Haitians evade arrest and detention.,6 9,Puffing On Polonium,8 13,Crime bill veto may cost Bush,12 5,"Stroessner's plans, citing a longstanding policy of not commenting on cases of political asylum.",4 13,Republicans say that Democrats killed the package so that they could exploit the gun issue in the Presidential campaign and in efforts to win back control of the House.,12 5,Fifteen same-sex marriage licenses issued Friday in a New Mexico county are already history.,4 10,"""You will never know what it's like because you don't have someone in your family killed,"" he said. ""It's not the person who's killed. It's the whole family that's affected.""",9 13,Gail Collins: Mitt and Begonia-gate,12 1,Florida Gets Concessions From Cigarette Makers,0 2," As Bay Area municipalities made hurried preparations Thursday for a possible rush of same-sex couples hoping to marry,",1 5, The most offensive but least discussed part of the act deprives states of their historical prerogative to define the institution of marriage.,4 7, for the murder and sexual assault of a 6-year-old boy.,6 8,CHECKS ON BUYERS OF LONG GUNS BEGIN NEXT WEEK / GUN DEALERS ANTICIPATE DELAYS AS A NEW PHASE OF A FEDERAL GUN-CONTROL LAW GOES INTO EFFECT,7 9,"The people receiving the warnings have already been asked, on average, five to seven times by a federal contractor by phone, email or mail to furnish documents, according to a spokesman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,the branch of the Health and Human Services Department that oversees the federal insurance marketplace.",8 7,"The bullet grazed Balogh's left arm, tore into his side and entered his heart.",6 7,"On a December day in 1731, a man named Garrett Hoppe of Bergen County accused a slave named Harry of threatening him. The next day, Harry was put to death.",6 13,The final passage,12 12,Views on smoking ban are sought,11 7,both charged in the shooting deaths of a Lee County couple,6 5,Norton seeks to join tobacco lawsuit,4 11,Why Killer Mike is right: African Americans should own guns,10 5,"Asked whether she thought the Court might take the issue up this Term, Justice Ginsburg noted that all three appellate courts to address the issue so far (the Fourth, Seventh, and Tenth) have struck down state laws limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples. She added that we are still awaiting a decision from the Sixth Circuit, which has been considering a same-sex marriage claim since oral argument on August 6. ""Sooner or later,"" she predicted, the Court will decide the issue. But given that there is no disagreement so far, she concluded, there is ""no urgency"" for the Court to take it right now. This suggests that-until there's a circuit split-Justice Ginsburg won't vote to grant a same-sex marriage petition this Term. ",4 6,"Silverman and Assistant City Attorney John Stoffel said the paragraph won't have any effect on the law, which prohibits about 40 types of weapons in Denver, including the MAC-10, MAC-11, Colt AR-15, and Beretta AR-70.",5 13,CAUTIOUS CLINTON AVOIDING ABSOLUTES,12 12,"Critics have been vocal. At a meeting last week, a resident gave his oft-repeated speech about ""sodomites,' which he tends to aim at board President Jeff Horton. Another person shouted that too many ""homosexual"" programs have been funded by the district. ",11 1,Exxon to offer benefits to same-sex couples,0 5,"Michael Minerva, the Capital Collateral Representative, resigned last week, saying he could not represent multiple murderer Gerald Stano due to a conflict of interest.",4 3,in the name of retribution,2 1,"His public argument is keyed to the economic boom. ""The economy in Maryland is continuing to soar,"" he told the Baltimore Sun, ""so why would we want to impose an onerous tax on a portion of our citizenry, no matter how well meaning it is?""",0 6,BILL TO BAN GUN RANGES IS ADVANCED,5 7,Washington prison hunts for hangman,6 5,"State attorneys had until Monday to try to stop the testing, but declined to file a motion in Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Court",4 4,"COURTS STUDY LINK BETWEEN VICTIM'S RACE AND IMPOSITION OF DEATH PENALTY ",3 5,"Richard Daynard, a law professor at Northeastern University in Boston, said it also might ignite a guerrilla war of litigation",4 5,"The game-changer was the Supreme Court's ruling in United States vs. Windsor overturning the Defense of Marriage Act last summer. As a result, Mark and Keith's marriage is federally recognized even though they live in Florida, which bans same-sex marriage. ",4 13,"When Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and his fellow Democrats study what went wrong for them in Tuesday's crucial legislative elections, one possible mistake stands out: Their aggressive advocacy of gun control in a pivotal Senate race in the Richmond area may have backfired by producing a pro-Republican backlash.",12 11, as the state prepares to execute more inmates in 12 months than it has in 32 years.,10 12,Gabby unit backs Andy anti-gun bid,11 13,"Mr. Portman said that when he was being considered for Mr. Romney's ticket last year, he told the candidate that his son is gay. ",12 1,"The company offering free counseling to restaurant owners on such systems - advice with obvious benefits to its profitmaking side - is none other than Philip Morris, the world's largest cigarette maker.",0 7,"The charges against Lopez-Ramos, of Sonoyta in the Mexican state of Sonora, include bringing in illegal aliens, conspiracy to bring in illegal aliens and harboring illegal aliens, court documents show.",6 6,to ban smoking or the use of tobacco products in public parks or spaces,5 7,"Palm Beach County sheriff's deputies arrested a St. Petersburg man Wednesday after finding a loaded handgun in his carry-on luggage as it passed through a security checkpoint, according to an arrest report.",6 7,"A suspect in the May slaying of a shopkeeper in Silver Spring is linked to the crime by DNA evidence found in a stolen getaway vehicle, authorities said yesterday, announcing that they had obtained a warrant charging the man with first-degree murder and carjacking.",6 13,"And some boast such stand-up tactics could be an asset this year. ""We're not scared of the NRA,"" says Carl Struble, who produced Sen. Bob Kerrey's counterstrike ad.",12 5,"the result of a class action settlement reached this week, ",4 10,"Susan Smith was a good mother, defense witnesses testify",9 5,"Judge Gary M. Gaertner of the Missouri Court of Appeals,",4 1," would raise the cigarette tax by $ 1.50 a pack over three years, give the Food and Drug Administration full regulatory authority over nicotine, hold the tobacco industry responsible for reducing teen smoking and help tobacco farmers move into other crops.",0 7,"The most recent came last week at Santa Monica College in California, in which a gunman killed five people. The FBI defines a mass shooting as one in which four or more people die, not including the perpetrator.",6 13,"Editorial: Legislature wants to extend gun rights to guests, parking lots and admitted felons.",12 1,U.S. Is 'Dumping Ground' for Gun Dealers,0 13,"James Forrester, 74, Gay-Union Foe",12 11,"I've spent most of my adult life in two states, Kentucky and North Carolina, where tobacco was rooted deeply in the economic and social fabric of communities. In the town where I grew up, Mount Airy, the season of bringing in tobacco affected school calendars. The auctioneer's chant in the fall meant a surge for Main Street businesses as farmers whose crops had just sold had money to spend. In Owensboro, Kentucky, where I just spent a bit more than a decade, I could pass working tobacco farms while jogging -- not just from my home near the edge of town, but from the newspaper's downtown office, if I took just the right five- or six-mile route.",10 5, legalizing same-sex marriage in New York,4 9,"sychologist Testifies on 'Indoctrination' of Sniper Suspect ",8 5,Gay marriage ban defended,4 13,"Gov. Gray Davis, a Democrat, has not taken a position yet on whether he will sign the gun-control bill, a spokeswoman said. ",12 7,Immigrant detention numbers hold up,6 5,Prosecutors to seek death penalty for Monterey County mom in case of children's deaths,4 6," Hartsfield would join a growing list of public accommodations locally and nationally that are basically off-limits to smokers. Last week, Fulton County become only the second county in Georgia to restrict smoking in office buildings, medical facilities and indoor sports arenas. That ordinance already applies to the terminal at Hartsfield. ",5 5,"rancis D. Landrey, a New York attorney voluntarily representing Parker,",4 13," But the trip has been seen by political observers as another inching step by Christie toward a candidacy, presenting him the opportunity to wade into foreign policy on an international stage - even while skirting the topic of immigration. The governor, who delivered a speech Wednesday focused on energy policy and the need to promote partnerships between North American countries, said Thursday he didn't consider the trip a test of his skills as a diplomat - or his ability to check his Jersey brashness at the door. ",12 11,It was a rough week for that smooth character Joe Camel.,10 5,"The people's right to protect themselves should be restored, not restricted. ",4 6,"I am not a smoker, but I am for tobacco advertising. Tobacco is legal in the United States. If the state wants to ban tobacco advertising, then they should ban other products. If they want to help the people, then they should ban tobacco itself. If the government bans tobacco advertising, it is taking away freedom of speech. People having cancer or dying from smoking still have their choice. If they care, then they should quit. If this year is ""Ban tobacco advertising,"" what will they come up with next year? America is a free country. I don't think we should give up our freedom.",5 5,"In some quarters, the ruling anticipated this week by the Massachusetts Supreme Court is considered monumental. Massachusetts could be the first state to grant full marriage rights to same-sex couples, or the second state - after Vermont - to legalize civil unions for gays in lieu of marriage. Then again, it could uphold the gay-marriage ban and not change a thing. ",4 4, that his officers rely on race in their immigration enforcement.,3 13,"Even as Boehner sought to place the burden on Democrats, Republican control of both chambers means they are under heavy pressure to resolve the funding dispute before money runs out Feb. 27.",12 11,"Maybe they don't realize that as recently as two years ago St. Louis was third in the country in its murder rate, behind Washington and Detroit, and second in the country in aggravated assault, behind Atlanta.",10 5,Defense attorneys are waiting for a psychiatric evaluation report before deciding whether to try an insanity defense.,4 5,"The orders gave Evans a reprieve but left lawyers on both sides puzzling over the court's intention. Although Evans's advocates said they hope the court will ultimately agree with at least one of their claims, prosecutors said it is equally possible that judges intend to limit such appeals in future cases by definitively rejecting the arguments.",4 13,Obama is vowing not to back off his support for sweeping gun legislation that would require congressional backing ,12 13,WANTED: A FEW GOOD SENATORS,12 3,"A United Church of Christ congregation in Arlington is offering full marriage rights to same-sex couples, marking what is apparently a first in the region for a church in that denomination.",2 15,"PROVOKING THOUGHTS, LAUGHS",14 1,gun manufacturers ,0 9,DeNoble says a substitute may have reduced some of cigarettes' harmful heart effects.,8 13,FENTON IS URGED TO BAN HIDDEN GUNS IN CITY BUILDINGS,12 13,The National Rifle Association is taking out newspaper advertisements accusing President Clinton of commandeering the Columbine anniversary for political gain.,12 7,was convicted Tuesday of murder for failing to stop the girl's fatal beating.,6 11,Four Tampa men inducted into cigar hall of fame,10 7,"An ex-Marine from Illinois who is charged in Arlington County in a kidnapping and rape in February is now the chief suspect in the 2005 slayings of two young girls from his home town, sources familiar with the investigation said Thursday.",6 7,New Tactics Urged in Fight Against Crime,6 5,Expand rights to carry concealed weapons,4 5,"Decision on same-sex marriage lawsuit next month ",4 6,The legislation requires state residents to register all presently owned semiautomatic weapons and pay a semiannual fee for continued ownership. They then have one year to sell or deactivate the guns.,5 13,"Supervisor Tom Huening proposed the ban because, he said, having gun shows at a county-owned facility sends the wrong message to the community about firearms.",12 10,"Timothy McVeigh loved chocolate-covered cherries and strawberry Pop-Tarts, and, like some other Americans, was enraged by events at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.",9 13,HALEY'S COMMENT Political winds shifting for Tancredo,12 13,Illegal Immigration at the Forefront; New Va. Governor May Decide Policy,12 12,"The National Rifle Association (of which I am a member) understands that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Gun-control advocates might say they only wish to control ""assault weapons"" but in truth they would like to outlaw all guns.",11 8,"For a handgun, there's a waiting period",7 1,"Though Philip Morris officials tried Tuesday to downplay the recall of 8 billion cigarettes nationwide, the fallout could have resulted in a messy muddle for a company already covered with image warts. It didn't. Image issues, after all, are second nature to the tobacco behemoth, which deals with such matters on a daily basis in the media and on Capitol Hill.",0 5,Richard Borrelli Anderson got the permit Saturday,4 1,A Healthy Tobacco Tax Could Help Farmers Too,0 5,"CLERKS GET WARNING ABOUT GAY MARRIAGE ",4 5,"There is scant common ground when it comes to Proposition 8, but all sides in the fight over the future of gay marriage in California now seem to agree on one thing the state Supreme Court needs to step in and resolve a series of legal challenges that are growing by the day. ",4 5,But in 2004 the state Supreme Court overturned his sentence because of judicial error and ordered a new penalty phase.,4 6,"law ""may be the biggest failure in civil rights experimentation in the history of New Jersey.""",5 12," Overturn of gay-marriage ban roils Utah ",11 13,"N.R.A. and G.O.P., Together Forever",12 1,A Gun Maker Moves On,0 9,Secondhand smoke is giving your pets cancer,8 12,People gathered online and on the pavement in last-minute protests and vigils Sunday,11 5,"Further, the Colorado Constitution is markedly different from those in New England. 'The equal protection clauses of the Massachusetts and Vermont constitutions offer more civil rights protection than the federal Constitution,' Brewer explained. Colorado's law simply mirrors the federal document. And since the Massachusetts court opinion will be based on the state constitution, it likely will be a source of provocative conversation for Coloradans - and little more. But while gay-rights activists are downplaying the significance of the ruling, opponents to same-sex marriage are mobilizing. ",4 11,"Immigrants Fitting In to U.S., Report Says",10 4,Stone Links: Is Same-Sex Marriage Homophobic?,3 6,would ban 45 guns that police have said are used by neither hunters nor target shooters.,5 6,Law ending turkey shoot may get boot,5 1,U.S. Economic Policies Force Illegal Immigration,0 8,"The only way to stop the next gunman ""waiting in the wings"" is to place an armed police officer in every school in America,",7 4," that homosexuality is a choice, and thus same-sex marriage is not a civil rights issue. ",3 1,"The $ 1.7 billion made from the sale would have been used to further reduce huge debt from the record $ 25 billion takeover in 1989. RJR already has cut that debt to $ 14 billion. ",0 1,Agriculture Commissioner Jim Graham began his last round of tobacco markets' opening days Tuesday with praise for this year's crop and concern about the future of the once-golden leaf.,0 10,Partner benefits back on agenda,9 6,Ruben Navarrette: The guest worker poison pill,5 6,Unnecessary barriers are still in place,5 7,31 HAITIANS DETAINED AFTER WADING ASHORE,6 1,"Sunday night is the last night to smoke in bars and restaurants in Minnesota. To mark the occasion, Casper's Cherokee Sirloin Room in West St. Paul and Eagan is offering free cigarettes today through Sunday to anyone who orders a drink.",0 12,for the American public,11 5,"for a possible settlement of nearly all smoking-related litigation are playing out against a complex backdrop of legal disputes. And because many of these cases have reached critical stages, they could influence the course of the talks, giving an upper hand",4 5," Killer's sentencing sent to lower court",4 10,"AFTER 50 YEARS, HE QUITS",9 6,Smoking in Tiger Stadium seats likely will be banned this season as Detroit attempts to become the second American League team to clear the air in an outdoor ballpark. Smoking would be permitted only in designated areas of the stadium. Smoking would be prohibited in seats and restrooms. The Oakland A's recently restricted smoking at Alameda County Stadium to concourses. The A's became the first team with an outdoor stadium to ban smoking in all seats. Other stadiums have created non-smoking sections,5 13," Governor Roemer had said earlier he would not intervene.",12 5," A sweeping decision on Thursday night struck down Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage and continued a remarkable winning streak for gay rights advocates, putting new pressure on the Supreme Court to decide the momentous question it ducked last summer: whether there is a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.",4 6,"""We need to be very careful we don't set policies based on whims,"" he said, adding that he will take on the challenge of battling policies that are not ""inclusive and caring.""",5 8," The National Guard Rebellion Is Over",7 5,"tobacco litigation. ""It vindicates Skip, who was the leader in rejecting the earlier so-called national settlement and saying he was going to take his case to the jury. ""The injunctions will benefit young people all across the states. Because of the Minnesota attorney general's office, the story has been told. They have done more to assure that the documents were all released and that the full scope of the tobacco companies' misconduct was fully exposed,"" said Doyle, who held a news conference in Madison after the settlement announcement in St. Paul on Friday. ""We in Wisconsin in many ways think the battle will move forward here now. We are closely aligned with Minnesota, have benefited from their legal team, will have benefit of their expert witnesses and documents. So, our course is very clear. We'll work as hard as we can to prepare ourselves for trial."" The Wisconsin case, filed Feb. 5, 1997, contains similar allegations on health care costs, conspiring to conceal research and information, and marketing to children. It also makes those allegations on smokeless tobacco.",4 7," Yet Friday's violence came less than a week after a deadly assault at an Oregon shopping mall, four months after six were killed in a Wisconsin temple, and five months after 12 died in a Colorado movie theater. Now there is another group of survivors who will have to live with the aftermath of this day for a lifetime.",6 5,CHANGES EXPECTED IN TOBACCO SETTLEMENT,4 7,Serial killer Bobby Joe Long is back on death row - sentenced for the second time in the same case to die in the electric chair for the murder of a Tampa prostitute.,6 5,Vote of one juror lets deputy's killer avoid death penalty,4 13," THE POLITICS OF CRIME",12 6," NEW STATE LAW AFFECTS ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS",5 5,"""My oath says I will uphold constitutional law,"" he said while reading a booklet about the Constitution and Bill of Rights he keeps on his desk. ""It doesn't say anything about enforcing Hillary and Bill's law.",4 5, declared unconstitutional by the state Appeals Court last month,4 10,receive death benefits from a state pension system.,9 15,The Death Memo,14 13," They charge CAAP misrepresents itself as a non-partisan grass-roots organization when it is actually backed financially by rightleaning conservative groups. ",12 6,DeKalb ponders limits on smoking May be first Ga. county with law,5 8,"The State Police program for issuing and monitoring Firearm Owners Identification cards falls woefully short in gathering court records on potentially mentally ill gun owners, confiscates only 30 percent of the FOID cards that police revoke, and doesn't report critical information to federal authorities required by a criminal background database, the report found. ",7 10,benefits of marriage.,9 13,Huntsman supports same-sex marriage,12 5,"Last Wednesday, the plaintiffs answered with a brief that denied most of the responses by the couple's attorneys. ",4 1,Gun-buying on rise after attacks,0 5,The California Supreme Court heard arguments last week over whether private country clubs can refuse spousal discounts to lesbian couples who by law cannot marry.,4 11,The wrong case for gun restrictions,10 7,to have his own criminal sentence reduced.,6 13,"Georgia's WIN List, a political action committee that helps recruit and train Democratic women for political office, sent out an email the day after Gingrey's comments. The email message was sent as part of a fundraising plea and signed by the PAC's chairwoman, Lauren Benedict. ",12 5,"On average, federal capital cases take 14 1/2 months from the time the government seeks the death penalty and the start of the trial, Regan's lawyers said.",4 13,"Sanders said the president spoke to Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) on Friday to express support for the bill Cornyn has in-troduced with Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.). The bill is still being amended, the White House cautioned.",12 7,"A former textile worker has been executed for raping and murdering a 61-year-old woman who was stabbed 42 times with a butcher knife in her farmhouse 12 years ago. The man, Alton Waye, 34, was put to death in the electric chair late Wednesday at the State Penitentiary. The sentence was carried out",6 15,"By order of the king, himself",14 7,Ill. to tape murder-case queries,6 13,"O"" Won't tell. Prez feeling pressure to back gay marriage",12 12,"On Wednesday, gays and lesbians were encouraged to take the day off by calling in gay, not buying anything and volunteering. In St. Louis, a ""teach-in"" was held at the Tivoli Theater, and included speakers on law, politics, religion and business. Organizer Ed Reggi called it a civics lesson on gay rights, or the lack thereof.",11 12,"Thousands of people gathered here on Thursday to protest New York State's new gun restrictions, denouncing Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and lawmakers in one of the largest rallies at the State Capitol in recent years. ",11 7,", but for the inmates on their death rows.",6 13,"aides said. While not spelling out a detailed legislative proposal, the President will describe the overriding principles that he believes must guide the nation's approach to tobacco use, aides said. Among the tenets of the President's plan",12 5,Justices rule on deporting,4 5,4 REPORTERS SUBPOENAED,4 13,"Now with legislators in 12 states considering ""campus carry"" legislation, ",12 5,"Breyer noted that he had never considered a capital murder case since becoming a federal appeals judge in Boston. The only state in his circuit to have the death penalty is New Hampshire, and it has not been used there recently.",4 5,"U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced last week that the Justice Department will give same-sex marriages full and equal recognition to the greatest extent possible under the law, even in such states as Florida that discriminate against same-sex couples by barring them from marrying. ",4 13,"The Senate must reconcile its bill with legislation the House approved last year, which focuses on strengthening enforcement of immigration law and offers no plan to allow current illegal immigrants to become citizens. The House bill would make entering the United States illegally a felony and would increase penalties on businesses that employ undocumented workers.",12 5,"The issue before the court on Tuesday was more fundamental: Does the Constitution require that people be allowed to marry whom they choose, regardless of either partner's gender? The fact that the question was in front of the Supreme Court at all was startling, given that no state recognized such unions before 2003 and 40 states don't allow them. ",4 12,"Without such criteria, voters were split 40 percent in favor of legalizing undocumented workers and 49 percent opposed. But with such conditions, those in favor rose to 59 percent, with 34 percent opposed.",11 13,Pass concealed-carry bill ...,12 7,"Kenneth L. Dessaure Jr. was sentenced to death in October 2001 for the Feb. 9, 1999, murder of next-door neighbor Cindy Riedweg.",6 10,Majority of Large Firms Offer Employees Domestic Partner Benefits,9 7,Last Thursday's alleged attack at Rockville High School attracted national attention,6 6,BAN ASSAULT RIFLES: ALL GUNS ARE NOT EQUAL,5 8,"Beth Wilkinson, a former assistant U.S. attorney who prosecuted the Oklahoma City bombing case, called the FBI's tactics ""a very aggressive posture to use, although not one that's illegal, assuming they're following all the strictures of the law and the provisions of the warrants.",7 12,"The late-afternoon air was shattered by the sounds of a news helicopter hovering overhead and the honking of dozens of horns from a caravan of dump trucks surrounding the block. Neighbors returning home from work had to wait for media people camped out on the sidewalk to move before they could turn into their driveways. ",11 12,"""challenges fair-minded Americans to ponder ",11 12,Support for same-sex marriage hits new high,11 6,CLINTON AIDES URGE FREER HAITI POLICY,5 1,EPA ADVISER SEEKS $1 MILLION GRANT FROM PHILIP MORRIS CO.,0 13,"Still, the vote was largely symbolic; the Senate has already rejected the marriage amendment. But the Republican leadership brought the measure to the floor as part of a drive to appeal to conservatives and force Democrats to vote on hot-button social issues.",12 6,"Under the law, Colorado would have recognized only marriages that had been solemnized and licensed - which could threaten the thousands of couples married by common law. ",5 13,TOBACCO LOBBY FIGHTING TO KEEP MILITARY SUBSIDY,12 12,NRA voices opposition to gun bill,11 12, Recent polls show overwhelming support by Illinois residents for Ryan's position on gun control.,11 8,skip three-day waiting periods,7 3,GOD,2 1,"The Liggett Group Inc., which makes the Chesterfield, Lark and L & M brands, was already a pariah in the tobacco business for agreeing last year to settle with the states instead of waging a court fight.",0 6,"It's the smoke being banned, not smokers",5 14,MEXICO WARNS U.S. DELEGATION ON MIGRATION,13 13,Senate Majority Leader Malcolm A. Smith said on Saturday night that he did not believe legislation to legalize marriage between same-sex couples had enough support to become law in New York this year.,12 7,Al-Arian wants charges dropped,6 5,No help for man facing deportation U.S. judge says she has no jurisdiction in case of German immigrant who is a father here.,4 2,Faced with a growing influx of Cuban refugees,1 6,California: Same-Sex Marriage Ban Stays in Place,5 13,"Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), sponsor of the amendment, said he wanted to ensure that ""America's military bases are not used to advance a narrow social agenda.""",12 5,California concealed gun ruling to be reconsidered,4 15,INS CHIEF ZIGLAR CAUGHT IN PINCH,14 3,SAME-SEX UNIONS BLESSED,2 8,"In Nassau, Campaign Uses 9/11 In TV Ad",7 7,"""I just want to take guns away from wife beaters,""",6 10,Minors cross border believing they'll be allowed to stay,9 15,New tool for gun opponents,14 5,Judge Asked to Bar Mass. Gay Marriages,4 7,The letter carrier was murdered in May 1987 as he was making his rounds in the 4400 block of Margaretta Avenue.,6 11," If Kelli Carpenter is Rosie O'Donnell's wife, what does that make Rosie? ",10 9,W'Chester exec eying gun locks,8 13,"Given the opportunity to stand up to the gun lobby by supporting legislation favored by two-thirds of Americans, these senators did what all politicians do when they fear upsetting powerful interests: They voted for the status quo.",12 1,"Immigrants Pull Weight In Economy, Study Finds",0 5,Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage May Help Resolve Status of Divorce,4 1,"The report looks at a period in which about 100,000 native-born workers were temporarily employed by the 2010 Census - meaning that the true effects of the recession were probably worse for native-born workers than the numbers suggest.",0 5,"A jury on Thursday returned the verdict against Lorillard Inc., maker of Kents, and Hollingsworth & Vose Co., which made the ""Micronite"" filters used in the cigarettes.",4 7,Details of gruesome killing are released,6 5,allows illegal immigrants to get legal status,4 8, requiring criminal background checks,7 11,"The study, focused on individuals 11 to 21 years old, found that tobacco use was documented on 55 percent of patient charts. Of those documented, 35 percent were current tobacco users, 8 percent were former smokers and 57 percent had never smoked.",10 10,benefits,9 5,"Attorney Keith Hammond said the defense isn't ready for Monday's penalty phase re-trial of convicted murderer Lawrence Joey Smith, whom a jury will sentence to life in prison or death.",4 5,"Texas Court Halts Execution Set for Early This Morning ",4 6,The measure is called the Brady bill,5 13,ALBANY EYES WEAPON-BAN DEAL,12 7,7th person is arrested in smuggling of migrants,6 3,"e spoke directly to the bank of television cameras arrayed before him. ""The death penalty is too final,"" he said. ""It is dead wrong."" ",2 13,passed by the Florida Legislature this session.,12 13,Incoming GOP congressman open to gun control,12 1,"Governors and lawmakers around the country have been turning to the tobacco money, part of a $206 billion national settlement in 1998, as budget deficits grow in the face of a downtown in the economy, made worse by the attacks on Sept. 11.",0 13,"A letter that Stewart sent to COG Chairman Karen Young, president pro tem of the Frederick Board of Aldermen, says Prince William joins Manassas and Loudoun and Frederick counties in voicing its opposition.",12 13," ""It's a sympathetic request, no doubt, but it belongs in the legislature,"" ",12 5,The suit stemmed from reporting requirements issued in July,4 7, fighting illegal guns ,6 1,ON TOBACCO COMPANIES,0 12,"Twin Cities renters less willing to tolerate secondhand smoke, survey finds",11 7,Law enforcement leaders join Gabrielle Giffords in gun control push,6 13," Suppose our politicians decide to go with the spirit of the Reform rabbis and legalize gay marriage?",12 5,JUDGE STAYS ABU-JAMAL'S EXECUTION / RULING OPENS THE WAY FOR LENGTHY APPEALS,4 13,"FORD, CARTER GIVE SUPPORT TO BRADY BILL",12 15,Behind the curve?;,14 13,Md. to revive blocked gun bills,12 13,"Slay promises to keep fighting marriage ban Mayor joins celebration for four same-sex couples. ",12 7,"He also confessed to killing Sharon Nance in 1992, and Tashanda Bethea, 18, two years earlier in his hometown of Barnwell, S.C.",6 5, A federal appeals court ruled Thursday,4 13,"Amid mass shootings, GOP-controlled Congress remains focused on loosening gun laws",12 13,Proposed Gun Ban Divides Enclave,12 5,"On Wednesday, lawyers from the International Refugee Assistance Project at the Urban Justice Center who were concerned that the action would affect the project's clients sent out an email calling for lawyers who could volunteer immediately to go to airports where refugees were scheduled to enter the United States.",4 13,"SMOKING BAN ON VERGE OF APPROVAL 4 ON COUNCIL RESISTING BUSINESS LOBBY, KELLY",12 9,"Smoke gets in your eyes - and in your throat, your lungs, your veins, your brain.",8 1,Gun sales & buyer checks on a surge,0 13,'94 GEORGIA LEGISLATURE Brady law hits target in Georgia Both sides on gun control say it's better than killed bill,12 5,"In June, the U.S. Supreme Court found the ballot measure's sponsors did not have a legal right to defend the law in place of the governor and attorney general, both of whom consider it unconstitutional. As a result, the case reverted to a federal judge's 2010 ruling striking down Proposition 8 because it violated the equal protection rights of same-sex couples. ",4 13,California shooting doesn't fit Washington's gun debate,12 12,Solicitation mail masquerading as ``opinion polls'' rubs me the wrong way,11 14,"In a meeting in Cuba with top officials of the government-controlled Habanos tobacco company, Bunn and Wellons said they first heard the Communist Party line, a refusal to deal with the United States. But the refusal weakened, The Charlotte Observer reported.",13 13,"The why, some people said, was because disarming Americans is part of a secret liberal agenda. Anybody who follows the adventures of the 18 or 19 liberals left in this country knows that they are not disciplined enough to agree on an agenda. And if they had a secret one, the last people to know would be the talking gasbags.",12 1,"""It's been probably the best year the firearms industry has experienced in the last 20 years,"" says Michael Saporito of RSR Wholesale Guns Inc., one of the nation's largest firearms distributors.",0 9,while his toddler son died in the backseat of their overheated car,8 13,President Clinton said in a statement. Clinton has proposed that the Food and Drug Administration,12 5,"Well, a federal court verdict in Akron, Ohio, on Thursday went a long way to even the score. The jury found for the tobacco companies in a suit brought by 114 union insurance funds that had claimed tobacco companies had particularly been targeting blue-collar workers.",4 7,Killings rekindle debate on guns,6 13," The U.S. House will vote this week on whether to ban 19 specific semiautomatic assault weapons as well as detachable magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.",12 5,"My Father, a Judge, Said a Gun Control Case Was One of His Hardest",4 11,Gunslinging,10 13,CONCEALED GUN BILLS HEAD FOR HOUSE,12 5," Defense attorney Ed O'Hara filed papers Wednesday noting that Cupp specifically agreed in court Dec. 4 that the new aggravators don't apply.",4 6,"TWO MEN WHO FASHIONED IMMIGRATION BILL AND LED IT THROUGH CONGRESS; ROMANO MAZZOLI DEVOTED FOUR YEARS OF QUIET, RELETNLESS WORK TO MEASURE",5 10,"Since his conviction, Van Poyck, with a reform school education, has authored three books, one of which won first-place honors in the memoir category in Writer's Digest 2004 Self-Published Book Awards. He penned many of his own appeals and helped fellow inmates craft theirs.",9 5,"The state has gathered an unprecedented collection of 33 million pages of internal industry documents that would prove, in ""their own secret words,"" that ""the companies waged a decades-long campaign of deceit and misrepresentation . . . in the name of profit,"" said Michael Ciresi, representing Minnesota and the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance company.",4 12," For many fair-minded Americans, the idea of allowing same-sex unions no longer seems as threatening as it once did",11 6, and a ban on certain types of assault weapons,5 13,We need to vote out of office any candidate who doesn't support gun control legislation.,12 11, where Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt,10 1,Agriculture's dependency on illegal workers came into plain view when untold numbers walked off Alabama farms last month.,0 13,something the Florida Legislature refused to do,12 8,REPORT CITES DANGER OF BORDER CRACKDOWN,7 11,America's amazing transformation on same-sex marriage,10 10,"Decisions on same-sex marriage in the District and Maryland are radiating deeply into the life of Washington, a place where people's day jobs often give them responsibility for important parts of the nation's government. But beyond their jubilation last week, gay couples who will begin to marry in the District in coming days will still face a federal law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman -- and families that sometimes do the same.",9 4,"What is at issue, and what valid studies can sometimes show, is that race is an important reason that more blacks are executed for similar homicides or that the pattern of punishment places a higher value on the life of white victims than black victims. A defendant who offers such a study can force state or Federal prosecutors to explain to the court's satisfaction the apparent racial pattern.",3 13,"Every one of these bills should be either voted down in the Legislature or vetoed by Gov. Jerry Brown. The ""liberal"" Democratic legislators in California should stop their constant step-by-step attacks on the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. ",12 3,"""tell the truth"" about tobacco's addictiveness.",2 6,No guns in classrooms,5 5,Legal Teams Focus on Death Penalty In Putting Together Kaczynski Jury,4 6,SIGN DNA TESTING BILL,5 4,The United States Commission on Civil Rights is right to order an investigation into whether racial bias might be a factor in the rise in homicides connected to notorious Stand Your Ground laws.,3 7,"Apparently, so does our police commissioner. A 40-year law enforcement veteran who heads the Major Cities Police Chiefs Association, Ramsey was one of the first people Vice President Biden plucked to serve on a gun-violence task force the president convened. ",6 5,Gay troops and veterans to sue over Defense of Marriage Act,4 13,IS GUN DEBATE MISGUIDED?,12 5,"ohen said he believes McVeigh's decision is a combination of 'political statement' and the realization that any further appeals would probably be futile. ",4 5,"At issue is a request by the Commonwealth that the plaintiffs divulge what their attorneys are calling ""highly private and sensitive information."" ",4 12,NRA,11 5,States Seek Delay in California Marriage Ruling,4 8,Gun-carry bill is great for ISIS: Cy,7 11,Athletes stand up for 'Our Lives' movement,10 6,Gay marriage ban drive faces deadline,5 9,can be made safe,8 10,L.A. FAMILY'S TRAGEDY TOLD TO GUN PANEL,9 13,"Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak said the matter could not be handled procedurally as called for in Gusciora's bill. Gusciora accused the governor of ""doing a two-step.""",12 6,California to review use of death penalty in state,5 9,"Gaining access to health care is ""such an adventure in this country for the undocumented immigrants and the people who don't speak English,"" Valenzuela-Dall said. Without bilingual health workers and materials, ""how can we pretend to provide services?""",8 13,"The Health and Human Services Committee approved the measure on a partisan 7-4 vote, two months after two Southern Illinois Democrats helped defeat the same bill in the Judiciary Committee.",12 5,'STAND GROUND' NO ISSUE,4 13,PRESIDENT BACKS GAY MARRIAGE,12 6,CITY'S NEW NO-SMOKING POLICY Marietta to send tobacco users outside,5 5,"Since 1875, the Missouri Constitution has included a provision that says the right to bear arms does not justify the right to carry concealed weapons. The 1945 state constitution makes the issue even more clear, the suit contends.",4 5, The other 10 officers have pleaded guilty and some are expected to testify against Davis. None of the officers has yet been sentenced.,4 13,"Deal, who represented Georgia's 9th District in Congress for nearly 18 years, faces former Secretary of State Karen Handel in the Aug. 10 Republican runoff for governor.",12 5,Stay of Execution Ordered in Jersey,4 5," Fulton County Superior Court Judge Alice Bonner, hearing Carr's appeal, vacated his death sentence, ruling that if Carr's lawyers had done a better job representing their client, the outcome of his trial might have been different. But the Georgia Supreme Court unanimously overruled Bonner's decision in March 2001.",4 7,Inmate convicted in girl's murder had an ally in Buckley,6 13,Obama to Leave Seat for Gun Victims During Address,12 13,"SCRAP GUN VOTE, PANEL URGED",12 11,The number of U.S. smokers has dropped 32 percent in the past 22 years,10 13,"When Mr. Bush finished his five-minute statement -- with reporters arranged before him in White House-assigned seats, waiting for the news conference that appeared to be coming -- he abruptly turned on his heel and strode from the room, ignoring all questions.",12 13,GOP appears to reconsider that 'one good guy with a gun' saying,12 13,"The governor has framed the repeal in pragmatic terms, calling the death penalty an expensive policy that is ""proven not to work."" He's also hardly new to the issue; he wrote a Post op-ed back in 2007 called: ""Why I Oppose the Death Penalty."" But O'Malley is considered a very likely presidential candidate in 2016, and anything he does in office -- including this ban -- has implications for his political future.",12 5,The board did not immediately make a decision.,4 6,"DEAL FAVORS IMMIGRANT SKILLS, NOT FAMILIES",5 12,MOST IN N.Y. SUPPORT GAY NUPS - POLL,11 1, tobacco industry,0 9,Guns' staggering death toll,8 7,"Now, law-abiding immigrants are being forced into jails and deportation proceedings for solitary minor crimes committed up to 20 or 30 years ago.",6 12,MOMS SPEND MOTHER'S DAY MARCHING FOR GUN SAFETY,11 13,"""President Trump wants to find a solution that makes everybody happy.""",12 5,Two broad failures leave immigrants in legal limbo,4 1,"160,000 gun sales stopped by checks",0 5,in the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling that the city's longtime ban on handguns is unconstitutional.,4 5,THE WAY FORWARD ON LICENSES,4 13,But concerned leaders don't even look to Harrisburg for help because Pennsylvania's legislators seem more interested in enabling the bloodshed than stopping it.,12 5,"The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a dozen individuals and organizations, including six people listed as illegal aliens but not identified by name. ",4 14,U.S. Fights U.N. Accord To Control Small Arms,13 7," Study Links Rise in Killings to Relaxed Gun Laws",6 13,"Meanwhile, Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo called on presumptive Republican presidential nominee George W. Bush to clarify whether he would pursue new laws to protect gunmakers from liability lawsuits if he became president.",12 5,Judge Upsets Plea Agreement in Slaying of Child,4 6,I believe in gun control. You've got to have a license for a gun or a 30- day waiting period to do a complete background check. I just don't like that buyback program. Someone could have four or five guns. You're wasting tax money. I don't believe in guns. I don't want my kids around guns.,5 5,"The brief notes that a state appeals court in 1992 ruled that Wisconsin's refusal to offer gay workers the same benefits as their married colleagues did not violate the Wisconsin Constitution's equal-protection clause. That decision should be binding on the lower court, Lautenschlager wrote. ",4 5,"a constitutional amendment. ",4 8,"IRS officials gave no immediate explanation for the action, which came one day after U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft announced stepped-up operations based on concerns that al-Qaeda operatives were plotting an attack.",7 9,"""My wife, Diana, is ailing with diabetes",8 3,7 Va. Episcopal Parishes Vote to Sever Ties,2 13,"Trump, Scott talk mental health fix;",12 4,Opponents of gay marriage deny accusations of bigotry,3 13,The mention of the incident in Trump's speech was the first from the president and came after the Kansas City Star excoriated him for his silence.,12 12,"OutFront Minnesota, a leading advocacy group for gays and lesbians, is behind the state's first large celebration of National Freedom to Marry Day. Organizers chose Minneapolis City Hall for the festivities because the city is the only jurisdiction in the state offering official acknowledgment of gay couples.",11 5,New Wave of Cubans Sails to Florida Illegally,4 13, New Jersey Gun-Ban War Resumes,12 13,"In the state Obama considers home and where he served in the state Senate, the legislature voted to expand gun rights. ",12 8,are indignant that their privacy rights allegedly are being violated.,7 13,The time Trump said Sen. John McCain was a war hero only 'because he was captured',12 7,About 400 inmates at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola laid down their work tools Monday and today to protest an order that some of them help build a new table to be used in executions.,6 13,"Another Republican, Rep. Cameron De Jong, rose in the chamber to declare",12 5,"Scott Holste, spokesman for Attorney General Jay Nixon, said the California ruling did not justify interfering with the Missouri execution.",4 5," While the court's rulings were not as sweeping as some gay-rights advocates had hoped, the cases are expected to be the start of an evolving jurisprudence on same-sex marriage. A majority of justices signaled that they view marriage bans with a suspicious eye. ",4 8,Oklahoma City bomber Timothy James McVeigh,7 13, The White House forcefully denies there are any such plans.,12 5,"Rather than a full-on attack of the heart of Pennsylvania's Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which prohibits same-sex marriage, the suit targets the state's position that such marriages performed elsewhere are void here. ",4 5,"""Quit attacking my constitutional right to keep and bear arms,""",4 5,"""They were placed under suspicion and presumed guilty until the FBI investigation showed them to be innocent,"" said Nancy Chang, a lawyer with the Center for Constitutional Rights, the New York nonprofit group shepherding the lawsuit. ""This turns the Constitution on its head.",4 13,"Sen. Ed Perlmutter, D-Golden, tried on Thursday to change the same-sex marriage ban to ensure it would not interfere with that recognition.",12 11,CLEARING THE AIR Ventriloquist throws his voice into kid-size anti-smoking effort,10 9,Berkeley and Walnut Creek score well on tobacco report card,8 9,"Lastly, who really cares about the well-documented dangers of second-hand smoke on non-smokers? They shouldn't be allowed to play bingo anyway, and I'm sure they will quickly become used to the stale tobacco smell in the community room.",8 5,"Woman on Death Row Runs Out of Appeals, And Questions Linger",4 5,Nichols Jurors to Be Chosen Today,4 13,THE STATE OF GAY MARRIAGE IN THE STATES,12 5,"Judge James L. Berry rescinded North's concealed-weapon permit, asserting the Iran-contra figure lacked ""good character.""",4 5,These blatantly unconstitutional statutes aren't the product of a 40-year-old Supreme Court ruling. ,4 13,Immigration flip-flop,12 12,"Nearly nine in every 10 Americans say, in recent national polls, that illegal immigration is a serious problem.",11 13,"Mr. Obama, in an interview with ABC News, said the vice president had gotten ''a little bit over his skis'' but had done so ''out of generosity of spirit.'' The president bore Mr. Biden no lingering ill will, according to several officials, though the episode enraged Mr. Obama's senior advisers in the White House and on the campaign.",12 12,"Teenager's Killing Inspires Many to Act, but Not on Gun Control",11 11,marriage as it has been throughout the ages,10 5," The Second Amendment and the Georgia Constitution protect our rights against government restrictions, not individual wishes.",4 1,"Private prison corporations that profit from detention and deportation policies make tons of money by locking up poor, powerless immigrants for months and even years with little federal supervision",0 7,criminals,6 10,Victim's Sister Urges Clemency,9 13,The President Speaks Out (Finally) on Marriage,12 5," The suit, which was dismissed by a federal judge last month,",4 5,Troy Davis case,4 3,"The vote is not binding on individual churches, but could cause some congregations to leave the fold.",2 4," law ""may be the biggest failure in civil rights experimentation in the history of New Jersey.""",3 13,VOTERS SPOKE PRO-REFORM ON ELECTION DAY,12 13,NRA was already losing allies outside GOP,12 15,"No ifs, no ands, no butts",14 13,Mayor Kutscher,12 6,"The core of the problem is this: The measures -- and there are two of them -- would mandate that any state issuing concealed-carry permits recognize all out-of-state permits, regardless of how easy it might be to get permits in other states.",5 5,Court Upholds U.S. Gun Law,4 9,"he thought it was for a 10-year checkup, until his doctors in Los Angeles told him there was no such thing. Then he wondered if it had something to do with his hospital bill for the 12 days he spent there in 1981 recovering from the attempt on his life.",8 7,"uenoano, 54, was convicted of poisoning her husband in Orlando with arsenic and drowning her son to collect insurance money. But Hawkins said she does not know what happened in the first incident, which happened when she was 4, and she regarded the second as a boating accident a decade later. ",6 10,Killer's mom: Control guns,9 14,European countries also have become more aggressive in American death-penalty cases: The British government attempted to intervene on behalf of a British national executed in Georgia earlier this week. And France has expressed concern about the death-penalty issue in the federal prosecution of alleged terrorist plotter Zacarias Moussaoui.,13 5,"BORO REVELS IN GUN COURT, TOUGHER LAWS",4 1,"""Basically, this was a waste of a drive and a waste of $5 to get in the door,"" Klump said. ""This will prevent me from coming to any more Illinois gun shows; it's just too much work.""",0 9, so lesbians and gay men have no opportunity to gain domestic partner health benefits.,8 5,Falcon Heights has become the latest Minnesota city to approve a domestic partnership registry as the state moves closer to voting next year on a constitututional ban on same-sex marriage.,4 5, lawyers for a group of anti-death penalty doctors argued Tuesday in Fulton County Superior Court.,4 5, makes Georgia the first state to prevent a city or county from filing product liability suits against gun makers. The law reserves that right for the state.,4 3,"Further, in some cases, the religions in question really do apply their beliefs to everyone. In Orthodox Judaism, for example, the prohibition on same-sex civil marriage is a Noahide law, which observant Jews like me believe are expected of everyone.",2 1,Philip Morris,0 13,Trump urges ban on gun devices like bump stocks,12 3,Faith Groups Campaign To Block Gay Marriage,2 5,"Guilty plea in Bucks kidnapping, murder",4 5,"SAME-SEX COUPLES RECOGNIZED IN VERMONT WITH HELP FROM CLERKS, EAGER PARTNERS UNVEILED THE NATION'S FIRST CIVIL-UNION LAW.",4 6,Anti-smokers are already working to offset a resurfacing of the legislation during next year's session.,5 7,Concealed Carry's Body Count,6 5,"In 44 states, the future of gay marriage still depends on legislatures, governors and voters -- and eventually, perhaps, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. But in New York, as in five states before it, gay marriage's future is in the hands of gay couples themselves.",4 9,"The Mayo Clinic identifies an assortment of horrors associated with chewing tobacco, whether it is packaged in the form of leaves, paste or twists: Tooth decay, gum disease, high blood pressure, oral and nonoral cancers. ",8 14,Arms conferees seek consensus amid U.S. dissent,13 13,But that string of successes was broken Thursday when the marriage bill died in the Assembly as lawmakers declined to do what no legislative chamber had done befor,12 3,Smoking ban said to affect charities,2 5,McCleskey case needs careful scrutiny,4 5,Mexican national sues for detention release,4 12, and as polls showed an increasing public cry for more gun control ,11 7,There are now more than 700 inmates awaiting execution in California.,6 5,Supreme Court Weighs Maine's Tobacco Law,4 7,"Six months since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.,",6 1,$ 2 MILLION AWARDED IN CIGARETTE LAWSUIT,0 13,Charities' anti-tobacco lobbying is criticized,12 1,"For Gay Couples, Ruling Has a Cash Value",0 3,Stop savaging people with whom we disagree,2 7,"A member of the Mara Salvatrucha street gang has been charged with capital murder in the August 2001 rape and beating of a 24-year-old Falls Church mother, Fairfax County police said.",6 6,No more gun laws needed,5 11,group of smokers,10 11,"One in five teen-agers nationwide is a regular smoker, a statistic that spurred this town to do more than lecture its youth about the dangers of tobacco",10 13,Hawaii positioned to pass same-sex civil unions,12 9,"7 Bodies of Asian Immigrants Unidentified After 3 Weeks ",8 13,McCarthy's Role Is Debated in His Land of Immigrants,12 5,APPEALS COURT REVERSES BAN ON TOBACCO ADS,4 12,"Leaders of United We Dream, the largest national network of young immigrants",11 13,"Conservatives accused Herring, a Democrat, of shirking his duty to defend the state's laws after less than two weeks on the job, while gay rights activists exulted over the latest in a string of victories. ",12 13,CHENEY SUPPORTS BAN ON GAY MARRIAGE,12 12,BILL MAY FACE GAY DEMOS,11 4,It turns out he was innocent.,3 6,One was productive; the other was less productive than it could have been.,5 5,"Rhonda Brownstein, a lawyer working on the case at the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala., said the judge's decision to intervene was ""unprecedented.""",4 12, Gun control advocates,11 5,"The state Supreme Court granted a request to put on hold Pulaski County Circuit Judge Chris Piazza's decision voiding a 2004 constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman. Piazza struck down the ban last week, and expanded that ruling Thursday to include all state laws preventing gay couples from marrying.",4 5,"Typically, attorneys are appointed to represent death row inmates in the multiple appeals they are allowed to keep the state from killing people for crimes they didn't commit, said Bill Jennings, who handles death penalty appeals for Florida's Capital Collateral Commission. Why that didn't happen in Van Poyck's case is unclear.",4 13,"Combined with the political power of groups like the National Rifle Association, that's enough to keep Congress from doing anything at all.",12 13,"The votes held late Friday - a rare occurrence any time of the year on Capitol Hill - capped a week of turmoil in the GOP ranks prompted by fierce opposition from the party's conservative members to doing anything that could be perceived as an endorsement of Obama's current immigration policy. With conservatives threatening to withhold support, top leaders abruptly withdrew border security legislation Thursday afternoon and announced plans to leave Washington without acting. Infuriated, several GOP moderates confronted Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on the House floor, forcing them to recalibrate and cancel plans to begin the recess. ",12 4," minority gun owners -- whether black, Asian or Latino -- may feel that their weighing of the practical pros and cons of gun ownership comes up against the conservatism and unyielding stances of the N.R.A. and some other gun advocates. Mr. Blanchard said it could be a difficult balancing act.",3 13,LEADER'S GUN BILLS ADVANCE IN SENATE BOTH SIDES TRIED TO PUT A HUMAN FACE ON THE BATTLE OVER A PACKAGE PUSHED BY DONALD T. DIFRANCESCO.,12 13,Practically every other incumbent in heavily Democratic Maryland was reelected; Tydings lost.,12 15,A promise to keep,14 7," Bundy goes quietly to death",6 13,"Those on the left decried the incidents, many suggesting that anyone who would carry a gun to a presidential event must be nuts, potentially violent or both. Conservatives parried that this was nothing more than Second Amendment advocates asserting their rights to self-protection. ",12 6,PANEL SUGGESTS DOING AWAY WITH THE INS,5 13," DUNEDIN WEIGHS BB GUN BAN",12 5,"In one corner, Harold Hunt, a pipe fitter for Amtrak who said he paid Mr. Espinal nearly $2,300 to secure a green card for his wife, had just learned that nothing had been filed and that all the application fees would have to be paid over again.",4 9,a 15-year-old is wounded by gunfire in a children's fight. ,8 13,"The mayor has done a good job of expressing community outrage and empathizing with the survivors, but so far his antiviolence agenda is short on new specifics.",12 5,"The U.S. Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it would not hear a challenge to the District's 10-month-old same-sex marriage law, marking a likely end to legal disputes over gay marriages in the city",4 1,The costs were paid from the public till,0 3,Yr. of pain in church slays,2 13,"Andy to Don: Go with your gut, nix guns",12 5,Chaplain rejects execution Sunderland more adamant than ever,4 12,MEETING SET ON RALLY FOR ABU-JAMAL / ORGANIZERS OF MILLIONS FOR MUMIA AND CITY OFFICIALS WILL DISCUSS PLANS TODAY.,11 5,DA asks judge to stop Nichols 'smear campaign',4 10, wouldn't today be reliving that horrible moment.,9 5,"The 9th Circuit has often been the best hope for California death row inmates, repeatedly overturning their death sentences in recent years. But Thursday's ruling means that Beardslee will die by lethal injection unless he can get the 9th Circuit to reconsider, or persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to spare his life, typically a long shot.",4 7, scare away would-be criminals whose names will be on file at gun stores.,6 5,"""We're going to present substantial evidence to show some enormous changes in these companies in the last three years,"" said lead tobacco attorney Dan Webb. ""We're going to show the jury why it is that punitive damages simply would not be warranted in this case.""",4 5,Lawyers for Shooting Victims Clash With Top Gun Makers,4 1,"Since heterosexual spouses are not subject to estate taxes, the state stopped collecting New York estate taxes from gay surviving spouses after New York legalized gay marriage in June 2011 but was barred by federal law from offering refunds to people like 84-year-old Edie Windsor, who paid taxes when her partner, Thea Spyer, died in 2009.",0 9,smoking-related health,8 1,"TOBACCO FARMERS FEARFUL OF FUTURE, VOW TO 'GET RID OF CLINTON'",0 8, Moussaoui actually knew very little about Sept. 11,7 5, testimony from prosecutors of gun traffickers;,4 6,The bill would place the issue before voters in November in the form of a constitutional amendment,5 13,"Johnsrud's legislation is criticized by Attorney General James Doyle Jr., Milwaukee Mayor John Norquist and Madison Mayor Paul Soglin.",12 6,I refuse to allow the ban on smoking,5 7,Gun seller charged after deaths,6 7," serial killer Girvies Davis from execution Tuesday night, removing the last obstacle to a death sentence ordered for a crime near Belleville more than 16 years ago.",6 10,Illegal Immigrants Get College Scholarships,9 5,"In New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and D.C., lawmakers made it happen, through legislation. In Massachusetts, Connecticut and Iowa, the states' highest courts did. Citizens them",4 11,Journalists can't save a free press in Trump's America,10 13,This latest tragedy gives fodder to both sides.,12 7, Bates faces the death penalty for killing 2-year-old Glenara Bates.,6 11,Numerous studies have borne this truth out.,10 3,GAY UNIONS SPLIT CLERGY,2 12," For those, like us, who support same-sex marriage, such steps are welcome.",11 9, mental defects and disease,8 5,IN COURT,4 11,The Gateway City,10 5, future applicants seeking annual renewal of federal licenses must certify that they are in compliance with local laws.,4 9,"After botched executions, states add secrecy to the lethal injection process",8 6,BRADY GUN BILL EXPECTED TO PASS AS SEPARATE LAW,5 5,"Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster says he supports gay marriage, but on Thursday his lawyers were in court to fight it. ",4 1,tobacco company,0 4,"he was released last year, testified in favor of sweeping reforms intended to safeguard against the execution of innocent people.",3 1," Report: Relish our immigrant workers",0 11," Gretchen Sierra-Zorita: American food movement must speak out on immigration",10 7," ILLEGAL GUN SALES LAND TWO MEN IN FEDERAL PRISON",6 13,"In April 1999, Missouri voters defeated a ballot measure",12 7,"he state Department of Corrections said Lonchar, 45, will be put to death Nov. 13 for the slayings of Margaret Sweat, Charles Wayne Smith and Steven Smith over a gambling debt in DeKalb County in October 1986. ",6 9,"""It's a concern for public health and public safety,""",8 5,"""I think it's going to be good,"" she declared after attending the two-hour hearing in Washington on Wednesday. ",4 5,Top Defender Is Preparing to Cede Chair to His Client,4 13,"States are much the same way. The eyes of the nation are fixed on Arizona, the undisputed problem child in the nation's immigration debate. But there are other states where lawmakers are eager to follow Arizona's lead and blame Washington for not solving a problem that, in truth, their own citizens (i.e., employers) helped create.",12 5,N.M. puts quick halt to gay nuptials 15 licenses issued before state attorney general rules against same-sex unions,4 7," which regulators describe in court records as ""a serial violator"" that has ""endangered the public"" -- illustrates the difficulty government regulators face in shutting down even those dealers found to have persistently flouted the nation's gun laws.",6 7," Mr. Quinn was convicted of the strangling death of Matilda Strong, a 68-year-old Portland woman crippled by polio. Mr. Warren confessed to killing two teen-agers in Curry County.",6 5,"Put the law back on the side of the victim, where it belongs,""",4 7,"More than 600,000 foreign visitors overstayed visas",6 8,Volunteers recruited over the Internet to monitor illegal immigration along a stretch of Arizona's border ended their monthlong campaign this weekend.,7 12,The NRA's influence -- in 6 charts,11 13, and its effort to rationalize political discourse in this country,12 1, Businesses across the United States can expect some unwanted mail in the coming weeks --- thousands of rejected visa applications for high-tech foreign workers.,0 5,"Ideas & Trends: Legal License; Race, Sex and Forbidden Unions",4 5,"A ruling that districts must be based on equal numbers of voters would move political power away from cities, with their many immigrants and children, and toward older and more homogeneous rural areas. ",4 5,"At his sentencing, the judge said he regretted that Michigan had no death penalty. ",4 12,"After slaying, victims groups question parole",11 3,even though they were never accused of misconduct,2 1,"Business groups denounced the proposal, saying it could cost store owners -- many of whom already operate on slim profit margins -- as much as $30 million annually in advertising revenue.",0 15,NO MORE DANNY ROLLINGS,14 6,A failed attempt by some legislators to ban local anti-smoking ordinances has only fanned the flames of a no-smoking movement that is catching fire across metro Atlanta.,5 5,"The judge, Kenneth Fitzpatrick of Ramsey County District Court, who is overseeing the state's lawsuit against the nation's leading cigarette producers, gave the companies until Monday to produce the documents. A spokesman for the Philip Morris Companies, the nation's largest cigarette maker, said the company had disagreed with the ruling and planned to appeal",4 13, coalition of state lawmakers,12 13," With the vote by the Judicial Proceedings Committee, the full Senate is expected to begin debate on the legislation as early as Wednesday and send it to Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) by the end of the week for his promised signature.",12 10, scaring people into buying expensive weapons,9 11,"However, the reviewer could find no reference to their publication and wondered, with innuendo, if they had been published at all. ",10 7, law enforcement officials,6 5,JUDGE APPROVES DRUG IN EXECUTIONS,4 9,"''These states are just scrambling for drugs, and they're changing their protocols rapidly and carelessly.''",8 6,"Most county districts already forbid smoking outside. In the districts that don't - among them Wellston, Jennings and Ritenour - school officials are spending their summer vacations preparing new rules and punishments.",5 7,ONVICTED KILLER Kenneth (Supreme) McGriff had a hit team kill Troy Singleton Sr. -,6 5,Mo. court halts suit on gun law,4 3,"'Why doesn't Senator Salazar believe every child needs a mother and a father?'' ",2 13,"One vulnerable Republican, Rep. Brian Mast, has urged an assault-weapons ban, while fellow Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo, under attack for some previous gun votes, has signed on to a bipartisan gun measure backed by a potentially vulnerable Democrat, Rep. Stephanie Murphy. Meanwhile, Curbelo's Democratic challenger, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, ran an ad highlighting her own experience with gun violence, which left her father dead. And David Shapiro, the Dem-ocrat seeking to oust GOP Rep. Vern Buchanan, touted an endorsement by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who suf-fered a brain injury at the hands of a gunman and has become a leading voice for stricter gun laws.",12 5,"""The ball started to head in this family's direction when they decided to dig their heels in [and testify against Kline],"" Demchick-Alloy told Corso in her closing statement. ""This was the defendant's angry response.""",4 13,"""Both of them provoke strong, emotional responses, and so I guess to the extent that one of them is moved to the sidelines, that provides some modest relief,"" Sen. John Cornyn (Tex.), the No. 2 GOP leader, said Thursday.",12 6," The Brady Bill, Made Better",5 11,"""It is insane, the number of guns and the ease of getting guns in America. It just doesn't fit with the other achievements of this country.",10 7, to the origin of illegal guns.,6 12,Marchers Protest Border Patrol Group,11 2,"Immigrants Congest, and Improve, Our Towns",1 6,"Regulate Us, Please!",5 7,"Chapel, 33, was indicted Oct. 5 on one charge each of murder, felony murder, armed robbery and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. Chapel is accused of shooting Sugar Hill resident Emogene Thompson twice in the head and stealing $ 7,000 from her. ",6 1,"That is a good principle to keep in mind as more than a dozen companies bathe in the glow of public approval after noisily abandoning their ties to the National Rifle Association this past week. Delta, Hertz, Avis, Budget, LifeLock, MetLife - these and other brands renounced their relationships with the NRA; Dick's Sporting Goods promised to stop selling assault weapons and jumped into political advocacy with a slate of gun-control measures it urged lawmakers to adopt.",0 12,National Rifle Association shoots back,11 6,ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT LICENSE BILL STALLS OUT,5 6,"gun control measures, including an assault weapons ban",5 12,"After the rally, protesters marched up Walnut Street and then onto the 200 block of Chestnut Street, outside the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, where they unfurled a large mat with ""Welcome"" painted across it. ",11 8,No more waiting periods to buy guns,7 5,Tampa examines details of joining anti-gun litigation,4 7,"Over two minutes, Dekraai moved methodically through the salon, killing his ex-wife, Michelle Fournier, and shooting seven other people in the head and chest. When he was done, he walked out of the salon and, seeing a man in a parked car, shot him, then drove away. ",6 11,"The United States has always been a nation of immigrants. That description also reflects the population of Santa Clara County. We are a county of immigrants, historically and currently.",10 13,The Senate vote ,12 1,The increase still leaves cigarette prices well below market rates.,0 3,"The official teaching of the church remains intact. Every significant Catholic treatise on this subject, from the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas, to the moral theology texts of seminarians (with the exception, of course, of recent avant-garde ""new speak"" texts of modern ""theologians""), to the official reference works of the church, make this very clear.",2 8, The largely plastic guns would be invisible to background checks,7 12,"The League of United Latin American Citizens, one of the oldest Latino civil rights organizations in the country, organized the rally to show that volunteers from the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps were not wanted in the area.",11 11,"The film is based on my reporting about four young immigrants who built an underwater robot. In the movie, which closely reflects the true story, the students enter the nation's pre-eminent robotics competition, an event sponsored by NASA and the Navy. They win widespread recognition for their accomplishments and, when the movie ends in 2004, their future is bright.",10 4,Aryan Brotherhood Racketeering Trials Begin,3 11,BASEBALL PLAYERS CHANGING TOBACCO HABITS,10 5,That they managed to strike the right balance has been affirmed by a federal judge in a decision that should encourage other communities that want to enact sensible gun reform.,4 13,Mr. Obama's welcome evolution,12 6,"The amendment would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and would not recognize any other legal pairing.",5 6,Smoking ban turns 1: What's changed?,5 7,"No execution date has been set for Michael Wayne Hall, 25.",6 6,"The spark for the controversy comes courtesy of AB 13 -- California's statewide smoking law, which took effect in January. Like Santa Clara's ordinance, it prohibits smoking in offices and restaurants. But it includes special exemptions that allow patrons to light up in bars, taverns and bingo halls until 1997.",5 12," The citizen lobby Handgun Control, while praising the proposal, argues sensibly that still higher fees would be fair to the weapons industry and the public. ",11 7,"Six inmates, armed with makeshift knives, fled from the Mecklenburg death row on May 31 after taking guards and nurses hostages and using a bomb scare to get out of their cellblock. All were recaptured.",6 4,FBI concedes error in death row case,3 1,"The image of foreign guns being dumped on America reminds us of the image of American tobacco companies ""dumping"" cigarettes on less regulated and less health-conscious third world markets",0 9,Immigrant crushed to death on escalator,8 5,"Jury selection is a trial in Singleton case ",4 5,Supreme Court and other federal courts of their jurisdiction to rule on challenges,4 7,police officers and retired officers,6 10,Holding My Breath Until the Air Clears,9 1,Liggett Joins In Price Rise,0 15,"The Gun Report: November 12, 2013",14 5," Under current law in Minnesota, marriage is defined as ""a civil contract between a man and a woman.""",4 13,"Based on analysis by The Washington Post, only 22 of the 100 Senate votes are in play: The 16 Republican senators who voted last week to proceed with debate and six moderate Democrats who face difficult reelections in 2014 or represent rural states with strong gun cultures and would face strong political pressure at home for supporting new gun-control legislation.",12 7,Gun Laws And Crime: A Complex Relationship,6 13,"Yesterday, after an hour-long debate marked by several motions that would have amended the bill or tabled it for future consideration, the council faced the issue of banning smoking in all restaurants and voted to leave restaurant smoking regulations unchanged.",12 13, That would require Congress to act.,12 5,Judge keeps immigrant in jail for now,4 15,California: Same-Sex Marriages,14 5,"On gay marriage, an ambivalent court",4 10,partner benefits,9 5,"Kuck named Tomas Vilela of Norcross as the man who filed improper paperwork on behalf of Sascha Thompson, who said she was trying to get help extending her student visa.",4 5,"Mississippi has filed a lawsuit against the major tobacco companies that contains a radical new twist. Florida is preparing to file a similar class action on behalf of those of their taxpayers on Medicare who have been made ill from smoking. The states want reimbursement from the tobacco companies for the cost of caring for them, which runs into the billions of dollars.",4 7,"After a gunman shot 20 students and six educators in a Newtown, Conn., elementary school last month,",6 11," For Minors, Buying Cigarettes Often Easy, Md. Survey Finds",10 6,U.S. OPENS DOOR WIDER FOR EMBATTLED IMMIGRANTS,5 13,"JIM McGREEVEY CONDEMNED gay marriage when he was New Jersey's governor, but yesterday he said he'd love to tie the knot with boyfriend Mark O'Donnell.",12 5,"Through 14 years, seven veteran police officers and prosecutors doggedly pursued Rolando Cruz for the killing of a little girl. They testified against him, argued his guilt, helped send him to death row twice.",4 9,"In that case, it was the first drug, a sedative, that was in play because it appeared to fail to render prisoners unable to feel pain in some instances. Fallin stopped the execution because the third drug, potassium acetate, might not meet guidelines.",8 13,"""That could make the difference in the general election in the Northern and Western states that were very close in 2000,"" said University of Georgia political scientist Arnold Fleischmann. The divergence from Democratic Party positions was apparent again in a survey released Tuesday.",12 7,", but a killing of an unarmed victim is murder.",6 5,"Now his lawyer is caught between Massie and the state Supreme Court. ",4 13,"The Chicago City Council, forced by a federal judge to allow gun sales in the city, approved an ordinance Wednesday that dramatically limits where those stores can open and puts owners on alert that the city will be looking over their shoulders every time they sell a firearm. ",12 13,"In a significant shift from his statements earlier this year, Gov. John Hickenlooper now says ""the time is right"" for Colorado lawmakers to consider further gun restrictions.",12 13,Obama and Trump Events Highlight a Central Divide on Guns,12 1,"The numbers are jarring. Instead of $325 to apply for a ``green card,'' the bill would soar to $905 under a Bush administration proposal. Citizenship application fees, now $330, would nearly double.",0 13,THE 1994 CAMPAIGN: CALIFORNIA; Feinstein Attacking Opponent for Illegal Nanny,12 4,A Vote for Inequality,3 5,"ichols faces trial in Okla. ",4 13,"""I think they're out of touch with the majority of Minnesotans on this issue,"" said Rep. Michael Paymar, DFL-St. Paul, who heads the House public safety panel and whose own gun bill includes universal background checks. ",12 5,"The attorneys for Jacinto K. ""Joey"" Hightower cited what they said were errors made by the trial judge, Superior Court Judge Victor Friedman, in instructing jurors and in removing a juror for misconduct. That juror had indicated that he would have voted against imposing the death penalty.",4 13,POLITICIANS GET GRADES FROM NRA BELEAGUERED GROUP IS ON THE OFFENSIVE,12 15,"Showdown on gay marriage looms in N.Y. ",14 5,PASHA GUILTY IN DOUBLE MURDER,4 13,"The charge has come not only from leaders on the right -- those who assert that voters eager to preserve traditional marriage swarmed to the polls and voted for George W. Bush. Even within Democratic circles, gay marriage is being held responsible.",12 1,Gay marriage fight will cost tens of millions,0 5,U.S. Supreme Court to decide gay marriage cases today,4 5,Court Orders Refinement Of Death Penalty Reviews,4 4,"In fact, states that have legalized same-sex marriage actually strip away freedoms of business owners, often infringing on their rights.",3 9,A 4th Body Is Discovered in the Waters Off Queens,8 7,"The evidence was found when Bailey was pulled over in 1988 for a traffic violation. He was sentenced to 51 months for cocaine possession with intent to distribute and gun-possession, and an additional five years for gun use. ",6 8," Wipe out waiting periods in the 10 localities where they exist, but allow local governments to institute ""cooling-off periods"" of up to five days. (Six of the 10 current waiting periods are for 15 days.)",7 5,"Defense lawyers in capital cases are often criticized for conducting superficial investigations of their clients' backgrounds, but Ferdinand Radolovich's performance in a Kentucky case, one that ended in a death sentence, may have set a new standard.",4 10,"Some in Newtown couple activism with mourning Connecticut residents and others work to channel power of grief toward gun control laws, mental health care.",9 5,STAY OF THE DEATH PENALTY,4 11,"Say George Washington said that ""when government takes away citizens' right to bear arms it becomes citizens' duty to take away government's right to govern.""",10 11,"Taller Boricua Gallery 1680 Lexington Avenue, at 106th Street Through Oct. 16",10 7,House Endorses Tough Terms for Youth Gun Crime,6 5,Court Rejects Argument Against Gay Marriage Bill,4 1,Don't balance state budget on the wallets of smokers,0 6,"The proposals that would ban cigarette vending machines, limit sales to behind the counter and tighten advertising ",5 7,Transporter Of Immigrants Faces Charges,6 13,That's what happened last week when some of Ohio State Treasurer and GOP Senate candidate Josh Mandel's cousins (on his wife's side) took out a paid ad in the Cleveland Jewish News that blistered and even belittled him for his views on gay marriage and gays in the military.,12 5, further assaults on the Bill of Rights at worst,4 13,Clinton Seeks Strong Law On Tobacco,12 1,Missouri lacks a significant youth smoking prevention program even though the state has received more than $822 million in tobacco settlement money so far,0 1,PRICE-RISE PLAN PREDICTED TO SPUR 3.5 MILLION TO QUIT SMOKING,0 13,"The bill's chief sponsor, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.)",12 11,"In ""The Armor of Light,"" two activists take up one of the nation's most bitterly contested issues: guns. Abigail Disney, a busy producer of hard-hitting documentaries (""Citizen Koch""), is making her directorial debut with this conventional but effective conversation starter, a chronicle of morally grounded politics that deploys some sound reasoning. ",10 9,Dr. Kate Scannell: Tips for quitting tobacco from former smokers -- a CDC summer sequel,8 6,Why not execute convicted killers?,5 12,The coalition Coloradans for Marriage,11 15,Smoking in Condo's Common Areas,14 13,"WILSON ANNOUCES ANEW, SAYS CLINTON 'FEARS' HIM / HE APPEARED ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. HIS TASK IS TO CARVE OUT A SPOT AMONG THE GOP HOPEFULS.",12 1,raising taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products to help solve the state's budget crisis.,0 13,"At meetings Thursday on the 14th floor of Trump Tower in Manhattan, the candidate's top aides held the opposite view. They thought his tough talk on immigration - combined with a whirlwind trip to Mexico on Wednesday - had, in the words of one adviser, ""won him the election."" ",12 15,"IT'S ABOUT THOSE FROZEN BODIES . . . ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT IS SENT PACKING, BUT HIS FREEZER PRESENTS A PROBLEM",14 13,NRA wins first round of gun debate,12 5,High court declines to revisit constitutionality of capital punishment,4 11,grew by almost 400 percent this yea,10 5,recently got the Illinois Supreme Court to overturn a gigantic judgment against it in a suit that had originated in a place ,4 5,Gun group files suit against Carrollton,4 10,"Don't get me wrong. I think smoking is suicidal. It's the Dr. Kevorkian of bad habits. If we built a monument to everyone who died from smoking just last year, it would be seven times as long as the Vietnam Memorial wall. I pray that my daughter will stop smoking, that my sons won't start.",9 5,"In his decision, Judge Edmund M. Dane acknowledged ''inequity'' and ''imbalance'' in the law, adding that if Ms. Paczkowski were a man in the same position, the law might point toward a different ruling. But in the end, he left Jann with no contact with the boy. ",4 8,Protect our freedom,7 5,"an pleads guilty in Phoenixville death of teen ",4 5, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that executing juvenile offenders was unconstitutional.,4 13,FLORIDA LAWMAKERS PLAY FAST AND LOOSE,12 6,Laws would not have prevented shooting,5 6,U.S. reversal on gay unions won't affect same-sex spouses for now,5 10,"Cook acknowledged in the essay published on Thursday that while his sexual orientation has not been a secret to many people at Apple (and has long been discussed and debated by outsiders, too), he has never before spoken publicly about the issue. ",9 9,This was not your typical gun safety fair. No one demonstrated the proper technique for loading a gun or cleaning a rifle or storing ammunition.,8 7," CONTRACT MURDERER DIES IN FLORIDA'S ELECTRIC CHAIR",6 7,The state is poised to execute murderer James Edward Rodden in 24 days.,6 15,"Repeat, retreat, reload",14 13,Gov. Rendell has said he would review the bill.,12 13,"JERSEY'S ASSEMBLY APPROVES DEATH-BY-INJECTION MEASURE ",12 13,"People being protected is most important to me,"" said Crist, a member of the National Rifle Association.",12 5,It looks like many Minnesota deer hunters are waiting until the last minute to purchase their licenses for the firearms opener on Nov. 8.,4 4,The Ruling: FALSE,3 13,The council introduced and passed the resolution with little discussion,12 11, diner-style breakfasts,10 13,HOUSE CANDIDATE WANTS ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT 'CAMPS',12 13,"Bush Defends Gun Record, Pushes Teen Sex Abstinence in S.C. Foray",12 15,When it gets personal,14 9,"At that time, the physician overseeing Missouri's executions, Dr. Alan Doerhoff, testified that he was dyslexic and sometimes varied doses of a three-drug cocktail that anesthetizes, paralyzes, then stops the heart.",8 7,"Hampton admitted beating Frances Keaton to death with a hammer in 1992 after abducting her from her home in Warrenton. He fled to New Jersey, where he killed another woman during another failed kidnapping attempt.",6 11,It's come to be expected: Each massacre like the mass shooting in Orlando Sunday brings an uptick in gun sales.,10 1,"20,000 LAWS IN U.S. GOVERN GUN SALES",0 8,Right-to-carry laws work,7 13,GOV. ARNOLD Schwarzenegger said yesterday he will veto a bill that would allow gay marriages in California.,12 5,Punitive-award limits awaiting legal bellwether Denver-based appeals court to ponder possible cap on damages in federal cases,4 5,"Some opponents of same-sex marriage even suggested that because the court ducked the question of whether the ballot initiative was constitutional, the decision really accomplished nothing. They claim that the justices simply kicked the issue down the road. ",4 8,"Arm teachers, don't try to seize guns",7 7,'Smart' Guns Proving to Be No Quick Fix for Firearm Violence,6 5,Justice Dept. proposes quotas for immigration judges,4 5,Nebraska High Court Outlaws Electric Chair,4 1,works,0 5,"Last week, another jury in U.S. District Court recommended the death penalty for Holder's co-defendant, Billie Allen, 20, of the 3100 block of Oregon Avenue.",4 7," SHERIFF BOLTS FROM REPUBLICANS OVER GUN ISSUE",6 5,"A St. Paul judge on Saturday ordered the disclosure of 39,000 confidential tobacco-industry documents and said one cigarette maker used attorney-client privilege to shield research about children as young as 5. ",4 13,"An identical measure already passed the Senate, so the House bill should pass there. And Gov. Bill Owens has said he will sign a ban. ",12 10,"Nearby, Read's wife, Cathy, sobbed. ""Mary's life was important. Now she's gone. It shouldn't happen to anyone else,"" she said. ",9 12,What polling shows: A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Monday showed 58 percent of adults and 59 percent of registered voters support a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons. A Pew poll released the same day showed 55 percent of Americans support a ban,11 11,Critics say the device demonstrates the lengths to which the tobacco industry will go to make a dangerous addiction more socially acceptable.,10 5, He said Missouri law allowed banning weapons in those instances.,4 6,NEW LAW CREATES TOUGH CHOICES TIME RUNS OUT FOR IMMIGRANTS HERE ILLEGALLY,5 15,Gay Marriage in California,14 5,Floridians Find It Easy to Get Permits to Carry Hidden Guns,4 7,"Attorney General Janet Reno and Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner Doris Meissner on Thursday said when the 76,844 people who were removed from the United States without formal proceedings are added to those deported, nearly 190,000 illegal immigrants will have left the country in the past 12 months.",6 9,with health problems will want to escape smoky restaurants and bars,8 13,"And the push against immigrants and immigration reform by the leading GOP contenders has grown only more intense as the campaign has raged on, with Trump's main rival, the Canadian-born Sen. Ted Cruz, backing his call to boot the country's almost 12 million undocumented immigrants as quickly as possible.",12 13,Over the years of the Obama administration,12 10,"Tell that to the parents, spouses, family members and friends of those killed in Florida.",9 6," Does the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which denies federal benefits to same-sex couples, also bar the child of a same-sex couple from receiving Social Security benefits from his non-biological parent?",5 11,People are already carrying,10 10,"After smoking for 20 years, I got mad and quit one day 55 years ago, and I haven't smoked since. If I can do it, anybody can.",9 5, lost his first appeal to the state Supreme Court Wednesday.,4 5,Key same-sex marriage cases under Supreme Court review,4 5,"New Mexico Justices to Rule on Gay Marriage ",4 5,"t a change-of-venue hearing, Judge Linda G. Baxter said Monmouth has similar demographics to Camden County, ample space, and a willingness to accommodate the trial at the courthouse in Freehold. And it is outside the Philadelphia-area media market. ",4 3,"""Are you human?"" Cameron asked the defendant. ""He's the one case that doesn't deserve to be called human,"" he told jurors. ",2 13,Gun violence is rightly taking center stage in a Va. congressional race,12 7,RINGLEADER IN ESCAPE FROM PRISON GOES TO BLEAKER PLACE,6 13,"Obama to Hold Event on Gun Efforts, Hoping to Reach Outside the Choir",12 11,"Reggi told his friends, including a lesbian couple. They, too, wanted to get married in Iowa. The more Reggi and Emanuel shared their plans, the more interest grew. On May 1, 2009, a chartered bus with 17 couples headed to Iowa.",10 5,"Legislators shouldn't be intimidated from passing it because of last month's Supreme Court decision upholding a citizen's right to own a handgun. Even the majority in that decision acknowledged that state governments can impose reasonable gun controls, including gun registration and laws to keep weapons out of hands of dangerous people. ",4 13,ASSEMBLY AGAIN OKS LEGALIZING GAY NUPS,12 10,don't have to go through what I did.,9 7,ILLINOIS VOWS TO PUNISH TAX-EVADING SMOKERS,6 1,College Park limiting number of gun shows,0 13,"New York legislative races to boost support for the measure. ",12 6,A Way Out on Immigration Reform,5 7,did not dispute the substance of more than 900 violations of federal gun laws filed against his store.,6 8,IMMIGRATION: Border security the first step,7 13,"After shootings, new gun-law action unlikely in Congress",12 9,"No, wait, this just in:A new study in Australia shows that women who smoke while pregnant may cause their children to become obese.In a University of Queensland study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, research-ers found that smoking mothers' children were 30 percent more likely to be overweight.",8 5,"Margaret R. Chambers and Cassandra B. Ormiston, who were married in 2004 in Massachusetts, where same-sex marriage is legal, are now seeking a divorce in Rhode Island, where they live. Unlike most divorces, however, there is no disagreement between the partners -- they agree their relationship is over and are amicable about how to end it. The opposition is coming from opponents of same-sex unions, who want no parts of such marriages, in either joining them together or tearing them asunder. ",4 7,BADGES GET SIDEWAYS WITH CAPITOL,6 13,Free the Brady Bill and Enact It,12 3,Bishop: No trial for N.Y. cleric who officiated at gay wedding,2 15,"WHERE THERE'S SMOKING, THERE'S A FIERY DEBATE",14 1,"In December, Alexandria increased its cigarette tax to 50 cents a pack from 30 cents to match Chesapeake's tax, the highest in the state.",0 13,Obama Campaign Pushes the Issue Of Gay Marriage,12 1,"As just one example of tobacco's cost to the state, Missouri taxpayers foot the bill for $415 million every year in smoking-related health care costs through the state portion of the Medicaid program.",0 5,"SPECIAL PROSECUTOR ENDS HIS INQUIRY INTO CLAIMS OF PERJURY, COVER-UP IN DEATH",4 8,"""A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, ",7 13, Lt. Gov. Dennis Wicker's gubernatorial campaign is demanding to know how much a former staff counsel to Attorney General Mike Easley will be paid for working on the national tobacco settlement on behalf of North Carolina and two other states.,12 7,JURY WANTS DEATH FOR MAN WHO KILLED BOY,6 5,"Now, three judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit - all appointed by Democrats and two of whom joined in the civil rights ruling this year - are set to hear arguments Monday on same-sex marriage bans in Hawaii, Idaho and Nevada.",4 1,Chick-fil-A's founding family,0 5,Health and anti-tobacco groups argued passionately in a Philadelphia court yesterday that Pennsylvania's involvement in the nationwide tobacco settlement will cost them the ability to sue cigarette makers in the future.,4 13,CALIFORNIA OUTSHOOTS THE NRA,12 1,"Another tack is to regulate the advertising, sale and manufacture of cigarettes.",0 6,Concern about students' safety with the new concealed-weapons law has prompted the Kirkwood School Board to amend the district's security policy to make it more difficult to bring weapons into the schools.,5 9, that will be converted into an unhealthy product,8 10," ABORTION CLINIC SLAYINGS Death recommendation doesn't ease pain",9 5,"TO COMPLY WITH LAW, GUN RULE SCRAPPED",4 13," Months after gun control efforts crumbled in Congress, Vice President Joe Biden stood shoulder to shoulder Thursday with the attorney general and the top U.S. firearms official and declared that President Barack Obama's administration would take two new steps to curb American gun violence.",12 13,Gov. Richard W. Riley's refusal,12 7,"Siegal said enforcement officials, trying to combat large-scale cigarette smuggling into New Jersey, were not about to start busting low-level operators.",6 13,"California lawmakers on Tuesday became the first in the country to legalize same-sex marriage, with the State Assembly narrowly approving a bill that defines marriage as between ''two persons'' instead of between a man and a woman.",12 13,Dem panel approves platform backing same-sex marriage,12 13,GUN LOBBYISTS SHOULD BEWARE MOMS' POWER,12 5,The D.C. Handgun Ruling,4 11,"I'm sure these claims fit the anti-gun agenda that is being put forth today, but please just stop and think of how ridiculous his attempt to rewrite history is. I found this article amusing to read, especially since I had just read an article by Clayton E. Cramer in America's 1st Freedom that tells how Bellesiles selectively chooses material to fit his anti-gun agenda and intentionally disregards sources that contradicts his views.",10 13,"In the wake of Reid's remarks, Schumer vowed to press on. ""We're working every day to get the votes for a background check bill and as soon as we have them, we'll bring it up for a vote,"" he said.",12 9,"The CDC report comes two weeks before the 14th ""Great American Smokeout,"" sponsored by the American Cancer Society to discourage smoking for at least 24 hours. The national event is scheduled for Nov. 21.",8 11,"If people like me had been right, we should have seen the American family become radically more unstable over the subsequent decade and a half. ",10 11,DEBATING A DEADLY TOPIC IN THE LAND OF OZ,10 5,Concealed-handgun case goes before court of appeals,4 7," Mr. Holmes is charged with murder and attempted murder in the July 20 shootings, in which 12 people were killed and 70 were wounded.",6 13,Even as Louisiana was acting to thwart the New Orleans suit,12 7,Some of the officials said they are waging sting operations and compliance checks at convenience stores and other retailers to stop the illegal sale of cigarettes to minors.,6 8,"""The law specifically states that the records are to be destroyed,"" NRA spokesman Bill Powers said. ""Once a lawful citizen has been cleared through this check, it should not be the federal government's business to be keeping files.""",7 5,"A cautious and conflicted Supreme Court on Tuesday seemed wary of a broad constitutional finding on whether same-sex couples have the right to marry, and some justices indicated that it may be premature for them to intervene in a fast-moving, unsettled political environment. ",4 5,"Proposition 8 lawyers continue to try to exclude the evidence related to the campaign, but Chief Judge Vaughn Walker is allowing most of it into evidence. ",4 4,"The group argued that McNeil, who is black, would not have been convicted if he had been white.",3 13,Split in the Gun Lobby,12 8,5 Myths about the border crisis,7 4,University of Miami law professor Steven Winter says the National Law Journal findings aren't surprising: ''This confirms beyond our worst fears that the deck is stacked'' against poor defendants.,3 9,"Grandma's smoking, asthma may be tied",8 6,BILL BARRING GUN QUESTIONS IN ADOPTIONS OK'D,5 11,"Kansas is famous for Dorothy and Toto, Dodge City, wheat fields and In Cold Blood, the best-selling book-turned-Hollywood-movie about the Clutter family murders.",10 4,"FOR SOME IN ILLINOIS, RYAN'S PARDONS COULD MEAN COMPENSATION FOR YEARS LOST",3 7,"The jury, which deliberated for about four hours, found Mr. Banki guilty of conspiracy, violating the trade embargo, operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business and making false statements.",6 5,"AT HIGH COURT, JURY INSTRUCTIONS AT ISSUE IN TEXAS DEATH-ROW CASE",4 11,"In a close-fitting brown pinstripe suit, snappy suspenders and a straw fedora, Tony Borhani looked as if he were sent to Arena Stage by Central Casting. But looks, theater fans, can be deceiving.",10 13,"Guns, politics and responsibility",12 6,"Among the law's provisions is one that allows Missourians to conceal and carry firearms without a permit. Without the permitting process, opponents feared the measure would put guns into the hands of those denied permits in the past, such as domestic abusers.",5 15,HOW GAY UNIONS LOST - BUT WON,14 5,"To qualify, an employee must sign an affidavit and provide three pieces of documentation proving joint residency and joint financial responsibility",4 13," PA. SENATE PASSES BILL TO SCUTTLE GUN BANS PHILA. AND PITTSBURGH BANS WOULD FALL",12 3,SMOKE TRAIL LEADS TO KIDS' FILMS / DOCUMENTS SHOW PHILIP MORRIS PROVIDED TOBACCO FOR MOVIES POPULAR WITH CHILDREN.,2 14,"There's a constant clamor that the United States is falling behind in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) capabilities, but that's not really the problem, says a Rutgers University professor who is weighing in on the immigration debate now taking place in Washington.",13 5,"In the first five minutes, the hearing examiner refused the motion that the proceedings be simultaneously translated. After an hour of legal discussion in English, questions were put to the individual in Farsi through an interpreter.",4 13,Mr. DeLay's Power Play,12 11, Arms and the Holiday,10 8,"Gun background check measure way ahead in Washington ",7 12,"The Rifle & Pistol Association, which has 40,000 members, is an affiliate of the National Rifle Association, which boasts 300,000 members in New York. All of those gun owners - plus thousands belonging to local gun clubs - will be asked to make their feelings known.",11 1," By filing a series of federal lawsuits, the mayor is trying to force Gov. David Paterson to collect sales taxes on those cigarettes.",0 1, This was on top of the billions that the companies have already promised to the states.,0 5," who became the lead plaintiff in the federal court case that ended the city's 33-year-old handgun ban and who is now challenging the restrictive registration regime that replaced it. ",4 7,"Mr. Henry, 34 years old, was convicted of killing Zellie Riley, an 81- year-old black civil rights leader. ",6 13,Merchants say the run started in November with President Barack Obama's re-election and has not abated.,12 1,But one retail group defended Wal-Mart's tougher stance as a common-sense approach. ,0 5, The product is legal.,4 6,"This, to give the scene, was in Bryant Park, at the height of Tuesday's lunch hour, on the second official (and first nonrainy) day of New York City's smoking ban in parks, pools, beaches and other outdoor areas. ",5 1," Instead, it will be business as usual. Want a gun? All you need is enough cash. You can buy just about anything you want. In fact, with a little effort you can have more firepower than the average cop.",0 11,Survey: Youth smoking drops in Wisconsin,10 7,"Despite the lack of physical evidence or obvious motive, Mr. Wong, who was already serving time for armed robbery, was found guilty based on the testimony of two witnesses, and sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.",6 6,He said the ban would help curb lung disease and addictive behavior.,5 1,CLINTON TO PROPOSE $600 GUN-DEALER FEE INCREASE MAY CUT NUMBER OF SELLERS,0 12,"Greg Pugh, vice president of the Second Amendment Coalition of Missouri, said the concealed-weapons plan was a public safety measure long overdue.",11 15,EDITORIAL Smoke and ire,14 7,"STEPGRANDFATHER KILLED GIRL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY TELLS JURY/ PROSECUTOR SAYS SUSPECT BEING RETRIED IS GUILTY",6 13,FEUD ON CAPITOL HILL,12 7,Man Charged In Gun Deals With Suspect In Rampage,6 15,A Misreading Of History,14 5,"District Attorney Jim Hardin Jr. announced in court Monday that he intends to seek the death penalty if Boggess, 20, is convicted of first-degree murder in the August fatal shooting of 17-year-old Daniel Pence of Wilmington.",4 11,"Immigrants, Don't Be in Such a Hurry to Shed Your Accents",10 1,gun ownership,0 7,"CONTROL THE CRIMINALS, NOT FIREARMS",6 7," Fed up with the abuse and special treatment, four inmates dropped a dime on Wilson when they spotted him kissing and having sexual relations with prison guard Nancy Gonzalez. The feds learned Gonzalez was pregnant and transferred Wilson to the federal lockup in lower Manhattan.",6 7,Guards Charged in Smuggling,6 12,"A recent poll from Quinnipiac University, a nonpartisan and highly respected academic pollster, found that 97 percent of Americans support background checks for gun purchases. Another poll following the 2016 elections showed 95 per-cent of Americans support background checks for gun buyers.",11 7,"Johnston already faces a death sentence for killing LeAnne Coryell, a Northdale dental assistant, in 1997.",6 9, smoking-related illnesses,8 9, Montgomery says he knows one boy who died and another whose face was partly paralyzed from shootings,8 5,The nyet of justice,4 12, pilloried in the court of public opinion,11 5,"And on Monday, here in the county district court building, jury selection begins in the trial of the second man, Aaron James McKinney, 22, who is facing the same charges and a death penalty.",4 9,"The groups filed petitions against Vector Tobacco Ltd. and Brown & Williamson, a unit of British American Tobacco, for marketing new brands as ""reduced-risk products."" The companies' advertisements say the cigarettes have fewer carcinogens than traditional brands. ",8 13,"To hear Gov. Bush lecture on separation of powers is like hearing his brother preach about the virtues of fair play in business. The governor and legislative leaders want a judiciary that will rubber-stamp whatever they do, constitutional or otherwise.",12 5,"If successful, the prosecution will establish a chilling precedent: national security leaks may subject the leakers to a capital prosecution or at least life imprisonment. Anyone who holds freedom of the press dear should shudder at the threat that the prosecution's theory presents to journalists, their sources and the public that relies on them.",4 9,"That's far more nicotine per gram than is present other popular chewing tobacco products, according to some researchers, who are concerned that Snus may turn out to be both carcinogenic and highly addictive.",8 13,"DEMS, PREZ CONFER ON GUN BILL",12 3, This policy brutalizes us all,2 5,"The two will sit among invited guests Tuesday when the court hears oral arguments on California's ban on such unions. On Wednesday, the court will tackle Congress's decision to withhold federal recognition of legally married same-sex couples. ",4 4,Misrepresenting Jordan's views,3 7,Three members of the NYPD License Division have been transferred in relation to the investigation.,6 13,Trump surprises lawmakers in backing some tougher gun controls,12 5," The suspension affects only three plaintiffs - a conservative blogger, a nurse and an armed-robbery victim - and will halt litigation for 90 days.",4 11,"But no matter what the voters decide, the official government count of the number of married same-sex couples in California is not in doubt. It will be zero.",10 7,"Mr. Buck, an African-American, was convicted of murder in 1997. ",6 7, but the firm was unable to fully implement its program to penalize violators.,6 13,"That puts him in the cross fire between the influential NRA, lobbying furiously against the bill, and the Clinton administration, lobbying furiously in favor of it.",12 5,"Virginia law is murky. Although it bans guns from elementary and secondary schools, universities are left to create their own concealed weapons policies. University officials have declared Virginia Tech a gun-free zone.",4 12,He said that his staff would meet with organizers from Millions for Mumia first and that he would firm up plans next week.,11 13,"In Texas District, a Democratic Candidate for Congress Runs Against Guns",12 5,". The Hawaii Supreme Court has discovered a new state constitutional ""right"" - the legal union of same-sex couples.",4 5,Fit to Rule on Same-Sex Marriage,4 7,The Cuban refugee had been convicted of fatally stabbing a teacher who befriended him.,6 8,Database Program Targets Illegal Gun Traffic,7 6, but included no gun restrictions.,5 5,Gay Marriage: No Federal Affair . . .,4 7,"specially for murder,",6 4, The fundamental intolerance,3 6,More gun laws not the solution,5 5,Guilty Plea in Missouri Deaths,4 14,Trade mission talks tobacco in Cuba,13 9,"It was during my freshman year at Howard University that I witnessed --- no more than 15 feet away --- a young man shot multiple times at close range. The air immediately filled with screams of grief and terror, which eventually yielded to the blaring claim that help was on the way. But help that day came too late. By the time the police and paramedics arrived, the perpetrator was long gone and the young man already dead. ",8 9, gun safety legislation.,8 13,"''We believe if we keep the pressure on, we can bring the industry to an agreement and make it as difficult as possible for Congress to go home without doing anything,'' the White House official was quoted as saying.",12 5,"You might need a scorecard to keep tabs on the 75 minutes of argument. First question: Will the lawyers and justices get hung up on the grammar question that has divided gun rights supporters and opponents for decades -- what is the true meaning of the preamble to the Second Amendment, ""A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State""?",4 9,A PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS,8 6,in which case lethal injection could be used. ,5 15,"On gun issue, a very 'week' reply",14 11,"Census: Cupertino, Sunnyvale see increases in foreign-born population",10 6,The ordinance approved unanimously by the Borough Council also prohibits possession of an open pack of cigarettes or tobacco by minors not in the presence of a parent or guardian.,5 13,"Mr. Bloomberg has long been a supporter of more restrictive gun laws, and founded, along with Mayor Thomas M. Menino of Boston, the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Mr. Bloomberg has been emphasizing the need for gun control in the wake of the mass shooting last week in Aurora, Colo.",12 1,Full-time college employees can receive a 5 percent discount on services,0 1,"Ventura and Julien Carter, the state's Commissioner of Employee Relations, said they think the change would affect only about 1 percent of the state's 53,000 employees and would cost about $1 million a year.",0 5,"Justice Samuel Alito, addressing U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli: ",4 15,Supreme Slip-Up,14 1,"and never paying a cent in damages, the companies agreed to pay billions for decades in compensation",0 1,"Such costs, and the social problems associated with illegal aliens' failure to assimilate into American culture -- by not learning English or by living in overcrowded housing, for example -- are real and cannot be swept aside simply by blaming their recognition on ""ethnic prejudices.""",0 7,"In a three-month summertime push that began June 1, federal agents working with local police agencies in 23 cities arrested 1,313 suspected gang members, their associates and other illegal residents, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said.",6 13,President Clinton made the most important promise of his career Tuesday night.,12 13, It is part of Owens' gun package. Passed.,12 12,Advocates of tougher border security have sent thousands of bricks to Senate and House offices in recent weeks to make a none-too-subtle point with lawmakers about where many of their constituents come down on emerging immigration bills.,11 6,Ready for more reform?,5 7,LOST IN A JAIL CELL,6 13," Mr. Reagan Finally Leads on Guns",12 7,EXECUTION ORDERED IN SLAYING OF HEIRESS,6 1,"Prices were steady to good on North Carolina's three flue-cured tobacco markets on Wednesday, the Federal-State Tobacco Market News Service reported. Markets were firm on the Eastern Belt. Primings and lugs, which make up the bulk of sales, saw small increases of mainly $1 per hundred. Averages were between $182 and $187 for leaf tobacco, $167 to $169 for cutters, and $162 to $167 per hundred for primings and lugs. The proportion of lug tobacco increased to 45 percent of sales, while carryover leaf dropped to 39 percent. Maturity of offerings improved, as around 81 percent of the volume was mature or better. Gross sales for the Eastern Belt Tuesday totaled 7,442,000 pounds and averaged $175.81. For the season, sales amounted to 59.9 million pounds, returning $180.13 per hundred. Loan receipts remained extremely low, as only 0.1 percent of Tuesday's sales was placed into the Flue-Cured Tobacco Cooperative Stabilization Corp. For the season, the corporation has accepted 0.2 percent of sales. Demand was good at Old Belt auctions. Carryover offerings continued to dominate sales. Volume was heavy and loan receipts were light. Grade averages for leaf tobacco remained unchanged at $184. Bids for cutters and lower stalk marketings varied $1 to $3. Cutters sold from $178 to $181, lugs brought from $164 to $169, and primings ranged between $156 and $165 per hundred. Maturity declined with 84 percent of the tobacco considered mature to mellow. However, quality improved with 93 percent classing as fair or better. ",0 7, gang- related killings.,6 11,There are more gay public figures - including politicians - and it's likely that many Washington Republicans have gay friends and coworkers,10 10,"Saying she's afraid her mother will be disfigured by Florida's electric chair, the daughter of a woman on death row begged state lawmakers to allow execution by lethal injection instead of electrocution.",9 9,Immigration officials Monday began interviewing 455 Haitian refugees-- the second-largest group of Haitians intercepted by the Coast Guard-- after they were rescued over three days from three jammed sailboats in the Florida,8 11,"Country Musicians, Disavow the N.R.A.",10 4," I believe that most people are good-hearted and are willing to accept and even celebrate love, wherever it manifests itself.",3 6," The law will take effect June 1, after it's signed into law by Gov. Pat Quinn, a vocal supporter. Its passage, after years of debate, spawned ",5 11,"Hampton, 62, would be the first Missouri inmate put to death this year and the 42nd since the death penalty was reinstated in 1989.",10 13,Same-sex marriage ban is headed for Senate,12 5,"Brett Kavanaugh is a true Second Amendment radical. He believes assault weapon bans are unconstitutional, a position way out of the judicial mainstream, far to the right of even late Justice Scalia.",4 9,GRIM CIG WARNING AT HS,8 13," ""Both sides want to see this fixed by August,"" said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.). ",12 5,"After Grisly Killings in Pennsylvania, a Quick Deal to Spare Execution",4 1,even bars,0 1,"As far back as 2000, state Treasurer Mike Coffman proposed eliminating both the financial risk and moral dilemma by ""securitizing"" the settlement - trading future payments for a lump sum.",0 5,referring to the Massachusetts state court decision allowing same-sex marriages.,4 9,"Then a lethal dose of sodium thiopental began dripping into the veins of each arm, along with pancuronium bromide, which is a muscle relaxant, and potassium chloride, which stops the heartbeat, and her eyes quickly closed.",8 9,GIVE STUDENTS A CHANCE TO REJECT GUN VIOLENCE,8 13,St. Paul rolls out the white carpet for gay weddings,12 13,GOP nixes seizing abusers' guns,12 5,Defense obliged to share details Court upholds capital-case law,4 5,"A three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in September affirmed the death sentence against Rodriguez. He filed a motion Monday asking for a rehearing in front of the entire circuit court. ",4 5,I am a law-abiding citizen,4 7,74% of 'crime' guns from out of state,6 8," Where can terrorists buy guns?",7 5,The judges listed problems with the system that were also raised by defense attorneys during recent clemency hearings before the Illinois Prisoner Review Board.,4 12,"But gay rights groups have planned a large rally outside the meeting to make sure the matter is not forgotten. ",11 3,"Cadet Chapel, the landmark Gothic church that is a center for spiritual life at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, hosted its first same-sex wedding Saturday.",2 12,"gathered equal support from men and women, blacks and whites.",11 1,Cigarette packs sold in New York City currently carry a state tax of $4.35 and a city tax of $1.50 - making it the most expensive city in the nation to be a smoker.,0 11,"The NBA got its dream finals matchup. But it's not going to be what it was. Morning Buzz looks at why you can't go home again, Lakers-Celtics style. Today: Red Auerbach's cigar. First thing that happens if Red Auerbach tries to light up a victory cigar, he gets kicked out of the building, then maybe arrested. ",10 12,"Kevin Riordan: At the end of the day, a gay-marriage vote is about people",11 5,Man will plead guilty in shooting,4 7,"During the raids, the authorities discovered that nine workers had re-entered the country after having been deported, which is a federal crime. Three more, including Mr. Salazar, were charged with immigration violations -- which are administrative offenses only -- and were ordered deported. The remaining 10 workers were released. ",6 4,"Garland's gun record has been distorted by NRA, Second Amendment experts say",3 6,"At roughly the same time the Vermont governor was signing the bill on civil unions, ",5 3,Killer tries to prove he's a changed man,2 12,PUBLIC UNCONCERNED ABOUT KILLERS' PAIN,11 12,NRA loon stirs gun-nut fans,11 15,THE MAN BEHIND MARC RICH,14 5, the decision is actually an incremental development in the debate.,4 5,"Only Justice Harry A. Blackmun, who opposes capital punishment under all circumstances, voted to hear arguments in Moran's case. Four votes are needed to grant such review.",4 13,"Yesterday, the Assembly approved gay marriage for a third time, and the Senate voted it down. The percentages voting for and against in each house were almost exactly reversed. ",12 8,"Nearly a decade after the Oklahoma City bombing, Terry Nichols was found guilty of 161 state murder charges Wednesday for helping carry out what was then the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil.",7 5,"SUPREME COURT NARROWS USE OF GUN LAW IN DRUG CASES ",4 7,"But whether he intended to kidnap Byrd and then to kill him will be key in the capital murder case - and, if he is convicted, to whether he's sentenced to life in prison or put to death.",6 5,Same-sex nups suit KOd,4 13,GOP May Revise Marriage Amendment,12 2,"System of Neglect; As Tighter Immigration Policies Strain Federal Agencies, The Detainees in Their Care Often Pay a Heavy Cost",1 7,Weld County's failure to notify Larimer County officials was disappointing to Shockley.,6 13,"Obama's speech seemed sure to intensify the debate on gun control. The president's comments were striking because he has generally been cautious on the politically potent issue of firearms - to the point that some prominent politicians and advocates had criticized him, accusing him of barely addressing gun regulations in the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Aurora.",12 13,4 gun measures fall short in Senate,12 5,Supreme Court says execution can proceed,4 3,"""Christians all over the state have been praying for this decision, and there is a sense of joy,"" said Rick Kingham, senior pastor of the Overlake Christian Church in Redmond, and a leader of Allies for Marriage and Children, a citizens' group. ""We would truly say that God has intervened in the affairs of man.""",2 7, curb violence.,6 6,The bill would outlaw rapid-fire weapons like the AK-47 and Uzi but exempt hundreds of hunting and recreational rifles. Similar provisions are in the Senate's crime bill.,5 3,"Ms. Ranney likened this to Catholic ""annulment"" rather than divorce and said therefore that it should be acceptable to the Catholic Church. Ms. Ranney is mistaken on both counts",2 13,"For Democrats, Gun Issue Is Losing Its Fire",12 5,"The proposition, which overturned a May decision of the California Supreme Court that legalized same-sex marriage, has been challenged by a number of cities and civil rights groups, which say it is a substantial revision of the state's Constitution, and therefore requires legislative approval. ",4 1,$7 million,0 6,Common sense on guns,5 15,Leaning Into the Windfall,14 1,TOBACCO COMPANY TO REPAY $ 10 MILLION IN MEDICAID BILLS,0 13,"""We love our friends and pick our enemies, like every else,"" Handgun Control spokeswoman Naomi Paiss says.",12 4," federal agencies pledged to treat all couples equally,",3 15,"WELL, SHOOT!",14 15,Frank talk on illegal immigrants,14 5,His group's findings that 80 percent of people sent to isolated detention centers in Texas and Louisiana are unrepresented in their deportation proceedings closely match the National Immigrant Justice Center's findings in 2010 that 90 percent of people detained nationwide are held in immigration detention centers with almost no access to legal aid services.,4 13,which is facing an election year in which its political clout will be exposed as myth or reality.,12 9,"She is among hundreds of thousands of mentally ill people jailed for crimes committed because they are sick and there is, now in America, no place else to put them. And almost no one willing to treat them.",8 10,D.C. Region's Immigrants Faring Better Than Others,9 5,"The development created what Utah's attorney general called ''legal limbo'' for the same-sex couples who had wed in the state in recent weeks. With the state's ban on such unions reinstated for now, many wondered whether their window to marry in Utah had closed forever.",4 13,LEGISLATURE SHOULD BAN SANCTUARY CITIES,12 5,A legal loophole,4 4, saying the state was unfairly targeting them,3 11,develop a unified voice that tells our local and state leaders over and over that we need stricter gun registration laws.,10 5,ATTORNEYS PUSH FAULTY-CHAIR APPEALS,4 3,"Chief Judge Margaret Marshall of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court pointed out that the couples who challenged the state's marriage law ""seek only to be married, not to undermine the institution of civil marriage. . . . If anything, extending civil marriage to same-sex couples reinforces the importance of marriage to individuals and communities.""",2 5,"but feared losing U.S. lawsuits, according to an internal memo filed in a state lawsuit",4 11,Smoking Out Joe Camel's Cracker Relation,10 6,could still end up in a West Tampa Historic District,5 3,"That makes no difference, so long as Castro dies, said Hill's identical twin brother, Nathan Jerry Hill.",2 7,"According to court documents, Mr. Smith was assigned last Sunday to take a group of immigrants to Mexico from a detention facility in Chula Vista, Calif.",6 13,"For instance, this year state lawmakers were criticized for shutting down public access to the records.",12 6,El Paso County rethinks gun ban in parks,5 6,Measure OK'd to allow guns in parts of airports,5 5,Court won't reconsider under-18 death penalty,4 13," In August, on the eve of both political conventions",12 6,"When it comes to public health and common sense, no other proposals can offer so much.",5 13,"Flowers with a message: Gov. Wolf, close immigrant detention center now",12 1,Gun Stocks Rise Tepidly After Attack,0 15,Victims of 'Coffin Nails'?,14 7,Nance was convicted in 1997 and sentenced to die for the murder.,6 4,"""Most assuredly, this is an issue of civil rights and civil liberties",3 5, as the Supreme Court heard arguments in two cases related to same-sex unions,4 1,had such expensive consequences.,0 1,EX-CIG BIG WHO BURNED INDUSTRY HAILED,0 12,have spent months planning a major public outreach effort at this year's Twin Cities Pride Festival.,11 12,"In California, More Protests Over a Vote On Marriage",11 5,"For legal experts, the tea leaves have never been harder to read. There is only one consensus: The conservative Supreme Court will not abolish the death penalty or outlaw lethal injection.",4 9,CIGARETTE SMOKING LINKED TO SERIOUS GUM DISEASE,8 6,School activities seek to smoke out smoking,5 5,and it's unclear how much legal weight the certificate would have.,4 5,Move to Overturn Gun Ban,4 5,CONCEALED CARRY WILL BE DECIDED BY HIGH COURT,4 5," The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Williams' final appeal last month. His attorneys have appealed again to that court on grounds that they were not notified properly of that recent decision.",4 13,Senate Halts As Democrats Force Votes On Gun Issues,12 6," the issue of gun control has resurfaced, as it has in the wake of similar mass shootings.",5 8,Benghazi goon found innocent in diplo killings,7 7,Former Pinole man charged in 1999 girlfriend killing slapped with 'lying in wait' allegation,6 1,"The Human Rights Campaign, a Washington, D.C., group that tracks workplace policies, singled out the St. Paul-based cleaning products firm as one of four companies across the nation that are in this exclusive group of Fortune 500 companies.",0 10,WONDERS never cease to amaze me . . . such as the recent vigil at San Quentin.,9 13,"But Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, is not feeling quite so hospitable. ",12 2,"JURORS: FOURTH TRIAL FOR MORGAN WASTE OF TIME, MONEY",1 13,"The repercussions have the potential to energize millions of conservative Christians in next year's elections, exacerbate the political polarization evident in 2000 and make it impossible for leaders in either party to downplay the issue.",12 13," first, the power of money in politics;",12 7,Texas woman who stabbed elderly neighbor while borrowing sugar to die in rare execution,6 13," President Trump has called for arming teachers, ""harden-ing"" schools and institutionalizing people with mental illness",12 13,Perriello scolds NRA,12 1,"The nation's two largest cigarette companies raised wholesale prices 5 cents a pack Monday, their fourth increase in 14 months. Philip Morris Cos. disclosed its increase first. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. then made its own announcement. A Reynolds spokesman, Richard Williams, said the increase ""reflects the ongoing cost of conducting business."" Nationwide, the average price of a pack of cigarettes, including taxes, is $1.95. Cigarette companies announced a 2.5-cent increase in January. They also raised prices 5 cents in March 1997 and 7 cents in September 1997.",0 7,Residential smoking ban puts Santa Clara County in forefront of crackdowns,6 5,"Judge David Lee Vincent III granted the request. Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney J. D. Evans said Tuesday: ""It was a case where we reconsidered and determined that it was not a proper case to seek the death penalty.""",4 12,New hope for smoke-ban foes,11 10,"JAY SMITH, SUING INVESTIGATORS, CITES DEATH ROW HARDSHIPS",9 7,convicted of killing fellow inmate Philip E Parker Jr.,6 13,"The bill already had passed the House, and Gov. Mike Foster said yesterday that he would sign it ""as soon as it hits my desk.""",12 7,"Lynda Lyon Block, 54, who was convicted of killing a police officer in 1993, was put to death in the electric chair at Holman Prison in Atmore.",6 7,who was one of the first people arrested under New York's new gun law.,6 5,"He will be prosecuted here, regardless of the outcome,"" District Attorney Bob Macy said. Macy said he will seek the death penalty. ",4 1,TWO MAJOR TOBACCO COMPANIES TO MERGE,0 6,LOCAL GROUP IS CLEARINGHOUSE FOR SMOKE-FREE DINING INFO,5 3,United Church of Christ Backs Same-Sex Marriage,2 5,"Concrete proof exists for ""mythical' right to arms",4 7,"Man killed in west St. Louis County had barged into home after making threats, police say",6 1,Illegal Immigrants' Cost To Government Studied,0 4,Liberty and justicefor all in Maryland,3 13,SENATE CONFEREES BACK ASSAULT-GUN BAN,12 13,"n the end, the state House Crime & Punishment Committee passed 7-2 a bill ",12 5,"The essence of this decision was that applicants for asylum in -- or refugee admission to -- the United States are not required to show that they would be singled out for punishment if sent back to the country from which they fled. Nor do applicants have to demonstrate the likelihood, let alone the clear probability, of such punishment. A reasonable possibility of persecution is, or should be, sufficient to support an asylum or admission request.",4 13,"ATTACK PUTS GUNS, TERRORISM TO FRONT OF CAMPAIGNS",12 1,RJR Stokes Health Groups' Ire,0 3,THE NRA'S SHAMEFUL RHETORIC,2 7,"Federal immigration officers raided a Clayton County food-packing warehouse Tuesday and detained 33 suspected illegal immigrants from Mexico, Honduras and Uruguay.",6 12,Gregory's televised actions mobilized gun rights advocates and others nationwide; thousands have signed a White House petition urging the NBC host's arrest.,11 5,Florida's Already Strong Self-Defense Law Is About to Get Easier to Use,4 6,"The legislation should make it easier for Georgia to obtain lethal injection drugs as companies worldwide,",5 5,"Defense attorney Douglas Davis said that after Merhige's ruling, ""it was apparent that given the current state of the law in Virginia, the judicial system is unable or unwilling to address the issues of innocence presented by Herbert Bassette. ",4 4,Ryan also stressed that he believes the men are innocent.,3 5,"The Supreme Court moves incrementally. And, very often, inexorably. ",4 4,This one group gets 70 percent of high-skilled foreign worker visas,3 7,Pyotr Shmelev was sent back to jail after his bail was set during his first court appearance Monday in Hennepin County District Court.,6 12,"The six officers are members of the Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA), which describes itself as the nation's largest coalition of police officers, crime victims and citizens concerned about crime.",11 9,SOCIOPATHS LEAVE NO CHOICE BUT EXECUTION,8 5,"The appeals court granted the stay Friday, delaying the execution at least until September, when it will hear arguments that the death sentence should be overturned. ",4 13,"Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the Republican presidential front-runner in the polls, declined to take a stand yesterday on the gun control bill passed by the Senate.",12 7,"The Velez indictment, coupled with reports of illegal Chinese immigrants being smuggled into the USA, provides a glimpse of the lucrative underground trafficking in human cargo that investigators say has grown dramatically.",6 13,"Sunday's ""Meet the Press"" interview with House Speaker John A. Boehner focused almost entirely on sequestration and whether Washington will avoid another government shutdown. (Answer: maybe.)",12 6,"New federal measures to halt deportation of many illegal immigrants will spotlight a question of growing urgency for colleges: How should they handle applications from undocumented students for admissions and financial aid? ",5 12,Prominent gun control and gun safety groups,11 13,"Massachusetts Lawmakers, After Heated Debate, Put Off Vote on Gay Marriage",12 9,", had hanged himself.",8 7,"Murderers, Age 12 and Under",6 1,"because they're at the point of sale. And the tobacco industry tells them where to place their ads and displays."" Such displays, paid for by cigarette manufacturers, add tens to hundreds of dollars each month to retailers' registers, local retailers said.",0 13,"After more than three hours of often passionate debate, the House voted, 227-186, for an amendment that would define marriage as only between one man and one woman. It needed 276 votes to pass.",12 7,"More than 7,800 illegal immigrants were arrested this month along with 75 smugglers and vendors of illegal documents in what the Immigration and Naturalization Service yesterday called its largest international anti-smuggling operation ever. ",6 7,Triple-murderers executed in 2 states,6 15,Guns in the District,14 7,Death Penalty Possible In Serial Killing Case,6 9,"For centuries, that right has come with the responsibility to use our guns safely and ensure that our families, our communities and our children are protected",8 6,"In one of the cases, opponents of same-sex marriage are challenging a 2007 policy, adopted by the State Department of Civil Service, that ",5 6," is poised to make significant changes in its criminal justice laws and so, supporters of the overhaul say, create a fairer system of capital punishment.",5 7,"At the time of their engagement, in 1978, Johnston was in prison in Georgia on rape charges",6 5,"Coca-Cola opposed the request, saying it gave all relevant files to law enforcement authorities long ago. Trepal claimed that the soft drink company assumed a law enforcement role and its records should be public.",4 15,One-time allies split on assault gun issue,14 13,"CHARLTON Heston was elected president of the National Rifle Association, and the national media promptly unloosed a cannonade of anti-gun, anti-gun owner rhetoric.",12 10,Mass. gives benefits to unmarried couples,9 1,Falling behind on training workers,0 5,Justices Say Utah Doesn't Have to Recognize Gay Marriages,4 12," said demonstration organizer Leigh Eason of People of Faith Against the Death Penalty, a program of the N.C. Council of Churches.",11 13,"Democrats suspect NRA, GOP candidate of illegal coordination",12 5,"Cigarette makers Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds are using the attorney-client privilege to keep secret 7,000 scientific documents relating to smoking and health, an anti-tobacco attorney charged Tuesday.",4 5,In Missouri: Federal judge halted executions in June; last one was in 2005,4 7,"The indictment contends Hardy and his brother, the late Myron (Wise) Hardy, founded the violent gang, also known as ""CMB,"" in 1991.",6 9,"Unnerved by rumors of kids toting guns to school, metro Atlanta parents in several suburban school districts are keeping their children home during the final days of classes",8 9," In Los Angeles, two policemen were wounded by AK-47 fire. ",8 13,"Fourteen senators voted in favor of the bill, 20 voted against, and five, of whom two were absent, did not vote.",12 13,The gun amendment was the latest complication for a bill that would give the District a long-sought voting seat in Congress. The legislation was designed to gain bipartisan support by expanding the House by two seats: one for the heavily Democratic District and one that would go temporarily to Republican-leaning Utah.,12 6,"For New Yorkers, who have been living with a smoking ban in public buildings, bars and restaurants since 2003, the findings hit home.",5 5,The race to get the Supreme Court to decide whether it is unconstitutional for states to ban same-sex couples from marrying may run through Virginia.,4 12,The Riverside meeting was one of many that gave birth to a wave of demonstrations that is still playing out nationwide.,11 13,Allard resurrects attempt to ban same-sex marriages Senator: Constitutional amendment has more support,12 12, Louisiana voters approved a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions this month,11 11,Bearing Arms editor Bob Owens dead from apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound,10 13,"But Carbaugh said no promises were ever made, and that Coffin's job was one of hundreds of political picks the governor is trying to fill throughout state government.",12 5, the district attorney of Los Angeles.,4 1,"TOBACCO STOCKS FALL, OFFSET OIL, BANK GAINS",0 5,"The freeze came after U.S. District Judge Robert Broomfield ruled Friday that a 2005 state law does not allow Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio or county prosecutors to charge immigrants with conspiracy to smuggle themselves across the border. Broomfield said the policy criminalizes actions that federal law treats as a civil matter. ""It is hard to imagine a more blatant conflict than that,"" he said Friday in his 60-page ruling. County Attorney Bill Montgomery said the judge's order does not specifically bar prosecutions of smugglers, but the top county prosecutor said he cannot ethically allow any prosecutions under the law because Broomfield's reasoning for his ruling may have broader implications. A lawyer for the county, Tim Casey, said it will ask Broomfield to clarify the scope of his ruling while the county considers whether to appeal. Montgomery said the freeze applies until a federal court explicitly allows prosecutions under the smuggling law. Seventy-five percent of the approximately 1,800 people charged under the smuggling law in Maricopa County through June 2011 were facing counts of conspiring to sneak themselves into the country. That drew complaints from immigrant rights advocates that the statute was intended for often violent smugglers, not their customers, and that the prosecution policy was preempted by federal immigration law. ",4 6,the decision by the state of New Jersey to allow gay and unmarried couples to adopt children.,5 7,FEDS RAID HOUSE; DETAIN 15,6 13,2 Candidates for Governor to Pay Back Taxes for Aliens,12 6,"For Stranded Jews, 'When' Is Now 'If'",5 5," Jurors, who heard attorneys' closing arguments Thursday, will be asked today to sort out the evidence and reach a verdict.",4 1,"In 1998, tobacco companies agreed to pay $206 billion over 25 years to 46 states to settle lawsuits. Four states later settled separately for a total of $40 billion.",0 12,"Oliver North and the National Rifle Association: For the gun-rights group, a match made in heaven.",11 5,A Federal judge and an appeals court rejected requests today from attorneys for Ronald Clark O'Bryan that his scheduled execution Saturday be halted because death by lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment.,4 6,"""It sure would have given him five days to think about it,"" says police detective Luis Robles. ""Where the Brady bill really helps is the hotheads.""",5 13,"Although he deemed it his toughest decision this session, Gov. Roy Romer did the right thing Thursday in vetoing the bill that would have banned recognition of same-sex marriages.",12 6, Brady law,5 12,"Tens of thousands of young people across America walked out of school Wednesday to demand action on gun violence, one of the biggest student demonstrations since the Vietnam War protests in the 1970s.",11 12,NRA protests gun ordinance Law allows seizure of cars carrying guns,11 13,COBB COUNTY: GOP chief's newspaper rags rivals,12 11,"annoyed the department store by writing an op-ed piece in yesterday's New York Times in which he called for same-sex partnership rights and asked, ""What if Santa really was gay?""",10 6,Death penalty's merits questioned,5 11,"'Can I filter out the gay marriage tweets?""",10 3,A disgraceful act,2 13,Concealed-weapon permits bill OK'd Romer ready to shoot down measure,12 5,LAST week's ruling by the highest court in Massachusetts legalizing gay marriage was perfectly timed in many ways.,4 8,criminal background checks,7 13,"Conservatives pressed for a bill offered by Del. Emmett C. Burns Jr. (D-Baltimore) that would forbid Maryland to recognize out-of-state same-sex unions, such as those that would be allowed under a Hawaii law now facing a court challenge.",12 10,"I don't smoke. I live with an epidemiologist who has devoted his life to cancer research, so smoking is not even joked about at our house.",9 11,Older customers,10 13,Gun bills divide legislature,12 11," He was a teen-aged Black Panther and later a journalist who spoke out against police brutality and supported MOVE, the radical black group that suffered deadly disaster in 1985 when the police bombed its compound to end a standoff with city authorities.",10 9,"School-safety manual covers sex offenders, guns",8 5,Courts under scrutiny again,4 5,"But throw a zealous customs official, a forgotten passport or a team transaction into the mix and the process can become the bureaucratic equivalent of the neutral zone trap. It can be especially trying for younger players such as Trnka who are unschooled in the procedure and nonconversant in the language of their interrogator.",4 5,"Presiding over one of those trials, state district judge Doug Shaver explained that ""the Constitution doesn't say the lawyer has to be awake."" Bright notes that this gives a new meaning to the term ""dream team.""",4 1,"Already, two gun makers have announced they will not be part of the agreement and a third, Glock Inc., rejected the deal after briefly considering it",0 13,California's 'sanctuary state' bill clears state Senate,12 3, It defines marriage as existing between a man and a woman.,2 14,"The United States urged Cuba today to lower exit fees for those wishing to migrate but said bilateral agreements on immigration are working, despite recent evidence of organized human smuggling.",13 13,Obama's gun-control actions could ripple to California,12 5,The lawyers spent more than six hours before U.S. District Judge Edwin M. Kosik arguing the legality of a petition filed Thursday by the Pennsylvania Capital Case Resource Center seeking to block Zettlemoyer's scheduled execution in the 1980 shooting death of Charles DeVetsco.,4 13,Ardent gun rights group loudly receptive to Barr,12 8,INSTANT GUN-BUYER CHECK IS A SLOW-MOVING TARGET,7 9," ""Obviously, every day she's got to cope with it and she didn't seem suicidal any more to me, but you know that's a fragile thing.""",8 13," Commissioners Jim Norman, Ronda Storms, Chris Hart and Pat Frank voted against a five-day period.",12 4,Not the Whole Truth,3 7,"A jury in April convicted Sotelo-Gomez of kidnapping and murder. A witness in the case, who wasn't charged in the murder, said Sotelo-Gomez helped lure Maciel Videla to his death and pinned Videla's arms behind his back while another man, Diego ""Yogi"" Nunez, slit the young man's throat. Nunez has not been captured.",6 5,"The suit was brought by a San Francisco public television station, KQED, in the Federal District Court there. It claims that the First Amendment's guarantee of press freedom entitles KQED to videotape an execution in the gas chamber at San Quentin and then to broadcast it.",4 13,Trump Administration Imposes Ban on Bump Stocks,12 5,"Poritz stressed that her decision not to appeal does not weaken the law. The attorney general said she supports the assault-weapons law and will aggressively defend it in ""a suitable case.""",4 5,WISCONSIN PROSECUTORS OPPOSE DEATH PENALTY,4 7," when Zimmerman shot and killed Martin, an unarmed black teenager from Miami Gardens. ",6 6,"I have tried to steer clear of politics and focus on policy - in particular, the policies that can help the United States remain the world's most innovative, entrepreneurial nation.",5 13,"Anger around the Capitol is palpable. And at least one top Republican says it's an effort by ""liberals from Philadelphia"" to do back-door gun control.",12 7,Probert challenge avoids jail,6 6,How to - and how not to - approach legislation restricting guns,5 7," Failure to register one of these high-powered weapons would, in most cases, make it an illegal firearm. State Police could then cite the owner for a misdemeanor and confiscate the unregistered weapon. ",6 11,"The more militant members of the N.R.A. and most of its leaders may be un-American. ",10 6,Though the measure known as Amendment 6,5 5,AROUND THE NATION; Ex-Fort Chaffee Guards To Be Retried in Assault,4 13,"The Republican U.S. Senate nominee had been allowed to carry up to three concealed handguns until March, when his permit expired.",12 5,"The Texas ruling was handed down by U.S. District Judge Orlando L. Garcia, who declared the ban to be ""state-imposed inequality."" His decision does not mean that gay couples in Texas will be able to marry - at least not right away. Garcia, who was appointed by President Bill Clinton, immediately stayed the effect of his ruling, pending an appeal.",4 9,"Others think that letting students carry guns could lead to even bigger disasters. ""We think it's an outrageous proposition,"" said Brian Siebel, an attorney at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. ""The shooter could have just armed himself with high powered weapons and worn a flak jacket.""",8 7,WHEN AN UPSTATE prosecutor decided last March to arrest the mayor of New Paltz for marrying homosexuals,6 15,"GIMME A PACK OF CANDY CIGS, HOLD THE CANDY",14 13,Clinton supports immigration limits,12 5,would gladly have arranged for a justice of the peace to sign our marriage license,4 5," That action was blocked last week by federal district Judge James Robart in Seattle, who would hear detailed arguments from both sides if the appeals court panel upholds his initial decision and sends the case back. And either side could appeal the panel's ruling to the Supreme Court.",4 6,BILLS WOULD ALLOW 18-YEAR-OLDS TO OWN HANDGUNS,5 13,VERMONT GOVERNOR'S RACE FOCUSES ON SAME-SEX UNIONS,12 5,"Mr. Benkard spent most of his career handling corporate litigation in New York for the international firm Davis Polk & Wardwell while continuing to take on death row cases in Georgia, Louisiana and Tennessee.",4 1,blasted the industry,0 6,The bill,5 6,NO GRACE PERIOD FOR H-1B BETWEEN EMPLOYERS,5 12,", touted by the Empire State Pride Agenda, the state's largest gay lobby,",11 5,"Superior Court Judge David LaBarre ordered the state to halt execution proceedings in Bacon's case pending a May 24 hearing on the lawsuit. ",4 9,"Doctors have freedom of speech rights, too",8 13," Let's agree on gun checks",12 6,The 10-year-old ban is due to expire Monday.,5 5,County can sue Scott over gun law,4 13, Miller said Wednesday as representatives of the National Rifle Association watched him sign the bill into law.,12 1,"But Hispanic leaders and many academics insist the impact of those workers is essentially benign. They say Mexican workers who cross the 1,300-mile border into the United States do the menial jobs Americans don't want, are essential for the harvesting of crops, and use very few municipal services while filling the lowest niches in the job market.",0 5, had a concealed carry permit.,4 12,"was foremost on everyone's mind: ",11 13,"But after ardent speeches from opponents, who ran out the clock by speaking until the rules required the legislature to adjourn at midnight, the lawmakers agreed to put off further discussion on the subject until March 11",12 5,"but without offering any explanation, the Missouri Supreme Court quietly rescheduled his death for Feb. 10",4 9,Safety-minded localities,8 5,"Since the Court struck down the DOMA last summer, nearly every federal court to rule on same-sex marriage bans has overturned them. There are now appeals from cases in five states pending review at our highest court, but Justice Ginsburg recently said that there may be ""no need for us to rush"" to hear them. Unless appellate courts are split on marriage equality, she said, lower judges should be permitted to do their work.",4 11,"The case became the focus of a best-seller, a TV miniseries and, more recently, a student documentary. Marshall also wrote a book from prison, Tunnel Vision.",10 1,"""I was suddenly informed that he would have to pay $ 2,000 for the semester due to the new bill's passage,",0 5,Retrial of former death row inmate goes to jury,4 12,"In a style reminiscent of the civil rights era, the candidate walked at the head of the mile-long march up Broadway. Those marching at the front with him, arms entwined, included Latinos, Asian-Americans, blacks and whites.",11 12,Protests were threatened.,11 7,They will be able soon to boast that they did something about crime. ,6 13,Democrats Join Fray On Marriage,12 13,"It is one of our fondest political myths that elections allow us collectively to settle the ""big issues."" The truth is that there's often a bipartisan consensus to avoid the big issues, because they involve unpopular choices and conflicts. Elections become exercises in mass evasion; that certainly applies so far to the 2008 campaign. A case in point is America's population transformation. Few issues matter more for the country's future -- yet it's mostly ignored.",12 5,"Hall has appealed to the state Supreme Court. Friday's hearing before Chester County Judge Paula Francisco Ott was to determine whether Hall's attorney, Robert Miller, adequately represented him during the original trial.",4 12," Could it be that they don't listen to the will of the people who are in the majority, who voted to close the loopholes that these 'R' people wanted to pass?",11 13," Democratic opponent George Sheldon said it would be best for Floridians if Bondi dropped the matter immediately. ",12 7," ""A virtual tidal wave of crime threatens the very safety of law-abiding citizens. Increasingly, this battle finds the cop on the beat heavily out-gunned,"" Dewey Stokes, president of the 198,000-member Fraternal Order of Police",6 5,"Gun amendment won't control the likes of Hank Carr ",4 6,Report: Deportee flights may be wasteful,5 13,"Pa. House OKs amendment banning same-sex marriage ",12 5,"And while the justices made clear they won't decide the constitutionality of California's ban on gay marriage for now, their questions left little doubt that same-sex weddings will not resume any time soon in San Francisco or other cities across the state.",4 13,What was even more striking than the decisions was the lack of a retort from socially conservative groups.,12 5,"- ''It was just a polite way of telling the lower court judges to shut up,'' says Harvard University law professor Alan Dershowitz. - ''It was an extraordinary exercise in judicial activism,'' says Diann Rust-Tierney of the American Civil Liberties Union. - ''Many lawyers ... may not be as inclined to work as hard to save their clients,'' says San Francisco lawyer Robert Bryan. The justices' actions highlight their impatience with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the filter between the lower federal courts and the Supreme Court. Richard Samp of the conservative Washington Legal Foundation says the court's action sends a strong signal to federal judges that they cannot hatch bogus reasons for delaying executions.",4 5,Marriage issues belong to states,4 6,Time's article suggested tougher gun regulation could have prevented some of those deaths. Just how much guns should be regulated has been the subject of heated debate in Florida for the last few years.,5 13,It is disappointing that conservatives claim to support families but continue to denigrate committed gay and lesbian couples,12 15,Working hard for gay marriage in Maryland,14 3,'DON'T WANT 'EM Trump order bars refugees Persecuted Christians would get our 'help',2 12,Why the NRA is going after the media,11 13,"Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) doesn't support Ellen DeGeneres's same-sex marriage, but his campaign was more than eager to appeal to her fans. ",12 3,Catholic Church gives D.C. ultimatum,2 5,"Pa. court reverses death sentence in gruesome murder ",4 1,"The price increase announced Friday to wholesalers is the second largest in industry history, behind a 45-cent increase last November. That increase followed a $206 billion settlement with 46 states suing the industry to recover costs of treating ill smokers. The industry previously settled for $40 million with the four other states.",0 1,Ranking tobacco executives,0 7,A Connecticut man expressed regret but blamed his accomplice as he was sentenced on Friday to die for a deadly home invasion that halted momentum to abolish the state's death penalty.,6 6,Making Immigration Tougher,5 5,". In addition, a string of court opinions, including a 1993 Supreme Court ruling, have supported inmate claims that being held in a smoke-filled prison may constitute cruel and unusual punishment.",4 5,HIGH COURT IS URGED TO REINSTATE BAN ON GUNS NEAR SCHOOLS THE WHITE HOUSE DEFENDED THE LAW,4 14,"A day after President Bush announced steps to increase border security, President Vicente Fox said Tuesday that his government would cooperate but would also persevere in pushing to expand legal channels for Mexican immigrants seeking work in the United States.",13 12,A leading gun-control group just released nine years of NRA grades for politi-cians,11 12,Don't believe the NRA hype,11 9,"In 1964, in a landmark report, the U.S. surgeon general found a link between smoking and cancer. Two years later, health warnings were put on all packs of cigarettes.",8 10, and victims sobbed softly,9 9,"Relatives believe the elder Crawford, who needed dialysis, may have fallen asleep while smoking a Salem.",8 10, Miss Young was pondering the unhappy symmetry of the incident,9 1," they should also be expected to pay taxes. ",0 5,Florida court restores award in tobacco suit,4 5,"Attorneys still must agree on two more jurors and four alternates for the high-profile trial. ",4 9,Ensuring easy gun access keeps children in danger,8 13,Bush,12 13,Obama sidestepsgay-marriage debate,12 13,The White House did not respond to requests for comment.,12 5, prosecutors say,4 5,City to drop appealof ruling on gun ban,4 13,COUNTY OKS TOUGHER GUN LAWS,12 2,"State Department Is Slow to Hire Americans in Embassies Abroad; Pay Scales Take Time, Agency Says; Critics See Foot-Dragging",1 5,What to ask Mr. Kavanaugh about guns,4 5,"The judge, Anne C. Conway of Federal District Court in Orlando, said she felt compelled to delay execution of the man, Mark D. Schwab, because some of the questions in his case were also pending before the higher court.",4 5,"The Supreme Court put itself at the center of the nation's debate over whether gay couples have the same fundamental right to marry as heterosexuals, agreeing Friday to review state and federal efforts to preserve a traditional definition of husband and wife",4 4,"It is against the law under federal and state statutes to reject jurors on the basis of race, religion and ethnicity.",3 3,Same-sex unions are unnatural,2 5,"While he waits, his attorneys have been rushing from court to court in pursuit of a reprieve. They filed an emergency appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court today and submitted by fax a 25-page clemency petition to Gov. Parris N. Glendening (D).",4 5,"The D.C. residents who successfully challenged the District's handgun ban urged the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday to review the case, saying it presents a ""unique opportunity"" for the court to recognize that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual's right to ""keep and bear arms."" ",4 13,Gillibrand was an outspoken skeptic about gun control when she won a House seat from a Republican-leaning upstate district,12 7,Using Teen-Agers to Enforce Tobacco Laws,6 5,"ames Lynch, the first assistant Camden County prosecutor, said jury selection was expected to begin Sept. 3. As with many death-penalty cases, that process could take four to six weeks. In addition to a new trial location, at a second hearing yesterday ",4 15,ELSEWHERE,14 1,"Mike Bass, spokesman for the National Basketball Association, which holds the national touring event, said the relationship with Lorillard Co. ended Wednesday. 'There is no intention of renewal,' Bass said. He declined to comment further.",0 10,Benefit fight much ado about nada,9 13,Barnes sells out to gun lobby,12 5,After the law survived court challenges,4 6,"Education Association presented their arguments to a Fort Myers special master, chosen by both sides, to recommend whether school staff should be allowed to smoke at county schools.",5 2,"The survey found that nationwide, about one in three American households reported firearm ownership.",1 6,Get involved on Brady Bill,5 5,"The justices did allow resentencing for his noncapital convictions of rape, sexual offense and assault, ruling that he was sentenced using the wrong level of prior offenses in the state sentencing system.",4 13,Facing a Political Tripwire on Guns,12 1,Tax professionals will have new business opportunities,0 7,SHE PINS '63 KILLING ON PIMP EX-HOOKER SPURS CONFESSION,6 5,"The Judicial Council, which oversees the courts, ordered the cases tried as one in San Francisco Superior Court. But whatever is decided in that court will be reviewed by the California Supreme Court, which invited such challenges this spring. The seven justices are unlikely to get the case for at least a year.",4 5,Friday's decision,4 9,on the adverse health effects of smoking,8 3,"refusal of the church group, the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a Methodist organization that owns a square mile of beachfront property in Ocean Grove, near Asbury Park, to rent the spot to the couple",2 13,"Since taking office in 2007, O'Malley,",12 13,"""Will all of them get through this Congress? I don't know,"" Obama said at a news conference Monday. ""My starting point is not to worry about the politics,"" he said. ""My starting point is to focus on what makes sense, what works."" ",12 9,"""It's unconscionable that this weapon would be on our city streets,""",8 10," and begged for a death sentence, only to apparently change his mind",9 5,When attorneys general from 40 states announced the historic agreement with the tobacco industry on June 2,4 10,"After getting his green card, Torrez, 46, went on to college, started a series of small businesses and now owns La Nueva 87.7 FM, a Spanish-language radio station broadcasting from Silver Spring. The Bolivian native lives a comfortable suburban life in Prince George's County and is driving his seventh Mercedes-Benz. He credits becoming a legal citizen with setting him on the path to American success.",9 6, such formal policies no longer existed,5 9," ""continued observation"" of his mental state.",8 9,"The problem with this analogy is that smoking tobacco is never healthy and therefore never advisable. Eating a luscious slice of chocolate cake can, if you're careful, be part of a balanced diet. You need fat in your diet. Fat becomes a scourge only when consumed in excess, while smoking is bad news, period.",8 6," PRIMARY ",5 7,"URDERER ADMITS KILLING TWO TEENS IN FLORIDA ",6 7,Bill's Critics Predict Bootlegging,6 5,"A day after a majority of justices at the Supreme Court appeared to express doubts about the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act, one of the lawmakers most responsible for its passage announced he would try to return to Congress. ",4 3,BLESSINGS AT A CROSSROADS,2 13,"The moves have put officials in both parties under attack from opponents, who accuse them of basing their decisions on political, rather than legal, motives. As a result, groups on both sides of the spectrum are laying plans to target the officials in upcoming elections. ",12 12,The Million Mom March organization announced yesterday that it would launch a grassroots ad campaign attacking Ashcroft for his opposition to gun control.,11 5,"Chief Justice Mary Mullarkey, who announced her upcoming retirement this week, presided over a Colorado Supreme Court that in recent years has grown increasingly high-handed - which is somewhat ironic when you think about it. When Mullarkey was appointed to the court in 1987, she actually served as a moderating influence.",4 13," New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, another Democrat with a rising national profile, was credited with pushing a gay-marriage bill through a divided legislature.",12 15,Gay-Friendly Lodging in N.H.,14 12,Immigrants Rally to Support 3 Bills,11 7,A convicted killer from Burlington County,6 5,restrictions,4 10,The Power of Tobacco Addiction,9 7,The Missouri Highway Patrol has caught and then released a group of people suspected of being illegal aliens in the O'Fallon area after consulting with the U.S. Department of Immigration and Naturalization in the St. Louis area.,6 10,"''But for Zein, she would not have been involved in this and she would not be here today,'' Shaw said. ''She obviously was the lesser element of that family.''",9 12,For the National Rifle Association,11 3,PULPIT PUSH: NO GAY NUPTIALS,2 7,"9 arrested in raids targeting ecstasy, pot",6 15,"Goodnight, Grimm",14 5,GUN OWNERS GLADIATORS IN PROTECTING RIGHTS,4 15,The Open Forum Letters to the Editor,14 5,And a Lawyer Makes Three,4 5,Judge overturns death sentence in 1987 Bucks slaying,4 7,John R. Reece is just the person federal authorities and St. Louis police detectives had in mind when they hit upon a new way to clear the streets of gunmen.,6 5,North Dakota's same-sex marriage ban to be challenged;,4 11,"Gaughin lives on Memphis Street in a tight rowhouse neighborhood not too far from Interstate 95, the billboard gallery of the region. More than half of his friends smoke, he said.",10 5,"Lee Francis Cissna, director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, also cited the visa lottery at a White House press briefing. ",4 5,"ttorneys for Thomas Provenzano, the next murderer scheduled to die, and the American Civil Liberties Union, claim that the use of the electric chair is ""cruel and unusual punishment."" ",4 13,Clinton,12 6,Gun registration law has low response,5 3,"James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and probably the most influential of conservative religious leaders,",2 13,Politicians are on the wrong side of history - again,12 5,"At Monday's hearing, a lawyer from the state attorney general's office argued that the 2014 decision violated legal procedures and mislabeled as a sign of dysfunction what were actually the state's careful efforts to protect the rights of those sentenced to death, such as appointing well-qualified defense lawyers.",4 1,and huge increases in federal and state taxes,0 5,"egal analysts described Timothy McVeigh's demeanor Thursday as that of an unassuming good soldier with a kid-next-door vibe, leaving a federal judge with no choice but to halt McVeigh's appeals. ",4 6,Reform is needed in policies that permit the continued entry of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and blur distinctions between what is legal and beneficial and what is illegal and harmful.,5 1," merely a highly profitable scheme in which people with no legal way to enter the United States paid up to $10,000 apiece.",0 4," 90% of the defendants selected for capital prosecution under ""drug kingpin"" provisions of the 1988 Anti-Drug Abuse Act are minorities, even though three-quarters of those eligible for such prosecution have been white.",3 12,"The aldermen will hold a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 16 at City Hall to get comment from residents and business owners about the idea of banning smoking in workplaces. ",11 5,"There is a mistaken belief in some quarters that judges are like robots, charged with mechanically applying clearly stated laws to given fact patterns. Sometimes our laws are not so clear, and judges must use, well, their ""judgment"" in deciding how to fill gaps in the law. ",4 5," He said Haitians should be treated the same as all migrants, except Cubans. ""And the difference, of course,"" he said. ""is that we don't send people back to Cuba because they're going to be persecuted.""",4 7,"Extortion of D.C. Vendors Nets $50,000 -- and Prison; Immigrants Were Made to Pay for Sidewalk Spots",6 4," ""Freedom means freedom for everyone. That means that all families - regardless of how they look or how they are made - all families are entitled to the same rights, privileges and protections as every other.""",3 8," Prior to the federal law, Pennsylvania had a 48-hour waiting period in place. The National Rifle Association and sportsmen groups oppose retaining the 48-hour provision.",7 5,Death row inmate wins recusal case,4 9,""";Systemic Indifference: Dangerous & Substandard Medical Care in Immigration Detention""; is based on three medical experts' analyses of public records from internal investigations by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) into 18 deaths in detention from 2012 to 2015.",8 10,Same-Sex Partner Benefits Challenged,9 8,Border Crackdown Has El Paso Caught in Middle,7 7,The havoc is spilling over into our border states.,6 5,"The Supreme Court is expected to rule in the coming days on cases involving legalizing same-sex marriage. ",4 9,"But when you consider that smoking is responsible for about 430,000 deaths a year, even if only a small percentage of smokers can quit every year, ""you're saving a lot of lives,"" said Dr. Donald Jasinski, director of the Center for Chemical Dependence at Francis Scott Key Medical Center and a nicotine-addiction researcher.",8 12,Ever-increasing public consensus against smoking,11 1,Erickson praised a recent House-passed bill to use a portion of the state's first installment of about $650 million on insurance coverage for low-income adults,0 1,"Taxpayers also picked up the $1.5 million tab for attorneys' staff, housing and security, $2 million for defense investigators and $3 million for expert witnesses.",0 9,Asylum for mutilation victims,8 8,"While last week's move focused on national security and preventing terrorism,",7 1,commercial speech,0 10,An Inmate Who Wants to Die,9 11,FAMILY ROOTS TAKE HOLD ON ELLIS ISLAND,10 5,Maine the fifth state in this country to legalize same-sex marriage,4 9,"As a cardiologist, Austin H. Kutscher is aware of the damage smoking can do to one's health.",8 11,BURNO FIRED UP WITH PITT PICK RASHON FOLLOWS HIS DREAM,10 13,"But Paul on Sunday came out against the current bill, saying he will vote against it because it doesn't include his border security proposal. Paul has otherwise said he supports the idea of comprehensive immigration reform, as long as its done right.",12 1,liquor sales,0 7,Mandatory 2-year prison term proposed for illegal firearm users in Phila.,6 7,"Federal authorities have arrested a deaf-mute Mexican couple on charges that they lured other illegal immigrants to Sanford, N.C., and concealed them while they made and sold trinkets along the East Coast.",6 3,"MERCY URGED FOR TERRORIST ",2 8," and now Al Qaeda knows, too",7 14,"The United States and Cuba signed an agreement today in which Washington pledged to accept a minimum of 20,000 legal immigrants a year from Cuba, and Havana promised in exchange to use every means possible to prevent its citizens from leaving its shores on rafts.",13 7,"On Monday, nearly three years after 12-year-old Polly was kidnapped from a bedroom slumber party and strangled, a jury of six men and six women recommended execution for Davis.",6 13,President Clinton and Kimba Wood may have jumped the gun withdrawing her name from consideration as attorney general.,12 7,"""to any increases or decreases in crime in the state.""",6 13,Gay activists puzzled by Strickland's remarks,12 5,"In opening arguments in a civil suit that is being closely watched by the firearms industry and gun-control advocates, a lawyer for the families maintained that the companies shared responsibility for the homicides because of a negligent, ""head in the sand"" distribution system that led to widespread illegal possession of guns in New York State by young people and criminals. ",4 5, Connecticut could become the second state in the nation to legalize civil unions for same-sex couples -- and the first to do so without being prompted by a court order.,4 15,Snuff it out,14 8,Gun bill: Check buyers via computer,7 9,"""Okay, how about this one?"" I flipped through my manila folder, past the gangrenous foot, the degenerated eyeball and the grayish, waxen corpse.",8 13,Illegal immigrants will be hot state topic,12 12,People to vote on gay marriage ban,11 11,"CMA Awards apologizes, says reporters won't be kicked out for asking questions about guns",10 1, It would also have to pay $ 368.5 billion and take steps to reduce teen smoking.,0 5,U.S. court is asked to halt gay marriages in Mass.,4 7,"James Morgan was 16 when he struck a 66-year-old widow in the head with a wrench and a vase, then stabbed her 67 times with a kitchen knife and sexually assaulted her.",6 11,You May Now Kiss [Label Here],10 15,Boca Raton,14 4,"For Brendan Doyle, it's a matter of equal pay for equal work.",3 7,CONCEALED CARRY DETERS CRIME,6 11,Warriors' Steve Kerr says gun laws should be considered 'a public health issue';,10 5,Justices back death penalty curbs,4 1,There is one legitimate issue amid the tissue of fabrications generated by the tobacco industry's lobbying effort: the potential for a black market in cigarettes.,0 5,Oregon Supreme Court Invalidates Same-Sex Marriages,4 1,Lobbyist has law agency's top salary,0 6,This new bill allows someone to legally keep his/her gun accessible before and after work without having to first go home. It doesn't allow a person to carry at work or to use a gun illegally at work. Period.,5 9,"who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, hears voices, and has repeatedly tried to kill himself.",8 6,N.J. bill would give gays marriage as civil unions,5 13,Chris Christie Suggests That Changing Gun Laws Won't Stop Violence,12 3,"""the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very foundation of our society, the family unit.""",2 6,"The bill would make the Capitol comply with the same anti-smoking rules as other federal buildings. ",5 7,Post said his son-in-law was given a 20-year sentence,6 12,Readers Divided on News Site's Map of Gun Permit Holders,11 13,Breaking the impasse on immigration reform,12 2,A migrant surge from Mexico,1 12,"Speakers, Students, Activists, Survivors",11 6,"Smoking would still be banned in restaurants. Bars attached to restaurants would have to be separated physically by walls and closed doors. The bill would give bars as long as six years to install ventilation systems, depending on how much of their sales come from drinks. The ventilation requirement would kick in next year for bars that sell more food than alcohol.",5 10,Immigration crackdown taking heavy toll on California students,9 11,Scourge of the Black Hand,10 7,"The Connecticut shootings, Supervisor George Shirakawa and immigration reform",6 5,"Prosecutors and defense lawyers who specialize in death penalty cases, including Mears, say that the number - and ingenuity - of pretrial motions is rapidly increasing in capital cases. The idea is to try to derail the case before trial or identify a legal issue to use on appeal.",4 5,Justice Dept. to Continue Policy Against Same-Sex Marriage,4 7,"Until now, enforcement has consisted mainly of warnings and public education. But in recent weeks, misdemeanor tickets were issued to two alleged offenders, said Deputy District Attorney Christopher Arriola. The charges carry stiffer penalties -- including possible jail time.",6 13,"President Barack Obama urged lawmakers to vote on gun curbs, including the bill approved Thursday, which lawmakers named for Hadiya Pendleton, the Chicago teenager who was fatally shot days after performing at Obama's inauguration. ",12 5,Legislation introduced Wednesday in Congress would prevent the government from having the suit dismissed on procedural grounds.,4 1,"STATES TAKE THE TOBACCO MONEY AND RUN ",0 7, on death row for the 1989 slaying of a teenage girl in Kansas City,6 7,but it should not be an issue within U.S. law enforcement agencies.,6 11,"If Chiles meets Caza, he will see for himself that she is American in every way. Chiles will hear her accent, which may remind him of his own Florida Cracker heritage.",10 7,A UN volunteer and convicted con man was busted yesterday for posing as a lawyer and bilking thousands of dollars from his immigrant victims - in the agency's headquarters.,6 1,"A question exists, however, about the wisdom of pinning hope for prison expansion on a diminishing source of income. More beds and prisoners mean more operating expenses, and earmarking such a tax is not a miracle solution. If the juvenile smoking bill does its job, the penalties and increased tax, which would push the total tax in Florida to 58.9 cents a pack, would cause a decrease in tobacco use. It makes more sense to allow the revenue from the new cigarette tax, expected to be $ 240-million a year, to be unrestricted.",0 7," 2 Sentenced In Smuggling Fatal to 10",6 7,"slaying in 1984 of boutique owner Laureen Jean Edwards, was mentally competent and had all but asked for a death sentence",6 5,who ordered a moratorium on executions in 2003,4 7,sentenced to death the two men who murdered the Santa Clara crafts store manager.,6 1,"State officials wouldn't release the exact amount of the settlement, but sources told the Palm Beach Post that Gov. Lawton Chiles announced it as $11.3 billion.",0 13,Federal Agency to Begin a Survey On Use of Semiautomatic Guns,12 7,"Hall, then 29, killed Masters in a feud over a car they had bought together and had been taking back and forth from each other. Beasley, a friend of Masters', happened to be along when Hall confronted Masters on Oct. 3, 1994. Their bullet-riddled bodies were found the next day in a bean field near Granite City.",6 1," The ban has meant a reduction in revenues by as much as 35 percent for many small-business owners including bars, taverns, clubs, entertainment centers and service providers to this industry, like myself.",0 10,"The men embraced, and quickly kissed. And their eyes filled with tears, even as they tried to blink them back. Though they had hoped for this, even halfway expected it, knowing the decision was real surprised them with its emotional impact",9 5,Elian's Miami relatives file lawsuit to keep him in U.S.,4 7,"Yates also has admitted killing sons Paul, 3, and Luke, 2, police said.",6 7,he will go to Virginia's death chamber Tuesday night to watch the sniper die.,6 13,"Bush, who has called for immigration changes since the outset of his presidency, has aggressively committed his administration to passing the bill, even criticizing Republicans who denounce it.",12 13,The House voted last week to eliminate,12 13,"In saying no, O'Brien stood strangely alone. Every other Philadelphia lawmaker - Democrat and Republican - voted yes.",12 15,Liberties Be Damned,14 5,"The 10-to-4 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit vacates an earlier panel decision that cast doubt on the constitutionality of the ban, which is similar to laws in seven states, including California, Connecticut and New Jersey.",4 7,"An immigrant TV repairman was found dead early yesterday in his Brooklyn store, bludgeoned and stabbed during an apparent robbery, police said.",6 13,"But after leaving his golf club on Saturday afternoon, Trump's motorcade took a longer, less-direct route back to his Mar-a-Lago estate, where he is staying this weekend.",12 5,"PRIMARY ",4 5,"U.S. District Judge Matthew Byrne Jr. said there were ""serious questions"" as to whether the sections under the temporary restraining order would violate immigrants' rights to due process because the measure makes no provision for hearings to determine whether the denial was justly applied.",4 6," National Zoo Bans Smoking as of Dec. 1",5 7,"In 2015, Kate Steinle was gunned downed on Pier 14 in San Francisco by an illegal alien with five felony convictions,",6 13,Graham and a growing group of GOPers are getting behind a burgeoning bipartisan effort,12 7, since gunman Myron May last Nov. 20 wounded two students and a library employee before being killed in a hail of gunfire from police.,6 12, that gave rise to the powerful student movement,11 13,President Bush gave a speech designed to reassure his conservative base that he is serious about protecting the country from illegal immigrants.,12 5,"Obtained through pretrial discovery, the documents were introduced by the state and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota as they pursue their $1.77 billion lawsuit against the major tobacco companies. The plaintiffs seek to recover the cost of treating smoking-related illnesses plus punitive damages.",4 15,COURTS,14 1,"This is a survival issue for tobacco companies, whose ability to sell to adults would not be affected but whose ability to hook new customers at a vulnerable age would be. It's not that kind of issue for retailers. Some have passed the word that they are willing to work with Rep. Frankel and Sen. John Grant Jr., R-Tampa, to craft a ""good"" bill. Rep. Frankel says she'll listen",0 5,He said that New York had sued 12 additional gun stores to demand similar oversight.,4 7,POLICE GROUPS REVERSE STAND AND BACK CONTROLS ON PISTOLS,6 9,"Researchers have been delving into the effects of same-sex parenting only since the 1980s and 1990s. Most of the studies involve relatively small samples because of the rarity of such families. ",8 10,"Is gay marriage a similar situation? Is your life - work, family, travels, etc. - affected in any way by gay marriage?",9 6,Gun-Control Struggle,5 8,"School security guards in Nyack are unarmed and Carter, who has a gun license, did not have a weapon at the time of his arrest, she said. ",7 13,GOP needs to get hands out of the NRA's pocket,12 6,"As it now stands, the law makes it illegal for anybody convicted of misdemeanor abuse crimes at any time to own or carry a gun.",5 13,became a full-time lobbyist Wednesday for a Colorado-based bipartisan gun-control group,12 12,"An almost identical result was recorded in the random survey of whether voters favor an amendment to the state constitution that will likely appear on the November ballot, which seeks to define marriage as between a man and a woman: Fifty-one percent opposed that proposal, the survey reported, while 43 percent approved of the restrictive amendment.",11 5,"During a two-month trial, the insurer accused the cigarette makers of deceptive business practices that hooked - and sickened - smokers and ultimately drove up the cost of health insurance for all New Yorkers.",4 13,"A recent succession of Republican governors has attempted to reinstate capital punishment. In 1997, an effort to restore it fell short by one vote in the state legislature. But since then, support among state lawmakers has declined.",12 7," A homeless man arrested in connection with six burglaries at a Coney Island pharmacy used a crowbar to get in and filled plastic garbage bags with hundreds of cartons of cigarettes and batteries, police said yesterday.",6 13,SENATE OKS CHECKS ON GUN PURCHASERS,12 13,"But with so many governments now seeking redress, it makes sense for New York City to grab a seat at the table. The only wonder is why New York State doesn't join the action too.",12 13,The NRA at work,12 11,MUSICAL CHRONICLES CORRIDOS RECOUNT HISPANIC IMMIGRANTS' STRUGGLES AND TRIUMPHS EVERYDAY LIFE PUT TO MUSIC IN BALLADS BY LOCAL GROUPS,10 12,"Public approves of gay-marriage rulings ",11 8,expanded background checks on gun purchases.,7 1,Guns OK'd for import under fire,0 13,Gay marriage debate goes beyond Obama,12 12,Are Gay Activists Too Wedded To the Cause?,11 3,"""He had demonic eyes. There's something crazy about him. ""He sat there so calm. So remorseless. ""It's like he's not even human."" ",2 10,"Dan Dowd, a flower shop manager, says that because he and Keith Thompson, a stockbroker, prayed for God's blessing at their same-sex religious ceremony three years ago, the relationship between the two St. Louis Hills men has been strengthened. Thompson agrees.",9 3, he believed their homosexuality violated God's law.,2 1,was responsible for the declines in business.,0 13,"GOP Playing Politics on Gay Marriage, Democrats Say",12 5,"The three-judge panel said the Georgia Supreme Court had long held that it is who leases property, not the lessor, that determines private v. public. In this case, the garden is a private entity.",4 3,"Organization vice president Fred Strickland of Lakeland, Ga., opened the meeting with a prayer for the strength to change the minds of those who want to regulate tobacco. ",2 13,Gov vows to save gun law,12 13,"In same-sex marriage debate, familyaÌ?[#x20ac][#x160]matters",12 13,Conservatives have lost the argument.,12 5,"SUSPECT IS INDICTED IN MURDER OF GIRL, 13 CAMDEN COUNTY'S PROSECUTOR SAID HE WOULD SEEK THE DEATH PENALTY IN THE 1995 RAPE-KILLING OF CAMDEN'S SHALINE SEGUINOT.",4 12,Students Take On N.R.A.'s Incoming Leader,11 13,Senate backs legalization of same-sex unions,12 13,"They are all strong supporters of gay rights. They want gay votes and gay contributions. But with some exceptions (Kucinich, Sharpton and Braun), they do not endorse gay marriage, the notion of which would alienate a large chunk of the electorate.",12 10,USF TO OFFER BENEFITS FOR PARTNERS,9 8," requiring a statewide, seven-day waiting period between buying and picking up handguns.",7 5,"Tom Stoddard, executive director of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, a gay rights organization, said the idea behind the INS assertion was nonsense.",4 5,Immigration Service Fights Release of Detained Haitians,4 5,"""The threats of lawsuits and defense costs didn't stop them from doing what they felt was right, and now we have one of the best law firms in the country prepared to defend us.""",4 10,Crime victims to share healing,9 11,"""On the other hand, that does not mean that somebody like me needs to compromise on an issue such as marriage.",10 13,Assembly supports anti-gang measures,12 12,"Compared to after Newtown, people are also significantly more likely to say the guns protect people rather than endanger them. ",11 7,GRANDDAD FIRST CHARGED UNDER CHILD GUN LAW,6 7,"The last execution in Missouri took place on Oct. 26, 2005, when Marlin Gray was put to death for the 1991 murders of two young women at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge.",6 7,Garcia Zarate had been deported five times and was homeless in San Francisco when he shot Steinle.,6 7,Two restaurant operators accused of employing illegal immigrants and concealing the profit from their business pleaded guilty to federal money laundering charges yesterday.,6 13, I suppose there is something charming about watching conservative politicians in Texas trying so ardently to preserve a same-sex marriage.,12 13," FUMO SHELVES GUN BILL TIED TO WIRETAP MEASURE THE MEASURE IS DEAD FOR THIS YEAR",12 5,"Because the Massachusetts Supreme Court decided that gay people have a constitutional right to get married in the Bay State, a bunch of religious know-it-alls have decided that America needs to amend the Constitution to ban gay marriage.",4 7,DETENTION CENTERS FOR IMMIGRANTS BEING DEBATED,6 10," In a word, no. The future of the country does not rest on the passage of an amendment denying same-sex couples equal rights in a committed relationship. The future of traditional marriage -- which, with one in two marriages ending in divorce, is arguably in crisis -- does not hang in the balance either. Heterosexual couples don't make decisions about marrying, divorcing or not marrying in the first place based on the behavior of ",9 12,"""Our relentless focus is on passing the marriage amendment,"" said Brian Brown, head of the National Organization for Marriage-California. ""Being on the streets doesn't accomplish our goal. We're organizing to pass it, and that's where all our energy is going right now."" ",11 1,"On a family farm a few miles down the road, migrant workers from Mexico sliced leathery, green tobacco leaves off their stalks and heaved them in pungent bundles onto a trailer, pulled slowly behind a tractor driven by April Cundiff, 15.",0 13,HOUSE VOTES REPRIEVE FOR SOME ILLEGAL ALIENS,12 7,METRO NEWS BRIEFS: NEW JERSEY; 4 Accused of Smuggling Immigrants From India,6 1,"In 2012, Florida, which counts Disney World, Palm Beach and Miami among its many attractions, had 91.4 million visitors generating $71.8 billion in tourism spending and $4.3 billion in state sales tax revenue, according to Visit Florida, the state's tourism marketing company. ",0 6,"Federal law prohibits anyone who has been adjudicated as a ''mental defective,'' as well as anyone involuntarily committed to a mental institution, from buying a firearm. But only 22 states now submit any mental health records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, against which all would-be gun purchasers must be checked.",5 3,"OK, then, our educated guess is that the court wanted to avoid the public-relations embarrassment of executing a murderer when the pope, an outspoken opponent of the death penalty, was in the state. Our guess is that Missouri didn't want to look barbaric while one of the world's most prominent religious leaders was visiting. That's our guess.",2 5,"Mayor Ann Azari noted that state law already prohibits the sale of tobacco to kids under 18. The local ordinance gives the city more power to enforce the state law, she said",4 7,"Killer, rapist off death row",6 13,"At the top of their list of potential targets are politicians like Senator John McCain of Arizona, a proponent of an immigration overhaul. Their fantasy candidate: Sarah Palin, Mr. McCain's former running mate, who now spends much of the year at her home in Scottsdale, Ariz. Two prominent conservative activists, who spoke anonymously to reveal private discussions, said leading Tea Party figures planned to reach out to Ms. Palin to see if she was interested in running against Mr. McCain.",12 7,"Daniel Colwell, who killed the couple in a Wal-Mart parking lot in Americus in 1996, told police he killed Michael Bell, 57, and Judith Bell, 52, because he hoped to get the death penalty.",6 13,PUTNAM BACKS CAMPUS GUNS,12 5,At the Cutting Edge of Gay Family Law,4 13,Toomey's gun-control stance wins support from Gabby Giffords' PAC,12 5, federal and state constitutions,4 11,Gun owners don't fit stereotypes,10 1,A survey of 600 California restaurant owners,0 6,The wrong way to control guns,5 6,"The legislation also includes provisions that would loosen restrictions on transporting firearms across state lines and prevent certain types of ammunition from being designated as ""armor-piercing"" and thus subject to tighter federal oversight.",5 7,"Harris, 34, who has been on North Carolina's death row for eight years, was scheduled to die by lethal injection at 2 a.m. today.",6 5, constitutional amendments,4 7,"Fortin, a handyman from Carteret, Middlesex County, was sentenced last year to die by lethal injection for the 1994 murder of Melissa Padilla, a mother of four.",6 1,Smoking pact spurs farmers' 8-point plan,0 8,self-defense.,7 13,"said Blagojevich, whose predecessor gained national headlines for his attack on capital punishment.",12 5,Bartow custody ruling challenged,4 6,COUNTY COUNCIL OVERRIDES VETO OF TEEN SMOKING LAW,5 13,was certain to provoke renewed calls from Congress,12 9,"Tobacco-related illness remains the No. 1 preventable cause of death in the U.S. and claims more than 10,000 Georgians' lives every year",8 6,MORE FUEL FOR STATE SMOKING BAN FIRE,5 12,"Support for Gay Marriage Growing, but U.S. Remains Divided",11 5,"Judge Matthew F. Coppola dismissed the suit, saying it was without merit. But he stayed enforcement for 60 days, from July 1. to give restaurant owners time to comply. Philip M. Halpern, an attorney for Pirro, Collier, Cohen & Halpern, in Manhattan and White Plains, said his the tavern association was ""contemplating an appeal.""",4 8,Armed Americans pose no threat,7 12,March set to push for gun control,11 10,Other voices: Mass murder in Mexico,9 3,"The sides, certainly not kindred clans, supported the company's stance in favor of the ""biblical definition"" of a family, as like-minded patrons flooded its restaurants Wednesday.",2 3,"Thursday, the task force recommended that the Churchwide Assembly, the church's chief legislative body, take up the issue of whether it is committed to finding ways to allow congregations or groups of congregations called synods to choose to ""recognize, support and hold publicly accountable lifelong, monogamous same-gender relationships."" And if the assembly accepts this commitment, the task force asked, will it then find a way for Lutherans in committed same-sex relationships to serve as clergy and other church leaders? The assembly, made up of roughly 1,000 church leaders and members, will vote on the issue in Minneapolis in August. Task force members acknowledged that there is no general agreement within the church on same-sex unions, an issue that has polarized every mainline Protestant denomination in the country.",2 9,"On one side, the American Lung Association is calling the ventilation option a giant smokescreen that may free the air of cigarette odors but not the carcinogens that cause thousands of deaths from secondhand smoke every year.",8 12,Thousands of letters posted on the Web site have urged Mary Cheney to speak out against the White House's support for a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.,11 5,"Tobacco Suit Ends, But Not the Debate",4 13,It would make a good subject for a debate if Ms. Carnahan can find time in her busy shooting schedule.,12 5,Rower attorneys want indictment to be thrown out,4 13,Lots of Republicans actually support gun control,12 6,Defense of Marriage Act should be repealed,5 6,Same-sex proposals rise in New England,5 13," Christie administration seeks delay on gay marriage ruling",12 10,"""I don't know what we would do,"" the mother of three from Alexandria said. ""It's such a valuable program to us."" ",9 6,"Illinois abolished the death penalty -- becoming the fourth state in recent years to stop executions. Sixteen states now forbid capital punishment; 34 allow it. In Oregon, which allows for it, Gov. John Kitzhaber, Democrat, recently declared a moratorium for his time in office.",5 5,"Judge M. Blane Michael said he could understand why Mellin might have forgotten where two disputed day planners were before they wound up in the jury room. The trial judge cited Mellin's inability to remember key details as one reason for accusing him of sending the items before the jury. ",4 5,Judge refuses to block execution,4 11,GAY RIGHTS FESTIVAL: Rainbows amid rain,10 12,Gay rights supporters lauded my stand.,11 5,"Charles Postell, state editor of The Albany Herald, was arraigned in Tattnall County Superior Court along with his wife, Judi, and Minnie Hunter, aunt of one of the inmates.",4 5,Court's delay sank measure,4 1,Don't resell guns,0 13,The bill that passed New Jersey's Democratic legislature,12 10,"""If a private business wants to offer domestic-partner benefits, or if the University of Minnesota wants to do that, I think that's a separate issue,""",9 7,"The state contends Holsey, 30, who worked at a Milledgeville car wash, held up a Jet Food store about 1:30 a.m. on Dec. 17, 1995, and was taped by a security camera in the store.",6 5,"Assistant State Attorney Pete Magrino said his office agreed to the plea deal after getting the consent of the victim's relatives. ",4 7,U.S. Drops Deportation Proceedings Against Immigrant in Same-Sex Marriage,6 5,"Susan Freer of Atlanta only set out to regain visitation rights over her three children, but her court case may have become a landmark on same-sex civil unions.",4 1,Panel okays cigarette tax for prisons,0 12,"""We have been besieged with calls from commercial airline pilots asking for our help,"" said Wayne LaPierre, NRA executive vice president. ""I don't know how you look at what happened on Sept. 11 and you don't wish that those pilots had a firearm to give them a chance."" ",11 10,Neulander was granted a change in living quarters.,9 5,Top State Court Hears Cases on Same-Sex Marriage,4 7,City sees hike in immig scammers post-elex,6 6,State's Assault Weapon Ban Re-examined,5 13,"Wading Into U.S. Politics, Cuomo Plans Big Role in Push Against Gun Violence",12 11,"Marriage, Procreation and Historical Amnesia",10 13,"Business groups, including the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, launched a lobbying campaign in the Senate saying the bill would violate property rights.",12 9,"A new study has revealed that babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy or soon after giving birth are much more likely to die of SIDS than infants whose moms never smoked cigarettes. Scientists have established a link between prenatal smoking and SIDS in the past few years, but this is the first study to show that an infant's exposure to smoke AFTER birth can be linked to death from SIDS. According to the study in Pediatrics, babies exposed to smoking only in utero were twice as likely to die of SIDS as the infants of non-smoking women. Babies exposed both in the womb and after birth were three times as likely to become SIDS victims.",8 5,"It's official today: If you're under age 27 and want to buy cigarettes or chewing tobacco, you have to show a photo ID proving you're old enough - at least 18.",4 7,"Robert Barnett Sr. - who initially tried to shift blame to the son who bears his name - was convicted yesterday of the execution-style slaying of Harry Renner 3d, owner of the Manayunk Brewery & Restaurant.",6 13,"New Jersey enacted the nations' toughest assault weapons restrictions in 1990, when Democrats controlled the Legislature and Democrat Jim Florio was governor. Republicans now control the Statehouse, and Democrat-sponsored handgun controls would have little chance of passage.",12 5,"The lawsuits, announced by the American Civil Liberties Union in Austin, focus on children held at the T. Don Hutto facility, a former prison",4 11,Thus began what is believed to be the first same-sex wedding at the 73-year-old Don CeSar Beach Resort and Spa. But that is not the St. Petersburg couple's only distinction.,10 7,"GIRL'S MURDERER IS SENTENCED TO DEATH BY INJECTION ",6 5," Numerous executions that had been delayed pending that decision were allowed to proceed. ",4 13,Same-Sex Marriage Vote Advances in Massachusetts,12 6,"WILSON KILLS SECONDHAND SMOKE BILL EARLIER LEGISLATION MADE IDEA MOOT, GOVERNOR SAYS",5 13, her watching last week's gay rights rally at the Capitol behind some bushes and unflattering accounts of her involvement in a confrontation in a bathroom at a town-hall meeting in Scandia last weekend.,12 13,A rarity for the NRA: Defeat,12 7,"boon for criminals, who will always get their firearms illegally",6 12,"Reactions here, from cynical to celebratory",11 5,"LAWSUITS AGAINST GUN MAKERS ARE MISUSE OF SYSTEM, SPOKESMAN SAYS",4 5,"She said the opinion ""was based upon our review of the case law, divorced from the emotion of the situation.""",4 1,"Same-sex marriage could add $45M to Minnesota's economy, report says ",0 3,To do nothing has become untenable.,2 5,"Victor Davis Hanson: The war between the amendments ",4 7,"Aggressive street patrol is the most effective strategy for illegal handgun interdiction. But ""aggressive"" does not mean brutal or abusive, much less murderous. Officers assigned to these gun runs must be carefully selected and rigorously trained. It's not the only way to reduce violence, but it is a critical component of any sane policy.",6 13,Rep. Nita Lowey: Congress and Gun Control,12 13,N.Y. MAYOR BACKS GAY CIVIL UNIONS,12 1,Immigrants say wiring money home too costly,0 13,the Bush administration acknowledged that it had changed its position.,12 15,Gun bullies,14 1,The flurry of donations pushed the lead groups fighting Proposition 8 slightly ahead of their opponents in fundraising efforts over the first half of 2008. And that total does not include several large donations a major gay-rights group - Equality for All - received in July that were not included in the latest campaign filings,0 13,"The measure now goes to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, who has supported domestic partnership legislation in the past but has not taken a public position on the marriage bill.",12 5,Let employers handle benefits,4 13,DOLE DROPS CALL TO REPEAL ASSAULT-GUN BAN,12 8,"Wake up, folks. This is all true now. The sane and the law-abiding want the ability to protect themselves.",7 6,HERNANDO COUNTY RECONSIDERS GUN POLICY,5 7,Missouri resumed executions in 1989 and has put 41 men to death since then.,6 11,Jim Supica shoots from the hip,10 13,2 vulnerable GOP incumbents break with Trump on immigration,12 5,"About 300 other prospective jurors filled out a lengthy questionnaire - the first step in what is expected to be a detailed process to come up with a jury to hear testimony in the high-profile, murder-for-hire case.",4 11,"New City's 'Roseburg': A stirring fever dream of gun control, in 1968 - and now",10 12,BADGER POLL MOST RESIDENTS OPPOSE GAY MARRIAGES,11 5,The negotiations,4 13,HOW GUN LOBBY PARALYZES ONE STATE,12 9,CLEAR PATH TO CREATING SAFER STREETS,8 7,"Rader was being held on a $10 million bond in the deaths of 10 people from 1974 to 1991. Police had long linked the BTK killer to eight murders, but added two more after Rader's arrest. ",6 15,COUNT ILLEGALS AND LEGALS,14 11," New York Today: Gay Marriage Crosses the River",10 11,Gay couples around the Bay Area and California,10 13,In state legislatures,12 5,"Drawing from his experience as a former prosecutor and aggressive trial lawyer, William Lumpkin tried to get away with the ""perfect murder,"" according to prosecutors. But it didn't work.",4 3,and the images of its young victims were so wrenching that Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey had a change of heart.,2 5,"Charles E. Reddish Jr., 38, requested he be allowed to represent himself when he goes to trial for the 1991 slaying of 32-year-old Yeda Sharon Rosenthal of Cherry Hill.",4 13,"Three years ago, high-level Republicans declared that after losing the popular vote in five of the past six presidential elections, the party needed to appeal more to Latinos to win the White House. Immigration was a threshold issue.",12 6,Florida gun law may trigger others,5 5,"In court papers Monday, federal prosecutors acknowledged publicly for the first time",4 7,"Rose told authorities that he and Stewart had been in a secret love affair for several months. He confessed that he beat and choked her in Robbinsville after drinking a quart of whiskey and smoking marijuana. ",6 7, An inmate who has been on Texas' death row since 1984,6 1, $100 million annual budget.,0 5,"Justice Harry A. Blackmun of the Supreme Court, who once supported capital punishment, announced in 1994, at the age of 85, that ""I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death.""",4 12,"judge him not by the ""promises I've made, but by the promises that my administration keeps.""",11 13,"As Republican politicians wrestle with same-sex marriage, the daughter of a party icon -- former President Ronald Reagan -- said in an interview this week that she believes her father would have ''been puzzled'' by the political fuss and would have supported marriage for gay people.",12 11, The Case That Brought Back Radical Chic,10 9,CITY SMOKING DEATHS DOWN 17% OVER 8 YRS.,8 13,MORE CITIES JOIN GUNMAKER DEAL,12 5,EVIDENCE OF AN OUTRAGE,4 13,"At NRA, Trump completes his pro-gun transformation",12 7,Massacre energizes gun debate but not lawmakers,6 11,SMOKE SCREAMS ENVELOP '60 MINUTES' CIGARET REPORT,10 4,"which bans discrimination by those offering their services to the public. ",3 5,"In Reversal, Immigration Judge Frees Iraqi Dissident",4 7,"* Informing people that 30,000 Americans die by gun violence every year.",6 5,"To some, it will be an attack on the Second Amendment.",4 5,"Jury selection in the trial is underway, and attorneys' opening statements are expected to start this week. The trial could take four months. ",4 13," The memo's author, Kenneth Williams, was expected to brief a Congressional committee on the contents of the memo as early as today, the official said.",12 13,"For the first time, we reached true bipartisan agreement on legislation",12 9," However, I also noted that the person was killed not by the misuse or unlawful use of a firearm. It happened because of the lack of knowledge about how to check the weapon to see whether it was loaded. This is the first thing to do when cleaning or otherwise servicing a firearm.",8 1,"In a memo to store managers, Wal-Mart banned employees from selling a firearm until the potential buyer is approved by the appropriate federal or state agency.",0 7,JURY CALLS FOR DEATH PENALTY IN MURDER 2 YOUNG MEN TORTURED 73-YEAR-OLD WOMAN,6 13,"A wrenching national search for solutions to the violence that left 20 children dead in Newtown, Conn., all but ended Wednesday after the Senate defeated several measures to expand gun control. ",12 5, The court said it issued the stay to hear an appeal filed Monday by Reeves' attorney,4 7,and concern from some state law enforcement officers.,6 11,"Mr. Talty, an author of narrative nonfiction and psychological thrillers, transforms would could have been another rehashed biography into an absorbing exploration of one man's obsession to redeem his heritage amid familiar fears of foreigners.",10 7,"Federal officials have been cracking down for years on smugglers who buy cigarettes in Virginia, haul them north on Interstate 95 and sell them in other states without paying the required cigarette taxes. It becomes a federal crime when someone buys, sells, transports or distributes more than 10,000 cigarettes, or 50 cartons, to avoid payment of state tax.",6 13,prompting a debate in Congress.,12 9," ""They recognize if they could get a less toxic cigarette out, fewer people will die, but the fear is it will keep people smoking"" who might otherwise have been scared into quitting, he said.",8 13," In the pitched battle to represent the central coast in the state Senate, rhetorical bullets have been flying between the two leading candidates over their records on gun control.",12 1,UNEASE HANGS OVER TAMPA GUN SHOW,0 12,NRA'S TURN TO DUCK,11 7,INS won't release criminal aliens anytime soon,6 11,"From city eateries to mushroom farms, a 'Day Without Immigrants'",10 11,Weeklies target Hispanic community,10 13,"The bill's chances diminished sharply when Republicans lost control of the Senate. Senate President Stan Matsunaka, D-Loveland, and House Speaker Doug Dean now seem close to a compromise that makes sense to us:",12 5,Devier was tried three times for the murder of Mary Frances. The first prosecution ended in mistrial in 1982 because a sequestered juror discussed the case with a deputy who was transporting him to feed his cows.,4 5,Jury Rules for Hospital That Deported Patient,4 3,are secretly and deceptively increasing,2 5,"Californians voted in November to overturn a court ruling that allowed same-sex marriage, but the state still offers domestic partnerships that guarantee the same rights as marriage.",4 1,SMOKING CAN BE EXPENSIVE HABIT,0 7,"the same day he used a 10 mm Glock pistol to shoot Lili Wang, 31, in the head and knee. ",6 9,. No level of tobacco smoke is safe for diners or for the folks who work in the hospitality industry.,8 13,"GORE BREAKS RANKS AND BACKS BID TO GIVE ELIAN, KIN RESIDENCY STATUS",12 5,The Supreme Court ruled 6 to 3 today that a convicted murderer has a constitutional right to present evidence of good behavior in jail to a jury considering whether to impose the death penalty.,4 13," The four Republican Long Island senators targeted in the agenda's polls were: Ken LaValle, Kemp Hannon, Charles Fuschillo and John Flanagan. Six Democratic senators have said they won't vote for the gay marriage bill, so advocates are looking to the Republicans to make up the difference. ",12 12,Same-sex marriage advocates target 2012,11 13," In drafting a new platform ahead of the 2014 election, the Texas Republican Party has had the sense to strip out a declaration that ""homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family.""",12 5,"Same-sex marriages are not legal in any state. In 2000, Vermont created ""civil unions,"" which give gay and lesbian couples almost all of the benefits of marriage.",4 6,Proposed ban on gay marriages questioned,5 13,"""My administration",12 10,"Once again, there was the sight of anxious parents waiting in a parking lot to be reunited with their children, and of shaken students being evacuated from the school building, hands atop heads, following a security lockdown inside. ",9 7,to help us identify violators.,6 13,"It's a fact that Haine and other death-penalty proponents have already accepted, if reluctantly.",12 5," The bad news is that a lower-court judge in Montana this week overturned this simple, superb control measure.",4 5,Md. Mulls Joining U.S. Tobacco Settlement or Gambling With Lawsuit,4 13,Barack Obama was in the White House. The National Rifle Association had Republicans in Missouri and elsewhere hyperventilating over the thought that the president was after their guns. Missouri's House Bill 436 would have taken care of that by nullifying all federal gun laws.,12 3,Gay Marriage And The Bible,2 15,Illegal immigration and silly season,14 13,"Latinos are spreading the blame around a little more evenly this year, with 45 percent of voters saying Republicans are responsible for the failure of legislation, and 34 percent faulting either Mr. Obama or Democrats in Congress.",12 11,He carried an M-16 assault rifle as a member of the Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam. He's carried hunting rifles as an avid sportsman in California.,10 5,Wyo. prosecutors deal to keep killer in prison,4 3, believe marriage should be between a man and a woman,2 5,"More than two-thirds of the 72 county clerks in Wisconsin are now issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, with some clerks on Tuesday reversing decisions made on Monday to decline licenses for gay and lesbian couples. ",4 13,House Votes to Expand Concealed-Gun Rights,12 13,Mayor backs Obama plan,12 1,"Handgun sales in Maryland have plunged this year and are on pace to reach their lowest annual total in more than a decade, the result of a new gun-control law that has slowed firearm shipments into the state. ",0 6,Must all proposals be modest?,5 1,San Pablo Casino workers meet to address stalled negotiations,0 13,"Perhaps more than any Republican governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger openly professes his support of gay rights. He has signed more than a dozen laws strengthening domestic partnerships and hate-crime protections. ",12 13,Alaska and Arizona Are Latest to Clear Way for Gay Marriage,12 4,Let's leave room for compromise on gay couples,3 7,Commentary: Decrease gun violence by ending drug war,6 13,"The group is running ads to help 2014 candidates who support stricter gun laws, including Representative Ron Barber, an Arizona Democrat who worked for Ms. Giffords and was also injured in the shooting before replacing her in Congress",12 3,as a substantive erosion of the institution of marriage through its equation with gay partnership.,2 5,EXECUTION OF KILLER IN MISSOURI IS DELAYED,4 7,"Satcher, 29, will be given a lethal injection at the Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt unless his attorneys can convince Allen that questions persist about whether DNA tests used as evidence against the prisoner were flawed and should be considered invalid. ",6 5,The 4-3 decision Tuesday by Massachusetts' highest court recognized a right for same-sex couples to marry,4 6,"Proposition 22, the 2000 measure that banned gay marriage.",5 5,Excerpts From the Judge's Ruling on Proposition 8,4 11,Uncle Sam has no wedding gift for this couple,10 13,"He accused GOP opponents of ""hoping beyond hope they can slow-walk this [legislation] through the House"" to give the gun lobby time to rally and head it off.",12 13,George Skelton: Brown should sign bills making toughest gun laws tougher,12 5,A national tobacco settlement,4 10,"""It's not about numbers,"" said Rand Hoch, president and founder of the county Human Rights Council. ""It's about those people who have the ability to have health insurance.""",9 5,Williams' lawyers are asking for the court to appoint a special master to hear his claim of innocence or to vacate the death sentence and order his sentence commuted to life in prison.,4 7,commuted the death sentences of all 167 inmates on death row.,6 5, prosecutors said,4 13," Bloomberg's TV Blitz on Guns Puts Swing Senators on the Spot",12 5,. Now judges in each case must preapprove hourly rates and defense attorneys' estimated budgets for the entire case.,4 5," Yesterday in Montgomery Municipal Court, Judge Carl Harris took the case under advisement, saying he would review a recent state Supreme Court decision striking down part of the shoplifting statute.",4 11,JOE CAMEL IN THE DOCK FTC SEEKS TO BAR R.J. REYNOLDS FROM ANY FUTURE USE OF CARTOON,10 5,"JUDGES MADE ELIAN, 6, THE ADULT THAT HE IS NOT",4 5,It is the second trial,4 9,"Aesthetics aside, worker health is and should be the mayor's main concern, with as many as a million workers in the city still unprotected",8 5, and his behavior in the courtroom actually are quite typical.,4 7,FBI spokesman Barry Maddox said Haider's name was in the database of the FBI's National Crime Information Center.,6 7, to reduce the use of illegal guns,6 13,"There's much to praise in a new anti-smoking crusade being launched by Denver Mayor Wellington Webb and city council member Debbie Ortega. In general, the rest of the council should pass most of the recommendations into law.",12 7,"After being arrested by immigration officials upon his return from a funeral in Jamaica, Spencer a legal permanent resident was jailed with criminals for nine months in Pennsylvania. He temporarily lost custody of his 7-year-old daughter, left his ill mother stranded and began fighting expulsion from the country he has called home since he was 20.",6 6,"""This is a safe way to crack down some on gun abuse,"" said Charles Bullock, a political scientist at the University of Georgia. ""But it doesn't plow any new ground. It certainly isn't going to reduce the availability of guns.""",5 4,More anti-gun propaganda,3 7,"So not many here were surprised to see Cuban baseball slugger Andy Morales turn up again last week, just six weeks after he had been repatriated to Cuba when the first attempt to smuggle him into the USA failed. ",6 10,"Once in a while, this romance is like any other: They don't see each other often enough. She worries that he'll lose interest. He worries that she'll lose interest. One misinterprets the words of the other. They argue. But mostly, this romance isn't like any other.",9 5,"As usual, the high court, starting Monday, will save its most bitterly contested and controversial cases for last. And the wait will be over for everyone anxiously preparing for the legal fate of California's same-sex marriage ban and the 1996 federal law barring benefits for same-sex couples. ",4 13,What President Obama proposed on guns,12 8,Justice in Unabom Case,7 5,"Lawyers for the nation's biggest tobacco companies mounted an aggressive defense against the government's racketeering charges on Wednesday, insisting that mistakes made in the past did not constitute fraud and that their current business practices made any future fraud unlikely.",4 5,"Now the Parkers and another couple have sued school officials in federal court, ",4 10,Same-Sex Marriage and the Rights of Citizenship,9 5,The petition came after Foiles denied Scanlan permission to represent himself in his trial.,4 7,"Fleming scuffled with Wimberly, who was not in uniform, and then grabbed the deputy's gun and shot him.",6 1,"""Government sales are very significant,"" the attorney general says. ""We must get the gun companies' attention by focusing on their bottom lines.""",0 7,"The maximum sentence that Bigham will face under this ruling is life in prison - but Akins pointed out that under a second-degree murder conviction, life is not mandatory.",6 5,"In a 38-page ruling, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a federal judge's previous order requiring the Proposition 8 defenders to release campaign strategy documents to gay rights lawyers, saying it would violate the First Amendment rights of political campaigns to expose such internal political exchanges to public review.",4 13,General Assembly agrees to consider bill banning same-sex marriages,12 10,"GETTING children to quit smoking, or persuading them not to start in the first place, can be more difficult than persuading an adult to do the same.",9 5,Ruling Is Awaited On Death Penalty For Young Killers,4 13,'ZERO TOLERANCE' AUTHOR VOWS TO RETURN GUN PERMIT,12 10,"''I don't want to see my mom's eyes pop out,'' said Kimberly Hawkins, daughter of Death Row inmate Judi Buenoano. ''I don't want to smell her burning.''",9 13,Jeb Bush responded that he found no reason to alter the sentence.,12 7,"In June 2003, a tip led police to a rural northeastern Pennsylvania hillside where they made a gruesome discovery: at least five and as many as 12 sets of human remains buried in the backyard of a convicted bank robber.",6 1, $ 5-billion,0 1,"SPOTLIGHT ON BUSINESS: Customers kick back, enjoy imported cigars",0 5,"In 1972, the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional all state death-penalty laws on the grounds they were capriciously and arbitrarily applied. The court lifted its ban four years later and allowed states to resume capital punishment.",4 13,"Dems, police chiefs urge Owens to veto state gun measure Bill pre-empts local authority",12 9,"A smokeless, spitless alternative to cigarettes",8 5," Another state - and in the Midwest, no less - was welcoming them to become legally wed. ",4 11,DUNGY IS A SORRY CASE Only thing worth hearing from ex-coach is apology,10 7, Demps was the third Florida inmate to die by injection since it was instituted this year.,6 13,Chiles awash in pleas from the heart,12 13,Democrats welcome the gun debate to the campaign,12 9,"The Partnership brings together the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association and the American Heart Association with local groups including the Davidson Community Center, the Bronx arm of the American Cancer Society, South Bronx Concerned Citizens, Bronx BREATHES and the American Medical Association at Einstein.",8 9,"More than one stab wound punctured Michael Eck's chest, but the wounds could not all have been made by the blood-stained blade investigators recovered, a medical examiner",8 9,"Tobacco companies not only knew of the hazards of smoking by the early 1960's but had already discovered and patented a critical step for making a safer cigarette. ",8 6," so do we need gun control in this country, or womb control? ",5 1,and tobacco company executives,0 7,Mexican acquitted of murder is sentenced on gun charge,6 12,"In the poll, 57 percent of Latino voters said they would vote for a Democratic congressional candidate this year, while 28 percent said they would vote for a Republican. In the 2010 midterms, Latinos voted 65 percent for Democrats and 22 percent for Republicans.",11 5, Plea in Police Shootings,4 5,"Lawsuits from across California arguing whether the State Constitution permits same-sex marriages will be tried as a single case in San Francisco, a state agency overseeing the courts decided on Friday.",4 5,"Tobacco stole his voice, suit says",4 9,Pfizer Prohibits Use of Its Drugs for Executions,8 7,"Byrd, 35, is under a death sentence for shooting four workers at Pope's Cafeteria in Des Peres. He has been on death row since 1982.",6 12,Crying teens told: Forget new gun law,11 5,Kavaler was one of a dozen witnesses to testify on the second day of Al-'Owhali's death penalty hearing.,4 9,"An autopsy determined that Alexander, 44, who was on suicide watch when prison guards found him unresponsive on Dec. 27, died of an embolism, or a blockage of an artery in the lung,",8 5,Justice stumped on gay marriage,4 12,All the evidence I have seen indicates the public has accepted it. The public is grateful,11 7,"As Mincey fled the scene, he shot and badly wounded a firefighter who was pumping gas. Mincey was sentenced to death. ",6 13,Republicans cast doubt on an immigration deal,12 6,Strategy Session Called on Gay Marriage Bill,5 5," The clemency was granted, apparently",4 5,Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will preside over a same-sex wedding on Saturday in what is believed to be a first for a member of the Supreme Court.,4 6,"The bill would ban guns from K-12 public schools, from private property at the owner's discretion and in places prohibited by federal law.",5 7,Focusing on Guns Won't Alter Crime in the U.S.,6 6,"Because the city's ""handgun ban"" does not ban handguns entirely, and because the statute outlaws only certain kinds of rifles and shotguns, a huge number of D.C. residents legally possess firearms.",5 13,"Cheney errs in gay-marriage stance ",12 9,GUN BILL WILL MAKE PUBLIC SAFER,8 6,Arkansas reconsiders guns at sporting events,5 13,DONALD TRUMP ATTACKED FOR BRINGING IN HUNDREDS OF FOREIGN WORKERS ON H-2B VISAS AT MAR-A-LAGO,12 13,SCOTT DENIES GUN BAN FOR RNC,12 13,"""It was all so sudden, it was just confirmed this afternoon,"" Cruz said Monday night. ""It's very exciting."" ",12 10,"The Minneapolis real estate agent and maintenance manager was only briefly able to leave the country during his lengthy battle with ICE. He missed the funerals of his parents and a sister and, he said, was forced to drop out of law school.",9 13,Schwarzenegger to Veto Same-Sex Marriage Bill,12 1, $22.3 billion,0 13,Romer to get gay marriage bill,12 13,"The NRA thoroughly dominates this Legislature and governor,",12 10,"'I can't do what I really want to do'; Denied in-state tuition rates, illegal immigrants are dropping out of college or scaling back. ",9 1,"New figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the number of immigrant workers jumped to 15.7 million last year, up 17 percent from three years earlier. Immigration analysts estimate that nearly 5 million of these workers are illegal immigrants.",0 13,"Gay marriage didn't come up at all. It is one of the most divisive topics before lawmakers this election year, and it forced Koering into a statewide spotlight after he publicly confirmed what had long been speculated: He is gay. Koering, like most lawmakers, may yet face some difficult choices on gay marriage this year. For now, he remains hopeful that his stands on taxes and health care will matter more than his sexual orientation as he seeks election to a second term. He's heard little fear or anger about his public coming out in this conservative district covering the lake and farm country of Morrison and Crow Wing counties in central Minnesota. ""As I go out and about and I talk to people, I never have heard anything negative really,"" said Koering, who has no announced opposition in the Republican Party.",12 12,FORUM ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS,11 15,Blood Relation,14 4,"TALK, ACTIONS DON'T ALIGN ON SHOOTINGS",3 5,"Meanwhile, California Attorney General Kamala Harris also on Wednesday filed a brief asking the Supreme Court to let stand a federal appeals court ruling last year finding Proposition 8 unconstitutional. The state is siding with two same-sex couples challenging the 2008 voter-approved law. ",4 6,METHOD GIVING EMIGRES SECRET ACCESS IS ASSAILED,5 13,Rudy's not backing off on firearms,12 7,SERIAL-KILLER SUSPECT REPORTEDLY CONFESSES,6 13,House GOP lawyers withdraw from gay marriage case,12 13,Lawmakers would be passing stricter gun laws quicker than you can say bump stock.,12 14,Trump slams London mayor on Twitter,13 4,equitable,3 8,GUN BACKERS TELL HOUSE PANEL HOW THEY DEFENDED THEMSELVES,7 7," And for a good reason: If caught, the students could get a $100 fine.",6 5,"That matched the assessment of legal experts who earlier Monday were describing the verdict on Saturday as the result of successful, garden-variety self-defense arguments that could sway a jury in any state.",4 5,Trasvina's office conducted an 18-month investigation of allegations that San Diego Denny's restaurants requested specific documents from newly hired non-citizen workers to prove they could legally work in this country.,4 15,Hysterics shoot from the lip,14 13,The gun debate is going nowhere quickly after Parkland,12 5,IMMIGRATION RULING: Court softens law on crimes,4 3,Md. pastors assess same-sex vote,2 8," MORE LAWS WON'T STOP THE WORLD'S MCDERMOTTS",7 11,11 of the Most Dramatic Moments in a Day of Confrontation Over Guns,10 5,The laws passed decades ago with the last amnesty were intended to prevent the current situation from occurring.,4 1,"Liggett Group's parent company posted a $215 million profit in the second quarter, thanks to the company's $300 million deal that has Brooke Group Ltd. selling three brands to Philip Morris. While Brooke's $215 million profit for the quarter that ended June 30 produced earnings of $10.30 per share, investors aren't going to see that money. The company has already earmarked the $300 million for retiring Liggett and Brooke debt. But even without money from the Philip Morris deal, Brooke's second quarter shows the company's operations are improving. The Miami-based company reported $116 million in revenues for the quarter compared with $111 million in revenues during the second quarter of 1998. Liggett, which produces most of Brooke's income, reported revenues of $94 million for the second quarter of 1999 compared with $83.4 million during the second quarter of 1998. Liggett's operating income for the 1999 second quarter was $18 million, Brooke reported. Earlier this year, Liggett announced its cigarette manufacturing operation was leaving Durham. In May, a Liggett subsidiary signed an agreement to purchase a facility in Mebane for $8.4 million, according to records Brooke filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Liggett and Brooke's revenues have been on the rise because of cigarette price increases tied to the $206 billion tobacco industry settlement with states that were suing the tobacco industry. But while the major cigarette makers have been raising prices to pay for the settlement, Brooke has been raising prices and pocketing the profit. ",0 5,Lawyers want new Boggess sentencing,4 13,- Republicans rammed a bill through the House on Wednesday,12 6,Perdue wins award for anti-smoking stand,5 1,PHILIP MORRIS MEMOS SUGGEST DESIGNS ON MEDIA COMPANIES,0 13," Bush blind to execution's dangers",12 12,"It's a bittersweet moment,"" said 35-year-old Renata Moirera, who lives in San Francisco with her partner Lori Bilella, 29. ""But we are optimistic that by next year the Supreme Court will stand on the right side of history and declare once and for all that all loving families deserve to be granted the right to marriage.",11 6,Wonkbook: Dems release immigration proposal; Lindsey Graham upset; Goldman facing jail time,5 13,"Owens puts his name on immigration, ``takings'' bills",12 1,"Philip Morris Companies Inc., the tobacco and food giant, said today that 1995 was the most profitable year in its history, despite lawsuits, federal regulatory threats and a declining U.S. market for cigarettes.",0 13,Many in Congress believe abolishing the INS is necessary because of a series of foul-ups.,12 5,The court is right on the law,4 10,Immigrants feel ticking of clock,9 11,AJC DIGGING DEEPER THE GUN DEBATE;,10 6,"While most anti-firearms proposals emanating from the Congress are simply ineffective or unworkable, King's most recent proposal is utterly idiotic.",5 3,Mother Teresa makes plea for killer,2 1,"As an alternative to cash compensation to growers, RJR proposed to buy increased amounts of tobacco from U.S. growers. But that plan died after Philip Morris, Brown & Williamson and Lorillard preferred the trust fund approach, Irvin said.",0 9,Secondhand smoke and arteries,8 1,A $2.5 Million Assist For Same-Sex Marriage,0 1,Let all non-smokers (as I am) understand the reasons for the crusade against tobacco companies. The U.S. government and all states benefit from tobacco sales. It is a matter of consumption and demand.,0 13,Emotional Obama outlines gun initiative,12 6,"""A less stringent immigration policy will only make this problem worse.""",5 1,industry,0 12,"Post-Prop 8, thousands join protest",11 3,They quote the Bible and ask God to guide the governor as he considers legislation that bans homosexual marriages,2 11,"Legislation to aid immigrants is 'American-dream thing,' supporter says",10 5,The Supremes Make a Mean 'To Duel' List,4 13,"Fueled by a landmark Supreme Court ruling and other legal developments, an emerging national debate over gay marriage has thrust both President Bush and his Democratic challengers onto treacherous political terrain.",12 5,"ust hours earlier, the high court had agreed to review the constitutionality of lethal injection. Richard, 49, is the only person in the nation to have been executed since that day. ",4 13,Irked Clinton Defends Effort On Gun Bills,12 1,The Very Bad Economics of Killing DACA,0 5,"In ""A Victory for Gay Marriage"" (editorial, Nov. 20), you say that the Massachusetts ban on gay marriage, struck down by the state's highest court, ""is simply about prejudice, the court concluded, much like state laws barring interracial marriage.""",4 7,"Killer Was F.B.I. Informer, Newspaper Says",6 9," With 58 guns involved, the possibility of more than one life being lost is highly likely.",8 5,It is the latest in a string of judicial victories for proponents of same-sex marriage following the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in June in United States v. Windsor. The justices struck down part of the Defense of Marriage Act and said the federal government must recognize legal marriages between those of the same sex.,4 5,Court voids Texas's ban on gay marriage,4 13,"Immigration bill's foe says passage likely; But Sen. Sessions also said he did not see an accord with the House without changes. ",12 7,Suspected illegal immigrants found,6 13,Mauser leads call for special session Dad of slain student urges passage of gun laws,12 6,EDITORIAL Strap on uniform gun laws,5 5,"Anyone who has come into contact with our legal system knows that civil litigation, especially complex litigation, is slow-moving, expensive and burdensome.",4 12," ""the growing discomfort that many Americans have with the death penalty.""",11 12,Students protest guns with walkout,11 3,"Although resolution has no practical religious consequences, because it avoids the question of rabbinic officiation at same-sex marriage",2 7,CRIME & JUSTICE,6 13,There is strong bipartisan support for this provision,12 5,"""Tennessee expended considerable time and resources in seeking to enforce a capital sentence rendered 20 years ago, a sentence that reflects the judgment of the citizens of Tennessee that Thompson's crimes merit the ultimate punishment,"" Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for the court.",4 13,"For gun foes, next battle is ballot box",12 6,"Kelly cast the bills as common-sense measures that would ""uphold our nation's immigration laws and help make our communities more safe."" ",5 5,Jury won't recommend penalty in murder case,4 11,"Look for proof in Orlando, stage for this week's third annual Teen Tobacco Summit. In a town known for Mickey Mouse and Disney, the Sheraton World hotel was instead dominated by 600 teenagers and their chaperones decked out with T-shirts, tote bags, backpacks and bright-orange ""camouflage"" outfits, all emblazoned with the logo for SWAT - Students Working Against Tobacco.",10 13,"Now that the Senate is considering the two articles of impeachment passed by the Republican House, we can only hope that body will come to a quick, bipartisan resolution to this mess. Some hard-liners, such as Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., hate President Clinton like poison and are pushing for his removal. This finger-pointing by Sen. Lott and others like him serves as a distraction from the real travesties that are occurring in our government.",12 5,"Judges in 17 states are considering at least 31 cases seeking to allow gays and lesbians to marry, according to a private count kept by one LGBT group and shared with The Washington Post. Same-sex couples in states ranging from deep red Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi to purple North Carolina, Nevada and Virginia are suing, many citing this year's Supreme Court decisions, which other federal judges have recognized.",4 14,"Early editions of Tuesday's London papers were dominated by huge headlines and photos of police hauling the wounded out of a building at Virginia Tech. ""Executed at Uni,"" said the Daily Mirror, using British slang for university. The Daily Mail's headline, meanwhile, asked, ""What price the right to bear arms?"" ",13 12, but they're not without controversy.,11 15,The future of gay marriage,14 5,"Philip Morris Corp., which in March '94 responded to the reports with a $ 10 billion libel lawsuit, insists that it needs to question the source to be able to prove that ABC aired its story despite doubts about its accuracy. Richmond Circuit Judge T.J. Markow on Tuesday reversed his Jan. 26 order. To obtain the name of the source, he said, the tobacco company must prove it cannot get the information elsewhere and that ""its need for discovering the confidential sources is, indeed, compelling.""",4 5," have obtained permits to carry weapons,",4 5,Scalia death KOs gun bid,4 9," Last month she got a heart-lung transplant, but a mistake in the blood type caused her death.",8 7," cell bars and putting on pajamas altered to resemble guard uniforms. Mr. Postell, who had conducted several interviews with inmates at the prison, alerted officials to the escape after he received two phone calls from the escapees. Three of the prisoners were caught in North Carolina and the fourth was found beaten to death.",6 5,A jury of 11 women and one man decided Saturday that a mother who allegedly drowned her five children was competent to stand trial oncapital murder charges.,4 12,"Settled in Albany, Gay Marriage Is Still Drawing Opposition",11 7,Gun Alert for Annapolis,6 9,Children With Guns,8 7,STATE PRISON RIOT IN OHIO QUELLED WITH TEAR GAS,6 5,GAY MARRIAGE DISPUTE GOES TO HIGH COURT,4 13,KEY SENATORS BACK IMMIGRATION SHIFT,12 5,"Just as his defense attorney's finished presenting evidence for the penalty phase Wednesday, there was a surprise announcement from Williams -- he wants to testify.",4 12,"A group of student survivors at the school, soon joined by allies nationwide, launched the March for Our Lives movement that organized massive walkouts and peaceful protests at schools across the country.",11 12," Many of us in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, amazed at how quickly public opinion has evolved on this issue, are eager for this historic civil rights victory.",11 5,"xecution sought in antifreeze case ",4 5,Why the Brady Law Is Constitutional,4 9,"They're often the first place parents teach their children how to handle firearms safely,"" he said.",8 9, A series of botched and particularly gruesome executions has kept the issue in the public eye,8 13,State Senate G.O.P. Near Decision on Gay-Marriage Vote,12 5,"U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch also refused to block emotional testimony from victims during the sentencing phase of Nichols' trial, which begins Monday.",4 13,NELSON IS WRONG ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,12 5,Gun rights & the D.C. law,4 5,"She said that District Attorney Ed Rodgers has been 'extremely evasive,' and 'the only thing he's made clear to me is that he won't seek the death penalty and there will be a plea.'",4 13,"Administration Isn't Seeking Fight With States Over Tobacco Funds, Aide Says",12 13,"Gov. Benjamin J. Cayetano, a Democrat, allowed the bill to take effect at midnight without his signature.",12 5,The Supreme Court ruled in June that warning labels on tobacco products don't shield cigarette companies from lawsuits based on state personal injury laws.,4 11,"He also argues, however, that America has ''always had gun control.'",10 11,FILM; History Is Written in Smoke,10 15,The smoking divide,14 13, Obama had earlier framed the issue as a matter of democratic choice: a right he supports but one that should be left to individual states.,12 6,City officials mentioned in a Monday workshop they might expand the city's 7-year-old smoking ban to include beaches.,5 13,"''There absolutely will not be record-keeping on legitimate, law-abiding gun owners in this country,'' said Senator Tom Coburn, a Republican of Oklahoma, on ''Fox News Sunday.'' ''All they have to do is create a record-keeping, and that will kill this bill.'' ",12 5,"Walter Dellinger, an acting solicitor general in the Clinton administration, noted another touchstone. In 1954, when the Supreme Court ruled that segregated public schools violated the Constitution, 17 states still required that children be separated by race. ",4 5,"The Supreme Court's decision did precisely what it is supposed to do -- recognize equality for all under the law. ",4 5,"Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring will announce Thursday that he believes the state's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional and that Virginia will join two same-sex couples in asking a federal court to strike it down, according to an official close to the attorney general with knowledge about the decision.",4 11,"FLORIDA IS NO. 1 IN CONCEALED PERMITS, RICK SCOTT SAYS",10 5,"In a strongly worded dissent, Judge William B. Traxler Jr. said his colleagues have ""gone to greater lengths than any other court to eviscerate the constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms."" ",4 5,"""And not to take away people's right to bear arms and people's right to go hunting.""",4 13,Mr. Trump's hint on immigration reform,12 10,"What's not to understand about that? Who thinks it's acceptable to enjoy a day at the beach while stubbing cigarettes out in the sand? Only folks who feel a sense of entitlement. It's the same as cleaning up after your dog when out walking. Take responsibility. Of course you are entitled to smoke, but not to litter sidewalks, green areas and beaches with your butts. ",9 9,Access to Health Care Benefits for Gay Partners Is Gauged,8 7,"Police say seven shots were fired. Gonzales was not wounded, but Brooks was hit three times in the chest. He was wearing a bulletproof vest, but it was undone or came loose in the struggle. ",6 5,San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer has been assigned to handle the various legal challenges to California's ban on gay marriage.,4 5,Effort targets kids of illegals Conservative state lawmakers aim to cancel citizenship.,4 1,Industry Disputes U.S. Study On Profits in Tobacco Accord,0 5,"So, promise amnesty right up front",4 14,"Cuba and North Carolina have more in common than some might think, say members of a trade mission to Cuba organized by the state Agriculture Department.",13 5,It's Round 2 for S.F. legislator in legal fight for gay marriage,4 6,L.A. eyes smoke ban for eateries,5 7,FRONT RANGE Minors to face fine for smoking,6 13,"But leaders of the Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation vowed to move forward with the ad campaign, even if they have to find other sources of money. ""We are committed to ultimately reducing tobacco use,"" said Marty Kilgore, executive director of the foundation.",12 6," that the bill would help those living in non-traditional, but increasingly prevalent situations: elderly people or single mothers living together to save money, heterosexual couples who decide not to marry, and gay couples who cannot marry.",5 13,Kudos to Sen. Chuck Schumer and the rest of his gang for gathering momentum on this essential national priority.,12 13,Estabrook gun-rights video roils Senate race,12 3,"The owner of Discover Annapolis Tours said he decided to walk away from $50,000 in annual revenue instead of compromising his Christian convictions when same-sex marriages become legal in Maryland in less than a week. ",2 15,Other issues more important,14 6,A federal highway bill that President Barack Obama signed this month included a provision that imposed boundaries so stern on tobacco shops like Cadillo's that he immediately closed his store.,5 8,Don't apply no-fly list to gun sales,7 5,"Last February, a three-judge panel of the 4th Circuit found that the Baltimore judge should have used a more stringent test: The bar should be higher for the state, the panel said, when the government passes a law that affects a right protected by the Constitution.",4 7," Customs agents found the money in his duffel bag, and now the government wants to deport him without it.",6 9,92 Captive Aliens Are Rescued in a Raid,8 6,"In Anti-Smoking Law, Confusion Is the Leader of the Pack",5 7,"the man who three years ago killed 22 people at a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas, murdered her father before her eyes",6 1,Realtors discuss growing international purchases,0 3,Mormons join political fray,2 5,Asylum Reform Has to Respect Human Rights,4 12,"Meanwhile, the Post poll shows that Americans think same-sex marriage should be legal, 58 percent to 36 percent. Independents believe by a ratio of 62 percent to 33 percent; moderates, 71 to 24. But Republicans oppose gay marriage 59 percent to 34 percent, and conservatives oppose it 60 percent to 33 percent. The Post polling team also found that: ",11 5,The dispositions of the cases were unclear Friday night.,4 13,IMMIGRATION AND POLITICS,12 7,One execution carried out,6 5,The lawyers are faced with the formidable task of finding jurors who are able - and willing - to ponder the death penalty as an abstraction. They are asking potential panelists temporarily to disregard Smith herself and decide whether any murder could be so heinous as to demand the ultimate punishment.,4 6,"The law authorized the Health Department to create a form on which the companies would make the disclosure. Cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products are covered",5 3,"Many people are upset because of their deep religious views that homosexuality is a sin. But the decision applies only to civil marriage; it does not require any church to sanctify a same-sex marriage. Nor does it require other states to recognize same-sex marriages. ",2 6,Editorial: Think Missouri's gun laws are dangerous now?,5 5,"HIGH-TECH CHECK VERIFYING IMMIGRANTS' WORK STATUS CAN BE QUICK, EASY",4 13,Trump can't 'soften' bigotry,12 5," Years After Sale, Handgun Haunts Ex-Owner in Court",4 5,though they may disappoint the tort lawyers,4 7,Law enforcement officials in Georgia say the DNA evidence in New York merely helps validate their own belief in Gary's guilt.,6 7,"In fact, what may be the most likely candidate emerged yesterday morning in an upstate prison, when an inmate was stabbed to death. The suspect, who has not been arrested yet, is serving time at the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora for another murder conviction,",6 13,Candidates Would Ban Assault Weapons,12 11,Cigar maker left imprint on city,10 5, capping years of litigation challenging the humaneness of lethal injection.,4 13,"After the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 people dead, Mr. Trump stunned lawmak-ers by backing comprehensive gun control.",12 5,A State Bar Seeks Halt to Executions,4 7,"""More and more children are murdering children. . . . There is something profoundly wrong with our state and our nation,"" he said, adding that he hoped ""Colorado can help lead the nation on the road to recovery.""",6 13,"There's a new lobby in town, Congress, and our eyes are on you.",12 9,"A van carrying suspected illegal immigrants crashed near the Mexican border on Friday as it was being chased by the Border Patrol, injuring more than 20 people, eight critically",8 1,"To Save Lives, Raise Funds and Cut the Deficit: Tax Tobacco",0 7,"Hispanic rights leader indicted / Illegal immigrants brought in by 'busload,' feds charge",6 7,The report showed that almost 40 percent of state prison inmates in 1997 who used or possessed a firearm during their crime,6 13,HOUSE VOTES TO EASE LAW ON GUNS IN CARS,12 13,President calls for proposals on guns,12 5,N.J. lawmakers still struggle with same-sex marriage issue,4 7,"The board could have found that Trantino violated his lifetime parole even though he was acquitted of beating his girlfriend because the standard of proof for a parole violation is less than at a criminal trial. Instead, the board decided to allow him to leave jail with some new conditions on his parole. ",6 9,"Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and may complicate pregnancy.",8 5,"In her response to a lawsuit that alleges Florida discriminates against gay couples by not recognizing same-sex marriages performed in states where they are legal, Attorney General Pam Bondi wrote something that has suddenly gotten lots of attention. ",4 10,"Dunn, who was in town for a wedding, returned to his hotel and drove back home to Brevard County the following morning",9 5,"With California voters readying to consider whether to retain the death penalty, two prominent district attorneys, including San Mateo County's, are mounting a rebel legal campaign to kick-start executions in San Quentin's long-dormant death chamber.",4 5,"State Judge Gaston Hewes, citing problems involving who would represent Evans, told him that he would not yet be allowed to enter a plea to the murder charge.",4 5,"The Georgia Supreme Court announced on Friday that it won't step in and listen to a request to remove the trial judge in the beleaguered death penalty case of courthouse shooting suspect Brian Nichols. Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard filed a lawsuit Nov. 1 to ask for a hearing before the high court in hopes they could push the trial forward by either putting the judge on a time schedule or kicking him off the case. Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears agreed with other justices that Howard did not follow proper legal channels by first asking the judge to recuse himself, but she also understands frustrations over the case.",4 5,"Despite that plea on what was to be the first day of his trial, Jorge L. Gonzales still faces the death penalty.",4 10,"The workers at Natalie Salon locations in San Mateo, Redwood City, Menlo Park, Palo Alto and Los Gatos would sometimes work seven days a week without legally mandated overtime pay, said Winnie Kao, an attorney representing them. Management routinely kept 20 percent of tips left for the workers on credit card payments and didn't allow them to take a lunch break, according to the suit filed Tuesday in San Mateo County Superior Court.",9 11,"The drop has contributed to an 8 percent decrease in the estimated number of illegal immigrants living in the United States, from a peak of 12 million in 2007 to 11.1 million in 2009, the report said. Of the 11.1 million, 60 percent came from Mexico, 20 percent from other parts of Latin America, 11 percent from Asia, and 9 percent from Africa, Europe, Canada and elsewhere. The new figures come amid a heated national debate over efforts by Arizona and other jurisdictions to identify people who are here illegally and push to have them deported.",10 9,"Under guidelines adopted by the American Medical Association, doctors are forbidden from playing a role in executions, under the premise that physicians ought to be healers, not killers.",8 13,SENATORS WILL SEEK TO SHORE UP MAN-WOMAN MARRIAGE LAW,12 13,The concerns were raised as Democratic and Republican lawmakers met for the first time Tuesday to go over next year's budget.,12 9, Study Links Smoking To Impotence Cases,8 5,"Monday's U.S. Supreme Court ruling means prosecutors are free to seek the death penalty against him-- for the fourth time. ",4 10, Heidnik has said he wants to die.,9 7,"Bonilla was convicted in 1992 of killing Harris, his childhood friend and onetime business partner, because he felt cheated out of profits from the Baritz in San Jose and Hot Rod Cafe restaurants in Fremont and Alameda.",6 11,Singer defends decision to lead Sandy Hook concert,10 1,for B.A.T. said the firm will respond in court to the disclosure of the memo.,0 13,"''I didn't expect this,'' he told his colleagues, meaning that when he was running for office he never expected that his first Senate speech would be about gun violence",12 13,"As the Legislature considers whether to make New York the next state to legalize same-sex marriage, social conservatives have been largely missing from the debate in Albany.",12 5, Justice Blackmun's eloquent and troubling analysis of that paradox makes his proclamation against capital punishment reverberate loudly.,4 5,"The California Supreme Court declined a request by the state attorney general Friday to immediately shut down San Francisco's gay weddings and nullify the nearly 3,500 marriages already performed.",4 3,A United Methodist Church ruling that bars ministers from performing same-sex unions appears to be in step with the beliefs of many local United Methodist pastors and some members of their flocks.,2 3,"Bishop took on sensitive social issues ",2 7,"more than 23,000 felons have been prevented from buying handguns",6 7,"to the 1982 murder of Evinrude heiress Frances Julia Slater. ",6 13,Don't let NRA whip gun ban,12 7,Police plead for assault gun ban,6 13," The D.C. Republican Committee has a long-standing commitment to gay rights, partly because of its membership, which includes many gay men who came to the city to work in government. But party leaders tread carefully to avoid fracturing a local party that struggles for relevance in an overwhelmingly Democratic city. ",12 7,tracing stolen guns.,6 13," Giuliani predicted O'Connor's criticism wouldn't block adoption of the bill, which also is supported by Council Speaker Peter Vallone (D-Queens).",12 13,Tancredo launches bid for third term,12 7,A Call for Guns To Fight Crime,6 12,GRANDMAS TO WAGE BATTLE AGAINST GUNS,11 12,"Gay rights activists in Maine,",11 13,How the gun debate in 2018 has changed,12 6, that would ban domestically made equivalents.,5 13,Knee-jerk gun control in Congress,12 13,HOUSE OKS AMENDMENT FOR GUNS IN VEHICLES,12 5,"New Jersey could become the second state in the nation to grant gay couples the right to marry today, with the state Supreme Court ready to issue its decision in a landmark case at mid-afternoon.",4 6,SUBURB MAY GO SMOKE FREE HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDS MEASURE,5 13," It took an ordinary citizen, Nina Gonzalez, to stand up at the presidential debate on Tuesday to raise what has been a phantom issue on the campaign trail: the lack of effective gun controls and any meaningful political discussion about this crisis",12 5,"The decision on whether anyone should be prosecuted after ""Meet the Press"" host David Gregory appeared to hold a high-capacity ammunition magazine on national television now belongs to the District's Office of the Attorney General, authorities said Tuesday.",4 11,"Even so, Dole is right. He is right about making English the official language of government. He is right about insisting that immigrant children learn English quickly in school. And he is right that the current trend toward pushing multiculturalism and diversity has gone too far, emphasizing what divides us instead of what unites us.",10 11," Thanksgiving is special to refugee families ",10 11,"The United States is still, in the second decade of the 21st century, an angry, racially divided and violent nation. ",10 13,"Governor has expanded gay rights, but won't sign a same-sex-vows bill",12 6,CONTROVERSIAL CRIME BILL EXPANDS DEATH PENALTY MEASURE,5 11,indoor sports arenas,10 11, young people,10 8,HAVE BACKGROUND CHECKS BEEN 'UNEQUIVOCALLY' SHOWN TO REDUCE GUN VIOLENCE?,7 9,Gay Couples Closer to Receiving Medicaid Spousal Protections,8 6," law Maine enacted in 2001 that requires handguns used in homicides to be destroyed when they are no longer needed for evidence. Before that, guns were often sold or auctioned by police departments to raise money for other equipment. ",5 5,He's top gun on issuing permits,4 8," MANHUNT CENTERS ON PRISON / AUTHORITIES BELIEVE A DEATH-ROW ESCAPEE IS STILL ON THE GROUNDS OF THE TEXAS FACILITY.",7 12,"The findings of a public opinion survey by Pew Research Center are grim: For the first time in more than two decades, more Americans support gun rights than gun controls. ",11 5,"Pearl of a judge KOd the order ",4 6,"Last year, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms banned 43 types of rifles after an outcry over the January 1989 slayings of five elementary schoolchildren in Stockton, Calif., by a transient wielding an AK-47",5 6, It wants to propose a law establishing that marriage is between a man and woman.,5 6,"The panel also said that immigration statistics were ''woefully inadequate'' for making decisions about immigration policy, and that as a result immigration policy ''has been made in a data vacuum.''",5 5,"the multicity lawsuit previously led by then-Mayor Giuliani, accusing the gun industry of liability for the runaway gun culture, is being argued this week in federal court.",4 7,"Federal immigration and customs officers have arrested more than 1,000 suspected gang members and associates so far this year as part of a nationwide campaign aimed at deporting illegal immigrants with suspected ties to violent criminal organizations, officials said yesterday.",6 8,Gun bill gives Missourians more options to defend themselves,7 11,Rosie Sticks to Her Gun Principles,10 1,"over whether companies can be forced to list the ingredients of each brand on cigarette packages. Shareholders",0 13,Could Senator Barack Obama's popularity among black voters hurt gay couples in California who want to marry?,12 5,D.C. Tries to Finesse Gun Ruling,4 6,"Gun-control laws do not affect criminals, but they do affect the ability of the law-abiding to defend themselves against criminals.",5 13,House panel passes NRA bill,12 6,"declaring second-hand smoke a public nuisance. That would give residents of apartments grounds to sue neighbors or perhaps even property owners for the smoke that seeps into their rooms. Smoking is already illegal in many venues. A 1995 state law prohibited smoking in workplaces, and a 1993 Belmont ordinance outlawed it in common areas of residential facilities. Similar measures are in place in Burlingame, San Carlos and Foster City.",5 7,More Illegal Immigrants Turned In; U.S.-Trained Unit In Sheriff's Office,6 7,Mom won't face death penalty in torture case,6 8,"photographs of victims and the cockpit voice recordings from United Airlines Flight 93, the jetliner that crashed in Shanksville, Pa.",7 13,"Republicans said the Democratic incumbent is trying to deflect attention from his record because his Republican opponent, state Sen. George Pataki, favors capital punishment. ""After 12 years of stubbornly blocking the restoration of the death penalty, Gov. Cuomo now proposes giving the people what they want,"" said Senate GOP leader Ralph Marino. ",12 13," Sen. Leland Yee is running for mayor in San Francisco, and the last thing he needs is to be labeled as the Big Tobacco candidate.",12 1," ""If the ban expires, the gun industry is really poised to capitalize on it,"" said Sue Peschin of the Consumer Federation of America, which released a study yesterday titled ""Back in Busine$$.""",0 5,"Harlan's mom, friends testify",4 13, in Commissioner Roberts' office,12 9,"denied having ever been involuntarily committed or declared incompetent,",8 13,Compromise Bill Falls Short of O'Malley's Repeal,12 6,'Gun control doesn't work',5 13,"In the first legislative hearing on gun bills this year, the Senate Judiciary Committee will consider a gun-control bill and a gun-rights bill.",12 13,Will a tobacco deal be struck?,12 5,That principle could spoil the fun of the asbestos litigation racket,4 5, His attorneys contend Coe's confession was coerced and driven by mental illness.,4 5,Guns: The Limits of Federal Power,4 11,"In Video, Sharpton Shows Support for Gay Marriage",10 5,"Those lawsuits, while useful, face a huge hurdle",4 13,"Rebellious Democrats disrupt House, stage protest",12 8,"The Marathon bombing has been called the biggest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The same term was previously used to describe the 2009 Fort Hood shooting, in which an Army major killed 13 people and injured 32 on a military base. Nidal Malik Hasan, who reportedly considered himself a ""soldier of Allah,"" was tried by a military tribunal and sentenced to death.",7 1,"Dick's also ended sales of assault-style rifles at its Field & Stream stores, after having already banned the sales at its namesake big-box locations in 2012. Walmart banned those sales in 2015.",0 5,"Jim Castle, one of Page's lawyers, said the defense team's 'thoughts and prayers are with the Tuthill family.' He declined to comment further.",4 7,"First-time violators face up to $125 in fines, and a second offense carries a maximum $500 fine",6 3,"""I am morally opposed to it,""",2 11,"As more such incidents involving immigrant families occur and are reported in New York's ethnic media, from Korean newspapers to Spanish TV, advocacy groups are joining with public schools to educate immigrants about America's child welfare laws.",10 3,Md. pastors address marriage vote,2 6,BILL WOULD PROHIBIT SMOKING IN EVEN MORE PLACES,5 6,Same-sex bill advances Governor's language added to ban,5 5,"Despite amending charges against them at least six times, their lawyers said, the government failed to convince any judge that they had done anything illegal. In throwing out the latest round of the case earlier this year, Bruce J. Einhorn, an immigration judge, described it as ''an embarrassment to the rule of law.''",4 4," ""a mean-spirited attempt"" to single out gay men and lesbians for discrimination",3 13," Adventures in New York Politics",12 12,Poll: Young adults support new efforts to curb gun violence,11 4,"ndrews lists ten white murderers at his prison who got life. The starkest example: white supremacist Joseph Paul Franklin, serving life for killing two black men. As Andrews' execution nears, the NAACP has launched a campaign demanding ''equal justice.'' ''Everything he did was hideous,'' says Alberta Henry, 71, head of the NAACP of Salt Lake City. ''I don't care what sentence he gets - as long as it's not death.'' ",3 5,"Under Colorado's law, local law enforcement must only report people whom they have arrested - but not necessarily detained - for another crime to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement if they have ""probable cause"" to think the person is in the country illegally.",4 13,"If the measure passes the House, Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley has said he would sign it into law.",12 1,Stores With Pharmacies That Sell Tobacco Products,0 5,Former Florida Death Row Inmate Is Freed,4 4," We talk about innocent people being sent to death, and the racial disparity among death row inmates",3 9,"But a diagnosis of mental retardation must also incorporate a finding of ""impaired adaptive functioning"" - a lack of ability to cope with common life demands, such as communication or self-care.",8 5,Supremes let N.Y. law stand,4 10,"Next week, Jezreel Garcia will graduate from Riverside High School with a 3.8 GPA, five Advanced Placement credits and acceptance letters from UNC- Chapel Hill and N.C. State University.",9 5, then demanded to be allowed to represent himself.,4 13,"Democrats are moving to capitalize immediately on the failure of the Republican-controlled House to pass even modest gun-control legislation, and promising to take the issue to the forefront of the 2000 Presidential campaign.",12 13,Urging gay nuptial vote 'pro-democracy',12 15,Something new to dip into,14 9,"""Asking citizens to sacrifice their safety ",8 15,Volunteers make difference in many high school sports,14 1,"Don't forget the loss of Chief Executive Officer Louis Gerstner. He decided he wanted a higher-tech headache and left for IBM. So in the grand scheme of things, the withdrawal of RJR's offering Wednesday of 25% of its food group, which would have been called RN-Nabisco, wasn't all that traumatic. ",0 13,Oklahoma Senator Blocks Widely Accepted Gun Bill,12 11,A Very American Tragedy,10 13,GIULIANI PUSHES GUN BAN,12 12," An Edison-Mitofsky survey at polling places found that 70% of gay voters chose Obama, compared with 53% of voters overall.",11 14,"""Korea is a very safe country,"" said Sung Baik You, a spokesman for the Pyeongchang organizing committee. ""In the capital city of Seoul, you can walk around at 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. and still be safe. I know that's not the case in many big metropolitan cities around the world.""",13 7,"The raids in Emmanuel and surrounding counties resulted in the removal of more than 125 illegal immigrants, according to ICE.",6 3,"PRIMARY ",2 5,"The official sentencing of convicted sniper mastermind John Allen Muhammad is scheduled for March 10 in Manassas, the same day his teenage accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, is to be sentenced in Chesapeake, Va.",4 10,"makes it easier to kick the habit, or perhaps to avoid getting hooked in the first place",9 5, D.C. residents' constitutional rights were being violated by the city government.,4 6,N.C. stays late hour for execution,5 7,"Under current state law, punishment for those offenses can range from no jail time to five years in prison, depending on the offender's record and other factors. A minimum, mandatory three-year term is considered tougher because it eliminates the possibility of lighter sentences. The federal Project Exile requires a minimum, mandatory sentence of five years for most federal gun convictions.",6 5,"More than 2,300 couples have received civil union licenses. But companies whose benefits plans are regulated by federal rules, rather than state law,",4 4,Two men who each spent more than nine years on death row for crimes they did not commit got pardons Friday and had their convictions wiped away by Gov. Jim Edgar.,3 13,"Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Calvert) predicted Thursday that the bill narrowly would pass in his chamber. The legislation next would move to the House of Delegates, traditionally the more liberal chamber on social policy.",12 6,U.S. BEGINS FINAL REVIEW OF REGULATIONS TO CUT TEEN SMOKING,5 5," The trial for Riley, 42, is scheduled for next year.",4 13,"In the Senate, Texas Republican Phil Gramm is planning to introduce a guestworker bill that will not include any option of permanent residency.",12 13,Why a 'path to citizenship' remains politically perilous for Republicans,12 5, with another finding of the jury making him eligible for the death penalty.,4 12,GAY-MARRIAGE OPPONENTS RALLY IN BOSTON,11 7,"Keep convicts in, officer's widow pleads",6 4,"'You're not fit to be among us.' """,3 9,IMMIGRANTS' TB RATES BARELY SLOW,8 6,MD. COUNTY TAKES SMOKE-FREE STAND,5 13,Why Dole Voted No On '94 Crime Bill,12 13,Fla. Republican goes against tide on gun control,12 5,"the industry will soon win special protection from these kinds of lawsuits - a broad grant of immunity, unlike anything afforded to other industries.",4 5,New Orleans' first-in-the-nation lawsuit that claims gun manufacturers should be held liable for the costs of gun-related violence and accidental shootings.,4 7,Missing Egyptian student arrested; 11 Cairo scholars were no-shows in Montana,6 11,U.S. GUN VIOLENCE GOES 'OFF THE CHARTS',10 9,"Two of them survived, one with serious brain damage.",8 1,"GE Capital, General Electric's lending arm, recently stopped offering consumer financing programs to retailers whose main business is selling guns, in response to the ''industry changes, new legislation and tragic events.''",0 9,Should the United States allow immigrants infected with the virus that causes AIDS to enter the country for extended stays?,8 1,and selling tobacco,0 5,D.C. Gun Amnesty Starts,4 13,ALBANY PASSES GUN-CONTROL BILL WITH MANDATORY PRISON TERMS,12 7,"Every week, we hear about felons arrested in possession of a firearm. If we follow the case, we learn the felon pleaded guilty to a felony and was granted probation.",6 9,"""I ignored all the warnings, although in the back of my mind I was aware of the dangers of cancer and emphysema.",8 9,9 Die as Haitian Immigrants' Boat Sinks,8 5,"The District Attorney's Office is seeking the death penalty for Craver, who is charged with two counts of first-degree murder.",4 1,Duke smokers will pay,0 13,"Mrs. McCarthy, who is running as a Democrat but remains enrolled as a Republican, called the ad exploitative.",12 7,INS: RAIDS DETAINED 83,6 1,Smoke Shops Upset With Surveillance,0 8,"cVeigh seems clear on intent, observers say ",7 7,Murder or self-defense?,6 5,Top Court Again Rejects Sentence Of Death,4 12,49% of GOP voters back gun control,11 11,"According to the Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, Hubbard is the oldest person executed in the United States since 1941, when James Stephens of Colorado was executed at age 76.",10 6,RDU reviews tobacco ban,5 5,"After Mr. Foster was convicted, Stephen Lanier, the lead prosecutor, urged the all-white jury to impose a death sentence to ''deter other people out there in the projects.'' The jury did so.",4 7, homicidal,6 5," Settlement Reached In State Tobacco Suit ",4 13,NRA helped correct flaws in Brady bill,12 10,"Now Jimerson - along with Kenneth Adams, Dennis Williams and Willie Ra inge - will get some help from the full college scholarships they've been offered.",9 13,SENATOR: BRADY BILL'S CHANCES GOOD,12 13,One would hope that elected officials of both parties and public figure and media of all political stripes would denounce the notion that congressional intransigence permits executive imperialism.,12 11,Setbacks cloud gay rights advance,10 6,Bill to limit gun sales sought,5 13,Charity Takes Gun Lobby Closer to Its Quarry,12 1,"and job market.""",0 6, that would bar federal courts -- even the Supreme Court -- from ruling on federal law that allows states to refuse to recognize other states' same-sex marriages.,5 12,New York law boosts mood at PrideFest in St. Louis,11 9,says that social services officials knew the toddler was being abused - and still left her with her parents.,8 13,The Daily 202: Trump is driving a surge in public support for stricter gun laws since Florida,12 11,welcome other smokers,10 12,NRA AIMS LOW AGAIN IN NEW AD CAMPAIGNS,11 2,"An overwhelmed Immigration and Naturalization Service needs more money, more people and stronger laws to handle the record number of immigrants entering the country.",1 13,"At first glance, this issue might not seem the likeliest one on which to build bipartisan consensus",12 13," Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed same-sex civil unions into law Wednesday, calling it ""a triumph for everyone"" that gay and lesbian couples will have the same state rights as married partners.",12 12,Group is fighting for gun control but dropping use of the term;,11 13,Huckabee negative on gay marriage,12 5,Jury Requests Death Penalty For Man Who Killed His Son,4 7,leaving police scrambling to give clear direction to officers.,6 2,HUNDREDS CROWD INS OFFICE TO BEAT DEADLINE FOR RESIDENCY,1 6, Its 2003 law requires those who sell tobacco products directly to consumers to use only those delivery services that verify the age of the recipient.,5 15,"ead Wrong ",14 5,"In addition, Mr. Hall said, with a tenancy by the entirety neither spouse can deprive the other of that person's survivorship rights without a court order or the consent of the other spouse.",4 9,"A week before a first-grader in Michigan shot a classmate to death, a 5- year-old Washington boy, angry at two playmates, got his mother's 35 mm pistol, loaded it, pointed it at his little friends and fired into the ground.",8 7,"iller Who Bragged About Slaying to Die Feb. 15 ",6 11,'imposes more death sentences per capita than any other parish or county in the nation.'',10 6,"If you want to cut down on teen smoking, give a cigarette to every kid who gets an A on a test. Encourage the kids to smoke. That would stop them.",5 5,"After closing arguments, the case will go to the jury to decide the fate of the former waitress from California, who told jurors she was sorry and that she could lead a productive life in prison.",4 9, Onks said he signed up recently for a training course as a step toward obtaining the permit.,8 5,BIG TOBACCO'S LAWYERS COME UNDER SCRUTINY,4 6,"As the name implies, one of the bill's primary focuses is to keep our children away from tobacco products",5 11,The Jack Fork and Winding Stair Mountains rise to the south and east on the Ozark Plateau.,10 7,Whom to blame for gun crimes,6 5,STATE MAY GET TO AIR TOBACCO DOCUMENTS,4 10,AFRICAN COUPLE GET BIG PRESENT,9 5,"Normally, defense attorneys argue that defendants' ""mitigating circumstances,"" such as mental health problems, should keep them from being put to death. In this case, Wall, 39, has said he wants the death penalty, so it's unclear what evidence he will try to introduce when he presents his side of the case.",4 11,"Some of the marchers were ordinary-looking types, but many were not. Some of the male marchers sported masks and pierced nipples. ""Dykes on Bikes"" roared through the crowd, and some of the lesbians stripped off their shirts while kissing. Others wore outlandish dominatrix costumes. The entertainment was raunchy and vulgar - and the more shocking the words and music, the better the crowd liked it. ",10 9,"Less guns, more safety on college campuses",8 13,"Obama's solidification of his previously ""evolving"" view on gay marriage may have been hastened by his vice president, Joe Biden, who said earlier this week that he supported it. Also, two Cabinet members have affirmed support for gay marriage. Interior Secretary and former Sen. Ken Salazar of Colorado did not respond to a request for comment on where he was on the matter.",12 1,TOBACCO FIRMS WILL PAY $ 15 BILLION TO SETTLE SUIT IN TEXAS OVER HEALTH CARE,0 13,"And in their most audacious plans, Tea Party groups are preparing to recruit challengers to run against high-profile Republicans they accuse of betraying them -- as they did when they toppled Eric Cantor, the former House majority leader.",12 6, but the Firearms Owners' Protection Act,5 5,"The U.S. Supreme Court denied an appeal at 10:40 p.m. Thursday to stop the execution. The appeal was not filed by Ingle, said Ed Turner, a spokesman for the court.",4 5,"During two hours of arguments, some of the seven justices questioned how much room elected officials have to interpret the law on their own and suggested that approving Mayor Gavin Newsom's actions would foment legal anarchy.",4 13,WILLIE BROWN TOPS RECIPIENTS OF TOBACCO FIRMS' CONTRIBUTIONS,12 6,A 'No Buy' List for Guns Is a Bad Idea,5 13,"Several city representatives and local officials urged the incoming Reagan Administration to adopt a strict gun-control law or take blame for allowing America to become a ''third-rate'' country that allows its citizens to kill one another. In a statement released in response to the shooting of John Lennon last week, the officials said",12 6,NO DOMESTIC ASSAULT-GUN BAN PLANNED,5 5,FAMILIES SEEK TO REOPEN SUIT AGAINST GUN MAKER,4 6,"The law, which took effect on Oct. 1, following the model set by New Jersey and California, prohibits the sale of more than 60 models of military-style semiautomatic rifles, including the Colt Sporter, manufactured here, the Scarab Skorpion, the Algimec Agmi and the Ruger Mini-14. That much, at least, is settled.",5 7, He had been convicted of starting a fire that killed a 2-year-old girl,6 5,"This court finds the (U.S.) Supreme Court would today hold such executions are prohibited ..."" says the Missouri ruling, written by Judge Laura Denvir Stith. ",4 5,Gays sue for right to marry in N.J,4 5,A Minnesota man's fight to keep U.S. officials from sending him back to his war-torn Somalia is heading to the Supreme Court.,4 7, an order was issued for his deportation by the Department of Homeland Security's department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.,6 13,"Gore splits with boss over Elian ",12 3,"Watching the Episcopal Church roiled over whether openly gay bishops should be confirmed,",2 12," So does an almost 9-to-1 majority of gun owners, according to polls",11 15,Philosophizing With Guns,14 10,"Smokers, you have 37 days left to light up in public in Snellville.",9 5,Court's flawed same-sex marriage ruling invites a rebuke,4 9,MANY LATINS MAY FLEE TO U.S.,8 1,Sales Up Despite Ban on Smoking,0 5,Philadelphia Judge Won't Grant New Trial for Condemned Black Journalist,4 4,Morgenthau has seen two people wrongly convicted of murder by his office.,3 1,would it have prevented him from buying any of the legal or illegal guns he may have?,0 5,Competency of legal counsel is perhaps the biggest unresolved death penalty issue now that the court has said juveniles and the mentally retarded may not be executed.,4 9,Same-sex domestic partners of city employees in Pueblo can soon be added to their partners' health insurance coverage.,8 10,"""It's going to pass,"" Ms. Quinn told her partner as her eyes welled with tears.",9 3," his pledge ""to the families of the children who died"" in the school shootings in Littleton, Colo.",2 6,What a Repeal of the Gay Marriage Ban Means,5 13,"And so it went. The order of the day was to ""send a message to the people across the street,"" as Rep. Johnny B. Byrd Jr., R-Plant City, put it.",12 11,"I am both saddened and angry that we live in a country where so many people hate, are fearful and, above all, are unwilling to change things for the betterment of other citizens.",10 6,", let us reduce access to guns. ",5 1," TOBACCO TAXES",0 13,"Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Prince George's), who opposes efforts to close a record $ 1.8 billion budget gap through significant new taxes, said yesterday that the bill has little chance of passage. Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) has said he is not inclined to raise the tobacco tax or other ""sin taxes.""",12 5,Gun Registration,4 9,"86 percent of those surveyed support laws requiring all new handguns to be childproofed. ",8 13,Gun-control rivals team up on bill to fix background-check database,12 1,GAY NUPTIALS MEAN BIG BUSINESS,0 13,He was joined at a news conference Wednesday by the top lobbyist for the National Rifle Association and officials of several police groups.,12 13,Brady bill ,12 7,"Two Columbine students had a friend obtain four high-powered weapons, no-questions-asked, from gun show ''hobbyist'' dealers, and then used them to kill 12 children and a teacher",6 11," Nearly one of seven Atlantans are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, community leaders say.",10 6,"limit background checks at gun shows to 24 hours instead of three days, the current period.",5 13,"President Bush expressed disappointment. ''Because activist judges and local officials in some parts of the country are seeking to redefine marriage for the rest of the country, we must remain vigilant in defending traditional marriage,'' the president said in a statement. ",12 13,"Partisan Senate vote moves gun bill Committee's Democrats want stiff penalties to curb illegal sales. ",12 5," From all the hysteria, you might think that a federal court had just mandated that Nebraska begin licensing gay marriages. But that's not what happened.",4 12,Brady gun-control campaign protests at Phila. firearms dealer,11 13,GOP platform draft opposes gay civil unions; It also backs a ban on same-sex marriage. Some criticized the planks on abortion and homosexuals.,12 5,Judge rules clerks must issue marriage licenses,4 9,"A ""cooling off period"" for someone emerging from a mental health crisis is not an unreasonable restriction.",8 14,FLORIDA'S DANGEROUS EXPORT,13 1,Better barriers are worth the cost,0 12,"""They're clearly fed up with gun violence and the Daily News is performing a great public service by giving them a voice.""",11 4,MEDDLING FDA UNFAIR TO BAN ALL TOBACCO ADS IN NASCAR,3 11,SMOKING IS NOT FASHIONABLE,10 1,Chief Leads Fight to Keep Selling Those Camels and Kools,0 11,Immigration is not a negative topic to discuss. The melting pot of the USA reminds us that we are a diverse population of citizens.,10 7, how to treat those who cross illegally.,6 13,"Come to think of it, wasn't ""Forward"" Obama's campaign slogan?",12 13,"Senator Tom Daschle, the majority leader from South Dakota, and Representative Richard A. Gephardt, the minority leader from Missouri, visited villages in Puebla State that are connected to the United States by the blood and money of immigrants. ",12 9,who'll be followed for 10 years and rechecked annually.,8 15,LONG ENGAGEMENT AHEAD FOR GAYS,14 9,health care facilities,8 13,Biden says gun control isn't dead yet,12 5,"Prosecutors in Pierce County, Wash., said that they believe the two men were responsible for the 21-year-old's death but that they decided to forgo prosecution, in part, because the suspects are already sentenced in Virginia to the maximum penalties allowed under Washington state law.",4 12,Opposition in San Francisco to Unmarried-Partners Policy,11 5,State and federal courts had also refused to intervene.,4 5,U.S.-born Latinos: No license for illegals,4 5,Federal judge blocks Louisiana law that prevented immigrants from getting married,4 1,"What's more, this latest hike comes on the heels of a similar one implemented April 1, when the federal cigarette tax went up 62 cents a pack. Wholesale prices of other tobacco products, excluding cigars, will go from being taxed 25 percent to 60 percent under the new law.",0 11,West Tampa Historic District ,10 11,Chick-Fil-A and Social Change,10 3,enying him the martyrdom that he so obviously sought,2 3,We should be ashamed,2 14,"U.S., AS TOP SELLER, IN UNEASY POSITION",13 5,Is Gay Marriage a First Amendment Issue?,4 15,Numbers speak loudest,14 7,"Abu-Jamal is convicted of shooting Officer Daniel Faulkner in the face and back in the early morning of Dec. 9, 1981, at 13th and Locust Streets. Faulkner had pulled over Abu-Jamal's brother in a traffic stop. When other officers arrived at the scene, they found the fatally injured Faulkner on the ground and Abu-Jamal lying nearby, wounded by a bullet from the officer's gun. Abu-Jamal's gun, with five spent shells, was also found.",6 5,"Yet the court's decision in Miller-Jenkins v. Miller-Jenkins is a big deal, because what's in question is a civil union, not a marriage. A lower Virginia court had refused to give effect to the Vermont courts' orders allowing Ms. Miller-Jenkins to visit her daughter, citing a state law that prohibits any recognition of civil unions or other same-sex relationships from out of state.",4 13,Political correctness will get us killed,12 5,"The lower court ruling, by Judge Michael D. Farren in Freehold, is not binding statewide. Only a ruling by a state appeals court or the Supreme Court is binding statewide.",4 10,"They'd go far beyond merely feeding cravings, as patches do, to a whole new arena: stopping cravings wholesale and disabling nicotine.",9 7, not when some 30 people are killed with guns every day in America.,6 13,"In Shift, Massachusetts Governor Backs Gun Law",12 5,"The Justice Department, influenced by Attorney General John Ashcroft's support for the death penalty, is considering a plan to let Virginia take the lead in prosecuting the two suspects in the October sniper shootings, senior federal officials say.",4 5,Wilder's gun-rationing scheme is a clear violation of our constitutionally protected civil liberties,4 6,"Among other things, the measures would increase penalties for possessing assault weapons and giving guns to minors, regulate the sale of ammunition, and require elementary-school seminars on preventing gun violence.",5 11,"AT WEDDING EXPO, OUT IS IN",10 7,"'LOCK HIM UP, OR GIVE UP YOUR BADGE'",6 1,Cheap labor is actually costly for U.S.,0 9,Aiming Wide In City War On Smoking,8 3,"Religious groups have been taking out newspaper ads, setting up websites and holding rallies urging lawmakers to preserve traditional marriage.",2 8,Assault weapons ban to be reviewed,7 13,"Congress scraps Obama rules on coal mining, guns",12 9,"Casino has unhealthy air, group says Monitoring at 'Queen' was conducted in secret by anti-smoking group.",8 9,"NICOTINE STUDY HUSHED, LAWMAKER SAYS A 1983 STUDY FOUND NICOTINE ADDICTIVE.",8 12,Protesters vow to keep Elian in U.S.,11 5,It is a relatively arcane provision of Pennsylvania's capital-punishment law that has never been used to overturn the sentence of someone a jury has condemned to death.,4 7,"But they are more than quaint relics for the walls of collectors; many of these firearms can be converted easily into illegal automatic weapons for domestic crimes such as holdups, assaults and murde",6 13,"MEETING ON GUNS, SCHOOLS SET",12 10,"""I have no regrets,"" Wigand told students at Duluth High School on Thursday. ""I would do it again in a heartbeat. It's made my pillow softer and my mirror clearer. I have to be accountable to myself before I am accountable to anyone else.""",9 7,"He turned to Fiessinger, who was selling handguns in classified ads in the Peoria newspaper, and bought two semiautomatic pistols for a one-man race war that began on the Sabbath in a Jewish neighborhood of Chicago and ended with his suicide on an Illinois highway. ",6 5,"The defense attorneys won the case before the trial started by getting the prosecutors not to seek the death penalty. If an African-American or Latino man killed two white people in Texas, he would be facing lethal injection. ",4 5,Multitude of factors influence death-penalty decision,4 5,"ormer Florida Death Row Inmate Is Freed ",4 13,Vermont's Republican governor signs new gun restrictions,12 3,"In the aftermath of something so evil and pointless and final, in the grieving and the sifting through to figure out how this could have happened, you are not supposed to talk about guns.",2 13,Hillary Clinton Renews Call for Tough Gun Measures After California Shooting,12 5,U.S. Seeks Death Penalty in Va. Drug Case,4 7,Ex-cop accused of illegal gun sales ,6 1,"North Carolina and five other major tobacco-growing states would lose jobs if Americans stop smoking, but the nation as a whole would gain thousands of new jobs, according to a study that contradicts claims by tobacco companies",0 6, he says that gun control will never work because there are already too many guns owned by the public and the criminals.,5 5,Court asked to revisit tobacco award dismissal,4 7,ST. PAUL TRUCK DRIVER ARRESTED AT RALLY,6 7,diminishing his already slim hopes of avoiding a Jan. 29 execution date.,6 11,Rarely has an American politician given such an un-American speech.,10 6,PORT ST. LUCIE RETHINKING ITS BAN ON GUN SHOWS,5 13,The most senior Republican woman in Congress said that lawmakers can hold hearings and investigate,12 13,"The DFL-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee passed the bill on a 5-3 party-line vote. ",12 7,"touched off by the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., on April 20.",6 7,"TOBACCO FIRMS HAVE BEEN PUNISHED ENOUGH, PHILIP MORRIS CEO SAYS",6 8,INS adjusts to role in terrorism fight,7 6,Proposition 8's,5 13,Trump-style contender for Va. governor blasts rival for skipping gun rally,12 1,"Renegade Web sites allow smokers to buy cartons of cigarettes without paying the $4.25 in city and state taxes - or the 8.375% sales tax, according to Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn, Queens) and state Sen. Jeff Klein (D-Bronx).",0 4,"nstead, with his body language, baleful stares, barely concealed contempt, he has telegraphed an impression of hostility to the defendant, ",3 14,Boston Bars Out-of-State Same-Sex Marriages,13 5, designation,4 13,"D.C. officials, coping with a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that threw out the city's handgun ban, have drafted legislation that would do away with several remaining firearms restrictions,",12 4," BOOKER'S GUN SALE CLAIM IS DATED",3 5,obb County District Attorney Tom Charron is currently trying Tokars in state court on murder charges and seeking the death penalty. ,4 4,FREEDOM IN THE AIR IN SAN FRANCISCO,3 7,"Swisher, 27, who kidnapped, raped and killed a young mother in Augusta County in 1997, had been scheduled to be executed by lethal injection at 9 p.m. ",6 15,Local Digest,14 5,Prosecutors would not say Wednesday whether they would go along with a plea deal. They probably will consult with victims and their families before deciding whether to accept the offer.,4 13,Gay Marriage Measure Advances in Rhode Island,12 13,Legislature Poised to Pass Smoking Ban,12 7,Police also complained the weapons were popular among drug dealers.,6 5,"Indeed, until the Supreme Court struck down all laws banning interracial marriage in 1967, the nation lived with a patchwork of laws on the question. Those states that found interracial marriages offensive to their public policies were not required to recognize such marriages performed elsewhere, though sometimes they did, but as a matter of choice rather than constitutional compulsion. That experience is instructive, legal scholars say, about what is likely to happen when Massachusetts starts performing gay marriages in May. ",4 12,Protest march targets prison for immigrants; Demonstrators from several rights groups take part; 8 arrested.,11 6,"Starting July 1, something you won't be able to find at the mall is second-hand smoke. Thirteen shopping centers in the St. Louis metropolitan area will eliminate all designated smoking areas on that day",5 8,RUBIO: GUNS LAST DEFENSE AGAINST ISIS,7 5,"""It's not simply outlawing same-sex marriage; it does more than that,"" said Beverly Bales, a law professor at the University of Minnesota. ",4 3,Three monks from the temple showed no visible reaction as they watched the proceeding from a front row and left without comment.,2 15,"issed chance in Maryland ",14 5, the proposed amendment,4 5,"Justice Ginsburg agreed to officiate after the Supreme Court's landmark ruling in June that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, which the majority said stigmatized same-sex unions. She voted with the majority in the 5-t0-4 decision. ",4 7,"Speaking in Atlanta at a national town meeting with young people last week, Dr. Joycelyn Elders said education about the health effects of tobacco use should begin in kindergarten, but banning tobacco would surely create a huge black market with all its attendant illegal profits and violence. We agree.",6 13,"Gun Debate Is Revived in Colorado, Two Years After Theater Shooting",12 9," from school grounds,",8 1, livelihood.,0 11,Theater Director Resigns Amid Gay-Rights Ire,10 5,"The capital murder retrial of Rabbi Fred J. Neulander will be held in Monmouth County starting in early September, a Superior Court judge ruled Friday.",4 7, even as prosecutors consider filing charges against the clergywomen.,6 13,"Gov. Corbett may be an NRA devotee, but he owes it to all Pennsylvanians to veto this measure",12 13,"In light of that defeat, coming just months after 26 people including 20 children were massacred at a school in Newtown, Conn., gun-control advocates doubted that the killings at the Navy Yard would change the equation in Congress.",12 1,"""We want to be a business-friendly community",0 6,"The bills are the most emotionally charged legislation Council has tackled in years and the end of a five-year struggle that pitted gay and lesbian activists against two of the city's most powerful leaders - Council President John F. Street, a likely mayoral candidate next year, and Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua.",5 5,Williams' attorneys have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop his execution. They are seeking a new hearing or the commutation of his sentence to life in prison. And they are asking Gov. Eric Greitens to grant clemency.,4 11,"THE LATEST MIX IN THE CITY'S MELTING POT / ALBANIANS, USED TO COMMUNISM, ARE CHANGING FISHTOWN, EVEN AS THEY STRUGGLE TO FIND THEIR WAY.",10 8,"Russian Facebook Ads Masked Themselves in Gun Rights, Rainbows and Puppies",7 13," Texas ready to take aim at legalizing concealed guns",12 12,"All over Pinellas, they're talking guns",11 5,3d Circuit throws out '86 death sentence,4 11,Wayne's world Guns,10 6, to allow loaded guns in national parks,5 13,The Senate's Courts of Justice Committee approved a bill,12 13, Mayor Koch said,12 1," Although certain kinds of engineers are in short supply in the United States, plenty of potential candidates exist for thousands of positions for which companies want to import guest workers, according to an analysis of three million résumés of job seekers in the United States.",0 5," The law went into effect Thursday.",4 13,", has indicated his discomfort with going that far. In an interview with Charles Gibson of ABC News last month, Mr. Bush distinguished marriage from",12 3," ""a horribly violent human being,""",2 14,"In Philippines, Corruption Torrent Has Slowed; Expulsion for Marcoses",13 7,"Arrests target illegal workers, some in Phila.",6 5,"""It looks like it will be a matter that will later be presented to a grand jury to see if any charges will be brought"" against Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Slaton said.",4 5,"But the case will be tried by prosecutors and defense lawyers, including a county official here who supports the death penalty but is defending Chief Leschi.",4 7, Backers said the law was needed because currently a person who fatally shoots an attacker could be acquitted under the state's Stand Your Ground Law while a person who merely fires a warning shot could be sent to jail,6 12,150 march in Lake Worth against immigration policy,11 5," Immigrants suing Homeland Security",4 5,"Gay-marriage case in Mass. court today ",4 7,"In the wake of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., that left 20 children and 6 school staff members dead,",6 10,and the killer's weeping father,9 2,U.S. under pressure to carry bigger load,1 9,Court's latest death-row issue: The mentally ill,8 13,"""We are the only county in Georgia",12 5,"The justices' actions highlight their impatience with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the filter between the lower federal courts and the Supreme Court. ",4 1," Cigar consumption surged 50 percent from 1993 to 1997 while imports of premium cigars increased fivefold. In St. Louis, tobacconists scrambled to catch up. ""It seems like no matter what you had, they were buying it,"" said Ken Kollack, a manager at JR Cigars in Clayton. ",0 5,SCALIA AT STETSON PRAISES ORIGINAL INTENT VIEW OF CONSTITUTION,4 11,There are often childre,10 12,"The NRA is popular, not 'odious'",11 13,"SEAN SHAW SLAMS ASHLEY MOODY ON GUNS, HEALTH CARE",12 13,First gun vote in decade set,12 10,Anderson left no official last words.,9 7,"News Q's | Rampage Killings Get Attention, but Gun Violence Is Constant",6 13,An immigration crackdown killed - by conservatives,12 12,"California has officially repealed the marriage law that led to Prop. 8 ",11 5,"But the court, in an opinion written by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, said that was too literal a definition. ",4 13,"Filling out the election-year debate, Vice President Al Gore acknowledged that he often voted with the National Rifle Association during his early years in Congress. But he said they parted ways as he watched ""the flood of cheap handguns and the wave of gun violence sweep across our country.""",12 13,Cobb refuses to reconsider stand against 'gay lifestyle',12 15,The worst possible response,14 11,New paper aimed at immigrants,10 13,But Commissioner Doris Meissner said members of Vice President Al Gore's staff did meet with her and other agency officials to suggest ways to improve procedures.,12 13,"NRA ATTACKS CLINTON, PRAISES DOLE",12 1," Because the commissaries are supported by taxpayer funds, tobacco prices there are lower than in exchanges, which are military stores not directly supported by taxes.",0 5,Immigrants welcome -- if they are legal,4 10,"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' ""Look Beneath the Surface"" campaign targets social workers and others who may come into contact with victims of human trafficking every day but not know it.",9 13,"Senator Tom Libous, the deputy Republican leader",12 13,BUSH IN GUN GROUPS' CROSSFIRE,12 8,"And after the Sept. 11 attacks, the focus has shifted even more to closing immigration loopholes and tightening border patrols amid greater suspicion of foreigners.",7 7,"The victims' survey and FBI report on violent crime - murders, rapes, robberies and assaults - also show that: -- Offenders fired a gun in 17% of the incidents; they missed four out of five times. -- Men are twice as likely to be handgun victims. -- Black men 16 to 19 are 9 times more likely to be victims of non-fatal handgun crimes than the rest of the population. -- An estimated 340,000 crimes involved firearm thefts. -- Less than 1% of handgun victims used a gun in defense. -- Handguns were used in 56% of the 23,760 murders.",6 11,Piedmont film series to spotlight diversity within LGBT community,10 6,NEW GUN LAWS ARE MEANINGLESS,5 11,Texas is responsible for more than a third of U.S. executions since 1976. ,10 12," Gun control groups say this is the year they finally go toe-to-toe with the National Rifle Association and match their foe's imposing campaign spending for congressional candidates. ",11 9, for substance abuse and mental health programs.,8 13,Smoking ban vote tabled by Council,12 4," described aspects of Abu-Jamal's trial as ""racism of the highest order.""",3 5,"""Clinics and immigration attorneys are aware of the laws,"" he said, ""but many immigrants are not. It's a very major concern.""",4 7,Iranian May Be Ousted In Theft of One Grape,6 5,Expand concealed carry rights,4 13,Illinois: Gay Marriage Bill Is Sent To Senate,12 2,"Re: Illegal immigration surges by 485,000 people yearly, March 22.",1 1,Does a Pistol Belong in Your Portfolio?,0 13,"House Republicans will delay a drive to repeal last year's ban on assault weapons until May and separate it from overall revisions to the crime bill passed last year, the chairman of a crime subcommittee said Saturday. Rep. Bill McCollum, R-Fla., appearing on CNN's ""Newsmaker Saturday,"" said House Republican leaders have decided to reconsider the assault weapons after the House has dealt with the legislation stemming from its so-called Contract With America. ""We're going to address it because a lot of our members want to,"" said McCollum, chairman of the Judiciary subcommittee on crime. But he emphasized that it won't be done as part of the crime section of the Contract With America. ""We're going to produce legislation very soon on the floor of the House that's going to end the endless appeals of death row inmates, change the rules of evidence on search and seizure, beef up our prison systems, do something about criminal aliens, and merge the cops-on-the-streets program and the prevention programs into a local community block grant program,"" McCollum said. ",12 7,Shooter's sentence reduced by 10 years,6 13,blamed legislators ,12 12,"Still, the National Rifle Association is studying the riots to formulate strategy for its literature, advertising and its current national membership drive. ""We certainly will not remain silent on the issue,"" said James Jay Baker, the NRA's chief lobbyist. Since the rioting, he added, the NRA has been bringing in 1,000 new members per day, a 10 to 15 percent increase.",11 7,"Ambushes and surprise assaults are constant dangers, as are unexpected encounters with law enforcement agents unaware of the sting.",6 12," followed by a vote of the public. ",11 1,Creating jobs in other countries is the answer.,0 3, juror's use of biblical quotations during the penalty phase was improper.,2 10," BANK KILLER TAKES STAND, BEGS JURORS FOR EXECUTION",9 1,The manufacturers didn't mind because they could crank out rifles faster by not having to machine-tool flash hiders and bayonet mounts. ,0 12,And many NRA members disagree with LaPierre's crude tactics.,11 3,Right choice on executions,2 13," Congress's inaction on gun control. Similar to his monologues about the GOP health-care bill, it went viral.",12 1, cigarette ads,0 5," In the constitutional amendment on the right to bear arms, one clause defines a cause. ",4 5,one of Chastine's attorneys told jurors Monday.,4 5,"In court documents, Wolfrum and Kraft sought to exclude the lab findings, arguing that there was ""no legitimate reason for the state's delay in testing the eyeglasses and a watch,"" which had been held for 2 1/2 years.",4 9,"If so, she might have been shot. Even killed.",8 5,Virtually all murder cases are now prosecuted at the state and local levels.,4 6,It's already too late for gun control to work,5 7,KENTUCKY MASSACRE SPURS CALLS FOR GUN CONTROL LAWS,6 8,Islamic State magazine steers followers to U.S. gun shows for 'easy' access to weapons,7 1,"Tobacco executives once proposed manufacturing a youth-oriented cigarette brand with colored paper and a ""physiological"" kick, a newly released document shows.",0 13,"Post Politics Hour: GM, Gay Marriage, The Obamas' NYC Date, More",12 11,BREAK NRA'S DEADLY GRIP ON OUR NATION,10 9,Study finds greater risk in cigarette smoke,8 7,"Felker, 47, had been scheduled to die Thursday night for murdering Evelyn Joy Ludlam, a college student, in 1981. ",6 7," Three Afghans in a detention center in New York say they cannot understand why they are being held when the United States Government claims to support the struggle of rebels against the Soviet-backed Government in Afghanistan.",6 1,"The mayor said the city had become a destination for same-sex weddings, benefiting the economy",0 7,"A late-night raid of City Hall and the Main Library here by 60 heavily armed sheriff's deputies and posse members searching for illegal immigrants has escalated tensions between city officials and the county sheriff, who ordered the raid.",6 7," Crack dealers, younger and wilder than the old-line gangsters who managed the heroin trade, consider 9-millimeter semiautomatic handguns, sawed-off shotguns and military assault rifles essential.",6 5,"His attorneys are arguing, among other things, that executing Bower after more than 30 years on death row ""constitutes cruel and unusual punishment."" Bower's execution has been scheduled six times during his time on death row; he has come within hours of entering the death chamber before the reprieves came, his attorneys argue.",4 8," the Santa Rosa Militia is very much like most efforts to reduce violence caused by guns. ",7 13," ""Clinton's claim",12 9,NRA's program helps keep children safe around guns,8 5,Appeals Court Refuses to Halt Same-Sex Marriages in Utah,4 6,"a bill that bans the sale or possession of assault weapons including certain Uzis, AK-47s and an arsenal of others.",5 7,Tompkins was convicted of strangling his girlfriend's daughter and burying her body beneath their Tampa home. Prosecutors said he tried to force himself on 15-year-old Lisa DeCarr and killed her when she resisted his sexual advances. No physical evidence tied him to the crime.,6 5,"The California Supreme Court today upheld Proposition 8, the voter-approved law restoring a ban on same-sex marriages in the state, but at the same time left intact the more than 18,000 marriages for gay and lesbian couples who wed last year before the ballot measure went into effect.",4 6,"ST. LOUIS ALDERMEN BAN SMOKING IN SCHOOLS, DAY-CARE",5 6,", which would have mandated an automatic background check on anyone wishing to purchase a gun and eliminated local waiting periods.",5 11, Founding Fathers,10 6,New state rules pose test for gun buyers,5 6,GAY MARRIAGE BILL PUSHED BY Albany pols take sides - or avoid issue,5 13,The Democratic governor has been tight-lipped about his intentions.,12 9,SMOKING MAY REDUCE CHANCES FOR PREGNANCY,8 1,The Smokers' Surcharge,0 13,"In a 30-second television spot unveiled Thursday, state Treasurer Kathleen Brown is calling Garamendi a hypocrite for presenting himself as a lifelong supporter of the death penalty.",12 13,"chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a gun rights group based in Washington state.",12 13,Several Republican legislators plan to back legislation in the next session of the General Assembly to negate Atlanta's ordinance,12 6,Hospital smoke bans may extend reach Denver mulls an ordinance that would set smoke-free zones near the facilities.,5 4,TOWARD GREATER EQUALITY,3 13,"Salazar hopeful on immigration Saying ``failure ... is not an option,'' the senator anticipates that he and his colleagues will revisit the bill in July.",12 9,Hazardous to health... and wealth,8 7,Could stricter gun laws have prevented massacre?,6 5,"Attorneys for the prosecution and defense will make opening statements this afternoon before the jury that convicted Neulander yesterday, and will call witnesses if they want to.",4 9,"The rise in the use of filter cigarettes coincides with an increase in the amount of adenocarcinoma, or cancers found at the periphery of the lungs, the research found. Such cancers were considered very rare in the 1950s, but have become the most common form of lung cancer, displacing squamous cell carcinomas found in the central bronchi of the lungs.",8 4,"It stands to reason, therefore, that among the nation's 3,563 death row inmates are some innocent men. After all, the usual murder produces no relevant DNA. A person is shot and the killer flees, leaving behind none of his own blood, tissue, hair or semen. In that case, the wrongly convicted is plain out of luck. He will go to his death protesting his innocence while the rest of us cynically utter, ""Sure, sure,"" and go on with our lives.",3 7," sentenced Gulley to death for the murder of an 81-year-old Albany woman and the rape of her 60-year-old daughter. Gulley, who had broken into the women's house in December 1994 to steal a television, beat both of them with a stick and a shotgun after they returned home and found him inside. He bound Mary Garner and stabbed her in the chest before raping her daughter.",6 8," PRIMARY",7 13,"""Our hope is the tragic message of this wall will not be missed on Capitol Hill,"" Denver Mayor Wellington E. Webb said, standing before a black, 10-foot board with victims' names recorded in white and the dates of their deaths in red. ""It's time for Congress to do its part.",12 6,U.S. to recruit churches to aid immigrants,5 4, Doesn't this have the taint of profiling?,3 13,CONGRESS DOESN'T ZERO IN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN BILLS,12 9,"Officials called this a compromise, because public health groups around the country have expressed outrage that AIDS would be listed as a disease for which a person could be excluded from the country, because the disease is not easily communicable.",8 13,Gillespie backs 'bump stock' restrictions,12 1,"The decision, which takes effect Feb. 10, makes Wegmans Food Markets Inc. the highest-profile supermarket group known to have removed the beleaguered tobacco product from its shelves. Wegmans has stores in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia.",0 3,So it isn't surprising that they've been pleading for mercy for Ted Bundy over the past several days.,2 7,maintain guns because of the crime that might come with the encroaching growth from nearby Boise.,6 13,"The bill proposed by Gunderson and Sen. Dave Zien, R-Eau Claire, is similar to one that passed the Assembly 58-40 last year but failed to win approval from the state Senate.",12 5,"The lawsuit charged the stores with making illegal ""straw"" purchases, meaning one person picked out the gun but another signed the required background check, a method common among crooks.",4 13,"Pass a gun law, become a target",12 13,"The governor removed the personalized gun requirement from his proposal to win approval in the Senate, where the legislation was in jeopardy of being voted down.",12 1,Focus on TOBACCO FARMERS,0 6,program was a failure that siphoned money that public housing authorities could better use to upgrade housing or to help the homeless or others.,5 13,"""I'm voting for it,"" she said during an interview. ""My constituents say that if I don't vote for it, I'm denying them the opportunity to vote on it."" ",12 5,"A federal judge, raising concerns about whether an anti-gun project might be a bit too zealous, on Wednesday ordered prosecutors to reconsider the case of a woman who could be sentenced to a minimum of 63 months in prison for merely posing nude with a weapon in her hands.",4 11,"Benetton campaign tackles the use of capital punishment ",10 13," our elected officials bowed to the gun lobby. Pushing this law through despite overwhelming voter opposition was an interesting move, especially in an election year.",12 5," Another judge ruled at a Sept. 7 hearing that Ingle was competent, prosecutor Joan Byers of the state Attorney General's Office reminded McHugh at Thursday's hearing.",4 10,Parenthood is any number of emotionally attached people who care for a child.,9 5,Supreme Court Blocks Execution in Louisiana,4 13,NELSON SUPPORTS GUN LIMITS,12 13,Trump plans ban on rifle bump stocks,12 9,-- 82% favor magazine safety locks for all new pistols. Bullets can remain in the firing chamber even if the magazine is removed; the lock would prevent firing in those cases.,8 5," MIAMI FAMILY APPEALS DECISION ON ELIAN",4 7, Smith was scheduled to be the first person executed in Missouri since George ''Tiny'' Mercer was executed Jan. 6 last year.,6 13,"The U.S. Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform legislation earlier this summer, but the House of Representatives has yet to take up the issue. Even so, there has been increasing discussion about the issue throughout the state and nation during the August recess. Some House representatives have indicated a more piecemeal approach to the issue. ",12 5,"To Stave Off a Deportation, Cuomo Pardons a 9/11 Volunteer",4 10,"The women have been together since 1998, and they have already tied the knot in two ways, a civil union in 2001 in Vermont and a domestic partnership filed in the District, where they live. ""We feel married in the eyes of our friends and family,"" Carper said. ",9 4,until certain glaring injustices were looked into.,3 10," In the Moments Before Deportation, Holding On to Hope",9 13,"The liberal media recently called me a sellout to the NRA. I'm a proud #NRASellout!""",12 13,"Republicans can fairly take the governor's licensing plan to voters. But Bruno is sorely mistaken if he believes he can prevail solely by hammering this one subject or, worse, by encouraging Republican county clerks to defy gubernatorial policy.",12 12,Coalition takes up gun control Group aims to get measure on ballot,11 11,THEATER REVIEW; Immigrants' Tales,10 12,"Krysta Perez, immigrant task force leader with Metropolitan Congregations United, which organized the event, told participants that U.S. senators were negotiating an immigration bill this week and urged onlookers to call their legislators. The group supports a six-year path to legality for the country's estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. It also calls for eliminating paperwork backlogs to help reunite families, increasing worker protections and improving border security.",11 13,Clinton will push to enforce gun laws Colo. implements own 'Project Exile',12 6,This man proposed a law banning assault weapons in Huntington Beach,5 5,"Lawyers have agreed to drop Gov. Tom Corbett as a defendant in a federal lawsuit that challenges Pennsylvania's same-sex marriage ban. ",4 13,BILIRAKIS DISTORTS REPORT'S FINDING,12 7,"Carpenter, 66, was convicted and sentenced to die in 1984 for the murders of Heather Skaggs and Ellen Hansen, both 20, in separate attacks at Big Basin and Henry Cowell state parks in Santa Cruz County.",6 11,Phila. Summer program helps refugees conquer English,10 12,A Bold Stand on Guns: More Voices,11 10,Who Needs Assault Weapons?,9 15,Wedding Bells,14 6,"The sweeping ban outlaws smoking in virtually all workplaces and eliminated several exemptions allowed under the city law, which went into effect April 1.",5 13,"'Bulletproof' gear vs. gun lobby ",12 13,"Trump clearly disagreed, criticizing Clinton harshly and often.",12 13,Calif. gov rejects domestic-partner bill,12 7,Gun Dealer Caught in Crackdown Pleads Guilty to 3 Misdemeanors,6 12,"Gun debate: Californians support more gun control, poll finds",11 11, just as our founders intended.,10 13,appears headed for City Council approval today,12 5,CLINTON SAYS JUSTICE DEPT. WILL SUE TOBACCO COMPANIES,4 11,"The CDC study found that among people born between 1950 and 1959, white women took up the habit at age 17 1/2 (40 years earlier they waited until nearly age 23); black women began when they were 18 (compared with age 23); and white men typically began smoking at 17 (compared with age 17 1/2). Only black men were waiting longer - until age 18 (40 years earlier they began smoking at 17)",10 5,"The first three executions were canceled because of court decisions, then inmate Ledell Lee was executed last week.",4 1,"Crist is filing a bill today that would limit the fees to $ 250 an hour or a maximum of $ 250,000 per attorney.",0 15,Lighters Out,14 11,"NRA membership is up since Parkland killings, group's magazine subscriptions suggest;",10 13,"Our meeting with the White House was represented as, and was conducted as, preparatory to the May 10 strategy session. We were, therefore, surprised and disappointed when the Clinton administration proceeded to introduce its list of anti-gun proposals on May 7. As a result of this breach of cooperation, combined with the White House's refusal to invite NRA executives to the strategy session, we informed the White House that we would not participate in the session.",12 9,health care costs,8 5,U.S. REVOKES HAITIAN VISAS,4 1,restaurants.,0 10,"""It breaks my heart,"" Zoyla Cruz said in Spanish, teary at missing her little girl's latest moment in the spotlight. ""I'm dying. Imagine all those families separated by deportation."" ",9 13,"Legislature to decide questions about whether gay couples should be allowed to marry. ",12 5, Thornburgh raised objections,4 7,Swift Death Penalty For Aptman's Killer,6 12,"'We will feel better taking something out there that has survived this scrutiny,' said Arnie Grossman, co-president of SAFE Colorado, the gun-control group pushing the measure for November's ballot. ",11 5, Legal clash: Can Garden ban guns?,4 5,U.S. District Judge Patricia Fawsett ordered in October that the state retry Delap's sentencing phase.,4 13,Bern wounded by '05 gun act,12 7,PHILADELPHIA MAN CHARGED IN THREAT TO KILL PRESIDENT,6 5,Death row inmate from Hillsborough gets new trial,4 8,Camden County schedules gun buyback program,7 5,4 young people indicted in death at Lake Lanier,4 5,GAY MARRIAGE GETS BLESSING FROM MAINE,4 7,"When the existing laws were actually enforced, accidents declined by 45 percent during the same period this year. Thus, rigorous law enforcement has proven to be a substantial deterrent against crime (speeding and reckless driving).",6 5,"Finally, he may want to remember that those he calls the ""unelected judges"" who have potentially opened the door to gay marriage were known by the framers of the Constitution as the third co-equal branch of the U.S. government. Will he now offer a constitutional amendment calling for elections and term limits for Supreme Court justices?",4 8,"U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested Kittles, who had a portable navigating system, when they found him and the immigrants between the 100 and 400 blocks of Beach Road.",7 12, Only a few same sex couples showed up to Fairfield's Chick-fil-A on Friday aiming to counteract the hundreds of people who flocked to the same location Wednesday in a show of support for the company leadership's stance against same sex marriage.,11 5,R.I. liquor case looms large for tobacco industry,4 5," ""If this constitutional right is abolished, the right to free speech and the right of a free press is sure to follow.""",4 5," commuted those already in effect and vowed to commute any new ones, turning them into sentences of life in prison without parole.",4 10,"""There are really no words that can describe the way I'm feeling today,"" Abankwah said in her first public appearance since winning her 28-month struggle. ""I'm so happy to be free.""",9 7,Sacramento County Sheriff Glen Craig and others have objected to the practice.,6 12,N.R.A. Board Member Deletes Criticism of Victim in Church Massacre,11 9,"Also, Zyban can be taken for longer periods than nicotine products, which are supposed to be used for only about 10 weeks at a time, Johnston said",8 8,Security with liberty; Efforts to assist law enforcement in ratcheting up the war on terrorism need not infringe on Americans' freedoms.,7 15,When is a license plate more than a license plate?,14 4,Experience shows that judges and juries wrongly convict defendants,3 13,"There is little doubt that every Democrat who seeks the White House in 2016 will support same-sex marriage - a reality that wasn't so obvious 18 months ago. The question for Republicans is whether any of their 2016 candidates will take a similar position. ",12 13,"It's democracy, not intimidation",12 3,Unsolicited voice of morality,2 7,U.S. begins iÌ?¬[#x201a]ying deportees to Mexico City,6 4,"rom Death Row, Va. Inmate Insists He's Innocent ",3 6,BAN BLOWS SMOKE RING ON BORDER SMOKERS FIND SOLACE JUST OVER THE EDGES OF RAMSEY COUNTY,5 14,". For 100 years, the United States has been a dominant figure in the governance and way of life of Mexico and Central America.",13 11,"with a mark that resembles an upside-down Nike swoosh. Colorado teens",10 7,"Because of Denver's gun laws, many guns designed to kill have been confiscated - taken off Denver streets - as were many of the street thugs who possessed them. Yes, you heard us right, street thugs - not law-abiding hunters who just drove into the city after shooting rabbits up in the hills.",6 13," Even as the issue of guns shifts to the forefront of the presidential campaign, the White House and the Senate's top Democrat made it clear Thursday that new gun legislation will not be on the political agenda this year. Instead, President Barack Obama intends to focus on other ways to combat gun violence - a position not unlike that of his rival, Mitt Romney.",12 5, jurists,4 5,There has been a gradual erosion of this human right in Georgia stemming from racial politics during Reconstruction and the early 20th century. GCO seeks to undo this erosion.,4 5,"The borrowers were required to sign judgment papers with the amount, terms and due date of the loan left blank and, in some cases, to surrender leases to their businesses, as well as green cards and passports until the debts were paid",4 1," So part of the money should go to reimburse the state for monies spent on these treatments in the past, with the remainder placed in trust for similar treatments in the future.",0 7,"The bodies of Washington and her daughter were found in October 2000 in Washington's apartment in St. Ann. A large butcher knife was found on a bed next to a pool of blood. Strong and Washington's daughter together, 3-month-old Alyshia Strong, was also on the bed but wasn't harmed. St. Ann police received a 911 call from Washington's apartment on Oct. 23, 2000, and heard a scream. Officers headed to the apartment, where Strong met them outside. He initially told them Washington was sleeping, then said she had gone to work. ",6 13,Orlando Shooting Is Likely to Dominate Congressional Agenda,12 5,"The Florida Supreme Court granted a new trial Thursday to a death row inmate from Hillsborough County, saying a detective's personal opinion about the man's guilt might have prejudiced the jury.",4 5,"""We don't have time to wait through endless trials and appeals and negotiations anymore.""",4 7,"iller of 2 Policemen Wins Parole in Jersey ",6 13,"An identical bill by Rep. Lois Frankel, D-West Palm Beach, is pending in the House Rules Committee.",12 7,"A federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent tracked him down and nabbed him by calling his East Village salon, pretending to book him as a makeup artist for a wedding. He was arrested and detained for two months before being deported.",6 13,"The measures had bipartisan support in the Assembly, but it was not unanimous.",12 11," The last person executed in Oregon was LeeRoy McGahuey who died in the gas chamber in 1962. ",10 9,CIGARETTES HAVE MORE BENZENE THAN PERRIER,8 9,"Mr. de la Rosa, 24 years old, was pronounced dead at 12:17 A.M",8 1,'Red Banks and Blue Banks',0 5,A federal appeals court on Thursday refused to allow the public release of the videotapes of the historic Proposition 8 trial that led a judge to overturn California's voter-approved gay marriage ban.,4 5,"The Knight initiative, named for its sponsor, state Sen. William ""Pete"" Knight, R-Palmdale, states that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid. Gay marriages are not legally recognized in California, but the measure would preclude California from recognizing gay marriages performed elsewhere.",4 7,"Of the five people who participated in the 1991 murder conspiracy plot for which Mario Murphy is scheduled to die, only Murphy cooperated with police.",6 13,"Carolyn K. Peterson, the mayor of Ithaca",12 3, Christian groups,2 13,The bill was the first to get the governor's signature during a ceremony that included 265 other measures passed during the extraordinarily busy 90-day legislative session that ended last month.,12 10,Celebrating same-sex marriage,9 10,L.A. SCHOOL DISTRICT IS DIVIDED OVER DOMESTIC PARTNERS BENEFITS,9 4,"Guilty or innocent, he's dead",3 11,Spare us all from televised executions,10 1,"The U researchers concluded that financial incentives would be cost-effective for health plans, because they could help cut down on the 440,000 premature deaths and $75 billion in tobacco-related medical costs that occur in the U.S. each year. ",0 1,Business embracing same-sex benefits,0 9,secondhand smoke put people at risk of getting lung cancer,8 13,Mr. Clinton will also call,12 9," ""As a juvenile, because his brain is not as developed as an adult brain, he shouldn't be held responsible for the same thing that an adult would.""",8 5,"The Sixth Amendment not only guarantees the right to a lawyer, but it also guarantees a lawyer without a conflict of interest, Mickens' appeals lawyers said.",4 13,"Then Clinton appears, speaking from the Oval Office. ""Deadly assault weapons off our streets. One hundred thousand more police on the streets. Expand the death penalty. That's how we'll protect America,"" the President says.",12 6,to ban smoking,5 11,"Calif. survey finds advertising draws youths into smoking ",10 1," A new device, a ``tobacco wheel,'' promises to lower production costs for tobacco growers and add up to 30 percent to the amount of tobacco a farmer can have stripped daily.",0 13,"The bill will likely be heard on the House floor in two weeks. A similar Senate bill has not begun its legislative journey. ",12 1,"It's definitely not your typical tourist pitch. ""Thinking about a Florida vacation?"" the advertisement asks.",0 7,TWO OUT-OF-STATE gun dealers who sold illegal guns used in city crimes agreed to a settlement yesterday that will allow a special master to monitor them.,6 5,Following are excerpts from the Supreme Court decision in Printz v. U.S. and Mack v. U.S. striking down the requirement that local police check the backgrounds of prospective gun buyers. The decision was written by Justice Antonin Scalia:,4 5,"Legal experts have said that in many cases all parties in a lawsuit are given the opportunity to appeal a ruling before it takes effect. However, it was decided at some point Sunday that Scullin's ruling took immediate effect, and that set off efforts to bring the city into compliance. ",4 3,New Jersey Says Clerics Aren't Required to Unite Gay Couples,2 7,"Mosca could face second-degree misdemeanor charges for taking a gun into the Hernando County Government Center in Brooksville. However, the state will not revoke someone's permit unless the person is charged with a violent offense.",6 11, Grasso will also be the first casualty of New York's drive to restore capital punishment.,10 2,Supply and demand,1 8, self-defense,7 1,"While gun collectors and dealers hail this new branch of e-commerce,",0 13,"Twenty years ago, in a somewhat less warped political universe, Congress saw clearly that domestic violence and guns were a deadly mix, and passed, with overwhelming bipartisan support, the Lautenberg Amendment, which barred people convicted of misdemeanor domestic abuse from buying or owning a gun or ammunition.",12 7,"Four victims - David Thompson Jr., Bedford ""Sonny"" Jennings, Marion Jennings and Cedric Gardner - were believed to be drug dealers in a mobile home in the Eagle Park Acres area. The fifth victim, Jeff Mosby, apparently was slain in his trailer next door to eliminate him as a potential witness. ",6 12,"""If there is one thing that sets smokers apart from normal people, it is their attitude towards people who might have the audacity to complain about their smoking, even though the people might be having a medical problem such that it becomes a life threatening situation, as mine did. . . . A smoker has an addiction to deal with and by God, they are not going to have anyone inhibiting their smoking,"" he said in an e-mail. ""Trying to talk with them is like pouring gasoline on a fire, literally. Please consider and understand this when you are making suggestions to someone such as the young lady who is on the verge of acquiring a life long affliction, which is a respiratory disability such as asthmatic bronchitis.""",11 7,POLICE BLOTTER COPS THINK BANDITS TRAVEL TOBACCO ROAD,6 5,Northeastern University law professor Richard Daynard said he was confident the Supreme Court would permit cigarette advertising restrictions if they were based on the danger cigarette ads have to the health of children.,4 5,"The court vacated most capital sentences imposed since a 2002 ruling by the United States Supreme Court, but said that its decision did not apply to older sentences. That creates an odd situation: Procedures were considered valid for some death row cases, but not for others. In cases that followed identical procedures for death row inmates, some are considered valid while some are not.",4 5, pleaded no contest ,4 6,Kenney says Philly will remain a sanctuary city despite Trump's order to pull funds,5 5,Connecticut Q&A: Mark S. Solak,4 13,"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Monday night he would not stand in the way of any effort to change California law to allow same-sex marriages and has ""no use"" for a constitutional amendment banning them. But he also insisted that public officials must abide by existing law. ",12 7, to gunning down a bank manager during a Burlingame robbery.,6 7,Semiautomatic rifles such as AK-47s and AR-15s are favored by drug-trafficking organizations fighting the Mexican government.,6 5,"The next step, said Brink, is the filing by her side of a ""praecipe,"" asking for action by Bucks County Judge Mitchell Goldberg, who has been assigned the case. ",4 7,"The curtain into the chamber was closed at 9:16 p.m. One of seven men sentenced to die in Maryland, Baker was pronounced dead at 9:18 p.m. ",6 5,"Minerva will replace Larry Spalding, who took over CCR when it was created in 1985 and led it through the various controversies of its infancy, including two criminal investigations, staff turnover and morale problems.",4 10,Rushing to Say 'I Do' Before City Is Told 'You Can't',9 12,"Local backers of Proposition 8 disagree and say they stand ready to take them on at the polls any time. ",11 13,CLINTON TO IMPOSE A BAN ON 58 TYPES OF IMPORTED GUNS,12 5,Justices go deeper in politics Supreme Court will hear challenge to Arizona immigration law.,4 5,"He specified that he was only referring to those who have a legitimate need for a gun and, therefore, get their licenses renewed annually. ",4 12,POLL RESULTS BACK TIGHTER GUN CURBS 2-1,11 14,"'As goes California, so goes the nation'",13 6,should serve as the catalyst for a national discussion of firearms regulations and mental health laws.,5 13,The Georgia House voted Monday to execute future death row inmates by lethal injection rather than try to ride out national challenges to the use of the electric chair.,12 6,"The rules require: -- States to develop lists of stores that sell tobacco and to plan a way to check compliance with minors' access laws. -- States to set a timetable for halting 80% of all attempts by minors to buy tobacco. -- The federal government to withhold 20% of substance abuse funds from states that violate the regulations this year, 30% next year and 40% each year thereafter.",5 10," Atlanta is known for beautiful greenspace and public parks. We want to preserve this distinction. Removing smoking from our parks will help complete this vision.",9 11,"More than 4,000 children and teenagers are killed by guns every year in the United States.",10 2,saying the agency has no money left to defend its clients. ,1 3,"""In an effort to suppress this truth, you may mix my blood with the blood of the unborn and those who have fought to defend the oppressed,""",2 13,"The Federation for American Immigration Reform, America's premier immigration limitation group, was so disgusted with what the Republicans and Democrats did last week that it withdrew its support for the two major bills in Congress.",12 11,"The last woman executed was Teresa Lewis in Virginia on Sept. 23, 2010, the information center said.",10 7,"A major piece of evidence in the murder of Mrs. Payant - the first female prison guard in the state to be killed on duty - are tooth marks found on her chest. A forensic dentist, Dr. Lowell J. Levine, of Huntington Station, L.I., said the marks matched impressions of Mr. Smith's teeth. ",6 3,Catholic Church.,2 5,The case will return to U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke in Miami for a ruling that follows the 11th Circuit's direction. The case also could be appealed to the Supreme Court.,4 7,"Most recently, in July, Mark O. Barton killed nine people at two Buckhead day trading firms before using his gun to kill himself. ",6 10, the more people become addicted to tobacco,9 7,facing criminal prosecution and even jail.,6 4,fair ,3 13,Street's plan on permits is criticized,12 1,Florida seeks $ 1 billion in compensatory damages and could get billions more in punitive damages.,0 12," Leading opponents of the proposal, including gay rights organizations and the American Civil Liberties Union, said they remain adamantly against it.",11 3,"In accordance with the ""law of gradualness,"" unmarried couples living together might be encouraged to find deeper commitment in a relationship that has obvious value. Individuals who have remarried after divorce may perhaps be able to take Communion if, for example, the second marriage is stable and clearly benefits the children. Some of the church leadership talked about affirming long-term, committed same-sex relationships in the same way the Catholic Church affirms the virtue in other religious traditions. ""One simply cannot say that a faithful homosexual relationship that has held for decades is nothing,"" Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich elaborated to a reporter. ",2 5,Texas Panel Rejects Plea to Halt Execution of Accomplice in 1996 Murder,4 9,"Florida, like Oklahoma, uses midazolam, followed by vecuronium bromide and potassium chloride.",8 13,"Instead, state House members approved several initiatives that bore no resemblance to an actual crackdown on handgun trafficking. ",12 13,"President Obama's new grass-roots advocacy group will target more than a dozen members of Congress with online ads this week for failing to voice support for his plan to expand background checks to all gun buyers, organizers told USA TODAY. ",12 5,Supreme Court should use Prop. 8 case to take a stand for gay marriage,4 6,"The ordinance would allow two adults, of any gender or sexual orientation, to declare formally their commitment to each other through a county registry. It is not intended to carry legal weight, nor does it give any economic benefits.",5 7,ACQUAINTANCE OF CONVICT NOT AT EXECUTION,6 13,"For Obama, It's About the Children",12 5,"Since the case against Major Hasan was overwhelming, his conviction was a near certainty, and the main question in the trial was whether he would receive the death penalty.",4 5,"In 1998, a Dougherty County jury sentenced Gulley to death",4 1,"As Gun Debate Rages, Ammunition Makers Are Quietly, and Busily, at Work",0 10,Maceda said he wanted a comfortable spot in a nontouristy neighborhood where people can come to buy cigars or just relax with a smoke,9 12,Polls Find Continued Support for Stricter Gun Laws and a Path to Citizenship,11 6,A look at the Nevada gun laws that may have helped Las Vegas shooter,5 11,minor,10 1,and cigarette company,0 15,Two on Tobacco,14 15,Outrage Over Guns Has Limited Impact,14 12,"The study was conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins University and is drawn from a nationally representative 2017 survey that interviewed 602 gun owners and 1,522 non-owners.",11 11,Manliness Is a Warm Gun,10 11,"On '60 Minutes,' Secondhand Smoke",10 12,Opponents of same-sex marriage claimed victory yesterday.,11 11, becoming the sixth person to be put to death this year in Texas.,10 10,"Donna Myers and Maria Barquero like to play roller hockey, go to the movies, go to the beach or just drive around and make up silly songs. ""You bring out the best in me,"" Barquero told Myers one recent morning, and Myers nodded as they echoed one another, finished each other's sentences and laughed together",9 13," Conservative opposition put a House Republican gun and anti-terrorism bill in jeopardy Wednesday, delivering an embarrassing slap to Speaker Paul Ryan and his effort to mount a legislative response to last month's Orlando, Fla., mass shooting.",12 5,"While the stay applies only to Warner, the attorney general",4 11,the liberal-conservative orientation of the state,10 6,"More gun laws won't stop killers, NRA chief says",5 13,"An executive order issued this week by President Clinton brings hope that a million fewer military-style assault weapons will reach American streets. Clinton's directive plugs a dangerous loophole that allowed gun makers in other countries to get around the U.S. assault-weapon ban. Of course, the National Rifle Association responded to Clinton's order with well-rehearsed outrage and threatened to push Congress to undo the directive. If Congress is truly concerned about threats, it should ignore the gun lobby and heed the escalating public frustration with high-powered guns that kill a maximum number of people in minimum time.",12 1,"USA just wouldn't work without immigrant labor Demand will continue to grow for high- and low-skilled ",0 5,"On Wednesday, the Supreme Court turned down an attempt to halt same-sex marriages in Oregon by the National Organization for Marriage. The decision grew out of the court's 2013 ruling on Proposition 8 in California, and was greeted with a shrug. At the judicial level, good news is now the norm.",4 5,Malvo Is Moved to Md. for Trial,4 11,The New York Times reported today.,10 5,"""It's inconceivable that such a violation of ethics and procedure could be allowed to go forward unchecked, and now the Supreme Court will address that,"" said Mickens' lawyer Robert J. Wagner.",4 8,"The two slain officers, Lt. Louis Allen and Capt. Philip Esposito, and Martinez were members of the 42nd Infantry Division, a National Guard unit based in upstate New York.",7 1, where he can easily purchase a gun,0 7,The charges stem from a string of gruesome sex-torture killings in,6 8," cIf you cannot fly due to being on a government watch list, you should not be able to purchase a firearm while on that watch list as well",7 5, citizenry's near-almighty right to bear arms.,4 11,: ''My wedding is not about making history.,10 9,NEW FORMULA HELPS CALCULATE RISK OF GETTING LUNG CANCER,8 5,Registry Documents Unmarried Couples,4 6,Pat Robertson Urges Moratorium On U.S. Executions,5 1," that outlawed the sale, manufacture and importation of 19 types of so-called ""assault weapons"" and ammunition magazines that contain more than 10 rounds",0 3,It is staunchly opposed by Catholic social service groups.,2 13,CONGRESS MINNESOTA DELEGATION SPLIT ON AMENDMENT TO BAN GAY MARRIAGE,12 6,Same-sex marriage bill sent to Md. House,5 13,"White House praises 'courageous' youths marching against gun violence, then Trump's motorcade takes a detour;",12 11," a pace unmatched in the modern era,",10 7, Columbine High School massacre,6 3,UNREPENTANT HILL SAYS HE MIGHT BE STARTING TREND,2 5,It will take considerable time and effort to smoke out all of the details and compromises in the unprecedented settlement between the tobacco companies and state attorneys general.,4 6,"Numerous state and local laws control the ownership and transfer of assault-style weapons. But the ban that matters, the one that flat-out prohibits the manufacture and sale of 19 types of firearms and large-capacity ammunition clips, is a federal law passed as part of the 1994 crime bill.",5 5,Attorney General Bob Butterworth and a host of lawyers,4 13,"But come Nov. 8, she says, there's no way she'll vote for Democrat Kathleen Brown for governor. The main reason: Brown's ""squishy"" stand on illegal immigration.",12 7,He is charged in California with four bombings that killed a computer store owner and a timber industry lobbyist and maimed two professors.,6 5,"Alaska joined that group after the Supreme Court refused to block a ruling that struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court's order was terse and gave no reasons. ",4 7," that illegal immigration, in particular, is linked to violent crime",6 15,From Apocalypse To Dystopia,14 15,Smith's guns came from street dealer,14 13,"PUSHING ITS BILLS, GOP CONTINUES TO WAVE ITS FIST AT CRIME",12 11,Inquirer Editorial: A very long engagement,10 13,President Clinton will decisively reject,12 7, for a man arrested in the city's first homicide since 1994.,6 5,CHURCH BAN ON GUNS ALLOWED JUDGE WIDENS INJUNCTION TO COVER ENTIRE PROPERTY,4 13,"A yes vote was to pass the bill. Voting yes: David Funderburk, R-2, Walter Jones, R-3, Fred Heineman, R-4, Stephen Burr, R-5, Howard Coble, R-6, W.G. Hefner, D-8, Sue Myrick, R-9, Cass Ballenger, R-10, Charles Taylor, R-11. Voting no: Eva Clayton, D-1, Melvin Watt, D-12. Not voting: Charles Rose, D-7.",12 7,Illinois Mass Murderer Is Spared Execution,6 7,"For the past several days, Vicky McCloskey, a secretary for the sheriff's department in Pennsylvania's Centre County",6 5,Second Amendment,4 9,"Toddler Marie Estime died from bleeding in her brain in November 1999. An autopsy also found she had 12 broken ribs, a broken leg and other injuries.",8 8,gun control,7 1,California's gun sales break records,0 13,Maryland's same-sex marriage debate,12 14,U.N. Panel Votes for Ban on Death Penalty,13 7," aimed at increasing the number of police officers on the streets, cracking down on illegitimate gun dealers and significantly changing the way death-penalty cases are handled in U.S. courts. ",6 6, I think our law simply must change,5 5," UNANIMOUS JURY STILL NEEDED FOR DEATH PENALTY",4 8,Daniel told his father he was concerned because background checks were not required to purchase guns in some instances.,7 8, for protecting their homes and families,7 9,"Public-health groups are withholding endorsements until they see the final proposal, but the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association and American Medical Association all strongly signaled Thursday that they're supportive.",8 3,"Police detective sees killer ""get what he had coming"" ",2 13,and lawmakers,12 4," In a decision filled with bold and sweeping pronouncements about equality,",3 5,A forerunner to Sierra LaMar case,4 7,"THOUGH IMPORTANT relief seems to be on the way for Marylanders concerned about guns in the hands of criminals, watch out:",6 7, would lower crime and would have prevented John Hinckley from his attempt on President Reagan's life. ,6 4,"First, equal rights for gay and lesbian Americans is the civil rights battle of our time. It is a right-and-wrong, where-did-you-stand-in-the-fight moment in precisely the same way that equal rights for people of color was the defining moral question for previous generations. ",3 13,Updates on the Gun Violence Debate,12 5, tramples the First Amendment,4 5,Supreme Court nominee really is against guns,4 13,"Now in Defense of Gay Marriage, Bill Clinton",12 3,but do not call it something it can never be: marriage.,2 13,Ford tried to explain how he went from voting to ban gay marriage with a constitutional amendment in 2006 as a Tennessee congressman to now supporting it as he mulls a primary bid against Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.,12 5,"An affidavit filed by investigators in court to support the charges against Muhammad mentions evidence that had not been released publicly. A search of the 1990 Chevrolet Caprice in which Muhammad and Malvo were arrested, the affidavit says, found a laptop computer, walkie-talkies, a global positioning device, bolt cutters and two shooting mittens -- gloves with grips and padding often used in target practice.",4 11,"FROM MANY, ONE NATION; America Must Again Assimilate Its Immigrants",10 12,MARCH FOR OUR LIVES TOUR TO STOP IN ST. PETERSBURG ON THURSDAY,11 1,keep the tobacco industry,0 5,Execution warrant is signed for ex-journalist,4 10,Same-sex marriage ruling gives couple a sense of relief,9 7,police force ,6 7,An ATF spokesman in Washington didn't return my calls either. I had asked what parts of gun-trace reports would no longer be publicly available because of Tiahrt's budget amendment. It would seem to apply to any information derived from a crime-gun trace.,6 8,exacerbated by demands to safeguard America's borders in the post-Sept. 11 era.,7 1,"AFTER about a month of highly visible surveillance by the Suffolk County Police, the tax-free smoke shops on the American Indian reservations of the East End are chafing. ",0 11,"Oh, That Past",10 9,Families Advocating Safe Streets.,8 6,"Under the act, companies may designate no more than 30 percent of the total work area for smoking. The Ford plant in Hazelwood and the General Motors plant in Wentzville had similar smoking policies.",5 13,"In addition, Wisconsin elected the first openly gay U.S. senator in history, with Rep. Tammy Baldwin's (D) victory over former governor Tommy Thompson (R).",12 8,None of the alleged Sept. 11 hijackers came into the country through the refugee program.,7 5,"""We have no choice but to go to court.""",4 13,PRESIDENTIAL FAILURE ON IMMIGRATION,12 5,Pellegrini is weighing the Corbett administration's request to compel Montgomery County Register of Wills D. Bruce Hanes to stop issuing licenses to gay and lesbian couples in violation of a state law.,4 6,"The law, which takes effect in October, also defines marriage as being between one man and one woman.",5 5,Tobacco Industry Lawyers Press State Attorneys General Not to Sue,4 7,"Punishment For Crimes Debated ",6 7,dozen San Mateo County law enforcement officials.,6 14,"In one year, N.Y. gay-marriage law has made its mark on state, nation",13 7,popular shoplifting target,6 5, to apply for permits to carry concealed guns.,4 10,Schools address deportation fears as families react to Trump moves,9 12," One of these jails is located in Springfield Gardens, Queens, and many voices have been raised in protest. The rally last week focused on the role those private prison companies have played in supporting anti-immigrant policies, leading to record detention and deportation rates.",11 13,Gov. Pataki stood at the site of the Long Island Rail Road massacre yesterday and signed the nation's toughest state anti-gun bill into law.,12 15,"The power of the immigrant's table ",14 6,Same-sex marriage bans have limits,5 12,Uproar in D.C. as Same-Sex Marriage Gains,11 8,. It is also a reminder of the inadequacy of conceal-carry laws ,7 5,"In an emergency hearing Friday morning before Circuit Judge Wayne Cobb, the same judge who oversaw the 1984 trials, Backhus was given until 5 p.m. Monday to file any new motions. Cobb said he will hear arguments Thursday, the day before the scheduled execution.",4 4," ""I have two young boys. How can I explain to them that we live in a country that is supposed to be free, but we live in a state where some are freer than others?"" Morran asked.",3 15,What is a marriage?,14 12,"A Des Moines Register Iowa Poll released Monday shows that 44% of Iowans who plan to vote in the retention election say they will vote ""yes"" to all three justices; 40% say they will vote to remove all three; and 16% say they want to retain some.",11 6, that would toughen penalties for traffickers and close loopholes that allow some to get off with light penalties.,5 9,Amex Equalizes Health Costs for Gay Employees,8 5,Multitude of Tobacco Lawsuits Provides Bargaining Chips for Negotiators,4 12,Gun rights group: 'It scares us',11 15,The Nation: The Lock and Load Myth,14 4,"""This is the greatest current threat to our quest for equality,"" said Tracy Conaty, a representative for the No on Knight campaign. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force organized the weekend look at civil rights issues seen as key to the 2000 election. ",3 1,"Employers say a shortage of skilled American workers forces them to turn overseas, although even Palm Beach County's largest employers have no more than a dozen workers on visas. Foreign workers are more common in Silicon Valley, where Apple, Google and other tech companies have pushed for years for more H-1B visas.",0 5,"But when the death penalty was ruled unconstitutional in 1972, his term was reduced to life and he was given a parole date.",4 9,Mental exam slated for murder suspect,8 9,"More than five million Americans now under the age of 18 will die prematurely from smoking, according to new Government projections that reflect increasing tobacco use by teen-agers.",8 5,"Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr. urged the court to take prompt action to reverse an ''unprecedented and momentous'' appeals court ruling last week that blocked President Obama's plan to let more than four million undocumented immigrants legally live and work in the United States. ",4 15,Reason du jour,14 1,"If it doesn't, it will close for economic reasons. Let the market decide.",0 5,"Arkansas courts stay execution, block state from using lethal injection drug",4 13,"What exactly changed in the last few days to scuttle the expected nomination, which now seems unlikely.",12 13,"The senator was not Chris Murphy of Connecticut, who has become Capitol Hill's leading voice for gun safety legislation.",12 3,What's wrong with limiting marriage to the union of man and woman as has been done for centuries?,2 7,"So he wrote Philadelphia police, detailing a third slaying he and an accomplice supposedly committed 10 years ago. ",6 13,Mayor gives okay to puff away,12 13,The measure will now go to a conference committee.,12 15,Let's not ignore a lesson from history,14 10,KANKAS AWAIT HIS LAST BREATH,9 7,"Stanworth was arrested on Jan. 9, 2013, after he called Vallejo police and confessed to killing his mother, 90-year-old Nellie Stanworth, at his Hiddenbrooke-area home.",6 6,U.S. Announces Plan Relaxing Visa Restrictions for Cuban Immigrants,5 5,"Anderson's lawyers tried a number of last-ditch pleas in the federal courts, arguing that Gov. Gray Davis had failed to adequately consider clemency, but each legal maneuver was rejected as being ""without merit.""",4 9, Balogh was intoxicated,8 15,A matter of record,14 4,"""Sounds like a small step in the right direction,"" said Joseph Hagelmann, president of the Stonewall Democratic Club in Manhattan. ""But we're not going to be happy until we have full marriage equality.""",3 6,who spoke out in favor of some controls on guns during his show Monday night),5 10,A federal commission on American immigration policy recommended today that illegal immigrants should not receive public-funded aid except in emergencies and that states should receive some financial aid to offset some of their costs in accommodating them.,9 4,VALIDATE SAME-SEX MARRIAGE,3 13,Don't allow lobbyists to shoot down gun bill,12 1,Big Cigars Offer Way For Smokers To Save,0 5,"Phila., Lancaster, gun-control advocates sue to invalidate state law ",4 7,"Robert Donaldson, 43, was charged with three state counts of criminal possession of a weapon, and could face up to 15 years in prison, said the office of Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown.",6 12,"""The unrefuted and unrefutable fact is that thousands, perhaps millions, of rational voters in Georgia have strongly different views"" of gay marriage and benefits for civil union couples, the brief states.",11 15,An unpredictable outcome possible,14 5,"Koster, who did not respond to requests for an interview, issued a statement Thursday that attempted to explain the difference between his legal and personal opinions.",4 13,White House Avoids Stand On Gay Marriage Measure,12 5,"Then there was his legal team's comparison in a court brief of gay marriage to underage people's getting wed. ",4 5,IMMIGRATION RULING; 'Papers' provision provides safeguard,4 15,ARMED GEORGIA,14 3,"""Who has put you in the position to change the authority of God?"" asked Cassandra Robinson. ""We will bring the wrath of God on this city."" ",2 7,"He is the only one of three men who took part in the Jan. 10, 1991, murders of Brandon Snider, 27, and Robert Carter, 28, to receive the death penalty.",6 14,"""It's the position of [Fox] that the half-measures in this law are insufficient to resolve ... the complex phenomenon of immigration between Mexico and the United States,"" Aguilar said.",13 5," Bay Area couple wins case against federal same-sex marriage law",4 1,"The survey cost $ 1,870, paid for by the capital litigation trust fund, a new pot of money set aside by the state to help make death penalty cases fairer.",0 5," Our federal immigration laws do not refer to those who came into this country illegally as ""undocumented immigrants"" or ""undocumented workers."" It calls them ""aliens"" who are ""present in violation of law."" A more appropriate term for such people is ""illegal alien."" Clearly, one who has violated our immigration laws to remain in the United States has engaged in illegal behavior. ",4 8,GOLDIN'S OFFICE FINDS LAPSES IN CITY CONTROL OF LONG GUNS,7 5,"Tuesday was the first day that illegal immigrants could apply for amnesty under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. The service has said that as many as 3.9 million illegal aliens could be eligible to apply under rules that require they arrived in the United States before Jan. 1, 1982.",4 6,"Instead of trying to pass laws prohibiting people from gun ownership, pass laws that severely limit access to ammo. Without bullets, a gun is no more able to harm anyone than a stick, and certainly less dangerous than a knife. Forget about gun control and concentrate on ammunition control",5 5,The path to the nation's busiest death chamber winds through a court of last resort where the presiding judge recently refused to keep her office open past 5 p.m. to accept a last-minute appeal from an inmate about to be executed.,4 10,S.C. MOTHER'S TROUBLED PAST CONVINCED JURORS TO SPARE HER LIFE,9 12,"A Lightning Rod on Gay Marriage, and Her Split Town",11 11,Movie industry clings to cigarettes,10 9,which accepted the connection between smoking and cancer three years ago.,8 11,northern Colorado,10 6, enacted a law two years ago switching to lethal injection,5 13,"Fearing a Toehold for Gay Marriages, Conservatives Rush to Bar the Door",12 10,BENEFITS QUESTIONED GROUP TARGETS ECOLAB AND OTHER EMPLOYERS FOR OFFERING PET INSURANCE AND OTHER SERVICES OVER DOMESTIC PARTNER BENEFITS,9 15,"Guns, Abortion and Mistrust",14 9,"When a mentally ill person tries to buy a gun, this is not the situation where we should worry about stigma, privacy or the chilling effects of seeking treatment. The inability to buy a gun and carry out the person's delusion might even spur treatment. But then, it's probably harder for the mentally ill to get effective treatment than it is for them to get guns.",8 5,"The California Supreme Court today appeared inclined to uphold Proposition 8, but showed obvious reluctance to void thousands of same-sex marriages already in place when voters restored a ban on gay marriage last fall.",4 15,First Steps in Mamaroneck,14 6,State Considers Vehicle Smoking Ban,5 13,Vote on Gay Marriage,12 5,CU aims to keep gun ban Divided regents vote to challenge appellate decision,4 13,"Mr. Bloomberg's aversion to ""gun control"" reinforces the role that language plays in framing discourse on controversial issues. Words matter.",12 15,Active Look at Passive Smoking,14 5," Last month, the Supreme Court ruled that a similar ban enacted in 1990 was unconstitutional.",4 6,"Tuesday night, the Fort Collins City Council unanimously passed an ordinance that bans people younger than 18 from buying, possessing and using tobacco products, including cigarettes and chewing tobacco.",5 5,ATTORNEY GENERAL URGES ILLINOIS TO OVERHAUL ITS DEATH PENALTY SYSTEM,4 1,products,0 13,Let's be clear where the major share of the blame lies for the shelving of the bill. A majority of those who cast votes against it - denying it even a chance for consideration on the House floor - did so out of pure partisanship and/or craven submission to the gun lobby.,12 13, although they conceded that passage is still beyond their reach.,12 7,There is no question that there is a crime control problem in this country. There is also no evidence that law-abiding gun owners contribute to this problem.,6 5,"The high court's decision gave yet another reprieve to Davis, whose life already had been spared three times shortly before his scheduled execution. If the court had rejected Davis' latest request, the Chatham County district attorney was expected to seek a new execution date. ",4 7," NOT long after a disgruntled worker killed four people, then himself, at the Connecticut Lottery headquarters in Newington and after several school shootings around the nation in 1998,",6 5,Stroud rejected plea bargain to gamble on life,4 6,a total smoking ban at Raleigh-Durham International Airport,5 5,"Spencer Eig, a member of the legal team that is fighting to bring the custody matter to family court, said, ""We'll go to federal court and continue to defend Elian's rights there"" if federal officials refuse to recognize the Florida court's jurisdiction. ",4 5,Immig free-speech rights fight,4 3,""". . . Truth and righteousness will prevail. May God help you to protect the unborn as you would want to be protected.""",2 13,3 States End Resistance To Spousal Benefits Order,12 12,"""We're very optimistic,"" said lawyer John Stemberger, who ran the campaign Florida4Marriage, the group that sponsored the ballot measure. ""We're not declaring victory yet. ... But we're looking very good, and we're very pleased with it.""",11 5,"A Marion County judge lifted a stay of execution Monday for an Ocala murderer after finding that a 34-minute-long execution of another inmate in December was not cruel and unusual punishment. ",4 5,"Last week, the state Supreme Court cleared the way for the proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.",4 10,F. Nash Bilisoly has been fighting for nearly four years to save Bobby Lee Ramdass's life. Now he has to watch him die.,9 11,"Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig is fond of saying, ""Baseball is a social institution.""",10 10,Group helps kick the habit,9 5,"Massachusetts is the only state that allows same-sex couples to legally marry. But supporters say they have hope California's high court will channel its legacy of progressive rulings, including its landmark 1948 decision to legalize interracial marriage, in the belief that people have a fundamental right to marry whom they choose.",4 7,He is scheduled to die by lethal injection at the federal penitentiary here on June 11.,6 13,"NRA President: Assault weapons ban not likely to pass Congress ",12 5,Plea deal avoids death penalty,4 4, I thought civil unions for same-sex couples would address my concerns regarding both equality and religious liberty.,3 7,Man Is Convicted of Kidnapping Polly Klaas,6 10,"As in her own marriage to psychologist Thea Spyer, which followed a 40-year engagement",9 13, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords,12 5," A trial court judge in central California has thrown out key sections of a state law restricting handgun ammunition sales, barring authorities from registering bullet buyers' thumbprints on the grounds that it would be unconstitutional.",4 7," In suburban Washington, D.C., last weekend, the son of a county police officer stole his father's service weapon to sell at school. And just guess what happened next: A teacher who came upon the illicit gun sale was shot and gravely wounded.",6 5,Court tries to decipher killer's wishes,4 11,GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT MARKS 25TH ANNIVERSARY,10 6,"That's fine. Among other things, the bill would mandate that 40 percent of all public buildings be reserved as smoking areas. We don't need to pass a silly law like that, not after all we've learned in the past few years about the dangers of passive smoking and indoor air pollution. Given the medical research, it's remarkable that the bill has received as much serious consideration as it has. ",5 15,MCGREEVEY FLIP-FLOPS ON GAY MARRIAGE,14 9,"Although public reports of his medical history are somewhat scanty, certain facts are clear. In 1997 he was treated for throat cancer, which he himself attributed to many years of smoking. He said at the time that he had quit smoking and that his doctors anticipated a complete cure.",8 13,"Senate Committees Make a Rocky Start on Tobacco Legislation ",12 13,governor's office and the Catholic Church.,12 7,"The teen's mother hopes to strike out against gun violence. For three years, Geraldine Rodriguez has thought about the night a pizza delivery driver shot and killed her 17-year-old son.",6 1, Smith & Wesson's concessions are a tacit admission that there was more it could havebeen doing in the manufacture and sale of weapons to reduce the costs and tragedies caused by gun violence.,0 5,Parole board grants Davis 3rd hearing,4 13,"At the Carter Center on Wednesday, a group of seventh-graders from DeKalb County's Terry Mill Elementary School sat grinning as former President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, signed the students' large ""Kids Against Tobacco"" petition.",12 13,It is part of Owens' gun package. Passed.,12 5,"During the trial her attorney, Michael Piuze, told jurors that Philip Morris concealed the dangers of cigarettes with a widespread disinformation campaign that began in the 1950s. He used internal tobacco industry documents to lay out his contention.",4 7,Montgomery County Jail to Ban Smoking -- but Not Cold Turkey,6 13,MAYOR SUPPORTS ANTISMOKING BILL HE SAID HE WOULD SIGN IT IF COUNCIL OKS IT,12 13,O'Malley (D) had sought a full repeal of Maryland's death penalty,12 7,Mr. Kaczynski is believed by the authorities to be the elusive suspect in the Unabom case who killed 3 people and wounded 23 others by sending letter bombs through the mail to seemingly random targets from 1978 to 1995.,6 1," For this public service, the ward boss paid Mr. Obrycki several dollars a head.",0 6, the least state and local officials can do is enforce the laws on the books.,5 13,Feingold said in an interview that he was motivated to state his position on one of the most divisive social issues in the country after being asked at a town hall meeting Sunday,12 11,"On March 8, 1951, Martha Jule Beck became the last woman executed by the state of New York.",10 6,Cold-case pursuits vs. death penalty Families of the slain urge funding shift,5 5,"''Judge Weinstein has been a thorn in the side of the tobacco industry for some time, but we see this decision as further reducing his ability to be a nuisance to the industry going forward,'' said Robert Campagnino, a tobacco analyst for Prudential Financial, in a note to investors yesterday.",4 4, after making multiple racist comments,3 12,"Polls in recent years have found a small advantage for opponents of same-sex marriage. In 2007, the Public Policy Institute of California found that 49 percent of the state's residents opposed same-sex marriage, while 45 percent were in favor of it.",11 9, Mental retardation is not a reason for withholding the death penalty either.,8 9,Records show inmate got 15 times usual drug dose,8 13,"""This debate over illegal immigration - which has valid discussion points,"" he said, ""has had the effect of bringing out the worst in some people.""",12 5,A Legal Victory for Gay Marriage,4 13,President Clinton's,12 7,"The law enforcement source, who insisted upon anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said local police and agents from the FBI and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are trying to locate the middleman.",6 11," Below the message she included a photo of what appears to be Lennon's blood-stained eyeglasses, perched on a ledge with the Manhattan skyline as a backdrop.",10 5,"Another supporter, Estelle Rogers of Washington, said the group was not taking a position on the death penalty itself. Instead, she said, ""We're calling on every jurisdiction . . . to clean up its act.""",4 10,McVeigh had his last meal Sunday afternoon: two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream.,9 10,STOGIES IN STYLE THEY PROUDLY PUFF IN DEFIANCE OF OTHERS' DISDAIN,9 4,"It's tempting to rationalize this discrimination by claiming that the proposed amendment treats men and women the same. Both are denied the opportunity to marry a person of the same sex. But the Supreme Court dismissed the ""equal application"" argument around 40 years ago when it invalidated prohibitions on interracial marriage. Although such prohibitions barred blacks and whites alike from marrying across racial lines, the court said the racial classification itself denied equal protection of the laws.",3 12,N.R.A. Planning Restaurant And Arcade in Times Square,11 13,Kaine Weighs Ban In State Buildings,12 15," Deaths Elsewhere / Del Martin, half of first gay marriage in California",14 1,"The 1968 Gun Control Act, which should be the governing statute here, allows only the import of guns that are suitable for, or readily adaptable to, sporting purposes. ",0 2,", the number of shootings is little changed.",1 5,"The suit was brought by out-of-state students at all three of California's higher education systems. They cited a 1996 federal law that said illegal immigrants ""shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a state for any postsecondary education benefit unless a citizen ... of the United States is eligible for such a benefit without regard to whether the citizen ... is such a resident."" The court ruled that California's policy was at odds with that law.",4 13,"But come November, thousands of them will speak the one language all politicians understand: the language of the vote.",12 13,"Congress did, when it banned assault-weapons last year. Other responsible parties include the ""murderous"" FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.",12 13,along with political consultants,12 6,Give green light to park smoking ban,5 6,Proposition 22,5 10,The Hidden Scars All Refugees Carry,9 5,"Clarke County Circuit Judge James L. Berry, the same judge who granted North his permit in 1992, rejected the application for a renewal last week. ",4 1,Neither casino workers nor their bosses,0 13,"Santorum's misguided view of gun control in Wild West ",12 10,the type he'd pushed away after the dream house he built in Sarajevo was destroyed in the war.,9 1,"The mayor is right to insist on getting his share of cigarette tax revenues, but it's not clear if he has come up with a workable way to do it",0 5," Hawaii Leads the Way On Same-Sex Couples",4 5,"Tobacco industry lawyers argue that the new Food and Drug Administration warnings for cigarette packs violate First Amendment rights and claim that there is little evidence that warnings reduce the rate of smoking. Unfortunately, they are right on both counts, and those arguments should prevail as a matter of law. The editorial countered that the U.S. government has a compelling interest in preventing deaths from tobacco smoking that should supersede First Amendment considerations in this matter.",4 4,"Immigrant Bills Could Fuel Intolerance, Opponents Say",3 13,EDGAR VETO IS LIKELY ON GUN-CONTROL BILL,12 12,Ban's Foes To Run Ad Across Va.,11 5,"The 2-to-1 decision by a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, in Richmond, Va., followed similar rulings this summer by the circuit court in Denver striking down same-sex marriage bans in Utah and Oklahoma. ",4 13,"Spurred by Gilmore's own October pardon of former death row inmate Earl Washington Jr., the assembly sent the governor a measure that would relax the state rule against appeals based on new evidence any later than three weeks after sentencing. ",12 5,Massachusetts High Court Puts Guns Under Consumer Safety Regulation,4 2,‘We could’ve saved frontliners’: COA says BOI failed to distribute donated PPEs,1 10,"Metro Manila and the rest of the country are expected to experience partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rain showers or thunderstorms on Wednesday, April 5, the state weather bureau advised in its 4 a.m. bulletin.",9 10,Villar moves for alternative mode of transportation,9 5,SC denies petition assailing proposed amendments to IBP by-laws,4 2,No need for Philippine rescue team to extend ops in quake-hit Turkey so far — OCD,1 2,The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is now collaborating with the Department of  Science and Technology (DOST) in the conduct of investigation into the oil spill that hit the waters of Oriental Mindoro and nearby areas after the sinking of an oil tanker on Feb. 28.,1 13,"Garcia: AFP, PNP reshuffle during election period needs Comelec nod",12 7,"Military-related charges have been served to former Presidential Security Group head Brigadier General Jesus Durante III and another Army officer over the killing of businesswoman Yvonette Chua Plaza in Davao City in December 2022, the Philippine Army said on Wednesday.",6 2,Senate public services chairperson Grace Poe on Monday expressed dismay over a “drought goals” among water agencies in preventing a water crisis amid the dry season.,1 7,"A former US State Department employee was sentenced for 15 years in prison for illicit sexual conduct with minors in the Philippines, according to a press release posted on the US Department of Justice website.",6 2,VP Sara: Lack of school facilities still basic education’s main problem,1 13,"In parting message, Duterte says stop criticizing Marcos, ‘unite’ behind him",12 6,"A P2,000 monthly government subsidy for parents of children with disabilities (CWD) has been proposed in the Lower House.",5 7,"The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) on Thursday said it launched a motu proprio investigation on the killing of Aparri, Cagayan Vice Mayor Rommel Alameda and five others in Nueva Vizcaya.",6 7,P1.5B worth of smuggled agri products seized from October 2022-January 2023 — DA exec,6 3,"CHR celebrates 36th anniversary May 5; vows to intensify efforts to uphold rights, dignity of all",2 9,There is no yet from the Department of Health (DOH) to bring back the mandatory wearing of face masks amid the rise in Covid-19 infections in the country.,8 13,"Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida sent his sympathies on the passing of former Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario, who he considers a “good friend,” Japanese Ambassador to Manila Kazuhiko Koshikawa said on Thursday, April 20.",12 8,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Wednesday cautioned anew those who are wanting to work abroad against a call center trafficking scam following the repatriation of a female victim.,7 14,MANILA – The Korean Embassy in Manila is set to pick 14 Filipinos for the 2023 Global Korea Scholarship (GKS).,13 7,"2 Chinese nationals, cohort yield P6.8-M shabu in Taguig",6 3,MANILA – Catholic Church officials on Tuesday reminded the faithful that the essence of Holy Week activities is about reflection and devotion to faith.,2 8,"Marcos: Philippines working for ‘sophisticated, well-trained’ military",7 9,"MANILA, Philippines – An infectious diseases specialist said on Friday, March 11, that the new coronavirus variant Deltacron may not cause severe infection, but may have similar transmission rate as Delta and Omicron variants.",8 13,"MANILA – An open dialogue among various stakeholders will help the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) conduct a peaceful and orderly Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) on Oct. 30, Acting Presidential Peace Adviser Isidro Purisima said Thursday.",12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Until the last day of the campaign period on Saturday, May 7, outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte did not endorse his daughter’s standard-bearer, Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.",12 9,"Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is one of the new symptoms associated with COVID-19, particularly the Omicron subvariant XBB.1.16 or Arcturus.",8 9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday registered 107 new COVID-19 infections, bringing the country’s caseload to 4,078,231.",8 5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) junked the continuing mandamus, which sought specific actions from the Philippine government in relation to the Dengvaxia issue – the vaccine used for the prevention of dengue disease.",4 14,"EU delegates, senators had 'fruitful' human rights discussion",13 7,"The lawyer of suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. said on Saturday that his client has made certain requests to ensure his safe return to the country after being linked to the killing of Governor Roel Degamo.",6 13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. is somewhat satisfied with the government's response to the oil spill but told government agencies to pick up the pace as the oil was already reaching the shoreline.",12 14,UAE delegation visit chance to deepen defense ties with PH,13 10,Monday forecast: Rains across PH due to 3 weather systems,9 14,"MANILA – The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with the United States does not carry unlimited access to agreed locations, the Department of National Defense (DND) clarified Saturday.",13 15,Personnel of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) have recovered the cadaver of the last remaining missing passenger of a vessel that caught fire off the waters of Basilan on March 29.,14 14,Build Better More' program showcased in Tokyo forum,13 12,"MANILA, Philippines – Nearly all Filipinos have a positive outlook for 2023, according to a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.",11 10,"The entire archipelago may experience fair weather due to partly cloudy to cloudy conditions in the next 24 hours, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Sunday, April 16.",9 7,Solons demand inventory of seized illegal drugs,6 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Former Negros Oriental Governor Henry Teves admitted that his driver is a suspected spotter in the killing of a former provincial government employee, “Biok” Diangco. Sherwin Lee Diangco, Biok’s son, identified the spotter as Juvanie Catubay.",6 6,"MANILA – Manila 3rd District Representative Joel Chua has filed a bill seeking to legalize and regulate the operation of motorcycles-for-hire, which is proven to be affordable, reliable, safe and convenient for",5 4,"MANILA, Philippines – In the process of economic empowerment, women need freedom from fear and violence to be able to thrive, United States Vice President Kamala Harris said in a town hall discussion with women leaders and rights advocates on Monday, November 21.",3 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Skeletal remains were recovered by authorities inside the Department of Justice in Padre Faura street, Manila on Thursday, November 24.",6 13,Senator Robin Padilla won't secure Senate deputy minority leader Risa Hontiveros' signature on report on a resolution seeking to amend the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution via constituent assembly.,12 7,"The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has described as ""deplorable"" and ""unacceptable"" as it condemned the attack by a policeman against his girlfriend during a birthday party in Kidapawan City, Cotabato.",6 14,WASHINGTON — The United States will provide additional assets to the Philippine military in support of the latter's modernization efforts.,13 13,"Senator Francis ""Chiz"" Escudero said there are no studies on the sources of funding for the proposed Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF).   “Kada araw nagbabago depende kung sino ang kausap mo, nagbabago depende kung sinong congressman at senador ang kausap mo na nagsusulong nito. May kanya kanyang opinion sila, ang pinagbabatayan ko lamang ay ang nakasulat sa mga panukalang batas na pending sa Senado at yung inaprubahan ng Kamara,” Escudero said in The Mangahas Interviews when asked if there are sufficient funds to create the MIF.   (Every day, it changes depending on who you talk to. It changes depending on which congressman and senator you talk to. They have their own opinion; I only rely on what was written in the bill pending in the Senate and the one approved by the House.)   “Walang pag-aaral na sumusuporta kung saan kukunin. Kung maalala mo unang kukunin ‘yan sa GSIS at SSS, ang daming pumalag,” he said.",12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Presidential bet Leody de Guzman supports same-sex marriage as well as divorce in the Philippines.",12 2,"The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) has dispatched 23 million physical versions of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) identification cards, an official said Wednesday.",1 1,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. vowed to continue his administration’s drive to sustain the improvements reflected in the recent inflation rate data.,0 9,PH daily average of Covid-19 cases up by 42%,8 8,Transforming the West Philippine Sea into a tourism spot is among the suggestions raised by an analyst to ensure the protection of the Philippine waters against illegal incursions and other maritime activities.,7 9,DOH seeks FDA approval for COVID-19 booster shots for minors 12 to 17,8 15,"Jobless man from QC, father from Laguna claim Lotto prizes",14 13,"In turnaround, Marcos pledges to uphold Hague ruling",12 7,"Sandigan denies ex-PAGCor chair Genuino's bid to reopen presentation of evidence in graft, malversation cases",6 7,PBBM vows gov’t will catch Degamo assassins,6 10,"With the construction of a connector, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. expressed hope that the travel time between the cities of Caloocan and Manila could be lessened to five minutes.",9 4,"Senate employees are set to receive up to P50,000 inflation allowance this year while labor groups are seeking that the same assistance be given to other wage earners, according to Lei Alviz’s report on “24 Oras”.",3 2,Make modern jeepneys cheaper to magnify benefit of reduced CO2 emissions--Salceda,1 4,The Kabataan Party-list and other youth groups called for true freedom and the well-being of the Filipino people as they marched to the People Power Monument on Saturday the 37th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution.,3 8,"The Philippines on Tuesday protested China’s use of military-grade laser, including dangerous maneuvers, against a Coast Guard vessel while on a resupply mission for Filipino troops stationed in Ayungin Shoal.",7 6,House goes into Lenten break; 23 of 31 PBBM priority bills OK’d,5 9,"Health reform advocate Dr. Anthony “Tony” Leachon noted an uptick in the country’s Covid-19 positivity rate, attributing this rise to the increased mobility of people during Holy Week.",8 5,"In landmark ruling, SC allows nonmarital children to inherit from direct ascendants",4 1,MANILA – The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) sees an increased confidence among local and foreign investors to start or expand their operations in the Philippines with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s official visit to the United States next week.,0 6,"MANILA, Philippines – For presidential aspirant Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr, the way to fix the corrupt system of the now unconstitutional pork barrel is give lawmakers a budget so they can fund projects that are approved by the national government.",5 8,Marcos OKs Task Force Degamo to keep peace in Negros,7 8,The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) said Sunday that further establishing Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites in Philippine territory is possible to add more protection capability for the troops.,7 10,Flights delayed amid adjustment in Philippine radar system,9 14,"China to Philippines: Resist being taken advantage of, dragged into ‘trouble waters’",13 6,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte has signed into law a measure that raises age of sexual consent to 16, which means that any adult who engages in sexual activity with a minor aged below 16 is automatically guilty of rape.",5 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Social Welfare and Development Secretary (DSWD) Secretary Erwin Tulfo was absent on Tuesday, December 20, from the 13th Cabinet meeting of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the last for 2022.",12 7,6 persons of interest in case of Adamson student's death attend inquest proceedings,6 15,"Albert del Rosario, former Philippine foreign secretary, dies at 83",14 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate on Tuesday, November 15, approved the proposed 2023 budget of P252.6 billion for the interior department and its attached agencies, but not before Senate Minority Leader Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III emphasized the need to evaluate the performance of the controversial National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC).",5 6,"DepEd beefs up training programs for teachers, school leaders",5 8,"MANILA – Fighter and attack aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) has successfully demonstrated their interoperability and firepower in the joint littoral live-fire exercise in Zambales last April 26, the PAF said Thursday.",7 9,Health experts on Wednesday said the number of Filipinos suffering from chronic kidney disease is increasing.,8 6,"MANILA, Philippines – A ranking member of the House of Representatives urged President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to form a food security cluster in his Cabinet following a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey that showed a prevailing high hunger rate in the country.",5 14,"MANILA, Philippines – Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala arrived in the Philippines on Sunday night, April 16, for an official visit.",13 7,"CPP: Benito and Wilma Tiamzon, 8 others tortured, killed by AFP",6 7,PNP identifies person of interest in killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid,6 9,Philippines posts 142 new COVID-19 cases,8 15,"There were no jackpot winners for the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) major lotto games in its 9 p.m. draw on Tuesday, April 11.",14 6,"Sara: DepEd to coordinate with Congress on ‘no permit, no exam’ rule",5 13,"Bersamin on resignation rumors: Not true, only black propaganda against me",12 10,"MANILA, Philippines – At the now typical pandemic graduation ceremonies at the Ateneo de Manila University-Loyola Schools (ADMU-LS) in late August, there were repeated reminders to maintain physical distance, the designated pathways to use, giant industrial fans blustering all over, bottles of alcohol spread out with hygiene notes, and the ubiquitous masks on everyone’s faces.",9 13,"Malacañang on Thursday disclosed the latest appointments in the Presidential Communications Office, the Department of Information and Communications Technology as well as in the Armed Forces of the Philippines.",12 10,Bill on developing sustainable communities gets House final nod,9 13,"Robin: If Bato arrested by ICC, ‘isama niyo na ako’",12 13,"The Guinness World Record for the “greatest robbery of a government”, which is held by the late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos, is now inaccessible on the Guinness World Records (GWR) website.",12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing senators – those whose two consecutive terms in office have ended and those who lost their electoral bids – delivered their “graduation” or valedictory speeches on Wednesday, June 1, the final session day of the 18th Congress.",12 12,Experts support gov’t decision to drop mandatory quarantine,11 13,"MANILA, Philippines – The military General Andres Centino as chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for the second time on Saturday, January 7 – a day after the Malacañang announced his reappointment as top soldier.",12 13,Pimentel: Ban incumbent politicians’ close kin from con-con,12 12,"MANILA, Philippines – Public support for amending the 1987 Constitution has notably increased, according to a survey conducted by Pulse Asia from March 15 to 19, and released to the media on Tuesday, April 4.",11 10,MANILA – The Department of Agriculture (DA) on Monday said it will grant accreditation to several retail stores in local markets to ensure accessibility of more affordable agricultural food items.,9 1,MANILA – Two more firms have expressed their interest in investing in the Philippines during President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s official visit to the United States.,0 13,"MANILA, Philippines – For President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., joining politics was a way to defend and ensure the survival of his infamous clan.",12 7,Serious about human rights? Marcos urged to hold Duterte liable for drug killings,6 3,"IBP to new lawyers: 'Uphold integrity, ethics of legal profession'",2 13,"MANILA, Philippines – The death of leader Jose Maria “Joma” Sison on December 16 sparked discussions and questions about the future of movement in the Philippines.",12 6,"MANILA, Philippines –   justice secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said he will study a possible amnesty grant for activists in jail or in hiding due to various charges, but was not so warm on backing a proposed law that would criminalize red-tagging.",5 13,"De Guzman admits lapses, says they lacked permit for campaign rally",12 6,The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) is not keen on extending the April 17 deadline for the submission of the 2022  tax return (ITR).,5 7,PNP closing in on 'main players' in Degamo slay case,6 10,Romualdez calls for easier SIM registration,9 9,Philippines' first XBF COVID-19 case a Filipino senior with no travel history,8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Following the resignation of Jose Faustino Jr., the officer-in-charge of the Department of National Defense (DND), several other senior defense officials were expected to tender courtesy resignations to newly appointed Defense Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. on Tuesday, January 10.",12 7,"Customs seizes P171 million in agri products, including onions, smuggled from China",6 2,PhilSA installs Starlink in 2 GIDAs,1 9,WHO: Person-to-person transmission of H3N8 bird flu extremely rare,8 12,"MANILA, Philippines – Around 12.6 million Filipino families considered themselves poor in the first few months of the Marcos administration, according to the latest survey conducted by the Social Weather Stations (SWS).",11 7,"MANILA – The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) will be looking into the death of another neophyte of the Tau Gamma Phi fraternity, a second-year University of Cebu- Maritime Education and Training Center engineering student.",6 15,CPP founder Joma Sison dies,14 8,"New EDCA sites to enhance efforts vs external, internal threats — DND, AFP",7 3,"MANILA – Despite differences in faith, Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah Pangandaman believes that “fraternal love” is thread that connects humanity.",2 10,"MANILA – Water service interruptions will be experienced in several parts of Caloocan and Quezon City from April 24 to May 1 due to network maintenance, the Maynilad Water Services, Inc. announced on Saturday.",9 3,"Faithful urged to balance relaxation, reflection during Holy Week",2 6,Vice President Sara Duterte on Tuesday said she would support legislation that would protect the partnership between members of the,5 4,"MANILA, Philippines – It’s impossible to talk about the state of democracy and its future without talking specifically about LGBTQ+ rights, especially during Pride Month.",3 12,"MANILA, Philippines – After rebukes from the Supreme Court and judges aimed at former anti-insurgency spokesperson Lorraine Badoy, various schools followed suit and expressed their support for Judge Marlo Magdoza-Malagar.",11 15,You go girl! Pro-sports solon hails Kaila Napolis for winning PH's 1st gold in 2023 SEA games,14 6,"LIVE UPDATES: Opening of Senate, House sessions for the 19th Congress",5 2,MANILA -- Speaker Martin Romualdez on Friday urged the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) to remove the collection of placement fees related to the recruitment and employment of Filipino workers bound for Japan.,1 9,OCTA: Covid-19 positivity rate increases to 6.5% in Metro Manila; above 5% in 11 areas,8 14,MANILA – The Philippines continues to provide significant assistance to Türkiye and Syria following the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that killed thousands last week.,13 6,"A bill seeking to grant additional benefits, including personal security personnel, to former presidents of the country has been filed in the House of Representatives.",5 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Newly-retired Antonio Kho Jr. has been appointed justice of the Supreme Court at a young age of the 15-person bench for now and the picture of a packed court that President Rodrigo Duterte will leave behind.",12 13,House leaders extol late DFA chief Del Rosario,12 2,"MANILA – About 4,000 displaced sugarcane field workers in Calabarzon would benefit from the more than PHP79 million worth of livelihood assistance and emergency employment to be provided by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).",1 7,"MANILA – The results of the screening by the five-member advisory group of the courtesy resignations of third-level police officials would be announced in two days, Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. said Wednesday.",6 2,Ex-PNA president concerned over plans to use nursing attendants as 'substitute' nurses,1 7,Biñan police presents 6 frat members in hazing death to DOJ,6 5,The Supreme Court has affirmed a decision of the Commission on Audit (COA) disallowing the grant of allowances and incentives amounting to P15 million to employees of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth).,4 7,What’s the latest in the still unfolding story in the Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa case? Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla told the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) officials tagged in the case to man up and avoid drama.,6 7,"MANILA, Philippines – A trial court cleared former Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office board (PCSO) member Sandra Cam of murder, in connection with the killing of Batuan, Masbate vice mayor Charlie Yuson III in 2019.",6 10,"PH to experience partly cloudy skies, isolated rain showers, thunderstorms",9 7,The Cebu City police identified five fraternity officials who were suspects in last December's alleged hazing death of University of Cebu student Ronnel Baguio.,6 6,On Labor Day: PhilHealth reminds employers to remit workers' premiums on time,5 11,Rappler Recap: Baliwag City’s 2023 grand Lenten procession,10 7,PDEG chief wants AMLC’s help in probing bank accounts of cops in P6.7-B drug case,6 7,The International Criminal Court Prosecutor's Office urged the ICC Appeals Chamber to dismiss the Philippine Government's application for the suspension of the reopening of the drug war investigation.,6 8,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Friday said it continues to crack down against private armed groups (PAGs) and intensify its campaign against loose firearms.,7 1,"MANILA – The Philippines is a ""great"" investment destination, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. told Japan's on Friday, as he touted the country's robust economy.",0 4,"MANILA, Philippines – Labor groups and activists across the the 159th birth anniversary of revolutionary leader Andres Bonifacio on Wednesday, November 30, with protests and calls for better living conditions, especially for ordinary workers.",3 13,"Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. claimed that he's more a ""celebrity"" in his home province than a feared political kingpin.",12 7,"Police operatives have arrested three people and seized a cache of guns and thousand rounds of ammunition from believed to be owned by former Negros Oriental governor Pryde Henry Teves, the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) said Saturday.",6 15,UST grad tops January 2023 architect licensure exam,14 3,"MANILA – The Church People-Workers Solidarity (CWS), an ecumenical organization in support of workers’ rights and welfare, supports the call of workers for salary adjustments.",2 9,"The Department of Health on Saturday reported 199 new COVID-19 infections, while the active tally went down to 10,038.",8 2,Senator Rafael ‘’Raffy’' Tulfo is coordinating with Malacañang and the National Electrification Administration (NEA) in efforts to solve the Occidental Mindoro energy crisis.,1 13,Scientific' basis: Teves says US court would summon dog 'witness' to Degamo slay,12 6,House leader pushes for dev't of sustainable cities,5 7,2 ‘illegal recruiters’ arrested,6 13,"MANILA, Philippines – All eyes are on President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. as he is set to deliver his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, July 25.",12 5,MANILA – The Sandiganbayan has upheld a jail sentence of up to 14 years on the former cashier of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) - Valenzuela City District Office for malversation involving PHP3.07 million in collections more than a decade ago.,4 3,Faithful urged to join 'Walk for Life' on Feb. 18,2 14,PH maintains independent foreign policy — Manalo,13 13,3 senators buck Padilla's Cha-cha push,12 13,"MANILA – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Monday lashed out at a group of teachers for raising ""unrealistic and impossible"" demands which she called a diversion following a series of attacks staged by the New People's Army (NPA) in Masbate province.",12 15,FPRDI enhances bamboo use in construction,14 6,"The Senate on Monday approved on third and final reading a bill that condones all loans including interests, penalties, and surcharges of farmers who were awarded agricultural lands under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program.",5 14,"PH to provide post-quake financial, relief aid to Syria",13 10,Physical distancing in classrooms may be eased for next school year – DepEd official,9 5,Tax court rules for airline's P12-M tax credit claim,4 14,The Japanese Embassy in Manila has extended its gratitude to Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla for the deportation of four Japanese fugitives wanted for theft in Japan.,13 1,US to spend $66 million on new facilities at Philippine military bases,0 7,"MANILA, Philippines – A recent development in the investigation into the alleged hazing incident involving a student from Adamson University revealed that the suspects initially planned to burn the body of 24-year-old John Matthew Salilig.",6 13,CHR: Make climate change a voting issue,12 9,"Philippines avoids 200,000 unintended pregnancies in 2020 – PopCom",8 14,DFA stands by PCG account on Ayungin row after China’s denial,13 13,PCSO chief visits beneficiary agency,12 9,Pro-health solon tells Pinoys how to avoid heat stroke this summer,8 7,PDEG chief Domingo removed from post amid probe on alleged cover-up,6 9,DOH monitoring ‘Omicron XE’ after a reported case in Thailand,8 6,"LTFRB issues circular extending franchise consolidation deadline for PUJs, UVs, multicabs",5 2,The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) on Wednesday said that there will be sufficient fish supply and stable fish prices in the country during the Holy Week amid the increase in demand.,1 1,"Like Duterte, Marcos wants P4.5B for OP’s confidential, intelligence funds",0 8,Missing St. Scho Manila student now ‘found and safe’,7 8,Philippine and US forces using various weapons platforms on Wednesday sank a corvette in a live-fire drill during Balikatan exercises in Zambales.,7 13,New registered voters now at 1.5 million — Comelec,12 14,PH to start exporting durian to China in March,13 10,GSIS to release pensions ahead of regular schedule,9 9,COVID-19 daily new average up by 42% —DOH,8 8,DFA rebukes Chinese Coast Guard’s ‘dangerous maneuvers’ in WPS,7 7,"The Philippine National Police - Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) on Friday released the wanted poster of six suspects in the disappearance of cockfight enthusiasts or ""sabungeros"" in Manila Arena last year.",6 7,"Fugitive from justice Gerald Q. Bantag, former Bureau of Corrections (Bucor) director general who was ordered arrested by two trial courts on murder charges, has signified his intention to surrender.",6 7,"DOJ orders probe, case build-up on killing of union organizer in Bacolod City",6 10,Magnitude 5.1 quake jolts Agusan del Norte — Phivolcs,9 10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Thursday, January 5, 2023",9 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Self-confessed gunman Joel Escorial said a certain “Bantag” had ordered them to kill hard-hitting broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa.",6 5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Social Welfare and Development cannot write negligent fathers to demand that they provide financial support to their children as this “may be outside” of the DSWD’s mandate, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a legal opinion.",4 9,"MANILA, Philippines – Virus epicenter Metro Manila is to remain under Alert Level 1 status from April 1 to 15, Malacañang announced on Thursday, March 31.",8 9,"Beware of these diseases after Paeng’s floods, says DOH Calabarzon",8 4,"PBBM vows more prominent roles, greater voice for women in gov't",3 14,"MANILA – The Bilateral Defense Guidelines between the United States and the Philippines have emphasized that an attack in the Pacific, including any part of the South China Sea against public vessels, aircraft or armed forces of the two nations will result in the invocation of the Mutual Defense Treaty",13 14,PCG sends letter seeking US help in Mindoro oil spill cleanup,13 13,"MANILA, Philippines – What ‘Presidential Chief of Staff’?",12 8,PH Navy's missile frigates hold 1st replenishment-at-sea ops,7 14,"Marcos leaves for Washington, says he's determined to build ‘even stronger relationship’ with US",13 7,"MANILA – The latest batch of victims of human trafficking from Bangkok, Thailand is now in the country, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported on Tuesday.",6 13,"MANILA, Philippines – In a unanimous decision, the University of the Philippines (UP) Board of Regents (BOR) on Friday, December 9, named former regent and lawyer Angelo Jimenez as the new president of the country’s premier state university.",12 7,Senator Grace Poe on Monday asked the Manila International Airport Authority and the Office for Transportation Security (OTS) to file reports on the alleged by security screening officers (SSOs) on a Thai tourist at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.,6 7,Consignee of P4-M kush declared as ‘herbal tea’ nabbed in Manila,6 8,NBI assures safety of its data amidst breach report,7 14,"MANILA – United Kingdom Prime Minister's trade envoy to ASEAN Richard Graham has renewed Britain's support to the Philippines' energy transition and acceleration of renewables, the UK Embassy in Manila said Thursday.",13 7,House serves Rep. Arnie Teves with suspension order,6 13,PBBM appoints Tan as new SBMA chief; other appointees bared,12 14,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on. Saturday said his meeting with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang was productive as it allowed Manila and Beijing to clarify “some pronouncements”.,13 13,"MANILA, Philippines – At a sparsely-decorated hall inside the Department of Education (DepEd)’s central office, eight uniformed men stood in attention, waiting for the woman who, in her 2022 running mate’s own words, had once wanted to be defense chief.",12 14,"Senator Ana Theresia “Risa” Hontiveros-Baraquel over the weekend urged Malacañang to call on China to recall their representative to the Philippines Huang Xilian, following his remarks pushing the Philippines to oppose independence of Taiwan.",13 10,Philippines ranked 69th in latest World Air Quality report,9 2,"Members of the Korean Coast Guard (KCG) who will assist Philippine authorities in the ongoing oil spill cleanup off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro will arrive in the country on Tuesday, March 28.",1 6,Duterte signs law easing restrictions on foreign investments,5 3,"Nananalangin' in Panatang Makabayan, inclusive, spiritual: DepEd",2 7,"Senator Robin Padilla on Friday advised Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. to return to the Philippines to defend himself on the cases filed against him, as well as the allegations linking him to the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",6 2,MANILA – The Manila Water Company (Manila Water) is set to spend PHP833 million for mainline extension and individualization projects slated for implementation this year in Rizal province.,1 1,"Despite pledges, PH banks continue to finance fossil fuel industry – report",0 6,Petition for P100 wage hike in NCR under review — DOLE,5 7,Local firm asks court to rule on charged expat,6 13,Eduardo Fabricante named Philippine Coast Guard OIC,12 14,China envoy: PCG rescue of Chinese fishermen a 'testament to friendship',13 14,"ABOARD THE PRESIDENTIAL PLANE – After wrapping his official visit to Japan, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said that he and his Cabinet would convene to review all investment pledges made by foreign parties so far during his nine trips overseas as the Philippine leader.",13 10,MANILA – The dry run of the exclusive motorcycle lane along Commonwealth Avenue is extended for another week to give way to the road patching works and for motorists to get familiar with the new policy.,9 14,"MANILA – Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff Gen. Andres Centino said the visit of the delegates of the National Defense College United Arab Emirates (NDC UAE) to the military's headquarters in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City on Monday is an ""opportunity to build relations with allies"".",13 10,‘Amang’ continues to move toward northern coast of Catanduanes; landfall ‘not ruled out’,9 7,The Sandiganbayan has denied the plea of former Quezon City mayor Herbert “Bistek” M. Bautista to dismiss the graft charge filed against him for alleged violation of his right to speedy disposition of cases.,6 15,[WATCH] Ang buhay ni Jeneven Bandiala,14 6,Supreme Court approves new guide for lawyers’ conduct,5 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House public works panel passed on Thursday, November 17, a measure that seeks to provide a new framework for public-private partnership projects, which is a priority legislation of the Marcos administration.",5 6,Bill amending law on AFP officers' fixed term sponsored in Senate plenary,5 5,MANILA – The Sandiganbayan has cleared the former head of the Iligan City Highway Patrol Group (HPG) of graft charges arising from an entrapment operation five years ago.,4 9,"DOH logs 86 new COVID-19 cases; active tally hits 9,203",8 15,P124.9-M Mega Lotto jackpot still up for grabs,14 7,"MANILA, Philippines –  The mothers of disappeared students Karen Empeño and Sherlyn Cadapan filed with the National Commission seeking to suspend or revoke the principal license and impose a cease and desist order against the Apollo Quiboloy-owned SMNI, after the network aired an interview  aimed at “vindicating” the convicted military general Jovito Palparan.",6 6,SOGIE bill reverted to committee level as religious groups want to join Senate discussions,5 14,The Commission on Appointments (CA) confirmed on Wednesday the nomination of the Philippine ambassador to New Zealand and the ad interim appointments of 14 Department of Foreign Affairs officials.,13 14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and First Lady Louise ""Liza"" Araneta-Marcos have accepted the invitation to attend the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty The Queen Consort on May 6, Malacañang announced on Monday.",13 8,"Amid reports of a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon flying over the United States, a defense analyst said Sunday that a possible spy balloon was allegedly spotted in the Philippines last year.",7 13,"‘Stakes are simply too high’: Ateneo educators, law students and alumni back Leni-Kiko",12 13,CA panel recommends Pascual's confirmation as DTI secretary,12 9,"MANILA, Philippines – Starting May 30, the Philippine government will drop the pre-departure COVID-19 test requirement for Filipinos and foreigners arriving from abroad as long as they are fully vaccinated and have received at least one booster shot.",8 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The bill seeking college students to undergo a two-year mandatory National Citizens Service Training (NCST) program beat the Christmas break deadline, and passed the House of Representatives on Thursday, December 15.",5 12,"Tobacco smokers struggling to quit have options, says group",11 6,Palace: Memo ordering gov't salary deduction for quake relief fund untrue,5 1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Marcos administration is asking Congress for a significantly higher 2023 budget for at least three attached agencies of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) – at least P500 million higher to this year’s appropriations.",0 10,"The heat index in five areas in the country hit the “danger level” after reaching at least 42 degrees Celsius (℃) on Tuesday, April 18, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said.",9 13,House Assistant Minority Leader Arlene Brosas warned the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) against using the micro and small enterprises (MSMEs) to justify its opposition to Makabayan bloc’s proposed P750 nationwide daily wage hike for private sector workers.,12 7,"The Taguig Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) on Friday said that a case against Toshiya Fujita, one of the Japanese fugitives whose deportation is being sought by the Japanese government, has been dismissed.",6 5,MANILA – Senators on Tuesday President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s pronouncement that he does not see Charter Change (Cha-cha) as a priority even as several lawmakers push to amend the Constitution.,4 9,"MANILA, Philippines – Dengue cases in the Philippines spiked during the first half of 2022, with the Department of Health (DOH) reporting a 90% increase in to the same period in 2021.",8 14,"US working with communities to show value of EDCA sites, says White House",13 9,Senate on ‘total lockdown’ August 22 as more senators test positive for COVID-19,8 1,Sale of seized smuggled sugar at Kadiwa eyed in May —SRA,0 2,One-stop-shop for processing of special chartered flights eyed,1 13,LIST: Senate committee chairmanships for the 19th Congress,12 14,The United Kingdom is expected to pursue more business and investment opportunities with the Philippines following the three-day visit of its trade official to the country.,13 6,Telcos call for extension of SIM registration,5 7,"The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) will file before the Department of Justice (DOJ) next week criminal charges against suspended Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo “Anie” A. Teves Jr. for the March 4 killings of nine persons, one of them Gov. Roel R. Degamo.",6 7,"BI warns anew vs. illegal recruiters, intercepts 4 victims",6 6,"Guanzon's proposal to benefit 'unbanked' PWDs, seniors",5 13,WHERE THEY STAND: 2022 senatorial bets’ stance on various issues,12 8,"Possible spy balloon seen over PH in 2022, defense analyst says; AFP says reports unconfirmed",7 9,"“High” Covid-19 positivity rates were observed in four provinces in Luzon as a result of the increasing number of infections last week, according to the latest monitoring by OCTA Research.",8 15,MANILA – The provincial government of Oriental Mindoro is now looking at drafting a recovery plan after the sunken M/T Princess Empress has been located off the waters of Naujan town.,14 5,"MANILA, Philippines – Veteran election lawyer Romulo Macalintal went to the Supreme Court on Monday, October 17, to challenge the constitutionality of the law that postponed the December 2022 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) elections to October 2023.",4 2,Marcos administration to put up more Kadiwa stores,1 7,BI rescues 4 Pinay victims of human trafficking,6 5,Sandigan denies plea of ex-Surigao Norte town mayor to dismiss criminal case; sets arraignment May 3,4 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo announced on Monday, August 1, that he will be unable to attend meetings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) scheduled to take place this week in Cambodia, after testing positive for COVID-19.",12 5,"The House of Representatives has unanimously slapped a 60-day suspension on Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves, Jr. over his continued absence in legislative proceedings amid an expired travel authority.",4 7,"After Degamo slay, LGUs, PNP stress need to know threats vs local officials",6 14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Saturday, April 22, said the Philippines and China had agreed to establish “more lines to resolve “any event that occurs in the West Philippine Sea” that involves the two countries.",13 14,"MANILA – The Philippines has no desire or intention to interfere with the Taiwan issue, a ranking official of the National Security Council (NSC) said.",13 9,"Sen. Binay prods DOH, LGUs to ramp up inoculation of routine vaccines for children",8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Cheloy Velicaria-Garafil has resigned as chairperson of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) to serve as an undersecretary at the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS) and its officer-in-charge (OIC).",12 9,"More than 3,000 pedestrians figured in various traffic accidents in the country in 2022, data from the Department of Health (DOH) has shown.",8 14,"After US trip, Marcos to fly to UK, Indonesia",13 3,"ANTIPOLO, Philippines – Thousands of Filipino Catholics attending church on Palm Sunday, April 2, marked the beginning of Holy Week with prayers for the health of Pope Francis as they presented palm fronds to be blessed.",2 6,House OKs bill allowing foreign private firms to fund ODA,5 7,MANILA – Authorities nabbed the claimant of a package containing PHP1.743 million worth of shabu in a recent controlled delivery operation in Pasay City.,6 4,"The Marcos administration should issue an official apology over the Philippine government’s failure to and other assistance to women who were sexually abused and tortured by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War 2, Gabriela Women’s Party said Friday.",3 6,The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) said Monday that it is ready to coordinate with maritime schools and the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) to implement reforms suggested by the European Union (EU) to ensure that Filipino seafarers can continue to work on foreign vessels.,5 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The bodies of four individuals who died while onboard Cessna plane 340 in Bicol have been recovered by authorities, a local official confirmed on Saturday, February 25.",6 2,"Filipinos might soon be able to opt for Czech Republic as their destination for overseas jobs after Prime Minister Petr Fiala revealed on Monday, April 17, the possibility of the central European country opening up to Filipino migrant workers.",1 2,"Tolentino: COVID-19 vaccine wastage possibly due to prioritization, distribution errors",1 2,DOST trains 6 Pangasinan LGUs on efficient solid waste management,1 9,"MANILA, Philippines – COVID-19 infections in the Philippines stayed below 2,000 for a week straight after the Department of Health (DOH) reported 1,671 new cases on Friday, February 25. This brings the country’s total caseload to 3,658,892.",8 15,"A solo player bagged the jackpot prize for Super Lotto 6/49 during the evening draw on Thursday, April 27 as announced by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).",14 10,"A lunar eclipse and meteor shower will both be visible in the Philippines this weekend, said the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).",9 13,Former House official is new Bicol Saro representative in Congress,12 5,CTA junks Pasig assessment of P1-B in taxes vs. Meralco,4 12,"DepEd wants to ban extracurricular activities, so netizens push back",11 9,"DOH logs 503 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 9,413",8 9,"The Philippines remains at low risk for COVID-19, enough for the government to consider easing its face mask policy in outdoor settings.",8 7,"DA, partner agencies seize P150M worth of smuggled sugar",6 14,"US stands with PH, calls out China for 'provocative and unsafe conduct' in South China Sea",13 6,"Senator Alan Peter Cayetano on Wednesday, May 3 renewed his vow to pursue the passage of the measure that seeks to provide P10,000 cash aid for each family.",5 10,"Schools may suspend classes, switch to distance learning during extreme climate conditions --- DepEd",9 14,"PUERTO PRINCESA, Philippines – Palawan, a picturesque island known as the Philippines’ last frontier, will play host to the United States’ second most-powerful leader on Tuesday, November 22, as Vice President Kamala Harris caps her tour to the country with a visit to Puerto Princesa.",13 9,"Around 700,000 Filipinos nationwide develop tuberculosis every year, according to the Department of Health (DOH) on Friday.",8 13,Biden calls Marcos Jr. to congratulate him on presidential election,12 14,"MANILA, Philippines – US Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff is taking part in a roundtable discussion on the safe reopening of schools in the Philippines, as part of he and Vice President Kamala Harris’ three-day itinerary in the Southeast Asian nation.",13 10,"MANILA – Rains will prevail across Luzon and Eastern Visayas due to the northeast monsoon and the shear line, the weather bureau said Wednesday.",9 14,"A total of 66 countries have so far provided assistance to Turkey as search and rescue operations continue after the magnitude 7.9 earthquake, Turkish Ambassador to the Philippines Niyazi Akyol said Thursday.",13 13,Dela Rosa angry over allegations that he's a 'Teves lapdog',12 12,"BUKIDNON, Philippines – Human rights advocates on Saturday, May 7, expressed disgust over President Rodrigo Duterte’s unsolicited advice to his son, Davao City Vice Mayor Sebastian Duterte, to start “killing” criminals if he wanted to an effective mayor.",11 10,"MANILA, Philippines – The Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) is the country’s top university based on the latest Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking released on Wednesday, October 12.",9 2,NAIA’s new electrical system won’t necessarily cost P1 billion —Recto,1 6,"A lot of jobs will be rendered ""obsolete"" by artificial intelligence (AI) if the concerned industries don't get the benefit of “strong, immediate, and responsive” protections with the law.",5 9,"The general population will soon be allowed to receive their second booster shot against Covid-19, the Department of Health (DOH) announced on Wednesday, April 12.",8 8,"Police Brig. Gen. Joel Doria, director of the Police Regional Office 4B, lauded all his men for what he describes as peaceful observation of the Holy Week in Mimaropa, especially in known tourist destinations in the region.",7 14,"How about a digital public infrastructure of the Philippines, the United States (US), and India?",13 9,"Search, rescue, retrieval ops continue for Basilan ferry fire victims —PCG",8 14,VP Duterte thanks envoy for deepening PH-Singapore ties,13 7,"MANILA – The Philippine index crime plunged during the first quarter of the to the same period in 2022, according to figures released by the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) over the weekend.",6 7,"Hold departure order issued vs Bantag, Zulueta",6 2,DOLE: Close to 60K job offers available on Labor Day,1 13,2 senators slam DTI over non-confiscation of prohibited vape flavors,12 10,Immigration: No more paper-based departure cards starting May 1,9 7,"MANILA, Philippines – At least six people are facing for the death of 24-year-old John Matthew Salilig, the Adamson University student who died due to alleged hazing.",6 12,"A large majority of adult Filipinos approve of the executive order allowing voluntary wearing of face masks, but most of them prefer to continue wearing masks, according to the results of the Fourth Quarter 2022 Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.",11 2,US Coast Guard to assist in Mindoro oil spill cleanup,1 15,Manila Water prepares for summer months,14 13,How to address insurgency? De Guzman will meet rebels’ demands,12 9,"The Philippines reported 142 new infections of COVID-19 on Sunday, data released by the Department of Health (DOH) showed.",8 14,"The Philippines was ranked as a “middle power” in Asia after placing 16th out of 26 countries power, according to the 2023 Lowy Institute Asia Power Index.",13 7,Senate Minority Leader Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III on Friday prodded the Senate blue to start the investigation into the alleged “government-sponsored” sugar smuggling.,6 14,"PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr will be flying to China for a state visit in early January 2023, the Office of the Press Secretary announced on Friday, November 11.",13 12,"ROTC revival supported by college-aged individuals, says solon",11 14,Philippines should take action vs. China's 'gray zone' tactics —experts,13 7,"Using USB ports and charging stations in public places could put your identity at risk as experts warn about ""juice jacking.""",6 2,NWRB approves hike in water supply allocation for MWSS,1 11,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines on Sunday, June 12, celebrates its 124th independence day – a few days before Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr, the dictator’s son, ascends to power and the last under outgoing president Rodrigo Duterte.",10 8,MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) announced that five New People's Army (NPA) insurgents have been neutralized by government security forces from March 17 to 22 in various military operations all over the country.,7 2,The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) on Tuesday said it is looking at tapping the private sector for parts of the Metro Cebu Expressway connecting Naga City and Danao City.,1 7,PNP probes alleged involvement of cops in N. Vizcaya ambush,6 7,"MANILA – Nearly all members of the assault team responsible for the attack at the of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo on March 4 has been accounted for, with four more suspects surrendering as of Tuesday.",6 6,MANILA – The House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to suspend Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. for 60 days over his continued absence despite an expired travel authority.,5 7,"Two arrested for estafa over investments in hauling, selling scrap",6 14,House donates additional P10-M to Türkiye quake victims,13 9,Maternal mortality ratio in PH declining — DOH,8 14,"MANILA – The Philippines and Israel celebrated 65 years of friendship on Sunday, marking an already warm and historic relations with increased interactions in the areas of and development.",13 13,Scientists ‘beacons of light’ toward nat'l development - PBBM,12 10,"At least seven percent of Filipino households have an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) who help sustain the family, according to a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.",9 13,Marcos appoints Acorda as 29th PNP chief,12 9,"Metro Manila, 7 other areas ease to Alert Level 2 from February 1",8 14,"Responding to the United States allegedly questioning the benefits stemming from the Philippines's bilateral relationship with China, the Chinese Embassy in Manila on Friday countered that the US claim that the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) would provide the Philippines with economic opportunities was tantamount to quenching thirst with poison.",13 3,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. urged the public to participate in the global action against climate change in celebration of International Mother Earth Day.",2 13,PH has a lot to offer'--Romualdez,12 7,"Sandiganbayan affirms denial of ex-DBM exec's bid to junk pork scam graft, malversation raps",6 7,House ethics panel gives Teves 5 days to explain absence,6 5,SC affirms CIAC ruling favoring firm in N. Ecija project,4 9,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday said the country should improve its preparedness for future emergencies by setting up a stockpile of essential medicines and ramping up local production of pharmaceuticals. Marcos made the remark during a meeting with the Private Sector Advisory Council (PSAC) healthcare sector group at Malacañan Palace.,8 3,"MANILA, Philippines – The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) decided in its biannual meeting to phase out the oratio imperata (obligatory prayer) against COVID-19, a staple in Catholic liturgies for the past three years.",2 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court ordered Rappler and the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to submit on the petition and application for a temporary restraining order (TRO) filed by Solicitor General Jose Calida over the Rappler-Comelec memorandum of agreement (MOA).",6 6,"MANILA – Senator Ramon Bong Revilla Jr. has filed a measure seeking a no-homework policy in elementary and junior high school, saying take-home assignments lower the productivity and attitude of learners toward education, which in turn leads to more dropout rates and lesser grades.",5 14,"Defense Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. on Wednesday spoke with his US counterpart, Lloyd Austin III, to discuss ""concerning developments"" in the South China Sea.",13 14,House backs PBBM’s bid to boost PH-US ties for peace in the Indo-Pacific region—Romualdez,13 7,"No cover-up in Mayo drug mess, says Azurin",6 15,"There were no jackpot winners for Grand Lotto 6/55 and Lotto 6/42 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on  Saturday, April 22.",14 7,"PDEA confiscates P720,000 marijuana in Quirino buy-bust",6 9,LTFRB conducts surprise inspection on PITX buses for Holy Week,8 3,"Roman on Wednesday, May 3, the Feast of Saints Philip and James, two of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ.",2 10,"The low pressure area (LPA) over Misamis Oriental may a tropical depression within 48 hours, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Wednesday, May 3.",9 14,"Senator Christopher “Bong” Go on Wednesday, May 3 has called on China to stop all forms of bullying and encroachment activities in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).",13 14,"MANILA, Philippines – Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam a three-day working visit to Manila on Tuesday, February 15, his first in the Philippines.",13 7,5-man PNP advisory group to convene twice a week to vet top cops,6 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Two former officials of the National Agribusiness Corporation (Nabcor) and a private individual face anywhere from 24 to 40 years in prison for involvement in the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) scam.",6 8,"BATAAN, Philippines – There’s no need to worry if no one is attacking.",7 14,Japan PM announces visa exemptions for Philippine gov't officials,13 7,A burglary attempt at a residence in Marikina City was foiled after the would-be victims’ pet dogs made so much noise that they alerted their fur parents.,6 7,Public warned of 'juice jacking' at public charging stations,6 14,"MANILA, Philippines – Members of a bilateral group tackling the West Philippine Sea dispute should have “direct access” to both him and Chinese President Xi Jinping to facilitate and decision-making, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said.",13 6,"Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda has reiterated the importance and urgency of passing Senate Bill 240, or the Zero Food Waste Act of 2022 following a recent report of the Philippine Rice Research Institute's (PhilRice) recent report on the alarming P7.2 billion worth of rice wasted in the Philippines.",5 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Now president 37 years after a people power revolution ousted his father, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Saturday, February 25, said he was “one with the nation” in remembering the period, sending a wreath at the monument on EDSA that stands as a symbol of the four days of civilian-backed military revolt that ended the dictator’s bloody and kleptocratic rule.",12 6,Recto proposes total NAIA check-up after T3 power outage,5 8,The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Sunday said it will place its units on heightened alert status in light of the week-long transport holiday being organized by several transportation groups.,7 2,DENR: PH gov't addressing water crisis amid climate change,1 14,"What you need to know about President Marcos’ visit to Indonesia, Singapore",13 10,Here is the schedule of Simbang Gabi Masses across the Philippines from December 15 to 23 (for the anticipated Masses in the evening) or from December 16 to 24 (for the dawn Masses).,9 11,"MANILA – The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) said its preparations are underway for the ""Buhay Ingatan, Droga Ayawan (BIDA) Bayanihan ng Mamamayan Fun Run"" at the Quirino Grandstand in Manila on Feb. 26",10 7,"When CA upheld Ressa’s conviction, it extended cyber libel shelf life to 15 years",6 13,Malacañang on Thursday disclosed the latest appointments in the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the Department of National Defense (DND).,12 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The on women, children, family relations, and gender equality passed on Tuesday, December 6, the bill seeking to penalize discrimination against persons based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics chair Senator Risa Hontiveros announced.",5 8,PBBM eyes purchase of Japan-made vehicles for military use,7 13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is looking at the possibility of using new technology in the 2025 national elections.,12 2,Lawmaker wants House to look into automating barangay elections,1 1,"Bakeries implement higher prices for 'Pinoy Tasty', 'Pinoy Pandesal'",0 9,25 Filipinos from quake-stricken Türkiye arrive in PH,8 15,LIST: Long weekends in 2023,14 14,"Manalo, Galvez to meet with US counterparts in Washington, DC",13 7,IN NUMBERS: Political prisoners in the Philippines since 2001,6 14,Japanese minister tells VP Duterte: More jobs await Pinoy workers in Japan,13 13,Marcos reappoints Teehankee as PH permanent representative to WTO,12 13,MANILA – Malacañang on Tuesday announced several new appointments in the Department of the Interior and Local Government’s (DILG) Regional Peace and Order Councils (RPOCs) and in the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA).,12 2,"MANILA, Philippines – An official from the Department of Education (DepEd) said on Thursday, September 15, that the procurement of P2.4-billion worth of “overpriced and outdated” laptops was defective because it proceeded without the prerequisite documents.",1 7,MANILA – A total of PHP202.5 million worth of smuggled agri-fishery products were seized by the Department of Agriculture (DA) in separate operations at the Manila International Container Port (MICP) in January alone.,6 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives passed on third and final reading a bill that provides stiffer penalties for game-fixing.",5 1,Marcos eyes Maharlika fund ‘soft launch’ at WEF in Switzerland,0 15,The House of Representatives on Tuesday expressed condolences to the family of late Trade Minister Roberto Ongpin who died last February 4.,14 7,"BI to deport, blacklist 2 wanted Koreans nabbed in Cavite",6 7,"The Office of the Ombudsman has suspended for six months 33 government officials in connection with the allegedly anomalous procurement of pandemic supplies in 2020 and 2021, Unang Balita reported on Thursday, quoting Ombudsman Samuel Martires.",6 13,Malacañang extends authority of OICs until end-2022 unless replaced,12 1,MANILA – Senator Grace Poe on Tuesday said the release of the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 11659 or the Public Service Act (PSA) is expected to shore up investments that will create more jobs and foster in the country.,0 13,Senators welcome Acorda as newly appointed PNP chief,12 2,"Marcos to DOTr: Finish Cebu BRT project within target timeline, start ops in December",1 7,Senator Cynthia Villar on Tuesday highlighted the need for a court and a task force that will handle agricultural smuggling cases.,6 1,"MANILA – Senior Deputy Majority Leader and Ilocos Norte First District Representative Ferdinand Alexander “Sandro” Marcos on Tuesday said the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement would help boost the local industries, particularly the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).",0 9,The National Nutrition Council (NNC) on Friday reported an increased prevalence of obesity and overweight among Filipino children.,8 8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has activated the Vice Presidential Security and Protection Group (VPSPG) – a “separate” unit from the Presidential Security Group (PSG) – for vice president-elect Sara Duterte.",7 6,"MANILA – Alarmed by the power interruptions in Western Visayas, a lawmaker filed a measure to probe the energy crisis, as Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri proposed for the amendment of the 20-year-old Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA).",5 7,"The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor), under the Department of Justice (DOJ), released 371 persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) from the New Bilibid Prison, Correctional Institute for Women, and BuCor’s operating prisons and penal farms on Tuesday, September 13.",6 9,"The number of Filipino adults, ages 20 and above, diagnosed with hypertension declined from 2018 to to the years 2013 to 2015 based on a study called ""Prevalence and Factors Associated with Hypertension among Filipino Adults in Different Survey Periods.""",8 8,PNP internal cleansing ‘casualties’ out this week - Abalos,7 8,156 Filipinos in Sudan ready to be repatriated: DFA,7 14,"Israel in PH: Enhancing ties, reaching all segments of society",13 11,Maundy Thursday rites to be observed on April 6,10 6,Poe urges new water management body to solve massive service interruptions quickly,5 10,"A ship caught fire in the vicinity shoreline of Lapu Lapu City, Cebu on Friday, April 28.",9 5,"MANILA - A Constitutional Assembly (ConAss), which may result into a decision to amend the Constitution, is just a waste of time according to a couple of senators Thursday, who suggested instead to focus on the urgent matters that need to be addressed.",4 13,"MANILA, Philippines – When he ran for president in 1992, many feared that retired Constabulary general Fidel Valdez Ramos would lead like a soldier: top-down, strong-arm, dictatorial. But his six-year term from 1992 to 1998 is best remembered as a period of peace, stability, and economic growth – because he took time building consensus and breaking bread with enemies of the state.",12 8,"MANILA – Philippine Air Force (PAF) fighter pilots flying the FA-50PH light jet fighters and their American counterparts aboard Hawker Hunter transonic aircraft did a ""Top Gun"" by conducting tactical air intercept (TAI) sorties over Pampanga on April 20.",7 5,"The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Act as it dismissed petitions that questioned how it was passed in Congress and its imposition of ""regressive"" taxes.",4 13,MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Saturday reported that it is almost done with the printing of official ballots for the October 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE).,12 2,The Commission on Audit (COA) has flagged the Leyte provincial government for the “delays and leniency in the monitoring” of its P251.13 million infrastructure projects.,1 14,"TOKYO — President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Wednesday described his working visit to Japan as ""very specific,"" indicating that every meeting he would have with the Japanese would have set objectives.",13 5,"MANILA – The Supreme Court has affirmed the state auditors’ ruling that held Peter Favila, a member of the Monetary Board, liable for PHP4.539 million in disallowed bonuses granted to board members of the Trade and Investment Development Corp. (Tidcorp) while he was serving as Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) secretary.",4 14,HIGHLIGHTS: Marcos attends World Economic Forum in Davos,13 1,Security and surveillance? Duterte defends DepEd’s P150-million confidential funds,0 11,"PNP, group honor OFWs' contributions via service caravan",10 3,"VP Duterte tells graduates: Be grateful to your parents, teachers",2 9,DOH: PH’s risk classification for Covid-19 still at low risk,8 10,"MANILA – Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon will continue to experience partly cloudy to cloudy skies with light rains due to the northeast monsoon or “amihan”, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Sunday.",9 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) on Thursday, September 1, urged alleged victims of sexual abuse at Bacoor National High School (BNHS) in Cavite to file their affidavits",6 2,ROV-equipped US ship to help contain Mindoro oil spill,1 13,LIVESTREAM: OVP-DepEd joint press briefing,12 7,"DOJ: Nothing illegal in raid, criminal complaints vs. Teves",6 2,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has ordered the creation of the Water Resources Management Office, under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.",1 7,"Tulfo: Ok decriminalize libel, but not for those who spread disinformation",6 8,Remulla says prosecutors to work together with cops,7 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has achieved one thing that no other top Philippine leader has managed to do since the 1986 bloodless revolution that ousted his dictator father: cement the so-called “supermajority” blocs in both houses of Congress.",12 9,"Eighty-six new cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were recorded among adolescents and children in January this year, based on data by the Department of Health (DOH).",8 15,"No one hit the jackpot prize for Lotto 6/42 worth P74,355,879.40 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Saturday, April 15.",14 7,Sandiganbayan: Ex-Pagcor chief guilty of graft for misusing funds,6 8,Faustino: Chinese vessels swarming West PH Sea ‘unacceptable’,7 7,"A P5-million reward was offered to anyone who could provide any information on the whereabouts of a Chinese passenger who went missing when dive yacht M/Y Dream Keeper sank off Tubbataha, Palawan earlier this week.",6 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives approved on final reading a bill that seeks to amend Republic Act No. 10361, also known as Batas Kasambahay.",5 8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Monday, February 13, accused China of harassment, after one of its coast guard vessels aimed a military-grade laser at the BRP Malapascua in waters near Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal in the West Philippine Sea.",7 5,"MANILA, Philippine – The Commission on Audit ruled that because of the “absence of clear evidence” to prove that inclement weather as the cause of delay the government is not obligated to pay a Chinese contractor working on part of a Metro Manila flood control project.",4 10,"MANILA, Philippines – Exactly 9,821 examinees are expected to flock to local testing centers nationwide on Wednesday, November 9, to take the challenge of passing the 2022 Bar Examinations.",9 14,"MANILA – United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, has met with Philippine National Police (PNP) deputy chief for administration Lt. Gen. Rhodel Sermonia, to discuss critical issues on road safety in the country.",13 7,Teves camp: Congressman does not own guns retrieved from his homes,6 13,Marcos silence on Mindanao during SONA leaves BARMM’s future ‘uncertain’,12 7,CHR probes recent killings of barangay officials,6 10,Manila mulls designating sidewalks as parking spaces,9 9,"A 5.3-magnitude earthquake jolted Isabela province on Sunday afternoon, April 23, said the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs).",8 13,"Marcos declares February 24, 2023 a ‘special non-working day’",12 14,US experts arrive in Mindoro to support PH oil spill response,13 7,"Philippine court acquits Nobel laureate Maria Ressa, Rappler of tax evasion",6 6,MANILA – The National Commission (NTC) and the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) are set to roll out caravans for both the subscriber identity module (SIM) registration and the National ID program of the government.,5 10,"Customers of Maynilad Water Services in parts of the National Capital Region (NCR) and Cavite are experiencing water service interruptions which will last until Tuesday, February 14.",9 9,"MANILA, Philippines – For one week straight, daily COVID-19 cases in the Philippines dipped below 5,000 after the Department of Health (DOH) reported 2,730 new infections on Monday, February 14.",8 6,"Provide perks to ‘qualified’ senior citizens, DILG urges CAR LGUs",5 12,VP Sara rated ‘excellent’ in December 2022 SWS satisfaction survey,11 13,Mga dapat malaman tungkol sa State of the Nation Address,12 2,"Marcos to Pinoy athletes: If you need more help from gov't, tell me",1 6,"With only a week before the SIM registration period expires, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) announced that the April 26, 2023 deadline remains.",5 2,JV: Public-Private Partnership Act will help address PH infra backlog,1 15,No jackpot winners for PCSO major lotto games in April 25 draw,14 14,"MANILA, Philippines – United States Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled to travel to the Philippines from Sunday, November 20, to Tuesday, November 22, in a trip that will make her the highest ranking US official from the Biden administration to visit the country so far.",13 4,We cannot be free if journalists aren't free': Diplomats in PH celebrate World Press Freedom Day,3 7,"PNP: Violence against women, children cases top charges filed vs. policemen",6 9,MANILA – San Jose del Monte City Rep. Florida Robes on Thursday urged the House of Representatives to declare the month of February as “Buwan ng Nag-uusap na Pamilya” in a bid to create mental health awareness among family members and address rising cases of mental health problems among the youth.,8 14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has ordered the provision of USD200,000 or around PHP11 million in financial assistance to Syria which was hit by the magnitude 7.8 earthquake on Feb. 6.",13 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Court of Appeals (CA) has declared some military officers and other officials “accountable” for the disappearance of two labor organizers and members of Kilusang Mayo Uno, who were last seen attending a meeting in Valenzuela on May 3.",6 9,MANILA – The Archdiocese of Manila will not immediately impose a mandatory wearing of face masks while attending Mass inside the church amid the rising number of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases.,8 7,"An ""organization"" of seven to 10 people may be behind the killings in Negros Oriental that the government is currently investigating, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said on Friday.",6 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Outgoing National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon Jr. managed to get the National Commission (NTC) to block access to 28 websites, including leading alternative news site Bulatlat.",6 13,Speaker Romualdez reacts to Marcos-Harris meeting in US,12 10,VP Sara: Pregnancy should not hinder teenage girls from finishing studies,9 15,"Grand, Mega Lotto jackpots still up for grabs",14 8,4 labor union members linked to Reds return to gov’t fold,7 6,A ranking congressman is pursuing the exemption of public utility vehicle (PUV) drivers from the payment of application or renewal fees when securing their professional driver’s license.,5 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Alleged Visayan drug lord Kerwin Espinosa, one of the witnesses in the 2016 congressional investigations against Senator Leila De Lima, was cleared of one of several drug trade charges after the star witness admitted to the court that he was “forced” to make claims of drug sales and transactions.",6 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House constitutional amendments panel on Monday, February 6, conducted its second public consultation on proposals to amend or revise the 1987 Constitution.",5 10,"Traveler missed flight after lengthy BI interview, yearbook requirement",9 13,DILG chief to endorse ‘trustworthy’ official as next PNP chief,12 1,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Monday highlighted the importance of partnership between the private sector, MSMEs, and local farmers in achieving agriculture industry.",0 13,Quezon lawmaker Mark Enverga named caretaker of Valenzuela’s 1st District,12 9,Philippines logs 171 new COVID-19 infections,8 1,"NCR, Central Luzon top sales from Labor Day 'Kadiwa' for workers",0 2,"DHSUD, LGUs to construct housing for around 48,000 families in Mindanao",1 13,"DepEd, NTF-ELCAC warn teachers, youth vs. front groups' agitators",12 7,The Muntinlupa City regional trial court (RTC) has issued a hold departure order (HDO) against former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) director general Gerald Q. Bantag who has been charged with two murder cases.,6 8,"AFP, PAF urged to keep all military assets 'ready to go'",7 10,"Gov't offers programs to improve lives of drug users, former rebels - DILG",9 13,Zubiri meets US trade representative,12 8,"PAF, US aircraft do a 'Top Gun' as part of 'Balikatan'",7 6,Alvarez says limiting Cha-cha to economic provisions would benefit only investors,5 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Heavy hang the air at the Quezon City Reception House on the day Leni Robredo left it for the last time as the 14th vice president of the Philippines.",12 9,"DOH reports 150 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 9,269",8 15,Stand for Truth has the first GMA digital show to win a medal at the prestigious New York Festivals TV and Film Awards.,14 7,A broken television monitor prompted the Sandiganbayan on Thursday to postpone the plunder and graft trial against former Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and other accused on the alleged misuse of pork barrel or discretionary funds.,6 7,DOJ wants to present new witness vs. De Lima,6 9,"700,000 Filipinos develop tuberculosis every year –DOH",8 9,WHO panel to discuss if Covid-19 remains a global health emergency,8 10,TD Amang likely to bring rains till Friday,9 8,PCG will follow communication channels about WPS ops —Abu,7 6,"MANILA – Senators are looking to amend Republic Act 11053 or the Anti-Hazing Act to prevent further loss of lives following the death of John Matthew Salilig, the 24-year-old Adamson University junior chemical engineering student who succumbed to blunt force trauma to the lower extremities after a rite” by the Tau Gamma Phi fraternity.",5 7,Rappler Recap: A summary of legal actions vs Badoy for red-tagging judge,6 7,Jinggoy tells law enforcers: Use bodycams in anti-drug ops,6 7,"De Lima files motion for case dismissal, immediate release",6 6,"The Senate was likely to approve the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) bill in June, according to Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero on Saturday.",5 13,Bring home the bacon': Zubiri vouches for PBBM's success in upcoming US trip,12 7,Female claimant of P3.4-M shabu parcel nabbed in Pasay,6 7,"5 wanted aliens nabbed in Iloilo City, Boracay",6 10,"MANILA, Philippines – After over five months since it conducted the exams, the Supreme Court (SC) on Friday, April 14, finally released the list of passers of the 2022 Bar examinations.",9 7,"Senator Sherwin Gatchalian filed a civil lawsuit against former Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi, seeking up to P16 million in damages over an alleged defamatory statement made during Cusi's time as chief of the Department of Energy (DOE).",6 13,"OP, ARTA agree to go after unresponsive gov't offices",12 15,Watch the live video by clicking the YouTube link above.,14 6,"Legislators have backed the Philippine Coast Guard in its efforts to push for the agency's modernization, a PCG official said Saturday.   “The Commandant [PCG Admiral] Artemio Abu has already received support from various lawmakers—senators and even congressmen—expressing their support for Coast Guard modernization and also helping us receive additional funds to sustain our patrol in the West Philippine Sea,” PCG adviser for maritime security Commodore Jay Tarriela told reporters on the sidelines of the Saturday News Forum in Quezon City.   During the forum, Tarriela stressed the need to modernize the PCG amid Chinese aggression in the waters within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.",5 2,MANILA – The Social Security System (SSS) released pension loans that reached PHP5.95 billion in 2022.,1 10,PNR resumes San Pablo-Lucena train service after bridge repair,9 14,Hontiveros wants China envoy recalled over anti-Taiwan advice,13 3,"Church org says wage hike petitions just, dignified",2 6,"House OKs on 2nd reading bill requiring firefighters to be certified medical first responders, EMT",5 13,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said Wednesday there is no threat against Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves, who is being linked to the slay of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",12 5,"MANILA, Philippines – Ang republika ng Pilipinas ay pinoprotektahan ng mga hukbo ng pulisya at militar sa anumang uri ng panganib. Malinaw na nakasaad ‘yan sa ilalim ng 1987 Constitution.",4 5,"MANILA, Philippines – A Laguna court on Wednesday, June 29, cleared human rights worker Nimfa Lanzanas of illegal possession of firearms and explosives more than a year after her arrest during the Bloody Sunday raids that left nine activists dead in Calabarzon.",4 6,"Solon rejects temporary driver's license print outs, says official receipt will do",5 14,MANILA – The United Kingdom and several other countries backed Manila in its latest protest against the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) over a lasing incident in the Ayungin Shoal last Feb. 6.,13 14,United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III on Thursday said the Philippines and the US have reaffirmed to the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) during their bilateral meeting.,13 13,‘Lapid Fire’ returns: Roy Mabasa takes over as host of Percy Lapid’s show,12 15,"‘Democracy champion, patriot’: Former PH foreign secretary Albert del Rosario mourned",14 14,"MANILA – The Japanese experts who will assist Manila in responding to the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro will leave for the Philippines on March 10, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Thursday.",13 14,"Marcos: PH, US ‘naturally drawn to each other'",13 12,Sara Duterte didn’t mention plans for malnourished students – experts,11 13,Go nixes proposal to abolish MMDA,12 13,PDP-Laban to issue reso supporting moves to amend 1987 Constitution —Matibag,12 12,Almost all Filipinos hopeful for 2023,11 14,"PH, US to discuss planned joint naval sails in Indo-Pacific after success of Balikatan",13 13,CSC chief pledges full support to national dev’t plan,12 7,"PNP-CIDG orders manhunt vs ex-Bucor officials Bantag, Zulueta over death of 'middleman' in Mabasa slay case",6 5,"MANILA, Philippines – A Manila court has dismissed the petition of the Department of Justice (DOJ), that seeks to declare the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) as terrorists.",4 10,PAGASA sees slim chance of tropical cyclone formation until end April,9 14,Japan airs ‘serious concerns’ over China’s laser use in Ayungin,13 2,Contracting arrangements now under local employment bureau - DOLE,1 9,"DOH reports 304 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 5,070",8 7,DepEd probes 6 Cavite teachers for alleged sex abuse,6 12,MANILA – Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah Pangandaman on Sunday expressed gratitude to the public after she landed as the fourth most trusted Cabinet member under the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. in a recent survey.,11 10,Over P700-K aid distributed to victims of Basilan ferry fire,9 1,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Friday the rising prices remain the biggest problem of Filipinos as he stressed the need to open more Kadiwa stalls to help consumers as well as local and small businesses.",0 2,"DBM: P4-B allotted for drivers, farmers, fishers' fuel subsidies",1 14,"US military: PH owns EDCA sites, can only be used by Americans when invited",13 8,"MANILA – Filipino and American troops participating in this year's ""Salaknib"" exercises are set to join a rocket system live fire exercise at Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija on April 1.",7 6,"BFAR recommends to retain bans on fishing, harvesting seaweeds in oil spill-affected areas",5 7,"The lawyer of Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. on Friday dismissed claims by arrested suspects that a certain ""Cong Teves"" was behind the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",6 14,"US defense secretary arrives in PH, seeks to speed up EDCA implementation",13 2,"Over 61M PhilIDs, ePhilIDs delivered — PSA",1 14,"After Japan trip, Marcos Cabinet to review, sort priority of foreign pledges",13 2,MANILA — President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday expressed openness to exploring technologies that would help augment the power supply in the Philippines.,1 13,"Meet Ilocano general Benjamin Acorda Jr., Marcos’ 2nd PNP chief",12 7,"6 persons to face kidnapping, detention charges over missing ‘sabungeros’",6 9,MANILA – The City of Manila on Wednesday announced the rollout of the second booster shot for the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccines for its general population.,8 6,"DOTr eyes full NAIA electrical system audit after power outage cancels, delays flights anew",5 15,Lone bettor wins P21.2-M Super Lotto 6/49 jackpot prize,14 6,MANILA – The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is set to finalize its for a standard driving school rate that would be fair and reasonable for both driving schools and student drivers.,5 9,"MANILA – The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) last year released more than PHP2 billion in medical assistance to more than 255,000 patient requests across the country.",8 9,Expert calls for routine immunization ramp-up,8 11,"MANILA, Philippines – United States Ambassador MaryKay Carlson praised the historic Balangiga Bells as a testament to the “entire arc” of Philippine-American ties during a visit to Eastern Samar on Tuesday, October 18.",10 7,"BI agents nab 2 illegal aliens in Cebu, Pasay",6 9,"COVID-19 positivity rate in the National Capital Region (NCR) continued to increase throughout the first week of April, hitting 6.5% on Saturday, according to independent monitoring group OCTA Research on Monday.",8 14,"The Philippine Inter-Agency Humanitarian Contingent team members deployed to Turkey returned to the Philippines on Tuesday evening, GMA News' James Agustin reported.",13 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of National Defense (DND) Officer-in-Charge Jose Faustino Jr. appeared to have skipped the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) change ceremony, which saw the return of General Andres Centino as chief of staff on Saturday, January 7.",12 6,"MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang is looking into proposals to shift to a four-day workweek and a three-month wage subsidy for workers.",5 6,"Solon asks GSIS help, Senate nod on retirement age at 56",5 13,WATCH: Ferdinand Marcos Jr. sworn in as 17th president of the Philippines,12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. prevailed in a divisive election on May 9 with more than 31 million votes, with those who didn’t vote for him expressing dread about the future under another Marcos.",12 2,Senator Sherwin Gatchalian believes that the adoption of new technologies---including those that promote nuclear power--are needed to ensure the country’s energy security moving forward.,1 10,Cyclone Amang ‘meanders’ over Lagonoy Gulf; 11 Luzon areas still under Signal No. 1,9 13,Senate panel wants Marcos to assign oil spill response chief,12 1,Marcos: Time to make maritime industry top priority again,0 5,The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved on third and final reading the National Government Rightsizing bill aimed at trimming the bureaucracy in order to be more responsive to the people's needs.,4 13,WATCH: Remulla turns defensive when asked if drug war probe includes Duterte,12 3,"Devotees of Saint Peregrine, the miraculous patron saint of individuals suffering from serious health problems such as cancer and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), observed on May 1, the feast of the revered saint.",2 13,Comelec eyes early voting for vulnerable sectors in 2023 BSKE,12 1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Thursday the Board of Investments (BOI) is monitoring about 90 investment leads from in various sectors, including manufacturing, information technology, business process management, and renewable energy after his state visit to China in January.",0 6,The Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Friday clarified that its recent order stripping some administrative and financial decision functions from some of its key attached agencies is meant to streamline processes within the department.,5 9,"Philippines’ top diplomat gets COVID-19, to skip ASEAN meetings",8 2,Marcos vows to boost quality of jobs in PH,1 13,Augusto “Gus” Miclat’s experience as an activist and peace builder in Mindanao during the years of struggle against the Marcos dictatorship grounded him while helping the people of East Timor weather the violence that dogged their struggle for independence.,12 6,CHED to discuss with SUCs possible return service for nursing grads,5 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. sat down to discuss his legislative agenda with lawmakers led by two politicians gunning to the next Senate president and House Speaker, respectively: Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri and Leyte 1st District Representative Martin Romualdez.",12 15,MANILA – A Sudanese suddenly got emotional upon seeing his Filipina wife and three daughters who were able to escape the ongoing civil war in Sudan.,14 4,Female solons run House session in celebration of Women’s Month,3 13,"With COVID-19 restrictions, De Lima settles for video call from jail with ailing mom",12 1,MANILA – Agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) in Leyte province were provided credit assistance after the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) forged a partnership with the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP).,0 10,"Audible traffic signs for PWDs, elderly and pregnant women pushed",9 13,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Wednesday told the United Nations Human Rights Council of the Philippines' rejection of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) reopening of its inquiry on the killings blamed on the previous administration's war on drugs.,12 7,Sandiganbayan affirms junking of ex-Pagcor chief’s plea for graft raps dismissal,6 10,"MANILA – The trough of a low-pressure area (LPA) outside the Philippine Area of Responsibility will bring rain showers over most parts of Mindanao, the weather bureau said Monday.",9 10,Solon wants PUV drivers exempted from license fees,9 1,The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) said that the new permanent Abusag Bridge has provided the public with easier access to the business centers in Cagayan province while making travel safer for the motorists.,0 7,"MANILA – The Philippine National Police - Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) has arrested 54 persons in the intensified one-day anti-criminality operations across the country, which led to the recovery and confiscation of several pieces of evidence and the suppression of illegal activities.",6 2,"The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) will offer mobile services in Ilocos Sur on May 1, 2023.",1 13,"Remulla hits LRA, BuCor, BI syndicates: Today will be different for you",12 14,Malaysia PM Anwar calls for multilateral approach to South China Sea dispute,13 7,Insurance for MT Princess Empress at risk due to lack of authority to operate -senators,6 2,"Japanese officials informed Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on plans to offer programs for the employment of Filipino nurses, caregivers, and skilled workers.",1 3,PBBM one with Muslims in observance of Ramadan,2 14,Philippines to give US access to more military bases,13 7,Taguig Court says case vs. Japanese fugitive dismissed,6 10,"A rare hybrid solar eclipse will occur on Thursday, April 20, which will be visible as a partial solar eclipse in the Philippines, said the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).",9 8,"A day after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. instructed the Philippine National Police to identify “hotspots” in the country, the PNP on Tuesday said it is now awaiting the formal reports of its regional offices on areas deemed “crime-prone.”",7 7,"Guilty verdict on ex-cop in Carl, Kulot killing proof justice system working —Acosta",6 12,"An advocate group on Friday discouraged the use of labels “adik,” “durugista,” and “drug abuser” as these have harmful consequences to the lives of concerned individuals.",11 10,"PAGASA: Fair, humid weather throughout PH on Saturday",9 13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has signed an executive order renaming the Presidential Complaint Center (PCC) as Presidential Action Center (PAC).",12 2,Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman on Tuesday guaranteed that there are enough funds for programs aimed at assisting residents affected by the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro.,1 15,"MANILA – Most parts of the country will have little rain and some clouds on Saturday, with the easterlies affecting winds in the Visayas and Mindanao.",14 7,DOJ junks murder complaint vs. 17 cops over deaths of Evangelista couple,6 6,"MANILA, Philippines – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Monday, January 30, delivered her Basic Education Report, laying out the challenges and learning reforms for the sector during her term.",5 7,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has ordered the formation of a special panel of prosecutors to look into the killings in Negros Oriental, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Tuesday.",6 6,Marcos says no need yet for mandatory face mask policy,5 10,"Easterlies to bring isolated rain showers, thunderstorms over parts of PH",9 2,"Finally, Gem-Ver fishermen to receive P6-M compensation",1 13,"Imee Marcos says President ‘too kind’ toward smugglers, downplays differences with him and First Lady",12 10,"MANILA – The registration for the subscriber identity module (SIM) cards will be extended for another 90 days or until July 25, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla announced on Tuesday.",9 1,PH needs P2 trillion to mitigate El Niño impact — NIA,0 2,Gov't agencies deploy more personnel at NAIA for Holy Week,1 2,"Forensic expert and United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur Dr. Morris Tidball-Binz will launch a program to improve the capacity of government doctors and authorities on forensic pathology in the country, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said Tuesday.",1 10,PNR to halt operations from April 6 to 9 for Holy Week,9 5,MANILA – The Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) has turned down the claim for a P3.185 million refund of a Makati condominium corporation which failed to prove that it indeed paid the said amount to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).,4 15,"The Quiapo Church said that around 20,000 people participated in the motorcade of the Black Nazarene on Good Friday, April 7.",14 7,"Anti-narcotics authorities seized P3,923,700 worth of high-grade known as ""kush"" from a man who allegedly claimed the package declared as a herbal tea during a controlled delivery operation in Sta. Cruz, Manila on Thursday night, April 13.",6 7,MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr. lauded the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) for its efforts to improve police response to crime incidents.,6 12,MANILA – The new survey results by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) suggest that seven out of 10 Filipino Catholics pray at least once daily.,11 5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine anti-graft court Sandiganbayan has finally rendered judgment on the decade-old charges against retired major general Carlos Garcia over the controversial military “pabaon” scandal, convicting the general of lesser offense and imposing fines totaling P407 million.",4 14,The Philippines on Friday called on China anew to respect the legal rights of the country to conduct maritime patrols after a Chinese coast guard ship cut a Philippine patrol vessel off the Spratly Islands in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).,13 6,"Several senators, led by Mark Villar, on Monday sat down with economic managers for a briefing on the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) bill.",5 6,MANILA – The Civil Service Commission (CSC) and the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) have agreed to reassess plans on the possibility of granting government service eligibility to national athletes who brought home medals from,5 7,Teves says gov't making him a ‘trophy’ as DOJ insists actions based on evidence,6 14,"MANILA, Philippines – United States President Joe Biden invited President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to Washington, further cementing Marcos’ immunity in the US despite a $353-million contempt judgment by a US court.",13 13,Freeing De Lima ‘strong sign’ that PH wants to continue GSP+ perks,12 7,MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Monday said incidents of eight focus crimes being monitored by the police force decreased by 14.69 percent from Jan. 1 to April 8 this year.,6 14,Chinese harassment in Ayungin Shoal won’t deter PH Coast Guard,13 9,"DOH posts 119 new COVID-19 cases; active tally climbs to 9,120",8 14,"A year into war, PH joins call for immediate Russian withdrawal from Ukraine",13 7,Hazing complaint vs. suspects in Salilig’s death submitted for resolution,6 13,Bato confident bill on military pension reform will pass 19th Congress,12 7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police-Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG) on Wednesday warned the public anew to be wary of e-wallet scams.,6 5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) on Tuesday, March 14, has granted the request of Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla to transfer the cases related to the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo to a Manila court.",4 14,"LIVE UPDATES: Marcos visits New York, addresses United Nations",13 13,"From Manila to New Jersey, the privilege and infamy of the Marcos name",12 14,Beijing chides US for ‘discrediting’ PH-China economic ties,13 6,House approves on 2nd reading bill safeguarding freelancers,5 8,"2 Reds, private armed group leader fall in CIDG manhunt ops",7 8,Police General Benjamin Acorda Jr. vowed Monday to continue the cleansing of their ranks as he assumed his post as the new chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP).,7 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of National Defense (DND) said on Saturday, April 15, that the Philippines-US Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) will not be used to meddle in China’s affairs in relation to Taiwan, contrary to the suggestion of China’s envoy to Manila.",13 13,Suspended Rep Teves ‘may still be in Cambodia’ – Sec Remulla,12 1,Frasco: Baguio to lead PH towards post-pandemic tourism recovery,0 9,"MANILA – A lawmaker on Monday urged the Department of Health (DOH) to beef up its contingencies to respond to diseases that typically occur during the hot season, such as cholera, chikungunya and Zika virus, warning that El Niño season could be a “hotbed for epidemics"".",8 13,Tulfo wants elected officials deemed resigned upon filing of COC for another post,12 14,Philippines supports US' democracy summit but disassociates from ICC reference,13 7,"Arnie Teves' 60-day suspension may still be appealed, but only by other lawmakers —Espares",6 1,"MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines has initiated discussions with Russia to formally terminate the P12.7-billion agreement to purchase 16 military helicopters, the Department of National Defense (DND) said.",0 13,"Marcos lauds Pinoy artists, athletes for putting PH in world map",12 9,"Philippines records 429 new cases; active tally down to 4,336",8 6,"Zubiri urges DOE, NGCP to step up and solve Western Visayas blackouts",5 6,"CAVITE, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Monday, October 31, thumbed down a proposal to declare a nationwide, year-long state of calamity in the aftermath of Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae).",5 13,Bato dela Rosa believes Marcos has no secret order to push Cha-cha in Congress,12 12,Farmers group Samahang Industriya ng Agrikultura (SINAG) suggested that Senator Imee Marcos be made Department of Agriculture (DA) secretary.,11 2,"The Philippines saved a total of 62.69 megawatts (MW) during the Earth Hour 2023 held on Saturday, the Department of Energy (DOE) said Monday.",1 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives passed on final reading on Tuesday, March 14, the bill to a resolution that calls for charter change through a constitutional convention (Con-Con).",5 2,"Install street lights, informative road signs in proper locations—-Bonoan",1 10,LTO scraps prescribed medical exam for driver's license holders,9 10,"Rain showers likely across Mindanao, Luzon due to LPA, 'amihan'",9 14,"MANILA -- The Philippines should be allowed to respond made by a group of ‘victims’ in the case against the previous administration’s campaign against illegal drugs before the International Criminal Court (ICC), Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra said Thursday.",13 13,Sandiganbayan dilutes Marcoses’ 2019 win: They’ll keep only 4 properties,12 14,Marcos cites ‘turbulent times’ in PH-US ties but says friendship won,13 10,"LIST: Traffic, transport advisories for Holy Week 2023",9 11,"As he gives importance to the country's creative industry, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. is opening Malacañang Palace to showcase the talents of various local performing artists.",10 13,Hontiveros slams Panganiban’s appointment as SRA OIC,12 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The calendar set by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) in the run-up to the October 2023 barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections (BSKE) did not sit well with at least one House lawmaker, who insisted that a “too early” period for the filing of candidacies may just tilt the polls in favor of wealthier politicians.",5 9,Philippines detects 14 cases of Omicron BA.2.12.1,8 10,"The Department of Transportation (DOTr) ""fare discounts"" riding public utility vehicles (Jeeps, buses, and UV Express) in place of free rides in the EDSA Bus Carousel.",9 13,"Speaker Martin Romualdez has ""restored faith"" on the role of the House of Representatives as an institution.",12 14,"The Philippines and the United States have plotted their alliance for the next decade that focused on protecting sovereignty, achieving economic security and boosting existing partnerships in various areas.",13 6,Hontiveros slams release of smuggled sugar; insists sugar order a req’t under law,5 13,BuCor moves to retrieve Davao Prison’s land given to settlers in 2019,12 7,"MANILA – Two Filipino women were intercepted at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) in Pasay City, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported on Saturday.",6 6,"MANILA – The decision to issue new wage orders is under the jurisdiction of Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Boards (RTWPBs), an official of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said Thursday.",5 9,"Public urged to vaccinate pets, get immediate treatment for bites",8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – A larger-than-usual crowd of applicants filled voter registration sites across the Philippines on the day of the deadline, but the Commission on Elections (Comelec) said registration remained orderly.",12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – The campaign sorties of Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. have been heavy in Luzon, as he even visited more than once the provinces that are already perceived as his bailiwicks. In the last stretch of the campaign, he is expected to spend some more time in the “sway” region that is Visayas – after getting the elusive yes of ruling local party One Cebu.",12 7,BI urges probe vs airline employee allegedly involved in trafficking,6 6,Senate open to Cha-cha discussions with House members,5 7,Gov’t offers P6-M reward for info on suspects in missing sabungeros case,6 9,Cancer third leading cause of death in PH,8 10,"MANILA, Philippines – The University of the Philippines (UP) announced on Wednesday, February 15, that its college admission test, which was halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will be back this year.",9 8,Marcos: EDCA sites won't be used for offensive actions,7 8,PH Navy gets upgraded shipyard from Israeli firm,7 5,DOJ serves subpoena on suspended BuCor chief Bantag,4 2,MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN) on Wednesday confirmed that two more brand-new fast attack interdiction-missile (FAIC-M) platforms were delivered to the country on Tuesday.,1 6,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has ordered the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) to simplify the business licensing manual and expand its usage around the country.",5 14,"Austin visits Filipino troops to help with counter-terrorism, disaster response efforts — Westmincom",13 14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. was beaming with pride as he led the launch of a publication highlighting the cultural and diplomatic exchanges between the Philippines and the Czech Republic on April 17.",13 4,"MANILA – Five women are in the Top 10 of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) ""Masidtalak"" Class of 208 cadets which is set to graduate on Friday.",3 13,"MANILA, Philippines – After the dogged insistence of Duterte ally Senator Ronald dela Rosa that President Rodrigo Duterte ordered the suspension of online cockfighting permits, Malacañang issues a memorandum saying the opposite.",12 15,Wala kayo nyan': 'Baby Yoda' is Guanzon's special travel buddy,14 15,"MANILA – A Chinese-flagged bulk carrier transporting nickel ore ran aground off the waters of Guiuan, Eastern Samar, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) reported Thursday.",14 15,Actual construction of Bataan-Cavite bridge may start early 2024,14 13,[PODCAST] Kriminal: Truths my father told me about Martial Law,12 4,Foreign diplomats in the Philippines have joined in the celebration of the World Press Freedom Day and assured the members of the press of their respective government's support.,3 9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday recorded 77 new COVID-19 infections, while the active tally dipped to 9,225.",8 10,"The rollout of the implementation of the electronic registration of arriving and departing passengers. was successful, Bureau of Immigration (BI) Commissioner Norman Tansingco said on Monday, April 17.",9 6,MANILA – The House of Representatives’ Appropriations Committee on Thursday officially began its series of oversight queries on the budget performance of national government agencies.,5 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos on Wednesday, January 4, asked full police colonels and generals to file their courtesy resignation as part of efforts to purge the Philippine National Police (PNP) of cops with drug links.",6 8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines has filed a diplomatic protest over a Chinese Coast Guard vessel engaging in “close distance maneuvering” that heightened a risk of collision in the disputed South China Sea, Manila’s national security adviser said on Tuesday, March 29.",7 10,"MANILA – At least 20,000 farmers in Aklan province will soon benefit from the farm-to-market road (FMR) projects of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in partnership with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the provincial government.",9 5,SC reiterates ex-Surigao del Sur Rep Pichay’s perpetual ban to hold public office,4 9,"The Philippines reported 304 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, while the active tally dropped to 5,070.   The fresh cases increased the country’s caseload to 4,092,158, according to the Department of Health.   The number of active cases went down to 5,070 from 5,293 on Friday.   The National Capital Region logged the highest number of new cases with 2,533 in the past two weeks, followed by Calabarzon with 1,124, Davao Region with 420, Western Visayas with 367, and Central Luzon with 358.",8 3,Cebuano Martial Law survivor tells Filipinos: ‘Don’t ever stop fighting’,2 4,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines, even after it restored its democracy in 1986, has not been a safe place for progressive individuals, including human rights workers, labor leaders, and even journalists.",3 13,"Comelec to pilot test mall voting in 5 NCR sites during 2023 Barangay, SK polls — Garcia",12 2,NTF-ELCAC: Only 136 of 846 farm-to-market road projects completed in 2022,1 2,"Philippines to donate COVID-19 vaccines to Myanmar, Papua New Guinea",1 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) said on Friday, January 28, that some 14 million basic education students aged 5 to 11 are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination that would start on February 4.",8 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Court of Appeals (CA) upheld the conviction of former Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) Maia Santos-Deguito of eight counts of money laundering or violation of section 4 of Republic Act No. 9160, as amended.",6 6,A resolution seeking a review of existing government policies on minimum wage increases was filed in the Senate.,5 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) will conduct an independent investigation into the claims of the self-confessed gunman that the orders to kill broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa came from inside the New Bilibid Prison (NBP).",6 12,Budget safeguards needed: 9 of 10 Filipinos want better anti-corruption laws,11 7,"MANILA – A big-time illegal recruiter in Paete town, Laguna province was arrested Tuesday (Feb. 21), in an entrapment operation conducted by the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW).",6 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) journalists won against former senator Juan Ponce Enrile in a libel case filed by the politician over a 2001 Marcos ill-gotten wealth story, after the Supreme Court reversed an earlier Court of Appeals ruling.",6 2,Drones and life detector devices are aiding the Philippine contingent to Turkey in finding lives under the rubble following a powerful earthquake last week.,1 14,U.S. warship USS America docks in Manila for rest and recreation,13 8,MANILA – The country's military chief said the transfer of additional troops to the Visayas who would be tasked to neutralize the insurgents will soon.,7 2,"MANILA – The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA), with the assistance of power distributor Manila Electric Co. (Meralco), has started on Friday the electrical audit of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3.",1 13,Marcos: Charter change ‘not a priority’,12 3,Bishop asks for prayers for Filipinos in Sudan,2 2,"MWSS: Kaliwa Dam completed by 2026, operational by 2027",1 8,"MANILA – The Philippine Army (PA) on Tuesday announced that it will be conducting a live-fire exercise using the FGM-148 ""Javelin"" anti-tank system at Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija on April 13.",7 9,"Search, rescue, and retrieval operations for the victims of the fatal Basilan ferry fire are still ongoing, the Philippine Coast Guard said Sunday.",8 10,CHED: No more fully online classes in 2023,9 6,MANILA – AGRI Party-list Rep. Wilbert Lee on Wednesday said he has filed a measure which seeks to extend the availment period of the estate tax amnesty for two years to provide taxpayers an adequate period to settle their tax dues.,5 7,Trigger warning: This article tackles and mentions the topic of rape.,6 2,"DOLE to hold job fair, provide gov’t aid on Labor Day",1 6,"Tulfo wants probe on rude, snobbish gov’t workers; pushes for Anti-Taray Bill",5 5,Sandiganbayan dismisses forfeiture case against late chief justice Corona,4 2,Marcos wants PH to put up battery manufacturing facilities,1 6,"MANILA, Philippines – Pennsylvania Representative Susan Wild introduced a measure, which seeks to limit the United States’ security assistance to the Philippine National Police (PNP) over human rights concerns.",5 2,US eyes $3B package to boost PH transport systems,1 7,Lawmaker slams cops for inconsistent stories in P6.7 billion shabu mess,6 7,"Murder raps OK'd vs. Bantag, 11 others for broadcaster’s death",6 7,BI officer relieved from post pending internal probe on alleged human smuggling incident,6 14,"PH, China talks on SCS start; talks key to address differences",13 15,"MANILA, Philippines – Generational differences matter.",14 8,"Philippines, US discuss joint coast guard patrols in South China Sea",7 14,"Philippines included in China’s overseas gambling blacklist, Zubiri says",13 8,After ‘Balikatan’ comes ‘Cope Thunder’,7 2,"MANILA – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) will receive over PHP495 million for the acquisition of right-of-way for the NLEX-SLEX Connector Road Project (NSCRP), the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) announced Tuesday.",1 14,"Philippine Ambassador to the United States Jose Manuel ""Babe"" Romualdez on Tuesday told China never to question the military alliance between Manila and Washington as the two governments have had such cooperation under the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT).",13 13,"De Lima to Remulla: I will gain my freedom on merits, not humanitarian grounds",12 6,"CHR supports DepEd’s blended, alternative learning modes to protect students",5 6,House budget panel OKs ‘disaster food banks’ in all provinces,5 10,MANILA – The Light Rail Transit Line 2 (LRT-2) will suspend its operations on Holy Thursday (April 6) until Easter Sunday (April 9) and a shortened operating schedule on Holy Wednesday.,9 7,Berteni “Toto” Causing said Friday his disbarment prevented him from supporting the family of slain broadcaster Percy Lapid amid the ongoing investigation into the case.,6 7,"Senate public order and dangerous drugs chairperson Ronald ""Bato"" dela Rosa has filed a resolution seeking to look into the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency's alleged practice of rewarding its informants with 30% of confiscated drugs in successful operations.",6 13,"The Commission on Elections will conduct a pilot test of mall voting in five establishments in Metro Manila during the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE), Comelec Chairman George Garcia said Monday.",12 6,Senate to propose ‘perfecting amendments’ to House version of Maharlika Fund bill,5 7,The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has arrested a woman who allegedly extorted P9.9 million from a married lawyer whom she reportedly threatened to reveal their sexual relations to his family.,6 14,"With ICC probe active, Canada urges PH to commit to international obligations",13 7,"MANILA – Motorists who are apprehended for the wrong reasons lose time, miss appointments and incur additional costs.",6 14,"Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Enrique Manalo believes that the Philippines and the United States are now refocusing attention on emergent concerns that will likely be on agenda for the future, as the two countries started extensively discussing several matters ""for the first time.""",13 7,"The Court of Appeals has junked with finality the plea of former Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao governor Zaldy Ampatuan to be transferred from the New Bilibid Prison to a Muntinlupa hospital.   In a resolution issued on April 11, the CA Special Division of Five dismissed Ampatuan’s motion, asking the appellate court to reconsider its decision to junk his appeal in July 2022.",6 9,"MANILA – Former Deputy Chief Implementer Vince Dizon of the National Task Force Against COVID clarified on Tuesday that there was ""no strings attached"" during the bilateral donations of Covid-19 vaccines by other countries to the Philippines.",8 13,"Faustino quits defense, Marcos names new chief Galvez",12 7,A group has brought to the attention of Senator Risa Hontiveros the alleged use by human trafficking syndicates of online chat groups to prey on hapless Filipino womem who end up departing as ‘’tourists’’ to engage in the sex trade.,6 7,Former Negros Oriental Gov. Pryde Henry A. Teves has asked government prosecutors to dismiss the criminal charges filed against him for alleged illegal possession of firearms and explosives which were reportedly seized by law enforcers.,6 6,LIVESTREAM: House panel hearing on proposed Maharlika fund,5 8,DSWD to go after scammers who target seniors,7 13,Bulatlat asks QC court: Hold NTC in contempt for delaying unblocking of site,12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – After on history to correct a remark that likened it to rumors, Philippine historian Ambeth Ocampo was mobbed by influencers and pages supportive of the Marcos administration on Facebook and Youtube.",12 8,NTC assures Filipinos again: Public’s data safe under mandatory SIM card registration,7 10,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) will do away with paper-based departure cards starting May 1.,9 2,"Senator Grace Poe on Friday, April 21, said the shortage in driver’s license plastic cards should be nipped in the bud before it could create another gargantuan backlog for the Land Transportation Office (LTO).",1 2,"MANILA – The Puerto Princesa, Palawan-based Western Command has assisted the Department of Education (DepEd) in transporting some 3,542 laptops that will be used by public schools in the province.",1 13,Hurdles ahead as Philippines’ Marcos begins six-year presidency,12 15,"The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced on Saturday morning, April 29, that 5,887 out of 16,936 passed the Civil Engineers Licensure Examination held on April 23 and 24.",14 1,Romualdez lauds significant investment gains in PBBM’s US visit,0 10,14.7 million Filipinos in low-paying jobs due to lack of skills,9 8,PCG: Maritime patrol in WPS ‘non-provocative’ after near-collision,7 8,"MANILA – Philippine Navy (PN) flag officer Vice Admiral Toribio Adaci Jr., recently visited Pagasa Island and other outposts in the Kalayaan Island Group to reach out to personnel deployed there.",7 4,"MANILA – To celebrate Women’s Month, the Quezon City government has lined up various activities that include free services that will benefit the women residents of the city.",3 7,An internal review on the reported link to illegal drugs trade of top police officers will be out in two weeks.,6 8,All parties using parts of the South China Sea up with some sort of a Code of Conduct.,7 14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. visits New York from September 18 to 23, during which he is set to speak before the United Nations during its general assembly.",13 15,Palace aide dies after falling from building in Malacañang,14 2,"The Office of the Vice President (OVP) has a new satellite office; this time, in Cauayan City, Isabela.",1 15,“Let us begin.”,14 10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Tuesday, September 20, due to the southwest monsoon or hanging habagat, which is affecting Central Luzon and Southern Luzon.",9 13,Alicia dela Rosa-Bala bows out as Civil Service Commission chair,12 14,MANILA – Türkiye’s Ambassador to the Philippines Niyazi Evren Akyol on Monday thanked the Philippine government and the Filipino people for sending people and resources to aid his country following a massive earthquake that left thousands of people dead and reduced many homes and infrastructure to rubble.,13 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte has named Senior Deputy Executive Secretary Michael Ong as an associate justice of the Court of Appeals.",12 13,"Like father, like son': Marcos excited to reenact dad's 1978 jumpball toss for FIBAWorld Cup 2023",12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Ahead of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s state visit to China in early January, opposition Senator Risa Hontiveros on Friday, December 30, called on Beijing to be transparent and honest about the COVID-19 situation there.",12 7,"Fortun questions PNP, PAO autopsies on Kian delos Santos",6 6,Marcos: Laws on responsible mining will continue to be enforced,5 9,"Philippines records 137 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 9,312",8 13,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Monday said he has endorsed the filed against suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag to the Office of the Ombudsman.,12 8,The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Friday said it has strengthened and increased its presence and operations in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) as directed by President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.,7 2,DepEd allows more schools to hold face-to-face classes,1 6,The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) is amending regulations on the use of drone or remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) in the country.,5 14,Marcos to meet with British PM on the sidelines of King Charles III coronation,13 13,"Ex-Enrile aide, Marcos campaigner join Malacañang communications team",12 11,Before a Marcos return: PH celebrates 124th independence day,10 14,"The goals to achieve long-term economic growth and protect its sovereignty from threats and ""infringements"" have firmed up the Philippines' strategic partnership with the United States.",13 5,House junks Lagman's bid to stop Cha-cha deliberations,4 1,"MANILA – Camarines Sur 2nd District Rep. Luis Raymund “LRay” Villafuerte on Thursday maintained that unless the restrictive economic provisions in the Constitution are amended, the country will never see the vibrant foreign investment being enjoyed by the Philippines’ neighboring economies.",0 10,"MANILA – Overcast skies with scattered rain showers and thunderstorms will prevail over Mindanao on Saturday brought by the easterlies, the weather bureau said.",9 10,"Hot weather, isolated rain showers, localized thunderstorms to prevail over most of PH",9 14,MANILA – House Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Wednesday (US time) the suggestion of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. that efforts to boost the long-standing bond of friendship between the Philippines and the United States should also involve the respective legislative branches of the two countries.,13 7,The Department of Justice’s Panel of Prosecutors has indicted suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag and former deputy security officer Ricardo Zulueta for two counts of murder over the killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid and alleged middleman Jun Villamor.,6 3,MANILA – The Diocese of Cavite urged the faithful to physically attend Masses in churches every Sunday.,2 3,Vice President Sara Duterte is hoping that the Filipino would put into practice the learnings and insights they gained during the observance of the holy month of Ramadan.,2 1,"The uniforms for Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) students would cost the government P5 billion, Senator Ronald ""Bato"" dela Rosa disclosed Monday, citing the Department of National Defense's (DND) proposal.",0 1,"The oil spill that hit the waters of Oriental MIndoro and other nearby areas has so far caused around P7 billion in environmental damage, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) bared on Thursday, April 27.",0 10,"MANILA – Easterlies continue to affect most parts of the country, including Metro Manila, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Sunday.",9 7,"Tracker teams will be formed to look for the suspects linked to the disappearance of six sabungeros at the Manila Arena in 2022, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said on Thursday.",6 14,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine and Indian officials on Friday, January 28, formally signed the contract of the anti-ship missile system bought by Manila’s defense agency for the Philippine Navy.",13 7,Negros Rep. Teves asks House to extend travel authority,6 13,PH supports democracy declaration but distances from ICC,12 5,The Supreme Court (SC) has approved the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (CPRA) – a set of rules on the ethical conduct and accountability of lawyers in the practice of law.,4 15,"Journalist, ex-UP CMC dean Luis V. Teodoro passes away",14 5,"After Gigi Reyes’ release, De Lima can ask SC for same writ, says ex-High Court spokesman",4 4,QC marks Women’s Month with various services to female residents,3 7,"The result of the investigation into the construction of the MT Princess Empress could be released this month, Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) administrator Hernani Fabia said on Tuesday.",6 7,Guevarra: ‘Best efforts’ to resolve Bloody Sunday cases,6 9,The League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP) on Friday vowed to monitor students and schools amid the increase of COVID-19 cases in the country.,8 2,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Macos Jr. on Friday pushed for closer cooperation and collaboration with the cable and industry to realize his administration's bid for ""complete"" digital transformation of government services.",1 14,MANILA – The Philippines has accepted the request of the European Parliament (EP) on Human Rights to visit the country on Feb. 22-24.,13 9,"Governors, mayors set to learn all about hazards in disaster-prone Philippines",8 3,LIVESTREAM: CBCP releases pastoral letter on May 9 polls,2 13,"Former President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday reiterated that he could not care less about the International Criminal Court (ICC), which is bent on probing his bloody war on drugs over alleged crimes against humanity.",12 10,"The entire Philippine airspace will be shut down for several hours on May 3 and 17 as necessary repairs and upgrades will be conducted by the government to fix the issues hounding the country’s air traffic management system (ATMS), the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) announced.",9 8,China aims laser at Philippine Coast Guard ship in West PH Sea,7 13,Marcos hopes transport strike won't push through,12 13,Enrile still pushes con-ass to amend Charter,12 6,House panel approves bill empowering Marcos to suspend Philhealth contribution hike,5 13,Former president Fidel Ramos laid to rest,12 13,Premature campaigning prohibited in 2023 BSKE - Comelec,12 7,"The Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC) on Monday announced its designation physician Dr. Natividad ""Naty"" Castro as a “terrorist individual” in a resolution.",6 9,"The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) has announced its participation in the Department of Health's Measles-Rubella and Polio Supplementary Immunization campaign that started on Monday, May 1, and will last until May 31.",8 7,MANILA – Police authorities have launched a manhunt against 10 inmates who escaped from the Malibay detention facility in Pasay City early Monday.,6 4,Solon hits 'same-sex union' inclusion in DepEd’s draft curriculum,3 14,HIGHLIGHTS: Marcos at ASEAN Summit in Cambodia,13 9,"The recent increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases remains ""insignificant"" and should not cause Filipinos to limit their movement, Department of Health officer in charge Dr. Ma. Rosario Vergeire has said.",8 13,VP Sara urges local execs to implement well-thought-out projects,12 3,MANILA – The Diocese of Dumaguete in Negros Oriental has warned the public against solicitation scammers supposedly approved by Bishop Julito Cortes.,2 6,Senators seek delay in phaseout of traditional jeepneys,5 14,Marcos says talks on Mutual Defense Treaty among his purposes for US visit,13 14,"Philippines, US in talks on holding ‘2-plus-2 meeting’ by March – envoy",13 7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Thursday announced that its five-member advisory group is almost done with the screening of third-level officials for their possible involvement in illegal drugs.,6 2,PH saves 62.69 MW during 2023 Earth Hour,1 9,"MANILA – The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) on Thursday reported that two overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) sustained minor injuries while 30 others got affected after a seven-story apartment building collapsed Wednesday in Doha, Qatar.",8 7,Two against the suspects in the alleged hazing death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig were submitted for resolution by the Department of Justice on Tuesday.,6 10,"Binay: PH travel now becoming an unpleasant, frustrating experience for travelers",9 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Zenaida Angping, a longtime aide of the Romualdez-Marcos clan, has exited as head of the Presidential Management Staff (PMS), the Palace said in a short statement on Friday, December 2.",12 2,The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) on Friday announced that nearly 60 million Filipinos now have their Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) IDs.,1 2,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Friday stressed the importance of digitalization, and fast and affordable internet service in the country.",1 6,"The Department of Education (DepEd) on Thursday, April 27, to participate in the hearings on the proposed bill to replace the existing K to 12 basic education program.",5 14,"PH senators discuss harassment in WPS, RCEP with Japan PM Kishida",13 7,ICC prosecutor insists probe into ‘killings’ under Duterte should resume,6 14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. arrived in Washington, D.C. on Sunday for a five-day official visit aimed at reaffirming the special relationship between the Philippines and the United States.",13 7,"MANILA, Philippines –  A lawmaker called out Philippine National Police (PNP) officers involved in the P6.7 billion shabu bust for discrepancies in their testimonies during an investigation by the House of on dangerous drugs on Wednesday, April 26.",6 6,Rule hastening return of children wrongfully brought to PH now in effect,5 4,"MANILA – Congress must pass legislation for the benefit of “comfort women” after the United Nations (UN) Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights called the Philippines’ attention for not providing reparation, social support and to the harm suffered by victims of sexual slavery at the hands of the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II.",3 13,Robredo passes on torch as PH opposition leader to Hontiveros,12 14,"MANILA – Senator Francis Tolentino, chairperson of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights is planning to launch a series of hearings to discuss the International Criminal Court's (ICC) move to proceed with its investigation on the war on drugs during the administration of former President Rodrigo Duterte.",13 6,"Bato mulls legislative actions, reforms amid Degamo slay probe",5 6,"The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is not authorized to use its earnings from all its transactions for procurement of goods and services, including the plastic cards for the driver’s license which is already running out.",5 9,"DOH, UP to establish Institute of Health Promotion",8 9,NDRRMC activates ‘high-risk’ emergency preparedness protocol for Amang,8 7,DPWH warns vs illegal solicitations,6 2,"MANILA – The Department of Transportation (DOTr) and power distributor Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) are in talks to prevent the recurrence of another power outage at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 as well as other terminals, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said Monday.",1 1,P588-B unprogrammed fund in 2023 budget must be itemized – Recto,0 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte has appointed Chief of Presidential Protocol and presidential assistant Robert Borje as vice chairperson and executive director of the Climate Change Commission (CCC).",12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Books about the late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos and his brutal era of martial law are flying off the shelves, spurred by “panic buying” after his son and namesake won a May 9 presidential election.",12 13,"Marcos names Isidro Purisima as acting Presidential Peace, Reconciliation, and Unity adviser",12 10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Monday, September 26, 2022",9 7,Remulla: DOJ might cite Anti-Terror Law vs Teves,6 13,Resigned? PMS chief Naida Angping asks for ‘personal time’ off,12 2,The Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Friday said that driver’s license cards would be available for delivery by July if the procurement process goes as planned.,1 7,Noted forensic pathologist Dr. Raquel Fortun on Thursday questioned the previous autopsies performed on the body of teenage drug war victim Kian delos Santos.,6 14,"MANILA, Philippines – United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III on Thursday, February 2, wrapped up a visit to the Philippines, which marked a new phase in the long-time partners’ defense alliance.",13 15,"Five test takers tied for the top score in the respiratory therapists licensure examination conducted earlier this week, according to the Professional Regulation Commission.",14 9,"Three Filipinos have already been evacuated from Sudan and over a hundred will follow after internal clashes among its troops erupted, an official of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Monday, April 24.",8 8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine government on Thursday, August 4, added its voice to growing concerns over China’s live ammunition drills taking place near Taiwan, a move that has sparked worries of a crisis and potential military standoff in the region.",7 2,"Manila Water readies over 3,300 fire hydrants for summer months",1 14,"Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo on Monday raised concerns about the tensions in the Taiwan Strait, stressing that the Philippines may suffer from “really adverse repercussions” because of it.",13 9,13 areas record heat indices above the ‘danger’ threshold on April 28,8 8,PH Navy gets 2 ex-Cyclone patrol ships from US Navy,7 14,"China tells PH: Oppose Taiwan independence, do not give US troops access to military bases",13 6,"The Commission on Elections (Comelec) will increase the honoraria of teachers who will serve in the electoral boards in the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections, Comelec chairman George Garcia said on Thursday.",5 5,Bulatlat’s site now accessible after it asked court to hold NTC in contempt,4 7,Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa on Tuesday floated “revenge” as a possible reason behind the death of the alleged driver of the gray AUV that carried the body of hazing victim John Matthew Salilig before it was buried.,6 8,Philippines slams Chinese ship’s ‘close distance maneuvering’ at Scarborough Shoal,7 14,"MANILA -- President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Thursday expressed hope for an enhanced cooperation with Chile and Qatar, particularly in the areas of disaster response, climate change adaptation, energy security and revenue mobilization.",13 8,"MANILA, Philippines – Presumptive president Ferdinand Marcos Jr said on Monday, May 23, he discussed the extension of a joint military agreement with an envoy of defense ally the United States, after meetings with senior diplomats of four countries.",7 2,"The Philippine government has enough funds to cover for the repatriation of about 150,000 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Taiwan in case the China-Taiwan situation deteriorates.",1 14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a phone call on Monday that he supports Ukraine’s effort to reach a “peaceful resolution"" to its ongoing conflict with Russia.",13 15,"A total of 3,992 out of 9,183 examinees passed the 2022 Bar Examinations, the Supreme Court announced on Friday.",14 8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Fleet, under the Philippine Navy, its on February 8.",7 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The United States has laid out in clear terms the extent of its defense to the Philippines, issuing new guidelines that refer specifically to attacks in the South China Sea, including on its coast guard.",13 7,MANILA – Philippine National Police chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Tuesday said suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag is already considered a fugitive and should surrender over the death of broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa and inmate Jun Villamor.,6 15,DOCUMENTARY: Ang Bagong Media ng Bagong Lipunan,14 3,Marcos tells Bar exam passers: Serve with integrity and compassion,2 13,"Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos Jr. confirmed on Wednesday, May 3, that the police officers whose resignations were accepted will be announced in two days.",12 7,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Tuesday said suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. may still be in Cambodia.,6 1,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Thursday sought to fast-track the digitalization of database of farmers and food balance sheet (FBS) to strengthen the country’s agricultural industry.,0 15,UP releases 2022 college admission results,14 7,Remulla offers P5 million reward for info on killers of Negros Oriental governor,6 7,"The government's review of the alleged involvement of some police officers in the illegal drug trade will in two weeks, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Tuesday.",6 13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Monday vowed to fulfill and enforce peace agreements in the Bangsamoro region.",12 8,"MANILA – The Philippine Information Agency (PIA), in partnership with the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP) of the Department of National Defense (DND), has underscored the importance of disseminating government policies and programs the spread of fake news and misinformation and uphold national security. The two agencies insisted on the stance as a high delegation of the National Defense College of the United Arab Emirates (NDC-UAE) paid a courtesy visit to the country alongside an institutional briefing. In an interview, PIA Director-General Ramon Cualoping III said national security risks are no longer limited to kinetic, but more of cognitive warfare. “Cognitive so dapat naiintindihan ang mga proyekto, polisiya, programa ng pamahalaan. Kung hindi naiintindihan, nagkakaroon ng mistrust o pag-agam-agam, pagdududa sa ating pamahalaan. At kapag ‘yan nangyari, magiging vulnerable ‘yung ating mga kababayan para sa mga bagay which can affect national security (Cognitive, so the projects, policies and programs should be understood. If it’s misunderstood, there’s a mistrust, hesitations or doubts in our government. And once that happens, Filipinos shall be vulnerable to threats that may affect the national security),” he said. Cualoping said although the government cannot dictate its people, explaining the administration’s program and projects is vital to ensure public trust. “Ngayon, cognitive na e. Meaning cerebral, kung paano mag-isip ang isang tao, kung ano ‘yung thought process ng isang tao. That’s why dito sa PIA, gusto nating maging thought leaders ‘yung mga kababayan natin (Nowadays it’s cognitive. Meaning cerebral, or how the people think, how a person has his thought process. That’s why here in PIA, we want our fellow Filipinos to be thought leaders),” he added. On the other hand, the spread of inaccurate information may hinder the dissemination of administration’s programs that are supposedly beneficial for Filipinos. “There’s Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, everything is there. Everyone has a content producer or a creator. But now, the role of the government is to safeguard the entire state and the entire citizenry. Which means, whatever the government releases, the people should understand. Because the government has no program that will harm the people,” he said in mixed English and Filipino. Moreover, NDCP acting Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean Dr. Alan Lachica said fake news or misinformation can turn down a government system.",7 7,"Despite return of cash, properties, General Garcia’s family not yet off the hook",6 2,Mabinay in Negros Oriental is getting a 50-meter steel bridge from the GMA Kapuso Foundation.,1 14,"[WATCH] Philippine, US troops flex interoperability in final 2023 Balikatan drill",13 6,"To discuss the provision of high-quality professional development programs and courses to teachers and school leaders, the Department of Education (DepEd) converged with the National Network of Normal Schools.",5 13,Rappler Talk: Rex Gatchalian gets down to work at DSWD,12 11,"of Araw ng Kagitingan (Day of Bravery), Senator Christopher ""Bong"" Go on Monday, April 10, gave recognition to all Filipino frontliners and emphasized the importance of remembering and honoring their sacrifices for the country.",10 10,"P10-M farm machinery, equipment provided to Ifugao farmers",9 10,"The northeasterly surface windflow or the initial blast of the northeast monsoon or “amihan,” is currently affecting Northern and Central Luzon and may bring partly cloudy to cloudy skies with light rains in the next 24 hours.",9 14,"United States Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson lauded the success of the largest war games between the Philippines and the United States this year, which were highlighted by an ""innovation"" in the ""evolution"" of Washington and Manila's military ties.",13 14,"Japan decorates 4 Filipinos, including ex-DND, DFA chiefs",13 7,Conspirators followed Percy Lapid for days before killing him – suspect,6 7,"MANILA, Philippines – A court in Bacolod convicted for murder and sentenced to reclusion perpetua two Army intelligence officers for the killing of Negros activist Benjamin Bayles in June 2010, a bittersweet result for his lawyers.",6 6,"MANILA – Senator Imee Marcos suggested on Monday to revive the Self-Reliant Defense Posture (SRDP) Program initiated in 1974 by her father, the late President Ferdinand Marcos Sr.",5 7,Marcos on Adamson student's death: Justice will be served,6 7,"MANILA – Police officers discovered 27 kilos of suspected shabu with an estimated street value of PHP183.6 million in an abandoned car in Parañaque City, the Southern Police District (SPD) reported on Thursday.",6 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines is set to receive 1,002,000 doses of bivalent coronavirus vaccines from the global COVAX facility, Department of Health (DOH) Officer-in-Charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said on Tuesday, February 28.",8 6,MANILA – The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved on third and final reading a measure providing for the development of sustainable cities in the country.,5 1,Philippine Children’s Medical Center unable to refund P200-M COVID-19 swab tests,0 9,Mental health issues affecting general population amid hard times —Pimentel,8 7,"MANILA -- Justice secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Thursday said the government is gathering information for the possible filing against those liable for the sinking of the MT Princess Empress which leaked its cargo of 800,000 liters of industrial oil.",6 14,"UK, PH eye upgraded partnership, closer maritime engagement",13 7,MANILA – The Quezon City Police District (QCPD) has arrested a total of 28 suspects that included 13 most wanted persons during its one-day intensified anti-criminality operations.,6 9,Health experts oppose easing face mask requirement,8 7,Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Monday said their Anti-Cyber Group (ACG) has including e-sabong or online cockfighting as a prohibited gambling game under the law.,6 15,MANILA – The weather bureau on Friday said generally fair weather will continue to prevail over most parts of the country.,14 14,"MANILA – The House of Representatives will continue to help the Marcos administration build a stronger Philippine partnership with the United States, Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez said early Thursday in his speech at the Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in Boston, Massachusetts.",13 7,The near-end of the Percy Lapid case has gone like most other crimes in the Philippines: missing masterminds not yet in the custody of authorities.,6 14,China’s top diplomat makes first official visit under Marcos admin,13 7,"Complaints filed vs Arnie Teves’ secretary, others arrested in raids",6 9,"Based on its draft curriculum for K-10 (Kindergarten to Grade 10), the Department of Education (DepEd) plans to teach learners lessons on sexual and reproductive health rights starting at the Grade 4 level.",8 9,"The death toll from the fire that razed a passenger vessel off Basilan on Wednesday night has risen to 29, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said on Thursday.",8 7,The camp of former Senator Leila de Lima on Monday expressed hope for the speedy resolution of a bail plea they filed in seeking her temporary freedom six years after her detention.,6 7,BI stops 2 suspected human trafficking victims bound for Africa,6 9,"PNP records 66 deaths due to drowning, road accidents during Holy Week",8 14,"MANILA — Israel has expressed interest anew to take a ""major"" part in the Horizon 3 of the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) modernization program.",13 6,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday said he remains hopeful of the passage of a bill creating the Department of Water Resources (DWR).,5 4,MANILA – House Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Monday emphasized the importance of digital public infrastructure (PDI) to women empowerment.,3 9,Philippines’ COVID-19 positivity rate drops to 3.3% –OCTA,8 7,"36 PNP colonels, generals need to undergo ‘further scrutiny’",6 7,"PDEA destroys P20B worth of seized drugs, chemicals",6 7,Ex-foreman makes hole in P700-K rob try at gas station,6 7,The Sandiganbayan has sentenced former Finance deputy executive director Uldarico Andutan Jr. to 32 years of imprisonment over a tax credit scam.,6 8,"The on national defense and security, peace, unification and reconciliation will tackle the measures seeking to reform the military and uniform personnel (MUP) pension system in May.",7 7,BI on alert vs. Senegalese using fake documents,6 1,"The Philippine peso is at its weakest against the United States (US) dollar in over four months, but don't sound the alarm.",0 15,Magnitude 4.2 quake jolts Masbate — Phivolcs,14 12,Health workers want Badoy’s physician license revoked,11 14,"PH, US to form ministerial team on agri cooperation",13 1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate on Thursday, November 10, approved the P8.9-billion proposed budget of the Office of the President (OP) for 2023, which includes P4.5 billion in confidential and intelligence funds. This will be President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s first full annual budget.",0 14,White House press call 'outlines' Biden-Marcos talking points,13 8,MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) stood by the Philippine Coast Guard’s (PCG) account on the laser-pointing incident at the Ayungin Shoal following a denial from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).,7 13,"Duterte defends Dennis Uy Malampaya buyout, energy chief Cusi",12 6,Senator Imee Marcos on Tuesday called for certain limits in the implementation of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) including those on the number of US troops in the country and the length of their stay.,5 2,"Recognizing that Filipino athletes are the country's ambassadors in sports, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. told them to reach out to him if they need more help towards a successful international stint.",1 8,"MANILA – The Philippine Air Force (PAF) and the United States Air Force (USAF) will hold Cope Thunder 23-1, a military exercise aimed at the coordination of different aircraft and various defensive and offensive tactics from May 1 to 12.",7 13,House suspends Teves for 60 days for ‘disorderly behavior’,12 6,"A day after filing, House bill limiting AFP officers with fixed terms hurdles 2nd reading",5 9,"MANILA, Philippines – A fire broke out in a bus terminal in Cubao, Quezon City, on Thursday afternoon, February 9, the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) National Capital Region said.",8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of National Defense (DND) on Wednesday, January 11, moved to quell speculations of rumblings among the military after sudden changes in leadership at the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and defense agency sparked rumors of alleged destabilization.",12 2,PNP eyes higher police recruit intake to sustain anti-crime gains,1 2,"Elections 2025: Stamping pens, new machine type, other changes Comelec seeks to introduce",1 13,HIGHLIGHTS: Inauguration of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. as Philippine president,12 5,"The Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) on Thursday, April 20, asked the Supreme Court (SC) to amend a provision in the recently launched Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (CPRA) that allows PAO lawyers to represent opposing parties in a court case.",4 14,MARINA: EU nod on PH seafarer certificates ‘normal recognition’,13 9,MANILA – Lawmakers on Wednesday urged concerned government agencies to step up efforts to raise the youth’s awareness on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).,8 6,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Thursday presented its terms of reference for an automated election system for the 2025 mid-term elections.,5 8,The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has assured full protection of all data in its systems amidst report of “massive data breach” in the bureau and other government agencies.,7 15,With 9 short-listed entries: GMA Network leads PH contingent in the 2023 New York Festivals TV & Film Awards,14 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr is clear on his all-out support for the notorious National Task Force to End Local Armed Communist Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), but said in a presidential “debate” it’s not the only solution.",12 7,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said on Thursday that three to four people may be behind the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The proposed Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program can be fully implemented in five years, newly appointed Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. said on Saturday, January 28.",5 9,"Independent OCTA Research group on Tuesday, April 4, reported that the country’s nationwide Covid-19 positivity rate has once again breached the five percent benchmark set by the World Health Organization (WHO).",8 14,"Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim arrived at Malacañang Palace on Wednesday afternoon for a bilateral meeting with President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.",13 7,"A Senate panel will invite suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr., his brother, former Negros Oriental governor Pryde Henry Teves, and the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to its probe into the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, Senator Ronald ""Bato"" dela Rosa said Tuesday.",6 10,DOT targets to have 4.8 million tourists visiting Philippines in 2023,9 10,"Farmers, fishermen wait up to more than 2 years to receive calamity claims",9 7,Two former DA Region 1 execs get jail time over fertilizer scam,6 6,"MANILA, Philippines – As the Senate wrapped up its second hearing on the sugar importation mess on Tuesday, August 30, Deputy Minority Leader Risa Hontiveros said that “powerful forces” seemed to be “at play” in Malacañang’s decision to reject the plan to import 300,000 metric tons of sugar.",5 2,MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is finalizing the budgetary requirements to fund the extension of cash-for-work (CFW) program from 15 to 45 days in the areas affected by the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro province as directed by Secretary Rex Gatchalian.,1 7,PNP anti-scalawag unit boosts drive vs. VAWC offenders among cops,6 7,"The Department of Justice (DOJ) is set to issue an international lookout bulletin on Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. next week, according to Mav Gonzales’ “24 Oras Weekend” report on Saturday.",6 2,"MANILA – A total of 1,171 hectares of agricultural lands in the three provinces in Central Visayas have been subdivided by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) under the Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT) project, benefiting at least 1,321 agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs)",1 10,"A dream trip turned into a nightmare when a dive yacht carrying 32 passengers and crew capsized off Tubbataha, Palawan on Sunday morning, April 30, as search and rescue (SAR) operation was conducted to find four individuals who went missing.",9 8,The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Monday said it will provide additional security in schools following reports of violent incidents inside campuses.,7 14,"MANILA, Philippines – Over 5,000 US military personnel will participate in this year’s Balikatan exercise (Bailkatan 22), which will take place in various areas in Luzon from March 28 to April 8.",13 7,Senator Raffy Tulfo deplored the sky-high charges of energy (gencos) despite the drop in prices of coal in the global price index.,6 14,"MANILA – The Philippines and Japan have no formal talks yet on a possible visiting forces agreement (VFA), President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Wednesday.",13 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Wednesday, January 4, dismissed a total of 1,024 unresolved petitions against individuals who allegedly overspent campaign funds in the 2010 and 2013 elections, a decision that would unclog the poll body’s dockets.",6 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Marine Corps and the United States Navy have started their weeklong joint exercise dubbed MAREX 2022, said a statement from the US Embassy in Manila on Friday, January 28.",13 13,"Senatorial bet Luke Espiritu refutes Roque, Gadon’s Martial Law claims",12 5,"MANILA, Philippines – Jessica Lucila “Gigi” Reyes, the former chief of staff of Presidential Legal Counsel Juan Ponce Enrile tagged in the pork barrel scam, was temporarily released from jail on Thursday, January 19, after the Supreme Court (SC) granted her the privilege of writ of habeas corpus.",4 13,"Liberal Party (LP) President and Albay 1st district Rep. Edcel Lagman threw shade at the attempt of prosecutors to reopen the illegal drug case against his party-mate, former senator Leila de Lima.",12 9,"MANILA, Philippines – 2021 was the “deadliest” year in Philippine history as the government recorded more than 879,000 deaths, the Commission on Population and Development (PopCom) said, citing figures from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).",8 6,The Senate on Monday adopted an unnumbered resolution denouncing the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes and other vape products towards the youth.,5 1,"With ‘new energy’ in ties, US eyes $100 million in military financing for Philippines",0 8,CAAP to probe aircraft interruption to Balikatan drills,7 5,Former Iloilo City mayor Jed Patrick E. Mabilog and incumbent Councilor Plaridel C. Nava II have been charged with graft before the Sandiganbayan for creating a that was granted a contract by the city government.,4 7,Another NAIA screening officer arrested for theft of passenger’s watch,6 7,"MANILA – Aside from going after police officers involved in illegal activities, the anti-scalawag unit of the Philippine National Police (PNP) is also cracking down on cops facing charges for violence against women and children (VAWC).",6 13,"MANILA, Philippines – If elected as president of the republic, opposition leader and Vice President Leni Robredo will ensure development in the Bangsamoro region, according to former Ifugao lawmaker and senatorial candidate Teddy Baguilat.",12 9,Misamis Oriental posts ‘high’ COVID-19 positivity rate at 26.8% — OCTA,8 3,"LISTEN: Cardinal Sin’s 1986 appeal for Filipinos to go to EDSA, support Ramos and Enrile",2 15,"‘Amihan’ likely to bring light rains over Luzon, W. Visayas",14 14,Sokor envoy seeks DOJ help on deportation of 3 expats,13 14,"UK, 3 other countries back PH protest vs. Chinese Coast Guard",13 13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Monday called on newly-installed Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Benjamin Acorda Jr. to always enforce maximum tolerance when to criticisms against the organization.",12 2,"Ouch! Almost half of PH healthcare workers are JO, solons told",1 7,"CA voids search warrants vs Baby River’s mother, 2 other activists",6 13,"Amid the controversies surrounding the attached agency, Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman stood firm in her support for the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM), emphasizing that centralized procurement was still more advantageous to the government and the Filipino people.",12 13,"Bai Mariam Mangudadatu has objected to the appointment made by President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr., naming her as officer-in-charge of Maguindanao del Sur.",12 7,PDEA destroys over P19.9B worth of illegal drugs,6 6,"MANILA – With an overwhelming 301 affirmative votes, six against and one abstention, the House of Representatives on Monday approved on third and final reading a resolution calling for a constitutional convention (con-con) that would propose amendments to the economic provisions of the Constitution.",5 13,"The chief economic manager of the Marcos administration, Finance Secretary Benjamin Diokno, on Friday made a between the two chief executives he served consecutively.",12 14,"CA OKs appointments of PH envoy to New Zealand, 14 DFA execs",13 15,"The Supreme Court on Thursday announced that 2022 Bar Passers will take their oath-taking on May 2, 2023 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC).",14 2,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is aiming to make operations at the Department of Agriculture (DA) more “high-tech” to ensure a more resilient and productive agriculture sector.,1 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Presumptive vice president Sara Duterte will be education secretary, presumptive president Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said Wednesday, May 11.",12 7,"PNP chief cites AKG’s role vs. organized crime, terror groups",6 5,MANILA – The Supreme Court (SC) dismissed against two Quezon City judges and a court social worker by a litigant seeking custody of his child.,4 7,Senator Francis Tolentino on Monday urged the National Bureau of Investigation to look into the physician who supposedly refused to give medical aid to alleged hazing victim John Matthew Salilig.,6 10,"MANILA – The administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has distributed more than PHP700,000 in cash aid and food and non-food items to victims of a fire that broke out on a ferry while sailing in Baluk-Baluk Island in Basilan on March 29.",9 14,DND takes exception to claims PH interfering in Chinese affairs,13 4,"MANILA – Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez on Tuesday said the final reading approval of a measure allowing married women to retain their maiden surnames is a ""relevant and timely"" move to prove of the House of Representatives to promoting equality of men and women before the law.",3 6,Senate basic chairman Sherwin Gatchalian is urging school principals to shift from in-person classes to blended learning after the state weather bureau PAGASA issued an El Niño alert.,5 14,"MANILA – The Philippines and China have agreed to manage their differences and handle emergencies on the South China Sea (SCS) through “friendly consultations,” the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Friday.",13 10,LPA to enter PAR Sunday; likely to become tropical depression,9 14,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. may discuss tensions over Taiwan with US counterpart Joe Biden at the White House next week but the focus of talks will be on trade and investment, a top diplomat said on Tuesday, April 25.",13 10,Philippine Coast Guard: Oriental Mindoro oil spill still under Tier 2,9 8,Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) chief Enrique Manalo on Wednesday said six of the 16 projects in the five initial Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) locations would this year.,7 14,"Philippines, France discuss possible submarine deal, joint patrols",13 6,Agri party-list pushes bill institutionalizing Kadiwa stores,5 10,PBBM: Expect better PH connectivity via subsea cable project,9 2,MANILA – The House Special Committee on Nuclear Energy on Tuesday adopted a resolution calling on the Department of Energy (DOE) to create a Nuclear Energy Division within its organization.,1 7,CIDG omits possibility of Degamo’s security involved in murder,6 8,"ABOARD THE PRESIDENTIAL PLANE – After concluding his first official visit to Japan, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said he would support entering into a reciprocal military access agreement with Tokyo if it would help protect Filipino fishermen and the Philippines’ maritime territory.",7 7,Manila International Airport Authority General Manager Cesar Chiong announced on Tuesday that he was put under preventive suspension due to alleging grave abuse of authority.,6 5,"MANILA, Philippines – Is refusal to surrender grounds for designating or proscribing an individual under Republic Act No. 11479, or the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020?",4 12,"MANILA, Philippines – Educators and personnel from President Rodrigo Duterte’s alma mater, San Beda University, expressed support for opposition leader and presidential candidate Vice President Leni Robredo and her running mate, Senator Kiko Pangilinan.",11 13,Marcos will be agriculture secretary ‘at least for now’,12 1,The operation of four additional Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites in the country will eat up more Filipino taxpayers’ money.,0 14,"The United States has provided $20 million worth of assistance for the response in the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro, Philippine Defense office-in-charge Carlito Galvez Jr. said Tuesday (Wednesday in Manila).",13 13,Marcos to visit earthquake-hit Abra once he gets ‘all-clear’ signal,12 8,Search for 4 missing passengers in Tubbataha sinking intensified,7 6,"MANILA – Senator Risa Hontiveros has filed a resolution seeking to investigate, in aid of legislation, the administrative orders issued by the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) that have led to an ""excessive"" rise in port fees.",5 2,Oil spill-affected Mindoro workers to get emergency employment,1 14,"Marcos meeting with Biden in Washington may be firmed up next month, says Romualdez",13 8,DOST-PCIEERD confirms hacking of its Facebook page,7 13,"Senator Ronald ‘’Bato’’ dela Rosa said he is confident that Police Major General Benjamin Acorda, the newly-minted",12 15,"Bookmark this page to watch the launch of the project on Wednesday, January 26, at 10 am",14 6,Hontiveros resolution urges gov’t to pay ‘comfort women’ reparations,5 8,MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) reaffirmed their strong partnership in securing the country from all forms of security threats.,7 14,"MANILA, Philippines – US President Joe Biden called presumptive Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Thursday, May 12, to congratulate him on his election win, after preliminary and unofficial results showed the late dictator’s son with 58% of the vote.",13 6,The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) has suggested the adoption of 185 class days annually so that the school break would gradually revert to April and May after five years.,5 1,PCA vows improved coconut production via modernization,0 1,Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman on Wednesday said local government units (LGUs) will see a stronger exercise of autonomy upon the full implementation of full devolution of certain national government functions to them given the increase in their national tax allotment (NTA) shares.,0 7,May bala pa sa katawan ni Kian. Paano ito nangyari?,6 9,DOH amid hike in COVID-19 cases: No need to stay home if vaccinated,8 6,"The House of Representatives will pursue the passage of laws aimed at promoting and protecting the Filipino workers’ welfare, Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez said on Monday, May 1.",5 7,"DA upholds food safety, seizes P120-M smuggled agri-fishery goods",6 14,PH eyes Japan’s help to contain Mindoro oil spill,13 10,Residents camp out in fear of more earthquakes in northern Philippines,9 7,MANILA – Immigration officers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 recently intercepted three female passengers who attempted to leave for Lebanon in the guise of being tourists.,6 13,Embattled Teves seeks 2-month leave from House due to ‘safety risks’,12 12,4 out of 10 persons were never married — PSA,11 14,Group thanks PBBM for ensuring EU’s recognition of PH seafarers,13 13,Malacañang: Former DND OIC Faustino ‘knew of developments’ in AFP,12 15,Joma Sison’s last message to his comrades revealed,14 13,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez was one step ahead of President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. when to the latter's suggestion that the deepening of ties between the Philippines and the United States (US) should involve the country's respective legislative branches.",12 7,"Speaker Romualdez puts up P500,000 reward for arrest of suspects in Salilig hazing",6 13,Marcos to return to US for meeting with Biden,12 7,"MANILA – Former Philippine National Police (PNP) deputy chief for operations Lt. Gen. Benjamin Santos Jr. on Friday maintained that there are no attempts for a massive cover-up of the Oct. 8, 2022 anti-drug operation that yielded 990 kg. of shabu in Manila.",6 9,"The Philippines reported 121 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, bringing the active tally to 9,230.",8 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday, December 23, reported the Philippines’ first four cases of Omicron subvariant BF.7, which is driving the fresh surge in infections in China.",8 7,"The police officers who were tagged as suspects in one of the cases of missing cockfight enthusiasts (sabungeros) have pleaded not guilty to the charges filed against them, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said on Wednesday.",6 9,Philippines hunts for 26 still missing after weekend weather disaster,8 14,Marcos arrives in US for talks with Biden,13 1,DBM releases more than half of P5.27-T nat’l budget as of January,0 13,"MANILA, Philippines – US President Joe Biden on Friday, February 4, announced his nominees to three key posts, including his choice for the new ambassador to the Philippines: MaryKay Loss Carlson, who has nearly four decades of experience in the foreign service.",12 2,Comelec secures DBM’s written commitment to fund new P8-billion office,1 7,MANILA – The Bureau of Customs (BOC) on Tuesday reported the seizure of various counterfeit goods estimated to be worth PHP1.5 billion in Pasay City.,6 7,"Marcos orders men to solve political violence, illegal drug trade",6 9,PH aligned with WHO SAGE’s new Covid-19 vaccine guidance—DOH,8 10,"Two weather systems are bringing cloudy skies with rains over most of the Philippines, the state weather bureau said on Sunday morning, April 9.",9 7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) will deploy policemen in barangays identified by the local police forces as crime-prone areas as part of preemptive efforts against criminality.,6 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Francis Tolentino said on Wednesday, March 29, that he has agreed to be the legal counsel of Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa in the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) probe into the bloody drug war of the Duterte administration.",12 13,"Is it high time to adopt a ""hybrid"" style of elections? Former House Speaker, Davao del Norte 1st district Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez thinks so.",12 10,"SC: 2023 Bar will be held in September, with only 3 exam dates",9 15,"There were no jackpot winners for the major lotto games on Monday, April 10, according to the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).",14 8,DFA repatriates 8 Filipino scam victims from Cambodia,7 7,House told: 30 to 70% of seized narcotics recycled as reward to informants,6 7,MANILA – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Monday said another key figure in the March 4 attack that killed Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo has been captured.,6 9,Gov't seeks to increase Covid vaccine uptake amid rise in cases,8 12,Kabataan Party-list Rep. Raoul Manuel is challenging the veracity of the Pulse Asia survey results which indicated that a whopping 80 percent of Filipinos favored the return of mandatory Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC) for college students.,11 15,Light rain showers to continue to prevail across Luzon,14 1,BOC logs record single-day collection of P7.5B on April 28,0 13,Leyte 4th District Representative Richard Gomez on Thursday said House Speaker Martin Romualdez has agreed to go with the Senate’s move to change the 1987 Constitution through a constituent assembly (con-ass).,12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said he is staying on as concurrent agriculture secretary because there are people in that sector who will only listen to the president.",12 10,"Graduates of senior high school program land in jobs with minimum wage, according to a ""24 Oras"" report by Maki Pulido on Friday.",9 10,"Work in all courts nationwide will only be until noon today, April 5.",9 6,How to improve disaster management after Paeng – ex-NDRRMC chief Pama,5 13,"Jail Chief Superintendent Ruel Silva Rivera on Monday assumed his post as the acting chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), the agency said on Tuesday.",12 10,"DND, OPAPRU: Peace, development await Maguindanao del Norte, Sur",9 3,"Good Shepherd Sunday, 59th World Day of Prayer for Vocations on April 30",2 9,"62 die of drowning, 4 killed in road mishaps during Holy Week",8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is close the five-member leadership of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) with the appointment of retired Court of Appeals (CA) associate justice Monina Arevalo Zenarosa",12 7,"MANILA – Personnel of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) at the Port of Clark have discovered a total of 1,187.1 grams of cocaine worth PHP6.2 million hidden in the rims of three wheelchair casters.",6 7,MANILA – A 28-year-old South Korean woman wanted by authorities in her country for fraud was arrested by agents of the Bureau of Immigration (BI) in Pampanga province.,6 14,"MANILA – The United States and South Korea are partnering through a PHP111.5 million grant to help improve the capacities of six Philippine cities in adapting, mitigating, and managing the impacts of climate change, the US Embassy in Manila announced Wednesday.",13 10,"Scheduled airspace shutdown on May 17 reduced to 2 hours, says CAAP",9 5,SC disbars Berteni Causing over FB post,4 6,The Department of Education (DepEd) and the Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM II) on Thursday signed a data sharing agreement national assessment of the Philippine education sector’s performance.,5 14,"Marcoses meet US VP Harris, Second Gentleman",13 9,"MANILA – With the country marking Rabies Awareness Month this March, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) on Sunday reminded the public to have pets vaccinated and to seek immediate medical attention for animal bites to prevent rabies infections and rabies-related injuries and deaths.",8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – As of Monday, June 27, president-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has named at least 25 appointees to executive departments and other Cabinet-level agencies, most of whom will later go through the Commission on Appointments in Congress for confirmation.",12 10,"MANILA, Philippines – With its efforts to restore lost mangroves, Bonuan Buquig National High School, a secondary public school in Dagupan, has been named one of the top three finalists for World’s Best School Prizes under the Environmental Action category.",9 2,Senators urge ‘serious effort’ in addressing job readiness among students,1 7,BI cites need for inter-agency cooperation vs. human trafficking,6 7,Spanish businessman’s case revived after cops’ surrender — DOJ,6 7,Number of apprehended motorists on motorcycle lane decreasing,6 1,DBM releases P500-million cancer assistance fund for 2023,0 9,"Department of Health (DOH) officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said Tuesday the Philippines is no longer under the state where there should be strict COVID-19 restrictions, pointing out that cases here have remained manageable.",8 3,"MANILA – The International Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage or the Antipolo Cathedral appealed to the Catholic faithful to pray for the immediate recovery of basketball star LA Tenorio, who has been diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer.",2 2,"The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said Wednesday that more than 73,000 job openings will be up for grabs during the nationwide job fairs that will be held on May 1, Labor Day.",1 14,MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the US Navy both to strengthening their defense partnership.,13 14,PH diplomat tells China not to question PH-US military alliance,13 9,"How many people have tested positive for COVID-19 in the Philippines? How many have recovered, and how many have died? What is President Rodrigo Duterte doing about it?",8 7,"MANILA – Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco on Tuesday vowed that the bureau will continue its intensified campaign against human trafficking and illegal recruitment despite social media bashings. “There will be no letup in our campaign so long as these traffickers and illegal recruiters continue to prey on our countrymen who are sent to work abroad without proper documents and protection from the government,” he said in a statement on Tuesday. “I have instructed our officers to keep doing their duties with dignity and patriotism. Social media ridicule will not deter us from performing our mandate human trafficking in our ports,” Tansingco added.",6 9,"PH records 193 new COVID-19 cases; active tally climbs to 9,287",8 9,"DOH records 983 new COVID-19 infections from March 6 to 12, 2023",8 10,Bong Go to subscribers: Consider the benefits of SIM registration,9 9,UP Cebu to temporarily shift to online classes due to Covid-19,8 15,MANILA – Former Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario —a key figure in the filing of a landmark ruling on the South China Sea that brought Beijing before the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)— passed away at 83 on April 18.,14 13,Katrina Enrile: JPE ‘sought forgiveness’ over Marcos ouster,12 6,"MANILA – House Deputy Speaker and Las Piñas Representative Camille Villar on Thursday urged her colleagues to support a proposed bill seeking to ban the restrictive “no permit, no exam” policy in all educational institutions.",5 13,"Negros Oriental 3rd district Rep. Arnolfo ""Arnie"" Teves Jr. has bragged about winning in the May 2022 elections despite campaigning only once.",12 7,"Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo, the wife of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, said she is preparing for the long battle for justice to be served.",6 8,Zamboanga City commends BuCor’s San Ramon Prison in thwarting 'planned ASG attack',7 1,OVP’s P2.3-billion 2023 budget gets Senate approval,0 6,"The Department of Education (DepEd) has no plan to move back to April and May the summer vacation of students despite the hot weather, its spokesperson Michael Poa said on Wednesday.",5 8,The Philippine National Police (PNP) has deployed bicycle-riding policemen across the country as part of the police visibility program in securing the religious activity for the Holy Week.,7 13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has appointed Undersecretary Isidro Purisima as acting head of the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU), Malacañang said on Tuesday.",12 3,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. wished for Filipinos to and make ""wise and sound decisions"" as these would contribute to addressing the country's pressing problems.",2 2,Bryan Co designated as MIAA OIC after GM Chiong placed under preventive suspension,1 6,"Return of school vacation to April, May under study: DepEd",5 7,5 Chinese nabbed for illegal detention of compatriot,6 7,"A former chief of Caloocan City's Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO) on Tuesday gave testimony regarding suppliers with alleged links to businesswoman Janet Napoles in connection with the 15 counts of graft filed against Napoles, former senator Juan Ponce Enrile, his former chief-of-staff Jessica “Gigi” Reyes, and other public officials and private individuals.",6 6,Drafting of anti-poverty agenda in progress — NAPC,5 2,Marcos eyes hospital expansion to beef up local health services,1 15,Rizal Tech grad tops February 2023 Mechanical Engineers Licensure exams,14 8,Defense department signs $624-M contract to buy Black Hawk choppers,7 8,DND: Joint task force to suppress criminality in Negros Oriental,7 2,MANILA – The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) is boosting efforts to ensure that the Philippines has a pool of highly skilled and educated workforce as more foreign investors decide to do business in the country.,1 13,LIVESTREAM: Walden Bello holds press conference after arrest for cyber libel,12 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP) on Thursday, August 18, denounced the charges filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) which accused them of allegedly providing funds to the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA).",6 7,DOJ prosecutors junk obstruction of justice complaint vs. father of POI in Salilig case,6 6,"The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) formalized the extension of the deadline for operators of public utility jeepneys (PUJs), UV Express, and multicabs or FILCABs until the end of the year.",5 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The government is set to hold special vaccination days from March 29 to April 1 in select areas, including the Davao Region, Cebu province, Cotabato City, and the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), to boost the country’s COVID-19 vaccine coverage.",8 10,"MANILA – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) on Saturday distributed food assistance to former members of groups affiliated with the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) at the Munting Nayon covered court in Bagong Silang, Caloocan City.",9 5,SC backs decision ordering housing officials to return P300-M allowances,4 2,"BULACAN, Philippines – Authorities rushed on Monday, September 26, to distribute aid to thousands of evacuees after Super Typhoon Karding (Noru) made landfall in the capital and northern provinces, leaving at least 5 dead and many areas flooded.",1 14,Top US official to meet with president-elect Marcos,13 10,PCG: 400 liters of oily water mixtures collected as leak continues in Oriental Mindoro,9 7,Two other Japanese fugitives in 'Luffy' case deported,6 6,POPCOM backs passage of Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancies Bill,5 13,"DSWD, OPAPRU renew commitment for MILF normalization program",12 1,Leody de Guzman: Better to focus on economy than military,0 6,"Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Commissioner Romeo D. Lumagui, Jr. has issued new guidelines amending certain provisions of existing revenue issuances pertaining to value-added tax (VAT) zero-rated transaction.",5 8,"Chinese navy ship, militia vessels spotted near Pag-asa Island - PCG",7 13,"BuCor official Zulueta ready to rebut allegations, not in hiding – lawyer",12 7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Tuesday vowed to intensify its campaign against the use and sale of vapes or e-cigarette products among minors.,6 13,Palace names new PBBM appointees,12 15,"A graduate from Rizal Technological University gained the highest score in the April 2023 Registered Electrical Engineers Licensure Examination while there are two topnotchers for the April 2023 Registered Master Electricians Licensure Examinations., the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced.",14 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said around three to four people allegedly planned the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",6 8,PNP heightens alert for Holy Week observance,7 10,MANILA – The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) on Friday assured that overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) from strife-torn Sudan will be prioritized and given needed assistance in case they decide to work outside the country again.,9 9,PCG rescues 85 individuals from stranded ro-ro in Lanao del Norte,8 14,"MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN) announced Tuesday that the missile frigate, BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), arrived at the Changi Naval Base in Singapore on Monday for the inaugural ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise (AIME).",13 9,"Early breast cancer detection leads to immediate treatment and a significantly lower cost of medical expenses, breast cancer advocates said in Kapihan sa Manila Bay media forum on Wednesday, April 19.",8 13,"Hontiveros to opposition: ‘Confront ancient, pretentious modes of doing’",12 14,"There are still no talks as regards joint patrols in the South China Sea by Japan, Australia, the United States and the Philippines, the Japanese embassy in Manila has said.",13 8,LTO to launch body-worn cameras for enforcers,7 10,"Scattered rains, thunderstorms to persist over several parts of PH",9 6,House OKs bill seeking to protect people’s freedom of religion,5 7,MANILA – Members of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) have seized 84 firearms in an operation Monday night at a condominium unit in Makati City.,6 7,"At least 13 personnel of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group - National Capital Region (CIDG-NCR) have been relieved from their posts to give way to the investigation into alleged extortion, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Thursday.",6 15,MANILA – A lone bettor from Agusan del Sur became an instant millionaire after hitting the PHP12-million jackpot of the Mega Lotto 6/45 draw on Monday night.,14 6,"VP Sara: K12 curriculum to be revised for job-ready, active grads",5 4,DOJ assures prompt action on 'trumped-up' raps vs. women farmers,3 6,Senator Hontiveros files bill seeking to decriminalize libel,5 13,Former Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) undersecretary and spokesperson Jonathan Malaya has been named the new assistant director general of the National Security Council (NSC).,12 9,"200 women in Laguna, Nueva Ecija get free breast exam, pap smear from GMA Kapuso Foundation",8 7,"The authorities are closing in on the mastermind of the killing of Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo and they have strong evidence against the person, Interior, and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos said on Friday.",6 8,"MANILA – A total of 59,587 cops will be deployed across the country to ensure a of Labor Day on Monday.",7 9,Marcos bares PH gov't efforts to get Pinoys out of Sudan amid 72-hour ceasefire,8 2,"MANILA – A total of PHP17.7 billion has been allocated in this year’s national budget to fund the Tourism Road Infrastructure Program (TRIP), the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) announced Thursday.",1 7,US paralegal admits role in smuggling Quiboloy’s church workers – US justice department,6 14,"British Ambassador to the Philippines Laure Beaufils said the United Kingdom will act as observers in the joint military drills between the Philippines and the United States next month.   ""This year, for the first time, [the UK] will be observers to Balikatan, which is starting on the 11th of April, as you know, so this is an area of growing cooperation, and [we] expect to see more,” Beaufils said in an interview with GMA Integrated News on Saturday.",13 15,"Chito Sta. Romana, Philippines’ envoy to China, dies at 74",14 13,"The canvassing of votes for the Philippines’ next president and vice president begins at 10 am (Manila time) on Tuesday, May 24, at the Batasang Pambansa.",12 14,66 countries send help for Turkey quake victims — envoy,13 14,Marcos to attend King Charles III’s coronation in London,13 6,"Senator Sherwin Gatchalian is seeking a Senate inquiry into the government’s short, medium, and long-term solutions to end the power supply crisis in Occidental Mindoro.",5 2,COA to Bacolor LGU in Pampanga:  Regularize job-order workers doing work of permanent employees,1 6,"Retail outlets charging customers for registering their SIM cards on their behalf are not violating any law, a Cabinet member said.",5 7,Pre-trial on missing e-sabong agent's case set for June,6 6,Senator Risa Hontiveros has filed a bill granting P1 million to Filipinos who will reach 101 years old.,5 13,Marcos: Full devolution to LGUs not alternative to Cha-cha,12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – South Cotabato Governor Reynaldo Tamayo Jr., fresh from his successful reelection bid, is taking on a bigger role as president of the League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP), a group that unites provincial governments in the country.",12 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos revealed on April 10 that high ranking police officers, including two police generals, are suspected to be part of the P6.7 billion shabu (methamphetamine) mess.",6 13,"Palace names Baste Duterte, Benjamin Magalong as heads of regional peace councils",12 3,"MANILA – The Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) on Thursday expressed hope that Filipino the holy month of Ramadan with healing, forgiveness and reconciliation.",2 6,Padilla to give more power to MTRCB,5 2,"MANILA – Manila Water Company spent PHP20.6 billion on capital investments in 2022, up by almost PHP7 billion from the previous year, to meet both its water supply and sewerage service obligations.",1 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Higher Education announced on Monday, August 29, that it was removing the vaccination requirements for students and teachers joining the implementation of face-to-face classes.",8 15,MANILA – Retired Philippine News Agency executive editor Severino C. “Vering” Samonte has been named among the 18 recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Award of Novaliches-based Metro Manila College (MMC).,14 14,"Rappler Recap: Philippines, US kick off largest Balikatan exercise",13 5,The Supreme Court (SC) has dismissed the graft and falsification charges filed against the late Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo and three others involving the use of the calamity fund for infrastructure projects in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Sendong in 2011.,4 13,The Senate on Wednesday named the members of an oversight panel authorized to closely monitor the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) following the senators' concurrence to its ratification on Tuesday evening.,12 10,Japan gov't survey finds 1.5 million living as recluses,9 1,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s Cabinet officials showcased the ""Build Better More"" program at the Philippine Business Opportunities Forum (PBOF) held in Tokyo, Japan on Feb. 10, in an effort to invite more businesses to invest in the Philippines.",0 13,Clean the house': Revilla urges new PNP Chief Acorda,12 9,"DOH reports over 700 new Covid-19 cases; active infections near 5,000",8 3,"A priest, who helped found an organization counseling victims of drug war, washed the feet of the kin of alleged extrajudicial killings (EJK) on Maundy Thursday, according to a social media post and GMA Integrated News bulletin.",2 9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday registered 199 new COVID-19 cases, more than double than what was recorded on Tuesday, January 31, 2023.",8 15,Photojournalist Melvyn Calderon dies at 70,14 15,State-run PTV’s YouTube account ‘compromised’,14 6,"DOLE reviews 10 wage hike petitions in NCR, 3 other regions; P1.8B assistance distributed on Labor Day",5 14,LIVESTREAM: US Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff graces Caloocan school reopening,13 6,"The majority of unsuccessful attempts at government procurement fail due to poor planning, an official from the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) said Wednesday.",5 9,8 unvaccinated Filipinos from China test positive for COVID-19,8 14,PH humanitarian contingent arrives in Türkiye,13 9,"OCTA Research on Monday, April 10, has noted the increase in the Covid-19 positivity rate in Metro Manila and 11 other areas.",8 13,Ex-Davao congressman Anton Lagdameo is next Special Assistant to the President,12 3,"MANILA – House of Representatives Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Saturday joined Filipino Muslims in celebrating Eid'l Fitr, saying respect for each other despite diverse religious beliefs is a potent force towards nation-building.",2 12,"MANILA – Various support were expressed on Wednesday to Senate Bill Nos. 1451 and 2014, which seek to integrate all provincial and sub-provincial jails within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP).",11 13,A string of controversies hounds suspended BuCor chief Bantag,12 2,"MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Monday said it has acquired PHP1.2 billion million worth of new vehicles, equipment and weapons aimed at boosting the capabilities of the service and as part of its modernization efforts.",1 12,"Peasant group Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) denounced the National Food Authority’s (NFA) proposal to import at least 330,000 metric tons of rice in hopes of addressing the projected shortage in local rice production.",11 12,"MANILA, Philippines – A group of legal luminaries, lawyers, and law school deans have asked the Supreme Court (SC) to hold former anti-insurgency spokesperson Lorraine Badoy in contempt for her threats against Judge Marlo Magdoza-Malagar.",11 13,Padilla sees no need to ask PDP-Laban support on Cha-cha,12 7,PNP suspends ‘permit to carry firearms’ in 3 Mindanao provinces,6 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Senate blue issued another string of arrest warrants, this time against five executives linked to the controversial Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corporation for repeatedly snubbing the hearings.",6 7,"Police Master Sgt.  Rodolfo Mayo, Jr. is not only the policemen involved in the busted 990 kilos of shabu in Manila last year, Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos said as he disclosed that  there are a number of policemen involved—and some of them are ranking officers of the Philippine National Police (PNP).",6 2,DBM releases over P1.2B for rice assistance of gov’t workers,1 2,The Land Transportation Office (LTO) has extended the validity of the driver’s license that would expire starting April 24 amid the shortage of plastic cards being used in its printing.,1 6,Hontiveros seeks review of PH foreign policy toward China,5 13,"‘We do not talk about it’: Rodriguez not in Marcos Cabinet, says new ES",12 1,MANILA – House Deputy Minority Leader Rep. Mujiv Hataman on Wednesday urged his colleagues to help boost the economy of the entire Basilan by establishing a state college for agriculture and fisheries in the province.,0 6,"Passage of bill protecting elderly from abuse, neglect pushed",5 12,Pangandaman vows to work harder after higher trust rating,11 12,"Election laws in the country should be amended to set a limit on how much donors may give to candidates' campaigns to prevent elected officials from being indebted to a privileged few, a pro-democracy group said.",11 15,MANILA – The state-run Philippine News Agency celebrates Wednesday its golden anniversary with monthlong activities starting March 1.,14 8,"PH at military AI summit: Peace, security requires more control, humanity",7 13,OICs of 2 new Maguindanao provinces named,12 8,"Galvez cites senators' support for new EDCA sites, joint sea patrols",7 14,"MANILA – The Philippine delegation to Japan headed by President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. is expected to bring home many significant gains when they return to the country on Feb. 12, House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez announced on Thursday afternoon.",13 14,Marcos summons Chinese envoy over 'military-grade laser' incident,13 2,Over 50 million national IDs issued so far —PSA,1 8,"US, Philippines agree to complete road map for security assistance for next 5-10 years",7 9,PH Red Cross sets up first aid stations across PH for Holy Week,8 8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine National Police (PNP) said on Monday, October 10, that it was “ready” to provide security for journalists under threat following the killing of radio journalist Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa.",7 9,"DOH provides medical aid, supplies to those affected by Mindoro oil spill",8 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The House banks panel approved more amendments to the bill that seeks the establishment of a sovereign wealth fund, but questions emerge on whether it would be elevated to and approved by the House plenary before Congress goes on a holiday break this week.",5 9,"MANILA, Philippines – As the Philippines entered year 3 of battling the coronavirus pandemic, the government on Monday, February 7, started vaccinating children aged 5 to 11 against the deadly virus.",8 9,PH Space Agency urges caution as Chinese rocket debris projected to fall near Recto Bank,8 6,A bill seeking to create an online library which will serve as a repository of digitized copies of all textbooks and reference books of all elementary and secondary students has been filed in the Senate.,5 13,Marcos’ sister Irene to represent him at Queen Elizabeth’s funeral,12 13,"After SONA, VP Duterte goes all out in taunting, red-tagging Makabayan bloc",12 15,Professor Clarita Carlos knows beauty when she sees it.,14 9,"Highlights of WHO chief’s visit to Manila, a summary",8 7,"Former Senator Juan Ponce Enrile, his ex-chief of staff Jessica “Gigi” Reyes, and other co-accused in 15 counts of graft cases over the use of Priority Development Assistance Fund questioned the authenticity of Commission on Audit (COA) documents presented by state lawyers on Thursday's hearing at the Sandiganbayan.",6 12,"Groups: Gov't must support introduction of e-vehicles through policy-making, power generation",11 14,MANILA – Australia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Richard Marles made a courtesy call on President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. at Malacañan Palace on Wednesday.,13 14,"US Coast Guard, air assets to aid PH in oil spill response",13 6,"MANILA, Philippines – In his first press briefing since he assumed office, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Tuesday, July 5, that he would “reinstitute” COVID-19 vaccination to fight Omicron offshoots that have been causing a surge in infections in the country.",5 2,Battery energy storage system vital for power security: PBBM,1 7,S. Korean nabbed at NAIA for posing as Filipino citizen,6 9,MANILA – Senator Raffy Tulfo has filed a measure seeking for more hospital beds and fast lane facilities for teachers and their dependents for them to have easy access to all their hospitalization needs.,8 5,"MANILA, Philippines – Following the retractions of two star witnesses, justice secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla said dropping charges against jailed opposition senator Leila de Lima is possible “if it’s the only recourse.”",4 2,"The Civil Service Commission (CSC) urged on Wednesday, April 26 government employees to avail themselves of various learning and development (L&D) programs offered by the Civil Service Institute (CSI) for May 2023.",1 9,DOH not yet recommending to ban water activities in Puerto Galera,8 15,Foreign embassies extend condolences over death of ex-DFA chief Del Rosario,14 6,"MTRCB rejects proposed expansion of mandate to regulate video, online games",5 13,Marcos admin committed to fulfilling Bangsamoro peace deal,12 1,"""Let’s just hope our economy recovers soon.""",0 7,Marcos orders continued suspension of e-sabong operations,6 3,"An estimated 20,000 devotees participated in the motorcade and parade of the Black Nazarene image in Manila on Good Friday, according to Quiapo Church spokesperson Father Earl Valdez.",2 7,Driver of AUV in Salilig case found dead in Taguig,6 7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has added the hold departure order (HDO) against former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Chief Gerald Bantag and former BuCor Deputy Security Officer Ricardo Zulueta to their system.,6 9,"Thirteen locations recorded heat indices between 42 and 51 degrees Celsius (°C) that fall under the ""danger"" category on Friday, April 28, based on the monitoring of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).",8 7,Mayor Degamo to exhaust all options to find justice for slain husband,6 13,Palace accepts SBMA chief's resignation,12 9,"More than 1,000 learners and 100 teaching and non-teaching personnel have benefitted from the Department of Education’s (DepEd) Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) following the “lawless violence” instigated near public schools in Masbate.",8 11,Roman Catholics will observe age-old Maundy Thursday Church rites and traditions on April 6.,10 7,Fratmen linked to Salilig hazing case plead not guilty,6 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday, April 26, said he will not be attending the summit between United States (US) President Joe Biden and leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) since it will be held after the 2022 Philippine elections.",12 14,"Marcos to visit Indonesia, Singapore in September",13 14,The interoperability exercise between the United States and the Philippine Air Forces known as Cope Thunder is underway.,13 7,"Former Philippine National Police-Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG) Director Police Brigadier General Narciso Domingo may face stiffer administrative charges, relative to his subordinates, over an alleged cover-up of the P6.7 billion shabu drug bust in Manila October of last year.",6 6,Marcos wants 83 maritime schools reevaluated in 2 years,5 10,BI vows faster immigration process amid tales of flights missed due to lines,9 8,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines has allowed the United States to expand its military presence across four key sites in northern Luzon and Palawan, as both countries seek to bolster their collective defense position and counter China’s growing aggressiveness in the region.",7 13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has appointed new judges and an official of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, Malacañang announced on Tuesday.",12 6,Congress ratifies proposed 2023 budget after bicam approval,5 11,"Oil spill stirs up bayanihan spirit among gov't agencies, fisherfolk",10 6,"The Department of Energy (DOE) will release an energy storage system (ESS) policy February 14, Energy Undersecretary Rowena said on Friday.",5 10,Fishermen protest no-sail zone policy amid Balikatan exercises,9 13,‘Set her free’: De Lima hostage-taking puts her continued detention in spotlight,12 2,Manila Water expands services in Mindanao,1 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Newly elected Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri gave a glimpse of how he would want the chamber to run under a Marcos presidency: vigilant against laws that could potentially harm the people, but cooperative with the President’s legislative agenda.",12 6,Gov't urged to create contingency plan for agri-fisheries sector amid dry spell,5 9,"The National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) on Wednesday pushed forward a proposal to provide lifetime support for hemodialysis patients, Tina Panganiban-Perez and Oscar Oida reported on “24 Oras”.",8 6,Bill on e-governance hurdles House panel,5 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The initial investigation of the Department of Justice (DOJ) has found that there was a lapse in protocol when the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) allowed the Quiboloy-owned network SMNI to interview kidnapping convict former military general Jovito Palparan.",6 7,Dismissed PDEA Metro Manila chief surrenders to Eastern Visayas police,6 13,"MANILA – Congressional leaders must sit down and privately settle their feud over the House of Representatives' push for constitutional amendments, instead of quarreling in public.",12 3,House Senior Deputy Speaker and former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is enjoining fellow Filipinos to reaffirm their faith in Jesus Christ.,2 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. reappointed General Andres Centino as military chief to fix a “seniority” problem in which a three-star general, instead of the traditional four-star, had led the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).",12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Former president Fidel V. Ramos, who passed away on July 31, was laid to rest at the Libingan ng mga Bayani (LNMB) in Taguig City on Tuesday, August 9.",12 8,PH not staging post for military action —Marcos,7 14,MANILA – The Philippine government will continue to adhere to the One China Policy amid Beijing's fears that the new Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites would be used to interfere in the Taiwan Strait tensions.,13 10,"DHSUD, party-list group commit to housing projects for OFWs",9 8,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Monday underscored the need for the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) to ""evolve"" amid the developing security situations concerning other countries.",7 13,MANILA – Senator Imee Marcos on Monday urged the national government to take a more aggressive stance in the next Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention to Climate Change.,12 14,Japan itself to preserving peace in the Indo-Pacific region as a tribute to the lives lost during the war in Bataan 81 years ago.,13 6,"The Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri's bill which seeks to increase the minimum wage of private workers by P150, as the group said the proposed adjustment is 'badly needed' by workers.",5 9,Philippines detects 56 additional cases of Omicron subvariants,8 2,Marcos wants more cold storage facilities to avoid spoilage of fisherfolks' catch,1 10,SC decides: Detainees allowed to vote in national and local polls,9 1,US nuclear energy firm seen to invest $7.5B in PH,0 8,"MANILA – The National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) on Monday scored the Communist Party of the Philippines - New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) for its ""pattern"" of victimizing students by mounting “ruthless and indiscriminate” attacks near public schools while demanding the resumption of peace talks with the government.",7 14,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Sunday said he will relay to US President Joe Biden his willingness to forge an even stronger relationship with the superpower country.,13 14,PH-US ties on path to new levels of understanding: House leader,13 7,"PDEA, PNP deny rewarding informants with 30% of seized drugs",6 13,"Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) chief David Thaddeus Alba on Saturday dispelled any speculations regarding his resignation, saying health him to do so.",12 14,"House Speaker Martin Romualdez believes President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. would be able to advance his energy security plan--which include tapping nuclear energy in the Philippines--during his ongoing visit to the United States (US).",13 15,Bureau of Customs personnel destroy OFW's toy plane,14 1,BOC logs P16.6-B collection surplus in Q1 ‘23,0 2,"Machines with 13-inch screens and a ""send-to-all"" system are just some of the capabilities that Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman George Erwin Garcia disclosed for the 2025 elections in a bid to continuously ensure transparency.",1 13,Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte gave a piece of advice for school children who have classmates who are unable to read.,12 8,Pimentel pushes for Code of Conduct in South China Sea,7 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Sandigayanbayan Fifth Division denied a motion of the former president of the Philippine Normal University (PNU) to dismiss her graft case, but the same resolution acquitted her three co-accused.",6 14,"Marcos eyes stronger PH-US ties in Washington, DC visit",13 8,"The Philippine Army (PA) said Sunday it will look into possible gaps in its recruitment and training processes, following the shooting incident in Camp Evangelista in Cagayan de Oro which killed five soldiers.",7 7,"QCPD nabs 27 suspects, 3rd most wanted in 1-day intensified ops",6 5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court has upheld its 2017 decision to issue a writ of amparo for a wife of a victim killed under former president Rodrigo Duterte’s violent war on drugs.",4 10,"After 160 years, Ateneo basic education starts shift to full co-ed",9 6,The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) is currently reviewing 10 wage petitions in Metro Manila and three other regions which were filed amid the high inflation rate recorded in the country since last year.,5 1,"Under Sara Duterte, OVP seeks three-fold increase in 2023 budget",0 7,An arrest order has been issued by the Muntinlupa City regional trial court (RTC) against former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) director general Gerald Q. Bantag and the bureau’s former security officer Ricardo S. Zulueta on a murder charge for the death of a person deprived of liberty (PDL) at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) in Muntinlupa City.,6 13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday praised the Philippine Men’s Ice Hockey Team for winning the gold medal in the 2023 International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) World Championship Division IV in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.",12 14,"MANILA – United States President Joe Biden on Monday (Washington, D.C. time) will send a ""first of its kind"" presidential trade and investment mission to the Philippines in a bid to promote broad-based economic growth.",13 6,"President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has approved the creation of a single operating system for all government transactions to ensure ease of doing business in the country, Malacañang has announced.",5 7,"Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla has ordered the creation of a special task force which will handle the 23 cases of political killings in Negros Oriental, including that of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.",6 13,"Palace bares new appointees in DA, DILG, DOLE",12 7,"Several of the six suspects nabbed in the properties belonging to Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. refuted the allegations leveled against the congressman, according to John Consulta’s “24 Oras Weekend” report on Saturday.",6 11,"MANILA, Philippines – Hundreds of Filipinos from different sectors gathered in Quezon City on Friday, February 25, the anniversary of EDSA 1, an uprising that toppled dictator Ferdinand Marcos, Sr. out of office.",10 9,"Seven locations recorded heat indices under the “danger” classification on Sunday, April 23, said the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).",8 8,1.2K cops to secure ASEAN education execs' meet in Mandaluyong,7 15,Over 100K applicants to take face-to-face UPCAT in June,14 15,"MANILA, Philippines – “Cowardly.” “Deplorable.” “Despicable.” “Heartbreaking.” “Heinous.” “Senseless.” “Unacceptable.”",14 3,"MANILA – Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula will install on Friday the new rector of the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, more popularly known as the Manila Cathedral, in Intramuros, Manila.",2 10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Wednesday, April 12, due to Tropical Depression Amang.",9 8,MANILA – Troops of the First Scout Ranger Regiment (FSSR) and the US Special Operations Command Pacific (SOCPAC) kicked off their joint training activity aimed at improving the sniping capabilities of both forces in jungle and urban environments.,7 9,Expert: Treat HIV like a communicable disease,8 15,Rappler Recap: Final tribute for Bulacan rescuers,14 10,"MANILA – Fair and warm weather will continue to prevail across the country on Thursday, the weather bureau said. ""It will be warm, especially from noon through the afternoon. Localized thunderstorms are also forecast,"" Obet Badrina of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said. He added that no weather disturbance was seen to affect or develop in the country, but cloud clusters are likely to develop over Mindanao over the weekend. Badrina said the public should avoid going outdoors, especially at noon. Temperatures could reach up to 34 °C in Metro Manila, Tuguegarao, Laoag, Davao and Zamboanga. The Visayas and Mindanao will experience isolated rain showers caused by the easterlies and localized thunderstorms likely in the afternoon. Meanwhile the whole country will continue to experience light to moderate winds and slight to moderate seas, PAGASA said.",9 13,"House Deputy Speaker and Batangas 6th district Rep. Ralph Recto proudly took to Facebook Monday morning, April 24 to congratulate his wife, ""The Star for All Seasons"", Vilma Santos, for adding another feather in her cap.",12 7,Chartered flight under probe obtained clearances: MIAA,6 12,91% of Filipinos agree with voluntary wearing of face masks: SWS,11 6,[Rappler Recap] DepEd’s overpriced laptops: Who approved what,5 5,SC reverses Comelec; nullifies ‘election overspending’ charge vs ex-Dinagat Islands Gov Glenda Ecleo,4 10,"MANILA – The newly-created ""KLABARZON,"" a region-based organization which aims to enhance the overall welfare and socio-economic well-being of people living in Region-4A (Calabarzon), had its first Town Hall Meeting on Public Policy on Thursday at the Aguinaldo Shrine in Kawit town, Cavite province that was attended by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and local government units (LGUs) of the province.",9 5,"MANILA – The Supreme Court (SC) has cleared television host Ferdinand ""Vhong"" Navarro in the rape and acts of lasciviousness charges filed against him by starlet Deniece Cornejo for lack of probable cause.",4 7,Estrada: LGUs affected by oil spill must compel MT Princess Empress owner to pay for damages,6 10,"Caritas Manila, the social action arm of the Archdiocese of Manila, has launched a new ministry that aims to encourage parishes to create more cooperatives to help provide livelihood opportunities for the poor as well as for the less-fortunate church workers and volunteers.",9 7,"Henry Teves submits affidavit; denies ownership of guns, explosives",6 10,Puerto Galera still unaffected by Mindoro oil spill —mayor,9 10,GSIS allots P315M for emergency loan of members affected by Mindoro oil spill,9 10,"Longer weekend seen as Palace announces April 10, 2023 a non-working day",9 3,Christ’s resurrection the 'most beautiful message' says Cardinal Advincula,2 13,Remulla gets text message from Arnie Teves,12 2,"Parts of Manila, Taguig, Pateros, Rizal waterless March 22-24",1 7,Azurin ‘breaks silence’ on shabu haul cover-up controversy,6 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Republic of Korea donated 34 refrigerated trucks and four service vans to the Philippines to support the Southeast Asian country’s ongoing coronavirus vaccine drive.",13 3,Life is beautiful when we help each other according to Pope Francis and this seems to be the motivation of policemen in Oriental Mindoro and Palawan as they initiated programs aimed at helping farmers and a 41-year old man who has been living in a typhoon-damaged house for over a year.,2 13,"Enrique Manalo, veteran diplomat, confirmed as Philippine foreign secretary",12 13,Marcos names Ella Blanca Lopez as NTC commissioner,12 4,PBBM admin put in place measures to promote welfare of PH women,3 9,DOH not keen on recommending lifting of COVID-19 public health emergency,8 14,Marcos arrives in Japan for official visit,13 2,Japanese ROV to be used at Mindoro oil spill arrives in the Philippines,1 8,"Passengers traveling by sea for Holy Week flocked to Manila and Batangas ports on Saturday.   At the Manila North Harbor Port, security personnel were on heightened alert while the police conducted inspections, according to a report by Jamie Santos on “24 Oras Weekend.”   Port personnel were barred from taking leaves from April 3 to 10 to ensure “100% manpower” during this period, said Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) general manager Jay Santiago.",7 6,Gov't to push for digital media literacy campaign vs. fake news,5 1,No need to import goods if MSMEs in PH are strong—PBBM,0 10,MANILA – A measure that would improve the working and living conditions and ensure the socio-economic wellbeing of Filipino seafarers has hurdled second reading approval at the House of Representatives.,9 2,Marcos to LGUs: Find new sites for displaced fisherfolk,1 9,"143 new COVID-19 cases recorded, active tally hits 9,337",8 10,MANILA – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has scheduled the opening of the Caloocan to España section in Manila of the North Luzon Expressway-South Luzon Expressway (NLEX-SLEX) Connector before the Holy Week.,9 11,"MANILA – The Department of Education (DepEd) on Wednesday said the term “nananalangin” is more inclusive and spiritual, as it approved the amendment of a single word in the country’s Panatang Makabayan. In a text message, DepEd spokesperson Michael Poa said DepEd Order (DO) No. 4 was released following “consultations with linguistic societies and organizations.” The DepEd pertains to the change of term used in the Panatang Makabayan phrase “Tutuparin ko ang tungkulin ng mamamayang makabayan, naglilingkod, nag-aaral, at nananalangin,” which was previously termed as nagdarasal.",10 14,"China believes the Philippines' concern over protecting the sea lanes in the West Philippine Sea as it moves to establish an enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) site with the United States is ""uncalled for.""",13 10,Team faces challenges retrieving bodies from plane wreckage on Mayon,9 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Just before the year ended, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed two new officials to the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS).",12 6,"Maharlika fund as urgent legislation? Up to Marcos, says Romualdez",5 6,"Reverting to the old April and May summer break in schools is not as simple as it sounds, said President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos on Monday, April 24, in response to a from a legislator and groups of concerned parents.",5 8,MANILA – The Philippine National Police-Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG) on Thursday reminded vloggers and content creators to be responsible in creating videos that they upload on social media.,7 9,Robredo eyes localized Bayanihan E-Konsulta to serve communities post-pandemic,8 2,Water allocation cut for irrigation to start May 10- NWRB,1 15,"A graduate of the University of San Jose-Recoletos was the top scorer in the February 2023 master plumbers licensure examination, the Professional Regulation Commission said.",14 1,COA warns Nayong Pilipino may run out of funds even before constructing a park,0 13,MANILA – Malacañang on Friday bared the latest appointments in several departments under the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.,12 6,Pinoys' dental woes prod solon to renew appeal to PhilHealth,5 3,"In celebration of Araw ng Kagitingan, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Sunday called on the nation to honor the lives of Philippine heroes by speaking up against discrimination and making decisions that would address the country’s problems",2 7,"MANILA – The senior prison official, who was charged together with suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag, has formally refuted all allegations that they have something to do with the killing of broadcaster Percival ""Ka Percy Lapid"" Mabasa in October last year.",6 13,High voter turnout seen in Marawi plebiscite,12 14,China envoy’s remarks on Taiwan OFWs taken out of context—embassy,13 2,Senator Christopher “Bong” Go has called on the Department of Transportation (DOTr) to help the Land Transportation Office (LTO) address the shortage in plastic driver’s license plates.,1 13,Remulla denies shielding Rodrigo Duterte from ICC drug war probe,12 2,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Friday announced a reorganization, with 10 senior police officials named to new posts.",1 9,"A total of 54 cases of Omicron subvariant XBB.1.9.1 have been detected in the Philippines, according to the Department of Health (DOH).",8 9,"New COVID-19 cases in the Philippines slightly went down on Friday to 137 from the 162 infections logged on Thursday, the Department of Health (DOH) said.",8 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and American troops opened the 2023 Balikatan exercise on Tuesday, April 11 – the largest in the 38-year history of the joint military training.",13 7,PNP: Mayo detained at Metro Manila District Jail since December 2022,6 10,PAGASA records ‘dangerous’ heat index in 6 PH areas on Sunday,9 7,SC disbars lawyer over claims of bribing justices,6 9,PhilHealth seeks more funding for mental health services for children,8 9,"‘Pink eye’ a symptom of Arcturus COVID-19, says expert",8 3,"IN PHOTOS: Ash Wednesday 2022, ‘an interior battle of the heart’",2 13,"[WATCH] Maria Ressa on tax evasion acquittal: Facts, truth, justice win",12 7,"MANILA – The that will vet the courtesy resignations submitted by third-level police officers and look into their possible involvement in illegal drug activities will convene twice a week, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said Monday.",6 13,"[WATCH] In The Public Square with John Nery: Marcos, before Martial Law",12 11,LTFRB: Modern jeepney can keep traditional look,10 7,"Baby River’s mom, 2 others granted bail",6 8,"US Ambassador Carlson: EDCA sites to boost local security, economy",7 8,"MANILA – Filipino and American troops have successfully fired modern battlefield weapons, including the M-142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), during the live-fire phase of the ongoing ""Salaknib"" exercises in Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija.",7 6,"Another priority measure of the President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has moved forward in the House of Representatives.",5 10,Poe faults MIAA for power outages,9 2,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is set to print an additional 1.6 million ballots next month that will be used for the conduct of Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) in October.,1 13,"Former education secretary Brother Armin Luistro was elected as the 28th Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, known as the La Sallian Brothers, on Wednesday, May 18.",12 15,P80-M Mega Lotto jackpot still up for grabs,14 14,MANILA – The Philippine contingent deployed to help victims of the Feb. 6 magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck Türkiye arrived in Istanbul on Thursday noon.,13 6,"Senate leaders favor a legislated P150 a daily wage increase, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Thursday, May 4, said.",5 13,In The Public Square with John Nery: Does the Liberal Party have a future?,12 3,Proactive governance crucial in public financial mgt – DBM chief,2 8,Chinese harassment in South China Sea now a ‘daily situation’ – Manalo,7 6,"BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – The Supreme Court has upheld with finality most of the anti-terror law, the Court announced on Tuesday, April 26.",5 13,The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) has started moves to reclaim lands of the Davao Prison and Penal Farm (DPPF) in Davao del Norte that were distributed to settlers in 2019 under Executive Order (EO) No. 75.,12 10,"MANILA – The national government will continue to affected by the transport strike through its “Libreng Sakay” (free ride) program, Malacañang said Monday.",9 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines will host the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) second multilateral naval exercises (AMNEX) this year, aimed at increasing interoperability among the regions’ naval forces.",13 7,"The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) on Wednesday gave the media a tour of its evidence room containing at least P10 billion worth of seized illegal drugs, amid allegations of drug recycling within the anti-narcotics agency.",6 7,Marcos admin's anti-drug drive to focus on dismantling syndicates,6 14,Why did Czech Republic PM Petr Fiala visit Manila?,13 7,"Only 10 senior police officials have yet to submit their courtesy resignation, Philippine National Police - Public Information Office chief Police Colonel Red Maranan said on Sunday.",6 11,The Aquino family calls to mind the courage and heroism of Filipinos during the historic People Power uprising in 1986 that eventually led to the restoration of democracy in the country.,10 9,"DOH logs 287 new COVID-19 cases; active tally climbs to 10,263",8 9,MANILA – The government must conduct an in-depth assessment study on the state of mental health among students in the wake of a reported rise in suicide cases among the youth during the pandemic.,8 10,"Filipinos in quake-hit Turkiye promised financial, housing aid",9 9,"The Philippines on Wednesday logged 237 new COVID-19 cases, while the tally of active infections climbed to 9,354, according to the Department of Health (DOH).",8 6,DOTr’s Bautista open to extending deadline on jeep operator consolidations,5 5,"MANILA, Philippines – After pausing the probe and hearing the Philippine government’s side, International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan insisted that the investigation into drug war killings under former president Rodrigo Duterte should resume.",4 1,House passes proposed P5.268-trillion budget for 2023,0 14,China opposes ‘meddling’ in South China Sea amid PH-US defense guidelines,13 10,"Tales of school opening: In-person classes, classroom shortage, flooded areas",9 8,Balikatan' troops hone airdrop resupply skills in Palawan drill,7 5,"MANILA, Philippines – The drug war was “the worst act against the law” that President Rodrigo Duterte ever did, said retired Supreme Court senior justice Antonio Carpio, noting that the government’s six-year Oplan TokHang was “clearly unconstitutional.”",4 10,PAGASA raises El Niño Alert,9 4,466 female NCR cops deployed as ‘customer relations officers’,3 14,"With Hague ruling, Robredo, Lacson to rally support of int’l community in West PH Sea",13 5,"The Supreme Court on Thursday launched the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (CPRA), which governs the conduct of lawyers in private and professional matters.",4 7,Senate probe into spate of attacks vs local officials sought after Degamo death,6 10,"MANILA – Warm and humid weather will continue to prevail in most parts of the country, the weather bureau said Thursday.",9 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Police have filed illegal possession of against the secretary of Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves and five others who were arrested during raids in some of the congressman’s properties last week.",6 2,"The civil works contract packages to build the P175-billion Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge are set for bidding within this year, and construction of the project would possibly begin  by the first quarter of 2024, according to an official of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).",1 14,Balikatan main event: What happened during the PH-US littoral live fire exercise?,13 7,MANILA – An American who was caught on video berating and physically assaulting a delivery rider in Cebu City is now under the custody of the Bureau of Immigration (BI).,6 1,"Gov't must focus on economy, not create 'unnecessary fear' — Concepcion",0 8,"Senator Christopher “Bong” Go on Saturday, April 15, renewed his appeal for the Bureau of Immigration (BI) and other concerned agencies to prioritize the welfare of Filipinos, which includes the protection of their rights as passengers.",7 5,"MANILA, Philippines – Commission on Audit (COA) Chairman Gamaliel Cordoba faced the powerful Commission on Appointments (CA) on Wednesday, November 23, with the inevitable: he having to answer for his role in the shutdown of broadcast giant ABS-CBN in May 2020.",4 4,"MANILA, Philippines – Academic gender experts and an LGBTQ+ rights organization leader say that gender rights are not only limited to what to mind, like anti-violence against women, divorce, abortion, and LGBTQ+ rights – rather, gender spills into crucial issues that the next set of elected leaders must address.",3 7,"MANILA – The that will vet the courtesy resignations submitted by third-level police officers and look into their possible involvement in illegal drug activities will convene on Monday, according to Philippine National Police chief, Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr.",6 10,"In anticipation of the March 6 to 12 transport strike, the Manila International Airport Authority urged all air passengers to give ample time to be at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport for the usual three hours before flight departure time, the Manila International Airport Authority said in Sunday statement.",9 7,"Repent, Remulla tells 'masterminds' in Degamo killing",6 5,"MANILA – The House Committee on Constitutional Amendments will continue holding public hearings and consultations on measures seeking to amend the 1987 Constitution, its chairman said on Monday.",4 3,OPAPRU chief: Ramadan inspiration to act as beacon of hope,2 9,"Philippines logs 553 new COVID-19 cases; active tally at 4,657",8 9,Paeng death toll rises to 155,8 13,FULL TEXT: President Marcos’ State of the Nation Address 2022,12 9,The Department of Health (DOH) is not yet inclined to imposing a ban on water activities in Puerto Galera after the area recently failed water quality tests.,8 7,Bureau of Immigration (BI) Commissioner Norman Tansingco has denounced misinformation on social media that encourages Filipinos to travel abroad as tourists for work purposes.,6 13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday led the oath-taking of newly-elected officers of the Publishers Association of the Philippines, Inc. (PAPI), thanking them for promoting and protecting people’s rights through accurate information and free press.",12 7,The Sandiganbayan on Friday found former Philippine Amusement Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) chairman Efraim Genuino guilty of graft over the anomalous release of P37-million public funds in 2007 and 2009.,6 2,Big majority of teachers hired in 2021 by Nueva Ecija are unlicensed – COA,1 13,"MANILA, Philippines – “As if nothing happened,” is how Katrina Enrile, daughter of former Senate president and now Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Juan Ponce Enrile, describes the relationship between her father and the late president Ferdinand E. Marcos – even after the elder Enrile turned against the dictator in the days leading to his ouster nearly 37 years ago.",12 15,MANILA – A lone bettor from Misamis Occidental province became an instant millionaire after guessing the of the Super Lotto 6/49 in Thursday night’s draw.,14 7,"MANILA – The Senate will present relatives of victims and witnesses to killings in Negros Oriental, including the widow of Governor Roel Degamo, in Monday’s hearing of the Committee on Public Order and Illegal Drugs.",6 13,Marcos watches PH-US live fire Balikatan exercises in Zambales,12 13,"MANILA – The National Commission of Senior Citizens (NCSC) clarified they are not distributing pensions for senior citizens debunking several social media posts that the agency will be distributing up to PHP3,000.",12 9,"State seismologists on Tuesday evening, April 4 advised residents of Catanduanes, Northern Samar, and Eastern Samar to stay away from the beach and refrain from going to the coast following the magnitude 6.6 quake off Gigmoto, Catanduanes.",8 9,Smoke from fire-gutted ship off Basilan hampers retrieval of bodies,8 9,"Department of Health (DOH) Officer-in-Charge Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire allayed concerns from House of Representatives members on Thursday, May 4 regarding the increase in local Covid-19 cases.",8 2,MANILA – Leaders of Dumagat-Remontado indigenous groups in Rizal and Quezon provinces received Tuesday PHP160 million worth of “disturbance fees” for the construction of the PHP12.2-billion New Centennial Water Source-Kaliwa Dam Project (NCWS-KDP).,1 14,"Marcos: AFP mission changed amid South China Sea problem, rivalry between powers",13 14,"NEW YORK, USA – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. landed at the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York on Sunday, September 18, to start a six-day working visit to the United States.",13 13,Dela Rosa irked by DND’s ‘real talk’ about mandatory ROTC,12 9,MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday assured the public that the wasted coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccines are disposed of in a safe manner.,8 13,A man who led by example: How Ramos’ Cabinet officials remember him,12 14,"Marcos, US senators tackle defense, economic cooperation, agriculture in Washington meeting",13 3,"The one who sings, prays twice.",2 7,"The Sandiganbayan has ordered the arrest of former Maguindanao governor Sajid Ampatuan after he was found guilty of multiple counts of graft, malversation and falsification of public documents over bogus school projects in 2009 worth P72 million.",6 8,Decommissioned PN corvette to be sunk in 'Balikatan' drill,7 2,IBP’s free legal aid now online thru ‘Pro Bono Portal’,1 11,"To honor the heroism of the rescuers who died when Typhoon Karding ravaged Luzon, Bulacan provincial government on Friday, September 30, held a tribute ceremony at the capitol’s gymnasium.",10 13,"Lawmaker mulls 5-year term for barangay, SK officials",12 13,Teves virtual presence at Senate probe a chance to ask questions –dela Rosa,12 13,Pacquiao gets ‘surprise endorsement’ from San Pablo Mayor Amante,12 13,"DAVAO CITY, Philippines – For the first time in recent Philippine history, it will be the vice president’s party – and not the president’s – that the majority in the House of Representatives.",12 15,Your pretty scholar signing off': Shout-out from Cong Frasco's scholar will tug at your heartstrings,14 7,An officer-in-charge (OIC) at the City of Manila’s Bureau of Permit-Administrative Services on Thursday testified in the trial of the 15 counts of graft charges filed against  Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Juan Ponce Enrile in connection with the alleged misuse of his Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) when he was still senator.,6 7,OrMin mayor suspended for issuing illegal cockfight permits,6 6,"Harmonization of DepEd, CHED, TESDA education policies pushed",5 1,Japan supports expansion of black garlic production in PH,0 9,Children’s Medical Center fails to get P200-M refund for Covid-19 tests on inbound OFWs,8 5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) on Wednesday, January 18, acquitted Nobel laureate Maria Ressa and Rappler Holdings Corporation (RHC) of four charges of tax evasion that were filed in 2018 by the previous Duterte government.",4 13,"For Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla, the move of some lawmakers to defend former President Rodrigo Duterte from the investigation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is natural.",12 10,"Cloudy skies, scattered rains Saturday due to easterlies",9 13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines on Saturday, February the 37th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution – a first under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., whose father was toppled by the peaceful uprising.",12 2,MANILA – The city government of Marikina on Monday received two modern pumper fire trucks from the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) to further boost and strengthen its firefighting capabilities.,1 6,"To prevent the social volcano in Negros Oriental from erupting due to crimes and abuses, is it time for a ""military takeover"" there?",5 7,Two employees of slain Negros Oriental Gov. Roel R. Degamo have been tagged as “participants’ in the plan to murder the late governor.,6 8,"MANILA – The Philippine Air Force (PAF) on Thursday night reported that two of its newly-acquired S-70i ""Black utility helicopters participated in the air assault exercises by transporting 72 fully armed troopers from Nueva Ecija to Zambales on April 19.",7 2,MANILA – Farming without soil?,1 14,"The AUKUS security bloc consisting of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States will support the Philippines and neighboring countries by helping deter threats to a rules-based international order and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea amid escalating tensions in the contested waters, the British ambassador told GMA News Online in an interview last Monday.",13 13,Former National Security Adviser Clarita Carlos said she offered to resign several times after Ferdinand Marcos Jr. relayed to her some information and she felt she had to leave the post.,12 6,Davao City 1st district Rep. Paolo Duterte is highlighting ahead of Labor Day a measure seeking to create an additional division in the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) in a bid to further improve the body’s rate in resolving labor-related disputes.,5 3,Feast of Saints Philip and James on May 3,2 7,Murder complaint filed vs suspect in killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid,6 7,BI intercepts trafficking victim with fake border stamp at NAIA,6 14,MANILA – The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) on Friday announced that talks between the Philippines and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the long-standing issue of unpaid wages of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) retrenched in 2016 are now in its final stages.,13 2,Marcos keen on nuclear fuel technology use vs PH power crisis,1 7,Sandiganbayan acquits ex-Philippine Army officers of graft,6 6,"The Department of Education is studying the inclusion of topics such as the West Philippine Sea dispute, LGBTQ issues, and human rights in the social studies curriculum in senior high school.",5 8,PNP receives $3M worth of counter-terror gear from US,7 15,No jackpot winners for PCSO major lotto games in April 11 draw,14 7,"1 Taiwanese, 4 Indian fugitives to be deported, BI says",6 9,"MANILA, Philippines – Daily COVID-19 cases in the Philippines may reach up to around 17,105 by end-July if Filipinos continue their current level with minimum public health standards (MPHS), like wearing masks, washing hands, and physical distancing, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, June 28.",8 7,"MANILA – A former police officer who is now the security chief of an in Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental owned by former Governor Pryde Henry Teves has allegedly played a vital role in the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, an official of the Philippine National Police (PNP) said on Tuesday.",6 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) has issued an “extremely urgent” memorandum ordering all Centers for Health Development (CHD) directors to observe intensified border controls at all ports of entry.",8 14,"PH, Czechia Republic agree to bolster ties in trade, defense",13 7,Abalos vows regular inspections to avert jailbreak,6 6,"Maharlika Fund, mandatory ROTC and NSTP tagged LEDAC-adopted bills under Marcos",5 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s interior chief Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos Jr. faced the media for the first time in his new role on Monday, July 4, promising there would be no letup in the infamous drug war that was front and center during the administration of Rodrigo Duterte.",12 10,Solon calls for foreign language studies in basic education,9 7,BI nabs American wanted for alleged financial fraud,6 9,"MT Princess Empress, which sank off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro late last month and caused an oil spill, has been located, Oriental Mindoro Governor Humerlito Dolor said Tuesday.",8 13,"Willie Ong disagrees with Isko, says Robredo shouldn’t withdraw from presidential race",12 6,"MANILA, Philippines – Over 150 education leaders and stakeholders gathered in a forum in Makati City on Wednesday, January 25, to discuss the learning crisis in the Philippines and what can be done about it.",5 7,Another call center trafficking scam victim back in Manila,6 2,"More than 60 million physical and virtual national identification cards (IDs) have been printed by the Philippine Statistics  Authority (PSA) as of March 15, 2023.",1 2,Marcos assures no rice shortage in coming months,1 12,"SWS poll on ROTC: 42% want it optional, 35% want it compulsory, 22% don’t want it in curriculum",11 13,"Policemen who have tendered their courtesy resignations with the Department of the Interior and Local Government's internal cleansing efforts in the Philippine National Police must ""trust the process,"" Senator Ronald ""Bato"" dela Rosa said Tuesday.",12 11,"The days-long march of a group of indigenous people (IP) opposing the Kaliwa Dam project is set to reach Malacañang on Thursday afternoon, James Agustin reported on Unang Balita on Thursday.",10 7,PH freezes assets of retired priest tagged as terrorist,6 4,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines marked a slight improvement in political rights and civil liberties according to Freedom House’s “Freedom in the World 2023” report.",3 6,Marcos: Study ongoing on possible housing projects in idle gov't lands,5 14,"Balikatan main event: PH, US militaries to sink mock vessel in Zambales",13 13,36 Years: What makes and breaks the OVP,12 14,"PBBM should recall ambassador to Beijing over Ayungin near-collision, solon says",13 6,LTO launches 'Isumbong Mo Kay Chief!' program,5 1,Jeepney minimum fare hiked to P11 nationwide,0 13,"MANILA, Philippines – It’s criticism that’s “insensitive” was how Lucas Bersamin, former Supreme Court chief justice and newly-appointed executive secretary, defended President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. from criticism over a weekend trip to Singapore to watch a Formula 1 race.",12 2,"MANILA, Philippines – For the past years, the Philippines has had a perennial problem in jails: extreme congestion.",1 7,BOC-NAIA: Car spare parts turn out to be P400-M shabu shipment,6 7,Remulla says alleged middleman in Percy Lapid killing has died inside Bilibid,6 5,The Sandiganbayan has denied the motion of the former mayor of Gamu town in Isabela to serve his prison sentence in the municipal police station due to health concerns.,4 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) under outgoing Secretary Menardo Guevarra will not withdraw two charges of conspiracy drug trading against detained senator Leila de Lima.",6 9,PCG recovers 32nd fatality in Basilan ferry fire,8 13,Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian has maintained his silence over his controversial remark related to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Taiwan and instead called to maintain the friendship between the Philippines and China.,12 14,"US, Korea ink P111.5-M grant to back PH climate resiliency effort",13 7,"Talk on ICC probe vs. Duterte's drug war 'constructive, fruitful’ — Tolentino, Neumann",6 7,Fratman in Salilig hazing case surrenders to NBI,6 3,Marcos' Eid'l Fitr message: Sustain learnings obtained during Ramadan,2 14,Marcos leaves for 5-day official US visit,13 6,"MANILA, Philippines – House human rights panel chairman Bienvenido Abante raised an eyebrow over the police and military’s resistance to proposals seeking to protect human rights defenders in the country.",5 9,WATCH: Paeng victims in Cavite appeal to Marcos for help,8 1,BOI registers P414-B worth of projects as of Feb. 9,0 13,"PH, US congressmen meet in Washington; Romualdez cites 'new levels of understanding'",12 7,MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Thursday announced that it has activated two police provincial offices (PPOs) in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) following a plebiscite which allowed the creation of Maguindanao del Sur and Maguindanao del Norte.,6 6,"Drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, Vice President Sara Duterte on Thursday underscored the immediate need to strengthen the Philippines’ public health system.",5 7,BOC foils 18 containers of misdeclared onions worth P77M,6 15,CAAP confirms wreckage found in Isabela is RPC1174,14 7,Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. has filed a resolution seeking a Senate investigation into the alleged involvement of ranking Philippine National Police officers in the P6.7 billion drug haul in Manila late last year.,6 15,PCSO to give away free Grand Lotto tickets on April 19,14 14,"Marcos wishes Emperor Naruhito 'abundant happiness, blessings'",13 4,FFW cites women's role in labor force amid challenges,3 12,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte both earned the approval of most respondents in the Tugon ng Masa survey by Octa Research in the first quarter of 2023.",11 14,"WPS among topics discussed between Marcos, Czech PM Fiala",13 10,Gov’t continues to extend assistance to Mindoro oil spill victims,9 6,"House Deputy Speaker and Batangas 6th district Rep. Ralph Recto is pushing for a ""complete check-up"" of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), the country’s main gateway.",5 9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday encouraged the public to increase their health literacy to have a,8 9,"Aside from COVID-19, Marcos wants DOH to also focus on HIV, TB",8 2,MANILA – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Saturday confirmed it sought the assistance of the United States to contain an oil spill in Oriental Mindoro that is fast spreading to other,1 13,Rivera appointed acting BJMP chief,12 3,"Marcos says Ramadan is time for humility, discipline",2 2,PSA: Over 22M ePhilIDs issued so far,1 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The International Criminal Court (ICC) has allowed families of victims on the Philippine government’s appeal against the ongoing investigation into Rodrigo Duterte’s violent war on drugs.",6 13,Another Camarines Sur town mayor denies supporting Marcos Jr.,12 2,"Ako Bicol Party-list is serious with the expansion of its solar-powered water supply system, which is expected to help mitigate the effects of El Niño.",1 6,LIVESTREAM: Senate hearing on proposed amendments to AFP fixed-term law,5 9,"Amid an increase of Covid-19 cases, Senator Christopher “Bong” Go renewed his call for Filipinos not to and to continue to follow health protocols and, if eligible, to get vaccinated.",8 13,"From securing the top police post up to the few remaining days in his office, it was indeed a bumpy ride for General Rodolfo Azurin, Jr. as the chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP).",12 13,"President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has no intention to abolish the National Task Force to End Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), the National Security Council said Saturday.",12 13,TV personality Daphne Oseña-Paez joins Marcos communications team,12 9,"MANILA – The country’s daily average of new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases increased by 23 percent from April 10 to 16, the Department of Health (DOH) reported Monday.",8 12,1 out of 4 Filipino Muslims pray Salah 5 times daily: SWS,11 9,"237 new COVID-19 cases recorded, active tally hits 8,749",8 7,MANILA – Five of 10 detainees who escaped from the Malibay Police Sub-Station 6 detention facility in Pasay City before dawn Monday will be safer if they surrender.,6 5,ICC prosecutor wants to resume probe into Duterte drug war,4 7,"MANILA – Operatives of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) have seized PHP25 million worth of counterfeit products in Pasay City, CIDG chief Brig. Gen. Romeo Caramat Jr. said Saturday.The operation was conducted by joint elements of the CIDG, Bureau of Customs, and Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Task Force Aduana on the 7th floor of Lucksys Real State Inc. along Don Hernandez St., Pasay City on March 1.",6 10,More than half of Filipinos have access to piped water: SWS,9 13,"Marcos faces media: CDO presser controlled, CNN skips estate tax issue",12 1,"MANILA, Philippines – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Wednesday, September 14, defended the P150-million confidential funds included in the proposed budget of the Department of Education (DepEd).",0 9,"Fire hits bus terminal in Cubao, Quezon City",8 14,"An official from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Wednesday said the issue women is not expected to be raised during President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr.'s working visit to Japan next week.",13 14,"PBBM: Meeting with Qin clarified 'misinterpreted' remarks between PH, China",13 6,"Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda on Wednesday, May 3 called on government leaders to lead in developing innovation system for the Philippines.",5 13,Senate foreign chairperson Imee Marcos on Wednesday confronted officials on the reported establishment of four Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites in Northern Luzon near the Taiwan Strait.,12 7,Ex-Navy officer convicted of graft committed 32 years ago,6 2,"The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) on Wednesday said it will launch an Emergency Cash for Work and Emergency Cash Transfer program to help oil spill-affected residents in Oriental Mindoro, Antique, and Palawan.",1 8,"PH, US ships conduct aerial gunnery, replenishment drills",7 13,"MANILA, Philippines – After six months of being the officer-in-charge (OIC) of the Department of Health (DOH), Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said on Tuesday, January 31, that she is now ready to be appointed as the country’s health secretary.",12 13,Sugar regulation chief Alba resigns,12 9,"DOH, BAI warn vs. consuming frozen eggs",8 6,"As Labor Day, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has approved Executive Order (EO) No. 23 which will strengthen inter-agency coordination and facilitate the resolution of labor disputes.",5 7,"MANILA, Philippines – At least six people will face kidnapping and serious illegal detention charges for their involvement in the kidnapping of at least six sabungeros (cockfight aficionados), the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Thursday, December 22.",6 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported on Wednesday morning, November 2, that the number of reported fatalities from Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae) has risen to 121, from 112 on Tuesday evening, November 1.",8 9,Voters can get vaccinated against COVID-19 on election day,8 2,DA reorganization key to rice self-sufficiency in 2 years: PBBM,1 8,PH eyes use of SSTA to enhance maritime security capabilities,7 13,OPAPRU: Success of Mindanao peace process due to stakeholders,12 6,Gordon takes jab at senators for refusing to sign draft report on Pharmally probe,5 2,"MANILA, Philippines – Naaalala ‘nyo ba ‘yung mga laptops ng Department of Education na na-report ng local media na ibinebenta sa mga tindahan at sa Facebook marketplace noong October 2022?",1 13,"MANILA, Philippines – There was still no direct answer from the camp of presumptive president Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on the issue of their family’s unpaid estate tax, originally pegged at P23 billion but has potentially ballooned to P203 billion.",12 13,"6 years in detention, De Lima in high spirits: ‘Vindication is forthcoming’",12 7,"MANILA, Philippines – A health worker who helped the Lumad set health centers in Mindanao was arrested by police, her family said on Friday, February 18.",6 7,DOJ: UN expert to arrive in PH to help in probing wrongful death tragedies,6 11,"[LIVESTREAM] Easter Vigil 2022 with Bishop Ambo David, CBCP president",10 5,Sandigan drops graft charges vs. HPG-Iligan chief,4 10,LTO launches online renewal of motor vehicle registration,9 7,PNP cites gains vs. human trafficking in Interpol meet,6 2,Senator Francis Tolentino said on Sunday that COVID-19 vaccine wastage in the country could possibly be due to mistakes in the prioritization of COVID-19 vaccine recipients and the distribution of vaccines.,1 15,P74-M Lotto 6/42 jackpot not hit in April 15 draw,14 11,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla expressed hopes that the people will continuously be inspired by the sacrifices made by Filipinos during World War II.,10 10,MANILA – The weather bureau on Monday said some areas in the country will experience rains due to two weather systems.,9 2,"House Appropriations chair pushing for solar panels, new technology to hike farm yield",1 1,BPI: PH to gain P8.3B from initial durian exports to China,0 2,DBM releases P495M for right-of-way payment for NLEX Connector project,1 7,"MANILA – The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday announced new guidelines for prosecutors' reducing the bail for temporary liberty in criminal cases at PHP10,000 for indigents.",6 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. will take his oath as the 17th president of the Philippines at the National Museum premises on June 30, his camp said Thursday, June 2.",12 3,"The San Isidro Labrador Parish in Makiling, Calamba, Laguna will receive a first-class relic of its patron San Isidro Labrador.",2 7,MANILA – Outgoing Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said the final draft on the screening of third-level officials for their possible involvement in illegal drugs will be submitted to the National Police Commission on Thursday.,6 9,COVID-19 pandemic: Latest situation in the Philippines – February 2022,8 6,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte signed into law a measure that removes several restrictions on foreign investments, one of the economic measures he certified as urgent for Congress to pass in a bid to stimulate an economy recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.",5 3,"NEGROS ORIENTAL, Philippines – A Catholic priest from the St. Nicholas de Tolentino Church in Dauin, Negros Oriental, is hopeful that killings would end in the province where he has been assigned to serve for the past 30 years.",2 14,Marcos leads PH-Czech Republic ties book launch,13 7,"MANILA – Police officers have seized over PHP521 million worth of illegal drugs from Jan. 1 to Feb. 11, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. bared Monday.",6 1,PH on the right track for continued growth: PBBM,0 14,"PH-Japan agri cooperation to improve logistics, value chain",13 6,House panel starts oversight queries on gov’t offices’ budget ops,5 7,The Philippine National Police on Monday said it has coordinated with the Department of Justice to place on the Immigration watch list the hazing suspects in the death of Adamson University student John Matthew Salilig.,6 15,"There were no jackpot winners for Ultra Lotto 6/58 and Super Lotto 6/49 in the evening draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Sunday, April 23.",14 11,WATCH: Immortalizing memories of Martial Law victims through exhibit,10 9,"DOH logs 145 new COVID-19 infections; active cases climb to 9,617",8 4,MANILA -- The Supreme Court (SC) has ruled that mothers who abuse their children can be held liable under the Violence Against Women and Their Children (VAWC) Act in suits brought by the fathers of minor children.,3 3,"MANILA – House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez on Friday enjoined the 2022 Bar passers to be “good lawyers"" in the service to the nation, and even handle and prosecute cases without fear or favor.",2 7,Dela Rosa: Teves will virtually attend Senate probe on Degamo killing,6 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s most recent nominees to the Commission on Elections (Comelec) secured the nod of the Commission on Appointments (CA) securing a nearly seven-year term in the poll body.",12 13,Romualdez vows timely passage of laws to bolster PH progress,12 10,"Between March 10 and 16, experts warned that the oil spilling from a sunken motor tanker off Mindoro Oriental could reach Verde Island Passage, the world's center of marine biodiversity.",9 7,"Police officials told different versions of what happened during the arrest of their fellow policeman, former Master Sergeant Rodolfo Mayo Jr., who has been charged with drug raps over his alleged hand in the 990 kilos of shabu worth P6.7 billion nabbed in Manila in October 2022.",6 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed former Supreme Court associate justice Dante Tinga as acting chairman and member of the board of the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), Malacañang announced on Friday, December 23.",12 14,US issues guidelines on defending Philippines from South China Sea attack,13 7,"Government anti-narcotics operatives seized P720,000 worth of dried marijuana leaves following the arrest of a 22-year old student in an April 22  buy-bust operation in Quirino province.",6 1,The Commission on Audit (COA said the Procurement Service (PS) of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) deprived the government of P3.268 billion in potential revenues when it failed to withhold final taxes from foreign suppliers during the pandemic.,0 14,PH reaffirms adherence to One China policy as Qin visits Manila,13 13,Marcos ‘concerned’ over killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid,12 14,"MANILA, Philippines — The United States Senate on Thursday, May 5, confirmed the appointment of MaryKay Loss Carlson as the next US ambassador to the Philippines.",13 13,36 Years: Where in the world is President Marcos?,12 13,Tolentino to take up ICC investigation vs. Duterte with EU MPs,12 8,"WASHINGTON DC, USA – Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr said on Thursday that granting US access to Philippine military bases was a defensive step that would be “useful” if China attacked Taiwan.",7 2,"MANILA – The Manila Water Company (Manila Water) on Thursday announced water interruption due to its service improvement activities in some parts of Quezon City and Pasig City from March 31 to April 1 and April 3 to 4, respectively.",1 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Vice president-elect Sara Duterte took her oath on Sunday, June 19, at San Pedro Square in Davao City.",12 14,"Lightbulb moment: Romualdez bats for PH digital partnership with US, India",13 14,"MANILA, Philippines – After a series of “friendly” meetings with President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. and his allies, United States lawmakers on a visit here were finally able to pay a call on former opposition senator Leila de Lima in her detention area inside the general headquarters of the Philippine National Police (PNP).",13 5,The Supreme Court has affirmed the dismissal of against the late business tycoon Roberto Ongpin and former government officials in connection with the granting of a $20-million loan in 1980.,4 5,MANILA – The Court of Appeals has affirmed the conviction of a former bank executive for money laundering in connection with the 2016 Bangladesh Bank heist.,4 6,MANILA – A senator suggested on Friday to give legal Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs) more time to stop operations after his colleague called for their immediate closure following numerous reports of POGO-related crimes.,5 13,"House Deputy Minority Leader and ACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro has branded Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian's statements regarding the Taiwan situation as ""condemnable"".",12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – The scheduled increase in the monthly contribution of members of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) will not push through for now following an order from President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",12 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) said that vaccination sites will be set up near polling sites on Monday, May 9, so the public could get vaccinated after casting their votes.",8 8,The Philippines and the United States have crafted guidelines for their next-phase bilateral defense cooperation as officials of both sides recognized threats that may arise in various operational domains.,7 8,PNP’s gun simulator system to help cops shoot better... sans bullets,7 10,"Tropical depression Amang maintained its strength as it traverses the coast of Caramoan, Camarines Sur on Wednesday afternoon, April 12, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said in its latest bulletin.",9 8,"Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo, widow of slain Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, on Tuesday said their province could have suffered the same fate as Marawi City due to terrorist attacks, considering the amount of explosives found in the property allegedly owned by former Negros Oriental Governor Pryde Henry Teves.",7 14,MANILA – Top foreign affairs and defense officials of the Philippines and the United States have agreed to “modernize” the two countries’ alliance amid the evolving security challenges in the Indo-Pacific.,13 10,Fair weather seen across PH Tuesday,9 13,FULL TEXT: Vice president-elect Sara Duterte inaugural speech,12 10,The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2023 results showed the Philippines is the second most affected country by terrorism in the Asia-Pacific region with a score of 6.328 or medium impact.,9 9,"At least 145 students in Occidental Mindoro have been hospitalized since March due to extreme heat, according to Andrew Bernardo’s GMA Regional TV Balitang Southern Tagalog report aired in “24 Oras” on Friday.",8 9,"DMW, PGH expand health services for OFWs",8 9,The Department of Agriculture (DA) ought to establish stronger mechanisms to detect and contain new and more dangerous strains of African Swine Fever (ASF) and Avian Influenza into the country by setting up stronger first border systems.,8 13,Marcos the party-going schoolboy returns to UK as King’s VIP,12 7,Airport screener nabbed for alleged theft,6 9,"MANILA – The Philippines has logged 55 cases of rabies as of Feb. 25, an eight percent increase to the same period last year.",8 9,"The first case of COVID-19 Omicron subvariant XBF in the Philippines is a Filipino senior citizen with no known history of travel, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Thursday.",8 10,Fallen heroes: Bulacan mourns 5 rescuers who died during the height of Typhoon Karding,9 9,"Philippines expands 2nd COVID-19 booster rollout to seniors, health workers",8 15,"MANILA, Philippines – Former budget secretary and ranking House leader Rolando “Nonoy” Andaya Jr. died on Thursday morning, June 30, leaving behind memories of a man who had no qualms locking horns with the powerful and the influential.",14 13,Is Teves in South Korea? Here's his answer,12 14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. on Sunday, April 30, left Manila for a days-long visit to the United States that would “reaffirm” the Philippines’ “special relationship” with its one-time colonizer.",13 2,Commission on Higher Education (CHED) chairman Prospero de Vera III on Tuesday said more personnel are needed to monitor maritime institutions across the country.,1 10,The Official Gazette launches mobile app,9 14,Discussion needed on how US can use Philippines bases — DFA chief,13 15,"PRC: 4,139 pass April 2023 Criminologist Licensure Exam",14 10,"Over 3,000 residents in Calapan, Oriental Mindoro whose livelihood were affected by the oil spill received food packs from the GMA Kapuso Foundation during the Holy Week.",9 2,"The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Wednesday received counter-terrorism equipment from the United States (US), including bomb suits and trucks.",1 4,"MANILA – In celebration of the International Women’s Day, Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte said Wednesday that Filipino women and girls must enjoy digital inclusivity and access to quality education.",3 8,"MANILA – Philippine Navy (PN) units have assisted the passengers and crew members of passenger ship that ran aground off Talibon, Bohol last Feb. 28.",7 13,"Marcos, Sara Duterte: Ramos’ legacy will always be remembered by Filipinos",12 14,Outraged Duterte unaware of US rejoining Paris climate pact,13 10,"MANILA – The low-pressure area (LPA) and the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) will continue to bring rains over most parts of the country, the weather bureau said Wednesday.",9 15,LIST: Philippine holidays for 2023,14 14,PH monitors developments in China-Taiwan relations,13 8,MANILA – The Army Aviation Regiment (AAR) successfully rotated and relieved its pilots deployed in Mindanao from Feb. 23 to 24.,7 8,PBBM: NGCP-NICA deal to fend off cyber attacks on power assets,7 3,"MANILA, Philippines – On the 36th anniversary of the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) is set to release a pastoral letter for the 2022 national and local elections.",2 14,Marcos in the White House: Manila back in Washington’s arms,13 13,Padilla open to amend political provisions of Constitution via con-con if public says so,12 10,Ateneo basic education schools to go full co-ed by SY 2029-2030,9 2,The Department of Agriculture (DA) said Friday it is developing a strategy that will promote the planting of hybrid seeds to 1.5 million hectares of rice land during the dry season.,1 13,Calida doubles his wealth in office as highest-paid solicitor general,12 10,Heat index in Aparri reaches 44°C — PAGASA,9 10,LIST: Universities resuming college entrance exams,9 6,DepEd defends inclusion of same-sex unions in revised K to 10 curriculum,5 7,DOJ urged to form special panel of prosecutors on Negros killings,6 2,MANILA— The Marcos Jr. administration is looking to digitalize more processes of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to serve the public and its stakeholders faster and more efficiently.,1 13,"MANILA – Poll workers who are serving as Electoral Boards (EBs) during electoral exercises in the country are set to receive higher honoraria in the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE), the Commission on Elections (Comelec) announced on Thursday.",12 13,"WASHINGTON DC, USA – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Thursday, May 4, said a “focus on enforcement” during his predecessor’s bloody and controversial war on drugs resulted in “abuses by certain elements in the government.”",12 2,House panel bats for temporary employment in rural areas,1 2,Drones aiding Philippine team in search for Turkey earthquake survivors,1 5,Former Quezon City mayor Herbert “Bistek” M. Bautista and then city administrator Aldrin C. Cuña have been charged with two counts of graft before the Sandiganbayan for alleged irregular implementation of projects amounting to P57.4 million when they were city officials.,4 14,EU lawmakers to visit Philippines from February 22 to 24,13 10,DMW secures over 300 more Pinoys in Sudan,9 13,"Over 2M registered for 2023 Brgy., SK polls as of Jan. 28 —Comelec",12 6,"Citing the successes of the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Senator Juan Edgardo ‘’Sonny’’ Angara is calling for the institutionalization of the program that has helped poor Filipinos when they need it the most.",5 7,MANILA – A Japanese fugitive was arrested at the Bureau of Immigration (BI) satellite office in SM Aura Taguig City after attempting to extend her tourist visa.,6 5,Supreme Court issues TRO vs Comelec’s Oplan Baklas,4 12,Random manual audit shows Cavite special polls 99.96% accurate,11 7,"Ex-PDEG chief, 46 others charged over shabu haul: PNP official",6 7,The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has seized 18 misdeclared containers of onions shipped into the Manila International Container Port (MICP) concealed by pizza dough.,6 8,MANILA – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is going on heightened alert to boost safety in the country’s ports and seaways during the Holy Week.,7 7,WATCH: Raquel Fortun presents probe into Duterte’s drug war,6 14,"CCC, French embassy to boost dev't cooperation on climate action",13 9,"The reported fatalities due to the bad weather experienced in many parts of the country since January 1 has increased to 43, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said Monday.",8 12,SWS: 42% of Filipinos say ROTC should be optional for senior high students,11 7,MANILA – The Senate Committee on Public Services will likely release next week the report on its investigation into the airport system glitch.,6 6,House OKs bill lowering optional retirement age of gov’t workers to 56,5 1,"Holding a constitutional convention is more expensive than holding a constituent assembly, the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) told a Senate hearing on Thursday.",0 9,"The United Nations’ sexual and reproductive health agency on Thursday sexuality education for learners aged five to 19 in the Philippines as soon as possible, to stem pregnancies among girls as young as 10.",8 7,"DA files agri smuggling charges vs. ship captain, crew",6 7,Bato eyes probe on ‘recycling’ of seized drugs,6 7,"Suspended Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo “Arnie” A. Teves Jr. and his two sons – Kurt Matthew and Axel – on Friday, May 5, asked the Department of Justice (DOJ) to dismiss the criminal charges filed against them for alleged violations of the laws on illegal possession of firearms and explosives.",6 8,"A student who was reported missing early this week has been found and is safe, the school administration said.",7 7,MANILA – An overstaying Nigerian national who has been on the Bureau of Immigration's (BI) wanted list for more than a year was recently arrested in Pasig City.,6 7,Suspect involved in burying John Matthew Salilig surrenders to police,6 1,MANILA – Both the National Development Company (NDC) and the Philippine Stocks Exchange on Monday assured senators of investments that in once the country establishes the proposed Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF).,0 7,"Senator Raffy Tulfo on Tuesday urged the Senate to investigate the ""Sangla-ATM"" scheme of some wherein the debtor's ATM card is being used as collateral.",6 7,The House Agriculture and Food Committee on Monday cited officials and a lawyer of the Nueva Ecija-based Argo cold storage facility for contempt over their refusal to turn over their list of clients who stored red onions in their facility during the spike in red onion prices during the last quarter of 2022.,6 14,US stands with PH vs. Chinese 'intimidation' in South China Sea —US State Dep't official,13 7,American wanted for child sexual abuse nabbed in Manila,6 7,"Police officials were invited to testify before the House Dangerous Drugs Committee, which will resume its probe into the October 2022 seizure of 990 kilos of shabu in Tondo, Manila during which police officers were seen on video allegedly involved in the drug trade, Surigao del Norte Representative Ace Barbers said Tuesday.",6 13,Calabarzon has a new top cop,12 7,Senate postpones inquiry on alleged smuggling of sugar from Thailand,6 7,MANILA – Operatives of the Philippine National Police-Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG) confiscated over PHP10.3 million worth of illegal drugs as a result of simultaneous anti-criminality law enforcement operations (SACLEO) from April 18 to 23.,6 3,MANILA – The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) is ready to help overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to their recent experiences in Sudan.,2 13,MANILA -- Senator Robinhood “Robin” Padilla on Thursday vowed to give more power to the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) and other state agencies in order to protect our youths from illegal content prevalent in social media.,12 1,MANILA – The chair of the House Committee on Constitutional Amendments on Wednesday said the existing economic restrictions in the 1987 Constitution have counteracted the structural reforms that were introduced to further liberalize the Philippine economy.,0 15,"Grand, Mega Lotto jackpots still up for grabs",14 13,Marcos names new SRA chief,12 7,BI stops 3 Lebanon-bound trafficking victims at NAIA,6 7,BI confirms one of their officers allegedly extorted money from OFW,6 13,SPECIAL COVERAGE: Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s First 100 Days,12 2,PCG sees additional 4K personnel by end of 2023,1 13,"Tributes continued to pour in for the late former Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) chief Albert del Rosario, who was hailed as a champion of  Philippine sovereignty.",12 5,"Marcoses' bid to retake surrendered, forfeited assets denied by Sandiganbayan",4 7,BI nabs overstaying British man in Palawan,6 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines is looking forward to an “ironclad alliance” with South Korea following the signing of the terms of reference (TOR) on the scope of their armies’ cooperation.",13 6,LTO extends validity of expiring driver’s licenses until Oct. 31,5 7,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced the arrest and deportation of a high-ranking Mongolian official who is allegedly wanted in his country for graft and corruption charges.,6 14,"MANILA, Philippines – With ground war between Russia and Ukraine entering its third day, Philippine Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locson Jr. traveled to Poland to oversee the repatriation of Filipinos evacuating from Ukraine.",13 9,"A total of 2,386 new COVID-19 cases were recorded in the Philippines from April 10 to April 16, Department of Health’s (DOH) data showed on Monday.",8 13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Monday that his five-day trip to Japan was not a vacation.",12 6,"Malacañang studies proposed 4-day workweek, P24-billion wage subsidy",5 7,"The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has relieved from posts the head and other personnel of its warden facility after six cell phones were retrieved from a Japanese detainee suspected of being a mastermind of illegal activities in Japan, the agency’s spokesperson said Friday.",6 3,Rappler Talk: Negros Oriental priest on human rights after Degamo slay,2 7,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Saturday reported the arrest of five foreign fugitives in Iloilo and Aklan who will be deported to their homeland to stand trial for their crimes.,6 13,"Appear in Senate if you have the 'balls', Dela Rosa tells Teves",12 7,BI officer who allegedly asked for yearbook from passenger relieved from post,6 14,"WASHINGTON, D.C.— The United States has once again affirmed its support to the Philippines over attacks against its armed forces and public vessels in the Pacific, including the South China Sea.",13 12,89% of Filipinos satisfied with how democracy works – SWS,11 14,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Sunday the European Commission’s (EC) announcement that it will continue to recognize certificates of seafarers issued by the Philippines, allowing Filipinos to continue working on European Union (EU)-flagged ships.",13 9,MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) assured the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee (SBRC) on Thursday to ramp up its coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccination campaign using new strategies to prevent more wastage.,8 14,"PH, Morocco hope to start labor accord soon",13 12,SWS survey’s very good satisfaction rating 'encouraging': Marcos,11 8,Austin commits MDT in case of armed attack vs. PH assets in SCS,7 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Six nominees vying to be the next president of the University of the Philippines (UP) on Friday, November 11, faced the university’s constituents in a public forum to discuss their plans to address system-wide issues, including UP’s drop in world rankings in October.",12 7,The Sandiganbayan has dismissed the motion of former Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (Pagcor) chairperson Efraim Genuino asking the court to reconsider its resolution junking his plea for acquittal in graft and malversation cases.,6 1,"Prices of corn, flour, and seafood prices remain expensive despite the easing of inflation from 8.6 percent in February to 7.6 percent in March.",0 13,LIVESTREAM: Marcos at the 2023 PMA homecoming,12 7,The Philippine National Police (PNP) has requested for more time to validate if its database the National Privacy Commission (NPC) said Thursday.,6 12,Robredo’s satisfaction rating falls in December 2021 survey – SWS,11 9,DOH calls for interagency collaboration to eliminate TB,8 6,CAAP pushes for amendments in use of drones,5 2,MANILA -- Senator Mark Villar has filed a measure for the establishment of a registry of all skilled workers in every barangay that will serve as a database for effectively matching their skills to career opportunities.,1 1,Kadiwa ng Pangulo' Cebu yields nearly P1-M sales in 2 days,0 2,Marcos: Gov’t slowly converting dependence on water supply to surface water,1 10,Families hit by oil spill get food packs from GMA Kapuso Foundation,9 10,"Water interruption is expected to be experienced by residents in some parts of Metro Manila and Rizal from April 19 to 25 due to maintenance activities, the Manila Water announced on Tuesday, April 18.",9 8,"Cope Thunder interoperability exercises between PAF, USAF underway",7 10,"The National Water Resources Board (NWRB) said on Thursday, May 4, that it has been closely monitoring Angat Dam after the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) raised the El Niño Alert.",9 13,Marcos tightens grip on Congress with ‘supermajority’ blocs in Senate and House,12 15,Scattered rain showers continue over most of PH,14 10,Quake victims in Davao de Oro receive aid from PH Red Cross,9 6,This House leader calls for 'complete check-up' of NAIA,5 13,"MANILA, Philppines – Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP) issued a strong statement Friday, January 28, condemning Rowena Guanzon and calling for her disbarment and forfeiture of retirement benefits.",12 12,12.6 million Filipino families consider themselves poor – SWS,11 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer COVID-19 pill Paxlovid, FDA chief Oscar Gutierrez announced on Friday, March 11.",8 12,"Senator Raffy Tulfo received the highest trust and approval ratings among the country's current senators, according to the findings of a big data research firm's nationwide survey.",11 14,"After ‘rocky times,’ Marcos and Biden meet to rekindle ‘critical’ ties",13 10,"MANILA – The Pag-IBIG Fund Board of Trustees officially approved the postponement of the agency’s contribution hike this year, citing the continuing recovery of both workers and business owners from the pandemic, its top officials announced Monday.",9 13,36 Years: The Ramos legacy,12 7,CIDG nabs 16 fugitives,6 12,Local language least preferred medium of instruction for Grades 1-3: poll,11 7,MANILA – Operatives of the Philippine National Police's (PNP) anti-scalawag unit arrested a female officer in Makati City for extorting money from cops who are seeking transfer of assignments.,6 15,PAF trainer aircraft makes emergency landing in Batangas,14 14,Chinese envoy meets with AFP chief Centino after laser incident in West PH Sea,13 7,"MANILA – Metro Manila will implement a single ticketing system for traffic violations starting May 2, following an agreement between the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), the local government units (LGUs) of the region, and the Land Transportation Office (LTO) on Thursday.",6 10,Duterte announces free MRT3 rides from March 28 to April 30,9 10,"Six areas in the Philippines sizzled with a “dangerous” heat index on Sunday, April 30, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) disclosed.",9 2,Persons affected by Oriental Mindoro oil spill may get total of $284-M in compensation -- DOJ,1 9,The Department of Health (DOH) reminded the public to be vigilant when to skin damage caused by constant sun exposure.,8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Malacañang Press Corps raised concern on Monday, August 15, over the Office of the Press Secretary’s decision to deny the accreditation of a veteran reporter, Rose Novenario, of Hataw!",12 10,"MANILA, Philippines – Filipinos will again be allowed to travel to Taiwan visa-free starting September 29, the Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA) under Taiwan’s foreign affairs ministry announced on Thursday, September 22.",9 10,Adolescent births in 2020 see sharpest decrease in 17 years – PopCom,9 13,The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has expressed its appreciation for the appointment of  lawyer Joel Anthony Viado as its,12 14,DSWD thanks UN-WFP for donated equipment,13 2,"MANILA – A lawmaker on Wednesday said adequate funding and proper implementation are crucial to the effectiveness of the proposed establishment of “fully-equipped and fully operational"" evacuation centers in every city and municipality in the country.",1 10,"Partly cloudy to cloudy skies, isolated rain showers to prevail across PH",9 14,"WASHINGTON—President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.  on Monday night (Washington time) said the friendship between the Philippines and the US had prevailed even after what he called ""turbulent"" between the two sides.",13 6,DICT assessing possible SIM registration extension,5 7,MANILA – The Department of Agriculture on Wednesday said it has issued notices of violation against several stall owners in Metro Manila for selling “overpriced” onions in the markets.,6 14,"SYDNEY - Deep-sea explorers said Saturday they had located the wreck of a World War II Japanese transport ship, the Montevideo Maru, which was torpedoed off the Philippines killing nearly 1,000 Australians aboard.",13 7,"Senator Robinhood ""Robin"" Padilla pushed on Monday, April 17, for the imposition of the death penalty on security personnel who are involved in cases of murder.",6 6,"The Coordinating Council of Private Education Associations of the Philippines (COCOPEA) has asked the Senate and the House of Representatives to defer the bicameral deliberations on the measure that will prohibit the ""no-permit-no-exam"" policy in private learning institutions.",5 10,"‘Manifesting, believing’ works: Stories from 2022 Bar passers",9 9,"The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has built two flood control structures along the Pampanga River sections that ensure the protection of the residents in San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija against the threat of inundation during inclement weather and heavy rains of long duration.",8 9,Q1 2023 nat'l quake drill set March 9: OCD,8 1,"MANILA – Pag-IBIG Fund disbursed PHP53.76 billion in cash loans, otherwise known as short-term loans, benefitting a record-high 2,612,491 members in 2022, agency officials reported Tuesday.",0 6,"Senate adopts resolution vs. sale, marketing of vape products towards youth",5 14,"Philippines to resume talks with China on joint oil, gas exploration in West PH Sea",13 7,"After 5 years, court convicts cop for torture of teens Carl Arnaiz, De Guzman",6 13,Duterte picks Abdullah Mamao to lead new Department of Migrant Workers,12 9,WATCH: De Lima’s drug charge hearing postponed due to COVID-19 exposure,8 2,"About 9.6 million of the adult labor force in the Philippines were jobless as of December 2022, according to the latest poll of the Social Weather Survey (SWS).",1 9,Infectious disease expert Dr. Rontgene Solante urged the public to receive the second booster shot of the Covid-19 vaccine in order to help maintain the country’s wall of immunity against the coronavirus.,8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos admitted on Friday, September 2, that there might have been a between him and Cebu City Mayor Mike Rama over the deferment of a local policy that lifts the mask mandate.",12 14,"The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said it was open to receiving assistance from China in containing and cleaning up the oil spill in Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.",13 9,"Cancer is now treatable thanks to medical advances and innovations, according to Dr. Marvin Mendoza, head of the medical oncology section of the National Kidney and Transplant Institute.   Even at stage 4 or when a cancer has metastasized to other organs—be it the breast, liver, or cervical—there is hope for treatment, but even more so if it is diagnosed early. The medicines for many different kinds of cancer are already available locally, the oncologist said.   Going beyond chemotherapy, the government provides targeted therapies for two types of cancer: breast cancer and lymphoma.",8 14,PH-Japan defense ties to ease tension in WPS: analyst,13 2,The Commission on Audit (COA) has tasked the Palacio Del Gobernador Condominium Corporation (PDGCC) to transfer officially the membership of its employees from the Social Security System (SSS) to the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) to ensure payment of benefits and pensions.,1 6,EXPLAINER: What is the No Contact Apprehension Policy and why is it being suspended?,5 13,Red-tagged Anakpawis Partylist nominee arrested in Nueva Vizcaya,12 7,Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos Jr. has expressed disappointment on how the Philippine National Police (PNP) has been handling the raid in Manila that led to the confiscation of around P6.7 billion worth of shabu.,6 10,Senior citizens and people with illnesses were part of the huge crowds that endured hours of waiting outside several offices of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in hopes to seek assistance from the government.,9 2,"MANILA, Philippines – A public health expert said that the Department of Health (DOH) could have expedited the approval of a second booster shot for those to lessen the wastage of COVID-19 vaccines in the agency’s stockpile.",1 6,"Senator Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada is seeking the publication of laws, as a prerequisite of effectivity, in the online version of the Official Gazette as well as websites of newspapers of general circulation.",5 14,"House leader dares US, China: Prove your affection for PH, help out in oil spill",13 9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Sunday extended its medical assistance to affected by the oil spill from the sunken motor tanker MT Princess Empress in Oriental Mindoro.,8 8,The Philippine National Police has acquired a firearm simulator system which can help the law enforcers improve their marksmanship without the use of bullets.,7 9,Red tide toxin detected in 6 coastal areas —BFAR,8 9,"Philippines reports 142 COVID-19 cases; active tally at 9,355",8 9,The dozens of deaths reported due to drowning this April may have been mitigated had swimming been taught as a basic education subject in schools.,8 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines and United States were poised to deepen economic and security ties after United States Vice President Kamala Harris launched at least 17 new initiatives between the two allies during her first trip to the Southeast Asian country.",13 14,DND takes jab at Chinese envoy over Taiwan issue,13 8,"MANILA, Philippines – United States Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson said on Monday, October 17, that the State Department has proposed allocating $100 million in foreign military financing for the Philippines as part of efforts to boost the Southeast Asian country’s defense modernization efforts.",7 1,President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has instructed the Department of Tourism (DOT) to assess non-operating tourism zones under the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) as part of efforts to boost the country's tourism industry.,0 13,"MANILA – Vice President Sara Duterte on Friday urged local leaders to uphold integrity and practice unity to realize true public service, as her political party Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats (CMD) continues to expand. In a speech, Duterte said membership in the Lakas-CMD entails the burden of public service and accountability. “Today, we are reminded of our noble duty to uphold the highest degree of integrity and accountability in all our public pursuits. By accepting to a member of a political party, we also accept the challenge to work in unity towards goal -the welfare of the people we serve,” she said. Duterte made the statement during the joint Davao de Oro and Davao del Norte Lakas-CMD mass oathtaking at the Tagum City Historical and Cultural Center. She reiterated that unity in leadership, down to local governance, would mean warm recognition and development in the country despite diversity across cultures and ideologies. “With a united political party, we can navigate the path to inclusive growth, and espouse good governance that sees beyond political colors and principles,” she added. Duterte also recalled the administration’s eight-point economic agenda to point the targeted direction for the country within its six-year term.",12 7,"An alleged high-ranking leader of the Communist of the Philippines-New People’s Army on Monday was deported to the Philippines following his arrest in Malaysia, according to the Philippine National Police (PNP).",6 13,Early filing of COCs for BSKE may compromise electoral process,12 14,"Marcos expects enhanced ties with Qatar, Chile as he greets envoys",13 14,"Philippines-Japan-US tripartite agreement still a concept, no details yet —Marcos",13 2,Baguio solon shares key update on Kennon Road rehab,1 6,"Noting that the current figures are still “far from the target,” the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) continued to urge the public to register their SIMs before the deadline set this month to avoid the deactivation of SIM cards.",5 4,"The Philippines submitted itself to another Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on Monday, November 14.How did it go? In this episode of In the Public Square, veteran journalist John Nery talks to Tinay Palabay, secretary-general of the human rights group Karapatan, and Carlos Conde, senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, about what happened in the UNHRC’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.",3 2,"Senator Manuel ‘’Lito’’ Lapid led the inauguration Friday, April 21 of the newly-constructed Infectuous Diseases Unit (IDU) of the Gat Andres Bonifacio Medical Center in Tondo, Manila.",1 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Another appointee of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is exiting barely seven months into his administration.",12 8,PNP to heighten alert status due to week-long transport strike,7 4,Hontiveros stresses need for women leaders in gov’t to ensure ‘true’ gender equality,3 5,The Sandiganbayan has denied anew the motion of former Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCor) Chairman Efraim C. Genuino to dismiss charges of graft and malversation of public funds filed against him in the 2019 purchase of P26.7 million worth of tickets for “Baler” movie.,4 10,"MANILA – Metro Manila and the rest of the country will experience warm weather with isolated rain showers due to the easterlies, the weather bureau said Monday.",9 6,"Pending the possible return to the pre-pandemic school calendar, a teachers’ group on Wednesday, April 12, proposed to the Department of Education (DepEd) to consider shortening class hours in schools during the hottest months of the year.",5 13,Manila congressman has serious message for Bar passers,12 4,"The Philippines must immediately apologize and indemnify the World War II “comfort women” following the United Nations (UN) findings that the government violated their rights by failing to provide reparation and social support, a legal counsel of the victims said Thursday.",3 12,Marcos gets ‘very good’ net satisfaction rating in latest SWS survey,11 9,PHA: Ischemic heart disease still leading cause of death in 2022,8 7,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Tuesday said that the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) have been directed to produce relevant documents for the oil spill investigation.,6 2,"Water service interruption in parts of QC, Rizal Feb. 14-15",1 7,Suspects say ‘Cong Teves’ ordered hit on Degamo,6 7,"Bantag, others face murder complaints for deaths of Percy Lapid and middleman",6 7,MANILA – A total of 33 persons were arrested during anti-illegal drugs and criminality operations in Quezon City in the past 24 hours.,6 11,Summer MMFF Parade of Stars set April 2,10 6,"Senator Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito on Tuesday, April 18, expressed his support for the passage of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Bill.",5 13,"Marcos ‘most unlikely’ to endorse next Senate president, says sister Imee",12 10,"9,821 hopefuls take the challenge to pass 2022 Bar Exams",9 13,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. has named two new directors in the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).",12 11,36 Years: Claiming the terno,10 10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Friday, January 6, with bad weather expected to continue due to the shear line and the northeast monsoon or amihan.",9 14,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. will underscore the desire to have a peaceful South China Sea in his official visit to the United States next week, an official from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said on Friday.",13 15,PBBM mourns passing of ex-DFA chief Albert del Rosario,14 7,Two suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo named a certain “Cong Teves” as the person behind the fatal attack against the local official.,6 14,MANILA – The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) has expressed its appreciation to all countries that extended help to the Philippines in containing the oil spill off Oriental Mindoro waters.,13 13,"Former President Rodrigo Duterte said he doesn't care if the investigation on his ""war on drugs"" will re-open, insisting that the International Criminal Court (ICC) has no jurisdiction, former Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo said Saturday.",12 14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said on Saturday, January 21, that his “crucial participation” at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland yielded “beneficial for the country in the form of potential investments, as well as solicited advice on the proposed Maharlika Investment Fund.",13 6,Cheap condonation? Recto puts farmers' agrarian reform debt write off into perspective,5 7,BOC-Clark turns over P120M worth of marijuana by-products to PDEA,6 14,MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Friday criticized China over its “highly dangerous maneuvers” against the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) in the waters off Ayungin Shoal recently.,13 7,MANILA – Five Chinese nationals were arrested for illegally detaining who failed to pay his debt in Parañaque City.,6 3,Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines- Episcopal Commission on Vocations chairman Novaliches Bishop Roberto Gaa is asking the faithful for prayers for more vocations to the priesthood.,2 13,"Stakeholders, gov't officials to attend 3-day election summit",12 10,"The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) assured on Tuesday, April 11, that there is adequate intervention for families and individuals affected by the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro, the disaster response operations and efforts of their local government units (LGUs).",9 11,"MANILA – Malacañang will be hosting a concert series called ""Konsyerto sa Palasyo"" (KSP) that will feature the country's best artists to showcase the nation's rich culture and world-class talent.",10 10,"SAN JOSE DEL MONTE, Bulacan — At least 1.2 million housing units have been started by the administration under its flagship Pambansang Pabahay para sa Pilipino Housing Program (4PH), President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Wednesday.",9 6,Arroyo wants to replace K to 12 with 'K + 10 + 2'; find out more,5 8,MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. on Thursday named National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) Director Maj. Gen. Jonnel Estomo as the police force's new deputy chief for operations.,7 13,"MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) en banc affirmed the disqualification of Carmen Geraldine Rosal as a candidate for mayor of Legazpi City, Albay during the May 9, 2022 elections.",12 14,MANILA – The Philippine government has backed a democracy declaration issued by several countries but disassociated itself from references to the International Criminal Court (ICC).,13 15,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. knows first hand how jam-packed a President’s schedule is. After all, he had witnessed this with his father and namesake, the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos, Sr.",14 6,"MANILA, Philippines – In late March, following a meeting in Malacañang, Finance Secretary Benjamin Diokno announced the Marcos administration’s proposal to reform the country’s military pension system.",5 5,Solon prefers ex-CJ Puno's 'hybrid' setup in con-con bill,4 5,De Lima asks RTC to junk prosecution’s plea to re-open case after years of hearings,4 2,DOST unveils plant-based water treatment facility in Subic,1 10,More than half of the 700 registered Filipinos in strife-torn Sudan have been evacuated by the Philippine government during the 72-hour ceasefire there.,9 14,"MANILA – The Japanese Embassy in Manila on Tuesday expressed “serious concerns” over the latest developments in the South China Sea, the recent of which involved a Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) vessel harassing a Filipino ship by pointing a military-grade laser at it near Ayungin Shoal.",13 13,Rappler Recap: Highlights of Comelec’s first presidential debate,12 7,"MANILA, Philippines – A Caloocan court has convicted Patrolman Jefrey Perez for torture and planting of evidence in relation to the cases of drug war victims Carl Angelo Arnaiz and Reynaldo “Kulot” de Guzman.",6 7,CA denies gunrunning suspect's petition to void search warrant,6 12,"MANILA, Philippines – As the coronavirus is poised to linger around the world, fewer Filipinos are skeptical about getting vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey conducted in December 2021.",11 13,"Comelec mulls proposal to defer Barangay, SK polls in NegOr",12 5,"MANILA, Philippines – National Democratic Front (NDF) peace talks consultant Renante Gamara was cleared of a set of charges of illegal possession of firearms and explosives, making him the 27th activist to have cases junked by courts this 2022 alone.",4 2,Global semiconductor firm to expand in PH with US$200-M investment pledge,1 2,"Like his father, Marcos plans to export Filipino workers",1 7,"MANILA, Philippines – A Navotas court convicted dismissed cop Jefrey Perez for the murders of Rizal teenagers Carl Angelo Arnaiz and Reynaldo “Kulot” de Guzman in 2017, in a decision released to the public on Monday, March 13.",6 7,The father of the late Adamson student John Matthew Salilig on Thursday said he is in favor of reviving the death penalty for those found guilty of involvement in hazing activities.,6 13,MANILA – Senators on Wednesday threw their support to Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri as they also dismissed a rumor that he “nearly lost” his post after Malacañang reportedly is not satisfied with his leadership due to low productivity.,12 6,Bill seeking paid menstrual leave filed in House,5 14,MANILA – Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Tuesday vowed to work harder to expand the economic security relations between the Philippines and the United States following a meeting with California's 40th congressional district Rep. Young Kim at the US Capitol along with members of his delegation.,13 13,"MANILA, Philippines – The once-ruling Liberal Party announced a new set of officers on Friday, September 30, with Albay 1st District Representative Edcel Lagman ascending to the top LP post.",12 2,IN NUMBERS: Philippines’ perennial problem on jail congestion,1 7,"CHR probes ‘surveillance, profiling of Gabriela, Makabayan bloc officers by AFP’",6 12,Kabataan solon pokes holes at survey saying 8 of 10 Pinoys favor mandatory ROTC,11 4,DILG launches anti-drug program ‘with respect for human rights’,3 9,"DAR employees continue tradition of donating blood, saving lives",8 2,President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said that the government is “slowly converting” its dependence on water supply to surface water from underground water as the country tries to mitigate the effects of El Niño.,1 9,WHO yet to confirm 'sticky eyes' as symptom of Arcturus: DOH,8 9,Rabies cases up by 8% as of Feb. 25,8 9,"MANILA – The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) said the Philippine Emergency Medical Assistance Team (PEMAT), which is part of the 82-man Philippine Inter-Agency Humanitarian Contingent (PIAHC), has so far served and treated 938 Turkish patients as of Thursday (local time).",8 1,"MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Audit (COA) has affirmed the disallowance against the P2.84 million reimbursement of extraordinary expenses granted to then-Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA) chairperson Ramon Revilla Sr. in 2011.",0 7,MANILA – The House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture on Tuesday cited three persons in contempt for refusing to turn over their list of clients who stored red onions in their facility during the spike in red onion prices in the last quarter of 2022.,6 14,Members of the European Parliament’s on Human Rights are expected to visit the country later this week as part of Philippines and the EU’s “open and regular engagement on human rights.”,13 1,36 Years: Understanding the budget,0 8,"MANILA, Philippines – Following recent tensions in the West Philippine Sea, Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian met with Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff General Andres Centino to discuss “peace and stability” in the region.",7 14,Babe Romualdez says Marcos has no objection to PH-US MDT but wants clarification,13 7,The Department of Agriculture said on Friday that the captain and crew of MV Sunward have been slapped with charges after they were caught trying to smuggle P240 million worth of refined sugar from Thailand into the Philippines.,6 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr’s pick to head the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office has experience both in running the government’s light rail transit and serving as liaison between a religious group and the public.",12 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines and the United States have agreed on four new local bases in the country where American troops will be allowed to build facilities and preposition defense assets, nearly nine years after both countries signed the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).",13 10,"Most of the country will continue to experience hot and humid weather in the next 24 hours due to the easterlies, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Tuesday, April 18.",9 2,"VP Sara: Hiring of 30,000 teachers yearly, 6% of GDP DepEd budget ‘impossible’",1 14,The United States on Monday said it stood with the Philippines after Manila accused China's coast guard of using a laser to try to disrupt a resupply mission to troops in the South China Sea.,13 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Health said on Monday, June 13, that COVID-19 cases reported on June 6 to 12 were 30.4% to the previous week.",8 5,"House panel chair: Con-con delegates may make political amendments, change Bill of Rights",4 14,MANILA – France has financed the visit of one of its experts to support the Philippines in the ongoing oil spill response after the tanker MT Princess Empress sank in Oriental Mindoro last month.,13 1,DA: Selling onions direct to buyers to stabilize prices,0 14,"The United Kingdom (UK) has expressed concern over the supposed “dangerous conduct” against Filipino vessels in the South China Sea, British Ambassador to the Philippines Laure Beaufils said on Monday.",13 12,"Marcos’ first 100 days: Critics see ‘sinking ship,’ allies say ‘good job’",11 13,2 Marawi plebiscites log high voter turnout - Comelec,12 9,DOH orders ‘heightened alert’ for COVID-19 among China travelers,8 6,The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Monday launched its Register Anywhere Project (RAP) at the Senate of the Philippines building in Pasay City.,5 8,‘Will we ever be safe?’ Cotabato lawyer survives shooting,7 13,The Philippine government has submitted a notice of appeal to the International Criminal Court (ICC) Appeals Chamber days after the ICC authorized the reopening of an inquiry into the killings linked to the Duterte administration's war on drugs.,12 7,MANILA – The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Tuesday reported the arrest of an overstaying Chinese national who attempted to leave the country using a spurious immigration document at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).,6 7,"MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief, Gen. Rodolfo Azurin, said the five-member advisory group of the police force has assessed half of 955 police generals and colonels to cleanse the ranks of those involved in illegal drug activities.",6 7,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) has indicted three agents of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and four Philippine National Police personnel in relation to a misencounter between their units in Quezon City on February 24, 2021.",6 14,"Effects of Japan visit to be felt very soon, very rapidly –Marcos",13 14,Xi shares sympathies with Marcos after Luzon earthquake,13 5,CA affirms dismissal of 'disobedient' coop agency chair,4 1,"PBBM ‘on the right track’ to put PH in center of biz, trade: exec",0 9,Hontiveros calls on China: Be honest about COVID-19 situation,8 3,"MANILA – Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula is set to wash the feet of 12 persons from several sectors of society including government, religious, and ordinary people among others in Manila on Maundy Thursday.",2 10,"130 flights, 20,000 passengers to be affected by May 17 airspace shutdown — MIAA",9 6,DSWD waiting for guidelines on 1-k ‘ayuda’ to address inflation,5 2,The Department of Agriculture–Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) on Thursday said that mitigating measures are in place to ensure enough fish supply as the country braces for the onset of El Niño.,1 7,Police tag 15 persons of interest in alleged hazing death of Adamson student,6 6,A bill seeking (Telcos) and internet service providers (ISPs) to provide automatic refund to subscribers who experience service interruptions has been filed in the Senate.,5 9,"90% of drowning victims from low, middle income countries —WHO",8 9,"Over 200,000 individuals died due to drowning in 2019, with more than 90% of the from low to middle countries including the Philippines, according to Maki Pulido’s “24 Oras” special report on Tuesday.",8 14,Marcos wants to talk West Philippine Sea with Xi Jinping,13 6,Senator Grace Poe has sought a Senate investigation into the power interruption plaguing Panay Island for years to identify measures that would ensure continuous supply to consumers.,5 15,"This lady solon is crazy about 'isaw', 'adidas'",14 9,"The Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM) on Monday said the number of pregnancies among 10 to 14-year-olds was still high in 2022 at more than 2,000.",8 2,"The printing of official ballots for the 2022 polls kicked off at around 7 pm on Thursday, January 20, at the National Printing Office in Quezon City, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) confirmed.",1 13,Czech Republic PM caps PH visit with wreath-laying at Rizal Monument,12 6,House Senior Deputy Speaker and former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has credited an unpopular law signed during her administration for the economic growth being enjoyed by the province of Capiz.,5 14,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine leader Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will meet with US President Joe Biden for the first time on the sidelines of the ongoing United Nations General Assembly in New York, according to an official and a source familiar with the plan.",13 10,Blended learning being implemented by some schools amid extreme heat --- DepEd,9 13,VP Sara slams ACT's 'unrealistic' demands amid NPA attacks,12 7,"The Sandiganbayan on Friday found former Bukidnon lawmaker Candido Pancrudo Jr. and two others guilty of multiple counts of graft, malversation of public funds, and malversation of public funds via falsification of public documents.",6 2,"Agri, fisheries state college in Basilan pushed",1 7,Hindi nanlaban: QC court acquits drug war survivor of direct assault,6 15,"CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Philippines – A teenager from Cagayan de Oro emerged as the champion in the of the 2022 Asian English Olympics (AEO).",14 14,"President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. spoke for the first time at the United Nations General Assembly during the high-level General Debate on Wednesday, September 21 (Tuesday, September 20, New York time).",13 6,SIM card registration figures still ‘far from the target’ says DICT,5 13,Boying Remulla is Marcos’ justice secretary,12 4,"DMW gets 7,500 emails from Saudi OFWs with unpaid wages",3 9,"The Philippines remains at low risk for COVID-19, though Metro Manila is already back to moderate risk as cases rise.",8 7,Sandigan denies ex-QC mayor Bautista’s plea to dismiss graft charge,6 7,"Aside from Rep Teves, 3 or more persons may be designated ‘terrorists’ – Sec Remulla",6 10,"MANILA, Philippines – The Marikina River reached third alarm at 12:29 am Monday, September 26, after its water level breached 18 meters due to Super Typhoon Karding (Noru).",9 7,63 Reds surrender in Mimaropa since January,6 6,"UST, other DPP schools shift to a new learning management system",5 5,"MANILA, Philippines – A Las Piñas court acquitted Juanito Jose Remulla III of an illegal drug possession charge on Friday, January 6, less than three months after a case was filed against him.",4 6,Climate Change Commission bats for Bicycle Act revival,5 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed lawyer Richard Paat Palpal-latoc, former Malacañang deputy executive secretary for legal affairs as new chairperson of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR).",12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – It’s a quick trip – a 48-hour one, in fact – but President Ferdinand Marcos Jr is pulling out all the stops in his first state visit to China from January 3 to 5.",12 7,BARMM top cop accused of estafa to be detained at Camp Crame,6 10,"MANILA – The country will experience warm weather with isolated rain showers caused by the easterlies or localized thunderstorms, a forecaster said Monday.",9 6,MANILA – The Senate unanimously adopted on Tuesday the resolution filed by Senator Grace Poe urging the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) to postpone the June 30 deadline on phasing out of traditional jeepneys as part of the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP).,5 13,Marcos visits father’s grave,12 14,UK eyes more trade opportunities with PH,13 6,"Albay Representative Edcel Lagman on Tuesday defended the Human Rights Defenders Protection Bill amid criticism from the government's anti-insurgency task force, which called it a ""grave, vicious, and insidious threat"" against democracy.",5 8,Marcos concerned over China's provocation in South China Sea,7 7,Draft report: File cases vs Duterte after his term for ‘condoning’ Pharmally,6 10,"MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Thursday, January 12, amid rain from a low pressure area and the shear line.",9 8,Entire Bayawan City police force sacked amid NegOr guv slay,7 1,"DND joins May 1 rites, hails workers as ‘backbone’ of PH economy",0 7,Sandigan affirms conviction of ex-Quezon town mayor,6 6,Duterte eyes including ‘culture of peace’ in DepEd curriculum,5 6,"MANILA, Philippines – With an unusually high number of votes, 301-6-1, the House of Representatives adopted on Monday, March 6, Resolution of Both Houses No. 6, which calls for a constitutional convention (Con-Con) to either amend or revise the 1987 Constitution.",5 10,Filipino evacuees fleeing Sudan fear for safety,9 2,DFA to reopen walk-in courtesy lanes in all PH consular offices on March 16,1 1,"MANILA – There is no need to ask for special powers to ease inflation, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Wednesday, noting that several interventions are already in place to manage the prices of",0 6,"Go Negosyo founder Joey Concepcion on Thursday, April 27, is prodding Congress to review the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL) to allow farmers to use agrarian lands as collateral to access loans from banks.",5 13,Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra on Wednesday said he will confirm the country’s possible disengagement from the International Criminal Court (ICC) with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.,12 7,MANILA – Former and present officials of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) refuted in a Senate hearing on Wednesday the alleged practice of paying 30 percent of confiscated illegal drugs as a reward to assets and informants.,6 13,Comelec to print 1.6M additional BSKE ballots next month,12 9,The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) expressed its concern as over one million children in the Philippines missed out their routine vaccine shots in 2021.,8 6,"Senator Grace Poe on Thursday urged the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to provide the public with a ""complete report"" on the backlogs of vehicle plates and license cards and to provide details on how it plans to address the problem.",5 13,"After 8 months, CPP confirms death of party leaders, the Tiamzons",12 14,MANILA – Philippine Army (PA) chief Lt. Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. said defense engagements between the PA and the US Army had been intensified.,13 9,"DBM chief: Better funding for cancer prevention, treatment needed",8 6,"Senate, House ratify bill writing off P57 billion in agrarian reform loans",5 1,Regional wage boards to decide on wage hike petitions: DOLE,0 6,House panel OKs bill revising IP Code to fight online piracy,5 10,What a New Year’s Day! Passengers recount chaos during NAIA outage,9 2,"Over 5,700 PH-trained nurses join UK healthcare registry",1 5,"MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives, in a rare move, suspended Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr., the Visayan lawmaker entangled in a string of controversies, including the killing of Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo.",4 1,MANILA – The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said Sunday that USD4.349 billion (about PHP239 billion) worth of investment projects under the Marcos administration are now in the implementation stage.,0 6,"Beginning April 15 this year, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) said it will set a limit on the rates that can be charged by driving schools.",5 12,"Greater participation, collaboration needed to equip PH graduates with higher learning outcomes --- group",11 6,The National Commission (NTC) on Wednesday said it is only implementing the law after a petition was filed asking the Supreme Court (SC) to declare the law on mandatory SIM registration unconstitutional.,5 7,"Canada, Netherlands, France call for accountability in Percy Lapid killing",6 7,"DOJ to charge Bantag, others over Percy Lapid’s death",6 13,UP governance receives criticism after UP Diliman chancellorship appointment,12 3,Manila Cathedral opens doors to Lenten pilgrims,2 2,MANILA – Civil Service Commission chairperson Karlo Nograles thanked the country’s nutrition workers and urged them to continue their noble tasks of providing nutrition services to the Filipino people as the country strives to build back better after the pandemic.,1 6,MANILA – A House of Representatives panel on Tuesday approved a measure seeking to promote and protect the rights of human rights defenders (HRDs).,5 15,"LOOK: Cong Frasco takes boys to Lakers game, gets photo with LeBron James",14 10,TF Balik Loob facilitates ‘reintegration’ of 10.6K former rebels,9 13,Robin flies to Israel for conferences on medical marijuana,12 7,MIAA GM Chiong on preventive suspension due to ‘anonymous’ complaint,6 13,IN NUMBERS: People we lost under Marcos in 2022,12 9,Cascolan to oversee COVID-19 vaccinations in the Visayas,8 14,"PH, Aussie militaries start planning for key defense engagement",13 6,"MANILA, Philippines – The bill creating the Bulacan Airport City Economic Zone and Freeport is one step closer to law after hurdling the Senate on Thursday, May 26.",5 13,"MANILA, Philippines – The controversial National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) held its first meeting under President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Friday, July 15.",12 9,‘Fire and Rescue Village’ opens in Bacoor City,8 13,BSKE bets may appeal rejected certificate of candidacies,12 6,Comelec moves COC filing for barangay polls to end-August after senator’s plea,5 13,"Disinformation and the red-tagging of Filipino opposition lawmakers “increased alarmingly” ahead of the May 2022 polls, according to the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR).   According to the APHR report, former Vice President Leni Robredo—main rival to now-President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. in the 2022 presidential election—was the “prime target of intensified disinformation and red-tagging in social media leading up to election day.”",12 15,"MANILA -- The Quiapo Church will be holding a motorcade and parade the image of the Black Nazarene on April 7, church officials announced Friday.",14 10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Wednesday, October 12, 2022",9 1,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. is still hopeful that his dream of P20 per kilo rice  true.",0 9,"Yolanda’s death toll was placed at more than 6,000, with many more missing. Thousands of families were displaced. One of the provinces it hit hardest was Leyte, which is represented by Romualdez.",8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Transportation named Vice Admiral Eduardo Fabricante as officer in charge of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) effective Friday, February 11.",12 10,MANILA – A low pressure area (LPA) is forecast to enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) Sunday night and likely to tropical depression after six days.,9 10,Mt. Kanlaon records highest sulfur dioxide emission for this year,9 14,Biden to meet Marcos during UN General Assembly,13 2,DSWD seeks LGUs’ help after chaotic education aid distribution,1 10,"#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Thursday, January 12, 2023",9 7,PNP: 36 senior police officials to undergo further evaluation by Napolcom,6 13,Marcos to hold ‘very casual’ meeting with UK prime minister in London,12 7,"A former radio disc jockey (DJ) has been arrested in Iloilo City for allegedly blackmailing a female call center agent to have sex with him, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) said on Monday, May 2.",6 7,Supreme Court grants DOJ request to transfer Degamo slay cases to Manila court,6 2,Philippines approves revival of nuclear power to help replace coal,1 5,CSC issues rule on authority to dismiss 'defective' administrative cases,4 6,"Senator Grace Poe on Thursday proposed the use of the Motor Vehicle Users' Charge (MVUC) fund as additional equity subsidy for the government's Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) Modernization Program, saying its current purpose is already ""redundant.""",5 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Presidential candidate and Partido Lakas ng Masa bet Leody de Guzman has released his campaign jingle which seeks to convince voters to choose a labor leader to be their next chief executive.",12 7,NBI seeks to file murder raps vs. Arnie Teves by next week —Remulla,6 7,Suspect in slay of Maguindanao police chief killed in operation,6 11,"Malacañang will open its doors to new performing artists in the country by staging ""Konsyerto sa Palasyo""—a series of concerts inside the Palace.",10 7,PNP: May 1 activities generally peaceful,6 7,"Most of the high-ranking Philippine National Police (PNP) officials who are allegedly linked to the illegal drug trade were among those who have submitted their courtesy resignations, PNP chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said Monday.",6 14,"MANILA – The Philippines and the United States are “naturally drawn to each other"" and are bonded by shared values to mutual prosperity, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Thursday (Friday in Manila).",13 7,"MANILA – Lawyer Renan Oliva, National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Central Visayas chief, on Wednesday told the Senate Committee on Public Order and Illegal Drugs that Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo Teves threatened to file criminal charges against him and his men should they continue to raid e-sabong operations in Cebu.",6 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine government on Tuesday, August 2, urged the United States and China to continue dialogue as US Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan this week, drawing the prospect of increased tensions between the two powers.",13 6,"DOJ, UPPAF sign MOU for competition reform",5 2,The Department of Tourism (DOT) has announced that it will give P2 million to each of the oil spill-affected local government units (LGUs) as funding for their qualified tourism-related projects through the Tourism Infrastructure and Economic Zone Authority (TIEZA).,1 7,ICC prosecutors urge dismissal of Philippine appeal to suspend reopened drug war probe,6 7,PNP fast-tracking probe in alleged database leak,6 13,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has appointed Bienvenido Rubio as the new head of the Bureau of Customs (BOC), Malacañang announced on Friday.",12 14,"US, SoKor boost PH climate change programs",13 7,Police release wanted poster of six suspects behind missing ‘sabungeros’ in Manila Arena,6 9,Mindoro oil spill moving north through Verde Island passage —PhilSA,8 6,DepEd to revive private schools bureau,5 14,"MANILA – The Japanese government is sending a disaster relief team to help the Philippines contain a rapidly spreading oil spill in Oriental Mindoro province, the Japanese Embassy in Manila confirmed Wednesday.",13 14,"MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to fly for another state visit in 2023 – this time to France, according to the European nation’s ambassador to the Philippines.",13 1,MANILA – The chair of the House Ways and Means Committee on Monday said the proposed value added tax (VAT) refund mechanism for foreign tourists is expected to increase annual tourist expenditures on shopping from PHP59 billion to PHP69.2 billion.,0 10,"There is a slim chance of a tropical cyclone forming within the country’s area of responsibility until the end of the month, a weather specialist of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Monday, April 24.",9 14,80% of eligible PH products to benefit from UK’s new trade scheme,13 7,"MANILA, Philippines – A of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has won his five-year-old dismissal case, following the latest decision of the Supreme Court (SC) on June 6.",6 10,"MANILA – Employees in the private sector who will render work on April 6 (Maundy Thursday), April 7 (Good Friday), and April 10 (Araw ng Kagitingan), all regular holidays, are entitled to receive 200 percent of their daily salary.",9 1,"Maharlika fund seed capital to shrink after BSP replaces SSS, GSIS",0 14,PCG welcomes int'l support in WPS dispute,13 13,"MANILA – The Philippines is heading in the right direction toward achieving its goal of sustaining its growth momentum, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has said.",12 14,MANILA – The Philippine News Agency has formally signed on Friday a news cooperation agreement with state-owned Sputnik International News Media.,13 13,A respected veteran congressman has described Speaker Martin Romualdez one of the most hardworking leaders the House of Representatives has ever seen.,12 2,23M national IDs issued so far — PhilSys,1 7,Remulla: DOJ also seeks to designate 3 to 5 of Teves’ allies as terrorists,6 7,"Sandiganbayan convicts Sajid Ampatuan of graft over ghost projects, orders his arrest",6 13,"Comelec eyes filing of COC for barangay, SK elections in first week of July",12 10,LIVESTREAM: Announcement of 2022 Bar Exam results,9 15,Naga College Foundation grad tops April 2023 Criminologists Licensure exam,14 8,"US, Philippines agree to complete security assistance roadmap in 5 to 10 years, says US Defense Secretary",7 13,Sen. Imee Marcos calls ICC 'a caricature' of int'l justice,12 13,The promise – and limits – of Marcos’ SONA push to write off agrarian reform beneficiaries’ debt,12 5,DOJ prosecutors indict Teves’ bodyguard over Degamo killing,4 7,The alleged driver of the grey AUV that carried the body of hazing victim John Matthew Salilig before it was buried was found dead on Tuesday.,6 3,MANILA – The social action and humanitarian arm of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) urged the faithful to take time to do charity works aside from joining traditional religious activities during the Holy Week.,2 12,PhilHealth employees lauded for record net satisfaction ratings,11 8,"AFP to highlight modern weapon systems, doctrines in 'Balikatan'",7 10,MANILA – The Quezon City government is putting in place several action plans to and students that may be affected by the planned transport strike scheduled to start on Monday.,9 12,BOSES NG KALYE: What Iliganons look for in a president,11 10,"Schools may suspend face-to-face classes and shift to modular distance learning due to extreme heat and power outages experienced in several parts of the country, the Department of Education (DepEd) reminded school heads on Sunday.",9 8,"PH, US forces hold amphibious raid exercise in Palawan",7 8,Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos Jr. ordered the  local government units (LGUs) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) to prepare for possible any untoward incident relating to  May 1 Labor Day rallies.,7 15,"The remains of late and former Foreign Affairs chief Albert del Rosario arrived in the Philippines on Saturday, his family said.",14 10,IN PHOTOS: Mayors officiate mass weddings across the Philippines,9 9,"Scientists from the University of the Philippines (UP) are conducting a ""first-of-its-kind multidisciplinary study"" on the chemical, physical, and psychological effects of ""rugby"" on those who abuse its intended use.",8 7,"BOC seizes 18 containers of onions misdeclared as pizza dough, fishballs",6 10,DPWH: Resettlement plan in place for families to be displaced by Bataan-Cavite bridge project,9 1,"MANILA – Around PHP6.39 billion of the PHP5.268-trillion national budget for 2023 will be used to improve the country's tourism sector, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) said Wednesday.",0 6,Bicam approves final version of Cultural Mapping Bill,5 14,"Marcos wants VFA with Japan ‘if it will protect PH fishermen, maritime territory’",13 15,"‘Amihan’ brings light rains over Luzon, Western Visayas",14 6,Go upbeat over Moderna’s setting up of vaxx facility in PH; renews push for a virology institute in the country,5 13,Parang na-estafa sila': Alvarez slams plan to tweak MUP pension system,12 2,Marcos wants to make DA operations more ‘high-tech’,1 7,PNP general denies involvement in ‘cover-up’ of P6.7B Manila ‘shabu’ haul,6 14,Rodriguez calls China a 'frenemy'; says even Digong got fed up,13 9,"MANILA, Philippines – Oil tanker MT Princess Empress, which sank off the coast of Oriental Mindoro with 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil on February 28, had no updated permit to operate, a Senate inquiry into the disaster unearthed on Tuesday, March 14.",8 12,"Most Filipinos trust, approve Marcos, Duterte – Octa survey",11 6,Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Thursday appealed to the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to provide in advance the honoraria for teachers who will render services for the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE).,5 12,"MANILA, Philippines – Most Filipinos believe pre-election surveys are “good for the country,” according to surveys done by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) over the past 20 years.",11 4,"Zubiri: Senate to pursue wage hike, other laws advancing Filipino workers' rights",3 5,The Supreme Court (SC) has declared final its 2022 decision that nullified as unconstitutional the five per cent franchise tax on the gross bets from the operations of the Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs).,4 14,"MANILA – As the Philippines and Czechia Republic celebrate the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations this year, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said on Monday the two countries will further strengthen defense and economic ties.",13 13,"President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Wednesday said the recent Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey that gave him a “very good” rating was “encouraging.""",12 15,"A pioneer of marine biodiversity and marine conservation, Dr. Angel Chua Alcala, has died on Wednesday at the age of 93, Silliman University (SU) announced.",14 6,Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla has issued a department circular ordering the reduction of bail bonds for indigent Filipinos facing charges.,5 9,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines further relaxed COVID-19 pandemic restrictions by allowing all establishments to operate on full capacity as long as they are in places under Alert Level 1, a category that indicates low level of virus transmission and a hospital system that has plenty of room for coronavirus patients.",8 15,"(Editor’s Note: This article was first published on August 23, 2022.)",14 7,Senate Deputy Minority Leader Risa Hontiveros on Tuesday urged the Senate to investigate the February 9 arrival of 260 20-foot containers of sugar from Thailand.,6 7,Abalos to Azurin: The video in itself is a statement of what transpired,6 8,"Fewer Chinese vessels in and around Pag-asa Island, Sabina Shoal –PCG",7 14,Marcos wants to revitalize 'dormant' PH-Japan biz partnerships,13 9,MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) has detected 56 new cases of the highly transmissible Omicron subvariants.,8 13,"Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on Monday, April 17, went to Masbate to check on students in seven public schools, where onsite classes were disrupted by clashes between security forces rebels.",12 12,Only 38% want local language as medium of instruction for Grades 1-3 – Pulse Asia,11 5,Marikina City Representative Stella Quimbo said Saturday that amending the 1987 Constitution would be “necessary but not sufficient” to curb corruption in the country.,4 11,"Moon has not been sighted, Eid'l Fitr to be celebrated on April 22",10 10,Most of PH may receive ‘below-normal’ rainfall by October — PAGASA,9 13,Bantag suspended: Aquino-time AFP chief Catapang is new BuCor chief,12 13,Palace bares promotion of ranks in PCG,12 14,"ON BOARD PRESIDENTIAL PLANE – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Sunday, April 30, that China has yet to form its team for mechanism to avoid misunderstandings in the West Philippine Sea.",13 15,"A total of 100,471 student applicants will take the University of the Philippines (UP) entrance exam on June 3 and 4 in over a hundred nationwide testing centers.",14 2,"Palace announces latest appointments in LWUA, OP",1 14,MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Wednesday renewed the Philippines’ “strong and sincere” friendship with Malaysia.,13 2,The Masungi Georeserve Foundation on Thursday the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor)’s plan to postpone transferring its headquarters in the georeserve in Rizal.,1 7,Hontiveros floats possible charges vs. Panganiban over alleged 'government-sponsored' sugar smuggling,6 8,Military dogs showcase skills in Balikatan training,7 15,"MANILA – Fair weather will prevail across the country over the next three days, the weather bureau said Thursday. The ridge of a high pressure area continues to extend over Northern and Central Luzon, causing warm weather and slim chance of rains, weather forecaster Patrick Del Mundo of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said. The rest of the country will experience warm and humid weather, but localized thunderstorms are likely in the afternoon or evening, he said. A tropical cyclone inside the Philippine Area of Responsibility is unlikely in the next few days. Meanwhile, light to moderate winds and slight to moderate seas continue to prevail over the entire archipelago.",14 9,MANILA – Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman is pushing for additional funding to finance programs aimed at preventing and controlling cancer in the country.,8 9,Positivity rate in NCR may rise as high as 25%: OCTA,8 7,"MANILA - The Biñan Police on Thursday presented to Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors the primary persons of interest in the death of John Matthew Salilig, the 24-year-old Adamson University engineering student who was found dead after allegedly undergoing fraternity initiation rites.",6 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Senator Risa Hontiveros said that the preventive suspension of 33 government executives involved in the Pharmally controversy was a “partial vindication” for the public.",12 15,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine government worker Mary Grace Burgos, 24, had several cute dates lined up for on Valentine’s Day with one thing they were all dogs up for adoption.",14 10,"MANILA, Philippines – What was supposed to be a pleasant ride back home for many Filipinos turned into a nightmare after a power outage put flights to and from the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) on hold on Sunday, January 1.",9 14,"Amid tension in region, PH, US open largest Balikatan exercise",13 9,The Philippines – where 1 in 4 adults are smokers and the smoking quit rate is a measly 4 percent – can learn from the experience of Japan where the use of heated tobacco products has led to drastically reduced smoking rates.,8 7,"MANILA – The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) on Thursday destroyed more than 720 kilograms of dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals (CPECs) worth PHP4.1 billion at the Integrated Waste Management, Inc. (IWMI) facility in Trece Martires City, Cavite.",6 1,P50-M allocated to relocate posts obstructing gov’t projects,0 9,MANILA – Administration of Covid-19 booster shots to children aged five to 11 years old is still not,8 5,Vic Rodriguez attends sugar fiasco probe after Senate subpoenas him,4 6,Ombudsman probes DOLE’s cash-for-work program,5 9,"The COVID-19 positivity rate in the National Capital Region (NCR) climbed to 19.7% as of May 2, according to independent monitoring group OCTA Research on Wednesday.",8 15,"A ticket bought in Santiago, Agusan del Norte yielded a new Super Lotto 6/49 millionaire in the 9 p.m. draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) on Thursday, April 13.",14 13,WATCH: Departure honors for President Rodrigo Duterte,12 13,"PBBM can produce 'superior' version of PNoy's El Niño response plan, says House leader",12 2,"Senator Alan bats for regular employment status, better pay for BHWs",1 9,The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) batted for a more holistic and cohesive mental health programs in public schools due to alarming rate of mental health-related incidents among the youth.,8 7,"Shabu worth P6.7 billion that were seized from now-dismissed Police Master Sergeant Rodolfo Mayo in 2022 have been destroyed, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Tuesday.",6 2,Ship builder willing to work with gov't to boost local industry,1 2,PBBM: ASEAN must address brain drain in healthcare sector,1 8,"MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN) on Wednesday announced that the missile frigate BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), one of its most advanced and capable ships, has been deployed to patrol the Philippine Rise (formerly Benham Rise) off the coast of Aurora.",7 7,DOJ Secretary Boying Remulla’s son charged for alleged possession of drugs,6 10,"The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced on Wednesday, April 19, that 581 out of 1,328 passed the April 2023 Real Estate Brokers Licensure Examination.",9 12,"MANILA, Philippines –  Netizens were quick to slam the National Communications Commission’s (NTC) decision to grant billionaire Manny Villar with the frequencies previously assigned to broadcast giant ABS-CBN.",11 7,"MANILA – Authorities discovered PHP3.4 million worth of shabu in a parcel in Pasay City and arrested its claimant, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) reported on Friday.",6 13,"MANILA, Philippines — Former Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte said he would “face the music” and “rot in prison” after the International Criminal Court (ICC) rejected an appeal to postpone its probe into his bloody war on drugs.",12 4,Groups call for more priority on gender issues after Marcos’ first SONA,3 14,Marcos says strong US-PH ties ‘as important as they have ever been’,13 7,Degamo's widow files petition seeking Teves' expulsion from Congress,6 7,"BOC finds P102-M smuggled onions, sugar from China",6 10,"Marcos: Bataan-Cavite bridge to decongest Metro Manila, generate savings",9 15,House and lot packages won by 5 Labor Day raffle winners,14 7,Authorities on Friday raided two more properties allegedly owned by Negros Oriental third district Representative Arnolfo Teves’ relatives.,6 2,"Over 77,000 PNP personnel to be deployed for summer holidays",1 5,The House constitutional on Monday approved the bill report of Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) No. 6 providing for the formation of a hybrid constitutional convention (con-con) to amend the 1987 Constitution.,4 7,The camp of suspended Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. on Tuesday said they are ready to face possible cases against the lawmaker in relation to the assassination of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 9,"The country’s COVID-19 positivity rate increased to 14.3% on Friday, according to the independent monitoring group OCTA Research.",8 10,"MANILA – The current administration is working hard to improve and modernize the country’s transportation system, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Friday, noting that “important” infrastructure projects are being pursued to reinvigorate the Philippine economy.",9 14,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. will represent President Rodrigo Duterte at an summit in May to be hosted by the United States with leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).",13 8,PNP prioritizes deployment of cops to crime-prone barangays,7 6,Issues raised vs bills seeking to criminalize fake news,5 14,"China is expecting that the visit of its state councilor and foreign minister, Qin Gang, to the Philippines will improve between the two countries amid different views on the South China Sea.",13 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Raffy Tulfo, a broadcast journalist who will soon senator after winning the 2022 elections, defended presumptive President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s treatment of critical media – even as he agreed that journalists have the right to probe into, and write about abuses and controversies involving public officials.",12 7,Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos cites the recent number of illegal drugs confiscated by the Philippine National Police (PNP) in its efforts to go after syndicates and not just small suspects.,6 8,"AFP won’t tolerate ‘scalawags, misfits’ in ranks",7 10,"MANILA, Philippines – Almost two weeks after MT Princess Empress sank off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said they are still dealing with a Tier 2 oil spill.",9 9,"Frasco: Puerto Galera remains unaffected by oil spill, continues to open for tourists worldwide",8 9,"DOH logs 368 new COVID-19 cases; active tally climbs to 9,330",8 7,BI to deport two Korean fugitives,6 7,One of the persons of interest in the alleged hazing of Adamson student John Matthew Salilig on Wednesday surrendered to the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).,6 7,MANILA – A Japanese national wanted by authorities in Tokyo for involvement in financial fraud was arrested by Bureau of Immigration (BI) agents in Pasay City.,6 5,The Court of Appeals (CA) has declared final its 2022 decision that denied the plea of detained former Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Gov. Datu Zaldy Ampatuan for transfer to a hospital or other medical facility.,4 9,"The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday monitored an increase in COVID-19 cases in the country with 150 new infections, bringing the active tally to 9,269.",8 6,"MANILA – The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved on the third and final reading a measure implementing Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) No. 6, which calls for a hybrid constitutional convention (con-con) to propose amendments to the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution.",5 8,Marines unit gets glimpse of PN’s missile frigate capabilities,7 14,Czech Republic PM says his visit can be a ‘new start’ for business ties with PH,13 6,"House Senior Deputy Minority Leader Paul Daza on Monday called on the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to review the nursing curriculum and related processes to address the low board passing rate of nurses, among others.",5 14,"MANILA – The United States Embassy in Manila said a USD24-million airstrip extension and rehabilitation project will break ground at the Cesar Basa Air Base in Floridablanca, Pampanga on March 20.",13 14,"In dealing with ‘friend’ China, Marcos will set aside Hague win and US treaty",13 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Rodolfo Azurin Jr. denied any attempt to cover up the P6.7-billion worth of shabu seized in Tondo in 2022, as he warned his boss against people “feeding him wrong information.”",6 13,PBBM: EDCA sites won’t be used for ‘offensive’ operations,12 12,Cagayan de Oro City 2nd district Rep. Rufus Rodriguez believes that more and more Filipinos are now realizing the need to amend the 1987 Constitution through Charter change (Cha-cha).,11 14,"MANILA, Philippines – Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian visited the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Thursday, June 2 – only days after the Philippines filed another diplomatic protest against China for its unilateral imposition of a fishing ban in the South China Sea.",13 9,DA preparing for possible El Niño effects — exec,8 8,"MANILA – A total of 63 members of the Communist Party of the Philippines - New People's Army (CPP-NPA) have surrendered to different police units in Mimaropa from January to April 11 this year, according to Brig. Gen. Joel Doria, director of the Police Regional Office (PRO) 4B, on Wednesday.",7 10,COVID-19 pandemic: Latest situation in the Philippines – March 2022,9 6,Magna Carta for seafarers hurdles House on final reading,5 15,The Senate honored the winners of the Ten Youth Organizations (TAYO) Awards for 2022 on Tuesday.,14 6,"Congress to adjust, simplify K-12 curriculum, says Romulo",5 13,PBBM greets Duterte happy birthday; vows to continue his programs,12 13,VP Duterte visits 7 Masbate schools after rebel attacks,12 5,Court of Appeals denies Maria Ressa’s appeal in cyber libel case,4 7,"The Bureau of Customs (BOC) on Monday said it has discovered P150 million worth of suspected smuggled agricultural products in six warehouses across Metro Manila, which have since been padlocked by the agency.",6 5,"SC approves Code of Professional Responsibility, Accountability",4 10,Ateneo wins world’s largest debate tournament,9 5,QC court denies NTC’s appeal to set aside order to unblock Bulatlat’s website,4 7,Strict law enforcement pushed to curb incidence of crimes,6 10,"Rollout of eTravel system smooth, BI says",9 2,PNP creates 2 new provincial offices in BARMM,1 13,PBBM vows long-term rehab of Oriental Mindoro,12 1,More entrepreneurs from across the country will be able to obtain free mentoring for their online businesses as Go Negosyo's 3M on Wheels continues to expand.,0 5,"Government lawyers have asked the Court of Appeals (CA) to reconsider its Aug. 16, 2022 decision that nullified the termination of the provisional authority and lifted the cease-and-desist order issued by the National Commission (NTC) against News and Entertainment Network Corporation, Inc. (NEWSNET), an affiliate of NOW Corporation and NOW",4 7,MANILA – Senator Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa on Thursday said at least five possible legislative measures and four policy reforms should be made based on the last three Senate inquiries into the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.,6 6,"The Bureau of Immigration (BI) said Sunday that they were not requiring travelers to present their yearbooks, graduation photos, and even diplomas before they proceed with their flight overseas.",5 13,Marcos EO ‘streamlines’ Office of the President,12 13,Veteran election lawyer George Garcia named Comelec chairman,12 8,"MANILA – Weapon platforms and systems of participating US and Philippines military forces literally fired one after another and battered and sunk the World War II corvette, BRP Pangasinan (PS-31), joint littoral-live fire (CJLLF) exercise held in San Antonio, Zambales on Wednesday.",7 7,House to intensify fight vs. bulk cash smuggling,6 2,MANILA – Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rex Gatchalian is planning to revitalize the Social Welfare Development Center for Asia and the Pacific (SWADCAP) as an academy that will offer short-term courses and certificate programs to further equip and train the social service workforce.,1 14,Malaysia PM Anwar arrives in Philippines for official visit,13 6,"MANILA -- Fourteen measures passed by the Senate are now up for the approval of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., with six more approved on third and final reading before the chamber adjourned for the Lenten break, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri said Thursday",5 14,MANILA – Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Thursday pledged to provide 600 billion yen (USD4.6 billion) in official development assistance (ODA) and private-sector investment to support the Philippines’ economic development plan to an upper country by 2025. Kishida made the announcement in a joint press conference with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. after witnessing the signing of seven bilateral documents and agreements between the two countries at the Prime Minister’s Office in Tokyo.,13 4,Countries urge Marcos gov’t to fix human rights crisis left by Duterte,3 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Survey-leading presidential aspirants, except for front-runner Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., faced their tough first interview with GMA News anchor Jessica Soho in a three-hour program that aired on Saturday, January 22.",12 2,DepEd targets 28.6 million enrollees for school year 2022-2023,1 5,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has issued Executive Order (EO) 16 reorganizing the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) to rationalize and consolidate the functions of arm of the executive branch, including the Office of the President (OP), effective immediately.",4 6,"MANILA – With a unanimous 300 votes, the House of Representatives on Tuesday approved on third and final reading the measure seeking to institutionalize the automatic classification of provinces, cities, and municipalities to boost the operation of local government units (LGUs), and bring about much-needed socio-economic benefits to local government personnel.",5 13,Palace bares new set of appointees in gov't agencies,12 14,"DMW creates task force, command center to monitor OFWs in Türkiye",13 3,"Marcos declares April 21, 2023 a holiday for Eid’l Fitr",2 9,The Department of Health (DOH) warned the public against heat stroke as such illness is possible at this time amid the hot weather this dry season.,8 2,Farmers will suffer if seized sugar given for free -- Palace,1 9,"The Philippines logged 1,102 new COVID-19 cases from January 30 to February 5, 2023, the latest Department of Health bulletin has indicated.",8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Secretary Rex Gatchalian is a man on a mission.",12 2,The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) stated that it has finished the expansion of a part of the Metro Iloilo Radial Road (R-4 Bypass Road) in Leganes municipality that will ease traffic congestion and access to the nearby municipalities in Central Iloilo.,1 7,"CIDG nabs Teves' secretary, 5 others in search warrant ops",6 9,"MANILA, Philippines – After a record-breaking surge in infections driven by the highly transmissible Omicron variant, the entire Philippines is back to moderate risk case classification for COVID-19, Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said on Wednesday, February 2.",8 9,"There's no need to fear the 19% increase in the number of new COVID-19 infections recorded the past week, Department of Health officer in charge Dr. Ma. Rosario Vergeire said on Tuesday.",8 14,"MANILA, Philippines – Despite disagreements in the West Philippine Sea, the Department of National Defense (DND) said on Friday, January 21, China has donated over a billion pesos worth of equipment to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).",13 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Eleven days before her term begins, vice president-elect Sara Duterte will be sworn into office during a ceremony and concert in her hometown, Davao City.",12 9,"26 Puerto Galera areas positive for oil, grease contaminants –DOH",8 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Why did his uncle’s long-time aide get a plum diplomatic post? Simple – she asked for it, according to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.",12 13,Romualdez: Zubiri says he ‘will keep open mind’ on Cha-cha,12 3,Vice President Sara Duterte on Tuesday called on newlyweds and soon-to-be parents to conduct family planning sessions and practice responsible parenthood for the welfare of their children.,2 8,"AFP: March 1-9 ops neutralize 53 Reds, local terrorists",7 1,Zubiri: Economic growth should translate to higher wages,0 10,Malay cops go green with the use of 6 e-trikes in Boracay police patrol,9 1,CHED says no misuse of P10-billion fund,0 12,Sara Duterte’s push for mandatory military service shows ‘true militarist nature’ – groups,11 9,Senior citizen with no travel history PH’s first XBF case,8 10,CAAP shortens May 17 air traffic management system maintenance to 2 hours,9 8,"MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Wednesday the four new additional Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites will be located in the northern and southern parts of the country, and Palawan.",7 9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday advised the public to take precautions against water-borne diseases amid supply issues and the dry season.,8 9,"DOH records 437 new COVID-19 cases; active tally rises to 9,480",8 8,"The Philippines and the United States will this year carry out their biggest joint military drills since 2015, Manila's army chief said on Wednesday, against a backdrop of growing tensions with China in the South China Sea.",7 10,Reconstructed Pampanga steel flyover reopens to light vehicles,9 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Key aides who worked for President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s campaign are now part of the Presidential Communications Office (PCO), following an executive order that restructured and streamlined the agency.",12 9,Philippines back to ‘moderate risk’ for COVID-19 – DOH,8 6,Azurin: Advisory body to finish vetting process before April 24,5 5,Former Oriental Mindoro Rep. Rodolfo G. Valencia lost anew his bid to dismiss his graft and malversation of public funds charges even before the presentation of his rebuttal evidence.,4 12,"MANILA, Philippines – Progressive youth groups on Tuesday, July 26 slammed President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s push to make the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) and the National Service Training Program (NSTP) mandatory for senior high school programs (grades 11 and 12).",11 7,".2nd arrest order for murder issued by trial court vs Bantag, Zulueta for death of broadcaster Percy Lapid",6 13,Marcos appoints ex-PNP chief Cascolan as DOH undersecretary,12 13,‘Wish ko lang’: Binay hopes to see a more assertive PBBM in 2nd SONA,12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – A little over two months after he was sworn in as president, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. made his first trips abroad as head of state.",12 5,MANILA – The Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) turned down the petition filed by the Pasig City government seeking to collect local business taxes amounting to more than PHP1 billion from the Manila Electric Company (Meralco).,4 2,The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has created a task force to fast track and streamline the approval and evaluation of COVID-19 drugs in the country.,1 7,5th Degamo slay suspect vows to ‘spill the beans’,6 13,Guanzon's dare to admin loyalists working abroad: Come back home to PH,12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. chose a political scientist as national security adviser (NSA), a post typically given to former military officers.",12 14,"MANILA, Philippines – A 21-minute speech, meetings with world leaders and business leaders, a gathering of Filipinos, and short chitchat at the New York Stock Exchange.",13 6,Two senators have expressed support to President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.’s plan to bring back the mandatory use of face mask amid the recent rise of Covid-19 cases in the country.,5 7,"Heads should roll, solon says of Basilan ferry fire",6 4,5 women in Top 10 of PNPA Class 2023,3 12,"A group of education workers on Thursday, April 27, reiterated its call to scrap the K to 12 program and pushed for a basic education curriculum that would address the learning crisis in the country.",11 13,Nancy Binay wants to see Marcos' ‘aggressive’ side in his second year in office,12 2,"The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) stated that the construction of a public market in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya has provided a huge support to small and independent businesses in the area.",1 13,Marcos sticks to P20/kilo rice promise: ‘It’s really the goal’,12 7,MANILA – Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla on Thursday said the legal process to formally designate Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo Teves as a fugitive terrorist has been initiated as he criticizes the latter’s refusal to return to the country and face accusations of his involvement in a series of high profile murders.,6 9,MANILA – The country’s positivity rate or the number of persons testing positive for the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) went up to 8.5 percent as of April 19.,8 8,Marcos says new military bases with US to be ‘scattered’ around PH,7 7,"The suspects in the ambush that killed Aparri, Cagayan Vice Mayor Rommel Alameda and five others in Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya were reportedly wearing police uniforms, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Monday.",6 10,A faster and more convenient immigration procedure via e-Travel System will be implemented by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) starting April 15.,9 10,What to keep in mind about the single ticketing system in Metro Manila,9 7,9 Vietnamese citizens working in spas sans medical permits nabbed,6 9,Over 100 students in Laguna school hospitalized due to dehydration after fire drill,8 13,The director of the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) in the National Capital Region on Monday denied signing an amended Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) which covered the MT Princess Empress.,12 13,"MANILA, Philippines – Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu has resigned due to health reasons, Malacañang confirmed on Friday, February 18.",12 9,"The public should avoid self-medication if they experience symptoms of sore eyes, an official of the Department of Health (DOH) said.",8 15,Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana faints during Independence Day rites,14 2,"Cancer now treatable, but more gov’t funds needed for testing - oncology specialist",1 7,"MANILA, Philippines – Doctors “doctored” or falsified death certificates in Duterte’s drug war, forensic expert Raquel Fortun said on Tuesday, April 12, as she presented initial findings on her probe into exhumed remains of drug war victims.",6 13,"Government efforts would be for nothing if the public would not benefit from it, President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. said Monday.",12 5,"Undue delay: SC junks graft raps vs. Enrile, others over alleged coco levy use",4 10,Several travelers who spent the Holy Week break in the provinces have started to return home through the Batangas Port as they seek to avoid the influx of passengers during the last day of the extended weekend.,9 7,Makati shuts down Smart's HQ due to unpaid taxes,6 7,The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the National Prosecution Service (NPS) have been ordered to probe for case build-up on the killing of a union organizer for employees in the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry.,6 3,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. on Friday wished that the entire Filipino would sustain the learnings they had during the observance of the holy month of Ramadan.",2 13,Marcos vows to improve PH agri sector,12 6,"MANILA, Philippines – Senators in the 19th Congress are not keen on tackling proposals to amend the 1987 Constitution, with Senate president Juan Miguel Zubiri saying the chamber would rather focus on economic and health bills in the next 12 months.",5 7,"MANILA – The Presidential Communications Office (PCO) will not tolerate fake news, its top official said Wednesday.",6 2,"MANILA – A total of 4,728 job applicants were hired on the spot (HOTS) during Monday's simultaneous Labor Day job fairs.",1 8,VP Sara orders DepEd to coordinate with PNP for security,7 4,"MANILA – All local government units (LGUs) must establish at least one Inclusive Learning Resource Center (ILRC) in their cities and municipalities, as stated under Republic Act No. 11650 or Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and Services for Learners with Disabilities in Support of Inclusive Education Act.",3 10,Almost 100K people affected by oil spill in Oriental Mindoro —gov,9 6,The House of Representatives  on Wednesday approved on second reading a bill providing protection to freelancers or those who accept work on a per-project basis.,5 13,"MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte has appointed Malacañang undersecretary Jennifer Ong and former Napoles lawyer and erstwhile Bureau of Internal Revenue executive Lanee Cui-David Court of Appeals (CA) and Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) associate justices, respectively.",12 6,"Solon proposes motor taxis legalization, regulation",5 8,Incidents of harassment in South China Sea frequent: DFA chief,7 9,"EcoWaste warns public of unauthorized, reef-toxic sunscreens",8 7,"MANILA, Philippines – No dice. The Sandiganbayan Seventh Division, in a November 15, 2022 resolution, denied attempts by plunder convict Janet Napoles, former Oriental Mindoro representative and governor Rodolfo Valencia, and several other officials to block evidence submitted by the prosecution against them.",6 7,"Police nabbed a former construction foreman in Novaliches, Quezon City after attempting to rob a gas station he was previously contracted to renovate.",6 9,MANILA – The geographic situation in Palawan poses a great challenge for the Department of Health (DOH) as it aims to achieve a malaria-free Philippines by 2030.,8 2,4.7K applicants hired on the spot in Labor Day job fairs: DOLE,1 4,MANILA – The Employers’ Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) has appealed to both the government and striking transport groups to negotiate for a mutually-acceptable solution to the public utility vehicle (PUV) modernization issue.,3 6,Occupancy permit should be renewed periodically: Tolentino,5 5,Walden Bello asks court to suspend proceedings of cyber libel case,4 7,"MANILA, Philippines – A former police officer, who was among the cops tagged in the Dacer-Corbito murder case and has been in hiding for over two decades, was arrested by law enforcers in Bulacan.",6 5,"MANILA, Philippines – The Supreme Court (SC) ruled that the Land Transportation Office’s (LTO) use of P341.7 million in unspent funds to purchase driver’s license cards is constitutional.",4 10,"Warm, humid weather in most parts of PH until next week  — PAGASA",9 15,UPCAT is back,14 14,"MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines has requested Indonesia to pardon jailed Filipino Mary Jane Veloso, who has been incarcerated since 2010 over drug trafficking charges.",13 15,"Jimmy Tadeo, peasant leader and 1987 Constitution framer, dies",14 14,US shouldn't use PH as staging area for war--Robin,13 14,MANILA – The visit of Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles to the Philippines highlights the two to enhancing their defense relations.,13 5,MANILA – A resolution calling for a constitutional convention (ConCon) to amend the 1987 Constitution level at the House of Representatives.,4 13,"DOTR, DICT sign pact to establish integrated e-governance system",12 9,The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday said COVID-19 cases in all areas of the country have recently started plateauing.,8 13,Bantag wants DOJ to distance from Percy Lapid case,12 7,MANILA – Anti-narcotics operatives of the Southern Police District (SPD) have seized PHP6.8 million worth of shabu from two Chinese nationals and their female cohort in a sting operation in Taguig City on Monday night.,6 9,Solante urges 2nd booster vaxx to maintain wall of immunity vs. COVID-19,8 13,Malacañang has formally accepted the resignation of Rolen C. Paulino as chairman and administrator of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA).,12 2,"Wanted in Japan: Pinoy nurses, skilled workers",1 7,DOJ says strict departure formalities to protect Filipinos vs. human trafficking,6 14,Manila’s top diplomat to the United States Jose Manuel Romualdez on Monday said the planned meeting between President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and US President Joe Biden in Washington this year may be firmed up next month.,13 2,Bill promotes innovative agri methods to strengthen food security,1 6,"The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and the National Commission (NTC) ought to go ""full blast"" after Holy Week on its campaign to remind Filipinos to have their SIM cards registered before the April 26 deadline.",5 13,Rex Gatchalian says LGU experience prepared him to head DSWD,12 14,China urges Philippines to ‘eliminate interference’ in ties,13 6,"MANILA – A bill seeking to institutionalize teaching supply allowances for public school teachers nationwide to promote and improve the economic status of teachers, and assist them in providing quality education to their students is now pending for second reading after being introduced at the Senate plenary on Tuesday.",5 6,Senate panel submits to Palace recommendation banning POGOs in PH,5 4,"MANILA -- Senator Raffy Tulfo has filed a measure mandating the installation of audible traffic signs with push buttons for the benefit of persons with disabilities (PWDs), elderly and pregnant women.",3 1,"MANILA – The PHP646.06 billion allocated for some of the national government’s major social programs and services this year would help temper inflation, Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah Pangandaman said on Tuesday.",0 7,DOJ eyes deportation of Japanese fugitives by next week,6 1,"The Philippines can withdraw from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) if the local industries are flooded with imported products, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri said Friday.",0 15,"President Ferdinand ""Bongbong"" Marcos Jr. expressed gratitude to former President and Senior Deputy Speaker Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as he greeted Arroyo on her 76th birthday.",14 2,"MANILA – At least 20,000 farmers in Aklan province will soon benefit from the farm-to-market road (FMR) projects of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in partnership with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the provincial government.",1 6,"The repeal of the Revised Penal Code provision allowing crime of passion, or the defense used if the killing or infliction of injuries were done out of a ""justified burst of passion,"" has been proposed in the House of Representatives.",5